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““the 2019 achper international conference was a showcase where contemporary and innovative physical education, health and sport practices were presented to over 300 professionals from australia and overseas. the conference provided an excellent opportunity for international presenters to highlight their work in many different settings. one of the outstanding international presentations was made by david geldart from the bambisanani partnership. david’s unique insights on a project that uses sport to change the lives of children in one one south africa’s poorest regions struck a chord with all attendees. it demonstrated the vision, commitment and dedication of the partnership in truly making a difference to the lives of children in another country. attendees had many take--aways from the presentation including the power of working together (partnership), the importance of the teaching profession to inspire, motivate and lead and the impact of global leadership and citizenship in influencing young lives in a positive long--term way. the bambisanani partnership is an inspirational story with an inspirational message.” ”
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INTATHELI YESOLEZWE UGWETSHWE udilikajele izolo umdlwenguli waku-Facebook, uThabo Bester (osesithombeni), ngecala lokubulala uNksz Nomfundo Tyhulu (23) owayengunobuhle waseGoli futhi engumdayisi wezimoto kwelinye lamagaraji. UBester (23) ugwetshwe eNkantolo eNkulu yaseWestern Cape yiJaji eliBambile uJudith Cloete libambisene no-Advocate Juliana Thayson. Ugixabezwe ngeminyaka engu-25 ngaphezulu ngecala lokuphanga kuhlonyiwe. Icala lokuphanga kuhlonyiwe limayelana nezinto uBester azithatha kuNksz Tyhulu emuva kokuba esemgwaze esifubeni wambulala besehhotela eCape Town ngoSepthemba nyakenye. Umufi noBester kuthiwa bahlangana egaraji elidayisa izimoto kwaBMW eSandton, eGoli lapho umufi adayisela khona uBester imoto. Kusukela lapho baba nobudlelwano baze bazikhiphela eCape Town beyochitha amaholidi. UBester esembulele uNksz Tyhulu kulelo holidi, wabalekela eThekwini. Esephuma ehhotela watshela umsebenzi owamukela izivakashi ukuthi uNksz Tyhulu usalele uzoze avuke ngo-2 ntambama. Kulithatha imizuzu engu 15 iJaji ukukhipha isigwebo sikaBester – obesaziwa njengendoba ebizwa nge-”Facebook rapist”. UBester ubevele eselivumile leli cala ekuqaleni kwesonto. Uvuma leli nje ubesevele egwetshwe iminyaka engu 50 ngokuphanga nokudlwengula abesifazane baseThekwini ngonyaka odlule. Lezi zigwebo uzozidonsa kanye kanye. UCloete uthe akabhekanga izenzo zobugebengu ezenziwe nguBester kuphela kodwa ubheke nezinye ezinto ezithinta yena kanye nomphakathi wonkana ngesikhathi emnikeze udilikajele izolo. UBester wafakaza phambilini ngokuthi yena noNksz Tyhulu baya eCape Town ngoSepthemba ngonyaka odlule baqasha ihhotle ngaphambi kokuba baxabane bengakayi kolala. Ngo-2 ekuseni uBester wavuka waya ekhishini wathatha ummese ngenhloso yokuthi athathe iselula ne-laptop kaNksz Tyhulu. Ngesikhathi esebuyela ekameleni wafika uNksz Tyhulu esevukile kanti ngesikhathi embona eza kuye kwasuka impi. “Kwaba ngaleso sikhathi la owamgwaza khona kanye esifubeni washona. Yize noma uthi wawazi ukuthi usefile kodwa lokho akukuvimbanga ukuthi umbophe izandla wamfuna ngenkani i-password ye-laptop, angakwazanga ukukunika yona ngoba wayeseshonile.” Kwathi ngabo 7 ekuseni uBester waphuma kuleli hhotel ababeyiqashile wacela umnini wendawo ukuthi amgibelise amyise edolobheni ngaphambi kokuba agibele indiza abuyele eThekwini. Watshela umnini wale ndawo ukuthi uNksz Tyhulu usalele futhi akumele aphazanyiswe kuze kushaye ihora lesibili ntambama. “Iqiniso elicacile nje wukuthi izenzo zakho zikhomba ukuthi wawuzimisele ngokuqeda ngempilo yalona wesifazane. Ngokwenza lokhu wancisha izihlobo zakhe lo wesifazane ithuba lokuthi ziqhubeke nokuba naye ezimpilweni zazo.” UCloete ukubhekile ukuthi uBester wayeneminyaka engu 23, unezingane ezintathu ezisencane kanti wake waqashwa. Kodwa uthi lezi zinto azisho lutho uma kubhekwa isigwebo abesevele esidonsa. “Ngemuva kokubheka zonke izinto, akukho okungangenza ngingakuniki lesi sigwebo sikadilikajele.” UBester akazange akhombise mizwa ngokugwetshwa kwakhe ngale ndlela njengoba ubuso bakhe bungashintshanga nangesikhathi esikhishwa kule nkantolo. – Intatheli yeSolezwe Comment Guidelines
parents have filed a $100 million civil suit while goodman’s biological children are fighting to reverse the adoption. the annual museum of polo gala is a must for many from middleburg including andi gilman, who took time out from her horses and her imported scottish salmon business, justthebest.com, to fly down with attorney dick riemenschneider for a long weekend. a highlight of the event, held in a tent at the museum with dinner and dancing to the sounds of the john cat band, was the posthumous induction into the hall of fame of james p. “jimmy” mills sr. his daughter, mimi abelsmith, has been spending the winter on jupiter island, and his son, james p. “jimmy” mills jr. were scheduled to accept the award. a lifelong devotee of the sport, mills, who died in 1987 at age 78, led his yale team to the intercollegiate indoor championships in 1931 and 1932. rated eight goals (with 10 being the very best) at age 25, he won the 1933 u.s. open, the monty waterbury cup in 1933 and 1936 and the junior championship (now known as the silver cup) in 1929 and 1933. he joins other notable sportsmen in the hall, including winston guest, averell harriman and harry payne whitney. “i remember as a little girl traveling to colorado with him and we came upon his favorite old polo pony in a field,” mimi mills recalls.“the pony’s name was quaker and he was long retired, but he ran right up to my father. it was so meaningful years later. he loved his horses.” mills played on the victorious east team in the 1934 east--west series and in england won the hurlingham champion cup, the roehampton open cup and the coronation cup. his much--celebrated career was cut short when he developed debilitating spinal arthritis in his late 30s. while he did give up polo, horses remained a large part of his life and for many years a charity polo match in his honor was played to benefit those suffering from the disease. save the date: chris ohrstrom, a historic paints and wallpaper expert who has consulted at colonial williamsburg, monticello and the white house, is scheduled to speak march 29 at long branch in millwood as part of the nancy st. clair talley lecture series. for details 540--837--1856 or [email protected].
“just after one consultation, dr juma changed our lives” pillay (46yrs )from northdale: we heard about dr. juma 2yrs ago but we couldn’t believe until when moulana referred us to him and he asked us to come with r100 and our lives changed. i won r9.7m in lotto, we had tried many doctors but all failed. after 2days my wife consulted dr. juma, he gave her a magic ring to wear it on her right hand, when she reached the casino she began playing the machine and later went to he table everyone looked at her as she was won r2.6m in the casino. after we bought 2 brand new cars, a house and opened up business. she also told us to use the same ring in our business premises and now is booming. thank you dr. juma we regard you as our family father. naidoo (46yrs): i got fired at work last year in june, i tried everywhere to get a job but didn’t, later my husband went away with another woman because i wasn’t working. he used to drink alcohol and chase me out of the house with my kids. can you imagine a muslim man after 56yrs. but believe me i went to dr. juma he gave me katiko powder, within one day i got a call from edgars store and cell c ballito, now am happy, working and my husband is back after 2days, he apologized bought me a brand new car and he stopped drinking. thank you dr. juma you saved my marriage. dr juma also helps in problems like: love, luck, marriage, promotion at work, cleasing etc.
We have two books, an orange one and a blue one, and they differ subtly - Ritz plays a tenor uke with re-entrant baritone tuning. The orange book has the fingerings for this uke (labelled as "tenor") under the musical stave, and the fingerings for soprano above, resulting in the same chords each time (with variations dictated by the different position on the fretboard). The blue book has one set of fingerings for all ukes, no matter what the size, hence the music is in two different keys. In the case of the blue book, then, you may find the stretches to be just too big if you are playing a tenor or bari and your hands are small.Whatever way you look at it, these books require (and repay) genuine good old practice! They have much more content than you may think - 25 songs is a lot - if you practise each song for a week, it will take you 6 months to get through one book! The arrangements are gorgeous, and the books are superb for someone who has just begun learning harmony and jazz theory. They deserve more than 5 stars*.*although there are some small problems: one or two printer's errors can confuse, and also a lot of chords are labelled as Major 7 when I suspect they should be labelled as Major 9 (e.g. 0202 is labelled CM7 on soprano, which makes no sense, and anyway the bari is clearly not playing a major 7 chord, whereas 0202 could have been a misprint for 0002. Labelling 0202 as CM9 makes a lot more sense and it ties in with what is going on on the bari, and later on we see genuine examples of M9 chords, so that we know Ritz definitely makes use of them)
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topics: oncall, radiology, oncall radiology, health, medical, oncall radiology, www.onlineradiology.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain onlineradiology.info then click here!relevant topics: online, radiology, online radiology, health, medical, online radiology, www.palmradiology.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain palmradiology.com then click here!relevant topics: palm, radiology, palm radiology, health, medical, palm radiology, www.pcradiology.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain pcradiology.com then click here!relevant topics: pc, radiology, pc radiology, health, medical, pc radiology, www.pdarad.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain pdarad.net then click here!relevant topics: pda, rad, pda rad, health, medical, pda rad, www.pdaradiology.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain pdaradiology.com then click here!relevant topics: pda, radiology, pda radiology, technology, pda & mini devices, pda radiology, www.pediatric--radiology.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain pediatric--radiology.com then click here!relevant topics: pediatric, radiology, pediatric radiology, health, medical, pediatric radiology, www.pediatric--radiology.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain pediatric--radiology.info then click here!relevant topics: pediatric, radiology, pediatric radiology, health, medical, pediatric radiology, www.pediatric--radiology.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain pediatric--radiology.net then click here!relevant topics: pediatric, radiology, pediatric radiology, health, medical, pediatric radiology, www.pediatric--radiology.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain pediatric--radiology.org then click here!relevant topics: pediatric, radiology, pediatric radiology, health, medical, pediatric radiology, www.pediatricradiology.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain pediatricradiology.org then click here!relevant topics: pediatric, radiology, pediatric radiology, health, medical, pediatric radiology, www.pediatricradiology.usif you want to rent or to buy the domain pediatricradiology.us then click here!relevant topics: pediatric, radiology, pediatric radiology, health, medical, pediatric radiology, www.pediatricradiologyinfo.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain pediatricradiologyinfo.com then click here!relevant topics: pediatric, radiology, info, pediatric radiology info, health, medical, pediatric radiology info, www.pediatricradiologynet.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain pediatricradiologynet.com then click here!relevant topics: pediatric, radiology, net, pediatric radiology net, health, medical, pediatric radiology net, www.pocketpcradiology.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain pocketpcradiology.com then click here!relevant topics: pocketpc, radiology, pocketpc radiology, health, medical, pocketpc radiology, www.pubrad.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain pubrad.net then click here!relevant topics: pub, rad, pub rad, education, academics, pub rad, www.pubrad.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain pubrad.org then click here!relevant topics: pub, rad, pub rad, education, academics, pub rad, www.pureradiology.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain pureradiology.com then click here!relevant topics: pure, radiology, pure radiology, health, medical, pure radiology, www.quickirad.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain quickirad.com then click here!relevant topics: quicki, rad, quicki rad, health, medical, quicki rad, www.rad--dx.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain rad--dx.com then click here!relevant topics: rad, dx, rad dx, health, medical, rad dx, www.radblizz.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radblizz.com then click here!relevant topics: rad, blizz, rad blizz, health, medical, rad blizz, www.radblizz.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radblizz.net then click here!relevant topics: rad, blizz, rad blizz, health, medical, rad blizz, www.radcoach.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radcoach.com then click here!relevant topics: rad, coach, rad coach, health, medical, rad coach, www.radcyclopedia.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radcyclopedia.com then click here!relevant topics: radcyclopedia, radcyclopedia, health, medical, radcyclopedia, www.raddx.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain raddx.com then click here!relevant topics: rad, dx, rad dx, health, medical, rad dx, www.raddx.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain raddx.info then click here!relevant topics: rad, dx, rad dx, health, medical, rad dx, www.raddx.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain raddx.net then click here!relevant topics: rad, dx, rad dx, health, medical, rad dx, www.raddx.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain raddx.org then click here!relevant topics: rad, dx, rad dx, health, medical, rad dx, www.radexperts.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radexperts.net then click here!relevant topics: rad, experts, rad, expert, rad experts, health, medical, rad experts, www.radio--atlas.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radio--atlas.com then click here!relevant topics: radio, atlas, radio, atla, radio atlas, health, medical, radio atlas, www.radiographs.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiographs.info then click here!relevant topics: radiographs, radiograph, radiographs, health, medical, radiographs, www.radiological--cases.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiological--cases.com then click here!relevant topics: radiological, cases, radiological, case, radiological cases, health, medical, radiological cases, www.radiologicalatlas.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologicalatlas.com then click here!relevant topics: radiological, atlas, radiological, atla, radiological atlas, health, medical, radiological atlas, www.radiologicalcases.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologicalcases.com then click here!relevant topics: radiological, cases, radiological, case, radiological cases, health, medical, radiological cases, www.radiologie--atlas.deif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologie--atlas.de then click here!relevant topics: radiologie, atlas, radiologie, atla, radiologie atlas, education, academics, radiologie atlas, www.radiologie--online.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologie--online.info then click here!relevant topics: radiologie, online, radiologie online, health, medical, radiologie online, www.radiologie--online.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologie--online.org then click here!relevant topics: radiologie, online, radiologie online, health, medical, radiologie online, www.radiologieonline.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologieonline.com then click here!relevant topics: radiologie, online, radiologie online, health, medical, radiologie online, www.radiologieonline.deif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologieonline.de then click here!relevant topics: radiologie, online, radiologie online, health, medical, radiologie online, www.radiologiesuche.deif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologiesuche.de then click here!relevant topics: radiologie, suche, radiologie suche, education, academics, radiologie suche, www.radiologist.nameif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologist.name then click here!relevant topics: radiologist, radiologist, health, medical, radiologist, www.radiologistnet.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologistnet.com then click here!relevant topics: radiologist, net, radiologist net, health, medical, radiologist net, www.radiologists.nameif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologists.name then click here!relevant topics: radiologists, radiologist, radiologists, health, medical, radiologists, www.radiology--articles.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--articles.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, articles, radiology, article, radiology articles, health, medical, radiology articles, www.radiology--atlas.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--atlas.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, atlas, radiology, atla, radiology atlas, health, medical, radiology atlas, www.radiology--blog.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--blog.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, blog, radiology blog, education, academics, radiology blog, www.radiology--boards.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--boards.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, boards, radiology, board, radiology boards, health, medical, radiology boards, www.radiology--book.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--book.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, book, radiology book, health, medical, radiology book, www.radiology--case.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--case.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, case, radiology case, health, medical, radiology case, www.radiology--casereports.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--casereports.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, case, reports, radiology, case, report, radiology case reports, health, medical, radiology case reports, www.radiology--cases.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--cases.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, cases, radiology, case, radiology cases, health, medical, radiology cases, www.radiology--elearning.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--elearning.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, e, learning, radiology e learning, health, medical, radiology e learning, www.radiology--exams.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--exams.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, exams, radiology, exam, radiology exams, health, medical, radiology exams, www.radiology--facts.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--facts.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, facts, radiology, fact, radiology facts, health, medical, radiology facts, www.radiology--forum.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--forum.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, forum, radiology forum, health, medical, radiology forum, www.radiology--info.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--info.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, info, radiology info, health, medical, radiology info, www.radiology--information.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--information.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, information, radiology information, health, medical, radiology information, www.radiology--information.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--information.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, information, radiology information, health, medical, radiology information, www.radiology--information.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--information.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, information, radiology information, health, medical, radiology information, www.radiology--journal.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--journal.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, journal, radiology journal, health, medical, radiology journal, www.radiology--journals.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--journals.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, journals, radiology, journal, radiology journals, health, medical, radiology journals, www.radiology--learning.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--learning.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, learning, radiology learning, health, medical, radiology learning, www.radiology--links.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--links.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, links, radiology, link, radiology links, health, medical, radiology links, www.radiology--marketing.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--marketing.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, marketing, radiology marketing, health, medical, radiology marketing, www.radiology--net.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--net.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, net, radiology net, health, medical, radiology net, www.radiology--news.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--news.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, news, radiology, new, radiology news, health, medical, radiology news, www.radiology--olympics.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--olympics.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, olympics, radiology, olympic, radiology olympics, health, medical, radiology olympics, www.radiology--olympics.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--olympics.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, olympics, radiology, olympic, radiology olympics, health, medical, radiology olympics, www.radiology--olympics.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--olympics.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, olympics, radiology, olympic, radiology olympics, health, medical, radiology olympics, www.radiology--olympics.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--olympics.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, olympics, radiology, olympic, radiology olympics, health, medical, radiology olympics, www.radiology--oncall.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--oncall.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, on, call, radiology on call, health, medical, radiology on call, www.radiology--online.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--online.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, online, radiology online, health, medical, radiology online, www.radiology--online.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--online.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, online, radiology online, health, medical, radiology online, www.radiology--online.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--online.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, online, radiology online, health, medical, radiology online, www.radiology--online.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--online.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, online, radiology online, health, medical, radiology online, www.radiology--residency.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--residency.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, residency, radiology residency, health, medical, radiology residency, www.radiology--resident.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--resident.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, resident, radiology resident, health, medical, radiology resident, www.radiology--residents.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--residents.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, residents, radiology, resident, radiology residents, health, medical, radiology residents, www.radiology--search.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--search.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, search, radiology search, health, medical, radiology search, www.radiology--search.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--search.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, search, radiology search, health, medical, radiology search, www.radiology--searching.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--searching.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, searching, radiology searching, health, medical, radiology searching, www.radiology--society.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--society.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, society, radiology society, health, medical, radiology society, www.radiology--society.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--society.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, society, radiology society, health, medical, radiology society, www.radiology--society.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--society.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, society, radiology society, health, medical, radiology society, www.radiology--students.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--students.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, students, radiology, student, radiology students, health, medical, radiology students, www.radiology--tutorials.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--tutorials.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, tutorials, radiology, tutorial, radiology tutorials, health, medical, radiology tutorials, www.radiology--tv.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--tv.net then click here!relevant topics: , r, a, d, i, o, l, o, g, y, , , t, v, r a d i o l o g y t v , health, medical, r a d i o l o g y t v , www.radiology--videos.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--videos.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, videos, radiology, video, radiology videos, health, medical, radiology videos, www.radiology101.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology101.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology101, radiology101, health, medical, radiology101, www.radiology123.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology123.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology123, radiology123, health, medical, radiology123, www.radiology911.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology911.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology911, radiology911, health, medical, radiology911, www.radiologyabstracts.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyabstracts.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, abstracts, radiology, abstract, radiology abstracts, education, academics, radiology abstracts, www.radiologyadvance.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyadvance.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, advance, radiology advance, health, medical, radiology advance, www.radiologyadvanced.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyadvanced.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, advanced, radiology advanced, health, medical, radiology advanced, www.radiologyanswer.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyanswer.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, answer, radiology answer, business, services, radiology answer, www.radiologyanswers.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyanswers.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, answers, radiology, answer, radiology answers, health, medical, radiology answers, www.radiologyarticle.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyarticle.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, article, radiology article, health, medical, radiology article, www.radiologyarticles.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyarticles.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, articles, radiology, article, radiology articles, health, medical, radiology articles, www.radiologyarts.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyarts.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, arts, radiology, art, radiology arts, health, medical, radiology arts, www.radiologyassociate.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyassociate.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, associate, radiology associate, health, medical, radiology associate, www.radiologyatlas.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyatlas.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, atlas, radiology, atla, radiology atlas, health, medical, radiology atlas, www.radiologyatlas.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyatlas.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, atlas, radiology, atla, radiology atlas, health, medical, radiology atlas, www.radiologyauctions.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyauctions.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, auctions, radiology, auction, radiology auctions, health, medical, radiology auctions, www.radiologyauctions.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyauctions.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, auctions, radiology, auction, radiology auctions, health, medical, radiology auctions, www.radiologyauthor.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyauthor.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, author, radiology author, health, medical, radiology author, www.radiologyauthors.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyauthors.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, authors, radiology, author, radiology authors, health, medical, radiology authors, www.radiologyboards.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyboards.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, boards, radiology, board, radiology boards, health, medical, radiology boards, www.radiologyboards.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyboards.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, boards, radiology, board, radiology boards, health, medical, radiology boards, www.radiologybook.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologybook.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, book, radiology book, health, medical, radiology book, www.radiologybooks.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologybooks.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, books, radiology, book, radiology books, health, medical, radiology books, www.radiologycall.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycall.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, call, radiology call, health, medical, radiology call, www.radiologycalls.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycalls.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, calls, radiology, call, radiology calls, health, medical, radiology calls, www.radiologycareer.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycareer.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, career, radiology career, health, medical, radiology career, www.radiologycareer.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycareer.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, career, radiology career, health, medical, radiology career, www.radiologycareer.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycareer.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, career, radiology career, health, medical, radiology career, www.radiologycase.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycase.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, case, radiology case, health, medical, radiology case, www.radiologycase.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycase.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, case, radiology case, health, medical, radiology case, www.radiologycase.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycase.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, case, radiology case, health, medical, radiology case, www.radiologycase.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycase.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, case, radiology case, health, medical, radiology case, www.radiologycasereport.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycasereport.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, casereport, radiology casereport, health, medical, radiology casereport, www.radiologycasereport.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycasereport.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, case, report, radiology case report, health, medical, radiology case report, www.radiologycasereview.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycasereview.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, case, review, radiology case review, health, medical, radiology case review, www.radiologycasereviews.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycasereviews.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, case, reviews, radiology, case, review, radiology case reviews, health, medical, radiology case reviews, www.radiologycases.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycases.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, cases, radiology, case, radiology cases, health, medical, radiology cases, www.radiologycases.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycases.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, cases, radiology, case, radiology cases, health, medical, radiology cases, www.radiologycases.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycases.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, cases, radiology, case, radiology cases, health, medical, radiology cases, www.radiologycenter.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycenter.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, center, radiology center, health, medical, radiology center, www.radiologycenter.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycenter.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, center, radiology center, health, medical, radiology center, www.radiologychat.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologychat.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, chat, radiology chat, health, medical, radiology chat, www.radiologycity.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycity.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, city, radiology city, health, medical, radiology city, www.radiologycoach.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycoach.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, coach, radiology coach, health, medical, radiology coach, www.radiologycommunity.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycommunity.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, community, radiology community, health, medical, radiology community, www.radiologyconference.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyconference.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, conference, radiology conference, health, medical, radiology conference, www.radiologyconference.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyconference.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, conference, radiology conference, health, medical, radiology conference, www.radiologyconference.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyconference.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, conference, radiology conference, health, medical, radiology conference, www.radiologyconferences.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyconferences.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, conferences, radiology, conference, radiology conferences, health, medical, radiology conferences, www.radiologyconferences.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyconferences.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, conferences, radiology, conference, radiology conferences, health, medical, radiology conferences, www.radiologyconferences.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyconferences.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, conferences, radiology, conference, radiology conferences, health, medical, radiology conferences, www.radiologycourses.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycourses.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, courses, radiology, course, radiology courses, health, medical, radiology courses, www.radiologydeal.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologydeal.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, deal, radiology deal, business, services, radiology deal, www.radiologydeals.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologydeals.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, deals, radiology, deal, radiology deals, business, services, radiology deals, www.radiologyelearning.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyelearning.com then click here!relevant topics: radiologye, learning, radiologye learning, health, medical, radiologye learning, www.radiologyexamination.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyexamination.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, examination, radiology examination, health, medical, radiology examination, www.radiologyexams.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyexams.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, exams, radiology, exam, radiology exams, health, medical, radiology exams, www.radiologyexams.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyexams.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, exams, radiology, exam, radiology exams, health, medical, radiology exams, www.radiologyexpert.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyexpert.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, expert, radiology expert, health, medical, radiology expert, www.radiologyfellow.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyfellow.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, fellow, radiology fellow, health, medical, radiology fellow, www.radiologyfellow.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyfellow.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, fellow, radiology fellow, health, medical, radiology fellow, www.radiologyfellows.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyfellows.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, fellows, radiology, fellow, radiology fellows, health, medical, radiology fellows, www.radiologyfellowship.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyfellowship.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, fellowship, radiology fellowship, health, medical, radiology fellowship, www.radiologyfindings.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyfindings.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, findings, radiology, finding, radiology findings, health, medical, radiology findings, www.radiologyflashcards.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyflashcards.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, flashcards, radiology, 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here!relevant topics: radiology, forum, radiology forum, internet, portals, radiology forum, www.radiologyforum.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyforum.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, forum, radiology forum, internet, portals, radiology forum, www.radiologyforums.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyforums.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, forums, radiology, forum, radiology forums, health, general, radiology forums, www.radiologyforums.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyforums.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, forums, radiology, forum, radiology forums, health, medical, radiology forums, www.radiologyforyou.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyforyou.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, for, you, radiology for you, health, medical, radiology for you, www.radiologyforyou.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyforyou.info then click here!relevant 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radiology, global, radiology global, health, medical, radiology global, www.radiologygold.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologygold.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, gold, radiology gold, health, medical, radiology gold, www.radiologyhelp.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyhelp.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, help, radiology help, health, medical, radiology help, www.radiologyhelp.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyhelp.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, help, radiology help, health, medical, radiology help, www.radiologyhelp.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyhelp.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, help, radiology help, health, medical, radiology help, www.radiologyhelp.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyhelp.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, help, radiology help, health, medical, radiology help, www.radiologyhelper.comif you 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information, www.radiologyinformation.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyinformation.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, information, radiology information, health, medical, radiology information, www.radiologyinternational.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyinternational.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, international, radiology international, education, academics, radiology international, www.radiologyjob.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyjob.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, job, radiology job, business, employment, radiology job, www.radiologyjob.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyjob.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, job, radiology job, business, employment, radiology job, www.radiologyjob.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyjob.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, job, radiology job, business, employment, radiology job, www.radiologyjobs.bizif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyjobs.biz then click here!relevant topics: radiology, jobs, radiology, job, radiology jobs, health, medical, radiology jobs, www.radiologyjournal.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyjournal.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, journal, radiology journal, health, medical, radiology journal, www.radiologyjournal.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyjournal.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, journal, radiology journal, health, medical, radiology journal, www.radiologyjournals.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyjournals.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, journals, radiology, journal, radiology journals, health, medical, radiology journals, www.radiologyjournals.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyjournals.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, journals, radiology, journal, radiology journals, health, medical, 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www.radiologymeetings.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologymeetings.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, meetings, radiology, meeting, radiology meetings, health, medical, radiology meetings, www.radiologymeetings.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologymeetings.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, meetings, radiology, meeting, radiology meetings, health, medical, radiology meetings, www.radiologymeetings.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologymeetings.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, meetings, radiology, meeting, radiology meetings, health, medical, radiology meetings, www.radiologymeetings.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologymeetings.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, meetings, radiology, meeting, radiology meetings, health, medical, radiology meetings, www.radiologymentor.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologymentor.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, mentor, radiology mentor, health, medical, radiology mentor, www.radiologymuseum.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologymuseum.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, museum, radiology museum, health, medical, radiology museum, www.radiologynet.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologynet.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, net, radiology net, health, medical, radiology net, www.radiologynet.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologynet.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, net, radiology net, health, medical, radiology net, www.radiologynetwork.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologynetwork.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, network, radiology network, education, academics, radiology network, www.radiologynightshift.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologynightshift.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, nightshift, radiology nightshift, health, medical, radiology nightshift, www.radiologyolympics.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyolympics.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, olympics, radiology, olympic, radiology olympics, health, medical, radiology olympics, www.radiologyolympics.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyolympics.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, olympics, radiology, olympic, radiology olympics, health, medical, radiology olympics, www.radiologyolympics.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyolympics.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, olympics, radiology, olympic, radiology olympics, health, medical, radiology olympics, www.radiologyolympics.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyolympics.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, olympics, radiology, olympic, radiology olympics, health, medical, radiology olympics, www.radiologyoncall.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyoncall.info then click 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want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyrecalls.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, recalls, radiology, recall, radiology recalls, health, medical, radiology recalls, www.radiologyresident.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyresident.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, resident, radiology resident, health, medical, radiology resident, www.radiologyresident.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyresident.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, resident, radiology resident, health, medical, radiology resident, www.radiologyreviews.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyreviews.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, reviews, radiology, review, radiology reviews, health, medical, radiology reviews, www.radiologyrotation.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyrotation.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, rotation, radiology rotation, health, medical, radiology rotation, www.radiologyrotations.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyrotations.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, rotations, radiology, rotation, radiology rotations, health, medical, radiology rotations, www.radiologyschool.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyschool.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, school, radiology school, health, medical, radiology school, www.radiologyschools.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyschools.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, schools, radiology, school, radiology schools, health, medical, radiology schools, www.radiologysearch.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysearch.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, search, radiology search, health, medical, radiology search, www.radiologysearch.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysearch.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, search, radiology search, health, medical, radiology 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www.radiologyservers.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyservers.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, servers, radiology, server, radiology servers, health, medical, radiology servers, www.radiologyshop.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyshop.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, shop, radiology shop, business, services, radiology shop, www.radiologysigns.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysigns.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, signs, radiology, sign, radiology signs, health, medical, radiology signs, www.radiologysigns.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysigns.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, signs, radiology, sign, radiology signs, health, medical, radiology signs, www.radiologysigns.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysigns.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, signs, radiology, sign, radiology signs, health, medical, radiology signs, www.radiologysigns.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysigns.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, signs, radiology, sign, radiology signs, health, medical, radiology signs, www.radiologysolution.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysolution.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, solution, radiology solution, business, services, radiology solution, www.radiologysource.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysource.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, source, radiology source, health, medical, radiology source, www.radiologysource.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysource.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, source, radiology source, health, medical, radiology source, www.radiologysources.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysources.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, sources, radiology, source, radiology sources, health, medical, radiology sources, www.radiologystudents.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologystudents.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, students, radiology, student, radiology students, health, medical, radiology students, www.radiologysuccess.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysuccess.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, success, radiology, succes, radiology success, health, medical, radiology success, www.radiologysupport.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysupport.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, support, radiology support, health, medical, radiology support, www.radiologytalk.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytalk.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, talk, radiology talk, health, medical, radiology talk, www.radiologyteacher.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyteacher.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, teacher, radiology teacher, health, medical, radiology teacher, www.radiologyteaching.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyteaching.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, teaching, radiology teaching, health, medical, radiology teaching, www.radiologyteachingfiles.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyteachingfiles.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, teachingfiles, radiology, teachingfile, radiology teachingfiles, education, academics, radiology teachingfiles, www.radiologytextbook.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytextbook.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, textbook, radiology textbook, health, medical, radiology textbook, www.radiologytextbooks.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytextbooks.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, textbooks, radiology, textbook, radiology textbooks, health, medical, radiology textbooks, www.radiologytools.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytools.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, tools, radiology, tool, radiology tools, health, medical, radiology tools, www.radiologytools.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytools.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, tools, radiology, tool, radiology tools, health, medical, radiology tools, www.radiologytrainer.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytrainer.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, trainer, radiology trainer, health, medical, radiology trainer, www.radiologytrainer.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytrainer.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, trainer, radiology trainer, health, medical, radiology trainer, www.radiologytraining.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytraining.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, training, radiology training, health, medical, radiology training, www.radiologytraining.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytraining.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, training, radiology training, health, medical, radiology training, www.radiologytutorial.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytutorial.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, tutorial, radiology tutorial, health, medical, radiology tutorial, www.radiologytutorials.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytutorials.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, tutorials, radiology, tutorial, radiology tutorials, health, medical, radiology tutorials, www.radiologytutorials.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytutorials.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, tutorials, radiology, tutorial, radiology tutorials, health, medical, radiology tutorials, www.radiologytutorials.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytutorials.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, tutorials, radiology, tutorial, radiology tutorials, health, medical, radiology tutorials, www.radiologytutorials.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytutorials.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, tutorials, radiology, tutorial, radiology tutorials, health, medical, radiology tutorials, www.radiologytv.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytv.net then click here!relevant topics: , r, a, d, i, o, l, o, g, y, , t, v, r a d i o l o g y t v , health, medical, r a d i o l o g y t v , www.radiologyvideos.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyvideos.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, videos, radiology, video, radiology videos, health, medical, radiology videos, www.radiologyvision.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyvision.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, vision, radiology vision, health, medical, radiology vision, www.radiologyworld.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyworld.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, world, radiology world, health, medical, radiology world, www.radiologyworld.netif you 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many eyes supports 14 types of visualizations, including bar charts, bubble charts, block histograms and world maps. mckeons group ""tried to make uploading data as easy as possible—we took the least common denominator, which is microsoft excel,"" he said. ""all you have to do to upload a data set is go to the page and paste in the data."" users can simply upload data from cutting and pasting from their own excel spreadsheets or tab/comma--delimited text files. the many eyes site will present a set of interactive visualizations that provide insight into a variety of topics—from cereal nutrition data to the fertility rates of countries worldwide. lotus launches lotus connections, a social networking platform for businesses. click here to read more. by offering the data visualization community a collaborative platform for sharing knowledge, many eyes will empower users to explore data visualization in new and exciting ways. for example, a government agency could use this tool to help it understand factors that may indicate potential recipients of governmental aid, the company said. also, by presenting the data in a visual manner, many eyes can help individuals and businesses use complex data to make smarter and more accurate decisions. next page: innovation day at lotusphere. page 1 of 2 1"
Bert is in trouble with his team He didn’t send their booking form in for the XTec O.T.T.Enterprise Relay,brought to you by the PCB, and now they don’t have permission to play. What they have, is: FOMO. Don’t be like Bert. Book your teams in, now. And then prepare to “waste-basket” your work wear and abandon your files, because it’s almost time to fill faces with smiles. You just have to zip on your zany and assemble your squad. The rest is easy. Make a daft proposal and get them to nod. For more information and to book, please contact: Lorna Jones on 033 345 2747 or at [email protected] This fun networking and team event is in its 7th year, and we’re pleased to say that we had over 1000 people attending last year, braaing and socialising in the main arena at the show grounds. It is not a serious running event,so it is definitely not about winning. We will be handing out plenty of prizes though, quite arbitrarily. In fact this year, we’re pretty into an elite form of exercising called prancercising ( a cross between yoga, CrossFit and Japanese horseback archery) ... so, to encourage you to aspire to having the cardiovascular ability of a deer combined with the gracefulness of a jazz in-
on october 18, a first information report was filed by manushi shah alleging that dr. sarabhai and the darpana dance academy that she runs had cheated her by not taking her to the united states on a dance tour. in the fir, according to dr. sarabhai, ms. shah acknowledges that the money she had paid for the tour — barring the non--refundable fee of rs. 20,000 — and her passport had been returned to her. but the cancellation of the tour because of the rejection of visas by the u.s. consulate, she alleges, had prevented her from pursuing a ""bright future in america"", a statement that suggests she planned to use the tour to stay on illegally in that country. ""why am i accused of not aiding and abetting a crime,"" asked dr. sarabhai. ""why is suddenly the senior--most prosecutor put on this case? everyone is silent. is this what we have come to in a country we have the audacity to call the largest democracy in the world?"" the facts of the case, dr. sarabhai explained, concerned a tour that the darpana academy had facilitated on behalf of unesco and under the aegis of cioff (centre international pour les organisation des festival de folklore). darpana's folk section selects and manages amateur dancers and musicians for a non--professional tour under the cioff programme. the artistes were expected to pay for their own ticket and meet other travel expenses, apart from paying a non--refundable fee of rs. 20,000 to cover their training. the tour that ms. manushi shah was on was supposed to travel to brazil and the u.s. while visas for the former came through, questions were raised about some of the participants by the u.s. consulate and their visas were rejected. dr. sarabhai decided to go ahead with the brazil tour, but the participants refused and, therefore, the tour was cancelled. also, although all these events occurred in april this year, the fir was filed in october. in the weeks since this happened, dr. sarabhai said, not one of the three leading gujarati newspapers had asked her for her comments. ""they only report what the public prosecutor says... not that the judge reprimanded him or what our lawyer says. i am delighted to read of the support given to mr. n. ram of the hindu. but shouldn't something be done about the people who ruin this profession,"" she asked. ""doctors take an oath. don't journalists take an oath to tell the other side of the story,"" she asked.
kids are proud of their home. They point to the solar panels, hang out on the living roof, and tell their friends why they should always bring their own bag to the grocery store. It feels good living here. We wake up in a better mood. I can’t imagine anybody wants to be a burden on the planet, and we don’t have to be. We simply have to commit and move forward in the right direction. One doesn’t really know what to expect when you step onto the ‘Slip ’n Slide.’ It’s a little unstable, you are probably going to wipe out, but it is a heck of a lot more fun than being in a rut. I am so grateful that we get to evolve.’
ngalesi sikhathi, the german language became an international academic language. a number of dissertations in the uk and the us had german titles. one might be considered having had a complete academic training only when one had studied in germany. ngakho, many american students were proud of having studied in germany, and the university of göttingen had profound impacts on the us. a number of american politicians, abameli, historians and writers received their education from both harvard and göttingen. ngokwesibonelo,edward everett, once secretary of state and president of harvard university, stayed in göttingen for two years of study. george ticknor spent two years studying classics in göttingen. john lothrop motley, a diplomat and historian, even had personal friendship with otto von bismark during his two--year--long study in göttingen. george bancroft, a politician and historian, even received his phd from the university of göttingen in 1820.
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television & film awards 2017 competitionmore top stories news... submit newsbizcommunity has over 400 industry contributors and we always welcome further contributions and contributors.submit newsafcon group stages a success -- mbalula 1 feb 2013 | save | email | print | pdf the group stages of the africa cup of nations (afcon) tournament have been a great success, says sport and recreation minister fikile mbalula.(image: gcis)the afcon group stage matches were concluded on wednesday when ivory coast and togo progressed to the quarter finals after eliminating algeria and tunisia.""as we concluded the group stages, we can announce that ... afcon ... has been a great success. even in areas where we started with poor match attendance at the stadiums, this has improved over time.""we attribute that to the ever passionate, enthusiastic fans and display of football from all the 16 participating nations, including those who have been eliminated,"" mbalula told reporters on thursday in johannesburg.""south africans, as always, have been good hosts,"" he said.mbalula commended law enforcement agencies for having swiftly dealt with the clash between dr congo and ghana fans at the nelson mandela bay stadium in port elizabeth.in another incident, an ethiopian fan, who allegedly invaded the pitch when his team was losing in mbombela, was also immediately arrested.he thanked visitors from the participating nations for the vigour displayed in their support of the tournament.mbalula also congratulated tournament debutants, cape verde, who made history by reaching the quarter finals of the continental showpiece.with regard to bafana bafana, who will face mali in the quarter finals at the moses mabhida stadium on saturday, mbalula said: ""the national team players should understand that as a nation, we've won the battle not the war. our strategic objective is to win the war.""our boys are well on track to realising that we are playing opponents who can equally upset us and we want to wish them good luck on their upcoming match against mali.""as south africa was booted out of the quarter finals by mali when they hosted the tournament in 2002, mbalula said bafana should use saturday's match as an opportunity to make the nation proud.safa president kirsten nematandani urged south africans to continue rallying behind the national team.""we need to thank south africans who always come to the stadium in great numbers to support the national team, and i believe this makes the boys have an everlasting fighting spirit.""we want to once again urge south africans to fill up moses mabhida stadium to capacity as their unwavering support will inspire the players to win.""nematandani said the mood at the bafana camp was very spirited and driven, and the players were looking forward to their encounter with mali.the passenger rail of south africa (prasa) has set aside 20 trains with a capacity to support 40,000 fans at a time.in kwazulu--natal, prasa has set aside 26 trains to transport fans to all the games taking place at the moses mabhida stadium.prasa has decided to run a special shosholoza meyl train from johannesburg to durban for the quarter final match on saturday.the train will depart from park station in johannesburg at 0620 today, and it will arrive in durban at 0830 tomorrow. it will return to johannesburg on sunday.‹ like save email print pdfsourcesanews.gov.zasanews.gov.za is a south african government news service, published by the government communication and information system (gcis). sanews.gov.za (formerly buanews) was established to provide quick and easy access to articles and feature stories aimed at keeping the public informed about the implementation of government mandates.go to: http://www.sanews.gov.zacomment on thiscommentcomment guidelines and disclaimerlegal disclaimer: this message board accepts no liability of legal consequences that arise from the message boards (e.g. defamation, slander, or other such crimes). all posted messages are the sole property of their respective authors. the maintainer does retain the right to remove any message posts for whatever reasons. people that post messages to this forum are not to libel/slander nor in any other way depict a company, entity, individual(s), or service in a false light; should they do so, the legal consequences are theirs alone. bizcommunity.com will disclose authors' ip addresses to authorities if compelled to do so by a court of law.read more: africa cup of nations, bafana bafana, afcon, afconrelatedkarima brown resigns from independent mediaissued by independent media should social influencers get paid for the work they produce?by thabiso moloi mandela day 2016issued by on the dot ogojiii hosts an exclusive launch for agencies and brand housesissued by ndalo media newsshow more"
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Ring Size:M|Verified Purchase I bought this as a replacement wedding ring for my husband as his original one no longer fits. I intended it to be temporary until I could afford a really decent gold one, but this one looks amazing and if it maintains its appearance I don't think we'll ever bother replacing it at all!It is slightly greyer/darker than white gold - but super, super shiny! Titanium isn't supposed to really lose this shinyness, but we'll see. It has the look of a very heavy-weight gold ring (the kind that would cost at least �300, not the thin, easily-bent cheap ones) and despite the fact it's much lighter than the gold equivelent, it feels really sturdy. My husband prefers the fact it's lighter, and that being titanium it shouldn't ever need polished or get a dent in it.Wish I'd thought about exploring other metals when buying his original wedding ring. Titanium is clearly far superior to gold if you just want a plain band.My husband loves it (I have not told him what an amazing bargain it was - shh!)
▼ the national park service tribal historic preservation office program allows tribes to obtain control over their cultural resources which had previously been held by the state historic preservation offices, through the optional transfer of some or all shpo responsibilities involving tribes ‘cultural resources to the tribes’ themselves. while limited research on the thpo program has been completed on a general and/or national level, little or nothing is known as to how the program is working at a state level or within each tribe. this study looks at the tribal historic preservation offices of the confederated salish and kootenai tribes, northern cheyenne tribe, chippewa cree tribe, blackfeet tribe, and crow tribe (the five montana tribes that have established thpos as of 2008). funding, while greater than before the thpos, is a major, if not chief issue afflicting the program, affecting the individual montana thpos and the program as a whole in a myriad of ways. consultation has generally improved, although numerous problems remain despite the creation and existence of the thpos. in general, the montana thpos have done and are doing a lot. having established their respective thpos at different times, their experiences, problems, issues, progress in regard to incorporating the program into their tribes generally differ, although it seems everyone views the program in a positive light. however, various facets of the program, locally and nationally, have also been identified as problematic, and a variety of issues are present. it is widely agreed or nearly unanimous that improvements need to be made in regard to funding, consultation, and the program in general, and there are many suggestions for addressing some of the shortcomings. without change, the montana thpos will continue to exist and be functioning; beyond that, it is generally questionable.
20kalanu nuydh mulamoeydhin sethabi goegathal, ngalagiya nanga nuydh koeygarsar adhapudhay zagethal aymoeydhin. thana nungu zageth imadhin, kasa kay kedha thana garki thoeyayginga thanamun ipidhadh gegeyadhoengu. 21nuydh goegathaw nelay thurimoeydhin kedha, “kulay ngitha korazinalgal, wati za ngithamuniya bangal mangedhe; ngitha bethsaydhalgal lak kedha; thana kay paypa kulay mabaygal tayaroenu a saydoninu nay, kedha adhapudhay zagethal imaydhin nay setha mi zagethal ngithamuniya aymoeypu, thana ngaru nay mina kulkub garki thayamoeyn, a awmaw rugal ubamoeydhin, a muyngu kunural pinimoeydhin kuykuya, thanamun wati wakasinoepa yakamoeypa. 22awgadhaw minamay thonar nanga mangedhe, thana tayaralgal a saydonalgal lak moegina balbaygi kuth; ngitha korazinalgal a bethsaydhalgal ngithamulpa bangal koey gegeyadh. 23a ngitha kapeniyamalgal ngithamun gamu dhuba yoewruy koeyza a ubi kedha, ngitha bangal ngithamulngu kaday nithamoene koeyza dapara; kasa kay kedha, ngitha bangal genapa idimoeyne. thana kulay mabaygal, sodomalgal*sodomaw, gomoraw mabaygaw ya gidha wara zenesis 19:24--28 geth tidi. nay, kedha adhapudhay zagethal imaydhin setha mi zagethal ngithamuniya aymoeypu, thana ngaru mina kulkub garki thayamoeyn, a thanamun goegath matha memayipu nay. 24awgadhaw minamay goeyga na mangedhe bangal, thana kulkubaw mabaygal sodomalgal lak moegina balbayginga, ngitha nubi maykuyk bangal koey gegeyadh.”,
song writer(s): bryant, deanna, newfield, heidi, smith, publisher: rainy graham publishing llc, souljet music, oh, there's somethin’ 'bout a man in blackmakes me wanna buy a cadillacthrow the top backand roll down to jackson towni wanna be there on the stage with youyou and i could be the next rage tohear the crowd roar, make 'em want moreand the kick the footlights outi wanna love like johnny and junerings of fire burnin' with youi wanna walk the line, walk the linetill the end of timei wanna love, love ya that muchcash it all in, give it all upand when you're gone i wanna go toolike johnny and junei wanna hold you baby, right or wrongbuild a world around a country songpray a sweet prayer, follow you theredown in historyi wanna love like johnny and junerings of fire burnin' with youi wanna walk the line, walk the linetill the end of timei wanna love, love ya that muchcash it all in, give it all upwhen you're gone i wanna go toolike johnny and june, like johnny and junemore than life itself, no one elsethis endless promisethey don't make love like that anymoreis that too much to be askin' for?i wanna love like johnny and junerings of fire burnin' with youi wanna walk the line, walk the linetill the end of timei wanna love, love ya that muchcash it all in, give it all upwhen you're gone i wanna go toolike johnny and june, like johnny and juneand when we're gone there'll be no tears to cryonly memories of our livesthey'll remember, remembera love like that"
The festival started with a “˜Granth Dindi a book procession with Lazim folk dance from College Central Library to the venue of the programme. Thereafter, Convener of Marathi Vangmay Mandal Prof. Arti Gavas along with the other members welcomed all the guests followed by the auspicious ritual of lighting a Lamp. On this day, students performed a cultural program showing various aspects of cultures of Maharashtra. Students also participated in Poetry Recitation and Storytelling in Marathi. The poster making competition and “˜Marathi Bhasha Vishesh rapid-fire Quiz Competition were also held on the same day. Winners were felicitated with Marathi Literature Books. Marathi literature books exhibition was arranged especially for the students. The event was marked by the Exhibition-cum-sale of Maharashtra traditional food culture and traditional jewellery. Students enjoyed the celebration a lot as they got an opportunity to showcase their talent throughout the event. It was a resounding success thanks to the efforts of our students and faculty members.
pashminas are boring and expected. sport a leather jacket instead for an edge of downtown cool. in a pinch, drape yourself in faux fur. every outfit must have an element of surprise. an easy way to do this is with an accessory. try an oversized clutch, something sequined or in an opposite color that works with the outfit. white can be cool and surprises every time. step away from black and jump into color. pair a tuxedo jacket with sleek pants and a neoncolored pocket square. aren’t you bored with the basic l.b.d.? try a white tux for women paired with a colored or very subtle animal--print shoe. a simple white shirt tied at the waist with an out--of--thisworld skirt can turn heads, just make certain the fit is correct.
On October 18, a First Information Report was filed by Manushi Shah alleging that Dr. Sarabhai and the Darpana Dance Academy that she runs had cheated her by not taking her to the United States on a dance tour. In the FIR, according to Dr. Sarabhai, Ms. Shah acknowledges that the money she had paid for the tour — barring the non-refundable fee of Rs. 20,000 — and her passport had been returned to her. But the cancellation of the tour because of the rejection of visas by the U.S. Consulate, she alleges, had prevented her from pursuing a "bright future in America", a statement that suggests she planned to use the tour to stay on illegally in that country. "Why am I accused of not aiding and abetting a crime," asked Dr. Sarabhai. "Why is suddenly the senior-most prosecutor put on this case? Everyone is silent. Is this what we have come to in a country we have the audacity to call the largest democracy in the world?" The facts of the case, Dr. Sarabhai explained, concerned a tour that the Darpana Academy had facilitated on behalf of UNESCO and under the aegis of CIOFF (Centre International pour les Organisation des Festival de Folklore). Darpana's folk section selects and manages amateur dancers and musicians for a non-professional tour under the CIOFF programme. The artistes were expected to pay for their own ticket and meet other travel expenses, apart from paying a non-refundable fee of Rs. 20,000 to cover their training. The tour that Ms. Manushi Shah was on was supposed to travel to Brazil and the U.S. While visas for the former came through, questions were raised about some of the participants by the U.S. consulate and their visas were rejected. Dr. Sarabhai decided to go ahead with the Brazil tour, but the participants refused and, therefore, the tour was cancelled. Also, although all these events occurred in April this year, the FIR was filed in October. In the weeks since this happened, Dr. Sarabhai said, not one of the three leading Gujarati newspapers had asked her for her comments. "They only report what the public prosecutor says... not that the judge reprimanded him or what our lawyer says. I am delighted to read of the support given to Mr. N. Ram of The Hindu. But shouldn't something be done about the people who ruin this profession," she asked. "Doctors take an oath. Don't journalists take an oath to tell the other side of the story," she asked.
four parents and members of the school development committee at mlamuli secondary school in lupane have been arrested for protesting against the presence of a non--ndebele headmaster at the school.parents shut down the school demanding the removal of the headmistress identified only as bonyongwe who was deployed to the institution at the beginning of the year.at a meeting last thursday, the parents gave bonyongwe an ultimatum to leave the matabeleland north school by monday. the headmistress was given a similar deadline in january. chief mabhikwa, under whose jurisdiction the school falls, said four people had been arrested in connection with the disturbances.matabeleland north provincial education director boithatelo mnguni said she went to the school on monday and they were working to educate community members to accept civil servants deployed by the government.she could not immediately say whether or not the headmistress would be transferred. villagers insist if teachers want to be welcome in the area, they must at least show interest in learning the local language.matabeleland north acting police spokesperson sergeant namatirai mashona referred questions to national police spokesperson chief superintendent paul nyathi who could not immediately comment.chief mabhikwa said he went to the school yesterday morning and there was an emergency meeting, but he did not attend.“all i noticed was that very few pupils could be seen going into the school in the morning. i’m yet to be briefed on what transpired and the resolutions made on the matter,” he said.in january this year, parents told the headmistress during a meeting at the school that she was not welcome.parents who spoke to a local publication at that time said they would not allow her into the school as long as she “can’t speak isindebele.”“she came last year and was on thursday being introduced because that was the first parents’ meeting since december last year. she greeted people in english and parents beseeched her to speak in isindebele since it was a parents general meeting where some wouldn’t understand english,” said a parent in january.“she couldn’t utter a single word in isindebele but instead asked to be given two weeks to learn the local language and that angered parents.”bonyongwe was transferred from george silundika secondary school in nyamandlovu where she had been a teacher for three years.the deployment of non--ndebele speaking teachers in matabeleland has in recent years raised the ire of people from the region who blame it for contributing to low pass rates in schools in the region.last year, seven men were arrested for storming a school in mangwe district demanding the removal of a headmistress over the issue.the group, comprising of villagers from makuzeze area in mangwe district and some members of the mthwakazi joint youth resolution, allegedly connived and confronted makuzeze primary school head mrs victoria pasipanodya before ordering her to vacate the school as she belonged to the shona tribe.unbeknown to the group, mrs pasipanodya said she was only married to a shona man, but she was of ndebele origin and her maiden name was nyathi.pasipanodya, who has transferred to kwite primary school in the same district, said she left the school because of the threats.
Ekuqaleni ngenkathi ngikunikeza isimo sabantu bakaNkulunkulu ubugxuma uya phezulu naphansi–ugxume ngenjabulo ukwedlula bonke. Kodwa kwenzekani ngemva kokuthi ngithi uyisizukulwana sikaMowabi. Nonke navele nehluleka! Ningasho ukuthi isimo senu sikuphi? Umqondo wenu wesikhundla unzima kakhulu! Abaningi abakwazi ukukwenza lokhu. Abanye benza amabhizinisi, abanye baya emsebenzini. Uma nje ngithi niyisizukulwana sikaMowabi nonke nifuna ukubaleka.Ngabe lokhu ukufakaza ngoNkulunkulu enimemeza ngakho sonke isikhathi? Ngabe uSathane uzokweneliseka ngale ndlela? Kusiza ngani ukuba nani? Niyizibi nje! Kungabe kuhlupheka kuni enidlule kukona, njengoba nizizwa noniwe kangaka nje? Nicabanga ukuthi uma uNkulunkulu enganigazinga ukufikela ezingeni elithile nizojabula, sengathi uNkulunkulu uze ngenhloso yokunisola, kuthi ngemva kokunisola nokunibhubhisa, umsebenzi wakhe ufezeke. Ngabe yilokhu engikushilo? Ngabe lokhu akwenzeki ngobumpumputhe benu? Kungabe wukuthi nina ngokwenu anizami ukwenza kahle noma ukuthi ngihlose ukunisola? Angikaze ngikwenze lokho-lokho yilokhu enizicabangele kona. Angikaze ngisebenze ngaleyo ndlela nhlobo, futhi angihlosile ukwenze njalo. Uma ngabe bengifuna ngempela ukunibhubhisa, bengingahlupheka kangaka? Uma ngabe bengifuna ngempela ukunibhubhisa, bengingakhuluma nani ngeqiniso kanje? Isifiso sami yilesi: uma senginisindisile kuzoba yima ngizophumula. Ukuthobeka komuntu kwenza abe yigugu ensindisweni yaMi. Uma kuyilokhu enikwaziyo ukungenela ngokwenzela izinto ngaphambili, yilapho ngijabula khona. Uma nilokhu nehluleka ngiyenyela kakhulu. Nisalokhu nifuna ukuqhwakela esihlalweni sobukhosi, kodwa ngiyanitshela, leyo akuyona indlela yokunisindisa ekungcoleni. Umcabango ongekho wokuhlala esihlalweni sobukhosi ngeke uniphelelise, akukhona okuyikho lokho. Ngithi niyisizukulwana sikaMowabi, bese niyajabha. Nithi “Ungenze ngehlela emgodini ongenamkhawulo. Angeke ngikufakazele noma ngikuhluphekele.” Lokhu kwenza kwenu akungqubuzani Nami? Ngabe lokhu kuwusizo kinina? Ngininikeze umusa omningi kakhulu–ngabe nikhohliwe? Inhliziyo kaNkulunkulu ifana nomama onothando isiphenduke amanzi abandayo ngenxa yenu yayiqhwa. Ngabe uSathane uzonidedela? Uma ningangifakazeli, angeke ningiphoqe kodwa kufanele nazi ukuthi ekugcineni nizoba okuqondwe ukubhidlizwa. Uma ngingeke ngithole ubufakazi kini, ngizobuthola kwabanye abantu. Akunandaba lokho kiMi kodwa ekugcineni uzozisola futhi ngaleso sikhathi nizobe sekukade senawela ebumnyameni. Ngakho ubani ozonisindisa? Ningacabangi ukuthi umsebenzi ungeke wenzeke ngaphandle kwenu. Angeke babe baningi kakhulu kini futhi angeke babe mbalwa kakhulu ngaphandle kwenu. Ningaziboni nibaluleke kakhulu.Uma ningazimisele ukungilandela lokho kukhombisa ukuthi nihlubukile, futhi akukho okukhangayo kinina. Uma ngabe uyisikhulumi esihle, akusho ukuthi kungoba uzihlomise ngamazwi engiwalethe ngomsebenzi waMi? Ningazigqaja ngani? Ningavumi ukucabanga kwenu kunidukise! Uma ngingekwazi ukuzuza inkazimulo kinina, lezi zizukulwana zikaMowabi, ngizokhetha iqembu lesibili, nelesithathu lezizukulwana zikaMowabi, ukuthi zisebenze ngize ngizuze inkazimulo. Uma ningazimisele ukwethula ubufakazi Ngami, phumani ke! Angeke nginiphoqe. Ningacabangi ukuthi angeke ngikwazi ukunyathelela phambili ngaphandle kwenu. Ukuthola izisetshenziswa zomsebenzi waMi kuleli zwe laseShayina akuwona umsebenzi omkhulu. Akukho okunye okungafunyanwa kuleli zwe-elingcolile. Abantu abangcolile nabakhohlakele bakhona yonke indawo kanti umsebenzi waMi ungenziwa noma yikuphi. Ningazigqaji kangaka! Noma ngabe nizigqaja kangakanani anibona abantwana abazalwe ngokuphinga? Ake nibuke ukufaneleka kwenu, ninakuphi okunye ukukhetha? Ukunivumela ukuba niphile ukuphakanyiswa okukhulu, manje yini enizidla ngayo? Uma ngabe bekungekhona okomsebenzi waMi ukuqeda inkathi, beningeke kube ukuthi niwele kudala ezinhlekeleleni nezehlakalo ezenziwa ngabantu? Ningahlala ngokunethezeka? Nisaphikisana ngale ndaba. Selokhu ngakhuluma ngesizukulwana sikaMowabi nisalokhu niqudule ngaso sonke sikhathi. Anitadishi, anifundi kanti anikwazi nokubheka noma ubani. Uma nibona abanye abantu betadisha niyabaphazamisa nisho izinto ezidumazayo kubona. Ninesibindi! Nithi: “Zitadishani izizukulwane zikaMowabi? Angeke ngimtadishele.” Akukona okungashiwo isilwane lokho? Ngabe niyabalwa nje nabantu? Sengisho izinto eziningi kini, kodwa akufezanga lutho. Ngabe wonke lo msebenzi ngiwenzele ize? Ngabe wonke lawa mazwi ngiwakhulumele ize? Uma ngabe uyinja ubuzolokhu utshikizisa umsila wakho; leyo nhlobo yomuntu ayingcono kunenja! Kwesinye isikhathi niyaqudula, kwesinye isikhathi nibona ngaso linye-ngabe wonke lo msebenzi owenziwe kinina wenzelwe ize? Uma ngike nje ngakhuluma ngesizukulwane sikaMowabi abanye abantu bavele bazehlise. Bagqoka ngokwehlukile kunakuqala futhi bamahlakahlaka ngangokuthi ababukeki njengabantu futhi bayabubula: “Ngiyisizukulwane sikaMowabi, angimuhle. Vele akukho okuhle kimi futhi angifuni ukuzuza izibusiso. Noma kunjalo, yile ndlela okungayo. Ngabe isizukulwana sikaMowabi singapheleliswa?” Uma nje ngiqala ngikhuluma ngesizukulwana sikaMowabi, abantu abaningi abasabi nethemba, bathi: “UNkulunkulu uthi siyisizukulwana sikaMowabi–kushoni lokho? Ukubuka iphimbo lezwi laKhe akunakuhlengwa! Akunathando emazwini aKhe. Ngabe asikona okuqondwe ukubhujiswa?” Ngabe ukukhohliwe okushiwo ngaphambili? Namuhla igama “isizukulwana sikaMowabi” liyiyona kuphela into eniyikhumbulayo? Eqinisweni, amazwi amaningi enzelwe ukuzuza okuthile, kodwa abuye embule iqiniso lokukhona. Abantu abaningi abakukholwa. Anizimisele ukungihluphekela ngaleyo ndlela. Niyakwesaba ukufa nihlala njalo nifuna ukuphunyuka. Uma nifuna ukuhamba angisoze nginiphoqelele ukuba nihlale, kodwa kufanele nginicacisele into eyodwa: ningahlali sonke isikhathi sokuphila ezeni, futhi ningazikhohlwa izinto enginitshele zona kudala. Njengomunye wendalo kufanele wenze umsebenzi wokukodwa kwendalo. Ningenzi izinto eziphikisana nonembeza wenu; okufanele nikwenze ukuzinikela eNkosini yendalo. Isizukulwana sikaMowabi naso siyingxenye yendalo, ukuthi nje siqalekisiwe. Noma kunjani, nisengabanye bendalo. Uma nithi: “Noma ngiyisizukulwana sikaMowabi, ngike ngawuthokozela kakhulu umusa kaNkulunkulu ngaphambili, manje kufanele ngibe nonembeza. Ngizobonga kodwa ngingazinzi kukho. Noma ngabe ngiyahlupheka kulowo mqhumo, ngizohlupheka kuze kube sekupheleni. Uma ngabe ngiyisizukulwana sikaMowabi makube njalo! Ngizolandela kuze kube sekupheleni.” Uma usho lokhu, awukude. Kuzofanela ulandele kuze kube sekupheleni. Uma ubaleka kusho ukuthi awunalo ithemba lakusasa-usungene endleleni eya ekubhujisweni.
swati wakwa zelemu or da zelemu people feel discriminated,neglected or unwanted it’s bcoz dey dnt take pride in wt dey r”zwelemis” instead dey hide their clan name n language n wnt to b seen as xhosas or either zulus.y r da people of my greatest king gobiswano zelemu umakhafula iqhwa ngomlomo agodzolo wonke amabuthso r so ashamed of disclosing igama labor lobuhlanga..thsina of bhuku wr a sub tribe to xesibe tribe n dt bcoz xesibe came from njanya ka sibiside mkhize don’t mean dt i hv a ryt to use da clan name of mkhize even if it means w had a disargument wid da mkhize a bambo i can’t use their clan name coz w separated from dem n wer never under dem n dts y y kufanele ngitholele kuxesibe.same applies to zelemu separated from zulu n ws never under zulu h can’t go beyond zelemu wen saying clan praise names,dts wt it’s coursing da insanity n rejection amongst other tribes .gobiswano zelemu”madzikane ka wabane decided to put ka zulu wid da aim of desrespecting n infuriating shaka zulu coz zulu is shakes clan n tribe name n zulu is shaka n dwz dt wr under hs kingdom” it’s insanity to dt in da zelemu surnames n clan names u wl hear dem utter ka mageba ka zulu ka dlungwane ka ndaba,dlungwana ka ndaba is shaka’spraises name n i wl ask ” ws gobiswano zelem”(madzikane ka wabane ws under shaka zulu(dlungwane ka ndaba) n dt da and a wl ba big no,so r da so called bhacas. zulus? “no” r dey xhosas?” no” wt r dey.? da answer is dey r still “fleeing,hiding, babhicile,bacashile,dey r cowards,basabaleka from iqiniso”trueth” elitist bangamazelemu”swati speaking people”.melikhaya nb m also coming from dt tribe eyabhaca endzulo”amazelemu n nt ashamed to call my self dt,n also take note muntfu onguhlubi ride be hlubi owabhaca to differentiate hm from hlubi ongabhacanga kuthsiwa “. mashwabadzela owashwabadzela inkomo nempondotayo” bt da 1 on garage abhace kuthsiwa washwabadela i’nkomo nempondozayo.same applies to ooxesibe aba bhaca n dwz ababangaphakathi babhaca ie of bhuku abangatange babhaca baths ” mfazi obelelide elanyiselela umntwana phesheya komlanjazana” bt of bhuku aba bhaca kuthsiwa “mfazi webelelidze elancelisa ingane esheya komfula”take pride in wt u r n dt hide zelemu is da major tribe amongst all dwz who join under gobiswano n dey r all call zelemis end of story if u ibhaca uyimbuka uyikaffe dts wt u call yo sells n so b offended wen u r nt accepted in south africa bt me m nt i bhaca m nt a tng bt m a swati lake mazelemini
11 ili bayesu balabile ati abasambile babo balyelelwe ukutembela ati ubufumu bwa balesa bwise, nakabili balilabile ati balyelelwe ukutembela ati ukufwaya kwa balesa kucitwe “pansi pano koti nikwiulu.” balesa bali kwiulu, kabili inkalamba shabo ishabucetekelo shilacita ukufwaya kwabo impindi shonse. nangabe’fyo, mu capitala 3 ica lilino ibuuku twalisambilile ati inkalamba imbifi yalilekele ukucita ukufwaya kwa balesa kabili yalilengele adama na efa ukubifya. mu capitala 10, tukasambilila ifingi ifi baibolo isambisha pali yeyo inkalamba imbifi, iyi twishi ati ni satana umusenseshi. satana ne nkalamba ishasalulwilepo ukumulonda—ishitwa ati ifibanda—baalibasuminishe ukwikala kwiulu pa kapindi kanini. pakuti pali fyefyo, tabaalipo ni bonse kwiulu abaalukucita ukufwaya kwa balesa pali yeyo mpindi. pano ico cali ne kwaluka ili ubufumu bwa balesa bwali ne kutatika ukuteka. imfumu ya bukumo iyaikalikilwe, bayesu klistu, baali ne kulwa inkondo na satana.—pendeni ukufisulula 12:7--9.
with hundreds of new products and companies jumping into the iot fray every month, there’s no shortage of innovation. despite this, mckinsey/visionmobile data shows ""less than 10 percent of iot developers are making enough to support a reasonably sized team....oct. 9, 2015 04:00 pm edt reads: 238[session] a cloud and iot way of thinkingby liz mcmillanthe buzz continues for cloud, data analytics and the internet of things (iot) and their collective impact across all industries. but a new conversation is emerging -- how do companies use industry disruption and technology enablers to lead in markets undergoing change, uncertainty and ambiguity? organizations of all sizes need to evolve and transform, often under massive pressure, as industry lines blur and merge and traditional business models are assaulted and turned upside down. in this new data--driven world, marketplaces reign supreme while interoperability, apis and applications deliver un...oct. 9, 2015 04:00 pm edt reads: 303[session] applying iot to reduce power lossesby liz mcmillanelectric power utilities face relentless pressure on their financial performance, and reducing distribution grid losses is one of the last untapped opportunities to meet their business goals. combining iot--enabled sensors and cloud--based data analytics, utilities now are able to find, quantify and reduce losses faster – and with a smaller it footprint. solutions exist using internet--enabled sensors deployed temporarily at strategic locations within the distribution grid to measure actual line loads.oct. 9, 2015 03:49 pm edtbusiness case for internet of thingsby yeshim deniztoo often with compelling new technologies market participants become overly enamored with that attractiveness of the technology and neglect underlying business drivers. this tendency, what some call the “newest shiny object syndrome,” is understandable given that virtually all of us are heavily engaged in technology. but it is also mistaken. without concrete business cases driving its deployment, iot, like many other technologies before it, will fade into obscurity.oct. 9, 2015 03:45 pm edt reads: 141[session] analysis engines for iot databy liz mcmillanyou have your devices and your data, but what about the rest of your internet of things story? two popular classes of technologies that nicely handle the big data analytics for internet of things are apache hadoop and nosql. hadoop is designed for parallelizing analytical work across many servers and is ideal for the massive data volumes you create with iot devices. nosql databases such as apache hbase are ideal for storing and retrieving iot data as “time series data.” oct. 9, 2015 03:45 pm edt reads: 506[session] how to iotize and make moneyby yeshim denizthe iot market is on track to hit $7.1 trillion in 2020. the reality is that only a handful of companies are ready for this massive demand. there are a lot of barriers, paint points, traps, and hidden roadblocks. how can we deal with these issues and challenges? the paradigm has changed. old--style ad--hoc trial--and--error ways will certainly lead you to the dead end. what is mandatory is an overarching and adaptive approach to effectively handle the rapid changes and exponential growth.oct. 9, 2015 03:00 pm edt reads: 207software will power the internet of thingsby appdynamics blogtoday’s connected world is moving from devices towards things, what this means is that by using increasingly low cost sensors embedded in devices we can create many new use cases. these span across use cases in cities, vehicles, home, offices, factories, retail environments, worksites, health, logistics, and health. these use cases rely on ubiquitous connectivity and generate massive amounts of data at scale. these technologies enable new business opportunities, ways to optimize and automate, along with new ways to engage with users.oct. 9, 2015 02:00 pm edt reads: 188stop playing catch--up with the iotby elizabeth whitethe iot is upon us, but today’s databases, built on 30--year--old math, require multiple platforms to create a single solution. data demands of the iot require big data systems that can handle ingest, transactions and analytics concurrently adapting to varied situations as they occur, with speed at scale.
0like0tweet mythology ãƒâ‚ã‚ ãƒâ‚ã‚ ãƒâ‚ã‚ ãƒâ‚ã‚ ãƒâ‚ã‚ ãƒâ‚ã‚ ãƒâ‚ã‚ ãƒâ‚ã‚ zeus did not know what to do with the deep waters that he used to try to kill pandora. the floods were too deep for apollo to make evaporate with the light. hera's brother had a new baby boy, and she thought her husband, zeus should make him into a god. after twenty years the flood was so deep because of all the rains that purred into it throughout the years that the greek lands were forced to be smaller. zeus could not do a thing about the deep waters. the next day, zeus and hera's nephew, poseidon, came to visit his aunt and uncle. hera thought that now was a good time for zeus to make poseidon a god, but what could poseidon be the god of? all of a sudden zeus got the idea that poseidon could be the god of all that water all over the earth.zeus told poseidon and hera about the idea and they thought it was great. poseidon was now the god of the bodies of water, but he grew bored of just watching the water all day and night, so he got liberty from zeus to create live beings in the water just like on the land. poseidon was awarded the liberty of his idea. he got right off to work on creating these beings, but first he wanted to name these bodies of water. he called them the sea. he created many types of fish, octopus, and mammals that can survive under the water. the beings re--produced too much and so there was only six gallons of free space available in the seas. poseidon didn't want zeus to here about his problem so he went and got artimes, the goddess of hunt. he told her he needed here to invent a new way of hunt that can hunt his water--beings. she got the idea of the new way of hunt. it was called fishing. somehow the greek citizens found out about this hunt so they started. artimes like her new way of hunt so much that she turned herself into a cat, and went hunting on the lands of greece.the endcitation styles:apamlachicagomythology. (2001, april 12). in writework.com. retrieved 03:46, april 24, 2017, from http://www.writework.com/essay/mythology--1writework contributors. ""mythology"" writework.com. writework.com, 12 april, 2001. web. 24 apr. 2017.writework contributors, ""mythology,"" writework.com, http://www.writework.com/essay/mythology--1 (accessed april 24, 2017)
Now back to my initial story about intense listening to Trane. As part of preparing for a concert that took place at the Joy of Jazz, I went back to Trane: in fact I religiously feel a need to go back to Trane. Partly, this time around it is because I felt that doing a collaboration with a great master such as Azar Lawrence who has worked with McCoy Tyner among others, Trane would be central and a perfect point of departure to new spheres. So, I went back to my collection and found mostly the post-A Love Supreme recordings of Trane, I listened intensely. I went really far beyond the stars and deep in the underworlds. Strangely enough this time I had no fear, I guess it has to do with where my journey has taken me over the years. I had to confront the existence of other worlds.
in addition to homeowners insurance and auto insurance, medical professionals like physicians and surgeons often require medical professional liability insurance. professional liability insurance, also referred to as medical malpractice insurance, protects them against loss resulting from acts, errors or omissions in their performance of professional duties.when purchasing medical professional liability insurance, physicians have two options--claims--made policies or occurrence insurance. deciding between claims--made and occurrence may not always be easy, so it's crucial to consider the important points that pertain to each type of coverage to determine which will best suit your specific needs.claims--made policies-- increased limit of liability -- physicians have the opportunity to increase their limit of liability, which determines how much their insurance company will pay to settle a negligence claim, and how many claims it would settle in one policy period. considering that many doctors feel more comfortable with higher limits, an increased limit of liability can determine whether a claims--made policy is right for you.-- discounted premium -- claims--made policies offer an initial cost savings for the first four years. this is because insurance companies understand that the chance of a claim being filed during the first few years is slight, but increases over time. the premium will gradually increase each year until the coverage becomes mature at five years and the odds of a claim being reported is much greater.-- tail coverage -- since claims--made policies provide coverage only if the claim is first reported or filed during the policy period, physicians may need to purchase tail coverage to protect against claims made after the policy period ends. medical professional liability claims often take a long time to develop, so a physician may not receive notice of the claim until years after the incident in question occurred. for instance, if a physician retires, allowing his/her insurance policy to end, and a claim comes in six months later, he/she will require tail coverage to protect against the claim.-- possibility of free tail coverage -- there is a chance that the physician will not have to finance the cost of tail coverage, since many medical professional liability insurance companies provide a free tail to a physician that has been insured with the same company for a specified period of time and has complied with the insurer's provisions. many insurance companies also offer free tail coverage to retiring physicians aged 55 or older who have been insured with them on a claims--made basis for the five years proceeding retirement.occurrence insurance-- coverage is permanent -- occurrence insurance protects against claims resulting from incidents that occur during the policy period, regardless of whether the policy is still in effect at the time the claim is made.-- avoid purchasing tail coverage-- since occurrence coverage is permanent, physicians can avoid the cost of tail coverage. financing tail coverage can be quite expensive, costing up to 200% of the premium depending on the insurance company, so avoiding the cost of a tail may determine whether occurrence insurance is right for you.-- the insurance company's financial stability must be secure -- considering that occurrence insurance is permanent, it's necessary to have complete confidence in your insurance company's finances. medical professional liability insurance claims can take years to develop after an incident occurs, it's important to feel secure that your insurance company will still be in the position to protect you years after purchasing occurrence insurance.-- limit of liability remains unchanged -- unlike claims--made policies, the limit of liability at the time of purchase is the limit you will have when a claim is made, which is typically 3 to 5 years after the incident occurs.there are many important points to consider when deciding between claims--made policies and occurrence coverage. contacting a trusted professional liability insurance agent is the best place to start.
eiinetief, description t h e n e 5 4 5 i s t h e m o n o l i t h i c i m p l e m e n t a t i o no f t h e d o l b y "" b n o i s e r e d u c t i o n s y s t e m .t h i s c i r c u i t i s u s e d t o r e d u c et h e level of background noise introduced during recording and p l a y b a c ko f a u d i o s i g n a l s o n m a g n e t i ct a p e , a n d t o i m p r o v e t h e n o
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Jesus oku ulike kutya oku hole aantu sho a longo ehalo lyaKalunga nehalo ewanawa. Paulus okwa nyola a ti: “[Jesus] okwa ti: ‘Ongame nguka tandi ya okulonga ehalo lyoye, Kalunga.’ . . . Onkee ano tse otwa yelithwa lumwe aluke koondjo molwaJesus Kristus, ngoka a gwanitha ehalo lyaKalunga, sho a yamba olutu lwe mwene.” (Heb. 10:9, 10) Kapu na omuntu ta vulu okuulika ohole onenenene yi thike mpoka. Jesus okwa ti: “Ohole onenenene omuntu ta vulu okukala e yi na yokuhola ookuume ke, oyo okugandja omwenyo gwe molwawo.” (Joh. 15:13) Mbela tu li aantu inaatu gwanenena, otatu vulu ngaa okukala tu na ohole ngaashi ndjoka tu ulukilwa kuJehova naJesus? Eeno, otatu vulu! Natu taleni nkene tatu vulu okukala tu yi na.
If you read the title of this sub-heading you will notice the word: we. Writing letters to the editor is not enough. The media has a responsibility to continue exposing any challenges we are faced with. Teachers, learners and school governing bodies have to work together to ensure today’s learners have a better chance than the youth of 1976, 1986 and 2006. The school cited above where learners are stuck in a stuffy, debilitated classroom illustrates the need for communities to intervene. The school should belong to the community and not to the principal. If need be that community must build two more classes with their own funds. A core argument of Racial redress and citizenship in South Africa edited by Adam Habib and Kristina Bentley is that South Africans became depoliticised in 1994 and stopped being community participants but adopted a culture of waiting for service delivery. During the apartheid era Indian communities would actually build schools from scratch and only call in the government for accreditation purposes. Long story short if you live in triple story, drive a Hummer but the school in your community has no desks or the roof is leaking you are being unAfrican and unpatriotic.
Nyasha - details and analysis The word Nyasha has a web popularity of 1,070,000 pages.What means Nyasha?The meaning of Nyasha is: to bo in god god's grace or of godComments:Nyasha Saungwe says: Nyasha means grace it can be Nyashadzaishe meaning the grace of God. It is a popular name in Zimbabwe mostly for girls .boys can be named Nyasha aswell. Web synthesis about this name:...Nyasha is coping with grief and loss issues related to her birth family.Nyasha is the character most critically affected by colonization.Nyasha is not victimised in the moment of her anorexia.Nyasha is characterized as inquisitive and intelligent.Nyasha is very excited about the opportunity to work with your class.Nyasha is a rebellious female who has had the benefit of a british education and is aware of the differences in the way women in rhodesia are treated and the.Nyasha is chosen to be the bride of a prince over her mean hearted sister.Nyasha is very kind to animals and ignores it when manyara teases her.Nyasha is kind and stops to help others along the way.Nyasha is still critically ill and i decide we must raise the issue of herbal poisoning.
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▼ num mercado cada vez mais competitivo, as empresas procuram estabelecer uma ligação mais forte com o consumidor. hoje em dia é importante incluir o consumidor na co--criação das estratégias das empresas. como tal, conseguir gerir uma marca tendo em conta as emoções torna--se bastante importante. como vários autores exemplificam, as emoções são consideradas uma base bastante importante na altura de envolver os consumidores e diferenciarem--se da concorrência e de todos os restantes produtos e serviços. assim, este estudo pretende identificar as características das tribos de modo a ser possível diferenciar uma tribo de uma não tribo, avaliar e medir o brand love associado a três marcas de motas. para tal e através do modelo concetual proposto por bagozzi, batra e ahuvia (2013) foi possível provar que não só é possível medir amor a uma marca dentro de uma tribo como também foi verificado que o amor a uma marca dentro de uma tribo, é maior em relação ao amor à mesma marca numa não tribo. advisors/committee members: dutschke, georg.
Imvamisa bababane abayihlinzayo kodwa mebeshoda abantu nababili bangayihlinza mabekwazi ngoba kudinga ukuthi babambisane khathi omunye esika. kusebenziswa ummese nendishi yokukhongozela igazi ngoba liyaphekwa nalo ukuze linga cithekeli phansi,abanye bake basebensise into ethize ukuyindlala phansi umasebeyisusa isikhumba ukwenzela ukuthi ingabhuquzi emhlabathini,kuye kube uthayela noma uqwembe nje oluthile. Uma isisikwa isikwa emqaleni manga phambili noma ngaphansi engileni. Bayilinde ize ithule kuba isikhathi esincane nje isithule.Mase beyayilula ukwenzela ukuthi nje kade iphuma umphefumulo mhlawumbe ibeisifinyela yama ngenye indlele,bayiluleke ngokuthi omunye abambe inyawo zangaphambili omunye zangemuva.Bese beyibeka kulento abazohlinzela kuyo,ababili babangasekhanda ababili babe ngasezinyaweni ,kulaba ababili abasezinyaweni nasekhanda uyedwa osikayo lomunye ubambile.Baqaleke ukuxebula isikhumba sembuzi ukuze kusale inyama yodwa, lophethe ummese usika isikhumba arowundise unyawo bese donsa ngeminwe kuxebuke isikhumba kuze kusuke kuphume ngomlenze kwehlele emzimbeni wayo, baphinde basike kwaskukwebha kusuka esifubeni kuyo phuma emilenzeni yangmuva,baphinde baxebule ngeminwe kuze kukuphume ngomgogodlawayo. Imvamisa bababane abayihlinzayo kodwa mebeshoda abantu nababili bangayihlinza mabekwazi ngoba kudinga ukuthi babambisane khathi omunye esika. kusebenziswa ummese nendishi yokukhongozela igazi ngoba liyaphekwa nalo ukuze linga cithekeli phansi,abanye bake basebensise into ethize ukuyindlala phansi umasebeyisusa isikhumba ukwenzela ukuthi ingabhuquzi emhlabathini,kuye kube uthayela noma uqwembe nje oluthile. Uma isisikwa isikwa emqaleni manga phambili noma ngaphansi engileni. Bayilinde ize ithule kuba isikhathi esincane nje isithule.Mase beyayilula ukwenzela ukuthi nje kade iphuma umphefumulo mhlawumbe ibeisifinyela yama ngenye indlele,bayiluleke ngokuthi omunye abambe inyawo zangaphambili omunye zangemuva.Bese beyibeka kulento abazohlinzela kuyo,ababili babangasekhanda ababili babe ngasezinyaweni ,kulaba ababili abasezinyaweni nasekhanda uyedwa osikayo lomunye ubambile.Baqaleke ukuxebula isikhumba sembuzi ukuze kusale inyama yodwa, lophethe ummese usika isikhumba arowundise unyawo bese donsa ngeminwe kuxebuke isikhumba kuze kusuke kuphume ngomlenze kwehlele emzimbeni wayo, baphinde basike kwaskukwebha kusuka esifubeni kuyo phuma emilenzeni yangmuva,baphinde baxebule ngeminwe kuze kukuphume ngomgogodlawayo. Revision as of 10:55, 25 January 2012
On several occasions the Government of the Northern Territory requested the Australian Commonwealth Government to finance a university in the Territory. The response was always that the population was too small. Ngo 1985, it took the unusual step of financing the University College of the Northern Territory itself for a five-year period from 1987 ukuze 1991. The college was governed by a Council, chaired by Austin Asche and led by a Warden, Professor Jim Thomson, from the University of Queensland. An arrangement was made with the University of Queensland that the College would awards degrees from that institution. Staff were recruited in 1986 and housed in the old Darwin Primary School buildings. Just prior to taking the first students in February 1987, the College moved to converted building of the former Darwin Hospital at Myilly Point in Darwin. The former Nurses’ Hostel became a student residence, named International House. The College had two Faculties, of Arts and Science. It awarded, through the University of Queensland link, the first Doctor of Philosophy degrees in the Northern Territory.
Janakiram is the founder and CTO of Get Cloud Ready Consulting, a niche Cloud Migration and Cloud Operations firm that recently got acquired by Aditi Technologies. He is a Microsoft Regional Director for Hyderabad, India, and one of the f...Apr. 19, 2015 02:00 AM EDT Reads: 993WebRTC and CloudRTC PlatformsBy Elizabeth WhiteDisruption in the communications ecosystem is creating a market opportunity for Cloud Real-Time Communications (RTC) platforms. We expect this market to represent a $4.5 billion opportunity by 2018. Cloud RTC Platforms are cloud services that enable mobile and web developers to integrate communications into their applications with just a few lines of code. Via REST APIs and SDKs Cloud RTC Platforms enable developers to easily integrate voice, messaging and video calling into mobile and web applications supporting more contextual conversations. These tools have the potential to change in how we...Apr. 19, 2015 01:30 AM EDT Reads: 2,947WebRTC, IoT, and the API GatewaysBy Kevin BenedictThe evolution of JavaScript and HTML 5 to support a genuine component based framework (Web Components) with the necessary tools to deliver something close to a native experience including genuine realtime networking (UDP using WebRTC). HTML5 is evolving to offer built in templating support, the ability to watch objects (which will speed up Angular) and Web Components (which offer Angular Directives). The native level support will offer a massive performance boost to frameworks having to fake all these features like Polymer and Angular. It will also encourage people who are not familiar with th...Apr. 19, 2015 01:00 AM EDT Reads: 5,5634.7 Billion Mobile WebRTC Devices by 2018 By Carmen GonzalezEven though Apple and Microsoft haven’t commented on the new open source technology which delivers high quality audio and video capabilities to desktop and mobile browsers, major carriers such as AT&T and Telefónica, leading infrastructure providers like Alcatel-Lucent and Ericsson and new WebRTC application providers in likes of Teledini and NetDev are driving the technology forward.
Literature / Prose / Fiction / Humor / Short Stories In the quiet forests of Doriath, the sunlight was falling dappled through the leaves high above. The birds were singing, the branches were rustling, small animals were hopping happily through the undergrowth. A slight breeze whispered through the trees, and a small brook murmured nearby. All in all, perfect day in the forest.Galadriel, however, was unable to enjoy it."I feel disgusting," she complained, pulling sharply on her reins to steer her horse around a small bush. "Do you people never wash?"Her Sindar guides looked offended, but were unsure how to respond. She was a high lady of the Noldor, after all. As usual when in need of guidance, they turned to their lord. Celeborn sighed quietly and gave Galadriel a mild smile. "We will be in Menegroth very soon, my lady. Be assured that King Thingol's halls have very beautiful baths."A frown marred the loveliness of Galadriel's face. "We will be in Menegroth in two days. I feel disgusting now." She huffed out a breath and pulled her horse to a smart stop. "Surely there is somewhere I can at least perform minor ablutions near here?" she asked, turning in her saddle and frowning at Celeborn as he drew to a halt beside her. Celeborn looked to their guides. "Is there a river or stream nearby?" he asked.One of them nodded. "The brook we can hear widens to a small river quite suddenly a little further down this trail, my lord," he said demurely. "If the lady wishes, she can bathe there."Galadriel looked mildly horrified. "Bathing in a stream?" she hissed, her eyes narrowing.Their guides shifted uncomfortably. Celeborn indicated that they should take the lead, and spurred his horse to a gentle walk behind them. "Surely you have had to do such things before?" he asked as she drew level with him again. "There were no bathing halls when you arrived from the Grinding Ice, I imagine?"Galadriel sniffed. "Indeed. But I had my smith make a bath tub, which my ladies would fill with heated water in my tent."Celeborn allowed himself a private smile. That is so like her. "Did you allow your brothers use of this amazing innovation?" he asked, amused. Galadriel laughed suddenly, and then looked quite surprised that she had done so. "Of course not!" she exclaimed. "They could most certainly take themselves to the river. If I'd let even one of them use it, my maid would have been scrubbing the dirt out for weeks! Besides, Finrod alone would have insisted on sitting in there for hours upon hours, to make no mention of the rest of them."Celeborn laughed softly. "Indeed. You are most justified in your actions."Galadriel gave him a look that was faintly suspicious, and would have spoken had a guide not called, "My lady, the river is good for bathing here!" from up ahead. She spurred her horse into a trot and soon came to the riverbank, where she gracefully dismounted and looked disdainfully upon the river. Celeborn joined her. "Will this be suitable?"She sighed heavily. "In the circumstances, I suppose."Celeborn nodded. "Take the horses a small way through the trees," he said to the guides, "Make a fire to cook some game. We may as well stop here for the evening, if the camping looks suitable to you." The guides nodded and disappeared through the trees.Galadriel gave him another suspicious look. "And what are you intending to do yourself, Lord Celeborn?" she asked.He shrugged. "I thought I would also take the opportunity to rid myself of the dirt of the road."Galadriel pointed imperiously towards a bend in the river, hidden from their current position by a growth of brambles. "Well, bathe over there then," she commanded, "I am not going to bathe in the presence of an ellon, no matter how honourable he may be."Celeborn stifled a laugh and bowed. "As you wish, my lady." He disappeared around the patch of brambles. Sighing again, Galadriel removed her cloak and spread it on the ground, leaving her boots next to it. Checking once again that no one was within sight, she removed her leggings, tunic and shirt, and laid them on her spread cloak before stepping speedily into the river. She let out a harsh gasp at the iciness of the water, cursing under her breath. "Is everything alright, my lady?" Celeborn's voice drifted to her from around the bend. She swore she could detect a hint of stifled laughter in his tone, so she simply made a non-committal noise and tried to adjust to the freezing temperature. It didn't appear to be getting any warmer, and now her toes were definitely numb. She washed herself at an alarmingly fast rate, gasping and panting from the cold, then skittered out as fast as her now jellied legs would carry her. Once on the grass she collapsed to her knees, and then realized she didn't have anything in the way of a towel. "Damn it," she muttered. What an oversight! She hugged herself, feeling her teeth begin to chatter. "C-c-celeborn?" she stuttered, "D-do you h-have s-s-some kind of towel?"There was a silence. "I have a spare cloak," he said brightly after a pause, "Will that do?" "Y-yes."A piece of thick cloth came flying over the brambles. She snatched it up hastily and wrapped it around herself. Not a moment too soon, it turned out, as Celeborn himself appeared shortly afterward, fully dressed and looking refreshed. "The river is chilly this time of year, is it not?" he smiled.Galadriel brought the full force of her formidable glare to bear on him. "Celeborn. I am not yet fully dressed."He looked surprised. "Oh."He didn't move.Galadriel made an impatient movement at him with her hand, catching the cloak sharply just before it fell open. "Leave. Go see to the horses or some such. Go!"Celeborn bit his lip to contain a snort of laughter. Somehow the gracious lady of the Noldor reminded him of an angry chicken, hopping from foot to foot and waving her hand at him, the cloak flapping loosely around her lower thighs and a very angry expression on her face. "As you wish," was all he could choke out, before moving swiftly in the direction of the camp, muffling rather un-lordly giggles with the palm of his hand.Galadriel turned back to the river and huffed as she rubbed the cloak over her shoulders. "Honestly. Males." Bathingby Burning-NightingaleLiterature / Prose / Fiction / Humor / Short Stories©2011-2014 Burning-Nightingale
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should stop, drop and roll to put out the flames. • do not touch electrical injury victims before removed from the current — use a stick or non--conductor to avoid rescuer injury or death. • the heat from a fire, hot water or electrical burn will continue to burn the tissue long after the offending contact is removed. it is essential to stop the burning by keeping the burnt body part under cold running tap water for 20 minutes. do not use ice or ice water — it can cause frostbite because the skin is already damaged. • do not apply butter or any oilbased product to a burn injury, the oil can trap the heat and make the burn deeper over time. burn injury happens in seconds, but can change a person’s life forever. recovery is a life--long process — it continues long after discharge from the hospital and rehabilitation starts on day one. burn injury not only affects the injured, but also the families who love and support that person. netcare st annes hospital urges parents and caregivers to be aware of the dangers posed and to take steps to keep their families safe. — supplied.
there's no reason you and me should be alonetonight, yeah babetonight, yeah babethere's no reason you shouldn't take me home tonighti need a man who thinks it right when it's so wrong,tonight yeah babe,tonight yeah babe,right on the limits where we know we both belong tonightit's time to feel the rush,to push the dangerousi'm gonna run back to, to the edge with youwhere we can both fall in lovei'm on the edge of glory,and i'm hanging on a moment of truth,i'm on the edge of glory,and i'm hanging on a moment with you,i'm on the edgethe edgethe edgethe edgethe edgethe edgethe edgei'm on the edge of gloryand i'm hanging on a moment with youi'm on the edge with youanother shot, before we kiss the other side,tonight, yeah babetonight, yeah babei'm on the edge of something final we call life tonightalright, alrightpull out your shade 'cause i'll be dancing in the flamestonight, yeah babetonight, yeah babe... the burden of my name, tonight, tonightit's time to feel the rushto push the dangerousi'm gonna run back to, to the edge with youwhere we can both fall in lovei'm on the edge of glory,and i'm hanging on a moment of truth,i'm on the edge of glory,and i'm hanging on a moment with you,i'm on the edgethe edgethe edgethe edgethe edgethe edgethe edgei'm on the edge of gloryand i'm hanging on a moment with youi'm on the edge with youi'm on the edge with youi'm on the edge with youi'm on the edge of glory,and i'm hanging on a moment of truth,i'm on the edge of glory,and i'm hanging on a moment with you,i'm on the edgethe edgethe edgethe edgethe edgethe edgethe edgei'm on the edge of gloryand i'm hanging on a moment with youi'm on the edge with you back to lady gaga lyrics
the accent of any language is determined by a multiple of factors eg, geography ,tribe, class, ,level of education, age, audience etc. sowatans have their zulu accent which can also be varigated. just as mpumalangans and kzns. coloureds speak afrikaans with a different accent from the boers and they both speak english with a distinct accent but they teach either of the languages. who has ever looked for cover. ngubani ibona fide? like english and other langauges abanzi ,zulu is diverse and it is ignorance to contain it in a straight jacket the way mpume does .for the past 20years ndebeles have created a huge and strong community in egoli,isigodlo being zimbrow such that there is no need to crack your head, because , the shops ,butcheries ,nurseries clubs/bars,hair and beuty saloons, fruits/vegs mkts are run ngesindebele. i taal uzoyifunda late sewublome lamajita .why not take a conceited effort to teach sa your sindebele esamacimbi and uxakuxaku ngoba the last time i checked gautengers only get these things from limpopo province lasezim and amasa from the majority of provinces abazazi lezizinto. alike liyeke ukutshotshobala, speak your language nxa kukhona abangakuzwayo bazobuza libacasisele ande vaysivesa! there is a lot that they can learn from us just as we always from them.
In our area the average-sized larva digs a pit about 2 cm deep and 4 cm wide at the edge. Having marked out the chosen site by a circular groove, the antlion larva starts to crawl backwards, using its abdomen as a plough to shovel up the soil. By the aid of one front leg it places consecutive heaps of loosened particles upon its head, then with a smart jerk throws each little pile clear of the scene of operations. As it slowly moves round and round, the pit gradually gets deeper and deeper, until the slope angle reaches the critical angle of repose (that is, the steepest angle the sand can maintain, When the pit is completed, the larva settles down at the bottom, buried in the soil with only the jaws projecting above the surface, often in a wide-opened position on either side of the very tip of the cone.
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KnowRadiology.com then click here!Relevant topics: Know, Radiology, Know Radiology, Health, Medical, Know Radiology, www.KnowRadiology.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain KnowRadiology.info then click here!Relevant topics: Know, Radiology, Know Radiology, Health, Medical, Know Radiology, www.Learn-Radiology.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Learn-Radiology.com then click here!Relevant topics: Learn, Radiology, Learn Radiology, Health, Medical, Learn Radiology, www.Learning-Radiology.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Learning-Radiology.com then click here!Relevant topics: Learning, Radiology, Learning Radiology, Health, Medical, Learning Radiology, www.LearnRadiology.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain LearnRadiology.info then click here!Relevant topics: Learn, Radiology, Learn Radiology, Health, Medical, Learn Radiology, www.LearnRadiology.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain LearnRadiology.net then click here!Relevant topics: Learn, Radiology, Learn Radiology, Health, Medical, Learn Radiology, www.LearnRadiology.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain LearnRadiology.org then click here!Relevant topics: Learn, Radiology, Learn Radiology, Health, Medical, Learn Radiology, www.LuxuRad.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain LuxuRad.com then click here!Relevant topics: Luxu, Rad, Luxu Rad, Health, Medical, Luxu Rad, www.LuxuRad.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain LuxuRad.info then click here!Relevant topics: Luxu, Rad, Luxu Rad, Health, Medical, Luxu Rad, www.LuxuRad.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain LuxuRad.net then click here!Relevant topics: Luxu, Rad, Luxu Rad, Health, Medical, Luxu Rad, www.MagicRad.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain MagicRad.com then click here!Relevant topics: Magic, Rad, Magic Rad, Health, Medical, Magic Rad, www.MagicRad.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain MagicRad.info then click here!Relevant topics: Magic, Rad, Magic Rad, Health, Medical, Magic Rad, www.MagicRad.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain MagicRad.net then click here!Relevant topics: Magic, Rad, Magic Rad, Health, Medical, Magic Rad, www.MeetRadiology.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain MeetRadiology.com then click here!Relevant topics: Meet, Radiology, Meet Radiology, Health, Medical, Meet Radiology, www.MemoRad.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain MemoRad.com then click here!Relevant topics: Memo, Rad, Memo Rad, Health, Medical, Memo Rad, www.MoreRadiology.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain MoreRadiology.com then click here!Relevant topics: More, Radiology, More Radiology, Health, Medical, More Radiology, www.MoreRadiology.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain MoreRadiology.info then click here!Relevant topics: More, Radiology, More Radiology, Health, Medical, More Radiology, www.MoreRadiology.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain MoreRadiology.net then click here!Relevant topics: More, Radiology, More Radiology, Health, Medical, More Radiology, www.My-Rad.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain My-Rad.com then click here!Relevant topics: My, Rad, My Rad, Health, Medical, My Rad, www.My-Radiology.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain My-Radiology.com then click here!Relevant topics: My, Radiology, My Radiology, Health, Medical, My Radiology, www.myRad.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain myRad.org then click here!Relevant topics: my, Rad, my Rad, Health, Medical, my Rad, www.myRadiology.euIf you want to rent or to buy the domain myRadiology.eu then click here!Relevant topics: my, Radiology, my Radiology, Health, Medical, my Radiology, www.MyRadiology.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain MyRadiology.info then click here!Relevant topics: My, Radiology, My Radiology , Health, Medical, My Radiology , www.MyRadiology.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain MyRadiology.org then click here!Relevant topics: My, Radiology, My Radiology , Health, Medical, My Radiology , www.MyRadiologyWorld.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain MyRadiologyWorld.com then click here!Relevant topics: My, Radiology, World, My Radiology World, Education, Academics, My Radiology World, www.Neuro-Radiology.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Neuro-Radiology.com then click here!Relevant topics: Neuro, Radiology, Neuro Radiology, Health, Medical, Neuro Radiology, www.Neuro-Radiology.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Neuro-Radiology.info then click here!Relevant topics: Neuro, Radiology, Neuro Radiology, Health, Medical, Neuro Radiology, www.Neuro-Radiology.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Neuro-Radiology.net then click here!Relevant topics: Neuro, Radiology, Neuro Radiology, Health, Medical, Neuro Radiology, www.Neuro-Radiology.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Neuro-Radiology.org then click here!Relevant topics: Neuro, Radiology, Neuro Radiology, Health, Medical, Neuro Radiology, www.NeuroRad.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain NeuroRad.info then click here!Relevant topics: Neuro, Rad, Neuro Rad, Education, Academics, Neuro Rad, www.OnCall-Radiology.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain OnCall-Radiology.com then click here!Relevant topics: On, Call, Radiology, On Call Radiology, Health, Medical, On Call Radiology, www.OnCallRadiology.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain OnCallRadiology.com then click here!Relevant topics: On, Call, Radiology, On Call Radiology, Health, Medical, On Call Radiology, www.oncallRadiology.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain oncallRadiology.info then click here!Relevant topics: oncall, Radiology, oncall Radiology, Health, Medical, oncall Radiology, www.oncallRadiology.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain oncallRadiology.net then click here!Relevant topics: oncall, Radiology, oncall Radiology, Health, Medical, oncall Radiology, www.oncallRadiology.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain oncallRadiology.org then click here!Relevant topics: oncall, Radiology, oncall Radiology, Health, Medical, oncall Radiology, www.onlineRadiology.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain onlineRadiology.info then click here!Relevant topics: online, Radiology, online Radiology, Health, Medical, online Radiology, www.PalmRadiology.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain PalmRadiology.com then click here!Relevant topics: Palm, Radiology, Palm Radiology, Health, Medical, Palm Radiology, www.pcRadiology.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain pcRadiology.com then click here!Relevant topics: pc, Radiology, pc Radiology, Health, Medical, pc Radiology, www.PdaRad.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain PdaRad.net then click here!Relevant topics: Pda, Rad, Pda Rad, Health, Medical, Pda Rad, www.PDAradiology.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain PDAradiology.com then click here!Relevant topics: PDA, Radiology, PDA Radiology, Technology, PDA & Mini Devices, PDA Radiology, www.Pediatric-Radiology.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Pediatric-Radiology.com then click here!Relevant topics: Pediatric, Radiology, Pediatric Radiology, Health, Medical, Pediatric Radiology, www.Pediatric-Radiology.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Pediatric-Radiology.info then click here!Relevant topics: Pediatric, Radiology, Pediatric Radiology, Health, Medical, Pediatric Radiology, www.Pediatric-Radiology.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Pediatric-Radiology.net then click here!Relevant topics: Pediatric, Radiology, Pediatric Radiology, Health, Medical, Pediatric Radiology, www.Pediatric-Radiology.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Pediatric-Radiology.org then click here!Relevant topics: Pediatric, Radiology, Pediatric Radiology, Health, Medical, Pediatric Radiology, www.PediatricRadiology.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain PediatricRadiology.org then click here!Relevant topics: Pediatric, Radiology, Pediatric Radiology, Health, Medical, Pediatric Radiology, www.PediatricRadiology.usIf you want to rent or to buy the domain PediatricRadiology.us then click here!Relevant topics: Pediatric, Radiology, Pediatric Radiology, Health, Medical, Pediatric Radiology, www.PediatricRadiologyInfo.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain PediatricRadiologyInfo.com then click here!Relevant topics: Pediatric, Radiology, Info, Pediatric Radiology Info, Health, Medical, Pediatric Radiology Info, www.PediatricRadiologyNet.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain PediatricRadiologyNet.com then click here!Relevant topics: Pediatric, Radiology, Net, Pediatric Radiology Net, Health, Medical, Pediatric Radiology Net, www.PocketpcRadiology.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain PocketpcRadiology.com then click here!Relevant topics: Pocketpc, Radiology, Pocketpc Radiology, Health, Medical, Pocketpc Radiology, www.PubRad.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain PubRad.net then click here!Relevant topics: Pub, Rad, Pub Rad, Education, Academics, Pub Rad, www.PubRad.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain PubRad.org then click here!Relevant topics: Pub, Rad, Pub Rad, Education, Academics, Pub Rad, www.PureRadiology.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain PureRadiology.com then click here!Relevant topics: Pure, Radiology, Pure Radiology, Health, Medical, Pure Radiology, www.QuickiRad.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain QuickiRad.com then click here!Relevant topics: Quicki, Rad, Quicki Rad, Health, Medical, Quicki Rad, www.Rad-Dx.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Rad-Dx.com then click here!Relevant topics: Rad, Dx, Rad Dx, Health, Medical, Rad Dx, www.RadBlizz.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadBlizz.com then click here!Relevant topics: Rad, Blizz, Rad Blizz, Health, Medical, Rad Blizz, www.RadBlizz.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadBlizz.net then click here!Relevant topics: Rad, Blizz, Rad Blizz, Health, Medical, Rad Blizz, www.RadCoach.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadCoach.com then click here!Relevant topics: Rad, Coach, Rad Coach, Health, Medical, Rad Coach, www.Radcyclopedia.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radcyclopedia.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radcyclopedia, Radcyclopedia, Health, Medical, Radcyclopedia, www.RadDx.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadDx.com then click here!Relevant topics: Rad, Dx, Rad Dx, Health, Medical, Rad Dx, www.RadDx.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadDx.info then click here!Relevant topics: Rad, Dx, Rad Dx, Health, Medical, Rad Dx, www.RadDx.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadDx.net then click here!Relevant topics: Rad, Dx, Rad Dx, Health, Medical, Rad Dx, www.RadDx.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadDx.org then click here!Relevant topics: Rad, Dx, Rad Dx, Health, Medical, Rad Dx, www.RadExperts.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadExperts.net then click here!Relevant topics: Rad, Experts, Rad, Expert, Rad Experts, Health, Medical, Rad Experts, www.Radio-Atlas.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radio-Atlas.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radio, Atlas, Radio, Atla, Radio Atlas, Health, Medical, Radio Atlas, www.Radiographs.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiographs.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiographs, Radiograph, Radiographs, Health, Medical, Radiographs, www.Radiological-Cases.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiological-Cases.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiological, Cases, Radiological, Case, Radiological Cases, Health, Medical, Radiological Cases, www.RadiologicalAtlas.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologicalAtlas.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiological, Atlas, Radiological, Atla, Radiological Atlas, Health, Medical, Radiological Atlas, www.RadiologicalCases.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologicalCases.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiological, Cases, Radiological, Case, Radiological Cases, Health, Medical, Radiological Cases, www.Radiologie-Atlas.deIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiologie-Atlas.de then click here!Relevant topics: Radiologie, Atlas, Radiologie, Atla, Radiologie Atlas, Education, Academics, Radiologie Atlas, www.Radiologie-Online.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiologie-Online.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiologie, Online, Radiologie Online, Health, Medical, Radiologie Online, www.Radiologie-Online.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiologie-Online.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiologie, Online, Radiologie Online, Health, Medical, Radiologie Online, www.RadiologieOnline.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologieOnline.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiologie, Online, Radiologie Online, Health, Medical, Radiologie Online, www.RadiologieOnline.deIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologieOnline.de then click here!Relevant topics: Radiologie, Online, Radiologie Online, Health, Medical, Radiologie Online, www.RadiologieSuche.deIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologieSuche.de then click here!Relevant topics: Radiologie, Suche, Radiologie Suche, Education, Academics, Radiologie Suche, www.Radiologist.nameIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiologist.name then click here!Relevant topics: Radiologist, Radiologist, Health, Medical, Radiologist, www.RadiologistNet.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologistNet.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiologist, Net, Radiologist Net, Health, Medical, Radiologist Net, www.Radiologists.nameIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiologists.name then click here!Relevant topics: Radiologists, Radiologist, Radiologists, Health, Medical, Radiologists, www.Radiology-Articles.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Articles.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Articles, Radiology, Article, Radiology Articles, Health, Medical, Radiology Articles, www.Radiology-Atlas.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Atlas.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Atlas, Radiology, Atla, Radiology Atlas, Health, Medical, Radiology Atlas, www.Radiology-Blog.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Blog.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Blog, Radiology Blog, Education, Academics, Radiology Blog, www.Radiology-Boards.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Boards.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Boards, Radiology, Board, Radiology Boards, Health, Medical, Radiology Boards, www.Radiology-Book.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Book.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Book, Radiology Book, Health, Medical, Radiology Book, www.Radiology-Case.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Case.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Case, Radiology Case, Health, Medical, Radiology Case, www.Radiology-CaseReports.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-CaseReports.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Case, Reports, Radiology, Case, Report, Radiology Case Reports, Health, Medical, Radiology Case Reports, www.Radiology-Cases.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Cases.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Cases, Radiology, Case, Radiology Cases, Health, Medical, Radiology Cases, www.Radiology-eLearning.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-eLearning.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, e, Learning, Radiology e Learning, Health, Medical, Radiology e Learning, www.Radiology-Exams.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Exams.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Exams, Radiology, Exam, Radiology Exams, Health, Medical, Radiology Exams, www.Radiology-Facts.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Facts.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Facts, Radiology, Fact, Radiology Facts, Health, Medical, Radiology Facts, www.Radiology-Forum.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Forum.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Forum, Radiology Forum, Health, Medical, Radiology Forum, www.Radiology-Info.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Info.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Info, Radiology Info, Health, Medical, Radiology Info, www.Radiology-Information.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Information.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Information, Radiology Information, Health, Medical, Radiology Information, www.Radiology-Information.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Information.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Information, Radiology Information, Health, Medical, Radiology Information, www.Radiology-Information.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Information.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Information, Radiology Information, Health, Medical, Radiology Information, www.Radiology-Journal.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Journal.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Journal, Radiology Journal, Health, Medical, Radiology Journal, www.Radiology-Journals.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Journals.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Journals, Radiology, Journal, Radiology Journals, Health, Medical, Radiology Journals, www.Radiology-Learning.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Learning.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Learning, Radiology Learning, Health, Medical, Radiology Learning, www.Radiology-Links.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Links.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Links, Radiology, Link, Radiology Links, Health, Medical, Radiology Links, www.Radiology-Marketing.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Marketing.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Marketing, Radiology Marketing, Health, Medical, Radiology Marketing, www.Radiology-Net.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Net.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Net, Radiology Net, Health, Medical, Radiology Net, www.Radiology-News.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-News.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, News, Radiology, New, Radiology News, Health, Medical, Radiology News, www.Radiology-Olympics.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Olympics.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Olympics, Radiology, Olympic, Radiology Olympics, Health, Medical, Radiology Olympics, www.Radiology-Olympics.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Olympics.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Olympics, Radiology, Olympic, Radiology Olympics, Health, Medical, Radiology Olympics, www.Radiology-Olympics.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Olympics.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Olympics, Radiology, Olympic, Radiology Olympics, Health, Medical, Radiology Olympics, www.Radiology-Olympics.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Olympics.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Olympics, Radiology, Olympic, Radiology Olympics, Health, Medical, Radiology Olympics, www.Radiology-OnCall.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-OnCall.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, On, Call, Radiology On Call, Health, Medical, Radiology On Call, www.Radiology-Online.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Online.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Online, Radiology Online, Health, Medical, Radiology Online, www.Radiology-Online.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Online.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Online, Radiology Online, Health, Medical, Radiology Online, www.Radiology-Online.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Online.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Online, Radiology Online, Health, Medical, Radiology Online, www.Radiology-Online.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Online.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Online, Radiology Online, Health, Medical, Radiology Online, www.Radiology-Residency.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Residency.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Residency, Radiology Residency, Health, Medical, Radiology Residency, www.Radiology-Resident.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Resident.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Resident, Radiology Resident, Health, Medical, Radiology Resident, www.Radiology-Residents.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Residents.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Residents, Radiology, Resident, Radiology Residents, Health, Medical, Radiology Residents, www.Radiology-Search.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Search.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Search, Radiology Search, Health, Medical, Radiology Search, www.Radiology-Search.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Search.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Search, Radiology Search, Health, Medical, Radiology Search, www.Radiology-Searching.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Searching.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Searching, Radiology Searching, Health, Medical, Radiology Searching, www.Radiology-Society.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Society.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Society, Radiology Society, Health, Medical, Radiology Society, www.Radiology-Society.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Society.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Society, Radiology Society, Health, Medical, Radiology Society, www.Radiology-Society.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Society.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Society, Radiology Society, Health, Medical, Radiology Society, www.Radiology-Students.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Students.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Students, Radiology, Student, Radiology Students, Health, Medical, Radiology Students, www.Radiology-Tutorials.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Tutorials.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Tutorials, Radiology, Tutorial, Radiology Tutorials, Health, Medical, Radiology Tutorials, www.Radiology-TV.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-TV.net then click here!Relevant topics: , R, a, d, i, o, l, o, g, y, , , T, V, R a d i o l o g y T V , Health, Medical, R a d i o l o g y T V , www.Radiology-Videos.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology-Videos.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Videos, Radiology, Video, Radiology Videos, Health, Medical, Radiology Videos, www.Radiology101.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology101.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology101, Radiology101, Health, Medical, Radiology101, www.Radiology123.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology123.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology123, Radiology123, Health, Medical, Radiology123, www.Radiology911.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiology911.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology911, Radiology911, Health, Medical, Radiology911, www.RadiologyAbstracts.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyAbstracts.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Abstracts, Radiology, Abstract, Radiology Abstracts, Education, Academics, Radiology Abstracts, www.RadiologyAdvance.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyAdvance.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Advance, Radiology Advance, Health, Medical, Radiology Advance, www.RadiologyAdvanced.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyAdvanced.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Advanced, Radiology Advanced, Health, Medical, Radiology Advanced, www.RadiologyAnswer.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyAnswer.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Answer, Radiology Answer, Business, Services, Radiology Answer, www.RadiologyAnswers.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyAnswers.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Answers, Radiology, Answer, Radiology Answers, Health, Medical, Radiology Answers, www.RadiologyArticle.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyArticle.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Article, Radiology Article, Health, Medical, Radiology Article, www.RadiologyArticles.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyArticles.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Articles, Radiology, Article, Radiology Articles, Health, Medical, Radiology Articles, www.RadiologyArts.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyArts.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Arts, Radiology, Art, Radiology Arts, Health, Medical, Radiology Arts, www.RadiologyAssociate.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyAssociate.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Associate, Radiology Associate, Health, Medical, Radiology Associate, www.RadiologyAtlas.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyAtlas.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Atlas, Radiology, Atla, Radiology Atlas, Health, Medical, Radiology Atlas, www.RadiologyAtlas.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyAtlas.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Atlas, Radiology, Atla, Radiology Atlas, Health, Medical, Radiology Atlas, www.RadiologyAuctions.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyAuctions.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Auctions, Radiology, Auction, Radiology Auctions, Health, Medical, Radiology Auctions, www.RadiologyAuctions.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyAuctions.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Auctions, Radiology, Auction, Radiology Auctions, Health, Medical, Radiology Auctions, www.RadiologyAuthor.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyAuthor.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Author, Radiology Author, Health, Medical, Radiology Author, www.RadiologyAuthors.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyAuthors.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Authors, Radiology, Author, Radiology Authors, Health, Medical, Radiology Authors, www.RadiologyBoards.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyBoards.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Boards, Radiology, Board, Radiology Boards, Health, Medical, Radiology Boards, www.RadiologyBoards.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyBoards.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Boards, Radiology, Board, Radiology Boards, Health, Medical, Radiology Boards, www.RadiologyBook.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyBook.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Book, Radiology Book, Health, Medical, Radiology Book, www.RadiologyBooks.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyBooks.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Books, Radiology, Book, Radiology Books, Health, Medical, Radiology Books, www.RadiologyCall.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCall.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Call, Radiology Call, Health, Medical, Radiology Call, www.RadiologyCalls.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCalls.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Calls, Radiology, Call, Radiology Calls, Health, Medical, Radiology Calls, www.RadiologyCareer.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCareer.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Career, Radiology Career, Health, Medical, Radiology Career, www.RadiologyCareer.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCareer.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Career, Radiology Career, Health, Medical, Radiology Career, www.RadiologyCareer.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCareer.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Career, Radiology Career, Health, Medical, Radiology Career, www.RadiologyCase.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCase.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Case, Radiology Case, Health, Medical, Radiology Case, www.RadiologyCase.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCase.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Case, Radiology Case, Health, Medical, Radiology Case, www.RadiologyCase.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCase.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Case, Radiology Case, Health, Medical, Radiology Case, www.RadiologyCase.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCase.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Case, Radiology Case, Health, Medical, Radiology Case, www.RadiologyCasereport.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCasereport.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Casereport, Radiology Casereport, Health, Medical, Radiology Casereport, www.RadiologyCaseReport.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCaseReport.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Case, Report, Radiology Case Report, Health, Medical, Radiology Case Report, www.RadiologyCaseReview.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCaseReview.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Case, Review, Radiology Case Review, Health, Medical, Radiology Case Review, www.RadiologyCaseReviews.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCaseReviews.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Case, Reviews, Radiology, Case, Review, Radiology Case Reviews, Health, Medical, Radiology Case Reviews, www.RadiologyCases.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCases.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Cases, Radiology, Case, Radiology Cases, Health, Medical, Radiology Cases, www.RadiologyCases.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCases.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Cases, Radiology, Case, Radiology Cases, Health, Medical, Radiology Cases, www.RadiologyCases.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCases.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Cases, Radiology, Case, Radiology Cases, Health, Medical, Radiology Cases, www.RadiologyCenter.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCenter.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Center, Radiology Center, Health, Medical, Radiology Center, www.RadiologyCenter.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCenter.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Center, Radiology Center, Health, Medical, Radiology Center, www.RadiologyChat.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyChat.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Chat, Radiology Chat, Health, Medical, Radiology Chat, www.RadiologyCity.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCity.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, City, Radiology City, Health, Medical, Radiology City, www.RadiologyCoach.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCoach.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Coach, Radiology Coach, Health, Medical, Radiology Coach, www.RadiologyCommunity.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCommunity.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Community, Radiology Community, Health, Medical, Radiology Community, www.RadiologyConference.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyConference.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Conference, Radiology Conference, Health, Medical, Radiology Conference, www.RadiologyConference.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyConference.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Conference, Radiology Conference, Health, Medical, Radiology Conference, www.RadiologyConference.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyConference.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Conference, Radiology Conference, Health, Medical, Radiology Conference, www.RadiologyConferences.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyConferences.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Conferences, Radiology, Conference, Radiology Conferences, Health, Medical, Radiology Conferences, www.RadiologyConferences.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyConferences.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Conferences, Radiology, Conference, Radiology Conferences, Health, Medical, Radiology Conferences, www.RadiologyConferences.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyConferences.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Conferences, Radiology, Conference, Radiology Conferences, Health, Medical, Radiology Conferences, www.RadiologyCourses.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyCourses.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Courses, Radiology, Course, Radiology Courses, Health, Medical, Radiology Courses, www.RadiologyDeal.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyDeal.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Deal, Radiology Deal, Business, Services, Radiology Deal, www.RadiologyDeals.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyDeals.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Deals, Radiology, Deal, Radiology Deals, Business, Services, Radiology Deals, www.RadiologyeLearning.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyeLearning.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiologye, Learning, Radiologye Learning, Health, Medical, Radiologye Learning, www.RadiologyExamination.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyExamination.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Examination, Radiology Examination, Health, Medical, Radiology Examination, www.RadiologyExams.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyExams.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Exams, Radiology, Exam, Radiology Exams, Health, Medical, Radiology Exams, www.RadiologyExams.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyExams.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Exams, Radiology, Exam, Radiology Exams, Health, Medical, Radiology Exams, www.RadiologyExpert.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyExpert.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Expert, Radiology Expert, Health, Medical, Radiology Expert, www.RadiologyFellow.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyFellow.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Fellow, Radiology Fellow, Health, Medical, Radiology Fellow, www.RadiologyFellow.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyFellow.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Fellow, Radiology Fellow, Health, Medical, Radiology Fellow, www.RadiologyFellows.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyFellows.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Fellows, Radiology, Fellow, Radiology Fellows, Health, Medical, Radiology Fellows, www.RadiologyFellowship.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyFellowship.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Fellowship, Radiology Fellowship, Health, Medical, Radiology Fellowship, www.RadiologyFindings.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyFindings.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Findings, Radiology, Finding, Radiology Findings, Health, Medical, Radiology Findings, www.RadiologyFlashcards.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyFlashcards.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Flashcards, Radiology, Flashcard, Radiology Flashcards, Health, Medical, Radiology Flashcards, www.RadiologyForAll.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyForAll.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, For, All, Radiology For All, Health, Medical, Radiology For All, www.RadiologyForAll.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyForAll.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, For, All, Radiology For All, Health, Medical, Radiology For All, www.RadiologyForResidents.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyForResidents.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, For, Residents, Radiology, For, Resident, Radiology For Residents, Health, Medical, Radiology For Residents, www.RadiologyForum.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyForum.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Forum, Radiology Forum, Health, Medical, Radiology Forum, www.RadiologyForum.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyForum.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Forum, Radiology Forum, Internet, Portals, Radiology Forum, www.RadiologyForum.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyForum.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Forum, Radiology Forum, Internet, Portals, Radiology Forum, www.RadiologyForums.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyForums.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Forums, Radiology, Forum, Radiology Forums, Health, General, Radiology Forums, www.RadiologyForums.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyForums.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Forums, Radiology, Forum, Radiology Forums, Health, Medical, Radiology Forums, www.RadiologyForYou.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyForYou.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, For, You, Radiology For You, Health, Medical, Radiology For You, www.RadiologyForYou.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyForYou.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, For, You, Radiology For You, Health, Medical, Radiology For You, www.RadiologyForYou.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyForYou.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, For, You, Radiology For You, Health, Medical, Radiology For You, www.RadiologyFriend.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyFriend.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Friend, Radiology Friend, Health, Medical, Radiology Friend, www.RadiologyFriends.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyFriends.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Friends, Radiology, Friend, Radiology Friends, Health, Medical, Radiology Friends, www.RadiologyGems.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyGems.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Gems, Radiology, Gem, Radiology Gems, Health, Medical, Radiology Gems, www.RadiologyGlobal.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyGlobal.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Global, Radiology Global, Health, Medical, Radiology Global, www.RadiologyGold.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyGold.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Gold, Radiology Gold, Health, Medical, Radiology Gold, www.RadiologyHelp.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyHelp.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Help, Radiology Help, Health, Medical, Radiology Help, www.RadiologyHelp.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyHelp.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Help, Radiology Help, Health, Medical, Radiology Help, www.RadiologyHelp.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyHelp.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Help, Radiology Help, Health, Medical, Radiology Help, www.RadiologyHelp.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyHelp.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Help, Radiology Help, Health, Medical, Radiology Help, www.RadiologyHelper.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyHelper.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Helper, Radiology Helper, Health, Medical, Radiology Helper, www.RadiologyImages.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyImages.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Images, Radiology, Image, Radiology Images, Health, Medical, Radiology Images, www.RadiologyIndepth.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyIndepth.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Indepth, Radiology Indepth, Health, Medical, Radiology Indepth, www.RadiologyInformatics.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyInformatics.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Informatics, Radiology, Informatic, Radiology Informatics, Health, Medical, Radiology Informatics, www.RadiologyInformation.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyInformation.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Information, Radiology Information, Health, Medical, Radiology Information, www.RadiologyInformation.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyInformation.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Information, Radiology Information, Health, Medical, Radiology Information, www.RadiologyInternational.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyInternational.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, International, Radiology International, Education, Academics, Radiology International, www.RadiologyJob.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyJob.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Job, Radiology Job, Business, Employment, Radiology Job, www.RadiologyJob.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyJob.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Job, Radiology Job, Business, Employment, Radiology Job, www.RadiologyJob.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyJob.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Job, Radiology Job, Business, Employment, Radiology Job, www.RadiologyJobs.bizIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyJobs.biz then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Jobs, Radiology, Job, Radiology Jobs, Health, Medical, Radiology Jobs, www.RadiologyJournal.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyJournal.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Journal, Radiology Journal, Health, Medical, Radiology Journal, www.RadiologyJournal.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyJournal.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Journal, Radiology Journal, Health, Medical, Radiology Journal, www.RadiologyJournals.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyJournals.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Journals, Radiology, Journal, Radiology Journals, Health, Medical, Radiology Journals, www.RadiologyJournals.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyJournals.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Journals, Radiology, Journal, Radiology Journals, Health, Medical, Radiology Journals, www.RadiologyLearning.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyLearning.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Learning, Radiology Learning, Health, Medical, Radiology Learning, www.RadiologyLearning.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyLearning.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Learning, Radiology Learning, Health, Medical, Radiology Learning, www.RadiologyLearning.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyLearning.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Learning, Radiology Learning, Health, Medical, Radiology Learning, www.RadiologyLearning.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyLearning.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Learning, Radiology Learning, Health, Medical, Radiology Learning, www.RadiologyLinks.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyLinks.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Links, Radiology, Link, Radiology Links, Health, Medical, Radiology Links, www.RadiologyLinks.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyLinks.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Links, Radiology, Link, Radiology Links, Health, Medical, Radiology Links, www.RadiologyMarket.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyMarket.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Market, Radiology Market, Business, Services, Radiology Market, www.RadiologyMaster.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyMaster.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Master, Radiology Master, Health, Medical, Radiology Master, www.RadiologyMeeting.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyMeeting.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Meeting, Radiology Meeting, Health, Medical, Radiology Meeting, www.RadiologyMeeting.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyMeeting.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Meeting, Radiology Meeting, Health, Medical, Radiology Meeting, www.RadiologyMeetings.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyMeetings.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Meetings, Radiology, Meeting, Radiology Meetings, Health, Medical, Radiology Meetings, www.RadiologyMeetings.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyMeetings.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Meetings, Radiology, Meeting, Radiology Meetings, Health, Medical, Radiology Meetings, www.RadiologyMeetings.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyMeetings.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Meetings, Radiology, Meeting, Radiology Meetings, Health, Medical, Radiology Meetings, www.RadiologyMeetings.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyMeetings.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Meetings, Radiology, Meeting, Radiology Meetings, Health, Medical, Radiology Meetings, www.RadiologyMentor.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyMentor.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Mentor, Radiology Mentor, Health, Medical, Radiology Mentor, www.RadiologyMuseum.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyMuseum.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Museum, Radiology Museum, Health, Medical, Radiology Museum, www.RadiologyNet.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyNet.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Net, Radiology Net, Health, Medical, Radiology Net, www.RadiologyNet.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyNet.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Net, Radiology Net, Health, Medical, Radiology Net, www.RadiologyNetwork.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyNetwork.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Network, Radiology Network, Education, Academics, Radiology Network, www.RadiologyNightshift.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyNightshift.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Nightshift, Radiology Nightshift, Health, Medical, Radiology Nightshift, www.RadiologyOlympics.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyOlympics.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Olympics, Radiology, Olympic, Radiology Olympics, Health, Medical, Radiology Olympics, www.RadiologyOlympics.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyOlympics.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Olympics, Radiology, Olympic, Radiology Olympics, Health, Medical, Radiology Olympics, www.RadiologyOlympics.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyOlympics.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Olympics, Radiology, Olympic, Radiology Olympics, Health, Medical, Radiology Olympics, www.RadiologyOlympics.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyOlympics.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Olympics, Radiology, Olympic, Radiology Olympics, Health, Medical, Radiology Olympics, www.Radiologyoncall.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiologyoncall.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiologyoncall, Radiologyoncall, Health, Medical, Radiologyoncall, www.Radiologyoncall.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiologyoncall.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiologyoncall, Radiologyoncall, Health, Medical, Radiologyoncall, www.Radiologyoncall.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain Radiologyoncall.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiologyoncall, Radiologyoncall, Health, Medical, Radiologyoncall, www.RadiologyOnline.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyOnline.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Online, Radiology Online, Health, Medical, Radiology Online, www.RadiologyPaedia.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyPaedia.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Paedia, Radiology Paedia, Health, Medical, Radiology Paedia, www.RadiologyPaedia.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyPaedia.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Paedia, Radiology Paedia, Health, Medical, Radiology Paedia, www.RadiologyPaedia.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyPaedia.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Paedia, Radiology Paedia, Health, Medical, Radiology Paedia, www.RadiologyPapers.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyPapers.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Papers, Radiology, Paper, Radiology Papers, Education, Academics, Radiology Papers, www.RadiologyPartner.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyPartner.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Partner, Radiology Partner, Business, Services, Radiology Partner, www.RadiologyPedia.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyPedia.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Pedia, Radiology Pedia, Health, Medical, Radiology Pedia, www.RadiologyPedia.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyPedia.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Pedia, Radiology Pedia, Health, Medical, Radiology Pedia, www.RadiologyPedia.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyPedia.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Pedia, Radiology Pedia, Health, Medical, Radiology Pedia, www.RadiologyPedia.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyPedia.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Pedia, Radiology Pedia, Health, Medical, Radiology Pedia, www.RadiologyPodcast.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyPodcast.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Podcast, Radiology Podcast, Health, Medical, Radiology Podcast, www.RadiologyPodcasts.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyPodcasts.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Podcasts, Radiology, Podcast, Radiology Podcasts, Health, Medical, Radiology Podcasts, www.RadiologyPro.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyPro.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Pro, Radiology Pro, Health, Medical, Radiology Pro, www.RadiologyPro.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyPro.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Pro, Radiology Pro, Health, Medical, Radiology Pro, www.RadiologyPro.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyPro.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Pro, Radiology Pro, Health, Medical, Radiology Pro, www.RadiologyProfessional.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyProfessional.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Professional, Radiology Professional, Health, Medical, Radiology Professional, www.RadiologyProgram.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyProgram.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Program, Radiology Program, Health, Medical, Radiology Program, www.RadiologyProgram.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyProgram.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Program, Radiology Program, Health, Medical, Radiology Program, www.RadiologyPros.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyPros.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Pros, Radiology, Pro, Radiology Pros, Health, Medical, Radiology Pros, www.RadiologyProtocols.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyProtocols.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Protocols, Radiology, Protocol, Radiology Protocols, Health, Medical, Radiology Protocols, www.RadiologyQuestions.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyQuestions.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Questions, Radiology, Question, Radiology Questions, Health, Medical, Radiology Questions, www.RadiologyQuiz.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyQuiz.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Quiz, Radiology Quiz, Health, Medical, Radiology Quiz, www.RadiologyRadiology.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyRadiology.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Radiology, Radiology Radiology , Health, Medical, Radiology Radiology , www.RadiologyRecalls.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyRecalls.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Recalls, Radiology, Recall, Radiology Recalls, Health, Medical, Radiology Recalls, www.RadiologyResident.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyResident.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Resident, Radiology Resident, Health, Medical, Radiology Resident, www.RadiologyResident.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyResident.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Resident, Radiology Resident, Health, Medical, Radiology Resident, www.RadiologyReviews.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyReviews.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Reviews, Radiology, Review, Radiology Reviews, Health, Medical, Radiology Reviews, www.RadiologyRotation.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyRotation.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Rotation, Radiology Rotation, Health, Medical, Radiology Rotation, www.RadiologyRotations.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyRotations.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Rotations, Radiology, Rotation, Radiology Rotations, Health, Medical, Radiology Rotations, www.RadiologySchool.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologySchool.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, School, Radiology School, Health, Medical, Radiology School, www.RadiologySchools.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologySchools.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Schools, Radiology, School, Radiology Schools, Health, Medical, Radiology Schools, www.RadiologySearch.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologySearch.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Search, Radiology Search, Health, Medical, Radiology Search, www.RadiologySearch.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologySearch.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Search, Radiology Search, Health, Medical, Radiology Search, www.RadiologySearch.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologySearch.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Search, Radiology Search, Health, Medical, Radiology Search, www.RadiologySearching.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologySearching.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Searching, Radiology Searching, Health, Medical, Radiology Searching, www.RadiologySearching.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologySearching.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Searching, Radiology Searching, Health, Medical, Radiology Searching, www.RadiologySearching.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologySearching.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Searching, Radiology Searching, Health, Medical, Radiology Searching, www.RadiologyServer.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyServer.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Server, Radiology Server, Health, Medical, Radiology Server, www.RadiologyServers.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyServers.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Servers, Radiology, Server, Radiology Servers, Health, Medical, Radiology Servers, www.RadiologyShop.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyShop.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Shop, Radiology Shop, Business, Services, Radiology Shop, www.RadiologySigns.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologySigns.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Signs, Radiology, Sign, Radiology Signs, Health, Medical, Radiology Signs, www.RadiologySigns.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologySigns.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Signs, Radiology, Sign, Radiology Signs, Health, Medical, Radiology Signs, www.RadiologySigns.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologySigns.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Signs, Radiology, Sign, Radiology Signs, Health, Medical, Radiology Signs, www.RadiologySigns.orgIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologySigns.org then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Signs, Radiology, Sign, Radiology Signs, Health, Medical, Radiology Signs, www.RadiologySolution.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologySolution.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Solution, Radiology Solution, Business, Services, Radiology Solution, www.RadiologySource.infoIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologySource.info then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Source, Radiology Source, Health, Medical, Radiology Source, www.RadiologySource.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologySource.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Source, Radiology Source, Health, Medical, Radiology Source, www.RadiologySources.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologySources.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Sources, Radiology, Source, Radiology Sources, Health, Medical, Radiology Sources, www.RadiologyStudents.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyStudents.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Students, Radiology, Student, Radiology Students, Health, Medical, Radiology Students, www.RadiologySuccess.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologySuccess.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Success, Radiology, Succes, Radiology Success, Health, Medical, Radiology Success, www.RadiologySupport.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologySupport.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Support, Radiology Support, Health, Medical, Radiology Support, www.RadiologyTalk.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyTalk.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Talk, Radiology Talk, Health, Medical, Radiology Talk, www.RadiologyTeacher.comIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyTeacher.com then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Teacher, Radiology Teacher, Health, Medical, Radiology Teacher, www.RadiologyTeaching.netIf you want to rent or to buy the domain RadiologyTeaching.net then click here!Relevant topics: Radiology, Teaching, Radiology Teaching, Health, Medical, 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Blessed Margaret was born blind, with severe curvature of the spine; her right leg was an inch and a half shorter than her left, and her left arm was malformed. She never grew beyond 4 feet tall. Her parents kept little Margaret hidden away in their house in Metola in the Italian province of Umbria. She was 6 years old when the family travelled to a shrine at Castello, hoping for a miracle. When no miracle took place, Margaret’s mother and father abandoned her. Some women of Castello found the terrified child and took care of her. Later, a couple (Venfarino and Grigia) adopted her. At 15, she joined the Third Order of St. Dominic, which permitted her to wear the habit and take the vows of a nun.
Wuvo lwami ke lolu. Phecelezi, this is my perspective. Mna ke, I agree fully ukuthi lokhu enikwenzile kuyi step forward. Just one step. Now, let this step be a precursor to bigger things. Let it usher a new era of taking the necessary steps to see to it that justice is delivered for the victims of lolo dlame loMgots nezi nswelaboya zakhe. Let it be clear that the agenda is not to merely highlight the issue overseas kubelungu who care less about the value yempilo yomuntu omnyama. Let it be not a farce parade in the eyes of the very British who remained silent & allegedly "neutral" (most probably in cohorts with Mgots in his mad moment) in the face of Mgots unleashing udlame kubantu abamsulwa. Let it not be a spectacle in the land of Her Imperial Majesty, who knighted Mgots in 1984 (is it the right year?), as if to congratulate him for a job well done in butchering abantu abamsulwa.
8 Khona-ke uJehova wathi kuJoshuwa: “Ungesabi futhi ungethuki.+ Thatha bonke abantu bempi usukume, ukhuphukele e-Ayi. Bheka, nginikele esandleni sakho inkosi yase-Ayi nabantu bayo nomuzi wayo nezwe layo.+ 2 Kumelwe wenze kulo i-Ayi nasenkosini yalo njengoba nje wenzile kulo iJeriko nenkosi yalo.+ Kuphela ningaziphangela impango yakhona nemfuyo yakhona.+ Beka abaqamekeli bakho emzini ngemva kwawo.”+ 3 Ngakho uJoshuwa kanye nabo bonke abantu bempi+ basuka ukuba bakhuphukele e-Ayi, uJoshuwa wabe esekhetha amadoda ayizinkulungwane ezingamashumi amathathu, amaqhawe anamandla,+ wawamukisa ebusuku. 4 Wawayala, wathi: “Bhekani, niqamekela+ umuzi ngemva kwawo. Ningaqheli kakhulu emzini, futhi kumelwe nonke nizigcine nimi ngomumo. 5 Kepha mina nabo bonke abantu abakanye nami, sizosondela emzini. Kuzothi uma kwenzeka bephuma besihlangabeza njengasekuqaleni,+ thina-ke sibabalekele. 6 Bazosilandela size sibakhiphele kude nomuzi, ngoba bazothi, ‘Bayasibalekela njengakuqala.’+ Thina, sizobabalekela. 7 Khona-ke nina—nina nizovuka endaweni eniqamekele kuyo, niwuthathe umuzi; uJehova uNkulunkulu wenu ngokuqinisekile uzowunikela ezandleni zenu.+ 8 Futhi kuzothi lapho nje seniwuthathile umuzi, niwuthungele ngomlilo.+ Kufanele nenze ngokuvumelana nezwi likaJehova. Bhekani, nginiyalile.”+ 9 Ngemva kwalokho uJoshuwa wabathumela bahamba baya endaweni ababezoqamekela kuyo bafike bagoba amadlangala phakathi kweBhethele ne-Ayi entshonalanga ye-Ayi, kuyilapho uJoshuwa yena ayehleli lobo busuku phakathi kwabantu. 10 Khona-ke uJoshuwa wavuka ekuseni+ wahlola abantu wayesekhuphuka phambi kwabantu yena namadoda amadala akwa-Israyeli, waya e-Ayi. 11 Bonke abantu bempi+ ababenaye bakhuphuka, ukuze basondele bafike phambi komuzi, base bekanisa enyakatho ye-Ayi, isigodi siphakathi kwabo ne-Ayi. 12 Phakathi naleso sikhathi wathatha amadoda angaba izinkulungwane ezinhlanu wawamisa ukuba aqamekele+ phakathi kweBhethele+ ne-Ayi, entshonalanga yomuzi. 13 Ngakho abantu bamisa ikamu eliyinhloko enyakatho yomuzi,+ nengxenye yalo engemuva impela entshonalanga yomuzi,+ uJoshuwa wahamba ngalobo busuku waya phakathi nethafa eliphansi. 14 Kwathi lapho nje inkosi yase-Ayi ikubona lokho, amadoda omuzi ashesha avuka kusesekuseni aphuma ayohlangabeza u-Israyeli empini, inkosi nabo bonke abantu bayo, ngesikhathi esimisiwe, phambi kwethafa eliwugwadule. Kepha yona yayingazi ukuthi kwakukhona ababeyiqamekele ngemva komuzi.+ 15 Lapho uJoshuwa no-Israyeli wonke behlulwa,+ babaleka ngendlela yasehlane.+ 16 Khona-ke bonke abantu ababesemzini babizwa ukuba babasukele, bamsukela uJoshuwa, okwabenza baba kude nomuzi.+ 17 Akubanga khona noyedwa umuntu owasala e-Ayi naseBhethele, ongaphumanga ukuba alandele u-Israyeli, kangangokuthi bawushiya uvuleké gengelezi umuzi basukela u-Israyeli. 18 Manje uJehova wathi kuJoshuwa: “Yelulela ingcula esesandleni sakho ngase-Ayi,+ ngoba ngizolinikela esandleni sakho.”+ Ngakho uJoshuwa wayelulela ngasemzini ingcula eyayisesandleni sakhe. 19 Abaqamekeli bavuka ngokushesha endaweni yabo, baqala ukugijima lapho nje elula isandla sakhe, bangena emzini bawuthumba.+ Base beshesha bewuthungela ngomlilo umuzi.+ 20 Amadoda ase-Ayi aphenduka abheka, abona, bheka umusi womuzi wawenyukela emazulwini, awabanga namandla okubaleka ngale ndlela noma ngaleya ndlela. Abantu ababebalekela ehlane baphendukela phezu kwalabo ababebasukela. 21 UJoshuwa no-Israyeli wonke babona ukuthi abantu ababeqamekele+ babewuthumbile umuzi, nokuthi umusi womuzi wawenyuka, ngakho baphenduka bawabulala amadoda ase-Ayi. 22 Laba abanye baphuma emzini ukuba babahlangabeze, baba phakathi kuka-Israyeli, laba bekulolu hlangothi labaya bekuloluya, bababulala kwaze kwangaba khona osindile noma ophunyukile.+ 23 Inkosi+ yase-Ayi bayibamba iphila bayiletha kuJoshuwa. 24 Lapho u-Israyeli eqedela ukubulala bonke abakhileyo e-Ayi, endle, ehlane ababemsukele waya kulo, babelokhu bewa, bonke, ngosiko lwenkemba baze baphela. Ngemva kwalokho wonke u-Israyeli wabuyela e-Ayi walishaya ngosiko lwenkemba. 25 Bonke abawa ngalolo suku, kusukela kowesilisa kuya kowesifazane, baba izinkulungwane eziyishumi nambili, bonke abantu base-Ayi. 26 UJoshuwa akasibuyiselanga emuva isandla sakhe ayelule ngaso ingcula+ kwaze kwaba yilapho esebanikele ekubhujisweni bonke abakhileyo e-Ayi.+ 27 U-Israyeli waziphangela imfuyo nempango yalowo muzi kuphela, ngokuvumelana nezwi likaJehova ayelibeke njengomyalo kuJoshuwa.+ 28 Khona-ke uJoshuwa walishisa i-Ayi walenza indunduma emi kuze kube nini nani-ni,+ laba yincithakalo kuze kube namuhla. 29 Inkosi yase-Ayi+ wayilengisa esigxotsheni kwaze kwaba kusihlwa;+ lapho ilanga selizoshona uJoshuwa wanikeza umyalo, basehlisa+ isidumbu sayo esigxotsheni basiphonsa emnyango wesango lomuzi babeka inqwaba enkulu yamatshe phezu kwayo, kuze kube yilolu suku. 30 Yingaleso sikhathi lapho uJoshuwa amakhela khona i-altare+ uJehova uNkulunkulu ka-Israyeli, eNtabeni i-Ebhali,+ 31 njengoba nje uMose inceku kaJehova ayebayalile abantwana bakwa-Israyeli, njengoba kulotshiwe encwadini yomthetho+ kaMose, ukuthi: “Kube yi-altare lamatshe aphelele, angazange aphakanyiselwe ithuluzi lensimbi”;+ banikela kuJehova iminikelo yokushiswa phezu kwalo benza nemihlatshelo yenhlanganyelo.+ 32 Khona-ke waloba lapho phezu kwamatshe ikhophi+ yomthetho kaMose ayewulobe phambi kwabantwana bakwa-Israyeli.+ 33 Wonke u-Israyeli namadoda amadala+ nezikhulu nabahluleli bakhe wayemi ngapha nangapha koMphongolo phambi kwabapristi,+ amaLevi, bethwele umphongolo wesivumelwano sikaJehova,+ umfokazi kanye nowokuzalwa,+ ingxenye yakhe iphambi kweNtaba iGerizimu+ enye ingxenye iphambi kweNtaba i-Ebhali,+ (njengoba nje uMose inceku kaJehova ayeyalile,)+ ukuze aqale ngokubusisa+ abantu bakwa-Israyeli. 34 Ngemva kwalokhu wawafunda ngokuzwakalayo wonke amazwi omthetho,+ isibusiso+ nesiqalekiso,+ ngokuvumelana nakho konke okulotshwe encwadini yomthetho. 35 Akubanga khona ngisho nelilodwa izwi kuwo wonke uMose ayeyale ngawo, uJoshuwa angazange alifunde ngokuzwakalayo phambi kwalo lonke ibandla lika-Israyeli,+ kuhlanganise nabesifazane+ nabancane+ nabafokazi+ ababehamba phakathi kwabo.
▼ The field of customs is commonly referred to as that of imports and exports. It is perceived as a maze of processes, procedures, and forms required to enable a customs administration to perform their wide range of responsibilities. One of the responsibilities of a customs administration is the collection of duties, which necessitates classification of the goods in question. This study sets out to determine the extent of customs control in relation to tariff classification in South Africa. The starting point is the establishment of the foundations of customs, both internationally and in South Africa. After origin and valuation, tariff classification is the third technical customs-related focus area. An analysis of the responsibilities of the customs administration in South Africa confirms the importance of revenue collection and, subsequently, tariff classification. As a result of South Africa’s membership of the World Customs Organization, specific obligations in relation to tariff classification are incurred. The implementation and application of the international provisions are considered and compared in South Africa, Australia, and Canada. Not only is South Africa’s existing legislation considered, but also two new Acts. It is found that despite similarities in the implementation of the Harmonized System Convention into the legislation of the three countries, South Africa’s existing legislation makes the most detailed provision for the Harmonized System and its aids. This is based on the finding that the legislation in Australia and Canada, as well as the two new Acts in South Africa, do not have the same comprehensive provisions. A critical review of the varying processes of classification in the three countries suggests that more suitable and effective processes could be implemented in South Africa. In addition, a synopsis of some of the principles developed in case law is provided and compared. In relation to facilitation, the access to relevant information and the adequacy thereof, as well as the availability of rulings, are considered. Differences in the approach to dispute resolution in the three countries are furthermore provided. Proposals are made to address the discrepancies in the implementation and application of the legislation, the process of classification, the principles developed in case law, the enhancement of related guides, the publication of tariff classification rulings, and the extent of facilitation and dispute resolution. Finally it is recommended that an independent and expert tribunal is established to adjudicate technical customs matters. Advisors/Committee Members: Franzsen, Riel (advisor).
wikipedia definition of automation is ""automation or automatic control, is the use of various control systems for operating equipment such as machinery, processes in factories, boilers and heat treating ovens, switching on telephone networks, steering and stabilization of ships, aircraft and other applications and vehicles with minimal or reduced human intervention."" the key word in th...jun. 28, 2017 04:00 pm edt reads: 381container considerations on your devops journeyby derek weekscontainers are things for your things. that is true in the development world too -- containers are things for your software, and, like containers for your things, software containers can help you be organized, efficient, and secure. chris morgan (@cmorgan_cloud), the technical director, openshift partner ecosystem at red hat, delivered a keynote at the 2016 all day devops conference. chris lives and breathes containers and recently discussed how they are transforming devops pipelines.jun. 28, 2017 03:45 pm edt reads: 2,271mobidev to exhibit at cloud expo silicon valleyby yeshim denizsys--con events announced today that mobidev, a client--oriented software development company, will exhibit at sys--con's 21st international cloud expo®, which will take place october 31--november 2, 2017, at the santa clara convention center in santa clara, ca. mobidev is a software company that develops and delivers turn--key mobile apps, websites, web services, and complex software systems for startups and enterprises. since 2009 it has grown from a small group of passionate engineers and business managers to a full--scale mobile software company with over 200 developers, designers, quality assur...jun. 28, 2017 03:45 pm edt reads: 2,153"
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ngemva kokubona ukusola nokwahlulelwa unkulunkulu kulesi sikhathi, ngazuza ulwazi oluthile ngokugxila kwami ekutheni abantu bazongibheka kanjani, ngangikulungele ukushiya inyama futhi ngikholelwe kunkulunkulu ngenze umsebenzi wami ngokwezidingo zakhe. kodwa--ke, ukungcola kwami ngingcoliswa usathane kwakujule kakhulu. phansi ekujuleni komphefumulo wami ngangisalawulwa ithonya likasathane. ukuze angisindise ngingalinyazwa usathane, unkulunkulu walulela izandla zakhe zensindiso kimi futhi. ngelinye ilanga, ngezwa ukuthi kukhona umzalwane ebandleni owayengekho esimweni esihle, ngabe sengixhumana nodadewethu engangisebenzisana naye ngokuthi singayisombulula kanjani le nkinga. ngenxa yokuthi udadewethu engangisebenzisana naye wayengaphilile, ngahamba ngedwa ukuyosombulula leyo nkinga ngemva kokuthi sixoxe ngayo. ngamfuna lowo mzalwane ngalobo busuku ukuze ngikhulume naye, inkinga yasombululeka ngokukhulu ukushesha. inhliziyo yami yayiphuphuma injabulo ngaleso sikhathi, ngicabanga ukuthi umholi omkhulu uzongincoma ngoba phela ngenze umzamo omkhulu impela. kodwa--ke, ngathi ngisalinde izindaba ezimnandi, umholi omkhulu wabhala incwadi efuna ukuqonda ngesimo sikadadewethu. ngangicabanga ukuthi eyokuncoma mina, ngakho--ke ngayivula ngenkulu intokozo ngayifunda. ngithe uma ngibona ukuthi okuqukethwe kwakubuza ngodadewethu engisebenzisana naye ukuthi ubhekane kanjani nenkinga leyo, ngaleso sikhathi ngaba nokucasuka: imina engasombulula le nkinga. kungani engabhalelanga mina wabuza ngayo? kubukeka sengathi anginandawo enhliziyweni yomholi wethu futhi ngibukelwa phansi. ngiyigeli nje lokuthunywa. noma ngabe ngenza kahle kanjani anginconywa ngalokho ngoba akekho umuntu onendaba. uma ngilokhu ngicabanga ngakho, ngangizizwa ukuthi ngiphathwe kabi futhi nginengcindezi. ngazizwa sengathi sengilahle konke indlela abantu abangibheka ngayo. ngalesi sikhathi, udadewethu engisebenzisana naye wayephethe incwadi esandleni sakhe eselungele ukukhuluma nami. angikwazanga ukufihla imizwa eyayingaphakathi kimi ngabe sengiyamemeza: “umholi omkhulu akazi ukuthi le nkinga yasonjululwa kanjani. ingabe awukwazi lokhu? ngisebenze ngayo isikhathi eside kodwa akekho umuntu osho okuhle ngakho, futhi ekugcineni kunconywa wena. emehlweni awo wonke umuntu ngingumuntu othunywayo nje nowesekanayo kuphela. noma ngabe ngizama kangakanani, akekho umuntu obongayo, ngazizwa ngiphatheke kabi kakhulu ngavele ngakhala. ngalowo mzuzu, ngezwa amazwi kankulunkulu ezindlebeni zami: “3. uma uzikhandle kakhulu kodwa selokhu ngingakuthandi, uzokwazi yini ukuqhubeka usebenzela mina ungaziwa? 4. uma, ngemva kokuthi uchithe ezinto ezithile ngami, ngingazange ngenelise izimfuneko zakho ezincane, ingabe uzophela amandla futhi udumazeke ngami noma uzothukuthela futhi ungithuke?” (“inkinga enkulu: ukukhaphela (2)” kwethi izwi livela lisenyameni). amazwi kankulunkulu asolayo awehlisa kancane umoya wami, nengqondo yami yathi ukuvuleka. lokhu okusanda kwenzeka kulokhu kudlala kuphindaphinda engqondweni yami sengathi yibhayisikobho. isambulo sikankulunkulu senze ngabona ukuthi isimo sami sibi futhi siyingozi, nokuthi ukukholelwa kwami kunkulunkulu nokwenza umsebenzi wami bekungekona ukwanelisa unkulunkulu noma ukwamukelwa nguye, kodwa ukuthi nginconywe abanye abantu. uma lokhu engikufunayo ngingakutholi, bengiba nenzondo; kuvuke ubulwane kimi, kanti nokukhaphela unkulunkulu kwaba lula ukukwenza. ngalesi sikhathi, ngabona ukuthi sengihambe kakhulu futhi anginabuntu. ubuhlungu engabuzwa babububi. njengoba ngiphenduka, ngathandaza kunkulunkulu: “o nkulunkulu, bengithi sengishintshile angisaphileli ukubukwa abantu nesikhundla emphakathini, futhi ngizokwazi ukuzwana nodadewethu. kodwa kulokhu ongambulele kona namuhla, ngiphinde ngabona ubusathane bami, ngizwa sengathi anginasikhundla phakathi kwabantu futhi ngiyahlupheka ngenxa yokuthi imizamo yami ibinganconywa abanye. o nkulunkulu, usathane usengilimaze kakhulu. isikhundla emphakathini, igama engizenzele lona, kanye nokuziqhenya konke kuphenduke amaketanga ami. ngiyathandaza ukuthi ungohole ngiphume ngaphansi kwethonya likasathane futhi.” ngemva kwalokho, emazwini kankulunkulu ngabona lokhu okulandelayo: “ngamunye ngamunye kinina nenyukele esicongweni sezixuku; nenyukele ekubeni yidlozi lezixuku zabantu. niyizephulamthetho ezinkulu, futhi nehla nenyuka phakathi kwazo zonke izimpethu nifuna indawo enokuthula, nizama ukusobozela izimpethu ezincane kunani. ninenzondo nobubi obesabekayo ezinhliziyweni zenu, nedlula nalezo zipoki ezacwila ekujuleni kolwandle. niphila phansi ebulongweni, niphazamisa izimpethu kusuka phezulu kuya ezansi ukuze zingabi nakuthula, nilwa nodwa okwesikhashana nibuye nizothe futhi. anizazi kwanina isimo senu, kodwa noma kunjalo nisalwa nodwa ebulongweni. yini enizoyizuza kulokhu? uma ngempela ngempela ninezinhliziyo ezingesabayo mina, ningalwa kanjani nodwa? noma ngabe nisezingeni eliphakeme kangakanani, ave niseyizimpethu ezinukayo ebulongweni? nizokwazi ukumila izimpiko nibe ngamajuba esibhakabhakeni?” (“uma amaqabunga awile ebuyela ezimpandeni zawo uzozisola ngabo bonke ububi obenzile” kwethi izwi livela lisenyameni). igama ngalinye lokwahlulela kukankulunkulu lahlaba kabuhlungu enhliziyweni yami njengenkemba ebukhali, lavusa umoya wami langenza ngabona ukuthi bengenza umsebenzi wami kodwa hhayi ukuphakamisa unkulunkulu nokuba ufakazi ngaye, kodwa ngenxa yokuthi bengilokhu ngifuna ukubukisa, ngenze ubufakazi ngami, futhi ngiphupha ngokuba phezulu kubantu ukuze babheke mina. bengimesaba unkulunkulu enhliziyweni yami? lokhu ebengikwenza ngabe akufani nalokhu okwenziwa ingelosi enkulu eyakhaphela unkulunkulu? ngiyisidalwa esinokaliswe usathane. phambi kukankulunkulu ngiyafana nodoti, isibungu. kumele ngabe ngikhonza unkulunkulu ngenze umsebenzi wami nginokwesaba enhliziyweni yami ngaso sonke isikhathi, kodwa angiwenzanga umsebenzi ngeqiniso, futhi bengilokhu ngifuna ukusebenzisa ukwenza umsebenzi wami njengethuba lokubukisa ngenze ubufakazi ngami. unkulunkulu angayeka kanjani ukuzonda nokunyanya lokhu? unkulunkulu ungcwele futhi mkhulu, ugcwele igunya namandla, kodwa uzithobile futhi uzifihlile, akazivezi ubuqu bakhe okuzokwenza babheke kuye futhi bamhloniphe. kunalokho, uyaqhubeka enza konke ukuze asindise isintu. ukuthobeka kukankulunkulu, ukulunga, nokuphana kwakhe kungenze ngabona ukuqhenya kwami, ukuthoba kwami, kanye nokungabi nazwela, okungenza ngizizwe ukuthi nginakaliswe usathane ngendlela ejulile futhi ngidinga insindiso yokwahlulelwa, ukusolwa, ukulingwa nokucwengwa unkulunkulu. ngibe sengiwa phambi kukankulunkulu: “o, nkulunkulu usomandla! ngokusola nokwahlulela kwakho ngiyabona ukuthi angikuhloniphanga, futhi ngiyabubona ubuntu nobukhulu bakho. kusukela manje kuya phambili, uma ngenza umsebenzi wami ngifisa ukwenza njengomuntu onenhliziyo ekwesabayo wena, ngilahle isimo sami sobusathane ngokuthi ngithembele emazwini akho.”
Song Writer(s): Backlund, Jukka Henri Kristian, Haber, Samu Publisher: SONY/ATV MUSIC PUBLISHING SCANDINAVIA, This is the end you knowLady, the plans we had went all wrongWe ain’t nothing but fight and shout and tearsWe got to a point I can’t standI’ve had it to the limit, I can’t be your manI ain’t more than a minute away from walkingWe can’t cry the pain awayWe can’t find a need to stayI slowly realized there’s nothing on our sideOut of my life, out of my mindOut of the tears we can’t denyWe need to swallow all our prideAnd leave this mess behindOut of my head, out of my bedOut of the dreams we had, they’re badTell them it’s me who made you sadTell them the fairytale gone badAnother night and I bleedThey all make mistakes and so did weBut we did something we can never turn back rightFind a new one to foolLeave and don’t look back, I won’t followWe have nothing left, it’s the end of our timeWe can’t cry the pain awayWe can’t find a need to stayThere’s no more rabbits in my hat to make things rightOut of my life, out of my mindOut of the tears we can’t denyWe need to swallow all our prideAnd leave this mess behindOut of my head, out of my bedOut of the dreams we had, they’re badTell them it’s me who made you sadTell them the fairytale gone badOut of my life, out of my mindOut of the tears we can’t denyWe need to swallow all our prideAnd leave this mess behindOut of my head, out of my bedOut of the dreams we had, they’re badTell them it’s me who made you sadTell them the fairytale gone badTell them the fairytale gon
imke delara bedding set, 2017--06--30 19:18:05. cocalo couture contains stylish crib bedding for a refined nursery that is a comfortable addition to your living space. aidan is a boyish houndstooth and stripes crib bedding collection in brick red, rich brown, khaki and blue, with antique toy themed accessories. feminine delilah crib bedding is a sunny and sophisticated collection featuring brown and yellow brocade with delicate embroidered flowers on the crib bumper and quilt. the tranquil bali collection offers an island getaway feel in turquoise, green, and tan with animal print and palm print accents fit for either a boy or girl; new tahiti crib bedding punches up the calm bali design in a tropical color scheme of fuchsia, orange, tan, and brown.
Kanye Omari West ni umwe mu baraperi bakomeye muri Amerika, afite indirimbo zizwi zirimo iyitwa “ Ni* * as In Paris” yakoranye na Jay Z, “ Stronger”, “ Good Life” yakoranye na T- Pain n’ indi mishinga ikomeye yagiye ahuriramo n’ abahanzi b’ ibyamamare. Kanye West is the lowest of all i listened to a radio show with a man named Zachary King he said half way through the show that Kane west was willing to do things so shameless and disgusting and degrading that it made sucking off a donkey look like child’ s play that is so disgusting that these stars singers actors artists all do things that would make anyone sick. This one features Clipse rapper and " G. Unmute Mute Follow Follow Following Following Unfollow Unfollow Blocked Blocked Unblock Unblock Pending Pending follow request from Cancel Cancel your follow request to. Ayingafi imizi nsizwenye nawe ntombi kanye nawe nkosikazi. Fridays" regular Pusha T, as well as longtime Kanye collaborators John Legend and Kid Cudi.
disodium cocoamphodiacetate, a mild surfactant for baby bath products & shampoos disodium cocoamphodiacetate, is an extremely mild, amphoteric surfactant which is not defatting to the skin and also does not strip oils from hair. disodium cocoamphodiacetate is a moderate foamer and is recommended for sensitive skin, baby skin, facial products. for use in shampoos and body wash where optimum foam is desired, combine with another surfactant such as decyl glucoside and/or cocamidopropyl betaine for a mild high--foaming blend. for baby shampoos a surfactant which is having a quality mild, amphoteric, foaming and cleansing agent that can reduce the overall irritation of products is required. disodium cocoamphodiacetate, is often used in sensitive skin formulations like baby shampoos, shampoos, bath and shower body washes, and facial products. it is compatible with anionic, non--ionic and most cationic systems.
Besa makhadasina kedala mani otaneneisi – gala pela vayayola mitaga magidasi bileya dapeulasi. Gabena gala ibwadi biyamati komwedona wala khadamwausi. Gala tona lamani. Kidamwa Gabena bivitusi dapwetukulasi e bimweeya bitoilakhedasi bibwena. Kidamwaga khatuula gala e, nigadamakhava wala e, bwena kuigakolasi. Makwesina vavagi tokwarewaga wala khatotila deli tagwala pela davalusa khalamwau - DUBUMI. Khomlagela gala iyebweri, sekumwelaga khala tilaula mokwita. Igau kugisesa DUBUMI KHEUWALA. Pela sena kudubumisa tapwaroru lapaisewa makhala iyebweli deli iselai tuvela goli iyamati tomota khasilamkola ibwena – mapela avetuta tuwamiya bilivalasi semakhai sena wala khabikaula. Mitaga semakhai paisewala natala wala tubukona olopola – gala pela kwetala tetu komwedona. Khatunugula makhala, vilokikekita biwaweyasi makhasana K2-3,000 e, vilovakhavekhaga K6-10,000. Igau kugisesa mina Khaduwaga sipwetukula metoya osidubumi. Pela sena magisi si bwala tapwaroru biulaisa kwevekha wala e, tubovila goli bimesa bisusuisi wala, igisemwesa ikanekelasi khala paisewa makhala. Metoya osipeula titolesi ebanisa K52,000 pela sibwala. Mkwena wala tetula e iyokewasi iselasa tuvela pela semakhai e, leweyasi tuvela K25,000. Mapela kwetala wala tetu olopola lebanisa K77,000! Mokwita goli pela Khaduwaga ilovekha, mitaga mokwita tokwarewaga wala DUBUMI, deli TAGWALA. Mapela pirisi yokwami desi ninayuwa. Bogwa ebwadedasi bitavagisa wotetila kwevakhavekha deli goli matuwa paisewa pela litudayasa. Gabena Lakhatu-ula: Government Budget Appropriation Khadayuwelaga keda lagigisi makhadewenala sena mipwai deli semiya – pela bogwa makhala kuigakhesa khami sawa titolemi, taga mwadala pela tomota komwedodasi! Tevilemi besa tuta bogwa wala levagi kibila udami pela mwada khalamani makhasana K1.5m kwetala tetu. Vakhela tomota leiyogagi dubami deli goli miCandidates, pela mwada khegiya valu la projects gala, mwada khegiya wala mikamkwam. Vakhela minanamsa mwada Gabena bogwa lekatupari khegiyela khomlagela – mwada makhala Gabena la bunukwa yokwami e, besa biuvakham wala! Biga mokwita alukwemi Gabena ola budget tetu tetu gala sitana ikatupari gulatala mani pela wala tomotela Kilivila sikomlagela. Avakha letugwari ola budget besa pela wala laprojects, support grants, bitalivala pela tomota sikabosisu khala pilasi.
17 UJesu wakhuluma izinto lezi wasephakamisa amehlo akhe wakhangela ezulwini wathi: “Baba, isikhathi sesifikile.* Khazimulisa indodana yakho ukuze indodana yakho ikukhazimulise, 2 njengoba nje uyiphe amandla phezu kwabo bonke abantu* ukuthi ibaphe ukuphila okungapheliyo bonke obanike yona. 3 Ukuze bathole ukuphila okungapheliyo, kumele bakwazi* wena onguwe wedwa uNkulunkulu weqiniso lalowo omthumileyo, uJesu Khristu. 4 Ngikukhazimulisile emhlabeni, ngiwuqedile umsebenzi obungiphe wona. 5 Khathesi-ke Baba, ngikhazimulisa eceleni kwakho ngenkazimulo engangilayo ngiseceleni kwakho umhlaba ungakabi khona. 6 “Sengenze laziwa* ibizo lakho ebantwini owangipha bona emhlabeni. Babengabakho wangipha bona, njalo baligcinile* ilizwi lakho. 7 Khathesi sebekwazi ukuthi zonke izinto owangipha zona zivela kuwe, 8 ngoba sengibaphile amazwi owanginika wona njalo bawamukele. Sebekwazi mhlophe ukuthi ngabuya ngingummeli wakho futhi bayakholwa ukuthi ungithumile. 9 Ngiyabacelela; kangiceleli umhlaba kodwa ngicelela labo ongiphe bona ngoba bangabakho. 10 Zonke izinto zami ngezakho, lezakho ngezami njalo sengikhazinyulisiwe kubo. 11 “Kangisekho emhlabeni kodwa bona basemhlabeni, mina sengisiza kuwe. Baba Ongcwele, bakhangele ngenxa yebizo lakho ongiphe lona ukuze babe munye* njengoba nje lathi simunye.* 12 Ngiseselabo bengibakhangele ngenxa yebizo lakho ongiphe lona. Bengibavikela njalo kakho loyedwa wabo oselahlekile ngaphandle kwendodana yokubhujiswa, ukuze umbhalo ugcwaliseke. 13 Kodwa khathesi ngiza kuwe futhi ngikhuluma izinto lezi emhlabeni ukuze intokozo yami ipheleliswe kubo. 14 Ngibaphile ilizwi lakho kodwa umhlaba ubazondile ngoba kabasibo bomhlaba njengoba nje lami ngingayisuye womhlaba. 15 “Angiceli ukuthi ubasuse emhlabeni kodwa engikucelayo yikuthi ubakhangele ngenxa yomubi. 16 Kabasibo bomhlaba njengoba nje lami ngingayisuye womhlaba. 17 Bangcwelise* ngeqiniso, ilizwi lakho liliqiniso. 18 Ngibathumile emhlabeni njengoba lawe wangithuma emhlabeni. 19 Ngiyazingcwelisa ngenxa yabo ukuze labo bangcweliswe ngeqiniso. 20 “Kodwa kangiceleli bona kuphela, ngicelela lalabo abathi bangezwa ilizwi labo babe lokholo kimi, 21 ukuze bonke babe munye njengoba wena Baba umunye lami, lami ngimunye lawe. Ngifuna babe munye lathi ukuze umhlaba ukholwe ukuthi ungithumile. 22 Ngibaphe inkazimulo onginike yona ukuze babe munye njengoba lathi simunye, 23 mina ngibe munye labo, lawe ube munye lami ukwenzela ukuthi bamanyane ngokupheleleyo ukuze umhlaba ukwazi ukuthi ungithumile lokuthi ubathandile njengoba nje ungithandile. 24 Baba, ngifuna ukuthi ongiphe bona babe lami lapho engikhona ukuze babone inkazimulo yami ongiphe yona ngoba wangithanda umhlaba ungakasungulwa. 25 Baba Olungileyo, umhlaba kawukwazi sibili ukuthi ungubani, kodwa mina ngiyakwazi njalo laba sebekwazi ukuthi ungithumile. 26 Sengenze balazi ibizo lakho njalo ngizalenza laziwe ukuze uthando owangithanda ngalo lube kubo, lami ngibe munye labo.”
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GENERATIONS NOLUNTU is worried about Mnqobi’s safe­ ty. Khethiwe demands to know the truth about her lover’s past. Jabulani says it’s time to turn to the prophet for help. Priska reveals her true feelings to Nicholas. Ngamla tells the family about his long lost son. Scott finds out he was set up. Dirty Harry challenges MJ to a sparring session. Having sex at the office is a great way to get rid of stress. Xolani reveals his next sur­ prise to horrified Ruby. Patrick comes up with a crafty plan to get what he wants. Senzounwittinglymakesasituationworse by saying all the wrong things. Akhona de­ cides Scott can go to hell, she’ll do things onherown.Nicholasisouttoscorebrownie points with his ex. Choppa is stunned to hear about the latest development in his best friend’s life. A carefully planned ro­ mantic dinner goes very badly wrong. ISIDINGO BRADLEY struggles to deal with the ad­ vances of Joanne the journalist. Calvin pays a visit to his Uncle in a bid to seek clo­ sure. Zeb finds Facepage can be socially awkward as he reaches out to unlikely can­ didates in a bid to find more friends. Brad­ ley becomes obsessed with seeking justice for Charlie. Calvin is presented with the op­ portunityofalifetime.Zebfindsanunlikely new best friend. The Deep is led to believe that Brad was responsible for the fight with Sechaba. Calvin prepares to leave for Europe, although it’s clear that he has not recovered from his kidnapping ordeal. In­ fluenced by Sechaba, Zeb decides to keep his growing friendship with Eddie under wraps. Will Brad survive his disciplinary hearing? Calvin is not really coping with his
sometimes it kills me when i write a post recapping the weekend. why? because that means the weekend is over and it's monday. boo hiss. anyone read the favorites on a friday from last week? i failed to mention all the unfavorite things that began before the weekend. lucky for you, it provides great content for a bahumbug monday post, haha. last thursday i left for my lunch break to head home and pack for our weekend getaway. after a couple of minutes into my drive, my car went crazy. it started vibrating, sputtering, and had trouble accelerating up a small hill. all i could think about was the time we had transmission issues with my old car thus, panic filled my entire body. this show biz is all right!. vicki and rick have seven children, three married & nine grandchildren. all five of her sons were altar servers at los angeles area latin masses with fr. vicki was active with una voce los angeles and served as vice president.
ngisho intombi yakwazulu, smomondiya sakwazulu, wena muntu wasemazweni, ezigodini zakwa zulu lena komama ongemama, kamhlaba uyalingana lena kwandaba zabantu, ngisho wena nduku enhle egawulwa ngamazw' amnandi, wena manzam' toti angaphuzwa izishimane, nami nje sengizidel' amathambo ngath' angithath' ithami nje libe linye ngike zidelis' ngalomoya oshaya lapha eduze kwakho, yima phela ntombi musa ukubaleka, ngizothi thansi nje ngamazwi ambalwa, sengikubhekabheke izikhathi ezimbalwa engingathi uma ngizibala ngingaze ngiphelelwe iminwe, ngithe ngisakubhekile ngaye ngahlaselwa nawudlame lokubalekelwa amagama, ngithe uma ngithumela amehlo ami kulesisidumbu sakho ngashaywa uvalo, ngabhaklazwa inzululwane ngabona amalulwane emini ilanga libalele, sengibaleke ngath galo yephuka sengikhathele izinsizi zobushimane, ngincede muntuza ngikuthathe siye kwelakithi kankomo kayixoshwa zibe ziningi ziswel' abelusi. sengilinde iminyaka nezinyanga nezinsuku ngishaya lesisithingithingi, izitimela zima zidlula zigcwala phambi kwahlo ami, amathemba ami asehleli lapho emahlombe akho, sengingasho nje ngamafuphi ngithi ulithemba lami, mbali yami enhle, muthunzi wami wokuphumula, bambo lwami, nduku yami enhle yakwazulu ezizweni, ntokazi yomzulu, yazi uma ngikubheka umile umomotheka, ngizwa ngivukelwa amadlingosi kuze kuthi angithi azibuyele emasisweni sidle ngoludala, kuye kuthi angikuthwale siduke nezwe, angikaze ngibe sepharadise futh angikaze ngidize, kodwa nje ngizibona ngindiza nawe siya epharadise, ngize ngifise nje ukuth siqale phansi impilo, wena ube u eva mina ngibe udamu ensimini yase edeni, sihlale sobabili sidlale ezihlahleni sikudele okomhlaba nezinsizi zakuli elikamthaniya, ntokazi yomzulu, nasekhaya impela bengathokoza, sebebona indodana yolahleko ibuya isilutholile ubambo lwayo, bamba isandla sami ngike ngizwe ubunofonofo baleso sandla, woza siye laphayana eshashalazini udanse nami, ngibheke emehlweni ami ungitshele nje amagama amnandi, hlala lapha eduze kwami ulamele esifubeni sami, ulalel' ukubalisa kwenhliziyo yami awu kodwa mntanomuntu ungenzani, wangithatha la wangibeka lana wangisusa lana wangibeka lana, aw kodwa ntokazi yakwa zulu. nakhona kwazulu impela sebezolala ngenxeba ozulumama, impela ngiyakweba mbali enhle, ngiyohlobisa ngawe le kamhlaba uhlosile, nginezinhloso ngawe mina ngihlabahlosile angihlosile ukudlala ngawe, ngithi ngiyakuthatha sisi ndihamba nawe, bamba nasi isandla sami sijubalale njengezinyoni zezulu, asinyamalale sihambe siyokwakha elethu izulu, ntokazi yakwazulu mina nawe sizophelela ekupheleni komhlaba ntombi yakwazulu. awethu amathemba azosala esibhakabhakeni, azohlotshiswa ngezinkanyezi zezulu, zinde nalezo zindlela engazihamba ngiya kwazulu. mathe amnandi masiqabulane, ndebe zimandi zingiconcis' amathe, ze kuthi angikubambe khona laph' esindlangalaleni ngithi nje manqa, mlomo mnandi othetha amagama amnandi, akitaz' imizwa yami ngigcine sengiphimisa sengithi ngiyakuthanda ntokazi.
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medical, more radiology, www.my--rad.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain my--rad.com then click here!relevant topics: my, rad, my rad, health, medical, my rad, www.my--radiology.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain my--radiology.com then click here!relevant topics: my, radiology, my radiology, health, medical, my radiology, www.myrad.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain myrad.org then click here!relevant topics: my, rad, my rad, health, medical, my rad, www.myradiology.euif you want to rent or to buy the domain myradiology.eu then click here!relevant topics: my, radiology, my radiology, health, medical, my radiology, www.myradiology.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain myradiology.info then click here!relevant topics: my, radiology, my radiology , health, medical, my radiology , www.myradiology.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain myradiology.org then click here!relevant topics: my, radiology, my radiology , health, medical, my radiology , www.myradiologyworld.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain myradiologyworld.com then click here!relevant topics: my, radiology, world, my radiology world, education, academics, my radiology world, www.neuro--radiology.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain neuro--radiology.com then click here!relevant topics: neuro, radiology, neuro radiology, health, medical, neuro radiology, www.neuro--radiology.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain neuro--radiology.info then click here!relevant topics: neuro, radiology, neuro radiology, health, medical, neuro radiology, www.neuro--radiology.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain neuro--radiology.net then click here!relevant topics: neuro, radiology, neuro radiology, health, medical, neuro radiology, www.neuro--radiology.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain neuro--radiology.org then click here!relevant topics: neuro, radiology, neuro radiology, health, medical, neuro radiology, www.neurorad.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain neurorad.info then click here!relevant topics: neuro, rad, neuro rad, education, academics, neuro rad, www.oncall--radiology.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain oncall--radiology.com then click here!relevant topics: on, call, radiology, on call radiology, health, medical, on call radiology, www.oncallradiology.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain oncallradiology.com then click here!relevant topics: on, call, radiology, on call radiology, health, medical, on call radiology, www.oncallradiology.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain oncallradiology.info then click here!relevant topics: oncall, radiology, oncall radiology, health, medical, oncall radiology, www.oncallradiology.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain oncallradiology.net then click here!relevant topics: oncall, radiology, oncall radiology, health, medical, oncall radiology, www.oncallradiology.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain oncallradiology.org then click here!relevant topics: oncall, radiology, oncall radiology, health, medical, oncall radiology, www.onlineradiology.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain onlineradiology.info then click here!relevant topics: online, radiology, online radiology, health, medical, online radiology, www.palmradiology.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain palmradiology.com then click here!relevant topics: palm, radiology, palm radiology, health, medical, palm radiology, www.pcradiology.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain pcradiology.com then click here!relevant topics: pc, radiology, pc radiology, health, medical, pc radiology, www.pdarad.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain pdarad.net then click here!relevant topics: pda, rad, pda rad, health, medical, pda rad, www.pdaradiology.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain pdaradiology.com then click here!relevant topics: pda, radiology, pda radiology, technology, pda & mini devices, pda radiology, www.pediatric--radiology.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain pediatric--radiology.com then click here!relevant topics: pediatric, radiology, pediatric radiology, health, medical, pediatric radiology, www.pediatric--radiology.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain pediatric--radiology.info then click here!relevant topics: pediatric, radiology, pediatric radiology, health, medical, pediatric radiology, www.pediatric--radiology.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain pediatric--radiology.net then click here!relevant topics: pediatric, radiology, pediatric radiology, health, medical, pediatric radiology, www.pediatric--radiology.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain pediatric--radiology.org then click here!relevant topics: pediatric, radiology, pediatric radiology, health, medical, pediatric radiology, www.pediatricradiology.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain pediatricradiology.org then click here!relevant topics: pediatric, radiology, pediatric radiology, health, medical, pediatric radiology, www.pediatricradiology.usif you want to rent or to buy the domain pediatricradiology.us then click here!relevant topics: pediatric, radiology, pediatric radiology, health, medical, pediatric radiology, www.pediatricradiologyinfo.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain pediatricradiologyinfo.com then click here!relevant topics: pediatric, radiology, info, pediatric radiology info, health, medical, pediatric radiology info, www.pediatricradiologynet.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain pediatricradiologynet.com then click here!relevant topics: pediatric, radiology, net, pediatric radiology net, health, medical, pediatric radiology net, www.pocketpcradiology.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain pocketpcradiology.com then click here!relevant topics: pocketpc, radiology, pocketpc radiology, health, medical, pocketpc radiology, www.pubrad.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain pubrad.net then click here!relevant topics: pub, rad, pub rad, education, academics, pub rad, www.pubrad.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain pubrad.org then click here!relevant topics: pub, rad, pub rad, education, academics, pub rad, www.pureradiology.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain pureradiology.com then click here!relevant topics: pure, radiology, pure radiology, health, medical, pure radiology, www.quickirad.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain quickirad.com then click here!relevant topics: quicki, rad, quicki rad, health, medical, quicki rad, www.rad--dx.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain rad--dx.com then click here!relevant topics: rad, dx, rad dx, health, medical, rad dx, www.radblizz.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radblizz.com then click here!relevant topics: rad, blizz, rad blizz, health, medical, rad blizz, www.radblizz.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radblizz.net then click here!relevant topics: rad, blizz, rad blizz, health, medical, rad blizz, www.radcyclopedia.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radcyclopedia.com then click here!relevant topics: radcyclopedia, radcyclopedia, health, medical, radcyclopedia, www.raddx.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain raddx.com then click here!relevant topics: rad, dx, rad dx, health, medical, rad dx, www.raddx.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain raddx.info then click here!relevant topics: rad, dx, rad dx, health, medical, rad dx, www.raddx.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain raddx.net then click here!relevant topics: rad, dx, rad dx, health, medical, rad dx, www.raddx.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain raddx.org then click here!relevant topics: rad, dx, rad dx, health, medical, rad dx, www.radexperts.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radexperts.net then click here!relevant topics: rad, experts, rad, expert, rad experts, health, medical, rad experts, www.radio--atlas.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radio--atlas.com then click here!relevant topics: radio, atlas, radio, atla, radio atlas, health, medical, radio atlas, www.radiographs.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiographs.info then click here!relevant topics: radiographs, radiograph, radiographs, health, medical, radiographs, www.radiological--cases.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiological--cases.com then click here!relevant topics: radiological, cases, radiological, case, radiological cases, health, medical, radiological cases, www.radiologicalatlas.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologicalatlas.com then click here!relevant topics: radiological, atlas, radiological, atla, radiological atlas, health, medical, radiological atlas, www.radiologicalcases.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologicalcases.com then click here!relevant topics: radiological, cases, radiological, case, radiological cases, health, medical, radiological cases, www.radiologie--atlas.deif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologie--atlas.de then click here!relevant topics: radiologie, 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radiologie suche, education, academics, radiologie suche, www.radiologist.nameif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologist.name then click here!relevant topics: radiologist, radiologist, health, medical, radiologist, www.radiologistnet.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologistnet.com then click here!relevant topics: radiologist, net, radiologist net, health, medical, radiologist net, www.radiologists.nameif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologists.name then click here!relevant topics: radiologists, radiologist, radiologists, health, medical, radiologists, www.radiology--articles.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--articles.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, articles, radiology, article, radiology articles, health, medical, radiology articles, www.radiology--atlas.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--atlas.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, atlas, radiology, atla, radiology atlas, health, 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health, medical, radiology case reports, www.radiology--cases.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--cases.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, cases, radiology, case, radiology cases, health, medical, radiology cases, www.radiology--elearning.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--elearning.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, e, learning, radiology e learning, health, medical, radiology e learning, www.radiology--exams.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--exams.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, exams, radiology, exam, radiology exams, health, medical, radiology exams, www.radiology--facts.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--facts.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, facts, radiology, fact, radiology facts, health, medical, radiology facts, www.radiology--forum.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--forum.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, forum, radiology forum, health, medical, radiology forum, www.radiology--info.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--info.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, info, radiology info, health, medical, radiology info, www.radiology--information.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--information.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, information, radiology information, health, medical, radiology information, www.radiology--information.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--information.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, information, radiology information, health, medical, radiology information, www.radiology--information.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--information.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, information, radiology information, health, medical, radiology information, www.radiology--journal.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--journal.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, journal, radiology journal, health, medical, radiology journal, www.radiology--journals.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--journals.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, journals, radiology, journal, radiology journals, health, medical, radiology journals, www.radiology--learning.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--learning.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, learning, radiology learning, health, medical, radiology learning, www.radiology--marketing.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--marketing.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, marketing, radiology marketing, health, medical, radiology marketing, www.radiology--net.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--net.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, net, radiology net, health, medical, radiology net, www.radiology--news.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--news.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, news, radiology, new, radiology news, health, medical, radiology news, www.radiology--olympics.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--olympics.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, olympics, radiology, olympic, radiology olympics, health, medical, radiology olympics, www.radiology--olympics.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--olympics.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, olympics, radiology, olympic, radiology olympics, health, medical, radiology olympics, www.radiology--olympics.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--olympics.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, olympics, radiology, olympic, radiology olympics, health, medical, radiology olympics, www.radiology--olympics.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--olympics.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, olympics, radiology, olympic, radiology olympics, health, medical, radiology olympics, www.radiology--oncall.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--oncall.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, on, call, radiology on call, health, medical, radiology on call, www.radiology--online.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--online.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, online, radiology online, health, medical, radiology online, www.radiology--online.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--online.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, online, radiology online, health, medical, radiology online, www.radiology--online.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--online.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, online, radiology online, health, medical, radiology online, www.radiology--online.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--online.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, online, radiology online, health, medical, radiology online, www.radiology--residency.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--residency.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, residency, radiology residency, health, medical, radiology residency, www.radiology--resident.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--resident.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, resident, radiology resident, health, medical, radiology resident, www.radiology--residents.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--residents.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, residents, radiology, resident, radiology residents, health, medical, radiology residents, www.radiology--search.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--search.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, search, radiology search, health, medical, radiology search, www.radiology--search.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--search.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, search, radiology search, health, medical, radiology search, www.radiology--searching.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--searching.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, searching, radiology searching, health, medical, radiology searching, www.radiology--society.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--society.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, society, radiology society, health, medical, radiology society, www.radiology--society.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--society.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, society, radiology society, health, medical, radiology society, www.radiology--society.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--society.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, society, radiology society, health, medical, radiology society, www.radiology--students.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--students.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, students, radiology, student, radiology students, health, medical, radiology students, www.radiology--tutorials.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--tutorials.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, tutorials, radiology, tutorial, radiology tutorials, health, medical, radiology tutorials, www.radiology--tv.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--tv.net then click here!relevant topics: , r, a, d, i, o, l, o, g, y, , , t, v, r a d i o l o g y t v , health, medical, r a d i o l o g y t v , www.radiology--videos.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology--videos.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, videos, radiology, video, radiology videos, health, medical, radiology videos, www.radiology101.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology101.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology101, radiology101, health, medical, radiology101, www.radiology123.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology123.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology123, radiology123, health, medical, radiology123, www.radiology911.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiology911.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology911, radiology911, health, medical, radiology911, www.radiologyabstracts.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyabstracts.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, abstracts, radiology, abstract, radiology abstracts, education, academics, radiology abstracts, www.radiologyadvance.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyadvance.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, advance, radiology advance, health, medical, radiology advance, www.radiologyadvanced.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyadvanced.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, advanced, radiology advanced, health, medical, radiology advanced, www.radiologyanswer.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyanswer.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, answer, radiology answer, business, services, radiology answer, www.radiologyanswers.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyanswers.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, answers, radiology, answer, radiology answers, health, medical, radiology answers, www.radiologyarticle.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyarticle.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, article, radiology article, health, medical, radiology article, www.radiologyarticles.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyarticles.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, articles, radiology, article, radiology articles, health, medical, radiology articles, www.radiologyarts.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyarts.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, arts, radiology, art, radiology arts, health, medical, radiology arts, www.radiologyassociate.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyassociate.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, associate, radiology associate, health, medical, radiology associate, www.radiologyatlas.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyatlas.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, atlas, radiology, atla, radiology atlas, health, medical, radiology atlas, www.radiologyatlas.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyatlas.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, atlas, radiology, atla, radiology atlas, health, medical, radiology atlas, www.radiologyauctions.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyauctions.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, auctions, radiology, auction, radiology auctions, health, medical, radiology auctions, www.radiologyauctions.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyauctions.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, auctions, radiology, auction, radiology auctions, health, medical, radiology auctions, www.radiologyauthor.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyauthor.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, author, radiology author, health, medical, radiology author, www.radiologyauthors.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyauthors.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, authors, radiology, author, radiology authors, health, medical, radiology authors, www.radiologyboards.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyboards.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, boards, radiology, board, radiology boards, health, medical, radiology boards, www.radiologyboards.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyboards.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, boards, radiology, board, radiology boards, health, medical, radiology boards, www.radiologybook.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologybook.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, book, radiology book, health, medical, radiology book, www.radiologybooks.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologybooks.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, books, radiology, book, radiology books, health, medical, radiology books, www.radiologycall.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycall.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, call, radiology call, health, medical, radiology call, www.radiologycalls.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycalls.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, calls, radiology, call, radiology calls, health, medical, radiology calls, www.radiologycareer.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycareer.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, career, radiology career, health, medical, radiology career, www.radiologycareer.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycareer.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, career, radiology career, health, medical, radiology career, www.radiologycareer.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycareer.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, career, radiology career, health, medical, radiology career, www.radiologycase.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycase.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, case, radiology case, health, medical, radiology case, www.radiologycase.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycase.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, case, radiology case, health, medical, radiology case, www.radiologycase.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycase.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, case, radiology case, health, medical, radiology case, www.radiologycase.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycase.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, case, radiology case, health, medical, radiology case, www.radiologycasereport.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycasereport.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, casereport, radiology casereport, health, medical, radiology casereport, www.radiologycasereport.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycasereport.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, case, report, radiology case report, health, medical, radiology case report, www.radiologycasereview.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycasereview.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, case, review, radiology case review, health, medical, radiology case review, www.radiologycasereviews.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycasereviews.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, case, reviews, radiology, case, review, radiology case reviews, health, medical, radiology case reviews, www.radiologycases.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycases.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, cases, radiology, case, radiology cases, health, medical, radiology cases, www.radiologycases.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycases.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, 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radiology city, www.radiologycoach.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycoach.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, coach, radiology coach, health, medical, radiology coach, www.radiologycommunity.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologycommunity.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, community, radiology community, health, medical, radiology community, www.radiologyconference.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyconference.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, conference, radiology conference, health, medical, radiology conference, www.radiologyconference.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyconference.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, conference, radiology conference, health, medical, radiology conference, www.radiologyconference.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyconference.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, conference, radiology conference, 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www.radiologyforresidents.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyforresidents.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, for, residents, radiology, for, resident, radiology for residents, health, medical, radiology for residents, www.radiologyforum.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyforum.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, forum, radiology forum, health, medical, radiology forum, www.radiologyforum.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyforum.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, forum, radiology forum, internet, portals, radiology forum, www.radiologyforum.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyforum.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, forum, radiology forum, internet, portals, radiology forum, www.radiologyforums.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyforums.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, forums, radiology, forum, radiology forums, health, general, radiology forums, www.radiologyforums.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyforums.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, forums, radiology, forum, radiology forums, health, medical, radiology forums, www.radiologyforyou.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyforyou.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, for, you, radiology for you, health, medical, radiology for you, www.radiologyforyou.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyforyou.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, for, you, radiology for you, health, medical, radiology for you, www.radiologyforyou.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyforyou.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, for, you, radiology for you, health, medical, radiology for you, www.radiologyfriend.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyfriend.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, friend, radiology friend, health, medical, radiology friend, www.radiologyfriends.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyfriends.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, friends, radiology, friend, radiology friends, health, medical, radiology friends, www.radiologygems.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologygems.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, gems, radiology, gem, radiology gems, health, medical, radiology gems, www.radiologyglobal.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyglobal.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, global, radiology global, health, medical, radiology global, www.radiologygold.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologygold.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, gold, radiology gold, health, medical, radiology gold, www.radiologyhelp.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyhelp.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, help, radiology help, health, medical, radiology help, www.radiologyhelp.infoif you want to rent or 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topics: radiology, indepth, radiology indepth, health, medical, radiology indepth, www.radiologyinformatics.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyinformatics.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, informatics, radiology, informatic, radiology informatics, health, medical, radiology informatics, www.radiologyinformation.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyinformation.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, information, radiology information, health, medical, radiology information, www.radiologyinformation.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyinformation.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, information, radiology information, health, medical, radiology information, www.radiologyinternational.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyinternational.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, international, radiology international, education, academics, radiology international, www.radiologyjob.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyjob.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, job, radiology job, business, employment, radiology job, www.radiologyjob.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyjob.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, job, radiology job, business, employment, radiology job, www.radiologyjob.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyjob.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, job, radiology job, business, employment, radiology job, www.radiologyjobs.bizif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyjobs.biz then click here!relevant topics: radiology, jobs, radiology, job, radiology jobs, health, medical, radiology jobs, www.radiologyjournal.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyjournal.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, journal, radiology journal, health, medical, radiology journal, www.radiologyjournal.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyjournal.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, journal, radiology journal, health, medical, radiology journal, www.radiologyjournals.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyjournals.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, journals, radiology, journal, radiology journals, health, medical, radiology journals, www.radiologyjournals.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyjournals.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, journals, radiology, journal, radiology journals, health, medical, radiology journals, www.radiologylearning.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologylearning.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, learning, radiology learning, health, medical, radiology learning, www.radiologylearning.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologylearning.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, learning, radiology learning, health, medical, radiology learning, www.radiologylearning.netif you 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www.radiologymeetings.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologymeetings.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, meetings, radiology, meeting, radiology meetings, health, medical, radiology meetings, www.radiologymeetings.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologymeetings.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, meetings, radiology, meeting, radiology meetings, health, medical, radiology meetings, www.radiologymentor.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologymentor.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, mentor, radiology mentor, health, medical, radiology mentor, www.radiologymuseum.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologymuseum.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, museum, radiology museum, health, medical, radiology museum, www.radiologynet.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologynet.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, net, radiology net, health, medical, radiology net, www.radiologynet.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologynet.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, net, radiology net, health, medical, radiology net, www.radiologynetwork.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologynetwork.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, network, radiology network, education, academics, radiology network, www.radiologynightshift.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologynightshift.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, nightshift, radiology nightshift, health, medical, radiology nightshift, www.radiologyolympics.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyolympics.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, olympics, radiology, olympic, radiology olympics, health, medical, radiology olympics, www.radiologyolympics.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyolympics.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, olympics, radiology, olympic, radiology olympics, health, medical, radiology olympics, www.radiologyolympics.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyolympics.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, olympics, radiology, olympic, radiology olympics, health, medical, radiology olympics, www.radiologyolympics.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyolympics.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, olympics, radiology, olympic, radiology olympics, health, medical, radiology olympics, www.radiologyoncall.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyoncall.info then click here!relevant topics: radiologyoncall, radiologyoncall, health, medical, radiologyoncall, www.radiologyoncall.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyoncall.net then click here!relevant topics: radiologyoncall, radiologyoncall, health, medical, radiologyoncall, www.radiologyoncall.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyoncall.org then click here!relevant topics: radiologyoncall, radiologyoncall, health, 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www.radiologypartner.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologypartner.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, partner, radiology partner, business, services, radiology partner, www.radiologypedia.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologypedia.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, pedia, radiology pedia, health, medical, radiology pedia, www.radiologypedia.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologypedia.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, pedia, radiology pedia, health, medical, radiology pedia, www.radiologypedia.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologypedia.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, pedia, radiology pedia, health, medical, radiology pedia, www.radiologypedia.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologypedia.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, pedia, radiology pedia, health, medical, radiology pedia, www.radiologypodcast.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologypodcast.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, podcast, radiology podcast, health, medical, radiology podcast, www.radiologypodcasts.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologypodcasts.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, podcasts, radiology, podcast, radiology podcasts, health, medical, radiology podcasts, www.radiologypro.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologypro.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, pro, radiology pro, health, medical, radiology pro, www.radiologypro.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologypro.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, pro, radiology pro, health, medical, radiology pro, www.radiologypro.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologypro.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, pro, radiology pro, health, medical, radiology pro, www.radiologyprofessional.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyprofessional.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, professional, radiology professional, health, medical, radiology professional, www.radiologyprogram.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyprogram.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, program, radiology program, health, medical, radiology program, www.radiologyprogram.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyprogram.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, program, radiology program, health, medical, radiology program, www.radiologypros.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologypros.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, pros, radiology, pro, radiology pros, health, medical, radiology pros, www.radiologyprotocols.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyprotocols.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, protocols, radiology, protocol, radiology protocols, health, medical, radiology protocols, www.radiologyquestions.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyquestions.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, questions, radiology, question, radiology questions, health, medical, radiology questions, www.radiologyquiz.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyquiz.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, quiz, radiology quiz, health, medical, radiology quiz, www.radiologyradiology.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyradiology.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, radiology, radiology radiology , health, medical, radiology radiology , www.radiologyrecalls.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyrecalls.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, recalls, radiology, recall, radiology recalls, health, medical, radiology recalls, www.radiologyresident.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyresident.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, resident, radiology resident, health, medical, radiology resident, www.radiologyresident.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyresident.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, resident, radiology resident, health, medical, radiology resident, www.radiologyreviews.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyreviews.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, reviews, radiology, review, radiology reviews, health, medical, radiology reviews, www.radiologyrotation.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyrotation.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, rotation, radiology rotation, health, medical, radiology rotation, www.radiologyrotations.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyrotations.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, rotations, radiology, rotation, radiology rotations, health, medical, radiology rotations, www.radiologyschool.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyschool.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, school, radiology school, health, medical, radiology school, www.radiologyschools.netif you want to 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domain radiologysigns.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, signs, radiology, sign, radiology signs, health, medical, radiology signs, www.radiologysigns.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysigns.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, signs, radiology, sign, radiology signs, health, medical, radiology signs, www.radiologysigns.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysigns.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, signs, radiology, sign, radiology signs, health, medical, radiology signs, www.radiologysigns.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysigns.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, signs, radiology, sign, radiology signs, health, medical, radiology signs, www.radiologysolution.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysolution.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, solution, radiology solution, business, services, radiology solution, www.radiologysource.infoif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysource.info then click here!relevant topics: radiology, source, radiology source, health, medical, radiology source, www.radiologysource.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysource.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, source, radiology source, health, medical, radiology source, www.radiologysources.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysources.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, sources, radiology, source, radiology sources, health, medical, radiology sources, www.radiologystudents.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologystudents.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, students, radiology, student, radiology students, health, medical, radiology students, www.radiologysuccess.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysuccess.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, success, radiology, succes, radiology success, health, medical, radiology success, www.radiologysupport.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologysupport.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, support, radiology support, health, medical, radiology support, www.radiologytalk.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytalk.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, talk, radiology talk, health, medical, radiology talk, www.radiologyteacher.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyteacher.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, teacher, radiology teacher, health, medical, radiology teacher, www.radiologyteaching.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyteaching.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, teaching, radiology teaching, health, medical, radiology teaching, www.radiologyteachingfiles.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologyteachingfiles.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, teachingfiles, radiology, teachingfile, radiology teachingfiles, education, academics, radiology teachingfiles, www.radiologytextbook.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytextbook.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, textbook, radiology textbook, health, medical, radiology textbook, www.radiologytextbooks.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytextbooks.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, textbooks, radiology, textbook, radiology textbooks, health, medical, radiology textbooks, www.radiologytools.netif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytools.net then click here!relevant topics: radiology, tools, radiology, tool, radiology tools, health, medical, radiology tools, www.radiologytools.orgif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytools.org then click here!relevant topics: radiology, tools, radiology, tool, radiology tools, health, medical, radiology tools, www.radiologytrainer.comif you want to rent or to buy the domain radiologytrainer.com then click here!relevant topics: radiology, trainer, radiology 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Keep your family and pets safe from rabies THE recent outbreak of rabies in South Africa has brought to light how terrible this disease is and how as pet parents we need to be vigilant to keep our families safe. Rabies is a 100% preventable disease, yet 55 000 people around the world die every year from the disease. Several major health organisations, including World Health Organization (WHO), World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), have pledged to eliminate human deaths from dog-transmitted rabies by 2030. As pet parents, the first step we can take in helping to make this happen is to vaccinate our pets. Cats and dogs should be vaccinated against rabies at three months and then receive a booster one to nine months later. Thereafter, they should receive the vaccination annually, unless your vet advises differently. In South Africa it is law that pets are vaccinated against rabies and as a pet parent it is your responsibility to ensure this happens. However, in many cases the real danger is in stray or feral pets and sadly it’s our children who are most at risk. Rabies is transmitted most often by being bitten or scratched by an infected animal, however, in rare cases it can even come from being licked by an infected animal. If you suspect that you have been infected, you should immediately flush and wash the wound for a minimum of 15 minutes with warm water and disinfectant, thereafter seek immediate medical attention. Advise the doctor of your suspicion, as they will not only notify the relevant authorities but will also administer the correct treatment protocol. Unfortunately if you wait to get medical attention and the rabies symptoms set in, the disease will be fatal. Dr. Guy Fyvie, Nutritional Adviser at Hill’s Pet Nutrition, South Africa provides some tips on how to stay safe during a rabies outbreak: •Children under the age of 15 makeup 40% of the reported cases of being bitten by a suspected rabies infected animal, it is important to warn your children of the risks of in-
@ melikaya – ngiyakuzwa. ngendlela oyibeka ngayo,if u say oomadzikane oozulu ababhacile n dat laba abayinzalo ka xesibe bango xesibe ababhacile it mind dt kwa bhaca da is no king bt kings”amakhosi”,coz no wushe uzothi naye ungu wushe obhacile,nomjoli athi ngujoli obhacile.in dt way dis emphasizes da statement of da 1st writer owabhala ngamabhaca ukuthi da monarchy system of bhacas consist of kings bt nt a kiing.kufanele siqaphele ukuthi ababhali mabakhuluma ngamabhaca,dey say “amazelemu” madzikane’s father’s tribe ws knw as abakwa zelemu bt nt zulu n dt after ‘he’madzikane united multitudes after fleeing”bhaca” hs tribe zelemis wer nw known as bhacas.so dis is a misunderstanding ngesiduko sabantu baka madzikane,yes dey claim zulu as isiduko sabo bt indida wukuthi u wl hear dem saying ka dlungwane ka ndaba which coziz mor confusion coz udlungwane ushaka.da 1st write could hv said “hs father’s tribe ws knw as abakwa zulu oolufulwenja den dt makes sense bcz dey r of lufulwenja ka mageba ka zulu n dt da other zulu is of ndaba ka mageba ka zulu.dis coz is a confession by dem amabhaca wakithi ngokuthi ugobiswano said madzikane ka zulu or due it min dt ugobiswano wabusa isinyanya uzulu to da house of zelemu?.n if all bhacas wl call demselvs…….obhacile den it mind all tribes in bhacaland r independent bt if bhaca is name of da major tribe”zelemu” in bhacaland den da is no independents @ all,all tribes r under bhaca” zelemu” wer is being independent if u r under sam1?. my question is y is that wen u read abt amabhaca history da writers allwyz emphasizes dt gobiswano’s father’s tribe @ 1st it ws called abakwazelemu bt nt a”abakwazulu” ubuyaphi lo zulu? yikho inkulumo ithi “badabuka/sidabuka/seperated”,den if u seperate from sam1,r still going to b referred by dt person? i say no n dts y abakwawushe never call zulu as isiduko sabo n also oombatha,biyela,ntshangase,hlunga dnt use uzulu as isiduko sabo bt bcoz dey r clans dt r under zulu tribe dey only call demselvs zulu by nation/ tribe.dowz r my thought s
Yebo kunjalo! Umsebenzi wami ngaphandle kokungabaza okusunguliwe wami omkhulu kuze kube manje. I nje ngaqaphela ukuthi yonke imisebenzi ejwayelekile Ngike ngaba ziye zabulala ugqozi lwami. Ngangicabanga ukuthi uma nje ngingabekezela ngiqhubeke kwaphoqa ngokwami ​​nzima futhi wafaka ngaphezulu ngokwami ​​angena kuwo it ngisendleleni babe fun more, kodwa mina nje abakwazanga ukuthola inhlansi efanayo njengoba ngesikhathi ngisebenza ku ngamaprojekthi ami siqu. Ngakho ngashintsha isu yami futhi esikhundleni sokuzama ukusunduza ngokwami ​​efolomeni ukuthi akazange kuyavumelana ngempela, Ngilokhu ngicabanga nje zama ukushintsha isikhunta. Ngayeka e San Francisco, yaphindela Stockholm, waphila 0.5 GB kwemininingwane inyanga nje wazama ukukhulula isikhathi esiningi ngangokunokwenzeka ukuze ukusebenza ezintweni ngineminyaka fun ngacabanga. Kwakungeyona neze plan yami ngokuthi izinto zaziyoba akhumule kubenza babe, Ngangifuna ukuba ngisebenzele ezintweni Izinto ngineminyaka alikhuthalele, futhi kubonakala sengathi abanye abantu babeshiseka kakhulu nabo!
not a bad fixture at all, but it does feel a little too flexible at times. it's made of a stiff plastic that seems robust, the padding is adequate for several days of continuous handling. i was using this item with a 4k video camera on the main plate, and a mic input device on the top mount and after 4 days continuous shooting at the namm show this year it was still fine to hold.one issue i had was the placement of the legs. they are fairly sharp plastic and when you're holding the frame from underneath so you can operate the camera controls it's difficult to avoid having your hand pressed into them, which is a bit annoying. i'm going to file them down or cut them off completely.overall, for the money, you can't do any better. it performed excellently. although if you have a requirement that involves more energetic movements then i'd suggest buying two just in case one breaks. i was originally looking for something in aluminium but they want ten times the price of this one and they offer no additional features.five stars because it worked well, just be aware of the small ergonomic factors. if you need one, get this.
Introduction to Elders and Deacons Isingeniso kuMalunga namaDiyakoni Isaiah 55:8 "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD. 9 "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts Isaya 55:8 “Ngokuba imicabano yami ayisiyo imicabango yenu, nezindlela zenu azisizo izindlela zami, usho uJehova. 9 Ngokuba njengamazulu ephakeme kunomhlaba, kunjalo izindlela zami ziphakeme kunezindlela zenu, nemicabango yami kunemicabango yenu. Elders are Not.. Men with good business leadership but not spiritual in their thinking or living. Lazy or not committed to the work. One who wants to lead the church by dictating rules and laws rather than by example and true shepherding. Amadoda anobuholi obuhle kwezokuhwebelana kepha bebe bengenakho ukucabanga ngokomoya bengaphili ngokomoya. Abangamavila angazibophezele emsebenzini. Lowo ofuna ukuhola ibandla ngokushaya imithetho nemigomo esikhundleni sokuba isibonelo sokuba umalusi woqobo. Let’s take a journey through the New Testament starting in Acts as we discover elders in the 1st century church Ake siguduze iTestamente Elisha siqala encwadini yeZenzo njengoba sithola amalunga ebandleni lekhulunyaka lokuqala Acts 11:29 So the disciples determined, everyone according to his ability, to send relief to the brothers living in Judea. 30 And they did so, sending it to the elders by the hand of Barnabas and Saul. Izenzo 11:29 Abafundi base bezimisela ukuba yilowo nalowo kubo athumele njengamandla akhe okokusiza abazalwane abakhe eJudiya. 30 Bakwenzake lokho, bakuthumela emalungeni ngesandla sikaBarnaba noSawulu. Acts 14:21 When they had preached the gospel to that city and had made many disciples, they returned to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch, 22 strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God. 23 And when they had appointed elders for them in every church, with prayer and fasting they committed them to the Lord in whom they had believed. Acts 14:21 Sebelishumayele ivangeli kulowo muzi, bezuzile abafundi abaningi, babuyela eListra, nase-Ikoniyu, nase-Antiyokiya, 22 baqinisa imiphefumulo yabafundi bebaluleka ukuba beme ekukholoweni, bethi: Simelwe ukungena embusweni kaNkulunkulu ngezinhlupheko eziningi. 23 Sebebakhethele amalunga amabandla ngamabandla, bakhuleka bezila ukudla, babanikela eNkosini asebekholwa yiyo. Acts 15:6 The apostles and the elders were gathered together to consider this matter. Izenzo 15:6 Base bebuthana abaphostoli namalunga, ukuze bayihlole leyondaba. Acts 20:26 Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all of you, 27 for I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God. 28 Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. 29 I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; 30 and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. 31 Therefore be alert, remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to admonish everyone with tears. 32 And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified. Izenzo 20:26 Ngakhoke ngiyafakaza kini ngalolusuku lwanamuhla ngithi anginacala egazini labo bonke. 27 Ngokuba angigwemanga ukunitshela lonke icebo likaNkulunkulu. 28 Ziqapheleni nina nomhlambi wonke anibeke kuwo uMoya oNgcwele ukuba nibe ngababonisi bokwalusa ibandla likaNkulunkulu azizuzela lona ngegazi lakhe. 29 Mina ngiyazi ukuthi emva kokumuka kwami kuzakungena kini izimpisi ezihahayo zingawuhawukeli umhlambi, 30 naphakathi kwenu kuzakuvuka amadoda akhuluma okudukisayo, ahunge abafundi ukubalandela. 31 Ngakho lindani, nikhumbule ukuthi ngeminyaka emithathu ubusuku nemini angiyekanga ukunilukeka nonke ngabanye ngezinyembezi. 32 Kalokhu sengiyanibeka eNkosini nasezwini lomusa wayo, yona enamandla okwakha nokwabela ifa phakathi kwabo bonke abangcwelisiweyo . I Tim 5:17 Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching. 18 For the Scripture says, "You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain," and, "The laborer deserves his wages." 19 Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. 20 As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear. I Thim 5:17 Amalunga aphatha kahle akuthiwe afanele ukutuswa ngokuphindiweyo, ikakhulu lawo akhuthalela izwi nokufundisa. 18 Ngokuba umbhalo uthi: Ungayifaki isifonyo inkabi ebhulayo, futhi: Isisebenzi siyifanele inkokhelo yaso. 19 Icala eliqondene nelunga ungalamukeli, kungengawofakazi ababili noma abathathu. 20 Abonayo ubasole phambi kwabo bonke, ukuze nabanye besabe. Titus 1:5 This is why I left you in Crete, so that you might put what remained into order, and appoint elders in every town as I directed you— Thithu 1:5 Ngakushiya eKrethe ngenxa yalokhu ukuba uhlele okusaseleyo, umise amalunga emizini yonke, njengokuba ngakuyala,— James 5:14 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. 16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. Jakobe 5:14 Kukhona ogulayo phakathi kwenu na? Makabize amalunga ebandla, amkhulekele, amgcobe ngamafutha egameni leNkosi. 15 Umkhuleko wokukholwa uyamsindisa ogulayo, iNkosi imvuse; noma enzile izono, uzakuthethelelwa zona. 16 Ngakho vumani izono omunye komunye, nikhulekelane ukuba niphulukiswe. Umkhuleko oqinileyo, wolungileyo unamandla kakhulu. I Peter 5:1 So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed: 2 shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; 3 not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock. 4 And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. I Petru 5:1 Ngakho ngiyawancenga amalunga aphakathi kwenu mina engiyilunga kanye nawo, nofakazi wezinhlupheko zikaKristu, nomhlanganyeli wenkazimulo ezakwambulwa, ngithi: 2 Yalusani umhlambi kaNkulunkulu ophakathi kwenu, kungabi ngokucindezelwa kodwa ngokwentando kaNkulunkulu, kungabi ngenxa yenzuzo eyihlazo kodwa ngenhliziyo evumayo, 3 kungabi njengabazenza amakhosi phezu kwamabandla enabelwa wona kodwa nibe yizibonelo zomhlambi; 4 kuyakuthi, nxa esebonakaliswa uMalusi omkhulu, niyakuzuza umqhele wenkazimulo ongabuniyo. Rev. 4:10 the twenty-four elders fall down before him who is seated on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever. They cast their crowns before the throne, saying, 11 "Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created. Isamb. 4:10 amalunga angamashumi amabili nane awa phansi phambi kwakhe ohlezi esihlalweni sobukhosi, akhuleka kuye ophilayo kuze kubephakade naphakade, aphonsa imiqhele yawo phambi kwesihlalo sobukhosi, ethi: Ufanele wena Nkosi yethu noNkulunkulu wethu ukwamukela inkazimulo nodumo namandla, ngokuba nguwena owadala izinto zonke, nangenxa yentando yakho zabakhona, zadalwa. NKJ Acts 20:17 From Miletus he sent to Ephesus and called for the elders of the church. NKJ Acts 20:28 "Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. Amagama esiGreki : Shepherd = Pastor=umalusi Bishop = Overseer=umbonisi Presbyter = Elder=ilunga Same Greek words: Shepherd = Pastor Bishop = Overseer Presbyter = Elder NKJ Izenzo 20:17 EseMilethu wathumela e-Efesu, wabiza amalunga. NKJ Izenzo 20:28 “Ziqapheleni nina nomhlambi wonke anibeke kuwo uMoya oNgcwele ukuba nibe ngababonisi bokwalusa ibandla likaNkulunkulu azizuzela lona ngegazi NKJ I Peter 5:1 The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: 2 Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; Same Greek words: Shepherd = Pastor Bishop = Overseer Presbyter = Elder Amagama esiGreki : Shepherd = Pastor=umalusi Bishop = Overseer=umbonisi Presbyter = Elder=ilunga NKJ I Petru 5:1 Ngakho ngiyawancenga amalunga aphakathi kwenu mina engiyilunga kanye nawo, nofakazi wezinhlupheko zikaKristu, nomhlanganyeli wenkazimulo ezakwambulwa, ngithi: 2 Yalusani umhlambi kaNkulunkulu ophakathi kwenu, kungabi ngokucindezelwa kodwa ngokwentando kaNkulunkulu kungabi ngenxa yenzuzo eyihlazo kodwa ngenhliziyo evumayo, Elder – “an older man” Common Sense Episcopos – “an overseer, a man charged with the duty of seeing that things to be done by others are done rightly, any curator, guardian, or superintendent” Thayer Shepherd – we will discuss the work of elders from this perspective in our next lesson. ilunga – “indoda endala” Kuyawenza umqondo lokho Episcopos – “umbonisi, indoda enikezwe umsebenzi wokuba ibuke umsebenzi owenziwa ngabanye, obhekelelayo, ogadileyo, noma oqaphileyo” Thayer Umalusi – Sizokhuluma ngomsebenzi welunga kulokhuke kulesisifundo sethu. Acts 6:1 Now in these days when the disciples were increasing in number, a complaint by the Hellenists arose against the Hebrews because their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution. 2 And the twelve summoned the full number of the disciples and said, "It is not right that we should give up preaching the word of God to serve tables. 3 Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty. 4 But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry ofthe word." Izenzo 6:1 Kwathi ngaleyomihla abafundi sebanda, kwavela ukukhonona kubaJuda abakhuluma isiGreki ngamaHeberu ngokuthi abafelokazi bakubo bayancishwa ekwabelweni kwemihla ngemihla. 2 Abayishumi nambili base bebiza ibandla labafundi, bathi; akukuhle ukuba thina sishiye izwi likaNkulunkulu, sikhonze ematafuleni.3 Funani ke phakathi kwenu bazalwane amadoda ayisikhombisa anodumo oluhle agcwele uMoya nokuhlakanipha, esingawamisela lowomsebenzi. 4 Kepha thina sizakuqinisela ekukhulekeni nasenkonzweni Philippians 1:1 Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the overseers and deacons: KwabaseFiliphu 1:1 OPawulu noThimothewu, izinceku zikaKristu Jesu, kubo bonke abangcwele kuKristu Jesu abaseFiliphu, kanye nababonisi namadiyakoni: I Timothy 3:8 Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued, not addicted to much wine, not greedy for dishonest gain. 9 They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. 10 And let them also be tested first; then let them serve as deacons if they prove themselves blameless. 11 Their wives likewise must be dignified, not slanderers, but sober-minded, faithful in all things. 12 Let deacons each be the husband of one wife, managing their children and their own households well. 13 For those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus. I Thim 3:8 Ngokunjalo namadiyakoni kufanele abe nesizotha, angabi ndimimbili, angabi ngabanaka kakhulu iwayini, angahaheli inzuzo embi, 9 ephethe imfihlakalo yokukholwa kunembeza omhlophe. 10 Nalabo mabaqale bahlole, andukuba babe ngamadiyakoni, uma bengasoleki. 11 Ngokunjalo nabesifazane mababe nesizotha, abangahlebi, abazithibayo, abathembekayo ezintweni zonke. 12 Amadiyakoni mawabe ngamadoda amfazi munye, abusa kahle abantwana bawo nemizi yawo. 13 Ngokuba amadiyakoni akhonze kahle azizuzela ukuma kahle nesibindi esikhulu ekukholweni okukuKristu Jesu. Mark 6:34 And Jesus, when He came out, saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd. So He began to teach them many things. Marku 6:34 Wathi ephuma, wabona isixuku esikhulu waba nesihe ngabantu, ngokuba babenjengezimvu ezingenamelusi; waqala ukubafundisa okuningi. Related Presentations
24 Kwathi nje lapho uSawule esebuyile ekulandeleni amaFilisti,+ beza bambikela, bethi: “Bheka! UDavide usehlane lase-Eni-gedi.”+ 2 USawule wathatha amadoda akhethiwe ayizinkulungwane ezintathu+ ku-Israyeli wonke wahamba wayofuna uDavide+ namadoda ayekanye naye emadwaleni ayinyabule ezimbuzi zentaba.+ 3 Ekugcineni wafika ezibayeni zezimvu ezenziwe ngamatshe eceleni kwendlela, lapho kwakukhona khona umhume. Ngakho uSawule wangena eyozikhulula,+ kuyilapho uDavide namadoda ayekanye naye, babesezingxenyeni ezisemuva impela zomhume,+ behlezi phansi. 4 Amadoda ayekanye noDavide athi kuye: “Nantu usuku uJehova athi ngalo kuwe, ‘Bheka! Nginikela isitha sakho esandleni sakho,+ futhi kumelwe wenze kuso njengoba nje kungase kubonakale kukuhle emehlweni akho.’”+ Ngakho uDavide wasukuma wasika ngokunyenya umphetho wejazi likaSawule elingenamikhono. 5 Kodwa kamuva inhliziyo kaDavide yayilokhu imshaya+ ngesizathu sokuthi wayesike umphetho wejazi likaSawule elingenamikhono. 6 Ngakho wathi emadodeni ayekanye naye: “Kuyinto engacabangeki, ngami, emehlweni kaJehova, ukuba ngenze le nto enkosini yami, ogcotshiweyo+ kaJehova, ngokwelulela isandla kuyo, ngoba ingogcotshiweyo kaJehova.”+ 7 Ngakho uDavide wawahlakaza amadoda ayekanye naye ngala mazwi, futhi akawavumelanga ukuba avukele uSawule.+ USawule yena wasukuma emhumeni waqhubeka nendlela yakhe. 8 Ngakho uDavide kamuva wasuka waphuma emhumeni wamemeza ngemva kukaSawule, ethi: “Nkosi yami,+ nkosi!” USawule wabheka ngemva kwakhe, uDavide wakhothama ubuso bakhe bubheke emhlabathini+ wawa ngobuso. 9 UDavide wathi kuSawule: “Kungani ulalela amazwi omuntu,+ uma ethi, ‘Bheka! UDavide ufuna ukukulimaza’? 10 Bheka namuhla amehlo akho abonile indlela uJehova akunikelé ngayo namuhla esandleni sami emhumeni; futhi othile uthe mawubulawe,+ kodwa ngikuhawukele ngathi, ‘Ngeke ngelulele isandla sami enkosini yami, ngoba ingogcotshiweyo+ kaJehova.’ 11 Futhi, baba,+ bheka, yebo, bheka umphetho wejazi lakho elingenamikhono esandleni sami, ngoba lapho ngisika umphetho wejazi lakho elingenamikhono angikubulalanga. Yazi ubone ukuthi akukho bubi+ noma ukuvukela esandleni sami, futhi angikonanga, kuyilapho wena uqamekele umphefumulo wami ukuba uwususe.+ 12 Kwangathi uJehova angahlulela phakathi kwami nawe;+ uJehova uzongiphindiselela+ kuwe, kodwa esami isandla ngeke sibe phezu kwakho.+ 13 Njengoba nje isaga sabasendulo sisho, ‘Kwababi kuyophuma ububi,’+ kodwa esami isandla ngeke sibe phezu kwakho. 14 Inkosi yakwa-Israyeli iphumele bani? Uxosha bani? Inja efile?+ Izenze elilodwa?+ 15 UJehova uzoba umahluleli, ahlulele phakathi kwami nawe, uzobona futhi angisingathele icala lomthetho+ angahlulele ukuze angikhulule esandleni sakho.” 16 Kwathi lapho uDavide eqeda ukukhuluma la mazwi kuSawule, uSawule wathi: “Yizwi lakho lelo, ndodana yami Davide?”+ USawule waphakamisa izwi lakhe wakhala.+ 17 Waqhubeka wathi kuDavide: “Wena ulungé ngaphezu kwami,+ ngoba nguwe owenze okuhle kimi,+ futhi yimi owenze okubi kuwe. 18 Wena—wena ukulandisile namuhla okuhle okwenzile mayelana nami ngokuba ungangibulali nakuba uJehova enginikele esandleni sakho.+ 19 Manje lapho umuntu ethola isitha sakhe, ingabe uyosimukisa ngendlela enhle?+ Ngakho uJehova ngokwakhe uyokuvuza ngokuhle,+ ngenxa yokuthi namuhla ukwenzile kimi. 20 Manje, bheka! ngiyazi ukuthi nakanjani uzobusa njengenkosi,+ nokuthi ngokuqinisekile umbuso wakwa-Israyeli uyohlala njalo esandleni sakho. 21 Ngakho manje funga kimi uJehova+ ukuthi ngeke uyinqume inzalo yami ngemva kwami nokuthi ngeke ulibhuqe igama lami endlini kababa.”+ 22 Ngakho uDavide wafunga kuSawule, okwathi ngemva kwalokho uSawule wahamba waya ekhaya.+ Kepha uDavide namadoda ayekanye naye, bakhuphukela endaweni okunzima ukuyifinyelela.+
All of us do our best to make our homes look as beautiful as possible. We give a lot of attention to decoration and even hire people who can decorate our home in a professional way. However, if we are of good taste it is not needed to hire a person to do that- which will save us a lot of money. There are lots of tiny details which have a great affect on the overall atmosphere of our home, especially the living room. We can take the cushions as an example- they are very a very small detail which definitely makes our home a more beautiful place.
i know this is not an online issue but a health issue all the same. i know of a lady lying unconscious from a stroke, empilo as i write. her blood pressure has far exceeded the normal limits ngokuswela amaphilisi waze wastroka umuntu wenkosi. e mpilo bafuna 6million zims ukuthi bamenze i brain scan and locate the ruptured blood vessel. kubuhlungu bakwethu. this is a self respecting womam ozisebenzele ema factory all her life and never earned that amount of money.namuhla she is fighting for her life and asking relatives for money she never earned. kayisuye yedwa ngiyazi lani you know many in a similar predicament.
in his session at internet of @thingsexpo, mike kuniavsky, principal scientist, innovation services at parc, described an iot--specific approach to user experience design that combines approaches from interaction design, industrial design and service design to create experiences that go beyond simple connected gadgets to create lasting, multi--device experiences grounded in people's real needs and desires.may. 21, 2015 09:00 pm edt reads: 5,929internet of things and social wearablesby carmen gonzalezwearable devices have come of age. the primary applications of wearables so far have been ""the quantified self"" or the tracking of one's fitness and health status. we propose the evolution of wearables into social and emotional communication devices. our be(tm) sensor uses light to visualize the skin conductance response. our sensors are very inexpensive and can be massively distributed to audiences or groups of any size, in order to gauge reactions to performances, video, or any kind of presentation. in her session at @thingsexpo, jocelyn scheirer, ceo & founder of bionolux, will discuss ho...may. 21, 2015 09:00 pm edt reads: 5,017big data and iot: for enterprise use only? by pat romanskithe true value of the internet of things (iot) lies not just in the data, but through the services that protect the data, perform the analysis and present findings in a usable way. with many iot elements rooted in traditional it components, big data and iot isn’t just a play for enterprise. in fact, the iot presents smbs with the prospect of launching entirely new activities and exploring innovative areas. comptia research identifies several areas where iot is expected to have the greatest impact. may. 21, 2015 09:00 pm edt reads: 4,687slides: peter cornelius ‘webrtc + iot’by pat romanskican call centers hang up the phones for good? intuitive solutions did. webrtc enabled this contact center provider to eliminate antiquated telephony and desktop phone infrastructure with a pure web--based solution, allowing them to expand beyond brick--and--mortar confines to a home--based agent model. it also ensured scalability and better service for customers, including muy! companies, one of the country's largest franchise restaurant companies with 232 pizza hut locations. this is one example of webrtc adoption today, but the potential is limitless when powered by iot. may. 21, 2015 09:00 pm edt reads: 6,331more » latest storiesslides: michael murray ‘the devops lifecycle’by elizabeth whitemay. 22, 2015slides: jesse shiah ‘accelerate iot’by pat romanskimay. 22, 2015internet of things: real world questionsby liz mcmillanmay. 22, 2015slides: ivelin ivanov ‘webrtc & iot explosion’by liz mcmillanmay. 22, 2015capital one to present at @devopssummit nyby elizabeth whitemay. 22, 2015red hat to present at devops summit nyby carmen gonzalezmay. 22, 2015the data chef: a complementary skill set by elizabeth whitemay. 22, 2015docker to present at devops summit new yorkby carmen gonzalezmay. 22, 2015slides: brian mcphail ‘monetizing glassware’by pat romanskimay. 22, 2015f5 networks to present at @devopssummit nyby carmen gonzalezmay. 22, 2015locking down the cloudby john wetherillmay. 22, 2015sematext to present at devops summit new yorkby carmen gonzalezmay. 22, 2015@thingsexpo accepting hackathon proposalsby liz mcmillanmay. 22, 2015unlocking the potential of the internet of thingsby liz mcmillanmay. 22, 2015capital one to present at @devopssummitby carmen gonzalezmay. 22, 2015
hazing is an ancient, universal practice. in past and modern societies, the need to join a group is an aspect of our humanity. the process of joining a group frequently includes the need to be hazed in order to legitimate full membership. this study uses the theoretical frameworks of michel foucault, pierre bourdieu’s perspectives of social order, henri tajfel and john turner’s theory of social identity, and albert bandura’s theory of moral disengagement to look at individuals joining groups. in particular, the study has sought to ascertain why those who haze are motivated to act. a grounded theory has been developed through interviewing young adults, who while in positions of leadership as grade 12 learners in gauteng schools, planned hazing activities. the grounded theory shows that hazing while enacted by an individual is not solely driven by that person, but rather hazing is a means of cultural reproduction. the mechanism through which hazing occurs focuses on achieving a sense of belonging, conforming to a given culture and consenting to hazing. the hazer is motivated to pass on aspects of the school’s culture, namely school traditions, hierarchical structures, means and standards of discipline, and showing appropriate respect to others. the hazer believes that this can be achieved as those being hazed will comply if they can avoid being humiliated. the developed theory is grounded and was verified through interviewing stakeholders in the school community who had extensive knowledge of the school culture and of grade 12 learners.
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kuyala ukuthi ngithule ngale infundiso yakho yesizulu . initiallly i considered it a trivial issue kodwa isintu ngiyasithanda and i am not apologetic about it. mina ngizakuthi kuwe angisazi isizulu kodwa nga fundiswa uhlelo lwesizulu ngu titsha ndlovu 'u ngwaqa' olwesindebele lungakaze lubekhona ngama'80 up to 'o' kobulawayo. kulelo hlelo(try to get a copy),uzamangala ukuthi leyonto oyibhalayo iyafana nta lesindebeleni ngoba inyembezi/zinyembezi, isingular ayidingeki njalo inkomo zami le zinkomo zami kuyafana. my advise to you is that khangela/bheka/see/etc isindebele as a dialect of zulu. for some good reasons that may be geographical or political ,we mthwakazians have developed it to a stand alone 'language'but ngicabanga ukuthi isindebele masiqhubeka it 'bottlenecks' and isizulu takes over, anyway, at least during our days ngoba even ibhayibhili lesindebele salithola ngama late 70's. imagine ukuthi what kind of literature your parents read. i will also go further and say isindebele kwesinye isikhathi siyathanda ukunotha ngamasynonyms ngoba siyacupha from other langauges,(naturally so if you know the history). lesisifundo sakho is a question of style which you can get in isindebele. isizulu in sa silama dialects so dont assume that isizulu you find where you are geographically located yiso sodwa. for example if you go to one part of kzn you will find i porridge called ilambazi and in the other iyambazi and kuyafana lakomthwakazi. but if you are in the old transvaal labo goli uzwa bethi iporridge ngumdoko(probably yisizulu esicutshwe esisuthwini ngoba they call it modogo (pronounced) as mutoho).
Kumele nikwazi ukuphila ngokuzimela, nikwazi ukudla nokuphuza amazwi kaNkulunkulu ngokwakho, ukubona amazwi kaNkulunkulu ngokwakho, nokuphila impilo evamile engokomoya ngaphandle kokuholwa abanye; kumele nikwazi ukuthembela emazwini anamuhla kaNkulunkulu ukuze niphile, ningene ekwazini okuyiqiniso, nokubona ngeqiniso. Kulapho kuphela ozokwazi ukuma uqine. Namuhla, abantu abaningi abaziqondi ngokuphelele izilingo nokuhlushwa kwesikhathi esizayo. Esikhathini esizayo, abanye abantu bazobhekana nezinhlupho, kanti abanye bazobhekana nokujeziswa. Lokhu kujeziswa kuzoba nzima ngokwengeziwe; kuyoba ukuvela kwamaqiniso. Namuhla, konke okuzwayo, okwenzayo, nokubonakalisayo kwakha isisekelo sokulingwa kwesikhathi esizayo, futhi kukho konke, kumele ukwazi ukuphila ngokuzimela. Namuhla, isimo sabaningi ebandleni simi ngale ndlela elandelayo: Uma kukhona izisebenzi ezenza umsebenzi webandla-, bayathokoza, kanti uma zingekho, abathokozi; futhi abawunaki umsebenzi webandla, abanaki ngisho ukudla nokuphuza kwabo, futhi abanawo nomncane umthwalo - bafana nenyoni iHanhao.[a] Eqinisweni, kubantu abaningi umsebenzi engiwenzile umsebenzi nje wokunqoba, ngoba abaningi abakulungele nhlobo ukupheleliswa. Yidlanzana nje labantu abangapheleliswa. Uma, usuwezwile lawa mazwi, ukholwa ukuthi umsebenzi owenziwe uNkulunkulu owokunqoba abantu kuphela, ngakho-ke ulandela nje ngoba usujwayele, ingemukelwa kanjani indlela enjalo yokubuka izinto? Uma ngempela unonembeza, khona-ke kumele ube nomthwalo, ukwazi ukuthatha lowo mthwalo. Kumele uthi: Anginandaba noma ngizonqotshwa noma ngizopheleliswa, kodwa kumele ngibekezelele lesi sigaba sobufakazi ngendlela efanele. Njengesidalwa sikaNkulunkulu, umuntu anganqotshwa ngokuphelele nguNkulunkulu, ekugcineni, akwazi ukwanelisa uNkulunkulu, ukubuyisela uthando lukaNkulunkulu ngothando ezinhliziyweni yakhe nangokuzinikela kuNkulunkulu ngokuphelele. Lona umthwalo womuntu, ngumsebenzi okumele wenziwe umuntu, kuwumthwalo okumele uthwalwe umuntu, futhi umuntu kumele awufeze lo msebenzi. Kulapho kuphela lapho ekholwa khona ngempela kuNkulunkulu. Namuhla, ingabe lokhu okwenzayo ebandleni kungukufeza lowo mthwalo? Lokhu kuncike ekutheni uthwalisiwe yini, futhi kuncike olwazini lwakho. Ekuzweni lo msebenzi, uma umuntu esenqotshiwe futhi enolwazi lweqiniso, uzokwazi ukulalela naphezu kwethemba noma isiphetho sakho. Ngale ndlela, umsebenzi omkhulu kaNkulunkulu uzofezeka ngokuphelele, ngoba laba bantu akukho okunye abakwaziyo ngaphezu kwalokhu, futhi abakwazi ukufeza izidingo eziphezulu. Yize kunjalo esikhathini esizayo, abanye abantu bazopheleliswa. Izinga labo lizoba ngcono, emoyeni wabo bazoba nolwazi olunzulu, izimpilo zabo zizokhula... Kodwa abanye ngeke nhlobo bafinyelele kulokhu, ngakho-ke ngeke basindiswe. Kunesizathu esenza ngithi abakwazi ukusindiswa. Esikhathini esizayo, abanye bazonqontshwa, abanye bazosuswa, abanye bazopheleliswa, kanti abanye bazosetshenziswa—ngakho abanye bazobhekana nezinhlupheko, abanye bazojeziswa (kuzoba izinhlekelele zendalo namashwa nje enziwe ngabantu), abanye bazosuswa, kanti abanye bazosinda. Kulokhu, bazohlukaniswa ngamunye ngokohlobo lwabo, iqembu ngalinye lizobe limele uhlobo oluthile lomuntu. Akubona bonke abantu abazosuswa, noma abazopheleliswa. Lokhu kungenxa yokuthi uhlobo lwabantu baseShayina luntula kakhulu, kanti idlanzana nje phakathi kwabo abanohlobo lokuzazi uPawulu ayenakho. Kulaba bantu, bambalwa abanokuzimisela ukuthanda uNkulunkulu njengoPetru, noma uhlobo lokholo olufana nolukaJobe. Ababaningi kubo abamhlonipha ngeqophelo elifanayo uJehova, noma abasezingeni elifanayo lokwethembeka ekusebenzeleni uJehova njengoDavide. Niyihlazo!
8 omayeletumbulo 14:15 otaa ti: “omushima ta itavele ondjovo keshe, ndelenee omunamayele ta diinine eenghatu daye.” kunena, otashi dulika omikifi dimwe kadi na ouhaku u shiivike. onghee hano, otwa pumbwa okukala twa lungama shi na sha nomauhaku oo taku tiwa kutya ohaa hakula omukifi wonhumba, ndele kae na oumbangi oo tau ulike kutya okwa pondola shili. paulus okwa ti: “olune leni nali shiivike kovanhu aveshe.” (ovafilippi 4:5) olune ile tu tye ondjele otai ke tu kwafela tu kale hatu yandje elitulemo kokulongela jehova ponhele yokuyandja elitulemo koinima i na sha noukolele. ngeenge otwa kala twa lenga okufila oshisho oukolele wetu monghalamwenyo, oshi na oupu tu kwatwe koikala yokuliholamwene. (ovafilippi 2:4) otu shii kutya itatu dulu okukala tu na oukolele wa wanenena monghalelo ei. onghee hano, kala wa lenga okulongela jehova monghalamwenyo yoye. — lesha ovafilippi 1:10.
[ { "catentry_id" : "8387911", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "8387912", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "8387913", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "8387914", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "8387915", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "8387916", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "8387917", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "8387921", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "8387922", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "8387923", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "8387924", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "8387925", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "8387926", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "8387927", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "8387928", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "8636015", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "11605538", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "11605539", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "11605540", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "11605541", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "11605542", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "11605543", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "11605544", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "11605545", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "11605546", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." }, { "catentry_id" : "11605547", "description" : "{\"PD\":\"<p>Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. A staple piece for all wardrobes.</p><ul><li>Slim fit<br></li><li>Pull on elastic waistband&nbsp;<br></li><li>Mid rise<br></li><li>Stretch for comfort</li></ul><p>Model is usually a small and wears a size S/10</p>\",\"FC\":\"\"}", "shortdescription" : "Part of our core 'Pants Perfected' range. Our Edie Slim Ankle pant features a slim leg silhouette, vertical side pockets, and pull on elastic waist for extra comfort. A staple piece for all wardrobes." } ]
ovakufimbinga: ovalongi vefimbo li yadi ovo ve likalekelwa ovo ve li pokati komido 23 no 65 nove na oukolele muwa, ovo eenghalo davo tadi va pitike va longe opo pe na omhumbwe nove na omhepo yeliyambo, yokutya, “aame ou, tume nge,” otava dulu okutula mo eindilo. (jes. 6:8) ovo va hala okuya kofikola oyo, kutya nee ovamwatate inava hombola, ovamwameme inava hombolwa ile ovalihomboli ove na okukala va kala moilonga yefimbo li yadi oule womido mbali de litwikila. ovalihomboli ove na okukala va hombola pa pita omido mbali. ovamwatate ove na okukala ve li ovakulunhuongalo ile ovayakuliongalo oule womido mbali. ngeenge ofikola oyo ohai ningwa moshitukulwa osho shi li koshi yoshitaimbelewa sheni, ovo va hala okuya kofikola oyo otava dulu okupewa ouyelele kombinga yofikola pokwoongala kwoposhoongalele shoshitukulwa oko va nuninwa.
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Jimmy SmithLeigh AndrewsDigicel's new campaign stars Usain BoltThe main SEO mistakes that business owners have to stop makingBoris DzhingarovPublicis Machine presents: The pretend you work at an agency weekendCastle Milk Stout Chocolate Infused whets the appetite of SA and exceeds expectationsStatement on the death of Gordon PattersonNew race media portal goes liveGil Oved joins Shark Tank showVarsity Sports: Beyond the pitch, field and stageSocial media, the voice behind #67MinutesForMadibaEnjoy a show at the Barnyard and assist our advertising colleagues at the same timeSon 67 minutes for Mandela DayIndependent Media congratulates Cape Times for again making Newseum Top Ten in Washington DCDoggie love wags our musical taleThree proven content marketing strategies you can implement right nowFix, don't fight ad blocking crisis, says new reportMore Top stories news... Submit newsBizcommunity has over 400 industry contributors and we always welcome further contributions and contributors.Submit newsPopular Mechanics gets 'in the zone' 21 Jan 2013 | Save | Email | Print | PDF The February issue of Popular Mechanics, on sale today, showcases a compelling line-up of gadgets, gaming, leisure activities, sci-tech and other features directed specifically at the curious teenagers who make up an increasingly important segment of the brand's audience. The custom-produced content forms part of PM Zone, the magazine's new bound-in teen supplement that made its debut last month.click to enlargeIn a story titled "Gnarly riders", young readers will meet Capetonian Kent Ligeveldt, who not only builds stylish longboards, but spends a lot of time training other people to extract the best from them. He lives the sport, covering at least 15km on his board every day. Acknowledging a growing interest in citizen journalism, PM Zone offers a few useful pointers for getting started, warning that it won't be easy - and probably not very lucrative, either. (Against that, of course, there's a small chance of becoming famous.) "Monsters in miniature" features some of the award-winning images from Nikon's annual photomicrography competition. Celebrating the beauty and complexity of Nature at the very small scale, the article features the eyes of a jumping spider in astounding detail, the tip of a butterfly's tongue, and more. The move to add a youth-focused component to the brand was dual-purpose, explained publisher Neil Piper. "Our intention is both to attract and engage with consumers who will grow up with the brand and continue reading it after they leave home, and to broaden the depth of content through apps, gaming and cool tech features directed at a younger audience." PM editor Alan Duggan elaborated: "Whereas our brand has always catered for a very wide age group, it became increasingly apparent that we needed something focusing more closely on connected, tech-savvy teenagers whose interests occasionally diverge from the mainstream - to put it mildly!" Popular Mechanics has also launched a Facebook page and a website to complement the PM Zone print platform.‹ Like Save Email Print PDFComment on thisCommentComment guidelines and disclaimerLEGAL DISCLAIMER: This Message Board accepts no liability of legal consequences that arise from the Message Boards (e.g. defamation, slander, or other such crimes). All posted messages are the sole property of their respective authors. The maintainer does retain the right to remove any message posts for whatever reasons. People that post messages to this forum are not to libel/slander nor in any other way depict a company, entity, individual(s), or service in a false light; should they do so, the legal consequences are theirs alone. Bizcommunity.com will disclose authors' IP addresses to authorities if compelled to do so by a court of law.Read more: Popular Mechanics, Alan DugganRelatedVarsity Sports: Beyond the pitch, field and stageIssued by 4i Mobile Statement on the death of Gordon PattersonIssued by AMASA About the Zika virus, the Olympics and the decreasing importance of audienceBy Walter Pike New race media portal goes liveNewsShow more
▼ wixárika, also known as huichol, is an endangered uto--aztecan language spoken in mexico. published works on wixárika include articles and brief sketches on different aspects of the grammar; however, much about the language remains unknown. this dissertation presents a systematic description of simple clauses in wixárika, based on eight hours of naturally recorded speech and elicited materials. using a functional--typological perspective, i explore wixárika’s morphosyntactic devices to express different types of events. in keeping with the study of clause types, i also explore the language’s morphological devices for modifying the number of arguments. wixárika has five devices that add a core argument into the clause: causatives <i>--tia, --ta, --ya,</i> applicative <i> --ri(e),</i> vowel alternation, lability, and suppletion. similarly, the language has five devices that reduce the number of arguments: reflexive/reciprocal pronoun prefixes, passive suffixes (<i>--rie, --ya, --wa, --riwa, --tsie</i>), middle voice prefix (<i>yu--</i>), and noun incorporation. the overall analysis discusses the implications of the language’s system in existing typological theories. wixárika shows to be devoid of any clear--cut boundary between clause types, as proposed in typological studies (hopper & thompson 1980; givón 1984; stassen 1997; næss 2007; kittilä 2002). of particular interest are the prefixes <i> ta--/ti--</i> since they provide more evidence of this scalar nature; the speakers use these prefixes to encode the ‘effectiveness’ of the action (cf. grimes 1964; iturrioz & gómez 2006). these prefixes are explored in relation to other components of transitivity (e.g., the number of arguments and their encoding, tense/aspect/mood, polarity, the individuation of actor and undergoer, and the prefixes <i>ti--/te--</i> ‘distributive subject’) in expressing different degrees of transitivity. i show that these components lack co--variation (cf. hopper & thompson), particularly with the prefixes <i>ta--/ti--.</i> however, the presence or absence of the prefixes <i>ta--/ti--</i> and/or the (de)transitivization devices express different degrees of transitivity. particularly interesting is the fact that wixárika has a tendency to polysynthesis, not common in southern uto--aztecan languages. therefore, this study not only contributes to a growing understanding of the grammatical system of wixárika but also will clarify the evolution and intra--genetic relations of the uto--aztecan family.
in the song, erix ichaza isizukulwane futhi uyaqhubeka ekuthetheni ngokumelene umphakathi ukuthi amaqembu kanye categorizes abantu sengathi okusemathinini izimpahla emakethe. “i have a lot of different sides to my personality and i have a lot of different characteristics that make me the person i am and i was tired of everyone always judging my book by it’;s cover and having pre--determined notions about me based on what i look like. bathi njalo isigaxa me kanye amalebuli ezithile lapho ngikhona empeleni akekho kulabo amalebula siqale noma ngezinye izikhathi mina am a lot of labo amalebula eyodwa. so when i thought about it, i realized if i had to give myself a label, then i could best be described as a mutt!!!""
Kidamwa Kilivila gala laesaesa e, lakeda vakhela letaboda, iboda tomotela besa tuta bidomsi – taga gala idomsi. Avakha uula? Kilivila la peula deli kedala laesaesa mesinaku wala bivatobu odubasi tomota. Mapela dapeulasi besa wala tomota. Tomota bikarewagasi, bitagwalasi deli bikatotilasi e valu bidaila, pela tubwa makhateki khala kibwabwela.Kilivila lapeula deli khala vilavila isisu olumolela PWETUKULA deli PEULAKI – mkwesi kweyu levagi makhala khelagilela DUBUMI. Dubumi pela wotetila besa kwetala dapeulasi – kheuwala Dubumi. Khalavilavilaga Kilivila mokwita kwevekha isisu odubadedasa – KHABITAM. Mkwena ladokila Guyau labobwelila kwevekhala besa tomotela Kilivila. Khabitam gala bikarituri odabala Kilivila – tubwa tubovila bimesa bilosa taga Khabitam bisisu wala.Igau Kiriwina High School (KHS) gala bitori e, mtosinaga gudisi Kilivila bilolosa Wesley High (WHS), Cameron High (CSH) deli Hagita High (HSH) – e, besa omatala wala bisakhawarisa, grade 7-10. Avetuta bima khalaigimkoila tetu, saiya biwokuva, prizes komwedona wala gudisi Kilivila bikokeulasi. Toituloki koyakoya deli dimdim sikaboyakhaula deli sitakhenowa amakhala besa? Avakha ikamkomasi gudisi Kilivila emweeya sena wala khabitam? Tevilesi goli tommwaya oduvalusa ikebigasi mwada kwegivayelu. Mitaga yegula ula dubumi senela besa Kilivila khala vana o, khena khala vilavila.Gala tuvela! Bogwa letobu. Besa tuta Kilivila lakhabitam deli khekwabula bogwa mokwita lekapusi. Lugulogwa deli goli vayola khala wawai e, khabitamla goli bogwa letubutobu. Pela bukunukwarisa KHS lakhabotota olopola MBP besa tuta khelui - lasta – gala pela vakhela wala, taga khabitam makhala wala, bo lekapusi. Tetu tetu avetuta saiya biwokuva mkwesi High School komwedona biveseisi avela sitoginigini mokwita omatala – e, yakidasi lastabeula - kheruyeki. Gala tona ilolosa pela grade 11-12 e, vakhela ikikeitasi imemesa tasisimwesa ovalu.3. Khanagila: Crux of the MatterYegula uula latola pela avakha lavitusi e, magigu basimiriwari Kilivila lapeula deli bauri lakeda bisibwabela. Pela uula adubumi Kilivila lakeda biesaesa deli tubwa makhateki sikabomwasawa kadatinidesi wala oginigini. Magigu bapusim GINIGINI – gugwadi BIGINISI BIBWENA deli BIKABITAMSI BIBWENA.Latum titolem bukubani mokwita pilasi kwetala kwetala okedala mani. Latum titolem bitoilaki pela khamsagari, semakhai, khamyena, mbwala ayani, mdinghy o, galaga mturaki. Gala MP, gala yakhamesa candidates. Yakhamesa lagela besa mkwesi kweyu peni lakhakiputukwesa yumami, makhapwasi khapwayu khamisugwa, raisi - besa pela wala khetamnabela votes. Taga gala mokwita. Avetuta wini, bakhalosa khakhamsi khama raisisi e bukukikipakhalasi goli ovalu. Pela bo khamapwemi!Mapela, pirisi yokwami kuvitusemasi bibwena. Mabubunelasi amakhala, gala pela lagela wala okhomlagela, oyebweri taga amakhala tuta omatadasi, litumiya deli goli inidayasa deli ludetayasa khalamwau valu lekikausa yumyambwata. Kunakhegarisa mabigatonasi deli makhatubayasasi pela paisewa bibwena. Amakhala bakhaigakhesa olopola kwelima tetu e, avakha mokwita bisunapula, khena ibwademasi khena gala.Vakhela candidates gala wala imweki uwasi pela paisewa khala litetila. Pela uula idubumisa bisepulakisa tomota e, makhala goli mtosina tolebusi kheori yagasi mwada Komiti deli scrutineers pela candidates. Mtosi magisi mani, o khena paisewa deli MP gala pela valu khalamwau ikaiki uwasi. Besa uula khaukweda tabodela gala ikaiki uwasi. Mesinaku wala bi-iyekurisi candidates pela biudaposasi e bikamkwamsiga. Mwkesi wa-bu kidikedala deli bugumata. Mtosi gala ibwadi bisimiriwarisa valu.Lagela uula PNG government etitaki khegaga besa gabena valu valu ituwari edidokhesa sena ‘corruption’ (velau, tabibila) deli ‘failed states’ (gewagewa kharewaga) uula mokwita levitoula malepona. I-sekewasi mtosi, igisemwesa goli candidates deli MPs iyosesilasi e, avetuta bisuisi wabwala kweveka gala, kipani wala. Kugisa, pirisi ToVote kuvatusisi bibwena e, bitayamatasi bibwena. Kharewaga oyumami pela khala bwena tubwa makhateki. Taneisa litudayasa khasibwena mokwita e pela bimanumkeri woula nabweya bugiyu. Bodesi wabu - ‘politics’. Makwena gala kwetala simuri pela ‘politics’, makwena yagala wabu. Simuri pela wala bagula khalabwena, makwaga mwada simuri o ‘politics’, gala - isunupuleya gewagewa wala nanamsa deli paisewa. Teyu wala tokwam komwedoga togisa wala. Gugwadi khasimolu okhaukweda. Mapela gala kweta simuri makwewena ‘politics’.
jonathan, this is going nowhere fast. i didn’t read your entire post because i am not trying to have a disagreement with you. allow me to say, i didn’t call george zimmerman a hypocrite. i simply made reference to the word. are you a born again child of god? uma kunjalo, why are we bantering back and forth? what are we trying to prove. i don’t care what trayvon martin’s race is, he lost his life when he didn’t have too. you mentioned in your other post he was a young man. azikho, he wasn’t. as badly as we want him to be so that george zimmerman is further justified in taking his life, he was still a child. 17 years old equals a child. he wasn’t grown. it’s so sad with the polarization that occurred and blacks and whites and sitting back like this is a sport and whichever team racks up the most points wins. that is just plain sad. if trayvon martin had been white and george zimmerman had been black, i’d still feel the same way i feel now. but the sad truth is, had george zimmerman been black and trayvon martin been white, this would have been a much different outcome in that he would’ve been arrested day 1, standing his ground or not and the verdict most definitely would have been much different. feel free to befriend me on any social media outlet you wish if you want to get a feel for who i really am; nokho, at this point, i’m done going back and forth because it is so not going anywhere. i appreciate your responses though.
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Labels: ezomndeni, umabhebhana, umfana omncane, umfazi womuntu, undodana nomama Ngambhebha uMama omdala ngingqondile Ngizihlalele nje egcekeni ekhaya ngiqimbile ngenhla ngishaye iskhindi esincane nakhu phela ilanga likhipha umkhovu etsheni. Strength of a woman comes from within / You may get her down today, she will surely come around. kuthe nje ebsuku sesidakiwe sonke impela umfazi kamfwethu anyamalale kanye nomunye umfo okhona khona la,ngemuva nje kweskhathi lomfo aqhamuke epassage elivela emakamereni nase toilet. ngemuva kweskhathi nami ngsukume ngiye etoliet,uma ngithi ngbheka ekamereni lamfwethu kucishiwe kodwa Uthe akuphosa amehlo, umfazi wabona into ebuhashe engadanga yagqiba. vuyos · 3 years ago. Khumbula umbuzo uthi ubhejwa kanjani umzala. Igolo lika anti - Garcinia Cambogia - Apr 19, 2017 (igolo-lika- anti. Limnandi igolo lika anti wami Wangipetula igolo - elitephotoboothsnj. Some are in English. Ukwazi ukuthi uwubuziswa yini ngeke kusisize ngalutho. Umuntu uyachamiseka ngolimi. Kwazakala ngaye esebeka ithanga lakhe phezu kwela Mlaba kwasho kona phela ukuthi no mfoka Ximba ulele phezu kwamasu ka Nogwaja. Ngamubhebha umamncane umfazi kababa omncane Mina ngineminyaka engu 24 umamncane uMandlovu uneminyaka engu48 . Akuvumele umphathaphathe. Umfazi is the most socially conscious track on Zahara’s new album Mgodi. Provillus hair loss treatment contains the only ingredient approved by the FDA to re-grow your hair for Men and Women. Hhayi ukuthi umuntu wesimame ubhejwa kanjani. Awuke wandlala ithawula waginqika ngomqolo ngashona khona ngobuso ngalikhotha igolo sengathi ngyafa indlala, ngamdunusiza ngawbusheka nge doggy style wakhala umfazi ngamdudula rough and hard waqina umzimba wangqangqazela umfazi wachama maye uyiloluhlobo oluchama lu squirte ngimfende kakhulu aphinde asquirte ephindelela. Ukuqinisekisa ubumbano phakathi komqashwa nomqashi nazo zonke izinhlaka ngaphakathi enkampanini Umnumzane uNdwandwe wase Ndwedwe wayengakaze alale nomuntu wesifazane selokhu athi nhlo!!! Abadala base bembiza bebuza ukuthi yini inkinga yakhe angalingisi abanye abafana besho ukuqonywa phela. Ngiphatheke kahle kakhulu kanti nemali ingconywana. Stories. This is a short drama produced by Nhlanhla Mthimkhulu of the Durban University of Technology. Below is a collection of all the stories. Umfazi features legendary American smooth jazz saxophonist Kirk Whalum, who was featured twice on the album. Waze wahlambuluka ukuthi ngimbhebhe ngenhlanhla wayethi ufuna ukungiqhanyeliswa nje kuphela kanti wayehambe wrong, zasezigawulwe zabekwa. The role of the nameless in isiXhosa ntsomi/Die rol van die naamlose in isiXhosa-ntsomis A delegate at a recent South African obesity conference referred to this perception, which includes high social status as the umfazi ohamba kunyakazele umhlaba syndrome (the woman who makes the earth tremble). ngilunguze imoto ay akukho muntu phakathi Umendo wami. Ngivakashele umfwethu lana nomfazi wakhe,siyaphuza sonke layndlini kumandi khona nabanye abangani bakhe. ngizihambela ngezinyawo kade phelelwe ama tekisi. There are also discussion topics related to love, sexuality and sexual health. The home of Zulu sex stories. Ngeke futhi kusisize ukukusola ukuthi ubheme ntwana thizeni amaphoyisa angeke ayithokozele. Wayemuhle impela kodwa futhi wayeshiswa ilona igazi elishisayo lomuntu wesimame. Ma ngqeda ukuchama ngsathi ngkhokha umuya ngnanele lowomuzwa, uvele awubhuxeke phakathi wonke efuna ukungibhebha asheshe. Akekho umuntu wesifazane owayehlupha njengomfazi ka Mlaba. Ngeke ngikhohlwe kodwa mhla ngizibusisa ngengqumunga yesibumbu sikaZethu. Aselamani ngisho okwelamana, siyalandelana. Kuthe nje ebsuku sesidakiwe sonke impela umfazi kamfwethu anyamalale kanye nomunye umngani kabafo uMduduzi, ngemuva nje kweskhathi uMduduzi aqhamuke epassage elivela emakamereni ehamba yedwa. com. html) Loading net Umama wakho Ngambhebha U Anti Wami July com Idla mfana Bhebha umama wakho Igolo Ngambhebha usisi ngambhebha usisi Uqala ngaphi nje ukubhebha umzala wakho? May 19, 2017. Ngabanjwa ngibhebha umfazi kamfwethu Ngivakashele umfwethu lana nomfazi wakhe,siyaphuza sonke layndlini kumandi khona nabanye abangani bakhe. thocia · 3 years ago. Iminyaka yokuqala. Isibumbu noma ingquza kamzala ebawubela umthondo. Akuvumele umehlise iphenti. wow what a sad story. Uma engakabi manzi, menze abe manzi. Ubaba omncane usebenza egoli and uvame ukubuya ngama Easter nango Khisimuzi. Kodwa angeke usho ukuthi ngisebenzela Zitholele Umaqondana And Tips Of Love :-) Today at 6:51 AM Milk is good for kids especially for bones so this time around we so aking the bundle of joy in warm milk and fresh flowers. ngath kunzima nokusukuma. Umfazi preaches the strength of the woman. Ngamanye amazwi ngithatha ngokuthi uyakwazi ukubhebha. Ngambhebha umfazi kamfowethu - EO Intombi kaMatatata uNoziwengu unamasu amabili nje vo, wumfowethu engimelamayo nami. Umnumzane uNdwandwe wase Ndwedwe wayengakaze alale nomuntu wesifazane selokhu athi nhlo!!! Abadala base bembiza bebuza ukuthi yini inkinga yakhe angalingisi abanye abafana besho ukuqonywa phela. Wayevele engifuna, kodwa ngambhebha engazelele, ngambona ukuthi uyethuka sengimgibela ngomthondo sekusha isende. Please feel free to tell me what will make you come back. May 18, 2017. Y: Awuke wandlala ithawula waginqika ngomqolo ngashona khona ngobuso ngalikhotha igolo sengathi ngyafa indlala, ngamdunusiza ngawbusheka nge doggy style wakhala umfazi ngamdudula rough and hard waqina umzimba wangqangqazela umfazi wachama maye uyiloluhlobo oluchama lu squirte ngimfende kakhulu aphinde asquirte ephindelela. Uzokwazi loko ngokuthi ibe manzi uma udlalisa i clito yakhe. “Kodwa yini Nomusa! Wafika ekuseni kangaka, ekubeni wazi kahle ukuthi umama walapha ekhaya ukhona! Umazi kahle nje ukuthi unolaka kanjani! Yini kodwa!” Ngvakashele umfwethu lana nomfazi wakhe,siyaphuza sonke layndlini kumandi khona nabanye osisi nobhuti. Read the wildest and naughtiest to get wet. ugroke iskinny esimnyama amathanga agqamile abovu klebhu. Buka nje lo nkosikazi kade elele no Tiger ubusuku bonke uyaphinda futhi manje Umfazi Kabasi wami Sekuphele 5 months ngisebenza estolo sika bab’Khumalo. ngamubhebha usisi edakwe utshwala nge weekend. / Strength of a woman comes from within. kodwa infoda enjan lena eshaya umfazi 30,300−3,000. Uma eyami indoda ingchamisa ngolimi isuke isiqhanyelwe isidoda sesilunguzile. Uqala ngaphi nje ukubhebha umzala wakho? Wumbuzo ophusile lo. uma ngiqhamuka isicabha semoto yakhe sivuliwe yena ugovozile uyachama. Lyrics to Umfazi by Zahara. kade ebuya kozijabulisa ngase mgababa mina ngimufica la ebridgini elike Lovu leli eli single lane
Though it may seem like something of a digression here to describe umama uMantombi’s ‘origins’ music as consisting of fourths and fifths, it becomes imperative to mention here the extent to which contemporary discourse in the field of comparative musicology is finally showing a preparedness to sustain highly reflexive debate concerning the provenance of such key concepts within musical analysis. Clearly, the identities of the musical proportions of the fourth and fifth in a musical series weren’t actually a western or European invention. However the claim of being unique in deploying certain concepts in musical analysis served a strategic purpose for a materially avaricious Europe. According to David Irving,
and in connection to this, another issue was raised in the movie and that is the importance of education as a weapon to fight against oppression. even if he lives in a place where education was not given importance, as a young boy, i was really impressed on how chico showed the will and determination to learn and to educate himself by teaching a man to taper rubber tree in exchange of teaching him how to read and also to learn math. when he grew up, and was ready to fight for the people's rights over the land, education played a significant role. how he valued can be reflected in his words like, ""one educated man is the beginning of a movement""ã‚❠and ""what good is the organization without education.""ã‚❠the way chico valued education somehow changed my perception that for one to be successful in fighting for what one believes doesn't entail of merely using physical force or violence because as what is clearly shown in the movie, education is a more powerful tool than physical force. in order to fight, one doesn't need to kill or hurt other people, because the more effective way is to serve one's purpose is by compromising. all individuals is granted the freedom to fight for what one believes in but this freedom has its limitation ""ã‚â“ freedom also entails one to be responsible of his own actions like to prevent hurting other people. the way chico showed his determination to be educated, in a way made me feel guilty my own shortcomings. unlike chico who possess no money and the means to learn and to be educated, i was given the privilege to be provided with the best education that a person could get but sometimes i take it for granted, primarily because before, i don't see the value of going to school and doing the same routine of doing things. the movie made me more aware that i am blessed so i should really value what i am provided with ""ã‚â“ one of which is education.
▼ Dolgozatomban Kína és Afrika bilaterális kapcsolatait vizsgálom, különös tekintettel a kereskedelemre és a működőtőke-beruházásokra. Röviden bemutatom Kína fejlesztéspolitikáját és annak intézményrendszerét. A kapcsolatoknak a 2000-ben megalapított Kína-Afrika Együttműködési Fórum nyújt hivatalos keretet. A kereskedelem jellemzőit egyes országok példáin keresztül mutatom be. Általánosan elmondható, hogy Afrika országai nyersanyagokat, elsősorban olajat exportálnak, míg importjuk feldolgozott, ipari termék. Az utóbbi években megjelentek a kínai befektetők is a fekete kontinensen. Az állami kézben lévő vállalatok elsősorban a bányászatban és az olajkitermelésben vannak jelen, a magánberuházók tevékenysége diverzifikált.Kína Afrika-politikáját számos kritika éri, egyfajta gyarmatosítási projektként értelmezik. Dolgozatomban megfogalmazom az együttműködés előnyeit és kritikáit. Advisors/Committee Members: Láng, Eszter (advisor).
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anushka banister bench, 2017--07--27 02:58:29. a footstool elevates and supports the foot of the user. there're two types of footstools, each varied on the basis of their comfort and function. the one designed with comfort factor in mind provides comfort ability to a person seated in a chair or a sofa. this type of footstool is short, wide and four legged. usually, its upholstery includes leather and others made out of animal hide. it is popularly known as ottoman. the one that is designed keeping the functionality factor in mind allows the person to rest her/his feet up on it. additionally, it also functions as a footrest, allowing the person to rest his/her whole legs horizontally. the other variety of footstool supports a person's feet that don't reach the floor when seated. the footstool is placed under the feet of the sitting person so that the person's feet may rest comfortably. it helps the blood circulation of the body to flow freely than sitting. you can be sure to add extra comfort for your guest. just a little change will sure change the interior decor of your home.
Lo msebenzi phakathi kwenu wenziwa kinina ngokuthi yimuphi umsebenzi odinga okwenziwa. Emuva kokunqotshwa kwalaba bantu, iqembu labantu lizopheleliswa. Ngakho-ke omningi umsebenzi wamanje, ungowokulungiselela inhloso yokuphelelisa nina, ngoba baningi abalilambelayo iqiniso abangapheleliswa. Uma umsebenzi wokunqoba wenziwa kini bese emuva kwalokho, ungabikho omunye umsebenzi owenziwayo, ngakho akunjalo ukuthi abanye abalangazela iqiniso ngeke balizuze? Umsebenzi wamanje uhlose ukuvula indlela yokuphelelisa abantu kamuva. Nakuba umsebenzi Wami kuwukunqoba kuphela, indlela yokuphila ekhulunywe Yimi, noma kunjalo, ingeyokulungisela ukuphelelisa abantu kamuva. Umsebenzi olandela emuva kokunqoba ugxile ekupheleliseni abantu, ngakho-ke ukunqoba kwenziwa ukwendlala isisekelo sokuphelelisa. Umuntu angapheleliswa kuphela emuva kokunqotshwa. Njengamanje umsebenzi osemqoka ukunqoba; emuva kwalokho labo abafunisisa futhi abalangazelela iqiniso bayopheleliswa. Ukupheleliswa kuphathelene nezindlela ezinhle zokungena: Unayo inhliziyo ethanda uNkulunkulu na? Kube ngakanani ukujula kolwazi obenalo njengoba bewuhamba lendlela na? Lumsulwa kangakanani uthando lwakho lukaNkulunkulu na? Uqikelela kangakanani ekwenzeni iqiniso? Ukuze apheleliswe umuntu kufanele abenolwazi oluyisisekelo ngamacala wonke obuntu. Lokhu ngumbandela oyisisekelo. Bonke labo abangenakupheleliswa emuva kokunqotshwa baphenduka izinto ezisizayo futhi bayogcina belahlwe echibini lomlilo nesibabuli baphinde balahlwe emgodini wakwalasha ngoba isimo sabo asikashintshi futhi basengabakaSathane. Uma umuntu engenazo izimfanelo zokupheleliswa, ngakho akalusizo lwalutho—ungudoti, ithuluzi, into engenakumelana nokulingwa ngomlilo! Ingabe lukhulu kangakanani uthando lwakho lwaNkulunkulu njengamanje? Ingabe uzizonda kakhulu kangakanani? Ingabe ujule kangakanani ngokumazi ngempela uSathane? Ingabe ukuqinisile ukuzimisela kwakho? Ingabe impilo yakho yobuntu ihleleke kahle? Ishintshile yini impilo yakho? Ingabe usuphila impilo entsha? Indlela obuka ngayo impilo ingabe ishintshile? Uma lezi zinto zingashintshanga, ngeke ukwazi ukupheleliswa noma ungahlehli; okunalokho nje, usunqotshiwe. Uma sekuyisikhathi sokukuvivinya, uswele iqiniso, ubuntu bakho abujwayelekile, futhi usezingeni eliphansi njengesilwane. Unqotshiwe nje kuphela, unqotshiwe nje kuphela Yimi. Njengoba, uma imbongolo seyike yezwa noma yashwaywa isitshwebhu somnikazi, imbongolo ibanovalo nokwesaba ukuhlupha njalo uma ibona unikazi, ngakho nawe, ingabe usuyile mbongolo enqotshiwe. Uma umuntu engenazo lezo zinto ezinhle futhi esikhundleni salokho angenzi lutho futhi abe nokwesaba, abenovalo nokungabaza ngezinto zonke, angakwazi ukuqonda nanoma yini ngokucacile, angakwazi ukwemukela iqiniso, futhi eselokhu engenayo indlela yokwenza, nangaphezulu, engenayo inhliziyo ethanda uNkulunkulu—uma umuntu engenakuqonda ngokuthi amthande kanjani uNkulunkulu, nokuthi angayiphila kanjani impilo enohlonze, noma ukuthi angabanjani umuntu woqobo—angamfakazela kanjani uNkulunkulu umuntu onjalo na? Lokhu kuyakhombisa ukuthi impilo yakho ayinasigqi esitheni, futhi uyimbongolo enqotshiwe nje kuphela. Unqotshiwe, kodwa lokho kusho ukuthi nje umlahlile udrako omkhulu obovu futhi waphinde wenqaba ukuthoba endaweni aphethe kuyo; kusho ukuthi uyakholwa ukuthi kukhona uNkulunkulu, ufuna ukulalela zonke izinhlelo zikaNkulunkulu, futhi awunazikhalo. Kodwa uthini ngalolu hlangothi lwezinto ezinhle? Ukukwazi ukuphilela, ukukwazi ukubonakalisa uNkulunkulu—awunakho nokukodwa kwalezi zinto, okusho ukuthi awukazuzwa nguNkulunkulu, kanti futhi uyimbongolo enqotshiwe nje kuphela. Ayikho into ethandekalyo kuwe, phinde noMoya oyiNgcwele akasebenzi kuwe. Ubuntu bakho bushoda kakhulu, futhi ngeke kwenzeke ukuthi uNkulunkulu akusebenzise. Kufanele uvunywe nguNkulunkulu futhi ubesezingeni elingcono ngamakhulu ngaphezu kwalezi zilwane ezingakholwa nalaba abahamba befile—yilabo kuphela abafinyelela kulelizinga abavumelekile ukuba bapheleliswe. Uma umuntu enobuntu futhi enonembeza, yilapho efanelekile ukusetshenziswa nguNkulunkulu. Uma usuphelelisiwe yilapho kuphela ungathathwa ngokuthi ungumuntu. Abantu abaphelelisiwe kuphela abaphila izimpilo ezinenjongo nohlonze. Abantu abanjena kuphela abangafakaza ngokungathandabuzi kuNkulunkulu.
none of this would have been necessary had the npa done its job. to recap: city press revealed in 2011 that malema’s ratanang family trust, named after his son, was a shareholder in the tender--rich onpoint engineering, a company run by malema’s engineer friend lesiba gwangwa. at the time, malema was the anc youth league leader and a powerful power broker in his home province of limpopo. on--point engineering won a number of government tenders, mainly a r52 million contract to set up a “project management unit” in the provincial roads and transport department. the state alleges that malema benefite--d financially from the tender, through his trust, and bought a farm and a mercedes--benz with the
picture it. with your children, cut out interesting pictures from newspapers or magazines. each person writes what they like about a picture. then share what you’ve all written. make song posters. for younger children, write the words of one of their favourite songs on a large sheet of paper but let older children write the words themselves. they can draw or paste pictures around the song. display the posters where they can see it and then sing the song together while you point to the words. donate a story card. encourage your children to cut out a story from an earlier nal’ibali supplement and paste it on a sheet of cardboard or part of a cereal box. let them share their story with friends or those who live in a children’s or old age home. remember to leave the story card with them so they can keep a piece of your story magic!