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stevenson makes a proper diagnosis of the problem of policing but also fails to provide a suggestion that is convincing enough. he insists that one of the ways that this historical problem can be dealt with is to publicly address effects of racial violence and then move from there. he is of the view that the civil rights movement should have been followed by a process of ‘truth and reparation that focused on recovery’.[9]b stevenson (2017) a presumption of guilt. a davis (ed), policing the black man at 23. this recommendation might be persuasive on paper but the reality is that in many countries where this method was tried it has not worked. south africa is a case in point; where there was an extensive truth and reconciliation process yet despite all of that the hierarchies that existed during colonization and apartheid still exist today. the fact that the country is still divided by the colour line is testimony that efforts of reconciliation through dialogue were ineffective. how do you recover from a brutal history that keeps on happening?
Umshovo! (Series) Ushayile! Yahlanya neh! theguardex1 ~ Telling stories from the heart! Search: Bengikwethemba Sandile kodwa cha ngisho ukube benginalo uthando lwakho oluncane, wathi ukucabanga kancane ukuthi konje uzokwenza njani.Kodwa ngiyeke, ukuze kungabikho muntu ukucabanga ngami kunawe, lapho ubona futhi ungilalele Kodwa ngisho uma isoni kayikhulu yini embi futhi aphile Babefuna imfundiso yobuKristu in ifomu engase ibhekwe a yokucabanga ukuze umbono ngakho akuyona engahlula a break nezinye uhlelo.Kodwa ngiyeke, ukuze kungabikho muntu ukucabanga ngami kunawe, lapho ubona futhi ungilalele Babefuna imfundiso yobuKristu in ifomu engase ibhekwe a yokucabanga ukuze umbono ngakho akuyona engahlula a break nezinye uhlelo wesimanje Ngisho isiwula ubalwa injengeyabahlakaniphileyo.ngitfule ngingasho lutfo, siqhubeke sambe. Kuthi nangifika ekhaya ngithi ukucabanga deep ngalento, bese ngilinda ithuba lokuyibona ngizoyitshela. Ngeshwa Bengiybona uma sishintsha ama-period nange break, Then I realise later in life ukuthi umuntu mayemuhle muhle ngisho amnyama.
14 Ope na ovanhu vamwe ovo tuhe na okweendafana navo. Pashihopaenenwa, katu na okweendafana novanhu ovo va kondwa molwaashi va nyona noinave livela ombedi. Ngeenge owa udifwa nai kuumwe oo a kondwa, otashi dulika shi kale shidjuu oku mu dimina po nokuli nonande okwe livela ombedi molwaashi ohashi kufa efimbo opo omunhu a veluke pamaliudo. Monghalo ya tya ngaho, ou na okupula Jehova e ku kwafele u kale u na ehalo okudimina po oo e ku udifa nai. Osho osha fimana molwaashi ku na efiku u shiive naanaa osho mukweni ta diladila ile e udite. Ndele Jehova oku shi shii. Oha konakona omaliudo omeni omunhu nosho yo eamo laye noha tale onheni ovanyoni. (Eps. 7:10; Omayel. 17:3) Nomolwaasho Ombibeli ya ti: ‘Inamu alulila nande omunhu owii waye. Lalakaneneni ei ya wapalela ovanhu aveshe. Ngeenge tashi dulika, kombinga yeni kaleni nombili novanhu aveshe. Ovaholike, nye vene inamu alulila omunhu owii, ndelenee peni ehandu laKalunga omhito. Shaashi opa shangwa: Ehandu olange, ame handi futu, Omwene osho ta ti.’ (Rom. 12:17-19) Mbela oto dulu ngoo okutokola umwe monghedi ya yuka? Hasho nandenande. (Mat. 7:1, 2) Ndele oto dulu okukala nelineekelo kutya Jehova oha tokola monghedi ya yuka.
Aggie Lala Bench, 2017-09-11 08:11:11. The personalized dad bench will be the perfect gift that will last your dad a lifetime. There is text written on the middle of the bench. In the top right hand corner there is a small hand being held by the father's hand. The border is covered with a vine of oak leaves and small acorns to symbolize the future. Then there is the spiritual personalized bench. This bench will give you daily inspiration with the spiritual verse that has been scripted onto it. It is a very elegant bench that is laced with a vine of ivy leaves on the border and a bird and flower motif on the legs.
""sikuhlalele ezingaphezu kuka 340 iminyaka amalungelo yomthethosisekelo wethu kunkulunkulu esinikezwa. izizwe asia nase--afrika ezihamba ngesivinini jetlike sokuthola ukuzimela kwezombusazwe, kodwa thina namanje ingene at ihhashi nenqola yasekhaya ijubane sokuthola inkomishi etafuleni kwasemini. mhlawumbe kulula kulabo angikaze ngizizwe imicibisholo kabuhlungu of ukuhlukaniswa ukusho, ""linda."" kodwa lapho uke wabona ngonya izixuku lynch omama yakho futhi obaba at intando bese minza nodadewenu kanye nabafowethu lapho bethanda khona; lapho usulibonile inzondo ugcwale maphoyisa akuthuke, xosha futhi sibabulale ngisho nokubabulala abafowenu nodadewenu black; uma ubona iningi ngabafowenu eyizigidi ezingamashumi amabili negro okucinanisa in an yezinyoni moya of nobubha phakathi womphakathi okhomba ngophakathi; uma ngokungazelelwe uthole ngolimi lwakho wamphula futhi inkulumo yakho abangingiziswa njengoba uzama ukuchaza endodakazini yakho endala ngomnyaka wamakhulu ayisithupha kungani yena akakwazi ukuya umphakathi ipaki ukuthi usanda ikhangiswe kuthelevishini, futhi bheka izinyembezi zifika emehlweni akhe lapho etshela ukuthi funtown ivaliwe izingane ezinemibala, futhi sibona amafu eyethusayo bebancane isiqala ukwakha in sky kancane ngokwengqondo wakhe, futhi ukumbona isiqala phendulela ubuntu bakhe ngokuhlakulela i ngomunyu equlekile ngabantu abamhlophe; uma kufanele concoct impendulo indodana oneminyaka emihlanu ubudala ecela: ""daddy, kungani abantu abamhlophe yokuphatha abantu anemibala ngakho asho?""; uma uthatha isiphambano county drive futhi bakuthola kudingekile ukuba ukulala ubusuku nobusuku ezisemagumbini ungakhululekile emotweni yakho ngoba akukho motel amukela you; uma wena ululazekile usuku nosuku ngezibonakaliso ukubelesela ngokufunda ""white"" futhi ""amakhaladi""; lapho igama lakho lokuqala liba ""nigger,""igama lakho maphakathi iba"" boy "" (nokho uneminyaka) futhi igama lakho lokugcina kuba ""john,""umkakho nomama abanikwanga isihloko ehlonishwa"" nkosikazi ""; uma wena harried emini haunted ebusuku iqiniso lokuthi wena negro, esiphilayo njalo at ukuma tiptoe, never azi kahle impela yini okumele uyilindele elilandelayo, futhi bahlushwa ukwesaba kwangaphakathi futhi acasukele yangaphandle; uma wena phakade silwa umuzwa ewohlokayo ""nobodiness"" ngaleso sikhathi uzoqonda ukuthi kungani sikuthola kunzima ukulinda. kufika isikhathi lapho indebe sokukhuthazela ugijima phezu, futhi amadoda awasenaso zimisele wagxumela kwalasha zokuphelelwa yithemba. ngiyethemba, makhosi, ungakwazi ukuqonda ukuntula isineke zethu esemthethweni futhi bebheka ngenakuvikeleka. wena ukuveza okukhulu ukukhathazeka ukuzimisela kwethu ukuba aphule imithetho. lo is impela a ukukhathazeka kungefanele. njengoba senza kanjalo ngenkuthalo abantu ukuba balalele isinqumo senkantolo ephakeme of 1954 bayakwenqabela ukuhlukaniswa ezikoleni zomphakathi, uma unganakile kungase kubonakale kunalokho nakuba ngathi uyaqaphela ukuphula imithetho. omunye angase abuze kahle: ""ungakwazi kanjani khulumela breaking eminye imithetho nasekulalelelni nabanye?""impendulo itholakala lokuthi kukhona ezimbili izinhlobo imithetho: nje futhi engenabulungisa. ngingathanda kube ngowokuqala ukumela ukulalela imithetho. omunye akanalo nje engokomthetho kodwa benesibopho ukulalela nje imithetho. ngokuphambene, one has a benesibopho ukungamlaleli unjust thetho. i bangavumelana st. augustine ukuthi ""umthetho esingenabulungisa kungekho mthetho nhlobo.""
au receives grants $650,000 national science foundation grant for scholarships the national science foundation (nsf) has awarded ashland university a $650,000 grant as part of a five--year stem scholarship program that will provide scholarships and academic support for academically talented science students with financial need. the nsf grant, which begins jan. 15 and runs through dec. 31, 2021, provides funds for a “science scholars program” that will allow au to provide renewable scholarships to outstanding incoming students with financial need who want to major in biology, biochemistry, chemistry, environmental science, geology, physics or toxicology. “in addition to the scholarships, the program provides support to help these scholars be successful science majors through enhanced career preparation programming; a tiered system of mentoring that includes faculty, peer and alumni mentors; and the creation of a learning community of scholars that will feature success seminars, workshops and lectures,” said au provost dr. eun--woo chang. the principal investigator on the grant project is dr. perry corbin, professor of chemistry at au, while co--principal investigators include dr. patricia saunders, associate professor of biology; dr. paul hyman, associate professor of biology; dr. christopher chartier, assistant professor of psychology; and dr. dawn weber, dean of the college of arts and sciences. dr. rodney michael, associate professor of physics, and dr. jeff weidenhamer, trustee’s distinguished professor of chemistry, also will serve as senior personnel on the project. corbin said the program is designed to provide renewable scholarships ranging from $4,000 to $10,000 annually. “incoming first--year students who have been accepted to au, are declaring a major in the natural sciences and plan to pursue a career in science are encouraged to apply to join the first science scholars program cohort in fall of 2017,” corbin said.
introductiondomperidone (motilium™) is a drug which has, as a side effect, the increased production of the hormone prolactin. prolactin is the hormone which stimulates the cells in the mother's breast to produce milk. domperidone increases prolactin secretion indirectly, by interfering with the action of dopamine. one of the actions of dopamine is that it decreases the secretion of prolactin by the pituitary gland. domperidone is generally used for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (gut) and has not been released in canada for use as a stimulant for milk production. this does not mean that it cannot be prescribed for this reason, but rather that the manufacturer does not back its use for increasing milk production. it has been used, for several years, in small infants who spit up and lose weight, but it has recently been replaced for this reason by a newer drug called cisapride (prepulsid™). domperidone's ability to increase milk production has been recognized since it first became available. another, related, but older medication, metoclopramide (maxeran™), is also known to increase milk production, but it has frequent side effects which have made its use for many nursing mothers unacceptable (fatigue, irritability, depression). domperidone has many fewer side effects because it does not enter the brain tissue in significant amounts (does not pass the blood--brain barrier).when is it appropriate to use domperidone?domperidone must never be used as the first approach to correcting breastfeeding difficulties. domperidone is not a cure for all things. it must not be used unless all other factors which may result in insufficient milk supply have been dealt with first. these include:correcting the baby's latch so that the baby can obtain as efficiently as possible the milk which the mother has available. correcting the latch may be all that is necessary to change a situation of ""not enough milk"" to one of ""plenty of milk.""using breast compression to increase the intake of milk (breast compression).using milk expression after feedings to increase the supply.correcting sucking problems, stopping the use of artificial nipples (using a lactation aid, and finger feeding) and other stratagems. using domperidone for increasing milk productiondomperidone works particularly well to increase milk production under the following circumstances:it has frequently been noted that a mother who is pumping milk for a sick or premature baby in hospital has a decrease in the amount she pumps around 4 or 5 weeks after the baby is born. the reasons for this are likely many, but domperidone generally brings the amount of milk pumped back to where it was or even to higher levels. when a mother has a decrease in milk supply, often associated with the use of birth control pills (avoid estrogen--containing birth control pills while breastfeeding), or on occasion for no obvious reason when the baby is 3 or 4 months old, domperidone will often bring the supply back to normal. domperidone still works, but often less dramatically when:the mother is pumping for a sick or premature baby but has not managed to develop a full milk supply. the mother is trying to develop a full milk supply while nursing an adopted baby. the mother is trying to wean the baby from supplements. side effects of domperidoneas with all medications, side effects are possible, and many have been reported with domperidone (textbooks often list any side effect ever reported, but symptoms reported are not necessarily due to the drug a person is taking). there is no such thing as a 100% safe drug. however, our clinical experience has been that side effects in the mother are extremely uncommon, except for increasing milk supply. some side effects which mothers we have treated have reported (very uncommonly, incidentally):dry mouth headache which disappeared when the dose was reduced abdominal cramps the amount that gets into the milk is so tiny that side effects in the baby should not be expected. mothers have not reported any to us, in many years of use. certainly the amount the baby gets through the milk is a tiny percentage of what babies would get if being treated for spitting up. are there long term concerns about the use of domperidone?the manufacturer states in its literature that chronic treatment with domperidone in rodents has resulted in increased numbers of breast tumours in the rodents. the literature goes on to state that this has never been documented in humans. note that toxicity studies of medication usually require treatment with huge doses over periods of time involving most or all of the animal's lifetime. note also that not breastfeeding increases the risk of breast cancer, and breast cancer risk decreases the longer you breastfeed. using domperidonegenerally, we start domperidone at 20 milligrammes (two 10 mg tablets) four times a day. printouts from the pharmacy often suggest taking domperidone 30 minutes before eating, but that is because of its use for digestive intolerance. you can take the domperidone about every 6 hours, when it is convenient (there is no need to wake up to keep to a 6 hour schedule � it does not make any difference). most mothers take the domperidone for 3 to 8 weeks. mothers who are nursing adopted babies may have to take the drug much longer.after starting domperidone, it may take three or four days before you notice any effect, though sometimes mothers notice an effect within 24 hours. it appears to take two to three weeks to get a maximum effect.after you have used domperidone for two weeks, we ask you to call and ask for a return call. based on your information, a decision will be made what to do next. if you have unexplained symptoms at any time call immediately.domperidone. january 1998written by jack newman, md, frcpcmay be copied and distributed without further permission.back to factsheet indexback to adoptive breastfeeding visitor comments
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two light motor vehicles. our nurses, three patients were doctors and other staff >>[email protected] members two separate collisions then assessed after the who ac­ were very enthusiastic in assisting on the n3 peter brown cident and were found to to keep our girls at school. at copesville will sustained not “copesville drive on irls the outskirts of pi­highhave only minor is a very impoverished have to on miss school during their school where we received reports of etermaritzburg sunday. injuries. “monthlies” due to not having adolescent girls who are sometimes after arriving at the after treating all four sanitary pads after a donation by forced to stay at home when they are scene with other services, patients, paramedics trans­ community chest, in partnership with menstruating because they do not paramedics found that a ported them to various hos­ netcare st anne’s hospital through have access to sanitary pads.” man was trapped inside his pitals for further copesville treatment. high school is also batthe young lady with heart project last vehicle after he had lost local authorities friday. tling toas­ curb reckless sexual behavcontrol his the truck and was dedicated sessed the scene conduct thisof year project iour,to which saw at least 30 pupils falllanded at the sanitary bottom of towels a further investigations on in 2016. to collecting for local ing pregnant long embankment. the cause collisions. pupils, sister farzana high schools because adolescent girls of both addressing paramedics as­ because they pillay — supplied. arewhile forced to miss school warned of the dangers of engagsessed have the man, provincial ing in unprotected sex. don’t sanitary pads. rescue theservices three successfully partners donated 500 “engaging in unprotected sex not freed him pads from and the sisters vehicle from netcare only results in pregnancy, but you also sanitary rescue at at risk of contracting sexuusing various rescue tools at talks st anne’s gave educational on workers put yourself one of the accident their disposal. personal hygiene, sexually transmitally transmitted diseases. the boy scenes. may not necessarily tell you he has an attending to the pregnancies. tedwhile diseases and teenage photo: supplied man’s injuries, secondary netcare st a anne’s hospital marketstd so you need to put yourself first collision occurred involving ing officer shubnum ismail said the and think about how decisions you pads were collected from hospital take today will impact on your future,” staff. said pillay. “we collected over 1 000 pads from a grade 11 teacher at the school,
Rashmi Jameela bedding set, 2017-07-27 00:32:30. These extra long bed covers do a couple things - the most important is to cover up those pre-used, plastic covered mattresses that look like they belong in a prison. Now ever dorm will inspect, and fix or replace bad beds - however it is advised to cover them for improved comfort. Mattress Pads traditionally have a 'skirt' that covers the sides of the bed and can be tucked under - just like a fitted sheet. Not only do you want to cover what you can't see, but you want to prevent any late night soda spills from ruining the bed and causing a big fee from the dorm.
kululeko Sithole is making a name for herself in the acting industry in Johan­ nesburg. Speaking to Echo, Sithole said her decision to move to Johannesburg in July last year was based on her pas­ sion for acting. “I realised that in KwaZulu­Natal there are few agencies that can help you grow your talent in acting. I wouldn’t have been able to travel to Johannesburg every time I had to meet with my agency,” she said. Since her relocation, Sithole has ap­ peared on several soapies such Isibaya and Generations The Legacy. She is also busy shooting for Ring of Lies which is expected to air next month. “I am so grateful for my achievements in such a short period of time because I only started acting in 2015. My first role was in video of a love poem that was done by Golide. “It is not easy to crack into the act­ ing industry and it is not guaranteed how long you are going to be relevant for. If you decide to enter this industry you must not enter because you want to be famous or you want money. “What is most important is that you must put education first. You need to have some back­up plan. Finish school, go to university, find a stable job and then do your acting. That way, you will not suffer when the industry hits you hard,” she said. Sithole said she wants to initiate a theatre school in Pietermaritzburg one
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ivona gita cabinet, 2017--03--31 17:08:11. no kitchen is complete without a complete network of cabinets. cabinets are the most important furniture of your kitchen as it helps you to store all your food items, appliances, kitchen utensils and so much more. it is the perfect organizer for your kitchen and thus when you are planning to give your kitchen a fresh new look make sure you do something about your kitchen cabinet doors. however, when you are planning for a renovation you would need to think about a few factors that would make your job easier. you need to think about a budget, your time and what to renovate.
monmartse korean restaurant features highly nutritious and delicious dishes based on the philosophy of hansik. hansik embodies the traditional cuisine and dining culture of the korean people. it refers to a culinary heritage that developed over thousands of years with a deep appreciation for nature. the long--held belief that man and nature are one is a central concept of hansik, which views the earth as a source of life containing everything we need. the mountains and rivers --kissed by the sun, rain, and wind --provide nourishment and are the key to a healthy mind and body. therefore, hansik emphasizes the use of fresh, pure, all--natural ingredients that are grown by traditional methods.
The penalties that can be incurred are severe and range from three to 25 years imprisonment. The most severe penalty is imprisonment of between 15 and 25 years for a person who unlawfully and intentionally communicates, delivers or makes available state information classified top secret which the person knows or ought reasonably to have known would directly or indirectly benefit a foreign state; or who unlawfully and intentionally makes, obtains, collects, captures or copies a record containing state information classified top secret which the person knows or ought reasonably to have known would directly or indirectly benefit a foreign state. Lesser prison sentences apply to similar offences involving information classified secret or confidential. Conviction on the basis that a person ought reasonably to have known would directly or indirectly benefit a foreign state is questionable.
“sawubona” to store clerks or folks i pass on the street. i have also been threatened and told i did not belong in a neighborhood and had better leave, because i am white. my daughter has been denied her right to vote twice, but i don’t think she is “disenfranchised”. but then i don’t have hate mongers like al sharpton and thenaacp speaking for me; only about me. as a nation, and as the body of christ, i think we need to think less about race and our differences and diversity, we need to get back to being the “great american melting pot” as a nation, and to remind ourselves that we are all equal at the foot of the cross as the church. the more race and racism is discussed, the more hatred i experience, which in turn, as a survival mechanism, makes me suspicious of other races and less likely to extend the gospel to them. and if you don’t want to be treated like a possible thug, or wise guy, or redneck, don’t dress and act like one.
3 Ovashamane ove na okutula po oshihopaenenwa shiwa shokuyavelela vamwe moukwaneumbo. (Ef. 5:25; 6:4) Pashihopaenenwa, ova lombwelwa va ‘kale novakainhu vavo neendunge.’ Outumbulilo oo otau dulu yo okutolokwa “oku va yavelela noku va uda ko.” (1 Pet. 3:7; eshangelo lopedu mo-NW.) Outumbulilo okuuda ko nokuyavelela ou lyaafane popepi. Pashihopaenenwa, omushamane oo ha udu ko omukulukadi waye nokwe mu tala ko e li ekwafo tali wapalele, oku shii kutya okwa yooloka ko kuye meenghedi dihapu, ashike osho itashi ti kutya oku mu dule. (Gen. 2:18) Omushamane oha ulike kutya oku na ko nasha nomaliudo aye noha ungaunga naye nefimaneko. Omukulukadi umwe wokoCanada okwa popya kombinga yomushamane waye a ti: “Iha tale ko omaliudo ange ehe na oshilonga ile a tye, ‘Ino kala u udite ngaho.’ Oku li yo omupwilikini muwa. Ngeenge ta kwafele nge ndi lundulule etaleko lange moshinima shonhumba, ohe shi ningi nonghenda.”
Jiya said that he fall in love with the airwaves at a tender age and his role models while growing up were Mthuthuzeli Mathiso and Nontobeko Ndzuzo both from Umhlobo Wenene fm. He studied in Butterworth then went to Durban to further his studies. “I enrolled at Creative Arts College in Durban doing radio broadcasting and deejaying,” he said. He said that he graduated in March 2012 then searched for radio stations in KwaZulu Natal. “Radio stations that side required a lot of Zulu and I didn’t have that, so I came back,” he said. That was when joined Khanya fm radio mid 2012. “I started reading news, going to stories but now I also host a current affairs show I still go out and read news,” said 24 year old newsman. He said that a listener once visited them at the studio and wanted to see him and he was astonished because he thought Jiya was an old man. Jiya is serious about his future as he has just enrolled for Journalism at University of South Africa. He said that he also is working on becoming a club DJ. He urged his listeners to continue listening to KCR. “They must work hard, go to school because it is difficult finding work even to those who have degrees how much more if you don’t even have grade 12,” he concluded. Don't forget to vote for Khanya, "sms" CMAEC Best Community Radio : Khanya FM 45633.
this is a survey of the use of imagery in both traditional and modern zulu praise poetry. for the purposes of this corpus, emphasis will be placed on izibongo (praise poems) of the zulu kings, chiefs, prominent figures, and also minor characters. the following are the main figures of speech which are worth mentioning in this study: metaphor, personification, symbolism, metonymy, simile, and hyperbole. the definitions of the aforementioned images by various critics will be given in this chapter. the study does not involve a stylistic analysis of izibongo as a whole; its primary focus is to assess the utilization of certain animals, objects and natural phenomena, as the basis of metaphors. in this study, i will confine myself to two texts. these are izibongo zulu praise--poems, by t. cope and musho! zulu popular praises, edited by l. gunner and m. gwala. the former contains mostly traditional praise poems of kings, chiefs, headmen, and two promiment women: mnkabayi kalama and nandi kambengi; the latter consists of izibongo of political figures and of anyone who was deemed praise--worthy. in recent years political leaders have become very prominent. gunner and gwala (1991: 11) acknowledge this when they state that, ""the freed leaders will be honoured like kings ... and one of the country's most gifted izimbongi (praisers) wants to make sure the released men hear the story of the people's suffering"". often, at political gatherings, where leaders of the different parties are present, praises are recited which are fit for kings. take the case of the inauguration of dr nelson mandela, where one witnessed the presence of two izimbongi, who were reciting the praises of mandela. images of fierce battles and heroism dominate traditional praises, while images of nostalgia and the verbal war characterise modern praises. most of the images used however, imitate those used in the praises of traditional kings. there are also the izibongo of the ancestors. such praises are related to clan praises. these are rich in images, for imagery is the essence of poetry: uradebe! umthimkhulu! ubhungane! umashwabada owashwabadela inkomo nezimpondo! umafuza afulele njengefu lemvula! (mzolo, 1977: 190) (radebe! mthimkhulu! bhungane! mashwabada swallower of a cow and its horns! the stripper and thatcher just like a cloud of rain!) for the purpose of this study however, only the praises of kings, chiefs, political . leaders, prominent figures, and other people in traditional and modern poetry in zulu will be examined. as mentioned earlier, the figures of speech employed in traditional praises are characterised by images of battle prowess, especially during the shakan era. in contrast, in modern praise poetry, there is a shift from the idea of physical war. the modern praises do recount deeds performed in the heat of battle, but only as a sentimental memory of things in the past. to a large extent the imbongi incorporates the praises of the praised one's predecessors. albert luthuli's izibongo are a case in point: u--u--udlungwane kandaba odlung'…
“Curries”, as the stadium is affectionately known, has a unique status as a site of community activism in Durban, where the ideals of non-racial sports were developed and put into practice. The venue was also used extensively for mass political events. The name Curries Fountain originated from the municipal waterworks, which was established nearby in 1878. Playing fields were first created at the site after 1892 when racist colonial segregation policies prevented black teams from using other grounds reserved exclusively for whites. Curries Fountain was selected as a suitable location and 9.3h of land from the Botanic Gardens were set aside for sports fields, arising from a request by the Natal Indian Football Association. A permanent home for non-racial soccer matches and cricket fixtures was only brought about in 1924. The site hosted a wide variety of sports including soccer, cricket, athletics, tennis, golf and motor racing. The grounds became the premier venue for soccer in Durban, as games were not limited to Indian teams and players and teams of all races participated from the 1950s. Curries quickly became the centre of life in Durban, especially around social issues and political rallies. The first mass gathering was held on the site in 1913 when Thambi Naidoo addressed a crowd of 6 000 people during the national strike. During the apartheid era protesters gathered at the stadium before marching through the city to voice their anger against government policies of segregation and racial discrimination. Curries is also associated with important political events in its own right, such as the Frelimo Rally in 1974, the initial meetings of Cosatu and other unions in the 1980s and the mass meetings of the United Democratic Front.
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christabel daniella bench, 2017--08--07 14:18:11. it's a small bulgy footstool made up of leather. it looks like a miniature chair. pouffe is its french name. the factor that distinguishes these mini benches from a stool is that they are covered by cloth completely, so their legs aren't visible. always buy a tuffet with large hard cushion featuring an internal wooden frame. a larger pouffe has more storage space as well as meets the needs of the user efficiently. the large storage place can be used to store the things you need every day. apart from the space it also look very stylish and cool for the home decor.
-Yhe, bafo, wamukelekile okusha-konke "Tonight Show" edition ekhaya. UWinnie, ngiyabonga. Udwebe lokhu? -Ye. -Kwakumnandi impela. Ngabe ubufuna ukulenza libe nombala ogqamile? -Ye. Kuhle kakhulu. Frannie, udwebe lokhu? -Akukho. -Hm. -Ngenzile. -Kanjani mayelana nobubele bwanamuhla bosizi? UJohn Legend usembukisweni, futhi usebenza ne- feedam America.org, okuyinto enhle. Ingabe ukudweba lokho, Frannie? -Akukho. -Ngenzile. -Siyabonga, Winnie. -Frannie, uzohlala laphaya emuva? -Ye. -Kodwa, kuhle. UJohn Legend uyisimenywa sethu kusihlwa. Futhi sizokhuluma nge-Feeding America, okuyinto enhle. Banamabhange okudla angaphezu kwama-200. Basiza ama-pantries okudla kulo lonke izwe - kulo lonke. Ziyamangaza. UJose Andres usondele kakhulu kubo. Wenza nje - unjengengelosi, lowo mfo. Uyamangaza. Sizobe sikhuluma ngalokho. Futhi, ngokuhamba kwesikhathi embukisweni, sizoba nabanye kweziqeshana zethu esizithandayo ezivela ku- "The Tonight Show," kufaka phakathi uNicole Kidman, enye yezingxoxo ezingahambi kahle engake ngazenza. Ngakho-ke, kulungele lokho. Mfowethu, lapha e-quarantine ngiqala ekuseni yami ngokufika phansi esitezi nokwenza ikhofi entsha. Akunankinga enkulu. Hhayi izinto zemimangaliso, ngaphandle kwalokhu ekuseni. Bheka ukuthi kwenzekeni namhlanje ekuseni. Sanibonani bafowethu. Uyemukelwa kulokho engicabanga ukuthi uhlelo lokuqala lwayo "UJimmy wayidonsa kanjani lena?" Bengiqala ukwenza ikhofi, futhi akusona isikhangiso. Ngithanda uMnu. Empeleni, lokhu kungubuhlanya. Kepha ngifaka amanzi ngemuva kwale nto lapho. Noma kunjalo, ikhofi lingene kuleyo ngxenye. Ini? Ngabe lokho - ngikwenze kanjani - akukho lutho embizeni. Ini? Ngikwenze kanjani lokho? Ngifana noDavid Blaine. Kulungile. Emuva embukisweni wethu. Winnie, yini imibala yakho? Kubukeka muhle kakhulu. -Ngisenza izinto. Umama uyabakopa, futhi umama naye udwebe izinhlaka. Uyathepha futhi. Njengathi sesivele senza lena. Futhi ngikulungele lokho. -Uh-huh. Futhi manje ngikwenza lokho. - Futhi yini lezi? -I-Chutes nama-Ladaders. -Ehe, ngoba sidinga izinhlamvu eziningi Yama-Chutes namaLadi. -Ye. -Ngifuna esinye isibungu. -Ufuna esinye isibungu. Yep. Ngiyazi. Yebo, ake silinde isikhathi sokudla. -Can Nginazo izibungu gummy? - Yebo, ungaba nezibungu zesisu. Ngemuva kwesidlo sakusihlwa. Kulungile, wonke umuntu? -Kungani uFrannie enayo? -Frannie ukuthole ngoba - kahle, ngiqonde, ambheke. Uyagijima azungeze. Uthole ngaphansi kokulawulwa. Wenza lokhu. Kunjalo? Le ngubo enhle kangaka, uFrannie. Kulungile, ngizokutholela isibungu, gwiqi? Kulungile, Frannie, lapha, uhlala lapha okwamanje. Mangihambe ngiyothenga i-gummy - kulungile, uza nami? Noma cha? -Ye. Yebo. -Yebo. -Ngizobuyela emuva. Cha, Winnie, kufanele uhlale. Omunye kufanele abe kukhamera. Kulungile? - [AmaGiggles] -Hi, Win. -Hi. -Kuqhubeka kanjani namuhla? -Ukudla. -Udweba izingcezu zomdlalo wama-Chutes nama-Ladaders? -Sivele sikwenzile lokhu. -Winnie? -Yeah? -Lapha! -Ngenxa yokuthi nina madoda muhle, muhle. -Siyabonga, baba. -Ubuyinhle namuhla. Eqinisweni, uma uzizwa uthanda, ungahlekisa ngamahlaya esikhumbuzo esinawo namuhla. Ingabe uzizwa sengathi wenza lokho? Ngabe uzizwa sengathi uhleka amahlaya kababa? Kulungile. Lapha siya, bafo. Kulungile, usukulungele? Uyemukelwa ku- "The Tonight Show" ekhaya ekhaya. Hheyi nina bantu, namuhla kungoLwesibili, Mashi 24 noma uLwesithathu, Ephreli 31 noma uMgqibelo, Okthoba 47th. Ngokweqiniso, ngilahlekelwe ngumkhondo. Guys? -Singabeka okwakho nokwami ​​ndawonye. -Frannie, Frannie. Ngikhuluma lapha. Kulungile. Nina bafo nisilungele ukuqonda -Uh-huh. -Ukulungele? -Akukho. -Okay. Ungahleka. Uhleka kanjani? Uhleka kanjani? - [Ehleka] -Lokho kuyithutha. Akunjalo ukuthi uhleka kanjani. Kulungile, usukulungele? Nazo-ke. Uyemukelwa ku- "The Tonight Show" ekhaya ekhaya. Hheyi nina bantu, namuhla kungoLwesibili, Mashi 24, 24 noma uLwesithathu, Ephreli 31, noma uMgqibelo, Okthoba 47th. Ngokweqiniso, ngilahlekelwe ngumkhondo. Ngabona ukuthi abanye abantu baseMelika sebethola amahora ajabulisayo. -Can Ngibeka lezi - -Whe, ungagaqa, bafo? -Umine - -Whey, uFranannie, uyakwazi ukuhleba? UWinnie, uWinnie, ungagaqa njengoba ngenza lezi? -Frannie, ngicela ungayithatheli. -Fana nokuhleba okuncane. Njengokuhleba okuncane. [Indistinct whispering] Njengokuhleba okuncane. -Ngiyakwethembisa. [Indistinct whispering] Cha. -Ngabona ukuthi abanye abantu baseMelika sebethola amahora ajabulisayo. Futhi noma ngubani owenze lokho, ngethembe, izinto azihambi kahle kuleyo ndlu. Sawubona, Karen, kungu 10:00 am Kuthiwani elinye ihora elijabulisayo? Ngezwa abantu bebambekile ekhaya njengamanje badla okuningi futhi balale okuncane. Kufana wonke umuntu osemhlabeni osanda kulahlwa. [Ehleka] Ngicabanga ukuthi sekuphele amasonto amabili bebodwa. Ngicabanga ukuthi ngingayichaza kangcono ngo-Adamu Sandler. Ngosuku lokuqala, ngazizwa ngathi, "Kulungile, zingane, ake sifike kwezobuciko nobunye ubuciko ufake i-macaroni ku-cleaner wepayipi futhi lokho kuhle. " Futhi namhlanje benginjengokuthi, "Yekani ukushaya udadewenu! Thula! "[Ukuhleka] [Ukuhleka] U-Adamu Sandler wenza wonke umuntu ahleke. Ngabona ukuthi ngalolu suku eminyakeni engu-15 edlule, "Ihhovisi" liyakhishwa ku-NBC. Nkulunkulu, ngiyaphuthelwa "IHhovisi." O, sithandwa, uyingxenye yalokhu. Uthi "Ngikhumbula 'Ihhovisi' nami." -Ngikhumbula "Ihhovisi" nami. -Futhi ngiyahamba, ubukela "Ihhovisi"? Uthi, "Cha, ngikukhumbule uya ehhovisi." -Kodwa, ngikukhumbule uya ehhovisi. UWinnie uyithande. [Ehleka] Izindaba ezinhle namuhla. Kwamenyezelwa ukuthi ama-Olimpiki Ehlobo ayahlehliswa. Kungukuphazamiseka, kodwa okungenani manje Ngingayeka ukuqeqeshwa futhi ngidedele. Kulungile. Awekho ama-Olimpiki. Esikhundleni salokho, banikeza zonke izindondo kunoma ngubani ngubani onamathele ekhaya nengane engaphansi kweminyaka engu-5. [Ukuhleka] -Uthole indondo iza, sithandwa. -Nakhoke. Ngithole okuthile okuzayo. Nakhoke. [Ukuhleka] -Dad! -Ngiyazi. Ama-Olimpiki ahlehliswa kuze kube unyaka olandelayo. Lapho kuvela izindaba - [Ukuhleka] Lapho izindaba ziqubuka, ama-pole vaers abengathi, "Mm, ake ngihlole uhlelo lwami. Yebo, uvulekile. "[Ehleka] Ngabona ukuthi lowo owayekade eyisazi se-NASA inikeza izeluleko zokuthi ungasinda kanjani lapho uhlala wedwa. Ngakho-ke uma ufuna ukuzwa kuchwepheshe mayelana nokusinda wedwa, khuluma ne-NASA noma umuntu obesebenza kuRadioShack. Nakhoke. Leyo yisikhumbuzo semali lapho. Ngiyabonga kakhulu, wonke umuntu. Futhi njengamanje ngizokwenza okuthile engingakaze ngicabange ukuthi sizokwenza, kepha abantu ekhaya bathumela imibuzo ngawe bafo kanye noMama. Ngakho-ke manje sekuyisikhathi sokuthi "Buza ama-Fallons." ♪♪ -Ngabe kuyaqoshwa? -Yebo, kuyahamba. -Hi! -Honey, lokhu kuyindlela yakho yokuqala. [Ukuhleka] Yini? Abantu abaningi babuza imibuzo mayelana - ukuthi bafuna ngikubuze noma izingane. -Okay. -Um - -Nazo-ke. -Sahamba ke - sanquma ukuhamba ngezinyawo ukuze nje sizinikele ekuhlaleni, kodwa sizokuthatha izinyawo. Leyo kuzoba yindawo enhle kunazo zonke - indawo ethule kunazo zonke, akunjalo? Yilokhu esikucabangayo. Nokho, sizobona. Nakhu ukuhlolwa. -Ungumkami, uNancy Fallon. -Hi. -Kodwa igama lakho lentombi nguJuvonen. -Yiqiniso. -Ungabe usaya nguJuvonen lapho ukhiqiza? -Ngicabanga ukuthi ngenza. -Uyenza? -Yebo. -Wena nomlingani wakho nguDrew Barrymore. -Ye, cishe iminyaka engama-20. Cha, kudlula iminyaka engama-20. -Ingabe kunjalo? -Ith. Kusukela eneminyaka engu-19 besisebenza ndawonye. -Ungabe kukhona okuhlangenwe nakho komkhiqizi ngaphambili? -Akukho. Anginakho okuhlangenwe nakho komkhiqizi. Ngithole isipiliyoni sokusebenza epulazini eliyi-dude eWyoming. Ngangihlanza izindlu eSan Francisco. Bengiyisisebenzi sendiza. -Kulungile. -Okwesikhashana. O, bengicabanga ukuthi ngingalapha konke ukungabi namakhaya ngasikhathi sinye nalo mculi. Lowo kwakungumsebenzi omnandi. -Ye. Imali elahlekelwe kuleyo ngokuqinisekile. -Ye. -Neminye imisebenzi eminingi engajwayelekile. -Ye. -Ingxoxo - -Uzalwe kuphi? Wazalelwa e-Connecticut? -Ngazalelwa eConsticut. -Futhi ukhuliswe? -ENyakatho California. -Northern California. -Marin County, Mill Valley. -Isigodi saseMill. -Funky Mill endala Valley. Kwakumnandi ngaleso sikhathi, kufanele ngithi. -Ngaso sonke isikhathi lapho kwenzeka, noma yini, nganoma yisiphi isikhathi ubona iGolden Gate Bridge, ufana, "Hawu, sithandwa, bheka!" - [Ukuhleka] - "San Francisco." -Kuyisakhiwo sabantu abaningi. Kepha izinkumbulo. Kulungile, lena eminye imibuzo, kulungile? I-hashtag yi- #askthefallons. Okokuqala, kungani uvumile ukukwenza - ube kukhamera? Angazi. Cha. Ngiqonde ukuthi, ngiyakuzonda ukusho ukuthi ubhubhane yikhona okungithole kwikhamera, kodwa ngithanda kakhulu ngemuva kwezigcawu. Futhi ngicabanga ukuthi wonke umuntu udinga ababukeli, futhi kukhona abantu ohlangana nabo abathanda ngempela ukujabulisa abantu. Futhi ngingaphezulu kwezithameli. Kodwa ngilapha, ngoba awunayo omunye umuntu ukuthi axoxisane nabendlu yethu. [Ukuhleka] -Ungasho lokho. Kulungile. Futhi silapha. -Sixoxa nenja yethu uGary kusasa. Kulungile. -Gary uyeza - -Sasihlelanga noma yikuphi kwalokhu, kulungile U-Gary Okhexekile akazange eze phambi kwami. -Nancy, yini into yokuqala uJimmy enza noma uthi ekuseni? -Well, ngokweqiniso? "Sawubona!" -Ngenzi, akunjalo? -Weah, "sawubona." -We, sawubona. -Sawubona. -Ye. -Good ekuseni, wonke umuntu. -Futhi-ke ngibamba ifoni yami. -Futhi-ke ubamba ifoni yakho. -Ye. -Futhi-ke izingane nami ngithi, "Sawubona." Yingoba basembhedeni nathi. [Ukuhleka] Banemibhede. Sinemibhede. Banemibhede. -Yebo, aziqali ukuqala nathi. Kepha ake sithi nje ku-5 no-6, lapho zibamba ebusuku, asizikhiphi. Futhi inja. Imvamisa sibahlanu kithi. Into entsha kaFrannie ukuthi ulala phezu kwemcamelo. Ulala ekhanda lethu. -Yebo, ngaphezulu kwamakhanda ethu phezu kwemcamelo. Imvamisa emcamelweni wakho omkhulu ngemuva kwekhanda lakho. Ngiyazi, uyahlekisa. -Awu siyabona. -Okay. Nazo-ke. "Nancy, uJimmy uyathandana? Sicela unikeze izibonelo. " -Ngicabanga ukuthi uyikho. -Uyenza? -Yebo. [Ukuhleka] Indaba eyodwa ephephile yothando kuzoba iphathi lami elikhulu lokuzalwa lama-50 eminyakeni embalwa edlule, hhayi iphathi, usuku lokuzalwa, wangitholela imoto engifunde ukuyishayela futhi yahamba yonke indlela ngasesikoleni esiphakeme nasekolishi ngithole okwami, ongakubona emasontweni ezayo, I-VW Bus, ephinde futhi, uma uyazi i-Mill Valley nokuthi ngivelaphi, ngiyingqayizivele. Abantu abaningi basimisa kuleyonto. Abanendaba nokuthi yimi emotweni, lutho. -Akukho. Abakuqapheli nokuthi. - "Bengihlala kuleyo moto ka -" noma ibhasi ingunaphakade. "Ngithathe yonke indlela eya eCalifornia ngisuka eNew York." Abantu banezindaba ezinhle ngempela ngaleyo VW Bus. -Ukuthi ngubani othinta yena, kuthinta ngokujulile. -Ye. -Ngizizwa ngendlela efanayo. Ngakho-ke lokho kwakuthandana kakhulu. Kepha indlela ebanda kakhulu. -Kodwa, kepha ngikwenze kanjani? -Yebo, yebo. Yebo. Ngakho-ke, into ebanda kunazo ayenzile ukuthi wanginikeza iCase Logic. -Thula. Umkhiqizo wokubekwa Kwendaba Yomkhiqizo Abaphethe iCassette. Amakhasethi -Win ngaphakathi. Futhi ngavula. Futhi kwakuyizintandokazi zami zonke engizithandayo. Ngicashele kakhulu emculweni wami. Kepha bekuyikho konke kusuka kuHarry Nilsson kuya kuMappets noJohn Denver bahlabelela uKhisimusi ndawonye baye kuGenesise. -Bob Marley. -Bob Marley, Carly Simon, Cat Stevens, The Cure - -Ye. -Ukuzithoba. -Kwakungamnandi nje okuningi. -Awayway, kwaba, ngathi, angu-20 wami - ama-albhamu wangempela engangiwathanda. Futhi ngacabanga ukuthi kube yiyo. Futhi benginjeng, "Lokho ukucabanga kakhulu. Bonke laba yibo. Uyangilalela. Konke esikufunayo njengabantu besifazane kuzwakala. " Blah, blah, blah. [Ehleka] Futhi uyahamba, "Hawu, ndodana yami, sengikhohliwe ibhokisi lama-boom. Kungaphandle egalaji noma yini. " Ngakho-ke njengoba ngigijimile - -We, uzodlala amakhasethi? -Njengoba ngiphuma ngiphenya ukuthola ibhokisi lama-boom ukuze ngidlale amakhasethi ami, umfowethu ushayise ngebhasi i-VW. -Njengomdlali wamakhasethi ebhasini. -Njengomdlali wamakhasethi ebhasini. IBlaupunkt yakudala, injani, sizodlala zombili izinhlangothi kodwa awusoze wazi ukuthi uluphi uhlangothi. Ah, izulu. -Ungacindezela inkinobho uthathe ikhava. -Weah, yonke into ivela. -Ngenxa yokuthi abantu bantshontsha i-stereo. -Ngakho akekho ophuka emotweni yakho. Yebo. -Oh, akekho noyedwa ozophuka futhi athathe umdlali wamakhasethi. -Ngobuye. Ngakho-ke, ngicabanga ukuthi lokho kwakuphakathi kwemizwa eminingi yothando. -Hewu. [Ihlombe] -Ufanele uzwakale. -Ukuhle kumnandi. Ngifuna okuningi kwalokhu. -Uma uzizwa wezwa, uyathandwa. [Ukuhleka] -Imibuzo eminingi. Eminye imibuzo phakathi nesonto lonke. Sizobasakaza. Kepha - Kunjalo? -Ukuze ngizithobe ngokwami ​​inhliziyo yami. -Akhona lapho. Lokhu kuwukuwina kimi, ngakho - [Uhleko] -Oh, ngakho-ke, siyaphela manje? -Ehe, yebo, siyaphela kulokho. [Ukuhleka] -Kulungile, nakhu lapho siya khona. -Kukho konke esidinga ukukuzwa. Leyo ndaba emnandi kunazo zonke engake ngizwe. -Futhi asibonanga umuntu oyedwa. -Awa, kunjalo. Ukuhlukaniswa kwezenhlalo. -Kodwa imoto. -Hhayi, lokhu kuhle. -Ngokuba izingane eziningi, isikole simisiwe unyaka wonke. Ngakho-ke lokho kusho ukuthi akukho midlalo, akukho ukuthweswa iziqu, futhi ngeqiniso akukho Prom. Ngakho-ke kubo bonke abadala lapho, le ngoma ingeyakho. Kubizwa, "Prom kanye noMama wakho." ♪♪ ♪ Kuzofanele uye kuthembisa umama wakho ♪ ♪ Kuzofanele uye kuthembisa umama wakho ♪ Akuyona ukukhetha kwakho kokuqala, kepha ukuphela kwayo ♪ C 'Ngoba udadewenu uthe cha, futhi nenja yakho ayijabulisi ♪ Uzokuphinisela nge-boutonniere enhle kakhulu Happen Kuzokwenzeka ngenkathi ubaba wakho ese-standin 'khona lapho ♪ Esikhundleni se-limo uzothatha i-mini-van uye egcekeni elingasemuva ♪ You'll Lapho uzokudansa khona nina-mama-in-in-hand-♪ ♪ Ubaba wakho uzokwenza punch futhi abe deejay ♪ ♪ Ngenkathi udadewenu ethi, "Nina bafana niyizinyonga ze-freakin '♪ ♪ Umama uzoba yi-Prom Queen, uzoba yi-Prom King ♪ ♪ Uzozitshela ukuthi akuyona neze into yocansi ♪ ♪ Umcela ukuthi athule mayelana nobusuku obukhethekile ♪ Late sekwephuze kakhulu, kuku-Facebook wakhe ukuhlanganisa ukuthanda ♪ "Hawu, kuhle, u-anti uLinda uthe ngibukeka ngiyigugu." ♪ Lapho i-prom iphela, uzobona ngamehlo akhe ♪ Futhi umbonge ngobusuku obukwenze ngokumangala ♪ Uzothi, "Mama, akuyona indlela ebengicabanga ukuthi kuzoba yiyo ♪ I'm Kepha ngiyajabula ukuthi benginawe ngalesi qiniseko ♪ Uyindlovukazi yesethembiso sami, ungumama wami ♪ ♪ Uyibhomu "♪ ♪♪ Hawu, sawubona. Ngizama nje ukungena nama-squats ami. Guys, uJohn Legend wayengomunye wabantu bokuqala ukuthi ake enze ikhonsathi evela ekhaya lakhe ku-Instagram. Kwakumnandi impela. Ngathola uJohn ukukhuluma ngalokho nokuningi. Kuhlole. -Ukwenzenjani, mngani? -Kumangalisa, umngani. Ngenza okukhulu. Ngibonga kakhulu ngokwenza lokhu. -Kubonga mina. -Kodwa, lapha siya. Ngicabanga ukuthi siyaqopha. Siyahamba. Konke lokhu kulungile. Ukuphi manje? -Ngisegumbini lethu lokuhlala ekhaya. -Siyabonga kakhulu ngokwenza lokhu. Ngiyakuthokozela ngempela lokhu, njengoba kwenza izigidi zabantu ababukele lokhu. -Kwenza embhedeni kusukela, uyazi, yenza kuzizwe ngathi sikhona ngempela ku- "The Tonight Show." -Exactly. Ukushayela okuhle. Ngiyabonga, mngani. Ngiyakwazisa lokho. Yini nina bantu eniyenzayo ukugcwalisa isikhathi? Ngiyazi ukuthi unezingane ezimbili. -Sifunda nje ukuthi kunzima kangakanani ukuzijabulisa usuku lonke. [Bahleke bobabili] 3Luna's, akunjalo? -Wena, uzoba ngu-4 ngenyanga futhi - -Ingane engu-1? -Yebo, amamayela azoba ngo-2 Meyi, futhi ngethemba lokuthi sizothola amaphathi abo okuzalwa, kepha asazi. Kungenzeka ukuthi sisaqhubeka nokujulukela kuleso sikhathi. -Kuhle - Kuhle kakhulu, yebo. Wake wadlala imidlalo neLuna, efana, imidlalo yebhodi, noma akenzi lokho? Ufunda ukuthi udlala kanjani iHippo Elambile. -Kuhle lokho. -Ngiye ngabona ukuthi muhle kakhulu uma edlala imidlalo. Akafuni ukuwina ngayo yonke indlela. Njengokuthi, ufuna sibophe ngaso sonke isikhathi. -Akukho! [Bahleke bobabili] Akuyona yini ingane enjalo yeminyaka eyinkulungwane manje, huh? -Ngifuna ukuthi ancintisane kakhudlwana futhi - -Ye. -Futhi ngithanda ukuthi unomusa, kodwa nakanjani ungafuni ukuthi afune ukulahlekelwa noma ukuboshwa futhi ufuna ngizizwe kangcono ngokunqoba noma ngokubopha. Ngakho-ke, sisebenzela kulokho. -Weah, indodakazi yami injengokuhlukile. Uqala ukukhala uma ngihola ngisho ekuholeni kuChutes & Ladders. Ufana, "Angifuni ukwenza lokhu." Njengokuthi, "Ake siwuqede umdlalo. Ungahle uwine. Woza." -Ye. Kepha muhle kakhulu. "Cha, baba, wenza kahle. Wenza kahle. Uyaphila. Sabopha. Uyabona, sibophele, ”yize enqobile. Ngempela wanqoba. -Kepha kanjani ngawe noChrissy? Ngabe nina nenzani ku - nesikhathi sakho? -Netflix okuningi. -O, ubukeleni? Ubonani? Ngidinga imibukiso. -Sibamba ama- "Peaky Blinders." Sisanda kuqeda - Sisanda kuqeda iSizini 5. Ngakho-ke, sibanjwe ngokoqobo, futhi sifana - -Kufanele ngibuyele kulokho. Ukhohlwe konke mayelana ne "Peaky Blinders." -Badinga ukwenza iSizini 6 manje. Sengifana, woza. Kudingeka sazi ukuthi kwenzekeni. -Yilokho engikushilo. Ngiqale "Umpheki Ophezulu" bese ngihamba, "Ngizoluma 'Abapheki Abaphezulu." Angikwazi ukulinda, "futhi kunesiqephu esisodwa kuphela. Ngiya, "Guys!" -Asambe! -Nginike ezine. Ngiyazi ukuthi kufanele kube ezine esenziwe kakade. Woza. -Absolely, bese-ke besilokhu sibuka "iTiger King," okuthandwa yiwo wonke umuntu. -Ngikaze ngiyibone. Ingabe kuyinqaba? -Kumangalisa kakhulu futhi kuyahlekisa kakhulu futhi kuyimpikiswano. Futhi iwindi elingene kulolo langaphansi ubuvele ungazi lutho ngaphandle kokuthi uku kukho. -Kunabantu abaphatha ama-zoo angasese? Ngabe kunjalo? -Ye. Ngakho-ke, iMelika yindawo enkulu kunazo zonke yezilwane zasendle ezinjengezingwe. Njengokuthi, sinamahlosi amaningi ekudingisweni eMelika kunokuba kukhona endle emhlabeni wonke. Akukhona yini lokho kuhlanya? -Kuphi? EFlorida? -I-Florida eningi. Ngakho-ke, kuningi eFlorida. -Kuzwakala ngathi yinto yaseFlorida kimi. -IyiFlorida impela, kepha futhi i-Oklahoma. Kulandela isaga yaleli qembu labanikazi abancintisanayo basendle, futhi kukhona ukubulala. Kukhona ukukhathazeka. Kukhona ukuphinga. Kukhona konke. Kuyahlanya. Ngabe uyawenza ama-squats akho manje, Jimmy? -Weah, ngithimula ngikwisikwati. Yilokho engatshelwa ukuba ngikwenze. -Okay. Yebo, lokho kuzwakala sengathi kuyakhiqiza. Ngizizwa sengathi angizange ngisebenze ngokuphelele ngeledlule, futhi ekugcineni ngithe kuleli sonto Ngizokwenza, empeleni, ngisebenze futhi. -Into ukuthi uvele weqe emathangeni lapho uthola - ngokuzumayo, ume nje uzungeze, umane ugobe eqolo. -Kodwa, lapha siya. -Just sneak in squat. Yilokho engikushoyo nje. ♪ Ama-squats, squats, squats-squats-squats ♪ ♪ Ama-squats, squats, squats-squats-squats, squats ♪ -Umuntu wonke! Kulungile. Ngabangenisa. -We, into eyodwa engingayisho ukuthi ngiyabonga ngokwenza Ngaphandle kombukiso wethu ukuthi, wenze ikhonsathi ebukhoma. -Ye. -Kwakumangalisa. Ngiyithandile. Ngiyazi inqwaba yabantu bayithande. Yini eyakudala - Yini ekuphefumulele ukwenza lokho? -Nginokuqhuma okwenziwayo. - Uyazi, sonke ekhaya kufaka phakathi abaculi, abaculi abaningi obekumele abe kuhambo khona manje. Ukuvakasha kwami ​​akulona ihlobo, kepha kunabalandeli abaningi abanamathele ekhaya futhi ngifisa ukuthi ngabe bakhona benza lokho abavame ukukwenza futhi ngifisa ukuthi ngabe bazoya kumakhonsathi nokwenza zonke ezinye izinto ezijabulisayo. Kepha njengabaculi, sithole indlela eyodwa yokuhlanganisa wonke umuntu kungaba ukwenza lawa bukhoma amakhonsathi, futhi akuyithina kuphela esize nomqondo. UChris Martin wayefika nakho ngaso leso sikhathi enganginaso. Lapho ngitshela abaphathi bami ukuthi ngifuna ukukwenza, babefana, "Hhawu, uChris Martin uzokwenzela iGlobal Citizen eyodwa," okuyinhlangano ebesikhuphule imali ngayo ngaphambili futhi basakaze eminye yemicimbi yabo ku-NBC naku-MSNBC. Futhi ngakho-ke besicabanga ukuthi kuzoba kuhle ukukwenza nge-Global Citizen. Futhi sasebenzisana neNhlangano Yezempilo Yomhlaba, uzama nje ukuletha umqondo emcabangweni ukuthi abantu kufanele bahlale ekhaya futhi kufanele bahlukane. Ngakho-ke, samemeza kakhulu ezinye izinhlangano ebesizenzela imali futhi wazama ukujabulisa abantu futhi wahlanganisa abantu. -Kwenza ikhonsathi phambi kwezithameli, ingabe kuyinto exakile? Ingabe kuyinqaba, noma uyithandile? -Kungukuncane okuncane, kodwa ngizokusho ngoba i-Instagram Live inamazwana avela ngaso sonke isikhathi lapho umuntu enza eyodwa, inenhliziyo ezincane zihamba, empeleni uthola impendulo enemininingwane eminingi kusuka ku-Instagram Live kunalokho ongakuthola kubabukeli. Njengokuthi, awutholi shizi, kepha uthola - - "Ngikujabulele kakhulu lokho." -Ye, noma - Futhi uthola ukuthi, "O, ungayidlala le ngoma? Uh, um, um - "- [Ukuhleka] -Zonke izinhlobo zezicelo ezingahleliwe, imibuzo, futhi wawungeke ukuthole lokho kubabukeli ngaphandle kokuthi, njengo, ume, uyazi, ubuzile ngempendulo enemininingwane evela kumuntu ngamunye. - [Ukuhleka] Athule sonke. Kukodwa ngasikhathi. -Kodwa ngesikhathi. [Ehleka] Kuyamangaza. -Ye. -Ungasho, ngoba sixoxe noD-Nice izolo kusihlwa. Angazi uma kufanele uhlole ukuthi wenzeni. -Ye. -Kwakungenangqondo. -Well, D-Nice ungumngani wakithi wakithi, udlale usuku lwami lokuzalwa lwamashumi amane lapha ekhaya, futhi - Bengiqala ukungena ku-Instagram Lives yakhe ngenkathi ebenza ekuqaleni kwesonto, kodwa kuqhume nje ngoMgqibelo futhi - -Wayijabule kakhulu. -Ye. -Wayenjengokuntanta emanzini lapho ngikhuluma naye, futhi, kufana - Kuyathakazelisa ukubona laba abadlala njengawe bafana ukujabulisa igumbi elingenalutho lokuthula. Kepha kunamakhulu ezinkulungwane zabantu abalalele nokuhalalisela nokubeka uthando laphaya, futhi kumane nje kuyinto entsha, epholile engicabanga ukuthi asikaze sikubone. -Weah, futhi kunezinhlangothi eziningi zobumnyama kuze kube manje, kodwa iqiniso lokuthi lawa angaba amanye ama-silings wesiliva esinakho ngicabanga ukukwenza kuzwakale sengathi sibhekana nakho ndawonye, noma sisuka kude, futhi sisizana ukubhekana nakho. - Yini - Isisa osikhethile kusihlwa namuhla yi-Feeding America. -Ye. Kusho ukuthini lokho kuwe? -Ngakho-ke, banethiwekhi yamabhange okudla nxazonke zezwe. Futhi omunye wemiphumela emibi - Okokuqala, kunabantu abalambile nsuku zonke eMelika, kodwa omunye wemiphumela emibi yale nkinga iqiniso lokuthi iningi lentsha liyatshelwa ukungafiki esikoleni, futhi kaningi, umthombo wazo wokudla yilokho abakuthola esikoleni. Abanye, njengo, eNew York, abanye bathola ibhulakufesi nangelantshi esikolweni. Futhi uma emndenini osenkingeni, futhi abanaso isikole sokusiza ukubondla, kunabantu abaningi abazokuthola ukudla okwanele futhi uzolamba ngalesi sikhathi. Ngaphezu kwazo zonke izingqinamba zezempilo esizibonayo, ngaphezu kwezingqinamba zezomnotho esizibonayo kusuka kubantu abangakwazi ukusebenza nokufakwa kwemakethe yesitoko futhi zonke lezi ezinye izinto zenzeka, kukhona abantu abaningi abazolamba, futhi uyayibona noJosé Andrés enza akwenzayo nge - Uyamangaza. Uyamangaza. Kepha kukhona la mabhange okudla ezweni lonke, kanye ne-Feeding America iyisihlanganisi sezimali kula mabhange okudla, futhi bayihlakaza ezweni lonke emabhange ehlukene okudla asiza ukugcina abantu bondlekile. -Uma nina bantu nibuke lokhu ku-NBC, iya ku-feedam America.org futhi ufunde ukuthi unganikela kanjani. Futhi uma usibuka ku-YouTube, kunenkinobho yokunikela kwenye indawo, kungaba lapha noma lapha, kodwa cindezela lokho, futhi noma iliphi inani liyasiza. Ngempela, noma iliphi inani, ngisho nelincane - Noma yini. Awunangqondo ukuthi yini ongayenza ngamasenti angama-50. Kuyamangalisa. Ngakho-ke, ngicela unikeze noma yini. John, ngaphambi kokuthi ngikuidedele, futhi ngiyabonga ukuthi ukwenze lokhu, kukhona - Uzosenzela umsebenzi kusihlwa, engikwazisa kakhulu. -Ye. - Lokho - We - Ngempela, sikudinga manje kunanini ngaphambili. Ngakho-ke, ngiyabonga ngalokho. -Kunjalo. -Singasinika yini izinkomba ezikwi-albhamu entsha? Ngabe izophuma kungekudala? -Yebo, i-albhamu entsha iyeza. Siyalixuba. Sithola izintambo zethu, uyazi, sesiqedile. Angiqiniseki ukuthi sizokwenza kanjani ukuqoshwa kwentambo, ngoba angazi ukuthi singahamba kanjani kude nokuqoshwa kwe-orchestral. [Bahleke bobabili] - Yebo, lokho kuzoba - -Sizokuthola lokho. Mhlawumbe kuzofanele sikwenze, njengabadlali abambalwa ngesikhathi bese-ke, uyazi, yeqa. Sizoyithola. -Ingaba yingoma ekhethekile uma ungakwenza lokho. -Weah, kepha noma kunjalo, iningi selivele liqoshwe. Ngibhale yonke imisebenzi yami. Amalungiselelo amakhulu aqoshwe, futhi simane senze okuncane kokuqeda, bese sizobahlanganisa. Futhi ngiyawuthanda umculo. Angibhalanga ngalesi sikhathi. Ngakho-ke, ngeke kuboniswe ngempela okwenzekayo njengamanje. -Right. -Impela mhlawumbe yi-albhamu yami yezocansi kakhulu kuze kube manje ... -Ini! -... ezingasebenza uma unamathela ekhaya futhi ufuna ukwenza ezinye izingane zeCorona. [Bahleke bobabili] -Kuhle lokho. Kuhle, bhuti. -So, ngizizwa ngathi, uyazi, uma uchithe isikhathi esiningi nomlingani wakho, futhi udinga ithrekhi yomsindo yalokho, kahle, le albhamu ... -Lokhu kungaba yikho. -... kungaba yikho. -Uyindoda elungile. Ngiyabonga ngakho konke okwenzayo, futhi ngiyabonga ngokuthatha isikhathi sokwenza lokhu namuhla. Futhi feedamerica.org. Wonke umuntu lapha uyakwazisa, futhi ngiyabonga ngokwenza iculo kamuva kusihlwa. Ngempela, ngiyakwazisa. Ngiyabonga, bhuti. -Ngiyabonga. -Kodwa, uJohn. -Uguqula ingoma yakhe entsha "Izenzo" esekhaya lakhe, UJohn Legend. ♪♪ - ♪ Sawubona, yebo ♪ ♪ La-da-da, da-da ♪ ♪ La-da-da, da-da, la-da ♪ ♪ La-da-da-da-da, nangu ngiya futhi ♪ ♪ Ngenye ingoma yothando engayichitha ♪ Olunye nje uthando luphelelwa yisineke ♪ ♪ Akafuni, akamdingi ♪ Onke amanye amagama avela esibayeni sami ♪ Ubuyele phansi ebusweni bami, ethi, "Ubukade ukuphi?" ♪ Ngizwakala ngimbongi, kepha kube sengathi ngiyayivumela inyamalale ♪ ♪ Qoqotha ♪ ♪ Ngifuna ukukhombisa uthando lwami luqinile ♪ ♪ Menze azizwe lapho ngisekhaya ♪ Akunangqondo, akukho iphutha, angakuzwa lapho ngihambile ♪ Izenzo zikhuluma ngokuzwakalayo kunokuthi, khuluma ngokwedlula ♪ Khuluma kakhulu kunezingoma zothando ♪ Mel Imiculo abayithwele ♪ Izenzo zikhuluma ngokuzwakalayo kunokuthi, khuluma ngokwedlula ♪ Khuluma kakhulu kunezingoma zothando ♪ Bengihlale ngikwenza konke okungalungile ♪ ♪ La-da-da-da-da, lapha siya futhi ♪ Bambalwa abangane abanezinzuzo ezithile ♪ ♪ Unginike lonke uthando lwakhe, bese ngiyaluchitha ♪ ♪ Ubhale ingoma entsha, wayisusa ♪ ♪ O, yonke enye into engiyikhulumile ngaphambili ♪ Uthe akafuni ukuzwa ngakho ♪ ♪ Ngizizwa ngikwazi ukudala, kepha kuzwakala ngathi ♪ ♪ Akukho okusalayo ukusho ukukwenza uhlale ♪ ♪ UWanna ukhombisa ukuthi uthando lwami luqinile, umenze azwele uma ngisekhaya ♪ Akunangqondo, akukho iphutha, angakuzwa lapho ngihambile ♪ Izenzo zikhuluma ngokuzwakalayo kunokuthi, khuluma ngokwedlula ♪ Khuluma kakhulu kunezingoma zothando ♪ Mel Imiculo abayithwele ♪ Izenzo zikhuluma ngokuzwakalayo kunokuthi, khuluma ngokwedlula ♪ Khuluma kakhulu kunezingoma zothando ♪ Bengihlale ngikwenza konke okungalungile ♪ ♪ La-da-da-da-da, la-da-da-da-da away ♪ ♪ La-da-da-da-da, la-da-da, usuku lonke ♪ Don't Akafuni ukuzwa, akafuni ukuzwa ♪ Izwi engilishoyo, igama engilishoyo ♪ ♪ La-da-da-da-da, la-da-da-da-da away ♪ ♪ La-da-da-da-da, la-da-da, usuku lonke ♪ Don't Akafuni ukuzwa, akafuni ukuzwa ♪ Izwi engilishoyo, igama engilishoyo ♪ Izenzo zikhuluma ngokuzwakalayo kunokuthi, khuluma ngokwedlula ♪ Khuluma kakhulu kunezingoma zothando ♪ Mel Imiculo abayithwele ♪ ♪ Nezenzo zikhuluma kakhulu kuno-♪ ♪ Hheyi, khuluma kakhulu kunezingoma zothando ♪ Bengihlale ngikwenza konke okungalungile ♪ ♪♪ [Ama-Chuckles] Ngiyabonga! -Ngifuna ukubonga wonke umuntu osembukisweni namuhla. UJohn Legend, wawumuhle, hhayi ukwenza kuphela kodwa futhi nokukhuluma. Yini ukuzijabulisa. Ngifuna ukubonga umkami empeleni ngokuba kwikhamera nokuba opharetha kwekhamera, futhi. Futhi bekuyisikhathi sami sokuqala ukusebenzisa induku ye-selfie. Lokho kwakuyinkinga enkulu. Noma kunjalo, noWinnie ukuthola ihluzo, Franny ngokuba seduze nokuba muhle. Ngiyanithanda bafo ngokubuka. Ngiyabonga, YouTube. Ngiyabonga, NBC. Geza izandla zakho. Musa ukukuthinta ubuso. Hlala uphephile, ngizokubona kusasa. Omunye umbukiso omusha. Bye!
UNkulunkulu uza kulo mhlaba ukuzokwenza umsebenzi wokuhola inkathi kuphela; ukuvula inkathi entsha nokuqeda endala. Akezelanga ukuzophila konke ukuphila komuntu lapha emhlabeni, ukuzozizwela izinjabulo nosizi lokuphila komuntu noma ukuzophelelisa umuntu othile ngesandla Sakhe noma ukuzobukela mathupha umuntu ekhula. Lowo akuwona umsebenzi Wakhe; umsebenzi Wakhe umane nje uwukuletha inkathi entsha, aqede endala. Okuwukuthi, uzoqala inkathi, bese eqeda enye, anqobe uSathane ngokufeza umsebenzi ewumuntu. Njalo lapho enza umsebenzi mathupha, kuba sengathi ubeka unyawo enkundleni yempi. Esenyameni, uqale anqobe umhlaba, ehlule uSathane; athole yonke inkazimulo, ambule umsebenzi weminyaka eyizinkulungwane ezimbili, enikeza wonke umuntu emhlabeni indlela efanele angayilandela, nokuphila impilo enokuthula nenjabulo. Nokho, uNkulunkulu ngeke ahlale nomuntu emhlabeni isikhathi eside, ngoba uNkulunkulu unguNkulunkulu, akafani nhlobo nomuntu. Ngeke aphile iminyaka ephilwa ngumuntu ojwayelekile, okuwukuthi ngeke ahlale emhlabeni njengomuntu ongeyena ongejwayelekile, ngoba unengxenye encane kakhulu yobuntu obejwayelekile bokwesekela impilo Yakhe kanjalo. Ngamanye amazwi, uNkulunkulu angawuqala kanjani umndeni, akhulise abantwana emhlabeni? Angeke yini lokho kube yihlazo? Uba nobuntu obejwayelekile ukuze enze umsebenzi ngendlela ejwayelekile, hhayi ukuba aqale umndeni njengomuntu ojwayelekile. Ukucabanga Kwakhe okujwayelekile, umqondo ojwayelekile, ukudla ngendlela ejwayelekile nokugqoka enyameni Yakhe kwanele ukufakazela ukuthi unobuntu obejwayelekile; asikho isidingo sokuba aqale umndeni ukuze abonise ukuthi unobuntu obejwayelekile. Lokhu akunasidingo nhlobo! UNkulunkulu uza emhlabeni, ngokuthi uLizwi uba yinyama; wenzela ukuthi umuntu aliqonde kahle izwi Lakhe futhi alibone izwi Lakhe, okuwukuthi avumele umuntu ukuba abone umsebenzi owenziwa yinyama. Inhloso Yakhe ayikhona ukuba abantu baphathe inyama Yakhe ngendlela ethile kodwa ukuba umuntu alalele kuze kube sekugcineni, okuwukuthi, ukuze alalele wonke amazwi aphuma emlonyeni Wakhe futhi anikezele kuwo wonke umsebenzi awenzayo. Usebenza nje kuphela enyameni, akukhona nje ukuthi ulindele ukuba umuntu aphakamise ubukhulu nobungcwele benyama Yakhe. Umane nje ubonisa umuntu ukuhlakanipha komsebenzi Wakhe negunya analo. Ngakho, ngisho noma enobuntu obumangalisayo, akamemezeli kodwa ugxila kuphela emsebenzini okufanele awenze. Kufanele nazi ukuthi kungani uNkulunkulu ebe yinyama kodwa engaziqhayisi futhi engafakazi ngobuntu Bakhe obujwayelekile futhi kunalokho emane nje enza umsebenzi afisa ukuwenza. Yingakho ubona kuphela umuntu wobunkulunkulu kuNkulunkulu osenyameni, ngenxa yokuthi akalokothi amemezele ukuba Kwakhe ngumuntu ukuze alingiswe. Kulapho umuntu ehola umuntu lapho ekhuluma khona ngesiqu Sakhe ukuze athole ukuhola ngenxa yokubahlaba umxhwele nokubenza bamkholwe. Ngokuphambene nalokho, uNkulunkulu unqoba abantu ngomsebenzi Wakhe kuphela (okuwumsebenzi ongenakufinyelelwa muntu). Akajabulisi muntu noma enze ukuba abantu bamkhonze, kunalokho wenza ukuba abantu babe nomuzwa wokumhlonipha noma abenze baqonde ukuthi akaqondakali. Asikho isidingo sokuba uNkulunkulu ahlabe abantu umxhwele. Akudingayo nje ukuba umhloniphe lapho usubone isimo Sakhe semvelo. Umsebenzi uNkulunkulu awenzayo ngowakhe; ngeke wenziwe ngumuntu esikhundleni Sakhe, futhi ngeke ufezwe ngumuntu. NguNkulunkulu uqobo kuphela ongenza umsebenzi Wakhe futhi angenise inkathi entsha ukuze aholele umuntu empilweni entsha. Umsebenzi awenzayo ngowokwenza ukuthi umuntu akwazi ukuthola impilo entsha nokungena enkathini entsha. Wonke omunye umsebenzi unikezwa labo bantu abanobuntu obejwayelekile nalabo abakhonzwe ngabanye. Ngakho, eNkathini Yomusa, waqeda umsebenzi weminyaka eyizinkulungwane ezimbili eminyakeni emithathu nengxenye ngesikhathi seminyaka engamashumi amathathu nantathu esenyameni. Lapho uNkulunkulu oze emhlabeni enza umsebenzi Wakhe, uhlale eqeda umsebenzi wezinkulungwane ezimbili zeminyaka noma inkathi yonke eminyakeni embalwa nje. Akachithi sikhathi, futhi akabambezeli; uvele aqoqele ndawonye umsebenzi weminyaka eminingi ukuze uqedeke eminyakeni embalwa futhi emifushane. Lokhu kungenxa yokuthi umsebenzi awenzayo ungukuvula indlela entsha nokuhola inkathi entsha.
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fears of being HIV positive. DAYS OF OUR LIVES E.J. asks Arianna to do some digging to see if it was Will or Sami that shot him. Sami walksinonAriannaquestioningWill.Mela­ nie confronts Chloe about cheating on Daniel and Chloe admits to cheating. Bo visits Hope in prison. Chloe tells Philip that Melanie knows she cheated on Daniel but she doesn’t know with whom yet. Daniel tells Victor that if he won’t accept Chloe then he can’t be in his life anymore. Sami shows up without the kids but with Roman and Rafe. Rafe got the word that E.J. can be released from the hospital and they can tellhimthetruthwhichtheydo.Later,Rafe tells Sami that he resigned from the FBI so she can tell him the truth about E.J.’s shooting. Philip doesn’t have any luck con­ vincing Melanie not to tell Daniel about Chloe’saffair.E.J.isservedwithpaperstell­ ing him he cannot see Sydney and Johnny until a family court hearing. THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL HOPE chastises Steffy for making a mock­ ery of her wedding day and declares that they are no longer friends. Liam acquiesces to Bill but then tells him that he is acting like a Spencer, and explains how. Liam vows to Brooke that he will make things right with Hope. Hope’s line of questioning annoys Steffy so much that she ends the conversation. Rick hints to Thomas that he should reconsider being with Hope. Steffy becomesconvincedthatLiamisn’toverher yet. Rick does some sleuthing to find out the truth about Steffy and Liam and then hatches a plan to keep his sister away from the man she loves. Rick comforts Hope and tells her that Liam’s night out with Steffy is inexcusable while Steffy comforts a devastated Liam. Bill discourages Liam from at­ tempting to reconcile with Hope. To en­ sure that his sister isn’t hurt by Liam any­ more, along with a couple of other ulterior motives, Rick puts Othello in a diffi­ cult position with Hope. Now with Oth­ ello on track with his plans, Rick focuses on Thomas to be his next pawn. Tema Sebopedi FOTO: SUPPLIED
january 2018 smme news 7 education incwadi ecibisa ngolimu lwakho kwezamabhizinisi marvellous zondi umsunguli wenkampani imatoyana business solutions unksz. nokwazi mzobe wethule ushicilelo olwehlukile lwencwadi ecebisa ngezamabhizinisi ngolwimi lwesizulu. lolushicilelo lwesibili isihloko salo sithi ‘umhlahlandlela wamabhizinisi amancane’ kant kuhloswe ngalo ukusiza abantu abakhuluma isizulu ukuthi bakwazi ukuthola ulwazi ngolimu lwabo. isizulu sibalwa kanye nezilimi ezinothile kakhulu ezwenikazi i--africa kanti sihamba phambili ngokukhulunywa kuleli njengoba becela ku 11.6 million abantu abakhuluma lolulimi eningizimu afrika. ngokusho kuka mzobe ekhuluma nelinye lamaphephandaba akuleli inhloso yokwenza lolushicilelo ukuqinisekisa ukuthi abantu abakhuluma isizulu bayakwazi ukuzilungisela izinkinga ababhekana nazo kwezama bhizinisi. “izinsiza eziningi ezingasiza ngolwazi zijwayeke ukungabi ngolimi lwebele, lokho kwenza kube nzima ukukhulisa ulwazi” kusho umzobe ngaphambi kokwengeza ngokuthi amabhizinisi amaningi ayafadalala enyakeni wokuqala esunguliwe ngesimanga sokuntuleka kolwazi olwanele kanye namakhono adingekayo okuphatha amabhizinisi. lencwadi iqukethe ulwazi oluyisisekelo ngokusungula noku simamisa amabhizinisi kanti iyatholakala ezitolo zezincwadi ngo r295. unksz. nokwazi mzobe nencwadi yakhe ecebisa osomabhizinisi ngolimi lwesizulu. isithombe ngabe daily vox. learn a trade and make profit small business resolutions for 2018 nontobeko duma many young people have just gotten their results and are now expected to make a decision that will effect the rest of their lives. the obvious choice is going to university, studying and then having the dream job that will enable them to finance their expenses. the reality for many young people is not if education is accessible but if it is worth it. the high rate of unemployment in south africa is a huge cause for concern especially as it is also prevalent amongst graduates. for many young people that makes them want to take a new direction so as not to be caught in that “trap” so they decide to try start their own business and often times they not sure what to do. they is often one business that is over looked; running a trade business. a trade is basically things like wielding, carpentry, plumbing, electrician, seamstress, mechanics etc. these type of jobs are not often chosen as they lack the glamour of a fancy degree and means getting your hands dirty yet they are able to bring in a steady good income where you can quickly become your own boss working your own hours (with public holidays off). the advantages of learning a trade • cheaper: the cost of university is quite high currently as of this year registration fees alone are between r4000-- r15000. then tuition fees if you don’t qualify for a grant or financial aid ranges from r25 000 – r60 000 a year. a degree takes 3--4 years if you are able to finish it in time, you can do the math. that’s not adding in the accommodation, and textbooks. whereas trade schools often cost r5000 –r 18000 for full course and once you can start earning half way through your course while getting work experience. • quicker: as mentioned before even if you do end up learning a trade for few years chances are you will already be making your own money halfway in. the maximum amount of time to get a trade qualification is 2 years. it all depends on what you learn studying to be a welder will take less time than studying to be a mechanic. • not effected by inflation: the need for people with trade skills has never not been around, even if the country plunged into war, the need for trades such as seamstresses, electricians, plumbers and other skilled workers such as doctors and nurses will be unaffected. in fact people with trades will be the first to recover as they will be needed. • sense of satisfaction: for many people academia was never their talent and they have often neglected their other talents trying to keep up with those who have the ability to pick up what is taught at school with ease maybe even feeling inadequate. learning a trade maybe where your talent lies working with your hands is how your brain works best and where your creativity really fly’s. if so you will find a great sense of satisfaction making a success on the road less travelled. marvellous zondi if you are an smme looking to make 2018 as fruitful as possible, you may need to look at these few tips from the ‘small business site’. according to this online platform, small businesses everywhere need to take stock of the year and make final plans for the new year. at this time, it is always good to revisit your business and adopt some key tips, strategies or reminders for the year ahead. don’t be afraid to make big mistakes the best things that happen in a business most often happen on the heels of failure. don’t be afraid to fail; it’s proof that you are meant to be a successful entrepreneur. the only difference between people who are hugely successful and those who aren’t is the time it takes them to get back up after being knocked down. little companies always move faster the big guy may have the corner on money but the little guy usually has the corner on creativity. take some time to sit down and figure out how your big rival is promoting their brand and plan something smarter and more creative for yours. take full advantage of all the free social media out there before you go out and blow money on advertising, capitalise on the free online access that leads you directly to your customers. blog, tweet with humour, and make as many friends as you can on facebook. you can quickly build a huge following of customers willing to try your new product without spending anything on advertising. choose only really good people make sure you pick good people to build your business with, as they’ll determine 80% of your success. the best people are honest and have lots of enthusiasm. don’t worry too much about their level of experience when you’re interviewing, as the right attitude always delivers much more than just experience. focus on what’s already working for you and do more of it when you look for ways to expand your business, the real pot of gold is usually the same stuff that’s already proven successful. so, before you move on to the next exciting project or a new strategy, slow down. do a lot more of what’s already working and then do the new stuff. never stop networking never stop pushing, never stop networking. keep looking for business or providing the best service. it’s hard to always believe, but as a self--employed person, you simply have no choice. never stop. stop putting it off procrastination is the enemy of success. the time you waste on stalling breeds guilt, and guilt deflates energy and sometimes even leads to depression. when you feel stuck and can’t seem to move ahead, always remember that you don’t have to get it right, you must just get it going. be decisive don’t wait for everything to be perfect. instead of seeking the impossible, efficient decision makers tend to leap without all the answers and trust that they’ll be able to build their wings on the way down. make sure you know what not to do everyone should have their own ‘not to do’ list. i sit down regularly and make a list of all the things i have spent time on that have amounted to nothing. it’s smart to post your ‘not to do’ list where you’re bound to see it so you’re reminded to do more productive things that give a better return on the time you spend at work. shoot the dogs early if you spot a complainer and if you have the authority to do it, fire them right away. complainers are like thieves, robbing you and your company of its good energy. your whole team’s outlook will shine brighter once you’re rid of them. don’t do it alone you need a support system when building a business. there are organisations such as the nsbc who can help with advice and inspiration, as well as quality networking opportunities. when you’re starting a business, experienced guidance is the best support system of all. be different challenge the status quo, get out of your comfort zone, do things differently and stretch your abilities. stretching your abilities will make you great.
10 fwe bengi tatwaleka ukuba abalola nangu ca kuti palipita imyaka iingi. na lyo line tatufwile ukutendwa pa mulandu ne nshita iikalamba iyapitapo ukutula apo twatendekela ukulolela. tufwile ukuba abaiteyanya ilyo tulelolela inshita yesu akesa mu konaula cino calo cabipa. mwilaba ukuti yesu aebele abasambi bakwe ukuti: “cenjeleni, mulelola, pantu tamwaishiba inshita ifi fikacitika. cili kwati muntu uwaleya ku calo ca kutali uwashile ing’anda yakwe no kupeela amaka ku basha bakwe, cila muntu umulimo wa kubomba, kabili aebele umulinshi ukuti alelola. e ico mulelola, pantu tamwishibe ilyo umwine wa ng’anda akesa, nampo nga cungulo nelyo ni pa kati ka bushiku nelyo pa kulila kwa kwa mukolwe nelyo ku macaca; pa kuti ilyo apumikisha ukwisa, tamusangile namulaala. lelo ifyo ndemweba, nde--eba na bonse nati, mulelola.”—marko 13:33--37.
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Cognitive Computing, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Perception, Predictive APIs, Image Recognition, Speech Recognition, Virtual Agent, Intelligent Assistant, Personal Advisor, Chatbot, Semantic Search. Did I miss anything? I am sure I did. However, I guess I provide a good list for your next round of Artificial Intelligence (AI) bullshit bingo. Oh, one last thing - Machine Reasoning! If you've ...Jun. 29, 2017 12:00 AM EDT Reads: 3,623Colocation Remains Essential to InfrastructureBy Chris SchwarzColocation is a central pillar of modern enterprise infrastructure planning because it provides greater control, insight, and performance than managed platforms. In spite of the inexorable rise of the cloud, most businesses with extensive IT hardware requirements choose to host their infrastructure in colocation data centers. According to a recent IDC survey, more than half of the businesses questioned use colocation services, and the number is even higher among established businesses and businesses with an existing base of IT expertise.Jun. 28, 2017 11:15 PM EDT Reads: 1,180The High-Level Plan for Digital TransformationBy Kevin BenedictThe size of competitors and the longevity of their brands, are less predictive of future success than the quality and speed of their information logistics systems, and their ability to use it as a competitive advantage. More data is being generated today than ever before, and successful companies are investing in business analytics and big data solutions to mine competitive advantages. There is a new sense of urgency today as businesses realize data has a shelf life, and the value of it diminishes rapidly over time. In an always-connected world where consumers and their needs are transient, ...Jun. 28, 2017 10:45 PM EDT Reads: 1,653[video] AI Log Analysis with Loom SystemsBy Liz McMillan"Loom is applying artificial intelligence and machine learning into the entire log analysis process, from start to finish and at the end you will get a human touch,” explained Sabo Taylor Diab, Vice President, Marketing at Loom Systems, in this SYS-CON.tv interview at 20th Cloud Expo, held June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY.Jun. 28, 2017 10:00 PM EDT Reads: 2,057Don’t Get Lost in the CloudBy Todd MattersFor most organizations, the move to hybrid cloud is now a question of when, not if. Fully 82% of enterprises plan to have a hybrid cloud strategy this year, according to Infoholic Research. The worldwide hybrid cloud computing market is expected to grow about 34% annually over the next five years, reaching $241.13 billion by 2022. Companies are embracing hybrid cloud because of the many advantages it offers compared to relying on a single provider for all of their cloud needs. Hybrid offers balance and flexibility. It helps companies achieve a wide array of business goals, including availabili...Jun. 28, 2017 08:30 PM EDT Reads: 1,810Falling Prices Make Hosted Solutions Irrelevant?By Harry TrottThe margins of cloud products like virtual machines are still in the 50% range. In essence, price drops are going to be a regular feature for the foreseeable future. This begets the question - are hosted solutions becoming irrelevant today? Boston-based market research firm, 451 Research, has been publishing their ‘Cloud Price Index' for a few years now. The quarterly study looks into the pricing of various offerings in the cloud market to understand the shifting dynamics in the public, private and hybrid cloud market. According to Dr. Owen Rogers from 451 Research, the approach here is simila...Jun. 28, 2017 08:15 PM EDT Reads: 447Preparing for the Next (DX) DisruptionBy Jason BloombergThe dirty little secret, however, is that we are as unable to predict the future as you. None of us really knows what will happen next. The future is made up of an incredibly complex mixture of technologies, possibilities, and events that come together in ways that no one can truly predict.
on which day and in which post have i ever agreed with the sentiments posted and expressed by ivovo? as usual mthwentwehlaba1 you are talking out of your behind. it would appear that you hell bent on engaging on a war of words -- kunini ungilandelela from thread to thread with your mealy mouthed and downright stupid ideas? hell you even posted a thread in which you demanded to know my whereabouts! and when that didn't work you dredged up an old thread or two in your puny and futile attempts to get my attention. the fact of the matter is that so long as your posts, thoughts, insults and other stupid ideas continue to be, as the old insult goes, as substantial and as fragrant as a dog's fart then i will continue to be underwhelmed by what you write and post here. my rasion d'etre here is not to engage with fools.you cannot teach anything to a fool and most certainly you never learn anything from one. and you sir are a first class fool. my raison'etre here is not to respond to every foolish insult posted by foolish fools of your ilk and duze a man who is yet to discover the caps lock on his pc. together with the aged (apologies to dickens)in new york you are yesterday's men with yesterday's ideas. my raisond'etre is not to engage with fools who sit with english men. my raison d'etre is not to engage with those who breathlessly speak about the independence of mthwakazi as though is is a matter of days nay minutes away . my raison d'etre is not to engage with those that cry out and demand to be lead like sheep.stupid is forever and ignorance may be fixed. my raison d'etre is not to engage with those that refuse to fix their ignorance perhaps out of sheer stupidity.my raison d'etre is not in engage with those that start meaningless and stupid threads with the same frequency as changing your underwear. my raison d'etre is not to engage with cheerless cheerleaders of your ilk. mine is a higher calling and the currency that i deal with, the currency of ideas is one in which you have shown yourself to be seriously lacking. to that end i will continue to ignore you ungaze ungilandele njengo titisi from thread to thread
ngelinye ilanga emhlanganweni, umlingani wami engisebenza naye waphawula ngezinsilela zami phambi komphathi wethu, ethi nganginokuzikhukhumeza, ngingalamukeli iqiniso, ngithanda ukulawula, ukunqoba njalo…. ukumuzwa esho lokho kwangithukuthelisa kakhulu, ngase ngicabanga ngithi: “zolo lokhu ngikubuze ukuthi unayo na imibono ngami, wathi cha, kodwa manje, phambi komphathi wethu, usho okuningi kangaka! akukhona neze ukuba neqiniso lokho!” ngangicabanga ukuthi mina nomlingani wami wasemsebenzini sasinobudlelwane obunokuthula, kodwa wayenemicabango eminingi kangaka ngami, okwakufakazela ukuthi kwakusenokungaqondani phakathi kwethu futhi ubudlelwane bethu babungenakho neze ukuthula. ngibhekene namaqiniso, umqondo wami wabuyela emuva ucabanga indlela ebengiziphatha ngayo kulobu budlelwane bethu: lapho kunemihlangano, yize noma umfowethu wayehlanganyela, kodwa wayengavamile ukukhuluma, ngenxa yokuthi ngangikhuluma cishe umhlangano wonke futhi ngingamniki ithuba lokukhuluma; emsebenzini impela sasixoxa nganoma yiziphi izinkinga eziqhamukile, ngaso sonke isikhathi ngangima kweyami imibono futhi ngiyenqabe eyakhe, bese izinkinga zisombululeke lapho umfowethu eyeka ukuveza owakhe umbono; uma ungaphandle kwakubukeka kungekho zingxabano noma ukushayisana phakathi kwethu, kodwa ngaphakathi kwakuzwakala njalo sengathi kunomgoqo owawukhona phakathi kwethu, okuthile okwakusinqanda ukuba sivulelane isifuba ngokuphelele. yingaleso sikhathi lapho ngabona khona ukuthi thina sobabili sasibukeka singabalingani abasebenza ndawonye, yimina kodwa engangishaya imithetho yonke, futhi wayengakaze athole ithuba lokugcwalisa eyakhe imisebenzi. ngangicabanga ukuthi ubudlelwane bethu kwakuyilobo obusebenzelanayo futhi singabalingani abalinganayo, kodwa empeleni kwakuyilobo bomholi kanye nalowo oholwayo. amaqiniso angivezela ukuthi lokho engangicabanga ukuthi ubambiswano olunokuthula empeleni nje kwakuyiqoqo nje lezi zinqubo zokwenza ezingeze zaphumelela. pho--ke, yini ubudlelwane obunobambiswano? ngafuna izimpendulo zombuzo wami ezwini likankulunkulu, ngase ngihlangana nala mazwi, “nisezindaweni eziphakeme futhi nizwa okuningi ngeqiniso, kuningi enikuqondayo ngenkonzo. uma nina bantu enengamele ukusebenza emabandleni ningafundi komunye nomunye, futhi nixoxisane, nisekelane eziphambekweni zomunye nomunye, ningazifunda kuphi izifundo? lapho nihlangabezana nanoma yini, kufanele nixoxisane, ukuze ukuphila kwenu kuzuze. futhi kufanele nixoxe ngokucophelela nganoma iziphi izinto ngaphambi kokwenza izinqumo. ukwenza kanjalo kuphela okuwukuzibophezela ebandleni hhayi ukungabi nandaba. ngemva kokuvakashela wonke amabandla, kufanele nihlangane nixoxe ngazo zonke izinkinga enizithole emsebenzini, nixoxe ngokukhanyiselwa nokukhanya enikutholile—lona umkhuba odingekayo wenkonzo. kumele nifinyelele ukubambisana okunobunye ngenxa yomsebenzi kankulunkulu, ngenxa yokuzuza kwebandla, nokugqugquzela abafowethu nodadewethu ukuba baye phambili. ubambisana naye, naye abambisane nawe, omunye ulungisa omunye, nifinyelele kumphumela ongcono womsebenzi, ukuze nenze intando kankulunkulu. yilokhu kuphela ukubambisana kwangempela, futhi yilabo bantu kuphela abanokungena kwangempela” (“khonza njengoba kwenza ama--israyeli” kwethi izwi livela lisenyameni). emva kokucabangisisa ngamazwi kankulunkulu, inhliziyo yami yashesha yakuqonda lokhu. ubambiswano lwangempela luchaza ukuthi abalingani abasebenzisanayo babeka umsebenzi webandla phambili; izintshisekelo zebandla kanye nempilo yodade nabafowethu, bangahlanganyela ndawonye basizane lapho kunokusilela khona, ukuze imiphumela engcono ifezekiswe emsebenzini wabo; bangasebenzisani ngokungaqondani noma babe nemicabango yokwahlulelana futhi bangabi nokungazwani ngokubuka izinto. uma ngiqhathanisa ukuziphatha kami nalokhu, ngezwa nginamahloni nokuzisola okungachazeki. uma ngibuka emuva indlela engangiziphathe ngayo, ngabona ukuthi angikaze ngiqhakambise izintshisekelo zebandla, ngangihlezi ngizibeka mina phambili, ngangihola ngokuncike esikhundleni sami futhi ngaqikelela ukunakekela isithunzi nesikhundla sami, kwaba ukuphela kwento engangiyesaba ukuba abantu bangibukele phansi noma bangithathe kancane, futhi ukuhlanganyela kwami nodadewethu nabafowethu kwakungahambisani noma kungenziwa ngokubuka ukuthi siyalingana, ngenxa yalokho akukaze kufeze inhloso yokubambisana, ukwesekana lapho singena ezwini likankulunkulu.
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UDade uZhang wathi: “Makabongwe uNkulunkulu! Kwangathi uNkulunkulu angasihola kulokhu kuhlanganyela! Maqondana nombuzo umzalwane wethu awubuzile, okokuqala kumele siqonde injongo nomqondo iNkosi uJesu ayenakho lapho esho la mazwi. INkosi uJesu yasitshela ukuthi lapho ibuya iyokuba yinyama futhi njengoKristu, njengeNdodana yomuntu, futhi kulesi sigaba iNkosi yathi oKristu bamanga babezovela futhi, bebonisa izimpawu nezimangaliso ukuze badukise abantu. Okusho ukuthi, esikhathini esizayo lapho uNkulunkulu ebonakala enyameni, labo Kristu bamanga nabo bazovela. Kulokhu sibona ukuthi iNkosi yasho la mazwi ukuze isitshele ukuthi kumele sikwazi ukuhlukanisa labo Kristu bamanga ukuze singakhohliswa yibo, kwakungekona ukuthi sihlale sikhiye iminyango yethu futhi senqabe ukulalela noma ngubani osabalalisa izindaba ezinhle zokufika kweNkosi. Kungaba yiphutha ukwenza kanjalo, futhi kungaba ukungaqondi nhlobo inhloso yeNkosi. INkosi uJesu seyivele iphrofethile: ‘Phakathi kwamabili kwezwakala izwi elikhulu, Bheka, kuza umkhwenyana; phumani niyomhlangabeza’ (Mathewu 25:6). ‘Bheka, ngime emnyango, ngingqongqotha: uma kukhona umuntu olizwayo izwi lami, avule umnyango, ngizongena kuye, futhi ngidle naye, naye futhi adle nami’ (IsAmbulo 3:20). ‘Izimvu zami zizwa izwi lami, futhi ngiyazazi, ziyangilandela’ (Johane 10:27). Amazwi eNkosi akwenza kucace ukuthi uma iNkosi ibuya, iyosebenzisa iphimbo Layo ukubiza izimvu zikaNkulunkulu, futhi ngephimbo Layo izimvu zikaNkulunkulu ziyoyizwa futhi zibuyele Kuyo. Lokhu kusho ukuthi, ukuthi sizokwazi noma cha ukuhlangabeza iNkosi lapho ibuya kuncike ekutheni siyakwazi yini ukuzwa iphimbo likaNkulunkulu noma cha. Uma singenzi umzamo wokulalela iphimbo likaNkulunkulu, futhi senqaba njalo labo abasabalalisa ivangeli lokubuya kweNkosi, ngabe lokhu akusho ukuthi siyoyivalela kalula iNkosi siyishiye ngaphandle? Kusuka emazwini eNkosi siyabona ukuthi isici esihlukanisayo oKristu bamanga ukusebenzisa izibonakaliso nokwenza izimangaliso. Ngokulingisa umsebenzi iNkosi uJesu ewenzile esikhathini esidlule, basebenzisa izibonakaliso nezimangaliso, njengokuphulukisa abagulayo nokukhipha amadimoni, ukukhohlisa umuntu. Kodwa-ke, oKristu bamanga bangumfanekiso wemimoya emibi, ngakho-ke kungakhathaleki ukuthi yiziphi izibonakaliso abazenzayo, abakwazi ukuveza iqiniso. Lokhu akunakuphikiswa. Amazwi kaNkulunkulu uSomandla enza ukuvezwa nengqikithi yoKristu bamanga kucace bha. Ake sibuke amavesi ambalwa avela ezwini likaNkulunkulu uSomandla futhi uzobe usuyaqonda. UNkulunkulu uSomandla wathi: ‘Uma ezinsukwini zokugcina “UNkulunkulu” ofana nokubonakala kukaJesu, lowo owaphulukisa abagulayo, waxosha amadimoni futhi owabethelwa ngenxa yomuntu, “lowo Nkulunkulu,” nakuba efana nalowo ochazwa eBhayibhelini futhi kulula kumuntu ukuba amamukele, ubengeke, empeleni abe inyama egqokwe nguMoya kaNkulunkulu, kodwa egqokwe ngumoya omubi. Ngoba kuyisimiso somsebenzi kaNkulunkulu ukungalokothi aphinde lokho asekufezile. Ngakho, umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu wesibili osesimweni somuntu uhlukile kulowo wokuqala’ (‘Ingqikithi Yenyama Ehlalwe UNkulunkulu’ kwethi Izwi Livela Lisenyameni). ‘Uma, njengamanje, kungavela umuntu okwazi ukwenza izimpawu nezimangaliso, futhi ekwazi ukukhipha amadimoni, futhi asindise abagulayo, futhi enze izimpawu eziningi, futhi uma lo muntu ethi ungukubuya kukaJesu, ngabe lokhu kuyinkohliso yemimoya emibi, kanye nokulingisa kwakhe uJesu. Khumbula lokhu! UNkulunkulu akawuphindi umsebenzi owodwa. … Uma, ngezinsuku zokugcina, uNkulunkulu wayesenza izimpawu nezimangaliso, futhi esakhipha amadimoni futhi asindise abagulayo—ukuba ubenza njengoJesu uqobo—uNkulunkulu ubengabe uphinda umsebenzi ofanayo, futhi umsebenzi kaJesu ubungeke ube nokubaluleka nosizo. Ngakho uNkulunkulu wenza isigaba esisodwa somsebenzi kuzo zonke izinkathi. Uma isigaba somsebenzi wakhe sesiphelile, silingiswa yimimoya emibi ngokushesha emuva kwalokho, futhi emuva kokuthi uSathane eqalise ukulandela uNkulunkulu eduzane, uNkulunkulu uguqukela kwenye indlela; uma uNkulunkulu eseqedile isigaba somsebenzi wakhe, ulingiswa imimoya emibi. Kufanele ucacelwe yilezi zinto’ (‘Ukwazi Umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu Namhlanje’ kwethi Izwi Livela Lisenyameni). Amazwi kaNkulunkulu uSomandla akwenza kucace ukuthi oKristu bamanga bayimimoya emibi ezenza uKristu. Yize noma bezibiza ngoNkulunkulu, abanalo nelincane iqiniso futhi ngokuqinisekile abakwazi ukufeza umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu, njengoba bengenayo ingqikithi kaKristu. Bakwazi nje kuphela ukulandela ezithendeni zikaNkulunkulu ukulingisa umsebenzi iNkosi uJesu eseyiwenzile kakade, ukuze bakhohlise abantu. OKristu bamanga angeke bakwazi ukuletha iqiniso noma indlela entsha yokwenza kubantu. Wonke umuntu uyazi ukuthi yonke imikhiqizo engombombayi kuleli zwe yenziwa ngokukopisha imikhiqizo yangempela. OKristu bamanga nabo bayafana, baphulukisa abagulayo futhi bakhiphe amadimoni bese benza izimangaliso nje ezingatheni ukuze bakhohlise abantu ngokukopisha umsebenzi owenziwe yiNkosi uJesu, kodwa abasoze oKristu bamanga benza izimangaliso ezinjengokuvusa abafileyo nokupha abantu abangu-5 000 ukudla ngolofu bezinkwa ezinhlanu nezinhlanzi ezimbili nje kuphela. Ngakho-ke, noma ubani ozibiza ngokuthi unguKristu, othi uyiNkosi uJesu ebuyile futhi ebonakalisa izibonakaliso nezimangaliso ephinde ephulukisa abagulayo futhi akhiphe amadimoni, laba bantu ngokuqinisekileyo bangoKristu bamanga abakhohlisa abantu. Nokho, uKristu ungukubaa sesimweni somuntu kukaNkulunkulu uqobo, unguMoya kaNkulunkulu obonakaliswa enyameni, unobuntu obujwayelekile nobungcwele obuphelele, futhi ngokungenakuphikiswa unguNkulunkulu uqobo. UNkulunkulu uSomandla wathi: ‘UNkulunkulu waba inyama eyabizwa ngokuthi uKristu, futhi okuwuKristu okwazi ukunika abantu iqiniso elibizwa ngokuthi uNkulunkulu. Akukho okukhulu ngalokhu, ngoba uqukethe isiqu sikaNkulunkulu, futhi uqukethe isimo sikaNkulunkulu, kanye nobuhlakani emsebenzini Wakhe, umuntu angekuthole. Labo abazibiza ngoKristu, kepha bengakwazi ukwenza umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu, bangabakhohlisi. UKristu akasikho nje ukubonakaliswa kukaNkulunkulu emhlabeni, kodwa inyama embethwe uNkulunkulu uphethe futhi uqedela umsebenzi Wakhe kubantu. Le nyama akusiyo leyo endawo yayo ingathathwa yinoma imuphi umuntu, kodwa yileyo engathwala umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu ngendlela egculisayo emhlabeni, futhi ibonakalisa isimo sikaNkulunkulu, futhi inika abantu ukuphila. Esikhathini esingatheni, labo abangoKristu bamanga bayowa, ngoba yize bethi banguKristu, akukho abanakho okuwumgogodla kaKristu. Ngakho ngithi ubuqiniso ngoKristu ngeke buchazwe umuntu, kodwa kuphendulwa futhi kunqunywe uNkulunkulu Uqobo’ (‘UKristu Wezinsuku Zokugcina Kuphela Onganika Umuntu Indlela Yokuphila Ingunaphakade’ kwethi Izwi Livela Lisenyameni). Ngakho-ke, nguKristu kuphela ongenza umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu ngokwakhe, nguKristu kuphela ongakwazi ukuveza iqiniso, nguKristu kuphela ongakwazi ukuveza isimo sikaNkulunkulu futhi ahlinzeke aphinde aluse umuntu. Futhi nguKristu kuphela ongenza umsebenzi wokuhlenga nokusindisa isintu, Nguye kuphela ongakwazi ukuqeda inkathi endala angenise inkathi entsha. Futhi, umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu uhlale umusha futhi awukaze ube mdala, futhi uNkulunkulu akaphindaphindi umsebenzi ofanayo, ngakho, njalo lapho uKristu eza ukufeza umsebenzi uyohlale eletha umsebenzi omusha, eveza isimo sikaNkulunkulu nalokho anakho nayikho. Njengalapho iNkosi uJesu yeza ukuzokwenza umsebenzi, yaqeda iNkathi Yomthetho yangenisa iNkathi Yomusa, futhi yashumayela izintshumayelo ezenza abantu bavume izono zabo futhi baphenduke, futhi yafundisa abantu ukuba bathande izitha zabo futhi, phakathi kwezinye izinto, ukuba bathobeke, babe nesineke futhi bathethelele abanye. INkosi uJesu yembula kumuntu isimo sikaNkulunkulu sothando nomusa. UNkulunkulu uSomandla ufikile ezinsukwini zokugcina, futhi ngendlela efanayo, uqede iNkathi Yomusa wase engenisa iNkathi Yombuso. Ufeza umsebenzi wokwahlulela umuntu nokusindisa umuntu ngamazwi Akhe ngesisekelo somsebenzi weNkosi uJesu wokuhlenga, usinike wonke amaqiniso esiwadingayo ukuze sihlanzwe futhi sithole insindiso, usinike indlela ebonisa ukukhipha isono kithina nokuthola insindiso, nokuveza isimo sokulunga sikaNkulunkulu, esihloniphekile nesolaka. Ngomsebenzi namagama kaNkulunkulu uSomandla, sikwazi ukubona kahle ukuthi uNkulunkulu uSomandla unguNkulunkulu osesimweni somuntu nokuthi unguNkulunkulu uqobo Lwakhe obonakala phakathi kwabantu ezinsukwini zokugcina.”
resume category accountingadminadvertisingagriculturearchitectureautomotiveaviationbankingbuildingcateringchildcareconstructioncustomer servicedefencedesigndrivingeducationelectronicsengineeringenvironmentalexecutivefinancegovernmenthealthhospitalityindustrialinsuranceitlawleisurelogisticsmanufacturingmarketingmechanicalmediamedicalnursingotherpharmaceuticalpublic sectorrecruitmentretailscientificsecretarialsecuritysocial caresportssurveyingtelecommunicationstourismtraveldesired position type casualfreelancefull--timeinternshippart--timetemporaryspoken languages & basic verbal xhosa knowledge. i speak1st isizulu1st lang english1st lang; isixhosa1st language1st language ndebele1st language: english1st language: tshivenda . 2nd language: english1st xhosa1st xitsonga2nd english2nd lang: english2nd language2nd language english2nd language: afrikaans2nd language: french (partial)2nd language: sotho2nd lugandaafrafr and englishafr/englishafriaansafricanafrikaanafrikaan ' englishafrikaansafrikaans (average)afrikaans (basic)afrikaans (first language)afrikaans (fluent)afrikaans (read & speak excellent)afrikaans (read and understand)afrikaans (satisfactory)afrikaans -- excellentafrikaans -- excellent english -- excellentafrikaans / engelsafrikaans 2nd languageafrikaans : englishafrikaans and englishafrikaans and english read and speekingafrikaans and english-- readafrikaans and englishikaans and englishafrikaans and iszuluafrikaans and sepediafrikaans and xhosaafrikaans and xitsongaafrikaans and zuluafrikaans english fanakaloafrikaans(basic)afrikaans--second languageafrikaans. setswanaafrikaans/ english speakafrikaans/englishafrikaans/english/zuluafrikaans: a bitafrikaans; english; fanagaloafrkaansall south african languagesamerican sign languageand isizuluand readand sesothoand setswana.and shonaand sotho and zuluand xhosaand zuluarabicarabic moroccobahasa indonesiabanglabasic afrikaansbasic afrikaans & isizulubasic frenchbasic germanbasic spanishbasic verbal sesotho and setwanabasic zulubembabengalibilingualbit of sothochichewachinesecroatiandanishdeutschdutcheeducatoreenglishenengeng and afrikaanseng zuluengglishenghlishengilishengilshengilsh and isixhosaengishengish. afrikaansengligh and afrikaansenglingenglisenglishenglish & afrikaans (fluent)english & afrikaans --excellentenglish & conversational afrikaansenglish (excellent) afrikaans (fair)english (excellent) afrikaans (fair) sepedi (excellent)english (first language) afrikaansenglish (first language) afrikaans (second language)english (home language) & afrikaans (read & understand)english (native language)english (native)english (second language) – written and spokenenglish (v.good)english + afrikaans + zuluenglish + sesothoenglish + shonaenglish + urdu + arabic + punjabi.english +xhosa + afrikaansenglish +xhosa + zuluenglish -- fluentenglish ---- rusty frenchenglish 1st languageenglish =isizuluenglish afrikaansenglish afrikaans germanenglish afrikaans sothoenglish amd afrikaansenglish and afirkaansenglish and afrikaaansenglish and afrikaansenglish and afrikaans (both excellent)english and afrikaans (fully bilingual)english and afrikaans read speak writeenglish and afrikaans-- read; write and speak -- excellentenglish and afrikansenglish and afrrikaansenglish and alittle afrikaansenglish and basic afrikaansenglish and frenchenglish and isixhosaenglish and isizuluenglish and isizulu home langenglish and italianenglish and portugueseenglish and sepedienglish and sesothoenglish and setswanaenglish and shonaenglish and sign languageenglish and siswatienglish and some african languagesenglish and sothoenglish and south sothoenglish and tagalogenglish and tamilenglish and three local regional languagesenglish and tshivendaenglish and tsongaenglish and tswanaenglish and urdoenglish and vendaenglish and xhosaenglish and zuluenglish first languageenglish first language read & writeenglish greekenglish hindienglish hindi gujaratienglish hindi marathi urduenglish hindi marathi urdu tliile of arabic.english indiaenglish izulu and shonaenglish ndebele zuluenglish onlyenglish other african languagesenglish pedienglish read write and speak fluentlyenglish siswati and a bit of sisothoenglish tamilenglish tswanaenglish written and spokenenglish xhosaenglish zuluenglish'afrikaans'xhosa'tswana's.sotho'zuluenglish-- excellentenglish-- goodenglish-- speakenglish--execellentenglish. afikans. nothern sothoenglish. afrikaans. isizuluenglish.zulu.shonaenglish/afrikaansenglish/chineseenglish/sepeedienglish: afrikaans: setswanaenglish:tswana:zuluenglish; afrikaans; sepedienglish; afrikaans; sotho; zulu; swatienglish; sesotho; afrikaansenglish; tshivenda; tswana; n.sotho; zuluenglish; xhosa; sothoenglish; zulu and tswanaenglishghenglishnengllishenglsih & afrikaans (good)englsishenlgishenlish and afrikaansexcellent language skills and proficiency as: english: good proficiency turkish: mother tongue persian: bilingual proficiency arabic: limited proficiencyfluent in english and afrikaansfluent in english and conversational in zulufranchfrenchfrench (basic)french (native)french -- basic/rusty.french and englishfrench spokenfully bilingual -- afrikaans & englishgermangerman -- fluentgujaratihindhihindihindi & oriya.hindi bengalihindi tamilhindi/urduhindi/urdu (partialhome language : xhosa (other languages: englishi speak and write english and afrikaans very wellindian englishisindebeleisiswatiisiswati and setswana languagesisiswaziisixhosaisixhosa and tsonga.isixhosa fairisixhosa--excellentisizukuisizuluisizulu (fair)isizulu -- beginnerisizulu -- excellentisizulu and englishisizulu and isixhosa.isizulu and sesothoisizulu and setswanaisizulu and sothoisothuisuzuluitaliankkannadakiswahilikonkanilanguage skills: ▪ arabic: mother tongue ▪ english: fluent ▪ amharic: fairlanguage: xhosa proficiency: basic language: sotho proficiency: good language: zulu proficiency: good language: english proficiency: goodlanguages: fluent englishlanguages: french and english (speaklatin not spokenlugandamalaymalayalammandarinmarathin sotho and isizulu.n. sothon.sotho and englishndebelendebele and zulunorth sothonorthern sothonothern sothonyanjaoriyapedipedi & zulupedi and tsongapolishportugeseportuguesereadread and wrightread and write fluently)refer to attached resumeromanianrussianss.sothosepedisepedi (excellent)sepedi and afrikaanssepedi and englishsepedi and tshongasepedi and tswanasepedi and zulusepedi english and tswanasepedi first language.serbiansesothosesotho (conversational)sesotho (southern)sesotho and englishsesotho and isixhosasesotho and isizulusestwanaseswanasetswanasetswana (excellent)setswana and a bit of afrikaanssetswana and afrikaanssetswana and englishsetswana and isizulusetswana and sesothosetswana ans sepedisetswana english afrikaans zulu sothosetswana isizulusetwanashonashona (conversational)shona + venda+ tshangani+kiswahili + englishshona and englishshona and zulu.siswatisizulusome portuguesesothosotho (fluent)sotho and basic afrikaanssotho and englishsotho improving in afrikasnssotho(bit)south sothsouth sothosouth sotho & englishsouth sotho and xhosaspanishspanish (basic)speakspedi zulusuthoswahiliswahili and lingalaswahili.iszuluswatiswazi/zulu/tsongaswedishttamiltamil & englishtamil & hinditamil & malayalam.telugutongatotally bilingual in english and afrikaanstshivendatshivenda(home) english (good) zulu(good)tshonga and sothotshwanatsongatsonga and sothotsongstswanatswana and englishtswana and xhosatswana english sepeditswana'english'afrikaans'zulutswcoatwiurduvendavenda (fluent)venda (native)vhendwill be available on request as a cv attachment through email.writewrite and read isizulu and english. has a basic understanding of isixhosaxhhosaxhosaxhosa (basic)xhosa and afrikaansxhosa and englishxhosa and sesothoxhosa+english+zuluxhosa-- speak --intermediatexhozaxitsongaxitsonga zuluyoruba.zuluzulu & xhosazulu (fluent)zulu -- fairzulu and englishzulu and n'sothozulu and sothozulu and tsivendazulu and tsongazulu and tswanazulu and xhosazulu basiczulu ndebelezulu/englishzulu; english• english--fluent • sotho--average • isizulu--average • french--basic • kiswahili--average • amharic--average • shona --fluent•english english & afrikaans (understand view all resumes"
44“ngay ngithamulpa mina yadu umepa kedha, nuy kuyku mabaygan ngaru bangal gimaw kupay manine senawbi zagethaw mabaygoepa. kalanu bangal nuy mura sethabi lagaw zapul danal pathepu. 45a wara kedha, wati zagethaw mabayg nanga, nuy nubiya muynu kedha gasaman, ‘ngaw kuyku mabayg koey sobalnga, nubepa ngapa kuniya tidaypa lawnga sobaginga.’ kalanu nungu kawrag kedha, nuy ngulayg palngin wara zagethaw mabaygal, garkazil a matha kedha yoepkazil, nuy koey aygudalnga a koey woenilayg a kasa matha umanga ulaypa. 46lawnga na gegeyadh, sena nungu wati zagethaw mabaygaw kuyku mabayg ngaru bangal kuniya. wara goeyginu, nuy dhadha mangiz, nubepa zagethaw mabaygoepa gumi. nuy zagethaw mabayg senawbi goeygingu koerawayg, a awangu koerawayg. senawbi wati zagethaw mabaygaw kuth kasa ipidhadh gegeyadh, koeyma mathaman, kalanu kawragi mabaygiya wanan.
p h o t o s c o u r t e s y o f s w e e t g r e e n ; t u d o r p l a c e ; g e o r g e t o w n b u s i n e s s i m p r o v e m e n t d i s t r i c t; r o b e r t r a d i f e r a ; t h e s m i t h s o n i a n a s s o c i a t e s
such as being aggressive or very docile. •If you suspect an animal is infected contact the health authorities immediately. Do not try to restrain the animal yourself. •Make a donation to a welfare organisation that does rabies vaccination outreach programmes. The higher the vaccinated animal population, the less chance there is of an outbreak. Rabies is a vaccine-preventable disease and globally there has been a reduction in the number of human and animal rabies cases as a result of vaccination of animals. Africa, Asia and Latin America have seen a recent increase in human rabies deaths and if not dealt with effectively, rabies could once again become a serious public health pandemic. “As pet parents we should all be doing our part in helping to raise awareness and reduce rabies fatalities in South Africa,” concludes Dr Fyvie.
After having severe chest pains the evening of 7/26/12 and over a year trying to get all these birther groups with all their donations to follow the truth of the real bio that starts with his birth and circumstances surrounding it in Topeka ks, i began sharing my eye witness account on my facebook linked to blogger and twitter. It is filled with typos in the initial psoting as often faebook can lose the psoting afte spell checking, as on face book it can take an hour to spell check one page. i now post on blogger and link back after there new format make it much easier. The adit'l info is posted each day and listed as Daily Recap. it a more comprehensive account of the struggle for integration in KS and in Topeka KS where the president was born. On 9/14/12 there is a transcript of the affidavit i filed with the sec of Sec of State Ks. he is getting a lot of flak for his staff doing a great job in following through to find the records. But he is bound by the law to not release the, records except to the President or if the court grant a court order. There are many eye witnesses to this among my age group. later this week would have been the 50Th reunion of the real dad's class at Topeka, HS, I pray he is recognized for his school accomplishments rather than continue being written out of history. I also published online a few days later my letter to Eric Holder Attorney General asking if the Justice dept could do anything to open an investigation of three dead 50 years ago on the banks of he Kansas river where the president's mother,pregnant with him was also attacked and died as a potential witness if any trial had ever occurred. His staff said that even though it occurred before the civil rights laws were passed, they were of the opnion they might be that they could and to send a letter, which I did.A gossip frenzy that had engulfed the community and high school ceased and the authorities would not even drag the river for the bodies which did wash up later on sand bar according to the Topeka Journal( eve paper). Linda Joy Adams 0
TOWNHillhospitalhasnotifiedmembersofthe public about its North Park Psychotherapy unit within the hospital. In a press release, hospital PRO Themba Hlongwane said that the hospital has realised that that many people are not aware of the services rendered by the unit. “North park ward is Townhill’s psychotherapy unit. This open intensive psychotherapy ward caters for eight male and 12 female mental health users,” he said. Themba added that in the interest of providing holistic comprehensive services to their patients, their multi–disciplinary team consists of a specialist psychiatrist, register, a team of clinical psychologists, a team of specialist nurses, a social worker, an occupational therapist and a ward clerk.
Nhlamulo: Xihlamusela-marito xi nga ha hlamusela Mukreste a ri “munhu la vulaka leswaku u pfumela eka Yesu tanihi Kreste, kumbe eka vukhongeri lebyi dyondzisaka tidyondzo ta Yesu.” Niloko leswi swi ri masungulo lamanene, ku fana ni tinhlamuselo to tala ta swihlamasela-marito, nhlamuselo leyi a yi hundziseli hi ku helela ntiyiso lowu Bibele yi wu vulaka hi ku va Mukreste. Rito “Mukreste” ri tirhisiwa kanharhu eka Testamente Leyintshwa (Mintirho 11:26; 26:28; 1 Petro 4:16). Valandzeri va Yesu Kreste va sungule ku vuriwa “Vakreste” eAntiyokiya (Mintirho 11:26) hikuva a va fana na Kreste hi mahanyelo ya vona, ni mintirho ni leswi a va swi dyondzisa. Kahle-kahle rito “Mukreste” ri vula “ku va xirho xa ntlawa wa Kreste” kumbe “mulandzeri wa Kreste.”
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Submit newsBizcommunity has over 400 industry contributors and we always welcome further contributions and contributors.Submit newsUSB-ED presents new managers' development programme in Windhoek Save | Email | Print | PDF Issued by: USB-EDUSB Executive Development Ltd (USB-ED), which has for a number of years presented management development programmes in Namibia, can equip those wishing to enter the ranks of management with the necessary knowledge and skills as they move into their new roles.There is now an opportunity to enrol for the New Managers' Development Programme (NMDP) in Windhoek. The aim of this programme, taking place during the week of 25 to 29 August 2008, is to enhance the skills and competencies of the individual who, for the first time, has the responsibility to manage other people.The programme centres around the building of leadership and management skills, complemented by some basic functional skills. This programme will help participants to gain the confidence and the capability to respond effectively to current and future business challenges. Supervisors, new managers, and individuals earmarked for entry into management positions are welcome to apply. No formal tertiary qualifications are required. Candidates do not need to have had exposure to a management position. However, candidates are encouraged to have access to a personal coach or mentor from within their respective organisations. Aspects covered in the programme are: Managerial roles: Major factors affecting managerial roles; the purpose of management; ownership and control structures; managerial activities. Developing leadership: Understanding human behaviour; building human relationships; the psychology of human motivation; leadership and management; leadership and corporate culture; the leadership development plan Leadership skills: Personal skills (managing stress, developing self-awareness and solving problems creatively); interpersonal skills (communication, managing conflict, motivating others and gaining power and influence); the 10 core leadership competencies Introduction to financial management: Basic financial management principles; basic financial ratios; understanding basic financial statements Operations and project management: Project management process: defining a project; preparing a basic project plan; basic quality control; the team leader's role; total quality management; continuous improvement schemes. For more information contact Charmaine Garcia on +27 (0) 21 918 4488 or send an email to [email protected]. 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6 okukala tu na emanguluko la ngabekwa mbela oshi li ngoo emanguluko lashili? heeno, oshi li emanguluko. omolwashike hatu tile ngaho? omangabeko oo a tulwa po shi na sha nemanguluko lovanhu ohaa dulu oku va amena. pashihopaenenwa, ohatu dulu okuninga etokolo tu shinge tu ye koshilando shokokule. mbela ohatu ka kala ngoo tu udite twa amenwa ngeenge ohatu shingi kopate oko kuhe na eemhango domopate, oko keshe umwe ta hoolola kutya ota shingi onhapo i fike peni nota shingi eli kopate oyo a hala? hasho nandenande. omangabeko okwa pumbiwa opo ovanhu aveshe va hafele omanangeko noupuna emanguluko lashili. natu ka kundafaneni oihopaenenwa imwe yopambiibeli, opo tu dule okumona ouyelele muhapu u na sha nounongo wokulongifa emanguluko letu lokuninga omatokolo nonande jehova okwe tu tulila po omangabeko.
a motivational tale that explores the self and the struggles of the mind, ‘avarude raavukal’ is a story of three youth and their mentor of sorts who is a lonely old man. it has dreams and aspirations. it has the obstacles that the trio face to find themselves and take on life with vigour. while one lacks self confidence, another lacks a goal. the tone of the inspirational tale, though not preachy mixes a narrative style that is tedious. the story goes back and forth intermittently and that too of three individual lives. this makes the movie distracting. the intention of the movie however is commendable.
Mthwakazi:The progress of a traditional marriage arrangement was/is characterised by a series of elaborate reciprocal sacrifices and exchange of gifts. Amalobolo [amabheka] are an integral part of this process. In other words, without amalobolo, the marriage process would be "incomplete" [in the traditional sense]. Another way to look at it is this: you need four [not less] wheels to get your automobile up and running. There's a reason why an automobile has four wheels, it's not just artistic work. There's a lot of physics and engineering behind it. However, I do suppose that a marriage can "work" and last a life time, in the absence of amabheka. And I'm sure there are countless couples these days who don't even bother about izinto zamabheka. It's become more or less a matter of choice, which is understandable. That said, just because one has made a choice not to engage in ezamalobolo, doesn't mean one then has a right to go out and proclaim that amalobolo should be erased from our culture. It would be like changing the rules of a game to suit your own skill level! That's scandalous, I think. Anyway, I digress. I think we should focus on the term "amabheka". ESiNtwini, there's always logic [rhyme and reason] behind nomenclature. This is not to say that I don't understand the concerns being raised about amalobolo esimanjemanje. Of course, there'll always be people, unfortunately, who abuse the system and tarnish its value. Using amalobolo for profiteering yihlazo. Akusona iSiNtu sakwethu, cha. At this point, I think it is worth reflecting on traditional vs contemporary marriage arrangements. To this end, here then is a narration, by uMaNgubane, of the progress of a traditional marriage arrangement she witnessed [in particular, note the reciprocal character of the exchange of gifts, something which we seem to have lost nowadays]: </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">The progress of marriage arrangements is marked by sacrifices and exchange of gifts. And each sacrifice or gift takes the arrangements a step forward. I shall concern myself with animals killed as sacrifices or as gifts, and not with the other forms of gifts.a. The bride's father at his home killed a goat "to accept the negotiator of the marriage" (eyokuvuma umkhongi). His brother sprinkled the gall on the negotiator's right-hand index finger.b. On a latter occasion, the negotiator with a party from the groom's people brought a variety of gifts for the bride's people. The bulk of the gifts (izibizo: the bride's mother lists or names the presents or gifts she wants for herself) were for the bride's mother. On this occasion, the bride's father slaughtered a goat to honour the groom's mother. Such a goat is referred to as uhudo because of the nursing care the woman gave to her son, the groom, as a baby. The negotiator presented the bride's mother with the ubikibiki goat (bikibiki is anything of shaky and quivering nature, such as jelly). It signifies the "shaky and quivering" state of a woman's stomach after giving birth to her child.The negotiator's wife, on the same occasion, also presented a goat to the bride, to signify that she should dress up her hair in the special style (inkehli) worn by married women.The bride in turn presented a goat to the negotiator's wife, in appreciation of the latter's gift to her, which marked her new status.All the goats exchanged on this day were slaughtered and eaten. The groom's people took a portion of their meat back home. c. Later on [the marriage negotiations had been going on for seven years before this wedding took place!) the bride and her age-mates took food gifts (umbondo) to the groom's home. Two goats known as indlakudla were slaughtered - one for the bride and the other for her companion. The goat enabled both the bride and her bridesmaid [the bridesmaid is a girl in her early teens, usually related to the bride. She remains with the bride in her new home for some weeks after the marriage] to eat the food of the groom's people, which was otherwise taboo to them. The gall of the two goats was sprinkled on the index finger of the bride's companion.d. On a later occasion, the groom paid a special ceremonial visit in the company of his age-mates and girls of his locality. A goat was slaughtered to enable him to eat the food of the bride's home. The gall was sprinkled on the negotiator. The goat is termed indlakudla.e. At some other occasion, the bride's father performed a nubility ceremony for her. He killed an ox and a goat, as well as another goat from her mother's brother. These are the sacrificial chants (to kwabaphansi) that were recited by the father:Nangu umntwana wenu uMalezi.Ngiyamemulisa.Akube mhlophe konke.Izindlela zakhe zibe mhlophe.Kukhanye, abone.Kudeduke umnyama.Abe nezinhlanhla.Azale abantu.Aphile kahle.Kube mhlophe konke empilweni yakhe. The gall of the three animals was sprinkled on her, and the gall bladders were inflated and worn on the head by her during the ceremony. When the ceremony was over, the inflated bladders were carefully kept to be worn again on her wedding day. The gall bladder of the ox was pierced and worn by her as a wristlet (bracelet). The ceremony is known as ukwemula. f. A few days before the wedding, the bride's father and his brothers went to the groom's home to "see" the lobolo cattle before they were transferred to the bride's home. The groom's father slaughtered a goat for the bride's father. The gall was sprinkled on her father's brother. The goat is known as ilongwe.g. On the eve of the bride's leaving home to be married, her father slaughtered a goat known as eyokuncama. (ncama: to eat before commencing on a long journey [umendo]). This goat was intended to report her departure to the ancestors, and also to provide her with something to eat during her wedding ceremonies, as she was not supposed to eat any of the meat slaughtered on that occasion.h. When the bridal party arrived, the groom's people gave them a goat called eyokucola (ukucola: to give a feast in honour of the bride). The gall was sprinkled on her companion, who also wore on her head the inflated bladder.i. On the first day of the wedding, a cow was presented by the groom to the bridal party. It is known as eyesihlahla, because during the early part of the day, the party sat outside the home under a tree where they cooked and ate the meat.j. On the second day, a cow provided by the bride's father to the groom's mother was slaughtered. The beast is known as eyezibhoma [which simply means "chunks" of meat]. k. On the same day, the bride's people killed a goat and placed it in a large basin after piercing it to remove the gall, which was sprinkled on her by her father. She carried it, unskinned and unopened, in the basin, and presented it to her mother-in-law. The latter removed the basin from the bride's head and in return gave her a string of white beads. This ritual is known as isethulo ("to pay tribute, to make a present of respect"). The carcase of such a goat is known as isinyikanyika ("complicated affair, matter difficult of solution, something requiring disentangling").l. The most important beast of all was also killed on the second day. It was a cow known sometimes as eyesikhumba, as its hide is used to make a skirt (isidwaba) for the bride. Another, more appropriate, name is eyokwendisa. This beast was, as is the custom, provided by the bride's father. It was slaughtered in the groom's cattle byre by the negotiator, who used a special ancestral spear belonging to the groom's people [The negotiator was the groom's mother's brother]. The groom's mother sprinkled the gall on the bride's index finger and big toe, and herself wore the pierced and deflated gall bladder as a wristlet. There are other several rituals surrounding this beast, which I can't recount here. The carcase is bisected, and one half is given to the groom's people, the other being retained by the bride's. It is this beast that is said to render the woman married.m. Later in the (second) day, the bride's father went to the negotiator's home, where the groom's father had provided a goat known as uthuli lomkhongi (because during the period of negotiations, he walked to and fro, between the two families). This goat is said to thank both the negotiator and the bride's father for bringing the negotiations to a happy conclusion.n. On the third day, only the bride's age-mates remained. They were given a goat to kill, skin, cook, and eat to mark the consummation of the marriage. The goat is known as umeke (to split open, to deflower). </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Sacrifices given by one group for the other are easily converted to money instead of a slaughtered animal, provided that the recipients are prepared to accept the money. But where the sacrifice is for a member of the group, giving money would be equivalent to giving it to oneself. So, if people are unable to provide the necessary sacrifice, they offer incense to the ancestors, tell them the reasons for omitting the sacrifice, and express willingness to put the matter right at some future time.UNjingalwazi uVilakazi uthi yena: </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Throughout the negotiations, these gifts are anticipated because they are institutionalised, and each gift or goat begets another gift or goat. It is not uncommon to find that one of the parties requests that certain gifts should be cut out altogether. The request is often granted because, in any case, none of the gifts are unilateral.</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">It may seem peculiar that the elaborate wedding rituals seem to be primarily concerned with the bride and her mother-in-law. The wedding beast is sacrificed to integrate the bride into the lineage. The bride and her mother-in-law are the two people who have "travelled a long journey" (ukwenda) to perpetuate the lineage of their affines. The bride has come to continue where the mother-in-law has stopped; she has come to further the reproduction. The isinyikanyika goat, which the bride presents to her mother-in-law, suggests that she's giving herself as an understudy to the latter, who will orientate her in the routine and practices of the family. It must be mentioned also that a married woman has the status more of a mother than a wife. She retains her clan name, and in this sense she is someone who has come to her affinal lineage to be a mother. It is therefore not surprising that marriage rites are focussed on the bride and her mother-in-law. They are the mothers of the lineage, on whom the continuity of the lineage is dependent. Angibonge.
also served as the ball’s longtime he words “grandeur” protocol chief. and “fun” seldom several years ago she asked mix — except at the me to join her in this pleasant international red cross task. questions pertaining to ball, a long--standing high point of the dress code were frequently the palm beach social season. asked about the three--day event: during a decade of writing a luncheon (since dropped), about this always elegant ball, friday’s ambassadors dinner and i’ve never seen it more colorful saturday’s ball. than this year, or with more after trump began flying the washington--connected guests. ambassadors down, their wives general chair man mary ourisman, formerly ambassador had different queries. one asked if to barbados and the eastern she could bring a second suitcase. mary and mandy ourisman get the dancing started at the international caribbean, is a blonde dynamo i happily told her there was space red cross ball in palm beach, fla. mrs. ourisman was the first who has long organized innovative to hold five steamer trunks if she washingtonian in 40 years to chair the event. (photo by lucien capehart) events in washington. liked because “the donald” had she and her two co--chairmen all wore line headed by stuart bernstein, a former reconfigured his jet. originally built to hold magnificent shades of red, the evening’s ambassador to denmark and the ball’s chief of 158 commercial passengers, it now more than sartorial hallmark. at dinner at donald trump’s protocol. it is always an impressive sight as the comfortably accommodates a total of only 23. famed mar--à--lago club, beef wellington envoys stand before their respective flags in the this year, while trump didn’t fly anyone and tripartite desserts were served on deep white and gold ballroom. from washington, he gave bonnie mcelveenred tablecloths aflutter with appliquéd roseto the strains of the “triumphal march” from hunter a check for $50,000 just as the ball was hued gauze petals, and topped by tall vases “aida,” marines escorted ambassadors and ball getting started, presumably to help underwrite of dramatically outsized handmade red roses. officials, along with trump and his wife melania, the ambassadorial flight. she is chairman of the american red cross, the only woman ourisman also dreamed up the glowingly red into dinner as bernstein announced each one. trump purchased mar--à--lago, once ever raised to that top spot. formerly u.s. dance floor that drew dancers like moths to a flame, not wasting a minute of ball--favorite the florida vacation home of cereal heiress ambassador to finland, her name is often peter duchin’s music. marjorie merriweather post, to create a private on lists of america’s top businesswomen as the event usually takes a year to plan. club. he has continued the custom of flying the founder and head of pace communications, “mary had only three months to pull it ambassadors down on a private plane, a practice the nation’s largest custom publishing house. together,” said co--chairman mary mochary, “so post began. she presented the chairman’s award for i came on board again this year to help,” as did post was helped by her close friend, the leadership to honorary ball chairmen michele co--chairman susan keenan, a palm beach--er late garnett stackelberg, a journalist whose and howard kessler. michele kessler is a who once lived in washington. husband, an estonian baron, was related hands--on supporter, and has worked here and fewer tiaras and white ties appeared this to queen sophia of spain, lord louis abroad to eradicate a fatal strain of measles. year, though some of the guests, including mountbatten and many other royal and ourisman said this year’s ball raised a ambassadors from barbados, denmark, mexico, aristocratic notables. hefty $2 million, and rob levine, the red morocco, slovenia, trinidad and tobago and stackelberg helped invite the ambassadors cross regional head, lauded mary and her cosweden, sported medals, stars and sashes. each year and worked with marion “joe” chairmen for their success and her husband u.s. marines escorted them to the receiving smoak, a former u.s. chief of protocol who mandy for his generous support.
I went to the beachI felt, I felt nothingI listen to beatsI felt, I felt nothingI went to a barI felt, I felt nothingI towed down my carI felt, I felt nothingWhen I watched The HillsI felt, I felt nothing (uh, uh)I swallowed some pillsI felt, I felt nothingBut you wake me upI was just a sleepwalkerYou wake me upWas just another sleepwalkerBring me back to the land of livingYou wake me upI was out of my mindI was just a sleepwalkerBut you bring me to life, babyYou wake me upI was out of my mindWas just another sleepwalkerBring me back to the land of livingTequila and limeI felt, I felt nothingMy card was declinedI felt, I felt nothingThey made me a starI felt, I felt nothingI broke a few heartsI felt, I felt nothingCaught in in my skinI felt nothingI did it againI felt, I felt nothingBut you wake me upI was just a sleepwalkerYou wake me upWas just another sleepwalkerBring me back to the land of livingYou wake me upI was out of my mindI was just a sleepwalkerBut you bring me to life, babyYou wake me upI was out of my mindWas just another sleepwalkerBring me back to the land of livingI was out of my mindI was just a sleepwalkerBut you bring me to life, babyYou wake me upI was out of my mindWas just another sleepwalkerBring me back to the land of livingI was just a sleepwalkerYou wake me upBring me back to the land of livingYou wake me up
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12 Mwe bamunyinane, ndemupapaatila ku nkumbu sha kwa Lesa ukuti mutuule imibili+ yenu nge lambo+ ilituntulu,+ ilyasanguluka,+ ilingapokelelwa kuli Lesa,+ e kutila ukubombela+ Lesa na maka yenu aya kupelulula.+ 2 Kabili mwipalana+ no bwikashi buno, lelo mupilibuke pa kwalula amatontonkanyo yenu,+ pa kuti mushininkishe mwe bene+ ico Lesa afwaya,+ icisuma, icapokelelwa kabili icapwililika. 3 Pantu mu cikuuku Lesa ankwatila nde-eba imwe bonse ukuti mwilaitunga ukucila pa fyo mwaba;+ lelo mube abaicefya mu matontonkanyo yenu,+ cila muntu aleipima ukulingana+ ne citetekelo+ ico Lesa amupeela. 4 Pantu filya umubili wesu waba ne filundwa+ ifingi, e lyo ifilundwa fyonse tafyaba no mulimo umo wine, 5 e fyo na ifwe, nangu twaba abengi, tuli mubili+ umo muli Kristu, kabili umuntu onse cilundwa ca munankwe.+ 6 Awe, apo tuli ne fya bupe fyapusanapusana+ ukulingana ne cikuuku+ ca kwa Lesa ico twapeelwe, nampo nga ca kusesema, natuseseme ukulingana ne citetekelo twapeelwa; 7 nelyo nga bupe bwa kubombela bambi, natubike umutima pali uyu wine mulimo.+ Nga umuntu apeelwa ubupe bwa kusambilisha,+ nabike umutima pa kusambilisha kwakwe;+ 8 nangu nga apeelwa ubupe bwa kukonkomesha, nabike umutima pa kukonkomesha kwakwe;+ uupeela, apeele muli bukapekape;+ uutungulula,+ atungulule no mukoosha wine wine; uubelela uluse,+ nacite co ne nsansa. 9 Ukutemwa+ kwenu kwiba ukwa bumbimunda.+ Patisheni icabipa,+ ikatisheni icisuma.+ 10 Ku kutemwa+ aba bwananyina mube abatemwana nga nshi. Ku kucindikana+ ni mwe mubalilepo. 11 Mwilawayawaya+ mu mulimo wenu. Lekeni umupashi+ umulenge ukucincila. Bombeleni Yehova.+ 12 Sekeleleni mwi subilo.+ Shipikisheni ilyo mulecula.+ Beni no mute wa kupepa.+ 13 Peeleniko aba mushilo ukulingana no kukabila kwabo.+ Mutwalilile ukusekelela abeni.+ 14 Mulepaala abamucusha;+ mulebapaala,+ mwilabatiipwila iyo.+ 15 Sekeleleni pamo na basekelela;+ lilileni pamo na balelila. 16 Ifyo muletontonkanya pali mwe bene e fyo muletontonkanya na pali bambi;+ mwilaba no mutima wa cilumba,+ lelo muleiceefya.+ Mwilaimona ukuti muli bamo.+ 17 Mwilabwesesha ububi pa bubi.+ Muletontonkanishisha kabela ukucita ifyo abantu bonse balemona ukuti fisuma. 18 Mule-esha na maka yenu yonse ukuba aba mutende+ ku bantu bonse. 19 Mwe batemwikwa, mwilalandula,+ lelo shiileni ubukali+ bwa kwa Lesa incende; pantu calembwa ati: “Nine mfwile ukulandula; nine nkabweseshapo pa fibi ifyo bacita, e fyasosa Yehova.”+ 20 Awe, “umulwani obe nga ali ne nsala, umupe ifya kulya; nga ali ne cilaka, umupe ifya kuti anwe;+ pantu nga wacita ifi ninshi watuulika amalasha ayaleaka umulilo pa mutwe wakwe.”+ 21 Wileka ububi bukucimfye, lelo ulecimfisha ububi pa kucita ifisuma.+
another example of god’s protection in my life. when i was younger some time after i received the holy spirit i was riding in the back end of a pick up truck in louisiana and it was me and three cousins all very young in the back and three cousins in the front. i felt the spirit move me to sing he has the whole world in his hands, and i stood up and raised my hands to god. at that moment as my cousins in the back are looking at me like why is she singing that, my cousin who was driving was passing a truck to our right and we are in a curve and a truck was in the lane ahead coming straight on. my cousin who was driving said, “dear god what have i done.” and my other cousin in front said, “my god.” and i was just lifting my hands to god and singing. i saw a beautiful rain--bowed hand slash cloud come down in an instant and remove the truck that was to head on collide with us. i remember seeing the truck behind us on down the road as if nothing had happened. when we got back to my aunts home my cousins said, “we would all be dead if not had cherish been in the truck.” they asked me what i was doing back there and i said singing hes got the whole world in his hands. my cousins and i are still in awe of god for his protection of all of us that day. i told them it was not “me” but “unkulunkulu” who had protected us.
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Summary[edit] DescriptionAPI .fi. IX XX. K f) tdD t 1 P 1 MSLfcerii c UDDQl . Date 1829 Source http://www.flickr.com/photos/biodivlibrary/14230051394 Author Cataneo et Fernandes; Delle Chiaie, S.; Pietro, Marc di Full title Hydrophytologiae Regni Neapolitani icones / Page ID 44273282 Item ID 151965 (Find related Wikimedia Commons images) Title ID 79093 (Find related Wikimedia Commons images) Page numbers Tab. LXXX BHL Page URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/44273282 DOI 10.5962/bhl.title.79093 Page type Illustration Flickr sets Hydrophytologiae Regni Neapolitani icones Flickr tags Algae Cryptogamia Naples (Kingdom) Pictorial works Harvard University Botany Libraries bhl:page 44273282 dc:identifier http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/44273282 naples (kingdom) harvard university botany libraries Flickr posted date 20 May 2014 Credit This file comes from the Biodiversity Heritage Library. This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing for more information. Deutsch | English | Español | Français | Italiano | Македонски | Nederlands | +/− Licensing[edit] This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. You are free: to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work to remix – to adapt the work Under the following conditions: attribution – You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0 CC BY 2.0 Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 truetrue This image is in the public domain because it is a mere mechanical scan or photocopy of a public domain original, or – from the available evidence – is so similar to such a scan or photocopy that no copyright protection can be expected to arise. The original itself is in the public domain for the following reason: Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse This work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 70 years or less. This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1923. This file has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights. This tag is designed for use where there may be a need to assert that any enhancements (eg brightness, contrast, colour-matching, sharpening) are in themselves insufficiently creative to generate a new copyright. It can be used where it is unknown whether any enhancements have been made, as well as when the enhancements are clear but insufficient. For known raw unenhanced scans you can use an appropriate {{PD-old}} tag instead. For usage, see Commons:When to use the PD-scan tag. Note: This tag applies to scans and photocopies only. For photographs of public domain originals taken from afar, {{PD-Art}} may be applicable. See Commons:When to use the PD-Art tag.
Pamulandu wa ici, ifwe tatuli kabili abafwaikwa ukusunga iciputulwa conse ica mafunde yakwa Mose. Ifwe twamwene mwi Sambililo 3.4 ukuti Icipingo Icipya muli Kristu cabuulile icifulo ca Cipingo ica Kale ica mafunde yakwa Mose (Aba Hebere 8:13). Ku mfwa yakwe, Kristu aafuutile ''icakulemba ku minwe ica mafunde ico icali ubulwani kuli ifwe, ico icali icapinkana na ifwe (pa kubulwa amaka ya kusunga amafunde bwino bwino), no kusenda cene ukufumya mu nshila, ukupaampamina cene ku capindama cakwe...Eico mwileka umuntu apingule imwe mu cakulya, nangu mu cakunwa (ifyakupeela), nangu ni mu kucindika kwa mutebeto wa mipepele, nangu kwa mweshi upya, nangu kwa nshiku she sabata: ifyo ifili icinshingwa ca fintu ifikeesa; lelo icituntulu ni Kristu'' (Abena Kolose 2:14-17 A.V. na N.I.V.). Ici camoneka fye bwino - pamulandu wa mfwa yakwa Kristu pa capindama, Amafunde yalisendelwe ''ukufuma mu nshila'' pakuti ifwe twingalinga ukukaana ukupatikisha konse ukubiikwa pali ifwe ukwa kusunga ifiputulwa fya yako, pamo nga imitebeto ne sabata. Pamo nga Amafunde yambi, umulimo wa fintu ifi wali wa kusonta kuntanshi kuli Kristu. Panuma ya mfwa yakwe, ukucindama kwafiko ukwa fishibilo kwalifikilishiwe, eico kabili takwali ukutwalilila ukukabila ukusunga fyene.
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ukulandila mwi shiwi lya bulanda pali ifyo fintu umuntu umwine aishiba ta cilelondolola umulandu we subilo lya mbila nsuma. ukutwalilila ukushintilila pa 'bunte bwa muntu umwine' nge nshila ya kushimikilamo kwa bengi 'bakashimika ba mbila nsuma' abena kristu, kulelangilila bwino ukubulwa kwa ''bwasuko bwa mano'' palwe ''subilo'' lyabo. abena kristu ba musango uyu balifwaya amashiwi ya kusosa pakati kabo ayakulenga bene 'ukwakana ifyo shikulu acita mu mweo wandi' na fimbipo. umusango uyu uwa kuishimika umuntu umwine wapusana nganshi na mashiwi yakwa paulo, 'ifwe ta tuibila fwe bene, lelo ni kristu'' (2 abena korinti 4:5) -- ifi fyafuma ku muntu uwali 'ne senge umwine na kristu' ukucila abengi.
8“nuy nanga ibupuydhay mabayg na ngapa nuydh bangal buwayl idimoene apaw goewaw mabaygal kedha, thana kulay koerawaygal mina pawa midh a wati pawa midh pudhaypa, thana mina yabugud kulay imayginga a awgadhaw minamay zageth lak kedha thana koerawaygal. 9sethabi mabaygal ngaru bangal maygi maripa kurusipagemine a buwayl thoeyamine; minguz kedha thanamun kulay mab gegeyadh, thana ngoena mina yoepathamayginga. 10thana ngaru bangal kurusipagemine a buwayl thayamine, minguz kedha thana kulay mina yoepathamayginga kedha, ngay ngaru bangal ngaw thathipa kuniya. 11thana ngaru bangal kurusipagemine a buwayl thoeyamine, minguz kedha thana kulay imayginga kedha, awgadh nuydh muwasin, kuth tharan sathanalpa, nubi apaw goewaw wati kuykulmaypa.
Ngiyakuthanda lokhu!!!!!!!!! Sometimes you seem to forget that youre not the only one because so many around you mostly peers seem to think your “jumping the gun” so many people to me that i wasnt ready and im too young, but i truly believe this is what god had in store for me. I was scared out of my mind the day after because not only did i get married early at the age of 18 i also married a man i knew less than a year and he was only 19. We had a instant connection like our souls were destined to be together, i love him more now than i ever have hes my partner for life and i wouldnt change it for anything. We prayed together and went to church together got married and had a child together now here we are..It will be 3 years in february and i still have no regrets that i made this move :-) god has blessed me with a good man.. My vows mean the world to me and i wouldnt break them.. Thanks for posting this keep it up i love young love… You hardly ever see couples last til death but i strive to be that couple til death do we part divorce is not an option!!
Where did they go?Where did everybody go?I wanna knowWe couldve tried.Why did everybody cry, If you werent mine?Now, everything is gonna changeYouve made your mind up. well, my friend, Youve got a lot to learn, ya do.Why do we deny ourselves?In terms of love, I'm at a loss. So well.Oh Well, oh WellOh Well, Oh WellCan't find the wordsBut hey, man, everbody hurtsWhen it doesn't workNow, everything is gonna changeYouve made your mind up. well, my friend, Youve got a lot to learn, ya do.Why do we deny ourselves?In terms of love, I'm at a loss. So well.Oh Well, oh WellOh Well, Oh WellYour love drowned us in a hole.You never ever wanted her to grow.To grow. Oh, Oh, Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?If everything is gonna changeWas it worth it? Oh, my friend, Youve got a lot to learn, ya do.Why do we deny ourselves?In terms of love, You werent strong enough (Oh Well) for me... Oh Well, oh WellOh Well, Oh WellOh Well
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39 Benza izingubo+ ezilukiwe zokukhonza endaweni engcwele+ ngentambo eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka noboya obudaywe baba nsomi ngokubomvu nendwangu ebomvu ngokunsomi.+ Kanjalo bazenza izingubo ezingcwele+ zika-Aroni, njengoba nje uJehova ayeyale uMose. 2 Ngakho wenza i-efodi+ ngegolide, intambo eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka noboya obudaywe baba nsomi ngokubomvu nendwangu ebomvu ngokunsomi nelineni elicolekileyo elisontiwe. 3 Khona-ke bacangcatha izixwexwe zegolide zaba izingcwecwe ezilulana, wasika imicu azoyifaka phakathi kwentambo eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka noboya obudaywe baba nsomi ngokubomvu nendwangu ebomvu ngokunsomi nelineni elicolekileyo, njengomsebenzi womfekethisi.+ 4 Balenzela iziqephu zasemahlombe ezihlanganisiwe. Lalihlanganiswe emikhawulweni yalo emibili. 5 Futhi ibhande, elaliphezu kwalo lokulibopha liqine, lalingelendwangu efanayo lenziwe njengalo, ngegolide, intambo eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka, noboya obudaywe baba nsomi ngokubomvu nendwangu ebomvu ngokunsomi nelineni elicolekileyo elisontiwe,+ njengoba nje uJehova ayemyalile uMose. 6 Khona-ke benza amatshe e-onikisi+ afakwe ezisekelweni zegolide, eqoshwe njengokuqoshwa kophawu ngokwamagama amadodana ka-Israyeli.+ 7 Ngakho wawabeka phezu kweziqephu zasemahlombe ze-efodi aba ngamatshe esikhumbuzo+ kubantwana bakwa-Israyeli, njengoba nje uJehova ayemyalile uMose. 8 Khona-ke wenza isiqephu sesifuba+ ngomsebenzi womfekethisi, njengokwenziwa kwe-efodi ngegolide, intambo eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka noboya obudaywe baba nsomi ngokubomvu nendwangu ebomvu ngokunsomi nelineni elicolekileyo elisontiwe.+ 9 Saba nezinhlangothi ezine ezilinganayo lapho siphindwa kabili. Benza isiqephu sesifuba, esinobude obungangobubanzi besandla nobubanzi obungangobubanzi besandla lapho siphindwe kabili.+ 10 Khona-ke basigcwalisa ngezinhlu ezine zamatshe. Uhlu lokuqala kwakuwuhlu lwerubi, ithophazi nesimaragidu.+ 11 Uhlu lwesibili+ kwakuyitherkhoyisi, isafire+ nejaspi.+ 12 Uhlu lwesithathu+ kwakuyitshe le-leshemu, i-agathe ne-amethiste. 13 Uhlu lwesine+ kwakuyikrisolithe ne-onikisi+ nejeyidi. Ayefakwe ezisekelweni zegolide ezikhaleni zawo. 14 Futhi amatshe ayefakwe ngokwamagama amadodana ka-Israyeli. Ayeyishumi nambili ngokwamagama awo, eqoshwe ngokuqoshwa kophawu, yilelo nalelo ngokwegama laso ezizweni eziyishumi nambili.+ 15 Benza phezu kwesiqephu sesifuba amaketanga alukiwe, afana nezindophi, egolide elihlanzekile.+ 16 Khona-ke benza izisekelo ezimbili zegolide namasongo amabili egolide base bebeka lawo masongo amabili emikhawulweni emibili yesiqephu sesifuba.+ 17 Ngemva kwalokho bachushisa izindophi ezimbili zegolide emasongweni amabili asemikhawulweni yesiqephu sesifuba.+ 18 Khona-ke bachushisa amachopho amabili ezindophi zombili ezisekelweni ezimbili. Base bezibeka eziqeshini zasemahlombe ze-efodi, ngaphambili kulo.+ 19 Ngokulandelayo benza amasongo amabili egolide bawabeka emikhawulweni emibili yesiqephu sesifuba echosheni laso elisohlangothini olubheke i-efodi ngaphakathi.+ 20 Base benza amasongo amabili egolide bawabeka eziqeshini ezimbili zasemahlombe ze-efodi ezansi, ngaphambili kulo, eduze kwendawo elihlangana kuyo, ngenhla kwebhande le-efodi.+ 21 Ekugcineni babophela isiqephu sesifuba ngamasongo aso emasongweni e-efodi ngentambo eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka, ukuze sihlale ngaphezu kwebhande le-efodi futhi isiqephu sesifuba singagudluki phezu kwe-efodi, njengoba nje uJehova ayemyalile uMose.+ 22 Khona-ke wenza ijazi elingenamikhono+ le-efodi, umsebenzi wosebenzisa uhlaka lokweluka indwangu, lonke lenziwe ngentambo eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka. 23 Imbobo yejazi elingenamikhono yayiphakathi nalo, njengembobo yejazi lensimbi. Imbobo yalo yayinomphetho ozungezile ukuze lingadabuki.+ 24 Khona-ke benza emphethweni wejazi elingenamikhono amahalananda entambo eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka noboya obudaywe baba nsomi ngokubomvu nendwangu ebomvu ngokunsomi, kusontwe kwahlanganiswa.+ 25 Ngaphezu kwalokho benza izikhencezo ngegolide elihlanzekile bazifaka phakathi kwamahalananda+ emphethweni wejazi elingenamikhono zazungeza, phakathi kwamahalananda; 26 isikhencezo nehalananda, isikhencezo nehalananda emphethweni wejazi elingenamikhono kuzungeze,+ ukuba libe elokukhonza, njengoba nje uJehova ayemyalile uMose. 27 Ngokulandelayo benzela u-Aroni namadodana akhe izembatho zelineni elicolekileyo,+ umsebenzi wosebenzisa uhlaka lokweluka indwangu, 28 nomshuqulo+ welineni elicolekileyo nokokuthwala ekhanda+ kokuhloba kwelineni elicolekileyo nezikhindi zangaphansi zelineni+ ezenziwe ngelineni elicolekileyo elisontiwe 29 nebhande lendwangu+ yelineni elicolekileyo elisontiwe nentambo eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka noboya obudaywe baba nsomi ngokubomvu nendwangu ebomvu ngokunsomi, umsebenzi womeluki njengoba nje uJehova ayemyalile uMose. 30 Ekugcineni benza ungcwecwe ocwebezelayo, uphawu olungcwele lokuzinikezela, ngegolide elihlanzekile baqopha kuwo umbhalo oqoshwe ngokuqoshwa kophawu othi: “Ubungcwele bungobukaJehova.”+ 31 Base bewufakela intambo yomucu oluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka ukuze bawubeke phezu komshuqulo ngaphezulu,+ njengoba nje uJehova ayemyalile uMose. 32 Ngakho wonke umsebenzi wetabernakele letende lokuhlangana wafinyelela ekupheleni kwawo, ngokuthi abantwana bakwa-Israyeli baqhubeka benza ngokuvumelana nakho konke uJehova ayemyale ngakho uMose.+ Benza kanjalo nje. 33 Baliletha itabernakele+ kuMose, itende+ nazo zonke izinto zalo,+ izinkintsho zalo,+ izinhlaka zalo zamapulangwe,+ imishayo yalo+ nezinsika zalo nezisekelo zalo ezinezikhoxe,+ 34 isembozo salo sezikhumba zezinqama ezidaywe+ zaba bomvu nesembozo salo sezikhumba zezimvu zamanzi+ nekhethini lesihenqo+ 35 nomphongolo+ wobufakazi nezingongolo+ zawo nesembozo,+ 36 itafula,+ nazo zonke izinto zalo+ nesinkwa sokubukwa, 37 uthi lwesibani+ lwegolide elihlanzekile, izibani zalo, uhlu lwezibani+ nazo zonke izinto zalo+ namafutha okukhanyisa+ 38 ne-altare+ legolide namafutha okugcoba+ nempepho enamakha+ nesihenqo+ somnyango wetende, 39 i-altare+ lethusi nehele+ lalo lethusi, izingongolo zalo+ nazo zonke izinto zalo,+ umcengezi+ nothi lwawo,+ 40 izilenge+ zegceke, izinsika zalo+ nezisekelo zalo ezinezikhoxe+ nesihenqo+ sesango legceke, izintambo zalo zetende+ nezikhonkwane zalo zetende+ nazo zonke izinto+ zenkonzo yetabernakele, kwetende lokuhlangana, 41 izingubo+ ezilukiwe zokukhonza endlini engcwele, izingubo ezingcwele+ zika-Aroni umpristi nezingubo zamadodana akhe zokuba abapristi.+ 42 Ngokuvumelana nakho konke uJehova ayekuyale uMose, yileyo ndlela abantwana bakwa-Israyeli abayenza ngayo yonke inkonzo.+ 43 UMose wawubona wonke umsebenzi, bheka! babewenze njengoba nje uJehova ayeyalile. Yileyo ndlela ababewenze ngayo. Ngakho uMose wababusisa.+
I'am a female 26 yrs lookg 4 love. Ngyabukek, ngiphansi, wearg size 32, agphuzi, agbhemi, anginayo ingane, agsebenzi bt gyawfuna since i graduated 4 my Degree last year. G'cela oweslisa ozogthanda nam i wil, sihloniphane, sthembane, sbonisane, uthando lukhule. Gyashelwa ukut ag'qondan nengimthandayo since ngi single. Kuyaphileka single ukut impilo ingaphileka kangcono f ngathola ongagthanda. Male age27-35, Onempilo eya phambili, oneqiniso, who loves God. plz press 'like' il inbox u ThnxComments:Sne Amahle Ntuli Zungu - Cela ungnike nami cc kulabo like ngkhethe,sebebaning kakhulu.Thobeka Nsele - we olike abangaka,nami cc awungiphe ngafa ukushimaNqob'zn Nqow - cosh ngo like oyedwa njeSamantha Jones - Mahala mapipi lanekhaya,mahala magolo.just press like.usumtholile.wu gem masibhebhaneni MAHALA.akusakhokhwa.weJEH0VA.sebezicelela ukubhejwa.ak'safan nak'dala.21st boring century.the worst ever the world was born.Nicholas Mbele - ukhethe kahle mzalwane uma ukhethe uNkulunkulu as a Driver othandweni lakho zikhona izishimane zifana nathi coz akusiwo ama singleZama Mchunu - Awung downloadele nam cc phela sebebaning 9muchXoliswa Macbalcool Ngwane'lihle Dlamini - 37 Likes kungakaphel no 20minutes! cela ungipha 1 toe.. Thobeka Blose - I wonder uyatholakala ngampela yin umaqondana la. ufuna umuntu osingle ozimisile ngempilo bayaqualifya abaqualifayi baya liker mxm, bayadlala nje njengenjwayelaThandeka Ngcobo - Wazi-advertiser bo! Haaaa olike abangaka!Sthombe Zulu - Engabe uzombona kanjani cos omunye uprese ulike ngoba echazwa indlela obhale ngayo,omunye naye uyakhansa,omunye ke nje usajwayela ukupressa ulike.Lokhu uzokubona ngokuthi uma usuthi uxoxa naye angakunaki or kube sengathi uwe ofuna yena,yena cha.Impilo ke injalo,uma umfuna uzomthola bt ngeke aqhamuke lapho ubheke khona.Mina bengizothi qala ngokuba ufrnd then frm there uzobona..And okunye ungakhathazwa umyeni,wena nje zigezele ngensipho yakini and uziphathe kahle cos ngeke uthixo ucele inhlanzi kuye akuphe itshe.Mhlambe umyeni wakho akasebenzi kuyimanje,or akadlile kuyimanje bt konke kuzolunga uma sekukhona wena.Ngalamazwi ngizama ukukubuyisa and ngikukhombisa ama features omuntu omfunayo...ukuth awumazi ukuth unjani.Wenze sure ukuth nawe umlindele angafike axoshwe nguwe...Nhlakanipho Buthelezi - wena do you love God?Zoe Nobuhle Buka-jehova Mkanzi - Lol hololo asekhona eskhathini samanje amadoda aneqiniso? hay ngikufisela inhlanhla dade we2 kodwa ngathi bamaqili bonke futhi noma ungashona kuluphi uhlanga kuyafana kungcono ube Single ufane nami lolBuhle Mseleku - Lmao loveness uphoxelan kodwa dear kwaaaaa, asphiwe nathi olike phela ukuncishana akubusisiwe syaludinga sonke uthandoThulani Ngayaya - Im e 1 dade jc wtspp m 0845540747Blaq Snow - Come get your daily turn ons for free at http://MIXBOOK1.WEN.RUSibisi Thembelani - Watsapp m 0768027998Sthe Nokwazi - Ngenke uqonywe ngoba awusebenzYolisa Mzila - gud luck gal #emangele Phelokazi Patiance - lol@nontathu ibuye ingawufaki u n lefoni yakhe ungiqedelani kodwa ngensinNontathu Queeneth Mzizi - Le fone yakho ibuye ingawufaki yini u 'N'??Sabelo Sithole - We admin ake ungisize ungiphe ama details akho uma ngfuna uku poster.plz hide, ngike nga poster lana before. NgiHIV+ ngihlangene nalo mfana sathandana salala kayi (Type: status | Published: 2014-04-29T10:00:44+0000 | Likes: 0 | Shares: 0)Zitholele Umaqondana And Tips Of Love :-): plz hide, ngike nga poster lana before. NgiHIV+ ngihlangene nalo mfana sathandana salala kayi2 inkinga ukuthi akafun ukusebenzisa icondom size saxabana last week uthi ubusy yena uze uyangitshontsha nasebsuku ayifake ngithuke ebusy bese athi myb liphumile.Manje ngicela ukubuza ukuthi ayathengisa yini ama condoms abesimame? ngimtshelile ukuthi kungcono kube yimi oyisebenzisayo uma ekhala. How do I tell him about my stts? I'm afraid he might leave me........Admin let me know uma usupostileComments:Hlengiwe Hle Ntaka - Koba kancane kodwa kuba anigibele istimela esisodwa naye gal! why engayifuni sanhlobo icndm he myt be + too. tell him niyotesta uzwe uzothini. Goodluck js go 2 yo nearest clinic uwacele awabesimame amacndom lv. Nonhlanhla Nhla Mngadi - Sisi, u've done your part by insisting that you use a condom, if ungekho ready ungamutsheli. He has to be responsible naye bo, y kumele behlezi bencengwa bengafuni ukukhula. Uyomtshela uma usu ready ukukhuluma ngayo, uma eqhubeka nokuku raper lokhu akwenzayo uvuke seliphakathi. Uzozibonela shame, uzitapela yena.indaba yokuthi bathi u selfish ngokungasho ekuqaleni, ikaka leyo.Smangele Smah Hlophe - Guys that omunye umuntu does not want to use a condom does nt mean u positive, abantu besilisa nje imvamisa bayayinqena I condom coz bahlale becabanga ukuthi the girl is clean. tht s the mistake they do. even mina I have never dated a guy who wants a condome I insist and then u test and find out tht the guy is negative and if u ask why funa kulala name without a condom, they say, 'ngiyakuthemba nje' so nje guys let us stop being selfish isho nje uma ugula umuntu azithathele yena isinqumo.Veli Dube - Senibaqedile abantu ngibathelela ngoba nisaba ukwaliwaNonceba Yuze - Cha ubani nje ongazxi ngegciwane yena unayo qha ebety uzokusulela noma ngabe akulona ihlazo ukuty upositv bt ngeke uhambe utshela wonkumuntu okushelayo lokho luthoSthembile Wanda - Akekho umuntu ozaziyo ukuthi u negevite alale nawe ngaphandle kokuhlola shuthi uyazazi naye ukuthi ziyawushaya kuyeTazzio Danca - Ngeke sisi..SHIYA phansi lowoDOTI uzofa..u-POSITIVE naye,UZOKUBULALA...Uzokunyusela i-VIRAL LOAD,,kwehlike i-CD4..Male umtshele ukuthi uyamesaba ngoba akaYENZI i-SAFE SEX..Uzomthola owaziyo nge-HIV NOZIHLONIPHAYO..Lena yama-CD abesifazane..ANGIYIZWA KAHLE..ngeke ikusize....ISIBATSHWA leso.Ehlulwa eyamadoda i-CDSindy Mthethwa - Mayb naye u+ uzama ukukthelela nje Lindiwe MaNgwane Khanyile - Kncono nisale senithelelana cc cos awumkhombi ngesibhamu ukuthi angafaki iCondom,and amaCondoms uwacele eClinic Dear,all d best Nqobileh Ximba - naye uyagula mtakama and uzama ukukufaka ngenkani elakhe okubuhlungu akaz unelakho,wena zamukuthola ukuthi akanalo yin bt kuyacaca unalo njeloyoSlizer Slizer - Cc wami lomuntu mdala shuthi vele unalo igciwane cos akekho umuntu ongazi ukth kuna le virus la emhlabenCeliwe Kheswa - kushuth istatus senu siyafana y engaxwayiDreadzam Knox - Abantu besilisa iyabahlanyisa I sex enegciwane engenalo make walala nawe 2 weeks uyakwethemba afune I skoon...yikho kuthiwa bacabanga ngemizwa hhayi ngenqondoSphindile Silangwe - Niyafana cc mayb uth uyakthelela nayeThandokazi Thando - Guys musani nje ukudlala ngomunye umtwana lobhuti lo unalo igciwane ukube bengengenala bengeke angalifuni icondom le ilenhlobo eth ifuna ukuhamba nabaningi ingakho engalifuni wena sis relax wenze idecision ekufanele and dat basted uhambe wrong shemThully Khwela - Impilo yomuntu ise zandleni zakhe,khon umuntu ongavele afun uk'lala nomunt angasaz I status sakhe ngaphandle kwe condom??? Treat everyone as HIV + until u know their status!!Dreadzam Knox - Shareen Mhlongo akubalulekile ukutsela umuntu I status sakho engasibuzanga nd engacelanga ko tester nd its nt easy every partner ohlangana nayo uyotsele ur status...kepha wonke umuntu mst take every1 as positive. ....use condom till u both ready fr testShareen Mhlongo - So Wena kahle kahle Wena you're having sex with this guy and you haven't told him your status? You're selfish and inconsiderate.....I don't have time to type wat I'm thinking. Ppl like you make me sickNkosikhona Dladla - Mnike lento ayifunayo ngoba iyisiphukuphuku lendoda yakhoZinhle Izintombi Zamankundla Mayisela - Yaz abantu ave bethanda ukujaja abanye,ubani owathi iresponsibility yomuntu oyedwa ukuth kucondomiswe?why nithi bekmele amtshele istatus sakhe?umuntu umtshela uma usuready ngokumtshela,ucc ukwenzile okufanele akwenze wacela basebenzise icondom uyena ongayfuni.kushuth uyazazi naye ukuth unani lobhuti.Nomonde Kubheka - Ay cc ngeke avume nifake icondom cus ngizwa kuthiwa munt opositiv ummnandi dat y ekudla scoon gal...@ Zwelakhe waze wakhuluma ubulima kant umunt maya + akumele yin athandwe akaqhanyelwa yin yen nxa waze wangnyanyisa shymHi admin plz hide nd post for me.... Im a mother of 3yrz cute boi ngahlukana nobaba wakhe esemn (Type: status | Published: 2014-04-29T10:43:43+0000 | Likes: 0 | Shares: 0)Zitholele Umaqondana And Tips Of Love :-): Hi admin plz hide nd post for me.... Im a mother of 3yrz cute boi ngahlukana nobaba wakhe esemncane kakhulu like nguye owalahla mina. Sathandana 2010 uqala nd ngaba preg sthandana kumamnand waqala wacheater phambkwam efonelwa intombi phambkwa engasezi kim mangfona anike intombyakhe ifon bangtshele abantu ukuth ufika nayo intombyakhe lana ingane njalo akayondli ngisho isnapy lesi akasaz sumalin bt khabo ntombi bathi ufika elengise inqwaba yoplastic nentombi uythengele everythng waze waylobola kodwa ingane yakhe lutho...ngamyeka ingane ina 1yr kwaze kwath last waqala wafona usefuna ukubuya kim nengane useyayaz ngoba abantu bayamtshela ukuth ihlakaniphile manje akasasebenzi usehleli usebuya kimi lomuntu amlobola useth wamdlisa...bt angaz ngthin ngoba angimdingi empilwen yam bt ingane yam kubhlungu ihambe ibingelela wonke umuntu ith yababa angaz guyz ngcela ningbonise..ngyaxolisa ukuba mudeComments:Mshika Zondi - into ongayenza ingane ingaxhumana no baba wayo kodwa nje wena dlalela le kude kunaye impela ngiwumuntu weslisa kodwa angihambisani namadoda ahlukumezayo nje my sister ungalinge umxolele akqhubeke nentombi yakhe wena uzomthola owakho okufanele bt choice is urzJerry Z Thwala - Cc nikeza ingane ilungelo lokumazi ubaba wayo bt wena bese udlalela kude naye ngoba kubuhlungu ngendkela akuhlukumeza ngayo ngisho kim ngiwmuntu weslisa, Kukhon abantu beslisa abadinga uthando bebe bahlukunyezwa isfazane.Simphiwe Hadebe Nonhlanhla - cc kuyilungelo lengane ukuthi imazi uyise kodwa lokho akusho ukuthi ungathandana naye futhi ngaphandle wena uma usamthanda thina singasho konke ngoba asiyazi inhliziyo yakho mina engingakusho landela inhliziyo yakho bese uyibuza ukuthi njengoba aklahla ngoba usunengane kushuthi mawungaphinda umithe ingane yakhe uzobaleka ngoba ngathi akazwani noko ndla ima ebona manje ukuthi udlisiwe ngoba engasasebenzi lenkathi eqoqoza ngesphongo ekhweni lakhe wayengakboni akavume nje ukuthi ubuya kuwe ngoba esephelelwe ushatini uza kuwe ngoba uyazi ukuthi uyamthanda kodwa cc ungavumi ukuba umthunzi wikukhosela umbongolo ekade igijima nesishawe umhlabaMzamo Mbuso - Ave kubuhlungu ukukhulisa ingane wedwa nibe nanibalibi niyenza.ungavumi nje akwenze isilima ungabuyeli kuye qhubeka nempilo bese ukhombisa ingane ubaba wayo ihlale imazi fut imjwayele methanda kodwa naye.leyakho yenziwa yin vele ibize wonke umunt ngobaba ngoba phela izingane zamanje zifunda ukukhuluma ngamagama abantu ezihlala nabo elikababa ilazelaphi nje.eyam yafunda ukukhuluma ngomama kwalandela ugogo.khohlwa nje yilobabawenganePhindile Buthelezi - Cc ukhiye inhliziyo yakho mntanakethu singakhuluma kuze kuphela amathe lenkinga yakho iyenzeka nam ngiytholile. wena mawahlukumezeka ngokweqiniso uzongamvumeli akphinde futh ingane kohlez kungeyakhe wena yenze okusenhliziyweni yakho.umdliswa lo akalibonanga lingena waze walobola engalibona ubone kanjani selphuma khulake nawe manje uzogugela ubala amadoda lanka ihlakaniphi.Mboh Richard Mntungwa - ungalinge ubuyele kulesosdwedwe sendoda uma efuna kubona ingane mtshele athumele noma ubani wakubo azoyilanda imvakashela aphinde ayibuyise.uma udinga indoda ngikhona minaNokukhanya Mapritizah - Uyangichaza ngoba yasho kut awsamdingi shut unayo ke impendulo,ingane ingasondelana nodad wayo noma nina senihlukeneSduh Nxamalala - Hamb ungabhek emumva. Ungalinge umvumele asondele kuwe wakulaxaz ngeskhaty umdinga kakhulu empilwen so ungamvumeli ubekwenzelan vele akahambe aye la ebesebenzela khona wena nje ungamsiza ngokumkhombis ingane mawthanda cs mungathand no1 ongakshaya idliso seliqedwe ukungasebenzMabusi Buthelezi - Ingane kuhle imazi uyíse ngoba vele ekugcineni izozifunela yona imthole,wena ungabuyeli kuye akahlale nomkakhe yin afunukbuya ngoba engasasebenzi ukwenzislima.Phindile Nonto - Wena mutshele akhohlwe uwe, kodwa ungavimbeli ingane ithuba lokuba nobaba, banjalo vele abondli bazi ukuzalisa kuphela, kodwa yenzela ingane yakho nje cc wam, wena uziqhubekele nempilo.Nomusa Michelle - Some of the things zidinga ukunikelwa kumdali and move onPhindile Christinah Mambasse - Sontshikazi aybo fundza kahle lendzaba haw...utsi losis this guy left her and a small baby and he never did anything for the baby while he was doing evrything for his other mistress..this is a sad story cz this guy is a shame...nawe ufana naye nje haw...akasho lo sister kutsi ufuna labakholwako or cha....wena awngakhoni kumnika i solution just Shut Up hawu..cz u dnt know how painful it is to be left wit a baby alone..nxxx yangdzina manMapru Dungelihle - ingane kumele kumele imazi ubaba wayo wangempela bt wena cc dlalela kude nalowo mgodoyi. usexakekile manje ubuya kuwe ungavumi ukuba u carpet.Mpumeh Mkhize - Cc impilo injalo sibaningi sikulobo buhlungu engingakusho nje muxhuumanise nengane yakhe besewena uyaziqhelisa kue Nombuso Shabalala - yabona nje wena usamthanda lobaba wengane yakho ubungeke nje uze ubhale la kuba awusamfuni so cc yenza lokhu okuzojabulisa wena ungalinge nje udlale ngaT cz sizothi myeke wadlala ngawe kanti wena usamthanda so yenza lokhu okusenhlizweni yakho nkosazane emhlpheVeli Dube - Khohlwa uyena akayona nje ifather figure wozani nobabili uzobarytZee Nikiwe Mbetse - akabe ubaba wengane yakhe ahlukane nawe! ayikho into emvimba ukuthgi abe ubaba kumtwana wakhe!its 2014 so many single parents make it work by sharing their responsibilities! you won't be doing yo child any good ukubuyelana nomuntu ongaku thandi ngenca ye ngane!even your child it won't be fair kuye ekhula ekebona uhlezi ukhala ngenca kababa wayo! this man doesn't love you usefuna ukuzoku user njengoba impilo imkhafulile ngezenzo zayo ezimbi !you don't wanna put yourself through that move on ngeyakho impilo umuphe ithuba nengane yakhe!work out a routine ukuthi how he can play a role in your childs life and this time he must know once ebuya akuna maphuma ngena for whatever reason nanoma bengam dlisa futhi abantu bakhe ake ahlale eyazi ukuthi its his child no one elsesSthesh Isaac - Mntakwethu kuhle ukuthi ingane imbone ubaba wayo if ekhona ayenzele lokho anakho.... Kodwa yazi mhlophe nawe unentliziyo yo deserve beta,, ukumamukela , upretend as if akwenzekanga lutho u shid lowo... Ungamzondi but mtshene aqhubeke noku nomjolo wakhe wena akasakufanele neva neva come near him he is a manipulative poisinous nakeThobeka Thotho - Uzokuhlukumeza xa sele eryt ndiyayazi lonto makathande umntana xa enyanisekile ngalonto bt mybe wenza imntana i way in qaphela cc uzoku userNaomi Tembe - Ungavumi abuye empilweni yakho cos wakulahla la wawumdinga khona bt ungamazisa ingane nayo imazi ubaba wayoMomelezie Mooh Morgan Go-No - Mhmm sum dudes mara bayazenza itopic.........#sleepsadmin ngicela ungifihle bese uyangipostela***************ngingucc ngina 25 yearz nginezingane e (Type: status | Published: 2014-04-29T11:29:30+0000 | Likes: 0 | Shares: 0)Zitholele Umaqondana And Tips Of Love :-): admin ngicela ungifihle bese uyangipostela***************ngingucc ngina 25 yearz nginezingane ezimbili ngicela umaqondana oHIV ngoba nami nginjalo makube una 35 kuya phezulu nowashonelwa wamukelekile....abaphuzayo nababhemayo bangazihluph. anginaso iskhathi sokudlala so unomuntu angazihluph.odinga uthando just like noma comment ngzokhetha lapho..ngyabonga plz ungazise uma usupostile ****Comments:Ongeziwe Asanda Mamdaweni - Some coments here yazi zidala ufune ukuvula i profile yomuntu just to see if ngumuntu ngampela noma isilwane esingena feelings kade kwashiwo if you don't have any positive thing to say yiya kwamanye ama post hawu :( now you mean because she is HIV with 2kids akusamelanga ajole or abenomuntu? Uma efuna umaqondana usefuna ukuspreader, sisifebe, akanake impilo some people need to grow up ngampela ne admins zinake labobantu abangazaka kokwakha lana abazozenza clean or vela ngenkinga yomuntu I'm sorry but i just feel sad "kubo bonke laba abathukayo"To the poster good luck Sis uzomuthola umuntu and uzoba happy uzinakekele don't forget to always use protection!Lindokuhle Sabela - Uzomthola sthandwa sam umaqondana wakho usesemncane usanempilo yakho osazoyiphila all da best nd stay possitive siyabadinga abantu abapositive njengawe empilweni 1Nation 1Love PeaceNdumie Bhut'uJames Ndwandwe - Mmh i like the way ladies amukela ngakhona isimo sokuphila neHIV i wish wonk umunt angabonela really kyancomeka, gud luck cc in your huntingNhlakah Nonhle Qwabe - Anoke niyeke ukuzenza ncono bo kunani kanti u cc mesho ukuth positive sekuyicala yin nina enilokhu nithi akanaki izingane nizwe ngaye ukuth akazinakile musani ukuqina bomubiza nx naye uyayidingi ndoda njengani nithanda kabi kuzenza juiceSabelo Ndaba - Hhay nisekud ukthola labant enibafunayo mangabe nisabhek ukuth uyaphuza or yabhema uzomthathaph sorry syabhema thinaGuy Called Jindred Funk - Kwangathi une attitude ebhedayo kodwaSthe Manjinji - Akazenzi ngcono uma efuna ongabhemi nongaphuzi coz isimo sempilo yakhe asihambisan nalezo zinto n uzom supporter njan ufuqana nogwayi phambi kwakhe nokuthi afune onestatus esifana nesakhe thats a good thing coz kunzima ukuhamba uzichaza kuwona wonke umuntu okshelayo kuthi ay ngyagula, inzima lempilo guys abantu bangahlekisi.....good luck dadewethuSibongile Joyce - Iya esontweni uzomuthola ongabhemi nongaphuzi ngoba abasatholakaliJabulani Martin - Shut the f...up ninamadoda enu nithi yena akanake zingane naye umuntu onemizwa njengani.yooh! bafazi nginethembile.Mathabethe Nsiko - Eyi kahle wena hloe awuzohlekisa ke nje nomunye ungcono yena u positive mybe wena unelumbo ingakho usho njeZiphi Ziphi - Ngikufisel inhlanhl osikhothen lezintoNkuli Mwelase - I applaud u 4 yo courage nd energy to life, after all u deserve uthando nawe lv. Vele u need to b pick nd choosy uzomthini umuntu ozokufuqa ngentuthu, yena odakwayo ozofuna ukuku re-infecter engafuni isokisi. God bless u with healthy days to live.Thuthukani Man T - Ayi mina ngyabhema bakwe2 gud luk mfNqobileh Ximba - noma ningathini wonkumuntu uyaludinga uthando.cc i lyk ur courage i wish nabanye aba hiv bengaziveza ukuthi bayaludinga uthando ngoba akulona owaba negetive kuphela ngikufiselinhlanhlaUncelot Mlah Mzobe - Emotionaly sad. . . Cc wam angazi ngthin bt wat u dwng z good n badSakhile Sammy Ndlovu - Gud luck my dearNombuso Majozi - Agga mani nifuna ukubhejwa nodwa kunan kant uma enezingane? Nina aniqomi njengoba ninezingane nga 6 nje? Nxa musan kzenza ncono laSfiso Milanzie - Ngicela ungithinte kulenumber 0826452331 uzongitholaSibongile Batina Temba - Angazi abantu banjani lomuntu ufuna umuntu o + ngoba engafuni eloku ez explainer ukuthi unjani. Nd ukuthi uneyngani akusho ukuthi angathandani phela. Aniziphathe kahle bantu nizwisa abantu ubuhlungu.Thembani Ndlovu - Niyahlekisa shamThembisa Sthandiwe - eve enyanyisa umuntu ozenza into yangempela ngo muntu o + mxm ngatholukut yena unayo qha akazaz uncono kab umuntu ozaziyoHi admin plz hide me and post this for me.
ngiziphuphe ngiyokhipha isisu abt a week ago and after the abortion i died in the dream.this week i’ve been having a number of dreams i dnt understand.on monday i dreamt that my boyfriend was in a car accident and in icu,on wednesday i dreamt of my boyfriend’s friend who had come to apologise on my boyfriend’s behalf and he had come with 2 kids a girl and a boy bt the girl was my boyfriend’s daughter.izolo my niece said she dreamt of us eating fruits at a function and that’s all we were eating she says evem wen we were offered something else we jst ate fruits…wat culd these dreams mean
Zelemu ws son of Lufulwenja ka Mageba ka Zulu that don’t make dem Zulu by clan name or nation,Coz they wer never under Zulus by da tym of Shaka Zulu “dey wer nt Shakes subjects”people” let alone da fact dt dey deafited Shaka den hw cn dey claim praise name of Zulu Mageba?,Zulu is da main stem n who ever dt separated from da main stem n ws never retained back 2 da stem den falls to anather stem,NB Mageba gave birth 2 many sons ie in hs house dt he build while his twin brother Phunga ws still alive in eMhlathuze,Mageba gave birth 2 Mpangazitha,who gave birth to Mthiya and Mthiya gave birth to Ndaba,Phunga died n Mageba went to his brothers house to b a King of da Zulu since hs brada had no child,@ dt tym Mpangazitha went kwaNtombela to b a king of da Ntombelas as they wer also experiencing lost of their king.Mthiya remained n clothe his pipul wid a Buffalo skin n dey wer call abakwaMbatha,dis pipul wer under Zulu evi during da reign of Shaka he never attack dem coz they wer submissive wid out a fight or resisting.@ the house of Zulu Mageba gave birth 2 Ndaba who gave birth 2 Jama,in da other Mageba’s place eMthunzini next 2 Nkandla Mageba gave birth 2 Lufulwenja who gave birth 2 Wushe an Zelemu,remember Shaka ws nt born @ dis tym neither Senzangakhona Ndaba of Mageba ka Zulu had two places,1st house h gave birth 2 Jama and 2cnd house gave birth to Xhoko father of da Biyelas and also gave birth to Ntshwankeni father of da Ntshangase.Mbatha,Biyela,Ntshangase wer submissive to Shaka widout going to war so dey became hs people since dey we by blood from Zulu bt da Zulu descendent retain da surname/clan praises of Zulu Mageba Ndabezitha “Ndaba. In short”,on da other hand Wushe n Zelemu clans wer resistant to b submissive to Shaka.den Zelemu became strong wen Gobi swans ka Khalimeshe “Gobiswano Zelemu” as dt ws hs clan name bt nt Zulu,came back from Swaziland n fleed to Mzimkhulu,Xopo,Mount frere,Kokstud as hs nw home resisting to b under Zulu bt pursue has kingdom in Swati. The king being him bt nt da well knw Mswati,Madzikane’s name says it all dt h is Swati as he choised a Swati name rather thun a Zulu or Xhosa name,kings wer refers to by da names of their Fathers,grandfathers n grate grandfathers.eg Shaka was call Dlungwane ka Ndaba owadlunga emanxulumeni…… etc and Madzikane’s grate grand father was uWabane(Nombuso) so hs pipul had n have to hail him as Madzikane ka Wabane(Nombuso) bt nt Madzikane ka Zulu coz he ws never under Zulu bt he use dis name to disrespect,undermine n infuriate Shaka who had pride in dis name as a rightful owner of dis clan name.da sucurcism dt is going on currently of da Swati people of Madzikane ka Wabane in all of hs Land
simply walk outside to feel the sun on your face at the sand beach. at the st. regis saadiyat island resort, abu dhabi you can cool off in one of the 3 outdoor swimming pools and indulge in a pampering afternoon at the full--service spa. dining is available at one of the hotel's 4 restaurants and guests can grab coffee at the coffee shop/café. guests can unwind with a drink at one of the hotel's bars, which include 2 bars/lounges and a poolside bar. public areas are equipped with complimentary high--speed wired and wireless internet access. this luxury hotel also offers a children's pool, outdoor tennis courts, and a 24--hour fitness center. complimentary self parking and valet parking are available on site. 24--hour front desk babysitting or childcare (surcharge) children's club (surcharge) supervised childcare/activities (surcharge) total number of rooms -- 377 number of floors -- 8 number of bars/lounges -- 2 breakfast available (surcharge) coffee shop or café free newspapers in lobby concierge services conference space dry cleaning/laundry service elevator/lift 24--hour fitness facilities full--service spa tours/ticket assistance free wifi free wired high--speed internet number of outdoor pools -- 3 laundry facilities limo or town car service available one meeting room multilingual staff free valet parking terrace poolside bar luggage storage on private beach safe--deposit box at front desk year built 2011 number of restaurants -- 4 24--hour business center beach umbrellas pool sun loungers beach towels outdoor tennis courts -- 2 free self parking number of buildings/towers -- 1 children's pool tennis on site shopping on site indoor pool show all hotel amenities
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thutelo ye ya go kwešiša mabaka le dikgopolo e hlohlomiša, ditiro tša baithuti ka go go ithuta go go hlolago phetogo thutong ya human anatomy (thuto ya ditho tša mmele wa motho) tikologong ya yunibesithi ya dithuto tša tikrii ya mathomo. le ge teori ya phetogo ya mezirow (1975; 1978; 2000) e be e dirišwa le go boledišana ka yona malebana le batho ba bagolo ka go dithuto tša ka morago ga tikrii ya mathomo, mananeong a nako ya pele ga ge motho a tšea modiro woo o nyakago tlhahlo le ao a diregago nakong ya gago ya modirong, e hweditše tlhokomedišišo ye nnyane malebana le baithuti ba dithuto tša tikrii ya mathomo bao ba tsenego yunibesithing thwi ka morago ga sekolo sa godimo, ka gona e lego la mathomo. tlhokego ye ya nepišo e a nyamiša malebana le bokgoni bjo bo ka bago gona bja tšweletšo pele ya baithuti mengwageng ye le dinepo tšeo di tswalanego le thuto ya dithuto tša tikrii ya mathomo. go ya ka baswayadiphošo ba teori ya mezirow’s (1975; 1978; 2000) ya go ithuta go go hlolago phetogo, boikgopolelo bja freire (1970; 1981) bja thuto yeo e fetolago dipeakanyo tšeo di gatelelago batho ditšhabeng tša bona, kgopolo ya burbules (1986) ya bokgoni bja go laola batho ba bangwe tikologong ya go ithuta, le dikgaleng tše dingwe tša dingwalo, thutelo ye ya tlhohlomišo e araba potšišo ye kgolo le dipotšišwana tše dingwe tše tlhano. potšišo ye kgolo ke: na tsebišo ya go ithuta go go hlolago phetogo thutong ya ngwaga wa mathomo ya thuto ya ditho tša mmele wa motho e ka kaonafatša bjang kwešišo ya baithuti ya thuto ye? thutelo e dirišitše tlhamo ya mokgwa wa dinyakišišo wo o gatelelago tiragatšo le go tšea karolo go rarolla ka moo tsebišo ya go ithuta go go hlolago phetogo thutong ya ngwaga wa mathomo ya thuto ya ditho tša mmele wa motho e ka kaonafatšago kwešišo ya baithuti ya thuto ye. batšeakarolo e bile mphato wa ngwaga wa mathomo wa mokgahlo wo o theilwego go thuša diprotšekeng wa baithuti ba masomennenne bao ba ingwadišitšego dithutong tša tikrii ya bachelor of medicine and extended curriculum programme (mbchb ecp) ka 2017, go yunibesithi ya disaense tša maphelo ka afrika borwa. datha e kgobokeditšwe ka go diriša lenaneopotšišo leo le nyakago dikarabo tše di fago ditlhalošo, pego yeo e bontšhago boinaganišišo le lenaneo la dilo tšeo motho a tlo di lebelelago. datha e sekasekilwe ka go diriša tshekatsheko ya go hlama dikgopolo tša diteori le go laetša dipoelo tše mpsha go tšwa go tšona ka go hlatholla le tlhopho (braun & clarke, 2006; creswell, 2014; maddison, 2005; miles & huberman, 1994; wolcott, 1994; 2014) le lenaneo la atlas.ti ((www.atlasti.com). dikhwetšo di bontšha gore go baithuti thutelong ye, go tšea karolo tshepedišong ya go ithuta go go hlolago phetogo go akareditše go bona maitemogelo a maleba a motho go thuša go hlama ditlhalošo dithutong tša ditho tša mmele wa motho, le dihlogotaba goba ditaba tšeo di hlalošwago nakong ya dithuto tša ditho tša mmele wa motho, go šupa dithulano ka lebaka la dikgopolo tšeo di fapanego, le go hlohlomiša ka go tsenelela ka go naganišiša dikgopolo le dikemo tša motheo. go ena le go ba tshepedišo e tee, go ya ka teori ya phetogo ya mezirow, ditlhalošo tša baithuti di gatelela tshepedišo goba tlwaelo ya leagong yeo e bopšago ke go fana maitemogelo le go šoma mmogo go kwešiša dikgopolo tšeo di hlalošago maitemogelo a tšona. baithuti ba ngwadile ka ga diphetogo ditšhišinyong tša bona tšeo di hlotšwego ke maitemogelo a bona, tšeo di akareditšego tebelelo ya kwešišo ya motho, seemo le tsenelelano gare ga motho le seemo le tiro ya thušo go boitshwaro bjo itšeng. mabaka ao a kgonagaditšego go ithuta go go hlolago phetogo a akareditše tlhohlomišo ya ditebelelo tše ntši, tšeo di akaretšago go botšiša ka ga bolaodi bja mofahloši bja tlwaelo bjoo bo lego gona, lefapha le tsebo ya thuto; go hlohla tsela ya tlwaelo ya peakanyo ya lenaneo la go ruta, le go bopa goba go hlola ditswalanyo ka go hlokomela thekgo gare ga batho. ka go diriša maatla a maitemogelo, ditlhagišo goba dihlogotaba ka ditho tša mmele wa motho tšeo go boletšwergo ka tšona ka diphapošingborutelo di fetišitše dikaroganyo tšeo di swyaswayilwego ka go dingwalo go akaretša maikutlo le go hwetša tsebo le go kwešiša nakong ya go ithuta, go ithuta ka bowena le ka go lemoga boitshwaro bja batho ba bangwe le phetogo go lebeletšwe merafe ka moka, le go fa baithuti maitemogelo ao a fapanego a maatla. kgopolo ya maatla ka go go ithuta go go hlolago phetogo go tšwetšwa pele gomme ditlamorago tša tlwaetšo le teori ka ga karolo yeo e ralokwago ke thuto ya dithuto tša tikrii ya mathomo go go ithuta go go hlolago phetogo di a hlalošwa. ditšhišinyo di akaretša tlhokego ya dinyakišišo tše dingwe tša nako ye e tlago go kaonafatša mokgwakabo ka go akaretša magoro a mangwe a dithuto magatong ao a fapanego a thuto le diyunibesithing tše dingwe.
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4 lelo, amashiwi ayafuma ku mupashi wa mushilo yasosa apabuuta ukuti ku ntanshi kukaba inshita+ ilyo bamo bakalufya+ icitetekelo, no kubika amano ku mashiwi ya kulufya ayafuma ku mipashi+ na ku fisambilisho fya fibanda,+ 2 pa mulandu wa bufi+ bwa bantu aba bumbimunda abo kampingu+ wabo afwa, uwaba kwati untu baoca ku cela icakaba; 3 abakaanya ukuupa,+ abalesha ukulya ifya kulya+ ifyo lesa alengele+ ukuti ababa ne citetekelo+ kabili abaishiba icine bwino balelya no kutootela. 4 umulandu wa kuti conse ico lesa abumba cisuma,+ kabili takuli ico umuntu afwile ukukaana+ nakalya nga capokelelwa pamo no kutootela,+ 5 pantu icebo ca kwa lesa ne pepo e filenga ukuti cibe ica mushilo. 6 nga ulepanda aba bwananyina aya mano ukaba umubomfi umusuma uwa kwa kristu yesu, uuliisha umutima wakwe ku mashiwi ya citetekelo na ye sambilisho+ ilisuma ilyo wakonka nga nshi.+ 7 awe kaana amalyashi+ ya bufi ayashumfwana ne fya mushilo ayo abanakashi abakote bashimika. lelo, ulebombesha pa kuti uleipeelesha kuli bukapepa.+ 8 pantu ukutukusha umubili kwafwa fye panono; lelo bukapepa+ bwafwa mu fintu fyonse,+ pantu muli bukapepa mwaliba isubilo lya kuba no bumi pali nomba e lyo na ku ntanshi.+ 9 aya mashiwi ya cishinka kabili yalinga ukuyasumina no mutima onse.+ 10 e mulandu wine tulebombesesha nga nshi no kulwisha sana,+ pantu twasubila+ muli lesa wa mweo, uuli mupusushi+ wa bantu ba misango yonse,+ maka maka aba cishinka.+ 11 ulekonkomesha+ ifi fintu no kufisambilisha.+ 12 wileka umuntu nangu umo asuule ubulumendo bobe.+ lelo, ube ica kumwenako+ ku batetekela+ mu milandile, mu myendele, mu kutemwa, mu citetekelo, na mu kusanguluka.+ 13 ilyo nshilaisa, twalilila ukubika amano ku kubelenga+ pa cintubwingi,+ ukukonkomesha, no kusambilisha. 14 wilekelesha ica bupe+ icaba muli iwe icapeelwe kuli iwe ilyo bakasesema baseseme+ pali iwe kabili ilyo ibumba lya bakalamba lyabikile iminwe+ pali iwe. 15 uletontonkanya pali ifi fintu;+ ulebikako sana amano, pa kuti bonse balemona ukulunduluka+ kobe. 16 lyonse uleisakamana we mwine,+ ulesakamana ne fyo ulesambilisha.+ ikalilila muli ifi fintu, pantu nga wacita ifyo ukaipususha we mwine na balekumfwa.+"
2 jehova oye kuume ngoka omudhiginini a shiga ko noha dhimine po kaaku na we ngoka tatu vulu okukala tu na. ongaashi owala omupisalomi a popi a ti: “omuwa, ongoye omunalukeno noho tu dhimine po; ou na esilohenda [nenge “ohole yi na uudhiginini”] kumboka taye ku indile.” (eps. 86:5) okukala omudhiginini nokukala ho dhimine po otaku ti shike? ongiini jehova hu ulike uukwatya mboka uuwanawa? nongiini tatu vulu okulandula oshiholelwa she? omayamukulo komapulo ngoka otage ke tu kwathela tu kokeke ohole yetu yokuhola kuume ketu kopodhingoelela, jehova. otage ke tu kwathela wo tu koleke ekwatathano lyetu nayalwe. — 1 joh. 4:7, 8.
Ovakufimbinga: Ovalongi vefimbo li yadi ovo ve likalekelwa ovo ve li pokati komido 23 no 65 nove na oukolele muwa, ovo eenghalo davo tadi va pitike va longe opo pe na omhumbwe nove na omhepo yeliyambo, yokutya, “Aame ou, tume nge,” otava dulu okutula mo eindilo. (Jes. 6:8) Ovo va hala okuya kofikola oyo, kutya nee ovamwatate inava hombola, ovamwameme inava hombolwa ile ovalihomboli ove na okukala va kala moilonga yefimbo li yadi oule womido mbali de litwikila. Ovalihomboli ove na okukala va hombola pa pita omido mbali. Ovamwatate ove na okukala ve li ovakulunhuongalo ile ovayakuliongalo oule womido mbali. Ngeenge ofikola oyo ohai ningwa moshitukulwa osho shi li koshi yoshitaimbelewa sheni, ovo va hala okuya kofikola oyo otava dulu okupewa ouyelele kombinga yofikola pokwoongala kwoposhoongalele shoshitukulwa oko va nuninwa.
This is just too funny +disgusting not to share Excerpted from an article which appeared in the Dublin Times about a bank robbery.....Once inside the bank shortly after midnight,their efforts at disabling the security system got underway immediately.The robbers, who expected to find one or two large safes filled with cash & valuables, were surprised to see hundreds of smaller safes throughout the bank.The robbers cracked the first safe's combination,and inside they found only a small bowl of vanilla pudding. As recorded on the bank's audio tape system,one robber said, At least we'll have a bit to eat.The robbers opened up a second safe and it also contained nothing but vanilla pudding.The process continued until all safes were opened.They did not find one pound sterling, a diamond,or an ounce of gold.
ekuqaleni, ngesikhathi ujesu esafanele ukuthi enze inkonzo yakhe ngokusemthethweni, njengabafundi ababemlandela, kwesinye isikhathi wayeya emihlanganweni, acule amaculo, adumise, afunde netestamente elidala ethempelini! emva kokuba abhapathiziwe waphuma, umoya wehlela kuye ngokusemthethweni futhi waqala ukusebenza, wembula ukuthi ungubani kanye nomsebenzi okwakudingeka ukuba awenze. ngaphambi kwalokhu, akekho owayazi ukuthi ungubani, ngaphandle kukamariya, ngisho nojohane wayengazi. ujesu wayeneminyaka engama--29 ngesikhathi ebhapathizwa. ngemva kokubhapathizwa kwakhe, amazulu avuleka, izwi lathi: “le indodana yami ethandekayo, engithokozile ngayo.” emva kokuba ujesu abhapathizwe umoya ongcwele waqala waba ufakazi kuye ngale ndlela. ngaphambi kokuba abhapathizwe eseneminyaka engama--29, wayephila impilo yomuntu ejwayelekile, edla uma kufanele, elala egqoka ngokufanele, akukho okwakukuyena okwakwehlukile kwabanye. empeleni lokhu kwakusemehlweni abantu enyama. kwesinye isikhathi naye ubeba buthaka, kwesinye isikhathi naye wayengakwazi ukwahlukanisa izinto, njengoba kubhaliwe ebhayibhelini: “ukuhlakanipha kwakhe kwakhula kanye nobudala bakhe.” la mazwi akhombisa nje ukuthi wayenobuntu obujwayelekile nobuvamile, futhi wayengahlukanga kwabanye abantu abajwayelekile. wakhula futhi njengomuntu ovamile, bekungekho lutho olukhethekile ngaye. kodwa wayengaphansi kokunakekelwa nokuvikelwa ngunkulunkulu. ngemva kokubhapathizwa, waqala walingwa, lapho aqala khona ukwenza inkonzo yakhe nokusebenza, wayenamandla, ukuhlakanipha, negunya. lokhu akusho ukuthi umoya ongcwele awuzange usebenze kuye, noma wawungekho ngaphakathi kwakhe ngaphambi kokubhapathizwa. ngaphambi kokubhapathizwa kwakhe umoya ongcwele wahlala ngaphakathi kwakhe kodwa ubengakaqali ukusebenza ngokusemthethweni, ngoba kunemikhawulo lapho unkulunkulu enza umsebenzi wakhe, futhi ngaphezu kwalokho, abantu abajwayelekile banendlela ejwayelekile yokukhula. umoya ongcwele wawulokhu uhlala ngaphakathi kwakhe. ngenkathi ujesu ezalwa, wayehlukile kwabanye, kwavela inkanyezi yokusa, ngaphambi kokuzalwa kwakhe, ingelosi yavela kujosefa ngephupho yamtshela ukuthi umariya uzozala usana lwesilisa, nokuthi ingane uyikhulelwe ngomoya ongcwele. bekungekhona nje emva kokubhapathizwa kukajesu, obekuyisikhathi futhi lapho umoya ongcwele waqala ukusebenza khona ngokusemthethweni, lapho umoya ongcwele wehlela phezu kwakhe. inkulumo yokuthi umoya ongcwele wehlela kuye njengejuba ibhekisele ekuqaleni kwenkonzo yakhe ngokusemthethweni. umoya kankulunkulu wawulokhu unaye ngaphambili, kodwa wawungakaqali ukusebenza, ngoba isikhathi sasingakafiki. umoya wawungakaqali ukusebenza ngokufufuzela. umoya waba nobufakazi kuye ngobhapathizo. umoya waqala ukusebenza kuye ngenkathi ephuma emanzini ngokusemthethweni, okwakhombisa ukuthi unkulunkulu osesimweni somuntu uqalile ukugcwalisa inkonzo yakhe, nokuthi useqalile umsebenzi wokuhlenga, okusho ukuthi inkathi yomusa isiqalile ngokusemthethweni. ngakho kunesikhathi emsebenzini kankulunkulu, kungakhathalekile ukuthi wenza msebenzi muni. ngemva kokubhapathizwa kwakhe bekungekho guquko olutheni kujesu; ubeselokhu esenyameni yakhe yakuqala. ukuthi nje uqale umsebenzi wakhe waveza ukuthi ungubani, futhi wayegcwele igunya namandla. ngale ndlela wayesehlukile kunakuqala. ubuyena bakhe bebuhlukile, okusho ukuthi kwaba khona inguquko ebalulekile esimweni sakhe; lokhu kwabe kungubufakazi bukamoya ongcwele, futhi kwakungewona umsebenzi owenziwe ngumuntu. ekuqaleni, abantu babengazi, base bazi kancane ngenkathi umoya ongcwele uba nobufakazi ngojesu ngaleyo ndlela. uma ngabe ujesu wayenze umsebenzi omkhulu ngaphambi kokuba umoya ongcwele ube nobufakazi ngaye kodwa ngaphandle kobufakazi bukankulunkulu ngokwakhe, akukhathalekile ukuthi umsebenzi wakhe mkhulu kanganani, abantu bebengeke bazi ukuthi ungubani ngoba iso lomuntu belingakwazi ukubona. ngaphandle kwesinyathelo sobufakazi bukamoya ongcwele, akekho owayengambona njengonkulunkulu othathe isimo somuntu. uma, ngemva kokuba umoya ongcwele ube nobufakazi ngaye, ujesu waqhubeka wasebenza ngendlela efanayo, ngaphandle komehluko, bekungeke kube nalowo mphumela. kulokhu kukhonjiswe kakhulu nomsebenzi kamoya ongcwele. ngemva kokuba umoya ongcwele ube nobufakazi, umoya ongcwele uye wafanela ukuzikhombisa, ukuze ubone kahle ukuthi ungunkulunkulu, ukuthi bekunomoya kankulunkulu ngaphakathi kwakhe; ubufakazi bukankulunkulu bebungebona obungalungile, lokhu kungakhombisa ukuthi ubufakazi bakhe bebulungile. uma ngabe umsebenzi wangaphambili nowamuva ubufana, inkonzo yakhe yokuba nomzimba womuntu nomsebenzi kamoya ongcwele ngabe ungazange ugcizelelwe, ngalokho umuntu ngabe akakwazanga ukubona umsebenzi kamoya ongcwele ngoba bewungekho umehluko ocacile. ngemva kokuba nobufakazi, umoya ongcwele kwafanela uvumele lobu bufakazi, ngalokho kwafanela ukuba abonakalise ukuhlakanipha negunya lakhe kujesu, okwakuhlukile kunokwezikhathi zakudala. kusobala, lokhu bekungewona umphumela wokubhapathizwa; ukubhapathizwa kumane kungumgidi, ukubhapathizwa kwakuyindlela nje yokukhombisa ukuthi kwase kuyisikhathi sokuthi enze inkonzo yakhe. umsebenzi onjalo ubuwenzelwe ukuveza ngokusobala amandla amakhulu kankulunkulu, ukuveza ngokucacile ubufakazi bukamoya ongcwele, bese umoya ongcwele uba nesibopho salobu bufakazi kuze kube sekupheleni. ngaphambi kokuba enze inkonzo yakhe, ujesu walalela nezintshumayelo, washumayela, wahambisa ivangeli ezindaweni ezahlukene. akazange enze umsebenzi omkhulu ngoba isikhathi sasingakafiki sokuthi angenza inkonzo yakhe, nanokuthi ngoba unkulunkulu wazifihla ngokuzithoba enyameni, wangenza msebenzi kwaze kwafika isikhathi. akazange enze msebenzi ngaphambi kokubhapathizwa ngezizathu ezimbili: esokuqala, yingoba umoya ongcwele wawungakehli ngokusemthethweni (okusho ukuthi, umoya ongcwele ubengakehliseli phezu kukajesu amandla negunya lokwenza lowo msebenzi), noma ngabe wabe esazi ukuthi ungubani, ujesu wayengekwazi ukwenza umsebenzi ayehlose ukuwenza kamuva, ubezofanele alinde kuze kufike usuku lwakhe lokubhapathizwa. lesi bekuyisikhathi sikankulunkulu, futhi bekungekho noyedwa obengasiphikisa, ngisho nojesu imbala ubengeke ajivaze umsebenzi wakhe. kusobala, lokhu bekungukuzithoba kukankulunkulu nomthetho womsebenzi kankulunkulu uma ngabe umoya kankulunkulu awuzange usebenze bekungekho owayengenza lo msebenzi. okwesibili, ngaphambi kokuba abhapathizwe, ubengumuntu ovamile nojwayelekile, engahlukile kubantu abavamile nabajwayelekile, lolu olunye uphawu olukhombisa ukuthi unkulunkulu onesimo sobuntu wayengowemvelo yasemhlabeni. unkulunkulu othathe isimo somuntu azange aphikise izinhlelo zomoya kankulunkulu; wasebenza ngendlela ehlelekile nangejwayelekile. bekungemuva nje kokubhapathizwa lapho umsebenzi wakhe waba negunya namandla. okusho ukuthi, yize wayengunkulunkulu othathe isimo somuntu akazange enze izenzo ezingesizo ezemvelo yasemhlabeni. wakhula ngendlela efanayo njengabanye abantu abajwayelekile. uma ngabe ujesu wayazi ukuthi ungubani, wayezokwenza umsebenzi omkhulu ezweni lonke ngaphambi kokubhapathizwa kwakhe, futhi wayezohluka kubantu abajwayelekile, aziveze engumuntu ongavamile, kwase kungeke kudingeke ukuba ujohane enze umsebenzi wakhe, kodwa bekuzobuye kungabi nendlela kunkulunkulu ukuba aqale isinyathelo esilandelayo somsebenzi wakhe. ngakho loku bekuzobonakalisa ukuthi lokho unkulunkulu akwenzile kuhambe kabi, kumuntu bekuzoba sengathi umoya kankulunkulu nenyama yesimo somuntu kankulunkulu. akuvelanga emthonjeni munye. ngakho, umsebenzi kajesu osebhayibhelini umsebenzi owenziwa ngemuva kokubhapathizwa kwakhe. umsebenzi owenziwa ngeminyaka emithathu. ibhayibheli alikubhalanga ukuthi wenzani ngaphambi kokuba abhapathizwe ngoba akawenzanga lo msebenzi ngaphambi kokuba abhapathizwe. ubengumuntu ojwayelekile, emele umuntu ojwayelekile; ngaphambi kokuba ujesu enze inkonzo yakhe, ubengahlukile kwabanye abantu futhi abanye bebangaboni mehluko kuye. kube nje ngemva kokuthi afinyelele eminyakeni engama--29 lapho ujesu wazi khona ukuthi kufanele aqedele isigaba somsebenzi kankulunkulu; kuqala, yena uqobo lwakhe ubengazi, ngoba umsebenzi owenziwa ngunkulunkulu bekungowemvelo. uma wayeye emhlanganweni esinagogeni eneminyaka eyishumi nambili, umariya wayemfuna, wathi uma ephendula waphendula ngomusho owodwa ngendlela efanayo yanoma iyiphi ingane: “mame! awazi yini ukuthi kufanele ngibeke intando kababa ngaphezu kwakho konke?” kokusobala, njengoba azalwa ngendlela kamoya ongcwele, wayengeke yini ujesu abe ngokhethekileyo ngendlela ethize? kodwa ukukhetheka kwakhe bekungasho ukuthi wayengenzi izinto ngokwemvelo, kodwa bekusho ukuthi wayethanda unkulunkulu ukwedlula noma iyiphi ingane encane. yize ayebonakala engumuntu, ukuthi wayengubani kwakukhethekile futhi kungafani nokwabanye. kodwa, kwaba ngemuva kokubhapathizwa lapho ezwa khona esebenza kuye umoya ongcwele, wezwa ukuthi ungunkulunkulu ngokwakhe uqobo. kube lapho efinyelela khona eminyakeni engama--33 lapho abona khona ukuthi umoya ongcwele uhlose ukwenza umsebenzi wokubethelwa ngaye. eseneminyaka engama--32, wayezele ukuzokwazi amaqiniso angaphakathi, njengoba kubhaliwe evangelini ngokukamathewu: “usimoni petru wase ephendula futhi wathi, ungukristu, indodana kankulunkulu ophilayo. …kusukela ngaleso sikhathi ujesu waqala ukukhombisa abafundi bakhe, ukuthi ufánele aye kanjani ejerusalema, futhi ahlushwe abadala nabapristi abakhulu nababhali, futhi abulawe, bese uvuswa futhi ngosuku lwesithathu.” akazange azi ngaphambili umsebenzi obekufanele awenze, kodwa ngesikhathi esithize. akazange azi ngokuphelele ngenkathi esanda kuzalwa; umoya ongcwele wasebenza kancane kancane kuye, futhi bekunenqubo kulo msebenzi. uma, ukusuka ekuqaleni, ubese azi ukuthi ungunkulunkulu, nokristu nendodana yomuntu engunkulunkulu onesimo somuntu, ukuthi wayezofeza umsebenzi wokubethelwa, kungani ayengazange asebenze ngaphambili? kungani kwaba ngemuva kokutshela abafundi bakhe ngenkonzo yakhe ujesu lapho aqala ukuba lusizi ujesu, wakhuleka ngobuqotho ngalokhu? kungani ujohane amvulela indlela wambhapathiza ngaphambi kokuqonda izinto eziningi abengaziqondi? lokhu kubonisa ukuthi bekungumsebenzi kankulunkulu onesimo somuntu enyameni, ngakho ukuze aqonde, futhi azuze, bekunenqubo, ngoba wayengunkulunkulu othathe isimo somuntu, umsebenzi wakhe wawuhlukile kulowo owawenziwa ngumoya ngqo.
45“ngaw thoeythupoegaynu muynu amadhan kuthapa, na rebeka mangiz nabiya kalmel nanu ngukiw za kusu. na maypa woelmay ngukipa. kalanu ngay ngukipa yapupoeybiz, 46nadh sobaginga nanu kusu gasaman, kalanu ngayapa woenipa nguki manin. na kedha mulaydhin, ‘ngath kay kalanu nginu kameloepa nguki maypa!’ wa ngay waniz, kalanu nadh kamelal ngukin poeybiz. 47ngay nabepa yapupoeybiz, ‘nginu thathi nga?’ nadh ngayapa mura sakar manin nanu thathiw doegam, bethwel, nayom milkom kazi. kalanu ngath nabepa piti oengayza manin a gethiya oengayza. 48ngay kalanu kulun pasoeyniz thawmanin a eso pugiz awgadhoepa kedha, ngi mina ngaw kuyku mabaygaw awgadh. ngidh ngoena balbayginga gethiya yoelparngu ngaw kuyku mabaygaw buwaypa. ngayapa kakal kedha, nuydh awgadhan ngithamun yoepkaz kazi adhapa thamadhin abraman kazipa. 49sa, ngitha nanga nubi za balbayginga buwayl thayane nanga ngaw kuyku mabaygoepa, ngayapa mulemiw midh nanga, ngath kay bangal pudhamayne, ngath bangal midh paru kuykul za aymoene nanga.” 50leyboen a bethwel palay kedha, “in nubi za awgadhoengu ngapa, ngoeymulpa kuthoepa maypa lawnga.
FOUR­DAY long indigenous music withintheregion. Accordingtotheorgan­ workshop, as part of the third isers’ press release, Artists will be offered Impucuzeko skills and training lectures by prominent industry players development initiative, started on Tues­ and famous artists on stage covering a range of topics such as entertainment day and will end tomorrow at Cedara. law, personal financial The provincial work­ management, dealing shop is hosted only a few with fame and media weeksaftersimilarwork­ (presented by a well shops were wrapped up known maskandi in Mpumalanga and legend Thokozani Johannesburg, and gave Langa), performance four groups an opportu­ and audience develop­ nity to be recorded for ment (presented by an the very first time by award winning artist Impucuzeko skills and Zakes Bantwini), music training initiative. PHOTO: FILE compilation (present­ Impucuzeko skills Maskandi artist ed by SABC Khetha and training develop­ Thokozani Langa Gwala). “These work­ ment is a section 21 com­ pany focusing to developing skills in arts shops are a build­up to the Maskandi mainly film and music. Funded by the Festival that is held every year at Curries National Lottery and Distribution Trust Fountain and is attended by more than Fund these workshops aim to build 10 000 people,” said the press release. capacity and develop aspiring artists Xolani Mcineka is the marketing director
this gentle, easy--to--handle surfactant is suitable for even the most sensitive of skin types, and can be applied to several daily cleansing formulations for it. it produces a high quality foam without being hindered by oil, making it widely compatible with a range of pre--existing formulations without having to change a thing. working well in a lower ph range of between 4 and 9, disodium cocoamphodiacetate has an incredibly high resistance to hard water, working effectively even in salt water. it is compatible with anionic, non--ionic and amphoteric surfactants, thus adding to it's high--compatibility and easy--to--use factors. as it is compatible with both the skin and the mucous membrane, it can also be used in gentle hair and facial cleansers without causing dryness or irritation, making it excellent for leave in conditioners as well as facial cleansers and scrubs. disodium cocoamphodiacetate is added during the final stage of a cosmetic formulation for best results.
FIVE Pietermaritzburg deejays have amalgamated to host an RnB and soul session called “Sodube Soul Session”, that will take place at Sodube Park in Esigodini area in Edendale on April 15 from 10 am until late. Entrance is free but a fee of R20 applies should you wish to bring a cooler box. Phumlani Msomi, who is one of the organisers and a deejay for this event, said this is a first in the area of Esigodini. He said they noticed that most events that happen in Pietermaritzburg usually comprise house and kwaito music. “We want people to know that RnB still exists. We also want to accommodate other people whose love is with RnB and soul music. There are a lot of people who love RnB, but they do not get an opportunity to attend the concerts because they are always happening outside of Pietermaritzburg,” he said. Msomi said besides wanting to rekindle RnB, they also want to also teach people that there are a lot of things that you can gain from listening to this type of music. “This kind of music helps you learn about love, how to love yourself and people around you. It also helps in relationships and help you heal if something bad has happened to you. With this show we are targeting mostly the youngsters,we want them to know that there are a lot [more] types of music apart from house and kwaito.” Msomi said there will be five deejays that will be playing on the day including him as well as the live performance by Bernard.
ngokuqinisekile unekhanda lakho ligcwele ukungabaza othandweni, noma udinga ukwazi ukuthi ikusasa lithini emsebenzini wakho, wazi ukuthi kuyoba yini impilo yakho ezinyangeni naseminyaka elandelayo, ukwazi ukuthi umndeni uyohlala uhlala kahle yini, uma kwenzeka izingozi ezithombeni zakho umndeni noma cha, uma umlingani wakho ekuthanda noma ekukopela. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ conozco a gente que han ganado cientos de dolares con ayuda de la magia. cambia tu destino con estos conjuros de suerte. wewe kupata mkusanyiko wa inaelezea bora mooring kuvutia mtu au mwanamke, unataka kupata, nishati nzuri na kata mbali ukafiri au ya matamshi mbaya uhusiano wako. mabadiliko ya hatima yako na inaelezea haya ya bahati. en la secciã³n de conjuros de dinero encontrarã¡s hechizos para quitar deudas, para vender una casa, ganar la loterã­a, conseguir dinero further y hechizos para atraer dinero separar la pobreza.
amor pistis bedding set, 2017--08--20 02:35:57. cocalo baby's beautiful girl bedding sets include the highly popular sugar plum, springy bedding in plum, green and ivory with butterflies and flowers to add whimsy to any little girl's room, and similar new sundae crib bedding with the infusion of a bright summer day in vibrant yellow, blue, red and brown. abby's farm is an original girl--themed farm bedding set in pink, yellow and green, and new jacana bedding collection is a feminine safari animal design in orchid, lavender and brown. cocalo baby's charming boy bedding includes work zone and scooter sets, featuring construction equipment or cars in brown and blue with stripe accents, and sports fan bedding depicting various game balls in masculine green, blue, and brown. neutral cocalo baby sets start with best--selling alphabet soup, a colorful collection featuring whimsical animals, letters, and numbers. new turtle reef design shows large turtles swimming against a background of cool blue and ocean green, for a loveable undersea collection for any baby.
this is the question that we pose at the beginning of our client conversations. gaining intimate insights about your customer, product, and operational behaviors, tendencies, trends and propensities is critical if organizations want to drive digital business transformation; optimizing key business processes, uncovering new monetization opportunities and creating a more compelling customer experience.sep. 30, 2016 07:45 pm edt reads: 706three invaluable lessons from cloud expoby ian khanjust over a week ago i received a long and loud sustained applause for a presentation i delivered at this year’s cloud expo in santa clara. i was extremely pleased with the turnout and had some very good conversations with many of the attendees. over the next few days i had many more meaningful conversations and was not only happy with the results but also learned a few new things. here is everything i learned in those three days distilled into three short points.sep. 30, 2016 07:15 pm edt reads: 5,405digital disruption is hereby ed featherstonimagine if you will, a world where technology is changing at breakneck speeds. where new technology hype seems to know no bounds. you see words floating in front of you. cloud. mobile. big data. internet of things. machine learning. blockchain. the words fly towards you, circling. they seem to be saying something. ‘use me’… “no, use me.’. confusion seems to abound. at the sign post up ahead, your next stop, the disruption zone! sep. 30, 2016 07:00 pm edt reads: 1,168manufacturing disruption with iiotby scott allenindustrial iot continues to cause disruption; not just in manufacturing, but across many other industries as well. in the last few months we’ve been keeping a pulse on the state of digital transformation across the business landscape and have been discovering exciting new implementations of industrial internet of things (iiot). this week we’re highlighting the disruption industrial iot is instigating as product development and lifecycle management continues to evolve.sep. 30, 2016 06:15 pm edt reads: 3,283mlb data lake… play ball!by william schmarzodell emc’s isilon division has been working with major league baseball advanced media (mlbam) to create a data lake that provides a seamless process to add and maintain massive amounts of video data to serve their baseball fanatics (like me). here is a cool 2--minute video that shows how they did it. the company operates the official web site for the league and the thirty major league baseball club web sites via mlb.com, which draws four million hits per day. it also provides the backend--streaming infrastructure for wwe network, hbo now, nhl etc.sep. 30, 2016 06:00 pm edt reads: 786[session] the digital innovation in japanby elizabeth whitedigital innovation is the next big wave of business transformation based on digital technologies of which iot and big data are key components, for example:
Silva Vinh bedding set, 2017-10-10 01:31:28. Bedding in the real sense is a very important part in your bedroom and stands out as a center of attraction when someone walks into your room. So, they have to be of the best choice and can range from luxurious to inexpensive. Some designs are offered on the basis of the season and some are just good designs by the many designers. So, when given the thought of purchasing bedding, it is really worth the purchase as this is not what others would love in your bedroom, but it will be a possessed collection that you would too cherish for years to come. So, a choice like Tommy Bahama would be a good selection for your room.
sobukwe became editor of the africanist in 1957 and soon began to criticise the anc for allowing itself to be dominated by what he termed 'liberalleft--multi--racialists'. in 1958 sobukwe completed his honours dissertation at wits entitled “a collection of xhosa riddles”. politically, sobukwe was strongly africanist, believing that the future of south africa should be in the hands of black south africans. as a result of his septicism towards the multi--racial path the anc was following, sobukwe was instrumental in initiating an africant breakaway from the anc in 1958, which led to the birth of the pan africanist congress (pac). he stated: “in 1955 the kilptown charter was adopted, which according to us, is irreconcilable conflict with the 1949 programme seeing that it claims land no longer africa, but is auctioned for sale to all who live in this country. we have come to the parting of the ways and we are here and now giving notice that we are disassociating ourselves from the anc as it is constituted at present in the transvaal.” at the pac’s inaugural congress, held in orlando from 4 to 6 april 1959, sobukwe was unanimously elected the party’s first president. sobukwe's eloquence as a public speaker, his intelligence and commitment to his cause soon established him as natural leader, and helped him rally support for the pac. sobukwe’s opposition to ‘multiracialism’ in favour of ‘non--racialism’ is apparent in an extract from his inaugural speech at the pac launch in 1959. a week after the anc announced its anti--pass campaign in december 1959, the pac announced that it was planning to initiate a campaign against the pass laws with the aim to free south africa by 1963. on 16 march 1960, sobukwe wrote to the commissioner of police, major general rademeyer, stating that the pac would be holding a five--day, non--violent, disciplined, and sustained protest campaign against pass laws, starting on 21 march. on 21 march 1960, at the launch of the pac’s antipass campaign, sobukwe resigned from his post as lecturer at the university of witwatersrand. he made last--minute arrangements for the safety of his family and left his home in molofo. he intended to give himself up for arrest at the orlando police station in the hope that his actions would inspire other black south africans. along the eight kilometre walk to the police station, small groups of men joined him from neighbouring areas like phefeni, dube and orlando west. as the small crowd approached the station, most of the marchers, including sobukwe, were arrested and charged with sedition. when an estimated group of 5000 marchers reached sharpeville police station, the police opened fire killing 69 people and injuring 180 others in what became known as the sharpeville massacre. an order was issued on 25 march 1960 for the banishment of sobukwe to the driefontein native trust farm,
mediatek labs is a global ecosystem initiative supporting wearables and internet of things device creation, application development, and services based around mediatek chipset offerings. developers can use the mediatek linkit™ one development platform and the linkit one hdk to easily access the features and functions of the mediatek mt2502 system on a chip (soc), with the goal of creating the next generation of mediatek p...jun. 1, 2015 02:15 pm edt reads: 635product voice and the third age of marketingby pat romanskiimagine a world where targeting, attribution, and analytics are just as intrinsic to the physical world as they currently are to display advertising. advances in technologies and changes in consumer behavior have opened the door to a whole new category of personalized marketing experience based on direct interactions with products. the products themselves now have a voice. what will they say? who will control it? and what does it take for brands to win in this new world? in his session at @thingsexpo, zack bennett, vice president of customer success at evrythng, will answer these questions a...jun. 1, 2015 01:30 pm edt reads: 871o'reilly media ‘media sponsor’ of cloud expoby pat romanskisys--con events announced today that o'reilly media has been named “media sponsor” of sys--con's 16th international cloud expo®, which will take place on june 9–11, 2015, at the javits center in new york city, ny.
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the purpose of management; ownership and control structures; managerial activities. developing leadership: understanding human behaviour; building human relationships; the psychology of human motivation; leadership and management; leadership and corporate culture; the leadership development plan leadership skills: personal skills (managing stress, developing self--awareness and solving problems creatively); interpersonal skills (communication, managing conflict, motivating others and gaining power and influence); the 10 core leadership competencies introduction to financial management: basic financial management principles; basic financial ratios; understanding basic financial statements operations and project management: project management process: defining a project; preparing a basic project plan; basic quality control; the team leader's role; total quality management; continuous improvement schemes. for more information contact charmaine garcia on +27 (0) 21 918 4488 or send an email to [email protected]. posted on 1 jul 2008 11:01‹ like save email print pdfusb--ed's press officenew usb--ed management index explores sa management landscape 6 jun 2014holiday greetings from usb--ed's ceo 18 dec 2013digital world to bring major changes to sa 5 aug 2013usb--ed top executive education provider in sa 28 feb 2013cultural transformation in spotlight at cape town conference 5 sep 2012usb--edusb executive development ltd (usb--ed) of the university of stellenbosch offers unique experiences in business leadership and management development training for all our clients.profile | news | contact | twitter | facebook | rss feedcomment on thiscommentcomment guidelines and disclaimerlegal disclaimer: this message board accepts no liability of legal consequences that arise from the message boards (e.g. defamation, slander, or other such crimes). all posted messages are the sole property of their respective authors. the maintainer does retain the right to remove any message posts for whatever reasons. people that post messages to this forum are not to libel/slander nor in any other way depict a company, entity, individual(s), or service in a false light; should they do so, the legal consequences are theirs alone. bizcommunity.com will disclose authors' ip addresses to authorities if compelled to do so by a court of law.relatedrebranding rietfontein: a fresh new arrivalissued by weathermen & co newsshow more"
11 ukucetekela kwesu muli bayawe kulakulilako ili twabona ifi batofwako ne kwasuka amatembelo esu. ifi e fyacitikile kuli kalebi na joshua. baalilangishe ukucetekela muli bayawe ili baile mu kuceta icalo icalailwe. mu kupita kwa mpindi, ukucetekela kwabo kwalukuye’li kukoselako ili balukubona ifi bayawe baalukubofwako. e mulandu joshua abuulile abaishilaeli ukwa kubula ne kukanika, ati: “tapabulile ukucitwa neli kantu kamo pa fintu fyonse ifiweme ifyo balabile bayawe lesa wenu ifya kuli mwebo.” panuma, alilabiile ati: “pakuti pali fyefyo lomba, kamubatina bayawe, mulukubapyunjila ne kutekanya ne cine.” nakabili, alilabiile ne kweba ati: “nebo ne ng’anda yanji twakulukubapyunjila bayawe.” (josyua 23:14; 24:14, 15) kani twacetekela muli bayawe ne kubona ifi batofwako, ukucetekela kwesu kulakulilako.—amasamo 34:8.
lungi langa ayizwa mshini intombazane eneminyaka engu--14 yasedube village, enanda ethi ingalifela nokulifela isoka layo elina--22 eselithembise ukuyishada uma iqeda isikole. le ntombazane, esiligodlile igama layo, kuthiwa isiyehlule ngisho umndeni uyibonisa kodwa ivele ithi ilizwa ekhaleni isoka layo ugqula tshembeni wakwamhlabuyalingana ngakho abayixege. ithi yona notshembeni bayathandana futhi kade baqala, akekho ozobahlukanisa. “siyathandana futhi sesinesikhathi sithandana. angiyiboni mina inkinga ekuthandaneni naye,” kusho le ntombazana esafunda ugrade 8. ithe yona notshembeni onesitolo ngakubo baqala ukuthandana ngo--2010 isaneminyaka engu--12 namanje basaqhubeka khona. iqhube yathi umama wayo oshone kule nyanga naye ubengenankinga ngokuthandana kwabo. “umama wangibamba ukuthi ngithandana naye ngonyaka odlule wangithethisa kodwa ngokuhamba kwesikhathi uthe ayikho inkinga ngingaqhubeka naye uma ngimthanda ngempela. ngokuhamba kwesikhathi bakhuluma bavumelana ngokuthandana kwethu,” kuqhuba intombazane. uthe utshembeni uthembise ukuthi uyamthanda futhi uzomshada uma eseqede isikole. lokhu kufakazelwe nguye utshembeni othe uyayithanda le ntombazane futhi akazimisele ngokudlala ngayo. “nomama wakhe ngamtshela ukuthi ngeke ngidlale ngengane yakhe. wangiyala kaningi ukuthi ngiyiphathe kahle ingane yakhe waze wangitshela ukuthi ngingazihluphi ngezinto ezikhulunywa ngabantu ngoba banomona,” kusho utshembeni. uthe yena kade ayithanda le ntombazane futhi ukube kuya ngaye ngabe wonke umuntu uyakubona lokhu. “abantu banomona, hhayi ngoba benendaba naye yingoba befuna mina ngingadayisi lapha. akukho okuzongihluka--nisa naye,” kugcizelela utshembeni. ebuzwa ngomthetho mayelana nokuthandana nengane encane uthe uyazi ngawo futhi lokhu kuyamkhathaza kepha akakwazi ukuyekela ukuthandana nale ngane. uthe kukhona akukhokha kubo kantombazane kepha akafuni ukugxila kukho ngoba wayengamthengi. umndeni wentombzane uthe ukhathazekile ngokuthandana kwayo nalo mlisa. umfowabo (30) ohlala eshongweni dam ngenxa yokusebenza uthe bafuna kwenziwe okuthile ngalokhu. “kade ngangikhuluma naye ngithi akahlukane nalo muntu ngoba kuzophazamiseka ikusasa lakhe kepha kubukeka engathi akazimisele ngokuzwa esikukhuluma kuye,” kusho umfowabo. amanye amalungu omndeni athe amtshela unina wentombazane ngalokhu befuna ukuvula icala kepha wanqaba wathi yena akanankinga ngokwenzeka kubo. isikhulu somnyango wezobulungiswa kwazulu--natal unkk bridgette shabalala uthe akukho semthethweni ukulala nomuntu ongaphansi kweminyaka engu--15. uthe umndeni wale ntombazane ungamvulela icala utshembeni ngalokhu. “kufanele labo abasondelene naye nanoma ubani okhathazekile ngalokhu okwenzekayo ayovula icala ngoba akukho emthethweni ukuba nobudlelwano nengane eneminyaka engaphansi kuka--15,” kusho unkk shabalala. comment guidelines
4 Ngakho-ke, njengoba sisekhona isithembiso sokungena ekuphumuleni kwakhe,+ masesabe ukuthi ngesinye isikhathi omunye wenu angase abonakale esilele kuso.+ 2 Ngoba izindaba ezinhle zimenyezelwe nakithi,+ njengoba nje zimenyezelwe nakubo futhi;+ kodwa izwi elazwakala alibazuzisanga,+ ngoba bona babengahlanganisiwe ukholo+ nalabo abezwa.+ 3 Ngoba thina esibonise ukholo siyangena kulokho kuphumula, njengoba nje eshilo: “Ngakho ngafunga+ ngithukuthele ngathi, ‘Ngeke bangene+ ekuphumuleni kwami,’”+ nakuba imisebenzi yakhe yaphela+ kusukela ekusungulweni kwezwe.+ 4 Ngoba kwenye indawo washo kanje ngokuqondene nosuku lwesikhombisa: “Futhi uNkulunkulu waphumula ngosuku lwesikhombisa kuyo yonke imisebenzi yakhe,”+ 5 uyaphinda futhi kule ndawo uthi: “Ngeke bangene ekuphumuleni kwami.”+ 6 Ngakho-ke, njengoba kubasalele abanye ukungena kukho, futhi labo izindaba ezinhle+ ezamenyezelwa kubo kuqala bengazange bangene ngenxa yokungalaleli,+ 7 uphinde aphawule usuku oluthile ngokusho ngemva kwesikhathi eside kangaka ehutsheni likaDavide ukuthi, “Namuhla”; njengoba nje kushiwo ngenhla ukuthi: “Uma nilalela izwi lakhe namuhla,+ ningazenzi lukhuni izinhliziyo zenu.”+ 8 Ngoba uma uJoshuwa+ ayebaholele endaweni yokuphumula,+ ngabe uNkulunkulu kamuva akakhulumanga+ ngokuqondene nolunye usuku. 9 Ngakho, abantu bakaNkulunkulu basalelwe ukuphumula kwesabatha.+ 10 Ngoba umuntu ongene ekuphumuleni kukaNkulunkulu+ naye ngokwakhe uye waphumula emisebenzini yakhe siqu,+ njengoba nje noNkulunkulu eye waphumula kweyakhe. 11 Ngakho-ke, masenze konke okusemandleni ethu ukuze singene kulokho kuphumula, funa kube khona owela esibonelweni esifanayo sokungalaleli.+ 12 Ngoba izwi+ likaNkulunkulu liyaphila,+ linamandla+ futhi libukhali kunanoma iyiphi inkemba+ esika nhlangothi zombili, lihlaba kuze kuhlukane umphefumulo+ nomoya,+ amalunga nomnkantsha wawo, futhi liyakwazi ukuqonda imicabango nezinhloso zenhliziyo.+ 13 Futhi akukho ndalo engabonakali emehlweni akhe,+ kodwa zonke izinto zíze futhi zenekwe obala emehlweni alowo esiyolandisa kuye.+ 14 Ngakho-ke, njengoba sinompristi omkhulu ophakeme odabule amazulu,+ uJesu iNdodana kaNkulunkulu,+ masibambelele ekumvumeni kwethu.+ 15 Ngoba lowo esinaye njengompristi ophakeme, akuyena ongenakuzwelana+ nobuthakathaka bethu, kodwa ngovivinyiwe ezicini zonke njengathi, kodwa ongenasono.+ 16 Ngakho-ke, masisondele+ ngenkululeko yokukhuluma+ esihlalweni sobukhosi somusa ongafanelwe, ukuze sizuze isihe futhi sithole umusa ongafanelwe wokusiza ngesikhathi esifanele.+
11 Ombiimbeli otayi gandja omalombwelo taga ti: “Omukiintu ina henga po omulumentu gwe. Ngele ote shi ningi, oku na okukala itaa yi we moondjokana nenge a hangane ishewe nomulumentu gwe. Omulumentu ina henga po nando omukadhi.” (1 Kor. 7:10, 11) Etopoko kali na okutalwa ko oshinima shanathangwa. Nonando ohali monika lya fa olyo ekandulopo lyomaupyakadhi ga kwata miiti mondjokana, olundji ohali eta owala omaupyakadhi ogendji. Konima sho Jesus e endulula shoka sha popiwa kuKalunga kutya omulumentu oku na okuthiga po he nayina e ta kwatathana nomukadhi, okwa ti: “Shono Kalunga e shi tula kumwe, inashi kuthwa kumwe komuntu.” (Mat. 19:3-6; Gen. 2:24) Shoka otashi ti wo kutya omusamane nenge omukulukadhi ke na ‘okukutha kumwe shoka Kalunga e shi tula kumwe.’ Jehova okwa tala ko ondjokana yi li oshinima shoka tashi kalelele. (1 Kor. 7:39) Okudhimbulukwa kutya atuheni otu na oku ki ihokolola kuKalunga otashi ki inyengitha aaihokani ya ninge oonkambadhala dha mana mo ya kandule po nziya uupyakadhi wawo manga inaawu kwata miiti.
16 kala u na ehalo, ndele ino ongaonga. potete eshi samuel a uda kutya ovaisrael ova hala ohamba yopanhu, okwa li a uda nai noku wete a ekelwashi. (1 samuel 8:4--8) jehova okwe mu lombwela lwoikando itatu a pwilikine kovanhu molwaashi samuel ka li a hala oku va pa ohamba. (1 samuel 8:7, 9, 22) nonande samuel okwa li e udite ngaho, ka li a twila ondubo ile a handukile omulumenhu oo a li te ke mu pingena po e li omuwiliki. eshi jehova e mu lombwela a vaeke saul, samuel ka li a ongaonga. okwa li a dulika nehalo liwa, hamolwaashi ashike a li e na oku shi ninga, ndele omolwaashi a li e hole jehova.
q. your father and you both touched on it yesterday at the champion’s breakfast. you talked about you kissing your racecar when you were a kid. can you talk about that? ryan newman: well, i guess it’s a definition or a way to define respect. you have to respect your equipment and you have to care for your racecar. obviously the people around you have influence on that racecar. growing up, it was the thing to do. not to say that i actually did it. i mean, it was more of a figure of speech than anything. just like the guys that are professional anglers kiss the fish before they put it back in the water. it’s the way of showing appreciation and respect for either something, something you love, a way of making a living. you know, that’s something that my dad taught me at a young age. q. but you never actually did it, though? ryan newman: i won’t – i can definitely say that i probably never kissed the car. but there was times when i hugged it. click below for the full transcript of today’s teleconference.
Nedhina lye pakuudha, Ndondi Fredrick Kandjembe, PhredGot1 ngoka e li omvalele yomoshilongo oye a ningi omuhikingalo gwotango okushainwa kehangano ndika, nokwa li a tseyitha kutya oku uvite uuntsa nuunambano okushainwa kehangano ndika. PhredGot1 okwatseyika nawa mehangano lyoongalo sho a li a ningile omuhikingalo Hilifa94 omikwelengendjo dhongalo yedhina ‘’Phred, You Got One’’. Omvula ya za ko omuhikingalo oye tuu nguka okwa li a pititha ‘’Boss Man’’, ongalo ndjoka ya li ya piti tango tayi ka kala moalbuma ye ndjoka ya tengenekwa yi ka pite nuumvo yedhina No Validation. Ongalo Boss Man, oya li ya tula Phredgot1 ponkatu ombwaanawa moka oye a li omuhikingalo a imba ongalo ndjoka ya kala nokutalwa shinene koDONLU Africa. Oalbuma yaPhredgot1 okwa imba pamwe naSwartBaster, Nashawn osho woPrincelou Faragama.
my echo soapies generations akhona vows never to forgive nor for­ get. queen struggles to keep a secret. pru­ dencespillsallaboutsompisiandhisfami­ ly.pearlcatchestheloversintheact.chop­ pa’s freaked when he finds a half naked woman in his flat. ruby finally gets her fa­ ther to recognise her. a session of shock therapy goes horribly wrong. mj is snubbed when he reaches out to a loved one. dineo puts ngamla in his place. senzo makes a horrifying discovery. years of anger and bitter­ ness dissolve away as father and daughter bond. a kind gesture prompts akhona to snap. nicholas is des­ perate to help the woman he loves. ja­ son is shocked by what he witnesses during therapy. dr jacobson shows his dark side.
architect and designer was priceless given our very limited lead time, and her showroom is just a short stroll from my office. When no one feels like cooking we love Lynda Erkiletian, Founder, THE Artist Agency SURFSIDE (2444 Wisconsin Avenue NW) for its fresh fish or BBQ pork tacos. For dessert, brunches and so much more, we rely on DANfter the holidays, I contacted Sillah favorites, as are the spectacular Spanish small- GEROUSLYDELICIOUSPIES (1339 H Street Koroma at MAXFIT(4321 Wiscon- plates and extensive wine list at JALEO (480 NE) for their sinful but not too sweet pecan sin Avenue NW) to whip our entire 7th Street NW). and creamy coconut chess pies and scrumptious MULEH (1831 14th Street NW) means savory quiches. family into shape. He met with each of us to design a personal nutrition and fitness “coming home” in JavaI try to never regimen and even helped me create a mini- nese and there is defimiss my longstanding WHATDOESITTAKETOMAKEIT BIGONTHERUNWAY? home gym for private sessions as I am not a fan nitely no place like it. In appointment with taladdition to fashion buyer of wearing Lycra in public! ented hairstylist Ismail Aside from industry size and height standards, the most important My family are avid Washington Capitals Vici Subiyanto’s innate Tekin at GEORGE attributes are professionalism and a F O U R  S E A S O N S fans, so we love to frequent the diverse array of ability to find the latest positive attitude. We only hire models SALON  (2828 M José Andres restaurants near the Verizon Center designers and trends, this who are hard-working, punctual and Street NW). for a quick pre-game bite or delicious victory wonderful store showcases prepared; keeping up with current When I have a dinner. The tapas and innovative cocktails at the exceptional home hair trends as well as maintaining healthy skin and toned bodies are ZAYTINYA  (701 9th Street NW) are big furnishings of eco-conmoment to spare, I find a essential to continued success. A free bench at GEORGEscious designer Kenneth diva-licious walk helps, too! TOWN WATERFRONT Cobonpue. DOYOUKNOWRIGHTAWAYWHENA MODELHASPOTENTIAL? PARK   to relax and When I needed to admire the view. Watching the Potomac River renovate my McLean home, I called my friend Yes! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Spotting potential, however, is a function of understanding Deborah Kalkstein, owner of CONTEMPO- flow serenely by the banks of Roosevelt Island, our clients’ needs. I know what they are looking RARIA (3303 Cady’s Alley NW) to transform I remember to be grateful that Washington, D.C. for with regard to height, sizes and overall clean my vision into a reality. Her background as an is my town. beauty, though it varies depending on specific market demographics. 82
batho ba ba nago le setseka se segolo go ditseno ka bogare tša bana ba ditšhiwana le bao ba lego kotsing (ovc) ke bana le batswadi/bahlokomedi ba bona. ka bomadimabe, mananeo a mantši a ovc a akanyetšwa pele le go phethagatšwa ntle le go tšeela šedi maikutlo a batho ba ba tlago holega ge go naganišišwa ditharollo (ali 2007:15). morero wa thuto ye e be e le go hlohlomiša le go hlaloša maikutlo a ditšhiwana le batswadi/bahlokomedi ba bana ba ba lego kotsing mabapi le go šoma gabotse ga lenaneo la bana la malapa a ka moso (ff) kua olievenhoutbosch. thuto ye e šomišitše moakanyetšo wa khwalitheithifi, wa go hlohlomiša le wa go hlaloša. batswadi/bahlokomedi ba 13 ba bana ba ba ingwadišitšego le malapa a ka moso ba ile ba botšišwa dipotšišo mabapi le go šoma gabotse ga lenaneo la malapa a ka moso ka go šomiša mokgwa wa dinyakišišo wa go botšiša dipotšišo. dipoelo tša thuto di šišintše gore batswadi/bahlokomedi ba be ba thabile ka ditirelo tša ff le go dumela gore lenaneo le šoma gabotse ka go iphetolela go dinyakwa tša malapa a bona.
format:hardcover i had no idea what to expect when i started auracle. which is a good thing, because i've not felt like that with a book for ages. you generally have a fair idea about what you are getting into, but not this time. auracle was completely new to me. and it was awesome.auracle was captivating right from the very beginning. we land straight in anna's world, and the scene is set when we learn that anna can astral project out of her body. getting all the necessary introduction out the way, and the reader is plunged head first into a murder, a disappearing friend and anna being kicked out of her body by a classmate. anna's the only witness to the murder, and to clear her friend's name she has to get her body back -- one way or another -- before something terrible happens.i don't know how many times i can say it, but this book was just full of awesomeness. anna was a really lovable character. you could really make a connection with her. her frustrations about not being able to get back inside her body, her blossoming romance with her bestie rei...everything about anna was incredibly real, and gina had such a great way of writing that i actually believed i had astral projected into anna's life.rei as well was a really great guy -- there's not a lot like him guy wise in ya lit these days. he didn't take any crap, much like anna, and had real and genuine gutsyness about him. plus i'm all for authors who have inter--racial relationships in their novels. it shows anyone can fall in love! and the name rei is awesome.the icing on the cake for me though was taylor. i don't know if it is just me, but i love bitchy characters in ya. or maybe i just love to hate them. done properly, the antagonist female is a character that i totally j'adore, and in auracle,taylor is done to a capital b (for bitch, of course!) you just want to hate taylor with a passion, and get so annoyed with her, that i guess gina's work is done really!overall, auracle is an irresistible read that will stay with you after you've put it down. you'll never want to put it down actually! i was constantly enthralled with everything, and found myself staying up late just to see what the outcome would be, constantly cheering rei and anna on. i wish there was a little bit more of seth in the story, as he seemed like a great character also, but don't let that stop you from getting your hands on this summer gem!
We live with our mother, our small sister and brother, and our granny. Our father works in Johannesburg but he comes home at Easter and Christmas. My father’s older brother and his wife also stay here, with their son, Xolani. Our family has lots of animals. We have 9 cows, 30 goats, 5 chickens and a cock. My brother has a dog, called Spotty, that always goes herding with him. It helps to have animals but they make a lot of work for us! My mother and Gogo like to farm. They grow maize and sorghum. My mother would like to grow vegetables but the problem is, there is not enough rain here. We usually have to travel far, to Tugela Ferry or Weenen, to buy food. My mother complains that everything costs too much. She gets a grant to help with all the children and Gogo gets a pension. Every pension day I look forward to coming out of school because Gogo brings home sugar cane, juice, ice lollies and nice fruit for us to eat. We have to fetch all the water we need from the river. I have just got back from the river and I’m very tired. Water is very important. If I don’t fetch it, no one will be able to drink, or wash or cook. Sipho sometimes helps to fetch water but today he is looking for a goat. He lost it while he was playing football yesterday. He will be in trouble if he doesn’t find it. I wish I could help him but I am too busy now. See you later!
ikinyarwanda---- choose one ----abaranga amazu n’ibibanza amadini y’abemera imana amaduka bijouterie electronic shop ibikoresho byo munzu ibikoresho gakondo imyenda inkweto ni ibikapu supermarkets vitamin shop amaguriro y’imodoka abacuruza amamodoka amagarage na piece de rechange amahoteri n’ingendo amahoteli n’amacumbi ingendo n’ubukerarugendo amatungo inzuri n’amatungo ubuvuzi bw’amatungo gahunda z’imbere mu gihugu gutwara abantu n’ibintu ibigo by’itumanaho inzu za interineti papeterie gahunda za leta guverinoma y’u rwanda polisi na nimero z’ubufasha gutegura ibirori abafata amafoto n’amashusho abakora decoration abategura ibirori aho ibirori bibera catering service imikino n’imyidagaduro imyitozo ngororamubiri nokoga imiryango nterankunga na ong resto bufet n’amarestora mato inganda z’imigati resto zigezweho serivisi z’imali abohereza amafaranga ama banki inzu zivunja amafaranga abakora amajaride serivisi zo mu mazu abakora amasuku abakora amazi n’amashanyarazi amazu y’amarange ibigega by’amazi ububaji ubwubatsi buciriritse abacunga umutekano servise z’umwuga abakora ibishushanyo abakora ibishushanyo mbonera abanyamategeko gutegura imishinga ibigo by’ikoranabuhanga no kwamamaza icungamutungo ishoramali ubujyanama ubwishingizi uabacuruza ibikoresho by’inganda abajyana ibicuruzwa hanze abazana ibicuruzwa mu gihugu ibigo by’ubwubatsi inzu zikora ibikoresho ububiko n’abatwara ibicuruzwa ubucuruzi n’inganda ubuhinzi n’ubworozi umutungo kamere imbyino ubugeni n’umuziki inzu z’ibitangazamakuru inzu z’ubugeni inzu zitunganya u muziki uburezi ibigo byigenga ubuvuzi amaguriro y’imiti amavuriro mato n’abavura amenyo ibitaro ubuvuzi bw’amaso ubuzima n’imibereho bare na clubs ubwiza amaguriro ya za makiyaje amasalo y’abagabo amasalo y’abagore amashulimykigali business directory new listingsnew look opticaluwimana painting & wallpaperingspiruline corporation ltdamitabha technology inc.wise brokerage agencyvita gratia pharmacypharmacie sangwavedaste munyanezaga taxi servicedove recordssweet kigali bakery & cafemykigali business directory random listingsgenetrasco ltdsunset spabourbon coffeesundowners.j. spare partscentre hospitalier universitaire de kigali (chuk)iris pharmacyspiruline corporation ltdsweet kigali bakery & cafenew look opticaldove magazinemuhima hospitalmalaika travel services ltdrwandanowmasjid muruur"
ngifuna ukuxoxa nge--40 ans. i--ce qui a préservé mon mariage est le désir de plaire à dieu. ce neest pas le hon d'une autorité humaine. uj'ai uthinta izinhloso zokuhlunga upaul, eyisibonelo sokuqanjwa, isibindi nesibindi. mais je ne comprenais pas son sengqondo envers les femmes quand il leur disait de se taire. ça me faisait mal. d'un côté il parle de phoebé, servre à cenchrées; il demande de lui faire bon accueil car elle s'est faite défenseur de beaucoup, de paul compris. a telle été ministerre a laison? a telle défendu paul a la maison? a telle prié et de t'elle prophétisé à la maison? c'était eziphikisana. jéagas n'a jamais fait taire les femmes. jesus est apparu d'abord aux femmes. jésus a femées femxes de rapporter sa résurrection aux hommes jésus à enseigné les hommes et les femmes. jesus à dit que marie avait choisi la bonne part. marthe qui s'occupait de la maison pour servir les hommes n'avait pas fait le bon choix. i--l'homme et la femme sont différents. chacun a ses qualités propres. ils sont complémentaires. il nay a pas de comparaison à faire entre eux. il nay a pas de rivalité entre eux. ils sont à l'image de dieu. i--ce qui est is incroyable c'est qu'on a toujours su trouver les femmes pour évangéliser. les femmes istaient toujours plus nombreuse que les hommes en prédication. kulayini oyinqolobane upaul ubeka izithembiso... funda kabanzi ""
south african radio astronomy observatory (sarao [tshekatsheko ya tepo ya dinaledi ka radio ya aforika borwa]) e goga kwa pele ditiro tse di dirwang mo square kilometre array radio telescope ya mo aforika borwa, e gantsi e bidiwang ska, mo go tsa boenjeneri, saense le kago. sarao ke setheo sa bosetšhaba se se laolwang ke mokgatlho wa bosetšhaba wa ditlhotlhomiso mme se akaretsa didiriswa le dithulaganyo tsa tepo ya dinaledi ka radio, didiriswa tse di tshwanang le dithelesekoupu tsa meerkat le kat--7 mo kgaolong ya karoo, le dithulaganyo tsa tshekatsheko ya tepo ya dinaledi ka radio tse di kwa hartebeesthoek (radio astronomy observatory [hartrao]) tsa mo gauteng, dithulaganyo tsa african very long baseline interferometry (avn) tsa mo dinageng di le robongwe tsa aforika ga mmogo le maiteko a a amanang le tsone a tokafatso ya kitso le bokgoni jwa badiri le maiteko a kgwebisano.
You've really sent my mind spinning with this wonderful senryu, Butch. The visuals you create are so real, it's as if I can see them on a silver screen in a reel to reel progression of love at first sight in a whirlwind of romance. The senryu form continues to be a springboard for you style and word artistry, (loved the use of thaumaturgic), my friend. You must write a sequel to this glorious tribute to the love of your life....and that eternity of moments. If the beginning is this captivating and imageric, I can only imagine how inspiring the future will be.