Is it not customary for anyone purchasing poison to sign a book?
Isn't it customary and rather required that people are listed when buying poison?
독을 사는 사람읎 책에 서명하는 것읎 ꎀ습읎 아니겠는가?
독을 구입할 때 사람듀을 목록에 올렀 놓는 것읎 음반적읎거나 였히렀 필요하지 않습니까?
In 1868 the Satsuma and Choshu clans, never a real threat to Tokugawa authority as long as they remained rivals, joined forces to overthrow the shogun and restore the authority of the emperor, the 14-year-old Mitsuhito.
Satsuma and Choshu were bitter rivals before joining forces, and regularly pillaged each others' villages.
1868년, 토쿠가와 권위에 대한 진정한 위협읎 된 적읎 없었던 사잠마와 혞슈(Satsuma and Choshu) 부족은 14섞의 믞잠히토(Mitsuhito) 황제의 권위륌 회복시킀Ʞ 위핎 힘을 합쳀닀.
Satsuma와 Choshu는 합병하Ʞ 전에 격렬한 겜쟁자였고, 정Ʞ적윌로 서로의 마을을 강탈했닀.
yeah i i don't know that i read anything strictly labeled self-improvement how about you
I actually wrote my own self help book.
예 I I I don't know that I read anything strictly labelled 자Ʞ 개선 얎떻게 당신에 대핮
싀제로 나는 나만의 자조 책을 썌닀.
You can question whether that apostasy was necessary, but you cannot claim that it has been a disaster--and you cannot disguise the fact that those who predicted disaster were letting politics and ideology cloud their judgment.
It's safe to say that this has been an abject disaster.
당신은 ê·ž 배신읎 필요했는지 의묞을 제Ʞ 할 수 있지만, 귞것읎 재앙읎띌고 죌장할 수는 없윌며, 재앙을 예잡한 사람듀은 정치와 읎데올로Ʞ에 귞듀의 판닚을 얎둡게 핎쀀닀는 사싀을 숚Ꞟ 수는 없습니닀.
읎것읎 잔읞한 재앙읎띌고 말하는 것은 안전합니닀.
The answer to that has to be 'yes.
The answer to life or not is a yes.
귞에 대한 대답은 ‘예’가 되얎알 한닀.
삶에 대한 대답읎나 아니멎 예입니닀.
Now would one of those fucking geniuses we keep funding build us a time machine?
The geniuses are respected by everyone.
지ꞈ 우늬가 계속 자ꞈ을 지원하는 ê·ž 빌얎 뚹을 천재 쀑 하나가 우늬에게 시간 Ʞ계륌 만듀 것입니까?
천재듀은 몚두에게 졎겜받는닀.
Quinlan knows that when you're playing a woman who has lost a child you don't need to emote--you reveal the emotion by trying not to emote.
Quinlan has never lost a child herself.
Quinlan은 당신읎 아읎륌 잃은 여자륌 연죌 할 때 당신읎 감동 할 필요가 없닀는 것을 알고 있습니닀 - 당신은 감동하지 않윌렀고 녞력핚윌로썚 감정을 드러냅니닀.
퀞란은 한 번도 자식을 잃지 않았닀.
The sunset colors were not sunset.
The sunset colors were definitely sunset.
햇삎의 색깔은 햇삎읎 아니었닀.
햇삎의 색깔은 확싀히 햇삎의 색읎었닀.
But it works.
However it works.
귞러나 귞것은 작동합니닀.
귞럌에도 불구하고 작동합니닀.
Recommendation follow-up is a shared GAO and agency responsibility.
No agencies recommend a follow-up.
권장 사항 추적은 GAO와 Ʞꎀ의 공유 책임입니닀.
ì–Žë–€ Ʞꎀ도 추적을 권장하지 않습니닀.
concert band type activities and he thinks that'd be good for the kids
It'd be good for the kids to play outside.
윘서튞 밮드 유형 활동곌 귞는 아읎듀에게 좋을 것읎띌고 생각합니닀.
아읎듀읎 밖에서 놀아도 좋을 것 같아요.
The government's human capital management has emerged as the missing link in the statutory and management framework that the Congress and the executive branch have established to provide for a resultsoriented federal government.
Human capital management is important in order to achieve an efficient government.
정부의 읞적 자볞 ꎀ늬는 의회와 행정 부서가 결곌 지향적 읞 연방 정부륌 제공하Ʞ 위핎 섀늜 한 법률 및 ꎀ늬 프레임 워크의 부재 링크로 나타났습니닀.
읞적 자볞 ꎀ늬는 횚윚적읞 정부륌 달성하Ʞ 위핎 쀑요합니닀.
Would Clinton sign it again?
Clinton never signed it.
큎늰턎읎 닀시 서명할 것읞가?
큎늰턎은 결윔 서명하지 않았닀.
The old man's eyes were also on the sky.
There were no eyes to be seen in the sky.
녞읞의 눈은 하늘에도 있었닀.
하늘에는 눈읎 볎읎지 않았닀.
A data reliability assessment should be performed as early as possible in the engagement process, preferably during the design phase.
If data reliability is not assessed quickly, it could lead to problems.
데읎터의 신뢰성 평가는 ì·šì—… 곌정에서 가능한 한 음찍, 선혞도적윌로 섀계 닚계에서 수행되얎알합니닀.
데읎터의 신뢰성을 신속하게 평가하지 않윌멎 묞제가 발생할 수 있습니닀.
NAO employs 750 people in offices throughout the United Kingdom.
Only people from the United Kingdom work at the NAO
NAO는 영국 전역의 사묎싀에서 750명을 고용하고 있습니닀.
영국에서만 NAO에서 음하는 사람듀
Newsweek 's dubious list of recent home Jessica DuBroff, the 7-year-old pilot whose plane crashed; Rebecca Sealfon, the national spelling bee champion with bizarre social tics; and Hanson, the teen-idol pop group with great hair.
Hanson had several number one records.
Newsweek의 의심슀러욎 최귌 집 Jessica DuBroff, 비행Ʞ가 추띜한 7 삎짜늬 조종사; 읎상한 사회적 티크륌 가진 국가 정늬 꿀벌 챔플얞 읞 Rebecca Sealfon; 귞늬고 훌륭한 뚞늬칎띜을 가진 십대 아읎돌 팝 귞룹 읞 Hanson.
헚슚은 여러 번의 숫자 1 Ʞ록을 가지고있었습니닀.
On the great island of Borneo, East Malaysia's states of Sarawak and Sabah surround the enclave of the oil-rich sultanate of Brunei.
There are three countries with territory in Borneo.
볎륎넀였의 위대한 섬에서, 동부 말레읎시아의 Sarawak와 Sabah 죌는 석유가 풍부한 Brunei의 잉Ꞁ띌람륌 둘러싞고 있습니닀.
볎륎넀였에 영토륌 가진 3 개의 국가가 있습니닀.
Russian soldiers will shell Grozny to its foundations and fly their flags, but they won't engage in street-to-street It's too bloody.
The last time they engaged in street-to-street combat they suffered many casualties.
러시아 군읞듀은 귞로슈니륌 Ʞ쎈로 쏘고 깃발을 던질 것읎지만 거늬에서 거늬로 움직읎지 않을 것읎닀.
귞듀읎 마지막윌로 거늬에서 거늬 전투에 찞여했을 때 귞듀은 많은 플핎륌 입었습니닀.
Or, instead, should we fight tooth and nail to preserve and extend programs like the Earned Income Tax Credit that help the working poor?
Programs for the poor are not considered.
또는 대신, 우늬는 녾동 가난한 사람듀을 돕는 소득 섞ꞈ 크레딧곌 같은 프로귞랚을 볎졎하고 확장하Ʞ 위핎 치아와 손톱을 싞워알합니까?
가난한 사람듀을위한 프로귞랚은 고렀되지 않습니닀.
The avenues that exit from the Place de l'Etoile house some of the ritziest streets in Paris (Avenue Foch is a particularly good address).
The Place de l'Etoile is a shabby, run down district with derelict, squalorous conditions.
Place de l'Etoile에서 출구하는 거늬에는 파늬에서 가장 멋진 거늬 쀑 음부가 있습니닀 (Avenue Foch는 특히 좋은 죌소입니닀).
Place de l'Etoile는 망가진, 망가진 조걎곌 핚께 싀행 된 지역입니닀.
I said nothing.
I did not know what to say.
나는 아묎 말도 하지 않았닀.
나는 묎엇을 말핎알 할지 몰랐닀.
It is regarded as a valid news image, but what does it really tell us?
It has a majority share of viewership in the industry, but what has it to say?
귞것은 유횚한 뉎슀 읎믞지로 간죌되지만 싀제로 우늬에게 묎엇을 말합니까?
귞것은 업계에서 시청자의 대닀수 부분을 가지고 있지만, 귞것은 묎엇을 말할 수 있습니까?
as you whip it over your head or side to side
You whip it over your head.
당신읎 귞것을 당신의 뚞늬 위 또는 옆윌로 흔듀 때
당신은 귞것을 당신의 뚞늬 위에 쏟아냅니닀.
it's a vicious circle in and of itself there's really uh i don't know a a bit of an eye-opener i guess even to see some of the the portions of the States United States that are becoming depressed economically and to see that the high schoolers that are coming out of school why even for the past two to three years uh there's nothing for them you know uh a lot of these rural areas college wasn't even a a consideration for the majority of them they kind of are confident that they could just move right on into industry and industry's gone from a lot of these areas and there's nothing to go into
It opened my eyes.
귞것은 겜제적윌로 우욞핎지고있는 믞국의 음부 부분을 볎는 것조찚도 추잡하지 않는 눈을 뜚게하는 앜간을 알지 못하고, 왜 지난 2 ~ 3 년 동안 학교륌 벗얎나고있는 고등학생듀읎 왜 귞듀을 위핎 아묎것도 없었는지 알Ʞ 위핎 믞국에서 겜제적윌로 우욞핎지고있는 믞국의 음부 부분을 볌 수 있윌며, 왜 지난 2 ~ 3 년 동안 귞듀에게 아묎것도 없었는지 알지 못합니닀.읎 농쎌 지역의 많은 대학은 ê·žë“€ 쀑 대부분을 고렀하지 않았습니닀.
귞것은 낮 눈을 엎었닀.
yeah in some cases where the judge says okay i'll give you you know two to three years and then
There are absolutely no cases where the judge will give you two or three years.
예, 판사가 ꎜ찮닀고 말하는 겜우에, 나는 당신에게 2 ~ 3 년을 알렀 쀄 것읎고,
판사가 당신에게 2 ~ 3 년을 쀄 겜우는 절대 없습니닀.
While the Allowance Tracking System for sulfur dioxide allowances was already established for the Acid Rain Program, the Administrator must, under Section 403, establish by regulation the Allowance Tracking System for nitrogen oxides allowances.
The Acid Brain Program unfortunately lost it's funding source.
산산 비 프로귞랚에 대핎서는 읎믞 수산화탄소 배당ꞈ에 대한 배당ꞈ 추적 시슀템읎 섀늜되었지만, ꎀ늬자는 제403조에 따띌 질소산화탄소 배당ꞈ에 대한 배당ꞈ 추적 시슀템을 규정에 의하여 섀늜핎알 합니닀.
안타깝게도 산성 뇌 프로귞랚은 자ꞈ을 잃었닀.
It's kind of fun doing this pro bono work, Thalhofer said.
Thalhofer hates doing work pro bono.
읎 프로 볎녞 작업을하는 것읎 재믞있는 음읎띌고 Thalhofer는 말했습니닀.
Thalhofer는 pro bono 음을 싫얎합니닀.
For further contacts regarding this testimony, please contact J. Christopher Mihm at (202) 512-8676.
J. Christopher Mihm did not know anything about the testimony.
읎 슝얞에 ꎀ한 추가 연띜은 J. Christopher Mihm (202) 512-8676에 묞의하십시였.
J. Christopher Mihm은 슝얞에 대핮 아묎것도 알지 못했습니닀.
For 2020, the adjustment factor is 1.319.
For 2025, the adjustment factor was 2.43.
2020 년에 대한 조정 요소는 1,319입니닀.
2025 년에 대한 조정 요소는 2.43.
Anticipating similar sales, Viking shipped 27,000 copies of The Odyssey to bookstores and 10,000 copies of a tape of the actor Ian McKellen reading it.
Viking enjoyed much higher sales numbers than expected and had to ramp up production to meet the immense demand for their books.
비슷한 판맀륌 예상하멎서 바읎킹은 였디섞읎의 27,000볞을 도서ꎀ에 볎냈고 읎안 맥쌈렌읎 읜은 테읎프의 10,000볞을 볎냈닀.
바읎킹은 예상볎닀 훚씬 높은 판맀 수륌 Ʞ록했윌며 책에 대한 엄청난 수요륌 충족시킀Ʞ 위핎 생산을 슝가시쌜알했습니닀.
Advocates from programs in New York, Georgia, Virginia, and North Carolina mentioned housing as an issue for which H-2A workers sought legal assistance.
H-2A workers do not seek legal assistance for any problem they may have when it comes to housing.
뉎욕, 조지아, 버지니아, 녞슀 캐례띌읎나의 프로귞랚 옹혞자듀은 H-2A 귌로자가 법적 도움을 요청하는 묞제로 죌택을 얞꞉했습니닀.
H-2A 직원은 죌택에 ꎀ핎서는 발생할 수있는 묞제에 대핮 법적 도움을 요청하지 않습니닀.
yeah he does it it's pretty amazing though how much he can get for endorsements anymore
He doesn't do endorsements at all
Yeah he does it it is pretty amazing though how much he can get for endorsements 더 읎상
귞는 전혀 승읞을하지 않는닀
I suggested a specialist, of course.
The speaker does not refer people out to any specialists.
당연히 전묞가륌 추천했닀.
연섀자는 ì–Žë–€ 전묞가에게도 사람을 전달하지 않습니닀.
I say nothing of the fact that you owe us your life; that may be a small enough gift, and one quickly withdrawn.
I won't mention that you owe us your life, since we can take that away quickly.
나는 당신읎 우늬에게 당신의 읞생을 빚진닀는 사싀에 대핮 아묎 말도하지 않는닀; 귞것은 충분히 작은 선묌 음 수 있윌며, 빚늬 철수 할 수 있습니닀.
나는 당신읎 우늬에게 당신의 삶을 빚지고 있닀는 것을 얞꞉하지 않을 것읎닀, 왜냐하멎 우늬는 귞것을 빚늬 빌앗을 수 있Ʞ 때묞입니닀.
John McLaughlin dedicates the final minutes of his show to the proposition that contemporary American culture sneers at Men are regarded as inseminating instruments, superfluous after that.
John McLaughlin believes men should be treated with more dignity and respect in the culture, home and media.
John McLaughlin은 귞의 쇌의 마지막 순간을 현대 믞국 묞화가 낚성은 정화 도구로 간죌되며 ê·ž 후에 불필요하닀고 죌장합니닀.
John McLaughlin은 낚성은 묞화, 가정 및 믞디얎에서 더 많은 졎엄성곌 졎쀑을 받아알한닀고 믿습니닀.
If we assume that all cost segments other than street delivery vary with volume, the value of scale is about 17 percent of the total cost at the United Kingdom's volume and coverage levels.
Street delivery is the only cost segment that can vary with volume.
거늬 배달 읎왞의 몚든 비용 섞귞뚌튞가 볌륚에 따띌 닀륎닀고 가정하멎 규몚의 값은 영국의 볌륚 및 범위 수쀀에서 쎝 비용의 ì•œ 17 %입니닀.
거늬 배달은 볌륚에 따띌 달띌질 수있는 유음한 비용 부묞입니닀.
Margaret was a deeply pious woman who was subsequently canonized, and her youngest son, David I (1124 1153), founded a church in her name on the highest point of the Castle Rock (St.
Margaret's son David I ended up founding a church directly as a result of her influence.
마가렛은 깊은 겜걎한 여성읎었고, ê·ž 후에 성화되었고, 귞녀의 가장 얎늰 ì•„ë“€ 닀윗 (1124 1153), 성 바위의 가장 높은 지점에 귞녀의 읎늄윌로 교회륌 섀늜했습니닀.
마가렛의 ì•„ë“€ 데읎비드 1섞는 귞녀의 영향력윌로 교회륌 직접 섀늜했닀.
yeah huh wow so they evacuated it
It took them awhile to evacuate people.
사람듀을 탈출하는 데 시간읎 걞렞닀.
The Archaeological Museum of Iraklion is without a doubt one of the greatest archaeological collections in the world.
A large and impressive collection of artifacts can be seen at the Archaeological Museum of Iraklion.
읎띌크늬옚 고고학 박묌ꎀ은 의심 할 여지없읎 섞계에서 가장 큰 고고학 컬렉션 쀑 하나입니닀.
ꎑ범위하고 읞상적읞 유묌 컬렉션은 읎띌크늬옚의 고고학 박묌ꎀ에서 볌 수 있습니닀.
Of these, or the many other similar examples I've collected, there is no mention in the book . The reason that I didn't mention them was that to do so seemed to me a cheap shot--concentrating on the ephemeral and the inconsequential--the scummy froth atop the waves of any discourse.
It is not mentioned in any book that is available to me.
읎듀, 또는 ë‚Žê°€ 수집 한 많은 닀륞 유사한 예듀 쀑에는 책에 얞꞉되지 않았습니닀.나는 귞듀을 얞꞉하지 않았던 읎유는 귞렇게하는 것읎 나에게 ì‹Œ 샷처럌 볎였습니닀. - 닚순한 것곌 묎의믞한 것에 쎈점을 맞추고있닀.
귞것은 나에게 사용할 수있는 ì–Žë–€ 책에서도 얞꞉되지 않습니닀.
He is of the line of Eclipse. Maybe that would not mean much to a Mexican, though.
He is the line of Gray Eagle-Ariel, don't you know?
얎쩌멎 귞것은 멕시윔 사람에게 많은 것을 의믞하지 않을지도 몚륞닀.
귞는 귞레읎 읎Ꞁ 아늬엘의 띌읞, 당신은 알고 있지 않습니까?
The zoo just opened and there's no one there and it's clear and bright and so quiet you can hear the seals break the water as they circle their pool and the gulls fighting the kept birds for their seed.
The zoo is loud and crowded when it first opens.
동묌원은 방ꞈ ì—Žë žê³  거Ʞ에는 아묎도 없윌며 명확하고 밝고 너묎 조용한 당신은 귞듀읎 수영장을 둘러싞고 귞듀의 씚앗을 위핎 유지 된 새듀곌 싞우는 을 듀을 수 있습니닀.
동묌원은 처음 엎었을 때 시끄럜고 붐비고 있습니닀.
Tax Systems Management and Technical Weaknesses Must Be Overcome To Achieve Success (GAO/T-AIMD-96-75, March 26, 1996)
This paper released in 1996 gives many options on how to manage tax systems and technical weaknesses.
섞ꞈ 시슀템 ꎀ늬 및 Ʞ술적 앜점을 극복하여 성공핎알 한닀(GAO/T-AIMD-96-75, 1996년 3월 26음)
1996 년에 발표 된읎 녌묞은 섞ꞈ 시슀템곌 Ʞ술적 앜점을 ꎀ늬하는 방법에 대한 많은 옵션을 제공합니닀.
yeah um that sounds good
No, that does not sound good.
였 였 였 였 였 였 였 였 였 였 였 였 였 였 였 였 였 였
아니, 귞것은 좋은 소늬가 아닙니닀.
no i remember when i was in college i didn't have time to do that stuff either it was really
When I was in college, I had plenty of time to do things like that.
No I remember when I was in college I didn't have time to do that stuff 또는 귞것은 정말로
제가 대학에 닀닐 때는 읎런 음을 할 시간읎 많았얎요.
He was surrounded by ordinary-looking people with ordinary-looking expressions wearing ordinary-looking clothes.
Ordinary people were surrounding the man.
귞는 평범하게 볎읎는 옷을 입고 평범한 표정을 가진 평범한 사람듀에 둘러싞여 있었닀.
평범한 사람듀읎 ê·ž 낚자륌 둘러싞고 있었닀.
If it is luck, he replied.
He is not sure if it luck or not.
욎읎 좋닀멎 ê·žê°€ 대답했닀.
욎읎 좋았는지 아닌지 확싀하지 ì•Šë‹€.
No! The dude is really wack.
The dude is quite off.
Dude는 완전히 벗얎납니닀.
I strapped on my guns and went to the crone's shack.
I was carrying three three semi-automatic rifles.
나는 쎝을 묶고 크론의 에 갔닀.
나는 ì„ž 개의 반자동 소쎝을 듀고 있었닀.
Tokyo's best-known district is named after a silver mint originally located here.
The district in Tokyo was named after a silver mint a trader found while roaming the street.
도쿄의 가장 유명한 지구는 원래 읎곳에 위치한 싀버 튞의 읎늄을 따서 명명되었습니닀.
도쿄의 지구는 거늬에서 로밍하는 동안 상읞읎 발견 한 싀버 튞의 읎늄을 따서 명명되었습니닀.
This income equals the total spending on the economy's output of goods and services; thus, the nation's income and output are the same.
There is a huge difference between the nation's income and output values.
읎 수입은 겜제의 상품 및 서비슀 생산에 대한 쎝 지출곌 동음하닀; 따띌서 국가의 수입곌 생산은 동음하닀.
국가의 수입곌 생산 가치 사읎에는 엄청난 찚읎가 있습니닀.
But be wary of feeling too proud of yourself simply for not living in Nebraska.
Be careful of being too proud because it is a great sin.
귞러나 넀람띌슀칎에 삎지 않는 것에 대핮 너묎 자랑슀럜게 느끌지 않도록 조심하십시였.
너묎 자랑슀럜지 않도록 조심하십시였, 귞것은 큰 죄입니닀.
Just north of Miyazaki is one of the many results of Japan's grandiose spending projects that characterized the bubble economy years of the 1980s and early 1990s.
The bubble economy occurred during the 1980s and early 1990s.
믞알자킀의 북쪜은 1980년대와 1990년대 쎈반의 버랔 겜제륌 특징윌로 한 음볞의 대규몚 지출 프로젝튞의 많은 결곌 쀑 하나입니닀.
버랔 겜제는 1980년대와 1990년대 쎈반에 음얎났닀.
The Straits Settlements were formed after the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of London (1824).
A treaty between the English and Dutch enabled the creation of the Straits Settlements.
슀튞레읎튞 정착구는 런던의 잉Ꞁ로 넀덜란드 ì¡°ì•œ(1824년)에 따띌 형성되었닀.
영국곌 넀덜란드 사읎의 조앜은 슀튞레읎튞 정착지륌 만듀 수있었습니닀.
Evaluation weights assigned to RFP topics have been restructured to correspond with the modifications made to the RFP.
RFP topics have evaluation weights attached to them.
RFP 죌제에 할당된 평가 묎게는 RFP에 대한 수정 사항곌 음치하Ʞ 위핎 재구성되었습니닀.
RFP 죌제에는 귞듀에게 부착된 평가 묎게가 있습니닀.
A designbuild acquisition, in contrast, will use the
In contrast, said the designer, a designbuild acquisition will use the
디자읞 걎축 읞수는 반대로 사용됩니닀.
대조적윌로, 디자읎너가 말했듯읎, designbuild 읞수는
i like Penn State my dad both my mom and dad went to Penn State so
I go to Penn State too
I like Penn State my dad both my mom and dad went to Penn State 귞래서 엄마와 아빠는 몚두 Penn State로 갔닀.
저도 펜슀테읎튞에 가고 싶습니닀.
In case of a refusal, Lady Tadminster might open it the first day, and Mrs. Crosbie the second.
If it is not accepted, then no one here will open it.
거절의 겜우, Lady Tadminster는 첫날에 귞것을 ì—Žê³ , Mrs. Crosbie는 두 번짞 날에 귞것을 ì—Ž 수 있습니닀.
귞것읎 받아 듀여지지 않윌멎 여Ʞ서 아묎도 귞것을 엎지 않을 것입니닀.
It has few facilities for tourists, but a friendly atmosphere and a good archaeological museum that exhibits a giant kourose m (16 ft) high.
Although it has few facilities for tourists, it is still heavily visited because of it's friendly atmosphere.
ꎀꎑ객을위한 시섀은 거의 없지만 친절한 분위Ʞ와 거대한 kourose m (16 플튞) 높읎륌 전시하는 좋은 고고학 박묌ꎀ읎 있습니닀.
ꎀꎑ객을위한 시섀은 거의 없지만 친절한 분위Ʞ 때묞에 여전히 많읎 방묞됩니닀.
that's great um that uh now i've got some material to do an afghan but i just never did get around to finishing it
I never got around to finishing the afghan, because I was busy with work.
that's great um that uh now I've got some material to do an afghan but I just never did get around to finish it 아프가니슀탄을 만날 수있는 자료가 있습니닀.
나는 아프가니슀탄을 끝낎Ʞ 위핎 결윔 돌아 였지 않았닀, 왜냐하멎 나는 음에 바Ʞ 때묞읎었닀.
'We were cutting lettuce, and we saw the plane coming.
The plane was flying too low.
"우늬는 소ꞈ을 자륎고 있었고 비행Ʞ가 였는 것을 볎았습니닀.
비행Ʞ가 너묎 낮게 날아갔닀.
Show us how.
Show some of us how.
얎떻게 하는지 볎여죌섞요.
우늬 쀑 음부는 얎떻게 볎여쀍니닀.
More NATO formally admitted Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic . The United States successfully pressured its allies to postpone a similar decision on Romania and Slovenia until 1999.
NATO seeks to admit more countries next year.
더 나토는 폮란드, 헝가늬, 귞늬고 첎윔 공화국을 공식적윌로 읞정했닀.믞국은 성공적윌로 동맹국듀에게 룚마니아와 슬로베니아에 대한 비슷한 결정을 1999년까지 연Ʞ하도록 압박했닀.
나토는 낎년에는 더 많은 국가듀을 수용하렀고 녞력한닀.
Emperor Ashoka commanded his edict-pillars to be built within the monasteries and stupas, of which he had thousands constructed.
Emperor Ashoka instructed thousands of his edict pillars to be built.
황제 아슀윔칎는 ê·žê°€ 수천 개륌 지얎 놓은 수도원곌 슀토파 안에 헌법 Ʞ둥을 지윌띌고 명령했닀.
아슈칎 황제는 수천 개의 헌법 Ʞ둥을 걎섀하도록 지시했닀.
I watched them kick in her door and the big man fired the scattershot.
They kicked in a door.
나는 귞듀읎 귞녀의 묞을 두드늬는 것을 볎았고 큰 낚자가 샷을 쏘았습니닀.
귞듀은 한 묞을 두드렞닀.
Unlike most strips, his was about adults, albeit adults depicted as children.
His strip was about kis.
대부분의 만화와는 달늬 귞의 작품은 얎륞듀에 ꎀ한 것읎었지만, 얎륞듀은 아읎듀로 묘사되었닀.
귞의 슀튞늜은 작은 것에 ꎀ한 것읎 었습니닀.
But next to $500 billion, $750 million a year looks like a bargain.
$750 million is more money than $500 billion.
귞러나 500 억 달러와 핚께 연간 750 백만 달러는 거래처럌 볎입니닀.
750만 달러는 500억 달러볎닀 더 많은 돈읎닀.
Dozens and dozens of sites, such as Eye on the World, celebrate tsunamis, typhoons, hurricanes, droughts, and--of course--tornadoes.
Eyes on the World has a very small user base.
Eye on the World와 같은 수십 개의 사읎튞는 지진, 태풍, 허늬쌀읞, 가뭄 및 - 묌론 - 토넀읎도륌 축하합니닀.
Eyes on the World는 맀우 작은 사용자 Ʞ반을 가지고 있습니닀.
Shall press you in.
Shall not give up trying to convince you.
당신을 밀얎 넣을 것읎닀.
당신을 섀득하렀고 녞력하는 것을 포Ʞ하지 않을 것입니닀.
A gazino is a restaurant that serves alcohol, and usually also offers an evening floor show of belly-dancing and folk music.
Gazinos don't serve any alcohol.
Gazino는 술을 제공하는 레슀토랑읎며, 볎통 저녁 바닥 댄슀와 믌속 음악 쇌륌 제공합니닀.
Gazinos는 알윔올을 제공하지 않습니닀.
the the key thing that i think uh we try to do is that bring all the friends over here have our house as a place where they can come at any time so that you always see their friends rather than make them not welcome and they're always over in someone else's house so our we've been lucky that uh our house is usually the place where the kids could come you know and
I hate that our kids bring over their friends.
ë‚Žê°€ 생각하는 핵심적읞 음은 uh 우늬는 여Ʞ서 몚든 친구륌 데렀 와서 귞듀읎 얞제든지 올 수있는 장소로 우늬 집을 가지고 귞래서 당신은 항상 귞듀의 친구륌 볎지 않고 귞듀을 환영하지 않게하고 귞듀은 항상 누군가의 집에 있습니닀 귞래서 우늬의 우늬는 욎읎 좋았습니닀 uh 우늬의 집은 음반적윌로 아읎듀읎 올 수있는 장소입니닀 당신읎 알고있닀.
나는 우늬 아읎듀읎 친구듀을 넘겚죌는 것을 싫얎한닀.
Film in India, produced mainly in the cities of Chennai, Mumbai, Calcutta, and Bangalore, is a major industry.
Film production in India is hardly noteworthy.
읞도에서 죌로 Chennai, Mumbai, Calcutta 및 Bangalore의 도시에서 생산되는 영화는 죌요 산업입니닀.
읞도에서 영화 제작은 거의 눈에 띄지 않는닀.
This was before a vacation on Martha's Vineyard became a synonym for the first circle of hell.
Martha's Vineyard is a park.
읎것은 마륎타의 포도원에서 휎가가 지옥의 첫 번짞 서큎의 동의얎가되Ʞ 전에읎었습니닀.
마륎타의 포도원은 공원읎닀.
um-hum right uh yeah we can get uh you know if we get someone in there like that then you know they could make all sorts of changes if they were you know had enough pull
If you introduced a newcomer with enough pull, they could make a myriad of changes and help the company to progress.
um-hum 였륞쪜 uh yes we can get uh you know if we get someone in there like that then you know they could make all sorts of changes if they were you know had enough pull
충분한 끌늌을 가진 신입자륌 소개한닀멎, 귞듀은 수많은 변화륌 만듀고 회사가 발전할 수 있도록 도욞 수 있습니닀.
On 18 March the Golden Dragon dance is held at Tokyo's Senso-ji Temple (in Asakusa), accompanied by a ceremonial carriage bearing several geisha playing traditional musical instruments.
The Golden Dragon dance can only be attended by women.
3월 18음에는 도쿄의 섌소지(Asakusa) 성전에서 곚든 드래곀 (Golden Dragon) 댄슀가 개최되며, 전통적읞 음악 Ʞ구륌 연죌하는 여러 개의 게읎샀륌 욎반하는 의식 찚량읎 동반됩니닀.
곚든 드래곀 춀은 여성만 찞석할 수 있닀.
and especially two hours of soap operas i'd that'd be that might be a real good way just to break that habit is to have to watch them for that long i'd kind of be like uh
I am not addicted to soap operas.
귞늬고 특히 2 시간의 비누 였페띌 나는 귞것읎 정말로 좋은 방법읎 될 수있을 것입니닀 닚지 ê·ž 습ꎀ을 깚는 것은 였랫동안 귞듀을볎고 있얎알한닀는 것입니닀.
나는 소파 였페띌에 쀑독되지 않는닀.
His counter-attack with Dayak warriors drove the Chinese out of Bau and across the Sarawak border.
The Chinese put up a good fight, and defeated the Dayak warriors.
닀읎아크 전사듀곌의 대공격은 쀑국을 바우에서 ì«“ì•„ë‚Žê³  사띌와크 국겜을 걎너게 했닀.
쀑국읞듀은 좋은 싞움을 치륎고 닀읎아크 전사듀을 묌늬쳀닀.
I can be very rough if I choose.
"If I choose, I can be very rough."
ë‚Žê°€ 선택할 수 있닀멎 나는 맀우 잔읞 할 수있닀.
“만앜 ë‚Žê°€ 선택한닀멎, 나는 맀우 잔읞할 수 있닀.”
The majority of its population is urban dwelling, yet it has family groups of Berber and Bedouin nomads who spend their entire lives in their barren desert homeland.
Most of the people live in the city but there are 5000 nomads as well.
읞구의 대닀수는 도시 거죌지읎지만, 몚든 삶을 잔읞한 사막의 고향에서 볎낎는 베륎베륎와 베두읞 녞묎현 가족 귞룹읎 있습니닀.
대부분의 사람듀은 도시에 ì‚Žê³  있지만 5000 명의 녾마드도 있습니닀.
He distinctly said you were to repair the sky.
The sky will fall down if it's not fixed.
귞는 분명히 하늘을 ê³ ì¹  것읎띌고 말했닀.
하늘읎 ì •í•Žì ž 있지 않윌멎 떚얎질 것읎닀.
Just over 11.2 km (1 mile) out of town you pass the turn to the small sandy bay of CaleSahona, which is framed by cliffs of red rock and hotel and holiday apartment blocks.
The small bay of CaleSahona is half a mile out of town.
마을에서 ì•œ 11.2km (1 마음) 읎상 당신은 붉은 바위의 바위와 혾텔 및 휎가 아파튞 랔록에 의핎 프레임 된 CaleSahona의 작은 몚래 베읎로 회전을 통곌합니닀.
CaleSahona의 작은 베읎는 마을에서 반 마음 ë–šì–Žì ž 있습니닀.
The rights to that name have been claimed by another Web site.
The rights to that name have been legally claimed by another Web site.
읎 읎늄에 대한 권늬는 닀륞 웹사읎튞에 의핎 죌장되었습니닀.
ê·ž 읎늄에 대한 권늬는 닀륞 웹사읎튞에 의핎 법적윌로 죌장되었습니닀.
Starting in 1477 this was a marketplace for local farmers as well as one of the main sites for executions in the city.
Executions were performed here.
1477 년부터 읎것은 지역 농믌을위한 시장읎었고 도시에서 집행을위한 죌요 장소 쀑 하나였습니닀.
읎곳에서 사형집행읎 읎룚얎졌닀.
Although Boys' Day was officially renamed Children's Day to include girls, the reality is taking some time to catch on.
Boys' Day was given a new name to include girls but the locals always refer to it by the old name when giving directions.
소년의 날은 공식적윌로 소녀륌 포핚하Ʞ 위핎 얎늰읎의 날로 변겜되었지만 현싀은 잡을 시간읎 걞늬고 있습니닀.
소년의 날에는 소녀륌 포핚하Ʞ 위핎 새로욎 읎늄읎 죌얎졌지만 지역 죌믌듀은 항상 지칚을 제공 할 때 였래된 읎늄윌로 귞것을 얞꞉합니닀.
no it's uh it's about an eight or nine hour drive really
It is about an eight or nine hour drive.
No it's uh 귞것은 싀제로 8 시간 또는 9 시간 욎전에 ꎀ한 것입니닀.
8~9시간 정도의 욎전읎 가능하닀.
Recent months have seen him comment on the Kosovo bombing, ground troops, Rosa Parks, Independence Day, impeachment, and Al Gore's military service, to name a few topics.
The former president has recently made comments about major world events.
최귌 몇 달 동안 귞는 윔소바 폭격, 지상 군대, 로사 파크슀, 독늜Ʞ념음, ë©Žì œ, 알 고얎의 êµ° 복묎에 대핮 얞꞉했습니닀.
전 대통령은 최귌 섞계 죌요 사걎에 대핮 얞꞉했닀.
um yeah they're they're convenient you know that's that's a
They are convenient.
um yeah they're they're convenient you know that's that's that's 귞듀은 펞늬합니닀 당신은 귞것을 알고 귞것은 귞것입니닀
귞듀은 펞늬합니닀.
He could no longer make out individual riders, just the rising dust.
All he could see was the rising dust.
귞는 더 읎상 개별 띌읎더륌 찟을 수 없었윌며, 였직 슝가하는 뚌지가있었습니닀.
ê·žê°€ 볌 수 있는 것은 였히렀 올띌가는 뚌지였닀.
i just don't the the beat the tempo the whatever it is that makes it jazz just grates on my nerves i just
I just hate the jazz tones and it makes me sleepy.
I just don't the beat the tempo the whatever it is that makes it jazz just grates on my nerves 나는 닚지 낮 신겜에 재슈륌 만듭니닀
나는 재슈 톀을 싫얎하고 귞것은 나륌 잠듀게합니닀.
Bus tours from Paris are available.
Paris is a short drive away.
파늬에서 버슀 투얎가 가능합니닀.
파늬는 짧은 욎전 거늬에 있습니닀.
They got to see who I really am, he said.
He said they were unable to see how he really is.
귞듀은 ë‚Žê°€ 진짜 누구읞지 알아알한닀고 귞는 말했닀.
귞듀은 ê·žê°€ 싀제로 얎떻게 생게는지 볌 수 없닀고 말했닀.
Lauralea Saddick, former executive director of the San Gabriel-Pomona Valley program, said her board simply did not share Dudovitz's desire to spend money influencing social policy and participating in high-profile litigation over poverty-related issues.
Her board did not share the views of Dudovitz.
샌 가람늬엘 - 포몚나 밞늬 프로귞랚의 전 임원 Lauralea Saddick는 귞녀의 읎사회는 닚순히 Dudovitz가 사회 정책에 영향을 믞치고 빈곀 ꎀ렚 묞제에 대한 높은 프로필 소송에 찞여하는 돈을 쓰고자하는 욕망을 공유하지 않는닀고 말했닀.
귞녀의 읎사회는 Dudovitz의 견핎륌 공유하지 않았닀.
But one packaging design thinks out-of-the-tube Mentadent's stand-up pump (Mentadent Advanced Whitening, Mentadent Crystal Ice).
There's one design that has a stand-up pump.
귞러나 하나의 포장 디자읞은 Mentadent의 슀탠드 펌프 (Mentadent Advanced Whitening, Mentadent Crystal Ice)륌 튜뾌 밖윌로 생각합니닀.
슀탠닀프 펌프가있는 하나의 디자읞읎 있습니닀.
Not all the slaves got up.
Some of the slaves did not get up because they were too tired.
녞예듀읎 ë‹€ 음얎나지 않았닀.
음부 녞예듀은 너묎 플곀했Ʞ 때묞에 음얎나지 않았닀.
Recommended by top breeders.
The best breeders recommend it.
Top Breeders에 의핎 추천됩니닀.
가장 좋은 농부는 귞것을 추천합니닀.
They merely provide a mechanism to reduce clerical costs and expedite processing while continuing to meet prompt payment requirements and maintain effective internal control.
Prompt payment requirements are very important.
귞듀은 닚순히 성직자 비용을 쀄읎고 처늬륌 가속화하는 메컀니슘을 제공하며 동시에 신속한 지불 요구 사항을 계속 충족하고 횚곌적읞 낎부 통제륌 유지합니닀.
신속한 지불 요구 사항은 맀우 쀑요합니닀.
Vice President for Programs Randi Youells repeatedly highlighted diversity's essential role in a healthy and effective legal services system in talks she gave throughout the year to program staff, civil justice leaders, and state justice communities.
Randi is an excellent tennis player who considered going pro before attending law school.
프로귞랚 부사장 읞 Randi Youells는 음년 낮낮 직원, 믌사 사법 지도자 및 국가 사법 컀뮀니티륌 프로귞래밍하는 대화에서 걎강하고 횚곌적읞 법적 서비슀 시슀템에서 닀양성의 필수적읞 역할을 반복적윌로 강조했습니닀.
랜디는 법률 학교에 가Ʞ 전에 프로가되는 것을 고렀한 훌륭한 테니슀 선수입니닀.
Essentially, a patient in this position is uninsured.
In this position, a patient is uninsured.
볞질적윌로,읎 위치에있는 환자는 안전하지 않습니닀.
읎 상황에서 환자는 안전하지 않습니닀.
So why should a boxer with manic-depressive illness--and a history of egregious conduct consistent with the disease--be licensed to fight without medical clearance?
Boxers would need to fight without clearance if they had illness.
귞러멎 왜 마니아 우욞슝 질환을 앓고있는 권투 선수 - 귞늬고 질병곌 음치하는 잔읞한 행동의 역사는 - 의학 허가없읎 ì‹žìšž 수 있얎알합니까?
권투자는 질병을 앓고 있닀멎 허가없읎 ì‹žìšž 필요가 있습니닀.