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22 Bahlala iminyaka emithathu kungekho mpi phakathi kweSiriya no-Israyeli. 2 Kwathi ngonyaka wesithathu uJehoshafati+ inkosi yakwaJuda wehlela enkosini yakwa-Israyeli. 3 Khona-ke inkosi yakwa-Israyeli yathi ezincekwini zayo: “Ingabe ngempela niyazi ukuthi iRamoti-gileyadi+ lingelethu? Nokho siyanqikaza ukulithatha esandleni senkosi yaseSiriya.” 4 Yase ithi kuJehoshafati: “Uzohamba nami yini ukuyolwa eRamoti-gileyadi?”+ UJehoshafati wathi enkosini yakwa-Israyeli: “Nginjengawe. Abantu bami banjengabantu bakho.+ Amahhashi ami anjengamahhashi akho.” 5 Nokho, uJehoshafati wathi enkosini yakwa-Israyeli: “Ngicela uqale ubuze+ ukuthi lithini izwi likaJehova.” 6 Ngakho inkosi yakwa-Israyeli yaqoqa abaprofethi,+ amadoda angaba ngamakhulu amane, yathi kubo: “Ngilwe yini neRamoti-gileyadi, noma ngiyeke?” Bathi: “Khuphuka,+ uJehova uzolinikela esandleni senkosi.” 7 Kodwa uJehoshafati wathi: “Akekho yini lapha omunye umprofethi kaJehova? Khona-ke masibuze ngaye.”+ 8 Inkosi yakwa-Israyeli yathi kuJehoshafati: “Kusekhona umuntu oyedwa esingabuza uJehova ngaye;+ kodwa mina ngiyamzonda impela,+ ngoba akaprofethi okuhle ngami kodwa okubi+—uMikhaya indodana ka-Imla.” Nokho, uJehoshafati wathi: “Inkosi mayingayisho into enjalo.”+ 9 Ngalokho inkosi yakwa-Israyeli yabiza isikhulu esithile segceke+ yathi: “Shesha ulethe uMikhaya indodana ka-Imla.”+ 10 Inkosi yakwa-Israyeli noJehoshafati inkosi yakwaJuda babehlezi ngamunye esihlalweni sakhe sobukhosi, bevunule,+ esibuyeni emnyango wesango laseSamariya; futhi bonke abaprofethi babenza njengabaprofethi phambi kwabo.+ 11 Khona-ke uZedekiya indodana kaKhenahana wazenzela izimpondo zensimbi wathi: “Yilokhu uJehova akushilo,+ ‘Ngalezi zimpondo uzowasunduza amaSiriya uze uwaqothule.’”+ 12 Bonke abanye abaprofethi babeprofetha into efanayo, bethi: “Khuphukela eRamoti-gileyadi uphumelele; ngokuqinisekile uJehova uzolinikela esandleni senkosi.”+ 13 Isithunywa esasiye kobiza uMikhaya sathi kuye: “Manje bheka! Amazwi abaprofethi ayavumelana ngokukhuluma okuhle enkosini. Ngiyacela, izwi lakho malibe njengezwi lomunye wabo, ukhulume okuhle.”+ 14 Kodwa uMikhaya wathi: “Kuphila kukaJehova,+ lokho uJehova azokusho kimi, yikho engizokukhuluma.”+ 15 Khona-ke wangena enkosini, inkosi yathi kuye: “Mikhaya, siye yini eRamoti-gileyadi empini, noma siyeke?” Khona manjalo wathi kuyo: “Khuphuka uphumelele; ngokuqinisekile uJehova uzolinikela esandleni senkosi.”+ 16 Inkosi yathi kuye: “Kukangaki ngikufungisa ukuba ungakhulumi lutho kimi ngaphandle kweqiniso kuphela egameni likaJehova?”+ 17 Ngakho wathi: “Ngokuqinisekile ngibona wonke ama-Israyeli ehlakazekile+ ezintabeni, njengezimvu ezingenamalusi.+ UJehova waqhubeka wathi: ‘Laba abanawo amakhosi. Mababuyele emuva yilowo nalowo endlini yakhe ngokuthula.’”+ 18 Khona-ke inkosi yakwa-Israyeli yathi kuJehoshafati: “Angishongo yini kuwe ukuthi, ‘Ngeke aprofethe izinto ezinhle ngami, kodwa ezimbi’?”+ 19 Wathi: “Ngakho-ke yizwa izwi likaJehova:+ Ngokuqinisekile ngibona uJehova ehlezi esihlalweni sakhe sobukhosi+ futhi lonke ibutho lasemazulwini limi ngakuye, kwesokunene sakhe nakwesobunxele sakhe.+ 20 UJehova wathi, ‘Ubani ozokhohlisa u-Ahabi, ukuze akhuphukele eRamoti-gileyadi futhi awe khona?’ Lo waqala ukusho lokhu, lowaya washo lokhuya.+ 21 Ekugcineni kwaphuma umoya+ wama phambi kukaJehova wathi, ‘Mina ngizomkhohlisa.’ UJehova wathi kuwo, ‘Ngayiphi indlela?’+ 22 Umoya wathi, ‘Ngizophuma, ngibe umoya okhohlisayo emlonyeni wabo bonke abaprofethi bakhe.’+ Ngakho wathi, ‘Uzomkhohlisa, futhi, ngaphezu kwalokho, uzophumelela.+ Phuma wenze ngaleyo ndlela.’+ 23 Manje, bheka, uJehova ubeke umoya okhohlisayo emlonyeni wabo bonke laba baprofethi bakho;+ kodwa uJehova yena ukhulume inhlekelele ngawe.”+ 24 UZedekiya indodana kaKhenahana wasondela washaya uMikhaya ngempama+ wathi: “Umoya kaJehova udlule ngayiphi indlela nje kimi ukuze ukhulume nawe na?”+ 25 Khona-ke uMikhaya wathi: “Bheka! Uyobona ukuthi ngayiphi indlela mhla ungena egumbini elingaphakathi impela+ uyozifihla.”+ 26 Khona-ke inkosi yakwa-Israyeli yathi: “Thatha uMikhaya umbuyisele ku-Amoni induna yomuzi nakuJowashi indodana yenkosi.+ 27 Kumelwe uthi, ‘Yilokhu inkosi ekushilo:+ “Fakani lo muntu endlini yeziboshwa+ futhi nimondle ngesabelo esincishisiwe sesinkwa+ nangesabelo esincishisiwe samanzi ngize ngibuye ngokuthula.”’”+ 28 Khona-ke uMikhaya wathi: “Uma kungenzeka nje ubuye ngokuthula, kuyobe uJehova akakhulumanga nami.”+ Wanezela: “Yizwani, nonke nina bantu.”+ 29 Inkosi yakwa-Israyeli noJehoshafati inkosi yakwaJuda bakhuphukela eRamoti-gileyadi.+ 30 Inkosi yakwa-Israyeli manje yathi kuJehoshafati: “Mina ngizozifihla ngingene empini,+ kodwa wena, gqoka izembatho zakho.”+ Ngakho inkosi yakwa-Israyeli yazifihla+ yangena empini.+ 31 Inkosi yaseSiriya yona, yayiyale izinduna ezingamashumi amathathu nambili+ zezinqola zayo, yathi: “Akumelwe nilwe nabancane noma abakhulu, kodwa nilwe nenkosi yakwa-Israyeli kuphela.”+ 32 Kwathi nje lapho izinduna zezinqola zibona uJehoshafati, zona zathi kuzo ngokwazo: “Ngokuqinisekile yinkosi yakwa-Israyeli.”+ Ngakho zaphambuka ukuze zilwe naye; uJehoshafati wakhala ecela usizo.+ 33 Kwathi nje lapho lezi zinduna zezinqola zibona ukuthi kwakungeyona inkosi yakwa-Israyeli, masinyane zabuya ekumlandeleni.+ 34 Kukhona umuntu owansala umnsalo engaqonde bubi, kodwa wagwaza inkosi yakwa-Israyeli phakathi kwejazi lensimbi nezingcwecwe ezixhunyelwe, kangangokuba yathi kumshayeli wenqola yayo:+ “Phendula isandla sakho, ungikhiphe ekamu, ngoba ngilimele kabi.” 35 Impi yaqhubeka ishuba ngalolo suku, futhi kwadingeka ukuba inkosi igcinwe imile enqoleni ibheke amaSiriya, ekugcineni yafa+ kusihlwa; igazi lenxeba lalilokhu lichithekela ngaphakathi kwenqola yempi.+ 36 Kwadluliswa isimemezelo esinkenenezayo ngasekushoneni kwelanga, sithi: “Wonke umuntu makabuyele emzini wakubo, wonke umuntu abuyele ezweni lakubo!”+ 37 Yafa kanjalo inkosi. Lapho ilethwa eSamariya, khona-ke yangcwatshwa inkosi eSamariya.+ 38 Base beyigeza inqola yempi ngasechibini laseSamariya, izinja zakhotha igazi layo+ (nezifebe ngokwazo zazigeza lapho), ngokwezwi likaJehova ayelikhulumile.+ 39 Ngokuqondene nazo zonke ezinye izindaba zika-Ahabi nakho konke lokho akwenza nendlu yezinyo lendlovu+ ayakha nayo yonke imizi ayakha, akulotshiwe yini encwadini+ yezindaba zezinsuku zamakhosi akwa-Israyeli? 40 Ekugcineni u-Ahabi walala nokhokho bakhe;+ u-Ahaziya+ indodana yakhe wabusa esikhundleni sakhe. 41 UJehoshafati+ indodana ka-Asa yena, wayebé yinkosi phezu kukaJuda ngonyaka wesine ka-Ahabi inkosi yakwa-Israyeli. 42 UJehoshafati wayeneminyaka engamashumi amathathu nanhlanu lapho eqala ukubusa, wabusa iminyaka engamashumi amabili nanhlanu eJerusalema; igama likanina kwakungu-Azuba indodakazi kaShilihi. 43 Waqhubeka ehamba ngayo yonke indlela ka-Asa uyise. Akazange aphambuke kuyo, ngokwenza okulungile emehlweni kaJehova.+ Kuphela nje izindawo eziphakeme azizange zinyamalale. Abantu babesayenza imihlatshelo futhi beshunqisa umusi womhlatshelo ezindaweni eziphakeme.+ 44 UJehoshafati wagcina ubuhlobo bokuthula nenkosi yakwa-Israyeli.+ 45 Zonke ezinye izindaba zikaJehoshafati namandla enza ngawo nendlela alwa ngayo, akulotshiwe yini encwadini+ yezindaba zezinsuku zamakhosi akwaJuda? 46 Zonke ezinye izifebe+ zesilisa zasethempelini ezazisele ngezinsuku zika-Asa uyise wazisusa ezweni.+ 47 Kwakungekho nkosi kwa-Edomi;+ iphini yilo elaliba yinkosi.+ 48 UJehoshafati yena, wenza imikhumbi yaseTharishishi+ eyayizolanda igolide e-Ofiri; kodwa ayizange iye, ngoba le mikhumbi yaphihlizeka e-Eziyoni-gebheri.+ 49 Kungaleso sikhathi lapho u-Ahaziya indodana ka-Ahabi athi khona kuJehoshafati: “Izinceku zami mazihambe nezinceku zakho ngemikhumbi,” kodwa uJehoshafati akazange avume.+ 50 Ekugcineni uJehoshafati walala nokhokho bakhe+ wangcwatshwa nokhokho bakhe eMzini KaDavide+ ukhokho wakhe; uJehoramu+ indodana yakhe wabusa esikhundleni sakhe. 51 U-Ahaziya+ indodana ka-Ahabi yena, waba yinkosi phezu kuka-Israyeli eSamariya ngonyaka weshumi nesikhombisa kaJehoshafati inkosi yakwaJuda, futhi wabusa phezu kuka-Israyeli iminyaka emibili. 52 Wenza okubi+ emehlweni kaJehova wahamba ngendlela kayise+ nangendlela kanina+ nangendlela kaJerobowamu+ indodana kaNebhati, owayonisé u-Israyeli.+ 53 Wakhonza uBhali+ emkhothamela futhi wayelokhu ecasula+ uJehova uNkulunkulu ka-Israyeli enza ngokuvumelana nakho konke uyise ayekwenzile.
02 december 2014greetings to all of you where ever you are. it has been a long time since i updated the blog and i have been a bit busy. i have started working in pmb now as a provincial manager of a new company and sbonga idlozi nomdali.now i have been asked to do a short description of isthunywa nedlozi nokuthi kuhluka njani. let me first start by idlozi, which is people/human beings who once lived on earth and have now passed on to the spiritual world. these people are our ancestors, amadlozi ethu lawa. it does not matter how long ago the person passed away in some cases. akhona amadlozi amahle namabi. amanye aba mabi ngezenzo zawo esaphila emhlabeni or ngokwenziwa abathakathi noma ukwenziwa ngumuntu. on the other hand, isthunywa slightly differes. isthunywa is a praying spirit of idlozi simple put. abanye baze basho ukuthi idlozi elikhulekayo, again isthunywa could be an angel not related to you or your blood line. furthermore isthunywa could be just the holy spirit working through somebody to heal abantu. so with isthunywa its not necessarily a human being wakini obephila la emhlabeni. even with idlozi nesthunywa, please note that there are people with foreign amadlozi, nezithunywa eziforeign as well as there are people with animal spirits guides like marmaids, leopards and others. so there is no clear cut. i hope this brief explanation answers some of your questions. 13 january 2015bayede zindlondlo onyakeni omusha. ngiyathemba ningene kahle futhi nizobusiseka nakulonyaka. inkampani okwiyona that is hosting le blogg will be shutting down. i am currently busy with another service provider to assist me with designing another platform esingaxhumana ngayo. once the new site is up and running, you will still be able to google us and find us online. the new web address might be www.emakhosini.co.za but its not yet finalised. however if you search for emakhosini on google sizokwazi ukuphinde sixhumane..next weekend yange 17 january sinemgidi yababekelwa amagobongo. abathanda ukuza know what to do by now. cheers, camagu.
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juju at it again president jacob zuma met the queen of england earlier this year. he asked her: “your majesty, are there any tips you can give me to run a government as efficiently as you do in the uk?” “well,” replied the queen, “the most important thing is to surround yourself with intelligent people.” zuma frowned. “but how do i know the people around me are really intelligent?” the queen took a sip of tea and said: “oh, that’s easy. you just ask them to answer an intelligence riddle.” the queen pushed a button on her desk and said: “please send tony blair in here, would you?” tony blair walks into the room and said: “yes, my queen?” the queen smiled. “answer me this, please, tony. your mother and father have a child. it is not your brother and it is not your sister. who is it?” without pausing for a moment, tony blair answered, “that would be me, your majesty.” “yes! very good tony,” replied the
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” Biden: We 'Screwed up' Contraception MandatePriest To Planned Parenthood: ‘Here Comes The Catholic Church’The Catholic Diaspora and the Tragedy of Liberal CatholicismA sermon explaining what Pres. Obama is doing.Holder: 1st Amendment Allows Gov't to Force Catholics to Buy Sterilizat-Contracept-Abortn InsuranceSebelius Excludes Bishops From Obamacare Mandate Compromise TalksOn "Things Not Subject to Human Government"Church Could Be Forced To 'Give Up' Public Work, Cardinal George WarnsCardinal George: No Catholic Hospitals in 2 Years Unless HHS Mandate is RescindedThe Way Freedom of Religion Should WorkReligious Liberty HomilyObama Faces More Lawsuits Over Pro-Abortion HHS MandatePope Benedict Defends Religious LibertyThe Sisters and Universal Health Care: Forgetting What Religion IsTime Magazine Op-Ed: Perhaps “Some Time in Jail” for Catholic Bishops Defending Religious LibertyBaptist College Sues Over Contraceptive MandateGovernment Assault May Have Just Begun, Cardinal Dolan WarnsResponding to Your Questions for MORE! (Eblast from Grace Before Meals priest)Catholic CEO calls mandate compromise 'divide and conquer' strategyCatholic Bishop's Prez: Our Rights Don’t Depend on ObamaObama's defense of religion {Mega BARF-Alert - talk about spin...}Contraception and the Culture War [Deepening Catholic-Evangelical Relationship]Cardinal Timothy Dolan issues strongest statement yet against the HHS mandateClergy Declare State of Emergency for Churches Over Obama DemandsFather, We're Ready for that Homily on Contraception NowContraception, Against Conscience [Why EWTN Will Not Comply With Obama's Mandate]Bishops Decry Obama birth Control Plan, Yet Catholic Hospitals Report SterilizationsThe Catholic Betrayal of Religious FreedomObama Responds to Belmont Abbey Lawsuit. Epic Fail.Catholic Charities Insists it has not Endorsed HHS MandateChaput emerging as a warrior-bishopArchbishop Chaput: It’s not a ‘compromise,’ and it needs to be rescindedPro-Abortion Fingerprints on HHS MandateDem (Congressman) Scolds Bishop (at House Oversight hearin)Evangelicals & Catholics Together: In Defense of Religious Freedom (vs. Islam, Secularism)Catholic priest, pro-life activists arrested outside White House protesting Obama mandateObama Contradicted: HHS Banned Consideration of ‘Cost Effectiveness’ in Developing ContraceptionBREAKING: Every Single Bishop Has Condemned the Obama/HHS Mandate!Pro-life nuns: We’re not exempt - Obama mandate would force us ‘to pay for abortion-inducing drugs’Contraception ruling: Democrats accuse clergy of complicity with GOP at hearingCatholic League on Sebelius’s admission before a Senate committeeVoris: Obama Able to Neutralize Catholic Resistance Thanks to Bishops’ Past ComplicityAbortion, Contraception and the Church Fathers (Catholic teaching unchanged for 2000 yrs)Head of U.S. bishops: Obama compromise on mandate ‘a hill of beans’; opposition intensifiesUSCCB President: 'Harder and Harder' to Accept Obama's WordWhite House Criticizes Bishops, Trumpets Support from CHA, Catholic CharitiesPolitical Science 101: how the White House snookered the USCCB on the 'compromise'What Did CHA's Carol Keehan Know and When Did She Know It?Pope Shares Remarks on American Culture with Bishops; Issues Call to Laity By: Msgr. Charles PopeUSCCB President says Obama offered next to nothing; expresses disappointment with Sr. KeehanEvangelical Leaders Call for Civil Disobedience Against U.S. GovernmentLiberal Jews Speak Against HHS MandateTop nun who supported Obama mandate thanks pro-choice group in private e-mailCatholic Health Association collaboration with Obama admin on mandate a ‘scandal’: Catholic leaderObama's revised HHS mandate won't solve problems, USCCB president saysFr. Frank Pavone: No compromise - the mandate has to go, periodTime To Admit It: The Church Has Always Been Right On Birth ControlCulture with Local Bishops and Issues a Call to the Laity [Ecumenical]Bishops Reject Obama's 'Accommodation' - President's political hemorrhaging to continue.HHS Mandate - Nothing Has Changed (Donald Cardinal Weurl)Obama Chief of Staff: New Pro-Abortion Mandate Here to StayWH: We Are Done Negotiating With CatholicsOpponents launch new White House petition rejecting Obama rewrite of birth control mandateDid the Leaders of the Catholic Church Make a Deal with the Redistributionist Devil?Archbishop Chaput: HHS mandate insulting and dangerousCardinal-Designate Dolan no longer trusts ObamaAmerican Catholicism’s Pact With the DevilNotre Dame Faculty to Obama: ‘This Is a Grave Violation of Religious Freedom and Cannot Stand’White House: No More Compromise on ContraceptionObama's anti-religious implosionLew: Obama's latest stance on birth-control mandate final, puts issue to rest (CAPTION)Pat Buchanan: 'Obama is trampling on God's turf' (Video)W.H. official: Contraceptive rule standsObama chief of staff: No more compromise, contraceptive rule is done dealBishops Reject White House’s New Plan on Contraception (Obama continues his "War On Religion")Faith/Pro-Life Leaders to Challenge Mandate by Praying and Risking Arrest in Front of the WHCatholic Bishops: Don't Revise, RescindObama's contempt for the ConstitutionHow the Catholic Church Became Cool OvernightChuck Colson Reacts to Obama’s “Compromise” on Required Abortion Care for Church EmployeesUS Bishops: Obama's 'Compromise' Has No Clear Protection...(Needless Government Intrusion)Protests Continue Over Insurance for Contraception, Abortifacients (Feds Under Increasing PressureBishops to Obama: No dicePaul VI: “danger of this power passing into the hands of those public authorities ...”Michael Moore Goes On Anti-Catholic Twitter Rant, Distorts Contraception DebateReligious controversy burns Obama again (the rookie Hussein is in WAY over his pay grade)Another Catholic college vows it will ‘not violate conscience’ on Obama mandateLutherans join chorus of voices slamming HHS contraceptive mandateThe Obama HHS 'Compromise' Switches the Tiger for the Lion (Not all Catholics buying Obama's bull)Hannity on now with Priests, Pastors and Rabbis. Please watchEDITORIAL: Obama’s free abortion pillsU.S. bishops ‘express concerns’ about Obama mandate ‘accommodation’What Compromise? This Policy Leaves Religious Liberty in Peril and Planned Parenthood Smiling (Albert Mohler Opinion)Bishops Renew Call To Legislative Action On Religious LibertySouthern Baptist leader: Obama gave Christians ‘the dismissive back’ of his handObama's Act of TyrannyBishops Were Prepared for Battle Over Birth Control Coverage'Accounting gimmick' -- Obama compromise still threatens religious liberty, leaders sayBishops ‘concerned’ over reworded mandate; other Catholic leaders slam as ‘insult to injury’Obama Bows to Pressure, but His Religious 'Accommodation' Even WorseDon't Be Deceived! Evil Obama Policy Now Even MORE Evil!Obama’s Contraceptive 'Compromise' Doesn't Pass the Smell Test ("It doesn't change a thing")Compromise or Accommodation, it’s still unacceptable. (updated from Catholic Vote)Pres. Obama’s “Plan B” compromise, Sr. Keehan, and the Magisterium of NunsLand Says Obama Mandate Most Anti-Catholic Government Action in 150 YearsMotive, Means and Opportunity: Obama’s Assault on Catholics (Exempt Catholics) Joe Biden, Bill Daley warned of contraceptive backlash(Tim) Thomas makes second political statement (Stands With Catholics)Southern Baptist leader: If Obama mandate isn’t changed, Christians will go to jailOver 150 congressional leaders demand repeal of HHS mandateBoehner vows to overturn Obama’s birth control coverage ruleBoehner: Congress to overturn birth control policy if Obama does not reverse courseO'Brien says Archdiocese of Baltimore won't offer birth control coverageArchbishop of San Francisco says Obama ruling strikes at religious freedomHow Obama Lost the Catholic Vote‘I am going to stick with fellow Catholics’ in Pres. Obama’s war on Catholics. Wherein Fr. Z rants.Unholy WarSix Things Everyone Should Know about the HHS MandateSantorum: Obama Hostile to ChristiansUnderstanding Oppostion to the HHS Mandate (Part 1): Why the Church Won’t Pay for ContraceptThe Bishops Chickens Coming Home to Roost.65 Orthodox Church bishops call on Obama to ‘rescind’ the ‘unjust’ contraception mandateDoug Kmiec Writes Obama: 'Friendship Will Not Permit Me to Disregard Duty to Faith and Country'Catholic Outcry Over Obama Administration's Birth Control Decision Could Factor In Presidential RaceStanding with the Bishops [Catholic Caucus]Updated: *167* Bishops (More Than 90% of Dioceses) Have Spoken Out Against Obama/HHS MandateOutrage!
Summary[edit] DescriptionAPI English: Corynephora marina. Title Corynephora marina. Date 1843 Source http://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47d9-4aa2-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99 Author Scan by NYPL Permission (Reusing this file) This image is available from the New York Public Library's Digital Library under the digital ID 847bb090-c612-012f-6d59-58d385a7bc34: digitalgallery.nypl.org → digitalcollections.nypl.org This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing for more information. беларуская (тарашкевіца)‎ | বাংলা | English | français | Nederlands | русский | Türkçe | 中文 |+/− UUID 847bb090-c612-012f-6d59-58d385a7bc34 MODS http://api.repo.nypl.org/api/v1/items/mods/510d47d9-4aa2-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99 Origin place Halstead Place, Sevenoaks Image ID 419552 Collection Photographs of British algae: cyanotype impressions Collection UUID 510d47d9-4aa2-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99 NYPL catalog ID b11861683 NYPL Division Spencer Collection Topics Algae; Photography Licensing[edit] This image is in the public domain because it is a mere mechanical scan or photocopy of a public domain original, or – from the available evidence – is so similar to such a scan or photocopy that no copyright protection can be expected to arise. The original itself is in the public domain for the following reason: Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse The author died in 1843, so this work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 100 years or less. This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1923. This file has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights. This tag is designed for use where there may be a need to assert that any enhancements (eg brightness, contrast, colour-matching, sharpening) are in themselves insufficiently creative to generate a new copyright. It can be used where it is unknown whether any enhancements have been made, as well as when the enhancements are clear but insufficient. For known raw unenhanced scans you can use an appropriate {{PD-old}} tag instead. For usage, see Commons:When to use the PD-scan tag. Note: This tag applies to scans and photocopies only. For photographs of public domain originals taken from afar, {{PD-Art}} may be applicable. See Commons:When to use the PD-Art tag.
kadri janan cabinet, 2017--05--05 16:08:11. a curio cabinet with shelf systems that you mount on the wall is an easy way to display your valuables. choosing a wall mount cabinet means you won't need to create a hole into the wall to install the cabinet. cabinets should come with a sturdy fastening system to ensure you can easily and securely attach the cabinet to the wall. some cabinets can be single or double door units and can get quite large. a bookcase/hutch unit can also work well for displaying larger collections and these can also be found that can install into your wall.
Umlazi is the biggest township in KwaZulu-Natal and the second biggest in South Africa after Soweto. In 1967 it was established as a black township under the apartheid government and was one of the places where many of those removed from Cato Manor (uMkhumbane). Now free of the oppression that defined life under apartheid, Umlazi is a buzzing example of township life in South Africa. With massive infrastructural development since 1994. According to legends, the name Umlazi comes from “umlaza” (Zulu for the sour acid produced from fermented milk or sour milk). It is believed that when King Shaka was passing through the area, he refused to drink from a local river claiming it had the taste of “umlaza”, from that incident, the area has been called Umlazi. Umlazi is divided into section using alphabets from A to Z with additions of AA, BB, CC. It consists of Umlazi Coastal College and Mangosuthu University of Technology. Mangosuthu Highway being the most popular road in Umlazi. It has two shopping malls recenlty built, the Philani Mega mall and the Mega city mall which is at the entrance of Umlazi. Almost each section Umlazi consists of its own clinic and police station and a school. The Zwelithini Stadium has recently been revamped for the FIFA World Cup 2010 and is based also in the Mangosuthu Highway in D Section. Crime is a big factor for Umlazi. There are schools who do very well and get 100% pass rate in Grade 12 i.e. Umlazi Comtech High School (T section), Menzi High School, Zwelibanzi High School. About 30% of the houses are shacks but most have been taken down due to the construction of RDP houses.
N a bid to resolve the issue of inflated water bills, which is affecting city residents particularly those in the Greater Edendale area, the municipality aims to have read 100% of meters by the end of this month. Speaking at a Msunduzi Municipality Exco meeting, municipal manager Mxolisi Nkosi said that the aim is to fix all faulty meters so that they can do correct readings regularly. The process was targeted for completion last month, but was delayed due to the shortage of meters by the supplier. “Among the challenges that we face is that sometimes, we cannot locate the addresses written on our lists. Sometimes the readings are not done due to extreme weather conditions, and meter readers need to be provided with the appropriate uniform for even when it is raining.” Chief financial officer Nelisiwe Ngcobo said that while they have already read about 80% of water meters, there are still challenges and as a result, they have appointed a task team to deal with those issues. “Task team members meet on a weekly basis to talk about issues relating to buried meters, those that cannot be located etc, or properties where readers cannot gain access because they are locked”, she said.
Inyama yakho, izifiso zakho eziwukumosha, umhawu wakho, inkanuko yakho kwakhele kwajula kuwe. Lezi zinto zilawula inhliziyo yakho njalo njalo ngendlela yokuthi awunamandla okulahla lelijoka laleyo micabango elwayo futhi ephuphile. Awufisi ukushintsha isimo sakho samanje, ube futhi ungafisi ukuphunyuka ekuqhutshweni ubumnyama. Umane uboshiwe yilezo zinto. Noma ngabe wazi ukuthi impilo enje ibuhlungu nokuthi izwe elinje limnyama kakhulu, kodwa namanje, akukho namunye wenu onesibindi sokushintsha impilo yalolu hlobo. Ulangazelela nje kuphela ukuphunyuka kule nhlobo yempilo yangempela, ukukhulula imiphefumulo yenu enhluphekweni, futhi uphile endaweni enoxolo, nenjabulo nefana nezulu. Awuzimisele ukubhekana nobunzima bokushintsha impilo yakho yamanje; ube futhi ungafuni ukucinga phakathi kwalokhu kwahlulelwa nesijeziso impilo okufuneka ungene kuyo. Kunalokho, uphupha amaphupho angenakwenzeka nhlobo, ngaleliya zwe elihle ngaphesheya kwenyama. Impilo oyifisayo yile ongayithola kalula nje ngaphandle kokuzwa ubuhlungu. Lokho ngeke kwenzeke nhlobo! Ngoba lokhu onethemba lakho, akuve kuwukuphila impilo enohlonze enyameni nokuzuza iqiniso ekuqhubekeni kwempilo, okungukuthi, ukuphilela iqiniso kanye nokumela ubulungiswa. Lokho akukona ongakubuka njengempilo ehlabahlosile, ewubukhazikhazi. Uzwa sengathi lena ngeke kube impilo enobukhazikhazi noma enohlonze. Kuwena, ukuphila impilo enje, kungabe wukuzidayisa impela! Nanoma usemukela lesi sijeziso namhlanje, kodwa empeleni okulandelayo akukona ukuzuza iqiniso, noma ukuphila iqiniso njengamanje, kodwa ukuba ungene empilweni enenjabulo ngale kwenyama, emuva kwalokhu. Awuhambi ufunana neqiniso, awumeli iqiniso, futhi awuphileli iqiniso. Awuphokophelele ukungena namuhla, kodwa kunalokho uhlala ucabanga “ngelinye ilanga”, ubheke esibhakabhakeni esiluhlaza, ukhala izinyembezi ezinomunyu, futhi ulindele ukuthathwa uyiswe ezulwini ngelinye ilanga. Awazi ukuthi lokhu kucabanga kwakho akuhambisani neqiniso? Ulokhu ucabanga ukuthi uMsindisi onomusa ongapheli nozwelo uyofika nakanjani, ngolunye usuku akuthathe ahambe nawe, wena obekezelele ubunzima nokuhlupheka kulo mhlaba, nanokuthi uyokuphindiselela nakanjani, wena okade uhlukunyezwa noma ucindezelwe. Awugcwele isono na? Uwena wedwa oke wahlupheka kulomhlaba? Wena uqobo uwele endaweni kaSathane, wahlupheka, kepha usadinga ukuthi uNkulunkulu akuphindiselele? Labo abangakwazi ukwenelisa imigomo kaNkulunkulu—akuve bonke beyizitha zikaNkulunkulu? Labo abangakholelwa kuNkulunkulu osenyameni—ababona yini abaphikikristu? Izenzo zakho ezinhle zisho ukuthini? Zingayithatha indawo yenhliziyo ekhonza uNkulunkulu? Awukwazi ukuthola izibusiso zikaNkulunkulu ngokuthi nje wenze izenzo ezinhle futhi uNkulunkulu angeke akuphindiselele ngenxa yokuthi kade uhlukunyezwa noma ucindezelwe. Labo abakholelwa kuNkulunkulu kodwa bebe bengamazi, kodwa abenza izenzo ezinhle—nabo abajeziswa ndawonye ngokufana na? Ukholelwa kuNkulunkulu nje kuphela, ufuna uNkulunkulu akulungisele futhi akuphindiselele ngamaphutha enziwe kuwe, futhi ufuna uNkulunkulu akunike intuba yokuphuma enhluphekweni yakho. Kodwa uyenqaba ukulalela iqiniso; ube futhi ungalilangazelele ukuliphila iqiniso.Ngeke-ke nakancane uphunyuke kule mpilo enzima engenalutho. Kunalokho, lapho usaphila impilo yakho enyameni nempilo yakho yesono, ubheka ngokulangazelela kuNkulunkulu ukuthi alungise izikhalazo zakho bese embula inkungu yokuphila kwakho. Lokhu kungenzeka kanjani? Uma uneqiniso, ungamlandela uNkulunkulu. Uma umphilela, ungaba isibonakaliso sezwi likaNkulunkulu.Uma unempilo, ungasithokozela isibusiso sikaNkulunkulu. Labo abaneqiniso bangathokozela isibusiso sikaNkulunkulu. UNkulunkulu uyaqinisekisa ngokulungisela labo abamthanda ngokuphelele futhi bebekezelela ubunzima nezinhlupheko, hhayi labo abazithanda bona nje kuphela futhi asebengene ekukhohlisweni nguSathane. Kungaba khona kanjani ukulunga kulabo abangalithandi iqiniso? Kungaba khona kanjani ukulunga kulabo abathanda inyama nje kuphela? Ukulunga nobuhle konke akuphathelene yini neqiniso? Akuve kubekelwe kuphela, labo abamthanda ngenhliziyo yonke uNkulunkulu? Labo abangalithandi iqiniso futhi bemane beyizidumbu ezibolayo nje akuve bonke laba bantu bequkethe ububi nje? Labo abangakwazi ukuphila iqiniso—abazona bonke izitha zeqiniso? Kuthiwani ngawe?
Ninety minutes north and a world away from Phoenix, Sedona has a reputation for crystals, pink Jeeps, and more curio shops per acre than Disney World. Maybe that's why so few people realize it's a hell of a place to ride a mountain bike, with mile upon mile of juniper-and-manzanita hills, the chalky red singletrack rolling into smooth rock shelves with constant changeability. Unlike Telluride's brutal vertical or Moab's endless slickrock, Sedona's spectacular trails are all right out your back door. "It's like being a skier and living right at the base of the mountain," says 30-year resident Mike Bower, an architect who's been working on the path network since the eighties. Because so many trails switch quickly from gentle rollers to technical descents, beginners might not love it. What never changes is the awesomeness of the red-rock formations, making the riding great from winter (when snow might pile up on the evergreens and melt by noon) through summer (when dip-worthy Oak Creek is never far away). Temperate spring and fall are that much better. Base yourself at Sedona Rouge Hotel and Spa, a slick Andalusian-themed resort in West Sedona (doubles from $199; sedonarouge.com), and rent a ride from Absolute Bikes, in the Village of Oak Creek (from $80 for two days; absolutebikes.net). From their back door you'll immediately wheel out under the shadow of Bell Rock, one of Sedona's five major vortexes—or, if you prefer, a damn gorgeous hunk of rock.
2 Ukudla Ukudla Okunempilo I s i t a s h i I m i f n o n e z i t h e l o A m a p h r o t h e n i / I n y a m a Ushuk e l a n a m a f u t h a I m i k h i q i z o y o b i s i Izitashi: zinezihlaka ezakha amandla emzimbeni ( njengestambhu, ipasta, ilayisi noma isinkwa). UMnuz Sboniso Duma oyilungu le- ANC esiShayathetho KwaZulu- Natal uthe imiholo yezinduna iyijoka kuhulumeni futhi iphazamisa nokuhanjiswa kwezidingo emphakathini.
in the context of digital transformation, then,...nov. 27, 2015 11:00 am est reads: 427popular node.js mvc frameworksby appdynamics blogusing any programming framework to the fullest extent possible first requires an understanding of advanced software architecture concepts. while writing a little client--side javascript does not necessarily require as much consideration when designing a scalable software architecture, the evolution of tools like node.js means that you could be facing large code bases that must be easy to maintain.nov. 27, 2015 10:30 am est reads: 188addressing the ethical issues of big databy bob gourleybig data is a growing trend, making it possible for businesses of every kind to gather, store, and use the unlimited personal and private data found on the internet. this massive collection allows them to predict trends, determine consumer tastes, and hone marketing plans for the greatest success. however, the concept of collecting vast amounts of information on people sounds dangerous all on its own; what keeps businesses from stepping over the line? what ethics code ensures consumer privacy along with corporate profit?nov. 27, 2015 10:00 am est reads: 258chris matthieu's @thingsexpo keynote by liz mcmillanin his keynote at @thingsexpo, chris matthieu, director of iot engineering at citrix and co--founder and cto of octoblu, focused on building an iot platform and company. he provided a behind--the--scenes look at octoblu’s platform, business, and pivots along the way (including the citrix acquisition of octoblu).nov. 27, 2015 10:00 am est reads: 490steps to centralize your enterpriseby flint brentonso you want to centralize your enterprise? smart choice – but it’s important to take some factors into consideration if you want to have success. developers need to ensure representation from each geographic location; understand current development processes and tools; and comprehend the biggest challenges. furthermore, you need to be aware of, and sensitive to, your project teams' preferences for existing tools and aversion to change.nov. 27, 2015 10:00 am est reads: 126[video] internet of things way of thinkingby elizabeth whitethe buzz continues for cloud, data analytics and the internet of things (iot) and their collective impact across all industries. but a new conversation is emerging -- how do companies use industry disruption and technology enablers to lead in markets undergoing change, uncertainty and ambiguity? organizations of all sizes need to evolve and transform, often under massive pressure, as industry lines blur and merge and traditional business models are assaulted and turned upside down. in this new data--driven world, marketplaces reign supreme while interoperability, apis and applications deliver un...nov. 27, 2015 09:45 am est reads: 215"
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The first two illegal protests from Kennedy Road were followed by a series of legal marches on the nearby local councillors, some involving more than 5000 people. In each of these marches the protestors carried a mock coffin and then staged a performance of a funeral for the councillor outside his office. On 6 October 2005 17 men and 15 women elected as representatives from 12 settlements that now had committees supporting the shack dwellers’ struggle met to formally constitute themselves into a movement, Abahlali baseMjondolo, and to commit themselves to stand together and to fight together for popular democracy and land and housing in the city. Since then Abahlali have democratised the governance of settlements, stopped evictions, won access to local schools, won some victories around services like water, toilets and refuse removal; got top class legal support and won a number of victories in court; made the voice of shack dwellers very strong in the media; set up crиches, a sewing co-operative and vegetable gardens; enabled collective bargaining with the state and capital and seriously challenged the city’s slum clearance project that wants to move most shack dwellers out of the city and dump them in formal jondolos in rural areas.
17 nga mwatontonkanya sana pa masuko ku mepusho ayacindama yabili ayali mu paragrafu 15 na 16, kuti mwasanga amasuko ayengi na ku mepusho yambi ayakuma incito. e lyo kabili kwaliba na fimbi ifyo tufwile ukutontonkanyapo sana ilyo tulesala incito ya kwingila. * te kuti twenekele umusha wa cishinka ukutupeela amafunde ya kukonka pali fyonse ifyo twingafwaya ukucita. e mulandu wine cicindamine ukuti tuleiluka. nga fintu twasambilile mu cipandwa 2, tufwile ukusambilisha kampingu yesu ifya kukonka ifyo tusambilila mu cebo ca kwa lesa mu mikalile yesu. e ico, nga ca kutila “ukupitila mu kubelesha” twakwata “amano ya kulekanya icalungama ne calubana,” kampingu kuti yatwafwa ukulasalapo ukucita ifintu ifingasekesha lesa kabili kuti yalenga twaikalilila na mu kutemwa kwakwe.—abahebere 5:14.
▼ The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the development of the notion of property concept since the promulgation of the Constitution of South Africa 108 of 1996 with special reference to the influence of statutory developments and especially the influence of Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act 19 of 1998. In the preamble to the Constitution it is made very clear that the injustices of the past are recognised and that it is endeavoured to rectify the division of the past and that all efforts are to be made to build a future that is characterised for the acknowledgement of human rights, democracy, equality and peaceful co-existence. In the Bill of Rights the right to property is acknowledged as a fundamental right and is it also mentioned that the state must respect, protect, promote and fulfil the rights in the Bill of Rights. Before the Constitution common law protection for ownership was well established, but no statutory protection for ownership existed. The effect of the property clause (section 25) of the Constitution was that not only ownership, but also other rights to property protected. The property clause prescribes that no one may be deprived of his property, except in terms of law of general application, and no law may permit arbitrary deprivation of property. No fundamental right is absolute with the effect that conflict may arise between the different clauses of the Bill of Rights. A typical example may be where the rights of an owner of immovable come into conflict with another person's right to housing. It must, however, always be borne in mind that no fundamental right is absolute that it is possible, under certain circumstances, to limit a fundamental right. This limitation may also occur in the case of property rights. Certain statutory developments took place since the promulgation of the Constitution. The most important of these developments is of course the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act 19 of 1998. In terms of this Act it is required that certain formalities are to be fulfilled before an unlawful occupier may be evicted from property. The relevant part of the Act is the definition of an illegal occupier. Despite the fact that it was decided in several court cases that an illegal occupier does not include a person who previously had permission to occupy the property, it was decided by the Supreme Court of Appeal in Ndlovu v Ngcobo : Bekker v Jika that the act is applicable to such occupiers and specifically to lessees who's lease agreements have expired or a mortgagor who's mortgage has been foreclosed and who now refuses to vacate the property in question. The key findings are that the property concept has developed drastically since the Constitution. In regard to statutory development the most important development was the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act which was found to be applicable to all unlawful occupiers of property, regardless of the fact that the occupiers…
4 eshi jehova a hovela noilonga yaye yokushita, okwa li a pa oishitwa yaye inaendunge emanguluko lokuninga omatokolo. oo a li a pewa tete oshali oyo omonamati waye woshiveli, “olupe lakalunga iha monika.” (kol. 1:15) fimbo jesus ine uya kombada yedu, okwa li a hoolola okukala omudiinini kuxe nokuha kufa ombinga mounashibofa wasatana. eshi a li kombada yedu, okwa li a longifa emanguluko laye lokuninga omatokolo opo a anye eyeleko lomutondi munenenene, satana. (mat. 4:10) meilikano laye olo a ilikana oufiku oo wa tetekela efyo laye, okwa li a twa omufindo etokolo laye lokulonga ehalo lakalunga. okwa ti: “tate, ngenge wa hala kufe nge eholo eli, ndele hahalo lange, ndelenee oloye.” (luk. 22:42) natu kale twa tokola toko okuhopaenena jesus nokukala hatu longifa emanguluko letu lokuninga omatokolo tu fimaneke jehova notu longe ehalo laye. mbela osho otashi shiiva ngoo?
“this is the software paradox: the most powerful disruptor we have ever seen and the creator of multibillion--dollar net new markets is being commercially devalued, daily. just as the technology industry was firmly convinced in 1981 that the money was in hardware, not software, the industry today is largely built on the assumption that the real revenue is in software. the evidence, however, suggests that software is less valuable—in the commercial sense—than ...jul. 5, 2015 11:00 am edt reads: 1,183ifttt and the internet of thingsby jayaram krishnaswamyifttt stands for the conditional statement ""if this then that'. it is a web based service with a simple workflow. flow of work (action, that) is created by a trigger based on a condition(this), like say,'if it rains take the umbrella'. this service was provided in some cases, such as the various financial services that you could get an email if your chosen stock price reached a new high, etc. they were called alerts and they are also used by banks and credit card companies. jul. 4, 2015 10:00 am edt reads: 1,063'people' are latest trend at cloud expoby roger strukhoffpeople have re--entered the picture in discussions about cloud computing.
rashmi jameela bedding set, 2017--07--12 13:12:54. as a result of these amazing hotel bedding upgrades everything on the bed has been improved -- from the mattress and box spring to the comforters and the pillows. probably the most sought after item from a good hotel stay is for someone to want to buy the pillows used at the hotel. luckily many hotels allow guests a method to buy the same bedding they use but for home use. many larger properties will place a brochure or catalog within the room. however, many hotels are not large enough to offer a dedicated guest fulfillment program and the happy hotel guest has to find another method of purchasing the bedding for home.
Asikhulume ngalesi singisi and thina bantu abakhuluma isiZulu. Yessus, talk about a love/hate relationship! Ubani othe kubalulekile ukuthi sikhulume isingisi? You know there is a reason why there is no ‘R’ in IsiZulu, and that’s because in isiZulu there aren’t any words like i-Rama, noma i-Ruler. Kodwa-ke khona enye inkinga with the english language (besides ‘ilama’ ‘nelula’), and that’s lento yabo yokufaka onkamisa ababili ndawonye. Kwabanye abantu kunzima kabi ukusho the word ‘street’ properly, ngoba lo ‘ee’ ugcina usuwu ‘i’, and sigcina sithi ‘strit’ instead of street. And lento ibuye ibe a bit dangerous, ngoba ugcine usho izinto ezingancacile like ‘shit’, instead of ‘sheet’, and ‘bich’ instead of ‘beach’. Hhayibo Nkosi yami, something needs to be done. Mina I’m tired of being made fun of ngoba ngithe ‘I beliv, that such and such’ or ‘mit me at such and such a place’. Le ndaba of the english double vowels, inkinga ngempela ngoba noma ungakhuluma into enomqondo kangakanani, ugcina ubukeka sengathi uyisiphukuphuku ube ungesona. Here are a few other examples you might recognise: duvet, manaaygement, determyned.
Emva kokuqonda konke lokhu, ngaqala ukuzihlola: ngikholwa ukuthi ngiwumuntu olamukelayo iqiniso, kodwa sengilamukele izwi likaNkulunkulu enhliziyweni yami? Ingabe iqiniso yilo elinamandla enhliziyweni yami? Ingabe sengiyinqabile imicabango yami yangaphambilini nemibono ebeyisenhliziyweni yami? Emva kokuzihlolisisa, ngabona ukuthi bengingakakwenzi konke lokhu. Isibonelo: uNkulunkulu wambule ukuthi alukho uthando lweqiniso phakathi kwabantu, futhi bafuna nje ukuzuza komunye nomunye. Yize noma ngivuma ngomlomo iqiniso elikhulunywe uNkulunkulu, selokhu ngazi enhliziyweni yami ukuthi unkosikazi wami, izingane, abazali kanye nami sonke sithandana ngokweqiniso. Izindebe zami zavuma iqiniso elithi uNkulunkulu akenzi umuntu angabi nasici ngenxa yezinga akulo, kodwa ngokuthi unalo na iqiniso noma cha; kodwa inhliziyo yami yalokhu ibambelele emibonweni yami yokuthi uma ngisezingeni eliphezulu kanjalo noNkulunkulu uzongenza ngingabi nasici, uma ngisezingeni eliphezulu nabantu bazongazisa babukele kimina. Ngangicabanga ukuthi uNkulunkulu uzojabula ngami. Ngakho-ke, ngangilokhu ngizikhathaza ngokuthi ngisezingeni eliphezulu nokuba ngingalahlekelwa yilokho, futhi lokhu kuyinto engizikhathazayo ngayo. Ngavuma ngomlomo wami ukuthi uNkulunkulu uthe ubunzima nokucwengwa, nokulungisa kanye nokuthena kuluthando lukaNkulunkulu, kuyizinto eziyinzuzo empilweni yomuntu. Kodwa angizange ngifune ukuqonda umongo weqiniso lalawa mazwi futhi angizange ngazi ukuthi uNkulunkulu umthanda kanjani umuntu nokuthi uthando lukaNkulunkulu lubonakaliswa kanjani, kangangokuba ngangingazimisele ukwamukela ukuthi uNkulunkulu usebenzisa abantu, izindaba, nezinto ezingahambisani nokucabanga kwami ukuba angicwenge futhi angilungise, kuze kufike ethubeni lokuthi ngingakhalaza ngikhononde ngako. Ngangazi ukuthi isicelo sikaNkulunkulu kubantu ukuba bathembeke sibalulekile, kodwa angizange ngigcizelele ukusisebenzisa noma ukungena kuso. Ngangilokhu ngivame ukuqamba amanga ngizikhohlisa ngenxa nje yesithunzi sami. Emva kwalokho, angizimiselanga ukukhuluma iqiniso ngokuphelele. Uma ngihlangabezana nenkinga ezonginika ubunzima ngenkathi ngenza imisebenzi yami, bengenza umsebenzi wami njengokugcina icala ngingazinikeli ngokuphelele emsebenzini wami. Umlomo wami bewamukela ukuthi uNkulunkulu uthi sifune intando yaKhe kuzo zonke izinto kanye nokwenza njengokwezimfuno zaKhe, kodwa empeleni uma ngibhekana nezinto, ngangenza izinto ngendlela engithanda ngayo ngokwentando yami. Ngambeka le emuva uNkulunkulu. Futhi, lapho abantu bekhomba ukungenzi kahle kwami ngangiphakama kakhulu bese ngenza izinto ngeyami indlela kuphela, inhliziyo yami ingafuni ukwamukela ukusolwa yibo. Kodwa ngangesaba ukuthi abanye bazothi angamukelanga iqiniso, ngakho nganginqekuzisa ikhanda ngivume ngokuphikisana nentando yami. Kodwa eqinisweni, ngibe ngingathathanga ukusola kwabo ngakwamukela, nokuyingakho ngingakashintshi kuze kube namhlanje. Namanje ngisaziqhenya futhi ngiyazidla njengoSathane. … Kunezinto eziningi ngami ezikhombise ukuthi angikalamukeli iqiniso. Kodwa uma ngibona ukuthi izwi likaNkulunkulu lambula ukuthi bonke abantu abalamukeli iqiniso, angilamukelanga izwi likaNkulunkulu njengeqiniso, futhi angizamanga ukuqonda umongo wamazwi kaNkulunkulu ngizihlolisise. Kunalokho, ngazibona sengathi mina angibalwa kuleli zwi likaNkulunkulu futhi ngazithatha njengomuntu oselamukele iqiniso. Ingabe lokhu kwakungekona ukuveza ngokucacile ukungamukeli iqiniso? Ngaleso sikhathi, ngabona ukuthi ngiwumuntu ongazange alamukele iqiniso nhlobo. Izenzo zami mbumbulu zokwamukela iqiniso zaziyizenzo nje zangaphandle; kwakuyizithubelo mbumbulu nje ezazingasondele nokusondela ekwamukeleni iqiniso. Ngangingazazi mina uqobo, ngempela ngangingazazi! Emva kokukwazi lokhu, ngaba nokwesaba. Ngangazi ukuthi bengikholwa kuNkulunkulu kuyo yonke le minyaka kodwa ngiphila ngaphandle kwamazwi Akhe. Ngangingatholanga ngokweqiniso isahlulelo nokusolwa nguNkulunkulu. Ngangiyikholwa nje enhliziyweni yami ngaphandle kukaNkulunkulu futhi ngaphandle kweqiniso empilweni. Uma ngingaqhubeka kanje, izwi likaNkulunkulu ngeke liphinde likwazi ukuba yimpilo yami. Ngeke ngiphinde ngikwazi ukuzihlangula kulo ithonya likaSathane ngisindiswe futhi ngipheleliswe. Kolunye uhlangothi, ngiyolahlwa uNkulunkulu, ngiwele ekujezisweni uNkulunkulu.
14 jesus okwa tulila po ovadali oshihopaenenwa sha wanenena monghedi oyo a ungaunga nounona. eshi vamwe va li tava kendabala okukelela ounona ve he uye kuye, jesus okwa ti: “efeni ounona ve uye kuame nye inamu va kelela ko.” ombibeli otai ti kutya okwe va “ukata momake aye, ndele okwe va nangeka noupuna nokutenheka omake aye kuvo.” (markus 10:13--16) molwaashi jesus okwa li a longifa efimbo okukala nounona, mbela naave ku na okuninga sha faafana shi na sha novanamati novanakadona voye? inava pumbwa ashike okukaliwa navo okafimbo kanini, ndele ova pumbwa okukaliwa navo efimbo lihapu. owa pumbwa okulongifa efimbo oku va honga, molwaashi osho osho jehova a lombwela ovadali va ninge. — deuteronomion 6:4--9.
“Sawubona” to store clerks or folks I pass on the street. I have also been threatened and told I did not belong in a neighborhood and had better leave, because I am white. My daughter has been denied her right to vote twice, but I don’t think she is “disenfranchised”. But then I don’t have hate mongers like Al Sharpton and theNAACP speaking for me; only about me. As a nation, and as the Body of Christ, I think we need to think LESS about race and our differences and diversity, We need to get back to being the “great American melting pot” as a nation, and to remind ourselves that we are all equal at the foot of the cross as the Church. The more race and racism is discussed, the more hatred I experience, which in turn, as a survival mechanism, makes me suspicious of other races and less likely to extend the Gospel to them. And if you don’t want to be treated like a possible thug, or wise guy, or redneck, don’t dress and act like one.
My salutation to Goddess Sri Varahi who has attractive face which has the resemblance of lotus flower with a dazzling smile on it; she is red complexioned, rides on a horse and fascinates all kinds of animals and ladies from royal families. These sacred hymns are composed by the deities in order to get hold of the attraction from Goddess Sri Varahi, consequently get attracted from all human beings, eventually the place where Goddess Sri Varahi resides would be flourished, like a King and its subject, loaded with wisdom, wealth, clothes and higher status. Whoever venerates Goddess Sri Varahi, would be blessed with her presence in and out of mind, well performance in all fields and has amazing power to attract others. The worshipper would be blessed with the possessions of Chamaram, Dholika, Chathram and all signs of Royal families and fulfillment of all desires. Whoever worships Goddess Sri Varahi along with Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi and Goddess Sri Rathidevi would be blessed with a gem like a companion with great passion. Worship of Goddess Sri Varahi would bring immense power to attract others, it brings affection from animals and birds as well and it also provides the ability to enchant others too. Worship of Goddess Sri Varahi and her attractive bow and arrow removes the miseries of the worshipper and to attract the entire Universe.
I bought the "Thin Blade" knife a couple months back now, first impressions were that it is a very strong and sharp knife, it's edge remains very sharp for a long time and when sharpening only requires very few strokes on a diamond steel.However recently I had noticed when I put it down after use, it would make this rather peculiar sound, as though it were loose and vibrating through its handle. I ignored this as I thought it may just be the weight of the blade, however it only became worse and now it has become very loose within the handle and the blade actually wobbles side to side whilst in use.I guess you get what you pay for and it has been used almost daily since I bought it (I am a chef), however if you are looking for a knife that will see till the end of the year, look elsewhere.
nakuba manje isiphelile impilo yokuzinqumela nokucinga, lokhu akusho ukuthi abantu akufanele bathandaze, kube kungasho ukuthi abantu akudingeki balinde intando kankulunkulu ukuba izibonakalise ngaphambi kokuqhubeka nomsebenzi; lena kumane kuyimibono ethile yabantu. unkulunkulu uye weza ebantwini ukuze aphile nabo futhi abe ukukhanya kubantu, ukuphila kwabantu nendlela yabantu, futhi lokhu kuyiqiniso. yebo, lapho unkulunkulu eza emhlabeni sikhona isidingo sokuba alethe kubantu izindlela ezisebenzayo ezihambisana nezimo nokuphila kwabo ukuze bajabule—akezelanga ukubhidliza zonke izindlela ezisetshenziswa umuntu. abantu abasaphili ngokuzinqumela nokucinga ngoba lokhu kuye kwathathelwa indawo ukuza kukankulunkulu emhlabeni ukuzofeza nokukhuluma izwi lakhe. uzele ukuzokhulula abantu ekuphileni okumnyama bhuqe futhi abanikeze ukuphila kokukhanya. imisebenzi yamanje eyokukhomba ngokucacile izinto ezithile, ukukhuluma ngokucacile, ukutshela abantu ngokuqondile nokuchaza izinto ngokusobala, ukuze abantu bakwazi ukuzenza lezi zinto. njengoba nje ujehova ahola abantu bakwa--israyeli, ebatshela indlela yokwenza imihlatshelo nendlela yokwakha ithempeli, ngakho anisadingi ukuphila impilo yokucinga ngendlela enanenza ngayo ngemva kokuhamba kwenkosi ujesu. ingabe kuyadingeka ukuba uzinqumele imisebenzi yesikhathi esizayo yokusabalalisa ivangeli? ingabe kuyadingeka ukuba uzinqumele ukuze wazi ukuthi kufanele uphile kanjani? ingabe kuyadingeka ukuba uzinqumele ukuze wazi ukuthi kufanele uyenze kanjani imisebenzi yakho? ingabe kuyadingeka ukuba ulale phansi emhlabathini futhi ucinge ukuze wazi ukuthi ungabunikeza kanjani ubufakazi? ingabe kuya dingeka ukuba uzile ukudla futhi uthandaze ukuze wazi indlela okufanele ugqoke noma uphile ngayo? ingabe kuyadingeka ukuba uphikelele nokuthandaza kunkulunkulu osezulwini ukuze wazi indlela yokwamukela ukunqotshwa? ingabe kuyadingela ukuba uthandaze ngokungaphezi usuku lonke nobusuku bonke ukuze wazi indlela okufanele ulalele ngayo? kunabaningi phakathi kwenu abathi awukwazi ukwenza okuthile ngoba awunakho ukuqonda. ngempela abantu abayinakile imisebenzi namuhla! eziningi zalezi zinto ngiye ngazisho esikhathini eside esedlule, ukuthi nje aninakanga, akumangazi ukuthi anazi. yebo, enkathini yamanje umoya ongcwele usaqhubeka nokushukumisa abantu ukuba bakuvumele ukuba nomuzwa wenjabulo, futhi umoya ongcwele uphila nabantu. lena eminye yemizwa ekhethekile nejabulisayo evame ukwenzeka ekuphileni kwakho. ngezikhathi ezithile kuba nosuku lapho uzizwa sengathi unkulunkulu uthandeka kakhulu futhi ingekho into ongayenza kodwa ukuba uthandaze kunkulunkulu: “o nkulunkulu! uthando lwakho luhle kakhulu futhi umfanekiso wakho mkhulu kakhulu. ngifisa ukukuthanda ngokujule kakhulu. ngifisa ukuzinikela ngokuphelele ukuze ngikusebenzise ukuphila kwami konke. uma nje ngikwenzela wena, ngifisa ukukunika konke kuwe, ukuze nje ngikuthande….” lona umuzwa wenjabulo owunikezwa umoya ongcwele. akukhona ukukhanyiselwa, noma ukukhanya; ngukushukunyiswa. lokhu kuzokwenzeka njalo, njengalapho uya emsebenzini. uzothandaza futhi uzizwe usondelene nonkulunkulu, kangangokuba izinyembezi zizogcwala ebusweni bakho, uzoshukumiseka ngendlela yokuba ungakwazi ukuzilawula futhi ufise kakhulu ukuthola indawo efanele ongaveza kuyo lonke isasasa enhliziyweni yakho…. ngezinye izikhathi uzoba esehlakalweni somphakathi futhi uzwe sengathi uthando olubonayo lukhulu kakhulu, kangangokuba ubone ukuphila kwakho sengathi akuvamile, futhi kakhulu uzizwe sengathi ufanelwe okukhulu kakhulu kunabanye. uzokwazi ngokujulile ukuthi unkulunkulu uyakuphakamisa, ukuthi lolu uthando olukhulu unkulunkulu akuthanda ngalo. emizweni ejulile yenhliziyo yakho uzozwa sengathi kukhona uhlobo oluthile lothando ngonkulunkulu olungachazeki nolungafundeki; kunjengokungathi uyalwazi kodwa ayikho indlela yokuluveza, luhlale lukwenza ume kancane ucabange kodwa lukushiye ungakwazi ukuluveza ngokuphelele. ngezikhathi ezifana nalezi, uzokhohlwa ngisho nendawo okuyo, kuze kube sesikhathini lapho uzophimisela: “o nkulunkulu! kunzima ukukuqonda, noma kunjalo uthandeka kakhulu!” ngezinye izikhathi ungase wenze ngisho izenzo ezixakile neziyinqaba abantu abazibona zingachazeki, futhi zonke lezi zinto zingenzeka kaningi…. lolu hlobo lokuphila lunzima kakhulu enidlule kukona nalezi zinto ziwukuphila umoya ongcwele oninika zona namuhla, nokuphila okufanele nikuphile manje. akufanele kunenze ukuthi niyeke ukuphila, ukuthi nje indlela eniphila ngayo iguqukile. lona umuzwa ongachazeki noma uvezwe. kuphinde kube umuzwa wangempela womuntu futhi ikakhulu umsebenzi kamoya ongcwele. kukwenza nikwazi ukuqonda ezinhliziyweni zenu, kodwa aninayo indlela eningamchazela ngayo omunye umuntu ngokucacile. hhayi ngoba ningakwazi ukukhuluma noma ngoba ninamalimi, kodwa ngenxa yokuthi uhlobo lomuzwa olungachazeki ngamagama. univumela ukuba nijabulele lezi zinto namuhla njengoba lokhu kungukuphila okufanele nikuphile. yebo, akusho ukuthi enye indlela yokuphila kwenu iyize, ukuthi nje ukushukumiseka ngale ndlela kuba uhlobo oluthize lwenjabulo ekuphileni kwenu olunenza nihlale nifuna ukujabulela ukushukunyiswa umoya ongcwele. kodwa kufanele nazi ukuthi ukushukunyiswa ngale ndlela akukona ukuthi uzihlukanise nenyama futhi uye ezulwini lesithathu, noma ujikeleze umhlaba, kunalokho kungenjongo yokubona uthando lukankulunkulu namuhla, ukubona ukubaluleka kwemisebenzi kankulunkulu namuhla, ukuba nikhumbule ukunakekelwa nokuvikelwa unkulunkulu. zonke lezi zinto zinenza nibe nolwazi olukhulu ngemisebenzi unkulunkulu ayenzayo namuhla nokuba nizwe futhi nibone kakhulu uthando lukankulunkulu enilujabulelayo namuhla—lena injongo yalo msebenzi.
Song Writer(s): Stookey, Noel Paul, Yarrow, Publisher: NEWORLD MEDIA MUSIC PUBLISHERS, SILVER DAWN MUSIC, “Hi” said the little leatherwing bat“I’ll tell you the reason thatThe reason that I fly by nightBecause I lost my heart’s delight”Howdy dowdy diddle um dayHowdy dowdy diddle um dayHowdy dowdy diddle um dayHey dee lee dee lie dee lo“Hi” said the owl in the dead of night“A lonesome day and a lonesome nightThought I heard a pretty girl sayI'd dance all night but I sleep the next day”Howdy dowdy diddle um dayHowdy dowdy diddle um dayHowdy dowdy diddle um dayHey dee lee dee lie dee lo“Hi” said the woodpecker sittin’ on a bench'Once I courted a handsome wenchShe got scared and from me fledEver since then I’ve dressed in red'Howdy dowdy diddle um dayHowdy dowdy diddle um dayHowdy dowdy diddle um dayHey dee lee dee lie dee lo“Hi” said the black bird sittin’ on a chair“Once I courted a lady fairShe got fickle and turned her backAnd ever since then I’ve dressed in black”Howdy dowdy diddle um dayHowdy dowdy diddle um dayHowdy dowdy diddle um dayHey dee lee dee lie dee lo“Hi” said the little turtledove“I’ll tell you how to win your loveCourt her night and court her dayNever give her a chance to say you nay”Howdy dowdy diddle um dayHowdy dowdy diddle um dayHowdy dowdy diddle um dayHey dee lee dee lie dee lo“Hi” said the blue bird as he flew“If I had a young wife I’d have twoIf one got tired and wanted to goI’d have a new string for my bow”Howdy dowdy diddle um dayHowdy dowdy diddle um dayHowdy dowdy diddle um dayHey dee lee dee lie dee lo“Hi’” said the jay bird sittin’ in the tree“When I was a young man I had threeTwo got saucy and then took flightThe one that’s left don’t treat me right”Howdy dowdy diddle um dayHowdy dowdy diddle um dayHowdy dowdy diddle um dayHey dee lee dee lie dee loHowdy dowdy diddle um dayHowdy dowdy diddle um dayHowdy dowdy diddle um dayHey dee lee dee lie dee lo
this is easy mthwakazi. let's send a delegation to meet him early before the conert and share our concerns. he needs to be reminded that those that mistreated him are not his cheerleaders, they are not even buying tickets to see him. i have a lot of his music, i see him as mthwakazi, i just happen to have emigrated to zim many decades ago. besides, even if i had not, what does it profit him to send the zim back, how much is he going to make at the end? it's a give and take. it might be a blessing in disguise to send some of us home because we would quickly meet with our loved ones after so long, then we'll go and bother him more in his homeland. here me well, i sekela umasekela on his music, i just need a mentor to sit with him and show him the big picture. if i was in canada i would attend his effort, let him come to us and i'll be there, he's also the son of the soil.
Sexy Pin-up Drawing Contest-Win Up to $35 or more!Greetings all!I've wanted to do this for a long time now!This will be a sexy pin-up contest for people to draw my two favorite anime characters together in a pinup setting: Junko Enoshima (from Dangan Ronpa) and Hildegard "Hilda" Schlievogt (from Cross Ange)!If you enter the contest, you'll have a chance to win $35 or more! Also if you do enter, I'll give you a watch Rules You must draw Junko and Hilda together in order to participate in this contest! (References to them both are below!) Make sure your entry is sexy/seductive! If you would like examples of what you could do, I have listed some cool ideas below! But it's up to you! Have fun! The most fun and creative ones will likely win. The sexier the better Ecchi, nudity, yuri, and/or NSFW is <b>
lo msebenzi phakathi kwenu wenziwa kinina ngokuthi yimuphi umsebenzi odinga okwenziwa. emuva kokunqotshwa kwalaba bantu, iqembu labantu lizopheleliswa. ngakho--ke omningi umsebenzi wamanje, ungowokulungiselela inhloso yokuphelelisa nina, ngoba baningi abalilambelayo iqiniso abangapheleliswa. uma umsebenzi wokunqoba wenziwa kini bese emuva kwalokho, ungabikho omunye umsebenzi owenziwayo, ngakho akunjalo ukuthi abanye abalangazela iqiniso ngeke balizuze? umsebenzi wamanje uhlose ukuvula indlela yokuphelelisa abantu kamuva. nakuba umsebenzi wami kuwukunqoba kuphela, indlela yokuphila ekhulunywe yimi, noma kunjalo, ingeyokulungisela ukuphelelisa abantu kamuva. umsebenzi olandela emuva kokunqoba ugxile ekupheleliseni abantu, ngakho--ke ukunqoba kwenziwa ukwendlala isisekelo sokuphelelisa. umuntu angapheleliswa kuphela emuva kokunqotshwa. njengamanje umsebenzi osemqoka ukunqoba; emuva kwalokho labo abafunisisa futhi abalangazelela iqiniso bayopheleliswa. ukupheleliswa kuphathelene nezindlela ezinhle zokungena: unayo inhliziyo ethanda unkulunkulu na? kube ngakanani ukujula kolwazi obenalo njengoba bewuhamba lendlela na? lumsulwa kangakanani uthando lwakho lukankulunkulu na? uqikelela kangakanani ekwenzeni iqiniso? ukuze apheleliswe umuntu kufanele abenolwazi oluyisisekelo ngamacala wonke obuntu. lokhu ngumbandela oyisisekelo. bonke labo abangenakupheleliswa emuva kokunqotshwa baphenduka izinto ezisizayo futhi bayogcina belahlwe echibini lomlilo nesibabuli baphinde balahlwe emgodini wakwalasha ngoba isimo sabo asikashintshi futhi basengabakasathane. uma umuntu engenazo izimfanelo zokupheleliswa, ngakho akalusizo lwalutho—ungudoti, ithuluzi, into engenakumelana nokulingwa ngomlilo! ingabe lukhulu kangakanani uthando lwakho lwankulunkulu njengamanje? ingabe uzizonda kakhulu kangakanani? ingabe ujule kangakanani ngokumazi ngempela usathane? ingabe ukuqinisile ukuzimisela kwakho? ingabe impilo yakho yobuntu ihleleke kahle? ishintshile yini impilo yakho? ingabe usuphila impilo entsha? indlela obuka ngayo impilo ingabe ishintshile? uma lezi zinto zingashintshanga, ngeke ukwazi ukupheleliswa noma ungahlehli; okunalokho nje, usunqotshiwe. uma sekuyisikhathi sokukuvivinya, uswele iqiniso, ubuntu bakho abujwayelekile, futhi usezingeni eliphansi njengesilwane. unqotshiwe nje kuphela, unqotshiwe nje kuphela yimi. njengoba, uma imbongolo seyike yezwa noma yashwaywa isitshwebhu somnikazi, imbongolo ibanovalo nokwesaba ukuhlupha njalo uma ibona unikazi, ngakho nawe, ingabe usuyile mbongolo enqotshiwe. uma umuntu engenazo lezo zinto ezinhle futhi esikhundleni salokho angenzi lutho futhi abe nokwesaba, abenovalo nokungabaza ngezinto zonke, angakwazi ukuqonda nanoma yini ngokucacile, angakwazi ukwemukela iqiniso, futhi eselokhu engenayo indlela yokwenza, nangaphezulu, engenayo inhliziyo ethanda unkulunkulu—uma umuntu engenakuqonda ngokuthi amthande kanjani unkulunkulu, nokuthi angayiphila kanjani impilo enohlonze, noma ukuthi angabanjani umuntu woqobo—angamfakazela kanjani unkulunkulu umuntu onjalo na? lokhu kuyakhombisa ukuthi impilo yakho ayinasigqi esitheni, futhi uyimbongolo enqotshiwe nje kuphela. unqotshiwe, kodwa lokho kusho ukuthi nje umlahlile udrako omkhulu obovu futhi waphinde wenqaba ukuthoba endaweni aphethe kuyo; kusho ukuthi uyakholwa ukuthi kukhona unkulunkulu, ufuna ukulalela zonke izinhlelo zikankulunkulu, futhi awunazikhalo. kodwa uthini ngalolu hlangothi lwezinto ezinhle? ukukwazi ukuphilela, ukukwazi ukubonakalisa unkulunkulu—awunakho nokukodwa kwalezi zinto, okusho ukuthi awukazuzwa ngunkulunkulu, kanti futhi uyimbongolo enqotshiwe nje kuphela. ayikho into ethandekalyo kuwe, phinde nomoya oyingcwele akasebenzi kuwe. ubuntu bakho bushoda kakhulu, futhi ngeke kwenzeke ukuthi unkulunkulu akusebenzise. kufanele uvunywe ngunkulunkulu futhi ubesezingeni elingcono ngamakhulu ngaphezu kwalezi zilwane ezingakholwa nalaba abahamba befile—yilabo kuphela abafinyelela kulelizinga abavumelekile ukuba bapheleliswe. uma umuntu enobuntu futhi enonembeza, yilapho efanelekile ukusetshenziswa ngunkulunkulu. uma usuphelelisiwe yilapho kuphela ungathathwa ngokuthi ungumuntu. abantu abaphelelisiwe kuphela abaphila izimpilo ezinenjongo nohlonze. abantu abanjena kuphela abangafakaza ngokungathandabuzi kunkulunkulu.
And for those who see the data-gathering potential, the prospects are salivation-inducing; a world where everything could sense its surroundings, gathering all kinds of data and then wirelessly delivering it to a central point for analysis.Nov. 2, 2014 09:00 AM EST Reads: 2,669Cloud and Things and Big Operational DataBy Lori MacVittieThe Internet of Things is only going to make that even more challenging as businesses turn to new business models and services fueled by a converging digital-physical world. Applications, whether focused on licensing, provisioning, managing or storing data for these "things" will increase the already significant burden on IT as a whole. The inability to scale from an operational perspective is really what software-defined architectures are attempting to solve by operationalizing the network to shift the burden of provisioning and management from people to technology.Oct. 31, 2014 05:00 PM EDT Reads: 4,485Why Wearables Need More HeartBy Liz DickinsonThe hype around the wearable tech industry has steered many consumers straight to Amazon in search of a fitness gadget that will tell them how healthy or unhealthy they act on a regular basis. Some feel they can’t become healthier unless they are tracking their progress every step of the way. But as we begin to see through the hype, the wearable tech industry seems to be way behind in one important area – actually making us healthier.
5kulula ukushiya into endala uma umuntu ethola engcono kunayo. sifuna ukuzijabulisa kodwa amaphika--siqu asedale isimo esenza ukuthi sithembele ebumnandini bezwe. ukujabula kwethu kumele kuxhume kunkulunkulu (puruṣaḥ sa paraḥ), esinganoku--kwazi ukubonana naye ubuso nobuso. ezulwini siyakwazi ukuxoxa nonkulunkulu bukhoma, sidlale naye, sidle kanye naye njalo njalo. konke lokhu ungakuzuza nge bhaktya okuyinkonzo yokunikela ngemisebenzi yothando. kodwa--ke le misebenzi yakho kumele kube engaxutshiwe, lokho kusho ukuthi kumele simkhonze kodwa singalindeli ukuzuza ngalokho, singalindeli nkokhelo ngalokho. ukuthanda unkulunkulu ngoba ufuna ukuba munye naye nilingane nalokho kusengenye yezindlela zokuxuba.okunye okwenza umehluko omkhulu phakathi kwezulu nomhlaba ukuthi ezulwini oyinhloko khona akana--mbangi futhi emhlabeni ngamunye, kuyo yonke imihlaba yezulu lowo oyinhloko ngaphakathi kwayo, usuke eyisandiso/ukunwebeka (expansion) sika--kṛṣṇa. inkosi eyinhloko yezulu kanye nezandiso/nokunwebeka zayo eziningi--ningi ibusa phezu kwayo yonke imihlaba yase--vaikuṇṭha. kulomhlaba esiphila kuwo kunombango wokuthi ubani ozophatha abe ngumongameli noma undunankulu, kodwa ezulwini bonke bavumelana ngazwi linye ukuthi unkulunkulu uyinkosi, akanambangi. labo abangavumelani nalokho abakuphikisayo bayathuthwa babekwe emhlabeni, ofana ncamashi nejele. njengoba wonke amadolobha amakhulu enamajele kodwa lawomajele kulawomadolobha athatha indawo encane kabi yedolobha lonke, ngokunjalo nalomhlabakazi uyijele kulabo ababoshelwe kuwo. nawo futhi lomhlaba uthatha indawo encane kabi yezulu akusiko ukuthi ubekwe ngaphandle kwezulu, ungaphakathi, ngokufanayo nejele eliba ngaphakathi kwedolobha kodwa lithatha encane indawo.bonke abahlali basemihlabeni yase--vaikuṇṭha, ezulwini bangaba--khululekile, ababoshelwe enyameni. i--śrīmad--bhāgavatam iyasichazela ukuthi bonke banemizimba efana ncamashi nekankulunkulu. kweminye yalemihlaba unkulunkulu uvela kuyo enezingalo ezimbili kanti kweminye enezingalo ezine. kuya ngesimo sakulowo mhlaba. nabahlali kulemihlaba nabo bavela benezingalo ngambili noma nga zine, kuthiwa uma ubabuka kuba nzima ukuhlukanisa phakathi kwabo nonkulunkulu. ezulwini kunezinhlobo ezinhlanu zabakhululiwe okuyizinhlobo zenkululeko. kukhona le okuthiwa yi”sāyujya--mukti”, okuyinhlobo yenkululeko lapho umuntu engenela khona kwi--brahman-- enkazimulweni ahlale khona, akangeni ngaphakathi kweminye yemihlaba (planets) yasezulwini, ugcina emkhathini wezulu. bese kuba khona le okuthiwa yi--”sārūpya--mukti”, lena yinkululeko lapho umuntu ezuza khona isiqu esifana ncamashi nesikankulunkulu esingahlukaniseki uma ubuka ukuthi ubani ongubani. olunye uhlobo lubizwa ngokuthi yi—”sālokya--mukti”, leyo inkululeko yokuhlala emhlabeni owodwa no--kṛṣṇa. kulandele i--”sārsti--mukti” yona--ke ungathola ubucwebe obufanayo nobuka kṛṣṇa. olunye uhlobo lukunikeza ithuba lokuhlala no--kṛṣṇa njalo ungumngane wakhe, njengo--arjuna ohlala njalo eno--kṛṣṇa engumngane wakhe. umuntu angazuza noma iyiphi yalezi ezinhlanu, kodwa le ekuthiwa yi--“sāyujya--mukti” yokungenela enkazimulweni ama--vaiṣṇava awayamukeli ngoba i--vaiṣṇava lihlala njalo lifuna ukukhonza unkulunkulu siqu sakhe njengoba enjalo, futhi lingadukelwa ubukhonzi balo bokukhonza unkulunkulu. kanti labo abangamaphika--siqu okuthiwa ngama “māyāvādī bafuna ukushabalalisa iziqu zabo bese bengenela enkazimulweni ka nkulunkulu. lokhu kuzishutheka enkazimulweni akunconyiwe ngu--kṛṣṇa kwi--bhagavad--gītā ngisho nabafundisi abakhulu othungeni lwama vaiṣṇava abakuncomi. nenkosi u--caitanya mahāprabhu wabhala kakhulu ngaloludaba kwi śikṣāṣṭaka (4) yakhe.na dhanaṁ na janaṁ na sundarīṁkavitāṁ vā jagad--īśa kāmayemama janmani janmanīśvarebhavatād bhaktir ahaitukī tvayi(cc. antya 20.29, śikṣāṣṭaka 4)awu nkosi yamandla! angikulangazelele ukuqoqa ingcebo, noma ukuzithokozisa ngabesifazane abahle, futhi angifune kuba nabalandeli. konke engikufunayo ukuthi ngihlale njalo impilo emva kwempilo enkonzweni yakho yemisebenzi yothando engenasizathu.lapha inkosi u--caitanya mahāprabhu usebenzisa amagama athi impilo emva kwempilo. uma kunempilo emva kwempilo lokho kusho ukuzalwa ephindelela. ukuzalwa uphindelela khona kusho ukuthi ayikho inkululeko (mukti). osekhululekile kusho ukuthi usefinyelele ezulwini lapho ezongenela khona kweminye yemihlaba yezulu noma angenele enkazimulweni kunoma isiphi isimo ukuzalwa kulomhlaba kusuke sekuyinto angasezukuyibona empilweni yakhe. kodwa lapha inkosi u--caitanya mahāprabhu ayinandaba noma uyakhululwa noma cha kodwa enendaba nakho kunye nje vo ukuthi ahlale njalo egcinwe ekumazini nasekumuzweni u--kṛṣṇa ahlale eyisikhonzi senkosi. isikhonzi senkosi asinankinga yokuthi simkhonza unkulunkulu sikuphi nendawo noma sizalwelwe kuphi, phakathi kwezilwane, phakathi kwezingelosi, phakathi kwabantu, noma phakathi kwani, konke akukhulekelayo kunkulunkulu ukuthi nangowodwa umzuzu angalinge akhohlwe ngunkulunkulu nokuthi ngaso sonke isikhathi ahlale emkhonza ngemisebenzi yothando nokuzinikela. lezi--ke yizimpawu zokukhonza okumsulwa. isikhonzi esimsulwa vele sihlala sisembusweni wezulu njalo noma ngabe sikuphi nezwe ngisho sisahlezi kulomzimba wezwe. kodwa isikhonzi asimjubi unkulunkulu ukuthi asihlelele indawo nesimo esifudumele ukuze isikhonzi sithokomale, cha isikhonzi esimsulwa asikwenzi lokho.yize--ke u--kṛṣṇa ekukhomba la ukuthi angaficwa kalula yilowo ozinikele kuye, kodwa labo abanye abasebenzisa ezinye izindlela zeyoga kubona kuhlala njalo kunengcuphe. kubona u--kṛṣṇa kwi--bhagavad--gītā ubakhombisa izikhathi ezifanele zokuhlukana nomzimba (gītā 8.23)yatra kāle tv anāvṛttimāvṛttiṁ caiva--yogīnaḥprayātā yānti taṁ kālaṁvakṣyāmi bharatarṣabha“awu wena obadlula bonke esizukulwaneni sika--bhārata, sengizokuchazela ngezikhathi ezihlukene okuthi uma uhlukana nalomhlaba, kungenzeka ukuthi ubuye noma ungabuyi kulomhlaba.” (gītā 8.24)u--kṛṣṇa lapha uqwashisa ngokuthi umuntu uma enganokukwazi ukushiya umzimba wakhe ngesikhathi esithize, angazuza inkululeko angabe esabuyela ukuzozalwa lapha kulomhlaba. ngakolunye uhlangothi uqwashisa ngokuthi uma ufa ngesinye isikhathi kuzomele ubuye. kuhlala njalo kunalengozi yokungaqondanisi isikhathi, kodwa isikhonzi sika--kṛṣṇa (omitted) esihlala simazi futhi simuzwa u--kṛṣṇa sona asilengeli kulengozi yesikhathi ngoba siqinisekisiwe ukungena ekhaya lika--kṛṣṇa ngokuzinikela enkosini kukodwa nje.agnir jyotir ahaḥ śuklaḥṣaṇ--māsā uttarāyaṇamtatra prayātā gacchantibrahma brahma--vido janāḥ“kulabo abasaziyo isimo senkazimulo baphuma kulomhlaba ngesikhathi sokubusa kwenkosi yomlilo, ekukhanyeni, futhi baqondanise nesikhathi esibusisekile, isikhathi samasonto amabili enyanga futhi ngesikhathi sezinyanga eziyisithupha lapho ilanga lihambela kwinkabazwe yasenyakatho.” (gītā 8.24)ilanga lichitha izinyanga eziyisithupha ngasenyakatho nenkabazwe (equator)liphinde lichithe ezinye eziyisithupha ngaseningizimu nenkabazwe. sithola ulwazi kwi--śrīmad--bhāgavatam lokuthi imihlaba le iyahamba ngokunjalo nelanga futhi liyahamba. uma umuntu efa ilanga lisahamba ngase nyakatho uyaye akhululwe kulomhlaba.dhūmo rātris tathā kṛṣṇaḥṣaṇ--māsā dakṣiṇāyanamtatra cāndramasaṁ jyotiryogī prāpya nivartateśukla--kṛṣṇe gatī hy etejagataḥ śāśvate mateekayā yāty anāvṛttimanyayāvartate punaḥ“ama--yogī (mystics) adlula kulomhlaba ngesikhathi sentuthu, ebusuku, emasontweni amabili lapho ingekho inyanga, noma ezinyangeni eziyisithupha ngesikhathi ilanga lihambela ngasenkabazweni yaseningi--zimu, noma labo asebefinyelele emhlabeni oyinyanga, baphinde babuye kulomhlaba. ngokusho kwama--vedas zimbili kuphela izindlela zokuphuma kulomhlaba, eyodwa ihamba ekukhanyeni enye ihamba ebumnyameni. uma umuntu ephuma ngokukhanya, akabe esabuya, kodwa uma ephuma ngobumnyama uzobuya.” (gītā 8.25--26)konke lokhu kwenzeka ngenhlanhla. asazi ukuthi siyofa nini kungenzeka ingozi, sife noma nini. kodwa lowo oyi--bhakti--yogī ophelele kulendlela yokwazi nokuzwa u--kṛṣṇa, akathembeli enhlanhleni, yena unesiqiniseko.naite sṛtī pārtha jānanyogī muhyati kaścanatasmāt sarveṣu kāleṣuyoga--yukto bhavārjuna“izikhonzi ezazi lezindlela zombili, awu arjuna azikhungatheki. ngakho zinza enkonzweni yemisebenzi yothando.” (gītā 8.27)sekuvele sekucacisiwe ukuthi lowo ocabanga u--kṛṣṇa ngomzuzu wokufa, udluliselwa ekhaya lapho kuhlala khona u--kṛṣṇa.anta--kāle ca mām evasmaran muktvā kalevaramyaḥ prayāti sa mad--bhāvaṁyāti nāsty atra saṁśayaḥabhyāsa--yoga--yuktenacetasā nānya--gāmināparamaṁ puruṣaṁ divyaṁyāti pārthānucintayan“noma ngubani okhumbula mina ngesikhathi ehlukana nomzimba wakhe, ekuphelelni kwempilo, khona lapho uzuza indawo kweyami imvelo, lokhu akungabazeki.” (gītā 8.5 ).“lowo ozindla ngami njengenhloko ephakeme yezulu, engikhumbula njalo emicabangweni yakhe, engachezuki kuleyo ndlela, yebo arjuna, nakanjani uyofinyelela kimi.” (gītā 8.8)ukuzindla kanjena ngo--kṛṣṇa kungabukeka kuyinto elukhuni kodwa cha akunjalo. uma uzijwayeza ukuzikhumbuza u--kṛṣṇa ngokuhlala njalo usho lomthandazo i--mahā--mantra hare kṛṣṇa hare kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa hare hare /hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare. uzothola usizo ngokushesha. u--kṛṣṇa kanye negama lakhe abahlukene, futhi u--kṛṣṇa nekhaya lakhe abahlukene. kulomsindo noma ngalomsindo siyakwazi ukumsondeza sibendawonye naye. uma nje mhlasimbe sihamba emgwaqeni sihuba wona lomkhuleko, sizobona ukuthi u--kṛṣṇa ukhona kanye nathi lapho. ngokufanayo njengoba usuke uhamba ebusuku ubuka phezulu, uyaye ubone ukuthi inyanga isuke ihambisana kanye nawe. uma ngabe lamandla amancane kangaka ka--kṛṣṇa ekwazi ukuhambisana nathi, pho akulona yini iqiniso ukuthi naye usuke ehamba kanye nathi uma sihuba ngamagama akhe? yena uzoba nathi kodwa thina kumele sibe sesimweni esifanele ukuba naye. uma ngabe--ke sihlale sicwile emicabangweni ngaye siqinisekisiwe ukuthi yena uhlala enathi. inkosi u--caitanya mahāprabhu ikhuleka ithi:nāmnām akāri bahudhā nija--sarva--śaktistatrārpitā niyamitaḥ smaraṇe na kālaḥetādṛśī tava kṛpā bhagavan mamāpidurdaivam īdṛśam ihājani nānurāgaḥ“awu nkosi yami! igama lakho elingcwele kuphela elingakwazi ukubusisa zonke izidalwa eziphilayo, ingakho unezigidi ngezigidi zamagama, anjengo--kṛṣṇa, no--govinda. ngaphakathi kuwo lamagama akho angcwele ufake wonke amandla akho ezulu, kanti futhi akunamithetho namigomo yokuhuba lamagama angcwele. awu nkosi yami! ngomusa wakho usuwenze kwalula ukuthi ukuzisondeza kuwe ngalamagama angcwele, kodwa mina ngineshwa, angithathekile yilamagama.” (śikṣāṣṭaka 2)ngokuhuba lomkhuleko nje uwodwa singazuza konke okuzuzwa uma uno--kṛṣṇa siqu sakhe. inkosi u--caitanya mahāprabhu akagcini ngokuthathwa njengo khululiwe kuphela kodwa uthathwa njengo-- kṛṣṇa uqobo lwakhe owehlele esimweni sika--mahāprabhu, ukuphawulile ukuthi kulesikhathi samanje isikhathi sika kali, yize abantu bengenandlela yokufinyelela ekukhanyisekeleni ngesiqu sabo soqobo, kodwa u--kṛṣṇa unomusa ngendlela eyisimangaliso ngokuthi usinikeze lomsindo sabda njenge siqu sakhe ukuthi kube yindlela yakulesikhathi samanje yuga--dhārma, esizofinyelela ngayo ekukhanyiselekeni. kulendlela awudingi ukuthi ube nemfundo yanoma iluphi uhlobo ukuthi ufanele ukuyihamba, awudingi ngisho ukwazi lolu limi lwe--sanskrit okubhalwe ngalo. lomsindo we--mahā--matra ye--hare kṛṣṇa inamandla ngokumangalisayo ngokuthi ingashiwo inanoma ngubani ngisho engalwazi ulimi lwe--sanskrit.vedeṣu yajñeṣu tapaḥsu caivadāneṣu yat puṇya--phalaṁ pradiṣṭamatyeti tat sarvam idaṁ viditvāyogī paraṁ sthānam upaiti cādyam“umuntu owamukele indlela yokukhonza ngemisenzi yothando akalahlekelwa izithelo eziyinzuzo yokucwaninga ama--vedas, yokuphila impilo engahlotshisiwe, yokupha abahluphekile nangokulandela indlela yokufunda ngokomqondo, indlela yenzuzo. ekugcineni ufinyelela ekhaya lamakhaya” (emphelandaba). (gītā 8.28)lapha u--kṛṣṇa uthi inhloso yayo yonke imiyalelo yama--veda ukuzuza iqophelo eliphezulu lokuphila okungu--kufinyelela ekhaya ezulwini, kulowo oyinhloko yezulu. yonke imibhalo engcwele kuwo wonke amazwe acijela kuyo lenhloso. lona futhi wumyalezo olethwa yibo bonke abavuseleli bokholo noma abafundisi abakhulu (ācāryas). isibonelo nje emazweni asentshonalanga inkosi ujesu yafafaza lomyalezo. ngokufanayo ne nkosi u--buddha no--mohamed. akekho oyaleza ngokuthi asenze lomhlaba ikhaya lethu laphakade. kungaba khona umehluko omncane odalwa isimo sezwe, isikhathi kanye nesimo sokuhlala, futhi nangokokuncoma kwemibhalo. kodwa okubaluleke ukudlula konke ukuthi asibona abakulomhlaba singabasezulwini, kuyinto eyamukelwa yibo bonke abafika nomyalezo wasezulwini, abaqotho. zonke izimpawu zokweneliseka ngokugcwele komphefumulo womuntu zisikhomba kuleyondawo enganeno kokuzalwa nangale kwethuna. ‹ previous"
my top spots 1. jimmy t’s (501 east capitol street se) is a capitol hill institution — small town diner where i often have breakfast on weekends. 2. carmines on 6th and e streets nw is a great family place with an old fashioned feel. our girls love the spaghetti and meatballs. 3. eastern market -- we join the crowd on saturday mornings at this historic neighborhood institution on capitol hill for a “market lunch.” 4. i enjoy bike riding to the riverby’s, the used book store on the hill. 5. my daughters love to ride the carousel on the mall. 6. the imax movies at smithsonian museums are always a favorite with our family. 7. we love to go to the movies, and the avalon theater is a favorite.
hydrofoil (hydrofoil) :: for the past five years jenkins a mechanical engineer and amateur glider pilot has built three crafts on wheels skates and hydrofoils equipped with rigid carbonfiber sails jump (gxuma) :: jenny gave a jump of surprise and turned bright red plush (kanokusho) :: i was in a beautiful and cushy room with maroon painted walls and plush chairs all around astern (astern) :: not long after leaving binga the skipper put into a small bay to secure the four boats towed astern of the kholisa ii instructor (umfundisi) :: she is now on a mission to teach instructors through a certification course and written exam
3 jehova oye aeke e na emanguluko filufilu, ashike okwe tu tulila po oshihopaenenwa monghedi omo ha longifa emanguluko laye. pashihopaenenwa, okwa li a hoolola oshiwana shaisrael shi kale “oshiwana shaye mwene.” (deut. 7:6--8) ine shi ninga ashike oduduluka. ndele okwa li a hala okukala metwokumwe neudaneko olo a li a udanekela kaume kaye abraham oule womido da pita. (gen. 22:15--18) jehova alushe oha longifa emanguluko laye metwokumwe nomaukwatya aye, ohole nouyuki. osho oshi li wetikile monghedi omo a li a yandja outekuduliko kovaisrael ovo va li va fiya po elongelokalunga lashili lwoikando. eshi va li ve livela ombedi tashi di komutima, jehova okwa li e va ulikila onghenda nohole eshi a ti: “eliteeko leni ohandi li velula. okehalo lange mwene ondi mu hole.” (hos. 14:4) kashi fi tuu oshihopaenenwa shiwa shokulongifa emanguluko laye omolwouwa wavamwe!
This is the question that we pose at the beginning of our client conversations. Gaining intimate insights about your customer, product, and operational behaviors, tendencies, trends and propensities is critical if organizations want to drive digital business transformation; optimizing key business processes, uncovering new monetization opportunities and creating a more compelling customer experience.Sep. 30, 2016 07:45 PM EDT Reads: 706Three Invaluable Lessons from Cloud ExpoBy Ian KhanJust over a week ago I received a long and loud sustained applause for a presentation I delivered at this year’s Cloud Expo in Santa Clara. I was extremely pleased with the turnout and had some very good conversations with many of the attendees. Over the next few days I had many more meaningful conversations and was not only happy with the results but also learned a few new things. Here is everything I learned in those three days distilled into three short points.Sep. 30, 2016 07:15 PM EDT Reads: 5,405Digital Disruption Is HereBy Ed FeatherstonImagine if you will, a world where technology is changing at breakneck speeds. Where new technology hype seems to know no bounds. You see words floating in front of you. Cloud. Mobile. Big Data. Internet of Things. Machine Learning. Blockchain. The words fly towards you, circling. They seem to be saying something. ‘Use me’… “No, use me.’. Confusion seems to abound. At the sign post up ahead, your next stop, the Disruption Zone! Sep. 30, 2016 07:00 PM EDT Reads: 1,168Manufacturing Disruption with IIoTBy Scott AllenIndustrial IoT continues to cause disruption; not just in manufacturing, but across many other industries as well. In the last few months we’ve been keeping a pulse on the state of digital transformation across the business landscape and have been discovering exciting new implementations of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). This week we’re highlighting the disruption Industrial IoT is instigating as product development and lifecycle management continues to evolve.Sep. 30, 2016 06:15 PM EDT Reads: 3,283MLB Data Lake… Play Ball!By William SchmarzoDELL EMC’s Isilon division has been working with Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM) to create a data lake that provides a seamless process to add and maintain massive amounts of video data to serve their baseball fanatics (like me). Here is a cool 2-minute video that shows how they did it. The company operates the official web site for the league and the thirty Major League Baseball club web sites via MLB.com, which draws four million hits per day. It also provides the backend-streaming infrastructure for WWE Network, HBO NOW, NHL etc.Sep. 30, 2016 06:00 PM EDT Reads: 786[session] The Digital Innovation in JapanBy Elizabeth WhiteDigital innovation is the next big wave of business transformation based on digital technologies of which IoT and Big Data are key components, For example:
“as i was once sailing,” said he, “in a fine stout ship across the banks of newfoundland, one of those heavy fogs which prevail in those parts rendered it impossible for us to see far ahead, even in the day--time; but at night the weather was so thick that we could not distinguish any object at twice the length of the ship. i kept lights at the mast--head, and a constant watch forward to look out for fishing smacks, which are accustomed to anchor on the banks. the wind was blowing a smacking breeze, and we were going at a great rate through the water. suddenly the watch gave the alarm of “a sail ahead!” it was scarcely uttered before we were upon her. she was a small schooner at anchor, with her broadside towards us. the crew were all asleep, and had neglected to hoist a light. we struck her just amidships. the force, the size, and weight of our vessel bore her down below the waves: we passed over her, and were hurried on our course. as the crashing wreck was sinking beneath us, i had a glimpse of two or three half naked wretches rushing from her cabin: they just started from their beds to be swallowed shrieking by the waves. i heard their drowning cry mingling with the wind. the blast that bore it to our ears, swept us out of all further hearing. i shall never forget that cry! it was some time before we could put the ship about, she was under such headway. we returned, as nearly as we could guess, to the place where the smack had anchored. we cruised about for several hours in the dense fog. we fired signal guns, and listened if we might hear the halloo of any survivors; but all was silent, we never saw or heard anything of them more.” 6
Opo tu ulike kutya otatu wilikwa komithikampango dhini. Ombiimbeli otayi ladhipike Aakriste “ya dhiladhile nawa kombinga yomizalo dhawo, yo ya zale oonguwo dhi shi kutalwa” ngaashi “ooitaali” ye na okukala. (1 Timoteus 2:9, 10) Okuzala “oonguwo dhi shi kutalwa” okwa hala okutya katu na okuzala oonguwo ndhoka tadhi ningitha aantu ya kale owala ye tu tala molwaashoka iikutu mbyoka twa zala otayi holola kutya otatu iyulike, tayi holola kutya otwa hala okukokela yalwe momilalo nenge tayi imonikila. Ishewe, ‘okudhiladhila nawa’ ohaku tu kwathele tu hogolole omizalo ndhoka dhi shi okutalwa, pehala lyokukala dha ndjondjolokela nenge kaadhi na ondjele. Omakotampango ngaka inaga manga omuntu a ninge ehogololo lye ye mwene. Nonando inatu popya sha omizalo dhetu otadhi ku ulika kutya otwa ‘simaneka elongo ndyoka tali popi Omuhupithi gwetu’ notatu ka ulika kutya ohatu “hambelele Kalunga.” (Titus 2:10; 1 Petrus 2:12) Ngele otwa kala hatu zala nawa ngele tatu yi kokugongala otashi ka guma etaloko lyayalwe li na ko nasha nokulongela Jehova.
Ukulandila mwi shiwi lya bulanda pali ifyo fintu umuntu umwine aishiba ta cilelondolola umulandu we subilo lya Mbila nsuma. Ukutwalilila ukushintilila pa 'bunte bwa muntu umwine' nge nshila ya kushimikilamo kwa bengi 'bakashimika ba mbila nsuma' abena Kristu, kulelangilila bwino ukubulwa kwa ''bwasuko bwa mano'' palwe ''subilo'' lyabo. Abena Kristu ba musango uyu balifwaya amashiwi ya kusosa pakati kabo ayakulenga bene 'ukwakana ifyo Shikulu acita mu mweo wandi' na fimbipo. Umusango uyu uwa kuishimika umuntu umwine wapusana nganshi na mashiwi yakwa Paulo, 'Ifwe ta tuibila fwe bene, lelo ni Kristu'' (2 Abena Korinti 4:5) - ifi fyafuma ku muntu uwali 'ne senge umwine na Kristu' ukucila abengi.
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Fotografiar es seleccionar. Primero, fotografiar es seleccionar un segmento del mundo para conservarlo dentro del encuadre. Es también extraer un encuadre del devenir del mundo, porque se trata de un instante que se detiene de la continuidad de la historia. Segundo, fotografiar es seleccionar porque fotografiar también es coleccionar. El fotógrafo reúne amplias colecciones de imágenes, a lo que sigue un proceso de edición entre todas las imágenes recolectadas para imprimirles un sentido dentro de un conjunto representativo de la visión del autor, o de cualquier otra idea que haya motivado la edición1. Tercero, fotografiar es seleccionar una versión para cada una de las imágenes. La impresión de las imágenes en papel es una extensión material de éstas, fija la forma en que éstas se hacen públicas sin menoscabo de otras posibles versiones en otra ocasión. Una última posibilidad de selección concierne a la manera de presentar las imágenes, no siempre bajo el dominio del autor, pero muchas veces determinante de su sentido. El caso notorio es el de la fotografía como ilustración de un texto, donde el texto prevalece sobre la imagen. No es menor la invasión en un modelo de presentación aparentemente más inócuo, como en la galería de arte, en la que convergen abundantes vectores que insiden en el uso, la decodificación y el significado de la imagen. El circuito de la imagen se completa con el público, incluyendo a la prensa o la crítica como el público especializado, quien tiene a su vez total libertad de interpretar una imagen como le plazca. Las imágenes no vienen con instrucciones de uso y uno puede sacar la conclusión que le parezca de lo que ve. El mejor espectador también selecciona al aplicar su propia visión sobre la del autor. Contrariamente a lo aquí dicho, al fotografiar Google no selecciona nada, más bien aspira a abarcarlo todo. Y como Google no es nada tonto se da cuenta que todo en la calle, como en todas partes, es pasajero, por eso aspira a renovarse continuamente, lo cual en el fondo es una contradicción que asume. La totalidad resulta imposible de abarcar.
someone, and embarks on a mission to wreak revenge. Gontse takes a gamble in or­ der to rescue herself. Siseko is unimpressed by news about someone he once loved. Monday February 19 Romeo manipulates a master manipulator, and Grace is devastated when an arrest is made in the hotel. Stokkies is confronted by a whole bunch of seriously worried people. Yvonne’s last vestige of hope is dashed. Tuesday February 20 Romeo is stunned when someone turns on him unexpectedly, and Quinton is shocked by a surprise visit. A guy dresses in drag in order to avoid a sticky situation. Yvonne finds herself back where she started, in more ways than one. Wednesday February 21 Quinton tries to gain some control over a dire situation, and Romeo finds himself in the worst position of his life. Stokkies’s plan is thwarted by an angry mob. A son is disap­ pointed in his father and issues him with a warning. GENERATIONS Thursday February 15 Mrekza is confused when his shebeen queen chases him away. Cosmo knows something is up with his niece and demands to know what it is. Mazwi confronts Gadaffi about sleeping with his wife. Friday February 16 Chaos ensues when Fana and the chief go head to head. Daniel is tempted to take drugs. Jack warns Michael to keep his
F i g u r ukuze mina . 2 6 B a m b a m u SC u l a ve le sa . I s c a n t r a O NS s m u sc u l ukuze rfuthi s n the s m kanye m b r a s ukuze izicathulo le c i lo m kuyinto le s v shall l v u l a s v futhi n a s a spa r ukuze a s l a c ukuba r a s a n g u kanye kanye m d i r futhi ç ã le ukuze lo c a r a O kuthanda . A futhi x pa n s ã le futhi x tfuthi r n e le s v futhi n t r futhi s of s m u sc u l a s q u futhi c a n t r e m kuyinto l i m i t d ukuze p l ukuzef intando sc i a m u sc u l ukuze r futhi t a r n ukuba u m ukuze f a r ca c a m p r kanye nezicathulo i vukuze q u futhi i m p u l s i lo Ayikho ukuba le s a n g u futhi c a n t r a ku g r a v i ity .
4 Ekugcineni, bazalwane, siyanicela futhi siyanikhuthaza ngeNkosi uJesu, njengoba nje namukela isiyalo esivela kithi mayelana nendlela okufanele nihambe+ ngayo futhi nijabulise uNkulunkulu, njengoba nje eqinisweni nihamba, ukuba niqhubeke nikwenza ngokugcwele.+ 2 Ngoba niyayazi imiyalo+ esaninika yona ngeNkosi uJesu. 3 Ngoba yilokhu uNkulunkulu akuthandayo, ukungcweliswa kwenu,+ ukuba nidede ebufebeni;+ 4 ukuze ngamunye wenu azi ukuthi angasilawula kanjani isitsha+ sakhe siqu ngokungcweliswa+ nangodumo, 5 kungabi ngesifiso sobulili+ sokukhanuka, esinjengaleso lezo zizwe+ ezingamazi uNkulunkulu ezinaso;+ 6 ukuba kungabikho muntu ofinyelela eqophelweni lokulimaza umfowabo futhi angenele emalungelweni akhe kule ndaba,+ ngoba uJehova ufuna ukuba kukhishwe isijeziso ngenxa yazo zonke lezi zinto,+ njengoba nje sanitshela kusengaphambili futhi saninikeza nobufakazi obuphelele.+ 7 Ngoba uNkulunkulu wasibizela ukungcweliswa,+ hhayi ukuba avumele ukungcola. 8 Ngakho-ke, umuntu obonisa ukunganaki,+ akabonisi ukunganaki umuntu, kodwa uNkulunkulu,+ ofaka umoya wakhe ongcwele+ kini. 9 Nokho, maqondana nothando lobuzalwane,+ anidingi ukuba sinilobele, ngoba nina ngokwenu nifundiswa uNkulunkulu+ ukuba nithandane;+ 10 futhi, eqinisweni, lokho niyakwenza kubo bonke abazalwane kulo lonke elaseMakedoniya. Kodwa siyanikhuthaza, bazalwane, ukuba niqhubeke nikwenza ngesilinganiso esigcwele ngokwengeziwe, 11 nokuba nikwenze umgomo wenu ukuphila ngokuthula+ futhi ninake izindaba zenu+ siqu futhi nisebenze ngezandla zenu,+ njengoba nje saniyala; 12 ukuze nihambe ngokufaneleyo+ ngokuqondene nabantu bangaphandle+ futhi ningasweli lutho.+ 13 Ngaphezu kwalokho, bazalwane, asifuni ukuba nibe abangenalwazi ngalabo abalele;+ ukuze ningadabuki njengoba nje kwenza bonke abanye abangenalo ithemba.+ 14 Ngoba uma ukholo lwethu luwukuthi uJesu wafa wabuye wavuka,+ kanjalo futhi uNkulunkulu uyobaletha kanye naye labo asebalala ngoJesu.+ 15 Ngoba nakhu esinitshela khona ngezwi+ likaJehova, ukuthi thina esiphilayo esiphila kuze kube sekubeni khona kweNkosi+ ngeke nangayiphi indlela sibandulele labo asebalala; 16 ngoba iNkosi ngokwayo iyokwehla ezulwini+ ngezwi elinegunya, ngezwi lengelosi enkulu+ nangecilongo+ likaNkulunkulu, futhi labo abafileyo bamunye noKristu bayovuka kuqala.+ 17 Ngemva kwalokho thina esiphilayo esisekhona siyothathwa+ kanye nabo+ ngamafu+ ukuze sihlangabeze+ iNkosi emoyeni; kanjalo siyoba neNkosi ngaso sonke isikhathi.+ 18 Ngenxa yalokho, qhubekani niduduzana ngala mazwi.
Bonjour to tous, Lorsque je me suis fait Baptiser, jahvais 16 ans, c'était en 1971. J'étais très heureuse ce safari-là, car je voulais sincèrement m'approcher de Dieu et faire sa volonté. Nous devions répondre à l'époque, in 80 Imibuzo ephendula imibuzo ephakeme «Te parole est une lampe pour mon pied». Mais déjà, j'avais hésité à me faire Baptiser, non par manque de foi, mais par souci d'honnêteté. Pourquoi? Parce que, même si à l'époque les imibuzo du Baptême se résumaient à 2 Comprenez-vous qu'en vousant vouant à Dieu et en vous faisant Baptiser VOUS VOUS VESS IDESIFIEZ A DES TÉMOINS DE JÉHOVAH UNISSEZ À L'ORGANISATION DIVINE, QI EST DIRIGÉE PAR L'ESPRIT SAINT », IL NOUS FALLAIT T DE DE MÊME, SIGNER LA DÉCLARATION DU BAPTÊME CHRÉTIEN e la fin du livre, vumela. telle Qu'IL L'A RÉVÉLÉ À SES SIKHALAZO ». Même si c'est le Psaume qui est cité, je savais que les serviteurs de Jéhovah yindawo «l'organisation». I-Ce qui m'étonnait par-dessus tout, céest que ni Jéhovah ni Jéagas, n'avaient donné d'indication pour que l'on reconnaisse un esteventuel courant qui émergerait de Pennsylvanie ou du Continental nord-américain, au point devoir le suivre. J'étais en désaccord avec les 7 temps (2520 ans) la la de la 21: 24. AmaJeéen entais enverte à une sœur et amie, (qui est d'ailleurs restee missionnaire toute sa... Funda kabanzi "
nedhina lye pakuudha, ndondi fredrick kandjembe, phredgot1 ngoka e li omvalele yomoshilongo oye a ningi omuhikingalo gwotango okushainwa kehangano ndika, nokwa li a tseyitha kutya oku uvite uuntsa nuunambano okushainwa kehangano ndika. phredgot1 okwatseyika nawa mehangano lyoongalo sho a li a ningile omuhikingalo hilifa94 omikwelengendjo dhongalo yedhina ‘’phred, you got one’’. omvula ya za ko omuhikingalo oye tuu nguka okwa li a pititha ‘’boss man’’, ongalo ndjoka ya li ya piti tango tayi ka kala moalbuma ye ndjoka ya tengenekwa yi ka pite nuumvo yedhina no validation. ongalo boss man, oya li ya tula phredgot1 ponkatu ombwaanawa moka oye a li omuhikingalo a imba ongalo ndjoka ya kala nokutalwa shinene kodonlu africa. oalbuma yaphredgot1 okwa imba pamwe naswartbaster, nashawn osho woprincelou faragama.
It seems to me that most of the folks that are upset with the verdict and are being the most vocal about it are ranting that somehow TM’s civil rights were violated. In today’s day and age, with rampant crime and disregard for human life, where words like HONOR and INTEGRITY are lost in a sea of “what’s in it for me” and a rampant entitlement mentality, most of these folks couldn’t give you the proper definition of “civil rights”. They line up behind jackwagons like Rev Al Sharpton, and the NAACP and exploit social ignorance from people like Rachel Jeantel and make her the poster child for their racism case. Ngempela? These are the folks picked to fight the “civil rights” racism battle for the black community? These are who you want to stand with? Please. I think Dr. Martin Luther King would weep if he saw what a circus folks like these have turned the racism and civil rights fight, into. The fact is that racism is not the main enemy anymore for black America. Not even close. Black on Black crime, birthed by the continual breakdown of the family unit, and catalyzed by a system that says that the gov’t owes you something, and will take care of you, is a good place to start, if you really want to hit the biggest giant the black community faces. Khonamanjalo, there are some that focus on solutions and are tackling some of these mindsets. The folks at National Center for Public Policy Research and their Project 21 Initiative are folks that I will align myself with and support all day long.
forum dan komunitas pertanian indonesia – agroteknologiwebid agriculture bụ cultivation na ozuzu ụmụ anụmanụ, osisi na fungi ihe--oriri, eriri, biofuel, ọgwụ osisi na ndị ọzọ na ngwaahịa eji na--akwadokwa ma welie ndụ mmadụ. agriculture bụ isi ihe mmepe na ịrị elu nke anọkarị otu ebe mmadụ mmepe anya, adịru ugbo nke akpa umu kere nri surpluses na ozuzu umu mmepe nke mepere anya. the ọmụmụ ọrụ ubi nke a maara dị ka ugbo sayensị. the akụkọ ihe mere eme nke agriculture ụbọchị laghachi ọtụtụ puku afọ, ma ya mmepe e chụpụrụ na--egosipụta ya site ukwuu dị iche iche climates, omenala, na teknụzụ. industrial agriculture dabeere na nnukwu--ọnụ ọgụgụ monoculture ugbo aghọwo ọchịchị kasị ugbo ụkpụrụ.
5 lelo, umuntu umo, uo ishina lyakwe ni anania, pamo no mukashi wakwe safira, bashitishe ibala lyabo 2 no kufisapo indalama shimo, umukashi na o alishibe, kabili atweleko fye shimo no kushibika ku makasa ya batumwa.+ 3 lelo petro atile: “anania, cinshi ico satana+ atalamikile umutima obe ku kubepa+ umupashi+ wa mushilo no kufisapo indalama she bala ilyo washitishe? 4 ilyo wali ne bala, bushe talyali lyobe, kabili ilyo walishitishe, bushe indalama tashali shobe? cinshi wapangiile ukucita ica musango yu mu mutima obe? te bantu ubepele+ iyo, ubepele lesa.”+ 5 pa kumfwa aya mashiwi anania awile pa nshi no kuleka umweo.+ kabili bonse abaumfwileko baiketwe umwenso+ uukalamba. 6 e fyo abalumendo baimine, bamupomba mu nsalu,+ no kumutwala ku nse bayamushiika. 7 nomba ilyo papita nalimo ama--awala yatatu umukashi wakwe na o aingila, ninshi teshibe ne ficitike. 8 petro e pa kumwipusha ati: “njebako, bushe e ndalama fye ishi shine imwe babili mwashitishemo ibala?” na o ati: “ee, e isho shine.” 9 e lyo petro amweba ati: “nga cinshi ico imwe babili mwaumfwanine ukwesha+ umupashi wa kwa yehova? mona! amakasa ya bashiikile umulume obe yali pa mwinshi, na iwe wine balakutwala ku nse.” 10 apo pene fye awa pa nshi mupepi na makasa ya kwa petro no kuleka umweo.+ ilyo abalumendo baingile basangile nafwa, kabili bamutwele ku nse no kumushiika mupepi no mulume. 11 awe aba mu cilonganino bonse na bonse abaumfwileko baiketwe umwenso uukalamba. 12 kabili, abatumwa balecita ifishibilo ifingi ne fipesha amano mu bantu;+ kabili bonse bali mu lukungu lwa kwa solomone+ no mutima umo. 13 na kuba, takwali nangu umo uwapamine ukuilunda kuli bena;+ na lyo line, abantu balebacindika.+ 14 awe, abaume na banakashi abengi nga nshi abalesumina muli shikulu balelundwako fye;+ 15 ica kuti abantu baletwala abalwele mu misebo iikalamba no kubabika pa misengele na pa matanda, pa kuti petro nga alepita, kusuka icinshingwa cakwe fye capita pali bamo.+ 16 na kabili, abantu abengi ukufuma mu misumba yashinguluka yerusalemu baleisa, baleleta abalwele na bonse abalecushiwa ku mipashi yakowela, kabili bonse baleundapwa. 17 awe pa mulandu wa mufimbila,+ shimapepo mukalamba na bonse abali nankwe, aba mu mipepele ya basaduke, baliimine, 18 kabili baikete abatumwa no kubabika mu cifungo+ ca bantu bonse. 19 lelo ubushiku malaika+ wa kwa yehova aiswile ifiibi fya cifungo no kubafumya,+ e lyo abeba ati: 20 “kabiyeni, keminineni mwi tempele, twalilileni ukweba abantu fyonse pali ubu bumi.”+ 21 ilyo baumfwile ifi, baingile mwi tempele ku macaca no kutendeka ukusambilisha. nomba ilyo shimapepo mukalamba na bonse abali nankwe baishile, balongenye aba mu cilye ca sanhedrini ne bumba lyonse ilya bakalamba mu bena israele,+ kabili batumine aba kuya ku cifungo no kubaleta. 22 lelo ilyo abalinshi bafikile kulya tababasangile mu cifungo. e ico balibwelele no kushimika, 23 abati: “twacisanga icifungo nacikomwa bwino bwino na balinshi nabeminina pa minshi, lelo cilya twaisulako twasanga tamuli nangu umo.” 24 awe, ilyo umukalamba wa bakalinda ba pe tempele ne ntungulushi sha bashimapepo baumfwile ifi, balipeshiwe amano pali ifi fintu ne fyali no kutumbukamo.+ 25 lelo umuntu umo aishile no kubeba, ati: “moneni! abaume mwabikile mu cifungo bali mwi tempele, nabeminina balesambilisha abantu.”+ 26 e lyo umukalamba wa bakalinda aile pamo na balinshi bakwe no kubaleta, lelo ukwabula ukubasunkasunka, pantu baletiina+ ukupoolwa amabwe ku bantu. 27 e lyo babaletele no kubemika mu cilye ca sanhedrini. na shimapepo mukalamba alibepwishe 28 no kutila: “ukweba twamwebele+ ukuti mwilasambilishisha mwi shina ili, nomba, moneni! namusalanganya isambilisho+ lyenu mu yerusalemu monse, kabili mulefwaya ukuleta umulopa+ wa uyu muntu pali ifwe.” 29 pa kwasuka, petro na batumwa bambi batile: “tufwile ukunakila lesa ukucila ukunakila abantu.+ 30 lesa wa fikolwe fyesu aimishe+ yesu, uo imwe mwaipeye, pa kumupoopela pa cimuti.+ 31 lesa alimusansabike no kumuteka ku kwa kulyo+ kwakwe, ukuba intungulushi+ kabili umupusushi,+ pa kutila abena israele balapile+ no kwelelwa imembu.+ 32 kabili tuli nte sha ifi fintu,+ ifwe pamo no mupashi wa mushilo,+ uo lesa apeela ku bamunakila.” 33 ilyo baumfwile aya mashiwi, balikalipe icine cine, kabili balefwaya fye ukubepaya.+ 34 lelo umuntu umo, umufarise, alimine mu cilye ca sanhedrini, ishina lyakwe ni gamaliele,+ kasambilisha wa mafunde uo abantu bonse bacindike, kabili asosele ukuti bafumye aba bantu pa nse inshita inono.+ 35 kabili abebele ati: “mwe bena israele,+ cenjeleni ku fyo mulepanga ukucita kuli aba bantu. 36 moneni, ilyo shino nshiku tashilaisa kwaimine teuda, uwaleimona ukubapo cimo,+ kabili abantu abengi, nalimo imyanda ine (400), bailundile kwi bumba lyakwe.+ lelo aliipaiwe, na bonse abalemumfwila balisalangene no kuloba. 37 pakonkele yuda umwina galili uwaimine mu nshiku sha kulembesha abantu,+ kabili aleongola abantu ukuti bamukonke. lelo na o wine alifwile, na bonse abalemumfwila basalanganine ukutali. 38 e ico, nomba, ndemweba nati, talukeniko kuli aba bantu, balekeni babe; (pantu, ili pange atemwa uyu mulimo nga wafuma ku bantu, ukawa;+ 39 lelo nga wafuma kuli lesa,+ mukafilwa ukubawisha;)+ epali mwasangwa mulelwa na lesa.”+ 40 awe balimumfwile, kabili baitile abatumwa, no kubafopaula,+ no kubalesha ukulandila mwi shina lya kwa yesu,+ e lyo babalekele baye. 41 e ico, bafumine pa ntanshi ya cilye ca sanhedrini, baya balesekelela+ pantu basangilwe abawamina ukuculila ishina lyakwe.+ 42 kabili balesambilisha+ no kubila imbila nsuma pali kristu yesu+ ukwabula ukuleka cila bushiku mwi tempele na ku ng’anda ne ng’anda.+
All major researchers estimate there will be tens of billions devices - computers, smartphones, tablets, and sensors - connected to the Internet by 2020. This number w...Jun. 24, 2017 01:00 PM EDT Reads: 1,298Pulzze Systems to Exhibit at in Silicon ValleyBy Yeshim DenizWe build IoT infrastructure products - when you have to integrate different devices, different systems and cloud you have to build an application to do that but we eliminate the need to build an application. Our products can integrate any device, any system, any cloud regardless of protocol," explained Peter Jung, Chief Product Officer at Pulzze Systems, in this SYS-CON.tv interview at @ThingsExpo, held November 1-3, 2016, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CAJun. 24, 2017 01:00 PM EDT Reads: 1,194Cloud Expo Silicon Valley Tracks AnnouncedBy Liz McMillanWith major technology companies and startups seriously embracing Cloud strategies, now is the perfect time to attend 21st Cloud Expo October 31 - November 2, 2017, at the Santa Clara Convention Center, CA, and June 12-14, 2018, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY, and learn what is going on, contribute to the discussions, and ensure that your enterprise is on the right path to Digital Transformation.Jun. 24, 2017 11:45 AM EDT Reads: 1,244MobiDev to Exhibit at Cloud Expo Silicon ValleyBy Yeshim DenizSYS-CON Events announced today that MobiDev, a client-oriented software development company, will exhibit at SYS-CON's 21st International Cloud Expo®, which will take place October 31-November 2, 2017, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA. MobiDev is a software company that develops and delivers turn-key mobile apps, websites, web services, and complex software systems for startups and enterprises. Since 2009 it has grown from a small group of passionate engineers and business managers to a full-scale mobile software company with over 200 developers, designers, quality assur...Jun. 24, 2017 11:30 AM EDT Reads: 1,672[video] Panel: DevOps in Digital TransformationBy Liz McMillanNew competitors, disruptive technologies, and growing expectations are pushing every business to both adopt and deliver new digital services. This ‘Digital Transformation’ demands rapid delivery and continuous iteration of new competitive services via multiple channels, which in turn demands new service delivery techniques – including DevOps. In this power panel at @DevOpsSummit 20th Cloud Expo, moderated by DevOps Conference Co-Chair Andi Mann, panelists examined how DevOps helps to meet the demands of Digital Transformation – including accelerating application delivery, closing feedback loop...Jun. 24, 2017 10:30 AM EDT Reads: 526[slides] Offshore Mobile Development TipsBy Elizabeth WhiteIn his session at Cloud Expo, Alan Winters, an entertainment executive/TV producer turned serial entrepreneur, presented a success story of an entrepreneur who has both suffered through and benefited from offshore development across multiple businesses: The smart choice, or how to select the right offshore development partner Warning signs, or how to minimize chances of making the wrong choice
Izindebe zakho zinomusa kunamajuba kodwa inhliziyo yakho yimbi ngaphezu kwenyoka yamandulo, ngisho nezindebe zakho zinhle kunezowesifazane waseLebhanoni, kodwa inhliziyo yakho ayinamusa kunaleyo yowesifazane waseLebhanoni futhi-ke ayingefaniswe nobuhle babaseKhenani. Inhliziyo yakho inenkohliso enkulu. Engikuzonda kakhulu yizindebe kuphela zokungalungi nezinhliziyo zokungalungi. Izindinganiso zami kubantu azingaphezu kwezabangcwele, ukuthi nje ngizizwa nginenzondo ngezenzo ezimbi zabangalungile futhi ngifisa ukuba abangalungile bangase bakwazi ukuxosha ukungcola kwabo baphume babaleke kule ndida ekhona ukuze bakwazi ukuzehlukanisa nalabo abangalungile, baphile kanye futhi babe ngcwele nalabo abalungile. Nisesimweni esifanayo nami, kodwa nembozwe ukungcola, akukho nenswebu encane kinina yalaba bantu abadalwa ekuqaleni, futhi ngenxa yokuthi zonke izinsuku nilinganisa leya mimoya engcolile futhi nenza niphinde nisho lokho ekushoyo, yonke ingxenye yenu ngisho nolimi nezindebe zenu zicwile emanzini ayo angcolile. Sekufinyelele ephuzwini lokuthi nimabhadubhadu yilawo mabala ndawo yonke akusekho nengxenye encane engasetshenziselwa umsebenzi Wami. Kuyadabukisa kakhulu! Niphila emhlabeni wamahhashi nezinkomo kodwa aninayo inkathazo; nigcwele injabulo futhi niphila ngokukhululeka nakalula. Niyabhukuda niyatshuza kula manzi angcolile kodwa empeleni anazi ukuthi niwele kulezi zimo. Zonke izinsuku uhlangana nemimoya engcolile ube nesivumelwano “nendle.” Impilo yakho isezingeni eliphansi kakhulu, kodwa awuazi nhlobo ukuthi awusaphili emhlabeni wabantu nokuthi impilo yakho ayisekho ezandleni zakho. Awazi ukuthi impilo yakho kade yagxotshwa yimimoya engcolile, nokuthi isimilo sakho kade sangcoliswa ngamanzi anukayo? Ingabe ucabanga ukuthi uphila epharadesi lasemhlabeni, ukuthi uphakathi kwenjabulo? Bewazi yini ukuthi uphile impilo nemimoya engcolile, nokuthi uphile impilo ngayo yonke into oyilungiselelwe yiyona? Impilo yakho ingaba kanjani nokubaluleka? Impilo yakho ingaba kanjani nenani elibalulekile? Selokhu umatasa wehla nenyuka uthunywa ngabazali bakho bemimoya engcolile, kuze kube manje, kodwa awazi ukuthi labo abakuphambayo yiyo leyo mimoya engcolile, abazali bakho abakuzala bakukhulisa. Phezu kwalokho, awazi ukuthi ukungcola kwakho empeleni wakunikezwa yibona; okwaziyo nje ukuthi bangakunikeza “injabulo,” abakukhuzi, futhi abakwahluleli, futhi ke abakuqalekisi. Abakaze babhambaluke ngolaka kinina, kodwa baniphatha kahle nangomusa. Amazwi abo anonophalisa inhliziyo yakho akuthathekise ukuze ukhathazeke ungaboni nokubona, uthunjwa ubhekile futhi uvuma ukuba ubasebenzele, ube yindlela yabo nesisebenzi sabo. Awukhalazi nhlobo kodwa uzimisele ukusetshenziswa yibona—ukhohliswa yibona. Ngenxa yalesi sizathu, awusabeli nakancane ngomsebenzi engiwenzayo—akumangazi ukuthi ufuna ukumonyuluka uphume esandleni Sami, futhi akumangazi ukuthi ngaso sonke isikhathi ufuna ukusebenzisa amazwi amnandi ukuze nithole umusa Wami ngezindlela ezingalungile. Kuvela ukuthi unamanye amacebo, ezinye izinhlelo. Ungabona okuncanyana Kwami, izenzo zikaSomandla, kodwa awazi nokuncane kokwahlulela nokujezisa Kwami. Awazi ukuthi kwaqala nini ukujezisa Kwami; wazi nje kuphela ukungiphanga, kodwa awazi ukuthi angikubekezeleli ukoniwa ngabantu. Njengoba sewuvele uzimisele ukungisebenzela, ngeke ngisakudedela. NginguNkulunkulu ozondayo okubi, nginguNkulunkulu onomhawu ngomuntu. Njengoba sewuvele sewubekile amazwi akho phambi kwe-altare, ngeke ngisabekezelela ukuba usuke phambi kwamehlo Ami, futhi ngeke ngibekezelele ukuba ukhonze amakhosi amabili. Benicabanga ukuthi uzophinde uthande abanye emva kokubeka amazwi akho phambi kwe-altare Lami, emva kokuba uwabeke phambi kwamehlo Ami? Ngingavumela kanjani abantu bangenze isiwula ngaleyo ndlela? Ingabe ucabanga ukuthi ungenza izifungo nje ezingatheni, ufunge Kimi ngezindebe zomlomo nje? Ungafunga kanjani phambi kwesihlalo Sami sobukhosi, Mina Ophakeme Kakhulu? Ingabe ucabanga ukuthi izifungo zakho sezidlulile? Ngiyanitshela, noma inyama yenu ingadlula emhlabeni, izifungo zenu azikwazi ukudlula. Ekugcineni, ngizonilahla ngokusekelwe ezifungweni zenu. Yize noma kunjalo nicabanga ukuthi ningabeka nje amazwi phambi Kwami ukuze nibhekane Nami kanye nokuthi izinhliziyo zenu zingasebenzela imimoya engcolile nemibi. Ulaka Lwami lungabekezelela kanjani abantu abaphila njengezinja, nanjengezingulube abangiphangayo? Kufanele ngiqhube izimemezelo Zami zokuphatha, ngimuke ezandleni zemimoya engcolile bonke labo abazazisayo “abangcwele” abakholwayo Kimi ukuba “bangilinde” ngendlela ehlelekile, ukuba babe inkabi Yami, ihhashi Lami futhi babe semseni wokuhlinzwa Yimi. Ngizokusiza ubuyisele lokho kuzimisela kwangaphambili uphinde ungisebenzele futhi. Ngeke ngibekezelele nasiphi na isidalwa ukuba singiphange. Ubucabanga ukuthi ungavele uphonse izicelo noma kanjani uphinde ungiqambele amanga noma yikanjani nje? Ubucabanga ukuthi angizwanga noma angibonanga izenzo zakho? Kungenzeka kanjani ukuthi amagama nezenzo zakho zifihleke emehlweni Ami? Ngingavumela kanjani abantu bangiphange ngaleyo ndlela?
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ukhala ngokuphucwa indlu yakhe owesifazane othi lokhu kwenzeke ngoba engasayihambi imihlangano yekomidi lenhlangano ebusayo i--anc ewadini ahlala kuyo. unksz fikile mthembu wase haniville, ecopesville uthi uphucwe indlu yakhe ngunksz benzani khanyile naye ongomunye osekomitini le wadi, omphuce ngoba ethi umthembu akasabonakali nangokhasha emihlanganweni yekomiti. ekhuluma ne--echo ukhanyile uyaphika ukuthi uphuce umthembu umuzi kodwa uthi indlu uyithathe ngoba vele umthembu ubengasafuni ukuhlala kuyona. kanti umthembu yena uthi usala engenandlu nje ngoba amalungu ekomiti ethi akasayihambi imihlangano yekomiti ngakho--ke kumele aphucwe indlu. sengigqekezelwe endlini yami izikhathi eziningi abantu bengena bethatha impahla yami, kusho umthembu. “ngize ngishiya indlu nje, lena esengiphucwe yona ingoba nganginenkinga yezigebengu ezazingena zintshontsha endlini yami. sekuze kwenzeka izikhathi eziningi kanti futhi bese ngibona ukuthi impilo yami isengcupheni. bengihlala nontwana wentombazane ogcine naye engasenzi ngendlela efanele esikoleni ephazanyiswa ukungena kwezigebengu endlini zisina zidedelana zintshontsha impahla yami. “bese kuwumkhuba ojwayelekile futhi sebekwenza ngisho ngikhona endlini. kulapho--ke nami ngize ngakhetha ukuthi ngithathe ingane yami iyohlala emakhaya ngoba ngibona ukuthi umntwana useyahlukumezeka kanti nami ngibe sengiyishiya indawo ngayohlala kwenye,” kusho umthembu. uqhube wathi kwaba khona umfana oweza wazohlala endlini enzela ukuyigada njengoba yena engasahlali khona. “kulapho--ke kuqale khona ngitshelwa ukuthi umuntu osendlini ukhishwa ikomiti ngoba mina ngingasabonakali emihlanganweni yekomiti. indawo nganginikwe ilona ikomiti mina ngase ngakha umuzi. “ngifike ukhanyile eselungise igceke futhi esefake eyakhe ingidi kakhiye emzini wami, umfana obehlala endlini engasekho. “nami ngifike ngafaka eyami ingidi ngoba umuzi kungowami futhi ngingafuni nawo noma ukuhamba kuwona,” kuqhuba umthembu. khonamanjalo ukhanyile uthe yena ukhulume kahle nomthembu mayelana nendlu futhi uyathuka uphatheka kabi ukuzwa ukuthi yena ukhipha umthembu endlini. “sikhulume kahle naye (umthembu) ngenkulumo sithumelelana naye kuwhatsapp. ngimcelile ukuthi eze kumina sizobonisana angitshele ukuthi angangidayisela ngamalini uthayela wakhe nesicabha sendlu. akekho obemphuca indlu ngenkani njengoba sekuvela kanjalo manje. ikhansela lakaward 29 uthandi ndlovu uvele waluvala ucingo lapho ethintwa i--echo ngalolu daba"
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AlAIgBA: Bi awọn ohun oludokoowo, o mọ pe eyikeyi irú ti anfani idoko ni awọn oniwe-ewu. Nibẹ ni ko si iru ohun bi kekere ewu akojopo ati awọn ti a so o nawo wisely. Idoko ni Akojopo ati Aw jẹ nyara speculative. Gbogbo awọn ti awọn akoonu lori aaye ayelujara wa ati ninu wa imeeli titaniji ni fun eleko ìdí nikan, ati ki o yẹ ko le tumọ bi ohun ìfilọ, tabi solicitation ti ẹya ìfilọ, to ra tabi ta sikioriti. Ranti, o yẹ ki o ma kan si alagbawo pẹlu kan ni iwe-ašẹ sikioriti ọjọgbọn ṣaaju ki o to rira tabi ta sikioriti ti ile profiled tabi sísọ on Tradespoon.com tabi ni wa Daily titaniji.
None of this would have been necessary had the NPA done its job. To recap: City Press revealed in 2011 that Malema’s Ratanang Family Trust, named after his son, was a shareholder in the tender-rich OnPoint Engineering, a company run by Malema’s engineer friend Lesiba Gwangwa. At the time, Malema was the ANC Youth League leader and a powerful power broker in his home province of Limpopo. On-Point Engineering won a number of government tenders, mainly a R52 million contract to set up a “project management unit” in the provincial roads and transport department. The state alleges that Malema benefite-d financially from the tender, through his trust, and bought a farm and a Mercedes-Benz with the
In their session at @ThingsExpo, Shyam Varan Nath, Principal Architect with GE, and Dr. Sarah Cooper, M2Mi's VP Business Development and Engineering, will explore the IoT cloud-based platform technologies driving this change including privacy controls, data transparency and integration of real time context w...Oct. 9, 2015 07:30 AM EDTComparing PHP 7 vs. HHVMBy AppDynamics BlogPHP is one of the most popular scripting languages used for web development. The latest version of PHP, PHP 7 is a new version of the language that is been optimized for fast performance. However, PHP has a rival in HHVM (Hip Hop Virtual Machine) — a virtual tool that executes PHP code. The competition between these two options is heating up, so let’s take a look at the performance that each can offer.Oct. 9, 2015 07:15 AM EDT Reads: 134One Easy Way to Get Started with Internet of ThingsBy Jayaram KrishnaswamyLittleBits Electronics offers the CloudBit Module which is a easy and quick option to create Internet connected devices. You can tag on Internet to many things without you needing to program anything. There are many, many projects that you can do with this module. Using IFTTT (read about it in an earlier post) you can connect to any web service or whatever that IFTTT supports. Together with Arduino you could even do custom coding. The module comes with a USB power module and a wall adapter. It looks like a toy but packs great power.Oct. 9, 2015 07:00 AM EDT Reads: 112Stop Playing Catch-Up with the IoTBy Elizabeth WhiteThe IoT is upon us, but today’s databases, built on 30-year-old math, require multiple platforms to create a single solution. Data demands of the IoT require Big Data systems that can handle ingest, transactions and analytics concurrently adapting to varied situations as they occur, with speed at scale.
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.For you it might not be a race thing because you will never bear inside your body a black male child and wonder will he live to see 21. For you it might not be a race thing because the mere look of you is and will never be seen as a threat. If i had those options it would not be race thing for me either. My heart goes out to all those who have been victims of crime due to violence. I never will and never have condoned violence. Nokho, also will never condone a system that condones shooting somebody based on appearances,or possible reasons why they are out at night,. I will never condone a system that will take my money is accepted,but I or my son is not. I will never condone the state of things as they are. America is no utopia. I feel the effects of being a minority in America everyday,and even in the church.
9 Ngokuphathelene nokukhonza+ abangcwele, akudingekile ukuba nginilobele ngakho, 2 ngoba ngiyakwazi ukulungela kwengqondo yenu engiziqhayisa ngani ngakho kwabaseMakedoniya, ukuthi sekuwunyaka+ manje i-Akhaya limi lizilungiselele, futhi intshiseko yenu iye yashukumisa iningi labo. 3 Kodwa ngithumela abazalwane, ukuze ukuziqhayisa kwethu ngani kungabonakali kuyize kulesi sici, kodwa ukuba nibe abalungele ngempela,+ njengoba nje ngangivame ukuthi niyobe ninjalo. 4 Uma kungenjalo, ngandlela-thile, uma abaseMakedoniya bengeza kanye nami futhi banithole ningazilungiselele, siyohlazeka thina—ngingasasho nina—kulokhu kuqiniseka kwethu. 5 Ngakho-ke ngacabanga ukuthi kudingekile ukukhuthaza abazalwane ukuba beze kini kusengaphambili futhi basilungise kusengaphambili isipho senu esibonisa ukuphana esathenjiswa ngaphambili,+ ukuze kanjalo sibe sesilungile njengesipho esibonisa ukuphana hhayi njengento ephangiwe.+ 6 Kodwa ngokuqondene nalokhu, lowo ohlwanyela kancane+ uyovuna kancane futhi; nalowo ohlwanyela kakhulu+ uyovuna kakhulu futhi. 7 Yilowo nalowo makenze njengoba nje enqumile enhliziyweni yakhe, kungabi ngokudabuka+ noma ngaphansi kokucindezelwa, ngoba uNkulunkulu uthanda umuphi onamileyo.+ 8 Ngaphezu kwalokho, uNkulunkulu uyakwazi ukwenza wonke umusa wakhe ongafanelwe uvame kini, ukuze kuthi, nakuba ngaso sonke isikhathi ninokwaneliswa okuphelele kuzo zonke izinto, nibe nokuningi kwawo wonke umsebenzi omuhle.+ 9 (Njengoba nje kulotshiwe: “Wabile kabanzi, ubaphile abampofu, ukulunga kwakhe kuqhubeka kuze kube phakade.”+ 10 Manje lowo onika umhlwanyeli imbewu ngobuningi nesinkwa sokudla+ uyoninika futhi aniphindaphindele imbewu ukuba nihlwanyele futhi uyowandisa umkhiqizo wokulunga kwenu.)+ 11 Ezintweni zonke nicetshiselwa yonke inhlobo yokuphana, okuveza ngathi isenzo sokubonisa ukubonga kuNkulunkulu;+ 12 ngoba inkonzo yalo msebenzi womphakathi ayikhona nje ukwanelisa kakhulu ukuswela kwabangcwele+ kodwa futhi nokuceba ngezenzo eziningi zokubonisa ukubonga kuNkulunkulu. 13 Ngobufakazi obunikezwa yile nkonzo, bakhazimulisa uNkulunkulu ngenxa yokuthi ningabazithobayo ezindabeni ezinhle mayelana noKristu,+ njengoba nje nivuma obala ukuthi ninjalo, nangenxa yokuthi niyaphana emnikelweni wenu kubo nakubo bonke;+ 14 nangokuninxusela bayanilangazelela ngenxa yomusa kaNkulunkulu ongafanelwe+ odlulele ophezu kwenu. 15 Makabongwe uNkulunkulu ngesipho sakhe sesihle esingachazeki.+
@thingsexpo storiesnutanix platinum sponsor new york & silicon valleyby yeshim denizdevops is often described as a combination of technology and culture. without both, devops isn't complete. however, applying the culture to outdated technology is a recipe for disaster; as response times grow and connections between teams are delayed by technology, the culture will die. a nutanix enterprise cloud has many benefits that provide the needed base for a true devops paradigm.feb. 27, 2017 12:30 pm est reads: 465[session] expanding webrtc capabilitiesby elizabeth whitefor basic one--to--one voice or video calling solutions, webrtc has proven to be a very powerful technology. although webrtc’s core functionality is to provide secure, real--time p2p media streaming, leveraging native platform features and server--side components brings up new communication capabilities for web and native mobile applications, allowing for advanced multi--user use cases such as video broadcasting, conferencing, and media recording.feb. 27, 2017 12:30 pm est reads: 6,782outlyer named “bronze sponsor” of cloud expoby liz mcmillansys--con events announced today that outlyer, a monitoring service for devops and operations teams, has been named “bronze sponsor” of sys--con's 20th international cloud expo®, which will take place on june 6--8, 2017, at the javits center in new york city, ny.
enkathini yetestamente elidala bekungujehova ohola indlela, nawo wonke umsebenzi owenziwa kwa--israyeli. umose wenza lo msebenzi emhlabeni futhi ukusebenza kwakhe kubalwa njengokubambisana nabantu. ngaleso sikhathi, kwakungujehova owakhuluma futhi wabiza umose wamphakamisa phakathi kwabantu bakwa--israyeli, wenza ukuba umose abaholele ehlane ukuya ekhanani. lo kwakungewona umsebenzi kamose ngokwakhe, kodwa lowo owawuqondiswa ngujehova uqobo. ngakho umose angeke abizwe ngonkulunkulu. umose wethula nomthetho kodwa lo mthetho wawubekwe ujehova ngokwakhe. kwakuwukuthi nje wenza ukuthi ukhulunywe ngumose. ujesu naye wenza imithetho wachitha umthetho wetestamente elidala wabeka imithetho yenkathi entsha. kungani ujesu engunkulunkulu ngokwakhe? ngoba lezi akuzona izinto ezifanayo. ngaleso sikhathi, umsebenzi owawenziwe ngumose awuzange umele inkathi, futhi awuvulanga indlela entsha. wayeholwa ngaphambili ngujehova futhi waba ulowo osetshenziswa ngunkulunkulu. ngenkathi ujesu efika, ujohane wenza umsebenzi wokulungisa indlela waqala washumayela ivangeli lombuso wezulu (umoya ongcwele waqala lokhu). lapho ujesu efika, wenza umsebenzi wakhe owawuqondene naye, kodwa kwakunomehluko omkhulu phakathi komsebenzi wakhe nomsebenzi kamose. u--isaya naye wakhuluma iziphrofetho eziningi, kodwa kungani wayengeyena unkulunkulu ngokwakhe? ujesu akakhulumanga iziprofetho eziningi, kodwa kungani wayengesiyena unkulunkulu ngokwakhe? akekho ongaba nesibindi sokuthi umsebenzi kajesu ngaleso sikhathi wavela wonke kumoya ongcwele, noma abe nesibindi sokuthi uvele ngentando yomuntu, noma kwakungumsebenzi kankulunkulu uqobo lwakhe. umuntu akanayo indlela yokuhlaziya izinto ezinjalo. kungashiwo ukuthi u--isaya wenza umsebenzi othize wakhuluma iziprofetho ezithize, nokuthi konke kuvele kumoya ongcwele, akuvelanga ngqo ku--isaya ngokwakhe kodwa bekuyizambulo ezivela kujehova. ujesu akenzanga umsebenzi omkhulu, futhi akakhulumanga amazwi amaningi, noma akhulume iziprofetho eziningi. kumuntu, ukushumayela kwakhe akuzange kudunyiswe, kodwa ubengunkulunkulu ngokwakhe, futhi lokhu akuqondakali kumuntu. akekho oke wakholelwa kujohane noma ku--isaya noma kudavide noma kube khona oke wababiza ngonkulunkulu noma udavide unkulunkulu noma ujohane unkulunkulu akekho oke wakhuluma kanjalo kanti ujesu kuphela oke wabizwa ngokristu. lokhu kuhlela kwenziwe ngokobufakazi bukankulunkulu, ngomsebezi awenzile nenkonzo ayenzile. mayelana namadoda amakhulu ebhayibhelini—u--abrahama, udavide, ujoshuwa, udaniyeli, u--isaya, ujohane nojesu – ngemisebenzi abayenzile, ungasho ukuthi ngubani unkulunkulu uqobo lwakhe, nokuthi yibaphi abaphostoli. ngubani owasetshenziswa ngunkulunkulu, unkulunkulu yena wayengubani ngokwakhe, bahlukaniswa batholwe ngesimo nangohlobo lomsebenzi abawenzile. uma ngabe uyehluleka ukusho umehluko, lokhu kusho ukuthi awukwazi ukuthi kushoni ukukholelwa kunkulunkulu, ujesu ungunkulunkulu ngoba wakhuluma amazwi amaningi, wenza nomsebenzi omningi ikakhulu ukukhombisa kwakhe izimangaliso eziningi. kanjalo nojohane, naye, wenza umsebenzi omningi wakhuluma amazwi amaningi kanjalo nomose, kungani babengabizwa ngonkulunkulu? u--adamu wayedalwe ngunkulunkulu uqobo lwakhe; kungani ayengabizwa ngonkulunkulu, kunokuba abizwe nje ngesidalwa kuphela? uma umuntu ethi kuwe, “namuhla, unkulunkulu wenze umsebenzi omningi, futhi wakhuluma amazwi amaningi; ungunkulunkulu uqobo lwakhe. manje ngisho nomose ngokwakhe wakhuluma amazwi amaningi, naye kumele abe unkulunkulu ngokwakhe!” kumele ubabuze kanje nabo, “ngaleso sikhathi, kungani unkulunkulu abeka ubufakazi ngojesu, hhayi ngojohane njengonkulunkulu uqobo? ngabe ujohane akandulelanga ujesu? ubani owayemkhulu, umsebenzi kajohane noma okajesu? kumuntu, umsebenzi kajohane ubonakala umkhulu kunokajesu, kodwa kungani umoya ongcwele ubeka ubufakazi bukajesu, hhayi obuka johane?” kwenzeka into efanayo namuhla! ekuqaleni umose wahola abantu bakwa--israyeli, ujehova wakhuluma naye phakathi kwamafu. umose akazange akhulume ebhekise ngqo kodwa wayeholwa ngqo ngujehova. lo bekungumsebenzi wakwa--israyeli wetestamente elidala. umose wayengenawo umoya, noma ubunkulunkulu. ubengeke awenze lo msebenzi, ngakho kunomehluko omkhulu phakathi kwalokho okwenziwe nguye nalokho okwenziwe ngujesu. lokho kwenziwa wukuthi umsebenzi ababewenza bewungafani! noma ngabe umuntu usetshenziswa ngunkulunkulu, noma ngumprofethi, umphostoli noma unkulunkulu ngokwakhe kungahlukaniswa ngohlobo lomsebenzi awenzayo futhi lokho kuzoqeda ukungabaza kwakho. ebhayibhelini kulotshiwe ukuthi iwundlu kuphela elingavula “izimpawu eziyisikhombisa”. eminyakeni edlule, bekukhona abahlahli abaningi bemibhalo engcwele phakathi kwalabo bantu abakhulu, manje ungasho ukuthi bonke bayiwundlu? ungasho ukuthi izincazelo zabo zivela kunkulunkulu? bangabahlahli nje; abanabo ubuwundlu. bangafanela kanjani ukuvula izimpawu eziyisikhombisa? yiqiniso ukuthi “yiwundlu kuphela elingavula izimpawu eziyisikhombisa,” kodwa angeke eze ukuzovula izimpawu eziyisikhombisa kuphela; asikho isidingo kulo msebenzi, wenzeka ngokuqondana. uwazi kahle umsebenzi wakhe; ngabe kuyadingeka kuye ukuba achithe isikhathi esiningi etolika imibhalo? ngabe kufanele ukuba inkathi yewundlu “etolika imibhalo” ifakwe emsebenzini weminyaka eyizinkulungwane eziyisithupha? uza ukuzokwenza umsebenzi omusha, kodwa unikeza nangezambulo ngomsebenzi wezikhathi ezedlule, ukwenza abantu baqonde iqiniso lomsebenzi weminyaka eyizinkulungwane eziyisithupha. asikho isidingo sokuchaza iziqeshana eziningi ezivela ebhayibhelini; umsebenzi wanamuhla omqoka, yilokho okubalulekile. ufanele ukwazi ukuthi unkulunkulu akezi ukuzovula izimpawu eziyisikhombisa kodwa ukwenza umsebenzi wensindiso.
croatia -- endaweni, lapho umuntu ongathanda ukuwufinyelela nokuguga.""while these pose challenges, the commercial affairs department is working closely with the overseas law enforcement agencies,"" said a police spokesman. misplaatst sander besteden binaire opties nadelen beschoten opricht té?sizokwenza ukuchaza butholakala enqubweni eyinkimbinkimbi yokuthela wezifiki e croatia evela e--russia, sifundisa ukuthi uthole imvume futhi yokuhlala unomphela, ukwandisa inqubo wezifiki zibe izigaba.lakhiwa waptrick ( futhi ngokunokwenzeka kubangelwa renaud kuiper, tubidy leverages a database oqinile esekela izigidi amafayela kanye zokukhokhelwa, tubidy kuyinto platform esitebeleni futhi enokwethenjelwa for ukwabelana ngokuqukethwe. manje ake sibone isingeniso yalesi software amazing. kukhona izinombolo software sika kufinyeleleke ngokwalesi sizathu.afakwe esisesembozweni senziwe assistance roadside, a 3 ngonyaka ukugqwala perforation yesiqinisekiso kanye 12 ngenyanga iwaranti ibhethri wemoto. ukopishe bese unamathisela command ngezansi.emini, blogger, web developer & uhlelo builder. khetha kusuka ku--umuntu ekilasini imfundo, a live--online isipiliyoni instructor--eholwa nabanye abafundi, noma online option self--ukufunda.with kokubili ongakhetha yokufunda live and self--okutadisha atholakalayo, ungakhetha ukuthi iyiphi inkambo umhlabeleli evumelana nesimiso nokufunda yakho isitayela.i--sony ne--cyber--shot yizimpawu zokuhweba 2 khetha ongakhetha kukho. ngempela, oluthambile uzoqhubeka ukuba azixoshe eside--lead isikhathi ukuhlola imiklamo ethile ezivamile, ngoba ingozi--lalokhokulunga ukuchema kuzo utshalomali 搜索si 在2015年外汇评级二元期权经纪商 10k a best ongakhetha kanambambili galanov va derivatives ikusasa lezimakethe zomculo futures izinketho amasignali e--kanambambili ongakhetha zokuhweba kenya chelete e ngata 二元期權發現 khoebo khethang ho tsona binary abe cofnas djvu ho jpg iphepha read vol01--05.
my echo soapies to expose a criminal, but is blind--sided when she hears he has already confessed to his former ‘sins’. phindi sneaks someone into the ngema house and a neighbour walks in. tuesday, april 3 a journalist dances circles around a disloyal colleague and a family member lies in wait. two old friends reconnect with unexpected consequences. an old lady has reports on her vision of a prodigal son. wednesday, april 4 a man under pressure gets concrete proof about who his real enemy is. a surprising revelation makes someone feel very foolish. a person is caught in a sticky situation and lies to try and get out of it.
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Imke Delara desk, 2017-07-02 21:11:38. One nice thing about a corner desk, is that regardless of how much room you have in your corner, you can find a desk that will fit. If you only have the small corner, you can find a desk that will fit, with just enough room for your computer. Some of these will have a hutch on top with shelf space for books, discs, computer programs, etc. If you have room extending along one wall, then you can find a computer desk with a side extension. This is great because then you can have a surface for your computer, and a side surface for desk work. If you have a lot of room, you can get a corner desk that extends along both walls, and even more room if you put a hutch on top. This type of set up is perfect if you work at home and need the extra work space.
mina kankwali ngithi indaba mayibekwe ogqokweni. iqiniso mali phumel' obala. let not double standards be applied as far as pius is concerned. caiphus katse semenya says, in his song, play with fire,: ""if you struggling for the people, put the people in front"". indeed. a liberator cannot simultaneously be an oppressor of the very people he purports to free. to that extent, upius akakwazi ukuba yisigagayi sokulwela amalungelo abantu on one hand, abuye awaphule lawo malungelo everyday. akakwazi ukuthi eyisibonelo esimbi emphakathini, yet seek to expose izenzo ezimbi zomgodoyi. akakwazi ukuthi put a front opposing gross human rights abuses perpetrated by inja, vocally opposing ukuhlunyezwa koquqaba. yet yena abe mapunapuna edla izalukazi who are at his mercy, taking advantage of the downtrodden & poverty strikken god's children seeking homage endlini kasomandla asebenzela kuyona. athi sodomise hungry young boys, azibonisele kuma khosikazi amanye amadoda, amithise abe nezingane emizini yabantu, spreading ingculaza yakhe -- echitha imishado, ebhidliza imizi yabantu! in anybody's language, this is plain dirty. akubukeki kahle neze. especially for a 61yr old man. let alone a moral leader, a man of god -- sworn to celibacy!
what does the future hold for today’s big data vendors? hundreds of startups are rushing into the big data market to stake their claim to a market that idc predicts will reach $187 billion by 2019. dang, that’s a big market, especially considering that the global business intelligence market will only reach a trifling $20.8 billion by 2018 or the long--running erp applications market is expected to reach a trivial $84.1 billion by 2020. yes, the big data market opportu...oct. 25, 2016 11:30 pm edt reads: 2,264watson crowdsources cloud computingby kevin jacksonrecently i've been doing quite a bit of analysis work using the ibm watson cognitive business platform. the really exciting thing about this opportunity is the way data can seem to have a conversation with you. this got me wondering if social media data could carry on a conversation as well. given my almost unhealthy interest in cloud computing, we ran a one week experiment to ""crowdsource the internet"" in order to see if it held any interesting cloud computing insights. oct. 25, 2016 09:30 pm edt reads: 982wearable medical devices marketby ram sonagarathe global wireless health market by products encompasses ecg monitors, insulin monitors, neuromonitors such as eeg and emg devices. recent estimations show that an astounding 1.8 million people across the world will be using wireless remote monitoring devices by 2017. many of these users will be those suffering from chronic diseases. to put that into perspective, consider this: about 75% of all healthcare expenditure worldwide is spent on patients suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma, and alzheimers, and cardiovascular problems. grappling with these issues, the healthcar...oct. 25, 2016 07:45 pm edt reads: 1,383the internet of things and analytics at the edgeby william schmarzothe internet of things (iot) promises to change everything by enabling “smart” environments (homes, cities, hospitals, schools, stores, etc.) and smart products (cars, trucks, airplanes, trains, wind turbines, lawnmowers, etc.). i recently wrote about the importance of moving beyond “connected” to “smart” in a blog titled “internet of things: connected does not equal smart”. the article discusses the importance of moving beyond just collecting the data, to transitioning to leveraging this new wealth of iot data to improve the decisions that these smart environments and products need to make: t...oct. 25, 2016 04:00 pm edt reads: 3,538cloud expo silicon valley: six big topicsby roger strukhoffas we enter the final week before the 19th international cloud expo | @thingsexpo in santa clara, ca, it's time for me to reflect on six big topics that will be important during the show.
Emem Tomislava bedding set, 2017-08-11 01:37:28. There are many pieces and accessories that make up a bedding collection, these all together should match the colors of the bedroom and make the bedding hold importance on the d'cor side. A bedding is often purchased to help a bedroom get a new look and one more important part that covers the bedding is the comfort that they provide. It is just a matter of selection on a good collection that would indeed make up the room decor of your choice, with great colors to match the d'cor of your house. While making a selection, it is really important to know what kind of bedding would suit your room and which colors would make you feel comfortable. There are many bedding collections available, like bedding available that can help you get a good choice.
“pethimbo ndika nguka oha uhala ashike megumbo ta toola oombapila shoka tashi ulike kutya okuna ehalo nohokwe yosikola. ihe kushi kutya oto mufala kosikola peni oshoka kena ka temba ye keshi ku enda oha ipwedha ashike,” dhoka odha hokololwa kushilombweleni. shilombweleni ota pandula kalunga ke sho onkelo ye yi li pegumbo noku mu sila oshimpwiyu no sho wo omunuulema ngoka. “ ngeno kapwali onkelo yandje ndji yili pegumbo ta yi tu sile oshimpwiyu , ando omumati nguka otashi vulika a monitha ndje oshiponga oshoka olundji oha dhenge ndje,” osho omukulupe a hokolola ngaaka. omumati nguka oha falwa koshipangelo komakonakono , nomolwashoka ke na okatemba, oha humbatwa a fa a kwiininwa kwaangoka temu fala koshipngelo hoka..
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Gaby de AbreuLeigh AndrewsShould social influencers get paid for the work they produce?Thabiso MoloiGlobal Media Summit for Cape Town in NovemberTruly understanding your customers with Google Analytics 360Beverley Klein[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 183: Evolution of CEM and the CEM Africa SummitHow to get the most out of your social media agency, in seven stepsGiuliana SchoemanDigital reinvention breeds long-term successIndustry heavyweights to judge Loeries Digital and Interactive categoryHow to take your business online cost-effectivelySunshine Radio reaches out to Western CapeFirst speakers announced for MMA SA ForumKarima Brown resigns from Independent MediaMandela Day 2016Captivating golfers - why brands should be on the greenOgojiii hosts an exclusive launch for agencies and brand houses#MandelaMonth: From street vendor to small business ownerBeverley KleinFaith Muthambi accuses media of 'feeding propaganda' to publicGenevieve QuintalFacebook announces Q2 earningsThree cancer NPOs to benefit from Algoa FM Cell C Big Walk for CancerEnter NYF International Television & Film Awards 2017 competitionMore Top stories news... Submit newsBizcommunity has over 400 industry contributors and we always welcome further contributions and contributors.Submit newsAfcon group stages a success - Mbalula 1 Feb 2013 | Save | Email | Print | PDF The group stages of the Africa Cup of Nations (Afcon) tournament have been a great success, says Sport and Recreation Minister Fikile Mbalula.(Image: GCIS)The Afcon group stage matches were concluded on Wednesday when Ivory Coast and Togo progressed to the quarter finals after eliminating Algeria and Tunisia."As we concluded the group stages, we can announce that ... Afcon ... has been a great success. Even in areas where we started with poor match attendance at the stadiums, this has improved over time."We attribute that to the ever passionate, enthusiastic fans and display of football from all the 16 participating nations, including those who have been eliminated," Mbalula told reporters on Thursday in Johannesburg."South Africans, as always, have been good hosts," he said.Mbalula commended law enforcement agencies for having swiftly dealt with the clash between DR Congo and Ghana fans at the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium in Port Elizabeth.In another incident, an Ethiopian fan, who allegedly invaded the pitch when his team was losing in Mbombela, was also immediately arrested.He thanked visitors from the participating nations for the vigour displayed in their support of the tournament.Mbalula also congratulated tournament debutants, Cape Verde, who made history by reaching the quarter finals of the continental showpiece.With regard to Bafana Bafana, who will face Mali in the quarter finals at the Moses Mabhida Stadium on Saturday, Mbalula said: "The national team players should understand that as a nation, we've won the battle not the war. Our strategic objective is to win the war."Our boys are well on track to realising that we are playing opponents who can equally upset us and we want to wish them good luck on their upcoming match against Mali."As South Africa was booted out of the quarter finals by Mali when they hosted the tournament in 2002, Mbalula said Bafana should use Saturday's match as an opportunity to make the nation proud.Safa President Kirsten Nematandani urged South Africans to continue rallying behind the national team."We need to thank South Africans who always come to the stadium in great numbers to support the national team, and I believe this makes the boys have an everlasting fighting spirit."We want to once again urge South Africans to fill up Moses Mabhida Stadium to capacity as their unwavering support will inspire the players to win."Nematandani said the mood at the Bafana camp was very spirited and driven, and the players were looking forward to their encounter with Mali.The Passenger Rail of South Africa (Prasa) has set aside 20 trains with a capacity to support 40,000 fans at a time.In KwaZulu-Natal, Prasa has set aside 26 trains to transport fans to all the games taking place at the Moses Mabhida Stadium.Prasa has decided to run a special Shosholoza Meyl train from Johannesburg to Durban for the quarter final match on Saturday.The train will depart from Park Station in Johannesburg at 0620 today, and it will arrive in Durban at 0830 tomorrow. It will return to Johannesburg on Sunday.‹ Like Save Email Print PDFSOURCESAnews.gov.zaSAnews.gov.za is a South African government news service, published by the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS). SAnews.gov.za (formerly BuaNews) was established to provide quick and easy access to articles and feature stories aimed at keeping the public informed about the implementation of government mandates.Go to: http://www.sanews.gov.zaComment on thisCommentComment guidelines and disclaimerLEGAL DISCLAIMER: This Message Board accepts no liability of legal consequences that arise from the Message Boards (e.g. defamation, slander, or other such crimes). All posted messages are the sole property of their respective authors. The maintainer does retain the right to remove any message posts for whatever reasons. People that post messages to this forum are not to libel/slander nor in any other way depict a company, entity, individual(s), or service in a false light; should they do so, the legal consequences are theirs alone. Bizcommunity.com will disclose authors' IP addresses to authorities if compelled to do so by a court of law.Read more: Africa Cup of Nations, Bafana Bafana, AFCON, AFCONRelatedKarima Brown resigns from Independent MediaIssued by Independent Media Should social influencers get paid for the work they produce?By Thabiso Moloi Mandela Day 2016Issued by On the Dot Ogojiii hosts an exclusive launch for agencies and brand housesIssued by Ndalo Media NewsShow more
The victims of this violence can easily easily easily tell the difference between Zulu and any other Nguni langauge when spoken.Any Gauteng resident particularly a Nguni speaker like our Ndebeles can surely do that; there is no academic issue about it. When the perpetrators execute their violence they just dont utter one word as a password but express themselves in sentences and really it does not take more than one sentence for a victim to identify the Zulu and even the dialect.Generally these Zulus are hostel dwellers and they can be identified not only by a strong Natal Zulu accent but also the mannerism and looks etc ie if you know what to look for.To illustrate this if you were to meeet my favourate Zulu singer Shwii on the street of JHB you would not doubt that he is a proud Zulu hostel dweller irrigardless of his stardom. We know each other bhudi and l can easily be their victims if l m on their path by just identifying my physical features, my walk, etc. Finally there has been some precedence in the modus oparandi which makes them chief suspects.
prosecuting authority that is above reproach in the performance of its mandate and that enjoys the confidence of the public. “the ndpp must ensure that the [npa] exercises its functions without fear, favour or prejudice and should not be beholden to any vested interests, whether in politics, in business or elsewhere. the ndpp needs to be able to take decisions independently and impartially,” he said. after the constitutional court ruling, president ramaphosa decided to depart from previous practice of appointing the ndpp and sought the assistance of a panel of individuals from the legal fraternity and chapter 9 institutions in recommending suitable candidates. following a process of nominations, shortlisting and interviews that were open to the media, the advisory panel proposed five candidates for the ndpp position. embracing the challenge, batohi thanked the president for appointing her and the interview panel for the recommendation. “i accept with gratitude the opportunity to serve as the ndpp. my only obligation is to serve the country with humility and dignity and to the best of my ability,” she said. she defined her appointment as a historic moment for women in the country, saying it is a recognition by the president that the role of women in the pursuit of equality and justice is important. “i am confident that advocate batohi possesses all the attributes of a capable ndpp. throughout her extensive and distinguished career, and in the course of the selection process, she has shown herself to be a fit and proper person.” president ramaphosa
@sodladla u r wrng bru,ubukhosi bakwa xesibe buse mount aylief kwa xesibe/emaxesibeni kulapho uzofumana khona ubukumkani bamaxesibe.for yo info da r two houses if xesibe 1 indlu nkulunkulu, 2indlu endala.indlunkulu consist of two side right n left side.pha ku right side of indlunkulu kuzqlwa umganu,sinama,dohlanga,ndi,sthebe,mayaba gadi”jojos house” bese kuthi i left side yindlunkulu kuvele umkhwenkwe.yiyo le indlunkulu “greate house”,bese kuba yindlu endala “old house”ebizwa ngokuthi yinsukangqangi, apho kuvela untozabantu yena ke owaba nonyama ababini right side unzuza,left side umbathane..kunzuza kuvela umiyana,ubhimbi, unondzaba,jokazi bhelesi,,mgududzeli,kumgududzeli kuvele umatshomela”right side” owazala umthwa.kwi left side kuvele usodladla owazala usangqu.@1st indlu ka ntozabantu settled @ libide,mthatha n mqanduli region n nt as indlunkulu bt perhaps dey hv established ubukhosi babo there since dey did nt reside with da famous king of da xesibes king jojo.same applies to da house of sodladla descendent of mgududzeli of nondzaba of ntozabantu who resided in kwa bhaca emabhobho area established a chieftancy of xesibes under bhaca kingdom.da r xesibe who reside in mpondoland under mpondo kingdom of jojo ababizwa ngo gadi and kube kho ooxesibe dt resided with thembus ecacadu and engcobo oomkhuma,mbathane,qwathi,blangwe ngeziduko zabo,sam r in mthatha,tsolo,queenstwn,,mount frere,mzimkulu.bt to put it clear even chief yagqum ingonyama sodladla frm kwa bhaca knew dt his roots r in mount aylief,even oogadi in mpondoland know dt dey run away frm their home land to settle with mpondos n dt in their veins run da blood frm da royal house of jojo.ndizoma apha --themba mjoli it’s people lyk u who confuses other tribes about bhacas,1st yes i agree dt u trace yo biological geonology frm zulu through lufulwenja”didi”btl u mst b clear uma uthi ungumzulu n ngayiphi indlela coz zulu is used as igama lomndeni”surname” and igama lobuzwe”tribe name ” for people who r a blood line of ndaba ka mageba who their clan name” igama lenhlanga yakwabo ngusthuli sika ndaba/dlungwane ka ndaba” da house of shaka.on da other hand da house of madzikane uses zulu as a clan name” igama lenhlanga yakwabo”bt nt as igama lobuzwe babo”tribe name” instance dey bhaca as a tribe name and dey hv different surnames”amagama womndeni ahlukeni”,so kwa bhaca dey hv adopted da norm of iziduko wer by zulu kwa bhaca dsnt describe ubuzwe bt a clan name.so dts y dey caled by da clan name of oozulu,didi ka wabane”igama lenhlanga yakwabo/sduko/sthakazelo.on da other hand yo people r oowushe ngegama lenhlanga bt bhacas ngobuzwe”tribe” dts y yo house is under da house of ubhaca madzikane as a royal house.nw i c ukuthi niphithaniswa yilento new democracy wer by people lyk to claim independency.da kingdom of bhaca is independent frm a long time bhacas wer never under zulu”tribe” bt remained independent da fact zwelithini zulu goes to kwa bhaca to attend ceremonies dsnt mean dt bhacas r under zulus after dis people differ only by tribe names dda other uses zulu as a clan name n da other uses zulu as a tribe name so dey r only related by da name zulu no 1is greater than da other.dis is da same as wen abathembu clan frm emsinga who r using da surname”igama lenhlanga yakwabo umvelase” who r zulus by tribe”ngobuzwe” pays a visit to abathembu by tribe in eastern cape who r ngubengcuka,madiba,ect by clan name with different surnames lyk dalindyebo,mandela,mathanzima.dt dsnt nt mean dt dowz that r in ec r under those dat r in kzn emsinga vise vesa.so wena uma uthi ungumzulu perhaps uzalwa wukuthi uhlala emzimkhulu or exopo so regard yo self as a zulu.u r wrng bhacas r jst bhacas wether dey speak zulu or xhosa.dts even zolule mthsali calls himself ichwane le bhaca hhayi elommzulu or e lo mxhosa or elomswazi.nam i trace my biological geonology frm xesibe njanye ka sibiside esimajembelezaba,sibiside esimaphandla esaphandla abenguni bavungama.sibiside wakwa mkhize umbo umbulazi bt dis dsnt mean dt m a mbo.no saphuma apho sabanguxesibe.i use dis to explain my self bt i dnt call myself umbo/umumbo.same applies to u mjoli u r wushe by clan name bhaca by tribe unfortunately for u only two houses retained da name zulu. 1st house of ndaba ka mageba and da house of didi ka mageba.da house of wushe ka mageba don’t keep da clan name of mageba n zulu..so u cn speak zulu or speak xhosa bt u r nt dt,u r bhaca.well i wll nt force u to beliv dt u r zulu,same applies to bhacas u speak xhosa and regard themselves as xhosa i won’t force u if u say so bt knw dt u hv a right to choose n also freedom of speech.as long as u r bhaca xhosa/zulu speaking ungowakuthi in da name of bhaca ngiyakuthanda u r my tribe
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Vilamla ginigini gala kwegwadi. Mesinari (United Church) lemesa ivitoulisa – taga vakhela pela wala buki bomala khala nukwari. Gabena ima ipilasi taga gala mokwita, olui Catholic Church lemesa makhasana 1930s e, mokwita sitana peula ibasisa: itori Gusaweta deli Okhekoda lagela sena peula toginigini lemesa mkwesi valu opapasi. Gabena mokwita itola iloki khatoula iwotitari. Avela mtosina gugwadi teyu leginisi lebwena emweeya veisiya ibanisa sitana pilasi bwena deli goli siguguwa makhala bwala ayani. Avela mtosi gala, mapoulana wala itotasa – makhala otumisiya lemwesa e, lemesa litusiya bogwa makhala wala. Skuru sena vakhegaga olopola Kilivila taga khabitam gala ibasi isinivekha mesinaku wala isivivila olopola Kilivila. Gala isunapula mokwita, bila isaiya valu ituwari, oilovakhavekha e, bimweeya bibasi khabitam bimeya oduvalusa. Khalabawa dabuboyasa avetuta bivenokisi Top-Up deli goli KHS ikeitamasi imesa wala tauvagugulasi ovalu. Besa uula sena ekaiki woula besa tuta pela turi e, tagisemwesa tauwananasi pela Vocational deli Technical colleges.Pela Elementary Preparatory (EP) schools, Primary deli Top-Up, sena wala vakhegaga khasipwetukula oduvalusa. Inisiya gugwadi ipeulakisa khalabwari gugwadi khasi kalaga, khatuloluta pela ginigini sena wala peula. Tumisiya goli makhala wala sena peula savari pela gugwadi si School Fees (SF). Sena wala bweikwana gugwadi dubasi taiyakhaula EP, Primary e bilosa Top Up ikokeulasi prize: “Kwalai tau?”, “A, bo bila High School.” Mwasawapopu nona, eseki goli gwadi nanola esalau, veisiya ekanekelasi paisewa pela pokhala, deli sinakusi bilaguva gala pela khatuyawana.Mitaga makwa tuta gugwadi bisuisi KHS, bitobu dubasi e bikeitasi bimesa isimwesa ovalu ibagulasi. Talivalasi mwada elapi ginigini gugwadi: mitaga gala pela ikanunumatasi gugwadi o, khena veisiya ipakhesa khala pwetukula pokhala deli goli siguguwa e, sibwaga. Toituloki gala ipakhesa vituloki mitaga KHS khala khatoula sena mwau – leliya kwenatola! Sena vakhela tetula militela otameyesa tagisakhesa wala. Taga Kilivila lakeda pela khabitam makhadana wala khadatinidesi. KHS khalamwareta wala olopola Kilivila, gala kweyuwela. La gate Kilivila bikabitam mauduyana wala. E taga mauduyana wala evabudaboda Kilivila matala, lakhabitam deli lakeda biesaesa.Igau taitusisa KHS bibwena. Lagela makwa tetu 2007 khalabawa toginigini 400 esuisi pela grades 9 & 10. Bitalivila makhasana 200 grade 10 lagela. Mitaga avetuta nabweya bugiyu bisaiyasi makhasana wala 10 khena 12 toginigini bilosa CSH, HSH deli DSH. Komwedosi goli tadoki wala pilapala ekatudumani bikeitasi bimesa ovalu tasimwesa. Nasila goli bweikwanelawa gugwadi dubasi tayakhawarisa Top-Up lemeyesa, prizes lekokeulasi. Pela mtosi Top-Up levenokisi e lesuisiga KHS, gala pela khatuyawana gugwadi. Dabala valu, dabala valu lesuisi KHS. Taga amakhala besa taigakhesa?KHS toituloki khasibawa besa tuta 13, mwada 14, gala goli tetala bo lesakhaula lela CSH. Gala komwedosi simwa sibwala, sopi wa tank wala e, pela light Pawa (Genset) tokwarewaga. Classrooms gala tona, tumila sena kwekekita. Avetuta bitavakhana high school e, bita khabitam bibwena. KHS library besa tuta bukila mpasino pilabubogwa – vakhela lekikisisa wala gugwadi lemweyesa irigemwesa. Mpasi khegiya homework bitavavagi yagasi textbook – besa tuta pilatala tevasi pilatala. Kidamwa tetala bikau bitakutu pela nabweya saiya, e amakhalaga mtosi tetolu?Toginigini si dormitories (bwala wewasi deli masisi) gala wala bwena. Makwa vivila sitana yawesala taga makwa tawau kwepunupwanana wala komwedona. Olopola gala wala ileya kharitulela pela biwewasisi bibwena oluiga ginigini. Gala pawa pela light bugibogi khabo study, deli gala sopi. Pawa tokwarewaga e bikatumkulai khabitam metoya ostudy bugibogi. (Silovala wala KHS genset lekamdisa e lema sitana light mitaga khena tubukona wala omatadasi e o khena nayuwela e bigaga tuvela. E, bikeita gola bila odokhala.)Bogwa gala genset e,sitanaga khetala rampa deli kharesina tagimwari pela bipilasi gugwadi sistudy. KHS gala lamani pela mkwesi guguwa. Veisiya goli leiyomwausi wala gugwadi sibwaga deli si pokhala e, mwadaga bitalukwewa bineisi tuvela pela rampa deli kharesina.Besa uula vakhela gugwadi Day students wala e, gala tona Boarders (tokwanawa oskuru). Sekumwelaga Boarders besa gudisi wala waSimla o,avela sena khaduwanoma o, khena avela ibwadi bimapu boarding fees. Mtosi gugwadi Boarders vakhela tuta khasimolu wala pela veisiya sena mwau si bwaga bimeyakisa. Kidamwa kweokuva lula e, gala wala ibwadi bukugini bibwena o, khena bukwabitam. Mtosi Day Students, vakhela tuta olola wala biyobarisi ginigini. E, avetuta bikeitasi bimesa ovalu, sena khasi somata e, gala wala bivagisa homework bibwena. Pela ovalu sena yobosa deli bibdubadu khabotamnabi, deli khopituki wotetila besa veisiya. Kidamwa khaboginigini sena gewagewa deli gegedu e, deli khaduwanoma lola, besa sena nanakwa tamnabi bitabubwadi otapwala keda. Tevilesi gugwadi bisewesa gala, besa taina wala Losuia waopu biuvalutusi.Lagela gugwadi evigakhesa ginigini KHS khasi tilaula deli mwada tadokhesa elilapi deli esulasulasi otapwala keda, taga uula makhala. Khaboginigini gewagewa deli sena tagisakhesa e gala nanakwa tawotitarisa ibwena. Tomota elapedasi bitapusimsa tokwarewaga bitoilakhesa e, deli tokwarewaga gala immweki uwasi bitoilakhesa. Mapela olayogewagewa KHS esekemwa toginigini litudayasa lemamasi e, lekikeitasi lememesa ovalu tasigugurisa. Lemweeya valu lekasewaki e, latapupwadedasi sena turi khatubwabwawa. Taga pakula yakidasi wala. Mapela ToVote nabweya bugiyu, pirisi kunanamsasi bibwena. Makwa skuru gala computer, TV, tereponi, fax, internet access, gala turaki, gala waga obwarita, gala lanurse e, mkwesi goli gugumwaya. Waga pela bikatumkulai khabitam makhala khena bilolosa Bwemapou, Muwa, Tuma e, makwesi goli valu. Ginigini gala pela oclassroom wala, taga gugwadi bisunupuleyesa bilausa oyosewa pela bigisaki mitasi titolesi. Turaki pela bipilasi school la Admin runs, gugwadi si keda deli sibwaga. High schools komwedona olopola PNG iyosisa computer pela bikamtumkulai sikabitam e sinukwari amakhala valu valu olopola watanawa. Bwena, taga talivalisala. Kidamwa computer lessons bitaitourisa KHS e, bimweeya litudayasa bwenaokuva wala. Egigibwadi Kheyola Kilivila: Bottleneck Education at KHS
it really is hard to find a good internal medicine resource that you can get through and understand all the details. this book is the best i have found for a reasonable read that actually explains the mechanisms behind the disease and treatment. it folds a case into each topic and then has a decent sized discussion about aspects such as differential diagnosis, why it is this and why it is not this, treatment, and then finishes with comprehension questions. while the questions are a bit too brief and not that difficult, they are helpful for remembering the important bits. also, it includes a little box at the end of each section that highlights the key points. i would not replace mksap with this, rather i would use it with mksap. then read this again for step 2, as you'll swear after reading this, you see some of it almost verbatim on step 2.highly recommended.
ECURITY guards have taken the initiative and bumped up their responsibilities, by escorting university students home, after 16 students reported they were either mugged or robbed since the beginning of the year. Students face the daunting task of walking to and from the Pietermaritzburg campus of the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), with many fearing for their safety. In a string of reported robbery cases, Mi7 Security Intelligence’s Collin David said they are aware of a robbery last Sunday involving three men near the campus relating to two students who had previously been robbed by the same men who own a white Opel Corsa bakkie, and a cellphone robbery earlier this month involving four men using a firearm, among others. David said that these are just a few of the cases they have dealt with, reporting that all in
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chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs)/ myalgic encephalomyelitis (me), is a medical condition characterized by long--term fatigue and other persistent symptoms that limit a person’s ability to carry out ordinary daily activities. although the cause is not understood, causes may include biological, genetic, infectious, and psychological. diagnosis is based on a person’s symptoms because there is no confirmed diagnostic test. the fatigue in cfs is not due to strenuous ongoing exertion, is not much relieved by rest and is not due to a previous medical condition. fatigue is a common symptom in many illnesses, but the unexplained fatigue and severity of functional impairment in cfs is comparatively rare. the symptoms of cfs may include:
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unkulunkulu uba sesimweni somuntu ukuze ahlupheke esikhundleni somuntu, futhi ngokwenza lokho uzoletha isiphetho esihle esizolandela umuntu. leso sigaba somsebenzi esaphothulwa ngujesu saba kuphela ngukufana kwakhe nenyama esesonweni nokubethelwa, ukuthatha kwakhe indawo yomhlatshelo wesono bese esindisa sonke isintu, kanti lokhu kwakha isisekelo sekusasa lomuntu sokungena esiphethweni sakhe esimangalisayo. wathatha izono zomuntu zathwalwa nguye futhi yena wathatha isimo senyama nesono wabethelwa; wabethelwa esikhundleni sesintu sonke, emva kwalokho sonke isintu sasindiswa. wasebenzisa ukubethelwa kwakhe negazi lakhe eliyigugu ukusindisa isintu. igazi lakhe eliyigugu laba umnikelo wesono, okuchaza ukuthi laba ubufakazi bokuthi umuntu angaba ngongenasono futhi ekugcineni eze phambi kukankulunkulu: kwaba yisenzo sokugadla empini yokulwa nosathane. manje kulesi sigaba, unkulunkulu uzophothula umsebenzi wakhe futhi afinyelelise inkathi endala esiphethweni. uzoletha labo bantu abasasele esiphethweni sabo esihle. ngakho unkulunkulu usephinde waba yinyama futhi, ufike wezwa ubuhlungu esikhundleni somuntu ukuze ukuhlupheka kwabo ekugcineni kususwe kubona. konke ukuhlupheka komuntu kuzosuswa kubona ngalobu bufakazi, lesi senzo, lapho unkulunkulu eletha ubufakazi ngaye futhi esebenzisa lobu bufakazi ukwahlula usathane, ukuhlazisa udeveli, kanye nokubeka isintu esiphethweni saso esihle. abanye abantu bathi: “umsebenzi wokuba sesimweni somuntu kukankulunkulu usenziwa ngunkulunkulu uqobo lwakhe. akuyona le nyama ekwenzayo, kwenziwa ngaphansi kokulawulwa umoya ngaphakathi.” ingabe kulungile ukusho lokhu? akulungile. sekuke kwashiwo ngaphambilini ukuthi umsebenzi wokunqoba kukankulunkulu esesimweni somuntu wenziwa esintwini esijwayelekile, lokho okubonayo isintu esijwayelekile, kube empeleni kungunkulunkulu uqobo lwakhe owenza umsebenzi, nokuthi umsebenzi le nyama ewenzayo wenziwa unkulunkulu ngokwakhe. kwachazwa kwaphinde kwahlanganyelwa ngale ndlela. abantu esikhathini esiningi bacabanga ukuthi le nyama iyithuluzi nje noma igobolondo. uma unkulunkulu ngaphakathi kuwe ekhuluma noma ezilawula yena, khona--ke le nyama ikhuluma noma yenza, futhi ayenzi lutho ngaphandle kokulawulwa ngunkulunkulu. uma elawulwa ukuba asho okuthile ube esesho okuthile, kungenjalo uhlala ethule. ingabe isimo sinjalo? cha, asinjalo. incazelo enamandla kakhulu manje yile: elinye iphuzu ngonkulunkulu ephenduka inyama ngalesi sikhathi ukuba uze ukuzokwenza umsebenzi wokunqoba kanye nokufinyelelisa lesi sikhathi esiphelweni; elinye iphuzu ukuthi ukuzwa kwenyama ubuhlungu bomhlaba kungukuzwa kukankulunkulu uqobo ubuhlungu bomhlaba—inyama kankulunkulu nonkulunkulu ngokwakhe bamunye. le nyama ayilona ithuluzi njengoba abantu becabanga ukuba unjalo, futhi ke ayilona igobolondo nje; injalo nje ayiyona into eyinyama engalawulwa nje, njengoba abantu becabanga. le nyama ihlanganise konke unkulunkulu ngokwakhe ayikho. abantu empeleni bayiqonda njengento elula kakhulu. ihlanganyelwe kanjalo, lapho--ke abantu bazoyihlukanisa kalula inyama nomoya. manje abantu kufanele baqonde elinye iphuzu: unkulunkulu esenyameni uthole ukuzwa ubuhlungu bomhlaba; zonke izinhlupho nokugula unkulunkulu esenyameni akuzwile kuyizinto okungafanele akuzwe. abanye abantu bacabanga ukuthi, njengoba engumuntu ojwayelekile, ngakho lobu buhlungu abugwemeki. bacabanga ukuthi: “abantu bazophathwa yikhanda babe nemfiva nje engatheni, naye uzoba nalokhu. lokhu kuyinto engeke yagwemeka, njengoba engumuntu osenyameni ejwayelekile. akekho ngaphezu konke. ungumuntu ojwayelekile futhi kufanele ezwe bonke ubuhlungu obuzwiwa ngabantu. kufanele ezwe ukushisa njengoba abantu bezwa futhi aqhuqhwe amakhaza, njengoba nabantu ebaqhuqha….” uma ucabanga kanje, kusho ukuthi ubona kuphela ukujwayeleka kwenyama. le nyama ejwayelekile ifana ncamashi nomuntu ngaphandle kokwahluka. empeleni, konke akuzwayo akunancazelo. abantu ngokuvamile bayagula, noma bahlushwe okuthile, futhi lokhu yilokho abantu okufanele babhekane nakho. abantu abonakele kufanele bahlupheke ngale ndlela, futhi lo umthetho ojwayelekile. kungani unkulunkulu osesimweni somuntu ezwa lokhu kuhlupheka? ingabe ujesu kwakufanele abethelwe esiphambanweni? ujesu wayeyindoda elungile. ngokusho kwemithetho yaleso sikhathi nazo zonke izinto azenza, kwakungafanele abethelwe. pho kungani abethelwa? wabethelwa ukuze isintu sisindiswe. ingabe bonke ubuhlungu nakho konke ukushushiswa unkulunkulu osesimweni somuntu wamanje abhekane nakho kwenzeka ngephutha? noma ingabe unkulunkulu wakuhlela ngenhloso? akuyena unkulunkulu owakuhlela ngenhloso, futhi akuthukanga kwaqondana. ukuthi kwenzeke njengokwemithetho ejwayelekile. kungani ngisho kanjalo? yingoba unkulunkulu wazibeka phakathi kwabantu ukuze enze umsebenzi wakhe ngokukhululeka. ekwenzeni umsebenzi wakhe unjengomuntu futhi uzwa ubuhlungu njengomuntu. uma wayengahlela ubuhlungu ngenhloso, khona--ke wayezozwa ubuhlungu izinsuku ezimbalwa, kodwa ngokujwayelekile ubengeke akhathazeke. okusho ukuthi unkulunkulu wenza umsebenzi wakhe—ukuzwa kwakhe ubuhlungu bomhlaba akuyona into nje ehleliwe ngenhloso, kuze kube kancane ukuzwa ubuhlungu engekho ezingqondweni. ukuthi uze ukuze azwe ubuhlungu bomhlaba, azibeke phakathi nabantu, azibeke ebantwini futhi ezwe ubuhlungu obufanayo nobuzwiwa yibo, aphathwe ngokufanayo, hhayi ukuba amukelwe kokunye. njengoba nizwile ukushushiswa, ingabe ukristu naye akezwa intshushiso? njengoba nizingelwa nishushiswa, ingabe ukristu yena akazingelwa futhi ashushiswe? abantu bahlaselwe ukugula, pho ukuhlupheka kwakhe kungakuncane kanjani? bakhona abanye abacabanga ukuthi unkulunkulu kufanele abuzwe ubuhlungu njengoba eza ukuzosebenza esizweni sikadrako omkhulu obomvu. ave nalokhu kungalungile? kunkulunkulu, akukho maphuzu asekele ukuthi kufanele noma akufanele ezwe ubuhlungu; unkulunkulu uthe ufisa ukuzwa ubuhlungu bomhlaba kanye nokuthi, esikhathini esifanayo nangenkathi ezwa lobu buhlungu, wayengabuzwela esikhundleni somuntu. bese--ke eletha isintu esiphethweni saso esihle nesimangalisayo, bese nosathane ahlulwe ngokuphelele. kunkulunkulu, kufanelekile ukuthi akuzwe lokhu kuhlupheka. uma wayengafisi ukudlula kulesi sigaba sokuhlupheka, uma wayefuna nje ukuqonda ubuhlungu bomuntu kuphelele lapho, phela wayengasebenzisa abantu abambalwa ukwenza lokhu esikhundleni sakhe. wayengasebenzisa abaphostoli abambalwa noma labo abasetshenziswa ngumoya ongcwele ukuba bathathe indawo yakhe bese bebuya bezombikela ngobuhlungu babo. noma wayengasebenzisa abanye abantu abakhethekile ukuba bazoba ngofakazi, abenze bazwe ubuhlungu obukhulu ngokungase kucatshangwe emhlabeni bese, uma bekwazile ukubumela, bayobe sebeba ngofakazi balokhu bese nosathane enqotshwa ngokuphelele, bese ikusasa lapho abantu bengasenakuhlupheka lifike. ingabe unkulunkulu angakwenza lokhu? yebo, angakwenza lokhu. kodwa umsebenzi kankulunkulu ngokwakhe wenziwa nguyena mathupha. yize noma umuntu engafakaza kahle, ubufakazi bakhe ngeke buzwakale kahle kusathane, futhi angathi: “manje njengoba usube yinyama, kungani ungabuzwa ubuhlungu bomhlaba wena uqobo? …” okusho ukuthi, uma unkulunkulu engawenzanga lo msebenzi yena mathupha, kusho ukuthi lolo hlobo lobufakazi ngeke lube namandla ngokwanele. umsebenzi kankulunkulu kufanele wenziwe nguyea uqobo; le yiyona ndlela kuphela ezwakalayo. kuyaphinda kubonakale kulesi sigaba somsebenzi kankulunkulu ukuthi yonke into ayenzayo unkulunkulu inesizathu esithile, ukuthi bonke ubuhlungu obubekezelwa unkulunkulu esenyameni bunencazelo ethile. wena uyabona ukuthi ayikho into unkulunkulu avele ayenze nje, kanye nokuthi unkulunkulu akayenzi into engenamsebenzi. unkulunkulu esesimweni somuntu uzele ukuzokwenza umsebenzi wakhe kanye nokuba azozwa ubuhlungu bomhlaba. kubalulekile ukuthi unkulunkulu awenze lo msebenzi, futhi kusemqoka kakhulu, esintwini kanye nesiphethweni sekusasa lesintu. konke kungenxa yensindiso yesintu, ukutholakala komuntu—lezi zenzo zenziwe futhi lo mzamo wenzelwe ukuze umuntu athole ukufinyelela isiphetho sakhe esiyisimangaliso.
Amazwi kaNkulunkulu acace ngokusobala. Uma sigxile nje ekuthokozeleni isihawu nomusa kaNkulunkulu, ngeke sigcine nje ngokuba singakwazi ukukhululwa ezimweni zethu ezonakele, kodwa ngeke sikhule ezimpilweni zethu, ngisho bokholo lwethu, uthando, kanye nokulalela kwethu ngeke kukwazi ukupheleliswa. IBhayibheli lithi, “Ukuceba kweziwula kuyozibhubhisa” (IzAga 1:32). Uma siphila njalo phakathi kwesimo esinethezekile ngaphandle kwezivivinyo noma ukucwengisiswa, izinhliziyo zethu zizoya ngokuya ziqhela kuNkulunkulu futhi kuzoba lula ukuthi sonakale ngenxa yokuhalela ukunethezeka kwangomuso. Siyophila phakathi kwezimo zethu ezikhohlakele izisu zethu zigcwele ukudla nemiqondo yethu ingenazo izinkathazo, ekugcineni singafezi lutho, sichithe nje izimpilo zethu. Kufana nje nokuba ngumzali—uma uhlala utotosa ingane yakho futhi uxolela futhi ubekezelela noma ngabe yenzani olungalungile, kukuliphi iqophelo lapho ingane iyokwazi khona ukuguqula izici zayo ezimbi bese ivuthwa? Ngakho, isimo esinethezekile asinalusizo neze ekukhuleni kwethu empilweni; kunalokho, kuzosenza siye ngokuya siba nobugovu ngezintokozo zenyama futhi siyolokhu nje sifuna ngenkani umusa nezibusiso zikaNkulunkulu, sikhula ekuzicabangeleni thina, ekubeni nobugovu, ekubeni babi, nasekubeni nenkohliso. Uma sifuna ukuphunyuka esimweni sethu esikhohlakele bese siba ngabantu abahambisana nentando kaNkulunkulu, asikwazi ukwaneliswa ukuthamela umusa nezibusiso zikaNkulunkulu nokukholwa kuNkulunkulu esimweni esinethezekile, kodwa kufanele futhi sedlule ezivivinyweni nasekucwengisisweni okwengeziwe. Leyo yiyona yodwa indlela esingalahla ngayo izimo zethu ezikhohlakele bese sihlanzwa nguNkulunkulu.
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▼ school climate has been of interest internationally for a number of years not only because school climate has been linked to the effectiveness of the school but also to learner achievement. school climate was the focus of this research study and in particular the development of a school climate questionnaire for learners in pretoria schools. prominent factors influencing school climate were identified from literature and six of the more prominent factors were selected for study namely cohesiveness, trust, respect, control, violence and physical infrastructure. these were conceptualised in terms of systems theory using an input--throughput--output model. input into the system is the learners, educators, principals, policies on school--level as well as policies on national level and resources. the throughput was considered as the process of interaction between the learners, educators and principals and how this influences cohesiveness, trust, respect, control, violence and physical infrastructure. the interplay results in behaviours, perceptions and attitudes of the principal, educators and learners, which influences the atmosphere within the school (output). survey research was undertaken in order to collect data on the six factors from the perspective of the learner. a self--administered questionnaire was used and was developed based on numerous school climate instruments. these instruments were studied and items associated to the factors were identified for possible inclusion in the questionnaire. the items chosen were then taken and rephrased to make them relevant for the south african context. experts in the fields of psychology, education and instrument development rated the items in terms of appropriateness, relevance, language and readability. the comments were then included and the questionnaire piloted in one school in pretoria. based on an initial analysis minor changes were made to the questionnaire, which was then administered in three schools in and around pretoria. in total 608 learners participated in the study, 166 learners in the pilot study and 442 learners in the main study. some problems were identified with the questionnaire, which included the language of the items and that of the learners. the instrument was found to have face and content validity. the initial reliability analysis indicated that some of the factors attained reliability coefficients that were lower than the set limits. as a result item--total analysis was undertaken and it was found that certain items did not correlate well with the scale. a factor analysis was also undertaken for further scale development. five factors were extracted using principal components analysis; the previously conceptualised factors were incorporated in different ways than anticipated. these factors were conceptualised and named interaction, cohesion, learning environment (which is on a classroom level) and resources. the only factor that concurred with the original conceptualized factors was violence. the developed questionnaire clearly depicted these… advisors/committee members: maree, david j.f. (advisor), howie, sarah j. (advisor).
pie is good.pie helps you pass test.pie helps you stop seeing monkeys in youre toilet.pie matches with any outlfit.you can throw pie.every time you eat pie a person hugs b0b.every time you lick pie a monkey will stop chasing a pig.pie wont back talk to you when you eat it.pie cant fly away and stop you from eating pie.pie makes a great toilet seat.pie helps palm trees sing.pie helps gorrillas poop.pie helped albert einstein.pie loves pie.pie will help bears say there abcs.you can attack justin bieber with pie.pie hates lava lamps.pie loves penguins.the mona lisa loves pie.pie knows howw to skate board.pie has a pet named steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve. pie loves gummy bears.pie says wacka.pie says pie.
I dreamt I was with an old friend of mine and we were crossing a bridge emfulene, the second time we crossed umfula omkhulu, there was a sound that came from the water, first a girl wearing a white vest, red and white beads( Ithwasa) came out of the water, then there was more movement in the water, I silently told my friend not to look at the thing in the eyes, as it imergerd from the water, I saw it was a huge black snake, then it changed its upper body into a human being, it then told me to come with it, I was too scared then I woke up, the funny thing is I wasnt realy scared but in my mind I had told myself that I am scared as I remembered the day, I walked passed umfula in diepkloof Soweto and I saw a person standing by a tree wearing a goats skin, what does this mean?
izipra knew that they must keep their own records, zapu like the anc kept archives and they where a government in exile knowing what must be done, the documents, the film clips of nkomo and zipra cadres training all these things were burnt by sydney sekeramayi on the behest of zanu in 1981, these documents were at the farms that zapu bought. to make a documentary now you would have to go to the bbc to get clips, or the large american archives. sorry that is the way it is unless you make a movie, it wouldbe best just to make a movie and glorify zipra and send it to cannes. make a love story between a geurrila and a woman how they are split and how she is tortured to death by rhodesians for being a spy for zapu but how zapu forgave. tshaya ipropaganda.
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k:79 Before the developmentand the more widespread installation of equipment for colonic irrigations, manyspa’s and health resorts relied on multiple large volume enemas taken every dayof a stay at these establishments. These treatments gradually gained in popularityin Europeduring the last 200 years. Dr Kellogg based many of his own treatments in hissanitorium on European sources which he references in his Manuals. Here is adescription of his enema regimen and also the subsequent spread of colonic irrigations in manyAmerican towns and cities:-Dr. H. Kellogg’sSanatorium in Battle Creekwas visited by Presidents, Heads of State and every multi-millionaire of theday (late 1800’s). A 6 - 8 week stay included a lot of exercise, mineral baths,a very healthy but bland diet of food and large enemas 6 - 8 times a day. Dr Kellogg’s clinicgave rise to the popularity of large volume high colon irrigations for women inthe early 1900’s. These treatments usually ended with a large enema of 5 to 7quarts to completely fill the colon. Colonic Parlors (as they were called) wereas common as barber shops in cities and towns. No proper city lady would thinkabout going more than two weeks without a visit to a colonic Doctor. Kellogg’smethods were adopted and accepted by many, especially in the populous centersin the late 1800’s and until about 1940. From Silver Jouett – 2005.It is much easier totrain staff to administer a series of large volume enemas, than to operate themore complicated and expensive colonic irrigation apparatus with safety.According to the following two accounts, even today, some spa’s and healthresorts still rely on a daily series of large volume enemas of 5 to 6 quarts,rather than the use of the more complicated colonic irrigation procedure:-I am a 31 year old married woman. In the last 4 years, I havefound a clinic in Jamaicawhere I had a lot of enema treatments. Iwas there for 3 weeks and had at least 5 high volume enemas every day alongwith massage administered at the same time. They used long colon tubes on meand the longest colon tube is inserted to 60”. The enemas were given veryslowly and were very large - 5 quarts or more. I have to tell you they werewonderful and I have so much energy from them. My health has never been better,and I highly recommend them.I have been to colonic clinics where you are on a machine forabout 45 minutes, and then they say nothing more is coming out, so that is theend of the session. For me high enemas of at least 5 quarts do so much more, and I proved that tomyself by having a long session right after having a colonic. The amount ofmatter that came out was very surprising, and continued to come out for a goodfour hours that I was given the enemas. Also I have had my colon checked and Ihave far less kinks in it than I did before. I am very healthy, with lots ofenergy and my weight is great, which is very important for my work. At home,between clinic visits, I have large enemas of between 4 and 5 quarts at least 3times a week and feel wonderful for them.From Susanne – A Canadian Model – 2005.Some Colontherapists never allow the colon to be fully distended during an hour longcolonic irrigation treatment, and thus fail to loosen all impacted materialfrom the walls of the cecum. Is it possible that a series of large enemas,which fully distend the whole of the colon, can sometimes be more effectivethan colonic irrigation treatments as has been reported by Susanne?Charles’s mother owneda spa in Mexico.I stayed the whole summer while Charles went on an engineering project. Ilearned to take large volume enemas from his mother. My mother in law has beentaking large volume enemas ever since she was first taken to the spa by hermother at age 12.This spa and othersaround the world have been giving large, high enemas for many years. Enemas aregiven 5 days a week and for two days you are allowed to rest and your systemreturn to normal. Then you are cleaned out and the week starts over again.There I was given about two hours of cleansing enemas five mornings a week andabout three hours of distension enemas in the afternoon. All the enemas givenat the spa are carefully calculated to maintain electrolyte balance in thesystem. As long as the chemical balance is maintained, enemas can be retainedfor hours. Water can be used for long periods of colon stretching as long as ateaspoonful of salt is added to each liter of water used. You naturally absorbsome solution when it stays in your colon for several hours, but a catheter isalways inserted before the enema is started to allow elimination by thekidneys. There is an MD on the staff at the spa, and he is always nearby, ifnot in the room when most of the treatments are given.The morning enemaswere about 3 or 4 liters and were usually in bed before I got up and theytended to be slow and easily administered by my future mother in law. We hadtime to talk while I “soaked”. The distension enemas were given in theafternoon. These enemas were very challenging and were given by my mother inlaw. For my first distension enema Michelle gave me four liters in about 5minutes. Then she opened the other four liter syringe and let it trickle inover the rest of the afternoon. She said there was plenty of time. Atabout 6 liters I was done and she knew it. Each afternoon I amtaken to whatever level I am comfortable with. I always strive to make it as far as I can. I have been going to the spaevery summer for 13 years now and stay for several weeks. I enjoy all the enemasI am given. I look forward to, once a week at the spa, holding enemas of 5 to 6 liters for 3 to 4 hours. At home I build up to 5 to 6 liters atleast twice a week, usually on the weekend when my husband can do it for me. Ibelieve that frequent large enemas are the key to a healthy colon andprevention of colon cancer as well as many other problems. From June Dietz –Daughter of a Nurse - 2007. It may be purely coincidental, but Jamaicais not very far from Mexico,so it may be a West Indian practice.Has anyone else, in Europeor America,visited a spa or health clinic where they used multiple large volume enemas ona daily basis during a stay there? 2011.04.14 03:54
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▼ This case study examined casino gaming by the Poarch Band of Creek Indians (PCI) in Alabama within the context of tribal sovereignty. It critiqued tribal developments over a five-year period beginning in 2009 with the opening of their first multi-million dollar casino and hotel. No previous studies on gaming or tribal sovereignty for this tribe existed. There were only a few studies on this dual topic for other Indian tribes but none of which utilized a political science theoretical approach. The study found that tribal sovereignty existed since American Indian tribes existed. Sovereignty was strong during the treaty-making period. Thereafter, tribal authority and self-determination of Indian tribes became limited as it was redefined by federal policies, Congressional actions and Supreme Court decisions. When treaty-making ended, the political history for Indian tribes became a narrative of termination, relocation and assimilation. The Poarch Band of Cree Indians were a small group that remained poor and obscure after the Indian removal period. Casino gaming has given them an economic and political resurgence. The early legal interpretation of tribes' political status was that of "domestic dependent nations" which continues to influence federal Indian policy today and thus the parameters of tribal sovereignty as well. While the level of federal dependency for some gaming tribes has been reduced, tribes are not fully self-sufficient. Similar to other industries, casino gaming is impacted by supply, demand and increased competition and thus long-term permanent gains cannot be predicted. For the Poarch Band Creeks, gaming increased their political awareness and led to greater political involvement in lobbying. It also created new community and business partnerships. Gaming also prospered the Poarch Band Creeks not only in terms of improving their quality of life but they now have the financial resources to sustain legal battles to protect their sovereignty from intrusion by the state of Alabama. Alabama was successful in closing all non-Indian casinos but not when it attempted to close Indian casinos. This study highlights the political strategies and sovereignty protections utilized by the Poarch Creek Indians in their response to contemporary political challenges by the state of Alabama. Advisors/Committee Members: William Boone, Ph.D., Hashim Gibrill, Ph.D., James Jennings, Ph.D..
10 ihe nonando ongawo, itashi ka kala aluhe oshipu okuvulika kiipango yajehova. otashi vulika tu na okukondja opo tu kale aadhiginini. aakriste yamwe mboka inaaya ya mondjokana otashi vulika ya kale ya hala okuya mondjokana, ihe maapiya yajehova inaya mona mo natango kuume kopandjokana ngoka to opalele. (1 kor. 7:39) omumwameme inaa hokanwa otashi vulika a kongelwe ngoka te mu hokana kaaniilonga pamwe naye mboka kaaye shi ooitaali. omumwameme otashi vulika a kale ta kondjo nezaza. ihe nando ongawo, oha kambadhala noonkondo a kale omudhiginini kujehova. mbela inatu pandula iiholelwa yuudhiginini ya tya ngaaka? dhoshili, jehova ota ka yambeka ayehe mboka haya kala aadhiginini kuye nonando oye li moonkalo oondhigu. — heb. 11:6.