Please describe the main goals of your city’s adaptation efforts and the metrics / KPIs for each goal.
1.Loss of estimated damage due to natural disastersDue to fewer typhoons in 2020, the disaster loss due to natural disasters has fallen by only 0.6908 billion TWD. By 2030, the estimated loss is expected to be lower than 62.162 billion TWD.2. Tolerance of rainfall intensityThe tolerance of rainfall intensity is expected to reach 88.8 mm/hour by 2030, while the tolerance of 78.8 mm/hour has been achieved as of 2020.
Please attach your city-wide inventory in Excel or other spreadsheet format and provide additional details on the inventory calculation methods in the table below.
The city of Örebro is a medium sized city with 150 200 citizens which makes the city the 6th biggest city in the country. The University has 15100 students and 400 doctoral students. The Örebro Airport has charters, regular and goods flights in Sweden and Europe. The vision of the city is to be Scandinavia most attractive medium sized city togehter with the four strategic areas (sustainable growth, enpowerment of individuals, needs of Children and youth, secure Welfare).Örebro is famous for its outdoor activities and its hard work with sustainable development.Örebro as a municipality has the goal to be climate neutral in 2030.Örebro has the largest population growth in the country outside the three metropolitan areas (13%).
Please provide some key examples of how your city collaborates with business in the table below.
Through a partnership between Community Investment and the Sustainability Section, the City of Flagstaff is launching a Waste to Profit Program to turn troublesome waste streams into profitability.While Flagstaff continues to get better at recycling the waste produced by residents, businesses, and visitors, many companies produce waste and byproducts that are difficult to recycle through standard processes. These untapped waste streams have the potential to be diverted from the landfill and used as raw material for an entrepreneur or alternative company to turn a profit.The Waste to Profit Program seeks to incentivize this by providing up to $8,000 to help take an idea and make it turn a waste stream into a product or service.
Please describe how your city manages overall responsibility for climate change mitigation (emissions reduction) and adaptation (climate risk reduction).
Urban Drainage Law, Municipal Law n. 9511 of November 15, 2014
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
At Southern Company, the R&D program has supported the development of an urban microgrid test bed in conjunction with Georgia Tech to evaluate how diverse distributed energy resources (DERs) can effectively integrate into and operate as part of the electrical grid. This demonstration features multiple DERs, including an energy storage system, fuel cell and diesel and natural gas generators.
Report the total number of meals that are annually served and/or sold through programs managed by your city (this includes schools, hospitals, shelters, public canteens, etc.).
Other, please specify: Home delivered meals, Senior Centers, Community partner facilities
What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?
At the moment the Region has approved the regional climate profile and the guidelines to develop the climate adaptation plan. We are currently working at the plan which is intended as Integrated regonal Plan for Cliamte and Energy according to the National one. The Abruzzo Region uiversities are already working at the part related to adaptatio nto climate change taking care of data set and collection. Moreover, the risk and vulnerability assessment has been already performed on local level abut the municipalities of the Region involved in the Joint_Secap Project, 15 in total. This experience will be further extended to all municipalities of the Region.
What percentage of your city's municipal building and street lighting energy demand was met with renewables in 2017?
89% of the City's electricity consumption is covered by RECs and PPAs from wind and solar.
Which risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments?
As an internet/e-commerce company, eBay is a recipient and user of energy products and services. eBay regularly assesses the efficiency of our data center infrastructure as well as the seamless operation of our online consumer platform through our Core Product Technology team. eBay faces risks of not capitalizing upon technological improvements/innovations that support the transition to a low-carbon, energy efficient economy that could result in higher costs of operation or downtime of our online platform. Additionally, if eBay does not power its Utah data centers with renewable energy, while other e-commerce companies transition their data center electricity to renewables, eBay faces reputational risks compared to its competitors.
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Annual solar requirement increases to 4.8% in 2025 before declining to 4.5% in 2026 and 1.1% in 2033 as net metering cap increased to 5.8% from 2.9%BPU must develop rules and regulations establishing a ''Community Solar Energy Pilot Program”
Provide details of your emissions intensity target(s) and progress made against those target(s).
Information is not collected in a form that allows for calculation of emissions at this time.
Please detail which goals and targets are incorporated in your city’s master plan and describe how these goals are addressed in the table below.
Taken from the KZN Climate change strategy: Increasing temperatures: If concerted efforts are not made to cut greenhouse gas emissions most of KwaZulu-Natal is projected to experience an increase in annual average temperatures of 1.5 to 2 °C compared to baseline temperatures by 2050.These higher average temperatures will likely increase the number of very hot days in the province as well as the number of fire danger days. In addition these higher average temperatures will likely increase evaporation rates and may reduce agricultural outputs in KwaZulu-Natal, and may harm water and food security in KwaZulu-Natal.These have increased in frequency and intensity over the past year
Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.
Throughout the regional adaptation planning process, it has been commonly identified that changing climatic conditions may impact on industry activity or viability and affect employment and income. A changing climate is likely to create fluctuating socio-economic conditions, particularly relevant to the State's primary industries, which will affect many people, however in some areas of the state there are members of the community who are already vulnerable due to lower socio economic position, education status, disability, health or age, limited mobility and/or dependence on others. Changing climatic conditions may also cause an increase in the incidence and prevalence of diseases and other health conditions which are likely to increase demand for and the costs of healthcare and other public services. Socio economic disruption and health impacts may also lead to greater work and school absenteeism.
What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities?
Duke Energy has, through 2017, invested $6 billion in wind and solar. Duke Energy plans to invest $11 billion in cleaner generation sources (natural gas and renewable energy) over the period 2017-2026. Duke Energy's regulated and commercial businesses plan to invest an additional $2.7 billion in new renewable energy over the next five years, with a goal to own or contract for 8,000 MW of wind, solar, and biomass by 2020.
Please indicate the opportunities your city has identified as a result of addressing climate change and describe how the city is positioning itself to take advantage of these opportunities.
Expanding recycling to multifamily and commercial properties using over $900,000 in grant funds.
Account for your organization’s gross global Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
Algeria; Argentina; Australia; Austria; Belgium; Bermuda; Brazil; Bulgaria; Canada; Chile; China; China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; Colombia; Croatia; Cyprus; Czechia; Denmark; Ecuador; Egypt; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Guatemala; Hungary; India; Indonesia; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Kazakhstan; Latvia; Lebanon; Lithuania; Malaysia; Mexico; Morocco; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Peru; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Puerto Rico; Republic of Korea; Romania; Russian Federation; Saudi Arabia; Serbia; Singapore; Slovakia; Slovenia; South Africa; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Taiwan (Province of China); Thailand; Turkey; Ukraine; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; United States of America; Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of); Viet Nam
Please indicate if your local government operations emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.
• We add emissions from number of operations by government aircraft to use the EDMS model to aircraft emissions.• The value of treated wastewater was increased in plants under government jurisdiction• Update of model MOVES-México, to local conditions, activity data update for CDMX.• Increased the electric power consumption of electric transport.• More waste are generated for Scope 3• Higher quantity of organic waste treated
Which risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments?
Our collaborative approach to sustainable apparel design has produced a number of important environmental breakthroughs for our enduring brands, including reducing the amount of water used in the finishing process, increasing the use of cotton farmed to higher environmental, social and economic standards, and increasing the amount of recycled materials in our products. Our innovative WaterLess™ process approaches the decisions made in the design process in a different way, reducing the amount of water used in the finishing process. For instance, by simply removing water from stone washes or combining multiple wet cycle processes, we can significantly reduce water usage — up to 96 percent for some styles. Since launching the WaterLess™ process in 2011, we have saved more than 1 billion liters of water in the manufacturing of LS&Co. products, including 30 million liters of fresh water saved through reuse and recycling. By 2020, the Levi's brand aims to make 80 percent of its products using WaterLess™ techniques, up from nearly 67 percent in 2018. To date, we've used 11.9 million recycled bottles for products such as Levi's® 511™ Skinny jeans, Levi's® Trucker jackets and the women's Levi's® Boyfriend Skinny jeans. In 2018, the costs associated with re-envisioning our apparel design, sourcing and production processes to reduce environmental impacts, include investments in research and development which fall within the normal course of business and incur zero additional costs.
Break down your total gross global Scope 1 emissions by business facility.
$240,000,000 is the sum of annual REC costs from 2018 to 2025. In 2017, Newmont paid about $20M for RECs. That number is expected to rise to $40M in 2020 and $50M in 2025.
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Impact estimation is a range. We define high impact as between $500,000,000 -1,000,000,000.
Identify the position(s) (do not include any names) of the individual(s) on the board with responsibility for climate-related issues.
Logistics service providers provide monthly reports that track package weights, number of pieces, travel distances and associated GHG emissions for package deliveries for a particular month. The reports also provide details regarding the GHG emission intensity of vehicle delivery fleets (fundamental to creating GHG emissions reports based on actual vehicle performance in their fleet). The reports are tallied and summarized for our fiscal year.
Please describe how your city’s climate change action plan addresses the following key areas, and provide details on the location of this evidence within your plan.
Climate Change adaptation results in public heath benefits, as well as improvements in quality of life, safety and well-being of residents. Proactive climate adaptation strategies, increase out city's resilience which can also attract new investors, developers and expand the job market.
Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your city and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.
Capital flood risk schemes and wider work to increase property and community level resilience. A range of capital schemes are funded and progressed. A second flood storage basin in Salford is now complete, deculverting and associated FR reduction works in Rochdale. Smaller more local pluvial and fluvial schemes are programmed and wider efforts on engagement and increasing community flood resilience are undertaken currentlyFor GM, currently the 6 year capital investment plan (15-2021) aims to reduce risk to 1300 households and a projected program size of £46m
List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.
The Ecological ICMS works as an incentive for the cities to create or improve their protected forest areas. A portion (2.5%) of the ICMS (Tax on Transactions on the Movement of Goods and Provision of Interstate and Intermunicipal Transport and Communication Services), which is the main source of State collection, is distributed to the municipalities according to with environmental criteria: protected areas, environmental quality of water resources and adequate waste disposal. The protected areas component corresponds to 45% of the distributed value, and is probably one of the biggest incentives for the creation of municipal Conservation Units, which are currently over 300, only in the state of Rio de Janeiro. This year the decree regulating the Ecological ICMS has been amended, including a factor in the water resources component that considers the degree of conservation of the state's water supply sources, and may also yield positive results for the conservation of native vegetation in the coming years.
Which of the following risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments?
TD's subject matter experts provide advice to clients on management of E&S risks and actively participate in industry transformation initiatives such as American Petroleum Institute's E&S due diligence guidance, Equator Principles, UNEP FI TCFD pilot groups, Carbon Pricing Leadership Council and thought leadership pieces on FPIC in a Canadian context. We have positioned ourselves to be a leader in the transition to the low carbon economy, with our carbon-neutral operations. We have issued two green bonds. TD has an E&S Credit Risk Policy for assessing risk within all non-retail credit business lines. In 2018 TD launched our corporate citizenship platform, The Ready Commitment (TRC). As part of TRC TD is targeting CAD$1 billion, in total, in community giving by 2030 in 4 areas. TD is aligned with 9 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Vibrant Planet is one of the 4 drivers as we focus on helping elevate the quality of our environment to ensure people and economies can thrive. TD recognizes that the transition to a low-carbon economy must be balanced, taking into consideration the energy needs and economic realities of today while building for the future. TD has targeted CAD$100 billion, in total towards initiatives in low-carbon lending, financing, asset management and internal corporate programs by 2030. Cost of management is based on the direct program costs of maintaining a leading environmental practice (does not include additional business costs within business segments).
Provide details on the electricity, heat, steam, and/or cooling amounts that were accounted for at a zero emission factor in the market-based Scope 2 figure reported in C6.3.
This factor comes from the REC - Green-e Energy - Persimmon Creek Wind Farm 1 -2019 market-based instrument.
Please describe the main actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, and vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section.
Increasing homeowner education about basement flooding and what they can do to protect their property. This will allow homeowners to be prepared for and know how to respond to basement flooding events. Tools in various format, such as a best management guide will be developed for lot- level controls as well as online videos, checklists, and presentations. Continuation of current incentive programs for homeowners will be utilized with consideration to new programs where applicable.
Please indicate if your city-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and describe why.
Suwon has set a reduction target based on its 2005 emissions. In 2019, emissions decreased by 2.3% compared to 2005, and emissions per capita decreased by 16.6%. Although the effect of oil price on transport sector emissions is greatly affected, the total amount of greenhouse gas has slightly decreased despite the drop in oil prices compared to 2018, and the amount of greenhouse gas emissions per vehicle also decreased by 20.8% compared to 2005. This is analyzed as the result of policy promotion such as improvement of fuel efficiency of manufactured cars, support for electric vehicle purchase and expansion of charging infrastructure, eco-mobility activation project, and establishment of a wide area transportation network.Greenhouse gas emissions per unit energy decreased by 5% compared to 2005, indicating that fuels in the energy industry and buildings are being converted to low-carbon energy sources. In 2018, the worst heat wave in history caused a surge in energy use in the building sector, but in 2019 there was no abnormal climate, which had an impact on the reduction in building sector emissions. In addition, the transition to low-carbon fuel, expansion of new and renewable energy, use of high-efficiency equipment, expansion of eco-friendly buildings, expansion of low-carbon living practices through citizen improvement, and waste reduction policies are important factors that continue the flow of greenhouse gas reduction.
Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.
Conservation of soil and water - state policyCertificação de Sistemas Agroflorestais
Describe what your organization considers to be short-, medium- and long-term horizons.
The Company is a long-term holder of water and wastewater assets. As such, it engages in annual five year planning cycles and, on occasion, ten year planning. The planning in each case involves budgeting capital, environmental needs, maintenance, and operations. Deficiencies noted during repeated acute events can be addressed though capital infrastructure improvement projects and costs can be allocated for in future Rate Cases. Likewise, costs, policies and transitional risk associated in a transitional low-carbon economy present limited financial risk as it can likely be accounted for within future Rate Cases.
Provide details of other key climate-related targets not already reported in question C4.1/a/b.
PepsiCo sources dozens of agricultural ingredients from farmers around the world for our products, both directly and indirectly. Our Sustainable Farming Program (SFP) (formerly our Sustainable Farming Initiative, or SFI) is a program we use to engage with growers on farms, of all sizes and types, around the world in order to encourage continual improvement in sustainable farming practices, expand respect for workers' human rights, enhance growers' capabilities, and address risks. Through the SFP, we strive to sustainably source virtually all of our direct agricultural raw materials that we purchase from PepsiCo long-term growers by 2020. In addition to our core agricultural raw materials that we directly source, there are a number of other raw materials that we procure through shared supply chains, such as palm oil, cane sugar, wheat and cornmeal. We intend to sustainably source our major indirect agricultural raw materials by 2025, and cane sugar and palm oil by 2020.
Please provide more information on your plan that addresses climate change adaptation and/or resilience and attach the document. Please provide details on the boundary of your plan, and where this differs from your city’s boundary, please provide an explanation.
Main Emission Factors and Activity Data are accessible, respectively, in sheets "EF" and "AD FUELS"
Please describe the main actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, and vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section.
Continue monitoring and evaluating energy system performance. Identify new partnerships, feasibility assessments, and prioritization for increasing resilience in Edmonton's energy systems (example, low carbon district energy systems, heating/cooling options). Continue to develop and learn from projects such as the Blatchford district energy system. Continue to motivate new local renewable energy generation to increase resilience to grid disruptions (example, Edmonton's Solar Program).
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
A 120 kW plant was installed in 2018 at our Akyem, Ghana mine. Additionally, the Africa regional energy director has signed a power purchase agreement with the Volta River Authority (VRA) to off- take solar power from a VRA owned 8 MW solar plant to be constructed in 2019. Newmont will be the only recipient of this power due to the arrangements made with VRA and as such the only mining company in Ghana to be using green energy.
State how much fuel in MWh your organization has consumed (excluding feedstocks) by fuel type.
Natural Gas is used for heating. A small amount is used to fuel co-generationSteam is a by-product of co-generation systems and is captured and used for heat
Please give a general description and introduction to your city including your city’s reporting boundary in the table below.
The ongoing deployment of renewables on council assets supports our energy security, in particular when aligned with energy efficiency measures reducing asset energy demand.
Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your city and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.
The City of Toronto’s Electric Vehicle Strategy (“EV Strategy”) identifies a range of actions to help the City achieve its 2050 goal of having all transportation powered by zero carbon energy sources. This is one of the key goals identified in TransformTO, the City’s climate action strategy. The EV Strategy is one of many initiatives informing Toronto’s approach to sustainable transportation. It focuses on activities for passenger light duty vehicle electrification (i.e. personal vehicles, which include cars, vans, trucks and SUVs, for personal and shared use), which represented 30% of the City’s GHG emissions in 2017. Meanwhile, the City has a wide range of other transportation and land use policies, programs, and infrastructure initiatives that are either underway or planned to increase the use of more sustainable transportation modes (e.g. walking, cycling, or public transit).By using an electric drivetrain, EVs eliminate tailpipe emissions, which can lead to a number of benefits for the City and its residents and businesses including: • Reducing GHG emissions: Local GHG emissions for EVs are much lower than those of gasoline vehicles. A 2018 study using Ontario’s average grid electricity determined that EVs can release as little as 4% of the CO2eq emissions of a gasoline vehicle; • Improving resident health: Air quality improvements, noise pollution reduction, and a reduction in the urban heat island effect are three key benefits of transportation electrification; • Strengthening the local economy: As EVs cost less to operate and maintain, EV owners will have more disposable income for non-transportation needs (once the total cost of ownership reaches parity with gasoline vehicles); EVs can help support the optimal use of electricity generation by leveraging vehicle-grid integration technologies; and new business and job opportunities can present itself through growth in the clean-tech sector. Front Yard Parking Regulations and Electric Vehicle Charging on Residential Streets:
Please identify the risks to your city’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.
Flagstaff relies on a substantial amount of ground water. With less rain and more droughts, we will face major problems on how to procure water for the city.
Please describe the main goals of your city’s adaptation efforts and the metrics / KPIs for each goal.
Cities face a big challenge when it comes to tackling climate change because they generate 70% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Many of them are therefore adapting their agenda and adopting measures to reduce GHG emissions, minimise dependence on fossil fuels, improve effi ciency, reduce metabolic fl ows and increase resilience. All of those measures are geared towards improving the quality of life and sustainability of cities. At COP21 in Paris, Barcelona presented the Barcelona’s Commitment to the Climate (CBC), promoted by over a thousand businesses, citizen organisations and schools linked to the More Sustainable Barcelona network, signatories of the 2012-2022 Citizen Commitment to Sustainability and Barcelona City Council. This declaration reaffi rms previous municipal commitments (Covenant of Mayors on Energy and Covenant of Mayors on Adaptation) and defi nes Barcelona’s roadmap for 2015-2017, where city citizens and the City Council set out the priorities and the challenges to be overcome by their joint efforts. The Barcelona’s Commitment to the Climate goals and targets for 2030 are as follows: • As regards mitigation, to reduce its levels of CO2 equivalent emissions by 40% per capita compared to those for 2005. • With regard to adaptation, to increase the urban green space by 1.6 km2 , in other words, 1 m2 for each current resident. The Barcelona Climate Plan includes existing actions and strategies along with new ones to achieve these goals, while fulfi lling the commitment it made when signing the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (2017).
Give details of your climate-related engagement strategy with your customers.
As part of our planning for the delivery of JLL's Science Based Target, we calculate that we will spend approximately $5.4m on energy efficiency projects across our global portfolio up until 2030.
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
CenturyLink recognises the importance of responsible Corporate Social Governance and of the particular need to extend this to environmental issues such as climate change. CenturyLink has set emissions reduction targets approved by the science-based targets Initiative and has implemented a number of measures toward achieving these. We support the implementation of energy management systems certified to ISO 50001, have programs of energy efficiency improvements across our portfolio, and but renewable energy in several of the regions in which we operate. The cost of management is based upon the cost of reporting our response to climate change and sustainability, in part through the calculation of our carbon footprint and reporting to CDP, as well as other sustainability reports. This is based upon internal hours and the cost of external third-party support. Some associated costs in respect of Environmental and Energy Management Systems (ISO 14001, ISO 50001) are included, the majority however being considered Business as Usual. We have not included the cost of the energy efficiency initiatives as this is considered part of our business-as-usual cost. However, we have included the cost of some of our energy efficiency and carbon reduction projects in our answer to question 4.3b. The cost comprises; $50,000 internal hours CDP + $150,000 consultancy hours CDP = $200,000 total cost.
Provide details of your climate-related supplier engagement strategy.
In 2018, we actively engaged with our suppliers using our own in-house supplier sustainability audit program, as well as CDP Supply Chain, focusing on our Global Supply Management Asia (GSMA) business region (as this is where we perceive our largest exposure lies). Collaboration with our GSMA suppliers introduced projects to measure and reduce their emission footprints. In 2018, we conducted 234 raw material, purchased component and finished goods supplier sustainability and social accountability audits on suppliers ranking them on a green, yellow, orange, red protocol based on their performance against our criteria. This is an increase from 228 supplier sustainability and social accountability audits in 2017, which we consider a success. This is a rolling program, so suppliers can expect a minimum of one audit every three years. In 2018, we expanded our CDP Supply Chain program to 452 of our suppliers compared to 255 in 2017, also considered a success. Comparing 2018 with 2017 shows a small plateau in CDP Supply Chain response rate as we increase the number of suppliers responding, however the number of suppliers responding rose from 198 in 2017 to 344 in 2018. As part of our ongoing commitment to working with our supply chain on emission reductions, we are constantly educating and guiding our suppliers by providing mentoring and advice. This engagement is impactful because it gives us the ability to inform new supply chain partners of SBD's supply chain sustainability goals and leads to a greater understanding, reporting and improvement of the supplier's operations. Additionally, we can further mentor and educate repeat responding suppliers as they seek to improve their performance. Our measure of success in this area is twofold. First, we see the number of supplier sustainability audits and suppliers responding to CDP supply chain on the rise on an annual basis (see above numbers). Second, we see the supplier awareness level and commitment relating to sustainability or emission reductions increase.
Please provide a summary of emissions by sector and scope as defined in the Global Protocol for Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories (GPC) in the table below.
Since Tam Ky's budget is limitted, the city is seeking finance from social, national, and international funding sources.
Please describe how much your adaptation actions will address the underlying factors that challenge your city’s ability to adapt.
Cost of living is tied to housing in Vancouver, which rivals some of the most expensive cities in the world. Supply and demand-side approaches to affordable housing for residents are currently being explored.
The Global Covenant of Mayors requires committed cities to report their inventories in the format of the new Common Reporting Framework, to encourage standard reporting of emissions data. Please provide a breakdown of your city-wide emissions by sector and sub-sector in the table below. Where emissions data is not available, please use the relevant notation keys to explain the reason why.
N/A - not applicable in Cities Guidance page 40 and/or non mandatory field in in CRF Guidance Table 1
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
This figure represents the entire industry fund to which KDP and the other companies have contributed to improve plastic recycling in North America. It is not a KDP-only number. $100M x 100% of this multi-partner industry fund = $100M. Regardless of pending legislation which we monitor, KDP is working to ensure all of our packaging is designed to be recyclable by 2025. This includes working to replace or re-design components of packaging that may prove detrimental to collection, sortation, or re-processing. Additionally, KDP is working with specific rPET manufacturers to secure supply of high quality rPET resin that will meet the needs for our bottles. KDP supports numerous initiatives that improve recycling, such as our recent work at the beverage industry level. In October 2019, KDP together with Coca-Cola and PepsiCo launched the Every Bottle Back initiative, a breakthrough effort to reduce the industry's use of new plastic by making significant investments to improve the collection of the industry's valuable plastic bottles so they can be made into new bottles. Critically, the initiative will improve the quality and availability of recycled plastic in key regions of the country by directing the equivalent of $400 million to TRP and Closed Loop Partners through a new $100 million industry fund that will be matched three-to-one by other grants and investors. The investments will be used to improve sorting, processing and collection of recyclables in areas with the biggest infrastructure gaps to help increase the amount of recycled plastic available to be remade into beverage bottles.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Internally, Goodyear has an environmental, health, and safety policy and a formal sustainability organization responsible for the implementation of a global, robust greenhouse gas reduction strategy. We strive for continuous improvement and set aggressive goals for reducing environmental and climate change impacts from our products and operations. Additionally, we work to energize our team, which means we create an environment where associates are inspired by their work, wellness and serving their communities. Externally, we protect our reputation by striving for transparency for our stakeholders about our actions and performance, complying with applicable climate change regulations and standards, and encouraging appropriate policy development.
Why do you not engage with any elements of your value chain on climate-related issues, and what are your plans to do so in the future?
As a distributor of natural, organic and specialty foods, our business to business products do not require additional processing that uses energy or produces GHG emissions and does not meet the criteria of relevance based on the WRI/WBCSD "Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard (size, influence, risk, stakeholders, outsourcing, etc).
Please provide more information on your plan that addresses climate change adaptation and attach the document. Please provide details on the boundary of your plan, and where this differs from your city’s boundary, please provide an explanation.
This ordinance prohibits the construction or maintenance of any kind of structure, fence, or enclosure and conducting any business enterprise in conservation areas. Provided however that the construction of any structure, or enclosure or the conduct of any business enterprise shall be allowed, with the prior approval and concurrence of the Sangguniang Panlungsod with a majority vote of all the members present constituting quorum, upon proof and showing that the said structures, fence or enclosure or the said conduct of business shall be beneficial to watershed areas and recharge areas.
How does your city increase access to sustainable foods?
The Denton Farmers Market is in part provided through City resources. At this location local vendors sell fruits and vegetables from locally grown sources.
Give a general description and introduction to your organization.
Duke Energy is one of the largest electric power holding companies in the United States, providing electricity to 7.6 million retail customers in six states. The Fortune 125 company's electric service area's estimated population is 24 million people. Duke Energy also provides natural gas to 1.6 million customers in five states. Our commerical business owns and operates diverse power generation assets in North America, including a growing portfolio of renewable energy assets. Duke Energy continues to build an energy future for our customers and communities that is smarter, cleaner, and more resilient. We are expanding renewable generation, transitioning our generation fleet from coal to nautral gas, reducing our environmental footprint, and modernizing the grid to support new technologies. In 2017, for the 12th consecutive year, Duke Energy was named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for North America.
Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the city is positioning itself to take advantage of them.
The City is seeking to convert the existing, disconnected transit system and aging infrastructure to a real-time, integrated multi-modal network. Opportunities abound with real-time applications, smart infrastructure, automated electric vehicles, and partnership with transportation network companies. This conversion holds potential to reduce vehicle miles traveled and energy use through a new, smart infrastructure and transportation system.
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government.
Can cause financial hardship to both the council and also residents as they need to fork out more money during climate disaster.
Has the city-wide GHG emissions data you are currently reporting been externally verified or audited in part or in whole?
In preparation for our carbon neutrality strategy development and our most recent greenhouse gas inventory report (2006 - 2016), we had a consultant review our inventory and compare the sectors included with other leading C40 cities. All inventories have been reviewed by C40, including the latest inventory for 2019.
Which risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments?
Business travel emissions are calculated by a third party based on guidelines specified by the UK Department for EnvironmentFood and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), from corporate travel based on airmiles flown. Business Travel emissions are reported based on information provided by our primary global travel agents to a third party data aggregator. Travel booked outside of our primary agents (i.e. booked using websites or local travel agents) are not included. TCCC determines this to be immaterial due to the fact that it is not allowed by the TCCC Travel & Expense Policy.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
To manage/offset the risk, Desjardins has implemented a series of initiatives and measures:Desjardins Group's outsourcers and major vendors are subject to operational risk requirements and tracking on a partial basis until 2022. These requirements are designed to protect Desjardins Group by mitigating risks that an incident at one of our major outsourcers could affect our operations. The risk management practice related to outsourcing and major vendors that supervise these risks has been deployed. It enables us to improve our contractual agreements and monitor risks related to major suppliers. This active management of supplier relations is ensured by the owners of the agreements and procurement services. Risks are mitigated by improving our basic contracts, through various controls and tests and by setting up business continuity solutions at our suppliers and at Desjardins, when required. Improvements to contractual agreements are set for the agreements' anniversary dates, extending to 2022. The management frameworks for major outsourcing agreements are in place with IT and Procurement. Risk management is provided through supervision, which is continuously being upgraded.
Provide details of your climate-related supplier engagement strategy.
This is an iterative and ongoing process, as Bloomberg is enhancing its broad Vendor Management program, which will include more rigorous sustainability components. Development is still in-progress on this initiative, and we are targeting implementation of the first components of this new program by late 2019 or early 2020.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
The financial impact is associated with the loss of customers. Bunge strives to ensure customer demands for traceability and disclosure are reasonably met, helping to ensure continued engagement. Relationship with suppliers under scrutiny from civil society could impose an extra reputational risk.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Given the diversity of sites we operate and the vast nature of our supply chain, it is not feasible to provide a meaningful estimate of possible impacts. If a very large, strategic site were completely lost then the impacts could be significant, if a smaller site was damaged and temporarily stopped operations the impact would be much less significant. We also have a ~ 130 manufacturing sites and a broad supply chain such that when responding to an incident we often have flexibility in terms of shifting production or identifying alternate supply until normal operations are restored.
Account for your organization’s Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
Tennant Company's Product Regulatory Affairs team actively engages to understand regulatory implications before they take effect. Being proactive on regulations enables product and solution introduction before regulatory change takes effect. The team is involved in each product development project, as well as product development roadmap governance. This provides long-term regulatory insight to the product planning process. One example is anticipating the OSHA Respirable Crystalline Silica Standards now applied in a number of U.S. industries (General Industry and Maritime, Construction). We developed and validated products and solutions to help businesses limit worker exposure to crystalline silica - before the standards took effect. We launched the products in 2017, before the first steps of industry compliance were required in 2018. We are working to educate customers on how they can reduce environmental impact and improve worker safety via our direct sales force, marketing campaigns, blogs and website. We have realized incremental revenue from launching these products to address the need but cannot disclose specific amounts. While this environmental improvement does not involve carbon emissions directly, it is a good example of the strategies we use to realize opportunities which are climate-related.When customers buy new models like those equipped to handle silica dust, they are typically more energy and fuel efficient than displaced models, avoiding future emissions.
Please provide details of your total fixed level target(s).
Minimise use of single use plastics, implement collections of plastic waste from Thames foreshore, River Wandle and Beverley Brook. Including a Council campaign similar to For Fishes Sake and work with organisations such as the Boat Race, Thames 21 and event organisers.Progress: Communications have focused around events such as the Boat Race. Future activities will be events focused. The campaign was not possible with COVID-19 restrictions, but the action is ongoing. Recently, restricted river and towpath clear ups have been supported. Due to COVID-19, the Council’s definition of single use plastics was amended to accommodate the need to comply with government PPE guidelines. This has therefore meant the plans to develop a plan for reduction and removal of single use plastics has been delayed. Recycling stations have been placed in core operational buildings these will help increase recycling rates and reduce contamination of waste from Council buildings.Working with our contractors, to explore the potential to introduce on-street recycling bins on the highway to separately capture single use plasticsProgress: Recycling bins have been purchased with installation pending. Installation to be programmed such that units are available in 2021.Explore further potential for recycling in parks and options to minimise contaminationEncouraging the Circular Economy - Our action plan includes a commitment to encourage and support the circular economy, working with local partners and our residents to adopt low/zero-waste approaches. Progress:We have commenced communications including in the lead up to our Climate Festival and intend to run a circular economy session, showcases local business. We are actively supporting good practise such as the Peddle my Wheels circular focused bike repair and resale business and are working closely with ReLondon in defining our future actions to support the Circular Economy. Increase provision of drinking fountains in parks, reducing single plastic useProgress: Once installed, monitoring the use of the units and the recycling content. In 2021 we have rolled out the installation of drinking fountains in 6 open spaces (Battersea Park, Tooting Common Wands Common Coronation Gardens King Georges Park Wandsworth Park).
Account for your organization’s gross global Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
The CO2e emissions associated with purchased goods were calculated using the Economic Input Output (EIO) method applied to 2019 dollar expenditures (invoices). This is referred to as the Material or Spend-Based Approach. 75% of the capital good materials are assumed to be steel, 25% concrete (Chemical Sector Guidance). The CO2e emissions associated with purchased goods were calculated using the US Environmentally-Extended Input-Output (USEEIO) model applied to 2019 dollar expenditures (invoices).
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Approximately 85% of the Networks investments are secured with multi-year rate agreements and FERC formula rates
Please provide details of your renewable energy target(s) and how the city plans to meet those targets.
Renewable energy percentages based on NSW grid averages from OpenNEM. From July 2020 the City will be using 100% renewable electricity through a power purchase agreement.
List the average emission factors of the fuels reported in C8.2c.
EPA Center for Corporate Climate Leadership: Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories (March 2018 release)
Does your city have emissions reduction targets or energy efficiency targets for the following building types?
Zero-energy building - every building in the city that starts construction in 2030 will be ZEB.
What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities?
The financial impact on Ameren of future initiatives related to climate change is unknown. Ameren could generate additional earnings if plant investments are made and these investments receive proper rate treatment. If new regulations cause retirement of less efficient generating plants, Ameren's more efficient generation may benefit from additional sales and increased market prices. In addition, with more renewable resources Ameren can provide additional services and increase revenues. Currently, 17% of our revenues and earnings come from carbon emitting resources. In the future five year planning horizon, significant capital investments will be directed to our transmission and distribution systems and our non-carbon emitting generation resources. The investments in our transmission and distribution systems will allow the systems to be more efficient and provide access to new wind and solar renewable generation resources.
Please indicate the category that best describes the boundary of your city-wide GHG emissions inventory.
Surrounding area of the city which do not come under ULB's jurisdiction area is excluded.
Please provide some key examples of how your city collaborates with business in the table below.
Planning and implementation of different kinds of climate adaptation solutions by the utility (tunnels, basins, sewer separation from roads etc.)See a full list of projects 2019 in the attached Adaption Action Plan 2019.
Please give a general description and introduction to your city including your city’s reporting boundary in the table below.
The state of Nevada, in particular the Lower Colorado River System which includes Clark County, experienced a significant drought from 2000 – 2016. Based on the Palmer Drought Severity Index which measures relative dryness or wetness, this 17- year drought is the largest and most persistent drought for the West on historical record. During this time, the Colorado River Basin experienced its lowest 16-year period of inflow in over 100 years of record keeping. Reservoir storage in the Colorado River system declined from nearly full to about half of capacity during this timeframe. In January 2014, the U.S. Department of Agriculture designated nine Nevada counties, including Clark County, as primary natural disaster areas due to the drought. For perspective on the severity of this drought, the U.S. Drought Monitor sets the standards for the location and intensity of droughts. These standards include four levels of droughts, ranging from D1 (abnormally dry) to D4 (exceptional drought). From 2000-2016, Clark County experienced D3-D4 “extreme” drought conditions over five periods in 2003, 2004, 2007, 2014, and 2015. According to climate scientists, there is an 80 to 90 percent chance of another 10-plus year drought occurring this century, with a realistic threat of an epic 30- to 40-year dry spell or “mega-drought.”
On what issues have you been engaging directly with policy makers?
There are various strategies in place to realize this opportunity. One strategy used by Simon for the primary management method for this opportunity is the ongoing assessment of installing renewable energy projects (e.g. historically, Simon completed the installation of a rooftop unit with a capacity of 173kW at The Shops at Mission Viejo in CA, and a 335kW installation at Jersey Shore Premium Outlet in NJ.) These demonstration projects have helped Simon gain experience with solar installations. As part of the corporate sustainability goals, Simon has completed its goal to ''assess feasibility of on-site energy generation options for pilot programs by 2016”. In 2017, Simon received approval to pilot 3 on-site solar projects. The company is currently securing required utility interconnection applications and other items in order to kick off the project.
Please describe the main goals of your city’s adaptation efforts and the metrics / KPIs for each goal.
This is Objective 1 of the 2020 Climate Change Adaptation Plan.
Please detail which goals and targets are incorporated in your city’s master plan and describe how these goals are addressed in the table below.
The City will reduce community greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80 percent by 2040, including a reduction of at least 50 percent by 2032.
Please provide your city’s recalculated total city-wide emissions figures for any previous inventories along with Scope 1, 2 and 3 breakdowns where applicable.
We have already attached the excel file on emissions statistics. This is the latest emissions statistics available for Bærum kommune. This file has emissions data for (2009-2017)
Please describe the impact of national and/or regional climate change activities on your city’s own climate change activities.
Mitigation objective 1 in the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan is to build an energy efficient city. Within this objective there are several actions to address emissions reductions through energy efficiency. These include a complete LED Street Lighting Program, continuing with Municipal Energy Efficiency and LEED Standards Ordinances and adopting the most current IECC building code as written. St. Louis has had tremendous success with its energy benchmarking program as well as Set the PACE St. Louis, a financing program for energy savings projects.
Please detail sustainability goals and targets (e.g. GHG reductions) that are incorporated into your city’s master plan and describe how these are addressed in the table below.
New Taipei City advocates the SDG7, SDG9, SDG11, and SDG13 as the framework for greenhouse gas reduction, and established a cross-department platform of “Executive Committee of Climate Change and Energy Countermeasures”. The cross-department platform holds a meeting two times a year so that they could review and manage schedule.GHG reduction target:Mid-term goal (in 2030)1.Establish a Demonstration Area of Net Zero Emission in Bali District.2.Decreasing 30% emission less than the baseline (2005).3.Long-term goal (in 2050):Decreasing 100% emission less than the baseline (2005).1.Circular Economy:(1)Increase organic consumption and develop diversified channels for sales.(2)Promote the zero-plastic lifestyle and resource recycling.2.Improvement of the Efficiency of Energy Transition:(1)The cumulative installation capacity of solar power generation will reach 140MW by 2030.(2)New Taipei City had become a member of the Powering Past Coal Alliance in 2019 and will become coal-free by 2023.(3)Development of geothermal power generation. The equipment with an installed capacity of 10MW will be installed in the Jinshan District and Wanli District by 2025.(4) LEDs are adopted by all public areas of the newly built buildings, which totals 438 units in 2020.(5)The energy management system is adopted by institutions and schools, which has replaced 25,887 units of old and outdated lighting fixtures, and air-conditioning equipment of 2648.2 kW. The annual electricity saving reaches about 3,358,929 kWh, and the annual carbon reduction is 1,652.6 metric tons.(6)Expand the power-saving programs for the residential and commercial sector to hospitals and hotels, which has replaced 11,410 units of old and outdated lighting fixtures and 27 units of ductless air conditioners (145 kW) at the hospitals. The annual electricity savings reaches 1,269,430 kWh.(7)Promote household electricity-saving incentive activities for encouraging the installation of energy-saving appliances. A total of 457 teams of citizens and 112 teams of community groups participated in the activities, which in total saved 1,199,925kWh of electricity, respectively in 2020.3.Smart Transportation:(1)The share of e-buses of the total buses available for the MRT system of the Three Rings and Six Lines will reach 16%. (2)The utilization ratio of public transportation will increase by 50% by 2030.
Provide details on the initiatives implemented in the reporting year in the table below.
Exelon has been working to increase capacity at its existing nuclear power plants through equipment optimization and efficiency improvements. The result is increased carbon free emissions electrical base load generation that displaces fossil generation plants on the grid. In 2017, Exelon Nuclear increased the capacity of its Calvert Cliff plant by 18.4 MW (9 MW at equity share); and in early 2018, it completed uprates on Climate Cliffs Unit 1, and Peach Bottom Units 1 & 2 by a total of 59 MW (29.5 MW at equity share). Exelon Generation has placed into service projects representing 575 MWs of new nuclear generation (uprates at existing plants) since 2008, resulting in over 4.5 million MWh annually, providing reliable energy, avoiding over 3.5 million mtCO2e and lessening the need for new plant construction. Estimated annual CO2e savings is based on fossil generation displaced by the new generation installed in 2017. This new nuclear capacity (MW) helps towards our emissions goals (ABS1 and Int1) by minimizing generation at our fossil plants. Savings is reported as zero since this initiative generates increased revenue for the corporation (not a savings). Payback is based on expectations at the time of investment, and actual payback would be dependent on market prices and generation sales. This was counted as 1 project implemented in 4.3a, with 3 uprate projects underway for completion in 2018.
Which of the following risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments?
Climate-related innovations in technology (for example, energy efficiency upgrades to equipment), if not adopted, may present a transition risk for Conagra Brands of falling behind competitors, not meeting stakeholder expectations, or failing to capitalize on resource efficiency and financial gains. We monitor ongoing changes in technology and evaluate whether adoption of the technology would reduce climate impact as well as improve financial results. For example, in the past several years, we have investigated and implemented lighting upgrades throughout our network.
Break down your total gross global Scope 1 emissions by greenhouse gas type and provide the source of each used greenhouse warming potential (GWP).
We collect information on CO2 emissions on a mill-specific level but do not have an enterprise wide breakdown by greenhouse gas type at this time. We are currently working on aggregating this data for next years disclosure.
What actions are you undertaking to reduce your emissions in your local government operations?
Maintenance of Retention Basins in Wide-area Underground Basins for Loop Line No.7
Please identify the factors that most greatly affect your city’s ability to adapt to climate change, and indicate how those factors either enhance or challenge this ability.
Updating flood plain mapping for Little River planned to begin 2019. This is one phase of a more comprehensive flooding program for the East End of Windsor.
Please describe the main goals of your city’s adaptation efforts and the metrics / KPIs for each goal.
Yala city has its goal to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from reduce energy in transportation. By implementing various policies that promote reduction of greenhouse gas emission on the road such as campaigning for the choice of bicycle, Campaign for people to use electric motorcycles, Car Free Day project to reduce air and noise pollution, reduce traffic and accidents on the road along with saving the energy.
List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects you have planned within your city for which you hope to attract financing and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your city does not have any relevant projects, please select No relevant projects under Project Area.
Every four years there are elections for mayors in Peru, for this reason it is difficult to know if the incoming management will maintain the projects as those of adaptation to climate change or will improve it. For that reason is challenge.
What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities?
Lenovo has budgeted for external education (training) on climate change and energy efficiency (FY 2018/2019).
Please identify and describe the factors that most greatly affect your city’s ability to adapt to climate change and indicate how those factors either support or challenge this ability.
Access to water is limited in Flagstaff and highly affected by the amount of snow we receive in the winter, as well the capability for recharge of ground water each year. Access to water and water quality could also be negatively impacted by wildfire.
Give details of your climate-related engagement strategy with your customers.
The Dominion Energy Transmission team will reduce methane emissions from maintenance activities by at least 50 percent by 2021. Dominion Energy Ohio and Dominion Energy West Virginia are implementing a pipeline replacement program for their mains and service lines and committed to replacing at least 1.5% of the unprotected steel and cast iron pipes every year by the end of 2021.Comparing annual year 2017 to annual year 2000, the entire electric generating fleet (based on ownership percentage) reduced its average CO2e emissions rate per MWh of energy produced from electric generation by approximately 50%. The 50% target was established in 2016 when the CO2 emission rate compared to 2000 was 43%. The 2016 target is under re-evaluation.New procedures include reducing pipeline pressure before blowing down (this is the procedure where maintenance is based on first relieving pressure in the pipeline by releasing methane into the atmosphere), routing gas to a compressor or other systems for beneficial use, and using ''hot taps.” (This is the ability to safely tap into a pipeline while it remains under pressure. The technology is a procedure that can onlybe done on newer pipelines.)In Utah—our newest gas distribution market—all cast iron pipe was replaced in the 1980s; all bare steel pipe was replaced in the 1990s. Since the 2000s, the company has been focused on replacing all reconditioned high-pressure pipe in high-consequence areas at an annual investment of $75 million.
Provide details on the electricity, heat, steam, and/or cooling amounts that were accounted for at a zero emission factor in the market-based Scope 2 figure reported in C6.3.
Cogeneration Power Emission factor: 0.2445 metric tons CO2e per MWh Cogeneration Steam Emission factor: 0.2001 metric tons CO2e per MWh
Please identify and describe the factors that most greatly affect your city’s ability to adapt to climate change and indicate how those factors either support or challenge this ability.
Conditioned cooled spaces available for old people, suspended in 2020 and 2021 for covid emergency
Please provide some key examples of how your city collaborates with business in the table below.
Through "No Cold Homes Bristol" project, Bristol City Council work with: Bristol Energy, Centre for Sustainable Energy, We Care Home Improvements, Talking Money, Western Power Distribution, Bristol Health Partners / Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (BNSSG CCG).
Give a general description and introduction to your organization.
Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, New Jersey, U.S.A. is leading global bio-pharmaceutical company known as MSD outside of the United States and Canada. For more than a century, our company has been inventing for life, bringing forward medicines and vaccines for many of the world's most challenging diseases. Through our prescription medicines, vaccines, biologic therapies and animal health products, we work with customers and operate in more than 140 countries to deliver innovative health solutions. We also demonstrate our commitment to increasing access to health care through far-reaching policies, programs and partnerships. Today, we continue to be at the forefront of research to advance the prevention and treatment of diseases that threaten people and communities around the world - including cancer, cardio-metabolic diseases, emerging animal diseases, Alzheimer's disease and infectious diseases including HIV, Ebola and SARS-CoV-2.Through innovative research, ground breaking partnerships and smarter processes, we are working to advance our performance in four priority areas: Access to Health, Environmental Sustainability, Employees, and Ethics & Transparency. With a focus on these priority areas across our entire organization, we are committed to leading the future of healthcare.Our core values are driven by a desire to improve life, achieve scientific excellence, operate with the highest standards of integrity, expand access to our products and employ a diverse workforce that values collaboration.Our company reported total sales of $46.84 billion during 2019 with 71,000 employees worldwide as of December 31, 2019. Further information is available at
Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your city.
Newcastle, like many other cities across the world are faced with economic uncertainty, with many businesses exposed to the impacts of the pandemic, with tourism, arts, and culture most affected by Covid-19 control measures. At its peak, data suggest nearly one in three jobs in the city were supported through the Furlough scheme and there was a 60% increase of people claiming benefits. Together with the city partners, Newcastle took a number of actions and measures to protect our economy during lockdown and have continued to do so throughout the second wave of the pandemic. The public and private sector have been working alongside our communities to deal with the immediate social and economic impacts of COVID-19, with many volunteering, adapting, and offering support at this time of crisis. Despite the devastating impacts of Covid-19 over the course of 2020 and 2021, the city’s determination and cross-party commitment to achieving Net Zero status by 2030 remains undiminished. It is increasingly clear that the crisis that we are facing now must a pivotal moment in our transition to a low carbon future. Despite the enormous challenges of Covid-19 to date, there has been no let-up in our overall city-wide commitment and drive towards Net Zero and in many cases, there has been an acceleration of Net Zero activity across the Council and partner organisations.The COVID-19 pandemic adds additional challenges and will place further demand on health services and social care, which already operate at near capacity during the winter season. During the pandemic, there has been greater focus on other inherent risks to physical and mental health, wellbeing and social care of the city's residents arising from climate change impacts, and a renewed and enhanced focus on emergency planning, resilience and ensuring effective service delivery during extreme / emergency events.However, we want to see a Green New Deal to rebuild a just and sustainable economy, that delivers low carbon transformation for the best interest of our residents, the environment and future generations, whilst simultaneously achieving a resilient, fair and inclusive economic recovery. We are focussed on grow in our business base and 'green-collar' jobs in the ‘new’ low carbon economy through product and service innovation, reskilling and addressing poverty to ensure an inclusive society that challenges social inequality. We are also focussed on ensuring that these new 'green-collar' jobs are not an extension of the gig economy, but instead are high quality, well paid and permanent positions in thriving industries. This will mean using short term economic stimulus money as a springboard for delivering sustained and ambitious low carbon economic growth, and leveraging much greater private sector investment.
Does your city have emissions reduction targets (government operations, city wide targets) or energy efficiency targets for the following building types?
We have a voluntary commitment program to achieve 50% reductions in energy, water, and emissions from transportation by 2030.
List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects you have planned within your city for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project in the currency reported in question 0.4. If your city does not have any relevant projects, please select No relevant projects under Project Area.
The City seeks to install publicly-available EV chargers in the right of way to help encourage residents and employees to purchase electric vehicles.
Please describe the main goals of your city’s adaptation efforts and the metrics / KPIs for each goal.
Citywide total BASIC+ emissions reduces by 3% in 2018 compared to 2017. This is due to reduced energy consumption from residential, commercial and industrial sectors.
Please provide some key examples of how your city collaborates with business in the table below.
Central Ohio is designated by the state of Ohio as a technology job hub focused on energy manufacturing and storage.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
i. The Home Depot believes changes in average temperature, particularly increases in temperature, may lead to increased operational costs for our company. ii. The Home Depot relies upon electric air conditioning equipment to maintain the comfort of our stores for our customers. Were average temperatures to increase, we could see the costs associated with cooling our stores increase due to additional electricity use. This additional electricity use may also lead to additional emissions; this could influence our ability to meet our reduction goals.
List any mitigation, adaptation, water related or resilience projects you have planned within your city for which you hope to attract financing and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your city does not have any relevant projects, please select 'No relevant projects' under 'Project Area'.
People planning to build in the city of Zurich benefit from numerous subsidies for energy-efficient renovation measures and the use of renewable energies. In addition, banks offer discounted mortgages. Furthermore, certain energy-saving measures can be deducted from taxes.
On what issues have you been engaging directly with policy makers?
The Global Leader, Environment and Sustainability reports directly to the Chief HSE, Security and Quality Governance Officer and is responsible for quantification of the company's carbon emissions and the identification and implementation of reduction pathways for Scope 1 and 2 emissions comprising the company's direct carbon footprint. In 2019, this leader decided on, and obtained Steering Committee endorsement of the near term carbon reduction pathways and directed the implementation of key energy efficiency strategies including our portfolio approach for energy efficient lighting and HVAC equipment, renewable energy procurement and facility optimization.
Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.
Five of ten municipalities already have pilot programs and one of them has expanded the program to other areas.
Please attach and provide details on your climate change risk and vulnerability assessment. Please provide details on the boundary of your assessment, and where this differs from your city’s boundary, please provide an explanation.
1. Health - Infectious diseases health vulnerability caused by insects and rodents- Health vulnerability due to other air pollutants- Health vulnerability due to heatwave- Health vulnerability due to cold wave- Health Vulnerability due to Flood- Health vulnerability to water-borne diseases- Vulnerability to thermal illness due to heatwave (general)- Vulnerability to thermal illness due to heatwave (for low-income class)- Vulnerability to thermal illness due to heatwave (for outdoor workers)- Vulnerability to thermal illness due to heatwave (for those with cardiovascular disease)- Vulnerability to thermal illness due to heatwave (for infants under 5 years old)- Vulnerability to thermal illness due to heatwave (for the elderly 65 years and older)- Health vulnerability due to increased ozone concentration- Health vulnerability due to fine dust- Health vulnerability due to typhoon2. Disaster- Infrastructure vulnerability to heavy snowfall- Infrastructure vulnerability to heatwave- Infrastructure vulnerability to flooding3. Agriculture- Vulnerability of rice productivity- Vulnerability of livestock productivity- Vulnerability of ship productivity- Vulnerability to the collapse of cultivation and breeding facilities- Vulnerability to soil erosion in agricultural land4. Forest- Vulnerability to wildfires- Vulnerability of forest vegetation due to drought- Vulnerability of forest roads due to landslides- Vulnerability of pine trees by pests and diseases- Vulnerability of pine and matsutake mushrooms- Vulnerability of landslides due to torrential rain- Vulnerability of forest productivity5. Water management- Vulnerability to water quality and aquatic ecosystem- Water vulnerability due to drought- Vulnerability to completion- Vulnerability of water control- Water vulnerability due to short-term drought (general)- Water vulnerability due to short-term drought (for industrial water)- Water vulnerability due to short-term drought (for agricultural water)- Water vulnerability due to short-term drought (for drinking water)- Water vulnerability due to long-term drought (general)- Water vulnerability due to long-term drought (for industrial water)- Water vulnerability due to long-term drought (for agricultural water)- Water vulnerability due to long-term drought (for drinking water)6. Ecosystem- Vulnerability of insects- Vulnerability of conifers- Vulnerability of national parks