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2. Ukuvezwa kwabalingiswa kunoveli Inkinsela yaseMgungundlovu Impela kungumbono ongephikiswe ukuthi abalingiswa bakule noveli ethi “Inkinsela YaseMgungundlovu” babumbeke ngendlela ehlabahlosile, umlobi usebenzise ubuhlakani obunzulu ukuveza abalingiswa bakhe. UNyembezi abalingiswa bakhe ubabumbe ngezindlela ezahlukahlukene ngenhloso yokuphumelelisa indaba yakhe. Laba balingiswa abalandelayo ngezansi bangumhlahlandlela wempumelelo wenoveli. Lombhalo olandelayo uzohlaziya, uphinde ugxile ezindleleni ezisetshenziswe ngumbhali ukubumba abalingiswa bakhe. U-Hawthorn (1987: 40) uveza ukuthi “ a writer explain a character in a way that may be associated with actions or objects for a purpose connected with the theme of the novel; a character may say things just so that the reader can be told something”. Ngokuchaza kukaHawthorn ukubunjwa kabalingiswa kunoveli kungahlanganiswa nezenzo zabo noma nokuthile okuxhumene nokwakheka kwaloyomlingiswa kanye nokwakheka kwesihloko sendaba okanye indikimba yendaba. Lokhu kunika umfundi wendaba ithuba lokuthi esheshe eqonde ubunjalo bomlingiswa othile. Ngakhoke lendlela yokubunjwa kwabalingiswa uNyembezi ayisebenzisile ibonisa ikhono elihle kakhulu lokubumba abalingiswa. Ubunjalo bomlingiswa buvezwa indlela akhuluma ngayo kanye nangendlela agqoka ngayo NDEBENKULU Umnumzane Ndebenkulu ungumlingiswa osemqoka kakhulu endabeni. Nguyena uqobo lo okuthiwa yinkinsela yeseMgungundlovu. Uma sifunda indaba sithola ukuthi umnumzane Ndebenkulu wasuka eMgungundlovu waya endaweni esemaphandleni ebizwa ngokuthi iNyanyadu ngenhloso yokusiza abantu ngokubathengisela izinkomo zabo kubelungu ukuze bazothola inzuzo. UMnumzane uNdebenkulu sithola ukuthi wayeluhlaza ngebala, enobuso obulolongekile, umlomo ocijile owawunezinyo elalilikhulu kunamanye, elalivele ngaphandle komlomo. Umnumzane lona ubuye avezwe njengomuntu owayefundile kakhulu nowayedla izambane likapondo. Lokhu kufakazelwa yizimpahla umbhali athi wayezigcoka. Wayegcoka izimpahla ezibukeka
umuntu owenza umsebenzi wakhe, empeleni, ukufezwa kwakho konke okuhambisana nomuntu okungaphakathi, okusho ukuthi, lokho okungenziwa umuntu. yilapho kuyogcwaliseka khona umsebenzi wakhe. izinkinga zomuntu ngenkathi eqhuba umsebenzi wakhe ziyancipha kancane ngokuqhubeka kwalokho odlule kukho kanye nenqubo yalokho adlule kukho ngokwahlulelwa; akuvimbi noma kuphazamise umsebenzi womuntu. labo abayekayo ukusebenza noma abamayo futhi bahlehlele emuva ngokwesaba umonakalo ongase ube khona emsebenzini bangamagwala amakhulu. uma umuntu ehluleka ukuveza lokho okumele akuveze ngenkathi enza umsebenzi noma efeza lokho angakwazi ukukufeza, futhi kunalokho edlala futhi ebhekene nemizwa, ulahlekelwe umsebenzi okumele umuntu odaliwe abe nawo. lolu hlobo lomuntu luthathwa ngokuthi ujwayelekile futhi akayinto yalutho; kungenzeka kanjani ukuthi umuntu onje ahlonishwe ngokuba njengesidalwa esidaliwe? ave lokho kuyizinhlaka zokukhohlakala ezikhanya ngaphandle kodwa zibe zibolile ngaphakathi? uma umuntu ezibiza ngonkulunkulu ebe engakwazi ukubonakalisa ubunkulunkulu bakhe, enza umsebenzi kankulunkulu uqobo, akunakungatshazwa ukuthi akasiye unkulunkulu, ngoba akanawo umongo kankulunkulu, futhi lokho unkulunkulu angakwazi ukukufeza akukho ngaphakathi kuye. uma umuntu elahlekelwa yilokho akuthole, ngeke asathathwa ngokuthi ungumuntu, futhi akasafanelekile ukuma njengokudaliwe noma ukuza phambi kukankulunkulu nokumsebenzela. phezu kwalokho, akafanelwe ukuthola umusa kankulunkulu noma ukugadwa, avikelwe, futhi alungiswe unkulunkulu. abantu abaningi balahlekelwe ukwethemba unkulunkulu futhi balahlekelwe umusa kankulunkulu. akuve nje kuwukuthi bazonda amaphutha abo kodwa baqhubezela umbono wokuthi indlela kankulunkulu ayilungile. futhi labo abahlubukayo baze baphike nobukhona bukankulunkulu; kungenzeka kanjani ukuthi lolu hlobo oluhlubukayo lube nenhlanhla yokuthokozela umusa kankulunkulu? abantu abahlulekile ukugcwalisa umsebenzi wabo bahlubuke kakhulu kunkulunkulu futhi bamukweleta lukhulu, kube baphuka bathi unkulunkulu wenza okungalungile. umuntu onjalo angakufanelekela kanjani ukupheleliswa? ave lo kungohamba phambili ekwesulweni nasekujezisweni? umuntu obengawenzi umsebenzi wakhe phambi kukankulunkulu vele usenecala elesabekayo kakade, ngisho ukufa okungeke kube isijeziso esanele ngaye, kube umuntu unesibindi sokuphikisana nonkulunkulu futhi aziqhathanise naye. ngabe umuntu owulolu hlobo ufanelwe kangakanani ukulungisiswa? uma umuntu ehluleka ukufeza umsebenzi wakhe, kumele azizwe enecala futhi enesikweletu esikhulu; kumele azisole ngokuntengantenga kwakhe kanye nokungabi lusizo, ukuhlubuka kwakhe kanye nokukhohlakaka, futhi phezu kwakho konke, kumele anikele ngempilo yakhe negazi kunkulunkulu. yilapho kuphela lapho kuyovuka ukuba isidalwa esidaliwe esimthanda ngokweqiniso unkulunkulu, futhi wulolo hlobo lomuntu kuphela olufanelwe ukuthokozela izibusiso nezethembiso zikankulunkulu, kanye nokokulungisiswa nguye. bese kuthiwani ngeningi lenu? nimuphatha kanjani unkulunkulu ophila ngaphakathi kwenu? niwenze kanjani umsebenzi wenu phambi kwakhe? ngabe nenze konke ebenibizelwe ukuthi nikwenze, ngisho noma kubiza impilo yenu uqobo? ninikele ngani? anikutholanga okuningi kimi? niyakwazi ukubona umehluko? nethembeke kangakanani kimi? ningisebenzele? futhi ngabe ngibekeni phezu kwenu futhi nginenzeleni? ngabe nikuklalile? ngabe nahlulele futhi naqhathanisa lokhu nonembeza omncane eninawo ngaphakathi kwenu? ningalungisa bani ngamazwi nangezenzo zenu? ngabe wumnikelo wenu omcane kufanele ngabe ngiwubeke phezu kwenu? akukho okunye engingakwenza futhi ngizinikele kini ngenhliziyo yami iyonke, kodwa nisanemicabango ongemihle ngami futhi ninginike inhliziyo engaphelele. umsebenzi wenu mungaka, uwona msebenzi wenu kuphela. akunjalo? anazi ukuthi anikawufezi umsebenzi wesidalwa esidaliwe? ningathathwa kanjani njengalokho okudaliwe? anazi ngokucacile ukuthi nivezani futhi niphilani? nehlulekile ukugcwalisa umsebenzi wenu, kodwa nifuna ukuthola ububele kanye nomusa kankulunkulu. lowo musa awulungiselwanga labo abangenabo ubuntu nabanjengani, kodwa labo abangaceli lutho futhi abazinikela bekhululekile. abantu abanjengani, abanganake lutho oluvamile, abafanelwe ukuthokozela umusa wasezulwini. kumele nje babhekane nobunzima kanye nesijeziso sengunaphakade esizohambisana nabo ngezinsuku zokuphila! uma nehluleka ukwethembeka kimi, umphumela wenu kuyoba ukuhlupheka nje. uma nehluleka ukuphendula ngamazwi ami nomsebenzi wami, ninonke nizojeziswa. noma omuphi umusa, izibusiso, kanye nempilo enhle embusweni akuzukuhlangana nani. yilesi siphetho esinifanele kanye nomphumela wezenzo zenu! akuve nje kuwukuthi labo bantu abayiziwula nabanenkani abazamanga ngamandla abo wonke noma abawenzanga umsebenzi wabo, kodwa belule izandla zabo befuna umusa, sengathi lokho abakucelayo kubafanele. futhi behlulekile ukuthola lokho abakucelayo, baphelelwa ukukholwa kakhulu. abantu abanjalo kungashiwo kanjani ukuthi benza okufanele? niyizehluleki futhi anicabangi ngokugcwele, anikwazi nhlobo ukufeza umsebenzi wenu okumele niwugcwalise ngenkathi kuqhutshwa umsebenzi wokuphatha. anisenathunzi nhlobo. ukwehluleka kwenu ukungikhokhela ngokunenzela umusa ongaka vele sekuyisenzo sokuhlubuka esikhulu, esanele ukunigxeka futhi esibonakalisa ubugwala benu, nokwehluleka, nokungabi nasisekelo kanye nokungafaneleki. nisangafaneleka kanjani ukugcina izandla zenu zeluliwe? niyehluleka ukuveza noma oluncane usizo emsebenzini wami, niyehluleka ukuzinikela okholweni lwenu, futhi niyehluleka ukuba ngofakazi bami. lokhu kungamaphutha nokwehluleka kwenu, kube esikhundleni sokungihlasela, nikhuluma okungasilo iqiniso ngami, futhi nikhalaza ngokuthi angilungile. ngabe yilokhu okungukwethembeka kwenu? ngabe yilokhu okunguthando lwenu? ngomuphi umsebenzi eningawenza ngaphezu kwalo? ngabe nibe negalelo elingakanani kuwo wonke umsebenzi owenziwe? nichithe malini? vele sekuyisenzo somusa omkhulu enginganisoli ngawo, kube ngaphandle kwamahloni uqhubeka nokuba namazaba kimi nokukhalaza ngami ngasese. ngabe ninakho nje okuncane okunihlanganisa nomuntu? yize umsebenzi womuntu ungcoliswa umqondo womuntu nemizwa yakhe, kumele wenze umsebenzi wakho futhi uzinikele ekukholweni kwakho. ukungcola komsebenzi womuntu kuwuphawu lwamandla akhe, kube, uma umuntu engawenzi umsebenzi wakhe, kubonakalisa ukuhlubuka kwakhe. akukho ukuhambisana phakathi komsebenzi womuntu kanye nalokho akubusisile noma akuqalekisile. umsebenzi yilokho okumele kugcwaliswe umuntu; wumsebenzi wakhe futhi akumele uncike ekunxeshezelweni, ezimweni, noma ezizathwini. yilapho kuphela okuyothiwa wenza umsebenzi wakhe. umuntu obusisiwe uthokozela ubuhle uma eselungisisiwe emuva kokujeziswa. umuntu oqalekisiwe uthola isijeziso uma isimo sakhe sihlala singashintshiwe emuva kokujeziswa nokwahlulelwa, okusho ukuthi, akakalungisiswa. njengesidalwa, umuntu kumele afeze umsebenzi wakhe, enze okumele akwenze, futhi enze akwazi ukukwenza, noma ngabe ezobusiswa noma ezoqalekiswa. lokhu kuyisiseko semigomo yomuntu, njengalowo olandela unkulunkulu. akumele wenze umsebenzi wakho ngoba ufuna ukubusiswa, futhi akumele wenqabe ukwenza okuthile ngoba wesaba ukuqalekiswa. mangikutshele lokhu okukodwa: uma umuntu ekwazi ukwenza umsebenzi wakhe, kusho ukuthi wenza lokho okumele akwenze. uma umuntu ehluleka ukwenza umsebenzi wakhe, kubonakaliswa ukuhlubuka komuntu. umuntu ushintsha kancane kancane ngokuhlala elandela inqubo yokusebenza, futhi ngale nqubo ukwazi ukukhombisa ukwethembeka kwakhe. futhi, uma ukwazi ukwenza umsebenzi wakho, uzothola amaqiniso amaningi, futhi nalokho okubonakalisayo kuzoba nobuqiniso obukhulu. labo ababhekana nemizwa ngokwenza umsebenzi wabo futhi abangalifuni iqiniso bayokhishwa ekugcineni, ngoba labo bantu abawenzi umsebenzi wabo ngokweqiniso, futhi abalenzi iqiniso ekugcwalisweni komsebenzi wabo. abantu abanjalo bayohlala bengaquliwe futhi bayoqalekiswa. abakuvezayo akuve nje kungahlanzekile, kodwa baveza ububi bodwa.
In his session at @ThingsExpo, Lancen LaChance, vic...Feb. 20, 2017 07:00 PM EST Reads: 8,229delaPlex to Present FinTech at @CloudExpoBy Yeshim DenizSYS-CON Events announced today that delaPlex will exhibit at SYS-CON's @CloudExpo, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. delaPlex pioneered Software Development as a Service (SDaaS), which provides scalable resources to build, test, and deploy software. It’s a fast and more reliable way to develop a new product or expand your in-house team.Feb. 20, 2017 06:15 PM EST Reads: 997[video] IoT Keynote: Are You Seeing DOTS?By Carmen GonzalezThe explosion of new web/cloud/IoT-based applications and the data they generate are transforming our world right before our eyes. In this rush to adopt these new technologies, organizations are often ignoring fundamental questions concerning who owns the data and failing to ask for permission to conduct invasive surveillance of their customers. Organizations that are not transparent about how their systems gather data telemetry without offering shared data ownership risk product rejection, regu...Feb. 20, 2017 05:45 PM EST Reads: 532[video] Personalization in the Age of IoTBy Pat RomanskiMore and more brands have jumped on the IoT bandwagon. We have an excess of wearables – activity trackers, smartwatches, smart glasses and sneakers, and more that track seemingly endless datapoints. However, most consumers have no idea what “IoT” means. Creating more wearables that track data shouldn't be the aim of brands; delivering meaningful, tangible relevance to their users should be. We're in a period in which the IoT pendulum is still swinging. Initially, it swung toward "smart for smart...Feb. 20, 2017 05:30 PM EST Reads: 3,914[slides] GE's IIoT Connected AirportsBy Yeshim DenizThe Internet of Things can drive efficiency for airlines and airports. In their session at @ThingsExpo, Shyam Varan Nath, Principal Architect with GE, and Sudip Majumder, senior director of development at Oracle, discussed the technical details of the connected airline baggage and related social media solutions. These IoT applications will enhance travelers' journey experience and drive efficiency for the airlines and the airports. Feb. 20, 2017 05:15 PM EST Reads: 971Chris Matthieu's @ThingsExpo IoT Keynote By Carmen GonzalezIn his keynote at @ThingsExpo, Chris Matthieu, Director of IoT Engineering at Citrix and co-founder and CTO of Octoblu, focused on building an IoT platform and company. He provided a behind-the-scenes look at Octoblu’s platform, business, and pivots along the way (including the Citrix acquisition of Octoblu).Feb. 20, 2017 02:45 PM EST Reads: 508CA Platinum Sponsor in New York & Silicon ValleyBy Elizabeth WhiteSYS-CON Events announced today that CA Technologies has been named “Platinum Sponsor” of SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY, and the 21st International Cloud Expo®, which will take place October 31-November 2, 2017, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA. CA Technologies helps customers succeed in a future where every business – from apparel to energy – is being rewritten by software. From ...Feb. 20, 2017 02:15 PM EST Reads: 1,119Encore Presentation of Blockchain Keynote By Carmen GonzalezIn his keynote at 18th Cloud Expo, Andrew Keys, Co-Founder of ConsenSys Enterprise, provided an overview of the evolution of the Internet and the Database and the future of their combination – the Blockchain. Andrew Keys is Co-Founder of ConsenSys Enterprise. He comes to ConsenSys Enterprise with capital markets, technology and entrepreneurial experience. Previously, he worked for UBS investment bank in equities analysis. Later, he was responsible for the creation and distribution of life settle...Feb. 20, 2017 01:15 PM EST Reads: 509Chris Matthieu's @ThingsExpo Keynote By Liz McMillanIn his keynote at @ThingsExpo, Chris Matthieu, Director of IoT Engineering at Citrix and co-founder and CTO of Octoblu, focused on building an IoT platform and company. He provided a behind-the-scenes look at Octoblu’s platform, business, and pivots along the way (including the Citrix acquisition of Octoblu).Feb. 20, 2017 01:00 PM EST Reads: 10,06710 Secrets of Cloud Expo's IoT DevOps SponsorsBy Carmen GonzalezThe best way to leverage your Cloud Expo presence as a sponsor and exhibitor is to plan your news announcements around our events. The press covering Cloud Expo and @ThingsExpo will have access to these releases and will amplify your news announcements. More than two dozen Cloud companies either set deals at our shows or have announced their mergers and acquisitions at Cloud Expo. Product announcements during our show provide your company with the most reach through our targeted audiences.Feb. 20, 2017 01:00 PM EST Reads: 1,219Outlyer Named “Bronze Sponsor” of Cloud ExpoBy Liz McMillanSYS-CON Events announced today that Outlyer, a monitoring service for DevOps and operations teams, has been named “Bronze Sponsor” of SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY.
in the iot vision, every new ""thing"" -- sensor, actuator, data source, data con...nov. 21, 2014 08:00 pm est reads: 1,246dave wagstaff and the integration of iotby liz mcmillan""bsquare is in the business of selling software solutions for smart connected devices. it's obvious that iot has moved from being a technology to being a fundamental part of business, and in the last 18 months people have said let's figure out how to do it and let's put some focus on it, "" explained dave wagstaff, vp & chief architect, at bsquare corporation, in this sys--con.tv interview at @thingsexpo, held nov 4--6, 2014, at the santa clara convention center in santa clara, ca.nov. 21, 2014 07:00 pm est reads: 1,190vitesse simplifies iot networkingby yeshim denizfocused on this fast--growing market’s needs, vitesse semiconductor corporation (nasdaq: vtss), a leading provider of ic solutions to advance ""ethernet everywhere"" in carrier, enterprise and internet of things (iot) networks, introduced its istax™ software (vsc6815sdk), a robust protocol stack to simplify deployment and management of industrial--iot network applications such as industrial ethernet switching, surveillance, video distribution, lcd signage, intelligent sensors, and metering equipment. leveraging technologies proven in the carrier and enterprise markets, istax is designed to work ac...nov. 20, 2014 09:15 pm est reads: 1,304brendan o'brien and the 'future of iot'by elizabeth white""there is a natural synchronization between the business models, the iot is there to support ,” explained brendan o'brien, co--founder and chief architect of aria systems, in this sys--con.tv interview at the 15th international cloud expo®, held nov 4–6, 2014, at the santa clara convention center in santa clara, ca.nov. 20, 2014 07:30 pm est reads: 1,481internet of things company appoints cooby yeshim denizc--labs llc, a leading provider of remote and mobile access for the internet of things (iot), announced the appointment of john traynor to the position of chief operating officer. previously a strategic advisor to the firm, mr. traynor will now oversee sales, marketing, finance, and operations. mr. traynor is based out of the c--labs office in redmond, washington. he reports to chris muench, chief executive officer.
Umuntu owenza umsebenzi wakhe, empeleni, ukufezwa kwakho konke okuhambisana nomuntu okungaphakathi, okusho ukuthi, lokho okungenziwa umuntu. Yilapho kuyogcwaliseka khona umsebenzi wakhe. Izinkinga zomuntu ngenkathi eqhuba umsebenzi wakhe ziyancipha kancane ngokuqhubeka kwalokho odlule kukho kanye nenqubo yalokho adlule kukho ngokwahlulelwa; akuvimbi noma kuphazamise umsebenzi womuntu. Labo abayekayo ukusebenza noma abamayo futhi bahlehlele emuva ngokwesaba umonakalo ongase ube khona emsebenzini bangamagwala amakhulu. Uma umuntu ehluleka ukuveza lokho okumele akuveze ngenkathi enza umsebenzi noma efeza lokho angakwazi ukukufeza, futhi kunalokho edlala futhi ebhekene nemizwa, ulahlekelwe umsebenzi okumele umuntu odaliwe abe nawo. Lolu hlobo lomuntu luthathwa ngokuthi ujwayelekile futhi akayinto yalutho; kungenzeka kanjani ukuthi umuntu onje ahlonishwe ngokuba njengesidalwa esidaliwe? Ave lokho kuyizinhlaka zokukhohlakala ezikhanya ngaphandle kodwa zibe zibolile ngaphakathi? Uma umuntu ezibiza ngoNkulunkulu ebe engakwazi ukubonakalisa ubuNkulunkulu bakhe, enza umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu Uqobo, akunakungatshazwa ukuthi akasiye uNkulunkulu, ngoba akanawo umongo kaNkulunkulu, futhi lokho uNkulunkulu angakwazi ukukufeza akukho ngaphakathi kuye. Uma umuntu elahlekelwa yilokho akutholile, ngeke asathathwa ngokuthi ungumuntu, futhi akasafanelekile ukuma njengomuntu odaliwe noma ukuza phambi kukaNkulunkulu nokumsebenzela. Phezu kwalokho, akafanelwe ukuthola umusa kaNkulunkulu noma ukugadwa, avikelwe, futhi apheleliswe uNkulunkulu. Abantu abaningi balahlekelwe ukwethemba uNkulunkulu futhi balahlekelwe umusa kaNkulunkulu. Akuve nje kuwukuthi bazonda amaphutha abo kodwa baqhubezela umbono wokuthi indlela kaNkulunkulu ayilungile. Futhi labo abahlubukayo baze baphike nobukhona bukaNkulunkulu; kungenzeka kanjani ukuthi lolu hlobo oluhlubukayo lube nenhlanhla yokuthokozela umusa kaNkulunkulu? Abantu abahlulekile ukugcwalisa umsebenzi wabo bahlubuke kakhulu kuNkulunkulu futhi bamukweleta kakhulu, nokho baphenduka bathi uNkulunkulu wenza okungalungile. Umuntu onjalo angakufanelekela kanjani ukupheleliswa? Ingabe lona akuyena yini ohamba phambili ekwesulweni nasekujezisweni? Umuntu obengawenzi umsebenzi wakhe phambi kukaNkulunkulu vele usenecala elesabekayo kakade, ngisho ukufa okungeke kube isijeziso esanele ngaye, kube umuntu unesibindi sokuphikisana noNkulunkulu futhi aziqhathanise Naye. Ngabe umuntu owulolu hlobo ufanelwe kangakanani ukulungisiswa? Uma umuntu ehluleka ukufeza umsebenzi wakhe, kumele azizwe enecala futhi enesikweletu esikhulu; kumele azisole ngokuntengantenga kwakhe kanye nokungabi lusizo, ukuhlubuka kwakhe kanye nokukhohlakala, futhi phezu kwakho konke, kumele anikele ngempilo yakhe negazi kuNkulunkulu. Yilapho kuphela lapho kuyovuka ukuba isidalwa esidaliwe esimthanda ngokweqiniso uNkulunkulu, futhi yilolo hlobo lomuntu kuphela olufanelwe ukuthokozela izibusiso nezethembiso zikaNkulunkulu, kanye nokulungisiswa Nguye. Bese kuthiwani ngeningi lenu? Nimphatha kanjani uNkulunkulu ophila ngaphakathi kwenu? Niwenze kanjani umsebenzi wenu phambi Kwakhe? Ngabe nenze konke ebenibizelwe ukuthi nikwenze, ngisho noma kubiza impilo yenu uqobo? Ninikele ngani? Anikutholanga okuningi Kimi? Niyakwazi yini ukubona umehluko? Nethembeke kangakanani Kimi? Ningisebenzele kanjani? Futhi ngabe ngibekeni phezu kwenu futhi nginenzeleni? Ngabe nikukalile konke? Ngabe nahlulele futhi naqhathanisa lokhu nonembeza omncane eninawo ngaphakathi kwenu? Ningalungisa bani ngamazwi nangezenzo zenu? Ngabe wumnikelo wenu omncane kufanele ngabe ngiwubeke phezu kwenu? Akukho okunye engingakwenza futhi ngizinikele kini ngenhliziyo yami iyonke, kodwa nisanemicabango ongemihle Ngami futhi ninginike inhliziyo engaphelele. Ungako umsebenzi wenu, uwona msebenzi wenu kuphela. Akunjalo? Anazi ukuthi anikawufezi umsebenzi wesidalwa esidaliwe? Ningathathwa kanjani njengalokho okudaliwe? Anazi ngokucacile yini ukuthi nithini nokuthi niyaphila yini ngokuvumelana? Nehlulekile ukugcwalisa umsebenzi wenu, kodwa nifuna ukuthola ububele kanye nomusa kaNkulunkulu. Lowo musa awulungiselwanga labo abangenabo ubuntu nabanjengani, kodwa labo abangaceli lutho futhi abazinikela bekhululekile. Abantu abanjengani, abanganake lutho oluvamile, abafanelwe ukuthokozela umusa wasezulwini. Kumele nje babhekane nobunzima kanye nesijeziso sengunaphakade esizohambisana nabo ngezinsuku zokuphila! Uma nehluleka ukwethembeka Kimi, umphumela wenu kuyoba ukuhlupheka nje. Uma nehluleka ukuphendula ngamazwi Ami nomsebenzi Wami, ninonke nizojeziswa. Noma omuphi umusa, izibusiso, kanye nempilo enhle embusweni akuzukuhlangana nani. Yilesi siphetho esinifanele kanye nomphumela wezenzo zenu! Akuve nje kuwukuthi labo bantu abayiziwula nabanenkani abazamanga ngamandla abo wonke noma abawenzanga umsebenzi wabo, kodwa belule izandla zabo befuna umusa, sengathi lokho abakucelayo kubafanele. Futhi behlulekile ukuthola lokho abakucelayo, baphelelwa ukukholwa kakhulu. Abantu abanjalo kungashiwo kanjani ukuthi benza okufanele? Niyizehluleki futhi anicabangi ngokugcwele, anikwazi nhlobo ukufeza umsebenzi wenu okumele niwugcwalise ngenkathi kuqhutshwa umsebenzi wokuphatha. Anisenathunzi nhlobo. Ukwehluleka kwenu ukungikhokhela ngokunenzela umusa ongaka vele sekuyisenzo sokuhlubuka esikhulu, esanele ukunigxeka futhi esibonakalisa ubugwala benu, nokwehluleka, nokungabi nasisekelo kanye nokungafaneleki. Nisangafaneleka kanjani ukugcina izandla zenu zeluliwe? Niyehluleka ukuveza noma oluncane usizo emsebenzini Wami, niyehluleka ukuzinikela okholweni lwenu, futhi niyehluleka ukuba ngofakazi Bami. Lokhu kungamaphutha nokwehluleka kwenu, kube esikhundleni sokungihlasela, nikhuluma okungasilo iqiniso Ngami, futhi nikhalaza ngokuthi angilungile. Ngabe yilokhu okungukwethembeka kwenu? Ngabe yilokhu okunguthando lwenu? Ngimuphi umsebenzi eningawenza ngaphezu kwalo? Ngabe nibe negalelo elingakanani kuwo wonke umsebenzi owenziwe? Nichithe malini? Vele sekuyisenzo somusa omkhulu enginganisoli ngawo, nokho ngaphandle kwamahloni niqhubeka nokuba nezaba Kimi nokukhalaza Ngami ngasese. Ngabe ninakho nje okuncane okunihlanganisa nobuntu? Yize umsebenzi womuntu ungcoliswa umqondo womuntu nemizwa yakhe, kumele wenze umsebenzi wakho futhi uzinikele ekukholweni kwakho. Ukungcola komsebenzi womuntu kuwuphawu lwamandla akhe, kube, uma umuntu engawenzi umsebenzi wakhe, kubonakalisa ukuhlubuka kwakhe. Akukho ukuhambisana phakathi komsebenzi womuntu kanye nalokho akubusisile noma akuqalekisile. Umsebenzi yilokho okumele kugcwaliswe umuntu; wumsebenzi wakhe futhi akumele uncike ekunxeshezelweni, ezimweni, noma ezizathwini. Yilapho kuphela okuyothiwa wenza umsebenzi wakhe. Umuntu obusisiwe uthokozela ubuhle uma esephelelisiwe emuva kokujeziswa. Umuntu oqalekisiwe uthola isijeziso uma isimo sakhe sihlala singashintshiwe emuva kokusolwa nokwahlulelwa, okusho ukuthi, akakalungisiswa. Njengesidalwa, umuntu kumele afeze umsebenzi wakhe, enze okumele akwenze, futhi enze akwazi ukukwenza, noma ngabe ezobusiswa noma ezoqalekiswa. Lokhu kuyisisekelo somgomo womuntu, njengalowo ofuna uNkulunkulu. Akumele wenze umsebenzi wakho ngoba ufuna ukubusiswa, futhi akumele wenqabe ukwenza okuthile ngoba wesaba ukuqalekiswa. Mangikutshele lokhu okukodwa: Uma umuntu ekwazi ukwenza umsebenzi wakhe, kusho ukuthi wenza lokho okumele akwenze. Uma umuntu ehluleka ukwenza umsebenzi wakhe, kubonakaliswa ukuhlubuka komuntu. Umuntu ushintsha kancane kancane ngokuhlala elandela inqubo yokusebenza, futhi ngale nqubo ukwazi ukukhombisa ukwethembeka kwakhe. Futhi, uma ukwazi ukwenza umsebenzi wakho, uzothola amaqiniso amaningi, futhi nalokho okubonakalisayo kuzoba nobuqiniso obukhulu. Labo abamane benze ngokugcina icala umsebenzi wabo futhi abangalifuni iqiniso bayokhishwa ekugcineni, ngoba labo bantu abawenzi umsebenzi wabo ngokweqiniso, futhi abalenzi iqiniso ekugcwalisweni komsebenzi wabo. Abantu abanjalo bayohlala bengaguquliwe futhi bayoqalekiswa. Abakuvezayo akuve nje kungahlanzekile, kodwa baveza ububi bodwa.
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Besa metoya 2000 census PNG Gabena lasolukula pela PNG tomota khalabawa. Igaugwa pela toBouti (eligible voters) besa metoya 2007 election lasisonukula. AVELA YEGU: CANDIDATE PROFILE Bwena igau ikugwa alivalegu avela yegu pela gugwadi vakhela gala inukwalegusi. Tuvela goli tevilemi yegila wala kunukwarisa taga gala sitana kwetala tuta tabodasi. Biga dimdim yagagu linus, ovalu igalela silipolaKhapulapola, tomwaya yagala digim’Rina, valu Okheboma. Tolukwasisiga yegu, Kwaradu, Ilalima.Iunegusi Okheboma mitaga imweyegusi tubugwa a-sewa khebubuna sasona, vasiuya deli kiu khala yosa okhekapola owada waya Lupepi - Okupukopu. E, oluiga ikeimalegu tamagu imeyegu ayosa khaukwau, sikum, ayeni khapeki e, akhetataba deli amom yonela Mweuya - Okheboma.GINIGINI LIVALELA: EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Aitoula ginigini Okukwewelu (Okheboma), olui ala Gusaweta, asui Hagita e olui ala Sogeri agini. Olui asui Uni agini, avenoki e atola aituloki Uni olopola. Laitoula wala vituloki e, iulemwa khadatala keda e, ala agini kwetala Uni Australia, yagala Australian National University, Canberra. Ikawegu makhala kwelima tetu olopola. (Mitaga aitoula 1987 e ulapwepu lakhau1995 – besa makhala kwelima kwetolu tetu olopola. Taga uula baweya akitobu, olui aigavau.)Mkwesi kwelima tetu olopola e, kwetala ameya oduvalusa.Ouula Koyatabu, kwetala valu yagala Basima e, ama asikemwa. A-sewa sibiga,khasigulagula, khasi liliu, bubunesi akheisaki kwevilesi, e asobubuna goli vavagi kwetala kwetala leuvagisa.Mkwewena ivagi dimdim siginigini pela valu khala nukwari; tomota bubunesi, valu khesisula, khala gulagula, liliu, lapeula o khena lamama, khala khesakhaula, khala bwena, khala gaga e mkwesina goli. Asobubuni lewokuva e akheyumari alau Australia e, agini pilatala buki minu Basima livalesi. Mapilana buki ivagi makhala ulasaiya. Avetuta lainaku aseki toituloki ivigaki sikabogigisa Uni ginigini bogwa lavinaku.Togisa mpana buki pela bivitopwapusa khala peula ula paisewa khasitetolu: tetala tolela America Prof. F. Damon, tetala tolela UK Prof. A. Epstein e, natala ilela New Zealand Prof.A. Chowning. Khasitetolu wala ikabwerisa paisewa sena bwena e, mapela letugwarisa ulapwepu yavekha lakhau. Miyawena yagala Doctor of Philosophy – miyana University khalaigimkoila ginigini. Besa uula lemweeya ledokhegusi yegula tetala Doketa. Doketa pela ginigini, gala pela maresina deli khatoula ospeta. Lavagi tomatalela olopola Kilivila, teyuwelaga olopola Milne Bay pela Doketa makwa tutela. E, pelaga PNG lavagi tevasila pela makwa study yagala Anthropology. Pela Kilivila olopola agumwareta wala, gala teyuwegu. Modudaya, Yolisaguyau, Kalu, Toburiwada, Doctor L. Sirigoi, Doctor J. Morewaya, besa si Masters wala ikeulasi, Doketa gala. Sekumwelaga yegula itomwa Masters akharipwalaga ala akhau ula Doketa. Masters aulilai wala.Taga lema besa tuta Doketa bogwa levagi khama tetolusi. Yegula, Dr. Osia Gideon, Kumwageya, evagi doketala pela khai olopo udila e, silovala toveyola Dr. Aisi Anas, gwadila Iwa. Mtona gwadi evagi doketala natala yena obwarita yagala Barramundi. Gala ititoki dabwaritasi besa Australia wala, Daru, Kerema, ivalai Moresby e, imaga makwa kwevekha mlula Suau, Mullins harbor. Mtosi tawau khasiteyu laligewa Uni ivitulokisi e lamaga auwotetila. Besa tuta goli, Dr. Anas bogwa lela Vudal University ivituloki pela pola deli bwarita.Avetuta lavenoki Australia e, lakheita lama Uni Moresby, asetaula wala vituloki toginigini pela amakhala valu khaluvatusi.KHETO-TA: PROFESSIONAL RELEVANCE Olumolela ulaginigini, oduvalusa lelaga Australia besa bogwa makhala kweluwayu tetu lekoma lemwa. Metoya okhabopaisewa besa bogwa makhala wala levagi kweluwayu wala tetu. E, avetuta lasivila lagisi momova lapeula besa tetala tetala olopola PNG, damomovasi makhasana 60 tetu etubutobu. Pela 40 tetu bogwa laweya metoya oginigini deli opaisewa e tupwelaga momova mwada kweluwayu wala lesisu. E besa tuta lalumkwari buyai deli woula igau sitana khala bwena e, lagisemwa latola. Khena bapaisau kwelima tetu pela khala bwena Kilivila imwa khalanona e, bakheitaga bala agini ula buki pela mkwesina khabitam labubani valu valu latitaini. E, besa uula emweki nanogu latola.Uni olopola lavituloki toginigini gala teyumwa. Gudisi PNG, Vanuatu, Solomons, Milne Bay deli goli yakidasi Kilivila. Taga gala pela avituloki wala, atitaina valu valu olopola watanawa, PNG deli goli Kilivila. Tuvela goli avavagi kwevilesi study pela bipilasi Gabena amakhala bivigaki kwevilesi la projects.Olumolela vituloki Kilivila livalela deli wala – pela Kilivila sena igavekha yagala olopola valu watanawa. Pela gala teyumwa dimdim bogwa lemesa istadisa davalusa. Makwewenala study lagela latakhavati. Tetala tomwaya sena omitibogwa lema igau olatuta Guyau Touluwa e lema mesikeyala Omarakhana, Gusaweta, Obulaku e, Sinaketa (Malinowski). Sekumwelaga khala toituloki (Seligmann) imebogwa. Teyuwela khabiriya lewokuva lema isiwa wala Omarakhana – tolela UK (Powell). Tetala ila Kuyawa, tetala imwa Tukwaukwa (Hutchins), natala imwa Kwebwaga (Weiner), natala ila Khaduwaga (Montague), natala isiwa Vakuta (Campbell), tetala ila Khebola-Yalumgwa (Leach), tevilesi iginisi kukwanebu deli khevasaki (J. Kasaipwalova), tetala ila Kitava (Scoditti), natala ila Gawa (Munn), tevilesi ilosa Tawema (Bell-Krahnals, Senft & Wolf), tetala ila Omyuwa (Damon), natala isimwa Modaosi (Malnic with JKasaipwalova), Mesinari R. Lawton (Oyabia), natala isimwa Orabesi (K. Lepani) e, yegula.Tevilesi imesa kwekukupi taem wala ikeitasi (Crain,Darrah & Gardiner), (J, Raines), (K.Boedecker), budatala Swedish archaeologists alau ikerisa Sibukubaku Labai (G.Burenhult),tevilesi isunuvirisa bulagwau livalela (Holdsworth et.al.) bwadagu mtona Basima imwa Gumilababa (Maibala) e, lagela mtona khala toituloki lema Omarakhana (Mosko), deli goli mtona Oluvilei, gumParanisi (Eric – Maths/Anthropologist). Vakhela makwa wala study.Tevilesi tuvela iginisi livalela valu (Austen, L. Watson, Y. Tom’tavala, C. Lepani), lugulogwa (Narubatu), Kula deli Kukwanebu (S.B. Fellows, M.K. Gilmour, J. & L. Kasaipwalova, B. Todidayu), khabiriya (P. Modakhewau), Wosi deli Biga (Fellows, Baldwin, Lawton & Senft), valu kharewagela deli khatuwalela (Bellamy, Whitehouse, Rentoul, Monckton, Poschl & Poschl), A. Connelyy (2007), Meguva, Kula, Kukwanebu, Gulagula (Malinowski). Taga,gala wala teyumwa.Mapela kidamwa magim bukuvitusibwelaki Kilivila lakhesakhaula khena lakhabotota – mesinaku wala kuma ovalu kusiki, kweisaki, kuvatusi bibwena deli goli kwatukwayaya besa tobuboma. Pelaga khatumkoila, kula kwalawa mtosi dimdim sibuki – e avela goli yakhamesa sitana lakhaginisa livalela valu; makhawala totuwala John Kasaipwalova. Kweyuwela bukuninamsi, vakhela nukwari deli bigela khesisu bogwa letamwau – mtosi lesisusa besa tuta teyu wala. Deli goli mtosi tubovau tonukwari sitana makhala sena ‘politics’, wabu deli khamkwam lesuki dubasi kugisa gala sena khabitam senela.Pela yegula ula study oduvalusa makhala: pilatala buki pela Malinowski lakhekwabu usogu Michael Young lakhagini, deli goli iwotala Swedish toginigini ameya Ikasi, Mwatawa okwadewa e, khakerisa Labai Odubekoya (Sibukubaku) – Khalabawa tomata (whole skeletons) 18. Khasi tetu makhasana 900 tetu bo lemwa. Deli goli agini toya teyu America pela Kilivila livalela khatoula e, mkwesi goli pakula paisewala. Tuvela goli agini livalela Bwemapou, wewa project olopola Luba. Besa uula avetuta bukuwai ocomputer magim internet e maigasina goli yegila makhala digim’Rina, Okheboma, Okupukopu, Ilalima, Osapola, Khetui besa bivalapulasi wala osikwawela yagagu. Besa davalusa bulagala bogwa wala ekarigiyaki valu. Yegula lakeula lasela makwa tuta khalasia egabu valu deli goli makwa wewa project, Luba olopola.UULA Deli TUMILA: RATIONALE and OBJECTIVES Metoya ogupaisewa, oguvatusi, deli goli ogutaina titolegu adokila lavitusibwelaki valu khalagigisa, lapeula, lamama deli khala bwena deli goli khalagaga. Mapela bakho-ula pela tumalela ulakhabotota.Avetuta bitavitusi Kilivila bibwena deli goli bitaviseki deli koyakoya –dimdimgwa bwena aom - Kilivila sena wala khapisila, makhala bogwa wala letomwa – kweluvala tetu levatubolola e leligemwaga.Mesinari Fellows ekugwema lema 1890s, olui gabena lema 1900s deli goli Toukoukwa mtosina lemesa- olui Catholic lemesa 1930s, khabiria kwevekha lema 1940s lewokuva, olui Independence 1975 silovala e, lema besa tuta, bogwa wala lekarisau lakhatutala tetu.Walola miletela tameyesa taga Kilivila gala wala idaila pela bitavitusi la peula deli khala migileu dakhesakhaulasi. Usuvesei: A Comparative Perspective
ngangikade sengibe sekhaya iviki elilodwa ngenkathi udadewethu efika enginikeza incwadi ethi umfowethu webandla lethu wayeboshiwe, futhi kwakudingeka ngihambe ekhaya ngokushesha. ngalesi sikhathi ngangifana nendluzele phambi kwamalambu; ngangingenalo ukholo futhi ngaba nomcabango owodwa kuphela enhliziyweni yami: ukucasha ngokushesha futhi ngingavumeli udrako omkhulu obomvu angibambe; udrako omkhulu obomvu uyenyanyeka kakhulu futhi unenhliziyo embi, izindlela ezimbi azisebenzisayo ukuchitha amakholwa azizange zabonakala ngaphambilini. uma ngiwela ezandleni zamadimoni, imiphumela iyoba ngengacabangeki. kulandela lokhu, udadewethu othile wangethula ezintabeni ukuba ngiphekele abavukuzi basezimayini. ngangilapho nodadewethu ababili futhi sasisebenzisa ithuba lapho kwakungekho muntu ukuze sidle futhi siphuze amazwi kankulunkulu, sihlanganyele futhi sicule amahubo. ngenxa yokuthi sasinawo amazwi kankulunkulu, usuku ngalunye lwalunothisa. nokho, esikhathini esingaphansi kwenyanga, amaphoyisa afika endaweni futhi kwakungekho engangingakwenza ngaphandle kokuhamba endaweni. emva kwalokho ngaya kwenye indawo yokudlela ukuze ngiyosebenza. wonke umuntu engangihlangana naye wayengakholwa ngakho sasikhuluma ulimi olungafani; phezu kwalokho, ngangingenalo izwi likankulunkulu kulolu hlobo lwendawo, futhi kwakungekho muntu engangingahlanganyela naye kangangokuthi kwakunzima ngisho nokukhuleka umkhuleko ocacile. ngazizwa ngingedwana futhi ngilahliwe kanti nenhliziyo yami kungekho engakwenza ngaphandle kokukhononda. ngangifuna ngisho nokukhaphela unkulunkulu ngingabe ngisakholwa: “ukukholwa kunkulunkulu akulula neze futhi ngihlezi ngikhathazekile usuku lonke; ngithalaza ezweni elingenabo ubulungiswa; ingabe lezi zinsuku ziyophela nini? ukuba ngangingakholwa kunkulunkulu, ngiphila impilo elula nezinzile njengabangakholwa, kwakungeke kube mnandi lokho?” yize noma inhliziyo yami yayicabanga ngale ndlela, ngangizizwa nginokwesaba futhi ngangingeke ngilokothe ngishiye unkulunkulu, ukukucabanga nje ukushiya unkulunkulu kwakungidalela ubuhlungu. kodwa njengoba ngangingathandi ukufunda amazwi kankulunkulu ngaphambilini, ngingafuni ukulandela iqiniso, futhi ngigcwalise izibopho zami zokuthola izibusiso, ngakho--ke, ngithe lapho ngishiya izincwadi zezwi likankulunkulu, inhliziyo yami yayingenalo yangaba ngisho nomugqa wezwi likankulunkulu owasala kuyo. ngaphandle kwamazwi kankulunkulu okuphila engeseka, ngangifana nje nesiwula esasilahlekelwe yingqondo. ngangingazi ukuthi ngizenzenjani noma ngilandele ini. kunalokho ngazabalaza usuku nosuku. yayithini intando kankulunkulu? kungani ayengihlelele lokhu? ngingaphila futhi ngimenelise kanjani unkulunkulu? ngangingenawo amandla okucabanga ngalokhu, konke engangikucabanga kwakuwubunzima bami nje. ngaleso sikhathi ukukholwa kwami kunkulunkulu onamandla onke nosezindaweni zonke kanye nokukholwa kwami ebukhoneni bukankulunkulu emhlabeni wonke kwangilahlekela. kwaze kwafika ephuzwini lapho udadewethu othile afika ukuzongimema ukuba ngivakashele abanye abafowethu nodadewethu, nganqaba, ngoba inhliziyo yami yayesaba futhi iyigwala. ngangingenakholo namandla, ngangincike nje engqondweni nasemicabangweni yami, ngicabanga ukuthi indawo ngeke ilunge ngaphambi kokubuyela kwe--hong kong echina. ngalesi sikhathi, udrako omkhulu obomvu uyobhudukeza acindezele ngamandla futhi ashabalalise wonke umuntu okholwa kunkulunkulu. manje kuyoba yisikhathi eside ngaphambi kokubuya kwe--hong kong, kufanele ngempela ngizivikele kahle. esikhathini sezinyanga ezimbili nohhafu engangisebenze ngazo endaweni yokudlela, inhliziyo yami yaya ngokuya ideda kunkulunkulu, kwaze kwaba sezingeni lapho ngangilivuma kuphela igama likankulunkulu, kodwa ngingenaye unkulunkulu enhliziyweni yami. inhliziyo yami esikhathini esiningi yayihehwa yizinjabulo zenyama; ngangifuna ukubalekela unkulunkulu ngiphile impilo yabangakholwa. nokho, esikhathini sezinsuku ezimbalwa ezalandela ngangimkhumbula kakhulu unkulunkulu nabafowethu nodadewethu; ngangikhumbula impilo yebandla lami lakudala.
fo r others, a period or lifetime of single living can afford upportunities to develop interests and talents. one english teacher i know uses her leisure time to develop her writing ability and to learn the ins and outs of free--lance writing. she recently showed me a crayon--scribbled letter from a friend who is a mother of two young children. ""for heaven's sake, take advantage of the present to write, write, write!"" penned her friend. ""if you were in my shoes, you wouldn't have the time to write a grocery list, let alone a novel."" the single life can also provide time to deepen spirituality. john, for example, spends a quiet time in prayer every morning before work. ""it would be very difficult to find prayer--time if i were helping get kids off to school,"" he says. indeed, there are many singles who take advantage of their freedom to spend time making retreats, studying scripture or deepening their prayer lives. other singles use their freedom to study psychology or politics or art. others may focus on improving career skills or on hobbies or on physical fitness. all these activities can contribute to healthy growth for the individual. 2. we can channel our freedom into community or church service. perhaps st. paul says it best. ""i want you to be free from concern. one who is unmarried is concerned about the things of the lord, how he may please the lord; but the one who is married is concerned about the things of the world.., his interests are divided"" (1 corinthians 7:32--33). many single people are in a unique position to serve god through their work in 'the outside world, as well as within the church. a group home for mentally handicapped adults is the focal point of my friend frank's life. single and 29, frank is a resident counselor and brings a lot of energy and love to the eight handicapped men with whom he works. lin, a young mother whose husband died five years ago, has made her large home a cozy haven for not only herself and her seven--year--old son but for scores of friends and relatives in her university community. john devotes one weekend a month to retreat work with the youth of his diocese. all these single adults are taking advantage of their single state to serve god in very concrete ways, both inside and outside the church. their work and home lives are not ends in themselves but avenues for ministry. 3. our freedom may provide more opportunities to witness. if we take seriously jesus' command to be ""salt of the earth"" and ""light to the world,"" we see that active involvement in the larger world can be an important extension of our faith lives. because we tend to move in larger orbits than our married or religious counterparts, singles may have the freedom to witness christian values to a broader range of people. steve, my friend the jazz musician, is an example of this freedom. my experience has been similar. as a teacher at a secular university i have contact with hundreds of students. i also have a wide circle of friends, family and professional colleagues. surely there is a great potential here to be used as a channel of god's love. someone has coined the term ""mingles"" to describe singles. such diverse ""mingling"" can be part of our christian witness. how the church can include singles one's relationship to the church, like any relationship, is a two--way street. if these are the gifts that singles should bring to the church, what might we reasonably expect in return? what can a particular parish do to nurture single catholics? in theory, the catholic church has always regarded the single life as a valid vocation. but in practice there's little positive support for it. most parishes center their ministries around family life and the education of children. ""between high school and marriage, there's a vast wasteland in the church,"" says one friend who works in youth ministry. many church leaders believe that ministry to singles will be the main outreach area in the 1980's and 90's. in the meantime, here's a list of steps your parish can take now to involve singles.
The courts face a complex task when having to determine the best interests of the child, for there is no easy way of establishing what these interests are. This article examines interests of the child as listed in <I>McCall v McCall</I>. Most children who find themselves at the centre of a custody battle suffer the long-term and short-term stresses of divided loyalty. Several challenging questions remain: whether determining the best interests of the child means attending to everything that affects the child or whether certain considerations should be disregarded; whether the child&apos;s interest should be viewed from a short-term, medium-term or long-term perspective; whether they should be viewed from a subjective or an objective point of view. While the author submits that the best interests are to be determined by adult decision makers, on the basis of objective criteria rather than on the basis of a child&apos;s subjective wishes, he warns against conceptualising the interests of the child in terms of the interests of parents. End
the 2 room hotel suite + spa is a comfortable, spacious, fully air--conditioned and non--smoking suite featuring a luxury spa bath, two bedrooms and two private bathrooms, perfect for a family, group of friends holidaying together or corporate travelers looking for extra space and luxury. the suite further offers split system air conditioning and heating, two separate bedrooms, each with your choice of either 1 king bed or 2 single beds in each bedroom -- please specify your preferences in the special requests section of your booking, 2 private ensuite bathrooms one with a luxury spa bath, both with shower, hairdryer, toilet and free bathroom amenities, seating/ dining area, flat screen lcd tv, dvd player, free wifi, well equipped kitchenette with refrigerator, microwave, toaster, electric kettle, tea/ coffee facilities, crockery cutlery glassware and ironing facilities. breakfast room service is at an extra charge. the rate is for 4 guests. the suite caters for a maximum of 4 guests. children under 2 years of age stay free of charge when using existing bedding."
Abanye abantu bahlala becabanga: Ngabe ukukholwa kuNkukunkuku akukhona ukuya emihlanganweni, ukucula amaculo, ukulalela izwi likaNkulunkulu, ukuthandaza, ukwenza imisebenzi ethile? Akunjalo?” Kungakhathaleki ukuthi ninesikhathi eside kangakanani ningabakholwa kuNkulunkulu, anikakuqondi ngokugcwele ukubaluleka kokukholwa kuNkulunkulu. Empeleni, ukubaluleka kokukholwa kuNkulunkulu kujule ngendlela engakholakali, futhi abantu abakacabangi ngokugcwele ngakho. Ekugcineni, izinto eziphakathi kubantu okungezikaSathane, nezinto zemvelo yabo kufanele ziguquke, futhi kufanele zivumelane nezidingo zeqiniso; yilokhu kuphela okungukuthola insindiso ngempela. Uma ufana nowawuyikho enkolweni—umemeza nje amazwi emfundiso noma umemeza iziqubulo ezithile, bese wenza izenzo ezithile nokuziphatha okuhle, futhi ungenzi izono ezithile, ungenzi izono ezisobala—lokhu akukachazi ukuthi usungene emzileni olungile wokukholwa kuNkulunkulu. Ngenxa yokuthi nje uyakwazi ukulandela imithetho, ngabe kusho ukuthi uhamba endleleni efanele? Ngabe kusho ukuthi ukhethe ngokufanele? Uma izinto eziphakathi emvelweni yakho zingaguqukile futhi ekugcineni usamelana noNkulunkulu futhi usacasula uNkulunkulu, khona-ke lokhu kuyinkinga enkulu. Uma ukholwa kuNkulunkulu kodwa ungayixazululi le nkinga, khona-ke ungathathwa njengosindisiwe? Kuchaza ukuthini, ukusho Kwami lokhu? Kungokunenza nonke niqonde ezinhliziyweni zenu ukuthi ukukholwa kuNkulunkulu akukwazi ukwehlukaniswa namazwi kaNkulunkulu, noNkulunkulu, noma neqiniso. Kufanele uyikhethe kahle indlela yakho, ufake amandla eqinisweni futhi ufake amandla emazwini kaNkulunkulu. Ungabi nje nolwazi olungavuthiwe bese uzibona uvuthiwe, noma uwaqonde ngaleyo ndlela nje. Uma wenza izinto ngokuxhamazela, uzozilimaza wena nje kuphela. Umuntu akufanele aphambuke ekukholweni kwakhe kuNkulunkulu; uma ekugcineni kungekho Nkulunkulu enhliziyweni yakhe, futhi ephethe incwadi nje eyibuka sengathi uthokozela izimbali ngenkathi egabavula phezu kwehhashi, ngaphandle kokuba nesikhala sikaNkulunkulu enhliziyweni yakhe, khona-ke uphelile. Kusho ukuthini ukuthi “Ukukholwa komuntu kuNkulunkulu akukwazi ukwehlukaniswa namazwi kaNkulunkulu”? Ngabe uyaqonda? Kuyaphambana yini nokuthi “Ukukholwa kuNkulunkulu akunakwehlukaniswa kuNkulunkulu”? Ungaba kanjani noNkulunkulu enhliziyweni yakho uma amazwi kaNkulunkulu engekho enhliziyweni yakho? Uma ukholwa kuNkulunkulu kodwa uNkulunkulu engekho enhliziyweni yakho, namazwi kaNkulunkulu, nokuqondisa kukaNkulunkulu, khona-ke uphele nya. Uma ungakwazi ukwenza into encane ngokokufunwa nguNkulunkulu, khona-ke lapho ubhekene nodaba olukhulu olumaqondana nesimiso ngeke ukwazi ngokwengeziwe ukugcwalisa okufunwa nguNkulunkulu. Lokhu kusho ukuthi awunabufakazi, futhi lokhu kuyahlupha, futhi kukhombisa ukuthi awunalutho. Kunezinto eziningi ezingeke zichazwe ngemininingwane, futhi ngolunye usuku kuphela lapho uMoya oNgcwele ukukhanyisela uyokwazi ukuqonda ngokugcwele. Njengamanje ngingasebenzisa kuphela inkulumo abantu abayocabanga ukuthi ijwayeleke ngempela futhi akunamqondo kakhulu ukuyiveza. Uyazi ukuthi kuleli zwe, ngenkathi wehlelwa yilokhu kuhlupheka futhi uthokozela umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu, abakwamanye amazwe ngempela banomona ngani nonke? Izifiso zabamanye amazwe zithi: Nathi sifuna ukuhlangana nomsebenzi kaNkulunkulu, singabekezelela noma yini ngenxa yawo. Nathi sifuna ukuthola iqiniso! Futhi sifuna ukuzuza ulwazi oluthile, ukuzuza isiqu esingokomoya esithile, kodwa ngeshwa asinaso leso simo. Bacabanga ukuthi abantu baseShayina babusiseke kakhulu, kodwa nicabanga ukuthi yibo ababusisekile, futhi ninomona ngabo; lokhu yikho ngempela okuwukuphila esibusisweni kodwa ungakwazi ukusizwa ukuthi yiso. Ukwenza leli qembu labantu liphelele ezweni likadrako omkhulu obomvu, ukubenza babekezelele lokhu kuhlupheka, kungathiwa kuwukuphakanyiswa okukhulu. Kwake kwathiwa: “Kade ngayiletha inkazimulo Yami eMpumalanga isuka kwa-Israyeli.” Niyayiqonda nonke incazelo yale nkulumo manje? Kufanele uyihambe kanjani indlela engaphambili? Kufanele ulifune kanjani iqiniso? Uma ungalifuni iqiniso uzowuthola kanjani-ke umsebenzi kaMoya oNgcwele? Uma ulahlekelwa ngumsebenzi kaMoya oNgcwele, khona-ke uyoba sengozini enkulu. Ukuhlupheka kwamanje akubalulekile. Uyazi ukuthi kuyonenzelani?
Pohamba okwa kala eineekelwa noonkondo kuNujoma pethimbo lyiita yekondjelomanguluko, na itashi kumitha unene okuuva Nujoma e mu ulika a ninge omupresidende. Pohamba oku li gumwe gomiilyo mbyoka ya tota po oSwapo pomimvo 1960 nokwa yile muupongekwa omumvo gwa landula ko, konima sho a kala ta dhengwa nokuhepekwa kelelo lyopamuthigululwakalo mOhangwena omolwiilonga ye yoSwapo. Momumvo 1992, okwiiyamba okugalukila koNamibia ongomuunganeki goSwapo, kakele tango okwa kwatelwa moZimbabwe oshowo konima yoomwedhi ntano mOvenduka, omanga ina sikotwa/shunithwa kOwambo nokutula mondholongo yomegumbo. Momumvo 1964 okwa yi ishewe muupongekwa. Pohamba okwa li ishewe a zimina okugalukila koNamibia momumvo 1966 pamwe naNujoma, sho aalumentu mbaka yaali kwa li ya kambadhala okutula koshiyeleko omapopyo gaSouth Afrika kutya ewiliko lyoSwapo pondje yoshilongo olya ya muupongekwa epwanga notaya vulu okugalukila koNamibia ethimbo kehe.
after matriculating margie’s working career started at a large retail store, where she gained a thorough knowledge of retail operations, moving through the ranks for two years. when she left, she held the position of training officer. after a while as a credit controller, and obtaining her certified bookkeeper’s diploma, margie started mgl admin services in 1986, an accounting practice aimed at small to medium enterprises. ready for a new challenge, margie has recently started objective consulting as a division of mgl, where she will assist businesses in identifying and correcting problem areas.assisting people is margie’s passion, and she is currently studying towards qualifying as a life coach.
Ngudo iyi i tandula tshibveleli tsha zwiṱokofela − vhuraḓo ho ḓisendekaho nga zwikimu zwa u vhulunga u itela u dzudzanyea nga tshitshavha na lwa masheleni kha miraḓo khathihi na vhuḓimvumvusi (Lukhele, 1990). Ndivho ya ngudo ndi u topola u vha hone ha tshaka dzo fhambanaho dza ikonomi dzine dza sa ḓivhadzwe nga thevhekano ya pfuma. Ngudo yo pika u ṱola zwithu zwa ndeme zwo tikaho zwiṱokofela na u u wana vhukati hazwo nyimele ya matshilisano na mvelelo kathihi na ḓivhazwakale. Hei ndi ngudo ya ṱhoḓisiso ya ndeme na nyolo ya ṱhoḓisiso yanga yo katela mushumo wa nnḓa, u sedza vhadzheneli, inthaviwu dzo dzhenelelaho na kuitele kwa vhutumbukwa. Ngudo dzi shumisaho ngona idzi, dzo nkonisa u vhona vhuṱumani vhukati ha lushaka lwa ha Khumalo ‒ murafho wa ha Mzilikazi Khumalo we wa vha u khonani dza Khosi Shaka nahone hu pfi wo shela mulenzhe zwihulwane kha u fhaṱa zwi vhidzwaho uri lushaka lwa ha Zulu ṋamusi ‒ na vhomalume anga. Kha miṅwedzi ya rathi ye nda I fhedza ngei Esihlengeni, kuḓana ku re kha ḽa Vryheid, KwaZulu-Natal, ndo inthaviwa vhathu vha 27, nda dzhenela mbulungo mbili, nyitelatherelo nthihi ya muṱa na tshimbidza nyambedzano dza zwigwada zwo sedzaho mbili na vhafumakadzi vha zwiṱokofela. Ndo wana uri zwiṱokofela a zwo ngo ḓisendeka nga muhanga wa nḓivho ya Afrika sa zwe zwa lavhelelwa kha tshitatamende tsha thaidzo fhedzi hu kha ḓi vha nga ngomu ha thevhekano ya pfuma ya u bindula zwenezwo a zwo bvi kha zwithu zwa ndeme zwa sialala zwa tshitshavha. Musi zwiṱokofela zwi tshi ḓivhadzwa nga thevhekano thakhulwa ya pfuma, tshitshavha tsha Esihlengeni tshi kha ḓi dzhia u bva kha kuvhonele kwa mvelo kwa ḽifhasi ku vha ṋekedzaho kupfesesele kwo fhambanaho lwa ikonomi yo ḓisendekaho nga kholomo – nḓila ine ya vha tendela u shuma nyitelatherelo dzavho zwi themendelaho tsireledzo na u bvelaphanḓa ha vhutshilo – u itela u pfesesa ḽifhasi ḽavho. U omelela kha ndeme ya kholomo kha tshitshavha itshi sa tshililo tshavho tsha u tendelwa u vha hone na u dzhielwa nṱha sa vhathu vhane vha kona u ḓihumbulela. Ndi pendela nga u amba uri u itela u pfesesa tshoṱhe tshitshavha itshi ri tea u dzhia kuvhonele kwa zwa mvumbo ro khwaṱhisa uri ri sa tou vha na nḓila nthihi fhedzi ya u vha hone. Tshitshavha tsha Esihlengeni zwenezwo tshi ri fha thyori ya ikonomi yo ḓisendekaho nga vhutshilo ho fhelelaho – hezwo zwi dzhiela nṱha zwa muvhili na zwa khumbulelwa u khwaṱhisedza u bvelaphanḓa ha vhutshilo. Zwenezwo, tshitshavha tsha Esihlengeni tshi tea u dzhiiwa sa tshifhiwa tsho tewaho nga dzindivhuwo.
The study was conducted within the interpretive research paradigm. Anchored in organisational justice theory, the study explored the incapacity management practices at an open distance learning (ODL) institution in South Africa. A qualitative research methodology, which applied a case study design, was used in this study. A purposeful sample of 16 (N=16) participants was chosen based on their experiences, knowledge and understanding on the topic of incapacity management. Semi-structured interviews were used as the primary data collection method, and documents were used as a secondary data collection source for triangulation purposes. The data analysis and reporting of the participants’ lived experiences drew on the thematic analysis technique. At theoretical level, the study provided insight into the notions of incapacity management in the workplace; the regulatory obligations in managing incapacity; and lastly, reasonable practices to accommodate incapacity. The literature review confirmed that an effective incapacity management framework should have four main dimensions, namely a supportive institutional culture; a policy and procedure providing for incapacity management practices; provisions for reasonable accommodation; and a multidisciplinary approach. From the empirical phase it emerged that although the literature presupposes a healthy institutional culture to ensure well-managed incapacity in the workplace, the current institutional culture at the institution under study was negative. This study also found several challenges relating to incapacity management in the ODL institution, namely a lack of knowledge and understanding of incapacity management due to the absence of a policy and procedure; a lack of understanding of the incapacity condition; and a lack of reciprocal communication among the key role players. The findings also demonstrated that reasonable accommodation practices could be improved and that the management of incapacity in the workplace requires a multidisciplinary approach. The study proposes an incapacity management framework for the ODL institution that encompasses the identified prerequisites and challenges. The study also added insights to the human resource management body of knowledge, especially knowledge of the management of incapacity due to ill health in the workplace, with specific reference to the ODL institution.
when i first came to new york as a college student, i was impressed by the size of music stores here. an hmv at 72nd street and broadway had two floors. that was nothing compared to the tower records near lincoln center whose classical music section alone was the size of any entire music store in the malls back home. when the virgin megastore opened up in times square, some of my fellow students and i made a pilgrimage to check out the reason for all hype. one of my companions looked at the multiple escalators, flat screen monitors and aisles upon aisles of cds, and breathed, “yeah, it’s pretty mega.” he was right. walking into that store wasn’t just shopping, it was an experience. listening stations lined the walls, a dj played a more diverse song list than most radio stations, you could find just about anything that had ever been put on a cd or dvd, and it had a multiplex movie theater right inside! but each chain, had its own brand and its own personality. hmv was dark with moody pink and purple highlights, a brit pop rebel that never quite got over the 80s. tower, on the other hand, felt like the super cool, sunny california native that it was, with huge windows and airy spaces. none of these retail chains exists in the united states anymore, but they can all be found on the internet, where the shopping experience is exactly the same as at any other online store, the only difference is the logo on the home page.
@ThingsExpo BlogsBrendan O'Brien and the 'Future of IoT'By Elizabeth White"There is a natural synchronization between the business models, the IoT is there to support ,” explained Brendan O'Brien, Co-founder and Chief Architect of Aria Systems, in this SYS-CON.tv interview at the 15th International Cloud Expo®, held Nov 4–6, 2014, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.Nov. 20, 2014 07:30 PM EST Reads: 1,295IoT and the New App EconomyBy Bill MannIn 2007, there were virtually no mobile apps. Last year alone, over 100 billion apps were downloaded, generating $26 billion in sales. App stores operated by Apple and Google now offer more than a million apps each and people every day depend on apps like Facebook, Google Maps and Uber. The app economy is here. And – with the coming tide of wearable devices giving rise to a new generation of applications and the Internet of Things taking off – it’s going to get big. Fast. There are app developers right now who are working on ways to connect your TV to your fridge, so you know what drinks are...Nov. 20, 2014 01:45 PM EST Reads: 1,502The 'Internet of Things' Dress CodeBy Peter SilvaIf you thought the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) craze was a headache, just wait until button cameras, smart watches, and spy glasses (already here) are a daily occurrence in the office. Workplace #Wearables will be a huge challenge in the coming years as more devices, clothing and pretty much any ‘thing’ with a chip or sensor become commonplace in our society. The device explosion with IoT (Internet of Things) will be much larger than any of these mobile phones we carry around.
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1. pfula dayizi ra wena hi vu kheta. 2. tirhisa n’wala kumbe chumu wo kariha ku pfula dayizi. 3. tlakusa e hansi ka nomboro “40” na “9” hi n’wala kumbe chumu wo kariha. 4. chela misava ya laha ku nga na mi moya ya va kokwana wa wena kumbe swin’wana na swin’wana leswi uswi tirhisaka loko u vulavula na mi moya ya va kokwana wa wena kumbe u tirhisa xikhongelo. 5. pfala dayizi hi vukheta. 6. u nga tirhisi dayizi na vanhu van’wana kumbe ku nyika munhu u n’wana tani hi nyiko. 7. kuma tinsiva ta swi nyenyana na marhambu yo oma ku nga va ya huku. 8. khoma dayizi, marhambu na tisiva hi mavoko ma mbirhi u vutisa swikwembu swa wena ti nomboro ta nkateko uri karhi u yisa mavoko e henhla na le hansi. 9. hoxa dayizi na marhambu e hansi emahlweni ka wena u yima ma tshamiseka. 10. loko marhambu na tisiva swi langutile etlhelo rinwe i xikombiso xa kahle u nga tsala nomboro. 11. tsala/teka nomboro leyi nga le henhla ka dayizi. 12. loko marhambu na tinsiva swi nga langutanga e tlhelo rin’we hoax dayizi ku fikelela loko swi languta eka tlhelo rin’we. 13. loko xi khovha xiri le henhla a hi xikombiso xa kahle hoxa dayizi na kambe. 14. loko wo hoxa dayizi ka nharhu ri wa hi xikhovha u ta boheka kusungula emakumu u pfula dayizi u chela leswi u swi tirhisaka loko u vulvula na vakokwana va wena. 15 hoxa dayizi ka tsevu loko u lava ku kuma ti nomboro ta tsevu. 16. u nga tirhisa dayizi ra sangoma ku kuma ti nomboro tin’wana na tin’wana ta nkateko tani hi ku engetelela ku vhumba gemu yin’wana na yin’wana laha tinomboro ta bolo ti hlawuriwaka, ku fana na national lottery, power ball, tihaci, roulette na muchayina games kumbe swikoro swa ti team na swin’wana. sangoma dice na wantima mahlori investment cc hi ndlela yihi kumbe yihi a yina vuxakana lotto kumbe powerball."
umusango wa mano, uwawamina baibele uwakupilibuka kwesu ulingile ukulange nshila kuli ifwe iyakuba ne senge likalamba na lesa inshiku shesu shonse ishashalako. ifyakumwenako fyesu, pamo nga lyonse, ni balya abena kristu ba ntanshi abo abalebomfya ''ukupelulula'' pa kusanga ubwasuko bonse ku bwafya bwabo bonse bwa kutungulula imilimo (imilimo 6:2). amakalata ya mu cipingo cipya nayo yenekela ukupokelela kwa kubomfya amano ya baibele kuli ba kabelenga ba yako. eco ''pa kupelulula kwa'' musango bashimapepo bakalamba bali mwi funde lyakwa mose, ifwe kuti twailuka ifishinka pa mulimo wakwa kristu (aba hebere 5:3). panuma ya kusosa pa kutemwa kwakwa lesa ukwacilamo muli kristu, paulo alepapata ukuti cene e ''kubomba kwa mano (mu cigreek 'logikos' -- ekutiila ica mano) kwenu'' ukuipeela ifwe kuli wene umupwilapo mu kunakila (abena roma 12:1). ishiwi 'logikos' lyafuma kuli 'logos' mu cigreek, ishiwi ilingi ilipilibulwa ''icebo'' no kulosha ku cebo cakwa lesa. eico ifwe ukubomba kwesu ukwa ''mano'' mu musango wa baibele ni uko ukufuma mu cebo cakwa lesa.
14 ope na ovanhu vamwe ovo tuhe na okweendafana navo. pashihopaenenwa, katu na okweendafana novanhu ovo va kondwa molwaashi va nyona noinave livela ombedi. ngeenge owa udifwa nai kuumwe oo a kondwa, otashi dulika shi kale shidjuu oku mu dimina po nokuli nonande okwe livela ombedi molwaashi ohashi kufa efimbo opo omunhu a veluke pamaliudo. monghalo ya tya ngaho, ou na okupula jehova e ku kwafele u kale u na ehalo okudimina po oo e ku udifa nai. osho osha fimana molwaashi ku na efiku u shiive naanaa osho mukweni ta diladila ile e udite. ndele jehova oku shi shii. oha konakona omaliudo omeni omunhu nosho yo eamo laye noha tale onheni ovanyoni. (eps. 7:10; omayel. 17:3) nomolwaasho ombibeli ya ti: ‘inamu alulila nande omunhu owii waye. lalakaneneni ei ya wapalela ovanhu aveshe. ngeenge tashi dulika, kombinga yeni kaleni nombili novanhu aveshe. ovaholike, nye vene inamu alulila omunhu owii, ndelenee peni ehandu lakalunga omhito. shaashi opa shangwa: ehandu olange, ame handi futu, omwene osho ta ti.’ (rom. 12:17--19) mbela oto dulu ngoo okutokola umwe monghedi ya yuka? hasho nandenande. (mat. 7:1, 2) ndele oto dulu okukala nelineekelo kutya jehova oha tokola monghedi ya yuka.
The education system in Zimbabwe has experienced a wide range of educational reforms and technological changes since the last half of the 20th century. These changes have resulted in a significant expansion of the duties and responsibilities that school heads are expected to perform in schools. Despite these changes, there has not been a comprehensive training programme meant to prepare newly promoted secondary school heads for the daunting task of school leadership in Zimbabwe. The study sought to examine the perceptions of stakeholders regarding management development programmes (MDPs) for beginning secondary school heads (BSSHs). The study employed the descriptive case study approach based on a qualitative research design. A total of 28 participants were initially selected for the study but only 27 took part. The participants comprised five BSSHs, five practising secondary school heads, four deputy heads and 10 senior teachers who were drawn from 10 selected secondary schools in Zaka district. Three school inspectors from the district education office in Zaka district also took part. The participants were purposively sampled using the maximum variation sampling approach to account for the differences of their professional categories. Individual semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from the BSSHs, practising secondary school heads and school inspectors, while focus group interviews were used to collect data from deputy heads and senior teachers. A review of relevant documentary sources such as vacancy announcement circulars, the Civil Service Commission (CSC) training and development policy and policy circulars from the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MoPSE) was also undertaken. The findings indicated that there was a need for a management development programme that would equip newly promoted school heads with the relevant technical skills and competencies that would enable them to provide sound leadership to schools. The study established that BSSHs required knowledge and skills in financial management, instructional leadership, general administration, ICT, policy issues, human resources management, community relations, documentation and asset management.
* open truth about my season • the curtains have come down on another season here in south africa -- @sundownsfc crowned psl champions for a second consecutive season being the main highlight for myself and the club 🏆🥇 unfortunately for myself personally i didn’t achieve what i’d hoped for in terms of cementing myself in the starting 11 and being the go to man for goals. before i joined sundowns i was consistently playing and scoring and everyone including myself expected this to continue with ease when i made the big move.(which by the way was not for the figure that everyone thinks 💰💰). as you see all over the world, this sometimes happens and there are many factors that contribute to this (i’ll save these for another time). the main struggle for me has been trying to adapt to the sundowns style of play ⚽️ growing up as a kid all i wanted to do was play football and score goals. with limited game time (especially in the second half of the season) this has mentally been a massive challenge for me. i’ve had to be strong and not take my work issues home and let it effect my family.... this is sometimes hard when your 4 year old son always asks “why do you not play daddy?” it’s a real heart breaker for me👨‍👦💔 but i’ve tried to keep a brave face and take my mind away from the struggles -- whether that’s kicking the ball in the back yard with oskar, dancing and drawing with piper and most importantly spending quality time with my love, jessica. with all this being said i feel i can still offer a lot to south african football on and off the pitch and get back to being the “sniper” everyone once feared ⚽️🥅 i’m taking a much needed break (mentally) and getting on a plane to mauritius with my family soon to refresh and come back better and stronger 💪🏼🏖 thanks to all of those who send the positive messages to me through social media -- you also really keep me going!! 👏🏼👏🏼 until next season...
.hack//G.U. Trilogy undefined1) .hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet undefined12) .hack//Quantum undefined1) .hack//The Movie: Sekai no Mukou ni undefined1) 07 Ghost undefined6) 11 Eyes undefined1) 5 Centimeters Per Second undefined1) Absolute Duo undefined10) Accel World undefined20) Accel World EX undefined2) Accel World Specials undefined1) Afro Samurai: Resurrection undefined1) Aikatsu Season 2 undefined1) Air Gear undefined2) Akame ga Kill! undefined24) Akatsuki no Yona undefined24) AKB0048 undefined2) AKB0048 Next Stage undefined7) AKB48 undefined1) Aki Sora undefined1) Akuma no Riddle undefined10) Aldnoah.Zero undefined14) Aldnoah.Zero S2 undefined11) Amagami SS undefined2) Amagami SS plus undefined1) Amagi Brilliant Park undefined12) Amnesia undefined12) Angel Beats undefined1) Angel Densetsu OVA undefined1) Anime Mirai undefined1) Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai undefined2) Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai The Movie undefined1) Ano Natsu de Matteru undefined2) Ano Natsu de Matteru Special undefined1) Another undefined3) Another Live Action undefined1) Ansatsu Kyoushitsu (TV) undefined19) Ansatsu Kyoushitsu (TV) Deai no Jikan undefined1) Ao Haru Ride undefined15) Ao Haru Ride OVA undefined1) Ao Haru Ride: Unwritten undefined1) Ao No Exorcist undefined3) Ao no Exorcist Movie undefined1) Aquarion Evol undefined1) Arakawa Under the Bridge undefined2) Arakawa Under the Bridge x Bridge undefined1) Arata Kangatari undefined10) Arata naru Sekai undefined1) Arcana Famiglia undefined9) Area no Kishi undefined5) Arve Rezzle: Kikaijikake no Yoseitachi undefined1) Asobi ni Iku yo Asobi ni Oide undefined1) Asu no Yoichi undefined1) Asuko March! undefined1) Aura: Maryuuinkouga Saigo no Tatakai undefined1) Avatar The Legend of Korra undefined5) Avatar: The Legend Of Korra Book 2 undefined10) Avatar: The Legend Of Korra Book 3 undefined11) Avatar: The Legend of Korra Book 4 undefined12) B Gata H Kei undefined1) Baby Princess 3D Paradise Love undefined1) Baby Steps undefined14) Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu undefined1) Bakuman undefined1) Bakuman 2 undefined2) Bakuman 3 undefined15) Bakusou Kyoudai Let's Go undefined2) Bandai Visual undefined5) BECK undefined2) Beelzebub undefined1) Binbougami ga undefined6) Black Bullet undefined13) Black Butler - Kuro Shitsuji undefined1) Black Cat undefined6) Black★Rock Shooter undefined2) Blade and Soul undefined13) Bleach Movie 3 Fade To Black – Kimi No Nao Yobu undefined1) Bleach Movie 4 undefined1) Blood Lad undefined11) Blood Lad OVA undefined1) Blood-C undefined2) Blood-C The Last Dark undefined1) Bloody Monday undefined2) Blue Submarine No. 6 undefined1) Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukuna undefined2) Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Live Action undefined1) Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai NEXT undefined7) Bokura ga Ita undefined2) Bokura ga Ita Live Action undefined1) Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou: Hajimete no undefined1) Brave 10 undefined1) Brave Story undefined1) Break Blade undefined1) Btooom undefined12) Buddy Complex undefined12) Buddy Complex: Kanketsu-hen - Ano Sora ni Kaeru Mirai de undefined1) Bungaku Shojo undefined2) Buta undefined1) Campione undefined5) Captain Tsubasa Movie Europe Daikessen undefined1) Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002 undefined1) Cardcaptor Sakura undefined1) Carnival Phantasm undefined1) Casshern undefined1) Chibi Maruko-chan undefined1) Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation undefined8) Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai undefined15) Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai Kirameki no... Slapstick Noel undefined1) Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren undefined14) Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Specials undefined1) Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren: The Rikka Wars undefined1) Clannad undefined3) Clannad After Story undefined1) Code Geass : Hangyaku no Lelouch undefined1) Code: Breaker undefined8) Code:Breaker OVA undefined1) Coppelion undefined11) Corpse Party undefined1) Corpse Party: Tortured Souls undefined1) Crayon Shin-chan Movie 18 undefined1) Crayon Shin-chan Movie 20: Arashi wo Yobu! Ora to Uchuu no Princess undefined1) Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo undefined19) Crow Zero 3 undefined1) Crows undefined1) Crows Explode 2014 undefined1) Crows Zero undefined2) Cyborg She (2008) undefined1) D.Gray-man undefined1) Dakara Boku wa H ga Dekinai undefined6) Dakara Boku wa H ga Dekinai OVA undefined1) Danganronpa: The Animation undefined12) Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken undefined1) Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou undefined2) Dantalian no Shoka: Ibarahime undefined1) Dareka no Manazashi undefined1) Darker than Black undefined1) Date A Live undefined14) Date A Live OVA undefined1) Date A Live Season 2 undefined11) Date A Live: Encore OVA undefined1) Deadman Wonderland undefined1) DearS undefined1) Death Note undefined3) Death Note - The First Name undefined1) Death Note Movie 2 Rewrite L’s Successor undefined1) Death Parade undefined12) Denki-gai no Honya-san undefined10) Denpa teki na Kanojo undefined1) Detective Conan undefined4) Detective Conan Live Action Series undefined1) Detective Conan Movie 16: The Eleventh Striker undefined1) Detective Conan Movie 17: Private Eye in the Distant Sea undefined1) Detective Conan Movie 18 : Ijigen no Sniper undefined1) Detective Conan Movie Collection undefined1) Detroit Metal City undefined2) Devil May Cry undefined1) Devil Survivor 2 The Animation undefined13) Diabolik Lovers undefined11) Diamond no Ace undefined31) Digimon Adventure Movie undefined1) Digimon X-Evolution undefined1) Digimon Xros Wars undefined3) Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi undefined1) Doraemon undefined4) Doraemon: New Nobita's Great Demon undefined1) Doraemon: Nobita no Himitsu Dougu Museum undefined1) Dr. Slump: Arale-chan undefined1) Dragon Ball GT undefined1) Dragon Ball Kai undefined1) Dragon Ball Kai (2014) undefined54) Dragon Ball Z undefined8) Dragon Ball Z Movie 01 undefined1) Dragon Ball Z Movie 02 undefined1) Dragon Ball Z Movie 03 undefined1) Dragon Ball Z Movie 04 undefined1) Dragon Ball Z Movie 05 undefined1) Dragon Ball Z Movie 06 undefined1) Dragon Ball Z Movie 10 undefined1) Dragon Ball Z Movie 11 undefined1) Dragon Ball Z Movie 12: Fukkatsu no Fusion undefined1) Dragon Ball Z Movie 14 Kami to Kami undefined1) Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock undefined1) Dragon Nest: Warriors' Dawn (2014) undefined1) Dream 9 Toriko One Piece Dragon Ball Z Super Collaboration Special undefined1) Durarara!!x2 Shou undefined12) Elfen Lied undefined1) Eureka Seven AO undefined12) Evangelion undefined1) Evangelion 3.33 You Can (Not) Redo undefined1) Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance undefined1) Eve no Jikan Gekijouban undefined1) Eyeshield 21 undefined1) Fafner Heaven and Earth undefined1) Fairy Tail undefined24) Fairy Tail (2014) undefined65) Fairy Tail Movie Houou no Miko undefined1) Fairy Tail x Rave undefined1) Fate / Zero undefined1) Fate / Zero Season 2 undefined1) Fate Prototype undefined1) Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei! undefined10) Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya Specials undefined1) Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma☆Ilya undefined10) Fate/Stay Night undefined2) Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works (TV) undefined15) Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works (TV) - Prologue undefined2) Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete undefined1) Flame of Recca undefined1) Fractale undefined1) Free! undefined15) Free!: Eternal Summer undefined13) Full Metal Panic undefined1) Full Metal Panic The Second Raid undefined1) Fullmetal Alchemist undefined2) Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood undefined4) FUNimation EntertainmentL undefined20) Gake no Ue no Ponyo undefined1) Garo: Honoo no Kokuin undefined20) Gatchaman Crowds undefined12) Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun undefined10) Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou undefined1) Ghost in the Shell undefined4) Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Border:2 Ghost Whispers undefined1) Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Border:3 Ghost Tears undefined1) Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Border:4 Ghost Stands Alone undefined1) Ghost in the Shell: Arise – Border:1 Ghost Pain undefined1) Ghost Stories undefined1) Giant killing undefined3) Ginga Kikoutai Majestic Prince undefined21) Gintama undefined1) Gintama Movie 2 : Kanketsu-hen – Yorozuya yo Eien Nare undefined1) Gintama': Enchousen undefined3) Giovanni no Shima undefined2) Girls! Shichinin no Idol undefined1) GKidsL undefined4) Glasslip undefined11) Gokukoku no Brynhildr undefined12) Golden Time undefined11) Great Teacher Onizuka undefined14) Great Teacher Onizuka Live Action undefined1) Great Teacher Onizuka Live Action (2012) undefined1) Grisaia no Kajitsu undefined4) Gugure! Kokkuri-san undefined12) Guilty Crown undefined3) Gundam Build Fighter undefined24) Gundam Build Fighters Try undefined25) Gundam Saviour undefined1) Gundam: G no Reconguista undefined14) Gyo undefined1) Hagure Yuusha no Estetica undefined6) Haikyuu!! undefined27) Haiyore Nyaruko-san undefined2) Haiyore Nyaruko-san OVA undefined1) Hajime no Ippo undefined4) Hajime no Ippo: Rising undefined1) Hakuouki Movie 1: Kyoto Ranbu undefined1) Hanasaku Iroha undefined1) Hanasaku Iroha: Home Sweet Home undefined1) Harmonie undefined1) Hataraku Maou-sama undefined13) Hatsukoi Limited undefined1) Hayate no Gotoku undefined1) Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko undefined7) High school DxD undefined2) High School DxD New undefined11) High School Of The Dead undefined1) Hikaru no Go undefined1) Hikaru no Go: Kita Hokuto Hai e no Michi undefined1) History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi undefined2) Hitsugi no Chaika undefined1) Hitsugi no Chaika: Avenging Battle undefined7) Hiyokoi undefined1) Hori-san to Miyamura-kun undefined1) Hoshi o Ou Kodomo undefined1) Hotaru no Haka undefined1) Hotarubi no Mori e undefined1) Howl no Ugoku Shiro undefined1) human undefined1) Hunter X Hunter undefined1) Hunter x Hunter (2011) undefined16) Hunter X Hunter Greed Island undefined1) Hunter x Hunter: Phantom Rouge undefined1) Hunter x Hunter: The Last Mission undefined1) Hyouka undefined19) Ichigo 100% undefined1) Imouto ga Iru undefined3) Inari Konkon Koi Iroha undefined2) Inazuma Eleven undefined1) Inazuma Eleven Go undefined1) Initial D undefined3) Initial D Fifth Stage undefined11) Initial D Final Stage undefined4) Initial D Fourth Stage undefined13) Initial D Second Stage undefined3) Initial D Third Stage undefined1) Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou undefined12) Inu x Boku SS undefined1) InuYasha undefined32) InuYasha Movie 4 Guren no Houraijima undefined1) Iriya no Sora UFO no Natsu undefined1) IS : Infinite Stratos undefined2) IS: Infinite Stratos 2 undefined12) IS: Infinite Stratos 2 OVA - Hitonatsu no Omoide undefined1) IS: Infinite Stratos 2 OVA - World Purge-hen undefined1) Isshuukan Friends undefined13) Isshuukan Friends Specials undefined1) Itazura na Kiss undefined1) Itazura na Kiss-Love in Tokyo undefined1) Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita undefined4) Jormungand undefined1) Jormungand Perfect Order undefined1) Josei undefined4) Junketsu no Maria undefined12) K-On undefined3) K-Project undefined13) Kaichou wa Maid-sama undefined1) Kakumeiki Valvrave undefined11) Kakumeiki Valvrave S2 undefined1) Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai undefined1) Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai II undefined1) Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai S3 undefined11) Kamisama Hajimemashita S2 undefined10) Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi undefined11) Kamisama no Memo-chou undefined1) Kanojo wa Uso o Aishisugiteru undefined2) Kanokon undefined2) Kantai Collection: KanColle undefined10) Kara no Kyoukai undefined4) Karas OVA undefined1) Karneval undefined13) Katekyo Hitman Reborn undefined1) Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä undefined1) Kaze Tachinu undefined1) Kekkaishi undefined2) Kiddy GiRL-AND undefined1) Kill la Kill undefined21) Kill la Kill Special undefined1) Kimi Ni Todoke undefined1) Kimi no Iru Machi undefined15) Kimi no Iru Machi OVA undefined1) Kimi To Boku undefined1) Kimi to Boku Live Action undefined1) Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu undefined23) Kiss x Sis undefined1) Kobato undefined1) Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate undefined7) Kokoro Connect undefined10) Kokurikozaka Kara undefined1) Kono Naka ni Hitori undefined5) Kore wa Zombie Desu ka undefined1) Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? undefined1) Kotonoha no Niwa undefined1) Kumo no Mukou Yakusoku no Basho undefined1) Kuro Shitsuji undefined3) Kuroko no Basket NG-shuu undefined1) Kuroko no Basket OVA undefined1) Kuroko no Basket S2 undefined21) Kuroko no Basket Tip Off undefined1) Kuroko no Basket: Mou Ikkai Yarimasen ka undefined1) Kuroko no Basuke undefined22) Kuroko no Basuke S3 undefined25) Kuroshitsuji II undefined1) Kuroshitsuji Special undefined1) Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus undefined7) Kyoukai no Kanata undefined14) Kyoukai no Kanata - ONA undefined1) Kyoukai no Kanata Episode 0: Shinonome undefined1) Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon undefined1) L-DK undefined1) Level E undefined1) Library Wars (2013) Live Action undefined1) Little Busters! Refrain undefined1) Little Witch Academia undefined1) Log Horizon undefined24) Log Horizon S2 undefined25) Love Live School Idol Project undefined2) Love Stage!! undefined10) Lovely Complex undefined1) Lupin III undefined1) Lupin III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie undefined1) Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai undefined12) Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai Special undefined1) Madan no Ou to Vanadis undefined13) Magi undefined29) Magi: Sinbad no Bouken undefined1) Magi: The Kingdom of Magic undefined24) Magic Kaito 1412 undefined22) Magic Tree House undefined1) Mahou Sensou undefined6) Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica The Movie 3 undefined1) Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei undefined24) Majokko Shimai no Yoyo to Nene - Movie undefined1) Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist undefined12) Maken-ki OVA undefined1) Mangirl undefined2) Maoyuu Maou Yuusha undefined11) Mayo Chiki undefined1) Midori no Hibi undefined1) Mikakunin de Shinkoukei undefined1) Minami-ke Tadaima undefined8) Mirai Nikki undefined4) Mirai Nikki Redial undefined1) Mobile Suit Gundam 00 undefined2) Mobile Suit Gundam 00 S2 undefined2) Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie: A Wakening of the Trailblazer undefined1) Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO undefined1) Mobile Suit Gundam Seed undefined1) Model Suit Gunpla Builders Beginning G undefined1) Momo e no Tegami undefined1) Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo undefined9) Monogatari Series S2 undefined20) Mononoke Hime undefined1) Moshidora undefined1) Moyashimon Returns undefined1) Mushibugyou undefined23) Mushishi undefined3) Mushishi Special: Hihamukage undefined1) Mushishi Zoku Shou undefined13) Mushishi Zoku Shou Season 2 undefined10) Muv-Luv Alternative undefined6) Nagi no Asukara undefined25) Nanatsu no Taizai undefined25) Naruto undefined1) Naruto Shippuden undefined142) Naruto Shippuuden Movie 6 undefined1) Naruto: Shippuuden - Jump Super Anime Tour undefined1) NarutoSD undefined1) Natsuiro Kiseki undefined1) Natsume Yuujinchou undefined4) Nazo no Kanojo X undefined1) Nekomonogatari Kuro undefined1) Nerawareta Gakuen undefined1) New Prince of Tennis undefined1) NEXT A-Class undefined1) Nin x Nin Ninja Hattori-kun the Movie undefined1) Ninja Kids undefined1) Nisekoi undefined23) No Game No Life undefined13) No Game No Life Specials undefined1) Nobunaga the Fool undefined22) Nobunagun undefined9) Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu undefined1) Nourin undefined6) Nyan Koi undefined1) Oda Nobuna no Yabou undefined6) Oh Invisible Man undefined1) Ojii-san no Lamp undefined1) Omae Umasou da na undefined1) One Piece undefined146) One Piece 3D2Y undefined1) One Piece Film Z undefined1) One Piece: Episode of Luffy - Hand Island no Bouken undefined1) One Piece: Episode of Nami undefined1) Onegai Teacher undefined1) Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki undefined1) Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji undefined11) Oppai Volleyball undefined1) Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai undefined1) Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai Specials undefined1) Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru undefined10) Otona Joshi no Anime Time undefined1) Ouran High School Host Club undefined1) Ouroboros (2015) undefined1) Outbreak Company undefined7) Pandora Hearts undefined1) Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai undefined3) Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai! OVA undefined1) Persona 3 the Movie 1: Spring of Birth undefined1) Persona 4 The Animation undefined2) Persona 4 The Golden Animation undefined12) Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom undefined1) Phi Brain - Kami no Puzzle S3 undefined15) Photokano undefined7) Piece undefined1) Ping Pong The Animation undefined2) Planzet undefined1) Pokemon Best Wishes undefined1) Pokemon Best Wishes: Victini to Shiroki Eiyuu Reshiram undefined1) Pokemon XY undefined55) Pokemon XY: Koukoku no Princess Diancie undefined1) Pokemon XY: Mega Evolution undefined1) Pokemon: The Origin undefined1) Prince of Tennis undefined26) Prince of Tennis: Another Story undefined1) Prince of Tennis: Eikokushiki Teikyuu Shiro Kessen undefined1) Prism Ark undefined1) Production I.G undefined13) Psycho-pass undefined18) Psycho-Pass S2 undefined10) Psychological undefined26) Puka Puka Juju undefined1) R-15 undefined1) Ragnarok the Animation undefined5) Rail Wars! undefined1) Rakuen Tsuihou: Expelled From Paradise undefined1) Ranma 1/2 undefined1) Ranma ½ undefined1) Rinne no Lagrange undefined1) Rinne no Lagrange Season 2 undefined1) Ro-Kyu-Bu undefined1) Robotics;Notes undefined23) Rolling☆Girls undefined10) Romance undefined203) Rough undefined1) Rozen Maiden (2013) undefined9) Rurouni Kenshin undefined4) Rurouni Kenshin Movie undefined1) Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno undefined1) Rurouni Kenshin: The Legend Ends (2014) undefined1) Rurouni Kenshin: Tsuiokuhen undefined1) Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin undefined9) Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata undefined8) Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata: Ai to Seishun no Service Kai undefined1) Saikin Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga undefined9) Sailor Moon: Crystal undefined7) Saint Seiya Omega undefined4) Saint Seiya The Hades Chapter - Sanctuary undefined1) Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary undefined1) Saint☆Onii-san (Movie) undefined1) Sakamichi no Apollon undefined2) Sakura Trick undefined2) Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo undefined24) Samurai X undefined12) Sankarea undefined4) Sanzoku no Musume Ronja undefined11) Sasameki Koto undefined1) Sasami-san Ganbaranai undefined1) School Day undefined2) Seiken Tsukai no World Break undefined12) Seikoku no Dragonar undefined1) Seikon no Qwaser undefined3) Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance undefined1) Seitokai no Ichizon undefined1) Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai! undefined11) Sekai no Chuushin de Ai wo Sakebu undefined1) Sekirei undefined1) Sekirei Pure Engagement undefined1) Selector Infected WIXOSS undefined8) Sengoku Basara Movie: The Last Party undefined1) Sengoku Collection undefined1) Sengoku Musou undefined12) Sengoku Musou SP: Sanada no Shou undefined1) Senran Kagura undefined9) Shakugan No Shana undefined1) Shakugan no Shana II undefined1) Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso undefined22) Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi undefined1) Shiki undefined1) Shin Koihime†Musou undefined1) Shin Sekai Yori undefined20) Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis undefined14) Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis Recap undefined1) Shingeki no Kyojin undefined29) Shingeki no Kyojin : Kuinaki Sentaku undefined1) Shingeki no Kyojin: Ilse no Techou undefined1) Shinmai Maou no Testament undefined11) Shinryaku Ika Musume undefined1) shirokuma cafe undefined2) Shokugeki no Souma undefined12) Shonen undefined1) Shoujo Ai undefined4) Shounen Ai undefined1) Shukufuku no Campanella undefined3) Silver Spoon aka Gin no saji (2014) undefined1) SKET Dance undefined1) SKET Dance OVA undefined1) Slam Dunk undefined32) Slam Dunk Movie 1 undefined1) Slam Dunk Movie 2 undefined1) Slam Dunk Movie 3 undefined1) Slam Dunk Movie 4 undefined1) Slice Of Life undefined89) Smile Precure undefined1) Sora no Otoshimono undefined1) Sora no Otoshimono Final: Eternal My Master undefined1) Soul Eater undefined5) Soul Eater Not! undefined9) Spirited Away undefined1) Spring 2014 undefined18) Spring 2015 undefined35) Stains;Gate undefined1) Stand By Me Doraemon (2014) undefined2) Star Driver undefined1) Steins;Gate undefined1) Steins;Gate Movie: Fuka Ryouiki no Déjà vu undefined1) Steins;Gate – Sōmei Eichi no Cognitive Computing undefined1) Strike the Blood undefined20) Strike Witches undefined3) Strike Witches The Movie undefined1) Studio Ghibli undefined5) Studio Hibari undefined1) Suisei no Gargantia undefined13) Suisei no Gargantia Specials undefined1) Suisei no Gargantia: Meguru Kouro Haruka undefined1) Sukitte Ii na yo undefined11) Sukitte Ii na yo OVA undefined1) Summer Wars undefined1) Super Power undefined56) Super Sonico The Animation undefined1) Supernatural undefined135) Survival Horror undefined1) Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu undefined1) Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu undefined1) Sword Art Online undefined29) Sword Art Online II undefined26) Sword Art Online II: Debriefing undefined1) Sword Art Online: Extra Edition undefined1) Sword of Desperation undefined1) Sword of the Stranger undefined1) Takanashi Rikka Kai: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! 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la apropiación de imágenes no es nueva desde el célebre urinario de duchamp. tampoco la fotografía en base a street view es nueva, existe casi desde que google implementara esta función en 2007. las fronteras digitales de las imágenes excitan, provocan y desembocan en un rompimiento, una anulación del mundo digitalizado para dar un paso hacia atrás, a un mundo de carne y hueso en que el arte toma forma concreta. quizás el más notorio ejemplo sea doug rickard, quien a través de google ha visitado las zonas urbanas menos recomendables de los estados unidos recogiendo incisivas visiones de lugares que nunca ha pisado. su serie a new american picture fue presentada en el moma de nueva york dentro de la exposición new photography 2011, una muestra recurrente de ese museo que intenta cada año descubrir nuevos aportes para el medio. por otro lado jon rafman en su proyecto 9--eyes más bien pesca en google escenas curiosas o fuera de lo común que casi siempre involucran acciones de personas, sin limitarse a ningún lugar especifíco. otra es la historia con clement valla, quien en postcards from google earth aprovecha las distorsiones creadas por el programa que junta las tomas de google para presentar escenas de una realidad reconocible a pesar de que haya sido gruesamente perturbada, dando una impresión casi surrealista del paisaje. recientemente mishka henner ha recibido el deutsche börse photography prize por su trabajo no man’s land, en el que documenta la presencia de mujeres asociadas a la prostitución en paisajes urbanos solitarios de italia y españa utilizando como única herramienta de trabajo street view.
14. it is in this context that we must note the submission of mr. singh the learned additional solicitor general. we have before us an act to establish a haj committee of india and state haj committees for making arrangements for the pilgrimage of muslims for haj and for matters connected therewith. the term “committee” is defined in chapter i in section 2 clause (c) to mean the haj committee of india constituted under section 3. the term “member” means a member of the haj committee of india nominated under section 4 or of a state haj committee nominated under section 18, as the case may be, and includes the chairperson and a vice--chairperson. the term “prescribed” is defined in section 2(g) and term “state committee” is defined in section 2(h). chapter ii is entitled as “haj committee of india”. this is a committee which is a body corporate having perpetual succession and a common seal with powers as are mentioned in section 2(3) and its headquarters are at mumbai. its composition is in terms ofsection 4 and it consists of three members of parliament in terms of clause (i) of section 4. nine muslim members of the committee shall be elected; three from those states sending largest number of pilgrims during last three years and one each from the zones as specified in the schedule, in such manner as may be prescribed.
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If you haven't read them all then you should consider doing so now.By Chris Brewer 18 Jul 2016The power of long-form content in corporate social responsibilityYou can't turn on a screen in 2016 without seeing an example of branded content or native advertising flit across your eyes. Interestingly, while most of the branded content out there is well-produced and indeed entertaining to audiences, it doesn't really hit home as it's just not serving the corporate social responsibility or CSR purpose of bettering the lives of those consumers or even the world around us.By Spero Patricios 18 Jul 2016Volcano assists Airlink's expansion in Africa with new routes to paradiseAirlink, true to its theme of the ‘Freedom of the African Skies’, continues to extend its reach with new African destinations and is proud to announce a new direct route from Johannesburg to Pemba, Mozambique.Issued by Volcano 13 Apr 2007Sound corporate governance will help African business flourishIt’s said that the importance of good corporate governance in business should no longer be ignored, as companies which adopt best practices are more likely to be profitable and sustainable.2 Apr 2007Radio listening clubs in rural African communitiesRural radio clubs promise future benefits for advertisers and marketers.14 Mar 2007Live radio, audio streaming for Marketing Association IGMThe inaugural general meeting of the Marketing Association IGM is currently being broadcast live by 1485 Radio Today on 1485 AM to the greater Johannesburg area; DStv audio channel 70 nationally throughout South Africa, and to the eight English speaking countries of southern Africa, including Zambia South, by Internet streaming on www.1485.org.za. The event will also be housed as a podcast for worldwide listening after the event via the same website. The internet broadcast will allow you to forward nominations for the Board of Directors, vote via email and pose questions to the interim Board of Directors during the panel discussion. The IGM began at 2pm and will finish at 5pm.5 Mar 2007Destination ZambiaAds24, the national sales and marketing division of Media24’s daily and community newspapers and the free lifestyle magazine MyWeek, is inviting agencies and advertisers to join them on their “You’ll wish you where here” awareness campaign for MyWeek magazine.20 Feb 2007Journalist fellowships available for HIV/AIDS coverageSenior-level print and radio journalists from Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe, with experience in covering health issues, are invited to apply for a Panos Fellowship on Global Trade and Access to Treatment by Friday, 1 December 2006.28 Nov 2006Primedia Outdoor expands into ZambiaPrimedia Outdoor's growing international division has expanded into Zambia to offer advertisers additional access to Africa under the helm of MD Gareth Letherby, who brings a wealth of experience in business in Africa with him.24 Nov 2006Reuters launches daily African TVReuters has expanded its television coverage of Africa with the recent launch of a dedicated daily video feed, Reuters Africa Daily. The new service provides both African and global broadcasters with a variety of video news from the region.12 Nov 2006African perspectives on PR educationPioneers in the fields of public relations and communication academia gathered at an academic forum running alongside the main Federation of African PR Associations (FAPRA) conference last week to discuss the future public relations curriculum to be offered on tertiary level.By Boitumelo Mmotlana & Mmoneng Gwebu 28 May 2006Putting Gauteng on the tourism mapThe inaugural International Legends Soccer Tournament held at the Ellis Park Stadium in Johannesburg on Saturday 7 January 2006 broke the Ellis Park record of media attendance - the 180 media institutions that registered included representatives from Holland, Bulgaria, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, The Middle East, Nigeria and Zambia.11 Jan 2006Search for the Face of Africa beginsThe search for fresh modelling talent begins this month as TV channel M-Net and mobile phone company Nokia start holding open castings for aspiring models in Accra, Addis Ababa, Cape Town, Dar es Salaam, Gaborone, Johannesburg, Kampala, Kigali, Lagos, Luanda, Lusaka, Nairobi and Windhoek.7 Dec 2005Show moreSubscribeReceive free email newsletterMake us your homepageAdd us to your favoritesRSS feedGet biz on your phoneFollow usInviteTell a friend about us
2 ukudla ukudla okunempilo i s i t a s h i i m i f n o n e z i t h e l o a m a p h r o t h e n i / i n y a m a ushuk e l a n a m a f u t h a i m i k h i q i z o y o b i s i izitashi: zinezihlaka ezakha amandla emzimbeni ( njengestambhu, ipasta, ilayisi noma isinkwa). izimpumputhe zewindows, izimpumputhe zelanga kanye nezikrini ze-- sun ze-- crane cabs namakhabini namanye amakhabhu ahlanganisiwe lapho ukushisa ngaphakathi kwangokwejwayelekile futhi.
in fact it was embarrassing to see manyofourguysbeingobese.whatexample are we setting for the young players? a lot of education is needed to improve sports in general. people need to learn that sports do not end the day you retire from professional football. exercise and proper diet should be a lifestyle for those involved as coaches and managers. surely, as adults you cannotbeasfitandtrimasayoungperson. the “legends” football match against the italians gave a clear picture ofsouthafricanfootball.ithinkformer footballers should do more than just talking. we are all part of south african footballassociation.therealityisthat many of our guys played football under the era of kick and rush coupled with tricks done randomly. technical--tactical understanding is still a challenge. we need to humble ourselves and undergo training to improve our coaching skills. black football coaches in particular need to be a bit more disciplined in our country. we do not take the job of football coaching seriously. it is not good
In both Mount free n Mzimkhulu that others fall in da Xhosas n others in da Zulu must come 2 an end Madzikane ddn’nt join Xhosas or Zulu,he adopted isiSwati as hs language n adopted Swati dance as hs dance,remember the r groups that came from kwa Xhosa n joined Madzikane dat means they became lyk him dey became hs pipul n spoke his language,da nw government play a bad role in da to of Mandela bciz dey abolished Madzikane’s language “Swati” in madzikane’s places n forced da pipul 2 luk down in Swati language n s learn n speak Xhosa,coz Xhosas wnt 2. Take da glory of saying da is a group under xhosa dat deafited Shaka, knowingly dat Shaka ws deafited by Swatis under King Madzikane.@ u Mzimkhulu da r surnames/clan names dat came from kwa Zulu kzn in da reign of Dingane coz @ dat tym all down dt wer izinduna n relatives of Shaka,Dingan plotted to kill dem n so many surnames join in amaSwati under Madzikane n during da reign of Ncaphayi.surnames lyk Zulu,Qwabe,Nzimande,Gwala,Mkhulisi”Mthembu”,Khumalo etc join Madzikane wen dey fleed from kzn fearing Dingane n became subjects of Madzikane “amaSwati”fa is a tng dt goes “Madzikane king of da Ngwanes”, it’s true Ngwanes in SA bciz Swatis r referred 2 as am a Ngwane n Zulus referred 2 as ooNdabezitha.I refuse to b called iBhaca”kafer,udzodzi,amasimba,imbuka” coz dis name was uttered out of disrespect,i speak da language dat Madzikane adopted “isiSwati” n define my self as such,uMswati.dts y u Wl find places lyk eLundzini,eMbondzeni dt is Swati nt Zulu or Xhosa.da is history in da kzn @ eNkandla of da Zulu pipul of abakwa Shezi who decided to fyt alongside the white army n dey wer called by fellow Zulus dt amagwala amaMbuka out of disrespect by fellow Zulus bt dis name is no longer in use since da nw government da Shezi’s r called Zulus coz days da name dt defined ethnicity n nt amaMbuka.(amaBhaca,amaKafer,amaMbuka) wonke laws emagama wengcindzetelo “oppression” nokuchaza cwaswa”issolation” nokudzelelwa”desrespect”. Mina ngibite ngalo utobona mhlola
construction was one of the last industries to get onboard with digital transformation, according to mckinsey’s study on “imagining construction’s digital future.” that caution serves as more evidence of the industry’s ingrained practicality. there’s no time to waste on chasing after technology that doesn’t perform better than existing methods.feb. 26, 2017 04:00 pm est reads: 1,432seven secrets of cloud expo's top speakersby carmen gonzalezwith 10 simultaneous tracks, keynotes, general sessions and targeted breakout classes, cloud expo and @thingsexpo are two of the most important technology events of the year. since its launch over eight years ago, cloud expo and @thingsexpo have presented a rock star faculty as well as showcased hundreds of sponsors and exhibitors! in this blog post, i provide 7 tips on how, as part of our world--class faculty, you can deliver one of the most popular sessions at our events. but before reading these essential tips, please take a moment and watch this brief video from sandy carter.feb. 26, 2017 03:30 pm est reads: 8,943[video] bert loomis and artificial intelligenceby yeshim denizbert loomis was a visionary. this general session will highlight how bert loomis and people like him inspire us to build great things with small inventions. in their general session at 19th cloud expo, harold hannon, architect at ibm bluemix, and michael o'neill, strategic business development at nvidia, discussed the accelerating pace of ai development and how ibm cloud and nvidia are partnering to bring ai capabilities to ""every day,"" on--demand. they also reviewed two ""free infrastructure"" programs available to startups and innovators. feb. 26, 2017 01:15 pm est reads: 1,870data privacy: great power and responsibilityby ed featherstonsmart phones. smart tvs. smart toilet seats (yes that is a thing!). let’s face it, smart technology surrounds us. it has become a de facto part of our everyday lives. the internet of things is growing at breakneck speeds. no matter which analyst you read, the growth predictions are staggering. gartner predicts that we will hit over 20 billion (with a b) devices by 2020. ihs predicts even larger numbers, with 30 billion by 2020, and over 75 billion devices by 2025. no matter what, that’s a lot of devices. a lot of the devices will be with us, on us, in our homes. all of them will be collecting ...feb. 26, 2017 12:00 pm est reads: 1,061digital transformation in 7 brain--busting stepsby shelly palmerworried about how to digitally transform while you perform? wondering how to change the tires while going 60 mph? are you preparing your team for their digital journey? (it’s not a destination.) are you trying to figure out how to transform yourself (or your company) into a digital powerhouse in internet time? all of the above?feb. 26, 2017 11:30 am est reads: 1,643[video] jason bloomberg's digital transformation by pat romanskiin today's enterprise, digital transformation represents organizational change even more so than technology change, as customer preferences and behavior drive end--to--end transformation across lines of business as well as it. to capitalize on the ubiquitous disruption driving this transformation, companies must be able to innovate at an increasingly rapid pace. traditional approaches for driving innovation are now woefully inadequate for keeping up with the breadth of disruption and change facing today's increasingly digital enterprise. it's time to rethink how we innovate, leveraging the very ...feb. 26, 2017 10:45 am est reads: 8,151[video] ericsson's iot way of thinkingby yeshim denizthe buzz continues for cloud, data analytics and the internet of things (iot) and their collective impact across all industries. but a new conversation is emerging -- how do companies use industry disruption and technology enablers to lead in markets undergoing change, uncertainty and ambiguity? organizations of all sizes need to evolve and transform, often under massive pressure, as industry lines blur and merge and traditional business models are assaulted and turned upside down. in this new data--driven world, marketplaces reign supreme while interoperability, apis and applications deliver un...feb. 26, 2017 09:15 am est reads: 1,637[video] ericsson's iot way of thinkingby elizabeth whitethe buzz continues for cloud, data analytics and the internet of things (iot) and their collective impact across all industries. but a new conversation is emerging -- how do companies use industry disruption and technology enablers to lead in markets undergoing change, uncertainty and ambiguity? organizations of all sizes need to evolve and transform, often under massive pressure, as industry lines blur and merge and traditional business models are assaulted and turned upside down. in this new data--driven world, marketplaces reign supreme while interoperability, apis and applications deliver un...feb. 26, 2017 08:30 am est reads: 8,246organizational analytics adoptionby william schmarzoa recent article titled “we are likely 3--5 years out from advanced analytics being critical to the viability of a company” (and i thought my titles were too long) interviewed walter storm, the chief data scientist at lockheed martin. the article offers some great perspectives such as:
11 kwenene kyabya kyamenge abakristayo be roma erilebya ndeke nga ni kyahi ekya batsomene kutsibu omwa ngebe. mbwino omwa ngebe syabu babya batsomene kutsibu “emyatsi y’omubiri”? nethu thutholere ithwayilebya ndeke. ni byahi ebya thukatsemera kutsibu, kandi ni byahi ebya thukabera erikaniako? omwa ngebe yethu ni byahi ebya thukakwamirira? abandi bangana yisanga ibanzire eriminya emisihire y’obuli bwabu, eritsomana kutsibu eryuwania omuyi wabu, erisondya emyambalire eyiri okwa mulembe, erikolha ebikendibya bik’ingirya esyosente, erithegheka eribunga, n’ebindi ng’ebyo. erikolha ebindu ng’ebyo si kibi; ni bindu ebyanganabya ibinatholere omwa ngebe. ng’eky’erileberyako, yesu kiro kighuma mwanakolha obwabu, na paulo mwabwira timoteo athi anywe obwabu buke. (1 tim. 5:23; yn. 2:3--11) aliwe mbwino yesu na paulo “mubanabera erikania okwa” bwabu kutse “eribuhalhamba”? mbwino ibw’obukanabya omwa malengekania wabu, eribera ‘eribukaniako’? eyihi. kandi ibbwa nethu? ni byahi ebya thuhirire embere omwa ngebe syethu?
khayelitsha (which means ""new home"" in xhosa) is a rapidly growing township. located outside of cape town, near the cape town international airport khayelitsha, or 'new home' in isixhosa, is the second largest township in south. it is situated on the periphery of the city of cape town (30--35km from the cbd) sep 21, 2011 khayelitsha, a township just outside cape town (part one). most visitors to south africa are warned of its dangers but the townships are far sep 27, 2011 khayelitsha, a township just outside cape town (part one) most visitors to south africa are warned of its dangers but the townships are far a township stay b&b in cape town is a unique. and comfortable way to enjoy the real cape town. conquer look out hill and overlook khayelitsha township & beyond. for more information on the townships. of cape town visit capetownmagazine. com for daily tours to khayelitsha a. large township in cape town. khayelitsha was established in 1983 the early inhabitants of khayelitsha came from other black townships of cape town with the majority coming from old discounted rates for hotels in khayelitsha township cape town. meaning 'new home', khayelitsha was intended by the government to provide housing to all 'legal' residents of the cape peninsula, nov 16, 2013. november 15 -- khayelitsha in cape town is slowly turning into a business hub small business people in the area are empowering themselves michelle obama nutrition
yo yini indoda, yizaytoven, futhi ngilapha ukuhlangana nalowo onqobile wefatso ngu umncintiswano we--foot and genius studio septs. abakhiqizi abavela kulo lonke izwe kufakwe ama--beats kusetshenziswa imisindo ephefumulelwe yi--fruit by the foot snacks. asambe kuhlole. masta ufaro. uyenza kanjani indoda? ngivela edenver, ecolorado, ngizalwa futhi ngakhula. ngabe unjani umcimbi womculo edenver? kuyinto amancane amancane nakanjani kunamasiko amaningi. manje kungani ungene ku izithelo by the foot studio septs. ngenza ukushaywa kakade ngakho--ke kuzwakala sengathi yikho kuphela ukukubambisa uma ungekho uyazi ukuthi weqa lapho futhi uzithatha lezo amathuba. ukuba esikoleni esiphakeme uthola abangane nakho konke bese uthanda benza umculo ngakho--ke kufane nokuthi ungene kubo. yebo, abanye yabafana owabheka ukukhiqiza? ngithi udkt dre mhlawumbe ungowokuqala, wena kunjalo. hheyi, ungakwenzi lokho, cha. yilokho phezulu. u--pharrell. ngithi i--dre netimbaland nezinto ezinjalo kanjalo nami ngangithanda ukulalela. udkt dre dre usuku i khumbula umzala wami ayengidlalela yona ake ngivumele ngilalele lona uyazi, ohamba ngezinyawo. ngangiwumlutha kakhulu wokuyilalela ngenxa nje yomsindo nokuthi yayizizwa kanjani. ngakho--ke yingakho nje engizokusho ukuthi udkt dre usethandweni lami ngoba mina kufana nokwazisa kwami ​​ngomculo we--rap. ngakho--ke uqale ngani? well ngangimane ngidlule kuzo zonke izihibe futhi konke ngibe sengithola lena engiyithanda kakhulu: abaxube be--flavour loop. i--tempo nakho konke okuvele kwangivumela ukuvuma. futhi ngayibeka phansi ngagcina i--tempo efanayo nakho konke. kulungile ngisanda kuqala ukwakha ukusuka lapho. shaya izingwegwe ezithile nezihibe nakho konke. ngakho--ke lokho kuyashukuma, ngakho--ke ngiphonsa izigqoko lapho futhi uyazi ukukhahlela futhi konke. ngakho--ke uma ungeza okukuyo cishe kupendile isithombe sakho uthanda shaya into eyenziwe kahle. yebo kungenzela njalo. yebo lapho siqala ukubangeza ugibe, shaya wonke umuntu egumbini elinjengokulungile yebo lokhu manje. futhi--ke yilapho mina, ebengicabanga ukuthi wazi kahle cishe wonke umuntu uzosebenzisa umsindo owodwa futhi ngingathanda ukwenza ukushintshwa, ngiyakwenza sengathi wazi izingoma ezintathu kwithrekhi eyodwa. kunye. ngakho--ke ngicabanga, uyazi, ukuyishintsha uhambe ne--berry tie dye loop. uyazi ngiyichithile ukuze ihambisane nokushaywa kwami benginayo futhi nami ngiyigibile. kwesokudla bengingafuni ukushintsha izinto eziningi kakhulu. ngakho--ke angizange ngiguqule noma yisiphi sigubhu noma i--808 noma i--hhin engisanda kuyibeka phakathi lapho nalokho okufanayo. imigqomo efanayo yebo. bese kuthi into eyodwa yokugcina. akuyona i--masta ufaro eshaywa ngaphandle komaki ka--masta ufaro. kufanele ufake umaki. ubani umasta? ukhuphuka kanjani nalokho? i--movie engiyithandayo ngangiqala ukuvakasha ngabukela drako wokugcina ezinsukwini ezimbili ezedlule. i--movie engiyithandayo kakhulu ubani inkosi. yebo impela. ngakho--ke kakhulu. khombise phezulu ngithole othile engicabanga ukuthi nakanjani ufuna ukubheka le--hit manje. ngingu shayela enye yamabhuleki ami. uthini uhuncho? kwenzakalani? ukuphi? ngise studio. indoda uyazi ukuthi ngikulebula. kulungile, bheka ngihleli lapha nomuntu ophumelele, umasta ufaro. yini indoda? kwenzenjani mfowethu? yini phezulu quay? uya kanzima. wena nezinja ezinkulu manje. yazisa indoda. cha wenza lesi sigameko nje, ngifuna ukuthi usibheke. kuya nzima, iqiniso empeleni kuzwakala njengokuthile ongadlwengula kukho. ngisesitudiyo njengamanje, ungadlali nami. uma kunzima kakhulu. nakanjani uyahlanya. cha lokho kunzima. leyo nto ingenza isiko iii. cha thina kuso. ngizoyibeka ndawonye. yebo mnumzane, ndoda. siyakuhalalisela ngokuwina owesilisa wefruit by the foot studio sses ngokweqiniso. kwazise lokho. ay wena nezinja ezinkulu manje. qhubeka, qhubeka ugaya. hlala ugxile. qhubeka nokupheka. wena usendleleni. i--ight quay. i--crazy ayizizwa ingeyangempela. yindlela engcono kakhulu yokuthi umlimi angaba nesikhathi eside embonini? njenge umkhiqizi umsindo onamandla oyingqayizivele owakha isikhathi eside. ungahle ubeke umugqa wabakhiqizi abayishumi lapha, kuleli gumbi, bese uvala amehlo akho bese uqala ukudlalisa ukushaywa kwabo bonke laba bakhiqizi abalishumi abahlukahlukene. yizo kukhona ukushaywa kwezaytoven ozokwazi ukusho man ukuthi ukushaywa kukazaytoven. abantu babuza: dang zaytoven ukuthi yini engifanele ngiyenze ukungena emdlalweni? uyazi ukuthi yiziphi izinyathelo engizidingayo? ”ngihlala ngithi kumuntu kufanele uthole umculi. njengokuthi ngabe kwakungeyona eyegucci yokuqhuma, bese kuba nguzaytoven mhlawumbe kuzwakale eyodwa ebingasho lutho. ngakho--ke, uma uthola umculi oyedwa lokho uyazi ukuthi une--chemistry futhi uzwakale ndawonye, ​​uyazi uma lokho kuqhuma noma kanye lowomculi uqala ukuhamba. ngisho nalowo mculi usazokwaziwa ngomsindo othile. kuzoba ngumsindo owudalile. yini ekwenze wagxuma le phrojekthi yezithelo nge the foot studio septs? ngihlala ngizizwa njengawe yazi ngingumkhiqizi abanye abakhiqizi ababheka ukuthi uyazi, futhi bheka phezulu, futhi ngihlala ngizizwa sengathi ngifuna ukuba ngumeluleki nakanjani, uyazi ukuthi ngithini, futhi khombisa ukusekela kubakhiqizi abaphezulu nabezayo. njengokuthi ngilapha ndoda ngifuna ukuba ngumuntu ongaziyo bhuti omkhulu kubantu abazama ukuwenza kumdlalo wakho. ngakho--ke noma nini kanjena woza la ndoda, nakanjani uyazi 100% in. lalelani ukuthi lapho bekukhona ukukhohlisa, ungitholile emodini ufuna ukushaya ezinye izimbumbulu indoda. masihambe siyopheka. nakanjani. ake sihambe. asikwenze.
emva kwezinsuku ezimbalwa, ngabona udade owayengihlelele lo msebenzi. ngithe nje lapho ngimbona, wahlanganyela nami, wathi, “ukwenza lo msebenzi kubukeka kulula, kodwa kusafanele wenziwe ngokuzinikela,” wabe eseqhubeka ekhuluma ngeqiniso lezinto ezifana nobuhlakani nokulalela. ngavungazela ngokungangazinikeli, ngenkathi inhliziyo yami injengomlilo ovuthayo, ngicabanga, “unginika ukuhlanganyela? sengathi angazi lutho! akumina na ebenginika wena ukuhlanganyela ekuqaleni? manje usutshela mina?” akukho nelilodwa igama owayelihlanganyela udadewethu elazika; kunalokho ngacasukela ukukhuluma kwakhe okungapheli. ekugcineni ngathi ngokungabi nasineke, “kukhona okunye? uma kungekho, sengiyahamba!” ngithe uma sengibuyile, ngalokhu ngizibuza ukuthi kungani nganginomoya onje kudadewethu. ukube isikhundla sakhe besilokhu siphakeme kunesami noma silingana, ingabe bengizomphatha ngale ndlela? cha, bengingeke. bengingeke neze! akukhona ukuthi ngangilokhu ngiwumholi wakhe, manje nangu sekunguye osengikhombisa izinto ezangishiya ngingagculisekile? ingabe lokhu kwakungakhombisi ukuthi ngangibuswa yimicabango yesikhundla? ngavele ngokushesha ngezwa ngiphatheke kabi ngokuziphatha kwami okuyihlazo futhi amazwi kankulunkulu okwahlulela angifikela: “uma ufuna kakhulu ngale ndlela yilapho uzovuna khona kancane. uma umuntu esilangazelele kakhulu isikhundla, kuba yilapho okumele kubhekanwe naye nalapho okumele kubhekanwe kakhulu nokucwengisiswa. lolo hlobo lomuntu luyize leze! kumele kubhekanwe naye futhi ahlulelwe ngokufanele ukuze bakwazi ukudedela lokho ngokweqiniso. uma ulandela le ndlela kuze kube sekugcineni, awuzukuvuna lutho. labo abangalandeli ukuphila angeke bakwazi ukuguqulwa; labo abangalomeli iqiniso angeke bakwazi ukuthola iqiniso. awugxili ekulandeleni ukuguqulwa komuntu kanye nokungena phakathi; uhlala ugxila kulokho kulangazelela okukhulu, nasezintweni ezithiye uthando lwakho lukankulunkulu futhi ezikunqanda ekusondeleni kuye. ingabe lezo zinto zingakwazi ukukuguqula? zingakwazi ukukuletha embusweni? uma okusebenzisela ukumlandela kungasikho ukufuna iqiniso, noma ungazisebenzisela leli thuba futhi ubuyele emhlabeni ukuze ukusebenzise. ukuchitha isikhathi sakho ngale ndlela ingabe ngempela kunesidingo—kungani uzihlukumeza?” (“kungani ungazimisele ukuba isiqhathaniso?” kwethi izwi livela lisenyameni). ngibuka amazwi kankulunkulu futhi ngizicabanga, ngabona ukuthi engangikufuna kwakungelona iqiniso nhlobo, futhi ngangingafuni ukwenelisa unkulunkulu, kodwa kunalokho kwakuwudumo, inzuzo kanye nesikhundla. ngesikhundla, ukuzethemba kwami kwakuphindaphindwa kayikhulu; ngaphandle kwaso, ngangizizwa ngiphansi, ngicasukile futhi ngidikibele kangangokuthi ngangingenagqozi lokusebenza. impela isikhundla sami sasingisanganisa, ngiphithizela ngizikhathaza usuku lonke ngalezi zinto ezingenamsebenzi nezingabalulekile futhi ngichitha isikhathi esiningi kangaka; futhi kwangizuzelani ekugcineni? ukuziphatha okuyihlazo engikukhombise namhlanje? uma ngicabanga ngakho konke unkulunkulu ayengenzele khona, angizange ngigcine ngokungayiduduzi kuphela inhliziyo kankulunkulu ngokungethemba ayengikhombise khona, esikhundleni salokho, ngacasukela nomsebenzi ayengiphathise wona ngawubona njengophansi kakhulu futhi ngangangafuna ukuwenza. ngakho ngangiphila ngokukanembeza wami? ngambonga unkulunkulu ngokudalula kwakhe okwangivumela ukuba ngibone ihlazo lokufuna kwami udumo lwami, inzuzo kanye nesikhundla, kanye nokubona ukuthi ngangibe nokuziphakamisa okukhulu, ngazikhukhumeza futhi ngabeka ukubaluleka okukhulu ngokwedlulele esikhundleni. kwase kufika iculo lamazwi kankulunkulu engqondweni yami: “oh nkulunkulu! noma nginesikhundla noma ngingenaso, manje ngiyazazi. uma isikhundla sami siphezulu, nguwe ongiphakamisile; uma isikhundla sami siphansi, kunjengokufisa kwakho. konke kusezandleni zakho; akukho ezandleni zami. ngidinga kuphela ukulalela ngokugcwele phansi kokubusa kwakho, ngoba konke kunjengoba kufisa wena. … ngisebenzise, ngiyisidalwa sakho. uma ungenza ngiphelele, ngiseyisidalwa sakho. uma ungangenzi ngiphelele, ngiyolokhu ngikuthanda, ngoba ngiyisidalwa sakho kuphela” (“ngiyisidalwa sakho esincinyane kuphela” kwethi landelani iwundlu nihlabelele izihlabelelo ezintsha). ngalicula ngiliphindaphinda leli culo, izinyembezi ziphophoza emehlweni ami, futhi ngeza ngazokhuleka phambi kukankulunkulu: o nkulunkulu! ngenxa yamazwi akho sengithole ukuqonda izinhloso zakho. kungakhathaleki ukuthi isikhundla sami siphakeme noma siphansi, ngiyisidalwa sakho futhi kufanele ngithobele ngokuphelele izinhlelo ozenzayo, kufanele ngenze konke okusemandleni ukuba ngenze umsebenzi olindeleke ukuba ngiwenze njengesinye sezidalwa zakho futhi ngingakhethi kulokho ongibekele ukuba ngikwenze. o nkulunkulu! ngifisa ukuthobela izinhlelo zakho, ngibe phambi kwakho ngisebenza njengenkabi futhi ngibe semuseni wakho, ngingaphinde ngenze lezi zinto ezingidalela ukuhlupheka noma ezenza ngikulimaze ngenxa yesikhundla. o nkulunkulu! ngifisa nje ukuba ubhekane nami futhi ungahlulele nakakhulu, ukuze ungenze ngikwazi ukubeka phansi ukufuna kwami isikhundla, ukudela lezo zinto ezivimbela ukuba ngisondele kuwe futhi ngikuthande, kanye nokuba ngenze konke okusemandleni ami ukwenza umsebenzi wami ngakho konke ukwethembeka.
detailsget it!on the road: the original scroll (penguin classics) -- jack kerouac posted by jack23 at oct. 11, 2010on the road: the original scroll (penguin classics) -- jack kerouacpublisher: penguin audio; unabridged edition (september 18, 2008) | language: english | isbn--10: 0143143794 | 638.06 mbnarrator: john ventimiglia | m4a | listening length: 12 hour(s) and 46 min. | 7% recoverythough jack kerouac began thinking about the novel that was to become on the road as early as 1947, it was not until three weeks in april 1951, in an apartment on west twentieth street in manhattan, that he wrote the first full draft that was satisfactory to him. typed out as one long, single--spaced paragraph on eight long sheets of tracing paper that he later taped together to form a 120--foot scroll, this document is among the most significant, celebrated, and provocative artifacts in contemporary american literary history. it represents the first full expression of kerouac's revolutionary aesthetic, the identifiable point at which his thematic vision and narrative voice came together in a sustained burst of creative energy. it was also part of a wider vital experimentation in the american literary, musical, and visual arts in the post--world war ii period. detailsget it!""wake up: a life of the buddha"" by jack kerouac posted by alexov85 at sept. 11, 2009""wake up: a life of the buddha"" by jack kerouac (unabridged edition) audiobook | isbn--10: 0670019577 | 2008 | english | mp3 (128 kb/s) | 365 mbamerican modern prose / beatnik / buddhist fictionwake up is kerouac’s retelling of the story of prince siddhartha gautama, who as a young man abandoned his wealthy family and comfortable home for a lifelong search for enlightenment. as a compendium of the teachings of the buddha, wake up is a profound meditation on the nature of life, desire, wisdom, and suffering. distilled from a wide variety of canonical scriptures, wake up serves as both a concise primer on the concepts of buddhism and as an insightful and deeply personal document of kerouac’s evolving beliefs. it is the work of a devoted spiritual follower of the buddha who also happened to be one of the twentieth century’s most influential novelists. wake up: a life of the buddha will be essential reading for the legions of jack kerouac fans and for anyone who is curious about the spiritual principles of one of the world’s great religions.
her debut album, fetish bones begins with a poem. a slave--woman travels from the past into present day america. in the slave woman’s lamentations about the similarity between the 1800s and modern america she says a phrase that stuck out for, “[i experience a] new type of happiness, a black happiness that’s filled with grief. needless to say, that is no happiness at all. this careless stitching together of words does nothing to help us move forward. it appears, unfortunately, to be a provocative statement only best described by kanye west’s niggers in paris – no one knows what it means, it’s just provocative.
39 benza izingubo+ ezilukiwe zokukhonza endaweni engcwele+ ngentambo eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka noboya obudaywe baba nsomi ngokubomvu nendwangu ebomvu ngokunsomi.+ kanjalo bazenza izingubo ezingcwele+ zika--aroni, njengoba nje ujehova ayeyale umose. 2 ngakho wenza i--efodi+ ngegolide, intambo eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka noboya obudaywe baba nsomi ngokubomvu nendwangu ebomvu ngokunsomi nelineni elicolekileyo elisontiwe. 3 khona--ke bacangcatha izixwexwe zegolide zaba izingcwecwe ezilulana, wasika imicu azoyifaka phakathi kwentambo eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka noboya obudaywe baba nsomi ngokubomvu nendwangu ebomvu ngokunsomi nelineni elicolekileyo, njengomsebenzi womfekethisi.+ 4 balenzela iziqephu zasemahlombe ezihlanganisiwe. lalihlanganiswe emikhawulweni yalo emibili. 5 futhi ibhande, elaliphezu kwalo lokulibopha liqine, lalingelendwangu efanayo lenziwe njengalo, ngegolide, intambo eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka, noboya obudaywe baba nsomi ngokubomvu nendwangu ebomvu ngokunsomi nelineni elicolekileyo elisontiwe,+ njengoba nje ujehova ayemyalile umose. 6 khona--ke benza amatshe e--onikisi+ afakwe ezisekelweni zegolide, eqoshwe njengokuqoshwa kophawu ngokwamagama amadodana ka--israyeli.+ 7 ngakho wawabeka phezu kweziqephu zasemahlombe ze--efodi aba ngamatshe esikhumbuzo+ kubantwana bakwa--israyeli, njengoba nje ujehova ayemyalile umose. 8 khona--ke wenza isiqephu sesifuba+ ngomsebenzi womfekethisi, njengokwenziwa kwe--efodi ngegolide, intambo eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka noboya obudaywe baba nsomi ngokubomvu nendwangu ebomvu ngokunsomi nelineni elicolekileyo elisontiwe.+ 9 saba nezinhlangothi ezine ezilinganayo lapho siphindwa kabili. benza isiqephu sesifuba, esinobude obungangobubanzi besandla nobubanzi obungangobubanzi besandla lapho siphindwe kabili.+ 10 khona--ke basigcwalisa ngezinhlu ezine zamatshe. uhlu lokuqala kwakuwuhlu lwerubi, ithophazi nesimaragidu.+ 11 uhlu lwesibili+ kwakuyitherkhoyisi, isafire+ nejaspi.+ 12 uhlu lwesithathu+ kwakuyitshe le--leshemu, i--agathe ne--amethiste. 13 uhlu lwesine+ kwakuyikrisolithe ne--onikisi+ nejeyidi. ayefakwe ezisekelweni zegolide ezikhaleni zawo. 14 futhi amatshe ayefakwe ngokwamagama amadodana ka--israyeli. ayeyishumi nambili ngokwamagama awo, eqoshwe ngokuqoshwa kophawu, yilelo nalelo ngokwegama laso ezizweni eziyishumi nambili.+ 15 benza phezu kwesiqephu sesifuba amaketanga alukiwe, afana nezindophi, egolide elihlanzekile.+ 16 khona--ke benza izisekelo ezimbili zegolide namasongo amabili egolide base bebeka lawo masongo amabili emikhawulweni emibili yesiqephu sesifuba.+ 17 ngemva kwalokho bachushisa izindophi ezimbili zegolide emasongweni amabili asemikhawulweni yesiqephu sesifuba.+ 18 khona--ke bachushisa amachopho amabili ezindophi zombili ezisekelweni ezimbili. base bezibeka eziqeshini zasemahlombe ze--efodi, ngaphambili kulo.+ 19 ngokulandelayo benza amasongo amabili egolide bawabeka emikhawulweni emibili yesiqephu sesifuba echosheni laso elisohlangothini olubheke i--efodi ngaphakathi.+ 20 base benza amasongo amabili egolide bawabeka eziqeshini ezimbili zasemahlombe ze--efodi ezansi, ngaphambili kulo, eduze kwendawo elihlangana kuyo, ngenhla kwebhande le--efodi.+ 21 ekugcineni babophela isiqephu sesifuba ngamasongo aso emasongweni e--efodi ngentambo eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka, ukuze sihlale ngaphezu kwebhande le--efodi futhi isiqephu sesifuba singagudluki phezu kwe--efodi, njengoba nje ujehova ayemyalile umose.+ 22 khona--ke wenza ijazi elingenamikhono+ le--efodi, umsebenzi wosebenzisa uhlaka lokweluka indwangu, lonke lenziwe ngentambo eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka. 23 imbobo yejazi elingenamikhono yayiphakathi nalo, njengembobo yejazi lensimbi. imbobo yalo yayinomphetho ozungezile ukuze lingadabuki.+ 24 khona--ke benza emphethweni wejazi elingenamikhono amahalananda entambo eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka noboya obudaywe baba nsomi ngokubomvu nendwangu ebomvu ngokunsomi, kusontwe kwahlanganiswa.+ 25 ngaphezu kwalokho benza izikhencezo ngegolide elihlanzekile bazifaka phakathi kwamahalananda+ emphethweni wejazi elingenamikhono zazungeza, phakathi kwamahalananda; 26 isikhencezo nehalananda, isikhencezo nehalananda emphethweni wejazi elingenamikhono kuzungeze,+ ukuba libe elokukhonza, njengoba nje ujehova ayemyalile umose. 27 ngokulandelayo benzela u--aroni namadodana akhe izembatho zelineni elicolekileyo,+ umsebenzi wosebenzisa uhlaka lokweluka indwangu, 28 nomshuqulo+ welineni elicolekileyo nokokuthwala ekhanda+ kokuhloba kwelineni elicolekileyo nezikhindi zangaphansi zelineni+ ezenziwe ngelineni elicolekileyo elisontiwe 29 nebhande lendwangu+ yelineni elicolekileyo elisontiwe nentambo eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka noboya obudaywe baba nsomi ngokubomvu nendwangu ebomvu ngokunsomi, umsebenzi womeluki njengoba nje ujehova ayemyalile umose. 30 ekugcineni benza ungcwecwe ocwebezelayo, uphawu olungcwele lokuzinikezela, ngegolide elihlanzekile baqopha kuwo umbhalo oqoshwe ngokuqoshwa kophawu othi: “ubungcwele bungobukajehova.”+ 31 base bewufakela intambo yomucu oluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka ukuze bawubeke phezu komshuqulo ngaphezulu,+ njengoba nje ujehova ayemyalile umose. 32 ngakho wonke umsebenzi wetabernakele letende lokuhlangana wafinyelela ekupheleni kwawo, ngokuthi abantwana bakwa--israyeli baqhubeka benza ngokuvumelana nakho konke ujehova ayemyale ngakho umose.+ benza kanjalo nje. 33 baliletha itabernakele+ kumose, itende+ nazo zonke izinto zalo,+ izinkintsho zalo,+ izinhlaka zalo zamapulangwe,+ imishayo yalo+ nezinsika zalo nezisekelo zalo ezinezikhoxe,+ 34 isembozo salo sezikhumba zezinqama ezidaywe+ zaba bomvu nesembozo salo sezikhumba zezimvu zamanzi+ nekhethini lesihenqo+ 35 nomphongolo+ wobufakazi nezingongolo+ zawo nesembozo,+ 36 itafula,+ nazo zonke izinto zalo+ nesinkwa sokubukwa, 37 uthi lwesibani+ lwegolide elihlanzekile, izibani zalo, uhlu lwezibani+ nazo zonke izinto zalo+ namafutha okukhanyisa+ 38 ne--altare+ legolide namafutha okugcoba+ nempepho enamakha+ nesihenqo+ somnyango wetende, 39 i--altare+ lethusi nehele+ lalo lethusi, izingongolo zalo+ nazo zonke izinto zalo,+ umcengezi+ nothi lwawo,+ 40 izilenge+ zegceke, izinsika zalo+ nezisekelo zalo ezinezikhoxe+ nesihenqo+ sesango legceke, izintambo zalo zetende+ nezikhonkwane zalo zetende+ nazo zonke izinto+ zenkonzo yetabernakele, kwetende lokuhlangana, 41 izingubo+ ezilukiwe zokukhonza endlini engcwele, izingubo ezingcwele+ zika--aroni umpristi nezingubo zamadodana akhe zokuba abapristi.+ 42 ngokuvumelana nakho konke ujehova ayekuyale umose, yileyo ndlela abantwana bakwa--israyeli abayenza ngayo yonke inkonzo.+ 43 umose wawubona wonke umsebenzi, bheka! babewenze njengoba nje ujehova ayeyalile. yileyo ndlela ababewenze ngayo. ngakho umose wababusisa.+
12 oshitya agape otashi ulike kohole ndjoka hayi wilikwa komakotampango. kashi shi owala eiyuvo ndyoka aantu haya kala ye uvitile ooyakwawo. oshitya shoka oshi na eityo lya mbwalangandja nosha kwatela mo okukatuka oonkatu dha dhiladhilwa nawa. kakele kaashono, agape oludhi lwohole ndjoka inaayi kwatela mo nando iikala yokwiihola mwene. pashiholelwa, dhiladhila ishewe kombinga yajohannes 3:16. “uuyuni” mboka kalunga a kala e hole sho a gandja omwana awike oshike? owo aantu mboka ya kulilwa. muyo omwa kwatelwa aantu oyendji mboka haya longo uulunde mokukalamwenyo kwawo. mbela jehova oku hole kehe gumwe ngaashi a li e hole kuume ke omudhiginini abraham? (jakob 2:23) aawe, ihe oha ningile aantu ayehe uuwanawa omolwohole ye, nokuli nonando otashi pula a ninge omaiyambo omanene. okwa hala ayehe yi itedhulule noye ethe ondjila dhawo dhuulunde. (2 petrus 3:9) oyendji mboka ye shi ninga ohe ya taamba ko nenyanyu ye li ookuume ke.
▼ the field of customs is commonly referred to as that of imports and exports. it is perceived as a maze of processes, procedures, and forms required to enable a customs administration to perform their wide range of responsibilities. one of the responsibilities of a customs administration is the collection of duties, which necessitates classification of the goods in question. this study sets out to determine the extent of customs control in relation to tariff classification in south africa. the starting point is the establishment of the foundations of customs, both internationally and in south africa. after origin and valuation, tariff classification is the third technical customs--related focus area. an analysis of the responsibilities of the customs administration in south africa confirms the importance of revenue collection and, subsequently, tariff classification. as a result of south africa’s membership of the world customs organization, specific obligations in relation to tariff classification are incurred. the implementation and application of the international provisions are considered and compared in south africa, australia, and canada. not only is south africa’s existing legislation considered, but also two new acts. it is found that despite similarities in the implementation of the harmonized system convention into the legislation of the three countries, south africa’s existing legislation makes the most detailed provision for the harmonized system and its aids. this is based on the finding that the legislation in australia and canada, as well as the two new acts in south africa, do not have the same comprehensive provisions. a critical review of the varying processes of classification in the three countries suggests that more suitable and effective processes could be implemented in south africa. in addition, a synopsis of some of the principles developed in case law is provided and compared. in relation to facilitation, the access to relevant information and the adequacy thereof, as well as the availability of rulings, are considered. differences in the approach to dispute resolution in the three countries are furthermore provided. proposals are made to address the discrepancies in the implementation and application of the legislation, the process of classification, the principles developed in case law, the enhancement of related guides, the publication of tariff classification rulings, and the extent of facilitation and dispute resolution. finally it is recommended that an independent and expert tribunal is established to adjudicate technical customs matters. advisors/committee members: franzsen, riel (advisor).
Kungakhathaliseki ukuthi abantu banobuqili, amasu, noma ubugwala, izinhloso nezifiso zabo zonke ziyefana. Kuphela nje uma ningazikhulula kulezi zinto futhi ningaguqula lezi zimo, okungenani ningakwazi ukuwenza kahle umsebenzi wena wamanje. Uma umsebenzi wenu niwenza njalo ngezinhloso zenu siqu futhi niwenza ngezifiso nangezisusa zenu siqu, khona-ke kuyoba nzima ukuthi nenze umsebenzi wenu kahle, futhi kube nzima ukuwenza ngendlela evumelana nenjongo kaNkulunkulu; kulokhu kukhona kokubili ukukhohlisa kanye nesimo sengqondo sokugcina nje icala—kunzima kakhulu, futhi kunokungahlanzeki okuningi kakhulu. Kodwa ungakhathazeki ngalokhu. Okokuqala, xazulula izinhloso nezifiso zakho, khona-ke kancane kancane isimo sakho sangaphakathi siyothuthuka. Okokuqala lungisa isimo sakho, sithuthukise, futhi izinto ezinhle ezingaphakathi kwakho ziyokhula, futhi isimo sakho sizoshintsha sibe ngcono. Ngale ndlela, ukungahlanzeki ekwenzeni umsebenzi wakho kuzoncipha, inhliziyo yakho izoba msulwa futhi ibe lula ngokwengeziwe, futhi uzokwenza umsebenzi wakho kahle ngoba ufisa ukuwenza kahle. Ngale ndlela, kuzoba nzima ngezinto ezonakalisayo zikaSathane, njengemibono yemicabango kanye namafilosofi, ukuba kukulawule, futhi uzoya ngokuya ukhululeka, uye ngokuya uzola futhi ujabula. Cabanga ngomuntu othwele imithwalo emhlane wakhe: igedlela, ibhodo lokupheka, i-spatula, kanye nokhezo, futhi uthwele izikhwama ezimbili bese edonsa nezingane ezimbili. Umsindo wokuhhudlana kwezitsha njengoba ehamba wenza kuhambisane nezingane ezibiza umama noma ubaba wazo. Yiluphi uhlobo lomzwelo uhambo lwakhe olunjengalolu olukunika wona? Uyasindwa, akakhululekile neze, futhi umzimba wakhe ucindezelekile. Uma befika lapho beya khona bese ekugcineni esusa lezi zinto, khona-ke angazizwa kanjani? Masinyane umzimba wakhe uzoba lula futhi uzomangala ukuthi bekulula kangakanani ukuhamba njalo ngaphandle kwaleyo mithwalo! Yilona umuzwa womuntu othola ukukhululwa kanye nomuzwa wokumuntu othola inkululeko. Ngosuku lapho nithola khona ukukhululeka nenkululeko yangempela, bhalani ngalokho encwadini yenu yezehlakalo noma amanothi okuzinikela. Bhalani konke: yimiphi imithwalo eniyibeka eceleni nsuku zonke, yiziphi izinhloso eniziyekayo, kukuziphi izinto lapho niye nashiya khona izinhloso nezisusa zenu siqu, inhliziyo yenu ibe namiphi imizwa njengoba nenza kanjalo. Bhalani ukuthi yikuphi ukukhanyiseleka enikutholile kanye nokuthi isimo senu siye sathuthuka kanjani. Kubhaleni konke lokhu phansi. Ngosuku othola ngalo ukukhululeka kanye nenkululeko ngokuphelele futhi ungasenalo noma yimuphi uhlobo lomthwalo noma ukugqilazeka, uzoba umuntu okhululekile—uzoba umuntu ofana noJobe. Kungani uJobe asho lokho akusho? Kungani wayengasho kalula nje lawo mazwi? Ingabe kwakuyindaba yangosuku olulodwa? Kwakungeyona indaba yangosuku olulodwa. Kwaba umphumela wezinsuku eziningi, iminyaka eminingi yokusolwa, neyokuyeka, kancane kancane. Lapho ubekela eceleni ngokwengeziwe uzokhululeka ngokwengeziwe—ukubeka eceleni okwengeziwe ukhululeka okwengeziwe. Uzokhululela futhi ube nenkululeko. Ngosuku ozokhululeka futhi ube nenkululeko ngalo, uzozwa ukuthi izinto ozishiyile ziyathandela, kanti izinto ozitholile ziyigugu elikhulu ngempela kuwe. Uzozwa ukuthi lezo yizinto ezibaluleke kakhulu futhi ezifanele ngokuphelele ukuba uzilonde. Lezo zinto obukade uzithanda—izinjabulo zenyama, udumo nengcebo, isikhundla, imali, ukuvelela, kanye nokudunyiswa abanye—kuzobonakala kungelutho kuwe. Lezo zinto zikwenze wahlupheka kakhulu, futhi ngeke uphinde uzifune. Ngeke uzifune ngisho noma unganikezwa zona. Awuzidingi! Okwamanje nisengakabi lapho; manje anikwazi ukulahla lezi zinto. Impilo yakho iyakhathaza kakhulu, ayiyi phambili noma emuva; awufuni ukungancintisani, kodwa lapho uncintisana awuzizwa kahle. Uyayendayenda ekuphileni, uya kancane kwesokudla uphinde uye kancane kwesokunxele, uhamba mazombezombe ngezinyawo zakho. Leso ngokuqondile yisimo esidabukisayo kanye nesibi somuntu owonakaliswe uSathane. Ubonakala ekahle ngaphandle kuyilapho inhliziyo yakhe igaya izibozi ngaphakathi usuku lonke ngendaba ethile engasho lutho. Lolu uhlobo lomuntu ohlakaniphe kakhulu noyiqili! Ubonakala enolwazi olukhulu ngomuntu osemncane kangaka, futhi unokuqonda okujulile; abantu ngeke bambone ngokucacile ngaphandle. “Uyisihlakaniphi esizulazulayo” ngokuphelele. Ucabanga ukuthi uNkulunkulu ngeke abone noma akwazi lokho abantu abangeke bakubone ngokucacile ngaphandle? (Angakwazi.) Ingabe nikukholelwa ngempela lokhu? (Yebo.) Kungenzeka nimane nithi yebo ukusho uyebo, kodwa qhubekani nithola ulwazi futhi ngelinye ilanga nizoqonda ukuthi umuntu ngokuyisisekelo umane nje unalezo zinto ezilulaza isimo. Kungenzeka ukuthi anicabangi ukuthi lezo zinto ziyathandela. Kufana nesiphukuphuku esifika edolobheni siphethe izikhwama eziningana zempahla bese sigibela ibhasi. Ngemva kokungena ngomnyango omncane ebhasini nazo zonke izimpahla zaso, kanzima, umholeli uyasitshela, “Mngani, beka phansi izikhwama zakho. Akudingeki ukuthi uziphathe uma ususebhasini; kukhathaza kakhulu lokho.” Siyaphendula, “Cha. Ngiyabonga. Ngisindwa ngingedwa ukuthi ibhasi lingangethwala. Usho ukuthi akunakuba nzima ngokwengeziwe yini ngebhasi ukuba ithathe nomthwalo wami? Kungcono ukuthi ibhasi yonge amandla!” Abantu abezwa lokhu yini abayicabangayo? Ngokugibeza yena, ibhasi kakade ithathe nomthwalo wakhe. Akukho umehluko phakathi kokuthi uphethe umthwalo wakhe noma ukuthi uwubeke phansi ebhasini, kodwa usaphikelela ngokuthi azithwalele wona. Ingabe lesi akusona isiphukuphuku? Abanye abavame ukugibela ibhasi bajahela ukuyobeka izimpahla zabo endaweni yokubeka imithwalo ngokushesha nje uma begibela, noma okanye bazibeke phansi. “Sengisebhasini manje. Kukhathaza kakhulu ukuthwala le mithwalo! Ngingaphumula okwesikhashana njengoba sengisebhasini!” Lowo umuntu ohlakaniphile. Isiphukuphuku asisiqondi lesi simiso, futhi siqhubeka nokuthwala umthwalo waso ngisho nangemva kokugibela. Ingabe akukho yini abantu abenza kanjalo? Bakhona. Lesi yisifaniso.
▼ the mechanisms related to non--native teachers building trust among native american students and their families was explored. learning styles and scholastic relationship formation of native american students differ from european american students with an increase in exploratory and holistic learning, an increased cooperative learning framework and sociolinguistic approaches that include increased pause time in conversation and private praise or criticism. external support elements that contribute to increases in student development include teacher, family and tribal community support; historical impacts of the boarding school era are explored as leading to a mistrust of european american teachers and the related increase in achievement attributed to positive and trusting relationships with teachers. social dynamics include the challenge of balancing official and practical citizenship within the united states and within each sovereign tribal nation. family and community skepticism regarding advanced education as a challenge to cultural fidelity is explored. scholar--practitioners must develop trust within a tribal community in order to gain trust of the students and families in order to determine how to best apply the mechanisms related to native american student achievement. ipa methodology was used to collect the voice and experiences of 6 native teachers. significance includes acquiring community background information for non--natives serving a native community, developing an understanding of trust barriers and developing strategies for trust formation by non--native educators. thematic findings relative to practice recommendations include the importance of learning to listen, becoming actively involved in the native community, embracing cultural teachings, implementing an authoritative approach and setting aside a western lens.
Utagawa ToyokuniJapanese, 1769–1825Ichibē Izumiya, publisherOtowaya (Onoe Matsusuke), 1795Color woodblock printBequest of Richard P. Gale 74.1.174next 1 of 5 » Chu-shingura: Japan's Favorite StorySaturday, October 30, 2010—Sunday, February 20, 2011Louis W Hill Jr. Gallery of Japanese Prints (239)Free ExhibitionChu-shingura, or "Treasury of Loyal Retainers," is a fictionalized account of a true incident that occurred in the early 18th century. While serving at the shogun's court, Asano Naganori, the lord of a small rural fief, drew his sword on an abusive master of ceremonies, Kira Yoshinaka. For this egregious breach of protocol at court, Asano was forced to commit ritual suicide. His fief was confiscated, and his retainers were disbanded. On a snowy night in 1703, forty-seven of Asano's most loyal retainers attacked Kira's mansion and beheaded him. For over a year, these men had plotted in secret to avenge their lord's disgrace and death. Although they were all arrested for their crime and forced to commit suicide, the general populace lauded them as heroes for their fierce loyalty.
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Spending £400 on a Kala Ubass is a big commitment, and as a young adult I simply don't have the money to invest. This is a simple conversion as originally conceived by Olivergon on this. What you need: Donor guitar- can be 1/2 or 3/4 size as long as the scale length is correct. Ideally 20-21" but anything between 18-25" is okay. You will need to order the strings. Pahoehoe or thundergut strings- Pahoehoe do the 18-25" lengths, and these are what I used. Bass tuners- or you can widen the holes in the original tuners with a drill if they are similar to the tuners shown on mine Drill Brill bits- 1mm for pilot holes, and 5.5mm for the string holes, you'll need good HSS bits if your widening the pegs if thy are like mine, mine had some pretty hard brass that needed to be wasted. Needle/round files
which strange language of the firmament, neuer subiect before to our common phrase, makes vs, that are not vsed to terminate heauens moueings in the accents of any voice, esteeme of their triobulare interpreter as of some thrasonical huffe snuffe, for so terrible was his stile to all milde eares, as would haue affrighted our peaceable poets from intermedling hereafter with that quarrelling kinde of verse, had not sweete master france, by his excellent translation of master thomas watsons sugred amintas, animated their dulled spirits to such high witted endeuors. but i knowe not how their ouer timerous cowardise hath stoode in awe of enuie, that no man since him durst imitate any of the worste of those romane wonders in english, which makes me thinke that either the louers of medocritie are verie many or that the number of good poets are very small: and in trueth, master watson except (whom i mentioned before), i knowe not almost any of late dayes that hath shewed himselfe singular in any speciall latin poëm, whose amintas and translated antigone may march in equipage of honour with any of our ancient poets. i will not say but wee had a haddon whose pen would haue challenged the lawrell from homer, together with carre, that came as nere him as virgil to theocritus. but tho. newton with his leyland, and gabriell haruey, with two or three other, is almost all the store that is left vs at this hower. epitaphers and position poets haue wee more than a good many, that swarme like crowes to a dead carcas, but flie, like swallows in the winter, from any continuate subiect of witte. the efficient whereof i imagine to issue from the vpstart discipline of our reformatorie churchmen, who account wit vanitie, and poetrie impietie; whose error, although the necessitie of philosophie might confute, which lies couched most closely vnder darke fables profounditie, yet i had rather referre it as a disputatiue plea to diuines than set it downe as a determinate position, in my vnexperienst opinion. but how euer their dissentious iudgements should decree in their afternoone sessions of an sit, the priuat trueth of my discouered creede in this controuersie is this, that as that beast was thought scarce worthie to bee sacrifised to the ægiptian epaphus, who had not some or other blacke spotte on his skinne, so i deeme him farre vnworthie of the name of scholler, & so, consequentlie, to sacrifice his endeuors to art, that is not a poet, either in whole or in a parte. and here, peraduenture, some desperate quipper will canuaze my proposed comparison plus vltra, reconciling the allusion of the blacke spot to the blacke pot; which makes our poets vndermeale muses so mutinous, as euerie stanzo they pen after dinner is full poynted with a stabbe. which their dagger drunkennesse, although it might be excused with tam marti quam mercurio, yet will i couer it as well as i may with that prouerbial fœcundi calices, that might wel haue been doore keeper to the kanne of silenus, when, nodding on his asse trapt with iuie, hee made his moist nosecloth the pausing intermedium twixt euerie nappe. let frugale scholares and fine fingerd nouices take their drinke by the ownce and their wine by the halpe--worthes, but it is for a poet to examine the pottle pottes and gage the bottome of whole gallons; qui bene vult [poyein], debet ante [pinyen]. a pot of blew burning ale, with a fierie flaming tost, is as good as pallas with the nine muses on parnassus top: without the which, in vaine may they crie, ‘o thou, my muse, inspire mee with some pen,’ when they want certaine liquid sacrifice to rouze her foorth her denne. pardon me, gentlemen, though somewhat merely i glaunce at their imoderate follie, who afifirme that no man can write with conceit, except he takes counsell of the cup: nor would i haue you thinke that theonino dente i arme my stile against all, since i doo knowe the moderation of many gentlemen of that studie to be so farre from infamie as their verse from equalitie: whose sufficiencie, were it as well seene into, by those of higher place, as it wanders abroade vnrewarded in the mouthes of vngratefull monsters, no doubte but the remembrance of mæcenas liberalise extended to maro, and men of like qualitie, would haue lefte no memorie to that prouerb of pouertie, si nihil attuleris, ibis homere foras. ‘tut,’ saies our english italians, ‘the finest witts our climate sends foorth are but drie braind doltes, in comparison of other countries’: whome if you interrupt with redde rationem, they will tell you of petrarche, tasso, celiano, with an infinite number of others; to whome if i should oppose chaucer, lidgate, gower, with such like, that liued vnder the tirranie of ignorance, i do think their best louers would bee much discontented with the collation of contraries, if i should write ouer al their heads, haile fellow well met. one thing i am sure of, that each of these three haue vaunted their meeters with as much admiration in english as euer the proudest ariosto did his verse in italian. what should i come to our court, where the otherwhile vacations of our grauer nobilitie are prodigall of more pompous wit and choyce of words than euer tragick tasso could attaine too? but, as for pastorall poëmes, i will not make the comparison, least our countrimens credit should bee discountenanst by the contention, who, although they cannot fare with such inferior facilitie, yet i knowe would carrie the bucklers full easilie from all forreine brauers, if their subiectum circa quod should sauor of any thing haughtie: and, should the challenge of deepe conceit be intruded by an forreiner to bring our english wits to the tutchstone of arte, i would preferre diuine master spencer, the miracle of wit, to bandie line for line for my life in the honor of england, gainst spaine, france, italie, and all the worlde. neither is he the only swallow of our summer (although apollo, if his tripos were vp again, would pronounce him his socrates), but, he being forborne, there are extant about london many most able men to reuiue poetrie, though it were executed ten thousand times, as in platos, so in puritanes common wealth; as for example mathew roydon, thomas atchelow, and george peele, the first of whome, as hee hath shewed himselfe singular in the immortall epitaph of his beloued astrophel, besides many other most absolute comicke inuentions (made more publique by euerie mans praise than they can bee by my speache), so the second hath more than once or twise manifested his deepe witted schollership in places of credit, and for the last, thogh not the least of them all, i dare commend him to all that know him as the chiefe supporter of pleasance nowe liuing, the atlas of poetrie and primus verborum artifex, whose first encrease, the arraignement of paris, might plead to your opinions his pregnant dexteritie of wit and manifold varietie of inuention, wherein (me iudice) hee goeth a step beyond all that write. sundrie other sweete gentlemen i know, that haue vaunted their pens in priuate deuices, and trickt vp a companie of taffata fooles with their feathers, whose beautie if our poets had not peecte with the supply of their periwigs, they might haue antickt it vntill this time vp and downe the countrey with the king of fairies, and dined euerie daie at the pease porredge ordinarie with delphrigus. but tolossa hath forgot that it was sometime sackt, and beggers that euer they caried their fardles on footback: and in truth no meruaile, when as the deserued reputation of one roscius is of force to inrich a rabble of counterfets; yet let subiects for all their insolence dedicate a de profundis euerie morning to the preseruation of their cæsar, least their encreasing indignities returne them ere long to their iuggling to mediocrity, and they bewaile in weeping blankes the wane of their monarchie. 6
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there are guys who just can't seem to satisfy a woman in bed. i don't know if iqininiso ukuthi experience helps or maybe abanye basuke babe over confident. hai cha kunabantu abakhefuzela phezu kwakho njenge truck yamalahle and lesoskhathi wena awuzwa fokol. umuntu wakhona uyakurasela asking why you not cumming. tl tl tl tl are the only sounds in the room. you be rolling eyes asking yourself if this idiot akaqedi. umuntu ujulukile mara into ayenzayo ayikho. angithi nathi ma--girls sithanda ama fake moans and fake orgasms just to boost a guy's ego? hai maan. phela once ama--sheet get wet we know that akusasiyi--sex le, umdavazo nje klaar. imagine ke umithe after udodi we--sex. i--womb yakho izoba i--chemist yama morning after pills shame. that's why ekasi ama morning after pills sekwaba ama--halls the way adliwa ngakhona. ngeke ubenomntwana nomuntu ongakwazi nokukudla.
terms with what has happened. It hasn’t “We are not focusing on the nature of the been easy for us. We’ve lost two brothers in match being a derby or grudge match. one season, but we know how important this It’s a game that offers a chance for us to finish game is. third. “We need to draw strength from this situa“It’s going to be an emotional match betion and try to win. We still have a slim chance cause Luyanda was a brother.” to finish in third position, so we have to keep our foot on the gas.” THE MSUNDUZI MUNICIPALITY Earlier this season another LAND USE MANAGEMENT ACT NO 16 OF 2013 young Maritzburg reserve, MlonINVITATION TO COMMENT di Dlamini, died in a car accident. The Msunduzi municipality has received the following application in The Midlands side head into terms the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (No. 16 of Saturday’s encounter sitting in 2013) and the Msunduzi municipality’s spatial planning and land use fourth place on the log with 43 management bylaws. points — just two adrift of Kaizer Application description in full: Chiefs who have a daunting trip Application for council’s consent to allow a “Place of Public Entertainment” to relegation-threatened Ajax on a “General Industrial” Cape Town on the same day. Property description as per title deed: But the KwaMpumuza-born Portion 200 ( of 3) of the Farm Shortts Retreats No. 1208, Mkondeni. player, who recently received a Physical address/ describe location: Bafana Bafana call-up, is not 78A Gladys’s Manzi Road, Mkondeni fazed by the nature of Saturday’s clash being a provincial A copy of the application is available for inspection during office hours (08h00 and 16h00) at the Town Planning Offices, 5th Floor, Professor derby, but rather sees it as an opNyembezi Building, 341 Church Street, Pietermaritzburg. portunity to claim maximum Written comments must be lodged with the Town Planning Administrator points. (Tel 033 392 2180), by e-mail to [email protected], The hope is that the Soweto hand delivered to the Town Planning Offices (address stated above) or giants drop points in Cape Town. by post to Private Bag X 1393, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 by 11 June 2018. Ndlovu, who is itching to get Failure to submit comments by the closing date or to include contact back on the pitch this coming details disqualifies the person from the right to receive personal notice of weekend, also offered his heartany meeting or public hearing and the right to appeal against the decision felt condolences to the Ntshanof the Municipality. gase family who will bury their Mr. S Hadebe City Hall son tomorrow in his hometown. Acting MUNICIPAL MANAGER Pietermaritzburg MASIPALA WASEMSUNDUZI SPATIAL PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT ACT NO 16 OF 2013 ISIMEMO SOKUNIKEZELA NGEMIBONO UMasipala waseMsunduzi uthole isicelo ngokwesimiso se Spatial Planning and Land use Management Act (No. 16 of 2013) ne Msunduzi By-Laws , sokuchibiyelwa kwe Town Planning Scheme kanje:Incazelo yesicelo:Isicelo sifakelwe ukucela imvume yomkhandlu yokuvueleka kwe “Place of Public Entertainment” endaweni evumeleke I “General Industrial”. Isiza sesicelo:INgxenye 200 ( ka 3) yeFamu Shortts Retreat number 1208, Mkondeni Ikheli lesicelo:78A Glady’s Manzi Road, Mkondeni Incwadi yesicelo iyatholakala ukuze uyihlaziye, phakathi kwezikhathi zokusebenza (08h00 - 16h00) ehhovisi leDevelopment Services efasiteleni lemibuzo, 5th Floor, Professor Nyembezi Centre, 341 Church Street, Pietermaritzburg. Imibono mayelana nesicelo ingethulwa kwiTown Planning Administrator yakwaMasipala waseMsunduzi ngocingo (033 392 2180), nge e-mail ([email protected]), ngesikhahlamezi (033 392 2576), yethulwe ngesandla emahhovisi noma iposelwe ku (Private Bag X 1393, Pietermaritzburg, 3200) ungakashayi umhlaka 11 June 2018. UMasipala waseMsunduzi angeke uyamukela imibono efika emuva kwesikhathi sokuvalwa esinqunyiwe. Abantu abahlulekile ukuveza imibono yabo ngesikhathi ngeke bakwazi ukuphikisana nesinqumo sikaMasipala. Mr S Hadebe City Hall iBambhela leMenja kaMasipala Pietermaritzburg
4 Paulus okwa tsu omuthindo iinakugwanithwa yookuume kopandjokana a ti: “Aakulukadhi naya kale haya vulika kaasamane yawo ngaashi haya vulika kOmuwa. Oshoka omusamane oye omutse gwomukulukadhi, ngaashi Kristus oye omutse gwegongalo.” (Ef. 5:22, 23, NW) Elongekidho ndika itali ti kutya omukulukadhi oku vulike komusamane gwe. Otali kwathele omukulukadhi a kale ha gwanitha po iilonga mbyoka Kalunga a nunina aakulukadhi, sho a ti: “Inashi opala, omuntu i ikalele oye awike. [Adam] otandi mu shitile omukwathi e mu opalela.” (Gen. 2:18) Ngaashi naanaa Kristus e li “omutse gwegongalo” hu ulike ohole, omusamane Omukriste oku na okulongitha uukwamutse we pahole. Uuna te shi ningi, omukadhi ota kala u uvite e li megameno nota kala a mbilipalelwa, he mu ambidhidha noha vulika kuye.
in my daughter's eyes lyrics in my daughter's eyes i am a hero i am strong and wise and i know no fear but the truth is plain to see she was sent to rescue me i see who i want to be in my daughter's eyes in my daughter's eyes everyone is equal darkness turns to light and the world is at peace this miracle god gave to me gives me strength when i'm weak i find reason to believe in my daughter's eyes and when she wraps her hand around my finger oh it puts a smile in my heart everything becomes a little clearer i realize what life is all about it's hang in on when your heart is had enough it's givin' more when you feel like givin' up i've seen the light it's in my daughter's eyes in my daughter's eyes i can see the future a reflection of who i am and what we'll be and though she'll grow and some day leave maybe raise a family when i'm gone i hope you'll see how happy she made me for i'll be there in my daughter's eyes
CANNOT say I enjoyed my childhood very much, and understandably so. It was not nice to attend a normal school where there were no disabled children. But my mother treated me as a normal person, even if she was very sensitive to my special needs. Yet the reality of my disability did not go away. When other children ran to and fro, chasing the soccer ball, or playing hide and seek, I was not a part of that. My special shoes did not allow me to be free to do so. At least when I was at home, I could play soccer, swim in the river, play toys and ride bicycles with other children because I did not have to wear those heavy shoes that supported me to walk, without tiring and falling down at short notice. But even with community soccer teams, I had to be a goal keeper. That is, if we were having friendly matches. I would often be thrown out of the game if there was a money bat involved. Our opponents knew that my left leg was weak, so they would score on the left. Hence, I spent a great deal of time as a spectator of many a community soccer match rather than being a participant. It was often alienating and lonely. But my friends liked me because I was enthusiastic company, and I did not feel like I was not a part
into engiyasho nje yikuthi inkinga ngokholo loba yiluphi yikuthi inkolo is too much of a theory than practical,you can not prove things,all you are asked is believe in stories even if you know that they are practical impossible eg someone falling pregnant without meeting a man? is that believable? it's like people are being blind folded.people are told jesus will come until death how do you explain that?we are told people lived for 200 years or more can a practcal human being afford that.let's face it whether you believe in daniel standing in a den of lions or not you we all know thats a false picture.
▼ Previous research on respect in intergenerational relations showed a significant association with the sustainability of the relationship that exists between generations. Respect in intergenerational relationships is a relational phenomenon. As such, respect is defined as subjective experiences of interpersonal interactions between members of different generations. For the purpose of this study, intergenerational relationships refer to interactions between people older than 60 years (G1-first generation in a family) and younger people (between the ages of 20 and 30) who constitute the third generation (G3-third generation in a family). The theoretical frameworks that informed this study are a combination of the Interpersonal Theory, Interpersonal Communication Theory that informs the principles of the Self-Interactional Group Theory (SIGT). The Interpersonal Theory and the Interpersonal Communication Theory conceptualise interactions between people on an interpersonal level. The SIGT however gives meaning to interactions specifically between members of different generations. SIGT theory conceptualizes that intergenerational relations and its principles are rooted in the idea of stimulating effective relationships and supporting intergenerational cohesion. According to this theory, interactions between members of different generations always occur within an interpersonal context shaped by continuous interaction between them. This interpersonal context also determines the significance of communication within the interactions between generations. Extensive work on respect in intergenerational relationships has mostly been done in Asian and Western regions, with a specific focus on the typological forms of respect from the perspectives of younger generations. This resulted in the identification of 14 typological forms of respect for older people. Research on respect in Africa conducted in Ghana revealed that respect is a reciprocal construct, while a study in South Africa on respect between Zulu grandmothers and their grandchildren reported a decline in grandchildren‟s respect for their grandmothers. Little to no literature was found on young adults‟ in transition experiences of respect in their relations with older people which constitutes a conceptual gap in the field of contemporary intergenerational research in South Africa and motivates the focus of this study. This study explores respect from the perspective of Afrikaans speaking young adults‟ in their relations with people older than 60 years. Before conducting the research, ethical approval was obtained from the Health Research Ethics Council (HREC) of the North-West University, and the researcher adhered to the ethical guidelines prescribed by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). This research was conducted in a higher educational context, at the North-West University‟s Potchefstroom campus in South Africa. A qualitative approach was used to explore 23 (22 female and 1 male) Afrikaans-speaking young adults‟ experiences of respect in their…
our academic leaders and faculty are imagining the educational ashland of the future, one that ensures our foundational “core” courses produce better thinkers, writers and speakers, and also envisions how burgeoning science and technology will enhance the learning experience for our students as well. our developing center for teaching excellence and innovation will invest in our faculty to develop leading practices informed by the best in academic research. when fully formed, it promises to be an “engine of innovation” that will lead to new program development, improved pedagogical practice, and an ongoing culture of academic innovation. we will also look to our 138 years’ worth of tradition to enliven our campus anew. ashland’s traditions are founded in the belief that every student has a unique, god--given destiny, and that helping students find their life calling is a critical part of the ashland experience. to help achieve this goal, we will establish lectures, conferences and conversations for our students to experience the ongoing intersection between faith and society. because we are founded on enduring virtues and transcendent beliefs, we will perpetuate our traditions as we transmit the values that create tomorrow’s leaders. our campus infrastructure will also be a primary focus in the days ahead. improved student housing and a refresh of our center for the arts are among our top priorities. we realize that every space on our campus reflects our commitment to excellence and is part of a unified learning environment. we will also be looking to expand our online offerings to reach more students with our defining value, “accent on the individual.” because a healthy campus will enhance the learning experience, we will continue to develop our “eagle well” initiative. the efforts of our campus wellness director, dr. deborah sullivan, have already been recognized, as ashland university has been named a “white house healthy campus.” in the months ahead, we will focus on all aspects of wellness, from environmental to spiritual, physical and more. our community engagement efforts will continue as well. we know that as “ashland rises, ashland rises,” acknowledging the intimate connection between the university and the ashland community. our “corporate connections” program will continue to expand, as we connect local, regional, and national businesses with au. this initiative will ensure that our students have outstanding internship opportunities and we also respond to the demands of the workplace as we prepare our graduates effectively. we can be assured that 2017 will bring its own challenges and exciting discoveries. at ashland university, we look forward to the year with a clear plan to keep our university “rising” to meet the future and prepare our students for work and for life.
euanthe alya desk, 2017--04--01 09:11:38. one nice thing about a corner desk, is that regardless of how much room you have in your corner, you can find a desk that will fit. if you only have the small corner, you can find a desk that will fit, with just enough room for your computer. some of these will have a hutch on top with shelf space for books, discs, computer programs, etc. if you have room extending along one wall, then you can find a computer desk with a side extension. this is great because then you can have a surface for your computer, and a side surface for desk work. if you have a lot of room, you can get a corner desk that extends along both walls, and even more room if you put a hutch on top. this type of set up is perfect if you work at home and need the extra work space.
admission requirements for applicants with a national certificate (vocational) (ncv) for admission to a bing degree (4 years) the applicant must have: a ncv (level 4) issued by the council for general and further education and training. achieved a minimum of 70% for 5 of the 7 subjects fundamental and vocational categories. passed english as language of teaching and learning / first additional language as fundamental component with a minimum of 70%. passed mathematics and physical sciences as fundamental components with a minimum score of 70%. for admission to a national diploma the applicant must have: a ncv (level 4) issued by the council for general and further education and training. achieved a minimum of 60% for 6 of the 7 subjects fundamental and vocational categories. passed english as language of teaching and learning / first additional language as fundamental component with a minimum of 70%. passed mathematics and physical sciences as fundamental components with a minimum score of 60%. because of a limited number of spaces, fulfilling all the minimum entry requirements does not guarantee acceptance into a programme.
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carr quickly snatched the tape player from the scalding liquid. the coffee only touched the machine's side. her father continued to sing.""that was really close!"" she exclaimed, laughing. carr turned off the tape. the coffee glimmered on the table. ""too close,"" she sighed, putting the tape recorder away and getting up to find some towels.history is a fragile, incomplete thing, especially when documenting minorities in the united states, and few local cases are more telling than the story of emilio martinez. many of his compositions offer a vital glimpse into the county's latino past, one ignored by orange county's major historians for more than a century. the man wrote about some of the most crucial events in the county's formation: the 1936 citrus war, the great flood of 1938, discrimination battles, the reign of king citrus. he even made a couple of records.yet only martinez's family and friends are aware of his place in the orange county saga. historical ignorance is one factor, but part of the problem is martinez's incomplete legacy. notebooks containing his tunes are missing; recordings are rare. his only full--length interviews with non--family members were with professors researching other topics. more important, martinez's orange county no longer exists: the tight--knit communities that flocked to his performances, tuned in to his many appearances on radio and sang martinez's corridos over bonfires and picket lines are gone, and the new immigrants he so loved to document and fight for don't concern themselves with the past of their predecessors.in another place, another time, martinez would've been a folk treasure, the subject of dissertations, smithsonian restoration projects and tribute cds. another scrap in the proverbial dustbin.* * *emilio martinez was born on july 24, 1905, in jalpa, zacatecas, a small town near the state's border with jalisco. his family's hardscrabble existence worsened with the onset of the mexican revolution: emilio's dad was a supporter of victoriano huerta, the unpopular mexican president whose ascent to power after the assassination of francisco madera set off a decade of bloodshed in the country. as opposition forces led by pancho villa hacked their way through the state, emilio's father forced his 10--year--old son to run guns for huerta's troops in the losing effort. both martinez males survived, but the devastation wrought by the warring factions forced the family north to the united states in search of jobs in 1923. after trying houston and los angeles, emilio moved to santa ana's historic logan barrio around 1924.shortly after settling in, martinez's brother luis returned from prison with a surprise—he now knew how to play the guitar. ""i asked luis to teach me—it was hard, but i finally was able to do it,"" martinez told an interviewer in 1989, just two years before his death. ""we used to play for the drunks in the [logan] neighborhood."" the two also occasionally drove down to tijuana and played in the bars that sprang up in the city after prohibition.emilio stayed in logan for a couple of years before bouncing around california's citrus belt—santa monica, riverside, redlands, whittier and other parts of orange county. he finally settled in anaheim around 1930. it was the first year of the great depression, and california was about to undergo a decade of agricultural strikes that brought virtual race wars to the state's bountiful fields. locally, activists were already planning to organize thousands of poorly paid, almost--exclusively mexican naranjeros who toiled anonymously in the county's orange groves and packing houses.around this time, the martinez brothers and another friend formed a musical group named los hermanos martinez. the trio toured orange county's citrus camps, singing emilio's tunes and earning something of a following, but not enough to quit their jobs. los hermanos martinez thought they nabbed their big break after attracting the attention of los madrugadores (the early risers), a legendary morning show on kmpc--am 710 (now kspn--am) hosted by pedro j. gonzalez. los madrugadores was one of the first regular spanish--language radio broadcasts in southern california, and gonzalez earned huge ratings by inviting local and famous artists to play live on the air. but los hermanos martinez performed only a couple of shows before gonzalez was arrested in 1934 on rape charges (the woman later admitted that american government authorities—who despised gonzalez because his show openly criticized the racism and discrimination faced by mexican immigrants—coaxed her into lying). gonzalez wouldn't return to radio until 1940 in tijuana. his shot at a music career seemingly over, martinez joined a just--forming citrus workers' union and quickly become the representative for anaheim pickers in a countywide comité central (central organizing committee). the comité included members of orange county's incipient barrios: santa ana's delhi, logan and santa nita; anaheim's la fabrica, colonia independencia and la conga; placentia's atwood, yorba and la jolla; and many more. more than just preparing for what they knew would be a hard fight against the county's powerful citrus industry, the comité also helped workers struggling with hunger, joblessness and the mass deportations of mexicans that the hoover administration instituted in the 1930s.the repatriations shook martinez. ""on santa ana street [in anaheim], the train would fill with crying kids,"" martinez remembered in his 1989 interview. ""men and women who didn't want to leave, i'd tell them, 'stay—they're not running us out with stonings.'"" in 1935, he penned a song titled ""corrido del relief"" to describe the mexican community's hatred of hoover and gratitude for franklin delano roosevelt, who ended federal funding for repatriations upon becoming president in 1933:repatrió a los mexicanos cerca de trescientos mil no sabiendo que algún dí­a de algo habí­an de servircuando se separó hoover quedamos muy convencidos ¿qué se hizo por la gente de los estados unidos?apareció roosevelt como el sol con resplandores tomó su administración y contó sus senadores.al mes de ser presidente el soñó un sueño profundo: todos tenemos derecho de vivir en éste mundo. (hoover repatriated the mexicans close to 300,000 not knowing that one day they would be good for somethingwhen hoover left office we were convinced: what did he do for the people of the united states?roosevelt appeared like a resplendent sun he assumed his administration and relied on his senatorsafter a month as president he dreamed a profound dream we all have the right to live in this world.) it wasn't his first corrido—he had already written odes to his hometown of jalpa and tijuana, as well as love songs. but a public performer was born, and martinez the musician prepared for what martinez the activist might do next.* * *for years, mexican citrus workers had bitterly complained about the harsh working conditions ?in orange county's groves. growers paid pickers 2 cents per box and charged them for the gloves, bags, hats and scissors needed to properly pick oranges, plus the transportation on trucks that took workers from their homes to the trees. in early 1936, the comitã© central drafted petitions seeking help from community organizations for a strike they wanted to avert but were planning if negotiations with growers for higher wages stopped. they approached the catholic church, schools, government agencies; none responded. with little other recourse, almost 3,000 citrus workers walked off the job on june 11 and began the citrus war.the subsequent battle between the huelguistas and the county's growers, sheriff's department, district attorney's office, and hundreds of freshly deputized guards remains one of the most brutal and least--documented episodes in orange county history (see ""gunkist oranges,"" june 8, 2006). in the strike's first weeks, martinez serenaded the picket lines with protest songs--some wobbly standards in spanish, but most his. the sheriff's department arrested martinez along with hundreds of his fellow mexicans on trumped--up rioting charges. about a month and a half later, a judge released martinez and almost all of the other imprisoned strikers against the wishes of the district attorney, arguing that if the men stood trial, ""we might as well dispense with our bill of rights.""while in custody, martinez wrote ""corrido de la huelga"" (corrido of the strike). only the following verses exist:adiã³s, california, adios el estado de las flores que vivan los unionistas y que mueran los esquirolesmucho, mucho se ha dicho estos dã­as que estos muchachos son comunistas no se crean de lo que dicen son frases de los capitalistassi acaso le da vergã¼enza retirense del empaque vayan a hacer su mochila para que toma el traque (goodbye, california, goodbye the state of flowers long live the unionists and death to the scabs much has been said these days that the strikers are communists don't believe what they say these are the phrases of capitalists.if by chance you get embarrassed move away from the packinghouse get your backpack ready so you can take the train out) after the strike, the union remained intact and returned to its secondary purpose as a mutual--aid association. two years later, members met their toughest test with the great flood of 1938.on march 3 of that year, the santa ana river jumped its banks and flooded almost a third of orange county, mostly north of its course. thirty--eight people died in the county's worst natural disaster (see ""the tragedy of it all,"" sept. 15, 2005); of that figure, three--quarters were latino children living the placentia and anaheim area. the comitã© quickly put together dances and fund--raisers to assist families in need. martinez, for his part, began writing. a couple of days after the flood, he wrote a 20--stanza dirge titled ""corrido de las indunaciones del 3 de marzo de 1938"" (corrido of the march 3, 1938, flood). its lyrics exemplified the best aspects of the corrido tradition: expert storytelling, vivid details, a natural flow and gut--wrenching emotion. consider verses 9 through 11:algunas gentes corrã­an con sus hijos abrasados sin saber que al poco rato habã­an de morir ahogadosmuchos padres de familia sus criaturas perdieron despuã©s de tantos esfuerzos que por sus hijos hicieronlas pobrecitas criaturas gritaban todas llorando los hablaban a sus padres ""papacito, me ando ahogando."" (some people ran hugging their children without knowing that in a short time they would die from drowningmany fathers of families lost their kids after so much effort that they made for their childrenthe poor kids yelled, all of them crying they called to their parents ""daddy, i'm drowning"") after the great flood, martinez spent most of the 1940s raising a family and picking oranges, taking time to record at least two records featuring his songs, neither of which ever really went anywhere. but around 1947, martinez became angry that anaheim officials erected a fence to bar mexicans from enjoying most of anaheim city (now pearson) park and allowed mexicans to swim in the park's elegant pool only on monday, the day before the week--old water got dumped out. ""they were putting us in a corner of [pearson] park, in a wire--enclosed corral,"" martinez remembered in the same 1989 interview. ""like animals, like beasts . . . like cows to the corral."" police officers patrolled the park to ensure mexicans stayed in their area and didn't disturb the whites. as for the pool, martinez said, ""the only people who went into that dirty water were people without shame.""martinez and others organized a protest in which they stood outside the park's gates to ensure mexicans were allowed entry. one day, rudolph boysen--anaheim's park superintendent at the time and the originator of the boysenberry--approached him and asked what was his business there. ""i'm taking care of the mexicans because you're running them out with sticks in your hand like animals,"" he replied. boysen had him arrested on the spot.in jail, a latino police officer who used to pick oranges alongside martinez asked him what happened. ""you already know what's going on!"" he snapped.""so what do you think about the discrimination?"" the officer replied.""look, officer, let me tell you a story,"" martinez began. ""when i came to anaheim in 1933, the city asked us for a donation to pretty the park. i paid it--and now, i can't use it?""martinez and other parents filed a lawsuit against the city. on their court date, a superior court judge asked if they had proof the city discriminated against mexicans. yes. ""do you mind if we screen a movie?"" martinez asked the judge. the perplexed magistrate agreed.the courtroom's lights dimmed, and onscreen flickered the image of a sign hanging just outside the park swimming pool: white people only no mexicans.""very good. now, i believe you,"" the shocked judge told martinez and his friends. ""now, i'm going to issue an order: everyone swims together, or we'll close the pool forever."" the pool and park were desegregated shortly after.throughout these battles, martinez continued to pick oranges and his guitar. for years, he appeared every sunday morning on kwiz--am 1480, orange county's oldest radio station. los hermanos martinez and another martinez--led group, trio tapatio, occasionally performed before packed houses at the yost, santa ana's legendary latino theater. martinez finally retired from public life in 1969 and spent the rest of his years taking care of grandchildren. but he never stopped composing corridos, even into his eighties.""i always remember dad in the garage, writing songs, then figuring out the music,"" says carr. ""toward the end of his life, i tuned the guitar for him,"" emilio jr. adds.emilio martinez passed away in 1991. st. polycarp catholic church in stanton was filled, as was the funeral at holy sepulcher cemetery in orange, despite a pounding rain. near the graveside, some men played one of his songs. someone recorded the performance, but that recording has been lost.* * *elisa carr lives across the street from where her father bought a house in 1959. it's one of stanton's older neighborhoods, and all the houses have a distinct mexican appearance: wrought--iron fences, immaculate lawns and gardens, deep lots. on carr's living--room mantle is a picture of her parents as newlyweds and a portrait of an elderly emilio playing a guitar, his eyes locked on his left hand gripping the fret as his right hand strums.she has fond memories of a stern--but--loving father whose true love was assisting the burgeoning mexican community in orange county.""he knew that there was so many mexicans who needed help in those days,"" carr said. ""people would come to our house and ask for money, and he gave it away without question. whenever somebody wanted to hold a fund--raiser, there he was.""for years, martinez was the master of ceremonies for an annual mexican independence day celebration held at pearson park, the same place he helped desegregate. the highlight of the show for his children, though, was hearing their father play before an audience of hundreds at the park's historic greek amphitheater. ""oh, everyone just loved it, and he had such a great time,"" emilio jr. says. ""writing and singing was a way of making him relaxed and enjoy life more.""but dad's political activism always bubbled beneath his grandfatherly visage. one time, emilio showed his son a government document that listed him as a communist, an attempt by orange growers to blacklist him from the county's groves after the citrus war. ""i told him, 'you're one of them?!'"" emilio jr. recalls with a hearty laugh. ""'get away from me! i just came back from 'nam killing a whole bunch of them!'""he was always a fighter, a very stubborn man,"" emilio jr. continues. ""in the 1930s, mexicans would try to go into bars and get kicked out for being mexican. dad would go in again and again until they served him his drink.""""he wanted his rights,"" his niece maria daniel interjects.""no, he didn't,"" emilio jr. deadpans. ""he wanted his beer!""martinez's musical mementos are spread across different branches of the family tree. emilio jr. has an article about him that appeared in the register during the 1970s; elisa keeps some of the lyrics and a one--hour vhs tape of the two discussing his life. many grandkids have various tapes of an elderly martinez singing songs and telling tales; a stepdaughter has the 78s he recorded during the 1940s and refuses to let martinez's biological children have them or even hear them (carr and emilio jr. declined to name her).carr keeps her father's artifacts in a mailer scribbled with ""libros de canciones"" (songbooks). the large envelope is bent, wrinkled and faded, the color more post--it canary gold than its original light yellow--brown tint. its contents are in even worse condition--some papers are tissue--thin and greasy, while journals are faded, ripped and stained. in it is a wallet containing different cards--a social security number, a visa, a union card. ""look at this!"" she exclaims. ""i didn't even know this existed!"" it's a gold card given to martinez by the orange county board of supervisors in 1978 as an ""honored citizen"" of orange county for his contributions to the mexican--american community.the notebooks contain dozens of yellowing corridos--some are dated but most aren't, some typed, others in cursive. halfway through the journal are drawings and kids' writing and the spines of ripped--out pages. some songs are missing half of their lyrics; others are unfinished. the vast majority of the corridos are love songs, but there are hints of martinez's troubadour potential: the 1938 flood; ""corrido del relief""; one about a latino soldier enlisting in world war ii to ""save my rights, my country, my faith""; another written in memory of esteban muã±iz, an orange county union organizer who died young in 1940.the artistry in martinez's ballads is evident, but they represent just a small portion of his career, one in which martinez had no peers following his lead--at least none known publicly.""a lot of what dad had we can't find,"" carr says. ""just a couple of years ago, i had a lot of pamphlets that my father put together for the fiestas patrias [mexican independence day] celebration. now, i can't find them anymore.""* * *one of the largest collections of martinez interviews and recordings sat for more than a decade in the fourth--story office of gilbert gonzalez, professor of social sciences at uc irvine. gonzalez interviewed martinez in 1989 for his labor and community: mexican citrus worker villages in a southern california county, 1900--1950, a masterful examination of orange county's orange--grove days told through the eyes of the latinos who worked them. the professor talked with martinez for more than seven hours over the course of a week and recorded the conversations on reel--to--reel tapes. it wasn't the first time martinez sat down with an interviewer. in 1976, cal state los angeles chicano studies professor francisco balderrama talked to him for in defense of la raza: the los angeles mexican consulate and the mexican community, 1929 to 1936, a 1982 book chronicling how the mexican government assisted mexicans in los angeles and orange county during the great depression. martinez only has one line in the book--he told balderrama that mexicans ""would always be mexicans"" in the eyes of whites. balderrama didn't respond to a request to be interviewed for this story.labor and community, on the other hand, made martinez a key person in its narrative, excerpting many corridos and publishing his memories of the 1936 citrus war. ""[martinez] remained an orange county favorite, singing the villagers' favorite romantic, nostalgic and humorous tunes,"" gonzalez wrote. ""his compositions covered a range of themes, including unrequited love, religious paeans, political change and tragedies affecting the local population.""gonzalez tells the weekly he found out about martinez by accident. ""in doing interviews for [labor and community], the old labor organizers would tell me, 'so--and--so was part of the strike--you should interview him',"" he says. the professor found martinez ""very gracious, very open. from the beginning, he said, 'i'm going to help you with your book,' when he could've just retold what he did and leave it at that.""the two always spoke at martinez's kitchen table; throughout the various conversations, you can hear dishes rattle and martinez's wife offer gonzalez some food. it was in the course of these plã¡ticas that gonzalez discovered martinez was a musician.""that generation [of activists] were knowledgeable about the music, but martinez didn't view it as a career,"" the professor says. ""he was close to the people. he sang about the problems, the happy events. in a sense, he was voicing the people. i don't think he took his music as a way of making a living. he was a picker, a part of the community, and he saw himself that way.""neither gonzalez nor martinez kept in touch after the interviews; indeed, carr and emilio jr. didn't even know about their dad's prominent role in labor and community. the professor hadn't played his martinez reel--to--reel tapes for years, until the weekly contacted him about them.those interviews (which include a recording of a los hermanos martinez and trio tapatio disc that you can hear at ocweekly.com) aren't perfect: the sound fades out, is scratchy and gets lost for minutes at a time. but they're priceless: a still--lucid martinez recites dates, names and anecdotes as if reading from a script. he laughs, snaps at gonzalez and never tires of questions. martinez only gets subdued when the topic of his lost corridos comes up. early in the first interview, gonzalez asked him in spanish, ""do you have some of your songs written?""""no, well, i lost them,"" martinez replied.""do you remember some of the words?""at that point, the elderly composer named a couple of corrido titles, then belted out three stanzas from ""corrido de la huelga"" in a strong, joyful, confident voice.a couple of days later, gonzalez asked again if martinez had any more corridos about the citrus war. ""no, i lost them all,"" he replied. ""look: you move here and there, and they got lost. you have kids, and they rip them up."" he also shares that one of his concerts at the yost was recorded, but that the disc broke just after he finished singing. ""we wanted to do another show to record, but everyone always said, 'maã±ana, we'll do it again,'"" martinez recalled. they never did.in one of their last interviews, an excited martinez told gonzalez that after looking around, he found some songbooks. ""that's a treasure of information,"" the professor replied with awe.a bit of silence. ""i know,"" the old man said. and the conversation moved [email protected]"
unkulunkulu uba yinyama, hhayi ngoba enzela ukuba abantu bazi inyama yakhe noma enzela ukuba abantu bakwazi ukwehlukanisa phakathi kwenyama yakhe neyomuntu; unkulunkulu akabi yinyama ukuze aqeqeshe ukuqonda komuntu kokwazi ukwehlukanisa, kuncane kakhulu--ke okwangenhloso yokuthi umuntu adumise inyama kankulunkulu ayothola kuyo inkazimulo enkulu. akukho kulokhu okuyisifiso sasekuqaleni sikankulunkulu yokuba yinyama. unkulunkulu futhi akabi yinyama ukuze alahle umuntu ngecala, ukuze embule ngamabomu umuntu, noma enze izinto zibe nzima kumuntu. akukho kulokhu okuyisifiso sakhe sasekuqaleni. njalo lapho unkulunkulu eba yinyama, kusuke kuwumsebenzi ongagwemeki. kungenxa yomsebenzi wakhe omkhulu nokuphatha kwakhe okumangalisayo okwenza ukuba enze kanjalo futhi akuzona izizathu umuntu azicabangayo. unkulunkulu uza emhlabeni ngoba umsebenzi wakhe umdinga ukuba enze kanjalo futhi lokhu ukwenza njalo lapho kunesidingo. akezi emhlabeni ukuze azozula, kodwa ukuze enze umsebenzi amele ukuwenza. yisiphi esinye isizathu esingamenza aqale umthwalo osinda kangaka azifake ezingozini ezinkulu kangaka ukuze enze lo msebenzi? unkulunkulu uba yinyama kuphela lapho kumele enze kanjalo futhi lokhu kubaluleke ngendlela engavamile. uma bekungukuthi usuke efuna ukuvumela abantu ukuba bambone, avule amehlo abo, ubengeke, ngokuqiniseka okukhulu, afike phakathi kwabantu ngendlela engenasisindo kangaka. uza emhlabeni ngenxa yomsebenzi wakhe wokuphatha ukuze alawule futhi umsebenzinomsebenzi omkhulu kakhulu futhi ukuze akwazi ukuthola abantu abaningi. uza ukuze amele inkathi futhi ukuze anqobe usathane. ngaphezu kwalokho, uzele ukuzohola sonke isintu ezimpilwenu zaso. konke lokhu kuthinta ukuphatha kwakhe futhi kuwumsebenzi othinta wonke umhlaba. uma unkulunkulu eba yinyama ukuze nje avumele umuntu ukuba azi inyama yakhe futhi avule amehlo omuntu, kungani--ke angayi kuzo zonke izizwe? ingabe lokhu akuyona indlela elula ngokwedlulele? kodwa akazange enze kanjalo, esikhundleni salokho wakhetha indawo ekahle yokuthi ahlale futhi aqale umsebenzi okumele awenze. le nyama yodwa nje ibaluleke kakhulu. umele inkathi yonke, futhi wenza umsebenzi wenkathi yonke; uqeda inkathi endala, angenise entsha. konke lokhu kuwudaba olubalulekile oluthinta ukuphatha kukankulunkulu futhi luwukubaluleka kwesigaba somsebenzi owenziwa unkulunkulu oze emhlabeni. lapho ujesu efika emhlabeni, wakhuluma amazwi athile kuphela futhi wenza umsebenzi othile; akazikhathazanga ngempilo yomuntu, wahamba lapho eseqede umsebenzi wakhe. lapho sengiqedile ukukhuluma ngedlulisela amazwi ami kinina namuhla, futhi seniwaqondile nonke, lesi sinyathelo siyobe sesiqediwe, noma ngabe impilo yenu iyobe injani. esikhathini esizayo, kufanele kube khona labo abayoqhuba lesi sinyathelo bese besebenza ngokuhambisana nala mazwi emhlabeni; uyoqala lapho--ke umsebenzi womuntu nokwakhiwa komuntu. kodwa manje, kungumsebenzi kankulunkulu nje wokugcwalisa inkonzo yakhe nokuqeda isinyathelo somsebenzi. unkulunkulu usebenza ngendlela engefani neyomuntu. umuntu uthanda amabandla nezinhlangano zabantu, futhi ubeka ukubaluleka emicimbini. unkulunkulu uyawenyanya amabandla nemihlangano yabantu. unkulunkulu uxoxisana akhulume nomuntu ngendlela ekhululekile; yilo umsebenzi kankulunkulu, okhululeke kakhulu futhi onikhululayo. nokho, ngiyakwenyanya kakhulu ukuhlangana nani, futhi angikwazi ukujwayela impilo enemithetho njengeyenu. ngiyithola imithetho ingicasula kakhulu; impintsha umuntu kuze kufike eqophelweni lokwenza umuntu esabe ukunyakaza, esabe ukukhuluma, futhi esabe ukuhlabelela bese amehlo abo egqolozela wena ngqo. ngiyenyanya kakhulu indlela enihlangana ngayo kanye namabandla amakhulu. angifisi nhlobo ukuhlanganyela nani ngale ndlela, ngoba le ndlela yokuphila yenza umuntu azizwe ebophekile. ngoba nilandela kakhulu imicimbi nemithetho eminingi kakhulu, ukunivumela nihole kungaholela bonke abantu emithethweni. umuntu ngeke abe nendlela yokuchitha imithetho ngaphansi kokuhola kwenu, kunalokho umuzwa wokukholwa ungaqina kakhulu ngokwengeziwe, nezinqubo zabantu zinganda ngamanani amakhulu. abanye abantu balokhu bexoxa bekhuluma uma behlangene futhi abakhathali, kanti abanye bangaqhubeka bakhulume izinsuku eziyishumi nambili. onke athathwa njengamabandla nemihlangano yabantu emikhulu; awahlanganise lutho nokudla nokuphuza, nokujabula, noma nempilo lapho umoya ukhululwa khona. konke lokhu kuyimihlangano! imihlangano yabasenza ndawonye, kanye nezinkonzo ezinkulu nezincane, konke kuyacasula kimi, futhi angikaze ngibe naluthando lwakho. lona ngumgomo engisebenza ngawo: angizimisele ukushumayela ezinkonzweni, futhi angifisi ukukhuluma noma yini obala, kuncane ngokwenziwe ukuthi nginganihlanganisa nonke izinsuku ezimbalwa emhlanganweni okhethekile. angiboni kulungile kinina ukuthi ningahlala kahle nihlangene ndawonye; ngiyakwesaba ukunibona niphila phakathi kwemingcele yanoma yimuphi umcimbi, futhi, ngaphezu kwalokho, angizimisele ukubamba iqhaza kunoma yimuphi kule micimbi yenu. uma nikwenza lokhu ngokwengeziwe nami ngikuthola kucasula ngokwengeziwe. anginalo noluncane uthando lomcimbi nemithetho yenu; ngikuthola konke kucasula. akukhona ukuthi izinhlelo zenu azifanelekile noma ziphansi kakhulu; ukuthi nje ngiyayenyanya indlela yenu yokuphila, futhi ngaphezu kwalokho, angikwazi ukuyejwayela. aniwuqondi neze umsebenzi engifisa ukuwenza. ngaleso sikhathi, lapho ujesu ayenza khona umsebenzi wakhe endaweni ethile wayethi angaqeda ukwethula intshumayelo, ahole abafundi bakhe balishiye idolobha. wayehola abafundi bakhe ezingxoxweni phakathi kwabo, bese esuka phakathi kwabantu; wayevame ukusebenza ngendlela enjalo. wayeqhela kubantu, ahole abafundi abambalwa abathandayo benyukele ezintabeni, ekhuluma nabo ngezindlela okufanele baziqonde. umsebenzi wakhe emphakathini wawuyingcosana. ngokuhambisana nenikucela kuye, unkulunkulu obe yinyama akamelwe ukuba nempilo yomuntu ojwayelekile; kufanele enze umsebenzi wakhe, futhi kufanele akhulume, noma ehleli, emile noma ehamba. kufanele asebenze ngazo zonke izikhathi futhi akakwazi ukuyeka “ukugijima,” kungenjalo uyobe akacopheleli emsebenzini wakhe. ngabe lezi zimfuneko kumuntu ziyahambisana nomqondo womuntu? buphi ubuqotho benu? ngabe anifuni okuningi kakhulu? ngabe kufanele umsebenzi wami uhlolwe yinina? ngidinga ukuthi nina ningihlole ngenkathi ngigcwalisa inkonzo yami? ngazi kahle ukuthi yimuphi umsebenzi okufanele ngiwenze nokuthi kufanele ngiwenze nini; angidinge kungenela kwabanye. kungase kubonakale kinina sengathi angikenzi okuningi, kodwa ngaleso sikhathi umsebenzi wami uyobe usufike ekugcineni. thatha njengesibonelo amazwi kajesu emavangelini amane. ayengenamkhawulo nawo? ngaleso sikhathi, ujesu wangena esinagogeni washumayela; wayeseyiqedile ngesikhashana esiyimizuzu embalwa. emva kokuqeda ukukhuluma, waholela abafundi bakhe esikebheni bahamba ngaphandle kokuchaza. okukhulu, labo ababesesinagogeni baxoxa ndawonye, futhi indaba yayingasahlangene ngalutho nojesu. unkulunkulu wenza kuphela umsebenzi okwakufanele awenze, hhayi okunye okwengeziwe. kulezi zinsuku, abantu abaningi bacela ukuba ngikhulume futhi ngilande kakhulu, amahora amaningi ngosuku. njengoba nibona, okhulumayo kuphela ngunkulunkulu, hhayi okunye. niyizimpumputhe nonke! niyimidlwembe nonke! izinto zonke ezingazi lutho ezingenamqondo! ninemizindlo eminingi! enikufunayo kuya kude kakhulu! aninabo ubuntu! nonke aniqondi ukuthi ungubani unkulunkulu! nikholwa ukuthi zonke izikhulumi namaciko omlomo angunkulunkulu, ukuthi noma ngubani ozimisele ukuninika amazwi unguyihlo. ngitsheleni, ngabe nonke nina enakheke kahle nokubukeka “okumangalisayo” nisenawo nomncane umqondo? seniyalazi ilanga lezulu! nonke ngabanye nifana nezikhulu ezonakele nezinomhobholo, ngakho ningawubona kanjani umqondo? nikwazi kanjani ukwehlukanisa phakathi kokulungile nokungalungile? kuningi engikwethule kinina, kodwa bangaki phakathi kwenu abanakile? ngubani ongakuthola ngokugcwele? niyazi ukuthi ngubani ovule indlela enihamba ngayo namuhla, ngakho niyaqhubeka nokwenza izimfuno kimi, niletha kimi lezi zimfuno ezingenamqondo. anibomvu ebusweni amahloni? angikhulumile okuningi? angenzile okuningi? ngobani phakathi kwenu abangazisa amazwi ami ngokweqiniso njengegugu? niyangikhohlisa ebukhoneni bami, kodwa niqambe amanga nikhohlise ngemuva kwami. izenzo zenu zenyanyisa kakhulu futhi ziyacasula! ngiyazi ukuthi nicela ukuba ngikhulume futhi ngisebenzele into engaqhelile ekubeni yidili lamehlo enu nokwandisa amandla enu, hhayi ukuguqula izimpilo zenu. sengikhulume kangakanani nani? izimpilo zenu kufanele ukuba kade zaguquka, ngakho kungani nilokhu niphindela emuva namuhla? kungaba ukuthi amazwi ami ebiwe kinina ngakho aniwatholanga? ukukhuluma iqiniso, angifisi ukusho okunye kulezi zehluleki ezinjengani! akunamsebenzi! nifuna kuphela ukwandisa izikhundla zenu noma ukupha amehlo enu, hhayi ukuthola impilo! nonke niyazikhohlisa! ngiyanibuza, kungakanani engikukhulume nani ubuso nobuso esenikwenzile? konke enikwenzayo ukudida okunenkohliso. ngiyabenyanya labo, phakathi kwenu abathokozela ukubukela, ngithola ukulangazelela kwenu kucasula ngokujulile. uma ningekho lapha ukuzothola indlela yangempela noma nomele iqiniso, niyilabo engibenyanyayo! ngiyazi ukuthi ningilalela uma ngikhuluma ukuze kuphela nenelise ukulangazelela kwenu ukwazi noma ukugcwalisa esisodwa sezifiso zenu. aninawo umcabango wokufuna ubukhona beqiniso noma ukuthungatha indlela yokungena emzileni wempilo ofanele; lezi zimfuno azikho nhlobo phakathi kwenu. nithatha unkulunkulu njengento yokudlala eningayicubungula futhi niyibabaze. inhliziyo yenu efuna impilo incane kakhulu, kodwa isifiso senu sokulangazelela asincane! ukukhuluma nabantu abanje ngendlela yokuphila empeleni kungukukhuluma nomoya nje; kungaba ngcono ukungakhulumi! ake nginitshele! uma nifuna nje ukugcwalisa izikhala ezisenhliziyweni yenu, kungcono ningezi kimi! kufanele nigxile ezimpilweni zenu! ningazikhohlisi! kuhle ningathathi ukulangazelela kwenu ukwazi njengesisekelo senikuhlosile empilweni, noma nikusebenzise njengebhaxa lokucela ukuthi ngikhulume kinina. konke kuwubuqili, eningompetha kukho! ngiyanibuza futhi: kungakanani engicela ukuthi ningene kukho empeleni esenikwenzile? niyakwazi konke esengikukhulume kini? senikusebenzisile yini konke lokho engikukhulume kini?
In his new book “Showdown,” Washington editor of Mother Jones and MSNBC contributor David Corn thickens the plot between those old adversaries, the GOP Right and Obama, and trumpets new reporting on the killing of Osama bin Laden, which just so happens to have been geing underway as Corn was siing down with Obama. The author recently chaed about his book at a private Kalorama residence with media heavies like Bloomberg’s Margaret Carlson, NBC’s Michael Isikoff, National Journal’s Major Garre, Media Maers’ David Brock and Tim Burger. The book picks up aer the Democrats’ poor showing in the 2010 midterm elections. “I think the first two years were rather difficult and he got very much fixated — and I don’t mean that in a bad way — on accomplishing a legislative agenda,” Corn told me. “People I talked to in the White House for the book said quite oen that they lost sight of some of the bigger picture at times, so the more inspiring message was more apparent during the election.” His book points out that it’s oen hard for presidents to keep “that inspirational element” while they’re doing “other things” such as bailing out Detroit, a key milestone of Obama’s first two years which Corn refers to as “probably good policy, but not good politics.” “I think my book shows over the course of the year he ended up having a strategic clash that we’re going to have with the 2012 presidential campaign,” he added. And the winner of this election? “I think it’s a 50-50 proposition and it will be 5050 until Election Day,” he said.
Lance Morrow, who has made a career out of writing essays for Time magazine, started the Essay journalism class I took from him by saying an essay is a difficult thing to define. It is, he said, a thought thinking about itself. It is your mind reflecting upon whatever it is reflecting upon. The trip the words take on paper, he said, should be more interesting than the destination. And, he said, he liked this example by Kenko, a 14th century Japanese monk: “You should never put the new antlers of a deer to your nose and smell them. They have little insects that crawl into the nose and devour the brain.”
opment, including vitamins a, c, d, e, k, multiple b vitamins, and folate (folic acid). according to whitaker (2018), a daily multivitamin can support your health in many ways, including helping you to: • manage your stress • improve your skin • boost your mood • detoxify the body • boost energy levels • support healthy ageing • maintain muscle strength • correct nutritional deficiencies • omega fish oils probiotics are the bacterial micro--organisms that live in your gut. when this stomach flora is out of balance, supplementing with a probiotic can help to: • reduce cholesterol • lose weight and belly fat • alleviate digestive issues • boost the immune system • improve several mental health issues • reduce the severity of some allergies mohr (2017), a nutrition consultant and author, says that less than six percent of men and nine percent of women between the ages of five and 34 consume the recommended five servings of fruit and vegetables each day. leafy greens form an especially potent part of that count. according to alam (2017), they may prevent dementia and alzheimer’s. if you don’t get enough leafy greens (in salads or smoothies), taking a supplement can help. herbal treatments encognitive.com author nancy kalish (2018) says there are many powerful herbal and natural supplements available too, like: turmeric for inflammation, st john’s wort for depression, cinnamon for blood sugar control and cholesterol, and garlic for cardiovascular health and cancer prevention. if you want to add a new supplement to your regimen, do your research and talk to your pharmacist or local health professional. — supplied.
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12 Oshitya agape otashi ulike kohole ndjoka hayi wilikwa komakotampango. Kashi shi owala eiyuvo ndyoka aantu haya kala ye uvitile ooyakwawo. Oshitya shoka oshi na eityo lya mbwalangandja nosha kwatela mo okukatuka oonkatu dha dhiladhilwa nawa. Kakele kaashono, agape oludhi lwohole ndjoka inaayi kwatela mo nando iikala yokwiihola mwene. Pashiholelwa, dhiladhila ishewe kombinga yaJohannes 3:16. “Uuyuni” mboka Kalunga a kala e hole sho a gandja Omwana awike oshike? Owo aantu mboka ya kulilwa. Muyo omwa kwatelwa aantu oyendji mboka haya longo uulunde mokukalamwenyo kwawo. Mbela Jehova oku hole kehe gumwe ngaashi a li e hole kuume ke omudhiginini Abraham? (Jakob 2:23) Aawe, ihe oha ningile aantu ayehe uuwanawa omolwohole ye, nokuli nonando otashi pula a ninge omaiyambo omanene. Okwa hala ayehe yi itedhulule noye ethe ondjila dhawo dhuulunde. (2 Petrus 3:9) Oyendji mboka ye shi ninga ohe ya taamba ko nenyanyu ye li ookuume ke.
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exposing that business layer and data to end users. this last trend is the iot stack, which involves a new shift in the separation of what stuff happens, where data lives and where the interface lies. for instance, it's a mix of architectural styles ...jan. 30, 2015 12:30 am est reads: 4,890slides: the state of the 'internet of things'by liz mcmillaniot is still a vague buzzword for many people. in his session at @thingsexpo, mike kavis, vice president & principal cloud architect at cloud technology partners, discussed the business value of iot that goes far beyond the general public's perception that iot is all about wearables and home consumer services. he also discussed how iot is perceived by investors and how venture capitalist access this space. other topics discussed were barriers to success, what is new, what is old, and what the future may hold. mike kavis is vice president & principal cloud architect at cloud technology pa...jan. 29, 2015 06:15 pm est reads: 5,477mapr's dale kim joins sys--con authorsby carmen gonzalezdale kim is the director of industry solutions at mapr. his background includes a variety of technical and management roles at information technology companies. while his experience includes work with relational databases, much of his career pertains to non--relational data in the areas of search, content management, and nosql, and includes senior roles in technical marketing, sales engineering, and support engineering. dale holds an mba from santa clara university, and a ba in computer science from the university of california, berkeley.jan. 29, 2015 06:00 pm est reads: 5,213slides: diego tamburini ‘iot in the mainstream'by elizabeth whitethe internet of things (iot) is rapidly in the process of breaking from its heretofore relatively obscure enterprise applications (such as plant floor control and supply chain management) and going mainstream into the consumer space. more and more creative folks are interconnecting everyday products such as household items, mobile devices, appliances and cars, and unleashing new and imaginative scenarios. we are seeing a lot of excitement around applications in home automation, personal fitness, and in--car entertainment and this excitement will bleed into other areas. on the commercial side, m...jan. 29, 2015 06:00 pm est reads: 4,972slides: mac devine's keynote presentationby elizabeth whitealmost everyone sees the potential of internet of things but how can businesses truly unlock that potential. the key will be in the ability to discover business insight in the midst of an ocean of big data generated from billions of embedded devices via systems of discover. businesses will also need to ensure that they can sustain that insight by leveraging the cloud for global reach, scale and elasticity.jan. 29, 2015 05:00 pm est reads: 6,099roberto medrano and ‘the api economy’by elizabeth white""people are a lot more knowledgeable about apis now. there are two types of people who work with apis -- it people who want to use apis for something internal and the product managers who want to do something outside apis for people to connect to them,"" explained roberto medrano, executive vice president at soa software, in this sys--con.tv interview at cloud expo, held nov 4–6, 2014, at the santa clara convention center in santa clara, ca.jan. 29, 2015 02:30 pm est reads: 4,435more » latest storiesslides: anne hungate ‘devops inspires sqa’by liz mcmillanjan. 30, 2015keeping up in an on--demand worldby justice oliver; itinvolve blogjan. 30, 2015monitoring nginx with appdynamicsby appdynamics blogjan. 30, 2015docker is the new virtualizationby yeshim denizjan. 30, 2015the call for the developer heroby bernice fry; miguel valdes faurajan. 30, 2015tuning solr for logs and solr anti--patternsby sematext blogjan. 30, 2015iot: smart and connected citiesby pat romanskijan. 30, 2015ge's industrial 'internet of things'by elizabeth whitejan. 30, 2015ceo power panel at cloud expoby liz mcmillanjan. 30, 2015splunk ""best"" to enhance devops collaborationby yeshim denizjan. 30, 2015mark levy and ‘continuous delivery’by pat romanskijan. 30, 2015enterprise devops potfolio viewby pdwebsy2ks frick; plutora blogjan. 30, 2015slides: jesse shiah ‘easy iot integration’by liz mcmillanjan. 30, 2015demo theater with harbinger systemsby liz mcmillanjan. 30, 2015slides: jim scott ‘time series data’by pat romanskijan. 30, 2015
for a passport despite assurances that he would be given a visa by the us government. when he applied to leave south africa permanently together with his family in 1971, the south african government again refused to give him permission. while the restrictions kept him under house arrest and denied him permission to leaving south africa, he was permitted to attend family gatherings outside kimberley. for instance, in july 1973 sobukwe was granted permission to leave kimberley to visit his son dalindyebo, who had been hospitalised in johannesburg. in june 1974 sobukwe spent three days in johannesburg visiting his wife, who underwent an operation at a hospital in johannesburg. finally, in 1975, sobukwe’s mother died and he applied to the chief magistrate of kimberley for a permit to leave the town in order to attend the funeral. he was granted permission on condition that he report to the police station upon arrival and departure, and that he return to kimberley by midnight on friday 9 may 1975, a day after the funeral. sobukwe began studying law while he was under house arrest. he completed his articles in kimberley, and established his own law firm in 1975. the government’s department of justice initially denied him permission to enter the courts, but reversed the decision and withdrew the prohibition after the government relaxed a clause that banned sobukwe from entering a court of law except as an accused or as a witness. however, newspapers were not allowed to quote him when he argued in court. shortly after opening his law practice, sobukwe fell ill. in july 1977 he applied for permission to go for medical treatment in johannesburg. benjamin pogrund, a close family friend, intervened and on 9 september sobukwe was allowed to leave kimberley for johannesburg under strict conditions. he was diagnosed with lung cancer and his condition was deemed serious. consequently, sobukwe was transferred to groote schuur hospital in cape town. while he was in the hospital the security branch instructed the medical staff not to permit any visitors to visit him except his family. sobukwe’s wife applied for permission from the cape magistrate for him to stay with a family friend, bishop pat matolengwe. after deliberate delays by the government, on 14 october he was temporality discharged and bishop matolengwe took him from the hospital. sobukwe was sent back to kimberley, from he was due to travel back to cape town for another round of treatment. each time he left kimberley, he had to report to the police station – which he also had to do when he arrived at or left cape town. the government deliberately made it harder for sobukwe to receive treatment by insisting that he should comply with the conditions of his restrictions, despite his evidently failing health. on 27 february 1978 sobukwe died from lung complications at kimberley general hospital. his funeral was held on 11 march 1978 and he was buried in graaff--reinet. today, he remains a celebrated political figure in the struggle for a democratic south africa.
7 Ovashamane ove na yo okudidilika kutya Jesus okwa li alushe ha yavelele ovahongwa vaye. Okwa li e shii omangabeko avo nosho yo eemhumbwe davo dopalutu. Pashihopaenenwa, eshi va li va loloka, okwe va lombwela a ti: “Ileni tu ke likaleleni koima kwe likalela, nye mu tulumukwe po kanini.” (Markus 6:30-32) Ovakainhu navo ova pumbwa eyavelelo lopandunge. Ombibeli otai va hokolola ve li ‘oiyuma inai pama,’ oyo ovashamane va lombwelwa ve i “fimaneke.” Omolwashike mbela? Omolwaashi aveshe ohava hafele ‘oshalinghenda yomwenyo.’ (1 Petrus 3:7) Ovashamane ove na okudimbuluka kutya okukala omudiinini oko haku ningifa omunhu a kale e na ondilo momesho aKalunga, ndele hamolwaashi e li omulumenhu ile omukainhu. — Epsalme 101:6.
word embedding models were most predominantly used in many of the nlp tasks such as document classification, author identification, story understanding etc. in this paper we make a comparison of two word embedding models for semantic similarity in tamil language. each of those two models has its own way of predicting relationship between words in a corpus. method/analysis: the term word embedding in natural language processing is a representation of words in terms of vectors. word embedding is used as an unsupervised approach instead of traditional way of feature extraction. word embedding models uses neural networks to generate numerical representation for the given words. in order to find the best model that captures semantic relationship between words, using a morphologically rich language like tamil would be great. tamil language is one of the oldest dravidian languages and it is known for its morphological richness. in tamil language it is possible to construct 10,000 words from a single root word. findings: here we make comparison of content based word embedding and context based word embedding models respectively. we tried different feature vector sizes for the same word to comment on the accuracy of the models for semantic similarity. novelty/improvement: analysing word embedding models for morphologically rich language like tamil helps us to classify the words better based on its semantics. more »»
02 December 2014Greetings to all of you where ever you are. It has been a long time since I updated the blog and I have been a bit busy. I have started working in PMB now as a provincial manager of a new company and sbonga idlozi nomdali.Now I have been asked to do a short description of isthunywa nedlozi nokuthi kuhluka njani. Let me first start by idlozi, which is people/human beings who once lived on earth and have now passed on to the spiritual world. These people are our ancestors, amadlozi ethu lawa. It does not matter how long ago the person passed away in some cases. Akhona amadlozi amahle namabi. Amanye aba mabi ngezenzo zawo esaphila emhlabeni or ngokwenziwa abathakathi noma ukwenziwa ngumuntu. On the other hand, isthunywa slightly differes. Isthunywa is a praying spirit of idlozi simple put. Abanye baze basho ukuthi idlozi elikhulekayo, again isthunywa could be an angel not related to you or your blood line. Furthermore isthunywa could be just the Holy spirit working through somebody to heal abantu. So with isthunywa its not necessarily a human being wakini obephila la emhlabeni. Even with idlozi nesthunywa, please note that there are people with foreign amadlozi, nezithunywa eziforeign as well as there are people with animal spirits guides like marmaids, leopards and others. So there is no clear cut. I hope this brief explanation answers some of your questions. 13 January 2015Bayede ziNdlondlo onyakeni omusha. Ngiyathemba ningene kahle futhi nizobusiseka nakulonyaka. Inkampani okwiyona that is hosting le blogg will be shutting down. I am currently busy with another service provider to assist me with designing another platform esingaxhumana ngayo. Once the new site is up and running, you will still be able to google us and find us online. the new web address might be www.emakhosini.co.za but its not yet finalised. However if you search for emakhosini on google sizokwazi ukuphinde sixhumane..Next weekend yange 17 January sinemgidi yababekelwa amagobongo. Abathanda ukuza know what to do by now. Cheers, Camagu.
- Published on Amazon.com Format:Hardcover Like Laura Hillenbrand's "Seabiscuit", Dava Sobel's "Longitude" is much more than the title would indicate. Dava Sobel writes infectiously about what something we take for granted today, the ability to find location at sea. This had been a major problem before John Harrison successfully harnessed accurate timing at sea. Sobel's volume has Harrison at its center, but she writes also about the other figures surrounding Harrison's battle to win the longitude prize. We get to see the many foes who stood in his way, the inept solutions ( some quite laughable ) and the legacy which Harrison bequeathed to the world. Sobel writes eloquently of the era of scientific discovery in Europe, how people in science thought, and, in general, makes a rather mundane subject quite entertaining. The discovery of longitude was a long, slow process. (The final prize was even slower in coming to Harrison). That his sea clocks survive today is quite a miracle. That some of them still work is even more so. John Harrison is a largely unsung figure in maritime navigation, and Dava Sobel has sung his song quite well.
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Baldwin, he said, turns his story – basically a family story – into a cosmic kind of essay. “This is a father-son struggle put into another dimension,” he said. To his students who must write six essays in a semester, Morrow suggested either the less personal kind of essay that he writes regularly for Time about news events and weighty issues, such as pedophile priests and capitol punishment, or the personal story. A story essay is a chance to use narrative techniques – giving a story dramatic structure with revealing details and an ending, as Morrow recommends, with some sort of surprise.
and at school. i was definitely different to other children but my mother insisted that iattendanormalschoolandnotaspecialschoolforpeoplelikeme.besides, there are a few special schools for disabled people because we are a minority in society. my mother also felt that attending a normal school would make me adapt easily to mainstream society. shewantedmetofeelthesameasothers. she encouraged me to see myself as no different to others. but sometimes it felt like she was patronising me – just making me feel good about myself because i was her child. i am not always sure if it is healthy to take a disabled child to a normal school. but thanks to my mother’s support, i have been a team leader of many so--called normal people since my teenage years, when she forced me to head a musical group from her small storeroom. i was to later find myself teaming up with friends to head a community drama group. i have since had privileges of supervising so--called normal people in various professional environments with much ease. hence, i hug my mother with a tearful heart as i write these words. i hope every parent who has a disable,d or so--called “abnormal”, child willtakecounsel.itmaynothavebeen easy. like i said, when i was in lower grades there was no playing during school breaks for me, and i had to watch other children racing around like flies in a room full of slaughtered animal carcasses. but i was being trained to defy the odds *this is an adapted extract from simphiwe mkhize’s unpublished memoirs called anger mismanaged
▼ The Tang dynasty official Chu Guangxi was a well-regarded poet with a place in the literary circle of the eighth century, that most famous era of poetic production known as the High Tang, and yet he was not canonized by posterity in the way that many of his contemporaries were. Perhaps as a direct result of this, there exists no modern critical edition of Chu’s poetry, and very little has been written about him in Western languages. Thus, I offer here an introduction to the life and poetry of Chu Guangxi, a High Tang poet possessing something of a “silver” status. In the course of examining his poetic corpus, I attempt to challenge the one analytical strain that still persists in the majority of Chinese-language scholarship on Chu, namely that his best poetry shows him to be an epigone of the Six Dynasties poet-recluse Tao Qian and a waypoint in the teleological trajectory of pastoral verse. In my reading of Chu’s poems, I find that while some owe an undeniable stylistic debt to Tao Qian, these and many others also evince a strong poetic tension between Chu and his famous reclusive forebear, a tension made manifest in a literary consciousness aswim with the work not just of Tao, but of countless other earlier poets as well. Building on the critical writings of T. S. Eliot and Harold Bloom, I analyze Chu’s poetry as the work of an author who is both conscious of his place in the grand historical matrix of literary tradition, and also working to forge his own poetic identity. Advisors/Committee Members: Paul W. Kroll, Antje Richter, Matthias L. Richter.
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Song Writer(s): Bachiri, Isam, Brenjan, Siamak, Martinez, Roger Lenny, Qadri, Ahsan, Qadri, Publisher: EMI MUSIC PUBLISHING DENMARK, I wish you were hereHere next to meBeen missing you soSo desperatelyBut lately I feelLike you feelAnd I see what you seeHow I’m missing youWhat happened to the ummah?Once known so wellI wish you were hereHere next to meBeen missing you soSo desperatelyBut lately I feelLike you feelAnd I see what you seeHow I’m missing youWhat happened to the ummah?Once known so wellGreatness was knownBut now can you tell?Used to inspire othersWith our way of thinking and speechPeople came from afarJust to hear us teachYo, what happened to the ummah?Once known so wellGreatness was knownBut now can you tell?Mosques are emptyRefrigerators are stockedWe lost our deen, we feel secure‘Cause our mansions are lockedIn my teen yearsSalah wasn’t really that tightNow I gotta prayEach one of them twiceWhat happened to the ummah?Once known so wellGreatness was knownBut now can you tell?Brother, we preferLight skinned womenWhile righteously maintainingOur deen against racismWhat happened to the ummah?Once known so wellGreatness was knownBut now can you tell?I wish you were hereHere next to meBeen missing you soSo desperatelyBut lately I feelLike you feelAnd I see what you seeHow I’m missing youWhat happened to the ummah?Once known so wellGreatness was knownBut now can you tell?Kids in Africa are starvingCan’t afford to cryI’ll pay interest for a carI can’t afford to buyWhat happened to the ummah?Once known so wellGreatness was knownBut now can you tell?We used to smile at each otherWith faces full of lightNow we frown at each otherWe bicker and we fightPops in the mosque prayingKids in the streets hatingKids on the corner sellingPops in the mosque preachin’What happened to the ummah?Once known so wellGreatness was knownBut now can you tell?The Quran has left out hearts strandedHanging on out walls, 6232 verses, so strong9 out of 10 of us can’t even read or write1924 feels distant like way before ChristI wish you were hereHere next to meBeen missing you soSo desperatelyBut lately I feelLike you feelAnd I see what you seeHow I’m missing youQue le pasó a la mazaComo puede serLa grandeza conocidaNo la puedo verHe visto como mi figura cae en tentaciónA pesar de que la vida a sido buena con luz e ilusionHe pedido perdón por mis pecadosTengo la cruz sobre mi cama y el diablo a mi ladoQue le pasó a la mazaComo puede serLa belleza conocidaNo la puedo verHe sentido incompetencia buscando la verdadTodos dicen conocerla solo veo la maldadQue le pasó a la mazaComo puede serLa pureza conocidaNo la puedo verIf I was to fall on my kneesAnd ask you to forgive everything for the LordOut of love for the oneOh, oh, oh, I've seenAnd if you were to fall on ya kneesAnd ask me the sameBrother, don’t even think about itLets just break out of the darkness of ignoranceI wish you were hereHere next to meBeen missing you soSo desperatelyBut lately I feelLike you feelAnd I see what you seeHow I’m missing you
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VISIONAPArTMENTS – Official opening of the new Flagship house. On a site originally intended for office units only, a new apartment building and therefore new living space at a sought-after location has been created in the last few years in the direct vicinity of the Giesshübel railway station in Zurich. The finishing touches were made to the 206 fullyfurnished designer apartments this year; they are now ready for their first guests and will be available at attractive prices. The future tenants of the completely new apartments, furnished to meet superior quality standards, will not only benefit from a variety of services (including weekly cleaning and free internet and TV access, with ancillary costs included in the rental price) but will also be able to choose from five design styles and a range of apartment sizes (17 to 70 m²). In the future, tenants will also be able to enjoy an innovative restaurant, an exclusive VIP lounge with spa area on the top floor and a fitness studio, all without leaving the building. More information is available at www.visionapartments.eu
Gunda Misty bedding set, 2017-10-05 04:11:14. Bedding in the real sense is a very important part in your bedroom and stands out as a center of attraction when someone walks into your room. So, they have to be of the best choice and can range from luxurious to inexpensive. Some designs are offered on the basis of the season and some are just good designs by the many designers. So, when given the thought of purchasing bedding, it is really worth the purchase as this is not what others would love in your bedroom, but it will be a possessed collection that you would too cherish for years to come. So, a choice like Tommy Bahama would be a good selection for your room.
6 alo--ke sizokuthini? kghani kufuze siragele phambili esonweni khona umusa omkhulu uzakwanda? 2 awa! njengombana sifile malungana nesono, singaragela njani phambili siphila kiso? 3 namkha anazi na bona soke esibhajadiselwe kukrestu jesu, sabhajadiselwa ekufeni kwakhe? 4 sabulungwa naye ngokubhajadiselwa ekufeni kwakhe, bona njengombana ukrestu avuswa kwabafileko ngephazimulo kababa, nathi kufuze sikhambe epilweni etja. 5 nangabe sibe munye naye ekufeni okufana nekwakhe, ngokuqinisekileko sizokuba munye naye ekuvusweni okufana nekwakhe. 6 ngombana siyazi ukuthi ubuntu bethu obudala babethelwa naye esigodweni bona umzimbethu onesono wenziwe ungabi namandla, ukuze singasarageli phambili siba ziingqila zesono. 7 ngombana ofileko utjhatjhululiwe* esonweni sakhe. 8 ngalokho, nasife nokrestu, siyakholwa bona sizokuphila naye godu. 9 ngombana siyazi ukuthi ukrestu, njengombana avusiwe kwabafileko, angekhe asafa; ukufa akuseseyikosi kuye. 10 ngombana ukufa akufako, wakufa malungana nesono* kwaba kanye kwaphela, kodwana nje ukuphila akuphilako, ukuphila malungana nozimu. 11 nani ngokufanako, ziqaleni njengabafileko malungana nesono kodwana niziqale njengabaphilako malungana nozimu ngokrestu jesu. 12 yeke ningavumeli isono siragele phambili sibusa njengekosi emizimbeni yenu efako bona nilalele iinkanuko zayo. 13 ningarageli phambili ninikela imizimbenu esonweni njengeenkhali zokungalungi, kodwana zinikeleni kuzimu njengalabo abaphilako bavela kwabafileko, ninikele nemizimbenu kuzimu njengeenkhali zokulunga. 14 ngombana isono akukafuzi sibe yikosi phezu kwenu, njengombana ningasi ngaphasi komthetho kodwana ningaphasi komusa omkhulu. 15 kulandelani? alo kufuze senze isono ngombana singasingaphasi komthetho kodwana singaphasi komusa omkhulu? awa! 16 anazi na ukuthi nanizinikela kinanyana ngubani bona nibe ziingqila ezilalelako, niziingqila zaloyo enimlalelako, kungaba ngezesono okurholela ekufeni namkha iingqila zokulalela okurholela ekulungeni? 17 siyamthokoza uzimu ngokuthi nanyana nakhe naba ziingqila zesono, nawulalela ngokusuka ehliziyweni umhlobo wefundiso enanikelwa wona. 18 njengombana natjhatjhululwa esonweni, nibe ziingqila zokulunga. 19 ngikhuluma ngendlela abantu abakhuluma ngayo ngebanga lokubogaboga kwenyamenu; njengombana nanikela amalungwenu njengeengqila zokungahlwengeki nokungabi namthetho okurholela ekungabini namthetho, nje--ke nikelani amalungwenu njengeengqila zokulunga okurholela ekucwengeni. 20 ngesikhathi niziingqila zesono, benitjhaphulukile ekulungeni. 21 alo--ke, ngisiphi isithelo ebenisiveza ngesikhatheso? zizinto enineenhloni ngazo nje. ngombana isiphetho sezintwezo kukufa. 22 nje--ke njengombana nitjhatjhululiwe esonweni naba ziingqila zakazimu, niveza isithelo senu ngendlela ecwengileko, begodu isiphetho kuphila okungapheliko. 23 ngombana umrholo wesono kukufa, kodwana isipho uzimu asinikelako kuphila okungapheliko ngokrestu jesu ikosethu.
le for him with hlengiwe. chumani admits his feelings for someone, but is it enough for him to move forward? gloria’s new housemate hasn’t even moved in yet, and already they are butting heads. friday, april 27 a serious betrayal of trust results in loss for one party and gain for another. a cocky upstart counts his chickens before they’ve hatched and ends up with egg on his face. a mother invokes a curse and a son strikes out with a slay queen. monday, april 30 a father faces unwelcome scrutiny from all sides, including his own family. a young man makes a discovery that could
* OPEN TRUTH ABOUT MY SEASON • The curtains have come down on another season here in South Africa - @sundownsfc crowned PSL champions for a second consecutive season being the main highlight for myself and the club 🏆🥇 Unfortunately for myself personally I didn’t achieve what I’d hoped for in terms of cementing myself in the starting 11 and being the go to man for goals. Before I joined Sundowns I was consistently playing and scoring and everyone including myself expected this to continue with ease when I made the big move...(which by the way was not for the figure that everyone thinks 💰💰). As you see all over the world, this sometimes happens and there are many factors that contribute to this (I’ll save these for another time). The main struggle for me has been trying to adapt to the Sundowns style of play ⚽️ Growing up as a kid all I wanted to do was play football and score goals. With limited game time (especially in the second half of the season) this has mentally been a massive challenge for me. I’ve had to be strong and not take my work issues home and let it effect my family.... this is sometimes hard when your 4 year old son always asks “why do you not play daddy?” It’s a real heart breaker for me👨‍👦💔 But I’ve tried to keep a brave face and take my mind away from the struggles - whether that’s kicking the ball in the back yard with Oskar, dancing and drawing with Piper and most importantly spending quality time with my love, Jessica. With all this being said I feel I can still offer a lot to South African football on and off the pitch and get back to being the “Sniper” everyone once feared ⚽️🥅 I’m taking a much needed break (mentally) and getting on a plane to Mauritius with my family soon to refresh and come back better and stronger 💪🏼🏖 Thanks to all of those who send the positive messages to me through social media - you also really keep me going!! 👏🏼👏🏼 Until next season...
abatetekela bafwile ukuba abaiteyanya ukusuminisha ukuti limo limo icipimo ici tacakasangwe mu myeo yabo abene na muli ilya iya batetekela bambi pamo. abalume na bakashi kuti batalikana no kulufya ukwikatana kulya ukwa mano kuntu bene balingile ukukwata; cene mu mubili kuti caba icishingacitika ukufikilisha icupo; umwaume kuti alikwata abakashi abengi, abo aabuulile intanshi ya lubatisho lwakwe, nga aleikala mu bantu umo impali shasuminishiwa. mu musango uyu wene alingile ukwikala na bakashi, lelo te kubuula na bambi. eico umutumwa paulo, ukucenjela kwa kusankanya uluse lwa buntunse no kwikatilila kwa cishinka ku fipoope fya mushilo, aapandile amano ukuti ukulekana kwali ukwingacitika mu nshita ishayafya isha musango wa kukaanalingana: ''mwileka umukashi afume ku mulume wakwe: lelo kabili nga umwanakashi afumako, lekeni umwanakashi ekalilile umushimbe'' (1 abena korinti 7:10,11).
Sonja set off on a countrywide journey with little more than a backpack, camera, phone and a R100 to prove that the spirit of uBuntu in South Africa is alive. She carried a big belief that she is because of others. She has visited over 150 families in from 16 different cultures who opened their homes and hearts to, in essence, a stranger. She stayed in suburbs, dusty townships, in shacks and in mansions across the 9 provinces. She met pensioners, school children and students, farmers and labourers, rich businessmen, poor widows, artists, housewives, truckers and curio sellers.What they all had in common was a spirit of uBuntu. Along her journey, she also raised funds for the book to be designed. All she felt through the journey was warmth and humanity.
A framework involving Scansnap SV600 scanner and Google Optical character recognition (OCR) for creating parallel corpus which is a very essential component of Statistical Machine Translation (SMT). Methods and Analysis: Training a language model for a SMT system highly depends on the availability of a parallel corpus. An efficacious approach for collecting parallel sentences is the predominant step in an MT system. However, the creation of a parallel corpus requires extensive knowledge in both languages which is a time consuming process. Due to these limitations, making the documents digital becomes very difficult and which in turn affects the quality of machine translation systems. In this paper, we propose a faster and efficient way of generating English to Indian languages parallel corpus with less human involvement. With the help of a special type of scanner called Scansnap SV600 and Google OCR and a little linguistic knowledge, we can create a parallel corpus for any language pair, provided there should be paper documents with parallel sentences. Findings: It was possible to generate 40 parallel sentences in 1 hour time with this approach. Sophisticated morphological tools were used for changing the morphology of the text generated and thereby increase the size of the corpus. An additional benefit of this is to make ancient scriptures or other manuscripts in digital format which can then be referred by the coming generation to keep up the traditions of a nation or a society. Novelty: Time required for creating parallel corpus is reduced by incorporating Google OCR and book scanner. More »»
6 ohole yajesus yokuhola eongalo lovahongwa vaye oya tulila po ovashamane oshihopaenena sha wanenena. jesus “okwa li e va hole fiyo exulilo,” e va yambela omwenyo waye, nonande ova li inava wanenena. (johannes 13:1; 15:13) sha faafana, ovashamane otava ladipikwa taku ti: ‘kaleni mu hole ovakainhu veni, nye inamu va ningila onyanya.’ (ovakolossi 3:19, yelekanifa nw.) oshike tashi ka kwafela omushamane a tule moilonga omayele oo, unene tuu ngeenge omafimbo amwe omukainhu waye oha dopa okukatuka pandunge? oku na okudimbuluka kutya naye oha ningi omapuko nosho yo osho e na okuninga opo a diminwe po kukalunga. mbela oku na okuninga shike? oku na okudimina po ovo tava nyono kuye, naasho osha kwatela mo omukainhu waye. doshili, omukainhu oku na yo okukala ha dimine po. (mateus 6:12, 14, 15) mbela ou shii kutya omolwashike vamwe va popya kutya ohombo i na omupondo oyoyo i na ovanhu vavali hava diminafana po nehalo liwa?
bafowethu, believe you can be a wonder of this world, leave them alone, believe you can create spaceships, laser technology, nuclear physics, alternative energy, you are great, you are the best if you try, if you believe, you do not need them, you helped them in the 1960's when they had nobody, don't beg them, leave them, that economy is very complex, leave them, they will be slaughtering each other in less than 20 years, protect zulu and ndebele if you can, they will slaughter each other, believe me, i've been around, nobody will mourn their slaughter, not even the white men they worship, mzilikazi called whites dogs, just like his son lobengula, these ones worship, yiziphandle, worship and forget your blood, they than swaziland, lesotho, botswana, namibia, but who helped thme the most it was zapu, they are just animals, have you ever seen a gratefull dog, it just eats, they thanked everybody but zapu, 1979 we gave them a train load of arms, a train, they can not even say thank you, leave them, yiziphandle, just like an ethiopian, or a chadian, they are nothing to you, 1979 a train load of zapu arms left lusaka for luanda, arms we could have used against mugabe, but nkomo wanted a united africa. yiziphandle, next time you meet them talking amongst yourself tell the they are yiziphandle, when they ask what is that, tell them it is somebody who is not a mthwakazi, finish, have some pride.
That richer, more fully integrated experience comes about through a Communications Platform as a Service which allows for messaging, screen sharing, video...Oct. 9, 2015 12:00 AM EDT Reads: 1,135Understanding Node.js Memory LeaksBy AppDynamics BlogMemory leaks can be a serious problem in Node.js, potentially affecting the performance of your Node apps. Although it might look like a predicament in the back-end is causing the application to fail, the real source of a bug could be a Node.js memory leak. It’s important to understand what memory leaks are, why they occur, and how to detect and solve memory leaks in Node.js, to get ultimately to the bottom of fixing memory leaks.Oct. 8, 2015 09:00 PM EDT Reads: 414IoT Development with PIC Controller-Based CodebugBy Jayaram KrishnaswamyCodeBug is a cute, programmable and wearable device designed to introduce simple programming and electronic concepts to anyone, at any age. It is easy to program CodeBug using the online interface, which features colourful drag and drop blocks, an in-browser emulator and engaging community features. Create your own games, clothes, robots or whatever other wacky inventions you have in mind!Oct. 8, 2015 09:00 PM EDT Reads: 365The Network Got Invited to the Party at @DevOpsSummitBy Lori MacVittieAt DevOps Summit NY there’s been a whole lot of talk about not just DevOps, but containers, IoT, and microservices. Sessions focused not just on the cultural shift needed to grow at scale with a DevOps approach, but also made sure to include the network ”plumbing” needed to ensure success as applications decompose into the microservice architectures enabling rapid growth and support for the Internet of (Every)Things.Oct. 8, 2015 01:15 PM EDT Reads: 2,046
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Write a review. Help your children to review of a book they have read and liked a lot, and then share it with us. Send your review to Nal’ibali, PO Box 1654, Saxonwold, 2132 or [email protected] or post it on Facebook: www.facebook.com/nalibaliSA Create a 2012 newsletter. With your children, write about events and achievements of each family member over the past year and then email or post it to friends and family, especially those who you do not see often. Change a story. As you tell a story that your children know, change the title, characters, or beginning or ending to make it different. Young children love it if you use their own names, and those of friends and family members as characters. Ask your children for different ways to end a story: sad, silly, happy or unbelievable. Make a New Year’s gift. Together with your children, follow the instructions in a how-to book to make some New Year gifts for friends. Your children will learn how to read and follow instructions as well as how to make something. Go on a treasure hunt. One person writes up the clues that tell everyone what they have to do next to discover where the treasure is hidden. He/she places them in different places and everyone else uses each clue to get one step closer to finding the treasure! Name the story characters. Invite your children to draw a picture of their favourite story character, keeping it secret as they draw. Put up their pictures and then see if other family members are able to guess the characters’ names and which stories they are from.
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