The Global Covenant of Mayors requires committed cities to report their inventories in the format of the new Common Reporting Framework, to encourage standard reporting of emissions data. Please provide a breakdown of your city-wide emissions by sector and sub-sector in the table below. Where emissions data is not available, please use the relevant notation keys to explain the reason why.
No significant grid-related indirect emissions from aviation Emissions that take place below 3000 feet, according to national methodology. The city airport is located outside the city boundary.N/A - not applicable in Cities Guidance page 40 and/or non mandatory field in in CRF Guidance Table 1
Please indicate if your city-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and describe why.
As a whole GHG emission decreased by 16% between 2013 and 2017. The more substantial reductions regard stationary sources , with a 20% reduction in Scope 1 emissions, mainly due to the substitution of diesel oil boilers (mainly with gas condensing boilers) and marginally due to building energy deep retrofit. The 6% reduction in scope 2 stationary emissions is due to the decrease of the national emission factor for electricity, as electricity consumption in buildings didn't have a significant variation between 2013-2017Regarding transport, there is a 5% reduction in Scope 1 emissions (always between 2013 and 2017), mainly due to private vehicles substitution and a 9% reduction in Scope 2 emission due to an increased efficiency of electric public transport and to the decrease of the national emission factor for electricity. Regarding transport the slight increase (1%) between 2013 and 2015 is probably due to the traffic increase generated by EXPO 2015 and connected events.
Account for your organization’s gross global Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
We diverted 81% of total waste away from landfills in 2019 through ambitious composting and recycling plans, and the incorporation of waste-to-energy opportunities when available.
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
In June of 2018, APS submitted a Renewable Energy Standard (RES) Implementation Plan to the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) requesting funding approval for existing program commitments and deployment of previously authorized programs. The Company expects to achieve compliance with the 2019 RES requirements, except for the residential distributed generation (DG) target, provided all of the resources are authorized. APS expects the total base budget for production based incentives and other DG legacy costs, purchase power agreement projects in 2019 to be $89.9M, and the total request for the 2019-2023 Plan to be $431.4M, not including any funding offsets. One example within the plan are Renewable Generation (RG) resources, which are larger-scale renewable energy resources that serve the energy demand of all APS customers. APS's targeted RG resources for 2019 is 2,478GWh. Another program included in the plan is the continuation of the APS Solar Communities Program. APS owns all the generation under the program and all the renewable energy credits and program attributes require APS to invest between $10 and $15 million annually over three years (2018, 2019, 2020). APS is seeking $3.4 million in 2019 for the Program. The Program is available to low-and moderate-income customers in single-family and multifamily housing, as well as non-profit commercial customers that serve limited income populations, Title I Schools, and rural government customers.
Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.
The state collaborates in a contracted way with the municipality of Hermosillo, in the elaboration of programs and planning for development on issues related to climate change.
Give details of your climate-related engagement strategy with your customers.
We have calculated the potential financial impact based on the estimated savings from reduced technician visits to customer homes to install products like modems, set top boxes, phones, etc. In fiscal 2019 we avoided approximately 12,000 truck rolls through the use of self-installation options by our customers. Based on average costs for an install truck roll and a service call of approximately $85, total estimated cost savings in fiscal 2019 are approximately $1 million as reported in C4.3b.
The Global Covenant of Mayors requires committed cities to report their inventories in the format of the new Common Reporting Framework, to encourage standard reporting of emissions data. Please provide a breakdown of your city-wide emissions by sector and sub-sector in the table below. Where emissions data is not available, please use the relevant notation keys to explain the reason why.
For the determination of greenhouse gas emissions from the stationary energy sector, the buildings subsector and institutional facilities, direct emissions (scope 1) were not considered, because no activity that directly produces these is carried out by this subsector. emissionsRegarding indirect emissions arising from the use of electricity supplied on the grid (scope 2), institutional and municipal buildings and public lighting were considered within this sector.Indirect emissions from the use of heat, steam and / or refrigeration were not determined because these services are not used in Guatemala City or provided through the network.In Guatemala City, there are no activities that cause emissions outside the city limits, in this subsector
Account for your organization’s Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
The lifecycle emissions calculated within this estimate include paper, computer and carpeting emissions. (1) Paper: LCA-based emissions of office/marketing papers (1699.48 MtCO2e) were calculated according to Environmental Paper Network Paper Calculator, Version 3.2.1 using quantities of paper types purchased by Comerica, categorized according to paper type (coated or uncoated free sheet) and percentage of post-consumer recycle content. GWPs provided from the IPCC AR4-100 year (CO2=1, CH4=25, N2O=298). Lifecycle analysis and data quality documentation is provided at: (2) Computers: LCA-based emissions of desktops, notebooks, tablets, all-in-one computers and displays (1317.36 MtCO2e) were calculated based on product-specific information provided by suppliers (Dell and Apple) and quantities of units purchased by Comerica (1,059 notebooks, 261 desktops, 5 tablets, 193 all-in-one units, and 1,799 displays). Emission factors: notebook (297-592 kg CO2e/unit), desktop (427 kg CO2e/unit), tablet (100-122 kg CO2e/unit), all-in-one units (468 kg CO2e/unit) and displays (414.8 kg CO2e/unit). Dell uses using PAIA methodology (IEC TR 62921) to estimate their product emissions factors and provided a document of their product carbon footprint assumptions and breakdown by lifecycle phases. For Apple lifecycle analysis estimations, please refer to (3) Carpeting: The LCA-based emissions of carpet purchases (541.47 MtCO2e) were calculated based on product-specific information provided by suppliers and unit quantities purchased by Comerica (28,410 yd2 carpet tile and 1,567 yd2 carpet broadloom). Emission factors: carpet tile emission factors range from 16.20 to 18.04 kg CO2e/yd2 for carpet tile brands and the broadloom carpet emission factors ranged from 16.25 to 21.16 kg CO2e/ yd2. Lifecycle analysis tests were performed by Shaw/Patcraft (using CML 2001/TRACI 2.1, GaBi 6-2014), and Mohawk (using CML 2001/TRACI 2.0; GaBi 6-2012).
Describe your gross global combined Scope 1 and 2 emissions for the reporting year in metric tons CO2e per unit currency total revenue and provide any additional intensity metrics that are appropriate to your business operations.
Across North America there are a variety of new and evolving initiatives in development at the federal, regional, state and provincial level aimed at reducing GHG emissions. We actively monitor and submit comments to regulators as these new and evolving initiatives are undertaken. We support transparent climate change policies that promote sustainable and economically responsible natural resource development. We expect that, over time, most of our assets will be subject to some form of regulation to manage GHG emissions. Changes in regulations may result in higher operating costs or other expenses, or higher capital expenditures to comply with possible new regulations.
The Global Covenant of Mayors requires committed cities to report their inventories in the format of the new Common Reporting Framework, to encourage standard reporting of emissions data. Please provide a breakdown of your city-wide emissions by sector and sub-sector in the table below. Where emissions data is not available, please use the relevant notation keys to explain the reason why.
IE (BASIC+ - I.3.3 is reported in VI.1; data does not allow for disaggregation). NO (energy industries).
Please identify and describe the factors that most greatly affect your city’s ability to adapt to climate change and indicate how those factors either support or challenge this ability.
Wellington City is a coastal peninsula with very hilly terrain. Most viable land has already been built on, leaving little room for horizontal expansion. Having a compact CBD area would support higher density, vertical planning; however, much of the land in this area has been built on reclaimed land from previous earthquake events, and is highly susceptible to sea level rise, liquefaction and ground-shaking potential. Wellington is currently undertaking a spatial planning process that will dictate our new District Plan. Using updated hazard mapping for this process will ensure that we are able to prioritise growth where best appropriate, and make sure new and existing sites are able to adapt to a changing climate.
Account for your organization’s Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
This target of reducing 100 percent of Scope 2 emissions for all of our worldwide facilities (by powering our facilities worldwide with 100 percent renewable energy) applies to all Apple corporate facilities, data centers, and retail stores worldwide. All reductions to be achieved primarily by energy efficiency projects and new Apple-created renewable generation projects and the direct procurement of bundled renewable energy. We achieved our 100 percent Scope 2 emissions reduction target for all of our worldwide facilities in January 2018, and have maintained it through fiscal year 2019.
Please complete the table to indicate which social risks your city faces as a result of climate change and indicate if these risks have been covered by your city’s action plan.
Sea level rise forecast indicates a large portion of the water front population will be under water covering residential and commercial areas as well as the currently existing waste water treatment plant.
Please describe the main goals of your city’s adaptation efforts and the metrics / KPIs for each goal.
Municipality of Karlskrona shall increase their own production of renewable energy.
Please describe the main actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, and vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section.
This relates to waste generated as a byproduct of municipal operations (e.g., in our facilities, in our parks); this waste is sent to landfill or biologically treated (see Excel spreadsheet for additional details).
Please attach your city-wide inventory in Excel or other spreadsheet format and provide additional details on the inventory calculation methods in the table below.
The inventory was prepared by Carbon Trust, an accredited UK based company under the Malaysia Low Carbon Cities programme funded by the UK government About the Malaysia Low Carbon Cities ProgrammeThis is a three year programme working with municipalities within Greater Kuala Lumpur to create Low Carbon City Strategies.Following extended application processes in 2014, 2015 and 2016 where all municipalities within Greater Kuala Lumpur were invited to express interest in participating in the programme, Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL), Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) and Ampang Jaya City Council (MPAJ) have been selected to work in partnership with the Carbon Trust and the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office, receiving dedicated support to develop robust five-year carbon management strategies for the Council own administrative estates as well as city-wide carbon reduction strategies. This approach has enabled the chosen Councils to lead by example in driving climate change mitigation initiatives in Greater KL, as well as saving energy costs for their own taxpayers.The Carbon Trust project team has worked closely with all three municipalities to develop a city-wide carbon reduction plan. The plan outlines the strategy for reducing the carbon intensity of the cities’ buildings, transport and waste infrastructure. It also details the cities’ plan for the uptake of renewable technology.These engagements are acting as compelling case studies of what city councils can achieve, and are leading the low-carbon city revolution across Malaysia and SE Asia more widely.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
GM integrated water management into its annual business planning process and set targets for each facility to reduce water use intensity by 15% by 2020. Reduction methods are implemented at a facility level and include conservation with behavioral activities, improving equipment efficiency to reduce, and reuse. When plants are located in water-stressed areas, special consideration is given to water treatment technologies. A Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) system was installed at our San Luis Potisi, Mexico facility that produces vehicles and transmissions and is being operated to reuse water in the process, reduce withdrawal from deep wells, and reduce the risk of lack of water for production while providing an opportunity to continue production without interruption. The installed cost was $12M and ongoing operations are $200k
Please detail sustainability goals and targets (e.g. GHG reductions) that are incorporated into your city’s master plan and describe how these are addressed in the table below.
Kuala Lumpur City Hall (KLCH) has two carbon emissions reduction targets:i. By 2030, to achieve a carbon emission intensity reduction per unit GDP by 70% by 2030 (developed from a 2010 base year inventory)ii. By 2050, to achieve Carbon Neutrality (strategies developed from a GPC compliant 2017 base year GHG inventory)The 2030 target was developed and is detailed in the Low Carbon Society Blueprint 2030 (LCSBP2030) entails 10 key mitigation-focused actions encompassing economy, social and environment. These are green growth, energy efficient spatial planning, green mobility, sustainable energy system, community engagement and green lifestyle, low carbon green buildings, green and blue network, sustainable waste management, sustainable water and wastewater management and green urban governance which act as the Kuala Lumpur low carbon society enabler. Mainstreaming these components in the formulation of the new development plan for Kuala Lumpur is critical for future implementation and monitoring.The key actions are divided into sub actions, which are further divided into measures and detailed implementation programs according to the resource requirements, budget, implementation agencies and the duration estimated.The 2050 target was developed and is detailed through the Kuala Lumpur Climate Action Plan 2050 (KLCAP2050), which identifies more detailed mitigation as well as adaptation actions to prioritise for the city of Kuala Lumpur. This document builds on existing KLLCSBP2030 actions, and goes further to clearly identify strategies, implementation plans and targets for the 15 prioritised actions, that include new adaptation actions.The city has also identified and declared both targets in the Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2040 (to be gazette in 2021) as well as the Kuala Lumpur Local Plan 2040 (to be gazette in 2022).
Please describe the main actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, and vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section.
The City of Turin project involves the installation of around 390 stations in the municipal area, for a total of 3,900 bicycles, and connections with the municipalities of the metropolitan area. The project started in June 2010 and by 2017 there are 165 stations active.Now in the city there are 170 stations active.
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government.
1. To promote Eco-Friendly Agriculture plans and selected demonstration areas in Shuangxi, Jinshan, Wanli. As of 2020, the area reached 259 hectares of organic farm and 252.8 hectares of Eco-Friendly farm.2. To set up a biogas treatment center to treat pig effluent. It is estimated to be completed in August 2021.3. We plant 31.01 hectares of trees and 6.94 hectares of shrubs to make environmental greenification in 2020.4. Carry out green landscaping of public land that has not been used within 2 to 3 years. As of 2020, the green landscaping area reached 52,469 square meter.5. Carry out environmental greenification and build a sufficient open space for residents in high riverbank (a total area of 1,380 hectares). It is completed greening and rest area reached 4 hectares.6. Implement of green landscaping of 2 cemeteries after people moving graveyard to another place and total greens area roughly of 2.1 hectares.
Account for your organization’s gross global Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
Emissions for Hilton's leased hotel assets are already included in our reported Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions inventory. Leased office space is estimated at approximately 90,000 m2 worldwide, including leased Corporate and Brand offices, development, sales and reservation centers. These upstream leased assets not included in our reported emissions represent less than 0.4% of real estate under Hilton's operational control and are deemed not relevant
Please describe how your city’s climate change action plan addresses the following key areas, and provide details on the location of this evidence within your plan.
Said capacity is in relation to the Solar Power Facility installed within the Quezon City Hall compound as well as in Commonwealth High School as the pilot public school for solar energy project.
Please indicate the opportunities your city has identified as a result of addressing climate change and describe how the city is positioning itself to take advantage of these opportunities.
Stage 1 Feasibility was carried out in late 2019 into the potential for 2.5MW Solar farm on BHCC land. Stage 2 - £180k for detailed feasibility work and £2-£2.5m to deliver, creating a total project cost of about £2.7m.
What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities?
AbbVie has a dedicated corporate environmental capital fund as well as a dedicated energy capital fund. The global manufacturing sites apply for this funding to complete energy reduction and emission reduction projects. In addition, each site can use funds from their respective capital budgets to execute energy projects.In 2017 a total of 10 energy reduction projects were approved and funded by the two funds. Projects included replacement of chillers, HVAC modifications, LED lighting projects, replacement of steam traps, and installing high efficiency motors.
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government.
Atlanta Better Buildings ChallengeA voluntary program for commercial buildings in Metro Atlanta in which building owners pledge to reduce energy and water consumption by 20% by 2020 (2009 baseline). Goal met in 2019 with 20.3% energy reduction.A joint initiative of the City of Atlanta, Southface, Central Atlanta Progress, Midtown Alliance, and Livable BuckheadMore info available at
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Efforts to protect Canada's landscapes and their species-at-risk have received a big boost. On the occasion of Canadian Environment Week, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) has announced a technology and innovation partnership with TELUS to support conservation efforts in all 10 provinces.The three-year, $750,000 agreement will provide NCC with internet connectivity, data capacity, hardware, a wide area network (WAN) and new phone systems, to help more effectively protect nearly 3,000,000 acres (1214,056 hectares) of natural spaces. This will support direct protection of habitats for more than one-quarter of Canada's most imperiled plants and animals including 75 of Canada's most endangered species.''Our staff are in the field tracking some of Canada's most endangered species and habitats. They will now be able to snap photos of endangered shorebirds emerging from nests, quickly attach maps, geo-reference the site and send that to our offices, thanks to TELUS,” said Dan Kraus, national conservation biologist with the Nature Conservancy of Canada. ''This type of information is crucial to identifying areas in Canada that need protection, monitoring our existing lands and assessing what conservation actions are needed.”Conservation today depends on big data and digital infrastructure to help inform securement and management activities. In caring for nearly three million acres of habitat across the country, NCC relies on vast amounts of mapping and scientific information in its on-the-ground, conservation work. From hand-held GPS devices, to drone footage and satellite imagery, staff will now have better connections, faster internet access and the latest technology when making decisions as illustrated in this video.''As a global leader in sustainability, conservation is one of the ways we are making the future friendly. We are proud to be the official technology partner of the Nature Conservancy of Canada,” said Andrea Goertz, chief communications & sustainability officer, TELUS. ''This substantial investment will provide NCC with the latest technology innovations so they're able to more effectively focus their efforts and existing resources on protecting Canada's unique and special areas so together we can create a healthier, more sustainable future for all Canadians.”Since 2010, TELUS has invested $1.47M in NCC initiatives.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
We use LightStay, our proprietary sustainability measurement system, as the primary management method to mitigate risk and drive energy efficiency and savings across our global portfolio of hotels. At a regional and local hotel level, we provide team members with information about the direct impact of carbon taxes on the hotel's utility costs and bottom line. Additionally, Hilton includes potential carbon and CRC savings in energy efficiency improvement projects. By increasing awareness of these impacts, we see greater opportunity to drive energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in order to offset these additional costs.LightStay includes the following features: (1) Global performance tracking for ALL hotels, with reporting at the individual hotel, global region, Brand and Corporate level;(2) Environmental impact tracking of energy, water, waste, building and property operations, and improvement projects;(3) Calculates carbon footprint of any meeting or conference(4) Measures sustainability indicators across 200+ operational, design and construction practices;(5) Benchmarks peer performance between similar Hilton properties;(6) Utilizes data-driven modeling to predict and analyze utility consumption and costs;(7) Aligns with the requirements of ISO 14001 (Environmental Management), ISO 50001 (Energy Management), and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC); and(8) Environmental data verified annually by an independent third party.
Please attach your city’s climate change mitigation plan below. If your city has both mitigation and energy access plans, please make sure to attach all relevant documents below.
The main targets and policy for climate and environment have been defined in the City Strategy and two strategic programmes: "Well-being and activity" and "Competitiveness and Sustainable Growth". In other words, these targets have been dealt with the social and economic sustainability goals at the highest level of decision making and many co-benefits have already been recognized.
Please describe how your city’s risk or vulnerability assessment addresses the following key requirements as defined by the Global Covenant, and provide details on the location of this evidence within your assessment.
Aging infrastructure is affecting the water production operations efficiency which in turn leads to poor water quality
The Global Covenant of Mayors requires committed cities to report their inventories in the format of the new Common Reporting Framework, to encourage standard reporting of emissions data. Please provide a breakdown of your city-wide emissions by sector and sub-sector in the table below. Where emissions data is not available, please use the relevant notation keys to explain the reason why.
Genoa is the capital of Liguria and the sixth largest city in Italy, with a population of 558.930 .The urban zone of Genoa extends beyond the administrative city limits with a population of 718,8. The urban area of Genoa has a population of 862.885. 1.540.000 people live in the metropolitan area. Genoa is one of Europe's largest cities on the Mediterranean Sea and the largest seaport in Italy. Part of the old town of Genoa was inscribed on the World Heritage List (UNESCO) in 2006.The city's rich art, music, gastronomy, architecture and history allowed it to become the 2004 European Capital of Culture. It is the birthplace of Christopher Columbus. Genoa, which forms the southern corner of the Milan-Turin-Genoa industrial triangle of north-west Italy, is one of the country’s major economic centres. The city has hosted massive shipyards and steelworks since the 19th century, and its solid financial sector dates back to the Middle Ages. The Bank of Saint George, founded in 1407, is among the oldest in the world and has played an important role in the city’s prosperity since the middle of the 15th century. Today a number of leading Italian companies are based in the city, including Fincantieri, Arcelor Mittal,Ansaldo Energia, Ansaldo STS, Edoardo Raffinerie Garrone and Piaggio Aero.The city of Genoa covers an area of 243 square kilometres (94 sq mi) between the Ligurian Sea and the Apennine Mountains. The city stretches along the coast for about 30 kilometres (19 mi) from the neighbourhood of Voltri to Nervi, and for 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) from the coast to the north along the valleys Polcevera and Bisagno. The territory of Genoa can then be popularly divided into 5 main zones: the centre, the west, the east, the Polcevera and the Bisagno Valley.The Municipal Council of Genoa is led by a left-wing majority, elected in May 2012. The Mayor is Marco Bucci
Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the risk and vulnerability assessment of your city.
all of the 2018 GHG Emmisions inventory data have been input into the SIGN SMART platform of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and have been verified by them
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Requirements associated with energy efficiency & benchmarking of buildings require Kimco to maintain competitiveness with energy efficiency. Not following these requirements could lead to a devaluation of Kimco's properties over time if not kept up to par on energy trends.
List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects you have planned within your city for which you hope to attract financing and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your city does not have any relevant projects, please select No relevant projects under Project Area.
Water Resource Planning until 2025 and Vision to 2035 of Nghe An province where Vinh city is included and as a capital city of the province (the document uploaded at:
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
We continue to anticipate that the costs and complexities of compliance with the future climate change regulatory reporting responses will increase Ryder's operating costs. Enacted legislation that directly or indirectly affects our equipment, cost of fuel, or operations could influence our business and financials. The Climate change regulations adopted in California have necessitated more than $500,000 in capital investments and increased Ryder's annual operating costs by more than $150,000.
Please provide some key examples of how your city collaborates with business and/or industries in the table below.
We provide public off-road parking lot land to plan and set up battery exchange stations.We cooperate with contracted manufacturers in the form of open bidding of land, and the contracted manufacturers will build and manage them until the contract expires.
Please list the most significant climate hazards faced by your city and indicate the probability and consequence of these hazards, as well as the expected future change in frequency and intensity. Please also select the most relevant assets or services that are affected by the climate hazard and provide a description of the impact.
The air temperature rises. The risk of forest fire rising, affecting the forest ecosystem
Please select any commitments to climate adaptation and/or mitigation your city has signed and attach evidence.
Mayor Jackson joined the 10-Minute Walk campaign in 2018. The goal is to provide everyone in Cleveland with safe, easy access to a quality park within a 10-minute walk of home. Currently, approximately 81% of Clevelanders live within a 10-minute walk of a park. More info here:
Account for your organization’s Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
Primary Data: For the calculation of the GHG emissions associated with the transportation of Resolute products sold in reporting year, our logistics experts have built a tracking system of all our shipments from our operating sites to our customers. This system provides distances, weight and transportation mode used of all shipments. Secondary Data: Emissions factors for boat and truck shipments are from NCASI, while the emissions factor for rail shipments is directly from one of our major suppliers (CP Rail). The GHG emissions associated with the transportation of our sold products were calculated by multiplying product quantity by the relevant distance of transportation and by the respective CO2 emissions factor.
On what issues have you been engaging directly with policy makers?
Stantec supports legislation that enables governments to proactively address climate change conditions.
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government.
For these scope 3 reporting: ● Employee commuting● Employee business travel● Emissions from contracted services● Upstream production of materials and fuels● Upstream and downstream transportation of materials and fuelsCCT does not have required data and resources to conduct these surveys and data analysis to account for these GHG emissions that will result in insignificant GHG emissions compared to what has already been captured for the CCT.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Western Digital conducts risk assessments of site susceptibility to rising sea levels. Facilities in locations sensitive to rising sea levels will require business continuity management to protect the operations.
Please indicate if your city-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and describe why.
Other, please specify: unknown as no update inventory has been conducted to meaure change. We plan to do an updated inventory in 2020 to measure changes in GHG emissions against our goals.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Our target is to consolidate the majority of the three East Region laboratory facilities into a new LEED certified lab by 2022 which will reduce Regional Lab energy use by ~25% while increasing capabilities. Construction began in 2018 and we are on target to occupy the facility during 2021.
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government.
The heat, cold, steam and electricity used in the Turku area will be produced in a carbon neutral manner at the latest by 2029 (considering compensations)- The use of coal for energy will be phased out already in 2025, if the Government participates in the resulting investment costs. - The share of renewable energy of district heat is at least 65 per cent in 2021. - The share of renewable energy of electricity and heat sold by Turku Energia is at least 80 per cent in 2025. - Significant effort in the next few years is required to meet the objectives together with other functional and economical objectives of Turku Energia - Impacts on sustainability and regional economy are emphasised in acquisition of renewable fuel. - Solutions will advance economic effectiveness and feasibility (and these will be taken into account in decision-making). Turku City Group develops the production and ownership of renewable energy in a way that the production serves an area wider than Turku and helps turn Turku into a climate positive area. Smart solutions, multidirectionality, storage and the entire potential of the sources of energy and production opportunities in the area will be used and energy efficiency will be improved in the development of energy system of the Turku area and region.The objectives of the city’s energy efficiency in the city’s own property stock and infrastructure are prepared and steered with the help of an energy efficiency agreement- Current energy efficiency agreement 2017-2025, energy efficiency improvement target: approx. 7,5 per cent- Previous agreement 2008-2016 target of approx. 7,5 per cent improvement was achieved, 18 100 MWh savingEffort is put into energy efficiency in the entire Turku City Group and energy losses will be harnessed and/or eliminated as extensively as possible. The City of Turku is a pioneer in energy efficiency and strives to remain as such also in the future.
Please provide details on your city’s energy efficiency targets.
Following the objective of reducing energy consumption through a 20% increase in energy efficiency by 2020; Cascais continues to be aligned with the Covenant of Mayor's goals for 2030. The target is to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 40% by 2030, through improved energy efficiency and greater use of energy sources renewable. Meeting this target is part of the municipal plan for decarbonisation and will be achieved through the use of technological solutions, the promotion of sustainable behaviours for energy efficiency, amongst other measures to be strengthened and applied in a multisectoral approach.
Give a general description and introduction to your organization.
Verizon Communications Inc., headquartered in New York, is one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world. Our innovative technology solutions connect people, grow businesses and economies, and provide powerful solutions to social challenges. Verizon delivers the promise of the digital world by enhancing the ability of humans, businesses and society to do more new and do more good. We call this mission, "humanability". Oath, a subsidiary of Verizon Communications, build brands people love. By creating highly personalized experiences for users, Oath (formerly AOL and Yahoo!) keeps people connected to what matters most to them, across devices and around the world, while creating value for advertisers by connecting them with the audiences that build their businesses.Throughout our operations, we have adopted strategies to minimize Verizon's environmental impact and drive greater efficiency. Our success to date in reducing carbon intensity has been made possible by copper-to-fiber migrations, investments in green energy, building improvements and changes in our fleet operations. Having exceeded the goal we set in 2009 to reduce our carbon intensity by 50% by 2020, we have set a new goal to cut our carbon intensity in half over 2016 levels by 2025.Additionally, Verizon's connected solutions– from telematics to smart meters to remote patient monitoring– help our customers save energy and reduce their carbon emissions. As the GeSI SMARTer2030 report highlights, ICT has the potential to decouple GDP growth from carbon emissions by 2030. We set a new goal in 2017 that by 2022, Verizon's networks and connected solutions will save more than two times the amount of global emissions that our operations create. This work supports United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 8, decoupling economic growth from emissions and promoting resource efficiency. In 2017, our solutions enabled the avoidance of a minimum of 7.7 million metric tons of CO2e. The emissions avoided represent approximately 138% of emissions associated with our operations (Scope 1 and 2).In addition to managing our internal footprint and supporting our customers in reducing their emissions, we realize the impact of our supply chain and have set a new goal that by 2020, 75% of suppliers assessed will be compliant with Verizon's overall CSR standards, which include four key areas: environment, fair labor practices, ethics/fair business practices, and supply chain standards.Additional sustainability achievements in 2017 include: Earned LEED certification for 354 cumulative stores and ENERGY STAR certification for 254 total buildings, including offices, retail stores and distribution centers. 100% of our eligible retail stores are ENERGY STAR certified. Verizon is has been named an ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year, for five consecutive years, maintaining our Sustained Excellence recognition. Grew the Verizon Green Team to 24,920 members Exceeded our 50% goal, to reach 70% percent (19 percent more than 2016) of our sourced paper including at least 10% PCW content 76.9 million pounds of network equipment and office materials recycled 741,731 pounds of e-waste collected at 49 community and employee recycling rallies
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
The short term impact of this regulatory change on gas pricing is anticipated to be low and increase to medium in the mid to long term. Once the regulations have come into effect and the implementation period has occurred, there is a potential to see an impact on the marketable price and demand for natural gas. As a natural gas and oil producer, Vermilion would benefit from an increase in marketable prices for natural gas in our Canadian operations. Based on 2017 production, an increase in gas price of $1 per MMBTU, the impact to sales would be approximately $35MM.
Identify the position(s) (do not include any names) of the individual(s) on the board with responsibility for climate-related issues.
Lenovo estimates costs associated with the continued participation in the PAIA project will be approximately $35,000 annually. The costs associated with our global compliance assurance programs is detailed in "uncertainty around new regulations" risk.
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government.
An interest free loan was secured to deliver the work in 2020. Work was completed in December 2020.
Please identify and describe the factors that most greatly affect your city’s ability to adapt to climate change and indicate how those factors either support or challenge this ability.
As above. The unemployment rate was higher in London in 2016 (10.0%) compared with the rest of England (8.7%).Also, wage workers and unprotected workers more vulnerable if their workplaces are disrupted by weather/climate impacts.
Does your city have a target to increase energy efficiency?
Not intending to undertake, please specify: Since the city is working towards 100% carbon free energy sources by 2040, energy efficiency is not targeted. The city has energy efficiency requirements for new buildings.
Please identify the risks to your city’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.
Plans for a recycled water district between some large water users in the City has been proposed, including involvement from the Council
Please provide some key examples of how your city collaborates with business in the table below.
Overall city-wide emissions increased from 1,257,697 MT CO2e in 2015 to 1,260,419 MT CO2e in 2018. This is an increase of 2,722 MT CO2e. This increase is attributed to an increase in the city's population.
What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities?
Rationale: The Sustainability Team actively engages with a number of our data center suppliers to help identify renewable energy solutions for our first party load. We currently receive high-quality renewable energy from 5 of our data center suppliers. In particular, we worked with one of our data center suppliers to pilot a new, creative, renewable energy procurement solution. The data center supplier has entered into a VPPA offtake agreement to catalyze net new renewable energy projects. The supplier passes through that renewable energy in the form of a REC offtake contract to their tenants, like Salesforce. Salesforce was one of the first customers to engage on this new renewable energy procurement structure with the supplier and began to take delivery of RECs in FY20. The data center supplier has continued to expand this offering, executing multiple additional VPPAs to meet the demand of customers like Salesforce.
Provide details of your climate-related supplier engagement strategy.
The majority of our scope 3 emissions derive from metal production. GHG emissions from metal production highly correlate with the recycling rate of the respective material in the respective country or region. Based on an average European aluminum beverage can recycling rate of 74%, for example, the ratio of GHG emissions from metal production and can manufacturing (in Europe) is roughly 4:1. That is why – in addition to our own efforts to improve energy efficiency in our plants – we are cooperating with our suppliers and other partners to better understand their processes and their own Scope 1 and Scope 2 emission reduction opportunities. Since we started developing a Science-Based Target in 2016, we have been reaching out to all aluminum and tinplate suppliers for specific energy and GHG information. These suppliers represent more than 50% of our total spend in 2019.
Please provide more details about the zero emissions zone:
In a move to promote a greener environment, Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) has declared that its city centre will be a car-free zone between 6am and 9.30am on every second Sunday of the month. As part of Shah Alam Car Free Day, several routes in Section 14 will be closed during this period. This program are collaboration with other stakeholders such as the Developers, NGOs, Buildings Owner and Community Partners. In addition to this, Persiaran Perbandaran is the one of the main road toconnect town center from other section in Shah Alam. The decision to closed the road from 6pm to 12pm can reduce a lot of carbon smog from vehicles.
Please explain why you do not have a renewable energy or electricity target and any plans to introduce one in the future.
There are renewable energy and electricity targets at the national level. At the national level the target is that 10% of energy should come from renewables by 2020, with 1600 MW installed capacity.
Please identify the risks to your city’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.
Boulder County Parks and Open Space (BCPOS) responsibly and innovatively manages the County's water resources for diverse purposes. These resources are managed in an effective, sustainable, and efficient manner to support agriculture, provide quality visitor use opportunities where appropriate, maintain viable riparian corridors, and for other environmental benefits. Stakeholders, government agencies, and BCPOS staff work together as stewards to ensure the protection and optimum utilization of these resources. - BCPOS Water Policy 2012
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
PACCAR can increase revenues by developing innovative products that anticipate shifting customer preferences through research and development, and supplier partnerships and collaborations. For example, the new DAF models XF and CF improves fuel efficiency and reduces emissions including greenhouse gas emissions by 7% over previous model years. As another example of product innovation to anticipate customer demands for fuel-efficient vehicles, Kenworth and Peterbilt are participating in the Department of Energy's SuperTruck II program to demonstrate 100 percent improvement in freight efficiency over 2009 equivalent product and achieving 55 percent in engine brake efficiency to improve fuel economy and reduce costs and emissions including greenhouse gas emissions. DAF, Kenworth and Peterbilt are PACCAR nameplates.
Account for your organization’s Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
In response to the Paris Agreement, many countries have committed to setting carbon reductions goals. These countries may begin to use new regulations as a mechanism to meet their goals, which could impact operating costs for Hyatt by increasing the cost of products and services that we purchase. For this reason, risks associated with emerging regulations are relevant and always included in our climate-related risk assessment for monitoring the severity and velocity of these risks.
Provide details on the electricity, heat, steam and/or cooling amounts that were accounted for at a low-carbon emission factor in the market-based Scope 2 figure reported in C6.3.
The increased demand would positively impact our revenue. It's difficult to make a precise financial estimate for this opportunity. We are in the process of refining our understanding of the opportunities. We are engaging our internal stakeholders and consultant teams (TCFD) in designing the frameworks and the process for quantifying the potential financial impact. As a result, we have put $0 for potential financial impact.
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
The amount reflects the costs of developing the communications materials for Building a Better Tomorrow, JLL's sustainability leadership framework. Our other awareness-raising and behavior change campaigns are delivered internally by country and regional sustainability representatives as part of their day-to-day responsibilities so we are not able to quantify the individual costs of these initiatives. Other initiatives such as installing energy efficient technology are not collected centrally and vary between offices and countries.
Account for your organization’s Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
Success was measured by these metrics which we cannot disclose publicly:1) # of customers who were shared/educated by us with our sustainability programs and progress, and their associated potential order value2) #of customers who contacted Sustainability team proactively for information request, practice sharing, thought leadership, demo request, survey, and so on, and their associated potential order value3) Increasing amount of customers' programs on sustainabilityAll customers are benefiting from our public information sharing and reporting, and the carbon neutral services we are providing. The engagement with our customers are positively impacting our business operations and growth through reputation.Customers have increased the level of engagement in sustainability at their companies by starting employee green teams, tracking sustainability data and metrics, and they have learned how to increase impactful renewable energy procurement. By helping our customers source renewable energy through knowledge sharing, this ultimately increases the amount of clean and renewable energy on the grid, and decreases greenhouse gas emissions.
The Global Covenant of Mayors requires committed cities to report their inventories in the format of the new Common Reporting Framework, to encourage standard reporting of emissions data. Please provide a breakdown of your city-wide emissions by sector and sub-sector in the table below. Where emissions data is not available, please use the relevant notation keys to explain the reason why.
Expected to be de minimus. Only known sources are local search and rescue.
Report the total population living within 500m of a mass transit station, with mass transit defined as any Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), light rail, other rail-based transit modes or frequent bus services (average of five times an hour from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. on a weekday).
There is a mass transit station in virtually all major areas of the city, the exact population cannot be ascertained.
Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, or vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section.
>Provide real-time information on rainfall and river water levels. >Provide flood evacuation information such as inundation maps and hazard maps.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
The Aptar strategy to realize this opportunity is based on the management, at site level, of an internal screening about the permissions and licences indications in order to ensure the compliance of the production processes for the emissions to air, to land and to water. This evaluation is part of EnMS activities in order to reduce the operational costs and energy consumptions and uses.
Break down your total gross global Scope 1 emissions by greenhouse gas type and provide the source of each used greenhouse warming potential (GWP).
At year-end 2018, HanesBrands occupied 71 office locations in 34 countries around the world. The largest offices are primarily located in the United States and Europe, covering 79% of the office portfolio, are included in the scope 1 and scope 2 inventory. Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions from some 52 smaller regional offices totalling 220,336 square feet are excluded from the emissions inventory. The average size of these offices is less than 5,000 square feet. All of these offices, although occupied by HanesBrands, are leased spaces. Calculations have been performed to evaluate the scope 1 and scope 2 emissions from these offices and the average scope 1 emissions were 7.0 metric tons CO2e and the average scope 2 emissions were 33.2 metric tons of CO2e per year. The sum total of the scope 1 and scope 2 emissions from these regional offices is 2,090 metric tons of CO2e and represents 0.8% of total scope 1 and 2 emissions, and has been determined to not be relevant.
Account for your organization’s Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
In 2019, the Scotiabank launched an enterprise-wide climate strategy and the Climate Commitments to guide and communicate the Bank's approach to climate change, including a commitment to mobilize $100 billion by 2025 to reduce the impacts of climate change. Through the Scotiabank Climate Commitments, we have also committed to ensuring robust climate-related governance and transparency in our reporting to meet growing shareholder interest and demand. We are committed to transparency on climate-related risks and will continue to align climate-related disclosures with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). We disclose climate-related information in our Annual Report, ESG Report and annual CDP submission. Our commitment to transparency extends to continually reviewing our disclosures with a view to enhancements that meet evolving expectations and requirements, with the goal of mitigating reputational risk. The Bank maintains frequent dialogue with current and potential institutional investors to better understand their management expectations.The estimated cost of management of this risk is based on the cost of internal resources and the use of external subject matter experts and consultants, particularly, resources that supported the development of our enterprise-wide climate change strategy in fiscal 2019. In fiscal 2019, the approximate spend on climate change management strategies and related-activities was $500,000.Finally, the Bank participates in several initiatives to contribute to global leadership and dialogue on climate change. Examples include: participation in UNEP FI TCFD pilot to harmonize industry-wide approaches for climate scenario analysis in bank lending portfolios, and involvement in the initiative to create a standard climate change financing taxonomy for Canada, run by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA).
Please attach your city’s climate change mitigation plan below. If your city has both mitigation and energy access plans, please make sure to attach all relevant documents below.
City of Kemi is situated in Northern Finland in area called Sea Lapland. Kemi is situated by the Bay of Bothnia, by the biggest river of Finland called Kemijoki and near the border of Sweden in the centre of the Bothnian Arc, where there is about 820 000 inhabitants. It is easy to come to Kemi by airplane, by train or travelling on the motorway. Kemi, housing the only deepwater harbour in Lapland, is highly competent in addressing the needs of the business sector in the region. Kemi is the gate to the riches in Lapland and the centre of trade and services in Sea Lapland. The main industries in Sea Lapland are paper, pulp and steel industry: the paper and pulp mills of Stora Enso and Metsä Group and Outokumpu Corp steel mill in Tornio as well as Outokumpu Kemi Mine promote welfare of the region. The Techno-Village Digipolis – the technology centre in Kemi, offers the latest top-quality expertise in its field for the use of the industrial sector, nowadays specially in circulation economy. There is a Circular and Bio Economy Centre in Kemi, financed by Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, the founders and core actors are Digipolis, the City of Kemi and Lapland University of Applied Sciences. City of Kemi - The Arctic Bio Capital – attaches great importance to the development of the bio- and the circular economy, as well as in wood building construction, especially CLT. Educational services in the region of Kemi are provided by Lappia Vocational College, Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences and the Kivalo Institute.Kemi is known as a cultural city, offering lots of cultural services: City Theatre, City Orchestra, Regional Art Museum, Children’s Culture Centre, indoor swimming hall, ice-stadium, bowling and tennis hall, golf course as well as the internationally rewarded yachting centre. The Cruise Icebreaker Sampo and the SnowCastle open throughout the year, the world-renowned destinations for travellers, are situated in Kemi.The climate in Sea Lapland is changing strongly throughout the year: In winter-time the temperature may be as cold as -30 Celsius and there is lots of snow and the sea is covered with strong ice every winter. In summer-time the temperature may be +30 Celsius. Sea Lapland has four clear seasons every year.The city council of Kemi has made following green and sustainable decisions: Kemi is committed to promote the UN´s goals of Agenda 2030 and to the national Commitment 2050 (Finland we want to be in 2050). “Green Kemi” is a part of city strategy. In February 2019 city of Kemi retrieved ISO 14001:2015 environmental certificate as the second municipality in Finland. This year (2020) we enhanced the scope of certificate and now it includes e.g. public procurements and all the comprehensive schools and UpperSecondary School of Kemi.
Provide details on the initiatives implemented in the reporting year in the table below.
Replacement of the end of life UPS with a new UPS delivering greater power usage efficiency.
Please detail sustainability goals and targets (e.g. GHG reductions) that are incorporated into your city’s master plan and describe how these are addressed in the table below.
The municipality of Hillerød has a vision: the area has fossil free electricity and heat supply in the year of 2035.
Account for your organization’s gross global Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
AbbVie continually assesses the risk to our downstream supply chains from climate related risks. Disruption to our downstream supply chains can have a significant impact to the assurance of supply for our products. AbbVie has identified supply chain routes and areas that are at increased risk for more severe storms. Significant efforts have been made for contingency planning within our downstream supply chains.
Account for your organization’s gross global Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
Higher material costs from global suppliers due to slowing of global economy is a risk to Target's supply chain. Climate change is expected to cause substantial losses to infrastructure and property and impede the rate of economic growth over this century. The continued warming that is projected to occur without significant reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions is expected to cause substantial net damage to the U.S. economy, especially in the absence of increased adaptation efforts. The potential for losses in some sectors could reach hundreds of billions of dollars per year by the end of this century. Additionally, the impacts of climate change beyond our borders are expected to increasingly affect our trade and economy, including import and export prices and U.S. businesses with overseas operation and supply chains.
Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.
Funded by the Canadian Agricultural Partnership in partnership with industry, B.C.’s Agricultural Regional Adaptation Strategies are increasing the capacity of the agricultural sector to adapt to climate change. Regional Adaptation Strategies have been completed in six agricultural regions throughout the province: Cariboo, Cowichan Valley, Delta, Fraser Valley, Okanagan, and Peace. Over 41 implementation projects have been completed, which are contributing to adaptive capacity through a growing body of regionally-specific decision-support tools and knowledge mobilization around agricultural climate adaptation solutions.
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government.
In line with the optimization of Taiwan's green energy policy, we will strengthen the implementation of the county's renewable energy potential inventory survey, promotion or subsidy measures.
Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target and any plans to introduce one in the future.
The calculation and reporting guidelines are not yet integrated between the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and the Ministry of National Development Planning / Bappenas.Limited Budget to implementing Mitigation Action Plans.Limited Human Resources (HR) who are competent in calculating emission reductions.Institutions are not yet optimal dealing with climate change (ad-hoc through a working group).
Please describe any additional barriers your city has encountered in implementing your adaptation planning or adaptation actions, and any solutions or interventions taken to overcome those barriers.
Additional funding may be necessary to update infrastructure in a way that preserves historic buildings. More resources could also be used to educate residents about challenges of Baltimore's location in regards climate related hazards.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Tampa Electric, manages this risk by communicating and negotiating regularly with federal and state regulators regarding and air and greenhouse gas emissions. The time horizon is medium-term and the magitude of the impact to Tampa Electric is medium as specific emission reduction regulations are not in place. Costs will be estimated when firm decisions at federal and state level are made. Tampa Electric expects that the costs to comply with new environmental regulations would be eligible for recovery through the Environmental Cost Recovery Clause (ECRC). If approved as prudent, the costs required to comply with CO2 emissions reductions would be reflected in customers' bills. If the regulation allowing cost recovery is changed and the cost of compliance is not recovered through the ECRC, Tampa Electric could seek to recover those costs through a base-rate proceeding.
Please indicate the opportunities your city has identified as a result of addressing climate change and describe how the city is positioning itself to take advantage of these opportunities.
The investments in the Sustainability Office and other strategic department partnerships have resulted in a multi-faceted approach to climate adaptation.
What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities?
In recent years, RNAV-RNP (area navigation required navigation performance) approaches have been a key focus. In the fall of 2015 Air Canada flew its first RNAV-RNP approach in Canada on a flight from Calgary to Vancouver using an Embraer 190 aircraft. This type of approach allows the aircraft to fly a continuous descending path to a point a few miles from the runway, saving approximately 160 kg of CO2e per approach for that aircraft type. In 2018, Air Canada continued to work closely with Nav Canada, Canada's air traffic control service provider, to introduce more approaches across the country.
List the average emission factors of the fuels reported in C8.2c.
The 2017 increase is due to a difference in 2016 calculation methodologies. You see, in 2016, Stantec was unable to provide an accurate intensity figure per unit of total revenue because the operations from the MWH Global, Inc acquisition were not part of the emissions boundary, but were part of the Consulting Services revenue (e.g., Scope 1 + 2 emissions were legacy Stantec only but Consulting Services revenues were for both legacy Stantec + legacy MWH). Because we do have an accurate intensity figure in 2017, we went ahead and calculated the artificially low 2016 intensity figure per unit of total revenue. Since our Scope 1 + 2 per person intensity figures dropped between 2016 and 2017, we suspect our intensity figures per unit of total revenue also dropped in reality, but we are unable to accurately demonstrate the reduction.
Identify the position(s) (do not include any names) of the individual(s) on the board with responsibility for climate-related issues.
The Board and its Committees oversee senior management, who are responsible for execution of the management of environmental and social risks (E&S risks) and opportunities, which include climate change. The Board provides oversight of our strategic approach to climate change and our E&S risks, which includes how we manage climate-related risks and opportunities. In 2019, the Board received a strategy presentation on climate-related risks, opportunities and disclosures, co-presented by RBC Capital Markets®, Group Risk Management and Corporate Citizenship.The following Committees of the Board have oversight of climate-related risks, opportunities and disclosures: Governance Committee – oversees the Bank's corporate citizenship strategy, which forms part of our enterprise-wide approach to climate change, and reviewed our 2019 ESG Performance Report and this 2019 TCFD Report, which discuss climate-related risks and opportunities for the Bank. Audit Committee – oversees our disclosure controls and procedures and recommended for Board approval our 2019 Annual Report, which includes climate-related disclosures that considers the recommendations of the TCFD. Risk Committee – oversees the Bank's risk management, including emerging risks. As climate change was first identified as an emerging risk to RBC in 2017, the Risk Committee receives regular updates on transition risks and physical risks of climate change that may impact RBC.
Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, or vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section.
With higher average temperatures, this can create ideal conditions for pest and disease outbreaks. This can directly impact people’s health as new diseases migrate further north, as has already been seen with Lyme disease, Zika, and the West Nile virus. Outdoor workers and those who enjoy outdoor activities will be most at risk. Growth of invasive species, such as the pine beetle, can wipe out entire forests, with potential impacts to the food chain and local wildlife, as well as negative impacts on forestry and tourism. Pine beetle killed trees can lead to extreme risk of forest fires, which have affected Alberta and BC communities already.
Please describe any additional barriers your city has encountered in implementing your adaptation planning or adaptation actions, and any solutions or interventions taken to overcome those barriers.
Utilizing the original landfill is beneficial to power output, because the hinterland is vast and the sunshine is sufficient.
List any mitigation, adaptation, water related or resilience projects you have planned within your city for which you hope to attract financing and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your city does not have any relevant projects, please select 'No relevant projects' under 'Project Area'.
The city of Las Vegas launched the state’s first Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) program, a new effort designed to provide long-term investments in clean energy for commercial property owners. C-PACE was enabled by the 2017 Nevada Legislature and adopted in November 2018 by the Las Vegas City Council. Under this program, which is commonly found in other parts of the country, owners of existing commercial properties will be able to finance up to 100 percent of the cost of energy efficiency improvements and renewable energy projects for up to 25 years through a special assessment placed on the property. Project financing is provided by private capital providers in an open market and repaid through the assessment. Since the financing is tied to the property, the owner is not required to sign a personal guarantee and the C-PACE assessment can transfer to a new owner upon sale. For a project to be eligible, the project’s estimated energy cost savings must exceed the financing amount, providing a positive cash flow for the property owner; property owners, in turn, reduce their energy costs and may improve the value of their building—all with no upfront, out-of-pocket costs. The City selected Sustainable Real Estate Solutions (SRS) to serve as the third-party administrator of the C-PACE program. SRS will handle outreach, education, project underwriting and quality assurance services and is launched the program in August 2019.
Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, or vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section.
Local data was not available for many categories. Many fields are listed as IE due to lack of granularity in local datasets. An example of this would be the capture of local electric vehicles. We do not have a way, through our rate structure, to break out energy consumed by electric vehicles but their consumption is captured in the activity data for electricity consumed by all buildings. For any other datasets where we may not have local data (e.g. fuel used by local trains), our team uses IPCC recommended approaches utilized to calculating emissions when no local data was employed.
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Current carbon taxes pose financial risk by increasing utility costs and decreasing net operating income to Hilton. In particular, the UK and various countries across the EU have already implemented carbon taxes or carbon-implicated taxes. Currently, we are experiencing impact from the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRC Scheme) which requires qualifying companies to report their energy use annually and purchase and surrender allowances to offset their emissions. In the UK, Hilton has seen average energy utility costs increase by 15% as a result of CRC and other environmental taxes. Similar situations can be seen elsewhere in the Western world.
Please list the local government departments involved in the GCC program and its role. It is important to specify the program coordinator, action plan developer, GHG inventory accountant, verifier and action plan implementer.
Program coordinator, Climate Action and Adaptation Plan developer and implementation manager, GHG inventory accountant.
Please provide details of your total fixed level target(s).
In March 2019, City Council declared that a climate emergency exists, and instructed staff to update existing emission reduction targets for the City of Richmond in line with limiting global average warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Council also instructed staff to update Richmond's Community Energy and Emissions Plan, and significant community engagement was undertaken in the spring and fall of 2019 under a branded process (“50 x 30 Advancing Richmond’s Climate Leadership”) to inform a wide range of accelerated actions within eight strategic direction areas.
Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the risk and vulnerability assessment of your city.
Reduce the increasing health risks due to increasing temperatures and flooding
Please provide more information on your plan that addresses climate change adaptation and attach the document. Please provide details on the boundary of your plan, and where this differs from your city’s boundary, please provide an explanation.
Scope 2 emissions includes city owned buildings and facilities, and streetlights and traffic signals. No Scope 1 emissions were reported as our 2013 report was incomplete and no emissions for fleet was calculated.
Provide details on the initiatives implemented in the reporting year in the table below.
Energy efficiency projects in our San Francisco Bay area offices. In 2018, 17 individual projects were implemented.Google has many emissions reduction initiatives and we've chosen only a small subset to detail out here as examples of the activities we've implemented in the reporting year. Amounts for investment required are pre-incentive (they do not incorporate any potential rebates earned). Payback periods are post-incentive (they do incorporate any potential rebates earned).
Which of the following risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments?
Mobile Combustion CH4 and N2O Emission Factors for On-Road Diesel and Alternative Fuel Vehicles "CH4 Factor (g / mile)" CNG Light-Duty Vehicles - 0.737 and LNG Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles 1.966 ; "N2O Factor (g / mile)" CNG Light-Duty Vehicles - 0.050 and LNG Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles 0.175
Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your city and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.
The City did not change funding for climate actions in response to or during COVID-19, and the Office of Sustainability continued to manage existing initiatives and develop new projects throughout the pandemic. We anticipate that federal funding will be made available to support climate-friendly infrastructure projects such as expanding EVSE, and are preparing now for those external opportunities.While not a City initiative, our public utility was also approved this year to expand into broadband services, which we hope will close access gaps.
Please indicate the opportunities your city has identified as a result of addressing climate change and describe how the city is positioning itself to take advantage of these opportunities.
The city has a requirement that all marijuana cultivation facilities must offset 100% of their electricity use with renewable energy. This can be done through on-site renewables, community solar, or by paying into a newly created Energy Impact Offset Fund (EIOF). The EIOF collects about $400,000/year and the money is used to develop local renewable energy projects that reduce GHG emissions.
Provide details of your products and/or services that you classify as low-carbon products or that enable a third party to avoid GHG emissions.
More information on our renewable energy financing can be found on p. 42-43 of our 2018 Sustainable Business Report.
Please give a general description and introduction to your city including your city’s reporting boundary in the table below.
The City of Copenhagen is the largest city and municipality in Denmark, and the capital of Denmark. The city is more than 800 years old, and has grown from a small fishing village into a major urban area on the east coast of Zealand with nearly 1.5 million residents and more than 15 municipalities, and it is the centre of the Danish-Swedish Øresund Region. The municipality covers 91.3 square kilometres, and is the home of approximately 620,000 people. Around 1810 the city was allowed to expand beyond the ramparts, and in the 1870’s the new city districts of Nørrebro, Vesterbro and Østerbro were established. Since many of the residential buildings were built to house an increasing workforce from the countryside around the capital, most new flats were small. Since World War II the city development has followed the so-called 'Finger Plan', which in 1948 was something of a revolution in modern urban planning. The idea was to create a city with housing and commerce positioned along radial roads and railways, while retaining large green wedge areas that extended towards the centre of the city. In recent decades the city has been influenced by large-scale restoration work in the historical districts, and by the demolition and clearance of old working men’s quarters built at the end of the 1800s. In the early 1990s it was made mandatory for houses in the city to be connected to the city district heating system, which is based on combined heat and power production. Since then, the city has experienced a 20% carbon reduction, due to efficient use of the energy produced. In 2009 a unanimous City Council agreed on the Copenhagen Climate Plan, which set a carbon emission reduction target of 20% by 2015. The plan had 50 concrete initiatives. Copenhagen reached this 20% carbon emission reduction in 2011. 23rd of August 2012 the "CPH 2025 Climate Plan" was adopted. This plan will lead Copenhagen to become the first carbon neutral capital by 2025.
Please provide more information on your plan that addresses climate change adaptation and/or resilience and attach the document. Please provide details on the boundary of your plan, and where this differs from your city’s boundary, please provide an explanation.
- Sowing of tree species and plants resistant to periods of drought (Co-benefit).- Creation of green spaces (Co-benefit).- Territorial planning for areas that may be impacted by sea level rise and coastal erosion (Co-benefit).- Trees for windbreaks (Co-benefit).
Provide details on the initiatives implemented in the reporting year in the table below.
Includes both Scope 1 and Scope 2 (location based) emissions reductions.