Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
For the Cross Wedge Rolling Process, we developed the concept and worked with the machine vendor to validate the process works. We are in the process of purchasing the machinery and expect installation to occur in Q3 of 2020. Official production using the machines will begin in 2021. We are purchasing 4 machines at a cost of $437,500 per machine for a total cost of 1.75 Million dollars.
Please select any commitments to climate adaptation and/or mitigation your city has signed and attach evidence.
INTERACT-Bio is a project designed for improving the utilization and management of nature within fast-growing cities and the regions surrounding them. It aims to provide expanding urban communities in the Global South with nature-based solutions and associated long-term benefits.The project will enable governments at all levels – from local to national – to integrate their efforts for mainstreaming biodiversity and ecosystem services into core subnational government functions such as spatial planning, land-use management, local economic development and infrastructure design.The project will support city-regions to understand and unlock, within their specific local context, the potential of nature to provide essential services and new or enhanced economic opportunities, while simultaneously protecting and enhancing the biodiversity and ecosystems on which these services and opportunities depend. In doing so, these actions will place the participating city-regions on a more resilient and sustainable development path.
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Over and above our current marketing costs to position ourselves as a provider of data services, we spent over $337k in the last 7 years to carry out analyses quantifying the carbon benefits of our products and services (including employee salaries and costs of projects with consultants).
Please indicate the opportunities your city has identified as a result of addressing climate change and describe how the city is positioning itself to take advantage of these opportunities.
The climate issue has led us, in collaboration with nine other municipalities in southern Skåne, to develop a common Circular Plan with a greater focus on reuse than we have had before. This plan gives us great opportunities to reduce resource use throughout the area. This also will reduce emissions from product manufacturing. Cooperation with the other municipalities is also important for the municipality's brand.
Provide details of your absolute emissions target(s) and progress made against those targets.
HanesBrands has set a long term global corporate goal to reduce absolute CO2e emissions by 50% or 202,474 metric tons by 2030 versus its 2007 normalized baseline emissions, which represents an average annual reduction of 3.0% vs. its 2007 baseline year and 9.4% versus its 2013 start year, both of which are greater than the 2.1% required by CDP. As of year-end 2019, the company has achieved 84.0% of its 2030 goal. This reduction is the result of significantly increasing use of renewable energy while reducing energy use. To date, the company has not formally developed science-based targets as defined by the Science Based Targets initiative. We believe that our aggressive target is aligned with the intent of the Science Based Target initiative and will formally commit to implementing science-based targets by 2022.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Globally, biomass is considered carbon neutral for the purposes of GHG accounting due to its ability to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and store it, releasing it back to the atmosphere during combustion or decay. This accounting method has recently been challenged by groups concerned about the potential depletion of forests if biomass is considered a carbon neutral fuel. Alternate proposed accounting methodologies advance the use of future anticipated baselines, rather than actual baseline data, and smaller spatial scales and time frames which are not consistent with the spatial scales and time frames typically associated with the forest carbon cycle or international practice. Approximately 2/3 of WestRock's (and the broader pulp and paper industry) CO2 emissions are biogenic.
The Global Covenant of Mayors requires committed cities to report their inventories in the format of the new Common Reporting Framework, to encourage standard reporting of emissions data. Please provide a breakdown of your city-wide emissions by sector and sub-sector in the table below. Where emissions data is not available, please use the relevant notation keys to explain the reason why.
The amount of emissions (Scope 2 data) has been reported in commercial buildings and facilities.
Please provide more information on your plan that addresses climate change adaptation and attach the document. Please provide details on the boundary of your plan, and where this differs from your city’s boundary, please provide an explanation.
Montréal has committed to 1) reducing the municipal solid waste generation per capita by at least 15% by 2030 compared to 2015; and2) reducing the amount of municipal solid waste disposed to landfill and incineration by at least 50% by 2030 compared to 2015, and increase the diversion rate away from landfill and incineration to at least 70% by 2030.
The Global Covenant of Mayors requires committed cities to report their inventories in the format of the new Common Reporting Framework, to encourage standard reporting of emissions data. Please provide a breakdown of your city-wide emissions by sector and sub-sector in the table below. Where emissions data is not available, please use the relevant notation keys to explain the reason why.
Agriculture is not a major component of the Portland economy and was not estimated in this GHG Inventory.
Please describe how your city manages overall responsibility for climate change mitigation (emissions reduction) and adaptation (climate risk reduction).
EE goals are under consideration but have not been adopted and an EE strategy is not under development at the City level. The local municipal utility recently invested $30M in EE programs, however.
Please explain why you do not have a city climate change action plan and any future plans to create one.
Due to the increase of periods of drought and temperature there is an increase in respiratory diseases and allergies
Please select the type of commitment and attach evidence.
During severe storms, emergency evacuations pose health risks to older adults, especially those with limited mobility who cannot use elevators during power outages. Evacuations may be complicated by the need for concurrent transfer of medical records, medications, and medical equipment. Some individuals with disabilities may also be disproportionally affected if they are unable to access evacuation routes, have difficulty in understanding or receiving warnings of impending danger, or have limited ability to communicate their needs.
Provide details of your products and/or services that you classify as low-carbon products or that enable a third party to avoid GHG emissions.
Husky has 33 currently approved carbon intensities registered with the B.C. Ministry of Energy and Mines using the GHGenius model to calculate carbon intensities.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
We consider risks related to customer sentiment of performance, value and efficiency of the products we sell. Our ENERGY STAR ® certified appliances, such as dishwashers, water heaters, refrigerators and washer and dryers, help customers save on their utility bills and reduce their impact on the environment. In 2017, we sold enough ENERGY STAR ® products to save customers approximately $5 billion in utility costs over the products' lifetimes.
Please describe the main actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, and vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section.
Both EBMUD and the City of Richmond are increasing efforts to improve conservation, upgrade storage and delivery systems, and diversify local water supplies. The City will promote water conservation and recycled water use by supporting EBMUD outreach and conservation programs (WaterSmart Calculator, water surveys, WaterSmart Gardener, WaterSmart Business Certification, etc.), as well as Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) programs that provide financing for water efficiency and conservation improvements.
Please list the most significant climate hazards faced by your city and indicate the probability and consequence of these hazards, as well as the expected future change in frequency and intensity. Please also select the most relevant assets or services that are affected by the climate hazard and provide a description of the impact.
The city minimizes risks related to changes caused by climate change in the planning and construction phase. Adaptation has been taken into account in the risk management of the city.
Report the total number of meals that are annually served and/or sold through programs managed by your city (this includes schools, hospitals, shelters, public canteens, etc.).
Carbon footprint for meals served is 13 500 t CO2-ekv/year and 1,2 kg CO2-ekv per meal. The share of food is 90% of total carbon footprint (other are transport and place of business)
The Global Covenant of Mayors requires committed cities to report their inventories in the format of the new Common Reporting Framework, to encourage standard reporting of emissions data. Please provide a breakdown of your city-wide emissions by sector and sub-sector in the table below. Where emissions data is not available, please use the relevant notation keys to explain the reason why.
Included in Waste (Solid waste disposal)Emissions for the municipality is calculated by SSB and The Norwegian Environment Agency's. Only direct emissions within the city boundary are calculated for municipalities
Please describe the main actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, and vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section.
In Holland it is not common to serve meals on schools. The primary school children go home to eat or stay at school for their (sandwich) lunch . Als the children on secondary school eat their own lunch.There are no public canteens. We only serve meals (for low cost price) in social activity centres.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
We have not yet investigated this as a Scope 3 source, and therefore do not know its relevance to our business. We are aware of an emerging effort to decide the carbon content of various financial instruments. We stay on top of the latest developments by engaging with leaders in this field, such as HIP Investors and Ecofys. To date, there is no accepted methodology to determine the carbon footprint of common financial instruments held by insurers such as U.S. Treasury bills, specific municipal bonds, CMBS (Commercial Backed Mortgage Securities) or RMBS (Residential BackedMortgage Securities.) We are not aware of any effort currently to begin the work to build a credible methodology to capture the carbon content of most of the above-named financial instruments.
Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.
Scope 1 emissions excluding emissions from grid-supplied energy generation: This does not include sinks from land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF). The value is calculated based on the emissions from the sectors c+d+e+f+g.Scope 1 emissions from grid-supplied energy generation within the region’s boundary: CO2 emissions from electricity generation in Lombardy, please see Annex 1.Total Scope 2 emissions: CO2 emissions from electricity imported from outside Lombardy, please see Annex 1.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Lockheed Martin is a publicly traded, global security and aerospace company. We research, design, develop, manufacture, integrate and sustain advanced technology systems, products and services, and provide management, engineering, technical, scientific, logistics, systems integration and cybersecurity services, primarily to U.S. and allied government agencies. Our mission is to solve complex challenges, advance scientific discovery and deliver innovative solutions to help our customers keep people safe. In addition to our primary customers, other customers include commercial entities in various sectors, such as energy. Lockheed Martin operates in both owned and leased building spaces (including offices, manufacturing plants, warehouses, service centers, laboratories and other facilities) at more than 590 facilities in 50 U.S. states, and Lockheed Martin has business locations in more than 50 nations and territories. In 2017, we employed approximately 100,000 people worldwide and generated net sales of $51.0 billion. Lockheed Martin's operating units are organized into four business areas: Aeronautics, Missiles and Fire Control, Rotary and Mission Systems and Space. In late 2015, we acquired Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation (Sikorsky) and aligned it under our Rotary and Mission Systems (RMS) business segment. In late 2016, we completed the process of integrating Sikorsky energy and carbon data into our internal sustainment assessment and have included this data in our response to CDP's questionnaire for the first time.
Please describe the process for how your city has identified and assessed specific adaptation actions. Select all that apply and provide a description of each action assessment method.
Annual monitoring of GHG emissions is underway, and assessment of each project’s progress towards their targets is also taking place.
Please provide details of your local government operations emissions reduction target.
The City of Greater Sudbury owns and operates more than 600 buildings. Under the provisions of Regulation 397/11, 229 of these require energy and emission monitoring and reporting. In 2017, these facilities consumed approximately 116eGWh of total energy and produced approximately 11,200 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. That is a decrease of approximately 4000eMWh of total energy produced and 5,800 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. This decrease is mainly due to efficient choices in retrofits.
Please select the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your city’s water supply.
Boulder has long understood the importance of local climate action. Boulder’s residents and businesses were among the first in the country to implement programs like the Climate Action Plan Tax (CAP Tax) and a host of other energy efficiency and conservation programs. Some of these, including EnergySmart, SmartRegs and the Building Performance Ordinance, are being replicated elsewhere as they begin to achieve the full benefits of their implementation locally. Others, like a localcarbon offset fund and changing our energy supply from fossil fuels to renewable sources through the possible creation of a local electric utility, are still taking shape. As communities become more aware of the importance of local action, there has been an emerging focus on access to accurate and timely data. Boulder has been working at the regional and state-levels to identify and remove certain barriers to effectively track and report emissions-related activities. Boulder's efforts have helped to remove many of these barriers while simultaneously providing lessons learned and best practices for other communities in our region, country, and abroad, many of which Boulder is working with the further climate change efforts. Boulder participates in regional and national consortiums addressing climate change including Rocky Mountain Climate Organization and was a founding member of the Colorado Communities for Climate Action (CC4CA). Boulder is active in the Mayor's National Climate Action Agenda, and participates in climate-related actions with ICLEI, the Colorado Municipal League, National League of Cities, Metro Mayors, ICMA and the Denver Regional Council of Governments, Urban Sustainability Directors Network, Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance, National Association of Clean Air Agencies and the Ellen Macarthur Foundation.This is a critical time for our environment and our community--but it is also an exciting time. Once again, our community is positioned to be a leader.
Provide details on the initiatives implemented in the reporting year in the table below.
Other, please specify: BECK has company vehicles available to check-out to encourage carpooling to meetings and events.
Provide details on the initiatives implemented in the reporting year in the table below.
Through our Sustainable Supply Chain Program we work with our supplier network to ensure quality, compliance and social responsibility. We assess suppliers for social and environmental risks through our Supplier Sustainability Program. In an annual survey or in audits, suppliers attest to their ethical, environmental, labor and management practices. We monitor their progress and in 2017, 70 percent of our top suppliers adhered to our sustainability requirements. These scores measure performance and progress and are incorporated into supplier business reviews.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
In 2016 AbbVie decided to take a leadership approach to climate change by setting new aggressive targets to reduce emissions. Our GHG reduction target is to reduce emissions 25% absolute, by 2025 with a 2015 baseline. All GHG targets are combined scope 1 and 2 market based. It should be noted that the CO2 emissions associated with the acquisition of Stemcentrx and Pharmacyclics are not included in the target calculation because they were not included in the 2015 baseline. The CO2 emissions from these two businesses account for less than 1% of the total AbbVie CO2 emissions.
Provide details on the initiatives implemented in the reporting year in the table below.
Our company has purchased electric for some of our sites from vendors in Europe obtaining the guarantees of origin. We have also bought national REC's in an equal amount of the solar REC's we sold from one of our PV installations in the US.
Which of the following risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments?
Union Pacific accounted for the transmission and distribution losses associated with all electricity purchases, as well as extraction, production and transportation emissions for all fossil fuel purchases
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Given that about 40% of GHG emissions in the U.S. come from transportation, vehicles that run on natural gas and electricity can be instrumental in improving the environment. Through our utility SDG&E, we work with customers on how to integrate electric vehicles and charging infrastructure into homes and work environments. In addition, the natural gas vehicle (NGV) program provides information, education and training to operators of NGVs and nearly 350 NGV refueling stations located throughout Southern California. Alternative fuel vehicles reduce scope 1 emissions for third parties. In 2018, SoCalGas and SDG&E delivered 171 million therms to customers operating NGVs and NGV refueling stations, equivalent to 137 million gallons of gasoline, which reduced CO2e emissions by approximately 305,000 tons per year. Through the Power your Drive program, SDG&E is installing more than 3,000 electric vehicle charging stations in support of the California governor's goal of 500,000 zero emissions vehicles in its service territory by 2030. As of the end of 2018, 2,818 charging units had been installed in SDG&E's service territory, leading to avoided emissions from gasoline-powered vehicles.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
If our products do not meet energy efficiency regulations and standards, there is potential for this to result in reduced demand for our products and decreased sales. The extent of energy performance on final procurement decisions and hence the impact on revenue is unclear. However, as a worst case example, our total equipment sales market share is ~$2.20 Billion and we estimate sales of our products with an eco-label is ~$1.7Billion. If Xerox took no action to meet more stringent requirements introduced by applicable energy efficient regulations or the ENERGY STAR standard within the required timeframe, and our competitors' products become more favorable to customers than our products with an eco-label, a significant proportion of this market share could be at risk. A decrease in equipment sales will also have a secondary financial impact due to decreased sales of associated consumables, such as replacement toner cartridges and other post sales services such as maintenance.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Increasingly, the organization receives requests about the environmental performance of conferences and events, with many convention planners pushing or even requiring the use of green meeting spaces for their events. If Caesars was unable to provide these types of green spaces, we could lose our reputation as a leader in sustainability management, which in turn could result in a loss of both new and existing clients and therefore revenue.
Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.
- A Communities in Transition Program is supporting regional communities to transition to a low carbon economy and identify emerging businesses and industries. This program is funded by the Queensland Government and is supporting six regional communities to develop their own climate transition roadmaps. Business cases have been developed for these roadmaps and communities are fundraising to implement the business cases. - The Queensland Government established the Just Transition Group to work with communities who are most immediately affected by the energy transition. The Group will help create new jobs, drive economic diversification and encourage new investment.
Account for your organization’s gross global Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
This category includes emissions that occurred in the reporting year from transportation and distribution of sold products in vehicles not owned or controlled by the reporting company. Norfolk Southern does not distribute sold products. As such, the emissions generated by downstream transportation and distribution are not relevant to Norfolk Southern.
The Global Covenant of Mayors requires committed cities to report their inventories in the format of the new Common Reporting Framework, to encourage standard reporting of emissions data. Please provide a breakdown of your city-wide emissions by sector and sub-sector in the table below. Where emissions data is not available, please use the relevant notation keys to explain the reason why.
In 2020, Edmonton continued into the third year of its Residential Solar Program, continuing without additional financial rebate provided by the Provincial government. Edmonton combined a powerful online solar potential engagement tool with educational workshops for residents and industry with a $0.40 per watt installed solar rebate. As of the end of 2020, Edmonton's solar program catalyzed over 700 installs with an installed capacity exceeding 5 MW.
Which of the following risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments?
TD monitors market development for shifts in supply and demand for green products and services. We adapt our offerings and review our products to best match these shifts. This is why TD was the first Canadian commercial bank to issue a green bond. In 2017, TD issued a second green bond (one of the largest in developed markets). TD also has a green leading bond underwriting practice.
Please attach and provide details on your climate change risk and vulnerability assessment. Please provide details on the boundary of your assessment, and where this differs from your city’s boundary, please provide an explanation.
Other, please specify: The Center for Resilient Cities and Landscapes, Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation
Please provide details of your total city-wide base year emissions reduction (absolute) target. In addition, you may add rows to provide details of your sector-specific targets, by providing the base year emissions specific to that target.
The City of Winnipeg has recently established a Winnipeg Food Council.
Please describe how your city’s climate change action plan addresses the following key areas, and provide details on the location of this evidence within your plan.
The City will establish a low carbon path that leads to a net zero carbon community while being vibrant, diverse, highly liveable and striving to balance the social, economic and environmental needs of our community. The City will work with senior governments, local governments, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and residents to achieve these deep emission reductions.
Please list the most significant climate hazards faced by your city and indicate the probability and consequence of these hazards, as well as the expected future change in frequency and intensity. Please also select the most relevant assets or services that are affected by the climate hazard and provide a description of the impact.
Risk of forest fires may increase in Tampere when drought and heat waves become more common in summer. If forest fires become more common, fire can polluting the air with emissions harmful to human health. Forest fires may destroy timber and cause economic losses. Forest fires also may have the potential to overwhelm the capabilities of emergency services when taking place at the same time with other disasters.
Please indicate the opportunities your city has identified as a result of addressing climate change and describe how the city is positioning itself to take advantage of these opportunities.
Providence launched a bike share program in 2018, featuring 400 electric assist JUMP bikes. This program was expanded in early 2019 to service a greater area with 1,100 bikes in total.The City is also developing CityWalk, an Urban Trail initiative that will connect the nine Providence neighborhoods with pedestrian friendly paths.Providence currently has over 28 miles of bike lanes. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee continues to ensure that complete streets principles are considered in road projects.The City has released its Great Streets initiative which "establishes a vision and framework for specific public realm improvements citywide that will ultimately connect every Providence neighborhood to a safe, comfortable, high-quality network of public improvements where residents and visitors can walk, run, bike, scoot, and skate to get to schools, jobs, parks, and other important destinations." One stated goal of this initiative is the lowering of greenhouse gas emissions.
List any mitigation, adaptation, water related or resilience projects you have planned within your city for which you hope to attract financing and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your city does not have any relevant projects, please select 'No relevant projects' under 'Project Area'.
The tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus), which can carry the viruses responsible for dengue fever, chikungunya and zyka, is spreading in temperate regions. In 2015, observation of the tiger mosquito in Paris, followed by mosquito control operations. From 2016, implementation of reinforced entomological surveillance. Implantation of the tiger mosquito in Paris at the end of 2018, with no cases of indigenous arbovirosis reported. This is linked in particular to a vector population that is too low and concentrated in a single district on the outskirts of Paris. The common mosquito Culex sp. which can be a vector of the West Nile virus, is already established in Paris, but the virus is not circulating there. This arbovirosis, on the other hand, has been present in the Mediterranean basin for several years. The strengthening of the role of water and nature in cities as part of adaptation to climate change entails an increased risk of the tiger mosquito becoming established or of the stronger presence of the common mosquito. Preventive actions (surveillance of mosquito implantation or control once the mosquito has been implanted, investigations following reported cases, training of health professionals, public information, etc.), within the framework of national regulations, which are the responsibility of the ARS (Régional Health Agengy), are also increasing and could limit the risk. The city has an expert entomologist, who is responsible for communication on the fight against mosquito nuisances for city employees (high-risk occupations) and the public, and participates in coordination on surveillance and vector control. This issue is taken into account in several city policies (Environmental health Plan, Biodiversity Plan, Local health contract, Resilience Strategy, etc.) and in urban projects.The incidence of Lyme borreliosis is relatively low in Ile-de-France compared to other French regions. However, it seems to be on the increase in metropolitan France and there is a risk of expansion in Paris for several reasons: movement of ticks northwards (and in altitude) due to climatic changes (milder winters, too hot and dry summers in southern regions), increase in the period of tick activity, increase in nature in cities (favourable to the presence of ticks), increase in activities in forests/parks.
Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.
HB 2001 requires public buildings greater than 5000 sq feet or the renovation of a building where the cost of the renovation exceeds 50 percent of the value of the building meet Virginia Energy Conservation and Environmental Standards and install sufficient EV infrastructure.
Please report on how climate change impacts health outcomes and health services in your city.
The climate and energy plan has the legal status of a "Sub-master plan", that is an extension of the main municipal master plan.The climate and energy plan provides targets and strategies for municipal climate policy 2017-2030. The plan is due to be revised in 2021-2022.Action measures where in the period 2017-2020 contained in the climate and energy plan's four year "action programme" (see below). This was replaced in 2021 by an expanded Climate Budget, which is updated yearly (see below).
List the average emission factors of the fuels reported in C8.2c.
U.S. EPA Center for Corporate Climate Leadership GHG Emission Factors - Emission Factors for GHG Inventories - (Last Modified3/9/2018) Table 1 - Stationary Combustion - Blast Furnace Gas
Provide details of your emissions intensity target(s) and progress made against those target(s).
We continue to work to reduce scope 2 emissions from electricity consumption at our buildings and yards. We invest in energy efficiency projects including HVAC, lighting and air compressor upgrades. This includes a $5 million EcoFund to support energy and emission reduction projects.
State if the emissions factors and activity data used to calculate your cities emissions are accessible within the attached emissions inventory in question 4.5. If so, please describe where these are located within the attached inventory.
Other, please specify: Water Supply is outside of the local authority's remit, being provided by Yorkshire Water Services Ltd. Their Management Plan is at the Implementation stage.
Account for your organization’s Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
Goodyear's Government Compliance and Retread Tire Technology groups worked directly with the EPA SmartWay® engineers to assess future modifications to the current retread verification protocol. Goodyear provided a retread facility for the EPA to conduct their work and met with them at the facility to answer questions.
Please provide some key examples of how your city collaborates with business and/or industries in the table below.
Dane County works closely with the statewide C-PACE program and local lenders that offer C-PACE loans to promote the program to businesses, local economic development agencies and other stakeholders.
What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities?
Reputational risks are included in Oracle's climate-related risk assessments. For example, Oracle's performance on certain sustainability surveys/indices, including CDP and DJSI, could impact Oracle's reputation, and subsequently Oracle's business.
How many meals per year are served through programs managed by your city? (this includes schools, canteens, hospitals etc.)
219,000 meals per year through programs run by the Ministry of Social and Family Development
Please list the most significant climate hazards faced by your city and indicate the probability and consequence of these hazards, as well as the expected future change in frequency and intensity. Please also select the most relevant assets or services that are affected by the climate hazard and provide a description of the impact.
Implementation of fire hazard plan (internal code 8) – control of invasive species and reforestation with autochthones ones. Enforcing monitoring of forest fires and cleaning/maintenance of such areas. Climate monitoring for prevention purposes.
Please describe the impact of national and/or regional climate change activities on your city’s own climate change activities.
As a part of Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, Espoo has committed to produce a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) by 2020. The SECAP plan includes also an adaptation action plan.
Please describe the main goals of your city’s adaptation efforts and the metrics / KPIs for each goal.
The City Council has carried out different actions with the aim of making citizens more aware of how to save water Thanks to the awareness campaigns, water consumption has been reduced about 20% in the last 15 years down to 105.5 liters per day per capita. Some of these measures are: World Water Day, which the Council takes part in through different measures, informative material such as ‘L’Espai de Mar’, ‘L’aigua i la ciutat’, exhibitions and visits to the water cycle facilities. ‘L’aigua i la ciutat’ and exhibitions.We are also taking some other actions that we are not allowed to put in that list, like production of the Technical Plan to MaximiseAlternative Water Resources 2012-2015, the constructionand start-up of the desalination plant, the improvement of the system’s redundancy or the Municipal Action Plan for the Risk of Drought.We are also doing:Municipal water efficiency retrofits: Water-saving faucet installation at municipal buildings.Smart irrigation system has progressively been installed, arriving in 2015 to 61% of the green spaces of Barcelona. This system has rainfall, evapotranspiration and plant water requirements into account in determining the amount of water to irrigate. Diversifying water supply (including new sources): Barcelona city council is doing the implementation of the Alternative Water Resources Master Plan (2020) for promote the use of underground water for uses that do not need drinking water quality. The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona has built a desalinisation plant to guarantee water supply at homes and avoid domestic water restrictions. Investment in existing water supply infrastructure: Improvement of the system’s redundancy.Use of non-potable water outside: The Alternative Water Resources Master Plan (2020) for promote the use of underground water for uses that do not need drinking water quality like street cleaning, sewer network cleaning, irrigation of green spaces.Use of non-potable water indoors (within building) The city council is doing pilot projects in municipal buildings for using grey waters for toilets and irrigation of green spaces (after biodepuration)Efficiency regulations or standards: Barcelona city council has a Municipal Action Plan for the Risk of Drought in case of water supply shortage (Plan currently in the process of revision).
Account for your organization’s Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
Not included within scope, a materiality assessment carried out in 2016 indicated that emissions from waste generated in our operations were immaterial (0.05% of overall Scope 3 emissions) and we do not anticipate any changes in terms of materiality.
What actions are you undertaking to reduce your emissions in your local government operations?
An increase in bushfire weather conditions across the Greater Sydney Region could lead to business interruption and economic loss within the LGA due to interrupted accessibility in and out the City and strain on resources and services. This risk addresses bushfires continuing to cause extensive property and infrastructure damage across the Greater Sydney Region with cascading impacts on the LGA, including: ? Damage to the transport network delaying or stranding CBD workers. ? Limited availability of emergency response and social services within the CBD due to transfer of capacity to regional disaster zones. ? Decrease in tourism due to reduced appeal of attraction on Sydney’s fringe. ? Reduced productivity and economic loss due to CBD workers and LGA workforce taking leave to volunteer or defend property. ? Contaminated water supply.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Upstream transmission and distribution (T&D) line loss are accounted for using DTE's internal T&D line loss rate for the year multiplied by DTE's total purchased power (including interconnect sales). Emissions are calculated using eGRID2016's (Created February 15, 2018) total output emission rate (lb/MWh) for CO2e in subregion RFC Michigan.
Please provide details of your total city-wide base year emissions reduction (absolute) target. In addition, you may add rows to provide details of your sector-specific targets, by providing the base year emissions specific to that target.
The City of Turin has joined to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy and the target identified reflects the objectives of the EU at 2030.
The Global Covenant of Mayors requires committed cities to report their inventories in the format of the new Common Reporting Framework, to encourage standard reporting of emissions data. Please provide a breakdown of your city-wide emissions by sector and sub-sector in the table below. Where emissions data is not available, please use the relevant notation keys to explain the reason why.
emissions from the extraction, transformation and transportation ofprimary fossil fuels within the city boundary.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
As our production facilities consume 5-10% of their energy for heating and cooling purposes, a change in average temperature, would increase HVAC costs, impacting the cost of operations. We estimate that for every degree Farenheit of increased mean temperature, our HVAC costs would rise by 6-8% monthly on average. The potential financial impact of $738,057 USD represents the additional cost in a year in which mean temperatures have risen by 1 degree Farenheit. This amount takes into account estimated decreased energy needs for heating and 3% loss of productivity due to decreased productivity of workers and the effect increased temperatures have on manufacturing equipment.
Please attach and provide details on your climate change risk and vulnerability assessment. Please provide details on the boundary of your assessment, and where this differs from your city’s boundary, please provide an explanation.
Consultation internally with staff, presented to management and workshop held with decision makersWorked with the University Tasmania to develop local climate models using CMIP5 which were used to inform Risk Management Adaptation Planning processes in line with ISO 140001Endorsed by the Council and reviewed annually Has been scaled to southern councils to harmonize and standardize local government climate responses through the Southern Tasmanian Councils Authority's climate program and is supported through the publication Hobart Climate Information for Decision Makers
Report the total number of meals that are annually served and/or sold through programs managed by your city (this includes schools, hospitals, shelters, public canteens, etc.).
The latest GPC compliant GHG inventory was developed in strong collaboration with C40. Therefore a good quality assurance has been provided through the C40 TA program.
Please provide details on your city’s energy efficiency targets.
Other, please specify: 15% reduction in kWh/gross square feet within 5 years of the baseline year
How many public access EV charging points do you have in your city and/or metropolitan area for the following types.
A current issue is that during heavy precipitation, uncleaned sewage runs into the city's rivers and the fjord, which can cause water-borne diseases. Due to this the city warns the population to not swim in rivers and the fjord 24 hours after these events. Projections suggest that new species in water due to higher temperatures in the fjord can cause wound infections. In a medium-term perspective the probability of injuries caused by heavy precipitation is increasing, however the city plan for managing storm water and urban flooding to prevent this from happening. Higher temperatures increases the probability of invasive vector-borne species. In addition, higher temperatures and drought affects the public health, especially small children, eldery and persons with medical conditions. Also outdoor workers will suffer during higher temperatures.
Which of the following risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments?
Our climate related product offerings are embedded throughout our four business units – S&P Global Ratings, S&P Global Market Intelligence, S&P Dow Jones Indices & S&P Global Platts – we are not able to attribute a number to the cost of management of these individual products.
Please identify the risks to your city’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.
5% of City of Hamilton residents rely on private wells that many times are not properly maintained. These wells have the potential to be greatly impacted by drought conditions. The first to be affected are the shallow aquifers that will experience limited recharge and increased demand. For the Greensville Rural Settlement Area we completed a detailed Water Budget as the assessment of the source revealed a high degree of stress within the subwatershed and shown that under drought conditions of (only) 2 years the shallow wells can experience a drop in water levels of 7m. This drop is considered significant as some of the residential wells do not have a great water column available or the well cannot be operated at very low water levels. Also an increase in extreme weather events is expected to increase flooding and soil erosion. This will result in degraded surface water quality due to the suspension of sediments, nutrients and pesticides.
Since your last submission, have you needed to recalculate any past city-wide GHG emission inventories previously reported to CDP?
City of Bloomington Utilities meters all customers monthly, and is in the process of installing advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) throughout the service territory.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Host is strategically investing in on-site energy generation to hedge against increases in the cost of energy in key markets. For example, all of our hotels in Hawaii have solar photovoltaic systems to generate on-site energy either in place or in development. We have also invested in on-site co-generation and steam-to-gas conversion systems at hotels in our New York and Texas markets.We enter into forward purchase agreements to hedge against cost increases in fuel, energy and commodities. Currently, we hedge up to 50% of our exposure to energy costs. Using our ISO 14001 certified EMS, we evaluate the entire consolidated portfolio on a quarterly basis to identify energy reduction opportunities and investment in capital expenditures to increase energy efficiency within our portfolio.In 2019, we continued to partner with our brands to support them in reducing food waste, which is economically inefficient and a significant part of their waste streams. For example, Marriott has set a public goal to reduce food waste by 50% from 2016-2025. We also continue to work with our EPA SmartWay® logistics providers and suppliers to optimize sourcing and distribution of products such as case goods, to manage risks associated with increased shipping costs. We have estimated past shipping cost savings of nearly 40% through this program.COST CALCULATION: In 2019, we invested nearly $55 million in completed emissions reduction projects that help reduce our exposure to price volatility. These investments have helped Host to reduce emissions per square foot by nearly 40% since 2008.
Provide details of other key climate-related targets not already reported in question C4.1/a/b.
The MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of heat is for transportation (vehicles/heavy machinery). 1.1 g CH4/MMBtu and 0.11 g N2O/MMBtu used as well to calculate total CO2e emissions.
How many buses has your city procured in the last year?
Decision of the municipal parliament in July 2017: Climate change adaptation concept for Heidelberg
Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.
Gross electricity generation in Catalonia 2018. Emissions are calculated applying the Spanish electricity emission factor for 2018 (0.321 kg CO2/kWh), since the Catalan electricity system is part of the Spanish peninsular one.
Please describe the main actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, and vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section.
Beginning in 2020, DOEE began publishing annual progress reports on Climate Ready DC in conjunction with our annual reporting on Sustainable DC. The report includes progress towards key performance indicators based on reports from responsible agencies.
Please indicate the opportunities your city has identified as a result of addressing climate change and describe how the city is positioning itself to take advantage of these opportunities.
The Department of Finance and Management completed retro-commissioning of the Central Safety Building, saving about 225,000 kWh/year and has awarded a contract to retrofit 6 additional municipal facilities in 2019 and 2020.
Which of the following risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments?
We expect supply and demand for natural gas to continue to grow, and we are well-positioned to continue to capture a significant portion of that growth.
How many people within your city are employed in green jobs/industries?
0.777 MW at a waste-water-treatment plant7,297 MW citywide (data: september 2017)
Please provide more information on your plan that addresses climate change adaptation and attach the document. Please provide details on the boundary of your plan, and where this differs from your city’s boundary, please provide an explanation.
8 week consultation using a public survey, business and institutional engagement events, alongside internal engagement.
Give details of your climate-related engagement strategy with your customers.
ThermWise® is our Utah program to promote the use of energy-efficient appliances and practices to reduce natural gas usage. The initial ThermWise energy assistance budget for 2018 was $24.5 million, with a measure of success being more than 81,000 customers participating. The team forecasted saving 1.15 million Dth of natural gas in 2018, which equates to the annual usage of nearly 14,500 customers. It is estimated that over 70,000 participated in the ThermWise program in 2018 with a natural gas savings of 950,000 Dth, which is about 86% of our original forecasted goal. An estimated $23 million was spent for energy efficiency programs. The savings were equivalent to more than 50,000 tons of CO2 avoided in 2018 from t ThermWise program in 2018, with a natural gas savings of 950,000 Dth. An estimated $23 million was spent for energy efficiency programs.
Please give a general description and introduction to your city including your city’s reporting boundary in the table below.
Emission factors and activity data can be located in the sheet titled: Emission Factors
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government.
If a fossil-fuelled heating system (space heat and/or hot water) has reached the end of its life cycle, it has to be replaced by a system powered by renewable energy . This is under the replacement is technically feasible and does not lead to additional costs. In the case of a one-to-one replacement with a heating system, the proportion of non-renewable energy used in the building must be reduced by at least 20 percent. This can be achieved through efficiency measures (reduction of energy use through measures in consumption) or substitution with renewable energy. The obligation to reduce consumption by 20 percent does not apply to buildings with Minergie certification or which achieve at least class C in the GEAK energy performance certificate
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government.
Other, please specify: We will request this information from the Ministry of Water and Irrigation
Provide details of the sources of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions that are within your selected reporting boundary which are not included in your disclosure.
Emission from two of our offices; Boston, MA Office and Toronto, ON Office are excluded from the inventory
Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.
Rio Grande do Sul State is located on the south of Brazil. This condition results in considerable climate variation through the year, despite the mean value of the main climate normals indicating a stable precipitation regime and positive water balance in annual terms once the hydric excess is recorded between winter and spring and droughts occur between summer and autumn. There isn’t a defined dry season and climate anomalies greatly influence the state’s weather. Several climatic models indicates increasing of temperatures and precipitation. The range of agricultural oportunities will be expand.The hydropower system would be more important in the brazilian energy schedule.
Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.
The Queensland Government supports public transport options around Queensland. The Queensland Government offers concessions on public transport services in south-east Queensland and on regional qconnect urban bus services and regional ferry services. In South-East Queensland the Queensland Government introduced reduced fares from January 2017 across all zones. The Queensland Government regularly improves bus services and public transport through upgrading the network and building new infrastructure.
What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities?
Nine projects across the U.S., Canada, Brazil, Italy, and France impacting our processes, resulting in energy efficiency and operational improvements, including new metering systems, peak demand management, steam distribution system improvements, process equipment upgrades, and system automation and optimization
Account for your organization’s Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
In 2019, Delta Air Lines served more than 200 million customers. In 2020, Delta was named the most admired airline for the ninth time in ten years. Additionally, Delta has ranked No.1 in the Business Travel News Annual Airline survey for an unprecedented nine consecutive years. With an industry-leading global network, Delta and the Delta Connection carriers offered service to 300 destinations in 50 countries on six continents in 2019. Headquartered in Atlanta, Delta employed more than 75,000 employees worldwide and operated a mainline fleet of more than 900 aircraft in 2019. The airline is a founding member of the SkyTeam global alliance and participates in the industry's leading transatlantic joint venture with Air France- KLM and Alitalia as well as a joint venture with Virgin Atlantic. Including its worldwide alliance partners, Delta offered customers more than 15,000 daily flights in 2019, with key hubs and markets including Amsterdam, Atlanta, Boston, Detroit, Los Angeles, Minneapolis/St. Paul, New York-JFK and LaGuardia, London-Heathrow, Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Salt Lake City, Seattle and Tokyo-Narita. Delta has invested billions of dollars in airport facilities, global products and services, and technology to enhance the customer experience in the air and on the ground. Additional information is available on the Delta News Hub, as well as, Twitter @DeltaNewsHub,, and
Please provide some key examples of how your city collaborates with business in the table below.
Regulations, e.g. distance requirements between risk facilities and water drillings. Emergency Plan in case of incidents.
Which risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments?
In our facility in Romania: we worked to control our usage of electricity. We did this by establishing an energy team in the facility who worked on identifying all the electrical sources and consumers (direct and indirect) and performing an energy analysis for energy consumers. We were successful in this process.
Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.
No: Outside of the mandate of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, unsure who, if anyone, in the GNWT would be responsible
Please detail which goals and targets are incorporated in your city’s master plan and describe how these goals are addressed in the table below.
By 2030, Msunduzi intends to;-have 100% of businesses are rendered a waste collection and disposal services twice a week.- Implement annual infrastructure upgrades of waste disposal sites- 25% of household and business waste is sorted on site. Maximize recovery, re-use and recycling. Minimize waste disposed to landfill and extend life spans of landfill .
Give details of your climate-related engagement strategy with your customers.
The Company's consumer education initiatives include providing demand and energy usage information, educational opportunities, and online customer support options to assist customers in managing their energy consumption. The Company's website has a section dedicated to energy conservation that contains helpful information for both residential and non-residential customers, including information about the Company's DSM programs. Through consumer education, the Company is working to encourage the adoption of energy-efficient technologies in residences and businesses in Virginia and North Carolina.Examples of how the Company seeks to increase customer awareness include newsletters, news releases, social media, online calculators and outreach.
Please indicate the opportunities your city has identified as a result of addressing climate change and describe how the city is positioning itself to take advantage of these opportunities.
Mobilization of stakeholders to develop and implement adaptation to climate change (water resource and quality preservation, adaptation to flood episodes, ...);Creation of new facilities and infrastructures taking into account climate change aspects (more rational urbanization, adapted agriculture, etc.);Solidarity and concerted action with all actors;Reduce margins of uncertainty and propose effective adaptation measures (implementation of works, studies, etc.)
Is your city implementing any retrofit programs addressing existing commercial, residential and/or municipal buildings?
For the renovation of municipal buildings,the City is setting ambitious renovation targets for its most energy inefficient buildings with a view to reducing the energy consumption of its entire building stock by 40% in 2030. In this perspective, it will launch a long-term renovation programme for its most energy-inefficient buildings including 300 primary schools, 40 secondary schools and 15 swimming pools. In 2020, the City of Paris will draft a Master Plan for the Energy Efficiencyof Public Buildings (Schéma Directeur de Performance Énergétique des Bâtiments Publics) in order to optimise the management of its property assets. For the residential sector, the City of Paris will continue to support social housing providers in their efforts to renovate their stock on a massive scale. The target is to reduce energy consumption by 35% in all social housing stock by 2030 and 50% by 2050 in relation to 2004, taking account of all improvements made. To achieve these targets, the number of renovations is increased to 5,000 housing units per year from 2020, which will require in particular that the investment capacities of lessors be guaranteed by the State.Furthermore, the energy-efficiency projects of residents of jointly owned properties in Paris currently receive support from the City and the Paris Climate Agency, in particular via the “Eco-rénovons Paris” scheme which contributes to reducing energy consumption and combating fuel poverty. This programme and those carried out by the APC will need to be stepped up and adapted in order to boost the rate of energy renovations. For the tertiary sector, the major specialized operators and large corporations must continue to renovate their assets and will be able to benefit from the impetus provided by the Paris Climate Action Charter. In addition, the City of Paris will establish a specific support programme for renovations carried about by small-scale tertiary/service sector operators (e.g. shops, self-employed professionals, etc.) after 2020.
Does your city have any of the following initiatives, policies and/or regulations.
Council's tender documents have a specific section with designated questions around waste management, recycling, and sustainability.
Select the options that best describe your organization's frequency and time horizon for identifying and assessing climate-related risks.
Exelon regularly performs risk assessments to identify and assess the top risks facing our company. This assessment framework examines strategic, financial, operational, regulatory/compliance and reputational risks, and has been automated for enhanced intelligence and risk analytic capabilities. Exelon employs various market, credit, liquidity and operational risk assessment tools to identify financial and business risk exposures that are evaluated by executive risk management committees at the corporate level and within our major operating units. The ERM group works with these operating units regularly to identify, assess and manage key risks. The ERM process works with our Strategic Plan, focusing on risks up to 10 years out, and emerging risk reporting focuses on risks beyond the 10-year horizon. Widespread system outages resulting from major weather events is a risk that we actively manage, including the increasing frequency and severity of such events in a changing climate.
Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, or vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section.
Air quality is daily monitored by the Regional Environment Department and the City of Venice. During dhe termic season from october to april, When pollution limits get overcome, the City Mayor issues orders about traffic limitation. info
What is the agreement or target?
For the past 3 years the Community and Municipal Inventories have been verified by the ICLEI staff who is serving California's local governments. There is not an official certificate but is rather a process based on a request to validate the calculation methods and the results.
Please detail which goals and targets are incorporated in your city’s master plan and describe how these goals are addressed in the table below.
- Roll out individualised collection systems for domestic and commercial waste throughout the city, increasing selective collection to 65% in order to reduce the need for incineration.- Achieve 1.2 kg waste/inhab/day- 100% Individualise municipal waste collection - 100% of municipal dining rooms with healthier diets low in carbon (2021)
Please provide details of your renewable energy target(s) and how the city plans to meet those targets.
In accordance of national circumstances, The Executive Yuan has formulated an ambitious but achievable INDC, adhering to the 2°C target of Paris agreement.Taiwan’s INDC is aimed to accelerate to reduce emission. Based on the 2005 level, the reduction of emission of Taiwan is targeting 2 percent below 2005 level by 2020 in the short-term, 20 percent below 2005 level by 2030 intermediate and 50 percent below 2005 level by 2050 in long-term.According to the national INDC, Pingtung County Government has developed its own GHG reduction plan and conducted by local governance.
Please identify and describe the factors that most greatly affect your city’s ability to adapt to climate change and indicate how those factors either support or challenge this ability.
Links to assessment documents per topic are available in Finnish at the right side at: An English summary of the page is available at :