they believe in god and the last day, and advocate righteousness and forbid evil, and are quick to do good deeds. these are among the righteous.
يؤمنون بالله واليوم الآخر ويأمرون بالمعروف وينهون عن المنكر ويسارعون في الخيرات وأولئك من الصالحين
They said: Their desire is for horses to be more beautiful and stronger, and for black cows to be more beautiful and more beautiful, and for their hides to be more valuable, beneficial and lasting.
قالوا: ودهم الخيل أبهى وأقوى، والبقر السود أحسن وأبهى، وجلودها أثمن وأنفع وأبقى.
There is a difference between our saying “was” and “will be,” as one does not replace the other.
فبين قولنا "كان" و "يكون" فرق، إذ ليس ينوب أحدهما مناب الآخر.
and press your hand to your side; it will come out white, without a blemish—another sign.
واضمم يدك إلى جناحك تخرج بيضاء من غير سوء آية أخرى
It is interpreted to mean those who rely upon Allah, or those who have soft hearts.
قيل معناه متوكلون وقيل قلوبهم رقيقة
He said: That they see patience as humiliation, and giving as injustice.
قال: أن يروا الحلم ذلا، والتواهب ضيما.
The believer is kind and gracious, for there is no goodness in one who is neither kind nor gracious. The best of the people are those who are most beneficial to others.
المؤمن يألف ويؤلف ولا خير فيمن لا يألف ولا يؤلف وخير الناس أنفعهم للناس
Do not fear the blame of any critic in the matter of Allah.
لا تخف في الله لومة لائم
When the youth retreated to the cave and they said: Our Lord, grant us mercy from you and facilitate right guidance for us in our affair.
إذ أوى الفتية إلى الكهف فقالوا ربنا آتنا من لدنك رحمة وهيئ لنا من أمرنا رشدا
like the fate of the people of noah, and aad, and thamood, and those after them. god wants no injustice for the servants.
مثل دأب قوم نوح وعاد وثمود والذين من بعدهم وما الله يريد ظلما للعباد
How quickly your companion forgets! If one of you comes to a gathering, let him greet them with peace. If there is room for him to sit, let him sit. If he stands to leave, let him offer salutations of peace. The former duty is no different than the latter.
ما أوشك ما نسي صاحبكم إذا جاء أحدكم المجلس فليسلم فإن بدا له أن يجلس فليجلس وإذا قام فليسلم ما الأولى بأحق من الآخرة
Take my word, and leave Abu al-Aas's.
خذ بقولي، ودع قول أبي العاص.
It is not lawful for a man to sit between two people unless he has their permission.
لا يحل لرجل أن يفرق بين اثنين إلا بإذنهما
those who, when we empower them in the land, observe the prayer, and give regular charity, and command what is right, and forbid what is wrong. to god belongs the outcome of events.
الذين إن مكناهم في الأرض أقاموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة وأمروا بالمعروف ونهوا عن المنكر ولله عاقبة الأمور
When the child of a servant dies, Allah says to the angels: Have you taken the life of my servant’s child? They say yes. Allah says: Have you taken the fruit of his heart? They say yes. Allah says: What has my servant said? They say: He has praised you and said to Allah we belong and to Allah we return. Allah says: Build a house for my servant in Paradise and name it the House of Praise.
إذا مات ولد العبد قال الله لملائكته قبضتم ولد عبدي فيقولون نعم فيقول قبضتم ثمرة فؤاده فيقولون نعم فيقول ماذا قال عبدي فيقولون حمدك واسترجع فيقول الله ابنوا لعبدي بيتا في الجنة وسموه بيت الحمد
This was his will on the day of heads alone.
هذه كانت وصيته في يوم الرؤوس وحده.
And God knows best.
والله أعلم.
The answer: The reason for this is both the teeth and the Druze.
الجواب: أن السبب في هذا من جهة الأسنان ومن جهة الدروز معا.
So we say: He perceives with some of his parts, such as the eye and ear, but he does not perceive with the rest of his body, and there is no contradiction in that.
فلا جرم نقول: يدرك ببعض أجزائه كالعين والأذن ولا يدرك بسائر بدنه، وليس فيه تناقض.
Then, after a while, the young man went home and found his wife in a bad state and worried. So, the young man said to her: Why do I see you like this? Her neighbor answered him and said: Your wife is sick and poor.
ثم إن الغيلم انطلق بعد مدة إلى منزله فوجد زوجته سيئة الحال مهمومة فقال لها الغيلم: مالي أراك هكذا، فأجبته جارتها، وقالت: إن زوجتك مريضة مسكنة.
By God, if you drank the water of the Euphrates, I would not think it was too much for you, given how much you eat and how big your bites are.
والله لو شربت ماء الفرات ما استكثرته لك، مع ما أرى من شدة أكلك وعظم لقمك.
He said: “The yield of the house is a musk and the yield of the palm tree is enough. The yield is the yield of the crops and the two crops.”
وذلك أنه قال: «غلة الدار مسكة وغلة النخل كفاف ، وإنما الغلة غلة الزرع والنسولتين » .
Wasil bin Ata’ said: Staring for a long time tires the observer, but the observer of the heart is weaker than him.
وقال واصل بن عطاء: طول التحديق يكل الناظر، وناظر القلب أضعف منه.
and let not their sayings dishearten you. all power is god’s. he is the hearer, the knower.
ولا يحزنك قولهم إن العزة لله جميعا هو السميع العليم
He said: The veil was included in it to be a separation, that is, to separate the front part of the brain from the back part.
قوله: وإنما أدرج الحجاب فيه ليكون فصلا أي ليفصل الجزء المقدم من الدماغ من الجزء المؤخر.
The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed of grain which grows seven spikes, in each spike is a hundred grains. Allah multiplies the reward for whomever He wills, for Allah is vast and knowing.
مثل الذين ينفقون أموالهم في سبيل الله كمثل حبة أنبتت سبع سنابل في كل سنبلة مائة حبة ۗ والله يضاعف لمن يشاء ۗ والله واسع عليم
Do not be persistent in begging. By Allah, if one of you asks me for something and I give it to him unwillingly, then there is no blessing in what I have given him.
لا تلحفوا في المسألة فوالله لا يسألني أحد منكم شيئا فتخرج له مسألته مني شيئا وأنا له كاره فيبارك له فيما أعطيته
What do you think of a man who gnawed on a piece of flesh out of sweat, and then swallowed his tooth, without knowing it?
وما ظنكم برجل نهش بضعة لحم تعرقا، فبلع ضرسه، وهو لا يعلم.
This human being is especially one who has two legs.
وهذا الإنسان خاصة مما هو ذو رجلين.
Where is the deception that he forbade?
وأين التغرير الذي نهى عنه؟
wherever you look, you see bliss, and a vast kingdom.
وإذا رأيت ثم رأيت نعيما وملكا كبيرا
but i plot and scheme.
وأكيد كيدا
The hunter despaired of them and left.
وأيس الصياد منهن وانصرف.
He did not pay it and considered it an act of honor and righteousness.
فلم يدفعها واحتسب بها في الكرامة والبر.
This is the entire doctrine of Malik and his companions.
هذا جملة مذهب مالك وأصحابه
And I'm going.
وأنا ذاهب.
You're telling me I want his lunch?
تعرض لي لا أم لك بأني أرغب في غدائه؟
The judge said: We find in the books of the ancients that the judge should know the actions of the good and the bad in order to reward the good for his good and the bad for his bad. If he goes to this, the good will increase in their eagerness to do good and the bad will increase in their avoidance of sins.
قال القاضي: إن نجد في كتب الأولين: أن القاضي ينبغي له أن يعرف عمل المحسن والمسيء ليجازى المحسن بإحسانه والمسيء بإساءته فإذا ذهب إلى هذا ازداد المحسنون حرصا على الإحسان والمسيؤون إجتنابا للذنوب.
The best companion to Allah is the best to his companions, and the best neighbor to Allah is the best to his neighbors.
خير الأصحاب عند الله خيرهم لصاحبه وخير الجيران عند الله خيرهم لجاره
If you are not afraid of Shatraba, then be afraid of others from your soldiers who may have attacked you and your enmity.
وإن كنت لا تخاف من شتربة، فخف غيره من جندك الذين قد حملهم عليك وعلى عداوتك.
O Abu Dharr, you are weak and it is a position of public trust. Verily, on the Day of Resurrection it will only result in regret, except for one who takes it by right and fulfills its duties.
يا أبا ذر إنك ضعيف وإنها أمانة وإنها يوم القيامة خزي وندامة إلا من أخذها بحقها وأدى الذي عليه فيها
will they not repent to god and ask his forgiveness? god is forgiving and merciful.
أفلا يتوبون إلى الله ويستغفرونه والله غفور رحيم
The crow said: They claimed that one of the elephant lands had been subject to years of drought, its water had decreased, its springs had sunk, its plants had withered, and its trees had dried up, so the elephants were afflicted with severe thirst. So they complained about this to their king, and the king sent his messenger and his guides to search for water in every direction.
قال الغراب: زعموا أن أرضا من أراضي الفيلة تتابعت عليها السنون، وأجدبت، وقل ماؤها، وغارت عيونها، وذوى نبتها، ويبس شجرها، فأصاب الفيلة عطش شديد: فشكون ذلك إلى ملكهن، فأرسل الملك رسوله ورواده في طلب الماء، في كل ناحية.
Whoever has this characteristic and this is his doctrine, his companion cannot be trusted.
ومن كانت هذه صفته، وهذا مذهبه، فغير مأمون على جليسه.
It was necessary for people to leave the name of the Mushaf to the thing that collected the Qur’an, not every volume, and not to attempt to collect any of the chapters of learning between the two covers, so that they would include what the predecessors made for the Qur’an other than that from the sciences.
وقد كان في الواجب أن يدع الناس اسم المصحف للشيء الذي جمع القرآن دون كل مجلد، وألا يرموا جمع شيء من أبواب التعلم بين الدفتين، فيلحقوا بما جعله السلف للقرآن غير ذلك من العلوم.
Al-Zubayr ibn Bakkar told me: Nafi’ ibn Jubayr ibn Mut’im asked permission to see Mu’awiyah, but the chamberlain prevented him and smashed his nose. Mu’awiyah became angry, and Jubayr was with him. Mu’awiyah said: O Nafi’, are you doing this to my chamberlain?
وحدثني الزبير بن بكار قال: استأذن نافع بن جبير بن مطعم على معاوية، فمنعه الحاجب فدق أنفه، فغضب معاوية وكان جبير عنده، فقال معاوية: يا نافع، أتفعل هذا بحاجبي؟
Know that if there is something interesting in the food, a generous morsel, or a delicious bite, then that is only for the respected old man and the spoiled child, and you are not one of them.
وإعلم أنه إذا كان في الطعام شيء طريف ولقمة كريمة ومضغة شهية، فإنما ذلك للشيخ المعظم والصبي المدلل، ولست واحدا منهما.
whoever invokes another god besides god—he has no proof thereof—his reckoning rests with his lord. the disbelievers will not succeed.
ومن يدع مع الله إلها آخر لا برهان له به فإنما حسابه عند ربه إنه لا يفلح الكافرون
reclining on them, facing one another.
متكئين عليها متقابلين
I witnessed the prayer on the day of Eid al-Fitr with the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, and Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman, may Allah be pleased with them. They performed the prayer before the sermon, then would deliver the sermon.
شهدت الفطر مع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وأبي بكر وعمر وعثمان رضي الله عنهم يصلونها قبل الخطبة ثم يخطب
man who was one of his neighbors stood over his head and said: May God have mercy on you! If you were, as I know, to honor your neighbor, to be patient with his harm, to console those in need, and to rise to the occasion of calamity! It is amazing how Satan found an excuse in you to make you disobey your king, so you went from his obedience to his obedience! And in the past he has been able to do so to those who are stronger than you and more steadfast in resolve.
فوقف على رأسه رجل كان من جيرانه، فقال: رحمك الله! إن كنت، ما علمت، لتكرم الجار، وتصبر على أذاه، وتواسي أهل الحاجة، وتقوم بالنائبة! والعجب كيف وجد الشيطان فيك مساغا حتى حملك على عصيان ملكك، فخرجت من طاعته المفروضة إلى معصيته! وقديما ما تمكن ممن هو أشد منك قوة وأثبت عزما.
They said: And among us is Al-Ghadhaaf, the companion of Ubaid Allah bin Al-Har.
قالوا: ومنا الغداف صاحب عبيد الله بن الحر.
Allah ordered justice even with the idolaters… He ordered them to obey Allah and to fear Him, informing them that the Almighty is with those who fear Him by supporting and strengthening them in this world and in the Hereafter.
أمر بالعدل حتى في المشركين … أمر لهم بطاعة الله وتقواه، وإخباره بأنه تعالى مع الذين اتقوا بالنصر والتأييد في الدنيا والآخرة
Ziyad said: What you have wasted of your tongue is more than what you have wasted of your money.
فقال زياد: الذي ضيعت من لسانك أكثر مما ضيعت من مالك.
they were commanded only to worship god, devoting their faith to him alone, and to practice regular prayer, and to give alms. that is the upright religion.
وما أمروا إلا ليعبدوا الله مخلصين له الدين حنفاء ويقيموا الصلاة ويؤتوا الزكاة وذلك دين القيمة
Will you eat?
among you is he who lags behind. then, when a calamity befalls you, he says, “god has favored me, that i was not martyred with them.”
وإن منكم لمن ليبطئن فإن أصابتكم مصيبة قال قد أنعم الله علي إذ لم أكن معهم شهيدا
It is where the ribs slope from top to bottom and a part following the sternum which is where the cartilaginous heads are.
وهو حيث الأضلاع منحدرة من فوق إلى أسفل وجزء يلي القص وهو حيث الرؤوس الغضروفية.
These muscles are special because they are very close to the brain.
وإنما اختصت هذه العضل بذلك لأنها قريبة جدا من الدماغ.
Your jihad against your desires.
جهادك هواك
He should take a bath.
Its disappearance is an expression of pure nothingness that has occurred. So the occurrence of the occurring nothingness is understood, and what is understood to have occurred by itself, even if it is nothing, is understood to be attributed to the power of the All-Powerful.
فزوالها عبارة عن عدم محض قد طرى، فعقل وقوع العدم الطاري وما عقل وقوعه بنفسه، وإن لم يكن شيئا عقل أن ينسب إلى قدرة القادر.
When Muhammad woke up, the messenger of the Commander of the Faithful came to him, and he rode.
فلما أصبح محمد، وافاه رسول أمير المؤمنين، فركب.
They mention his actions towards all his clients, such as Abu Anasah, Shuqran, and so-and-so and so-and-so.
ويتذاكرون صنيعه بسائر مواليه، كأبي أنسة، وشقران، وفلان وفلان.
It means closer in following Moses (ṣ). We agree with him in the foundations of the religion and affirm his book with clear conviction, whereas you contradict them both by altering, distorting, and depending on misconstruing the matter.
أي بمتابعته يعنى موسى عليه السلام فإنا موافقون له في أصول الدين ومصدقون لكتابه في تبيين اليقين وأنتم مخالفون لهما في التغيير والتحريف والتعلق بالأمر المشوب بالتزييف
if only you could see, when they are stationed before their lord. he will say, “is this not real?” they will say, “yes indeed, by our lord.” he will say, “then taste the torment for having disbelieved.”
ولو ترى إذ وقفوا على ربهم قال أليس هذا بالحق قالوا بلى وربنا قال فذوقوا العذاب بما كنتم تكفرون
If you tell us your lineage, we will spare you from hearing what would upset you, such as satire of your people and praise of your enemy.”
فلو عرفتنا نسبك كفيناك سماع ما يسوءك من هجاء قومك، ومن مدح عدوك» .
Their saying that the possibility of existence is not existence. If it is said: The possibility of existence is for Him from His essence and His existence from something else, then how can what He has from His essence and what He has from something else be one?
قولهم إمكان الوجود غير الوجود فإن قيل: إمكان الوجود له من ذاته ووجوده من غيره، فكيف يكون ما له من ذاته وما له من غيره واحدا؟
These three are invalid. In the first, it is the creation of something like what was, not the return of what was exactly. As for the first, it is apparently invalid, because no matter how life and body are lost, the resumption of their creation is the creation of something like what was, not exactly what was. Rather, the understood return is that in which the continuity of something is assumed and something is found, as it is said: So-and-so returned to the bounty, meaning that the benefactor remains, and he left the bounty and then returned to it, meaning he returned to what was the first in kind, but he changed it in number, so it is a return in reality to something like it, not to it.
وهذه الثلاثة باطلة ففي الأول إيجاد لمثل ما كان لا إعادة عين ما كان أما الأول فظاهر البطلان لأنه مهما انعدمت الحيوة والبدن فاستئناف خلقها إيجاد لمثل ما كان لا لعين ما كان، بل العود المفهوم هو الذي يفرض فيه بقاء شيء وتجد شيء، كما يقال: فلان عاد إلى الإنعام أي أن المنعم باق، وترك الإنعام ثم عاد إليه أي عاد إلى ما هو الأول بالجنس ولكنه غيره بالعدد فيكون عودا بالحقيقة إلى مثله لا إليه.
The tongue is a used tool, neither praise nor blame for it. Rather, praise is for patience and blame is for ignorance.
فاللسان أداة مستعملة، لا حمد له ولا ذم عليه، وإنما الحمد للحلم واللوم على الجهل.
Whoever says when he enters the evening, ‘I am pleased with Allah as a Lord, with Islam as a religion, and with Muhammad as a prophet,’ it will be a duty upon Allah to please him.
من قال حين يمسي رضيت بالله ربا وبالإسلام دينا وبمحمد نبيا كان حقا على الله أن يرضيه
How can you not be hasty when God Almighty said: “And man is ever hasty.” And He said: “Man was created of haste.”
وكيف لا تعجلون وقد قال الله جل ذكره: وكان الإنسان عجولا وقال: خلق الإنسان من عجل .
It has likewise been narrated from more than one of the companions of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, that they said similar to this.
وقد روي نحو هذا عن غير واحد من أصحاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنهم قالوا مثل ذلك
indeed, you will know.
كلا سوف تعلمون
Ardashir ibn Babak used to say: How much blood has the Messenger shed unjustly! How many armies have been killed, troops defeated, sanctities violated, wealth plundered, and covenants broken by the Messenger’s treachery and lies! He used to say: When a king sends a messenger to another king, he must send another one after him.
وكان أردشير بن بابك يقول: كم من دم قد سفكه الرسول بغير حله! وكم من جيوش قد قتلت، وعساكر قد هزمت، وحرمة قد انتهكت، ومال قد انتهب، وعهد قد نقض بخيانة الرسول وأكاذيبه! وكان يقول: على الملك، إذا وجه رسولا إلى ملك آخر، أن يردفه بآخر.
Then he was not satisfied with the seriousness in disobeying his command, and removing the excuse for the severity of the disagreement with him, except by swearing on the severity of his effort in that by his glory, so he made the glory that prevents his anger a way to anger him, and the oath that prevents his anger a way to anger him, where he said: “Then by your glory, I will mislead them all.”
ثم لم يرض من الجد في مخالفة أمره، وخلع العذار في شدة الخلاف عليه إلا بأن يحلف على شدة اجتهاده في ذلك بعزته، فجعل العزة المانعة من إسخاطه سبيلا إلى إسخاطه، والقسم الحاجز دون إغضابه وسيلة إلى إغضابه، حيث قال: " فبعزتك لأغوينهم أجمعين ".
he who created seven heavens in layers. you see no discrepancy in the creation of the compassionate. look again. can you see any cracks?
الذي خلق سبع سماوات طباقا ما ترى في خلق الرحمن من تفاوت فارجع البصر هل ترى من فطور
By God, I only ate with him so that he would be ashamed of the sanctity of eating with others, and so that his generosity would be a reason for hastening the need.”
والله ما أكلت معه إلا ليستحيي من حرمة المؤاكلة، وليصير كرمه سببا لتعجيل الحاجة » .
they will say, “our lord, our wretchedness prevailed over us, and we were a people astray.
قالوا ربنا غلبت علينا شقوتنا وكنا قوما ضالين
None among us was upon a horse on the day of Badr other than Al-Miqdad. We saw, though everyone else was sleeping, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, under a tree praying and weeping until dawn.
ما كان فينا فارس يوم بدر غير المقداد ولقد رأيتنا وما فينا إلا نائم إلا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم تحت شجرة يصلي، ويبكي، حتى أصبح
As for the one whose origin was fundamental enmity, and then he developed a friendship out of a need that led him to do so, then if the need that led him to do so is removed, his friendship is removed, and it turns into enmity and he returns to his origin: like water that is heated by fire, and when it is removed from it, it returns to being cold.
فأما من كان أصل أمره عداوة جوهرية، ثم أحدث صداقة لحاجة حملته على ذلك، فإنه إذا زالت الحاجة التي حملته على ذلك، زالت صداقته، فتحولت عداوة وصار إلى أصل أمره: كالماء الذي يسخن بالنار، فإذا رفع عنها عاد باردا.
They say: What distinguishes a certain time from what came before and after it?
قولهم ما الذي ميز وقتا معينا عما قبله وعما بعده؟
then he slipped away to his family, and brought a fatted calf.
فراغ إلى أهله فجاء بعجل سمين
I know that what you say is correct. If you have an opinion, do not hide it from me. If someone has confided a secret to you, tell me about it, and let me know about it, and the whole matter.
وإني لأعلم صواب ما تقولين: وإن كان عندك رأي فلا تطويه عني؛ وإن كان قد أسر إليك أحد سرا فأخبريني به، وأطلعيني عليه، وعلى جملة الأمر.
and we supported them, and so they were the victors.
ونصرناهم فكانوا هم الغالبين
Certainly did We create man from an extract of clay. Then We placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm lodging. Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, and We made the clot into a lump of flesh, and We made bones from the lump, and We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is Allah, the best of creators.
ولقد خلقنا الإنسان من سلالة من طين ثم جعلناه نطفة في قرار مكين ثم خلقنا النطفة علقة فخلقنا العلقة مضغة فخلقنا المضغة عظاما فكسونا العظام لحما ثم أنشأناه خلقا آخر ۚ فتبارك الله أحسن الخالقين
This is a major mistake.
فإن هذا من أكبر الخطأ.
Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim.
طلب العلم فريضة على كل مسلم
The King of China said: I am more capable of responding to what I did not say than I am of responding to what I said.
فقال ملك الصين: أنا على ما لم أقل أقدر مني على رد ما قلت.
When we reached his land, he ordered his tenant to scoop it into his scoop, then winnow it, then sift it.
فإذا صرنا إلى أرضه، كلف أكاره أن يجشه في مجشة له، ثم ذراه ، ثم غربله.
How many Arabs have we seen who stayed at the home of a herd of cattle, and he brought him milk, dates, hays, bread, and ghee from a well, and he spent the night there, then he began to satirize him: How did he not slaughter for him (while he did not know him) a camel from his flock, or from his herd of cattle?
وكم قد رأينا من الأعراب من نزل برب صرمة ، فأتاه بلبن، وتمر، وحيس ، وخبز، وسمن سلاء ، فبات ليلته ثم أصبح يهجوه: كيف لم ينحر له (وهو لا يعرفه) بعيرا من ذوده، أو من صرمته.
and the trumpet is blown: “this is the promised day.”
ونفخ في الصور ذلك يوم الوعيد
those who dispute our signs know that there is no asylum for them.
ويعلم الذين يجادلون في آياتنا ما لهم من محيص
Thus, We have ordained a law for you in the matter, so follow it and do not follow the whims of those who do not know.
ثم جعلناك على شريعة من الأمر فاتبعها ولا تتبع أهواء الذين لا يعلمون
It is like the joint of the lower jaw bone at the chin.
وهو كمفصل عظمي الفك الأسفل عند الذقن.
The deterrent is for the heart to feel fear and adhere to piety, as God Almighty said: (Why should not a party from every division of them go forth to gain understanding in the religion?)
والزاجرة ليستشعر القلب الخوف.. ويلازم التقوى كما قال تعالى: (فلولا نفر من كل فرقة منهم طائفة ليتفقهوا فى الدين) .
that is because authority belongs to god, the true. he is best in rewarding, and best in requiting.
هنالك الولاية لله الحق هو خير ثوابا وخير عقبا
it is he who revealed to you the book. some of its verses are definitive; they are the foundation of the book, and others are unspecific. as for those in whose hearts is deviation, they follow the unspecific part, seeking descent, and seeking to derive an interpretation. but none knows its interpretation except god and those firmly rooted in knowledge say, “we believe in it; all is from our lord.” but none recollects except those with understanding.
هو الذي أنزل عليك الكتاب منه آيات محكمات هن أم الكتاب وأخر متشابهات فأما الذين في قلوبهم زيغ فيتبعون ما تشابه منه ابتغاء الفتنة وابتغاء تأويله وما يعلم تأويله إلا الله والراسخون في العلم يقولون آمنا به كل من عند ربنا وما يذكر إلا أولو الألباب
And order him that no free man should stand at your door without informing you, until you are the one who gives him permission or prevents him; for if he does not do so, he is the prince and you are the chamberlain.
ومره ألا يقف ببابك أحد من الأحرار إلا أخبرك، حتى تكون أنت الآذن له أو المانع؛ فإنه إن لم يفعل كان هو الأمير وأنت الحاجب.
But I say: By God, if I gave people control over me, they would claim my rank, after my blessings were taken away.”
ولكني أقول: والله إني لو أمكنت الناس من نفسي لادعوا رقي ، بعد سلب نعمتي» .