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Acute effects of 17beta-estradiol on ventricular and vascular hemodynamics in postmenopausal women. Because premenopausal women have lower cardiovascular morbidity than postmenopausal women, it has been proposed that estrogen may have a protective role. Estrogen is involved in smooth muscle relaxation both through its specific receptor as well as through calcium channel blockade. This study examined the acute effect of estradiol on invasive cardiovascular hemodynamics in 18 postmenopausal women (age 62.6 +/- 7.6 years, means +/- SD). The effect of estradiol on left ventricular chamber performance was studied in 9 women using simultaneous left ventricular pressure-volume recordings. In a further group of 9 women, the acute effect of estradiol on arterial function was assessed using input impedance (derived from simultaneous aortic pressure and flow recordings), pressure waveform analysis, and pulse wave velocity. After 2 mg micronized 17beta-estradiol was administered, serum estradiol levels increased from 50.9 +/- 21.9 to 3,190 +/- 2,216 pmol/l, P < 0.0001. There was no effect of estradiol on either left ventricular inotropic or lusitropic function. There was no acute effect of estradiol on arterial impedance, reflection coefficient, augmentation index, or pulse wave velocity. There was a trend to decreased heart rate and cardiac output in both groups of 9 women. Because heart rate and cardiac output were common to both hemodynamic data sets, results for these parameters were pooled. Across all 18 women, there was a small but significant decrease in heart rate (69.2 +/- 10.4 vs. 67.2 +/- 9.9 beats/min, P = 0.02), as well as a significant decrease in cardiac output (4.82 +/- 1.77 vs. 4.17 +/- 1.56 l/min, P = 0.002). Despite achieving supraphysiological serum levels, this study found no significant effect of acute 17beta-estradiol on ventricular or large artery function.
Effect of Dithiocarboxylate Anchoring Group on Electronic Transport in 4,4′-Biphenyldithiol Molecular Junction Using nonequilibrium Green’s function and first-principles calculations, we investigate the effects of different molecular conformations induced by torsion angle on electronic transport and their stability in 4,4′-biphenyl bis (dithiocarboxylate) molecular junction under an applied electric field. The results indicate that there are two stable conformations existed in this molecular junction as external bias increasing. An electric field can be used to “switch” one conformation to the other, and there is an abrupt change in the degree of torsion angle in this process. This change is expected to cause a conductance switching in the system. Furthermore, the transport mechanism of this conformational molecular switch is discussed in detail.
Highly sensitive optical sensor based on two cascaded micro-ring resonators with an LED light source A highly-sensitive and low-cost optical sensor that requires only power measurement is proposed and investigated. It consists of two cascaded micro-ring resonators with slightly different optical path lengths, used in conjunction with an LED light source. The transmission spectrum of the sensor has a series of peaks with a sinusoidal-like envelope function. The variation of the refractive index of the analyte sample results in an amplified shift in the transmission envelope function, and consequently a change in the transmitted LED power. It is shown that a refractive index variation in the order of 7.0×10-7 can be detected without any spectral measurement. Preliminary experimental results using a broadband light source are presented.
Survival mechanisms for Streptomyces linear replicons after telomere damage The ability of linear replicons to propagate their DNA after telomere damage is essential for perpetuation of the genetic information they carry. We introduced deletions at specific locations within telomeres of streptomycete linear plasmids and investigated mechanisms that enable survival. Here, we report that rescue of such plasmids in Streptomyces lividans occurs by three distinct types of events: (i) repair of the damaged telomere by homologous recombination; (ii) circularization of the plasmid by non‐homologous end‐to‐end joining; and (iii) formation of long palindromic linear plasmids that duplicate the intact telomere by a non‐recombinational process. The relative frequency of use of these survival mechanisms depended on the location and length of the telomeric DNA deletion. Repair by intermolecular recombination between the telomeres of chromosomes and plasmids, deletion of additional DNA during plasmid circularization, and insertion of chromosomal DNA fragments into plasmids during end‐to‐end joining were observed. Our results show that damage to telomeres of Streptomyces linear replicons can promote major structural transformations in these replicons as well as genetic exchange between chromosomes and extrachromosomal DNA. Our findings also suggest that spontaneous circularization of linear Streptomyces chromosomes may be a biological response to instances of telomere damage that cannot be repaired by homologous recombination.
Non-human Primate Malaria Parasites: out of the forest and into the laboratory – CORRIGENDUM 1. The reference for Loy et al. (2016) contained incorrect information. At the time of publication, this paper is only available as a corrected proof with doi 2. In Table 1, the ‘Date first observed’ for Plasmodium carteri should be 2014, not 2016 and that for P. praefalciparum, P. adleri, and P. blacklocki should all be 2010, not 2011. 3. Also in Table 1, the ‘Host’ for Plasmodium gonderi, is spelt incorrectly as ‘mangaby’. The correct spelling should be ‘mangabey’.
The use of Imposters in Interactive 3 D Graphics Systems When developing an interactive 3D graphics system the developer needs to keep in mind that the system should be able to render more than 20 frames per second in order not to disturb the user. This unfortunately sets quite some limits on the complexity and amount of objects viewable by the user at a given time, and various methods have been developed in order to decrease the amount of work needed to render a given scene. One of these is dynamic generated imposters, which takes advantage of the similarities between each frame when the viewing position have only changed marginally. In this paper we will introduce the technique and look a bit more into detail on how to implement this using OpenGL. The document assumes that the reader has followed the Advanced Computer Graphics and Virtual Environment course given at the RUG† or at least a similar course given at another research institution.
Mitigating the impedance-based interaction in DC distributed power systems This paper presents a method to eliminate the sensitivity of impedance-interaction between source and load converters in a DC distributed power system (DPS). The impedance-interaction adversely alters the dynamic performance of the switched-mode converters, in a DPS, leading to destabilizing the voltage at their point of interface. Therefore, the proposed method lowers the interaction level by shaping the magnitude of the source converter output impedance (Zo(s)). Reducing the magnitude of Zo(s) mitigates the impedance-interaction and, consequently, improves the dynamic performance of each converter. The proposed controller utilizes the output voltage (Vo) of the source converter in order to reduce |Zo (s)| by a factor of (1 + Vo). The controller is effective with output voltages as low as 1 V because 1 V will reduce |Zo(s)| by 6 dB. The controller was experimentally validated in order to prove the offered theoretical analyses and time-based simulations.
Validation of an improved nose‐only exposure system for rodents Several types and modifications of nose‐only inhalation chambers for exposing rodents are described. The improvement of this ‘flow‐past’ ‐like nose‐only exposure system is that it is modular, i.e. it can be used for acute studies with a maximum of 20 rodents (one segment) or for chronic inhalation studies with 100 (or more) rodents per chamber with five (or more) segments. Another goal was to design a nose‐only exposure system that provides maximal computer support and automatization, as well as robust aerosol collection conditions. The evaluation of the five‐segment chamber, charged with 98 rats, revealed that a flow rate of 0.75 I air min−1 or approximately 2.5 times the rat minute ventilation volume per exposure port is sufficient to provide homogeneous temporal and spatial exposure conditions. Also, the aerosol size distribution was constant throughout the chamber. Experimental data suggest that computer‐controlled sampling of the test atmosphere up to ca. 6 I air min−1 did not alter the flow dynamics of the exposure system. The nose‐only inhalation chamber developed is suitable for short‐term and long‐term inhalation toxicity studies using small laboratory rodents with minimal consumption of test compound.
Synoptic Variability of Low-Cloud Properties and Meteorological Parameters in the Subtropical Trade Wind Boundary Layer Abstract Synoptic variability of low-cloud properties, temperature advection, and thermodynamic soundings of the trade wind boundary layer are analyzed, using the long data record from ocean weather station November (30°N, 140°W). The variations in low-cloud amount at this subtropical site are most strongly correlated with variations in temperature advection, the stability of the lower troposphere, and the relative humidity of the cloud layer. No single predictor is capable of explaining more than 13% of the variance in low-cloud amount. However, the amount of variance explained increases considerably when the data are averaged over several days. Four parameterizations for the amount of stratiform cloud under a subsidence inversion are tested against the observed amount of low clouds. The four parameterizations are based upon relative humidity, the inversion strength, a mixing line slope, and the amount of condensed water. All parameterizations are positively correlated with the observed cloud amounts, al...
Morphometric assessment of the hip joint in the Estrela Mountain Dog breed. OBJECTIVES To study the radiographic projected hip parameters of the proximal femur and acetabulum in young and adult Estrela Mountain Dogs with normal and abnormal hip joints. The parameters evaluated were: femoral angles of inclination and anteversion (FAI and FAA), femoral neck length and width (FNL and FNW), acetabular depth (AD) and acetabular angle of retrotorsion (AAR). METHODS Five hundred and twenty-five standard hip-extended ventrodorsal radiographic views and 622 mediolateral views of the right and left femur were used to measure the FAI, FAA, FNL, FNW, AD, AAR and modified AAR (mAAR). RESULTS The FAI decreased in adult dysplastic dogs, in females and in right femora; FAA decreased with age; FNL was characterized by a greater relative size in normal adult animals; FNW was greater in abnormal hips in young and adult animals; AD was less in adult dysplastic dogs and in right hips; AAR was similar in the studied groups; mAAR was greater in abnormal hips and in left hips. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The data may be used in future studies, which compare this breed to others. Morphological variations in femoral neck and acetabular morphometric parameters were present, and these variables in dogs with different ages and with hips in varying states of health should not be compared.
Studies on antigenic variation of cyclically transmitted Trypanosoma congolense. Antigenic variants of T. congolense transmitted by G. m. morsitans through normal and X-irradiated mice were investigated by means of the neutralization test and IFAT. Clones of a cyclically passaged derivative strain were isolated from irradiated and normal mice. The IFAT revealed cross immunofluorescent reactions between most of the stabilates, whereas only the two clones obtained from irradiated mice were totally neutralized by their homologous antisera. These two antisera showed no cross neutralizing activity. The results indicate a possible antigenic heterogeneity of the extruded metacyclic forms.
Effect of coastline configuration on precipitation distribution in coastal zones The effects of coastline, together with the other geographical and topographical factors such as longitude, latitude, elevation and distance from sea, on mean annual precipitation are investigated for the coastal area of the eastern Black Sea region. In this location, mountains run parallel to the sea coast. The coastline configuration is represented by a new variable, the coastline angle. A multiple linear regression (MLR) analysis is performed on mean annual precipitation recorded in coastal and inland gauges. In the study area, three variables—longitude, latitude and coastline angle—can explain 81% of the spatial variability of precipitation for the coastal gauges and 93% of that for the inland gauges. When the entire study area considered, without grouping the gauges, 80% of the spatial variability is explained by these variables. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
IX: A Protected Dataplane Operating System for High Throughput and Low Latency The conventional wisdom is that aggressive networking requirements, such as high packet rates for small messages and microsecond-scale tail latency, are best addressed outside the kernel, in a user-level networking stack. We present IX, a dataplane operating system that provides high I/O performance, while maintaining the key advantage of strong protection offered by existing kernels. IX uses hardware virtualization to separate management and scheduling functions of the kernel (control plane) from network processing (dataplane). The data-plane architecture builds upon a native, zero-copy API and optimizes for both bandwidth and latency by dedicating hardware threads and networking queues to data-plane instances, processing bounded batches of packets to completion, and by eliminating coherence traffic and multi-core synchronization. We demonstrate that IX outperforms Linux and state-of-the-art, user-space network stacks significantly in both throughput and end-to-end latency. Moreover, IX improves the throughput of a widely deployed, key-value store by up to 3.6x and reduces tail latency by more than 2x.
Sample size calculations for studies designed to evaluate diagnostic test accuracy We developed a Bayesian approach to sample size calculations for cross-sectional studies designed to estimate sensitivity and specificity of one or more diagnostic tests. Sample size calculations can be made for common study designs such as one test in one population, two conditionally independent or dependent tests in ≤2 populations, and three tests in ≤2 populations. We determine a sample size combination that yields high predictive probability, with respect to the future study data, of accurate and precise estimates of sensitivity and specificity. We also consider hypothesis testing for demonstrating the superiority or equivalence of one diagnostic test relative to another. The predictive probability can also be computed when the sample size combination is fixed in advance, thereby providing a “power-like” measure for the future study. The method is straightforward to implement using the S-Plus/R library emBedBUGS together with WinBUGS.
A low-complexity correlation algorithm For the consideration of low power, and fast code acquisition, four new low-complexity correlation algorithms are proposed in this work. Among them, the one derived by combing the differential coding scheme and a fast filtering algorithm has the lowest complexity. The new algorithm reduces the direct N addition operations to 5N/16. As a result, close to 70% reduction is obtained. When compared with the fast correlation algorithm based on the differential coding scheme, which costs N/2 addition operations, close to 40% reduction is obtained. The new algorithm can be further combined with the sub-expression sharing techniques for a much significant complexity reduction. The proposed design is best suited for DSP realization.
Error Estimates of H1-Galerkin Expanded Mixed Finite Element Methods for Heat Problems H1-Galerkin expanded mixed element method are discussed for a class of second-order heat equations. The methods possesses the advantage of mixed finite element while avoiding directly inverting the permeability tensor, which is important especially in a low permeability zone. H1-Galerkin expanded mixed finite element method for heat equations are described, an optimal order error estimate for the methods is obtained.
19 Supervaluationism and the Report of Vague Contents In two recent papers, Schiffer (1998, 196–8; 2000, 246–8) advances an argument against supervaluationist accounts of vagueness, based on reports of vague contents. Suppose that Al tells Bob ‘Ben was there’, pointing to a certain place, and later Bob says, ‘Al said that Ben was there’, pointing in the same direction. According to supervaluationist semantics, Schiffer contends, both Al’s and Bob’s utterances of ‘there’ indeterminately refer to myriad precise regions of space; Al’s utterance is true just in case Ben was in any of those precisely bounded regions of space, and Bob’s is true just in case Al said of each of them that it is where Ben was. However, while the supervaluationist truth-conditions for Al’s utterance might be satisfied, those for Bob’s cannot; for Al didn’t say, of any of those precisely delimited regions of space, that it is where Ben was. From a perspective more congenial to supervaluationism than Schiffer’s, McGee and McLaughlin (2000, at 139–7) pose a related problem about de re ascriptions of propositional attitudes and indirect discourse. The same difficulty is gestured at in this argument: ‘there are additional concerns about the ability of supervaluational proposals to track our intuitions concerning the extension of ‘‘true’’ among statements involving vague vocabulary: ‘‘No one can knowledgeably identify a precise boundary between those who are tall and those who are not’’ is plausibly a true claim which is not true under any admissible way of making ‘‘tall’’ precise’ (Wright 2004, 88). In an earlier version of the material that I will present here (Garcı́a-Carpintero 2000) I replied to Schiffer’s argument that supervaluationism has an independently well-motivated defense. The response is essentially based on the point that the occurrence of ‘there’ in Bob’s utterance (and of ‘tall’ in Wright’s argument) occurs
P480 A novel zincophore locus in Candida auris? Abstract Poster session 1, September 21, 2022, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Candida auris is an emerging multidrug-resistant human fungal pathogen that is spreading rapidly across the world and is associated with hospital-acquired invasive infections with high mortality rates. Whilst previous studies have focused on understanding the basic biology and drug resistance mechanisms of C. auris, nothing is known about the strategies underlying trace metal acquisition. Trace metals like zinc are known to be crucial for numerous biological functions across all kingdoms of life. Thus, in this study, we aimed to characterize the zinc uptake mechanisms of C. auris and determine their role in virulence. We compared the ability of C. auris to grow in zinc-restricted conditions with other pathogenic fungi belonging to the CTG and WGD clade. Regardless of the clade, we found that C. auris has a striking ability to grow under extreme zinc-limiting conditions when compared with other human pathogenic fungi.   Other fungi have been demonstrated to scavenge zinc via a zincophore locus, encoding a secreted zinc-binding protein Pra1 and its cognate receptor, Zrt101. However, in silico analysis of C. auris revealed that this species has undergone a rearrangement of the locus. The canonical zincophore gene PRA1 has translocated to another chromosome and the extracellular zinc-binding domain of the Zrt101 receptor has undergone an inverted duplication generating a novel putative zincophore.   Our qRT-PCR analysis demonstrated that both PRA1 and the novel zincophore genes were upregulated in response to neutral pH and zinc-restriction. Protein supernatant from C. auris strains also showed high zinc binding activity. Furthermore, we have generated mutants lacking the novel zincophore gene in C. auris by CRISPR/Cas9 and found that these deletion mutants exhibited perturbed growth under zinc limitation. Together our observations suggest that C. auris has evolved a unique zinc acquisition strategy from the environment and the host.
The Internet Movie Customer Satisfaction Model Based on User Generated Content With the improvement of web 2.0 technology and rapid increasing number of internet users, the massive user generated content (UGC) becomes an important factor influencing product image and users' decision. Combined with data mining technology, it can effectively avoid the limitation of traditional satisfaction survey method, and it can improve effectiveness and accuracy. The paper puts forward an internet movie customer satisfaction model based on traditional satisfaction model and comment data on movie review community websites. The results of the model prove that publicity has a direct influence on box office and customer satisfaction has little influence on box office. Thus it proves the phenomenon that why some movies has bad word of mouth but has high box office and some movies are opposite.
Measurement of glycated albumin in serum and plasma by LC-MS/MS Abstract Background Diagnosis of diabetes and monitoring of long-term blood sugar are preferably done by measurement of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c). Diabetic patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD) may have short-lived red blood cells due to hemodialysis (HD), and thus higher turnover of hemoglobin. The level of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) may be lower than expected for these patients, even at increased blood glucose, possibly making glycated albumin (GA) measurement a better alternative. Methods The percentage of GA was measured by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Fast and efficient trypsin digestion of proteins in diluted serum or plasma resulted in a high number of proteotypic peptides from albumin, including KQTALVELVK which was detected both glycated and non-glycated by multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). The percentage of GA was estimated by neat peak area response of glycated peptide divided by the sum of glycated and non-glycated peptide. Results Acceptable method reproducibility (6% CV), repeatability (2–6% CV), limit of quantification (0.75% GA), linearity (R2 = 0.999) and recovery (79 ± 9%) was achieved without using calibration or isotope-labeled internal standard. GA was strongly correlated with HbA1c (r = 0.84) for patients without ESRD. The average ratio of GA/HbA1c was significantly higher (p = 0.0021) for ESRD patients (1.84 ± 0.38, n = 62) compared to other patients (1.67 ± 0.28, n = 225). Conclusion GA measurement by detecting glycation in KQTALVELVK with LC-MS/MS seems to be a useful supplement to HbA1c for detecting increased blood glucose in diabetic patients with ESRD.
Fuzzy logic-based single document summarisation with improved sentence scoring technique Text summarisation is compressed or condensed version of any text document. Due to increasing use of digitisation, massive amount of information is available on internet. Text summarisation is an emerging alternative for users to find relative information in automated shortened versions. In this paper we propose single document summarisation technique using shallow features of sentence to generate summary. The weight of sentences is calculated by applying score of different words and sentence-based statistical features. Here, most salient sentences are selected based on weight of sentences and are put together to generate summary. This is modeled using fuzzy inference system. This approach utilises fuzzy inference and fuzzy measures to find most significant sentences. The result of our proposed method is compared with other methods using recall oriented understudy for Gisting evaluation (ROUGE-N) measures on document understanding conferences (DUC) 2002 dataset and results show that our proposed method outperforms a few baseline methods.
Efficacy of progressive addition lenses in the treatment of ametropia after the single eye's IOL implantation. PURPOSE To investigate the efficacy of progressive addition lenses on the treatment of ametropia and loss of accomodation after the single eye's IOL implantation. METHODS Eighty four patients undergoing IOL implantation in single eyes were prescribed with progressive addition lenses for ametropia correction and regularly followed up to observe subsequent correction effect. RESULTS Among these 84 patients, 72 could comfortably adapt to the use of progressive addition lenses to improve visual acuity and accomondation, while the remaining 12 patients failed to accomodate the usage of progressive addition lenses. CONCLUSION Wearing progressive addition lenses acts as a relatively feasible approach to improve visual acuity and alleviate disorders of accomodation for patients who underwent IOL implantation in single eyes. The patients should be prescribed with progressive lenses under professional instructions and guidance.
A distributed real-time language and its operational semantics An important issue in real-time computing is the development of a sufficiently abstract computational model. This model must enable one to specify, analyze, and implement distributed real-time systems. Therefore, there must also be a programming language based on the model. A description is given of such a programming language and its operational semantics. In the design of the language the applicative paradigm is extended to permit specification of parallelism, distribution, and time and temporal constraints. The language has constructs that use ideas from temporal logic and polymorphism to specify timing constraints. It uses the concept of events and a declarative event-handling style to represent communication and asynchrony. The formal model described is an operational semantics for the language and is based on dynamic algebras. The initial structure of the abstract machine for the language is described, and examples of transition rules are presented.<<ETX>>
The comparison of three high-frequency chest compression devices. High-frequency chest compression (HFCC) is shown to enhance clearance of pulmonary airway secretions. Several HFCC devices have been designed to provide this therapy. Standard equipment consists of an air pulse generator attached by lengths of tubing to an adjustable, inflatable vest/jacket (V/J) garment. In this study, the V/Js were fitted over a mannequin. The three device air pulse generators produced characteristic waveform patterns. The variations in the frequency and pressure setting of devices were consistent with specific device design features. These studies suggest that a better understanding of the effects of different waveform, frequency, and pressure combinations may improve HFCC therapeutic efficacy of three different HFCC machines. The V/J component of HFCC devices delivers the compressive pulses to the chest wall to produce both airflow through and oscillatory effects in the airways. The V/J pressures of three HFCC machines were measured and analyzed to characterize the frequency, pressure, and waveform patterns generated by each of three device models. The dimensions of all V/Js were adjusted to a circumference of approximately 110% of the chest circumference. The V/J pressures were measured, and maximum, minimum, and mean pressure, pulse pressure, and root mean square of three pulse generators were calculated. Jacket pressures ranged between 2 and 34 mmHg. The 103 and 104 models' pulse pressures increased with the increase in HFCC frequency at constant dial pressure. With the ICS the pulse pressure decreased when the frequency increased. The waveforms of models 103 and 104 were symmetric sine wave and asymmetric sine wave patterns, respectively. The ICS had a triangular waveform. At 20 Hz, both the 103 and 104 were symmetric sine waveform but the ICS remained triangular. Maximum crest factors emerged in low-frequency and high-pressure settings for the ICS and in the high-frequency and low-pressure settings for models 103 and 104. Recognizing the significant differences in frequency and pressure amplitude may help clinicians and patients optimize the efficacy of HFCC therapy. Evidence-based therapeutic guidelines are needed.
DIDGITALIZATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Education is a determining factor in the socio-economic development of the information society. Digitalization is gradually reforming all spheres of life, and most actively, theeducational system. Today, there is a clear need to learn foreign languages, and the use of digital tools in teaching is a new trend in education. Educational technologies go beyond the usual multimedia tools, as the current generation of students has challenged educators to use cutting-edge channels of communication with young people to co-create educational content on existing networks. Gamification of tasks, virtual classrooms, online courses have become a reality, so the teacher is obliged to engage them as effectively as possible in the educational process in higher educational institutions.
Model of charge transport in Semi-Insulating Undoped GaAs microstrip detectors In this paper we present a method for simulating the response of microstrip detectors to minimum ionizing particles, making use of a program for field calculation, a program for carrier drift and SPICE for circuit response. A knowledge of the electric field is essential for any further improvement of the program. A simple model involving EL2 levels in the metastable state is proposed to explain some measurements of electric field.
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Seismic Mitigation Measures for Wine Barrel Stacks This study conducts a cost-benefit analysis of alternative seismic risk mitigation methods for wine barrel stacks. The Chilean wine industry is presented as an illustrative case study in which performance metrics, such as the expected annual loss (EAL) and benefit-cost ratios, are computed for wineries at different locations. By computing seismic risk within a consistent framework, this study shows the value of cost-benefit simulations for defining the best mitigation strategies and allocating economic resources. Likewise, this approach helps communicate information to decision makers because it is presented in a simple and transparent way, even if they are not familiar with formal risk studies. For three-level wine barrel stacks, it was observed that the Cradle Extender® (MS1) prevents a large number of barrel collapses and provides the highest benefit-cost ratio. On the other hand, for six-level wine barrel stacks, the prestressed cable (MS2) is more effective than MS1 as it prevents the barrel stack from overturning. No significant loss reduction is apparent in four- and five-level wine barrel stacks with the use of mitigation strategies; indeed, the mitigation strategies could generate greater losses and, therefore, other alternatives must be proposed.
Comments and response on the USPSTF recommendation on screening for breast cancer. TO THE EDITOR: The recent changes to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) breast cancer screening recommendations are welcome and reflect the best available current evidence (1). The updated systematic review by Nelson and colleagues (2), which is the basis for the changes, concurs substantially with the relevant Cochrane review on mammography and, indeed, the Cochrane review of breast self-examination or clinical examination (3, 4). Persons raising concerns about Nelson and colleagues’ review should be reassured that the summary breast cancer mortality reduction of 15% from screening mammography is similar to that presented in the Cochrane review, which was performed independently, and leads to similar estimates of the numbers needed to invite for examination to prevent or delay 1 death from breast cancer. Perhaps the most important addition to the revised USPSTF recommendations is the examination of harms from screening, in particular false-positive results and overdiagnosis. Again, the figures for false-positive results are similar between the 2 reviews and suggest that almost half of U.S. women who have been screened 10 times can expect at least 1 false-positive result with mammography. Both the USPSTF and Cochrane reviews found that overdiagnosis was related to mammography, although the estimation of its frequency varies between the 2 assessments. Evidence-based decision making requires high-quality reliable reviews. The similar findings of Nelson and colleagues’ review and the Cochrane review should be reassuring to women working with their physicians to make evidence-based, informed decisions about screening mammography.
Additional Data on the Herpetological Collection of Louis Amédée Lantz (1886 – 1953): Designation of a Lectotype for Eremias zarudnyi Lantz, 1928 Several recent papers have reviewed the life and work of French herpetologist Louis Amedee Lantz. They have detailed the composition of his collections deposited in several museums. However, since then, several other important specimens from his collections have come to light. We here identify the syntypes of Eremias zarudnyi Lantz, 1928, which were located in Russia. We provide data on the type series, an English translation of the French description of E. zarudnyi and designate and describe a lectotype for the species.
Multimodal Soft Nonnegative Matrix Co-Factorization for Convolutive Source Separation In this paper, the problem of convolutive source separation via multimodal soft Nonnegative Matrix Co-Factorization (NMCF) is addressed. Different aspects of a phenomenon may be recorded by sensors of different types (e.g., audio and video of human speech), and each of these recorded signals is called a modality. Since the underlying phenomenon of the modalities is the same, they have some similarities. Especially, they usually have similar time changes. It means that changes in one of them usually correspond to changes in the other one. So their active or inactive periods are usually similar. Assuming this similarity, it is expected that the activation coefficient matrices of their Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) have a similar form. In this paper, the similarity of the activation coefficient matrices between the modalities is considered for co-factorization. This similarity is used for separation procedure in a soft manner by using penalty terms. This results in more flexibility in the separation procedure. Simulation results and comparison with state-of-the-art algorithms show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Late‐pleistocene wedge structures along the patagonian coast (argentina): chronological constraints and palaeo‐environmental implications Abstract This paper investigates several wedge structures formed in continental deposits covering marine sediments deposited during 5 along the central Patagonian coast of rgentina. The size and surface microtexture characteristics of the infilling sediments are consistent with a depositional environment dominated by aeolian transport. Fragments of Andean volcanic rocks (glass shards) in the wedge‐fill suggest long‐distance transport via a westerly component of wind direction. The wedges are interpreted as products of deep seasonal frost action in frozen ground, which produced open cracks that filled rapidly with partially non‐local aeolian sediments. Many wedges cross cut carbonate crusts that formed under permafrost conditions in coastal Patagonia. The radiocarbon dating of carbonate crusts yielded an age of 25–27 kyr bp, while wedge‐fill sediments are OSL dated to 14-670 ± 750 yr bp. This indicates that ground wedge formation occurred during a cold event (the Antarctic Cold Reversal period) that interrupted the permafrost degradation following the Last Glacial Maximum.
Dental needs of residents and carers in elderly peoples' homes and carers' attitudes to oral health. The dental needs of elderly people in residential homes and of their carers were investigated. Also, the carers' attitudes to oral health for themselves and the elderly residents were explored. Professionally diagnosed or normative need was greater than lay persons' perceived need in both groups. Overall, carers' attitudes towards their own and the residents' oral health were positive. However, carers had experienced a lack of formal training opportunities for mouth care and 93% requested education in oral hygiene procedures. It is recommended that the dental team develops and provides oral care programmes which will enable carers to provide routine hygiene support for the residents.
Small-interfering RNA for c-Jun attenuates cell death by preventing JNK-dependent PARP1 cleavage and DNA fragmentation in nitrogen mustard-injured immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells. Sulfur mustard (a type of vesicant) can directly damage lung bronchial epithelium via aerosol inhalation, and prevalent cell death is an early event that obstructs the respiratory tract. JNK/c-Jun is a stress response pathway, but its role in cell death of the injured cells is not clear. Here, we report that JNK/c-Jun was activated in immortalized human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells exposed to a lethal dose (20 μM) of nitrogen mustard (NM, a sulfur mustard analog). c-Jun silencing using small-interfering RNA (siRNA) rendered the cells resistant to NM-mediated cell death by blocking poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1) cleavage and DNA fragmentation. In addition, the transduction of upstream extrinsic (Fasl-Fas-caspase-8) and intrinsic (loss of Bcl-2 and mitochondrial membrane potential, ΔΨm) apoptosis pathways, as well as phosphorylated (p)-H2AX (Ser139), an epigenetic marker contributing to DNA fragmentation and PARP1 activity, was partially suppressed. To mimic the detachment of cells by NM, HBE cells were trypsinized and seeded on culture plates that were pre-coated with poly-HEMA to prevent cell adhesion. The JNK/c-Jun pathway was found to be activated in the detached cells. In conclusion, our results indicate that JNK/c-Jun pathway activation is necessary for NM-caused HBE cell death and further suggest that c-Jun silencing may be a potential approach to protect HBE cells from vesicant damage.
Coreference in a Frame Database This paper analyzes coreference within a frame-based semantic system. We discuss mechanisms for determining whether a new piece of knowledge (expressed as a frame) is actually a previously known referent. We propose frame database heuristics that allow new knowledge to be uniquely disambiguated for coreference so that concepts initially represented in many forms can be assimilated to those parts of the database that express the same knowledge, though perhaps in a different form. We hypothesize that these coreference mechanisms can be used by a text processing module whose control structure makes use of the organization of the text to reduce the combinatorial explosion of coreference searches in a database.
Simulation Model of Autonomous Solar Power Plant with Dual-Axis Solar Tracker The article provides a description of a simulation model of a solar power station with an automated dual-axis solar tracker, which was developed using MATLAB/Simulink. The presented development includes a random weather generator (intensity of solar radiation), automated load redundancy, and also simultaneous use of two types of solar cells such as monocrystalline and polycrystalline. This paper presents the results of modeling, which prove the effectiveness of the application of solar modules with a dual-axis solar tracker in comparison with statically located modules. In addition, on the basis of the conducted analysis of the modeling solar power station work in MATLAB/Simulink optimum operating conditions of a photovoltaic plant have been identified. The developed model will allow for researching the characteristics of a solar power plant and predicting the amount of energy generated by solar panels in a specific place.
Optimization of the approach to conducting tonsillectomy Actuality: Recurrent tonsillitis considers to be one of the most common ENT diseases. Tonsillectomy as the method of recurrent tonsillitis’ treatment is being performed as usual as 20% of all surgeries in ENT departments. The critical criteria for the success of tonsillectomy for the surgeon are the frequency of perioperative complications, long-term results of treatment, and the patient's recovery time. For the patient, those criteria are the severity of pain, psychoemotional stress, the time spent in the hospital, and how fast he can return to his daily life routine. The factors that significantly affect the outcome of tonsillectomy are the choice of anesthetic management and perioperative medical hemostatic support. Aim: Our study aimed to optimize the approach to carry out tonsillectomy by preoperative application of the tranexamic acid 10% solution and optimize the approach to choosing between endotracheal anesthesia and local anesthesia. Materials and methods: Clinical studies were made among 212 patients with recurrent tonsillitis who went through a bilateral tonsillectomy. The patients were divided into three groups. The 1st group included 54 patients undergoing tonsillectomy using endotracheal anesthesia with the administration of tranexamic acid at the rate of 10 mg/kg of body weight. The 2nd group consisted of 97 patients undergoing tonsillectomy using local anesthesia. A 3rd (control) group included 61 patient undergoing tonsillectomy using endotracheal anesthesia. The first and control (3rd) groups of patients were compared to assess the efficacy of using tranexamic acid.Factors such as the duration of the surgery, the amount of blood loss, intraoperative events, the number of incidents of primary and secondary bleeding, and laboratory data were considered. The second and control (third) groups were compared to evaluate the impact of anesthetic management. We considered the factors such as duration of surgery, the amount of blood loss, intraoperative events, number of incidents of primary and secondary bleeding, assessment of pain syndrome, necessity of analgesics administration, length of hospital stay, and recovery period. Conclusions: tonsillectomy surgery using local anesthesia requires less time to perform, has less blood loss, fewer intraoperative events, and lessincidents of primary and secondary bleeding. The average level of pain is higher in patients using endotracheal anesthesia. The use of tranexamic acid 10% significantly reduces the amount of blood loss, helps to reduce intraoperative complications, and lower the emergence of postoperative bleeding and its intensity.
Workspace and Collaboration System Design of Two Robot Manipulators Robots working in industries are increasingly in numbers and complexity. These robots need to be collaborated with human or another robot. Therefore, it is necessary to study and design the workspace and collaboration system of two robot manipulators to ensure minimal human intervention in accomplishing their assigned tasks. This paper presents the workspace and collaboration design of two robot manipulators. The kinematics analysis is given to show the workspace design. The safety of two robots is ensure by the application of proximity sensors which are modeled as a spring-damper system. This paper is intended to show the possibility of realizing two robot manipulators collaboration system, which is applicable in industries and agriculture environment.
Impact of respiratory syncytial virus infection as a cause of lower respiratory tract infection in children younger than 3 years of age in Japan. BACKGROUND Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most important viral pathogen for lower respiratory tract infection (LRI) in infants and children. An RSV-specific monoclonal antibody has been developed to provide prophylaxis against RSV associated LRI (RSV-LRI). The objective of this study was to determine the impact of RSV as a cause of LRI in children younger than 3 years of age to provide data to aide in the implementation of forthcoming prophylaxis against RSV. METHODS We analyzed the viral etiology of LRI in hospitalized Japanese children younger than 3 years of age admitted to Shizuoka Red Cross Hospital from July, 1997 to June, 2000. RESULTS A total of 535 patients younger than 3 years of age were hospitalized with LRI at Shizuoka Red Cross Hospital from July 1, 1997 to June 30, 2000. Of these, a positive diagnosis of RSV infection was made in 168 patients (31.4%). Most of the patients with RSV infection had been well and had had no underlying disease that was defined as risk factor of RSV infection (94.0%). The peak incidence of LRI was observed in the winter each year and the number of LRI was strongly associated with the epidemic of RSV (r=0.700, P<0.0001). The number of patients with LRI younger than 6 months of age was 116 (21.7%). Of these 116 patients younger than 6 months with LRI, 55 patients (47.4%) were confirmed to have RSV infection. The proportions of RSV infection to total LRI was greatest in early infants younger than 6 months (P<0.0001). The number of patients with which RSV infection was detected in LRI patients younger than 3 years was highest during the first five months of life and there was a dramatic decrease in incidence of RSV infection with increasing age thereafter. CONCLUSIONS The incidence of LRI hospitalization is highly affected by RSV infection epidemic. The proportion of RSV infections among early infants younger than 6 months is greater than that of older patients. The prophylaxis against RSV will be needed to be toward early infants.
Spirituality in African Education: Issues, contentions and contestations from a Ghanaian case study This article explores Ghanaian educators' and students' understandings of spirituality and its role and implications in education. Using a Ghanaian case study of two selected school sites, the article addresses local conceptions and responses to educational reform initiatives and the specific implications of spirituality and values in education. In particular, the article examines how students and teachers employ local meanings of self, personhood, and the individual identifications with the group/collective to promote learning and teaching. Attention is paid to understanding what it means to teach and learn culture, history, and spirituality within a holistic paradigm. The article also highlights contestations in educators' and students' views regarding the place of spiritual and religious values in the educational system. It is argued that educational change will emerge from understandings of the goal and purpose of education as pursued through educators' and students' teaching and learning practices.
Latent profiles of postdivorce parenting time, conflict, and quality: Children's adjustment associations. Parenting time, interparental conflict, and the quality of parenting a child experiences in the postdivorce family environment have complex relations with child adjustment outcomes. Using person-centered latent profile analyses, the present study examined (a) separate profiles of mothers' (N = 472) and fathers' (N = 353) parenting time, interparental conflict, and quality of parenting following divorce; and (b) associations of mother and father profiles with concurrent child outcomes (48% female, 3- to 18-years-old) as well as child outcomes 3 and 10 months later. Mother and father profiles were primarily differentiated by levels of parenting time and quality of parenting, respectively. Mother and father profiles defined by greater parenting time and lower quality parenting were associated with the poorest child outcomes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved).
History and psychiatry's present state of transition. AMERICAN psychiatrists are losing a clear sense of their professional role. No longer is it as evident that the most valued role is psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy with individual patients. Concern with the individual is now shared with the behavior of groups. Psychotherapy both with individuals and with groups has moved toward crisis intervention and correction of behavior styles in the "here and now" as opposed to the establishment of cause and effect relationships through a study of the patient's past history. The emergence of the mental health center is an added step away from past orientation. By its very nature, such a form of "community psychiatry" makes necessary a departure from prolonged one-to-one therapy, at least as practiced by lengthily trained specialists, to briefer encounters with one or many persons. It frequently places the psychiatrist in an administrative role, substantially removed from individual psychotherapy.
Water Quality Management in China This paper analyzes water quality management in China in terms of legislation, institutions, and management instruments, and provides suggestions on improving the system. China has developed a separate, sectoral water quality management system where instruments including standards, function zones, permits, and charges are extensively applied. Nevertheless, problems such as lack of integrated frameworks, overlapping functions, focus on pollution control, poor implementation, and inadequate capacity limit its effectiveness. China should fully implement and reform the current system, restructure water quality management institutions, manage its water resources in a river basin context, and encourage market-based approaches.
Unearthing Love on the Central Australian Frontier This story centres around a tin shed known as the Bungalow that was built in Alice Springs in 1914 to house Topsy Smith, an Indigenous Arabana woman, and her seven children. Topsy’s husband, Welsh-born Bill Smith, had died at the mines. Topsy lived in the Bungalow for the next fifteen years, raising her own children as well as about forty other “half-caste” children, who had been taken from their families in the surrounding desert lands. I am the white Australian mother of a mixed-heritage Indigenous daughter and have lived for nearly three decades in Central Australia. My aim, through this piece, is to create a post-colonial, literary reimagining of the story of the Bungalow, using techniques of speculative biography, archival poetics, ekphrasis and auto-ethnography. Part of my doctoral research, this paper explores how I have used methodologies of practice-led research and creative non-fiction to reimagine Topsy Smith’s life and come to see her, not as a shadowy and little known figure of history but as a woman full of life and love.  My supervisors encourage me to interrogate my motivation for this topic. I offer intellectual, political and personal explanations, but still they prod. I dig further to arrive at my own core provocation of love.
NMR-assisted crystallography: imaging active-site chemistry with protons The determination of active site protonation states is critical to gaining a full mechanistic understanding of enzymatic transformations; yet proton positions are challenging to extract using the standard tools of structural biology. Here we make use of a joint solid-state NMR, X-ray crystallography, and first-principles computational approach that unlocks the investigation of enzyme catalytic mechanism at this fine level of chemical detail. Through this process, we are developing a high-resolution probe for structural biology that is keenly sensitive to proton positions – rivaling that of neutron diffraction, yet able to be applied under conditions of active catalysis to microcrystalline and non-crystalline materials. For tryptophan synthase, this allows us to peer along the reaction coordinates into and out of the α -aminoacrylate intermediate. By uniquely identifying the protonation states of ionizable sites on the cofactor, substrates, and catalytic side chains, as well as the location and orientation of structural waters in the active site, a remarkably clear picture of structure and reactivity emerges. Most incredibly, this intermediate appears to be mere tenths of angstroms away from the preceding transition state in which the β -hydroxyl of the serine substrate is lost. The position and orientation of the structural water immediately adjacent to the substrate β -carbon suggests not only the fate of the hydroxyl group, but also the pathway back to the transition state and the identity of the active site acid-base catalytic residue. Reaction of this intermediate with benzimidazole (BZI), an isostere of the natural substrate, indole, shows BZI bound in the active site and poised for, but unable to initiate, the subsequent bond formation step. When modeled into the BZI position, indole is positioned with C- 3 in contact with the α aminoacrylate Cβ and aligne d for nucleophilic attack.
HIPS-GLAD core shell nanorod array photodetectors with enhanced photocurrent and reduced dark current Vertically aligned core/shell nanorod array photodetectors were fabricated by high pressure sputter (HIPS) deposition of copper indium sulfide (CIS) films on glancing angle deposited (GLAD) indium sulfide (In2S3) nanorods. For comparison, we also studied nanorod photodetectors with conventional low pressure sputtered (LPS) CIS film coatings and counterpart thin film devices incorporating HIPS or LPS-CIS on In2S3 films. HIPS-GLAD core/shell photodetectors have shown a superior photocurrent density response along with lowest dark current density. Photoresponsivity defined with the photocurrent density/dark current density ratio γ = |Jph/Jdark| was about ∼1820 for HIPS-GLAD nanorod devices, which is several orders of magnitude higher compared to those of LPS-CIS thin film (γ ∼ 2) and HIPS-CIS thin film (γ ∼ 9) devices, and also about four-fold higher than LPS-CIS nanorod devices (γ ∼ 490). Enhanced photoresponsivity is attributed to the porous microstructure and improved conformality of HIPS-CIS film around the In2S3 nanorods confirmed by SEM and EDS measurements. Due to randomization of the sputtered flux at higher working gas pressures, HIPS can provide a more conformal while at the same time a voidy low-density film around nanostructured surfaces. Reduced interelectrode distance and improved p–n junction interface due to the more uniform conformality of HIPS-CIS result in a higher photocurrent in our HIPS-GLAD devices. In addition, the voids in HIPS-CIS film as a result of its porous nature can behave as highly resistive spots that lower the dark current. Therefore, we have demonstrated that by utilizing a simple and low-temperature HIPS-GLAD method, high-photocurrent and low-dark-current photodetectors can be achieved by controlling the conformality and microstructure of a shell layer around nanorod arrays. HIPS shell coating method can be extended to almost any type of nanostructured substrate.
Thermal Characteristics of 275 kV/3 kA Class YBCO Power Cable In Japan, the development of a 275 kV/3 kA class YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) power cable was started in 2008. A high-temperature superconducting (HTS) power cable typically consists of a copper former, HTS conductor layers, an electrical insulation layer, HTS shield layers, and copper shield layers. 275 kV/3 kA class YBCO power cables may be subjected to a fault current of 63 kArms for 0.6 s. Therefore, in order to ensure stability and feasibility of superconducting power cables, we need to investigate the thermal characteristics and current distribution in the cable under fault conditions. In this study, we performed numerical simulations on a YBCO model cable under fault conditions by using a computer program we developed on the basis of 3D finite element method (FEM) and electrical circuit model.
Control CPR: a branch height reduction optimization for EPIC architectures The challenge of exploiting high degrees of instruction-level parallelism is often hampered by frequent branching. Both exposed branch latency and low branch throughput can restrict parallelism. Control critical path reduction (control CPR) is a compilation technique to address these problems. Control CPR can reduce the dependence height of critical paths through branch operations as well as decrease the number of executed branches. In this paper, we present an approach to control CPR that recognizes sequences of branches using profiling statistics. The control CPR transformation is applied to the predominant path through this sequence. Our approach, its implementation, and experimental results are presented. This work demonstrates that control CPR enhances instruction-level parallelism for a variety of application programs and improves their performance across a range of processors.
The HotMedia architecture: progressive and interactive rich media for the Internet HotMedia is a novel scalable solution for delivering interactive rich media over the Internet. It is a delivery-suitable file format that can contain heterogeneous compositions of media bit streams as well as meta-data that define the behavior, composition, and interaction semantics. This enables the creation of lightweight single-file representations of interactive, multiphase presentations involving multiple media-type content. The HotMedia client has a smart content algorithm that infers types from the incoming data stream and fetches the media renderer components, user-interface components, and hyper-linked action components, all just-in-time, resulting in progressive and contest driven enrichment of the user experience. Internet users get a simple initial experience with minimal latency followed by enrichment of this experience. HotMedia has an open and extensible architecture, which enables and encourages the inclusion of new media-types, user-interfaces, and hyper-linked actions. By separating media-rendering from action-performing, it lets all media handle the same actions. HotMedia can also track on the server-side, user interactions and user-experience associated parameters. In its simplest usage HotMedia requires no more than a regular web server for delivery and no client-side preinstallation.
The Regrettable Underenforcement of Incompetence as Cause to Dismiss Tenured Faculty This essay asserts that the reluctance of universities to dismiss tenured professors for incompetence compromises the traditional and convincing justification for protecting academic freedom through tenure. This justification is most fully elaborated in the 1915 Declaration of Principles of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). After asserting that society benefits from the academic freedom of professors to express their expert professional views without fear of dismissal, the 1915 Declaration maintained that the grant of permanent tenure following a probationary period of employment protects academic freedom. Yet the 1915 Declaration also stressed that academic freedom does not extend to expression that fails to meet professional standards. Nor, it added, does permanent tenure prevent dismissal for cause, which could include "professional incompetency" as well as misconduct. It reasoned that only fellow faculty members have the expertise to determine departures from professional standards. It, therefore, insisted that a professor is entitled to a hearing by a committee of faculty peers before being dismissed and that professors have an obligation to serve on these committees.This essay assesses the concerns that explain the overwhelming reluctance of university administrators to bring charges against clearly incompetent tenured faculty and offers suggestions to minimize them. It concludes that administrators should bring charges in appropriately extreme circumstances and should give substantial deference to the decisions of the faculty hearing committee. Doing so would uphold the principle of academic freedom, based on professional competence as determined by peer review, that is at the heart of the 1915 Declaration and that is still convincing today.
Herpes simplex virus encephalitis complicating myxedema coma treated with corticosteroids Herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) may develop after high-dose corticosteroids, but has not been described after myxedema coma. We report a patient with myxedema coma who, after initial improvement, developed HSE likely due to activation of dormant herpes simplex virus (HSV) from a combination of myxedema, corticosteroid treatment, and acute illness. MRI of HSE and myxedema showed diffuse diffusion-weighted imaging abnormalities. Neighbors found an 81-year-old man unresponsive in his unheated home. His respiratory rate was irregular at 32, and his pulse was 10 to 20. Paramedics intubated him in the field. His admission temperature was 23 °C; he was slowly warmed and hydrated. Third-degree heart block necessitated transcutaneous pacing. His paced blood pressure was 90 mm Hg systolic. He had nonpitting edema around his orbits and extremities, yellow-tinged sclerae, difficult to auscultate cardiac tones, and course lung sounds. Pressure ulcerations marked his skin. He did not respond to command or question, his eyes remained closed, and he failed to localize pain. He had reactive pupils, poor extraocular movements, minimal …
Electronic Resources and Serials Staffing Challenges Abstract This article examines some of the issues related to electronic resources and serials staffing. Incorporating information from the literature, interviews with librarians working in the field, and data from job advertisements, this investigation addresses the challenges of identifying the primary job responsibilities of an electronic resources or serials librarian. The NASIG core competencies, library school curricula, and salary considerations are also covered.
The prophylactic effects of human IgG derived from sera containing high anti-PcrV titers against pneumonia-causing Pseudomonas aeruginosa ABSTRACT The PcrV cap structure of the type III secretory apparatus of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a vaccine target. Human immunoglobulin G (IgG) molecules extracted from sera containing high or low anti-PcrV titers were tested for their effects against P. aeruginosa pneumonia in a mouse model. Among 198 volunteers, we selected the top 10 high anti-PcrV titer sera and the bottom 10 low anti-PcrV titer sera and extracted the IgG fraction from each serum sample. First, we examined the effects of the IgG against virulent P. aeruginosa. A lethal dose of P. aeruginosa premixed with saline, low titer human IgG, high titer human IgG, or rabbit-derived polyclonal anti-PcrV IgG was intratracheally administered into the lungs of mice, and their survival and lung inflammation were evaluated for 24 h. The high anti-PcrV titer human IgG had a prophylactic effect. Next, the prophylactic effects of intravenous administration of extracted and pooled high or low anti-PcrV titer human IgG were examined. Here, prophylactic intravenous administration of pooled high anti-PcrV titer human IgG, which showed binding capacity to P. aeruginosa PcrV, was more effective than the administration of its low titer pooled equivalent, and the measured physiological and inflammatory parameters correlated with the anti-PcrV titer levels. This result indirectly implies that high anti-PcrV titers in blood can help to protect against virulent P. aeruginosa infections. In addition, the IgG fractions from such high titer sera have potential to be a source of specific intravenous immunoglobulin products for passive vaccination against virulent P. aeruginosa infections.
Dissemination of a gentamicin resistance plasmid in the microbial population of hospital patients. The dissemination of a gentamicin resistant plasmid, originally found in strains of Klebsiella and termed pk181, into the microbial population of patients of the Orvieto Hospital was studied during 1982. Five hundred and seventy-four strains of Gram-negative bacilli were examined, transferable gentamicin resistance being revealed in five different bacterial species. The resistance was shown to be encoded by 81-megadalton plasmids in Escherichia coli and Enterobacter cloacae, and by 93-megadalton plasmids in Serratia marcescens and Pseudomonas spp. Restriction endonuclease digestion of plasmid DNA showed that the fragment patterns of the 81-megadalton plasmids from E. coli and enterobacter cloacae were identical to one another and to the pattern of plasmid pk181. The fragment patterns of the 93-megadalton plasmids from Serratia and Pseudomonas, on the contrary, differed substantially from those of the 81-megadalton plasmids.
Orchestrating data transfer for the cell/B.E. processor In heterogeneous multi-core systems, such as the Cell/B.E. or certain embedded systems, the accelerator core has its own fast local memory without hardware supported coherence between the local and global memories. It is software's responsibility to dynamically transfer the working set into the local memory when the total data set is too large to fit in the local memory. The data can be transferred through either a software controlled cache or a direct buffer. Such a software cache can maintain correctness and exploit reuse among references, especially when complicated aliasing or data dependences exist. However, the software cache introduces the extra overhead of cache lookup. Direct buffering, on the other hand, is fast but is limited by the compiler's ability to disambiguate memory references. It is desirable to judiciously use both methods, for irregular and regular accesses respectively. However, when a datum resides in both the software cache and the direct buffer, coherence problems occur. In this paper, we propose a solution which provides compile time analysis and runtime maintenance to address this coherence issue. We use compiler analysis to guarantee that there is no access to software cache within the local live range of a direct buffer, and rely on runtime support to update values from or to software cache at the entry or exit of the direct buffer. Further, we present a global data flow analysis design to eliminate redundant coherence maintenance, and overlap computation and DMA accesses to reduce runtime overhead. We have implemented this method in our Single Source Compiler for Cell, and have conducted experiments with the NAS OpenMP benchmarks. The results show that our method maintains correctness while keeping most of the opportunities for direct buffering. The execution performance can increase more than 3x compared to approaches using only the software cache. Furthermore, compile time analysis can reduce 90% of the runtime updates, thereby improving performance by 20% further.
Smart grid architecture model standardization and the applicability of domain language specific modeling tools In order to satisfy the increasing demand for electricity and to meet this demand with renewable energies, the present electrical grid has to adapt. The EU has already initiated measures to standardize and support a European Smart Grid development to facilitate communication amongst experts of different domains. Hence, this requires a mutual harmonization of terminologies as well as tools to strengthen its bearing. This paper compares the DISCERN toolbox and the SGAM toolbox. Both address the issue of a standardized modeling solutions in the domain of Smart Grids. For both toolboxes the availability, requirements, and ease of use are examined and validated based on practical use case examples. Finally, the applicability for smart grid model driven development is discussed, open development issues indicated and suggestions for further improvements provided.
Ultra-High-Hard Composites of TiC-TiB2 Prepared by Combustion Synthesis under High Gravity The large-bulk solidified TiC-TiB2 composites were prepared by combustion synthesis in high-gravity field. XRD, FESEM, SEM and EDS results showed that TiC-TiB2 composites were mainly composed of TiC matrix in which a number of fine TiB2 platelets were embedded, surrounded by the boundary regions consisting of (Cr, Ti) C0.63 carbides. The hardness, flexural strength and fracture toughness of TiC-TiB2 composites measured 28.5GPa, 750±25MPa and 6.2±0.5MPa•m1/2. High hardness of the composites benefits from the absence of the intermediate borides and the achievement of stoichiometric TiC phases due to rapid solidification, whereas the achievement of high strength benefits the refinement and homogeneity of the microstructures due to rapid separation of liquid oxides in high-gravity field and rapid coupled growth of TiC and TiB2 phases.
Nonlinear inversion of subsidence signatures induced by tunnels detected with surface and remote sensing measurements The state of the art in predicting tunnel-induced subsidence settlements is based on empirical and analytical methods. Empirical methods are useful when the equations are implemented with host medium properties where tunnels have been excavated. Analytical solutions can predict tunneling-induced ground movements, with the predictions accounting for tunnel radius and depth as well as ground-loss parameters in soft soils. The drawback is that these methods require human intervention, as each model must be adjusted manually by the interpreter until the model signature fits the observed data. It would take tremendous effort to evaluate displacement anomalies detected by remote sensing methods using such forward-modeling methods. Therefore, we present a method based on an inversion algorithm that automatically inverts subsidence signatures for tunnel radius, depth, Poisson's ratio, and the gap parameter. It is an advancement over conventional methods because it does not require a first guess, and it can invert several subsidence signatures in a matter of minutes. The algorithm, coupled with remote sensing-based displacement maps, is a cost-effective solution in operational characterization of displacement anomalies. We demonstrate that observed and predicted subsidence signatures are in good agreement with existing tunnel data in uniform clay and that the inversion parameters correspond to those predicted with forward modeling alone.
[Patients with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea are characterized by low serum inhibin B concentrations]. UNLABELLED Functional hypothalamic disturbances may be the cause of secondary amenorrhea and are related to aberration in both the pattern of pulsatility and amplitude in the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in hypothalamus. Inhibin B, as an ovarian peptide plays a crucial role in reproduction function throughout regulation of folliculotropin (FSH) pituitary production and inhibiting GnRH secretion during the menstrual cycle. THE AIM OF THE STUDY To measure and estimate serum inhibin B concentration in patients with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea. Material and methods. The study included 41 women suffering from functional hypothalamic amenorrhea. Secondary amenorrhea was defined as the lack of menstruation lasting at least 90 days not due to pregnancy, characterized by low serum concentrations of lutropin (LH < 5 mIU/ml)) and typical for functional hypothalamic disturbances anamnestic investigation. The control group consists of 40 healthy women with normal menstrual cycles and Body Mass Index (BMI between 18.5- 24.9 kg/m2). Medical history, examination and laboratory analysis of LH, FSH, estradiol (E), prolactin, testosterone and inhibin B were performed (ELISA--enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). RESULTS There are statistically lower serum inhibin B, FSH, LH, estradiol and prolactin concentrations in patients with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea in comparison to healthy women. Positive correlation between serum concentration of inhibin B and estradiol concentration was found in patients with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea. CONCLUSIONS Patients with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea are characterized by statistical significant decrease in serum inhibin B concentration in comparison to the control group.
Control of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Colorectal Cancer by Synthetic Vitamin D Receptor Ligands. Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency are associated with an increased risk of cancer, autoimmune disease, inflammation, infection, cardiovascular disease and metabolic disease, as well as bone and mineral disorders. The vitamin D receptor (VDR), a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily, is a receptor for the active form of vitamin D, 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3], and mediates vitamin D regulation of specific target gene expression. The secondary bile acid lithocholic acid, which is produced by intestinal bacteria, is another natural VDR ligand. VDR signaling has been suggested to be involved in reciprocal communication between intestinal cells, including immune and epithelial cells, and intestinal microflora. In addition to epidemiological studies on vitamin D status, genome-wide analyses and cellular and animal experiments have shown that VDR is involved in the prevention of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and colorectal cancer (CRC). VDR deletion in mice exaggerates colitis and colon tumorigenesis in experimental models, and treatment of mice with synthetic vitamin D analogues ameliorates pathological changes in these diseases. Several VDR ligands are less active in increasing serum calcium levels, showing higher therapeutic efficiency than the natural hormone 1,25(OH)2D3. VDR plays a role in intestinal homeostasis and in protection against IBD and CRC. The development of VDR ligands with reduced or no calcemic activity will be necessary to expand clinical application of VDRtargeting therapy.
Keynes's Treatise : aggregate price theory for modern analysis? The paper explores the theory of the aggregate price, profit, and business fluctuations in Keyne's Treatise for its implications for modern macro-economic analysis. As in the Treatise, profits are first defined within a theory of the agregate price level, as aggregate investment minus saving. Deriving aggregate total revenue and aggregate total cost from this price theory, the paper shows how to construct a version of the Keynesian cross diagram. The cross construction suggests an important qualification for fiscal policy, that total cost does not shift. Then, using a neoclassical definition of profit and the total-cost / total-revenue approach, the paper derives aggregate supply, and then adds aggregate demand in an integrated framework. Comparative statics of the AS-AD analysis and the central role of profit in the Treatise suggest that a focus on profit might be useful in identifying exogenous technology shocks of real business cycle theory.
Abstract 13146: Clinical Significance of Left Ventricular Diastolic Function on Exercise Capacity and Prognosis: Comparisons Among Heart Failure Patients With Reduced, Preserved and Mid-range Ejection Fraction Introduction: American Society of Echocardiography and European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging have proposed the estimation of left ventricular (LV) filling pressures and grading LV diastolic function in patients with heart failure (HF). However, the associations of LV diastolic dysfunction (LVDD) grade with exercise capacity and prognosis have not been fully elucidated among HF patients with reduced LV ejection fraction (HFrEF, LVEF ≤40%), preserved EF (HFpEF, LVEF ≥50%) and mid-range EF (HFmrEF, LVEF 41% to 49%). We aimed to determine the differences in the associations of LVDD grade with parameters of cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPX) and prognosis in patients with HFrEF, HFpEF and HFmrEF. Methods and Results: We analyzed data on 891 hospitalized patients with HF and sinus rhythm (SR), who had discharged alive and undergone CPX at stable condition in prior to discharge. Of 891 patients, 38.9% had HFrEF, 40.6% had HFpEF and 20.4% had HFmrEF. The HFrEF group had higher rates of adverse cardiac events, defined as cardiac death and re-hospitalizations for worsening HF, than HFpEF and HFmrEF groups. In HFrEF group, the patients with LVDD grade 1 had the highest peak oxygen uptake (peak VO 2 ), the lowest minute ventilation and carbon dioxide production (VE/VCO 2 slope), the highest oxygen uptake efficiency slope (OUES) and the lowest adverse cardiac event rates. However, there was no difference in CPX parameters and adverse cardiac event rates between patients with LVDD grade 2 and 3. In HFpEF group, the patients with LVDD grade 1 had the highest peak VO 2 , the lowest VE/VCO 2 slope and the highest OUES. In contrast, CPX parameters did not differ between patients with LVDD grade 2 and grade 3. Patients with LVDD grade 3 had the highest adverse cardiac event rates, followed by patients with grade 2 and 1. In HFmrEF group, the patients with LVDD grade 1 had the highest peak VO 2 , the lowest VE/VCO 2 slope and the highest OUES. Patients with grade 1 had the lowest adverse cardiac event rates. However, CPX parameters and adverse cardiac event rates did not differ between patients with grade 2 and 3. Conclusions: LVDD grade was associated with poor exercise capacity and adverse prognosis in patients with HF and SR, regardless of their LVEF.
A steady efflux of ionic current predicts hind limb development in the axolotl. For more than a week prior to the emergence of a hind limb, a steady electric current is driven out of the ventrolateral flank in the immature axolotl, returning through the integument in adjacent regions of the body. A marked peak in the density of this outcurrent could be observed over the exact area of hind limb formation 4 to 6 days prior to its appearance. After a bud projected from the flank, current densities were observed to decrease in magnitude yet localize about the early limb. In about one-half of the animals observed, current reversed its polarity and entered the apex of large buds, 0.4 to 0.5 mm in length. We discuss the possible role such endogenous currents and their associated fields may play in limb development and compare it to similar current flow associated with the regeneration of amphibian limbs.
Rehabilitation of eosinophilic fasciitis. A case report. Eosinophilic fasciitis (EF), first described in 1974, is characterized by the sudden onset of painful swelling with induration of the soft tissues and peripheral eosinophilia, often after an episode of intense physical exertion. It rapidly progresses to joint contractures because of inflammation and fibrosis of the fascia. Of the 200 cases reported in the medical literature, most have responded positively to a prolonged course of oral prednisone. Although complete recovery is possible, more frequently signs and symptoms of EF persist. There were no detailed descriptions found in the literature of any rehabilitative interventions in this disease. This case study describes the methods used in a successful, comprehensive rehabilitation treatment of a 21-yr-old man admitted to the Palo Alto VA Medical Center rehabilitation program 8 mo after the onset of symptoms. Previous medication therapy included prednisone and methotrexate. The patient underwent 2 mo of inpatient rehabilitation, which consisted of upper and lower extremity nerve blocks, serial splinting, application of physical modalities, massage, stretching and strengthening exercises and interdisciplinary pain management. Significant improvement was made in the range of motion in all extremities, strength, hand function, level of pain, gait and endurance. Aggressive therapy did not increase eosinophilia. In fact the eosinophil count returned to normal by the time of discharge. A detailed review of the patient's rehabilitation program is presented.
Maternal stress among pregnant women in a birth cohort in Harare , Zimbabwe Although beneficial strides have been made in making Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV protocols accessible to pregnant women, mental health issues such as maternal stress have received limited attention. The purpose of this pilot study was to characterize the prevalence, causes and ways of coping with maternal stress among HIV positive and HIV negative pregnant women in a birth cohort in Zimbabwe. A cross-sectional survey was conducted on a purposive sample of 15 HIV positive pregnant women and a control group of 15 HIV negative pregnant women from 3 antenatal clinics in Harare, Zimbabwe. The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) was used to measure maternal stress. Data were collected through face to face interviews and use of participants’ medical records. Raw data were analyzed using the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) software package. Bivariate analyses (specifically the 2 independent sample Student’s t-test and Fischer exact tests) were conducted. A p value of ≤0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Ages of participants were from 18 to 43 years. Mean age was 28.1 (SD 7.1). The prevalence of maternal stress was higher (46.7%) among HIV positive pregnant women. There was no statistically significant difference in the proportion of women with maternal stress when HIV positive and HIV negative women were compared (p=0.256). Only the average monthly family income was statistically significantly associated with maternal stress (p=<0.001). The majority, 17 (56.7%) of participants cited financial problems to be the cause of maternal stress. Nineteen (63.3%) adopted the avoidant ways of coping with stress. Further studies with larger sample sizes are recommended with a view of developing effective strategies to reduce maternal stress as well as promoting adaptive coping mechanisms among pregnant women.
Simple Technique to Optimize Second-Intention Healing of Nasal Alar and Tip Defects. Repair of nasal alar and nasal tip defects can present a challenge due to the relatively inelastic fibrofatty sebaceous tissue and close proximity to adjacent anatomic subunits. If underlying structural support is adequate, healing by second intention is a reasonable option that can result in an excellent aesthetic result. However, 1 potential adverse outcomeof this approach is depressed scar contour (Figure 1). This is often due to a thinned dermis which fails to fully reconstitute during the proliferative phase of wound healing. During this phase, granulation tissue formation, angiogenesis and fibroplasia result in an expansion of the dermis. Simultaneously, keratinocytes migrate from thewound edges to the center of the defect. The key step marking the end of the proliferative phase of wound healing is the restoration of an intact basementmembrane, which occurs approximately 1 week after re-epithelialization. Previously described techniques to improve scar contour in second-intention healing include immediate postoperative dermabrasion or resurfacing with CO2 or long-pulsed Er:YAG laser. However, these strategies risk inducing permanent hypopigmentation in the treated area.
The structures of additional teleocidin class tumor promoters. The known tumor promoter des-O-methylolivoretin C, and a new possible tumor promoter, des-N-methylteleocidin B-4, were isolated from Streptomyces mediocidicus and the structure of the latter metabolite was elucidated by chemical correlation with the known teleocidin B-4. The structures of teleocidin B-2 and a new metabolite, olivoretin E, obtained from Streptomyces mediocidicus and Streptoverticillium olivoreticuli respectively, were determined by means of single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis.
Toward a public sector asset optimization strategy: the case of Indonesia Purpose Governments in developing countries manage their considerable state assets for public service delivery directly. In Indonesia, the Directorate of State Asset Management responsible for developing the national strategy for state asset optimization requires the determination of key elements and prioritization tools. The purpose of this paper is to show that a simple calculation using the combination of the balanced scorecard (BCS) and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) will help in the prioritization of strategy development. Design/methodology/approach A questionnaire survey of 131 multistakeholder respondents to identify the most important key elements and the best alternative for asset optimization was done in this study. Findings The respondents agree on the most important key elements, and that the best alternative for asset optimization is the efficient maintenance of assets. Competitive human resources comprise the recommended second key element, and that improvements in asset performance and value will improve public service as the second-highest alternative. This study also shows the importance of the integration of asset optimization in existing government strategic instruments supported by a comprehensive data set related to public assets and their performance. Originality/value This paper provides a new contribution to integrating asset optimization strategies as the core of the organization’s performance and prioritization strategies. Additional BSC perspectives are suggested, with the inclusion of AHP for prioritization. In addition, this study includes the opinions of all the stakeholders, from external users to the central management. The flexibility of the tools to adapt to the existing strategic framework will allow their application by different agencies and in different countries.
Large driving range increase of series chopper based power train using motor test bench Authors proposed the series chopper based power train aimed for the extension of the driving range. In previous paper [1], under the condition of the constant DC-supply voltage, effectiveness of the optimization of the profile of the chopper output voltage was shown. However, the output voltage of the battery used in the actual EV varies depending on the state of charge (SOC). Because of this difference, the precise comparison of the power train was not performed. In this paper, by emulating the battery including the internal resistance and output voltage dependency on SOC, the driving range is compared in the motor test bench. It is shown that the chopper output voltage adjustment depending on the rotor speed and the weight of the chopper has large effect on the driving range. In comparison to non-chopper power train, the driving range of the series chopper power train increases by 2.1%. In addition, by decreasing the weight of the chopper by a half and zero, the driving range further extends by 1.4% and 3.0%.
In Situ Growth of Isotopically Enriched 28Si Nanowires Using the Floating-Zone (FZ) Melting Method Isotopically enriched 28Si nanowires have been synthesized using a simple and noncontaminating floating-zone (FZ) method. The growth of the nanowires was performed in the top area, 1.5–2 cm from the floating melting zone (2 mm width) of a raw material bar under a flow of Ar gas. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analyses revealed that the nanowires of isotopically enriched 28Si crystalline had diameters ranging from 20–50 nm. The special shape of the tip of the isotopically enriched 28Si nanowires was observed to reveal the isotopic effect on the growth of nanowires.
Three new species of the genus Lepidostoma Rambur (Lepidostomatidae: Trichoptera) from India. Three new species of the genus Lepidostoma Rambur are described and illustrated from the Indian Himalaya: Lepidostoma trilobatum sp. nov., L. lidderwatense sp. nov., and L. sainii sp. nov., all belonging to the Lepidostoma ferox Branch. With these new additions, the genus Lepidostoma is now represented by 50 species in India and over 450 species globally.
Topical cyclosporine as a possible new antimetabolite in trabeculectomy. BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE The authors conducted a randomized, prospective, and controlled clinical and transmission electron microscopic study to investigate the possible role of cyclosporine in trabeculectomy as an antimetabolite agent. PATIENTS AND METHODS Twelve patients underwent trabeculectomy with topical cyclosporine and another 12 patients had trabeculectomy without cyclosporine. RESULTS There was a statistically significant decrease in the postoperative intraocular pressure (P < .05) and in the number of medications needed postoperatively (P < .01) in the cyclosporine group. There were no significant complications in either group. Transmission electron microscopic examinations of the excised trabecular scleral tissue showed that cyclosporine caused inhibition of fibroblasts and led to a disruption in collagen organization at the level of the surgical dissection. Middle scleral layers were generally not affected except in some cyclosporine-treated eyes, which showed only a mild cytopathic effect. CONCLUSION This study showed that topical cyclosporine was safe and effective for use as an antimetabolite in trabeculectomy. Further studies are needed to substantiate the adjuvant role of cyclosporine in glaucoma filtering operations.
Law and the Qur’an This chapter provides a general overview of legal concepts and positive legislation in the Qur’an. It covers the Qur’an’s presentation of legal terms, concepts, and materials and surveys the various areas of legal subject matter regulated by the Qur’an. It also considers issues of literary form and the early history of the text that bear on the Qur’an’s legal content and the interpretation of that content. In addition, it summarizes the reception and elaboration of the Qur’an in the Islamic legal tradition, examines a range of views about law and the Qur’an presented by selected modern Muslim thinkers, and briefly treats the Qur’an’s role in modern legal systems.
Active filter action of inverter exciting induction generator for wind power generation This paper shows new induction generation system for wind power generation. This system has the voltage source converter (VSC) exciting induction generator and the PFC converter to transfer the real power. Rated power of the VSC is minimized by transferring all the real power into the PFC converter. However, the harmonic components in the current from the VSC has larger peak than expected for the fundamental component. Therefore, active filter action to eliminate these harmonic components in the current from the VSC is investigated in this paper. Simulation results show the reduction rate of 1/5 of harmonic components by the active filter action.
Neutron-scattering study of the one-dimensional conductor K/sub 2/Pt(CN)/sub 4/Br/sub 0/ /sub 3/. 3. 2D/sub 2/O (KCP) The triple-axis neutron technique has been used to make a detailed temperature-dependent study of the scattering associated with the $2{k}_{F}$ instability discovered by Comes et al. and subsequently studied by Renker et al. in the "one-dimensional" (1-D) conductor ${\mathrm{K}}_{2}$Pt${(\mathrm{CN})}_{4}$${\mathrm{Br}}_{0.3}$.3.2${\mathrm{D}}_{2}$ O(KCP). At low temperatures, they found that the elastic scattering on the planes perpendicular to the conducting $c$ axis at ${Q}_{z}=2{k}_{F}$ was confined to relatively narrow peaks, and that with increasing temperature these peaks became diffuse perpendicular to $\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{\mathrm{c}}$. We find that the elastic scattering can be quantitatively described by assuming there are static (or quasistatic) charge-density waves (CDW) in the parallel Pt${(\mathrm{CN})}_{4}$ chains, with a temperature-dependent interchain correlation length. The observed asymmetry of the scattering perpendicular to $\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{\mathrm{c}}$ is due to the variation of the structure factor of the Pt${(\mathrm{CN})}_{4}$ complexes, which respond as a unit to the CDW. At elevated temperatures, the elastic scattering approaches the 1-D form expected for uncorrelated CDW's in "chains" of Pt${(\mathrm{CN})}_{4}$. The temperature variation of the amplitude of the CDW in each chain is obtained from the data, and is found to decrease slowly with increasing temperature above 80 K. The width of the scattering along the chain direction remains very narrow at all temperatures, and for $T\ensuremath{\lesssim}160$ K a lower limit to the intrachain correlation length of 300 \AA{} has been set. The inelastic scattering in the vicinity of the $2{k}_{F}$ instability extends to lower energies than previously observed and in fact appears to fall to $E\ensuremath{\approx}0$ for all temperatures in the range 80-300 K. We interpret these results to indicate that at room temperature the CDW distortion has already manifested itself in the lattice, and that the development of interchain correlations at low temperatures is not directly related to a Peierls-type transition.
Results after conservative treatment of serous borderline tumours of the ovary with stromal microinvasion but without micropapillary pattern The aim of this study was to assess the outcomes of women treated conservatively for a serous borderline ovarian tumour with stromal microinvasion (SBOT‐SMI) but without micropapillary pattern. Ten women treated conservatively for a stage I (n= 8) or stage IIIB (n= 2) tumour were followed up. With a median follow‐up duration of 62 months (range 7–117 months), five recurrences developed on the preserved ovary. All lesions were borderline recurrences (with noninvasive peritoneal implants in one). All women are currently disease free. Three women achieved a spontaneous pregnancy and three became pregnant after an in vitro fertilisation procedure. This study suggests that conservative treatment of SBOT‐SMI is safe.
Differences between students' estimated and attained grades in a first-year introductory psychology course as a function of identity development. Two hundred sixty-eight first-year university students were surveyed about the state of their identity development and their perceptions regarding chances for academic success in an introductory psychology course. In general, it was found that students who had an adult identity had a more accurate assessment of their chances for success in the course and also used more efficient study strategies. Students who had not completely formed an adult identity, however, were more inaccurate in estimates of their final grades and also seemed to use less productive study strategies. It was concluded that those who have formulated an adult identity might have also developed a more complete understanding of both themselves and their situation. Implications of the findings for further research regarding the effects of identity development on university life, as well as the implications for academic intervention programs, are discussed.
Long-term neurotoxicity in women with breast cancer. e23089 Background: Taxanes (paclitaxel and docetaxel) are commonly administered as part of chemotherapy for breast cancer, but long-term data on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) are limited in this population. We aimed to assess CIPN approximately three years after an initial exposure to paclitaxel or docetaxel. Methods: In a cross-sectional observation study, which surveyed consented enrollees annually after receipt of care at Mayo Clinic for a new breast cancer diagnosis over age 18, we collected patient-reported EORTC CIPN20 data by mailed questionnaire at baseline and three years after a breast cancer diagnosis. We then confirmed patient-reported chemotherapy data by chart abstraction and only included those who had received a standard course of docetaxel-based or paclitaxel-based chemotherapy, but had not had other neurotoxic treatment for cancer. CIPN20 overall and sensory scale raw scores were converted to a 0-100 linear scale with lower scores indicating more severe symptoms. Results: 84 women who received a taxane for breast cancer completed the survey. 82 were treated in the adjuvant or neo-adjuvant setting, while 2 received a taxane for metastatic breast cancer. 67 women received paclitaxel, while 17 received docetaxel. The median age at diagnosis was 51.5 years (range 31-86). 37 had estrogen receptor (ER) and/or progesterone receptor (PR) positive and human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (Her2) negative, 31 Her2 positive, and 16 triple negative breast cancer. The median CIPN20 score was 92.98 (range 33.33-100). The median sensory CIPN score was 92.59 (range 25.94-100). 81% of women had an overall CIPN20 score of less than 100, and 68% had a sensory score of less than 100. Conclusions: The majority of women who received a taxane based chemotherapy regimen for breast cancer reported at least mild neuropathic symptoms three years out from treatment. Additional research is needed to help tailor chemotherapy decisions to toxicity risks and to reduce the likelihood of long-term CIPN, which can impair quality of life.
The New Unified Framework in Physics and the Research in Magnetics II, The Hyperfine Magnetic Field at the Electron and the Magneto-Optic Effects The author discusses various implications for magnetics of the new framework which unites classical and quantum physics. For instance, it is noted that, in conventional physics, the magnetic interaction which must occur between electrons represented as current vortex rings has been ignored, and that this interaction, together with the requirement for the absence of singularities in electron wave functions, leads to the Pauli principle. Elsewhere, the author notes that Larmor precession about a hyperfine magnetic field may contribute to the Faraday rotation effect.
Power Sharing Control Strategy of Multiterminal VSC-HVDC Transmission Systems Utilizing Adaptive Voltage Droop This paper presents an adaptive droop-based power-sharing control strategy. The primary objective is to control the sharing of the active power transmitted by a multiterminal voltage-source converter based high voltage direct current network among a number of onshore ac grids or offshore loads based on the desired percentage shares. The shared power is generated by remote generation plants (e.g., offshore wind farms) or is provided as surplus from ac grids. The desired percentage shares of active power are optimized by the system operator in order to fulfil the active power requirements of the connected grids with respect to meeting goals such as supporting energy adequacy, increasing renewable energy penetration, and minimizing losses. The control strategy is based on two hierarchal levels: voltage-droop control as the primary controller and an optimal-power flow based secondary (supervisory) controller for selecting the optimal droop reference voltages. Based on the dc voltage transient and steady-state dynamics, a methodology for choosing the droop gains for droop controlled converters has been developed. The proposed control strategy has been validated through simulation on the CIGRE B4 dc grid test system. The results confirmed the flexibility and effectiveness of the power-sharing control provided by the new control strategy.
Two-state protein model with water interactions: influence of temperature on the intrinsic viscosity of myoglobin. We describe a single-domain protein as a two-state system with water interactions. Around the unfolded apolar parts of the protein we incorporate the hydration effect by introducing hydrogen bonds between the water molecules in order to mimic the "icelike" shell structure. Intrinsic viscosity, proportional to the effective hydrodynamic volume, for sperm whale metmyoglobin is assigned from experimental data in the folded and in the denaturated state. By weighing statistically the two states against the degree of folding, we express the total intrinsic viscosity. The temperature dependence of the intrinsic viscosity, for different chemical potentials, is in good correspondence with experimental data [P. L. Privalov et al., J. Mol. Biol. 190, 487 (1986)]. Cold and warm unfolding, common to small globular proteins, is also a result of the model.
Natural products from plant-associated microorganisms: distribution, structural diversity, bioactivity, and implications of their occurrence. A growing body of evidence suggests that plant-associated microorganisms, especially endophytic and rhizosphere bacteria and fungi, represent a huge and largely untapped resource of natural products with chemical structures that have been optimized by evolution for biological and ecological relevance. A diverse array of bioactive small molecule natural products has been encountered in these microorganisms. The structures of over 230 metabolites isolated and characterized from over 70 plant-associated microbial strains during the past four years are presented with information on their hosts, culture conditions, and biological activities. Some significant biological and ecological implications of their occurrence are also reviewed.
Comparative Safety and Health Care Expenditures Among Patients With Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Initiating First-Line Imatinib, Dasatinib, or Nilotinib. PURPOSE Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have dramatically improved survival for patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). No overall survival differences were observed between patients initiating first- and second-generation TKIs in trials; however, real-world safety and cost outcomes are unclear. We evaluated comparative safety and health care expenditures between first-line imatinib, dasatinib, and nilotinib among patients with CML. PATIENTS AND METHODS Eligible patients had one or more fills for imatinib, dasatinib, or nilotinib in the MarketScan Commercial and Medicare Supplemental databases between January 1, 2011, and December 31, 2016 (earliest fill is the index date), 6 months pre-index continuous enrollment, CML diagnosis, and no TKI use in the pre-index period. Hospitalizations or emergency department visits (safety events) were compared across treatment groups using propensity-score-weighted 1-year relative risks (RRs) and subdistribution hazard ratios (HRs). Inflation-adjusted annual health care expenditures were compared using quantile regression. RESULTS Eligible patients included 1,417 receiving imatinib, 1,067 receiving dasatinib, and 647 receiving nilotinib. The 1-year risk of safety events was high: imatinib, 37%; dasatinib, 44%; and nilotinib, 40%, with higher risks among patients receiving dasatinib (RR, 1.17; 95% CI, 1.06 to 1.30) and nilotinib (RR, 1.07; 95% CI, 0.93 to 1.23) compared with those receiving imatinib. Over a median of 1.7 years, the cumulative incidence of safety events was higher among patients receiving dasatinib (HR, 1.23; 95% CI, 1.10 to 1.38) and nilotinib (HR, 1.08; 95% CI, 0.95 to 1.24) than among those receiving imatinib. One-year health care expenditures were high (median, $125,987) and were significantly higher among patients initiating second-generation TKIs compared with those receiving imatinib (difference in medians: dasatinib v imatinib, $22,393; 95% CI, $17,068 to $27,718; nilotinib v imatinib, $19,463; 95% CI, $14,689 to $24,236). CONCLUSION Patients receiving imatinib had the lowest risk of hospitalization or emergency department visits and 1-year health care expenditures. Given a lack of significant differences in overall survival, imatinib may represent the ideal first-line therapy for patients, on average.
Risk stratification of chest pain patients in the emergency department by a nurse utilizing a point of care protocol Objective Risk stratification of patients with ischaemic type chest pain assessed in the emergency department utilizing a point of care (POC) protocol. Methods Patient demographics, cardiac biomarkers, management and follow-up at 6 months were reviewed for patients seen over 20 months. Results Out of 546 patients, 351 (64%) were admitted. The diagnoses after admission were confirmed as acute myocardial infarction in 59 patients and unstable angina, (cTroponin T<0.09 ng/ml) in 92 patients. The c-statistic of the receiver operating curves for myocardial infarction (myocardial infarction, cTroponinT at 12 h >0.09 ng/ml) as determined by the POC assay was cTroponin I=0.884, CK-MB=0.883, myoglobin=0.845 and &bgr;-type natriuretic peptide (BNP)=0.755. The c-statistic for the same sample assessed by the hospital laboratory was cTroponin T=0.893: for CK-MB within 12 h of admission it was 0.918; the 12 h cTroponin T was 0.982 and within 24 h of admission NT pro-BNP was 0.789. POC BNP in patients admitted was 68 ng/l (median) vs. 24 ng/l (median) for those not admitted, (P<0.001). POC BNP for patients admitted with unstable angina (12 h cTroponin T <0.09 ng/ml) was 47 ng/l (median, P<0.001). At 6 months, 14 patients had died; five during admission, two within 30 days and seven up to 6 months. During admission two died from heart failure, two with respiratory tract infection and one from carcinoma. Of those not admitted one had died from asbestosis. Conclusion Risk stratification by a specialist nurse utilizing a POC protocol is an appropriate means of assessing patients with chest pain.
PTERYGIUM OCULI DEXTRA STAGE III Pterygium is a disorder of the conjunctiva bulbi, fibrovaskular growth conjunctival degenerative and invasive that marked with eye irritating, itchy, redness, foreign body sensation, and may cause astigmatism or obstruction of the visual axis that will impair vision. The cause of pterygium is still not known. Some risk factors for pterygium include ultraviolet exposure, chronic micro trauma to the eye, and microbial or viral infection. Female, 50 years old, came with eye complaint of foreign body sensation since 3 years ago. Complaint followed with redness eyes and sore if exposed to wind. On physical examination found good general condition, compos mentis, blood pressure was 120/80 mmHg, pulse 80 x/min, respiration 16 x/min, temperature was 36.6 o C. At the ophthalmological examination found reddish white membrane around the nasal and triangular apex passing the limbus and the edge of the pupil. Patients diagnosed as pterygium oculi dextra stage III. The management was education to patient in order to protect the eyes from sunlight, dust, and wind, and operative procedure to remove the pterygium. The prognosis to this patient is good. [J Agromed Unila 2015; 2(1):18-22] Keywords: antibiotic, oculi dextra, pterygium, woman
Comparison and expectancy processes in human judgment. This work explored a judgment model proposed by Manis and Paskewitz (1984a). The model suggests that prior experience with the members of a given category affects the assessment of other category members in 2 ways: (a) by providing a basis for comparison and (b) by leading the judge to expect that new exemplars will resemble those previously encountered. In 4 experiments, respondents judged the height of different people on the basis of full-length photographs. The height of the models in an induction series constituted the main independent variable. The effects of contrasting inductions (e.g., short vs. tall women) affected the judges' subsequent assessments in a test series. Both comparison and expectancy processes played a significant role, sometimes opposing one another and sometimes acting in parallel (i.e., supporting one another).
Nevirapine prophylaxis to prevent HIV-1 mother-to-child transmission: pharmacokinetic considerations in preterm infants. Prophylaxis with zidovudine and 3 doses of nevirapine (NVP) is recommended for infants born to HIV-1 infected untreated mothers to prevent HIV-1 mother-to-child transmission. However little is known about NVP pharmacokinetics in neonates, mostly in preterm infants. We performed therapeutic monitoring of NVP plasma concentrations in a 32-week preterm HIV-1 exposed infant born to an infected untreated mother. With the recommended regimen, an intense NVP exposure was observed, with NVP plasma levels exceeding the target concentration by up to 40 times, suggesting that when a laboratory assessment of NVP plasma concentrations is available, it may be useful to monitor and optimize drug exposure.
The Zoning System for Strategy Development of SMEs Go Online: A Literature Review This study aims to figure out what the relationship of empowerment of SMEs through methods of zoning as marketing strategy of SMEs in two different markets (offline and online). The zoning strategy with information and communication system integrated brings together socialization and promotion in a market. This system can help the government in taking and formulating policies to unite SMEs in a new market by not leaving the old market. The method in this study uses qualitative descriptive. There are three propositions produced in this initial research, the first; Offline and online marketing is very relevant for SMEs in Indonesia. Second; marketing information system is access for SMEs to find out the demand or market needs both domestically and internationally. And third; The zoning system can be used as an online development strategy for SMEs to synchronize two different markets, namely offline and online. Further research is needed to validate the propositions found, to generate hypotheses and empirical evidence, we recommend using mix methods for future research.
Reducing anxiety in newly diagnosed cancer patients: a pilot program. This study tested the efficacy of a pilot orientation program in reducing distress levels of patients with newly diagnosed cancer. Thirty-three consecutive patients were randomly assigned to an intervention or to a usual-care control group. The intervention group received a clinic tour, general information, and the opportunity to pose questions to an oncology counselor. The dependent variables were measured by the Profile of Mood States-Short Form-Total Mood Disturbance Scale and the State Trait Anxiety Inventory. Scores on the dependent measures were significantly lower in the intervention group. These results suggest that a simple orientation can greatly benefit patients with newly diagnosed cancer. The orientation may reduce anxiety and overall distress by helping patients manage novelty and unpredictability in the unfamiliar clinic setting. This intervention can be delivered within the context of a busy hematology/oncology outpatient clinic.
Poor blood pressure control in adults with repaired coarctation of the aorta and hypertension: a register-based study of associated factors Abstract Background Arterial hypertension is common in adults with repaired coarctation of the aorta, and is associated with several severe complications. Aims This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of poorly controlled (⩾140/90 mmHg) blood pressure among patients with diagnosed hypertension and to identify associated factors. Methods In the national register for CHD, adults with repaired coarctation of the aorta and diagnosed hypertension – defined as a registry diagnosis and/or use of anti-hypertensive prescription medication – were identified. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify variables associated with poorly controlled blood pressure. Results Of the 243 included patients, 27.2% were female, the mean age was 45.4±15.3 years, and 52.3% had poorly controlled blood pressure at the last registration. In a multivariable model, age (years) (OR 1.03, CI 1.01–1.06, p=0.008) was independently associated with poorly controlled blood pressure and so was systolic arm–leg blood pressure gradient in the ranges [10, 20] mmHg (OR 4.92, CI 1.76–13.79, p=0.002) to >20 mmHg (OR 9.93, CI 2.99–33.02, p<0.001), in comparison with the reference interval [0, 10] mmHg. Patients with poorly controlled blood pressure had, on average, more types of anti-hypertensive medication classes prescribed (1.9 versus 1.5, p=0.003). Conclusions Poorly controlled blood pressure is common among patients with repaired coarctation of the aorta and diagnosed hypertension, despite what seems to be more intensive treatment. A systolic arm–leg blood pressure gradient is associated with poorly controlled blood pressure, even at low levels usually not considered for intervention, and may be an indicator of hypertension that is difficult to treat.
Determination of tilmicosin in swine feeds by liquid chromatography. This method determines tilmicosin in feeds over a concentration range of 100 to 600 mg/kg. Tilmicosin is extracted from swine feeds by adding 200 mL of a swine feed extractant (20 + 80, acetonitrile-Millipore water, pH 2.5, with 25 mM dibutylammonium phosphate) to 20 g feed and placing on a shaker table for 1 h. This extractant is filtered and analyzed by liquid chromatography (LC). A gradient LC method is used to separate tilmicosin from the feed matrix in 30 min of run time. The recovery of tilmicosin from fortified feeds ranged from 96.7 to 112%, with the coefficients of variation (CVs) ranging from 1.4 to 3.9%. The determination of tilmicosin in medicated feeds resulted in an average recovery of 92.7% of labeled claim for pelleted feeds at 200 mg/kg and 99.1% of labeled claim for mash feeds at 400 mg/kg. Determination of tilmicosin in medicated feeds resulted in CVs ranging from 2.6 to 3.8%. The method has shown no interference with 18 other drugs.
Corticotropin‐releasing factor 1 receptor‐mediated mechanisms inhibit colonic hypersensitivity in rats Abstract  The potential relationship between stress and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptomatology suggests a possible role for stress‐mediating hormones, such as corticotropin‐releasing factor (CRF), in the altered perception of stimuli in IBS patients. In previous studies, Wistar–Kyoto (WKY) rats with genetic indices of high anxiety demonstrated colonic hypersensitivity coupled with a high basal level of CRF within the central nervous system. In the current study we tested the hypothesis that a selective, non‐peptide CRF1 receptor antagonist, antalarmin, would inhibit hypersensitivity in the WKY rat colon. Colonic sensitivity was determined by monitoring a visceromotor behavioural response during innocuous levels of colorectal distention (30 mmHg). In high anxiety WKY rats we found that antalarmin (20 mg kg−1, i.p.) significantly decreased the visceromotor response induced by colorectal distention. In a second study central administration (i.c.v.) of CRF was used to induce colonic hypersensitivity in lower anxiety Fischer 344 (F‐344) rats, and in this model, antalarmin significantly inhibited the CRF‐induced colonic hypersensitivity. In summary, a selective CRF1 receptor antagonist, antalarmin, inhibits colonic hypersensitivity apparent in WKY rats or in F‐344 rats given a central administration of CRF. Our findings suggest that CRF1 receptor antagonism may represent a novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of IBS.
A single gate oxide level shifter for denser digital domain integration in multiple‐supply‐voltage applications Modern system‐on‐chip (SoC) applications usually employ multiple voltage domains to save power consumption according to the required circuit performance. Typical multivoltage approaches use level shifters (LSs) to establish communication among voltage domains. The use of commercial standard‐cell and multiple gate oxide MOS LSs implies a nonoptimal place‐and‐route process. Here, we introduce a single gate oxide level shifter (SGOLS) that enables full integration into low‐voltage domains. We tested the proposed idea using a commercial digital‐flow tool for a two‐domain SoC integration, achieving an enhancement in the total integration area occupied by LSs of 54% regarding the conventional LS approaches. The proposed SGOLS was implemented in both 65‐ and 180‐nm CMOS nodes, handling voltage differences between the nominal and I/O domain supplies by using just single gate oxide devices. We validated the circuit performance through process, voltage, and temperature (PVT) variations for wide frequency and supply voltage ranges, disclosing an energy‐per‐transition of 416 fJ@180 nm and 93 fJ@65 nm. The introduced LS extends the integration of multiple voltage domains into denser SoCs.
Pathogens in Water: Value and Limits of Correlation with Microbial Indicators This article discusses the value and limitations of using microbial indicators to predict occurrence of enteric pathogens in water. Raw or treated sewage is a primary source of fecal contamination of the receiving surface water or groundwater; hence, understanding the relationship between pathogens and indicators in sewage is an important step in understanding the correlation in receiving waters. This article presents three different datasets representing different concentrations of pathogens and microbial indicators: sewage containing high concentrations of pathogens and indicators, surface water with variable concentrations, and groundwater with low concentrations. In sewage, even with very high levels of microorganisms, no mathematical correlation can predict the type or concentration of any pathogen. After discharge in the environment, direct correlation becomes biologically improbable as dilution, transport, and different inactivation rates occur in various environments. In surface waters, advanced statistical methods such as logistic regression have provided some level of predictability of the occurrence of pathogens but not specific counts. In groundwater, the continuous absence of indicators indicates an improbable occurrence of pathogen. In contrast, when these indicators are detected, pathogen occurrence probability increases significantly. In groundwater, given the nature and dissemination pattern of pathogenic microorganisms, a direct correlation with fecal microbial indicators is not observed and should not be expected. However, the indicators are still useful as a measure of risk. In summary, many pathogens of public health importance do not behave like fecal microbial indicators, and there is still no absolute indicator of their presence, only a probability of their co‐occurrence.
Molecular cloning of a regulatory protein for membrane-bound guanylate cyclase GC-A. Activation of membrane-bound guanylate cyclase GC-A by atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) may require the involvement of accessory proteins. To identify these postulated proteins, we isolated a 1. 0-kb cDNA clone from a rat brain expression library using a polyclonal antiserum against mastoparan. The 1.0-kb cDNA encodes a protein of 111 amino acids. Expression of this cDNA in COS-7 cells potentiated ANF-stimulated GC-A activity. Therefore, the 1.0-kb gene encodes a guanylate cyclase regulatory protein (GCRP). Fluorescence microscopy studies using the fusion protein of GCRP with green fluorescence protein (GFP) indicated that GCRP was present in the cytosol in PC12 cells, but translocated toward the plasma membrane in the presence of ANF. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments indicate that GCRP associates with GC-A in the presence of ANF. These results suggest that ANF induces the association of GCRP with GC-A and this association contributes to the activation of GC-A.
Social moralities and discursive constructions of female sex offenders This article explores legal, scholarly and social responses to women identified as sex offenders. While much has been written on the male paedophile, rapist and sex offender, little research has been done on the role of gender and sexuality in sex offending. This article examines the ways in which the female sex offender is currently theorized and the discourses surrounding policy, legislative and media responses to their crimes. We identify contradictory public discourses where perceptions of female child abusers in particular often succumb to moral panic, in spite of many such offenders being given lenient sentences for their crimes. An examination of the discursive construction of female child abusers suggests that these contradictions are informed by underlying assumptions concerning harm and subjectivity in sex crimes. In exploring these contradictions we illustrate the ways in which such discourses are impacted by social moralities, and how social moralities construct offender and victim subjectivities differently, based on differences in gender, age and sexuality.
Investigations of spread function of the optical spectral device based on acousto-optic tunable filter The analysis of the spectra of the dynamic signals in optical range by techniques of acousto-optics at light diffraction on a traveling acoustic wave excited by a periodic sequence of radio pulses with a rectangular envelope and linear variation of the instantaneous frequency is considered. The expression of the spread function of the spectral device based on acousto-optical tunable filter that allows to investigate in detail the advantages of this optical spectrometer is obtained. Mathematical modeling of the spread functions for different values of speed of change of the instantaneous control frequency is performed. The results of experimental research are provided.
Experimental study on propagation mode of rotating detonation wave with cracked kerosene gas and ambient temperature air In order to obtain the propagation characteristics of rotating detonation wave (RDW) of cracked kerosene gas (CKG) and ambient temperature air, a series of experiments were carried out at different cracking kerosene and air mass flow rates. The propagation mode of RDW was analyzed in detail, and the ignition range of CKG and air was evaluated. In the experiment, the propagation modes of rotating detonation mainly include single rotating detonation wave (SRDW) mode, reversed single rotating detonation wave (RSRDW) mode and mixed mode. In mixed mode, SRDW and two-counter rotating detonation wave (TCRDW) modes alternate. Combined with high-speed photography and pressure curve, the mechanism of mode transition of rotating detonation propagation is analyzed. The RSRDW mode is considered to be a transitional mode in the process of equivalence ratio change. The mixed mode is an unstable RDW propagation state due to the improper ratio of fuel and oxidizer. Based on a substantial number of experimental data, the ignition ranges of CKG are summarized. Under the experimental conditions in this paper, the equivalence ratio range of CKG can be detonated is 0.63-0.99. RDW is favorable to be formed in lean oil state. When the equivalence ratio is 0.99, the maximum RDW velocity is 1077.79 m/s. When the mass flow rate of cracking kerosene is 42 g/s, the ignition initiation range is the widest. As the mass flow rate increases or decreases, the initiation range is gradually reduced.
Support Vector Machine Versus Random Forest for Remote Sensing Image Classification: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review Several machine-learning algorithms have been proposed for remote sensing image classification during the past two decades. Among these machine learning algorithms, Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Machines (SVM) have drawn attention to image classification in several remote sensing applications. This article reviews RF and SVM concepts relevant to remote sensing image classification and applies a meta-analysis of 251 peer-reviewed journal papers. A database with more than 40 quantitative and qualitative fields was constructed from these reviewed papers. The meta-analysis mainly focuses on 1) the analysis regarding the general characteristics of the studies, such as geographical distribution, frequency of the papers considering time, journals, application domains, and remote sensing software packages used in the case studies, and 2) a comparative analysis regarding the performances of RF and SVM classification against various parameters, such as data type, RS applications, spatial resolution, and the number of extracted features in the feature engineering step. The challenges, recommendations, and potential directions for future research are also discussed in detail. Moreover, a summary of the results is provided to aid researchers to customize their efforts in order to achieve the most accurate results based on their thematic applications.
A Critical Asthma Standardized Clinical and Management Plan Reduces Duration of Critical Asthma Therapy. BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE Reduction of critical asthma management time can reduce intensive care utilization. The goal of this study was to determine whether a Critical Asthma Standardized Clinical Assessment and Management Plan (SCAMP) can decrease length of critical asthma management time. METHODS This retrospective study compared critical asthma management times in children managed before and after implementation of a Critical Asthma SCAMP. The SCAMP used an asthma severity score management scheme to guide stepwise escalation and weaning of therapies. The SCAMP guided therapy until continuous albuterol nebulization (CAN) was weaned to intermittent albuterol every 2 hours (q2h). Because the SCAMP was part of a quality improvement initiative in which all patients received a standardized therapy, informed consent was waived. The study was conducted in Medicine ICU and Intermediate Care Units in a tertiary care freestanding children's hospital. Children ≥2 years of age who had CAN initiated in the emergency department and were admitted to the Division of Medicine Critical Care with status asthmaticus were included. The time to q2h dosing from initiation of CAN was compared between the baseline and SCAMP cohorts. Adverse events were compared. The Mann-Whitney test was used for analysis; P values <.05 were considered statistically significant. RESULTS There were 150 baseline and 123 SCAMP patients eligible for analysis. There was a decrease in median time to q2h dosing after the SCAMP (baseline, 21.6 hours [interquartile range, 3.2-32.3 hours]; SCAMP, 14.2 hours [interquartile range, 9.0-23.1 hours]; P < .01). There were no differences in adverse events or readmissions. CONCLUSIONS A Critical Asthma SCAMP was effective in decreasing time on continuous albuterol.
Development of a high-voltage closed-loop power supply for ozone generation This paper deals with the design of an AC-220-volt-mains-fed power supply for ozone generation. A power stage consisting of a buck converter to regulate the output power plus a current-fed parallel-resonant push-pull inverter to supply an ozone generator (OG) is proposed and analysed. A closed-loop operation is presented as a method to compensate variations in the AC source voltage. Inverter's step-up transformer issues and their effect on the performance of the overall circuit are also studied. The use of a UC3872 integrated circuit is proposed to control both the push-pull inverter and the buck converter, as well as to provide the possibility to protect the power supply in case a short circuit, an open-lamp operation or any other circumstance might occur. Implementation of a 100 W prototype and experimental results are shown and discussed.