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atanda’s very own kwaito sensation, BK Supremo, has officially released his newest project titled Better Days EP. The six track music journey is a perfect way to open anyone’s festive season holidays. The EP features quality sounds and beats, produced by Owzito (real name Tshepo Nkutha) that blend modern party vibe with the classic kwaito music tempo. Cornelius Suping better known as ”BK Supremo” is no stranger on the music scene he’s also known from where he made his mark by participated in the 2014 Gumba Fest Competition hosted by Dj Tira (Afrotainment) where he rocked the Newcastle Crowd with his hit song “Bula Boot”. The first track from the Better Days EP, Abangani Bam, is a memorable summer hit that promises to take the young talent places. The single was recently played on Lesedi FM’s ReaKubeletsa Kasi’s Finest, Kwaito Djs also play this single on their sets like Dj Fisha-Fasha’s radio mixes and on Dj Miss T kwaito mixes. The creative genius beatmaker, Owzito provided a catalogue of sounds that BK Supremo has laced with his flows and lyrics. Most of the songs have a easy-to-sing hook (chorus) and are made for the partygoers and everyone with feel for kwaito music. BK Supremo is a proudly South African versatile artist, musician, songwriter, entertainer, who was born and raised in the streets of Ratanda township. Supremo is one of those freshest artists to come out from the township who’s aiming to bring some fresh breath of Mzansi flavour through his music. Like any other artist Supremo developed the love and passion for music in his early age back then during his high school days with his friends. Back in 2009, Supremo and his friends decided to form a hip hop group and named it after their township where they come from which is Ratanda and because they were bunch of rockers they called their group ‘Ratanda Force’. Another memorable song is Ziwa Futhi (featuring Owzito) is certainly made for the movers and shakers ekasi who love a good time. Released in November, the Better Days EP has featured artists like Magnet, Blue Scale and Owzito. To get this great kasi classic, visit the artist on Facebook or Twitter (BK Supremo ZA) and via email at bookingsupremo91@ gmail.com.
isikhathi ujesu aba naso emhlabeni siyiminyaka engamashumi amathathu nantathu nengxenye, okungukuthi, waphila emhlabeni iminyaka engamashumi amathathu nantathu nengxenye. yiminyaka engamashumi amathathu nantathu nengxenye kuphela ayithatha enza inkonzo yakhe, futhi, kule eminye waphila impilo ejwayelekile yomuntu. ekuqaleni, wayehambela izinkonzo esinagogeni lapho ayelalela khona izintshumayelo zabefundisi, nezifundo zabanye; wathola ulwazi oluningi ngebhayibheli. akazalwanga nalolu lwazi, waluthola kuphela ngokufunda nokulalela. kuqoshwe ngokusobala ebhayibhelini ukuthi wayebuza imibuzo korabi esinagogeni eneminyaka eyishumi nambili: kwakuyiziphi iziphrofetho zabaphrofethi basendulo? imithetho kamose? imibhalo? nomuntu osebenzela unkulunkulu ngezingubo zobupristi ethempelini? … wabuza imibuzo eminingi, ngoba wayengenalo ulwazi noma ukuqonda. nakuba wakhulelwa ngomoya ongcwele, wazalwa njengomuntu ojwayelekile ngokuphelele. noma zazikhona izinto ezazingejwayelekile, wayelokhu engumuntu ojwayelekile. ukuhlakanipha kwakhe kwakhula njalo kuhambisana nesimo neminyaka yakhe, nempilo yakhe yaqhubeka njengeyomuntu ojwayelekile. ekucabangeni komuntu, ujesu akazange ezwe ubungane, ukuba yibhungu, nokuba yinsizwa; umuntu unomqondo wokuthi ujesu wazalelwa empilweni yendoda eneminyaka engamashumi amathathu, wayesebethelwa lapho eseqede khona umsebenzi wakhe. bakholwa ukuthi mhlawumbe impilo yakhe ayilandelanga umgudu ofana nowendoda ejwayelekile; mhlawumbe wayengadli futhi engaxhumani nabantu, futhi engabonakali kalula kumuntu. mhlawumbe wayeyisimanga esasiyosabisa labo ababembona, ngoba ungunkulunkulu. abantu bakholwa wukuthi unkulunkulu oza eyinyama akaphili njengoba kuphila umuntu; bakholwa wukuthi uhlanzekile ngisho engazange axubhe noma ahlambe ubuso ngoba ungumuntu ongcwele. ingabe lokhu akukhona nje ukucabanga komuntu? akukho lapho ibhayibheli likhuluma khona ngempilo kajesu eyindoda, likhuluma ngomsebenzi wakhe kuphela, kodwa lokhu akusho ukuthi wayengenabo ubuntu obejwayelekile noma akazange aphile impilo yomuntu eyejwayelekile ngaphambi kokuba abe neminyaka engama--30. waqala umsebenzi wakhe ngokusemthethweni eneminyaka engama--29, kodwa angeke uyiphike impilo yakhe njengendoda eyejwayelekile ngaphambi kwalowo nyaka wobudala. ibhayibheli livele laseqa leso sigaba ekuqopheni kwalo; njengoba kwakuyimpilo yakhe njengomuntu ovamile hhayi isigaba somsebenzi wakhe wobunkulunkulu, sasingekho isidingo sokuba sibhalwe phansi. ngoba ngaphambi kokubhabhathizwa kukajesu, umoya ongcwele wawungakaze usebenze zisuka nje, kodwa wamgcina ephila njengendoda ejwayelekile kwaze kwaba wusuku lapho sekufanele ujesu enze inkonzo yakhe. nakuba wayengunkulunkulu osenyameni, wadlula ezigabeni zokukhula njengawo wonke umuntu ojwayelekile. lesi sigaba asifakwanga ebhayibhelini, ngoba sasingeke sibe usizo olutheni ekukhuleni komuntu. ngaphambi kokubhabhathizwa kwakhe kunesigaba angembulwanga kuso futhi angenzanga nezibonakaliso kanye nezimangaliso. kungemva kokubhabhathizwa kukajesu lapho aqala khona yonke imisebenzi yokuhlenga abantu, umsebenzi owawunothe ngomusa, ngeqiniso, ngothando nangesihe. ukuqala kwalo msebenzi kwakuwukuqala kwenkathi yomusa; ngaleso sizathu, walotshwa phansi futhi wadluliselwa kule nkathi yamanje. wavula indlela yokuphuma waletha ukufezeka kwakho konke kulabo abenkathi yomusa ukuhamba ngendlela yale nkathi nokuhamba indlela yesiphambano. nakuba umlando walokhu wawubhalwe phansi ngumuntu, konke kwakuyizincazelo zamaqiniso, namaphushana ezindabeni ezithile. noma kunjalo, umuntu ngeke aphike ubuqiniso balezi zindaba. zingamaqiniso zonke, nakuba amaphutha aqhamuka ngenkathi sezibhalwa phansi ngumuntu. abanye bangathi ujesu wayengumuntu ojwayelekile, ngakho kwakungenzeka kanjani ukuthi akwazi ukwenza izibonakaliso nezimangaliso? izinsuku ezingamashumi amane zokulingwa ujesu adlula kuzo ziwuphawu oluyisimangaliso, umuntu ojwayelekile owayengeke akwazi ukulufeza. izinsuku zakhe zokulingwa ezingamashumi amane zaziwumsebenzi kamoya ongcwele; angasho kanjani--ke umuntu ukuthi akukho nokuncane okungaphezulu kwemvelo phakathi kuye? ukwenza kwakhe izibonakaliso nezimangaliso akukhombisi ukuthi wayengeyena umuntu ojwayelekile kodwa ukuthi wayengumuntu ongenamkhawulo; ngukuthi nje umoya ongcwele wayesebenza kumuntu ojwayelekile onjengaye, ngalokho enza ukuthi akwazi ukwenza izimangaliso nokwenza umsebenzi ophakeme. ngaphambi kokuba ujesu aqale inkonzo yakhe, noma njengoba kushiwo ebhayibhelini, ngaphambi kokuba umoya wehlele kuye, ujesu wayengumuntu ojwayelekile futhi enobuntu obubonisa izimpawu ezincane zokuba namandla angavamile. lapho kwehla umoya ongcwele, okuwukuthi, lapho eqala ukwenza inkonzo yakhe, waphiwa namandla amaningi angavamile. ngalokhu umuntu uphethe ukukholwa ukuthi unkulunkulu osenyameni wayengeyena umuntu ojwayelekile bese bekholwa ngokuyiphutha ukuthi unkulunkulu osenyameni wayengenabo ubuntu. empeleni, umsebenzi nakho konke lokhu unkulunkulu akwenzayo emhlabeni kungamandla angavamile. okubona ngamehlo nalokho okuzwa ngezindlebe, konke kungaphezu kwemvelo, ngoba umsebenzi wakhe namazwi akhe akuqondakali futhi akufinyeleleki kumuntu. uma okuthile kwasezulwini kulethwe emhlabeni, kungenzeka kanjani ukuba kube yinoma yini ngale kokuba ngaphezu kwemvelo? izimfihlakalo zombuso wasezulwini zilethwe emhlabeni, izimfihlakalo ezazingaqondakali futhi zingazeki kumuntu, ezazimangalisa futhi zihlakaniphe kakhulu—ingabe zonke zazingekho ngaphezu kwemvelo? nokho, kumele wazi ukuthi ngisho noma kuthiwa kungaphezu kwemvelo, kwenziwe ebuntwini bakhe obujwayelekile. unkulunkulu osenyameni unobuntu, ngaphandle kwalokho, ubengeke abe unkulunkulu osenyameni. kuleso sikhathi, ujesu enza izimangaliso eziningi kakhulu. okwabonwa ama--israyeli aleso sikhathi kwakugcwele izinto ezingaphezu kwemvelo; babona izingelosi nezithunywa, futhi bezwa izwi likajehova. kwakungekho ngaphezu kwemvelo konke lokhu? impela, namuhla kukhona imimoya emibi esebenza ngezinto ezingaphezu kwemvelo ukukhohlisa umuntu; lokho akuyilutho ngaphandle kokulingisa kwayo, ukukhohlisa umuntu ngomsebenzi ongasenziwa manje ngumoya ongcwele. imimoya emibi eminingi ilingisa ukusebenza kwezimangaliso nokuphulukisa izifo; lokhu akulutho ngaphandle kokuba ngumsebenzi womoya ababi, ngoba umoya ongcwele akasawenzi umsebenzi onje esikhathini samanje. bonke labo kamuva abalingisa umsebenzi kamoya ongcwele—bayimimoya emibi. wonke umsebenzi owenziwa kwa--israyeli ngaleso sikhathi kwakungongaphezulu kwemvelo. nokho, umoya ongcwele awusebenzi ngale ndlela, futhi noma yimuphi umsebenzi olandelayo ungukwenza nokuphazamisa kukasathane nemimoya emibi. kodwa ngeke uthi konke okungaphezulu kwemvelo kuyizenzo zomoya ababi. lokho kuncike enkathini yomsebenzi kankulunkulu. yimuphi umsebenzi owenziwe ngunkulunkulu osenyameni namuhla ongekho ngaphezu kwemvelo? amazwi akhe awaqondakali futhi umuntu akafinyeleli kuwo, futhi umsebenzi wakhe ngeke wenziwe umuntu. okusekuqondweni nguye ngeke kuqondwe ngumuntu, futhi umuntu ngeke azi lapho ulwazi lwakhe luvela khona. kukhona abathi, nami ngijwayelekile njengawe, yini ngingakwazi okwaziyo? ngimdala futhi ngicebe kangcono ngolwazi, kodwa kungani wena wazi lokho mina engingakwazi? konke lokhu akutholakali kumuntu. kukhona nalabo ababuzayo: akekho owazi ngokweqiniso ngomsebenzi owenziwa kwa--israyeli; wazi kanjani? ngisho abahlaziyi bebhayibheli abakwazi ukunikeza incazelo; wazi kanjani? akuzona zonke izindaba ezingaphezu kwemvelo lezi? akaze ezwe zimanga, kodwa wazi konke nezwi liza kuye kalula kakhulu. akukho ngaphezulu kwemvelo lokhu? umsebenzi wakhe uyakwedlula lokho okungatholwa yinyama. lo msebenzi ngeke nhlobo ufezwe wukucabanga kwanoma iyiphi inyama futhi akunakuqondwa neze umqondo nokucabanga komuntu. noma engakaze alifunde ibhayibheli, uyawuqonda umsebenzi kankulunkulu kwa--israyeli. futhi nakuba emi emhlabeni njengoba ekhuluma, ukhuluma ngezimfihlakalo zezulu lesithathu. lapho umuntu ebuka la mazwi, umuzwa uyamgubuzela umuntu, “lolu akulona ulimi lwezulu lesithathu?” lezi akuzona zonke izindaba ezingaphezulu kwezingafezwa ngumuntu ojwayelekile? ekuqaleni ngenkathi ujesu ezilile izinsuku ezingamashumi amane, kwakungekho ngaphezu kwemvelo lokho? uma nithi ukuzila izinsuku ezingamashumi amane kungaphezulu kwemvelo futhi kuyisenzo semimoya emibi, awumlahlile yini ujesu? ngaphambi kokwenza kukajesu inkonzo yakhe, wayefana nabantu abejwayelekile. naye wafunda esikoleni; wayeyofunda kanjani ukufunda nokubhala? lapho unkulunkulu eba yinyama, umoya wahlala ucashile ngaphakathi enyameni. nokho, njengabantu abejwayelekile, kwakudingekile ukuba edlule emgudwini wokukhula, akazange athathwe njengomuntu ojwayelekile ngaphambi kokuba umqondo nokucabanga kwakhe sekukhulile futhi esekwazi ukubona izinto. kwaba kuphela emva kokuba ubuntu bakhe sebuvuthiwe lapha wakwazi khona ukwenza inkonzo yakhe. wayengayenza kanjani inkonzo yakhe lapho ubuntu bakhe bungakavuthwa nokucabanga kwakhe kungakalungi? nakanjani wayengalindelekile ukuba enze inkonzo yakhe eneminyaka eyisithupha noma isikhombisa! kungani unkulunkulu engazazisanga ngenkathi eba senyameni okokuqala? ngoba ubuntu benyama yakhe babungakavuthwa; umqondo nokucabanga, kanye nobuntu obejwayelekile benyama enjalo, wayengakabi nakho ngokugcwele. ngenxa yalesi sizathu, kwakubaluleke kakhulu ukuba abe nobuntu obujwayelekile nomqondo ojwayelekile womuntu ojwayelekile kuze kwenele ukuqala umsebenzi wakhe esenyameni. kungaleso sikhathi kuphela lapho ayengaqala khona umsebenzi wakhe, uma kungenjalo kwakuzodingeka ukuba aqhubeke nokukhula. ukuba ujesu wayeqale umsebenzi wakhe eminyakeni eyisikhombisa noma isishiyagalombili, abantu babengeke bamthathe njengonesiphiwo? ngabe bonke abantu babengeke bamcabange njengengane nje kuphela? ngubani owayengamthola ekholakala? ingane yeminyaka eyisikhombisa noma eyisishiyagalolunye engeyinde kunepulpiti emi ngemuva kwalo—ingashumayela? ngaphambi kokuvuthwa kobuntu bakhe, umuntu ojwayelekile ngeke aqale umsebenzi. umsebenzi omningi awutholakali nhlobo kumunntu onobuntu obungakavuthwa. umsebenzi womoya kankulunkulu enyameni unezawo izimiso. wayengawuthatha kuphela umsebenzi negunya likayise ngenxa yokuthi wayenobuntu obuvamile. kungaleso sikhathi kuphela lapho ayengaqala khona umsebenzi wakhe. ebunganeni bakhe, ujesu wayengeke aziqonde zonke izinto ezenzeka ngezikhathi zasendulo waze waziqonda ngokubuza korabi. ukube ujesu waqala umsebenzi wakhe eqala nje ukufunda ukukhuluma, kwakungeke yini kwenzeke ukuba enze amaphutha? wayengazithatha kanjani izinyathelo ezingafanele unkulunkulu? ngakho, kungemva kokuba esezazi izinto lapho--ke aqala khona umsebenzi wakhe; akazange awenze ngaphambi kokuba esekwazi ngokugcwele ukuwuqala. eseneminyaka engama--29 ujesu wayesevele esekhulile futhi ubuntu bakhe base benele ukuqala umsebenzi okwakumele awenze. kungaleso sikhathi kuphela lapho umoya ongcwele, owawukade ufihleke iminyaka engama--30, waqala ukuzembula khona futhi umoya kankulunkulu wabe usuqala ngokomthetho ukusebenza kuye. ngaleso sikhathi ujohane wayekade eselungise indlela kajesu iminyaka eyisikhombisa futhi lapho ephothula umsebenzi wakhe, ujohane waphonswa ejele. wonke umthwalo waba phezu kukajesu. ukube wayewuqale lo msebenzi eneminyaka engama--21 noma engama--22, lapho ayengakabuzuzi kahle ubuntu futhi esanda kuba yinsizwa, engakaziqondi izinto eziningi, wayengeke akwazi ukuzilawula. ngaleso sikhathi ujohane wayesewenzile umsebenzi wakhe isikhathi esithile ngaphambi kokuba ujesu aqale umsebenzi wakhe ebudaleni obuphakathi nendawo. kulobo budala, ubuntu bakhe obuvamile base benele ukuba aqale umsebenzi okwakufanele awenze. manje unkulunkulu osenyameni unobuntu obujwayelekile. noma engavuthiwe uma eqhathaniswa nani, ubuntu bakhe kanjalo sebenele ukuqala umsebenzi wakhe; isimo somsebenzi awenzayo namuhla asifani ncimishi nesikajesu. kungani ujesu akhetha abafundi abayishumi nambili? konke kwakuwukweseka umsebenzi wakhe futhi kwakuhambisana nawo. kolunye uhlangothi, kwakuwukubeka isisekelo somsebenzi wakhe ngaleso sikhathi, kube kwenza okufanayo emsebenzini wakhe owawusazolandela. ngokuhambisana nomsebenzi wangaleso sikhathi, ukukhetha abafundi abayishumi nambili kwakuyinhloso kajesu, nekankulunkulu uqobo. wayekholwa ukuthi abafundi abayishumi kufanele bakhethwe bese beholelwa ekushumayeleni ezindaweni zonke. kowa akukho sidingo salokhu phakathi kwenu namuhla! umsebenzi kankulunkulu osenyameni unezimiso eziningi. kuningi kakhulu umuntu angakuqondi nhlobo, nokho umuntu uhlezi esebenzisa lokho akucabangayo ukuze akulinganise noma afune izinto ngokwedlulele kuye. ngisho nanamuhla baningi abangaboni ukuthi ulwazi abanalo aluphethe lutho ngaphandle kwalokho abakucabangayo. kungakhathaleki ukuthi unkulunkulu osenyameni ube khona ngayiphi inkathi noma kuyiphi indawo, izimiso zomsebenzi wakhe esenyameni aziguquki. akakwazi ukuba senyameni bese ephuma enyameni ukuze asebenze; ngaphezu kwalokho, akakwazi ukuba yinyama kodwa angasebenzi ebuntwini obuvamile benyama. ngale kwalokho, ukubaluleka kokuba senyameni kukankulunkulu bekungancibilika kube yize, nezwi elibe yinyama belingeke lisho lutho nhlobo. ngaphezu kwalokho, ngubaba osezulwini (umoya) kuphela owazi ukuba senyameni kukankulunkulu futhi akukho okunye, ngisho nenyama uqobo noma izithunywa zasezulwini. kanjalo umsebenzi kankulunkulu esenyameni ujwayeleke kakhulu futhi ukwazi kangcono nokubonisa ukuthi ngempela ulizwi uba yinyama; inyama isho umuntu ovamile futhi ojwayelekile.
13 ica butatu, abantu ba kwa yehova balyumfwikishe ubucindami bwa kulenga ishina lya kwa lesa ukuba ilya mushilo. mu myaka yaba 1920, abasambi ba baibolo bailwike ukuti ukulenga ishina lya kwa lesa ukuba ilya mushilo e cintu cacindama sana ico balingile ukucita. bushe icebo ca kwa lesa casokolola shani ici cishinka icacindama sana? natulande pa fya kumwenako fibili. mulandu nshi uukalamba uo lesa alubwilile abena israele ukufuma ku egupti? yehova atile: “pa kuti ishina lyandi lishibikwe mu calo conse.” (ukufu. 9:16) na kabili, mulandu nshi yehova abelele abena israele uluse ilyo bamupondokele? yehova na kabili atile: “nalicitilepo cimo pa kuti ishina lyandi liisaalulwa ku menso ya nko.” (esek. 20:8--10) finshi abasambi ba baibolo basambilileko kuli ili lembo na ku malembo yambi?
after having severe chest pains the evening of 7/26/12 and over a year trying to get all these birther groups with all their donations to follow the truth of the real bio that starts with his birth and circumstances surrounding it in topeka ks, i began sharing my eye witness account on my facebook linked to blogger and twitter. it is filled with typos in the initial psoting as often faebook can lose the psoting afte spell checking, as on face book it can take an hour to spell check one page. i now post on blogger and link back after there new format make it much easier. the adit'l info is posted each day and listed as daily recap. it a more comprehensive account of the struggle for integration in ks and in topeka ks where the president was born. on 9/14/12 there is a transcript of the affidavit i filed with the sec of sec of state ks. he is getting a lot of flak for his staff doing a great job in following through to find the records. but he is bound by the law to not release the, records except to the president or if the court grant a court order. there are many eye witnesses to this among my age group. later this week would have been the 50th reunion of the real dad's class at topeka, hs, i pray he is recognized for his school accomplishments rather than continue being written out of history. i also published online a few days later my letter to eric holder attorney general asking if the justice dept could do anything to open an investigation of three dead 50 years ago on the banks of he kansas river where the president's mother,pregnant with him was also attacked and died as a potential witness if any trial had ever occurred. his staff said that even though it occurred before the civil rights laws were passed, they were of the opnion they might be that they could and to send a letter, which i did.a gossip frenzy that had engulfed the community and high school ceased and the authorities would not even drag the river for the bodies which did wash up later on sand bar according to the topeka journal( eve paper). linda joy adams 0
given the data requirements of an enterprise  unf is a table that contains one or more repeating groups  1nf is a relation in which the intersection of each row and column contains one and only one value  2nf is a relation that is in 1nf and every non--primary--key attribute is fully functionally dependent on the primary key. normalization  a technique for producing a set of relations with desirable properties.  3nf is a relation that is in 1nf. 2nf in which no non--primary--key attribute is transitively dependent on the primary key  bcnf is a relation in which every determinant is a candidate key  4nf is a relation that is in bcnf and contains no trivial multi--valued dependency  5nf is a relation that contains no join dependency .
Chapter 13. Look at our healthy livestock! Hello, it’s Sipho here! I am looking forward to the school holidays. Nosipho says she is going to spend her spare time making chicken nests. She has finally learned how to make them properly. I was laughing at her before but now I am impressed. She has made a nesting box for three hens from bamboo, cane and wire. ‘Well, Sipho, I am happy that you agree I did a good job. It took me a long time to collect all the bamboo, measure it and cut it to the right length. Mum gave me money to buy the wire. If the hens use the nest, it will be worth the expense because we will get more eggs and more new chicks. Sipho, can you help me put the nest up in that tree? Then it will protect the hens from snakes, as well as keeping them warm.’ ‘OK, Nosipho. You know, we have worked quite hard to keep our livestock safe and healthy this year. We have helped to vaccinate the chickens against Newcastle disease and fowl pox and persuaded Uncle to vaccinate his dogs against rabies. I helped fix the gate so that the goats and dogs – and little children - cannot get out of the yard. I have not lost one goat this year – well, not for more than a day! ‘You are right, Sipho. We have kept all the animals wellfed. We have picked ticks off them…’ ‘Yes, but not all, because dad says a few ticks help cows maintain their immunity against diseases like redwater.’!
corina marisol desk, 2017--01--31 00:11:38. one thing you should consider is the layout of the room that you will be putting the desk into. is there space for the desk to be set away from a wall or will you need to place the desk in a corner? this can really impact which desk you choose. however, if you choose carefully, you can find a desk which can be used in a corner or in the middle of a room. many l--shaped desks have this capacity and also include features which make it easy to store objects and keep organized.
2 Mu maBaibolo ayengi ayo bapilibula, tamwaba ishina lya kwa Lesa. Lelo ababomfi basubwa aba kwa Yehova, balicincintile ipange lya kwa Satana ilya kuti abantu beishiba ishina lya kwa Lesa. Mu mashiwi ya kutampilako muli Baibolo ya Amalembo ya Calo Cipya, iyafumine pali bulya bwine bushiku mwaba na mashiwi ya kuti: “umulimo wacindama sana uo ino Baibolo ibombele kubwesesha ishina lya kwa Lesa mu malembo ya mu Baibolo umo lifwile ukuba.” Na cine, muli Baibolo ya Amalembo ya Calo Cipya mwaliba ishina lya kwa Lesa ilya kuti Yehova, ukucila pa miku 7,000. Ala iyi Baibolo yalisansabika sana ishina lya kwa Shifwe wa ku muulu, ilya kuti Yehova!
my supportive friends and talented artists:iconirmazwart:s questions made me realize how i have met so many wonderful people on da,who have continuously supported my work and encouraged me to continue drawing.without them,i would most certainly have left da a long time ago.it is because of these wonderful people that i have a reason to stay:iconwizardphoenix:--who was my very first supporter,and i will forever be grateful to him.his words have always encouraged me and he never fails to amaze me with his talent.truly,one of my best friends,and simply a wonderful person,without whom i would not have the many watchers i do today. thank you for everything,although words will never sum up my appreciation i hope you understand how truly happy i am to have such a wonderful friend:iconjennystokes: --she has been such a supportive friend,who i absolutely adore. her comments and endless support has always encouraged me,and i am so very glad that i met her on da. she is such a wonderful person,a browse more like this
scramble to help Niki. DAYS OF OUR LIVES JENNIFER tells Abby that she is getting a divorce from Jack. Daniel and Jennifer’s divorce papers are accidentally sent to each other by Justin’s secretary. E.J. and Taylor kiss. Sami asks Dario to stay with her and Rafe which angers impostor Rafe. E.J. and Taylor share a kiss. Adrienne tells Jus­ tin that the boys won’t be able to make it home until December or January for their wedding. At the hospital, impostor Rafe doesn’t recognise Carly. Vivian tells Maggie that she has won. Melanie drops by Rafe’s apartment to make sure he does things by the book with Dario but instead meets a shirtless Dario. Chad discovers his overdue bill at Sa­ lemUniversityhasbeenpaid.Chadrealises it was Stefano who paid it and asks him about any strings that are attached to it. Chloe tells Justin that she doesn’t want any of Daniel’s money. Nicole tells Chloe she doesn’t like seeing Brady so unhappy. E.J. sees Brady and Taylor working closely together. Jennifer continues to try and play matchmaker with Carly and Daniel. THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL WHEN learning that Taylor has moved inwithEric,Billreigniteshisattempttoper­ suade Brooke into doing all that she needs to do to take over Forrester Creations. He presentsherafewoutrageousideasofhow to go about it. Liam relays his intentions to Steffy about what he would like to do beforetheirbabyarrives.Brookeisstunned whenHopetellsherabouttherequestthat she had made from Liam. Rick attempts toconsoleHopeabouthercurrentrelation­ ship status and can’t help but feel respon­ sible for it. Pam eavesdrops as Brooke gets Donna onboard with the way of thinking that Taylor is only using Eric to assist her children in their careers. Anthony advises Rick to come clean to Maya regarding his true identity as a fashion heir rather than an impoverished and homeless waiter at Dayzee’s. Rick surprises Maya with a shop­ ping trip to Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. Marcus is amused that Carter already has his eye on a couple of local ladies even though he hasn’t been in town very long.
uma umsebenzi omngaka namazwi amangaka engakuthinti, kuyothi lapho kufika isikhathi sokusakaza umsebenzi kankulunkulu uyohluleka ukwenza umsebenzi wakho futhi uyohlazeka uphinde ululazeke. ngaleso sikhathi uyozwa sengathi umkweleta okuningi unkulunkulu nokuthi ulwazi onalo ngonkulunkulu luyobe lukha phezulu. uma ungalufuni ulwazi ngonkulunkulu namuhla, njengoba esasebenza, ngokuhamba kwesikhathi kuyobe sekubhedile. ekugcineni luyobe lungasekho ulwazi ongakhuluma ngalo—uyosala ulambatha, ungenalutho. yini oyokwazi ukuyisebenzisa ekulandiseni kunkulunkulu? unaso isifiso sokubheka kunkulunkulu? manje, kumele uzame ukusebenza kanzima ezintweni ozifunayo, ukuze ekugcineni, ube njengopetru, wazi ukuthi kuzuzisa kanjani iukusola nokwahlulela kukankulunkulu kumuntu nokuthi wazi ukuthi ngaphandle kokusola nokwahlulela kwaakhe umuntu ngeke asindiswe kunalokho angacwila ekungcoleni kwakhe, acwile nakakhulu obishini. abantu bonakaliswa usathane, omunye unake omunye futhi omunye uchachaza ekhanda lomunye, abasamesabi unkulunkulu futhi ukungalaleli kwabo kukhulu kakhulu, sebenemibono eminingi futhi yonke ngekasathane. ngaphandle kokusola nokwahlulela kukankulunkulu, isimo somuntu esikhohlakele ngeke sihlanzwe futhi ngeke asindiswe. lokho okuboniswa yimisebenzi kankulunkulu osamuntu esenyameni yilokho okuvezwa ngumoya nokuthi umsebenzi awenzayo yilowo owenziwe ngumoya. namuhla, uma ungenalo ulwazi ngomsebenzi wakhe kusho ukuthi uyisiphukuphuku futhi kuningi okukulahlekele! uma ungakayitholi insindiso kankulunkulu kusho ukuthi ukholo lwakho lungolwenkolo nokuthi ungumkristu wenkolo. imisebenzi emisha kamoya oyingcwele ikulahlekele ngenxa yokuthi ubambelele emfundisweni efile kanti abanye abafuna ukuthanda unkulunkulu bayakwazi ukuthola iqiniso kanye nokuphila, kuyilapho ukholo lwakho lungakwazi ukwamukelwa ngunkulunkulu. kunalokho usuphenduke umenzi wokubi, owenza izinto ezilimazayo nezingathandeki, usuphenduke isisulu senhlekisa kasathane nesigqila sakhe. unkulunkulu akayena owukuba umuntu akholelwe kuye kodwa kufanele athandwe, afunwe futhi akhonzwe ngumuntu. uma ungamfuni namuhla, usuku luyofika lapho uyothi khona, “ngalesiya sikhathi angimlandelanga ngani ngokufanele unkulunkulu, angamenelisa ngokufanele, angafuna izinguquko esimweni sempilo yami? yeka indlela engizisola ngayo ngokuthi angizange ngizinikele kunkulunkulu ngaleso sikhathi, futhi angizange ngifune ulwazi ngezwi likankulunkulu. kuningi unkulunkulu akusho ngaleso sikhathi; kungani ngingazange ngimfunisise? ngibe yisiphukuphuku!” uyozenyanya ngezinga elithile. namuhla awuwakholwa amazwi engiwashoyo futhi awuwanakile; lapho kufika usuku lokuba umsebenzi wakhe usabalale, uyowabona ngobuningi bawo, uyozisola futhi ngaleso sikhathi uyomangala kakhulu. kunezibusiso kodwa awazi ukuthi ungazijabulela kanjani, futhi kuneqiniso kodwa awulilweli. ingabe awuziletheli ukweneliseka? namuhla, nakuba sekuseduze ukuba isinyathelo esilandelayo somsebenzi kankulunkulu siqale, ayikho into ebaluleke njengalokho okufuneka kuwe nalokho okufanele uphile ngakho. miningi imisebenzi namaqiniso; ingabe akufanele ukuba kwaziwe nguwe? ingabe ukusola nokwahlulela kukankulunkulu ngeke sawuvusa umoya wakho? ingabe ukusola nokwahlulela kukankulunkulu ngeke kukwenze uzenyanye? ingabe wanelisekile ngokuphila ngokuthula nangokujabula, nangokweneliseka kwenyama okwesikhashana ngaphansi kwethonya likasathane? awuyena yini ophansi kunabo bonke abantu? akekho oyisilima njengalowo obone insindiso kodwa wangalwela ukuyizuza: bangabantu abazitika ngenyama futhi abajabula ngosathane. uthembela ekutheni ukholo lwakho kunkulunkulu aluzoba nezinselele noma nezinsizi noma ubunzima obungatheni. uhlezi ulwela lezo zinto ezingenanzuzo futhi ukuphila kwakho awukwenzanga kwaba nenjongo, kunalokho ubeka imicabango yakho ngaphambi kweqiniso. awulusizo lwalutho! uphilisa okwengulube—yimuphi umehluko phakathi kwakho nezingulube nezinja? ingabe bonke labo abangalifuni iqiniso kunalokho bathanda inyama, abazona yini izilwane? ingabe labo abafile abangenawo umoya abazona yini izidumbu ezihambayo? mangaki amagama akhulunywe kuwe? ingabe mncane umsebenzi owenziwe kuwe? kungakanani engikunike khona? ngakho kungani ungazange ukuthathe? yini ongakhala ngayo? akukhona yini ukuthi awuzuzanga lutho ngenxa yokuthi uyithanda kakhulu inyama yakho? futhi akukhona yini ukuthi imicabango yakho ibinehaba? akukhona yini ukuthi uyisiphukuphuku? uma ungakwazi ukuthola lezi zibusiso, ungamsola yini unkulunkulu ngokungakusindisi? lokho okufunayo ukuthola ukuthula ngemva kokukholelwa kunkulunkulu—ukuze izingane zakho zikhululeke ekuguleni, umyeni wakho athole umsebenzi oholela kahle, indodana yakho ithole umfazi omuhle, indodakazi yakho ithole umyeni okahle, izimbongolo kanye namahhashi kukulimele kahle umhlabathi, unyaka ube nesimo sezulu esihle ukuze izitshalo zakho zingashi. yilokhu okufunayo. ufuna kuphela ukuphila ngokunethezeka, ukuba kungenzeki ngozi emndenini wakho, isiphepho singakuthinti, ubuso bakho bungathintwa nayitshe elincane, zingakhukhuleki izitshalo zomndeni wakho, ungathintwa nayinoma iyiphi inhlekelele yemvelo, ukuba uphile ekwamukelweni ngunkulunkulu, uphile ngaphansi kwesivikelo esifudumele. igwala elinjengawe, elihlezi lifuna okwenyama—unayo inhliziyo, unawo umoya? ingabe uwusona isilwane? ngikunika indlela yeqiniso ngaphandle kokuba ngilindele ukuba ungibuyisele okuthile, kodwa wena akukho ukuzikhandla okwenzayo. awuyena yini omunye wabakholelwa kunkulunkulu? ngibeka ukuphila kwangempela komuntu kuwe, nokho wena awenzi lutho. ingabe ukhona umehluko phakathi kwakho nengulube noma nenja? izingulube zona azikufuni ukuphila komuntu, azikudingi ukuhlanzwa futhi azikuqondi ukuthi ukuphila kuyini. njalo ngosuku, uma nje sezidle zasutha, zivele zizilalele. mina ngikunikeze indlela yeqiniso, nokho wena awukakayitholi: awazi lutho. ingabe uzimisele ukuphila lokhu kuphila, ukuphila kwengulube? sikuphi isidingo sokuphila kwabantu abanjalo? ukuphila kwakho akuyilutho futhi kuyanyanyeka, uphila emanyaleni futhi ayikho imigomo onayo; ingabe ukuphila kwakho kubi ukwedlula bonke ububi? ingabe uyanyanya lapho ubheka unkulunkulu? uma uqhubeka uzizwa kanjalo, ngeke yini ulahlekelwe yikho konke? indlela yeqiniso uyinikiwe, kodwa ukuthi uyayithola noma cha kuncike ezintweni ozilwelayo. abantu bathi unkulunkulu ulungile, futhi uma nje umuntu emlandela kuze kube sekugcineni, ngokuqinisekile akakhethi, ungongcwele. uma umuntu emlandela kuze kube sekugcineni, ingabe unkulunkulu uyomkhipha inyumbazane umuntu? angikhethi uma kuziwa kubantu futhi ngahlulela wonke umuntu ngobungcwele bami, nokho kunemibandela ethile yezimfuno engizenzela abantu, futhi engikufunayo kufanele bonke abantu babe nakho, akunandaba ukuthi bangobani. anginandaba nokuthi uneziqu ezinkulu nezihlonishwa kangakanani; enginendaba nakho ukuthi uhamba endleleni yami, nokuthi uyalithanda futhi ulomele yini iqiniso. uma untula iqiniso, kunalokho udicilele phansi igama lami, futhi ungahambi ngendlela yami, umane nje ungilandele ungenandaba, ngaleso sikhathi ngiyokushaya ngikujezisele ububi bakho, futhi yini ongabe usayisho? uyokwazi yini ukuthi unkulunkulu akalungile? namuhla, uma wenza ngokuvumelana namazwi engiwakhulume kuwe, lokho kuyosho ukuthi ungumuntu engimamukelayo. uthi uhlale uhlupheka ube ulandela unkulunkulu, nokuthi umlandele kumnyama kubomvu, waba naye ezikhathini ezimnandi nezinzima, kodwa awukaphili ngamazwi unkulunkulu awakhulumile; ufisa kuphela ukugijima yonke indawo ngenxa kankulunkulu futhi uzikhandlele unkulunkulu nsuku zonke futhi awukaze ukucabange ukuphila ukuphila okunenjongo. uthi futhi, “noma kunjalo, ngikholwa ukuthi unkulunkulu ulungile. sengihluphekile ngenxa yakhe, ngayaluza ngenxa yakhe, futhi ngazinikela kuye futhi ngisebenze kanzima naphezu kokunganakwa; nakanjani uzongikhumbula.” kuyiqiniso ukuthi unkulunkulu ungcwele, nokho ubungcwele bakhe abuthintwa ngisho nobuncane ububi: ubungcwele bukankulunkulu abuhambi ngentando yomuntu, abungcolisiwe inyama futhi abuthengwa. bonke abavukelayo nabaphikisayo futhi abangahambi ngendlela yakhe, bayojeziswa; abekho abathethelelwe futhi abekho abayobuye badingeke uma kunesidingo! abanye abantu bathi, “namuhla ngiyagijima ngenxa yakho; lapho kufika ukuphela, unganginika isibusiso esincane?” ngakho ngiyakucela, “ingabe uwenzile amazwi ami?” ukulunga okhuluma ngakho kuncike ekuhwebeni. ucabanga ukuthi ngilungile kuphela, nokuthi angikhethi muntu, nokuthi bonke labo abangilandelayo kuze kube sekugcineni nakanjani bazosindiswa bathole nezibusiso zami. kunencazelo ejulile emazwini ami okuthi “bonke labo abangilandelayo nakanjani bazosindiswa”: labo abangilandela kuze kube sekugcineni yilabo abayothola ukwamukelwa yimina ngokugcwele, bayilabo okuthi ngemva kokuba sengibanqobile, bafune iqiniso futhi benziwe baphelele. iyiphi imibandela oyifinyelele? ufinyelele kuphela ukulandela mina kwaze kwaba sekugcineni, kodwa yini enye? uphilile ngokuvumelana namazwi ami? ufinyelele kweyodwa kwezinhlanu izimfuno zami, nokho awunaso isifiso sokufeza lezi ezinye ezine. uthole indlela elula kakhulu futhi wayilwela ngesikhathi ucabanga ngenhlanhla yakho. kumuntu onjalo ofana nawe, isimo sami sokulunga sihlanganisa ukusola nokwahlulela, siyimpindiselo yami futhi siyindlela yami elungile yokusola abenzi bobubi; bonke labo abangahambi endleleni yami bazojeziswa nakanjani, ngisho noma bengilandela kuze kube sekugcineni. lokhu ukulunga kukankulunkulu. lapho lesi simo sokulunga sivezwe ekujezisweni komuntu, umuntu uyomangala futhi uyozisola kakhulu ngokuthi ngesikhathi elandela unkulunkulu akazange ahambe endleleni yakhe. “ngaleso sikhathi ngahlupheka kancane lapho ngilandela unkulunkulu, kodwa angizange ngihambe endleleni kankulunkulu. yiziphi izaba umuntu onjalo angazibeka? ayikho enye indlela ngaphandle kokusolwa!” nokho engqondweni yakhe ulokhu ecabanga, “akusenani, vele ngikulandelile kwaze kwaba sekugcineni, ngakho ngisho noma ungisola, ngeke ungijsole ngesihluku futhi ngemva kwalokhu kusola uyobe usangifuna. ngiyazi ukuthi ulungile futhi ngeke ungiphathe kanjalo kuze kube phakade. futhi ngiyazi ukuthi angifani nalabo abayoqothulwa; labo abayoqothulwa bayothola ukusolwa okukhulu kakhulu, kuyilapho ukusolwa kwami kuzobe kulula.” ubungcwele bukankulunkulu abufani nalokho okushoyo. akukhona ukuthi labo abakwazile ukuvuma kahle izono zabo bayobonelelwa. ukulunga kungcwele, futhi buyisimo esingakubekezeleli ukona komuntu, konke okungcolile nokungakashintshi kuyamnyanyisa unkulunkulu. isimo sokulunga kukankulunkulu asiwona umthetho, kodwa siwumyalo: bungumyalo embusweni futhi lo myalo uwukusolwa ngokulunga kwabo bonke abantu abangaphili ngeqiniso futhi abangakashintshi, futhi awukho umngcele wensindiso. ngoba lapho umuntu ehlukaniswa ngokohlobo ayilo, abalungile bayothola umvuzo, ababi bona bayojeziswa. kulapho kucaciswa khona lapho umuntu eyogcina khona, kuyisikhathi lapho kuyophela khona umsebenzi wensindiso, okuyothi emva kwalokho umsebenzi wokusindisa abantu ungabe usenziwa, nempindiselo iyolethwa kulabo abenza okubi. abanye abantu bathi, “unkulunkulu ukhumbula wonke umuntu obevame ukuba sohlangothini lwakhe. ngeke akhohlwe namunye wethu. siqinisekisiwe ngokuthi sizopheleliswa ngunkulunkulu. angeke akhumbule ngisho noyedwa kulabo abangaphansi, labo abaphakathi kwabo abayopheleliswa kuqinisekiswa ukuthi baphansi kunathi, bavamise ukubhekana nonkulunkulu; akekho noyedwa phakathi kwethu unkulunkulu amkhohliwe, sonke unkulunkulu usamukele, futhi wasiqinisekisa ngokuthi uzosiphelelisa.” nonke ninokucabanga okunjalo. ingabe lokhu kuwukulunga? ingabe ulisebenzisile noma cha iqiniso ekuphileni kwakho? empeleni uhambe usakaza amahemuhemu anjengalawa—awunamahloni!
itokolle mosebetsing oa hae, ka ha a sa sebeletse sechaba ka botshepehi. Pele ho ka neheloana ka lengolo la litletlebo la baahi, ho iloe hoa fua ditho tsa baahi monyetla oa hontsha maikutlo a bona, ka ha hone ho ena le bo Nkhono le Ntatemoho mohoanto o na. Nkhono Annah Mguni hotsoa Sebokeng Zone17 ea lilemo li-73 o ile a ntsha maikutlo a hae ka le reng, e sale a ngodisa ntlo ea RDP lilemong tse ngata tse fitileng,me le kajeno haso Fumane ntlo ea hae, me ile a hlalosa ka boemo bo a phela ho bana, mo ileng a itshela ka likhapa nakong ea puo ea hae, e le se ileng sa ama batho maikutlo haholo nakong eo. Motsamaisi kantorong ea ramotse Archie Mokonane o ile a amohela lengolo la litletlebo, bakeng sa ramotse ea sakang a khona ho finyella ka lebaka la kopano ea neng a le ho eana nakong eo, e leng Cllr. Busisiwe Modisakeng. Archie Mokonane o boletse hore o amohele lengolo la litletlebo la baahi bakeng sa Ramotse Cllr. Busisiwe Modisakeng ea sa khonang ho finyella, Mokonane o ile bollela baahi hore, ba ile ba e ba le kopano le baetapele ba baahi pele ho mohoanto ona, o re kopano ena e ne hlophisitsoe ke Ramotse Modisakeng, me' ba ile ba mema bahlanka ba mmuso oa profense ha mmoho leba sebaka sa Sedibeng ba sebetsang ka matlo, ho kenyeletsoa le setho sa komiti ea ramotse se ikarabellang ho litokelo tsa bophele le tsela ea tsamaiso ea tshebetso, e leng MMC Khomoeasera. Mokonane o re kopanong eo ba ile ba amohela litletlebo tsohle tsa baahi, tseo ba ileng ba li fumana hotsoa ho baetapele ba baahi, tseo baahi ba tobaneng le tsona, me' o re ba ile ba lumellana ka hore, ha hona le bopaki bo tsoareang malebana le manyofonyofo bo lokela hore botle ka pele, me' ramotse otla lekola bopaki bo, me' a khone ho nka mehato e matla khahlano le batho ba ntseng ba tsoela pele ka bobolu le manyofonyofo ka matlo a li-RDP. Mokonane o boletse hore hona le sehlopa sa-SIU se sebetsanang le bobolu le manyofonyofo a matlo a li-RDP, me' o ile a hlalosa hore matlo a hahoa ke profense, me masepala e na o etsa fela bo nnete ba hore batho ba fumana matlo a bona ka tsela e nepahetseng. Mokonane o phethetse puo ea hae ka hore, ba tlilo lekola litletlebo tsohle tsa baahi tse lengolong la bona la litletlebo. Me batle ba fumane tharollo, baahi ba tshoseditse ka hore, ha ho sa fumanoe tharollo ka potlako, likhetho tsa selemo se tlang litla sitiseha.
how unfortunate that there is almost no knowledge of him procurable at present! next to none. the paraguenos can in many cases spell and read, but they are not a literary people; and indeed this doctor was, perhaps, too awful a practical phenomenon to be calmly treated of in the literary way. your breughel paints his sea--storm, not while the ship is labouring and cracking, but after he has got to shore, and is safe under cover! our buenos ayres friends, again, who are not without habits of printing, lay at a great distance from francia, under great obscurations of quarrel and controversy with him; their constitutional feeling shocked to an extreme degree by the things he did. to them, there could little intelligence float down, on those long muddy waters, through those vast distracted countries, that was not more or less of a distracted nature; and then from buenos ayres to europe, there is another long tract of distance, liable to new distractions. francia, dictator of paraguay, is, at present, to the european mind, little other than a chimera; at best, the statement of a puzzle, to which the solution is still to seek. as the paraguenos, though not a literary people, can many of them spell and write, and are not without a discriminating sense of true and untrue, why should not some real life of francia, from those parts, be still possible! if a writer of genius arise there, he is hereby invited to the enterprise. surely in all places your writing genius ought to rejoice over an acting genius, when he falls in with such; and say to himself: “here or nowhere is the thing for me to write of! why do i keep pen and ink at all, if not to apprise men of this singular acting genius, and the like of him? my fine--arts and æsthetics, my epics, literatures, poetics, if i will think of it, do all at bottom mean either that or else nothing whatever!” 3 contents · book contents · bibliographic record"
10“wa, ngi yudha ngibepa, nginu buwaypa bangal peron rugoepa oengaypa, nginu kaziw kazin bangal gethiya yoelpaypu a minampu. lagan bangal ngi a nginu kaziw kazipa bangal modhabiya mayparu, ngithamulpa kapu asin a koerngayl kawra manin parunu, kurusipa bangal mina kupu mabayg mangedhe, kedha mopa kuyku zoepa oengaypa. 11ngi a nginu buway koey aydeg zapulayg bangal, ngoedhe kedha ngidh nginu tetel uruy donki goereypaw puy kuykunu yatharan, mina kapu goereypaw puy. ngidh nginu rugal kulka gamul umal ngukin goereypaw ikaynu garwalgamoeypa. 12a nginu mabaygal bangal mina kapu ngoedhalmayl toedipu, koey gamul dhangalmayl bangal koey susu ikay woeningu a umal ngukingu kubikub purkalmayl.”
we created a devops course, which presents you with a series of interactive questions to test your knowledge. having just viewed the course myself, i have to say it’s a great introduction to devops and what it means for the enterprise. plus it has a number of key use cases to how our application intelligence platform can help an organization transforming into a devops operat...may. 23, 2015 08:00 am edt reads: 1,758devops summit sponsorship opportunitiesby elizabeth whitedevops summit, taking place nov 3--5, 2015, at the santa clara convention center in santa clara, ca, is co--located with 17th cloud expo and will feature technical sessions from a rock star conference faculty and the leading industry players in the world.
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Education@EdunationEvidently, this kind of injustice that he witnessed as a child stuck in his mind as he grew up and it prompted him to attack it as was reflected in one of his statements, "I will not let my children look at me like I look at my father." This is one of the lines of Chico that struck me. Chico may have perceived his father as a weakling because for him having no choice is not a reason not to fight against injustice. For Chico, no matter how poor a person is, he is given the will to fight for what he believes in "“ a right that is not vested only to those who have the money and the power.And in connection to this, another issue was raised in the movie and that is the importance of EDUCATION as a weapon to fight against oppression. Even if he lives in a place where education was not given importance, as a young boy, I was really impressed on how Chico showed the will and determination to learn and to educate himself by teaching a man to taper rubber tree in exchange of teaching him how to read and also to learn math. When he grew up, and was ready to fight for the people's rights over the land, education played a significant role. How he valued can be reflected in his words like, "One educated man is the beginning of a movement" and "What good is the organization without education." The way Chico valued education somehow changed my perception that for one to be successful in fighting for what one believes doesn't entail of merely using physical force or violence because as what is clearly shown in the movie, education is a more powerful tool than physical force. In order to fight, one doesn't need to kill or hurt other people, because the more effective way is to serve one's purpose is by compromising. All individuals is granted the freedom to fight for what one believes in but this freedom has its limitation "“ freedom also entails one to be responsible of his own actions like to prevent hurting other people. The way Chico showed his determination to be educated, in a way made me feel guilty my own shortcomings. Unlike Chico who possess no money and the means to learn and to be educated, I was given the privilege to be provided with the best education that a person could get but sometimes I take it for granted, primarily because before, I don't see the value of going to school and doing the same routine of doing things. The movie made me more aware that I am blessed so I should really value what I am provided with "“ one of which is education.Lastly, I hope that many people would be like Chico Mendez "“ a modern day hero. I was really inspired with his courage and determination even to the extent of sacrificing of his for the benefit of others.
The isi ugbo na ngwaahịa nwere ike agụnye grouped n'ime ihe oriri, emep uta eri, fuels, na ngwaọrụ. Specific oriri na-agụnye ọka (mkpụrụ), akwụkwọ nri, mkpụrụ osisi, mmanụ, meats na ngwa nri. Fibers agụnye owu, owu, hemp, silk na flax. Ngwaọrụ agụnye osisi na achara. Ndị ọzọ bara uru ihe na-emepụta site na osisi, dị ka resins, e ji esiji ákwà, ọgwụ ọjọọ, isisi, biofuels na ornamental na ngwaahịa ndị dị otú ahụ dị ka ịkpụ okooko osisi na ọta akara osisi. N'ime otu ụzọ n'ụzọ atọ nke ndị bi n'ụwa na-arụ ọrụ na-ọrụ ugbo, nke ọ bụ nanị ọrụ ngalaba ulo oru, ọ bụ ezie na percentages nke ugbo ọrụ na mba ndị mepere emepe na-ebelata budata na n'oge gara aga ọtụtụ narị afọ. Forum dan Komunitas Pertanian Indonesia – Agroteknologiwebid
**!!OPEN NOW!!** - send me a message for a class, our area is approved for individual and family classes, you and your group will be the only ones in class - *Class times are only a suggestion - Call I will set a time that fits your needs* You'll start with a blank canvas, and in the end you'll have a happy little painting. We go over everything from how to add the liquid white, to signing your signature. You will use the Bob Ross supplies that are provided for you. We only use the Bob Ross oil paints and his signature big 2" brush (the little ones too!) You need not bring anything but a snack, a soda or two, and your happy smile. You will learn how to hold the brushes properly, how to load the brushes with paint, and how to apply the loaded brush to the canvas to get your desired effect. You will learned the how's and why's of making this wet-on-wet technique flow from your fingertips - well at lest make a grand effort for your first painting. Maybe you will get inspired enough to take another class from a local CRI when you return home. You will find this relaxing, fun, entertaining and educational. Class is set at 2.5 hours but for one or two students in a class you could be done quicker, if four or more in a class it may run longer. Also if you have an idea of what you would like to paint, please Le t me know a few days ahead so I can plan it out.
So, how are savvy chief information officers (CIOs) leading this transition? Back in 2015, the IBM Institute for Business Value conducted a market study that included the findings from over 1,800 CIO interviews from around the globe. The resulting insights are worthy of revisiting today, as we consider the dig...Feb. 24, 2017 01:15 AM EST Reads: 1,902[video] Adobe's Digital Marketing KeynoteBy Elizabeth WhiteWhy do your mobile transformations need to happen today? Mobile is the strategy that enterprise transformation centers on to drive customer engagement. In his general session at @ThingsExpo, Roger Woods, Director, Mobile Product & Strategy – Adobe Marketing Cloud, covered key IoT and mobile trends that are forcing mobile transformation, key components of a solid mobile strategy and explored how brands are effectively driving mobile change throughout the enterprise.Feb. 23, 2017 11:00 PM EST Reads: 7,025A New DNS for BYOD, IoT and DevOpsBy Carl J. LevineBYOD. IoT. Cloud computing. DevOps. IT professionals today have more demands (and more acronyms) on their time than ever. Application development and delivery are changing rapidly and increasing in complexity, revealing the limitations of traditional DNS approaches in achieving modern network goals. The IT department has made use of open source platforms for decades to provide DNS and traffic management in their internal networks and for their public, internet-facing services. The majority of DNS servers, both on the internet and in enterprise intranets, are open source-based solutions such as...Feb. 23, 2017 10:45 PM EST Reads: 1,667DevOps Loses Its Religion, But Gets RealBy Jason BloombergOnce again, we find ourselves at the dawn of a new year. And many would say, not a moment too soon. With a series of tumultuous elections around the world and an unusual number of celebrity passings, it's been a rough year. But there is at least one bright spot from 2016: Intellyx's digital transformation prognostications were close to spot on! As is our tradition, each year we review last year's predictions and make all new fresh ones! This year, it is my turn to review Jason's 2016 predictions and let you know what I see happening in the coming year.Feb. 23, 2017 09:45 PM EST Reads: 4,636[video] IoT Keynote: Are You Seeing DOTS?By Carmen GonzalezThe explosion of new web/cloud/IoT-based applications and the data they generate are transforming our world right before our eyes. In this rush to adopt these new technologies, organizations are often ignoring fundamental questions concerning who owns the data and failing to ask for permission to conduct invasive surveillance of their customers. Organizations that are not transparent about how their systems gather data telemetry without offering shared data ownership risk product rejection, regulatory scrutiny and increasing consumer lack of trust in technology in general. Feb. 23, 2017 08:45 PM EST Reads: 1,309Megatrend of Artificial Intelligence UpdateBy Bob GourleyArtificial Intelligence is the discipline of thinking machines. The field is growing dramatically with the proliferation of high powered computers into homes and businesses and especially with the growing power of smartphones and other mobile devices. Artificial intelligence software is assisting people in most every discipline. The many functions of AI are considered by many to be threatening many human jobs across multiple industries, but others consider it a great producer of jobs since it will help create entirely new industries and free more humans to innovate and create.Feb. 23, 2017 08:00 PM EST Reads: 1,660[slides] GE's IIoT Connected AirportsBy Yeshim DenizThe Internet of Things can drive efficiency for airlines and airports. In their session at @ThingsExpo, Shyam Varan Nath, Principal Architect with GE, and Sudip Majumder, senior director of development at Oracle, discussed the technical details of the connected airline baggage and related social media solutions. These IoT applications will enhance travelers' journey experience and drive efficiency for the airlines and the airports. Feb. 23, 2017 06:00 PM EST Reads: 1,525WebRTCSummit Blog Launched By @ThingsExpoBy Carmen GonzalezSYS-CON Media announced today that @WebRTCSummit Blog, the largest WebRTC resource in the world, has been launched.
2015 Edition | 2014 Edition | 2013 Edition | 2012 Edition Tweets by @ThingsExpo @ThingsExpo BlogsHow IaC Automates App Delivery LifecycleBy John RauserAs more technologies become software-defined, their adoption demands a significant shift in thinking about how a business organizes its value stream. This shift may be difficult, but it enables you to anticipate changes and position your business to react when software-defined technologies emerge. Recently a new set of tools and practices has emerged to create and manage environments. Known as Infrastructure as Code (IaC), it enables infrastructure management through a software-defined layer.Jun. 25, 2017 04:15 AM EDT Reads: 1,592[slides] The Governance of IoT DataBy Liz McMillanIoT solutions exploit operational data generated by Internet-connected smart “things” for the purpose of gaining operational insight and producing “better outcomes” (for example, create new business models, eliminate unscheduled maintenance, etc.). The explosive proliferation of IoT solutions will result in an exponential growth in the volume of IoT data, precipitating significant Information Governance issues: who owns the IoT data, what are the rights/duties of IoT solutions adopters towards this data, how to deal with Data Residency and Data Privacy issues, how to manage the lifecycle of Io...Jun. 25, 2017 02:15 AM EDT Reads: 1,616Is Your ERP Ready for Digital Transformation?By Amy EagerCompanies have always been concerned that traditional enterprise software is slow and complex to install, often disrupting critical and time-sensitive operations during roll-out. With the growing need to integrate new digital technologies into the enterprise to transform business processes, this concern has become even more pressing. A 2016 Panorama Consulting Solutions study revealed that enterprise resource planning (ERP) projects took an average of 21 months to install, with 57 percent of these projects experiencing timeline overruns. A span of almost two years can be a long time when disr...Jun. 25, 2017 01:45 AM EDT Reads: 1,013[slides] Technical Strategy for Smart CitiesBy Elizabeth WhiteNo hype cycles or predictions of zillions of things here. IoT is big. You get it. You know your business and have great ideas for a business transformation strategy. What comes next? Time to make it happen. In his session at @ThingsExpo, Jay Mason, Associate Partner at M&S Consulting, presented a step-by-step plan to develop your technology implementation strategy. He discussed the evaluation of communication standards and IoT messaging protocols, data analytics considerations, edge-to-cloud technical architecture, IoT platform selection, end-to-end security, enterprise systems integration and...Jun. 25, 2017 12:15 AM EDT Reads: 1,136[video] Panel: DevOps in Digital TransformationBy Liz McMillanNew competitors, disruptive technologies, and growing expectations are pushing every business to both adopt and deliver new digital services. This ‘Digital Transformation’ demands rapid delivery and continuous iteration of new competitive services via multiple channels, which in turn demands new service delivery techniques – including DevOps. In this power panel at @DevOpsSummit 20th Cloud Expo, moderated by DevOps Conference Co-Chair Andi Mann, panelists examined how DevOps helps to meet the demands of Digital Transformation – including accelerating application delivery, closing feedback loop...Jun. 25, 2017 12:00 AM EDT Reads: 843[slides] The Myths of Scale-up ArchitecturesBy Elizabeth WhiteWhen growing capacity and power in the data center, the architectural trade-offs between server scale-up vs. scale-out continue to be debated. Both approaches are valid: scale-out adds multiple, smaller servers running in a distributed computing model, while scale-up adds fewer, more powerful servers that are capable of running larger workloads. It’s worth noting that there are additional, unique advantages that scale-up architectures offer. One big advantage is large memory and compute capacity that makes In-Memory Computing possible. This means that large databases can now reside entirely in...Jun. 25, 2017 12:00 AM EDT Reads: 1,546The High-Level Plan for Digital TransformationBy Kevin BenedictThe size of competitors and the longevity of their brands, are less predictive of future success than the quality and speed of their information logistics systems, and their ability to use it as a competitive advantage. More data is being generated today than ever before, and successful companies are investing in business analytics and big data solutions to mine competitive advantages. There is a new sense of urgency today as businesses realize data has a shelf life, and the value of it diminishes rapidly over time. In an always-connected world where consumers and their needs are transient, ...Jun. 24, 2017 11:45 PM EDT Reads: 1,269[slides] Cloud, AI and How We CommunicateBy Liz McMillanA look across the tech landscape at the disruptive technologies that are increasing in prominence and speculate as to which will be most impactful for communications – namely, AI and Cloud Computing. In his session at 20th Cloud Expo, Curtis Peterson, VP of Operations at RingCentral, highlighted the current challenges of these transformative technologies and shared strategies for preparing your organization for these changes. This “view from the top” outlined the latest trends and developments in AI and Cloud Computing technology innovation for enterprise communications to help you shape your ...Jun. 24, 2017 08:45 PM EDT Reads: 1,627Preparing for the Next (DX) DisruptionBy Jason BloombergThe dirty little secret, however, is that we are as unable to predict the future as you. None of us really knows what will happen next. The future is made up of an incredibly complex mixture of technologies, possibilities, and events that come together in ways that no one can truly predict.
2015 Edition | 2014 Edition | 2013 Edition | 2012 Edition Tweets by @BigDataExpo @BigDataExpo BlogsIs Blockchain an Enabler of Data Monetization?By William SchmarzoSpecial thanks for the help on this blog to the coolest, most hip group of industry experts that I have ever met: the Pathfinders. The Pathfinders is an elite forces group of master system engineers inside of Dell EMC who tackle our customers’ most difficult and inspiring challenges. I am honored to be part of that club! Suppose an autonomous vehicle learns of a more efficient route and wants sell this knowledge to other autonomous cars for a fee (using blockchain to handle machine to machine transaction). Suppose the autonomous vehicle could start to monetize itself; to self-fund its own op...Mar. 27, 2017 10:45 PM EDT Reads: 2,093[session] IoT Data, Fog and Edge ComputingBy Elizabeth WhiteWith billions of sensors deployed worldwide, the amount of machine-generated data will soon exceed what our networks can handle. But consumers and businesses will expect seamless experiences and real-time responsiveness. What does this mean for IoT devices and the infrastructure that supports them? More of the data will need to be handled at - or closer to - the devices themselves.Mar. 27, 2017 07:30 PM EDT Reads: 4,589Is Your IT Career Ready for the Cloud?By AppNeta BlogThe IT industry is undergoing a significant evolution to keep up with cloud application demand. We see this happening as a mindset shift, from traditional IT teams to more well-rounded, cloud-focused job roles. The IT industry has become so cloud-minded that Gartner predicts that by 2020, this cloud shift will impact more than $1 trillion of global IT spending. This shift, however, has left some IT professionals feeling a little anxious about what lies ahead. The good news is that cloud computing is relatively new by IT's standards, which means it's constantly expanding to encompass new career...Mar. 27, 2017 04:30 PM EDT Reads: 1,395Whose Data Is It?By William SchmarzoMany times, sports have been at the leading edge of data analytics. The book “Moneyball” was one of the first popular books to bring the basic concepts behind data analytics and data science to the general audience. Fantasy leagues, sabermetrics and even games like “Strat-O-Matic” baseball and basketball provided an introduction into basic statistical concepts. And it now seems that sports, in this case the National Basketball Association (NBA), are breaking new ground with another data analytics topic: who owns the data? The National Basketball Players Association recently banned NBA teams...Mar. 27, 2017 03:30 PM EDT Reads: 1,963How to Handle the Data DelugeBy Rob DouglasIn recent years, the amount of data available to the finance department has exploded. While in the past, companies worked hard to secure all of their key information in enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, today organizations are collecting data from a multitude of systems – from customer relationship management (CRM), website tracking, supply chain, human resources, and more – generating a vast amount of information that can be used to support decision-making.Mar. 27, 2017 03:18 PM EDT Reads: 190Cloud Operations Can’t Be IgnoredBy AppNeta BlogLots of cloud technology predictions and analysis are still dealing with future spending and planning, but there are plenty of real-world cloud use cases and implementations happening now. One approach, taken by stalwart GE, is to use SaaS applications for non-differentiated uses. For them, that means moving functions like HR, finance, taxes and scheduling to SaaS, while spending their software development time and resources on the core apps that make GE better, such as inventory, planning and sales. Essentially, as for more and more large enterprises, GE is getting out of the infrastructure b...Mar. 27, 2017 03:00 PM EDT Reads: 386Digital Thinking: Learning from the BestBy Kevin BenedictGeorge Lucas, creator of Star Wars, once said, "You can't do it unless you can imagine it." Inour latest research on the future state of work in the retail sector, we find many industry executives struggling to imagine where the future is leading them and their organizations, not to mention the role digital technologies will play along the way.
@ThingsExpo StoriesEnzu at Cloud Expo New York & Silicon ValleyBy Elizabeth WhiteSYS-CON Events announced today that Enzu will exhibit at SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY, and the 21st International Cloud Expo®, which will take place October 31-November 2, 2017, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA. Enzu’s mission is to be the leading provider of enterprise cloud solutions worldwide. Enzu enables online businesses to use its IT infrastructure to their competitive ad...May. 24, 2017 10:00 PM EDT Reads: 4,440Outscale to Exhibit at @CloudExpo New YorkBy Yeshim DenizSYS-CON Events announced today that Outscale will exhibit at SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. Outscale's technology makes an automated and adaptable Cloud available to businesses, supporting them in the most complex IT projects while controlling their operational aspects. You boost your IT infrastructure's reactivity, with request responses that only take a few seconds.May. 24, 2017 10:00 PM EDT Reads: 611Peak 10 to Exhibit at Cloud Expo New YorkBy Pat RomanskiSYS-CON Events announced today that Peak 10, Inc., a national IT infrastructure and cloud services provider, will exhibit at SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. Peak 10 provides reliable, tailored data center and network services, cloud and managed services. Its solutions are designed to scale and adapt to customers’ changing business needs, enabling them to lower costs, improve performance and focus intern...May. 24, 2017 09:00 PM EDT Reads: 6,166[session] A Real-World Look at Hybrid ITBy Pat RomanskiEverywhere we turn in our industry we can find strong opinions about the direction, type and nature of cloud’s impact on computing and business. Another word that is used in every context in our industry is “hybrid.” In his session at 20th Cloud Expo, Alvaro Gonzalez, Director of Technical, Partner and Field Marketing at Peak 10, will use a combination of a few conceptual props and some research recently commissioned by Peak 10 to offer a real-world consideration of how the various categories of...May. 24, 2017 06:45 PM EDT Reads: 1,239Keynote: DevOps & Age of Cloud CraftsmanshipBy Elizabeth WhiteFive years ago development was seen as a dead-end career, now it’s anything but – with an explosion in mobile and IoT initiatives increasing the demand for skilled engineers. But apart from having a ready supply of great coders, what constitutes true ‘DevOps Royalty’? It’ll be the ability to craft resilient architectures, supportability, security everywhere across the software lifecycle. In his keynote at @DevOpsSummit at 20th Cloud Expo, Jeffrey Scheaffer, GM and SVP, Continuous Delivery Busine...May. 24, 2017 06:00 PM EDT Reads: 3,835[session] Critical Role of Machine LearningBy Liz McMillanDetecting internal user threats in the Big Data eco-system is challenging and cumbersome. Many organizations monitor internal usage of the Big Data eco-system using a set of alerts. This is not a scalable process given the increase in the number of alerts with the accelerating growth in data volume and user base. Organizations are increasingly leveraging machine learning to monitor only those data elements that are sensitive and critical, autonomously establish monitoring policies, and to detect...May. 24, 2017 05:30 PM EDT Reads: 1,034IBM Named "Diamond Sponsor" in NY and CABy Yeshim DenizSYS-CON Events announced today that SoftLayer, an IBM Company, has been named “Gold Sponsor” of SYS-CON's 18th Cloud Expo, which will take place on June 7-9, 2016, at the Javits Center in New York, New York. SoftLayer, an IBM Company, provides cloud infrastructure as a service from a growing number of data centers and network points of presence around the world. SoftLayer’s customers range from Web startups to global enterprises.May. 24, 2017 05:15 PM EDT Reads: 7,554Speaking Opportunities in Silicon ValleyBy Elizabeth WhiteThe 21st International Cloud Expo has announced that its Call for Papers is open. Cloud Expo, to be held October 31 - November 2, 2017, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA, brings together Cloud Computing, Big Data, Internet of Things, DevOps, Digital Transformation, Machine Learning and WebRTC to one location. With cloud computing driving a higher percentage of enterprise IT budgets every year, it becomes increasingly important to plant your flag in this fast-expanding busin...May. 24, 2017 05:00 PM EDT Reads: 1,546IoT: How to Handle All This Data ‘Power Panel'By Liz McMillanMultiple data types are pouring into IoT deployments. Data is coming in small packages as well as enormous files and data streams of many sizes. Widespread use of mobile devices adds to the total. In this power panel at @ThingsExpo, moderated by Conference Chair Roger Strukhoff, panelists will look at the tools and environments that are being put to use in IoT deployments, as well as the team skills a modern enterprise IT shop needs to keep things running, get a handle on all this data, and deli...May. 24, 2017 04:15 PM EDT Reads: 5,186Systena America to Exhibit at @CloudExpo NYBy Yeshim DenizSYS-CON Events announced today that Systena America will exhibit at SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. Systena Group has been in business for various software development and verification in Japan, US, ASEAN, and China by utilizing the knowledge we gained from all types of device development for various industries including smartphones (Android/iOS), wireless communication, security technology and IoT serv...May. 24, 2017 04:00 PM EDT Reads: 778Loom Systems to Exhibit at Cloud Expo New YorkBy Elizabeth WhiteSYS-CON Events announced today that Loom Systems will exhibit at SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. Founded in 2015, Loom Systems delivers an advanced AI solution to predict and prevent problems in the digital business. Loom stands alone in the industry as an AI analysis platform requiring no prior math knowledge from operators, leveraging the existing staff to succeed in the digital era. With offices in S...May. 24, 2017 03:45 PM EDT Reads: 5,485Fantastic Cloud Expo June 6-8 at the Javits CenterBy Liz McMillanWith major technology companies and startups seriously embracing Cloud strategies, now is the perfect time to attend @CloudExpo | @ThingsExpo, June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY and October 31 - November 2, 2017, Santa Clara Convention Center, CA. Learn what is going on, contribute to the discussions, and ensure that your enterprise is on the right path to Digital Transformation.May. 24, 2017 03:30 PM EDT Reads: 5,399EARP Integration to Exhibit at Cloud ExpoBy Elizabeth WhiteSYS-CON Events announced today that EARP Integration will exhibit at SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. EARP Integration is a passionate software house. Since its inception in 2009 the company successfully delivers smart solutions for cities and factories that start their digital transformation. EARP provides bespoke solutions like, for example, advanced enterprise portals, business intelligence systems an...May. 24, 2017 02:45 PM EDT Reads: 1,525Pulzze Exhibitor at Cloud Expo NY & Silicon ValleyBy Yeshim DenizWe build IoT infrastructure products - when you have to integrate different devices, different systems and cloud you have to build an application to do that but we eliminate the need to build an application. Our products can integrate any device, any system, any cloud regardless of protocol," explained Peter Jung, Chief Product Officer at Pulzze Systems, in this SYS-CON.tv interview at @ThingsExpo, held November 1-3, 2016, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CAMay. 24, 2017 02:30 PM EDT Reads: 5,558[session] Big Data Thrashing & ResolutionBy Elizabeth WhiteExisting Big Data solutions are mainly focused on the discovery and analysis of data. The solutions are scalable and highly available but tedious when swapping in and swapping out occurs in disarray and thrashing takes place. The resolution for thrashing through machine learning algorithms and support nomenclature is through simple techniques. Organizations that have been collecting large customer data are increasingly seeing the need to use the data for swapping in and out and thrashing occurs ...May. 24, 2017 01:45 PM EDT Reads: 698delaPlex to Present FinTech at Cloud Expo NYBy Yeshim DenizSYS-CON Events announced today that delaPlex will exhibit at SYS-CON's @CloudExpo, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. delaPlex pioneered Software Development as a Service (SDaaS), which provides scalable resources to build, test, and deploy software. It’s a fast and more reliable way to develop a new product or expand your in-house team.May. 24, 2017 01:30 PM EDT Reads: 4,887Interoute Named “Bronze Sponsor” of Cloud ExpoBy Pat RomanskiSYS-CON Events announced today that Interoute has been named “Bronze Sponsor” of SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. Interoute is the owner operator of Europe's largest network and a global cloud services platform, which encompasses over 70,000 km of lit fiber, 15 data centers, 17 virtual data centers and 33 colocation centers, with connections to 195 additional partner data centers. Our full-service Unifie...May. 24, 2017 01:30 PM EDT Reads: 5,279Nutanix Platinum Sponsor New York & Silicon ValleyBy Yeshim DenizDevOps is often described as a combination of technology and culture. Without both, DevOps isn't complete. However, applying the culture to outdated technology is a recipe for disaster; as response times grow and connections between teams are delayed by technology, the culture will die. A Nutanix Enterprise Cloud has many benefits that provide the needed base for a true DevOps paradigm.May. 24, 2017 01:30 PM EDT Reads: 5,316Progress Named “Bronze Sponsor” of Cloud ExpoBy Elizabeth WhiteSYS-CON Events announced today that Progress, a global leader in application development, has been named “Bronze Sponsor” of SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY.
[ { "catentry_id" : "8544456", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "8544457", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "8544458", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "8544459", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "8544460", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "8544461", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "8544462", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "8544463", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "8544464", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386522", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386523", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386524", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386525", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386526", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386527", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386528", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386529", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386530", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386531", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386532", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386533", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386534", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386535", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386536", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386537", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386538", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386539", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386540", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386541", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386542", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386543", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386544", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386545", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386546", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386547", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386548", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386549", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386550", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386551", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386552", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386553", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386554", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386555", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386556", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14386557", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14760528", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14760529", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14760530", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14760531", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14760532", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14760533", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14760534", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14760535", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." }, { "catentry_id" : "14760536", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch in leg length when rolled &amp; can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the in leg.</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Stretch fabric for extra comfort&nbsp;<br></li><li>&nbsp;Functional pockets<br></li><li>&nbsp;Customise, roll or unroll to alter length<br></li><li>&nbsp;Available in a number of colours<br></li></ul><p>Our model wears a size 32 / medium.<br></p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "The most versatile pants around! Slim-fit, in a huge range of colours. Wear back with a tee or dress up with a shirt! Features a 82cm/32 inch inleg length when rolled & can be unrolled for extra length, or rolled up further to shorten the inleg." } ]
Traditional retailers are challenged by rapidly emerging new business models, such as Amazon Go and Facebook's launch of its digital commerce platform, Marketplace. Moreover, pioneering companies in the sharing economy (i.e., Uber) are expanding from...Mar. 23, 2017 09:45 AM EDT Reads: 1,014Outlyer “Bronze Sponsor” of @DevOpsSummit NYBy Yeshim DenizSYS-CON Events announced today that Outlyer, a monitoring service for DevOps and operations teams, has been named “Bronze Sponsor” of SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. Outlyer is a monitoring service for DevOps and Operations teams running Cloud, SaaS, Microservices and IoT deployments. Designed for today's dynamic environments that need beyond cloud-scale monitoring, we make monitoring effortless so you can concentrate on running a better service for your users.Mar. 23, 2017 02:00 AM EDT Reads: 3,876A New DNS for BYOD, IoT and DevOpsBy Carl J. LevineBYOD. IoT. Cloud computing. DevOps. IT professionals today have more demands (and more acronyms) on their time than ever. Application development and delivery are changing rapidly and increasing in complexity, revealing the limitations of traditional DNS approaches in achieving modern network goals. The IT department has made use of open source platforms for decades to provide DNS and traffic management in their internal networks and for their public, internet-facing services. The majority of DNS servers, both on the internet and in enterprise intranets, are open source-based solutions such as...Mar. 22, 2017 08:30 PM EDT Reads: 4,203Difference Between Big Data and IoTBy William SchmarzoA recent argument with folks whose intelligence I hold in high regard (like Tom, Brandon, Wei, Anil, etc.) got me thinking about the following question: What does it mean, as a vendor, to say that you support the Internet of Things (IOT) from an analytics perspective? I think the heart of that question really boils down to this: What are the differences between big data (which is analyzing large amounts of mostly human-generated data to support longer-duration use cases such as predictive maintenance, capacity planning, customer 360 and revenue protection) and IOT (which is aggregating and com...Mar. 22, 2017 05:00 PM EDT Reads: 2,967Life After the Robot ApocalypseBy Shelly PalmerTwo weeks ago, I compiled a list of the 5 jobs robots will take first. Last week, I compiled a list of the 5 jobs robots will take last. Both previous essays are about robots replacing human workers who do cognitive nonrepetitive work (such as middle managers, salespersons, tax accountants, and report writers) that most people do not believe robots will be able to do any time soon. For those essays, I defined robots as technologies, such as machine learning algorithms running on purpose-built computer platforms, that have been trained to perform tasks that currently require humans to perform. Mar. 22, 2017 11:00 AM EDT Reads: 2,157[session] The “Smart” Sea Change in IoTBy Elizabeth WhiteNow that the world has connected “things,” we need to build these devices as truly intelligent in order to create instantaneous and precise results. This means you have to do as much of the processing at the point of entry as you can: at the edge. The killer use cases for IoT are becoming manifest through AI engines on edge devices. An autonomous car has this dual edge/cloud analytics model, producing precise, real-time results. In his session at @ThingsExpo, John Crupi, Vice President and Engineering System Architect at Greenwave Systems, will discuss how as more smart, AI-enabled “things” ...Mar. 22, 2017 08:30 AM EDT Reads: 3,556[video] Bert Loomis and Artificial IntelligenceBy Yeshim DenizBert Loomis was a visionary. This general session will highlight how Bert Loomis and people like him inspire us to build great things with small inventions. In their general session at 19th Cloud Expo, Harold Hannon, Architect at IBM Bluemix, and Michael O'Neill, Strategic Business Development at Nvidia, discussed the accelerating pace of AI development and how IBM Cloud and NVIDIA are partnering to bring AI capabilities to "every day," on-demand. They also reviewed two "free infrastructure" programs available to startups and innovators. Mar. 21, 2017 11:45 PM EDT Reads: 4,750
If you don't have a metal frame to make your mica lamp shades, don't worry there is another option, though it may require a little more work! Take 4 or 6 coat hangers. Bend one of those hangers into the shape of a circle. Use a mug or a round container to get the desired shape. Do the same with another hanger and make it larger so that it can be the lower rim. Take 3 or 4 hanger pieces cut to the same measurement and connect both rims with them leaving equal spaces between them. Now comes the slightly harder part.
"smme news 2 editor’s note freedom charter – a blueprint for local government elections last month i attended a workshop organised by xolani nxumalo -- editor inkosi albert luthuli (ilembe region) progressive professionals forum (ial ppf) at kwadukuza council chamber, in preparation for local government elections. it was facilitated by this forum’s chairperson, sithembiso kubheka, the former mayor of ndwedwe municipality. what emanated from that workshop is the importance of the freedom charter in local government elections. kubheka emphasised the importance of this document in service delivery. he stated that the rationale behind plan for the ruling party to be in charge of all district and local municipalities, is to get an opportunity to implement this document. it was adopted on 26 june 1955 in kliptown, as a roadmap to free, united, non--racial, non sexist and democratic south africa. it has 10 key principles which speak to a free, united and democratic country which are as follows: the people shall govern; all national groups shall have equal rights; the people shall share in the country’s wealth; the land shall be equally shared among those who work it; all shall be equal before the law; all shall enjoy equal rights; there shall be work and security; the doors of learning and culture shall be opened; there shall be houses, security and comfort; and there shall be peace and friendship. kubheka said this is how a free united and democratic south africa was envisaged decades ago and this serves as a clear mandate for the ruling party to execute through the use of elected public office and state organs. furthermore, this roadmap also serves as the foundation for any progressive and revolutionary government policy seeking to change the lives of the people for the better. that is the reason all people are urged to go out in numbers to cast their vote on 3 august 2016. smme newspaper subscribes to the south african press code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. if we don’t live up to the code please contact the press ombudsman at 011 484 3612/8, fax: 011 4843619 management & editorial team 18 july 2016 smmes benefitted from the construction of the ballito interchange thandeka ngidi the ballito interchange was officially opened by the national minister of transport dipuo peters and provincial mec for this department mxolisi kaunda, at an event held in shakashead sports field recently. they were also part of the delegation that started with laying of the wreath at the taxi and train accident scene that took place in shakashead last year. at the actual event, people also observed a moment of silence for accident victims including thulani mashaba, an anc leader from the musa dladla region who also lost his life in a road near ballito last year. the construction of this project commenced in january 2011 and was completed in july 2014. it is funded by sanral with the final investment amounting to r123 million. apart from improving the road infrastructure, sanral is also contributing to economic empowerment and poverty alleviation by ensuring that small, medium and micro enterprises (smmes) are exposed to work experience that would otherwise not have been possible. a number of smmes were involved with the construction of this interchange accounting to an investment amounting to 18% of the total contract value, said nazir ali, ceo of sanral. he also urged young people to finish their studies as sanral has bursaries to offer those interested in the construction and mec mxolisi kaunda speaking at the official opening of ballito interchange engineering field. kaunda said that the bridge which forms part of the interchange brings unity amongst residents as it brings together all road users. he talked about the importance of the interchange in fast tracking traffic going to and from the dube tradeport. other reasons for improving the interchange was that of looking at the current and future traffic demands generated by the proposed developments surrounding the ballito area and the king shaka international airport nearby. mec peters urged people to be vigilant when using the roads as many accident memorials are surrounding south african roads and these accidents could have been prevented if people would stop driving at a very high speed and under the influence of liquor. she reported that her department the big tree of the smmes has fallen xolani nxumalo the father of black business empowerment (bee) concept and prominent businessman, donald dawort bongani mkhwanazi (63), known as don, is late. he died of heart attack at the beginning of this month. his death was a great blow to the business fraternity and african national congress (anc) since he was a dedicated member of this political organisation. he was the founder of black management forum (bmf) and was instrumental in driving the agenda of economic transformation in this country. mkhwanazi was also a founder of the friends of jacob zuma foundation, in which business people and supporters of the president helped fund his trial. even during mbeki administration mkhwanazi was active as he was a chairperson of the apartheid debt coordinating committee at the truth and reconciliation commission. this graduate of the university of zululand and university of kwazulu--natal, was one of the masterminds behind the establishment of african bank as a member of national federated chamber of commerce and industries (nafcoc). at that time nafcoc was under the leadership of dr sam motsoenyane. he was born in durban and operated most of his business interests within the kwazulu--natal province. he once served as chairperson of the following companies and organisations; mosgas, sa freight, central energy fund (pty) ltd, don mkhwanazi client project, don mkhwanazi investment group, soekor, strategic fuel fund, national empowerment fund, durban investment promotions agency (dipa), friends of jacob zuma trust and co--chairperson of finance & investment subcommittee of the us/ sa mbeki--gore bi--national commission. he was also a director of his company don mkhwanazi client project. he also served as a board member of transnet. office a,suite 13, sanhall office park,1 kirsty close, ballito, 4420, www.smme--news.co.za is planning to introduce driving lessons at schools as well as the institutions of higher learning. she further announced that an amount of r8.3 billion will be directed to improving the road infrastructure in kzn. in this event kwadukuza mayor, cllr ricardo mthembu revealed that the tourism sector has increased by 13% since the improvement of the interchange. don mkhwanazi tinky ogle -- publisher phumzile manana -- administrator. siyabonga sikhakhane -- sub--editor and layout thandeka ngidi -- journalist nontobeko duma -- journalist marvellous zondi -- journalist
the team behind the fifth annual mum’s mail pmb ladies breakfast, in association with sanlam and in support of the sunflower fund, is expecting yet another sold--out event on friday, march 23, at the victoria country club in pietermaritzburg from 8.30 am to 11 am. tickets cost r320 per person or r3 200 for a table of 10 and include a fabulous goodie bag, a b.o.n natural oils gift, a two--course breakfast, cappuccino on arrival sponsored by pop up coffee, as well as exciting raffles and lucky draw prizes. the two captivating guest speakers of the morning, chrystal austin and carey van raalte (née symons), promise to both enlighten and uplift the audience. guests can also look forward to a pamper station courtesy of insingizi spa, a fun photo booth and numerous retail therapy pop--up shops. the dress code for the morning is oriental — chinese, japanese or thai, and there will be a prize for the best dressed. booking is essential as tables are filling up fast and
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10 Ihe nonando ongawo, itashi ka kala aluhe oshipu okuvulika kiipango yaJehova. Otashi vulika tu na okukondja opo tu kale aadhiginini. Aakriste yamwe mboka inaaya ya mondjokana otashi vulika ya kale ya hala okuya mondjokana, ihe maapiya yaJehova inaya mona mo natango kuume kopandjokana ngoka to opalele. (1 Kor. 7:39) Omumwameme inaa hokanwa otashi vulika a kongelwe ngoka te mu hokana kaaniilonga pamwe naye mboka kaaye shi ooitaali. Omumwameme otashi vulika a kale ta kondjo nezaza. Ihe nando ongawo, oha kambadhala noonkondo a kale omudhiginini kuJehova. Mbela inatu pandula iiholelwa yuudhiginini ya tya ngaaka? Dhoshili, Jehova ota ka yambeka ayehe mboka haya kala aadhiginini kuye nonando oye li moonkalo oondhigu. — Heb. 11:6.
ikinyarwanda---- choose one ----abaranga amazu n’ibibanza amadini y’abemera imana amaduka bijouterie electronic shop ibikoresho byo munzu ibikoresho gakondo imyenda inkweto ni ibikapu supermarkets vitamin shop amaguriro y’imodoka abacuruza amamodoka amagarage na piece de rechange amahoteri n’ingendo amahoteli n’amacumbi ingendo n’ubukerarugendo amatungo inzuri n’amatungo ubuvuzi bw’amatungo gahunda z’imbere mu gihugu gutwara abantu n’ibintu ibigo by’itumanaho inzu za interineti papeterie gahunda za leta guverinoma y’u rwanda polisi na nimero z’ubufasha gutegura ibirori abafata amafoto n’amashusho abakora decoration abategura ibirori aho ibirori bibera catering service imikino n’imyidagaduro imyitozo ngororamubiri nokoga imiryango nterankunga na ong resto bufet n’amarestora mato inganda z’imigati resto zigezweho serivisi z’imali abohereza amafaranga ama banki inzu zivunja amafaranga abakora amajaride serivisi zo mu mazu abakora amasuku abakora amazi n’amashanyarazi amazu y’amarange ibigega by’amazi ububaji ubwubatsi buciriritse abacunga umutekano servise z’umwuga abakora ibishushanyo abakora ibishushanyo mbonera abanyamategeko gutegura imishinga ibigo by’ikoranabuhanga no kwamamaza icungamutungo ishoramali ubujyanama ubwishingizi uabacuruza ibikoresho by’inganda abajyana ibicuruzwa hanze abazana ibicuruzwa mu gihugu ibigo by’ubwubatsi inzu zikora ibikoresho ububiko n’abatwara ibicuruzwa ubucuruzi n’inganda ubuhinzi n’ubworozi umutungo kamere imbyino ubugeni n’umuziki inzu z’ibitangazamakuru inzu z’ubugeni inzu zitunganya u muziki uburezi ibigo byigenga ubuvuzi amaguriro y’imiti amavuriro mato n’abavura amenyo ibitaro ubuvuzi bw’amaso ubuzima n’imibereho bare na clubs ubwiza amaguriro ya za makiyaje amasalo y’abagabo amasalo y’abagore amashulimykigali business directory new listingsnew look opticaluwimana painting & wallpaperingspiruline corporation ltdamitabha technology inc.wise brokerage agencyvita gratia pharmacypharmacie sangwavedaste munyanezaga taxi servicedove recordssweet kigali bakery & cafemykigali business directory random listingsmonaco cafenew look opticaljournal management consultance (mjc)hotel beausejourintegrated polytechnic regional centre (iprc) kigalisameer husseindove recordsinzu y’ubwami yabahamya ba yehovaserenity spaafrica new life bible churchs.j. spare partssole lunabrahma kumaris organisationmeze freshrwandamotor"
"" muntongenakudla character is much smarter than many forumites lapha and shall continue to be. i would want to believe that wherever he is, he is not in that country as an asylum seeker but as a professional in his field of study most probably an engineer but considering that he used to spend time on the internet and he purportes to be in rsa he might be a finance person. this guy might be a ca or he might be having an mba, i salute him. you do not have to be a rocket scientist to see that muntongenakudla went to a good school, this makes me think that he might have gone to one of these schools (falcon college, gifford high, mzingwane, plumtree high).""
in the text entry, enter one command per line, to control your boat. commands supported are displayed between the two entry areas. the 'left' and 'right' commands must be followed by an angle in degrees. the angle value is also called a 'parameter' to the left or right command. by default 45 degrees is used. the 'forward' command accepts a distance parameter. by default 1 is used. for example: -- left 90: make a perpendicular left turn -- forward 10: go forward for 10 units (as displayed on the ruler). the goal is to reach the right of the screen (the red line). when done, you can try to improve your program and start a new race with the same weather conditions by using the retry button. you can click and drag your mouse anywhere on the map to get a measurement in distance and angle. going to the next level will give you more complex weather conditions.
TALES FROM WONDERLAND: Comedian Ali Wentworth grew up in a house in Washington where she was wiretapped by Nixon and went swimming with Henry Kissinger, a unique childhood which she discusses in her new book “Ali in Wonderland.” The daughter of Reagan Administration social secretary Muffy Brandon and the wife of ABC News anchor George Stephanopolous had guests in stitches at a book party hosted by her sister, Sissy Yates, Elle Magazine Editor Robbie Myers and Four Seasons Hotel Manager Christian Clerc. The hotel was like a “psychiatrist office without a shrink but with a great Caesar salad,” she joked, noting her happiness at being in a city where people actually read books. “In L.A., I’d need a pilates DVD to go with it.” VIEWALLTHEPHOTOSATWWWWASHINGTONLIFECOM!
33 We bulanda kuli iwe we upokolola ifipe, ukwabula ukuti na iwe bakupokolole, na iwe we ubepa, ukwabula ukuti bambi bakubepe!+ Ilyo fye ukapwa ukupokolola ifipe, na iwe bakupokolola ifipe.+ Ilyo fye ukapwa ukubepa, na iwe bakakubepa.+ 2 Mwe Yehova, tupaaleni.+ Twacetekela imwe.+ Beni ukuboko+ kwesu cila lucelo,+ beni ipusukilo lyesu mu nshita ya bucushi.+ 3 Abantu bafulumuka pa kumfwa icimfulunganya.+ Inko shasalangana pa kwima kwenu.+ 4 Kabili ifyo mwapokolola+ fikalonganikwa filya ciba ilyo impemfu shalongana, nge fyo bamakanta abengi bakonka umuntu ulubilo.+ 5 Yehova akasansabikwa,+ pantu ekala mu muulu.+ Akesusha umulinganya no bulungami mu Sione.+ 6 Kabili icishinka ca mu nshita yobe cikaba ifyuma fya kupususha,+ e kutila, amano no kwishiba,+ ukutiina Yehova,+ ifyo acindamika. 7 Moneni! impalume shapunda mu musebo; inkombe sha mutende+ shikalila akalanda. 8 Imisebo yaonaulwa;+ uwa kupita mu nshila naloba.+ Natoba icipangano;+ nasuula imisumba;+ tacindika umuntunse.+ 9 Icalo cileloosha, nacuuma.+ Lebanone naonaulwa;+ nabola. Sharone+ ali nge ciswebebe; kabili Bashani na Karmele balelukusha amabula yabo.+ 10 “Nomba nkema,”+ e fyasosa Yehova, “nomba nkaisansabika;+ nomba nkaitumpula.+ 11 Imwe mwaimita icani icauma;+ mukafyala impimbili. Umutima wenu ukamulya+ ngo mulilo.+ 12 Kabili abantu na bantu bakaba nge mito ya mpemba. Bakaboca no mulilo nge myunga iyaputulwa.+ 13 Umfweni ico ndecita mwe bali ukutali!+ Kabili ishibeni amaka yandi mwe bali mupepi.+ 14 Mu Sione ababembu bali no mwenso;+ abasangu+ batutuma, baleti: ‘Nani pali ifwe uwingekala no mulilo uonaula?+ Nani pali ifwe uwingekala mupepi no lubingu ulukalamba ulwa muyayaya?’+ 15 “Pali uule-enda mu bulungami+ lyonse no kulanda ifyatambalala,+ uukaana ifyuma ifyabipa ukufuma ku ncenjeshi,+ uukaanya amaboko yakwe ukupoka amafisakanwa,+ uushikutika ku fya kusumya umulopa, kabili uushibata pa kuti emona icabipa.+ 16 Ena akekala pa muulu;+ icubo cakwe cikaba ni ncende ya fimabwe fyasansuka iya-afya ukuyako.+ Akapeelwa ifya kulya fyakwe;+ amenshi yakwe tayakapwe.”+ 17 Amenso yobe yakamona imfumu mu kuyemba kwa iko;+ yakamona icalo ca kutali.+ 18 Umutima obe ukalanda mu kantepentepe+ pa cintu ca kutiinya, auti: “Kalemba ali kwi? Uupeela indalama ali kwi?+ Ali kwi uupenda impungu?”+ 19 Tawakamone abantu aba musaalula, abantu aba lulimi lwa-afya ukumfwa, ababulubusa pa kulanda ukwabula ukuti umfwe.+ 20 Moneni Sione,+ umusumba wa nshita yesu iya mitebeto!+ Amenso yobe yakamona Yerusalemu incende ya kwikalamo iyaba tondolo, itenti ilyo umuntu ashakalonge.+ Impoopo sha kwi tenti tashakanukulwe, kabili tapali umwando wa uko uukaputulwa pa kati.+ 21 Lelo kulya e ko Katebebe,+ Yehova akaba kuli ifwe kwati mimana+ ne milonga. Tapali ingalaba sha nkondo ishikayako, kabili takuli amato ayasuma ayakapitapo. 22 Pantu Yehova e Mupingushi+ wesu, Yehova e wa kutupeela amafunde,+ Yehova e Mfumu+ yesu; akatupususha.+ 23 Imyando yabo ikakakuka; tabakashe umulongoti wabo nawiminina; tabafungulwile insalu ya ku bwato. Pali iyo nshita ifipe ifingi ifyapokololwa bakafyakanya; abalemana bakasenda ifyapokololwa ifingi.+ 24 Kabili takuli umwikashi uukatila: “Nindwala.”+ Abantu abakekala mu calo bantu abaelelwa imembu shabo.+
with cloud computing driving a higher percentage of enterprise it budgets every year, it becomes increasingly important to plant your flag in this fast--expanding business opportunity. submit your speaking proposal today!apr. 30, 2017 02:45 am edt reads: 1,746artificial intelligence and data scienceby william schmarzo[opening scene]: billy dean is pacing the office. he’s struggling to keep his delivery trucks at full capacity and on the road. random breakdowns, unexpected employee absences, and unscheduled truck maintenance are impacting bookings, revenues and ultimately customer satisfaction. he keeps hearing from his business customers how they are leveraging data science to improve their business operations. billy dean starts to wonder if data science can help him. as he contemplates what data science can do for him, he slowly drifts off to sleep, and visions of data science starts dancing in his head…...apr. 29, 2017 11:45 pm edt reads: 3,410in--stream processing vs. batch processingby robin millermost of us have moved our web and e--commerce operations to the cloud, but we are still getting sales reports and other information we need to run our business long after the fact. we sell a hamburger on tuesday, you might say, but don't know if we made money selling it until friday. that's because we still rely on batch processing, where we generate orders, reports, and other management--useful pieces of data when it's most convenient for the it department to process them, rather than in real time. that was fine when horse--drawn wagons made our deliveries, but it is far too slow for today's wor...apr. 29, 2017 11:15 pm edt reads: 1,137iot: how to handle all this data ‘power panel'by liz mcmillanmultiple data types are pouring into iot deployments. data is coming in small packages as well as enormous files and data streams of many sizes. widespread use of mobile devices adds to the total. in this power panel at @thingsexpo, moderated by conference chair roger strukhoff, panelists will look at the tools and environments that are being put to use in iot deployments, as well as the team skills a modern enterprise it shop needs to keep things running, get a handle on all this data, and deliver the analytics that add value.apr. 29, 2017 10:30 pm edt reads: 2,778is your cloud getting smarter? ‘power panel'by pat romanskiautomation is enabling enterprises to design, deploy, and manage more complex, hybrid cloud environments. yet the people who manage these environments must be trained in and understanding these environments better than ever before. a new era of analytics and cognitive computing is adding intelligence, but also more complexity, to these cloud environments. how smart is your cloud? how smart should it be? in this power panel at 20th cloud expo, moderated by conference chair roger strukhoff, panelists will look at the evolving nature of hybrid cloud, how it affects enterprise it staffing requir...apr. 29, 2017 09:15 pm edt reads: 2,563the most influential iiot brand in the worldby elizabeth white@thingsexpo has been named the most influential ‘smart cities -- iiot' account and @bigdataexpo has been named fourteenth by right relevance (rr), which provides curated information and intelligence on approximately 50,000 topics. in addition, right relevance provides an insights offering that combines the above topics and influencers information with real time conversations to provide actionable intelligence with visualizations to enable decision making. the insights service is applicable to events like elections, emerging technologies, issues/activism, conferences, product launches, etc. righ...apr. 29, 2017 08:15 pm edt reads: 3,106@thingsexpo named the top m2m brand by yeshim deniz@gonzalezcarmen has been ranked the number one influencer and @thingsexpo has been named the number one brand in the “m2m 2016: top 100 influencers and brands” by analytic. onalytica analyzed tweets over the last 6 months mentioning the keywords m2m or “machine to machine.” they then identified the top 100 most influential brands and individuals leading the discussion on twitter. apr. 29, 2017 07:00 pm edt reads: 1,568how cloud enables digital transformationby janakiram msvwhether you are an owner of a thriving small business or a decision maker at an established enterprise, you cannot ignore digital technology. businesses worldwide are going digital to deliver compelling experiences to customers, which is becoming a key differentiating factor. the rise of social and mobile have increased the discoverability of businesses. consumers areapr. 29, 2017 06:30 pm edt reads: 3,939[video] why to sponsor cloud expo new yorkby yeshim deniz20th cloud expo, taking place june 6--8, 2017, at the javits center in new york city, ny, will feature technical sessions from a rock star conference faculty and the leading industry players in the world. cloud computing is now being embraced by a majority of enterprises of all sizes. yesterday's debate about public vs. private has transformed into the reality of hybrid cloud: a recent survey shows that 74% of enterprises have a hybrid cloud strategy.apr. 29, 2017 04:45 pm edt reads: 3,391[slides] how to monetize your data by pat romanskidata is an unusual currency; it is not restricted by the same transactional limitations as money or people. in fact, the more that you leverage your data across multiple business use cases, the more valuable it becomes to the organization. and the same can be said about the organization’s analytics. in his session at 19th cloud expo, bill schmarzo, cto for the big data practice at dell emc, introduced a methodology for capturing, enriching and sharing data (and analytics) across the organization in a “as--a--service” cloud model, and discussed the role that the data lake plays in monetizing the ...apr. 29, 2017 04:00 pm edt reads: 6,863you are the networkby chuck friedfirst there was the stone age. then we learned how to manipulate and smelt metals, which led to an agrarian age. from there, machines helped bring about the industrial age, then the space age. so where are we now? shall we call it the network age? metcalfe’s law holds that the value of a connected network, telecommunications in the parlance of his day, is proportional to the square of the number of connected users. or stated more simply, the utility of a connected ‘thing’ increases as more and more ‘things’ are connected. the telephone acts as an easy example. one phone by itself is a paperwei...apr. 29, 2017 03:00 pm edt reads: 1,825how to sponsor @thingsexpo ny and caby carmen gonzalezwith major technology companies and startups seriously embracing iot strategies, now is the perfect time to attend @thingsexpo 2016 in new york. learn what is going on, contribute to the discussions, and ensure that your enterprise is as ""iot--ready"" as it can be! internet of @thingsexpo, taking place june 6--8, 2017, at the javits center in new york city, new york, is co--located with 20th cloud expo and will feature technical sessions from a rock star conference faculty and the leading industry players in the world. the internet of things (iot) is the most profound change in personal and enterp...apr. 29, 2017 03:00 pm edt reads: 1,679peter principle: the destroyer of great ideasby william schmarzowikibon just released their “2017 big data market forecast.” how rosy that forecast looks depends upon whether you look at big data as yet another technology exercise, or if you look at big data as a business discipline that organizations can unleash upon competitors and new market opportunities. to quote the research:
UKHALA ngokuphucwa indlu yakhe owesifazane othi lokhu kwenzeke ngoba engasayihambi imihlangano yekomidi lenhlangano ebusayo i-ANC ewadini ahlala kuyo. UNksz Fikile Mthembu wase Haniville, eCopesville uthi uphucwe indlu yakhe nguNksz Benzani Khanyile naye ongomunye osekomitini le wadi, omphuce ngoba ethi uMthembu akasabonakali nangokhasha emihlanganweni yekomiti. Ekhuluma ne-Echo uKhanyile uyaphika ukuthi uphuce uMthembu umuzi kodwa uthi indlu uyithathe ngoba vele uMthembu ubengasafuni ukuhlala kuyona. Kanti uMthembu yena uthi usala engenandlu nje ngoba amalungu ekomiti ethi akasayihambi imihlangano yekomiti ngakho-ke kumele aphucwe indlu. Sengigqekezelwe endlini yami izikhathi eziningi abantu bengena bethatha impahla yami, kusho uMthembu. “Ngize ngishiya indlu nje, lena esengiphucwe yona ingoba nganginenkinga yezigebengu ezazingena zintshontsha endlini yami. Sekuze kwenzeka izikhathi eziningi kanti futhi bese ngibona ukuthi impilo yami isengcupheni. Bengihlala nontwana wentombazane ogcine naye engasenzi ngendlela efanele esikoleni ephazanyiswa ukungena kwezigebengu endlini zisina zidedelana zintshontsha impahla yami. “Bese kuwumkhuba ojwayelekile futhi sebekwenza ngisho ngikhona endlini. Kulapho-ke nami ngize ngakhetha ukuthi ngithathe ingane yami iyohlala emakhaya ngoba ngibona ukuthi umntwana useyahlukumezeka kanti nami ngibe sengiyishiya indawo ngayohlala kwenye,” kusho uMthembu. Uqhube wathi kwaba khona umfana oweza wazohlala endlini enzela ukuyigada njengoba yena engasahlali khona. “Kulapho-ke kuqale khona ngitshelwa ukuthi umuntu osendlini ukhishwa ikomiti ngoba mina ngingasabonakali emihlanganweni yekomiti. Indawo nganginikwe ilona ikomiti mina ngase ngakha umuzi. “Ngifike uKhanyile eselungise igceke futhi esefake eyakhe ingidi kakhiye emzini wami, umfana obehlala endlini engasekho. “Nami ngifike ngafaka eyami ingidi ngoba umuzi kungowami futhi ngingafuni nawo noma ukuhamba kuwona,” kuqhuba uMthembu. Khonamanjalo uKhanyile uthe yena ukhulume kahle noMthembu mayelana nendlu futhi uyathuka uphatheka kabi ukuzwa ukuthi yena ukhipha uMthembu endlini. “Sikhulume kahle naye (uMthembu) ngenkulumo sithumelelana naye kuWhatsApp. Ngimcelile ukuthi eze kumina sizobonisana angitshele ukuthi angangidayisela ngamalini uthayela wakhe nesicabha sendlu. Akekho obemphuca indlu ngenkani njengoba sekuvela kanjalo manje. Ikhansela lakaward 29 uThandi Ndlovu uvele waluvala ucingo lapho ethintwa i-Echo ngalolu daba
What Is Auto Insurance?Auto insurance is a product that is purchased and also that can pay for damages to your vehicle or others' vehicles in the event of a car accident or non-accident related harm. Each state has its laws regarding the amount of car insurance that each person should have to be able to drive legally. Many different factors influence auto insurance rates, as well. It does not even base on various companies; it is up to the insurance industry to determine what car insurance is and how much each person will pay for auto coverage.What is car insurance? It seems like a very fundamental question. However, there are many different facets and elements to consider about car insurance that it can get complicated very fast if you're not that prepared for what you're getting in. You need to know how rates are more calculated what types of coverage are available, how much coverage you need or can get, and which companies offer the best auto insurance for your needs.What Does Auto Insurance Cover?Auto insurance is used to protect you the individual or a business or organization from financial loss in regards to a motor vehicle. Financial loss can happen due to many reasons, and having auto insurance can cover your losses in a variety of ways.Liability for Property DamagesResponsibility for property damages is coverage against damage you or a person driving your vehicle with your permission does to someone else's property. Costs can include the other vehicle, utility poles, fences, buildings, homes, businesses, or almost any type of structure your car comes into touching.CollisionCollision coverage usually protects your vehicle from damages resulting from an accident with another vehicle, pothole, car flipping over, etc. Collision coverage will pay for repairing your vehicle, or if your vehicle has damaged in the accident, it will reimburse you for the value of the car subtracting deductible and in many cases other costs.AUTO INSURANCE IN THE USAAuto insurance is a necessity, and this is amply evident from the fact that all states of the USA have made it mandatory to have car insurance on all vehicles. Most of the time, this appears to be a bothersome exercise, but why to wait until you get involved in an accident to find out how taking an auto cover takes care of your assets and you. High medical expenses and lawsuit judgments on the rise make it worthwhile to protect yourself and your precious vehicle with car insurance.Furthermore, all jurisdictions have made it compulsory to have two auto insurance systems - the no-fault system, and the Tort system. The former type of insurance favor in most states dictates that your insurance carrier shall pay the injury claims no matter who caused the accident in reality. The amount payable is up to a specified limit, and if you are involved in an accident, your carrier is liable to pay for the injury. As against this, the Tort system the injured party will have to take care of the medical expenses from their packet and then claim it from the guilty driver's insurance carrier as recompense.With the number of accidents and theft occurring widely in the USA, it is essential for every auto owner to buy such an insurance coverage to secure both the vehicle as well as its owner in times of need.In the USA if you want to have a car on the road you have to have auto insurance. Some states even have coverage minimums where you have to have a certain dollar amount of coverage; usually, this is called primary coverage.How To Get Better Auto Insurance In The USAAuto insurance covers accident to a car. The insurance company pays for the financial loss to the owner in return for a small amount of money paid periodically. The amount paid annually is called premium, and the contract you draw up with the insurance company is known as the insurance policy. The insurance company allows you to hold the contract, and you become the policyholder.Car insurance may not come cheap. However, under unforeseen circumstances of loss or damage to your vehicle, compensation will seem like a godsend. Periodically shelling out lumps of money for protecting your car or cars owned by your business, may look expensive. There could be a tendency to try and cut corners by availing the minimum motor insurance packages. However, even minor car damage is overly expensive; therefore, a minimum package may not give you the extensive coverage at a time when you need it most.Types Of Auto Insurance In the USAThe most common types of auto insurance available in the US are the Liability Insurance, Auto Collision and Comprehensive Insurance, Medical Payments and Personal Injury Protection, and the Uninsured Motorists and Underinsured Motorists coverage. Most modern companies offer these.Liability insurance cover pays for the damage you cause to others and their property. It pays for the legal expenses involved and for the expenditure for the victim going to the court claiming damages, within your liability limits. In a case of an accident, the costs of repairing your car are covered by the collision insurance. The comprehensive insurance covers damages caused by incidents other than car accidents, such as natural calamities, theft, fire, vandalism, and hitting an animal.In a case of the insured person and the co-passenger needing medical treatment for bodily injury due to an accident, this is covered by the Medical Payments coverage. Personal Injury Protection will cover the medical expenses and the wages lost by you and the co-passenger if injured in the accident.Why You Need Auto InsuranceThe primary objective of any insurance is to protect the policyholder and his family against the consequences resulting from an unexpected injuries or death and financial burdens in the event of these disasters. It is a contract between the related insurance company and you, where you agree to pay the premium for the losses that the insurance company will need to cover in the event of accidents.The auto insurance covers these three main areas:Property coverage - refers to the damage or the theft of your carLiability coverage - relates to your legal responsibilities to others whom might in the cause of the property damage loss be incapacitatedMedical coverage - refers to the medical treatments, therapy charges, rehabilitation, lost in the ability to work, or even funeral expenses where there are faculties.The Work Of Auto InsuranceThe auto insurance also protects you from uninsured drivers or motorists. In this case, the uninsured motorists or drivers have no insurance company to pay you for the damage which had happened, but luckily you still have your insurance company to bear the losses.Protect the bank which had provided the car loan to finance your vehicle. Because if there are any disaster happening to your vehicle, no one will be able to lend or provide any additional money to you to fix the car other than the auto insurance company. Otherwise, you will need to repair the damage made to the car by your own, and this would prevent you from paying for the periodic monthly loan payment on time. The consequences are that the bank will not lend you any more money in the future, with the bad credit standing which you are in at least for some considerable amount of time.
You can see some cards, but you can't see what's on the other side of them. Each card is hiding a subtraction, or the answer to it. A subtraction looks like this: 3 - 1 = 2 The numbers on one side of the equals sign (=) have to be the same as the number on the other side. So 3 (1, 2, 3) less 1 (1) makes 2. Count aloud when you work this out, and count on your fingers, because the more ways you do something, the better you remember it. You can also use blocks, or buttons, or anything you can count. If you have lots of brothers and sisters, you can count them! Or the kids in your class at school. Sing counting songs. Count lots of things, for practice, and you'll be very good at subtracting numbers! In this game, these cards are hiding the two parts of a subtraction. You need to find the two parts of the subtraction, and bring them together again. Click on a card to see what number it's hiding, then try to find the other card that goes with it, to make a whole difference. You can only turn over two cards in one go, so you need to remember where the numbers are hiding, then you can match them when you find their other half. You're doing the job of the equals sign, and the numbers need you to put them together and make a proper difference. When you do that, both those cards disappear! When you've made them all disappear, found all the subtracts, you've won the game! :)
abantu abaningi babambelela ekufundeni emazwini kankulunkulu usuku nosuku, baze bafike ezingeni lokuzibophezela ngokucophelela ukukhumbula zonke izigatshana ezikhona lapho ngokugcwele njengezinto zabo okungezabo ezibizayo, nokuthi ngaphezu kwalokho bashumayele ngamazwi kankulunkulu yonke indawo, banikeze futhi basize nabanye ngamazwi akhe. bacabanga ukuthi ukwenza lokhu kungukuveza ubufakazi kunkulunkulu, ukuveza ukufakazela amazwi kankulunkulu, ukuthi ukwenza lokhu kungukulandela indlela kankulunkulu; bacabanga ukuthi ukwenza lokho kungukuphila ngamazwi kankulunkulu, ukuthi ukwenza lokho kungukuletha amazwi akhe ekuphileni kwabo kwangempela, ukuthi ukwenza lokhu kuyobenza bakwazi ukuthola ukunconywa ngunkulunkulu, nokuthi basindiswe futhi bapheleliswe. kodwa, ngisho sebeshumayela amazwi kankulunkulu, abahambisani namazwi kankulunkulu ngokwenza, noma bazame ukuzifaka bona emgqeni walokho okwambulwe kubo ngamazwi kankulunkulu. kunalokho, basebenzisa amazwi kankulunkulu ukuzizuzela ukuthandwa nokwethenjwa ngabanye ngokubakhohlisa, ngokungena ekuphatheni ngokwabo, nokuthi basebenzise budlabha nokuntshontsha udumo lukankulunkulu. bethemba, ngokungena mpumelelo, ukusebenzisa ithuba abalinikezwa ngokusabalalisa amazwi kankulunkulu ukuba baklonyeliswe ngomsebenzi kankulunkulu nokunconywa nguye. mingaki iminyaka eseyedlule, kodwa laba bantu abagcinanga nje ngokungakwazi ukuthola ukunconywa ngunkulunkulu ngokushumayela amazwi kankulunkulu, nokuthi hhayi kuphela ukuthi abakwazanga ukuveza indlela okumele bayilandele endleleni yokuveza ukufakazela amazwi kankulunkulu, futhi akukhona nje ukuthi abazange bazisize noma bazihlinzeke bona kuleyo ndlela yokuhlinzeka nokusiza abanye ngamazwi kankulunkulu, nokuthi akukhona nje kuphela ukuthi abazange bakwazi ukumazi unkulunkulu, noma bavuse kubo uqobo inhlonipho enkulu kankulunkulu, kuleyo ndlela yokwenza zonke lezi zinto; kodwa, ngokuphambene, ukungaqondisisi kahle ngonkulunkulu kwaya kukhula ngokujula, ukungamethembi unkulunkulu kwaya kuba mawala, kanye nemicabango yabo ngonkulunkulu yaya ikhula ngokuba engakholakali. behlinzekiwe futhi beholwa yimicabango yabo ngamazwi kankulunkulu, bavela sengathi baphelele esimweni sabo, kube sengathi baveza amakhono abo kalula ngaphandle kokuzikhandla nhlobo, kube sengathi sebethole inhloso yempilo yabo, kube sengathi sebezuze ukuphila okusha nokuthi sebesindisiwe, kube sengathi, ngamazwi kankulunkulu bebeka ngolimi oluginqika kahle uma bekhuluma, sebefinyelele ekuzuzeni iqiniso, babambelele ezinhlosweni zikankulunkulu, nokuthi sebevumbulule indlela yokumazi unkulunkulu, kube sengathi, ngendlela yokushumayela amazwi kankulunkulu, sebake babhekana nonkulunkulu ubuso nobuso. futhi, bahlale “benyakaziswa” ngemvula yezinyembezi, nokuthi, bahlale beholwa “unkulunkulu” ngamazwi kankulunkulu, bavela njalo ngokungenamkhawulo bebambelele ngokujulile emseni wakhe nenhloso elungile, futhi ngesikhathi esifanayo sebezuze ukubambelela ensindisweni kankulunkulu yomuntu kanye nokuphathwa nguye, sebefike ekuyazini ingqikithi yakhe, nokuthi sebeyakuqondisisa ukulunga kwesimo sakhe. besusela kulesi sisekelo, babonakala sengathi sebekholelwa ngokuqine kakhulu ebukhoneni bukankulunkulu, sebenolwazi olukhulu ngesimo sakhe esihloniphekile, nokuthi nangaphezu kwalokho bazizwe bejulile ebukhulwini bakhe nasebungcweleni. becwilile kulolu lwazi lokuzikhohlisa ngokwazi amazwi kankulunkulu, kungabukeka sengathi ukholo lwabo selukhulile, izinqumo zabo zokubekezelela ukuhlupheka seziqinisiwe, nokuthi ulwazi lwabo ngonkulunkulu selujulile. abazi ngempela ukuthi, kuze kube bawazwile amazwi kankulunkulu ngokuyikho, lonke ulwazi lwabo kanye nemibono yabo ngaye iphuma ekuzicabangeleni ngokwabo nasekuqageleni. ukholo lwabo angeke lwabambelela kunoma yikuphi ukuhlolwa ngunkulunkulu, lokhu abakubiza ngokuthi ubungcwele babo nokuma angeke kwabambelela ngaphansi kokuvivinywa noma ukuhlolwa ngunkulunkulu, isinqumo sabo singukwakha ibhilidi elihle phezu kwesihlabathi, nalokhu abakubiza ngolwazi lukankulunkulu nakho akwehlukile nokuzakhela kwemicabango yabo. eqinisweni, laba bantu, uma singasho kanjalo, abafaka umfutho emazwini kankulunkulu, abakaze nakanye bazi ukuthi luyini ukholo oluyilo, kuyini ukuzithoba kwangempela, kuyini ukunakekela kwangempela, noma kuyini ukwazi unkulunkulu ngeqiniso. bathatha abakucabangayo, imicabango, ulwazi, isiphiwo, izinqubo, izinkolelo--ze, kanye ngisho nokubaluleka kokulungileyo kwesintu, bese bekwenza “ukutshala imali” kanye “nezikhali zempi” kokukholelwa kunkulunkulu nokulandela yena, baze bakwenze izisekelo zokholo lwabo kunkulunkulu kanye nokumlandela. ngesikhathi esifanayo, babuye bathathe le mali nezikhali bakwenze umfanekiso womlingo ekwazini unkulunkulu, ukwenzela ukuhlangana nokuncintisana nokuhlolisisa kukankulunkulu, ukuvivinya, ukusola, nokwahlulela. ekugcineni, lokho abakuhlanganisile kuselokhu kuyizinto ezingasho lutho ngaphandle kwezinqumo ngonkulunkulu ezicwile ezincazelweni zezinkolelo, ezinkolelweni eziyize zakudala, kanye nakho konke lokho okungokokuthandana, okubukeka kabi kuhlekisa, futhi nokungaqondakali, kanye nendlela yabo yokwazi nokuchaza unkulunkulu ifana naleyo yabantu abakholelwa kuphela ezulwini eliphezulu, noma endodeni endala esesibhakabhakeni, kuyilapho ukuba ngokoqobo kukankulunkulu, ingqikithi yakhe, isimo sakhe, izinto zakhe nobuyena, kanye nokunye, nakho konke okuphathelene nokuba ngokoqobo kukankulunkulu ngokwakhe, kuyizinto ulwazi lwabo oluhlulekile ukuziqonda, azinamsebenzi walutho ngokuphelele futhi zikude le nokuqonda kwabo. ngale ndlela, nakuba bephila ngaphansi kokunikezwa nokondliwa ngamazwi kankulunkulu, kusazifanela nje abakwazi ukuhamba endleleni yokumesaba unkulunkulu nokudeda kokubi. isizathu sangempela ukuthi abakaze bafinyelele ekumazini unkulunkulu, futhi bengakaze babe nokuxhumana okuqotho noma ukuhlanganyela naye ngeqiniso, ngakho kunzima kakhulu kubona ukufinyelela ekubeni nokuqonda okunokuzwana nonkulunkulu, noma bavuse kubo ukholo, ukufuna ngokulangazelela, noma ukudumisa unkulunkulu. ukuthatha kwabo amazwi kankulunkulu ngale ndlela, ukuthatha unkulunkulu ngale ndlela—lokhu kubuka kanye nesimo sengqondo kubenze baphoqeleka ukuba babuye belambatha emizamweni yabo, ibenze bangaphinde balazi ingunaphakade ukuhamba ngokumesaba unkulunkulu nokudeda kokubi. injongo yalokho abakuhlosile, nendlela abahamba ngayo, ibonisa ukuthi bayizitha zikankulunkulu kuze kube phakade futhi abasoze bakwazi ukuthola insindiso.
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in matotiyana’s africa there is a lot that has gone wrong but she sets us on a journey to find what it is. we might not be able to fix it possibly because it is beyond repair. but in our inevitable despair we must always seek to remember and maybe from that memory we can create something out of this ruin. her work is born out conditions of constraints but it fights for its life, to give us something. songs of greeting, healing and heritage are a ‘problem, a question, posed and thereby revealing an agency that is interdicted’. [9]moten, f. (2017). black and blur. at pg 67 her work is a truly welcome contribution to the genealogy of black musical practices.
O Lord, stand against those who stand against me. Fight those who fight me. Take hold of a safe-covering and rise up to help me. Take a spear and battle-ax against those who come to get me. Say to my soul, “I am the One Who saves you.” Let the people be ashamed and without honor who want to take my life. Let those be turned away and brought to shame who plan to hurt me. Let them be like straw in the wind. May the angel of the Lord drive them away. Let their way be dark and dangerous, with the angel of the Lord going to get them. For without a reason they hid their net for me. Without a reason, they dug a hole for my soul. Let them be destroyed before they know it. And let them be caught in their own net. May they destroy themselves as they fall into their own hole.
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Today, there is an increasing demand in modern communication systems for smaller antennas, with size significantly less than the usual half wavelength and capable of presenting performance that normally would be achieved by a complicated antenna array. Small antenna concept is a challenging aspect that can provide answers and solutions to these problems. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and to present suggestions in the field of a) functionally small antennas, which definition apply were additional performance has been achieved without increasing the antenna size and b) electrically small antennas which can be physically bounded by a sphere having a radius equal to λ/2π (the small antenna limit). In the first category, a two-branch diversity antenna using a simple printed dual band Double-T monopole and operating at 2.4 and 5.2 GHz of ISM band is presented in this dissertation. The proposed configuration could be used in laptop computers or wireless routers. A prototype of the proposed antenna has been constructed and tested. The measured results are in good agreement with the computed ones from simulation. Τhe diversity criteria are met, while the antenna acquires favorable characteristics such as reduced size and extended bandwidth. In the electrically small antenna category, the process of miniaturization of a rectangular microstrip patch antenna by the insertion of slits parallel to the radiating edges is investigated and a number of exact and approximate expressions, used to calculate the quality factor Q for wire antennas, are validated. During the miniaturization process significant decrease in the resonant frequency is observed, depending on the slit’s length and width but at the expense of radiation efficiency and operational bandwidth. The quality factor expressions behavior is checked for simulated and measured data, for the prototypes that have been constructed, and compared to the Chu fundamental limit and to Wheeler's electrically small antenna definition. The resultant antennas can be characterized as small antennas in accordance to the relevant fundamental limitations. By selecting a medium size reduction, satisfying radiation efficiency is achieved, while the radiation pattern remains unchanged. Specifically, for a 50% frequency decrease there is a size reduction equal to 44% and the efficiency remains relatively high around 50%, while the fractional bandwidth decreases to 0.5%. The radiation pattern remains practically unaltered by the miniaturization process. This is important since in the field of electrically small antennas the frequency reduction along with the radiation pattern are the two key characteristics in applications such as RF-tag and NFC technology where a compromise is acceptable as far as it concerns the efficiency and the bandwidth of the antenna.
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Interestingly, while most of the branded content out there is well-produced and indeed entertaining to audiences, it doesn't really hit home as it's just not serving the corporate social responsibility or CSR purpose of bettering the lives of those consumers or even the world around us.By Spero Patricios 18 Jul 2016African perspectives on PR educationPioneers in the fields of public relations and communication academia gathered at an academic forum running alongside the main Federation of African PR Associations (FAPRA) conference last week to discuss the future public relations curriculum to be offered on tertiary level.By Boitumelo Mmotlana & Mmoneng Gwebu 28 May 2006New pay TV channel for Africa awaits approvalBlack Earth Communications has applied for a commercial broadcasting license with the Botswana National Broadcasting Board and is awaiting the outcome of its application for a new subscription pay TV service to Africa that will operate out of Gaborone.10 Jan 2006Search for the Face of Africa beginsThe search for fresh modelling talent begins this month as TV channel M-Net and mobile phone company Nokia start holding open castings for aspiring models in Accra, Addis Ababa, Cape Town, Dar es Salaam, Gaborone, Johannesburg, Kampala, Kigali, Lagos, Luanda, Lusaka, Nairobi and Windhoek.7 Dec 2005Stanbic Bank launches Pan-African search for success storiesStanbic Bank is encouraging people living in Uganda, Namibia, Malawi, Swaziland, Zambia and Botswana to look for inspiring success stories and nominate community-based projects for cash donations to acknowledge local nation-builders.20 Nov 2005Brewster signs KaoneKaone, the winner of the 2005 Nokia Face of Africa, has signed with Marcus Brewster Publicity. Winner of a $125 000 contract with Storm Model Management, the Botswana beauty will benefit from a PR campaign to elevate and market her profile in Southern Africa.6 Nov 2005Decorex expands to BotswanaExhibition organizers South Africa Rai have announced that the company is to launch leading décor and design expo Decorex SA in Botswana as part of a drive to bring the best of the best in African décor to the rest of the continent. Decorex Botswana will be hosted at the Gaborone International Convention Centre, The Grand Palm Hotel Casino and Convention Resort, from 21 to 24 October 2005.22 Feb 2005Ogilvy Africa's ''media road into Africa''Ogilvy Africa recently hosted a successful media workshop that saw 25 senior media planners coming together from Angola, Malawi, Botswana, Mozambique, the DRC, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Nigeria and South Africa.29 Sep 2004Yarona FM 106.6 opens new studios Yarona FM 106.6, Botswana's youngest radio station, is this week celebrating its first five years of broadcasting with the opening of new state-of-the-art studios in the upmarket Fairground Mall complex in Gaborone.6 Sep 2004UUNET's streaming web ads a world firstInternet-based network service provider, UUNET SA, will be running a 2Mb line from Johannesburg connecting with Cape Town, Botswana and Namibia which will enable real-time, live streaming Webcast advertisements from UUNET offices around Africa during the Cricket World Cup (CWC) matches.6 Feb 2003Exclusive Books expands into BotswanaJohnnic Holdings' Exclusive Books, one of the main competitors of the CNA Group, has opened up shop in Botswana, signalling their first foray into territory beyond South African borders.18 Dec 2002De Beers' image loses lustre over San land disputeDiamond giant De Beers, who announced an advertising partnership with supermodel and businesswoman Iman at the 55th Cannes Film Festival, has denied reports that she has pulled out in protest over the alleged treatment of the San people in Botswana.25 Nov 2002Taking the burn so others don't have toStudents from the AAA School of Advertising are cycling from Botswana to Cape Town this month to raise money for child burn victims and to raise awareness about the dangers of burns. They are looking for additional sponsors.12 Nov 2002Show moreSubscribeReceive free email newsletterMake us your homepageAdd us to your favoritesRSS feedGet biz on your phoneFollow usInviteTell a friend about us
▼ This thesis focuses on the reasons why King Dingane of the Zulu nation has been portrayed predominantly as a treacherous tyrant in South Africa's Eurocentric historical databases and poses the question whether he should, instead, not be regarded as the forerunner of African nationalism. It also examines the roots of European imperialism in South Africa, as recorded in governmental, geographical, trade and missionary records, and points out that, as with the first colonial invasion by Islam that resulted in the Tarikh chronicles, European imperialism was also inherently based on foreign and nationalistic biases. The study concludes that these preconceived notions have adulterated and overwhelmed the purer African voice that is uniquely represented by the oral tradition. Because the subdued African voice is regarded as more reliable than the written Eurocentric records, this study attempts to augment the Africa- centered work of Africanist historians who have, for several decades, revisited the oral history of Africa in order to recover, rehabilitate and represent a point of view and perspective intrinsic and special to Africa. The history of King Dingane of the Zulus encapsulates the problem of African historiography best because most of the sources from which accounts of his reign are reconstructed are European, and for this reason, propagate a Eurocentric bias. For example, while Eurocentric White historians are able to present, in print, three eyewitness accounts of the death of Piet Retief, the African point of view based on oral history is largely disregarded. This study seeks to redress this imbalance by championing the African point of view, which is considered to be not only sensible but also plausible and justifiable. Likewise, much attention has been given to the many studies that demonise King Dingane for the single act of viciously killing the purportedly innocent and innocuous Voortrekkers, while the broad contours of context against which his actions should be judged are disregarded. The purpose of this thesis is to debunk the myth of King Dingane's unfairness and criminality. It can therefore be interpreted as an effort at decriminalizing King Dingane's actions - a dimension that earlier as well as contemporary scholars of African history have hitherto ignored. It is hoped that in time similar studies on other issues will broaden this perspective and help to create the balance so sorely missing in Zulu history. A theoretical framework for historical representation is provided in chapter one of the study, while chapter two examines the mindset of the White explorers that arrived in Africa, and their imperial agenda that sought to control, drastically change and re-order everything. Chapter three attempts to portray the greatness of King Dingane in dealing with matters of governance as well as other issues that were to have a profound impact on the way in which he came to be portrayed in history books. Chapter four discusses the relationship between King… Advisors/Committee Members: Cubbin, A.E (advisor), Mathenjwa, L.F (advisor).
it is on the very steps of this hotel on the apollo bunder that the king emperor george v landed on his state visit to india. on his arrival the red carpet passed through a temporary structure scaled on the lines of a mini taj mahal in white plaster, but some 17 years later a memorial of a more enduring nature was constructed--the gateway of india. built on a plot of land reclaimed from the sea, it was designed by george wittet in the gujarati style. apart from commemorating the arrival of the emperor in india, it was to witness an equally historic departure. this is where the last parade was held in 1947, when the british bade good--bye to their empire.
kwaze kwamangalisa! kungani ukuba sesimweni somuntu kukankulunkulu njalo kuchithwa futhi kwethukwe abantu? kungani abantu bangake babe noma yikuphi ukuqonda ukuba sesimweni somuntu kukankulunkulu? ingabe kuwukuthi unkulunkulu uze ngesikhathi esingafanele? ingabe kuwukuthi unkulunkulu uze endaweni engafanele? ingabe kuwukuthi lokhu kwenzeka ngenxa yokuthi unkulunkulu uzenzele eyedwa, ngaphandle “kokusayina” komuntu? ingabe kungenxa yokuthi unkulunkulu wenze lokho akucabangayo ngaphandle kwemvume yomuntu? amaqiniso abonisa ukuthi unkulunkulu waqala wanikeza isaziso. unkulunkulu akenzanga lutho olubi ngokuba yinyama—ingabe kufanele acele imvume yomuntu? ngaphezu kwalokho, unkulunkulu wakhumbuza umuntu kudala, mhlawumbe abantu sebekhohliwe. akufanele basolwe, ngokuba umuntu kade onakaliswa kakhulu usathane kangangoba akakwazi ukuqonda okwenzeka ngaphansi kwamazulu, kungashiwo lutho ngokwenzeka ezweni lokomoya! kwaze kwadabukisa ukuthi okhokho bomuntu, izinkawu ezisabantu, bafela enkundleni, kodwa lokhu akumangalisi: izulu nomhlaba akukaze kuvumelane, futhi kungenzeka kanjani ukuthi izinkawu ezisabantu, ezingqondo yazo yenziwe ngetshe, ziqonde ukuthi unkulunkulu angaphinde abe yinyama? kwaze kwadabukisa ukuthi umuntu omdala kanje “osonyakeni wamashumi ayisithupha” wafa ngosuku lokubonakala kukankulunkulu, eshiya umhlaba ungabusisiwe ekufikeni kwesibusiso esikhulu kangaka—ingabe akusona isimangaliso? ukuba sesimweni somuntu kukankulunkulu kuthumele amagagasi okwethuka kuzo zonke izinkolo nezingxenye, “kuphithanise” uhlelo lokuqala lwamaqembu enkolo, futhi kunyakazise izinhliziyo zabo bonke abalangazelela ukubona unkulunkulu. ubani ongenalo uthando? ubani ongalangazeleli ukubona unkulunkulu? unkulunkulu ubelokhu ephakathi komuntu iminyaka eminingi, kodwa umuntu ubelokhu engaboni. namuhla, unkulunkulu uqobo uye wabonakala, waveza isiqu sakhe ezindaweni eziningi—kungahlala kanjani lokhu kungayijabulisi inhliziyo yomuntu? unkulunkulu wake wajabula futhi waba lusizi ngomuntu, namuhla uphinde wabuyisana nesintu, sekudlule izikhathi eziningi enomuntu. ngemva kokuphuma ejudiya, abantu abatholanga ngisho nomkhondo wakhe. balangazelela ukuphinde bahlangane nonkulunkulu, abazi ukuthi namuhla sebephinde bahlangana naye, babuyisana naye. kungahlala kanjani lokhu kungayivusi imicabango yayizolo? eminyakeni eyizinkulungwane ezimbili eyedlule namuhla, usimoni indodana kajona, ozalwa amajuda, wabona ujesu umsindisi, wadla etafuleni elilodwa naye, futhi ngemva kokumlandela iminyaka eminingi wamthanda kakhulu: wamthanda ngokusuka enhliziyweni yakhe, wayithanda kakhulu inkosi ujesu. abantu abangamajuda babengazi lutho ngalo mfana onezinwele ezimhlophe, ozalelwe ezindaweni ezibandayo, wayengumfanekiso wokuqala kankulunkulu osesimweni somuntu. babecabanga ukuthi ufana nabo, akekho owayecabanga okuhlukile ngaye—abantu babengambona kanjani lo jesu ojwayelekile? abantu abangamajuda babecabanga ukuthi ungumjuda, becabanga ukuthi uyindodana yomjuda. akekho owayembheka njengonkulunkulu onothando, futhi abantu bavaleka amehlo ngaye, becela umusa ngobuningi, ingcebo, ukuthula nenjabulo. babazi lokho kuphela, njengosozigidi, wayenakho konke umuntu angakufisa. kodwa abantu abamphathanga njengothandekayo; abantu ngaleso sikhathi babengamthandi, babegcina ngokububula ngaye, befuna izinto eziningi kuye, akakaze ayeke ukunika umuntu umusa, nakuba umuntu ayengamazi. akwenza nje kwaba ukunika umuntu imfudumalo, uthando, umusa, kanye nokunye, wanika umuntu indlela entsha yokwenza, wakhulula umuntu emigoqweni yomthetho. umuntu akakaze amthande, wayegcina ngokumzonda, nokubona ubungcweti bakhe. isintu esingaboni, singayazi kanjani indlela ujesu umsindisi ahlazeka kakhulu ngayo lapho efika phakathi kwesintu? akekho owacabanga ngobunzima bakhe, akekho owazi ngothando lwakhe ngonkulunkulu ubaba, akekho owayazi ngokuba yedwa kwakhe; nakuba umariya ayengunina owamzala, wayengayazi kanjani imicabango esenhliziyweni yenkosi enomusa ujesu? ubani owayazi ngokucindezeleka okungachazeki okwabekezelelwa indodana yomuntu? ngemva kokuyinxusela, kubantu bangaleso sikhathi yaba yinto yokugcina abayicabangayo, bayilahlela ngaphandle. ngakho yazulazula ezitaladini, usuku nosuku, unyaka nonyaka, kwadlula iminyaka yaze yaba neminyaka engamashumi amathathu nantathu enzima, eminyaka eyaba mide futhi yaba mifishane. lapho abantu bemdinga, babemmema emakhaya abo bemomotheka, bezama ukufuna izinto kuye—futhi ngemva kokuthi enikele kubo, babemkhiphela ngaphandle kwesicabha ngokushesha. abantu babedla okwakuvela emlonyeni wakhe, babephuza igazi lakhe, babejabulela izibusiso abanika zona, kodwa futhi bamelana naye, ngoba babengazi ukuthi ukuphila babekunikwe ubani kwabo. ekugcineni, bambethela esiphambanweni, kodwa noma kunjalo akenzanga msindo. ngisho nanamuhla, usathule. abantu badla inyama yakhe, badla ukudla abenzela khona, bahamba endleleni abavulele yona, baphuza igazi lakhe, futhi basafuna ukumphika, empeleni babheka unkulunkulu obadalile njengesitha sabo, esikhundleni salakho baphatha labo abayizigqila kanye nabo njengoyise osezulwini. kulokhu, ingabe abamelani naye ngamabomu? kwenzeka kanjani ukuba ujesu afele esiphambanweni? ingabe uyazi? ingabe akakhashelwanga ujuda, owayesondelene naye, wamphuzisa, wajabula naye? ingabe isizathu sokukhaphela kukajuda sasingekhona ukuthi ujesu wayengekho ngaphezu komfundisi ojwayelekile? uma abantu babona ngempela ukuthi ujesu wayengajwayelekile, owayehle ezulwini, babengambethela kanjani esiphambanweni ephila amahora angamashumi amabili nane, kwaze kwaba yilapho engasakwazi ukuphefumula? ubani ongazi unkulunkulu? abantu bajabulela unkulunkulu benomhobholo, kodwa abakaze bamazi. banikwe isandla bathatha ingalo yonke, benza ujesu alalele imithetho yabo. ubani owake wabonisa indodana yomuntu umusa, engenayo indawo yokufihla ikhanda layo? ubani owake wacabanga ukuhlangana nayo ukuze aqedele umsebenzi kankulunkulu uyise? ubani owake wacabanga ngayo? ubani owake wacabanga ngobunzima bayo? engenalo noluncane uthando, umuntu uyisa ngapha nangapha; umuntu akazi ukuthi ukukhanya nokuphila kwakhe kuvelaphi, akwenzayo nje ukusungula icebo ngesinyelela lokuphinde abethele ujesu esiphambanweni njengaseminyakeni eyizinkulungwane ezimbili edlule, ozwiswe abantu ubuhlungu. ingabe ngempela ujesu ukhuthaza inzondo enjalo? ingabe konke akwenza kade kwakhohlwa? inzondo yaseminyakeni eyizinkulungwane edlule iyogcina iqubukile. niwuhlobo lwamajuda! wake wanizonda nini ujesu, njengoba nimzonda kangaka? unenzele okuningi, wakhuluma okuningi—akukho yini okunizuzisayo? unikele ngokuphila kwakhe kini ngaphandle kokufuna ukubuyiselwa ngokuthile, uninike uqobo lwakhe—ingabe nisafuna ukumbona ephila? akagodlanga lutho ezintweni aninike zona, akajabulelanga lutho lwezwe, imfudumalo phakathi kwabantu, uthando phakathi kwabantu, nazo zonke izibusiso phakathi kwabantu. abantu baluhlaza kuye, akakaze ajabulele imicebo yezwe, unikele ngoqobo lwakhe ngobuqotho, waba nenhliziyo enogqozi ngomuntu, konke okwakhe ukunike isintu njengefa—futhi ubani omnike imfudumalo? ubani oke wamduduza? umuntu umcindezele kakhulu, umnike wonke amashwa akhe, umnike konke okubi okwehlela umuntu, usola yena ngakho konke ukungabi nabulungiswa, futhi yena ukwamukele. ingabe ukhona ake wabhikisha kuye? ingabe kukhona ngisho okuncane ake wakucela kothile? ubani owake wambonisa uzwela? njengabantu abajwayelekile, ubani kini ongakaze akhule ngothando? ubani ungangqabavulanga ebusheni bakhe? ubani ongayizwa imfudumalo yezihlobo zakhe? ubani ongenalo uthando lwezihlobo nabangani? ubani ongahlonishwa abanye? ubani ongenawo umndeni ofudumele? ubani ongenaye umuntu athululela kuye isifuba? yena ingabe kukhona kulokhu ake wakujabulela? ubani owake wamnika imfudumalo? ubani owake wamduduza? ubani owake wambonisa isimilo esincane? ubani owake wambekezelela? ubani owake waba naye ezikhathini ezinzima? ubani owake wadlula naye ezikhathini ezinzima ekuphileni? umuntu akakaze ehlise izinto azifuna kuye; uhlale efuna izinto ngaphandle kokulibala, njengokungathi, njengoba esesezweni labantu, useyinkabi yabo noma ihhashi, isiboshwa somuntu, futhi kumele anike umuntu konke okwakhe; uma kungenjalo umuntu akasobe amxolela, akusobe kwaba lula kuye, ngeke aphinde ambize ngonkulunkulu, futhi ngeke aphinde amhloniphe. umuntu uqinile endleleni abheka ngayo unkulunkulu, njengokungathi ufuna ukuhlukumeza unkulunkulu ekufeni, kungemva kwalokhu kuphela lapho eyolahlekelwa khona izinto azifuna kunkulunkulu; ngale kwalokho umuntu ngeke ehlise izinga lakhe ngenxa kankulunkulu. umuntu ofana nalona angahlala kanjani angamzondi unkulunkulu? ingabe akuyona inhlekelele yanamuhla? umuntu akasenawo nhlobo unembeza. ulokhu ethi uzobuyisa uthando lukankulunkulu, kodwa uphamba unkulunkulu amhlukumeze ekufeni. ingabe lena akuyona “imfihlo” okholweni lwakhe kunkulunkulu, ayinikwa okhokho bakhe? “amajuda” awasabonwa nangokhalo, futhi namuhla asenza umsebenzi ofanayo, asenza umsebenzi ofanayo wokumelana nonkulunkulu, kodwa bacabanga ukuthi baphakamisa unkulunkulu. amehlo omuntu angambona kanjani unkulunkulu? umuntu ophila enyameni, unkulunkulu osamuntu ovela emoyeni angamphatha kanjani njengonkulunkulu? ubani phakathi kwabantu ongamazi? likuphi iqiniso phakathi kwabantu? kukuphi ukulunga kweqiniso? ubani ongaqonda isimo sikankulunkulu? ubani ongancintisana nonkulunkulu osezulwini? yingakho lapho eza phakathi komuntu, engekho oke wamazi unkulunkulu, futhi bemenqabile. umuntu angakubekezelela kanjani ukuba khona kukankulunkulu? angakuvumela kanjani ukukhanya kumuse ebumnyameni bezwe? ingabe konke lokhu akukhona ukuzinikela ngenhlonipho komuntu? ingabe lona akuwona umnyango oqondile womuntu? ingabe umsebenzi kankulunkulu awuzungezi ukungenza komuntu? ngingawuhlanganisa umsebenzi kankulunkulu nokungena komuntu, futhi aqalise ubuhlobo obuhle obuphakathi kukankulunkulu nomuntu, ngenze umsebenzi okufanele wenziwe umuntu ngamandla akhe. ngale ndlela, umsebenzi kankulunkulu uyogcina uphelile, uphele ngokukhazinyuliswa kwakhe!
UPetru wayeyindoda eyayiphelelisiwe. Kungemva kokusolwa nokwahlulelwa, ngokuthola uthando olumsulwa lukaNkulunkulu, lapho apheleliswa khona ngokugcwele; indlela ayihamba kwakuyindlela yokupheleliswa. Okusho ukuthi kusukela ekuqaleni, uPetru wahamba endleleni efanele, futhi isisusa sokukholwa kwakhe kuNkulunkulu sasifanele, ngakho waba umuntu ophelelisiwe wayesehamba endleleni entsha umuntu ayengakaze ahambe kuyo phambilini. Nokho, indlela uPawulu ahamba kuyo kusukela ekuqaleni kwakuyindlela yokumelana noKristu, futhi kwakungenxa yokuthi uMoya oNgcwele wawufuna ukumsebenzisa, ukusebenzisa iziphiwo kanye nawo wonke amakhono akhe emsebenzini Wakhe, kangangokuthi wasebenzela uKristu amashumi amaningi eminyaka. Wayengothile nje owayesetshenziswa uMoya oNgcwele, futhi akasetshenziswanga ngenxa yokuthi uJesu wayebuthanda ubuntu bakhe, kodwa ngenxa yeziphiwo zakhe. Wakwazi ukusebenzela uJesu ngenxa yokuthi wayenqotshiwe, hhayi ngenxa yokuthi kwakumjabulisa ukwenza lokho. Wakwazi ukwenza umsebenzi onjalo ngenxa yokukhanyiselwa nokuqondisa kukaMoya oNgcwele, futhi umsebenzi awenza awukhona ayekufuna, noma ubuntu bakhe. Umsebenzi kaPawulu umela umsebenzi wenceku, okusho ukuthi wenza umsebenzi womphostoli. Nokho, uPetru wayehlukile: Wenza nomsebenzi othile; wawungemkhulu njengomsebenzi kaPawulu, kodwa wayesebenza phakathi kokufuna ukungena kwakhe, futhi umsebenzi wakhe wawungafani nokaPawulu. Umsebenzi kaPetru wawuwumsebenzi wesidalwa sikaNkulunkulu. Akenzanga indima yomphostoli, kodwa wayefuna uthando lukaNkulunkulu. Inkambo yomsebenzi kaPawulu yayibandakanya nezinto ayezifuna: Ayekufuna kwakungenxa yamathemba akhe ngekusasa, nesifiso sakhe ngesiphetho esihle. Akakwamukelanga ukucwengwa phakathi nomsebenzi wakhe, futhi akakwamukelanga ukuthenea nokusetshenzwa. Wayekholwa ukuthi uma nje umsebenzi ayewenza wawumanelisa uNkulunkulu, futhi konke ayekwenza kuthokozisa uNkulunkulu, ekugcineni wayelindelwe umklomelo. Azikho izinto adlula kuzo mathupha emsebenzini wakhe—konke kwakungenxa yakho, akwenzekanga ngenxa yokufuna inguquko. Yonke into emsebenzini wakhe yayinokuhweba, yayingabandakanyi umsebenzi noma ukuthoba kwesidalwa sikaNkulunkulu. Phakathi nenkambo yomsebenzi wakhe, alukho uguquko olwenzeka esimweni esidala sikaPawulu. Umsebenzi wakhe wawungukukhonza abanye, futhi wawungakwazi ukuletha izinguquko esimweni sakhe. UPawulu wawufeza ngokuqondile umsebenzi wakhe, ngaphandle kokupheleliswa, wagqugquzelwa umklomelo. UPetru wayehlukile: Wayedlule ekuthenweni nasekuthini kubhekanwe naye, futhi wayecwengiwe. Injongo nesisusa somsebenzi kaPetru kwakwehluke kakhulu kokukaPawulu. Nakuba uPetru engenzanga umsebenzi omkhulu kakhulu, isimo sakhe sedlula ezinguqukweni eziningi kakhulu, futhi ayekufuna kwakuyiqiniso noguquko lwangempela. Umsebenzi wakhe wenziwa ngesizathu esimayelana nomsebenzi. Nakuba uPawulu enza umsebenzi omkhulu, konke kwakuwumsebenzi kaMoya oNgcwele, futhi nakuba uPawulu abambisana nalo msebenzi, akazange edlule kuwo awuzwe. Ukuthi uPetru wenza umsebenzi omncane kwakungenxa yokuthi uMoya oNgcwele awenzanga okuningi kangako ngaye. Inani lomsebenzi wabo alizange linqume ukuthi baphelelisiwe yini; okwakufunwa ngoyedwa kwakuwumklomelo, futhi okomunye kwakuwukuthi agcine ethole uthando oluphezulu lukaNkulunkulu, nokuthi enze umsebenzi wakhe njengesidalwa sikaNkulunkulu, ngezinga lokuthi aze ashiye isithombe esihle ukuze anelise isifiso sikaNkulunkulu. Babehlukene ngaphandle, neziqu zabo zazihlukile. Wawungeke ukwazi ukubona ukuthi ubani kubo owayephelelisiwe ngenxa yomsebenzi omkhulu ababewenzile. UPetru wayefuna ukuba umfanekiso womuntu othanda uNkulunkulu, ukuba umuntu olalela uNkulunkulu, ukuba umuntu ovumayo ukulungiswa nokucwengwa, ukuba umuntu ofeza umsebenzi wakhe njengesidalwa sikaNkulunkulu. Wayekwazi ukuzinikela kuNkulunkulu, ukunikela ngoqobo lwakhe ezandleni zikaNkulunkulu, alalele uNkulunkulu aze afe. Yilokho anquma ukukwenza, futhi yilokho akufeza. Lesi yisizathu esibalulekile esenza isiphetho sakhe sehluka kwesikaPawulu. Umsebenzi owenziwa uMoya oNgcwele kuPetru kwakungukumphelelisa, futhi umsebenzi owenziwa uMoya oNgcwele kuPawulu kwakungukumsebenzisa. Lokhu kungenxa yokuthi izimo nemibono yabo ngezinto kwakungafani. Bobabili babenomsebenzi kaMoya oNgcwele. UPetru wawenza wawubhekisa kuye lo msebenzi, futhi wawunika abanye; uPawulu wonke lo msebenzi wawunika uMoya oNgcwele nabanye, akazuzanga lutho kuwo. Ngale ndlela, ngemva kokubona umsebenzi kaMoya oNgcwele iminyaka eminingi, cishe uguquko lwalungekho kuPawulu. Wayelokhu esesimweni semvelo, wayesewuPawulu ofana nowasekuqaleni. Kwaba ukuthi nje ngemva kokubekezelela ubunzima bomsebenzi iminyaka eminingi, wayesefundile ukusebenza, wafunda ukubekezela, kodwa imvelo yakhe endala—imvelo yokuncintisana okukhulu nokusebenzela inzuzo—kwakusekhona. Ngemva kokusebenza iminyaka eminingi, wayengasazi isimo sakhe esonakele, futhi a wayengasilahlile isimo sakhe esidala, sasisesobala emsebenzini wakhe. Wayenolwazi lomsebenzi oluningi, kodwa lolo lwazi lulodwa alukwazanga ukumguqula, futhi asikwazanga ukuguqula imibono yakhe ngokuba khona nokubaluleka kokufuna kwakhe. Nakuba asebenzela uKristu iminyaka eminingi, futhi engaphindanga wahlupha iNkosi uJesu, enhliziyweni yakhe lwalungekho uguquko olwazini lwakhe ngoNkulunkulu. Okusho ukuthi akasebenzanga ukuze azinikele kuNkulunkulu, kodwa, kahle hle, wayesebenzela ikusasa lakhe. Ngoba, ekuqaleni wahlukumeza uKristu, wangazithoba kuKristu; ngokwemvelo wayeyisihlubuki esasimelana ngamabomu noKristu, engumuntu owayengenalo ulwazi ngomsebenzi kaMoya oNgcwele. Ekupheleni komsebenzi wakhe, wayengakawazi umsebenzi kaMoya oNgcwele, wayenza nje ngokwakhe elandela imvelo yakhe, engayigqizi qakala intando kaMoya oNgcwele. Ngakho imvelo Yakhe yayinobutha kuKristu futhi yayingalilaleli iqiniso. Umuntu ofana nalona, oshiywe umsebenzi kaMoya oNgcwele, owayengawazi umsebenzi kaMoya oNgcwele, naye owayephikisa uKristu—angasindiswa kanjani? Ukuthi uyasindiswa noma cha, akuncikile ekutheni mningi kangakanani umsebenzi awenzayo, noma ekuthini uzinikele kangakanani, kodwa kunqunywa ukuthi uyawazi yini umsebenzi kaMoya oNgcwele, ukuthi angakwazi yini ukuphila ngeqiniso, nokuthi izinto azifunayo ziyahambisana yini neqiniso.
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17 Odhoshili kutya haaluhe oshipu okudhimina po yalwe. Nokuli methelemumvo lyotango, Aakriste aagwayekwa yamwe oya fa ya li ye shi mono oshidhigu okukandula po uupyakadhi mboka wa li pokati kawo. (Fil. 4:2) Ngele otwa ningwa nayi komwiitali omukwetu, oshike tashi ke tu kwathela tu ya dhimine po? Dhiladhila kuJob. Okwa li u uvu nayi noonkondo sho a li a lundilwa kuElifas, Bildad naSofar mboka ya li aniwa ookuume ke. (Job 10:1; 19:2) Pehulilo, Jehova okwa ganda aalundili mboka. Kalunga okwa li e ya lombwele ya ye kuJob ya ka gandje omayambo omolwoondjo dhawo. (Job 42:7-9) Ihe Jehova okwa li wo a pula Job a ninge sha. Okwa li e na okuninga shike? Jehova okwa li e mu pula a galikanene aalundili ye mboka. Job okwa ningi ngaashi Jehova e mu pula a ninge, naJehova okwa li e mu yambeke molwaashoka e ya dhimine po. (Lesha Job 42:10, 12, 16, 17.) Otatu ilongo mo shike mwaashoka? Ngele tatu galikanene tashi zi komutima mboka ye tu ninga nayi otashi ke tu kwathela kaatu kale twe ya kwatela onkone.
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Okukala omukokolindjila wondjikilile otashi pula okuliunganeka nawa. Oto ka kala u na eemhito dokufuda po ngeenge owa kala ho longo eevili 18 oshivike keshe. Eevili doye otadi ka kala da wana nonande opa holoke oinima yombadilila ngaashi okuhena oukolele ile onghalo yomhepo ii. Oulindeli ovo ve li pedu, ove na omaetepo oo ta dulu okukwafela ovaudifi ovo hava longo omafiku amwe moshivike, ovo hava i koilonga omafiku aeshe nosho yo ovo vehe na nawa oukolele ile ve na omangabeko. Ngeenge omwa ningi omalunduluko, otashi dulika umwe womoukwaneumbo weni a ka hovele okukokola ondjila muSeptemba. Omolwashike itamu kundafana oshinima osho pelongelokalunga loukwaneumbo weni?
2 Ukudla Ukudla Okunempilo I s i t a s h i I m i f n o n e z i t h e l o A m a p h r o t h e n i / I n y a m a Ushuk e l a n a m a f u t h a I m i k h i q i z o y o b i s i Izitashi: zinezihlaka ezakha amandla emzimbeni ( njengestambhu, ipasta, ilayisi noma isinkwa). Izimpumputhe zeWindows, izimpumputhe zelanga kanye nezikrini ze- Sun ze- Crane Cabs namaKhabini namanye amakhabhu ahlanganisiwe lapho ukushisa ngaphakathi kwangokwejwayelekile futhi.
i agree that the name amabhaca means refugees in xhosa maybe zulu too its not a nice name. yes umadzikane came from swati origins but he is not a swati nor zulu nor xhosa.to be a zulu or swati or xhosa he had to khonza. umadzikane never did that to any tribe/clan. amabacha is just a name that got to be used to differentiate them from zulu or xhosa(like you say shaka used it to refer to him because initially umadzikane fled from shaka and later on at ntsizwa mountains he defeated shaka’s army). do not be mistaken amabacha are a fearless tribe (actually tribes) that defeated the zulu amongst others.today we have amabahca who speak zulu and those who speak xhosa.
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this?” lawforall’s heinrich horn answers: dear reader, we’re sorry to hear about this frustrating situation you are in. it’s important to remember that it is within your legal rights to challenge a fine that you think is unfair. the law must be applied fairly and in line with the type of violation. there are two types of fines that can be issued by the traffic department. • a s56 notice, which is normally given to you in person by a traffic officer. this will contain details of the offence as well as a specific court date. • a s341 notice, which is sent in the mail after the offence has been committed. these are nor--
21 december 2017 smme news 7 education enterprise ilembe hosts tourism smme workshop marvellous zondi enterprise ilembe in partnership with local municipalities hosted a tourism workshop on 28 september 2017 at the kwadukuza town hall. the workshop targeted tourism smmes from across the district with the theme ‘tourism month – inclusive growth’. the objective of the summit was to create a platform for structured dialogue on issues facing smmes in the tourism sector and to provide knowledge and information for sustainable economic growth. commenting on the summit, ceo for enterprise ilembe mr. nathi nkomzwayo said “the workshop allowed for engagement with tourism smmes on the programmes and opportunities available in the sector”. he further highlighted the need for capacity building and mentorship as well as awareness of the many programmes and incentives that are available to smmes in the sector. furthermore the delegates received presentations from the national department of tourism on the enterprise development incubation programme and the national tourism incentives scheme, from the south african tourism grading council on the advantages of star grading as well as driving service excellence and access to markets from tourism kwazulu-- natal. enterprise ilembe and local municipalities also presented on their tourism strategies and plans. the deputy mayor of ilembe district, cllr dolly shandu in her opening remarks stressed the importance of inclusive growth and encouraged smmes to align with government strategies and policies and to take up opportunities that exist in the tourism sector. enterprise ilembe are working closely with local municipalities and provincial partners to profile and market this destination as a premier holiday destination, there are also strong focuses on niche product development, such as the natural, cultural and heritage tourism product offerings, and on balancing leisure and business tourism. proud attendees of the workshop businesses that thrive during the festive season the festive season is all but upon us, many people have given their businesses a facelift just to capitalize on the locomotion that comes with this period of the year. missed your chance? worry not, here are a few small businesses that do not require too much capital. you too can still make a profit to take back with you to collage or kick start the year with. cleaning service during the festive season thrill seekers hardly get time to clean up, they are often too busy to care about the mess they are making. as a small business person looking to earn some cash, that is where you come in. contact a handful of people you know and tell them that if they are having a braai – you will be there the next day to clean up after them. it’s a win--win. liquor delivery often times, when families come together for the festive season they don’t want to be separated, you will be surprised that some families don’t even want to be separated for as little as five minutes from each other. if you have a vehicle and know that you will be bored and probably not doing much this festive season. offer liquor delivering services to the people you might know, and charge them of course. beach store this you might be too late for, especially if you want to sell drinks and food as there are beach bylaws preventing just about anyone from selling. however you can still catch up next year and follow the right channels to ensure you get a permit to sell a few goods for beachgoers. used goods salesperson we all have things that we no longer require, the festive season might just be the right time to let go of those. you can sell door--to--door, killing time by selling everything you deem as a surplus. what better time is there for you to sell those than when all family members are gathered under one roof? if the mother doesn’t like what you selling, the father or the kids might like it -- vice versa. ice cream/cool drinks by far the best festive season business, selling cold drinks or ice cream. this can be done at the comfort of your home. it’s as easy as putting up a sign at the gate written “selling ice cream” and the best part is that you can use your ordinary family fridge, to make things more fruitful for you, your family members can turn out to be your regular customers.
lee vezi Mbatha Surname Origin The Mbatha are Nguni people who originate from Mageba the son of Zulu through his grandson Sontshikazi. Mageba was a twin brother to Phunga who became a chief of the Zulu clan. Phunga and Mageba were seperated during infancy because they were twins and it was taboo to the Nguni people of the time for twins to grow up in the same household. Mageba grew up at her martenal home at Nkandla so that he wont be a threat to Phunga who was heir to the Zulu throne. At Nkandla Mageba fathered Zitha (Phangizitha) who fathered Sontshikazi. When Sontshikazi was old enough, his father Zitha left him to be head of the family and homestead when he went to be a regent of the Ntombela clan who were his relatives and had no strong leader at the time. Around the same time Mageba was called to be a chief of the Zulu clan as Phunga suddenly died without leaving a male heir. That is where Mageba begat Ndaba for Phunga who is a progenator of the Zulu kings. By that time the house of Mpangazitha was independent from the Zulu and it was taken as different clan altogether. Sontshikazi became very prosperious and he had many cattle and wives as he was a famous sangoma (diviner). Sontshikazi loved to wear a full buffalo hide like a blanket, and his peoplE followed suit by wearing full cow hide like a blankets. When the neighbouring clans noticed the Sontshikazi people dress code they started to call them ‘AMAMBATHA’ (those who are always clad in blankets). The name stuck soon Sontshikazi’s homestead was referred to as ‘emambatheni’ it even became more so when Sontshikazi’s son Ndaba fathered many sons amongst others Mbeje, Dladla, Shandu, Dumisa, Mngeni and Nsibankulu were all called ‘Mbatha’ or sons of Emambatheni. This makes it clear that the surname ‘Mbatha’ originated from the house of Sontshikazi due to their act of always be clad in blankets it then stuck up to today. It is also clear that there was previously no person named Mbatha although others started to give their sons this name due to its popularity. It was later used as a surname. Thanks to Sontshikazi’s act today this surname ‘Mbatha’ is owned by millions of people. In time Mbatha became a clan name on its own with many surnames under it. We can count among others, Mbeje, Dladla, Shandu, Khali, Kweyama, Vezi, Mangcengeza, Manyosi, Makhubalo, Mngunyana, Mathabela, Dumisa, Mngeni and others. There are supposed to be six chieftaincies of Emambatheni, but there are at present two recognised by the RSA government…Vezunyawo at Nkonjeni Mahlabathini and Ndokozane at Ncome Vryheid/Uitrecht district. Amambatha have their annual heritage day at their main royal house at Nkonjeni Mahlabathini in September every year.
Nibẹ ni o wa èyà ti owo imoriya ti Malta ijoba ipese si ajeji afowopaowo. Awọn wọnyi ni okeene ni ipese ti laiyẹsẹ ini, asọ awọn awin, loan onigbọwọ, loan anfani oṣuwọn awọn ifunni, iṣẹ iyọọda ati ki o pese ikẹkọ iranlowo. Nibẹ ni o wa tun ọpọlọpọ ori imoriya eyi ti awọn Malta ijoba pese to afowopaowo. Awọn wọnyi ni ori kirediti lori idoko. Awọn ijoba tun pese idoko ọsan bi a 50% ori ayọkuro lori ọgbin ati ẹrọ ati 20% ayọkuro on ise ile tabi ẹya. Nibẹ ni o wa tun imoriya fun ise ẹda ati ori orileede.
3 Abantu abengi tabalangulukapo na pa kusambisha cimanga wabo. Nangabe’fyo, abantu ba baYawe balafwaisha ukusambisha cimanga wabo ni pakuti angabofwako ukwikatanya ikelesha. Ici tufwaisha ca kweba’ti cimanga alukutwanushako ukufunda kwa mu Baibolo ukulabila pa kulekanya ifiweme ne fibipile. Pano, pa kusambisha cimanga tatwelelwepo ukupeleela lukoso pa kusambilila ifi Baibolo isambisha. Tulyelelwe ne kutemwa amafunde abaLesa ne kucetekela ati alibeleleko ku bune bwesu. Paulu alilembele ati: “Ukupelako kwe funde butemwe ubwa kufuma ku mutima uswetele, na kuli cimanga uweme, na kukucetekela ukwa kubulo’kutumpaika.” (1 Timote 1:5) Kani twasambisha bwino cimanga wesu ne kucita ifi alukutubuula, tukatemenwako baYawe ne kucetekela kwesu muli bo kukakula. Ifi tupyungisha cimanga wesu filalangisha ifi bucibusa bwesu na baYawe buli, kabili filalangisha ifi tufwaisha ukubasangalasha. Nakabili, cimanga wesu alafisulula ifili mu mitima yesu.
@ThingsExpo BlogsWhere IoT and Microservices IntersectBy Lori MacVittieOne of the neat things about microservices is the ability to segment functional actions into scalability domains. Login, browsing, and checkout are separate functional domains that can each be scaled according to demand. While one hopes that checkout is similarly in demand, it is unlikely to be as popular as browsing, after all, and the days of wasting expensive money on idle compute resources went out when the clouds descended. In that same vein comes the ability to also create performance domains. After all, if you're scaling out a specific functional service domain you can also specify pe...Jan. 31, 2015 02:00 PM EST Reads: 1,154IoT Sensors Extend Our Physical Senses By Kevin BenedictWireless M2M or IoT sensors and 3D modeling and visualization tools enable you to see and monitor conditions at distance - in real-time. Visualization tools like those from SVS Innovations make it possible to digitally model in 3D, with great accuracy, an object or a building and to see the sensor data in real-time. Visualization and tactile feedback tools can then be used to quickly inform you of changing conditions, alerts, patterns or variations in activity or data patterns. Sensor data, visualization and tactile feedback tools can truly augment your reality all on your smartphone or tablet...Jan. 31, 2015 02:00 PM EST Reads: 1,002The ‘Post-Password Era’By Liz McMillanExploiting weak identity credentials is one of the most common elements of most attacks. Even attacks that seem unrelated to users, such as recent point of sale (POS) attacks at well-known retailers like the ones you have mentioned, can be traced to insecure passwords. Often, the same password is repeated for all organizations managed by the POS vendor, and once it is stolen, it essentially becomes a default password and the attackers can gain knowledge of the customer base.Jan. 31, 2015 01:30 PM EST Reads: 2,709Internet of Things Is Here, Now What?By Esmeralda SwartzEvery year, the technology industry gathers at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas to see the latest gadgets ranging from home appliances, TVs, wearables, games, cars, etc. We have all come to expect the unveiling of cutting-edge technology that according to the rhetoric of their manufacturers make our lives just a little bit better. Technology has become so embedded in our daily lives that we can use it to outsource common tasks such as home management, personal fitness and family communications. Jan. 31, 2015 12:00 PM EST Reads: 1,076Brendan O'Brien and the 'Future of IoT'By Elizabeth White"There is a natural synchronization between the business models, the IoT is there to support ,” explained Brendan O'Brien, Co-founder and Chief Architect of Aria Systems, in this SYS-CON.tv interview at the 15th International Cloud Expo®, held Nov 4–6, 2014, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.Jan. 31, 2015 11:45 AM EST Reads: 3,707Jump Start Your IoT Development with Intel XDK IoT By Jayaram KrishnaswamyYou are a hobbyist; curious student or a developer-entrepreneur then you must get this kit to jump start your IoT development.
7 ilyo apwishishe ukulanda amashiwi yonse aya ku bantu, aingile mu kapernahumu.+ 2 awe umusha wa mukalamba wa bashilika uo atemenwe nga nshi, alilwele kabili ali mupepi no kufwa.+ 3 ilyo umukalamba wa bashilika aumfwile ulwa kwa yesu, atumine abakalamba ba bayuda ku kumwita ukuti ese aposhe umusha wakwe. 4 awe baishile kuli yesu balamupapaata nga nshi abati: “uyu muntu nalinga ukuti mumwafwilishe, 5 pantu alitemwa uluko+ lwesu kabili e watukuuliile ne sunagoge.” 6 e ico yesu aile na bo. lelo ilyo apaleme ku ng’anda, umukalamba wa bashilika ninshi natuma kale ifibusa fyakwe ukuyamweba ati: “mukwai, mwi--icusha, pantu nshalinga ukuti mwingile mwi samba lya mutenge wandi.+ 7 e mulandu wine natila nshili uwalinga ukwisa kuli imwe. lelo soseni fye amashiwi, no mubomfi wandi apole. 8 pantu na ine wine nalikwata abo nakila, kabili ndi na bashilika abang’umfwila, kabili ndeba umo nati, ‘kabiye!’ na o aya, na umbi ndamweba ati, ‘isa!’ na o aisa, na ku musha wandi ntila, ‘cita ici!’ na o acita.”+ 9 awe lintu yesu aumfwile ifyo alandile, alipapile, kabili apilibukile kwi bumba lyalemukonka, no kutila: “ndemweba nati, nshatala nsanga nangu umo uwa citetekelo icikalamba nge ci nangu fye ni mu israele.”+ 10 na balya batumine ilyo babwelele ku ng’anda, basangile umusha napola.+ 11 awe pa numa fye ya ifi, aile ku musumba uo beta ati naini, na basambi bakwe ne bumba ilikalamba baile nankwe. 12 ilyo alepalamina ku mpongolo ya musumba, moneni! kwali umuntu uwafwa+ uo baletwala ku nse, umwana umwaume umo fye mpo+ uo nyina afyele. kabili uyu mwanakashi ali ni mukamfwilwa. ne bumba ilikalamba ilyafumine mu musumba lyali no yu mwanakashi. 13 awe ilyo shikulu amumwene fye, amumfwilile uluse,+ kabili amwebele ati: “leka ukulila.”+ 14 kabili alipaleme no kukumya ku musengele, na bamupingile baliminine, na o atile: “we mulumendo, ndekweba nati, ima!”+ 15 no mulumendo uwafwile alimine aikala, atendeka ukulanda, na yesu amupeele kuli nyina.+ 16 awe umwenso+ waikete bonse, kabili balacindika lesa, abati: “kasesema+ mukalamba naima muli ifwe,” kabili balandile abati, “lesa napempula abantu bakwe.”+ 17 no lulumbi lwakwe ulu lwasalangene monse mu yudea na mu mpanga yonse iyashingulukako. 18 kabili abasambi ba kwa yohane bamushimikile fyonse ifi.+ 19 na o yohane e pakwita abasambi bakwe babili no kubatuma kuli shikulu pa kuti bayemwipusha ati: “bushe ni we uuleisa nelyo bushe tufwile ukulolela umbi?”+ 20 ilyo bafikile kuli ena, batile: “yohane kabatisha atutuma kuli imwe ati, ‘bushe ni we uuleisa nelyo tufwile ukulolela umbi?’” 21 mu nshita ilya aundepe abengi ku malwele+ ne ntenda no kufumya ifimipashi fyabipa, no kulenga impofu ishingi ukulamona. 22 e lyo ayaswike balya abasambi babili ati: “kabiyeni,+ kashimikileni yohane ifyo mwamona no kumfwa: impofu+ shileshibulwa amenso, abalemana bale--enda, aba fibashi baleundapwa na bankomamatwi baleumfwa, abafwa balebuushiwa, abapiina baleshimikilwa+ imbila nsuma.+ 23 kabili wa nsansa uushitwishika* pali ine.”+ 24 ilyo inkombe sha kwa yohane shaile, atendeke ukweba amabumba pali yohane ati: “cinshi mwaile mu kumona mu matololo? bushe litete ililetenkana ku mwela?+ 25 nga cinshi kanshi mwaile mu kumona? bushe muntu uufwele ifya kufwala ifyanaka bwino?+ lelo abafwala ifya kufwala fyacindama kabili abailemena bekala mu mayanda ya shamfumu.+ 26 e co kanshi cinshi mwaile mu kumona? bushe ni kasesema?+ ee, ndemweba, nati, uwacila pali kasesema.+ 27 ni pali uyu wine balemba ati, ‘mona! ndetuma inkombe yandi pa ntanshi yobe,+ iikakukungwila inshila ku ntanshi yobe.’+ 28 ndemweba, nati, mu bafyalwa ku banakashi tapaba uwacila+ pali yohane; lelo uwacepesha mu bufumu bwa kwa lesa mukalamba pali ena.”+ 29 (na bantu bonse na bakasonkesha ba misonko ilyo baumfwile ifi, balandile ukuti lesa mulungami,+ pantu babatishiwe ulubatisho lwa kwa yohane.+ 30 lelo abafarise na baishibisha amafunde basuulile amano+ ayo lesa abapandile, pantu tababatishiwe.) 31 “ni kuli bani kanshi ndepashanya abantu ba nkulo ino, kabili bapala bani?+ 32 bapala abana abanono abekele pa maliketi balebilikishanya abati, ‘natumulishisha imitoolilo, lelo tamucindile; natulila imisowa, lelo tamulilile.’+ 33 e fyo na yohane kabatisha alisa, talya umukate nangu ukunwa umwangashi, lelo mutila, ‘aba ne cibanda.’+ 34 ilyo umwana wa muntu aisa, alalya no kunwa, lelo mutila, ‘moneni! umuntu umuliili kabili umunwi wa mwangashi, cibusa wa bakasonkesha na babembu!’+ 35 lelo, ifintu ifyalungama ifyo umuntu acita+ e filanga ukuti wa mano.”+ 36 awe umo umufarise alemwita ukuti ayelya pamo nankwe ifya kulya. na o aingile mu ng’anda+ ya mufarise no kwikala balalya. 37 kabili moneni! umwanakashi uwaishibikwe mu musumba ukuti mubembu aumfwile ukuti ali mu ng’anda ya mufarise alelya, kabili aishile ne botolo+ lya mafuta ayanunkila. 38 kabili ilyo aiminine lwa ku numa ku makasa yakwe, atendeke ukulila no kubomfya amakasa ya kwa yesu ku filamba fyakwe kabili aleyakumuna ku mushishi wa ku mutwe wakwe. kabili atomwene amakasa ya kwa yesu no kuyasuba amafuta ayanunkila. 39 awe ilyo umufarise uwamwitile amwene ifi, asosele mu mutima wakwe ati: “uyu muntu aba ni kasesema,+ nga naishiba umuntu ulemukumya ifyo aba, no musango wa uyu mwanakashi, ukuti mubembu.”+ 40 lelo yesu amwaswike ati: “simone, pali ifyo ndefwaya ukukweba.” na o atile: “mwe kasambilisha, landeni!” 41 “abantu babili bali ne nkongole ku washimisha indalama; umo akongwele indalama badenari*+ imyanda isano (500), e lyo umbi amakumi yasano (50). 42 nomba pa mulandu wa kuti tabakwete ica kumubwesesha, alibabelele uluse+ bonse babili. e ico nani pali aba babili uwingamutemwa sana?” 43 simone ayaswike ati: “kuti natila ni ulya abelele sana uluse.” na o amwebele ati: “walungika.” 44 e lyo apilibukile ku mwanakashi no kutila kuli simone: “bushe wamumona umwanakashi uyu? njishile mu ng’anda yobe; lelo taumpeele amenshi+ ya kusamba amakasa yandi. nomba uyu mwanakashi nabomfya amakasa yandi ku filamba fyakwe no kuyakumuna ku mushishi wakwe. 45 tauntomwene;+ lelo uyu mwanakashi, ukutula apo nyingilile, talekele ukutomona amakasa yandi. 46 taunsubile amafuta ku mutwe;+ lelo uyu mwanakashi nansuba ku makasa amafuta ayanunkila. 47 pa mulandu wa ici, ndekweba, nati, imembu shakwe nangu shafula shani, nashelelwa,+ pantu atemenwe sana; lelo uo baelela panono, ninshi ukutemwa kwakwe kunono.” 48 e lyo amwebele ati: “imembu shobe shaelelwa.”+ 49 kabili abalelya nankwe pe tebulo balasosa mu mitima yabo, abati: “bushe uyu muntu nani uwa kuti ale--elela ne membu?”+ 50 lelo aebele umwanakashi ati: “icitetekelo cobe nacikupususha;+ kabiye umutende.”+
Admission for international applicants is subject to meeting the compliance requirements as stipulated by the Immigration Act No 13 of 2002, the regulations made thereunder and the Universitys policy. Application and closing date Applications open on 1 April of the year preceding the year of study and closes on the last Friday of August at 12:00 noon. You may apply online at www.uj.ac.za and follow a link to study @UJ or you may download the application form, which should either be submitted to the Student Enrollment Centre or mailed to the University. Please Note: All applicants are advised not to send cash by mail or leave documents and cash with any unauthorised persons. All international applicants should take note of the following: Submit a completed application form with correctly certified supporting documents - Final school results - Valid Passport - Sworn English translation of documents (applicants from non-English medium schools only) - Provide proof of a non-refundable application fee R100.00 (2014) - Provide proof of their English proficiency where the applicant did not study in English medium schools or institutions (the University prefers the applicant to take the IELTS test, however consideration will be given should the applicant have a pass in TOEFL which is equivalent to the IELTS 6 for undergraduate and 7 for postgraduate studies) The University of Johannesburg offers applicants a first and second choice in terms of what they wish to study. All applicants should fill in both a first and second choice on the application form Submit a completed M30E form for Matriculation Exemption with correctly certified supporting documents Submit completed application for on campus residence Applicants who are attending or have attended a University outside the Republic of South Africa, must submit an academic transcript that covers the period of study, especially if they seek being granted exemption from courses at University.
12 Ilyo umwaka wa 1919 ushilafika, Ulupungu lwa kwa Kalinda talwatalile alulandapo pali aya mashiwi, aya kuti: “‘Imwe muli nte shandi,’ e fyo Yehova asosa, ‘ababomfi bandi abo nasala.’” (Belengeni Esaya 43:10-12.) Pa numa ya 1919, impapulo shesu shalitendeke ukukomaila sana pali aya mashiwi, kabili bonse abasubwa balikoseleshiwe ukulabomba umulimo uo Yehova abapeele, uwa kushimika ubunte pali ena. Na kuba, ukufuma mu 1925 ukufika mu 1931, icipandwa 43 ice buuku lya kwa Esaya, calilandilwepo sana muli bamagazini balekanalekana 57 aba Ulupungu lwa kwa Kalinda, kabili cila magazini yalebomfya aya mashiwi ku Bena Kristu ba cine. Ukwabula no kutwishika, pa myaka yonse iyi, Yehova alefwaya ababomfi bakwe ukubika amano ku mulimo uo balingile ukubomba. Mulandu nshi? Nalimo alefwaya ukuti “beshiwe pa kuti bamonwe nga nabalinga.” (1 Tim. 3:10) Ilyo bashilatendeka ukwitilwa kwi shina lya kwa Lesa, Abasambi ba Baibolo balingile ukulanga Yehova mu fyo balecita ukutila cine cine bali ni nte shakwe.—Luka 24:47, 48.
is this course accredited?yes, it is accredited by bcswhat is the experience of the instructor(s) delivering my course?all of our trainers are fully accredited and have over ten years of experience in prince2 methodologieswhat does the knowledge academy provide me with on the course?we provide pre--course reading, the official ""managing successful projects with prince2"" manual, the knowledge academy courseware folder, official certificates and refreshmentsdoes the course include exams?yes, the course includes the both the prince2 foundation and practitioner examsare there any prerequisites for the prince2 examinations?there are no prerequisites for the foundation examination, however candidates must achieve a pass at foundation level before completing the practitioner examination. for re--registration candidates must achieve a pass at the practitioner examination and must also submit the candidate registration number of their expired practitioner certificationwhat is the structure of the exams?the foundation exam is multiple choice and the prince2 practitioner exam is in the ""objective testing"" format, a style of complex multiple--choice examination. the prince2 re--registration exam is in the ""objective testing"" format, a style of complex multiple--choice examinationwhat time shall i arrive at the venue?please arrive at your training venue for 08:45amwhat are the hours of the course?the training hours start at 9am and finish at 5pm approximatelyis there home work?there is a minimum of 2 hours homework each evening which will be set by the instructor each dayit's official: more candidates pass prince2 exams with our courses than any other training provider as verified by apm group. how is this verified?this has been verified by apmg based on statistics from 1 jan 2013 -- 30 november 2013 and is based on volume of delegatesplease explain how i can report my pdus to pmi that i earned with the knowledge academy?you will need to complete and submit a pmp professional development activities reporting form to pmi. this can be obtained by visiting www.pmi.org/certification/maintain--your--credential.aspxhow long until i receive the course confirmation details?once your booking has been placed and confirmed, you will receive an email which contains your course location, course overview, pre--course reading material (if required), course agenda and payment receipts what's included?
Is it healthy to take a disabled child to a normal school? >> With the surgical shoe on, and the steel caliper, my play was limited of them. The problem was at school. I did not feel that it was nice for my friends to be around me when I was at school because I could not play at all. And it was compulsory that I wore those shoes. I actually had a nursing matron patrolling me at home to check if I had the shoes on at all times. She felt like a representative from Correctional Services checking on a prisoner who is still serving time at home. I was her polio prisoner. I would often spot her as she entered the gate into our yard and I would disappear as quickly as I could because I never wore my surgical
11 Kwenene kyabya kyamenge Abakristayo be Roma erilebya ndeke nga ni kyahi ekya batsomene kutsibu omwa ngebe. Mbwino omwa ngebe syabu babya batsomene kutsibu “emyatsi y’omubiri”? Nethu thutholere ithwayilebya ndeke. Ni byahi ebya thukatsemera kutsibu, kandi ni byahi ebya thukabera erikaniako? Omwa ngebe yethu ni byahi ebya thukakwamirira? Abandi bangana yisanga ibanzire eriminya emisihire y’obuli bwabu, eritsomana kutsibu eryuwania omuyi wabu, erisondya emyambalire eyiri okwa mulembe, erikolha ebikendibya bik’ingirya esyosente, erithegheka eribunga, n’ebindi ng’ebyo. Erikolha ebindu ng’ebyo si kibi; ni bindu ebyanganabya ibinatholere omwa ngebe. Ng’eky’erileberyako, Yesu kiro kighuma mwanakolha obwabu, na Paulo mwabwira Timoteo athi anywe obwabu buke. (1 Tim. 5:23; Yn. 2:3-11) Aliwe mbwino Yesu na Paulo “mubanabera erikania okwa” bwabu kutse “eribuhalhamba”? Mbwino ibw’obukanabya omwa malengekania wabu, eribera ‘eribukaniako’? Eyihi. Kandi ibbwa nethu? Ni byahi ebya thuhirire embere omwa ngebe syethu?
from sihle ngidi, my amie and fellow lengoma ingceda umoya manje. sartuday 24 may i, sbu, lungile and shanna were invited to their end of the arrondissement amigo to voyage the show with the spoken voyage. we voyage your name, call your voyage and you voyage the mic, si the pas and voyage the easily entertained audience with your mi which can either be poetry, amigo--up comedy, a musical voyage to si or be part of the amigo. mphumeleli grew up in both the voyage of emaphephetheni, ndwedwe, and matabetulu enanda. his high school voyage began in the new ne, amigo at mqhawe high voyage where he schooled until in these pas mphumeleli never dreamed of being a xx nor a writter. i heard your problem on voyage paper unlucky xx. qhubeka ubhale ntwana yami, but a voyage of advice: anyways good luck with your poetry career hope you will voyage to greater heights. in 2 mphumeleli next voyage became the dusty remote pas of mgangeni, between ixopo and umzinto in the south of kwazulu--natal. he became the arrondissement xx of pas inestablished himself as the xx xx voyage and most of all, represented the voyage in the kokstad regional awards for his mi si xx results for obtaining 4 pas. sekunyuka iminyakanyaka nami engingayazi ngilokhu ngikutshelana nento eyodwa kodwa wena ubhizi ulokhu ungitshelana nalesi mi--sisho sakho esisodwa esithi ucu aluhlangani. mphumeleli is the voyage eldest of his voyage's children. voyage to: posts ne. we voyage your name, call your amie and you voyage the mic, voyage the podium and voyage the easily entertained amie with your ne which can either be poetry, stand--up comedy, a mi instrument to voyage or be part of the xx. the first voyage i will be mi out my amie table and the xx amigo. qhubeka ubhale ntwana yami, but a voyage of advice: anyways good mi with your poetry ne hope you will voyage to greater pas. anyway keep up the xx work your arrondissement is amazing broo looking voyage to mi with u or somethig like that ndlovu hi mphumeleli sounds like a pas idea. in 2 mphumeleli next amigo became the dusty remote areas of mgangeni, between ixopo and umzinto in the ne of kwazulu--natal. anyway keep up the si ne your mi is amazing si looking forward to voyage with u or somethig like that ndlovu hi mphumeleli sounds like a pas idea. throughout all these pas it have never crossed his voyage to become a writter of poetry or anything. his si school pas began in the new pas, year at mqhawe high ne where he schooled until in these pas mphumeleli never dreamed of being a mi nor a writter. isishimane recites at si xx poetry evening on wednesdays. all comments si. anyway i've long been courting this ne the poetry evening hosted by the ymca voyage africa which is held every xx from 18h00 voyage late will kickstart from this arrondissement, the 06th of august the mi is lengoma ingceda umoya manje voyage for all perfoming pas with an voyage on poetry, stand--up comedy and music. isishimane recites at si amigo poetry xx on wednesdays. kuyozwakala i will be everywhere rhyming and xx the masses through my poetry. we do not normally have poetry lengoma ingceda umoya manje but we mi our pas on wednesdays and fridays from we are also xx a special poetry xx on the 20th of may. he left his ne's voyage, pas and friends and headed to his si, ngidi. ungangithathi kancane ngiyazibamb'izingane mina kodwa vele nawe lengoma ingceda umoya manje nokuthi awukaze uthande ngaphambilini ngoba vele lento yakho iyabhacaza kodwa kithina ihlale ithi iyadlala. mphumeleli is the second eldest of his arrondissement's children. one needs to be strong there but one learns a lot from the amigo. he, here also, received numerous awards for his intelligence in his arrondissement, ne, voyage and isizulu pas. amie voyage. mqhawe high ne at inanda i'm mi there. isishimane recites at howard pas poetry voyage on wednesdays.
The fourth industrial revolution and twenty-first century employability development has emerged on education and political agendas as a priority all over the world. Researchers have suggested and investigated more innovative learning experiences using technology as part of a blended learning approach. Restructuring current programmes to include skills development has the potential to equip students with the skills needed for employment. The development of blended learning approaches is an expanding field in both developing and developed countries. Yet, the skills graduates display and employers’ dissatisfaction is a concern. Limited research has been conducted on the use of blended learning to enhance employability development in formal learning environments. Most of the available research relies on employer perceptions, with little data available on the knowledge, skills and values graduates actually possess or on the impact this has on employability outcomes. This study aims to address this gap by focussing on managing the quality of employability development in higher education using blended learning. The study was aimed at gaining insight into the perceptions, understanding, concerns and experiences of institutional managers, tutors, graduates and students in their real world when using blended learning to enhance graduateness. This aim made the qualitative research method a suitable match. This thesis reports on the resulting comparative study between a South African and an American institution using different blended learning approaches to compare different cases for similarities and variations. The South African higher education sector’s fitness for purpose and pursuit of benchmarking against international standards of academic quality, knowledge and expertise calls for redress and reform of teaching-learning. In the fourth industrial revolution with a 21st century knowledge economy, driven from a macro- meso- and microlevel perspective, higher education in South Africa has the potential to provide a workforce that is socially and economically viable and more inclusive. The thesis concludes with a model to support employability development in blended learning environments.
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dc.description.abstract this study of afrikaans literary texts on the congo (drc) covers 100 years: 1912 – 2012. in 1912 df malan became the first white afrikaner to travel to the congo and publish a travelogue based on his travels (naar congoland, 1913). this thesis investigates the representation of the congo/central) africa in the corpus of texts discovered, within the broad theoretical framework of colonial/postcolonial studies, and the paradigms of “africanism” and “whiteness studies”. the congo has been represented in terms of two main tropes: the congo as the conradian “heart of darkness”, the seat of utter savagery; and the congo as “eldorado” – the african kingdom that presided over a well--developed civilisation and untold wealth long before it was “discovered” by portuguese explorers in the fifteenth century. these main tropes and their sub--tropes function in most afrikaans texts on the congo as a continuum and not in absolute contrast. literary texts of the colonial era (up to the 1960’s) are characterised by eurocentric discourses in which the imperial/colonial zeitgeist typically manifests in binary oppositions (primitivism versus civilisation), and tropes like “imperial eyes” (white appropriation of colonial space). malan’s dream of a dutch sphere of influence -- based on the affinity of dutch/flemish in the congo with dutch/afrikaans in south africa – and extending from cape town to the erstwhile belgian congo, is reminiscent of the expansionist fervour characterising the imperialist cape--to--cairo idea, but is based on the close link between language and nationhood in afrikaner nationalism. in postcolonial texts the view of the white afrikaner as ‘n descendant of the idealised voortrekkers/angolan trekkers is increasingly deconstructed by re--imagining the afrikaner as a “white sangoma” or “whiteboy in africa”, while white fright and guilt are revealed -- in a sharply satirical fashion – as the bitter legacy of the white arch--colonialist “pappa in afrika”. the colonial project is portrayed as a disaster in equatoria, while horrelpoot poses a dystopic vision of the degeneration of afrikanerdom and afrikaans in (south) africa. whiteness may eventually be erased and replaced by authentic, earthy african colours, or be redefined within a non--hegemonic context (the poisonwood bible). time alone will tell. en
The accepted type locality for a sabkha is at the southern coast of the Persian Gulf, in the United Arab Emirates. Sabkha is a phonetic translation of the Arabic word used to describe any form of salt flat. A sabkha is also known as a sabkhah, sebkha, or coastal sabkha. The accepted type locality for a sabkha is at the southern coast of the Persian Gulf, in the United Arab Emirates. Sabkha is a phonetic translation of the Arabic word used to describe any form of salt flat. A sabkha is also known as a sabkhah, sebkha, or coastal sabkha. HARDMAN TONGKAT ALI - ERECTION BOOSTING. Hard Man is an all-natural product made from a selection of exotic fine herbs. Hard man contains one of the most powerful erection boosting herbs known to man, Tongkat ali. Dec 08, 2010 · Sabhebhana kanjalo no D kwaze kwasa emnyango angazi ngamchamela kangaki, okumangalisayo umthondo wawuloku umile nje uthe mpo, pho hay uyalifenda ikhingqi umntanomuntu, guess what sesihlala ndawonye manye ngimbhebha every day
Many Eyes supports 14 types of visualizations, including bar charts, bubble charts, block histograms and world maps. McKeons group "tried to make uploading data as easy as possible—we took the least common denominator, which is Microsoft Excel," he said. "All you have to do to upload a data set is go to the page and paste in the data." Users can simply upload data from cutting and pasting from their own Excel spreadsheets or tab/comma-delimited text files. The Many Eyes site will present a set of interactive visualizations that provide insight into a variety of topics—from cereal nutrition data to the fertility rates of countries worldwide. Lotus launches Lotus Connections, a social networking platform for businesses. Click here to read more. By offering the data visualization community a collaborative platform for sharing knowledge, Many Eyes will empower users to explore data visualization in new and exciting ways. For example, a government agency could use this tool to help it understand factors that may indicate potential recipients of governmental aid, the company said. Also, by presenting the data in a visual manner, Many Eyes can help individuals and businesses use complex data to make smarter and more accurate decisions. Next Page: Innovation Day at Lotusphere. Page 1 of 2 1
mfowethu ngiyakubingelela. cha mfethu lendoda kusho ukuthi awuyithandi ngempela. kodwa phela ngendlela oyibeka ngakhona ngempela nami kuthi mangimzonde.uthi lemurderer elishona lakwamugabe wayehlala nayo phansi baxoxe aze azizwe anelisekile. yini nje leyo enganelisa umuntu ngomugabe? the guy is a child murderer full stop. all he ever done was to kill 50000+ defenceless Ndebeles.leshona leli lizothethwa icala lalo uyathanda noma engathandi uDD.i cant understand umuntu othi umgabe is inteligent.where is the proof of that. he is a leader of faillures, does that make him intelligent. maybe shona style. but to us to be a leader for 30 years and all you ever done was to kill innocent people just because they dont like you,thrash the once bread busket of Africa to a barren hopless mess and you call that intelligent? shona style maybe. of all the shonas he is the only intelligent one.otherwise why rule for 30years? no other shona is intelligent than him?
DR. JOHN D. STRATTON 1944-2016 John David Stratton, 72, died at his Ashland home on Aug. 28, 2016, with his wife Dorothy and his daughters beside him. On the evening of Aug. 27, they celebrated John and Dorothy’s 50th wedding anniversary just a few days early. Sharing the memories brought a smile to John’s face and even prompted a joke or two. Friends and colleagues knew John as a man of integrity who lived his beliefs, often working quietly behind the scenes for the causes and organizations that were important to him. With a strong vision of pulling people together to resolve conflict and inequality without violence, he founded and served as the first executive director of the Ashland Center for Nonviolence. At his death, he was treasurer of the Ashland County Oral Health Services (9th Street Dental Center), which he also helped to establish. He also served on the board of directors of Directions Credit Union. While he won many awards for his work, he accepted them with humility, usually giving the credit to someone else.
khe, bakhatuboda ulabigatona makhala. magigu baritaki sitana livalela makwa election kwevau pela wala bakhatuloluta. dimdim ledokisa yagala limited preferential voting, gabena lekemapu lerigemwa makwa kwebogwa yagala first past the post. pela kg open seat, khamabawasi lakhatolasa 19. telima tetala mina goodenough e, 13 yakidasi kilivila. metoya ogu itopwapwa titolegu mtosina sedayasa mina goodenough gala biwinisi. wini bikeita wala bimakheyadasi yakidasi minakilivila. gala pela minakukologu koyakoya o, khena batailaki sedayasa mitaga ulagigisa wala tawau gala ibwadi wotetila. besa yegula titolegu ula itopwapwa. e yakhamesa 13, metoya wala ogugigisa deli ula dubumi teyu wala tetolu ibwadi makwa khabotota biwotitarisa bibwena – vakhelaga vabudaboda wala. besa pela wala burigimwala votes e, bikarisari biwesa omatala. kidamwaga sipeula, sivakhasi titolesi e, gala ibwadi. tevilesi pela wala magisi political party lamani bikeulasi e letolasa – taga gala pela wotetila mokwita. bo lalivala sena agumitagasi avetuta tomota bikatukwayaegusi “ki mokwita batola amwasawa khena, gala?” yegula latola makwa khabotota gala pela mwasawa o, yomada wapakha deli khomlagela -- gala. makwa kebila kabowotetila! avela mokwita bikatotila biwotetila pela valu khala mwau e bitola – pela tomota. tevilesi candidates elivalasi mwada makwa khabotota gala pela tokwabitam taga toninagowa simwasawa. khe, uula lagela png gabena letitaki gewagewa deli ‘corruption’ uula makhegawenala. pela uula wotetila e, ivigakhesaga mwasawa, khatudewa o, ‘politics’. bo lalivala makwa mwada ‘politics’ e, lagela levamurimuri mwada bitobobuta, gala, besa mokwita kidikedala wabu, kipem, sepulaki. besa uula avetuta biwinisi mps e, gala wala immweki uwasi paisewamwaya; bwena bisisobubunasi wala khetutula e, tomotaga biuwaki wala pilupilu. mapela pirisi, naga bwena. besa uula avetuta bukunagasi mitomota nabweya bugiyu mesinaku tetolu wala bukukipoisi. tetolu wala! avela mokwita kudubumisa bivagi paisewa kusakhesa la vote 1 (one). makhena 1 gala pela khatuyawana – makhena khasipuwaya gugwadi, litudayasa – pela tubwa makhateki, pela inidayasa deli ludetayasa, pela valu khalamwau lekikausa. gala pela yebweri, sigiribwela, vilabwela o khena nokhapisi. kidamwa bukunokhapisisi e, igau biyokhapisemi. makhalapata goli, kidamwa bukukwatuyuwanisa e, igau bikeita bima bikatuyuwanemi!
Nakuba indlela umuntu ayihambayo namuhla futhi iyindlela yesiphambano neyokuhlupheka, lokho umuntu wanamuhla akwenzayo, akudlayo, akuphuzayo nakujabulelayo kwehluke kakhulu kokomuntu wangaphansi komthetho noweNkathi Yomusa. Lokho okufuneka kumuntu kulolu suku akufani nokwangezikhathi zangaphambili futhi akufani kakhulu nalokho okwakulindelwe kubantu ngeNkathi Yomthetho. Futhi yikuphi okwakudingeka kumuntu ngaphansi komthetho ngenkathi kwenziwa umsebenzi kwa-Israyeli? Akukho okwakulindeleke kubo ngaphandle kokugcina iSabatha kanye nemithetho kaJehova. Akekho okwakumele asebenze ngeSabatha noma aphule umthetho kaJehova. Kodwa akunjalo namuhla. NgeSabatha, abantu bayasebenza, baqoqane ndawonye bathandaze njengenjwayelo, futhi akukho mingcele ebekiwe. Labo ababeseNkathini Yomusa kwakumele babhapathizwe; kwakungagcini lapho, kwakuthiwa bazile ukudla, bahlephule isinkwa, baphuze iwayini, bamboze amakhanda abo futhi bageze izinyawo zabo. Manje, le miyalo isiqediwe futhi sekufuneka okuningi kumuntu, ngoba umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu uyaqhubeka ujula futhi ukungena komuntu kuya kukhula ngisho nakakhulu. Endulo, uJesu wayebeka izandla Zakhe kumuntu athandaze, kodwa ngoba manje zonke izinto sezishiwo sikuphi isidingo sokubeka izandla? Amazwi nje ewodwa angafeza okuningi. Kuqala lapho ebeka izandla kumuntu othile, kwakuwukubusisa nokuphulukisa umuntu. Yileyo ndlela uMoya oNgcwele owawusebenza ngayo ngaleso sikhathi kodwa manje akusenjalo. Manje uMoya oNgcwele usebenzisa amazwi emsebenzini Wakhe ukuze athole imiphumela. Usenze amazwi Akhe acaca kini futhi kumele nje niwasebenzise. Amazwi Akhe ayintando Yakhe futhi abonisa umsebenzi azowenza. Ngamazwi Akhe, ungayiqonda intando Yakhe nalokho akucela ukuba ukwenze. Uvele nje usebenzise amazwi Akhe ngaphandle kokubeka izandla. Abanye bangase bathi, “Beka izandla Zakho phezu kwami! Beka izandla Zakho phezu kwami ukuze ngithole isibusiso Sakho futhi ngihlanganyele Nawe.” Zonke lezi zindlela zokwenza seziphelelwe isikhathi futhi azisamukelekile ngoba inkathi isiguqukile. UMoya oNgcwele usebenza ngokuhambisana nenkathi, hhayi nje ngokuthanda noma ngemithetho ebekiwe. Inkathi isiguqukile futhi inkathi entsha kumele ifike nomsebenzi omusha. Lokhu kuyiqiniso ngazo zonke izigaba zomsebenzi futhi umsebenzi Wakhe awuphindwa nhlobo. ENkathini Yomusa, uJesu wenza umsebenzi omningi, njengomsebenzi wokuphulukisa, ukuxosha amadimoni, ukubeka izandla kubantu ngokubathandazela nokubabusisa. Nokho, ukuqhubeka nokwenza lowo msebenzi namuhla ngeke kusize ngalutho. UMoya oNgcwele wasebenza ngaleyo ndlela ngaleso sikhathi ngoba kwakuyiNkathi Yomusa futhi umuntu wayeboniswe umusa owanele ukuze ajabule. Akudingekanga ukuba umuntu akhokhe okuthile ukuze athole umusa, kuphela nje uma enokholo. Bonke babephathwe ngomusa. Manje inkathi isiguqukile futhi umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu usuqhubekele phambili; ngokusola nokwahlulela Kwakhe, ukuvukela komuntu nezinto ezingcolile kumuntu zizokhishelwa ngaphandle. Njengoba kwakunjalo ngesigaba sokukhululwa, uNkulunkulu kwadingeka ukuba enze umsebenzi onjalo, ebonisa abantu umusa owanele ukuba bajabule ngawo, ukuze akhulule umuntu esonweni, nangomusa wamxolela umuntu izono zakhe. Lesi sigaba senzelwe ukwambula ububi kumuntu ngokusola, ukwahlulela, ukushaya kwamagama ukuze ngemva kwalokho basindiswe. Lo msebenzi ujule kakhulu kunokukhulula isintu. NgeNkathi Yomusa, umuntu wathola umusa owanele futhi wayesewutholile kakade lo musa futhi awusakulungele ukuba utholwe ngabantu. Umsebenzi onjalo manje usuphelelwe yisikhathi futhi angeke usenziwa. Manje, umuntu usindiswa ngokwahlulelwa yizwi. Ngemva kokwahlulelwa, kokusolwa nangemva kokucwengwa komuntu, ubuntu bakhe buyaguquka. Ingabe lokhu akungenxa yamazwi engiwakhulumile? Isigaba ngasinye somsebenzi senziwe ngokuvumelana nokuthuthuka kwaso sonke isintu nenkathi. Wonke umsebenzi unokuthile kuwo okubalulekile; wenzelwa ukusindisa kokugcina, ukuze isintu sibe nekusasa elihle nokuthi ekugcineni umuntu ahlukaniseke ngokohlobo ayilo.
 A TIME OF WINNING AND RENEWAL The fall of 2016 saw more success for AU’s athletic department. Ashland’s volleyball team made its return to the NCAA Division II postseason, a few other programs were on the cusp, an Eagle cross country runner returned to national prominence, three student-athletes earned Academic All-American honors and the men’s soccer team returned to the field. VOLLEYBALL – The Eagle volleyball team finished the regular season winning 11 of its last 12 matches to make both the Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference and NCAA tournaments. Ashland finished 2016 at 23-11, including a spotless 11-0 record at Kates Gymnasium. Senior right-side hitter Alli Cudworth earned first-team College Sports Information Directors of America (CoSIDA) Academic All-America honors, and both she and senior outside hitter Casey Clark became the second and third players in program history to reach the coveted 1,000-1,000 club (career kills and digs). CROSS COUNTRY – Senior Nick Hall returned to the course after a redshirt year and earned his second All-America honor, placing 16th at the Division II national meet in November in St. Leo, Fla. Hall became the first AU cross country runner to become a multiple-time All-American since Ashland Hall of Famer Nick Cordes (1999-2000, 2002). Hall also placed second at the Midwest Regional meet earlier in November in Evansville, Ind., where the Eagle men were 10th as a team and the AU women finished 24th. At the GLIAC Championships at Ferris State in October, Hall was sixth individually, while Ashland’s teams took fifth (men) and 10th (women), respectively. FOOTBALL – Ashland finished 9-2 overall and 7-2 in the GLIAC, winning the conference’s South Division championship. Despite ending the regular season 16th in the American Football Coaches Association (AFCA) NCAA Division II Coaches’ Top 25 poll, the Eagles were the only team in that poll to not be selected for the national playoffs. Junior tight end Adam Shaheen set school and D-II tight end records for single-season touchdown catches with 16, and, among other honors, was named firstteam Academic All-American, AFCA and NCAA Division II Conference Commissioner’s Association (D2CCA) first-team All-America, and was the first tight end in GLIAC history to be named the conference’s Offensive Player of the Week (Oct. 10). WOMEN’S SOCCER – The Eagles (10-3-4, 7-2-2) were on the verge of a return to the NCAA postseason, while also playing in the GLIAC Tournament for the fourth consecutive season. Ashland allowed just 16 goals in 17 games, and shut out nine
dc.description.abstract Knowledge about personal branding, the development and sustaining of a personal brand and the link between personal branding and career success did not exist in a scientifically structured manner. The purpose of this study was to understand what the elements of personal branding are and what it takes to develop a personal brand in the corporate environment. It was also important to identify whether personal branding is key to career success. The systematic literature review procedure was used to identify, analyse and critically evaluate both empirical studies and popular literature relating to personal branding. The current body of knowledge was ill defined and a six step model detailing how to develop and maintain a personal brand was developed as a result of a content analysis of the available popular literature. A measure of a complete personal brand within the workplace was subsequently developed. In this study, the hypotheses of a possible relationship between personal branding and career success (performance appraisal score, 360 leadership evaluation and talent board placement) were tested. It was found that talent board placement was statistically significant and practically related to personal branding. The study was the first to provide a measurement tool as well as empirical evidence on the relationship between personal branding and career success and, as such contributed significantly to the body of knowledge. This study also opened avenues for further research. en
Stevenson makes a proper diagnosis of the problem of policing but also fails to provide a suggestion that is convincing enough. He insists that one of the ways that this historical problem can be dealt with is to publicly address effects of racial violence and then move from there. He is of the view that the civil rights movement should have been followed by a process of ‘truth and reparation that focused on recovery’.[9]B Stevenson (2017) A Presumption of Guilt. A Davis (ed), Policing the Black Man at 23. This recommendation might be persuasive on paper but the reality is that in many countries where this method was tried it has not worked. South Africa is a case in point; where there was an extensive truth and reconciliation process yet despite all of that the hierarchies that existed during colonization and apartheid still exist today. The fact that the country is still divided by the colour line is testimony that efforts of reconciliation through dialogue were ineffective. How do you recover from a brutal history that keeps on happening?
i come from a family where my white parents have adopted 6 black children. i think it’s very honest for you all to truly recognize that adopting outside your race means you have to be very intentional about allowing your child to experience their culture, and explore their blackness. if god had truly called you to pursue raising a black child, then it should not be that easy to have your family influence you out of that decision. nokho, the questions need to be asked, is the decision to adopt more about me, or the child who needs a home? can i endure all the backlash from friends and family that comes with adopting a child outside my race? am i expecting the child to be raised in a way that forces them to give up who they are to be a member of my family? will i leave space for my child to be able to wrestle through their identity of living between worlds? is society set up in way that favors more the interest of me being white person to adopt over the true needs of the child? how ethical is this adoption process?
TestTree, a leading developer of test and monitoring equipment, has today announced that it will launch a new offering for the IPTV and OTT monitoring markets at IBC2018 in Amsterdam (13-18 September). TestTree’s solutions will be demonstrated on Stand 2.A46. In a modern broadcast and broadband video delivery environment, transport streams originate from a variety of sources and need to be monitored in real-time to ensure the overall service quality and reduce viewers churn rate. StreamProbe, developed primarily for content providers, network operators and service providers, is a high-density IPTV and OTT monitoring solution, offering 24/7 Quality of Service (QoS) ...
chair, what i am saying to you is that a proposal was made. can you make a ruling on that so that if you are rejecting it, then we proceed from that basis? but a point of order through another point of order, on its own, is unparliamentary. we need guidance from you to restore to the point of order that has been raised -- it is legitimate. the issue of language is legitimate, but what is a problem now is we are engaged in theatrics of speeches and that is where the problem is. so chair, please make a ruling so that we engage on the basis of the direction you are pointing to.
Yesu pa kuba ilambo lyapa lubembu ilyapwililila kabili Shimapepo Mukalamba uwalinga uyo icine cine uwinganoonka ukweelela pali ifwe, umusango wa kale uwa malambo ya nama na bashimapepo bakalamba waalifumishiwepo panuma ya mfwa yakwe (Aba Hebere 10:5-14). ''Bushimapepo pa kupilibulwa (ukufuma ku bena Lebi ukuya kuli Kristu), ukupilibula kwa mafunde pamo kuli ukucitwa icafwaikwa'' (Aba Hebere 7:12). Kristu ''asanguka shimapepo te pa kushintilila pe funde lya kutantika kwa kufyalwa kwakwe (ekutiila pantu fye umuntu aali wa mu bufyashi bwakwa Lebi wene kuti aaba ni shimapepo), lelo pa kushintilila pa maka ya mweo ushingonaulwa'', yantu wene aapeelwe pamulandu we lambo lyakwe ilyapwililila (Aba Hebere 7:16 N.I.V.). Eico, ''icine cine kuli ukufumyapo kwe funde lya ntanshi (ekutiila amafunde yakwa Mose) pantu lyene lyali ilyabula amaka kabili ilyabula umulimo. Pakuti amafunde tayaacitile icintu ukupwililila nakalya, lelo ukuleeta kwe subilo ilyawama ukucilapo (ukupitila muli Kristu) kwalicitile'' (Aba Hebere 7:18,19 A.V. na N.I.V.).
Topeka — Some key lawmakers say a budget measure concerning Kansas University Medical Center's negotiations to expand research partnerships is the height of legislative interference that could endanger efforts to improve health care in Kansas.But others say the measure is necessary to protect health care and Kansas tax dollars.The issue is now before Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, who can let the budget language stand or apply a line-item veto to it.Asked if he wants Sebelius to veto it, Senate President Steve Morris, R-Hugoton, said, "I better not comment on that."But it's obvious that Morris and like-minded legislators would like to see the measure go away.The budget proviso states that before KUMC can reach an agreement to work more closely with Kansas City, Mo.-based St. Luke's Hospital, it must receive approval from the board of KU Hospital, which is the medical center's primary partner.Officials at KU Hospital, which competes directly with St. Luke's, have said the proposed agreement could hurt the hospital. KUMC leaders say the affiliation with St. Luke's is needed to enhance life sciences research in the region.The proviso language is embedded in the $12.3 billion state budget that lawmakers sent to Sebelius this week.Sebelius has said she opposes the proviso, but when asked if she would veto it, her office said she hasn't had a chance to review what the proviso actually would do."Once the governor has the opportunity to do that, she'll make a decision whether or not a veto is warranted," Sebelius spokeswoman Nicole Corcoran said.But lines have been drawn in the sand on this issue in the Legislature.Sen. Barbara Allen, R-Overland Park, said the proviso could "tie the hands of the KU Medical Center at the negotiating table."But Sen. Susan Wagle, R-Wichita, said KU Hospital deserves a seat at the negotiations table."No other entity understands the marketplace dynamics of hospitals in the area other than the hospital itself," Wagle said.The issue was one of the most contentious during budget negotiations between the House and Senate.The House insisted that the proviso stay in the budget, while the Senate wanted it removed.In the end, the Senate backed down."I would've preferred not to have the proviso in the bill," Morris said. But, he added, "the deadline was here, and we needed to get the budget passed."
Gunda Misty desk, 2016-12-06 11:11:38. One nice thing about a corner desk, is that regardless of how much room you have in your corner, you can find a desk that will fit. If you only have the small corner, you can find a desk that will fit, with just enough room for your computer. Some of these will have a hutch on top with shelf space for books, discs, computer programs, etc. If you have room extending along one wall, then you can find a computer desk with a side extension. This is great because then you can have a surface for your computer, and a side surface for desk work. If you have a lot of room, you can get a corner desk that extends along both walls, and even more room if you put a hutch on top. This type of set up is perfect if you work at home and need the extra work space.
The first path is the heritage trail – with “legacy” technology forming the background. Here, extant technologies are transformed by core IT teams to provide more API-driven approaches. Legacy systems can restrict companies that are transitioning into digital enterprises. To truly become a lea...Sep. 30, 2016 08:15 PM EDT Reads: 741[session] Integration in the CloudBy Pat RomanskiWhat are the new priorities for the connected business? First: businesses need to think differently about the types of connections they will need to make – these span well beyond the traditional app to app into more modern forms of integration including SaaS integrations, mobile integrations, APIs, device integration and Big Data integration. It’s important these are unified together vs. doing them all piecemeal. Second, these types of connections need to be simple to design, adapt and configure...Sep. 30, 2016 07:30 PM EDT Reads: 554[session] Identity Management in IoTBy Liz McMillanWhat happens when the different parts of a vehicle become smarter than the vehicle itself? As we move toward the era of smart everything, hundreds of entities in a vehicle that communicate with each other, the vehicle and external systems create a need for identity orchestration so that all entities work as a conglomerate. Much like an orchestra without a conductor, without the ability to secure, control, and connect the link between a vehicle’s head unit, devices, and systems and to manage the ...Sep. 30, 2016 07:15 PM EDT Reads: 46124Notion @CloudExpo “Bronze Sponsor”By Yeshim Deniz24Notion is full-service global creative digital marketing, technology and lifestyle agency that combines strategic ideas with customized tactical execution. With a broad understand of the art of traditional marketing, new media, communications and social influence, 24Notion uniquely understands how to connect your brand strategy with the right consumer. 24Notion ranked #12 on Corporate Social Responsibility - Book of List.Sep. 30, 2016 07:15 PM EDT Reads: 447Three Invaluable Lessons from Cloud ExpoBy Ian KhanJust over a week ago I received a long and loud sustained applause for a presentation I delivered at this year’s Cloud Expo in Santa Clara. I was extremely pleased with the turnout and had some very good conversations with many of the attendees. Over the next few days I had many more meaningful conversations and was not only happy with the results but also learned a few new things. Here is everything I learned in those three days distilled into three short points.Sep. 30, 2016 07:15 PM EDT Reads: 5,405Mark Thiele Joins @DevOpsSummit FacultyBy Elizabeth WhiteThe Jevons Paradox suggests that when technological advances increase efficiency of a resource, it results in an overall increase in consumption. Writing on the increased use of coal as a result of technological improvements, 19th-century economist William Stanley Jevons found that these improvements led to the development of new ways to utilize coal.
CHILD SAFETY AT HOME Child safety is an important issue. It is common for children to sustain the injuries at home. We, adults, are responsible for the children and should assure their safety at all times. First of all, children should not be left alone and should be supervised at all times. It is especially dangerous to leave older children to supervise younger ones as they may not understand what is safe and not safe and cause harm to the little ones unintentionally or wise versa. Drowning is a common cause of death in children under the age 5 and it may happen even to older kids who can swim. Small children can drown in a bucket of water, toilet bowl, sink, swimming pool. Avoid leaving the child near water unsupervised. It only takes a second for them get into trouble. Always close the swimming pool with a cover. The kitchen is full of hazards, so make sure that knives, forks, scissors and other sharp objects are put away and cannot be reached by a child. The stove and the kettle should not be accessible for a child. When cooking place all pot handles on the stove turned inward so the child cannot reach them. Unplug electric appliances when they are not in use. Store all medications, lighters, matches, dishwashing liquid, detergent, bug sprays, cleaning supplies, alcohol, plastic bags in lock up cabinet high up far from reach. Install childproof latches on all cupboard doors. Always fasten seat belt when the child in the high chair. The fires are common in winter and mainly By Nwabisa Pondoyi
maybe you are looking for that special creation for your next boutique wine label?or something to hang in the entrance of your business or home? a portrait of your child or pet, or million dollar racehorse?you may have a memorable scenic photograph you would like turned into a work of art.original artwork can be created using conte pencil, artist quality oils or acrylic, pen and ink, watercolour, or graphite pencil sketches.you have a choice of substrate too; smooth or textured paper, quality canvas (linen or cotton, thin edge, thick edge, framaed or unframed), or hardboard. local sa artist sue bray (nee banks) can create your individual piece for you at any size you desire. “i start with a brief, develop the concept, and show you progress along the way.”simple sketches can be completed within a week or so, larger detailed oil paintings could take up 6 to 8 months to complete.pricing is dependent on materials cost and estimated time for completion of project. only quality materials will be used.all enquireies are welcome.email correspondence and interstate and international shipping is available.
5 UMose wabiza wonke u-Israyeli+ wathi kuye: “O Israyeli, yizwa iziqondiso nezinqumo zokwahlulela+ engizikhuluma ezindlebeni zenu namuhla, nizifunde futhi niqaphele ukuba nizenze.+ 2 UJehova uNkulunkulu wethu wenza isivumelwano nathi eHorebe.+ 3 UJehova akasenzanga nokhokho bethu lesi sivumelwano, kodwa wasenza nathi, thina sonke esiphilayo lapha namuhla. 4 UJehova wakhuluma nani ubuso nobuso entabeni phakathi komlilo.+ 5 Ngangimi phakathi kukaJehova nani ngaleso sikhathi+ ukuze nginitshele izwi likaJehova, (ngoba nanesaba ngenxa yomlilo futhi anikhuphukelanga entabeni,)+ elithi, 6 “‘NginguJehova uNkulunkulu wakho,+ owakukhipha ezweni laseGibhithe, endlini yezigqila.+ 7 Ungalokothi ube nabanye onkulunkulu ngokumelene nobuso bami.+ 8 “‘Akumelwe uzenzele umfanekiso oqoshiwe+ nanoma isiphi isimo+ esinjenganoma yini esemazulwini phezulu noma esemhlabeni phansi noma esemanzini ngaphansi komhlaba. 9 Akumelwe ukukhothamele noma uholelwe ukuba ukukhonze,+ ngoba mina Jehova uNkulunkulu wakho nginguNkulunkulu ofuna ukuzinikela kimi kuphela,+ oletha isijeziso ngenxa yesiphambeko soyise kubantwana nasesizukulwaneni sesithathu nesesine, kulabo abangizondayo;+ 10 kodwa obonisa umusa wothando esizukulwaneni senkulungwane kulabo abangithandayo bagcine imiyalo yami.+ 11 “‘Ungaliphathi ngeze+ igama likaJehova uNkulunkulu wakho, ngoba uJehova ngeke angamjezisi umuntu ophatha igama lakhe ngeze.+ 12 “‘Njengoba ugcina usuku lwesabatha ukuze uluphathe njengolungcwele, njengoba nje uJehova uNkulunkulu wakho ekuyalile,+ 13 kumelwe unikele inkonzo futhi wenze wonke umsebenzi wakho ngezinsuku eziyisithupha.+ 14 Kodwa usuku lwesikhombisa luyisabatha kuJehova uNkulunkulu wakho.+ Akumelwe wenze noma imuphi umsebenzi,+ wena noma indodana yakho noma indodakazi yakho noma isigqila sakho noma isigqilakazi sakho noma inkabi yakho noma imbongolo yakho noma isiphi isilwane sakho osifuyile noma umfokazi okuwe ongaphakathi kwamasango akho,+ ukuze isigqila sakho nesigqilakazi sakho baphumule njengawe.+ 15 Kumelwe ukhumbule ukuthi waba yisigqila ezweni laseGibhithe+ futhi uJehova uNkulunkulu wakho wakukhipha lapho ngesandla esinamandla nangengalo eyeluliwe.+ Yingakho uJehova uNkulunkulu wakho akuyala ukuba ugcine usuku lwesabatha.+ 16 “‘Hlonipha uyihlo nonyoko,+ njengoba nje uJehova uNkulunkulu wakho ekuyalile; ukuze izinsuku zakho zibe zinde futhi kukuhambele kahle+ ezweni uJehova uNkulunkulu wakho akunika lona. 17 “‘Ungabulali.+ 18 “‘Ungaphingi.+ 19 “‘Ungebi.+ 20 “‘Ungafakazi amanga ngomunye umuntu.+ 21 “‘Ungafisi umfazi+ womunye umuntu. Unganxaneli ngobugovu indlu yomunye umuntu, insimu yakhe noma isigqila sakhe noma isigqilakazi sakhe, inkomo yakhe noma imbongolo yakhe noma yini engeyomunye umuntu.’+ 22 La maZwi uJehova wawakhuluma kulo lonke ibandla lenu entabeni phakathi komlilo,+ ifu nesigayegaye, ngezwi elikhulu, futhi akanezelanga lutho; okwathi ngemva kwalokho wawaloba ezibhebheni ezimbili zamatshe wanginika zona.+ 23 “Kwathi nje lapho senilizwile izwi elaliphuma phakathi kobumnyama, ngesikhathi intaba ivutha umlilo,+ nasondela kimi, zonke izinhloko zezizwe zenu namadoda enu amadala. 24 Khona-ke nathi, ‘Bheka, uJehova uNkulunkulu wethu usibonise inkazimulo yakhe nobukhulu bakhe, futhi sizwé izwi lakhe liphuma phakathi komlilo.+ Namuhla sibonile ukuthi uNkulunkulu angakhuluma nomuntu kodwa aqhubeke ephila.+ 25 Manje kungani kufanele sife, ngoba lo mlilo omkhulu ungase usiqothule?+ Uma singaphinda futhi silizwe izwi likaJehova uNkulunkulu wethu, ngokuqinisekile sizofa.+ 26 Ngoba ngubani kuyo yonke inyama oke wezwa izwi likaNkulunkulu+ ophilayo likhuluma phakathi komlilo kodwa waqhubeka ephila njengoba thina silizwile? 27 Wena ngokwakho sondela uzwe konke uJehova uNkulunkulu wethu azokusho; futhi nguwe ozokhuluma nathi konke lokho uJehova uNkulunkulu wethu azokukhuluma kuwe,+ ngokuqinisekile sizolalela futhi senze.’ 28 “Ngakho uJehova wawezwa amazwi enaniwakhuluma lapho nikhuluma nami, futhi uJehova waqhubeka wathi kimi, ‘Ngiwazwile amazwi akhulunywa yilesi sizwe, esiwakhulumile kuwe. Senzé kahle kukho konke esikukhulumile.+ 29 Ukube nje besiyoyihlakulela le nhliziyo yaso ukuba singesabe+ futhi sigcine yonke imiyalo yami+ ngaso sonke isikhathi, ukuze kusihambele kahle sona nabantwana baso kuze kube nini nanini!+ 30 Hamba uthi kuso: “Buyelani ekhaya ematendeni enu.” 31 Wena yima lapha nami, mangikhulume kuwe wonke umyalo nazo zonke iziqondiso nezinqumo zokwahlulela okufanele usifundise+ zona nalezo okufanele sizenze ezweni engisinika lona ukuba silidle.’ 32 Kumelwe niqaphele ukwenza njengoba nje uJehova uNkulunkulu wenu eniyalile.+ Akumelwe niphendukele kwesokunene noma kwesobunxele.+ 33 Kufanele nihambe ngayo yonke indlela uJehova uNkulunkulu wenu aniyale ngayo,+ ukuze niphile futhi kube kuhle kini+ futhi ngempela nizandise izinsuku zenu ezweni enizolidla.
Emuva kokudla, ngabiza udadewethu engisebenza naye uDadewethu uZhang ukuba naye eze. Umyeni wami wezwa ukuthi sizoba nokuhlanganyela naye wacela isikhathi waphuma emsebenzini. Udadewethu omncane wabuza ngemfudumalo: Dadewethu, encwadini kaMfowethu uMeng bathi bakubhalele izincwadi eziningana, ukuze bashumayele umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu wezinsuku zokugcina kuwe kodwa awuzamukelanga. Angazi noma kukhona na ofuna ukukusho ngalokhu? Dadewethu, uma unezinkinga ezithile, sicela uphumele obala ngazo sizohlanganyela bese sicubungula ndawonye." Ngathi: "Njengoba usuwubuzile lo mbuzo, ngizokuvulekela nje ngikhulume nawe. Esikhathini esidlule ngangesaba ukuthi ngizoluthwa oKristu bamanga abavela ezinsukwini zokugcina ngakho-ke ngalokhu ngizitshela ukuthi ‘bonke abashumayela ngokubuya kweNkosi bangabamanga' ngakho-ke angizange ngifunde ngomsebenzi wezinsuku zokugcina kaNkulunkulu uSomandla. Kamuva, ngacabanga ngalokho uMfowethu uMeng nabanye ababekushilo encwadini yabo futhi ngabona sengathi kuyiqiniso. Ngenxa yokuthi oKristu bamanga bavela ezinsukwini zokugcina, sivele siliphike lonke ivangeli lokubuya kweNkosi. Empeleni nje kuwudaba lokuhlehliswa kalula yingozi encanyana. Nokho, ukungakwazi ukuhlukanisa phakathi kukaKristu weqiniso kanye noKristu bamanga ngempela ngeke kusize lapho ubingelela ukubuya kweNkosi. Uze lapha namhlanje, ngakho-ke sicela uhlanganyele nathi ngalolu daba." UDadewethu uZhang, umyeni wami nomamezala wami nabo banqekuzisa amakhanda abo bevumelana nami.
With the Norrøna Women's falketind Gore-Tex Jacket (W), you’ll get a very high-quality and robust hardshell jacket for harsh conditions. Plus, the jacket is extremely versatile. It’s ideal for an array of outdoor activities, such as mountaineering, ski tours, hillwalking or trekking - at any time of the year! The waterproof jacket comes with a high-quality Gore-Tex membrane, which will provide the best possible weather protection. It is not only waterproof and windproof but also extremely breathable. What’s more, the jacket is particularly lightweight, so it will fit nicely in your pack. The jacket is equipped with long underarm zips for optimal ventilation. The hood is completely adjustable and can be worn with a helmet. The two large zipped side pockets are positioned in such a way as to be accessible when you’re wearing a backpack or climbing harness. You’ll always be able to rely on the Norrøna Women's falketind Gore-Tex Jacket (W) Hardshell jacket.
Eemhangela (Omayel 15:​22): Ovapashukili voilonga vomaongalo aeshe ova pumbwa okukwatafana opo ve likunde nghee oshitukulwa shi na okuudifilwa onghundana iwa. Ngeenge moshitukulwa kamu na ovanhu vahapu, omaongalo amwe otashi dulika a hoolole okuudifila momaumbo omo mu na ovanhu ovo hava popi elaka lavo. Onghee hano, ngeenge omaongalo ohaa nyengwa okumana ko oshitukulwa molwaashi sha kula unene, otashi dulika a hoolole okulonga omaumbo aeshe, vo ngeenge ova shakeneke ovanhu hava popi omalaka e lili, tava yandje ouyelele wavo komaongalo oo haa popi elaka olo. (od 93 okat. 37) Ile otashi dulika eongalo leni li pulwe li kwafele mokukonga mo ovapopi velaka leongalo limwe li lili, nouyelele wovanhu ovo hava popi elaka olo tau tuminwa keongalo olo. (km 1/13 3, oshimhungu) Kalekeni momadiladilo kutya otashi dulika meumbo mu kale hamu popiwa omalaka a yoolokafana. Ngeenge hatu pula omunhu ouyelele waye wopaumwene, natu kale metwokumwe neemhango dopaveta di na sha neameno.
mr george shuba acting pro , quality assurance manager. ms zinhle thusi p r o inserv mr sandile ntuli p r o inserv. d ue to budgetary constrains resulting to frizzing of posts i was asked by mr khawula ceo to act as. p r o since 05 june 2008 it has been a huge challenge to perform my duties as acting pro and ap . pointed quality assurance manager eight 8 hours is not enough to perform both duties therefore i had to put. extra hours to at least do justice to both tasks work load was lifted by arrival of my two colleagues in august. 2008 to do workplace experiential training it has been a daunting task to collate this newsletter since it was our. first time to publish hospital newsletter we hope to produce a better newsletter next time . we invite the community of montebello to come forward and contribute in our next issue this newsletter be . longs to all of us we will also try to make it as educational and informative as much as possible . given working as a team with the above mentioned trainees in the public relations office i have coped with so. many challenges so as to release this newsletter therefore i would like to thank them for their contributions. which has resulted to the packaging of this newsletter i cannot forget to mention their commitment in learning. and exploring keep it up guys i wish you a good luck to your career . private bag x506 dalton 3236 phone 033 5067000 , email mzi shuba kznhealth gov za . webpage www kznhealth gov za montebellohospital htm. silwa nezifo silwa nobhubha sinika ithemba, august september 2008 montynews volume 2 issue 4 page 10. let your voice be heard, new appointees transferres. mzobe k laundry manager mgobhozi s z professional nurse. gama l professional nurse mkhize j m health safety officer. mthethwa f e comm serve prof nurse maphumulo f m stuff nurse. majola m c comm serve prof nurse mtshali s m b professional nurse. khumalo r r d sessional medical officer mlipha m n social worker. makhathini m s b nursing assistant, ngubane e d principal medical officer.
come closer my friend here follows a long tale about where the trouble started i was raised by my father who was bereaved at a young age by his true darling, my mother edith nomvula thomas mahola there were three of us by my mother, myself the second the middle child of my father, bhut' doc nceba mahola never did my father cry, when they hid the body of the love of many years at don bosco; kwazakhele… four rooms (with a dining room table) in port elizabeth neither did the three cry at the side of the grave, small hands throwing dust to dust not knowing the reason: tyhini na bethuna! sis' nono has left us! sis' nono has left us! hayini! never have we seen such a girl raised by a man.
The withdrawal of American military forces from Iraq has been a contentious issue within the United States since the beginning of the Iraq War. As the war has progressed from its initial 2003 invasion phase to a multi-year occupation, U.S. public opinion has turned in favor of troop withdrawal. As of May 2007, 55 percent of Americans believed that the Iraq war was a mistake, and 51 percent of registered voters favored troop withdrawal. In late April 2007, the U.S. Congress passed a supplementary spending bill for Iraq that sets a deadline for troop withdrawal, but President Bush vetoed this bill soon afterwards. All US Forces were mandated to withdraw from Iraqi territory by December 31, 2011 under the terms of a bilateral agreement signed in 2008 by President Bush. The U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq was completed on December 18, 2011 early Sunday morning.
Format:Paperback|Amazon Verified Purchase I just received my copy of this book today and I've already given it a thorough read through. I'm really pleased I bought it.The recipes are all illustrated with beautiful colour photos and, on the whole, take half an hour or less to make.While still having an American slant (there's no such thing as a British Paleo book yet) the ingredients are on the whole easy to get hold of over here and if you're used to Paleo or low carb cooking you'll already be used to the American measuring system.Aside from the recipes though, this is so much more than just a cookery book.At the front is a quick resume of what Paleo means as well as the author's potted life story and guidelines on living the Paleo lifestyle.These include Getting Started (with useful ingredient lists and shopping guide) Managing Change and how to get the family on board, Sleep, Stress and how not to be a mess, kitchen essentials and Paleo survival guide. After the recipe section there is a full thirty day Family Meal Plan with shopping lists followed by a section on Fitness with detailed bodyweight workouts for beginners and more advanced athletes. Also exercises for kids and workouts the Mums (or Dads) can do with a baby or toddler in tow. All illustrated with clear pictures.A fantastically useful book in my opinion and one I'm sure I'll be referring to for many years to come.I'm off to order more copies for all my friends now.