課程代碼:50902600,授課教授:許玉燕,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的14點到16點,課程大綱:本課程主要囊括選定教材之深度閱讀理解,並輔以網路相關資源搭配課堂應用。整體學習歷程分為上、下學期,內容設計以大二西語專業學生為對象,建議學習程度約在CEF A2以上。
課程代碼:50904100,授課教授:蔡莫妮,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的16點到18點,課程大綱:This course is entirely taught in the German language by a native speaker. Students will get to know classical German authors as well as some of their most important literary works.* Some of the commonly used terms in German literature studies will be introduced. We will chronologically read and discuss a lot of exemplary German literature of many epochs in this course.1) The planned content of this course (see the program above) needs to be carefully prepared by every student. Firstly, students have to work and find the vocabulary by themselves to be able to understand and discuss the different German literary texts. Therefore, it is necessary that every student prepares the announced program before every class by reading the assigned German literary text(s) in advance.  (Students should write down difficult words and phrases, and/or possible questions to ask in the next session. This is always the assigned homework for any student in this course.)2) It is expected that students write their own protocol of each class session that later can be used as a preparation for the important final written examination.3) Following the second session, students will make a presentation at the beginning of every class (each time a different topic by a different student), introducing thereby one specific German language author, his/her literary work(s) and time.After the oral presentation by one or more students(s), each session will consist of:
課程代碼:50904800,授課教授:黃逸龍,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的12點到14點,課程大綱:Various listening and speaking exercises preparing students for B2 level (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, CEFR)
課程代碼:51000200,授課教授:潘氏清,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的8點到10點及禮拜五的10點到12點,課程大綱:本課程透過越語文化特色讓學生發掘四項初階語言技巧。課程著重加強對話技巧與學習實用語法及口語表達之詞彙。This course is designed to develop four major linguistic skills at the basic level together with cultural characteristics reflected in the Vietnamese language. This class is emphasized on the enhancement of conversation skills, learning practical grammar and vocabulary in spoken language competencies.
課程代碼:51000900,授課教授:潘氏清,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的14點到16點,課程大綱:This course is designed to equip students’ academic writing skills through the fundamentals of essay writing, emphasizing genre knowledge and reader expectations. The course is conducted with lectures and discussion sessions in Vietnamese. Learn ways to approach writing assignments in different types of essays including descriptive, cause-effect, comparison, classification, and process essay, and how to go through the process of writing an effective essay. The textbook is used as a guide, other additional reading materials are available on Moodle.本課程旨在藉由論文寫作的基礎知識來培養學生的學術寫作技巧,並著重於增強論文體裁知識以及符合讀者期望。 該課程以越南語進行報告與討論,並在描述性、因果關係、比較、分類等不同類型的論文寫作過程中幫助學生掌握論文寫作方法,以及如何有效地完成撰寫論文來完成作業。 教科書作為學習指南,其他附加閱讀材料可在 Moodle 上獲得。
課程代碼:51001100,授課教授:吉詩葳,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course aims to provide students with the necessary information to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills at the beginning level, as well as knowledge to help students understand Indonesian cultures and the life of Indonesian people.
課程代碼:51001200,授課教授:李開發,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course aims to provide students with basic expressions, vocabulary, and conversational patterns for everyday conversations. Students will also learn how to read and write basic words, phrases, and short sentences.
課程代碼:51001600,授課教授:潘氏清,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的14點到16點,課程大綱:本課程是為越南語已達到中級程度的學生所設計,以培養學生的聽說讀寫四種語言技能,並由中級程度提升至高級程度。學生將會閱讀多元的學術文章、文學、新聞,以及觀看越南語影片。本課程提供學生大量新詞彙,以及全面性增強學生對文法的掌握程度,目標是培養學生在課程結束後能具備學術寫作的能力。This course is designed for students who have already achieved an intermediate competence in Vietnamese so as to develop four main language skills at advanced levels. Students read various academic articles, literary writings, and news and watch Vietnamese videos. The course provides a wide range of new vocabulary and extended grasp of grammar with the aim to help students can start writing an academic research paper at the end of the course.
課程代碼:51002700,授課教授:張喁,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的16點到19點,課程大綱:本課程分為二個學期,個別探討五個東南亞國家及區域議題。將以實用的方式提升同學對東南亞文化與重大國際時事的了解;並結合邏輯思維與批判論述的訓練,發展同學對國際事務及議題的思辨能力及關注度。為提升英語口說及寫作實際運用能力,課程安排口語報告、書寫報告、複習測驗、閱讀摘要、課堂討論等活動。課程進行及分數皆相當有彈性,並以課堂即時顯示學期分數的方式,目標為鼓勵同學積極參與,實際應用。In the course five SEA countries as well as regional issues will be discussed in two sequent semesters to enhance the understanding of SEA cultures and major international events.Oral and written presentations, a review test, summary writings, and discussions are arranged to exercise actual English writing and speaking.
課程代碼:51003200,授課教授:吉詩葳,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的10點到12點,課程大綱:This course aims to provide students with the necessary information to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills at the beginning level, as well as knowledge to help students understand Indonesian cultures and the life of Indonesian people.
課程代碼:51004200,授課教授:吉詩葳,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的14點到16點,課程大綱:This course aims to provide students with the knowledge to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills at the intermediate level and students’ understanding of cultural aspects of the Indonesian language. In this course, the students will have opportunities to discuss familiar matters regularly encountered in (family) life, school, leisure, and work; to describe experiences, events, dreams, hope, and ambitions using more complex vocabulary and grammar; to explain opinions, plans, and topics which are familiar or of personal interest using more complex vocabulary and grammar.
課程代碼:51005200,授課教授:潘氏清,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的14點到16點,課程大綱:本課程針對已達中級越語能力的學生,提升其能力至高級程度。運用以學生為中心的學習技巧,課程的大部分時間將會以課前的小組準備為基礎來進行討論與活動。學生預期能夠透過討論以增強越語的口說流暢度,以及提升思辨能力。This course is designed for students who have already achieved an intermediate competence in Vietnamese so as to develop their ability at advanced levels. Using Student-Centered Learning Strategies, most of the class time of this course will be spent in discussion and activities based on group preparation before the class time. Students are expected to enhance fluency in spoken Vietnamese and develop critical thinking skills through discussion.
課程代碼:51005900,授課教授:甘穎佑,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的14點到16點,課程大綱:This course aims to equip students with reading skills at the advanced level. Students will increase their vocabulary about unfamiliar topics in everyday life through reading different types of texts about academic topics and social issues.
課程代碼:51089400,授課教授:吉詩葳,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的10點到12點,課程大綱:This course aims to provide students with the opportunity to experience a cultural and language training in the country of the native language they study. As culture and language are closely intertwined, it is of utmost importance for our students to have first-hand experience in Indonesia to develop their language skills as well as their awareness of Indonesian culture.
課程代碼:51089500,授課教授:樊夏,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的10點到12點,課程大綱:Reviews in Socio-cultural production on Souhteast Asia by taking closer looks at Socio Economic Entities in Thailand as representative areas through field research.
課程代碼:51090600,授課教授:樊夏,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的16點到18點,課程大綱:Thai society and Culture based on socio-political connotation as portrayed in Thai Films from 1900s to present. Films are grouped with topics in Colonialism, Wars, Nationalism, Contemporary Social Issues. Films and topic discussion.
課程代碼:51000600,授課教授:潘氏清、黎氏仁,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的14點到16點,課程大綱:本課程延續初級越語課程、進一步發掘聽、說、讀、寫的中階技巧與更深入的越南文化。本課程著重於現今越南日常生活的各個面向,為學生提供更穩固的越南語基礎。The course is a continuation of elementary Vietnamese, which is further to develop the integrated skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing at the intermediate level, together with a deeper understanding of Vietnamese culture. The lessons have focused on various aspects of the life of present-day Vietnam, in order to provide students with a solid foundation in using Vietnamese.
課程代碼:51000700,授課教授:潘氏清,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的14點到16點及禮拜四的10點到12點,課程大綱:本課程延續初級越語會話課程,幫助學生掌握越南 語中級程度的語言能力,加深對越南文化的理解。 本課程的目標為提升學生溝通能力,包含擴充詞彙 量並提高越南語口語的流利程度。The course is a continuation of elementary conversational Vietnamese, which helps build students’ Vietnamese proficiency at intermediate level and deepens the understanding of Vietnam culture. This course aims to further develop the students’ conversational abilities, including enlarging vocabulary and enhancing fluency in spoken Vietnamese.
課程代碼:51005500,授課教授:甘穎佑、陳瑞珠,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的8點到10點及禮拜三的16點到18點,課程大綱:In this course you will learn the Thai sound system, basic vocabulary, phrases, and sentences in order to communicate using simple dialogues in everyday life.
課程代碼:51006000,授課教授:甘穎佑,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的10點到12點,課程大綱:This course aims to equip students with oral communicative skills at the advanced level. Students will learn how to exchange facts and opinions within and beyond their fields of interest. Students will also learn how to academic and technical vocabulary on various topics covering humanities, social sciences, natural sciences.
課程代碼:51007200,授課教授:吉詩葳,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的14點到16點,課程大綱:This course aims to provide students with the knowledge to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills at the advanced level and students’ understanding of cultural aspects of the Indonesian language. In this course, the students will have opportunities to discuss social, academic, and professional topics. The assignments are tailored to build skills to express themselves fluently and spontaneously without much apparent searching for expressions, to build the skills to summarize information from different spoken and written sources, to reconstruct arguments during conversation and presentation, and to use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.
課程代碼:51007500,授課教授:尤苡塔,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的10點到12點,課程大綱:Listening Comprehension in Indonesian II is meant for students of upper intermediate/advanced level. The students will practice their listening skills in class, individually as well as in pairs and in small groups. They will get acquainted with a wide range of Indonesian topics, themes and settings by listening to different types of audio (visual) media, such as Podcasts and news shows. Apart from strengthening their listening skills, the students will also broaden their vocabulary and improve their knowledge on sociocultural aspects of the Indonesian language.
課程代碼:51007800,授課教授:吉詩葳,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的14點到16點,課程大綱:This course aims to provide students with the knowledge about various types of Indonesian literature. In this course, the students will have opportunities to read, analyze, and discuss the Indonesian literature such as dongeng, cerpen, novel, puisi, and pantun.
課程代碼:51089600,授課教授:甘穎佑,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的14點到16點,課程大綱:In this course you will learn the Thai vocabulary, phrases, and sentences used in Thai entertainment media as well as understanding the context of use of those vocabulary, phrases, and sentences.
課程代碼:51090900,授課教授:李平周,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的14點到16點,課程大綱:本課程是為印尼語Intermediate程度的學生所設計,適合印尼語學習時數已達50-100小時的學生。課程著重於建立學生在閱讀基礎與增加詞彙量。應用整體取向與綜合性的教材,將有助於學生在建立聽說寫核心技巧的同時,並理解印尼的文化內涵。本課程預計輔助其他相關課程,例如:「中級級印尼語」、「中級印尼語會話」、「印尼語寫作」及「大學外語 I:印尼語」,以協助學生達成印尼語中級程度。This course is designed for intermediate level students of Indonesian as a foreign language who has learned Indonesian for 100-200 hours in class. The course focuses on developing a sound foundation in the reading comprehension and improving vocabulary knowledge. At the same time, through the application of holistic approach and an integrated material, the course also helps the students to build the other core skills, such as speaking, listening, and writing while offers insights into the culture and history of Indonesia.This course is expected to complement and supplement other intermediate level Indonesian language courses available in the campus such as "Intermediate Indonesian", "Intermediate Indonesian Conversation", and "Indonesian Writing" in order to help moving the students to the advanced level.
課程代碼:51001900,授課教授:潘氏清,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的10點到12點,課程大綱:本課程之設計針對具越南語中級能力的學生,培養其高級聽力能力。 學生須聆聽與討論各種議題、解析新聞故事、專業性發表、著名演說、電視脫口秀等。此課程以學生爲中心,因此大部分的課堂時間會集中於討論與活動,並以課前的小組準備作爲基礎。 希望通過討論提高學生理解主題、處理相對複雜的問題,以及培養批判性思考的能力。
課程代碼:51003300,授課教授:尤苡塔、李平周,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的8點到10點及禮拜四的14點到16點,課程大綱:The course is designed to develop students’ listening, speaking, writing, and reading skills of the Indonesian language at the basic level and students’ understanding of cultural aspects related to the Indonesian language. This class will provide opportunities for students to build the skills to support their confidence to have conversations using simple Indonesian language.
課程代碼:51003800,授課教授:李開發,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的14點到16點,課程大綱:This course aims to equip students with reading skills at the intermediate level. Students will increase their vocabulary about familiar and unfamiliar topics in everyday life through reading different types of written texts.
課程代碼:51006500,授課教授:樊夏,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的14點到16點,課程大綱:In-depth knowledge of Thai language and culture including values, beliefs and attitudes in contemporary Thai society. Development of upper intermediate Thai language skills by studying contemporary Thai literature, understanding of the complexity of Thai culture from various topics including cultural values and attitudes in politics, economics, religion, and international and cross-cultural relations, tracing these back to their social and historic roots.
課程代碼:51007000,授課教授:吉詩葳,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的10點到12點,課程大綱:The course is designed to develop students’ skills in constructing the basic Indonesian language, both in written and spoken forms, and students’ understanding of cultural aspects of the Indonesian language. In this course, the students will have opportunities to build the skills to recognize, describe and identify basic Indonesian structures, use appropriate vocabulary in constructing simple sentences, apply Indonesian simple sentence structure correctly, and write simple sentences and short passages on familiar topics within the limit of basic vocabulary and grammar acquired in this course.
課程代碼:51007300,授課教授:尤苡塔,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的14點到16點,課程大綱:During the Advanced Indonesian Conversation course the students will practice their speaking skills by means of dialogues in pairs, conversation in small groups, presentations in front of class and vocabulary games. They will get acquainted with a wide range of topics –also included in their required Grammar and Writing course– as to deepen their understanding of specific Indonesian themes and settings. Through short introductory lectures on specificcultural issuesand sociocultural aspects of the language the students will develop the practical ability to apply knowledge of vocabulary and grammar in oral discourse (on upper intermediate/advanced level).
課程代碼:51089700,授課教授:潘氏清,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的14點到16點,課程大綱:本課程旨在提高學習者的語言技能,並帶領學習者以廣闊的視角來認識越南的文化與社會。透過電影作品和討論的過程,學習者將更深入地了解越南的社會問題、重要事件、政策、經濟、文化和技術等各方面的知識。Khóa học này nhằm trau dồi vốn ngôn ngữ và cung cấp cho người học một góc nhìn rộng về văn hóa và xã hội Việt Nam. Thông qua các tác phẩm điện ảnh và quá trình thảo luận, người học sẽ hiểu thêm về các vấn đề xã hội, các sự kiện nổi bật tại Việt Nam, chính sách, các yếu tố về kinh tế, văn hóa, công nghệ, v.v.
課程代碼:59979301,授課教授:李寶莉,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:Reading and Oral Trainingis a one-semester course for high-intermediate to advanced learners of English. The course, which is conducted in English, is designed to acclimate students to using English as a tool for advanced communication. During the course, students will enhance their reading and speaking skills through lectures, pair/group discussions, oral presentations, role-play, writing assignments, watching films, and other in-class activities. Students will become familiar with different communication styles and methods of organization for handling discussion and presentation of contemporary issues through a combination of reading materials and speaking exercises on various subjects from different sources, such as novels, news media, blog posts, and academic articles. Students will also learn to summarize texts, analyze structure (through outlining), compare and contrast, and give opinions, which can be extended to more advanced reading skills, e.g. identifying facts and opinions, and making inferences in class.
課程代碼:59979400,授課教授:郭曉蓉,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course, which is conducted in English, is designed for high-intermediate to advanced English learners. It is based on a content-based syllabus, utilizing lectures on topics from different academic disciplines and related reading materials. The authentic content provides both a context for the practice of important language skills and a basis for the exploration of high-interest topics for learners. The course covers diverse issues and integrates vocabulary, grammar, listening and speaking skills necessary for academic success. Throughout the semester, students are encouraged to improve their academic listening and speaking ability by listening to lectures and participating in discussions, as well as practicing note-taking and summarizing.
課程代碼:59979503,授課教授:戚大為,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course is an introduction to academic writing and literacy through the fundamentals of essay writing with an emphasis on genre knowledge and audience awareness. The course, which is conducted in English, incorporates lectures and discussion sessions making class-time full of activity. Writing assignments provide students opportunities to practice writing skills while exploring current issues through their own interests and experiences. Students learn ways to approach writing assignments, how to find an interesting topic, and how to go through the process of writing a powerful essay in English. An assigned textbook is used as a guide, but other materials and references will be made available on the course blog.
課程代碼:59979601,授課教授:金嘉炘,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:Workplace Communicationis a one-semester 3-credit-hour course designed for high-intermediate/advanced students of English as a foreign language. This isnota course that aims to teach students business knowledge. Rather, it is designed to allow students to transform their English language knowledge into communicative skills necessary for the workplace in any profession.
課程代碼:59979602,授課教授:毛佩琦,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程因課程與求職、職場相關,較建議大三、大四學生選修。本課程每堂點名,且上課時間為週二早上09:10,請同學謹慎評估自身狀況再行選課。本課程不另行加簽,同學無須一一來信詢問,請直接加入遞補名單由系統遞補至滿班為止。Workplace Communicationis a one-semester 3-credit-hour course designed for high-intermediate/advanced students of English as a foreign language. This isnota course that aims to teach students business knowledge. Rather, it is designed to allow students to transform their English language knowledge into communicative skills necessary for the workplace in any profession.Traditionally, “English at the workplace” often means “business English” which involves business terminology and business correspondence. However, as we embrace constant changes at work in the 21st century, particular content knowledge will soon be outdated. What is needed, therefore, is adaptability in cross-cultural contexts, as well as productive language skills for the ever-changing workplace. In this course, students are expected to use the English language to teleconference, to analyze case studies, to conduct individual or group presentations, to write job-hunting documents, and to compose formal emails and case reports. It is hoped that, through the vehicle of English language, as well as the exposure to the finer points of international workplace etiquette, students are able to, not only sharpen their language skills, but also develop a proper mindset and cross-cultural awareness that are essential to one’s success in any job.
課程代碼:59994402,授課教授:李立林,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的14點到17點,課程大綱:★Information for international students :Classes are given in Chinese. Students who would like to choose French class must be able to understand and interact in Chinese.Students who already have the basics in French are NOT accepted in French 1 class. They will be able to follow the French 2 class in agreement with the teacher.本課程將教授法文重要文法、基本閱讀能力、聽力理解力、表達能力、發音、基礎文法教學將以口說及書面的練習方式加強文法學習。盡可能給學生機會於課堂上練習互動。
課程代碼:59994500,授課教授:江世琳,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程為大學外文(一),是學習德文的第一個學期。選修不適合對象:學生所屬國籍、僑居地之官方語言或主要使用語言為德語者,選修本科目之成績及學分均不予採計。無學分責任的旁聽生不習慣開口與同學互動練習者不配合班規者選修適合對象:從未學過德語、但有著很高學習動機有興趣認識德國語言及文化對有計畫到德國做交換生或攻讀學位未來想遊學想交德國朋友想主動照顧政大外籍生想考德語檢定A1具備以上意願的同學,這門課即在協助你/妳建立德語的基礎能力。⇒本課程是以每週3小時的大班學習來設計,課堂需要與鄰近同學互動練習,第一週就固定座位,先到先選,坐定即畫位,請勿缺席,自組夥伴者請就近鄰座,不得保留座位,後入班者僅能按剩餘座位編組。⇒本課程內容是參考「歐洲共同語文參考架構」訂定的德語A1檢定能力為主,目的在掌握一般日常生活裡的會話能力,上課除側重發音和基礎文法外,尤重表達、理解和熟悉基本單字的訓練,明白問題並正確回應,同時配合檢定考試方向,奠定聽說讀寫四項能力。⇒本課程有指定課本: Schritte international neu A1.1 (課本+練習合訂本),政大校園書局可購買,一冊使用兩學期,本學期課程範圍是第1-3課。班規:座位固定(第一週坐定即畫位,使用整學期,歡迎好友相約鄰座)上課有指定課本,請用新書(無筆記、習題沒有寫過),一人一本不共用, 尊重版權勿使用影本,使用筆記軟體者應自備課本再翻拍勿缺課、遲到、早退 (扣分情況請見評分標準)勿上課吃東西,影響口說練習加簽與退選:本課程不開放加簽、不簽退選、不簽停修。選修需下定決心自第一週起三節全程到課。
課程代碼:59994503,授課教授:江世琳,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程為大學外文(一),是學習德文的第一個學期。選修不適合對象:學生所屬國籍、僑居地之官方語言或主要使用語言為德語者,選修本科目之成績及學分均不予採計。無學分責任的旁聽生不習慣開口與同學互動練習者不配合班規者選修適合對象:從未學過德語、但有著很高學習動機有興趣認識德國語言及文化對有計畫到德國做交換生或攻讀學位未來想遊學想交德國朋友想主動照顧政大外籍生想考德語檢定A1具備以上意願的同學,這門課即在協助你/妳建立德語的基礎能力。⇒本課程是以每週3小時的大班學習來設計,課堂需要與鄰近同學互動練習,第一週就固定座位,先到先選,坐定即畫位,請勿缺席,自組夥伴者請就近鄰座,不得保留座位,後入班者僅能按剩餘座位編組。⇒本課程內容是參考「歐洲共同語文參考架構」訂定的德語A1檢定能力為主,目的在掌握一般日常生活裡的會話能力,上課除側重發音和基礎文法外,尤重表達、理解和熟悉基本單字的訓練,明白問題並正確回應,同時配合檢定考試方向,奠定聽說讀寫四項能力。⇒本課程有指定課本: Schritte international neu A1.1 (課本+練習合訂本),政大校園書局可購買,一冊使用兩學期,本學期課程範圍是第1-3課。班規:座位固定(第一週坐定即畫位,使用整學期,歡迎好友相約鄰座)上課有指定課本,請用新書(無筆記、習題沒有寫過),一人一本不共用, 尊重版權勿使用影本,使用筆記軟體者應自備課本再翻拍勿缺課、遲到、早退 (扣分情況請見評分標準)勿上課吃東西,影響口說練習加簽與退選:本課程不開放加簽、不簽退選、不簽停修。選修需下定決心自第一週起三節全程到課。
課程代碼:59994504,授課教授:江世琳,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程為大學外文(一),是學習德文的第一個學期。選修不適合對象:學生所屬國籍、僑居地之官方語言或主要使用語言為德語者,選修本科目之成績及學分均不予採計。無學分責任的旁聽生不習慣開口與同學互動練習者不配合班規者選修適合對象:從未學過德語、但有著很高學習動機有興趣認識德國語言及文化對有計畫到德國做交換生或攻讀學位未來想遊學想交德國朋友想主動照顧政大外籍生想考德語檢定A1具備以上意願的同學,這門課即在協助你/妳建立德語的基礎能力。⇒本課程是以每週3小時的大班學習來設計,課堂需要與鄰近同學互動練習,第一週就固定座位,先到先選,坐定即畫位,請勿缺席,自組夥伴者請就近鄰座,不得保留座位,後入班者僅能按剩餘座位編組。⇒本課程內容是參考「歐洲共同語文參考架構」訂定的德語A1檢定能力為主,目的在掌握一般日常生活裡的會話能力,上課除側重發音和基礎文法外,尤重表達、理解和熟悉基本單字的訓練,明白問題並正確回應,同時配合檢定考試方向,奠定聽說讀寫四項能力。⇒本課程有指定課本: Schritte international neu A1.1 (課本+練習合訂本),政大校園書局可購買,一冊使用兩學期,本學期課程範圍是第1-3課。班規:座位固定(第一週坐定即畫位,使用整學期,歡迎好友相約鄰座)上課有指定課本,請用新書(無筆記、習題沒有寫過),一人一本不共用, 尊重版權勿使用影本,使用筆記軟體者應自備課本再翻拍勿缺課、遲到、早退 (扣分情況請見評分標準)勿上課吃東西,影響口說練習加簽與退選:本課程不開放加簽、不簽退選、不簽停修。選修需下定決心自第一週起三節全程到課。
課程代碼:59979502,授課教授:戚大為,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course is an introduction to academic writing and literacy through the fundamentals of essay writing with an emphasis on genre knowledge and audience awareness. The course, which is conducted in English, incorporates lectures and discussion sessions making class-time full of activity. Writing assignments provide students opportunities to practice writing skills while exploring current issues through their own interests and experiences. Students learn ways to approach writing assignments, how to find an interesting topic, and how to go through the process of writing a powerful essay in English. An assigned textbook is used as a guide, but other materials and references will be made available on the course blog.
課程代碼:59991100,授課教授:守般若,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:教學課程為巴西的葡萄牙語| O português ensinado e o falado no Brasil
課程代碼:59994000,授課教授:許嘉眙,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程為大學外文(三),是大學外文中心開設學習德文的第三學期。選修不適合對象:未修過大學外文(二):德文。(特殊「允許修習」的相關規定請詳見備註)學生所屬國籍、僑居地之官方語言或主要使用語言為德語者,選修本科目之成績及學分均不予採計。無學分責任的旁聽生不習慣開口與同學互動練習者選修適合對象:想持續學習德文、想考檢定A1、對德國語言和文化抱有興趣、未來有意前往德國遊/留學或就職、想交德國朋友或想主動照顧外籍生上課形式:本課程每週3小時,大班學習的優勢得以安排學員時常分組討論與互動練習,因此課堂會固定座位,請勿遲到、早退或無故缺席。授課內容:本課程內容是參考「歐語能力評量共同參考標準」所訂定的德語第一級A1檢定能力為主,奠定聽說讀寫之基礎。是為掌握一般日常生活裡熟悉且經常使用的簡單溝通能力,能夠介紹自己或向人提問有關個人訊息或具體的需求、能夠理解文意並正確回答或書寫。指定教材:課本: Schritte international neu A1.2 (課本+練習合訂本,共兩本),政大校園書局可購買,一冊使用兩學期,本學期課程範圍是第8-10課。班規:課堂務必帶指定課本、請勿缺課、遲到或早退,避免影響其他學員小組練習的機會。(請閱讀評分欄所列缺課的扣分規定)。加簽與退選::加簽條件限第一週全程到課者,且以遞交加簽單順序為依據。退選會造成其他學員於既定的小組練習權益受損,因此請避免退選。備註:如有學生雖未先修大學外文(二):德文,但於入學前已在外部機構學習德文,要求逕修此課程,請先寫信向授課教師提出「允許修習」,請參考中心網站說明:https://flc.nccu.edu.tw/xhr/archive/download?file=5b729945f9a40305d7000463,評估程度和獲得同意後才得以修習此進階課
課程代碼:59994200,授課教授:馬德睿,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:「學生所屬國籍或僑居地之官方語言或主要使用語言為該語言者,修習本科目之成績及學分不予採計。」This course attempts to build on the knowledge acquired by the students in the courses Spanish 1 and 2. It follows the learning plan designed in Borobio's book Ele Actual, level A1 and A2. In this way, the students will acquire the knowledge and skills they may still lack to reach the level A1.The classes in this course are designed to provide the students with plenty of opportunities to practice the language, so it is necessary that the students participate actively in all the activities.本課程是在西文一、西文二的基礎上,繼續加強學生的西語表達能力與知識。課程進行原則上,依循ELE Actual A1, ELE Actual A2課本的結構。藉由本課程的學習,學生可以達到A1程度的充足知識與能力。
課程代碼:59994300,授課教授:李文康,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程內容是參考「歐洲共同語文參考架構」訂定的西班牙文A1(對以西班牙文為外語者的語文檢定程度 A1)的對話工具。課程當中並提供多樣生活西文練習 (聽力、閱讀、口說、寫作) ,讓初級學生增加對本語言學習的興趣,並在練習中靈活運用各種西文溝通技巧。同時,也會介紹西語系國家的文化(傳統、習俗、節慶...等)。不適合對象:1.政治大學將對於以下對象不承認修習大學外文:西班牙文(一)之學分:a.學生來自以下國家:西班牙、墨西哥、瓜地馬拉、宏都拉斯、薩爾瓦多、尼加拉瓜、哥斯大黎加、巴拿馬、哥倫比亞、多明尼加共和國、古巴、波多黎各、委內瑞拉、秘魯、厄瓜多、玻利維亞、智利、阿根廷、烏拉圭、巴拉圭、赤道幾內亞。b.學生居住於任何說西語國家長達一年(含)以上。c.學生以學習西班牙文長達兩年(含)以上。2.無學分責任的旁聽生。3.不喜歡開口與同學交流者請慎重考慮。4.不配合班規者。本課堂有以下班規:1.不加簽.不旁聽。2.任何有關課程的更新活動、課程主題以及成績資訊等,都將公布在Blog上。: jose-li.blogspot.tw3.禁止使用智慧型手機、平板、電腦等隨身設備。4.上課請準時,晚到10分鐘以上者記遲到一次。5.公假須提公假單(由單位簽)才算公假。病假需醫院開立證明。6.缺課達3次,且不得參加後續考試,學期總成績不及格計。7.隨堂小考。(1.將不會事先告知2.小考缺考無法進行補考。3.小考期間不在場者,該次小考無法計入成績。)8.期中期末考試請準時抵達教室,否則將視情況嚴重性決定是否扣考。9.不簽停修單。10.不簽退選單。11.課堂務必帶指定課本。每人一本(不共用課本)。12.本學年指定教科書注意事項:開學第2週上課,就會使用到教科書。出版社在9月19,9月20,9月21第一節課會到教室現場販售教科書。需要購買教科書的同學,請準備剛好的360元(訂價75折),可以直接向出版社購買。(請尊重著作版權,不要影印課本或共用課本。)14. 112學年度第1學期第1週(9月12,9月13,9月14)全面課程遠距視訊上課。請到https://jose-li.blogspot.com收看上課影片,進行線上學習。Attention:1. The universitywill not recognizethe credits for approval of the “Spanish I” to students from the following countries: Spain, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Equatorial Guinea. Or students who have lived for more than a year in a Spanish-speaking country.2. International students who wants to take this course should have basic Chinese communication skills (listening and reading). Classes are given in Spanish and Chinese.La universidadno reconocerálos créditos ganados por aprobación del curso Español I a:Los estudiantes provenientes de los siguientes países: España, México, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia, República Dominicana, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Perú, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Guinea Ecuatorial.Los estudiantes que hayan vivido más de un año en algún país de habla hispana.Los estudiantes que hayan estudiado español por más de dos años.
課程代碼:59994301,授課教授:李文康,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程內容是參考「歐洲共同語文參考架構」訂定的西班牙文A1(對以西班牙文為外語者的語文檢定程度 A1)的對話工具。課程當中並提供多樣生活西文練習 (聽力、閱讀、口說、寫作) ,讓初級學生增加對本語言學習的興趣,並在練習中靈活運用各種西文溝通技巧。同時,也會介紹西語系國家的文化(傳統、習俗、節慶...等)。不適合對象:1.政治大學將對於以下對象不承認修習大學外文:西班牙文(一)之學分:a.學生來自以下國家:西班牙、墨西哥、瓜地馬拉、宏都拉斯、薩爾瓦多、尼加拉瓜、哥斯大黎加、巴拿馬、哥倫比亞、多明尼加共和國、古巴、波多黎各、委內瑞拉、秘魯、厄瓜多、玻利維亞、智利、阿根廷、烏拉圭、巴拉圭、赤道幾內亞。b.學生居住於任何說西語國家長達一年(含)以上。c.學生以學習西班牙文長達兩年(含)以上。2.無學分責任的旁聽生。3.不喜歡開口與同學交流者請慎重考慮。4.不配合班規者。本課堂有以下班規:1.不加簽.不旁聽。2.任何有關課程的更新活動、課程主題以及成績資訊等,都將公布在Blog上。: jose-li.blogspot.tw3.禁止使用智慧型手機、平板、電腦等隨身設備。4.上課請準時,晚到10分鐘以上者記遲到一次。5.公假須提公假單(由單位簽)才算公假。病假需醫院開立證明。6.缺課達3次,且不得參加後續考試,學期總成績不及格計。7.隨堂小考。(1.將不會事先告知2.小考缺考無法進行補考。3.小考期間不在場者,該次小考無法計入成績。)8.期中期末考試請準時抵達教室,否則將視情況嚴重性決定是否扣考。9.不簽停修單。10.不簽退選單。11.課堂務必帶指定課本。每人一本(不共用課本)。12.本學年指定教科書注意事項:開學第2週上課,就會使用到教科書。出版社在9月19,9月20,9月21第一節課會到教室現場販售教科書。需要購買教科書的同學,請準備剛好的360元(訂價75折),可以直接向出版社購買。(請尊重著作版權,不要影印課本或共用課本。)14. 112學年度第1學期第1週(9月12,9月13,9月14)全面課程遠距視訊上課。請到https://jose-li.blogspot.com收看上課影片,進行線上學習。Attention:1. The universitywill not recognizethe credits for approval of the “Spanish I” to students from the following countries: Spain, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Equatorial Guinea. Or students who have lived for more than a year in a Spanish-speaking country.2. International students who wants to take this course should have basic Chinese communication skills (listening and reading). Classes are given in Spanish and Chinese.La universidadno reconocerálos créditos ganados por aprobación del curso Español I a:Los estudiantes provenientes de los siguientes países: España, México, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia, República Dominicana, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Perú, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Guinea Ecuatorial.Los estudiantes que hayan vivido más de un año en algún país de habla hispana.Los estudiantes que hayan estudiado español por más de dos años.
課程代碼:59994302,授課教授:李文康,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程內容是參考「歐洲共同語文參考架構」訂定的西班牙文A1(對以西班牙文為外語者的語文檢定程度 A1)的對話工具。課程當中並提供多樣生活西文練習 (聽力、閱讀、口說、寫作) ,讓初級學生增加對本語言學習的興趣,並在練習中靈活運用各種西文溝通技巧。同時,也會介紹西語系國家的文化(傳統、習俗、節慶...等)。不適合對象:1.政治大學將對於以下對象不承認修習大學外文:西班牙文(一)之學分:a.學生來自以下國家:西班牙、墨西哥、瓜地馬拉、宏都拉斯、薩爾瓦多、尼加拉瓜、哥斯大黎加、巴拿馬、哥倫比亞、多明尼加共和國、古巴、波多黎各、委內瑞拉、秘魯、厄瓜多、玻利維亞、智利、阿根廷、烏拉圭、巴拉圭、赤道幾內亞。b.學生居住於任何說西語國家長達一年(含)以上。c.學生以學習西班牙文長達兩年(含)以上。2.無學分責任的旁聽生。3.不喜歡開口與同學交流者請慎重考慮。4.不配合班規者。本課堂有以下班規:1.不加簽.不旁聽。2.任何有關課程的更新活動、課程主題以及成績資訊等,都將公布在Blog上。: jose-li.blogspot.tw3.禁止使用智慧型手機、平板、電腦等隨身設備。4.上課請準時,晚到10分鐘以上者記遲到一次。5.公假須提公假單(由單位簽)才算公假。病假需醫院開立證明。6.缺課達3次,且不得參加後續考試,學期總成績不及格計。7.隨堂小考。(1.將不會事先告知2.小考缺考無法進行補考。3.小考期間不在場者,該次小考無法計入成績。)8.期中期末考試請準時抵達教室,否則將視情況嚴重性決定是否扣考。9.不簽停修單。10.不簽退選單。11.課堂務必帶指定課本。每人一本(不共用課本)。12.本學年指定教科書注意事項:開學第2週上課,就會使用到教科書。出版社在9月19,9月20,9月21第一節課會到教室現場販售教科書。需要購買教科書的同學,請準備剛好的360元(訂價75折),可以直接向出版社購買。(請尊重著作版權,不要影印課本或共用課本。)14. 112學年度第1學期第1週(9月12,9月13,9月14)全面課程遠距視訊上課。請到https://jose-li.blogspot.com收看上課影片,進行線上學習。Attention:1. The universitywill not recognizethe credits for approval of the “Spanish I” to students from the following countries: Spain, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Equatorial Guinea. Or students who have lived for more than a year in a Spanish-speaking country.2. International students who wants to take this course should have basic Chinese communication skills (listening and reading). Classes are given in Spanish and Chinese.La universidadno reconocerálos créditos ganados por aprobación del curso Español I a:Los estudiantes provenientes de los siguientes países: España, México, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia, República Dominicana, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Perú, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Guinea Ecuatorial.Los estudiantes que hayan vivido más de un año en algún país de habla hispana.Los estudiantes que hayan estudiado español por más de dos años.
課程代碼:59994400,授課教授:李立林,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:★Information for international students :Classes are given in Chinese. Students who would like to choose French class must be able to understand and interact in Chinese.Students who already have the basics in French are NOT accepted in French 1 class. They will be able to follow the French 2 class in agreement with the teacher.本課程將教授法文重要文法、基本閱讀能力、聽力理解力、表達能力、發音、基礎文法教學將以口說及書面的練習方式加強文法學習。盡可能給學生機會於課堂上練習互動。
課程代碼:59994501,授課教授:江世琳,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程為大學外文(一),是學習德文的第一個學期。選修不適合對象:學生所屬國籍、僑居地之官方語言或主要使用語言為德語者,選修本科目之成績及學分均不予採計。無學分責任的旁聽生不習慣開口與同學互動練習者不配合班規者選修適合對象:從未學過德語、但有著很高學習動機有興趣認識德國語言及文化對有計畫到德國做交換生或攻讀學位未來想遊學想交德國朋友想主動照顧政大外籍生想考德語檢定A1具備以上意願的同學,這門課即在協助你/妳建立德語的基礎能力。⇒本課程是以每週3小時的大班學習來設計,課堂需要與鄰近同學互動練習,第一週就固定座位,先到先選,坐定即畫位,請勿缺席,自組夥伴者請就近鄰座,不得保留座位,後入班者僅能按剩餘座位編組。⇒本課程內容是參考「歐洲共同語文參考架構」訂定的德語A1檢定能力為主,目的在掌握一般日常生活裡的會話能力,上課除側重發音和基礎文法外,尤重表達、理解和熟悉基本單字的訓練,明白問題並正確回應,同時配合檢定考試方向,奠定聽說讀寫四項能力。⇒本課程有指定課本: Schritte international neu A1.1 (課本+練習合訂本),政大校園書局可購買,一冊使用兩學期,本學期課程範圍是第1-3課。班規:座位固定(第一週坐定即畫位,使用整學期,歡迎好友相約鄰座)上課有指定課本,請用新書(無筆記、習題沒有寫過),一人一本不共用, 尊重版權勿使用影本,使用筆記軟體者應自備課本再翻拍勿缺課、遲到、早退 (扣分情況請見評分標準)勿上課吃東西,影響口說練習加簽與退選:本課程不開放加簽、不簽退選、不簽停修。選修需下定決心自第一週起三節全程到課。
課程代碼:59977600,授課教授:余懿珊,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:In today's digital era, where information technology is ever-present and artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly, it is crucial for individuals to possess tech-savviness and stay updated with the latest IT trends. The English for Information Technology course is specifically tailored to introduce cutting-edge topics in information technology that directly align with the needs of the Millennials.This one-semester 3-credit-hour course is designed for high-intermediate/advanced students of English as a foreign language. This is not a course that aims to teach students information technology knowledge. Rather, it is designed to allow students to transform their English language knowledge into the communication skills necessary for careers in the IT field or any profession. In addition, students are encouraged to think about and consider ethical issues and related topics in information technology. Students will also learn how to discover and discuss new and trending information technologies. A considerable emphasis will be put on training students to create an academic research poster on a topic on issues related to information technology.
課程代碼:59979300,授課教授:蘇靖棻,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:Reading and Oral Trainingis a one-semester course for high-intermediate to advanced learners of English. The course, which is conducted in English, is designed to acclimate students to using English as a tool for advanced communication. During the course, students will enhance their reading and speaking skills through lectures, pair/group discussions, oral presentations, role-play, writing assignments, watching films, and other in-class activities. Students will become familiar with different communication styles and methods of organization for handling discussion and presentation of contemporary issues through a combination of reading materials and speaking exercises on various subjects from different sources, such as novels, news media, blog posts, and academic articles. Students will also learn to summarize texts, analyze structure (through outlining), compare and contrast, and give opinions, which can be extended to more advanced reading skills, e.g. identifying facts and opinions, and making inferences in class.
課程代碼:59979401,授課教授:趙宣彭,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的16點到19點,課程大綱:This course, which is conducted in English, is designed for high-intermediate to advanced English learners. It is based on a content-based syllabus, utilizing lectures on topics from different academic disciplines and related reading materials.The authentic content provides both a context for the practice of important language skills and a basis for the exploration of high-interest topics for learners.The course covers diverse issues and integrates vocabulary, grammar, listening and speaking skills necessary for academic success.Throughout the semester, students are encouraged to improve their academic listening and speaking ability by listening to lectures and participating in discussions, as well as practicing note-taking and summarizing.
課程代碼:59979500,授課教授:黃淑真,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:Essay Writing is designed to help learners write college-level essays. We will start with a number of essay examples and analysis of their organization, content, lexis, and grammatical structures. As we proceed, learners will become aware of the common criteria and standards for good essays and, moreover, evaluate their own work against these standards. It is hoped that once learners realize the gap between what they are expected to do and what they can do, they will be able to strategically plan their learning and move forward accordingly. After lectures on key concepts, several in-class timed writing assignments are arranged to help learners practice what they know. Follow-up discussions of these in-class essay drafts then prepare learners for self-revision to improve the quality of essays.
課程代碼:59979600,授課教授:崔正芳,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:COURSE DESCRIPTION
課程代碼:59987400,授課教授:杜時幼、曾蘭雅,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:Temel düzeyde dilbilgisi kalıplarının kullanım kullanımlarına yönelik konuşma ve dinlemeleri geliştirmek, İngilizcedeki temel kalıplarını zenginleştirmek, kelimeler dağarcığını zenginleştirmek.Bu ders Türkçe öğrenmek için temel bir derstir. Kurs içeriği, dilbilgisi, okuma, dinleme, sözlü etkileşim vb. gibi temel dil becerileri dahil olmak üzere metin ve günlük yaşam durumları arasındaki diyaloğa dayalıdır ve öğrencilere Avrupa Dil Yeterlilik Referans Endeksine eşdeğer başlangıç ​​Türkçesi geliştirmelerine rehberlik eder ( CEF) A1-A2 düzeyinde dil yeteneği.Türkçenin 29 harfini tanıtan sayfa 11'i önizleyebilirsiniz.Her harfin telaffuzu sabittir, bu nedenle başlamak kolaydır ve herkes harflerin telaffuzunu öğrendikten sonra, tüm kelimeler 20 dakika içinde okunabilir!Shi Mu Shi Mu'nun telaffuzu çok standart ve hoş.Herkes onun telaffuzunu daha fazla okumalı.Bir şey anlamadıysanız, üçüncü sınıfta soru sorabilirsiniz, ben de bunu Çince açıklayacağım. Merak etmeyin, herkesin bu yabancı dili kolayca ve mutlu bir şekilde öğrenmesini dilerim!Temel düzeyde dilbilgisi kalıplarının günlük hayatta kullanılmasına yönelik konuşma ve dinleme becerilerini geliştirmek, Türkçedeki temel kalıpları kazandırmak, sözcük dağarcığını zenginleştirmek.本課程為學習土耳其語之基礎課程。課程內容以課文與日常生活情境對話為主軸,含括文法、閱讀、聽力、口說互動等基礎語言技能,以引領學習者培養相當於歐洲語言能力參考指標(CEF)A1-A2程度的初級土耳其語文能力。大家可以先預習第 11 頁,介紹土耳其語的 29 個字母。每個字母的發音都是固定的,因此,很容易上手、大家學會字母的讀音之後,20 分鐘所有的詞彙就都會念了!石慕老師的發音非常標準悅耳,大家多跟讀她的發音,不明白的地方,第三節課歡迎提問,老師我會以中文講解。不用擔心,祝福大家可以輕鬆愉快中學習這門外語!***請有意(加)選讀這門課的同學先加曾蘭雅老師為 line 好友,以便邀約同學加入本班的 line 群組(【2022大學外文一 Türkçe I】)。蘭雅老師的 Line ID:nurlanya, e-mail:[email protected]開學第一週兩位老師會一同授課。之後即採前 2 小時外籍老師授課,第 3 小時本籍老師授課的方式進行。