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Describe your gross global combined Scope 1 and 2 emissions for the reporting year in metric tons CO2e per unit currency total revenue and provide any additional intensity metrics that are appropriate to your business operations. | We are using Market Based emissions for Scope 2 which in turn has provided an overall decrease in our reporting year Gross Combined Scope 1 & 2 emissions. The previous reporting year intensity was recalculated using Scope 2 market based emissions to show a 'like to like' comparison. Our Scope 2 Market emissions have improved this reporting year due to the application of renewable energy credits | 1 | 375,962 |
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | The cost to realize this opportunity includes the costs associated with managing Oracle's sustainability and CSR communications. | 0 | 505,410 |
Account for your organization’s Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions. | How financial impact was calculatedFinancial impact was calculated by identifying 13 facilities that have the opportunities to save on costs based on demand response programs. HPE identified opportunities to reduce energy and estimated the financial impact based on the demand response rate schedule.Describe the potential impactThe cost savings financial impact represents the cost savings for 13 facilities over one year. HPE has close to 200 facilities globally in approximately 70 countries. If demand response programs become more ubiquitous globally as electricity grids become more intelligent and utilities have to smooth both demand and supply as more renewables come online, the cost savings could be very large for HPE in the long term. | 0 | 474,605 |
Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target and any plans to introduce one in the future. | Dublin has just begun building a Public Safety Complex, which could be built as a ZNE building if solar and battery is added to the project scope. | 0 | 18,846 |
Please list the most significant climate hazards faced by your city and indicate the probability and consequence of these hazards, as well as the expected future change in frequency and intensity. Please also select the top 3 assets or services that are affected by the climate hazard, and provide a description of the impact. | Levels of GHGs are increasing as Culver City and the greater Los Angeles metropolis continues to develop and add more cars to the roadways. Increases in GHG contribute to an increases in average temperature of the earth, causing changes in weather, sea levels and land use patterns. The largest sources of GHG emissions from human activities are the burning of fossil fuels for electricity and transportation. There are short-term impacts of increased levels of GHGs, including adverse health effects like asthma and worsening allergies. The long-term impacts are likely to include an increase in heat waves and decreased water resources in semi-arid regions, like the Los Angeles basin. Negative impacts to air quality are a major concern for Culver City, as we are located at a hub of some of the region's major traffic routes: the 10 and 405 Freeways. Culver City currently has several major development projects under construction, which are anticipated to bring another 5,000 people into the city in the next few years. That means adding many more cars and congestion to our roadways, using more energy to operate those new buildings, and leading to more people moving around the city. We need to be thinking about how to manage these new factors and continue doing our part to improve the region's air quality. | 1 | 49,382 |
Provide details of other key climate-related targets not already reported in question C4.1/a/b. | ‒ Shifts in consumer preferences‒ Increased stakeholder concern or negative stakeholder feedback | 0 | 379,461 |
Please provide a waste composition analysis | Sustainable Energy Plan Financing (SEPF) offers financing through recoverable debt to City Divisions, Agencies, Corporations and community based entities (including not for profit) for projects that demonstrate energy savings and/or revenue generation to repay the financed amount. By the end of 2016, the Program has supported 7 retrofit projects of City agencies, corporations and community based entities, with three additional projects underway. The SEPF provided over $11 million in financing to community based entities for retrofit projects, and approximately $1 million to City agencies and corporations. These retrofits yield an estimated $1.7 million in annual utility savings, $17,000 equivalent megawatt hours per year in energy savings, 1,000 kilowatt per year in demand savings relieving grid constraint, 500 tonnes of GHG avoided annually, and 534 person-years of direct and indirect jobs generated to date. | 0 | 96,136 |
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | As part of our commitment to reduce our operational footprint, we continue to incorporate innovative new vehicles into our fleet. PG&E managed approximately 13,000 on-road vehicles and related equipment in its fleet at the end of 2019. Of those, about 1,360 were electric-based and 65 were powered by compressed natural gas (CNG). Our network of electric charging stations is also growing: last year we surpassed 1,230 charge points at 117 locations across our service area. We also maintain a network of 32 CNG vehicle refueling facilities, 24 of which are open to customers. PG&E also rolled out renewable diesel to more than 60 sites, using over 2.6 million gallons of renewable diesel in our conventional vehicles and reducing associated carbon emissions. PG&E accrues emission reductions through the life of the vehicles; the average life of PG&E's light- and heavy-duty vehicles is 8 to 10 years. Emission reductions are calculated as part of the Million Ton Challenge (2019 performance compared to the 2016 baseline). | 0 | 491,458 |
Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector. | Includes net emissions from LULUCF which acted as a sink in the reported year. Data for Victoria is obtained from the State and Territory Greenhouse Gas Inventories which provides an overview of emissions based on the latest available data and the accounting rules that apply for Australia's National Inventory Report. | 0 | 311,389 |
Do you have a GHG emissions reduction target in place at the city-wide level? Select all that apply. | Strategy 1: Promote resilient, efficient, and environmentally beneficial patterns of land use. Utilize and modify rezoning, subdivisions, site plan, building permit, annexation, and related review and approval processes to achieve an appropriate jobs-housing-service balance. Additionally, apply these processes and others to ensure that all Greensboro residents are within walking distance to a park, green space, or natural feature.Strategy 2: Take policy and program actions that advance sustainability. Such actions may include promoting green infrastructure to manage water quality, tree planting policies to reduce the urban heat island effect, development of programs to increase recycling and reduce solid waste production, and policies to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gases. Stay up-to-date on emerging technologies and advancements in science that may contribute to increased sustainability.Strategy 3: Develop a strong communication, education, and partnering plan designed to protect the environment. This plan could include public messaging, new incentives, and environmental education. Additionally, cultivate strong partnerships with local, regional, and state entities and organizations that work on environmental protection to help Greensboro adapt to the local effects of global climate change and address other environmental issues. | 0 | 144,897 |
Provide details on the electricity, heat, steam and/or cooling amounts that were accounted for at a low-carbon emission factor in the market-based Scope 2 figure reported in C6.3. | ELC completed a full value chain assessment of our GHG emissions, and emissions associated with waste generated in operations are not considered to be relevant as they were calculated to represent less than 1% of Scope 3 emissions. ELC currently tracks the waste generated in our global manufacturing operations but we do not have complete data on waste from offices, warehouses, and retail stores. In FY2017, we diverted all of the waste from our global manufacturing and select distribution center operations from landfills. ELC recycled 16,122.13 metric tons (MT) of waste from our global manufacturing and select distribution center operations which avoided more than 45,544 MT CO2e emissions relative to landfilling. In addition, we sent 2,233.09 MT of waste to waste-toÂenergy facilities which avoided 146 MT CO2e relative to landfilling. | 0 | 341,947 |
Provide details of your climate-related supplier engagement strategy. | We have dedicated an Energy and Waste Reduction Fund to support energy efficiency projects not covered by local capital budgets or for which the payback period may be longer than the facility requires for local funding. The fund is managed by our corporate Health, Safety and Environment organization. Since 2006, we have invested more than $45 million in this fund, enabling the implementation of 174 projects, which all told, garnered nearly $22 million in savings annually. These projects collectively save more than one trillion BTUs of energy annually, avoiding more than 121,000 metric tonnes CO2e each year. In 2018, we progressed the design and construction for a 9 megawatt combined heat and power system at our Puerto Rico facility (expected 2020 completion) resulting in anticipated energy savings of $6 to $7 million annually and approximately 15% reduction in site GHG emissions.We continue to analyze sources of emissions at the facility and asset level that are subject to reporting requirements and review applicable emission reduction alternatives. We continue to use our internal management systems and processes to help manage these risks. In 2018, energy sourced from renewables accounted for 60,758 MWh. We are members of the Rocky Mountain Institute's Business Renewables Center and are currently evaluating the feasibility of incorporating more renewable energy sources. | 0 | 64,668 |
Please describe the main actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, and vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section. | Finance a cost-effective large-scale solar project on city property at sites with high energy use. | 0 | 144,620 |
Identify the position(s) (do not include any names) of the individual(s) on the board with responsibility for climate-related issues. | Akamai's network is made up of IT equipment, including roughly 250,000 servers and devices. In addition to the Scope 2 and 3 emissions associated with the powering and cooling of these servers, there are Scope 3 emissions associated with the manufacturing of servers. The Scope 3 emissions for this equipment are estimated for 2018 based on a fraction of the emissions associated with the use-phase and the expected energy consumption over a 5-year life cycle. There is sparse data on server carbon life cycle. Akamai cites several sources that attempt to estimate the embedded carbon of a server: 1) A 2013 analysis conducted by Life Cycle Analytics, for Akamai, of a representative Akamai server found that the embedded carbon was 368 kg CO2e which was 10% of its use phase2) A December 2010 IBM-CMU study estimated that embedded carbon was approximately 6-7%3) An analysis completed by the Swiss Technology and Society Lab (EMPA) using Akamai server configurations estimated that GHG emissions associated with the production phase were only 13-20% of the use phase To be precise, Akamai uses an embedded carbon value that is 15% of the equipment's use over a 5-year life span. A purchased server's expected lifetime energy consumption is calculated as follows: Measured maximum power draw of server under load (MWh) x hours per year x 5-year expected life span. The estimated 5-year use phase electricity consumption of all servers and associated networking equipment and appliances purchased in 2018 is summed. The total electricity sum is converted to GHG using Akamai's weighted average network-wide electricity carbon emission factor (kgs CO2e/MWh) of 451 because the purchased servers are deployed around the world. This weighted average electricity CEF is calculated from the IEA and EGrid standards | 0 | 346,947 |
Please provide more information on your plan that addresses climate change adaptation and attach the document. Please provide details on the boundary of your plan, and where this differs from your city’s boundary, please provide an explanation. | The swine industry is one of the significant farming industries in Pingtung County; however, the treatments of livestock manure and urine has become the biggest problem. Anaerobic fermentation is a common treatment method, but it will produce biogas which contains 60% of greenhouse gas, methane. According to the IPCC 2007 report, methane has 25 times of the impact of global warming as carbon dioxide increasingly. Therefore, the collection and utilization of biogas can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and be used for power generation, heat energy, and vehicle fuel gas after being purified and recovered to different degrees. Another example of synergies and co-benefits is "Disaster prevention microgrid". When the tribe is blacked out because of the disaster such as rainstorms, the refuge centre can be independently powered by solar panels and batteries. In recent years, due to the extreme climate, mountain tribes have been easily affected by typhoons. Heavy rain could cause rock flows, which result in road collapse, cable damage, and power outages; moreover, traffic and communication will be completely discontinued. In this case, communication with the outside and electricity providers can be maintained by disaster prevention microgrid. Furthermore, the microgrid could be a daily electricity provider that can effectively reduce the tribe's electricity expenses and carbon emissions. | 1 | 10,771 |
Please describe how your city’s climate change action plan addresses the following key areas, and provide details on the location of this evidence within your plan. | The City identified four core areas and three threats that impact daily operations and increase vulnerability based on assessment work, historical observations, and collected data from the region’s All Hazard Mitigation Plan. Drought, Extreme Precipitation, and Extreme Heat each have their own unique impacts to the City’s economy, environment, and members of the community. To assess current and future vulnerability to climate change, many jurisdictions have recently been using a relatively simple but focused approach that involves the rating of the two components which make specific areas more or less vulnerable: Sensitivity and Adaptive Capacity. This method was adapted from the City’s participation in the STAR (Sustainability Tracking and Rating) Communities program (as well as with the LEED for Cities update). A popular model utilized to relate the two components and ultimately measure vulnerability to areas of operation is a matrix-based analysis that uses a ranking system in the form of Low-to-High; using this qualitative assessment it is possible to identify and what the most critical areas are, which provides a baseline when prioritizing projects and capital improvements that affect development and operational capacity of their agencies. This framework and methodology is being incorporated into the City's 2050 Master Plan. | 0 | 245,884 |
Please identify and describe the factors that most greatly affect your city’s ability to adapt to climate change and indicate how those factors either support or challenge this ability. | The New Orleans economy is largely dependent on tourism and service industry jobs with persistently low wages and job security. The larger region is quite dependent on fossil fuel exploration and development in oil and gas. Mayor Cantrell signed onto C40's Divest/Invest Declaration in September of 2020, committing the City to divesting from fossil fuels and championing investments in the green economy wherever possible. | 1 | 268,139 |
Please describe the main actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, and vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section. | New technology will allow Metro’s public safety agencies to directly communicate to the people of Nashville in times of emergency: the Metro Emergency Alert & Notification System (MEANS).MEANS will be Metro’s official “call to action” mechanism – delivering safety instructions via cellphone, landline, text/SMS, or text telephone (TTY) – for localized emergencies such as flooding, public health emergencies or active shooter situations.Residents may sign up for this free alerting service by visiting the MEANS Portal at Once registered, users can choose how they want to receive communications: cellphone, landline, text/SMS, or TTY. Users can enter one or more addresses to receive location-based emergency notifications. For example, if a user adds their home and work address to their account, they will receive emergency notifications when either of these two addresses is within the boundaries of an alert’s location. If a user wishes to only receive countywide text/SMS messages, they can simply text the keyword ‘NashAlerts’ to 888-777.Users with smartphones are also urged to download the Everbridge Mobile App from the Apple App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android). The Everbridge app brings the added security of delivering alerts to cell phones based on a user’s physical location at the time of an emergency.“The Everbridge app provides Metro with a key alerting capability because it enables us to send safety instructions to residents who happen to be in the vicinity of an emergency in real time,” said Department of Emergency Communication’s Director Michele Donegan. | 1 | 287,524 |
Please detail which goals and targets are incorporated in your city’s master plan and describe how these goals are addressed in the table below. | Building projects in Denver are required to comply with the latest version of the National Electrical Code (NEC) adopted by the State of Colorado, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Code 72, international codes for building and fire safety developed by the International Code Council (2018 ICC Codes), and the 2019 Denver Building and Fire Code (DBC). The DBC contains Denver's amendments to the adopted ICC codes. These amendments address needs and issues specific to the City and County of Denver. Denver is planning for additional updates as part of the next cycle of building codes. Projecting carbon reductions from building codes can be difficult as it is highly dependent on what is built or updated under the existing code. The annual projection represents the expected annual reduction in target year 2050. | 0 | 102,619 |
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | Market risks are relevant to Mosaic's ongoing risk assessment process and they are always included in Mosaic's broad consideration and analysis of climate-related risks. Mosaic's market analysis team monitors climate and growing regions, forecasting for climate-related events like droughts and floods, to determine their potential impact on the markets and Mosaic's financial performance. For example, a widespread flood might impact agricultural commodity markets, which could in turn have an effect on Mosaic's annual sales. | 0 | 502,952 |
Please give a general description and introduction to your city including your city’s reporting boundary in the table below. | As the City and its elected leadership put emphasis on the importance of climate action, more funding has, and can likely continue to, become available internally within the government to support mitigation and adaption projects. | 0 | 35,260 |
Give a general description and introduction to your organization. | Intel is a world leader in the design and manufacturing of essential products and technologies that power the cloud and an increasingly smart, connected world. In 1968, Intel was incorporated in California, and our technology has been the heart of computing breakthroughs ever since. We have evolved from a PC-centric company with a server business to a data-centric company, and have begun the next phase of our journey – to build a world that runs on Intel. Our Products: We are at the forefront of developing new technologies and products that are utilized as integrated solutions for a broad spectrum of markets. From processing to transferring, storing, and analyzing data, our broad product portfolio offers innovative solutions to a wide array of customers. These products, such as our gaming CPUs, may be sold directly to end consumers, or they may be further integrated by our customers into end products such as notebooks and storage servers. Combining some of these products—for example, integrating field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and memory with Intel® Xeon® processors in a data-center solution— enables incremental synergistic value and performance. In 2018, our focus on product segmentation, innovation, and performance in PCs continued as we launched 9th Gen Intel® Core™ processors, which target the growing gaming market segment. To extend the growth momentum in data-centric businesses, we continue to offer innovative new products that provide higher performance and better value for our customers. We expect that our leadership products such as the second generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors and Intel® Stratix® 10 SX FPGA will further advance our opportunity in AI and help our customers process and analyze the flood of data. Our Customers: Our customers are looking for solutions that can process, analyze, store, and transfer data—turning it into actionable insights, amazing experiences, and competitive advantages. Enabling our customers to move faster, store more, and process everything is at the core of our strategy. The Intel® architecture platform provides the foundation for new solutions that take advantage of this growth of data. We sell our products primarily to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and original design manufacturers (ODMs). ODMs provide design and manufacturing services to branded and unbranded private-label resellers. In addition, our customers include other manufacturers and service providers, such as industrial and communication equipment manufacturers and cloud service providers, who buy our products through distributor, reseller, retail, and OEM channels. Our worldwide reseller sales channel consists of thousands of indirect customers—systems builders that purchase Intel® processors and other products from our distributors. We serve customers around the world and as of December 31, 2018, we had 107,400 employees (approximately 50% in the US). Approximately half of our wafer manufacturing was conducted within the U.S. during 2018. Global Climate Policy: Intel believes that global climate change is a serious environmental, economic and social challenge that warrants an equally serious response by governments and the private sector. Intel exercises leadership both in reducing our own footprint and in working with others to influence the development of sound public policies. As a semiconductor manufacturing company that is committed to reducing our carbon footprint and increasing our handprint (i.e., the contribution toward environmental solutions that reduce the world's carbon footprint), we have taken voluntary actions to reduce our carbon footprint for decades including: Scope 1: Point-of-use (POU) greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement, NF3 remote plasma chamber cleans, chemical substitution, process optimization and energy conservationScope 2: Renewable energy purchases, onsite renewable/alternative energy system installation, Green Building design, data center efficiencyScope 3: Energy efficiency of our products, logistics and distribution, electric vehicle charging stations, employee commuting and business travel programs, collaboration with suppliers The climate change solutions of our products (i.e., our handprint) play a key role in solutions such as smart electricity grids, energy management systems, smart logistics, harnessing and grid integration of wind and other renewable energy sources. Additionally, the accelerating deployment of the "Internet of Things" (IoT), powered by Intel silicon, promises to bring vast increases in intelligence to the world around us, leading to, among other things, further gains in energy efficiency. | 1 | 353,554 |
Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them. | The Province does not have a formal renewable energy target given that almost 90% of electricity consumption is already from renewable sources. This will increase to 98% by 2021 when Muskrat Falls, the first phase of Lower Churchill hydroelectric project in Labrador, will be fully operational. | 0 | 304,857 |
Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why. | 100% of consumption of the public distribution of electrical energy ENR Rate 2014: 11,7% (Total renewable production =351.38GWh) ENR Rate 2017: 13,5% (Total renewable production =434.25 GWh) | 0 | 295,187 |
Please describe the main goals of your city’s adaptation efforts and the metrics / KPIs for each goal. | Photovoltaic panels that have been installed in private properties – buildings (both residencies and tertiary sector) – GHG emissions that are saved annually from this action | 0 | 212,788 |
What actions is your city taking to reduce emissions? Please also indicate estimated emissions reduction potential and status of the emissions reduction actions your city has planned. | US Dept. of Commerce BEA – Los Angeles Metro Area | 0 | 254,965 |
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government. | P4. Project on Monitoring Energy Consumption of AVM Buildings and Awareness | 1 | 30,879 |
What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities? | Nova Scotia Power has been implementing programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while meeting the demand for cleaner, affordable, reliable energy. As described in Annual Capital Expenditure (ACE) Plans Nova Scotia Power plans to spend approximately $1.8 billion in capital between 2018 and 2022. With these investments, Nova Scotia Power will optimize its existing clean generation assets and create greater efficiencies that will benefit its customers. | 0 | 57,756 |
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | Other, please specify: Jet Fuel Efficiency Project - Duty free catalogue optimization | 0 | 73,900 |
Please describe your city’s climate data management plan including data collection, storing, quality assurance/checking (QA/QC) and updating of the plan, and attach reference document. | 1 of the 5 main Strategic Objectives of Nilüfer is called "Ecological Balance".Under the main Ecological Balance objective 5 goals are listed :- Protect the health and well-being of citizens and all creatures which we co-habitate Nilüfer.- Create a sustainable and livable greener environment for those living in Nilüfer in ecological balance.- Increase the satisfaction of sanitation by making Nilüfer more hygienic and more livable city. | 0 | 242,955 |
Provide details of your products and/or services that you classify as low-carbon products or that enable a third party to avoid GHG emissions. | Responsible Financing: CIBC is committed to providing innovative financial solutions with environmental attributes to our clients. Our Capital Markets team is at the forefront of financing new and innovative projects that contribute to cleaner, alternative or renewable energy supplies, including biogas, biomass, district energy systems, hydroelectric, solar and wind. In the last five years, CIBC lent $1.6 Billion towards financing renewable power projects. | 1 | 407,253 |
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | We measure success through website and social media site hits, downloads of reports and collaterals and the recognition awards and ratings we receive. We are confident the messages are making an impact. Case studies showing how our products and services helped customers reduce the total number of devices used, increase the number of energy-efficient devices used and therefore reduce energy use are available on our website ( As an example, we can mention a Major U.S. Financial Services Company, which replaced 1,200 personal printers with 172 energy-efficient multifunction devices bringing significant sustainability gains, including energy/GHG savings and less toner and paper usage. Xerox is a charter partner of the International ENERGY STAR program and has introduced nearly 500 ENERGY STAR qualified products since 1994. The annual savings from our ENERGY STAR qualified equipment installed in our customer's locations is equivalent to lighting one million U.S. homes for a year. | 0 | 389,230 |
Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your city and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action. | Other, please specify: Mental health services expanded during the COVID-19 andemic | 1 | 209,906 |
List the average emission factors of the fuels reported in C8.2c. | i. We are taking advantage of this opportunity by continuing to expand and diversify our efficient and home cooling product offerings, primarily through our Eco Options channel. ii. A number of our Eco Options energy and water savings products have become the fastest growing products in our assortment. We have separated the Eco Options energy and water conservation products and monitor their sales monthly. Any shift in demand is seen immediately. Our Eco Options Program helps us to be an industry leader in offering energy/water reduction products. Within the Eco Options Program, we highlight products and services that are less likely to have a negative impact on the environment than standard products and bring energy saving information to the forefront (in-store, in print, online and our own corporate website) so that our customers can easily understand what impact they can have on reducing GHG emissions simply by choosing the right products or services. We expect to continue to expand these Eco Options product selections as our customers adapt to the physical impacts of climate change. | 0 | 370,543 |
Please identify the factors that most greatly affect your city’s ability to adapt to climate change, and indicate how those factors either enhance or challenge this ability. | Easton has many historical properties located in the downtown area within the 100 and 500 year floodplains, making it difficult to retrofit these buildings to adapt to changing flooding risk. There are also many row homes which make it difficult to put solar panels and there is lack of space for wind generation. | 1 | 192,179 |
What actions is your city taking to reduce emissions? Please also indicate estimated emissions reduction potential and status of the emissions reduction actions your city has planned. | Louisville Metro has added over 150 miles of bicycle facilities within the Central Business District since 2012. Two car share programs were introduced downtown in 2014. The Big Four Bridge, a bicycle and pedestrian bridge spanning the Ohio River and connecting downtown Louisville to Indiana, was opened in 2014. Work continues on the Louisville Loop, a 100-mile shared use path with over 40 miles completed - many of which are off-road segments. A conceptual plan was completed to complete a missing link in a key off-road bike and pedestrian corridor. Partnerships with the Transit Authority of River City (TARC) have increased bus ridership since 2011. In 2016, Louisville Metro installed 3,500 linear feet of new sidewalks and replaced 13,243 linear feet of sidewalks in poor condition. Furthermore, an effort was completed in 2016 to retime 70 traffic signals. In 2017, Louisville launched a bike-share program, a network that includes 305 bikes and 27 stations. | 1 | 258,809 |
Which risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments? | Juniper considers current regulation in the assessment of climate-related risks as a material, relevant topic in line with our risk assessment process. Regulatory risks are assessed by the Integrity and Compliance group, and results are reported to the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors. For example, in response to growing traffic congestion in the City of Sunnyvale and associated environmental and the social impacts of it, Juniper's headquarters is required to implement a transportation demand program with the goal of decreasing single-passenger car trips. This is required under The City of Sunnyvale's Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program, implemented by the city's Division of Transportation and Traffic. | 1 | 71,889 |
Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a. | CARB held the California Bioresources Economy Summit in January 2019 co-hosted by University of California and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, that explored practices and policies to promote a circular economy for organic waste streams including from forests, agriculture, as well as urban green and food wastes. See: | 0 | 322,241 |
Provide details of other key climate-related targets not already reported in question C4.1/a/b. | The potential financial impact range is based on a long-term assessment of costs from physical climate change risks related to drought for the specific case of Indonesia. The lower range of financial impacts derives from our comprehensive climate change risk assessment tool combined with the threshold defined for the substantive financial impact, resulting in an estimated 8% increment in production costs (applied either to the sourced volume or spend). The upper range reflects an estimated 28% increment in production costs based on our modeling projection, based on our climate change risk assessment tool (CCRA based on the IPCC and RCP8.5), of the expected impact due to climate change (worst case scenario) for this country. We estimated the relative magnitude between $5-18 million per year while we foresee this risk in the short to long-term (>6 years) for the Indonesian growers due to supply chain disruptions arising from drought and flood events during the growing season and combining estimated costs due to disruption from crop losses, quality impacts and supply chain restrictions. | 0 | 504,872 |
Please indicate if your city-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and describe why. | An overall decrease of 14.07% in relation to base year (2014) and a marginal 0.7% increase, in relation to 2018 are observed. Energy consumption for heating has increased significantly, as 2019 was much colder than 2018 (heating degree days greater by 21% and cooling degree days lower by 5%, according to data from, thus energy consumption for heating in all buildings in Athens with fossil fuels increased. In 2019, national GHG emissions from electricity decreased by 3.8% compared to 2018, (mainly attributed to a decrease in the use of solid fuels and an increase in the use of renewable energy sources for electricity production). Nonetheless, electricity consumption has increased in residencies and street lighting, while it has decreased in the institutional and tertiary sector. The increase of electricity consumption in residencies can be attributed to the increase in arrivals as touristic destination of the city (10% in comparison to 2018 - Yasmeen, 2019) and the transformation of uninhabited apartments into airbnb.Construction activities have almost tripled between the two years, as the country had been leaving austerity in 2019. The phenomenon of airbnb had busted building refurbishment within the city. All these have contributed to the increase of stationary GHG emissions by 3%.Despite the observed weather fluctuations, the synergies of technological changes both in national (significant increase of RES in the electricity energy mix, funding energy-saving actions in residencies), and in municipal level (increase of composting), have led to a marginal GHGs increase, in relation to the primary consumption increase.Thanks to the increase of composting at municipal level, GHG emissions from waste have reduced by 23%.Regarding transport, GHG emissions have increased by 9%, in comparison to 2018, following the respective trend of European cities ( As the country was leaving austerity measures in 2019, the use of private cars increased in the capital's streets.IPPU has decreased by 11%, in relation to 2018, while AFOLU is marginal for the city of Athens.Ref:Yasmeen R., (2019) Top 100 City Destinations 2019 Edition. Euromonitor International | 1 | 189,114 |
Please give a general description and introduction to your city including your city’s reporting boundary in the table below. | For the year 2035 the objective is reduce primary energy consumption by 35% compared to the base year 2005. This goal was achieved in the year 2020. Replace fossil fuels and nuclear power with waste heat and renewable energies – this approach has the greatest potential for using less primary energy. Considerably more buildings than today are heated with heat from waste, cleaned waste water or with biogas. A significant increase in heating networks and the energetic improvement of the building shells of existing properties make this possible. In addition to the households, all business customers also only buy electricity from renewable sources in 2050, despite the liberalisation of the electricity market. Other great potential for reduction is discernible in the equipment and renovation of buildings (blue areas). A substantial energy saving is possible if efficient devices and lightings are increasingly used. The prerequisite, however, is that only small rebound effects occur. The scenario assumes that within the framework of ordinary redevelopments substantially more building shells are optimised with regard to energy and that intelligent building technology is used. Finally, measures that reduce the energy consumption of aviation also have an important effect. | 0 | 176,874 |
Please describe how your city’s risk or vulnerability assessment addresses the following key requirements as defined by the Global Covenant, and provide details on the location of this evidence within your assessment. | Revised/updated total 2016 inventory (12,541,758 MT CO2e) is 2.3% less than revised/updated total 2010 baseline inventory of 12,842,628 MT CO2e.Revised 2016 inventory is also lower by 0.4% than revised total 2015 inventory (12,589,945 MT CO2e).The largest emissions reductions were from energy use sources, as a result of decrease in natural gas usage and a cleaner electricity grid, compared to 2010 baseline year. These reductions were partially offset by increases in industrial processes and transportation emissions, largely due to the economic recovery since the recession. Excluding industrial process emissions, overall emissions (energy, transportation, waste) fell from 9.2 MT C02e in 2010 to 8.3 MT CO2e in 2016, a 10% decrease.When we also compare GHG emissions against economic growth as measured by Gross Regional Product (GRP), from 2010 to 2016, we see an 13% decrease in MTCO2e/GRP, showing signs of de-coupling - emissions going down, while economic activity goes up. | 0 | 6,734 |
Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security. | During the 2015-2018 drought in the Western Cape the demand for rainwater tanks increased to the point where suppliers were unable to keep up with demand. Residents also started using non potable water inside their homes for flushing toilets and doing household chores. Water used indoors are also being re-used. | 1 | 314,224 |
Please identify and describe the conditional components of your city-wide emissions reduction target(s). | 1000 Green Roofs Programme - Funding programme for the construction of green roofs and facades, started in summer 2019. Funding of 2.7 mio Euros is available until 2023. | 0 | 86,892 |
Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector. | The Protector of Forests of the State of Mexico (PROBOSQUE), is a decentralized Public Organization, with legal personality and own patrimony, created in 1990 and sectorized to the environment ministery, PROBOSQUE has the Program of Sustainable Forest Development of the State of Mexico. | 0 | 298,413 |
Account for your organization’s gross global Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions. | Investments in the electric power generation sector tend to be very capital intensive and long-lived (e.g. 40 or more years for generation). The substantial investments in power generation and transmission and distribution businesses creates financial exposure if future regulations are not appropriately anticipated and risks managed. Uncertainty surrounding new climate change and environmental regulation takes many forms, including a risk that these regulations may not value all low carbon technologies equally. Exelon is one of the largest competitive U.S. power generators, with more than 32,460 megawatts of owned capacity comprising one of the nation's cleanest and lowest-cost power generation fleets. Because a substantial portion of Exelon's generation portfolio is comprised of nuclear generation, should climate change regulations develop in a way that does not recognize zero carbon generation from nuclear or should climate change regulation fail to come about, Exelon may not be able to capture full potential value for the generation from these assets. Exelon and Generation continue to evaluate the current and expected economic value of each of Generation's nuclear plants. Factors that affect the economic value of Generation's nuclear plants include, but are not limited to: market power prices, results of capacity auctions, potential legislative and regulatory solutions to ensure nuclear plants are fairly compensated for their carbon-free emissions, and the efforts of states to implement those final rules. | 0 | 377,787 |
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | Climate change has been identified as the primary theme driving the industry in which we operate for the foreseeable future. Increased stringency of GHG regulations and/or carbon pricing represent significant risks but also opportunities for us to proactively reduce our emissions and compliance costs. Our Genesee Generating Station is a world-class leader in the carbon transition and is a major focus of our efforts to decrease our carbon footprint and evaluate options to reduce and eventually eliminate coal as part of our fuel mix. In 2018, we completed the second year of our innovative five-year Genesee Performance Standard, a $35M efficiency improvement program aimed at reducing GHG emissions by ~ 1M tonnes and improving the efficiency of our coal-fired facilities by 10% by 2021. While we assess the timing to fully convert the units to natural gas, no later than 2030, we are able to take advantage of low natural gas prices and co-fire opportunistically with coal. We tested co-firing solid biofuels with coal, which could replace up to 15% of the coal used by a single unit and further reduce our emissions and reliance on coal pre-2030. | 0 | 60,491 |
Describe how your local/regional government collaborates and coordinates vertically (higher levels of government) on climate action. | We have worked on each others climate action plans for integration and helped to support a local community solar array on a city close landfill. | 1 | 92,502 |
Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation. | Funding Agricultural Replacement Measures for Emission Reductions (FARMER) Program: CARB, in partnership with air districts, will administer the FARMER Program to provide grants, rebates, and other financial incentives for cleaner agricultural harvesting equipment, heavy-duty trucks, agricultural pump engines, tractors, and other equipment that reduces GHG and criteria air pollutant emissions from agricultural operations. For funding information, please see the program website at: | 0 | 303,722 |
Please list the most significant climate hazards faced by your city and indicate the probability and consequence of these hazards, as well as the expected future change in frequency and intensity. Please also select the top 3 assets or services that are affected by the climate hazard, and provide a description of the impact. | Increased demand on energy supply with extreme hot days (energy). Older housing stock affected by higher temperatures and part of population lack A/C (public health and residential). | 1 | 139,133 |
Please indicate if your city-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why. | The City of Edmonton sources all water from the North Saskatchewan River, and has no identified back up source of water supply. There is no evidence that water supply is a risk in the short term, but further investigation of Edmonton's water supply is needed. Given Edmonton's regional importance to the supply of potable water, the impact of reduced flows of water in the North Saskatchewan would be extremely serious. | 0 | 8,652 |
List any mitigation, adaptation, water related or resilience projects you have planned within your city for which you hope to attract financing and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your city does not have any relevant projects, please select 'No relevant projects' under 'Project Area'. | The Medford Public Library is being rebuilt and will be net zero emissions building. We have hired contractors and consultant working on the building plans and construction to make it more energy efficient and carbon neutral. | 1 | 39,449 |
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | VF is actively working to mitigate potential regulatory risks associated with cap-and-trade through membership and participation in the organization known as Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy (BICEP) Network, a project of Ceres, and the Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance (REBA). BICEP's charter is to work with both government and non-governmental organizations to design and introduce climate and energy policy that will prepare businesses for the risks associated with climate change. REBA is an association of large-scale energy buyers working towards the creation of zero-carbon energy system in collaboration with its members. We are also managing this risk by setting ambitious goals that reduce our GHG footprint. We have committed to the sourcing of 100% of electricity from renewable sources within VF-owned and operated facilities by 2025, in line with the enterprise commitment to RE100. In FY2020, VF's total renewable energy procurement, as a percentage of electric power, was 22.4%, an increase of 10% from 2017. Case study: In FY2020, VF announced its SBTi-approved science-based target to reduce absolute scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions by 55% by 2030, and scope 3 emissions from purchased goods & services and upstream transportation 30% by 2030. The cost of management for the response to this risk includes the cost of VF's science-based climate target feasibility study ($180,000), conducted throughout FY2019 – FY2020, and our annual membership fees for BICEP ($30,000) and REBA ($25,000). | 0 | 475,580 |
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | This financial estimate assumes the risk of the change in agricultural commodity prices is entirely unhedged. KDP utilizes commodities derivative instruments and supplier pricing agreements to hedge the risk of movements in commodity prices for limited time periods and certain commodities. For the purpose of this response, we note that as of December 2019, the impact of a 10% change (increase or decrease) in agricultural commodities market prices is estimated to be approximately $70M, again, assuming no hedging or other adjustments are implemented. | 1 | 506,667 |
Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the risk and vulnerability assessment of your city. | We want to build two water wells for supply water to San Borja citizens and their different green areas. Keeping the quality of life of our neighbors and preserving the flora and fauna. | 0 | 181,037 |
Please list the most significant climate hazards faced by your city and indicate the probability and consequence of these hazards, as well as the expected future change in frequency and intensity. Please also select the most relevant assets or services that are affected by the climate hazard and provide a description of the impact. | In recent years, the cases of storm winds have become frequent in Moscow. It is a strong hydrometeorological phenomenon in the Moscow City when it comes to 23 m / s.The consequences of such phenomena in recent years have been: harm to human health (injuries received), the destruction of urban infrastructure, the loss of green spaces in the city of Moscow, and the impact on the air power supply network. These risks persist in subsequent years. A number of adaptation measures are being taken, including the examination of green areas for their sustainability, the transfer of overhead cables to the ground and others. | 1 | 207,030 |
Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks. | One of the resources monitored and secured in Madrid State among decades is water and the Public Company Canal de Isabel II is managing water for more than a century. | 1 | 290,899 |
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the most impactful mitigation actions your city is currently undertaking; the total cost of the action and how much is being funded by the local government. | The municipality owns to wind turbines that provide 56% of the energy use. The remaining percentage is energy purchased from renewable resources. In order to reduce the amount of bought energy the municipality has installed 1 552 sqm (2017) that produced under 2017 a total of 176 750 kWh. | 1 | 106,566 |
Which risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments? | We replace HVAC equipment in hotels as they age; and while these investments are part of scheduled updates, they often give us the opportunity to invest in more efficient equipment. In addition, HVAC-related controls and equipment are updated as needed or when efficiency gains can be made. Based on reported information, we have identified 27 completed HVAC projects completed in 2018. Payback period is estimated based on previous experience/observed median payback periods rather than based on the available information for reported projects. Estimated lifetime of equipment varies greatly and is based on the equipment's depreciation timeline as well as useful lifetime. A preventative maintenance program is in place at Hyatt hotels in order to extend the useful lifetime of designated equipment as much as possible.Additional information was available for 44% of these projects, which is reflected in the reported totals in this row, and data provided represents investments made by Hyatt and Hyatt hotel owners. | 0 | 404,377 |
Provide details on the initiatives implemented in the reporting year in the table below. | 7G has not had an absolute emissions target because it believes that emissions intensity is a more valuable measure of emissions performance. As 7G's business model evolves from high to lower growth rates, the company plans to establish an emissions target alongside plans to manage impacts to land and water. In this transition, and in an effort to establish an informed and pragmatic target, 7G plans to acquire detailed information and data about its operations, assets and emissions. This includes building a comprehensive inventory of all emitting assets, and the resulting GHG emissions, projecting new sources of GHG emissions on a yearly basis, and extrapolating the emissions profile. | 0 | 513,404 |
Please provide some key examples of how your city collaborates with business in the table below. | It is not expected that social risks will be significant due to the nature and effects of the risks | 0 | 87,600 |
Please describe the main actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, and vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section. | warnings are communicated via TV news stations and social media. Msundzui also has a disaster management plan | 1 | 28,077 |
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | Significant costs are attributed to staffing employees whose full-time positions are to monitor risks and opportunities with regards to changes in climate change-related regulation. In addition, considerable costs are allotted to sponsoring events, round tables and other discussions with our customers, trade associations and other working groups to maintain and leverage open dialogue. | 1 | 59,075 |
Please provide more information on your plan that addresses climate change adaptation and attach the document. Please provide details on the boundary of your plan, and where this differs from your city’s boundary, please provide an explanation. | This will be conducted as part of the hazard, vulnerability, and risk study, and the revised adaptation action plan process. | 0 | 128,275 |
Account for your organization’s Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions. | Based on our 2017 third party spend data and an Economic Input-Output Model performed by Climate Earth, Inc. While spend increased from 2016 to 2017, the model changed emissions factors from CEDA based to EPA based factors.In 2017, we began to survey and collect data from our top strategic suppliers. | 1 | 428,111 |
Provide details on the electricity, heat, steam and/or cooling amounts that were accounted for at a low-carbon emission factor in the market-based Scope 2 figure reported in C6.3. | Where possible in the US, we have identified the specific emissions factors for the utilities servicing CBS locations. The emissions factor listed above is the weighted average of the emissions factors across these sites. The market-based emissions factor calculation is done site by site, month by month and does not use the average factor listed above.These utilities are using a variety of renewable and low carbon energy generation sources in their mix. | 1 | 448,515 |
Please detail sustainability goals and targets (e.g. GHG reductions) that are incorporated into your city’s master plan and describe how these are addressed in the table below. | Within Newcastle’s Core Strategy:Policy CS1 (Spatial Strategy for Sustainable Growth) requires all development to be designed to reduce carbon emissions and adapted to the effects of climate change. Policy CS16 (Climate Change) requires development to be sustainable, able to function effectively in a changing climate and address the impacts of climate change emissions.We recognise the importance of national standards for building requirements to be lifted in line with our local planning policy. We will promote enhancements to the Building Regulations and other national standards to further advance the decarbonisation of properties in the City. These include:- Building Regulations. The Building Regulations (Part L) detail the national requirements for conservation of fuel and power in buildings. They set the national standard for energy performance of all new and existing buildings. The Future Homes Standard will require new build homes to be future-proofed with low carbon heating and world-leading levels of energy efficiency; it will be introduced by 2025. The standard has recently undergone consultation.- Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) In 2016, the new MEES in the residential and commercial private rented sector was established. It is now deemed unlawful to let properties with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating below an ‘E’ rating. | 1 | 8,403 |
What actions is your city taking to reduce emissions? Please also indicate estimated emissions reduction potential and status of the emissions reduction actions your city has planned. | Single stream recycling is offered to all Clark County single family residential homes, which has helped improve the region's recycling rates. | 1 | 149,254 |
Give details of your climate-related engagement strategy with your customers. | This engagement addresses a pain point customers currently have of accessing accurate data to calculate their own emissions. AEP's own GHG and Energy Report was well-received by customers. Engagement with customers in our process and in the WRI/EEI process has been significant for the past two years to develop these standardized reports. | 1 | 479,834 |
Give details of your climate-related engagement strategy with your customers. | Tenants' behaviour has major impacts on a building's energy usage and waste production as well as use of alternate transportation and other factors that can mitigate climate impacts. By engaging tenants, Real Estate can have a much greater impact. All Real Estate properties are encouraged to participate in some form of tenant engagement. 100% - Our Sustainable Building Standards are applicable to all properties and include tenant engagement strategies and tenant campaign materials for all properties | 1 | 386,060 |
Please describe how the target(s) reported above align with the global 1.5 - 2 °C pathway set out in the Paris agreement. | Waste. Reduce waste accumulation by promoting 3Rs, enhancing the capacity to divert solid waste and manage wastewater. AFOLU Agriculture. Expand urban agriculture and community gardens. AFOLU Forestry. Preserve and expand the city’s forest land/forest areas. Energy -massive expansion of its GHG sinks by establishing secondary growth forests, mangrove areas, establishment of additional public parks and improving tree cover nd shading in the urban center. Transportation - Enactment of Green/Low Emission Development Ordinance, Upgrading of vehicle fleet Domestic waste water - Septage Management Sytem; Master Drainage Plan Waste water river discharge - Septage Management Sytem; Master Drainage Plan | 1 | 11,767 |
What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities? | Duke Energy considers projects that will save both CO2 emissions and money for its customers in regulated jurisdictions. An example is the natural gas co-firing projects that Duke Energy is undertaking at three coal-fired power plants in the Carolinas. The project at the Rogers Energy Complex is complete, while similar projects are underway at the Belews Creek and Marshall Steam stations. Co-firing natural gas with coal lowers overall CO2 emissions, allows the Company to take advantage of the price difference between coal and natural gas, and reduces O&M costs due to less use of environmental controls. Customers save when the Company lowers its overall fuel costs. | 1 | 488,213 |
Please describe the main goals of your city’s adaptation efforts and the metrics / KPIs for each goal. | There are 68 strategies in One Climate Future that involve both mitigation and adaptation actions. These strategies are categorized into Buildings and Energy, Waste Reduction, Transportation & Land Use, and Climate Resilience. But these strategies also work together to achieve “six big moves” that encapsulate the plan and summarize how we—the communities of Portland and South Portland—will create thriving, inclusive, low-carbon cities over the next thirty years. These six big moves include:(1) Build better buildings.(2) Connect people to places, to opportunity.(3) Power everything* with clean renewable electricity.(4) Grow a circular economy.(5) Nourish ecosystems, which nourish us.(6) Build collaborative capacity to create this future.These are big picture goals which strategies of different sectors and focuses help to achieve. These strategies also help to achieve the three rings of sustainability: economic, social, and environmental. | 0 | 136,077 |
Please provide some key examples of how your city collaborates with business and/or industries in the table below. | Other, please specify: 1) Project delivery - Public Private Partnership, 2) Financing (Investment), 3) Circular economy business model support , 4) Economic Development | 1 | 98,798 |
Account for your organization’s Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions. | EY provides its clients with knowledge-based professional services as opposed to a physical product. We monitor our most significant Scope 3 emissions and are taking measures to reduce them. As a professional services firm, EY does not have relevant Scope 3 activities associated with capital goods based on the Relevance Criteria in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard. | 1 | 477,319 |
Please list the most significant climate hazards faced by your city and indicate the probability and consequence of these hazards, as well as the expected future change in frequency and intensity. Please also select the top 3 assets or services that are affected by the climate hazard, and provide a description of the impact. | The Renew Boston Trust is using energy performance contracting to fund energy conservation measures in municipal buildings. Phases 1 is underway, and assessment and planning is underway for Phase 2a. | 0 | 80,973 |
Provide details of your absolute emissions target(s) and progress made against those targets. | In 2015 United made a $30 million equity investment in Fulcrum BioEnergy, whose biofuel is to be derived from municipal solid waste and is expected to have a greater than 80% reduction in lifecycle GHG emissions. United has a long-term supply agreement with Fulcrum for 90 million gallons of sustainable aviation biofuel per year for a minimum of 10 years, but this supply has not yet begun. | 1 | 471,922 |
Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities. | The South Australian government supports CCS through facilitation of internationally recognised standards, licensing and regulation under the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000 to enable implementation of CCS projects; and through policy development, in consultation with industry, to provide an investment framework for CCS. | 0 | 335,069 |
Please list the most significant climate hazards faced by your city and indicate the probability and consequence of these hazards, as well as the expected future change in frequency and intensity. Please also select the most relevant assets or services that are affected by the climate hazard and provide a description of the impact. | (Pre-assessment understanding): Average statewide annual precipitation has increased 5.6 inches since 1895 and the frequency of heavy downpours has also increased. Heavy rain can saturate the ground causing tree, building, and infrastructure damage. Heavy rain can impact agriculture and increase runoff of soils and chemicals. Heavy rain increases the threat of river floods and flash floods. | 0 | 13,008 |
Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions. | The master plan connects to the 100 RES objectives in the regional strategy for Gotland "Vision 2025". Further it includes a chapter solemnly for wind power development and states as a fact: “An important factor in the quest for a sustainable society is the energy supply. Requirements for an energy-efficient thinking in the planning and construction of new buildings and energy supply that increasingly shall be based on renewable energy sources, are important elements of this work.” To achieve the overall target of a municipal wind power-based electricity production at 2.5 TWh/year, a massive expansion of wind mill within the municipality's land and coastal waters is required. Further the master plan refers to the objectives of the municipal energy plan and the energy objective in the regional development plan "Vision 2025" which is as follows; “a climate neutral local energy supply with a high share of local renewable energy sources”. The energy plan mentions that several actors cooperate on Gotland within the energy sector and say that; "The possibilities lays within increased use of the potentials for bio energy, wind power and solar energy. A trend must be broken in the historic correlation of increased economic growth – increased energy demand". | 1 | 60,763 |
Please identify and describe the factors that most greatly affect your city’s ability to adapt to climate change and indicate how those factors either support or challenge this ability. | Migration can be considered from two points of view: immigration and emigration. Immigration, which in Milan more than doubled since 1999, in Italy as in many nations in the rest of Europe has been a major issue, mainly because of the needs of regularizing the new citizens and of providing more services for many more people with a low income. The other issue that Italy is facing is the emigration of young people with a university degree: data shows that, even though the overall amount of residents in Milan increased by almost 60000 of people in the last 20 years, the amount of local residents decreased by almost 111000 of people. This means that Milan as Italy is losing potentially medium-high income citizens and gaining low-income ones, which in the long term will be likely to cause the city and the whole nation to lose wealth. | 1 | 14,166 |
Please select any commitments to climate adaptation and/or mitigation your city has signed and attach evidence. | The mayor and the municipality have participated in a multi-ministerial program called «Future Cities» with its «Climate Adaptation Network», which ended in 2014. It obliged the mayor himself and the municipality to work to make assessments of risk and efforts to adapt the municipality to climate change. By 2015, a new network was established to continue the climate adaptation work. "In front network for climate adaptation" is organized by the Norwegian Environment Agency, and our municipality has signed up as a participant. A new commitment has been signed to continue working for climate adaptation. | 1 | 24,373 |
Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, or vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section. | Flood prone areas within the AMA have been mapped by the Spatial Planning Department to enable identification of the high risk areas. | 1 | 32,005 |
What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities? | Building systems that require large investments such as boilers, chillers, or building facades may only be replaced every several decades. They have a large influence on energy use in the future and may be difficult to retrofit after installation so it is logical to align energy efficiency investments with capital equipment replacement cycles. At BNY Mellon, energy efficiency considerations are integrated directly into equipment-replacement conversations. | 1 | 514,514 |
Provide details of other key climate-related targets not already reported in question C4.1/a/b. | In 2018, our data collection indicates that our renewable energy makes up about 35% (or ~68.71 million kWh) of our 2018 global energy use and about 33% of our U.S. energy use (~60.23 million kWh). In base year 2012, the percentage of renewable energy sources in the U.S. was 15%. The KPI in baseline year is an adjusted value based on the total electricity consumption of Lam Research U.S. facilities in 2012 multiplied by the percentage of renewable energy sources (15%). The KPI in target year is a projected number based on the anticipated increase of electricity consumption of Lam U.S. facilities by 2020 multiplied by the target percentage of renewable energy sources (25%). The projected number has been revised to include the projected electricity consumption of our subsidiary facilities in Ohio. | 1 | 68,690 |
Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business. | Costs of management are associated with asset-specific teams that interpret, model and manage physical risks within the commercial and engineering and operations of each business segment. | 1 | 457,058 |
Please detail which goals and targets are incorporated in your city’s master plan and describe how these goals are addressed in the table below. | Since September 2020, we’ve been undertaking a procurement exercise to identify our future Strategic Partner for City Leap – the organisation or consortium that will work with the council to deliver more than £1 billion of investment towards Bristol becoming a zero-carbon, smart energy city by 2030. | 0 | 249,726 |
Please describe the main actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, and vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section. | Strategies on the Reduction of Urban Heat Island Effect (BUSECAP 2017) | 1 | 193,093 |
Provide details of your products and/or services that you classify as low-carbon products or that enable a third party to avoid GHG emissions. | Technological risks, including those that are climate-related, are considered quarterly through the corporate Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) process. Risks are categorized by the specific nature of the risk. For example, any risks that could be associated with implementing our climate-related data tracking system in our facilities falls under our Supply Chain Network Optimization risk definition. However, risks to our brands and corporate image associated with the failure of this system would fall under the Reputational risk definition. | 0 | 420,422 |
Provide details of your products and/or services that you classify as low-carbon products or that enable a third party to avoid GHG emissions. | Using the sectoral decarbonization approach (SDA) methodology, a long-term science-based reduction target would require Apple to reduce its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 52% by 2036, relative to 2012 baseline emissions. We have reduced our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 68 percent since 2012, surpassing the science-based target 17 years faster than what the approach dictates. While we recognize we have already reached these science-based targets, we continue to make yearly progress further reducing emissions within relevant boundaries. As of April 2020, we are carbon neutral for scope 1, 2, and scope 3 emissions relating to Apple's operations (employee commute and business travel) beginning in fiscal year 2021. And we also set an ambitious target to be carbon neutral by 2030 and reduce emissions by 75 percent, including our entire product life cycle scope 3 emissions. | 0 | 500,899 |
Please detail which goals and targets are incorporated in your city’s master plan and describe how these goals are addressed in the table below. | Other, please specify: Social impact on citizens living in the city center, as the densely populated cities are an exposed area when it comes to heavy rainfall. | 0 | 65,940 |
What is the annual solid waste generation in your city? | Located in the central part of Italy, Florence lies in a basin formed by several hills and crossed by the Arno river and some other small river such as Mugnone and Terzolle. A quick overview reveals Florence to be a commuter city: in addition to its 378,839 official residents, around 150000 "city visitors" pass through the 102.41 km2 of this municipality every day. It is the Region of Tuscany's most visited city, the capital municipality of the greater Florence metropolitan city (42 municipalities) and the broader metropolitan area of which it forms part (a grouping of 11 neighboring municipalities) is also the most densely populated area with a total population of 620,000 inhabitants (rounded). Most of this "user" population is represented by commuters, i.e., those who enter Florence on a daily basis (for work or study), while only 28,300 of the city's official residents engage in the reverse commute (travelling to other municipalities for similar reasons). The remainder of the city’s visitors/users is represented by tourism. Florence is in fact considered the birthplace of the Renaissance and its Historical Centre was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1982. Florence has tackled the matters of sustainability as a sort of never-ending story: the Aalborg Charter (1998), the Covenant of Mayors (2010), the Mayors Adapt and Compact of Mayors (2015), the New Covenant of mayors for Climate and Energy (2017) show Florence’s peculiar side, a city that is planning for a better life in which safeguarding means protect the cultural heritage and the city users, both those that are visiting the city and those that are living it, which make Florence one of the most popular cities. Take care of it means maintain the city truly attractive, and therefore not just a destination unique for its beauty but also in which to permanently live in. This implies acting to avoid migration the city, creating a favourable social economical context, offering the services necessary to make the city liveable and sustainable, in which the quality of the environment is the decisive factor to choose Florence. Sustainable planning is one of the aim of the city to develop a polycentric structure for a more compact and socially affordable resilient city: regulation to prevent land consumption, transport network modernization and intelligent mobility, efficiency in information and communication technologies, enhancing the sustainability and resilience of the city for citizens life simplification and the city of tomorrow, really smart. The sustainable urban mobility plan for the all Florence metropolitan city has been approved and it is going to be adopted in the next months. | 0 | 171,866 |
Please provide details of your total city-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. | Indonesia had signed Paris Agreement to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change at 22nd April 2016. The aim of the Paris Agreement is to approve global temperature rises below 2 ° C from the pre-industrialization level and making efforts to limit it to below 1.5 ° C. Jakarta contribute to achieve that goal by defined target to reduce 30% GHG in 2030. | 1 | 176,034 |
Please identify the factors that most greatly affect your city’s ability to adapt to climate change, and indicate how those factors either enhance or challenge this ability. | The Planning and Zoning, Engineering, and Sustainability Departments within the City are very active is increasing mobility throughout the City, increasing the accessibility of walking, biking, and public transit. This would decrease the use of general automobile traffic and would greatly reduce transportation emissions. Moreover, the City is planning to increase its green infrastructure with "living shorelines" for littoral zones and increased tree canopy coverage to reduce heat island effects and increase walkability. | 1 | 194,025 |
Please describe the main actions you are taking to reduce the risk to, and vulnerability of, your city’s infrastructure, services, citizens, and businesses from climate change as identified in the Climate Hazards section. | Bio-methanation plant has been installed to produce electricity from organic waste and used for lighting of street-lights. Inclusion of LED light infrastructure employing conversion of sodium vapour | 1 | 215,454 |
Provide details of your emissions intensity target(s) and progress made against those target(s). | Our results may be negatively impacted if consumers do not maintain their favorable evaluation of our brands. If brand reputation is affected, we may experience reduced demand for our products, which would in turn lower revenues and profitability to suffer. Our annual sales in FY18 were $15.7 billion USD. A decline in sales (i.e. 0.01 %) could result in a big impact. $15.7 billion multiplied by 0.01% equal $1.57 million USD | 0 | 348,874 |
Please indicate the opportunities your city has identified as a result of addressing climate change and describe how the city is positioning itself to take advantage of these opportunities. | It is increasing solar energy projects in new infrastructure, which promotes energy security. | 1 | 110,128 |
Please attach your city’s climate change mitigation plan below. If your city has both mitigation and energy access plans, please make sure to attach all relevant documents below. | the study has been done for city municipal limits , 426 sq km | 0 | 168,128 |
Account for your organization’s Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions. | Given a change in methodological approach adopted in 2017, Category 9 - Downstream transportation and distribution is not relevant. | 0 | 531,723 |
Please explain how your city has addressed vulnerable groups through transformative action. | Some figures are local and good level of confidence,. Some figures are from national models given to municipalities, so they are more calculatory. | 0 | 37,375 |
Subsets and Splits