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In my opinion, the "nays" have it.
| A mon avis, les non l'emportent.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_201 |
And two honourable senators having risen.
| Et deux senateurs s'etant leves:
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_202 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_203 |
The whips have agreed to proceed with the vote now.
| Les whips ont convenu de proceder au vote tout de suite.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_204 |
Motion in amendment number one of Senator Grafstein negatived on the following division:
| (La motion d'amendement no 1 du senateur Grafstein, mise aux voix, est rejetee.)
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_205 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_206 |
Does any other honourable senator wish to debate this motion?
| Y a-t-il un honorable senateur qui desire intervenir sur cette motion?
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_207 |
If not, I will proceed with the question.
| Sinon, je procede au vote.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_208 |
Will those honourable senators in favour of amendment number two please say "yea"?
| Que ceux qui sont en faveur de l'amendement no 2 veuillent bien dire oui.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_209 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_210 |
Will those honourable senators opposed to amendment number two please say "nay"?
| Que ceux qui sont contre veuillent bien dire non.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_211 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_212 |
In my opinion, the "nays" have it.
| A mon avis, les non l'emportent.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_213 |
And two honourable senators having risen.
| Et deux senateurs s'etant leves:
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_214 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_215 |
The whips have agreed to proceed with the vote now.
| Les whips ont convenu de proceder au vote tout de suite.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_216 |
Motion in amendment number two of Senator Grafstein negatived on the following division:
| (La motion d'amendement no 2 du senateur Grafstein, mise aux voix, est rejetee.)
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_217 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_218 |
Honourable senators, we are now back to the main motion.
| Honorables senateurs, nous revenons maintenant a la motion principale.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_219 |
Is it your pleasure, honourable senators, to adopt the motion?
| Plait-il aux honorables senateurs d'adopter la motion?
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_220 |
I have come to that conclusion after careful thought and extensive reflection.
| J'en suis arrive a cette conclusion apres y avoir murement reflechi.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_221 |
The unamended clause 44(2) of the bill clearly refers to:
| Le paragraphe 44(2) non modifie precise:
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_222 |
Those words are not mine.
| Ce n'est pas moi qui le dis.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_223 |
They are printed in the bill.
| C'est ecrit dans le projet de loi.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_224 |
Canada has a moral obligation under international law.
| Le Canada a une responsabilite morale en vertu du droit international.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_225 |
The precedents leave no doubt.
| Les precedents ne laissent subsister aucun doute.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_226 |
In the words of the attorneys general:
| Voici ce que les procureurs generaux ecrivent:
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_227 |
Honourable senators, how can I express it more conclusively?
| Honorables senateurs, comment pourrais-je l'exprimer de facon plus concluante?
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_228 |
These 44 signatures on that letter represent the prosecuting authorities in 44 American jurisdictions.
| Cette lettre a ete signee par les procureurs de 44 Etats americains.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_229 |
The attorneys general of those top three death penalty states have all signed the letter.
| Or, les procureurs de ces trois Etats ont signe la lettre.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_230 |
A Canadian court has recognized that those four arguments are valid.
| Un tribunal canadien a reconnu la validite de ces quatre arguments.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_231 |
At paragraph 43 of his ruling, Mr. Justice Donald wrote as follows:
| Au paragraphe 43 de sa decision, lejuge Donald ecrit ceci:
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_232 |
Mr. Justice Donald went on to say:
| Le juge Donald ajoute ce qui suit:
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_233 |
In doing so he set too high a test...
| Ce faisant, il fixe un critere trop rigide [...]
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_234 |
Honourable senators, there are other compelling concerns about the bill.
| Honorables senateurs, le projet de loi suscite d'autres preoccupations serieuses.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_235 |
One major objection arises from a serious matter raised in the Burns and Rafay case.
| Une objection majeure a ete souleve dans l'affaire Burns et Rafay .
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_236 |
Miscarriage of justice can happen.
| Les erreurs judiciaires sont tres possibles.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_237 |
We know examples in Canada:
| Nous avons des exemples au Canada:
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_238 |
David Milgaard, Donald Marshall and Guy Paul Morin.
| David Milgaard, Donald Marshall et Guy Paul Morin.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_239 |
Now, serious questions have arisen about his guilt.
| De serieux doutes existent maintenant quant a sa culpabilite.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_240 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_241 |
Is it your pleasure, honourable senators, to adopt the motion?
| Vous plait-il, honorables senateurs, d'adopter la motion?
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_242 |
Hon. Marcel Prud'homme :
| L'honorable Marcel Prudhomme :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_243 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_244 |
Will those in favour of the motion please say "yea"?
| Que ceux qui sont en faveur de la motion veuillent bien dire oui.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_245 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_246 |
Will those opposed to the motion please say "nay"?
| Que ceux senateurs qui sont contre veuillent bien dire non.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_247 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_248 |
In my opinion, the "yeas" have it.
| A mon avis, les oui l'emportent.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_249 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_250 |
And two honourable senators having risen.
| Et deux honorables senateurs s'etant leves:
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_251 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_252 |
I called for the "yeas" and "nays" and I heard "On division."
| J'ai appele les oui et les non et j'ai entendu avec dissidence.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_253 |
Hon. Jerahmiel S. Grafstein :
| L'honorable Jerahmiel S. Grafstein :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_254 |
Honourable senators, I ask that the leadership reconsider its position.
| Honorables senateurs, je demande a la presidence de reconsiderer sa decision.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_255 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_256 |
Honourable senators, is it your wish to have a standing vote?
| Honorables senateurs, souhaitez-vous un vote par assis et debout?
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_257 |
Your Honour, you asked, "On division?"
| Votre Honneur, vous avez demande avec dissidence?
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_258 |
and we answered, "On division."
| et nous avons repondu avec dissidence.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_259 |
I do not think any further comments would be appropriate.
| A mon avis, il serait inapproprie de faire de plus amples commentaires.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_260 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_261 |
Will the whips advise me on how long the bells will ring?
| Les whips pourront-ils m'indiquer combien de temps le timbre sonnera?
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_262 |
Your Honour, you have said, "On division."
| Votre Honneur, vous avez dit avec dissidence.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_263 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_264 |
There can be no debate.
| Il ne peut pas y avoir de debat.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_265 |
Honourable senators, I rise on a point of order.
| Honorables senateurs, j'invoque le Reglement.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_266 |
It had already passed.
| La motion avait deja ete adoptee.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_267 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_268 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_269 |
Will the vote be now?
| Pouvons-nous voter tout de suite?
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_270 |
Hon. Mabel M. DeWare :
| L'honorable Mabel M. DeWare :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_271 |
The bells will ring for five minutes.
| Le timbre sonnera pendant cinq minutes.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_272 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President:
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_273 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_274 |
Motion agreed to and bill read third time and passed, on the following division:
| (Le projet de loi, mis aux voix, est lu une troisieme fois et adopte.)
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_275 |
( Saint-Louis-de-Kent )
| Robichaud ( Saint-Louis- de-Kent )
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_276 |
Business of the Senate
| Les travaux du Senat
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_277 |
Hon. Sharon Carstairs (Deputy Leader of the Government) :
| L'honorable Sharon Carstairs (leader adjoint du gouvernement) :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_278 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_279 |
Budget Implementation Bill, 1999
| Projet de loi d'execution du budget de 1999
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_280 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_281 |
Thank you, honourable senators.
| Je vous remercie, honorables senateurs.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_282 |
I tend to agree with him.
| Je suis enclin a partager son avis.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_283 |
It is part of it, but it is not the whole problem.
| Cela fait partie integrante du probleme, mais le probleme ne se resume pas a cela.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_284 |
We must look at some demand-side measures also.
| Il nous faut egalement envisager des mesures du cote de la demande.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_285 |
Yet, we are getting only average results.
| Pourtant, nous n'obtenons que des resultats moyens.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_286 |
Already, many young dropouts cannot find work.
| Deja, beaucoup de jeunes decrocheurs ne reussissent pas a trouver un emploi.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_287 |
The 61 per cent participation rate is not very encouraging.
| Le taux de participation de 61 p. 100 n'est pas tres encourageant.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_288 |
There have to be incentives, starting with tax reform.
| Il faut y mettre des incitatifs, dont le premier est une fiscalite redressee.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_289 |
It is appropriate to examine briefly the way the government manages our affairs.
| Il convient d'examiner brievement comment le gouvernement gere nos affaires.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_290 |
However, I have noticed that the government is increasing in size.
| Cependant, j'ai remarque que le gouvernement prend de l'ampleur.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_291 |
Who is telling the truth:
| Qui dit vrai, M. Martin ouM.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_292 |
Those two departments administer millions of dollars worth of grants.
| Ces deux ministeres gerent des subventions qui valent des millions de dollars.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_293 |
In the past, this kind of action was enough to topple a government in disgrace.
| Dans le passe, c'etait suffisant pour qu'un gouvernement tombe en disgrace.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_294 |
This is a serious finding.
| C'est une constatation serieuse.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_295 |
I live within my means.
| Je vis selon mes moyens.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_296 |
When you have a debt of $580 billion, you should be more frugal.
| Quand on a une dette de 580 milliards de dollars, on devrait etre plus frugal.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_297 |
The government would say it was not playing by the rules.
| Le gouvernement lui dirait qu'elle n'agit pas selon les regles.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_298 |
However, this is what it does both coming and going.
| Mais lui, il fait cela aller-retour.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_299 |
And then they complain about the public's cynical view of politicians.
| Apres cela, on se plaint du cynisme des gens a l'egard des politiciens.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_300 |