課程代碼:00021804,授課教授:黃明聖,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:實體教學。教室270113。1. 本科目為財政系必修課,也收外系有興趣的學生。2. 本科目為大一  "經濟學原理" 的延伸。3. 本學期將簡介 凱因斯的生平故事,重點放在 "短期" 的商品市場 (消費,投資,政府支出),及資產市場。換言之,主要關心的是:  所得,利率。4. 課本為我和施燕老師所著的中文本為主,統計數據也將以台灣的為主。但會適時補充國外資料。遠距:  google meet代碼  cmo-ytdh-zztgws-pymo-zjj    (請以第一個優先)
課程代碼:00021801,授課教授:洪福聲,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:This one-year course is a lesson of how the aggregate economic variables, such as inflation, unemployment, international trade, short-run fluctuations, and long-run economic growth…etc, are determined and affected by decisions of private agents. We will present contemporary theories to explain macroeconomic phenomena. We will also study how government fiscal and monetary policies may be used to stabilize price level, reach full employment, and promote economic growth.
課程代碼:00021805,授課教授:李文傑,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:Macroeconimics is a full-year course that covers the determination of income, employment, the price level,interest rates and exchange rates in the economy. The economy will be analysed in the short run (e.g. business cycle and stabilization policy) and in the long run (e.g. economic grow th). The insights of Keynesian and classical theories will be integrated. During the course a variety of simple models will be presented. As macroeconomics is an empirical discipline the course will cover case studies and statistical data interpretation. We will especially investigate the difference among countries with different growth performance.
課程代碼:00060502,授課教授:劉承愚,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的16點到18點,課程大綱:商業活動的法律規範係以民法為基礎,再依據不同行為的特性,立法加以規範。本課程將介紹商業行為中常用的兩項法律(1)規範支付工具的票據法;以及(2)規範商業組織的公司法。以協助同學建立對於商業行為法律規範的基本認識。本課程授課以講義為主,同學務必預習方能收到較好的學習效果,沒有預習課程習慣的同學請慎選。預計於每一授課週的前一週五23:59前,在MW5公告欄張貼次週課程及詳閱指定提問及報告(作業繳交)名單,    且會有出席及參與討論之點名,請選課同學務必每週上MW5下載,未依規定繳交作業者以零分計算。沒有出席課程習慣以及無意參與討論的同學,請慎選。請選課同學務必學會使用本校MS TEAMS 遠距教學系統,以因應疫情或需彈性上課時使用。
課程代碼:00060401,授課教授:王正偉,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的10點到12點,課程大綱:商事法係民法之特別法,本課程兼顧「民法基礎與商事法規範之認識」。由於民法是私人之間法律關係的基礎法律規範,所有可能的私有財產或身分關係的法律糾紛,皆係運用「民法為基礎的法律規範」以達到「定紛止爭」的目的。生活在工商經濟活動甚為頻繁的現代社會裡,重要的民法基礎知識是維護生活利益不可或缺的常識,從生活用品的買賣、旅行契約的應有內容到借款投資的法律風險等等,如能瞭解法律、預先做好風險管理,必能預防糾紛,順利地實現生活上或交易上的目的。商事法則進一步規範主要商業交易行為安全與秩序,傳統上以公司法、票據法、保險法與海商法為範圍,而智慧財產權之保護、有價證券之交易秩序、公平交易制度與消費者安全之維護等重要課題,尚須其他法律規範的相輔相成。基於前述的觀點,本課程之目標有下列三項:(一)瞭解商業交易必備的法律知識(二)建立預防糾紛的風險管理觀念(三)培養專業經理人應有的商事法基礎教學評量標準:一、期中考40%,主要範圍包括有限責任與無限責任之區分、公司之意義與種類、經理人之意義與職責、有限公司之設立及特色、股份有限公司之設立及股票。二、學期報告,第一份屬於股份有限公司指定資料之蒐集、第二份為公司治理與公司法合計60%,不考期末考試。一、Course objectiveCivil law is the fundamental of business law. This course provides the knowledge of basic essential of civil law and the principle of business law concurrently. Because civil law is the fundamental law of personal legal relationship all possible legal disputes of private property or status are resolved through the enforcement of civil law. In our modern society business activities are very frequent therefore basic knowledge of civil law is essential common sense to ensure commerce or ordinary life benefits. If people can understand law and make risk management in advance you can prevent disputes from daily purchase travel contract to the risk of load investment and realize the legal benefit of life or transaction.Business law further rules the security system and order of major business transaction. Traditionally it ranges from Company law Insurance law Bill law and Maritime law. However we still need other laws to help the protection of intellectual property transaction regulation of securities fair transaction system and safeguard of consumer protection etc.Base on the above opinions the objectives of this course is shown as following three:1. To develop the essential concept and norm of business law for professional managers2. Understand the required legal knowledge in business transaction3. Set up the risk management opinion of preventing disputes in business transaction.
課程代碼:00035602,授課教授:譚丹琪、蘇威傑,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的14點到17點,課程大綱:Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and business ethics have become important recently. Business schools around the world have made CSR-related courses required courses, in the hope that students will learn the challenges of how to lead the organizations profitably and responsibly. Students will learn the basic concept of CSR and business ethics through case discussion. Students will understand the difficulty from sustainable and ethical perspectives. As a result, they may be inspired by how different decisions may lead to different consequences that result in various risk management and corporate competitiveness.
課程代碼:00071303,授課教授:洪芷漪,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:Calculus is a basic, unversity-entrance level mathematics course which is needed as a prerequiste for the majority of the other university-level mathematics courses. The main goal of the course is to expose students to the fundamentals of calculus as well as provide rigorous training in analytic thinking and (mathematical) problem solving.
課程代碼:00071200,授課教授:陳政輝,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:微積分是學習高等數學最重要的入門課程 , 本課程由極限的概念出發 , 探討函數的連續性與光滑性質 , 逐步引導學生學習微分與積分的觀念技巧 , 使學生能將微積分運用於未來學習之專業課程或提供對數學有興趣的學生基本觀念 , 以利其學習更進階之數學課程.
課程代碼:00071102,授課教授:曾睿彬,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:This is a 3-hour course designed for first-year students in the Department of Economics. It will provide students with fundamental knowledge and techniques in calculus.
課程代碼:00071302,授課教授:林俊良,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:Calculus is a basic, unversity-entrance level mathematics course which is needed as a prerequiste for the majority of the other university-level mathematics courses. The main goal of the course is to expose students to the fundamentals of calculus as well as provide rigorous training in analytic thinking and (mathematical) problem solving.
課程代碼:00071400,授課教授:蔡承育,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:Calculus is a basic, university-entrance-level mathematics course that is needed as a prerequisite for the majority of other university-level mathematics courses. The main goal of the course is to expose students to the fundamentals of calculus as well as provide rigorous training in analytic thinking and (mathematical) problem-solving.
課程代碼:00071100,授課教授:邱普照,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程爲本科必修課。本學期的主題爲極限以及(經典)微分。我們將會在下學期討論(黎曼)積分。This is a required undergraduate course. The main theme of this semester is limit and (classical) differentiation. We will discuss (Riemannian) integral at next semester.
課程代碼:00071301,授課教授:曾正男,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:Calculus is a basic, unversity-entrance level mathematics course which is needed as a prerequiste for the majority of the other university-level mathematics courses. The main goal of the course is to expose students to the fundamentals of calculus as well as provide rigorous training in analytic thinking and (mathematical) problem solving.
課程代碼:03103104,授課教授:王婉如,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程選取唐代至清代不同時期、不同心境、不同環境下所創作的散文,從「人與社會」出發,討論古人在職場上或是生活上是如何應對進退、如何選擇「朋友」和上司及同儕相處,一起看古人如何進行團隊協作、複雜問題解決能力以及他們的變化適應力和情商展現,至「人與人、自我叩問」看他們的一生在追尋什麼樣的意義,最後到「人與自然」看職場之外的古人是怎麼樣生活。是「工作即生活,生活即工作」還是一直嘗試調節工作與生活的距離?考夫卡曾說「群體的力量勝於個體力量的加總」(The whole is other than the sum of the parts—Kurt Koffka)或許我們可以共同從古人已經走過的路汲取到仍可以為現代社會所用的智慧和思想結晶。「國文」課程的每一大主題選文皆貫穿唐代至清代的創作時間,看似寬泛實則聚焦於「人與社會」、「人與人」、「自我叩問」三者的交互關係,並思索「人與自然」、在古典散文乃至於現代社會的價值與意義。本課程在教師講述的過程中,將同時訓練同學「知識統整與表述」、「事件鋪排與陳述」的能力,通過一學期的學期,將有:1.理解古典散文中的經典意象以及作者內外在多層次內涵的能力;2.藉由搜集與統整能再造「新」自我認知的能力,提升自我美學感受的能力;3.以習得的文字能力做搭配,結合時下熱點、時事,與自我以及社會開展對話,活用古典散文,完成團隊策劃的能力。「國文」適合已對古典散文有一定基礎的中文系大一同學,為系必修,非中文系學生請選擇其他相對應課程。
課程代碼:03100802,授課教授:蔡妙真,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:以中國古典短篇小說名篇為媒介,引起學生領略文學意象世界,鼓勵學生積極提 問、主動搜索,進而建構以下三種能力: 一、中國歷代主要短篇小說之研讀及賞析能力。 二、吸取資料之後,批判、運用及轉化資料的能力。三、口語及書寫表達之訓練、學術論文寫作能力
課程代碼:03103101,授課教授:古育安,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:中國古典散文內容豐富,類別多樣,本課程範圍為唐代至清代之古典散文,課程內容以散文史的發展為脈絡,選擇在理論、形式與內涵等方面具有代性的文章,並聚焦在以「人」為核心的五大主題,即「人與天」、「人與自然」、「人與社會」、「人與人」、「自我叩問」。希望同學能了解唐代至清代古典散文的發展軌跡,並從文章中體會古人的社會、文化、思想與生活面貌,同時透過古今對話,啟發關於當代相關問題的思考。本課程的大綱如下:導 論:古典散文概論第一講:唐代散文第二講:宋代散文第三講:明代散文第四講:清代散文
課程代碼:03103102,授課教授:楊明璋,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:授課對象為中文系大一學生,故本課程的設計以學生中學所學為基礎,讓學生先再次思索讀書的本質、如何成就人生的智慧等問題,進而引領學生進入較他們中學所認識的唐宋及明清古文、古文家,更為深、廣的領域。一方面選介唐宋、明清古文大家的作品,另一方面加強學生的甄別能力,特別是數位時代流通之文本良莠不齊,文本鑑識力亟需培養,故安排有「古典散文文獻簡介」一單元,主要介紹「傳統集部文獻」、「類書、叢書文獻」、「電子文獻」等三種類型的文獻。同時也引介中、西方文論,建構傳統與現代對話的模式,增進學生對古文鑑賞及語文表達之能力。Bertrand Russell曾說:「人類自古以來有三個敵人,其一是自然(nature)」,其二是他人(other people),其三是自我(ego)。」故在進行語文教學的同時,也將緊扣「自我叩問」、「人與人(他人、家庭、社會、國家)」、「人與自然(環境)」等來進行探究。
課程代碼:03200104,授課教授:謝思蕾,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200105,授課教授:毛佩琦,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:本班接受大四生或轉學生加簽,請以英文來信簡短介紹自己及想加簽本班原因。非大四或轉學生若想修習本班課程無須一一來信,請直接加入本班遞補名單,由系統直接遞補。College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200107,授課教授:林翰儀,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200110,授課教授:賴宇彤,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200120,授課教授:李寶莉,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English,and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integrated course, a particular emphasis will be placed on speaking and writing skills students tend to lack most. All College English I/II courses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200121,授課教授:趙宣彭,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world.While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200124,授課教授:陳彩虹,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integrated course, a particular emphasis will be placed on speaking and writing skills freshman students tend to lack most. All College English I/II courses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200127,授課教授:陳綉諭,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200129,授課教授:余懿珊,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.All College English I/II courses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200140,授課教授:李寶莉,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English,and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integrated course, a particular emphasis will be placed on speaking and writing skills students tend to lack most. All College English I/II courses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200145,授課教授:蘇靖棻,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200152,授課教授:陳雅莉,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200163,授課教授:余懿珊,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.All College English I/II courses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200170,授課教授:王力英,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200181,授課教授:賴宇彤,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200183,授課教授:謝思蕾,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200188,授課教授:陳佳琦,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的18點到21點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200192,授課教授:毛佩琦,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:本班實際報到之外籍生人數若少於30人時,則開放各學院之本國籍學生加簽。College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200103,授課教授:黃杏妃,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200106,授課教授:郭曉蓉,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200108,授課教授:余懿珊,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.All College English I/II courses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200109,授課教授:李寶莉,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English,and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integrated course, a particular emphasis will be placed on speaking and writing skills students tend to lack most. All College English I/II courses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200123,授課教授:黃淑真,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200125,授課教授:謝思蕾,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200126,授課教授:戚大為,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200130,授課教授:王力英,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200141,授課教授:金嘉炘,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integrated course, a particular emphasis will be placed on speaking and writing skills freshman students tend to lack most. All College English I/II courses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200142,授課教授:黃杏妃,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200146,授課教授:戚大為,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200148,授課教授:王力英,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200149,授課教授:林翰儀,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200150,授課教授:郭曉蓉,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English, and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integratedcourse, a particular emphasis will be placed onspeaking and writing skills students tend to lack most.AllCollege English I/IIcourses are conducted in English.
課程代碼:03200160,授課教授:李寶莉,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency, be prepared for learning in a higher education environment in English,and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integrated course, a particular emphasis will be placed on speaking and writing skills students tend to lack most. All College English I/II courses are conducted in English.