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課程代碼:59988100,授課教授:區立遠,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的10點到13點,課程大綱:古希臘文是歐洲文化的支柱語言之一,閱讀古希臘文的能力對於西方古典哲學、聖經研究都很關鍵,對於想要深入研究歐洲語言歷史的也是不可或缺。近代科學發展的過程中,大量的事物與概念都以希臘文(以及拉丁文)命名,為現代學術語言注入了龐大的辭彙材料,因此適度的希臘文知識,對與各類學科都有幫助。然而古希臘文不只字母與拉丁字母不盡相同,名詞動詞變化也很繁複,對初學者是非常大的挑戰,學習曲線陡峭的程度在各種語言中排名很前面。想學的人雖然不一定很稀少,但是能成功學下去的人往往只是少數。本學期我們嘗試使用一本新的教材,John Taylor,Greek to GCSE, part 1,revised edition, London/New York 2016.這套課程分 part 1, part 2 兩冊 (本學期只會用到 part 1),課程遵循英國新制定的GCSE標準,主動字彙僅要求400多字,主動字彙範圍外的被動字彙都會隨課文給予翻譯,大幅降低了初學者字彙的負擔。(註:主動字彙指需要熟記且能主動掌握的字彙,全套Greek to GCSE要求425字,本學期使用的part 1要求其中250字。被動字彙指在課文中出現時應該理解的字彙)儘管如此,課本在開頭幾課就已經導入簡單的原文閱讀(比如伊索寓言),且第四課起就介紹了aorist(希臘文敘事的骨幹時態,傳統模式的課本往往太晚介紹),這兩點是其他現行課本中少見的優點。總之,本課程不只是帶領初學者進入希臘文的世界,而且希望比以前更有效地幫助初學者實質地走完一年的課程。 |
課程代碼:59989300,授課教授:陳凰鳳,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的14點到17點,課程大綱:大學外文-越南語(一)為一門針對尚未學過越南語的學生開的,課程以介紹越南語的發音系統,從發音過程中學生認識新的字彙及其相關的句型結構並以字彙、句型等練習造句,進一步練習對話。由老師帶領學生透過反覆練習及朗誦並適時增加隨堂小考以達到最佳的發音學習效果。 |
課程代碼:59989301,授課教授:陳凰鳳,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的14點到17點,課程大綱:大學外文-越南語(一)為一門針對尚未學過越南語的學生開的,課程以介紹越南語的發音系統,從發音過程中學生認識新的字彙及其相關的句型結構並以字彙、句型等練習造句,進一步練習對話。由老師帶領學生透過反覆練習及朗誦並適時增加隨堂小考以達到最佳的發音學習效果。 |
課程代碼:59990100,授課教授:羅際任,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:為初學者奠定韓語基礎,協助學習者了解韓語,啟發學習者對韓語學習、韓國文化之興趣。教師將指導學生熟悉韓語發音變化與句子之基本構造,同時透過基本句型的學習,期待學生能具有基本之讀、寫及翻譯的能力。在本課程中,教師將講述文法及課文,學生將在課堂上透過小組練習實際開口說韓語,並透過書寫練習達到熟悉句型文法之目的。*學生所屬國籍或僑居地之官方語言或主要使用語言為該語言者,修習本科目之成績及學分不予採計。*因任課教師將從「零基礎」之發音開始講述,本課程建議供未有韓語基礎之學生修習。*本課程開放加簽,請務必於第一週至教室了解加簽相關規則,無需先行與任課教師聯繫。*為顧及學習品質,本課程不開放申請停修,請斟酌。 |
課程代碼:59990101,授課教授:羅際任,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:為初學者奠定韓語基礎,協助學習者了解韓語,啟發學習者對韓語學習、韓國文化之興趣。教師將指導學生熟悉韓語發音變化與句子之基本構造,同時透過基本句型的學習,期待學生能具有基本之讀、寫及翻譯的能力。在本課程中,教師將講述文法及課文,學生將在課堂上透過小組練習實際開口說韓語,並透過書寫練習達到熟悉句型文法之目的。*學生所屬國籍或僑居地之官方語言或主要使用語言為該語言者,修習本科目之成績及學分不予採計。*因任課教師將從「零基礎」之發音開始講述,本課程建議供未有韓語基礎之學生修習。*本課程開放加簽,請務必於第一週至教室了解加簽相關規則,無需先行與任課教師聯繫。*為顧及學習品質,本課程不開放申請停修,請斟酌。 |
課程代碼:59990300,授課教授:羅際任,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:為初中級學習者奠定韓語基礎,協助學習者了解韓語,啟發學習者對韓語學習、韓國文化之興趣。教師將指導學生透過基本句型的學習,期待學生能具有初中階之讀、寫及翻譯的能力。在本課程中,教師將講述文法及課文,學生將在課堂上透過小組練習實際開口說韓語,並透過書寫練習達到熟悉句型文法之目的。*學生所屬國籍或僑居地之官方語言或主要使用語言為該語言者,修習本科目之成績及學分不予採計。*本課程開放加簽,請務必於第一週至教室了解加簽相關規則。*未修習「大學外文(一):韓語」及「大學外文(二):韓語」,經任課教師確認具備上課程度者,開放加簽。*為顧及學習品質,本課程不開放申請停修,請斟酌。 |
課程代碼:59991500,授課教授:羅百德,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的14點到17點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:59991700,授課教授:林蒔慧,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程主要介紹捷克語以及該國人文概述,俾使學生具備捷克與捷克語的基礎知識。 |
課程代碼:59992100,授課教授:黃奕彥,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的14點到16點,課程大綱:為藏語初級課程,從字母發音、字母書寫、拼音原則開始,學習藏語的基本語彙、語法及簡單會話。藏語為漢藏語系的一支,然其正式文法又模仿梵文,有漢語基礎反而容易掌握藏語的內裏,並作為了解梵文文法的跳板。 |
課程代碼:59992500,授課教授:張中復,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的16點到18點,課程大綱:本課程為民族學系學士班一學年民族語文群修課之一,旨在建立對於當代維吾爾語(Uighur Language)的認識,並奠定該語言學習之基礎。本課程不單純作為一種中國少數民族語文的基本教學,而是希望成為現代學生關注新疆議題與一千萬維吾爾族人的一個起點。尤其是當前中國大陸境內維吾爾語文的使用情境受到很大的制約與挑戰,這更凸顯在台灣學習維吾爾語、同時關注新疆情勢的意義。 |
課程代碼:59994303,授課教授:李文康,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程內容是參考「歐洲共同語文參考架構」訂定的西班牙文A1(對以西班牙文為外語者的語文檢定程度 A1)的對話工具。課程當中並提供多樣生活西文練習 (聽力、閱讀、口說、寫作) ,讓初級學生增加對本語言學習的興趣,並在練習中靈活運用各種西文溝通技巧。同時,也會介紹西語系國家的文化(傳統、習俗、節慶...等)。不適合對象:1.政治大學將對於以下對象不承認修習大學外文:西班牙文(一)之學分:a.學生來自以下國家:西班牙、墨西哥、瓜地馬拉、宏都拉斯、薩爾瓦多、尼加拉瓜、哥斯大黎加、巴拿馬、哥倫比亞、多明尼加共和國、古巴、波多黎各、委內瑞拉、秘魯、厄瓜多、玻利維亞、智利、阿根廷、烏拉圭、巴拉圭、赤道幾內亞。b.學生居住於任何說西語國家長達一年(含)以上。c.學生以學習西班牙文長達兩年(含)以上。2.無學分責任的旁聽生。3.不喜歡開口與同學交流者請慎重考慮。4.不配合班規者。本課堂有以下班規:1.不加簽.不旁聽。2.任何有關課程的更新活動、課程主題以及成績資訊等,都將公布在Blog上。: jose-li.blogspot.tw3.禁止使用智慧型手機、平板、電腦等隨身設備。4.上課請準時,晚到10分鐘以上者記遲到一次。5.公假須提公假單(由單位簽)才算公假。病假需醫院開立證明。6.缺課達3次,且不得參加後續考試,學期總成績不及格計。7.隨堂小考。(1.將不會事先告知2.小考缺考無法進行補考。3.小考期間不在場者,該次小考無法計入成績。)8.期中期末考試請準時抵達教室,否則將視情況嚴重性決定是否扣考。9.不簽停修單。10.不簽退選單。11.課堂務必帶指定課本。每人一本(不共用課本)。12.本學年指定教科書注意事項:開學第2週上課,就會使用到教科書。出版社在9月19,9月20,9月21第一節課會到教室現場販售教科書。需要購買教科書的同學,請準備剛好的360元(訂價75折),可以直接向出版社購買。(請尊重著作版權,不要影印課本或共用課本。)14. 112學年度第1學期第1週(9月12,9月13,9月14)全面課程遠距視訊上課。請到https://jose-li.blogspot.com收看上課影片,進行線上學習。Attention:1. The universitywill not recognizethe credits for approval of the “Spanish I” to students from the following countries: Spain, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Equatorial Guinea. Or students who have lived for more than a year in a Spanish-speaking country.2. International students who wants to take this course should have basic Chinese communication skills (listening and reading). Classes are given in Spanish and Chinese.La universidadno reconocerálos créditos ganados por aprobación del curso Español I a:Los estudiantes provenientes de los siguientes países: España, México, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia, República Dominicana, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Perú, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Guinea Ecuatorial.Los estudiantes que hayan vivido más de un año en algún país de habla hispana.Los estudiantes que hayan estudiado español por más de dos años. |
課程代碼:59994304,授課教授:李文康,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程內容是參考「歐洲共同語文參考架構」訂定的西班牙文A1(對以西班牙文為外語者的語文檢定程度 A1)的對話工具。課程當中並提供多樣生活西文練習 (聽力、閱讀、口說、寫作) ,讓初級學生增加對本語言學習的興趣,並在練習中靈活運用各種西文溝通技巧。同時,也會介紹西語系國家的文化(傳統、習俗、節慶...等)。不適合對象:1.政治大學將對於以下對象不承認修習大學外文:西班牙文(一)之學分:a.學生來自以下國家:西班牙、墨西哥、瓜地馬拉、宏都拉斯、薩爾瓦多、尼加拉瓜、哥斯大黎加、巴拿馬、哥倫比亞、多明尼加共和國、古巴、波多黎各、委內瑞拉、秘魯、厄瓜多、玻利維亞、智利、阿根廷、烏拉圭、巴拉圭、赤道幾內亞。b.學生居住於任何說西語國家長達一年(含)以上。c.學生以學習西班牙文長達兩年(含)以上。2.無學分責任的旁聽生。3.不喜歡開口與同學交流者請慎重考慮。4.不配合班規者。本課堂有以下班規:1.不加簽.不旁聽。2.任何有關課程的更新活動、課程主題以及成績資訊等,都將公布在Blog上。: jose-li.blogspot.tw3.禁止使用智慧型手機、平板、電腦等隨身設備。4.上課請準時,晚到10分鐘以上者記遲到一次。5.公假須提公假單(由單位簽)才算公假。病假需醫院開立證明。6.缺課達3次,且不得參加後續考試,學期總成績不及格計。7.隨堂小考。(1.將不會事先告知2.小考缺考無法進行補考。3.小考期間不在場者,該次小考無法計入成績。)8.期中期末考試請準時抵達教室,否則將視情況嚴重性決定是否扣考。9.不簽停修單。10.不簽退選單。11.課堂務必帶指定課本。每人一本(不共用課本)。12.本學年指定教科書注意事項:開學第2週上課,就會使用到教科書。出版社在9月19,9月20,9月21第一節課會到教室現場販售教科書。需要購買教科書的同學,請準備剛好的360元(訂價75折),可以直接向出版社購買。(請尊重著作版權,不要影印課本或共用課本。)14. 112學年度第1學期第1週(9月12,9月13,9月14)全面課程遠距視訊上課。請到https://jose-li.blogspot.com收看上課影片,進行線上學習。Attention:1. The universitywill not recognizethe credits for approval of the “Spanish I” to students from the following countries: Spain, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Equatorial Guinea. Or students who have lived for more than a year in a Spanish-speaking country.2. International students who wants to take this course should have basic Chinese communication skills (listening and reading). Classes are given in Spanish and Chinese.La universidadno reconocerálos créditos ganados por aprobación del curso Español I a:Los estudiantes provenientes de los siguientes países: España, México, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia, República Dominicana, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Perú, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Guinea Ecuatorial.Los estudiantes que hayan vivido más de un año en algún país de habla hispana.Los estudiantes que hayan estudiado español por más de dos años. |
課程代碼:59994401,授課教授:李立林,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:★Information for international students :Classes are given in Chinese. Students who would like to choose French class must be able to understand and interact in Chinese.Students who already have the basics in French are NOT accepted in French 1 class. They will be able to follow the French 2 class in agreement with the teacher.本課程將教授法文重要文法、基本閱讀能力、聽力理解力、表達能力、發音、基礎文法教學將以口說及書面的練習方式加強文法學習。盡可能給學生機會於課堂上練習互動。 |
課程代碼:59994403,授課教授:李立林,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:★Information for international students :Classes are given in Chinese. Students who would like to choose French class must be able to understand and interact in Chinese.Students who already have the basics in French are NOT accepted in French 1 class. They will be able to follow the French 2 class in agreement with the teacher.本課程將教授法文重要文法、基本閱讀能力、聽力理解力、表達能力、發音、基礎文法教學將以口說及書面的練習方式加強文法學習。盡可能給學生機會於課堂上練習互動。 |
課程代碼:59994404,授課教授:羅清菁,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:Premiers contacts/初次見面Saluer, se présenter, remercier / 打招呼, 自我介紹, 致謝Interroger quelqu'un sur son identité, donner des informations sur soi-même, s'excuser / 詢問身分, 給予相關資訊, 如何說抱歉Demander et donner des informations sur quelqu'un, dire ce que l'on aime / 詢問並給予某人資訊, 說出喜好Dire où on va, dire d'où on vient / 清楚說出目的地, 啟程地Demander une information sur un lieu, un horaire, épeler son nom, indiquer son numéro de telephone, son e-mail / 詢問地點相關資料, 時刻, 表達個人資料如電話號碼, 電子郵件地址Expliquer un itinéraire, proposer quelque chose, remercier et refuser / 解釋路程, 建議某事, 感謝及拒絕 |
課程代碼:59994502,授課教授:江世琳,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程為大學外文(一),是學習德文的第一個學期。選修不適合對象:學生所屬國籍、僑居地之官方語言或主要使用語言為德語者,選修本科目之成績及學分均不予採計。無學分責任的旁聽生不習慣開口與同學互動練習者不配合班規者選修適合對象:從未學過德語、但有著很高學習動機有興趣認識德國語言及文化對有計畫到德國做交換生或攻讀學位未來想遊學想交德國朋友想主動照顧政大外籍生想考德語檢定A1具備以上意願的同學,這門課即在協助你/妳建立德語的基礎能力。⇒本課程是以每週3小時的大班學習來設計,課堂需要與鄰近同學互動練習,第一週就固定座位,先到先選,坐定即畫位,請勿缺席,自組夥伴者請就近鄰座,不得保留座位,後入班者僅能按剩餘座位編組。⇒本課程內容是參考「歐洲共同語文參考架構」訂定的德語A1檢定能力為主,目的在掌握一般日常生活裡的會話能力,上課除側重發音和基礎文法外,尤重表達、理解和熟悉基本單字的訓練,明白問題並正確回應,同時配合檢定考試方向,奠定聽說讀寫四項能力。⇒本課程有指定課本: Schritte international neu A1.1 (課本+練習合訂本),政大校園書局可購買,一冊使用兩學期,本學期課程範圍是第1-3課。班規:座位固定(第一週坐定即畫位,使用整學期,歡迎好友相約鄰座)上課有指定課本,請用新書(無筆記、習題沒有寫過),一人一本不共用, 尊重版權勿使用影本,使用筆記軟體者應自備課本再翻拍勿缺課、遲到、早退 (扣分情況請見評分標準)勿上課吃東西,影響口說練習加簽與退選:本課程不開放加簽、不簽退選、不簽停修。選修需下定決心自第一週起三節全程到課。 |
課程代碼:59994602,授課教授:詹兆雯,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:大學外文日文(一)~(四)為連貫課程,上學期開(一)/(三),下學期開(二)/(四),學生須依序修習並及格,始得修習下一階段課程。本科目「大學外文(一):日文」為最基礎課程,從認識並練習書寫日本假名開始到學習基礎句型,內容相當於『日本語能力檢定N5』前半程度。本課程希望培養學生正確的發音、文法概念以及良好的語言學習習慣,並藉由課堂活動與人互動溝通,培養自信及建立良好的人際關係。 |
課程代碼:59994603,授課教授:詹兆雯,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:大學外文日文(一)~(四)為連貫課程,上學期開(一)/(三),下學期開(二)/(四),學生須依序修習並及格,始得修習下一階段課程。本科目「大學外文(一):日文」為最基礎課程,從認識並練習書寫日本假名開始到學習基礎句型,內容相當於『日本語能力檢定N5』前半程度。本課程希望培養學生正確的發音、文法概念以及良好的語言學習習慣,並藉由課堂活動與人互動溝通,培養自信及建立良好的人際關係。 |
課程代碼:55101400,授課教授:余明忠,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜一的15點到16點及禮拜五的14點到16點,課程大綱:研究方法介紹 相關資訊請務必第一次上課到課 |
課程代碼:55174300,授課教授:陳仲妤,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程探討第二語言習得的相關理論,例如關鍵期假設(Critical Period Hypothesis),以及語言習得的不同面向,包括語音、語意、構詞、句法。本課程以華語為第二語言習得研究為主。 |
課程代碼:55101100,授課教授:施堂模,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course is intended to familiarize students with some of the goals and methods of literary research and some of the skills needed to write research papers about literature. |
課程代碼:55173500,授課教授:張瑜芸,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course targets students who are interested in processing dataset automatically with programming language. The goal is to let students know how to write scripts with released packages to help further analyze data linguistically with basic knowledge in data processing with basic statistics and models. In this course, we'll handle text data with R (which is one of the prevalent programming languages nowadays). Research articles related to current linguistic issues and application approaches are assigned, and we will have a deeper discussion of these articles during the class. At the end of this course, students will need to do a final presentation and submit a final term paper.*每堂課程自備筆電 |
課程代碼:55174200,授課教授:吳敏華,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜四的14點到17點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55175600,授課教授:施堂模,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course aims to give students an understanding of the possibilities of using literary works to teach English, a grasp of literary genres and techniques, and practice in integrating literature into syllabuses and in creating literary works. |
課程代碼:55180900,授課教授:黃瓊之,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55183700,授課教授:許麗媛,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:The main aim of this course is to link theoretical bases with practical techniques for the teaching of listening and speaking skills in the English classroom. The course focuses on key issues in the teaching of listening and speaking skills including such topics as listening and speaking processes, teaching approaches, tasks, and assessment. |
課程代碼:55184600,授課教授:黃怡萍,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course aims to provide students with a general understanding of the major approaches, theories, and issues of ELT curriculum and materials design. The following topics will be discussed:Nature and evolution of curriculum developmentNeeds analysis & ESPELF awarenessCLIL/EMIMultiliteraciesMultimodalitiesTranslanguagingLinguistics & content analysisThese concepts will be taught by a discussion-based and project-based teaching method; that is, we will discuss the above abstract topics by developing and examiningdifferent ELT syllabus/curriculum/course designs and various kinds of ELT materials.By so doing, this course aims to equip students with the ability tocriticallyanalyze, design, and evaluate an ELT course and teaching materials. |
課程代碼:55173400,授課教授:賴瑶鍈,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course addresses how human beings comprehend language in real-time, grounded on the architecture of our mental grammar. We will discuss various language processing models rooted in different frameworks of linguistics. To understand how the language architecture supports online sentence comprehension, we will take an overview of the theoretical accounts, examine linguistic patterns and experimental evidence, and discuss advantages/disadvantages of different processing models via a variety of linguistic phenomena, mainly including cases of morphosyntax and semantics-pragmatics.The focus will be placed on different views of the language architecture, lexical access, syntax-semantic interface, ambiguity resolution, and contextual impact during online sentence processing. In addition, we will explore the relationship between the linguistic system and nonlinguistic cognition (e.g., social cognition, working memory, and cognitive control) and how the interplay of the two may influence language processing. |
課程代碼:55173600,授課教授:戴智偉,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:Despite the fact that the Pacific Region is largely covered by water, it is a culturally extremely diverse region. From Island South-East, and more than 2300 languages on its islands. In this course, we investigate from an interdisciplinary perspective the languages belonging to the main language groups of the Pacific region: the Australian, Papuan, and Austronesian language families, and various languages that entered the Pacific area in colonial times. We discuss their history, their present distribution and status, their associated cultures, and some of their structural properties. While mainly focusing on indigenous languages, we also spend some time on the linguistic impact of different colonization waves. In a number of case studies, students will present interesting aspects of key languages.This course is taught in English. |
課程代碼:55175200,授課教授:招靜琪,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜四的16點到19點,課程大綱:語言教室裡最重要的人物應該就是語言學習者了。我們常聽到老師們習慣性把學生分成有動機與沒動機兩種、覺得他們好被動,沒甚麼自主學習能力。但是,站在學習者自我概念相關理念思考的話,就會知道這其實不是有與沒有的問題,學生的動機也好,自主力也好,不可能是固定不變的,它跟學生所處的社會文化場景有關,與學習者所認定的自我認定的概念形象身份(identity)是連動的。而自我形象的強弱變化也常會引發學習者決定改變現狀,發揮出agency的表現。也就是說,學生願不願意「投資」自己的精力時間,是有很多環境因素的,教室裡的互動其實也沒那麼單純,不是有或沒有某些心理特性就可以了,更不是文法單字都搞定了,就順理成章可以所學的外語與人說話、互動。The most important individual in a language classroom is definitely the learner. We often hear teachers habitually group students into the motivated and the unmotivated, and they complain a lot about learners’ being passive or having no capability for autonomous learning. However, if you have the concept of language learner self, agency, and identity, you would know that the psychological construct of motivation may not tell the whole story. The social-cultural context around the learner can greatly impact their identity and the way they invest their time and energy in language learning. We need to think beyond the surface-level observation and seek a deeper understanding of the socio-cultural reasons behind student behaviors and attitudes.早期對學習者議題方面的研究著重於動機(motivation)、情緒(所謂的affective filter)、焦慮感(anxiety)、自主力(autonomy)等相關心理概念,採的是比較斷面的思維與研究方法;不論是時間、歷史脈絡或社會文化場景都拒之於探討範圍之外,不太把這些議題跟學習者所處的社會文化環境想成是連動的狀態、也不考慮時間會帶來變化,更常忽略了屬於學習者經驗中的複雜現實層面。Indeed, earlier studies on language learners tended to focus a lot on such psychological constructs as motivation, affective factors, anxiety, autonomy, etc. The more complex aspects of social, cultural, time and history surrounding the learner were often filtered out of the discussion.1990年後期,衛考斯基社會文化理論開始發揮影響,才帶動的一股研究新浪潮。最近二十年因為Bonny Norton, Claire Kramsch, Leo van Lier, Gary Barkhuizen, David Block等諸多學者的研究與理論推廣,語言學習者自我概念方面的研究變得非常暢旺。It was after the 1990s when Vygotskian Sociocultural perspectives became widely accepted by SLA/TESOL that we started to see new research foci emerging in the field. In the past two decades, Bonny Norton, Claire Kramsch, Leo van Lier, Garry Barkhuizen, David Block, and many other researchers made tremendous contributions in both theory and research that language learner’s self, agency, and identity finally became a heated line of research in SLA/TESOL. The number of book publications and journal special issues in the worldwide TESOL community is growing every year.但是國外的研究,例如Norton著名研究中的加拿大女性移民經驗,強調學習者所遭遇到的角力關係(power)、社會階級(class)、人種(race)、性別(gender)等等議題,似乎與國人所關心的英語教學議題是有距離的,一般老師讀者可能看不出關連與真正的關鍵。The problem for us researchers from Taiwan, perhaps other parts of Asia and the world as well, however, is that the emphases of power, class, race, and gender-related to international identity studies are not that familiar. If you are a local language teacher, you would find it difficult to relate. There seems a gap between the issues that we are interested in and what the international research community is interested in.為了探索屬於國人的觀念連結,本課程指在帶領同學們進入這樣的新興研究領域。由閱讀別人的研究出發,並藉著實際進行質性個案與敘事研究,探索台灣如何在屬於我們的特殊歷史、社會、文化環境之下造就你我這樣的EFL學習者,而隨著時間與社會的變化,又如何讓我們的學生願意投資自己學習英文或者引起學生抗拒英語文、讓他們得以或者不能夠在各種不同的正式與非正式的學習情境之下(如教室vs.出國留學、打工、網路遊戲)學習與使用英語文。如果你覺得聽起來有點複雜,那我要說,嗯,現實本來就是複雜的。別擔心,這正是這類研究有趣的地方。In order to make the link between the international research community and our own, this course aims to introduce the class participants to this recent line of research. This is an introductory (basic)-level graduate course. We will start by reading others’ work (journal articles and book chapters) and then move on to conduct a small study. Our goal is to explore through qualitative case study and narrative inquiry methods, for example, how Taiwan with its unique history, society and culture has managed to cultivate some unique language learning and teaching experiences. What stories are there behind those who traveled all the way from home to here to be our learners? Why are our learners willing or unwilling to invest in their language learning? Yes, it is a bit complicated. But, you know what? Life is always complicated. This is why the research of language learner’s self, agency, and identity is very interesting. |
課程代碼:55176100,授課教授:吳易道,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55179400,授課教授:鍾曉芳,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55183000,授課教授:姜翠芬,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:The class begins with a survey of Postcolonial theories, to be followed by the analysis of eleven Postcolonial plays. Theorists studied in class range from Fanon, Said, Spivak, Bhabha, Gilroy, to Ashcroft. The dramatic literature included for this postcolonial approach, on the basis of the Commonwealth Literature, offers a diversified spectrum from Indo-Anglian, African American, Caribbean, African, Canadian, to Asian dramas. |
課程代碼:55487600,授課教授:宋雲森,開課院所:外國語文學院的俄國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜二的8點到10點,課程大綱:1. 本課程針對俄語歷時的發展與共時的概況,作全面性的介紹;2. 歷時部分包括:俄語基利爾字母的來源、標準語的建立、十八至二十世紀俄國的重要語言學家及其語言學理論、二十世紀句法學的發展、二十世紀末與二十一世紀初俄語的變化等;3. 共時部分包括:當前俄語語音學(語音、音位、語調)、詞法學、句法學等方面的基本研究與發展。 |
課程代碼:55400000,授課教授:柯瓊鎣,開課院所:外國語文學院的俄國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜二的8點到10點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55400900,授課教授:莉托斯卡,開課院所:外國語文學院的俄國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜四的10點到12點,課程大綱:Основную часть курса составляют практические занятия, на которых студенты учатся выбирать речевые варианты, уместные для той или иной ситуации научного общения на русском языке в устной и письменной формах. |
課程代碼:55486700,授課教授:宋雲森,開課院所:外國語文學院的俄國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜二的10點到12點,課程大綱:1. 本課程根據大學所累積的語法學與語言學(詞法、句法、詞彙、修辭等)之相關知識,建立學生俄漢互譯的概念與技巧;2. 課程進行以實務為主,理論為輔,期使學生能將翻譯理論與實務緊密結合。 |
課程代碼:55491400,授課教授:丘光,開課院所:外國語文學院的俄國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程以文學翻譯的實務為核心,俄國文學文本標的盡可能含括小說、散文、童話、劇本、書信等不同類別,藉由面對各種文類的中譯過程,學習到翻譯的工作思維、藝術技巧、發表形式、傳統與創新等面向。 |
課程代碼:55400800,授課教授:亞榴申娜,開課院所:外國語文學院的俄國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜四的8點到10點,課程大綱:Содержание курса соотнесено с двумя модулями: 1) морфология научного стиля; 2) синтаксис научного стиля. Детальное изучение морфологического модуля обусловлено тем, что главная особенность русской научной речи – это ее именной характер, то есть в русских научных текстах существительные и прилагательные составляют почти половину всех словоупотреблений, поскольку именные формы (существительные, прилагательные) более приспособлены для раскрытия сути научных понятий (поэтому большое внимание в курсе уделяется отглагольным существительным – названиям движений, процессов, состояний). Синтаксический модуль отражает важнейшую синтаксическую особенность русского научного стиля – тенденцию к осложненным (с деепричастными, причастными оборотами, с однородными членами, вводными и вставными конструкциями) и сложным построениям, к структурной полноте. Смысловое содержание предложения может быть непонятным из-за незнания значений терминов, но грамматическое оформление связей слов всегда ясное. |
課程代碼:55487200,授課教授:莉托斯卡,開課院所:外國語文學院的俄國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:Курс дает базовое осмысление феномена прецедентности; знакомит студентов с российской практикой организации чтения художественной литературы и своеобразием российского литературоцентризма; формирует у студентов-иностранцев представление о составе прецедентных текстов разных типов, заимствованных из русской литературы (и основанного на литературных источниках кинематографа), активно используемых в современной российской речевой практике. |
課程代碼:55500200,授課教授:何萬順,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55500400,授課教授:黃瓊之,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:The aim of this course is twofold: First, it is designed to familiarize students with research methods in linguistics. Based on the understanding, the students are expected to apply the basic principles of research design to their own research. Second, the course also aims to help students with their academic writing. Through actual writing practice, the students are expected to write abstracts, annotated bibliographies, proposals, and research papers with the appropriate style and format. |
課程代碼:55500500,授課教授:蕭宇超,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜一的16點到19點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55575600,授課教授:賴瑶鍈,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course addresses how human beings comprehend language in real-time, grounded on the architecture of our mental grammar. We will discuss various language processing models rooted in different frameworks of linguistics. To understand how the language architecture supports online sentence comprehension, we will take an overview of the theoretical accounts, examine linguistic patterns and experimental evidence, and discuss advantages/disadvantages of different processing models via a variety of linguistic phenomena, mainly including cases of morphosyntax and semantics-pragmatics.The focus will be placed on different views of the language architecture, lexical access, syntax-semantic interface, ambiguity resolution, and contextual impact during online sentence processing. In addition, we will explore the relationship between the linguistic system and nonlinguistic cognition (e.g., social cognition, working memory, and cognitive control) and how the interplay of the two may influence language processing. |
課程代碼:55573800,授課教授:蕭宇超,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55576000,授課教授:張瑜芸,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course targets students who are interested in processing dataset automatically with programming language. The goal is to let students know how to write scripts with released packages to help further analyze data linguistically with basic knowledge in data processing with basic statistics and models. In this course, we'll handle text data with R (which is one of the prevalent programming languages nowadays). Research articles related to current linguistic issues and application approaches are assigned, and we will have a deeper discussion of these articles during the class. At the end of this course, students will need to do a final presentation and submit a final term paper.*每堂課程自備筆電 |
課程代碼:55576700,授課教授:戴智偉,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:Despite the fact that the Pacific Region is largely covered by water, it is a culturally extremely diverse region. From Island South-East, and more than 2300 languages on its islands. In this course, we investigate from an interdisciplinary perspective the languages belonging to the main language groups of the Pacific region: the Australian, Papuan, and Austronesian language families, and various languages that entered the Pacific area in colonial times. We discuss their history, their present distribution and status, their associated cultures, and some of their structural properties. While mainly focusing on indigenous languages, we also spend some time on the linguistic impact of different colonization waves. In a number of case studies, students will present interesting aspects of key languages.This course is taught in English. |
課程代碼:55579100,授課教授:萬依萍,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜一的8點到10點及禮拜一的12點到13點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55583000,授課教授:鍾曉芳,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55586700,授課教授:戴智偉,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course teaches students how to conduct linguistic fieldwork. This course has two components: lectures and a one-and-a-half to two-week fieldwork session.During the first part of the semester, lectures introduce student to fieldwork methodology. Topics include recording techniques, data gathering procedures, ethical and practical issues, linguistic background knowledge, and specialized software for language documentation. Accompanying practice sessions, allow them to practice applying this knowledge in the context of linguistic fieldwork and to prepare for the second part of this course.The second part of this course consists of a fieldwork trip to a location to be determined in consultation with the students. Students will participate in a two-week immersion fieldwork trip during the summer holidays, gather data on an underdocumented language, process this data, and produce a fieldwork report. |
課程代碼:55587400,授課教授:黃瓊之,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55676100,授課教授:周志煌,開課院所:外國語文學院的日本語文學系,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55676200,授課教授:楊明璋,開課院所:外國語文學院的日本語文學系,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55676300,授課教授:王淑琴,開課院所:外國語文學院的日本語文學系,授課時間:禮拜二的10點到12點,課程大綱:本課程的目的在了解日語的性質以及學習日語語法與語彙的研究方法,本學期透過研讀日本語學領域的基礎書籍,了解語法與語意之間的互動關係,進而應用於自身的研究。 |
課程代碼:55678900,授課教授:楊素霞,開課院所:外國語文學院的日本語文學系,授課時間:禮拜一的16點到18點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55681600,授課教授:喬曉筠,開課院所:外國語文學院的日本語文學系,授課時間:禮拜一的14點到16點,課程大綱:本科目は、日本語の談話に関する授業です。言語行動を観察・分析するための理論を学び、コミュニケーションに関わる幅広い分野の研究に対する理解を深めます。※ 授業のほかに、講演会や学会大会に参加してもらう場合があります。※ 履修者数・クラスの実態などに応じ、 以下の事項が変更される場合があります。授業の内容や計画、授業方法やデザイン、成績評価の方法、テキストや文献などを含みますが、これらに限りません。(課程將視實際狀況調整,包含但不限於課程主題及進度、授課方式、評量工具及所佔比例、指定/參考書。) |
課程代碼:55694700,授課教授:黑﨑貴史,開課院所:外國語文學院的日本語文學系,授課時間:禮拜二的14點到16點,課程大綱:教科書を中心に適宜関連資料を参照し,現代日本語の構文,意味,語用上の問題を考察する。毎回の授業内で課題を与える。その課題について,授業内でディスカッションを行う。また,後半の授業では,教科書の内容に関して口頭発表をしてもらう。その発表について議論する。そのため,指定された教科書部分,先行研究の文献,プリント資料などの予習を前提とする。授業状況に応じて,進行状況を調整する。17週目・18週目の授業内容については,初回の授業で説明します。(17週 與/或18週為教師彈性補充教學,彈性補充教學具體執行方式將於學期初說明。) |
課程代碼:55680700,授課教授:高啓豪,開課院所:外國語文學院的日本語文學系,授課時間:禮拜四的10點到12點,課程大綱:為有志從事近現代文學研究之碩士班學生設計,以從事近代文學研究所需的基礎知識開始切入,並逐一介紹日本近代文學研究的歷史脈絡、文本及先行研究導讀、文學思潮與研究趨勢,期能引導碩班生通盤理解近現代日本文學研究之方法與現況。*課程以實體進行,如改為同步遠距授課會以系統群組信告知有在修課名單的同學。遠距教學連結: https://meet.google.com/nhu-mjck-you*課程內容及進度將視實際教學狀況適宜調整。 |
課程代碼:55694100,授課教授:山藤夏郎,開課院所:外國語文學院的日本語文學系,授課時間:禮拜四的16點到18點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55700000,授課教授:朴炳善,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的16點到18點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55700100,授課教授:朴炳善,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:이 과목은 한국어학 연구와 한국어교육 이론 연구에 기초가 되는 한국어학의 전반적 전문 기초 지식 함양을 목표로 한다. |
課程代碼:55791000,授課教授:郭秋雯,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55795000,授課教授:李昭林,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:이 교과는 외국어로서 한국어교육 이론 및 교재 연구, 강의안작성법 등을 탐구하여 학습자들이 한국어교육 현장에 적용 가능한 실제 능력을 키우는 과목이다. |
課程代碼:55790700,授課教授:楊明璋,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程之主題有:1、東亞各國之宗教信仰;2、東亞各國宗教信仰的共相與殊相;3、東亞各國之間宗教信仰的受容;4、臺日韓各自之信仰與傳說的交涉。本課程具有如下之特色:1.本課程結集臺灣學者及日、韓國際學者,以東亞之信仰與傳說為題,認識東亞各國信仰、信仰傳說之共相與殊相。2.臺、日、韓三校學生相互討論、激盪,創造跨文化之學習情境。3.結合本校之日文、韓文、中文三系的師資,進行跨院跨系合作,提供學生跨域思考與學習之機會。本課程為為期一週共18小時之密集實體授課課程,授課語言以中文為主,視學生理解課程之需要,或採雙語方式授課。 |
課程代碼:55790900,授課教授:吳輪貞,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55793100,授課教授:陳在教,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:한국 문학사에서 한국한문학의 성립과정과 범주, 그리고 한국한문학의 실제 내용이 무엇인지 알아보고 학습한다. 특히 한국한문학사에서 중요한 흐름, 작가 및 작품을 구체적으로 확인하고 학습한다. |
課程代碼:56000700,授課教授:艾彌拉,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:This graduate course on the culture of Central Asian Turkic peoples aims to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the rich and diverse cultural heritage of the region. Through a multidisciplinary approach, students will explore topics such as language, literature, folklore, music, art, cuisine, religion, and social issues, among others. They will examine the historical, political, and social contexts that have shaped the region's culture and identity, as well as the ways in which cultural traditions have evolved and adapted over time. Additionally, students will gain insights into contemporary issues affecting the region and explore efforts to preserve and promote its cultural heritage. The course aims to equip students with a nuanced and comprehensive understanding of Central Asia and its peoples. |
課程代碼:56090200,授課教授:洪美蘭,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:蘇聯、東歐國家在一九八九年後陸續由共產計劃經濟轉型為市場經濟體,這些曾為國際社會中的所謂轉型經濟體已歷經多年市場經濟轉型發展,本課程將透過對其轉型模式和經濟社會發展之進程進行探討比較,以利學生熟悉和掌控中東歐國家和俄羅斯的經濟現狀與脈動,如中東歐國家由轉型為市場經濟體到加入歐盟;俄烏武裝衝突後國際政經架構變動下的中東歐與俄國之經濟發展等,加強學生對此區域之認知,培育相關經貿專才。 |
課程代碼:56093500,授課教授:蘇怡文,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的12點到15點,課程大綱:This course aims to introduce students to the fundamentals of Arab culture, ranging from religious aspects to local customs, with regard to its historical origins and its development in modern time. Students will learn about Arab culture, social structures,modus vivendi, and beliefs, as informed by divine scriptures and the interpretations of such sources over time. |
課程代碼:56089500,授課教授:艾彌拉,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course is designed for students who have little or no prior knowledge of the Kyrgyz language and aims to introduce students to the basic structure and grammar of Kyrgyz, as well as developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Students will also gain an understanding of Kyrgyz culture, customs and traditions. |
課程代碼:56089600,授課教授:顧朋,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:波斯語是伊朗的官方語言。全世界使用此語言的人口超過一億。此課程會先複習波斯語字母與標點符號,再加強學生的波斯語造句和對話、以及聽力。為波斯語之入門課程。 |
課程代碼:56089700,授課教授:顧朋,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:自古以來,伊朗在西亞若非扮主要角色就是扮極重要的角色。對政治經濟宗教社會各方面皆影響深刻。在宗教方面,伊朗的祆教影響到周遭的宗教與信仰。伊斯蘭也在傳到伊朗後受到當地學者與當時的方法論的影響而發展。所有這些在歷史上的影響力皆導致許多國家與伊朗之間彼此有很多看法、需求及要求。本課程將初步討論伊朗和三個層面的關係─即伊朗與國際強權的關係、區域性強權的關係和鄰國的關係。 |
課程代碼:56090700,授課教授:李登科,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的14點到17點,課程大綱:本科目將透過研讀重要學術期刊論文、專書、政府出版品以及具有代表性媒體之報導,協助選課學生有系統地了解中東地區的重大議題,包括以色列與巴勒斯坦人衝突、以色列與阿拉伯國家衝突、兩次波斯灣戰爭、伊朗研發核武、少數民族被迫害問題、宗教與族群衝突、能源衝突、恐怖主義威脅、茉莉花革命、敘利亞內戰、經濟發展以及民主化等等。 |
課程代碼:56091800,授課教授:許菁芸,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的14點到17點,課程大綱:最初,「歐亞」是一個地理概念:從這個意義上說,它只是最大的大陸;歐洲和亞洲的綜合大陸。但是,從地緣政治角度來看,「歐亞區域」有多種含義,反映了特定的地緣政治利益。「歐亞大陸」是最重要的地緣政治概念之一,歐亞大陸聚集著全球最多的人口、資源與工業力量。地緣政治學 家麥金德(Halford J. Mackinder)曾提出統治歐亞大陸(世界島)者, 可以掌控世界,而欲掌控世界島者,以能統治「心臟地帶」(Heartland) 為前提。蘇聯解體後,不僅是產生許多獨立國家,也形成了包含前蘇聯國家的新地緣政治不穩定區。因此,布里辛斯基(Brzenzinski)在其專書「大棋盤」(The Grand Chessboard)中,論及此不穩定區域包含部分前蘇聯國家、部分東南歐、中亞、部分南亞、波斯灣地區以及中亞,也就是廣義的歐亞(Eurasia)區域。而其內圈核心則是「歐亞巴爾幹」(The Eurasian Balkan),包含中亞五國(哈薩克、吉爾吉斯、塔吉克、烏茲別克、土庫曼)、高加索三國(亞塞拜然、亞美尼亞、喬治亞),阿富汗,另可包含土耳其、伊朗和伊拉克。因此,所謂「心臟地帶」的位置 含括現今的俄羅斯及前蘇聯等共和國。因此,俄羅斯領土橫跨歐亞,歐亞主義結合地緣政治的學說,成為帝俄、蘇聯、和俄羅斯聯邦的外交政策指標之一。歐亞主義初為文化思想,早於19世紀末萌芽,提倡斯拉夫文化優越論,視東正教為基督教正統,認為歐亞獨一無二,非歐非亞,擁有獨特的文化價值。由此,俄國應走獨特的發展路線,對彼得大帝的西化改革不以為然。1917年俄國爆發「十月革命」,知識份子重提歐亞主義(又稱古典歐亞主義),並增添地緣政治元素,與社會主義分庭抗禮。古典歐亞主義者採納麥金德(Halford Mackinder)的「心臟地帶」說,視俄國為陸權國家,有條件自給自足,與西方海權國家不遑多讓。就如古典歐亞主義興起於沙皇政權被推翻,新歐亞主義也在1991年蘇聯解體之時冒起,填補俄國的意識形態空缺。新歐亞主義的領銜人物為前莫斯科國立大學教授杜金(Alexander Dugin),他的論述聚焦於地緣政治,傳揚極端反西方思想。它提倡多極化世界,認為以俄國為首的歐亞勢力要捍衛集體主義等傳統價值,批評以自由主義為基礎的「普世價值觀」為西方霸權。與古典歐亞主義提倡孤立主義(isolationism)外交原則不一樣,杜金樂於與其他國家的右翼政黨組成聯合反西方陣線,使新歐亞主義不受地域限制。本課程以俄羅斯的歐亞主義為主,本課程主題為歐亞區域之政治經濟議題與區域情勢,討論之重心:(一)俄羅斯與前蘇聯國家政經與外交、探討的歐亞區域包含俄羅斯、前蘇聯國家(包含中亞)為心臟地帶與其他歐亞國家的互動與影響,討論俄羅斯外交政策、歐亞主義與地緣政治(二)歐亞區域政治、安全、區域整合組織的形成與發展、(三)NATO、歐盟之規範性權力、中國的一帶一路倡議對整體歐亞區域權力結構、市場、經濟的影響(四)俄烏戰爭開始後,對歐亞區域的影響。 |
課程代碼:56093300,授課教授:魏百谷,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的10點到13點,課程大綱:本課程期藉由講授、課堂報告討論之方式,增進學生對俄羅斯能源相關議題的瞭解。 |
課程代碼:56000600,授課教授:張景安,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:Middle Eastern studies includes a wide spectrum of important topics. For the purpose of helping students earn a comprehensive idea of the scopes of the Middle Eastern studies, this course aims at discussing various crucial research topics related to the Middle East. The course consists of 6 parts, religion, society, culture, politics, economy, and gender. Except politics taking three weeks lecturing, the rest of the topics will be conducted two weeks respectively. |
課程代碼:95191300,授課教授:陳劍涵、黃怡萍,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系英語教學碩士在職專班,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:The Bilingual 2030 Policy in Taiwan sets ambitious goals for the bilingualization of education. One of the key objectives of this policy is to promote the use of English in teaching. This trend presents unique challenges and opportunities for educators and policymakers in Taiwan. To address this need, this course aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to design effective bilingual education courses. Specifically, the course has three objectives:Develop an understanding of the foundations of bilingual education.Use strategies for effective bilingual teaching and course design.Critically evaluate bilingual education policies and practices. |
課程代碼:95191700,授課教授:招靜琪,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系英語教學碩士在職專班,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:語言教室裡最重要的人物應該就是語言學習者了。我們常聽到老師們習慣性把學生分成有動機與沒動機兩種、覺得他們好被動,沒甚麼自主學習能力。但是,站在學習者自我概念相關理念思考的話,就會知道這其實不是有與沒有的問題,學生的動機也好,自主力也好,不可能是固定不變的,它跟學生所處的社會文化場景有關,與學習者所認定的自我認定的概念形象身份(identity)是連動的。而自我形象的強弱變化也常會引發學習者決定改變現狀,發揮出agency的表現。也就是說,學生願不願意「投資」自己的精力時間,是有很多環境因素的,教室裡的互動其實也沒那麼單純,不是有或沒有某些心理特性就可以了,更不是文法單字都搞定了,就順理成章可以所學的外語與人說話、互動。The most important individual in a language classroom is definitely the learner. We often hear teachers habitually group students into the motivated and the unmotivated, and they complain a lot about learners’ being passive or having no capability for autonomous learning. However, if you have the concept of language learner self, agency, and identity, you would know that the psychological construct of motivation may not tell the whole story. The social-cultural context around the learner can greatly impact their identity and the way they invest their time and energy in language learning. We need to think beyond the surface-level observation and seek a deeper understanding of the socio-cultural reasons behind student behaviors and attitudes.早期對學習者議題方面的研究著重於動機(motivation)、情緒(所謂的affective filter)、焦慮感(anxiety)、自主力(autonomy)等相關心理概念,採的是比較斷面的思維與研究方法;不論是時間、歷史脈絡或社會文化場景都拒之於探討範圍之外,不太把這些議題跟學習者所處的社會文化環境想成是連動的狀態、也不考慮時間會帶來變化,更常忽略了屬於學習者經驗中的複雜現實層面。Indeed, earlier studies on language learners tended to focus a lot on such psychological constructs as motivation, affective factors, anxiety, autonomy, etc. The more complex aspects of social, cultural, time and history surrounding the learner were often filtered out of the discussion.1990年後期,衛考斯基社會文化理論開始發揮影響,才帶動的一股研究新浪潮。最近二十年因為Bonny Norton, Claire Kramsch, Leo van Lier, Gary Barkhuizen, David Block等諸多學者的研究與理論推廣,語言學習者自我概念方面的研究變得非常暢旺。It was after the 1990s when Vygotskian Sociocultural perspectives became widely accepted by SLA/TESOL that we started to see new research foci emerging in the field. In the past two decades, Bonny Norton, Claire Kramsch, Leo van Lier, Garry Barkhuizen, David Block, and many other researchers made tremendous contributions in both theory and research that language learner’s self, agency, and identity finally became a heated line of research in SLA/TESOL. The number of book publications and journal special issues in the worldwide TESOL community is growing every year.但是國外的研究,例如Norton著名研究中的加拿大女性移民經驗,強調學習者所遭遇到的角力關係(power)、社會階級(class)、人種(race)、性別(gender)等等議題,似乎與國人所關心的英語教學議題是有距離的,一般老師讀者可能看不出關連與真正的關鍵。The problem for us researchers from Taiwan, perhaps other parts of Asia and the world as well, however, is that the emphases of power, class, race, and gender-related to international identity studies are not that familiar. If you are a local language teacher, you would find it difficult to relate. There seems a gap between the issues that we are interested in and what the international research community is interested in.為了探索屬於國人的觀念連結,本課程指在帶領同學們進入這樣的新興研究領域。由閱讀別人的研究出發,並藉著實際進行質性個案與敘事研究,探索台灣如何在屬於我們的特殊歷史、社會、文化環境之下造就你我這樣的EFL學習者,而隨著時間與社會的變化,又如何讓我們的學生願意投資自己學習英文或者引起學生抗拒英語文、讓他們得以或者不能夠在各種不同的正式與非正式的學習情境之下(如教室vs.出國留學、打工、網路遊戲)學習與使用英語文。如果你覺得聽起來有點複雜,那我要說,嗯,現實本來就是複雜的。別擔心,這正是這類研究有趣的地方。In order to make the link between the international research community and our own, this course aims to introduce the class participants to this recent line of research. This is an introductory (basic)-level graduate course. We will start by reading others’ work (journal articles and book chapters) and then move on to conduct a small study. Our goal is to explore through qualitative case study and narrative inquiry methods, for example, how Taiwan with its unique history, society and culture has managed to cultivate some unique language learning and teaching experiences. What stories are there behind those who traveled all the way from home to here to be our learners? Why are our learners willing or unwilling to invest in their language learning? Yes, it is a bit complicated. But, you know what? Life is always complicated. This is why the research of language learner’s self, agency, and identity is very interesting. |
課程代碼:95194700,授課教授:施堂模,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系英語教學碩士在職專班,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course aims to give students an understanding of the possibilities of using literary works to teach English, a grasp of literary genres and techniques, and practice in integrating literature into syllabuses and in creating literary works. |
課程代碼:95100800,授課教授:許麗媛,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系英語教學碩士在職專班,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course is designed to familiarize students with the process involved in writing a thesis proposal which will lead to the successful writing of the thesis at the completion of this master’s program. |
課程代碼:95100500,授課教授:余明忠,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系英語教學碩士在職專班,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:The purpose of this course is to introduce a clear and comprehensive overview of linguistic research methods in applied linguistics. The course is aimed at those who are new to studies in the field of language learning or who may have done or written some research work without academic guidance. Specific focus is on how to help education researchers and classroom teachers understand and critique published studies in applied linguistics. After completing this course, students are expected to have become interested enough to delve further into the literature and maybe even to embark on research of their own. |
課程代碼:95100700,授課教授:尤雪瑛、劉怡君,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系英語教學碩士在職專班,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:The course lays stress on both theory and practice aiming to offer quality training for teaching English as a foreign language. |
課程代碼:55100700,授課教授:邱彥彬,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:With the irrevocable “re-territorialization” of literary studies, literary theory is plunged into a grave crisis in the 21stcentury. At this juncture, literary theory is either dismissed as irrelevant to literary studies, or refunctioned as a simple tool for interpreting literary texts. All in all, theory has lost much of its weight in problematizing the way we engage with the text and the world as it used to do in the past. Despite the adversity it is confronted with, it is the last thing for literary theory to content itself with being an “odd one out” in the field of literary studies. In a bid to appreciate how literary theory goes into the current crisis, and how it evolves to weather the inroads of backlash, this seminar will start by fully discussing Joseph North’sLiterary Criticism: A Concise Political History. Then, the focus of this semester’s reading will be placed specifically on “New Materialism” and the “planet-turn” of ecocriticism and their critics. By engaging extensively with these two trail-blazing theoretical predilections in the 21stcentury, we hope to see more clearly how they wrestle with the dubious theoretical assumptions and outline a vision for the future of literary theory. |
課程代碼:55173500,授課教授:張瑜芸,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course targets students who are interested in processing dataset automatically with programming language. The goal is to let students know how to write scripts with released packages to help further analyze data linguistically with basic knowledge in data processing with basic statistics and models. In this course, we'll handle text data with R (which is one of the prevalent programming languages nowadays). Research articles related to current linguistic issues and application approaches are assigned, and we will have a deeper discussion of these articles during the class. At the end of this course, students will need to do a final presentation and submit a final term paper.*每堂課程自備筆電 |
課程代碼:55180900,授課教授:黃瓊之,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55183700,授課教授:許麗媛,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:The main aim of this course is to link theoretical bases with practical techniques for the teaching of listening and speaking skills in the English classroom. The course focuses on key issues in the teaching of listening and speaking skills including such topics as listening and speaking processes, teaching approaches, tasks, and assessment. |
課程代碼:55184600,授課教授:黃怡萍,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course aims to provide students with a general understanding of the major approaches, theories, and issues of ELT curriculum and materials design. The following topics will be discussed:Nature and evolution of curriculum developmentNeeds analysis & ESPELF awarenessCLIL/EMIMultiliteraciesMultimodalitiesTranslanguagingLinguistics & content analysisThese concepts will be taught by a discussion-based and project-based teaching method; that is, we will discuss the above abstract topics by developing and examiningdifferent ELT syllabus/curriculum/course designs and various kinds of ELT materials.By so doing, this course aims to equip students with the ability tocriticallyanalyze, design, and evaluate an ELT course and teaching materials. |
課程代碼:55173400,授課教授:賴瑶鍈,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course addresses how human beings comprehend language in real-time, grounded on the architecture of our mental grammar. We will discuss various language processing models rooted in different frameworks of linguistics. To understand how the language architecture supports online sentence comprehension, we will take an overview of the theoretical accounts, examine linguistic patterns and experimental evidence, and discuss advantages/disadvantages of different processing models via a variety of linguistic phenomena, mainly including cases of morphosyntax and semantics-pragmatics.The focus will be placed on different views of the language architecture, lexical access, syntax-semantic interface, ambiguity resolution, and contextual impact during online sentence processing. In addition, we will explore the relationship between the linguistic system and nonlinguistic cognition (e.g., social cognition, working memory, and cognitive control) and how the interplay of the two may influence language processing. |
課程代碼:55173600,授課教授:戴智偉,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:Despite the fact that the Pacific Region is largely covered by water, it is a culturally extremely diverse region. From Island South-East, and more than 2300 languages on its islands. In this course, we investigate from an interdisciplinary perspective the languages belonging to the main language groups of the Pacific region: the Australian, Papuan, and Austronesian language families, and various languages that entered the Pacific area in colonial times. We discuss their history, their present distribution and status, their associated cultures, and some of their structural properties. While mainly focusing on indigenous languages, we also spend some time on the linguistic impact of different colonization waves. In a number of case studies, students will present interesting aspects of key languages.This course is taught in English. |
課程代碼:55175200,授課教授:招靜琪,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜四的16點到19點,課程大綱:語言教室裡最重要的人物應該就是語言學習者了。我們常聽到老師們習慣性把學生分成有動機與沒動機兩種、覺得他們好被動,沒甚麼自主學習能力。但是,站在學習者自我概念相關理念思考的話,就會知道這其實不是有與沒有的問題,學生的動機也好,自主力也好,不可能是固定不變的,它跟學生所處的社會文化場景有關,與學習者所認定的自我認定的概念形象身份(identity)是連動的。而自我形象的強弱變化也常會引發學習者決定改變現狀,發揮出agency的表現。也就是說,學生願不願意「投資」自己的精力時間,是有很多環境因素的,教室裡的互動其實也沒那麼單純,不是有或沒有某些心理特性就可以了,更不是文法單字都搞定了,就順理成章可以所學的外語與人說話、互動。The most important individual in a language classroom is definitely the learner. We often hear teachers habitually group students into the motivated and the unmotivated, and they complain a lot about learners’ being passive or having no capability for autonomous learning. However, if you have the concept of language learner self, agency, and identity, you would know that the psychological construct of motivation may not tell the whole story. The social-cultural context around the learner can greatly impact their identity and the way they invest their time and energy in language learning. We need to think beyond the surface-level observation and seek a deeper understanding of the socio-cultural reasons behind student behaviors and attitudes.早期對學習者議題方面的研究著重於動機(motivation)、情緒(所謂的affective filter)、焦慮感(anxiety)、自主力(autonomy)等相關心理概念,採的是比較斷面的思維與研究方法;不論是時間、歷史脈絡或社會文化場景都拒之於探討範圍之外,不太把這些議題跟學習者所處的社會文化環境想成是連動的狀態、也不考慮時間會帶來變化,更常忽略了屬於學習者經驗中的複雜現實層面。Indeed, earlier studies on language learners tended to focus a lot on such psychological constructs as motivation, affective factors, anxiety, autonomy, etc. The more complex aspects of social, cultural, time and history surrounding the learner were often filtered out of the discussion.1990年後期,衛考斯基社會文化理論開始發揮影響,才帶動的一股研究新浪潮。最近二十年因為Bonny Norton, Claire Kramsch, Leo van Lier, Gary Barkhuizen, David Block等諸多學者的研究與理論推廣,語言學習者自我概念方面的研究變得非常暢旺。It was after the 1990s when Vygotskian Sociocultural perspectives became widely accepted by SLA/TESOL that we started to see new research foci emerging in the field. In the past two decades, Bonny Norton, Claire Kramsch, Leo van Lier, Garry Barkhuizen, David Block, and many other researchers made tremendous contributions in both theory and research that language learner’s self, agency, and identity finally became a heated line of research in SLA/TESOL. The number of book publications and journal special issues in the worldwide TESOL community is growing every year.但是國外的研究,例如Norton著名研究中的加拿大女性移民經驗,強調學習者所遭遇到的角力關係(power)、社會階級(class)、人種(race)、性別(gender)等等議題,似乎與國人所關心的英語教學議題是有距離的,一般老師讀者可能看不出關連與真正的關鍵。The problem for us researchers from Taiwan, perhaps other parts of Asia and the world as well, however, is that the emphases of power, class, race, and gender-related to international identity studies are not that familiar. If you are a local language teacher, you would find it difficult to relate. There seems a gap between the issues that we are interested in and what the international research community is interested in.為了探索屬於國人的觀念連結,本課程指在帶領同學們進入這樣的新興研究領域。由閱讀別人的研究出發,並藉著實際進行質性個案與敘事研究,探索台灣如何在屬於我們的特殊歷史、社會、文化環境之下造就你我這樣的EFL學習者,而隨著時間與社會的變化,又如何讓我們的學生願意投資自己學習英文或者引起學生抗拒英語文、讓他們得以或者不能夠在各種不同的正式與非正式的學習情境之下(如教室vs.出國留學、打工、網路遊戲)學習與使用英語文。如果你覺得聽起來有點複雜,那我要說,嗯,現實本來就是複雜的。別擔心,這正是這類研究有趣的地方。In order to make the link between the international research community and our own, this course aims to introduce the class participants to this recent line of research. This is an introductory (basic)-level graduate course. We will start by reading others’ work (journal articles and book chapters) and then move on to conduct a small study. Our goal is to explore through qualitative case study and narrative inquiry methods, for example, how Taiwan with its unique history, society and culture has managed to cultivate some unique language learning and teaching experiences. What stories are there behind those who traveled all the way from home to here to be our learners? Why are our learners willing or unwilling to invest in their language learning? Yes, it is a bit complicated. But, you know what? Life is always complicated. This is why the research of language learner’s self, agency, and identity is very interesting. |
課程代碼:55176100,授課教授:吳易道,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55179400,授課教授:鍾曉芳,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55183000,授課教授:姜翠芬,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:The class begins with a survey of Postcolonial theories, to be followed by the analysis of eleven Postcolonial plays. Theorists studied in class range from Fanon, Said, Spivak, Bhabha, Gilroy, to Ashcroft. The dramatic literature included for this postcolonial approach, on the basis of the Commonwealth Literature, offers a diversified spectrum from Indo-Anglian, African American, Caribbean, African, Canadian, to Asian dramas. |
課程代碼:55575600,授課教授:賴瑶鍈,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course addresses how human beings comprehend language in real-time, grounded on the architecture of our mental grammar. We will discuss various language processing models rooted in different frameworks of linguistics. To understand how the language architecture supports online sentence comprehension, we will take an overview of the theoretical accounts, examine linguistic patterns and experimental evidence, and discuss advantages/disadvantages of different processing models via a variety of linguistic phenomena, mainly including cases of morphosyntax and semantics-pragmatics.The focus will be placed on different views of the language architecture, lexical access, syntax-semantic interface, ambiguity resolution, and contextual impact during online sentence processing. In addition, we will explore the relationship between the linguistic system and nonlinguistic cognition (e.g., social cognition, working memory, and cognitive control) and how the interplay of the two may influence language processing. |
課程代碼:55573800,授課教授:蕭宇超,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55576000,授課教授:張瑜芸,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course targets students who are interested in processing dataset automatically with programming language. The goal is to let students know how to write scripts with released packages to help further analyze data linguistically with basic knowledge in data processing with basic statistics and models. In this course, we'll handle text data with R (which is one of the prevalent programming languages nowadays). Research articles related to current linguistic issues and application approaches are assigned, and we will have a deeper discussion of these articles during the class. At the end of this course, students will need to do a final presentation and submit a final term paper.*每堂課程自備筆電 |
課程代碼:55576700,授課教授:戴智偉,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:Despite the fact that the Pacific Region is largely covered by water, it is a culturally extremely diverse region. From Island South-East, and more than 2300 languages on its islands. In this course, we investigate from an interdisciplinary perspective the languages belonging to the main language groups of the Pacific region: the Australian, Papuan, and Austronesian language families, and various languages that entered the Pacific area in colonial times. We discuss their history, their present distribution and status, their associated cultures, and some of their structural properties. While mainly focusing on indigenous languages, we also spend some time on the linguistic impact of different colonization waves. In a number of case studies, students will present interesting aspects of key languages.This course is taught in English. |
課程代碼:55579100,授課教授:萬依萍,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜一的8點到10點及禮拜一的12點到13點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55583000,授課教授:鍾曉芳,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55586700,授課教授:戴智偉,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course teaches students how to conduct linguistic fieldwork. This course has two components: lectures and a one-and-a-half to two-week fieldwork session.During the first part of the semester, lectures introduce student to fieldwork methodology. Topics include recording techniques, data gathering procedures, ethical and practical issues, linguistic background knowledge, and specialized software for language documentation. Accompanying practice sessions, allow them to practice applying this knowledge in the context of linguistic fieldwork and to prepare for the second part of this course.The second part of this course consists of a fieldwork trip to a location to be determined in consultation with the students. Students will participate in a two-week immersion fieldwork trip during the summer holidays, gather data on an underdocumented language, process this data, and produce a fieldwork report. |