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Account for your organization’s Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions. | This category includes customer's emissions relating to the processing of intermediate products sold by a reporting company, such as the conversion of aluminum ingots into aluminum injection molded products.We reviewed this category in 2018 and concluded that PMI sold only final products to end-users, and no intermediate products which could be further processed, transformed or included into other products, therefore this category has been excluded. | 1 | 529,764 |
Provide details of your climate-related supplier engagement strategy. | We introduced a Supplier Environmental Footprint Scorecard in 2014 to measure the footprint of our Top 100 suppliers that collectively represent approximately 2/3 of our spending. The scorecard enables us to profile top-supplier efforts to measure, set goals and report on water and energy consumption; greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; and waste-to-landfill reductions. It also seeks data about our top suppliers' suppliers (Clorox second-tier suppliers) to expand our view of and ability to impact our upstream supply chain. About 96% percent of our top suppliers responded to our scorecard request. Close to half of the suppliers that responded measure the amount of waste they send to landfill, 68 percent measure their GHG emissions, 70 percent measure water and 78 percent measure energy consumption. In addition, 38 percent setting public ghg reduction goals. Additionally, 44 percent request sustainability information from their suppliers. We have re-submitted this scorecard to our suppliers in 2018, with the goal of working with these business partners to drive sustainability improvements across our supply chain in the years ahead. | 1 | 76,881 |
On what issues have you been engaging directly with policy makers? | Based on a preliminary assessment using the Quantis Scope 3 Evaluator tool, emissions from employee commuting represent a negligible portion (less than 1%) of our total Scope 3 emissions and are therefore not relevant. | 0 | 68,323 |
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government. | The Penang state government today launched its free bus service named the Congestion Alleviation Transport (CAT) in collaboration with Rapid Penang, on 12 selected routes in the state. There are six in Seberang Perai which consist of routes servicing Seberang Jaya, Nibong Tebal, Bukit Mertajam, Alma, Bertam and Batu Kawan respectively. Bus stops have also been set up in these areas that require this bus service, with a large number of passengers. RM 15 million had been allocated by the Penang state government to Rapid Penang in 2018 as to provide free bus services on both Penang Island and also Seberang Perai. | 0 | 195,411 |
Please describe the main goals of your city’s adaptation efforts and the metrics / KPIs for each goal. | correct and sustainable management of stormwater; mantein soil permeability; water quality | 1 | 118,942 |
Please indicate the opportunities your city has identified as a result of addressing climate change and describe how the city is positioning itself to take advantage of these opportunities. | The current process of development of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan of Sofia Municipality for the period of 2021 - 2030 will be adjusted with the goals and priorities of the Eurapean Green Deal. In this regard, the analitical part of the work as well as the planning of measures will be focused on curcular models and businesses. Sofia Municipality has contracted a high level advaisory services to assess the potential and challenges of the European Green Deal for the period 2021 - 2027. In addition to that, in February 2020 the Cliamte, Energy and Air Directorate has develop an Analysis on the European Green Deal in order to prepare a Step by step guide how to proceed in strategic planning proces in long term perspective. | 1 | 233,311 |
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | $1-10m. This is based on unpaid media coverage calculations of announcements of big projects like our Mesquite Creek Wind and our participation in public conferences and forums. | 1 | 413,809 |
Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s). | Madeira Legal is the result of the strategic environmental project São Paulo Amigo da Amazônia. The program aims to reduce the illegal trade in timber from the Amazon within the State of São Paulo and promote responsible consumption of this raw material.Based on a state register of legal entities that sell, in the State of São Paulo, products and by-products of native origin of the Brazilian flora (State Decree nº 53.047 / 2008) this project of the Secretariat of Infrastructure and Environment of the State of São Paulo operates as a mechanism to promote actions in favor of responsible trade, minimizing negative pressures on native forests due to illegal deforestation. | 0 | 56,391 |
Please detail sustainability goals and targets (e.g. GHG reductions) that are incorporated into your city’s master plan and describe how these are addressed in the table below. | The United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN Habitat) Philippines has partnered with the City Government of Legazpi under its Health Ocean Cities and Initiative (HOCCI) Project, to address the leakages to marine environment in the City. The City Plan of Action in Marine Litter (CPOA-ML) is a supporting document to CDP and AIP that directly contribute to marine litter reduction. One of the initiatives identified in the CPOA-ML is to assist concerned groups/sector to identify opportunities in converting waste into a resource thereby contributing to the city's marine litter reduction goals while providing local groups with sustainable livelihood or additional income. | 0 | 148,118 |
Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your city’s city-wide GHG emissions. | In addition to IEAP, we also use the GPC and "Guide for GHG inventory of Taiwan" to calculate the GHG emission. | 1 | 117,464 |
What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of? | • Infrastructure recently completed a study to assess its “Technical Design Requirements” for future climate resiliency. o The “Technical Design Requirements” (TDR) are comprehensive guidelines and specifications for buildings developed by Alberta Infrastructure. The TDR is available on Infrastructure’s public website. o The TDR helps ensure consultants and contractors comply with government’s rules and regulations when delivering capital projects, and ensures rigorous standards. o Many organizations use the publicly-available TDR to deliver their own capital projects (e.g. municipalities, non-profit organizations, etc.).• Until now, there has been a gap in Infrastructure’s understanding of whether the TDR will hold up to future climate changes. o This study was conducted to expand Infrastructure’s understanding of whether the TDR will hold up to future climate changes (hotter weather, changing precipitation patterns, more frequent severe weather events like wildfires and flooding). o Overall, the study concluded that the TDR provides rigorous standards that ensure public buildings are efficient and resilient. • Several recommendations were provided to update the TDR to improve the resilience of Alberta Infrastructure building stock to climate change. o These recommendations include using a projected weather file for determining building energy needs, enhancing net-zero ready definitions and resources, and mitigating flood risk through a variety of measures. o Alberta Infrastructure staff will update the TDR to reflect these recommendations over the coming years. | 0 | 301,521 |
Please describe the main goals of your city’s adaptation efforts and the metrics / KPIs for each goal. | The Comprehensive Plan for the District includes several goals around efficiency, from an overarching goal to "promote the efficient use of energy, additional use of renewable energy, and a reduction of unnecessary energy expenses. The overarching objective is to achieve reductions in per capita energy consumption " through policies and goals around energy efficient building and site planning, energy efficiency at major employment centers, energy consumption for residential heating and cooling, consumer education, and removing potential barriers in existing laws and codes to efficiency. The DC Office of Planning’s 2020 amendments to the Comprehensive Plan align with and make reference to the city's sustainability and emissions reduction goals contained in the Sustainable DC 2.0 and Clean Energy DC plans (e.g. reduce per capita energy use by 50% by 2032), including quantitative goals and targets for energy efficiency. | 0 | 33,388 |
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | Emission reduction agreements can lead to a variety of opportunities for Deloitte member firms to provide services to clients in both the private and public sectors as they seek to reduce emissions. | 0 | 357,707 |
Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them. | The majority of heating in the NWT is from imported fuel, however, there has recently been a increase in the use of biomass . Wood pellets are imported from southern jurisdictions however, there is a potential of the establishment of a NWT wood pellet mill that would be provide residents with premium grade pellet heating fuel. | 1 | 318,064 |
Provide details on the electricity, heat, steam and/or cooling amounts that were accounted for at a low-carbon emission factor in the market-based Scope 2 figure reported in C6.3. | Used in Brazil, Turkey, Taiwan and other countries globally to cover the initial start-up period while we develop and bring online new regional Apple-created grid-connected generation. Long-term renewable contracts with new wind and solar PV projects have been brought on line in a number of these countries.Low-carbon technology type includes solar PV, wind sources, and micro-hydro. | 1 | 358,286 |
How do the city's environment/sustainability and economic development departments work together, for instance, in planning climate actions? | Actions identified in Transport Strategy 2012: - Work with the state government for separate bus rights-of-wayActions identified in Transport Strategy 2012: - Work with the state government and the Bus Association to improve bus frequency - Work with the state government to improve the NightRider bus service including consideration of smaller more flexible buses - Investigate designing centre of the road bus operation on high-frequency routes in the city - Work with the state government, Bus Association and operators to improve bus service frequency and average route speeds.Actions identified in Transport Strategy 2012: - Install north bound bus lanes on Queen Street in the central cityActions identified in Transport Strategy 2012: - Work with Department of Transport to improve the performance of bus interchanges (priority) - Extend bus stops where necessary by removing on-street parking or other measures and improve bus stop amenity. | 0 | 17,388 |
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | We have made a public commitment to 100% renewable energy by 2021, and challenged AT&T and Verizon to match us with the #CleanUpWireless Challenge.We have signed deals for over 1 GW of new capacity, diversifying our portfolio in scale, technology and geography. By 2021 we will be producing over 3,000 GWh of renewable energy annually.We support the Nature Conservancy. In 2017 we made a $500,000 commitment to support the Conservancy's work toward a low-carbon, clean energy future across all 50 U.S. states.In 2018 we planted 27,000 trees through our #TreeMobile program. So far in 2019 we have planted over 300,000 trees with a goal of planting 500,000 trees in partnership with the Nature Conservancy. | 1 | 389,285 |
Please select the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your city’s water security. | COVID-19 and a 2019 snowstorm highlighted the need for improvements in our community, and economy. | 0 | 72,725 |
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | AvalonBay has an opportunity to lead in the multi-family space when it comes to the sustainable design, development, construction and operation of our 280 communities. In taking a position of leadership we have an opportunity to improve our reputation with key stakeholders, including those looking to reduce their energy costs by renting with a more efficient and greener multi-family builder. Our internal green labeling system, for example, shows the operational savings and green features prospective residents can expect when renting an AvalonBay apartment home. In addition, in markets like San Francisco, we are trying new innovations like solar pre-heated water heating and food waste composting, all of which attract prospective residents who care about greener buildings and apartment homes. | 0 | 368,501 |
Which of the following risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments? | Our grid sourced renewables are produced at zero carbon generation facilities | 0 | 455,539 |
Please report on how climate change impacts health outcomes and health services in your city. | Heat waves are considered to be the most immediate health risk connected to climate change within the city of Malmö. | 1 | 43,960 |
Please identify and describe the factors that most greatly affect your city’s ability to adapt to climate change and indicate how those factors either support or challenge this ability. | There are currently no officers dedicated solely to climate change action due to budgets and therefore, there is little work being done to push the agenda. | 1 | 210,333 |
Does your city have emissions reduction targets (government operations, city wide targets) or energy efficiency targets for the following building types? | With the pandemic, it has been difficult to conduct surveys, consultations and meetings with concerned groups and stakeholders and therefore the city plans to update its CRVA in the coming years. | 0 | 83,436 |
Please list the most significant climate hazards faced by your city and indicate the probability and consequence of these hazards, as well as the expected future change in frequency and intensity. Please also select the most relevant assets or services that are affected by the climate hazard and provide a description of the impact. | Here we include the sources generally included in an ecological footprint. | 0 | 222,345 |
Give a general description and introduction to your organization. | This is a restatement of our 2017 scope 1 emissions based on the correction of reporting errors we have identified in comparing three years of global reported energy data. | 0 | 72,116 |
Please describe the main goals of your city’s adaptation efforts and the metrics / KPIs for each goal. | Ensured resilience of the educational sector to extreme climate related hazards | 1 | 249,819 |
The Global Covenant of Mayors requires committed cities to report their inventories in the format of the new Common Reporting Framework, to encourage standard reporting of emissions data. Please provide a breakdown of your city-wide emissions by sector and sub-sector in the table below. Where emissions data is not available, please use the relevant notation keys to explain the reason why. | The full evaluation of actions for this plan are included in the Council memo on Page 420: included benefits of: utility bills, job creation, air and water quality, social equity, and energy resilience and security. The cumulative impacts and avoided impacts were identified as main drivers of the plan. | 0 | 29,160 |
Break down your total gross global Scope 2 emissions by country/region. | Our continuous improvement, environmental health and safety, finance, among other teams, continue to work together to address climate change risks in the face of regulatory uncertainty. No incremental cost for management, since we would already have the team in place to address it. | 0 | 546,601 |
Please indicate the opportunities your city has identified as a result of addressing climate change and describe how the city is positioning itself to take advantage of these opportunities. | May 2021, the City entered into an agreement with the Rocky Mountain Institute to assist with implementation of the Houston CAP. | 0 | 36,967 |
Has your city tested their climate actions through pilot/demonstration projects? | Philadelphia City Council passed Bill #190600 creating a new Building Energy Performance Program. This is a key step toward meeting Mayor Kenney’s commitment to cutting carbon pollution 25 percent by 2025 in line with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. The Building Energy Performance Policy mandates all non-residential buildings 50,000 square feet and larger to either submit a certification of high energy performance to the City’s Office of Sustainability or conduct a tune-up to bring existing building energy systems up to a state of good repair. To quantify potential cost savings, the City recently conducted a pilot tune-up on the Juvenile Justice Center in West Philadelphia and found that an initial $12,000 investment will result in $24,000 in annual energy savings. Citywide, the Building Energy Performance Program will result in millions of dollars in cost savings for building operators and tenants and lead to an estimated 600 new careers in the clean economy. More info:,a%20state%20of%20good%20repair. | 1 | 33,683 |
Please list the most significant climate hazards faced by your city and indicate the probability and consequence of these hazards, as well as the expected future change in frequency and intensity. Please also select the most relevant assets or services that are affected by the climate hazard and provide a description of the impact. | Access to the water of the Great Lakes is protected and limited by the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement between the US and Canada. However, the region is under constant pressure to divert Great Lakes water to other regions where population is outstripping water supply, or where political forces stretch regulations. A recent example is the State of Wisconsin defining a new manufacturing development as being located within the Lake Michigan basin, enabling it to receive Lake Michigan water, although it is not geographically or geologically within the basin. The lake is expected to have ample supply were the population of Highland Park (or the region as a whole) to increase, but demand from outside the region is a risk. | 0 | 67,489 |
Please provide some key examples of how your city collaborates with business in the table below. | The Council is working corporate, NGOs, small traders and residents to convert the food waste into compost and bio-gas. 5 centres running with anaerobic digestion composting machines are in operation now. Through Food Bank, food receives from businesses is given out to the needy registered with the Council. Apart from its social objective, this program has helped in reducing food to be thrown away as waste. | 1 | 34,141 |
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | In December 2016, the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities approved NSTAR Electric's application to develop 62 MW of new solar power facilities. Currently, NSTAR Electric owns 8 MW of solar power facilities on sites in Pittsfield, Springfield, and East Springfield, Massachusetts that were completed from 2010 through 2014. We expect development of the new facilities to be completed by early 2019. Similar to NSTAR Electric's current practice on the existing 8 MW of solar power facilities, we expect that NSTAR Electric will sell energy from the new facilities into the ISO-NE market. We estimate our investment in these new facilities will be approximately $180 million. | 1 | 70,337 |
Please provide more information on your city’s public Water Resource Management strategy. | Some increase in flooding of stream corridors near the bay. Local impacts will include flooding low-lying areas on the waterfront of Bellingham Bay. Those waterfront areas will be impacted by increased periods of inundation, especially during high tide and storm surge events. The ultimate impact will depend on meeting the global commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. | 0 | 16,795 |
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | By leveraging our expertise in markets, asset classes, geographies, and client segments and sharing our investment insights, we are helping educate our clients about theimpact of climate change on investment portfolios. At BlackRock, our role is to manage the assets our clients have entrusted to us, most of which are invested for long-term goals like retirement, in line with our clients' guidelines and constraints. In that context, we provide our clients with information about the relationship between sustainability issues, risk and long-term financial performance. When we do that well, we can provide sustainable investment solutions at scale that help improve financial outcomes for our clients. In "Getting physical: assessing climate risks," we see recent advances in climate and data science that make it easier to model climate-related risks. These tools give us insight into the severity, dispersion and trajectory of climate-related risks, which helps us assess whether risks are adequately priced bymarkets. Early findings suggest investors must rethink their assessment of vulnerabilities. Understanding and integrating these insights into climate-related risks can helpenhance portfolio resilience. Recognition of our thought leadership by industry bodies and publications is another measure of success. In 2019, ''Getting Physical: scenario analysis for assessing climate-related risks†was awarded Best Fixed Income ESG Research by Environmental Finance.With respect to BEA, our measures of success include the number of clients that participate. More than 2,400 clients have participated in BEA since its inception in 2013 from hundreds of institutions across the globe including a record 562 in 2019 from 268 institutions attending 9 programs across 40 days of training offered. This included a session in London in May 2019, with a two-day session on ESG, covering energy transition, green bonds, renewable energy and more. | 0 | 380,026 |
Please explain why you do not consider your city to be exposed to any substantive water-related risk. | Canada's National Inventory Report, Table A13–7 Electricity Generation and GHG Emission Details for Ontario | 0 | 190,411 |
List any mitigation, adaptation, water related or resilience projects you have planned within your city for which you hope to attract financing and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your city does not have any relevant projects, please select 'No relevant projects' under 'Project Area'. | page 6 of City of Toronto Staff Report, "Resilient City – Preparing for a Changing Climate Status Update and Next Steps: (2016), indicates organizations involved inthe climate risk assessment process. | 0 | 39,908 |
The Global Covenant of Mayors requires committed cities to report their inventories in the format of the new Common Reporting Framework, to encourage standard reporting of emissions data. Please provide a breakdown of your city-wide emissions by sector and sub-sector in the table below. Where emissions data is not available, please use the relevant notation keys to explain the reason why. | Agriculturel energy use accounts for a very small part in Elsinore Municipality. | 1 | 142,885 |
On what issues have you been engaging directly with policy makers? | Sempra Energy supports an all-of-the-above energy policy to reduce carbon emissions: a combination of energy efficiency, renewable energy and natural gas, which over time, will increase the diversity of the country's energy mix and shrink the country's carbon footprint. We have strongly supported energy efficiency programs over the years and continue to do so. Over time, energy efficiency programs have averted the need to build dozens of power plants and has helped per capita energy usage in California to remain close to flat over time. | 1 | 391,843 |
Please provide details of your renewable energy target(s) and how the city plans to meet those targets. | The figure quoted is the total combined figure for: door-to-door residential waste collections by Reading Borough Council (51,007 tonnes), street sweepings by Reading Borough Council (1,116 tonnes), public waste deliveries to Reading's Smallmead Recycling Centre (9,967), trade waste deliveries to Smallmead Recycling Centre (14,411 tonnes) and public Bottle Banks (for glass) (2,692). | 0 | 257,161 |
Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector. | Energy efficient lighting (LED light bulbs) is available to fuel poor households through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. | 1 | 53,091 |
Please provide some key examples of how your city collaborates with business in the table below. | The City of Porvoo is part of Kilpilahti forum together with the Kilpilahti businesses and the local development company Posintra. The main focus of the group is to share news/updates and to find synergies between the organisations. | 1 | 62,796 |
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | Emissions are calculated using spend categories from UNFI financial records and inputting into the GHG Protocol / Quantis Scope 3 Evaluator tool. The spend data are linked to a 2009 world multiregional estimate of average environmental impacts by region-sector combined with global warming potential impact assessment (Timmer 2012, IPCC 2007). The distance/distance per person data are linked to process-based emissions factors for each mode of transport (DEFRA 2016) and the number of nights are linked to a country-weighted mean factor based on number of hotel rooms available (Ricaurte 2016). | 0 | 540,540 |
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | Market shifts do affect our customers, which in turn can affect our bottom line through an increase in write-offs. For example, if the shift to a low carbon economy increases the market for electric vehicles, any automotive industry manufacturers who have not effectively transitioned might see a decrease in revenue, resulting in an inability to meet financial commitments, which would, in turn, affect U.S. Bank's business. When we see a market shift that would affect a large number of customers, we would then include the risk in our portfolio review and risk assessment. With the shift to a low carbon economy, U.S. Bank is beginning to look at products to assist and/ or encourage our customers with this shift. Examples of products being explored are renewable energy lending and expanded impact investment offerings. Because of this, we see market shifts as both a risk and an opportunity to expand our business. In addition, as climate risk events increase, we should expect more frequent market shock events. The bank currently maintains a strong capital structure, non-high risk trading strategies, and a risk management framework that includes stress scenarios to estimate potential loss from a severe market shock. | 0 | 517,402 |
Report the tonnes per food group that are served and/or sold through programs managed by your city (this includes schools, canteens, hospitals etc.). | Tokyo Cap & Trade ProgtamTokyo Zero Emission House specificationsTokyo Energy Savings & Renewable Energy Specifications | 0 | 277,401 |
Provide details of your climate-related supplier engagement strategy. | We are committed to conducting business responsibly everywhere we operate. The Lowe's social accountability and environmental (SAE) program is instrumental in achieving this commitment. We uphold the SAE program standards and expectations by auditing our import vendors' factories. In 2016, we expanded the audit scope to include factories producing our private branded products by domestic vendors. Factory SAE program performance is measured against 148 indicators in 18 categories. Throughout 2018, 1,297 SAE audits were performed in 1,179 factories across 33 countries. We also conducted 610 re-audits to ensure that corrective action plans were implemented properly. | 1 | 66,559 |
Please describe the main goals of your city’s adaptation efforts and the metrics / KPIs for each goal. | The territory of the Nice Côte d'Azur Metropole presents various challenges posed by the impacts of climate change. | 1 | 247,602 |
Which of the following risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments? | Quest Diagnostics embraces technology to improve operational efficiencies, environmental sustainability and employee safety at every opportunity. In 2017 we expanded a program started in 2016 to outfit our ground fleet vehicles with telematics devices that would improve fuel efficiency by reducing speeding, hard acceleration and unnecessary idling. The program also improves driver behaviors by monitoring risky driving allowing for coaching for improved performance. In 2017 we added the units to 36% of are non-commercial ground fleet for a total of 95% of the fleet currently outfitted with telematics. | 1 | 525,293 |
Please indicate the opportunities your city has identified as a result of addressing climate change and describe how the city is positioning itself to take advantage of these opportunities. | Planning for utilization of new local water sources and cooperation with other municipalities. | 0 | 196,175 |
Please identify any additional benefits or improvements resulting from adaptation planning and/or adaptation actions (in addition to the reduction of climate risks). | The process has been important for commencing the community dialog and framing climate questions locally. | 1 | 95,299 |
List any mitigation, adaptation, water related or resilience projects you have planned within your city for which you hope to attract financing and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your city does not have any relevant projects, please select 'No relevant projects' under 'Project Area'. | The Home Energy Housing project will combine a range of measures to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from Birmingham City Council’s future house building program. A number of interventions will be developed to improve the current Birmingham Municipal Housing Trust (BMHT) specification, creating low carbon homes assisting in the national drive towards decarbonisation of the grid and reduced embodied carbon within the construction sector. The proposal includes the development of a bespoke housing for renewable technology allowing improved maintenance access, ‘vehicle to grid’ connections to green transport, and the use of natural materials including cork, woodfibre and a new to market material grown in the UK from waste to create mycelium insulation. | 1 | 47,036 |
Give details of your climate-related engagement strategy with your customers. | Scope 3 emissions from employee commuting have not yet been calculated. | 0 | 526,941 |
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | On site solar at our sites in India: Induri, Malanpur and Sri-City. | 0 | 77,963 |
The Global Covenant of Mayors requires committed cities to report their inventories in the format of the new Common Reporting Framework, to encourage standard reporting of emissions data. Please provide a breakdown of your city-wide emissions by sector and sub-sector in the table below. Where emissions data is not available, please use the relevant notation keys to explain the reason why. | Reaching the goals set forth in the Climate Action Plan (CAP) are only possible by working with the community to shape priorities and take action. O‘ahu’s residents were essential in shaping this plan with more than 2,000 perspectives shared at three key stages, including 672 participants at 11 early community education and engagement meetings, 760 respondents to an island wide representative survey and 614 contributors at a virtual open house. In addition, participants in focus groups, a technical working group, and engagements with other City departments helped refine technical analysis and city-based actions. At the first stage, 11 community meetings were held island-wide in 2018, co-hosted by Honolulu City Council members, Hawai‘i Pacific University, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, and the Chamber of Commerce of Hawai‘i. Participants played an interactive “climate game” that served to foster conversation on priorities for climate action. In follow up, a Climate Action Working Group made up of sector experts and stakeholders was formed, building on a steering committee of the Resilience Strategy. The Working Group served as a sounding board for technical analysis and proposed climate actions that were incorporated into an island-wide survey and virtual open house. The island-wide representative survey was conducted in April 2020 to better understand how the City can enable its residents to reduce O‘ahu’s GHGs. Four in five survey respondents were concerned or very concerned about climate change. Survey responses were also used throughout the CAP to provide baseline information on resident activities and preferences towards actions. | 0 | 243,436 |
Please explain why you do not have a renewable energy or electricity target and any plans to introduce one in the future. | Currently, two of the main water sources for the City of Rochester, including Hemlock and Canadice Lakes, have a limit for the amount of water that can be pumped from the lakes. Increased demand will require the pumping of water from other sources, such as Lake Ontario. Implementation strategies are being developed in the current Climate Change Resilience Plan | 0 | 230,734 |
Please state the dates of the accounting year or 12-month period for which you are reporting your latest city-wide GHG emissions inventory. | As a response to the City declaring Climate Emergency and establishing net-zero and absolute-zero emission target for community and corporate emissions respectively, the city is in the process of determining the baseline emissions such that target pathways of reaching these goals may be determined. The city is currently in the process of establishing the baseline emissions and conducting an overall city wide emission inventory. Therefore the information presented is updated though missing in sections. Some emission information maybe not available as it has not been estimated yes. Should be included in next year's reporting.Though the accounting year mentioned here is 2018. Some of the information is from 2019 as well. | 1 | 11,655 |
Please detail which goals and targets are incorporated in your city’s master plan and describe how these goals are addressed in the table below. | in historical files the emission factors are those reported in the "Firenze SECAP-export 2018.xls" last sheet and are calculated only for CO2. This year we recalculated the BEI and an additional MEI at 2019 with CO2 eq (including CO2, CH4 and NO2). Emission factors are clearly stated in the calculation file attached and are those suggested by JRC for IPCC methodology | 0 | 205,349 |
Please identify any additional benefits or improvements resulting from adaptation planning and/or adaptation actions (in addition to the reduction of climate risks). | Many actions seek to support economic development and green jobs. For example, Action #11 on offshore wind would make the grid more resilient and create a whole new economic sector here in Cleveland. The 2018 CAP update has green jobs and workforce development as one of its cross-cutting priorities that is integrated into each focus area. | 0 | 9,005 |
Please describe how your city manages overall responsibility for climate change mitigation (emissions reduction) and adaptation (climate risk reduction). | Örebro municipality has a long history concerning climate changes issues. Since 2010 the municipality had developed its goals and the Climate Policy was taken in 2016 with goals for 2020 and 2030. In 2030 the goal is to be a carbon free city. A programme for sustainable growth is under process and would be adopted by the City Council in 2019. | 1 | 159,069 |
Please provide details on any historical, base year or recalculated city-wide emissions inventories your city has, in order to allow assessment of targets in the table below. | Other, please specify: This is a new inventory to track emissions since the 2006 baseline. | 1 | 160,257 |
Please identify the factors that most greatly affect your city’s ability to adapt to climate change, and indicate how those factors either enhance or challenge this ability. | There are significant numbers of people experiencing poverty in Toronto, especially in the suburbs. These people are mostly concerned about getting by day to day. It is difficult for people living in poverty to devote energy and resources to anticipate and address risks into the future when they are living pay cheque to pay cheque. | 1 | 277,442 |
Which of the following risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments? | Changes in precipitation extremes and droughts could increase agricultural related shipments. For example if these changes result in a longer growing season, it could also result in an increase in agricultural related revenue. Union Pacific accesses most major grain markets, linking the Midwest and Western U.S. producing areas to export terminals in the Pacific Northwest and Gulf Coast ports, as well as Mexico. Changes in precipitation extremes and droughts have proven to be an opportunity for Union Pacific to expand business operations, as demonstrated by the Laredo Railport project. As the only intermodal terminal on the border of Texas and Mexico, the Laredo Railport project has expanded to accommodate the needs of populations facing resource scarcity due to extreme precipitation and droughts. This facility is the first food-grade car cleaning facility in the Union Pacific network and handles the transport of food products as well as consumer goods. | 0 | 413,072 |
On what issues have you been engaging directly with policy makers? | Facility optimization efforts for 2018 involved consolidating and reducing our facility footprint by 73 facilities. This effort was a continuation of BHGE effort to optimize our operations and address redundancies in locations across the organization. Scope 1 reductions are based on the overall reduction in square footage and estimating the emissions utilizing region specific natural gas usage factors as the basis for CO2e emission calculations. | 0 | 76,409 |
What actions is your city taking to reduce emissions? Please also indicate estimated emissions reduction potential and status of the emissions reduction actions your city has planned. | The City of Providence has earned the U.S. Department of Energy's Silver SolSmart designation for The City's effors to reduce barriers to going solar. SolSmart is a program that offers technical assistance to local governments in order to promote widespread solar implementation in the United States. Providence helps homeowners and businesses transition to solar by minimizing certain costs pertaining to zoning, planning, permitting, inspection, and customer acquisition. Providence supports solar implementation through its zoning codes, staff training programs on solar PV permitting and inspection, and efforts to work more broadly with the State of Rhode Island to develop solar programs. All of these qualities helped make Providence a strong candidate for participation in the SolSmart Program. | 1 | 86,065 |
Please detail sustainability goals and targets (e.g. GHG reductions) that are incorporated into your city’s master plan and describe how these are addressed in the table below. | Past Impact:Building Closure dues to snow, Electricity Supply affected with effect on services and technology, Blocked Roads, Requirement for additional heatand additional insulation of housing stock, Pressure on drinking water supply/provision in particular private wells due to freezing. Impacts on infrastructure, e.g. electricity supply. Status Yellow weather warning for Kilkenny and Carlow in Feb-Mar 2018. Low temperatures of -5.5°C were recorded, the coldest March in Kilkenny since 2010. The coldest winter in Dec 2009- Feb 2010 within the Southern Eastern region (Kilkenny at -16.4°C. Carlow at -12.1 °C, Wexford at -5.0°C, and Waterford at -11.6 °C.Future Impact:Impact on housing construction projects including access roads, Insufficient treatment of wastewater due to interruption in the wastewater treatment process, s Extreme low temperatures leading to the increased number of incidents (especially ambulance assists), delayed response times, reduced access, and increased frozen hydrants. | 0 | 26,834 |
Please describe the main goals of your city’s adaptation efforts and the metrics / KPIs for each goal. | "KwaDukuza Mayor, has committed to comply with the largest coalition of city leaders in dealing with climate change challenges. Mayor also signed the Durban Adaptation Charter, committing Council to local climate interventions that will assist KwaDukuza to decisively respond and cope with climate change risks." | 1 | 44,983 |
Please describe the main actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, and vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section. | Construction of resilient houses, community involvement on the construction of resient houses, risk mapping, creation of risk management and calamities, community engagement, mangrove replanting In terms of implementation progress, the actions have been implemented. | 1 | 33,812 |
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | Increase productivity in the agriculture sector and allow potentially for new crops:We are exposed to the impacts on our members and clients face from physical climate drivers. There could be a decrease in credit losses associated with certain products in economic sectors such as agriculture that may be impacted positively by climate change. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada reports that climate change can have a positive impact on agriculture in Canada. Warming weather in Canada may provide opportunities for agriculture in certain regions with an expansion of the growing season to go along with milder and shorter winters. This could increase productivity and allow for new and potentially more profitable crops. | 1 | 58,039 |
Account for your organization’s Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions. | Emissions were estimated for equity affiliates that are not under Air Products control. The majority of our investments are non-publicly traded ventures with other companies in the industrial gases business. Emissions per revenue were calculated for Air Products facilities and these factors were applied to the incomes from the equity affiliates by business type. These emissions were subsequently summed to estimate the total emissions for equity affiliates. | 1 | 348,117 |
Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology used to calculate your local government operations emissions inventory and attach your inventory using the attachment function. | Methodology is in line with World Business Council for Sustainability Development and the World Resource InstituteSharin, is there a inventory in an excel for this? or just the report | 1 | 94,607 |
Give details of your climate-related engagement strategy with your customers. | Limits on our access to and increases in the cost of capital may adversely impact our ability to execute our business plan. We use short-term debt and the long-term capital markets as a significant source of liquidity and funding for capital requirements not obtained from our operating cash flow. If access to these sources of liquidity becomes constrained, our ability to implement our business strategy could be adversely affected. In addition, higher interest rates would increase our cost of borrowing, which could adversely impact our results of operations. A downgrade of our credit ratings or events beyond our control, such as a disruption in global capital and credit markets, could increase our cost of borrowing and cost of capital or restrict our ability to access the capital markets and negatively affect our ability to maintain and to expand ourbusinesses. | 0 | 64,114 |
Please describe how your city’s climate change action plan addresses the following key areas, and provide details on the location of this evidence within your plan. | Information not available in this format.Per UC Berkeley's CoolClimate Network consumption based inventory (2016), the per capita annual emissions related to meat consumption are estimated to be 0.92 tons CO2 per person. [] | 0 | 98,740 |
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government. | Finnish Environmental Institute SYKE provides use-based emission calculations for all Finnish municipalities. The results are close to our own calculations but differ slightly as the SYKE calculation includes energy as how much is used in the city where as our calculation attached is production based. The SYKE calculation is not available for our base year 1990, hence we have sticked with our own calculation so far. | 0 | 186,759 |
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | Reputation and reputation risk are highly important to Artesyn's customers. While Artesyn conducts its sales under a business to business model, our customers are public-facing, publicly-traded corporations whose businesses and stock prices can be affected by "bad publicity." Where we can minimize this risk not only to ourselves, but to our customers, we can gain in market share and gain entry to future opportunities and partnerships. Specifically, we see the opportunity to gain market share with our large consumer product customers who are multi-sourced and can reallocate supplier share based on a supplier's scorecard, one measure of which is environmental performance and CDP scoring. | 1 | 59,360 |
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government. | Not intending to undertake, please specify why: As the inventory is calculated by an independent third party, we deem this sufficient for our verification standards | 0 | 6,210 |
Which of the following risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments? | Between 2011 and 2017, CP participated in a Canadian rail sector locomotive GHG emissions intensity reduction target program. During these six years, CP successfully reduced the GHG emissions intensity of the operational locomotive fleet, exceeding the 7.2 percent reduction target. The target described here builds upon this achievement and represents a renewed Canadian rail sector locomotive GHG emissions intensity reduction initiative covering the years 2018 through 2022. This program is related specifically to CP's locomotive emissions, which account for 94.8 percent of all CP's Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. As such, this target is limited to CP's Scope 1 emissions only.In 2019, CP and other members of the RAC entered into an MOU with Transport Canada and Environment Canada to proactively manage the largest source of rail sector and locomotive emissions. Under this agreement, the rail industry committed to setting intensity-based GHG emissions reduction targets for locomotive operations. First executed in 2005, this represents the fourth MOU of addressing locomotive emissions in Canada. The latest agreement recognizes and builds upon the success of the previous memorandum. The GHG emissions target outlined in the new MOU requires Class 1 railways to reduce locomotive GHG emissions intensity by 6 percent from 2017 levels by the end of 2022.CP is committed to the objectives of the MOU and continues to demonstrate leadership in operating one of the most fuel-efficient freight railways in North America. CP's locomotive fuel efficiency in 2019 was 0.955 U.S. gallons of locomotive fuel consumed/1,000 GTMs, outperforming the North American Class 1 freight railway average fuel efficiency by 13.8 percent. CP continues to work diligently to make progress against the locomotive emissions target. | 0 | 427,108 |
Please list the most significant climate hazards faced by your city and indicate the probability and consequence of these hazards, as well as the expected future change in frequency and intensity. Please also select the top 3 assets or services that are affected by the climate hazard, and provide a description of the impact. | The inventory was developed using MAPC's new GHG inventory calculation tool which is designed according to the Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories (GPC) | 0 | 44,122 |
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government. | Methodology of the city's assessment is based on the methodology of the German Federal Adaptation Strategy (Deutsche Anpassungsstrategie - DAS) | 0 | 122,152 |
Please describe the main actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, and vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section. | Work with joint power authority or solid waste facility franchise holder to expand recycling programs and reduce the generationof solid wastes. Potential measures could include: providing recycling containers in parks and public spaces; establishing computerreuse and recycling programs; expanding or enhancing recycling and green waste services for all residents and businesses; and providing locations for household hazardous wastes to be recycled. The City shall also encourage reuse depots and timber harvesting of removed urban trees. Work with solid waste franchise holder to expand the types of materials recycled and reused. Programs should also include outreach and education efforts | 0 | 18,961 |
What is the per capita meat and dairy consumption (kg/yr) in your city? | The City of Edinburgh Council Business Plan 2017-22 (52 commitments): 25. Increase recycling to 60% from 46% during the lifetime of the administration | 0 | 35,662 |
Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector. | One of the principles of the Andalusian Energetic Strategy 2020 is to place renewable energies, energy savings and energy efficiency as drivers of the economy.There is an action line related with energy efficiency in the industrial sector:MC_4. Improve energy efficiency management in companies: measures for energy saving and energy efficiency and for increasing renewable energy use. | 1 | 307,047 |
Please identify and describe the factors that most greatly affect your city’s ability to adapt to climate change and indicate how those factors either support or challenge this ability. | An important aspect of participative local government is sharing relevant data | 1 | 288,201 |
Please identify and describe the factors that most greatly affect your city’s ability to adapt to climate change and indicate how those factors either support or challenge this ability. | The length of political terms in both the local authorities as well as for the Mayor has meant that we are able to plan activity over the medium to long-term. We have also been able to have continuity of representation at Environment Board meetings. | 1 | 48,815 |
Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector. | Three dams and nine hydraulic micro-power plants in operation.The most important is Yaté dam, in the south of the island. The production is mainly used for feeding the metallurgical plant of the SLN. Only a small percentage of its production (about 10%) is devoted to public distribution. | 1 | 323,635 |
Provide details of your products and/or services that you classify as low-carbon products or that enable a third party to avoid GHG emissions. | APS achieved over 628 gigawatt-hours of savings in 2017, resulting in 14.37 percent cumulative savings as a percent of retail sales since the Energy Efficiency Standard (EES) began. Based on the achievement of this energy saving, APS avoided about 2.8 million tons for carbon emissions from energy efficient actions taken in 2017 alone. | 1 | 547,900 |
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government. | In total the council's Housing Service currently maintains 400 solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays, totalling 1100kWp (1.1MWp). In 2019, these arrays avoided 145tCO2e being emitted from its housing. A new programme of solar PV installations on council housing is agreed to start this financial year with the aim of installing 1000 more solar PV systems on council homes by 2023. Subject to further Committee approval of budget allocation, the council aims to install an additional 1500 PV systems by 2026, totalling 2500 systems over the project lifetime.Undertaking this project will significantly improve the sustainability of the council’s Housing stock, reducing carbon emissions by approximately 305 tCO2e per annum. Alongside other renewable energy-based projects and plans to improve the energy efficiency of homes this will contribute towards the Council’s ambition to be net zero carbon by 2030.It is expected that tenants will save up to £150 and 0.6 tCO2e per annum depending on their consumption habits. This represents a total lifetime saving from the panels of £2.48m on tenants’ energy bills and a year one carbon saving of 300 tCO2e.Strategically addressing cold homes and fuel poverty in vulnerable groups will contribute to the prevention of ill health and excess winter deaths, reduce health and social inequalities, and improve wellbeing and quality of life. Supporting and enabling residents to pay less for their energy can contribute to tackling fuel poverty and cold homes. | 1 | 224,462 |
Please indicate the category that best describes the boundary of your city-wide GHG emissions inventory. | San Carlos City is also a proud partner with various international organizations for the development of its sustainable environmental programs such as: 1. GIZ or German International Cooperation for the development of the city's Solid Waste Management Program which resulted to the establishment of Sanitary Landfill and other waste management components within the Eco-Center.2. RARE Philippines under USAID for its Fish Forever Program3. PUM of Netherlands for the development of the city's Septage Management Program4. USAID under the Ecological Governance 2 for the city's program: Purifying our City - The San Carlos City Wastewater Management Program5. GENESYS Foundation, a local NGO, for the Solid Waste Lifestyle Change Program6. ICLEI, an international partner, conducted the city's Greenhouse Gas Inventory7. USAID under BWISER program for its biodiversity programs | 0 | 243,204 |
Account for your organization’s gross global Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions. | Limited calculation based on the amount of nitrogen per tonne of finished phosphate product sold in 2019 using 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories related to fertilizer use. This value was not assured by ERM CVS.In 2015, we engaged third party to evaluate the environmental impacts associated with activities across our value chain. Emissions associated with use of sold products, as reported here, are based on results of a limited assessment based strictly on the amount of nitrogen per tonne of finished phosphate product sold in 2019. We continue to engage industry resources to provide a more holistic emissions figure for this relevant scope 3 category. This value was not included in our annual data assurance process. | 1 | 370,734 |
Please identify and describe the factors that most greatly affect your city’s ability to adapt to climate change and indicate how those factors either support or challenge this ability. | Supply of housing does not meet needs, rate of building not keeping up with population growth. Quality of existing homes is of concern particularly in relation to warm dry homes impact on health in winter months, ability for people to maintain homes to a reasonable standard, rental homes are in worse condition than owner-occupied and there is a trend to greater long-term renting. There are programmes providing free independent advice to households to improve the quality of homes, there are subsidies for poorer households to insulate and install clean heating as part of an air quality programme. Central government is increasing the stock of social housing and improving the quality of current stock. | 1 | 41,477 |
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government. | Private Transport > Improve fuel economy and reduce CO2 from motorized vehicles | 1 | 229,220 |
Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk. | South Africa's constitution assigns the responsibility for provision of bulk water to the national Department of Water and Sanitation and the provision of water reticulation to local municipalities. when the bulk water supply proves inadequate as occured int eh 2015-2018 drought there are limited options that provincial and local government can pursue on their own for augmenting bulk water provision. This lack of mandate also hampers long term planning by provincial or local government. | 1 | 325,558 |
Please explain the level of inclusion of the planning process. | Quezon City’s Qualitative Climate Risk Assessment 2020 was developed into an online platform 'Climate Story Map' that provides interactive visualizations of climate information, hazard maps and key climate risks, communicating the impacts of climate change towards the city stakeholders. Under Quezon City's Qualitative Climate Risk Assessment 2020, the three priority climate hazards identified include (1) cyclones and flooding, (2) drought, and (3) heat.For each of the climate trends for these three climate hazards, the Qualitative Climate Risk Assessment 2020 shows how these trends could affect different sectors in Quezon City. These sectors are based on the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) and are categorized into (1) natural impacts (ecological and environmental stability, water sufficiency), (2) social impacts (human security, knowledge and capacity development) and (3) economic impacts (sustainable energy, infrastructure and transport, food security, climate‐friendly industries and services).Furthermore, Quezon City's Qualitative Climate Risk Assessment 2020 has developed interactive maps that integrate overlay hazard maps with key vulnerable populations and urban systems. This evidence base will enable an analysis on the impacts of climate hazards on said vulnerable populations and urban systems. The integrated maps include the following:1. Urban heat island effect map overlaid with population density and informal settlement maps: The base map indicates urban heat islands based on land surface temperature for 2018, as measured by the Landsat program. The map then overlays relative population density in Quezon City based on 2015 census data, and informal settlements from QC - Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office based on 2013 data.2. Urban heat island effect map overlaid with elderly population map: When it comes to urban heat, elderly people are known to be more vulnerable than the general population. When people are exposed to high temperatures during the summer months, they can suffer from potentially deadly illnesses such as heat stroke. Elderly with pre-existing health conditions are particularly vulnerable as exposure to even short periods of heat can aggravate their health conditions. This map allows decision-makers to see the barangays that have a large absolute number of citizens aged 65 or older.3. Flood hazard map overlaid with maps of hospitals, evacuation centers and informal settlements: Extreme rainfall often causes floods when rivers and canals exceed their capacity. Poor communities are especially exposed to these floods, often situated in flood zones and with fragile houses. The map shows roads, hospitals, evacuation centers and informal settlements within the 100 year flood zones. These areas are particularly at risk for flooding. Roads include bridges that can be swept away and tunnels that are highly vulnerable.4. Rainfall-induced landslide vulnerability overlaid with map of informal settlements: Steep terrain, heavy rainfall, earthquake activity and vulnerable soils make the Philippines susceptible to landslides. In Quezon City, extreme rainfall events, combined with elevated terrain (for example in the northeastern part of the city), can produce landsliding with major societal and economic impacts. In 2012, a landslide triggered by heavy rains killed nine people in Quezon City. | 0 | 1,069 |
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | The data reported here is for waste only; however, because of the large amount of recycling that we record, the net impact was positive. We have not yet collected waste data globally; however, with the implementation of our global environmental data collection system, this will be available in future. All waste data came from supplier invoices. It is our intent to monitor this performance closely to understand where we have opportunities to decrease waste to landfill or more accurately account for waste to landfill versus customer waste that we process through our secure shredding or other secure destruction services. In addition to our own waste stream, Iron Mountain is committed to being a responsible partner to our customers. To this end, we continuously seek innovative ways to help minimize the environmental impacts of our service offerings. One example is our Secure IT Asset Disposition (SITAD) service in the United States, which provides a safe and responsible way for our customers to dispose of or recycle their electronic waste. As an E-stewards Enterprise, when customers choose Iron Mountain for the disposal of their electronic waste, they are assured that all of our processors meet stringent environmental and social standards. In 2018, we helped our customers to responsibly dispose of 9.116 tons of electronics and backup tapes, 2,239 tons of X-ray filmand 8,153 tons of plastic pharmacy bottles. We also offer secure destruction of paper documents and used boxes through our shredding service.This offering provides a safe and environmentally conscious solution for our customers looking to dispose of documents. We offer on-site andoff-site shredding services on a one-time or reoccurring basis to tailor each solution to the customer's needs. One hundred percent of papershredded through this service is recycled, and customers using this service are given reports that outline the environmental benefits attributedto their document disposal. In 2018, 588,846 tons of cardboard and paper were recycled through this service. Total emissions saved through our secure destruction services in 2018 are estimated at least 1.7 m tons CO2e, using the above method. Waste data is reported in our 2018 Corporate Responsibility Report at | 0 | 399,821 |
Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the city is positioning itself to take advantage of them. | Lahti has had stormwater programme already from 2011. Curerntly Lahti has several stormwater and water quality projects which have many benefits and implicated in coopeartion with many city units. Stormawater risk mapping was done 2018 too. These are only examples from the Lahti SECAP actions. | 0 | 58,127 |
Provide details of your climate-related supplier engagement strategy. | Trucost S and P Global (Trucost) used its EEI-O model to calculate the supply chain GHG emissions through all tiers up to and including raw material extraction, based on Tennant's spend data for FY2017 and the previous analyses. Trucost scaled emissions from FY2016 to the 2017 spend amount, assuming the same proportional spend and exclusions. | 0 | 445,310 |
Please list the most significant climate hazards faced by your city and indicate the probability and consequence of these hazards, as well as the expected future change in frequency and intensity. Please also select the most relevant assets or services that are affected by the climate hazard and provide a description of the impact. | Other: Individuals without access to a vehicle, Residents living in high risk flood zone areas | 1 | 30,009 |
How many public access EV charging points do you have in your city for the following types: | Totals include City-operated stations (known) and privately operated stations (estimated). Therefore individual types may not add up to total given. | 1 | 151,940 |
Please provide details on your city’s energy efficiency targets. | - Energy retrofitting of buildings to nZEB / smart technologies, HVAC , building envelope, RES instalations, replacement of oil boilers with gas ones- Energy upgrade of municipal street lights to LED & smart technologies- Upgrade of municipal vehicles to more energy efficient ones- Campaigns on the energy efficient use of buildings | 1 | 48,790 |
Please attach your city’s climate change mitigation plan below. If your city has both action and energy access plans, please make sure to attach all relevant documents below. | Yes. The municipal staff, facilities, relevant committees school authorities, were engaged to provide their valuable inputs and information that could be incorporated in the plan in turn helping to set up mission, goals, and recommendation actions. | 1 | 21,034 |
Provide details of your climate-related supplier engagement strategy. | In 2017, KCS spent approximately $560 million on capital projects, of which $269.3 million was spent on capital projects directly related to maintaining and improving the track network to ensure the safety of our operations. | 0 | 522,424 |
Subsets and Splits