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Let his speech be easy, his words sweet and continuous, and his words fall few drops. | وليكن كلامه كلاما سهلا، وألفاظه عذبة متصلة، وسقط كلامه قليلا. |
Then, despite all of that, they destroyed him, his wives, and his household, while he was sitting in his prayer niche, with his Qur’an waving in his lap. He would not see that a monotheist would proceed to kill someone who was in the same condition and state as him. | ثم مع ذلك كله دمروا عليه وعلى أزواجه وحرمه، وهو جالس في محرابه، ومصحفه يلوح في حجره، لن يرى أن موحدا يقدم على قتل من كان في مثل صفته وحاله. |
If movement is absent, then stillness, which is its opposite, does not occur, but rather it is pure nonexistence. Likewise, the attributes that are of the type of completion, such as the impression of the ghosts of the sensible in the icy moisture of the eye, or rather the impression of the images of the intelligibles in the soul, then they return to the beginning of existence without the disappearance of its opposite. And if it is absent, then its meaning is the disappearance of existence without the subsequent occurrence of its opposite. | فإذا عدمت الحركة لم يطر سكون هو ضده بل هو عدم محض، وكذلك الصفات التي هي من قبيل الاستكمال كانطباع أشباح المحسوسات في الرطوبة الجليدية من العين، بل انطباع صور المعقولات في النفس فإنها ترجع إلى استفتاح وجود من غير زوال ضده، وإذا عدم كان معناها زوال الوجود من غير استعقاب ضده. |
Thirty good deeds. | ثلاثون |
As for the deviation from the natural by both increase and decrease, it is as if one of the two protrusions decreases and the other increases. | وأما الخروج عن الطبيعي بالزيادة والنقصان معا، فكما إذا نقص أحد النتوءين، وعظم الآخر. |
[Respecting the sanctity of the king] It is the king’s right that none of his confidants or entourage should raise their heads against his sanctity, whether small or large. | [مراعاة حرمة الملك] ومن حق الملك أن لا يرفع أحد من خاصته وبطانته رأسه إلى حرمة له، صغرت أم كبرت. |
He said: “A little that is sufficient is better than a lot that is distracting.” | وقال: «ما قل وكفى خير مما كثر وألهى» . |
Some people have said: There is no good in long rest if it leads to heedlessness, nor in sufficiency if it leads to miracles, nor in great wealth if it takes one to go out to town. | وقد قال بعض الناس: لا خير في طول الراحة إذا كان يورث الغفلة، ولا في الكفاية إذا كان يؤدي إلى المعجزة، ولا في كثرة الغنى إذا كان يخرج إلى البلدة. |
Admiration is part of faith and envy is part of hypocrisy. The believer admires others and does not envy others, and the hypocrite envies others and does not admire others. The believer overlooks the faults of others, admonishes others, and gives good advice. The hypocrite disgraces others, insults others, and betrays others. | الغبطة من الإيمان والحسد من النفاق والمؤمن يغبط ولا يحسد والمنافق يحسد ولا يغبط والمؤمن يستر ويعظ وينصح والفاجر يهتك ويعير ويفشي |
“if you extend your hand to kill me, i will not extend my hand to kill you; for i fear god, lord of the worlds.” | لئن بسطت إلي يدك لتقتلني ما أنا بباسط يدي إليك لأقتلك إني أخاف الله رب العالمين |
A man said: By Allah, Allah will not forgive this person! Allah Almighty said: Who is he who swore by Me that I will not forgive someone? I have forgiven him and erased your good deeds. | أن رجلا قال والله لا يغفر الله لفلان وإن الله تعالى قال من ذا الذي يتألى على أن لا أغفر لفلان فإني قد غفرت لفلان وأحبطت عملك |
Verily, when a righteous man among them would die, they would build a place of worship over his grave and carve these images within it. They will be the worst to Allah on the Day of Resurrection. | إن أولئك إذا كان فيهم الرجل الصالح فمات بنوا على قبره مسجدا وصوروا فيه تلك الصور فأولئك شرار الخلق عند الله يوم القيامة |
Had it not been for that, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, would not have appointed Muadh ibn Jabal as governor of Yemen, and entrusted him with collecting alms, accounting for workers, and entrusting him with rulings and teaching people Islam, when he was eighteen years old. | ولولا ذلك لما ولى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم معاذ بن جبل اليمن، وجعل إليه قبض الصدقات، ومحاسبة العمال، وقلده الأحكام وتعليم الناس الإسلام، وهو ابن ثماني عشرة سنة. |
to whoever of you wills to go straight. | لمن شاء منكم أن يستقيم |
He took a perforated stick and put in it a small letter from him to the month of Braz: Now then, I have written this letter to you and entrusted it to the stick. | وعمد إلى عصا مثقوبة، فأدخل فيها كتابا صغيرا منه إلى شهر براز: أما بعد، فإني كتبت إليك كتابي هذا واستودعته العصا. |
I never saw a case involving legal retaliation being referred to the Messenger of Allah except that he would command pardoning the criminal. | ما رأيت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم رفع إليه شيء فيه قصاص إلا أمر فيه بالعفو |
and they worship, besides god, what neither harms them nor benefits them. and they say, “these are our intercessors with god.” say, “are you informing god about what he does not know in the heavens or on earth?” glorified be he, high above the associations they make. | ويعبدون من دون الله ما لا يضرهم ولا ينفعهم ويقولون هؤلاء شفعاؤنا عند الله قل أتنبئون الله بما لا يعلم في السماوات ولا في الأرض سبحانه وتعالى عما يشركون |
Dimna said: Because you look at me with one eye and hear from me with one ear, although my grandfather's mischief has kept me from everything, so much so that they have sought to gossip about me to the king, and those at the king's door, because of their contempt for him, and his long generosity to them, and the life and comfort they enjoy, have become ignorant of when they should speak, nor when they should be silent. | قال دمنة: لأنك تنظرين إلى بعين واحدة، وتسمعين مني بأذن واحدة، مع أن شقاوة جدي قد زوت عني كل شيء، حتى لقد سعوا إلى الملك بالنميمة علي، ولقد صار من بباب الملك لاستخفافهم به، وطول كرامته إياهم، وما هم فيه من العيش والنعمة، لا يدرون في أي وقت ينبغي لهم الكلام، ولا متى يجب عليهم السكوت. |
[Conclusion] It has become clear that whoever does not believe in the creation of bodies has no basis for his belief in the Creator at all. | [الخاتمة] فبان أن من لا يعتقد حدوث الأجسام فلا أصل لاعتقاده في الصانع أصلا. |
what they used to conceal before will become clear to them. and even if they were sent back, they would revert to what they were forbidden. they are liars. | بل بدا لهم ما كانوا يخفون من قبل ولو ردوا لعادوا لما نهوا عنه وإنهم لكاذبون |
So it went on until it bit the king's son. The king called the scholars and they treated him to cure him, but they did not help him at all. | فانطلقت حتى لدغت ابن الملك، فدعى الملك أهل العلم فرقوه ليشفوه فلم يغنوا عنه شيئا. |
and gave him vast wealth. | وجعلت له مالا ممدودا |
They will say: There is no emptiness or fullness beyond the world. | فسيقولون: ليس وراء العالم لا خلاء ولا ملاء. |
They only said to you what they said because of the hatred between you and them: perhaps they will destroy you and your loved ones and your minister: and achieve their goal from you. | وإنما قالوا لك ما قالوا لأجل الحقد الذي بينك وبينهم: لعلهم يهلكونك ويهلكون أحباءك ووزيرك: فيبلغوا قصدهم منك. |
we will produce for you magic like it; so make an appointment between us and you, which we will not miss—neither us, nor you—in a central place.” | فلنأتينك بسحر مثله فاجعل بيننا وبينك موعدا لا نخلفه نحن ولا أنت مكانا سوى |
He had a pleasant conversation, a moist sense of humor, and a gentle sense of humor. | لقد تمتع بطلاوة الحديث، ورطوبة الفكاهة، ورقة الدعابة. |
Then there is no way to betray him after the security I gave him, and after my honoring him, and my praise for him. | ثم ليس إلى الغدر به سبيل بعد الأمان الذي جعلته له، وبعد إكرامي له، وثنائي عليه. |
It is closer to the linguistic concept. | وأنه أقرب إلى المفهوم اللغوي. |
The prayer, the prayer! Fear Allah regarding those whom your right hands possess! | الصلاة الصلاة اتقوا الله فيما ملكت أيمانكم |
“to god is your return, and he is capable of all things.” | إلى الله مرجعكم وهو على كل شيء قدير |
he said, “let this be an agreement between you and me. whichever of the two terms i fulfill, there shall be no reprisal against me; and god is witness over what we say.” | قال ذلك بيني وبينك أيما الأجلين قضيت فلا عدوان علي والله على ما نقول وكيل |
As for after its exit, it appears that it will be less soft than the second pair due to the great distance between its origin and its exits, and therefore, I think, its origin was created behind the origin of the second pair. | وأما بعد خروجه، فالظاهر أنه يكون أقل لينا من الزوج الثاني لبعد مسافة ما بين منشئه ومخارجه ولذلك فيما أظن خلق منشؤه خلف منشأ الثاني. |
The supplication of the oppressed is answered, even if he is wicked, for only his wickedness is against himself. | دعوة المظلوم مستجابة وإن كان فاجرا ففجوره على نفسه |
He came to him and told him about his conversion to Islam and asked him to keep it a secret from him. By the evening, there was no one in Mecca who did not know about Umar’s conversion to Islam, may God be pleased with him. | فأتاه فأخبره بإسلامه وسأله أن يكتمه عليه، فلم يمس وبمكة أحد لم يعلم بإسلام عمر، رضي الله عنه. |
King Bidba said: Speak as you wish, for I am listening to you, coming to you, and hearing from you, until I exhaust what you have to the end, and I will reward you for that as you deserve. | قال الملك بيدبا تكلم كيف شئت: فإنني مصغ إليك، ومقبل عليك، وسامع منك، حتى أستفرغ ما عندك إلى آخره، وأجازيك على ذلك بما أنت أهله. |
“joseph, turn away from this. and you, woman, ask forgiveness for your sin; you are indeed in the wrong.” | يوسف أعرض عن هذا واستغفري لذنبك إنك كنت من الخاطئين |
and they invented a relationship between him and the jinn. but the jinn know that they will be arraigned. | وجعلوا بينه وبين الجنة نسبا ولقد علمت الجنة إنهم لمحضرون |
Leave what makes you doubt for what does not make you doubt. Verily, truth brings peace of mind and falsehood sows doubt. | دع ما يريبك إلى ما لا يريبك فإن الصدق طمأنينة وإن الكذب ريبة |
and at dawn, they would pray for pardon. | وبالأسحار هم يستغفرون |
Between every two calls to prayer is a prayer. Between every two calls to prayer is a prayer. | بين كل أذانين صلاة بين كل أذانين صلاة |
the tradition of the messengers we sent before you—you will find no change in our rules. | سنة من قد أرسلنا قبلك من رسلنا ولا تجد لسنتنا تحويلا |
If one of your servant girls commits adultery and her adultery has been proven, then she should be lashed and afterward nobody should blame her. If she commits adultery again, then she should be lashed and nobody should blame her. If she commits adultery a third time and her adultery has been proven, then she should be sold even for the price of a rope. | إذا زنت أمة أحدكم فتبين زناها فليجلدها الحد ولا يثرب عليها ثم إن زنت فليجلدها الحد ولا يثرب ثم إن زنت الثالثة فتبين زناها فليبعها ولو بحبل من شعر |
Verily, Allah sends blessing upon the Prophet and His angels do as well. O you who believe, send blessing upon him and ask for peace. | إن الله وملائكته يصلون على النبي ۚ يا أيها الذين آمنوا صلوا عليه وسلموا تسليما |
Someone might say: If this were the case, the creation of this muscle would be disabled, because sensation is only through the nerve, so mixing that nerve with the ligament, swelling them, filling their gaps with flesh, and other things that are done by it, would make the muscle disabled and useless. | ولقائل أن يقول: لو كان الأمر كذلك لكانت خلقة هذه العضلة معطلة لأن الحس إنما يكون بالعصب فيكون خلط ذلك العصب بالرباط وانتفاشهما وحشو خللهما لحما وغير ذلك مما يتم به يكون العضل معطلا لا فائدة فيه. |
Whoever is killed defending his wealth is a martyr. | من قتل دون ماله فهو شهيد |
Then this went on for a long time between them, so they went to the judge, and the judge told their story. The thief claimed that the fool had taken it, and the fool denied it. | ثم طال ذلك بينهما، فترافعا إلى القاضي، فاقتص القاضي قصتهما، فادعى الخب أن المغفل أخذها، وجحد المغفل. |
Three are destructive vices: greed that is obeyed, whims that are followed, and a man impressed with himself. Three are salvific virtues: justice in a time of pleasure or anger, moderation in a time of wealth or poverty, and the fear of Allah in public and in private. | ثلاث مهلكات شح مطاع وهوى متبع وإعجاب المرء بنفسه من الخيلاء وثلاث منجيات العدل في الرضا والغضب والقصد في الغنى والفاقة ومخافة الله في السر والعلانية |
The mother of the lion said, after the king had seen the jackal’s innocence: The king should not give permission to those who sought him out, lest they dare to do something worse than that. Rather, he should punish them for it, lest they return to the same. For it is not appropriate for a wise man to question the matter of one who is ungrateful for goodness, who is bold in treachery, who is indifferent to goodness and who has no faith in the afterlife. | فقالت أم الأسد، بعد أن اطلع الملك على براءة ابن آوى: إن الملك حقيق ألا يرخص لمن سعى به لئلا يتجرءوا إلى ما هو أعظم من ذلك بل يعاقبهم عليه لكي لا يعودوا إلى مثله: فأنه لا ينبغي للعاقل أن يراجع في أمر الكفور للحسنى، الجريء على الغدر، الزاهد في الخير الذي لا يوقن بالآخرة. |
Not every tear can be mended, and not every outgrowth can be returned. | وليس كل خرق يرقع، ولا كل خارج يرجع. |
And more than this, God praised him and called him the Wise, and what he commanded his son. | وأكثر من هذا مدح الله إياه وتسميته الحكيم، وما أوصى به ابنه. |
you have your way, and i have my way.” | لكم دينكم ولي دين |
Safwan bin Mahraz was called: “The Weeping One”. | وكان «صفوان بن محرز» يسمى: «البكاء» . |
It is a pact such as the Hilf al-Fudul, in which they agreed not to help an oppressor over an oppressed person in Mecca. | حلف كحلف الفضول وكان حلفهم أن لا يعين ظالم مظلوما بمكة |
and the earth and he who spread it. | والأرض وما طحاها |
Shall I tell you about what will rid the heart of impurities? Fasting three days of every month. | ألا أخبركم بما يذهب وحر الصدر صوم ثلاثة أيام من كل شهر |
and mentions the name of his lord, and prays. | وذكر اسم ربه فصلى |
Then Hurghana knew about that and became jealous of Irakhat. | فعلمت حورقناه بذلك فغارت من إيراخت. |
So the king called the traveler and ordered him to recite the ruqyah over his son. | فدعا الملك السائح، وأمره أن يرقي ولده. |
And in line with your saying that the Slavs should have been more generous and open-handed than them. | وعلى قياس قولكم أن قد كان ينبغى أن تكون الصقالبة أسخى أنفسا وأسمح أكفا منهم. |
yet when it is said to them, “beware of what lies before you, and what lies behind you, that you may receive mercy.” | وإذا قيل لهم اتقوا ما بين أيديكم وما خلفكم لعلكم ترحمون |
if you fear a breach between the two, appoint an arbiter from his family and an arbiter from her family. if they wish to reconcile, god will bring them together. god is knowledgeable, expert. | وإن خفتم شقاق بينهما فابعثوا حكما من أهله وحكما من أهلها إن يريدا إصلاحا يوفق الله بينهما إن الله كان عليما خبيرا |
they are barred from hearing. | إنهم عن السمع لمعزولون |
[Abu Al-Hudhayl] Abu Al-Hudhayl gave Moise a chicken as a gift. | [أبو الهذيل] كان أبو الهذيل أهدى إلى مويس دجاجة. |
If Yazid bin Shajarah deceived Muawiyah in this, then Muawiyah was someone who could not be deceived or matched. If Yazid bin Shajarah’s stupidity and lack of sense reached the level with which he described himself, then he was not worthy of the five hundred thousand in his gift. | فلئن كان يزيد بن شجرة خدع معاوية في هذه، فمعاوية ممن لا يخادع ولا يجارى؛ ولئن كان بلغ من بلادة يزيد بن شجرة وقلة حسه ما وصف به نفسه، ما كان بجدير بخمسمائة ألف في عطائه. |
None of you has faith until he loves for his brother or his neighbor what he loves for himself. | لا يؤمن أحدكم حتى يحب لأخيه أو قال لجاره ما يحب لنفسه |
Its stinging speeds up the exit of the food in its cavity, and there are many suction veins near it. | وذلك بلذعه يسرع خروج ما في تجويفه من الغذاء وكذلك العروق الماصة هي بقربه كثيرة. |
Between Abu al-Abbas al-Saffah and Abu Bakr al-Hudhali: It was also narrated on the authority of Abu Bakr al-Hudhali that while he was chatting with Abu al-Abbas, Abu al-Abbas spoke about a hadith of the Persians, and the wind blew and blew a basin from the roof to Abu al-Abbas’s sitting place, so he and those present were terrified, and Abu Bakr did not move because of that, and his eyes kept looking into Abu al-Abbas’ eyes. | بين أبي العباس السفاح وأبي بكر الهذلي: وكذلك حكي عن أبي بكر الهذلي أنه بينما هو يسامر أبا العباس، إذ تحدث أبو العباس بحديث من أحاديث الفرس، فعصفت الريح، فأذرت طسا من سطح إلى مجلس أبي العباس، فارتاع ومن حضره، ولم يتحرك أبو بكر لذلك، ولم تزل عينه متطلعة لعين أبي العباس. |
Fourth: The difference in the type of animal. | ورابعها: اختلاف نوع الحيوان. |
This is because we have never seen a king, Arab or non-Arab, last long except for someone who investigated secrets and searched for hidden news, so that he would be as clear as day regarding the affairs of his subjects. | وذلك أنا لم نر مدة طالت لملك عربي ولا عجمي قط إلا لمن فحص عن الأسرار، وبحث عن خفي الأخبار، حتى يكون في أمر رعيته على مثل وضح النهار. |
[This is the reason for the mistake] But it was said: If the explicit reason does not prevent the existence of a finite body by virtue of the evidence, then no attention is paid to the illusion. | [وهذا هو سبب الغلط] ولكن قيل: صريح العقل إذا لم يمنع وجود جسم متناه بحكم الدليل لا يلتفت إلى الوهم. |
He said: We saw the Turk in his country not fighting for religion or interpretation, nor for kingship or tax, nor for tribalism or jealousy of lesser sanctity and prohibition, nor for fanaticism or enmity, nor for homeland or protection of house or money; rather he fights for the sake of plunder and the choice is in his hand. | قال: ورأينا التركي في بلاده ليس يقاتل على دين ولا على تأويل، ولا على ملك ولا على خراج، ولا على عصبية ولا على غيرة دون الحرمة والمحرم، ولا على حمية ولا على عداوة، ولا على وطن ومنع دار ولا مال؛ وإنما يقاتل على السلب والخيار في يده. |
His eyes welled up, and he said: What a bad man I am if I help in the Christian religion, and obey the command of this tyrannical oppressor! So he went to the door of the Roman king, and asked permission to enter, and God gave him permission, and he told him the story of Abruiz word for word, then he gave him the stick, so he took it and looked at it. | فانهملت عيناه، وقال: بئس الرجل أنا إن أعنت على دين النصرانية، وأطعت أمر هذا الجبار الظالم! فأتى باب ملك الروم، فاستأذن عليه، فأذن لله، فأخبره بقصة أبرويز حرفا حرفا، ثم دفع إليه العصا، فأخذها ونظر فيها. |
but as for those who believe and do righteous deeds, we will admit them into gardens beneath which rivers flow, where they will abide forever. the promise of god is true—and who is more truthful in speech than god? | والذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات سندخلهم جنات تجري من تحتها الأنهار خالدين فيها أبدا وعد الله حقا ومن أصدق من الله قيلا |
Beware of excessive use of bloodletting, cupping, and bathing. | وإياكم والإكثار في عقب الحجامة والفصد والحمام. |
The lower jaw is further from the brain. | والفك الأسفل أبعد من الدماغ. |
So she left him and went in to her. She talked to her for a long time and kept looking at her face and breathing heavily. She did that more than once, so the servant girl said: What is the matter with you, aunt? Are you looking at my face and breathing? | فخرجت من عنده ودخلت عليها، فتحدثت عندها مليا وجعلت تنظر في وجهها وتتنفس الصعداء، ففعلت ذلك غير مرة، فقالت الجارية: ما شأنك يا خالة، تنظرين في وجهي وتنفسين؟ |
Say: If you love Allah, then follow me. Allah will love you and forgive your sins, for Allah is forgiving and merciful. | قل إن كنتم تحبون الله فاتبعوني يحببكم الله ويغفر لكم ذنوبكم والله غفور رحيم |
As if goodness has withered and evil has become fresh. | وكأن الخير أصبح ذابلا والشر أصبح ناضرا. |
I do not command you except with what the Qur’an has commanded you: I do not advise you except with what the Messenger has advised you, and I do not admonish you except with what the righteous have admonished one another. | إني لست آمرك إلا بما أمرك به القرآن: ولست أوصيك إلا بما أوصاك به الرسول، ولا أعظك إلا بما وعظ به الصالحون بعضهم بعضا. |
The opinion is that we should assign this situation to Muhammad ibn Abbad, as he knows the situation, the correctness of dealings, the good judgment, and what we have of the expected cause. | والرأي أن ننزل هذه النائبة بمحمد بن عباد ، فإنه يعرف الحال وصحة المعاملة وحسن القضاء وما لنا من السبب المنتظر. |
What happened to you? | وما نزل بك؟ |
Al-Rashid said to the owner of the curtain: Lift it up to the first floor; and when you get up, push the carpet that is in their sitting room to it. | فقال الرشيد لصاحب الستارة: ارفعه إلى الطبقة الأولى؛ فإذا قمت، فادفع البساط الذي في مجلسهم إليه. |
what is the matter with them that they do not believe? | فما لهم لا يؤمنون |
They said: In the winter, we would throw some flour into the pot that we would make for him, and sometimes there would be a pot with some ghee. | قالوا: كنا في الشتاء نلقي له في البرمة شيئا من دقيق نعمله له، فكان ربما برمة بشيء من سمن. |
Man has an essence before existence, and existence is related to it and added to it. | فإن للإنسان ماهية قبل الوجود، والوجود يرد عليها ويضاف إليها. |
Verily, the servant may speak a single word for which he plummets into the Hellfire farther than the distance between East and West: | إن العبد ليتكلم بالكلمة ينزل بها في النار أبعد ما بين المشرق والمغرب |