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Pharmacokinetics of selective β1-adrenergic blocking agents: prescribing implications Introduction: Pharmacokinetic properties of β1 selective adrenergic blocking agents pre-determine their clinical use in individual patients dependent on age, genetic polymorphisms, comorbidities, concomitant therapies, and kidney or liver dysfunction. Areas covered: This paper reviews multiple searches of studies considering the pharmacokinetics of β1 selective blockers published in scientific journals from 1966 to June 2014. The pharmacokinetic parameters of these drugs in healthy populations, as well as changes of their values in the settings of advanced age, liver or renal failure, other comorbidities and enzyme or transporter polymorphisms are reviewed. Expert opinion: There is significant imbalance in the number and quality of studies on the pharmacokinetics of β1 selective blockers. Some members of the drug class, such as celiprolol and betaxolol were clearly under-investigated. Additionally, many questions about the extent and cause of pharmacokinetic variability of even the most widely studied β1 blockers, such metoprolol and bisoprolol, remain unanswered. In order to acquire complete and detailed knowledge of all factors that could influence pharmacokinetics of β1 selective blockers, population pharmacokinetic approaches linked with studies of genetic polymorphisms should be increasingly used in the future. This strategy provides methodological rigor and an ability to test effects of numerous factors at the same time.
An Innovative Reconfigurable Integrated Converter Topology Suitable for Distributed Generation The electricity market and environmental concerns, with wide utilization of renewable sources, have improved the diffusion of distributed generation units changing the operations of distribution grids from passive networks to microgrids. A microgrid includes a cluster of electrical loads, energy storage devices and microsources, which provide both power and heat to their local area. A microgrid has usually one connection point to the utility grid through power electronic converters placed at customers’ sites. This paper analyses a Reconfigurable Integrated Converter (RIC) used for a domestic microgrid with inputs from the AC mains and photovoltaic arrays, and two DC outputs at different voltage levels. A RIC as a dual-boost DC-DC converter is proposed, modelled and analysed in the paper. The advantages of such a topology in comparison with traditional boost converters are outlined. Reported simulations results give evidence on the controllability of this converter and the capability of achieving the desired voltage outputs with reduced ripple.
The Three-factor Model and China’s Multiple Stock Markets This paper aims at discussing the applicability of the three-factor model in China’s multiple security markets. The monthly returns of Shenzhen Main Board Market, Shanghai Stock Market, GEM Securities Market and Small and Medium Board Securities Market from January 2012 to December 2016 are selected as samples. The following conclusions are drawn: the three-factor model is applicable in Shenzhen Main Board Market, that is, the change of stock return is proportional to market factor, book-to-market ratio factor, and inversely proportional to scale factor. Moreover, in terms of the explanatory power of the change of stock return, the market factor is the highest, the scale factor is the second, and the book-to-market ratio factor is the lowest. But in the other three markets, the two-factors model that excludes the ratio of book market value can explain the change of stock return better. In addition, the explanatory power of market factor is better than scale factor.
Structural similitudes of stiffened cylinders Similarity theory is a branch of engineering science that deals with establishing conditions of similarity among phenomena and is applied to various fields, such as structural engineering problems, vibration and impact. Tests and numerical simulation of scaled models are still a valuable design tool, whose purpose is to accurately predict the behaviour of large or small prototypes through scaling laws applied to the experimental and numerical results. The aim of this paper is to predict the behaviour of the complete and incomplete similarity of stiffened cylinders by applying distorted scaling laws of the models in similitude. The investigation is performed using models based on the finite element method within commercial software. Two classes of cylinders scaled, with different laws, and, hence, reproducing replicas (exact similitude) and avatars (distorted similitude) are investigated.
Apocynin attenuates diaphragm oxidative stress and protease activation during prolonged mechanical ventilation Objective: To investigate whether apocynin protects the diaphragm from wasting and oxidative stress during mechanical ventilation (MV). Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled study. Setting: Research laboratory. Subjects: Adult female Sprague-Dawley rats. Interventions: Rats were randomly assigned to one of five experimental groups: 1) acutely anesthetized control, 2) spontaneous breathing control, 3) spontaneously breathing control with administration of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase inhibitor, apocynin, 4) mechanically ventilated, and 5) mechanically ventilated with apocynin. Measurements and Main Results: Apocynin attenuated MV-induced diaphragmatic oxidative stress, contractile dysfunction, and type I, type IIa, and type IIb/IIx myofiber atrophy. The apocynin-induced attenuation of MV-induced diaphragmatic atrophy and contractile dysfunction occurred in conjunction with a reduction in the small increase in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase activity as well as the preservation of total glutathione levels, glutathione peroxidase protein abundance, and a decrease in the activation of the cysteine proteases, calpain-1 and caspase-3. Interestingly, independent of MV, apocynin increased diaphragmatic levels of calpastatin, an endogenous calpain inhibitor. Furthermore, treatment of skeletal muscle cells in culture (C2C12 myotubes) with apocynin resulted in an increase in both calpastatin mRNA levels and protein abundance. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the protective effects of apocynin on the diaphragm during prolonged MV seem to be linked to both its functions as an antioxidant and role in cellular signaling regulating the cysteine protease inhibitor calpastatin.
Arginine Starvation Impairs Mitochondrial Respiratory Function in ASS1-Deficient Breast Cancer Cells Tumors that cannot make arginine undergo mitochondrial dysfunction in the absence of extracellular arginine and die by autophagy. Starved to Death by Lack of Arginine Some breast tumors have low abundance of argininosuccinate synthetase 1 (ASS1), an enzyme involved in the synthesis of the amino acid arginine. Although ASS1 deficiency enhances the growth of these tumors, these cells are sensitive to depletion of external arginine. ADI-PEG20 (pegylated arginine deiminase), a modified form of a microbial enzyme, metabolizes arginine. Qiu et al. found that in various breast cancer cell lines that were deficient in ASS1, addition of ADI-PEG20 to the medium induced widespread mitochondrial dysfunction, which in turn triggered autophagy, an adaptive catabolic process that can lead to cell death if unchecked. In mice, ADI-PEG20 treatment slowed the growth of tumors formed from ASS1-deficient breast cancer cells only if these cells could undergo autophagy. Low ASS1 abundance in tumor samples from patients with breast cancer correlated with low survival rates, suggesting that treatments that induce arginine starvation may be beneficial in patients with ASS1-deficient breast cancers. Autophagy is the principal catabolic response to nutrient starvation and is necessary to clear dysfunctional or damaged organelles, but excessive autophagy can be cytotoxic or cytostatic and contributes to cell death. Depending on the abundance of enzymes involved in molecule biosynthesis, cells can be dependent on uptake of exogenous nutrients to provide these molecules. Argininosuccinate synthetase 1 (ASS1) is a key enzyme in arginine biosynthesis, and its abundance is reduced in many solid tumors, making them sensitive to external arginine depletion. We demonstrated that prolonged arginine starvation by exposure to ADI-PEG20 (pegylated arginine deiminase) induced autophagy-dependent death of ASS1-deficient breast cancer cells, because these cells are arginine auxotrophs (dependent on uptake of extracellular arginine). Indeed, these breast cancer cells died in culture when exposed to ADI-PEG20 or cultured in the absence of arginine. Arginine starvation induced mitochondrial oxidative stress, which impaired mitochondrial bioenergetics and integrity. Furthermore, arginine starvation killed breast cancer cells in vivo and in vitro only if they were autophagy-competent. Thus, a key mechanism underlying the lethality induced by prolonged arginine starvation was the cytotoxic autophagy that occurred in response to mitochondrial damage. Last, ASS1 was either low in abundance or absent in more than 60% of 149 random breast cancer biosamples, suggesting that patients with such tumors could be candidates for arginine starvation therapy.
274 Colonization of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus With High-Level Resistance To Mupirocin In Korean Children Increased mupirocin use has been considered as a major cause to develop mupirocin resistance among MRSA isolates. High-level mupirocin resistance (HLMR) is associated with decolonization failure, but fortunately most MRSA have showed low-level mupirocin resistance (LLMR). Recently, we became aware of markedly high prevalence of clinical isolates with HLMR among Korean children. We investigated the proportion of HLMR isolates and mupirocin use between children (less than 18 years) and adult patients. A total of 1134 MRSA (213 children and 921 adults) isolates were identified from two university hospitals in 2010–2011. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was firstly performed by using the Vitek 2 instrument (bioMerieux, Marcy I’Etoile, France). The mupA genes were detected by polymerase chain reactions. Overall, 38% of isolates collected from children showed HLMR, whereas 3.4% showed HLMR in adults. Children revealed only one LLMR isolate (0.4%), and adult patients had 80 LLMR isolates (8.6%). This tendency was also observed, when the patients were divided into two groups under intensive care units or outpatient settings. A total of 4,009 mupirocin prescriptions were dispensed at our institutions during 2006. Afterward, there were 4,760, 5,250, 6,416, and 8,038 prescriptions from 2007 to 2010, respectively. But, prescription rates of mupirocin did not significantly differ between children and adults. In children with MRSA isolates, the presence of previous admission, prolonged hospitalization, and mupirocin use did not contribute to mupirocin resistance. In Korean children, the rate of HLMR in the MRSA isolates was very high and it was not associated with increased mupirocin use.
ROCK insufficiency attenuates ozone-induced airway hyperresponsiveness in mice. Ozone causes airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) and pulmonary inflammation. Rho kinase (ROCK) is a key regulator of smooth muscle cell contraction and inflammatory cell migration. To determine the contribution of the two ROCK isoforms ROCK1 and ROCK2 to ozone-induced AHR, we exposed wild-type, ROCK1(+/-), and ROCK2(+/-) mice to air or ozone (2 ppm for 3 h) and evaluated mice 24 h later. ROCK1 or ROCK2 haploinsufficiency did not affect airway responsiveness in air-exposed mice but significantly reduced ozone-induced AHR, with a greater reduction in ROCK2(+/-) mice despite increased bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) inflammatory cells in ROCK2(+/-) mice. Compared with wild-type mice, ozone-induced increases in BAL hyaluronan, a matrix protein implicated in ozone-induced AHR, were lower in ROCK1(+/-) but not ROCK2(+/-) mice. Ozone-induced increases in other inflammatory moieties reported to contribute to ozone-induced AHR (IL-17A, osteopontin, TNFα) were not different in wild-type vs. ROCK1(+/-) or ROCK2(+/-) mice. We also observed a dose-dependent reduction in ozone-induced AHR after treatment with the ROCK1/ROCK2 inhibitor fasudil, even though fasudil was administered after induction of inflammation. Ozone increased pulmonary expression of ROCK2 but not ROCK1 or RhoA. A ROCK2 inhibitor, SR3677, reduced contractile forces in primary human airway smooth muscle cells, confirming a role for ROCK2 in airway smooth muscle contraction. Our results demonstrate that ozone-induced AHR requires ROCK. Whereas ROCK1-dependent changes in hyaluronan may contribute to ROCK1's role in O3-induced AHR, the role of ROCK2 is downstream of inflammation, likely at the level of airway smooth muscle contraction.
Effect of Retroperitoneal Lavage with Normal Saline Containing Adrenaline on Carbon Dioxide Absorption in Patients Undergoing Retroperitoneal Laparoscopic Surgery. OBJECTIVE To determine the effect of lavage with adrenaline solution on CO2 absorption during retroperitoneal laparoscopic surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sixty patients scheduled to undergo retroperitoneal laparoscopic surgery were divided into an AD group (lavage with normal saline containing adrenaline [1:500,000], n = 30) and an NS group (lavage with normal saline only, n = 30). After the establishment of artificial pneumoperitoneum and before the start of the operation, the retroperitoneal space was irrigated with 300 mL of normal saline with or without adrenaline, depending on the group. The lavage fluid was aspirated after 3 minutes. Heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (MAP), blood oxygen saturation (SpO2), partial pressure of O2 (PaO2), partial pressure of CO2 (PaCO2), and end-tidal CO2 partial pressure (PETCO2) were recorded before the lavage (T0) and at 10, 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes (T1-T5, respectively) after the lavage. The CO2 output (VCO2) was calculated, and the incidence of intraoperative arrhythmia and postoperative complications (e.g., headache, palpitations, irritation) was determined. RESULTS HR, MAP, SpO2, PaO2, PaCO2, PETCO2, and VCO2 at T0 did not significantly differ between the groups (P > .05). HR, PaCO2, PETCO2, and VCO2 at T1-T5 were lower in the AD group than in the NS group (P < .05). The incidence of intraoperative arrhythmia and postoperative complications was lower in the AD group than in the NS group (P < .05). CONCLUSIONS Lavage with normal saline containing adrenaline (1:500,000) reduced CO2 absorption during retroperitoneal laparoscopic surgery, prevented hypercapnia, and decreased intra- and postoperative complications.
Contemporary Psychometric Evaluation of the Obsessive­Compulsive Inventory– Revised Traditionally, hoarding symptoms were coded under Obsessive­Compulsive Disorder (OCD), however, in DSM­5 hoarding symptoms are classified into a new independent diagnosis, Hoarding Disorder (HD). This change will likely have a considerable impact on the self­report scales that are commonly used to assess symptoms of OCD, as these scales often include items measuring symptoms of hoarding. This study evaluated the psychometric properties ofone of the most commonly used self­report measures of OCD symptoms, the ObsessiveCompulsive Inventory­Revised (OCI­R), in a sample of 474 individuals with either OCD (n = 118), HD (n = 201) or no current or past psychiatric disorders (healthy control; HC) (n = 155). For the purposes of this study the OCI­R was divided into two scales; the OCI­OCD (measuring the 5 dimensions of OCD) and the OCI­HD (measuring the hoarding dimension). Criterion validity was demonstrated for both measures; on the OCI­HD, the HD sample scored higher than the HC and OCD groups (p's = <.001) and on the OCI­OCD, the OCD group scored significantly higher than did the HC and HD groups (p's = <.001). Both scales also demonstrated good convergent and divergent validity. The OCI­HD correlated strongly with the SI­R (r =.94) and HRS (r =.89) and only moderately with a measure of anxiety (BAI r =.36). Similarly, the OCIOCD correlated more strongly with a measure of anxiety (BAI r =.61) than with measures of hoarding (SI­R r =.06; HRS r =­.01). Cronbach's alphas for both scales were high (r =0.94 for the OCI­HD and r =0.92 for the OCI­OCD). Receiver operating characteristic analyses were conducted in order to ascertain the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the OCI­HD and OCIOCD scales. On the OCI­HD, the area under the curve (AUC) was .97 (95% CI: .95­.98) and a cutoff score of 6 provided the best balance between sensitivity and specificity. On the OCI­OCD the AUC was .91 (95% CI: .89­.94) and a cut score of 12 provided the best balance between sensitivity and specificity. The results of this study highlight the potential of the OCI­R as a screening measure for individuals with OCD and HD and demonstrate the utility of separate clinical cut offs for assessing likely diagnosis of both HD and OCD.
The correlation between Ki-67 with other prognostic factors in breast cancer: A study in Iranian patients Context: Despite the fact that breast cancer (BC) is a major health issue, very few studies describe its characteristics in the Middle East. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the use and value of Ki-67 as a prognostic marker in BC and associations between Ki-67, clinical, and histopathological parameters were evaluated. Subjects and Methods: In a retrospective study, 260 BC women and invasive ductal carcinoma were included to our study in Kermanshah city, Iran. Age, tumor size, lymph node involvement, histological grade, nuclear grade, and vascular invasion were other factors that determined in a lot of patients. Results: The mean age at diagnosis was 47.6 years (range, 24-84 years) with 100% female. Of 243 patients that tumor size was determined for them, 207 patients (85.2%) had tumor size ≥ 2 cm, and 36 patients (14.8%) had size <2 cm and also of 237 patients, 47 patients (19.8%), 140 (59.1%), and 50 (21.1%) had histological grades I, II, and III, respectively. There is significant correlation between Ki-67 with nuclear grade, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), and p53 (P < 0.05). Based on this result, more patients with Ki-67 ≥ 20% have higher nuclear grade, p53-positive, and HER2-positive. There was correlation between Ki-67 with type of tumor (P = 0.009). Conclusions: The higher Ki-67 has a direct significant correlation with higher nuclear grade, p53-positive, and HER2-positive. Furthermore, triple negative patients have higher Ki-67 compared to other subtypes.
Comparative efficacy of three antibiotic products for the treatment and prevention of subclinical mastitis during the dry period. The comparative efficacy of a product containing 500 mg benzathine cloxacillin (Orbenin D.C.). another product containing 100 mg nafcillin, 300 mg procaine benzylpenicillin and 100 mg dihydrostreptomycin (Nafpenzal D.C.) and a third product containing 250 mg cephalonium (Cepravin D.C.), in the elimination and prevention of mastitis due to gram-positive microorganisms during the dry period was investigated in 1253 cows located in 14 herds in Israël. Although more uniform results were observed after treatment with Nafpenzal D.C. differences among herds were rather large. The mean cure rate for Staphylococcus aureus quarter infections was 81.4 per cent. New S. aureus infections which occurred between drying off and post calving sampling time were found in 7.0 per cent of the quarters. Dry period therapy reduced infection level with S. aureus from 13.5 per cent of quarters to 8.0 per cent. A similar proportional decrease was found in infection level due to non-agalactiae Streptococcus quarter infections.
Sociological Research On Cultural Consumption Practices : Sociological research of cultural consumption practices has an old tradition in many European countries and more recently in EU-statistics at the continental level. In Romania, extensive research has been coordinated under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, but they are also the prerogative of some local initiatives, especially in the context of the elaboration of the county cultural strategies or in-depth analysis of creative industries. Such research is also very useful in the context of various European competitions such as the Competition for the European Capital of Culture. In our communication, we will exemplify a series of profile researches set up at national or local level in recent years to emphasize the role of sociological research in the field.
Direct Synthesis of Hexafluoroferrates(III) and Reaction of Thiocyanate and Fluoride with Iron(III) and Hydrogen Peroxide as an Access to Fluoro(sulfato)ferrates(III). product (the A S values for the reactions of the aqua-oxo complexes are considerably more negative than those for the corresponding hydroxeoxo c~mplexes ) .~ The present AH* value also falls on the linear plot. The present AS* value is clearly more negative than those for the cis-hydroxooxo complexes and closer to the values for the cis-aquaoxo complexes (the difference in charges of the complexes has been taken into account). The effect of D 2 0 may be explained a t least qualitatively in terms of the weaker V-O(aqua) bond in D 2 0 . Table V clearly indicates that the oxidation rate decreases with a decrease in the strength of V-O(aqua) bond. Concluding Remarks. The existence of the hydrogen bond between the coordinated water and the adjacent phosphonate arm in [V0(pida) (H20) l2has been predicted by the pKa, value. Ligand substitution and outer-sphere oxidation reactions show characteristic features that are reasonably understood by the existence of hydrogen bonding. This work stresses the importance of mutual ligand interaction on the reactivity of metal complexes.
Incheon-Qingdao Intercity Network and Implications for Building a Trans-Border Region The Incheon-Qingdao (including Seoul metropolitan-Shandong) inter-city network has flourished through geographical proximity and economic complementarities since the opening of the Chinese border in 1992. However, the inter-city relationship characterized by the exploitation of the difference in factor prices over the border has recently begun to see signs of trouble as the Chinese government implemented policies to tighten labor and environmental regulations. The paper deals with the ups and downs of the Incheon-Qingdao intercity network and draws some policy implications for the future development of the trans-border cooperation.
Stimulation by glucose and carbamylcholine of phospholipase A2 in pancreatic islets. Glucose, in high concentrations (16.7-27.8 mM), caused a modest increase in effluent radioactivity from rat pancreatic islets prelabelled with [U-14C] arachidonate. The response to glucose was abolished in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. At a low glucose concentration (5.6 mM), carbamylcholine (1.0 mM) provoked a more marked and sustained increase in effluent radioactivity. The response to the cholinergic agent was abolished in the presence of atropine or absence of extracellular Ca2+. These results suggest that carbamylcholine and, to a lesser extent, glucose cause a Ca2+-dependent activation of phospholipase A2 in intact islet cells.
Corrosion Susceptibility of Stainless Steel in Artificial Saliva Containing Citric Acid ObjectivesThe aims of this study are to investigate the effect of concentration of citric acid in saliva environment on SS 316L and effect of ginger and garlic on SS 316L corrosion in citric acid-containing saliva environment.Methods.Seven SS 316L specimen of dimensions 1cm × 1cm were used for this study. The specimen were subjected to electrochemical corrosion test using an in artificial saliva containing citric acid with varying concentrations of 0.0 g/l, 3.0 g/l, 6.0 g/l, and 9.0 g/l electrochemical cell. 10 g/l each of garlic and ginger were also added to two of artificial saliva samples containing citric acid and one sample of artificial saliva contained 5 g/l of ginger and 5 g/l of garlic added together so as to study the corrosion effects of these substances on the SS 316L specimen in saliva environment. The results were displayed based on Tafel’s plot of current density against potential difference. Also, corrosion rates of the samples were determined and presented in graphical form.Results.The study results showed that citric acid is a good inhibitor of corrosion of SS 316L dental implant in oral environment with its inhibition efficiency depending on its concentration, and that the mechanism of this inhibition can attributed to the adsorption of citric acid onto the metal alloy (SS 316L) surface. The study also concluded that both ginger and garlic are promoters of corrosion of SS 316L alloy implants in saliva environment.
Extraction of Vibrating Features With Dual-Channel Fixed-Receiver Bistatic SAR Strong ground clutter may submerge the signals of vibrating targets and bring great difficulties to extract their micro-Doppler (m-D) signatures. Furthermore, if the vibrating direction is perpendicular to the radar line of sight, its m-D would be very weak in the monostatic synthetic aperture radar (SAR). In this letter, a configuration of bistatic SAR with a dual-channel fixed receiver is presented to handle the two problems. The displaced phase center antenna technique is adopted to suppress the clutter and to reserve the signals of vibrating targets in the range-compressed data domain. Then, the fractional Fourier transform is utilized to compensate for the radar Doppler shift. Finally, the m-D feature of vibration can be extracted effectively by using time-frequency transform. The validity of the proposed method is evaluated with simulated data.
Water flow monitoring using IoT solutions This document presents innovative methodologies focused on water management. Using cutting-edge technological means such as the Internet of Things and long-range, low-power networks to reduce the costs involved. The results reflect that the development of cities towards sustainability is based mainly on efficiency during the management of natural resources and especially those that are irrecoverable. This work also raises possible applications in other areas such as agriculture and water treatment, in addition to presenting the advantages and disadvantages of the possible technological solutions that are currently available
A Distribution Network Model Management Scheme with High Trusted Two-way Encryption Authentication The stolen or modified data transmission between the primary station and the terminal in the distribution network automation communication system will have a great impact on the security of the entire distribution network, and the large-scale distribution network encrypts the communication data between the primary station and the terminal. Efficiency puts higher demands. Based on the national network adjustment [2011] No. 168 document and the current distribution network security protection scheme, a high-reliability automated distribution network model management scheme based on two-way encryption authentication technology is proposed. Solve the problem that the uplink data of the terminal is not credible due to the single authentication between the primary station and the terminal in the current distribution network protection scheme. Compared with the current distribution network, the proposed scheme integrates the network layer and the application layer, unified key management, and implements a low-latency, highly trusted two-way encryption authentication mechanism for data transmission between the primary station and the terminal. It is the first in China.
Prevalence of psychological impairment in city and country samples A study was conducted of the psychological health of 125 married French women aged between 35 and 39 years, divided into five professional groups of 25 subjects. Two of these gruops were taken from a rural area, three from Paris. The criteria of health have been psychiatric symptomatology, psychological impairment, frequency of the periods of impairment. A significant difference was found between the farmers and all the other groups. Differential data are also given regarding the medical assistance received by the groups.
A Simple Fluorescence-based Reporter Assay to Identify Cellular Components Required for Ricin Toxin A Chain (RTA) Trafficking in Yeast. Bacterial and plant A/B toxins exploit the natural trafficking pathways in eukaryotic cells to reach their intracellular target(s) in the cytosol and to ultimately kill. Such A/B toxins generally consist of an enzymatically active Asubunit (e.g., ricin toxin A (RTA)) and one or more cell binding Bsubunit(s), which are responsible for toxin binding to specific cell surface receptors. Our current knowledge of how A/B toxins are capable of efficiently intoxicating cells helped scientists to understand fundamental cellular mechanisms, like endocytosis and intracellular protein sorting in higher eukaryotic cells. From a medical point of view, it is likewise important to identify the major toxin trafficking routes to find adequate treatment solutions for patients or to eventually develop therapeutic toxin-based applications for cancer therapy. Since genome-wide analyses of A/B toxin trafficking in mammalian cells is complex, time-consuming, and expensive, several studies on A/B toxin transport have been performed in the yeast model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Despite being less complex, fundamental cellular processes in yeast and higher eukaryotic cells are similar and very often results obtained in yeast can be transferred to the mammalian situation. Here, we describe a fast and easy to use reporter assay to analyze the intracellular trafficking of RTA in yeast. An essential advantage of the new assay is the opportunity to investigate not only RTA retro-translocation from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) into the cytosol, but rather endocytosis and retrograde toxin transport from the plasma membrane into the ER. The assay makes use of a reporter plasmid that allows indirect measurement of RTA toxicity through fluorescence emission of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) after in vivo translation. Since RTA efficiently prevents the initiation of protein biosynthesis by 28S rRNA depurination, this assay allows the identification of host cell proteins involved in intracellular RTA transport through the detection of changes in fluorescence emission.
Hamiltonian control stabilization for grid-side converters in doubly-fed wind turbines Based on the Hamiltonian energy theory, the nonlinear models for a class of grid-side converters are transformed into the Hamiltonian models and then the grid-side converter stabilization control laws for doubly-fed wind turbines are contrived such that the closed-loop systems can achieve stability, besides other power improvements. The suggested control method makes it possible to reduce the closed-loop system fluctuations and obtain quicker recovery from voltage dropping, while the direct-current (DC) bus voltage is stabilized swiftly. The Hamiltonian energy approach provides us with a simpler implementation procedure of the controller design, and the resulted controllers have stronger robustness performance. Numerical illustrations show that the proposed Hamiltonian method is effective and satisfactory.
Critical current and texture relationships in YBa/sub 2/Cu/sub 3/O/sub 7/ thin films Preferred orientation and the microstructure of polycrystalline YBa/sub 2/Cu/sub 3/O/sub 7/ films, both of which strongly depend on the substrate used, have been shown to be important factors in determining the critical current density. A film grown on cubic ZrO/sub 2/ has a random polycrystalline structure with a J/sub c/ of 2.4 x 10/sup 4/A/cm/sup 2/ at 5K. In contrast, a film with a (001) texture (grown on BaF/sub 2/) has significantly higher J/sub c/ of 7.47 x 10/sup 4/A/cm/sup 2/. The characteristic differences in the temperature dependence of J/sub c/ in these two types of films are discussed.
A Desaturative Approach for Aromatic Aldehyde Synthesis via Synergistic Enamine, Photoredox and Cobalt Triple Catalysis Abstract Aromatic aldehydes are fundamental intermediates that are widely utilised for the synthesis of important materials across the broad spectrum of chemical industries. Accessing highly substituted derivatives can often be difficult as their functionalizations are generally performed via electrophilic aromatic substitution, SEAr. Here we provide an alternative and mechanistically distinct approach whereby aromatic aldehydes are assembled from saturated precursors via a desaturative process. This novel strategy harnesses the high‐fidelity of Diels–Alder cycloadditions to quickly construct multi‐substituted cyclohexenecarbaldehyde cores which undergo desaturation via the synergistic interplay of enamine, photoredox and cobalt triple catalysis.
Two-Dimensional Temperature Measurement in a High-Temperature and High-Pressure Combustor Using Computed Tomography Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (CT-TDLAS) with a Wide-Scanning Laser at 1335–1375 nm Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) technology is a developing method for temperature and species concentration measurements with the features of non-contact, high precision, high sensitivity, etc. The difficulty of two-dimensional (2D) temperature measurement in actual combustors has not yet been solved because of pressure broadening of absorption spectra, optical accessibility, etc. In this study, the combination of computed tomography (CT) and TDLAS with a wide scanning laser at 1335–1375 nm has been applied to a combustor for 2D temperature measurement in high temperature of 300–2000 K and high pressure of 0.1–2.5 MPa condition. An external cavity type laser diode with wide wavelength range scanning at 1335–1375 nm was used to evaluate the broadened H2O absorption spectra due to the high-temperature and high-pressure effect. The spectroscopic database in high temperature of 300–2000 K and high pressure of 0.1–5.0 MPa condition has been revised to improve the accuracy for temperature quantitative analysis. CT reconstruction accuracy was also evaluated in different cases, which presented the consistent temperature distribution between CT reconstruction and assumed distributions. The spatial and temporal distributions of temperature in the high-temperature and high-pressure combustor were measured successfully by CT-TDLAS using the revised spectroscopic database.
Psychoacoustic aspects of speech pattern coding for the deaf. The SiVo aid, which provides a sinusoidal signal indicating voice fundamental frequency and voicing information, was compared as an aid to lipreading to a conventional hearing aid having extended low-frequency output. Speech perceptual measures of consonant confusions in lipreading and the identification of a simple intonation contrast were collected from a group of 8 profoundly deaf adults. Audiometric and psychoacoustic measures were also collected. In the intonation task, 6 of the 7 patients tested performed better with the SiVo aid and the seventh scored perfectly with both aids. Four patients (out of 8) preferred to use the SiVo aid rather than the conventional aid, and 2 of these showed a significant advantage with the SiVo aid in the aided lipreading of consonants. The remaining 4 patients preferred the conventional aid, although none of these patients showed a significant advantage with the conventional aid in the lipreading of consonants. The 4 patients who preferred the SiVo aid over the conventional aid had very profound hearing loss and minimal dynamic range at 500 Hz and above, and those receiving the greatest benefit showed no measurable frequency selectivity. In the 2 patients who preferred the SiVo aid, yet showed no significant advantage for the SiVo aid in consonant lipreading, consonant confusions were also measured for aided lipreading, using a prototype aid providing both voice fundamental frequency and voiceless excitation patterns. Both patients showed additional and significant benefit from inclusion of the voiceless pattern element.
Node Energy Consumption Balanced Multi-Hop Transmission for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks Based on Clustering Algorithm With the advancement and implementation of marine strategies in various countries, it is of great significance to collect marine data by using underwater acoustic sensor networks (UWA-SNs). Due to the difficulties in charging or replacing batteries, how to prolong the lifetime of underwater sensor nodes is one of the key problems to be solved. In this paper, we propose a new energy consumption balanced protocol, named as dynamic clustering K-means (DC-K-means) based simplified balanced energy adaptive routing (S-BEAR), to prolong the lifetime of a UWA-SN by balancing the energy consumption of underwater sensor nodes and avoiding the energy hole. First, by considering the residual energy of the underwater sensor nodes, we propose the DC-K-means algorithm to cluster the underwater sensor nodes and optimize the topology of data transmission among underwater sensor nodes so that the overall energy consumption of the system can be reduced and the problem of energy consumption balance of underwater sensor nodes can be solved. Then, the S-BEAR protocol is designed for multi-hop transmissions, where the data collected by each cluster head is transmitted to the surface receiving terminal equipment, and thus further balances and saves the energy consumption of the system. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed DC-K-means based S-BEAR scheme has the advantages of more balanced energy consumption among sensor nodes and higher overall residual energy as compared to the state-of-the-art schemes.
Experimental analysis of EMC immunity for field installed intelligent equipment, of intelligent substation With the construction of intelligent substation, it is a trend that the secondary intelligent devices are field installed. After field installation of intelligent devices, the electromagnetic environment in switch yard is much more serious than which in relay protection room. After the abnormal condition of the 100kV intelligent substation occurred, the EMC experiments are carried out and the structure of merging unit is improved. For quantitatively analyzing the strength of the disturbance signal, the electromagnetic disturbance signals are recorded when the switch operated. Besides, when another 500kV intelligent substation starts, the electromagnetic disturbance signals are also recorded. The amplitude and time-frequency characteristics of the electromagnetic disturbance signals are analyzed. Based on the results of EMC experiments and the amplitude and time-frequency characteristics of disturbance signals, this paper analyzes the applicability of EMC test standard used in China. And it is pointed out that the test standard is not enough to check the field installation secondary intelligent device. Finally, some suggestions to improving the EMC performance of field installation secondary intelligent devices are put forward.
STUDY RESULTS OF THE MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE SCALE INSECTS (DIASPIDIDAE) ON TREE AND SHRUBBERY CROPS FOR THE REPUBLIC OF CRIMEA (INSECTA: HEMIPTERA: STERNORRHYNCHA: COCCOIDEA: DIASPIDIDAE) The paper presents the results of a laboratory study of scientific collections of plant material samples with colonies of scale insects identified on tree and shrubbery crops of the Crimea (on fruit crops: pear, peach, apricot, on conifers: pine, juniper, on subtropical: laurel, olive; and on ornamental: oak, poplar, euonymus). The research goal was to study the morphological features of the identified species of scale insects, including the collection of photographic material according to the structural features of the scutes, preparation of micropreparations from the bodies of female scale insects, and collection of photographic material based on the results of microscopic examination of the diagnostic structures of the female scale insects. The research was carried out on samples of aboveground parts of plants (leaves, pieces of bark, shoots) with colonies of Diaspididae, collected by the authors in 2018 on the territory of the Republic of Crimea. Samples with colonies were viewed under a Carl Zeiss Stemmi 508 binocular microscope, and female specimens from the colony were selected. Females infected with fungal infections were discarded. Selected specimens of females were later used for the preparation of total micropreparations for microscopic examination of the female pygidium and identification of the species. Microscopic examination was carried out using an Axio Imager A2 microscope and Zen 2.3 software (Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbnH). The species were identified in 2 stages: preliminary – according to the structural features of the scutellum and final – according to the results of microscopic examination of the body and pygidium morphology of females. As a result, 11 species of the identified scutes were identified, an original illustrative photographic material was prepared on the morphology of scutes of the identified species (structural features, location of larval skins). An illustrative photographic material was prepared from the prepared micropreparations, which indicates the main diagnostic structures of the pygidium of female scale insects, which should be paid attention to when identifying scale insects to species. Since the morphology of scale insects in monographs by domestic authors is often presented in the form of drawings and diagrams, the offered illustrative photographic material can be used as an additional reference material by specialists in quarantine and plant protection who diagnose pests, as well as when conducting survey measures to establish phytosanitary state of the territory and timely implementation of protective measures.
Fluxgate can replace SQUID for lung diagnostics In this paper, a design of a magnetic fluxgate gradiometer and its application for magnetopneumography is described. Metallic dusts and fumes inhaled by industrial grinders and welders and deposited in their lungs can be magnetized by an intense DC field and subsequently detected by magnetometry. Traditionally, SQUIDs are used for such measurements. However, much cheaper fluxgate solution can bring useful results, as shown in this paper. The conducted in vitro and in vivo experiments have demonstrated the possibility of using this method for screening of professionals. Due to large variations in magnetic properties of coal dusts, this method is not suitable for examination of miners.
Intercomparison study of atmospheric <sup>222</sup>Rn and <sup>222</sup>Rn progeny monitors The use of the noble gas radon (222Rn) as a tracer for different research studies, for example observation-based estimation of greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes, has led to the need of high-quality 222Rn activity concentration observations with high spatial and temporal resolution. So far a robust metrology chain for these measurements is not yet available. A portable direct atmospheric radon monitor (ARMON), based on electrostatic collection of 218Po, is now running at Spanish stations. This monitor has not yet been compared with other 222Rn and 222Rn progeny monitors commonly used at atmospheric stations. A 3-month intercomparison campaign of atmospheric 222Rn and 222Rn progeny monitors based on different measurement techniques was realized during the fall and winter of 2016–2017 to evaluate (i) calibration and correction factors between monitors necessary to harmonize the atmospheric radon observations and (ii) the dependence of each monitor’s response in relation to the sampling height and meteorological and atmospheric aerosol conditions. Results of this study have shown the following. (i) All monitors were able to reproduce the atmospheric radon variability on a daily basis. (ii) Linear regression fits between the monitors exhibited slopes, representing the correction factors, between 0.62 and 1.17 and offsets ranging between −0.85 and −0.23 Bq m−3 when sampling 2 m above ground level (a.g.l.). Corresponding results at 100 m a.g.l. exhibited slopes of 0.94 and 1.03 with offsets of −0.13 and 0.01 Bq m−3, respectively. (iii) No influence of atmospheric temperature and relative humidity on monitor responses was observed for unsaturated conditions at 100 m a.g.l., whereas slight influences (order of 10−2) of ambient temperature were observed at 2 m a.g.l. (iv) Changes in the ratio between 222Rn progeny and 222Rn monitor responses were observed under very low atmospheric aerosol concentrations. Results also show that the new ARMON could be useful at atmospheric radon monitoring stations with space restrictions or as a mobile reference instrument to calibrate in situ 222Rn progeny monitors and fixed radon monitors. In the near future a long-term comparison study between ARMON, Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union. 2242 C. Grossi et al.: Intercomparison of 222Rn and 222Rn progeny monitors HRM, and ANSTO monitors would be useful to better evaluate (i) the uncertainties of radon measurements in the range of a few hundred millibecquerels per cubic meter to a few becquerels per cubic meter and (ii) the response time correction of the ANSTO monitor for representing fast changes in the ambient radon concentrations.
Stabilizing the recall in similarity search The recent techniques for approximate similarity search focus on optimizing answer precision/recall and they typically improve the average of these measures over a set of sample queries. However, according to our observation, the recall for particular indexes and queries can fluctuate considerably. In order to stabilize the recall, we propose a query-evaluation model that exploits several variants of the search index. This approach is applicable to a significant subset of current approximate methods with a focus on techniques based purely on metric postulates. Applying this approach to the M-Index structure, we perform extensive measurements on large datasets and we show that this approach has a positive impact on the recall stability and it suppresses the most unsatisfactory cases. Further, the results indicate that the proposed approach can also increase the general average recall for given overall search costs.
In situ microbiology of the stratum corneum. An application of skin surface biopsy. A simple method enables the study of microbial invaders of the stratum corneum in their in vivo arrangement. The method employs cyanoacrylate adhesives which, after application to the skin, polymerize rapidly and bond to the stratum corneum, allowing a coherent sheet of horn to be removed. The "skin surface biopsy" method involved 50 patients whose specimens were studied using enzyme histochemistry, scanning electron microscopy, as well as staining with PAS to determine infecting microorganisms in their in vivo setting. This technique allows quantitation of the microorganisms in the specimen, and it is demonstrated that specimens from patients with ringworm infections treated by topically administered corticosteroids have approximately four to five times more fungus present than do those from patients not so treated.
Salmonella choleraesuis as an anticancer agent in a syngeneic model of orthotopic hepatocellular carcinoma Some anaerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria represent novel therapeutic agents that have been recently applied in cancer therapy. Previously, we found that Salmonella choleraesuis in combination with cisplatin could retard tumor growth in the murine subsutaneous hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) model. In this regard, we investigated the antitumor activity of S. choleraesuis in the ML‐1 orthotopic tumor model. Systemically administered S. choleraesuis accumulated within not only subcutaneous but also orthotopic tumors for at least 30 days, forming tumor‐to‐normal tissue ratios exceeding 1,000–10,000 to 1. The antitumor effects of S. choleraesuis were evaluated in mice bearing subcutaneous and orthotopic ML‐1 tumors. Compared with the control treatment, S. choleraesuis significantly prolonged the animal survival, reduced the tumor size, as well as upregulated interferon (IFN)‐γ and induced IFN‐inducible chemokines CXCL10 (IP‐10) productions. Furthermore, immunohistochemical staining of the tumors revealed decreased intratumoral microvessel density, increased infiltration of neutrophils, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and induced cell death in tumor microenvironment. In conclusion, these results suggest that tumor‐targeted therapy using S. choleraesuis, which exerts tumoricidal and antiangiogenic activities, represents a potential strategy for the treatment of HCC. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.
Populist challenges to EU foreign policy in the Southern Neighbourhood: an informal and illiberal Europeanisation? ABSTRACT Populist parties in government, such as Lega and Fidesz, have a declared interest in European Union (EU) foreign policy in the Southern Neighbourhood. Their main focus is on migration control, border management and security issues for these countries. It is thus relevant to investigate to what extent populism is shaping the development of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) as it evolves from a normative-based policy towards a much more ‘interest-based’ policy. This article will examine the implications of Italian and Hungarian populist pressure on the ENP in third country contexts, using Tunisia and Egypt as in-depth case studies. The article also aims to contribute conceptually to current debates on the de-Europeanisation -or not- of EU foreign policy. The two cases illustrate how, under the influence of member states with populist radical right parties (PRRPs) in government, informal and illiberal Europeanisation is not a contradiction in terms but a real possibility.
[Event-related EEG and evoked potential investigations in clinical practice]. Considering the limits of the traditional EEG techniques the authors review the main methods and clinical importance of the event-related EEG investigations. According to methods, these can be classified into the spectral analysis of task-related, pre-task and post-task recordings as well as stimulus-controlled measurements based on evoked potential techniques. The main results of clinical studies on the event-related EEG methods are summarized according to chief disease groups (Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, dyslexia, depression). The authors discuss the stimulus-dependent EEG discharges (P300, cognitive potential) in detail. They present the meta-analysis of 224 recent publications on human application of these methods. They analyze the involved scientific areas and the frequency by which these methods were applied in each. Following this, the results of 83 selected clinical studies are summarized. The frequency of the application of the various event-related EEG methods and the tested wave components and other parameters are listed. Finally a summary of the main clinical results is presented again by groups of diseases (schizophrenia, behavioral disorders, traumatic lesions, enuresis nocturna, depression, memory disturbance and dementia, drug effect). Finally, the potential perspectives and the limitations of the event-related EEG methods are briefly discussed.
Association between Kidney Function, Proteinuria and the Risk of Multiple Myeloma: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study in South Korea Purpose While renal impairment is one of the first clinical manifestations of multiple myeloma (MM), declined renal function may conversely be a risk factor for cancers including MM. In this study, we investigated the relationship between chronic kidney disease and MM at a population level. Materials and Methods A total of 9,809,376 adults who participated in a nationwide health screening program and had no MM, cancer or end-stage renal disease at baseline were investigated for incidence of MM. The impact of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and random urine dipstick proteinuria, and interactive associations of the two factors on the MM incidence were evaluated. Results The general incidence of MM was 4.8 per 100,000 person-years (mean follow-up of 8.3 years). Participants with eGFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 (5.8% of participants) had higher MM incidence than those with eGFR ≥ 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 (adjusted hazard ratio, 1.29; 95% confidence interval, 1.17 to 1.43). When eGFR was graded into five levels, there was a significant inverse dose-response relationship between eGFR level and MM incidence at the lower eGFR levels (reference: eGFR 60–89 mL/min/1.73 m2). A dose-response relationship was also found with degree of dipstick proteinuria and incidence of MM. Conclusion Adults with decreased renal function indicated either by decreased eGFR or presence of proteinuria are at a higher risk of developing MM compared to those without, and there is a dose-response relationship between the severity of renal impairment and MM incidence.
Regulatory Aspects and Public International Law Issues of the Construction of Cross-Border Electricity Networks The role of government and regulation in the construction of regional interconnections and enabling cross-border trade in electricity over long distances is crucial. Only integrated electricity markets and well-designed regulatory frameworks can deliver and maintain cost-effective electricity systems. Interconnected electricity systems, in their turn, can contribute to the objectives of low carbon economy, as cross-border electricity networks can integrate large-scale renewable energy sources. This paper explores the challenges related to the regulatory environment for the construction of cross-border electricity transmission links. It looks at regulatory aspects and public international law issues of cross-border energy trade and investment and international and regional cooperation related to the construction of cross-border electricity networks. First, it examines the right to construct transmission under the law of the World Trade Organization (WTO), focusing on the transit provisions of Article V of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and related obligations under the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (ASCM). Second, it discusses rights and obligations arising from the participation at energy-specific international treaties, such as the non-impediment obligation under Article 7 of the Energy Charter Treaty. Third, it looks at the potential of creating legal guarantees for investors under regional trade and energy-specific agreements. The paper draws on existing case law and the experience with electricity market regulations and energy investment regimes in the European Union.
Crafts, Capitalism, andWomen: The Potters of La Chamba, Colombia. Ronald J. Duncan. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, 2000. xvi + 252 pp., figures, tables, glossary, bibliography, index. $59.95 (cloth). egg-encased creatures that make up the Code serpent body. In other cases, Helms seems reluctant to pursue her own observations. For instance, one of her analyses shows that the boa's jaws can be rendered as ligatured human legs. One might expect, then, that the erect curassow tail shown between the legs to have phallic significance. Yet such obvious anatomical iconicity is ignored, except for a quaint reference to the membrum virile in a later context that, interestingly enough, also involves sexual inversion. Castration, widespread in the form of vagina dentata myths, would be fully at home in Code art where dismemberment themes are otherwise common.
PNAS Plus Significance Statements Point-of-care diagnostics in the developing world and resource-limited areas require numerous special design considerations to provide effective early detection of disease. Of particular need for these contexts are diagnostic technologies featuring low costs, ease of use, and broad applicability. Here we present a nanoparticle-inkjet-printable microfluidicsbased platform that fulfills these criteria and that we expect to significantly reduce the footprint, complexity, and cost of clinical diagnostics. This reusable $0.01 platform is miniaturized to handle small sample volumes and can perform numerous analyses. It can perform complex, minimally invasive analyses of single cells without specialized equipment and personnel. This inexpensive, accessible platform has broad applications in precision diagnostics and is a step toward the democratization of medical technologies. (See pp. E1306–E1315.)
The ATLAS liquid argon calorimeter : test beam, installation and commissioning The ATLAS liquid argon (LAr) calorimeter system consists of an electromagnetic barrel calorimeter and two endcaps with electromagnetic, hadronic and forward calorimeters. The construction of the full calorimeter system is completed since mid-2004. Since then, the calorimeters have been installed in the ATLAS cavern. The electronics read-out system is being installed and tested for both the barrel and endcaps. Since 2006, cosmic muon data involving a progressively larger fraction of the detector has been collected, allowing to test the electronic readout system, and check calorimeter response across the calorimeter. Previous test-beam studies and large scale simulation are also key ingredients to prepare for collider data taking in 2008.
A multi-dimensional decision framework to support corporate bond investment This paper constructs a multi-dimensional decision framework to support investment in corporate bonds. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is first customized to accommodate six fundamental criteria governing investor behaviour. It is then shown that, after pairwise comparison of criteria and asset alternatives at appropriate framework levels, a set of weights can be calculated to prioritize the different bonds and allocate wealth over a portfolio which is best in terms of judgmental conformity with the individual’s investment goal and investment criteria. Apart from the practical advantages following from ready operationalization and computation, our framework is analytically grounded on the Nobel Prize-winning paradigms of bounded rationality and rational expectations. In particular, an index can be obtained to test for sufficient decision consistency on the part of the bounded-rational individual, and a method is offered to rationally and operationally model changes in investor preferences, perceptions, and expectations under market dynamics and the impact of such changes on the demand for corporate bonds.
[Cardiovascular disease in the elderly]. It reflects current UK and international guidelines and provides key evidence based references. Wherever possible, published guidelines are incorporated to ensure the book reflects current recommended management. It indicates where practice differs from that of younger adults, and provides guidance on the ethical and clinical dilemmas particular to the elderly. The handbook covers many aspects of cardiovascular disease in the elderly and focuses on common problems, including heart failure, atrial fibrillation and isolated systolic hypertension.
Milestones in Israel's Relations with East-Central Europe and the Soviet Union: A Timeline Yosef Govrin was director of the East Europe Department of Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1976–1985); ambassador to Romania (1985–1989); deputy director-general of the ministry (1989–1993); and ambassador to Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, and the UNO in Vienna (1993–1995). Since his retirement in 1996, Dr. Govrin has been a research fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is the author of a number of books, including Israel’s Relations with the East European States: From Disruption to Resumption.
Disseminated mycobacteriosis due to Mycobacterium abcessus in two recipients of renal homografts. During a 4-month period, 2 recipients of renal homografts developed infections caused by Mycobacterium abscessus (M. chelonei). The infections were indolent and progressive, producing multiple subcutaneous abscesses and osteomyelitis, located primarily in the legs. Vigorous efforts did not identify intrahospital source(s) of infection. A skin test survey using mycobacterial antigens suggested that apparently healthy hospital personnel who cared for these patients were not themselves infected.
Reliability and utility of the Behaviour Support Plan Quality Evaluation tool (BSP-QEII) for auditing and quality development in services for adults with intellectual disability and challenging behaviour. BACKGROUND Having an objective means of evaluating the quality of behaviour support plans (BSPs) could assist service providers and statutory authorities to monitor and improve the quality of support provided to people with intellectual disability (ID) who exhibit challenging behaviour. The Behaviour Support Plan Quality Evaluation Guide II (BSP-QEII) was developed to monitor and assess BSPs prepared by teachers to support children with disability in the school system. This study investigated the application of the BSP-QEII to the assessment of BSPs for adults with ID in community support services. METHOD The inter-rater reliability of the BSP-QEII was assessed. The utility of the BPS-QEII was then investigated with reference to a time series study of matched pairs of BSPs, developed for the same clients over a period of approximately 3 years. Differences in plan quality measured across a number of service and systemic variables were also investigated. RESULTS The BSP-QEII was found to have good inter-rater reliability and good utility for audit purposes. It was able to discriminate changes in plan quality over time. Differences in plan quality were also evident across different service types, where specialist staff had or had not been involved, and in some instances where a statutory format for the plan had or had not been used. There were no differences between plans developed by government and community sector agencies, nor were there any regional differences across the jurisdiction. CONCLUSIONS The BSP-QEII could usefully be adopted as an audit tool for measuring the quality of BSPs for adults with ID. In addition to being used for research and administrative auditing, the principles underpinning the BSP-QEII could also be useful to guide policy and educational activities for staff in community based services for adults with ID.
Alternative differentiation of human promyelocytic leukemia cells (HL-60) induced selectively by retinoic acid and 1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. Induction of hematopoietic differentiation was investigated in human promyelocytic leukemia cells [HL-60] using two lipophilic vitamins, retinoic acid and 1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1 alpha,25(OH)2D3]. Both vitamins suppressed proliferation and induced differentiation of HL-60 cells, but 1 alpha,25(OH)2D3 was 70- to 100-fold more potent than was retinoic acid on a molar basis. Simultaneous treatment with suboptimal concentrations of 1 alpha,25(OH)2D3 (0.12 to 1.2 nM) and retinoic acid (10 to 100 nM) showed additive effects in reducing nitroblue tetrazolium, a common marker for monocyte-macrophage and granulocyte differentiation. For the study of alternative differentiation of the cells by the two vitamins, we used monoclonal antibodies specific for either human monocyte-macrophages or granulocytes and other markers specific for macrophage differentiation such as alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase activity and adherence to the dish surface. HL-60 cells were induced to differentiate alternatively into macrophages by 1 alpha,25(OH)2D3 or into granulocytes by retinoic acid. When HL-60 cells were treated with various concentrations of 1 alpha,25(OH)2D3 (1.2 to 120 nM) in the presence of 1000 nM retinoic acid which is a concentration sufficient to induce maximal granulocyte differentiation, the appearance of the markers for monocyte-macrophage differentiation by 1 alpha,25(OH)2D3 was not at all affected by the retinoic acid. These results indicate that 1 alpha,25(OH)2D3 and retinoic acid have additive effects in inducing differentiation of HL-60 cells, but monocyte-macrophage differentiation by 1 alpha,25(OH)2D3 occurs much more readily than does granulocyte differentiation by retinoic acid.
Combined multispectroscopic and molecular docking investigation on the interaction between strictosamide and human serum albumin. The interaction between strictosamide (STM) and human serum albumin (HSA) was investigated by fluorescence spectroscopy, synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy, three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy, ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy, circular dichroism spectroscopy and molecular modeling under physiological pH 7.4. STM effectively quenched the intrinsic fluorescence of HSA via static quenching. The binding site number n and apparent binding constant K(a) were determined at different temperatures by fluorescence quenching. The thermodynamic parameters, enthalpy change (ΔH) and entropy change (ΔS) for the reaction were calculated as -3.01 kJ/mol and 77.75 J/mol per K, respectively, which suggested that the hydrophobic force played major roles in stabilizing the HSA-STM complex. The distance r between donor and acceptor was obtained to be 4.10 nm according to Förster's theory. After the addition of STM, the synchronous fluorescence and three-dimensional fluorescence spectral results showed that the hydrophobicity of amino acid residues increased and the circular dichroism spectral results showed that the α-helix content of HSA decreased (from 61.48% to 57.73%). These revealed that the microenvironment and conformation of HSA were changed in the binding reaction. Furthermore, the study of molecular modeling indicated that STM could bind to site I of HSA and the hydrophobic interaction was the major acting force, which was in agreement with the binding mode study.
Effect of nutrition labels on dietary quality among college students: a systematic review and meta-analysis Context College students are at an elevated risk of poor nutrition and eating habits. Objective The aim of this systematic review was to examine and quantify the effect of nutrition labels on diet quality in college students. Data Sources Literature searches were conducted in 4 electronic databases. Study Selection Peer-reviewed publications that assessed the effect of nutrition label use on food choice or dietary intake in college students were included. Data Extraction Twenty-two randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, and pre-post studies were identified. Results Sixteen studies found label exposure to be associated with improved diet. Of the 13 studies reporting calories selected or consumed, 8 found that posting labels at the point of purchase decreased calories, 4 found no effect, and 1 found that calories consumed increased after posting labels. Nine of the 12 studies assessing noncaloric measures found that nutrition labels positively affected diet quality. Meta-analysis of pre-post studies found a decrease of 36 kcal (P < 0.05) with label exposure. Conclusions Nutrition labels had a moderate but positive effect on dietary intake of college students.
Second Graders as Spellers: What Types of Errors Are They Making? Beginning second-grade students (N = 60) were administered a researcher-developed, dictated spelling test. Spelling errors of students were analyzed by grade-level spelling patterns and linguistic characteristics: phonological, orthographic, orthographic image, transposition, and morphological. Results revealed that morphological spelling pattern errors occurred most frequently. The frequency of linguistic category errors for this sample, ranging from least to most, was transposition, phonological, orthographic image, orthographic, and morphological. Further analysis of the bottom quarter of students, as determined by their performance on a timed word reading measure, indicated a pattern of spelling errors similar to the rest of the sample, but occurring in significantly greater quantity on average. These findings support previous research suggesting poor spellers display similar error patterns as better spelling peers, but with higher frequency. Initial implications suggest to educators that in spite of the wide range of spelling ability in their classrooms, the pattern of knowledge appears similar. Students rely on multiple sources of linguistic knowledge, and by analyzing their spelling errors based on the information students use to generate their spellings, instruction may be provided to explicitly and systematically target students’ weaknesses.
SRAM-Based Computing-in-Memory Macro With Fully Parallel One-Step Multibit Computation In this letter, we present a multibit static random-access memory computing-in-memory (CIM) macro with enhanced energy efficiency for edge devices tasking machine learning (ML) deep neural networks (DNNs). The proposed CIM macro computes matrix-vector multiplications (MVM) in an efficient “one-step” method reducing the energy consumption and control complexity. Furthermore, the proposed method computes not only the multiplications of a single weight but also the multibit weight with bit-shifting in the charge domain without the use of additional CMOS switches, thereby achieving very high energy efficiency. Measurement results in a 65-nm CMOS prototype chip show that it achieves the highest throughput of 204.8 GOPS at 1.2 V and 133.6 TOPS/W at 0.85 V.
Vegetation influence on ectomycorrhizal inoculum Available to sub-arctic willow (Salix lapponum L.) planted in an upland Site Summary Restoration of scrub and woodland in deforested upland sites is an important conservation activity. However, little is known about the mycorrhizal colonisation potential of upland soils or the factors that influence the distribution of mycorrhizal inoculum. We investigated the effect of existing vegetation on mycorrhizal colonisation potential for a sub-arctic willow (Salix lapponum) by planting uninoculated cuttings into plotsrepresenting two upland habitats with either grassand herbs (‘grass’) or Vaccinium myrtillus (‘vaccinium’) and assessing mycorrhizal colonisation after 14 months using morphological and molecular techniques. From 40 willow cuttings (20 in each habitat), DNA sequences of rive ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungal taxa were recovered: Laccaria proxima, Thelephora terrestris, Hebeloma sp., ‘Thelephoraceae sp.’ and ‘Pezizales sp.’. Cuttings in the ‘grass’ habitat were dominated by Laccaria proxima and ‘Pezizales sp.’ and in the ‘vaccinium’ habitat by Thelephora terrestris which was absent from the ‘grass’ habitat. There were no significant differences between habitats in frequency of EcM inoculum (overall percentage of cuttings colonised = 70%) or colonisation potential (overall mean percentage of root tips colonised per cutting = 20 %). These data suggest that the mycorrhizal colonisation potential and diversity of fungi available to willow in these upland soils are low and planted willow may benefit from inoculum enhancement.
A two-stage registration algorithm for oil spill aerial image by invariants-based similarity and improved ICP Image registration is a crucial progress in detecting oil spilled on the sea and is also important for estimating the volume of the oil spill, especially when one image cannot cover the entire polluted region. In this article, a new algorithm is proposed to register geometrically distorted aerial images of oil spill accurately and automatically. There are two stages in this algorithm: coarse registration and fine registration. Invariants-based similarity and relative space distance are applied to coarse matching. Then improved iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm is used for registering images finely, which is the combination of ICP and a method of solving assignment problem to deal with mismatches. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated by registering oil spill ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) images, respectively. Compared with traditional ICP and other algorithms, the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed algorithm are highly improved.
The density dependence of the velocity of sound in expanded liquid mercury studied by means of a large-scale molecular-dynamics simulation The density dependence of the velocity of sound in liquid mercury along the liquid-vapour coexistence curve is investigated by means of a large-scale molecular-dynamics simulation using the effective pair potential derived from the experimental structure factor by the inverse method. The resulting velocity of sound is in very good agreement with experiment and its density dependence changes at , at which point the metal-nonmetal transition occurs. It is shown that the repulsive part of the effective pair potential plays a crucially important role in the density dependence of the velocity of sound in liquid mercury.
Structure characteristics and dielectric properties of PI/MMT nanocomposite films Recent developments in polymeric dielectric nanocomposites have shown that these novel materials can improve design of high voltage components and systems. MMT(Montmorillonite)has an excellent corona performance and PI/MMT nanocomposite films can be prepared by in-situ polymerization process in this paper. Dielectric properties and trap level characteristic were measured by broadband dielectric spectrometer, thermally stimulated current (TSC) and the system of corona resistance. The microstructures of the films are observed by SEM. The experimental results show that the trap densities of nanocomposite films are more than that PI. With the MMT component increasing, the permittivity of nanocomposite films become smaller and dielectric loss of nanocomposite films increase obviously in the range of low frequency (10-3~100Hz), corona aging life of nanocomposite films are longer than that PI. The layered MMT nanoparticles doping in PI matrix provide a lot of traps which have an important influence on the electrons transplanting, furthermore, affecting dielectric properties of films. The research show that the corona aging life and dielectric properties can be enhanced by increasing proper trap density and depth provided by nanoparticles.
[Evaluation of osteogenesis of alveolar bone graft by cone beam CT]. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the osteogenesis of alveolar bone graft (ABG) in patients with alveolar cleft by cone beam CT (CBCT). METHODS ABG surgery was performed in 20 patients with unilateral complete alveolar cleft. The patients were followed up for 3 and 6 months after surgery and the osteogenesis of the bone graft was evaluated by CBCT. The bone density and the height of labial and palatal bone graft area were analyzed. RESULTS There was no significant difference in the bone density between 3 months [(403.79 ± 64.70) HU] and 6 months[(411.45 ± 42.62) HU ] (P = 0.329).However, there was significant difference in bone height in the labial and palatal side between 3 months and 6 months (labial P = 0.020, palatal P = 0.008). CONCLUSIONS The osteogenesis was the best 3 months after bone graft. The following treatment can start in this stage.
Fresnel lens based on silicon nanowires Silicon nanowire reflective Fresnel lenses are demonstrated and their focusing and lensing properties characterizations are shown. The Fresnel lenses were fabricated using conventional lithography and metal-assisted chemical etching. The lenses have dark zones made of sub-wavelength silicon nanowires and bright zones formed by polished silicon surface. High intensity contrast exists between the bright and the dark zones, leading to an efficient focusing performance in the spectrum of visible light. The reflective Fresnel lens has the potential to reflect and focus light onto photosensitive dye in dye-sensitive solar cells in order to improve their light absorption efficiency and hence, the photocurrent.
Controllable dimension of ZnO nanowalls on GaN/c-Al2O3 substrate by vapor phase epitaxy method. Vertically well-aligned ZnO nanowalls were successfully synthesized at 950-1050 degrees C. Ar gas was introduced into the furnace at a flow rate of 2000-2500 sccm. An Au thin film with a thickness of 3 nm was used as a catalyst. The ZnO nanowalls were successfully grown on the substrate and most of them had nearly the same thickness and were oriented perpendicular to the substrate. The morphology and chemical composition of the ZnO nanowalls were examined as a function of the growth conditions examined. It was found that the grown ZnO nanowalls have a single-crystalline hexagonal structure and preferred c-axis growth orientation based on the X-ray diffraction and high-resolution transmission electron microscope measurements. The room temperature photoluminescence showed a strong free-exciton emission band with negligible deep level emission, indicating the high optical property of our ZnO nanowall samples.
Pancuronium bromide induced joint contractures in the newborn aetiology. Our experience is similar to that reported by others. 3 If the condition is infective in origin one might expect, as in acute vertebral osteomyelitis, to find extensive local bony destruction, a more chronic course, and positive blood, biopsy or aspiration cultures. In the two patients reported by Shah and Miller where an organism was isolated from blood cultures, we agree that antibiotic treatment was indicated. We would not agree that broad spectrum antibiotics should be offered to all cases. In the absence of proved bacteriological infection bed rest alone has been shown to be adequate treatment.1 3 Controversy will continue until a control study of antibiotic treatment is performed.
Design and simulation of a multirole electric vehicle Aim of this work is the design of an innovative electric vehicle with a direct drive powertrain, including the description of some preliminary simulations performed both for a proper system of the system and to investigate potential performances of the vehicle in terms of torque vectoring. The vehicle is intended as a multi-purpose platform able to transport people and goods in limited access area where for reasons of environmental protection vehicle with conventional internal combustion system but at the same time good off-road performances are required. Powertrain is composed by four in-wheel drive that allows to accurately control the torque exerted on each wheel in order to obtain interesting performances in terms of acceleration, autonomy and stability even considering reduced adhesion conditions. For this reason, in this work it's also proposed a torque vectoring algorithm able to exploit the potential performances of the proposed system. In particular, performances of the proposed system are simulated using a co-simulation technique in which multibody software and tools for the development of control system are used in a synergic way.
Disclosure without Reservation: Re-evaluating Divine Hiddenness For the German Lutheran theologian Eberhard Jungel, an account of the hiddenness of God concerns one with the revelation of God, who reveals his hiddenness sub contrario in the suffering and death of Jesus. What hides God from human beings, then, is not a hidden work of God or the presence of another God behind the God revealed in the Word, but rather, the very splendour of the light and glory that God is in se. Jungel's discussion is of theological importance because he replaces a discourse on God's hiddenness which suggests a hidden God and a revealed God with a discourse concerning God who discloses his hiddenness humanly. And yet, Jungel's very positive reformulation of the account still speaks of the divinity and humanity of God in such a way that the humanity of Jesus conceals God, an emphasis which detracts from the clarity and perspicuity of God's self-disclosure as that which includes humanity in itself.
An Investigation of the Relationship between the Apnoea Hypopnoea Index and Apnoea Hypopnoea Duration per Hour A number of automated apnoea hypopnoea index (AHI) prediction algorithms first divide the signal(s) of interest into epochs, make a prediction for each epoch, determine the number of epoch predictions per hour and map this to an AHI value. An underlying assumption of this approach is a smooth relationship between the apnoea plus hypopnoea duration and the AHI value. In this study we investigate this relationship to establish if this assumption impacts the final system. We compare two models: one which divides the duration by recording time, and the second which divides the duration by sleep time. Data for study was obtained from 200 scored overnight polysomnogram recordings. Our results show that the relationship is a power-law distribution with an exponent of 0.9 and a multiplicative noise term. Analysis of the variance of the noise term revealed that algorithms that scale the apnoea duration by the recording time will have an inherent 37% error in the AHI estimate, while algorithms that scale by sleep time will have an inherent 25% error in the AHI estimate. Receiver operator curve (ROC) analysis of the duration-based models at the clinically important values of AHI 5 and 15 revealed an area under the ROC of greater than 0.96. We conclude that epoch-based models for AHI estimation do have an inherent error in their estimates, with models that divide the duration by sleep time providing a better estimate. Both models can correctly identify normal and apnoeic patients at the clinically important values with high sensitivity and specificity.
Study of Neutron Irradiation Effects on SOI and Strained SOI MuGFETs Assessed by Low-Frequency Noise A comparison study is made on the high-energy neutron irradiation response of MuGFETs fabricated on Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) and strained SOI (sSOI) substrates. Both DC and low-frequency noise characteristics have been obtained in linear operation. It is shown that while a pronounced device-to-device variation can be noted, there is no clear impact of the strain on the radiation behavior.
A.S.I.F. technique and ankle fractures. Results of using the technique of the Association for the Study of Internal Fixation, when applied to fractures, include accurate anatomic reduction, secure fixation and allows early mobilization, resulting in rapid resumption of normal function. In a series of 71 (of 77) ankle fractures, followed for an average of 38 months, 93.5% had good or excellent clinical results.
Not All Pediatric Bladder Masses are Rhabdomyosarcoma: Report of a Rare Case With Review of the Literature Leiomyoma of the urinary bladder in the pediatric age group is one of the rarest tumors with only 2 case reports in the English literature. Rhabdomyosarcoma is the commonest tumor at this site in this age group. It needs to be distinguished from rhabdomyosarcoma by histomorphology for appropriate treatment and management. We report the third case of urinary bladder leiomyoma arising in a 6-year-old boy with a short review of the literature.
Distribution of the adrenocortical inner zone antigen. Previous studies using a mouse monoclonal antibody (IZAb) have identified inner zone-specific antigens (IZAg 1 and 2) in the rat adrenal cortex. The expression of IZAg1 is enhanced by dibutyryl-cyclic AMP or ACTH in vitro and by in vivo ACTH treatment. These studies also suggest that IZAg may be involved in steriogenesis in rat adrenals. Using sensitive detection methods, the distribution of IZAg in adrenals from other species and in other rat tissues was studied. Pig and rabbit adrenals expressed an IZAb-immunoreactive protein with molecular mass identical with that of IZAg1, but no immunoreactivity was detected in bovine, guinea-pig or mouse adrenals. In the rabbit adrenal, as in the rat, IZAb bound only to zonae fasciculata/reticularis cells. However, the whole adrenal cortex in the pig immunoreacted with IZAb. Although immunofluorescence was observed in human adrenal sections, predominantly in the zona reticularis, no significant immunoreactive protein band was detected by immunoblot analysis. Apart from the zonae fasciculata/reticularis in the adrenal gland, an IZAb-immunoreactive protein with a molecular mass of 26,000 Da, corresponding to IZAg1, was also found in rat hepatocytes, renal tubules, ovary (corpus luteum, interstitial cells, theca interna of mature follicles) and Leydig cells. The observations suggest that IZAg may be involved in the processes of biosynthesis, metabolism and/or excretion of steroid hormones.
Nanoarchitectures for Metal-Organic Framework-Derived Nanoporous Carbons toward Supercapacitor Applications. The future advances of supercapacitors depend on the development of novel carbon materials with optimized porous structures, high surface area, high conductivity, and high electrochemical stability. Traditionally, nanoporous carbons (NPCs) have been prepared by a variety of methods, such as templated synthesis, carbonization of polymer precursors, physical and chemical activation, etc. Inorganic solid materials such as mesoporous silica and zeolites have been successfully utilized as templates to prepare NPCs. However, the hard-templating methods typically involve several synthetic steps, such as preparation of the original templates, formation of carbon frameworks, and removal of the original templates. Therefore, these methods are not favorable for large-scale production. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) with high surface areas and large pore volumes have been studied over the years, and recently, enormous efforts have been made to utilize MOFs for electrochemical applications. However, their low conductivity and poor stability still present major challenges toward their practical applications in supercapacitors. MOFs can be used as precursors for the preparation of NPCs with high porosity. Their parent MOFs can be prepared with endless combinations of organic and inorganic constituents by simple coordination chemistry, and it is possible to control their porous architectures, pore volumes, surface areas, etc. These unique properties of MOF-derived NPCs make them highly attractive for many technological applications. Compared with carbonaceous materials prepared using conventional precursors, MOF-derived carbons have significant advantages in terms of a simple synthesis with inherent diversity affording precise control over porous architectures, pore volumes, and surface areas. In this Account, we will summarize our recent research developments on the preparation of three-dimensional (3-D) MOF-derived carbons for supercapacitor applications. This Account will be divided into three main sections: (1) useful background on carbon materials for supercapacitor applications, (2) the importance of MOF-derived carbons, and (3) potential future developments of MOF-derived carbons for supercapacitors. This Account focuses mostly on carbons derived from two types of MOFs, namely, zeolite imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) and ZIF-67. By using examples from our previous works, we will show the uniqueness of these carbons for achieving high performance by control of the chemical reactions/conditions as well proper utilization in asymmetric/symmetric supercapacitor configurations. This Account will promote further developments of MOF-derived multifunctional carbon materials with controlled porous architectures for optimization of their electrochemical performance toward supercapacitor applications.
The quality of pathological reports of postoperative specimens in rectal cancer: an audit from the Mazovia region. BACKGROUND Recently, pathologists have recommended new standards of post operative specimen evaluation in rectal cancer. These new standards include: macroscopic assessment of the quality of surgical excision of mesorectum, microscopic measurement of circumferential resection margin and the assessment of at least 12 mesorectal lymph nodes regarding the presence of metastases. The purpose of our study was to find out whether those standards have been implemented into a routine practice in Poland. MATERIAL AND METHODS This is a retrospective evaluation of pathological reports of postoperative specimens in 51 consecutive rectal cancer patients who were referred to our institution from 19 hospitals for postoperative chemoradiation between January 2006 and December 2007. Items were audited in pathological reports that were mentioned in the background. RESULTS Only 14% of pathological reports included the macroscopic assessment of the quality of surgical excision of mesorectum and 57% reported microscopic measurement of circumferential resection margin. The median number of retrieved lymph nodes was 9, with a range between 0 and 36. CONCLUSION The quality of pathological reports was unsatisfactory. Actions should be taken on a national level to improve the current situation. There is an urgent need for providing pathologists with adequate guidelines.
Drug addicts and local analgesia--effectivity and general side effects. The frequency of successful analgesia and the frequency of general side effects during dental treatment of previous and present drug addicts were investigated in a controlled clinical study. A solution of xylocaine/adrenaline (20 mg/ml + 12.5 micrograms/ml) was used in a dose of 1.5 ml for 88 mandibular blocks in order to test the frequency of analgesia. Successful analgesia was recorded only if the patient experienced no pain in the operative area. The number of side effects such as unrest, anxiety, sweating, pallor and palpitation was recorded during another part of the study. The frequency of successful analgesia was lower among the previous and present drug abusers compared to the control group and the difference was statistically significant. A statistically higher number of side effects was recorded in both experimental groups. The need for a higher dosage of local analgesic and the higher number of side effects is attributed to the fear and anxiety among this particular group of patients. In the light of these findings the significance for the management of drug addicts during dental treatment is discussed.
The Audit Committee as an Interactive Process: Insights on the AC Chairperson’s Power Abstract The audit committee (AC) chairperson is considered a key actor in the AC process, yet little is known about the role of AC chairpersons and how they exert power in a constraining institutional environment. Considering the AC as an inhabited institution – an institution actively inhabited by agentic and creative actors, this paper provides insights into the dynamics of the AC process with respect to the contribution, power and influence of the AC chairperson. The analysis draws on 53 interviews with experienced AC members, chief financial officers and auditors of 23 publicly listed companies. The results show that AC chairpersons are neither totally constrained by the institutional environment nor fully strategic actors, but carve out individual corridors of action and exert power within the AC process. In particular, our findings bring out three styles of leadership: managing ongoing trust relationships to act as marginal-secant able to play with the various local ecologies of knowledge and power, using in-depth knowledge of the institutional rules to manage them purposefully, serving as an expert in a timely and targeted manner. The analysis points to the ways AC chairpersons inhabit their role, deal with institutional scripts and give meaning to their oversight duties.
Non-invasive detection of low-level muscle fatigue using surface EMG with wavelet decomposition Median frequency (MDF) is widely used for detection and tracking of muscle fatigue using surface electromyography (sEMG). However, MDF does not behave consistently or accurately distinguish fatigued from non-fatigued states. In this paper, we study the concept of low-level fatigue and propose increasing average ratio (IAR) and trigger pattern index (TPI) based on discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for distinguishing low-level muscle fatigue. We recorded sEMG using an 8-electode linear monopolar array during isometric contractions from brachioradialis (BRD), biceps brachii long head (BBL), and biceps brachii short head (BBS) muscles of different subjects when performing force exertion. We then calculated the proposed parameters for characterizing low-level fatigue. The analysis indicated that the proposed approach is more consistent and stable when distinguishing low-level muscle fatigue and sheds light on the behavior of sEMG in frequency domain with respect to low-fatigue force exertion.
Cardiovascular lesions in pancreatitis. Data have been presented correlating changes of blood coagulability, capillary permeability, blood electrolyte content with electrocardiographic abnormalities and symptoms of coronary insufficiency. In acute pancreatitis and in acute exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, accentuation of these vascular factors may induce symptoms of coronary disease. Data are also presented indicating abnormal blood coagulability and blood electrolyte content in patients with chronic pancreatitis. Minimal augmentation of these abnormalities may account for the "yoke" syndrome.
Criteria for Using Antiparallel SiC SBDs With SiC mosfets for SiC-Based Inverters The paper confirms that removing antiparallel silicon carbide (SiC) Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) from SiC-based inverters offers positive effects without critical impact on inverter loss and electromagnetic interference (EMI) issues, moreover, the removal of SBDs reduces the inverter losses in many cases and noise emissions. This conclusion leads to the possibility to improve the power densities by removing SBDs. However, the removal of SBDs may cause some disadvantages such as an increase of the reverse conduction loss and influence of the body diode recovery phenomenon. Therefore, a comprehensive investigation of these advantages and disadvantages is necessary. In this paper, design criteria are proposed to clarify the conditions in which SiC-based inverters without SBDs have advantages over those with SBDs from the viewpoint of losses. On the other hand, to achieve the removal of SBDs, it is also necessary to confirm that removing SBDs does not cause severe EMI issues. The paper confirms that switching noises are reduced by the removal of SBDs; this is due to the larger damping effect of the SiC mosfets without SBDs than that of SiC mosfets with SBDs. The validity of the theoretical analyses and design criteria is confirmed with comprehensive experimental results.
[Prevention and therapeutic strategy of metabolic syndrome--implications from the interim results of Japan Diabetes Complications Study(JDCS)]. Type 2 diabetes plays significant roles in pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome. The Japan Diabetes Complications Study(JDCS) is an ongoing trial with 2,205 patients with type 2 diabetes. It is clarified that the frequencies of CHD and stroke events in type 2 diabetic patients are three or more times greater than non-diabetic subjects. Gender, LDL cholesterol, glycohemoglobin A1c and triglycerides are significant age-adjusted risk factors for CHD in patients with type 2 diabetes, while systolic blood pressure and glycohemoglobin A1c are those for stroke. We can conclude from these results that the control of risk factors like LDL cholesterol and blood pressure, together with glycemic control, is essential for preventing CHD and stroke also in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes.
Isomorphic number theoretic transforms It is noted that the computational cost of circular convolutions can be reduced to a large extent by using number-theoretic transforms (NTTs). The author proposes a novel algorithm for removing the necessity for the transforming element of the NTT to be coincident with a power of 2. The algorithm is based on the isomorphic correspondence between the multiplication mod M and the addition mod (M-1), where M is a prime modulus. The NTT is performed completely in the isomorphic domain, attaining in this way a reduced computation cost without sacrificing the length of the NTT.<<ETX>>
The Challenge of Providing High-Quality Feedback Online: Building a Culture of Continuous Improvement in an Online Course for Adult Learners abstract:Scholars of online learning have acknowledged the additional challenges an online format poses to relationship building and providing effective feedback. This article describes the authors' experiences providing feedback to adult learners in an online educational leadership course, the challenges they encountered in providing this feedback in a timeframe and manner to which students were receptive, and their research into how to build a culture of continuous improvement in an online course for adult learners. The authors conclude that effective online feedback occurs when course projects are sequenced to provide opportunities for students to receive and engage with feedback formatively, when instructors set clear expectations about feedback timelines, and when instructors take advantage of the variety of feedback mechanisms online environments can provide, including peer and instructor feedback, as well as self-reflection.
Influence of Intake Pipe Deflection Angle on In-Cylinder Flow and Combustion Characteristics of a Rotary Engine Intake pipe design is important for rotary engine performance due to great influence on in-cylinder flow and combustion characteristics. This paper analyzes the effect of intake pipe deflection angle on the performance of a gasoline rotary engine. In the parametric study, the intake pipe is deflected from the left to the right with a 10° interval and the maximum deflection range of 30° at each side. A CFD numerical simulation model of the rotary engine is established. The simulation results show that when the intake pipe is deflected to the left from the original design, the engine volumetric efficiency first increases and then decreases with an increasing deflection angle. During ignition, the turbulent kinetic energies in the cylinder increase with an increasing deflection angle. When the intake pipe is deflected to the left by 30°, the turbulent kinetic energy is increased by 85.9% compared to the original design. The peak cylinder pressures first increase and then decrease with an increasing deflection angle. When the intake pipe is deflected by 10° to the left, the peak cylinder pressure is 9.3% higher than that of the original design. The maximum NOx emission can be increased by 4.8% and the minimum NOx emission can be decreased by 13.3%. It is found that the deflecting the intake pipe to the left enhances the tumble effect and increases the combustion velocity. Overall, deflecting the intake pipe to the right is less effective than deflecting to the left. This analysis provides a comprehensive understanding on intake pipe design for rotary engines.
Can Personalized Nudges Improve Learning in Hybrid Classes? Experimental Evidence From an Introductory Undergraduate Course Abstract A field experiment was conducted to investigate whether personalized e-mail reminders can improve study consistency and learning outcomes in an introductory-level undergraduate course. By randomly assigning whether nearly 300 students would receive occasional e-mail messages encouraging out-of-class study, we find that these reminders increased exam performance by 0.2 standard deviations. Using detailed information on the timing and duration of study effort, we find two distinct patterns explaining this increase. Reminders increased weekend study time slightly, and weekday studying remained constant although it was shifted approximately 2 to 3 hours earlier for those who received reminders. A follow-up survey corroborates these channels, and suggests a third mechanism: increased cognitive effort during study. These findings highlight the potential for low-cost behavioral interventions to improve student performance. (Keywords: e-mail reminders; personalized nudges; hybrid learning; higher education)
Chemical, microbiological, textural, color, and sensory characteristics of pressed ewe milk cheeses with saffron (Crocus sativus L.) during ripening. Adding saffron to dairy products represents an innovative practice to introduce them to niche markets. This paper represents a contribution to this field, as few studies have evaluated the influence of this spice on general aspects and ripening parameters of cheese. In this work, pasteurized ewe milk pressed cheeses with saffron were made to study compositional, microbiological, color, textural, and sensory characteristics in relation to saffron concentration and ripening time. The main changes were observed on sensory characteristics and color. In addition, compositional, textural, and microbiological changes could be observed; among them, saffron cheeses were firmer and more elastic but less prone to fracture. A remarkable result that could lead to further studies is that saffron addition slightly slowed down growth of total and lactic acid bacteria. This resulted in a slightly lower rate of pH decrease during pressing and, as a consequence, lower salt and water content. Compositional differences were not evident by the end of the ripening period.
Challenges and barriers to connecting World Class Manufacturing and continuous improvement processes to Industry 4.0 paradigms Abstract This paper exposes the difficulties in integrating “Industry 4.0 Practices” and “World-Class Manufacturing” due to the rapid expansion of production systems and the increasingly complex data monitoring. The applied methodology was to study multiple cases with the aid of a semi-structured questionnaire. The analysis comprised responses of 15 large companies with different expertise from five countries and three continents. The results show that when a company’s strategy is linked to Industry 4.0 practices and the World-Class Manufacturing method, they boost productivity by monitoring the shop floor, applying analytical tools, and spreading the organisational culture aimed at improving processes. The results also indicate that human resources are essential in this integration. The conclusion indicates robust barriers to the increasing progress of these procedures, such as the costs associated with the use of technologies, the lack of knowledge of the applied methods and tools, the lack of trained and qualified human resources, and the resistance of people to the use and application of the newly adopted practices. The continuous improvement practices do not keep up with the speed of development that the Industry 4.0 practices propose, requiring studies directed to “World-Class Manufacturing” and “Industry 4.0 practices”. Although there is a coexistence of improvement and innovation in world-class manufacturers, the literature has not yet provided a complete understanding of how this coexistence can be achieved at the manufacturing level. Therefore, the paper presents the main actions to overcome these barriers.
Enforceability of non-compete agreements in medical practice: between law and ethics. OBJECTIVE Introduction: The core of physician's non-compete agreements problematics lies in complex system of controversial interests, rights and goals of subjects involved. On the one hand non-compete restrictions and their enforceability is an obvious part of employer's legitimate business interest based on the freedom of contract, on the other - free unrestricted market, preventing of monopolization, availability of medical assistance and healthcare, right to choose a doctor are social standards and thus - a part of public interest, in addition to this - non-compete restrictions impact physician's right to work. Balance between these components is pretty sensitive and hard to achieve. We can find enforceability of physician's non-compete provisions in different types of relations: employment contracts, partnership agreements, sale of medical practice. But complexity of mixing law, ethical, social issues along with different approaches of legal regulations rises the relevance of research. PATIENTS AND METHODS Material and methods: This study is based on German, British, Spain, Swiss, USA regulation acts, scientific researches and opinions of progressive-minded people in this sphere. The article is based on dialectical, comparative, analytic, synthetic and comprehensive methods. RESULTS Results: Non-compete agreements may have social benefits in some situations: serve as an instrument to protect trade secrets thus stimulate innovation; reducing of worker's exit probability could increase quality of medical services due to training of employees etc. But also, there are some serious risks to employee, to employer and to society as a whole. Analyzing the sense of non-compete clause in general we can assume that it includes seven main points: the subject; the form; the time; the territory; the scope and type of restrictions; "buy out" of the clause and the compensation. These characteristics are the core of non-compete clause, and, taking into account the principle of freedom in terms of agreement conclusion, it is up to law enforcement practice to determine minimal and maximal limits of such restrictions. US legal concept is clearly based on implementing of legally prescribed restrictions for non-compete with physicians (along with other categories). European practice being pretty similar in view on what non-compete agreement is and what principles it is based on however is obviously different in approach chosen because of absence of special legal provisions for physicians' non-compete regulation. CONCLUSION Conclusion: Lack of legal regulation and law enforcement practice in this sphere worldwide is obvious, so the starting point in resolving of physician's non-compete enforceability issue will be choosing of suitable concept. Analyzing of proposed concepts, we came to the conclusion that the most perspective will be an approach of specification and clarification of "reasonability" meaning in terms of evaluation physicians' non-compete agreement validity and their impact on public interest.
The Effects of Playing Football on Artificial Turf A greater number of professional football based injuries have been reported when playing on artificial turf surfaces. This study investigated whether artificial turf or natural grass causes more professional football related injuries. Data were collected from a random sample of videotapes of the 1985 National Football League (NFL) season and by performing a literature search of all severe injuries of the 1984 season. There were no significant differences between the amount of severe injuries occurring on artificial and natural grass surfaces. A major cause of football injuries resulting in severe injuries is that football is inherently a violent sport and those same injuries seem to occur against a few teams.
[A case of ureteral polyp in a young man with renal autotransplantation]. We report a case of fibroepithelial polyps of the ureter in a 18-year-old boy with the chief complaint of left flank pain. An excretory urogram and retrograde pyelogram revealed left hydronephrosis and a filling defect at the pelvic-ureteral junction. This ureteral disorder was corrected by the renal autotransplantation for conserving the renal function. The pathological diagnosis was fibroepithelial polyps of the ureter. Convalescence was uneventful and after 3 months of follow up, excretory urogram and 99mTc-DTPA renogram showed good renal function and improvement of hydronephrosis. Along with our case, we briefly reviewed 32 cases of ureteral polyp in men under 20 years old.
A life of opportunities [President's Perspectives] My first job was at the National Electrical Metrology Laboratory of Uruguay, more than thirty years ago. That was really a privilege because I had just finished my first year in the university, and I had the chance to learn from both worlds, the academic and the practical world of electrical measurement. At that time, it was not easy to acquire sophisticated and precise instruments, so from time to time we had to develop our own instruments or devices. It was very interesting to try to solve real problems at work with the tools we were taught in the university. Most of the time, we had to learn independently. We tried new techniques in the field and questioned each result we obtained. I was fascinated by the mysteries of measurements.
Correspondence on “Clinical Characterization of Gastroenteritis-Related Seizures in Children: Impact of Fever and Serum Sodium Levels” Benign convulsions associated with mild gastroenteritis are afebrile, brief, generalized seizures accompanying symptoms of gastroenteritis without clinical signs of dehydration or electrolyte derangement. However, as Zifman et al mentioned, mild hyponatremia can exist and affect the seizure’s profile and its duration. As reported by Verrotti et al, seizure occurrence before the onset of diarrhea and seizure recurrence are very rare (6.3% and 4.7%, respectively). We herein report a patient with benign convulsions associated with mild gastroenteritis having no hyponatremia that recurred twice (3 total events); 2 of the events occurred before the onset of gastroenteritis symptoms. A 3-year-old girl with an unremarkable perinatal and developmental history experienced recurrent convulsions. Her younger brother was diagnosed with benign neonatal sleep myoclonus. The initial convulsion occurred at 1 year 7 months of age. She had brief (1to 2-minute) generalized tonic-clonic seizures twice at short intervals. Neurologic examination was normal other than multiple seizures. Blood examination including levels of glucose, ammonia, lactate, electrolytes, calcium, transaminases, and markers for kidney function and infection were normal. Computed tomography showed no evident abnormalities. Her seizures did not recur after a single dose of carbamazepine (5 mg/kg). Although she was afebrile during this course, she had diarrhea 1 day after the seizures. Subsequent electroencephalography was normal. The second seizure occurred at 1 year 11 months of age. Under afebrile conditions, she had 2 episodes of brief generalized tonicclonic seizures that were followed by diarrhea. Blood examination results, including serum sodium, were normal. After a single dose of carbamazepine (5 mg/kg), her seizures did not recur. The third event occurred at 2 years 10 months of age. She had diarrhea 1 day before the seizure onset. Under afebrile conditions, she had multiple brief generalized tonicclonic seizures (6 times in 8 hours). Blood examination results, including serum sodium, were unremarkable. Rota virus antigen was not detected in her stool specimen. Administration of carbamazepine (5 mg/kg) stopped her seizures without recurrence. To our knowledge, multiple seizure recurrences in patients with benign convulsions associated with mild gastroenteritis is extremely rare and has been reported in only 1 patient with 2 recurrences. In addition to their case, the clinical features of our patient imply that seizures with benign convulsions associated with mild gastroenteritis can recur multiple times. We believe that a mechanism such as transient brain hypersusceptibility to convulsions induced by viral infection could have been involved rather than viral encephalitis or encephalopathy. Given that the good response to carbamazepine in the present case was in accordance with the profile of benign convulsions associated with mild gastroenteritis, the mechanism responsible for seizure generation could have been related to sodium channel activity. In this case, we could not reach a clear conclusion about the relationship between serum sodium concentration and a profile of the seizure—multiple seizure recurrence associated with mild gastroenteritis. The patient had a family history of benign neonatal sleep myoclonus; however, whether benign convulsions associated with mild gastroenteritis and benign neonatal sleep myoclonus in this family were related or incidental is unknown. Accumulation of cases might be beneficial to clarify these relationships. In conclusion, we reported a case of multiple recurrences of benign convulsions associated with mild gastroenteritis. We believe that this case demonstrates the various clinical profiles of benign convulsions associated with mild gastroenteritis and can contribute to understanding and management of this disease.
A Physics-Based Compact Model of SiC Power MOSFETs The presented compact model of SiC power MOSFETs is based on a thorough consideration of the physical phenomena which are important for the device characteristics and its electrothermal behavior. The model includes descriptions of the dependence of channel charge and electron mobility on the charge of interface traps and a simple but effective calculation of the voltage-dependent drain resistance. Comparisons with both physical 2-D device simulations and experiments validate the correctness of the modeling approach and the accuracy of the results.
Exploring and Encouraging Through Social Interaction: A Qualitative Study of Nurses’ Participation in Self-help Groups for Cancer Patients Self-help groups are a growing phenomenon across national borders. Current sociologic empirical evidence shows that nurses and other healthcare professionals have become an integral part of self-help groups. The aim of the study is to describe and highlight the experiences of patients with cancer (n = 21) and oncology nurses (n = 12) with self-help groups. These experiences are drawn on to illustrate the characteristics of professional involvement in self-help groups for patients with cancer. Data were obtained by individual qualitative interviews. The results show that the nurse functions as a social networker and uses her contextual competence by consciously encouraging relationships between fellow patients. Furthermore, the study illustrates that the nurse’s involvement with self-help groups for patients with cancer serves as a complementary dimension to the traditional nursing discourse. It is concluded that when individualized care is supported through social practice and when personal issues are exchanged and negotiated, the nurse facilitates a milieu of togetherness in self-help groups for patients with cancer. The concept of self-help groups is a valuable contribution to new theories and service development in psychosocial care and complies with the understanding of the postmodern individual, who viewed as primarily responsible for negotiating, socializing, and making his or her own decisions.
Structural aspects of biogenic silica. The objectives of this paper are to discuss the characterization of biogenic silica in terms of structural properties, and to elucidate the mechanisms of structural organization within biological systems. The scale of organization is a critical factor in the characterization of biosilicification processes, and order at the nanometre, micrometre and macroscopic levels is described. Molecular order is discussed in the light of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and solid-state NMR results obtained from samples of biogenic silica. Microscopic organization is expressed in a range of structural motifs, e.g. gels, sheets, fibres, tubes and globular assemblies, and reflects the infinitely adaptive morphology of biogenic silica. Macroscopic structures such as curved rods, spicules, perforated plates, teeth and reticular frameworks can be assembled from these microscopic motifs. The mechanisms of structural organization involve spatial (scalar and vectorial) constraints, ordered particle aggregation and chemical regulation. The possible importance of organic surfaces is discussed.
A Practical Guide for Managing Antibiotic Allergies in the Emergency Department Up to 30% of patients report at least one antibiotic allergy, but oftentimes these antibiotic allergies are misdiagnosed. In fact, of the 10% of patients reporting penicillin allergies, 90%–98% are not truly allergic. In an era of increasing antibiotic resistance coupled with a limited number of new antibiotics, evaluating antibiotic allergies is critical in providing optimal patient care. Differentiating adverse drug reactions from antibiotic allergies may seem like a daunting task for clinicians and providers, especially in the emergency department, where decisions are made quickly. However, a systemic approach, including medical record review coupled with patient and/or family interview, is vital in managing patients with antibiotic allergies. Inappropriate, alternative antibiotics are frequently chosen due to patient allergies, and data suggest higher rates of broad-spectrum antibiotic use, antibiotic resistance, and poor outcomes as a result. Herein, we review antibiotic selection in patients reporting antibiotic allergies in the emergency department.
Learning Driver Behavior Models from Traffic Observations for Decision Making and Planning Estimating and predicting traffic situations over time is an essential capability for sophisticated driver assistance systems and autonomous driving. When longer prediction horizons are needed, e.g., in decision making or motion planning, the uncertainty induced by incomplete environment perception and stochastic situation development over time cannot be neglected without sacrificing robustness and safety. Building consistent probabilistic models of drivers interactions with the environment, the road network and other traffic participants poses a complex problem. In this paper, we model the decision making process of drivers by building a hierarchical Dynamic Bayesian Model that describes physical relationships as well as the driver's behaviors and plans. This way, the uncertainties in the process on all abstraction levels can be handled in a mathematically consistent way. As drivers behaviors are difficult to model, we present an approach for learning continuous, non-linear, context-dependent models for the behavior of traffic participants. We propose an Expectation Maximization (EM) approach for learning the models integrated in the DBN from unlabeled observations. Experiments show a significant improvement in estimation and prediction accuracy over standard models which only consider vehicle dynamics. Finally, a novel approach to tactical decision making for autonomous driving is outlined. It is based on a continuous Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) that uses the presented model for prediction.
From Metropolis to Metropolis-based Region: The Case of Tel-Aviv The decreasing relative importance of major metropolitan areas in the distribution of population and economic activity within many nations of the developed world raises questions about the emergence of agglomeration diseconomies and the associated changes in spatial structure. Here, we explore the thesis that a metropolis-based region (MBR), comprising the metropolis and a surrounding territory, has come to replace the metropolis as the appropriate unit of analysis for tracking such developments. Using data covering the past 22 years for the Tel-Aviv MBR, various indicators are estimated. These include national and regional deconcentration (both measured in terms of population and employment), as well as centrality, dependence, attractiveness and integration (measured in terms of employment). The main results of the analysis include the following: the need to view metropolitan stagnation and deconcentration within the wider context of the MBR; employment deconcentration occurring at a slower rate than population deconcentration, leading to increasing levels of employment centrality within the MBR; the process of consolidation within the MBR, accompanied by a strengthening of its economic role within the nation.
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of bone marrow--an unusual presentation. A clinico-morphological study of twelve patients of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, diagnosed on bone marrow biopsy, is presented. They manifested with pyrexia of uncertain origin and/or unexplainable anaemia. These patients did not show any superficial lymphadenopa-thy, mediastinal lymph node enlargement or a specific mass in the abdomen. Eleven patients showed enlargement of the liver, whereas, eleven manifested with splenomegaly. Bone marrow aspirate and trephine biopsy performed as an investigational procedure, lead to a diagnosis of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. According to the classification by W.H.O. (I978), six of them showed diffuse lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma, whereas, in the remaining six patients, the histological type was diffuse lymphocytic lymphosarcoma (JPMA 32:230, 1982).
Metal-dependent hormone function: the emerging interdisciplinary field of metalloendocrinology. For over 100 years, there has been an incredible amount of knowledge amassed concerning hormones in the endocrine system and their central role in human health. Hormones represent a diverse group of biomolecules that are released by glands, communicate signals to their target tissue, and are regulated by feedback loops to maintain organism health. Many disease states, such as diabetes and reproductive disorders, stem from misregulation or dysfunction of hormones. Increasing research is illuminating the intricate roles of metal ions in the endocrine system where they may act advantageously in concert with hormones or deleteriously catalyze hormone-associated disease states. As the critical role of metal ions in the endocrine system becomes more apparent, it is increasingly important to untangle the complex mechanisms underlying the connections between inorganic biochemistry and hormone function to understand and control endocrinological phenomena. This tutorial review harmonizes the interdisciplinary fields of endocrinology and inorganic chemistry in the newly-termed field of "metalloendocrinology". We describe examples linking metals to both normal and aberrant hormone function with a focus on highlighting insight to molecular mechanisms. Hormone activities related to both essential metal micronutrients, such as copper, iron, zinc, and calcium, and disruptive nonessential metals, such as lead and cadmium are discussed.
Ghosts in the nursery and wolves at the door Abstract The troubled relationships of an infant with both parents are explored. The infant tries to regulate his relationship with each parent, and utilises second skin formation when this fails. Selma Fraiberg's concept of ‘Ghosts in the Nursery’ is used to understand the difficult interactions between the infant and his parents in terms of the parents’ past trauma. Also considered is the potential influence on the infant of the confusion between the roles of his parents, and the apparent intense triggering of the infant's epistemophilic instinct by his mother's new pregnancy. The improvement in the family's relationships toward the end of the observation is linked to the containing function of the observation, and the family members’ intrinsic qualities.
Capturing agent autonomy in roles and XML A key question in the field of agent-oriented software engineering is how the kind and extent of autonomy owned by computational agents can be appropriately captured. As long as this question is not answered convincingly, it is very unlikely that agent-oriented software (having "autonomy" as a real property rather than just a catchy label) gets broadly accepted in industry and commerce. In particular, in order to be of practical value an answer to this question has to come in form of concrete techniques which enable developers of agent-oriented software to precisely capture the scope of behavioral freedom and self-control they want to concede to a computational agent. This paper describes two such techniques. First, a formal schema called RNS for specifying the boundaries of autonomous agent behavior. This schema is conceptually grounded in sociological role theory, and employs the concepts of role, norm and sanction to capture agent autonomy. What makes RNS particularly valuable and distinct from related autonomy specification approaches is, among other things, its strong expressiveness and high precision. Second, a software tool called XRNS which enables developers to easily generate RNS-based autonomy specifications in XML format. Encoded in XML, these specifications are easily accessible to all stakeholders in an agent-oriented software under development, and can be even processed directly by XML enabled computational agents.
Vowels in infant- and adult-directed speech F1 and F2 frequencies of the vowels /i/, /a/ and /u/ were measured in speech directed to an infant and to adults. The vowels were taken from content words as well as function words. The results showed that the vowel triangles in speech to the infant were expanded compared to those in speech to adults, but only in the content words. For function words, the opposite pattern was found: adults produced more expanded vowels in adult-directed speech than in infant-directed speech.
THE FOG OF DEBATE Abstract The fog of war—poor intelligence about the enemy—can frustrate even a well-prepared military force. Something similar can happen in intellectual debate. What I call the fog of debate is a useful metaphor for grappling with failures and dysfunctions of argumentative persuasion that stem from poor information about our opponents. It is distressingly easy to make mistakes about our opponents’ thinking, as well as to fail to comprehend their understanding of and reactions to our arguments. After describing the fog of debate and outlining its sources in cognition and communication, I consider a few policies we might adopt upon learning we are in this fog.
Panphonen: a spatial enhanced audio interface for blind users In this paper we describe the model and the prototype of an auditory and haptic interface for blind users, based on human capabilities to memorize and retrieve positions in a 3D auditory space; the proposal takes advantage of recent development in hardware and software in a prototype system to test different paradigms for interaction suitable for wide application by a large number of users.
Current issues in biowaivers and biosimilars International Conference on Biowaivers and Biosimilars San Antonio, TX, USA, 10–12 September 2012 An International Conference on Biowaivers and Biosimilars was held in San Antonio (TX, USA) on September 10–12, 2012. The conference was organized by OMICS Group Inc. The topics covered wide-ranging issues that are especially relevant to the current considerations of biosimilarity. Speakers came from North America and Europe, as well as from Argentina, Brazil, India and Israel.