Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Figures above are estimates based on management approach and monitoring systems.
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government.
Ameliorative action can be provided by local government, larger, national policy issues
Account for your organization’s Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
Technology risks are evaluated and may be informed by climate-related issues. At construction jobsites, Beck is investigating strategies to take our trailers off the grid through solar energy and battery technology. Our construction jobsite trailers are being updated with energy efficient systems such as Energy Star equipment and appliances, occupancy/vacancy sensors, programmable thermostats, and instant hot water heaters. Throughout our regional offices -, Beck is investing in strategies to make our operations more energy efficient and less wasteful. Office strategies include LED retrofits, occupancy/vacancy lighting controls in conference rooms, private offices, and restrooms, and , purchasing Energy Star equipment. The company has also invests in software such as Zoom,, Procore, 360 photo technology, and drones to improve project management. These tools allow us to reduce paper waste and travel expenses by providing virtual meeting platforms and facilitating online collaboration.
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government.
Total 900kWh grid connected solar PV system is generating 1.314 million kWh renewable energy per year, which reduces ~11100 tonnes of CO2e GHG emission
Provide details of the sources of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions that are within your selected reporting boundary which are not included in your disclosure.
HFC emissions from this source are considered to be de minimus
How much (in MW capacity) renewable energy is installed within the city boundary in the following categories?
HRM's municipal water supply is provided by a number of surface water reservoirs (lakes) falling into various watersheds throughout the municipality. One large watershed feeding a particularly large reservoir (Pockwock Lake) is transboundary and falls partially within the borders of a neighbouring municipality, East Hants.
Please describe the main actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, and vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section.
During peak summer months, temperatures within Nacala can peak well over 30 degrees. The aim of this activity is to implement a nature-based solutions approach by planting trees in and around the areas surrounding schools to cool these areas for a minimum cost. Implementation for this activity has not commenced.
Please provide details on any historical and base year city-wide emissions inventories your city has, in order to allow assessment of targets in the table below.
After 2013 Flood, worked with State and FEMA to update flood plain maps
Provide details of other key climate-related targets not already reported in question C4.1/a/b.
Cabot's NOx target is based on total NOx (MT) emitted from the Company's global network of manufacturing facilities normalized by the total production (MT).
Please provide some key examples of how your city collaborates with business in the table below.
1. Taipei City Government has greatly improved in energy-saving in the public and private sectors. It encourages private sectors to replace energy-saving equipment by offering various measures such as subsidies grants and counseling services. Simultaneously, these promotions indirectly support the development of the energy services industry (ESCO), such as introducing ESCO mode into the energy conservation in communities and public sectors.2. We attempt to cooperate with appliance manufacturers and appliance distributors to enhance sales employees’ knowledge in energy-saving. Additionally, several promotional activities are offered to attract the public using energy-saving products.3. Carbon reduction in industrials and businesses and energy-saving awards programs are actively promoted.4. Taipei City Government provides free counseling services in energy-saving information and evaluation; businesses would have the responsibility to help reduce carbon emissions for corporation society's responsibility (CSR).5. Taipei City Government also cooperates with businesses to promote high energy-efficient products that have the Energy Efficiency Label.6. With the efforts made by the public sector and private sector, “Taipei City Energy Hill”, where Taipei City Government provides the land while the business provides financial support, is built to demonstrate the importance of sustainable development.
Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your city and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.
Increase in council budget for Climate Change was already agreed for from 2021 onwards. Our recovery and renewal strategy reemphasises our commitment to tackling climate change post Covid-19. It prioritises the following actions;- Re-commence the climate change and carbon reduction programme to support the sustainable recovery of the city, embedding supportiveprinciples in each strand of York’s recovery.- Continue the development of schemes to mitigate the impacts of climate change, including progressing flood defences with Environment Agency.- Develop a strategy for the planting of trees across the city and in flood catchment areas to support the sequestration of carbon and the mitigation and adaptation to climate change events.- Consider the feasibility of a virtual Climate Commission or engagement approach for York, linking experts and stakeholders across the city to shape the roadmap to net carbon zero, at such a point in recovery thatorganisations have capacity to engage.- Continue to support the retrofit of council houses for energy efficiency measures.
Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.
An assessment of the economic risks and opportunities of climate change resilience was done for the Western Cape. The assessment identifies the economic opportunities available through investing in climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives per sector while outlining the extent of climate change impacts per sector. The WCG Climate Change directorate is partner to a proposed study that investigates the feasibility of municipal risk pooling as an adaptation finance measure to assist municipalities in the province to reduce the impacts of floods in their regions. If the mechanism is deemed to feasible in the region, the WCG Climate Change Directorate would be willing to pilot such a programme. (The study aims to investigate how a risk pooling instrument may operate at the sub-national level allowing for municipalities exposed to common climate hazards to respond in a timeous manner.)
Please select the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your city’s water supply.
We just passed a 100 year water plan called Water Forward which can be viewed here
Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.
In the last 47 years, the increase in the minimum and maximum temperatures and the irregularity in the precipitation patterns are observed, causing the disappearance of glaciers in the Huayhuash and Raura mountain range system in the Puna ecoregion, and the decrease in the flow of the sources tributaries of the three existing river basins in the Huánuco Region. The impacts of climate variability on the availability of water in the future will depend on the increase in population, increased use of hydropower, changes in land use, demand from the mining, agricultural sector, among others.
Please provide details on any historical, base year or recalculated city-wide emissions inventories your city has, in order to allow assessment of targets in the table below.
Transfer or ownership of light poles to local utility for LED retrofit
On what issues have you been engaging directly with policy makers?
This reflects an annual 2.1% emissions reduction from our base year, with a medium-term timeframe for the target of 12 years (from our start year) in accordance with CDP criteria. The Home Depot has reduced our absolute Scope 1 + Scope 2 (location-based) emissions by 36% between 2011 and 2019 (4.4% annual reduction), exceeding the necessary 2.1% annual reduction. We consider this to be a science-based target as when the target was set, SBTi's guidance notes that per IPCC AR5 RCP 2.6, the minimum reduction required is 49% absolute emissions reduction from 2010 to 2050. This translates to a linear 1.23% reduction per year on average, which The Home Depot target exceeds. We will continue to explore targets that are in alignment with SBTi's new criteria that the minimum reduction required for targets in line with well-below 2°C scenarios is 2.5% in annual linear terms.
Please identify and describe the factors that most greatly affect your city’s ability to adapt to climate change and indicate how those factors either support or challenge this ability.
Orange County has experienced riverine flooding throughout its past, but recently the flood events have been occurring more frequently and the consequences have been higher including economic losses and occasionally loss of life. The disturbance of natural landcover and the increase of impervious surfaces has contributed to faster stormwater runoff, which in turn has increased the likelihood of rivers and tributaries to flood. Previous floods have impacted commercial and residential properties, particularly those of lower-income families who are more commonly located in or near floodplains. Impacts have also been felt along roadways limiting access to emergency responders.
Give details of your climate-related engagement strategy with your customers.
As an indicator of estimated financial implications, in 2018 we provided about $23 billion in sustainable finance. Commitments either directly or indirectly contributed to climate adaptation, efforts to support a low-carbon economy.
Account for your organization’s Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
Data is from an assessment completed in 2017 by LCA consultancy Quantis; primary data for fuel and energy in our operations in F17 from internal database. Cradle-to-gate emission factors were sourced from the ecoinvent 3.3 database. The impact assessment method used was IPCC 2013 GWP100. Ecoinvent datasets were modified to only take emissions associated with production and distribution of the energy. Direct combustion emissions were subtracted from the total. The total amount of fuel/energy provided by General Mills was multiplied by the modified scope 3 emission factors to calculate the total GHG emissions.
How much solid waste does your city generate (tonnes/person/year)?
Industrial waste is calculated as part of Commercial waste. Data unavailable for Construction and demolition waste.
Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.
The UK and Scottish GHG inventories now include historical emissions associated with drainage and rewetting of organic soils (see 2013 IPCC wetlands supplement). These statistics also include international aviation and shipping. As a result, comparability with other states and regions may be compromised.
Provide details on the initiatives implemented in the reporting year in the table below.
LGE and KU: In 2017 LGE and KU invested $44M in Demand Side Management Programs, which includes:• Residential energy audits,• Residential winterization,• Residential appliance rebates,• Residential behavior programs,• Residential demand response,• Residential education programs, and Commercial programsLGE and KU generates and delivers electricity, as such these initiatives directly reduced Scope 1 emissions. Payback period is applicable only to customers and varies based on each project.
What actions are you undertaking to reduce your emissions in your local government operations?
The Sustainable DC plan has a target to replace all street and public lighting with high-efficiency fixtures by 2032. To date, more than 4,250 LED street lights have been installed as part of lighting upgrades to replace less-efficient incandescent and high-pressure sodium lights. A citywide LED conversion project is currently in procurement (see link below)
Please describe the main actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, and vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section.
Other: Citizens can experience econonic consequences if their houses are flooded.
Please provide details of your renewable energy target(s) and how the city plans to meet those targets.
There is no implementing cost for this project since the activity has been already integrated into their daily life and the materials are currently used in every household.
Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.
The Catalan Government - through the Catalan Waste Agency -supports a pilot project in industrial symbiosis in Manresa,together with other institutions. First results obtanined indentifya local energy generation of 1,2 M € value with theimplementation of energy sinergy, and savings of 135.000 € inwaste management.
How does your city increase access to sustainable foods?
Gold Food Place Award 2020 – Brighton and Hove Food Partnership (BHFP) new partnership Food and Planning Project brought together BHFP with Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC) Planning Department, supported by Sustain, with funding from Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. The partnership has integrated food into the planning system in three ways: • A revised and improved Planning Advice Note (PAN) on Food Growing was adopted in September 2020. Its development, 2018-2020, included consultation with developers, planning agents and frontline planners. The PAN provides technical guidance to encourage the inclusion of food growing spaces in new developments. • A new Health Impact Assessment checklist which developers will be required to complete incorporates food growing, access to food shops and over-provision of fast food. • A new Urban Design Framework Supplementary Planning Document (in progress) will incorporate both food growing and wider food access. A requirement for more veg in catering National retailer Lidl, BHCC and the University of Brighton worked in partnership to better understand the circumstances and potential barriers facing low-income families in East Brighton with regards to eating veg. Recommendations from the research fed into Lidl’s National Healthy Eating Strategy. • The Lidl research was presented at a national Public Health England conference in 2019 and at Peas Please national conferences in London and Manchester. More veg in schools, universities, hospitals and workplaces BHFP ran a ‘making veg the star of the plate’ training session for the Good Food Procurement Group, a Caterers Network. As a result: • 70% committed to serve two portions of veg with every main meal at no extra cost. This adds up to approximately 71,900 meals a day (2 million meals a month) • 73% included multiple vegetarian/vegan options • 53% flipped the menu to read veggie option first. • A collaborative approach has led to real change e.g. University of Sussex and Compass Group now have an exclusively vegetarian café, and 80% of their cafes operate with 50-70% vegan/vegetarian options daily.Individual public sector organisations were persuaded to adopt specific food policies, e.g. nutrition standards, healthy catering and vending, ‘tap water only’ and ethical standards such as cage-free and Fairtrade. • The Healthy Choice Award scheme for school breakfast clubs was redeveloped to include activity sessions. The national schools Games Mark for Physical Activity and the Healthy Choice Award and the Smile Award were merged to increase awareness of all the schemes; 54 schools have now received the award. • The citywide Healthy Choice Award scheme for Early Years settings added a requirement to provide two or three types of veg each day, and the Minimum Buying Standards Brighton & Hove City Council Good Food Standards for catering contracts are currently being updated to reflect the citywide commitment to increase consumption of veg. • Whilst Sussex Partnership has moved away from its award-winning local hub procurement model, other GPFG members have moved on in strides, notably Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, which has fully committed to sustainable and healthy food and waste and plastics reduction through changing practices and a new oversight group. • The East Sussex County Council primary and secondary school meal provider, providing 17,000 meals per day, now has a Gold Food For Life award. It ran an award-winning pilot on behavioural nudges following a GPFG workshop on healthy eating behaviour change nudges. • Major event venue the Brighton Centre achieved Bronze Food For Life after being asked to commit to the city’s Minimum Buying Standards as part of its contract. • The University of Sussex achieved Sustainable Restaurant Association 3* rating. • Kudos, the caterer at the Brighton Centre, opted to stop serving beef on its menus because of the climate crisis. Help procurement officers source more local food by linking them with producers and processors through local supplier directories and ‘meet the supplier’ events. Work began in 2020 on updating the popular BHFP directory of local suppliers, used by many caterers. • BHFP ran a local suppliers’ tour for the GPFG, with the opportunity for members of the Group to share challenges and recommendations about using local suppliers. Help small food businesses access procurement via on-line tendering databases and cooperative marketing and supply initiatives. • Exploratory talks were held in summer 2020 with BHCC and adjacent local authority representatives leading to a commitment to explore options around encouraging joint local supply routes / food hubs. Work with restaurants and other catering businesses to help them source more healthy, sustainable, ethical and locally produced ingredients.
State how much fuel in MWh your organization has consumed (excluding feedstocks) by fuel type.
Emissions from company owned or leased vehicles provided to employees for personal transportation.
Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.
About 75% of current generation is exported (sold) to Hydro-Quebec in the Province of Quebec.
Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.
The Department of Transport and Public Works has committed to develop a transport sector climate change response plan for the region. The sector plan will aim to reduce GHG emissions in the sector while encouraging development of transport infrastructure that will be resilient to climate change impacts such as flooding, increased temperatures and extreme weather events.
Select the countries/areas for which you will be supplying data.
Argentina; Australia; Austria; Belgium; Brazil; Bulgaria; Canada; Chile; China; China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; Colombia; Costa Rica; Czechia; Denmark; Ecuador; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Iceland; India; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Luxembourg; Mexico; Monaco; Netherlands; Norway; Panama; Peru; Poland; Portugal; Republic of Korea; Romania; Russian Federation; Serbia; Singapore; Slovakia; Slovenia; South Africa; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Taiwan, Greater China; Thailand; Turkey; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; United States of America; Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Report the total number of meals that are annually served and/or sold through programs managed by your city (this includes schools, hospitals, shelters, public canteens, etc.).
Louisville Metro has added over 200 acres of greenspace to protected parklands since 2013 and has increased the acreage of natural areas land under active management by 170 acres since 2014.
Does your city have any policies relating to food consumption within your city? If so, please describe the expected outcome of the policy.
The City established the Toronto Food Policy Council (TFPC) in 1991. The TFPC is a subcommittee of the Board of Health with a mandate to advise the City of Toronto on food policy issues and to build the movement to promote sustainable food systems. In 2008, the City initiated the Toronto Food Strategy, led by Toronto Public Health, to champion and support a healthier, more sustainable food system for all. The Toronto Food Strategy, along with the Toronto Food Policy Council, play an important role in advancing food policies in the City of Toronto.Please see the Local Food EPI Canada analysis of Toronto's Food Policies, click here.
Provide details of your products and/or services that you classify as low-carbon products or that enable a third party to avoid GHG emissions.
In the reporting year, the company completed 51 process improvement projects across its supply chain network that required "no or low" cost to implement and targeted continuous improvement on existing equipment. The projects categories include process improvement in textile manufacturing, apparel sewing operations and material utilization. Twenty three (23) projects targeted textile processes. These projects were collaborative whereby cross functional teams analyzed metrics and processes, benchmarked key performance indicators, brainstormed procedures, shared best practices and then implemented the operational changes. The projects yielded an energy savings of 81,858 MMBTU's and a combined scope 1 and 2 emissions reduction of 3,352 MT CO2e. Four (4) projects focused on apparel sewing processes by using lean principles for continuous improvement. The projects focused on management and scheduling of production lines, material flow, technical support and style changes. Efficiency of the sewing operations improved and resulted in an energy savings of 2,926 MMBTU's and a scope 2 emissions reduction of 297 MTCO2e. Twenty four (24) projects across fifteen (15) locations improved material utilization. The projects included increase in pattern marker efficiency and first quality during product assembly. The sum of the material utilization projects yielded a savings of 4,289 MMBTU's and a reduction of scope 1 and scope 2 emissions of 255 MTCO2e.
Account for your organization’s gross global Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
As a financial services company, U.S. Bank produces a limited number of physical products that require upstream transportation. The estimated size of this Scope 3 category is therefore small relative to our total estimated Scope 3 emissions.
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government.
To make proper use of resources, New Taipei City prioritized the definition of key areas of adaptation. Through interviews with the departments, expert advisory meetings, and cross-department meetings, the areas of adaptation in New Taipei City were identified “Disasters and “Health” were set as key areas; “Land Use” and “Energy Supply and Industry” were priority areas; “Agricultural Production and Biodiversity", “Water Resources", “Coasts" and “Life Supporting Infrastructure" that had no direct climate impact on the current situation of New Taipei were set as secondary areas.
Please indicate the opportunities your city has identified as a result of addressing climate change and describe how the city is positioning itself to take advantage of these opportunities.
Beneficial Use of Digester Gas (BUDG) plant at the Point Loma Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.
Other, please specify: Support for local governments for Investment in climate action measures
Does your city have emissions reduction targets (government operations, city wide targets) or energy efficiency targets for the following building types?
Food Policy and Food Council will be prepared under FUSILLI project in 2022.
What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities?
Calculated emission factor based on National Refrigerants, Inc. stated composition blend of R-125, R-143a, and R-134a (based on IPCC AR5 GWPs).
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
U.S. Bank is a national leader in financing renewable energy which makes communities more environmentally sustainable as well as more economically resilient through access to affordable energy and the promotion of job growth.At U.S. Bank, we are committed to investing in businesses that are supporting renewable energy efforts and sustainable business practices while supporting job growth. U.S. Bancorp Community Development Corporation (USBCDC) has experts who specialize in renewable energy investing and are seen as leaders in this space. Part of their work includes finding opportunities that drive a clean economy, but also support the communities where we do business. Access to the benefits of renewable energy is often out of reach for many low- and moderate-income (LMI) communities. Completed in 2018, USBCDC invested over $45 million to develop Villa Hermosa in Santa Fe, NM in an effort to close that gap. The Villa Hermosa project focused on renovating almost 120 affordable, energy-efficient apartments spread across one-story buildings. The project meets the LEED green construction standards, including solar panels on the buildings' roofs, LED lighting, ENERGY STAR appliances, energy efficient cooling and heating systems, and courtyards landscaped with drought-tolerant plant species. Cost of management would be personnel costs associated with the renewable energy group within U.S. Bancorp Community Development Corporation, totaling approximately $2.7 million.
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government.
Addressing both mitigation and adaptation together in the same plan allowed us to develop a more comprehensive plan and focus more closely on how each action will be implemented.
List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.
California’s goal is to achieve 100% of in-state sales of new passenger cars and trucks to be zero-emission vehicles by 2035, for more information see Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-79-20 at Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure is supported by the expansion of the California Energy Commission’s Clean Transportation Program, for more information see
Please provide your city’s recalculated total city-wide emissions figures for any previous inventories along with Scope 1, 2 and 3 breakdowns where applicable.
Emissions data for Industrial Processes and LULUCF were updated to reflect updated national data. National data was updated as a result of improved satellite imaging and more accurate estimates of Industrial Process emissions.
Please identify and describe the factors that most greatly affect your city’s ability to adapt to climate change and indicate how those factors either support or challenge this ability.
The City of Orlando has been designated as a StormReady® community by the NWS. In order to achieve this certification, the City has undertaken a number of steps including:•Establishing a 24-hour warning point and emergency operations center•Demonstrating the presence of multiple modalities to receive severe weather warnings and forecasts and to alert the public•Creating a system that monitors local weather conditions•Promoting the importance of public readiness through community seminars•Developing a formal hazardous weather plan, which includes training severe weather spotters and holding emergency exercises
Account for your organization’s Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
In recognition of waste reduction week, Scotiabank hosted an e-waste recycling event. The event provided employees, customers and the general public to bring in personal electronic waste items for responsible disposal. While the event was not related to Scotiabank products, it did allow us to engage with customers on the impacts of e-waste globally.
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government.
1.The city's environmental protection policy established. i. A green fleet of Government vehicles will formed.ii. Fuel-powered motorcycles will be scrapped year by year and will be completely replaced by the end of 2028.iii. priority will be given to purchasing or renting low-pollution vehicles such as electric vehicles for Government use.
Account for your organization’s Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
Emerging regulatory requirements are a strategic risk for PACCAR and are always evaluated because compliance with all applicable regulations for manufacturing and use of commercial vehicles must be achieved to increase market share and revenues and to avoid fines. Regulatory risks are identified and assessed on a global basis by experienced internal management at semi-annual meetings, and through external stakeholder engagement including frequent collaborations with partners, suppliers, government agencies and customers to identify risks from increasing regulations, changing customer preferences, new disruptive technology and public policy support for low carbon transportation infrastructure such as vehicle electrification and low carbon fuels. Product or transition related risks including emerging regulations are identified and evaluated globally, and reported to the Board of Directors quarterly. Evaluation of regulatory risks includes determination of the magnitude of the financial risk. The significance of the financial impact of identified risks including climate-related risk is based on probabilities of both the likelihood of occurrence and potential financial impacts, and the materiality and estimability of probable risks in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The financial impact of climate-related risk is based on key assessment aspects including the proportion of business units affected, the size of the impact on those business units and the potential shareholder or customer concern. A substantive financial impact could occur due to a large change in one of these key aspects or a small change in all three aspects. PACCAR participates in industry groups and collaborates directly with government agencies to track and help craft regulations related to road freight and manufacturing operations. For example, two of PACCAR's nameplates, Kenworth and Peterbilt, collaborated with the Port of Long Beach California, Transpower and the California Air Resources Control Board to develop all electric models to meet potential new requirements for zero emissions port logistics.
Please describe the main actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, and vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section.
Farmer’s Markets are supported with a dedicated Municipal Regulation to spread places where citizens can meet farmers who distribute fresh fruits and healthy products. Currently in Milan 12 farmers markets are active.
Please detail which goals and targets are incorporated in your city’s master plan and describe how these goals are addressed in the table below.
Climate Smart San José includes three goals related to water consumption to increase resilience to drought: (1) to decrease total citywide consumption to 76 million gallons per day by 2040 (2) to decrease residential water use to 20 gallons per capita per day by 2040 and (3) to increase the percentage of demand met by reuse/recycling to 23% by 2040. In addition, Climate Smart San José calls for an increase in local renewable energy capacity to 1,430 MW by 2050, which, in concert with microgrids and local energy storage, could help our community withstand utility power shutoffs in response to conditions of high wildfire risk. These goals are being incorporated into our General Plan, which is currently being reviewed for an update in Spring 2021.
Please explain why your city-wide emissions inventory is not verified and describe any plans to verify your city-wide emissions in the future.
The Community Climate Action Plan update (CAP 2.0) will focus on engaging with Large Lever Shareholders (LLSs) to identify climate actions that organizations will take action on during the next 5-10 years. LLSs are organizations in Eugene who have significant oversight and impact on community-wide fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions or have the ability to effect or alter systems that will enable the community to adapt and prepare for climate change. Large Lever ShareholdersBethel School DistrictLane CountyCity of EugeneLane Transit DistrictEugene Chamber of CommerceMWMCEugene 4J School DistrictNorthwest NaturalEWEBUniversity of OregonLane Community College In addition to engagement with the LLS, numerous community engagement efforts are planned. In particular, efforts to connect with marginalized communities are a priority. Marginalized communities include but are not limited to communities of color, low-income communities, the elderly and people experiencing a disability. The City believes outreach to these communities is particularly important, as research shows that marginalized communities tend to be disproportionately impacted by climate change. Other groups to be engaged during the process include the general public, the City's boards and commission, the business community and other interested community groups.
Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.
Reduction of region-wide CO2e emissions by 40% by 2030 based on 2005 levels.All emissions within the regional territory except point source emissions included in the EU-ETS (Emission TradingSystem of the European Union), plus indirect emissions from regional power consumption. The target applies to thesources in sectors a+c+d+e+f+g defined in Q 3.11 d.
Please detail sustainability goals and targets (e.g. GHG reductions) that are incorporated into your city’s master plan and describe how these are addressed in the table below.
Carbon Neutral Cornwall Hive - As part of our wider leadership role and to help our communities combat climate change, we unveiled a new online engagement platform based within the ‘Cornwall we want’ site, the Carbon Neutral Cornwall Hive provides a space for residents and community groups to share information and ideas to tackle climate change. Discussions on the Hive will link into the Cornwall we want discussion to help make Cornwall stronger and more resilient for future generations.Carbon Neutral Cornwall Partnership Group - Our key emitting sectors, health partners and those with lived experience will be a vital part of shaping our future activity, developing our asks of government and informing the development of the next phase of our action plan. The sectors responsible for the largest proportion of carbon emissions in Cornwall were invited to join the Partnership Group which has now met twice (virtually) since lockdown began. The group includes representatives from transport, housing, energy and agriculture along with the voluntary sector, academic research, waste, business, tourism, biodiversity and public health, and will also address international issues to help understand the impact of the climate emergency on those across the UK and beyond.
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
The complete Board of Directors monitors Owens Corning's progress against sustainability. Sustainability is embedded in the company from the products we make to the actions we drive within the communities we operate. The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors also has accountability for sustainability. The Audit Committee was chosen to be responsible for climate-related issues due to their additional responsibilities overseeing risk.Per the Directors' Code of Conduct: Owens Corning is committed to the principles of sustainability. As used in this Directors' Code, the term ''sustainability” includes the concepts of: personal safety; environmental compliance; product stewardship; and the environmental and social impact of our global operations and the products we make and sell. Directors are expected to provide oversight, guidance and direction on sustainability issues and opportunities that have potential impact on the reputation and long-term economic viability.Owens Corning's commitments and progress in environmental and social sustainability are fundamental to our business. Our CEO and Board of Directors have oversight of our progress toward our climate and sustainability goals. Our Board reviews our Sustainability program at least annually, and receives periodic updates on relevant environmental impacts, health and safety metrics and activities, and all our long-term sustainability goals. Our Board and Committees also have risk oversight related to impacts from Environment, Health and Safety, including climate change, and the mitigation plans the company has in place. As an example of the board's involvement in our sustainability and climate-related processes, the board endorsed and provided guidance on all of the goals when developing and setting our 2030 Sustainability Goals in 2019.
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government.
Currently we are exceeding our target for energy efficiency. Our target covers municipal building usage. The percentage of target achieved is based on our electricity usage as of 2017 (2,131 MWh).
Please provide the total fleet size and number of vehicle types for the following modes of transport:
The strong engagement of the municipal utiliy (Stadtwerke Heidelberg) leads to innovative energy technologies like district heating, wood-chip fired cogeneration plant and an innovative heat storage facility. The heat storage tower has been built in 2019 and started to operate already so that the biomass cogeneration plant can work more flexibly and efficiently.
Which risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments?
We monitor a wide variety of risks related to technology ranging from product demand and adoption (i.e., opportunities to grow our business by applying our technologies such as smart grid and telematics to facilitate the transition to a low-carbon economy) to energy forecasting (e.g., assessing the availability of renewable energy technologies or whether electric technology will be sufficient to meet the demands of the activities undertaken by our fleet). For example, our current scenario analysis evaluates the impact of carbon pricing based on our anticipated fleet fuel reductions. If electric vehicle technology doesn't advance quickly enough to incorporate at projected levels into our large fleet, we may need to identify other ways to minimize our Scope 1 emissions.
Please describe the main actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, and vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section.
"DEPED Makati's support to the National Campaign to Observe Water Conservation""Action Plans: Makati El Niño Preparedness Plan""Makati DRRM Office: PAGASA released an El Niño Advisory""Makati DRRM Office: Localized Dry Weather Bulletin - Forecasting Maximum Heat Index"
Does your city have any policies relating to food consumption within your city? If so, please describe the expected outcome of the policy.
Fueled by its advocacy to promote the health, nutrition and safety of its residents, employees and beneficiaries, Quezon City became the first local government unit (LGU) in the country to establish a healthy food procurement policy (Executive Order No. 16 S-2021 entitled “Quezon City Healthy Public Food Procurement Policy”), which aims to positively affect the overall health and nutrition of its constituents. Quezon City has been taking the lead Health and Nutrition with its Food Security and Food Sustainability Programs. This program aims to 1) improve citizens’ health and nutrition status, and 2) ensure that public food is nutritious and sustainable. With the implementation of the program the government will 1) set nutrition standards for procured food, and 2) provide and enabling environment for compliance.Other outcome are as follows:- Implementation of Anti-Junk Food and Sugary Drinks Ordinance of 2017 where different stores and canteens in primary and secondary schools within 100 meters are mandated to sell nutritious food.- Continuous implementation of Urban Farming Project to contribute to food security and self-sufficiency among the City’s constituents- Continuous partnership between the City and WWF for the City-wide incorporation of sustainable consumption and production for restaurants and the dining public
Please indicate if your city-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and describe why.
Previously we used CIRIS questionnaire (2016 and 2017 inventories) but this year we used ICLEI Clear Path tool (2018) and that is the basis for the Climate Action Plan we developed.
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
There are many market drivers which direct consumer behavior and, therefore, makes it difficult to assess the impact of consumers' perception of energy efficiency on revenue. However, if revenue increased 2% from changing consumer behavior, then the financial impact would be $89M. This hypothetical increase was chosen as it is conservative and would be unexpected.
Please describe the main actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, and vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section.
The City participates in a significant water conservation efforts through the "Water use It Wisely" campaign Also see:
Please report on how climate change impacts health outcomes and health services in your city.
The City of Miami Beach hosts workshops, including WE-LAB, for employees and residents which cover topics including water conservation and Florida Friendly Landscaping to encourage them to use less water at work and at home.
Which of the following risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments?
Demand for renewable energy for utility scale power plants comes from utilities that need to fulfill state goals and from private companies with its own renewables targets. When those targets are met, demand for renewables can decrease and negatively impact the growth of our Renewables business.
Does your local/regional government apply a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system for monitoring the implementation of adaptation goals and targets as part of the climate adaptation plan (or integrated climate action plan)?
Personal Carbon Trading in mobility app CitiCap available for loading in aplication shops was piloted in 2020.
Provide details of your climate-related supplier engagement strategy.
By taking a leadership position, we aim to catalyze the IT industry and other large corporations to make similar commitments. We partnered with the nonprofit BSR and POINT380 to develop a supply chain standard for emissions reductions and abatement. This standard will act as a framework to assist companies in establishing SBTs for their supply chains, create a best-in-class approach to supply chain GHG engagement and abatement, and support suppliers in setting their own targets. By taking a holistic approach to ensure accountability within HPE's own supply chain, build the capability of suppliers to set SBT targets in their own operations, and provide a standard for supplier GHG engagement and abatement, HPE is taking a leadership stance with a goal to catalyze the IT industry and beyond.Success will be measured by the number of IT companies we collaborate with to standardize our approach to IT supply chain GHG engagement and abatement.
Provide details of your climate-related supplier engagement strategy.
Reliable and affordable electricity is a prerequisite to operating a shopping mall. Additionally, electricity expense typically covers about 30% -45% of the operating expense in a mall. For this reason, engagement with key energy providers and utility is of strategic importance to Simon and is prioritized as part of the firms stakeholder engagement strategy. Methods of engagement include one-on-one meetings with energy companies and utilities to 1) identify best electricity mix for Simon and 2) explore onsite generation through renewable sources (e.g. solar) or 3) alternative methods to reduce the stress on the grid (e.g. through participation in demand response programs or installation of battery storage to shift peak usage).
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Aptar considers this risk driver related to the increase of costs for the capital investments in technology development due to unsuccessful investment that could generate more environmental impact from the production processes. The adoption of new technology for the production processess and site utilities (e.g. inverter system for compressors, high efficiency HVAC for heatig and cooling of plant) generate new capital investments and budget review. This risk could affect the operations and generate an increasing of operating cost.
Please detail which goals and targets are incorporated in your city’s master plan and describe how these goals are addressed in the table below.
Kuala Lumpur City hall has formulated a Low Carbon Society Blueprint 2030 towards achieving a world class sustainable city by 2030 in line with the city development plan. The LCSBP 2030 entails the creation of a greener better Kuala Lumpur that embraces a GHG emission intensity reduction target of up to 70% by 2030.10 key actions have been formulated encompassing economy, social and environment and they are green growth, Energy efficient spatial planning, green mobility, sustainable energy system, community engagement and green lifestyle, low carbon green buildings, green and blue network, sustainable waste management , sustainable water and wastewater management and green urban governance which act as the Kuala Lumpur low carbon society enabler. Mainstreaming these components in the formulation of the new development plan for Kuala Lumpur is critical for future implementation and monitoring.Summary for policy makers was produced to provide a clear and effective framework for future implementation of the KL LCSBP 2030. The key actions are divided into sub actions, which are further divided into measures and detailed implementation programs according to the resource requirements, budget, implementation agencies and the duration estimated.
Provide details of any other climate-related targets, including methane reduction targets.
Our goal is to achieve a 15% reduction in our global water consumption over our 2016 level by 2025.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
This is labour intensive to ensure Drivers are scheduled with the proper runs, that the load is not cancelled and that the Drivers are available to start by the required time to meet the window times.When Driver do not drive, they do not get paid so if the HOS delays them, then they can not work the next day as the load is covered by someone else. When they do not make enough money, they quit, thinking there are lots of jobs out there, I will move some where else. Often they come back as the grass is not always greener at another company.
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
We estimate the overall impact of subsidies for renewable energy generation to our various locations throughout the globe to be over $1M based on the incentives considered in the renewable projects planned. We estimate the expansion of the EU ETS is estimated at up to $1M based on current financial exposure in the EU and potential future inclusion of larger manufacturing centers such as in Romania or Greece. We estimate the impact of energy taxes to be around $800k energy tax reduction in Germany based on ISO 50001 certification.
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government.
Berkeley has a very high cost of living which makes it difficult for low and moderate income people to afford adequate housing and invest in solutions that can help them adapt to climate change. Low income community members are the most adversely impacted by climate change.
Please describe the main actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, and vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section.
The City of Rochester has turned a portion of a former city landfill into a 2-MegaWatt solar field. After several years of environmental clean-up, part of the former Emerson Street Landfill on 1655 Lexington Ave is now used for renewable energy generation.The City of Rochester selected Solar Liberty, a Buffalo-based solar company, to install, maintain, own, and operate the solar field. Working with their partner, AES Distributed Energy, Solar Liberty broke ground in May 2017 with a completion date in the fall of 2017.The power generated from the solar field will be remote net metered to the City of Rochester’s City Hall and Central Vehicle Maintenance Facility. The 1,129 estimated emissions reductions in metric tones of CO2e is actually less than the actual emissions reduction as there are two additional solar installations at the Arnett Branch Library and the Rochester Public Market. The solar energy data generated at these two locations is not readily available.
Does your city have emissions reduction targets or energy efficiency targets for the following building types?
We will be studying micro-climates to better understand the distribution of extreme heat across the city.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
The size of engagement figure is the percentage of eligible corporate customers.In 2017 United added a GHG emissions component to its Global Performance Commitment to corporate accounts. United has committed to achieving lower GHG emissions than its two largest U.S.-based competitors each year, as measured by gross CO2e per available seat-mile. If United does not meet this goal, it will compensate eligible corporate accounts in the form of United Services Funds.
Report the total number of meals and tonnes that are served and/or sold through programs managed by your city (this includes schools, canteens, hospitals etc.).
The city government of Tagum through its Nutrition-Sensitive Programs, namely Gulayan Program, Distribution of itik eggs, Provision of rice and Provision of stingless honey, served locally produced to identified malnourished children in the city
What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities?
Ameren Missouri implemented projects to optimize operations at its energy centers in 2019. Ameren Missouri is unable to calculate the savings from these investments.
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government.
In New Taipei City, 473 households installed multi-functional smart meters, 299 schools adopted energy management systems and replaced lighting fixtures with LEDs, the government institutions replaced 25,887 old lighting fixtures, and the hospitals received subsidies to replace 11,410 old lighting fixtures and installed 27 ductless air conditioners.
The Global Covenant of Mayors requires committed cities to report their inventories in the format of the new Common Reporting Framework, to encourage standard reporting of emissions data. Please provide a breakdown of your city-wide emissions by sector and sub-sector in the table below. Where emissions data is not available, please use the relevant notation keys to explain the reason why.
We are still seeking sources of centralized data. There are a significant number of local airports throughout the region, including (C: Confidential) military US Army Reserve Chinook Helicopter station. Any grid based stationary energy for aviation would be included with Commercial Buildings and Facilities. We are still seeking sources for this data, and the extent of this contribution is unclear.
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Other, please specify: Reduced operating costs and carbon intensity of operations.
What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities?
We continue to close outlier facilities with low utilization and/or aging equipment. During 2017, we closed or reduced square footage of 127 owned or leased facilities (both domestic and international), reducing building space by nearly 4.1 million square feet, and consolidating our operations to facilities that are more energy efficient. This program creates annual energy dollar and kWh savings of greater than $4.4M and 42.9M kWh respectively, and reduces carbon emissions by nearly 29,400 mtons annually.
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Other physical climate drivers.In our 2016 10K Annual Report risk factors, we disclose that the price of commodities and other inputs may be influenced by climate change risks, and provide example of those risks. We also discuss reputational and supply chain risks. See ''Commodity and other input prices . . .” section on page 12 of the 2016 10K Annual Report.
Please attach your city’s climate change mitigation plan below. If your city has both action and energy access plans, please make sure to attach all relevant documents below.
SW1.1-SW1.16-SW1.17 are collected under one action. These actions support zero-waste initiative.Supporting actions for SECAP SW1.8, emission reductions cumulated
Please attach and provide details on your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment. Please provide details on the boundary of your assessment, and where this differs from your city’s boundary, please provide an explanation.
Analyse and plan to expand environmental education and awareness programs including Green Team, Bushcare, Dunecare, Clean Up Australia Day, National Tree Day and Sustainable Wollongong newsletter
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Juniper has integrated climate-related risk analysis into their upstream supply chain management system and allows for prediction of climate risks based on geography, seasonality, and meteorological data. Examples of climate issues that are used in the modeling include but are not limited to flooding, hurricanes, and air quality, each of which can prevent access to components and raw materials. With an integrated layer of product, part, and component cost and sourcing data, the risk management platform enables the Operations team to instantly see and predict critical events and their severity of impact to the supply chain, such as prevention of access to single-source components needed for manufacturing. With these notifications, Juniper can immediately contact suppliers to understand potential impacts to delivery and, if needed, create mitigation plans. The Operations team is also working strategically with Juniper's Design for Resiliency team to strengthen the supply chain by designing for multi-sourcing. This will reduce the company's exposure to climate risks by reducing the reliance on single-origin sourcing. Juniper is actively enhancing the Company's resiliency by putting focus and energy into addressing risks early on in the lifecycle of products.
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
2017 Climate Registry Default Emissions Factors (March 2017); UNFCCC CRF Implied Emission Factor Natural Gas; 2012; IPCC 2006 DEFAULT PER "Emissions Factor Database"; Defra/DECC Conversion factors for Company Reporting Version 1.0 (2017).
Please indicate the opportunities your city has identified as a result of addressing climate change and describe how the city is positioning itself to take advantage of these opportunities.
The municipality used the local resources observation data collected from the project execution to create database for future projects.
Please identify the risks to your city’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.
The region is currently working on implementation of Complete Streets infrastructure - primarily on-street and buffered bike facilities, greenway trails and improved sidewalks and pedestrian crossings - but our climate action plan calls for increased investment in these activities.
Please describe the process for how your city has identified and assessed specific adaptation actions. Select all that apply and provide a description of each action assessment method.
Strategy of adaption on Climate Change of Capital city Podgorica with Vulnerability Assessment and Adaption Action plan
List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.
1. Build greater resilience to extreme precipitation. 2. Identify opportunities to strengthen the climate resilience and health of at-risk populations of Minnesotans across state agency programs and through cooperation with local governments.3. Increase focus on preserving natural and restored terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and habitat to increase resilience of wildlife and native plants.4. Strengthen agricultural water management efforts to increase resilience to climate change impacts.5. Increase focus on managing climate impacts in cities, towns, and other population centers.6. Strengthen our climate information infrastructure to support climate adaptation practices.
Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the risk and vulnerability assessment of your city.
The City completed a Climate Vulnerability Assessment beginning in Fall 2018. Methodology followed the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Climate Smart Communities which included a Summary report of regional climate change and anticipated local climate change impacts, Sensitivity analysis report, Adaptive capacity evaluation plan, Vulnerability matrix and overall vulnerability assessment.
Please indicate the opportunities your city has identified as a result of addressing climate change and describe how the city is positioning itself to take advantage of these opportunities.
City Council amended regulations in the Palo Alto Municipal Code to support transportation modes that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The amendments facilitate electric vehicle supply equipment (ESVE) installation and allow for eight additional bicycle parking spaces to replace one required vehicle parking space. (Ordinance 5504, Effective Date 9-24-2020)
State how much fuel in MWh your organization has consumed (excluding feedstocks) by fuel type.
Our climate-related risk management approach takes into account legal risk. This assessment includes regulatory risks related to climate change laws and regulations. Other risks include failure to have proper business continuity plans in place to respond to climate related risks. Climate risks are also considered through our compliance management program and internal audit process. Examples include monitoring of regulations related to air permitting and pending carbon taxes or emissions trading schemes.
List the average emission factors of the fuels reported in C8.2c.
US Energy Information Administration (EIA) Carbon Dioxide Emissions Coefficients table at
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
In 2017, the costs associated with re-envisioning our apparel design, sourcing and production processes to reduce environmental impacts, include investments in research and development which fall within the normal course of business and incur zero additional costs.
Which of the following risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments?
(1) Identify electricity utility providers able to provide specific renewable energy purchase options (2) Prioritize facilities based on amount of electricity spend, kWh consumption, power mixes, and associated scope 2 emissions; (3) Identify preferred $ maximums level for financial impact and cost to realize (4) Rank facilities with utility providers based on a balance between impact significance (reduction in scope 2 emissions) vs electricity cost increases from the procurement of GHG-free electricity.
Please identify and describe the conditional components of your city-wide emissions reduction target(s).
At a community meeting, residents expressed concern about the anticipated extreme heat during summers as a result of climate change. While the Medford senior center is currently used as an unofficial "cooling shelter" for seniors in the City, we are considering the possibility of expanding this resource so it could be available for more populations. The Metropolitan Area Planning Council lists the Medford Public Library, the public beach at Wright's Pond, and the public pool in Medford as other places to "Keep Cool" during heat emergencies in their "Keep Cool" app. However, not many residents are aware of this resource. Expanding outreach and education on this topic will be considered in Medford's forthcoming climate adaptation plan.As of 2019 we have updated the Open Space Plan to gather information on prospective future locations. in 2020 we added an additional public splash pad which opened in June.
Please provide details on any historical and base year city-wide emissions inventories your city has, in order to allow assessment of targets in the table below.
This inventory is considered unreliable as a baseline due to data and methodology inefficiencies.
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Emissions from Downstream Transportation and Distribution were calculated using the U.S. EPA's SmartWay Program and are provided for U.S. shippers only.