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400 | Daniel: Come on, Jenn, you know how much I care about you. I always will. Call me. I am not gonna let this go. Nicole: Hi. You busy? Daniel: Aren't you, uh, supposed to be working? Nicole: I could ask you the same thing. Jennifer: Ooh. Don't need to listen to that. I know what it's about. Daniel: Well, I'm not wrong about the way you were acting when I told you about JJ and Roxanne. You seemed like you were gonna lose it. Jennifer: Oh, boy. If you only knew what that something is, but you can't know. No one can. So I am just going to ignore this. And I'm gonna stay out of my office, and then hopefully you will forget that you even sent me this message. [Door opens] Jennifer: Hey. Abigail: Hey, Mom. Jennifer: Hey, I noticed, um, you left so early this morning. Abigail: I did, yeah. I have a ton of work to do. Jennifer: I know, which I gave you. And now you're all alone with the charity. So I'm here early. Let me help you. What can I do? Abigail: Mom, mornings are your busiest time. There must be a gazillion people looking for you. Anne: And I'm one of them. What, are you just standing around shooting the breeze, Horton? I mean, don't you have a job? [Phone ringing] Eric: Mmm. I must have slept in. Serena: Yeah, you-- you looked so peaceful. I didn't have the heart to wake you. Next time don't be so considerate. I don't mind being sleep deprived if I get to spend more time with you. [Knocking] Melanie: [Sighs] Hi. I thought business moguls were at the office at this hour. Brady: You don't sound happy to see me. Melanie: Well, that depends, obviously, on if you're happy to see me. Kate: So are you going to be at the board meeting? Ah, I will be completely bored if you're not there. [Laughs] Oh, that's good. Well, I will save you a seat right next to me. [Chuckles] Great. Bye. Chad: Doesn't it bother you sucking up to that moron? Kate: That moron happens to be a billionaire. Chad: Yeah, and I don't know how he made all of that money. Kate: Well, he didn't. He inherited it. Sound familiar? Chad: Hey. My father did not make me a billionaire. I am a self-made one. Kate: [Laughs] Chad: [Laughs mockingly] Or at least I will be as soon as we take everything from him. Stefano: I'm calling because I was hoping you might... [Clears throat] Well, assist me with something. Victor: I'm listening. Stefano: I know I don't need to remind you that we have a common enemy, hmm? Victor: Right. Stefano: This is the time to do something about that. Victor: What do you want? Stefano: It is payback time for Katerina Roberts. Chad: Okay. I can't read any more of this corporate crap. I gotta go to the hospital. Kate: Oh. Are you sick? Nothing trivial, I hope. Chad: Aww, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but no. I have to go see Mr. Burns about the DiMera foundation contributions for this year. Kate: Okay, okay. But we still need to find time to talk before the board meeting. Chad: Haven't we talked enough about that? Kate: We need to talk about how to handle Mr. Shin. Chad: You don't handle Mr. Shin. The guy likes to be the wild card. Plus, he's my father's biggest ally. Kate: Well, we are going to play that wild card, so we win the whole pot, and your father will lose his shirt. Stefano: Yes, I, uh, heard about Sonny. How is he doing? Victor: He's going to make a full recovery. Stefano: Good. Good. Victor: How are you doing after EJ? Stefano: Well... [Chuckles] There is a hole in my heart. But what can you do? You have to just get on with it. [Chuckles] Victor: Yes, so now that we've exchanged condolences, why don't you tell me what's in this for me? Besides personal satisfaction. Stefano: I will be in your debt. Victor: Just wanted to hear you say it. What can I do for you, Stefano? Eric: This is a nice way to start the day. Serena: Yeah. Eric: Thought you didn't have to work today. Serena: I don't. Eric: Is something wrong? Serena: Why do you ask? Eric: Well, your head seems to be somewhere else. Serena: I guess I've just got the blues. Eric: Why? Serena: I don't want to leave you. Eric: [Chuckles] I don't want you to either. But we have tonight to look forward to. Serena: I don't-- I don't mean just leaving for the day. I mean... leaving Salem. For good. Daniel: Are you upset about something? Nicole: Should I be? Daniel: I don't know. Nicole: [Sighs] I can't do this again, Daniel. Daniel: Do what? What--what are you talking about? Nicole: Jennifer. Abigail: Anne, my mom is here to help me. In case you didn't know, Jordan-- Anne: Oh, right. Yes. Your partner, she bailed on you. Abigail: She did not bail. Anne: Well, I know that you have a need for a little bit of help around here, but don't you think you're a little long in the tooth to go crying to mommy when things get tough? Jennifer: That is not what she did. Anne: Oh, I'm sorry, are you still here? Jennifer: Seriously? Anne: You know, we have a little bit of work to do. I presume you do too. Jennifer: Have you ever entered a room without being completely obnoxious? Anne: Sorry. Jennifer: You should be. Now, honey, it seems that you have some sort of help, so I'm going to head back to my office, and I'll talk to you later. Abigail: Thank you, mom. Jennifer: I love you, baby. Abigail: Love you too. Anne: [Imitates helicopter] Talk about a helicopter mom. I thought she'd never leave. Daniel: Why are you all up in my face about Jennifer? Nicole: Because when I came here, I heard you leaving a message for her about how you'll always care about her. Daniel: Look, okay, something is going on with her. I'm trying to help her. It doesn't have anything to do with you and me. Nicole: You mean that? Daniel: Look, what--what do you want? Nicole: Well... I was thinking about what you said, you know, how you want to take things slow, and I know that you are taking Melanie and parker to lunch today, and I thought, why not make it a foursome? You know, something easy and low-key. Daniel: Ah, Maggie called me. She wants to take parker today, so... Nicole: Oh. So then it'll just be the three of us. That's fine. Daniel: Hold on. Hold-- Nicole: And we don't have to go to a restaurant. No, no, no, we can go to your apartment, and I can cook. Daniel: You? You--you don't cook, though. Nicole: Yes, yes. Yes, I do. I have my specialties, and you would know that if we hadn't gotten sidetracked. [Sighs] Look, I know you said you want to take things slow, and what's slower than a home-cooked meal for three? Daniel: Yeah, maybe-- maybe this could be okay. Nicole: Okay? It's gonna be great. Daniel: [Chuckles] Nicole: Look, I'll pick up everything I need on my way to your apartment. Daniel: Well, I don't know if Melanie's gonna be there. I don't know if she has plans, so she might not be able to let you in. Nicole: Oh. Daniel: Wow. Okay. [Chuckles] Okay. [Chuckles] Wow, you--you, uh, you are good. You're really good. Nicole: Thank you. You are gonna see a whole new side of me. [Phone ringing] Daniel: Hmm. Ah. Ooh. Okay. Uh, they need me for a consult in the, uh, ER. All right, I will see you, uh, back at the apartment. Nicole: Okay. You won't be sorry. I hope. Eric: I can't believe you just sprung this on me. Serena: Eric, you knew that I was only going to be here until I finished my research for the piece that I'm writing. Eric: I know, but I thought it was gonna take some time, like--like a year. Serena: I know. But I got done early. Part of me thinks that I should have been done before now. Eric: And you didn't say anything to me. Serena: Point is, I gotta start thinking about the next step. Girl's gotta make a living, you know? Eric: I just can't believe this. Serena: I've always been honest about it. Eric: I know. I mean, it's gonna take some time before you find your next gig, right? Serena: Actually, um, I already got some offers. Eric: What kind of offers? Serena: Nothing that will keep me in Salem, I'm afraid. Eric: You know what? Maybe I shouldn't assume. Maybe I should make myself clear. Serena: Clear? Eric: I don't want you to go. Brady: Do I have to remind you that you are the one that walked out on me last night? Melanie: I know. Brady: We had our first argument. It was bound to happen. Melanie: I know that too. It was about Theresa. Brady: No. It was about you checking up on Theresa. Melanie: Are you defending her? Brady: No, I want to forget about her, but you keep poking around, and that makes it impossible for me to do so. Melanie: And that's why I didn't tell you. And that's the real reason you're upset, right? Brady: No. No. I was surprised. I dislike surprises. Melanie: That's why I owe you an explanation. Brady: You don't owe me anything. Melanie: Okay, so let's start at the beginning then. Brady: Hmm? Melanie: You said I need to stay away from Theresa. Brady: Mm-hmm. Melanie: And it felt a little bit like an order. And you've known me long enough to know how well I take orders. Brady: Melanie, I know that you like to put your nose in people's business a lot, and-- Melanie: Did you ever think maybe I was doing it for you? Brady: But if I don't want it, how could it be for me? I want you to stay away from Theresa. It's that simple. I just-- Melanie: See, that--no, no. That's what I'm talking about. That right there. It's almost like an order. Brady: It's not-- Melanie: It's like--so I'm gonna give you one. Brady: Okay. Melanie: If we're gonna be more than friends, and I want that, then you can't start trying to change me. This is who I am. This is what you get. So you have to decide-- you have to decide if that's good enough for you. Brady: Of course you're good enough for me. If anything, you're too good for me. Melanie: Uh, we don't-- wouldn't get carried away. I'm talking about the whole package, so the, um, impulsive part and the stubborn part that--that holds on to something and I can't let it go until I figure out-- Brady: You mean like that part of you that got us locked in that mausoleum a while back? Remember that? Melanie: When I was trying to help Stephanie with that. Yes. Brady: Mm-hmm. Melanie: That--that part. Obviously, I could have done that, and this, differently. Better. I lack, um, finesse. Brady: I hate finesse. Melanie: I should have told you. I'm sorry. Even though I had already decided I was gonna drop it. Brady: You had? Melanie: Mm-hmm. I almost told you, by the way, so many times. Brady: But you didn't tell me. Melanie: Because you would have told me what to do. Brady: You know why? Do you understand that Theresa is poison? Do you understand that if she comes after you and tries to get even, she's not-- she's not fooling around, Mel. Melanie: Are you worried about me? Brady: Yes. And if you ever tell me not to worry about you, I'm gonna tell you that that's just impossible. Serena: You really don't want me to go? Eric: Serena... when I left the priesthood, I asked God-- I asked God to show me a sign that I had a life to go back to. When I walked into that pub and I saw you there, I knew he had heard my prayers. Serena: I don't want to go either. Eric: Okay, then don't. If Salem is not a good place for you to work from, then can't you go somewhere nearby? I mean, like Chicago? Serena: I guess I could think about that. Eric: Still even close enough to drive. And I could go with you. Serena: It's not that simple, and I don't know if it could ever be that simple. Daniel: Uh, excuse me? Yeah, excuse me. Hey. Jennifer: Hey. Hi. Daniel: Hi. Daniel. Jennifer: Yeah. Daniel: Yeah, did you get, uh, did you get my message? Jennifer: What message? Daniel: Okay. I need to talk to you about JJ. Jennifer: Anne is on my back, and I really need to get back to work, or she's gonna take it out on Abigail. Daniel: Yeah, I am gonna take care of Anne. Okay? Jennifer: All right. Daniel: Okay. So why don't we go to my office? And this won't be long. Nicole: Hi, Maxine. Maxine: What do you want? Nicole: Uh, well, I'm supposed to interview the hospital administrator, and I heard he was on this floor, so... Maxine: Well, you heard wrong. Nicole: Okay. I guess I'll have to track him down. Daniel and Jennifer looked serious. I hope nothing's wrong. Maxine: Is it too much to hope that those two are finally getting back together? I know my fingers are crossed. Victor: [Chuckles] That's your plan? That's all you've got? Stefano: If you relay that information to Katerina, she will do exactly what I'm expecting. Trust me. Victor: Well, I'm glad you haven't lost your sense of humor. Stefano: Do we have a deal? Victor: I'll put it into motion immediately. Stefano: I know you see the merit in all of this. Ciao. Anne: Check it out. Abigail: What's this? Anne: My vision. My vision for your charity project. Abigail: Your-- okay. Anne: Mm-hmm. Abigail: Wait, you want people to provide proof of employment? Anne: Yeah. Why not? Abigail: Jordan wanted to help people who don't have money coming in. Anne: Right, well, Jordan's gone, and the first rule of good business is to stay flexy. Abigail: And Jordan would never agree to this, so I'm sorry, but I'm not going to either. Anne: [Laughing] It's like you're forgetting who's in charge here, darling. This is not a partnership. Abigail: Okay, I get it, all right? I know. You are my supervisor. Anne: I'm sorry, what's that? Oh. Chad: I-I was just looking for... everything okay? Anne: Yeah. Melanie: Listen, if you want to worry about me, you're gonna have to take a number and get in the back of the line behind my-- my dad, my grandma, Maxine-- Brady: All those folks love you. Melanie: And I love them very, very much. But when I woke up this morning, I found a little note from my dad, and it didn't say, you know, "could you pick up my dry cleaning?" Or, "we're out of milk." It says, "Mel, when I get home, we have to have a talk about Theresa." Brady: [Clears throat] I wonder if Theresa went to him to complain. Melanie: I'm sure she did. And I'm gonna hear all about it from my dad, but I don't want the same from the man I'm seeing because... then I'd feel like a kid. Brady: Feel like a kid. Okay. Melanie: You have to accept me for who I am the same way that I accept you for who you are. And I don't know if that's-- if that's gonna work for you, if that's too hard. I don't know if that's even something that you want to do. I'm kind of--I'm the only one talking. I'm doing that rambling thi-- just how about, um-- just you tell me. Brady: Okay. Jennifer: Um, yeah, I'm just gonna make this fast because you are wondering how, uh, JJ and Roxanne could be all over each other one day and then broken up the next... Daniel: Right. Jennifer: And what I forgot to tell you is that we had this really long talk last night. And JJ said that he was with Roxanne to forget about Paige, and then he realized that was wrong. So he just broke things off with her. Daniel: Yeah? Just like that? Jennifer: Mm-hmm. That's the short version, yeah. Daniel: Then why were you so upset that he'd been keeping Roxanne a secret from you? Jennifer: Because of the secrets that he has kept from me: Theresa, drugs, stealing. I'm just telling you he isn't going to do this anymore. Daniel: Okay, you were a wreck yesterday, and now you're acting like nothing happened. Oh, and why--why can't I talk to JJ? Jennifer: Daniel, because this is my family. And I appreciate your concern. Daniel: Okay, no, no, no, no. No, no. You are not gonna pull this on me again. Eric: Now I'm starting to think that... you don't want to try and make this work. Serena: No, it's not that. Believe me. Eric, what I meant was, sure, I could get a job in Chicago, but I could just as easily get a job in Bolivia or someplace like that. And while it's one thing for me to get a work visa, there's no guarantee that you could get one too. Listen, we're--we're just getting ahead of ourselves because this could all work out. Right? And I promise, as soon as I know something, you will too. Does it help... if I tell you that... right now, this is the only place I want to be? Eric: Yeah. It helps. It helps a lot to hear that. I want you here too. And I don't want you to doubt that for one minute. Serena, I love you. Anne: Uh, is there something I can help you with, Mr. DiMera? Chad: No, I'm good. I was just here meeting with Seth burns about my family's foundation. Anne: Oh, well, you know, your family's generosity has been a, uh, a real godsend to this hospital. Chad: We will be contributing to Jordan's project. Anne: Oh. Abigail: That's-- that's great, Chad, thank you. Chad: How's it going without her? Abigail: Well, why don't you ask my supervisor? Anne: Yeah, you know, I was just spitballing here with Abigail, and, uh, I have some very exciting ideas. I'm seeing-- seeing great stuff ahead. Chad: I admire that take-charge attitude. It's too bad we can't clone you. Anne: [Chuckles] Why would you say that? Chad: Ah, Mr. Burns and I were just having a conversation about a project that my family's going to be funding. Anne: Oh. Chad: It is very important to the DiMera family that we find just the right person to administer it. Anne: Oh. [Stammering] I would very much like to be in the running for that position. Chad: And--and you would be, except you're already involved here. And this project needs somebody's undivided attention. Anne: Oh. Chad: I'm sure we'll find the right person. Anne: Yeah. Okay. Chad: It's nice to see you both. Anne: Uh, wait. Wait. Kate: Okay, I don't have much time. I have to prep for a board meeting. Victor: Oh, so when you told me that you were free, then-- Kate: I was hoping we could do this fast. Victor: Ah, okay. I just got off the phone with Stefano. He wants me to help him bring you down. Was that fast enough for you? Brady: I heard what you said. You want to be treated like an adult, and you will be. Melanie: Even if I do something I regret? Brady: Yes. I'll tell you one decision I will never regret. And that's giving you and me a try. Melanie: Me either. Brady: I think if we just keep listening to each other, I think we have a good shot. I really do. And you look really good right now. What--how many hours do you have to spend at work? Melanie: Um... Brady: How many? Melanie: I will call you the second I get off. Brady: Yeah? Melanie: Mm-hmm. Brady: Promise me. Melanie: Mm-hmm. Brady: Okay. Walk me out. Melanie: Oh. Brady: Um, I'm gonna be waiting for that call. Daniel: I care about you and both of your kids. I always will. But I really hate it when you tell me not to be involved, especially when you're the one who brought me into this. Now, I can tell you're lying. And I am worried about you. [Phone ringing] Daniel: Dr. Jonas. Okay. I'll be right there. This is not over. Jennifer: Sorry, Daniel. I really have to get better at this lying thing 'cause this is something I definitely cannot tell you. Nicole: Maxine has it all wrong, and so do I. There's nothing going on between Daniel and Jennifer. Now I just have to find a way to keep things moving. Daniel: I don't think I can trust, uh, myself to be alone with you. Nicole: I just have to find a way to get Melanie out of the way. [Phone ringing] Melanie: Hey, Nicole. What's up? Nicole: Hey, uh, I just talked to Daniel this morning, and he mentioned that you two are gonna have lunch today. And I was wondering if-- Melanie: Oh, I forgot to tell him, um, I have to cancel. Nicole: Really? Aww. He's gonna be so disappointed. Melanie: Yeah, um, was there something that you needed to tell me? Nicole: Oh. No, no, no, no. Don't worry. I-I-I don't want to bother you any more than I already have. I'll just talk to you some other time, okay? Melanie: That was weird, Nicole. Nicole: Oh, that was easy. This is a sign. I know it is. It's a sign. It's a sign. Okay. Eric: This is a little awkward. Serena: Because I didn't say "I love you" back? Eric: No, right after you started talking about leaving Salem. Serena: Eric, I could have picked any hospital in the country to do research. And if you remember, I practically threw myself at you, which is why I'm here and not at my hotel. I didn't think I had to say "I love you." I thought you knew. Eric: Okay. Serena: But I still have to get going. Eric: I thought you said you had the day off? Serena: I told Melanie that I was gonna stop by. Eric: See? Another reason for you to stay. You have a good friend. Serena: [Chuckles] Eric: You know... I think things are gonna work for us. I mean, does it sound crazy? Serena: Not at all. I'll see you later. Right after I take care of business. Imagine if razors could move up and down, and all around. Chad: Are you sure about this, Anne? Anne: Oh, absolutely. Chad: Okay. I mean, I know how excited you were about your ideas for Abigail's project. Anne: Oh, yeah, yes. But now that Abigail and I have touched base, I feel more than confident that she can take it from here. So please, tell Mr. Burns that I am available 25/8 for anything the DiMera family may need. Chad: You have no idea how grateful I am to hear you say that. Anne: Okay. So we'll--we'll be in touch. Chad: Definitely. Anne: All right. Chad: Okay. Anne: Okay. So I'm just gonna-- oh. [Chuckles] Okay. Thank you. Abigail: Ahem, Anne. Anne: Keep 'em. Abigail: Well, what's this new project? Chad: How would I know? Abigail: Chad. Chad: With all the money my family pumps into this place, I'm sure we can figure out something for her to do. [Chuckles] Kate: Of all the people that Stefano could ask for help, why would he pick you? Victor: He didn't share that with me. Kate: What does he want you to do? Victor: Now, now, Kate, you know me well enough to know that information comes with a price tag. Kate: [Groans] How much? Victor: Excuse me. Kate: Oh, God. [Chuckles] Well, this certainly is a hefty portion of the profits. I hesitate to use the word "greedy bastard," but in this case-- Victor: Well, if you'd rather proceed ignorant of what Stefano has in mind for you, be my guest. Kate: Give me a pen. [Groans] Victor: You only signed your first name. Kate: Yeah, well, I'm not stupid. I don't even know if Stefano really made this call. So unless you can prove that this is real, well, maybe when that happens, maybe I will finish my signature. Eric: You look good. Brady: I feel good. Eric: Is it because of Melanie? Brady: Uh, you heard? Eric: Through the Brady grapevine. So how's it going? Brady: Not bad. We survived our first argument. Eric: Oh. Brady: I mean, our-- our first argument since we, um-- Eric: Took it to the next level. Brady: Exactly, exactly. [Both chuckle] Brady: You know-- you know what's funny? We, um, when we were just friends, we used to argue all the time. Right? Eric: But you're still friends? Brady: Yeah, and that's why this is different. That's why it's working, because we went into this liking each other and trusting each other. It's just been-- did I say something wrong? Melanie: Serena? Hey. Serena: Hey. I was just gonna get some coffee on my way to your place. But I thought we were both off today. Why are you in scrubs? Melanie: Right. I'm sorry. Somebody called in sick, so I have to cover for them. Serena: Oh. Melanie: But you wanted to talk. Are you okay? Serena: Yeah. No, I mean, yeah, I just wanted to drop off these books for you. Melanie: What books? Serena: You said that you wanted to learn about African history. Melanie: Yes. Yeah. Oh, that's awesome. That's--thank you so much. I'll take them to work with me. Serena: No, no, it's okay. Um, they're so heavy. Why carry it around all day? I'll just drop them off at your dad's place. Melanie: You don't mind? Serena: No. No, not at all. Um, the super will let me in? Melanie: Yeah, uh, you know, no, actually he's-- he's never there. So I'll just give you the, um, this house key. Serena: Great. Thank you. I have to go by the hospital later, so I'll just drop it off then. Melanie: Perfect. Thank you so much. Cool. I'll see you soon. Serena: Okay. No. Thank you. Nicole: Ugh. I forgot the groceries. [Chuckles] Okay, you know what? Forget cooking. I'll order in. And I will use the time to better advantage. I want everything just right when Daniel walks through that door. My favorite words are finally together, Abigail: Did you just come to my rescue? Chad: I did it for Jordan's project. Anne would have gutted it. Abigail: I see. Well, uh, you're right. She would have. That's exactly what she was planning to do. Uh, thank you, Chad. Chad: That's the least I could've done, given the circumstances. Abigail: Wait, that's it? Chad: What do you mean? Abigail: Well, I just-- I just thought-- Chad: You were worried about it getting back to Ben? Abigail: No. Not at all. I'm--I'm going to tell him. I-- Chad: Are you sure you want to do that? He'll say I only did it to get something for myself. Abigail: Did you? Victor: Stefano wants me to steer you away from making a move on a small telecommunications company. Kate: [Scoffs] That's it? That's it? He wants you to steer me away from some rinky-dink company? I would have thought he would want you to stoke the fires under the boiling pot of oil. Victor: Isn't there a division of DiMera enterprises about to make a big move in that area? Kate: Of course. Victor: And doesn't this little "rinky-dink company" hold patents that are crucial to your success? Kate: Oh. So he wants to buy it for himself, and then he'll have me exactly where he wants me. Victor: Not if you get there first. Kate: I would have been completely blindsided. [Sighs] Victor: That old fool. He still thinks that I hate you more than I hate him. Kate: [Chuckles] [Italian opera music playing] [Mouthing along with song] Eric: Brady, I'm-- I'm telling you, everything's fine. Jennifer: Hey, guys. Eric: Hey. Brady: Hi. Jennifer: This is nice. I like seeing the two of you hanging out like this. Brady: Well, why don't you hang out with us? Eric: Yeah. Jennifer: Oh, I wish I could. I can't. Eric: What? Tough day at work? Jennifer: Oh, you know how it is sometimes. Everybody just wants something from you. Nothing I can't handle though. Melanie: Hey, Dad. Daniel: Hey, I thought I wasn't gonna see you until lunch. Melanie: Yeah, that's gonna have to wait. Daniel: Okay, well, hold on. While you're here though, I want to talk to you about Theresa. Melanie: Right. Still gonna have to wait because, um, and the lunch thing too. I got called in to cover a shift. Daniel: Oh, okay. Well, I, uh, I better call Nicole and let her know. Melanie: Nicole? Why? Melanie: Well, she wants to make lunch for the three of us. She's at the apartment now. Melanie: Right now? Daniel: Yeah. Yeah. Is that a problem? Melanie: No. Um, well... she's gonna have somebody there to pass the time with. Nicole: Daniel, I-- [Gasps] | Brady went to see Melanie |
401 | Greenlee: Ryan, are you sure there even is a key? Ryan: Kendall saw Liza give it to him. We know David moved the bogus evidence from the safe. He needed an ally, someone that he could trust. Greenlee: So Liza's holding it for him? Ryan: Whatever we're looking for is in her office. I would bet the house on it. Greenlee: I'm gonna kill her. Ryan: Ok, ok, take it easy. We got plenty of time to deal with her, ok? But for now -- Greenlee: I know. I know -- find the key. Oh -- Ryan: What? Greenlee: This drawer -- it's, like, sticking on something. Ryan: Ok, well, pull harder. Pull it out. Greenlee: I'm trying. I'm trying. Ugh! Oh, my God, Ryan, I found it. I found the key. David: Greenlee? [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: Mayor, listen. My detectives are doing their job. You didn't need to call me down here. Iris: Yes, I did. I have a bloodied assistant down the hall. I want a message sent that these animals can't go around carjacking people in Pine Valley, especially when it's the mayor's assistant. Jesse: We're on it, ok? And listen. One more thing -- I really appreciate getting my badge back. Iris: You want to keep it? You stay away from David Hayward. We clear on that? Jesse: Crystal. Iris: I hope so. Natalia: Hey, Chief. Jesse: Hey. Natalia: Congratulations. Jesse: Thank you. Natalia: But that part about Hayward? Jesse: Yeah, yeah. You know I ain't gonna let that go: Like a dog with a bone! Natalia: Ha ha ha! Just asking. Jesse: One step at a time. And this -- bam -- is the first one. Natalia: Looks good on you. Jesse: I know. Natalia: I'm sure Angie will be happy to see that, too. Jesse: Yeah -- yeah. Yeah. Natalia: Oh, no. No, I meant -- Jesse: No, no, no, no, it's ok. She'll see it. She'll know. [SCENE_BREAK] Caleb: What do we do? Angie: Listen, lay her down here in front of me. Rest her head on my lap. All right, she's breathing. Good pulse. Listen, Caleb, I want you to call 911. Use my name, find out their ETA. Caleb: Hello? Hello? Yes, I'm calling from Wildwind. Dr. Hubbard called in a fire. We've got a child here who's unconscious from smoke inhalation. How long before you get here? What do you mean, 10 minutes?! Come on! We've got a -- just hurry up! Angie: Caleb, I want you to check the closets and the cabinets. Maybe David left a medical kit around here somewhere. Miranda? I need you to hang in there for me, ok? You're a strong little girl, and I need you to hold on. Hold on, and hang in there for me. All right, I'm right here, sweetheart. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere, baby. All right, that's it, sweetheart. Keep breathing. Keep breathing. Now, Miranda, I know you can hear me, and what I need for you is to wake up. I need you to open those big, beautiful, dark eyes. I know that you can. Come on, sweetie. I know that you can do it. Wake up. Wake up, Miranda. Caleb: I found them. I found a bag, and I found oxygen. Angie: I need you to check and see if there's a stethoscope in there. If it is, hand it to me. Caleb: Here you go. Angie: All right, the oxygen tank should have an oxygen mask attached to it. I need you to take the mask, open the valve, and place it over her nose and mouth. She should start coughing. Caleb: Ok. All right. Got it. Angie: All right. All right, breathe it in. [Miranda coughs] Angie: All right -- all right! Good girl! Good girl! All right, all right, keep breathing. Keep breathing, sweetheart. Caleb: Where are those damn paramedics? Angie: All right, breathe. Breathe, Miranda. [Siren] Caleb: Oh, it's about time. Angie: All right. Oh, thank God. [Miranda coughs] Angie: Thank God. That's it, sweetheart, cough. Cough it out. All right. Thank you, God. Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: Wow. I never realized how much this meant to me until they took it away. Natalia: Yeah, well, welcome back. We missed you. [Phone rings] Jesse: Thank you. Natalia: I'm sorry. One second. Ohh. Fowler. Yeah -- wait. When did the call come in? Where is she? Ok. Ok. Thanks. Jesse: What is it? Natalia: A 911 call came in. It's Angie. There's been a fire at Wildwind. Jesse: What? How bad? Natalia: She didn't say. But do you want me to go? Jesse: No, no, no. You get back to the station. You check on this carjacking. I'll handle this. [SCENE_BREAK] David: What's going on here? Greenlee: I did all of this. David: Why would you do this? Greenlee: It's kind of embarrassing. David: It's ok. Tell me. Greenlee: Well, I was up late last night working, and so I decided to take a nap. I closed my eyes and -- oh, God, David, it was so awful. David: What was? Greenlee: This dream I had. It was so real. It was the night of the accident, and I was back on the road, losing control. I hit the guardrail and I was flying through the air and I was falling, forever, only this time it was in slow motion. Then the pain -- oh, my God, David, I don't know if I told you, but I could hear every bone breaking in my body. I could feel the life draining out of me. I was dying, only this time you weren't there. You weren't there to save me. David: But I was there to save you, Greenlee. I took care of you. And now here you are, safe with me. Greenlee: I am safe, aren't I? I want to hate you for everything you're doing to keep me with you, but I can't, David. I can't hate you. Not after what you did for me that night, what you did for me after. David: That's all very gratifying to hear. But it still doesn't explain what you were looking for in this room. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Come on, Greenlee, call me back. Just call me back. Just pick up the phone and call me back. Ring! [Phone rings] Ryan: Hello? What? A subscription? No, no, no. No, thank you. God! Kendall. Kendall. Kendall, come on, now. Kendall, just pick it up. Hey, it's Ryan. Hi. Look, I'm really worried about Greenlee right now. I think she could be in some serious trouble, ok? So when you get the message, could you just go over there and, um, you know what? Forget it. I'm gonna take care of this myself. Madison: Hey. What's your hurry? Ryan: Hey. I was just kind of running out. Madison: Yeah, like you were late to a fire. Is it not a good time? I promise it won't take long. It's for tomorrow night. Ryan: Oh, look. You got -- wait. Tomorrow night? Madison: The big party? You know, the black tie, the slinky dress? Well, the dress probably would be for me, and the tie -- Ryan? Ryan: Hmm? Madison: It's really not a good time, huh? Ryan: Oh, you got me a gift? This is so sweet. Look, I didn't even -- you know, I didn't -- Madison: Come on. Ryan: Ok. This is -- oh, man. The way you did this, this is -- I love them! Madison: Cufflinks. Special cufflinks. See? Ryan: Oh, it's got a dice with the three showing, and this one's got -- Madison: And a four. So, see, you roll a winner. Ryan: I love them. I love them. Thank you. I'm gonna thank you properly later. Ok? But now -- Madison: You got to go? Ryan: Kind of, yeah. I got to go. It's a bit of an emergency. Madison: I'm assuming that means Greenlee? Just be careful. Ryan: I will. Madison: I wouldn't want anything to happen to you, especially after I invested all that money in those cufflinks. Ryan: Ok. Ok. I'm gonna make this up to you, ok? I'm gonna make it up to you. Madison: I'm not keeping score -- [Door closes] Madison: Much. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: When I woke up and I -- I realized you weren't here, I was in a panic. And I looked down at my hand and my ring wasn't there, and I remember taking it off, but I don't remember where I put it. I needed something to hold onto, you know, something real. Then I just went kind of crazy and started looking for it. And I know that sounds ridiculous, but that's how it happened. David: Ok. Don't move from there. Greenlee: Why? David: Just stay right there. I want to show you something. David: You took it off last night when you were about to shower and you put it in the drawer. Greenlee: Oh. David: I want you to know, Greenlee, that I'm still there to catch you. I will always keep you safe. You do know that, don't you? Greenlee: If there wasn't a part of me that knew that, I wouldn't have been so scared. David: You know, maybe you shouldn't take that off. You don't want to lose it. Greenlee: I won't. I think I'm gonna take a walk and get some air. David: You want some company? Greenlee: No. No, that's ok. I won't be long. David: All right. Call me if you need me. Greenlee: Ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: Angela! Angie: Oh, Jesse! Jesse: Thank God. Are you ok? Angie: Yes. Caleb went with Miranda to the hospital. She inhaled a fair amount of smoke. Jesse: Is she gonna be ok? Angie: Yeah, I think so. Frankie's on duty. He'll take good care of her. Jesse, I was so scared. If Caleb wasn't here -- Jesse: Baby, don't do that. Angie: No, he's the one who ran upstairs, carried her down. I could've never done that! Jesse: You would've figured something out. Angie: How? Jesse, no. I have got to stop kidding myself. Now, these episodes of me losing my sight are becoming more and more frequent, and one day it's going to be permanent. Jesse: But until that day -- Angie: No, no, that is it! No more. Now lives are at stake, and I am the one who's putting them there. Jesse, I cannot be a doctor anymore. I can't. [SCENE_BREAK] Caleb: I need a doctor here! I need a doctor! Are you a doctor? Frankie: Yeah. I'm Dr. Hubbard. Caleb: Hubbard? I just left a Dr. Hubbard. Are you related to her? Frankie: That's my mother. Caleb: Is she gonna be ok? Frankie: Blood pressure? E.M.T.: 82/55. Caleb: Are you listening to me? Is she gonna be ok? Frankie: The whole hospital is listening to you, ok? We got this covered, so let's roll her in here. Whoa. Sorry. Caleb: What? I got to be sure she's ok. Frankie: I know, but you got to wait out here and let me do my job. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Hey! You scared me half to death. Greenlee: I'm sorry. Ryan: What the hell happened? Greenlee: David walked in right after I found the key. I thought it would look a little suspicious if I was talking to you. Ryan: Ok. So what happened? Greenlee: I was brilliant, as usual. Ryan: If you say so yourself. Greenlee: I thought that David caught me. I thought he was gonna drug me or strangle me or stick me in a dungeon somewhere. Ryan: But you were brilliant, so that didn't happen, right? Greenlee: The sad part is David actually thinks that he's doing this out of love. "For us," he keeps on saying. Ryan: Hey, don't feel too sorry for him. Greenlee: Trust me, I'm not. Ryan: So where is he now? Greenlee: At home. Ryan: He just let you walk out here? How do you know he didn't follow you? Greenlee: Trust me, Ryan, he bought the whole story. And I got this. Ryan: Yes. This is gonna be the key to your freedom. [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: So the patient survives and the doctor quits? What -- Angela, I know you must've been scared, but you're looking at this whole thing the wrong way. Angie: You weren't here. Jesse: I know I wasn't here, but from what you told me, you did everything right. Angie: Jesse, you have always been in my corner, and I love you for that. But this is -- Jesse: Hey, hey. This is not about me being your biggest fan. This is about you doing what you had to do. Come on, you had a crisis in this house, for God's sake. You had a fire! A sick little girl? On top of that, you couldn't see? Come on, baby, you didn't panic. You took care of business. You took care of Miranda. You got the paramedics here. Now, to me, that says that's a good doctor doing everything she can to save her patient. Now, you throw in the towel, and where's that good doctor gonna be when the next patient needs to be saved? [SCENE_BREAK] Caleb: Hey. Hey. Bianca: Hey, where's Miranda? How is she? Caleb: They're working on her. Bianca: Working on her? What do you mean, working on her? Caleb: They haven't told me anything yet, but she was breathing ok in the ambulance. Bianca: Ambulance? Oh, my God! Just tell me, where do they have her? Caleb: She's in a cubicle over there. But they're not gonna let you in. I already tried. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Ok, the first thing I got to do is figure out the best way into Liza's office and see which one this fits. Greenlee: You really think this could be it? Ryan: Yeah. I mean, David would've have gone to all the trouble to hide this if it wasn't important. So, yeah, we're gonna get the evidence, or the so- called evidence, and we're gonna use whatever we find to bury him. Greenlee: I just want him out of my life. And I know you'll be happy when this goes away, too. Ryan: Don't worry about me. Greenlee: That's all I do, Ryan. Helping me has become a full-time job for you. Ryan: Well, maybe I'm not only doing it for you. Greenlee: What do you mean? Ryan: Well, I think a lot about that night, the night of the accident. I mean, I didn't exactly ride to your rescue that night, did I? Greenlee: You can't blame yourself. Ryan: Well, it's more like regret. I mean, everything changed that night, everything, for me and for you. Greenlee: The old "what could've been"? Ryan: Yeah. You think about that? Greenlee: Only a hundred times a day. Ryan: Well, I was pretty lost. And I'm not making excuses for the mistakes that I made, but I really thought you were gone. Greenlee: I thought you had forgotten about me -- kind of a blow to a girl's self-esteem. Ryan: I could never forget about you, Greenlee. Greenlee: Then I married David to hurt you. Ryan: Well, that part worked. Greenlee: It kind of backfired on me, though. Ryan: Whatever happened that night, whatever -- it can't be undone, but maybe now we can set things straight. We can really get you away from him, and if we do that, it'll help us both move on, which is why I am as invested in this as you are. Greenlee: You know, whatever happens, you'll always have a special place in my heart. I want you to be happy, Ryan. I really do. [David comes across Greenlee and Ryan getting close on a park bench and sadly drops a bouquet of flowers] Greenlee: So what happens now? Ryan: Now I got to figure out the best way to break into Liza's office. But remember, you got to keep -- Greenlee: I know. I know -- pretending with David. Ryan: And be careful, ok, because he's not easy to con. He's gonna be watching you. Every move, he'll be watching -- Greenlee: I told you, Ryan, I'm an award-winner. Meryl Streep couldn't con David better than I can. Ryan: Yes, you know, I almost forgot that. Greenlee: I do accents, musicals -- whatever. You name it. Ryan: Is that right? Greenlee: Yeah. Ryan: Accents? Could I hear one? Because I didn't know. Greenlee: What do you want to hear? Ryan: How about German? [Still watching from behind a bush as Ryan and Greenlee laugh together, David stomps all over the flowers on the ground] [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: You kept her breathing. And if she had stopped -- Angie: Thank God she didn't. Jesse: But if she had, you'd have been able to perform CPR, right? Angie: Yes, I would have. Jesse: Well, to me, that says you're still a doctor. No matter what happens to your eyes, baby, that'll never change. Angie: You have always been a smooth talker, Jesse Hubbard. Jesse: Ain't no smooth talking going on here. Angie: I love you so much. Jesse: Bam. Angie: Oh, my -- well, I know what that means. Jesse: Yep: Just got reinstated. Angie: Oh, baby, I'm so happy for you. Jesse: So listen. If I can get my job back, I'm sure we can figure out a way to keep yours. Angie: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Frankie: She may have a sore throat for a day or two, maybe some coughing. Bianca: But no permanent damage? Frankie: Your roommate got her downstairs and out of the smoke before anything really seriously could happen. Miranda: Caleb saved me. Bianca: She's ok. Miranda's gonna be just fine. Caleb: Thank you, Doc. I'm sorry about before. Frankie: Don't worry about it. You did a great job getting her out of there. Another minute of her inhaling that smoke and, well -- Caleb: She's gonna be ok? Frankie: Yeah. Caleb: Thanks again. Bianca: Thank you, Caleb. Caleb: All I did was carry her down the stairs. Dr. Hubbard and his mom did the hard part. Bianca: I'm just -- I'm glad you were there to save her. What is it? Caleb: You should go back in there with her. Bianca: Miranda is fine. You helped save her life. It's over. Caleb: I walked into that room, and when I saw Sonia -- I mean Miranda lying there -- Bianca: You said "Sonia." Who is Sonia? [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: So the first thing I'm gonna do is make a copy of this key, so you can put the original back in its place in the drawer. Greenlee: So you're gonna show up there? Ryan: This party couldn't be happening at a better time. I'll show up there, make sure Liza and David see me, then I'm gonna sneak out, get the evidence from Liza's office. I'm gonna bring it back to the party, and then you can confront him in front of everybody. Let him know that you're finally free of him, and he'll be powerless to stop you. Greenlee: Right there in the middle of the party? I like that, like a celebration of my freedom. Ryan: Like your own personal Fourth of July in September. Greenlee: Thank you, Ryan, for everything. Ryan: Just hang on till tomorrow, ok? Then it's over. [SCENE_BREAK] David: Liza? Liza: Ohh, God. Ok, thank you very much. I think I actually needed to be scared half to death. Oh, boy. Ok, you look like hell. What's going on? David: It's not your problem. Liza: Yeah, well, I'm afraid that it might be. I think I'm being watched. David: By whom? Liza: Ryan. Kendall. David: Why would they be watching you? Liza: So they tried cozying up to me the other day to find out about my relationship with you. David: You're my attorney. What is there to find out? Liza: The whole thing felt a lot more personal than it did legal. Yeah, they somehow think that you're involved with something, and I'm somehow involved with you. David: Why would they think that? Liza: I don't think they actually said. But if you connect the dots, I'm sure that Greenlee's name fits in there somewhere. David: Did you tell them anything? Liza: Oh, yeah, sure. I told them the whole thing. No, I did not. I told them to back off. Ok, you know what? I'm actually glad that we're having this discussion now, because I think that you and I need to re-evaluate this relationship. David: You don't say. Liza: Listen, I'm trying to start a practice here, and with that, I need clients. And being associated with you, not exactly the best calling card -- no offense. David: None taken. Then fire me. Liza: Ok, I'm serious about -- David: I'm serious, too. Liza: Really? Just like that? David: Yeah. Yeah. Make it as public as you want. Liza: Ok, what's the catch? Don't insult me by telling me that there's not a catch, because I know with you there's always a catch. David: Let's just say that I have a feeling you're gonna be moving on to much bigger things, and so will I. [SCENE_BREAK] Caleb: Whew. Bianca: Caleb? I know you hate it when people pry -- Caleb: Then don't. Don't. Bianca: You said you saw Sonia lying there. Who is she? Was there another fire? Did you lose someone? Caleb: Heh heh. It's a good thing you don't like to pry. Bianca: I'm just curious, that's all. Caleb: Why? Bianca: I don't know. Maybe I just care about you? You saved my daughter's life. Caleb: She's the one you should thank. Frankie: Dad. Mom. You all right? Angie: Yeah, I'm fine. How's Miranda? Frankie: We ran some blood, did an oxygen panel, no permanent damage. Angie: I need you to bring in a pediatric pulmonologist just to be sure. Frankie: All right. I'll page him. So you were at Wildwind? Angie: It's a long story, but yeah, I was there. Jesse: And your mother did what she does best. Frankie: Of course, she did. Bianca: Angie, Caleb told me how great you were with Miranda. Thank you. Thank you so, so much. Angie: Oh, sweetie, you're welcome. Listen, I'm just glad that she's ok. Bianca: I'm gonna go back in with her now. Angie: Of course. Caleb: Wow. You can see. Angie: For now. Caleb: Hmm. You were amazing back there. Angie: Well, I was terrified back there. Caleb: I never would've known it. Angie: Caleb, you know, not many people are aware of my handicap. Caleb: Your handicap? You missing a leg? Angie: You know what I mean. Caleb: I'm just glad that I could follow your instructions, Doc. Angie: My friends call me "Angie." Caleb: Good to know you. [SCENE_BREAK] David: I understand you've expressed interest in being the new D.A. Liza: Hmm. Yeah. Well, apparently a lot of people have. David: Yeah, but not everyone's approached Mayor Blanco for the temporary appointment. Liza: How'd you know that? David: Iris and I are old friends. Liza: How old? David: A few years ago I saved her daughter's life on the operating table. Liza: Uh-huh. So you have a favor? David: I think I can safely say with a word from me, you will be the new D.A. Liza: And you would be doing this out of the kindness of your own heart, I'm sure? David: I think you would be one hell of a district attorney. Liza: Oh, please. You don't give a damn what kind of D.A. I would make unless somehow you would benefit from it. David: All right, Liza, just look at this as an opportunity. You get the job you've always wanted, and I get a friendly D.A. just in case. Liza: Just in case what? Oh, David, what are you up to now? [David sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Madison: I was starting to worry about you, again. Ryan: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I had to stop and get a key made. Madison: A key? Ryan: Yeah. Kind of a long story. Madison: Mm-hmm. And I'm not supposed to ask you about it, right? Ryan: The less that you are involved the better. Madison: Well, how is Greenlee? Ryan: She's good. Everything is good. Madison: It sounds good. Ryan: Yeah. Madison: And David? Ryan: I don't think we're gonna have to worry about David anymore. Madison: Really? Ryan: Especially after tomorrow. I'm serious. No more David in our lives. Madison: Ok, but -- well, you're not gonna do anything foolish, are you? To David, I mean. Ryan: Not that I wouldn't want to, but no, I'm not. No, he's taking care of this all by himself. Madison: So we can all go have a good time at this party, then? Ryan: Yes. And I'm gonna wear my cufflinks. Madison: Guaranteed to bring you good luck. Ryan: What are you talking about? They already have. They have. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: David? David, I'm home. David: Hello, Greenlee. Greenlee: David. I didn't hear you come in. David: How was your walk? [SCENE_BREAK] Bianca: Frankie's in there with Miranda right now. Caleb: Mm-hmm. Bianca: When he's finished, if you want to go see her, you can. Caleb: Yeah. A little while. Bianca: Whenever you're ready. Caleb, if you ever feel like talking -- Caleb: I don't. Bianca: Well, if you do, I'm here. I'm so glad you've come into our lives. [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: It looks like I better get back to the station. Angie: All right, sweetie, you go ahead. Jesse: I'll drop you home first? Angie: Jesse, I'll be ok. Jesse: Angela. Angie: Listen, if I need it, I'll call a cab, ok? But, baby, you can't keep building me up and telling me that I can do anything, and worry about me getting home. Jesse: You're right. You're right. All right. In that case, I will expect a hot meal on the table and an even hotter woman to greet me at the door. Angie: Well, maybe Halle Berry will stop by. Jesse: Angela Hubbard and Halle Berry -- whoa. There's a concept. Angie: Funny. Jesse: Oh! Angie: You know what's really funny? I started out this day thinking that I had to do exactly what David wanted me to: Resign as chief of staff, stop practicing medicine. Jesse: But? Angie: But I think I might have a future in this business after all, once I can get David out of the way. Jesse: Hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Liza: [Unlocks, opens drawer, looks at David's files, then puts them back, closes, and locks drawer] "Madam District Attorney." I can work with that. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Let me get you something. You want a glass of wine, maybe, or champagne? Some diamonds or the Congressional Medal of Honor? Madison: Oh, you had me at "diamonds." Although Congressional Medal of Honor -- that sounds interesting. Ryan: You deserve it, you do, for going so far above and beyond the call of duty, which is pretty much what I've been putting you through the last couple of weeks. It's almost over, though. Madison: And I so wish that I could believe that. Ryan: You can. It's true. Madison: Well, you know, in a weird kind of way, I'm actually glad that all of this has happened. Ryan: In a weird kind of way? Madison: Yes. No, really. You've shown me what kind of a man you are, the kind of man that any woman would want in her life. Ryan: You wait and see. You're gonna get so sick of me hanging around all the time. Madison: I don't know. Somehow you hanging around all the time sounds kind of good. Nice change. Ryan: After tomorrow night at the party, everything is gonna change. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: I love this time of year. Walking through the park, it gave me a chance to really think about things. David: That's excellent. I'm really happy to hear it. Greenlee: Are you feeling ok, David? David: Yeah, yeah. Never better. I was just a little worried about you, that's all. Greenlee: Yeah, I must've been off the rails a little while ago. It must've been that dream. David: When you needed me to save you? Greenlee: Right. And I just realized that I've just been dwelling so much on the negative, and I've stopped enjoying my life. Like tomorrow night, for example. I can't wait to go to that party with you. David: Hmm. You can't imagine how happy I am to hear that. Greenlee: I think it'll be a real turning point for us. David: It's so funny that you would say that, because while you were out walking, I was thinking the exact same thing. Greenlee: That's great. It's feeling more and more like it used to be. David: Maybe even better, Greenlee. I have such wonderful plans for us. | Greenlee tells David she had a bad dream where no one rescued her |
402 | Dinah: Oh, my god. That is so perfect. Cassie is never going to forgive edmund for setting the fire. Jonathan: Or for trying to murder jeffrey o'neill. Dinah: When... when, when is reva going to tell cassie? Jonathan: Well, it could be happening right now. I guess you're not mad at me anymore? Dinah: I'm coming around. Jonathan: Yeah, well, the way I see it...( kissing heavily ) ...we're even. You used me to fire a fire under edmund, I set reva ablaze. Dinah: Oh, my gosh, all this talk about fire is making me hot, you know that? ( Laughs ) Jonathan: Is it working? Dinah: Hmm-mm. Jonathan: Hmm-mm. You want to go upstairs and celebrate? I'm growing fond of josh and reva's bed. Dinah: Me, too. Maybe... maybe we should wait on the whole celebration thing, until reva tells cassie. ( Laughs ) whoa. Jonathan: Would you let your sister marry a lying, pyromaniac murderer? Dinah: Who am I to judge? I'm not reva. Jonathan: Exactly. How about upstairs right now-- me, you and those 300 thread count sheets. Dinah: Okay. ( Laughs ) Jonathan: Edmund smacks jeffrey with the shovel, jeffrey goes down, drops his lantern, fire starts. Reva: Jeffrey would have done something, he would have pressed charges. Jonathan: Yeah, if he know. He caught from behind. Reva: I can't believe this. Jonathan: I think you're scared that edmund is still very much a threat to me, you and cassie. Edmund: Bourbon on the rocks. Make it a double. Reva? Perhaps you'd like to be alone right now. Excuse me. Reva: Did you ever have a really difficult decision that you had to make, and the answer just happened to fall right into your lap? Edmund: I'm not sure I know what you're talking about. Reva: Well, sit down. I'll tell 'ya. Sandy: Okay, okay. Oh, that's it. Enough it enough. Tammy: Well, I'm going to the gym. You'll have the place to yourself in a few more minutes. Sandy: And you'll be back. Tammy: Is that a problem? Sandy: Yes, yes, it's a big problem. And there's only one solution. Tammy, you've got to move out. The sooner the better. Gus: I know that this is very painful for you, okay. But sometimes the best way to ease that hurt is just to say it out loud, just to tell the truth. This way you can put it behind you. And you can start healing like you need to, and like you want to. So, tell us what happened. Lizzie: ( Sobbing ) Gus: Go on. Go on. Lizzie: I did it. Gus: You picked up the gun. Lizzie: I did it. I killed him. I picked up the gun and I killed him. Isn't that what you want you want to hear? I killed him. Alan: Elizabeth, not another word. Not another word. Your honor, this is a travesty. My granddaughter has no idea what she is saying now. Beth: For god's sakes, do something. Object. Judge: Order. Beth: What's wrong with you? Judge: Please, ladies and gentlemen, this is a court of law, not A... Alan: This is not a court of law, it's a circus. And I want it to stop now! Beth: Your honor, my daughter is confused and upset... Lizzie: Stop it! All of you, please. You all just pushed and pushed and pushed for the truth, and i am standing here telling you that, yeah, okay, I did it. Aren't you happy? I'm guilty. God help me, but I'm guilty. This portion of "guiding light" is sponsored by: Ortho women's health. Be heard, live well. Sandy: You drive me crazy in a good way, a great way. And I can't take one more day of this girl being my plutonic roommate kind of way. Tammy: Oh, that kind of a way. Sandy: And if you stay, I'm going to push too hard and screw everything up. So, you gotta go. Tammy: I guess I'm out of here. Sandy: I guess so. So, where do you live? Tammy: Obviously not here. Sandy: Great. Awesome. Now we can do things right. Tammy: What things? Sandy: Dinner, movies, flowers. See, we're not living together anymore. So now we can start dating. And I can treat you like the gorgeous, amazing woman you are. Tammy: Dating, huh? As in you asking me out and i think about it, play hard to get. Sandy: Exactly. You play hard to get, I'll work hard to get you. I've got to go. Double check the bathroom on your way out to make sure you get all of your hair stuff, and that lotion that drives me crazy. Tammy: It drives you crazy in a good way, right? Sandy: Oh, very good way. And one last thing: Leave the key under the door. ( Laughter ) Dinah: I feel like I'm a kid again, making out on the couch. Jonathan: With the bad boy from across town? ( Laughter ) Dinah: Do you feel bad setting up reva? Jonathan: Do you feel bad betraying edmund's secret? Dinah: No, because it's for a good cause. Ow. Jonathan: ( Speaking like a monster ) destroying cassie's marriage. Dinah: Oh, wait, that turns me on. Jonathan: Yeah, yeah? Ruining her life? Dinah: Hmm-mm. Jonathan: I'll bet she'll never trust again. Dinah: Yeah. Jonathan: I'll bet she'll never marry again. Dinah: Oh, yeah. Jonathan: I'll bet she'll wither into an old fossil and be A... Dinah: Yes, yes... ( laughing together ) wait, come here. Jonathan: Someone's coming. You gotta go out the back way. Dinah: What? Jonathan: You've got to go out. Dinah: Why? Jonathan: Because someone's coming. Dinah: Okay, listen. I want you to call me when you know something. Jonathan: Yeah, yeah, I'll call and give you every dirty little detail. Dinah: Okay, all right. All right. I hope they don't ground you. Jonathan: Yeah, funny. I hope you don't break a hip on the way out. Hello, joshua. Josh: Where's reva? Jonathan: She left a while ago. She didn't say where she was going. I don't know. Josh: You don't know where she went? Jonathan: I'm not sure. Josh: Was she upset? Jonathan: Uh, no. She seemed okay to me. Josh: Jonathan. When I left reva, she was fixated on this dream she'd had. You were in it. Jonathan: Oh. Did I hack her up and put her in the meat freezer? You can check the meat tray, it's empty. Josh: Strangely enough, you were the victim in this dream. Jonathan: Of what? Josh: Edmund. Jonathan: Oh, no. That's not dream, dude. That's the real deal. Edmund: Thank you. This is not a very good time to talk to me, reva. Besides, I think I know what you're going to say. Reva: Right. Why did you hang up the phone when cassie called me? Edmund: Because you were making things very difficult for her. Reva: For her or for you? Edmund: Reva, did jonathan tell you about our latest encounter? Reva: Violence and intimidation come easy to you. Edmund: What are you talking about? Reva: You threatened my son. Edmund: Reva, I went to your son, hat in hand, and apologized for everything I had done to him. I offered to help him settle into this family, if that's what he wanted. And I gave him a family heirloom, something that belonged to my mother, his grandmother. Something very precious to me. And he threw it back in my face. Believe it reva, don't believe it, it really doesn't much matter. Reva: You expect me to take your word against my son's? Edmund: Think about it, reva, what I have done. Reva: That's exactly what i am doing right now, thinking about everything you've done. Cassie: Hey. My gosh, I'm so late. I wanted to come here and... are you okay? Ross: Yeah. You know a while ago you and a couple of other people told me to open my eyes where dinah's concerned. And what I saw was troubling. Cassie: Good. Ross: Dinah was never what I would have called happy. However, I think that she has many wonderful qualities. She always felt slighted somehow. She felt that her life wasn't enough. Cassie: That's not my problem, ross. Ross: Cassie, I know that. And I'm not using this as an excuse. But as a father I worry that one day it's all going to go too far and I'm going to lose her. Cassie: I don't want you to lose your daughter, but something has to be done. Ross: Oh, I agree with that. I do. And maybe now I can be the one to do it. And believe me, I'm going to try and keep her away from you and edmund, especially with what you're going through right now. Cassie: Thank you. I can't let anything stand in the way of our dreams. Lizzie: Why are you so surprised? I mean, didn't you expect it? I picked up the gun and I pulled the trigger. He was laying there and he fell down and died right in front of me. Alan: Hey, elizabeth. Lizzie: It wasn't like in the movies or anything, it was just simple. Beth: Lizzie, stop. Lizzie: He was... he was just so surprised. He didn't think I'd do it. I didn't think I'd do it. He wasn't even bleeding. Why... why are you looking at me like that? You wanted me to confess to a murder, and I am. I am. Beth: Oh, my god. Lizzie: ( Sobbing ) Alan: Don't worry. They will pay for this. Judge: Mr. Aitoro, do you have any more questions for this witness? Gus: Actually, I do, your honor. Judge: Ms. Spaulding, would you like to take a short recess? Gus: It'S... it's one more question. Judge: Go ahead. Gus: Lizzie, why did you pull the trigger? What did your father do to you? Lizzie: My father? Gus: Everybody knows that you loved him. Lizzie: I didn't love him. He wanted me to love him like a father. I couldn't do that. Not after everything. He thought I didn't know, but i saw everything. I saw it. Gus: You saw what? What did you see? Lizzie: He... he hit my mom... Beth: What? Lizzie: ...Hard. He hurt her all the time. He tried to act like he was just a nice person, but I hated him. Gus: You hated him? Lizzie: He was an awful man. That's why I shot him. I had to. I had to take care of my mom. I had to protect her. I would do it again. I would do it again if carl was to walk through those doors. Gus: Carl? Lizzie: Yes, carl. The guy that I killed, the guy who hurt my mom. Carl. Who do you think I'm talking about? Alan: Your honor, you cannot badger my granddaughter this way. Judge: Quiet, please! It seems that ms. Spaulding is talking about another case entirely. Gus: Yeah, I know. If I could just... one moment. Judge: All right. Gus: Lizzie, you must be confused. We're not talking about carl stevens here. Judge: Ms. Spaulding, everything you've told us about the man who abused your mother, were you talking about your father, phillip spaulding? Lizzie: No, it's just... everyone was pushing me to confess for murder, and I did. I did kill carl stevens, and i just can't get over it. Judge: I'd like to excuse the witness, mr. Aitoro. Gus: Your honor, if I can. I just believe that the witness is confusing her past with her actions the night of her father's murder. And I am prepared to introduce evidence that will directly link her, directly link her to the crime. If I could just... Judge: Proceed, proceed. Gus: Thank you. Lizzie, isn't it true that you kept a piece of broken glass in your room with dried blood on it? Is that true or not? Jeffrey: Your honor, if i may. I have a report here from syntac laboratories in chicago. And it confirms that the dna on the shard of glass in question does not belong to phillip spaulding at all. Judge: Who does it belong to, mr. O'neil? Jeffrey: Well, it belong to elizabeth spaulding's victim, carl stevens. Judge: Ms. Spaulding, would you care to explain? Lizzie: The piece of glass came from the spaulding potting shed the night that carl died. It's just a reminder that he's gone. I kept having these nightmares that he was coming back to get me. And I can look at that glass and know that he can't come back. Jeffrey: Your honor, elizabeth spaulding had obviously nothing to do with the death of her father. So may I suggest to the court that we get back to trying the real suspect here, harley cooper. Please. Jonathan: Am I the only one that remembers the things this guy has done? Josh: You know, jonathan, i don't really need you to remind me of edmund's crimes. Jonathan: Okay, people change, right? Everybody except me? Josh: Come in. Sandy: Need a signature, boss. Cadley's won't deliver that lumber unless the check is cleared. Jonathan: Well, speaking of the devil. Here's a fellow brother who is a reformed sinner. Can I get a hallelujah! Amen brother. Amen! Josh: Thank you, sandy. Sandy: Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow. Jonathan: Hey, hey, where are you off to? You have plans at your place with tammy? Let me guess, a bowl of popcorn, a little reality tv. I get goose bumps just thinking about it. Sandy: Actually, tammy is moving into her own place. I guess she's not afraid of you anymore. Jonathan: Oh, well, maybe she just needs something you can't give her. Like a pulse. Josh: Sandy, did reva leave any message at the office at all? Sandy: Um, not that I know of. Josh: Okay, and you don't know where she went. Jonathan: No, I don't know. She did say one thing, though. Josh: What was that? Jonathan: She said that she has some important decision to make tonight. Later, dudes. Edmund: I'm telling you the truth about your son, reva. Reva: Which means jonathan is the liar. Edmund: Hard to believe. Yes, I know. But perhaps you should for cassie's sake. Reva: It's cassie I'm thinking about. Edmund: Reva, haven't i proven my devotion to your sister; my devotion to your children. Reva: You see it as devotion. I see it as desperation. Edmund: Desperation? Reva: You're hell bent on proving to cassie, proving to the entire world that you're not the same man you used to be. The man who would prey on innocent children, who would lash out on anyone that he found to be a rival. But I see you as the man who would rather see his entire world burn to the ground than let someone else have it. Edmund: Careful, reva. You don't know what you're dealing with. It is my job to protect cassie from any and all stress. And that is exactly what I'm going to do. Reva: Let go of me. Edmund: You're lighting a match. That's not a good thing to do, reva. Because if you start a fire, i can promise you cassie is not the one who is going to end up being burned. Coming up on "guiding light..." Harley: You're losing it, okay? You've lost your home, you've lost your money, your credit cards, your family. For what? For me? No, enough is enough. Edmund: But if you have something to say to me, say it. Reva: Okay, I will. But if you so much as touch my arm again, you'll be finishing that drink in jail. Or in an ambulance. oprah: Gwen stefani, enrique iglesias, and hilary duff. Judge: Court is dismissed. Beth: Oh. Oh, my poor baby. I'm so sorry. Lizzie: You actually think i would kill daddy? Beth: No, no. I would never think that. I know that you loved him with all your heart, just like I love you. Coop: Gus, you have to believe me. I never considered any other possibilities. I was sure that that piece of glass was... Harley: Don't be so hard on yourself. Gus: Listen, I'm going to prove to everybody in this courtroom, everybody in this town that you're innocent. Get out of my way. Alan: Well, did you enjoy sacrificing your own niece and torturing her. All you did, gus, was make things worse for yourself. Jeffrey: Leave him alone. Alan: Now, whose side are you on, mr. O'neil? And where were you when he was railroading little elizabeth up there, huh? Jeffrey: Just doing my job. Excuse me. Alan: Well, ross, you saw it with your own eyes. So when do we start the disbarment hearing, huh? Ross: Alan, phillip was my nephew, and I loved him. I want justice done more than anybody. But at what cost? Alan: At any cost. Ross: When you come to your senses we'll talk again. Alan: You want justice? Start with gus. This is the last time I want to see him in this courtroom, unless he's defending himself. Cassie: Harley, harley. Harley: Have you seen gus? No, I haven'T. I haven'T. I have to go and find him, but thank you so much for coming. I really appreciate this. Dinah: Are you okay? Cassie: No, I'm not okay. You saw what just went down in there. Dinah: Yes, I did. And things didn't go very well for harley. And I'm sorry for that. But it's something more than that, isn't it? You look really pale. Did something happen with edmund? Cassie: No, dinah. In fact, it's exactly the opposite. We couldn't be more hopeful. ( Knocking on door ) Tammy: I'm not gone yet. But I promise I'll leave the key under the mat just like you wanted. What are you going to do without me to... Jonathan: Good to know. Tammy: What are you doing here? Jonathan: Well, I heard that you were going to hit the road. So I wanted to know if you needed help moving your stuff. Tammy: Well, thanks for the offer. Good-bye. ( Door slams ) ( cell phone rings ) Jonathan: Yeah? Dinah: Just ran into cassie. And she still thinks everything is wonderful. So why don't you tell me what explosives we have to buy to blow up this marriage. Jonathan: Well, we knew reva might not take the bait. You know what, give me a second. Let me try to cast my line again. Dinah: Cast your line again? What are you talking about? Jona... don't hang up. Jonathan? Jonathan: Oh, tammy, there's a fire in the hallway. Tammy: Oh, put it out and go away. Jonathan: Come on, tammy. It's important. Not just to me, but to you. Tammy: ( Sighs ) what do you want? Jonathan: I want our moms to make up and be sisters again. Tammy: ( Laughs ) and for your next lie... Jonathan: Tammy, it's the truth. And I need your help. Reva: Are you threatening me? Edmund: No, I think you're the one who's threatening me, all the talk about my world burning to the ground. Reva: What do you think that meant, edmund? Edmund: Reva, if you have something to say to me, say it. Reva: Okay, I will. But if you so much as touch my arm again you'll be finishing that drink in jail, or in an ambulance. Josh: Reva? Reva: Hey, hi. Josh: Everything okay here? Edmund: Of course it is. Reva and I were just having a toast. Reva: What were we toasting? Edmund: The future. A niece, nephew. Josh, why don't you buy your wife a drink. Josh: It's okay, you don't have to leave. Edmund: I have to leave. I have to get back to cassie, you see. Good to see you, reva. Good to see you, josh. Josh: Okay, what was that about? Reva: You remember when i told you about that dream I had? Josh: Yeah. Reva: The one about seeing edmund smothering baby jonathan. Josh: Yeah, in fact i mentioned it to jonathan. Reva: You told him? Josh: Yeah, he has a very strange reaction. He said it was real. Reva: Well, he's right. Edmund is dangerous and he's going after jonathan. And if I don't stop him soon, he will destroy cassie's life, too. Reva: Jonathan! Josh: It's true. Reva: You know what? What if he finds jonathan again. Edmund is so desperate to cup up his crime, that he's capable of doing anything. Josh: We don't know that a crime has been committed, reva. Reva: Cassie and rj were nearly killed in that fire. Josh: It might have been an accident. We don't know. Reva: No, because I saw edmund's reaction-- his desperation, his fear. Josh: Yeah, and jonathan saw yours, and he used it. Reva: I didn't want to believe it, either. Josh: Yes, you did. Reva: ( Sighs ) Tammy: You've got two minutes. Jonathan: Okay. Your mom's not talking to my mom, vise versa. My fault. But what am I going to do, hop on a plane to buenos aires. I mean, what good is that going to do? You think reva would forget about me? Come on, she'd follow me down to ( speaking in spanish accent ) tiera del fuego and fight the penguins to get my back. No? I'm the baby she gave up, and she doesn't want to lose me again. Tammy: So? Jonathan: So, it's my job to bring our moms back together. Tammy: Why do you care? Jonathan: I don'T. Not really. I'm tired of getting all the abuse from joshua and edmund. So I want to do something to get them off my back. Tammy: See now, that makes sense. When you're selfish I believe you. Jonathan: Yeah, well, I like having three meals a day and a mom who thinks I hung the moon. If she's happy, then I'm happy, you know? Tammy: Yeah, right. Jonathan: All right, forget it. Tammy: Wait. What do you want me to do? Jonathan: Well, how about you meet me at olivia's bar in about half an hour. And this way you and I can talk, and you don't have to worry about being alone with me. Deal? Tammy: Jb? It's a nice thing you're doing, even if it is for selfish reasons. Jonathan: ( Whispers ) let's keep that between us, okay? Jeffrey: Looking for that? Cassie: I know I left it here. Jeffrey: Well, you know, sometimes, cassie, certain things come before friendship. Cassie: Well, I guess that's the difference between you and me. I put people first. You put the law first. Easy to hide behind. Jeffrey: Oh, and what are you hiding behind, all that love you say you feel. Cassie: What do you mean what am I hiding... Edmund: There you are. Cassie: Hi, edmund. Hi. Edmund: I though you were going to take it easy today. Cassie: Yeah, I just wanted to come by and give some support to harley, let her know that she had some friends left. Edmund: Good, good. The doctor said you need to slow down... Cassie: I know, avoid stress. I'm totally ready for tomorrow. Jeffrey: Oh, so tomorrow is... Cassie: Yeah. Jeffrey: Oh, that's good. Good. Cassie: Edmund is just being overprotective. Jeffrey: Is he? Coop: I'm sorry, lizzie. I didn't know. I just saw that piece of glass and I thought that... Alan: Mr. Bradshaw, why don't you run along home while you still have a home. I hope you and your family have enjoyed squatting on spaulding property. Because when harley goes down-- and she will-- your family is going to go along with her. And you will all be out on the street, along with gus aitoro. Ladies. ( Sighs ) Gus: We're closed. Harley: I know the owner. Gus: What are you doing here? Harley: What are you doing? You started smoking again? Gus: You should be sleeping and resting and getting your strength ready for the big court case... Harley: Have you eaten anything today at all? Gus: No, I'm fine. Harley: Put that out. Gus: I'm absolutely fine. See, here's the thing. I know that I made a big mistake, but I'm on to something now. I'm on to something and I can't really go right now... Harley: You look terrible. Gus:...And I'm not hungry... Harley: You're not shaving. Gus: ...I've been... I don't even need much sleep, either, because I've been, I'M... Harley: Stop, stop. Sit down for a second. Listen to me. Gus: I know what I'm doing. Harley: What, what, what? Look at what this is doing to you? Gus: Yeah, I'm just... Harley: Listen to me. Gus: ...If I have enough... Harley: You're losing it, okay? You've lost your home, you've lost your money, your credit cards, your family. For what? For me? No, enough is enough. Reva: I had my doubts about jonathan's story, especially when I found out it came from dinah. But then I ran into edmund, and he answered all my questions. Josh: So you confronted edmund about the fire in the barn. Reva: Indirectly. Josh: Indirectly how? Reva: I didn't have to say the words. I saw it in his eyes, the violence he kept under wraps. Josh: So what exactly did you see? Reva: I hinted. ( Laughs ) and, oh, he lost it. Edmund, the new man, the great father, the great husband. He's still the same horrible excuse for a human being that he always was. And he threatened me. Josh: How? Reva: He grabbed my wrists. Josh: How hard? Reva: Hard enough! It was a threat, joshua... Josh: You sure about that, reva? Reva: Oh, what, you're calling me a liar? Josh: No, I'm just saying that you're being manipulated, and you're too emotionally attached to be able to see that. Reva: So I'm such an emotional basket case and i don't have a mind of my own. Josh: Don't do that. Don't shut down on me, reva. I don'T... I don't care about jonathan's motives. I care about you and cassie, and what's going to happen if you keep letting jonathan do this to you. Reva: Do what? Need me? Did the thought ever cross your mind that I need him, too? Josh: Yeah, that's what scares me, reva. Because I think that maybe you need him more than you need me. Reva: ( Laughs ) oh, now who is being melodramatic? Josh: Reva... okay, wait... I think you did the right thing by not telling edmund. Reva: That doesn't mean i won't tell cassie. Jeffrey: Well, I hope that all works out for you. Edmund: Thank you. Cassie? Cassie: I'm sorry I was so hard on you earlier. Dinah: Councilor, if being noble is such a good thing, why do you feel like road kill? Edmund: Did o'neil say something to upset you? Cassie: No, why? Edmund: Well, you just seem a little off. Must be the procedure. You scared? Cassie: Yeah. I'm scared, I'm excited, I'm hopeful. I'm everything. Look, I'm going to get my car and I'll meet you back at home. Edmund: Right. Cassie: Stop worrying me. You're going to drive yourself crazy. Edmund: Right. Riversville fertility clinic. Yes, my wife recently began a cycle of ivf, but I'm with the impression she needs a place.. someplace a little more private. Yes, exactly. Privacy and security are the things I'm most concerned about. Sandy: Tammy, how am I ever going to ask you out if you don't leave? Tammy? ( Sighs ) yeah, hi, it's your ex-roommate. And you left some stuff here. I would appreciate it if you would come and pick it up. Also, my roommate's gone and I'm throwing a party and you're invited, as long as you wear some of that lotion I mentioned earlier. Tammy: Anybody here? Jonathan? What is going on? ( Screams ) Gus: Don't judge me. This is not... look, the bottom line is somebody killed phillip, and it wasn't you, and we both know that. And they're out there. He or she is out there. And he or she will eventually make a mistake. That's just the way it is. Now, all I have to do is reexamine all of the evidence and found possible motive with one of these people. And I will. Believe me, I will. It's just a matter of time, that's all... Harley: You cannot keep living like that, okay? You cannot do this. You're not eating, you're not sleeping. You're losing... Gus: The only thing I'm afraid of losing is you, and I'm not... I only care about you. I care about you and then I care about coffee, too. Just a little coffee. I'm going to have to cry in my own coffee... Harley: Listen to me, listen to me. No, no, put it down. Gus: ...I couldn't find the lid. Harley: Put the coffee down, okay? If you are so determined to go down with the ship, at least get a little sleep. Gus: No, I don't need any. Harley: You need some sleep. Gus: I don'T... I don'T... Harley: Come on, I'm the client here. I make the rules. Gus: But I don't need to. All I need to do is have a coffee with two shots of espresso. Because that's the kind of mind I have. Harley: Close your eyes. Gus: I have a lot... I have a lot... Harley: Shh. Gus: I don't have enough time. Singer: Something in the way you smile calms my madness for a while it always puts me so at ease baby when I'm holding you there's nothing that I couldn't do I would never leave my angel your love saves me my angel my angel your my baby forever more. My angel your love saves me my angel. [NEXT_ON] Jonathan: I think that you'll be happy to know that I worked it out so that reva and cassie are about to have some quality time together. Dinah: What did you think you were going to accomplish by telling me about the fire, reva? Edmund is not the one I'm getting rid of. You are. | Ross realizes that he may have blinders on when it comes to his daughter |
403 | [Girl mouths words] Markko: The bell's about to ring. Langston: I'll be right there. Starr: What's going on? Why is everybody staring at me? Langston: It's okay. It's going to be okay. [Starr gasps] Starr: Oh, my God! Langston: No, it's okay. Starr: Oh, my God! Langston: It's okay. It's all right. Starr: Cole? Cole? Langston: No, it's okay. Starr: Cole! Langston: Starr -- Starr -- Starr: Cole! Cole! Cole! Cole! Cole! Langston: Oh, my God -- Starr, it's okay, it's okay. Starr: Cole! Langston: You were just dreaming. Just dreaming. It's okay. It's okay, sweetie, it's okay. Shh, shh. [SCENE_BREAK] John: I'm sorry to drag you down here. Cole: I'm not in trouble, am I? John: No. Cole: Well, I hope Ramsey doesn't see me. I don't want to give him any ideas. John: Just stick to our agreement, all right? But I don't mind telling you it's going to get a little harder. Starr's going back to school today. Cole: That's great. I know -- I can't talk to her. I won't, I promise. What made her dad change her mind? John: I don't know. But you can't ask her, all right? I mean, for now, you see her coming your way, you go in the other direction, okay? Cole: Got it. John: Good. Cole: Is that all? John: Yeah, man, that's all, all right? Go to school. Call me if you need anything. Cole: Thanks, I will. John: All right. Talia: Good morning. John: Good morning. Talia: Have you seen Antonio yet? John: No. But you know, I -- I got some witnesses I need to interview. I can definitely make myself scarce. Talia: Look -- oh -- I can't avoid you all the time, okay? We're working together. Besides, Antonio's the one I want to avoid right now. John: Did you talk last night? Talia: Not since he walked out on me. He didn't even bother to cancel our date -- he just never showed up. [SCENE_BREAK] Ramsey: No, I promised I'd work it out, didn't I, as soon as I know the exact amount you need. All right. All right, I'll talk to you soon. I'll take that up. Woman: Oh. Shouldn't you be leaving? Ramsey: Well, I have a little time this morning. Woman: Oh. Well, here you go, then. Ramsey: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Sarah: Flight 1473. Oakland. Cristian: So what's the project? Antonio: Oh, cleaning up Angel Square -- stuff like that. You know, Ramsey wants me to reach out to the community, to keep kids in school -- you know, that sort of thing. Cristian: Hmm. It seems like you're getting along with the new commish. Antonio: Yeah. Yeah, it's not so bad. Sarah: Thank you. Ugh! I hate those automated answering systems. God forbid they let you talk to a real person. Cristian: Is your flight on time? Sarah: Yes, it is. Apparently, there was some problems last night in the -- the airport, but it's all good now. Antonio: Did I hear you say you were going to Oakland? Sarah: Yeah. Um -- Napa, actually. Antonio: Hmm. Nice. Sarah: I mean, it's just -- it's not a big deal. It's just a work thing I'm doing for Nash. I'm helping him out with his vineyard presentation. Antonio: I thought you were working for Nash. Cristian: Now we both are. Antonio: Hmm. Sarah: Oh, my God. I completely forgot to call my grandfather and tell him. I'll be right back. Antonio: Why aren't you going to Napa? Cristian: Because I got a lot of stuff going on. Antonio: Hmm. Cristian: And I didn't get invited. Antonio: What about Jessica? Cristian: She's staying with Bree. Why? Antonio: Well, you're sending your girlfriend off to wine country to be alone with Nash? Are you out of your mind? [SCENE_BREAK] Nash: Wow. That was fast. Jessica: Yeah. It must've been all that upsie-down whee you were playing with her. She didn't want Mr. Bongo. She went right out. Nash: I'm going to miss my girls. Jessica: Hmm, not as much as we're going to miss you. But it'll go quick, you know? It's only two days. Nash: Yeah. It -- it might actually be a little bit longer. Jessica: Why? Nash: Well, you know, if it goes well, I'll have to stick around a bit to cultivate new relationships -- you know, distributors, all that stuff. Jessica: Oh. Okay. Nash: At least we had last night. Jessica: Yeah. Thank God for that storm -- my dad telling me not to go up to the lodge. Oh. Nash: Uh-uh. What's wrong? Jessica: I don't know. You know, I know I said I shouldn't miss work, but, you know, maybe I could telecommute. I could grab Bree and we could make a little family trip out of it. Nash: Yeah -- I don't know if that's such a good idea. Jessica: Why not? Nash: Well, for one thing, you just put her down. How are you going to pick her up and drag her off to an airport? B, last-minute tickets are extraordinarily expensive, and no -- I am not willing to spend Buchanan money for vineyard business. And, C, I won't have enough time to spend with you and that'll make us both feel bad. Jessica: Okay, I guess you're right. Nash: Hmm. What's wrong? Jessica: Oh, just Napa's our special place. I'm just -- I want to be the one to go with you. Nash: You're jealous of Sarah. Jessica: Huh. [SCENE_BREAK] Sarah: Uh-huh? No, I don't think so. Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: Come on, man, are you about ready to go? Markko: Just about. Oh, my gosh. Cole: Man, I don't know how you do this every morning before school. I'd be exhausted. Markko: Carlotta feeds me breakfast. What can I say? So what did Lieutenant McBain want? Cole: Just to tell me that Starr was coming back to school today. Markko: For good? Dude, that's awesome. What happened to the homeschool deal? Cole: I guess her dad changed his mind. Markko: But not about her seeing you? Cole: Nah, he's never going to change his mind about that. Markko: So, still think you're going to be able to steer clear? Cole: Well, I know I have to, I just don't know how. I just hope that Starr knows how much I love her. [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: It's going to be so great having you back at school. Don't worry -- it's not going to be anything like your dream. Starr: You mean my nightmare? Langston, you should've seen the way they were all staring at me and they were all whispering. They all knew that I was pregnant. Langston: Okay, well, they'd have to be psychic. I mean, you don't even know if you're pregnant or not. What's wrong? Starr: I think I'm going to be sick. Langston: Oh, God -- okay, go, go, go, go, go, go. Starr: Oh -- Langston: Oh, that's not a good sign. [Starr sighs] Langston: You okay? Starr: Oh, yeah, I'm perfect. Langston: You know, maybe you should stay home from school today. Starr: Are you kidding me? I feel like I've been locked up in this place for my whole life. Plus, maybe it'll be good for me to get some fresh air and have something to take my mind off of everything. Langston: God, all this stress -- I mean, it's enough to make anybody feel sick. Starr: I'm going to get dressed. Langston: Is -- is that the top that Cole loves so much? Starr: Yeah. So? Langston: Well, I mean, do you think it's a good idea? You guys aren't supposed to be seeing each other. Starr: What am I supposed to do, Langston -- wear baggy sweatpants every day to school? Langston: No, but -- all right. Wear whatever you want. I'll see you later. I'll let you get dressed. Starr: Wait -- Langston? After school, you're still going to -- Langston: I'll get you that pregnancy test. Don't worry, okay? And then we'll know for sure whether you're -- one way or the other, okay? Starr: Langston, I'm really scared. I mean, I'm beginning to think that I might not even need a test to tell me whether I'm pregnant or not. [SCENE_BREAK] Cristian: Sarah's not into Nash, she's into me. Okay? This whole trip is business. Antonio: Yeah -- for her. Cristian: Look, Antonio, you know I hate what Nash did to you and Jessica but before that whole thing started, the guy didn't even know you were alive. Antonio: Dude, I'm not trying to freak you out or anything, okay? I just don't trust the guy. Cristian: Well, I don't trust him, either, but I trust Sarah. Antonio: Okay. Fine. Then, you remember when she almost ran off with that guy on New Year's Eve? Cristian: Yeah, Kellen. Antonio: Okay. She's got a bit of a wild streak, all right, which is Nash's type. That's all I'm saying. Okay, got to go. Cristian: Take care. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Jealous? Nash: Jealous. Jessica: Why, because my cousin gets to go to Napa with my handsome husband and I get to stay here in the snow and change diapers? Nash: I'll make it up to you. Jessica: You'd better. Hmm. Nash: It's not going to be any fun without you. Jessica: Well, all the money it's costing, you should at least have a little bit of fun. Nash: Well, what's that supposed to mean? Jessica: Well -- huh -- it's wining and dining and Indie bands. It's not exactly a hardship. Nash: You think I'm throwing away the money from the investor, don't you? Jessica: No, I didn't say that. Nash: You know, I was wondering when this was going to happen. Jessica: What? Nash: Well, the vineyard. You're fine with the vineyard so long as all I'm producing is a couple bottles to drink around the fireplace. But now that I'm producing more, you're not jealous about Sarah, you're jealous about my work. Jessica: What? I didn't say that. Oh, my -- Nash: You're fine with the vineyard so long as I stay here in Llanview, I change Bree's diapers when you need me to, come to bed when you want me to, and live off the Buchanan money. [SCENE_BREAK] Ramsey: I left the tray upstairs. Woman: I'll take care of it. Ramsey: Where did this come from? Woman: Oh, I found that in a box I was unpacking. I hope I didn't --- Ramsey: You can -- you can get the tray. Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Don't worry. He'll come around. Talia: Really? John: Hmm. Talia: I'm not so sure about that. I mean, you heard him yesterday. He was completely irrational. He practically accused you of trying to get into my pants. John: What? He didn't mean it. All right? He's a hothead, always has been. Talia: Yeah, but it's different. He's different. John: He's got a lot on his mind. Talia: Well, that doesn't excuse the way he spoke to us, nor does it excuse the fact that he's sucking up to Ramsey. John: Well, there's nothing you can do about it now and we've got a lot of work to do. Talia: Yes, like this thrilling case that Ramsey gave us. John: Yes. Why don't you pull up the evidence log, see if there isn't something we missed? Talia: Hmm. This woman has made six calls for stolen items that later just she realized were misplaced. Are we supposed to investigate this, really? John: Well, it's better than "missing tricycle." Talia: "Tricycle"? Not even a bike? John: Uh-huh. Talia: Huh. John: Any cats? Talia: No. I'm sorry you have to suffer through all these rookie cases. John: Well, if this is Ramsey's idea of punishment, I'm not exactly suffering. John: Hey, you working the -- the Angel Square project today? John: Well, I think I'll head down to records, see if I can't find any perps with tricycle theft priors. God help me. Talia: Good luck. Antonio: So, you and McBain working another assignment together? Talia: Hmm. Antonio, can we talk? Antonio: Yeah, sure. Go ahead. Talk. Talia: Can we talk someplace else? Antonio: I'm busy. But if you'd like to slap me in the face again in front of everyone we work with, I'm sure we could work something out. [Talia sighs] Talia: You know I don't have feelings for John. You know I care about you. I want to be with you. We're just working on a couple of cases together -- that's it! Antonio: Right. That's how we started out -- us working together. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: What are you saying, that I don't support you? Nash: Hey, they're my dreams, not yours, right? Jessica: Nash, your dreams are my dreams. Nash: Yeah. But still, I can always see the impatience in your eyes that this is taking up too much of your life. Jessica: Honey, it's not that. It's not that at all. It's just -- you know, we have a little girl and life is busy and I just can't help it if I want you around, if I want your attention. It just seems this is moving a little too fast, you know? Nash: If I'm not ready when the wine is ready, I'm going to have to wait another year. Jessica: Would that be so bad? Nash: Yeah -- I married into this, this -- this wealthy and powerful family. And for the most part, everybody's been pretty terrific. But I need something that is mine -- mine. Jessica: I understand that. And when you decided not to sell the vineyard to B.E., I was very happy for you. Nash: Yeah, except that come to think of it, you voted the other way, didn't you? Jessica: Nash, you know why I did that and I -- I think you got your revenge, didn't you? Nash: My revenge? Jessica: Yeah. Nash: Right -- revenge. You know, I knew what I was getting into when I married you -- a feisty, self-willed woman, strong. Jessica: Huh. Nash: I love you for it. I love you. Jessica: Well, do you think we have time to, you know -- Nash: Just as soon as I get back, all right? Jessica: Oh, Nash -- huh. Nash: Look, I -- I got to pick up Sarah, I got to meet the investors. I'm late already. Jessica: Well, you didn't even say goodbye to Bree. Nash: I'll call her from the airport, good? I love you. Jessica: Love you, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Sarah: I'm sorry that took so long. My grandfather was asking me, like, a million questions and then I decided to call the band in Napa -- which was a mistake, because I forgot about the time difference. Cristian: You woke them up? [Sarah laughs] Sarah: And it sounded like they had a pretty rough night last night, too. Hopefully, they won't remember me. Cristian: Um -- I don't know about that. I think you're pretty memorable. Sarah: Aw. Man, I should know better than to even call an east coast band at this hour. I don't know what I was thinking. I was just so excited, you know? I've done so many cool things with Capricorn, but -- I don't know -- this feels like big time. That came out wrong. Cristian: No, no, I understand. Hey, listen, Nash wants to have this big splash. I think he picked the right woman to help him do it. Sarah: I hope so. Cristian: I know so. [SCENE_BREAK] Markko: Oh, great -- just what I want to spend my tip money on. Who needs a protractor in the real world, anyway? Starr's not here yet, not that you should be looking. Cole: You know, Markko, it's kind of hard to avoid her if I don't know where she is. All right? And if she's around, I'll just disappear. Markko: I'll keep an eye out for you. Cole: How would you like it if you weren't allowed to look at Langston, at your own school? Or talk to her or touch her? Markko: I'd hate it. But you know, maybe things will get easier, though. Cole: No, it won't. [SCENE_BREAK] Ramsey: Sahid, my office, please. Talia: Good morning. Ramsey: Close the door. Talia: What can I do for you, Sir? Ramsey: Well, now, I'm not usually a pat-on-the-back kind of guy, but I'd just like to say I'm very happy with the job you've been doing. Talia: Thank you, Sir. Ramsey: You may be the best female cop I've ever worked with. Talia: No disrespect, Sir, but I prefer to think of myself as just a cop. Ramsey: Yes, well, there's no denying you're female -- not that you've ever asked for any special treatment. I -- I understand that. But it has occurred to me that your working situation -- your arrangements may be a little less than comfortable. Talia: Well, my desk is a little small, but -- Ramsey: Oh, no, I'm not talking about your desk. I just wonder if it wouldn't be better if you and John McBain weren't working together, and I want the truth. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Hey. Buy you a cup of coffee? Antonio: No, no, thanks, I've -- I've had plenty. John: Hey, we need to talk -- now. [SCENE_BREAK] Nash: I'll be right with you guys, all right? Sarah: Okay. Nash: Cool. My turn to be sorry. I'm late. Man: No problem. It's a big day. [Nash sighs] Man: Ready? Nash: Yes. Yes, I am. Man: Even more ready now. Nash: Whoa. Wow. Man: I just need your signature. Nash: Yeah. Listen, this is -- this is great. I'm going to be in flight during bankers' hours, so this will really save me some time. You know, I spread that around to the right people in Napa, it'll really help me get things done a little quicker. Man: That's what we're counting on. Nash: Well, it's money well spent. Make sure you tell your people it's a good investment. Man: We know we're getting a good investment. Safe travels. Nash: Thank you. All right. Nash: Okay. Ready to hit the big time? Sarah: Absolutely. Nash: Excellent. Limo's waiting outside. Sarah: Oh -- limo? Nash: Well, hey, you got to look big to be big, right? [Sarah chuckles] Nash: That and the fact that I got a really, really, really great deal on it. Cristian: Hey, did you bring those noted drawings? Nash: No, damn, I forgot. I completely forgot. They're at the cottage. Cristian: Ah, it's no big deal. I can swing by Jess' and pick it. Nash: You sure? Cristian: Yeah. Yeah, definitely. I want to get started as soon possible anyway. Nash: Well, that -- that would be excellent, thank you. That way, she can explain to you what I want. I mean, not only does Jessica know exactly what I want, but she's probably also the only person who can decipher my scribblings. That's great. Cristian: Cool. Nash: Okay. Let's roll. Sarah: Can you give me a minute? Nash: Yeah -- no, of course. All right. Sarah: I will call you, and I won't forget the time difference. Cristian: Call me whenever. Sarah: Okay. Cristian: Have a good time. Sarah: I will. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Hey, it's me. I just wanted to hear your voice one more time before you left and, you know, to say that I'm sorry. I'm sorry if you didn't think that I was 110% behind you because I am so behind you, and I love you so much. And -- well, good luck, although you don't really need it. We love you, and we miss you already. Bye. [Bree cries] Jessica: Oh. [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: We should go the other way. Markko: We should get to class. Langston: Come on, Starr -- let's just -- Boy: Hey, who let the dog out? [Boy laughs] Cole: Hey, man, shut the hell up! Starr: No, what are you doing? Cole -- Cole, be careful! Stop it! Stop! Cole! No! [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: That was a short nap. Oh -- here, you can color. Oh, you don't want to miss a thing, do you, huh? You know, if it were up for me, I'd -- [Jessica sighs] Jessica: I'd keep things this perfect forever. I wouldn't change a thing. Sweet little girl. [Knock on door] Jessica: Hi. Cristian: Hey. Jessica: Come in. Cristian: I told Nash I'd come by and -- what's wrong? [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: What now? John: Yesterday you told me to stay away from Talia, and I just wanted to know what the point was if you're going to blow her off the way you are. Antonio: Huh. It's none of your business. John: You're breaking her heart, man. Antonio: What, this whole thing is my fault now? John: You acting like an ass? Yeah. Antonio: You know, McBain, you give me one reason -- one reason why I should trust you with Talia. [SCENE_BREAK] Talia: I don't have a problem working with John, Sir. Ramsey: Well, I meant in terms of the tension it may be causing your significant other. Talia: Oh. You noticed. Ramsey: Who didn't? Talia: Ahem. Ramsey: So if you'd rather be reassigned -- Talia: You know, that's -- that's entirely up to you, Sir. But I wouldn't dream of asking to be taken off of my current caseload without a very serious reason. Ramsey: So you'll stay with McBain for the foreseeable future? That's what I'd hoped you'd say. Talia: Yes, Sir. Ramsey: Well, if you change your mind, my door's always open. Talia: Thanks, Sir. Um -- actually, I -- I do have one question, Commissioner. Ramsey: Yes? Talia: Are -- are we ever going to catch a real caseload? Ramsey: You don't think the mayor's grandson's stolen tricycle was a real case? I won't tell the mayor's grandson you said that. Thank you, Sahid. Talia: Thank you, Sir. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: Cole, be careful! Cole! Oh, my God! Stop it! Leave him alone! Markko: Cole! Langston: Starr, no! Cole: You say one more thing about Starr, you'll be spitting bloody teeth! Starr: Cole, you're bleeding! Langston: No -- no, Starr, don't worry, he'll be fine. Come on, let's go. Starr: Are you okay? Markko: Come on, let's go. Boy: I'll give you bruises on top of your bruises, jerk! [SCENE_BREAK] [Nash sighs] Sarah: Champagne for breakfast -- mmm. Nash: And wine all day. Sarah: I remember when I was little, my brother and I used to fly first class with my family all the time. The flight attendants used to bring us toys, brownies -- anything we'd want. They made us feel so special. Nash: As they should. Sarah: Yeah. Well, I got out of the habit. When you're on tour with your bands -- huh -- you're lucky if you get a can of domestic beer when your van is broken-down in the middle of East Podunk. Nash: East Podunk, huh? You know, I -- I just think that it's important to keep a first-class attitude if we're going to convince people that we're a first-class operation, you know? I mean, yeah, we could've turned up in a -- in a broken-down rusted old van and we would've saved some money, but I really do think that it would've cost us more in the back end where it really counts. Sarah: I get -- I get it, and I have no problem with it. Nash: How's it coming with the band? Sarah: Um -- I'm still in the arm-twisting phase. Don't worry, I'll get them and they're great. Nash: I have no doubt. Attendant: More champagne, ma'am? Sarah: Sure. Attendant: And your husband? Nash: Please. [Sarah laughs] [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Nothing -- nothing's wrong. I'm such a dork. I'm just -- I'm feeling overwhelmed by how much I love this little one. Cristian: She is so beautiful. Hey, cutie. [Jessica chuckles] Cristian: She really is, Jess. Jessica: Thanks. Cristian: Nash is one lucky guy. Jessica: Well, I'm pretty lucky, too. Cristian: How you doing? Feels like just yesterday we were kids ourselves. I wonder if I'll ever have one. Jessica: Oh, sure you will if you want to. Cristian: Anyway, I told Nash I'd come by for my drawings. Jessica: Oh, yeah, sure. Cristian: And he said that maybe you could explain to me his notes. Jessica: Oh, of course. I just should try to get Bree back to sleep. Cristian: Back to sleep? Like that ever works. Jessica: Well, I know, but her nap was so short today. I just don't want her to get cranky. Cristian: Well, listen, don't put her down on my account. I like having her here. Right, Bree? Are you ignoring me? Huh? What happened? [SCENE_BREAK] John: Where the hell is this coming from? Look, I know you're not that insecure you can't handle me working a couple cases with your girlfriend. Antonio: I got work to do, John. John: We're not finished. Antonio: Yeah. Yeah, we are. Stay the hell away from Talia, John. [SCENE_BREAK] Markko: Hey. Starr: Hey. Is Cole okay? Markko: Yeah. Starr: Are you sure? I mean, what was -- what was he even fighting with Zack about? It was about me, wasn't it? Markko: Yeah. Starr: Oh. What did he say? Markko: Nothing, really. Cole just overreacted because -- Starr: Because he loves me. Markko: Two guys fighting over you -- it's pretty romantic, huh? But I'm sorry to say, I -- I don't think this is going to have the happy ending like those chick flicks Langston drags me to. Starr: I know. Believe me. [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: Langston? Langston: Oh, God, look at that. Here. Cole: Thanks. So how's Starr? Langston: Well, she didn't hear what Zack said. Cole: That's good. Langston: But she was worried about you. But I -- I told her that you were okay. Are you? Cole: Yeah. Langston: You know, Zack's not the one you're mad at. Try not to take it out on him next time, okay? Cole: Well, I can't exactly take it out on Mr. Manning, can I? Now, I'm glad that he let her come back to school, but this is hard. I don't know if I can do this. [SCENE_BREAK] Markko: Are you sure you're okay? Starr: What? Yeah. Why? Markko: You just -- you look a little pale. Starr: Well, of course I look pale. I've -- I've been locked up in my room this whole time. I'm like a vampire. Markko: Okay. Well, I should get to class. Um -- I'll see you around. I'm glad you're back. Starr: Thanks. Me, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: Starr's a big girl. She can handle jerks like Zack. Cole: All right, so I'm supposed to let people rag on her? Let her dad make her life miserable while I sit back and watch and do nothing? Langston: You're not doing nothing. Well, you are, but you're doing it for Starr. Just remember that. Cole: Hmm. All right. Langston: You should get some ice for your face. Cole: Yeah, right. See you around. [SCENE_BREAK] Cristian: Guess you were right, she was tired -- either that or my artwork wasn't as exciting as I thought. Jessica: Oh, stop it. It was wonderful. Nash thinks so, too. Cristian: Yeah, this time. Jessica: Thanks for sticking it out. You know, I'm really happy that you took the job. Cristian: Thanks for getting Nash to offer. Jessica: See, I knew it would work out. Hmm. Cristian: Yeah. Yeah, it's cool to get in on something like this from the beginning. I think Nash is going to do really well. Jessica: Yeah, I know he is. Cristian: And I think this is -- this is great for Sarah's career, too. Jessica: Yeah. Working together at two places -- how is that? Isn't that a lot of togetherness for you two? Cristian: No, not at all. Jessica: Oh. That's good. You know, I'm glad that you're with another artistic soul. Hmm. Cristian: You know, writers are artists, too. Jessica: Oh, please. I'm a journalist. That's not quite the same thing. So, you couldn't go to Napa with Sarah? Cristian: Yeah, I've got too much to do here. And I didn't think it was going to be much of a vacation, anyway, so -- Jessica: Hmm. Yeah, I guess you're right. Cristian: You miss him? Jessica: Always. Cristian: Well, Nash has got two beautiful women waiting for him at home. I'm sure he's going to hurry up and get here as soon as he can. Jessica: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Nash: Thank you. Oh, my God, I forgot to call Jessica. Sarah: Ooh, that's bad. Is she going to be upset? Nash: No, no, no, no, she won't be upset. She was upset about this trip, though. Sarah: Really? Nash: Hmm. Sarah: She's not worried about you and me, right? Nash: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. She's -- Sarah: Good. Nash: Very secure. Sarah: So what was she upset about? Nash: I don't know. Jessica believes in me. I'm -- I'm sure she does. Just, she can be a little -- Sarah: Conservative? Nash: Yeah, that's the word I'm thinking of. She -- she -- she -- she thinks that I'm being too risky with this, which is weird because I'm doing this for her. I'm doing it for the family, you know? Sarah: I think you'll find most of the Buchanans are adverse to taking risk. Nash: You're a Buchanan. Sarah: Yeah, but I like to think I'm a little bit -- a little more like my great-grandfather. I mean, Asa was -- was the exception, the original risk- taker, and that's me, you know? I live for the rush, excitement. I'm addicted to it. Nash: Yes, you are. Sarah: To taking risks. Nash: Hmm. Taking risks. Sarah: Cheers. [SCENE_BREAK] Talia: John -- John: Oh. The way things are going, you may not want to do that. Talia: Do you think Antonio talked to Ramsey? John: Why? Talia: Because he offered to take me off of our joint caseload. John: Oh, yeah? What'd he say? Talia: He said that it was causing tension in the squad room for us to be working together. John: For once, maybe he's right. Talia: What? John: The department -- they still haven't gotten used to Bo not being there. There's a lot of tension. Maybe we don't want to ask for any more trouble right now. Talia: "Trouble"? We're not causing any trouble. And besides, Ramsey said we make a good team. I can't see why there's any reason why we shouldn't work together. John: I can think of one. [SCENE_BREAK] Ramsey: Vega? Come here, I've got something for you. Some research I did on a similar operation to the Angel Square task force in Chicago -- a big success. Antonio: Hmm. Thanks. Ramsey: Yeah. And one more thing. I told your significant other out there that I was going to pull her off her caseload with McBain, thought it might ease some tension. Antonio: Thanks. Ramsey: Yeah, but she said it wasn't necessary, that she and McBain make a good team, so -- sorry, I tried. [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: Do you feel any better? Starr: Do I look like I feel better? Langston: Do you want me to get you the same pregnancy test as before? Starr: I really don't care. Just get me one that works, okay? Langston: Okay. But, Starr, what are you going to do if you are pregnant? Starr: I don't know, Langston. I honestly don't know. [NEXT_ON] Officer: Just so you know, McBain and your girl were looking pretty friendly. Talia: If Antonio doesn't trust me, that's his problem. Jared: You think Charlie's going to ask her to marry him? Viki: I'm all yours. Charlie: And I wish that were the case. | Cole gets into a fight with another student named Zach after he makes a rude remark about Starr |
404 | [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Michael: You are going to remember this for the rest of your life. Erica: Michael, open the door. Lena: I need you tonight. I don't want to wake up alone again. Erica's voice: Yes, go with the contraction! Just breathe with the contraction! Go with the contraction! Yeah! It's coming now! [Maria gasps] [SCENE_BREAK] [Maria cries] Aidan: Maria? Maria: What -- Aidan, why are you calling me that? What -- my name is -- Aidan: Maria. Your name is Maria. Maria: It's Maureen. Aidan: But right now, when I just called for Maureen, you -- you didn't respond. Maria: Because I didn't hear you. Aidan: Well, you heard me when I called you Maria. Maria: Aidan, I was just -- I was out of it for a bit. Why -- why are you doing -- Aidan: Why? Maria: Why are you doing this? Aidan: Why? Because I care for you. I care too much to let us pretend that this isn't happening, Maureen. Maria: What are you talking about? Aidan: You're getting your memory back. Brooke's voice: Dixie's sister -- Lanie called from Paris. She couldn't reach you. Tad: She lost the baby. Brooke: There was an accident. A car accident, and they're not sure exactly what happened. Tad: How bad is she hurt? Brooke: The Swiss police think that she lost control somehow and -- and the car went over the embankment. [knock on door] Brooke: Tad, open up. It's Brooke and Jamie. I tried to call you before. I know you're home. Your car's in the driveway. Come on. Jamie: Dad, it's me. We brought you dinner. If -- we're going to stay here if you don't -- Tad: Hi. Hey, sorry about that. I -- I was upstairs. I didn't hear you. I'd invite you in right now, but it's not really a good time. Brooke: Oh, that's too bad because we're not leaving. Erica: Do you want something to drink? I -- I keep some brandy here for guests. Kendall: No, no, thank you. Ahem. Erica: Your dress -- I'll get you a sweater. Kendall: No. Erica, wait. Don't -- don't go. Erica: Kendall, I -- I think that I should call the police. Kendall: No, I'm -- I'm ok. Michael -- he didn't do anything. Erica: Well, you -- you sounded terrified. I mean, I could -- I could hear that in your voice when you called out. Oh, if I hadn't been there, if I hadn't stopped him, he -- oh, my God. Kendall: Erica, I'm sorry. You know what? I shouldn't even be here. I - Erica: No. You're not going anywhere. Kendall: I broke into his house. He caught me breaking into his house. He was furious. I was stupid to do that. Erica: Are you blaming yourself for what happened? Kendall: I never should have gone there. Erica: Don't you dare. Don't you dare. What he did to you was not your fault. Mr. Cambias: I thought you were staying at a hotel. Michael: Um -- yeah, initially. Relocating was part of the plan. Mr. Cambias: So you're staying here now? Michael: Temporarily. It's -- you know, it's getting me closer to my goal. Mr. Cambias: Of acquiring Enchantment? Michael: Yeah, well, Erica's company isn't the only thing at stake here. The anti-aging cream, for instance -- the potential is staggering. I mean, the amount of money that we might be able to make with this - Mr. Cambias: I've heard it all before. I want a status report. I understand you're hours away from having control of Enchantment. Michael: How did -- how did you find that out? Mr. Cambias: I received a call from Erica. Michael: What did -- what exactly did she say? Mr. Cambias: She asked me to intervene on her behalf. Michael: "Intervene"? What exactly does that mean, "intervene"? What, stop the takeover? Oh, no, no. No, no, no. If -- if you do this, Father, I swear to God I'll -- Mr. Cambias: You'll what? Are you threatening me, Michael? Bianca: I couldn't believe what I was seeing. She cribbed the combination from my palm pilot and opened the safe like she owned the place. Then she stole your disk with all of your research on it, and I watched the whole thing on the security monitor. Boyd: So Lena doesn't know you saw her take the disk? Bianca: No, she has no idea. I mean, in fact, she had the nerve to think that I would sleep over with her that night. Boyd: Cambias must have her so manipulated -- Bianca: Oh, no, Boyd, this has nothing to do with Michael Cambias. Lena knew what she was doing, and I fell for every word. Boyd: You still love her. Bianca: After everything she's done to me? Boyd: Just answer the question. Are you still in love with Lena -- yes or no? Lena: Oh, my God. Erica's penthouse. Bianca: Boyd, how can you even ask me if I still love her? Boyd: Look, it's a simple question. Bianca: No, it's not a simple question at all. She infiltrated Enchantment and she targeted me -- not my mother, not Kendall -- me. And she looked into my soul and she saw that I was vulnerable and lonely. Boyd: Look, if you're so upset about this, why didn't you just throw the tape right in her face, let her know that she's not fooling anybody? Bianca: I can't do that. She'll tell Michael. Boyd: And so, what, you're just going to play along? Act as if nothing happened? Let her get close to you? Come on. Bianca: You know what? I am Erica Kane's daughter. This is in my blood. Boyd: Bianca, you can't lie about this, ok? You're not capable of it. Lena's going to know, and then when this whole thing explodes -- Bianca: Oh, and then what? What is she going to do? She's going to kill me? She's already done that. Lena: Anyway, the question isn't why I was leaving but why I stayed. Bianca, I stayed for you. Bianca: Oh -- you know what? We should -- we should really get going because my uncle Jack and my mom are going to be back really soon, and they're definitely going to want their privacy. Lena: She knows. Bianca knows. Erica: Kendall did you -- did you tell him? Did you -- did you say no? Did you tell Michael that you didn't want to have sex with him? Kendall: Well, not in so many words. I mean, I kept pushing him off of me. I -- I thought he would give up. But I didn't think that he would actually -- well, when he found me there, when he found me there in his condo, he demanded to know what I was doing there. Erica: Oh, well, that's immaterial. I mean, he can't just -- Kendall: No, Erica, Erica -- ever since I found out Michael was using me, I -- I've been playing a dangerous game. I've goaded him. I've played with him -- Erica: Well, that doesn't give him a free pass to force himself on you. Kendall: No, I just -- I just keep replaying it over and over in my head. Erica: So you can try to know what the exact moment was that you lost control so you will know better next time, so it will never happen again. Kendall: Is that what you did after my father -- Erica: Well -- I -- I was just, you know, a little girl, so I couldn't even imagine that a friend of my father would do such a sick thing. But, yes, that's what I did. I told myself my whole life that maybe if I hadn't smiled at him or talked to him or trusted him that this would never have happened. Kendall: I -- I finally understand now what you went through. Erica: Excuse me? Kendall: Well, you've always said that I -- I could never grasp what you experienced. Erica: Are you comparing this incident with Michael to what happened to me? Kendall: We were both powerless against a man. Erica: No, you got lucky. You got lucky. Somebody showed up for you. Somebody stopped it for you. You weren't raped. Michael: I know you don't respond to threats, Father. Mr. Cambias: Good. So, speaking of Erica, are you threatening to take over her company and replace her with the daughter she despises? Michael: Well, I would never let Kendall Hart run Enchantment. Mr. Cambias: So you just enjoy seeing Erica suffer? Michael: She thinks she can make me look like an amateur. Mr. Cambias: So taking over her company that she built from nothing isn't enough. You want to see her degraded, humiliated? Michael: I want her to beg me -- me, not you -- to leave her with a shred of dignity. That's what I want. Mr. Cambias: You think you can force her to respect you? Michael: I know I can. I learned from the expert -- you. Maria: Do you really think I'm getting my memory back? Aidan: Aren't you? Maria: I'm -- I remember being Maddie's mother, and that -- those feelings are just coming from a place that I didn't even know existed. But I don't know. I think that maybe that's because she's in so much danger and she's stirring up so many feelings for me. I just think if I was really getting my memory back, there -- there would be other things, you know? Aidan: What, like being -- being married to Edmund? Maria: Aidan, please don't do this. Ok? Let's not go there. Aidan: If I'm going to lose you -- Maria: You're not. Aidan: I can't ignore it. Maria: Don't even say that. Brooke: Ok, the lasagna is warming up. Tad: Great. You know, unless I missed my guess, you're supposed to be getting ready for exams about now. Jamie: Dad, it's -- it's cool. My homework's done. Tad: Mm-hmm. And instead of running off to hang with your friends or calling Laurie, you thought you'd come over here and spend time with your old man? What's your excuse? Brooke: I have none. We just didn't want you to be alone tonight. [knock on door] Tad: Well, at this rate, that doesn't look like it's going to be an option. Opal: Hey, you're home! My E.S.P. is working. I hope your oven is. Hey, there! How are you all? Ruth: Well, Brooke, Jamie. How are you? Brooke: Well, hi, everybody. Opal: Well, not to worry. There's enough for everybody. We got steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes, gravy -- Jamie: My mom made lasagna. Joe: Yeah. Sounds delicious. Tad: Well, I certainly hope it's delicious because I have no idea how on earth I'm going to be able to eat all this food. Ruth: Well, don't worry. We'll all help. Boyd: Well, I guess that answers my question. You still love Lena. Bianca: Well, I can't just turn my feelings off. And I don't hate people that easily, but I am trying. Boyd: Yeah, well, don't. Ok, give it up because it's not in you. Look, Bianca, you're a giving and generous person, and Lena took advantage of that. But don't let her take that away from you. Bianca: All right. So what would you do? Boyd: Confront her, give her one last chance to explain. Bianca: No. Boyd, nothing can explain what she did. Boyd: Ok, maybe not. But if you still think there's a chance for you and Lena to be together, I'd go for it. Bianca: You're a lot stronger than I am. Boyd: Oh, no. No way. Lena: Sorry to disturb you. Myrtle let me in. Bianca: It's late. Lena: Not too late, I hope. Kendall: No, you're right. I wasn't raped. It didn't get that far because of you. Erica: Look, I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I -- it's just that you -- Kendall: I wasn't -- I wasn't saying that what happened to you wasn't horrible. Look, Erica, I am -- I am so sorry for what Richard Fields did to you. I'm -- I'm sorry you weren't as lucky as me. I'm sorry no one was there to stop it and that you were left all alone and no one came in and pulled him off of you. I'm sorry about that. Erica: It's not your responsibility. You're not responsible. Kendall: Will there ever be a day when you can look at me and really mean that? Erica: Right now, we have to focus on and deal with Enchantment and Michael Cambias' latest scheme. Kendall: Which is? Erica: After you left the condo, I proposed the possibility of a merger. Kendall: And Michael laughed you right out of there. Erica: He proposed a golden parachute, said I could save face if I handed Enchantment over to him without a fight. Kendall: Ok, what's the catch? Erica: He wants me to step down and name you as my successor. Kendall: I'm sure you were appropriately mortified. Erica: Yes, I was horrified and I turned down his offer, at which time he swore that I would end up with nothing. Kendall: Well, he thinks he has Boyd's anti-aging cream. He swears that he's holding all the cards. Erica: Let's keep it that way, then. Kendall: How? Erica: I have an idea. [dial tone] [Erica dials number] [phone rings] Michael: Hello. Erica: Michael, you two-faced thief. Michael: Erica, what are you talking about? Erica: I know you stole my formula. I know everything you're up to, you deceitful pig. You think you're going to bury Enchantment? Well, that cream is revolutionary, and that belongs to me. Michael: I have no idea what you're referring to. Erica: You were never interested in a merger because you had already taken what you wanted. You took what was rightfully mine. Michael: Erica, what makes you so sure that I have this precious fountain of youth of yours? Erica: Because I know you, Michael. Because I know how your twisted mind works. You take whatever you want. Michael: Well, do you have proof? Erica: Proof? Michael: Yes, Erica, proof. You're threatening me, throwing accusations around. I want some concrete proof. Can you -- can you produce it? Erica: Well, I -- I don't have direct proof. Michael: Uh-huh. So I'm not exactly sure why you're calling me. Erica: Look, Michael, we both know that you're guilty. Michael: Here's what I know. You have two choices, Erica. You keep fighting; I'll leave you with nothing. You surrender and I'll buy your shares of Enchantment. Think about it, Erica. You could live off that money for a very, very long time. Erica: Well, I -- I do have one condition. Michael: Mm-hmm. Erica: That condition is that you can't replace me with Kendall Hart. Give up Kendall or I keep on fighting. [Michael chuckles] Michael: You don't know me very well, Erica. I would never jeopardize this win for your trashy daughter. Erica: So you accept my condition? Michael: Oh, absolutely. I'll call a press conference to announce the new agreement. Erica: So you can rub my face in it -- no, you do that alone. Michael: No, no, come on, Erica. You'll be there tomorrow with that delicious Erica Kane smile. And you'll have a good time. I know you will. [Erica hangs up] Erica: Oh, you are so predictable. Did exactly what I wanted him to do. Kendall: Did you have to throw in that part about me not taking over Enchantment? Erica: Oh, Kendall. Look, I just had to make sure that there wasn't one shred of doubt left in you that Michael Cambias would just sell you out at the first opportunity. Kendall: Do you think I would trust him after everything that just happened? Erica: I know that it might seem cruel, but I just -- I had to be sure. Kendall: Wait a minute. Erica, you -- you did this because you care about me. Bianca: You should've called before you came over. Lena: I went back to the office. You weren't there. Bianca: I -- wow. You must've just missed me. Lena: That's what I thought until I -- till I saw something for the first time -- a security camera hidden in the corner. And then I thought, must be more of these everywhere, even Erica's penthouse. Bianca: You're right. Lena: You saw me, didn't you? Bianca: Saw you what? Lena: Go through your bag. Bianca: Go on. Lena: Open the safe and steal the disk with the formula. Bianca, at least please -- Bianca: No. I know why you did it. Lena: No, you don't. Bianca: Would you stop right there? I don't want to hear any more of your lies. Lena: Bianca, I swear on my mother's life, I will not lie to you. I can't. I love you too much. Please, let -- let me explain everything. Aidan: Maureen, listen to me. Don't fight this. Let these memories come to you. Maria: No, I can't. I can't. I can't because I -- Aidan, I am scared to death that one day I'm just going to wake up and I'm going to morph into Maria, and I -- and I like being me. I like being Maureen and I love the way that I feel when I'm with you. Aidan: Maureen, I am not -- I am not going anywhere. Maria: Neither am I. I don't care if I get my memories back. I don't care if I remember being with Edmund. It's not going to change the way I feel about you, it's not going to change the love that I have for you, and it's not going to change our life together. Aidan: I want you to know this -- no matter what happens, I'm here for you for as long as you need me to be. Maria: I do need you. I do need you and I love you, and nothing's going to change that, ever. Joe: Limerick Lake is stocked with trout. Dr. Valins has offered me the use of his cabin up there. You and Jamie should join me. Jamie: I'm in. Joe: Yeah. Tad: James, do you have any idea how early you have to get out of bed to go fishing? Jamie: Early? Tad: Around 4:00 A.M. As it is, I have to dump you on the floor to get you to go to school. Ruth: Tad's right. We should really plan something that the whole family will enjoy. Joe: Well, ok. How about Ocean Beach? Ruth: Oh, now that's just a short drive away. Oh, we could rent a house on the beach. Joe: Mm-hmm. Tad: You hate the beach. Ruth: I do not. Tad: Yes, you do. Joe: Well, let me see. I've got it. We'll do a cruise. Tad: That's a great idea. Ruth: Hmm. Tad: Take Jamie. I'm kind of busy. Opal: Busy? Busy with what, rattling around this place all by your lonesome? Tad: Come on, Mama. Not you, too. Don't help. Opal: No, I mean it. Ever since you left your job at Chandler, you've just been -- Tad: I am busy. I told you, I'm busy. I'm fine, ok? I may not be killing time at Adam Enterprises anymore, but I'm helping Liza with Fusion. I'm -- I'm the guy that -- Opal: You are acting like a miserable, old hermit. Brooke: She's right. Tad: Did you all call one another and decide you were going to come over here and pester me? Ruth: Honey, we're just worried about you, that's all. Brooke: You know, Tad, every time I call you to come over for dinner, you tell me that you're busy. Tad: That's not true. Brooke: Mm-hmm. Tad: That is -- no, no, no, no, wait a minute. We just -- we just had dinner, right? Right? Ok, fine. Don't help. You know, I'm -- we'll just -- we'll have five dinners tonight, get it over with, and that'll be the end of it. Opal: You know, honestly, honey, I haven't seen you in weeks, and poor Petey misses you -- Tad: Don't even try. Opal: What? Tad: Every time I lay eyes on your son, he borrows $20 and disappears. Joe: Tad, we're just trying to get you out of the house. Tad: Dad, I get out of the house. I get out of the house every day. You guys look like a herd of vultures. Would you stop it? Could we just, you know, stop talking and eat? Ruth: Darling -- we all just want you to be happy again. Tad: I -- I think "happy" is going to be kind of a tall order, Mom. I love you. I love all of you very, very much. Joe: Son, we know that. Tad: I'm functioning. I'm ok. Honestly. I get up every morning, I put on my clothes, I drink my coffee, and then I live my life without her. I'm sorry, Pop, but right now that's about the best I can do. [knock on door] Tad: Excuse me. Liza: Hello. Tad: What's this? Liza: Five-alarm chili. Are you hungry? Tad: That's funny. I was just about to ask you the same question. Jamie: Let me get that for you. Meatloaf, lasagna, and now chili -- my kind of meal. Liza: I should've called. How are you? Tad: I miss her. It's been a year. It feels like it just happened. It's insane. One minute you're sitting on an airplane reading an in-flight magazine. The next thing you know, your whole world just turns upside down. Jamie: I miss her, too, Dad. Joe: We all do. Opal: I always said they broke the mold when they made Dixie Martin. Never going to be another one quite like her. Brooke: But you are still here, and we love you, and life goes on. Ruth: We're glad that you're dating again. Opal: Yeah, Lizzie -- Tad: Lysistrata. Opal: Whatever her name is. Tad: Get it right. Ruth: Well, I think Dr. Schwartz is lovely. Tad: She is. She's great. And she's -- she's nice to spend time with, but it's not serious. No, I'm afraid this is about the extent of my social life -- discussing dating with two mothers, a father, my son, and an ex-wife. Liza: Don't forget me. Tad: As if I could. Liza: There was something poking out of your mailbox, and I brought it in for you. Tad: Thanks. No return address. It's from J.R. "I know that wherever you are, tonight we're both looking up in the night sky and remembering the brightest star in both our lives. Together forever, right? Love, J.R." Um -- if you'll excuse me, I'm going to -- I'm going to get a little fresh air. Opal: Think maybe one of us should go be with him? Liza: No. Let him be. He knows we're here if he needs us. Bianca: I don't want to hear it. Lena: Bianca, listen to me. Michael found out about my mother, where she was hiding, everything, and he swore he'd turn her in! Bianca: Oh, really, did he? Lena: If my mother gets arrested, she will never survive in jail. Bianca: Well, she won't be the only one behind bars. Lena: What do you mean? Bianca: I have you on tape stealing private property from my mother's safe. Lena: You wouldn't. Bianca: I would. I would do anything to protect my mother. Maybe you can relate to that. Lena: Bianca, you hate me. I can't blame you for that, but -- listen, whoever I was in the past, everything changed the moment I met you. For the first time, I experienced something good. Bianca: Oh, really? Is that why I had to stop you from leaving the country? Lena: I did that to protect you, Bianca. You must believe me. Bianca, please remember -- Bianca: Remember what? Lena: When it was just you and me. That was real. You know it was. Bianca: Uncle Jack, it's me. Look, I need your help. Erica: Kendall, no woman deserves to be brutalized like that. Kendall: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Erica. I was pushing, and I -- I swore I wouldn't do that. So, where do we go from here? Erica: Well, if you don't want to be alone -- Kendall: No. No, I mean tomorrow, the press conference. I want to help you. Erica: Ah. Then you will stay as far away from that press conference as you possibly can. Tad: It's not fair, Dixie. To this day, I wonder what I ever did to deserve -- we should have had a life together -- you, me, the boys, Kate. I got to get back inside. Got a whole room full of people in there who love you. They love me, too. And I wonder what I ever did to deserve that? Tad: Hi. Man: Are you Tad martin? Tad: Sometimes. Just what I need -- more food. Man: Excuse me? Tad: Nothing. Long story. Listen, how much do I owe you? Man: It's been paid for. Tad: Oh, yeah? Just a second -- who ordered? Man: Don't know. Have a nice life. Tad: Chicken fingers. Why not? Good night, sweetheart. Aidan: So, what's next? Maria: I don't know. I know that I need to spend time with both my kids. I really am just praying that I remember being Sammy's mother, too. Aidan: Well, I'd like to spend more time with Maddie -- and Sammy, if Edmund will allow it. Maria: Oh, I'm sure he will. I'm sure he will, especially when I tell him I'm starting to -- Aidan: To remember? Maria: Remember. Yeah. Aidan: Hey -- I want you to remember every moment you had with those children. They're so lucky to have you as a mom. [Maria laughs] Maria: Thank you. I know that there's room in their life for you, too. Aidan: I'm going to check on Maddie, see if she's still asleep. Maria: Ok. Thanks Sweets. Edmund: Maria, take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Maria: Edmund. Bianca: Thank you, uncle Jack. I love you, too. Good night. Lena: Thank you. Bianca: For what? Lena: For not -- Bianca: Having you arrested? Well, I want my uncle to check out your story before I do. Lena: It's all true, I promise. So, will you call me after you've heard from your uncle? Bianca: What, do you expect me to just let you waltz out of here? Lena: What? Bianca: Lena, I don't trust you. And I'm not going to let you out of my sight until I hear back from my uncle Jack. So, guess that means that you'll be staying here tonight. Michael: Come on. Admit it, Father. I know how to play Erica better than you do. When you tried to win Enchantment, you failed. Mr. Cambias: Now you're gloating. Michael: No, no, no, I -- I did it for you. Mr. Cambias: For me? Michael: Yeah, you wanted me to prove to you that I was capable of running Cambias Industries. I -- I did that. Mr. Cambias: I have proof that you still don't want my company for the right reasons. I built Cambias Industries for myself, for me. Michael: Well, maybe I should just take my prize elsewhere. Mr. Cambias: Where? You're nothing without me, Michael. We both know that. Good night. Kendall: Wait a minute. After everything Michael has done to me -- not just tonight, but for months -- you expect me to stay away from that press conference? Erica: Kendall, I intend to trump Mr. Cambias. And there's no telling how he will react or -- or what he might do. So things will just be smoother if you stay away. Kendall: You're not the only one with a surprise. Erica: Oh? Well, what is it? Kendall: Confidential files stolen from Enchantment. I downloaded them from his computer before he came back. Erica: The files, the files. Kendall: Mm-hmm. Erica: Yes. Then we have the proof of the industrial espionage. Kendall: Yes, yes. There is enough here for Jack to indict Michael and sue Cambias Industries. Erica: Thank you, Kendall. Kendall: Ah, no. No, no, no, no, no. Erica, there is no way I am stepping back now. I'm going to be sitting right next to you when we take down Michael and give him what he finally deserves. Erica: But, Kendall -- Kendall: No. No buts. You want proof, you got me. [NEXT_ON] Aidan: Did you tell Edmund that we're engaged? Maddie: When will you come get me, Daddy? Evan: Soon. Greenlee: You want to wipe that grin off your face and tell me what's really going down? Michael: When I'm finished with Erica, she'll be finished for good. Erica: Let the games begin. | Michael makes it clear that he wants Erica to grovel, and that if Cambias Industries isn't happy with him, he'll take his prize somewhere else |
405 | Jack: No. No. You can't give up. Dad's counting on you. You've gotta figure out who's behind these Origami Cogs. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Balsom, I'm sorry that I wasn't able to make it to Gigi's funeral, but Matthew had a setback. Nora and I had to take him to a new rehab facility in Philly. Rex: I'm sorry to hear that. Is he gonna be ok? Bo: That's the plan. How are you doing? Rex: Fine. Why? Bo: Maybe it's just the setting, but you look a little different. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Whatever's on this tape is the reason that Marty tried to kill me. But John says that Gigi had this with her when she died. How? Because I distinctly remember this tape recorder being up on the roof of Angel Square Hotel. What do you have to do with any of this? [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: David, for the hundredth time, go! I want you off my property! David: Dorian, I'm not your Pekingese. You can't just shoo me away. Dorian: I told you you're evicted. David: You're not my landLord, either. You're my wife. You're the love of my life. Don't you know by now that I would never cheat on you? You're the cream in my coffee, the butter on my muffin top--not that I have a muffin top. Dorian: No, you don't have a muffin top. You have cupcake tops. David: Can't you see this entire thing is a setup? If you can't see by now how much I love you and how much you mean to me, let's finish this whole thing right now. We'll get you another gun and you can shoot me, because without you, Dorian, life is not worth living. [SCENE_BREAK] Baz: Who's that? [Starr sighs] Baz: Sorry. Starr: I didn't even hear you come in. Baz: You were kind of lost in that photo. Who is it? Starr: My Dad. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Wait a minute. That frame's not as fancy as the one you had with my old face in it. Viki: Honey, it's just a frame, ok? Old face, new face, I still love you. Todd: So who broke it, anyway? Natalie? She hates me enough. Viki: Natalie doesn't hate you. And I don't know who broke it, but I'm sure whatever happened, it was an accident. Unless... Todd: Unless what? Viki: Unless it wasn't. [SCENE_BREAK] Vimal: Excuse me. What do you think you're doing? Natalie: Why would John think that you know what's on this tape? Marty's voice: Natalie didn't have another man's baby. She had John's. Brody: I was--ahem--going over the evidence we collected at the scene. The basement where Rex found Gigi. It was on the floor. Natalie: How'd it get there? Brody: I don't know. I was just looking for something to help us nail Jack Manning, and I saw the tape recorder. I remembered you saying you had one like it when you got into it with Marty, so I listened. Natalie: What was on it? Brody: Nothing. It's blank. Natalie: That doesn't make any sense. Marty wouldn't try to kill me over a blank tape. She's not even that crazy. Brody: Maybe it's not the same tape. For all we know, Gigi had one just like it. Natalie: I was just hoping I'd find out what I can't remember. Brody: I'm sorry. Natalie: Me, too. You--you listen to the tape? John: Yeah, I did. Brody: Which is why I don't understand why you didn't tell Natalie yourself. There's some reason you want me to be the bad guy? [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: Oh, I would've gladly shot you dead. Only we found that dead body in the bushes. David: Baby, you wouldn't shoot me. You love me. Dorian: Oh, this slutty slut thinks you would. That's why she sent you over the package-- with a gun in it. David: She ain't my slutty slut. I have no idea why she would send me anything, much less a handgun. This entire thing is obviously a setup. Dorian: That is so idiotically self-absorbed. David: Think about it for one second. Who spent months in a dungeon while Clint tried to make you believe that I was up to my armpits in debutantes? That was me. So doesn't it stand that someone's trying to make you believe that I'm having an affair when I'm not? Dorian: Explain this. David: I can't account for that woman's bad taste. Dorian: Oh, anyone who wants you has bad taste. David: Baby, we love each other. You're the strawberry in my champagne. Dorian: Oh, please, David. I can't do this anymore. David: So that's it, huh? No more movie premiere? No more marriage? Dorian: Oh, please stop it, ok? Just go. Please. David: Oh, ye of little faith. Dorian: Oh... Blair: Is this about the pictures in "The Sun"? Dorian: I don't want to talk about it. Blair: Come on, Dorian. These aren't real. Are they? Come on. You don't think David is having an affair with this woman, do you? [SCENE_BREAK] Baz: That's not your Dad. I've seen your Dad. He doesn't look anything like that. Starr: Not anymore, but that was him--before the plastic surgery. Baz: You're kidding, right? Starr: He disappeared for a long time. Everyone thought that he was dead, but he was really alive. He got beaten so badly that he needed reconstructive surgery and--when he came back looking the way he does now, no one believed it was him, that he was Todd Manning, except for me. I knew. Baz: How? Starr: My little brothers are a lot younger than I am, so I was an only child for a while. My Dad and I were so close. He would let me have snakes and we would stay up all night watching horror movies. He called me Shorty. Baz: Must've been nice. Starr: Yeah, it was. Baz: I missed all that with my Dad. Starr: You can still have a relationship with him. Baz: It's a little late for him to call me "Shorty." So why are you looking at a picture of your Dad with his old face? [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: So you think that someone actually did break a picture of me on purpose? Viki: I don't know. I came home earlier and these doors were open, and I know I closed them when I left. And I went outside and I got this weird feeling there was somebody there watching. Todd: Who? Viki: If I knew that... Todd: So your idea is that someone broke into the house, smashed a picture of me on purpose, and then spied on you from the terrace? Vimal: Why are you sneaking into Mr. Manning's office? Who are you? Todd: Who are you? Vimal: I'm Vimal Patel. I'm Mr. Manning's new associate. Todd: Are you? That's great. Your parents must be very proud. Vimal: I will need to see some I.D., though, or I will have to call security. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Look, I know you didn't want Gigi's heart to go to Clint, and I understand that, but to trade her heart for his house, all his assets? Rex: He's my father. I'm just taking what's mine. Bo: He owes you. There's no doubt about that. But to pin the man to his death bed? That's not you, Balsom. Rex: Well, so maybe I've changed. Maybe having Gigi killed by a heartless punk who got away with it because his Daddy's rich - maybe that changed me. Maybe I finally see the world for what it really is. It's brutal, unless you have enough money to protect the people you love. They took Gigi. They almost took Shane. You can understand why I want to protect them. Bo: Yeah. You want to protect Shane. I understand that. And I am with you on Jack Manning, but he's not better off from all of this, and you know that because you're a Dad. You can't protect your kid from his own mistakes. And Jack's gonna find that out the hard way. Rex: If there's any justice. Bo: What's this really all about, Balsom? [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: What the hell kind of name is Origami Cogs, anyway? Food. That's what I need. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Relax. You don't need to call security. I have every right to be here. We haven't been introduced. My name is Kent. Nicholas Kent. Vimal: So why are you sneaking into Mr. Manning's office... Todd: I didn't want to disturb him. You know how he gets. Vimal: Yes. He values his privacy. Do you have an appointment? Todd: I don't need an appointment. I'm the trash collector. Vimal: Maintenance? Todd: Sure. If you want to put it that way. Vimal: Well, usually, the maintenance men around here wear uniforms. They also have collection carts. [SCENE_BREAK] John: No one wants you to be the bad guy, Brody. I'm just surprised the tape is blank, and Marty was so desperate to get her hands on it. Brody: Maybe Marty erased it. Had it before it wound up in that basement if it's the same tape. Natalie: Brody, I came to you when you were going through Gigi's things, and you knew that Marty and I were fighting over a tape recorder. Why didn't you say something? Bo: There's something more driving you, Balsom. What is it? [SCENE_BREAK] Rex's voice: By the time I'm done, Jack will know how it feels to lose his mother, and Todd will know how it feels to lose his wife. Rex: John suspects that Manning paid off Brad's father so that Brad would take the rap. So do you blame me for wanting to have enough money to protect my son? Bo: I'm sorry that the department wasn't able to nail Jack Manning--not yet. But you're right--sometimes money will corrupt the system. But it doesn't fix everything. Look at me--I've got plenty of money. It didn't do a thing for Matthew. Rex: Got him into the best facility. Bo: And he'll get great care. But whether that'll make a difference... Rex: At least he has a chance. Bo: Balsom, I know it feels like there's no point. Rex: There's only one reason I get up in the morning--Shane. Bo: He's lucky to have you. But don't let this change who you are. Rex: Why not? Whoever I was, I wasn't good enough. I couldn't save her. Bo: You were plenty good enough. She had some bad luck. Rex: No, she was murdered, and the son of a bitch got away with it. Money? You want to even the score? [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Ok. I know that you haven't been here a long time, and I'm not gonna hold that against you. But I've been here since day one. The first issue of "The Sun" wouldn't have happened without me, and I don't need a uniform or a collection cart to do the kind of collecting that I do. Vimal: I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I overstepped, Mr. Kent. I just-- I know how much Mr. Manning hates to be disturbed. Todd: You and me both. Vimal: Let's just forget this ever happened. Todd: Great. Vimal: Anything to keep Mr. Manning happy. Todd: Oh, Mr. Manning is gonna be very happy some time real soon. I'm sure of that. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: You know what? I haven't even talked to James about this, and you and I are supposed to be recording music. Baz: What's this on his face? A scar? Starr: Yes. It's gone now. Baz: What? Starr: My little brother. He claims that he has this new friend--a guy that he found out by our pool. We all thought he was imagining things. Baz: But now you don't? Why? [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: You know what? You're right. I mean, that somebody would break in and smash a picture. That's just absurd, right? Todd: Hold on. What kind of cheesy security system do you have that strangers can just come and go as they please? Viki: Who said it was a stranger, huh? Todd: You think it was someone you know? Viki: No, not necessarily. I just had this feeling. Todd: You getting that feeling now? [Door closes] David: Viki? Oh, God. Viki! Viki: David? Ok, you're scaring me. David: I'm scared, too, Viki. Scared of my future, alone, without Dorian. She's locked me out of the house and out of her heart. Thanks to you, Todd. You printed those pictures. Todd: It's not my fault you wanted to hook up with that bikini chick. David: You're right. It's not your fault. It's Viki's. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: When I asked Sam about his new friend, he said he had a line on his face. Baz: Like your Dad's old scar? Starr: Only Sam never knew my Dad when he had that scar. Baz: Could he have seen pictures? Starr: Yeah. That's the only possible explanation. Baz: So how come you don't buy it? [SCENE_BREAK] Brody: I just started going through all of Gigi's stuff when you showed up. I didn't find the tape until after you left. Look, we might not ever know what was on that tape, if there was anything or how it was erased or why Gigi had it. Marty's gone. Gigi's dead. Natalie: I remember pressing play. I mean, I--I heard something. I had to have heard something. John: Whatever it was, it sent you to my place. And you ran into Marty. Brody: What difference does it make? It's not gonna help us find Marty. Gigi's dead. Liam's safe. He's home. The tape doesn't matter. Natalie: It matters to me. So Gigi had the tape with her when she died? John: Yeah. Natalie: Ok, so that means that Gigi was carrying around my tape recorder with a blank tape inside. That doesn't make any sense. She was on her way to her wedding. There had to have been something on that tape. That means that someone erased it after she died. So who found it? What's the chain of evidence? John: I was there when Al was bagging and tagging everything, and then after that...Brody, you want to answer that? Brody: Would you get off my back? I didn't erase the damn tape. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: After the funeral, guess who showed up? Blair and Téa. They came here to say how sorry they were. Sorry? Relieved is more like it, now that Jack got off. Bo: Are you sure about that? Rex: Manning paid off a guy who lost everything. He sold out his own kid for money. The whole thing reeks. And then Manning sends his women over here to make nice? And it's not like they're guilt-free--where were they when Jack was torturing Shane and murdering Gigi? And now Jack is back partying with his friends. And Gigi? She's in a hole in the ground. And the only thing that's left of her is a tombstone with some stupid words that don't do her any justice, and a kid who will never be the same. Bo: We've been through a lot together, Balsom, but this is the worst. I'm not gonna ask you for much, but please, just hear me out. [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: Come on. You don't really think David is sleeping with this Ionia woman, do you? Dorian: Picture's worth a thousand words. Blair: I'm sure that he has a very innocent explanation for it. Dorian: Oh, sure. He says it was all a setup. But I caught him with this. Blair: That's not really his color. Dorian: No. But the bitch who was wearing this showed her true colors. Ho ho. She sent over a package and a note. In the package was a gun, and the note told David to use it on me so the two of them could be together. Blair: Wait. She sent him a gun? Dorian: Yes, and when the police arrived, David accused me of having used it. I had to defend myself. Blair: Wait. The police were here? Did you shoot at David? Dorian: Oh, I wanted to shoot him. I really did. But-- then when we found the dead body, I lost... Blair: Whoa, a dead body? What dead body? [SCENE_BREAK] David: You of all people could've convinced Dorian that I wasn't having an affair with Ionia. She would've listened to you. But no. You refused to help me. Todd: Viki, I gotta go. It's Sam's birthday party tomorrow. David: Oh, good. Is there a dress code? I'll have my linen suit pressed. Todd: I'll text you the whens and the wheres and all that, ok? Viki: Why are you leaving? Todd: I left Jack in charge at "The Sun," so--gotta make sure the place hasn't burned down. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: You think you can just take my life, Mr. Manning? I'm gonna find out who you are. And when I do... Jack: Great. Locked myself out. Where's that stupid key? [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: I don't know why I keep going back to this picture. I should just listen to my Mom and your aunt. Baz: What do they say? Starr: They're saying that Sam is making it up, that this line on his friend's face--he must've gotten it from an old picture of my Dad. Baz: Except you do not believe that. Starr: It doesn't matter what I believe. Baz: Why not? Starr: Because it doesn't make sense. Sam's gotta be making it up. It's the only other explanation. Baz: Anything's possible. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Just take a man's life. Gotta be a clue in here somewhere. [Keys jingle] Todd: Mr. Manning, I presume. Todd's voice: I have a son. His name is Jack. Todd: Jack. Jack. Oh, my God. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Brody, we're just trying to figure out what happened. Brody: Just talking about Gigi's murder. We were close, she was important to me, and she shouldn't have died, and thinking about that and Liam's kidnapping, I just want to move on from all of that. John: I'm sorry for your loss, but we can't do that, and you know why. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: I understand what you're going through, Balsom. When my son died, part of me died with him. And I shut down. I wouldn't let anyone help me-- not even Nora. I pushed her away. And I ended up losing her for a long time. And I got so sick that I almost died myself. I don't want that to happen to you. You've gotta think about Shane right now, and all this rage that you feel--I think that that's grief trying to get out. And if you don't let it, if you use all of that anger to get even, you're gonna end up hurting yourself. They'll get there-- they always do. I don't think that Gigi would want you to worry about them. I think she'd want you to take care of yourself. Just think about Shane, because you're all that he's got right now, and you've gotta help him get through all of this. Balsom, you are his only ticket to a normal life. But you gotta let go. You hear me? Rex: I heard every word you said. Bo: Are you gonna listen to me? [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: Did you say dead body? Dorian: Yes. Yes, we found a dead body over there in the bushes. Blair: And we're standing here having a discussion about your little fight with David? Dorian: Little fight? My marriage is about to break up, darling. Forgive me for thinking that took precedence over the ill-timed death of a stranger. Blair: I'm sorry. My children live in this house. They play out by the pool all the time, and they were just--like, yards away from a dead body? Dorian: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: All right, David, what happened this time? David: I'll tell you after I get unpacked. Should I just take the bedroom that I was in last summer? Viki: Excuse me? David: I'm sure that Pa and step-Nora would probably love to host me, but Matthew in his conditionI probably shouldn't do that. I should probably just stay right here. Viki: I don't think that's a good idea. David: Not a good idea? Viki: No. David: Oh. Oh, Viki. Are you afraid that you're finally going to hurl yourself at me? Because believe me, I would like to indulge your every whim. I'd like to make Dorian jealous while we're doing it, but I just--I can't do that to her anymore. Even though she would've shot me if it weren't for that corpse, I still love her. Viki: What corpse? David: Hmm? Oh, some stranger died over at Dorian's house, but my good friend John McBain's gonna find that culprit. He and I are like brothers. So why didn't he talk some sense into Dorian? This is where you come in. Viki: David, no. I'm not going to help you. Not if you're cheating on Dorian. [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: So John and Brody didn't recognize him. Dorian: None of us did. Blair: Do they know who the killer was? Dorian: No. Blair: Do they know why he was here? Dorian: It's...all a mystery. Blair: Dorian, are they investigating at least? Dorian: Well, of course they are. They took my statement. They took David's. Ugh. They're probably gonna want a statement from Starr and Jack, maybe even Sam, so-- Blair: Sam? Dorian: Yeah, you better prepare the kids. Blair: Wait. Maybe your dead guy is the man that Sam's been talking about. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: Sam has just never been the imaginary friend kind of kid. Baz: But your Mom thinks that's all it is? Starr: She told me that I used to make up stories, but I reminded her that one of them turned out to be true. Baz: Yeah? Starr: Yeah. I told my Mom and Téa that I'm going to make sure that this guy's really imaginary. Baz: So until then, you feel like making some music? Starr: Definitely. Ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Jack? I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you. If I knew it was you, I-- I wouldn't hurt you, Jack. Jack: Dad? Dad? Vimal: Todd! Did that maintenance man disturb you? Todd: You're gonna be the one picking up garbage unless you find me another satellite to buy! Vimal: Of course, sir. Todd: And stay under the radar this time. The last one I bid on was stolen right from under me. You understand? Vimal: Yes, sir! Yes, sir! Todd: Jack. Hey. Hey, buddy. It's Dad. What happened? Jack: Dad. I don't know. I think somebody knocked me out. Todd: Did you see who it was? [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: You yourself admitted that those photos in "The Sun" were real. David: But it's not what it seems. I was alone, innocently sunbathing. Viki: Oh, Lord. In your-- David: Trunks. The Speedo's only for special occasions. Viki: David, you're learning restraint. David: Which is exactly my intention. This woman, this Dorian wannabe, breaks onto the property. She throws herself at me. It was horrible. I mean, you know me. I'm as open-minded as the next guy, but this woman was all over me. It was like I was being devoured by a starving squid. She took off her top, she kissed me without asking. I felt violated. Viki: I see. David: No, Viki, listen to me. I don't think you see at all. I didn't want this woman. All that she and I ever did together was act in my movie. If you can call what she did acting. Although that's no matter. The camera's on the money the whole time, so we'll be good in the edit. But that's my point. Given our history, what was she even doing there? It's a setup. Who took those pictures? Who gave those pictures to your brother? Not me. Someone's got it out for me. Viki: Be that as it may-- David: I love Dorian, Viki. All those months that I spent in that Moroccan hellhole, the only thing that got me through was dreaming of her. She's the only one for me. I don't want anybody else. And why would I lie to you, of all people? Viki: Given our history... David: That's true. That whopper of a lie in the past, where I told you I was your brother and then your real brother showed up and blew it for me. Every time I see Todd's face--the same. But he's got a new face now so we're all good. But I may have lost my Baby Snooks. I can't have that, Viki. I love Dorian. I would never cheat on her. Viki: Baby Snooks? David: Oh, God... Viki: Don't you dare cry, David. David: I love her. And I think she's lost without me. Plus, she pays for stuff. Please, Viki. You've gotta help us. Viki: Look, David, even if I wanted to help you, Dorian won't listen to me. David: So you do believe me? You do believe me, then? Look, I know what Charlie did to you was terrible. I would never do that to Dorian. Ever. She's my one and only. Viki: Ok. I believe you, all right? But I don't think I can talk to Dorian. David: Oh, no. We're way past talk. I need more from you. So much more. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: How on earth would Sam know the man who died here? Blair: Well, Sam told Starr that he's been talking to this guy out here by the pool. We thought he was making it up-- that it was an imaginary friend. Dorian: That doesn't sound like Sam. Blair: Did the guy have a line on his face? Dorian: A line? Blair: Well, that's what Sam calls it. Maybe it was a birthmark or a scar or something. I don't know. Dorian: Look, I wouldn't know. I was much too busy defending myself. David kept saying that I was the one who shot the dead man, which is ridiculous. Luckily, John did not believe that. Honey, you don't think Sam shot-- Blair: Oh, don't be ridiculous, Dorian. Dorian: Don't forget who his parents are--Mad Margaret. Twisted Todd. Blair: Sam wouldn't hurt a fly. Although I've been worried about him when he talks about an imaginary friend, but that might explain it. If that guy is real. Dorian: Unless Sam was chatting with the shooter. [SCENE_BREAK] Brody: What is it, John? Why can't Natalie and I just move on with Liam? John: You can try, but you're also a cop. Marty killed someone. The reason she got away with it is because Manning helped her. Now he's helped his jerk son get away with Gigi's death. This time we're gonna nail the guy. Brody: We've needed to nail that guy since I got to this town. But with a fresh body, we've got bigger problems. Natalie: Fresh body? John: A guy we found at Dorian Lord's. Gunshot Vic. We haven't recovered the weapon yet. Natalie: Do you know who it is? John: Not yet, but when we I.D. him, I bet you it leads straight to Manning. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Here you go, buddy. Hey. Are you sure you're all right? The ER is very close. Jack: I'll be fine. Todd: Let me see this thing. Jack: Ow. Todd: What happened? Jack: I hit a wall with the Origami Cogs thing. So I went out to get some food. I was only gone, like, 3 minutes. When I came back, the door was locked. Todd: These doors? Jack: Yeah. And when I got inside, somebody hit me. Todd: But you didn't see who? Jack: It was from behind. Todd: I'm gonna call security. What the hell are you doing? Jack: Just looking for the painkillers. Todd: Stay out of my desk. You want painkillers, I'll get you some. It's Todd. Get up to my office. There's been a break-in. Yeah. Jack: That's weird. Todd: What's weird? Jack: Someone messed with the computer when I was gone. Todd: Ok, that's one too many. Jack: What do you mean? Todd: Someone broke into your aunt Viki's place earlier. Smashed a picture of me. Now someone's attacked you and messed with a computer. I know who's doing this to us. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: You want me to let go of the fact that Gigi was murdered, and that her killer walked? Sorry, I can't do that. I won't. You're asking me to dishonor the woman I love, the mother of my child. Bo: It's not dishonoring her. Rex: Ok, then you try it. Oh, wait. I forgot. You've already forgotten about the fact that Matthew's head was bashed in and that he's lying in a rehab facility in Philadelphia and that he might not make it. How do you do that? How do you pretend it's all right? Bo: I didn't say that was all right. Rex: But it's all right for me. Bo: That's not what I meant, Balsom. Rex: How about this? How about this? You track down the creep who ruined your son's life, and when the justice system gives him a pass, then we'll talk. [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: What if Sam befriended a murderer? Dorian: It's a lot better than befriending a skanky skank, slutty slut-come- lately like this. She probably slept with David to get the part in our movie. Blair: Are you all right? Dorian: Yeah. I'm fine. Just fine. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: Oh, dear. David, what can I possibly do to help you regain Dorian's trust? David: First we have to figure out who's doing this to me. You're smart. You have a newspaper. You have plenty of resources. You can help me investigate. Someone's trying to ruin my life, and someone's trying to ruin Dorian's life, too. Viki: Ok, stop, all right? Don't cry. David: Dorian... Viki: David? All right. If someone is setting you up, I will try to help you find him. Don't cry, David! David: I'm not crying. Viki: David. [David crying] [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: Come on, Dorian. You sure this isn't a setup? Dorian: I don't want to talk about David. You better talk to Sam. Blair: You're right. I'm gonna sit that boy down, and I'm gonna talk to him, and I'm gonna find out exactly who the man is with the line on his face. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: Was that as good as I think it was? Baz: Better. Come on. Let's go celebrate. Starr: Ok. I'll go grab my computer. Baz: I had a feeling this would work. We could take this act on the road. Make a name for ourselves. Starr: You think? Baz: Like I said-- anything's possible. [SCENE_BREAK] Vimal: Excuse me, Mr. Kent, could you please clean up my office? After you're done with Mr. Manning's, of course. Todd: Sure. You're right--I'll have to come back for Mr. Manning's office. There's still a lot of trash in there. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Where's my security team? Jack: Forget security. What did you mean? Who's doing this to us? Todd: The same bastards who stole my satellite-- Origami Cogs. Jack: I was on the computer for an hour. There's nothing about them. Todd: They can't stay hidden forever. We'll get them. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: You change your mind, you know where to find me. Rex: Bo, I know you want to help. You can't. Bo: Balsom-- Rex: Just go! [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: You really think that my uncle had something to do with the Vic at Dorian's? John: Maybe you can talk to the CSUs that were at the scene, all right? See what they found. See what you make of it. Brody. All right, let's' check the Vic out, all right? Get him through the missing persons database. Run his prints. See if you can't put a name with the face. Natalie: Let me go check on Liam and I'm on it. Brody: Me, too. | He also attempts to get past Vimal Patel who does not know what to say or do and who finds Todd suspicious |
406 | Bridget: (Yawns) Mm. Good morning. Nick: What time is it? Bridget: I don't know. I bet we overslept. Nick: (Sighs) That's understandable. Bridget: (Chuckles) You mean all that celebrating we did last night? Nick: Yeah. I'll be wanting some more of that later. (Groans) Bridget: What are you doing? Where are you going? Nick: I am going to the office. Owen's gone, and I don't have to dread going work anymore. Bridget: Well I don't think you have to hurry off either. [SCENE_BREAK] Owen: Mm. Gosh, if this is how you react to a proposal, I can't wait to see you on our honeymoon. Jackie: (Giggles) Owen: Mm. Jackie: Well, one surprise deserves another. Owen: Mm. Jackie: And another... and another... Owen: Yeah, your son's about to get the biggest surprise of all. Jackie: (Groans) You had to bring that up. Owen: Look, I'm sorry. We do have to tell him, though, don't we? Jackie: I do. Just as soon as I get to the office, whenever that is. Owen: Mm. Mm. Rich fields: Come on down! You're the next contestant on "the price is right"! Drew Carey: All right. Pam: Oh, lucky you okay, it's your big chance now. Don't you blow it. Drew: Shanna, what do you bid for that? Woman: $2,000. Pam: No! No, no, no. That's too high. Go lower. Go lower! They've all overbid. Bid $1! Drew: $2,500. Christine. Pam: $1! Woman: $2,450. Donna: Hard at work as usual, Pammy? Pam: I'm on a break. (Gasps) It's too high. I told you. You're never gonna get off contestants' row if you keep guessing like that. Katie: Is that "The Price is Right"? Pam: Yeah. Best game show in the whole wide world, right, Katie? Come on. Donna: Yeah. Katie: Yay! Whoo! Pam: Yes! Good! Drew: $999. Good job! (Bell dinging) Katie: Oh, for heaven sake is that graph really necessary? Felicia: You think our mother's not valuable to this company? Well, here's the proof. Donna: It's the economy. Thorne: Really? Well, it doesn't seem to be affecting Jackie M Felicia: No. As a matter of fact, they're catching up. Something has to be done. Donna: I agree. Look, I'm not oblivious. I see what this is doing to your father, and I'm concerned. I want to help as much as you do. Felicia: Okay. Do you have any ideas? Thorne: Look, we have to find a new way to get the Forrester name out there. Now we've used all the usual methods. Felicia: We have to think outside the box. Katie: Something that makes us look exclusive but not elitist. Thorne: We have to find a way to reach a mainstream audience without undermining our reputation. Pam: Mainstream audience. Exclusive but not elitist. I got it. I got it! Hey, um, Lucy? It's Pam. I need you to get me a number, please. A direct line for the producers of "The Price is Right." Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Are you just not going to get up? Bridget: I can't move. How can you? Nick: I have sentry duty. I want to make sure my mother doesn't let Owen back in the building. Bridget: You're still worried? Nick: My mother's a soft touch, and this guy knows it. Bridget: Well, she let you fire him. Nick: He suckered her once. I don't want him to do it again. Bridget: Oh, my goodness, Nick. You kicked him out of the building. What else can you do? Nick: I am going to do whatever it takes to make sure this man is out of my mother's life. [SCENE_BREAK] Jackie: Mm. Owen: Mm. So since we are engaged... Jackie: (Sighs) Mm-hmm Owen: Does that mean I get my job back? Jackie: Oh! Owen: Look, I'm kidding. I was just joking. Jackie: (Scoffs) You know what my son would say. Owen: Oh, I don't care what anyone says. I don't want to let you out of my sight. Jackie: (Sighs) He'd say that you were using this engagement to improve your position. Owen: Well, what position do you want me in? Jackie: I want you here with me and at Jackie M. Owen: Well, okay then. Jackie: Eventually. (Sighs) Look, Nicky is just like-- he's like one of his super tankers, actually. He gets going in one direction, and it's very difficult to get him to change course. Owen: So in other words, you just want me to be patient. Is that right? Jackie: Oh, believe me. We're going to have enough to deal with while Nicky's getting his head around this. I mean, once people find out-- On: And I am going to be the most envied man in Los Angeles. Jackie: (Giggles) And I am going to be the most talked about woman. Owen: Well, since when do you care what people think? Jackie: Never. Owen: Then don't start now, 'cause the way I see it, if they're just talking trash, it means they are jealous of us. Jackie: Oh, how right you are, my lovely, lovely young man. Owen: Fiancé. Jackie: (Giggles) Oh. Owen: Mm. Jackie: Mm. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: Higher! No, don't look at them. Don't look at them. Listen to me. Listen to me. Come on! (Sighs) Donna: Could you please turn that off? Pam: Well, it--it's not over yet. They haven't even gotten to the showcases yet. That's the best part. Come on! Donna: Fine. Then take it to the break room. Pam: No. What is your problem, Donna? You don't like "The Price is Right"? Donna: (Scoffs) That show cost my sister her marriage. Pam: What? Donna: You are so obsessed, you put the winning bid on her marriage certificate instead of her social security number. Pam: Oh, right. Oopsie. (Chuckles) Sorry. Donna: Mm, sure you are. Pam: $799. $799! Woman: $24,500. Pam: Go! Donna: Why is she so excited? It's a jar of pasta. Pam: (Sighs) She's not trying to win the pasta. She's trying to win the living room set. See, if she doesn't pick the right grocery product, then she's gonna lose everything. Donna: Oh. Well, that's easy. Pam: Oh, yeah? Yeah, what product would you pick? Donna: The laundry soap. Pam: (Scoffs) God. Donna: What, you'd pick the pudding? Pam: Oh, and I would be right. Go on. Pick it--the pudding. Yes! See? Ahh. (Sighs) Donna: I shop. I know what things cost. Pam: Apparently not. Don't feel bad. I'm a pro. I've been watching this show my whole life. Golly what I would not give to be on contestants' row this far from Drew Carey. (Growls) What a hottie. And he is so funny-- standup, improv, sitcoms, the greatest game show in the whole wide world. There is nothing this man can't do. (Sighs) Donna: Well, unless he can build our sales, he has no business doing here. Pam: (Grunts) Donna: (Scoffs) Pam: I-I-I think he can. Donna: Can what? Pam: Help us build our sales. I overheard what you all were saying in the other room, you know, about getting Forrester's name out there and, uh, I think I just may have the perfect solution. "The Price is Right." [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Excellent. Bridget's going to have to okay that when she comes in. Thank you very much. Jackie: You're approving design now? Nick: Approving designs. Making coffee. Would you like some? Jackie: Oh, and you're in a good mood. Nick: I am in a good mood, because your boy toy isn't around today. I can concentrate on work, and so can you, Mother. So can you. [SCENE_BREAK] Donna: You think we can boost our sales with "The Price is Right"? Have you completely lost it? Pam: Donna, you don't even know the show, but, uh, look. Okay, you know that living room set that you saw? That is only the tip of the iceberg. European vacations, luxurious spas, fabulous home theater systems-- mouth-watering, incredible prizes they give away every day. Donna: Yes, Pammy. They give them away. Nobody is actually buying anything. Pam: (Sighs) It's called advertising. Donna: It's a TV show. Pam: About buying things, about winning luxurious wonderful things that most people can only dream about. Donna: Well, if the people watching can't afford it, what's the point? Pam: Well, maybe they can't afford it right now, but you saw how many young people are in the audience. Well, they're gonna be out there in the world making money, and when they want to buy something really fancy, you know, like, say for a wedding or a special event, they're gonna remember the designs they saw on that show-- our designs, Donna. You know, I know that you haven't been around the business that long, but it's what you call building a customer base. Donna: With a game show? Pam: Watched by 5 million people five times a week. Donna: Uh-- Pam: And you know, besides, if they decide to use our designs, I just might get to meet Drew Carey. (Laughs) (telephone rings) Pam: Oh. Eric Forrester's office. How may I help you? Oh, yes, this is she. Yes. Y-yes, I did. Thank you so much for calling me back. (Whispering) It's "The Price is Right"! (Normal voice) Um, a meeting at CBS television studios? Uh, yes, I think I could do that. Right away? Oh, no, you're very busy. I understand. Um, I'll be right there. Oh, my God! They want to see me right away, Donna. They put my name at security down at CBS. The producer said he could try to fit me in. They're gonna send me right up to the studio floor. Oh, my God! Oh. Donna: You are not going. Pam: (Blows raspberry) Oh, yeah, you just try and stop me, Goldilocks. Donna: You cannot make deals for this company. You are only the receptionist. Pam: Pamela Douglas, come on down! (Laughs) Donna: Oh, for the love of (elevator bell dings) Donna: Wait! I'm coming with you! [SCENE_BREAK] Bridget: Are you packing up? Owen: Uh, no. I'm, uh, actually waiting on Jackie. Bridget: Oh. You two have plans? Owen: Yeah. Yeah, I wanted to surprise her and take her to a nice lunch. Bridget: Wow. So you are still seeing each other. Owen: Yeah. Actually, we are going to be seeing a lot more of each other. Bridget: Owen, what exactly are you talking about? [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: It had happen, Mother-- getting rid of the guy. I mean, he was a huge distraction. And I love you, but it was for the best. He was taking advantage of you. I just can't believe you didn't really realize that-- trying to empower himself around this company. Anyway, we're back on track. We move onto positive, much bigger, much better things. Much better things. Jackie: Well, I'm glad you're feeling so positive. Nick: Yes. Yes, I am about a lot of things, actually. Jackie: Me, too. Actually, I have news. (Chuckles) It's good news. Nick: Um, so do I. Jackie: Actually, from my perspective, it is really good news Nick: How do you feel about June weddings? Jackie: What? (Gasps) Oh, you--you and Bridget oh! Nick: Yes. She's given me another chance, and this time, I'm gonna try not to blow it. Jackie: (Sighs) Nick: You seem pretty surprised. Jackie: Yes. N-no. No. Yes. I mean-- I'm delighted. I mean, you know how I feel about Bridget it's just been fast. Nick: I got no idea what her family's gonna think. I can't say that I really care. I mean, it's gonna happen, and--and that's-- that's what we've decided, so... hello? No congratulations? Like a hug, a pat on the back, a little... Jackie: Oh, congratulations, sweetheart. Nick: Twist my cheek? Jackie: You're a lucky man. Nick: Oh, it's gonna be good, good, good, good. You know, no stress, no dramas this time, especially with that Owen not being there. I mean, Bridget said I've been a little rough on the guy. I admit I might have, but the thought of him sitting there while I'm getting married watching it with you-- Jackie: Okay, just stop it, Nicky. Stop talking about Owen as though he's out of my life, will you? Nick: Mother, come on. He's out of the company. (Scoffs) I'm sorry, but he's not gonna be sticking around. Jackie: Yeah, well, you're wrong. Totally. Owens sticking around, and there's nothing you can do about it. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: You made me late. I can't believe I let you drive. Donna: (Scoffs) Man: Come on. Pam: Hello. Uh, thank you. Uh, my name is Pamela Douglas. I have an appointment with the producers of "The Price is Right." Donna: (Sighs) Man: Uh, no, ma'am. Pam: Excuse me? Oh, no, no, no. Uh, my--my name was at the gate, and, uh, I have an appointment, definitely. Man: Oh, I have a note. Uh, the party you're supposed to meet is unavailable. Uh, he's preparing for taping and won't be able to see you today. Pam: But we're here. The audience lines up right over there. We are so close. Oh, you got to let me up, please? Man: I'm sorry. Pam: This was your fault. You made me late. (Sighs) Donna: You're acting like a crazy person. I wouldn't let you in either. Sorry. Hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Bridget: Owen, Nick fired you, and Jackie backed him up. Owen: He is her son. It's no big deal. I get it. Bridget: Well, he's not gonna change his mind. Owen: Well, maybe circumstances might change it for him. Bridget: (Scoffs) What circumstances? Owen: I don't know. Bridget: Oh, my God, Owen, if you are up to something-- Owen: Hey, it looks to me like you're e one that's keeping a secret. What do you got there on your hand? Bridget: Nick made it official. Owen: Oh, well, congratulations. Bridget: Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, right? Owen: Hey, if you're happy, who am I to judge, right? Come on. It's like there's, uh, something in the air, because engagements are popping up all over the place. Well, I mean, you're not the only one wearing a new diamond today. Bridget: (Laughs) Oh. No. You proposed to Jackie? Owen: She's probably telling Nick right about now. [SCENE_BREAK] Jackie: You fired Owen from the company, and I went along with it, cause I didn't want to upset you, but surely you didn't think you could order him out of my life. Nick: Mother, the guy won't be within 100 miles when this gravy train dries up. Jackie: (Scoffs) Oh, don't be so crass. Nick: Come on. The writing's on the wall. You sided with me. He doesn't control you anymore. Jackie: He doesn't. He's never controlled me. Nick: Well, he certainly doesn't anymore. Jackie: Never. What Owen and I have is-- Nick: Had. Jackie: OK. What has he done to you that you find so offensive? I mean, please tell me. I would like to know. What crime did he commit? Did you find it so distasteful that I was happy? Or was it embarrassing to you to see me receiving affection? I mean, don't I deserve that? Nick: Well, of course you do. Just not from him. Jackie: Why? Why not him? What has he done? Did he steal from you? Has he hurt me? I mean-- Nick: No, but he would have. Jackie: No, he wouldn't. And in time, you'll see. Nick: See what? Nick: See what, Mother? Jackie: Our commitment to one another. Nick: He got to you, didn't he? What happened? What did he say? Jackie: You thought that he would leave-- no job, he's out of there. But he didn't leave, Nicky. He wants me. He wants me for the rest of our lives. Jackie: He proposed to me, Nicky. Owen and I are engaged. Nick: No. No! No! No! Jackie: (Gasps) Nick: Where is he, Mother? Tell me where he is. Jackie: (Sighs) | She's happy but apprehensive when she hears that Nick and Bridget are going to be married again |
407 | Hope: Oh my God. How're you? You-you're alive. I can't believe it is you, it's you. I thought, I thought you were dead. I thought- Thomas: Okay. It's okay Hope. I'm here. I'm all right. Hope: Oh my God, no. Oh my God. Oh my gosh. Shauna: Hey. Oh, well, this is nice mood lighting. Are you expecting someone? Maybe for a seance or something? Ridge: Oh no, the seance is the third Saturday of every month. If you really wanna talk to someone, gotta put your name in early. They fill up. Shauna: Ah. Oh, good to know. Thank you. Ridge: I haven't seen Quinn. Shauna: Oh, uh, no, no, no. Quinn and Eric are still working, I think. I just wanted to get out of the guest house for a minute, you know, it's a little quiet in there sometimes too quiet. Not that I'm complaining 'cause it's amazing over there. Or I could, uh, you know, make something up like I ran out of milk or I needed to borrow a screwdriver. I actually came in here hoping to see you. Shauna: If you wanna be alone, I can- Ridge: No, no, no. I think um, I think you should stay. Shauna: I was hoping you'd say that. Besides, I was just over there reading this book, it's not the best. It's about this nurse and World War I, and you know, I just keep reading the same page over and over again and I can tell by me just talking about it to you is boring you. Ridge: What do you mean? This is no, this is my intrigued face. Shauna: Huh! Well, you might wanna work on your [inaudible 00:02:30] (laughs). Ridge: Well, maybe it's my I have a lot of things on my mind face. Shauna: Anything you wanna talk about? Ridge: I don't know. It's, it's my family, my kids, you know, I get, I try to keep everyone together, but I think maybe we, uh, we pushed it too far. I may have lost my son. Thomas: I'm right here, Hope. I didn't die. Okay? I'm alive. Hope: Did anyone else see you? Does my mom know that you're here? Thomas: Your mom was putting Douglas to bed when I came in, but I promise I am standing right here. You're not seeing things. Hope: Hey, I don't understand. The night we were arguing on the catwalk and I pushed you, then I heard a splash, and I didn't think that ... When I came back and you weren't anywhere and I couldn't find any trace of you [inaudible 00:03:29] Thomas: Hey, hey, but I'm here now. Hope: I am so relieved that you are. I am so grateful. I'm so grateful that you are alive. Thomas: Do you really meant that? Hope: Yes. Of course I do, Thomas. Ridge: So, here's a weird one, Hope told me that Thomas was dead. Shauna: Dead? Like dead to her? Ridge: I, I don't know. I guess so. But that's an, that's an odd thing to say to somebody. Right? Shauna: She has moved on with Liam, maybe that's what she meant. Ridge: You know what person she hasn't moved on from? Douglas. And Brooke is right there leading the charge. Like she's, she's moving chess pieces around. Shauna: Wow. That must be really hard for you. Ridge: Yeah. That's where, I'm living there right now. I'm broken out with trying to figure it out but it just seems you can't find the compromise, you know? Shauna: I understand. It does take two to compromise. Ridge: I, I know how many people it takes, but I'm already there. I'm standing in the middle waiting for her, but she won't give Thomas another chance. Shauna: From Brooke's point of view, Thomas has done his fair share of not telling the truth. Ridge: I think Thomas was also trying to protect his sister. He was trying to protect [Steffy's 00:05:02] happiness. Shauna: I understand. Ridge: And I'm, and I'm not, I'm not making excuses for him, it was awful. But he is trying to get better, he's spending time with his son, he wants to be a better father. And whatever he does, it's never gonna be good enough for Brooke and Hope. They're not gonna stop until they take that little boy away from him. Hope: The vat that Thomas fell into, it wasn't water. It was hydrofluoric acid. Brooke: What? Hope: I killed him. I ki-, I killed Thomas. Nobody even knows yet. Nobody has any idea. I mean Ridge, Steffy, Douglas. I have to tell the truth and I should have from the start. Hope: I have to tell you the truth, Ridge. Hope: I can't believe it's really you. Thomas: I thought you would've been surprised to see me. Hope: But how? I thought you fell into the vat of acid, not, not, not that I knew that, that's what it was, I just ... I didn't know. I had no idea until after I found Douglas and I ran into Charlie and then he told me about the hazardous materials, and then that's when I panicked, and I realized what could have happened to you. And I ran to the storage room and I, I got a flashlight and I was looking all over and that's when I saw the signs on the wall warning about the acid and I looked everywhere. I looked into that and I, I thought that I- Thomas: You thought that I was dead. Hope: My worst fear, that I had killed you and I would have never been able to forgive myself. I'm just glad that you're all right. I just don't understand though. How are you standing in front of me right now? I don't. It doesn't make sense. Thomas: I'm sorry. I never should have put you in that position. We shouldn't have been arguing and I shouldn't have chased after you. And look, I know you were just trying to defend Douglas and I was just too caught up in, in trying to make you see, you know, what I wanted and, but, but that was wrong. And, and I should, I should have- Hope: I just, I don't understand how you survived. Thomas: Okay. After I fell, um, I don't remember everything, but I remember, I remember being alone in the vat. Hope: In the acid? Thomas: You thought it was acid. Hope: I saw the signs after what Charlie told me, and, and in the hazmat guy. Speaker 6: You shouldn't be in here. We need to shut down the ventilation system. Hope: How is it possible that you're here right now? Thomas: It wasn't acid. Hope: What? Thomas: The hydrofluoric acid had already been removed and they'd replaced it with a cleaning solution by then. Hope: Cleaning solution? Thomas: Yeah. I heard some of the crew guys talking about it. I mean, it's, it's still powerful stuff. I mean, I'm still kind of raw all over and, and, and I cleaned my eyes out so much, I just, just making sure, you know. If it had been acid, I wouldn't be here right now. And I wouldn't be looking at the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my entire life. Shauna: It sounds like Hope's determined to get a mother's day card from your grandson. Ridge: Yeah. I think that's what that dinner was about the other night at the office. Shauna: And you knew it. Ridge: And I was right. Shauna: What? Ridge: Thomas signed the paper. Shauna: He gave up his rights? Ridge: I don't know what he gave up, but now they share custody. Shauna: Bu-but they're not together. Ridge: That's California law for you, you don't have to be together, I guess. Shauna: So legally they're both his parents? Ridge: Seems that way. Shauna: Wow. Ridge: Yeah. I was right. Now Hope is in charge of everything about this boy, whether it's decisions on religion or education or what's gonna happen to his birthday party or what they're doing during the holidays. Shauna: And how does Liam feel about all this? Ridge: He's not thrilled about it. Shauna: And what about Thomas? Ridge: I haven't heard from Thomas. The only information I have comes from Brooke and Hope and it's not good. Something about Thomas, he just ... Whenever he gives something, he wants something in return. Shauna: So what do you think he wants in return? Ridge: He wants another shot at being with Hope. Shauna: Well, he must really be in love with her. Ridge: Maybe. But we all know how she feels about him. It's very clear. Shauna: But he still signed the papers. Ridge: Yeah. No one has seen him or heard from him since. Shauna: Seriously? Ridge: Mm-hmm (affirmative). He doesn't return my calls, Steffy's calls. Shauna: I understand why you're upset. I'm just so sorry that you're going through all of this. Ridge: Hey. Brooke: Hi. Did you get my text? Ridge: Yeah. I, I just now saw it. I'm, I'm so worried about Thomas. Brooke: That's why I'm calling. I need to talk to you about your son. Ridge: What is it? Brooke: I think it's best to do this face to face. Are you at [Eric's 00:11:32]? Ridge: Yeah. Brooke: All right. I'll be over soon. Hope: So it wasn't acid? But Charlie said and there were signs posted. Thomas: No. Thankfully the, the crew had switched it out with a cleaning solution by then. Hope: But when I went back to get you, I couldn't find you anywhere and I looked all over that room. I called out your name. I mean you had to have known that I was looking for ... You made me believe that you were dead. Thomas: I'm sorry. Hope: Do you have any idea how horrified I was? I came back here last night with Douglas thinking that I had killed his father. Thomas: Okay. But you didn't. You didn't kill his father. Okay? I'm here. I'm alive. Hope: Thomas do you know how sick to my stomach I have been? Trying to wrap my brain, trying to figure out how I was gonna explain that to Douglas. I mean he's already lost one mother, but to lose his father too? Thomas: I know. I feel terrible and that's why I, I came here. Hope: I have been a wreck. I've only been able to talk to my mother about everything. Thomas: What? You, you told Brooke? Hope: Yes, I told her. I told her the whole story. She, she thought you were dead too. But I, I just, I couldn't, I haven't told anyone else. I, I wanted to, but I couldn't because I was in shock and I didn't know what to do and I just ... I wish I had never pushed you. You were trying to kiss me and I didn't want that and I reacted. But I just say, I only was thinking about Douglas. Thomas: I know. Hope: I never meant to hurt you. But you let me believe that you had died. How could you be so cruel? Thomas: I didn't mean to punish you, and Hope, I didn't wanna scare you. I hate that I put you through that. To make you think that you had ended my life. But I had to make a point, even good people keep secrets. Shauna: Brooke wants to come talk to you? Ridge: Yeah. She's on her way now. Shauna: Well, I don't think she's gonna be happy to see me here. So maybe I should- Ridge: Don't worry about that. It's gonna take her a while to get here. Shauna: And she knows something about Thomas? Ridge: I, I don't know. I hope so. Shauna: I'm sure he's fine. A lot's happened and maybe he just needed some space. Ridge: Space is good. But I know my son, you know, sometimes he likes to leave town when he makes a boneheaded move. Shauna: Do you think he regrets it? Ridge: I don't know. Maybe not yet, but he will. Hope is in the middle of this now, and whatever he does, he has to do with her. And this is not all she wants, she wants full custody. That's what she wants. I'm not gonna let it happen. Shauna: You're cute when you get worked up. Ridge: I've been called a lot of things, cute is not one of them. Shauna: All right, fine. You're gorgeous, sexy, hands-on. Ridge: I see now you're making sense. Shauna: (laughs). Ridge: I'm not cute. Shauna: And I can only imagine how handsome you're gonna look in a tank top and I think- Ridge: Uh-uh (negative), yeah, no, no one needs to see that. I'm not going hiking with you. Shauna: Okay. Then you need to go to the pool here and do some laps. I keep going out there hoping I'm gonna see you because I can only imagine how cute you are in your swim trunks. Hope: You wanted me to think you were dead? Thomas: It was a spur of the moment thing. I wanted you to see that anybody can feel the need to keep a secret. And I wanted you to try and understand what I went through when I kept the secret about Beth. Okay? Maybe you could see me in a new light. But I realize how, how traumatized you are. Hope: You have no idea. Thomas: Hope, I didn't mean to put you through hell. Okay? But when, when I pulled myself out of that vat, and I saw that it could have been hydrofluoric acid, I realized something, that both of us, we'd been given an opportunity. Hope: Opportunity? Thomas: I put you in an impossible situation. I know the kind of compassionate, loving, caring person you are, you would never hurt anyone, let alone kill them. Hope: Of course, I wouldn't Thomas. Thomas: But I'm not naive and I am so sorry for what I put you through. Okay? I never should have put you in that position. I got way too carried away with, with sharing custody of Douglas. But that, that, that's so important to me, giving my son a mother that he loves, and showing you how much I love you. 'Cause I do, Hope. Everything that I have done comes from my feelings for you. Hope: Thomas. Thomas: Look, and I know that it sounds crazy and sometimes I don't do things right, my methods are wrong. Okay? But I, I hope it shows how much you mean to me. And I really hope that I mean something to you too. Hope, you've been a mother to Douglas from the beginning, and he's your son. He's yours, and he's mine. We're his parents now. Okay? And, and we'll never forget Caroline. We'll always remember her. But you are actually his mother. I gave you and Douglas the, the gift that you've wanted from the beginning, it's the greatest gift that I could ever give. That should tell you everything. There's no more doubt. Now you know who I really am. | No more Thomas |
408 | Julia: Yeah, pretty sweet setup you got here, Slater. Zach: Owning the place has its perks. Julia: You call this a safe house? I call this a party house. Champagne, mini bar? Zach: The Feds may have identified Garret's players, but until they find them, you should hang here. Julia: Well, better here than with the cops. Your food's better. Zach: So you'll stay? Julia: Everything I do now, everywhere I go, it's finally my choice again. [SCENE_BREAK] [Gazing at her mother's wedding photo, Danielle remembers her words.] Mimi's voice: How could you? How could you tell such horrible lies? Garret -- he loves us. Dani, please don't do this. Take it all back. Tell the truth. [Knock on door] Livia: Dani, I'm so glad you're here. Derek: There's something we need to talk about. Danielle: I've seen you guys like this before. What's going on? Where's Mom? Livia: Your mother is fine. Derek: Garret Williams was killed. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: When is she going to get here, already? Adam: Calm down, son. Dixie will be here soon. Jamie: My dad knows you're waiting. He's not stopping for chicken fingers. Del: Yeah, Tad Martin, everybody's hero. Jamie: And how exactly did you help again? J.R.: She should be home safe! [Doorbell rings] J.R.: About time. What are you doing here? Babe: Sorry. Dixie isn't home yet? J.R.: No. Look, I've already invited your ex. This is a family reunion. Babe: Well, technically, I am family. Krystal: Baby doll, why don't you come upstairs. Babe: Excuse me. Adam: As if one Carey in this house wasn't enough. J.R.: All that matters is that my mom gets home safe. [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: J.R. and Jamie are waiting for their mother to waltz through that door and make it all better again. What the heck are we supposed to do? Krystal: I'm not sure yet. Do we tell them? Dixie's not coming home today, not ever. She died three years ago. That woman that they're waiting on is nothing but a fake! [SCENE_BREAK] [Doorbell rings] J.R.: Is there any more annoying people going to ring my bell and drive me nuts? Brooke: Well, it's good to see you, too. I heard the news about Dixie, and I just wanted to come over and make sure for myself that she's ok. Jamie: She's not here yet, Mom. J.R.: Well, come on in. Maybe we should get a phone tree going, invite the rest of the town. Di: Y'all waiting for something? Hey. J.R.: We were waiting. Di: It's ok. It's all ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: Di's back. Krystal: So this is it. Babe: Decision time. Krystal: So, do we stay up here and let them have their reunion, or do we go downstairs and bust it all to hell? [SCENE_BREAK] Jamie: Welcome home. How are you? Di: I'm fine, honestly. Adam: Just another day at the office with her organized-crime buddies. Brooke: Can it, Adam. We are all very happy to have you home. Di: Well, I owe it all to Tad. Del: It's great to have you back. You are damn lucky. Di: Don't I know it. I mean, thank you for -- for your concern, but really, all I need is right here, all your faces, just right here -- and a hug from Little Adam. J.R.: Well, you know, someone should check you out. You were almost killed. Di: J.R., look at me. Your mom came back in one piece. Yeah, I prayed, I hoped. I -- I didn't know if I would ever see my family again. Adam: You wouldn't have needed our prayers if you'd simply been honest with us. J.R.: Will you stop it, Dad? Di: No. Adam isn't completely wrong. Brooke: That's one you don't hear every day. Di: I do, I owe you all an apology. I shouldn't have worried you like that. J.R.: No, you don't. It's over, it's done. You're home. Di: I let you think that I might not make it home. Jamie: How bad did it get? Di: It was touch-and-go at some points. But Tad and Zach Slater found Julia and me and saved the day. I owe so much to you. I still don't even know how you found us. Tad: It's no big deal. Finding people is what I do, remember? Di: But you -- you never gave up on me. Tad: How do you give up on the love of your life? [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: Exactly when did we think this was a good idea? Krystal: You know, we didn't start this lie. Di did when she bleached her hair and called herself Dixie. Babe: We also didn't start the lie about Miranda being my baby. Krystal: Thank you, Paul Cramer. Babe: And it didn't let us off the hook for that one. Krystal: I screwed that one up good. But this -- this feels different. Babe: So you think we should tell them? Krystal: I don't know. I am nowhere closer to an answer than before. I am worried sick about Tad. He thinks that the love of his life has come back from the dead, and, you know, it's not the first time that we tried to prove that that wasn't true. Babe: But at least last time we got you out of prison. Krystal: I didn't want to break Tad's heart then. And that was before he fell even deeper in love with Di. Babe: No, Mama. Tad doesn't love Di. He doesn't even know who she is. He loves Dixie, only he doesn't know it's not her. Krystal: Tad feels for a woman, not a ghost. And the woman that he wants is flesh and blood and right downstairs. [SCENE_BREAK] Di: I kept quiet to keep you all safe. Jamie: You could have told us anything. We would have helped you. J.R.: We would have kept you safe. Di: No, I didn't want to take the chance. Del: And you couldn't chance that guy hurting Julia. That's not who you are. J.R.: Look, no more apologies or explanations. No one blames you. You're home safe. That's all that matters. Di: Don't let me off that easy. Adam: No, don't worry, we won't. Di: When I was trapped in that apartment with Julia, I had flashes of my life, and what hit me hardest was -- was all the secrets that I've -- I've kept and how much they've hurt the people that I care about, and -- I'm so sorry, and I love you all so much. J.R.: Don't worry, Mom. It's ok. [Upset, Di runs out to the patio.] Tad: Let her go. Just let her go. [SCENE_BREAK] Danielle: I don't get it. How is Garret dead? Derek: It's a long story, but what the gist is Garret Williams was at the top of the bad-guy food chain. Livia: The New York police searched his apartment. They found contacts, business lists -- the kind of stuff that marks him as the head of a very large, very dangerous crime organization. Derek: You know that task force your mom was a part of, the guy that we're trying to get to? Danielle: It was Garret? Livia: Mm-hmm. Derek: He was right beside Mimi the whole time. He was gunning for Julia Santos-Keefer. Dixie Martin knew who he was. Livia: He held Dixie and Julia hostage. Derek: He threatened them. Julia shot him in self-defense, saved both their lives. [SCENE_BREAK] Julia: Noah and I spent our fair share of time in hotels, right before every moving day. Nothing this fancy, of course. Zach: You can order whatever you want. Julia: In-room massage? Zach: Sure. Julia: Filet mignon, prosciutto and melon? Zach: Whatever you want. Julia: Noah used to say that he would give me the world if I wanted it. He never had the chance. Yeah, this room will do. [Julia pours herself a glass of champagne.] Julia: Should I have somebody taste this for me? Zach: You don't trust my choice? Julia: Oh, no, I think the vintage is fine. It's just I did point a gun at you a couple of times, ditched you when you tried to help me out. Just think maybe you switched it with the cheap stuff to pay me back. Zach: If I wanted to pay somebody back, I wouldn't do it with a cheap bottle of champagne. Julia: Am I ungrateful or what? How can you even stand me, much less come to New York to rescue me from Garret's fancy prison? Zach: You pointed a gun at me, but you didn't shoot me, so that's got to count for something, right? Julia: Yeah, right, yeah. The bullet was meant for someone else. It wasn't self-defense. I could have let him live. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: Winifred, could you get a case of my father's special reserve and bring it up from the cellar? Adam: Do you have any idea what that's worth? Winifred -- ah, it's exactly the right thing for this occasion. Yes, two cases, two, and your very finest lemonade for Dixie and her brother. Jamie: Maybe you should lay off the sauce, too. Never know what kind of trouble it can get you in. J.R.: Amen to that. Adam: Right. I am actually hosting a party for my son's mobster's moll mother. Brooke: Oh, lighten up, Adam. J.R. is happy, Dixie's back. All is well with the world. Everybody's happy. Or is that the problem, everybody's happy but you? You want to clue me in? Adam: You don't want to hear about it. Brooke: Well, it's probably not any worse than anything else you've done. Adam: It was a horrible mistake. It involved moonshine and a contest and a she-devil straight from hell. Brooke: I know about you and your new wife. You didn't even ask me to give you away. And I would have, gladly. Adam: I can see right through your flippancy, hmm? You're all torn up, because you're still crazy about me. Brooke: You want to know my true feelings? Adam: Yeah. Brooke: I think you finally met the wife you deserve. Yee-haw. Mr. Krystal Carey. [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: A part of me wants to keep my mouth shut, and then there's this part of me that -- that thinks, like, what if that phony, what if she hurts J.R. and Jamie and breaks their hearts? But then if we tell them, we're going to be breaking their hearts, as well. Krystal: Honey, I get where your concern for Jamie comes from, but since when did you care about J.R.'s heart? Babe: I know that J.R. can be a jerk, but to rip his heart out like that, to tell him that this woman is a fake and his mother's still dead? Krystal: That's assuming that J.R. has a heart to rip out. Babe: You have seen him with Dixie -- or Di. Maybe she's the only one that's ever found it. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: Thank you. Tad: Where does that come from? J.R.: Well, you kept my son from me, but you brought my mother back. That doesn't mean I'm going to forgive you. Tad: J.R., you know the two most important people in the world to me? You and your brother. J.R.: And Mom. Tad: You're right, and Dixie. Always Dixie. [SCENE_BREAK] Stuart: Oh, I was so scared. I'm so -- Di: Hey. Stuart: I'm so glad you're ok! Di: Stuart. Stuart: Are you ok? Di: Yeah, I'm fine now. It's so good to see you. Do you still have it? Stuart: Yeah. Di: Oh. Stuart: Here's your letter. Di: I knew you'd keep it safe. Stuart: Yeah, did I get you in trouble when I didn't deliver it to the boathouse like -- Di: Oh, no, no, no. The boathouse -- no, you did just fine. Stuart: I'm so glad. Di: Thank you so much. Stuart: Yeah. You -- you make everybody here so happy. J.R. is -- he's completely different when you're around. Di: Well, it's mutual. Stuart: I didn't -- I didn't get you in trouble? I meant to deliver it when you told me, but -- Di: No, it doesn't matter now, Stuart. Del: Hey. Di: Hey. Del: You guys ok out here? Di: Yeah, we're just fine. Stuart: Yeah, we got -- well, I got to get back to the gallery, and we'll talk, right? Di: Well, I'll see you soon, hopefully. Stuart: Ok. Di: This is it. The letter that lays out the case for Garret Williams and tells who I really am. Del: Yeah, and it never needs to be read now. Di: Oh, my God, help me get out of here alive. Oh, how do I make good on this debt? Do I go in there and tell those people that -- I mean, do I tell them who they really welcomed home? [SCENE_BREAK] Julia: Thank you. Ooh. Garret wasn't much of a host. You know, it's kind of hard to eat a man's food when he's the reason your husband is dead. Whew, can you believe that guy? Wow. Shrimp. Could those puppies be any fatter? Zach: We have them flown in. Julia: Yeah, that Garret, he was slick, all right. It wasn't enough that he hunted Noah and me down like animals, but he had Noah killed and he was his childhood friend. Ooh. He wanted to crawl into my brain, make me beg, turn me into one of those little girls he used to take advantage of, make me plead for my life. Bastard. Sure you won't have one? They say living well is the best revenge. That and watching your enemy take his last breath. Zach: That you did. Julia: Yeah, I did. Zach: You ok with it? [SCENE_BREAK] Derek: They found more than business information in Garret's apartment. There was a photo album. Livia: Photo after photo of beautiful girls, one after another, none of them any older than you. Danielle: A whole album full? So he really was some bigtime pervert. Derek: The apartment was where he ran his business and kept young women. Danielle: Oh, this is going to make me hurl. Livia: Honey, there's more. Derek: We don't need to go into that. Livia: Derek, Dani is an adult. This is about her. She should be told everything. Danielle: Ok, will someone fill me in and stop talking like I'm not here? Livia: The last photo in his book was of you. Danielle: Just me? Not me and Mom? I don't remember him taking any pictures. Livia: Well, he did. Garret fully intended for you to be the next girl on his list. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: Big day. Big story. Tad: Yeah. It's getting bigger by the minute. Brooke: Wow. The look on J.R.'s face when Dixie walked in? Tad: He got his mother back. I think that about says it all. Brooke: Well, you got Dixie back. Why do you look like you lost her all over again? [SCENE_BREAK] Di: I don't want to lose anyone, but I want to do the right thing. Del: So you say the right thing is to tell them you're Di Henry, Dixie's half sister, raised by that crabby old bat Aunt Louise? You think that's best? Di: I don't know. I don't know. I know I can't have it both ways. I can't. I can't tell them the truth and ever see love again in their eyes. Del: Look at it this way -- the bad guys are off your back. You can live free, no problem. Di: No, I don't think this is free. Del: If you had all the time and the money and the freedom in the world, where would be right this second? Di: I'd be in a home with Tad, my husband, with -- with Jamie and J.R. outside on the patio, bickering over the grill, and Little Adam toddling in and blowing kisses to Tad and me on the sofa. Del: In other words, you would be Dixie. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: It's another Dixie miracle. Tad: How do you tell the difference between a miracle and a fantasy? Brooke: A miracle is real. Tad: Wow. This used to be my fantasy for so long, I couldn't even admit it out loud. I used to pray that Dixie survived the accident and would come back somehow, we'd still have a life together. Brooke: But your fantasy came true, and that's a miracle. But your face doesn't say "miracle." What, is it all the secrets that Dixie kept? I mean, is that why you're out here with me, and you're not there with her right now? Tad: Something like that. Just so many secrets. Brooke: Then you need to talk to her. Tad: And then what? I take her in my arms and tell her all is forgiven, what's done is done? Brooke: You're the only one who knows what you're going to do, but you know what? You're not going to find out if you stay here. Tad: Yeah, well, maybe, just maybe, I should tell her that we're done. No more, never again. What the hell am I going to do? [SCENE_BREAK] Di: This is it. The last bit of truth, saying I'm Di Henry, and I stole my half sister Dixie's life. [Del holds Dixie's letter over a candle and begins burning it.] [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: Where's my mother? Adam: Oh, she's outside with her brother, the brain trust. J.R.: I guess we're going to have to wait for her to hold you, huh, won't we? Yeah. Jamie: Hey there, little guy. Remember me? J.R.: No, he doesn't. He blocked you out. Jamie: Lay off the drugs, J.R. J.R.: You know, if you weren't such a -- all right. Fine. You can have him. Jamie: No, I'm not buying it. You got a camera in here, and then you're going to nail me for kidnapping or child endangerment -- something stupid. J.R.: You know, I tried. Just remember to tell everybody that you're the jerk that turned it down, ok? Jamie: Come on. Come here, boy. Shh. Hey there, buddy. It's your Uncle Jamie. Everybody needs a cool uncle, and I guess I'm your guy. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: I don't understand this whole turnaround about Dixie. I mean, the last time we talked, it's like you were -- you were all locked in almost. Tad: The last time we talked, you didn't want to see us together. You thought it was a mistake. Brooke: Because I thought that Dixie would finally trash your heart for good. But I know that's not true now, because I've seen -- I've seen how she looks at you. She just radiates, and I didn't see that, I didn't see that in her eyes until she came back. Tad: With a brand-new face. Brooke: She obviously knows how precious you are, especially after almost losing everything. Tad: You know what, stop. You're not exactly making this any easier. Brooke: What? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You know, maybe I'm just saying the wrong words at the wrong time. Tad: You never say the wrong words. You're the most honest person I know. That's the difference between you and our son and the rest of the world. Brooke: Truth is all well and good, but Dixie is in there and she's alive. You know, how many times can you actually lose her? [SCENE_BREAK] Di: Maybe I should just tell them, let them get on with their -- with their lives, make them face the fact that the woman they love is -- is dead. Del: Come with me. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: Show us, Little A. Jamie: Yeah, you driving? J.R.: Where's that green truck? Jamie: What are you doing with it? Little Adam: Green truck. Jamie: Just sits right there? Del: You did that. Now, tell me again that Dixie is dead. Little Adam: That way? That way? Jamie: That way. Little Adam: That way? [SCENE_BREAK] Julia: The Dragon's dead. I had to kill him. I knew it would never be over until he died. Nine years of running and hiding, never being called by my own name, losing Noah. I knew that it would never be done until he died. Now Noah's at peace. I'm at peace. Zach: Just like that? The Dragon's life is over and yours begins? Julia: That's the plan. Anita: Oh, my God. Julia. Oh, my God. Julia: Anita! Sam: You're safe. Anita: Are you really ok? Julia: Oh, yes! Yes! Anita: Oh, my God! I can't believe it. It's so incredible to see you. Julia: You can thank Zach for that. Sam: Oh, great, so you're done now. You can leave our family alone. Julia: Sam -- Sam: Bye. Julia: Ease up on Zach. He's the reason I'm alive. Anita: Thank you so much for getting my sister back. Zach: We all worked on it. Couldn't have done it if you hadn't found that valet stub from Garret's wedding day. Sam: Well, Lily and I wanted to help. Zach: Uh-huh. Good. Well, I don't want to intrude on your family reunion. Order whatever you want. Julia: Oh, hey, better watch out for that room service bill. The Santos clan can really eat. Zach: Have fun. Anita: Julia, it has been so long! Are you really back? Julia: Looks like it. Anita: Are you sure you're fine? [SCENE_BREAK] Livia: You were right. Danielle: I knew something was off from the very beginning, but my mom so wanted to believe it was a lie. She believed Garret over me. What kind of parent does that, believes her boyfriend over her own daughter? Derek: I treat you like a kid sometimes -- ok, all the time -- and I'm sorry. But what you did, risking everything to tell Mimi the truth to protect her from that pig -- that was the act of a woman, a smart, brave, loving woman, and I am so proud of you. [SCENE_BREAK] Little Adam: I don't like it. Di: Hey. Hey, darling. Jamie: Would you like to hold him? Di: No. It makes me feel too happy to see all three of you together. Oh. Ooh, I need a glass of lemonade. Oh. Di: You let your brother hold your son. J.R.: It wasn't easy after everything he's done, but I had to. Di: No. Nobody forced you to do anything. J.R.: When you were missing, I couldn't get it out of my head -- if you died thinking that I was some sort of selfish jerk. Di: No. J.R.: I just want to be a man that you'd be proud of. Di: Baby, always know this -- I am so very proud of you. Prouder than -- than I could even ever imagine. And I -- J.R., I know what it's like to get burned. I know how hard it is to accept that -- that love is real, but every drop of anger you let out, you know, it makes more room for love. Wow. Who knew getting your life threatened would make you into such a big cheese ball? Oh. God, thank you for forgiving me all my secrets. J.R.: Yeah. Di: And thank you for -- for letting me back into your lives. Thank you for letting me love you. Adam: What the devil do you two want? Di: Grab everybody a glass. Krystal: You sure you want us here? Di: Don't be silly. You know, if we're sharing a house, we might as well share a drink. Adam: And I thought it was bad with Mary Smythe. Krystal: I, uh -- I'm glad you made it out of whatever trouble you were in, Dixie. I've always known you were tough and levelheaded, and I'm glad that kept you alive. Babe: You know, we'll let you guys get back to your party. Di: No, really, I want to put all of this behind us. Let's make a fresh start. Krystal: We appreciate that, we do, but looks like you got enough going on down here already. So -- Babe: Yeah. Di: Ok, well, now I'm ready to hold that baby. Jamie: Well, he's been waiting for you, so -- Di: Hey. J.R.: To family. Because that's really what's important. Brooke: Well said, J.R. Di: Hmm. If this is a dream, nobody wake me up. [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: I must be dreaming. J.R. let Jamie hold our son? Krystal: Did hell freeze over or is J.R. drinking just like his father? Babe: I'm sorry, I can't get over this. Krystal: I tell you what, that woman is just glowing love in every direction. Love for J.R., love for Jamie, Little Adam, and for Tad, and that love is real. That love is saying she would cut off her own arm before she'd hurt any one of them. Babe: And they love her back just as much. How can we make all that love go away? Krystal: That woman downstairs can patch this family up. She can make Tad happy, give him back his whole world. Babe: I'm right there with you, Mama. Downstairs, I saw a real possibility that the ugly between J.R. and Jamie could somehow go away. And, yeah, it wasn't total peace, but Dixie did that -- or Di. Does it matter what her name really is? Krystal: I don't think it does. [SCENE_BREAK] Di: Tad? Tad: Hi. Di: You're not with us. Tad: No, I'm sorry, I, uh -- I needed to get some fresh air, you know, do a little thinking. Di: No, I didn't mean with everyone inside. I meant with us, happy, relieved. You feel as far away as when I was locked in Garret's apartment. You've pulled away, Tad. I know why. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: The bad guys are all gone, and I'm not dead yet. [Kendall hugs Zach.] [SCENE_BREAK] Danielle: Where's my mom? Livia: She's still being debriefed, and she has some substantial explaining to do to her superiors. She has union counsel, but I'm going to head to New York and see if I can do anything. You call me if you need anything. Danielle: Thanks, Aunt Livia. Livia: I love you. Danielle: Love you, too. Livia: Ok. Derek: Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere. [SCENE_BREAK] Julia: Oh, some view -- no bars. Sam: Julia, you want something? Anita: Julia? Julia: What? "Julia." Sam: Are you ok? Julia: I get to be called by my own name again. I'm Julia. Anita: You know, why don't I go get my med bag? I can do a head-to-toe right here. Julia: No, no, no, I can diagnose myself. Remember? I'm a nurse. Julia Santos- Keefer. Hi. I'm Julia. Nice to meet you. Hi. I'm Julia. Sam: Hello. Julia: It's nice to meet you. I'm Julia. Anita: How do you do? Julia: Hello, my name's Julia. Hi! I'm Julia! Nice to meet you! [SCENE_BREAK] Di: There's been so many secrets, so many times I could have told you the truth, and I didn't, but I meant what I said back there. I want it to be different. I -- I don't want any more lies or secrets between us. Tad: No more secrets. Really? Does that include the fact that you're not Dixie? That you're just her half sister, Di? [NEXT_ON] Zach (to Kendall): You've got this beautiful glow about you. Is that because of me or because you're carrying Ryan and Greenlee's baby? Tad (to Di): You handed us a miracle that was nothing but a shameless lie. I want you to go inside and tell your new family all about it. | Brooke feels the same way and asks Tad why he is not happy when he should be elated |
409 | TV newscaster: The heir apparent of Llanview's most prominent family will be laid to rest today. Demerest Buchanan, known as Duke, was killed in the collapse of St. Jude's rectory following last week's tornado. Mr. Buchanan's surgeon, Spencer Truman, had this to say. Spencer: Duke Buchanan passed away at 12:36 this afternoon, but the hospital will have no further statement. [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: Todd is going to die tomorrow. Do you think the kids and me will be able to pack up and move on just like that, Spencer? Spencer: No, no, no. I'm sorry. Of course not. I'm just -- I'm just not thinking clearly. I mean, that boy died on my watch, my brother's missing. You know, I'm -- I'm starting to become just as overwhelmed as you are. Blair: Look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about Duke, and as far as David is concerned, he always, always lands on his feet. You know that. [SCENE_BREAK] David: Margaret Cochran is alive. She was in the bathroom, that bathroom when you got here. John: You'd say anything to save your own skin. David: You just shot Denton. You killed Denton. You're pointing the gun at me. I'm not lying. John: You're saying Margaret was here? David: Big as life. John: Then where is she now? [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Oh, my God. Margaret's alive. Margaret? Margaret Cochran? It is you, isn't it? [SCENE_BREAK] Spencer: Thanks for understanding. The last thing I want to do is make today about me, you know? Dorian: Hello, sweetheart. Blair: Hello. Dorian: Dr. Truman. Spencer: Dorian. Adriana: How you doing, Blair? Blair: I'm holding up. How about you, Adriana? Adriana: Just worried about Kelly. Blair: Yeah. Spencer: I gave her a mild sedative. She's resting comfortably. Blair: Like that's going to help. She lost Kevin, she lost Duke. She blames herself for it all. It's like a little pill's going to take that kind of pain away? [SCENE_BREAK] Andrew: Did you hear me, Todd? I'm trying to help you deal with the reality of your death. Todd: You mean I'm some kind of charity case? You think you can just volunteer to come on down to death row and see me off to my great reward -- is that it? Give me a break. Andrew: Actually, I didn't volunteer. Um -- I was asked to come here by an old friend. Todd: Oh, yeah? Who's that? Andrew: Your sister, Viki. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: My sweet boy. I remember the first time you ever called me "Grandma." It was the sweetest thing I'd ever heard. [SCENE_BREAK] Nash: You all right? Tess: I've just never been to a funeral before. It's kind of creeping of me out. I just want it to be over. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: I've got some officers posted around just in case the press gets out of line. Clint: All right, thank you, Bo. I'm hoping that we can avoid any complications today for Kevin's sake. Kevin: Take Kelly into surgery. [Reporters ask questions] [SCENE_BREAK] Layla: Hey. Adriana: Hi. Layla: Thanks for asking me to meet you. I really didn't want to face that church alone. Adriana: I know how you feel. God, I remember being here when Ginger Foley died. Duke and I had been fighting and it scared us both. And he made a point of telling me he loved me, in case anything were to happen. Nothing was supposed to happen, Layla. I mean, I know I'm the one who broke up with him, but if I knew that all of this was going to happen, that he'd end up turning to Kelly, that so many people would get hurt -- Layla: Come here. What would you have done? Stayed with him? You and I both know that's a load of bull, not to mention not fair to anyone. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: All right. How about a glass of water? Maybe a different blanket? Blair: Stop fussing over Kelly. Dorian: What do you mean? She's lived through hell. She -- she needs her comfort. Kelly: You can't help. Nobody can. Dorian: Kelly, come on, darling. You've been through an ordeal -- Kelly: I want to go to the funeral. Dorian: Absolutely not! Kelly: I owe it to Duke, I owe it to Kevin. Dorian: I am -- there is no way. Kevin will be just fine and his family will take care of him. [SCENE_BREAK] [Photographers yell questions] Tess: Hey, hey! The police Commissioner is right inside. You guys don't want to play by the rules, I'm sure he would love to kick a little paparazzi ass today, ok? Got it? Come on. Kevin: Tess, I -- Tess: Expecting somebody else? Kevin: I'm just a little surprised, I guess. Tess: Duke was a cool kid. He got me. He was the only Buchanan that did. Excuse me. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: Oh, Clint, is this really happening? Clint: I'm afraid it is. Viki, why don't you come sit down? Viki: Where's Kevin? Clint: He's in the back. He's having a hard time facing this. Viki: Yeah, well, who can blame him? I feel the same way. All I want to do is just fall apart. Clint: People would understand. Viki: No, I can't do that, not today. Kevin needs me to be really strong for him, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. [SCENE_BREAK] Clint: We'll both do that. No matter the cost, we'll be there for our son together. Bo: It's the toughest walk that you'll ever make, Kev. But you can do it. Kevin: I thought the next time I walked down this aisle, it would be on my wedding day with Kelly. And Duke would be up there beside me right where his picture is now. He should be alive, Bo. He should be here. Bo: He is, Kev. He's here. Kevin: Uh-huh, you're right about that -- I can feel his hatred. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: I really don't need what you're selling. My lawyer is out there right now trying to get me a stay of execution. Andrew: Well, that's -- that's good. It's good. Todd: Yeah, yeah. I can see you're thrilled. Andrew: Todd -- Todd, I don't believe in the death penalty. I don't care who the person is, I don't care how horrific their crime. I truly hope that your lawyer finds a way to -- to keep that awful machine from kicking into gear, but you got to face the truth that if she isn't able to do that, you're facing the end of your life tomorrow. [SCENE_BREAK] David: I don't know where Margaret went, but she was here, I swear it on my life. John: Yeah, well, that's not worth much. All right. We're going back to the hotel, we'll book a flight to Llanview. Let's go. David: What about Denton? John: I'll call the local authorities from the hotel. David: Wait, wait. Maybe we should wait until we skip town, just in case murder's illegal in Thailand? John: You know what they say -- what happens here stays here. Move. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Margaret, wait. Ow! Oh! Concierge: Oh, don't move. Natalie: Ah! Concierge: You could be hurt. Natalie: Oh! Margaret! Concierge: No, no. You need some ice. Natalie: I have to go after her! [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: You get some rest, ok, beautiful? Dorian: I'll be out in a minute. Blair: Ok. How much more can our family take, huh? [SCENE_BREAK] Layla: Listen, I know you feel guilty about Duke, but he's known Kelly practically all his life. It's not like she was some girl he hooked up with in a bar. There had to be feelings there already. Adriana: But if I had just talked to him, been there for him, instead of pretending like our entire relationship never existed, I don't know -- maybe I could've found a way to keep him from going to the rectory that night. Layla: No. I talked to Duke at the wedding. Head feelings for Kelly -- at least, that's what he thought. Something tells me nothing could've kept him away from her that night. [SCENE_BREAK] Kelly: Dorian, please. You still have some influence around here. You've got to get me out of here. Dorian: Absolutely not. Kelly: It's not just for Kevin and his family. It's for me. I need to say goodbye. Dorian: No! All right? And there's just no way you're leaving this hospital. I'm your aunt. What am I talking about? I'm a medical doctor, for heaven's sake. You can't go gallivanting around when you've had your chest cut open a few days ago, besides which I -- I'm not going to let you face the onslaught of that vermin that calls themselves the press. No, no, no. I will go to the funeral. I will represent you. You stay here and you concentrate on getting better. I love you. Dorian: Are you ready to go? Adriana: As ready as I'll ever be. [SCENE_BREAK] Nash: I was thinking we could take the baby for a walk in the park tomorrow if the weather's nice. [Tess sighs] Nash: Tess, are you all right? Jessica's voice: My brother needs me, Tess. Please, I have to be there for my family. Tess: No. Shut up! Viki: Tess, are you all right? What's going on? Nash: I -- I don't know. She was fine one moment and then she just -- Viki: Jessica? Tess: No, Jessica has left the building. Sorry to disappoint you, Viki. Whew. Viki: She wanted to come out, didn't she? She loved Duke. She wants to be here. Tess: Yeah? Well, Duke meant something to me, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Clint: Son, Joey asked me to send you his love. He had left London. By the time they found him, it was too late for him to come. Kevin: Oh. It's -- it's ok. I don't think I could handle any more support today anyway. Did you tell Grandpa? Bo: No. He's just in too bad of shape, Kev. Renee is with him just to make sure he doesn't turn to the wrong channel or pick up a newspaper or something. She wanted to be here. Clint: Listen, are we waiting for Lee Ann, or what? Kevin: No. She's not coming. Clint: Not coming to her own son's funeral? Kevin: She said she might kill me if she looks at me right now. Can you blame her, huh? She put her son on a plane two years ago to Llanview to get to know his father, and because of me, he's dead. Clint: Son, it's not your fault. Kevin: You don't know how wrong you are. It's time. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Hugh: Hey. Kelly: Hey. Hugh: I hope I'm not bothering you. I just wanted to see how you're holding up today. It's got to be tough with the funeral and all. Kelly: Yeah, it is. Hugh: Is there anything I can do? Kelly: You really mean that? Hugh: Of course. Kelly: Get me out of here. I want to go to that funeral. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: Shouldn't you be inside with your family? Matthew: My dad said it was ok for me to leave. Marianne's waiting for me outside in the parking lot. What are you doing here? You didn't know my cousin Duke, did you? Starr: Not really. Matthew: Why would you come to a funeral for someone you barely knew? Starr: I figured I'd get an idea of how it all works since I'll probably be at my dad's funeral in a few days. [SCENE_BREAK] Layla: Hey. You all right? Adriana: Yeah. Layla: Where's Rex? Adriana: He's taking his licensing exam today, becoming a P.I. I told him he should go. I mean, he and Duke -- it'd be weird for him to be here. They didn't exactly like each other. Layla: Don't worry. I've got your back the whole way. Come on. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Hey. Spencer: Hey, Michael, Marcie. How are you? Good to see you. Marcie: Hi. Spencer: Hi. Michael: I was able to snag an hour off from the hospital, but I got to run back there as soon as this thing's over. It's still a madhouse from the tornado. Spencer: I guess you were given a crash course in what it's like to be married to a doctor, right? You two should be on your honeymoon right now. Marcie: Oh, it's ok. Besides, I think we'd feel too guilty to enjoy it anyway. Spencer: I understand. Unfortunately, I do know the drill. You're a very understanding woman. Marcie: Well, it's just a few days and I have nothing but a lifetime of honeymoons to look forward to with this big guy, right? Michael: How are you? Now, I want you to remember that if it wasn't for you, we'd be attending a double funeral. Spencer: Yeah -- no. I -- I know. I just -- I wish I could've saved them both, that's all. [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: What is wrong with you? Dorian: Nothing. It's just I know that I'm supposed to be feeling sympathy for Duke, his family, but when I look around at all of this, I can't help myself. I'm just so grateful that it was Duke who died and not Kelly. Viki, I'm deeply sorry for your loss. Viki: Oh, I sincerely doubt that. Dorian, I would ask you to leave right this second except it would cause a scene and the reporters would just love that. So instead, I'm going to tell you to sit down and keep your mouth shut. And when this service is over, go home. You are not invited back to the house. And frankly, I don't want to see your face again for a very long time if ever. Clint: The minister is ready. Viki: Thank you. Dorian: Clint? My heart is breaking for you. Clint: Thank you for coming, Dorian. Blair: Keep your mouth shut. Minister: Today, we come together in the midst of our mourning to celebrate the life of Duke Buchanan. The service will be opened by Duke's grandmother, Victoria Lord Davidson. Viki: Duke was my very, very sweet grandson. When he was growing up in Texas, we never really had a chance to spend much time together. And then when he moved here to Llanview, I was frightened for him. Duke was a kind, gentle, and brilliant young man who grew up with open skies and endless horizons, and I was so afraid that the responsibilities of the world and the pain and the frustrations of adulthood would destroy the light in his eyes. But it never did. I'm proud to say that right up until the day he died, that light never dimmed. He was a very, very special young man of whom we were very proud and we will miss him terribly. Until we meet again in heaven. Goodbye. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: God, have mercy on my soul and all that kind of crap. Yeah, I've done a lot of bad things to a lot of people, people who didn't deserve them, and I've paid for those sins. I'm not paying for any sins now. I didn't do this. And I don't care -- I don't care if you don't believe me. You and the entire state of Pennsylvania -- I don't care. Andrew: I'll tell you what I believe. I believe that you don't think you did anything wrong and if you're at peace with that, Todd, who am I to argue with you? But you got to face the truth. There are aspects of this tragedy that you've got to deal with right now before it's too late. Todd: Yeah, like how many "our fathers" I need to say before I get into heaven? Andrew: No, Todd. Like your children, like your last will and testament, like the trusts you have in jack and Starr's names. I don't -- I don't care. I don't care what you think of me, I don't care what you think of Blair or anybody else, for that matter. You got two kids, two kids who you love more than anything in the world and you are going to leave them nothing, nothing but pain, nothing but grief, nothing but unfinished business their father should've taken care of, but he was too selfish in his final days on earth. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: David, you're all right. John: Hey, you ok? What happened? Natalie: John, she's alive. John: Who? Natalie: Margaret Cochran. I swear to God, I saw her here in this hotel. She's alive. David: I told you. [SCENE_BREAK] Clint: It's tradition that when a Buchanan boy is born, my pa buys him a cowboy hat. Not the kind for kids. Certainly not the cheap kind, but the real deal. My father can't be here today. And that's both a shame and a blessing. Duke was the next great generation of Buchanans. A Buchanan man bears not only our name but our legacy. Our family has been blessed with great wealth. But we have never believed that our strength came from money. Buchanan power is not oil, stocks. Got nothing to do with what's written in our ledger. It is love and unity. And we draw strength from each other. And we have never been stronger than we are today. Because Duke Buchanan unites us in death, as he did in life. Duke was a bright and shining Buchanan. Now he is a bright and shining star in the heavens. He was a wonderful man. He'll be with us always. Always. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Oh -- John: Easy. Natalie: You knew that Margaret was alive? John: Yeah. Vickers claims he's been hanging out with her here in Bangkok. Natalie: She's the one who bailed you out. David: You know about that? John: Yeah, we know. Natalie: You've got to find her. John: Oh, yeah? What am I supposed to do with him in the meantime? Natalie: Leave him with me, John. John: No, no. Natalie: Look, you have no other choice. I know that Todd's a dirtbag, but now that we know Margaret's alive, we can't let Todd die. We can't let an innocent man die. Look, David will be fine with me. I can do this. John: We'll talk about this upstairs. Let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Adriana: I'll be right back. Layla: Ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Marcie: What's wrong? Michael: All this talk about family is really starting to get to me. The only family I have is John. Marcie: Michael, that's not true. I'm your family now. You know that. Michael: I know. I'm just worried about John. I hope he's ok. Wherever he is. Minister: At this time, Marcie Mc Bain would like to honor Duke's life with one of his favorite songs. Marcie: All alone i didn't like the feeling all alone i sat and cried all alone i had to find some meaning in the center of the pain I felt inside all alone i came into this world all alone I will surely die solid stone is jus sand and water, baby sand and water and a million years gone by I will see you in the light of 1,000 suns I will hear you in the sound [SCENE_BREAK] Adriana: Hey, Rex. I know you're busy with your test, but I'm at Duke's service, and it's horrible. This is so much harder than I thought it would be. Marcie: As we all will come through the doors beyond the grave all alone i heal this heart of sorrow all alone i raised this child flesh and bone, he was just bursting toward tomorrow and his laughter filled my world and wore your smile I will see you in the light of 1,000 suns I will hear you in the sound of the waves I will know you when I come as we all will come through the doors beyond the grave all alone i came into this world all alone I will surely die solid stone is just sand and water, baby sand and water and a million years gone by. Kevin: I thank you, Mom and Dad, for that beautiful eulogy. I -- you're -- you're amazing people. Amazing parents. Every-- everybody knows that you -- no matter what was going on in your lives, you were there for me. You -- you always supported me. And you -- and you'd think that with parents like that, you know, that I'd -- I learned something. When Duke was a little boy, he -- he went missing. And I was so scared that I'd never see him again. I was. And I went all the way My -- my little boy. And I -- I wanted so bad to be a good dad like you. And to be a man that he could look up to. And I just -- I don't know what happened. I mean, I don't know why I stopped looking for him. I -- I mean, I don't know when -- I thought it would be easier to turn my back on my son. On my -- on my little boy. On my -- on my -- on my son! My son! Oh! [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Look, I got a will. The kids got trust funds. Blair's the executor of those. Nothing has changed. Andrew: And are you at peace with that particular arrangement? Todd: What does that mean? Andrew: To, maybe you need to stop thinking about spewing out conspiracy theories. Start thinking about what a man should focus on when he's got 24 hours left to live. Now, I know something. I know that underneath all those years of crime and -- and revenge and sin, there is a man capable of deep love. Todd: Hmm. Andrew: I think the people who were lucky enough to receive that love deserve to be well taken care of. Todd: Ok. 10-4, padre. I'll make sure that I'm at peace with those arrangements. Now, you go to hell. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Get your ass in there. Sit down. David: Can I ask a question? John: Shut up. David: May I make a statement? John: Shut up! John: You sure you're ok? Natalie: I can handle this. John: Ok. You mess with her, your death will be the least of your problems. David: Ow. [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: Don't! I deserve to feel like this. After what I've done. Kelly: Please, help me. I -- I've got to, please. No, I -- I've got to get out of here. Please, don't. Please, stop it! I have to go. Please, I -- Kevin: Why are you here? What are you doing here? [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Well, well, well. Looks like it's just the two of us. Oh. Forgot about the gun. David: Natalie, you're no more a murderer than I am. Natalie: Oh. I guess that makes me pretty deadly, since we both know that you are a murderer. Look, I may not know everything that's going on here with John's father, this Todd/Margaret thing. But I know somehow, it's all your fault. And we're going to make sure that everybody knows it. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Yes, I realize the connection is bad. Have you looked outside? Well, look, now that you've confirmed my credentials, I need everything the embassy's got on an American citizen living here in Bangkok. Her name is Margaret Cochran. So a list of banks and financial institutions would be a good place to start. [SCENE_BREAK] [Margaret speaks Thai] Margaret: No, you're not understanding me. I need someplace to hide! Hello? [SCENE_BREAK] Andrew: If you change your mind -- you want me to talk to you about some of that stuff, you know, the -- you know, peace -- all that crap, as you so reverently put it, well, I'll come back. You know, Todd, no man should die alone. Not even you. [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: Get out! You have no right to be here. You were the reason my son is in that casket. You get out! [NEXT_ON] Kelly: You had a chance to try and save your son. Why did you choose me? Antonio: If you feel something for her, you should probably tell her. Evangeline: I need to get the bodies of Margaret Cochran and her baby exhumed. John: I know how to find her. | Everyone gathers for the memorial service for Duke |
410 | Carly: Hi. Rosanna: Hey. Carly: Come on in. Rosanna: Thanks. Carly: So I -- I went to see Julia yesterday. I felt awful about what happened with her ex-husband. Rosanna: Oh, come on. How were you to know that the man was abusive? He lied to you from the word go. Carly: Yes, I know. But still, I wanted to tell her how sorry I am. It seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Rosanna: And was it? Carly: From the reception I got, apparently not. I tried to tell her that I never intended for her to be hurt, but she couldn't wait to lash out at me. You'd think that I was the one who kept a husband and loving father from going home to his family, where he belonged. Rosanna: Come on. Now, Julia has got to know that -- that it was a mistake. It could have happened to anyone. Carly: Oh, yes, but it didn't. It happened to the notoriously devious, estranged wife of her make-believe husband. So how could it be a mistake? That was typical, to be expected. Rosanna: Well, look, that's what she wants you to believe, but that doesn't mean that it's true. Carly: So now, not only doesn't Jack remember the past, all he knows of the present is that I caused harm to come to his beautiful Julia, and he will never forgive me. Rosanna: All right, all right. Look, now, you have done everything that reason told you to do, and look where it got you. Carly: So what's the answer then? Rosanna: I think it's simple. I think you're going to have to play dirty -- exceedingly dirty. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Look, Jordan, I'm really glad you could make it. Here, sit down. I got you a cup of coffee. Jordan: Thanks, Paul. Paul: Yeah. There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about. Jordan: There's been something on my mind, too. I know that we haven't talked since you told me that Barbara was released and I kind of lost my cool. Paul: Perfectly natural reaction. It's not what I wanted to talk to you about, though. Jordan: All I could think about was her part in James' escape and everything that led to Cabot's death. And I guess what I failed to realize is that you aren't the one responsible for her getting out. So I'm sorry for coming down so hard on you. Paul: Forget it. And for the record, I don't want Barbara out in the real world any more than you do. Jordan: So we can move past this? Paul: Oh, definitely. And I know the perfect way to show you that I mean that. Jordan, please come to my wedding. [SCENE_BREAK] Hal: Okay, not exactly the Lakeview, but -- Jennifer: This isn't exactly coffee, Dad. Hal: Huh? Jennifer: And those donuts don't look like they've been fresh for days. Hal: Sure they have. Hmm, sorry about that. Jennifer: Well, how about next time we have breakfast, we have something edible? Hal: Deal. Jennifer: So you still haven't told me, are you going to Paul and Rosanna's wedding? Hal: Wouldn't miss it for the world. Jennifer: Oh, wait. But if you go, who's gonna be watching Mom? Hal: Ah, she still has that ankle bracelet on. She leaves the house, police are notified immediately. Jennifer: Dad, but if -- Hal: Plus, I'm gonna post a guard outside the house, just in case she gets frisky. Jennifer: Well, sounds like you've got everything covered. Hal: That's what I do. So what's new with you? Mike: Hal. Hal: Hmm? Mike: I took a look at the roof. I got some bad news. Hey. Jennifer: Hi. Hal: Who knew it? That bad, huh? Mike: Yeah, you ought to take a look. Hal: That bad. Mike: Mm-hmm. Hal: Okay. I'll be right back. Mike: So what happened? They finally arrest you or what? Jennifer: We were just talking about Rosanna and Paul tying the knot. Mike: Yeah, I heard about that. Rosanna called, asked me to be there. Jennifer: Oh? Yeah, I forgot the two of you go way back. So are you going, too? Mike: Yeah. Why don't we go together? [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: Hi, Curtis. Curtis: Hey. Heard any news about Aaron? Alison: Well, they operated on him again, so everybody's doing wait and see, which is what brings me here. Curtis: Well, anything I can do to help. Alison: Well, I was hoping you would say that. I'm looking for the CDs he would listen to when he was setting up for his shift. Curtis: Yeah, they're back there somewhere. Alison: Okay, good. And I need help finding a couple of other things, like the leather jacket he keeps here. Curtis: Yeah, sure. But why would Aaron need his leather jacket now? Alison: Nancy, I'm so glad that you could make it. Nancy: Hey, how are you doing? Alison: I'm good now that I have a plan to attack. They look good. Nancy: Chocolate chip, fresh from the oven. Curtis: And I've heard about those. Alison: No, no, no. Those are for Aaron. They're his favorites. Nancy: Dear, I talked to Bob this morning about Aaron, and he says that the doctors are concerned -- Alison: I know what the doctors are concerned about, but they're wrong, and I'm gonna prove it. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucy: Brain damage? I don't believe it. Holden: We won't know how bad things are till he comes out of it. Lucy: I don't understand. Why does he need a second operation? Did something go wrong after the first one? Holden: I wish I could tell you. Right now, the only thing I know is that my son took a hit from a boxing champion whose gloves were loaded with lead. And for what? Lucy: You know Rafael was forced to do what he did. My father and I were being held hostage with some lunatic with a gun. Holden: Yeah, I know all that, and I also know who's responsible for Aaron lying in that hospital bed. Lucy: I'm just saying sometimes, the wrong people get caught in the crossfire. Holden: Yeah. Lucy: You can't -- you can't possibly think on an empty stomach. Let's -- let's take you to the cafeteria. We'll get you some food, and you'll keep up your strength. Holden: What about Aaron? Lucy: We'll tell the nurses where we are. They can come find us if anything changes. Dusty: Hey, I just wanted to tell you that I'm here for you, and I miss you. I wish I could turn back time, undo what I did, or didn't do. I wish I could make you okay again, but I can't, so it's up to you, kid. It's up to you. Hey, I -- I saw you leave with Holden. I -- I'll get out of your way. Lucy: You're not in my way. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucy: I think Holden needed some time alone, so I told him I would come back and wait with Aaron. Dusty: Yeah, I -- I tried to find out how he was doing, but I'm not family. So any news? Lucy: Nothing's been confirmed, but they're worried about brain damage. Dusty: Brain damage? Lucy: No one knows for sure, but we're all kind of praying that he wakes up and remembers his family and his friends, and that everything can go back to the way it was. Dusty: He's lucky to have your prayers. Excuse me. Listen, I got to go, 'cause if Holden gets back, I'm not supposed to be near his kid. Lucy: Holden's angry at the world. If Aaron can hear you, I'm sure he's glad that you're here. Dusty: Come on. Lucy: It's true. He's always liked you and looked to you. Dusty: I put him through hell, Lucy. This is how -- I swear if he ever wakes up, I -- Lucy: He's going to wake up. And when he does, he's not going to judge you or write you off. He knows people make mistakes, but life's too short. And when you have people in your life that love you, you'd be a fool to walk away. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: John? John: Jessica. Thanks for coming by. Jessica: It sounded important. Legal matter? John: Potentially it could be. I hope it doesn't get that far though. Jessica: So what's the problem? John: Off the record? Jessica: Sure. John: Yeah, I'm a little concerned about Ben. Jessica: Well, Ben and I don't really -- John: Yes, I know things are kind of rocky between the two of you. But have you noticed anything different about him? Jessica: I'm not the best judge of Ben's moods right now. I mean, how do you mean different? John: He doesn't seem to be quite himself. He seems antsy, angry, distracted, edgy. Jessica: Well, we're in the middle of a divorce, John, so I think that's to be expected. Is that why you had Dr. Ramirez operate on Aaron Snyder and not Ben, because he hasn't been himself? John: No, no. That was a very complicated matter. Jessica: Simplify it for me. John: Were you aware that Ben had to have a drug test before he returned to O.R. After his hand injury? [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: And then it just hit me. Fill the room with everything that Aaron loves -- music, food, friends. Curtis: What for? Alison: Well, I worked at Memorial long enough to know that even when people are unconscious, they can still sometimes hear things, and maybe even smell things, too -- especially something as incredible as Nancy's cookies. So maybe if I filled the room with everything that Aaron loves, he'll, you know, want to open up his eyes and rejoin the world. Nancy: That's a wonderful idea, dear. I just hope your expectations aren't too unreasonable. Alison: Well, what's unreasonable about wanting a miracle? And if there's anyone who deserves one, it's Aaron. Sometimes, miracles just take a little bit of work. But I mean, it is possible, isn't it, Dr. Harris, that the right kind of atmosphere can make Aaron want to open up his eyes? Ben: With faith, anything's possible. Alison: Good. So I've got the CDs and the leather jacket. Nancy: And I have the big guns, so what are we waiting for? Let's go. Curtis: You look as broken up over Aaron as anybody else. What's the prognosis? Ben: It's -- it's too soon to tell. Look, have you got a minute? I need to talk to you about something. Curtis: Shoot. Ben: It's -- it's about the sample that you gave me for my drug test. Curtis: Yeah? Ben: I don't mean to sound ominous or anything, but it's more important than ever that you never mention it, to anyone. [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: Why would you want me at your wedding? Paul: "Congratulations, Paul. I wish you both well." Jordan: Come on, Paul. Let's be honest here. Sharing a father makes us brothers in name only. And after everything I've been through with Jennifer and with Rosanna -- Paul: Forget that. It's time to start over. Look, there was a lot of anger and a lot of finger pointing after what happened with Cabot, but it's time to make all of that go away. I would really like for you to come to the wedding, Jordan, not just because you were Cabot's father, but because I would like for us to try and be friends. Please, come. Celebrate with us. Wish us well. [SCENE_BREAK] Mike: You're looking at me like I asked you for a kidney or something. All I did was suggest that we go to Rosanna's wedding together. Jennifer: And as suggestions go, I would say that that's probably not such a good one. Mike: Well, it's not like I'm asking you out on a date. I just thought that since we'd be going anyway that we could do our part to fight air pollution. Jennifer: And we go back on our pact? You know we can't be alone in a room together 'cause of that tendency you have. Mike: What tendency is that? Jennifer: Oh, are you kidding? You can't keep your hands off me. Mike: Give me a break. You're the one who -- Jennifer: Oh, you think you're irresistible? Mike: No, but I think you think I am. Jennifer: Of all the nerve. I'm doing a pretty good job resisting you right now. Mike: Congratulations. So why is it that we can't go to the wedding together? It's not like we have no self-control. Jennifer: Well, maybe you're right. And there will be people around. Mike: See, we can do this. We go, we have a good time. We don't have to explain to everybody why we're avoiding each other. Jennifer: Yeah, good point. Mike: We're adults. Jennifer: We can do this. Cop: Sorry. [Knock at door] Hal: Jennifer? You in there? Jennifer: Yeah. Hal: Sorry to bust this up. Jennifer: Oh -- oh, you -- you're not interrupting anything. Hal: Hmm. I'm gonna have to get back to you about the roof there, Mike. Mike: The roof. Right, the roof. Hal: We're gonna need the room to interrogate a suspect. Jennifer: Sure. Sure, we were just leaving. So we'll see you at the wedding. Hal: Yeah. Yeah. Jennifer: So much for controlling ourselves. Mike: It was all your fault! Jennifer: My fault? The second the door was closed, you couldn't keep your hands off me. Mike: Oh, if that makes you feel better to think so. Jennifer: Oh, you want to know what will make you feel really good? Mike: Yeah, I got a few ideas. Jennifer: Try this one. We go to the wedding separately, and we avoid each other like the plague the whole time we're there. Mike: As you wish. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: There you go. Rosanna: Ah, thank you. Just what I needed. Carly: I hope I put enough sugar in there for you. Rosanna: That is perfectly sweet. Almost as sweet as you've been to Julia Larrabee. Carly: I beg your pardon? Rosanna: You have been so civil to her, I'm surprised you haven't asked her to move in with you. Carly: No. I -- I've been fair for Jack's sake, and for the sake of that little boy. Rosanna: And what has being fair gotten you? Has it gotten Jack home? Has it gotten Julia off her high horse? Carly: So you think that I should stoop to dirty tricks then. Rosanna: I'm not saying that you should stoop to anything. I'm just saying that you should express yourself in a more natural fashion. Carly: Oh. Oh, and it's natural for me to plot and scheme, is that it? Rosanna: No, it is natural for the Carly Tenney I know to do whatever it takes to get what she wants. Hmm? I'm not saying that that's a bad thing. Carly: I know. It just -- I'm not sure that I should be that person anymore. Jack was primed to think of me as a conniving opportunist, and when I led Julia's ex-husband back into her life, that's all it took for him to believe that's true. Rosanna: Well, then by all means, don't let him down. Carly: Ah, Rosanna. Rosanna: Come on. If Jack and Julia think that you are an opportunist, then don't let the opportunity pass you by. [SCENE_BREAK] Curtis: Why would anybody be asking questions about the drug test? Wait, this doesn't have anything to do with Aaron's operation, does it? Ben: There's no need for you to worry. Curtis: Damn straight I'm worried if people are accusing you of slipping up or something. Ben: Look, nobody's accusing me of anything, and nobody has any reason to blame me for anything. Curtis: Then why are we having this -- Ben: I didn't take any medication of any kind before Aaron's surgery. He got the kind of treatment that his condition warranted. Curtis: But complications happened, right? Ben: Hey, that's the nature of medicine. It's not a perfect science, and I'm just a human being. But apparently, somebody is looking for someone to blame. Curtis: And then they'll come looking for you. Ben: Right. And if it comes out that I used your urine sample, people are gonna blow it out of proportion and then think the worst. Curtis: This is crazy! Ben: I know it is. And it -- look, I hate to ask you this, but I need you to promise that you will keep it between the two of us. Curtis: You know I always got your back. Ben: Right. I knew I could count on you. Curtis: Always. But if somebody would think that you'd actually get hooked and then operate under the influence, they'd have to be out of their minds. Either that, or they're out to get you. Ben: Right. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: If you're suggesting Ben's judgment was impaired during surgery because of drugs -- John: No, no, I didn't say that. I didn't say that. Jessica: Well, you're asking these questions to cover yourself in case of a lawsuit, right? John: Well, naturally, the hospital wants to avoid any kind of lawsuit. But if Aaron doesn't regain consciousness, or there's any kind of residual disability, that drug test is going to come to light. Jessica: And you need to protect yourself. John: The hospital does, yes. Jessica: Has an official investigation started? John: No, not yet. Jessica: I see. John: As someone who still cares a great deal about Ben, I -- I think you should tell him to get his ducks in a row, you know? Just as a precaution. Holden: Hey, Jess. Jessica: Holden, I'm keeping Aaron in my prayers. And please, give my best to your family. Holden: I will. John? John: Hmm? Holden: I've been meaning to ask somebody in the billing department about this. I don't think that Aaron's health insurance is gonna cover his expenses here. John: Holden, it's all been taken care of. Holden: Really? By whom? [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: You've got Aaron all wrong, you know that? When I told him to go down in the third, he didn't want to listen to me, 'cause it was about honor for him. He knew I was wrong, and he had no problem telling me so. Lucy: When he wakes up, and he recovers -- Dusty: By some miracle he wakes up and recovers, he's gonna cut me out of his life, and he's gonna -- never look back. Lucy: Dusty, wait. Please, we need to talk. If you don't want to talk, then at least listen to what I have to -- Holden: Didn't I tell you to stay away from my son?! Lucy: Holden, wait! Holden: You think you can clean your dirty conscience by paying Aaron's bills?! Dusty: Holden, I didn't come down here to start trouble. Holden: It's a little late for that! Lucy: Holden, stop. Holden: Give me one good reason. Lucy: Because hurting Dusty is not gonna fix anything! Holden: Lucy, get out of the way. [SCENE_BREAK] Announcer: Coming up on "As the World Turns" -- Aaron: Ali -- Alison: I didn't just hear that. I know I didn't just hear that. Dusty: You walked away. You got what you wanted, right? [SCENE_BREAK] Holden: He is the reason Aaron's in a coma. John: Hey, hey, hey, hey! Listen, boys, everybody stays in their corner here today. We have no boxing here today. You understand? Lucy: Holden, I cannot imagine how upset you must be, but -- Holden: You don't have the slightest idea. Lucy: Dusty was just trying to do the right thing when he stepped up and paid Aaron's bills. Holden: He did it because he's to blame! Lucy: He did it because he's his employer and friend! Holden: And this is how he treats his friends, so they wind up in a hospital bed, hooked up to monitors and machines? You better get out while you can. Alison: What's wrong with this picture? Why isn't he in jail? Lucy: Dusty is cooperating with the D.A. He did it so that Rafael could go free and that Dominic and his friends -- Dusty: Come on, stay out of it, would you? Don't you know when to give up? Alison: You're still defending that jerk? Lucy, wake up. Holden: You walked away from him once. If you're smart, you'll stay away. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Hey, Curtis. Got a minute? Curtis: Yeah. Is everything okay? Jessica: Yeah. I was looking for your father. It's important. I've left a message for him everywhere, but he won't return my phone calls. Ben: Are you looking for me? Jessica: Yeah. I was hoping maybe we could go upstairs to Java for a few minutes. We need to talk. It's important. Ben: I don't have anything to say to you, and I doubt you have anything to say that I want to hear. Jessica: Ben, it's important. I wouldn't subject myself to your hostility if it weren't. Curtis: I got to take care of some stuff in the back room. Can you guys watch the front door for me? All right, thanks. Ben: What could we have possibly have to talk about? The divorce is final. Any business between us is over. Jessica: Just because I signed some papers doesn't mean I don't care about you. Ben: Oh, you never cared about me. Jessica: That is not true, and you know it. Anyway, I didn't come here to talk to talk about us. What's going on at the hospital? Everybody's buzzing about this operation you performed on Aaron Snyder. Ben: What is this your way of trying to work your way back into my life? Jessica: No, this is my way of trying to save your career. Now, whether you want to admit it or not, you need my help, so stop pushing me away. [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: Jennifer, hi. Jennifer: Hi. Jordan: I'm glad I bumped into you. I wanted to go over the next of print ads for Street Jeans. Jennifer: Oh, well, it'll wait till another time, 'cause I've got plans. Jordan: A wedding to attend? Maybe we can firm things up when we get there. Jennifer: You're going? Jordan: I got a personal invitation from the groom himself. Is that okay with you? Jennifer: That's a silly question. Why wouldn't it be? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Rosanna, aren't you one of the many citizens who for years considered me nothing but a backstabbing tramp? Wasn't it you who tried to get me to walk the straight and narrow? Rosanna: Well, yes, but that was for my own purely selfish set of reasons. Carly: And now, you want me to become the master manipulator again. Rosanna: Oh, come on. It will all be different now. You'll be doing it for good, as they say, rather than evil reasons. Carly: I can't. Rosanna: All right then. Are you willing to watch Jack go and play husband and father to some perfect strangers? Carly: No, no, of course not. Rosanna: Then let me help you. Carly: You? Rosanna: Yes, me. I am the owner of a fortune 500 company, lest you forget. And I didn't get that way by throwing tea parties. I did manage to ask a perfect stranger to marry me and convince him to do so based on a set of false pretenses. I am pretty good at this sort of thing. Plus, there's Emily, right? I'm sure she's got some tricks up her sleeves. Carly: Yeah, Emily can be a professional. Rosanna: Okay, so between the three of us, I am sure we can devise some plan to get you and Jack back together again. Come on, we'll take no prisoners. Are you in or not? Carly: You are the best sister a backstabbing tramp could ever hope for. Rosanna: So what did Emily say? Carly: She's ready when we are. Rosanna: Ah! Carly: I could already hear the wheels spinning in her brain. Rosanna: You see? Jack and Julia don't have a prayer. Carly: I hope you're right. Rosanna: Let me tell you something, if Julia Larrabee knew the lengths that we're gonna go to get you and Jack back together again, she would surrender now. Carly: You know something? Sometimes you really frighten me. [Doorbell rings] Rosanna: I know. Isn't it fabulous? Paul: It's such a beautiful morning. Carly: Hi, Paul. Paul: You look great. How are you, Carly? Carly: Oh, I am -- I am much better, thanks to your beautiful bride-to-be. Paul: Oh, yeah, I know the feeling. You miss me? Rosanna: Like mad. Carly: You know what, you guys? You should save some of that for the ceremony. Paul: Yeah, speaking of which -- we should probably go. We don't want to keep the justice of the peace waiting. He might think we've changed our minds. Rosanna: Oh, bite your tongue. Give me two minutes, though, okay? I want to run up and give Sage a kiss, you know, and make sure my lips are on straight. Paul: I'll just kiss 'em crooked again. Rosanna: Promises, promises. Paul: Okay, thank God, she's gone. You are coming to the wedding, aren't you, Carly? Carly: Of course I am. I wouldn't miss it. Paul: Good. 'Cause I might need your help with something. I'm planning a surprise. Jordan's coming. Carly: Why? Paul: Well, because he was very important to Cabot, and if he doesn't come, then we're somehow keeping Cabot a secret. And I think it's time that we just clear all the ghosts out of there and finally start over fresh. [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: So I'm glad that you're cool with me going to Paul's wedding. Jennifer: Why wouldn't I be? Jordan: Well, not too long ago you couldn't stand to be in the same room with me. And now you hear that we're going to this wedding, and not only do you not run screaming for the exits, but you actually managed a smile. I think that's what they call progress. Jennifer: Well, we are working together. Jordan: And we are practically family, for whatever that's worth. Jennifer: It's true. Jordan: So, I was wondering, maybe you want to go to the wedding together, as friends. Jennifer: Yeah, I already said I would go with someone else. I'm sorry. Jordan: Oh, okay. Mike Kasnoff, by any chance? Jennifer: Yeah, yeah. Jordan: Busy guy. Construction worker, a model, man about town. Guess I'll see you there. Jennifer: Great. Bye. Jennifer: Hi. It's me. Please tell me you're not doing anything right now, because I need you. Every inch of you. Immediately. [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: Do you remember this? I played this over and over again that night that we made smoothies, and this. I know that you can't forget this. This is your leather jacket, the one that you used to always keep at Metro. And I would steal it from you, because I was always cold. And, of course, Nancy's famous death by chocolate cookies. Pigging out on these when I should've been learning how to use that stupid potter's wheel. You've put up with a lot of insanity because of me. And you know every stupid, selfish thing that I've ever done, but you love me. You love me more than anyone ever has, and I love you so much, Aaron Snyder. I was too blind to see it before, but I do. And when you come back to me, I'm gonna make it up to you. So just open your eyes, okay? Wake up, because I'm right here, just like I promised. Please, show me a sign. Open your eyes. You can squeeze my hand. That's okay. That's okay. Maybe I'm asking for too much. I do that sometimes, most of the time. But I'll wait. I'll wait as long as it takes. I'm not known for my patience, but, you know, anything's possible. Why can't you see you're the one that I belong to I'll breathe embrace I'll kiss you warm you're the sun that breaks the storm Aaron: Ali? Alison: I didn't just hear that. I know I didn't just hear that. I'll just -- just -- Aaron! Oh, Aaron, you're back! You're back! [SCENE_BREAK] Lucy: Dusty, wait. Please, don't walk away from me. Dusty: I've got to be someplace. Lucy: I know you're angry at me for defending you to Holden, and I'm sorry, but he was totally out of line. Dusty: That's not for you to put him in line. Lucy: He was attacking you. With only half the facts. Dusty: It's okay. I've gotten used to that. Lucy: Let me try talking to him. I think -- Dusty: It's none of your business, Lucy. Lucy: But he's my uncle. Dusty: I said no. It's done. You walked away. You got what you wanted, right? [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: John Dixon's on the warpath. If he's questioning me, then he already talked to the people on the staff, the people that you work with. Ben: Look, the man is out of control. He doesn't have a leg to stand on. Yeah, there were complications. That doesn't have anything to do with what I did or did not do. Jessica: He knows about the urinalysis. He knows you had to take a drug test. Ben: How? Jessica: I don't know. But that doesn't matter. Now, what we need to do -- Ben: No, there is no "we" here. And I passed that drug test. End of story. Jessica: Ben, I know how much you resent me, but you really -- Ben: No, you don't. 'Cause if you did, you wouldn't be here. Jessica: You need me. Now this is your career. And I am a damn good lawyer, and I can help you. Let me help you. Ben: No, I don't want your help. And I don't need you. If I did need an attorney, you're the last person that I would turn to. [SCENE_BREAK] Rosanna: Sorry to keep you waiting. Paul: There you are. Rosanna: Hey. Paul: You ready to become Mrs. Paul Ryan? Rosanna: I thought you'd never ask. Mm. Hey, would you meet me outside? Paul: You trying to get rid of me? Rosanna: No. No, I just want a minute with my sister. Paul: Okay. Rosanna: Okay, thank you. So, do you need a ride to the wedding? Carly: No. No, I'm fine. Rosanna: Okay. Good, 'cause you're gonna be fine, okay? Tonight, we are going to devise a plan so perfect, so devious, that it's gonna get you and Jack back together before you know it. And I pity anyone or anything that gets in our way. Carly: I don't know who's luckier -- Paul or me. Rosanna: Aw. Everything's gonna be fine, okay? I know it. Trust me. Carly: I just don't want you thinking about any of this right now. You just concentrate on being the beautiful bride I know you'll be. And be happy. Rosanna: That's exactly what I plan to do. Okay, I'll see you later? Carly: Yes. Rosanna: Okay. Chin up. Carly: Well, I hope you and Emily can come up with something, Rosanna. I'm all out of ideas. Paul: Is everything okay? Rosanna: Yeah, of course. Paul: Okay. So I should just ignore the fact that you kinda got rid of me so you can have a little chat with your sister? Rosanna: Oh, yeah. I mean, everything's fine. Just look at my face. Doesn't it look like everything's fine? Paul: You're glowing. But I don't know. You kinda -- you've got this look. Rosanna: What look? What look? Paul: A look. You're up to something. Come on, I know you're up to something. Just admit it. Rosanna: All I'm going to admit is how happy I am to be getting married to you. Really. I'm over the moon. Paul: You ain't seen nothing yet. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: Well, that was fast. Mike: For the record, when a woman says that she needs me, all of me, immediately, men don't usually drag their feet. Jennifer: Well, I'll keep that in mind. Mike: What's up? Jennifer: I think I was a little hasty before when I said we shouldn't go to the wedding together. Mike: Changed your mind? Let me guess. Jordan's gonna be there. Jennifer: And when he asked me to go with him, I told him that I already had a date. Mike: And I'm that lucky puppy. Jennifer: You wouldn't mind if I hitched a ride with you, would you? So Jordan wouldn't think I was available? Mike: Don't you think we're a little too old to play these games? [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: Somebody find Mr. Snyder! Holden Snyder! It's an emergency! I can't believe it. You know my name. We were so worried. Everybody's been here day and night. But you can talk. Can you talk? Talk again. Aaron: Ali, you're talking enough for two. Alison: Did you hear me before, when I was talking about the cookies and the music and everything? Aaron: Oh, God, this feels like a dream. Alison: No, it's not a dream. It's real. And you're awake, and you're all right, and I love you so much. I finally figured it out. I love you. And everything is going to be incredible. Holden: Ali, what is it? Aaron. Aaron: Hey, Dad. Holden: Oh, my God. I'm gonna get you a doctor. Somebody, we need a doctor in here. Alison: This is incredible. This is everything that I ever prayed for. You're back. Oh, Aaron. Aaron, are you okay? Aaron: Ali, Dad. Oh, God, there's something wrong. There's something really wrong. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucy: I had some time to think about everything that happened the night of the fight. I was terrified, all right? A man held me and my father at gunpoint. I wasn't sure if we were gonna make it out of there alive. Not that that's a new feeling for me. I was scared for Aaron, too. I didn't know if he was gonna wake up again, and I felt betrayed by the one man I thought I could actually trust. Dusty: Yeah, I picked that up. Lucy: I guess I didn't really make my feelings a secret. Dusty: I guess you never do. Lucy: Yeah, maybe I was too harsh. Kind of like the way you're being with me now, not that I blame you. I shouldn't have said all of those things without trying to see the big picture first. Dusty: So nothing's changed. You're still worried about Aaron, you still feel betrayed, because I knew the fight was gonna go Rafi's way. Lucy: You're right. None of that has changed. I had good reason for walking away. Dusty: So what's all this about? Lucy: Sometimes, the truth is more powerful than reason. Dusty: Meaning? Lucy: The truth is, you and I should never be apart. For any reason, ever. [NEXT_ON] Jennifer: So will you please just take me to the wedding? Mike: No. Jennifer: But I told Jordan that you would. Mike: Well, then you've got a problem. Carly: Divorce papers? Dusty: Why don't you find somebody who deserves you? Lucy: I don't want somebody. I want you. | Lucy and Dusty make progress to reuniting |
411 | Anna: We almost made it. We came so close. I just... I'm finding it really hard to believe you're gone. [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: I thought I might find you here. Shawn: Hey. Jordan: Hey. Shawn: Now, you should be in my bed at Kelly's. Jordan: [Laughs] I'm fine. Shawn: Well, I was planning on coming back to join you before you woke up. Jordan: Like I could even sleep, though. Shawn: Yeah, me, neither, knowing Julian sent someone to try to kill you again last night. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: Come on. I'll take you home. Julian: [Voice breaking] I can't. Alexis: You need to eat something or get some sleep. Julian: [Sighs] I'm not tired, and I'm not hungry. Alexis: You're gonna have to take care of yourself. Julian: I need to take care of my son who is undergoing tests, but I can't see him. Alexis: What are the tests for? How should I know? He won't tell me anything. Not that he's my son, certainly not what's -- what's wrong with him. You know, for all I -- for all I know, my baby could -- [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Hey, Ma. Came to meet my baby brother. Mom, what's going on? What's wrong? Did something happen? [SCENE_BREAK] [Door opens, closes] Carly: Hey. Sonny: Hey, what's going on? Carly: I come bearing coffee. Sonny: Well, you know, I thought you'd be upstairs sleeping off the Nurses' Ball. Carly: Oh, no way. I'm in way too good a mood to sleep. Sonny: What did you do? Carly: Well, you know, I'm really glad you asked. I was trying to tell you all about the Nurses' Ball last night, but you were in no mood to talk. Sonny: Well, you looked damn good in that dress. Carly: Mm. Sonny: But you know what? Carly: Hmm? Sonny: You even looked better out of it. [Laughs] Carly: Do you want to flirt, or do you want to hear what happened at the Nurses' Ball? Sonny: Uh, do I get to choose? Carly: No, no, because I have to tell you what happened. Sonny: All right. Tell me. Carly: Well, I liberated Elizabeth from your brother. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Hi, Jake. It's me. I was just thinking about you and last night. I'm looking forward to more of that. I was kind of hoping we could start tonight. Call me. Oh, I think you're at work right now. Call me anyway. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Sloane: Eat up. Jake: Thanks, but that's okay. I'll get my own breakfast when I get out of here. Sloane: Oh, is somebody getting irritated? Jake: Yeah, I'm getting irritated. You had me here all night. Sloane: Oh, I'm sorry. Turns out, there's a lot of fallout when a mob boss gets assassinated. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: I can't remember after the first night we spent together, whether -- whether I cooked you breakfast in the morning. I don't know. Maybe. No, you'd have probably run screaming if I had. No, you wouldn't. You'd have paid me a compliment. Given me your lovely smile. Anna. I love your smile. [Door opens] Anna: Go away. Liesl: I'm sorry. I cannot. It's time. Time to let Duke go. Anna: What? Liesl: I must ask you to leave. My staff has a job to do. Anna: What job? Liesl: We must see to the remains. I have tried to be sensitive to your loss. When Dr. Drake was called away to surgery, I instructed the nurses and orderlies to give you time alone, but it has been six hours. The corpse must be delivered to the morgue for proper handling. Anna: The corpse?! It's a man! He was my husband. I loved him. And you have absolutely no right to be anywhere near him. Liesl: It's hospital policy. Anna: It's obscene! It's an insult to everything he stood for. [Sighs] Not that you care about that. You hated him. Liesl: I had no feelings about Mr. Lavery one way or the other. Anna: Really? You helped Faison keep him captive. You both wanted Duke dead. Well...here you go. You finally got your wish. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: So, Duke and Anna, they did the tango. Totally impromptu and super romantic. Sonny: Well, I'm more interested in what you meant by liberating Elizabeth from Ric. Carly: That's exactly what happened. Elizabeth and Ric are no more. Sonny: Thanks to you? Carly: No. Thanks to Ric, who got caught in a ginormous lie. Sonny: Why did you get involved? D-d-did Ric offend you in any way? Carly: You mean besides locking me in a panic room and chaining me to a wall? Sonny: Well, no. I'm talking about lately. Carly: He hired a con woman to pretend to be Jake's wife. Sonny: Well, what the hell for? Carly: Why do you think? To get Jake away from Elizabeth so Ric could have her all to himself. A-and Hayden, the pretend wife, I knew she was lying from the start, okay? So I had to do a little digging, but I was able to prove that she was working for Ric. And so I was able to expose that sneaky snake for the fraud he is onstage at the ball. Sonny: Now everybody knows this? Carly: Yeah. Mm-hmm. Ric exited Elizabeth's life stage left. Right. And now he's no longer married, so Jake is free as a bird. [SCENE_BREAK] Jake: I really don't need Elizabeth to turn on the TV and find out that I'm in custody again, this time for murder, okay? Sloane: [Sighs] Yeah, you girlfriend's opinion is the least of your problems right now. You were found in proximity to a pool of Duke Lavery's blood. You drew a gun on a cop, a gun that's confirmed as the murder weapon. Jake: I didn't shoot Lavery. Sloane: Nobody else knows that. Jake: Julian does. He made it real clear he was ordering Rivera to take the hit. Sloane: If we play this right, Jerome's gonna think you're covering for the real killer. Jake: Why would he do that? He knows Carlos and I hate each other. Sloane: Oh, even better. He's gonna think you put aside your personal animosity to protect the organization. He's gonna realize how indispensable you are, huh? The perfect soldier. Jake: [Sniffs] [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: [Voice breaking] You know, I just feel so damn helpless. You know, my -- my son could live or die, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it. Alexis: I know last night was touch-and-go, but he -- he made it through the night, so he's holding his own. Julian: Well, what about these tests? Alexis: There are going to be a lot of tests. Kristina was a preemie. They did tests on her often. The doctors do it because they have to be cautious, so don't read more into it. Julian: I know you're right. Alexis: You make that your mantra. Julian: It's just hard not to let your imagination run wild when you don't know what's g-- what's going on in that NICU. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Mom, what -- what's going on? How bad is it? Olivia: He's fine. Honey, your baby brother's fine. Dante: [Chuckles] Oh! Olivia: These are happy tears. [Sniffles] Dante: Ma. [Chuckles] You had me going there for a little bit. Olivia: Oh, I was so scared last night. God. But he was such a fighter. He was such a little champ. [Sniffles] Go ahead. Take a look for yourself. [Laughs] Dante: Wow. He is... he's really beautiful, Ma. Olivia: Isn't he a beauty? Tiny, but beautiful. And he's got a giant voice to make up for his size. Dante: Yeah, he's got the, uh -- the Falconeri baritone, you know. People will be able to hear him coming up the block a mile away. Olivia: [Sniffles] Are you crying? Dante: No, it's just, uh, happy -- happy tears, Ma. Olivia: [Chuckles] Dante: No, you did -- you did good, Ma. You did good. Olivia: Don't I know it. [Laughs] Dante: [Sighs] What about you? Y-y-you need anything or...? Olivia: I'm good. Don't worry about me. Dante: Well, no, someone has to, namely Ned. Where the hell is he? He should be waiting on you hand and foot. Olivia: Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no. We were up all night last night. I sent him home. He really had to get some rest. I insisted. Dante: If you say so. Olivia: Honey, I don't want you to criticize Ned, okay? You -- you have no idea. Dante: How a father's supposed to act? Actually, I do, Ma. Olivia: The thing is, um... it's about Ned. [Sighs] He's not the baby's father. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: Olivia. [Groans] She insists on shutting me out. Alexis: You need to give her some time. Julian: Oh, how much time? Alexis: Until cooler heads prevail. Everybody's very raw. Been a busy night. Julian: Yeah. [Sighs] And Duke. Alexis: Yeah. Duke. Julian: Well, I wonder if he's gonna pull through. You know something? Alexis: Well, you're gonna find out about it sooner or later, either from the news or from Anna. Julian: Well, what is it? Alexis: Duke didn't make it. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: 12 hours ago, he was alive and breathing... holding my hand. 12 hours ago, we had all the time in the world. And now he's gone. He's left me. [Crying] I'm s-- I'm so alone. [Sobs] I'm just so alone. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Ned's not the father? Olivia: No. Dante: But you said you and -- you and him had a thing when he was with Alexis. Olivia: I know. I lied. [Sniffles] Dante: All right, Ma, well...you know, now you can tell me the truth. Olivia: Just...just give me a second, okay, honey? Dante: All right. Olivia: I want you to know I-I felt so bad about not coming clean to you right from the beginning. But I just felt like, under the circumstances, that complete secrecy was the only way that I could really keep this baby safe. Dante: Safe? Safe? Yeah. Safe from -- from what? Olivia: I... Dante: From Sonny? You didn't... you didn't want to tell him you had another kid with him? Olivia: Sonny's not the father. Dante: [Sighs] Right. What was I thinking? Sonny was in Pentonville over the holidays. Olivia: [Sniffles] Dante: So if Sonny's not the father, and, uh, Ned's not the father, then who is? Olivia: Please try to -- try to be calm. Dante: Mother, just -- just tell me who it is, Ma. Olivia: Try to be calm. It's Julian Jerome. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: Duke's dead? Alexis: Yeah, Sam and I were in the ER when Patrick told Anna. I'm sure the police will make a formal statement soon. Julian: Well, let me know if you hear anything. Alexis: Okay, 'cause I-I'm sure you'll probably want to send them flowers. Julian: What's that supposed to mean? Alexis: Nothing. Julian: No, what? Alexis: Never mind. Julian: If you have something to say, say it. Alexis: All right. I find your lack of surprise about this news and your lack of curiosity about the details... telling. Julian: And why is that? Alexis: Are you responsible? [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn: We should have taken Julian out a long time ago. Would have saved us a lot of trouble. Jordan: Well, we didn't. And we're not going to. Shawn: But he sent men to kill you twice now. We can't walk away from this. Jordan: This isn't our decision, and you need to clear this with Duke. Shawn: I haven't been able to reach Duke. I have to track him down. Jordan: Uh, what are you talking about, meeting Duke? When, tonight? Sloane: Let's go. It's almost time. Where's the location? Anna: Sorry. Sloane: Anna! Stop! Jordan: Hang on, hang on. Hey, hey, listen. I think we should just maybe sit on this for a little while, okay? Duke may not want to retaliate. Shawn: It's just not about hitting back. You may not be Julian's only target, okay? We need to let all of our people know what happened so they can be protected. And if I'm not able to find Duke, then I need to take it straight to the top. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Ric should have known to not run a scam anywhere near you. You are relentless. Carly: Ric is a horrible person, so now you have even more of a reason to fire him immediately. Sonny: Okay, this may be news to you, but, you know, I kind of know that Ric is a rat. Carly: Then get rid of him! Diane was the best lawyer you ever had. Sonny: Diane's in it for the money. Carly: Oh, what's Ric in it for, brotherly devotion? Sonny: Ric wants to prove himself to me. He needs to think that I need him. And I let him. Carly: But he's a snake. Sonny: Well, that's exactly what you need in a lawyer. Carly: But the opposite of what you need in a brother. You should have seen the look on Elizabeth's face when she found out that he lied to her yet again. Sonny: Okay, you know what? This business with, uh, Ric and Elizabeth is none of mine and shouldn't be any of yours. So why can't you just let it be? Carly: I did it for Jake. [SCENE_BREAK] Jake: What good does it do me to win Julian's trust if I end up in Pentonville in the process? Sloane: Well, when the time comes, we'll get you out on a technicality, like your civil rights were violated when they arrested you, whatever. You'll walk out, right into Julian Jerome's open arms. Jake: Just like that, huh? Sloane: Well, you got to brag a little bit -- you know, how you stonewalled the cops, how we had to let you go. Ooh. [Inhales deeply] Julian's gonna be so impressed, he's gonna make you part of his inner circle. Jake: Lucky me. Sloane: You and I -- we're gonna take down the Jerome operation, top-down to the inside-out, kid. Jake: Yeah, well, meanwhile, Carlos Rivera gets away with killing a man in cold blood, right? [SCENE_BREAK] Liesl: I know this is terrible, but take comfort in knowing that, when Duke let go, he knew you loved him as he loved you. Anna: Okay. [Sniffs] Why don't you just tell your staff that they can come in here and do whatever job they need to do? Liesl: Very well. I understand Duke had no living relatives. Anna: Oh, he had no one. Liesl: Surely you are the person he was closest to. Will you take his personal belongings, minus a few items the police had to keep as evidence? If you wish to make arrangements... Anna: Oh, no. I can't. I... I have to be elsewhere. There's a search for his killer, you see. Liesl: Well, to my knowledge, that search is over. Anna: What? They have someone in custody? How do you know that? Liesl: My son Nathan was here. He informed me there's a person of interest in custody. Anna: Who is it? [SCENE_BREAK] Sloane: Duke Lavery was no angel. But believe me, I have every intention of bringing Carlos Rivera to justice. Jake: Mm. Just not yet. Sloane: Well, not at the expense of an operation that's gonna take Julian Jerome down for good. Port Charles is down one mob boss this morning. With a little hard effort on our part... [Inhales deeply] ...It'll soon be one more. [SCENE_BREAK] [Telephone ringing] Dante: Julian Jerome is the father? Olivia: Stop saying his name! One more time, and he might appear. Dante: Well, you're not... [Sighs] Please tell me you're not involved with this idiot. Olivia: No. Oh, no, no, no. Of course not. It was just once. It was one time. Dante: What he do? That son of a bitch take advantage of you? Did he get you drunk or something and do this? Olivia: No, honey. I wasn't drunk. It was a stupid and reckless and self- destructive choice, but I was -- I was in full control of my mental faculties when I slept with him. Dante: Why, Ma? I mean, this -- this guy is like a... a world-class weaselly bag of garbage. Olivia: I know. I...I know, and I would tell you that this was no excuse, but I was in a very bad way over Ned, and he was in a bad way about Alexis, and we -- we started... commiserating, and just one thing led to another, and [Sighs] I don't know. Dante: Speaking of Ned, does he know? Olivia: Yeah, I told him the whole thing awhile back, and he stepped right up, and he let everyone believe that he was the baby's father. I didn't even have to ask him. Dante: He just took it upon himself to make a potentially lifelong commitment to father a child that wasn't his? Olivia: Ned understood why I couldn't let Julian know the truth. Dante: Same reason you didn't want Sonny to know about me. Olivia: We both know what kind of life Julian leads. Dante: All too well. Olivia: What does that mean? Dante: Duke Lavery was murdered last night. We think one of Julian's guys did it. [SCENE_BREAK] Jake: I do this, Jerome considers me an asset. The very next step is asking me to kill someone. You get that, right? Sloane: Conspiracy to commit murder -- that's perfect, exactly what we need to bring Jerome down. Jake: Yeah, in theory, I imagine. In reality, it's a bit trickier than that. Sloane: [Sighs] Why, Jake? You've always been so resourceful. Jake: And I don't have a choice. Sloane: Am I coercing you? Yes, I am. You have 53 counts of attempted murder hanging over your head. They could be filed against you at anytime. Jake: Thank you for reminding me. Sloane: [Sighs] And you're bringing a murderer to justice. You know the story. We gave this guy a chance. He went to witness protection. What he do? [Breathes deeply] He went right back to the mob -- drug trafficking, extortion, a series of deaths, including Lavery. Jake: Rivera pulled the trigger. Sloane: Aw, come on. Rivera -- nothing! A tool. Julian Jerome's a real killer. And you're gonna get me what I need to put him away. Jake: Well, then... I guess the sooner I get started, the sooner it's over. Sloane: Get your game face on. I'll arrange the release. I need this catalogued. It's the Duke Lavery case file. Officer Garibaldi: You got it, Commissioner. All right, and for you -- Lavery's cell phone. The techs have already catalogued all the data. They're putting together a report. Sloane: Good. I want to take a look at this myself. [Pats arm] Thanks. Officer Garibaldi: Sure. [Indistinct conversations] [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Have you even watched the footage of Jake taking Sam hostage and holding off half the PCPD? He is a stone pro. You don't think Julian's gonna take advantage of his skills and turn him into a-a soldier? And I'm gonna have to take him out. [Door opens] Shawn: Hey, Sonny. Look, sorry for barging in, but this is important. Sonny: You don't have to be sorry. What's going on? Shawn: [Sighs] Julian took another shot at Jordan. And now I can't reach Duke or Bruce, for that matter. Carly: Are you okay? Jordan: I'm a little shaken up. Sonny: No, you did good by coming by. Uh... I'll give him a call. Shawn: Well, I've been trying to call him all morning -- no answer. Sonny: I got another -- I got another number for him. [Cell phone ringing] Sloane: This is Police Commissioner Kyle Sloane. Mr. Corinthos. Sonny: What are you doing with Duke's phone? Sloane: I'm afraid I have some bad news. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: How could you think I killed Duke? I was with you all night long. Alexis: Oh, my God. Julian: I was even here when the man was brought in. Alexis: You know, listen, you really need to stop. Julian: Do I? Alexis: Yeah, you do. Julian: [Sighs] Alexis: Let's just imagine that I didn't represent alleged crime lords for the bulk of my career in Port Charles. Even still, I would know, by and large, that men like you don't pull the trigger. Julian: Hmm. Alexis: Not literally. Julian: Okay, so you think I ordered the hit on Duke? Is that it? Alexis: Anna certainly thinks so. Julian: What? Anna was out of her mind with -- with grief. Alexis: It doesn't make her wrong. Julian: [Scoffs] Alexis: I didn't push this last night because of what you were going through with your son. Julian: Oh, so now that he's made it through the night, you simply have to know. Alexis: Did you do it? Julian: You know I can't answer that without implicating you, right? Alexis: Not if I'm asking as your attorney. It's attorney-client privilege. Julian: Why don't we wait until I've seen my son, hmm? Alexis: Yes or no. Julian: Yeah. I ordered the hit on Duke. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: Hi, Garibaldi. Officer Garibaldi: Commish -- uh, I mean, Agent Devane. I, uh, heard about Mr. Lavery. I'm, uh, so sorry. Anna: Thank you. I heard that Sloane has a suspect in custody. Officer Garibaldi: Yeah, he's in interview 1. Anna: Oh, I'd like a-a word. Uh, the -- the Justice Department, they -- they're considering bringing federal charges, so I-I just have a few questions. Is this the file? Officer Garibaldi: Yeah, it's all in there -- prints, ballistics. Jake is definitely the shooter. Anna: Thank you. Officer Garibaldi: Uh, the commissioner is supposed to be back soon to see the suspect. Anna: Oh, no worries. I only need a moment. [SCENE_BREAK] Dr. Obrecht: Back to work, Nurse Webber. Elizabeth: I just need to make a phone call really quick. Dr. Obrecht: Nein. I know that your personal life went down like the Hindenburg last night, but you must salvage that wreckage on your own time, not our patients'. Elizabeth: Okay, would you like me to do something special, or shall I just get back to the charts? Dr. Obrecht: As a matter of fact, I would. Duke Lavery's remains are en route to the morgue. See that the paperwork is there waiting. Elizabeth: Duke Lavery was a wonderful man. I know this is a stretch for you, but maybe you can muster up a little sensitivity. Dr. Obrecht: Why do you think I want you to handle the paperwork? I thought you might want to feel that you had made some small -- extremely small gesture towards the family. Elizabeth: [Sighs] Thank you. Dr. Obrecht: You're welcome. Try not to dawdle. Sentiment is a poor excuse for inefficiency. Elizabeth: Dr. Obrecht, I heard the police have a suspect. Do you have any idea who it is? Dr. Obrecht: Yes. And so do you. [SCENE_BREAK] Jake: Agent Devane. Are you with Sloane? Anna: I'm with Duke. [Points her gun at Jake] [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: You know who shot Duke? Dr. Obrecht: The police identified a suspect and rounded him up for questioning last night. Elizabeth: Who? Dr. Obrecht: One of Julian Jerome's lackeys. It seems the mob wars that periodically consume the city are once again at full tilt. Elizabeth: The only Jerome lackey I know is Carlos Rivera. Was it him? Dr. Obrecht: It was not. Elizabeth: Then who was it? Dr. Obrecht: It's clear you already know the answer, yet still you need to hear it. So I will accommodate. Duke Lavery's murderer was none other than a man notorious for dodging his debts. Your friend -- the wayward Jake Doe. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: Like you, I'm an expert shot, so I don't need to explain to you your chances of surviving a bullet at point-blank range. Jake: No, ma'am. Anna: You will answer my questions directly with no embellishment. If I find your answers satisfactory, I will put a bullet in your head. Death will be quick, painless -- a far cry from the ending that you dealt Duke. Jake: Okay, listen to me. Anna: I didn't ask a question yet. In the event that I find your answers unsatisfactory... let's just say that it was -- it was really bad for Duke. It's gonna be far worse for you. Am I clear? Jake: You're clear. Anna: Question one -- did you kill Duke Lavery? Jake: I can't answer your questions without my lawyer present. Anna: That is unsatisfactory. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Poor Duke! He was such a...gentle man. You know, such a charmer. Who could want to hurt him? Dante: Well, Julian made it pretty clear that he wanted Duke dead. Olivia: [Sighs] You think it was him? Dante: Well, yeah, given the, uh, tensions between the two organizations the last few months, I have every reason to believe that Julian was behind it. Olivia: It just goes on and on and on. Sonny hits Julian, Julian hits back, and they just keep going back and forth until everyone's wiped out. Dante: Or till the PD stops them. Olivia: You really think you can stop Julian before a bunch of innocent people get hurt, like my baby son? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: What happened? Sonny: Duke's dead. He was shot last night. Carly: Sonny. I'm so sorry. He was a good man. Sonny: Yeah, the best. Carly: I know you two became friends. Sonny: He was only running the organization 'cause I asked him. Carly: Okay, but you can't be sure this was mob-related. Sonny: Yes, I can. Carly: All right, who were you talking to just then? Sonny: Commissioner Sloane. He -- he must have picked up... Duke's phone and, uh, the rest of his personal effects. Carly: Did he tell you what happened? Do they have a suspect? Sonny: He didn't say anything. Carly: God, do you think Anna knows? [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: You are way past the point where a lawyer can help you, Mr. Doe. What the hell is your name, anyway? Jake: I don't know. Anna: Oh, God, bollocks! You're a professional. You get paid to kill. So this whole memory thing is just a convenient cover. Jake: No. Anna: You've seen a lot of people die. Me, too. Some screaming in agony, which is what you deserve. But I want to show you mercy, which is more than you showed Duke. So let's just try this again. Did you kill the man I love? Jake: There's more going on here than you understand. You need to put that gun down. Anna: All right. Screaming in agony it is. Sloane: Stop! Stop! Anna: What?! What?! Sloane: Stop! Stop it now! He didn't do it. He didn't kill Duke. Anna: I saw the case file. Sloane: No, it doesn't tell the whole story. Jake never fired a shot. Anna: What are you doing?! Why are you protecting this bastard?! Sloane: He's innocent! He's my undercover operative! Anna: I don't care if he's your informant, he killed Duke. Sloane: Jake didn't shoot Duke. Anna: He did! Sloane: Jake's assignment is to gain Julian's trust. That's why I can't let you kill him, Anna. You all right? Is it safe to turn you loose? Anna: How did he get to be your informant? Sloane: I got the DA to drop the charges in the attempted bombing of the Haunted Star. In exchange, Jake's helping me build a case against Julian. Anna: Why did it say in the file that he killed Duke? Sloane: It helps the operation if everyone believes Jake had a hand in Duke's murder. Anna: Helps how? Sloane: That's all I can say at the moment. Everything's taken care of. You're free to go. Anna: [Sniffles] Jake: I'm sorry for your loss. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Jake couldn't have shot Duke because he was with m-me last night. Dr. Obrecht: All night? Elizabeth: Well, no, but -- Dr. Obrecht: Well, there you have it. It seems as though Jake dispensed la petite mort with you, and then dispensed la grande mort to Duke. Elizabeth: I-I have to see him. Dr. Obrecht: No, you don't. You're not going anywhere. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Julian knows that Sonny won't let Duke's murder go unanswered. Sonny's gonna be gunning for Julian. Julian's gonna stick close by his family. He's gonna use Sam and Lucas as human shields, just like he did with Danny. What's to stop him from using my baby son the same way? Dante: He's not gonna get the chance, okay? He's not even gonna find out about this baby. Olivia: He already knows. He knows. Dante: What? How? Olivia: After -- the other night after the ball, he's been lurking around here ever since, trying to get a look at my son. God, if he's here, his enemies can't be far behind. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: If Julian wants a war, I'll give him one. Carly: No, Sonny. Sonny: Your fr-- your friend Jake went to work for the wrong guy, Carly. Shawn: I'm with you, Sonny. We need to get justice for Duke. Look, just so you know, his bodyguard Bruce... Sonny: Yeah? Shawn: ...Is MIA. Sonny: Right. Shawn: Well, he called me about some shipment that never arrived. Now, what I'm thinking is Julian's people decoyed Bruce to leave Duke alone, unprotected. Sonny: All right, well, that's one more thing Julian has to answer for. Carly: Sonny, stop, please. Just think about this for a minute. Just -- just for a minute. Give yourself some time to mourn Duke's loss. Sonny: No, I'm -- I'm gonna do that later. Let's go. Carly: Please, don't do this! Sonny: You can -- I don't want you interfering! Carly: Okay, fine. You do what you need to do, but I'm gonna go home. Sonny: No, I want you and Jordan here so you can be secure -- Carly: No, Morgan and -- and -- and Josslyn are at home, and so is my mom. Jordan: And what about TJ? Sonny: Okay, here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna have Max send some guys over to Carly's house. I want you to put a tail on TJ. Shawn: I'm on it. Sonny: Okay, uh, I-I'll see -- uh -- I -- no, no, no. I've got to go. Jordan: Where are you going? Sonny: To get some answers. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: I'm going. Julian: Where? Alexis: Anywhere you're not. Julian: Hey, don't pretend this comes as a surprise to you, okay? You know who I am. You know what I do. You knew it. You accepted it when you came back to me. Alexis: Did I? Julian: Yeah. Alexis: Oh. Okay. Oh, well, then shame on me. I knew it, and I came back. Julian: Because we love each other. Alexis: Do we? Because when you went to prison, that's when this all should have stopped, because I told you that's what I wanted, and you told me that's what you wanted. And yet you stayed. If you loved me, you would have left. Julian: You know I considered it. But this is what I do. This is who I am. I can't be somebody else. Alexis: Got it, 'cause I can't be somebody else, either. I'm gonna leave, and I'm not coming back. Julian: What are you saying? Alexis: What aren't you hearing? Julian: Okay, you just -- you tell me. You're gonna leave me over this? Alexis: [Scoffs] Let go of my arm. Julian: Not like this. Alexis: If you don't let go of my arm, I'm gonna scream for security. Julian: No, you won't. Alexis: Try me. Because if you're wrong and the security comes and they bar you from the hospital, try seeing your son then. Julian: I love you. Alexis: [Voice breaking] I know. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Hey, hey, don't worry. Ma, my little brother's gonna be fine. Olivia: I want to believe that. Dante: Then believe it. We've been down this road before, you and me. You protected me. You kept me safe. You raised me happy and healthy. That's what you're gonna do with this little guy. Olivia: First of all, Sonny didn't know about you. Second of all, Sonny was just a small-time gangster back then. Julian -- he's got money. He's got power. Dante: Yeah, well, you got me. Okay? I'm gonna protect my family. I don't care what Julian Jerome throws at us. Olivia: Okay. Okay. The way I figure it, there's only one way that I can keep this baby safe, and I'm gonna need your help to do it. Dante: What, you already have something in mind? Olivia: I need you to help us disappear. [SCENE_BREAK] Sloane: Go home, Anna. Anna: [Sighs] What for? [Sighs] Sloane: You've been up all night. Got to take care of yourself, get some rest. Anna: I'm just so frightened, though, if I close my eyes, I'm gonna see Duke... falling to his knees with that blood-soaked shirt... and the light going out of his eyes. And then...nothing. I can still smell his cologne. There's gonna be no rest for me until I find Duke's killer. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: [Sighs] I just keep thinking about Anna and Duke, you know? I mean...I mean, wh-- when you're involved with a man in this business, you always know there's a chance that you could lose him, but you just -- you're never prepared for it, you know? And Anna loved Duke. I mean, you saw them at the Nurses' Ball. And a few hours later, he's dead. How do you deal with that? How do you even start? Jordan: Well, I'm sure Anna's thinking about who killed Duke. And killing him. Unless Sonny and Shawn get to him first. [SCENE_BREAK] [Elevator bell dings] | Olivia tells Dante that Julian is her baby's father |
412 | Lucas: Hey, mom, it's me. I'm on my way home from the hospital board meeting right now. I'm just wondering about sami's first day at basic black. How'd it go? Aw, you put her where? Doing what? Bet she loved that. No, yeah -- no, give me a call later I want to hear everything. All right, bye. What is this? "Samantha brady"? The mailman must have put this in my mailbox by mistake. Chicago, illinois -- B. Walker. Well, this is one letter I'd like to deliver to sami in person. Sami: [ Sighs ] That felt so good. It was just what I needed -- a bubble bath -- after the long day in the fiery pits of hell. I thought my job at the hospital was bad, but this one, at basic black, man -- it doesn't matter, because it's all worth it to see john and kate crash and burn and to see my folks get back together. [ Telephone rings ] Sami: Hello? I I don't believe it. The most important man in my life. When are you coming back to me? Belle: Oh. Aah! Belle: What the hell do you think you're doing? Bonnie: No, no, no. Mm! Yep, yep. Oh, what the hell? Let's see. Mm-mm-mm-mm- mm. Ah. [ Groans ] This is ridiculous. 150 scratches, and I haven't managed to win anything except a freakin' bottle of soda. [ Doorknob rattles ] Mimi: I can't believe you, mother! How could you do this to me?! Shawn-d: Well, the wills are all set and ready for you to sign. Lexie: Wills? Jennifer: Wills? Wait, jack, what is going on? Shawn-d: I can come back if this is a bad time. Abe: No, no, this -- you're just doing your job. Shawn-d: Yeah. Abe: It's fine. Shawn-d: All right. Jennifer: I want to talk to you outside, jack. Excuse us. Shawn-d: You know what? Can I excuse myself just for one second? I need to make a phone call. Lexie: What's going on, abe? Why are you suddenly planning your estate? Jack: I figured a new marriage, a new me, why not a new will? Jennifer: You never haa a will, jack. Jack: Well, it's time to have one. Jennifer: When we got married again, we entered into a partnership. We agreed that we would not keep anything from each other. So what is going on that you aren't telling me? [ Telephone rings ] Tony: Hello. Yes, I've been expecting your call. Don't worry, father. I know exactly what to do. Yes, I'll carry out what you asked to the letter. And by the time the good people of salem find out that stefano dimera is alive, well, it'll be too late. Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. They're celebrating 20 years in edmonton - we'll take you to the old ?Ña farmers market on saturdays morning edition. Thingthat can make you feel better Rex: Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak you out. I just -- I came over to surprise mimi. Belle: How did you get in? Rex: Mimi gave me a key. Belle: Yeah, well, next time, knock or use the buzzer. I don't want you using that key unless it's an emergency. Rex: Okay, okay. [ Telephone rings ] [ Ring ] Belle: What? Shawn-d: Belle, is anything wrong? Belle: I, um... no, no, I was just in the shower and the phone rang, and it spooked me. Shawn-d: Oh, well, I just have to run a few more errands for mickey, and then I'm going to be coming back home, all right? I'll see you soon. I love you. Sami: I love you, too. You better go. Rex: Was that shawn? Belle: Yeah, and he's on his way over. I'll leave a note for mimi that you stopped by. Rex: Wait, I need to talk to you first. Belle: About what? Rex: Your boyfriend. Sami: So are you still having fun at camp? Will: It's cool, but I'm ready to come home. Sami: I am ready for you to come home. Hey, are you on a pay phone? Do you want me to call you back? Will: Nah, my counselor loaned me his cell. Sami: Well, that's awfully nice of him. Will: So... you and dad still getting along? Sami: As well as can be expected. Will: Can we still go on that family picnic when I get back? Sami: Of course we can, will, if it'll make you happy. Will: Brandon doesn't have to come, does he? I got your letter saying he'd probably be back in salem by then. Sami: Well, he -- he had a little trouble with business, but he might -- he might not be back by then. Will: Are you sad? Sami: A little bit, but I know brandon will be home soon. [ Doorllll rings ] Sami: There's someone at the door, will. I have to go. I love you so much. Hugs and kisses. Bye. Will: Bye. Sami: What do you want? Lucas: Well, it's not what I want. It's what brandon wants. Jack: Jennifer, I'm in the best shape I've ever been in. I feel great -- healthy, happy. There's absolutely nothing to worry about. Jennifer: When we were at the mall with uncle mickey, you said you were consulting him about a story. That's not true, is it, jack? Jack: Well, one thing led to another, and I'm having a will drawn up as a standard protection for you and abigail. Jennifer: There is nothing standard about you. Jack: I'm growing responsible -- isn't that what you've always wanted? Jennifer: Yes, but I don't buy it. Abe: It's just sisimple estate planning. You know, mickey thought it was a good move. Lexie: Hmm. So this was all mickey's idea. Abe: Well, he was asking about the baby. Lexie: How sweet. Abe: And then there's my adult son. You know, I may have been unaware of brandon when he was growing up, but now I intend to make him part of our family. Something wrong with that? Lexie: Not at all, but if it was just simple estate planning, why'd you lie to me about it? Ony: Yes, I have the envelope right here. So tell me -- what do you have planned for our friends in salem? This is out there on global - I'm seanna collins. There are just a few more days to join global and roll up your sleeves in the canadian blood services summer blood challenge. The need for blood during the summer is huge - book your appointment today by calling 1-888-2-donate global is proud to sponsor the cheerios mother/daughter walk for heart and strokeseptember 21st at laurier park. All money raised goes to heart disease and stroke research. Register to walk or volunteer todayjoin globals dean millard, other local celebrities and blind golfers for dinner and a round of golf. It's the cnib's "golf after dark" evening golf tournament september 12th. Proceeds will help people with vision loss achieve their goals you're invited to a panel discussion with specialists working in the field of fetal alcohol syndromeit's your chance to make a difference in the prevention and treatment of this disorder. The event is septmebr 10th and co-sponsored by the stanley milner library Mimi: So I walk into belle's loft, and she says to me, "oh, by the way, mimi, your rent check justouounced." Bonnie: Really? Mimi: Yes, mom, really. Bonnie: What's the problem? I thought belle's dad owned the place. I can't see that he'd evict you two. Mimi: That is not the point. Bonnie: Calm down, sweetie. Mimi: How can I? I just ran to the atm to check my balance, and I've got nothing -- zip, zero, nada. Bonnie: Those machines are always breaking down. Mimi: So I went inside and gave the teller a really hard time. Bonnie: Good for you. Mimi: The woman pulled up my records on her computer, and there were all of these withdrawals I never made. It's all there in black and white! Bonnie: Is this why you're acting like a lunatic? Mimi: You've been embezzling from me, mom! Admit it! Bonnie: I may have borrowed a little, but I had every intention of paying it back. Mimi: You emptied my account. Where did you stash it? I want whatever's left. Bonnie: Sorry, sweetie. I invested it. Mimi: Oh, my god. Another get-rich-quick scheme? Sami: Why would brandon contact you? I'm his wife. Lucas: In name only. Sami: Look, if he has something to say to me, he will get in touch with me directly. Sami: Okay, I have had a really long day, lucas, courtesy of your mother, and I am not in the mood for any more roberts family games, so please just scram. Lucas: No, it's just the mailman dropped this letter in my mailbox by mistake. It's from a B. Walker. Sami: What? Lucas: Postmarked chicago. Bebe: I didn't lie. Lexie: Abe, you said you spoke to mickey about taking early retirement. Abe: Well, yeah, and then he brought up the will and about changing my life insurance. Lexie: Life insurance? Abe: Well, we have car insurance, health insurance. Lexie: Why are you so hell-bent on providing for us as if you weren't going to be around, abe? I have a career. I have an inheritance. Abe: Sweetheart, I know, but it's one way that I have of showing how much I love you, how much I want to take care of you and my boys. And besides, I want theo to have his own money. Shawn-d: Sorry about that. I just had a quick call. Abe: Oh, well, you don't have to rush off, you know? You want something to drink, some soda or something like that? Shawn-d: Well, no, I'm good. I'm good. No, really. Listen, you just finish that paperwork at your leisure, and I -- just give the office a buzz when you're done, all right? See you later. Lexie: Bye, shawn. Shawn-d: Oh, well, I'm off. Jack: Oh, when do you need this? Shawn-d: As soon as you're done, just give mickey's secretary a call. Jack: Got it. Shawn-d: All right? Jack: All righty. Shawn-d: See ya. Jack: What's abigail doing here? Jennifer: Oh, I had nancy green's mom bring her here after the play date. We're having dinner here. Didn't you get my message? Jack: Uh, no, no, I was doing this, I guess. Jennifer: Lexie and I are going to finish up some plans for the christening, and abe is going to fire up the grill. You're going to make some of your famous burgers. Jack: Great, great. No proemem. I'll do it. Sure. Jennifer: This does not let you off the hook. We are not done with this conversation, jack. Jack: Right. Abby: Parental units, greetings. Jennifer: Hi, sweetie. Jack: Ha ha. Right. Jennifer: Why don't you stay out here and spend some time with your dad? I'm going to help lexie cook. Abby: What's that? Jack: What's what? What, this -- oh, this? Oh, this is nothing. You, however, are my little unit. Come here. "Parental unit." Abby: Ha ha ha. You're squishing me. Jack: I'm loving it. Abby: Dad, what's wrong? Why are you acting so intense? I'm not gog g anywhere. Are you? Tony: No, I'm not questioning your ability, father. Not for a moment. But this is beyond anything we've ever attempted before. Its complexity -- it's something we'vnenever conceived of. It's the sheer audacity of it. And then I suppose it will mean the ultimate destruction of salem. All those people's lives will be changed forever. Well... those who survive, that is. This is out there on global - I'm seanna coIñ the eñÑ> ?Qñ oor Jack: [ Laughing ] I'm not going anywhere. You and your mommy and i are going to be together for the rest of our natural lives. Abby: Does this mean I can't go off to college or have an apartment of my own like belle? Jack: Uh... when you go off to college, your mommy and i are going with you. Abby: Uh, I don't think so. Jack: I think so. Jennifer: Jack, it's time to start the barbecue. Meet me in the backyard. Jack: Right, right. We'll be right in there. Um, come to think of it, how would you like to learn the secret recipe for deveraux burgers? Abby: You're kidding me, right? Jack: Nope. I'm serious. Abby: But I thought you weren't going to tell me till I was 21. Jack: Oh, that's kind of silly, isn't it? It's only a recipe. Abby: But you protected that secret recipe with your life. Why would you want to tell me now? Jack: Well... Jennifer: That's what I'd like to know. Rex: Look, I really need your help finding a way to get along with the guy. Belle: I don't know why you decided to become his roommate. Rex: Shawn and I were okay when we were roommates at hartley house. I mean, we were friends -- until I caught him hacking into my computer files. Belle: You know why he did that. Rex: Yeah, because he has some crazy idea that I attacked his parents. Well, I didn'T. Okay? I swear it. Look, you're my sister, belle. You have to make shawn understand that I'd never hurt anyone. Belle: I don't know, rex. Rex: I mean, if someone were to attack our mother, I'd probably be just as -- Belle: Don't even talk about someone attacking mom. Rex: God, I wish she were here to help settle this. Belle: She's not, though. She's in colorado visiting eric, so we're all on our own. Rex: Right. And you're the next best thing. You have the same goodness. You know? I mean, you're able to see things from different points of view. That's why I'm coming to you. Belle: [ Sighs ] Rex: You believe me, don't you? Belle: Rex, I want to. It's just -- Shawn-d: Dimera, what do you think you're doing? Tony: But you realize that a plan of this magnitude could easily backfire? Well, of course you can count on me. I'll make sure every key element is in place. And I'm also cultivating a useful ally. Yes, samantha brady. You always said you admired her drive. I think she is the key element to everything you've ever wanted. No, no, no, no, please, leave samantha brady to me. I promise you will not be disappointed. Sami: It's brandon writing to apologize for walking out on me, and for trying to annul my marrgege. Lucas: "Dear samantha, I've spoken with lexie and abe, and I'm shocked over your recent behavior. How could you use me as an excuse to barge into their home and make a bunch of crazy threats?" Yoyou did that? Sami: Don't ask. Lucas: "Our marriage was a fraud. I want you to sign the annulment papers and return them to my lawyer A.S.A.P. Brandon." Sami: [ Sobbing ] Lucas: Sami. What did you expect, huh? Sami: I expected him to honor the vows that we took. Lucas: That's not going to happen. Sami: It's all lexie's fault. Lucas: What? Sami: Yeah. Abe and lexie -- they turned brandon against me. Lucas: No, no, no, no. You did that, sami. You did that all by yourself. Sami: I could have made brandon understand. He still loves me. I know that he does. You don't know how great things were between us, how we used to stay up late talking and laughing and making love, and then we would nap and we would make love again -- Lucas: Stop. Enough, all right? Please don't share that kind of thing with me. Sami: God, you just don't understand. All I needed was a little support from a man who was supposed to be like a father to me. All I needed was for abe to say, "you know what, brandon? I think you should give her another chance." How hard is that? That's all he had to say. But, no, he badmouths me instead. He's such a jerk. Lucas: I don't get it. If he's like a second father to you, why are you calling him a jerk? Why do you treat his wife like that, huh? Sami: What? Lucas: Yeah. Sami: I'm supposed to be nice to her after all the horrible things that she has done to me, the horrible things that she has done to abe? I will never understand why he took her back. Lucas: Sami, it's because he loves her, all right? That's what love does. Sami: She is a bitch, lucas. She's a bitch, and a phony, and she is tony dimera's sister. Abe must be a masochist to want to stay married to her. He's always all smiles when she's around, all, "oh, my sweet little lexie." It makes me want to throw up. Lucas: Would you just ststop it? You're judging them. Stop it right now. Sami: And they don't judge me? I'm not supposed to notice that lexie lied to her husband, that she betrayed him with another man, who happened to be my boyfriend? The only reason she's with abe now is because she's too much of a coward to raise that kid on her own. Lucas: Oh, great. So, uh, you -- you've got this pathetic life, but you don't care, right? You've got everyone else's life figured out, right, sami? Sami: How could abe trash me like this? How could he do this to me? Lucas: Because you switched the results of his wife's paternity test, all right? You crossed a major line. Sami: Yeah, well, he crossed a major line with me, and he is going to rreret it. Lucas: Stop it. What did you say when you barged into their home? What did you say to them? Sami: I said I wished they would both just drop dead. Lucas: You don't -- you don't believe that. Don't say that, sami. Sami: I do mean it. I mean every word of it. I hate abe carver, and I hope he dies! Abe: It's like someone walked over my grave. X Bonnie: Aw... don't feel bad, honey. That money you had in that account was chicken feed. Mimi: It was $50,000, minus $4,350 for a car. That leaves -- Bonnie: Chicken feed compared to what I could earn for you, me, and connor if I had my own country & western club. Mimi: That old pipe dream? Bonnie: Could use the place to showcase some of my songs. I got one in the works right now could go platinum just like that! Mimi: You and your crazy schemes. What was it last week, mom -- alpaca farming? Bonnie: Ooh, god! Mimi: Speaking of crazy schemes. Bonnie: Well, it's working, isn't it? Do you see a cigarette in my hand? Mimi: No, but I smell one. Bonnie: Do you know what? Don't be so cynical. Mimi: Cynical? Mom, you just stole thousands of dollars from me! Bonnie: And one of my songs is worth at least thousands more! Listen to this. I'm losin' at lotto but there's mm, mm hope in my heart see, now, there is a sentiment that millions of people can relate to. Mimi: You spent my money on lotto tickets? Bonnie: Well, yeah. I had to parlay what I had into capital to put a down payment on the bar. Mimi: And how much have we won? Bonnie: So far? A 6-pack of soda. But I have another ticket left, and I'm just sure that it's a winner. M mimi: Oh, is this it? Bonnie: That'd be it. Mimi: You're absolutely right. Bonnie: I knew it, I knew it! What did we win? What did we win? Mimi: 2 bucks. Bonnie: Ah, darn. Bad. Real bad. Mimi: I can't believe I didn't notice. You've been making withdrawals for months. You forged my signature. You ordered another atm card. I don't -- how did you do it? Bonnie: Well, I knew your social... and your mother's maiden name. Mimi: How did you get my password? Bonnie: Well, that was a no-brainer. R-e-x-D. Mimi: I could sue you, you know that? Bonnie: Right. Like you'd put me in jail and your little brother out on the street. Mimi: I wouldn't do that to connor -- not again. But if it wasn't for him, I would seriously consider it. Bonnie: Sweetie, please. Please? I'm gonna make it up to you, I swear. This is just a temporary setback. Mimi: I'm gonna have to get two jobs now because of you. Bonnie: What for? Mimi: To pay for my apartment, my education, my existence. Bonnie: You could move back here. Mimi: Oh, not on your life. Bonnie: What about rex D.? Couldn't he loan us some cash? Mimi: No! I already told you, no, I am never going to ask rex for money, okay? Get it? Never! Lucas: Stop this, okay? Sami: Abe carver ruined my life. Lucas: That is insane. Sami: Brandon would have come back to me sooner or later if abe and lexie hadn't poisoned his mind against me. Lucas: Sami, you lied to brandon. You tricked him into eloping with you. I mean, how he was so gullible, I'll never know. But maybe if you were honest with the guy, he'd still be here. Sami: Brandon has a big heart. I know that he would have been able to forgive and forget. Lucas: For meddling with the paternity results? Sami, I really don't think so. Sami: No, he would have, okay? He would have given me a second chance if abe and lexie hadn't interfered. Lucas: Look, it was never meant to be between you and brandon. That's why it ended. Did you ever think of that? Huh? Sami: No, no, because brandon is the only person who ever understood me. He is my soul mate. Lucas: Well, you said the same thing about austin. Don't do this. Please don't cry. Don't go off the deep end. Not now, sami. Come on, not with our son coming back from camp. I mean it. Please. Please, what can I do? How can I help you? Stop crying. Sami: Can you turn back the clock? Lucas: What are you talking about? Sami: When I was a little girl and my family was still together, we were so happy then. Lucas: Hey, don't tell me you're still obsessing about that. Sami: I'm not obsessing about it, lucas. I just think about it a lot, that's all, and -- and I wish my parents weren't divorced, okay? There's nothing crazy about that. Lucas: I didn't use the word "crazy." You did. Sami: Even though I'm an adult, that doesn't mean that I don't wish that my family was still together the way it used to be. Lucas: Wait, wait, wait. It can'T. It can't be the way it used to be, all right? Your mother is married to another man, all right, and they're in love. And they have another kid. Sami: You don't have to remind me about their precious little isabella, okay? I know that she's the joy of their life. Lucas: That's great. That's real mature. What, do you resent your sister, is that it? Sami: No. Okay, I don't resent my sister. I love belle. I just think it's creepy the way that they worship her. In fact, I feel sorry for her. She's the product of my mom and john's sleazy sex romp on the titan conference room table. You know, that can't make her feel very good about herself, right? Lucas: I don't think she cares. Her parents love each other, and they love her. That's all that matters, sami. Sami: How is it that you always makmeme feel worse about everything, lucas? Lucas: Well, I'm trying to pound some sense into your head. I mean, you keep obsessing about your parents getting back together, and it's just not going to happen. I'm sorry. Your dad's moved on, too. Sami: Oh, you don't have to remind me. Lucas: Hey. Hey. My mother makes roman very happy. Si:I: Oh, god, you didn't have to go there. Lucas: I didn't go there. That's not what I meant, all right? Just because you hate her... Sami: No, I think their relationship is pathetic! They havnothing in common. My dad is funny, and kate has no sense of humor. My dad is kind, and kate is evil and mean. My dad is generous, and kate -- Lucas: Would you just shut up? Shut up! Shut your mouth about my mom! I mean it! Sami: Oh, you're the one who brought it up! Lucas: No, I was talking about will! Sami: Okay, then let's talk about will. I am doing this for will. When I was a little kid and my family was together, that is what I want for will. I want to be able to recreate all of that. Lucas: It doesn't work that way. Sami: Well, it could. Lucas: Listen to me. Your mother is married to john black. You father is with my mother. Everybody's happy. Leave it alone! Sami: No, it's all wrong. Lucas: It's not wrong! You've got to accept the fact that things have changed! Sami: No, I want them to change back, and I am going to make it happen! Jennifer: Cayenne? Salsa? Lime juice? Pepper? Tell me, jack. What's in your secret recipe? Jack: After I tell you, mum's the word. Abby: Don't worry, dad. Your secret will be safe with me. Jack: Right. Jennifer: Honey, can you go in the kitchen, open some bags of chips, please? Abby: Dad's being weird. Jack: Hey now. Jennifer: You have guarded that recipe with your life. You wouldn't even let me in the kitchen when you were concocting it. Now you're gonna tell abby? Jack: Jealous Jennifer: I am scared. First the will, and now this, jack. Jack: It's only a recipe. Lexie: Uh, just so you know, theo and I witnessed that. Jennifer: Lexie, I am telling you right now, jack is really creeping me out. Jack: Abigail, um, could you go in there and check out their spice rack, see what they got? And I'll be right in. Abby: Deal. Jack: Good. Abe... what's up with the will? I didn't know you got one, too. Abe: So you're in hot water with jennifer, huh? Jack: Me? Oh, look. I know. I should have told her right from the start. I just didn't want to upset her. Abe: Jack, if you want out of this investigation... Jack: No, no, no, no, no. This affects everybody's family. I want to be right there when tony dimera goes down once and for all. Belle: [ Clears throat ] Rex was just leaving. Rex: Yeah. But, uh, first, I was hoping you and I could try and work things out. Shawn-d: What things? Rex: Look, we both signed the lease. Our girlfriends are sharing the loft across the hall. I mean, this could be a great year for all of us, but not if you keep treating me like freddy krueger. Shawn-d: I'll tell you what, rex. Until I find out who tried to kill my folks, you are the number-one suspect -- you and your father. Rex: Suit yourself. Look, you see what I get for trying? Belle: Why did you have to do that? Mimi: Rex? Lexie: Jennifer, maybe we're just overreacting. Maybe abe and jack are doing what they feel is best for their families -- preparing for the unexpected. Jennifer: Lexie, if there i some real jeopardy going on, I want to know about it. Lexie: Abe's always in jeopardy. I am so thankful that he's going to be retiring from the force soon. Jennifer: Has your mom had any more premonitions? Lexie: Well, she's happier now that we're getting theo christened. Maybe the murder that she foresaw was that poor informant. Maybe the danger's passed. Jennifer: Yeah. Yeah, you are. You are so handsome. Yes, you are, baby. Hi. Yeah, you are. Lexie: Okay, jennifer, you know what? We have to think positively, okay? We are both marrie to loving men who are concerned about us. We have to trust them to be careful. Jennifer: We need to pray for them. We need to pray so hard for them, lexie. Lexie: Ahah. Amen to that. Abe: If we go ahead with our investigation -- Jack: If? What do you mean, if? We are going ahead. Abe: Jack, you've got to promise me you'll be extra cautious. Jack: Come on. I don't plan on getting myself killed. I plan to live to a ripe old age. Abe: All right, then we'll plan to meet tomorrow and go over this in depth. Jack: Right. You got it. Abe: Bottom line, jack -- you've got to remember who it is we're dealing with, and what it is we're after. Lexie: Yes, I'd like to know that myself. Lucas: Just classic. Classic sami. Rearranging everybody's life when she should concentrate on her own. Sami: It's one and the same. Lucas: You need to focus on will. He's coming back from camp, all right? The kid probably grew a foot by now. He's going to need all new clothes for school. Sami: Hey, hey, I can handle it, okay? I am the original multitasker. Lucas: Yeah, well, one of your tasks should be to accept reality. Your parents have moved on, sami, and maybe it's time you do the same. Sami: Hey, my parents still love each other. There is no reason why they can't be together. [ Doorbell rings ] Lucas: They can't be together because they have people who love them already. Sami: No, I think we've finished with this conversation, lucas. I have nothing else to say about it. Lucas: We're not finished with it until I say so. Sami: No, I -- nyny. Tony: Well, I've come to take you out. Sami: Oh. Well, thank you, but, um, I'm really tired. Tony: I know you've had a very hard day. But the least I can do for you is to take you out for dinner. Sami: Well, thank you. I have nothing to wear. I -- Tony: Try this. Sami: Tony, what did you -- oh, my god, it's beautiful. I have to try it on. Tony: [ Chuckling ] Lucas: You, uh... you mind telling me what you're up to? Tony: Hmm? Lexie: So, what is it you men are after? Abe: Well, the, uh, perfect bottle of wine to go with the deveraux burgers. Cab or merlot? Jack: Uh...uh, cab. Cab would be great. Abe: All right. I'm gonna run down to salem place. I'll pick up a bottl so I'll see you in just a little while, hmm? I'll be back. Jack: Oh, my gosh, I just remembered. Abigail's in there waiting to put together this recipe for the secret deveraux burgers. I better help her, make sure everything goes right. Be right back. Jennifer: Boy, lex, can we clear out a room, or what? Lexie: Mm-hmm. Tony: I don't think I like your tone. Lucas: No offense, all right? It's just -- Tony: Yeah, yes. Well, whatever I do with sami is none of your concern. Lucas: I was just wondering if you still feel guilty about her accident. Tony: I came here because I like sami, and I wanted company. Lucas: Oh. I see. Tony: You seem to be over here quite a bit. Lucas: Well, we have a kid together, you know, and I live down the hall. Tony: You're not even an ex-husband, are you? Lucas: No, I'm not. Thank god. I mean, sami's a loose cannon. I like to keep a close eye on her where will's concerned. Tony: Is that the only reason? Distorted voice: Abe! Don't turn around. Abe: Who are you? Distorted voice: A friend. Abe: What do you want? Distorted voice: He's back. Abe: Wait, wait! What is the role of our military? On that, canadians are deeply divided. Those here see it one way; here another way. As you'll see with this national poll. Canadian onion: How divided are we? It's on tonight's "global national" with kevin newman. Lucas: You know, if it weren't for will, I'd never set foot in this place. Sami: It fits perfectly. Tony: She walks in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies. Lucas: Wait, wait. You can't go out like that. Sami: Why not? Lucas: Because you're a mother. You're not a -- Sami: A woman? Tony: Ha ha ha. That was well said. Shall we? Oh, and by the way, I'd appreciate if you would finish the tokyo report tonight. Sami: Don't wait up. Shawn-d: So I'm the bad guy now? Belle: Shawn, please. Shawn-d: I don't get it. Rex dimera could very well be responsible for the attack on my mother and father, and I am supposed to be charming to him? "Rex, I'm so happy that you're moving into my apartment. Never mind the fact that you tried to kill my mother and father. But that's okay, 'cause nobody's perfect." Belle: I am so tired of hearing you accuse rex of that attack on your mom and dad when we have absolutely no proof that he did it in theirirst place. Shawn-d: You know what I do have proof of? That he is a sneak and a creep. And even if I didn't suspect him of the attack, I still wouldn't like the guy. Belle: How classy of you. Shawn-d: I don't get it! Why do you always have to defend him? Belle: Because he is my brother, and you always seem to forget that. Shawn-d: I don't forget. It just so happens that I don't think it makes a damn bit of difference. If someone you are related to happens to be bad news, you have to acknowledge it, don't you? I mean, think about all the criminals that are out there. Their families have disowned them because they have done really horrible things. Belle: I repeat, shawn -- we have no proof that rex did anything horrible. Shawn-d: Oh, I'm so sick of this conversation. Belle: And I am sick of your attitude towards rex. There is no reason for you to be so mean to him. Look, he's not my favorite person, okay? But I feel sorry for him. He's trying to make a life for himself. Shawn-d: How? By bashing people over t h head? By moving into people's apartments who hate him? Or by treating his girlfriend like dirt? Belle: He doesn't treat her that badly. Shawn-d: That badly? That's okay with you, that he doesn't treat her that badly? I'm sorry. I just thought you had higher standards for someone whisis your best friend. Belle: This conversation's going nowhere. Shawn-d: No, no, no. No. I just have to know one thing. Are you taking rex's side? Because if you are -- Belle: I am not, shawn, but I can't ignore him. He's a part of my life. Shawn-d: Yeah, unfortunately, and you know what? I am going to keep my eye on that creep day and night. Belle: "Creep." Great. You have to keep calling him names? He hasn't had it that easy, shawn. He's genetically engineered. He was raised by stefano dimera, programmed by rolf. Shawn-d: Oh, yadda, yadda, yadda. Belle: God knows what happened to him on that island. Shawn-d: That's my pott exactly. Belle: Meaning? Shawn-d: Meaning he is a ticking time bomb. You said it yourself. He was programmed. What if he was just programmed to kill? Belle: Don't say that. Shawn-d: Oh, don't say that? I hate to break it to you, but he is responsible for that attack on my parents no matter what you say. Who knows what else he is capable of? Rex: All lies! Mimi: She's hiding something. Rex: No. You're jumping to conclusions. Mimi: She knows who did this. I'm sure of it. But why is she protecting them? The only person she's ever cared enough about to protect is you. Was it you, rex? Did you attack bo and hope? Shawn-d: Damn it, I was right! Mimi: About what? Shawn-d: Your boyfriend was involved in the tack on my parents! And I'm more convinced now than ever. Mimi: What are you doing? Rex: Just, uh, I needed to get some fresh air. Mimi: Where have you been? Hello, you have a door. Why are your feet all muddy and wet? Rex: Mm. I am so glad to see you, mimi. [ Cellular phone rings ] Abe: Carver. Lexie: Oh, good, I caught you. Would you pick up some dijon mustard? Abe: Yeah, sure. Lexie: You sound out of breath. Are you all right? Abe: Uh, yeah, fine. Fine. I'll see you later. Abe: Where did this water come from? Who's back? Lexie: Your lead is dead, abe. Why are you wasting your time? Abe: Lex -- Lexie: You think my father may still be alive. Maggie: Where did that come from? Alice: Someone we love is in danger. Abby: Is there a problem? Jennifer: Abigail joanna, what in the world do you have on? Nicole: I've made one mistake after another. Victor: You're making one hell of a mistake right now. An art now. Pretty much, because my friend's house burned down. You'll be okay, katie. | Sami, under the impression that Brandon is ready for reconciliation, is shocked to read that Brandon is disgusted at her recent shenanigans and urges her to sign the annulment papers A.S.A.P.!!! She goes off the deep end blaming Brandon's hate for her on Abe and wishes him dead |
413 | Jack: I'm not leaving any more messages, Ash. Get back to me. Call me. I want to hear from you. Sharon: Have either of you heard anything from Ashley? Dina: Oh, no, not since she and Victor took off together. Traci: I tried her cell phone, and it seems to be turned off. Jack: I assume everyone else noticed that Ashley was the only one in that chapel that wasn't surprised when Victor walked in. This makes me sick to my stomach. Dina: N-now listen, son, if Victor is arrested for murder, surely your sister will have the good sense not to get involved. Jack: Well, hopefully, he'll have the good sense to disappear again... without Ashley. [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: Well, you said your plan didn't work. Nikki: I guess I was wrong. Paul: What plan? Victoria: (Sighs) Nick: Mom talked Ashley into going to France and looking for Dad. Phyllis: Oh. J.T.: None of us knew that till after the fact. Phyllis: Well, apparently, she got through to him, and that's what you wanted, right? Nick: The question is what do we do now? Nikki: We go to the luncheon. Today is about honoring Katherine's memory. Paul: All right, so you go to the club, and J.T. and I will start looking. J.T.: If we split up, we can cover twice as much ground. Victoria: No, hold on, no, no. Dad knows how frantic we all are, and yet he chose to leave again without telling us. Phyllis: Why would he risk coming here if he knew the police were after him? Nikki: I wouldn't be surprised if he were on the plane already... with Ashley. [SCENE_BREAK] Ashley: Are you sure about this? Victor: Mm-hmm. Ashley: You're here to stay? Victor: You know, sitting in church, I couldn't help but remember what Katherine said to me, the last thing she ever said to me. I need to return to my life and my family... Victor: And that's you now. You have brought me back to the world of the living. [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: Oh, Gina, thank you so much for arranging this luncheon. Gina: Well, it was my honor. After all, sh--she was our, um, stepmother. Let me know if there's anything I can get you. Jill: I will. Danny: Brock, the service was terrific. Brock: Oh, thank you, Danny. Jill: It was. Liz: Oh, it was beautiful. Your mother would have been so proud. Esther: To me, it wasn't a funeral. It was more of a celebration of Mrs. Chancellor's life. Cane: I felt the same way, Esther. Amber: It sounds like you knew Mrs. C. really well. Um, I'd love to hear what she was like when she was young. Daniel: Mm, I'll bet she was a real hoot. Liz: Oh, well. The last time I saw Katherine a few years ago, I was struck she hadn't changed at all. I mean, Katherine always had more spark, more life in her than people a fraction of her age. Jill: Yep. Chloe: I should have taken her clubbing. (Laughter) Daniel: Hmm. Jill: I know, it doesn't feel real to me, either. Brock: Well, you know, I just take comfort in knowing that, uh, she's in a better place. Amber: Yeah. Jill: Yeah. Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: (Coughing) I don't--I don't ever remember seeing this place--place before. Murphy: Well, uh, I know it's not much, but you've been calling it home for a while now. I mean, that must have been some bump you got on the noggin... Kay: (Sighs) Murphy: Not to remember that--oh, ooh, ooh! Nice and easy, Marge. Come on. Come on. Sit down. Kay: Oh. Murphy: Easy go. Look, I'm gonna get you some aspirin, and I'm gonna put on a-a pot of strong coffee, okay? [SCENE_BREAK] (Sighs) Jill: Thank you all for coming. Neil: Thank you for inviting us. Katherine was a very special lady and definitely a role model for me. Karen: I had a tremendous amount of respect for her. Brock: The Duchess-- she always enjoyed living life to its fullest. Billy: Yeah, I've been meaning to ask you, why do you call her "The Duchess"? Brock: Well, she's-- has always been a duchess to me. Liz: She was regal. It was the way she carried herself. Brock: Yes. Jill: Your uncle has had that nickname for her ever since I can remember. Cane: So are Ana and Devon coming? I'd like to compliment them on their singing. Neil: Uh, that's very nice of you. Actually, uh, there was a special program at Ana's school this afternoon. Devon dropped her off, and then he had class, so... Esther: Please tell them what a beautiful job they did. Karen: Absolutely, we will. Neil: Will do. All right. Jill: Thanks. Neil: Sure. Jill: Good to see you. Neil: Good seeing you, too. Jill: Thank you. Neil: Uh, so, Honey, is something up with you? You've been awfully quiet. Lily: Well, it's been a sad day. Neil: (Sighs) Yeah, it sure has. Let's hope that if there's a gathering like this in the near future, it's for a happy occasion, like a wedding. Lily: Wait, are--are you guys engaged? Karen: (Giggles) Neil: Ah, the lovely Ms. Taylor has graciously agreed to put up with me for the next 30--30, 40, how--hopefully... Karen: 30? 50? Neil: 50--50 years. Yeah, what? Yeah, you did. Lily: Oh, my gosh. You guys, congratulations. Karen: So-- so you're okay with it? Lily: Yes, are you kidding me? Of course I'm okay with it. Karen: Really? Lily: I think it's fabulous. Okay, wait, where's the bling? Neil: The bling. The bling... Karen: Yeah, where is the bling? Where's the bling? Neil: The bling is coming. Just calm down. That and a formal announcement's gonna come soon. Until then, we decided to keep it between us, just us. Mm. Lily: Congratulations, you guys. Neil: Thank you, Honey. Mm. Love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Nina: Oops, I'm sorry. Cane: No. No. Go ahead. Nina: Brock, that was beautiful. Brock: Oh, Nina, oh. Nina: Thank you so much. Brock: Oh, that's so very kind of you. Oh, thank you. Have you two met? Cane: No. Nina: Not formally. Cane: I'm Cane. Nina: Hi. Brock: Nina Webster, Cane Ashby and his wife Chloe. Nina: Mm, hello. Chloe: Hi. Nice to meet you. Nina: Same here. Nice to meet you, too. So, uh, you're Jill's real son. Cane: No, I'm her other son. Jill's told me all about Phillip, um, and as far as she's concerned, he will always be her own child in every way that mattered. Nina: Oh. I'm glad to hear that. Chloe: And the two of you had a son together, right? Nina: Yeah, we did-- Phillip Chancellor IV, yeah. Cane: I'd really love to meet him one day. Nina: Oh, I'm sure he'd love to meet you, too. He's in the army, stationed in Baghdad. Cane: Oh, really, really? Nina: And when he heard about Katherine, he was so sorry he couldn't come out... Cane: Oh, I'm sorry. Nina: To pay his respects, but he sends them along. Cane: Well, I-I know things are hectic now, but I'd love to grab some time and --and talk to you about both Phillips, I-if that's all right. Nina: Oh, yeah, I'd love that, too. Great, thank you. All right. It was a pleasure to meet you. Again, it was beautiful. Cane: You, too. Brock: Thank you, Nina. Nina: Thank you. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: Oh, my God. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I just realized all my things are at the ranch. What if Victor goes back there? Paul: Well, I think that after everything he's done to stay undercover, that would be the last place he'd go. Nikki: Paul, you don't know that. You could be wrong. Oh, he'll be furious if he knows that I moved back in. Paul: Well... Nick: Mom, Mom, take it easy. Nikki: I--how-- how do I do that, Son? How do I take it easy short of walking over to that bar? Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no. You don't want to do that. We understand the pressure you're under. We all understand. Victoria: Mom, if you'd like, J.T. and I will go home, and we'll check on things for you. Nikki: (Sighs) Would you? J.T.: Yeah, not a problem. Nikki: Thanks. Nick: Mom, why don't you go sit down and take a couple deep breaths? Phyllis: Yeah, that's a good idea. Nick: I'll go get you something to eat. Phyllis: Right. Nick: She's hanging in there by a thread. Phyllis: Yeah, barely. Nikki: (Sighs) Paul: Okay, it's a little quieter in here. Have a--have a seat. Nikki: Thanks. Paul: Can I get you some water or something? Are you sure? Nikki: (Sighs) Oh, Paul. Paul: Yeah, I know, but I gotta admit I was a little thrown that you went to Ashley for help. Nikki: I was desperate. She was the only person that I thought would be able to get through to Victor, and now it's killing me to know that I was right. [SCENE_BREAK] Ashley: How are you gonna handle everything? Victor: (Sighs) Handle what? Ashley: The authorities. Have you made any arrangements? (Footsteps approach) Oh. Estella: Mr. Newman. Victor: Estella, what are you doing here? Estella: Mrs. Newman brought me back. She's been living here. Victor: Has she? Estella: If--if you want me to go... Victor: No, no. No, you stay, all right? And kindly inform the rest of the staff to return, as well. Estella: I will. Muchos gracias. I-is there anything that I can get you, something to eat or drink? Ashley: No, thank you, I-I'm--I'm fine. Just the water. Victor: Estella, would you do me a favor? Estella: Yes, Sir. Victor: Pack Mrs. Newman's things. Estella: Mm-hmm. Victor: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: Hey, guys. Didn't see you at the church. Jana: I know. A pipe burst at the coffeehouse, and-- Kevin: Yeah, we had to shut down. The entire basement's underwater. Jana: (Sighs) Daniel: That sucks. Jana: We hated to miss Katherine's service, but we didn't have a choice, did we? Kevin: Mnh-mnh. Here's Jill. Jana: Oh, excuse us. Amber: Sure. You know the real reason Kevin wasn't at the funeral. Daniel: 'Cause he was wet? Amber: He feels guilty. The other night, something was definitely up. Then Mrs. C. has her accident. I mean, maybe you can ignore that, but I definitely cannot. [SCENE_BREAK] Murphy: All right, here you go, Marge, nice and hot, good for what ails you. Kay: Well, if you-- if you say s-say so. Murphy: (Sighs) Oh, boy. I've never seen you like this. You must have really tied one on. Kay: I was drinkin-- drinking? Murphy: Oh, like a fish. I mean, if you'd fallen in the river, you'd have been sleeping with 'em. Now, I'm sorry, all kidding aside, Marge, you gotta stop the booze. It's gonna kill you. Kay: There's no shame there to ask for help. Murphy: Well, that's what I always say. Kay: I-I should go. Murphy: Ooh! Kay: (Grunts) Murphy: Where? [SCENE_BREAK] Neil: Michael... Lauren: What? Hmm? Neil: What's the story on Victor? Michael: Don't ask me. Neil: Don't ask you? What are you talking about? You had no idea he was coming? Michael: None. Lauren: Well, judging from everyone in the church, it was a major shock. Neil: Yeah, I'm surprised that the Newmans are here. I think they'd be out trying to find him. Lauren: Yeah, I think I'll try and catch a word with Paul later, too. Michael: Uh, uh, I gotta go. Lauren: What is it? Is it Victor? Michael: Uh, uh, don't wait up. [SCENE_BREAK] J.T.: You take the upstairs. I'll take the downstairs and check the garage, see if your dad's been-- Victoria: Dad. J.T.: We were just looking for you. Victor: Hi, my sweetheart. J.T.: Kitchen? Ashley: Yeah. Victoria: There's so much that I want to-- I want to ask you, and I want to tell you some things, but... are you okay? Victor: Yeah. Victoria: Daddy, you know the police are looking for you. Victor: I know. Victoria: (Sighs) God, it's so good to see you. Victoria: Are you staying? Victor: Mm-hmm. Victoria: Dad, I've missed you so much. Victor: I'm sorry about everything. Victoria: No, please, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm the one who's sorry. Victoria: What I did-- what I did to you and Sabrina-- it was unforgivable, and I'm sorry, and I understand-- I understand why you pushed me away. I understand, and if you don't ever want to talk to me again or see me again, I understand that, too, Dad, because I deserve that. Victor: It's all right now, okay? It's all right. Don't you worry your pretty head about it anymore. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: Uh, Heather, got a sec? Heather: Oh, what is it, Brad? Brad: Three guesses who's back in town. Heather: I don't have time for guessing games. Brad: Victor Newman. I thought that would pique your interest. Adam: How do you know this? Brad: He was at the funeral. Of course, no telling where he is now. He took off from the church like a bat outta hell. Heather: Thank you very, very much. Brad: Just doing my civic duty. [SCENE_BREAK] Danny: Sis, your food is terrific. Nina: Yes. Gina: Oh, thanks, Honey, but it's just a labor of love. Daniel: Well, isn't it always? Amber: Oh, well, when someone can cook like your Aunt Gina... Nina: I used to live off her lasagna, live. Danny: Hey, you aren't the only one. Daniel: I used to order two helpings of it for dinner just so I could bring one home and have it again in the morning for breakfast. Nina: (Laughs) Gina: Come on, you guys. It's just that a couple of my customers-- well, more than a couple-- have followed me over to the club, and, um, I had to put it on the menu. Nina: I was shocked when Katherine told me that your restaurant had burnt down. That must have been heartbreaking. Gina: Oh, it was. It was. End of an era. Daniel: Now we all have to come over here just so we can mooch free meals. Nina: (Laughs) Amber: So, Nina, uh, where are you living now? Nina: Los Angeles. Amber: Oh, really? Me, too. Well, I mean, a few years ago, I used to design for Forrester Creations. Nina: Oh, cool. Danny: Nina's a hotshot screenwriter now. Nina: Oh, yes. I know all about selling screenplays that never get made into movies. Amber: (Chuckles) Gina: Oh, did you know that Daniel is a fantastic artist? Actually, he just had a-a show at a gallery in New York. Nina: (Gasps) Wonderful. Daniel: I-I draw a little. Amber: Oh, "A little." Listen to "Picasso" over here being all modest. His work is fabulous. Danny: It is, definitely. Amber: (Chuckles) Danny: And Brock told us that your son's in Iraq? Is that correct? Gina: What--wait a minute, little Phillip? Nina: Yeah, well, he's not so little anymore. Daniel: Tell him I've got a lot of respect for anyone who's serving over there. Danny: Yeah, those kids are making one hell of a sacrifice. Nina: Yeah, well, I'm not gonna lie to you. It scares the hell out of me, but it's what Phillip wanted to do, so... Gina: Just know he's gonna be in our prayers until he gets home safely. I mean that, Honey. Nina: Thank you. Jana: (Sighs) Mrs. Chancellor was such a lovely person. Jill: She was. Jana: We're going to miss her terribly. Jill: Thank you so much, and thank you for coming. Good to see you. Kevin: I'll see you at work... Jill: Yeah. Kevin: Whenever. Jill: Yeah, okay. Liz: I'm really glad about one thing, daughter, I'm glad that I told you the truth about having adopted you so that you could go find your birth mother. I never for a moment thought it would be Katherine, but since it was, I'm so grateful to God that you had this time together. [SCENE_BREAK] Murphy: Look, I'm done in the bathroom. Why don't you take a shower and get out of those damp, dirty things? You'll feel a whole lot better. Kay: You're prob-- probably right. Murphy: Come on. Oh. Kay: Oh. Murphy: Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. This is the worst I've ever seen you. Look, the bathroom's in there. Your clothes are hanging in the closet next to mine, and you've got the bottom drawer of the dresser, okay? Kay: Yes, of--of course, yes. Murphy: Okay, come on. Through there. Kay: I know. Murphy: Okay. Kay: I know. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: Hey, Lauren. Lauren: Oh, hi. Sharon: Now it isn't the time, but the four of us need to sit down and talk about what happened with our kids in Paris. Lauren: Oh, I know, I know, and Michael and I are so grateful that you and Nick were there to deal with it. I can't even tell you. Sharon: No problem, and you know, we tried to talk to Eden on the plane ride home, but you know, she just sulked most of the time. Lauren: Well, she can be like that. Sharon: You know, the funny thing is Noah acted the same way, and he's usually not like that, Lauren. Lauren: Well, Sharon, he also hasn't been 15. Sharon: Well, I realize you have a lot more experience in this than I do. You've raised a son. Lauren: I know. Sharon: And perhaps it is just a phase, but Noah only started acting out since he's been hanging around with Michael's sister. Lauren: Wait a minute. Are--are you blaming Eden for Noah's behavior? Sharon: Oh, well, this isn't the first time there's been a problem. Around the time that those two first met, that was when Noah started acting out, and so I can't really believe that it's a coincidence. Lauren: So you are blaming her. Sharon: Well, hold on. I mean, I don't mean to make a huge thing of this, but Eden is-- she's not from around here. You know, she was raised in a completely different environment, and she's probably a little more worldly than Noah, so you know, I don't think it would be a bad idea if those two cooled off their friendship for a while. Lauren: You know what? You're probably right, and seeing that it was your son that got arrested, I think it's a great idea that Eden and Noah not see each other for a while. Would you excuse me for a minute? [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: (Sighs) Eden: Thank you. Noah: My mom would freak if she knew I was cutting. Eden: Study hall--so what? It's not like it's a real class. Noah: Yeah, well, I'm just happy I know where they are right now so I don't get a lot of flack-- correction, a lot more flack. Eden: Yeah. I mean, the way Michael and Lauren are acting, you'd think we stole the "Mona Lisa." Noah: Yeah, or the recipe for French fries. Eden: (Laughs) So why do we have to come here? What's the big deal? Noah: Uh, there's something I want to give you, but I left it up in my room. I'll be right back. Eden: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Traci: You're leaving already? Jack: You just got here, Mother. Dina: Y-yes, I know, but, um, I was headed for a fund-raiser in Palm Springs when I got the word that Katherine had died. I rerouted my flight so that I could attend the service, and now I really-- I really have to be on my way. At least we got to spend a little time together, didn't we? Jack: So we did. Dina: Now you-- you be sure and kiss that granddaughter of mine, and I pray she's better soon. Traci: Thank you. Dina: And know I love you both. And, Jack, please give my love to Ashley and keep me apprised of what she's doing. I mean, the prospect of a reconciliation with Victor is quite disturbing. Traci: Mm. Dina: (Chuckles) à touted l'heure, mes enfants. Mm. Mm. à Bientôt. [SCENE_BREAK] Heather: All right, don't let it take off for any reason. Call me if you need backup. Thanks. So we've grounded the Newman jet. We have a team of officers surrounding the hangar in case Victor shows up there, and his passport is flagged, so he won't be able to get a commercial flight. Brad: What about the train station? Heather: Covered, as well as the bus stations, taxi services and limousine services within a 100-mile radius. Adam: Uh, what are the chances Victor's still around? Heather: Well, if he did get out of town, he wouldn't have gotten very far. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: You know that Sabrina and I knew that you loved us, and I'm sorry about the rift, okay? Victoria: It's a rift that I caused, Dad. Victor: Sweetheart, let's put it all behind us now. It's all forgiven. You and I know that we both loved Sabrina. Victoria: Yeah, we did. Victor: Okay? J.T.: (Sighs) I hate to interrupt, but, uh, I think there are some things you should be doing, Victor. (Doorbell rings) Victor: (Sighs) What are you talking about? Victoria: I'll get it. Victoria: Oh, Michael, thank God you're here. Michael: Hi. J.T.: Oh, good, I see you're one step ahead of me. Michael: Well, you are full of surprises. Victor: Sorry to pull you away from Katherine's reception. Michael: That's okay. I was leaving anyway. I was coming to look for you, and for the record, this would not have been my first spot to check. Victor: You thought I'd be on the run. Michael: Why aren't you? Victor: I'm tired of it. Michael: You know what this means. Victor: It means that you're gonna have to earn your money. Michael: What money would that be? Victor: You know why I fired you at the time, don't you? Michael: Consider me back on the clock. Victor: You have your work cut out for you. You know that. Michael: (Sighs) Ashley: What kind of trouble is he in? Michael: The charges are very serious. Victor: And you know the charges are bogus. I came here to face my accusers and prove them wrong. Is that clear? [SCENE_BREAK] Nina: So what are you gonna do now, Esther? Are you gonna retire? Esther: Oh, Nina, I-I don't know. I can't even think past today. Nina: Oh, that's okay. Just give it some time. We're all kind of in a little bit of shock. I mean, it's not like Jill's gonna throw your stuff out on the lawn, right? Esther: Want to bet? [SCENE_BREAK] Traci: I love you, too. All right, good-bye, Darling. Lauren: (Sighs) Was that your husband? Traci: Yeah. Um, he sort of rattles around the place when I'm not there. Lauren: (Chuckles) Yeah, well, it's nice to know they miss us, huh? Traci: Yes. Uh, how's everything with Michael? I-I saw that he had to leave. Lauren: Work. Traci: Oh. Lauren: But, uh, to answer your question, yeah, everything's great, and Fen is growing like a weed. Do--do you want to see a picture of him? Traci: (Laughs) Oh, they're so cute at that age. Yes, please. Lauren: Oh, I know. Well, yeah, I have about 400 of them here, but let me-- let me find something. Here. Traci: Okay. Oh. Lauren: What do you think? Traci: Oh, Lauren, he's just beautiful. Lauren: Thanks. Thanks. Here, I have a-another one. Oh, look. Oh, look. This is when he was just about to put Michael's Cubs hat on. It was really sweet. What? Traci: Uh, I was just thinking, um, this might be the most pleasant conversation you and I have ever had. Lauren: I deserve that. Traci: Oh, no, I-I did not mean that you-- Lauren: No, no, Traci. Traci: (Sighs) Lauren: Look, you've never done or said anything wrong in your entire life. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same thing. Look, I'm--I just-- I can't believe how cruelly I treated you when we were kids. (Sighs) I saw that movie "Mean Girls." Traci: Oh. (Laughs) Lauren: You know? It just had me written all over it. I wanted to write you. I wanted to, um, call you, but... I-I didn't. Traci: Look, Lauren, we all have things that we regret from our past. Lauren: You know, Katherine was such a great woman. (Sniffles) She was an amazing friend, and there was just-- there's just so much I wanted to say to her and do. It's too late. But when I saw you here, I didn't want to pass up the opportunity to tell you how truly sorry I am. You know, I'd like to think that I'm a better person now. (Laughs) But until I looked you in the eye and really apologized, I knew that wasn't gonna be true. Traci: If Katherine were here right now, she would be so proud of you, Lauren. Lauren: (Sniffles) Traci: (Laughing) Lauren: Oh. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Hi. Can I get a plain tonic? Heather: Max, hold on. Paul: Thanks. Heather: Hey, hey, you were at the funeral? Paul: Yeah. Heather: So you saw Victor come in? Paul: I did. Heather: Why didn't you call me? Paul: Heather... Heather: No, you know what? Excuse me. I have to go track him down. Paul: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: The most damning evidence against you is your supposed confession from your diary. Victor: There's no diary. I never wrote in a diary. Victoria: I knew it. Michael: Well, the magazine, the authorities-- they claim it's authentic, it's definitely your handwriting. Victor: I don't give a damn what they claim. There is no diary. I never had a damn diary. Where'd it come from? J.T.: Adam. He says he found it here at the ranch. Ashley: Adam your son? Victor: I see. That's who it came from. I'll be damned. [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: Victor's back. Jack: Tell me something I don't know. Adam: What? Jack, this isn't a big deal to you? Come on! Jack: Lower your voice. Sharon: What isn't a big deal? Jack: Oh, Adam was just asking if it was true that Victor showed up at the funeral. And yes, the great man made a grand entrance and then proceeded to sit next to my sister for the entire ceremony, so you will forgive me if it was too upset to notice anything else. Sorry. [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: (Sighs) Brad: So what do you know, huh? Big daddy's back. I imagine Nick and the family must be reeling. Phyllis: Mm-hmm. We're relieved that Victor is safe. Brad: And... Phyllis: And... Lake Delaney is that way. Don't forget your waders. Brad: Mm, then you admit there's something worth fishing for. Phyllis: What do you care if there is or there isn't? Brad: Ah, I have a vested interest. Phyllis: What did you do, brad? Brad: Now who's fishing? Phyllis: What did you do? You know you're dying to tell me, so just spit it out. Brad: You should ask Heather Stevens... well, that is if you could reach her. She'd kind of tied up at the moment. Phyllis: Oh, my God. You gave Victor to the cops, didn't you? [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Hi. Cane: Hi. Lily: Your speech at the service-- it was beautiful. Cane: Thank you. It's hard to know what to say at a time like this. Lily: Well, you did great, and I don't know if it will help, but time does heal things. Cane: Not always. Chloe: (Sighs) Oh, great. Well, just another reason to make us feel like crap. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: (Humming) Murphy: Hey, you look almost human again. Kay: Yeah, shower felt good. Murphy: Yeah, now we gotta get something into your stomach. Kay: I must admit I am... (Clears throat) I really am a bit famished. Murphy: Famished? (Laughs) What, are you doing those crosswords again? Kay: Uh, where would I, um... Murphy: Yeah, well, uh, just sit yourself down at the table, and I cooked up your favorite, darling, pork and beans. Eat up. [SCENE_BREAK] Eden: Don't tell me you left it in your locker. Noah: Hold out your hand. Eden: My mom's necklace. H-how did you-- Noah: The jerk at the cemetery dropped it. I was able to pick it up before the cops hauled me off. Eden: I thought it was lost forever. Noah: Yeah. I wanted to give it to you on our way back from Paris, but... (Sighs) My parents were, like, hovering the whole time. Noah: There. Eden: Thank you. Noah: You're welcome. Eden: (Sighs) Noah: So, um, if I'm ever not grounded again... Eden: (Chuckles) Noah: You know, before I'm 30... (Chuckles) Maybe we could catch a movie or something. Eden: Yeah, maybe. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: And then she insinuates that Noah is the bad influence. Can you believe that? Nick: (Sighs) Sharon: The only thing that Lauren and I did agree on is that those two kids shouldn't hang out at all. Nick: Look, it's been an upsetting day for everyone. Once things settle down, we'll get together with Michael and Lauren, and we'll work this out. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: I'll have a scotch, neat. Make it a double. Jeff: Yes, gotta be 5:00 somewhere, right? Jack: You know, I could use some good news about now. Tell me some good news. Tell me you got Katherine to sign over that stock before she left this vale of tears. Jack: It is over. It's over. Do you hear me? I should have known better than to trust you clowns with anything. Our chances of getting Jabot back now are as dead as Katherine. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: Hey. Taking off? Brad: Hey, uh, no, I was just gonna get some air. Sharon: Ah. Brad: How you doing? Sharon: Well, today has been a very stressful day for many reasons. Brad: Come here. [SCENE_BREAK] Mitchell: Katherine instructed me that upon her death, I was to dispose of her estate as quickly as possible. So I've scheduled a reading of the will for tomorrow morning. Cane: At your office? Mitchell: Well, I thought we'd have it at Kath-- I mean, at the house. Esther: Tomorrow? It makes things so final. Chloe: No, Mom, it's okay. Liz: It's good to get these things behind you, Esther. Jill: Listen, you alluded to the fact that Katherine had recently made some changes in her estate plan. Billy: Yeah, how about a little hint? Mitchell: You'll find out everything tomorrow morning, and I'll see most of you then. Liz, safe trip home. Liz: Oh, take care of yourself, Mitchell. Mitchell: I always do. Liz: (Laughs) Mitchell: (Laughs) [SCENE_BREAK] Murphy: Oh, beans hit the spot? Kay: Yes, yes, fine. I just--my brain-- it's just so full of cobwebs. Murphy: Ah, it must be the booze. I think you need to sleep it off. Kay: Sleep? Murphy: Yeah. Go lie down on the couch. Kay: Oh. Murphy: Come on. Kay: (Sighs) My goodness. Oh, God. Oh. Murphy: There you go. Kay: (Sighs) Murphy: Now I'm gonna make yourself... Kay: (Sighs) Murphy: Nice and comfy. Kay: Oh, yes. Murphy: Yeah. Kay: Yes, yes. Uh... Murphy: Hey, it's gonna be all right. I'm gonna take care of you, Marge. Kay: Marge... Kay: Marge... (Dishes rattling in background) Kay: My name is Marge... Kay: Marge. [SCENE_BREAK] Gloria: Katherine put me in her will. Mitchell: Somebody from my office will call you about the reading tomorrow. Gloria: (Sighs) Thank you. Jeff: What do you think it means? Gloria: I don't know. Paul: Do you want some more water? Gloria: With my luck, it's probably just another reprimand from beyond the grave. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Hi. Nick: Hey. (Sighs) Hey, Mom, why don't you let me take you home? Nikki: No, I don't even know where that is. Now that we know your father's back at the ranch, I don't dare step foot anywhere on the property. Paul: You've had one hell of a difficult day. Nikki: (Scoffs) Paul: Let me talk to the concierge and get a room for you upstairs. I want you to lie down and rest for a while. Then we can decide what to do. Does that sound all right? Nick: Mom, that's a good idea. What do you say? Nikki: Yeah, thanks. Paul: Okay. Nikki: Thank you. Paul: I'll set it up. Nick: Okay, thanks. (Sighs) Nikki: (Sighs) Michael: Now I've petitioned the court to turn over the diary so we can have our own examination. I have an excellent lab on standby. J.T.: The same one Paul and I use. Michael: As soon as the document is in our hands, the forensics team will put a rush on the analysis. Ashley: Sounds like you're in good hands. Victor: Mm-hmm. Thank you for ignoring the fact that I fired you. Michael: Uh, don't thank me. Thank your children. Nicholas and Victoria have been all over this since it broke. They have been determined to prove that that diary's a phony. Victor: Never in my life have I bought, owned or written in a damn journal or diary. I promise you whoever claims that is full of it. (Doorbell rings) Victoria: Do you want me to answer it? Victor: Let me answer it. Victor: Hello, Ms. Stevens. I've been expecting you. [NEXT_ON] Cisneros: I'm Inspector Cisneros. I work in Bucerias, Mexico. Mr. Abbott interviewed me for a story. Nikki: What's going on? How's your father? Victoria: He was just arrested. Victor: I was waiting for you. | Lily is informed of Karen and Neil's engagement |
414 | Sami: I don't understand why this one's more complicated. Is that why the cancer spread, because of the surgery you did last time? Dr. Kim: No, absolutely not. Sami: Well, then what is it? Why is this one worse? Carly: It's not worse. It's just in order to save the eye, it requires precise maneuvers with a-a laser. Lexie: The main thing is to get the cancer before it has a chance to spread. Sami: I get that, Lexie. But this is the only eye he has left. I want to know why you didn't see this before, why you didn't catch it sooner. Daniel: Okay, okay, retinoblastoma is a very aggressive cancer. Now, during the previous surgery, Dr. Kim and I both agreed that it hadn't spread. But the X-rays have proven us wrong. Sami: What if you don't get it all this time? Lexie: Okay, Sami... Sami... there are so many variables. Let's not speculate, okay? Sami: But I promised him that was the only surgery, Lexie. I mean, I-- I told him he would still be able to see. I-- I mean, I-- oh, my God. Oh, my God. [Sobbing] [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: You were supposed to take care of this problem. Warden Smith: I had it all under control. Stefano: All right, what do you propose to do next? Warden Smith: Well, I'll take care of him. You--you'll see a nice profit from it. I promise. Stefano: You're thinking of putting Commissioner Brady on your organ assembly line? Warden Smith: I-I don't see why not. Stefano: Obviously you don't. And that's what makes you an idiot. The biggest problem you have right now is Hope Brady. And he is the only one on this earth who could take you to her. But... he has to be alive. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Where the hell are you, Bo? That woman's scarier than you would believe. Let's see... are there any more emails or phone calls? I'll try to figure out if there's anyone involved... in this that we don't know about. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe: Sami, Sami... Sami, you can do this. I know you. I know you can do this. Sami: [Clears throat] I'm sorry I fell apart. Dr. Kim: Please, please, there's no need to apologize. But we must be expeditious about this. As I said before, the cancer is moving very quickly. EJ: So wait a second. I mean, we sign these papers and you take his other eye, you'll render him blind. Sami: Is there any way to save his sight? Daniel: Yes, it's possible. The malignancy in this eye hasn't been there very long. The tumor is tiny and not nearly as invasive as it was in the first eye. But what you need to understand is we won't know the whole situation until we go in there. Now, if this cancer is as pronounced as it was in the other eye... we may not have a choice but to remove it. Understand? Now, as Dr. Kim explained, we need to work quickly. And while I'm not gonna make any promises here, the sooner we get to it, the better the chances are that we can save is sight. EJ: So this decision... about whether or not to remove it... you're not going to consult us? You'll just do what you think is best? Lexie: Correct. EJ: You can't do this without my permission, right? Daniel: We need permission from both of you. [SCENE_BREAK] Gabi: Uh, I think we should stop. Will: What? How come? Who made you the boss of kissing? Gabi: My iron will. Besides, we have to work on our papers. Will: Mine is all done, so... Gabi: That is such a lie. You haven't even picked your topic yet. You would say anything to get what you want. Will: Well, that's your fault. You're the one who's so pretty. Gabi: No, Will. We have to work on our papers, and we have a biology quiz too. Will: Okay, you know what? I think we have got biology covered. [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: Now, as I've explained before, we're gonna use the laser to pinpoint the exact site of the cancerous cells. And if--and that's a critical "if"--if that site is small and contained, we may be able to use the laser to eradicate them. EJ: If not... remove the eye? Sami: Daniel, tell me. I need you to tell me that you think the laser is gonna work. Should let him [SCENE_BREAK] Warden Smith: So you think we should let him lead us to her? Stefano: As long as Hope is out there, chances are that your "Organs R Us" franchise will be on the front page of the Salem Spectator. Warden Smith: I keep telling you she doesn't know anything. Stefano: How stupid are you, hmm? How do you think he found you here? She is a former cop, you idiot. And she knows how to trace you down, and she is still doing it. Warden Smith: You think so? Stefano: Yeah... I think so. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: [Grunts] [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Hmm, refresher course at the police academy is really coming in handy-- computer hacking for the good guys. Wait a minute. Gotcha. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: [Grunts] Where the hell am I? Who's there? Warden Smith: Your wife's worst nightmare. [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: I wish I could categorically tell you what you want to hear, but I've got to be honest. We simply won't know what the situation is until we get in there to operate. But as I've told you, we caught this early... and that's good. Sami: So we don't have a choice. EJ: Just do whatever you have to do to save my boy. Carly: We'll book an O.R. and prep him for surgery. Sami: Wait. We, um-- we're gonna get to talk to him, right, and tell Johnny what's happening before he goes into surgery? Daniel: Of course. I want to review all of his latest scans. Carly: I have the report in my office. Lexie: I'll go check on Johnny. Sami: We did the right thing... right? I mean, you know, we did what we had to do. EJ: It's like you said, Samantha, we didn't have a choice. Sami: I can't--I can't-- I can't cry. [Clears throat] I'm not gonna let my son see me upset. I don't want him to think that I'm scared. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Is there anything I can do? EJ: Uh, yes, actually, there is. I'd like Johnny to spend some time with his family before he has surgery. Could you--could you call Mary... ask her to bring Sydney down? Nicole: Sure. EJ: Uh, Nicole... look, Dr. Jonas says the best... chance we have of beating this is the fact that we caught it early. You caught it, so... thank you. Nicole: I'll be right back. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe: I texted Will. He's gonna bring Allie down here. Sami: Did you tell him what's happening? Rafe: No. I figured it's something he should hear in person. Sami: There's no real easy way to hear this, is there? Rafe: Can I get you anything? Sami: How about a miracle? Rafe: You sure deserve one. Sami: No. No, I don't. And neither does EJ, and maybe that's the problem. We don't deserve healthy children. We don't deserve... Rafe: Let's--let's not do this, okay? Let's not go there. Listen, Johnny has cancer. It's a disease. It's not some form of retribution. Sami: It's hard not to go there. I've done a lot of terrible things in my life, and now my son has cancer, and he may never see again. Rafe: Can we-- let's just not do this. Let's just wait and see what happens with the operation... all right? Sami: Like I keep saying, I don't have much of a choice. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Hey, hey. Johnny's just waking up. EJ: He is? Does he know what's going on? Lexie: Well, he's still pretty groggy. Oh, sweetheart, I am so sorry. I am so sorry. EJ: Thank you. I, uh-- [Clears throat] I should go in and see him, I suppose. Lexie: Yeah, uh... EJ, you should go in there with Sami... for Johnny's sake. EJ: He's waking up. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: How you holding up? Rafe: Me? Lexie: Yeah. Rafe: I'm okay. Lexie: Yeah, right. I hope Sami realizes how lucky she is to have you. Rafe: [Sighs] God. Nicole: They went to see Johnny? Rafe: Yeah. Nicole: Yeah, he, uh... EJ wanted me to call Mary. She's taking care of Sydney. She'll bring her here. Rafe: Will's bringing Allie too. Nicole: This is horrible. Rafe: Yeah. Nicole: I mean, Johnny's... such a sweet little boy. He's the sweetest. You know what he said to me when I... I took him to the car after he ran away? He said, "even though I don't want you to marry my daddy, it doesn't mean I don't like you." Rafe: [Chuckles] Yeah. [Chuckles] Nicole: He's been so brave about the--the bandages and the pain and... if I had to go through what he's already gone through, I guarantee I wouldn't be half as strong, and he's just a little boy. Rafe: You really love him, don't you? Nicole: I do. I really do. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Hey, big guy. How are you feeling? EJ: Are you sleepy? Sami: So we have something we, uh--we have to talk to you about. The, um... the doctors are going to do another operation on your eye. Johnny: I don't want another operation! EJ: I-I know. I know. Sami: I know it's scary. Sweetheart, I know it is. But this time... this time they're gonna do everything they can to make sure that they get all of the cancer out, okay? EJ: So they just have to... check and see how sick your eye is, and, uh... Johnny: I won't be able to see? EJ: No, no. W-we don't know. Johnny: I'm scared. EJ: I know. I know you are. We are too. But we're here for you, both of us... your mother and your father. When did you get smart? [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: There's no need for the blindfold. I recognize your dulcet tones. Warden Smith: Aren't you special? Bo: I have my moments. Warden Smith: You keep showing up places where you don't belong. Bo: Where don't I belong this time? Warden Smith: It doesn't matter. What matters is, one way or another, sooner or later, you're gonna tell me where your wife is. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: All right, Bo... let's see what you were looking at. "Picked up prisoner's accomplice. No bid on the prisoner yet." Oh, my God... oh, my God, she's got Bo. But where? [Sighs] Who the hell is she working with? [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: [Groans] Well, where is everybody? I thought there was supposed to be a wedding today. Harold: I'm sorry to tell you, sir... Mr. DiMera and his fiancé took young Johnny back to the hospital. Stefano: Giovanni? Uh, what happened to him? Harold: They were concerned about his other eye, sir. I'm very sorry, sir. Um, is there anything I can get you, sir? Stefano: No, no. Uh, thank you, Harold. Thank you. My God, his other eye? [Exhales deeply] [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: I can't answer the phone right now. Leave me a message, and I'll call you back. [Beep] Stefano: This is your father. Call me. [Exhales sharply] [SCENE_BREAK] [Cell phone rings] Lexie: Hello, Father. Stefano: Alexandra, do you know what's going on with Giovanni? Lexie: Yeah. I'm afraid it's not good news. Um... it turns out the other eye is involved. The cancer has spread. Stefano: Oh, my God, no. Lexie: He's going into surgery again. Stefano: What? They're--they're not--they're gonna take his other eye? Lexie: Okay, look, that's not for sure, all right? They're--they're going to try and save it. Stefano: Look, um... let me talk to Elvis. Lexie: He and Sami are with Johnny right now. I'll tell 'em you called. Stefano: All right, look, have him call me as soon as he can, all right? And, sweetheart, please let me know if there's anything that I can do. [Tapping phone on desk] This is Stefano DiMera. I need to see you now. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Oh, Daniel, Daniel. Uh, can I talk to you for a minute? Daniel: Yeah. Nicole: Privately? Daniel: I'll be right there. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Okay. EJ and Sami are with Johnny? Rafe: Yeah. Carly: How are they gonna get through the next couple of hours? [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Hey, it's okay, sweetheart. Mommy and Daddy are both here. Johnny: Are you gonna fight? EJ: No. No, we're not going to fight. Johnny: I'm scared. Sami: I know you are, sweetheart, and it's okay. It's okay to be scared. I mean, we're scared too, right? But you know what I was thinking we could do? Do you remember what we would do when you were scared when you were little? We would make a list of everyone who loves you and all the people you love. Do you think that would help you if we made that list right now? Okay. So the first one's easy, right? Mommy loves you. Daddy loves you. And then there's grandma and grandma... and both your grandpas... and your Great Grandma Caroline and Will and Allie and-- and now there's Sydney. Johnny: And Rafe. Sami: Yeah. EJ: And Rafe. [Clears throat] And then there's, uh, your aunt Lexie and your Uncle Abe and Theo. And, uh, that's just the beginning of a very, very long list. Let's see, we have your teachers and all of your friends at school. I-I don't think I've ever known anybody with so many people who love him. He must be the finest boy in the whole world. Sami: Yes, he is. And, Johnny, you know what else? All those people on that list and a whole bunch more people-- they are all praying for you to get better... get better quick, so we can get you out of this silly, old hospital. Johnny: Even if I can't see them? [SCENE_BREAK] Will: What? What difference would that make? Sami: Hey... Will: Look who's here. Johnny: Allie! Will: Yeah. Here you go. Sami: Let's get you down next to your brother. Move over, bacon. Okay. Will: Hey, Allie, why don't you tell Johnny what you told me in the car? Allie: Johnny, if you can't see, I said I'll see for you. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Look, I really hope you take this the right way. Daniel: Take what? Nicole: I've kind of had a front-row seat for what you've been going through the last few days. Daniel: Okay, Nicole, now is not the time to talk about Chloe. Nicole: I wasn't going to. Daniel, are you up for this? Daniel: What? Nicole: I mean, you've been through freakin' hell, and I'm just saying that we're talking about whether or not Johnny is gonna be able to see again or not. And I wouldn't bring it up if I didn't think it was important. Daniel: You think I shouldn't do the surgery. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Who are you to question his abilities? If Johnny's parents trust Daniel, I don't see how this is any of your business. Daniel: Okay, I have this, Carly. I can see how much you love Johnny, and I understand your concern. Carly: I really don't. Daniel: Carly, it's okay. And this is not ego. I really think I'm the best person available to do my part of this procedure. Now, I can't promise that Johnny won't lose his eye, but I can promise you that I will do everything in my power to save it. Nicole: I'm sorry. I'm just scared. Excuse me. Daniel: I understand. I do. Carly: You were classy. You didn't have to defend yourself. Daniel: I think she has a valid concern. We both need to make sure we don't walk into that O.R. carrying any emotional baggage with us. Carly: That's kind of tough to do these days, isn't it? [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: Ah, thank you for meeting me on such short notice. Ben: I would think you'd be used to people moving things around for you. Stefano: You must know about my grandson Giovanni. He had surgery, and they removed one of his eyes. It was cancerous. Ben: Yeah, retinoblastoma. I do know. I consulted on his case. Stefano: All right, well, he's back in the hospital. His other eye has been affected. Ben: I'm sorry... it's not really my area-- Stefano: See, the problem is that, you know, it's possible he could lose the other eye. So what I need from you is-- I have to have you find me a donor eye immediately. Ben: I-I'm sorry, sir, but I can't do that. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: One more. Will: One, two, three. Sami: [Laughs] Good one. Good one. All right, now back to the thumb wars-- ready? Okay... [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: William... can I have a word with you, please? Will: About what? EJ: Over here. [Sami and kids laughing] I just wanted to thank you. Johnny's very lucky to have a brother like you. Will: Oh, no, um, that was Rafe's idea to bring Allie over here. EJ: Well, it was a good idea, you know, and I-- when I said he was lucky, I wasn't talking about that specifically. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate how kind you've been to him... to both my children. You're a very... caring and sensitive young man. Will: Right. Well, I know how much you value that--sensitivity. EJ: It wouldn't hurt to be a little more respectful, thank you. Will: I'm sorry, respectful? EJ: For Johnny's sake. Will: You've got to be kidding me. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Hey, um, EJ? EJ: Yes? Sami: Look, I've been thinking. I just want you to know... I'm begging you-- I am begging you to understand how important his family is to him. I'm not just talking about now, but you have to see how important all of us are to Johnny. And after this surgery, he's gonna need to have all of us with him. EJ: You don't need to explain to me how important family is, Samantha. Lexie: Well, I think she does. She's absolutely right, EJ. [SCENE_BREAK] Warden Smith: I've got the upper hand here. We both know it. Ex-cops don't do well in prison. Hope had to find out the hard way. Imagine what would happen to a stupidly arrogant commissioner. Think about your next move. You tell me where Hope is... or your life as you know it... is kaput. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: Are you standing there telling me that you won't help me? Ben: I can't. No one can. Look, your--your grandson isn't eligible for a transplant, because we just-- we don't have the science for cases like his... not yet. Stefano: We're talking about a little boy going blind here. Ben: I get that. I do, and I want to help-- not just him, but all the other people in need. Look, let's--let's be clear, I am not involved with this operation to make money. I'm doing this to save lives. Stefano: I am behind this operation, all right? Ben: I understand. Stefano: And I can't even help my own grandson? Oh... [Chuckles] I don't care about anybody else's motives. Ben: Mr. DiMera... look, I-I... I feel for your grandson. But I feel for all of my patients. And right now things are not going well. The supply is nowhere near the demand. Now, I've talked to Jane about this, but I don't seem to get anywhere. So what are you gonna do about it? [SCENE_BREAK] [Telephone ringing] Lee: Infirmary. Warden Smith: I need you to purge the files from the computer. Lee: Why? Warden Smith: Hope is still at large. We don't know what kind of proof she may have. Lee: So you're finally admitting we have a problem. Warden Smith: Oh, just shut up and listen. I think she has access to a computer. Lee: Great. That's just great. [Sighs] Son of a bitch. Okay, not good news. I just typed in your user name and your password, and according to the spyware we installed, there's someone poking around all your accounts. Warden Smith: [Sighs] I thought so. Oh... Lee: It's her, right? Warden Smith: Right. So this is what I'm gonna need you to do. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: [Sighs] Okay, EJ... you have to think about Johnny. He has to go into this surgery with a positive outlook so he can handle whatever lies ahead. He needs to be in the best emotional state he can possibly be in. And the best way to accomplish that is for him to have his entire family around him, okay? And for them all to get along. EJ: I do know that, Lexie. Lexie: Then act like you do. Sami: Let's go see Johnny, okay? EJ: Just wait--wait a second. I had Mary bring her down. Nicole: Here she is. EJ: Samantha, would you, um... take Sydney in to see her brother, please? Sami: Hi. Hi, sweetheart. Oh, my princess. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: What in God's name do you expect me to do? We are talking about human organs here. I cannot speed up production as if it was some kind of a-a factory. Ben: I know that. Stefano: But you don't act like you know it. Ben: I'm trying to save lives here. Stefano: I am behind this operation, all right? Ben: Yes. Stefano: Do you think that this is some kind of a moneymaking operation, something like that, huh? Because this is personal-- very, very personal to me. You know, there was a time... when I needed a transplant, all right? And they could not find a donor, and I almost died. So I know exactly what your patients are going through right now. And--and now you're telling me that my-- my grandson is not eligible. What the hell kind of word is that? Ben: I'm very sorry. Stefano: Oh, God help that little boy. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: I'm ready. Daniel: Good. Carly: I want to say something first. Daniel: Okay. What? Carly: If you don't want to work with me, if you think I bring baggage with me in here, I understand. Sinclair has experience with the laser. Daniel: No, not like you. Carly: He can do the assist, Daniel. I know he can. And l don't want to do anything that's gonna make this harder for you. Daniel: We're gonna be all right, Carly. We'll do what doctors have done since Hippocrates, which is compartmentalize. Carly: You're gonna take the high road, which is what you do. That doesn't mean you have to work with me. It's your call. Say the word, and I'm out of here. [SCENE_BREAK] [Laughter] Will: I look like a monkey, right? Rafe: You're freaking them out. [All talking at once] Lexie: Excuse me, everyone. Excuse me. Um, they're ready to get started. Rafe: All right. Will: Okay. Johnny, pound it out, man. See ya. Sami: Hey, um, Sydney, can you give your brother a kiss? Give your brother a little kiss? Mwah! Nicole: You know what, buddy? When you get out of here, I'm gonna make you the biggest, messiest ice cream sundae ever.. for breakfast. Johnny: Even if I can't see? Nicole: All you have to do is taste it. Give me super hugs. Yeah, super hug. Rafe: Dude man... you're already an honorary FBI agent. Nothing ever changes that. You know that. Let me tell you something. You're also the strongest guy I have ever met, ever. Come on, give me a hug, buddy. Yeah, there you go. [SCENE_BREAK] Lee: Here you go-- just what the doctor ordered. Warden smith: Oh. He's not gonna know what hit him. Did you take care of the computer situation? Lee: All done. And once we find Hope, she will be too. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: God, no. What happened? Oh, please, not now. [SCENE_BREAK] [Door opens] Warden Smith: Well... you know, you never go wrong listening to Albert Einstein. Bo: Oh, you guys been having a little chat? Warden Smith: He said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. I ask you where Hope is, you refuse to answer. I hit you, and then we start all over again... insane. Bo: [Scoffs] Yeah. As much as I hate to admit it, I have to agree with you. Warden Smith: So... we move to plan "B." Bo: [Grunts] You know, you really ought to stay away from those online nurses' courses. Your technique there...it kind of stung. What was that? Warden Smith: I think you could take an educated guess. Bo: I'd have to say sodium pentothal. Warden Smith: In just a couple of minutes, you're going to tell me exactly what I want to know. And there won't be anything you can do to stop me. [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: I want to assist. Carly: You sure? Daniel: Bottom line, you've had more experience on the laser than Dr. Sinclair, and you and I have demonstrated that we can definitely work well together. I promised Johnny's parents that he would have the best medical care we have to offer, and that means you on this team. Carly: Thank you. So colleagues... just not friends. Just not friends. [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: [Clears throat] So I want you to remember that, um, I love you very much. And your mother--she loves you very much too. Johnny: You know what I'm doing? Sami: No. EJ: No. Johnny: I'm remembering you, just in case. Sami: We're gonna be right here. When you're done, we'll be right here waiting for you. Okay. Johnny: [I'm thirsty] Sami: You're just gonna go a little way, okay? But we'll be right here. We'll be right here. [Sobbing] [NEXT_ON] Stephanie (to Melanie): You ruined everything for me, and now you're gonna answer for it. [Philip punches Nathan] Sami (to EJ): Is that really what you want for your son? | Hope wondered what happened to Bo |
415 | Mike: So, do I have the job or not? I obviously put in the lowest bid, or else you wouldn't be here. Katie: Mike, no. Mike: Do you have a problem hiring me? Simon: Do you really want to work for me, Mike? Mike: Why not? Carly: Oh, come on, Mike. Simon, let's go. I mean, come on, this is just a silly game that you guys are playing. Mike: No, no, no. Nobody's playing here. Right, Simon? If you think this is a game, you're making a big mistake. The kind of mistake that could put you in a lot of danger, Carly. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucy: The pediatrician gave the all clear. Your son can go home today. Holden: You're sure about that? Lucy: Positive. The baby's ready. If you are. Holden: Yeah. Yeah, sure. I just wish that Lily -- Lucy: If you need some help at home -- Holden: No, no, no. It's okay. I hired a nurse to help us out. We'll be okay. Lucy: Well, I'll go push the paperwork along. Holden: Guess what, great news -- the baby gets to go home today. Now all we need is you, and we can be a whole family again. Because Luke is coming home. Thank God, because I've never needed him more. [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: I can't leave you alone now. What kind of a person would I be if I left you by yourself while you're so sick? Damian: I know what kind of person you are, Luke. You're a wonderful person. And now that I have the privilege to see you as an adult, I've seen it with my own eyes. So as far as I'm concerned, I have everything I could ever ask for. I don't need anything more. Luke: Of course you do. Look, let me help my dad get set with the new baby. And I just want to check on my sisters. And then you and I can make plans. Damian: If that's what you want, I'll be grateful. Luke: You don't need to thank me. I'm doing the right thing. So I'll talk to my dad and then I'll call you. Damian: Certainly. And Luke, I hope we can keep this between us. Luke: What? Damian: My illness. I don't want anybody's pity or interference. Luke: My dad would never pity you. Damian: Probably true. Nonetheless, I don't want him in my business. I just want my privacy. Luke: Okay, I won't say a word. Damian: Thank you. Luke: I'll call you later. Damian: It's me, with good news -- Luke is definitely coming to Malta. [SCENE_BREAK] [Applause] Gwen: Thanks. Ann: That was beautiful. Just like Lia. Gwen: Oh, thanks. Thanks for helping me pick out a song that would've meant something to her. Take care. I need to get some air. You okay? Casey: Yeah. Gwen: Will already left. I think I will, too. I mean, if you're all right. Casey: No, I'm fine. Gwen: Okay, if you need anything, just call us, okay? Casey: All right, thanks for singing. Gwen: Yeah, no problem. [Gwen see's Nate's body] [Gwen screaming] Help me! [Gwen screaming] Casey: Oh, God, not again. It's okay, it's okay. Ann: What is it? Zach: Stop! Casey: Zach, ease up. Here, Gwen, are you okay? Gwen: Is he dead? Casey: I don't know. We don't know. We don't know. Gwen: I was just walking and I wasn't looking where I was going, and I heard a sound and then I tripped. And it was him. Casey: Zach, call 911. Ann: Is it true? Is he dead? Casey: Yeah. Just -- okay, don't look at him. Just close your eyes and breathe. Gwen: No, I'm fine. I'm not going to start screaming again, don't worry. Casey: All right, maybe you should sit down. Gwen: I don't want to sit down. I want to do something. Isn't there something that we should be doing? Zach: An ambulance is on the way. Casey: What about the cops? Zach: I guess? Casey: All right, it doesn't matter. Just don't touch anything. Mom, it happened again. And Nate Bradley's dead. No, no, I checked the pulse, I couldn't get anything. I told everyone to just stay put. No, somebody else found him this time. Gwen. All right, just hurry, please. Jade: What's going -- oh, my God! Casey: Where were you? Jade: I was at the bus stop. And I heard a scream. Casey: Did you see anyone? Jade: No. Casey: You didn't see anyone? No one running? Jade: No. Gwen: Maddie. Casey: Oh, no. Jade: Maddie came with Nate. Ann: Where is Maddie? Gwen: Oh, God, no, come on, he didn't get her, too? Come on, no. Casey: Wait, where's Maddie? Ann: She should be in jail! Casey: You know what? You shut up! Anybody? Has anyone seen Maddie? Maddie! All right, you know, I've got to find her. [SCENE_BREAK] Henry: Lenny, I know the stake. I know you don't get to that table for less than ten grand. Hold on. I'm going to have to get back to you, Lenny. Hey, Maddie? Hey, what's the matter? Maddie: Nothing. Henry: Nothing? You look like you just ran a marathon, Sweetie. Maddie: No, I'm fine. I just need to sleep. Henry: You need to sleep? Okay, fine. You can do that. Just, why don't you come over here and tell me what's wrong? Maddie: Nothing! Why is that all anybody says to me anymore? Henry: Maybe because you look like you're upset all the time, that's why. Eve: Was the memorial awful? Oh, Honey, I wish you hadn't gone. Maddie: Me, too. Eve: Were the other kids mean, or -- Maddie? Maddie: What? Henry: Oh, my God. Maddie: There's blood all over your hands! [SCENE_BREAK] Damian: Grazie, Sweetheart. Lucy: Don't you look happy today. Damian: It's a good day. Lucy: It is. Damian: Oh? Lucy: Lily's baby is going home today. Damian: Really? Lucy: Yeah, the little one is healthy enough to go home, so he can leave the hospital. Damian: Without his mother? Lucy: Yeah. Damian: How is Lily? Lucy: The same. Holden's being as brave as he can, but I could see it on his face today -- it's really taking a toll. Damian: Yeah, lucky for everyone, Holden is a strong man. Lucy: You almost make that sound like an insult. Damian: Do I? Nobody could be happier than I that Holden takes good care of his family. Lucy: Well, he's had a lot of help from you lately. Damian: Me? Lucy: Yes, you. Don't be modest. When you found out things were healing between Luke and Holden, you could've caused problems, but you didn't. I give you real credit for that. [SCENE_BREAK] Holden: Hey, just in time. Luke: Yeah, there's something that I need to talk to you about, too. Holden: Well, let's do it in the car. We get to take your little brother home today. Luke: No kidding? Really? Holden: Yeah, yeah. He's ready to go. I could use your help getting him home. Luke: Now? Holden: Yeah, the nurse is ready to bring him out. I just spoke to Mama. The girls are very excited to see him. And it's going to be crazy without your mom, so I need you to step up and help out. Luke: Yeah, I know. Holden: All right, great. So what did you want to say? What did you want to talk about? Luke: Oh -- nothing that can't wait. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Danger? Don't you think that's a little dramatic, Mike? Mike: Simon may have a money now, but he is the same con man he's always been. He'll use you. Simon: So that's why you want to work for me, is it, Mike? Oh, yeah -- oh, to protect Carly, that's it? Mike: Among other things. Simon: Do you want to settle this between us, Mike, or hide behind the ladies? Mike: Oh, by all means, let's go outside. Katie: No! Mike: It's just business. Carly: So what's going on here, Katie? Katie: I don't know. Honestly, Mike didn't say anything. It's got to be a bluff. Carly: A bluff, how? Katie: He's putting Simon on notice. There's no way he actually wants to work for him. Carly: So he wants to scare Simon away? Well, I happen to need this job. So why can't Mike just leave things alone? Simon: So, what, you feel the need to babysit me, Mike? Is that it? Mike: Somebody's got to do it. Simon: Are you that afraid of what your wife might do with me in town? Mike: No, I'm not afraid. But I think you are. Simon: Yeah? All right, tell me, of what? Mike: Of whatever scam I'll dig up when I'm working on your project. I mean, you obviously have an angle, or else you wouldn't be involved. The last thing you want is me to find out what it is, right? Simon: You see, I know you pride yourself on being some homegrown, red-blooded American hero, Mike, but what if you're the one with the ulterior motive here? Mike: Like what? Simon: Oh, here's an idea -- you come work on my building so you can sabotage it and then blame me. Mike: See, that's how you think. Simon: All right, then. Unless you can't bear the thought of being away from me, what's your deal? Mike: I submitted a bid. I'm a licensed contractor, I do good work. Simon: And that's it? Mike: You get a quality job, I get a paycheck. Simon: All right, and how can I trust you? Mike: My work speaks for itself. Ask around. And if you're legit, you've got nothing to be scared of. Simon: No worries there. Katie: This should've taken five seconds. Carly: Well, at least I don't hear any shouting. Katie: At least shouting would make sense. [Door opening] Mike: So just get me the specs next week and we'll start the initial demolition and framing process. Simon: All right, sounds great. Katie: Wait, what? Simon: What? Oh -- oh, Mike and I have a deal. Mike: Yeah, I'm starting on Simon's project next week. [Katie and Carly both] No way! [SCENE_BREAK] Holden: Hey, how are my favorite girls? Faith: Fine. Where's the boy? Luke: Me? You mean me? Oh, I bet you mean this boy. Faith: Duh, yeah! Luke: You want to see him? Faith: He's so cute. Holden: He looks just like you did. Luke: Especially when he squinches up his eyes and yells. Faith: I don't! Luke: You do. Faith: Daddy, can I hold him? Holden: You bet you can. But we need to do it over here on the couch. And you need to put your hand underneath his head so you can support him. There we go. Luke: Ready? Okay, here we go. Say hello to baby brother. Faith: What's his name? Holden: We don't know. He didn't tell us yet. Luke: What do you think his name should be? Faith: Wiggles or Squinchy. Holden: Wiggles Squinchy Snyder. Do you like that? You do. Not bad, right? Can we keep him? Are you going to help out? Because there's going to be a lot of work to go around, okay? And it's a good thing we have your big brother to help us out. Luke: Well, today. Look, Dad, I'm -- I'm sorry, I can't stay. [SCENE_BREAK] Maddie: Wow. Look at that. I must've cut myself when I fell. Henry: You fell? Maddie: On the way home. Henry: How did you fall in Nate's car? Maddie: I didn't. Eve: But Nate drove tonight. Maddie: I left earlier. The whole memorial was a nightmare. You were right, I shouldn't have gone. Henry: Did something happen there? Maddie: The whole thing was just wrong. Everything. Why won't this come off? Eve: Maybe Henry could go get us some water. Henry: Yeah, sure, sure. Eve: Maddie, we know. It's obvious something else happened tonight. Please tell me. [SCENE_BREAK] Gwen: Maddie's not in the ladies room. Casey: There's no sign of her around here in the parking lot. Did you see her? Jade: The last time I saw Maddie, she was leaving with Nate. Casey: Is that how you're going to say it to the cops? Just like that? Jade: How do you want me to sound? Casey: You know what? You don't know a damn -- Margo: Casey, are you sure you're okay? You're okay? Casey: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. [Police sirens] Margo: Rope it off. Dallas: Gone? Coroner: Barely an hour. Dallas: Anything else? Coroner: Yeah. But not until I get him on the slab and I can be sure. Dallas: Come on, look -- Coroner: It looks familiar, okay? Dallas: Yeah. Margo: Did you touch anything? Casey: No, just his wrist -- Margo: All right, all right, you did good. Dallas: Where did you walk? Casey: Huh? Dallas: Show me where you stepped. Casey: Right here. I mean, in there. I don't -- Gwen? Gwen: I tripped right by him. I didn't mean to. I didn't even see him. I'm sorry. Margo: It's all right, it's all right. We just need to know where people walked so that we can get shoe prints so we can elimiNate people. Gwen: I didn't mean to mess it up. Margo: Its fine, you're fine. Did anyone else out there come out here? Casey: Pretty much everybody. Margo: All right, Dallas? Dallas: Let's get shoe prints of everyone, all right? Can you wait inside, please? This doesn't look like a struggle. Margo: I know. It must have been someone so big that he didn't have time to struggle. Dallas: Or someone so little, he wasn't even afraid. Margo: Oh, Man. Dallas: Look, we don't have to jump. Okay, let's just take it slow. Margo: I'll take statements. You finish up out here. And then we've got to notify next of kin. Dallas: You want me to take care of that? Margo: No, I'll do it. I knew Nate and his family. It's okay. [Dallas sighs] All right, kids. All right, great. Thank you for staying together. Listen, I want to know if anybody saw anything out of the ordinary tonight. If you saw any strangers around. Anything whatsoever. Ann: What are you talking about? It's obvious it was Maddie Coleman. Margo: What? What? Hold on, hold on. Ann: Hello, she came here with Nate, and now no one can find her. They already looked. She killed Nate just like she killed Lia. [SCENE_BREAK] Coming up on "As the World Turns" -- Mike: To a successful venture. Simon: In every way. Dallas: Where were you? Will: What? Dallas: I saw you run in here after the murder. Margo: Where were you before that? You had better have a very good alibi for the time of the murder. Maddie: I'm just gonna come out with it. [SCENE_BREAK] Margo: Where is Maddie? Ann: Hiding her knife for next time. Margo: Did you actually see something? Ann: She came here with Nate. He's dead and she's gone! Margo: I'll take that as a no. Ann: Whatever. Margo: Don't throw accusations. Casey: You hear that? Don't throw accusations around. Will: What's going on? Cop 2: Step back, it's a crime scene. Will: My wife's in there. Gwen! Gwen: Will? Will -- Will: Hey, are you okay? Gwen: Yeah. Yeah, but I found him. Will: Who? Gwen: Nate. He's dead. Margo: In the lobby? You sure? No, no, no. Stay outside, don't approach. But don't let them leave either. Yeah. Margo: All right, everybody listen up. Forensics has arrived. We need shoe prints from everybody. Make sure that the officers have your name, your home address and your home number. If you saw anything tonight that you think that we need to know now, tell us now. If not, we'll contact you in the morning and we'll get full statements, okay? Casey: Don't say anything. Margo: About what? Casey: Nothing. Jade: About what I saw. Casey: Which is nothing! Margo: Casey? Casey: Whatever, it's bogus. Margo: Well, what is it? Jade: Never mind. Margo: No, tell me. Jade: Okay. It's not like I'm trying to be a rat or anything. It's not like I'm happy about this. Margo: It's all right, just tell me. Jade: Okay. The night that Lia was killed, I saw Maddie on the old footbridge near Pine Brook Road, and she looked really, really out of it. And I saw her throwing something away. Casey: You didn't see that! Jade: I didn't see what it was! But, anyway, when I said something about it, she acted really nasty with me. She told me to forget that I saw her there. Casey: And that makes her guilty of what? Hating you, maybe? Margo: Casey, please. Jade: You know what, it didn't sound innocent. And the way that she looked at me, it wasn't just not liking me. There's really something going on with that girl. Margo: All right, great. Thank you so much for your statement. Make sure that the officers have your home number and address. Jade: Oh -- okay. Margo: So Maddie was with Nate here tonight? Casey: Yeah. They left kind of together. That's why I thought maybe something happened to her. But before you guys got here, we checked everything. We didn't find anything, so Margo: I know where Maddie is. Casey: Oh, you do? Like, you checked her out? Margo: Honey, I had to. Like you said, she could've been hurt. Casey: What are you thinking right now? Margo: You know what I'm thinking right now? I think I want you to go home. I want you to go to bed. Your dad's waiting for you there, okay? Casey: Where are you going? Margo: I'm working. I'll see you later. [SCENE_BREAK] Eve: You can tell me what happened. Maddie: I don't know. Like I said, I must've cut myself when I fell. Henry: Where did you fall, Maddie? Maddie: On the way home. Henry: Drink that, okay? Catch your breath. Did you find out what happened? Eve: No, but something's definitely wrong. Henry: Yeah, definitely. The question is, what do we do for her now? [SCENE_BREAK] Damian: Here we go. For all your hard work with my family. Lucy: They're my family, too. And I don't know if they'd like you staking that claim. Damian: Probably not. You're a very loyal woman, Lucy. Lucy: Well, Lily and Holden have been very good to me. Damian: Yes, and Holden is the father my Luke grew up with. Lucy: I like to think perhaps now Luke has the best of both worlds. His rock of an American father, and his charming continental dad. Damian: You know, if medicine ever fails you, you have a future as a diplomat. Lucy: I'll leave that to Mom, thanks. Damian: You know, Lucy, I'm very glad I've had the chance to spend this time with you. Lucy: Why does it sound like you're telling me good-bye? Damian: Because I will be, soon. I never planned to stay in Oakdale forever. I will have to go home soon. Lucy: I see. Well, I hope the trip's been good for you. Damian: Oh, yes. I'm going home with exactly what I came here for. [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: Everyone settled? Holden: Yeah, yeah, everybody is upstairs with the new nurse. Luke: I think it's a great idea that you got her, Dad. She'll be a big help. Holden: Not as good as having you around. Did I do something wrong? 'Cause -- Luke: No, no, no, it's nothing like that. It's just, Damian needs me right now. Holden: Damian needs you? I don't understand that. Luke: Well, it's not like you guys -- still -- Holden: Explain to me how and why Damian would need you more than your family would need you? Luke: Just you and a lot more family that can help out. And -- Holden: And poor Damian, he needs you? Luke: Look, Dad, I gotta go. Holden: Luke, wait, wait. Luke: I'm sorry, Dad. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: Why on earth would you subject yourself to this, Mike? I don't want to have anything to do with Simon. Carly: Listen, Simon, this is awkward at best. Now, I'm sure there was another bid that was just as reasonable. Simon: Mike's the best contractor in the whole of Oakdale. Or so he keeps telling me. Mike: Well, how about we drink on it? Simon: Ah, that'd be -- that'd be brilliant. Yes, love to. Mike: Great. A beer to seal the deal. Simon: Sounds great. Don't worry, ladies. There will be a contract, as well. Katie: Unbelievable. Carly: Why are you doing this? Simon: To get him off my back. Carly: And how is that going to work exactly? Simon: Listen, if Mike's sure. Mike: Here we go. Simon: All right. Katie: Great. Mike: To a successful venture. Simon: In every way. Carly: Cheers. Carly: All righty. Great, well, thanks for the drink. Let's go, okay? Simon: What? Oh, really? Are we in a hurry? Carly: Yeah, no -- I would sort of like to go now. Okay? Simon: All right, right behind you. Mike: I'll walk you out. Carly, everything is going to be okay. Carly: Really? Is it? Or are you just trying to make trouble? Because this job is very important to me. Mike: Look, I know that, okay? But look at this way. If I'm there to keep an eye on Simon, then less chance of him getting thrown in jail and end up doing something to get the site shut down, right? Katie: You can take that with you, if you want. Simon: No, no, I'm done, thanks. I see you -- you kept those. Katie: I always loved them. [Simon leaves and Katie looks like she could cry] [SCENE_BREAK] Holden: Hello. Lucinda: Oh, hi. You're here? Already? I was going to be here waiting. Holden: Yeah, well, they let us leave the hospital earlier than we thought. Lucinda: How's it going? Holden: Not bad for the first day. He just finished a whole bottle a little while ago. Lucinda: Of course, he did. Because he's a perfect baby. Well, I'll just go up. Holden: No, no, no. Don't. Lucinda: No, no, no, I just want to welcome him. Holden: He's sleeping. Lucinda: Well, I'll gaze, adoring from afar -- Holden: Well, that's what they said. And the next thing you know, he's screaming his lungs out for the next half hour. It took me forever to get him down. Lucinda: Yeah, but I can be silent -- Holden: No, let's just -- let's let him rest. Lucinda: You look very tired. Why don't you sit down? You look absolutely exhausted. Darling, look -- we'll get help. We'll have good, professional help, all right? And Luke -- Luke loves that baby. He'll be with you, man. Man -- man to man. Holden: Not from 5,000 miles away, he won't. Lucinda: Now, what do you mean by that? Holden: He's going to Malta with Damian. Lucinda: No. Holden: Yeah, he just walked out that door. He told me that Damian needed him more than I did. Lucinda: Let's slap the guy in leg irons! Holden: It's not a kidnapping. Luke is going of his own free will. Lucinda: But why? Holden: That's what I can't figure out. I thought things were getting better between us. I thought we were making progress. Lucinda: Look, what is this nonsense, this madness about Damian needing him more than you? Holden: I don't know. When I asked Luke about it, he wouldn't talk. There's something he's not saying. Lucinda: No, Damian has told him something and told him not to tell us. Holden: Maybe. Lucinda: Well, I put nothing past Damian, okay? I'll forgo the baby and I will go to Fairwinds -- Holden: No, no, don't do that. You're just going to make things worse. Lucinda: Worse? How can things be worse if that boy goes back to where he was nearly killed? We've got to talk sense into Luke. Holden: Luke thinks that you and I can't be fair where Damian is concerned. So, do me a favor -- just leave it alone for now. Lucinda: Well, not for too long. Holden: Just give me a little time to figure something out, okay? That's all I need. A little time. Lucinda: All right. Not too much -- darling, please, promise me, whatever it is that you're going to do, please don't do it all on your own. Please, come on. All right, I'm going. [SCENE_BREAK] Casey: Nice move. Jade: I had to say something. People's lives are in danger. If Maddie's innocent -- Casey: If Maddie's innocent? Maddie had your number from the minute you came to town. So if this is your idea of payback, I'll show you a payback -- Dallas: Okay, folks. Folks, listen up. Now I understand a lot of you are anxious to go home, but here's the procedure. Now, you make sure there is someone at home waiting for you. Okay? That's number one. Now if you got a ride, you wait inside with an officer until they can escort you out. If you drove here, you wait inside with an officer until they can escort you to your car. Ann: You think the slasher's still out there? Dallas: Look, we're just trying to keep everybody safe. Okay? So nobody goes into the parking lot alone. Got it? Casey? Officer Morales will drive you home. Casey: I can drive myself home. Dallas: Listen, I got a direct order from your mother and my superior. Okay? Morales takes you home. Casey: Whatever. I got to close now, first. Hey, it's my job, man. I gotta do it. Dallas: Fine, fine. Hey, an officer has your contact information? Gwen: Yeah. Dallas: And where were you? Will: What? Dallas: I saw you run in here after the murder. Where were you before that? Will: I left before the memorial got started. I just wanted to take a break. Gwen: His sister, she died a few weeks ago. He didn't want to sit through another memorial. Dallas: So, did you go home? All the way to Walsh estate cottage? That's quite a hike. I mean, you must have driven very fast. Will: I didn't. Dallas: Why not? Will: I just took a walk. Dallas: But your wife said she thought you were home? Will: Well, I was gonna go home, but then I decided to take a walk instead. Dallas: So you were nearby when the murder occurred? Will: Yeah, I guess so. Dallas: Did you see or hear anything suspicious? Will: Yeah, I heard screaming. And that's when I came running. Dallas: Nothing before that? Will: No. Dallas: Did anybody see you taking this walk? Will: I guess not. Is that a problem? [Cell phone rings] Dallas: Griffin. Damn! All right, well, look -- Detective Hughes is going to want to know about that right away. [SCENE_BREAK] Eve: Let's go upstairs and get you to bed, okay? Maddie: Yeah, I'm wiped. Henry: You must be. You were exhausted before you even went to this whole thing. Maddie: How did she know? Henry: Know what? Margo: Maddie, hi. Maddie: Hi. Margo: You know why I'm here? Maddie: Not exactly. Margo: Where were you tonight, Maddie? Henry: Okay. You know, if this is some kind of legal inquiry, we are going to have to go ahead and get our lawyers -- Margo: Henry, please, we just need a little help, that's all. Eve: The police need help, is that the "we" involved here? Margo: Yes, that's right. Maddie, we heard that you were at Lia's memorial tonight. Maddie: That's -- that's true. Margo: And you went there with Nate Bradley? Did you leave with him? Maddie: No, I left earlier. Margo: Why? Maddie: You know why. I can tell. How do you know? Margo: It's my job. Maddie: Then don't make me say it, okay? Margo: You have to. Henry: Okay, what the hell is this, Margo? Margo: Maddie? Maddie: Nate came on to me. And I was -- I was so stupid, it just hit me wrong. And -- Margo: So you -- Maddie: I ran. Like some little kid, I just ran and ran -- and ran. Margo: And that's it? Maddie: All the way home. Eve: Oh, Baby. Henry: What -- what aren't you telling us, Margo? Margo: Maddie, you sure that's it? Henry: You need to tell me what's going on before you get to answer another question. Margo: Nate Bradley was killed outside of Crash. So, Maddie, based on what you just told me, you had better have a very good alibi for the time of the murder. [SCENE_BREAK] Mike: Katie? Katie: Mm-hmm? Mike: You gonna look at me? Katie: Maybe. Mike: Baby, do you trust me? Katie: It's Simon I don't trust. Mike: That wasn't the question. Do you trust me? Katie: It's not about trusting you. Mike: Yes, it is. Okay? You have to believe that I can handle whatever sin has planned. Katie: But you don't have to, Mike. You don't have to make sure that Simon doesn't hurt the rest of the world. Mike: I don't care about the rest of the world. I care about you and me. All right, you ever hear that expression -- "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer?" Katie: Mm-hmm. Mike: Okay, that's all this is. If Simon is going to be around, then I'm going to be there to make sure I keep an eye on him. It's that simple. Katie: Is it? [SCENE_BREAK] Simon: It's as simple as that. I took the best bid on the project and it just so happened to be Mike. Carly: Right. So, if I say I believe you, will you buy me a refill? Simon: All the coffee you can drink. Listen, you've been on edge ever since we left Katie's. Are you all right? What's up? Carly: Do you really need to ask? Simon: Yeah. Carly: Simon, if you are so completely over Katie, then why are you working with her husband? Simon: He came to me, not the other way around. It's business, that's all. Carly: Really? Simon: Really. [SCENE_BREAK] Damian: Luke, if you need to change your mind, I will understand. Luke: No, no, it's okay. It was just rough telling my dad. Damian: Was there pressure? Luke: No, it's just the situation. Damian: A new baby brother, your little sisters, so full of life, that's a lot to give up for a sick man you barely know. Luke: I'm not going to let you die alone. Damian: You're a good son. Better than I deserve. And as you can see, I won't let that stop me. Luke: You're not making me do anything. This is my decision. Damian: I'm glad. I had a call while you were gone. From Malta. Luke: Oh? Damian: My doctors. Some tests have come back. I have to return right away. Luke: What does that mean? Damian: I have to leave by the end of the week. Luke: Okay. Well, there's just one thing I have left to do here. And then after that, I can leave the country whenever you want. [SCENE_BREAK] Holden: Hey -- Lucy: Hey, I thought I'd check on my new cousin on my way home. Holden: Come on in. He's upstairs taking another nap. One of many. Lucy: Oh, well, he was early, so he'll do that a lot. But I'm sure your nurse knows what to expect. Holden: Yeah, definitely. Lucy: Is something wrong? Holden: Have you seen Luke today? Lucy: Not since this morning. Why? I thought everything was worked out between you two. Holden: Yeah, so did I. But he came home with me, and I thought he was going to stay, but then he said that Damian needed him. And that he had to leave right away. Lucy: Well, it can't be for long, Holden. I just ran into Damian and he said he's going back to Malta soon. So Luke should be home then. Holden: Unless -- Lucy: No. Holden: You don't think it could happen? This is Damian Grimaldi. It could definitely happen. I could definitely lose my son. [SCENE_BREAK] Will: Gwen, I'm sorry I wasn't here. Gwen: Yeah, me too. I mean, not for me, but because that cop was such a jerk to you. Will: Believe it or not, I'm used to that. Gwen: Why didn't you go home? Will: I was gonna be lonely without you. You ready to get out of here? Gwen: Yes. Hey, are you okay? Casey: Yeah, I'm just waiting for my babysitter to take me home. Gwen: I tried to call Maddie for you. But she's not picking up. Casey: Yeah, she's probably being interrogated. It's such a crock. Will: Don't worry, they're gonna figure that out. Gwen: You know what? I forgot something. Will: All right, later, Bud. Cop #2: I can't let you go until I get an address and a number. Jade: I told you, I don't -- I gave you the number. Cop #2: This restaurant is the only place we can reach you? Jade: Yes. Jade: You guys taking off? Will: Yeah. Gwen: Where are you staying tonight? Jade: Not sure. Will: Where have you been staying since we left Carly's? Jade: I've been staying in a motel for a little bit. And sometimes, there's a youth hostel -- Gwen: Sometimes? Jade: It's fine. I'll be fine. Gwen: No, look, come stay with us. Jade: No, no, no, it's too much. Will: Jade, there's a murderer out there. You should be with people you trust. Gwen: Come on, Jade, let's go. Jade: Okay, thanks. [SCENE_BREAK] Casey: Maddie couldn't do this. She couldn't. [SCENE_BREAK] Maddie: I just ran, like I said. Margo: You ran all the way from Crash back here to the Lakeview? Henry: Yeah, she did. She was completely out of breathe when she got here, Margo. I was in the lobby, I saw it. I'm sure there were other witnesses, too. Margo: Well, the time that she got here -- Henry: I was on my phone, I can check the time of the call. Margo: Henry, the time that she got here doesn't really matter if we don't know what time she left Crash. Now, the coroner can put the time of death within an hour, but we're working in a very tight timeframe -- Maddie: Nate's dead? Margo: Yes, that's right. Maddie: I can't believe it. Margo: Maddie, do you remember what time it was when you left Crash? Maddie: He's dead. I was just with him a while ago. And Nate's -- Henry: That was just -- it is a terrible coincidence. That's all it is, Sweetheart. She needs to rest. Margo: I want to see her tomorrow morning at the station first thing. So, don't go anywhere? Eve: We'll be here. Henry: Come on. Come on, Kid -- hey, come on. [SCENE_BREAK] Dallas: Well, the coroner just called with the preliminary. Margo: Yeah, what have we got? Dallas: Multiple stab wounds. Same pattern, same type of blade. So far, the evidence has been consistent with Lia Dermott's murder, so -- it looks like we got a serial killer. [NEXT_ON] Paul: This is definitely my idea of fun. [Gwen and Will are in bed making out and Jade rushes in their bedroom] Jade: Oh, my God, there's somebody outside the house. It's the slasher, coming right towards the door! Lisa: If you want my advice, don't go packing Luke's bags just yet. Because my money says, the kid stays put. Lucy: I think he's going back to Malta to say good-bye to Damian, for good. | Maddie shows up to the Lakeview with blood on her hands |
416 | Craig: I need a favor. Rosanna: What's that? Craig: Bulbs -- for your garden. And an apology for dropping by without calling first. Rosanna: Well, there's no need to apologize because you won't be staying. Craig: I need help with Lucy. Rosanna: You know I would do anything for Lucy. But now is not a good time, Craig. Craig: Expecting guests? Rosanna: Yes, as a matter of fact. I hired someone to help me with the farm while Emma is away. All right? So please, do me a favor and go. And do call next time you plan on dropping by. Craig: Do I know this someone? Rosanna: Craig -- [Rosanna sighs] Craig: I can wait until they show up. Rosanna: Okay -- it's Will Munson. Now will you please go? Craig: Will Munson? They let Will Munson out of the nuthouse? Rosanna: His doctors released him, yes. Craig: He's a psycho killer. Rosanna: No, he's not. He didn't plan to kill Rose. Craig: He put poison in her mouthwash. What was he planning, fresh breath? So how did this model of mental stability come to work for you anyway? Whose idea was that? Rosanna: It was Holden's as a matter of fact. Craig: And you said yes, because -- Rosanna: It was the right thing to do. Craig: Where Will goes, Paul Ryan follows. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Hey. Will: Hey. Paul: You ready to go? Will: Yeah, but -- I'm not used to having keys and I keep losing them. Paul: They're right here. What are you -- sorry. You nervous about your first day at work with Rosanna? Will: A little. But, you know, it'll be good to be making my own money again. Maybe I'll even get a second job and save up for a motorcycle or something. Paul: Yeah, right. Like Hal would ever go for that. Will: Well, whatever. You know, I'm just glad to be paying my own way around here. Paul: Yeah, well, you know. You don't need to worry about being an entrepreneur for long. You're going back to school in January. Will: If nothing goes wrong. Paul: Everything is gonna be fine. Now sit down, I made you your favorite. If you're gonna work all day on the farm, you'll need some protein. Will: So are you going to hang around with Rosanna when you come? Or are you just gonna leave? Paul: I don't know. I'll see if I'm invited to stay. Will: You really like her, don't you? Paul: Yeah. I asked her to marry me, Will. Will: Seriously? Well, what did she say? Paul: She said yes. But then -- things changed. And now she says that we're done. Will: Why? Paul: That's a long story. Will: I bet it had something to do with Mom, didn't it? [SCENE_BREAK] Barbara: Good morning, Dr. Decker. Rick: Well, it's nice to referred to as doctor. The people who run this place don't give me that respect. Barbara: Well, they're wrong. No matter what you've done to get in here, it doesn't mean that you didn't earn your credentials. Rick: Well, thank you. That's very kind. I'm glad I didn't kill you. Barbara: I'm glad, too. I would hate to think that dying would be the only way to get out of here. Rick: You want something from me. Barbara: Well, you're brilliant. And I'm resourceful. I would like to think we could pool our talents to get out of here. Rick: You and me? Barbara: Yes. Rick: No, I don't think so, Barbara. We can share a conversation, maybe a few laughs. But when I decide to get out of here, I'm doing it alone. Barbara: But if we work together -- Rick: I trusted a woman once and it got me locked up in here. I'm not going to make that same mistake. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: We don't have to cancel. We could just meet later tonight. Mike: I'm still gonna be tied up. But this wasn't anything special, right? Just a friendly dinner? Nikki: Right. Nothing special. Mike: Okay. Maybe we can get together later this week with Jennifer and Henry. Nikki: Sure. Another time. Mike: Okay. Well, I'll see you. Nikki: Yeah, count on it. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] [Julia remembering] Julia: This blonde woman -- did she say anything to you? I mean, did she do anything? Jack: She was holding a compass. That's what the compass thing was. She said she was using it to try to find me. Julia: And you have no idea who she was? Jack: Whoever she is -- or was, represents, she must've meant something, been important. Julia: How do you mean? Jack: It's hard to say. But when she -- when she popped into my head, it was like, I don't know, the wind was knocked out of me. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Hey, how'd it go? Mike: Nikki took it pretty well. I think she gets that I just want to be friends. Carly: Or maybe she's just playing it cool, waiting for you to change your mind. Parker: Can we go fishing some more? Please? Please? Mike: Sure. But first we're gonna have a tickle fight. [Laughter] [SCENE_BREAK] Barbara: Surely you realize that not all women are alike. Rick: Oh, you and my former wife are amazingly similar -- ambitious, successful. I me, for me, it was love at fist sight. I just wanted to make her happy for the rest of her life. Barbara: And that kind of commitment makes for a wonderful husband. Rick: I did my best. What did I get for my devotion? I was lied to, betrayed, and kicked down like a dog, paraded in front of a judge, and then poked and prodded by these so-called medical experts who couldn't hold a candle to my own skills. And then I was tossed into this cesspool to rot. Barbara: How long did they tell you you were going to be here? Rick: Well, they made lip-service to my getting better one day, and tease me with the promise of a normal life. But I know I'm never getting out of here. Barbara: But you have plans to get out on your own? Rick: Yes. Alone. No attachments. I'm sorry, Barbara. You may need me to escape, but I don't need you. [SCENE_BREAK] Will: Look, you can be straight with me. I mean, Mom hated Rose because Rose loved you. And if you have a thing with Rosanna, then what's stopping her -- Paul: It's more than just a thing. Look, I'm not going to bore you with the gory details of my love life, Will. Will: Okay. Paul: Oh, come on. What's -- don't be like that. What, what's wrong? Will: You're being careful with me. I feel like everybody is. They're not telling me stuff for my own good. And I'm sick of it. Paul: All right, fine. Here's the deal. Barbara's part of the reason why I'm having a hard time with Rosanna right now. Barbara got James Stenbeck out of jail, and because of James, Cabot -- who is Rosanna's son -- is dead. Will: I'm sorry. I knew Mom must have done something awful to get locked up, but -- Rosanna's baby died? Paul: Yeah. Will: So why does Rosanna blame you? Paul: That's another long story. And I'm not protecting you, Will. I just don't want to talk about it. The bottom line is that Rosanna wants some distance, so I'm giving it to her. For now. Will: Now I know why you want to chauffeur me around. So you could see her every day. Paul: All right, come on, let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Rosanna: Paul had nothing to do with my decision to hire Will. Craig: All right. Rosanna: Don't say that in that condescending, "I know you better than you know yourself" voice. Craig: That was indifference. Rosanna: Oh. All right, look, I hired Will, not Paul. If I want Paul to stay away, he'll stay away. Craig: Which leaves you alone with a junior homicidal maniac? Rosanna: Oh, would you please stop saying that. Will is not going to hurt me. Craig: You know, the trouble with the criminally insane, particularly teenagers, is you don't always know they're going off until they go off. Rosanna: Will is fine. Craig: He is a psychotic minor who killed a young woman on her wedding day to make his psychotic Mommy happy. And do you think a few months of basket- weaving and tranquilizers is going to turn that around? Rosanna: Well, fortunately, it wasn't up to you to decide. Craig: He is insane! And if nobody's going to be around here to keep and eye on him, then I will. And believe me, I will. [SCENE_BREAK] Mike: I thought you said you wanted to go fishing. Parker: We've got fish. I want a butterfly. Will this really work, Mom? Carly: Yes, I think it will. They'll be attracted to the sugar water. All you need to do is just stand still and wait. Parker: Okay. Carly: At least butterflies are attractive bugs. Mike: If he brings back a spider, I will protect you. [Carly laughs] Carly: Listen, thank you again for being here for him. Mike: Like its hard having a picnic on a sunny day. I'm not here for Parker, I'm here for me. And the fried chicken. And the fishing. And I guess you're okay, too. [Phone rings] Julia: Hello? Jack: Howdy, wife of mine. What's up? Carly: I heard a phone ring. Mike: What? Carly: Mike, I think somebody's over there in those bushes, watching us. [SCENE_BREAK] Rosanna: Okay, let's get this through your thick skull. You get no say in what I do or with whom. Craig: Fine! Fine. But you are being naive. Again! And if you insist on going through with this craziness, who else is going to watch over you? Rosanna: Oh, I don't know. Perhaps the most pig-headed person alive? Craig: If Will Munson is going to be hanging around here playing cuckoo's nest unattended, then I am going to be here every day. Until Emma comes home. Just to make sure he doesn't suddenly hear voices and decide you're next. Will: This was a bad idea. Let's go home. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: He just broke one date. It's not like he said he never wanted to see me again. Jennifer: Nikki, I'm just trying to save you from further disappointment down the line. Nikki: Well, thanks. But until he tells me to back off, I'm not giving up. Jennifer: Well, are you ready to go? Nikki: No, I'm going to stay here and have another cup of coffee. All right? I'll see you at home. We have had a good time. Henry: Nice jewels. Special occasion? Nikki: This is a date that's not happening. Henry: With Mike? Nikki: He's busy. Henry: And you're free. How providential. Nikki: Henry -- Henry: I know. I know. I'm potentially subjecting myself to further humiliation, since you've already cast me aside. Nikki: You're trying to say that I don't like you, but I do. Henry: Good. I like like. That's great. Like is fine. You like me, I like you. Let's eat. Nikki: What? Henry: I'll be your replacement date. [SCENE_BREAK] Mike: I'll go see who's over there. It's probably just someone else who showed up to have a picnic. Parker: Mom! Look! Carly: What is it? [Carly gasps] Julia: Listen, I'm going to call you back, okay? Jack: You okay? Julia: I'm just busy right now. It's a little crazy here. Jack: Was that a kid I heard shouting? I thought hospitals are supposed to be quiet. Julia: I'm outside actually. I'm on a break right now. But I've got to get back, Jack. Jack: All right, call me when you get a chance. [SCENE_BREAK] Julia: What's wrong? Jack: That social worker was just here. Julia: Greta Williams? Why, what'd she want? Jack: I'll, I'll tell you when you get home. When's that gonna be? Julia: I don't know. Jack: I was hoping that maybe you'd be here before I went to work. I mean, with J.J. on that camping trip and you at the hospital, this place gets, well, it's pretty empty. It makes me realize more than ever, I don't know what I'd do without you. Julia: Yeah, I know what you mean. Jack: I love you. Julia: I love you, too. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Why are you so quiet, honey? Parker: I felt Jack. It's like he's in the air. Go find Jack for us, okay? Carly: Sweetie, that's just trash. Parker: Mom, look. Mike: What's wrong? Parker: It's the lady from the water park. [SCENE_BREAK] Announcer: Coming up on "As the World Turns" -- Julia: We have to talk, Jack. You remember -- Jack: About what? Julia: The woman. The blond woman that you told me about. Paul: You insult my brother and I'll tear your heart out. That kid's not dangerous, Craig, but I am. [SCENE_BREAK] Mike: You've seen this before? Carly: I had the police artist draw that sketch. Parker: It's the lady from the amusement park. Mike: And you think she knows where Jack is? Carly: I was going to take this sketch to the newspaper and have it printed so maybe somebody could identify her, and -- Mike: What happened? Carly: Oh, it's just so weird. This wind came up and blew the sketch right out of my hand. And that's when I figured that all my running around spinning my wheels trying to find Jack wasn't amounting to anything. That somebody somewhere was telling me to let it go. Literally. And now this shows up out of nowhere? All the way from Milltown? Mike: Another sign. Only what it's telling you this time is don't ignore this woman. Parker: The lady knows where Jack is, Mom. [Phone rings] Mike: Hello? Jennifer: Mike? I need to see you. Mike: I'm kind of in the middle of something right now, Jen. Jennifer: It's urgent. Meet me at Al's Diner? [Mike sighs] Carly: Go. Go ahead. I have to get home anyway and figure out what I'm going to do about the woman in this sketch. Mike: I'll be there as soon as I can. Okay. What was that about? Carly: Well, that's easy. Nikki told Jennifer that you broke the date, and now Jennifer's mad at you. Mike: Women. I need a manual. Any more advice? Carly: If Jennifer comes out swinging, duck. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: Henry, I've already told you. We're not dating. Henry: Okay, fine. Call it whatever you want. I'm just talking about fine dining, martinis, the moon, the stars, you and me and a night of delicious possibilities. Hey, come on, you've got to eat. Nikki: Henry, why do you keep asking me out? I have already told you I don't see you and me together. I have not given you any encouragement. Henry: Well, Mike hasn't given you any encouragement. Are you giving up? I'm sorry. That was rude. I didn't mean to insult you. Sorry. Just give me a chance. Think of it as a karma thing. You know, if you change your mind about me, listen, and maybe Mike will change his mind about you. Besides, I have one distinct advantage over him. Nikki: What's that? Henry: I'm here. [SCENE_BREAK] [Barbara crying] Rick: I was a bit harsh earlier. I apologize. Barbara: After what Susan Stewart and her family did to you, it's no wonder. Rick: Thank you for understanding. Barbara: I wish I didn't. My empathy comes from firsthand experience. I told you that my family betrayed and abandoned me, too. Rick: I'd love to hear more. Talking about it sometimes makes you feel less alone. Barbara: My children conspired with my ex-husband, the police lieutenant, to put me away in here. Rick: Well, what about your fashion business? [Barbara scoffs] No, wait a minute. Don't tell me that they cut you out so they take half the profits? Barbara: I don't know. I don't know and I don't really care. You know, I never thought I'd say that in my whole life, but I don't care. All I care about is them. I just want to love them. And them to love me. That's why I was so vulnerable. And this place, nothing to do but think in these walls about what happened to you, about how much I loved my children and how they destroyed my life. [Barbara crying] [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Will, look, that wasn't Rosanna talking, that was Craig Montgomery. And we both know what a loser he is. Will: Yeah, but she probably believes him. Paul: Take it from somebody who knows. Nobody tells Rosanna what to think. Now, are you ready to start work now or not? Will: Will you stick around? Rosanna: I am not going to allow you to hang around here like my personal bodyguard. [Knock on door] Honestly, Craig. Paul: Hi. Rosanna: Hi. Paul: We heard you guys talking. Rosanna: Oh. Paul: So you want Will to start work today, or you want him to come back some other time? Rosanna: I apologize. No -- of course I want him to start work today. Hi, Will. Craig: Paul. Heard about your mother. You must all be very happy. Will, how's it feel to be out in the sunlight? Rosanna: Will, why don't you come inside, okay? Craig was just leaving. Paul: Will, you all right? Will: Yeah, I'm good. Rosanna: Look, why don't you go wait for me in Emma's office, okay? I'll be right there. Paul: So I told Will to give me a call if he needs anything. Rosanna: Okay. We'll be fine. Craig, we will discuss Lucy later. All right? Craig: Yes, all right. Rosanna: Bye. Pleasure, as always. Good-bye, Paul. Craig: Paul. We should talk. Paul: I got nothing to say to you. Craig: I know, I'll talk. Now, I don't know what your brother's going to be doing around here, but Rosanna will not suffer your brother's psychosis. He will be on his best behavior. Because I will be here every day. Watching. [SCENE_BREAK] Mike: What's so urgent? Jennifer: Nikki. Mike: This about me breaking my date with her? Jennifer: Yes. I am so annoyed with you, right now. You promised me that you would find a way to tell Nikki that friendship is all you want from her. And instead, you make a dinner date with her? The two of you, alone? And then get her all excited, and then cancel. Is that your way of letting her down easy? Mike: She said it was no big deal. Jennifer: She bought a new dress. Mike: Oh, man -- you guys should come with a secret code book. I took Nikki at her word. I never meant to hurt her. That is the last thing I wanted to do. But I figured one broken date would be a lot less hurtful than if she kept looking for something that's never going to happen. At least now she gets the picture. Jennifer: You are so clueless. Mike: She said she was fine. Jennifer: She lied! She's pretending that she's got this under control, but she doesn't. And she's not gonna give up on you until you tell her the whole truth, instead of taking the coward's way out. Mike: Now you're calling me a coward? What do you want me to say? "Get the hell away from me, Nikki, I hate your guts?" I don't. I like her. I'm just not available. Jennifer: Why couldn't you tell her that? Okay, I tried to explain your position to her, but -- Mike: You discussed this with her? Jennifer: I tried to explain how you feel. Mike: Explain how -- what did Nikki say? Jennifer: She told me to butt out. Mike: Works for me. [SCENE_BREAK] Rosanna: Okay. So there's some wood out back that needs chopping. You can start there, if you think you can handle it. Will: Sure. I'll get right on it. Rosanna: Great. Wait, why don't you have some of my cookies before you start. A little energy food. Will: Rosanna, can I ask you something? Rosanna: Yeah, sure. Anything you want. Will: I heard Craig say that I shouldn't be here. Why didn't you listen to him? [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: You keep taking shots at my brother, and I'm gonna get violent with you. Craig: A lot of repressed feelings in your family. Paul: My family was fine until you showed up. You married my mother, all of a sudden everything goes from bad to worse. Will's life, Jen's life, Hal's life, mine. Craig: Right. Speaking of Hal, where is he? You would think Hal would take an interest in his son's first day of work. Paul: What are you trying to say, Craig? Craig: Well, I think somewhere, you've got the genius idea to try and use your criminally insane brother to try to get into Rosanna's good graces. Hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Barbara: I'd better watch out. I could really learn to depend on you. And we both know where that would lead, don't we? Rick: First comes love and then -- comes the knife in the back. Barbara: Well, it doesn't always have to work out that way, does it? I keep hoping. Rick: I hate to admit it, but so do I. Barbara: The people who hurt us are out there. They're out there enjoying themselves, and going to restaurants, and to the theater and to opera. Rick: You like the opera? Barbara: I love opera. I saw the magazine that you were reading before, and I thought -- Rick: What? Barbara: Well, I thought how wonderful it would have been if we could have met somewhere, I don't know, at a coffee shop, and we were both reading the same magazine. And all of the sudden, we looked up at each other and we realized that and the next thing you knew, we were telling each other our innermost thoughts, talking about our favorite arias, and our favorite scenes. There's such a special joy when you find that you have so much in common with a special person Rick: I mean, you're making me long for a life I almost forgot. Barbara: We don't belong in here, Dr. Decker. We should be meeting out there, in the sunlight. Rick: Well, perhaps if we were out there, we would never have this chance to get to know each other. Barbara: But we could be so much more than friends. Maybe even allies. Rick: Yes. Maybe -- maybe much, much more. [SCENE_BREAK] Julia: Jack? Jack! Jack: Hello. Hey. Julia: Hi. Jack: I guess you really did miss me. Julia: Tell me what she said, the social worker. Jack: Greta Williams, yes. Well, at first the visit seemed routine. But then she seemed pretty alarmed that I had married you. Julia: Why? Jack: She said it was too soon, that I hadn't come to terms yet with my past, or my memory loss, trauma, whatever -- all sounded like a bunch of psychobabble to me. But the upshot was the marriage wasn't healthy for either one of us. Julia: She actually said that? [Jack laughs] Jack: Yeah. Don't worry, I told her it was bunk. Hey, our wedding photo came today. Did you see it? Julia: It's beautiful. Jack: Julia -- come on. About this Greta Williams thing, we don't need her approval. Or anybody else's. We knew what we were doing when we said those vows. Hey, we love each other. And I want to be married to you. And J.J.'s dad forever. Julia: So, you told her that we were fine and then she just left? That was it? Jack: No, not exactly. She was rather suspicious as to how we got married when I didn't even know who I was. Julia: What did you say? Jack: Well, I lied to her. I told her that I totally got my memory back. Of course, she wanted me to fill out papers with my name, social security number, things about my past -- Julia: What are we going to do about that? Jack: I don't know. She wanted me to drop off the papers, but I'll just keep putting it off until she gives up or realizes it's really no big deal. Julia: Jack, listen to me. I know this woman. She's like a dog on a bone. What if she finds out about your fake I.D.? And about the marriage license, and -- Jack: We'll deal with it. Julia: How are we gonna do that? Jack: I will do whatever it takes to protect us. Our home, our family, our lives together. And I don't care who I have to lie to in order to keep this. Julia: Listen to me, do you mean that? Jack: We'll find a way to deal with Greta Williams. Or whoever else tries to interfere. Now that I know what's really important, I'm never letting go. Believe that. [Julia remembering] Julia: What's this? Come back, Jack. We love you and miss you. Parker, Sage, and Carly. Jack: Hey. Hey, what's going on? You all right? Julia: Huh-uh. We have to talk, Jack. You remember -- Jack: About what? Julia: The woman. The blonde woman that you told me about? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Okay, here you go. Babysitter: Thanks a lot. Carly, there was a woman here looking for you. Did she find you? Carly: A woman? No, who was it? Babysitter: She didn't leave a name. But she said she had information for you. About your husband. Carly: Was this the woman? Babysitter: Yeah. That's her. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: What right do you have to tell me to butt out of my sister's life? Mike: All I'm saying is maybe you need to let Nikki live her own life and find something else to obsess about. Jennifer: Did you just tell me to get a life? Mike: Yeah. [Jennifer laughs] First you tried putting Nikki and me together. Now you're all over me when all I tried to do is try to do the right thing. So my advice to you is you get your mind on something else. Jennifer: Well, don't worry. I won't be bothering you with my -- or my sister's -- petty concerns. I'll have you know that as we speak, I am dissolving B.R.O. and setting up an entirely new fashion design house. So in fact, Mike Kasnoff, not only do I have a life, but I have corporation to run. Mike: Good. Enjoy yourself. [Cell phone rings] Jennifer: Hello? Yes, this is the chief -- is there a -- [Jennifer gasps] Oh, my -- I will be there as soon as possible, yeah. Okay. Mike: What happened? Jennifer: B.R.O. -- there's been an explosion and I have to go -- Mike: All right. Come on, I'll drive you. Jennifer: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: You don't like my touch? Barbara: I like it far too much. Rick: Oh, yeah, you're right. If we're not discreet, they may separate us. Barbara: I know that everyone in this room can see how attracted I am to you right this moment. They can feel that my heart is racing. My cheeks are hot, I'm sure I'm blushing. Rick: You're beautiful. Barbara: Do you have any idea how long it's been since a man as accomplished and handsome as you has told me that? Do you mean that? Rick: Your eyes have captivated me. But there's a sadness there. I want to erase that sadness if you'll let me. Barbara: I will. If you promise me one thing. Rick: If I can. Barbara: When we finally break free of these walls -- we do it together. Rick: Suddenly the idea of companionship is very appealing. Barbara: Dr. Decker, you've eased my pain already. [SCENE_BREAK] Rosanna: I am so sorry you overheard what Craig said. But you know what I have learned from being married to the guy? He always has an agenda. Half of what he said, he just said to scare me into letting him hang around here. Will: And the other half? Rosanna: Would you ever cause physical harm to anybody? I mean, for any reason? Will: I saw what that poison did to Rose. She was alive and breathing one minute, and now she's gone, and it's because of me. No. No, I could never hurt anybody like that ever again. Even if they held a gun to my head. Rosanna: Okay. Well, so you just let people say what they want and think what they want. You know what the truth is. And eventually, you will prove them all wrong. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: I came here to drop off my brother. Nothing more. Craig: Right. And of course Rosanna will just have to have you close to her. Paul: So what are you doing here, Craig? Craig: I'm here because I am. Now, let's all pray that Will doesn't hurt anybody. Particularly Rosanna, because if he does, I will make him pay. Paul: You insult my brother, you look at him, you even smirk at my him, I'll tear your heart out. That kid's not dangerous, Craig. But I am. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: This is very important. Tell me everything this woman said to you. Babysitter: That's really about it. I told her you were at the Snyder pond, and I gave her directions to get there. Carly: How long ago? Babysitter: I don't know. Maybe an hour? Two? Carly, I'm so sorry but I -- Carly: I know, I know, you have to go. If you think of anything else, though, will you call me? Babysitter: I promise. I'll call. Carly: We just left the pond. And we were close to the road. She should have been able to spot us. Parker: How come the lady didn't talk to us? Carly: I don't know, sweetheart. We must have missed her somehow. But she is looking for us. And we'll find her or she'll find us. She can't be very far away. And one way or the other, this woman will lead us to Jack. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Hey. What are you talking about? What about the blonde woman? Julia: Last night you had that memory about her. Jack: Honey that was for, like, two seconds. Just a face, I don't even know if she was real, Julia. Julia: But you felt that she was important to you. Jack: I felt -- I-- okay, listen, let's not get crazy. We're talking about a memory that could've happened ten years ago, for all we know. Julia: But it -- Jack: Whatever happened before, it's gone. I'm not going back there. Even if I could, I wouldn't. Julia: Are you sure about that? Jack: Am I sure about that? Honey, I love you. I love J.J. This is where I want to be. Come here. Stop. Stop this. Please, please say you'll stop worrying? Julia: I, um -- I can't, Jack. Listen, I think that we need to change some things. Jack: Like what? Julia: Like, um, our address? You, J.J. and me. We need to go away, I think. Really far away from here. [NEXT_ON] Jack: You didn't go to work today? Julia: No. Jack: So where were you? Rosanna: She left her name? Carly: No. No name, no number, no address. Nothing! The woman who possibly knows where Jack is was here in this house, today, and I am still no closer to finding him. Lucy: I just don't want him to blow this for us, you know? We've got a lot riding on this. Dusty: Yeah, we've got a one-way ticket out of town -- that's what we've got. | Paul stands up to Craig when he hears him bad mouthing Will |
417 | Brooke: All right. Why don't we just take a breath here? I mean, this is very overwhelming for all of us. First of all, the news of finding out that you're storm's daughter, which is -- it's wonderful. Katie: It's incredible. Donna: It's such an unexpected gift. Brooke: You're part of our family. Flo: Yeah, yeah. You're -- you're right. I know. It's just, um... it's just a lot. Wyatt: Yeah, no kidding. Heh. Brooke: But, uh, I-I'm at a loss, here. Shauna, why would you insist that flo was never pregnant? Shauna: Because it's the truth. You've never been pregnant. And you've never given a baby up for adoption. I mean, this is absurd. Hope: Oh, my god. I can't believe it. Bill: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Y-you -- you got to give me this one more time, because th-there is -- [ Chuckles ] There is no way I heard you right. Quinn: I know. It's wild, isn't it? Bill: You're trying to tell me that -- that shauna's daughter, flo, who we just found out is a logan, is the biological mother the baby that steffy just adopted? Quinn: I know. I'm stunned, too. I mean, shauna and flo and me and wyatt, we were this little family unit back in las vegas. And then, you know, we lose touch for -- for years. And then shauna and flo resurface, and then we find out that they're related to the -- the family unit that wyatt and i found when we moved to L.A. I mean, what are the odds? Quinn: The whole situation is -- it's really strange. Bill: Heh. Quinn: If you go all the way back to the beginning -- you hooking up with shauna around the same time that you and i were together, and... I mean, we were so close, but for some reason we never thought to talk about you. It's a really good thing that you didn't end up being flo's father. Given her relationship with wyatt. It would have made it really awkward. Bill: Well, I-I knew i couldn't be. I mean, I don't make girls. I think I'm biologically incapable. Quinn: Yeah. I think that's a good thing, because a female dollar bill walking around would be kind of scary. Bill: [ Chuckles ] Well, I guess we'll never know. Quinn: Mm. Bill: So... you must be so happy to have shauna and flo in town. You have friends. Quinn: Yes. I am happy they're in town. And it's gonna be interesting to see where we land given this whole new dynamic, you know. But wyatt said that hope and flo, they get along really well. He said that they had some kind of an immediate bond. Bill: Yeah, well, I -- I guess that's not a surprise now that we know that they're related. Brooke: Flo? Sweetie? We're a family now. So what's going on? Katie: Yeah, I'd -- I'd kind of like to know that, too. Shauna: So would I. Why are you telling people you were pregnant when you weren't? Wyatt: Okay, look, guys, if flo says she was pregnant, she was. She wouldn't lie about something like that. Katie: This is a safe place. You can tell us anything. Brooke: We won't judge you. Hope: I-I think I know what's going on. The reason shauna believes that you never even had a child, let alone gave her up for adoption. Hope: I can't believe i didn't realize it sooner. It shouldn't have taken me this long to put it together. Brooke: What are you talking about, honey? Hope: I have been so insensitive. I-I just assumed that -- that you and flo were close. But obviously that's not true if -- if you didn't discuss her baby. And I'm -- I am so sorry. I didn't mean to make the situation awkward for you. Brooke: Perhaps we should give you some privacy so that you can have a conversation. Flo: Please. Th-thank you. Yeah, I, um... I really would like a moment alone with my mom. Bill: You would have approved of wyatt and flo getting married right out of high school? Quinn: [ Scoffs ] I would have been deliriously happy. Bill: Wow. Well, that says a lot. I mean, to say that you're a tough nut to crack when it comes to the women that wyatt gets involved with, I mean, that's an understatement. Quinn: Yeah, but I only want wyatt to be happy. And I want him to have the best. He had that in flo. She is smart and funny and beautiful and kind. She would have loved him wholly and unconditionally. And she would have saved wyatt a lot of heartache, because she never would have hurt him intentionally at all. Bill: Well, she sounds like a very impressive young woman. Quinn: Shauna raised a beautiful human being. Bill: Well, you know what, quinn? So did you. Quinn: Are you feeling okay? Bill: I may have a slight fever. Quinn: Okay. 'Cause you did just compliment me. Anyway... I-I -- I still can't believe that flo is a logan. You know, those girls aren't my favorites. [ Shudders ] Bill: Well, you know, maybe, uh, you'll change your way of thinking now that flo is part of the clan. And, hey, will has a new cousin. Quinn: [ Sighs ] Spencers, logans, forresters? Whew. Flo has no idea how dramatically her life is about to change. Donna: I can see storm when I look at flo. Brooke: It's unbelievable that his daughter would just appear in our lives. Hope: Yeah. I mean, it's a miracle to have uncle storm's daughter with us. I mean, it explains that instant bond I felt with her. Katie: It's not just that she's phoebe's birth mother. She's -- she's our blood. Brooke: It's just odd that shauna didn't know about the pregnancy, or that flo gave the baby up for adoption. Donna: Is it, though? I mean, adoption is so private. You don't even want to tell the people that you love the most. Katie: You would know something about that. [ Sighs ] Did flo and shauna have a distant relationship? Wyatt: No. The opposite. They -- they were really close back when I knew them. Hope: Well, you know, maybe flo didn't want to discuss deciding to give her baby away. Shauna: What are they all talking about? You didn't have a baby. Flo: Mom, I-I'm gonna need you to go along with me on this. Shauna: On what? Why are you telling these very nice people that you were pregnant? It doesn't make any sense. Flo: Mom, please. I am begging you. Shauna: And that you gave up an imaginary child? What is wrong with you? Why are you lying? Flo: I will explain. Shauna: Explain what? Flo: Let me handle this, okay? I will tell you everything later, I just -- I swear, mom, I-I'm gonna tell you everything, I just can't do it right here. Hope: Hey. Sorry to interrupt, but I owe you bot an apology. Um... I just assumed that you had a mother/daughter relationship like mine, and, uh, I didn't mean to make the situation awkward. I'm sorry if I made it worse. I just -- please, please don't be angry with flo. I mean she did what she thought was best. Flo: Um, yeah, it's, um -- it's okay, hope. We, uh -- we're gonna work it out, right, mom? Quinn: You must be feeling pretty good about yourself. Bill: Today is a day like any other. Are you talking about some particular reason? Quinn: You were able to lure wyatt away and bring him here to spencer publications. I hope that wasn't just lip service. Bill: Wyatt has always been an asset to this company. Quinn: Well, he was an asset to forrester creations, as well. He was happy there. He was creatively fulfilled. Bill: Come on. What are you talking about? "Creatively fulfilled" my ass. I mean, if he was so creatively fulfilled, he would have stayed. Quinn: I-I seem to remember you floated some sort of a sweet deal to sally spectra to get him to come here. Bill: Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! No, no, no. Wyatt floated the deal. And, yes, I accepted it because I wanted him back here. So I would have done whatever it took. And as far as sally spectra's concerned, well, you know, she seems to add something to his life -- or so he says. Quinn: If my son is happy, then so am I. I just hope the move from forrester pays off. Bill: Well, how could it not? Come on, quinn. Everything I built here, it's -- it's wyatt's birth right. What, he should be wasting his time doing that social-media nonsense at that dress farm? Come on. Quinn: [ Sighs ] Bill: Listen, you have nothing to worry about, all right? I am thrilled to have wyatt here working alongside me, and I'm not gonna do anything to compromise that. Quinn: Well, that's good to hear. Bill: I love him, too, you know. Quinn: I know you do. I -- I can say a lot of really bad things about you. [ Bill chuckles ] And I do, in front of your face and behind your back. But I do know that you would walk through fire for your sons. It's your only redeeming quality. Bill: And here I speak so highly of you and your broomstick. Quinn: [ Laughs ] You know, ironically, the one man who passed through my life who I could hopefully never see or hear from ever again has given me the greatest gift I could ever have. I mean, I don'T... I don't even want to know who I would be if I didn't' have wyatt to love and care for. I think he'S... he's a really great man. Bill: Well, number one, you're welcome. Quinn: [ Chuckles ] Bill: Number two... wyatt is the best thing you've ever done. By far. Quinn: Yeah. He is. And I just want him to achieve his fullest potential. And I want him to be happy. And now with flo back in the picture, I think his chances for happiness have vastly improved. Wyatt: Hey, you okay? Flo: [ Sighs ] I hope so. Wyatt: I can totally feel how stressed out you are right now, and if I can help you, please, let me -- let me know. Flo: If I need you, I'll let you know. Wyatt: What about your mom? Are you gonna let her know, too? 'Cause you used to. I mean, you guys used to be so close. And, look, I'm not judging or anything, but I'm just -- I'm a little surprised that she didn't know about something as big as a pregnancy. Flo: I-I know. I know. I know. I'm -- I'm -- I'm gonna tell her everything. I'M... I'm gonna tell her everything, and I think it's -- I think it's gonna feel like a relief, you know, but... Wyatt: Yeah. Flo: I-in the meantime, thank you so much. I-I -- I appreciate all of your support more -- more than you know. Wyatt: Hey, you can count on me, all right? Flo: I know I can. Wyatt: Maybe, uh... Flo: Thank you all for extending such warmth to me. But, um, this is the first that my mom has ever heard of a pregnancy, so I have, uh... I have a lot to catch her up on. Shauna: [ Scoffs ] Brooke: Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Donna: But remember, it's -- it's not just you and your mom anymore. You have this whole support system. Katie: Yeah. Any time, day or night. Flo: It's just, um -- it's a lot, you know? Finding out I have a whole new family that I didn't know about. Brooke: Heh. Yeah, it's a bit of a shock for us, too. Donna: We thought stormie was gone forever, and here you are, a living, breathing part of him. Hope: And now I know why I've felt connected to you all this time. We're cousins. [ All chuckle ] Shauna: You all have been very generous accepting my daughter the way you have. Brooke: Well, you're a part of our family, too, shauna. Donna: Yes, we -- we want to get to know you, too. Flo: Um, we -- we should really probably be going. I've -- I've got a lot to talk to her about. Hope: Bye. Flo: Bye. Brooke: We'll have dinner for you soon. And, of course, you can come, too, shauna. Shauna: Oh, thank you. I would like that. Limu emu & doug Brooke: Can you believe what just happened? Katie: It's crazy. We were just talking about storm and the future that he would have had. Donna: And that future just literally walks right through the door in the form of his daughter. Hope: I knew flo was special from the moment I met her. You know, not only because she's phoebe's mother, but also in her own right. Donna: You said you'd been drawn to her. Hope: Oh, so much. In a way that I-I couldn't explain. You know, I just thought it was because we were both mothers without our daughters, and I was inspired by her strength to move on in her life after that loss. And that's something I've been still struggling with, and... that certainly is part of the reason, but it's also so much more than that, you know? We're family. Katie: It's just crazy. Steffy's adopted daughter's birth mother is a logan. Donna: [ Chuckles ] Brooke: I wonder if this could change things for flo and her decision to -- Hope: Let's not go there right now. Donna: Well, shauna seems sweet. Hope: It's -- I don't know. It's kind of sad, right? I mean, you're not only my mom, you're my best friend, and I tell you everything, and... and it doesn't seems like shauna and flo have that kind of relationship. Brooke: I do sympathize for shauna. I think that she and flo have a lot to discuss and to work out. Flo: This is all just happening so fast. [ Stammers ] All these years, I had no idea who my dad was, and now -- and now I find out he's storm logan? He sounds like such an amazing guy, but... I-I -- I can't believe he's gone, and -- and he took his own life to save his sister? A-and they -- they all just absolutely adored him, and they were so welcoming to me -- Shauna: Okay, you know what, I went along with this because you asked me to, but there is something that I'm missing. Why does everyone think that you had a baby that you gave up for adoption? Shauna: Flo, it's me. You can tell me anything. Whatever it is is deeply disturbing you, and you know why? Because you're a good, honest person with a lot of integrity. Flo: I don't feel like a person with integrity anymore. Shauna: Then that tells me something's gone terribly wrong. What is it? Flo: I had this friend, reese. He was a doctor, an ob/gyn. And he told me that he needed my help, that he was in some kind of trouble. And so I-I didn't think twice. I just jumped on a plane, and I came out here to L.A. To help him out. I just -- I just wish I had asked more questions before I did. I wish I had known exactly what he wanted me to do. But I didn'T. And it was, uh... it was right here when I first saw her. Shauna: Who? Flo: The baby. He was arranging this private adoption because he had some gambling debt that he had to pay off. And he... he needed a birth mother. Shauna: You? Flo: I know. I know. I -- I know it was wrong. I just... at the time, i -- I kind of felt like it was harmless. Shauna: Harmless? Flo: Because I was helping him, and I was helping this baby that needed to be adopted, and there was this amazing single mother who was so lovely, and was gonna give this baby the most amazing life, and -- and reese's daughter was being threatened by these people with the gambling debt, and so I -- Shauna: You posed as this baby's mother? Flo: I know. I know. It -- it was the worst decision of my life. If -- if I could go back and change it, I-I would. Shauna: Where did reese get this baby? Flo: He's an ob/gyn. Flo: They don't just get babies. Where did he get the baby? Why wasn't the birth mother involved? Why did they need you? Flo: Because she didn't know. Shauna: What does that mean? Flo: She thought her baby was stillborn. Shauna: Do you know her? Florence, answer my question. Do you know the mother of that baby? Flo: Yes. Shauna: Who is it? Tell me! Flo: Hope. Hope logan, my -- my new cousin. Hope is phoebe's birth mother. | She says she only wants her son to be happy |
418 | Rafe: Hey! Hey, hey, hey. Sami: Hi. Rafe: How was the massage? You feeling serene and completely tranquil? Sami: Yeah, yeah. It was pretty good. Rafe: Pretty good? Really? The lady at the desk said you wouldn't be able to stand you'd be "sooo relaxed." [Both laugh] Sami: I am. Trust me, I'm relaxed. Rafe: Good, good, good. Sami: Get some water. Rafe: You sure you're relaxed? You still feel a little tense there, honey. Sami: Um, yeah. It was awesome and-- believe me, I cannot thank you enough for surprising me with this treat. Rafe: Well, good, 'cause I know you've had a rough week and that you could use a little break. Madison: "A little break." Sami, I've been calling you all afternoon. I thought, you know, something terrible must have happened, but I guess not. I guess...you're just taking a break, huh? Sami: Madison, I can explain. Madison: Good, I would love to hear why you're here instead of at work. Quinn: Commissioner, so good to see you again. Roman: Sorry I can't say the same thing, Quinn. Quinn: How'd you get in here? Oh, wait, let me guess. You used your police expertise to scale the building and climb in through the window. Roman: That's very cute. No, I, uh, actually just opened the door. Quinn: Oh, that was my next guess. Well, since you're so familiar with the exits of the building, I trust you can let yourself out. Roman: Not yet. Not till we get some things straightened out. Quinn: Oh, goody. I always love hearing what you have to say. Roman: I'm glad to hear that. 'Cause I'm gonna tell you this. Salem is my town. I love it a lot. I intend to keep it safe. Which means watching you day and night. Abigail: Ladies. Melanie: Thank you. Abigail: Mm-hmm. Sonny: Maybe we should just throw in the towel, order some takeout instead. Chad: What? Hey, now. Don't give up yet, all right? This meal is gonna be a huge success. I promise. And the ladies are gonna be thoroughly romanced. Sonny: Okay, okay. What's in it for me? Chad: Well, some bomb pork chops and the pleasure of my company. Sonny: Again, what's in it for me? Chad: Why don't you just shut up and start? Sonny: Ah, just cut your potatoes. Chad: [Chuckles] Abigail: Okay, do you really think this dinner is gonna be good? Melanie: No. Abigail: No. Melanie: Absolutely not. Which, luckily, my grandma Maggie left us coupons for pizza. Abigail: Amazing. Melanie: Gabi? You doing okay? You haven't really said a lot. Austin: John pled guilty. I mean, what else is there for you to do to help him? Carrie: I have to try, Austin. I couldn't sleep at night knowing that I didn't do everything possible. Austin: But what else is there to do? I've looked over that evidence so many times, Carrie. It's just not there, and-- Carrie: Well, actually, Rafe and I were looking at the photo of John in the paris cafe, and there's just something that isn't right. The shadows, it looks like it's from two different pictures. We think that it was altered. Austin: You know, that's funny, because, um, when Rafe and I looked at that photograph, we didn't seem to find anything like that. He is, uh, off the case... right? Carrie: Actually, I haven't had a chance to tell you yet. I asked Rafe to stay on, and he said yes. Isn't that great? Austin: So you and Rafe are working on John's case for free? Carrie: You're upset about this. Austin: You sat in this very pub the other day, and it got shot up by a gunman. It's dangerous, Carrie. Carrie: Okay, so, what-- an innocent man, the man who practically raised me, should stay in jail because it's too dangerous to have a reasonable defense? Austin: And you gave him that. You worked your butt off to give him the best defense possible, and at the end, John washed his hands, said, "thank you very much, but no thanks." Carrie: Wait, I thought that you believed in his innocence. I was there when you told him so. Austin: I do. And I also promised him that I would take care of his family. Including you. Especially you. There's no coming back from a guilty plea, Carrie. Carrie: Well, there's still a civil case pending, and Marlena could lose everything. And if I can prove he's innocent, I can get his conviction overturned. And I will not stop until that happens. Austin: Really? Carrie: You're not gonna continue to give me a hard time about this, are you? Austin: No. No, I'm not, Carrie. You do what you want. Just like you always do. Sami: The last couple weeks have just been really hard on me. Madison: I understand that. That's why I have been nothing but supportive. Come on, I gave you time off. We used company hours to look for your son. Sami: I know you did, and I really appreciate that. I'm not gonna let you take advantage of me, Sami. Sami: I'm not trying to take advantage of you. I brought the file into work that you had asked for. You weren't there. No one was around. It seemed like it was dead. I worked for a couple hours, and I thought it would be the right time to take an early lunch. Madison: Oh, well, when you miss five days of work, you sit at your desk and you eat a tuna sandwich. You know what you don't do? You don't patronize the one salon in town that features countess W. Products. Rafe: Madison, this is my fault. I got Sami the massage as a gift, and frankly, I was more concerned with my wife's well being than the products that they carry. Madison: I've been concerned with Sami's well being too. That's why I have put up with your constant tardiness. And your inexplicable need to butt into my personal life. But I'm concerned right now that this job is just maybe too much for you, and I've overestimated your potential. Sami: You haven't. Madison: Supporting the competition in any way will not be tolerated. I won't put up with it. Will: Hey. Gabi: Hey. I was beginning to think you weren't coming. Will: Here I am. What's that--what's that smell? Melanie: Oh, that is, uh, the boys' cooking. Abigail: Yep. Will: Okay, I'm sorry. I told them to wait for me. Don't worry. I'll save the day. Hey. Sonny: What's up? Will: What's that? Chad: Well, this is saffron. And it wasn't cheap, so it better taste amazing. Sonny: Is it good? Chad: I haven't tried it yet. Hold on. Mm, hold on, hold on. Mm... [Slurp] Mmm. Don't take much of a difference. Might have to put all of it in. So, William... where have you been? I've been trying to call you. I called you, like, five times. Will: Um, actually, uh, I was checking out an apartment because Gabi and I are talking about moving in together. Sonny: Oh, that's--that's fantastic. Congratulations. Chad: What, are you crazy? Kiss your freedom good-bye. Life's over. Will: Shut up. It's gonna be great. Abigail: Something's going on, Gabi. Just--just talk to us. Gabi: Okay. Will asked me to move in with him. Melanie: Ha! At his mom's? Gabi: No, I mean, he wants us to get our own place. Melanie: What? Abigail: Where did that come from? Gabi: [Scoffs] I don't even know. I mean, yesterday, he planned this really romantic afternoon, and he got me a bunch of presents. And he started making all these promises that he was gonna be a better boyfriend. And then he gave me this. Melanie: That sounds kind of awesome. So what's the catch? Gabi: I started to fall for it, you know, to think that he really wanted us to be...closer. Abigail: And then what? Gabi: And then we started kissing and... he pulled away, just like every, single time. You know what I realized? That no matter what I do, no matter what he says to me...I'm just afraid that it's always gonna be the same. Melanie: So what'd you say to will? Gabi: That I need time to think. I don't even know if I can take it anymore. Melanie: So have you talked to will about the physical... stuff? Gabi: [Sighs] A little bit, I mean... he says he feels uncomfortable being together in his mom's house. There are times that will and I have been together alone, and it still doesn't make a difference. I mean, he still doesn't touch me. Melanie: Maybe he's shy. Gabi: Melanie, have you ever met a guy that shies away from sex? Melanie: No. Gabi: Exactly. He says he wants me to feel respected, but, honestly, I'd feel more respected if he tried to, you know, be with me once in a while. Melanie: Okay, uh, well, here's some advice and, you know, take it if you want, given my track record. But I think you should talk to will and... tell him how you feel. Gabi: I've tried so many times. He's in complete denial. Chad: Um, guys, we should, um...we should probably tell the girls about the website shutting down. I mean, it's only fair. They were there since the beginning, right? Will: Yeah, I told Gabi today. Um, but, yeah, we definitely need to tell Abigail and Melanie. You know, actually, I have to tell you that, earlier today, I thought someone was following me. Yeah, uh, but then I realized that half the "u" is out shopping for apartments for spring term, so... I kept seeing the same people everywhere I went. Chad: Okay, so it's--it's all good, right? Will: Yeah, I hope so. Chad: All right. Sonny: So when is the big move? Chad: Uh, I don't know yet, because Gabi hasn't signed on 100% yet. Uh, but I plan on convincing her tonight. Sonny: Tonight? Will: Mm-hmm. Sonny: Well, you better convince her before you serve this food. 'Cause you'll be lucky if she talks to you after this meal. Will: Whose fault is that? Carrie: I don't want you to be upset about this. Austin: I'm not gonna fight with you. If you want to carry on as John's attorney, I am gonna support you 100%. Carrie: Really? Austin: Really. 'Cause I want you to be happy. And I know you're not gonna be happy unless you're out there on the front lines, fighting with all you've got. Carrie: Thank you for understanding. And I'm sorry I snapped at you. Austin: No, no--no sorries. Let's just have a night out on the town and, uh, finally out of that hotel room, okay? Carrie: Yes, please! I cannot wait till we can get a place of our own again. Austin: After John's civil suit is over with-- Carrie: You--you mean after I succeed in getting John's conviction overturned. Austin: Absolutely, absolutely. After John is free and this case is...finally closed... do you wanna go back to Zurich? Or do you wanna stay here in Salem? Roman: You know, it is a damn shame we didn't put you behind bars when we had the chance. Quinn: Heh, too late, comish. You didn't, and here I am back in Salem, despite your so-called ultimatum. So why aren't you reading me my rights as we speak? Roman: You know why. When I saw you were back in Salem, I couldn't wait to put your sorry butt back in jail. But then, out of nowhere, word comes from above that you're untouchable. Quinn: Well, I'm free because I'm a law-abiding citizen. And you're lucky I don't file suit for false arrest. Roman: Okay, you know what? We're gonna do it your way, Quinn. We're gonna let the past be the past. But there will be a future, and we know what that future holds for you, don't we, Quinn? And when you do screw up, I'll be right there with my gun and my handcuffs. Quinn: You know, you have a lot of built-up aggression. I'm seeing a wonderful therapist if you'd like a referral. Roman: Oh, I doubt there's enough therapy in the world to fit you, Quinn. Quinn: Oh...don't let my therapist hear you say that. Actually, I think you might know her. Dr. Marlena Evans. Roman: You know what? It'd be a real good idea if you stayed away from Marlena. You understand what I'm saying? Quinn: Aw, what's wrong? Are you jealous that I get to spend more time with the very beautiful dr. Evans than what you do? Roman: Don't push it, Quinn. Quinn: Oh, commissioner, come on, you got nothing to worry about, mate. My relationship with Marlena is, uh...strictly professional. For now. Roman: You harm her, I'll kill you. Quinn: I'd like to see you try. Roman: You cross me or anybody I know, I won't be pleasantly asking you to leave Salem. Next time...it'll be your head too. Have a nice day. Melanie: So there's nothing you can do? Chad: Well, there really isn't, I mean, if we kept the site up, we could potentially be in a lot of trouble, and it's just not worth the risk, you know. Abigail: I'm so sorry, you guys. After all that hard work you put in. Sonny: I know, we were upset about it, but there's really nothing we can do now. Chad: No. Sonny: But we do have a new plan that we're working on. Melanie: Oh, well, in the meantime, we have good friends around, good food. Warm good. Chad: Yeah. Both: Warm food. Melanie: Yeah, warm food. What else do we need? Chad: Ohh! The dinner rolls. Damn it, I knew I forgot something. You know what? I'm gonna run to the pub real fast, [Mouth full] And, um, and get down-- Abigail: No, uh, stay. Stay and cook, or do whatever it is you were doing. I'll go get them. Chad: Are you sure about that? Abigail: Absolutely. Chad: Okay. Um, Melanie, do you know where your grandma keeps the serving dishes? Melanie: Yes, in the buffet in the back. I'll show you. Sonny: I'll give you a hand. Melanie: All right. Sonny: All right. Abigail: Bye. [Giggles] Oh! Will: Oh, sorry. Hey. Gabi: Hey. Will: Um, can we talk? Gabi: Sure. Will: Okay. Look... I know that I messed up a great thing earlier today. But I've been thinking. And I'm--I'm confident that we can make this work. Gabi: Will... Will: I--Gabi...I can make you happy. I know that I can. Gabi: I just need--I just need some time to think. Will: I know. I know, and I'm not trying to rush you, but, um... okay, before I got here, I checked out this really great apartment. And it's one bedroom, it's one bath. It's a half a mile away from campus. And it's gonna be gone in no time. The landlord just called me and said that it's ours if we want it. So I was thinking that after--after dinner and everything, maybe we can swing by and--and check it out. What do you--what do you say? Gabi: Wh-what? No! Carrie: Well, there are a lot of things to think about here, right? I mean, work, for one. Austin: Right, right. We both love our jobs in Zurich, but...I did get that offer from Salem U. And I've been thinking about it a lot. Carrie: And... Austin: When I did that mentorship program, back when I used to teach, I just... I really felt like I was making a difference. I mean, I know that it would be...challenging, for sure. Carrie: Hmm. You would--you'd be great. Austin: Nah, I don't--I don't know about great. Carrie: I do. [Sighs] Then there's our friends and family here. Austin: Right, point for Zurich. Carrie: [Laughs] Come on. Austin: This has been home for a huge part of our lives. In a way, it always will be. Carrie: Hmm. Then there's the life that we created in Zurich. You know, I miss our friends and our house. World's best hot chocolate after a day of skiing. Austin: I'm gonna tell your grandmother you just said that. Jennifer: Don't you dare. Is she here? Austin: No, I think you're safe. Carrie: I'm torn. What do you think? Where do you see us spending the rest of our lives? Madison: What if someone from the press had shown up, hmm? What if someone had snapped a picture, just one picture. "Mad world's junior executive all lathered up in countess W. Products." One picture. You could have ruined everything that I've worked for. Rafe: And what if Sami uses a competitor's bubble bath on her kids? Is that gonna ruin your life too? Madison: You know what? Whatever Sami wants to do in her free time at home is up to her. But when she's on the clock, when she's working for me, no. I went out on a limb to hire you, Sami, despite your lack of experience, because I thought-- I thought you were different. I thought you were a really hard worker and-- Sami: I am a really hard worker, and I promise I will make up for this. I will do anything. I will work overtime and I will work weekends, whatever you need. Madison: Okay, good, then we'll have a long talk about it tomorrow. That is, if you can trouble yourself to show up. Sami: I'll be there. Rafe: Well...come here. Hey...come here. Listen, why didn't you tell me your boss was such a witch? Sami: She's not! She's right. She's right. Rafe: Okay, what--what is going on here. Because the Sami that I know would never let anyone talk to her that way. Sami: Nothing. Nothing's going on. Rafe: Okay. Something's bothering you... and I wanna know what it is. Kate: So...you're the one. Roman: Excuse me? Kate: Well, I was just sitting here for 20 minutes, waiting for my meeting with Quinn. Roman: Well, I'm sorry to hold you up. Why are you meeting with Quinn? Kate: Business. What about you? Roman: Same. Kate: Really? Well, you just missed Sami. She was here sampling my products, even though she works for one of my biggest rivals. I guess she couldn't help herself--not that I blame her. Roman: Hmm. So, uh... you teamed up with Quinn. Kate: Yes. Yes, I did. It's important that I have a very strong base here in Salem. Roman: Word of advice, Kate: Get out...as fast as you can. Quinn is more dangerous than you think he is. Kate: Okay, I think you're forgetting who you're talking to here. I'm Kate DiMera now. And I'm not a afraid of anything. Roman: Again...please. Be careful. Austin: Carrie, to me, home is...wherever you are. Carrie: Oh...come on, you have to be leaning one way or the other. Austin: Well, if it was up to me, we'd be living on the beach in Hawaii, carving our names in the surf. So I'm gonna defer to you on this one. Carrie: [Sighs] Okay. Then, um...I would have to say...Salem. Austin: Okay. I mean...are you sure? Carrie: Mm-hmm. Deep down, I just--I feel more comfortable here, you know? So what do you think? Austin: I think it's a great idea. Carrie: Really? Austin: Absolutely. We stay in Salem. Will: Okay. I guess I'm--I'm moving a little fast. Gabi: A little bit fast? A little bit? Okay, you checked out an apartment before I could even give you an answer on if I wanted to move in or not. Will: I'm sorry, okay? I'm excited, I want-- I want to put a key on this key chain. I know you're carrying it around, and I wouldn't have asked you if--if I didn't think that that's what you wanted. Gabi: Part of me does, but... Will: Okay, look, I know I pushed you away earlier. And I'm so sorry. But when we have our own place, and we--and we can be alone, and we have our own space, just the two of us, things are gonna be different. Gabi: What if they're not? Sami: Ohh, I'm gonna screw up this job. Rafe: You won't. Sami: The kids need me. And I wish I knew what the hell was going on with will. Rafe: He hasn't been himself since Johnny went missing. Seems so angry. Sami: He's not angry at the world in general. He is angry with me. Rafe: You know what that's about? Sami: No. Rafe: Well, don't worry. We'll talk to him together. We'll figure it out. Sami: Thanks. Rafe: Listen, I know you have a lot on your plate right now, what with will acting the way he is, and Madison and your job, but there's something I really need to talk to you about. Sami: Okay. Rafe: Probably isn't the best time...with money being a little tight, but I talked to Carrie. And I told her I would continue to help her with John's case, the class-action suit, pro bono. Sami: It's okay. Rafe: It is? Sami: I already knew. Carrie told me. Rafe: Oh. Sami: She thought that you were going to tell me yourself. Rafe: All right. You're not gonna yell at me? Tell me you think it's a terrible idea? Sami: No. It's okay. Rafe: Is... oh... listen, hey, I'm just-- I'm wondering...is everything all right? Are we...okay? [ Older brother ] Hey, that's the last crescent. Carrie: Oh, Austin, I'm so excited. I'll call a realtor in the morning. We can get out of that god-forsaken hotel room. Austin: Yeah, then I'm gonna call the university and accept the teaching position for the new semester. Carrie: Mmm. Abigail: Hi, guys. I'm sorry to interrupt. Did I just hear you say you're staying in Salem? Austin: Yeah. Abigail: Wow. Austin: Yeah, it looks that way. Abigail: Well, I--I'm so happy that I'm home. I'm sure you guys are gonna be really happy too. Carrie, I haven't even gotten to talk to you since you've been back. Carrie: I know, I've been working like crazy. Abigail: Yeah, it's so good to see you. Carrie: You're all grown up. Abigail: Oh...you look amazing. Carrie: Wow! Well, uh... I love that hat. You have a hat like that. Abigail: Oh. Austin: Actually, that is my hat. Carrie: Oh. Austin: I ran into Abigail the other night, and I attempted to rescue her from the bitter cold. I told her she could keep it. It looks a lot better on her than it does on me. Carrie: Mm-hmm. Abigail: Oh, no, I don't think so. Carrie: Well, we won't need our heavy winter gear, now that we're staying this side of the alps. Austin: Hmm. Abigail: Well, anyway, it was so good to see you guys. I have to grab some rolls for dinner, so... see you later. Carrie: Bye. Austin: See you, Abigail. Carrie: Oh, I'm so happy. Austin: I know. Carrie: We get to run into old friends all the time. This is great. Austin: I know, I--I know it. It's great. Carrie: I mean, Abigail, my goodness. Last time I saw her, she was 10. She's turned into such a beautiful young woman. Austin: Yeah, yeah. You know, she really has. Roman: Uh, excuse me. I'm sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to introduce myself. You are Madison James, right? Madison: I am, yes. And you are... Roman: Roman Brady, police commissioner and, uh, Sami's dad. Madison: Oh...you're not here to arrest me, are you? Roman: Why would you say that? Madison: Ah, Sami and I had A...nothin', heh. Is there something I can do for you? Roman: Well, uh... no, no. Not really. I just--I know you're new to Salem. I wanted to say welcome, and... offer you some friendly advice. Madison: Advice? About what? Roman: About your competition. I'm sure you know just how aggressive Kate can be, but, uh...I think you should be aware that Kate is not really who you need to worry about. Madison: Oh? Roman: If I were you, I would be very, very careful to stay clear of her husband, Stefano DiMera. Sami: No, we are okay. Of course we're okay. Rafe: All right. Sami: I love you. I love you so much. Rafe: I love you too. I do. So... something going on in that head of yours, and...can't quite figure it out. Sami: Neither can I. Rafe: Okay. Sure we're okay? You're not still upset at me for Johnny's disappearance? Sami: No. No, I am not. I can't believe I talked to you like that. I can't believe I tried to blame you. I hate myself for what I said. I wish I could take it back. I would do anything. Rafe: Sami, Sami, Sami. It's okay. It's okay, I just... whatever it is that's going on in there, I want you to know that you can tell me. You're sure I did not do anything to upset you? Sami: No...you didn't. Of course you didn't. I love you. I love you so much. And... and I just want you to know that. I want you to know that... I want to make up for... Rafe: For what? Make up for what? Sami: I've got it. Let's renew our wedding vows. Rafe: [Chuckles] What? Gabi: Will, please, don't be upset. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, I just... just feel very confused right now. Will: I'm confused too. I thought that this is what you wanted. I thought you wanted to be closer. Gabi: I do--this is what I wanted, but I want to be in love and happy in our first apartment. But you have to understand that there's issues in our relationship that make it really hard for me to imagine that right now. Will: Okay, then tell me what you want me to do. Gabi, tell me what you want me to change, and I will do it. Gabi: You know what I want, will. Will: [Chuckles] You know, why does everything have to be about sex? Why? I'm sorry if I want to be respectful and I want to treat you like a human being and not just a piece of meat! Gabi: I want you to treat me like your girlfriend, will. Okay? I want you to want me! Will: Whatever you have to tell yourself! Gabi: Are you serious with me right now? You know what? It's not even-- it's not even about sex, okay? I don't... no, I don't think I could be with someone that just flies off the handle from the littlest thing. You're--you're just like all over the place lately. Will: I'm sorry if I'm not perfect, like you are! Gabi: I don't want you to be perfect, okay? I want you to be in this relationship for the right reasons! Will: What does that mean? Gabi: It means that I don't think moving in together... is a good idea. My answer's a no. With my friends, we'll do almost anything. Quinn: Sorry for keeping you waiting. Your pal roman Brady tried to scare me out of Salem again. Kate: Well...actually, I'm glad he did. Quinn: Come again? Kate: While you were detained, I witnessed something very interesting in the lobby. Something that might be of benefit to us. Quinn: Oh, Kate. I love it when you're feeling devious. You have the most seductive smile. Kate: Need I remind you of whom I'm married to? Quinn: Right. So what's the plan? Kate: If I can pull this off, no one will ever hear from Madison James again. It will be as if Mad World never existed. Madison: Mr. Commissioner Brady... Roman: Roman. Madison: Roman. Roman. I am well aware of Stefano DiMera's reputation. And he doesn't scare me. Not one bit. You know, I'm not a threat to him. Roman: No, but you're a threat to his wife, and that puts you in a vulnerable position. All I'm saying--keep your eye out. Madison: I always do. I have so much work to do. If you'll excuse me... Roman: Okay, uh, but you know what? Just one more thing, and then I swear to you, I will get out of your hair. Ms. James... you might like playing with the big dogs. But keep in mind, others in your company may not want that risk. Madison: If you're talking about Sami, she can take care of herself. I promise you. Roman: Maybe so. But she's got four kids at home who don't need their mom in the crosshairs of the DiMeras. Madison: Yeah, but that's Sami's decision to make. It's really not mine. Roman: Just keep her safe. That's all I'm asking. Madison: You have nothing to worry about. I have Kate DiMera right where I want her. Rafe: [Chuckles] Sami, you're asking me to remarry you? Sami: Yes. Yes, I am. Rafe: Okay... but aren't people supposed to renew their vows after a big wedding anniversary, or if they've been together for at least ten years? Sami: Well, who cares what people are supposed to do? And--and besides, we have been through more than most people who have been married for 50 years. Rafe: True. Yeah. Sami: Please say yes. I need this. I need to tell you that you are the only man for me, and that I will love you forever. Rafe: But I already know that. Sami: But I want everybody else to know that too. You know, our family and your family. I mean, they weren't able to be at the wedding, right? So we should--we should include them and celebrate with them and... and the whole world, if they want to witness me telling you how much I love you. I mean, if you don't want to, I--I understand. Rafe: No, no, no, no, no. Sami... marrying you the first time was the happiest moment of my life. I would be honored to do it again. Sami: How did I get so lucky? Will: You know, I--I'm just trying to, um... I'm trying to make you happy. Gabi: Oh, will. Will, you're trying to make us into something that we're just not. All right? And you have to acknowledge that there's deeper issues in this relationship, and moving in together and ignoring them is not gonna make them better. Will: Well, I don't see you trying to make things better. Gabi: Excuse me? You don't think I'm trying? Look, I have read dating books. I've asked my friends. I've even thrown myself at you more than once. You still back off every time I touch you. So tell me, really, what is going on, because I have to spend so much time trying to figure out what it is that's wrong with me. And it's not me. It's not. Will: I know. Okay. I know, I'm sorry. You're right, it's not you. Tell me... what I can do to fix this. I promise you, I will fix this. Tell me what I need to do. Gabi: I think we should take a break. Will: No. No, no. I'm not taking a break. No. That's not the answer. Giving up is not the answer. Okay? I'm not taking a break. We're not taking a break. Gabi: I just need some time, okay? Will: Okay. You're leaving? You're leaving. Gabi: Yes. Will: Okay. All right. Fine. But you know what? You call this what it is, okay? You don't want time to think. You wanna break up with me! Gabi: You're right. I'm sorry. But it's over. Will: No! No! Marlena: I hope you prepare for what's coming towards you. Sami: Stop it! Both of you! Hope: Bo... | Gabi wasn't sure if she could take it anymore |
419 | Edward: Now, I am the first to sympathize with Laura's very unfortunate situation. She is a lovely young woman who should be living her life surrounded by friends and family. But it is unacceptable for you to throw your love for Laura in Tracy's face. Tracy: Daddy, I'm touched. I'm touched by your belated concern, but it's -- it's misplaced. You see, Luke and I have come to understand each other and we accept each other's baggage and I actually genuinely appreciate the -- the deep emotion that lies beneath his -- feeble attempt at expressing terms of endearment. Luke: And I hear nothing but fairy music of the nymphs whenever you screech my name from across the house. Edward: And I cannot stand this foolishness. We have much bigger fish to fry today. I'm only asking that the two of you behave yourselves and show some respect when Alan's will is read. Tracy: Of course. Luke: We wouldn't do anything else. [Door closes] Luke: So -- ha. Who's your daddy? Tracy: "The rest of your love"? Do you stay up late at night thinking of ways to humiliate me? Luke: Come on. I had to do something to throw the old dog off our scent. Give me a little credit for thinking on my feet. Tracy: By using Laura? Isn't that sacrilegious? Luke: Oh. I have work to do on Alan's will. Tracy: Okay, well, wait -- wait, wait, wait. Just remember everything I said, make sure everybody gets the right thing, you know, like -- like you said? Luke: Just take it easy, buttercup. You'll get what you deserve. [Music plays] [SCENE_BREAK] Logan: Where are you sitting -- right here? Lulu: Yeah, right here. Logan: No. Lulu: No, it's fine. You don't need to do that. Logan: You know, hot coffee -- it boosts your circulation. If you got stitches healing in that leg, you might want to get it iced instead. You up for a sandwich? I'm starved. Lulu: Yeah, don't let me stop you, and feel free to leave at any time since I don't recall asking you to sit with me. Logan: Well, you were about to, just as soon as you thanked me for helping you. Lulu: Really? Because I'm not going to do that. Logan: Oh. Didn't your parents teach you any manners? Lulu: Actually, they told me not to talk to strangers, and for the record, I don't need your help. I'm fine on my own. Logan: Why are you trying so hard not to like me? [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: Can I help you? Sonny: I'm looking for Carly. Is she in the office? Jax: She's not here. [Power saws whirr] Jax: Perhaps I'm being too subtle, so why don't I spell it out for you so there's no room for misunderstanding? If Carly wants to see you, she can do it at your place, or hers. This is my hotel and I don't want you here. Sonny: Oh, I -- I could accept that as long as you know that you can keep me out of your hotel, but you're not going to keep me away from my wife. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Do you think I'm being unfair flying to the Dominican Republic to get a divorce? Jason: I -- I thought you wanted this. Carly: I do want this, I do, but Sonny has rights. I mean, if Jax and I wind up getting married, Sonny's going to be on the outside -- Jason: Oh. Carly: And not just with me, but with the boys. Everything's going to flip. Jax is going to be the primary male figure in the household simply because we're all living under the same roof. What do I do? Jason: You're giving me a headache. Carly: Oh, come on, Jason. I'm serious. If you were Sonny, what would you do? Jason: Come on, Carly. I can't -- I can't speak for Sonny. Carly: Okay, well, then speak for yourself. Jason: It would be hard for me to know that another man was raising my kid. [Carly sighs] Carly: Great. Jason: You know, but if I thought it was the best solution or if it's what the mother wanted, it -- all that matters is what you want, Carly, so what is that exactly? Do you want Jax or do you want Sonny? [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: But I knew that there was an access to the ledge on the second floor and I was just trying to help -- [Tape winds] Sam: Um, well, I -- I work in the hotel and I knew that there was an access to the ledge on the second floor and I -- [Phone rings] Man: She's here. Woman: I'm on my way. Man: Miss Joffe will be right down. Can I get you something while you're waiting? Sam: No, thank you. I'm fine. Okay -- really, I think I'm a little bit nervous. Man: Well, that's normal. Most people are. Sam: I just really -- I can't imagine what I could say that would interest a national audience. Woman: That's what makes you the kind of guest this show is all about. I'm Amelia. I am the producer. I'll be conducting the interview. Sam: Hi, Sam McCall. Very nice to meet you. Amelia: Thank you for making the trip from Port Charles. Sam: Yes. My pleasure. Amelia: You have no idea how excited I was when you accepted our invitation. Sam: Well, I am flattered. I just don't know if what I have to say is old news or not and, okay, I guess I'll be honest -- I don't think I'm really that comfortable in front of a camera. Amelia: Well, I have to challenge you on that. I saw cuts from the interview you did just after the hostage crisis. You were composed, self-assured, and modest -- that counts. It was enough to convince me that your appearance on our show will translate into ratings gold. Sam: Oh -- okay. We -- we shall see. Is there any words of advice you have? Amelia: Tell the truth, you'll be fine. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Sonny is the best father in the world and no way do I think he would do anything to harm those boys. You have to know that. Jason: Yeah, I do -- so does Sonny. Carly: Good. Because no one -- not me, not Jax -- is trying to replace Sonny in Michael and Morgan's life. I mean, if it was just about parenting -- but it's not, okay? It's not, because we're not just co-parents. We are two volatile, emotional people that have very different views on what love is all about. Sonny thinks love is about control and I think it's about acceptance. And we're never going to agree on that, so that's why I'm on this jet right now. That's why me and Sonny being apart is the best thing for everyone. Jason: Fine. You know you can't shield Michael and Morgan from your life. All right? And being with Jax is no more a guarantee of stability than being with Sonny. Carly: Jax is different. At least he was. He may not be an option anymore. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Construction seems to be coming along really fast. You going to reopen soon or -- Jax: And why is that your concern? Sonny: I'm just -- I'm just trying to have a conversation, Jax. It's not a big deal. Jax: Don't waste the few social skills that you have on me, okay? Carly's not here; that concludes our business. You're late. Max: I'm sorry. I was just -- Jax: No excuses, okay? Just get here on time. Max: Right. Sonny: Max? Have you seen Carly today? Jax: Hold on. Sonny: What? Jax: You either work for him or you work for me and Carly, and now would be a good time to choose. Sonny: Okay, I'm sorry. Yeah -- you know what? I'm sorry I even asked. I'll just -- I'll catch up with Carly later today, all right? Max: Anything else? Jax: No, just go do what we hired you to do. Sonny: You -- you really should show Max a little more respect, maybe even gratitude because he played a big part in saving Carly during the hostage crisis. Jax: Does that translate into being grateful to you, as well? Sonny: Wouldn't hurt. Jax: Well, I'm sorry because I'm all out of grateful since you took advantage of my fiancée's vulnerability to get her into bed. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: Dad gave me this necklace. Would you mind helping me put it on? Nikolas: Oh, of course. Emily: Okay. Nikolas: I remember he gave you this after your first rotation at the hospital, right? Emily: Yeah. Nikolas: Yeah. [Emily chuckles] Nikolas: Everything okay today? Emily: Whoo. Yeah, yeah. You know, what choice do I have? Somebody has to keep a level head. Nikolas: Yeah, thanks. Emily: I can already predict what's going to happen, Nikolas. The family's going to mill around drinking, tension you can cut it with a knife. Then we're going to sit down to hear my father's will and no matter what he leaves to whom, it's going to precipitate a huge fight, and before the lawyer's even out the door, everybody's going to be going for jugulars. Huh. Nikolas: There you go. Well, honestly, the only people that I -- I can see who actually would contest the will would be, well, of course, Tracy and Edward, but -- well, maybe Ned. Okay, Monica, too, but that would only be because -- I'm sorry. I'm not really helping this. Emily: Yeah -- no. You know, it's not the fighting that I'm dreading -- I'm certainly used to that by now. It's that this is going to be the first Quartermaine free-for-all without my dad. I don't know, just somehow I can't imagine -- Nikolas: Yeah. Emily: You know, intellectually, I know that the pain will lessen with time. But I can't wrap my heart around the fact that he's gone and he's never going to come back. [SCENE_BREAK] Scott: I want to thank you for keeping peace at Alan's memorial service. That soft spot you have for me -- [Bobbie chuckles] Scott: Pays off once in a while, huh? Bobbie: Don't make the mistake of thinking I chose a side. I was just trying to keep you and Luke from drawing blood, because, you know, the last thing the Quartermaines needed was the two of you tearing up the place. Scott: Yeah, it's -- it's tough for them. I -- I know what it's like to pack somebody's things up and put their whole life away. Bobbie: Yeah. You know, truthfully, I'm worried about Monica. She's devastated and she's not wanting to look at it, you know? She's -- she's plowing through her life like everything's normal. I mean, they're reading Alan's will today -- she came to work. Scott: Well, I -- I hope my presence there at the service didn't upset her any further. Bobbie: Why would it? Scott: Well, you know, sometimes a face from the past shows up. In a traumatic situation like that, you know, things can get a little skewy. She didn't say anything, did she? Bobbie: Such as? Scott: Well, you know -- well, I guess she's got a lot of things on her mind right now with the reading of the will and, you know, squabbling over all the money and stuff. [Bobbie chuckles] Bobbie: Let's hope it's only money. Scott: What does that mean? Bobbie: You know Alan. And you know the way he always loved to have the last word, and I wouldn't be surprised if he left a long laundry list of people who crossed him and exactly how he wanted them to pay. [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays] Logan: Well, I can come up with a lot of reasons why you shouldn't hate me. For example, we both have Thursday afternoons off. Lulu: You're really lame. Logan: Oh. Okay, okay -- how's this? I'll bet I can guess your favorite ride. Lulu: Oh. Logan: Bentley. Lulu: Okay, that's weird. How did you know that? Logan: Well, I'm guessing, but clearly we are on the same wavelength. Lulu: Somebody put you up to this, right? Logan: Absolutely not. Lulu: Then what's your angle? Logan: Are you always so cynical? Lulu: Usually, but I come by it honestly. Logan: Quick with a quip -- I like it. You know, you're not like most girls. You actually have a working brain. Lulu: Hmm. Well, maybe you've been hanging out with the wrong women. Logan: Huh. Well, that's possible. What did you say your name was again? Lulu: I didn't. Is -- is this normal for you, to come in here and chat up strangers or am I going to find that my wallet's been stolen? Logan: Well, feel free to check, or you could do something radical like -- I don't know -- trust me. Lulu: Hmm. I think I'll check. Logan: What kind of parental influence could make a girl as pretty as you so suspicious? Lulu: Oh. Yeah, well, I wouldn't point fingers if I were you, because you seem to have your own lock on the whole cynical thing. Logan: Well, sometimes it's a matter of survival. Spinelli: Ah. Excuse me -- ahem -- Slick. Sorry to hijack your game -- not -- but the blond one and I have important, private business matters to discuss. [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: You lie to Carly, you manipulate her, you put her through hell, but that's all okay, right, because there's always a justification that seems reasonable to you. Anything goes, right, as long as Sonny gets what Sonny wants. Sonny: Well, I'm the first to admit, I've been selfish in the past. Jax: As opposed to what? Sonny: Carly and I almost died right here where you're standing. You weren't here to be part of it, so you have no clue the kind of hell that we went through and survived. What it proved is that, you know, the more things change, the more things stay the same. Carly and I are connected, we're alike, and, we've, you know -- nothing that's ever happened to either of us has broken that bond. I will admit Carly has feelings for you and you were great to her when we were apart, but I just got to tell you this -- I'm going to do whatever I have to do to make things work with Carly. I just thought I'd be honest about that. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Jax warned me from the beginning that he wouldn't be a pit stop between my reunions with Sonny. Now that I've lived down to his expectations, I'm not so sure he can forgive me. So this would be where you say if Jax can't get over this, that he really never loved me at all, because you know that's what you're thinking. Jason: Why do you automatically think I'm judging you? Carly: I guess I'm just being emotional me. Jason: And do you want to hear what I really think? Carly: Yes. Jason: Sometimes, something happens that makes you do something you never thought you would do, and then those actions stand and you -- you can't take them back. And no matter how much you want your life to go back to the way it was before, it's been changed forever. [SCENE_BREAK] Logan: A girl as pretty as you could not possibly be involved with this loser. Lulu: Wow. Not only are you arrogant and presumptuous, but you're completely wrong. Spinelli happens to be a cyberspace genius, and he is sweet and gentle, and he's incredibly brave. And he's handsome in his own unique way, and any woman would be very lucky to have him. Spinelli: I'm also connected -- huh, if you get my drift -- in a major way, so the godfather of Port Charles -- he would break your kneecaps if he even saw you talking to Lulu, so why don't you banish thyself, knuckle scraper, while you can still walk? Logan: Is he for real? Spinelli: Ah. Mr. Corinthos, sir, right on time. We were just talking about you. Hit me up high, bro. Lulu: Hey, I'm really glad you're here. I need to talk with you. Sonny: Okay, just come on in. Lulu: Okay. Logan: Hey, you -- you never gave me your name. Lulu: Oh, that wasn't an oversight. Logan: Oh. Damn. Don't you ever threaten me again. Sonny: So what can I do for you? Lulu: Tell me if I should believe this. Sonny: Oh. Scott Baldwin framed your mother for murder? [SCENE_BREAK] Ned: This started how? Skye: Oh, I'm sure -- Edward: Is everybody here? Tracy: Darling -- success? Luke: It's all handled, my love. Tracy: Oh. What is he doing here? Edward: Oh, Mr. Jacks, this is the -- this is the reading of my son's last will and testament, and I won't have you corporate raiding his assets. Jax: Well, I'm here at the request of Alan's attorney. Edward: What -- Jax: Apparently, I'm mentioned in the will. Tracy: I tore through the will so fast, I didn't see the name "Jax." Did you change whatever -- Scott: I'll find it. Luke: Why are you here? What could Alan's posthumous wishes possibly have to do with you? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Oh. Okay. Jason: All right, a couple more minutes before your appointment. Can I get you anything? Carly: No. No, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm just sitting here trying to remember how long it took the last time I was here, getting a divorce -- sitting right here with Sonny, waiting, waiting to be freed from A.J. Jason: Sonny came down with you? Carly: Yeah. Kind of ironic, huh? We were virtual strangers. I mean, we were sitting here trying to figure out if he liked me or if he hated me, and vice versa. Jason: Did you guys ever figure that out yet? Carly: Well, that's the hard part with Sonny -- I like Sonny, I hate Sonny. The only constant is I can't stop loving him. [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: You got no business in this town, let alone this house. Scott: Listen, Spencer, you might want to oil that squeaky wheel in your head. Before baby Jason was put into the bosom of the Quartermaine, I was his guardian. Alan probably remembers that, and he wants to show me a little gratitude. Luke: No, he didn't. Scott: What are you, Kreskin? They haven't even read the will yet. Luke: Nobody wants you here, Baldwin. Emily: I don't see any harm in letting him stay. Luke: That's because you don't know him. Monica: Let it go, Luke, please. I'm not in the mood for a scene right now. Ned: I'd like to know Scott's real reason for being here. If we let him stay, then maybe all will be revealed. Edward: Well, anything to get this over with. All right, let's go. Tracy: Ahem. Lawyer: "I, Alan Quartermaine, being of sound mind and --" Edward: Get to the meat of it. Go. Lawyer: All right. Alan left generous donations to various AIDS charities, as well as the La Mesa Wellness Community for women with breast cancer. As for the personal bequests -- "to Alice Gunderson, our loyal housekeeper, $75,000." Tracy: What? Alice: That -- that -- that's got to be a mistake. Tracy: I second that! Lawyer: No, it's right here in black and white. Ahem -- shall I continue? Ned: Please do. Lawyer: "To my brother-in-law, Luke Spencer, for enduring the particular hell that is my sister, $250,000." Edward: Oh, this is absurd. Monica: A quarter of a million dollars? Skye: Not nearly enough if you ask me. Tracy: Nobody did. Luke: I -- I really don't know what to say. I'm -- I'm deeply touched. Ned: Are we sure that Alan was of sound mind? Edward: No, of course he wasn't of sound mind. What else is in this ridiculous will? Lawyer: Ahem -- Alan left an inheritance in trust for his grandson, Michael Corinthos. But since he "doesn't trust the boy's shady parents," he's named Jasper Jacks as Michael's trustee. Edward: Instead of one of us? Oh, that -- that's really wonderful. Ahem. Lawyer: "To my nephew Ned, I leave my box seats at Wimbledon and the U.S. Open, on the condition he never share them with Monica." Ned: Not much for grudges, was he? Lawyer: Ahem -- "to my nephew, Dillon, I leave my cherished home movies. If anyone can edit them into something remotely interesting, I know it's you." Ahem -- "to my daughter Skye, I leave my mother's ruby earrings, because I know she loved them. But since Skye is now being provided for by Lorenzo Alcazar, any monetary endowment from me would be redundant." Edward: Well, finally, something we can all agree on. Lawyer: Ahem -- "to my son Jason, I leave the engraved signet ring my father gave to me. You don't have to wear it, just keep it. Maybe pass it on to your own son one day. And since you're gainfully employed as a gangster, you don't need any monetary endowment from me, either." Monica: What is the date of that will? Lawyer: The last codicil is two months ago. Emily: I thought dad felt closer to Jason. Edward: No, he could never accept Jason's chosen profession. It was like a dagger right to his heart. Ned: Well, and Alan probably knew that Jason wouldn't want the money anyway. Please, continue. Lawyer: "To my beautiful wife, Monica, word or material goods can't begin to express the depth of my love for you. So all my personal possessions will have to do. With the exception of my med school diploma -- which I'd like my father to have. I know he'll find it a great source of pride." Edward: Is this Alan's idea of a joke? Lawyer: Ahem -- "to my daughter Emily, I leave my mother's diamond necklace. I'd also like Emily to have my stethoscope -- she's earned it. Planning to live with a Cassadine, she doesn't need monetary endowment from me. And finally, to my beloved sister, Tracy, I bequeath the rest of my estate, including all of my bankable funds and E.L.Q. stock." Edward: Oh, that does it. That will is a fake! [SCENE_BREAK] Stan: Spinelli, right? Spinelli: And who wants to know? Stan: Stan Johnson. We met at the safe house, remember? Spinelli: Oh, right. You're the guy that used to handle Sonny and Jason's computer systems. Stan: Actually, I still do, and you've been messing up my systems. Spinelli: Uh -- the Jackal doesn't mess things up. Stan: The Jackal's nothing but a slave to the corporate mind police, hopelessly addicted to the games designed to distract you from -- Spinelli: "Distract you from challenging the imperialist system." Oh, my God. Stan: Yeah. Spinelli: Dude, you're Che 9,000. The revolutionary of cyberspace. Oh, my God, man -- Stan: Yeah. Spinelli: I'm so not worthy. Stan: Yeah, yeah. Well, you got that right. Look, listen up, you young punk. I set up the Corinthos-Morgan corridor. You got that? There is no room in it for you. [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: When Alan was having his heart attack in the hostage situation, he told me that he knew something else about Rick Webber's murder, and he had written it in a letter. Sonny: Well, it's addressed to Luke. Lulu: Yeah, I know, but it was sent to the house, and I was the first one to open it. But imagine my surprise to know that Alan thinks Scott Baldwin killed Rick Webber. I mean, should I believe it? How do I prove it? Sonny: Do you want to? Hey, some things are better left buried. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: I do realize that I just told you that I still love Sonny -- as I sit here waiting to get a divorce from Sonny. So you must think I'm completely certifiable. Jason: I just think you're confused. Carly: I wasn't confused, you know? Jax was it. Jax was the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with, and he left. And that was completely my fault. Jason: Jax left to save his brother. How is that your fault? Carly: He didn't want to save his brother. He didn't want to go take care of Jerry. I made him go. And why did I do that? Because I wanted to be generous, and I wanted to be noble, just like Jax. You know what I should do? I should stick to what I'm good at -- looking out for number one. And Sonny, you know -- Sonny says I'm being selfish, that I'm only going through with this divorce out of pride. That if I would just allow myself to be with him, that I would be happy. So then I have all that to think about, so I don't really know. Man: Carly Corinthos? Jason: Last chance. You need to make up your mind. [SCENE_BREAK] Amelia: How did you escape your captors? Sam: The gunmen were distracted. And my boyfriend, who was -- who was also there -- he was in the lobby. He let me know when it was a good time to escape. And I -- I did, and I was -- I was able to find a door that led to some upper-level offices where I climbed out a second-story window and I made my way to the street where the police were waiting. Amelia: Huh. Did anything prepare you for this? Sam: What do you mean, exactly? Like mountain climbing, or -- Amelia: I mean, feeling threatened, in mortal danger, in what's supposed to be a safe setting. Have you ever been forced to take action in an unexpectedly violent situation? Sam: Well, I -- I'm not sure I really under-- no, I mean, as -- as far as drawing from past experience in -- in the hotel siege, no. Absolutely not. I can honestly say that I wasn't thinking about my past. I wasn't even thinking about myself. The only thing I could think of was how am I going to get these people out safely. Amelia: Hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Edward: That will is a farce. Now, Alan may have resented me, but certainly not enough to leave me his worthless diploma and nothing else. Monica: And he never would have cut Emily out of his will no matter who she was living with. Skye: Tracy made out like a bandit. Dillon: Hmm. So, spill it, Mom. How'd you do it? Tracy: How'd I do what, sweetheart? Ned: Don't even try to act innocent. We all get overlooked, and you, of all people, end up with the lion's share of Alan's fortune? Edward: Mm-hmm, that's preposterous. Monica: Admit it, Tracy. You cheated this family and your brother's memory. Edward: Mm-hmm, you and that reprobate who helped you, managed to take all of the money that should have been ours. Tracy: Well, excuse me, but Alice got $75,000, which will keep her in wrestling trunks for the rest of her life, and nobody's accusing her. Lawyer: Alan's will was safe in my law offices. There's a record of it in the firm's computer. Edward: Well, I don't care. It's as phony as a three-dollar bill. Monica: I want to know how you -- Tracy: Why are you listening to -- Emily: Oh, for God's sake, stop it! Oh -- we just heard my father's will. Anybody who doesn't like it, too bad, this is what he wanted. I accept his -- wishes. Dad knew that I'd much rather have something of grandmother's than money, and he knew that Jason and Skye don't need money, either. Edward: Well, then how do you explain his asinine bequest to Tracy? Emily: Tracy was Dad's sister. He knew that all she's ever really wanted was respect for her business sense and a say in E.L.Q. You never willingly gave her either of those things, so Dad did -- end of story. Let it rest. [SCENE_BREAK] Spinelli: With all due respect, Mr. 9,000, Stone Cold hired me. Stan: Yeah, well, I just fired you. And until I get specific instructions from Sonny or Jason to let you back into the system, that's how it is. So you know, you better stay out, or I'll run a tape worm through those Chicago servers you think no one else knows about so fast, it'll make your head spin. Vinnie, let me get my usual, man. [Stan sighs] [Phone rings] Stan: Kids, man. [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: Yeah, I 'm afraid to know for sure if -- if Scott Baldwin really is the killer, because I would have to tell my dad, and after he killed Scott with his bare hands, he would realize the part he played in my mom shutting down. But on the other hand, my mom deserves to be proven innocent. Sonny: You're losing perspective. If telling the truth would set Laura free, or whispering in her ear would get her back, then I'd say absolutely, do it. But the truth is, it's not going to happen, so what is it going to accomplish, right? Look, I'm a strong man. I've been shot, I've been knifed, I've been left for dead in the street. But I've never felt more pain than knowing that I'd hurt the woman I love. If Luke finds out that he made a mistake by telling Laura that she killed Webber -- I don't know about Luke, but it would destroy me. Lulu: But if I don't come forth, then Scott gets away with murder in letting my mom take the blame. Sonny: I have no use for Baldwin. But I believe that he loved your mother. And if -- okay, listen - if he wrecked her, he's going to have to live with that every day of his life, and that's more punishment than you or the law could ever dish out. [SCENE_BREAK] Judge: You listed irreconcilable differences as a cause for the divorce request. Carly: Correct. Judge: "Petitioner's first complaint is that she entered into the marriage under false pretenses." Is that correct, as well? Jason: Carly? Carly: Well -- the -- the truth is, I knew that Sonny wanted the marriage to be real, and I went through with it. Just skip on to the next part, please. Judge: Your second complaint is that "your spouse used your children so that they would be against you." Carly: I don't want it to be phrased that way, because that makes it sound like Sonny set out to hurt his kids, and he would never, ever do anything like that. Judge: Do you want this divorce or not? Carly: Yes. Yes, absolutely, I want this divorce. I want to be able to go back to New York and tell Sonny that it's over, that he can't stop me, or -- or fight the divorce, and it's a done deal. I want this. Judge: Then I'm sorry, but you have a problem. [SCENE_BREAK] Amelia: Let's take a break. Sam: Sure, no problem. I hope you're getting what you wanted. Amelia: Oh, you're doing great. Sam: Thank -- Amelia: What, is something wrong? Sam: No. No, it's just I -- I -- I used to have a -- a watch like that. I -- lost it somewhere. Amelia: Hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: So how did it go? Emily: Huh. Tracy forged the will. Nikolas: What? Emily: Yeah. Nikolas: You're kidding me, right? Emily: No. I -- I wasn't surprised. Just like I wasn't surprised when my family started battling right in front of the lawyer. Nikolas: Just like you predicted. I'm -- I'm sorry. Emily: No, no, no, don't be. You know, a funny thing happened. When the fighting started, it was almost as if my dad was in the room just cheering them on. You know, I -- I stood there sort of taking it all in. And suddenly, it was like I could just feel him nudging me to join the fray. Nikolas: Oh. Emily: You know? To jump right in there and just shut them all up. [Emily chuckles] Emily: And it's the same scenario I've lived a million times, but it was like he was saying keep the traditions now? Keep fighting, keep living, keep loving. So, that's what I'm going to promote. Huh. Nikolas: Sounds good to me. Emily: In the meantime, there is something I need from you. Nikolas: You name it. [SCENE_BREAK] Monica: I hope you're proud of yourself, Tracy. By forging Alan's will, you ruined his last chance to say goodbye. Luke: Accentuate the positive, Dr. Quartermaine. You got to keep the house. Monica: Oh, please -- Edward: You know, only Alan would be incompetent enough to choose a law firm so that you and Luke could breach the security and wreak havoc on this family. You know something? You never cease to disappoint me, Tracy. Ned: Well, I am going to reserve judgment. I choose to believe that you would never stoop so low as to subvert Alan's dying wishes. Because of course, if you did, I would never be able to speak to you again. Dillon: Well, I guess it's my turn. Good role model, Mom. Blood money -- cool. [Luke sighs] Luke: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. This is not guilt I see, is it? Tracy: Why should I be guilty? I'm the big winner. Luke: Wife, you are the big winner in my eyes, E.L.Q. stock or not. Tracy: Oh. Luke: What? Alan: Shame, Tracy. You should be ashamed of yourself. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. [SCENE_BREAK] Scott: Hi. Can I buy you another cup -- Lulu: Say nothing to me, you lying scum-sucking snake! [SCENE_BREAK] Stan: I put a search engine in place that sends me an alert anytime your name appears in any sort of legal transaction, and I just got notified. Sonny: What's going on? Stan: Well, it's -- it's taking place in the Dominican Republic right now, and -- um -- Sonny: Stan, just -- just go ahead. What? Stan: Well, Sonny, it's in an attorney's office. Carly's in the process of divorcing you. [SCENE_BREAK] Max: So if you guys see anything strange, let me know, okay? Thank you very much. Jax: Have you seen Carly yet? Max: Well, if you would have let me explain earlier, I would have told you that -- Jax: Sorry, Max, that I bit your head off, okay? Sonny was getting on my nerves. What did you want to tell me? Max: Look, I took Michael and Morgan over to Bobbie's, all right? Mrs. C went to the Dominican Republic to get a divorce. Jax: I take it from your tone you don't approve. Max: Look, straight up - yeah, it wasn't fair of Sonny to trick Carly into marrying him. But she fought it with everything she had, because that's how much she loved you. But you made no effort to understand that. You just blew up at her, you know? You treated her like something you find on the bottom of your shoe. So, if you've both lost Carly, you both deserve what you got. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Sonny bribed you, didn't he? Judge: Are you very sure that you want to insult me? [Carly sighs] Jason: I apologize for my friend, okay? She's been under a lot of stress, and she traveled down here under the impression that you could end her marriage today. Judge: I can, but only in the Dominican Republic, not New York. Carly: That wasn't the case the last time I got divorced here. Judge: The laws have changed. Should your husband choose to contest it, then you'll have to go through divorce proceedings in New York. Carly: So you're saying to end my marriage, Sonny has to sign the papers? Hmm. What's the chances of that? [NEXT_ON] Tracy: You lying snake! Luke: Who? Tracy: Him! Scott: It isn't what you think. Lulu: I know what you did. Ric: Last chance, Alexis. Sign over custody of Molly to me, and we can avoid this whole ugly mess. | Max tells Jax what Carly is up to and doesn't believe either he or Sonny deserve to with her |
420 | Donna: My wedding day. Katie: Hello. Donna: Hi. Katie: Who says you can't put a wedding together in a day? All it takes is a little... Brooke: One very organized sister. Katie: (Laughs) Donna: (Laughs) Katie: Nothing's gonna upstage the bride, not tonight. Brooke: Not that anything could. You are absolutely glowing, sis. Donna: Thank you. (Cell phone rings) Katie: Oh. Oh, and here's the reason why. (Ring) Donna: Oh. Hi, sweetheart. Justin: Hello, pretty lady. I know it is bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony, but it's okay to call, right? Donna: Don't tell me you're superstitious. Justin: Are you kidding? It took two decades for us to get married. I don't want to tick off the fate Gods at the last minute. (Chuckles) So... are you ready to do this, beautiful? Donna: I can't wait. Justin: Me neither. I love you, Donna Logan. Donna: I love you, Justin Barber, so very much. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: Thanks for comin' over. Hope: Mm-hmm. Liam: I guess I don't have to ask what's on your mind. Hope: I bet you can't stop thinking about it either-- what Amber's claiming. Hope: Is there any chance that Amber's telling the truth? Could her baby really be yours? [SCENE_BREAK] Oliver: What are you doing here? Amber: We need to talk. Oliver: Amber, if this is about you moving back in the garage apartment, it's not gonna happen. Amber: I'm pregnant. [SCENE_BREAK] Donna: I am so lucky having both of my sisters standing up for me. Katie: Well, it beats Brooke and me having to arm wrestle for the matron of honor duties, that's for sure. Donna: (Laughs) Well, you both mean so much to me. How could I ever choose? Katie: (Chuckles) Donna: Plus with dad here... I just wish he were bringing mom instead of Pam. Katie: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: You think we're the first ones here? Stephen: I don't know. Pam: (Gasps) Oh, Stephen, it looks so beautiful, doesn't it? Stephen: Oh, it's fantastic. Pam: Oh. Stephen: Look at this. Pam: (Speaking indistinctly) Hey, Ridge. Have you heard the good news? Ridge: Whoa, so it's official. Pam: (Chuckles) Ridge: You and Stephen are engaged. Pam: Yeah. Stephen: It is official. Ridge: You're gonna be on your best behavior, right, Pammy? Pam: With this gorgeous hunk on my arm? Stephen: (Chuckles) Pam: Could you doubt it? Stephen: See what she does for me, Ridge? She makes me happy. Pam: And Brooke even went to bat for us. Ridge: Your daughters just want you to be happy. Stephen: I know. They want what's best for me, as I want them to all be happy, too. (Chuckles) [SCENE_BREAK] Oliver: What did you just say? Amber: I'm pregnant, with child, in a family way-- whatever, it's all the same. Oliver: Are you sure? Amber: Test stick doesn't lie. Oliver: Have you seen a doctor? Amber: I wanted to talk to you first. Oliver: I'm the father. Amber: I just-- I just didn't know who else to turn to. Oliver: Amber, we used protection that night... most of the night. Amber: Relax. You're not the dad. It's not your kid. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: The bride really loves lemon bars, so I baked a whole batch last night. I-I make it with extra egg, and you put, like, a ton of lemon zest in it, and it just makes it... Stephen: Well, it looks like she's getting along with the caterer, which is good, because we're gonna be needing one. And I assume you have reservations about all that. Ridge: And I assume your intentions are good, Stephen, that you're not up to something where Pammy's concerned. Stephen: I promise. Ridge: Good, because I will be watching you. Marcus: Hey, Granddad. Stephen: Hey, Marcus. Marcus: How you doin'? Stephen: Ah, I'm great. You look great. Marcus: Thank you. You, too. Oh, I have somebody special I want you to meet. This is Dayzee, Granddad. Dayzee: Hi. Stephen: How do you do? Dayzee: Very well, thank you. Bill: Well, I am impressed. I bet Katie you wouldn't have the cojones to show. Ridge: It is a little bit like being in the enemy camp, I must say, but anything for my gorgeous wife. Bill: Yes, the gorgeous Brooke Logan Forrester, from which no man is immune, including your son, apparently, judging from their recent press junket in the most romantic city in the world. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: So the bouquet and the picture of mom and Stormy-- that takes care of something old and something new. And now we need something borrowed and something blue. Donna: (Sighs) Katie: Well, I think I have just the thing. (Chuckles) Donna: Oh, Katie, it's exquisite. Brooke: Oh. Katie: Bill gave it to me a couple of weeks ago for our first wedding anniversary. Donna: (Sighs) Katie: It's very special, just like my beautiful sister. Donna: Well, I never felt more beautiful. Katie: Well, being in love can do that to you, right, Brooke? Donna: (Giggles) Brooke: Oh, yes. All: (Laugh) Brooke: I have Ridge, and you, Katie, have Bill... Katie: Mm-hmm. Brooke: And now you and Justin have each other. Donna: And our son-- a son we're both so proud of. To know I'm gonna look across and see him with his father... Katie: (Sighs) Donna: It's like the way it should always be, and we'll always be for the rest of our lives. (Sighs) (laughs) Brooke: (Chuckles) [SCENE_BREAK] Justin: Hello, everyone. Guess who I ran into? This is my cousin, Miss Olivia Barber Winters. She happened to be visiting L.A. and gave me a call to say hi. Olivia: The next thing I know, the man is inviting me to his wedding and sending a car for me. Bill: Wait, wait, wait. Wait a second. Your cousin, a beautiful woman like that, as funny-looking as you are? Pam: (Laughs) Bill: No way. No way. There's gotta be another part to this story. Justin: (Laughs) [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Amber is trying to ruin your life. Liam: Yeah, because she's desperate or crazy and clearly not above lying to get what she wants. Hope: You think it's all about money? Uh, she can't really believe that your dad would pay her off. Liam: I don't know. Hope: (Sighs) Liam: But whatever's going on inside that head of hers, I know Amber's not the kind of girl that only hangs out with one guy. Hope: True. You're not the father. You're not. You're not, okay? There has to be someone else. There--there has to be. Liam: Maybe-- maybe lots of guys, I don't know. What about Oliver? I mean, like, we saw them together when she was stealing your designs, right? Hope: Yeah. Yeah, she was-- she was at his place when we caught her. Liam: Yeah. And then Bikini Beach, they were making out. Hope: Yeah, she was all over him-- feeding him shots and kissing him. Liam: Yeah. Hope: Oh, my God, I would hate to think... Liam: I--look, I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but somebody's the father of this kid, and it ain't me, so... maybe Oliver's our guy. [SCENE_BREAK] Oliver: How can you be so sure that it's not mine? Amber: I just am. I mean, women... we just know these things. Besides, you weren't the only guy I was with. Oliver: It's Liam's? Amber: I already told him. Oliver: (Gasps) Amber: And he and Hope laughed in my face. Oliver: You told Hope? Amber: You know, I understand that you're still in love with her, but when it comes to me, she can be so damn sanctimonious. Oliver: Oh, come on. You can't be surprised they don't believe you. They don't believe that you two slept together to begin with. Amber: They're in denial. It won't be long before they start questioning every single guy that I have been involved with-- prying and--and probing in hopes that they can pin this baby on him... on you. Oliver: Oh, my God, you didn't tell them about that night, did you? Amber: No, of course not. I would never do that to you, not after everything you've done for me. But... you should prepare yourself, because they're gonna come lookin' for answers. You better have the right one for both of our sakes. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: Okay, great. Thanks for letting me know. Stephen: So is that the minister? Katie: Mm-hmm. Yes, he's on his way. Stephen: Whew. So how's your sister? Is she nervous? Katie: Actually, I don't think I've ever seen her more calm or more in love. Stephen: Yeah, well, there's a lot of that going around these days. Jarrett: Engaged? You and Stephen? Pam: Yeah. Jarrett: (Laughs) When did this happen? Pam: What, when did he pop the question? Jarrett: Yeah, I mean, it must have sent shockwaves through both families. Pam: No, I-it's all really peachy. I have never been happier. Jarrett: Oh, and it shows. Pam: (Chuckles) Jarrett: Oh, best wishes, Pam. Pam: Oh, thanks, Jarrett. Jarrett: (Chuckles) Pam: Now we gotta work on your love life. Jarrett: (Scoffs) Dayzee: Go ahead. I'll be fine. Marcus: What? Dayzee: I know you want a few minutes alone with your mom. Go. I'll... mingle. Marcus: Okay. Dayzee: Okay. Bill: So I wanted to, you know, throw my boy here a big blowout wedding, but the ball and chain said-- Justin: Hey, hey. Bill: Uh, sorry. Correction... Justin: Exactly. Bill: The ravishing bride-to-be... Justin: Thank you. Bill: Put the kibosh on that because she had been married once before. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: Mm. Ridge: Thank you. Thank you. Brooke: (Giggles) Ridge: But what was that for? Brooke: Being such a good sport. Ridge: Hmm? Brooke: I know it wasn't easy for you to be here today, given the way you feel. Ridge: Well... (sighs) Justin was the one that exposed what happened between you and Oliver that night. He apologized, but... Donna. Brooke: (Sighs) Ridge: Let's not forget how she squeezed those shares of Forrester out of dad. Brooke: And then sold them to Bill. Ridge: Not that I'm holding a grudge. Brooke: (Laughs) Ridge: Boy. Seems like weddings in both of our families seem to come with a lot of drama. Brooke: Like me riding up on a horse, hmm? Ridge: Mm-hmm. And that's gonna be very, very hard to top tonight. Brooke: Well, for Donna's sake, let's hope that nobody tries. (Glasses clink) Brooke: (Giggles) [SCENE_BREAK] Marcus: You're a knockout, Mom. Donna: (Chuckles) Marcus: Pop will not be able to keep his eyes off of you. Donna: I hope he always feels that way. Marcus: You're not having doubts, are you? Donna: Sweetheart, no. I am as sure of your father's love for me as I am of mine for him. It--it finally feels right-- you, me, your father-- a real family after all these years. [SCENE_BREAK] Justin: Oh, Reverend. Man: Hey. Justin: So glad you could make it. Sorry for the short notice. Man: Well, the bride and groom are anxious. Justin: Yeah. Well, when you've been waiting as long as Donna and I-- Man: This is a very special occasion. Justin: It sure is. It sure is. I think all of the guests are here, so we should be ready to start soon. Man: Great. [SCENE_BREAK] Oliver: What are you asking me to do, Amber? Amber: This baby is the chance that you've been waiting for. Oliver: (Scoffs) How so? Amber: 'Cause once I prove that my kid is Liam's, the you-know-what is gonna hit the fan between him and his sweet, little, Virginal Hope. There will be no denying any longer what really happened between us, not with the-- the proof growing inside of me. And Little Miss Perfect Hope-- her whole world will be crushed. She'll have no choice but to dump him, and that's where you come in to help her through it. Oliver: Well, they're gonna want a paternity test, right? Amber: And the results will come exactly how I'm saying they will. Oliver: There's no possibility whatsoever in the universe that I am the father? Amber: No, that's why they don't need to know that we slept together, especially given how Hope feels about me. Uh, she'd never forgive you, Ollie. You will have blown your one chance to get her back. And as for Liam, I'm under no illusion that he's gonna drop to one knee, propose, and make an honest woman out of me. But he will have to pay child support. And his father will have to pay me off if he wants me out of Liam's life completely. But at that point, none of it really matters because the damage to their relationship will have already been done. And you come to the rescue-- Hope's knight in shining armor, and mine, too, if you do one more little thing for me. [SCENE_BREAK] Oliver: What now? Amber: I just need some cash to tide me over. You know, a grand should do it. Oliver: You want to borrow $1,000 from me? Amber: Well, just until Liam takes some responsibility. Oliver: Stop it. I don't have that kind of money, and if I did, I wouldn't give it to you. Amber: Hey! Oliver: I mean it. You got yourself into this mess. Don't drag me down with you. Amber: Okay, now you're really starting to hurt my feelings. Oliver: Don't even, all right? I've fallen for that once before. You used me. You got me drunk, and you stole my designs. I should have slammed that door in your face when you came back here, but I didn't. I let you into my home. You sponged off me. You're a parasite, you and your mother. You are trouble, Amber. I don't want you in my life. Do you understand that? Amber: Fine. Just promise me one thing. Oliver: I'm not gonna promise you anything. Amber: Liam and Hope-- they don't know I was staying here, and they definitely don't know it went as far as it did between us. So when they come sniffin' around, you gotta make sure not to tip them off on anything. And when Liam is proven to be the father of my baby, and he will be, then Hope will come running back into your arms. I mean, that's what you still want, right? I mean, I want that for you, especially after the sweetheart you've been to me, with one very recent, noticeable lapse. You are such a great guy. You deserve another chance to be with the woman you love. And I want that for you, 'cause I really care about you, Oliver. And it will happen as long as you keep quiet about what happened between us. [SCENE_BREAK] Donna: (Chuckles) Stephen: You are beautiful. Donna: (Sighs) Stephen: I just wish your mother were here. Donna: She is, Daddy, in our hearts. Katie: Stormy, too. I just know that they're looking down on us right now smiling. Donna: (Sighs) Brooke: I'm sure they are. Stephen: Now I know Justin. He's a fine man. He's gonna take good care of you, but if you need anything from any of us, we're here. Donna: I love you. I love all of you so much. (Classical music starts playing) Katie: Oh, that's the music. We gotta get out there. Do you need help with your dress? Brooke: Oh, okay. Donna: No, uh, I'm fine. Katie: Okay. Donna: Okay. Katie: See you out front? Donna: Okay. Stephen: All right, are you ready? Donna: (Sighs) Yes, I am so happy, Daddy. (Sighs) But I am not gonna cry. I am not gonna cry. (Chuckles) Stephen: Okay. Donna: Okay. Bye. Stephen: Okay. (Clears throat) Donna: (Sighs) (Sighs) (Sighs) (Wagner's "Bridal chorus from 'Lohengrin'" playing) Man: Everyone, please be seated. Dear friends and family, with great affection for Justin and Donna, we're here to witness and bless their union in marriage. Donna: I promised myself I wouldn't cry. Man: Donna, are you ready? Donna: Oh, yes. Yes, I am so ready. (Laughs) | He's stunned, but then she adds he can relax; he's not the dad |
421 | Henry: Al's diner -- we fry it, you buy it. Brad: It's me. Henry: Hey, Buddy, this is a big surprise. You coming in for breakfast? We've got those salami pancakes that you love so much. Brad: I wish I could but, I'm in jail. Henry: Well -- well, I hope you didn't try to drown anyone. I mean, that didn't work too well the first time. Brad: That's not funny, Henry. I've been arrested for murder. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: Hi Tom, its Katie. Listen, I know you're in a deposition right now, but I just wanted to call and make sure that Brad's doing okay this morning. I can't believe he's gotten himself into this much trouble, but thank you so much for helping him. Just call me when you get this, okay? Thank you. Liberty: Woo. Katie: Oh, you're up early. Liberty: Yeah, I have a Chem test today. Dad said he'd quiz me before I left. Where is he? [SCENE_BREAK] Henry: Okay, I won't ask why in the hell you went up there. Brad: You know, you'd be the first person who didn't. Henry: But I will say that I understand why the cops consider you a suspect. Brad: Good to have you in my corner, Henry. Henry: Brad, I am -- I am in your corner, okay? But you have got to level with me here. Did you do it? Brad: Henry! Henry: I will take that as a no. Brad: You're damn right it's a no! Come on! Henry: Well, I'd almost understand if you did. I mean, she was a nasty piece of work. Brad: Well, at least you saw it. She had most people snowed. Henry: Not Katie, and not Vienna, they saw through her from the beginning. Brad: Well, Katie tried to warn me a hundred times about her, but I just -- I thought she was jealous. Henry: Well, we all know that judging people is not exactly your strong point. Brad: I'm friends with you, aren't I? Henry: Even a blind squirrel can find an acorn from time to time, Brad. Do you have a lawyer? Brad: Yeah, Tom. Henry: Is there anything else you need? Brad: Well, I mean, you can talk to Katie for me. Before she goes and gets a lawyer and files for divorce. Henry: Brad, Katie does not think that you did it. Brad: Well, I don't know what she thinks except she's married a dope. Henry: She knew that from the start. Brad: Henry, if she's not behind me, I'm not going to make it. Henry: Brad, Brad, she is behind you, okay? She is. She loves you, big dope that you are. Brad: Can you talk to her? Henry: Sure. What else can I do? Brad: You can bake me a cake with a file in it. Henry: Well -- well, they probably have electronic sensors in the bars, I'd have to disable the system -- Brad: I was joking. Henry: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So was I. Don't lose your sense of humor, okay? Brad: I'm trying. That's about the only thing I have left. [SCENE_BREAK] Margo: What'd they find? Dani: Forensics says that the fibers underneath Brad's fingernails are a definite match to the victim's scarf. Margo: But did they tell us -- was he strangling her? Was he trying to help her? Dani: Not yet, not yet. They haven't told us. Margo: So it's all circumstantial. Dani: Yeah, as of right now, yeah. Margo: I just wish it didn't all point to Brad. Katie: I am late for an appointment. [SCENE_BREAK] Liberty: What about Dad? Katie: What about him? Liberty: Where is he? Katie: He uh -- he was not here when I woke up. Liberty: Sucker blew me off! Katie: Why, do you need help? Liberty: No, you said you were running late. Katie: I am. Liberty: Dude, it's cool, I'm gonna review it by myself. It's fine. Katie: Okay, you're sure? Liberty: Yeah, hey, you forgot your lunch! Katie: Oh, that's not mine. Your mom made it for Jack before she left. Liberty: Oh, leftover lasagna. She's so subtle, huh? Katie: Yeah, okay, well. See you later. Good luck! Liberty: Okay, bye! Hey, if you see my dad, tell him it's his fault if I flunk. Weird. Hey Mom, it's me. You forgot Jack's lunch, so I'm gonna drop it off at the station on my way to school, and then I'm gonna go to the mall and get that plaid skirt I wanted as your way of saying thanks. Later. [SCENE_BREAK] Bob: So, I understand you've been coming for therapy. Paul: Yeah, it's seems to be making a big difference. Bob: Well, I'm glad to hear that. Paul: Yeah, I finally realized that if I was ever going to get any better that I couldn't be too proud to ask for help. I'm a husband, I'm a father, and I don't have a lot of time to play with. Bob: Well, I'd say that's an indication that therapy is helping you. Paul: I hope so. Bob: Listen, if there's anything I can do, don't hesitate to call. Paul: Thank you, but this something I really have to do on my own. Bob: Good luck, Paul. Paul: Thanks. [Emily clapping] Paul: All right, what cynical point are you trying to make now? Emily: No, I'm just trying to express my appreciation for such a fine performance. Paul: It wasn't a performance. Emily: Really? And this isn't a hospital. Paul: I meant what I said. Emily: You did sound sincere. Paul: I was. Emily: Well, good for you. I mean, if you can fake that, you can fake anything. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: Good morning. Josie: Morning. Dusty: You sleep well? Josie: Very. Dusty: Oh, thanks. So you had a good night? That's good. Josie: It's just the opposite of the hospital. I want to thank you for everything. I don't know what I would've done without you. Dusty: You hungry? Josie: Are you kidding? After a steady diet of hospital food? Dusty: Downstairs they have a killer breakfast. Josie: Oh, sounds good. What is it? Dusty: Nothing, I was just thinking. Josie: What am I doing with this lady? Dusty: No. No, nothing like that. Josie: Look, if you're having second thoughts about bringing me here, just say the word and I'm gone. Dusty: I'm not having second thoughts. Josie: Well, then maybe you can tell me why you did it, because right now, it's not adding up. Dusty: I brought you here because I think I can help you. Josie: I'm sorry, but there has to be more to it than that. You meet a woman with the same color hair and initials as your late wife and you suddenly adopt her? Dusty: That's not the way I'd put it. Josie: Well, it's pretty much what happened. You think I'm your Jennifer in someone else's body. Dusty: Do you think I'm the kind of man who'd even think that way? Josie: Not really. But you do seem like a guy who did something that you can't really explain, not even to yourself, and now you don't know what to do about it. Dusty: I know what to do. And no insult to the medical staff in Sandusky, but here at Oakdale Memorial, we have some good doctors. Maybe they can help you out. Josie: No, I have had enough poking and shrinking, I'll pass, thank you. Dusty: Don't you want to find out who you are? I do. Josie: Why? Why do you care about me? Dusty: Well, that's what I need to find out. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: You know what? I don't care at all what you think. Emily: Just trying to scope out your plan. Paul: I don't have a plan. Emily: Oh, please. Paul: Look, if I remember it right, it was your idea that I go to therapy in the first place. It's really your advice. Emily: Oh really? I told you to just go through the motions. That's all you had to do and Meg would be happy. Paul: Really? I don't remember you saying that. Emily: Did you ever think that actually going to therapy might be good for you if you took it serious? Paul: I am taking it seriously. I know what I have to do, I'm doing it. Emily: It's not the same thing. Don't short-change yourself. For your sake and your child's. [SCENE_BREAK] Henry: Hey, hey, Brad called. This is terrible. Katie: I know. I don't know what to do, Henry. Henry: I can't believe they think he's a killer! Brad -- Katie: Well, all the evidence points to him. Henry: Well, you don't think he did it, do you? Katie? Hey. Katie: No, of course I don't think he did it. But it's just all the other things he did -- I warned him to stay away from her. So did Kim. But he didn't listen to us. Henry: This is Brad we're talking about! The only reason he has a head is to keep his hat off his shoulders. But his heart is as big as Idaho, that's why you fell in love with him, remember? Katie: No, I'm just so angry at him for leaving himself wide open. I had to lie to Liberty, I mean she's going to find out eventually. You know what this is going to do to her? Henry: Yeah, I know, it's just going to be horrible. But she's also going to see what you and I do and that is that Brad has been set up. Katie: You really believe that? Henry: Now look, you and Vienna both got really weird vibes about Spencer. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and then we found all that money. Katie: Yeah, the money she replaced so that by the time the cops went back, the real cash was gone. Henry: Exactly. And Brad, he just -- he didn't see it. That's all. Katie: Until it was too late. Henry: Look -- look, we know the girl was up to her eyeballs in something dirty, that is why she is dead. Katie: But how do we prove it? Henry: That's the part I haven't figured out yet. Katie: He's in real trouble, isn't he? Henry: Yeah, Bubbles. He is. [SCENE_BREAK] Liberty: Hello. Cop #1: Hi. Liberty: I'm looking for Detective Snyder. Cop #1: He's on a case. Liberty: Oh, okay, I have his lunch, so -- Cop #1: Leave it on his desk. Liberty: Okay, thank you. Dad? What are you doing here? Why are you wearing those? [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: Dusty. Dusty: Hello, Emily. Emily: I'm sorry, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend? Dusty: Emily Stewart, this is Josie Matthews Driver. Josie: Hi, it's nice to meet you. Emily: How do you do? You new in town? Josie: Yeah. Dusty helped me escape from Sandusky, Ohio. Emily: Really? Dusty: Josie, would you mind giving me a moment with Emily? Josie: Sure, I'll get us a table. Dusty: Thanks. She's a friend. Emily: Yeah, it's none of my business, really. Dusty: No, no, no. She's here because of you. Emily: How's that? Dusty: Well, you told me to listen to that psychic, Madame Penelope. And she told me I'd find a redhead in Sandusky, Ohio with Jennifer's initials. Emily: Josie Matthews Driver. Dusty: That's right. She had an accident and she doesn't know who she is. Emily: So you brought her here? Dusty: Yeah, trying to get her memory back. Madame Penelope thinks she's connected to Jennifer. Emily: I'm sorry, you believed her? Dusty: Yeah, you told me to be open to this stuff. Emily: Be open, that's right. Not go to Ohio and bring home a total stranger. Dusty: Whether or not Josie's connected to Jennifer, she needs help. But if she is connected -- Emily: How, Dusty? Dusty: Well, that's what I'm trying to find out. Emily: Has she said anything? Dusty: She can't remember anything. I'm trying to get someone here to help her out. Emily: Oh, my God. This superhero complex of yours is out of control. Dusty: You think so, huh? Emily: You don't see the pattern? Honestly, unless a woman is a walking cry for help, you're not interested. That's why you lost interest in me. I'm not -- I'm not a wounded bird like I used to be. Dusty: No kidding? Emily: So then you set your sights on Meg, and you want to help her. But Paul's in the picture, that got too complicated, so you go find yourself someone who's a complete blank slate, literally? Dusty: You're a lousy shrink. Emily: Did you ever consider the possibility that a brand new gazillionaire makes an attractive mark? Dusty: She doesn't want my money, and this isn't your problem. It's mine. Emily: Oh, it sure is. [SCENE_BREAK] Kim: Oh, Honey! Bob: Oh, I know. You're gonna cancel our lunch. Kim: No, I don't want to, but I may have to. Honestly, I am just spinning with all this business about Spencer being murdered. I just can't believe it. Bob: I know, it's terrible. Kim: And I'm so worried about Brad and Katie. I haven't been able to find either one of them. Bob: Have you tried Margo? Kim: Yeah, that's my next phone call. [Cell phone rings] Kim: Sorry. Excuse me. Kim Hughes. Monica, slow down. Are you sure? Has he been arrested? Okay, all right, listen, calm down. I'm going to call the police station. I'll find out what I can. All right. Bob: What is it? Kim: They've taken Brad in for questioning about the murder. Bob: They think he did it? Kim: I have no idea. I've got to find out, though. Honey, I'll meet you at Java later, okay? Bob: Definitely. Hey, listen. I'm sorry, I know you were very fond of her. Kim: Oh, yes, I was. I mean, she was a lovely girl, and Brad and Katie -- I just hate to think of them going through this all over again. I'll see you later. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: This is a mistake. Liberty: What is? What happened, what did you do? Brad: Nothing. Liberty: Dad, tell me, please. Brad: They think that I killed Spencer. Liberty: Oh, my God, Spencer's dead. Brad: Liberty, I didn't do it. I never touched her. She said some things to our boss that weren't true. I got fired. I got angry. She called me, she wanted to clear the air. She never showed up. I went to find out why, and that's when I found her body. Liberty: Oh, my God. Brad: And then look, I tried to help her, but all that happened -- ended up happening was I got my fingerprints all over her room. Liberty: Does my mom know? I mean -- Brad: Yeah. Liberty: I have to find her. I have to talk to her. She's probably really freaking out. Brad: Listen to me, listen to me, listen to me. Just wait, wait, slow down for a second. You do believe me, right? I know I'm a lot of things, but I'm not a murderer. Liberty: Dad, I know that! I know that. Margo: Hi, sorry, I need to take your father to his cell. Liberty: What, he has to stay here? Margo: Yeah. Liberty: But you know that -- you know he didn't do it. Margo: We haven't finished our investigation. Liberty: Oh, my God, he's married to your sister. How could you even treat him like this? [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: Oh, Henry. No, I'm not hungry. Henry: You're upset. That burns calories. Eat. Katie: What am I going to do? Henry: We -- we both know he didn't kill this girl. His crime was not listening to his wife, which, while heinous, does not justify a life in prison. Katie: That's not funny. Henry: That's the same thing Brad said. I got to work on my material. I'll stop trying to cheer you up, okay? Katie: Please. Henry: Okay, okay, it's simple. It's simple. Okay, Brad did not kill this girl. That means someone else did. Katie: Who? Henry: That's what we have to find out. [SCENE_BREAK] Liberty: You know that he didn't kill someone. Why are you treating him like a criminal? Margo: He is a suspect, and I'm simply following procedure. Brad: Margo is just doing her job. She's trying to prove I'm innocent. Liberty: Well, that won't be hard, right? Brad: No, are you kidding me? I'm going to be out of here in no time. Margo: It's time to go. Let's go. Liberty: No. Dad, wait. Brad: Hey, will you do me a favor? Liberty: Yeah. Brad: Will you take care of Katie and your mom? Liberty: Yeah. Brad: I'm sorry about the Chem test. Liberty: Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Josie: Not hungry? Dusty: I'm not a big breakfast person. Josie: You're missing out. So what did your friend have to say? Dusty: Nothing that matters. Josie: She thinks that I'm after your money, and that you're totally nuts for bringing me here. Dusty: We disagree all the time. Josie: She's right, you know. Not about the money. But about you being totally nuts. Dusty: Yeah, I get that a lot. What she thinks doesn't matter to me. Josie: Well, it matters to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: I know what you're doing. Paul: It's not hard to figure out. Emily: To Dusty. Paul: I'm done with the doing-things-to-Dusty business. Emily: You don't lie to me. I met your little grifter. Paul: My what? Emily: Your -- the woman you hired to latch onto Dusty. Paul: I don't know what you're talking about. Emily: You hired a Jennifer look-alike in Ohio, and then you had that psychic send Dusty after her. Paul: The same psychic that Dusty is convinced I hired to mess with his head? Emily: You're telling me you didn't? Paul: I didn't. Emily: Okay, she told him that there was a woman with red hair in Ohio, and her initials were JMD. Paul: JMD? Emily: Yeah, I told -- I told Dusty you weren't behind the psychic, but you were, weren't you? Paul: Look, Em, I'm not just going to tell you to get out. But I will tell you that I would never, under any circumstances, ever do anything to dishonor the memory of my sister. Emily: I think you hate Dusty enough to do just about anything. Paul: Well, then you don't know me at all. Emily: You better not be lying to me. Paul: I'm done lying to people, Emily. Emily: Oh, yeah, right, I forgot, you're the new shrink-wrapped Paul Ryan. Paul: Well, maybe not, but I'm not lying to you now. Emily: You swear you had nothing to do with this? Paul: Okay, first of all, the last thing I would ever think is that Dusty would listen to a psychic. And second of all, if this psychic is the only reason that Dusty brought this girl back to town, hooray. I'm no longer the crazy guy in town. Emily: Okay, I wouldn't get carried away. Paul: So what do we know about this girl? Emily: All Dusty told me was her name, Josie Matthews Driver. And she was found in Ohio at a hospital, suffering from amnesia. Paul: And all Dusty knows about her is her hair color and her name? Emily: I think that's all she knows about herself. Paul: Didn't Dusty check her out? Emily: I doubt it. Paul: Okay, well, why don't you go call your sources, and I'll see what the internet has to say. Emily: Wait a minute, why are you helping me do this? Paul: I'm not helping you. I'm helping Dusty. After everything I've done to him, helping you might be the only way I can start to pay him back. [SCENE_BREAK] Josie: I may not remember much, but I know that I am not your wife. Dusty: No, of course not. My wife's dead. Josie: But not gone. Or at least you hope not, or you wouldn't have come all the way to Sandusky on the word of a psychic. Dusty: I know you're not Jennifer. But like you said, there's a connection. I want to find out what it is. And so you do, or you wouldn't be here. Josie: Well, I had nowhere else to go. Dusty: Don't you want to see what we can find out? Josie: Of course I do. I'm just afraid that it won't be what you want. Dusty: Well, how do you know what I want? Do you know what you want? Josie: I want my memory back. Dusty: Then let's get it back. [SCENE_BREAK] Henry: Okay, I've got a plan. Katie: Already? Henry: Oh, baby, once these wheels start turning, there's no stopping them. Katie: Okay, what is it? Henry: All right, what I learned as a P.I. is that the best witness to any crime is the victim. Katie: She's dead. Henry: Yeah, Sweetheart, I know that. Sit down. That doesn't mean that she can't still speak to us. We got to put together everything we know about this girl and see what it says. Katie: Unfortunately, there's not much. I mean, she moved here when Kim hired her. She lived at the Lakeview. She did her work. I don't even think she had time to make any friends. Henry: Whoa, not so fast about that, okay? Let's go back to the money switch after we found the real cash in the hotel. Do you think she could have pulled that off by herself? Katie: Probably not. Henry: Right, which means she must have an accomplice. But did she mention anyone she knew before she moved to Oakdale? Katie: Not to me. Henry: Did anyone ever visit the set? Katie: About that brother of hers that delivered the music box! Henry: There you go. Now we're thinking. Where can we find this guy? Katie: Not a clue. Henry: Well, maybe there's one in her room. An address book, a PDA, something like that. Katie: The police have searched every inch of that room. Henry: Cops always miss things that don't fit into their idea of the case. Katie: Oh, you mean they were only looking for evidence against Brad? Henry: Right, little bit, which means there might still be something in there about the brother. Katie: Yeah, but don't the police seal off a crime scene? Henry: If you think that cops aren't sloppy, you've been watching too many detective shows. Let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Bob: Well, whatever injuries you suffered, there doesn't seem to be any lasting effect. So next step is a full workup. We'll do an MRI and a C.A.T. scan. Dusty: Let's say it doesn't show anything, Bob, then what? Bob: Well, brain trauma doesn't always show, but it will explain some of the symptoms. And sometimes the condition resolves itself. Now, what you've got to be aware of, any kind of a mental trigger, vocal, visual, something that might give rise to a memory. And if that should happen, don't resist it. Let it happen. Let's see what comes back to you. Dusty: When would that begin? Bob: Well, it's hard to say. It could be days, weeks. Dusty: Months. Bob: Yeah, you got to be patient. So we'll run those tests, so why don't you come in and see me next week? Josie: Well, I don't know if I'll be here. Dusty: Where are you going? Josie: I can't sponge off of you indefinitely. I won't. [SCENE_BREAK] Liberty: Hey. Waitress: Hey, Liberty. Liberty: Hi, I'm looking for my mom. Waitress: She's not on until later. Liberty: She wasn't at home. Do you have any idea where she is? Waitress: Sorry. Parker: Hey, Henry said I could put these up. They're for the "V8 make every serving count" food program. Waitress: Oh yeah, the food drive. Knock yourself out. Parker: Thanks. Hey, Liberty, what 's wrong with you? Liberty: Nothing. Parker: Really, so you're upset about nothing? Liberty: Yeah, my dad's in jail. Parker: Again? Liberty: But this time I don't think he's going to get out. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: Are you sure we should be doing this? Henry: You want to find out who really killed Spencer? Katie: Of course. Henry: Okay, then we have to get in there. We got to work fast. Katie: Where do we start? Henry: Um, the desk. Katie: Okay, what are we looking for? Henry: Unopened mail, notebook paper, a PDA, anything with a name, or a phone number or an address. Dani: Lose something? Henry: Okay, this is not as bad as it looks. Dani: Oh, breaking and entering, trespassing, obstruction of justice, and I'm going to guess theft if I hadn't walked in. This looks pretty bad. Katie: We were just trying to help my husband. Dani: By looting the victim's hotel room? Henry: No, no, we weren't looting anything. We're looking for evidence. Katie: We're trying to prove that Brad didn't kill Spencer. And Henry used to be a private investigator. Dani: Oh, I used to be an astronaut, and then I grew up. Katie: You helped me before. Can't you help me again? Dani: I wasn't an OPD employee before. Dani: Listen, I understand you want to do something. But this is not it. Okay, we are building this case scientifically. You just need to let us get there. [SCENE_BREAK] Henry: That's all well and good, but sometimes got to play a hunch. Dani: This is your hunch, not mine. Katie: Can't you just let us see if we're right? Dani: That's not up to me. Katie: Who is it up to? Dani: Lieutenant Hughes. [SCENE_BREAK] Liberty: I know that my dad has been like a huge screw-up sometimes, and he's been unfair to you, but do you actually think that he would be like a killer? Parker: No. There's no way. Liberty: I know, then why can't Katie's sister even see that? Parker: Listen, she put her own son in jail. Even let him do time. And she tried to put me away as ll. Liberty: She's probably not going to go easy on my dad, then, huh? Parker: No, I wouldn't get your hopes up. Um, have you talked to my dad? Liberty: He wasn't there. Parker: Well, does he even know that Brad was arrested? Liberty: The last time he helped my dad, he lost his job. I really cannot ask him for anything. Parker: Then I'll talk to him. Liberty: Really? Parker: Listen, they're brothers. And that means a lot to my dad. And he'll do what can, as long as he doesn't have to cross the line. All right? I'll call him. Liberty: Hey, can I ask you something? Parker: Sure. Liberty: Why are you being so nice to me after everything that's happened? [SCENE_BREAK] Margo: You broke into her room? Again? Henry: No, actually this was Katie's first time. Margo: Oh, well, then, that makes it all fine. Are you out of your mind? Katie: I told -- we had to do something! You're ready to throw Brad in prison forever! Margo: No, that is exactly what I'm trying to avoid. Henry: And we were trying to help you do that. Margo: I have a whole police force that helps me, I don't need your help. Brad doesn't need your help. And his attorney doesn't need your help. Katie: Tom's in depositions all day. Margo: I know where Tom is, he's my husband. Katie: We were just trying to get proof that Brad is being framed! Margo: And did you find any? Henry: Well, we might have, if we hadn't been interrupted. Margo: She was simply doing her job. Officer, take him in the other room and search him. See if he removed any evidence from the crime scene. Henry: I told you, we didn't have time! Margo: Please, forgive me if I don't believe a word you say. Shall we have you searched as well? Katie: No, I promise, we never found anything. Margo: You want to tell me what you're thinking? Katie: I'm thinking it might be nice if the chief of detectives remembered she was my sister for a second! Margo: You think I like this? I can't change the evidence, Katie. Katie: Oh, no, of course not, what's more important than your precious evidence? Margo: Oh, fine, fine. Put it all on me. I can take it. It's not my fault that Brad went to her room. And it's not my fault that all the evidence points to Brad. [SCENE_BREAK] Bob: So, there's no reason you can't lead a normal life, without the memories. Some people may feel that's a blessing. Josie: Not me. Bob: Well, don't give up hope. Josie: I won't. Dusty: I'll wait outside for you. Bob: I'm sorry I couldn't give her a more definite prognosis. Dusty: Well, you did what you could. Bob: Can I ask you something? Why are you so interested in this young woman? Dusty: She needs help. Bob: Honestly. Dusty: Doesn't she remind you of Jennifer? Bob: Well, I hadn't thought of that. But there are some similarities. Dusty: Yes. It's got to be more than a coincidence. Bob: No, it doesn't. Look, we all loved Jennifer. We all miss her. But there's nothing any of us can do to bring her back. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: There's nothing on this woman before her hospital stay in Sandusky. Paul: There's nothing here, either. It was a big waste of time. Emily: No it wasn't. Paul: We didn't find anything. Emily: Exactly. Do you know how impossible that is? I mean think about it, everyone leaves a trace somewhere. School transcripts, hospital records, wedding videos, somebody blogging out running into you at their high school reunion. It's like this -- it's like this Josie woman never existed. Paul: Maybe she just erased everything. Emily: Maybe. Or maybe she never existed at all. [SCENE_BREAK] Josie: You know that I appreciate everything that you've done for me. But it was a mistake for me to come here. Dusty: Let's not give up. Josie: You heard what Dr. Hughes said. It could be a really long time before I remember anything. If ever. Dusty: He might be wrong. Josie: It's the same thing that they told me in Sandusky. Dusty: Well, we'll have to wait and see. Josie: I won't be a permanent burden to you. Dusty: You're not a burden to me. Josie: Well, you might not think so, but everybody else does. Dusty: Who cares about them? Josie: It's not just them. It's me. I don't want to be indebted. Dusty: You don't owe me anything. You know that. Josie: I don't now, but if I stay, I will. And besides, those mental triggers that Dr. Hughes was talking about? I'm much more likely to find them in Sandusky. Dusty: You may not even be from there. Josie: It's where I was. Doesn't it make more sense that I be there instead of a town that I've never been to before? Dusty: Well, maybe you have. Josie: One of us has to be realistic. Dusty: You're saying it's not me? Josie: You've been a lot of things since I've met you, Dusty. But realistic isn't one of them. I'm going to go pack. [SCENE_BREAK] Cop #1: He's clean. Cop #2: Here's the prisoner. Brad: You're here. Henry: Not voluntarily. Margo: Your wife and her friend decided to help you by breaking into the crime scene. Henry: Guilty with an explanation. Brad: It was my idea. Katie: No, it wasn't. Brad: Yeah. No, I take full responsibility. Katie: Stop it, Brad. Margo knows that's not true. Brad: Yes it is true. Margo: Stop it, Brad. If I add conspiracy and obstruction of justice to the charges, you can kiss bail good-bye. Brad: But you'll let them go with a warning? Henry: Brad -- Brad: Shut up. Just -- shut up, Henry! Margo, please? Please. Margo: You two ever pull another stunt like this again, I will throw you in jail. Both of you. Brad: Thank you. Margo: Don't thank me. You're the one who's going back to lockup. Brad: Well, hey, lucky for me I've got nowhere else to be, huh? Katie: Brad! Brad: Look, don't worry about it. I'm going to be out of here as soon as they realize I didn't do it. Margo: Officer, take him to interrogation. Why don't you go and spend a few minutes with your husband. Katie: Thank you. Margo: Henry. Henry: Yeah. Margo: If I catch you playing amateur detective one more time, I'll throw the book at you. Henry: Okay, there is no need to waste good literature on me, Detective. You have my word. And free breakfast at Al's for you for the rest of your life, okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Liberty: Thanks for not being mad me. Parker: I am mad at you. But -- Liberty: I'm sorry, Parker. Parker: Yeah, I'm sorry, too, but this is about Brad. So, I'll call my dad, all right? Liberty: Thanks. Thank you. Hey, you're still the best friend I have, no matter what. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: I'm still mad at you. Brad: I know, I know. I am -- I'm an idiot. Listen to me, I want you to stop trying to help me. Katie: No, I won't. Brad: No, I know -- I do not want you to end up in here because of me. I've caused way too damage. I mean, I saw the look on Liberty's face when she -- Katie: You saw her? Brad: Yeah, I mean -- she came in here looking for Jack and she saw me in handcuffs. Katie: Oh no -- Brad: After sixteen years, she finally gets a father, and he turns out to be a loser like me. You know? Who wouldn't be disappointed? Katie: Don't call my husband a loser. I'm not giving up on you, and neither is Liberty. She didn't come searching for you after all this time to give up when things got tough, okay? So get it together. We're going to get you through this whether you like it or not. [SCENE_BREAK] Kim: Okay, listen, promise me you will call me back right away if you get any more information. Especially if they're trying to charge Brad formally. Okay, okay, Roland. Thanks, I really owe you one. What are you doing with my coffee? Bob: How many cups have you had since I last saw you? Kim: You -- smarty pants. Oh, Robert Hughes. Bob: This is only my second cup. Who was on the phone? Kim: Oh, you're not going to believe this. My contact at the police station. Bob: What did they say? Kim: They're holding Brad on suspicion of murder, and that's not all. Katie almost got herself arrested trying to get evidence to clear him. Bob: She should know better than that. Kim: Well, wouldn't you think. Of course she loves him. And as far he's concerned, he is a loose cannon. I made him promise he was going to stay away from Spencer. You know where the police found him? Standing over her body. Bob: Have you been able to find any relatives of Spencer? Kim: No, no, that's another thing. Not one of those emergency contact numbers answer. I mean, they're all out of service. Bob: That's odd. Kim: Well, it's more than odd. I'm telling you, this is a disaster. Please tell me you're day is going better than mine. Bob: I wish I could. Dusty Donovan brought in a young woman to see me. A patient. Kim: What's the matter with that? Bob: Brought this young woman from Ohio. She has partial amnesia. You know, I'm really worried about it. Kim: About the girl? Bob: No, no, about Dusty. No, for some reason, he feels that this young woman has a connection to Jennifer. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: I got you car to the airport and a flight to Sandusky. Josie: You didn't have to do that. Dusty: Well, I brought you here. The least I can do is get you back. Josie: Thank you. Dusty: So, stay in touch, okay? And let me know if you need anything. Josie: I'll be fine, Dusty. Thank you, again for everything. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: So, you think this Josie girl is playing Dusty. Emily: Absolutely. Paul: Huh. You know if it was just him, I wouldn't care, but Jennifer was my sister. And if she's decided to go after my mother, do you know what that would do to her? Emily: What are you going to do to stop it? Paul: Whatever it takes. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: Josie, wait a second. Did you do these? Josie: Yeah. I like to draw. It relaxes me. What's the matter? Dusty: I don't think you should leave. Josie: We agreed. Dusty: Yeah, I know, I know, but now -- Josie: Now what? Dusty: I can't explain. I just think we should give it more time. Please. Josie: I don't think so. Dusty: Wait a sec. There's nothing for you in Sandusky. Let's face it. Hey, just stay for a while. Josie: Well, I don't see why it matters. Dusty: Then why not stay? Josie: Okay. [NEXT_ON] Brad: I'm being set up here. Jack: Who would do this and why? Katie: What can you do for me? How? Dani: Spencer's body, it used to be right here, and now it's not. | Emily thinks Paul is behind the Jennifer look alike but he denies it and they both try to find out information about Josie on the internet |
422 | Ridge: I think it's gonna work out great. Brooke: I hope so. Ridge: I know it's gonna be a big seller. Brooke: Mm, I definitely think so. Hope: Buon giorno. Hi. Ridge: Hey. Brooke: Oh, Hope, Liam, wow! How was your trip? Hope: Oh, it was-- Brooke: Did you sleep on the plane? Hi. Ridge: Enjoy the rest of your time? Hope: I did. It was-- oh, my gosh. Just unbelievable. It was unbelievable. Liam: Basically, we were going through withdrawals on the flight back. Brooke: Oh, well, just because you're back in L.A. it doesn't mean you have to stop the honeymoon. Hope: (Laughs) Liam: Amen, sister. Hope: I'm glad you both are home. I was afraid you'd gone to work already. I just, uh, came by to pick up few things before going over to Liam's. Liam: I'm sorry, where? Hope: Oh, I'm sorry. Uh, before heading home... Brooke: Oh. Hope: With my husband. Liam: (Chuckles) Brooke: (Giggles) Oh. [SCENE_BREAK] Steffy: Okay. (Sighs) Just black, right? Taylor: Thanks. Steffy: Did I-- I got it right-- coffee, black? Taylor: No, the coffee's fine. I'm just worried about you. Steffy: Why? Taylor: Because you're running around here acting like everything is fine when we both know it isn't, especially after what happened in Italy with Liam. Steffy: (Sighs) (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Thanks again, Mom. The whole idea of the wedding being in Italy, all the planning you did-- it was perfect. Everything was perfect, from the location to the dress. Brooke: Oh, honey. I'm glad it worked out so well. Hope: One minor misunderstanding, but, hey, snags are to be expected. (Chuckles) Ridge: I still feel bad, sweetheart. I wish I could have designed your gown, but... Hope: It's okay. I really do understand. I may not have at first, and I know it was a little tense between us... (Sighs) but after everything you said at the ceremony, I don't question how you feel about me or where I stand in your heart. Ridge: It meant a lot to me, walking you down the aisle, putting your hand in Liam's, like a real father. Hope: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Steffy: Well, maybe I shouldn't have told you if you're gonna be all negative. Taylor: I'm not, honey. This is a difficult time for you. And you shouldn't be pretending that everything is okay when it isn't, especially with me. Steffy: Well, I am not about to wallow in self-pity. Taylor: Hope and Liam come home today, right? Steffy: Yeah, I think so, Mom. Taylor: Okay, so I don't want you to kid yourself. It's going to be hard when you run into Hope at the office and when you see her with Liam. In your mind, he's still your husband. Steffy: Ex-husband. He is married to Hope now. Taylor: But you also know that he was about to run away with you. Steffy: But he didn't. The truth came out, thankfully. It's time for me to move on. Taylor: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: There's another shot of the sea. Brooke: Wow, that is gorgeous. Liam: I know. Ridge: It's too bad about your screen breaking, though. Liam: Yeah, I know. It seems to work okay, but I should still replace it. Hope: (Sighs) Liam: Oh, hey, you, let me help you. Hope: Oh, thank you. (Sighs) Brooke: So is that everything then? Hope: (Sighs) Yeah, pretty much. Liam: Uh, so I'm gonna-- I'm gonna put this in the car. Hope: Okay. Liam: Do you---are you ready to go? I can drop you, uh, on the way to work. Brooke: Oh, wait, honey, I did--I didn't want you to leave. I wanted to hear more about the trip. Hope: No, okay, I can stay. Yeah. I'll see you at home? Liam: Tonight and always. Hope: Mm. Liam: Bye. Hope: Bye. Brooke: (Chuckles) Hope: (Sighs) (Door opens) (Door closes) Brooke: Well... Hope: Hmm? Brooke: That's it. (Laughs) You're married. And you're finally... (Sighs) moving out. Hope: Oh, no, don't start. I'm going to start crying, so... Brooke: No, I know. Okay, okay, I won't. Hope: Okay. Okay. (Laughs) Brooke: (Giggles) You know who I want to call right now? Ridge: Who? Brooke: Steffy. (Sighs) Her willingness to accept this so graciously... Ridge: It wasn't easy for her. Brooke: No, but she did it for Hope and for Liam, for this family. I really want to thank her Hope: Right now? Brooke: Yeah, right now. You know, all the struggling is behind us, and it's time for this family to reunite. (Cell phone rings) Steffy: (Sighs) (Ring) Steffy: Brooke. Brooke: Hi. Steffy: Uh... what's going on? Brooke: I just wanted to let you know that Hope and Liam are back in town. Steffy: Okay. Uh, do you want me to stay away? Brooke: No, I-I didn't mean that. (Sighs) Look, I-I know it wasn't easy for you in Italy, but you showed a lot of strength and a lot of class. Steffy: Um... Brooke: I have to admit... (Sighs) I was nervous about you being there, that something might go wrong. And when Hope was late to the wedding, I couldn't help but think it shows how much you've changed. You didn't take advantage. You didn't turn a misunderstanding into something it wasn't. Steffy: No, o-of course not. Brooke: I know now that you have Liam's best interests at heart. Steffy: Yes, always. Brooke: And... (Sighs) I know that we were close once, but I'd really like to find our way back to that relationship. Steffy: I would like that, too. Brooke: You would? Steffy: Yeah. Yeah. Uh, look, um, I have to go, but, um, uh, give Hope my best, okay? Brooke: I will. I'll talk to you soon. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: What did Brooke want? Steffy: She told me how grateful she was... of the sacrifice I made. (Sighs) Taylor: (Scoffs) (chuckles) If she only knew. Steffy: (Chuckles) Oh, she won't. Taylor: You really think it would be wrong just to open up and talk to somebody about it? Steffy: No! No. Mom, no one can find out what happened between Liam and me. No, I will not do that to him. Taylor: What about what Bill did to Liam? Steffy: (Scoffs) Taylor: Liam would want to know. Steffy: (Chuckles) Not like I could prove it. Taylor: Oh, Bill was behind this whole thing, and we know it. I mean, how else would Deacon have even gotten out of prison, and how did he even know that Hope was getting married? Bill had to have taken him to Italy. And of course, wasn't it convenient how all of a sudden Hope was distracted from her wedding? Deacon was used to write that note. Steffy: No, no, no. Well, Liam bought it, okay? He thought that note was from Hope. He thought that Hope walked away. It's just so cruel, you know? (Chuckles) Bill thinks that he's helping everyone, but he's manipulating everyone's feelings, and it's disgusting. For that brief period of time, Liam and I, we were finding our way back to each other. (Sighs) You know, the kissing and... and the love for each other... Taylor: Tell Liam what his father did. Steffy: I won't. I won't do it. That will open up too many questions. No, Mom, Hope can't know how close Liam and I came. Taylor: (Sighs) Steffy: You promised. Mother-daughter confidentiality has to be as strong as doctor-patient. Taylor: Okay, Steffy, you know that I would never betray your confidence, even if... I believe it isn't the right thing to do. Steffy: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: You'll be in later? Brooke: After I hear more about the honeymoon. Ridge: Thank you for calling Steffy. I'm glad you reached out. Brooke: We're all moving on. We're healing. It feels good. Ridge: Welcome back, Mrs. Spencer. Hope: Thank you. Brooke: He loves you very much. He's the only father you will ever need. Hope: (Groans) Uh, yeah, can-- let's not get into this now. Brooke: Did Deacon come back when Ridge and I left? Hope: No. No. Brooke: If he tries to contact you... Hope: Well, he is not going to. I mean, he left the note saying he wouldn't. Brooke: If he does, slam the door. Hope: Mom! Brooke: Honey, he shouldn't have even been in Italy. Hope: (Sighs) Brooke: He was in jail. Ridge did some checking and found out that he was released early. Hope: (Sighs) And you know what? I'm glad he was, Mom. I got to see him on my wedding day. Oh, I'm sorry. You know, I just-- I don't--I don't want to argue about this. I'm so thankful for Ridge, and he is very important to me. But if Deacon tries to contact me again, I'm not just gonna turn my back on him. Mom, when I opened that door and I saw him after all those years, I just... (Sighs) (Groans) look, I-I know that you hate him, but he's my biological father. I always gonna want him in my life. Brooke: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: I'm impressed. Steffy: You are? Taylor: You have the power to ruin a relationship between a father and a son, and you could effectively end Hope and Liam's marriage, but everybody else's happiness is more important than your own. Steffy: That's because I love Liam. Bill accepts Hope now. It took until the ceremony, actually seeing them in front of a priest, but he realizes he cannot choose a wife for his son. I honestly believe that he's learned his lesson, and if he didn't, then I would have told Liam. Taylor: But is it fair to Hope? Steffy: W-what do you mean? Hope has Liam. She has everything that she wants. Taylor: Does she? Steffy: (Sighs) Taylor: Look, Steffy, I am very proud of the way you're handling this, and I respect that you... (Sighs) I respect what you're trying to do by keeping this quiet. At least it lets me know that I've done something right to give you some good standards. Steffy: (Chuckles) Taylor: But this is a little bit different. Liam told you that he loves you. He was about to run away with you and jump on Bill's jet. And if you had left before Hope returned, he likely would be married to you right now. Steffy: I don't know about that. Taylor: No, you said it was a matter of minutes-- minutes that would have changed everybody's lives. What if Hope knew everything, and even the part that you had to tell Liam to go through with getting married? Would she want to even be married to him? Steffy: It doesn't matter. They're married now. Okay, refill? Taylor: No. Unh-unh. Steffy: No. You're done now. You're done. Taylor: No. No. You're not--no. You're not going to avoid this. We're not done. Steffy: Um... I think we are. Taylor: Steffy? Steffy: Be right back. (Gasps) Liam: Oh! Steffy: (Breathing heavily) Liam: Whoa! Steffy: Dude, what-- Liam: Whoa. Steffy: Oh, my God. Liam: (Chuckles) Steffy: Oh, my God. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: Honey, I'm sorry. (Sighs) I never should have brought Deacon up. Hope: No, it's okay. I don't like pretending that he doesn't exist. Mom, he found me. He came all that way to see me. Brooke: I understand that you want him in your life. I do. I--it's just, I know how destructive he can be. Hope: Okay, well, you don't have to worry, because he left, and, you know, he said he was gonna stay away. Brooke: Can you just promise me that you'll tell me if he tries to contact you? Hope: Why, so you can order me to stay away from him? Brooke: No. No. I--you're an adult, okay? I would not do that. At least I'll know when to worry. (Sighs) Hope: Okay, I promise. Brooke: Thank you. Hope: You're welcome. (Sighs) Oh, uh-oh. Brooke: Uh, what? Hope: Oh, Liam is not gonna be very happy when he realizes he left this behind. Brooke: Oh, we were looking at the photos when you were upstairs. Hope: Yeah. Oh, did you, uh, see the photo of the sunset? Brooke: No. Hope: Oh, my gosh. You have to see it. It is--is amazing. I have to find this. Brooke: (Chuckles) Hope: Oh, here we go. Here we go. Brooke: Oh, wait, what's that? It looks like a video. Hope: Oh, I don't know what that is. (Chuckles) Brooke: Oh, my gosh. Look at the two of you blinking. Hope: I know. Wait, wait, wait. I have to find this picture. It is spectacular. Brooke: Okay. Well, don't go so fast. I want to see everything. Hope: Okay. (Chuckles) [SCENE_BREAK] Steffy: Walk much? Liam: What--what the hell was that, a dance number? Who spins around that quickly? Steffy: Uh, if you'd get your nose out of your phone... Liam: I'm sorry. I didn't expect to be bumping into you so soon. Steffy: Yeah, I-I know, right? I've been, uh, attracting all sorts of mishaps... Liam: (Chuckles) Steffy: Espresso spilling all over me, a broken sandal... Liam: A nosedive into the Adriatic. Steffy: (Chuckles) Exactly. Liam: Well, even though my shirt is just ruined, at least I got to see a smile on your face. Steffy: Yeah, I guess I haven't done that in a while. Liam: Yeah, my bad. (Chuckles) Steffy: No. Oh, no. I didn't, um... I-I-I don't want you to feel guilty at all. Liam: Oh. Steffy: Anyway, um... so how was, uh, your honeymoon? Did you enjoy your trip? Liam: Yeah, I did. I, um... yes. Italy is beautiful, and--and it's really the ideal place to... (Sighs) I'm married. (Chuckles) Steffy: (Chuckles) Liam: I'm married now... happily married, even. But the way that we left things before Hope walked in, Steffy, I want you to know... Steffy: No, you know, don't--don't, Liam. Liam: (Sighs) Steffy: Don't. The last thing I want is to be haunting your marriage. Liam: So you okay? Steffy: (Sighs) No no, I-I'm a little... I'm a little hurt and a little... depressed. For that short period of time that we were together, it--I thought that we were planning our life together. I thought I-I had everything back. Liam: And still you told me to go marry the girl. Steffy: (Sighs) Liam: (Chuckles) I've been thinking a lot about that. You know, I-I mean, I-I pledged my life to you. I told you I loved you, that I was ready to run away with you and forget about Hope and the way that she hurt me. And... and then there she was... (Sighs) in her wedding gown. And it was so... surprising, knowing that she didn't even write that letter, uh, you know? Steffy: It--it--it's done. So why talk about it now? Liam: Because I meant what said, and I want you to know that. I do love you. I always will. | Brooke tells her that she knows now that she only has Liam's best interest at heart and she is glad that she did not try to manipulate the outcome |
423 | [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Dinah: You need to talk about this? Bill: No, I don't. In fact, I'm going to forget that the whole thing even happened. I've been wanting to say that I'm sorry. Lizzie: For what? Bill: A lot of things. But, I mean, when I first came back to town, I used that to take advantage of you, and that... Lizzie: It's all in the past. Bill: No, it's not. Lizzie, will you stay? [SCENE_BREAK] Hilda: Please, sir, please, let me help you with that! Bill: I've got it, Hilda, thank you, I've got it. Thank you very much. Hilda: Okay. Sorry. Bill: I'm just not myself today. Or maybe I am. I don't even know anymore. Hilda: Is there anything that I can do? Bill: Yes, you can. Get Derek Sills on the phone, would you? He's my lawyer. Tell him I want to go over some contracts with him. Hilda: Not... not today, sir... Bill: Hilda. Hilda: Yes, sir. I'll call him right now. (Instrumental music) [SCENE_BREAK] Daisy: Hey, I'm, um... sorry for being such a pain, because I know that you and Mallet, you know, must... Marina: No, no! Please! I mean, who really needs alone time with their boyfriend, right? Speaking of... Daisy, how's it going, not seeing Grady? Daisy? Daisy: God. Marina: Daisy, you didn't try to call him, did you? Daisy: I said I wouldn't, okay? And he doesn't want to see me, anyway. Marina: Oh, please. You're like his only friend! Daisy: Yeah, which made it that much worse when I... Marina: When you what? Daisy: Grady thinks that I turned on him. Marina: Oh, well, serves him right. Daisy: I wouldn't expect you to understand. He has just had nothing going for him his whole life, and now he has even less. Underground the earthquakes and the... [SCENE_BREAK] Cyrus: Hey. What the hell are you doing? You know they don't want you in there! Grady: (Scoffs) What's your problem, man? Cyrus: This. Grady: So? Cyrus: Is that all you can say? Grady: We knew it was coming. At least now it's here, you know? Wait's over. No big deal. Cyrus: Yeah, you're right. Why even bother meeting with the lawyer today? Just plead guilty and get it over with. Grady: No, look, all I'm saying is that... Cyrus: While we're at it, is that how you plan to show up in court? Grady: What's wrong with what I'm wearing? Cyrus: Come on, Grady! You're not hanging out at the mall with Daisy. This is your life we're talking about. Grady: Yeah, well, you can forget about Daisy. Cyrus: What did you do? Grady: I didn't do a damn thing to her, but when it came to crunch time, she chose her family over me. Cyrus: Oh, yeah? Well, good. You don't need the distraction. Grady: Right. Because I've got my own loving family. And we all know you'd sell me out if you could turn a quick profit. Cyrus: I'm going to keep you out of prison. Grady: How? Cyrus: Let's just say I've got a way to stay one step ahead of the D.A. Grady: We'd need to have someone on the inside, you know? Someone... Marina? All this time that you'd been going out with Harley, I thought you'd turned soft, but you are cold, Cyrus. Hm! (Laughs) I feel better already. [SCENE_BREAK] Bill: Hey... Vanessa: Hey! Bill: ...Mom, what are you doing here? Vanessa: I'm sorry. Bill: Yeah. But, you know, maybe you and Dad were right; something's aren't meant to be, so... Vanessa: Well, what happens now? Bill: Ava and I are going to have an annulment. She'll be okay, and... we'll just act like it didn't happen. Like Max never existed. No, I'm good. I'm good. Vanessa: You know, you don't have to play your cards so close to the vest all the time. There are some occasions where you can show some feeling. It would be perfectly all right. Bill: You know, it's... it's funny, because everyone has an opinion on what I should be doing. Lizzie says I need to have a memorial, my lawyer saying I need to get back to work, and you know, everyone has... has... has... Vanessa: Yeah, well, I'm your mom, and I say, oh, I think we should get you something to eat. And then maybe you can tell me why your sister thinks that you hate her so much. Bill: Maybe because I do. [SCENE_BREAK] Mallet: Dinah? Oh! Dinah: You know, I love the little soaps and shampoos and the white fluffy robe is fantastic! Mallet: Hmm. Can I give you a quarter so you can call your mother? Dinah: Yeah, and get another lecture? No thank you, I'll pass. Mallet: At least she can afford your bail. Dinah: So can my brother. Mallet: Call your mother. Dinah: No, you don't know my brother like I do, and he's not going to let me rot in here. Mallet: Dinah... Dinah: Tell housekeeping I would like turn-down service tonight. Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Vanessa: Okay, voila! Bill: Yeah, well, I don't think I'm really hungry right now, Mom. Thanks anyway. Vanessa: Not hungry for food-- just vengeance. Bill: Okay, please, let's not defend her, okay? Vanessa: Dinah loves you. Bill: She wanted Remy to have my kid. Vanessa: She was just trying to help. She just... she just... Bill: She should have stayed out of it, is what she should have done. She really... (cell phone rings) What? Mallet: Dinah's suffered enough, don't you think, Bill? You needed someone to punish, you did that, good for you. Bill: Back off! Mallet: Look, Bill, I know you're hurting, but Dinah doesn't deserve this. Bill: I'm sorry, uh, you're breaking up a little bit. I cannot hear you. Try again later. Okay, thank you, bye. Mallet: Bill? Damn it. Vanessa: Who was that? Bill: Police athletic league. They want something, just like everybody else. Lizzie: Well, not like everybody else. Vanessa: Oh, Lizzie, hi. I thought you were in L.A. Lizzie: I was. Until Dinah called me. She was worried about her brother. Bill: Oh, I think she's worried about the company, where she fits in, don't you think? Lizzie: I don't think that's fair. Bill: Okay, you can both defend her. Doesn't matter to me. I have contracts I need to deal with. Lizzie: Well, it doesn't look like you're dealing with anything to me. It looks like you're running. Bill: Lizzie, maybe you should have stayed in L.A. okay? Vanessa: Bill. Bill? Bill: What? Vanessa: She's trying to help. Lizzie: It's okay. It's okay. You want to lash out at me and your mom and your sister and everybody else? You want to hide behind that stack of paperwork, that is fine, but... Bill? Bill: Hmm? Lizzie: It's not going to make the pain go away. Bill: Right. Because you are the expert, right? Lizzie: Yes, I am. And it's not going to go away in a day, or a year or even a lifetime, so you have to make a start. Have a memorial for Max. Bill: No, no, no, no. Vanessa: Oh, wait a minute. I actually think that's a very good idea, and you won't have to do anything if you don't want to. I'll organize it. Bill: I don't think you get it, okay? I don't want the flowers, I don't want the words, I just don't... leave me alone, please. Vanessa: Lizzie, go. Lizzie: You heard him. Vanessa: Yeah, I heard him. When does he ever know what's best for him? Go! [SCENE_BREAK] Officer: Looks like you made bail. Dinah: I knew it. I knew he'd come through for me. Bill? Bill? Bill? Bill? Where's Bill? Officer: Who's Bill? Dinah: My brother, Bill Lewis. He's the one who set the bail. Officer: Not him. There's your angel, over there. [SCENE_BREAK] Cyrus: Hey, I got it. Marina: Oh, thanks. Cyrus: I'm impressed. Marina: Well, you know, experience. You carry enough losers around with you, you get buff. Not that your a loser. Cyrus: Thanks... I think. Mind if I work in? Marina: No, go for it. Cyrus: Just be careful with that. I'm a bleeder. Marina: Yeah. You're also a stalker. Cyrus: What? Marina: Cyrus. Like I don't know your tricks? Cyrus: All right, all right. I never could put one over on you. Marina: Well, it wasn't for lack of trying. Cyrus: (Laughs) I guess I deserve that. You mean too much to me to play you. Marina: You're doing it. Cyrus: What? Marina: You're playing me, just by telling me that you'd never play me. Cyrus: Wow, you're right. It's such a habit, I don't even know that I'm doing it. Do you believe that? Marina: Not on your life. Cyrus: Hey! Hey, God. Come on, easy. (Laughs) [SCENE_BREAK] Grady: Don't touch the machine. You'll smudge the chrome. Daisy: Grady... Grady: And no, I didn't steal it. Daisy: I'm sorry things are like this. Grady: Shouldn't you be with Reva, protecting her from me or something? Daisy: Look, I'm sorry I accused you. I... I never want to have to choose between you and my family. Grady: Well, you just did. Daisy: I know that it seems like that, but I really do believe in you, and look, when Rafe left, I had no one. And then you showed up, and I wasn't alone anymore. Grady: You get a dog. Daisy: How could I make this up to you? Grady: Well, if you still think I'm the guy who would rip off your grandma-- or anyone else, for that matter-- then... Daisy: I don't. I don't, okay? I don't. I swear. Grady: Okay. Well then say it out loud. Daisy: How? Grady: You want to make it up to me? You'll get the chance next week, at my trial. Take the stand and tell the judge I'm no killer. [SCENE_BREAK] Mallet: Well, if I let you starve it's pad P.R. for the department, so I... Dinah: (Laughs) Mallet: So, I'm required. I've got to do it. Dinah: Thank you. (Laughs) Mallet: So, we've got potato salad, we've got chicken, we've got corn on the cob, we've got iced tea... Dinah: You know, if you would have waited just one second more, Bill would have come to pay my bail... and you would still have a savings account. Mallet: Don't flatter yourself; I didn't use up my savings. Dinah: Good. What a relief. You maxed out your cards? Mallet: Think about eating. We're eating now. Dinah: Hey, you don't have to do all this, you know? You don't owe me anything, you are with Marina and I know that now. I have a family, and, uh... they're there for me. Mallet: Your brother? Dinah: We fight, Mallet. We fight and we make up. Mallet: Your brother was never going to show up. Dinah: Yes, he was. Mallet: I called your brother. I told him to get his butt downtown and bail you out, and he hung up on me. I'm sorry. Dinah: I just wanted that baby to be all right. I wanted to help Remy get a new start. I had every right to use that money. Mallet: Well, Dinah, the problem is that you wear your heart on your sleeve, and the problem with Bill is... he doesn't have a heart? Dinah: It's just he's in shock. He's in shock, and he loved that baby and he had so much invested. That's all. Mallet: Would you stop defending him, really? Please, just stop. Stop that. He doesn't deserve that. If he can't appreciate who you are or what you are... Dinah: Stop. Don't pity me. Don't. Mallet: I'm not pitying you. Dinah: Let's just have our lunch, all right? It's a beautiful idea, it's going to hit the spot. [SCENE_BREAK] Bill: Ms. Tyler? Bill Lewis. I'm here to discuss... um... burial arrangements... for my son? Ms. Tyler: Your? Bill: Max Harlan Lewis? No big memorial service or anything. Just the simple grave side service. Ms. Tyler: But it's been done. Bill: I'm sorry? Ms. Tyler: Mrs. Lewis made all the arrangements yesterday. The burial was in the church yard. Bill: I don't... Ava Peralta, yes, I see that... but I am the father. You need my consent. Ms. Tyler: We had the father's consent. Bill: Remy Boudreau? Remy Boudreau was not the father... Lizzie: Okay, okay... Bill: He had no right... Lizzie: Come on. Bill, let's go. Bill: ...To this child, alive or dead. Lizzie: Bill, I mean it! Bill: You will hear from my lawyers. Lizzie: Let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Grady: You say you know the real me, so tell the court who I really am. Daisy: You want me to lie under oath? Grady: Thanks a lot. Daisy: No, I don't mean that I have to lie to say something nice about you, but if they ask me about Tammy's death... Grady: Well you have to tell the truth. Daisy: Yeah, I mean, I owe it to Tammy, and that's not siding against you. Grady: Yeah, but which truth? The version the D.A. has told your family? The one they bought into? Huh! That's going to put me away for life, and then we'll never be able to see each other again. Daisy: I know. Grady: They want my head on a plate, and they're expecting you to deliver it to them, kid. Daisy: I'm not a kid. That's... that's what you used to call me when we first met. I hated it then, and I hate it now. Grady: Yeah, well, I trusted you back then, but since you've come home, you know? Daisy: You can still trust me. I... God, I wish there was a way to do this without... I don't know... taking chances? Grady: (Scoffs) "Without chances?" Daisy, no risk, no reward. No trips around Europe, no traveling around seeing the sights together, spending every minute with each other. Daisy: You'd go with me? Grady: In a flash! But I can't go two feet unless I'm free. Daisy: I just... I wish there was a way. Grady: There is. It's the other kind of truth. The kind we know, because we lived it. Daisy: I... don't understand. Grady: Who is the reason Tammy Winslow is dead? Daisy: Alan Spaulding. Grady: You tell them that. You tell them old man Spaulding knew I did drugs, so he blackmailed me into driving that car to hurt that poor Jonathan guy. So whose fault is it that Tammy Winslow was there? Daisy: Alan's. Grady: There. Was that so hard? Daisy: But this... it's just my word. I can't prove it. Grady: No. Reasonable doubt. That's all I need. Daisy: But if I didn't get to testify... what? Jeffrey promised Reva that he would keep me out of it? Grady: Look, don't kid yourself. It's my word against Alan's and you're the tie-breaker, kid. Look, you said I can trust you. Prove it. [SCENE_BREAK] Marina: So, I don't hear from you for like, three months-- not even an email-- and then, out of the blue, you're like my shadow. Cyrus: I told you. Breaking up with you was a really dumb idea. If I could do it again, I'd... Marina: Choose me over Harley? Because I am just that irresistible? Cyrus: Well, you are, you know? Marina: What I am is the lead detective on your brother's case... Cyrus: Come on, Marina... Marina: Cyrus, I can see through you. And odds are, if I can see through you, I'm imagining that my aunt could see through you, too. Nothing changes with you. Everything's an angle, and every female's a mark. Cyrus: That's not true. Marina: You know, I never had the courage to ask before, but I think I'm ready to hear it now. Why did Harley decide not to come back to you? What did you do? Cyrus: You're the detective. Marina: You cheated on her. Just like you cheated on me. Cyrus: It doesn't make me a serial player. Marina: No, Cyrus, it makes you worse. You get people to fall for you-- fall in love with you-- and then that's when you stick them with the knife. Cyrus: I'm trying to help my brother. You'd do anything to help your family, right? Marina: Not anything. You know, you should try some sit-ups; they're good for the core. Oh, wait-- you don't have one! [SCENE_BREAK] Bill: Oh, okay. Let me tell you something. I am not going in there. Lizzie: Well, we're not going in to pray. We're just going in to sit and chill. Maybe try to forgive. Bill: No. No. Lizzie: I'm not talking about Ava, or Remy or the doctors. I think you need to try to forgive yourself. Bill: Forgive myself? Lizzie: Yeah. Look, I know that you loved Max. You did, okay? But you know that you wanted him for all the wrong reasons. You did. And I know that you are blaming yourself for what happened now. Bill: Okay. Maybe I married Ava for all the wrong reasons, but I did love Max, and if you think it was-- obviously, you don't know me, because... Lizzie: Oh, yeah. No, I do. You've got to let go of the anger, that need to hit back; you've got to find something else... Nothing soothes me like you do... Lizzie: Hmm... uh-uh. Bill: Hmm? Lizzie: No! Bill: What? What? Lizzie, come on. You came back here because you know that you are the only one. Please, please, please tell me that... Lizzie: No. I need to know that you're okay so that I can take care of myself. I do not need to make love to you so that you can feel better. Bill: Lizzie, why... why are you bothering with me? I mean, don't tell me this was just to ease the pain, because I don't want your pity, I don't want the... Lizzie: Why do I bother with you? Bill: Yes. Lizzie: Are you really asking me that question? Bill: Yes, yes! Lizzie: Because I am in love with you, you stupid, selfish man! No, no. Don't... don't... smile at me! Don't! It's not a joke, okay? It's not the first time I've said it. Yes, I... am in love with you. But I can't be with you. Bill: Okay. Maybe not now. But maybe some day, maybe one day, we can get... Lizzie: Who are you kidding? Who are you kidding? You are not ready for me, either! Bill: I'm ready for you. Lizzie: No! Bill: I want to be with you. I know that. Lizzie: Okay, okay, okay. Bill: All right, what? Lizzie: I will help you plan Max's service. I will ask Josh to lead it. I will stand there with you, I will hold your hand, but when it's done, I am going back to L.A. Bill: Let me ask you something-- what are you afraid of? Just tell me what you are afraid of? Why can't we just start over? Why can't we do that? Lizzie: Here you go. Obviously, you are sane enough to drive now, so I'll walk. Bill: Lizzie! What are you afraid of? There was a kink and there was no one in should be sinking... [SCENE_BREAK] Dinah: You'll have leftovers for a week! Mallet: You take it. Dinah: No, that's all right. You have it. Mallet: Oh, all that fancy cuisine at the mansion gets pretty old. Dinah: Well, sometimes I have a craving. Mallet: Craving for... the simple stuff? Dinah: There was never anything simple about that. Marina: Hey! Mallet: Hey! Marina: What's this? Work release? Mallet: No, Dinah's out on bail. Dinah: Thanks to Mallet. Marina: Wow. She's got a... a brother... and a mother? Mallet: Well, it's, you know, they weren't there. They didn't show up. I... I was there. Dinah: Yes. And I am going to pay him back, every penny, for sure. Marina: Well, I think you probably should. Dinah: Yeah. Mallet: It's... it's all right. Dinah: You know, I... honestly, I wouldn't like it if it were me, either, and I don't plan on asking Mallet for anymore favors-- or anybody else. Marina: Good plan. Dinah: Yeah. Mallet: There's no rush paying me back, you know. Dinah: I know. Thank you. Bye. Marina: Bye. So I'm standing there I've never really cared about the things... [SCENE_BREAK] Daisy: I'm not staying for it. Lizzie: You should. Wow, Tammy's been gone a year, and we still... Daisy: Yeah. At least you got to know her. At least you were her friend. Lizzie: (Scoffs) Some friend, look what I did to her. Daisy: Yeah, well, you weren't in the car. Lizzie: That doesn't let me off the hook. Tammy and Jonathan. Tammy and Jonathan. They were so different, and yet so right together. Daisy: What is it about the bad boys? Lizzie: You know, I think it's because we think we can change them. But Tammy had it right. She never tried to change Jonathan. Daisy: And look what it cost her. Lizzie: Yeah, but knowing her, I bet she'd do it all over again. Daisy: Is there really love like that? I mean, not like in the movies? Does anyone actually... Lizzie: She did. Daisy: Every time I come here, I ask her two questions. I ask her, "Does she forgive me?" Lizzie: And second? Daisy: "Was it worth it?" Lizzie: I think we both know the answer to that. [SCENE_BREAK] Daisy: What are you doing? Cyrus: What does it look like? Daisy: Uh... it looks like your repairing a toaster. Cyrus: Yeah, I promised Harley I'd fix it, but I never got around to it, so I got Buzz to get it out of storage for me. Daisy: You miss her? Cyrus: Don't you? Daisy: You ever play, uh, WWHD? "What would Harley do?" Cyrus: Oh, right. Yeah, I knew that. Daisy: Do you play it? Cyrus: Actually, I just did. Daisy: And? Cyrus: I lost. Daisy: Want to talk about it? Cyrus: Do you want to talk about my brother? Harley would say, "you're asking for trouble." Daisy: Yeah. She'd say the same thing to you, for wanting to help him. Cyrus: It's her own damn fault. I've done, maybe, one good thing in my life, and that was finding her and knowing her and... Daisy: Fixing her toaster? Cyrus: Well, that's a start. There's a start for my brother. Could be a new start for you, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Lizzie: Unbelievable that you are still walking the streets! Grady: Well, America is a great country. Lizzie: Well, lucky for you-- not for the rest of us. Grady: Yeah, I've got more than luck on my side. Lizzie: You want to move, or do you want me to call a cop? Grady: Heard the news? Lizzie: What, is this when you try to get more money from me so that you won't roll on my grandfather? Grady: No, I'm going to beat the rap. Lizzie: Really? How are you going to do that? Grady: Does a magician give away all his secrets? Lizzie: (Scoffs) Grady: And when I go free, Alan's got nothing to worry about. Unless... Lizzie: Right. Here it comes; lay it on me. Grady: Or unless, uh... you know, he develops a conscience and decides to roll over on me. Lizzie: That's not happening. Don't hurt her. Daisy is your ticket to ride, and we both know that. Grady: I would never hurt Daisy. Unless she hurt me, first. [SCENE_BREAK] Vanessa: Well! Thank God you're okay. Dinah: Mom... I am in a hurry. Vanessa: Would you please tell me why it is that I have to find out from a stranger that my daughter's in jail? I mean... Bill didn't even tell me. Dinah: No. You know why? Because he knew you'd pay my bail, that's why. Vanessa: He's not that vindictive. Dinah: Mom, he is hurting everyone he can, including himself, which is why I have to get to him. Vanessa: Wait a minute. Why not, for once, let him reach out to you? Dinah: I can't. Vanessa: Okay. Keep on pushing. You might just push him away. Is that what you want? Dinah: No, I don't want that, Mom. But I am here, I am here for him. Not only when things are good, but when things are bad. And we have built something without the help of anyone, and I am not ready to let that go. I'm sorry. [SCENE_BREAK] Hilda: Mr. Lewis, I thought you might like a drink. And I would wait 100 more. If only to be near you to have you and to hear you isn't that what time is for? I sailed 1,000 ships in search for you. Traveled to distant lands. You're the greatest treasure I held in my hand. My love, the reason I survived. Trust we'll be together soon. My love, the reason I survived... [SCENE_BREAK] Marina: You know, your kind loyalty turns me on. Mallet: It doesn't make you jealous? Marina: Dinah? Mallet: Yeah. Marina: No. Not as long as you do the same thing for me. Mallet: Okay. Try me. Marina: Well, what if I sabotaged private property? Mallet: What do you mean, "sabotage"? Marina: Unless you want the security guard to see me naked. Mallet: Oh, yeah. Uh... yeah, okay. Marina: Oh! Mallet: Oh! Marina: Thank goodness! I mean, we were... um... we were trapped. Mallet: Yeah, it stuck. The whole thing, uh, got stuck and shut down. I think it's okay. Thank you for saving us. It was getting hot in there. Woman: Who do they remind you of? Man: Who do you think? Marina: Kind of gives you hope, huh? Mallet: Yeah, they're cute. [SCENE_BREAK] Daisy: Wow. Look at you, Mr. Fix-it-Foley. Cyrus: Yeah, well, got to fix something. Daisy: So I guess you wouldn't really be the person to talk to about lying, huh? Cyrus: Are you talking about little, white lies? Or lying under oath? Daisy: Grady says that there are two kinds of truths. What do you think? Cyrus, what should I do? Cyrus: Grady's going to have a good lawyer. I'll see to that. Daisy: Yeah. That isn't what I asked you. Cyrus: Well, I guess it comes down to WWHD. Daisy: Yeah, and I know what Harley would say. She would tell me not to lie for him. Cyrus: There's your answer. Daisy: Yeah, but... he's your brother. You... I could have an alibi for him. Cyrus: If you perjure yourself. Daisy: But no one has to find out. Cyrus: They'll find out. They always do. Then Grady will go to prison, and you will have ruined your life for nothing. So let me worry about my brother. You have to do what's best for you. [SCENE_BREAK] Lizzie: Whoa! What happened? Bill: Just doing a little spring cleaning, right, Hilda? Hilda: Yes, sir. Bill: If you can make sure everything gets to the kids over at the shelter, that would be great. Hilda: Yes, sir. Bill: Thank you. Lizzie: Are you okay? Bill: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm good. No. No, I'm not. You're right, you know, I probably won't be good for a while, but, you know... in fact, you said a lot of things earlier that made a lot of sense, and I'm sorry, I just didn't want to hear it, and I... Lizzie: Hey, it's okay. Bill: I'm sorry. Lizzie: It's okay. Bill: I'm trying to... I'm trying to get some positives out of this, you know? Silver linings, right? I can't find any. Maybe Ava did me a favor, you know? Handling the details, you know? Maybe she... she knows that I'm not good with the mourning and the grieving... Lizzie: Nobody is good at that. Bill: Yeah. I just got to keep moving, you know? That's what I'm going to do. Just keep doing the things that I would have done if Max was here, you know? Lizzie: What sort of things? Bill: I guess I need to accept the fact that... people die, you know? Dreams die. Warriors keep fighting, right? Is that the... Lizzie: There's no one left to fight, Bill. You've won. Bill: There's always a battle. There's always a battle. I'm still the head of Maximus. This is still my house. It could be our house, if you choose to stay. If you don't, you know, I'll just do it alone. [SCENE_BREAK] Dinah: Hey, it's Dinah. My remote didn't work, my battery's dead. Can you let me in, please? Hello? Hello? Bill! Open the gates, please. Bill! Bill? This is my house, too. Let me in. Bill! Bill! Please, don't do this. Come on, let me in. Bill! Damn it. Bill! [SCENE_BREAK] Coming up on "Guiding Light"... Ashlee: He wants you to lie under oath. What kind of guy is that? Grady: One minute, you're saying you want to help me, the next you're trying to turn my own brother against me. Daisy: I've had to lie so much just to survive in this town. Grady: Yeah, you'll lie, but not for me. Alan: Just have faith that we both get what we deserve. Grady: I sure as hell hope not. Jeffrey: If you help him avoid prosecution in any way, I will put you in jail. | Daisy walks into Company and finds Cyrus fixing a radio that Buzz got out of storage |
424 | Fancy: Who were you talking to, Noah? Noah: Fancy, why were you hiding in the shadows? I mean, were you eavesdropping on me? Fancy: I was worried, so I came looking for you and I overheard you talking to a woman. Who was she, Noah? {Maya: I'm here in Harmony to see you. The last few years have been empty without you. I'm here because I still love you. Noah: You've got to be kidding. Maya: I want you back. Please give me another chance. Give us another chance. I'll die if you don't.} Fancy: Why won't you answer me? Who were you with just now? [SCENE_BREAK] Paloma: So Alistair Crane is still out of it? Simone: As far as I know. He should be dead, Paloma. I mean, he was stabbed and then he had a heart attack and then a stroke. I don't know how he's still kicking. Paloma: Well, they say that evil people are the hardest to kill. I wish I'd been at the mansion to see all the fireworks. Simone: No, you don't. It was a horrible New Year's Eve for everyone. Paloma: Yeah. You told me Jessica was up there with that creep Spike. Simone: Yeah. She was drugged out of her mind and he tied her to a bed and held a knife on her. It was awful. Paloma: But her father found her and saved her, right? Simone: Let's just hope that she's done with Spike for good. Sam: Paloma, Simone. Have you guys seen Jessica? Paloma: No, Mr. Bennett. She hasn't come in here. Simone: Why? Is she missing again? Sam: Yeah. I believe she's gone back to Spike. [SCENE_BREAK] Katherine: Sheridan? Oh. Any luck? Sheridan: No, not yet, Mother. I keep thinking any minute now, I'll find something that'll tell me where Father is hiding Beth and Marty. Katherine: Well, I know you won't quit until you do. Sheridan: Hmm. Katherine: I'm just glad that you have someone to help you. Sheridan: Chris has been wonderful. Katherine: He seems like a very wonderful young man and it's obvious that he's very much in love with you. Sheridan: Hmm. Well, he said that he's determined not to give up until Marty's back in my arms. Oh, Mother. It's been so long, I--I'm so afraid that I won't know Marty when I see him. Katherine: Oh, once you see your little boy, your heart will know him right away. Don't worry about that. Sheridan: Every day that goes by, I'm more afraid that I won't get Marty back. Katherine: You aren't--you aren't giving up, are you? Sheridan: No. I'll never stop loving him. I'll never stop looking for him. [Katherine sighs] Katherine: Sheridan, there's something that I want to talk with you about, something I need to tell you. Sheridan: What is it? Is it bad news? Katherine: It's not for me, but it might be for someone else. Sheridan: Who? Katherine: Pilar. Sheridan, I still love Martin so much. I want him back. [SCENE_BREAK] Pilar: By the way, I spoke to Father Lonigan and he said the date is available for the ceremony. Martin, I want to renew our vows on our wedding anniversary. Martin: I think that's a great idea. Pilar: It's a magical date for me, one that I always celebrated even all the years that you were gone. Martin: I love you very much, Pilar. Pilar: I love you, too, Martin, very much. Are you happy that we're renewing our vows? Martin: I can't think of anything that would make me happier. You want some coffee? Pilar: Please. Martin: Yeah. {Pilar: Get out of my house or I'll call the police! Katherine: But I'm going to fight for the man I love--do you understand? And I'm going to fight for the man that loves me, so you get ready. } Martin: Look what I have! Pilar: Oh. Martin: Here you go. Pilar: Thank you. Martin: Yeah. Pilar: Do you know what, sweetie? Let's not wait. Let's call Father Lonigan. Let's renew our vows tonight. [SCENE_BREAK] Chris: It's time for you to die, old man. Even if you hadn't tortured all those people, the way you've treated your daughter is reason enough. You've broken Sheridan's heart. You've done everything to ruin her life. You've even reached out to try and threaten me, and I can't have that. So it's time for you to go. [Door opens] Rachel: Chris, what are you doing? Chris: Rachel, what are you doing here? Rachel: I'm here for the same reason you are--I want Alistair dead. Chris: Are you saying you came here to kill Alistair? Rachel: God, I wish. I want him dead like most of the people in this town do. But now is not the time. And you can't kill him, either, Chris. Chris: Why not? Rachel: Because you would be sacrificing your life. You and Sheridan have a future together, and I don't want to see you lose that. Sheridan doesn't deserve to lose another love. Chris: You're right. Sheridan can't afford to lose another person in her life. Do you think he can hear us? Rachel: Alistair, if you can hear us, it's ok to let go. It's time. Go to the light, Alistair. Go to the light! Chris: Except in his case, the light is probably the flames of hell. Bastard! Why can't you just die? Rachel: Well, as long as he stays this way, he can't hurt anybody else. I come in here sometimes just to make sure. Chris: You truly hate him, don't you? Rachel: I never knew I had this much venom for another--I started to say "another human being," but he's not human. Chris: Rachel, how did you ever become involved with him? Weren't you supposed to marry him? Rachel: Yes. I was very young and very innocent. And in the beginning, he was wonderful. He was rich and powerful, even charming. And his generosity was amazing. He was so romantic. He just made my head spin. Chris: What happened? Why didn't you marry him? Rachel: I woke up. I was living in a fantasy, a romantic dream, and it finally turned into a horrendous nightmare. [SCENE_BREAK] Paloma: How could Jessica go back to Spike after what he did to her? Simone: It's got to be the drugs. Sam: Well, that's the only explanation. I thought what he did to her up at the mansion would be enough to turn Jessica against Spike forever. Simone: Not if he's controlling her mind with drugs. Sam: I just wish people could see the damage drugs do. Just let me catch him with drugs in his possession again. Paloma: Do you have any idea where he could have taken Jessica? Sam: Oh, it could be anywhere. I mean, he's got a sleazy apartment, but he lives mostly on the streets and in those seedy motels. Simone: Yeah, the seedy motels where he forces Jessica to prostitute herself. I'd like to kill that guy. Sam: I almost beat him to death up at the mansion. Look, I have to find Jessica and get her away from him for good. Simone: I'm with you because if Jessica's with Spike, she's in danger. Sam: Listen, there's a killer on the loose, and I'm not talking about the one who tried to kill Alistair. I'm talking about the one, you know, where all those johns turned up dead? {Jessica: Paloma, help me! I--I don't want to go to jail! I'm a serial murderer! They'll give me the chair. } Sam: Simone, do you know something? Simone: No. Sam: Simone, if you know something, ok, that could help me find Jessica, please, you have to tell me! Please. [SCENE_BREAK] Fancy: I know I heard a woman's voice, Noah. Who were you talking to? Noah: One of the waitresses. Um--a customer was mouthing off to her and she defended herself and now she thinks she's going to lose her job. Fancy: Oh. Noah to the rescue as usual. [Noah chuckles] Fancy: You just can't help being a knight in shining armor, can you? Aw. Don't ever change. I love you for being such a hero. [Fancy giggles] Fancy: Hmm. Noah: Oh, so--so how are you doing? I mean, how's your grandfather? Fancy: Um...his condition hasn't changed. I sat with him for a long time, and it was heartbreaking. Noah: Yeah, for you, maybe. Fancy: Don't start. Noah: Look, you know what, I'm sorry, Fancy, ok? I know how hard this is for you. Fancy: Well, I know you don't care whether he lives or dies, but thanks. I left him because I was worried about you. Noah: Me? Why? Fancy: I still think someone was watching us at the ice rink and I just suddenly had this feeling you were in danger. Noah: Yeah. Look, I'm not in any danger, Fancy. Fancy: I hope not. I don't know what I would do if I lost you. Noah: Hey, look, you're not going to lose me, ok? Fancy: Are you sure you're not going to run off with that waitress? Noah: No, I'm--no, I'm not going to run off with any waitress, Fancy. I'm going to run off with you... to my house-- Fancy: Hmm. Noah: Right now, where we can get warm and cozy-- Fancy: Aw. Noah: And I can show you just how wrong you really are. Fancy: Show me? How? Noah: What, you want me to tell you now or do you want to be surprised? Fancy: Oh. I think surprise me. Noah: Yeah, all right. Let's hit it. Fancy: Ooh. [Fancy chuckles] [SCENE_BREAK] Pilar: I just--I don't want to wait. Let's renew our vows tonight. Martin: Pilar, look-- Pilar: Please. Martin: Wait, wait, wait a minute. Just take it easy, honey. Now, all you've talked about is having this beautiful ceremony with all our family and friends. Why do you want to rush it? Pilar: I--I don't know. I--Martin, when you disappeared, I had no warning. We were together and then you left me for a few minutes, and then I never saw you again for over 20 years. I don't want that to happen again. I don't want to lose you. Martin: Honey, you're not going to lose me. I'm here. You can count on that. You can count on me. Hmm? Come on. Pilar's voice: And I can count on Katherine doing everything she can to take you away from me. [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: Mother, what made you decide to do this? I thought you wanted Martin to go back with Pilar, to be a family with her again. Katherine: I thought I did. [Sighs] I hope you don't hate me for changing my mind. Sheridan: Oh. I could never hate you. But why did you change your mind? Katherine: You know, my decision to give Martin up was completely based on Alistair's threats. Alistair threatened me because of my relationship with you, that that would drive a wedge between you and Luis, who blamed me for taking Martin away from Pilar. Sheridan: Yeah, he had a hard time forgiving. Katherine: I know. And then Alistair threatened to tell you you were a murderer, that you'd killed my sister. Sheridan: Now Aunt Rachel is alive and Luis is gone, so-- Katherine: There are no more threats hanging over my head. And I had a very interesting talk with Rachel. Sheridan: And she convinced you to get Martin back into your life? Katherine: No. She helped me understand something very important-- that I had a right to happiness, just like Pilar. Sheridan: Of course you deserve to be happy. Katherine: I do. But I told Pilar. Sheridan: You told her? Katherine: Yes. I made it very clear to her that I was going to fight for my happiness and that having Martin back is my happiness. Sheridan: What did she say? Katherine: Well, she was furious, of course, and--and frightened because I think she knows that Martin still loves me. Sheridan: Why is Martin planning on renewing his vows with Pilar if he's still in love with you? Katherine: Martin's a very honorable man. I think he feels very badly about abandoning Pilar all those years ago, and I was the one who told him to go back to her. But I had no choice, at least I didn't feel I had. With Alistair's threats, I really didn't. But now, I-- Sheridan: Sounds like you've made up your mind. Why tell me? Katherine: Oh, Sheridan, but of course I want to tell you, darling. I--I know that Pilar has been like a mother to you and that you have a very special fondness for her. Sheridan: Mother, it's more than just a fondness. I--I love Pilar. I mean, she was the only one there for me when I was a child. Katherine: That's exactly why I'm telling you, Sheridan. You're my daughter. I don't want to do anything to ruin our relationship. Can you accept my fighting to get Martin back? [Sheridan sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Chris: Rachel, I haven't known you for very long, but I--I find it hard to believe that you even considered marrying a monster like Alistair. How did that happen? Rachel: I was young and somewhat naive. It took me a long time to realize who Alistair really was. The fact is I felt sorry for him. He was so needy, as though he had been deprived of love as a child, so when I showed him any kind of kindness or affection, he became obsessed with me. Chris: And that didn't put up a red flag? Rachel: No. At that age, most girls are thrilled when someone shows that intense devotion. Chris: So when did you realize he was a monster? Young Rachel: Alistair, what's keep-- Rachel: I was so stunned by what I saw, I almost fainted. Chris: I'm so sorry, Rachel. That must have been a terrible thing for you to have seen. Rachel: It was beyond painful. After I'd gone downstairs to tell everyone that the party was canceled because Alistair was ill, I went back upstairs and then I changed my clothes and then-- {[Knock on door] Alistair: Come in! Rachel: I've sent everyone home, and now I'm leaving. Alistair: Leaving? To go where? Rachel: Anywhere away from you. I'm not going to marry you, Alistair. [Alistair chuckles] Alistair: Oh, don't be ridiculous. Of course you are. Rachel: Don't you be ridiculous! What's come over you? I don't even know who you are! And I obviously cannot live the kind of life that you want me to! Alistair: You'll never be allowed to leave me--never! Rachel: The next thing I knew, Alistair's goons were there locking me up! Alistair: Welcome to your new home! [Door closes] } Rachel: And that's when I realized that Alistair intended to keep me hidden away, a prisoner for the rest of my life. Chris: No one would come looking for you because they all thought you were dead. Rachel: That's right. No one even knew the cabin existed at the time. And I was in a room that was well-hidden. Alistair brought me newspapers that told me of how devastated my family was about my death. And eventually, I came to realize that I would never escape that place. But then, something happened that changed all that. I knew I had to escape or die trying. [SCENE_BREAK] Pilar: Ok. All right. If you don't want to do it tonight, then what about next week? It just takes me a few days-- Martin: Look, Pilar-- Pilar: ...To organize it. Martin: You have to stop worrying that something's going to happen to stop us. Now, what is it--Alistair? I mean, are you worried that he'll recover from his stroke and do something to hurt us? Pilar: Well, it's possible. I--he's not dead yet and you know Alistair. Martin: No. According to the doctors, that's not likely to happen anytime soon, if ever. Now, come on. Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Pilar: I hope so. Oh, God, it's just that I've had so much taken from me in the past. You left and then Antonio left, only to come back to be killed by Alistair. And Luis leaves to go find Marty, and Alistair had him murdered and now our beautiful daughter is married to that monster and he adopted little Ethan. Martin: I know; you've had terrible losses. But you're not going to lose me again. Pilar: Good, because I don't think I could stand having you taken from me again. Martin: Pilar, what's really going on? Is there some reason that you think I'm going to be taken away from you? [SCENE_BREAK] Katherine: So, Sheridan, would you support me in fighting for Martin? Sheridan: It would really hurt me to see Pilar in pain. Katherine: I completely understand. So, are you saying that you'll be taking Pilar's side in this? [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Simone? Look at me. If you have any information that would help me find Jessica, you have to tell me. Simone: Honestly, I don't, Chief Bennett. I promise. I--I was just thinking about all the horrible things that happened New Year's Eve at the Crane mansion. Paloma: Uh-huh. It was a terrible night for everyone. Sam: Ok, well, I better get out there and try to find her. But if you guys hear of anything, you'll call me, right? Paloma: Oh, absolutely. Sam: On my cell phone. Simone: Yeah, we'll call you. Paloma: Oh, I feel terrible for him. Simone: Yeah, so do I. But I feel worse for Jessica if she is back with Spike. Paloma: What do you think Mr. Bennett would do if he knew Jessica could be the one killing those johns? Simone: I don't know. But I hope he wouldn't hate her like my dad hates me for being gay. Paloma: Simone, he doesn't hate you. He just doesn't know any better. Give him time. Simone: I don't know if that'll do any good. But there's nothing I can do about that now, is there? Paloma: Nope, nada. Simone: So, you seem to be settling into your new job pretty well. Do you like it? Paloma: Hmm, it's a job. You know, I like talking to the customers and-- promise you won't tell my mom--I like cleaning. Maybe it's genetic. My mom is a fanatic when it comes to a clean kitchen, and when I see this place spotless, I feel like I've accomplished something. [Chuckles] Well, listen, I have to go down to the basement to get more coffee filters. Um--will you come with me? It's kind of creepy. Simone: Why, are there rats in the basement? Paloma: Oy. I hadn't thought about the rats! Thank you very much. Now I'm really creeped out. Simone: Ok, I'll go with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: I bet you didn't think I'd have a stash of this lying around, did you? Fancy: No! I thought you might have a couple beers, but this is amazing. Noah: It's left over from New Year's. You know, I kept thinking that we'd get back here, but-- Fancy: But we're here now and I'm loving it. [Cork pops] Fancy: Ooh! Noah: Ah! [Fancy giggles] Noah: May I propose a toast? Fancy: Mm-hmm. Thank you. Noah: How about to us? Fancy: Oh, yes. To us. Noah: Hmm. Fancy: Hmm. Noah: Oh. Next surprise. Ah. Fancy: Oh. You're a magician. Strawberries and cream? My favorite thing to have with champagne. Noah: Yes, I know. A good Boy Scout pays attention. Let's see here. Fancy: Ahem. Noah: How about this one? Fancy: Mm. Mm. [Noah chuckles] Fancy: Mm. Mm-hmm. Noah: It's good, no? Fancy: Hmm. Noah: Hmm. Fancy: Are you trying to earn a merit badge? Noah: Am I getting one? Fancy: Hmm, maybe. Noah: Hmm. [Fancy chuckles] [SCENE_BREAK] Katherine: Sheridan, I know that I don't really deserve your love. I left you when you were just a child. I ran away and let you believe I was dead. But I love you with all my heart. If you choose not to support me, I will understand. Sheridan: Mother, you had no choice but to leave me. I can't even imagine the horror that you had to live with as my father's wife. But if this is what you feel you need to do, can I be neutral? Can I just not take your side or Pilar's side because you both deserve happiness, and if being with Martin is what makes you happy, then I suppose you have to go for it. Katherine: Oh. Oh, Sheridan. Thank you. Sheridan: Martin will make his own decision whether he stays with Pilar or leaves her. I just--I feel bad for Pilar. I mean, she's lived with the dream of having her husband back for so many years. Katherine: I feel badly for her, too. But, you know, she was free in those years to--to find someone else, to find someone else to love. Sheridan: There was a time where I would have told you that was impossible for any woman. When I lost Luis, I thought I would never find love again. But I have, with Chris. Katherine: The heart has this enormous capacity for love, love for our children, for our families, romantic love, love of a man. Sometimes more than one man can touch our heart. Sheridan: I want you to be happy, Mother. Katherine: Thank you. And please tell me if you find out anything new about Marty, about where he might be. Sheridan: I will. Katherine: I love you. Sheridan: I love you. Sheridan: I hope you get what you want, Mother. Will I? [SCENE_BREAK] Chris: You said that something happened that motivated you to escape? Rachel: Yes. Alistair had delivered a newspaper to me announcing his marriage to Katherine. I became enraged. I was pounding on the door. I tried to kill myself with a plastic knife that they brought with my meals, but my jailer was there in a heartbeat to bandage me up, to let me know that it was pointless for me to try to escape. I don't know--I became numb. I just gave up. I knew that there was no way that I could escape. I wanted to die, but he just kept me prisoner for years. Chris: And no one tried to help you? Rachel: Most of the time, the only person I saw was Otto. Chris: Now, Otto's the guy that Sheridan thinks is helping keep Beth and Marty hidden. Rachel: Yes. Otto was blindly devoted to Alistair. But there was another person, a cleaning woman. Sometimes Otto would let her clean my room without supervision, and she let me know that Katherine was suffering from Alistair's brutality. I was so enraged, I wanted to help Katherine. So I begged, I begged the cleaning woman to help me, and finally, she did. She gave something to Otto to make him sleep and then she left my door unlocked and I was able to run away. Chris: Thank God. Whatever happened to her, the cleaning woman? Rachel: She was found dead soon after that. They said it was a heart attack. Alistair had her killed, I know he did, but I can't prove it. Chris: So what happened to you after you escaped? Rachel: I went to the mansion and confronted Alistair. I had a knife. I was going to kill him, but then Sheridan, who was just a little girl at the time-- she came in and she didn't know me, but she just knew that I was going to hurt her father, so she grabbed a letter opener and she attacked me. She just wounded me a little bit, but Alistair was able to convince her that she had actually killed me, only he made her believe that she had killed Katherine, her real mother. Chris: So up until the time that Katherine reappeared, Sheridan actually believed that she'd killed her own mother? Rachel: Yes, and once that lie was exposed, he had to come up with another one so he made her believe that she had killed me. Chris: Well, how did he handle you that night? Rachel: Well, after Sheridan attacked me and he had the servants take her away, he had me drugged. When I woke up, I was in some prison by a sea. I never was sure where I was really. Chris, that--that reminds me of something important. I might know something about where Marty's being held. Chris: Well, what is it? Rachel: Every time Alistair would come to me to taunt me, to drive me crazy, I would scream at him about how much I hated him. He would always smile and he would say the word "Kamakeke." Chris: "Kamakeke"? Rachel: Yes--"Kamakeke." That's the key, the word! I've got to get to Sheridan! Chris: But what does it mean? Rachel: Just get me to Sheridan! Chris: Ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Simone: You're right, it is creepy down here. Paloma: Yes, I told you. I'll just get the filters and we'll go. Simone: It's even creepier because the Book Cafe is owned by Alistair Crane. He stole it from Beth Wallace when she made it successful. Paloma: What evil thing hasn't Alistair done? Simone, do you think it's the same person? That the one killing the johns also tried to kill Alistair? Simone: You mean Jessica? Paloma: I was just thinking-- Simone: No, I don't know, Paloma. I mean, she certainly has as much reason as anybody who was there. She--Alistair ruined her father's career, and Spike is connected to Alistair, so, you know--oh, oh! Are you ok? Paloma: Si. Si, si. I think there's a loose board down here. Let me mark it so it can be fixed. Wait a minute. There's something down here. [SCENE_BREAK] Martin: Pilar--Pilar, listen, is there a reason that you think something's going to happen to take you away from me again? If it's not Alistair, then what, or who? Pilar: No, no one. No one. I'm sorry. I'm just being paranoid. I will try to be more positive, ok? Martin: Yeah, please, try not to worry. I mean, we're going to have a wonderful ceremony with no hitches, all right? Pilar: It is going to be a beautiful day, isn't it? Martin: Yes, it will. Hey, I have an idea. Why don't you go try on your wedding dress? You've been talking about seeing if it still fits you. Go on, give it a try. Pilar: Well, I don't know. After 5 babies, I doubt it, Martin. Martin: You are as beautiful today as you were the day we were married. And I can't wait to see you in it. I'll be waiting right here. Pilar: All right. [Knock on door] Martin: Katherine? What's wrong? Katherine: I have to talk to you, Martin. I have to ask you something. Something very important. [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: I wonder what's going to happen to Mother, now that Pilar knows that she's going after Martin. What's Martin going to say? I wish I understood my father's evil. He knew the worst thing he could do to me would be to take Marty away. [Door opens] Rachel: Sheridan! Chris: Rachel just remembered something that might be a clue to finding Marty. [SCENE_BREAK] Fancy: So, is this where you brought all your conquests in high school? Noah: Fancy, I went away to boarding school my junior year. Fancy: Before that. Noah: Before that, I was just a kid. Fancy: Uh-huh. That's not what your friend Edmund said. He said you were already a player by freshman year of high school. Noah: Yeah. Edmund never learned to keep his mouth shut. [Fancy giggles] You know, I was slightly advanced for my age, I think. Fancy: I've seen the way girls throw themselves at you, Noah. I know how I feel about you, so there must have been plenty of girls in your life. Noah: Well, I'm not saying that there weren't. Fancy: So, let me ask you a question, point-blank. Noah: Mm-hmm. Fancy: Have you gotten all your ex-girlfriends out of your system? Noah: Does that answer your question? Fancy: Oh, Noah-- Noah: I love you, Fancy. Only you. [SCENE_BREAK] Paloma: It's a trap door. Someone went to a lot of trouble to keep this secret. Alistair Crane. Shouldn't we call the police? Simone: No, they all work for Alistair now. Maybe we should call Chief Bennett. Paloma: No, he's out looking for Jessica. Let's go down and--and take a look. Simone: No, no, I--I don't know about this. Paloma: Oh, come on, Simone. I'm the one who's scared, remember? [Paloma gasps] Simone: Paloma, don't go down there! Paloma: Wha--there's another room down here! Come on! Simone: What's all this stuff? Paloma: "Property of Alistair Crane." Simone: What is this place? [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: What is it, Aunt Rachel? What have you remembered? Rachel: I was telling Chris that when I was held hostage, I would tell Alistair all the time how much I hated him. And he would tell me that he could send me anywhere in the world, but I would never be out of his reach. Chris: And he would always say "Kamakeke." Sheridan: Kamakeke? What does that mean? Rachel: I don't know, but it could be a place. Chris: It might be the place where Alistair's hidden Beth and Marty. Sheridan: Father loves intrigue, so it could lead us to something. Oh, Chris, this could be it. We're getting closer to Marty, I can feel it. Please let there be a match for this Kamakeke, and let it lead me to my son. [SCENE_BREAK] Simone: What's in there? Paloma: Files, documents, CD's, computer disks. These are all Alistair's. Simone: What's it doing down here? And why would Alistair hide stuff in a room nobody's ever seen before? Paloma: These are his secret files. Alistair's personal secrets locked away! Simone, we have discovered a gold mine! [SCENE_BREAK] Martin: Now, Katherine, I know that look. You're upset. What is it? Katherine: I don't want you to renew your vows with Pilar. Martin: What? Katherine: Please don't go through with it. I love you, Martin. I want you back. I want you to be married to me, not Pilar. Pilar: Oh, God. I can't believe it actually still fits. Hmm. Wait till Martin sees me in it. I can't believe it's going to happen. We are going to renew our vows, and be together finally, forever. [SCENE_BREAK] Fancy: Oh, Noah-- Noah: Oh, Maya-- Fancy: What?! What? Noah: Oh, my God. Fancy: Did you just call me Maya? Who the hell is Maya? [SCENE_BREAK] Chris: Kamakeke--the Crane database must be huge. Sheridan: It is. But if there's a person or a place with such a name, it'll be in here somewhere. Chris: It's found something. Sheridan: What is that? What's that number? Wait a minute. I think that's a coordinate. I think that number's a key to a location. Chris: You're right. And it's got to do with a place called Kamakeke. Sheridan: Which is where Marty is. It's got to be. We're going to find my son! [NEXT_ON] Fancy: You wouldn't have said her name when you were making love to me if she didn't still mean a lot to you! Maya: Please don't make me do this to him. Theresa: India? No, you are not leaving. I will not let you. | Once Katherine leaves Sheridan, she heads straight to Pilar's house to talk to Martin |
425 | Valentin: I sold The Chimera for a spectacular amount of money. Anna: Well... you don't seem very concerned about what could happen. Valentin: I'm not. It was a long time ago, Anna. If they wanted to use The Chimera, they would have. And now they're dead. They're stone dead. Don't worry, Anna. The Chimera Project will never see the light of day. Anna: How can you be certain the buyer is dead? Valentin: Why would I lie? Anna: Why wouldn't you? You know that toxin is deadly. Valentin: If deployed! It won't be. Anna: Well, just because the buyer is gone doesn't mean The Chimera is, too. How do you know that it isn't out there waiting for someone to unleash it? [SCENE_BREAK] Curtis: I can't believe you're making me do this. Jordan: It was your bet. Curtis: [Scoffs] I wouldn't make you do it. Jordan: Well, now, see, that would make you very sexist. Right? You can handle it, but I can't? Curtis: I didn't think you'd take me seriously. Jordan: No no, you didn't think that I would actually out-bowl you. Curtis: How would I? [As Jordan] "I don't know how to hold the ball. When do I release it? Ugh!" Jordan: What? Curtis: [Chuckling] Yeah, right. [Normal voice] You hustled me. You a shark -- just admit it and release me from this bet. Jordan: Are you scared? Curtis: [Chuckles] Scared? Jordan: You're really scared, aren't you? Curtis: Ah! No! Jordan: It's okay to be scared. Curtis: Scared, huh? Jordan: Mm-hmm. Curtis: [Sighs] Ugh. Jordan: Mm-hmm. Curtis: All right, this was the bet. Jordan: Bottom's up, right? Curtis: Yeah, that's easy for you to say. Jordan: Did you smell it? Is it fresh like a daisy? Curtis: No, it smells like a used shoe. Jordan: [Laughs] Okay. Curtis: [Sighs] I can do this. Jordan: Okay, okay. [Chuckles] You didn't actually think that I was gonna make you drink from that thing, did you? Curtis: Oh, thank God. Jordan: You real-- I'm not even going to kiss you after that. [Both chuckle] Curtis: Right. Jordan: I'm just... Curtis: That's funny. Jordan: I'm impressed that you would actually even do it. Curtis: You know what? I think we have an audience. [SCENE_BREAK] Nathan: Each text is vaguer than the last. I don't get it, Nina. I mean, two weeks ago, Maxie would have jumped on your offer to re-hire her at Crimson. Now she's talking about staying in Portland? Ma-maybe for good? Nina: Call her. Nathan: I will, I will. I'll do it after she gets out of her meeting. In the meantime, I guess I'll go home to my empty apartment. Nina: You could be my escort. My escort to Wyndemere? You know, the crossing can be pretty rough... Nathan: Nina, you have a private launch. Nina: [Chuckles] But you never know what kind of scoundrel I'll run in to, so I really need you. Nathan: [Chuckling] Okay. Okay, all right. Thank you. It's nice to feel needed. Nina: I'll always need you. Nathan: You're -- you sure Valentin won't mind? Nina: Like you care. He's probably still on his run, anyway. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: Valentin, stop. Wait. Valentin: Yes, it's possible The Chimera hasn't been disabled, that it's still usable. Anna: That doesn't concern you? Valentin: Of course, it concerns me. I've got a daughter. But like I said -- the buyer died before ever using The Chimera. Anna: That doesn't mean it wasn't passed on. Helena: It's all there. Valentin: The Chimera. Helena: [Chuckles] Pleasure doing business with you... ...Valentin. Valentin: It's highly unlikely. Anna: How do you know? Valentin: 'Cause the buyer was no good at sharing. [Footsteps approach] Elizabeth: What do you think you're doing? Jake: Um... this one's probably books... those are art supplies, but I don't know about these. Elizabeth: And what did I say about your birthday presents? Jake: Not to touch them until my party? Elizabeth: Right. So, hands off. Jake: But, Mom! Elizabeth: Jake, I told you not to touch them. Jake: That's not fair! My birthday's already over. Why should I have to wait till my party? Elizabeth: Um, because you didn't want to have a party without your dad. Jake: Then he should be here! Elizabeth: Jake. Jake: I'm being punished because Dad went away. Elizabeth: That is absolutely not true. He didn't mean for this to happen. He had to go away on an emergency. Jake: Well, when is he done? Elizabeth: [Sighs] He'll be home soon. As soon as he can. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: I was Jake's scarecrow all along. Franco: Yeah, you were. You are who Jake has been afraid of all this time. [SCENE_BREAK] [Indistinct conversations] Jordan: Do you want to leave? Curtis: Why? Because of André? I'm good. Jordan: Implying that I'm not? Curtis: Well, you are the one who used to date him. Jordan: "Used to" being the operative words there. Curtis: So you don't mind being in the same room with him. Jordan: Um, if I was 17? Yeah, maybe, but since we're all adults here... Curtis: So nothing gets under your skin, huh? Jordan: Not if I can help it. Curtis: Uh, what if André took up with, um, one of your co-workers? Perhaps a subordinate? Jordan: My officers' lives have been absolutely none of my business. Curtis: Even if it was, uh, Valerie Spencer? [SCENE_BREAK] Valerie: Are these seats taken? I'm meeting my aunt. André: Go for it. Valerie: [Sighs] [Chuckles] Well... this is awkward. Are your ears burning, or what? André: Let 'em talk. Valerie: My sentiments exactly. [SCENE_BREAK] Nathan: Why are flights to Portland so expensive all of a sudden? Like, two weeks ago, I could swing this. Nina: I-I -- I could buy you a ticket. Nathan: [Chuckling] No, I'm not having my big sister bail me out. Nina: Valentin will buy it. Nathan: Absolutely not. No, never. Never gonna owe that guy anything. Nina: It was a joke. It was a joke. Nathan: [Laughs sarcastically] No. Nina: Too tightly wound. Nathan: Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just... Nina: I understand. Nathan: Yeah, I wish I did. Nina: Mm. What can you do, right? Nathan: Mm. Nina: You want a beer? Nathan: Oh, I'd so love a beer. Nina: Sparkling water? [Chuckles] The pantry's always fully stocked. Nathan: [Sighs] What? What, they raised the price in three minutes? How -- how is that even possible?! Where's the beverages? Nina: [Sighs] Valentin went for a run, and he hasn't come back. That's what the housekeeper said. Nathan: Okay. And that -- that worries you? So...call him, you know? Figure out where he is. Nina: I know where he is. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: Guess it would be too much to ask the name of the buyer? Valentin: No, you can ask whatever you want. Anna: Oh, but you wouldn't supply it? Valentin: Well, why would I? It's not gonna do you any good. Valentin: It doesn't. And if it did, I would find it and I would destroy it. Anna: Oh, my God. You don't trust me at all, do you? Valentin: For good reason. Anna: I have been nothing but honest with you since the moment that I came to grips with what I did. Valentin: Yeah, so you say. How would I know the difference? Have you ever been yourself with me, Anna Devane? No angle, no game. Or have you always had an agenda? Anna: Why, I don't know. What are you asking? Are you asking if you know me? Or ever knew me? Valentin: Did I? Anna: Well, there's only one way to find out, isn't there? Or if you would prefer, we can just leave the question unanswered, and I can just disappear from your life for good. It's your choice, really. [SCENE_BREAK] Jake: I don't even want this stupid party. Elizabeth: [Scoffs] Weren't you just saying it wasn't happening fast enough? Jake: I changed my mind. Cancel it. Elizabeth: No. And if you keep up with this attitude, you're gonna lose your screen time. Anna: For how long? Elizabeth: A week. Jake: A whole week?! Elizabeth: I can make it longer if you want. [Sighs] Jake, you are old enough to be exercising a little patience. Jake: But I've been -- Elizabeth: But you've been what? Jake: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Mom. Elizabeth: Okay. Thank you for apologizing. Jake: I'll change my attitude. Elizabeth: All right, well prove it by forgetting about those presents and get your homework done. [Doorbell rings] Elizabeth: Hey! Kiki: Hey! Elizabeth: What's up? Come in. Kiki: I was really excited when I got home from GH and saw there was a package waiting for me, but it turns out it wasn't for me. Elizabeth: [Chuckles] Kiki: Can you believe that? Jake: Who is it for? Kiki: I'll give you one guess. Jake: Me? Kiki: Yeah! Yeah, here. Jake: Thank you. Kiki: You're welcome. I hear it was someone's birthday. It's from Franco. Elizabeth: That's really sweet. Jake: Hey, Mom, can I -- Elizabeth: [Singsong voice] Homework! Someone is having a little trouble with the concept of restraint. Kiki: Ah, yes. I always hated having to wait to open my presents. Elizabeth: And look at you -- you totally survived, didn't you? Kiki: [Chuckles] I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was an issue. I was just trying to follow orders. Elizabeth: Orders? Kiki: Yeah, Franco left a note saying to bring it over as soon as possible, but I'm not really sure why he didn't just bring it over himself. Elizabeth: Oh, well the last text message I got from him said he was on a mysterious errand. [SCENE_BREAK] Franco: What did you do to Jake? Jason: Nothing. Franco: Nothing? You're the scarecrow. You just said so yourself. Jason: I need you to shut up. I can't think. Franco: You should think. Jason: I didn't hurt my son. Franco: Okay. So tell me what did happen. Jason: I was here. I -- the restraints, I remember it. Franco: The restraints? Jason: I was shackled to the wall. Man: Rule number one -- your life is not your own. Jason: [Grunts] I was being beaten. Franco: I totally understand why somebody would want to shackle you to a wall and beat the hell out of you. What I don't understand is, if that's what Jake saw, why is he afraid of you? Wouldn't he be afraid for you? Jason: Rule number one -- your life is not your own... [Grunts] Man: Rule number two -- when you finish an op, don't miss your extraction. Jason: [Grunts] Man: You don't make decisions, you follow orders. Jason: [Grunts] [Breathing heavily] Man: Maybe he's had enough. Helena: [Laughs] Far from it. Jason: There was somebody else here. There was someone calling the shots. Franco: Okay, who? Who was that? Man: He'll pass out soon. Helena: [Chuckles] You underestimate him. Jason Morgan has survived far worse than this. Far worse. Jason: Helena. [SCENE_BREAK] Nina: When Valentin disappears and there's no explanation, it means he's with Anna Devane. Nathan: Maybe he ran into a friend. Nina: He has no friends. Nathan: Okay, like, an old colleague. Nina: Anna Devane. Nathan: Nina. Look, you said he went running, right? Well, maybe he twisted his ankle. He could be in a hospital right now. Nina: If he was in the hospital, I would've heard from him. [Sighs] He either went out to find her, or she went out to find him. Nathan: Now, I don't understand. I thought you guys figured all this out. Nina: I thought we did, too! But every time I turn around, I run smack into the face of Anna. And Valentin, you know, he acts so sketchy all the time, like he has something to hide. [SCENE_BREAK] Valerie: [Laughing] Oh, you are so funny. [Giggles] Curtis: I think I'm gonna need a drink. Jordan: But you already -- already have one. Curtis: Yeah, something stronger, and, uh, preferably something that don't smell like feet. Jordan: We don't have to be here, you know. We could... we could move to the...The Rib. Curtis: Mo-- nah, I'm -- I'm fine. Jordan: No, you were fine before Valerie walked in and joined André. Curtis: Okay, look, the thing is... Valerie is her own woman. She can date whoever she wants to. I'm just happy she's moved on. Jordan: Yeah? Curtis: Yeah. Jordan: 'Kay. Curtis: And André -- he's a lucky man to be with her. Jordan: Yeah. Curtis: But not quite as lucky as I am to be with you. Jordan: Keep talking. Curtis: That's the plan. Valerie: [Chuckles] Sorry. Am I making you uncomfortable? André: No. But Jordan and Curtis... Valerie: Nice. So it's working. André: I'd say so. Valerie: Well, you can thank me any time. André: Mm. For the record, I was doing just fine. Valerie: Because drinking alone screams fine. Or, wait, no -- drinking alone while your ex is on a date with a new man. André: Yeah, if only. Curtis was always the third wheel in our relationship. Valerie: I hear you. Curtis' new woman is my boss. [Scoffs] André: My advice? You don't like your situation... [Bills rustling] André: ...Change it. Valerie: [Sighs] Hmm. Maybe I will. [SCENE_BREAK] [Cell phone rings] Jordan: Need to get that? Curtis: Uh, you know what? It's one of my cases. Um, it can wait. Jordan: No, go for it. I will go to the bar, get our drinks since our waitress has seemed to quit halfway through the shift. Uh, bourbon, rocks? Curtis: Uh, anything that doesn't come in a shoe. [Both laugh] Jordan: I got you. [Cell phone beeps] Curtis: Yo, this is Ashford. What do you got? Jordan: Um... one bourbon, rocks, and a glass of chardonnay. Hey, girl. Valerie: Commissioner. Jordan: We're not in the -- not in the station, Valerie. You can call me Jordan. Valerie: Okay. Jordan: I was just, uh, picking up some drinks. I'm not gonna take André's seat. Don't worry. [Chuckles] Valerie: He just left. Jordan: Really? So you guys are dating, or...? Valerie: Why? Are you gonna warn me off André, too? [SCENE_BREAK] Nathan: Whether or not he's cheating on you is not what matters. Something about his behavior bothers you, and you-you've made him aware of this. Nina: Yes! Many, many, many times. Nathan: And he's not doing anything to fix it. Nina: No, everything he does just makes it worse! Nathan: Okay, well then there's your problem, Nina! All right? You're losing faith and trust in your husband, and he's doing anything to get it back. Okay, so you got to ask yourself, can you -- can you live like this? Nina: Well, obviously not! I can't! I mean, look at me! Nathan: Okay, so leave him! All right? Or at the very least, demand more. Nina: What if he can't give me more? [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: Well, I'll steer clear, you know, give you your space, if that's what you want. Valentin: Oh, I think we both should want it. What happened back then doesn't reflect very well on either one of us. Anna: It's just every time I see you, I'm reminded of the... ills I committed against you. You. You should've been a friend or even... [Sighs] I'm drowning in guilt from the moment I wake up in the morning to when I go to sleep at night. And clearly that doesn't mean anything to you. Valentin: It means something. Anna: But not enough. So, I'll just give you your space. Valentin: No, no. Maybe it's time we got to know each other. I mean, not who we were -- who we are now. Anna: Really? Like a fresh start? Valentin: Stranger things have happened. André: Sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt. Valentin: [Chuckles] No, that's all right. I was just leaving. [SCENE_BREAK] Franco: So Helena was keeping you here. So, that makes sense. This is her island. What we don't know, Jason, is what it is that Jake saw. Jason: Her guard was beating the living hell out of me. But that wasn't enough. [Grunts] Man: [Panting] I wouldn't push much harder. Your investment will be for nothing if he's dead. Helena: But like any good investor, I am nothing if not diversified. I always have assets in reserve. [SCENE_BREAK] [Doorbell rings] Man: Special delivery. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: "Assets in reserve." That could be Jake. It could be Luke. It could be anyone of her crazy relatives. I don't know. Franco: Okay. Did Helena say anything else? Did she give you any -- any hints? Helena: I'm very pleased with your work. And, oh! The target was eliminated. No one ever saw you. But you missed the rendezvous, and we barely managed to retrieve you. Unacceptable. [Chains rattling] Jason: [Grunts] Helena: [Scoffs] After all I've done for you. The only reason you are alive right now is because I met Faison's price. Don't make me regret it. Proceed. Jason: [Grunts] That guy keeps hitting me. Helena orders more. Franco: That's interesting. Jason: He won't stop. There's nothing I can do about it. Someone's saying something -- it's just out of reach. I don't know why I can't remember. Franco: [Hits Jason on the back with a rock, knocking him out.] [Thud] Franco: Hey. Rise and shine. Jason: [Groans] [Chains rattling] Jason: [Groans] Franco: Come on. Here you go. Jason: [Sighs] What do ya know? Perfect fit. [SCENE_BREAK] Jake: Another present? Who's it from?! Elizabeth: Your cousin Spencer. Jake: Is he gonna be at my party? Elizabeth: No, honey, not this year. He's still away at school. Jake: Well, since I'm almost done with my homework, and he's not gonna be at my party...? Elizabeth: Uh, you... can open this one. Jake: Yes! Elizabeth: But just this one, okay? Got it? Jake: Got it. Elizabeth: Thank you. Delivery Man: Just doing my job. Happy birthday... little man. [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: If you want to pursue something with André, go for it. It really has nothing to do with me. Valerie: Until you're tired of Curtis and want André back? Jordan: I'm sorry? Valerie: Then you'll swoop down and give me all the reasons why André's no good. Why dating him would be a bad move -- both...personally and professionally. Jordan: I really didn't mean for things to work out this way. Valerie: Yet they did. Jordan: If you have something to say to me, Valerie, you should just go ahead and say it. Valerie: I just think it's funny. How you nearly fired me for being involved with Curtis, yet... look at you now. But I guess that's your prerogative...boss. Jordan: Look, I'm sorry you're hurt -- Valerie: Oh, no, no, no. That's the thing -- I'm not hurt. I'm grateful. I got out of a bad situation thanks to you. I just hope you can, too. I would hate for Curtis to cost you your career like he almost cost me mine. [Cell phone chimes] Valerie: My aunt has to reschedule. See you at the station. Curtis: All right. Sorry about that. These ours? Jordan: Yeah. Curtis: You sure look like you could use it. So, uh... you want to tell me what happened between you and Valerie? Jordan: [Inhales deeply] Nothing. We were just, uh... just talking shop. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: Are you keeping tabs on me? André: Just talking a walk to clear my head. Anna: Here? André: It is a public park. Anna: Yeah, I see. André: So what would have happened between you and Valentin if I hadn't shown up? Anna: [Chuckles] Drop it, André. André: I don't want to drop it. I know you plan to uncover his secrets, but you never told me how you're going to do it. Anna: Well, that was intentional. André: You're not conducting surveillance from afar. You're going to do it up close. Anna: And? André: How close are you planning to get? [SCENE_BREAK] Nina: I think there's something going on between him and Anna, and he swears there's not. He tells me that -- that our family is the center of his universe. Nathan: And something won't let you believe him. Nina: I just don't want to give up on him. Nathan: Okay, did I suggest that? Nina: A million times. Come on. Nathan: Okay! Okay, okay. I-I hate him. Okay? I hate your husband. I hate him for who he is as a person, and mostly, I hate him for the way he's making you feel right now. All right? Lost and lonely and insecure and -- Nina: It's not always like that. Nathan: And the list grows! And I hate him for making you making excuses for him. Okay, look, ideally, you would be miles away from Valentin, but that's just me, all right? You swear you love him. Nina: I do love him. Nathan: Okay, then you have to decide if all of this is worth it. 'Cause fixing this is gonna hurt -- if you even can. And it's gonna get harder before it gets easier. Nina: That's quite a pep talk. Nathan: I know. You want truth, right? Nina: [Laughs] I want truth. Nathan: Okay, then you got to start with being truthful with yourself and figure out where you go from here. Valentin: Nathan. What are you doing here? Nathan: I brought Nina home. Valentin: Why? Is there something wrong? Nina: You tell me. Were you with Anna? [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Can you get these damn things off of right now? Franco: Okay, come on, this is gonna be fun. Jason: Brain tumor, my ass. You're the same freak you've always been. Right? Right, psycho boy? Franco: Do we ever completely lose our taste for this kind of work? [Chains rattling] Franco: I'm just gonna... I want to know what it feels like to be Helena's shoes. That came out all wrong. Maybe I should just finish what she started. Jason: [Grunts] Helena: I've always envied Sonny Corinthos, you know, for having a man with your abilities at his disposal. It's so hard to find good help. Jason: [Grunts] Helena: That's why I jumped at the chance to bring you onboard. No muss, no fuss -- a clean kill every time. And now... now you are at my disposal. [Chains rattling] Jason: [Grunts] Helena: Now... now... [Laughs] You kill for me. We're not alone. Hello there, little man! Jason: [Grunts, coughs] Yeah, he was here. He saw everything. Franco: Who? Jason: [Clears throat] Franco: Huh? Who was here? Jason: Jake. [SCENE_BREAK] Valentin: Will you give Nina and me some privacy? Nina: No, no! My brother is staying. It's a simple question. Did you see Anna? Valentin: I bumped into her, yeah. Nina: Oh, my God. Valentin: It was nothing. Nina: [Scoffing] Oh, my God. [Sighs] What'd she want this time?! Valentin: She had some stuff that she wanted to work out. Nina: What stuff?! Valentin: I can't tell you that. Nina: Oh, my God. I-I-I can't do this anymore. Nathan: All right, let's go. Let's go. Nina: I can't do this anymore. Valentin: Could you please just get away from my wife?! You are undermining her faith in me! Nina: You know what? No! This is not about my brother. This is about you. Every time I ask about Anna, you tell me I'm wrong. You tell me I'm wrong, and I think, "You know what? I've been cheated on. He's right. I'm super sensitive." And I've brushed my fears aside, and I put all my faith in you... to turn out to be the loser once again! I'm not doing it anymore! I'm done. Can we go, please? Valentin: No, please don't say that -- Nathan: Okay, let's go. Come on. Nina: Thank you. Valentin: Please don't say -- please, just -- just listen to me! Please! Nina: Okay, I'm listening. I'm listening. Nathan: [Sighs] Nina: You're having an affair with Anna? Valentin: No. Nina: Do you want to? [Scoffing] Oh, my God! That's all I need to hear. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: Valentin has information that is vital to the WSB, and I am in a unique position to be able to acquire that. André: Because he's obsessed with you. So, you're going to use his feelings against him, manipulate him. Anna: Well, I work with what I've got. André: [Sighs] You're playing with fire, Anna. Valentin is dangerous. Anna: So am I. André: I know you are. But not as much anymore, thanks to your condition and your tendency to ignore it. Anna: What are you talking about? André: I heard you've been missing appointments. Anna: Oh, God. Thank you, Griffin. André: Is it true? Are you overdue for phlebotomy? Anna: Oh, that's none of your business. André: I'm you friend. Anna: [Stammering] I'm fine. Well, I mean, I'm as fine as I can be. And yes, I've taken my procedures elsewhere. André: Why? Anna: Why?! I don't know. Maybe to avoid prying eyes such as yours? André: Don't make me out to be the enemy. Anna: Look, believe it or not, my illness doesn't render me incompetent. I am still able to hold down a job, I am still able to tie my shoes, and I can get by without your unique form of condescension. André: I'm just trying to help, Anna. Anna: I don't want it! I don't want you to help. It's still you -- you insist on foisting your opinion on me. Why? Why? You think it's useful? Or am I a distraction from the wreck that you've made of things with Jordan? [SCENE_BREAK] Curtis: Hey. You sure you're okay? Jordan: Yeah, uh... I'm just -- I'm sorry, I'm a little distracted. Sorry. Curtis: No, I get it. Okay, you know what? No worries. What you need is a game plan. Something to look forward to, so why don't we get the check. Get up out of here, maybe take a stroll through the park, you know? Before we end up back at my house, where I have some more champagne on ice. And we can just kick back, listen to some slow jams, and chill. Jordan: Yeah. That -- that, um... that sounds nice. Curtis: Yeah. "Nice." I was kind of hoping for a hell of a lot better than "nice." Jordan: Babe, I got to... I got to take a rain check. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: What is it? Kiki: [Gasps] Ooh, Spencer certainly has interesting taste. Elizabeth: Understatement. [Both chuckle] Elizabeth: Oh, wow! It's a magic set! That is so cool! Kiki: Oh, look at all this stuff. You got a hat and cards and a wand. Elizabeth: [Gasps] Whoa! Kiki: Hey, look. It's a really good look on you. [Laughter] Elizabeth: What is this box in there? What's that one? Jake: [Holds a card with "Top Secret For Magician's Eyes Only" written on it.] [SCENE_BREAK] Franco: So, Jake saw you taking this beating? Jason: [Sighs] Helena was talking to a child that I couldn't see. But it had to be Jake. And he must have hid behind that tree and watched. He had to have heard her say something about -- a clean kill every time. "And now you kill for me." Franco: Wow. I could see how that would traumatize a kid, especially a kid so young. And it explains why Jake's afraid of the scarecrow, but I still don't understand how The Chimera fits in. Jason: You need to take these off of me right now. Franco: Oh, hey. Jason: Take them off right now. Franco: All right, hey, look man -- I didn't really want to chain you up and beat the hell out of you. It's just that, you know, I could see that you were on the verge of remembering... and so I thought I would spur you along by kind of replicating the experience. And I would've given you a heads-up -- really, I would have. But, you know, then you would have been... anticipating it, and uh... [Sighs] ...Surprise! But hey... it worked, right? So... [Shackle unlocking] Franco: ...We're uh... yeah. We're all good, right? Jason: Yeah. Yeah, we're all good. Franco: Good. Jason: [Knocks Franco out] [Sighs] All's well that ends well. [SCENE_BREAK] Curtis: Is this about André and Valerie? Jordan: No. Curtis: Huh. Yeah. Jordan: No. Curtis: I kind of think it is, because you haven't been the same since you talked to her. Or... maybe it's about me? Jordan: Or maybe it's about me. Um, thank you for the drinks. Thank you for bowling. Uh, I will -- we're gonna do it again soon. Curtis: W-- hey, you forgot your trophy. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get so personal. It wasn't fair. André: Just because I'm still feeling the loss doesn't mean that I don't care what happens to you. Anna: Well, I appreciate that. But there are boundaries. André: And I'll be sure not to cross them. Won't tell you how to live your life or do your job. However... I won't stand idly by while you take your life into your own hands. Like it or not, this is who I am. You're stuck with me. [SCENE_BREAK] [Cell phone rings] Elizabeth: I can't wait to see you do some tricks. Kiki: Yeah, you know, you should, uh, think about charging admission. Jake: Really? You think people would pay? Kiki: Oh, yeah. "Jake's Mysterious Magic Show"? People be lining up around the block. [Chuckles] So what's, uh, what's this top-secret box? Jake: My eyes only! Kiki: Right! Yes. A magician never tells his secrets, that's right. [Chuckles] Jake: Look underneath...? Elizabeth: [Sighs] Franco's still busy. Kiki: Mm. Elizabeth: [Reads a message from Franco sent by Jason: "Sorry, can't see you tonight. All tied up." Jason: Hmm. [Sighs] Franco: [Groans as he's awakened by a bucketful of water to the face] [Bucket clanks] Franco: Okay. Jason: Could you blame me for wanting to be in your shoes? How's it feel to be in mine? [SCENE_BREAK] Nina: Can I please stay with you tonight? Nathan: Of course. Nina: Thank you. Valentin: That is not necessary. Nina. Nina! Nina! Nina, please -- Nathan: Hey. Hey! Valentin: No, no, no! Nathan: Hey! Valentin: I'm trying! Nathan: Do not touch her. Valentin: Please don't leave me. Please don't go. Please? Nina: We're done with this conversation. Nathan: Well, I hope this whole Anna thing was worth it, 'cause you just lost the best thing that's ever happened to you. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: [Sighs] [Cell phone rings] Anna: Hello? Yeah, good news -- I'm making progress. Shouldn't be long before I get what we need. No, I know -- it can't happen fast enough. But I want this over as much as you do. Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Franco: So, this is the thanks that I get for trying to hel-- scratch that, start over. This is the thanks that I get for actually helping you? Because I did, Jason. I helped you. You remembered. Jason: Yeah, I remember. Franco: You gonna beat the hell out of me just 'cause I beat the hell out of you? Jason: Nah, that'd be petty. But I am gonna leave you here to think about your actions and the meaning of the word "consent." Franco: Where are you going? Jason: Oh, uh, I'm gonna send somebody to get you out of this mess, but until then, I'm late for my son's birthday party. So... [Clears throat] [NEXT_ON] André (to Monica): I need to talk to you about Morgan Corinthos. Hayden (to Curtis): Finn and I are -- I don't know what we are at the moment. Griffin (to Finn): I just hope your plan works. Nina: I'm leaving you, Valentin. Anna: Oh, damn it! Olivia (to Carly): Don't you be afraid to love again. Martina (to Sonny): I've come up with a plan to settle your divorce. | Valerie shows up and André leaves and Jordan goes to get drinks |
426 | Jess Walton: [Sighs] Hi. My name is Jess Walton. And today on "The Young and the Restless," we're gonna do something just a little bit different. We've gathered some friends and some family, and we're gonna reminisce and celebrate the incredible life that belonged to our dear friend Jeannie Cooper, who, as you may know, passed away on May the 8th at the age of 84. For 40 years, she played Katherine Chancellor, and this was her set. This was the Chancellor living room, where she bedeviled me. She was an amazing, amazing woman. She was a powerful actress and inventive and brave. She was a very loving mother, loving grandmother. She was part warrior, part rabble-rouser, large part diva, and part truck driver all wrapped up in one great dame. [Sighs] Now, in a few months, the passing of Katherine Chancellor will be addressed on the show, because it's gonna impact hugely on all of the characters. And we look forward to telling you those stories. But for now, we would love you to join us as we take a moment to laugh and to cry and to give thanks for the blessing it was [Voice breaking] To have known and loved Jeannie Cooper. [Sighs] My first line was, "Will you mind taking my fur, please?" And John Conboy looked up from the table. He said, "Thank God. Now I can hear what this show's all about." Kay: It's yours. All yours. The house, the grounds, everything. What else do you want, Phillip? What else do you want? Oh, I know, I know. You want me out of your life. Jeanne: It's the toughest, toughest media I have ever, ever attempted. Jill: Oh, Katherine, if you weren't a drunk -- an alcoholic, I would suggest a toast. Kay: Oh, it's all right. I wouldn't have toasted with you. Jeanne: And that started the battle of Jill and Katherine -- 40 years of hate, love, indifference... Kay: He used you like a common whore. Jill: You are pathetic! [Gasps] [Screams] There! Right there! Kay: [Shouts] Jeanne: Jess Walton -- she is so marvelous. We've worked so hard to establish our relationship as Jill and Katherine. I've had so many different story lines. Kay: Welcome to my intervention party. Free drinks for everyone. Come on. Jeanne: The facelift, for one. Reporter: Well, was it worth it? Kay: Oh, yes. Definitely. Jeanne: I cannot tell you the impact that that's had on people. "I stand victorious in this. Victor would be nowhere without me!" Kay: You have to find a way to go on. Victor: Just let it be, Katherine. Kay: My God, Victor, life is -- life is for the living. Jeanne: He will always be my Victor Victorious. He will always have my back. She seemed like the natural daughter. Nikki: Can't you see how hard this is for her? Jill: How does a mother steal a baby from her own child? Nikki: She's had enough. Stop. Jeanne: Mel and I work very well together. We're best friends. Kate Linder -- the iconic maid. Esther: You are truly a wonderful woman. Jeanne: Marge was one of the freest characters ever. And I loved it. Marge: Damn. We look like we was poured out of the same bottle of ketchup. Jeanne: I was playing Marge. Marge: You're gonna take my place. Jeanne: I was playing Marge playing Katherine. Marge: You're Marge. I'm Katherine. Jeanne: And I was playing Katherine. Kay: Well, you have to sober up, Marge. Marge: Why did I think you'd be more fun than this? Jeanne: That is what entertainment's all about. That's what daytime is all about -- to get you involved. In 40 years, I've spent half of my lifetime with "The Young and the Restless." But I know a lot of people who have spent their lifetime's right along with me. That makes me very proud. Very proud. Corbin Bernsen: On behalf of my sister, Caren, and my brother, Collin, and our entire family, we wanted to take a moment to give a heartfelt thank-you to everybody here at "The Young and the Restless" for inviting our mother, Jeanne Cooper, into your family for the last 40 years. You know, family meant everything -- as anybody who knows her -- it meant everything to her -- love of family. Love and family meant everything to her. And certainly it started with us, the three of us, and extended to her eight grandchildren. And after that, it was her "Young and the Restless" family, past, present -- and I'm certain somehow she will be on this set, in these halls, for a long time to come -- so her future "Young and the Restless" family. We know that she loved working with young actors, mentoring them, tormenting them. And she loved the relationships that she's had here for the last 40 years with some of the actors and certainly people involved with the show. I know we'd be remiss if we didn't thank the bell family for the invention of Mrs. Chancellor. It gave my mom a life, really, outside of us. It gave her a life that meant everything in the world to her. And it allowed her to do something, more importantly, and that is reach out to all of you, her fans. At times, even as her children, you wondered -- I think she loved you as much as she loved us. She loved touching your lives, and she loved the love that you gave back to her. We felt it this week in your wonderful, wonderful outpouring of love and remarks to us about her passing, and you should know that she loves you. All of this was for you. So we thank you, and we certainly hope you enjoy this wonderful tribute to our great mother, a wonderful actress, and... Mrs. Chancellor, Mom. Beth Maitland: I started "The Young and the Restless" around 1982. And I was one of the dozens of young actors and actresses that Miss Cooper took under her wing. Heather Tom: I started on the show so young, and, you know, it's so intimidating what we do if you're not used to it, and it's so fast. And, boy, I -- like, she was one of the first people I met, and she just completely took me under her wing and supported me and made me feel like I could do this. Doug Davidson: She did it in such a way where she wasn't telling you anything. Heather Tom: Yeah. Doug Davidson: You almost got it subliminally, where it wasn't a lesson or it wasn't, "Now, you listen, young man." It was almost by osmosis, just being around her. Tricia Cast: Did you not just live for... [Clicks tongue] Lauralee Bell: I was just gonna say when I was in the courtroom, and I know she'd be sitting behind me, and I'd have a five-page, you know, monologue, and she'd be there, and she'd be reading, and she'd be very quiet, and then at the end, when the time was right, she'd look you in the eye and go... and that said it all. Josh Morrow: First started the show, I was 20. Really...whatever. [Chuckles] And she walks up to me and stroked my face and goes -- she was, like, kind of petting me, and she goes, "Listen, you're gonna get a lot of girls." [Laughter] Josh Morrow: And -- and I said -- I went, "Wow, thanks." And then she stopped petting me and squeezed my face and said, "Don't be stupid." [Laughs] Michelle Stafford: Phyllis was getting married to Danny Romalotti. I was having a hard time crying in a scene. And I couldn't do it. I just, like -- I couldn't do it at all. And she -- "Come here. Come here." [Laughter] Michelle Stafford: And she took me -- she took me backstage, and she looked at me. She held my hands. And then she let go, and she went, "Everyone hates you! No one likes you! Everyone hates you! Everyone despises you!" What method is that? [Laughter] Peter Bergman: I keep seeing the jewelry on Michelle's knee. And she was famous for her jewelry, and I always loved seeing that hand in there while she was talking, showing the rings. Doug Davidson: With eight rings on it. Michelle Stafford: I know. Kate Linder: And the three of us worked together and the chemistry -- Jess Walton: We loved the comedy scenes. Kate Linder: We loved those comedy scenes. And then Esther protects Mrs. C. Esther was the first one to call her "Mrs. C." So protects her no matter what Jill does. Kay: Jill, this has gone quite far enough. [Dog barking] Jill: Katherine, he will get used to you. But you know what? You have to smile, because animals can sense fear in a person. Kay: I've always been afraid of dogs. Now, I told you that I was severely, severely bitten when I was a child. Now, you knew that. Jill: Did I? Jess Walton: And the catfight was in the attic, and we decided that our doubles, our stunt doubles, were not doing a very good job and not making a very good show of it. So we said, "We'll do it." And we did it. And this was only, like, 10 years ago, and every catfight I had with her, it was like, "Oh, I've got to be so careful of her," and no. She was tough as nails. I mean, we went over on a sofa up in the attic. Us, like, just tipped over. It was -- it was pretty amazing. They were really fun, those scenes. Stephen Nichols: The two of you had the most amazing scenes together. Elizabeth Hendrickson: Best dynamic. Stephen Nichols: Such a dynamic... Elizabeth Hendrickson: Amazing chemistry. Stephen Nichols: It was thrilling. It seemed so spontaneous. It didn't seem scripted at all. Jess Walton: It wasn't. We just had fun. That's what she was about -- fun. When I look in my mind, that's what she was about. Bryton James: I didn't really get to have a real -- my first one-on-one scene with her, you know, for nine years until we started our first and, really, only story line together, her finding out I was her grandson. Devon: I didn't know you knew how to sign. Kay: I didn't. I learned... because I wanted... to talk... to my grandson. Bryton James: Welcoming me in not only to the Chancellor family but just to "The Young and the Restless" family from my first day -- the warmest person that I, uh, that I've come across. Elizabeth Hendrickson: It was exactly that. [Voice breaking] She just had a special place for everyone. Melody Thomas Scott: I brought this out. Victor: What is that? Melody Thomas Scott: Those of you who frequent my dressing room have seen it on the wall for 20 years. Um... this is a great shot of us. It's my favorite because we are both having so much fun. Victor: That's just a great shot. Melody Thomas Scott: Um... and I -- it was taken the day that she got her star on the Walk of Fame. Michelle Stafford: You know, I had a conversation with her the day after she won her Emmy for lead actress, and I said, "So, how does it feel?" Jeanne: It was just amazing. When they announced my name, I thought... "That's how the name 'Jeanne' sounds." 'Cause I've been called "Katherine," "Mrs. Chancellor," and numerous other names over the years. But that was -- it was exciting. Jess Walton: I was having trouble crying one day, and she said, "Here's what you do. You pretend you're like this doorknob." And she pointed to the doorknob in her dressing room. And she became the doorknob, and she said, "I'm just sitting here every day, and everybody's walking along, and they're touching me, and they're yanking me, and they're pushing me," and she became the doorknob. And I thought, "That's what makes her such a good actress. She could put herself inside of everybody. Kate Linder: There was this scene giving birth to you on the stairs. Jill Walton: That's right. Kate Linder: So many things have happened on those stairs. Jess Walton: I know. Kate Linder: And it was in the middle of the storm, and -- and Mrs. Chancellor helped deliver little Kate, who is now Chloe. [Laughter] Jess Walton: They were fantastic scenes. Kay: This baby -- now, think. This baby cannot be born now. Esther: Well, it's fine to tell me, Mrs. Chancellor, but who's going to tell the baby? [Grunts] Peter Bergman: Where did the name "Duchess" come from? Did you start that, or did they write that? Beau Kayser: Bill. John McCook: Bill. Brock: Come on, Duchess. Come on. Come on back to me. Kay: Oh, Brock! [Crying] Oh, Brock. Lauralee Bell: And I hope she's with my dad and, you know, a lot of our friends. Doug Davidson: Yeah. And that's the other connection that the two of them -- they had a pretty complex relationship. I mentioned that this -- this Bell family was in Chicago, and how they knew about Hollywood. John McCook: It's a great loss for the show to have... to have lost her... because her feet were back in the history of L.A., as you say, in the history of Hollywood. When the sun... John McCook: And for her to plant her feet her and bring that experience and that -- that gem of -- of reality to the show and to what it is to be on a show like this. ...Everywhere stop asking why that's when I'll stop loving you when polar bears don't romp in the snow and roses don't need the rain to grow when lovers don't love the afterglow that's when I'll stop loving you when you smile, I love the warmth that radiates from your face I'm so lucky no one living could ever take your place you're a special angel heaven sent down I'm just so glad it's me you found when I'm finally resting in the ground that's when I'll stop loving you Kay: Don't waste your sympathy on me, Mr. Newman. Whatever I went through with Derek was my own doing. And if he took advantage of my weakness... it was because I let him. Victor: Love makes us do strange things, doesn't it? Kay: No, Mr. Newman. We do strange things and we call it love. Eric Braeden: I loved Jeannie -- loved working with her. Yeah. [Chuckles] I remember her smiling, you know. When I think of her, I think of her smiling. We always had laughs when we did a scene together. Never failed. What I admire most about her is that at the age of 80-whatever, she knew her lines -- first time, first take. Maybe two takes. But we always had laughs. Melody Thomas Scott: Everybody, no matter what the scene was about or if you were in a bad mood or if you were tired, we always ended up laughing during rehearsals, sometimes during tape. [Laughter] Michael Fairman: My most vivid memory of her was when I first met her, also. And it was in the audition. I was told by my agent, "You're gonna go read for 'Young and the Restless.' You're gonna read with Jeannie Cooper." And my agent warned me, said, "You'll get the part if the chemistry is right." And I hadn't looked at my chemistry set in a long time. [Laughter] Michael Fairman: So I walked into the conference room, and there were all these people, and I was very nervous, because it's kind of intimidating just knowing about her beforehand. And she was at the end of the conference table with the pages in her hand, and I came in, and I was kind of nervous. And she knew I was nervous. And she looked at me, and she introduced herself. And she just waved at the other people and said, "Don't worry about them. Just have fun." Brock: What are you waiting for, man? Kiss your bride. Tracy E. Bregman: My most wonderful memories with her -- there are so many to choose from, but it would be my very first scene with her... Lauren: Mrs. Chancellor, you would not be the only investor. Kay: Oh, my, you are persistent. Lauren: You have heard of the Abbotts. Well, they're investing, too. Kay: Oh, my, you are a carbon copy of young Katherine Chancellor. Lauren: Thank you. Tracy E. Bregman: ...And my very last scene with her. Kay: Come on. I know this is something you don't want to hear. I know it, and I'm sorry. I wish I could say something you would like to hear. Lauren: I know. It's not what I want to hear. But you know what? I always appreciate your honesty. Kay: Oh, God. Lauren: Thank you. Now I'm gonna go check on my son. Okay. John McCook: She was the Grande Dame the first day she arrived, and I think that what she brought to this new little soap opera, what she brought to Bill and Lee Bell and what she brought to the writers and everyone else... was a fully realized character. And she was a character. Kristoff St. John: The charisma, the energy, the vitality. Every time I looked at her, like you said, Josh, there was this incredible sparkle and magical look in her eyes, her aura, her presence unlike anything I've ever witnessed. Jess Walton: She was the diva. She was the show. And she taught all of us by her example. Stephen Nichols: She was able to focus and know who you were and tune in to who you were and make you special. Tucker: I really am grateful for everything, Mother. Michelle Stafford: She seemed to feel very, very connected to people who were lost and wanting to help them, which I thought was a really beautiful thing and says -- and was really -- it was really so much of who she was. Tricia Cast: So I, you know, strolled onto the set, and I'm in my script, and it's time to do it and time to meet Jeanne, and so I put out my hand and made eye contact, what my father always taught me to do when you meet somebody. And she looked at me, um, and everyone's got the story, so it's not unusual, but... s-she, uh... just targeted me, and I knew at that moment that there was nothing I could say or do to convince this woman that I wasn't exactly who I am. And she demanded it of me at all times. Greg Rikaart: We had a scene about two years ago, I think it was, where... Kevin had been kidnapped and he finally comes back to town, and we're here in the Chancellor living room, and I'm thanking her for being so supportive and for not giving up on me. And she has a monologue where she just talks about how -- how much she cared about me and what a special friend she thought I was. And I didn't have a line back to her, but when she was done, I just looked at her, and I said, "I love you, too." And I wasn't acting. It was just what I felt like saying at that moment. Kay: I wouldn't wear a T-shirt like this for just anyone. [Chuckles] Kevin: I love you, too. Kay: Well, it's been a very long day. See you in the morning, I hope. Kevin: Sounds good. Kay: Love you, too, young man. Kate Linder: She always, you know, had names for people, too. I mean, I called her "Jeannie-Jeanne." Jess Walton: I called her "Janina." Kate Linder: Yeah, you called her "Janina." I called her "Jeannie-Jeanne." She called me "Kathy-Kate." Elizabeth Hendrickson: She called me "Little Ho." [Laughter] Elizabeth Hendrickson: Every day. Didn't get "Elizabeth." Didn't get "Lizzie." Just "Little Ho." Stephen Nichols: I had no idea her name was Jeanne for the longest time. Cause everybody calls her something different. I started calling her Jeanne. She said, "You call me 'Jeannie,' don't you?" I said, "Yes, I do." I couldn't call her anything but "Jeannie." Tricia Cast: She got mad at me when I'd say, "Listen, man, thank you so much. This means so much to me." I'd be in a hotel or something. And I got to be with her. Lauralee Bell: Did you call her "Man"? Tricia Cast: I did probably call her -- "Hey, man." I did call her "Man." Lauralee Bell: We called her "Jeannie." We called her "Beanie." We called "Beaner," "Jeanne-bean." I mean, here's someone we all respected so much, and I would look over at her and say, "Hey, Beanie," and she would turn. I mean, how great is that? Tricia Cast: "Weenie" was one of mine for her, too. Christian LeBlanc: Everyone had cute nicknames. She just called me a... Daniel Goddard: And I remember the first time I met her, she was so warm and so accommodating, so generous. There was nothing you could not talk to her about. Peter Bergman: Everybody here had this feeling that they had a special place in her heart, you know, that they had some special connection. Everyone felt that. Josh Morrow: Met with her in New Orleans, and I was -- you know, I wanted to hit the town and go out. I was like -- and we had this big dinner, and I was like, "Let's just order dinner so I can get out of here." And we ended up sitting there for two hours, listening to her talk about Hollywood and her life. It was riveting. And she gave more to fans than anyone I've ever met. We all think we're kind of a big deal. Peter Bergman: Right. Josh Morrow: Fans love this woman. Greg Rikaart: Right, well, I love how she always says -- her famous line at fan events is always to say, "There is no star of the show. The star of the show is the show." But she was wrong, 'cause she was absolutely the star. Kristoff St. John: Back in the early '90s, when I first started doing appearances for "Young and the Restless," I was going to the Deep South, and it was interesting to see the reaction that I would be signing an autograph, but they would talk all about -- "So, how is Mrs. C, and how is her life? What are you guys -- what's your relationship like?" I can't -- I can't remember a single time when I wasn't asked about Jeannie Cooper. Kate Linder: She'd be so happy that we're here and that we're doing this and celebrating this. Elizabeth Hendrickson: "Yeah, you should be doing that!" [Laughing] Kate Linder: Yeah. Right. Peter Bergman: Every other year, we have the fan club that people come from far and near, and during that week, if you stopped into Jeannie's room to run lines with her, there were eight people in her room. Tracey E. Bergman: Here I thought I had the most special relationship with her, and I come to find thousands of people have had the exact same experience. And how extraordinary that one person can make each one of us feel like the most special person. Jess Walton: If you were doing lines in her room with her and the door knocked and it was a fan, everything stopped. She would never make anybody feel slighted or that they weren't important. Christian LeBlanc: She was a friend to me and to all of us, you know. And she had that thing that did that. But, yeah, she was wonderful to be around. Daniel Goddard: Well, it's that humanity that she has. You know, she co- founded a drug-rehabilitation center in Midland, Texas. She raised the money. Peter Bergman: She -- that's a wonderful gift, to make everyone feel they have a special place in her heart. Jess Walton: Well, every member of the crew on this stage, when Jeannie would walk on, no matter who she was with in the scene with her, they'd know they were in for a good time. Daniel Goddard: Every time Jeannie would leave the set, every day, you'd hear, "Good night, everyone!" And they were like, "Good night, Jeannie!" Everyone: Whoo! Get it! [Cheers and applause] Greg Rikaart, reading from Jeanne's memoir: Through "Y&R"... I have that secondary family that's very secure. It's a very sweet feeling. I have a CBS family, which I -- you know, its people that you knew all those years ago and watch them grow in rank. It's incredible. You know, it's -- I'm very fortunate. I'm very, very fortunate. [Clears throat] "Chapter 8 -- Costars..." [Laughter] Greg Rikaart: "...And other playmates. Apparently it's been widely publicized that I've developed a reputation on the 'Y&R' set, particularly amongst the younger male members of the cast, such as Greg Rikaart, Josh Morrow, Billy Miller, and Michael Graziadei, that I am a serial pincher. That no butt or groin area is safe during a scene with me," as exhibited by your, uh, square dance. Josh Morrow: I really thought that we had a very unique and special relationship, me and Jeannie. My favorite scene ever was we were doing a square-dancing scene, and we went -- every time we went 'round the corner or whatever the jargon is for square dancing, she would, uh, you know, grab my, uh... groin. And I thought it was unique... Daniel Goddard: No. Josh Morrow: ...To us. Greg Rikkart: I think it's a term of endearment. If you've been goosed by Jeannie, it means you were a member of the club. Billy Miller: Yeah. Have you ever been goosed by Jeannie Cooper? Josh Morrow: I mean, listen -- at least once or twice. Lauralee Bell: I never really knew about the constant ass-grabbing. So I feel a little like -- Heather Tom: I think it was gender-related, perhaps. [Laughter] Doug Davidson: She was always a presence in my life. My, uh... some of you know that my wife had a very arduous labor, and it was 38 hours. And I came out of the operating room, and I saw my mom, and right next to my mom was Jeanne, with flowers. And I don't know how she knew. It was two and a half days later from when we went in. It was, uh... she had been there for two days, you know. [Laughter] Doug Davidson: Hair all done. And she just showed up always at the right time. And in a -- just a big, loving way. I mean, it was -- you just felt so comfortable when you're in her presence. Josh Morrow: I came home from Mexico and got sick, and she called me in the hospital. I was like, "How'd you even know where I was?" I mean, I called in sick from work. I was like -- and she called me in my hospital room. Billy Miller: At work, we're very cordial. We're a lot of fun. She will bring the life and she'll cuss and make everybody happy and very accommodating. But I got sick at one point, and she found out about it, and I couldn't kick this thing. And she knew that I was, you know, single, by myself. And it's a weekend, and I'm staying home, and I get this phone call. There's this gravely old voice. "Bill, are you in bed?" And she called me three days straight to make sure that, "A," I wasn't stupid, "B," I was taken care of, and to make sure that if I needed anything, she would take care of it. And ever since then, if there was ever a problem personally, you'd get a -- I'd get a "Bill, come in my room and talk to me for a minute." And, uh... she epitomized the term "Grandma." Kristoff St. John: She's our mom. She's our grandma. She's our nana. She was everything that I think I look up to. Daniel Goddard: She would not want anyone to be maudlin or sad and think of the sadness. She would want everyone to say what a great life she had... Greg Rikkart: And celebrate her. Daniel Goddard: ...How many people she touched, how many millions of people that -- the lives she changed. And she would want everyone, whether they worked with her personally or only ever watched her on the show, to celebrate that and take that love and move forward and laugh and love. Kristoff St. John: Truly a celebration of her life. Daniel Goddard: And that's what this is about right now. This is a celebration of the magnificence of the lady. Josh Morrow: Jeannie, we will miss you... Daniel Goddard: Forever. Josh Morrow: ...Every day. Doug Davidson: What a champ. Truly a champ. Heather Tom: You always knew that she was in your corner. Stephen Nichols: She was such a force of nature. Michael Fairman: I actually fell in love with her. Jerry Douglas: There was a heart in that woman that was special. There was an insecurity and a security about it. It was a beautiful balance in her. Kate Linder: Her love for all of us and for the viewers and the fans was so important. She taught me so much from day one. Melody Thomas Scott: Whenever you went into her dressing room or her home, there was always magic going on because she was there. Bryton James: She set the tone for this whole show. Tricia Cast: I'm really lucky that I got to spend so much time with her these last few years, too. Tracey E. Bergman: Thank you, Jeannie, for the magic. And she was. She was magic. Greg Rikaart: I'm so grateful that I got to know and love her. John McCook: The show was new. It was half an hour. It was live on tape. Everyone was kind of going, "Uh, oh," just learning what to do. And she knew on the first day what to do. Beth Maitland: She would do surprising, spontaneous, amazingly generous things. Michelle Stafford: People who, um... are trying to make something of their life touched her. Beau Kayser: What a generous woman. Lauralee Bell: Talk about a great life. You love your job. You love being at home. Jess Walton: We are so much richer for having had her. Christian LeBlanc: She kind of raised all of us, no matter how old you were. Josh Morrow: She had the mouth of a swarthy sailor. Daniel Goddard: Yes. Kristoff St. John: However, she was very elegant and eloquent most of the time. Daniel Goddard: And she embraced every single person as if they were family. Billy Miller: Very nice lady. She was very welcoming. She was quick to give you a compliment. She was also quick to tell you if you were doing something wrong. Eric Braeden: If there's a heaven, you know she's up there, telling stories. Peter Bergman: Great lady. Great lady. Jeanne Cooper: I owe a lot to daytime television. Realizing the impact that daytime has on people far more, far more than the film, 'cause you're in their lives every single day. Kay: Phillip, the reason I tried to reach you... I didn't know what I was signing. Now, you know that, Phillip. I mean, those papers for the divorce. Jeanne Cooper: So there's a big difference between me 36 years ago and today. And I sort of helped say its okay to be over 50. I helped say its okay to have a nip and a tuck here and there if you need, what have you. How do I tease my audience? How do I tease you today? You think I'm gonna do it this way, but I'm not. I'm gonna do it another way. Marge: You asking me if I live alone? Hon, let's go to your place, 'cause mine is a mess. Jeanne Cooper: It's the old thing of "Head up, suck in your gut, stick out your boobs, and act." Kay: Help! I'm being molested here! I'm being molested here! Will you just shut up and let me do it?! What in the hell kind of game are you playing? Full steam ahead, Neil! Full -- full steam ahead! It's me, Jill. I'm home. Jeanne Cooper: You better be prepared, offer the most that you can give, that you know of. If you're fortunate, you'll get a good director who will bring more out of you, but make sure that you have it to give. Nikki: And those who are no longer with us in the flesh... they're still with us right here. Kay: [Sighs] [Chuckles] Why is it you always know the right thing to say? Because that's exactly how I feel. Jeanne Cooper: I think I'd like to be remembered as someone who... who loved doing what she does or did. Daniel Goddard: I was so fortunate to have a story line with her towards the last, you know, parts of her -- the last few weeks of her life where I got to take care of her. And the last scene we had in here with -- Jessie was here for it, and Jeannie walked up the stairs, and she goes, "Good night," and she left. It was an ad lib, which I thought was -- it was so touching at the time, because of the situation, and for that to be her exit with Jessie was really special, too. Jess Walton: Beautiful. Kay: What I want, or what I need, is for someone to think like I do sitting in that chair. And I'm far too conservative. Jill: Hmm. You're like a glacier. Kay: Yes, like the dinosaur I am. You deal with it. Jill: Well, from what you're saying, I don't have any choice, do I? Kay: Are you going to work with Cane, or, uh... you gonna fight me on this all the way? Jill: Go up to bed and get some rest, okay? Kay: I believe I will. [Grunts] Good. [Chuckles] Jill: Katherine... do you want me to help you up the stairs? Kay: I believe I can manage. Thank you, though. Good night. Jess Walton: Bye, Jeanne. | Joshua Morrow (Nick) also relived his experiences with Katherine Chancellor in which she warned him about all the girls that would be after him, but she didn't want him to be stupid |
427 | Ridge: Taylor, my little brother's power play only works if you support him. Thorne: This company needs a change of direction. We both know that. Ridge: He wants to oust me as C.E.O. That's why he's been cozying up to you, using you to make his great escape from the basement to the executive floor. Eric: Ridge, there's no need to be condescending here. Thorne: Why not, Dad? That's who my brother is-- conceited. Ridge: Tell him it won't work, Doc. Tell Thorne your loyalties are wit me, your children's father. Let's end this misguided nonsense right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: Thank you. Oops. Amber: Hmm. Excuse me. Don't I know you from somewhere? Rick: Uh, I don't think so. Amber: Oh, but the face-- that ace is so familiar. Rick: It's probably another Rick Forrester you're thinking of. Amber: (Laughs) That's it. Rick Forrester. Oh, it's been so long, I couldn't even tell. Mm. Oh, sorry. Rick: (Chuckles) Amber: (Laughs) I get a little carried away sometimes. Rick: Amber, you look good. You look happy. I'm pretty sure I know why. Amber: (Sighs) Rosey, yeah. I mean, that little girl is a miracle. She is the best thing that ever happened to me in my life, not that what you and I had back in the day wasn't pretty special. Rick: I thought, uh, you and Marcus have something going on. Amber: Well, you know, he's Rosey's dad. He'll always be a part or lives, but... he's got a thing for Dayzee. It's not hard to see why. She's, like, the total opposite of me, or, you know, what I used to be. See, I'm really trying to change, I am, for my sake, for my little girl's rake, only I get scared sometimes, you know, that I might not be able to seeing as that I've tried before, and I've always kind of backslid. Like that's some big newsflash to you. Rick: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: My, my, my. Can you believe this? Not only is Thorne trying to incite a coup, he's trying to commandeer my ex-wife and family. Eric: All right, Ridge. That's enough. That's enough. Now just stop it, both of you. I'm not gonna stand here and watch the two of you tear each other's throats out. Thorne: But you'll let him tear this company apart and this family. Ridge: The only person tearing this family apart is you with your adolescent tantrums and delusions of grandeur. As for this company, Forrester Creations couldn't be in better hands. Just ask anyone. Thorne: You don't have a clue, do you, Ridge? People around here don't like you. They think you're pompous, full of yourself, and if it were up to them, I'd be running this company, as well I should be, because I'm a Forrester by blood. You're a Marone. Eric: Oh, stop it, Thorne. Ridge: (Laughs) Eric: You're both my sons. Thorne: Then why have I been passed over time and time again? I'm through. I'm through standing in Ridge's shadow. For years, I've been powerless to change the status quo. I'm not going to anymore, and neither is Taylor. She's looking out for the best interest of her kids for the future, because Steffy and Thomas have been slighted in favor of Brooke and Hope far too long, and that's going to change, because we have the shares to make that happen. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: I know you can't force someone to fall in love with you, even if you are the mother of his child. (Chuckles) It's just, um... Rick: Everybody needs to be loved. Amber: I just want my little girl to have what I didn't. Rick: She already does. You love her like crazy. Marcus does, too. I'm sure that both of you are trying to give her the best life possible. Amber: Yeah. Wow. (Chuckles) You really are a great guy. Rick: (Scoffs) Amber: (Chuckles) Why aren't you married? Rick: (Scoffs) Please tell me that's not a proposal. Amber: (Laughs) Your mother would go ballistic. Rick: Oh, my mother's got a lot more to deal with right now. Amber: You know I've done some stupid, hurtful things in my life. But hurting you-- that's the one I regret the most. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: Thorne, please understand that I-- I want you to know how much I appreciate you-- that you care about me an family, but I just don't want to put Thomas and Steffy in the position to side against their father. Ridge: You tried to use my family against me. I should fire your insubordinate ass right now. Thorne: You gave him everything, Dad-- lead designer, your office, C.E.O., the Forrester name. He's nothing like you. He's selfish. (Sighs) And the only person he's loyal to his mother, because he's part her and he's part Massimo, the man you despise, the man whose blood pumps through his veins, just like the way yours pumps through mine. Eric: Son. Ridge: Let him go, Dad. Thorne brought this all on himself. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: Here you go. Fresh cup of joe. Rick: Thank you. Amber: Yeah. You know, um, look, I'm not knocking Dayzee's or anything, but... I kind of miss Insomnia... Rick: Yeah. Amber: Don't you? Rick: Yeah. Amber: Yeah. I'm mean, we had some great times here. I mean, do you remember? (Chuckles) I mean, you and me and--and C.J. and Raymond. I mean, can you believe it? He is, like, this big, huge mega recording star now and singer, actor. And we knew him when. I actually sang with him once, too, right there on that stage. (Sighs) Who am I kidding? (Chuckles) Screwing up is in my D.N.A. or something, not that I'm passing that off to Rosey. Mnh-mnh. That little girl-- she's gonna make every right decision in her life. She will. You just wait and see. And who knows? Maybe she'll even, uh, snag herself a Forrester someday... like I always wished I could have. [SCENE_BREAK] Thorne: What the hell is going on? Man: Uh, Ridge told me to store these things in here. This is the last load. Taylor: Thorne, I am so sorry about what happened. I wouldn't blame you if you never spoke to me again. [SCENE_BREAK] Eric: Uh, just a table for one, if you will thank you. Eric: Hi. Jackie: Hi, Eric. (Chuckles) Eric: Hi. Jackie: Are you meeting someone? Eric: No, no, no, no. Jackie: Oh, well, Nicky's just left. Will you join me? Eric: Sure. Thanks. Jackie: Great. Eric: Uh, thank you, although I don't think I'm gonna be very good company. I can tell you that. Jackie: Oh, dissention at Forrester? Eric: (Scoffs) Jackie: Well, why don't you tell me about it? Maybe I could help. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: Do you remember our first kiss? I was totally into you. I mean, but who wouldn't be? You were so hot. Rick: Forrester? That's what clinched it for you, right? Amber: You were so good to me. Then I just kept screwin' things up. (Chuckles) Rick: It was in the past, Amber. There's really no point in dwelling on it. No regrets, right? [SCENE_BREAK] Thorne: You didn't let me down, Taylor. My father did again. Look, you didn't want to pit your kids against their dad. I respect that, okay? And I respect you. Yes, this company means a hell of a lot to me. And, yes, I did get my hopes up. But, you know, something far more significant has happened here, something that has taken us by surprise and... (Sighs) You know, you and I share so much. Maybe... maybe it's finally our time. [SCENE_BREAK] Eric: (Sighs) Jackie: The last time we spoke, you told me Stephanie's good news. The--the tumors, they appear to be gone. So if ever that was cause for celebration, I-- Eric: Jackie, I love Stephanie. I can't remember my life without her. You know, we try to strangle each other from time to time... Jackie: (Chuckles) Eric: But that's just the way it is, you know? I did have a celebration planned, actually. I designed a beautiful piece of lingerie, very simple, very elegant, for her, and she completely misread my intentions. She thought I was pushing for more intimacy and, uh, well, needless to say, the evening-- the evening just went downhill from there. Jackie: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: No, Mother, don't rush home. Everything's under control here. Right. Well, you just get back to the subcommittee. We'll talk later. Okay. Hey. (Sighs) I need to see you. Meet me as soon as you at-- Il Giardino. [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: All right, I-I really gotta go. There's a lot happening at Forrester. Amber: Hey, you think we could do this again sometime? I could cook for you. I am actually really good in the kitchen now. (Laughs) Rick: I bet you are. Amber: Well, call me sometime? Rick: We'll see. I, um, I gotta go. Amber: Okay. (Chuckles) Rick: (Chuckles) Amber: Yes. Rick: Yes. Amber: Oh. [SCENE_BREAK] Thorne: Am I moving too fast, assuming too much? Taylor: I-I don't know. I... (Sighs) Maybe we got caught up in something-- Anthony's prediction, you showing up taught, us... (Chuckles) Spouting our feelings about feeling kicked around and--and not going to take it anymore. But I know that you only want what's best for me and my children. I know that's what's really in your heart, and I want you to know how much I appreciate that. Maybe, you know, maybe just... (Sighs) Maybe it's not the right time for me to have a man in my life. I-I don't know. But I do care about you, Thorne. I do. You're such a dear, special man, Thorne Forrester. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: How was your meeting? Ridge: Hey. Well, if I never have another like it, it'll be too soon. Brooke: Did you know your dad's here? Jackie: Okay, please do not take this the wrong way, because you know how fond I am of Stephanie, but I can't say that it comes as a total surprise to me. I mean, this lack of warmth, of--of passion... it's been an issue between the two of you or a while now, hasn't it? And I do realize that this is different because Stephanie, the poor thing, has been battling cancer, and the toll that takes on a body-- Eric: She needs me to be more patient, and I will be. We're gonna work though this. Jackie: She is a very lucky woman to have you, Eric. Very lucky. Ridge: Dad knows Thorne doesn't have what it takes to lead Forrester. That's why he supports me... and Mother, too. Brooke: You've spoken to Stephanie? Ridge: She's amazing, Logan. A real dynamo-- all the important work she's doing. I just wish that, uh, Dad could be there in Washington with her. I'm sure she'd love having his support. Jackie: I've got an idea. While Stephanie's out of town, why don't you let me make you dinner one night? Okay, we'll order. (Laughs) Eric: (Laughs) Jackie: And there will be absolutely no hanky-panky. Eric: Mnh-mnh. Jackie: 'Cause I know you're missing Stephanie. And I'm still very much in love with Owen. Eric: How's that going? I mean, you've given up... you've given up this man you love. Jackie: He's where he should be, Eric. He really is. He belongs with Bridget and their son, although I'd definitely be lying if I didn't say that I really miss being in his arms. Eric: Oh. Jackie: He was always so gentle with me, you see. He was always so sensitive. In fact, the only man that I've ever known who's been that gentle with me and that sensitive... is you, Eric. Ridge: Mother makes dreadful mistakes now and then. There are times I just want to wring her neck. Right now, I'm so darn proud of her. Everything she does to make a difference in people's lives... when think how close we came to losing her... I don't know what our family would do without her. Dad would be lost if he didn't have her. | Ridge tells Taylor that this little power play by his brother only works if she supports it |
428 | Jason: I got here; I came down here. Elizabeth: My bracelet. I -- I thought I had it on when I left the hospital, but I -- I got here, I came down the stairs, I was on my cell phone, and then I saw Chuggin' Charlie over here. But where was I standing? Jason: You were standing right about there. Elizabeth: Ok, so if it fell off, it would be -- oh. Jason: It's right here. Elizabeth: Oh, my God. Thank you. Jason: Here, I'll just -- Elizabeth: Oh -- ok, here. This is two Christmas miracles I owe you for. The first one for Cameron's gift, and now my holiday bracelet. Jason: What's a -- what's a holiday bracelet? Elizabeth: It's just -- it's a gift I bought myself for Cameron, for his Christmas, to remind me of what a special little boy I have. Thank you. Jason: Kids are the best part of Christmas. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: Hey, you ok? Maxie: I was hoping no one would notice me cutting out again. I'm turning out to be the world's worst elf. Lucky: Well, I think you're the most incredible, unselfish person to be helping sick kids after losing our baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: You were, like, incredible in that pageant. Michael: Could you even notice that the camel had missed his cue? That means that he didn't come in when he was supposed to. Sonny: I didn't notice. Michael: You didn't? Carly: I think you were the best Joseph, ever. Sonny: I'm very proud of you, buddy. Michael: Thanks. Max: Hey, Joseph, need a ride? [Carly laughs] Max: Get in there. Sonny: Where's Morgan? Michael: Hey, dad? Did you like the part where the wise guys showed up? Carly: The wise men. Sonny: It was great. Carly: The wise men. Michael: Sorry. Sonny: Morgan? Morgan? What are you doing? Get over here. Do not wander off like that, ok? [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: Ok. Here you go. Nikolas: Thanks. Father Coates: Nikolas, it was so kind of you to allow Spencer to play Baby Jesus. Nikolas: Oh, no, that's ok. I had a few concerns there in the beginning, but I think Spencer enjoyed his stage debut. [Father Coates chuckles] Father Coates: Well, we appreciate your support. Nikolas: Thank you. Merry Christmas. Father Coates: Merry Christmas to you. Nikolas: Ok. Excuse me. Thank God you took him out of that manger. When I saw he wasn't in there I completely panicked. Emily: Spencer's not with you? Nikolas: Has anyone seen my son? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Hey, where's your drum? Where's the drum? Sonny: It's over there. Carly: Go get it. No, no, Morgan, get -- Sonny: No, no -- now, listen to me. Put him in the car seat, I'm going to get the drum. Max: Got it. Come on, buddy. Carly: What, did you see someone over there? Sonny: I was just looking for Father Coates. I just thought maybe he'd want to thank the boys for such a great job. Carly: Well, he's getting slammed with people. We can do that another time. Sonny: Yeah, you're probably right. Hey, here you go, buddy. Morgan: Thank you. Sonny: All right. Carly: You know, Morgan, you're big enough to go after your things yourself. Sonny: Yeah, your mama's right -- when you're at home. But I don't want him running around in public, ok? Carly: Is something wrong? Sonny: I just want to get home, you know, so the boys can put up the stockings. You want to have a Merry Christmas, right? Carly: Yes, I do. Sonny: All right. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Oh. Jason: You must be freezing. Elizabeth: Well, I'm feeling a lot better than I was before you tracked down Chuggin' Charlie. Thank you so much. That was the only toy Cameron asked for this year. Jason: I'm glad I could help. Does Cam needed anything else? Elizabeth: Just to spend Christmas with Lucky. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: I'm sure you probably have someplace else to be. Lucky: Well, I have plenty of invitations, but there's really no place to be. Maxie: I know the feeling. Lucky: You want me to give you a ride home? Maxie: Yeah, that would be great. Thanks. Lucky: You know, we better get going. Maxie: I'm sure I probably shouldn't ask this, but do you think we could stop by Kelly's on the way? I've kind of been avoiding going there. Lucky: You think you're ready? Maxie: My whole world has changed. If I had been more careful for one split second, I wouldn't have fallen and lost our baby. Lucky: I never should've been arguing with you on the stairs. Maxie: I can't avoid Kelly's forever. I mean, my sister works there; the place has been part of my life for years. Sooner or later, I'm going to have to face those stairs and everything else. And I could do it alone, but it would be so much easier if you were there. Lucky: Sure, I'll do whatever you want. Maxie: You're the best. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Cameron was so excited to see Lucky at the Hospital Christmas Party. He gave him this great, big hug, and I -- I just know it'd be the absolute high point of his Christmas if Lucky could be with us. Jason: Is there any way that can happen? Elizabeth: Cameron's confused enough as it is. If I include Lucky, I'll only be encouraging the both of them to count on a future that isn't going to happen. Jason: I mean, I understand, ok, and I respect that it's your choice. But Christmas -- it's only one day. And think of all the kids who can't be with their fathers on Christmas for whatever reason. Now, you could be giving your kid something other kids can't have. [SCENE_BREAK] Father Coates: Excuse me, everybody, please! Can I have your attention, please? Has anyone here seen Spencer Cassadine, our Baby Jesus? Did any of you kids try to help by getting him out of the cold? Did you take him inside the church, or to your car? You won't be in trouble, I promise. We just need to find the baby. Woman: I checked the sanctuary, the chapel, and every other unlocked room in the church and the school. There's no sign of the child. Mike: Nikolas -- Nikolas? I checked -- I checked the parking lot, and no one's seen anything. Emily: Ok, well, what about Michael? He promised to keep an eye on Spencer. I mean, maybe -- maybe he took him in his car. Mike: No, no, no, honey, Sonny and Carly left before this started. There's no way that they would've driven off with Spencer. Nikolas: Listen, don't -- don't let anyone else leave. The police are on their way. [Siren] Helena: Spencer's been kidnapped by his former nanny. Her name is Colleen McHenry. Nikolas: Where the hell have you taken my son? [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Yes. Carly: Oh. Michael: Oh, could you believe it when everybody started clapping? Carly: Yes, I did. Michael: Hey, you -- you did a great job as drummer boy. Carly: Wow. Michael: You are a nice brother. Sonny: Say "thank you" to your brother. Morgan: Thank you. Michael: Hey, Jax is going to be so sad that he missed all that, and he's going to hate his brother because he had to go rescue him. Carly: You know what? Why don't you guys go upstairs and get in your pajamas. Michael: Ok. Come on. Carly: And you need to help your brother because Leticia is away for the holidays. Sonny: Let's go! Let's go! Michael: Come on, Morgan. Come on. Carly: All right, whoever gets down here the fastest gets the first cookie and help me hanging the first stocking. Michael: Come on. Come on, come on, come on! Carly: Ok, it's true. Jax had to go help his brother, and the wedding is postponed, and I don't know when he's coming back, but it doesn't matter because I'm going to wait for him as long as it takes. Sonny: I got to go check something out. Carly: What's going on? Are you ok? Sonny: Yeah, I'm fine. Carly: Did something happen at the church? Sonny: No, I just got -- I'll be back before the kids and the stockings and the whole -- Carly: No, Sonny, if you are going to cause trouble for me and Jax, just don't, ok, please? Sonny: I'll be back -- I'll be back as soon as I can. [Phone rings] Jason: Yeah. Sonny: Meet me at the Queen of Angels. We may have a problem. [SCENE_BREAK] ["Jingle bells" plays] Sam: Hey. Elizabeth: Hey. Sam: So you left the Christmas party early for some last-minute shopping? Elizabeth: Yes, and it was a successful trip. Although, I did hate leaving everyone when they were having such a good time. Alexis: We really enjoyed ourselves. It was very special for me. You gave me a special surprise, didn't you, sweetie? Sam: Yes, she did. You wished mommy a Merry Christmas, didn't you? Elizabeth: Oh, that's great. Then you must be feeling better. Alexis: And Molly is with Viola -- she's taking a quick nap -- and I thought we're going to celebrate by having some ice cream. What kind do you want? Chocolate? Chocolate. Yeah, that's what I thought. And then we'll go home and we'll make the stockings, ok? Sam: I'm going to stay for some ice cream with you, and then you're going to go to your home with mommy to see Molly, and I'm going to go to my home to see Jason, ok? Alexis: But tomorrow I'm hoping we're all going to be together -- you and me and Sam and Molly -- because we've been invited to have Christmas at Wyndemere with Nikolas and Spencer. [SCENE_BREAK] [Siren] Nikolas: You call your people; you get my son back to this church immediately. Helena: I warned both of you that Colleen was deranged. Nikolas: Don't blame this on Colleen. Helena: Emily was concerned, too, and for good reason, but you were too arrogant to listen. Nikolas: You did this! You did this, and you've probably been planning it since the day I brought Spencer home! Get him back here, or I swear to God I'll kill you right here. Helena: Nikolas, calm down. Nikolas: Shut up! Get him back here! Helena: Calm down and -- Nikolas: Get him back here! Helena: Oh. Mike: Mac -- Mac, thank goodness. Spencer is missing. Somebody took him out of the manger. We can't find him -- Nikolas: Not just "somebody," my grandmother right here. Helena: Listen to me, I have nothing to do with this. Nikolas: Arrest her. You do whatever it takes to get her to tell you where my son is. Emily: You also need to find Colleen McHenry. She's Spencer's nanny -- Nikolas: No, no, no -- Emily, don't you see? Emily: She was recently fired -- Nikolas: Don't you see? This -- this is about Helena. Spencer's the Cassadine heir -- she took him just like she took me when I was a -- a child. Arrest her. Arrest her! Mac: Nikolas, relax. You're not doing your son any favors by jumping to conclusions. Nikolas: Mac, I'm stating the obvious here, and why are we still standing around? You need to get someone to the airport because she's trying to get him out of the country. I know this woman! Mac: Anyone could've taken Spencer, all right? We're wasting time -- we hurt our chances of getting him back. Get statements from everyone here. Officer: Right. Mac: Cruz, I need a list of everyone that was in the pageant. And talk to the staff, see if they noticed any strangers, people that didn't belong. Det. Rodriguez: Father Coates, can you get me that list? Father Coates: Of course, detective. Mrs. Dembrowski, I need some help with the list. Mac: Excuse me, Nikolas, you were the first one to notice Spencer was missing. Nikolas: Yeah. I went to take him out of the manger; he wasn't there. Mac: Can you tell me the last time you saw him exactly? Nikolas: No, commissioner, I didn't check my watch. There's no point in any of this. Ok? There's no reason to question me or anyone else. My grandmother took my son. You know what she's capable of. Why can't you just believe it? Helena: Perhaps because I'm offering my full cooperation. Nikolas: And what better way to reverse suspicion. You need to get someone to the airport. I'm telling you, she's trying to get my son out of the country. Emily: Take it easy, take it easy. Mac: Helena may very well be responsible, but as an investigator, I can't assume she's the only suspect. Helena: Well, I suggest that you start your investigation by sending a forensics team to the parapet room in the north tower of Wyndemere. Nikolas: Oh, God. Helena: No, that's where Colleen McHenry held me captive. Emily: You can't expect us to believe that. Helena: Oh. Nikolas: No, the -- someone was held captive there in the -- Emily: You knew about this? Nikolas: I wanted to wait for the forensics report to tell you but, of course, it isn't finished yet. Helena: Emily already knows the truth -- Colleen is insane. She's dangerous. And because you ignored all of my warnings -- now she has Spencer. [SCENE_BREAK] Colleen: Oh, you've been such a good boy, Spencer. Hmm. Didn't Nanny Colleen promise she'd come back for you? Yeah, and here I am. Now no one will ever keep us apart again. Flight attendant: Merry Christmas, everyone, and welcome to Flight 459 to Denver. [SCENE_BREAK] ["Jingle bells" plays] Sam: Mmm, this ice cream is really good, isn't it? I'm glad mommy's eating it. It's good, huh? Alexis: I think it's some of the best that I've had in years. Sam: That's great. I'm glad you're getting your appetite back. Alexis: I -- I think that remedy that you and Spinelli gave me may have helped. Sam: "May have" helped? Alexis: I was not the only one that ate a plate of -- [Sam laughs] Alexis: Of cookies at the Christmas party. Sam: Ok. I understand. Alexis: You know what? We have to go. Molly's waiting for us, and we have stockings to hang. Sam: Yes, mommy's right. The sooner we get home; the sooner Santa Claus can come. All right? Here. Alexis: Here you go, babe. You all set? Sam: Yeah, she's got it. Alexis: Ok, hold on. [Sam laughs] Alexis: Here we go. Let's go. There you go -- ooh, it's cold. I hope Molly and Viola have that snack plate out for Santa. Sam: Ah. Alexis: Maybe we can sample some. Sam: Ok, I need to get home because I got to see Jason. But I will see you tomorrow. Merry Christmas. Kristina: Merry Christmas. Alexis: Merry Christmas, Sam. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: You know you don't have to do this. Maxie: It's not going to get any easier. Maybe you could just hold my hand. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Did you really think I'd let you live? Priest: Mr. Corinthos, correct? My name is -- you're mistaking me for my brother. Jason: You will die this time; I'm going to make sure of it. Priest: My brother Manuel is dead. My name is father Mateo Ruiz. Sonny: You know what you got to do, Jason. Father Coates: Wait. You're making a mistake. Sonny: I apologize for any misunderstanding, Father, but this man is evil. Father Coates: Manny Ruiz is dead. Father Mateo Ruiz just arrived here in the diocese. He just came here from Miami. Sonny: Well, I know him from Miami. That's where his family are major players in the drug business. Mateo: Mr. Corinthos? My father is dead. He was murdered by my brother Manny, who is also dead. So is my brother Javier. Both men were killed by Jason Morgan -- in self-defense, I'm certain. Sonny: Ok, I don't want -- I don't mean any disrespect here, but you expect me to believe that this man is Manny's identical twin? He's probably got tattoos all over his body, too. You going to tell me that, too? Father Coates: Tell -- tell him, Mateo. Mateo: Manuel and I were twins. We got identical tattoos, both marking ourselves for life to honor the gang that we were in. Sonny: Jason, how come we never heard of him? Mateo: The family doesn't want anyone in the business to know that I exist. It's their way of keeping me safe. I've been working in the church for a long time, for many years. Father Coates: It's true. I have all the documentation to prove it. Mateo: Mr. Corinthos, Manny and I both ended up in prison. That's true, ok, but that's where our paths changed. Ok, Manny found a bottomless rage that led to his death, and I found God. Father Coates: Brother Ruiz has been working with at-risk teens in Miami trying to overcome youth violence. Sonny: Why didn't you stay in Miami? Father Coates: Father Ruiz is our new youth minister. Sonny: Why'd you come to Port Charles? Mateo: I asked to be transferred here. Sonny: Yeah? Even though your father and your brother died here? Mateo: Manny caused so much suffering here. I came here in the hopes of making amends for my brother's crimes. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Jason? Hello? ["We Three Kings of Orient Are" plays] Lucky: Do you need some help? Elizabeth: No, I'm fine, thanks. Lucky: You found Chuggin' Charlie after all. Elizabeth: Yeah, it turned up at the last second -- a little Christmas miracle. Lucky: Cameron's really going to love that; that's all he really wanted. Maxie: I'm surprised you're not at home with Cameron right now. Elizabeth: I'm on my way. I just wanted to give Gram a chance to get him tucked into bed before I slip in with the big present for tomorrow. Maxie: Christmas is such a special time for kids. It must be wonderful to know you're giving your son exactly what he wants. Elizabeth: Yeah, that's the best part of Christmas. Maxie, I'm -- I -- I really am sorry for your loss -- the both of you. Maxie: Everyone says the pain will fade, but -- Elizabeth: I know. And I'm sorry anyway. Lucky: Are you sure you can handle this? Elizabeth: Oh, it -- it's not heavy. Lucky: You know what, though? Mike hasn't had a chance to clear the walkway yet, and I just don't want you to fall or -- Elizabeth: Lucky, I'm fine. Excuse me. Maxie: You can go after her if you want. Lucky: There's no way I'd walk away and just leave you. Maxie: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: I understand why you don't want to believe that Colleen may have taken Spencer. You don't want trusting her to have been a mistake. Nikolas: I don't -- I don't think she would hurt him -- Emily: But you're getting in your own way here, Nikolas. What matters is finding Spencer. We have to explore every possibility, ok? Nikolas: I know, and that includes investigating Helena. Mac: Nikolas? We just got the forensics report on the parapet room. We got two sets of prints and DNA from Helena and Colleen, but no way to establish who, if anyone, was held prisoner. Helena: Commissioner, your evidence is standing right in front of you. Colleen held me captive. Nikolas: Why? Helena: Because I was on to her. I knew that she was a danger to Spencer, even if you didn't. No, she left me chained up in the parapet. Mike: Excuse me, excuse me. Then how did you escape? Helena: A mighty surge of adrenaline, I suppose. I have no interest in dying a miserable and lonely death. Mike: Then why didn't you tell the police, huh? Helena: Because my dear Nikolas had already tried to have me carted off to an asylum -- in Arkansas, if you can believe that. Well, I was afraid he would try again. Mac: Why come forward now? Helena: My dear commissioner, my great-grandson has been -- he's been kidnapped by a madwoman. Now, if you could rule me out as a suspect, I suggest that you issue an amber alert immediately -- and actually start looking for Spencer and Colleen instead of wasting your time with me! Mac: Arrest her. Helena: Oh! Det. Rodriguez: Helena Cassadine, you're under arrest for the kidnapping of Spencer Cassadine. Helena: Fine, but hurry. God knows where Colleen is taking that baby. Det. Rodriguez: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against -- Nikolas: No. Let her go. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: I apologize for the misunderstanding. But you got to understand that Manny tried to take me out on more than one occasion. He also kidnapped and terrorized Jason's girlfriend; shot her in the back. So when I see somebody that looks identical to him -- we have an obligation to protect ourselves and our families. Mateo: I deeply regret the terrible crimes my brother committed. I only hope to make some small amends. Father Coates: Sonny, Father Ruiz has an excellent reputation. He'll be a great asset to our parish. Sonny: I don't doubt it. Father Coates: Well, if you'll excuse us, there is another situation that needs our attention. Sonny: Yeah, yeah. Mateo: Thank you. Sonny: Thank you, Father. Father Coates: Merry Christmas. Sonny: Yeah, you, too. Do you believe any of that? Jason: We've been working with the Ruiz family for a long time. Why didn't -- why didn't we ever hear that Manny had a twin? Sonny: Maybe his family is trying to protect him. Jason: Yeah, yeah, maybe. But one brother is a sick, twisted son of a bitch, and the other is a priest? Come on. Come on, Sonny. Sonny: He could do a lot of damage hiding behind the church, especially since Father Coates believes his cover. How can I put a hit on a priest? Jason: If he's here to avenge Manny, you have no choice. Sonny: First thing we got to do; we got to figure out who we're dealing with. So you got to call Stan and Bernie, have them check it out. And tell them to dig deep because this guy's going to have a cover. If there are any holes, we will assume it's Manny, and we'll take him out. [SCENE_BREAK] [Christmas music plays] Lucky: Well, it's not exactly fashionable, but it's the only hat that I got. Maxie: That'll keep me warm on the way home. Someday I'll bring myself to go up those stairs again. Lucky: Maxie, just -- you know what? I think you just -- just give it some time. Maxie: Thank you for bringing me here. Lucky: I thought it might help if you help me open my mystery gift. Somebody left it in my room the day after yesterday. I'm guessing it's from Lulu. You want to see what's inside? Maxie: Actually, it's from me. Just give it back. Lucky: Wait, it is? What -- what is it? Maxie: It's stupid. Please don't open it. Lucky: Why? Maxie: Because it was a present for our baby. Lucky: Oh. I'm sorry. Maxie: No -- you know what? Just open it. It doesn't -- it doesn't really matter now. Maxie: I know how your dad used to always call you "cowboy," so I thought it would be sweet, especially if we had a son. Lucky: Hmm. Cowboy. [SCENE_BREAK] Audrey: Cam is going to love that present. Elizabeth: I know. I can't wait to see his face tomorrow. Audrey: I really have to hand it to you -- you're both ingenious and determined. I mean, between us, we must've called every store in upstate New York and there wasn't a Chuggin' Charlie to be found anywhere. Elizabeth: Well, don't give me too much credit. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time. Audrey: Well, that still counts. We're supposed to have more snow tonight, so Cam's going to get all of his Christmas wishes. [Audrey chuckles] Audrey: Well, except one. Elizabeth: I tried, ok, Gram? I waited around at Kelly's to ask Lucky if he would spend Christmas with us, and then he walked in with Maxie, hand-in-hand. Audrey: Oh, what is that man thinking? Elizabeth: They just lost a baby; they're grieving. I understand that. And as much as I despise Maxie, I understand what it feels like to miscarry, and I'm sure she's devastated. Audrey: Well, it's a sad situation all the way around. Elizabeth: Maxie needs Lucky tonight. Maybe he needs her, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Whew. Stan, ok, listen to me. I want you to track down everything -- birth certificate, school record, medical history -- ok? And I want you to figure out why we have not heard of this guy until now, and see if he actually lived the life that he described to me and Sonny. You got that? And then I want you to check every catholic seminary in the country, find out if he was there, and when he was ordained. Ok, look, we know this guy's an ex-con. Find out where, when, how long he was in prison, double-check the release date. You got that? His fingerprints are on file, run them against Manny's. No, it's a possibility that he could be Manny's brother, but it's also possible Manny killed his brother and stole his identity. Sam: Manny's alive? [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Dad! Dad, you made it! Sonny: Where else would I be, huh? Morgan: Wait up! Wait up! Sonny: Come on! Come on! Carly: Well, you are just in time because two little boys need to hang their stockings, or Santa's going to just fly right over the house! Morgan: Ha-ha! Carly: Whoo! Michael: We could not hang our stockings without you. Sonny: Ok, let's celebrate the Christmas -- family Christmas that your mama promised us, ok? Come on, give me those things. Michael: All right. Carly: Ok. All right, go, go, go! Sonny: Ok, let's see what we got. Michael: What do we got? Sonny: Do we have letters for Santa? Michael: Right here. Morgan: Right there! Sonny: Cookies? Michael: Ok, I laid out the cookies and some chips, and the carrots are from Morgan -- for the reindeer. Sonny: Oh, you always got to take care of the reindeer. Michael: You have to. Sonny: Right. All right, let's go, let's get these up. Carly: Let's go. We have it all. Sonny: What do you want, Morgan? Morgan: Penguins! Sonny: How did I know that? [Carly laughs] Sonny: Ok. You get that. Morgan: Whee! Carly: Ok, ok, wait -- one, two, three. Sonny: All right, good, good. Carly: Oh, such -- ok. Ok, one, two, three. [Carly laughs] Carly: Ok, one more picture. Michael: All right. Sonny: Ok, you know what? I think pictures are good. Good pictures. That's fine. Michael: And -- Sonny: All right! Michael: It's perfect, it's perfect. Carly: Ok, ok, now it is "The Night Before Christmas." Morgan: Yeah! Carly: And then you guys go right to bed. Get over here; sit down with me. Michael: Ok, you will tuck us in, right? Sonny: Yeah, I'm going to tuck you in, and I'll be here tomorrow morning to watch you guys open the presents. Michael: Well, why do you have to come back? Can't you spend the night here? [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: All right, we're checking out every part of father Ruiz's story -- and we're having him watched. Sam: All right, though, it -- it could be Manny faking another transformation or it could be his brother who's back for revenge. Jason: I don't know, but I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. Can you trust me with this? Sam: Yes. I mean, of course I trust you. It's just, Jason, we have worked so hard to get our life back, and then out of nowhere, somebody shows up -- Jason: I know, I know. I mean, there is a possibility this could be Manny's brother. But no matter who it is, I'm not going to let them hurt you. Ok? Sam: Ok. Hey -- thanks for decorating the place. It looks great now. Jason: Oh, come on. I wasn't really sure how you wanted it to look, so -- Sam: It's perfect. Well, almost perfect -- you forgot to put the star up. Jason: No, I left that for you. Sam: Ok, then we'll do it together. Jason: All right. I hope this big tree doesn't fall over. Sam: Very funny. It's not going to fall. Jason: There, like that, maybe. Sam: Ok. I like it. Jason: You do? Sam: It's perfect. Jason: Wait -- wait a minute. What -- what is this? It has your name on it. Sam: I guess Santa left me a present already. It's a star. Jason: Merry Christmas. Sam: Thank you. God, Jason, thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night." You know what that means. Upstairs -- you better go! Santa's coming. Michael: Come on. Carly: Go, go, go. Sonny: Go -- Michael: You sure you can't stay? Sonny: Yeah. You go tuck your brother in; we'll be up there later to tuck you in, ok? Michael: Ok. Hey, Morgan, all we have to do is go to sleep. And when we wake up, it'll be Christmas. Carly: Should I be worried about anything that happened earlier when you left? Sonny: Nah, it's being handled. I'm glad I came back when I did. Carly: You know, it meant a lot to the boys -- and me -- that you came back to spend Christmas with us, but I just want you to know that I love Jax, and when he comes back, I'm -- I'm going to marry him. So -- Sonny: Merry Christmas, all right? [SCENE_BREAK] Father Coates: Detective Rodriguez? I'd like to introduce you to our new youth minister, Father Mateo Ruiz. Det. Rodriguez: Excuse me? Mateo: You must've known my brother Manuel. Det. Rodriguez: You hired this guy to work with kids? Father Coates: It's a long story. Det. Rodriguez: Yeah. Mateo: I was here tonight when the baby disappeared, and I realize I'm viewed with suspicion because of my brother's crimes. But I want to cooperate with the investigation, if I might. Det. Rodriguez: Well, we're in the process of pursuing other suspects at the moment. But you're on the list, so don't leave town. Mateo: I'm not planning on going anywhere. [SCENE_BREAK] Mike: Mac, if there's even the chance that Helena took Spencer, I want her locked up. Nikolas: No -- she'll only escape. Besides, I do now believe that Colleen McHenry has my son. So I'm not pressing charges against my grandmother. Mac: Fine, let her go. We'll be in touch. We may have further questions. Helena: Thank you, Nikolas. It's a sign of honor and nobility for a man to admit his mistakes. Nikolas: Get out of here, before I change my mind. Mike: Helena kidnapped Spencer, and you're -- you're letting her walk away? What are you --? Nikolas: Mike, Mike -- Colleen may be as deranged as Helena wants us to believe. Emily: I don't think that Colleen would ever hurt Spencer. She seemed to genuinely care about him, Mike. Nikolas: I'm sorry, I agree. Mike: All right. Emily: Look, Colleen probably thinks that she can take Spencer, but she's only a nanny, right? Even with severance pay, how long is she going to be able to cover her tracks? The police are going to find her within hours. Nikolas: Helena's behind this. Colleen may have taken Spencer, but Helena's paying for it. The only way I'll ever find my son is I let her lead me to him. Helena: I need an immediate update on the search for Colleen McHenry. I must find that despicable little guttersnipe before Nikolas does. It's an ideal opportunity to reclaim my great-grandson. Huh. [SCENE_BREAK] Flight attendant: We've started our final descent into Denver. Please fasten your seat belts and return your tray tables to their original and locked positions. Colleen: Now, Spencer, I'm not going to be your Nanny Colleen anymore. From now on, you're going to be my little boy, and I'll be your mommy. Ok? Ok, come on. [NEXT_ON] Lulu: You know who killed Rick Webber? Spinelli: The killer is in our midst. Mac: We have a lead. Colleen: Mommy made sure they'll never find us. Sam: I'm applying for a job at General Hospital. Jason: It will show the end of the story. | Helena makes her presence known as she explains how Colleen held her captive in the parapet room and has now kidnapped Spencer |
429 | Singer: Give it to me me, too oh ♪ Zach: You want the rest of the money for your little beauty network, you better start earning it. J.R.: I'm working on it. Zach: Work harder. J.R.: Look, Greenlee's going to be out of the Fusion spotlight. I just need a little bit more time. Zach: That's not an option. You have something that Greenlee wants. J.R.: Well, technically, I don't. Those little frozen embryos are a figment of our imagination. Right? Zach: Make them real to her -- now. Singer: Really free at last it takes two ♪ [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: Is this the next step you were talking about? Kendall: I thought it was time. Greenlee: Oh. I don't even know what to say. Um -- hi. Spike, hi. Do you remember me? Hi. Kendall's voice: How could he ever forget you, Greenlee? You're the one who kidnapped him, almost killed my little boy and made him deaf. And now, you think I've forgiven you? Greenlee: Uh -- Kendall? Kendall? Kendall: Yeah? Greenlee: Are you ok? Where were you just now? You seemed a thousand miles away. Kendall: Oh, no. I'm -- I'm right where I'm supposed to be -- right here with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Annie: Ryan, please don't do this -- you'll go to jail, and you'll get taken from me and the kids -- Ryan? Ryan: At least I know you'll all be safe. Annie: No -- Ryan, no. Ryan: Annie! [Gunshot] Ryan: Oh! Annie: Ah, ah! Oh! Oh. Ryan: You ok? Oh, my God. Oh. Annie, Annie? [Annie pants] Annie: Ryan, ah! Ryan: Stay with me, Annie. Annie, I want you to stay with me, ok, please. Please, oh, God. I didn't want you to do that -- I was trying to protect you. I was trying to protect you, ok? Hey. Huh? Annie: I love you. Oh, oh. Ryan: Annie? Annie? Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God, no, no, no. Oh, God, no! No! No! No! [Ryan pants] Ryan: Oh, no. Please. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: He looks so good. What I mean is, um -- Kendall: I know what you mean, Greenlee. It's ok. Greenlee: I just -- I wasn't expecting this. Maybe I can, um -- Kendall: Oh, no, no. Do not get ahead of yourself. Greenlee: Right, ok. Yeah. Kendall: Yeah, this is not exactly something that I -- I'm looking forward to or that I'm even really ready for. Greenlee: No, of course. Kendall: And I'm not going to make you the honorary godmother or anything. Greenlee: It's just -- it's such a great start just to even see him, you know? I mean, I didn't even think you'd ever allow that. Kendall: Neither did I. Greenlee: What changed your mind? Kendall: I had to see you with him. I had to see that he was ok. So, honestly, I did this more for me than for you. Greenlee: But I wouldn't try anything. Kendall: Oh, really -- like the last time? Greenlee: No, I mean, you don't have to be afraid, not anymore. Kendall: Ok, let's just -- can we just take this one play date at a time, please? Greenlee: I'm not going to hurt Spike, and I'm not going to do anything to you. I will never hurt you again, Kendall, I swear. Kendall: Do you want to say hi to Spike? Spike: Uh-oh. Kendall: It's ok, baby. Greenlee: Hi, Spike. Good to see you. Kendall: What -- what are you doing? Greenlee: I was saying "Hi." Kendall: No, no, not -- don't -- don't do that, not with that signing. Greenlee: No, I was just -- I was practicing ASL. I mean, I know I'm -- I'm really bad at it, but I'm -- but I'm studying it. Kendall: No, no, no, don't you ever do that again. [SCENE_BREAK] Josh: I've been waiting for my thank-you card. "Dear Josh, thanks for saving my job -- not to mention my ass." Hannah: It's in the mail. Josh: You expected me to go to bat for you, didn't you? Hannah: You give me far too much credit. Josh: Well, as far as Zach is concerned, you're still on probation. And lucky for you, I'm your probation officer. Hannah: Hmm -- dirty job. Josh: Hannah, why are you really here? Hannah: You're not going to believe my answer, so why even ask the question? Josh: Well, I'd like to think you were telling the truth -- about letting Zach go, not causing any more trouble. Hannah: I was. Josh: You asked Zach to sleep with you and get you pregnant. He turned you down. [Hannah sighs] Hannah: Thank you, Josh. I now vividly remember one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. Josh: Good -- because I'll know when you're lying to me. Hannah: I would expect nothing less from my probation officer. Just next time, bring the handcuffs, and we'll have a party. Josh: You're a sexy woman, Hannah. Hannah: Hmm. Josh: You're smart, too. Hannah: Huh. But I can't go unwatched. Hmm. I hope Zach realizes his right- hand man is willing to push things as far as they can go. Josh: I'll see you at the office. [Josh kisses Hannah then leaves and closes the door] [Knock on door] Hannah: Change your mind? Adam: We need to talk. Hannah: I don't have time right now, Adam. I need to get ready for my meeting. You can show yourself out. [SCENE_BREAK] [Upon entering, J.R. closes the door and sneaks up behind Amanda, making her gasp] Amanda: Holy -- oh! You scared the crap out of me. J.R.: Yeah, how you doing? Amanda: Oh -- hi, to you, too. J.R.: A little less talk and a little more -- Amanda: Oh -- ok, whoa, there, camper. J.R.: God, you are so "hot." Amanda: What is with you? J.R.: What, do I have to draw you a map? Amanda: J.R., you're still supposed to be gone -- business stuff. J.R.: Shh, shh. Business -- business can wait. Amanda: Ok. You are so hiding something. J.R.: Can't a guy just be happy to see you? Amanda: Any other guy, maybe, but "you" -- J.R.: Oh, fine -- you caught me. I was going to wait till - after. But -- [J.R. rubs his hands] Amanda: Ok, what did you do? J.R.: Something stupid. Amanda: Well, keep going. J.R.: It was a little impulsive. Amanda: Oh, there's a shock. J.R.: Well, I saw these babies in the window and -- ah -- they just had your name written all over it. [J.R. chuckles as he shows Amanda a pair of diamond earrings] J.R.: So, what do you think? Do you like them? Amanda: Ok. Who the hell did you sleep with? [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: Oh, Kyle. Kyle: Hey. Babe: Good to see you. Kyle: Yeah, good to see you, too. Oh -- what are you doing here? Babe: Just giving Mama a couple of hours with Jenny. Kyle: Oh, ok. Cool. Tad: Ahem. Hey. Babe: Hey. Tad: Ahem. Hey. Babe: Hey. Tad: I would ask you how you're doing, but I'm not as swift as I used to be at ducking flying objects. So how you doing, beautiful? Babe: Oh, I don't know. Other than having dated a man who may or may not be a sociopath, I'm just dandy. [SCENE_BREAK] Richie: Is she -- Ryan: Oh, God, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Where are you going? Richie: I'm going to get help but -- I'm going to get an ambulance. Ryan: She's dead, all right? She doesn't need an ambulance. Stop! You're not going anywhere. You did this. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: I didn't mean to upset you. Kendall: No, no, it's fine. I'm not upset. Greenlee: I just -- I know that Annie's been teaching you some sign language, so I thought -- I mean, I -- see, I didn't think. But I'm sorry, and -- and it will not happen again. Kendall: All right, it's done, ok, forgotten. Greenlee: Are you ok? Kendall: Yes, yes, yes, I'm ok. Greenlee: It just probably takes some getting used to. Kendall: Spike doesn't know sign language, formally, and -- and if you would do that, you would confuse him. Greenlee: Right, right. Ok, fine, I'm sorry. Kendall: I have accepted his condition -- Greenlee: Good. Kendall: If that's what you're wondering. Greenlee: Yeah, no, that's good to -- Kendall: "Good to hear"? Is that what you were going to say? Greenlee: I'm just -- I'm saying and doing everything wrong today. Kendall: Spike is getting better every day, as you can see. He's getting stronger, and he looks happy. This morning he actually waved his hands to me. I think he was trying to get my attention. Greenlee: Well, he seems like a very happy kid. Kendall: He is. Greenlee: It's just so great to see the two of you together. Kendall: Mama's boy -- you know how it is. Greenlee: You're very lucky, Kendall. And you're a really great mother to him. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: You see Hannah? Josh: Yeah, I saw Hannah. I explained the new rules to her. Zach: And? Josh: I still think she's hiding something. Zach: Keep a close eye on her. Josh: That's the plan. He's looking good, huh? Zach: Yeah. He gained another half ounce. Josh: Kind of keeps everything in perspective, doesn't it? Zach: Yes, it does. Let me ask you a question, Josh. Josh: Ok. Zach: And I'm -- I'm not trying to -- um -- it's just a question. Josh: Go and ask it. Zach: What kind of relationship do you and Greenlee have these days? Josh: Ok, that kind of came out of left field, didn't it? Zach: Just asking. Josh: We don't have a relationship, Zach. After what she did to Kendall and my nephews -- I mean, come on. Zach: Had to hear it from you. Josh: What's going on? What are you up to? Zach: I'm working with Junior to get Greenlee out of Fusion and away from Kendall. Josh: Are you crazy? You can't trust J.R. Zach: I don't trust him. He's just the frontman. Josh: Frontman for what? Zach: We're making Greenlee an offer that she can't possibly refuse. But in order to make it work, to make it look real, I need someone that I do trust. I need a doctor, someone who knows things about fertility clinics. I need you, Josh. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Get away from the door. Richie: Put the gun down -- Ryan: You're not going anywhere! Richie: Just calm down. Ryan: My wife is dead, she's dead. Richie: No, it's -- look -- Ryan: Shut up! Just -- just shut up! Richie: Look, it was an accident, I'll tell -- Ryan: You want this -- you wanted this, you love this. Richie: No, no, no, I love my sister. Ryan: You tormented your sister! You scared her to death! Richie: You love Annie! Ryan: Just shut up! You think I'm an idiot? Do you think I'm an idiot? You hate me, and you hated her, all right? And now she's dead because of you. Because of you, and you're going to pay, you son of a bitch. You're going down for this. You're going down for your sister's murder. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: You are so paranoid. When would I find the time to sleep around? Amanda: Oh, I'm sure you could find the time to shove it in -- to your busy schedule. J.R.: Where is this coming from? Amanda: You're being way too nice. You bought me a very expensive gift, and when's the last time you gave me anything? J.R.: I don't know. Diamonds are forever. Amanda: Is there anything forever about us? J.R.: Oh, now that is real romantic. Amanda: These are not about romance. J.R., these are about guilt. Guilt buys jewelry, and when I asked you point-blank if you'd been sleeping with someone, you got defensive -- those are dead giveaways. J.R.: I bought those for you because I owe you, remember? Amanda: Oh. Well, no, I have not forgotten about the 520 grand you owe me, with interest climbing daily. J.R.: Ok, so then you take them as a down payment for the cash that I owe you. Amanda: Write me a check. [Amanda slams box] J.R.: You're going to get -- you're going to get all of your money, just as soon as I get the network off the ground. Amanda: So you still haven't done your big stunt for Slater -- getting Greenlee kicked out of Fusion? J.R.: No, not yet. Amanda: So then you still haven't gotten all the seed money from him. Why the celebration? J.R.: Can't you just say "you love them, J.R., I think they're beautiful"? Amanda: "I love them, J.R., I think they're beautiful," but I'd like the truth. J.R.: I didn't come home early to discuss Greenlee and Slater. Amanda: You didn't come here to discuss anything. J.R.: Look, Slater has been all over me, I don't need you on me, too. [Amanda sighs] J.R.: Well, yeah, I do, huh. Um -- I'm working on it, ok? Amanda: Ok. J.R.: My dad's been all over me, Ava is a pain in the ass. Amanda: Ava -- yeah, I was wondering when her name was going to come up. J.R.: No, she is a nightmare. Amanda: Yeah, tell me about it. I have a bruise on my tongue to prove it. J.R.: And this whole Jonathan thing and this wedding, it's -- have you ever heard anything more ridiculous? Amanda: I agree, but Jonathan really cares about Ava, so what's it to you? J.R.: It's more work for me. I have to explain to everybody that my star is dating a serial killer. Amanda: Her engagement hasn't hurt Fusion -- our sales went up last week. J.R.: Oh, he'll bring her down. Amanda: So find a new face, get a new body. Use me -- I'm hot -- or so you keep insisting. J.R.: You are hot, yes, and I would. But I -- Amanda: I know, I know -- "Ava is a phenomenon, a once-in-a-lifetime, heat- seeking missile of publicity." J.R.: I am glad you're finally getting it. Now, can we get back to business? Amanda: No, you -- you "have" been getting it on with someone -- and it was Ava. [SCENE_BREAK] Josh: So you want Greenlee to give up Fusion for a child? Zach: Uh-uh, no, not just any child. Ryan's child. She'll be led to believe that the embryos she lost in the blackout are still viable. Josh: Which, of course, are not. Zach: Right. Josh: Wow. Zach: Tried everything else, Josh, Greenlee just won't go away. Josh: Well, I mean, we'd have to re-create everything that my -- would-be father offered her at the clinics. Zach: Exactly. Josh: But, Zach, that's -- that's a big production. Zach: I know. That's why I'm asking you. I need your help -- are you in? [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: You can already tell how smart he is just by the way he's playing. Kendall: Oh, this -- this little guy, we -- we have our own language. That's right, our own special little language. We don't just use our hands, we use our expressions. That's right. You know Mama's smile? Mama's smile means that I love you. Greenlee: That's great, Kendall. Kendall: Yeah, it's -- it's unbelievable. We can totally read each other's faces. We are totally in sync. It's almost -- I don't know, it's almost magical. Greenlee: Oh -- hey, big guy, you have a -- Kendall: No, wait, wait -- what are you doing? Greenlee: Oh, no, he just has a leaf -- I'm sorry. Kendall: It's ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: I do not want you beating yourself up for somebody like Richie Novak. Fact is, he had a lot of people fooled. Babe: See, that's just it -- I didn't know Richie. I knew Wes, the nice, uncomplicated bartender who was great with kids, made me laugh. Tad: Yeah, and I hear that Ted Bundy was pretty charming -- until he had his hands around your throat. Babe: So you think he's bad news, too, huh? Tad: I don't know what I think. I just know that that's the conventional wisdom. Babe: Then my radar must've been completely messed up, because I didn't sense that at all about him. And it's not like I haven't had any experience dealing with crazy people. Tad: I'll give your regards to J.R. Babe: Wes -- I mean Richie -- he explained why he didn't tell anyone who he really was. Tad: Yeah -- he wanted to check things out with Annie. Isn't that a nice way of just saying he wanted to sneak up on her? Babe: That not what he said. Tad: I'm sure. But in my experience, somebody who's willing to lie about something as small as their name usually has a lot more to hide. Babe: That still doesn't justify putting a noose around Richie's neck like Aidan and Ryan did. Tad: Maybe not. But if I was a betting man, I wouldn't put any money on Richie Novak giving anybody a happy ending. [SCENE_BREAK] Richie: I didn't shoot my sister. Ryan: Oh, sure you did. Sure you did. I'm just going to call the cops, and I will tell them that you did. Richie: It's my word against yours, that's all. Ryan: Oh, I see. And so who do you think my friend Derek, the police chief is going to believe, huh? Richie: Where was your friend Derek, the police chief, when they were charging you for hanging me up? Just -- it's not even my gun. Ryan: Really? Well, it's not mine, either. Anybody could've bought this off the street, now it's yours. Richie: Don't do this. Ryan: What? What? Richie: Don't. Ryan: What? What, you burst in here, you wanted to make me pay personally. Instead of sending me to jail, you pulled out this gun, Annie stepped in the way, and you pulled the trigger. Richie: No, no, it's not -- Ryan: You're going back to jail, Richie. You're going back to jail, and this time for life. Hey! Richie! [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: Ava is the last woman I'd sleep with -- God knows what I'd catch. Ooh. Amanda: "The last woman"? Really? J.R.: Yeah. But thank you for making me laugh, I needed that. I knew you'd make me feel better. Have I told you how great you are lately? Amanda: Not lately. J.R.: Well, you are, and I know I don't say it enough. Amanda: Oh, please. J.R.: I'm trying to be nice, and you're not even giving me a break. Amanda: Work a little harder. [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: You ready to talk now? Hannah: I thought I asked you to leave. Adam: You work for me. I call meetings when I want them -- I want one now. Hannah: We just had a meeting, Adam. We covered everything we needed to cover -- I have to get your money and your company back for you. Is there anything else we're missing? Adam: Yes, I have an additional assignment for you. Hannah: Can this wait until I'm dressed? Adam: J.R. and Slater are up to something. Find out what it is. Hannah: What are you talking about? Zach hates J.R. -- and for good reason, I've heard. Adam: Yeah, exactly -- all the more reason to be skeptical about them working together. Hannah: Hmm. I need to get ready for my meeting, Adam. Adam: I'm not finished yet. [Hannah sighs] Hannah: Fine! [Hannah drops her towel and stands in front of Adam stark naked] Adam: Ahem. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: I know what I'm asking you is hard, with the clinics and -- Josh: And Greg. Zach: Dredging up a lot of stuff. Josh: Yeah, it's -- it's all right. I had a ton of issues with him, even when I thought he was my father. I mean, I went from seeing the man as God to resenting him for pushing me into medicine. And then after we came here, everything that came out -- what he was doing to those women, those children, what he tried to do to Kendall -- Zach: Can't forget that. Josh: Talking her into giving away her child? I can't help but think I should've done something to stop that. Zach: It wasn't your fault. Josh: Yeah, but I was the closest person to him, I should've seen what he was doing. Zach: You cared about the guy. Josh: I should've protected my sister and my nephews. Zach: Hey -- you should've -- that's the past. We're going to deal with the future and the now. What do we do now to protect our families? Josh: Greenlee. Zach: Greenlee. Josh: I sold off all the Madden Clinics, though. Zach: You still talk to those guys? Josh: Yeah. Zach: And do you think we could ask them if we can borrow some of their equipment? Josh: Yeah, I could do that. Now, I wasn't able to protect Kendall and Spike from Greg, but I can use what he left me to protect them from Greenlee. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Ah! [Greenlee gasps] Kendall: You go! Greenlee: He's going to be pitching no-hitters in no time. [Greenlee laughs] Kendall: Yes. Greenlee: Ryan was always trying to get me to get into sports. Are you all right, Kendall? Kendall: Yeah, I'm fine. Greenlee: You just seem really stressed. Kendall: I'm just thinking about Fusion -- distribution's down. Greenlee: But sales are up -- I mean, thanks to crazy Ava. I mean, forget about work, just enjoy -- enjoy all this time with your son. Kendall: I'll try. Greenlee: Hey, you remember the first time we came here to this part of the park? You had just found out that you were pregnant with Spike, and you wanted to exercise, you were determined to keep your shape. Kendall: Yeah, that was a long time ago. Greenlee: Not so long. I mean, it was fall, and the leaves were changing on the trees just like this. Kendall: Yeah -- kind of. Greenlee: I remember we were laughing and making plans. If I had one wish, one wish to just go back in time, it would be to then. We were so close. Kendall: So close, I offered to carry your baby. Greenlee: You still hate me, don't you? [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: I know how badly you want to believe Richie/Wes/whoever the hell he is. But you'd be doing everybody who loves you a big favor if you would just stand back long enough until we can get a solid lead on who he is. Babe: I will. Thanks, Tad. Tad: Be safe? Babe: Yeah. I should get to work. Richie: Babe? Babe: What are you doing here? Richie: Freaking out. Babe: Why, what happened? Richie: I can't call the cops, I can't call them, and I'm not going back. Babe: Ok, slow down. Richie: If Ryan's calling them, he's lying to them. Babe: What -- who -- who's he calling? Richie: I'm sorry, I know you don't believe me, ok? Just try to believe me now. Would you help me? Would you please help me? Babe: Ok, wait, Richie, what happened? Richie: I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't do anything wrong. Babe: What didn't you do? Richie: I didn't try to hurt Annie, I didn't kill Annie. Tad: Wait just a second, what the hell are you talking about? Get away. Richie: I didn't -- Annie asked to see me, Ryan brought a gun -- Babe: A gun? Richie: He was going to shoot me, and Annie got in the way. My sister's dead. Ryan killed her. [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: Well, go ahead. It's nothing I haven't seen before. Hannah: I'm sure. Adam: J.R. is starting a network. He needed some seed money. He got it. Hannah: Well, good for him. Adam: Mm-hmm. Hannah: Excuse me. Adam: Oh. He wouldn't tell me where he got it. Hannah: And you think Zach gave it to him? Adam: That's what I want you to find out. Hannah: I'm only going to do one job for you, and that's get your ransom money and your company back. Adam: You will do what I say, or you will regret it. Hannah: Are you trying to scare me? Adam: Are you scared? Hannah: What do you think? Adam: I can ruin your life, and I will if you test me. So I suggest you finish dressing, and then finish this job that you're being paid so handsomely to do. Otherwise, I will tell the world who you are, what you are, and what you've done, and I promise that's not going to be pretty. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: I don't hate you, Greenlee. I'm just not up for a walk down memory lane, that's all. Greenlee: No, I understand. Kendall: Thinking about the past -- I miss it, too. Greenlee: Yeah. We had some good times. Kendall: And a lot of them. Greenlee: Then how did we get here, Kendall? Kendall: Don't, Greenlee. You know how. Greenlee: I miss you. Kendall: I miss my best friend. Greenlee: I miss us. [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: Why wouldn't you let me call the police? Tad: Baby doll, just -- just trust me, all right? Ryan, it's Tad, open up. Richie: No, no, what are you doing? He's nuts, he's going to shoot through the door. Tad: Hey, hey, Richie, let me handle it. Ryan: Hey, guys. Come on in. What is he doing here? Tad: Ryan, he said you had a gun. Ryan: A gun? Tad: He said you shot Annie. Richie: He did -- he killed her! Annie: Oh, Tad, Babe -- something wrong? Babe: You're ok. Oh, my God. No, no, Richie said that -- Annie: Of course, I'm ok. Why are you here? What do you want? Richie: You're alive? Ryan: Richie's telling everybody that I shot you. Annie: What? Get him out of here. Why are you here? What do you even want, Richie? Ryan: Ok, ok, don't worry about it, I'll take care of this. Why don't you go back upstairs? Babe: Who the hell are you? Tad: Ok, why don't you go back to work, all right? Ryan and I can take care of this. Babe: Yeah, be my guest. Richie: No, no, no, I was set up -- Ryan: You don't know what you're talking about. Richie: You set this whole thing up, didn't you? Ryan: Look, you get out of here right now, or I'm calling the cops. Tad: Come on, let's go, let's just -- [Door bangs] Ryan: He's gone. Annie: Not bad, Mr. Lavery. Ryan: You, too, Mrs. Lavery. [SCENE_BREAK] Amanda: Hmm. J.R.: Oh. Amanda: Not bad. Not bad at all. J.R.: That was awesome. Amanda: Ok, if that's what you want to call it. J.R.: Yeah. Oh, Amanda, you are so hot. So hot. Amanda: It was Ava. Bastard. [SCENE_BREAK] Hannah: Do you mind? Adam: Oh, no, no. Not in the least. Hannah: So this is how it's going to be, huh? Every time I refuse an order, you'll threaten me? Adam: You just find out why my son is on Zach's payroll, and I'll give you a bonus. Hannah: Oh. What will that be -- you dropping dead? Adam: Don't push me, Hannah. Hannah: Likewise, Adam. I'll do your dirty work for you, but you show a little respect. Otherwise, I might just forget myself and tell Zach why I'm really here. And then you can kiss your company and your money good-bye -- for good. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: We're going to have to move on this -- quickly. Josh: Done, and done. What about J.R.? You sure he'll come through on his end? Zach: Ha. Pine Valley -- what a funny place. There aren't a lot of things you can count on. But J.R.'s greed -- you can count on that. Josh: What about your conscience? Zach: My conscience? Josh: Zach, what we're talking about here is taking Greenlee's dream of having a child away from her again. That's what's at stake. Zach: I'm aware of that. Josh: But can you live with it? Zach: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: This is good -- us spending time with Spike. Greenlee: Thank you, Kendall. Kendall: We'll do it again -- maybe tomorrow? Greenlee: Oh. Oh, I'm -- I'm supposed to catch up with Aidan on -- on our business trip and -- Kendall: Oh, right, right, right, that's right, that's right. Ok, well, maybe when you get back. Greenlee: Yeah -- no -- I -- you know what? Just -- I don't think I should go. I mean, with Annie out of the office, someone needs to be here for Fusion, and -- well, I'd -- I'd love to be here and make myself available for you and Spike, whatever you may need. Kendall: Are you sure? Greenlee: Yeah. I want to stay. [Spike fusses] Kendall: Hey, what's wrong, Spikey? Greenlee: Is he ok? Kendall: I don't know -- he's been a little fussy all day. You know what? I think maybe we should get him home, get him to bed. Greenlee: Ok. That sounds like a plan. Kendall: Ok. Oh, well, hello there. You want to say -- say good-bye? Want to go, big boy? Say "Bye." Greenlee: Thank you for -- thank you for bringing Spike here, and -- um -- thank you for letting me see him. Kendall: It went a lot better than I thought it would. [Greenlee walks away] Kendall: I'm sorry, sweet boy. We won't have to see that bad lady much longer. Pretty soon, it'll all be over. It'll all be over. [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays] Ryan: Thanks. A toast, to my beautiful and very talented wife. Singers: This moment I in this moment ♪ Ryan: What? Singers: In this moment ♪ Annie: Nothing. Ryan: We gave Richie a taste of his own medicine for once. What's wrong with that? Annie: Nothing's wrong, Ryan. It's just -- Ryan: "Just" what? Annie: That look on Richie's face when he realized he'd been had? I've seen it before. Cold, dead eyes -- I know that look. Ryan: Annie -- Annie: I saw it on his face right before he pushed my father out that window. Ryan: Oh. [Richie spies on Ryan and Annie at the Yacht Club] [NEXT_ON] J.R. (to Greenlee): I know why you don't have a kid of your own, and it's not because of the blackout. Aidan: I got a hit. Ryan: About the boy who drowned? Aidan: Richie did it. Richie: You'll learn. I'm not very easy to get rid of when there's something I want. | Annie steps in front of Richie and the gun goes off and shoots Annie instead |
430 | Craig: Oh. Carly: Here we are. Craig: Uh-huh. You don't mind if I take off my shoes, do you? Craig: Take off anything you like. Carly: Nice try. Craig: Oh! Steady there, Sailor. You all right? Carly: Mm-hmm. Craig: What was that for? Carly: For dinner. For this trip. Mostly for Liberty's internship. She gets a dream summer, and we get some time for things to cool down. Craig: How about a nightcap? Carly: How did you know you were getting in here? Craig: Like I said, a man can dream. Carly: Ah, champagne. Craig: Ah. Well, aren't we celebrating something? To a nice, long, slow romantic New York evening. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: How is Louisville? I miss you, too. See you tomorrow. I love you. [Door closes] Lily: Hello? Is somebody there? [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: I found us a movie we'll both like. Noah: Not "Mamma Mia!" Again. Luke: Ha ha. It's the new "Batman." Noah: But you saw it. Luke: Yeah, but you didn't, and you said you wanted to. Noah: You are the best. Luke: I know. You keep that up, we might not be watching a movie tonight. Noah: Sounds good to me. [Doorbell rings] Luke: Oh. Noah: Don't get it. Please don't get it. Luke: No. My mom's out. She might have lost her keys. Noah: Well, it looks like we will be watching a movie after all. Zac: Z and Z are in the house! Zoe: Check it out, Z. Zac: Oh, Z, that's heartbreaking. Luke: What are you doing here? Zoe: It's party night, handsome. Luke: It's a weeknight. Zac: Every night's party night. Hey, Monster. You're safe now. Noah: Safe from what? Zac: Your own boring selves. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: What the hell are you doing? Damian: Who's that for? Lily: I thought you were an intruder. You are an intruder. Damian: I need to talk to you, Lily. Lily: What do you want? Damian: Could you put that thing down, please? I'd rather not get stabbed again. Lily: You still haven't answered by question. Damian: I need information about the foundation. Lily: For what? What possible reason? Damian: To find out who's targeting Luciano. The only way to prove that I'm not behind these attacks is to find out who is. Lily: What makes you think you can do a better job than the police? Damian: I have resources that aren't available to the police. Lily: Oh, right. Your, uh, criminal friends and family. Damian: It takes a thief to catch a thief. Lily: Sorry. You're not getting anything from me. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Refill, please. Craig: My pleasure. Carly: You know, it is so nice to be away from home -- all the fighting, the accusations. It's exhausting. Craig: Yeah. No tension allowed in here. Carly: Oh! Craig: There. Carly: Oh, amen. I'll drink to that. Craig: Did I ever tell you -- Carly: What? Craig: My favorite -- Carly: Oh. And what about Liberty? Craig: Well, we gave her until midnight at a glamorous New York party. I doubt she'll be a minute earlier. Carly: Okay. You want to put that aside? [Knock on door] Carly: Yeah. So much for that theory. Parker. What are you doing here? Parker: I guess I don't have to ask you that, do I? Carly: Parker, how did you get here? Parker: A plane and a cab. Carly: With whose money? Parker: Dad paid for it. Carly: Why? Parker: So I could figure out what's going on with my wife. Carly: She got the internship. She's so excited. Wait till you see her. Parker: She told me that they're not gonna let us live together. Craig: Well, that's because they want all the interns in the same housing. Parker: Well, we're married, so I came to straighten that out. Carly: Sweetheart, why didn't you tell me you were coming? Parker: Well, I called. So did Dad. You didn't answer. I left you text messages, too. Carly: I -- I didn't hear my phone. Parker: Yeah, and you must have been too busy to check it. Well, I was looking for her in her room, but she wasn't there, and I figured she might be here with you guys, but obviously she's not. Craig: Well, she should be back pretty soon. Carly: Yeah. Would you like something to eat, Sweetheart? Are you hungry? Parker: Where is she? I've sent her like a million text messages, and she hasn't responded, either. Craig: She went to a party with the interns. Parker: She went to a party? Carly: Wait till you see her. She is so happy. She is over the moon. This internship is such an amazing opportunity. Parker: Well, she's married now. She shouldn't be going to parties by herself. Craig: It's sponsored by the magazine, Parker. It's so she can get to know the people she's gonna be working with. Parker: I don't care. [Liberty laughs in hallway] Parker: That's her. Liberty: That was so amazing. Colin: That is what your whole summer's gonna be like. Liberty: I'm so excited. You have no idea. Parker: Liberty? Liberty: Parker. Hey, what are you doing here? Parker: Who's he? Liberty: Oh, this is Colin. He's gonna be my boss this summer. Colin, Parker. Colin: Hi. Parker: I'm her husband. Colin: You're married? Parker: You didn't tell him? Liberty: Is that cool with the internship? Colin: Yeah. I don't think there's a rule against it. Liberty: Oh, good. Good. Colin: Well, I should go. Liberty: Thank you so much for everything. Colin: I'll see you in June, Lady Liberty. Parker: You didn't tell him that we were married? Liberty: Parker, it didn't -- it didn't come up. Parker: Liberty, come on. Liberty: I was at a party with a bunch of interns and -- and fashion people, and -- and it was so amazing, Parker. It was in this really cool restaurant, and -- and there were models everywhere and like photographers, and there was this band playing, and then I saw Sarah Jessica Parker. I saw her just eating dinner like a normal person. Parker: You know I don't care about that. Carly: Hey, guys, why -- why don't you come in and -- and talk inside? Parker: You set us up, didn't you? You knew all along that they wouldn't let us live together. Carly: I had no idea. Parker: And then you let her go out with that guy. Liberty: I wasn't out with him, Parker. Carly: Please. Come inside. We'll talk in here. Parker: No. This is between me and Liberty. We don't need to talk to people that just want to break us up. [SCENE_BREAK] Zoe: "Batman"! Zac: Oh, you can't be serious. That's what you study in film school? Luke: What are you guys doing here? Zoe: We told you -- we're ready to party, and we figured we should include our new best friends. Noah: But we're not -- Luke: Really that into parties. Zac: Oh, Z, they're still ticked at us. Zoe: For the poster prank, right? Noah: Yeah. It sucked. Zac: We won't do it again. We promise. Noah: Well, that's good. Zoe: And we made it up to you, didn't we? Getting you dudes back together. Zac: It shows that we're not the axis of "Zee-vil." Zoe: "Axis of 'Zee-vil'." One for you, Z. Zac: So, all is forgiven? Zoe: Give them the present, Z. Zac: Oh, right. I forgot. Absinthe. The elixir of artists and madmen. Called the green fairy. Excuse the expression. 'Cause of its natural hallucinogenic properties. Zoe: Which we can attest to from personal experience. Luke: I already told you. I don't drink. Zac: Got it. But this is absinthe. Luke: Yes, but that doesn't matter. Zoe: You are so totally a Taurus. Zac: You drink, Monster, right? Noah: Not on weeknights. Zoe: Maybe we died and this is hell -- all these hot dudes who don't party. Zac: Well, we'll just have to drink for four. Mm. [Coughs] Noah: Okay. Why don't you guys, I don't know, take this party anywhere else? Zoe: We can't when you two so totally need lightening up. I'd love to see those dimples, handsome. Zac: I'd love to see a lot more than that. Noah: Okay. I told you. Zac: It's a joke. Oh, Z, I think it's time for plan Z. Zoe: I think you're right. Luke: What, you -- you want -- you want to play a game? Zac: It's not a game, Dude. Z can channel the spirit world. Zoe: Maybe the spirits will tell us who's messing with the foundation. Noah: You're kidding. Zoe: They're everywhere. Luke: You're serious? Zoe: Dead serious. Zac: One for you, Z. Zoe: I've done it before. But since this is your foundation, I'll need you to help connect. Maybe your dead ancestors will tell us what's really going on. [SCENE_BREAK] Damian: Whoever's behind this is very dangerous. Luciano was almost killed. I was stabbed. Lily: And that gives you the right to play detective? Damian: At least let me look around the office, see if I can find those backup disks. Lily: They're gone. Damian: Could someone have misplaced them? Lily: No. They were definitely stolen. Damian: All right, humor me. Where were they before? Lily: In there. Okay. Okay. You looked around. Now, Damian, you got to go. Damian: You know, I understand why your husband wants to believe I'm guilty. I just don't understand why you feel you have to agree with him. Lily: Maybe I actually do agree with him. Damian: That I would run our son down with a car? That I would ransack your home? That I would pay someone to stab me? Lily: You need to go. Damian: Lily. This is about our son. Lily: Then you should be talking to him, not me. Damian: He won't speak to me. You know that. Lily: Then you got a problem. Damian: Fine. There's no point going around in circles. I'll go, but you should look for those disks. Maybe you missed something. Lily: What is this? Damian. [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: Hmm. Noah: I said no thanks. Zac: One drink isn't gonna kill you. Zoe: Ready to take this sucker for a ride? Luke: Why not? Zoe: Spirits, it's me, Zoe. As you can see, I'm here with Luke Snyder. It's moving. H-e I-s g-a-y. [Laughter] Luke: The spirits don't lie, Z. Zoe: One for you, Luke. Now let's get serious. Spirits, we need to know who's messing with the foundation. Maybe I'm not the one they want to talk to. Luke: Well, who is? Zoe: Let's ask. Spirits, is there someone else you would rather speak to? L-G. Zac: There's no L.G. here. Zoe: Maybe we're working with spirits who don't know how to use a GPS. Luke: No. There -- there is an L.G. here. My birth name is Luciano Grimaldi. Zoe: Get out. That is such a sick name. Luciano Grimaldi! Why don't you use that? Luke: I don't know. It's -- it's not me. Zac: You'd rather be Luke Snyder? Luke: Yeah. Zoe: Whatever. The spirits are looking for you. Zac: Mm. Zoe: You okay, Z.? Zac: I think I'm gonna be sick. Zoe: Absinthe -- it happens every time. Luke: Then why does he drink it? Zoe: He's a romantic. Can I use your kitchen? Luke: Why? Zoe: I'll make this, uh, fresh-fruit thing that usually helps him. Do you have a blender? Luke: Yeah. It's, uh, it's on the counter. Zoe: Point the way. Be back in a flash. Noah: Okay. Can we get rid of them like now? Luke: I think that's kind of hard. At least they're entertaining. Noah: Well, a little bit goes a real long way. [Zoe screams] Noah: Today's session? [SCENE_BREAK] Damian: My goodness. You look splendid. Lisa: Thank you. Damian: What's your secret? How do you keep so young? Lisa: Oh. Oh. But that's easy. Clean living and a little boozing. Damian: Never mix, never worry. Lisa: Yes. And never mix with silver-tongued devils like you. Damian: It's good to see you. Lisa: Good to see you, too. I -- I really want to ask you why you're here, but I don't know if I want to hear the answer. Damian: It's no secret. I'm here because I'm trying to reconnect with my son. There's so much I have to make up for with him. Lisa: That is certainly true. Your behavior last time was terrible. Damian: Yes, and I regret it. But I'll do whatever it takes to make amends. There's nothing more important than family. Lisa: I know what you mean. You know what? The other day I was thinking of you, because I was looking through some boxes I had put away of Eduardo's, and I thought -- I have a lot of things in there. Maybe you'd like to go through it and, uh, take some things for yourself. Damian: That is very nice of you. Lisa: Well, he was your cousin, after all. And, uh, I've got a lot of things in there. I have pictures and letters and things, and some of them I don't even realize what they are, and I thought maybe they'd mean the world to you. Damian: Thank you. Lisa: Yes. So, whenever you want to look at them, let me know. Damian: Well, as it happens, I -- I have the evening free. I was gonna have a room-service dinner, but, uh, maybe I'll change my plans and invite you to one of your charming, excellent restaurants. Lisa: Oh, I would love that. What a sweet invitation. But I can't. I'm sorry. I do have dinner plans tonight. Damian: Of course you do. He's a lucky man. Lisa: Oh, how do you know it's a man? Damian: In Lisa, there's always a man. Lisa: Oh, now, if you're digging to find out some information about my love life, shame on you. Damian: I wouldn't dare. Lisa: Well, good, because I certainly wouldn't ask you about yours. Damian: Why, thank you for your discretion. Lisa: It's not discretion. I'm not asking because I know there's only one person for you, and that's Lily. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Hey, you okay? Luke: Yeah, I'm fine. What happened? Noah: I don't know. It's not a blackout. The streetlights are still on. Luke: I heard Zoe scream. Zoe? Zoe: I'm here. Luke: Are you okay? Zoe: Yeah. I just got scared. Luke: Well, a fuse must have blown or the circuit breaker or something. Zoe: I think it was me. I plugged in the blender, and there was this flash, and then everything went dark. I thought I got electrocuted and died. Luke: Well, I'll go check it out, okay? Zoe: Okay. Where's Z? Noah: Oh. You know, I don't think he ever came back from the bathroom. Zoe: He must be lost in the house somewhere. He must be freaking. Z! Z, can you hear me? Are you okay? Z? Noah: Zoe. Zoe, relax. Zoe: You don't understand. He's afraid of the dark. Z! Z! Noah: Okay. I'm gonna go try and find Zac. You guys try and get the lights back on. Zoe: Please find him. Noah: I will. Zoe: Let's light the rest of the candles. Maybe it'll help z find his way. Luke: Okay. Zoe: Cool. Luke: What? Zoe: The way it looks in here -- you can feel the ghosts circling. Luke: Let's try to get the lights back on. Zoe: Maybe this is a sign. Maybe all these dead Grimaldis are here and they blew out the lights so that they can talk to you. Luke: Wow. I don't want to talk to any Grimaldis. Zoe: Luciano! Luciano! Luke: Look, will you please stop calling me that? Zoe: Sorry. But don't you at least want to try? Luke: No. There's no use. I'm not on speaking terms with the Grimaldis, dead or otherwise. [Zac is in other room taking pictures of documents] [SCENE_BREAK] Damian: Lily. Are you allowed to be here? Lily: Don't. Recognize this? Damian: It's a Grimaldi ring. Lily: No kidding. Damian: Where did you find it? Lily: In the cabinet where the disks were kept. Guess it fell off when you were stealing them. Damian: I didn't steal them. Lily: This is your ring. Damian: Let me see. Lily: Don't tell me that's not yours. Damian: I'm not gonna tell you. I'm gonna show you. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Zac? You in here? Zac? Zac: Hey, Monster. Noah: What are you doing? Zac: Waiting for you. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Get in here. Parker, you are so far off the mark. Why would I deliberately try to break up your marriage? Parker: Oh, I can think of a couple reasons. Craig: That's out of line. Parker: Yeah, and so is trying to interfere with our lives. Craig: Parker, it makes sense that they would want to house the interns together. It's an unpaid position. They know that high school kids can't afford New York rent. Parker: Well, I can. Craig: We're talking about the interns here. But it's also about making them feel like a team so that they network and they help each other as they start their careers. Parker: I don't care about any of that. Craig: Well, maybe Liberty does. Liberty: Parker, please. Parker: So, you don't want to live with me? Liberty: I never said that. Parker: You think this guy Colin can do more for you? Carly: Parker! Parker: Why don't you go back to doing what you were doing and leave me alone? Carly: We are trying to help you. Parker: Right. Carly: We both want what's best for you. Parker: You're lying. Craig: Parker, don't talk to your mother like that. Parker: Well, maybe she should stop trying to act like my mom, because she really sucks at it. Carly: Parker. Parker: It's the truth. All you are is a gross, disgusting drunk. Craig: You're gonna apologize for that. Parker: Why should I? It's the truth. I could smell the alcohol the minute I walked into the room. It's just like back at home. Craig: Stop it right now, Parker. Parker: No. What needs to stop is you two trying to break up my marriage. Liberty: It's not just your marriage, Parker! Craig: Well, it looks like you're doing a fine job of bringing it up all by yourself. He had no right to say that to you. Carly: Maybe he did. Craig: No. Carly, he didn't. Carly: I, uh -- I can't leave things like this. Craig: He's acting like a child. Carly: He is a child. I'll -- I'll talk to him. Craig: No. No. That's about the last thing you should do right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Parker: Liberty! Liberty: Go away. Parker: Liberty, please open -- Liberty: Go away. Parker: Liberty, I have nowhere to go. Thanks. I didn't mean anything bad. I was just talking to them. Liberty: Talking about me like I wasn't even there. Parker: They ticked me off. Liberty: That's not the point, Parker. You made it sound like I was cheating on you, like I -- like I don't even care about you. Or -- or our -- or our marriage. Parker: Well, do you? Liberty: Of course I do. Parker: Then why did you go out with that guy? Liberty: I didn't go out with him, Parker. He was my boss. He was my chaperone. Parker: Well, he was acting like a little bit more than just a chaperone. Liberty: He was trying to make me feel comfortable, because he probably gets that working in New York is kind of scary. Parker: Then why are you doing it? Liberty: 'Cause if I don't take chances and -- and if I'm not brave and try to learn things, then that makes me kind of pathetic, Parker. And I want to be more. I want to be more than I am now. And that is why this job is so important to me. Parker: Is that more important than me? Liberty: No! Parker: Then don't go off to these parties just because your boss tells you to. Liberty: Why not? Parker: Because I'm your husband. Liberty: Well -- well, should my husband maybe want me to have a career? Parker: Well, this career thing came out of nowhere, Liberty. All of a sudden, you're making decisions left and right. Liberty: I was gonna tell you! Parker: When? When it was all settled? Liberty: What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do? Parker: Tell me the truth. Does this internship mean more to you than me? [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: What are you doing? Zac: Thinking about what you look like underneath all those preppy clothes. Noah: This is Luke's bedroom. Zac: So? Noah: So I want to know what you're doing in here. Zac: It's a room. With a bed. Noah: You just don't stop, do you? Zac: Not till I get what I want. Noah: What makes you think I would do that? Zac: You're here. Noah: Put your shirt on. Zac: Hmm. You don't like what you see? Noah: Just don't ever do this again. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Who else would have a Grimaldi ring? Damian: Only a Grimaldi. Lily: Then the ring is yours. Damian: Mine is in Malta, and this one belongs to someone a lot smaller and probably thinner than me. Lily: Are you saying there's another Grimaldi in Oakdale? Damian: There were Grimaldis who were unhappy that our money was given to an American who rejects the family name. Lily: So they just accidentally left the ring behind when they stole the disks? Damian: It may not have been accidental. Lily: Are you saying someone's trying to frame you? Damian: This could mean the attackers aren't local. Lily: Because you say so? Damian: Because it makes sense, Lily. Lily: To you. There's no proof. Damian: Not yet. We have to find it. Lily: "We"? Damian: We'll be more effective if we pool our resources. Lily. Lily: How do I know that you just didn't cook this up to get me to tell you what you want to know about the foundation? Damian: The ring doesn't fit. It's not mine. You have to believe me. Lily: Why? Damian: Because our son is in danger, and now we have our first clue about who wants to hurt him. [SCENE_BREAK] Parker: You didn't answer my question. Liberty: You know I love you. Parker: Then why do you want to spend your summer doing this internship thing instead of being with me? Liberty: Why do I have to choose? Parker: Because they won't let us be together. Liberty: Parker, you can come to New York and you can see me. Parker: When? When you're done with work? When you don't have a party to go to? Liberty: You can come to the parties with me. Parker: Oh, and that sounds like so much fun! Liberty: Why are you being like this? Parker: Because I love you and you don't love me. Liberty: What are you talking about? Parker: I'm talking about you, Liberty. You're different, everything's different, and you don't want to be married anymore, do you? [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Don't you think you've had enough? Carly: Oh, no. Now you're gonna tell me how much to drink? What's your name again -- Jack? Craig: Give me that. Carly: Come on, Craig. Fine. So now I'll order another bottle! Craig: No, you won't. You're gonna come with me. Carly: Let go! Craig: No. Carly: Let go of me! I'm not kidding! Stop it! Craig: As soon as I sober you up. [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: I'm glad it was just the circuit breaker. Zoe: I'm not. I like the candlelight. Luke: We weren't gonna contact any dead Grimaldis. Zoe: I'd still like to contact the living one that's right here. Luke: Zoe, haven't I made it clear that I am not into you? Zoe: Haven't I made it clear that I'm just joking? Luke: No, you haven't. Zoe: I'm not that hard to read. Luke: I think you are. I think you and your brother are a lot more complicated than you'd like people to believe. Zoe: Yeah, that's us -- international twins of mystery. Noah: So, was it the circuit breaker? Luke: Yeah. Noah: Okay. Well, I guess it's time for us to get back to that project you were working on. Zac: That means "Let's get weird of the weirdos." Zoe: That's cool. Let's go. Zac: Just so you know, your boyfriend is totally incorruptible. Zoe: Yours too. Ciao, Luciano. Arrivederci. [Laughing] Luke: Oh my -- Noah: Well, I'm glad you think it's funny. I don't. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Noah remembers part of the user name that the hackers were using to transfer the money to. Damian: Only part? Lily: Well, he -- he wrote it down. It was, uh, um, P-E-S-C, followed by the number one. And then there numbers after that, but he doesn't remember them. Damian: P-E-S-C. "Pesce." It means, uh, "Fish" in Italian. "Pescatore" means "Fishermen." Lily: So, what does that tell us? Damian: Something fishy is going on. [Laughing] Damian: It's good to see you laugh. Lily: I, um -- I really should get going. It's -- it's late. Damian: Let me see you home. Lily: No. That's -- that's really not necessary. Damian: I'd rather face Holden's rage than have something happen to you. Lily: Holden's not home. Luke is. [SCENE_BREAK] Liberty: I never said that I don't want to be married. Parker: Do you? Liberty: Of course I do. But, Parker, you need to chill out, because you're freaking me out. Parker: I know. I know. I am sorry. I'm being way too intense about this. It's just, Liberty, you're the only thing in my life that isn't totally messed up. Liberty: It's not true. Parker: Well, my mom -- she gets drunk every chance she gets. She's sleeping with a guy who everyone hates. My dad yells at me every time I see him. Liberty: You have a lot more going on that just that. Parker: Yeah, well, nothing matters, Liberty, except for you. And if I lost you -- Liberty: You won't lose me. You won't lose me. Parker: You promise? Liberty: You know, Parker, maybe you're right. Maybe this internship thing is a bad idea. Parker: Really? Liberty: Yeah. I'd really miss you too much. Parker: But -- but if this whole work thing is really important to you, then I don't want to -- Liberty: No. No. You know, I can get -- I can get another internship closer to home and we can live together. Parker: You'd do that for me? I love you so much. Liberty: Me too. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Feel better? Carly: Almost. Craig: Sorry to be so tough on you. Carly: No, you -- you were right. What Parker said to me -- I will never forget that as long as I live. Craig: Well, you're no teenager, so everything's high drama. Carly: He's right, though. Ever since Jack and Janet got married, I -- I've been drinking a lot. Craig: We are in the business. Carly: My son thinks I'm a drunk. I have to show him he's wrong. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Don't you think it's weird the way Zac and Zoe were hitting on us? It's like they decided beforehand who was gonna be into who. Luke: Maybe they drew straws. Noah: It's not funny. Luke: Noah, do you remember what you told me when they first started volunteering at the foundation? You said that they were harmless. Noah: Well, I was wrong. Luke: No, I don't think you were. I just think they're a couple of weird kids who got a lot of attention for being so weird. Now they just can't let it go. Noah: Yeah, that's what I thought before, but tonight went way past "Weird." Luke: Noah, I -- I really think you're taking this way too seriously. Noah: I think you sound like her. Luke: Well, maybe she has a point, Noah. What are you doing here? Lily: I found a Grimaldi ring in the cabinet where the disks were stolen. Luke: Oh, yeah? Did he take it? Damian: It's not mine. Lily: We think that there's another Grimaldi in town who's behind all the attacks. Luke: Another Grimaldi? Damian: And you thought I was trying to punish you for what you had done with the family money. You were wrong about me, but it's beginning to look like someone else in the family might be after you. Luke: Do you believe this? Lily: It makes sense. Luke: Not to me. Damian: You know what? I'll go. Thank you for trusting me. Lily: Thank you for getting me home safely. Damian: Noah, good seeing you. Luciano. Luke: You have got to be kidding me. Lily: All right. Look. Until tonight, I thought that Damian was mixed up in this, too, but the ring isn't his. Luke: Well, don't you think that maybe he could have planted it, just to throw us off his trail? Lily: Luke, I don't think that's what happened. Luke: Did he tell you which other Grimaldi this ring supposedly belongs to? Lily: He doesn't know. Luke: How convenient. Noah: Oh, why are you being so close-minded? Luke: Because I need proof. Lily: We all need proof, and we're gonna find it, Luke. Luke: Together? Lily: Yes. Noah: Okay, look, I do have to go. I got to study. Bye, Lily. Lily: Bye. Noah: Ciao, Luciano. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Well, whatever you want to do, I'll support you. Carly: I'm gonna stop drinking. Craig: Okay. We'll stop. Carly: You don't have to stop. Craig: Well, we're in this together. If you're done, I'm done. Carly: Thank you. Now, I -- I'm gonna talk to Parker. Craig: You know what? I think you probably should wait until morning. Carly: I just want to see if he's okay. Craig: You know what? I'll go check. Carly: You don't think he wants to talk to me, do you? Craig: I think we all need to cool down for a little while. Parker: Who is it? Craig: It's me. Parker: What do you want? Craig: Your mother was worried about you. Parker: I'm fine. Craig: How's Liberty? Parker: She's fine, too. Craig: Okay. I guess we'll see you in the morning. Parker: Oh. Oh, yeah. Your plan didn't work, by the way. Craig: What plan? Parker: Breaking us up, that internship thing. Craig: That was never the plan. Parker: Well, it doesn't matter, because she's turning it down. We're gonna be together, no matter what you guys think. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Hey, Damian. Can I talk to you? Damian: Sure. Noah: I just want to let you know that -- I believe you. Damian: Why, thank you. Noah: And I -- I want to do whatever I can to help you catch, you know, whoever is behind this. Damian: All right. Yeah. Lily told me you remembered part of the user name on the lost files. Noah: Right. Uh, P-E-S-C one. Damian: I told Lily P-E-S-C-E means "Fish" in Italian or the start for the word "Fisherman." Noah: No, I was thinking that it could be an "I," not a one. Damian: P-E-S-C-I, and that's "Pesci." Pisces. The zodiac sign. Noah: So it's still about fish. Damian: Maybe. Maybe something else entirely. Noah: Well, I -- I hope that helps in some way. Um, I'm gonna go. Good night. Damian: Noah. I'm an old-fashioned man, as you know and -- but I meant it when I said that I was happy Luke has you in his life. The more I see of you, the more grateful I am the two of you found each other. Noah: Well, we're -- we're very happy together. Damian: And thank you for believing me. Noah: Hey, now we just have to prove it to Luke. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Are you okay? Luke: Yeah. Noah and I were all set to have this really amazing night, and now here we are again on opposite sides. Lily: You don't have to be. Luke: Yeah, we do, if he keeps believing this garbage that Damian's spouting and I don't. Lily: People disagree, Sweetheart. It doesn't have to affect everything else between you and Noah. Luke: Or you and me. Lily: We are gonna find out the truth. And in the meantime, we're all on the same side. Luke: No, Mom. We're not. [SCENE_BREAK] Zac: Oh, hey, Monster. Last call. Noah: No, thanks. Zac: Hmm. Zoe: See something you like? Noah: Those are zodiac symbols, right? Zac: Oh, this? Yeah. Zoe: We're both Pisces. Sensitive, imaginative. Mysterious. Zac: So, what about you? What's your sign? Zoe: Original line, Z. Zac: Uh, he asked me first. Noah: You know the, uh, user name that I couldn't remember? Damian said that it might mean "Pisces" in Italian. Zoe: Busted, Z. Zac: We admit it. We were totally trying to wreck your foundation. Noah: I'm just asking. Zac: You caught us. Cuff us and -- and take us in. Noah: All right. Forget it. Zoe: There are a lot of Pisces in the world. Noah: I know, Zoe. Zac: So get over yourself. You don't even know what you don't know. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: How is he? Craig: Oh, he said he's fine. Carly: Did -- did he say anything else? Craig: Nothing that can't wait until morning. Carly: He hates me. Craig: No. He doesn't. You know what? 'Re all tired. We'll look at this fresh in the morning. Carly: Yeah, I could use some sleep. Craig: Yeah. Me too. Carly: Um, don't you have your own room? Craig: You know what? I'd just like to hold you for a while, if that's all right. Everything's gonna be okay. Carly: I know it is. [NEXT_ON] Bob: I have a new volunteer for the senior transportation project. Lucy: Well, you're in this with me up to your neck now. I just hope you're happy. Meg: I don't want your protection, Dusty. Why can't you leave me alone? Paul: Did you hear that? She doesn't want your help. Not this time, Dusty. | Lily seems to be wondering if he might be true |
431 | Cane: I won't be blackmailed by you, okay? Jesse: Then we'll call it a payment for services continuing to be rendered. Cane: And how much do you want for these services? Jesse: I believe my continued silence is worth at least, uh, 25 grand. Charlie: Do you have any idea how much hair your leave in the drain? Mattie: Do you have any idea how many hair products you leave on the sink? I swear, if you get sunscreen on my dress... Cane: Hey! Um, are you, uh -- are you excited, you know, to intern? First day at h-dub! Mattie: H-dub? Cane: H-dub, you know, hamilton-winters group. You know, it's, uh... you know, it's cool that your grandfather and your uncle are letting you help out in the office, right? You know, you got home late last night. It's summer, sweetheart. You don't have to spend all your time in the library studying, okay? Charlie: Mattie wasn't studying this time. At least not books, anyway. Cane: Yeah? So, what were you doing? Mattie: I went to the movies. Cane: That's cool. Who'd you go with? Anyone I know? Billy: Hey. Reed. Reed: Hey, man. What's up? Billy: Hey, how's your mother feeling? Did she, uh, tell you anything about what the doctor said? Reed: What are you talking about? What doctor? What happened? Billy: She's fine. I think she ended up with a mild concussion when she fell a few days ago. Reed: At the party? Billy: Yeah, so she needs to take it easy, all right? You know, avoid stress. Reed: Yeah, right. Have you met my mother? Billy: [ Laughs ] Jordan: Third text from victoria this morning. Lily: She probably wants to know how our shoot went. Hi. Um, can I get a bloody mary, please? Thank you. Jordan: Wow. Okay. You're a morning drinker now? Lily: [ Scoffs ] No. I'm just trying not to freak out waiting to hear from my agent about how my commercial audition went. Jordan: You don't need to freak out. What you put on tape was perfect. I'd cast you for it. Lily: Yeah, except you're not casting it. Jordan: Well, if I were, then at least I could help you out. You have a -- you have a lot on your plate right now. Lily: Yeah. I don't know, I just feel like it's on me to fix everything, you know? My kids are confused and angry. I'm confused and angry. Cane's having a hard time finding another job. I just feel like I'm running on empty, you know? I don't know if I'M...strong enough to handle all this. Neil: Man! Look at that! How sharp is that? That's amazing. Devon: The logo heard around the world! Eventually. Neil: I love it. And I kind of like having base here at the club, you know? Perfect for meetings. Devon: Yeah, man. And in between those meetings, there's plenty to do to blow off steam. Neil: Whoa, and a basketball court where I can school you one-on-one. Devon: Been a while since we did that. Neil: Yeah. Yeah, it's been a long minute. Devon: But in this office right here, this is where all the hard work's gonna take place, man. It's you and me. This is ours. The day that we put the family company on the map. Right? Neil: Yeah. Sharon: Good morning! Nick: Morning! Sharon: So, black coffee and a bagel, coming up! Nick: For who? Me? Nope. I'm gonna have a triple iced espresso and something with a lot of chocolate. You heard me. I'm mixing it up. Sharon: Just for today? Nick: No, for good. Sharon: Hmm. Sorry, no. I've known you too long. Nick: Why, because I've been in a lifelong rut? All right, maybe. But I am busting out. I'm breaking free. Sharon: We're not talking about coffee and carbs anymore, are we? Nick: Check out the new nick newman -- bolder, braver, more ambitious. I'm going big or going home. Additional sponsorship Sharon: So... out of the rut and onto new things. What's your plan to "go big?" Nick: You ready for this? Plastics. Just kidding. Your son has decided to become a business mogul, and I have decided to go along for the ride. Sharon: Oh, did you now? So, what is the project? Nick: Noah wants to open up a chain of undergrounds in college towns. I think it's a pretty good idea, so we are gonna move forward. Sharon: And this was noah's idea, huh? That's good for him. Did you tell him what happened when we tried to do that with the coffeehouse? Nick: Yep, I told him about all the risks, but he is very confident we can turn this into a major success. You know, he's young and energetic and driven, and I'm very responsible and reasonable and supportive. Sharon: Uh-huh. Nick: It's really a perfect combo. Sharon: Yeah. Nick: What's that face? You don't think I can be those things? Sharon: No, I -- I think that you're wonderful at both of those. I just...kind of wonder how much all of this has to do with your altercation with victor the other night at the event. I saw the video, nick. And I'm really sorry. It was awful. It was worse than you described. Nick: The truth? Yes, what went down did affect my decision, but in a good way because it's forcing me to move forward with something like this. And I'm gonna be the kind of dad to noah that...you know, that I never had. But we're gonna work hard together, you know, I'm gonna let him be himself. It's just gonna be good decisions and, uh, common sense. Sharon: Does that, uh, common sense extend to the women in his life? Nick: [ Chuckles ] Well, not historically, no. But do you have a problem with tessa? Sharon: Well, I did. I mean, she was so wrapped up in nikki to the point that she was living at the house. I had to question her motives. Nick: Well, a lot of that was on my mom. Sharon: That's true, and tessa does seem down to earth. She probably comes from a rough background, she's trying to better herself... and she has been a good friend to mariah. Nick: So you're okay with her hanging out with your daughter, but not so much with your son? Sharon: No, I'm okay with both. I mean, noah and tessa, they really care about each other, and they're getting pretty serious. They're going to a music festival together in california. Nick: Yeah, but he is a newman, so I hear what you're saying. And in this family, trouble can sneak up on you in all sorts of pretty packages. Tessa: No one should make you feel like you're their second choice, because you are incredible. Completely incredible. Mariah: You mean that? Tessa: Yeah. Yeah, I do. Hey! Is the coast clear? Mariah: What are you doing? Tessa: Just making sure she-devil boss-lady isn't around. Mariah: No, we're safe. It's a hilary-free zone. Tessa: So, I can talk smack about hilary really loudly if i want to? Mariah: Agh! Maybe not. Maybe we should talk about something else, like the music festival. I see that you're packing light. Tessa: Oh, well, I thought i might get inspired and write some new songs. Mariah: Okay, well, after you could do that, we can check out your stage position for next year. You know, once devon makes you a huge superstar and they invite you play the festival. Tessa: Wow, those are some huge plans you got for me. Mariah: Devon knows talent when he sees it. What do you say? I am ready to blow this popsicle stand and, uh, get out of here. Let's go. Tessa: Uh, wait. Uh, before we go, there's something I need to confess. Billy: Yeah, your mother's not the best at de-stressing, is she? Reed: Yeah. Um, you know, I could always sabotage the wi-fi at the house, get her off her tablet for an hour or so. Billy: That's a thought, yeah, but her head might explode, so let's just leave the wi-fi the way it is out of concern for your mother. Reed: You still care about her. Billy: Of course I do. We're always gonna be a crazy little family, you know? You, johnny, katie, your mother. No matter what. Reed: Cool. Billy: There's lily. And jordan. I wonder how the photo shoot went this morning. Hey, speaking of lily, are you still, uh, getting close with her daughter mattie? Reed: I don't know about getting "close." Billy: Okay, well, why don't you help me out with the lingo, 'cause I'm not up to date. Are you two dating? Are you hanging out? What is it? Reed: Oh, there's not really any titles or anything. Um, I don't really know what's going on. Plus, mom fired her dad, which doesn't make things easier. [ Sighs ] Mattie: The movie was a last-minute idea. Just a friend and I, hanging out. No big. Cane: That's cool. Yeah. Charlie: Hey, uh, dad, do you know where mom is? Cane: Uh, mom's at work, so dad's on duty, and anything you need, I got it, including six new brands of cereal, huh? Charlie: It's fine. I'll just talk to her later. Cane: [ Sighs ] Hey. Hey. Hey, hey, hey. You guys need a lift somewhere? Mattie: We're good. Cane: Just -- just -- just stop, guys. Listen. Seriously. All right? I'm proud of you, all right? You know, you've taken this initiative, you have these great summer jobs. 'Cause when I was your age, basically, I just spent my entire summers laying on the beach, you know? Charlie: Well, you could do that now if you wanted. [ Door opens ] Cane: [ Sighs ] Oh, wow. So, basically, you guys can't get away from me fast enough, huh? Mattie: I just can't pretend that this is all normal. And as time goes on and that woman's baby... it'll get even less normal. Cane: All right, sweetheart. Listen, okay? All I want right now is to try and get our family back on track. That's all I care about. Mattie: So, how's the job search? Cane: I almost landed a really good one. I lost it, though, at the last second. Mattie: What happened? Cane: Victoria newman killed my chance. Devon: Check this out, man! Neil: What? Devon: Look what somebody got us! Neil: Wow! Look at that fruit basket! Devon: We could eat for a week with this, man. Neil: Who sent that? Is there a card with it? Devon: I think so. Here. Neil: Let me see. Devon: It's beautiful. Neil: Oh. Devon: Huh? Neil: "Congratulations on your new offices. I'm only an elevator away if you need me. Dina." Devon: It's very nice of her. I was expecting to get memos on how to run mergeron from her. She's been a lot more restrained than expected. Neil: Yeah, well, she's not the only one still living in this building -- a bit less familiar with the idea of restraint. Devon: Yeah, I'm aware that my ex-wife still has her suite here. Neil: You know, it might be the perfect time to slip her the number of a good real estate agent, man. Devon: Maybe she's addicted to the room service. I don't care, though. I'm not gonna get involved in her personal life decisions. Neil: Yeah, I saw you two spend a fair amount of time at the concert together. Devon: My girlfriend works with her. I think it's better for mariah if we keep things civil. Neil: Now, it's one thing if you're making nice for your girlfriend's sake. It's another thing if you have leftover feelings for hilary. Devon: Well, that's not the case. I even told mariah, there's nothing there. Period. Neil: So mariah noticed it, too. Listen to me. If you don't think that's a problem, you, sir, have an even bigger problem. Mariah: You know, whatever it is, you don't have to tell me. Tessa: No, I -- I need to. You're the only person I can imagine telling this to. I've never been on a plane before. Mariah: [ Laughs ] Tessa: Wow, okay, thanks for making me feel better. Mariah: No! Oh, god! No! That's not -- that's not what i meant by that. I... okay, look, you're not just going on a plane. You're flying on a private jet. It's safe, it's comfortable. You don't have to walk over anyone's lap to get to the bathroom. Devon's pilot is absolutely incredible. Safety is always first. The view from up there is absolutely surreal. And I'm gonna be right there. And noah, not to mention him, he'll probably be holding your hand the entire time. Tessa: Yeah. Okay. True. Mariah: Yeah. Tessa: I feel a lot less weirded out now. Mariah: Good. Tessa: It's cool, right? The four of us on a private plane. How crazy is that? [ Laughs ] Mariah: I know. I know. Tessa: You, know, sometimes i look around, and I just don't think any of this is real. Good friends, a music deal, hot boyfriend. [ Chuckles ] This can't be my life. Mariah: Except it is. Tessa: Yeah, and now the rebel girls are going to the vip lounge with decent guys. Mariah: You know, I really hate to say it, but I feel like we're going mainstream. Tessa: Oh, no, no, no. No, see, you are a wild child at heart, I can tell. Mariah: So are you. I think that's what I like so much about you. And I think that's what noah loves so much about you. You know what, I'm -- I'm sick of this place. I want to get out of here. I want to get this trip started. So get your stuff. Let's go. Tessa: Okay. [ Laughs ] Mariah: Get in the plane with snacks and stuff. Noah: We got a delivery coming tomorrow, so just make sure the supplies match the invoice. Check every box. Thanks. Nick: What's up? Noah: Hey! Nick: I just told your mom the news. Noah: Oh, boy. Was she excited or nervous? Nick: You know, it was like 50/50. Noah: Uh-huh, well, wait till we get started. Hey, I've been doing some research. Check this out. College towns that are in need of a decent music venue that also have commercial real estate that matches our brand. Nick: "Our brand." [ Laughs ] I love it. I told your mom, we're going big or we're going home. Noah: You know, you were just talking, uh, one location at a time before. Now you're all-in. Nick: Man, I have a huge trust, and it is just screaming "take me out to play!" So I'm meeting with my financial advisor to start the liberation proceedings. Noah: I have a trust, too... Nick: No. Dude, you're not touching that. All right? You are the brains of this operation. I'm the wallet. That's the division of labor. So you go do your job. Go to that musical festival, you know? Find us some new acts. Get some business cards. Have some fun with tessa. Noah: Uh, I don't think i told you that tessa was coming. Oh. So mom did, right? She still worried about my, uh, my taste in girlfriends? Nick: Your mom likes tessa, and she really wants you to have someone to care about. I think she just wants to make sure it's the right someone. Noah: Well, trust me. We're on the same page. I'm -- I'm not rushing into anything. Nick: Good. Good, 'cause I think your mom is willing to give tessa the benefit of the doubt. Noah: What about you? Are you will to give tessa a chance? Mattie: How did victoria kill your chance at that job? Cane: Well, basically, she went straight to jack abbott who wanted me back at jabot, but the offer never came 'cause victoria went there and basically just blackballed me. Mattie: But she's always respected you. She depended on you. Cane: Okay, but listen, sweetheart, when push comes to shove, she's a newman. The only thing they respect is other newmans, and everyone else is gonna come second, okay? You know who her father is, right? Victor? Well, basically, you know what they say? He's ruthless, has no scruples. Well, his daughter is the same person. [ Doorbell rings ] Mattie: I'll get it. Can I help you? Sharon: [ Sighs ] Sex rings. Human trafficking. It's all out there, and i never knew. Not until this girl called on the hotline, this terrified girl, crystal. Paul: And we're not sure if she's one victim or one of many. Sharon: She's being exploited. Someone is hurting her or threatening her, forcing her into the sex trade. We have got to find her. Paul: Right. We are trying, sharon. I give you my word. The department is pursuing every angle we can. There's just not a lot to work with. Sharon: I'm due for my shift at the hotline. Maybe crystal will call back. If she's able. Paul: Well, I've given the, uh, shift managers the heads up in case she does call back. Sharon: Good. Okay, thank you. Paul: Okay, I want to prep you if she does call back. What we need most is a lead on her location. Jordan: Hey. Lily: Hey. Sorry about that. I'm better now. Jordan: You got the world on your shoulders. Sometimes, you need to share the load. Lily: I know. Right now, I'm just praying i get that commercial. You know, to bring in some extra money, maybe better opportunities. This time of year, all I can think about is our bank accounts. Because t-day is coming up, and that's what cane and I call it when tuition's due at walnut grove. Jordan: Twins in private school. [ Exhales sharply ] I'm sure that is a hefty bill. Lily: It is, but, you know, their education is an investment to me. Jordan: Yeah. Lily: I mean, we have this year's tuition set aside, but what about next year? And then after that, there's college. Hey! Oh, here comes the future college freshman now. Charlie: Hey, mom! What are you doing here? Lily: HI! We had a, uh, sunrise shoot and decided to get some breakfast. This is jordan, brash & sassy!'S official photographer. Charlie: It's nice to meet you. Jordan: Nice to meet you, too, sir. Heard a lot about you, all good. Charlie: Oh! Hey! That billboard you shot of my mom was awesome. All your stuff is. Jordan: Thanks. Lily: Yeah, charlie's taking photography as an elective in the fall. Jordan: Is that right? Charlie: Yeah. Jordan: Well, if you ever want some pointers, I'm open. Charlie: That'd be awesome! Thanks! Jordan: Yeah. Charlie: Oh, mom, I got my supply list for football. I need new cleats, pads -- all of it. Lily: Yeah, that's your dad's department. I'm more of the clothes. [ Laughs ] Charlie: Yeah, I just thought that you might be able to help me with it this time. Lily: Yeah, you know what? That's -- you're right. That way, we can get some one-on-one time, since when the season starts, I won't really see you. Charlie: Mm-hmm. [ Whistle blows ] Hey, that's for me. I got to guard some lives. Lily: Okay. Have fun. Jordan: Nice to meet you. You did great right there. Totally together. And he's a chill kid. Lily: Thank you. Well, I've got two chill kids. Well, mattie's not that chill. But she's strong. And smart. I just don't want either of them dragged any deeper into this mess. Jesse: Oh, I just came to see your dad. There he is! The man himself. Good to see you, buddy. Cane: Hey, jesse. How you doing, mate? Hey, sweetheart, have a lovely day at work, all right? I love you. Mattie: Love you, too. Cane: Okay. Mattie: Bye, dad. Cane: Bye, baby. You got a lot of nerve coming here. Jesse: Well, I told you I'd come for my money in person. I'm saving you a trip. You're welcome. Cane: Well, you wasted your time, 'cause I changed my mind 'cause I've already given you all the money you're gonna get. So why don't you go back to L.A.? Jesse: I'm not sure you understand how blackmail works. Cane: Oh, yeah, I do. I do. 'Cause it's my word against yours, and you have no evidence. So why don't you just go for it? Jesse: Oh, dude. Seriously? Cane: Yeah. Jesse: Like I wouldn't have kept the original footage from all that hockey talk in L.A.? The footage you told me to edit out and delete? Cane: [ Sighs ] Jesse: Oh... look at this. Okay? So now that that's established, where's my money? Cane: I already told you. I don't have it. I'm gonna need a couple of days to put it together. Jesse: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. Uh-huh. You know, look, I thought we finished our business in L.A., But a guy's got to work. And, see, because of that video, "the hilary hour" wouldn't give me a job. Cane: All right, look, the only person it was meant to take down was billy abbott and you know this. Jesse: Well, you know what they say -- man plans, god laughs. So just give me that 25k and we're good. Cane: I don't have the money. I -- I just need some days to put it together, okay? Jesse: You know, I figured you might say that, so... here's my account info. Now, I fly out tonight. As long as the money gets transferred, that is. If it doesn't, well... you don't want to make things worse for that cute kid and your wife. "The young and the restless" will continue. Nick: Yeah, I like this one. It already has a kitchen, so we don't have to build one. Noah: Oh, good. You trust my judgment in real estate, just not women. Nick: Dude, come on. Look, we've already talked about this. You've had some, shall we say, rough experiences with women. Put the knife down. We have, dude, and... I don't know, you have the last name newman, so it's like a built-in hurdle. Noah: All right. Yes, my relationships have failed, but that's not because the women were gold diggers, and neither is tessa. Nick: I didn't say she was. All right? But she is dating you. She is teaching your cousin to play guitar. She is living with your grandmother. That's a lot of newman family involvement. Noah: First of all, she's getting her own place so she can focus on music, all right? She has a streaming deal, which she got on her own. And she's never asked me for a dime. Nick: I'm glad to hear it, okay? And I never said that I didn't like this girl, because I do. But sometimes when you're in a relationship, it's hard to see the bigger picture. Noah: Oh! So that's why you're here, to show me the bigger picture. Look, how are we supposed to have a partnership if you don't even trust my decisions on the women that I date? Mariah: Hi. Tessa: Hi. Noah: Hey. Reed: What the hell, man? Charlie: Did I tell you to leave my sister alone? I did. Did you listen? Reed: No. Why would I? She doesn't listen to you, neither do I. Charlie: Listen, you don't know jack, man. Mattie and I are twins. We're tight. That's the way it is. Reed: But she doesn't boss you around. Maybe you could pay her the same respect. It's not that complicated, even for you. Charlie: You don't get it. Mattie's never kissed anyone before, so last night was a big deal for her, even if you don't give a damn. All right, look, you're getting inside her head. You're making her do things she doesn't normally do. Meanwhile, our whole family's falling apart because of your mom! Okay? So if you care about mattie, you'll leave her alone. For good. Devon: Mariah is not worried about hilary. And this getaway that we're taking should make my feelings for her even clearer. Neil: Well, that is a massive music festival. I don't think it's so conducive to spending a lot of alone time. Devon: Well, I think we'll manage. Neil: Hey, you know what you could do? Devon: Hmm? Neil: You can actually look for some acts to sign. How about that? Devon: Yeah, well, I'll also be able to introduce tessa to some musicians and sponsors. Not that that was the original plan, but her and noah are gonna be coming with us. Neil: Yeah. Devon: Hey. Mattie: Hi! Am I late? Or early? Is now okay? Neil: Mattie. Come on in. Devon: Hamilton-winters' newest intern. Mattie: Wow. It looks great. Neil: Yeah? Glad you approve. Mattie: I totally do. But forget I said anything, okay? I'm not family right now. I'm an intern. I expect a ton of grunt work and filing and answering phones and anything else that needs doing. No special treatment. Neil: None given. Devon: Neil's gonna be giving the orders today 'cause I'm heading out of town, but, uh, is it okay if I break intern protocol to give a good family goodbye to you? Mattie: That's acceptable. Devon: Okay. Good. Mattie: Have fun, uncle devon. Devon: Thank you. You gonna be good? Neil: Oh, man, I'm scared. Totally. No, come on. I'll muddle through this. Get out of here. Devon: All right. See you guys. Mattie: This is so exciting. So, what's first? Neil: Um.... we could get you to maybe input some data into a spreadsheet. How about that? Mattie: Really? Neil: Yeah. It might be a little boring for you, but... Mattie: No, no, no, no, no! That's great! Do you have a template I should use? Or I could design one. Do you want it to be password-protected? Should it be writable so other people can input? Maybe a graph to go with it. Neil: [ Chuckles ] Billy: Hey. Lily: Hey. Jordan: What's up? Billy: You two -- killing it this morning. I mean, those test shots you sent me were amazing. The league is gonna love them. Lily: Thanks. I hope so. We need them to love them. Billy: That's true. Jordan: Speaking of the hockey folks, guess who I saw yesterday? Jesse, the camera guy who shot all the behind-the-scenes footage in L.A. Billy: Oh, you mean the guy who nearly blew up our tie-in deal with the league and ruined my life? Yeah, I vaguely remember him. Lily: Wait, what's he doing in genoa city? Jordan: He's looking for a job with "the hilary hour." Billy: [ Scoffs ] Lily: Of course she would hire him. Jordan: Wrong. She shut him down and tossed him out. Lily: What? You're kidding me. Jordan: Brash & sassy! Took a beating from that footage, but so did hilary. Lily: God, everything started out so well in L.A. It was sunny and gorgeous and exciting, and then it turned into a dumpster fire. Jordan: Very true. Billy: Yeah, I lit the match by being an idiot, but jesse and his video camera sent the whole thing up in flames, for sure. Nick: Noah was telling me about your trip. Mariah: It's gonna be great. My first huge festival with three music professionals. Tessa: Well, I wouldn't consider myself a pro just because I played for change in the park, but... Noah: You have a streaming deal. That's, like, literally as professional as it gets. [ Laughter ] Nick: Oh, there's my meeting. Excuse me. Dean! Good to see you, man. Dean: Hi, nick. How you doing? Nick: Good. Let's have a seat. Dean: I must say, I was surprised to hear from you. Nick: Yeah, uh, you know, i haven't had to take a withdrawal in a while, but I need some liquid cash to put in some bids on some commercial properties. How long would that take? Dean: A few days to move some things around. Nick: Yeah, I wasn't planning on touching the principle, but my brilliant son over there has come up with a business idea, and I like it, so I want to put my cash to good use and go into business with him. Dean: Okay. Mattie: Grandpa? Neil: Yeah? What's up, sweetheart? I mean, ms. Ashby. Do you need, um, maybe tech support, or...? Mattie: No, I, uh, actually finished the spreadsheet. What's next? Neil: What's next? That was -- that was really quick. Mattie: It was quite easy, really. Neil: Oh. Okay. What's next? Um.... you want to read up on our holdings, maybe? Mattie: I did that right after you offered me the internship, but if you have any new acquisitions...? Neil: Since last night, you read it? All right. Ms. Ashby, how about that coffee you mentioned? Mattie: Latte? Espresso? Cappuccino? Single or double shot? Hot or iced? Neil: None. Nothing. No. That's okay. I'm really -- I'm not thirsty anymore. Thank you. [ Cellphone vibrates ] Mattie: Excuse me. Uh, how about I take a quick break while you find a hard job for me? I can take it, grandpa. Neil: I don't doubt that for a second. [ Chuckles ] Charlie: That's how much you care about my sister? You're playing on your phone while I talk to you about her? Reed: Can I talk now? If mattie wants to see me, i want to see her. If she wants to go out with me, I want to go out with her. What you want -- it doesn't matter to me. [ Whistle blows ] Why don't you go do your job, lifeguard? Charlie: We aren't done here. Reed: Yeah, we are. Mattie: Hey. Reed: Hey! How'd you get here so fast? Mattie: My internship at hamilton-winters. I work downstairs. Reed: Well, your brother still works up here, and he's still telling me to stay away from you. Mattie: Charlie can't back down. He's always been like that. Reed: Yeah, and it bugs the hell out of me. Mattie: I'll explain to him again that I can look out for myself. [ Chuckles ] Reed: He's right, though, about the family stuff and my mom firing your dad... Mattie: And now she's keeping him from getting another job. Did charlie mention that? Lily: Hey. Cane: Hey. Hey. How was your -- how was your photo shoot? Lily: It was good. Jordan got everything he needed. Oh, I saw charlie at the club. Cane: Yeah, um, I tried to talk to him before he left, but he keeps shutting me down. I understand why, uh -- why he's doing it, but it still kills me. Hey, at least mattie's talking to me now. Lily: Yeah, well, I mean, if mattie's coming around, charlie will, too. That's just how they work. Cane: I want you to know I'm gonna keep trying, okay? With them and with you, and I'm not gonna crowd you. I'm here for you, though, if you need me, okay? Lily: Um, did barry call about my audition? Cane: Uh, no, but hey, that doesn't mean it's bad news, you know, 'cause these things take time, right? Lily: Yeah, well, they didn't fall in love with my audition that they had to call me right away, either. It's just a national commercial would give us the money we need. I really wish we were smarter with our savings account. Jesse: Come on, you shady piece of... Billy: Jesse. My man. I heard you were in town. You want to follow me around with that little camera of yours, huh? Might take an aspirin later. You can imply that I'm on drugs. Does that work for you? Jordan: Hey, no offense, dude. I wasn't out to trash your life, okay? I was just doing the job I was paid to do. Billy: I find that hard to believe. Sharon: Can you even call it prostitution? I mean, it's rape. It's abuse. Paul: Well, you know what, sharon, it's all those things. I mean, the people that use these women to generate cash, the men who go to them for sex, I mean, they're all criminals. They're all culpable. Sharon: And these poor women, they feel it's hopeless, that they're forgotten. There's no one they can turn to. Paul: The lowlifes that are in charge know exactly what they're doing. They prey on the most vulnerable among us. They use their weaknesses, they get them hooked on drugs... they make sure these women are alone in the world with no way out. Sharon: And this isn't someplace far away. This could be happening in our own backyard. Tessa: Well, this is probably just all normal for you, huh? Noah: Hmm? Tessa: Private jets, fancy food... Noah: Oh, yeah, it's not my first time, no, but experiencing it with you makes it way better. Tessa: Mm. I have to kiss you now. Noah: That's what I was hoping for. Devon: All right, save it for the city of free love, guys. You ready to rock and roll? Mariah: Yes! We are so ready! Noah: Let's do this! Tessa: Come on! Devon: Let's do it! Mariah: Okay. Ooh! Come on. Devon: Okay. [ Laughs ] Reed: Are you sure my mom blocked your dad from getting a job? I mean, maybe there's a misunderstanding. Mattie: Jabot was about to hire him, and your mom got in the way. He says she's making it so that he can never get another job. Ever. Reed: [ Sighs ] I just can't believe she would do that, get all worked up and cause trouble. Mattie: Are you saying my dad made it up, or that I did? Reed: No! No. Not at all. That's not what I mean, mattie. I believe you. I just can't believe my mom would go to that extreme. [ Sighs ] Why can't our parents' troubles just go away? Mattie: That's not happening anytime soon. Reed: We can pretend it is. Come to the underground tonight. I'm playing. Mattie: I just started my new internship. I have to wake up early. And my mom needs me. Reed: Come on. It's just one night. It'll be really fun. Mattie: I have to get back to work. Sorry. Cane: I don't want you making yourself crazy about money, okay? All right? We have a cushion, all right? And we're gonna find work. We're gonna get through this. Lily: No, I know we will, but the kids are upset. This isn't how things are supposed to be. Cane: I hate that I've done this to you, and every time i look at you and every time i look at them... I -- I just want to tell you it's gonna be okay. Come here. Come here. Come here. I'm gonna fix this. I'm gonna fix it, baby. I'm gonna fix everything. [ Sighs ] Come here. Billy: See, I'm curious. Your job was to get behind-the-scene footage of the dare commercial, right? Yet your camera was trained on me an awful lot, and especially at a very inappropriate time. Now, I grant you, I'm easy on the eyes. But lily is so much hotter. So why is that? What's that all about, jesse, boy? Jesse: I had to shoot something. Billy: No, I don't believe that. Jesse: Okay, then. Billy: "Okay, then," what? Jesse: What do you want to know? And how much is it worth to you? [NEXT_ON] I think they followed me. Sharon: Who followed you? Crystal? Hilary: I got it! Jordan: The one that lily auditioned for? Hilary: Yeah. The very same. Lily: I'm gonna actually e-mail him now before I forget. Cane: Don't touch that! | Jordan told Lily and Billy that Jesse was in town. |
432 | Sonny: Two visits in one night. This is either something really good or really bad. Paul: Maybe a little of both. Sonny, it wasn't you. You didn't kill deimos, and I know that for sure now. Paul: My god, that's-- that's amazing. But if I didn't kill deimos, then who did? Paul: Well, that's, uh, that's the bad news. [Music broods] Victor: What gives you the right to throw accusations at me? Brady: How about the truth? I know about deimos. I know what you did, granddad. Victor: Just-- keep your voice down. Brady: I don't need to keep my voice down. I don't give a damn who hears me, okay? I can't believe that you had deimos killed, and now you let sonny take the fall for it. What is wrong with you? [Cymbal shimmers] [Ominous music] [Cell phone trills] [Cell phone beeps] Joey: Hey, jade. Thanks for calling me back. I'm fine--no--listen. I don't have time to chat and catch up on your life. I'm going to ask you a question, and I need you to be honest with me. Does tripp think my mother killed ava? Tripp: Start... talking... now. [Dramatic music] Steve: Whoa. Tripp: Take another step, and she's a dead woman. Steve: Okay. All right, I'm-- I'm staying right here. Tripp: Keep your hands up where I can see them. Steve: Okay. You don't have to worry. I don't want to hurt you, son. Tripp: Don't call me that. Steve: Whatever you want. All right? Let's just take a breath now, and you let kayla go. Tripp: No. Not until she confesses to killing my mother. Chad: I need you to come back to me, abby. [Tender music] Abigail: [Exhales] [Music swells] Chad: Hey. Abigail: [Weakly] Hi. Chad: There she is. Abigail: Where am I? Chad: Hey, um... uh, there was an accident. Abigail: What happened? Chad: Uh, well... you said that you were tired of me always having to save you. Well, this time you saved me. Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives." [Soft orchestration] [Tender music] Jj: There's no change in abigail's condition? Jennifer: No. Chad's in there with her right now. He's barely left her side since the accident. [Cell phone trills] That's julie. I--I need to talk to her, okay? [Cell phone trilling] Jj: Gabi. Gabi: Hey. How's abigail doing? Jj: Um, well, she still hasn't woken up. Gabi: I'm sorry. Jj: Well, if you're-- if you're looking for chad, he's--he's with her right now. Gabi: I know. [Monitor beeping steadily] Chad: The car was coming right at me, and you just-- you just jumped in and pushed me out of the way. What, do you think you're supergirl or something? Abigail: [Weak laugh] Definitely not. Chad: You saved my life, abby. I thought I lost you. Abigail: It's okay. I'm still here. [Soft laugh] Chad: The way you protected me... Abigail: It's just a car. Chad: I'm not talking about the car. I'm talking about the picture. Abigail: Picture? Chad: Standing over deimos. Abigail: Chad... Chad: Look, I don't-- I don't remember anything about the party that night. I just remember being with you. It's--it's the only thing I can remember. Abigail: [Exhales] Me too. [Soft laugh] Chad: And I know that your marriage to dario wasn't real. Abigail: No, it wasn'T. Chad: Can't imagine what it was like to be blackmailed into leaving like that. You risked everything. Abigail: I wasn't gonna leave, chad. Chad: I know you weren'T. I know you wouldn't leave your family. Abigail: No. Chad: I said all those terrible things to you. Abigail: You were upset because of thomas. Chad: It wasn't just because of thomas. I was upset at myself. I was scared that I was gonna lose you again. And I took it out on you. And I'm sorry. Can you forgive me? [Tender music] Gabi: Yeah, well, chad's not leaving abigail's side until he knows she's gonna be better. Jj: She jumped in the way of that car. I'm sure he feels responsible. Gabi: It's more than that. And you know it. Jennifer: Gabi. Gabi: Hi. Jennifer: Thank you again for being here. Gabi: Of course, yeah. Jennifer: I was just, um, I'm gonna check on abigail. Chad has been in there the whole time. I want to give him a break. Hi, dr. Shah, is there any news on abigail's condition? Dr. Shah: As a matter of fact, that's why I'm here. A nurse was passing abigail's room, happened to peek in. Your daughter's awake. Jennifer: What? Dr. Shah: Yeah. Jennifer: Oh, my gosh, jj! [Laughs] Oh, thank you. [Somber piano music] Chad: You risked everything for me. And I said all those terrible things. I told you that our son would be better off without you. And I didn't-- Abigail: I made you believe that I was leaving, chad. Chad: Yeah, but I know you. [Tender music] I know you. And I know your heart, know your heart better than I know my own. And I just keep thinking, if I would have just been honest with you and told you all of this stuff, then... god--god, I don't deserve you. And I don't deserve your forgiveness. Abigail: I forgive you. Chad: Yeah? [Sniffs] Abigail: Yeah. 'Cause it's-- it's, like, kind of our thing, right? [Soft laugh] Chad: [Sniffles] Yeah, I guess so. I just, uh, I-- I just keep screwing up, and you keep forgiving me. Abby, I need to tell you something. I... Jennifer: Abigail. Oh, my baby. Abigail: Hi. Jennifer: Are you okay? How are you feeling? Jj: Oh, you have no idea how much you scared us. Abigail: I'm sorry. Jennifer: No, don't be sorry, because you're here and-- and you're better. She's better, right? Dr. Shah: Well, this is an excellent sign. I would still like to run some tests. Jennifer: Of course, but can we please just be with her for a couple minutes? Dr. Shah: For a couple minutes. Immediate family only. Jennifer: Okay. Abigail: But chad is fam-- he's family-- Chad: Hey, it's okay. I'm gonna give you guys some time. Jennifer: Thank you. Chad: Yeah. Welcome back. [Tender music] Jennifer: Abigail. Hi. Abigail: Hey. Hey. Gabi: Hey. Chad: Hey. Hi. Gabi: Is abigail really awake? Chad: Um, yeah, yeah, she's awake. Gabi: Oh, wow. That means she's gonna be okay. Chad: Yeah, she, um, she's weak. Yeah, she, uh-- but she's--she's smiling. She doesn't remember much. Gabi: Doesn't remember saving you? Chad: No. Gabi: You were in the room with her when-- when she woke up? Chad: Yeah. Gabi: She must have known you were there. You brought her back. Chad: I don't know, maybe. Gabi: This is probably not the best time, but, um, is there-- can we talk? Somewhere private? Chad: Yeah. [Dramatic music] Steve: How you doing there, sweetness? Kayla: I've been better. Steve: Yeah. Well, we're working on it. Right, tripp? Tripp: Stay back. Don't--don't try to handle me. Steve: I just want to talk to you. Come on. Why don't you put that blade down? We'll hash this out. Tripp: No. I'm still waiting on a confession. I want her to finally admit that she murdered my mother. Steve: I killed ava. You know that. Tripp: Stop! All right? No more lies! No more stories! You say I matter to you... Steve: You do. You are my son. Tripp: Then for once, tell me the truth. Steve: Tripp, I--I-- I told you. Tripp: She was my mother. My mother. But I never got to meet her because she was murdered. Then you found me and you-- you brought me here. And you made me really think that you cared about me. That we're a family. Steve: We are. Tripp: Real families don't lie to each other! They don't keep dark secrets. You--you let me work with kayla--you-- follow her around. What kind of father are you? Why should I ever trust you again? Kayla: Okay, I did it! Steve: Kayla. Kayla: No, no. If you need to hear a confession, if you need that, then yes. Yes, fine! I did it! I killed her. Sonny: Uncle vic killed deimos? No. I don't believe it. Sonny: Well, not with his bare hands. Uncle victor used xander to do his dirty work. Sonny: Yeah, but xander's locked up in a prison in greece. Paul: Your uncle is a very powerful man. [Music broods] Brady: It's over. We know that you hired xander to kill deimos. Are you gonna look me in the eye right now and deny it? Victor: No, brady. I'm not going to deny it. That's exactly what I did. Sonny: I can't believe uncle vic would let me take the fall for this. Paul: Yeah, well, maybe he thought that your dad would find a way to get you out. [Soft dramatic music] Sonny: I don't know. It just doesn't feel right. I don't think I can truly believe it unless I hear it straight from my uncle vic. Paul: You might not have to wait long. Brady's trying to get a confession out of him as we speak. Victor: I thought it was only fitting that deimos should die at the hands of a family that he nearly destroyed. Brady: So xander came into salem, before the party, snuck in, and stabbed deimos. And you have been covering it up ever since. Victor: No. Brady: What do you mean, no? You--you just said-- Victor: No, what I said was I hired xander to kill deimos. That's the way I planned it. But things don't always go the way you planned them. [Music broods] Gabi: Andre told me about the, uh, the photo of you standing over deimos' body. He wanted me to help convince you not to turn yourself in. Chad: I'm sorry he put you in that position. Gabi: He also told me that you don't remember that. Is that true? Chad: Yeah, the photo was as big of a surprise to me as it was to anyone. Gabi: Is it--does it look bad? Chad: Looks like I killed him. Gabi: Are you gonna go to the police? Chad: I don't have much of a choice. I can't let sonny take the rap for something I did. I just wish I would have known about the picture. I wish abby would have told me. [Pensive music] Gabi: Looks like she went pretty far to protect you. Chad: Yeah, she-- she risked everything. Gabi: She obviously still loves you very much. You obviously love her too. Tripp: Finally. After all this time pretending to be my friend, you admit you murdered my mother. Steve: What are you do-- what are you doing, kayla? Kayla: It's clear. He is never going to accept that you did it. So if he needs to hear a confession, I'm going to give him what he wants. Tripp: I'm waiting. Kayla: I, um, I know--I'm sorry--I-- yes. I did it. I--I--I'm not proud of it. But ava did a lot of terrible things to my family. And I-- I felt threatened. Tripp: So you put a pillow over her face and smothered her? Steve: Okay. Listen. You heard what she said, now, please, let her go. Tripp: It's not that simple. Kayla: You--you want me to turn myself in? I'll do that. I'll--I'll go to the police station, and I'll--I'll confess. Tripp: Is this some kind of trick? Kayla: No, no. No. It is not a trick. Honestly, I'm tired of living with the guilt. I--I am. Steve: Okay, tripp. Put the scalpel down. We'll all go down there together, okay? We'll all go together. Kayla: Yeah. Joey. Joey: Tripp, what-- what are you doing? Kayla: Joey, joey, no! Steve: We got this under control. Joey: What the hell are you doing? Tripp: Stay out of this, joey! Joey: I just talked to jade. She let you believe my mom killed ava, didn't she? Kayla: Jade? Steve: Wait a minute. Joey: Tripp, tripp. It was a lie. Okay, it--she didn't do it. Tripp: She just admitted it to me. Steve: Joe, stop, now. Kayla: No, joey, joey, no, listen--listen, it's all set. Okay? It's time I came clean. We're going down to the police station, and I am confessing. Joey: No, I can't let you do that. Steve: Joe, let us deal with this. Joey: I can't do that anymo-- Steve: Let us deal with this! Kayla: Joey, come on. Joey: Tripp, you're making a mistake. Tripp: She murdered my mother. Joey: No, she didn't, okay? Kayla: Joey... Joey: She didn'T. Steve: Please stop, joe. Joey: It wasn't her. Tripp: I know that steve was lying to protect someone. Joey: It wasn't my mom, okay? It wasn't-- tripp, it was me. I killed ava. [Dramatic music] Liberty mutual stood with me [Tense music] Saying this, joey? Kayla: He's--he's just protecting his mom. You can see that. Joey: It's the truth. I'm the one who killed your mom. Steve: Joe, don't say another word. Joey: Remember when I told you about ava tricking me? I thought I fell in love with her. Tripp: What? Joey: And when I found out she was just trying to hurt my parents, I--I lost it. I was so angry. Kayla: Baby, baby, baby, please stop-- Tripp: Hush! Keep going. Joey: One night, I got drunk. I came to the hospital. And... Tripp: And what? Steve: Joe, joe, please stop. Think about what you're doing. Kayla: Joey, joey, stop! Joey: I put a pillow over her face, and I didn't stop until she was dead. Kayla: [Crying] Joey, please. Tripp: [Crying] You killed her... Joey: Dad--dad stepped in to protect me, but my mom had nothing to do with it. Kayla: Joey. Joey: I'm sorry, tripp. I'm so sorry. I know what I did was wrong. Tripp: You killed her. Joey: I didn't want dad to take the fall, and I--I hated lying. I hated it, especially to you. Kayla: Joey, please, stop. Joey: But I've gotten away with it for too long. I deserve to be punished. Steve: No-no-no-no... Kayla: Joey, please, stop... Joey: Let my mom go. Okay? She's innocent. But I know you're angry. I know how angry you are, so--so if you have to kill someone, kill me. Kayla: No! Joey, stop it! Steve: No! Kayla: Please, stop. Steve: Don't hurt him, no. No. Tripp, please? Abigail: Jj. Jj: Yeah? [Monitor beeping steadily] Abigail: Was dario arrested? Jj: Don't worry about him right now. Abigail: I want to know. Jj: [Sighs] Well, dario, he, uh, he skipped out on his pick-up with the witness protection program. We're looking for him. So far, we don't have any leads. Abigail: I'm sorry I didn't tell you what was going on in my marriage. Jj: You should be. You know, when you get yourself in a jam like that, you come to your brother. Okay? [Gentle music] Okay? Abigail: Okay. Jj: All right, good. Now no more handling things on your own, all right? There's too many people out there who love you. Abigail: Are you one of them? Hm? [Laughs] Gabi: I heard you talking to abigail when she was asleep. [Tender music] Chad: I wish I would have known that you-- Gabi: That's the point, chad. When you're with abigail, you don't-- you don't know I'm there. Chad: That's not true. Gabi: It's not a bad thing. No, it's--it's actually a good thing, you know, that I--I got to see it with my own eyes, because for a long time I didn't want to-- I didn't want to see it. I didn't want to believe it. Chad: Believe what? Gabi: The truth about us. No, I get it. You've never looked at me that way. And you never could. I'm just tired, okay? I'm tired of spending every day worrying that I might lose you to abigail. I mean, I already have. I--I--I never had you in the first place, okay? Chad: I am so sorry. Gabi: Me too. But it's okay because now I know what I-- what I have to do. I have to let you go. Sonny: You have to make me a promise. Paul: Anything. Sonny: If my uncle vic confesses, if he really did hire xander to kill deimos, I need you and brady to come to me before you go to the police. [Soft dramatic music] Paul: Sonny, victor let you get arrested for murder-- Sonny: Promise me. Paul: I can't believe that you're trying to protect him after everything that he's put you through. Sonny: Please, paul. [Ominous music] Paul: Okay. I promise, sonny. Sonny: Thank you. Victor: The night of the party I stayed up late, waiting for news on deimos. Finally, we were gonna be rid of that scourge. And then, xander came to see me. [Suspenseful music] That idiot never could take direction. Xander: Hello, uncle. Victor: The hell are you doing here? You were supposed to go right to the inn. Xander: Yeah, funny thing, I lost my keycard. Victor: You idiot. Why did you come to this house? You should have gone right to the airport. The pilot is waiting to take you back. Xander: What can I say? I went to plan B. Victor: Don't mess with me. Is it done? Is deimos dead? Xander: No. Not yet. Victor: Why not? Xander: It's too risky. Half the town's at that stupid party. Victor: That was the whole point. Xander: Yeah. About that. If I'm going to do this whole killing your brother thing, I'm going to need to renegotiate the terms. Victor: Renegotiate? Xander: I want more money. And a good, legitimate job at titan. Victor: Have you lost your mind? Xander: No. I was a natural. It's in my blood. I was doing such a good job before you turned me into your gardener. Victor: Because you screwed everything up. Over and over again. Xander: That's a lie. Victor: Tonight is a perfect example of your incompetence. I break you out of prison, and you failed me. I should have known you are not to be trusted. That's it. Deal is off. [Dramatic whoosh] Brady: So you called it off? Xander went quietly back to greece? Victor: No, of course not. He tried to escape. My men grabbed him. They kept him in the salem inn overnight. Next day, they flew him back to greece. Brady: Why didn't xander tell all of this to john and paul? Victor: Because he's smart enough to know that if he turns me in, it would be a big mistake. A mistake he might not survive. Brady: How do I know that this is the real story, granddad? Victor: 'Cause you know me, brady. I'd never let sonny sit in jail if xander had accomplished his mission. Brady: Well, you were fine with that up until now. Victor: Yes. That's because I suspect that sonny's guilty. Chad: You're letting me go? Gabi: Everyone warned me that you-- that you weren't over abigail, that you never would be. And in my heart, I kind of knew that. But when we were together, it just felt real. Chad: I really wanted it to be real. Gabi: I really wanted it to work out. Chad: I know. Gabi: You know, I loved trying to put together a little family, you know, me, you and ari and thomas. But it's time, it's time for us to be honest with each other, with ourselves. Chad: I never wanted to hurt you. You know thaT. Gabi: I know. And you know I love you, chad. I know that you do love me in your own way. You're just not in love with me. I mean, how could you be? You've always been in love with abigail. [Tender music] Kayla: [Crying] Joey, please. Please, just go away. Steve: No, no, joey-- Tripp: Get back, steve! Steve, get back! Kayla: No, no, no! Joey: Tripp, take me. Kayla: No! Joey! Joey: I'm the one you want to hurt. Okay, it's time to take responsibility for my mistakes. Steve: You don't have to do-- Joey: I'm tired of everyone protecting me. Kayla: No, this isn't how to do it! Joey: Go ahead. Steve: No, no! Joey: Go ahead! Kayla: No, joey! Joey: You were right, okay? I was lying to you. All that time we spent bonding, getting to know each other as brother, I was lying. And I hated it. I wanted to tell you, but I was too scared. I took your mother's life, so if you need me to pay with mine, go ahead. Steve: No! No! No! Stop this, both of you! Now! [Intense dramatic music] Joey: Tripp, she's innocent. Let her go. Take me. Kayla: Joey, joey... Joey: Take me, I'm the one you want. Steve: No! No! No! No! Kayla: Joey, no. No! No, joey! No! [Sobbing] Joey! Steve: Tripp! [Dramatic music] Steve: Oh, tripp. Tripp. Listen. Hey. Is this--is this who you are? Come on. Look--I know you're hurting. I know how you feel betrayed. Tripp: Stop-- just stop talking for a second. I--I need to think. Steve: Okay. Okay. Let's all calm down. Let me tell you something. Finding you was one of the best days of my life. I'm not kidding. You reminded me of-- of myself when I was your age. I know you had a rough life, but you found a way to not let it crush you. And, you know, you-- you've become part of our family in such a short time. Tripp, I am so sorry. I'm so sorry that we couldn't tell you the truth about ava. But we are your family. We are. Me and joe and--and stephanie and kayla too. Tripp, we love you. We love you. Tripp. Is this really what you want to do? You want to kill your own brother? You want to destroy the only real family you've got? Tripp: Ah! [Somber music] Kayla: [Sobbing] Steve: [Crying] Jennifer: [Laughs] I'm serious, I can't wait to see kayla. And I am gonna hug her so hard, and thank her for saving your life. Abigail: Me too, yeah. [Soft laugh] Jennifer: Oh, I'm not gonna lie, I was-- I was petrified that I was gonna lose you again. [Tender music] Abigail: I hate that I put you through that. Jennifer: No. But chad, he told you what happened, what you did for him, right? Abigail: [Sighs] It's crazy, huh? Jennifer: It's crazy. I'm crazy proud of you. Eric took me to the chapel when-- when things looked really bad. And we prayed. We prayed to god to save you. And I prayed for a miracle. And guess what? Abigail: What? Jennifer: That's what god does. And you're here. He brought you back to us. Abigail: Chad brought me back. Chad: Seeing her lay there... Gabi: Made you, uh, made you realize how much she meant to you. Chad: Yeah. [Tender music] Gabi: And you can't stop yourself from loving someone. You should go, um, to be with her, because abigail needs you right now. Paul: Hey, you're not, uh, you're not upset with me for digging up this info, are you? Sonny: Of course not. No, I--I am so grateful that you've been out there, trying to save me. Paul: Well, I'd do anything for you, sonny. For our future. [Gentle music] Sonny: I love you, paul. Paul: Love you too, sonny. This is gonna be over soon. Brady: No. I don't believe it. No, sonny would not kill deimos. The real killer, he's still out there. Victor: Well, I'm not taking any chances. Sonny has sat in prison long enough. Brady: What are you gonna do? Victor: I'm gonna find somebody to pin the murder on. And you're going to help me. [Ominous music] [Tender music] Tripp: [Cries] Steve: I've got you. [Tender music] Jj: Gabi? Gabi: Yeah. [Sniffs] Jj: Are you okay? Gabi: What--why are you not at the hospital? What's going on? Jj: Abigail made a request for takeout. What are you doing out here? [Somber music] Gabi: Me? I, uh... Jj: What's wrong? Gabi: Chad. I had to say good bye, had to let him go. [Cries] Jennifer: Is there anything I can get you? Some more ice chips or... Abigail: It's all right-- Chad: Hey--whoa, sorry. Uh, I didn't-- I didn't mean to interrupt. You want--I can... Jennifer: I'm gonna go see if I can find kayla. Abigail: Okay. Jennifer: [Kisses] Love you, baby. Abigail: I love you. Jennifer: Hey. Chad: Hey. [Monitor beeping steadily] Abigail: You're back. Chad: Yeah. Wow, you look so much better than me. And you were the one in an accident. Abigail: I feel better. [Soft laugh] Chad: Uh, so I came--I--I-- I know that I said I'm-- I'm sorry, but I don't-- did I say thank you? For saving my life, you know, and, um, and everything that you did for me? It means a lot. Abigail: I would do it all again. Chad: Actually, there's, um, there's something that I didn't get a chance to say to you. [Tender music] Abigail: What was it? Chad: You're everything to me, abby. You know, and i keep thinking, wondering how we got here. You came back. I should have fought for you. And I didn'T. I'm sorry. The truth is there hasn't been a moment since the day I fell in love with you that you have not been in my heart. Or that I haven't wished that I could just hold you in my arms. I know it sounds simple, but I-- I don't know how to say it any other way. I love you. I never stopped loving you. Abigail: I love you. I love you. [Tender music swells] | He wanted to hear it from Victor |
433 | Tess: Maybe R.J.'s there right now. Wonder if he takes Antonio's kid to work with him. That'd be perfect. Ginger: Tess, hey. Tess: Hi. Ginger: What's up? You sounded really pissed off on the phone. Tess: Yeah, that little twit Jessica's gone and done it again. But, I'm not going to let her get away with it. This time she's going to burn. [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays] R.J.: Hey, Jamie. What you doing? What you doing? What you doing? Jamie: Reading a book. R.J.: Which one? Oh, yeah, I remember that one. [Doorbell rings] R.J.: Ok, I'm coming, Lindsay. I'll be right back. Antonio: I'm here for my daughter. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: I just put our order in, and it should be here soon. Michael: It's nice to have a friend with connections. Natalie: So now we're friends? Michael: Well, we might as well be. Natalie: What? I mean, did you just give in to my obvious charm and my sweet disposition? I don't buy it. Michael: I'm just saying, you know, you never know. We could end up being family someday. [SCENE_BREAK] Evangeline: Ugh, we have enough food here to last till Christmas. Lisa: Well, you can take some home with you, Cookie. You, too, John. Thank you, thank you. No, no, no, wait a minute. Don't -- don't even think about coming in here with that cigar. Clay: It's not lit. Lisa: No, uh-uh. I know you, Clay. In 10 minutes, you'll be stinking up my house. No, you stay out here on the porch with that thing. John will keep you company while we put this stuff away. Clay: Women and their olfactory senses. John: Nothing like the smell of a good cigar. Clay: You know, over the years, I've watched Evangeline grow up. She was always quite the little entrepreneur, always up to something, whether it was selling lemonade or baking cookies. John: Is that where she got the nickname? Clay: Yeah, I guess. Worst cookies you ever tasted. John: Hmm. Clay: But every cookie she baked she expected to sell, and she did. High expectations. Can you fulfill her expectations? John: Well, I'll give you this, you cut right to the meat of it. Clay: Life's too short. So? John: Think you'd be better asking her. Clay: I did. John: And? Clay: And she told me about her dreams -- the dreams of a young, ambitious woman, and about the kind of man she expected to marry someday. John: That ain't exactly me, I know that. Clay: Now that you know that, what are you going to do about it? [SCENE_BREAK] Renee: Well, where else could Asa have put those papers, Nigel? Of course I don't know. That's why I called you. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snap at you this way. It's just that my bartender showed up sick, Buchanan enterprises is in trouble, and Asa has vanished into thin air. I could kill him for this, Nigel. I could kill him! Todd: Looks like we're on the same page, aren't we? Why don't you tell me where Asa is and I'll solve the problem for both us. [SCENE_BREAK] Duke: Um -- Adriana: What? Duke: You know, I need to talk to my grandma about something. You mind? Adriana: No, not at all. I'll go find us a table. Duke: Thanks. Adriana: Mm-hmm. Dorian: Adriana! There you are. Adriana: Are you kidding me? How did you know where I was? What, did you stick a tracking device in my purse or something? Dorian: Oh. I asked our new maid, what's-her-name, and she told me that you were here. Adriana: Her name is Lucy, and why were you looking for me, anyway? Dorian: Do I need an excuse to see my beautiful daughter, especially after the horrendous day I just had? Adriana: Well, I'm here with Duke. We're having dinner. Dorian: Huh. So I see. He seems to be spending some time with his grandmother, so surely you can spare a few moments for me. We have not been spending much time together lately. Adriana: No, we haven't -- mainly because you've been getting in Duke's face all the time. You're not going to get him to stop seeing me. Dorian: Darling, I am only trying to protect you. Adriana: No, you're going after the guy I love because the man you loved walked out on you. Dorian: Don't tell me that you are in love with that boy. Viki: Ok, so you saw some papers that your father left on his desk. Duke: Yeah, and that's why I need your advice. I mean, I know how to read numbers, balance sheets, and income statements. I think B.E.'s in trouble. Viki: Really? Serious trouble? Duke: The family could lose everything. [SCENE_BREAK] Renee: Even if I knew where Asa was, you'd be the last person I'd tell. Todd: How can you defend Asa? You know that he locked Blair in an institution to keep her away from her kids. Renee: And he was wrong to do that. But, you know what's worse? After everything that Blair has suffered, she's finally home, and what are you doing? You're wasting your time running around town trying to find Asa when you should be taking care of her. Besides, you and Blair are not the only people who have suffered. Asa has a wife and children and a company that needs him. We've suffered, too. Todd: You know, I'll bet those shareholders are real happy about all the publicity of their founder being on the lam. Renee: I don't have time for this. I have a hotel to run. Todd: I think you'd better find time. [SCENE_BREAK] R.J.: All right, come on. She's all packed and ready to go. Antonio: What, no fights, no barring me at the door? R.J.: No. Antonio: Hey. R.J.: Your attorney worked out a deal, so who am I to argue? Will jessica be with you? Antonio: That's none of your business. R.J.: Oh, sure, it is, but that's right, she's got an appointment with the shrink, yeah? Don't be surprised. I know everything that pertains to my granddaughter's life, especially when it concerns the unbalanced. Antonio: I'm getting my daughter back. R.J.: Well, you've got an hour and a half. Clock is ticking. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Listen, I know you think Evangeline deserves better than me, but -- Clay: No, you listen. My brother and Lisa worked hard to buy this house, to buy this house in this neighborhood. You know why? Because it had the best schools around, and they wanted only the absolute best for their children, especially Evangeline. Now, my brother used to say all the time, "either Evangeline is going to marry the president or she's going to be the president." John: Well, I'd vote for her. Clay: So would I. John: So your problem with me is, what, you don't think I'm capable to be the kind of man that will take her where she's going? Clay: Yes, that's my concern. Listen, Evangeline is going straight to the top, and she needs somebody that's going to go there with her, not somebody that's going to hold her down. John: Well, you know, Clay, since we're being all forthright and everything, I really don't care what you think of me. As far as Evangeline goes, well, I guess I just got more confidence in her. I don't think she needs any man to help her get where she's going. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go see what the girls are doing. [SCENE_BREAK] Lisa: John was awfully quiet on the way over here. Evangeline: Well, what do you expect after the way this family treated him? I'm embarrassed, mom. I'm surprised he's still here at all. Lisa: Well, honey, our family -- well, you know they speak their minds. Evangeline: Why don't you just speak yours? You don't approve. Lisa: Oh, wait a minute. It is not at all like that. Evangeline: Look, he's not Dennis, ok? I mean, he doesn't walk around trying to charm everybody. He's not really a big talker. He keeps things inside. But, he's a great guy, mom. Lisa: He reminds me of somebody else. Evangeline: Who? Lisa: Your father. Evangeline: I don't see the connection. Lisa: Well, you didn't know him the way that I did. Nobody did. Your dad kept a lot of things inside, too, sweetie. Evangeline: Dad was just subdued. Lisa: Uh-uh. Let's face it, your father had a lot of trouble expressing himself. He loved you so much, and you have no idea how proud he was of you. Evangeline: Yeah. Yeah, I remember my valedictory speech. He was so proud of me that he patted me on the back and said, "good luck." Lisa: Yes, but you did not see what I saw. You did not see him wipe that tear from his eye with his sleeve while you were up there on that stage. John doesn't express himself. You said so yourself, right? Maybe your relationship with him -- maybe you're trying to take care of some unfinished business, trying to get him to open up the way you couldn't get your father to. John: Am I interrupting? [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: We might end up family? Ok, are you planning on marrying my sister? Because the two of you really don't make much sense. Michael: Uh-uh, that's not what I meant. What about Ron Walsh? Natalie: Ok, I get it. A little dig, ok. Unfortunately, if I were to marry Ron Walsh -- which isn't going to happen -- we still would not be family because you would have to marry Marcie, and that is also not going to happen. Michael: Ok, it was a bad joke. Natalie: What is it with the two of you, anyway? I mean, you're obviously still in love with each other. Michael: We have -- we have issues. Natalie: Like? Michael: Stuff. Natalie: You don't know, do you? Michael: We're working on it, ok? Natalie: Mm-hmm. It's kind of messed up, isn't it, to have two people who are obviously crazy about each other, yet still not together for no reason, and there is nobody else. Michael: Natalie, did you ever think that Evangeline isn't the only reason that you're not with John? Natalie: Way to make me feel better, Michael, thanks. Michael: Back at you, kid. Natalie: Well, at least you know that there is someone still out there who cares about you, even if you're not together. Michael: Yeah. Makes me feel a little less lonely. Natalie: I know. That's how I feel about John. [SCENE_BREAK] Evangeline: Of course you're not interrupting. We just didn't hear come up the stairs. John: Ok. I just -- I wanted to see if you needed any help. Evangeline: Yeah, maybe just with these two boxes on the bed. It's some stuff I want to take back with me to Llanview. Lisa: Oh, Cookie, I will take this garment bag down for you. Ok, I'm sorry. She's hated that name since she became a sophisticated 13-year-old. John: Ah. Evangeline: Look, any more third degree from uncle Clay? John: No, he was just filling me in. So, this -- this is the old room, huh? Evangeline: Yep. This is it. John: Just the way you left it. [Glass shatters] Evangeline: What was that? Mom? Lisa: Oh, I'm ok. Just dropped a plate of leftovers. Evangeline: You know, I'm going to go help my mom. John: Ok. Evangeline: Be right back. John: Sure. John: "Cookie." [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: You don't need my advice, ok? You already know exactly what you're going to do. You're a business major. It makes sense and please don't worry that it's going to do anything to you, ok? Darling, you've got a big heart, and frankly, that's probably exactly what Buchanan enterprises needs right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: Adriana, darling, you are so young. And to say that you've fallen in love with -- Adriana: Oh, with a Buchanan? I've heard this before, and you really shouldn't be saying this to me again tonight. Dorian: Because I'm right? Adriana: No, because I'm the only one left at home with you. Everyone has left you except me, so please don't push me out. Dorian: I'm not pushing you out. I just want to make sure that you're not hurt. Adriana: What makes you think that's going to happen? Dorian: Because I was there when all of my girls have fallen in love with a Buchanan man. Of course, they were so happy at first, so very much in love, and then inevitably their lives were ripped apart. Adriana: Duke's not like that. Dorian: That's what Cassie said and Blair said and Kelly. Adriana: You know what? Blair is happy and Cassie, she sounds great. So does Kelly. And I will be, too. The only one that's miserable here, mother, is you. Think about it. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Why don't you just give me Asa? You know what I'll do? I will launch a publicity campaign to save the ranch. Renee: Nobody believes the junk you print in that rag of yours. Todd: Hmm. I broke "The Killing Club" story, didn't I, and the hunt for Asa. People are buying my paper. You sure you don't want to play ball? Renee: Not with you. Todd: It's your funeral. Viki: Todd? Todd: Hey, sis. No, I can't talk right now. I'm on the job. Viki: Really? What job would that be, sensationalizing another story? Todd: Just reporting the news. Viki: Todd, come on. Blaming Marcie Walsh for these murders because she happened to write the book "The Killing Club"? That's not news. Todd: If it bleeds, it reads. Viki: At what cost? Todd: How many papers did you sell at "The Banner" today? Viki: You know, I really thought you would have learned something after your ordeal with Margaret Cochran. Todd: I learned something plenty -- best defense is a good offense. Viki: Hmm and what do you gain by going after innocent people like Marcie? Todd: Bigger circulation. Viki: You ever seen "Citizen Kane"? Todd: It's my favorite. Viki: Yeah. Do you know what happened to him? Todd: Yeah, he built a huge media conglomerate. Viki: Right, and he died all alone. Todd: Well, that's not going to be because I got it all right now. I'm not going to lose it. Duke: Finally, we have got some space to ourselves. Adriana: I know. I didn't think it was going to happen at all tonight. Todd: My man! Duke! Duke: Manning, first of all, do not touch me. Second of all, I am busy. Todd: Oh. Hmm. Too busy to hear what I have to offer you? [SCENE_BREAK] Clay: You guys need any help? Lisa: Uh-uh, it's just a garment bag. Evangeline: And John's bringing down the boxes. Clay: What's taking him so long? Evangeline: He hasn't come down yet? Clay: Not yet. Lisa: You didn't run him away, did you? Clay: Obviously not. I think we've come to an understanding. Evangeline: About what? Clay: About how much we care about you. Evangeline: Uncle Clay, please -- please tell me you didn't start bragging about me. Do not tell me that you started bragging. Clay: That boyfriend of yours doesn't need me to tell him that you're going places. Evangeline: Ok. I'm going to go check and see what's keeping him. Clay: Ok. John: "Evangeline Williamson -- student council president, debate club, national honor society, most likely to succeed." Evangeline: You're holding me back, Mc Bain. John: What? Evangeline: From leaving. I'm ready when you are. John: I'm sorry. Occupational hazard. I -- Evangeline: Yeah. John: Checking out the room. Evangeline: Yeah, I begged my mother to turn this into a sewing room or something, but she keeps the old place as is. It's like a shrine, you know, ode to my childhood or something. John: Oh, hey, that's you and -- Evangeline: Oh, that's Barack Obama. John: Right. Evangeline: He and Dennis are friends. John: The old boyfriend? Evangeline: Yeah. John: He's a real mover and shaker. Evangeline: He doesn't move me and shake me the way you do. John: Oh, really? I'll move you and shake you, right here -- Evangeline: John -- John: Right now. Evangeline: Please -- John: What? He won't care. Evangeline: Please. John: He won't care. Evangeline: Please. Listen -- John: All right. Evangeline: My uncle Clay -- John: Yeah? Evangeline: Ok, he didn't -- my family -- I love them dearly, but they're not perfect. They are overprotective and a little outspoken. John: Hey, stop. They just want what's best for you. There's nothing wrong with that, is there? Look, I'm going to get these boxes downstairs, all right? I'll see you down there. Evangeline: Ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Tess: So despite everything that I did to that girl, Jessica just goes right ahead and gets back together with Antonio. Ginger: What's your problem with Antonio, anyway? I mean, he seemed fine to me. Tess: Yeah, yeah, great. He seems fine. He really turns on the charm. But you don't know him like I do, ginger, ok? He's wrong for Jessica. He's completely wrong. Ginger: Just chill. Look, there's a store down the street. Why don't I go grab us some beers? Tess: Ok. That's a great idea. You're right. Here, I'll even buy. Ginger: All right. Antonio: Hey, hey, relax. It's ok. It's just me and Jamie. Here. Senta aqui. You ok? Yeah? You know, I've been trying to get a hold of you. I went by the newspaper. Were you out on a story? Tess: Yeah, yeah, I got caught up in it. Antonio: Hmm. No, it's something else. There's something different about you. My mother always said, "don't slump," [SCENE_BREAK] Evangeline: I'm going to miss you. Clay: I'll miss you, too. Evangeline: Mommy. Lisa: Cookie. You'll always be my good girl. Evangeline: Oh, mom, I'm going to miss you. Lisa: Don't stay away so long, all right? Evangeline: I won't, I promise. I promise. Ready? John: Boxes are in the car. Mrs. Williamson, it's nice to finally get to meet you. Lisa: Nice to meet you, too, John. John: Mr. Williamson. Thanks. Clay: For what? I was a little hard on you. John: Nothing I couldn't handle. Clay: Only the best for her. John: Yeah. Evangeline: We'd better hit the road. So, see you guys. Clay: All right. Lisa: Ok. Evangeline: Ok. John: Bye-bye now. Lisa: Bye, you guys. Have a safe drive back to Llanview. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Ok, all right, I get it. You don't like it when I compare how I feel about to John to you and Marcie. Michael: No, no, you see, stop right there, ok? That's where you're wrong. Marcie and I, we had something special. We were in love, we were together. You and -- you just want to break up something good that my brother has in his life. Natalie: You know, it's not like he's in love with Evangeline. Michael: How do you know he isn't? Natalie: Because I know John a lot better than you think I do, ok? We were very close once. Michael: Once and then you weren't, and now you want him back. Natalie: I'd lost my husband. Michael: Which you also blamed on John. Natalie: I got over that, ok? Michael: So now you want him back, and you got it in your head that he wants you, too. Natalie: Yeah, well, you know what, so do you or you wouldn't be so worried about it, right? Michael: You are some piece of work. Natalie: I've been called worse. Michael: Ok. What if you're wrong? What if you don't end up with John? What then? [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: Something's off, Jess. Something's off with you. I know you. What is it? Tess: Well, what do you expect? You come up behind me at night in the park. Antonio: I don't believe that's all. Tess: You're right. You're absolutely right. That's not all. I was worried. I was thinking about you and Jamie and the custody hearing. Antonio: I'm sorry you got dragged into it. and I want to give you a heads-up -- R.J.'s making a point of digging up everything about us. Tess: What do you mean, everything? Antonio: He knows you're seeing a therapist. Jess, I'm sorry. But I also think he's planning on using that against us to say you're not stable enough to be around a child. Tess: Let's prove him wrong then. Isn't tomorrow your last visitation before the hearing? Antonio: Yeah. Why? Tess: Well, why don't you let me pick Jamie up from R.J.'s? Antonio: Uh -- Tess: That way I can prove that I am more than capable of taking care of her. Antonio: No, honey, I don't think that's a good idea. Tess: You don't trust me? Antonio: Yeah. It's him I don't trust. Tess: Oh. Well, you let me handle him. I can take care of myself. Antonio: Look, Jess, I know you're trying to be tough and strong, but you've been through a lot and I don't want to put you through any more. Tess: I want to help you, Antonio. I want to make sure that you get exactly what you deserve. Antonio: I know you do and that's why I love you. Jessica's voice: I love you, Antonio. Antonio: What's the matter? Jessica's voice: I love you, Antonio, and I want to be with you. Antonio: Jess, what's wrong? [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Duke, I want to do an interview with you regarding the new generation of Buchanan enterprises. Duke: And make my family troubles public? No, thanks. Todd: I got news for you, pal, it's already public. I'm just giving you an opportunity to do damage control. Duke: You know, look, Manning, I am sorry about what Asa did to Blair, ok, I'm real sorry about that, but don't even start thinking that I am going to help you use that against my family, ok? Because I am a Buchanan, and I will not -- I will not turn my back on any of them. Todd: You sound more like Kevin and Asa every day. Adriana: If you two aren't finished yet -- Duke: We're done. Todd: For now. Adriana: What was that about? Duke: Todd smells blood and he starts circling. I just wish there was some way I could show the stockholders that B.E.'s still afloat even without Asa. Adriana: What can I do to help? [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: My, don't we bounce back quickly. Viki: Don't I, though? Dorian: Of course, it's so lucky for you that you have a standby job, career that you can return to. Viki: Actually, Dorian, believe it or not, that's what some people do. They do constructive things with their lives. Dorian: I'm not here to fight with you. Viki: Excellent. So, what is it? Dorian: I'm here to beg you. Dorian: Go ahead, gloat. Viki: Oh, no, Dorian. I'm not you. So what is it? Is everything all right? Dorian: Nothing is all right. Most of all, my daughter and your grandson. Viki: Please, let's not to do this. Me on, we've been over this. Dorian: That's why I am here begging and pleading with you to help me. Please, Viki, we've got to stop them from seeing each other before the inevitable damage is done. Viki: Oh, come on, Dorian, what on earth do you have against that boy -- other than the fact that his last name is Buchanan? Dorian: Is that not enough? Viki: No, certainly not, especially if you want my help. Dorian: Adriana is far too young. She told me she loves him. Viki: Well, that's just ducky and they are taking it slowly. Dorian: Slowly? What -- they spent two nights together alone on St. Blaze. Viki: Dorian, they're not children, ok? We have to learn to trust them. Dorian: And what happens when Duke tires of her? Yes, when he abandons her and breaks her heart? Viki: Isn't this really much more about your broken heart, hmm? [SCENE_BREAK] Duke: Adriana, I appreciate you wanting to help, but -- Adriana: Look, I know I don't know a lot about business, but I do something about public relations. I've watched Kelly and your grandmother, all their charity work. It's great P.R. Duke: Ok, so what you're saying -- Adriana: Maybe start a charity group with young women my age, you know, girls whose parents are movers and shakers. Duke: And shareholders. Adriana: All under the banner of Buchanan enterprises. Renee: I just wanted to let you guys know that your dinner is on the way. Duke: Thanks, Renee. [Phone rings] Renee: Excuse me. Hello? You haven't found those documents yet? All right, I'll tell you what, go out to the guesthouse. You know how Asa goes out there and works sometimes? Adriana: So, what do you say? Duke: What do I say? I think I'm falling in love with you! [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: Jess, what's going on? Jessica's voice: Help me, Antonio, please. I need you. I want you. Jamie: What's the matter? Antonio: It's ok. Jess, talk to me. Tess: Oh -- um -- I just have a really bad headache. Antonio: Well, then let's get you a doctor. Tess: No, no, I'm fine. I -- you know, I'm just going to tell my shrink about it next time I see him in the next session. I will be fine, really. But, you know, you should get Jamie back. Antonio: No, not till I get you home. Tess: Antonio, I said I was fine, ok? It's getting late. Your time's almost running out. You don't want to give R.J. another excuse, right? Really, I'm fine. Antonio: Ok. Tess: Ok? Antonio: Ok. Call me. Tess: Good night. See you later. Tess: God, thank God he's gone. No thanks to you, Jessica. You're not going to win, honey. Not now, not ever. [SCENE_BREAK] Evangeline: Can't believe how much food my mother sent home with us. John: Hmm. Evangeline: My uncle Clay, he's -- he's quite a character. John: He means well. Evangeline: Yeah. You know, I want to apologize about my cousin at the funeral. And Dennis. I can't believe Dennis showed up. I don't even know how he knew about it. John: It's no problem. Mind if we listen to some music? Evangeline: No, not at all. [Radio plays] [Changes station] Evangeline: I've always hated that song. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: You got quiet of all a sudden. Michael: Look, my brother has been messed with enough. Please, just give him a break. Natalie: Ok, I know all about the wall he put up after Caitlin. Michael: Look, it's more than just Caitlin! Natalie: There is something else. Michael: Forget it. Natalie: I'm not going to just forget it. Come on! You know I'm not going to let this go! Michael: Ok. You know that wall? There are more bricks in it than the ones with Caitlin's name. [Radio plays] Natalie: What else happened to John? Michael: I'm not saying anything else. Natalie: You can't leave me hanging like that. I thought we were friends, sort of. Michael: Sorry. Natalie: You opened the door! Michael: Yeah, well, now I'm closing it, ok? You and I -- we got nothing else to say to each other. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: Contrary to popular opinion, my concerns about Adriana and Duke have nothing whatsoever to do with my relationship with David. Adriana is very young and ill-equipped to deal with love. Viki: Dorian, not even you are going to be able to stop young people from falling in love. Come on, Duke and Adriana are great kids. Give them a little credit. Dorian: And what am I supposed to do, just sit by and wait for disaster to strike? Viki: Why does it have to be disaster? Come on, you're just projecting your own problems onto Adriana. You know what, Dorian -- go home and call David. I know you want him back. I'm sure he wants to come back. Just be happy and let other people be happy. Dorian: The great and powerful Victoria has spoken. I have taken as much of this conversation as I can stomach. [SCENE_BREAK] Renee: Well, just let me know when you find those papers, Nigel. Thanks. Duke: You know, your mom would freak if she knew you wanted to help Buchanan enterprises. Adriana: Or you saying that you think you're falling in love. Duke: Um -- yeah, that just sort of slipped out. I mean, you -- you wanted to help, and -- and I love that you want to. Adriana: And I love helping. Duke: Well, you are, just by being here. [SCENE_BREAK] Renee's voice: Well, just let me know when you find those papers, Nigel. Thanks. Todd: What was that in the background? Can you isolate it and crank it up? Man: Yeah. Duke's voice: You know, your mom would freak if she knew you wanted to help Buchanan enterprises. Todd: So Dorian lord's little girl wants to be part of Buchanan enterprises. I'll be damned. [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: So Jess will be by to pick her up tomorrow. R.J.: No, no, I don't think so. Antonio: Listen, if I can't pick her up, I'm allowed to send someone else. R.J.: Antonio, I'm just trying to warn you. Jessica's not acting her old self, and if that affects Jamie in any way, you'll not only lose custody, I'll make sure you never see her again. Antonio: That'll never happen. Goodbye, mija. Papa loves you. [SCENE_BREAK] Ginger: Here's your six-pack. Tess: I don't have time for beer now, Ginger. I have work to do. Ginger: Antonio again? Tess: Yeah, Antonio again. He's got this little brat kid, and her grandfather wants sole custody, and that -- that is what's going to break Antonio and Jessica up. Ginger: How? Tess: I think I'm going to have a little bonding time with this kid. And Jessica and Antonio will never know what hit them. [NEXT_ON] Dorian: There is no better way to get revenge on your lover. David: Which lover would that be, Dorian? Daniel: How am I going to prove that Jen killed Paul? Nora: Who are you talking to? Ginger: What's the story, Tess? What did antonio do to you? Natalie: My guess is that you're angry about something other than work. | Dorian is upset. |
434 | Austin: All right, so, Marco, you know the look we're going for, right? Sami: Kate Roberts isn't gonna be here. Austin and I are in charge of this photo shoot, and it's E.J.'s first publicity shots. They are unbelievably important. Marco: I'm so excited to meet Mr. Wells. I've heard so much about him. Sami: He's quite a guy. Marco: And Kiara. Austin: Yeah. Marco: She was even more excited when she found out who she'd be working with. Sami: Kiara? Kiara: [Laughs] Austin: Oh, sounds likes someone's already having a good time. Sami: Oh, my God! What are you doing?! Get the hell off of him! [Laughter] [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: Hey, it's for you. Belle: Thanks. Philip: Let's sit down. [Sighs] Well...now, I know the doctors kept telling Shawn and Mimi not to get their hopes up until they were out of the first trimester, but I feel Terri through. Belle: Well, I just hope they'll try again and then maybe next time the in vitro will work. Philip: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn D.: It's gonna be okay. All right, we'll try again. We'll do whatever it takes. Mimi: [Sighs] Bonnie: What happened? I just got Belle's mess-- please don't tell me it was the baby. Mimi: I lost it. Bonnie: No. Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. Oh, baby. Oh, honey. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: I'm sorry to interrupt. Mimi: It's okay. Lexie: I just wanted to see how you were doing. Mimi: Well, I've been better. Lexie: I know. Bonnie: Look, this is a really tough break, but they can try again, right? I mean, they can make another little test-tube baby and Mimi will be pregnant in no time, right? Mimi: Mom, it's not that simple. Lexie: No, it's not. Um, Mimi, I just got your test results back. I'm afraid I don't have good news. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: Hey, there you are. Frankie: Hey. Jennifer: You're home. Frankie: Oh, I apologize for not meeting you at the pub. Jennifer: That's okay. I figured you got hung up with Chelsea after the hearing. Frankie: There was that and I have a lot of work to do here at home. Jennifer: Yeah, I can see that. What is all this? Frankie: Well, Bo and Hope's divorce papers. You know, she said she wanted them ready A.S.A.P. Jennifer: Oh, Frankie, I can't believe this. I know how upset she is. I know how devastated she is after everything that happened today, but I was praying she wouldn't go through with this, I mean, at least until we know for sure if Bo is guilty of tampering with the evidence, which I can't believe that he is. Frankie: Yeah, I can't, either. My brother would never do something like that. Jennifer: No, he wouldn't. Frankie: When she realizes that...when he's cleared, maybe she'll come to her senses. Jennifer: Yeah, if it's not already too late. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Okay, Abe, I'm here. What's going on? What's this all about? Do you know who switched the discs? Abe: I'm hoping we're about to find out. Billie: What's the break in the investigation? Abe: Well, we got lucky. Tek found that we had an old digital surveillance unit that was put here in this room when Hope was attacked that time. Hope: I didn't even know there was ever a camera in here. Tek: Yeah, it was hidden in the air duct, and it's still operational. Abe: So we hope whatever's on that tape will exonerate Bo. Bo: And you'll find out for yourself that I had nothing to do with that disc being taken. Hope: Well, if you didn't do it, then who did? You're the only one with access here that has something to gain from that evidence disappearing. Eve: I couldn't have planned it better if I tried. The computer records are going to show that Detective Bo Brady was the one in the evidence room. Bo: Let's do this, Abe. Let's roll that video, see who took the disc. Abe: All right, Tek, are you ready? Tek: Just about. Okay, this is it. This should answer your question. Okay. Here we see Bo dismissing the officer who was guarding the evidence room and then... Hope: Why would you do that unless you had something to hide? How could you do this to me? How could you do this to Zack? [SCENE_BREAK] Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of our Lives. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: You know, as awful as this day has been for Bo and Hope, I got a piece of really good news today. Frankie: Really? Bring it on. I could use some. Jennifer: Okay. I spoke to your sister Kayla today, and she is coming home for our wedding. Frankie: What? That's great! Jennifer: Yes, I know! I knew you would be so excited. Frankie: Oh, man. I don't believe it. It's been so long. Jennifer: Yeah, I know. I think it might be a little bit hard for her, though. She has a lot of memories here, you know? Frankie: Yeah. Frankie: You know...I saw her a few years ago, when I was back in L.A. on business, and, uh, she was seeing this guy, who seemed great. He was obviously crazy about her. But, eventually, she broke it off. I think she compares everyone to Steve. And no one measures up, you know? She was so busy with med school, too busy to date, too busy to come home. I know she has a full life. Jennifer: Yeah, I know, but she's lonely. I could hear it in her voice. Frankie: Yeah, and Stephanie is growing up, too. You know, I think this trip -- I think it will be good for her. Maybe seeing how you've been able to get on with your life will help her do the same. Jennifer: Yeah. Yeah, I hope so. Frankie: Is she bringing Stephanie? And what about Kim? Jennifer: I don't think they were able to work that out. I know your mom was really hoping. I also think your mom is hoping that our wedding will be the special occasion that brings joy into your family again. Frankie: I believe it will. Jennifer: You know, it's so funny when I think about Bo and Hope and Steve and Kayla and the past and all the crazy adventures and capers that they have been on. I think it's gonna be good. I think it's gonna be good for all of us. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: I dismissed the officer because he needed a short break. Hope: No. You just didn't want him to witness that you were about to switch the disc to protect your daughter. Bo: As I told you before, I was here at the D.A.'s request regarding a narcotics -- Tek, do me a favor and fast-forward so that Hope can see that when I left, all I had was a plastic evidence bag with the handgun in it. That's the only reason I was here. Hope: And then what? Brady, I want to believe you, but...you're the only one who could have done it. Bo: Someone else might have slipped in right when I left. [SCENE_BREAK] Tek: Oh, what the hell? Abe: What is it? Hope: Who stole the evidence, Tek? Tek: Sorry, Hope, we'll never know. Abe: What are you talking about? Tek: Take a look at this. And that's all she wrote. Hope: What did you do? Abe: [Sighs] Yeah. Bo...why don't you tell us? [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: What the hell do you think you're doing?! Get off of him! Kiara: Excuse me, but what is your problem? Austin: Sami, why are you flipping out? E.J.: Kiara was just helping me pump up my arms and my chest for the shoot. Sami: This is not gonna work. We're gonna have to find someone else. Marco: Someone else, but why? She's one of Basic Black's top models. Sami: Look, Austin, listen to me. She is not the right look for this project. Austin: What are you talking about? She is beautiful. Kiara: Thank you. Sami: Yeah, I'm sure she is. And she has the completely wrong attitude for this. She looks like a stuck-up diva, which is exactly what she is. I worked with her in the past, and nobody here is gonna be fetching you your tofu salad or finding your poodle. Kiara: Look, this obviously isn't going to work. I'm out of here. Austin: Kiara, wait a minute. Marco: Darling, Sami didn't mean that. You can't walk out on us. We need you. Sami: I did mean it. Let her go. Kiara: Bye, guys, good luck. You too, E.J. You're gonna need it with this one. Marco: [Speaks Italian] Now what are we gonna do? This is terrible. We've got no model. Sami: It's fine. We didn't need her anyway. She's completely wrong for this project. We don't want a woman like that with E.J. We want a girl who looks real. Look, yeah, I get it, all right? She's a model, and she's perfect and skinny and tall and whatever, but that is not right for this project. We want someone who is...pretty and sexy and everything, but who looks like the girl next door. She's this real woman that every person in America can relate to.. Austin: I'm not saying that you're wrong. You may be right. But we really didn't need that scene, did we? Now we don't have a model. Who are we gonna get? Who are we gonna get? Sami: I don't know. E.J.: I have a suggestion. Sami: You do? Good. We're all ears. E.J.: Why don't you do it? Sami: Do what? E.J.: The shoot. Sami: What? Are you kidding? Austin: You want Sami to be the model? Sami: No. No, I couldn't do something like that. E.J.: Why not? I think that you'd be great. You're exactly what you said you're looking for -- you're beautiful. You're the fresh-faced girl from next door, except you're from across the hall. You're next door, literally. Austin: Uh, you know, I think he's got a point. You might be perfect. Sami: Really? Austin: Absolutely. You should do it. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: The thing is, nobody said in vitro was gonna be easy. And they knew they might have had to try more than one time. There's a lot of emotional ups and downs, and I know you don't like seeing them go through this. Neither do I. But they'll try again and hopefully it'll work out for them this time. Belle: Yeah. Philip: It does kind of make us realize how lucky we are, huh? Doesn't it? Belle: Honey, I know how lucky we are. I thank God for Claire and for our family every day. It's just a shame that what came so easily for us is causing Shawn and Mimi so much pain. I mean, we got pregnant right away and we weren't even trying. Philip: Yeah. Belle: What? Philip: I just don't understand why you haven't gotten pregnant again. I mean, God knows we are trying this time, and we're trying a lot and at all the right times. Belle: What? You think we have a problem? [SCENE_BREAK] Mimi: Okay, so there's more bad news. Lexie: Um, if you'd rather we discussed this in private -- Mimi: No, it's okay. Just tell us. You already said it might be hard to harvest another egg because of the way I was responding to the fertility drugs. Lexie: I wish that were the only hurdle we were facing, Mimi. I spoke to Dr. Ross about your blood work, and...well, to put it very simply, it seems your body was working very hard to prevent the embryo from implanting. Shawn D.: Why? Lexie: Shawn, I wish we had the answer to that question. If we did -- Mimi: What? Lexie: If we did, we could do something to help you. Mimi: But you can't. Lexie: I'm sorry. Dr. Ross and I both feel that it's highly unlikely you'd be able to carry a pregnancy to term. Mimi: [Sighing] Oh, God. I don't believe this. I mean, I do. I'm so sorry I'll never be able to give you your own child. I'm so sorry. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: I can explain exactly what happened. I was in here. I heard this strange whirring noise, so I figured I better check it out. Apparently, it was a camera. I walk over there, slap that grate a couple of times. That's all I did. Hope: That's not all you did. You disabled the camera. Bo: If I did, I didn't mean to. I didn't know the damn thing was there. just another amazing coincidence? Hope: Today of all days, you just happen to hear a noise and you have to check it out? I'm a detective. I've heard every line there is. Did you really think I was that gullible? Abe, thank you. With this information, I think it's safe to say that the mystery's been solved. Bo: Hope, I didn't touch the damn disc. Hope: I don't want to discuss this anymore. It's been a long enough day. Bo: So, you don't believe me? Hope: Bo, it's enough. I'm finished. I told Frankie that I wanted to sign the divorce papers, and I'm going to. And this time there is nothing you can say or do that's gonna change my mind. It's over. [SCENE_BREAK] Billie: Mother, this has to stop right now. Either you tell them the truth or I will. Kate: You do that, I'll deny it. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Abe...you know I'm telling the truth, don't you? Abe: We got a big problem here, Bo -- one that could cost you your badge.. Bo: I did not tamper with evidence. I didn't do anything with that damn camera. I love my daughter, yes, but I would not jeopardize my marriage. Come on, Abe. You know me better than that. Abe: Bo...you know I want to believe you. And I hope you're telling me the truth. Bo: So, you don't believe me. You know what, Abe? You'll have my badge on your desk. [SCENE_BREAK] Billie: Bo...Bo, listen to me. Look at me. I believe you. Bo: Fine! A lot of good that's gonna do. Who the hell is screwing with my life? Billie: Let me help you, Bo. Bo: You can't help me. I got to talk to Hope. I got to convince her she's making a mistake. Kate: Someday you're gonna realize this is all for the best...for everyone. [SCENE_BREAK] Frankie: What are you doing? Jennifer: I was just leaving a note for the sitter. [Doorbell rings] I wonder who that could be. Oh. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Hi. Sorry, I don't mean to bother you. I know you have a lot going on right now. It's just -- I didn't know where else to go. Jennifer: You're not bothering me. What's wrong? Frankie: Are you okay? Hope: No, I'm not. You're not gonna believe this, either one of you. I think Bo really did it. Jennifer: What? You think that he switched the evidence? Hope: He betrayed me for Billie and Chelsea. And worst of all -- he betrayed our son. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: [Sighs] You know what? I don't think anything is actually wrong. I mean, you getting pregnant was meant to be, right? We haven't even been trying that long, and we -- I -- just have to be patient, right? Belle: Listen, I'll tell you what. If something doesn't happen soon, then maybe we can talk to Lexie. Philip: Well, if it'll make both of us feel better, maybe we should talk to her tonight. [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn D.: All right, all right, now come on. This is not your fault. We will have a baby...one way or another. I promise you. Come on. Mimi: I know, I know. I know we can still adopt, and adopting would be wonderful. I just -- oh -- I just really wanted to give birth to your child. Shawn D.: No, I told you, that's not important to me. Mimi: It's important to me. Lexie: Well, we could always discuss the possibility of using a surrogate. Mimi: A surrogate? Well, who would we even get to do that for us? How does it work? Lexie: There are many women willing to be surrogates. Shawn would simply fertilize a donated egg, and we would have it implanted into her womb, just as we did with you. Mimi: I don't know. That's a lot to think about. Lexie: I know. I know. I'll give you time to talk it over, okay? There's no need to rush into anything. Take all the time you need, all right? Okay, and once you've decided on what you want to do, just let me know. Shawn D.: Thank you, Lexie... for everything. Lexie: You're welcome. [SCENE_BREAK] Bonnie: Oh, baby. Shawn D.: Take a deep breath. I know it's -- I know you didn't -- it's not what you wanted to hear. Bonnie: Honey, honey, listen to me. At least you still have options. Mimi: A surrogate. I mean, do we really want some stranger to carry our child or your child? Bonnie: Hey, who has -- who has to say it has to be a stranger? Mimi: Hmm? Shawn D.: What are you talking about? You know someone? Bonnie: I sure do. And you're looking at her. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: Lexie...hi. I'm sorry to interrupt. I know you're busy. Lexie: Oh, no, you're never interrupting. I'm sure you're here about Shawn and Mimi. Philip: Yeah, we feel pretty bad about that right now, actually. Belle: Yeah, how is she? Lexie: She's still pretty upset, you know? They both are. But I think they're gonna be okay. Belle: I hope so. I know how much they want to have this baby. Philip: And speaking of babies, if you're not too busy, we have a very important favor we'd like to ask you. [SCENE_BREAK] Designer: Voilà. She's ready. Marco: Bellissima. Sami: Really? You think it's okay? E.J.: No, I don't think it's okay. I think it is so much better than okay. Austin: Wow. You look great. You look great. This is meant to be. Marco: Now...Mr. Wells, I'm gonna need you over here please. And, Samantha darling, you just like this...okay? A little closer. Sami: Sorry. Marco: That's it. Now let's have some fun. Remember -- playful but sexy. This is the man every woman in America will want to know and want as a boyfriend. And, Samantha....you represent every woman. Sami: Whoa. Austin: [Chuckles] Sami: Um... Austin: Sami, you could do this. [Techno music plays] Marco: Perfetto. Okay, Sami, put your arm around him. Yes, yes. Touch him, touch his chest. Yes, yes. Don't look at me. Look at each other. Don't smile, look at each other. Yes. Yes, yes. Bellissimo, bellissimo. [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: Okay, look, this is only going to take a second. Billie: Mom, we don't have a second. Bo's job and his marriage are both on the line. Kate: Billie, I have to check on the photo shoot. I have things on the line, too. Oh, here it is. [SCENE_BREAK] Marco: Yes, yes, bellissimo. Bellissimo. [SCENE_BREAK] Billie: Well, how's it going in there? Are they getting along without you? Kate: Oh, yes. They are getting along just fine, more than I could have hoped for. [SCENE_BREAK] Abe: I have no choice but to turn this over to internal affairs. Tek: Do you really think Bo did it? Abe: It's hard to believe. You know, Bo is one of the most honest police officers I've ever known. And he doesn't always go by the book, but to go this far outside the law... Tek: I know, he'd have to be pretty desperate. Abe: Especially to do that to Hope. You know, I grant you, Lexie and I have had our problems, but... if she ever betrayed me like that...I don't think I could ever forgive her. [SCENE_BREAK] Frankie: So, you're saying some old surveillance system of Tek's was still in commission? Hope: Unfortunately for Bo. Jennifer: And it caught Bo with the DVD in his hand? Hope: No, but it caught him very clearly looking for something in that room. Frankie: Let's give Bo the benefit of the doubt. We know that he was there on official police business -- Hope: Frankie, the point is, why did he dismiss the officer guarding the evidence room and why did he disable the surveillance system? Frankie: What? Hope: That was the last thing caught on camera. Granted, there was no actual evidence that he destroyed the evidence against Chelsea, but there's no other real explanation. No one else could have done it but Bo. Jennifer: Hope, I am so sorry. Hope: [Sighs] Don't be. Frankie, do you have the papers I asked you for, the divorce papers? Frankie: In my briefcase. Hope: Good. I'm ready to sign them. Jennifer: Hope, are you sure? Frankie: You're emotional. Why don't you give yourself a chance to calm down? Hope: Frankie, I'm calm. I've made up my mind. I'm not changing it. Please, get the papers. Frankie: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] [Banging on door] Bo: Jen, open the door! I got to talk to Hope! [Banging continues] Hope, come on! I want to talk to you! Open the door! [Banging continues] [SCENE_BREAK] Tek: Unless there's anything else you need me to help you with, I really should get out of here. Abe: Hot date, huh? Tek: Uh, something like that. Abe: Really? Hey, why don't you and your lady friend join me and Lexie sometime for a double date? Tek: Uh, yeah, we'll see. Abe: You know, truth be told, I'm looking forward to a little quality time with my wife. I've been neglecting her lately. And I...well, I'd like to make it up to her, show her how much she means to me. Tek: All right, well, good luck with that. I got to get out of here. Abe: Hey, hey, hey. Thanks for dropping whatever you were doing and showing up here on short notice. Tek: Anytime, anytime. [SCENE_BREAK] Tek: Come on, Lexie, answer the phone. I can't let Abe get you back. [SCENE_BREAK] Mimi: Wow, Mom, that is, um, quite an offer. Shawn D.: Yes, it certainly is. Mimi: But there is no way that I would ever let you carry our child. Bonnie: Why the heck not? I've had plenty of experience -- carried and delivered three of my own, including you. Plus, I'm healthy as an ox and I still have perfect child-bearing hips. Mimi: Yeah, but, Mom, a lot has changed since the last time you were pregnant. Bonnie: Changed how? What could have changed? Mimi: Well, for one thing, are you willing to give up drinking any alcohol for an entire nine months? Bonnie: Well, sure. I mean, that doesn't include beer, right? Mimi: Yes, it includes beer. And you couldn't smoke, either. Bonnie: Even if I didn't inhale? Mimi: No, mother, you'd have to quit cold turkey -- no alcohol and no cigarettes, period. And anyhow...remember how you almost died giving birth to me? I would not want to be the one responsible if anything remotely close to that happened, especially at your age. Bonnie: All right. You don't have to go bringing up my age. You're right.. It probably wasn't such a good idea. Shawn D.: But let me tell you -- it was incredibly kind of you to offer. Bonnie: I'm sure you'll find somebody, though. Somebody nice with no bad habits. Shawn D.: Yeah, I think we'll be able to if...your daughter wants to pursue this. Mimi: I just wish I never had that abortion, then I could just give birth to your child. Shawn D.: Would you stop? You made a decision you felt you had to make, and it's a choice you had every right to make. Just think -- if you hadn't done that, you might still be with Rex and then I would have never have found the love of my life. Mimi: Ooh! You're the love of my life. Bonnie: I'll just give you some privacy. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: Thank you, Lexie. I'm the first to admit -- we're both probably just being impatient, so it was very nice of you to run those fertility tests. Lexie: No problem. You're lucky the lab was slow tonight, so we should have the results pretty quickly. Belle: Oh, that's great. [Cellphone rings] Lexie: Ah, goodness. Huh. I've got to run. Um, look, I'll have one of the nurses give you the results as soon as they're in, okay? If you have any questions or concerns, give me a call, all right? Philip: All right, we will. Thanks again. [SCENE_BREAK] Belle: Well, I'm glad we got the test done. Now we'll know that nothing's wrong and we can just relax, which is probably all we need to do anyway. Philip: Right. Belle: What? You don't sound so sure. You said you didn't think anything was wrong. Philip: Well, I hope there isn't. I just don't understand how we got pregnant so fast with Claire, but this time, we just keep striking out. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: I told you not to call me anymore. Tek: I'm sorry. I can't stay away. Look, I need to see you. Lexie: Tek...I can't. Tek: Yes, you can. Lexie, please, just one last time. That's all I'm asking. Do you have a pen and paper? Okay, here's where I want you to meet me. [SCENE_BREAK] [Techno music plays] Kate: Hey, Austin, what's going on? Austin: Hi, Mom. Hi, Billie. You're just in time. Kate: For what? Austin: Well, to see this. It's amazing. Kate: [Chuckles] I don't understand. Where's Kiara? Austin: Yeah, well, you know, we're not gonna be using her. We had some....creative differences. E.J. suggested that Sami step in. And I have to say, I think it's a great idea. She's the look we were after. You know, there's a type, and she's beautiful without being threatening. Don't say it. Kate: I'm not saying anything. Austin: You were thinking it. Kate: So, what are you telling me here? That Sami's the model? Austin: Yeah, I think she's great. She's the all-American-girl type that we were looking for originally, and her and E.J. have this, uh...incredible chemistry. That is if it translates half as well to the photos. [SCENE_BREAK] Marco: It will, Ms. Roberts. Believe. [Speaks Italian] Billie: He said they're wonderful together. Marco: [Speaks Italian] Billie: Perfect. Sami: [Laughs] Kate: More than perfect. [SCENE_BREAK] Marco: Okay, guys, take five. Sami: Oh, okay. Whoa! [Laughs] Thank you. Um, excuse me. Kate...it was a last- minute decision that I became the model, but Austin thought it was a really good idea and E.J. likes it, too. Kate: I agree. Sami: Look, I don't care what you think I -- what did you say? Kate: I agree. I think you're just the right face for the campaign. I think you're absolutely perfect with E.J. I think being photographed with you rather than Kiara is going to make him seem much more accessible to our key demographic. [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: [Chuckles] E.J., It's so nice to see again. It was really a lovely shoot. E.J.: Thank you, it is. Kate: This is my daughter, Billie Reed. E.J. Wells. E.J.: It's my pleasure. Billie: Ooh! It's nice to meet you. Um, I saw you at Monte Carlo once, and you were just amazing, really amazing. E.J.: You're too kind. Sami: Wait a second. Billie works with Countess Wilhelmina. I mean, she's the competition. Austin: Sami, it's okay. Billie: Sami, don't worry about it. I have to get back to my daughter anyway...although I'm not married. Not married at all. Um...it was a pleasure. Thank you. E.J.: It was mine. I hope to see you again...soon. Billie: [Chuckles] [SCENE_BREAK] Marco: Okay, guys. Let's get back to work. Sami: Oh, yeah, that's me. Marco: And this time, let's try something different. Sami: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: So, you really do approve? Kate: Yes, yes, I do. I think that E.J. and Sami have a certain something -- a spark. Austin: Yeah, yeah, I think it's the start of something huge. Kate: Yeah -- the beginning of the end of Sami Brady. [Camera shutter clicking] [SCENE_BREAK] Nurse: Mr. and Mrs. Kiriakis, I have your test results. Belle: Oh, wow. That was fast. Thanks. Nurse: You're welcome. Belle: Darling, would you like the honors? Philip: It's all you. Go ahead. Belle: Come here. Philip: All right. Belle: Okay. Philip: Is there a problem? Belle: Uh, not with me. It's you. I mean, I think that's what it says. Philip: Let me see this. I don't even understand this. How can I have low sperm motility? We had no problem with Claire. This doesn't even make sense. Bonnie: [Thinking] Oh, it makes sense, all right. There's a reason Belle got knocked up so fast and it's got nothing to do with you, babe. [SCENE_BREAK] Mimi: [Sighs] How did I get so lucky to have such a wonderful, understanding husband? Shawn D.: I'm the lucky one. I have such a beautiful wife. And together we are gonna have a beautiful baby, whether we have to adopt or find a surrogate. You believe that, right? We're gonna have the family that we want. Mimi: I hope so. [SCENE_BREAK] Abe: Hey, Lex, I was hoping to get together before Frankie and Jennifer's bachelor party and shower. I'd really like to spend some time with you. Call me when you get this, will you? I love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Tek. Tek: Oh, hey, baby. It's good to see you. Let's go inside. Lexie: No, no, no, no. I came to tell you I can't do this. Tek: Oh, come on, come on, Lexie. You said that before. You know you feel the same way I do. Lexie: Tek, I -- Tek: Come on, I love you. I need to be with you one last time. One last time. [SCENE_BREAK] [Banging on door] Frankie: Bo, it's not a good time. Bo: Frankie, I just got to convince her I didn't switch the discs. Hope: Frankie...could you please get the divorce papers? Please? Bo: Hope...come on. You can't do this. Hope: I'm signing the papers. It's just as well that you're here. Then we can both get it out of the way. Bo: No, no. I'm not gonna sign anything. I will contest this divorce. Hope: I wish you wouldn't. Bo: How can you do this? How can you throw everything we have away? Hope: How can I do this? You have some nerve asking me that after you let our son's killer go free with just a slap on the wrist. I'm sorry...but it's over. You made your choice. Now I'm making mine. Goodbye, Bo. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Is it really true what you said before? That you only need one signature...to grant the divorce? Frankie: That's right. Hope: Where do I sign? Bo: This can't be happening. It can't be over. It can't be over. [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn D.: So, what do you say? Do you want to take that next step trying to find a surrogate for our baby? [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: This is gonna be the last time, okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Kayla: I am not leaving this town until the two of you have worked this out. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: If Kayla sees you walking through that door, it's gonna blow her away. | Sami is jealous when she catches one of the female models flirting with E.J |
435 | Sonny: Alexis, you cannot honestly think I tried to have you killed. Alexis: All I know is it wasn't an accidental hit-and-run. We were so far off the main road, we were so close to the edge of the cliff. Two more feet, we would've gone over. We had to have been followed. Sonny: And that means I'm involved? Alexis: You tell me. Reese: We're investigating the possibility that the collision was a mob- related attack. They could've been targeting Ric because he's Sonny's brother. Alexis: My God, people are coming after you through your family. Why on earth would you bring her here? Sonny: Because I wanted her safe. Alexis: This is the most dangerous place on the planet, Sonny! I wish I'd taken her when I had the chance. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Wow, no crutches, huh? Lucky: Yeah. Elizabeth: Told your legs would get stronger. Lucky: Well, it couldn't have happened fast enough for me. I think it's about time that I leave Wyndemere. Elizabeth: It's not going so well? Lucky: No, you were right. I'm not helping. I think I'm only making things worse for Emily. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Emily -- Emily, don't do it. I'm okay. Please put the gun down. Man: Listen to her. Connor's voice: You were begging me to play along. I'm going to stay right here and keep being Nikolas! [Emily screams] Emily's voice: Stop! Jason: Emily -- just put the gun down. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: As painful as I know this has been for you, you have got to learn something from what happened to Michael. The people close to you are in constant danger, and they will continue to pay for it with their lives until there isn't anyone left. Sonny: I was just trying to protect Kristina. Alexis: You brought her back to the place that she was abducted. Reese: Okay, this is the safest place for Kristina right now. The security guards are surrounding the house -- Alexis: I know all about the security guards and I know all about the security system, and it didn't do my daughter any good. Sonny: It's been overhauled. Alexis: Is that supposed to reassure me? Sonny: Nothing's going to happen! Alexis: You say that every time, and every time, something terrible happens here! You don't honestly believe what you're saying, do you? Reese: You've obviously been through a traumatic experience here, Alexis, and you're understandably emotional, but we just have to keep calm -- Alexis: Don't condescend to me, Agent Marshall. What, you've known him all of two months? I almost died this evening simply because my husband and my daughter happen to be related to him. Sonny: Say the words, Alexis. Kristina's my daughter. I have the right -- Alexis: She has a right to be protected, and she is not protected in this house! Carly, you and I don't agree about a lot of things, but I know that we believe that protecting our children is the most important thing. Carly: Okay. Sonny: She's on her soapbox again. Alexis: You lost one child. I know that you would move heaven and earth not to lose Morgan. Carly: Of course I would. Alexis: Then tell him. You tell him that the children are not safe here and that no matter how much Sonny may love them, he needs to let them go. Tell him, Carly. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: There was a time last summer that I thought that I was in love with Emily. Things -- they just weren't going so well and I was just feeling cut off and alone, and Emily was my closest childhood friend. Elizabeth: Lucky, you don't have to explain. Lucky: No. I want you to understand. She brought it up tonight. Elizabeth: In what context? Lucky: Well, she implied that maybe there could be something between us. Elizabeth: You mean like something romantic? Lucky: I know she was looking for a way to hide from Nikolas. Elizabeth: Oh. Well, that -- that must've been really difficult. Lucky: Yeah, but not for the reasons that you mean. Emily loves Nikolas, and Nikolas loves her, and we all want them to be together, but she's hurting and scared since Connor raped her and she just doesn't know how to get past it. Elizabeth: Can I ask you something? Lucky: Yeah, yeah. Elizabeth: If Emily didn't love Nikolas and she were free to choose whoever she wanted and she chose you, how would that make you feel? Lucky: I would tell her that we were friends and nothing more. Elizabeth: You don't have to say that for my sake, Lucky. Lucky: No. I mean it. Emily doesn't make my heart skip a beat when I see her, but you do, Elizabeth. Every time I see you, I just think of what you've meant and that last kiss that we shared before I went to the hospital and -- you know, I can't imagine wanting anything more than to kiss you again. [Pager beeps] Elizabeth: Um -- I have to go. No, no, sit down. Lucky: Okay. Elizabeth: I think about that kiss, too. All the time. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Emily? Emily, it's over. I'm going to take care of this, okay? Put the gun down. Emily: He was hurting her. Jason: He's not going to hurt her anymore. I won't let him, trust me. You can trust me. Just -- just take your finger off the trigger. Jason: It's okay, I got it. Let go. Emily: I had to stop them, Jason. Sam: Emily, thank you so much. You saved me. You saved me, and that's what I'm going to tell the police, okay? Jason: Come here. Okay. Can you get to Wyndemere by yourself? Emily: Don't I -- don't I need to stay here and make a statement? Jason: No, no, I'm going to take care of that for you, okay? Right now I need you to go. Those guys are not going to hurt you. I need you to go straight home. Do not talk to anyone. Emily: But what about Mike? Jason: Mike -- you have to go before he comes to. Emily: Okay. Jason: Okay? Sam: What now, Jason? Jason: What now? I want you to call the cops. Tell them everything that happened, but do not tell them Emily was here. Sam: No, no, no, what are you doing? You're putting your fingerprints all over the gun. They're going to I.D. you. Jason: That's the idea. I don't want them questioning Emily. [Mike groans] Mike: I tried to get to my shotgun, but they saw me. Jason: No, Mike, it's okay. They're gone. Mike: Yeah? Sam? Jason: She's fine. Nothing happened to her. Mike: Okay. Listen, thank God you came along when you did. Sam: Jason, an ambulance is on its way. Jason: Okay, Mike, I got to talk to Sam for a minute. Just try to take it easy, okay? Mike: Believe me, I will. Sam: Are you sure about this? Jason: I do not want Emily involved. She's been through enough. So have you. Sam: Just it all happened so quickly, you know? Jason: Did those guys hit you? Sam: I'm okay. I was giving it all I got, you know, and then Emily showed up, thank God. Jason: Did you recognize the guys? Sam: No, but -- Jason: But what? What? Did they say something? Sam: They wanted to send a message to Sonny, and that's why they went after Mike. And then I showed up. I tried to stop them, and then they decided to use me to send the message instead. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: Hey. Emily: Hi. Lucky: Where'd you go? Emily: Oh, just, uh, out. I ran a few errands. Lucky: Everything okay? Emily: Yeah, it's just been a bad day. Lucky: Anything in particular? Emily: God, just been thinking about Nikolas, how we were looking forward to our life together and how wonderful it was going to be. Lucky: Can still happen. Emily: Lucky -- maybe it was a bad idea for me to stay here at Wyndemere. I move around the house remembering all the things I did with Nikolas. You know, sitting in front of the fire, reading books, talking for hours as we walked around the island. Lying in bed, looking out at the water, spinning dreams about what our future was going to be like. Lucky: He'll be home someday. Then you can do all those things again. Emily: It's never going to be the same. Lucky: Why not? Emily: When I think about our wedding day and the promises we made, how sure we were that we were going to be able to overcome anything -- I can't do this. Lucky, I can't lie anymore. Lucky: Em, whatever it is, you can tell me. Emily: I came close to killing a man just now. Lucky: Whoa, what do you mean? Emily: I -- I went to Kelly's and I saw two men attacking Sam. They were throwing her around, manhandling her, and Sam was fighting back as hard as she could, but she wasn't strong enough. Mike's sawed-off shotgun was behind the counter, and I took it and I aimed it at the men and I almost shot them. My God, Lucky, I was ready to pull that trigger. Lucky: You were just trying to save Sam. Emily: I wasn't thinking about Sam or the man who was attacking her. All I could think about was Connor and what he did to me. I almost killed a man because Connor raped me. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Look, Alexis, we don't know what's going on yet, and until we do, this is the safest place for Morgan and Kristina, here at Sonny's. Alexis: I can't believe I'm hearing that. Carly: Did you only ask me so I'd agree with you? Alexis: How, after everything that has happened to you, can you ignore reality? Carly: Sonny has the most security. Alexis: He always does, and it doesn't make one iota of difference. My God, Carly, you're still choosing loyalty to him over the welfare of your children? Carly: Nothing is more important to me than my son's safety. Sonny: They're upstairs, Alexis. They're safe. They're happy. What do you want? Carly: Yeah, but that's not the point, is it, Alexis? Alexis: I'm going to get my daughter. Sonny: No, no, wait, wait, okay? Kristina is staying here tonight. Alexis: What are you going to do? Are you going to break my kneecaps? Carly: Stop being so dramatic. Alexis: You're a federal agent. Are you going to stand there and say nothing? Sonny: Agent Marshall already gave her opinion. She thinks the kids are safer here with me tonight. Alexis: You and Agent Marshall are obviously very comfortable with each other. Sonny: Okay, come on now. You need to leave, now. I don't want to throw you out, but you need to leave. Alexis: Not without my daughter. Sonny: She's staying here because she's upstairs! Reese: Alexis is right. You have to let her take Kristina. Reese: Look, I do think Kristina would be safest here in the house with you, at least until we know what's going on. However, Ms. Davis is the parent with primary custody. Sonny: I have unlimited visitation. Reese: Yeah, unfortunately, the law favors Alexis in this situation, and if she wants to take Kristina, you can't stop her. Alexis: Mr. Corinthos doesn't take into account the details of the law. Carly: Alexis, you got what you want. Maybe you should just go. Sonny: Right, right. Alexis: You're right. I'm going to go upstairs and bring my daughter home. Ric: You're not going anywhere except back to the hospital with me. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: You'll be okay, Mike. Sam: So I came around the corner and I saw these two guys roughing up Mike. Mac: What'd you do? Sam: Well, I yelled at them and I told them to stop, and then they knocked him unconscious and they came after me and they started to throw me around. They were big and they were getting the best of me, and I fought. I fought as hard as I could and I got scared and I started screaming, and that's when Jason showed up. Mac: With a gun? Sam: No, no, he got Mike's gun from behind the counter and he told them to leave and they did. Mac: What's your side of the story? Jason: I saw Sam struggling with these guys and I came in from the back, saw Mike on the ground. I didn't know if Mike was dead or just knocked out. Went behind the counter, grabbed the shotgun. That's when the guys took off. Mac: Did you recognize the men? Jason: No, they were wearing ski masks. Mac: Any indication what the motive was? Simple robbery? Some sort of retaliation against you and Sonny? Jason: Mac, I have no idea. Mac: Did they say anything? Jason: I told you all I know. You know what; I got to get her home. She's hurt, okay? Mac: I have a few more questions, Jason. Jason: Mac, you know where I live. I'll sign whatever papers you want, I'll fill out a report. I need to get her home or to the hospital. Mac: All right, I'll be in touch. Jason: Okay, thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: When I started flashing on Connor and the rape, I couldn't separate it out in my mind. You know, I just felt fear and I felt rage. Lucky: The first step in dealing with it is to say it out loud. Emily: You don't seem surprised. Lucky: Well, I just -- I just -- Emily: You already knew, didn't you? Elizabeth told you. Lucky: You know what? She didn't have to. I could see it in your eyes the night that it happened. Emily: Don't give me that, Lucky. I -- I confided in Elizabeth. I told her not to tell a soul, and she went running straight to you. Lucky: She was worried about you, Emily. Emily: Okay. So you thought up a plan to play the supportive friend. I offered to bring you here to help you recover, and you thought, "Great, this is going to give me a chance to get her to admit it." Lucky: No, that's not how it was, Emily. Emily: This whole thing was a setup! Lucky, you've been lying to me from the moment you got here! Lucky: No, that is not true. I just thought if you were with somebody that you could trust, then you would -- Emily: Don't -- don't even talk to me about trust. You've been manipulating me! Lucky: Emily, listen, I'm your oldest friend. Emily: Oh, yeah. Right, Lucky, some friend. God, I feel like such an idiot! I've been telling you all of these personal things, I've been rambling on about how you and I should maybe get together. Oh, my God, Elizabeth must have loved that one. Lucky: Emily, Elizabeth was raped, too. She understands what it was like. Emily: So you helped her heal? Lucky: Yeah, that's right, so I just -- Emily: Right, so you both have been playing shrink, right, figuring out what to say, how to act? Lucky: Emily, all we want is you to feel whole again. Emily: Which is why you've been reporting every detail to Elizabeth behind my back, giving her updates on how poor, pathetic Emily is doing. Lucky: Emily, you've got this all wrong. Emily: No, you know what, save it, Lucky. I don't need this garbage and I don't need you. [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: Excuse me for interrupting. Max let me in. Alexis, did you forget that you were in a car accident, that you're recovering, that the doctors have expressly said that they wanted you to remain in the hospital overnight? Alexis: The doctors said I was fine and it was just a precaution. Ric: No, it was a warning that you were meant to take seriously, all right? This is already a high-risk pregnancy and you have been diagnosed with a heart condition. Alexis: I'm very well aware of what I've been diagnosed with. It's a mild condition. Ric: No, it's not a mild -- it's a heart murmur, okay? Did you hear the doctors? I did. Alexis: My daughter is not safe in this house. Ric: Alexis, you were asked to stay put. But instead you decide to come over here and go rounds with Sonny again. What, are you out of your mind? Alexis: My daughter was kidnapped from this house. Ric: I'm aware of that. Alexis: It is not okay for her to be here and -- Ric: Sonny is taking every precaution! Kristina is not at risk. You are and so is the child you're carrying. Now, you were asked and told to stay in the hospital and rest. And that is exactly where I'm taking you. Sonny, thank you for watching Kristina. We'll pick her up in the morning. Alexis: I will be right back to get my daughter. I need to talk to my husband in private. Carly: I'm going upstairs to check on Morgan. Reese: We still don't know who caused the hit-and-run. Sonny: Alexis is right about one thing. It was more than a coincidence. Reese: If you jump to conclusions and retaliate, you're just going to make things worse, Sonny. Sonny: True. Reese: And I have your word that you will do nothing? Sonny: I just agreed it's a smart thing to do. It's best for my family. [Phone rings] Sonny: Hello? Jason: The Sandovals hit Kelly's. They beat up Mike and they attacked Sam. Sonny: It's -- it's business. I got to get this call. Ahem. [Door closes] Sonny: How bad? Jason: Mike has a concussion, took him to the hospital. Sonny: Oh. How's Sam? Jason: She, you know, tried to fight the guys off. She swears she's okay. Sonny: You sure it was the Sandovals? Jason: They told Sam they were using her to send a message, Sonny. They need to pay. Sonny: They will. We're just going to have to set this up, all right? We're going to figure out the alibis, we're going to hit them when their guards are down, and we just got to make sure that it can't be traced back to us. [Sonny hangs up] [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Hey. Sam: Hey. Jason: So you okay? Sam: Yeah, I ran a bath and I can't get my shirt or my coat off. My whole body's just really sore. Jason: Okay. It's okay. Sam: Ow. Jason: I'm sorry. Am I hurting you? Sam: No. No, what hurt was trying to get it off myself. Jason: Okay, lift that arm out. [Sam groans] Jason: Got it? Sam: Yeah. Jason: You're banged up. Sam: You know, Jason, I bruise easily. Jason: Are you all right? Sam: I thought so. I don't know, Jason, maybe it's a delayed reaction, but I just -- I saw these guys and they were attacking Mike and I got so mad. And then they came after me and I -- I felt this rush of anger. And I fought really hard, and then I kept fighting. I kept fighting even though I knew I had been trapped. I knew. I just -- Jason: It's okay. You're safe. You're safe now. Sam: I know. It's just my whole body is wiped out, you know? And I don't know what I'm feeling right now, whether it's helplessness or relief or gratitude for being saved. Jason: It's all right. I'm going to take care of you. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: Elizabeth, how could you do this to me? You promised that you wouldn't tell Lucky, but you did. Elizabeth: Um, no, I didn't say anything, I swear. Emily: You and Lucky have been going behind my back for my own good, deciding that I'm such a disaster, that I need help? So Lucky agrees to play the noble friend and then goes running back to you to report every detail about poor, pathetic Emily. Well, look, I am done being your project. Elizabeth: Okay, first of all, Lucky wasn't playing anything. He is the best friend you will ever have. Emily: Not the way he's acting. Elizabeth: You want the truth, Emily? All right, here's the truth. Yes, Lucky and I have both been worried about you, and Lucky thought he could help by staying with you. I was against the whole idea because I didn't think he could give you the help you needed. Emily: Oh, that's right. Yeah, you're all for counseling and therapy. Elizabeth: Oh, you bet I am. I have watched you push away every single person who cares about you, claiming you're dealing with the rape, but you're not. Honey, you are not eating, you're not sleeping, you are ruining -- Emily: Elizabeth, you have no idea how I'm doing. Elizabeth: Oh, come on, Emily, it is obvious to everyone who's around you. You are giving Connor and the way he abused you all the power, and you have got to stop. I have begged you to get counseling. Well, now it's time. You want the nightmare to end? You're going to have to admit you need help. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Sonny? Kristina had a bad dream and she was asking for you. Sonny: Oh. Get over here. Okay, you had a nightmare, huh? Well, I'm glad you came down. You know why? Because nightmares are very scary. You sit right here. Nightmares are very scary, aren't they? Well, let me tell you something, next time that you have a little nightmare and you feel afraid, you know what you got to do? Huh? Let me tell you what you got to do. You got to think of your brother Michael, the one I told you about who's in heaven, right? All you got to do is think of him, okay? Remember how good he used to make you feel? Remember he used to play with you, make you laugh, right? Well, guess what -- guess where he is. He's in heaven. Can you say "heaven"? Kristina: Heaven. Sonny: Yeah! And he's looking down on you. And anytime that you feel afraid, you know what you got to do? All you got to do is say, "Please, please, Michael, can you help me make my dreams, my bad dreams go away?" And he will make you happy. He will make you feel safe. You know why? I'll tell you why. Because he's your special guardian angel. Can you say "guardian angel"? Kristina: Guardian angel. Sonny: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: I swear to you, I've never met anybody who was so unbelievably reckless with their health. Please put this on. Alexis: I cannot believe you undermined me in front of Sonny. And by the way, I apologize for being a protective parent. Ric: Oh, don't play the martyr here, okay? You're just giving in to paranoia! Alexis: Are you kidding me? Ric: Sonny and his mob buddies are all of a sudden responsible for everything, from the buses not running to a liquor store getting robbed, and then Kristina's all of a sudden in danger? Alexis: Children are kidnapped; people are dropping like flies -- Ric: Alexis, come on! It could've been a simple hit-and-run! Alexis: Agent Marshall seems to think it could've been a mob hit! Ric: Agent Marshall? I don't give a damn about what Agent Marshall says! I am your husband! I'm also the district attorney, so my opinion matters just as much as hers, if not more! Alexis: In your opinion, I should just lie there and do nothing? Ric: That's right, for now. Alexis: I'm not a broodmare, Ric. I can't just lie here and protect your offspring, because I have another child as well and I would like you to care about her as much as you do your own -- or don't you give a damn about her anymore? [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: It's okay. Sorry. Sam: Ow. [SCENE_BREAK] Reese: How could you let Jason Morgan leave without further questioning? Mac: He gave a complete statement. Reese: And you believe him? Mac: His story and Sam McCall's were identical. Reese: All right, Morgan has never been known for even cooperating with the police. If you would just take him down to the station -- Mac: The two perps left the manager unconscious and roughed up Sam McCall. She didn't need medical attention. I felt it was reasonable to let Jason take her home. Now, if I have to question him further, I have his address. Reese: I think that you realize this isn't just a botched robbery. Mac: We'll have more information when we I.D. the two assailants. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Now do something with it. Instead of yelling at your friends, go see a counselor, talk about the rape with a professional therapist. Emily: Okay, stop telling me what to do, Elizabeth! Elizabeth: Oh, come on, Emily, I am just trying to help you. I know I sound like a broken record, but it's because I know counseling will help you. Emily: You and Lucky analyze everything I do, everything I feel, and then you pronounce judgment like you have all the answers. Well, you don't, Elizabeth. I'm the one going through this, not you, so back off! Elizabeth: What do you want me to do? You want me to just stand back and watch my best friend hurt herself even more? Emily: Elizabeth, I've been a little on edge, okay? I haven't been my usual perky self, and I think that I'm entitled! Elizabeth: Yes, yes, you are, of course, but it's not going to go away unless you get help. Emily: Okay, just because you were raped and you dealt with it through counseling doesn't mean that it's the answer for me, too. Elizabeth: You're wrong, Emily. Nobody gets through this alone. Emily: Stop trying to shove your own experience down my throat. I don't need professional help, okay? What I need is an understanding friend. But you can't seem to manage that. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: Hey, Elizabeth. I just want to give you a heads-up. Emily knows that I realized about the rape and she's -- Emily: I talked to Elizabeth. Lucky: Never mind. I'll talk to you later. How'd it go? Emily: Oh, same as always. Elizabeth tells me how I should be handling the rape, and I get upset and defensive. Lucky: Emily, she's your friend. She just wants to help. Emily: I understand why Elizabeth brought you into this, okay? You helped her when she was raped. You understood. You supported her. She thinks that you can do the same for me. Lucky: I am your friend, Emily. All I want to do is help in any way I can. Emily: I know, Lucky, and I appreciate it. Lucky: But Elizabeth has been through this. Emily: Okay, see, that is the problem, okay? Elizabeth thinks that she can fit me into this cookie-cutter mold of how a woman should heal after being raped. But pushing me into therapy isn't what I need. Lucky: Okay, any idea what would work? Emily: Time. A little consideration. Look, stop assuming that you know what's best for me, okay? Just let me find my own way. Lucky: I'll do whatever you want me to do. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: It was -- it was dangerous for you to go out. I'm sorry. I should've warned you. Sam: Jason, there's no way you could've known those guys were going to be there. Jason: Anyone close to me or Sonny is a target. Sam: But I'm home. I'm safe. And I love you so much. [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: The idea that I don't care about Kristina is ludicrous. Alexis: You know what I meant. It's just that she's not your biological daughter. Ric: Oh, no, right, she's Sonny's biological child. I'm the stepfather, and -- if blood relation's the only thing that matters to you, Alexis, she also happens to be my niece. I intend to raise Kristina and care for her and give her all of the love that I have to give, the same as I'm planning to give this child that you're carrying -- you know, the one I fought so desperately to save tonight, along with you, my wife. Alexis: I'm very grateful for -- Ric: You're -- you're grateful? Did you hear yourself? You sound like you're in court. You sound like you're -- like you're thanking a witness for their testimony. Alexis, do you realize how long I tried to get you out of that car? I bargained with God. I pleaded with him to make sure that you and the baby were all right. I asked him if he did that that I'd never ask him for another thing ever in my life! You know, experiences like that change people, Alexis. You know, it usually brings them closer together. It makes them realize how precious life is and how -- how there is nothing more important than love and family. But that's not who you are. Ric: I guess it's going to have to be enough, then, that -- that you and the baby are all right. Because you have nothing left to give. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: You ready to go? See you later. Oh, my goodness. Ric: Hey, hey. Need a little help there? Elizabeth: Hey! No, I'm fine. I've got it. Ric: Okay. Elizabeth: All right, who am I kidding? Here you go. Ric: Okay. Whoa. What, you got a couple of bricks in here? Elizabeth: No, but just about everything else. I mean, books, toys, bottles, whatever it takes in case we get stranded. Huh, cam? Because Mommy's always prepared. Ric: Well, you are a good mother, Elizabeth. Elizabeth: Thanks. Try an exhausted one right now. Cameron's in that cruising stage where he's getting himself up onto furniture and he takes a couple steps and he explores things and he touches everything. Ric: Is that right? I guess it's pretty scary when you realize what they can get into, huh? Elizabeth: Tell me about it. This is the world's most curious child. Ric: Is that right? Elizabeth: Yeah. Ric: Well, I hear that's a sign of intelligence. Elizabeth: Really? Ric: Really. Elizabeth: Well, it looks like I have a genius on my hands. You should see my house. I've gated the doorways, I've covered the plugs. I've installed every safety device possible. But after that, you just kind of have to stand back and let him go. Ric: Yeah. You ever get the feeling that you want to, I don't know, protect his safety, even to the point of smothering him? Elizabeth: Not really. It's just so amazing watching them figure out the world around them. You know, falling down, getting up, learning, starting over. Ric: Yeah, that's how it's supposed to be. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Thank you for backing me up with Alexis. Carly: You're welcome. Sonny: I know you have your own misgivings, and you have every right to, I guess, have that. Carly: Sonny, you are a loving father. And I never doubt that. Sonny: There are things I can't give my kids that other dads can. You know, like, just everyday things. Going outside without thinking ahead, planning ahead, playing catch with my little boy by ourselves without bodyguards. Carly: You know, Sonny, Michael loved going to the park with you. I mean, don't you remember when he was so little? You would take him there and you'd put him on the swings and he would ask you to just push him higher and higher, and you'd do it over and over again. You were so patient. Sonny: There was one time I pushed him so -- I must have pushed him for about an hour. He was laughing. His little legs were pumping. Carly: Yeah. Carly: Sonny, let's do something. Let's do something for Michael. Let's have some kind of memorial to him, something to honor the way that he lived instead of the way that he died. [SCENE_BREAK] Officer: We found a witness who identified one of Sam McCall's attackers. Joey Mott. Mac: Thanks. Reese: I'll call you back. Mac: You know him? Reese: He works for the Sandoval crime family. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: You know, the playground in the park was Michael's favorite. And all the equipment they have now -- it's all old, it's all rusty. Let's make a donation, okay, to the park so they can build a new playground and they can get one of those -- those great new things with slides and swings and, you know, a bridge to go across, just for Michael. Sonny: That would be a great tribute to Michael. [SCENE_BREAK] Reese: The Sandovals have just pushed Sonny too far. There's going to be a war. [NEXT_ON] Tracy: What happened to the front end of your car? Courtney: What is she doing here? Rachel: He's been telling me all about you. Courtney: You stay away from my father. Jax: I think it's time you stop blaming Rachel for all your problems. Carly: What's going on? Are you and Sonny in trouble? Jason: It's business. Reese: I need to speak with Sonny. I'm trying to protect him. | They call Mac and send Mike off to the hospital |
436 | Olivia: Lily will be here when she's ready. Malcolm: We shouldn't have left her alone at the church. Traci: I think she just needs to say good-bye in her own time. Sofia: And, Malcolm, Neil and Devon are with her. They're gonna make sure she's okay. Malcolm: Were you at the same service I was? I mean, th-that poor baby talked to me, and it made perfect sense, but she--it was like she was in her own world. Kay: Her eyes, they-- they really were looking somewhere else, weren't they? Murphy: Yeah. Dr. Hastings: If I were burying someone I loved, I'd want to be somewhere else, too. Murphy: Hmm. Kay: Uh-huh. Malcolm: (Sighs) Traci: (Sighs) Kay: Oh, Darling, come in. Come in. Come in. Come in. Esther: Uh, Lily, can--can I get you some food? I have some soup on the stove. It's perfect for a cold day like today. Lily: No, thank you. I'm... not hungry. Sofia: Well, uh, it--it was a lovely service. (Chuckles) The--the music, the flowers... Lily: I was so afraid that something would go wrong, but everything went. [SCENE_BREAK] Colin: (Sighs) Colin: She won't leave. Jill: Oh, Billy. (Sniffles) (Sighs) You know, a few years ago, we didn't even know him. Billy: Mm-hmm. Jill: Every one of these flowers represents somebody that he touched. That's a lot of lives in a short amount of time. (Sighs) People say that you don't leave this world until you're ready. I don't know if that's true, but even if it is, if he was ready, I wasn't... (Voice cracks) Wasn't ready. Billy: Mom, we gotta go. Jill: (Cries) I can't leave him here alone. Billy: Hold on. Jill: (Sniffles) Billy: You know what? He's not alone. Jill: (Sighs shakily) (Sighs) You're right, Honey. Billy: Come on. Let me walk you out, okay? Jill: (Sniffles) Okay. Billy: All right, let's go. Jill: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: Hello, Tucker, Ashley. Ashley: Hi. Tucker: We wanted to pay our respects. Ashley: We didn't get a chance to talk to you at the church. I'm so sorry about Cane, Katherine. I know that he meant a lot to you. Kay: Yes, yes. He, uh, he did. He did. Tucker: I thought the reception was gonna be here. Kay: Uh, well, Lily wasn't up to it, so Neil took her home. Murphy: And the others left, too. Esther: Oh, but there are tons of food, so please stay and have some. Mrs. C. would love the company. Kay: Yes, um, uh, help yourself. Ashley, Tucker. Ashley: Okay, thank you. Murphy: Are you okay with this? Kay: Yeah, there's a few things I'd like to say to Tucker, and I think this is a good day to get it off my chest. Murphy: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Sofia: Lily, honey, can I get you some tea or something to warm you up maybe? Lily: Uh, no, thank you. Sofia: (Sighs) Devon: I'll put the kettle on just in case. Sofia: Yeah. Traci: Okay, the twins are asleep. The babysitter said they were perfect angels. Lily: Oh, are they in our-- um, my room? Traci: Yes, just like you asked. Lily: Thank you. Traci: I told the sitter she could go home. Lily: Um, I think I'm gonna lay down for a while. Neil: All right, Sweetheart. If you need us, we'll be here, okay? Lily: Okay. Sofia: (Sighs) (Dog toy squeaks) Devon: (Chuckles) Sofia: Oh, where's Humphrey? Devon: Roxanne took him to the park. The little guy needed some exercise. We figured that we would, you know, help Lily out. Traci: I don't know if there's anything that's gonna help out just yet. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: (Sniffles) Lily: (Sighs) Lily: (Sighs) Lily: (Sighs) I knew you'd come. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: Well, Tucker, I was very surprised to see you at the funeral today. Tucker: Cane worked for me. We were friends once. Kay: Is--is that what you call it? You cut someone off cold when they need you the most? Tucker: Cane lied to me. He stole from me. Kay: He did not steal from you! He's--he did not take from greed even. The boy was trying to protect his family! Tucker: He should have come to me. Kay: Because you need to be in control? Tucker: No, because I could have helped. (Sets cup and saucer down) (Sighs) He loved you. He trusted you like a grandmother. But he didn't see me, your son, as anything other than his employer. Kay: So you just decided to... hang him out to dry? Tucker: You can blame me all you want for what happened to Cane, but he shut me out. I would have treated him like family if he'd given me a chance. (Sighs) I'm done here. Ashley: (Sighs) I'm sorry. [SCENE_BREAK] Sofia: (Sighs) Malcolm: How is she? Devon: I just left the tea in there. She, uh, she barely even noticed me. She had the same look on her face she had at the church. Dr. Hastings: Is she lying down at least? Devon: Well, she's on the bed, but she's sitting up, and, uh... Neil: She's sitting up and what? Devon: (Stammers) (Sighs) She's kind of-- she--she's smiling. She's nodding back and forth like... Traci: Like she's having a conversation with someone. Yeah. She was doing that back at the funeral, too. Malcolm: (Sighs) I'm gonna go talk to her. Neil: Wait, um, Malcolm, hold on a second, Man. Wait. Olivia: Malcolm, not yet. Malcolm: (Sighs) We need to know what's going on, y'all. Neil: Yeah, but what does Lily need? Dr. Hastings: I'm around this stuff all the time. You know, people need a chance to work through it. They need space. Malcolm: I don't think she should be left alone. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Did you like it, the service? Cane: Yeah. I wish I could tell everybody how much. (Sighs) Lily: They said such... sweet things about us... about you. And Billy... (Laughs) Cane: (Chuckles) Lily: Can you believe Billy? I bet you didn't think he had it in him. [Lily remembering] Billy: Cane and I didn't exactly get along when we first met. Actually, we, uh, couldn't stand each other. But the truth is, if I'm going to be truthful and it's going to pain me to do so, I was jealous. See, he got the job I wanted because, uh, he worked hard. Me? Not so much. He got the love of my mother because he realized what a gift it was, and I took it for granted. And he got the girl because he really, really loved her. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: I think he loved you in his... own Billy-like way. Cane: I hope he gets close to his real brother now. Phillip's gonna need him. [Lily remembering] Phillip: When Cane and I came up with the idea of him coming to Genoa City, we thought it was a perfect solution. I'd give my family back somebody that they lost... (Voice breaks) And then he'd get all of you... (Sobs) And he--he got the family that he wanted so bad. I just thought that it would have a happy ending. This is so not the ending that I wanted for him. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: I wish I could tell him it's not the end. [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: (Sighs) Oh. Where is everybody? Kay: Uh, well, Lily wasn't up to having people around, so her family took her home. Billy: Hey, Mom, what took you so long? Jill: Well, we ran into the funeral director. Phillip: Did he say when the ground would be thawed enough for the burial? Colin: Well, I could always rent a backhoe. It might make breakin' the ground a bit easier. Jill: That's a good idea. Kay: Well, we can manage just fine, thank you. Jill: Katherine, he was trying to help. Kay: He always is. Sometimes I wonder what his motives are. Jill: (Scoffs) Boy, only you can turn caring into a crime. Colin: I've got some business to take care of. Jill: You don't have to leave, Honey. Colin: Uh, I've been neglecting things the last few days. Why don't you meet me for dinner? Jill: We can eat here. Colin: I'll call you later. Jill: (Sighs) What is wrong with you? Kay: I'm not going to sit back and watch that man make-- take such advantage of you. Jill: That man gave me what I needed today, which is more than I can say for you. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: I think you should sing him your special song, help him go back to sleep. Cane: I think he needs some mommy love right now. Lily: (Chuckles) Mommy's here. Mommy will always be here. Cane: Do you know how lucky you are? There aren't many children who have a mommy like you have... someone who'll support you in life, no matter what path you choose. Your mommy will never try to make you the person that she wants you to be. She'll love you just for who you are. Lily: (Sighs) The way Jill loved you? Cane: Even though I wasn't her real son. Lily: But you were. Didn't you hear her? [Lily remembering] Jill: Cane came into my life pretending to be my son... (Sighs) 'cause he wanted to be my son. And then when I found out the truth, I was so angry. I felt... cheated, you know, like I'd lost something that I really, really loved. But after a little while, I realized I hadn't lost anything. I mean... (Sighs) Cane was still there, and he was the man that he always was, the kind, loving, sweet man he always was. (Sighs) And he still loved me like a mother. (Sighs) We weren't pretending anymore, but nothing had changed, because in my heart, I loved him like a son. (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: She couldn't love you more. And neither could I. (Knock on door) (Door opens) Traci: Lily. Lily: Yes? Traci: Were you talking to someone? [SCENE_BREAK] Colin: (Sighs) Give me a black coffee. Thanks. Kevin: (Sighs) Man, I have had some crappy days in my life, but watching Lily today, its right up there. Daniel: Something was going on with her at the funeral. Kevin: She had this look that--that Jana would get when she would connect to the other side. Chloe: You mean you think that she saw... Kevin: I don't know. People can conjure up all sorts of images in their heads. Daniel: I think I'm gonna go check on her. Daniel: You guys should hang on to this. Chloe: Will you take me back to the church? I want to talk to Cane. There are just some things that I need to clear up. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: It's snowing again. It's pretty. It's sad that it stays for such a short time. Traci: But then it's spring, and there are so many beautiful new things to enjoy. Lily: There's something about the snow, though. Nothing else makes me feel the way it does. When I was a kid, I used to... wonder, what happens to the snow when it leaves here? Traci: It melts into the ground so it can create new life. Lily: But I don't want to forget Cane. Traci: Oh, Honey, you won't. You couldn't, any more than I could forget Colleen. Lily: Yeah, but there's bits of him that are already slipping away. Traci: I know how you feel, Sweetie. Um, it's not the person that you're afraid of forgetting. It--it's all the little things about them, the little details, you know? Um, how their skin feels... (Chuckles) That-- that little smile they give you when they catch you watching them. It gets harder and harder to hold it in your mind. Lily: I was going through some old photos, and I found one of Mom and me. It was when she took me to the Eiffel tower for the first time. And I was just staring at it for so long. I was trying to remember everything that happened that day. (Sniffles) You know, I could see us there, and... I could see us going to lunch. But I... (Sighs) (Sniffles) I couldn't remember what we talked about or what her hand felt like... (Sniffles) In mine as we walked to the café. And I wanted to hear her laugh so badly. But it's like the memories were just bits and pieces, and I don't want that to happen with Cane. I want to remember every detail of every moment that we had together. I just want to hold him in my mind forever. Traci: Look, um, as much as we want to hold on to it, Sweetie, every snowfall melts only once. You can't hold on to it. You can't re-create it. But those images, how the flakes look sitting on the branches and how they--they glisten in the sunlight, all of those things you can hold on to for a lifetime. Now it's not the same. It's different. It's--it's sort of softer. It--it's not so vivid. Lily: (Sniffles) Traci: And it's more like a panoramic picture. It's not so much a close-up, but... (Sniffles) Oh, Lily, it's just as beautiful, maybe more so. [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: (Sighs) Chloe: You know, it's funny... (Chuckles) When you meet someone, you never think about how much time you have with them. I mean, you think you have forever, but... I mean, I guess that's why we waste so much, right? I don't know. Maybe... maybe if I had known... (Chuckles) Come on, let's face it. I never would have done anything differently. (Inhales sharply) Because who wouldn't want you as their husband, the father of their baby? You were a really stand-up guy, and you did not deserve the... you just didn't deserve what I did to you. I took so much time away from you and Lily. "I'm sorry" seems so... (Exhales slowly) Pointless. I'm sorry. (Sighs) I'm really, really sorry. (Footsteps approach) Chloe: (Sighs) Colin. Colin: I didn't mean to startle you. Sounds like you and Cane had a history. Chloe: Not one that I'm proud of. Colin: But you worked through it, right? Chloe: Well, yeah, and he ended up with Lily, and they had the babies, and... and now she's raising two kids all on her own. Colin: You think she can handle it? Chloe: I don't know. I mean, any woman who sits there and mutters to herself during her husband's funeral that... I always thought she was tough, you know? She could handle anything. But this? I mean, I guess it would break anyone, right? Colin: Yeah. I suppose it could. [SCENE_BREAK] Traci: (Sighs) Malcolm: Is she doing any better? Traci: Well... (Sighs) She's not going crazy, if that's what you're thinking. Um... she's talking to Cane. Neil: She's talk--what? Malcolm: Are you sure she's not going crazy? Traci: (Sighs) Uh, it's a defense mechanism. She's imagining him there with her, and that's helping her cope. Neil: Well, frankly, that's not making me feel any better. (Knock on door) Devon: I'll get it. Neil: Thanks. Traci: Lily knows what she's doing. I-I mean, she knows that it's all in her mind. (Sighs) She just needs a little time, and then when she admits it to herself, I-I think that she'll be able to let Cane go. Devon: Hey. Daniel: Hey. (Sighs) I hope you guys don't mind me coming by. I was just worried about Lily. Malcolm: Yeah, we all are. Daniel: Do you think maybe I could see her? Neil: Yeah. Olivia: It might help her. Lily: I think they'll both stay asleep now. Cane: What about you? Will you asleep? Lily: As long as you're here. Cane: And if I'm not? Lily: Don't say that. Cane: You know I'll be wherever you need. I'll be whatever you need. Lily: Katherine was right. Cane: (Sighs) Lily: How did I get so lucky? Millions and millions of people in the world, and I found you. Cane: But you didn't hear everything she said. [Lily remembering] Kay: Why? Why did... why did Cane come into our lives and make us care for him deeply? Now why... why did he become our friend? Why, uh, Lily's husband? And little, uh, Matty, Charlie, his father? No, but Cane coming into our lives... (Sighs) It wasn't luck. It wasn't by chance, and it wasn't just a random act. It was destiny. Now was it by chance that it was set up in this bar that put all of this into motion? No. I don't believe it was, not for a minute. It was fate. It was Cane's destiny and ours. We were meant to meet him, to know him, and to love him. So... let us not ask why we should let him go, but let us ask why God saw fit to bring him into our lives. And what ever, ever did we do to deserve that? [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I'm glad I did it. (Knock on door) Lily: (Gasps) It's open. (Door opens) Daniel: Hey, can I come in? Lily: Sure. Daniel: I thought I, uh, heard, uh... (Sighs) How you doing? You look like you could use a friend. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: Thank you for coming back. Tucker: It was Ashley's idea. (Sighs) I don't really have anything else to say to you. Kay: Thank you, Ashley. But I have something to say to you. Ashley: I thought it was important that the two of you have a real conversation. Murphy: Do you want to be left alone? Kay: No, no. I think that both of you should stay. Tucker: Well, if this is another "You're a despicable human being" speech, I've got better things to do with my time. Kay: I still think you were too hard on Cane, but I understand why. Tucker: Because he stole from me? Kay: No, no. No, not money. He stole the chance for you to prove you were something other than this Tucker McCall, the tough businessman. You were willing-- no, you were j-- you were eager. Yes, you were eager to reach out to him, but he wouldn't let you. I just wonder if he had a chance to do that over again... Tucker: He doesn't. Kay: No, he doesn't. But we could learn from Cane's death. You know, that's... that's a sad price we pay for losing someone, the price they pay for the insight that we gain. I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to s-squander Cane's sacrifice. Tucker: I think we'd be the worse for it. [SCENE_BREAK] Colin: This isn't over. [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: There is an end to all of this. I know that it doesn't seem like it right now, but there is. Lily: I guess I'm just afraid of what that end might be... for me and the twins. Daniel: Well, you'll figure it out. I got a lot of faith in you. I know Cane would, too. Lily: You think so? Daniel: I think that he knew what you were made of. And that when it came his time to go, he was okay with that, because he knew that what he was leaving behind, it was gonna be taken good care of. You know, if you don't want to be alone I-I can sit with you. Lily: I'm okay. Daniel: Yeah? Okay. (Door opens) (Door closes) Cane: You're not alone, Sweetheart. Lily: I know. But you're not real. (Sighs) (Shivers) (Sighs) (Sighs) (Sighs) (Sniffles) (Sighs) [NEXT_ON] Nick: Hooking up with you was a mistake. It's one I won't make again. Kay: Uh, oh, Esther. Esther: (Sighs) Kay: Oh, God. Oh, oh, now, Esth--Esther. Phillip: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Nikki: Meggie is back. Victor: Is that supposed to intimidate me, or what? | They talk about the service and it flashes back to what Billy and Phillip said about Cane |
437 | [Pounding on door] Victoria: Don't go, Maureen. [Pounding continues] Victoria: Please don't do this. [Pounding continues] Victoria: Maureen. The baby. This baby could be your grandchild -- Ben's baby! [Pounding continues] Victoria: Please don't leave us in here like this, Maureen. [Pounding continues] Stitch: [Exhales deeply] [Sighs] Dylan: Do you got -- you got fleas or something? Stitch: W-what? Dylan: It happens. Nothing to be ashamed of. Stitch: Well, you're hilarious. You should try stand-up comedy. Dylan: Well, I'm just saying, it looks like you have an itch that you can't scratch. Stitch: I'm just -- I'm checking in with Victoria. We have a date tonight. Dylan: But you -- you keep calling? Stitch: Yeah. Dylan: You canceling? Stitch: Of course not. Dylan: Changing restaurants? Stitch: No. Dylan: But you keep calling. Good plan. Just crowd her before you even get to dinner. Stitch: I'm trying to touch base. I mean, come on, man. This might be my most important date of my life. This is my one and best shot to win Victoria back. Avery: [Sighs] I'm not your wife, Joe. Joe: I'm aware of that. Avery: And if you ever pull a stunt like that again -- Joe: I was caught up in the moment. What -- are you gonna slap me again? Austin: So, this whole year, getting closer to Jack and making peace with Nick... Summer: After punishing him and being a jerk to him... I only had one dad. Nick -- he's my dad. And Jack's been so wonderful, and he's been there for me, and Nick -- he's been so patient. Austin: He loves you. They both do. Summer: Yeah, that's right. They both love me more than I deserve half the time. I was just so wound up and angry and confused, and then my mom being in the coma -- there were days where I just thought to myself, "I can't take it." But now we know that none of it had to happen. None of it had to be like this. Austin: Yeah. Mariah: Oh, my God. You are actually whining again. You do realize other people exist besides yourself? You're not the only one -- like Nick and Sharon, who, by the way, didn't get married again. Summer: You actually feel bad for that bitch Sharon? Sharon: Nick. Come in. Yeah, I, um -- I keep wanting to call you. I know you still need time. Nick: I came to pick up my daughter. That's the only reason I'm here. Sharon: This is faith's home, Nick -- where she feels safe and loved by us. This is our home. Nick: I came to pick up faith. Is she ready or not? Sharon: It's too soon. Nick, she came home from Noah's last night really confused, with all these questions about why the wedding didn't happen. She needs both of us right now. Nick: What she needs is stability, and that's why I'm here. Faith: Daddy. Now when can we finally have the wedding party? Phyllis: Okay. When was this? When was this? This -- this -- this... was the day I woke up. [Sighs] Okay. Okay. So, you needed someone to comfort you, but I am back. This is an old text. This is an old text. [Cell phone beeps] Phyllis: "I will wait for you as long as it takes. Today made me believe in us." [Cell phone rings] Phyllis: Hello? Jack: To be able to call you and actually hear your voice -- it's -- it's still a surprise. And I have to say I'm always so grateful. [Doorknob rattling] Victoria: Maureen, open! Look, I know how awful it was for you losing Kelly's son, and Ben's son is so far away from you, but you told me how much this child would mean to you. Open up! Are you even still out there?! Maureen: I wouldn't hurt a baby. Victoria: Look, could you please just open the door? Maureen: I don't -- I don't trust you. Victoria: I won't tell anyone. I won't tell the police that you started the fire. Just open the door, Maureen. Maureen: You're lying! Victoria: Maureen, you have to let me out of here! Ben will not be happy. He'll be angry, and then how likely is it that he's gonna listen to you? You haven't thought this through, Maureen! Maureen: Ben has stood up for me all his life, and he'll do it again now. Victoria: Maureen! You open this door right now! Open it! You have to help me! [Pounding on door] Victoria: Somebody, help me! [Screams] Let me out! [Fans rumbling] Victoria: Let me out! Please let me out of here! [Fans whirring] Victoria: Let me out! [Rumbling, whirring intensify] Victoria: Help! Let me out! Let me out! Open the door, Maureen! [Pounding on door] Victoria: Open the door! Open the door! Sharon: Sweetheart, when your brother took you home with him the other night, I know it must have been so confusing, but your brother loves you so much. We all do. Nick: Yeah, your mom and I -- we didn't get married without you. There's not gonna be a wedding, and there's not gonna be a party. Faith: You're waiting again? When will you finally do it? Sharon: Baby, um... [Sighs] Things are just so complicated and confusing sometimes. Nick: Yeah, we've decided we're not gonna -- we're not gonna do that. That's not gonna happen -- not now, not later. Faith: Is this like before when you said that people can be in love and not be married? Nick: All right, here's the thing, sweetheart -- we love you more than anything in this world, and that's never gonna change. But we've decided that we're not gonna live together, so I'm gonna go back down to the tack house, and you're gonna come with me. Faith: But it's all dusty and closed-up. No one lives there. Sharon: Your daddy has been staying there. Nick: Yeah, I mean, you're gonna have your old room again, and you can bring all your favorite stuff. It'll be just like before. Faith: No. You said you would marry Mommy. You're a liar! Mariah: What the hell is wrong with you? Sharon may be a lot of -- Summer: She doesn't even know. Summer: Well, we officially know where you got your lying genes. Mariah: Oh, my God. Get over yourself! Summer: Last year, Sharon switched the results of my paternity test. That's how twisted and deranged your mother is. She wanted everyone to think that Jack was my dad -- not Nick. So, maybe you should go run home and compare notes on all the screwed-up things you both have pulled. Austin: But Mariah isn't Sharon. Summer: No, she's not Sharon, but she just wants to throw a little pity party for her mom who didn't have a wedding. You know, which is a complete joke -- you pretending to care about Sharon -- since you were the one that helped shove her over the edge. But then again, every sick head game you pulled on Sharon -- she earned it -- that and more. Mariah: You're the daughter -- the one that Sharon lied to Nick about. Summer: What? What -- you knew what Sharon did? Jack: Phyllis, are you still there? Did I lose you? Phyllis: I'm here. Jack: Red, have you maybe seen my phone? I think maybe I left it at home. Phyllis: Nope. No sign of it. Jack, when will you be home? Jack: Well, everything's handled here. I'm on my way. Phyllis: Perfect. I'll be waiting for you. Mariah: I had no idea what Sharon did -- none. Summer: You just said, "oh, yeah. She lied to Nick." Mariah: That's not what I said. Austin: Okay, did you know something about this? Mariah: Sharon was talking in her sleep. She said something about lying to Nick about his daughter. Summer: And you didn't think to tell anybody? Mariah: It was a dream. People say stuff. They think they can fly or run through a grocery store naked. I'm just supposed to think that it's true? Well, what, am I gonna assume, "oh, I guess she messed with some DNA results"? Summer: Please. You were the first person to know that Sharon even had a secret, and then you hear this? You know, maybe you blackmailed her. Maybe that's why she took you in like a little stray cat. Mariah: She took me in because she is a decent person. Summer: She's disgusting, and you two deserve each other. Austin: Okay, this is a bad idea. Mariah, why don't you go check the storeroom? Better yet, just go home. Mariah: I work here. Summer: Yeah, for the man that Sharon lied to. Good luck with that. Mariah: You know, Summer, from what I've heard, your mother wasn't exactly a saint before she took her long nap, so why don't you stop throwing stones? Summer: You do not want to talk about my mother to me. I swear to God! Austin: Mariah, seriously, you don't want to do this. Mariah: You and your drama and your whining and your issues. "Oh, my God, for a year, I was confused about which super-rich great guy is my dad." Try growing up with a woman who didn't want you at all and no father, and then you tell me how rough you've had it. Grow up, princess, and go to hell. Sharon: Faith is confused. She's wanted us together for so long. We made her so many promises. To go back on all that now... Nick: So what's your solution? Lie to her? Let her think there's a chance for us when there's not? Sharon: Well, it doesn't have to be a lie. Nick: This is the way things are now, and I'm gonna make sure faith knows now -- not later. Sharon: She's a child, and she's upset. Nick: Do you think I want any of this? 'Cause I don't. But this is what we got. We got to deal with it. Now, I told you I was taking faith home with me, so if you would like to make that easier for her, please help me do that, but it's time for us to go home. Sharon: Well, she ran up to her room, Nick. I know you don't want to drag her out of here. Nick: [Sighs] Of course I'm not gonna do that. Sharon: Let her spend the night here, where she's safe. She's at home. If she wakes up in the middle of the night, you know, maybe you should be here, too, on the sofa, at least. Nick: I will never stay another night here. But faith can stay. Sharon: Thank you. That's the right thing to do. She needs to know that her world isn't turning upside down. Nick: But it has...for me, Summer, Jack, and Phyllis... and it's all because of you. Avery: Slapping you was a mistake, but you kissing me was technically battery, and if you try it again, I will call the police. Joe: It was an impulse. Avery: It was a power play and an insult, and, frankly, I don't remember you taking cheap shots like that. Joe: How do you remember me? Avery: You know, honestly, Joe, I don't think about you much at all. Joe: Really? Because you seem awfully worked up for someone who you don't think about. Avery: When did you become so smug? Joe: And when did you lose your sense of humor? What? Avery: I just realized you've been lying to me all along. Clearly, Dylan's business is very personal. You just showed your hand. Joe: Because I wanted to kiss you again? Look, business and pleasure are two different things, and maybe there was too many things of one and not enough of the other when we were married, and that's my fault, and I regret it. Avery: Well, you won't be kissing me anymore. I hope I've made that clear. Joe: Message received. Seriously, okay, this deal is the largest of my career. It could really take me to the next level, so forgive me if I'm being a little smug here. All right? But you know me better than that. Truce? Avery: Largest deal of your career, huh? I don't think it's gonna work out for you, Joe. I'll see you in court. [Cell phone rings] Stitch: It's my mom. I've been waiting for this. Excuse me. Mom. Maureen: Ben! I-I got to see you. Stitch: Yeah, Mom, we can talk, but I'm telling you now, it's all coming out. Maureen: No, you don't know what's happened! I-I-I'm just leaving Jabot. I'm getting in my car now. Stitch: Why are you still there? Maureen: [Gasping] [Fans rumbling, whirring] Maureen: Where are -- where -- ohh! Where do I find you? Ohh! Aah! Stitch: Mom! Mom! Mom, what is happening? Maureen: [Groaning] Ohh! Stitch: Mom! Maureen: [Panting] [Doorknob rattling] Victoria: Please don't leave me like this -- please. Stitch: Mom, can you hear me? Mom? Look, I can hear her gasping for air. Dylan: Where is she? Stitch: She's at Jabot at the parking garage. Dylan: Okay, you go. I'll call 911. I'll call Jabot security. You just get to your mom. Stitch: Okay, tell them to meet me there. I'll wait for the ambulance. Dylan: I'm on it. Yes, hello. Uh, there's a woman in medical distress in the parking structure at Jabot. Uh, I don't really have any -- any details. Her son's a doctor. He's on his way. Okay, thanks. You know what? I don't -- I don't have time for this right now. I have an urgent situation on my hands. Joe: Look, I didn't come here to start trouble, and I certainly didn't come here to get clocked again. So in the interest of full disclosure, I saw Avery. [Knock on door] Avery: No, not now, phoebe. No calls -- nothing. Nick: Oh, your receptionist was out. Avery: Nick, come in. What's wrong? Nick: Is it that obvious? Avery: Well, I've seen that look before. How can I help? Wait. Shouldn't you be on your honeymoon? Nick: Phyllis hasn't told you? Avery: Told me what? What -- what happened? Nick: Sharon and I are not getting married. Avery: Nick, I'm so sorry. Uh, you seemed so happy. Nick: Yeah, I guess it wasn't meant to be. Avery: You mentioned Phyllis hadn't talked to me. What does she have to do with this? Nick: Well, Phyllis found out that Summer is, in fact, my daughter. Apparently, Sharon messed with the paternity test last year, and Jack was never her dad. Avery: Oh, my God. Nick: Yeah, so, I'm here 'cause...I need a lawyer. Avery: Yes, of course. Whatever you need. But you're not thinking of suing Sharon, seeking damages? Nick: It's clear that Sharon is still ill and is making terrible decisions, so I can't really trust Sharon with faith right now. So, Avery, I need your help in getting full custody of my daughter. Jack: Phyllis? Phyllis? There you are. Phyllis: Here I am. Jack: Listen, I told you I wanted to talk with you, and business just got in the way, but I think we need to set aside some time. Phyllis: I agree. We need to talk about what I found. [Fans rumbling, whirring] Stitch: Hey, Mom. Hey. Hey. Hey. Okay, you're awake. Maureen: [Sighs] Stitch: Hey, can -- can you speak? Maureen: [Groans] Ben. Oh, Ben. Stitch: Okay, okay. That's plenty. That's plenty. Ma, just concentrate on breathing, all right? Is it -- is it chest pains? You might be having a heart attack. The EMTs are on their way, all right? I just need you to stay calm as possible. Do you have any aspirin in your car? Maureen: No. Stitch: No? That's okay. Help will be here soon. All right? Okay. [Doorknob rattling] [Rumbling, whirring continue] Stitch: Just calm down. Just stay -- stay calm. It's gonna be okay. That's it. Sharon: I was worried when you didn't come home last night. Mariah: Well, I figured you and Nick needed some space, so I stayed in the room above the underground. Sharon: A lot of things have changed. I don't know what you've heard. Mariah: I just got an earful from Summer, so I heard the whiny, weepy version. It's pretty intense. Sharon: [Sighs] What she must be going through. Mariah: She blames every single second of it on you. And, yeah, as far as secrets go, you were keeping a pretty huge one, weren't you? Sharon: Nick's gone. Summer hates me. Faith is just heartbroken. And if you came here to tear me apart, Mariah, please, if you could save it until tomorrow, because I don't think I can take it tonight. Nick: And letting Summer think that she was Jack's daughter, not mine. Avery: Oh, my God. She wanted you so badly. Using faith to come between us was just the beginning. Nick: Yeah, if that was the only thing... Avery: Lying to you and Summer. And what happened with Phyllis, even if it was an accident -- what happened in that stairwell... Nick: Sharon put all of this in motion. Avery: That's why Phyllis fought so hard to come home. Wait. Why didn't Phyllis tell you about this sooner? Nick: She said she needed to make sure it all wasn't a dream. Everything was so mixed up in her head. Avery: Okay, but Sharon has confessed to this, right? This isn't conjecture or accusations? Nick: My dad says he has a DNA test proving that I am Summer's father, but Sharon confessed to the whole thing anyways. Avery: [Sighs] Okay. Listen, before I help you with custody, I can't take this case if it's about revenge. Sharon has already used faith as a pawn once. Nick: Is that what you think I'm doing? Avery: It's not who you are, but in moments like this, we forget ourselves. Nick: Avery, I don't even know who I am anymore. I mean, I was Summer's father, and then I wasn't, and now I am again. I was Sharon's soon-to-be husband. That is definitely not gonna happen now. I just know I need to protect faith. I cannot give her one more second of pain, so taking her from her mother -- I mean, faith already thinks it's my fault that the wedding's called off. So what do I do? Do I tear up this vision she has of her mother? Avery: You would never do that. Nick: Of course not. No kid can handle that. And I cannot risk faith being with Sharon. Yeah, Sharon's on her meds, and she's in therapy now, but she's still delusional enough to think that we still have a chance. She thinks all we need to do is sit down and talk, and we can hash this out. Avery: Well, that seems unlikely. Nick: It's impossible. I mean, Sharon says that I saved her when she was sick, so that's the thing that sticks in her head -- me rescuing her. So, what if she gets off her meds on purpose, thinking that's the way to get me back -- so that I have to save her again? Avery: [Sighs] That's convoluted thought. Nick: Well, that's Sharon. That's the way she thinks. And I cannot risk faith being with Sharon right now. I just can't do it. Avery: I know. Listen, if there's anything I can do... [Sighs] Nick: Thanks. Avery: We'll take care of faith, okay? But what about you? Nick: I'm just -- my head's so messed up right now. I loved Sharon...probably more than anything in this world, and the way she repays that back is by breaking my daughter's heart and mine. Avery: If there's anything I can do... Nick: Oh, you can. Just help me protect Faith. I need to know my kids are okay. Avery: You will. We will. But I'm worried about you. Nick: Ah, don't. I'm gonna be fine. Summer: She knew. Mariah knew what Sharon did. She knew that Sharon lied to my dad. Austin: Okay, Mariah heard Sharon talk in her sleep. That doesn't mean she thought anything of it. Summer: The first thing that she said was, "Oh, that was you." She remembered because it mattered. Sharon didn't want my dad to have any other kids, and Mariah didn't want any competition. They were probably in on it together. Austin: I really doubt that. Summer: No, they're both just twisted and nasty. You heard her defending Sharon. Austin: I think that she wasn't defending Sharon's actions. It's more like Sharon's her mother. Summer: Who she's known for two seconds -- who she tormented by pretending to be Cassie. And -- and what about my mom? My mom could have died, and no one would have known that Jack isn't my father. You know, that's probably exactly what Sharon wanted. Austin: Okay, what happened that night was awful, all right? But you said Phyllis said that they fought over the phone, so Sharon couldn't have pushed her. Summer: Wait, so you're saying that none of it ever happened? That my mom wasn't in a coma for over a year? Austin: Of course, she was. I'm just saying -- Summer: No, whose side are you on? Do not defend Mariah or Sharon to me -- not ever. Jack: What do you mean you found something? Phyllis: Talk about mixed emotions. Uh, I just...have to admit it. I was sideswiped. Jack: Okay, Phyllis. Oh, the ring. Phyllis: [Giggles] I know you wanted to wait until I was healthy and all, but, Jack, look at me. I am fabulous. And why should we wait another second? What's in our way? Nothing. Not one thing. You are the reason I woke up -- not Victor and his most-expensive doctors in the universe -- you. You sat in that hospital room, and you held my hand, and maybe I am crazy, but I think I knew. I felt you. You waited for me, and I am here, and I got to say, we would be idiots to waste one more second. Jack: Phyllis, you're jumping ahead. Phyllis: Yes, of course I'm jumping ahead....because I came this close to death, Jack, and you do not mess around after that. Honey, I know that you are mad at me -- how I handled things with Summer and Nick and Sharon being a psycho, but you know what? After what happened, I think I deserve some leeway. You and I have always butted heads on the issues. It's how we operate. You call me out. I call you out. It keeps us honest. You and me -- we're a lock. So why not get married already? Jack: Sit down. It's not that simple. Phyllis: Honey, of course it is. Jack: With everything that just happened with Summer... we don't know how she feels. Phyllis: Summer loves you. She always has, Jack. You brought her into this world. And you know what? This is about us. And this is for us. And I know...you want it as much as I do. I'm very sorry. Okay. I'm done. What did you have to tell me? Dylan: I shouldn't even bother asking this, but you obviously want to tell me about seeing Avery, so be my guest. Joe: Well, it was uneventful. Pleasant, actually. She clearly stands behind you 100% in this real-estate deal. Dylan: And this is a surprise to you? Joe: Dylan, you and I have different histories with Avery. Dylan: Yes, we do, Joe. Joe: She and I were civil. What do you say you and I try to do the same? Dylan: Fine by me. Joe: So, no more sucker punches? Dylan: Okay. Next time I punch you, I'll tell you it's coming first. Joe: I'm glad we got that sorted out. How about a cappuccino? Dylan: Yeah, it sounds good. There's a place on brand. The building's not for sale, but they serve a decent cappuccino. Enjoy. Joe: What, are you kicking me out? What happened to being civil? Dylan: This is me being civil, Joe. I still own the place, and if you're still trying to buy it and kick me out, you're not welcome here. Joe: Fair enough. Phyllis: I stole your thunder, didn't I? Jack: It was nothing. Phyllis: What? Wait a minute. No, it didn't sound like nothing. It sounded important, you know? Don't -- don't let me stop you. We're -- we should be able to talk about anything -- everything. Jack: You deserve to be truly happy. Phyllis: We both do. Jack: And that's all there is to talk about. Phyllis: Hey. You sure? Because there is one more item on my agenda. Just bear with me. Would engagement photos be ridiculous? I-I mean, I know we're not kids, and we've done this before. I mean, but photos would be so great -- looking fabulous and in love. People would see it and say... [Gasps] ..."Look at that happy couple. She's awake and upright. Good for her." And a huge engagement party. Yeah. We announce this officially. We invite friends and family, random strangers. Let them all see what it's like to be almost wedded. Jack: I-I'm -- I'm just not sure the timing is right. You -- you just got back. Phyllis: Exactly. I'm back. We're back. Let's do this right. Oh, and I know who's gonna help us plan this party. Kelly Andrews. Stitch: I don't know, Kel. It's presenting itself as cardiac arrest. The EMTs took over. We're at the hospital now. Yeah, uh, as soon as you can, it would be a good idea. Okay, just -- see you soon. Drive safe. Hey. Hey. Um, how's she doing? What are you planning for treatment? Dr. Meltzer: We're gonna take her in for a bypass. Stitch: So, it's arterial blockage? Are you gonna handle it yourself? Dr. Meltzer: Stitch, I'll handle it personally. Stitch: Thanks, Jim. I appreciate it. Can I see her soon? Dr. Meltzer: Yeah, give me another minute with her. I'll let you know when you can go in. Stitch: Okay. Thanks. [Door opens] [Door closes] Stitch: [Exhales deeply] Hey, Victoria. I-I hate that I keep missing you, and I'm so sorry to do this on the phone, but, um, I'm gonna have to cancel tonight. And it's -- it's not because I'm delaying or dodging. It's just my mom -- she had a heart attack. I'm at the hospital now. Call me when you can. Please. [Fans rumbling, whirring] Victoria: [Panting] Aah! Avery: What is this? Joe: Well, I was just leaving. Dylan: Brand avenue. Joe: Got it. Avery: Should I be worried? Dylan: I was just telling him where he should get his coffee from now on. Avery: You kicked him out? Dylan: I redirected his business elsewhere. Avery: Did he provoke you? Dylan: Only by breathing. Avery: Well, why was he here in the first place? Dylan: Well, he's trying to get into my head. Avery: But he didn't? Dylan: Uh, he said he saw you. Was he trying to get into your head, too? Avery: Most likely. Dylan: Didn't work? Avery: Uh, something else got there first. Dylan: What? Avery: It's about Summer. Turns out Jack was never her biological father. It was Nick, and Sharon was behind the lie. It was always Sharon. Sharon: If you're going to condemn me, too... Mariah: Me? Why? Because I'm such a saint? Sharon: I wasn't well. Mariah: Well, duh. I-I just mean nobody knows better than me. I was able to convince you I was a ghost or a vision. Sharon: That wasn't you. Mariah: No. That was Victor twisting the knife. I was the knife. And look -- I know you had your own issues going on, but I can't sit here and say, "no harm, no foul." I know what it's like to have someone lie to you about who your parents are. So, I can't be angry at Ian and give you a free pass. Sharon: I know. What I did was awful. But I-I didn't know. Mariah: After the ECT treatment, but before... Sharon: I wasn't rational, especially after Phyllis fell. I -- and then knowing there was this dark cloud, this shadow, I-I was so terrified of causing Nick any pain. And now he's gone. He wants to come back here and get his things when I'm not here. And faith's up in her room. She's angry and confused... and I did that to her. I did that to Jack and Nick, Summer, Noah, and you. Mariah: Sharon, I'm fine. Sharon: I promised you a family...and then I tore it apart. It's my fault. I did this to all of us. Summer: Mariah is just as bad as her mother, and for you to defend either of them -- Austin: I'm not. Summer, I'm not. Okay? I'm always on your side, and I'm sorry. I don't know how to make this easier for you, and I'm sorry if I'm saying the wrong things, but...you're the one who matters to me. Okay? I can't make this better, can I? Summer: I-I just don't know what to do with all of this. I'm so frustrated and angry, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't take it out on you. It's just so unfair. You know, none of it had to be like this. None of this had to happen. But we can't undo it. We can't get back this last year for my mom or for anybody else. I-I just -- I don't know how to do this. Nick: You okay? Me neither. Jack: I don't think Kelly will have time for an outside event. Phyllis: We'll have it at the athletic club. Jack: Cane and lily have done an amazing job with the marketing. That place is booked solid. Phyllis: Jack. Cane and lily will make room for us. Besides, I am sure that Kelly will be thrilled to arrange things. You, Billy, Lauren have all said she's just the best at what she does. Jack: I-I don't -- just the timing of this whole thing -- it doesn't feel right. Phyllis: For what? For what? For you and me? Jack: No, I mean...for Summer. Phyllis: Summer needs something to celebrate, too, Jack. We all do. You waited for me, and I'm here. We deserve this. And I promise you, I will not bother you with the details. Kelly and I will take care of everything, okay? [Smooching] Stitch: Mom? Hey, Mom. Mom. Hey. You're doing okay. They're gonna prep you for surgery in a second. It's a bypass. Very common, very effective to clear out your arteries. Dr. Meltzer is gonna take care of the operation personally. Okay? He's the best. You got nothing to worry about. No, no, no, no, no. Hey, Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. No, no, no, no, no. Hey, you need your oxygen. All right, please, Mom, listen to me. Whatever you have to say to me, it can wait. Maureen: [Sighs] Stitch: Okay? [Fans rumbling, whirring] Victoria: [Sighs] Okay, I know this isn't ideal. [Exhales deeply] I'm trying to get us out of here, though. So you got to stop with the Braxton-Hicks, all right? [Sighs] No more false alarms. [Exhales deeply] We're waiting for the real deal, which is not... [Panting] ...Now. [Groaning] Ohh! Okay. Okay. [Continues panting] [NEXT_ON] Victor: What the hell are you doing here? Sharon: Grace? Grace: Sharon, hi. Kevin: Look, maybe you're okay keeping the truth from everyone, but I'm not, and if you're not gonna tell your family, then I'm going to. | Faith calls Nick "a liar" because he had promised that he would marry Mommy |
438 | Kevin: A million single women out there. Who do I pick? A murderer. So much for 'Opposites Attract'. Michael: You murdered someone and neglected to tell me? Kevin: I mean, who the hell asks for a book on serial killers for Christmas? And I gave it to her! Who does that? My life sucks. Michael: Hold that thought. Michael Baldwin. Mm-hmm. When was that decided? Oh... no, that's absurd. There were witnesses. Fine! Fine! Fine! I will talk to your boss. Thank you. Kevin: Why do I have a feeling that my life's about to get even worse? Michael: That was Bardwell's assistant. He's decided not to prosecute Hellstrom. [SCENE_BREAK] Gina: Mr. Bardwell! Hi. Will: Hi, Gina. Gina: Nice to see you. Will: Good to see you. Gina: Uh, the gentleman who's meeting you is already at the table, so I'll take you right over. Will: Okay. Oh, excuse me. Um, I need to have a word with somebody. Gina: No problem. I'll be right over here. Will: Mr. Hellstrom, glad I ran into you. JT: Do I need my lawyer? Will: Only to write him a check for services rendered. We're dropping the charges against you. Although, I'd recommend an anger management course and an apology to Mr. Fisher. JT: Yeah, well, I already tried that. He wasn't interested. Will: Mmm. Well, do yourself a favor. Stay out of trouble. Rocky: You're looking a lot happier all of a sudden. JT: Well, I just got some good news. Rocky: Oh, yeah? You want a drink to celebrate? JT: Yeah, sure. Why don't you throw some vodka in there? Rocky: I can do that. JT: Thanks. That's good. Rocky: That's good? Rocky: Did you have fun last night? Colleen: Yeah. It was tons of fun. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Here, maybe this'll help. Daniel: Mmm, thanks. Lily: Mm-hmm. Daniel: I fought the urge to make a pot at 3:00 A.M. Lily: Yeah, I figured it was bad when you never went back to bed. Daniel: I thought I could get this knocked out in a couple hours. Lily: Well, that's what happens when you get all energized. Daniel: Mmm. Mmm. I'm energized again. How about you? Lily: Um, I'm actually more dressed and ready to go. Maybe next time. Daniel: I'm gonna hold you to that. Lily: Okay. And you have a paper to finish! Daniel: Yeah, I just need a little motivation for round two. Lily: No, Daniel, no. I'm sorry. Listen, you have to finish your paper. Daniel: Just five minutes. Lily: No, no, no, listen, hey, hey, I have to go to class, okay? So what are your plans for today? Daniel: Well, I was planning on taking my hot wife back upstairs. But since that has just been shut down, denied, rejected, I guess we'll go back to our regularly scheduled program. Probably... finish this, turn it in, check my e-mail... and then take a nap. Lily: That sounds good. Daniel: Well, bye, sexy. Lily: Okay, bye. I'm sorry. Daniel: Uh-huh. Daniel: Why didn't I think of that before? Finally done! Okay, send this guy... Daniel: Geez, Amber, what's up with all the e-mails? Amber's voice: Help! I need guy advice, like yesterday! IM me when you get this no matter what time it is. I just can't sleep. Daniel's voice: Are you online? Sorry I didn't get back to you. I wasn't online. I'm writing a paper all night. I'll be here when you get back. I'm gonna surf Strangersbynight. It's my reward for being a good student. Amber: My Likes... my dislikes... my fetishes... [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: Baby, you seen my kit? Amber: What's a kit? Cane: It's A... oh, never mind, here it is. Why am I taking half a tube of toothpaste back to Australia? Amber's voice: Daniel, I'm serious, it is bad! Gotta go, talk to you later! Amber: You're not still going, are you? Cane: We're going. But don't tell the wife. She's the jealous type. Amber: You didn't book a ticket for me, too, did you? I told you to hold off on that last night! Cane: Relax, love, I only reserved mine. But the flight still has seats on it as of this morning. So you better hurry up and book it. It leaves tonight. Amber: Tonight? Cane: Baby, I told you this last night. Amber: I know you said that, but... Cane: It's a long trip. Think we can stand each other for 20 straight hours? Amber: Cane, I'm--I'm sorry. I can't go with you. Cane: What happened to the girl who said that she'd go anywhere in the world so we could be together? Amber: Okay, that girl didn't realize she'd have to cough up a bloody fortune for a same day ticket! Do you realize how much extra it costs when you don't book in advance? Cane: I know. Amber: Yeah, it's probably a thousand dollars difference. Cane: More like four. Amber: $4,000? Are you kidding me? That's like two months pay! No! Cane: Baby, I gotta get out of here. I wanna go home with you. I wanna start our new life again. That's all. Amber: Cane... I am sorry. I don't have the money. I will be in a hole until the end of next year! Cane: So what are we gonna do? Amber: I don't know. Okay... if you're so dead set on going now, go. I will wait 21 days until I can get a cheaper fare. I will, you know, take some extra shifts and sock away some money. Cane: You don't think you'll go out of your mind missing me? Amber: You're the one who's gonna go out of your mind, Matey. Cane: Look, I gotta run out. Um... let me think about this. I can probably figure out a way to scare up some more money so you can leave tonight, okay? I'll be back. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Not a match? You know, I thought for sure... Jill: So did I, but the DNA test was conclusive. Paul: Well, there can be errors, you know? Jill: Oh, come on. How likely is that to happen? Nope, I've just gotta accept it. Cane is not my son. And the nightmare begins all over again. Kay: Well, this has been quite a shock, Paul. Paul: I can imagine. I mean, the trail led to him. It seemed like he was the one. Kay: How many Violet Montgomerys who died 30 years ago could there be out there? Jill: It was Cane's Violet Montgomery who died 30 years ago. It doesn't matter. She's obviously not the woman we're looking for. We've gotta start all over again. Paul: All right, so how would you like to proceed? Kay: Well, you can start by giving me 100 lashes. That is, if that's quite enough for Jill. Jill: Well, let me get back to you on that, all right? What would you recommend, Paul? Paul: Katherine, let me ask you something. Are there--are there any details at all that you haven't told me about? Kay: Not that I can think of, Paul. Jill: Of course not. Paul: Okay, well, then I think we only have one choice. We need to find the family of the boy you raised as Phillip. They very possibly could lead us to your real son. [SCENE_BREAK] Colleen: Can I get you anything else? Will: No, I think we're okay for now, thanks. Colleen: Great. Have you decided? Korbel: Cobb salad. Colleen: I will bring that right out. Korbel: You know, I received a box of transparencies on the new exhibition opening in the British museum. A friend at Oxford sent them. Colleen: Unorganized, I'm sure. Korbel: What's your schedule look like this week? Colleen: I'm pretty busy. I'm gonna have to get back to you. Korbel: Really? Okay. Uh, dressing on the side, please. Colleen: No problem. [SCENE_BREAK] JT: They got snowboarding in New Mexico? Rocky: Are you kidding? Man, the middle of the state is full of mountains. JT: You know, we got resorts here, too. Rocky: What, cross-country? JT: Downhill. Up towards Michigan, yeah, we, uh... now picture yourself on a-- on a double black diamond, going like a bat out of hell, down a sheet of ice. You wanna talk about a thrill ride, that's about as good as it gets, man. Rocky: Yeah. JT: You oughta try it. Rocky: I'd love to. [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: That bastard could've killed me. Michael: I'm going to talk to Bardwell. Kevin: JT attacks me in public, everyone sees it and he still walks? What gives? Michael: The DA has absolute authority to drop or press charges-- criminal charges. And apparently he does not prosecute unless he thinks he can win. Kevin: Yeah, because he doesn't want to win. [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: I want that other family to know exactly what this woman took from them. At least they had the comfort of knowing that their child was raised in a home with a mother who loved him. Paul: Jill, I may be out of bounds here. But I agree with you, what your mother did was reprehensible. But people make mistakes. You learn from them. You make amends. You try and do better next time. And I think that's exactly what your mother is doing. It's really what we all should do. Kay: You make mistakes, Paul? Paul: Of course. Everybody makes mistakes. Jill: Yeah, but see... there are mistakes. And then there are mistakes that ruin lives. Paul: Okay, so getting angry at your mother is not gonna get you answers. So if we can put aside the hostility, maybe we can focus on finding your son. [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: What? What? Hang on! Daniel: Hey. Amber: Ooh, I woke you up! Daniel: What time is it? Amber: Uh, it's time for you to help me. I need your help really bad. Daniel: Okay, yeah, I'm sorry. I was just-- what's the emergency? Amber: I know you were working all night on a paper, but this is muy importante. I need your help. Daniel: What's the emergency? Amber: It's all happening so fast and I don't know how to stop it. Daniel: What's happening? Amber: Cane made a reservation to go to Australia tonight. Daniel: Oh. Well, they guy certainly doesn't waste any time, does he? Amber: Well, what do I do? Daniel: Well, he's your husband. You gotta go with him. Amber: Seriously? Daniel: Okay, seriously, um... I don't know, can you stall for time? Amber: Look, I bought some time for myself I told him to go ahead and I would wait for a cheaper plane ticket. Daniel: Okay, well, that's plausible. Let's just hope he buys it. Amber: I can't hope, Daniel! Okay, I need you to help me get out of this. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: Uh, are you expecting someone? Jill: No. Excuse me. Paul: Katherine, are you sure you're gonna be okay? She seems awfully upset. Kay: Oh, Paul, I'm getting used to it. Paul: Well, it shouldn't be like that. Kay: Well, the bottom line is it's my own fault. Jill: Look who's here. Cane, this is Paul. Paul, Cane. Cane: Am I interrupting? I'm sorry. Jill: No. No. Paul: No, not at all. I was just, uh, leaving. I will get right on what we talked about. Jill: The sooner, the better, Paul. Paul: I will be in touch. Kay: Thank you. Talk to you later. Cane. Cane: Nice to meet you, Mate. Take care. Paul: Nice to meet you, too. Cane: I, um, I'm glad you're here. I wanted to come over and say good-bye. Jill: What do you mean, good-bye? Cane: I'm getting on a plane tonight to go back to Australia. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: Oh... Daniel: Here you go. Amber: Since when do you drink tea? Daniel: Uh, Lily likes it. It's chamomile. She says it's supposed to calm you down or something. Amber: Okay, what'll calm me down is finding a way to get out of this Australia trip. Oh, I'm sorry, did I say trip? I mean relocation Daniel: It's not that bad. Besides, what do you have going on here? Amber: Gee, I don't know. Uh, civilization? Daniel: Mmm. Actually, I hear Australia is pretty civilized. Except for all the cavemen roaming around which takes up like 90% of the country. Amber: Stop. Not funny. Daniel: Okay. In all actuality, Australia is chill. Amber: How do you know? Have you been there? Daniel: No, not me, but my dad has-- a bunch of times. And he said Sydney is great. I mean, he says there's tons of shopping, which means there's tons of girls. Why am I not moving there? Amber: Daniel, focus. Daniel: Okay, um... opera--you like music. You're into music. He said the opera house in Sydney is amazing. Come on! Amber: I could go to the opera here! And besides, we won't be in Sydney. We're gonna be in the middle of nowhere, just watching the tumbleweed races. Daniel: Well, I'm sure once you get there, you can work on the guy. Amber: Oh, once I get there? No, I was thinking more along the lines of a preemptive strike. Daniel: Maybe you could talk cane into moving into the city. He's from the capital, isn't he? What is it? Canberra? It can't be all that isolated. Amber: Wanna bet? Daniel: You know, you're looking at this all wrong. This could be an adventure. And if there's anyone who's up for something like that, I know one little girl who's got a web site to prove she is. Amber: Ah! Did you enjoy your reward? Huh? Daniel: It provided a certain incentive for me to finish my work. Amber: Just doing my part to educate the youth of America. Daniel: Oh, what a noble creature you are. Amber: I try. Daniel: Uh-huh. You know, you could keep it up when you got there. I mean, you could probably get some really exotic shots. Amber: I don't know. Daniel: Come on! I'd like to see it. And you would only be a mouse click away. I bet they even have good cameramen in civilized Australia. Amber: Who needs cameramen? I take my own photos. Daniel: You're kidding. Amber: Yeah. It's easy. All you do is set up a tripod and one click of the button-- you have still or video-- take your pick. Daniel: Are you serious? Amber: Oh, yeah. Digital cameras are amazing these days. Hey, you know, you and Lily should try it out sometime. Spice things up a little bit. [SCENE_BREAK] Korbel: Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't your apartment have a kitchen? JT: What's your point, Professor? Korbel: It's just that I always see you dining here and always when Colleen's working. JT: Well, since you're always here to call me out on it, I could ask you the same thing. Korbel: Is that one of your PI skills? To avoid and deflect instead of answering the question posed to you? That's convenient. JT: Let me tell you a little secret. You see that guy down there? The bartender? He and Colleen went out last night. Korbel: Went out? JT: Oh, I'm sorry, let me spell it out for you. They went on a, uh, a d-a-t-e. Korbel: Really? JT: Yeah, you know anything about that? Korbel: You're asking the wrong guy, JT I'm not involved in Colleen's personal life. JT: Well, sit down, Professor. Let me buy you a drink. What do you intellectual types guzzle down in the middle of the day anyway? All right, don't say I didn't ask. [SCENE_BREAK] Colleen: All I need is your signature. Will: Okay. Thanks very much for the good service. Colleen: Anytime. Just please come again. Will: I shall. Colleen: Thank you. Kevin: Hey, uh, Bardwell, how was your lunch? Will: Great, thanks. Kevin: Did you enjoy it as much as letting JT off the hook? 'Cause I don't know whether or not you were told, but he put me the hospital. Will: Kevin, Counsel, if you'll excuse me. Michael: Your office told us where we could find you. Will: If you've got something to say, make it quick. Kevin: I think I just did. Michael: You go after John Abbott, who'd never had so much as a parking ticket, and yet you won't prosecute Hellstrom, who attacked my client with attempt to injure or worse. Will: I could never get a conviction, Michael, you know that. Michael: It was a brutal attack in front of eyewitnesses. Will: Correction-- a provoked attacked in front of eyewitnesses. Will: Well, a jury might view it as provoked. Kevin was the primary suspect in the attempted murder of Colleen Carlton. JT had just seen what looked like compelling proof that Kevin was withholding evidence. Kevin: It wasn't proof. It was a total setup. Will: Which nobody knew at the time, including you. Given JT's relationship with the victim, a jury could very possibly consider his actions understandable. Michael: Bench trial. Will: It still wouldn't work. It's a losing proposition. Michael: Kevin... hey, hey, Kevin! Kevin: If you can get away with attacking me, that must mean its open season! Michael: Kevin! Colleen: Kevin! Michael: Hey! Hey! Kevin: How does it feel to have your life flash before your eyes, huh?! Michael: Calm down! Gina: I said, stop it now! Korbel: You gonna hit him and start this all over again? Will: Nobody's starting anything. It's finished. Michael: All right. All right, you're upset. You have got to calm down. Korbel: He's gonna spread the wealth. Kevin: Oh, who asked you?! Rocky: Hey, hey, hey, are we about done here? Gina: We better be. Will: Control your client. Kevin: Get off me. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. Are you responsible for this? Colleen: For what? Kevin: For getting the charges against him dropped. Colleen: No, Kevin, I didn't even know about that. But you better leave before Gina calls the police. JT: Yeah, that's a hell of an idea, Fisher. Kevin: Oh, bite me. Michael: Door, door, door, let's go. Lily: Hey, Gina, do you have a second? Gina: Yeah, sure I do, Lily. What would you like, Dear? Lily: Well, um, Daniel just finished a really tough paper and I wanna bring him a surprise. [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: Was I right about the tea? Amber: Mmm, well, no, I just look calm. Inside, I'm a mess. Daniel: Maybe we're drinking the wrong kind. Lily swears by this stuff, though. You wanna try peppermint? Amber: Schnapps. That's what I'll be drinking if I can't get out of this. Daniel: I wish Lily were here she'd know what to say. Amber: You're really into her, huh? Daniel: Yeah. You know, she just gets me. We--we click. Amber: Being together all this time hasn't changed that? Daniel: Are you kidding me? It's made things better. Amber: How? Daniel: More intense. Amber: The way you connect, you mean? Daniel: Yeah, the way we connect. Seriously, I can't picture my life without her in it. Amber: That's so sweet. Daniel: Well, you know, Amber, you and Cane are gonna be the same way. Especially now that you're committed, you just have to get used to it. Daniel: Oh, must be the delivery guy. I ordered something for Lily. Amber: Aw... [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: What a unique gift. Cane: That sounds like diplomat-speak for, "What the heck is it?" Kay: No, no, not at all. I like it very much. Thank you. Cane: You know, I thought it would go really well with all your, um, antiques. Kay: Well, we will find a nook for it, don't worry. Jill: It was very, very thoughtful of you, Cane. Kay: Yes. Yes, indeed. Now, um, what, um... is this about being some sort of a good-bye present? Jill: Yes, Cane, uh... I thought we decided we were gonna have another DNA test done. Why are you leaving? Cane: Jill, I'm a realist. The chance the lab's gonna get it wrong again... Jill: Well, I know that, but as long as there's a chance. Kay: I mean, don't you want to be sure? Cane: Ladies, I learned a long time ago, just cut your losses, so... that's what I'm doing. Kay: Well, I'm sorry... for many things. Jill: I guess this is it then? I guess you're... leaving us, huh? Cane: Yeah. I've got some packing I have to do, so... I hope you find your son. Jill: Oh. I hope you find your mother, Honey. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: Come on Daniel show me. I'm not gonna tell her. Daniel: You're right, because you have no idea what's inside this box, and that's the way it's gonna stay. Amber: Meanie! Just give me one little ounce of joy in my hour of despair. Daniel: Okay, you know what? When Lily opens it up, if she wants to share with you, that's between you guys. Amber: You're so good to her. Daniel: It's kind of a reciprocal thing. You know, we're good to each other. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for her. Amber: Including moving to the other side of the planet? Daniel: If Lily was dying to move to Australia and she wanted me to go with her, yes, I would go, no questions asked. Amber: Wow. Daniel: You know, once you and Cane get settled in, I'm sure that everything's gonna be fine. Amber: No! Okay, it's not gonna happen! I'm not gonna move to the desert! I'm not gonna be poor again. No, I'm not gonna go back to where I came from. Daniel: Did you come from Australia? Amber: We were in the middle of nowhere. We were a hundred miles from anywhere. It was 120 degrees in the summer with no a/c. Water was like gold, so you better not waste it washing your hair. It's just... it was horrible, Daniel. I felt like a freak. The tourists-- they would drive past the national park and they would look at us like, "What the hell is wrong with these people? Why would they live like this?" And me, I would just... I would just fantasize about hiding away in someone's car and letting them just take me away forever. This is my life. This is my future, my career. I mean, what-- what about my music career? Daniel: You could be like, the next Kylie Minogue, only hotter. Amber: No, no, I can't do it, okay? I can't do it! I'm not going. I can't--I just can't do it. Daniel: Amber, you know, Cane was a bartender from Australia when you met him, when you got married to him, when you fell in love with him. What did you think he was gonna stay here forever? Amber: I also thought he was a Chancellor, okay? I thought he was rich. I wanted that, too. Daniel: You know what? Please tell me you're joking. I thought that you found out about the Chancellor thing after you got married. Amber: That's what I wanted everyone to believe. Daniel: So then you've known about this the whole time? Amber, did you marry Cane just for his money? Did you? Amber: No. Yes. No. I don't know. Daniel: That's not a good enough answer. So what you're saying is you're not really in love with the guy? Amber: No, I love him. I do. I think. But I also loved the fact that he was a Chancellor-- except the DNA test said- they say that he isn't. And I don't understand because nothing is turning out the way it was supposed to. Now you think I'm a horrible person. Daniel: No. No, I just think that you're confused. Amber: I am. That's why I came to you for help. Because you are the only one that can help me sort things out. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Wow! So if I had gotten here just 3-seconds earlier... Colleen: Then even you could've seen grown men acting like infants. Lily: Well, it was probably more entertaining than my English lecture. Colleen: No, don't bet on it. Lily: I'm sorry you're having such a bad day. Colleen: You know what the worst part is? Lily: JT? Colleen: I don't know what his problem is. I really wish he would leave. I mean, everywhere I go, there he is. Lily: Colleen, you know what his problem is. You being with anyone besides him. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: I guess I was expecting too much. You had to have a scene in front of the DA. Kevin: Yeah, today you're asking too much. Michael: You blew any chance of that man reconsidering. Kevin: All right, first of all, he said that he wouldn't, so don't even hit me with that! And second of all, it was worth seeing the look on JT's face. Michael: Kevin, Kevin... Kevin: No! No! Mikey, don't! Don't even-- Michael: You have got to let this go! Kevin: This? Let this go? This? By "This," you must mean the never-ending string of disasters that seems to be passing for my life these days. Michael: Look, I've been there. You know I've been there! Kevin: Oh, yeah, great! So what? I should just "Be like Mike?" It's so easy. Wish I had thought of that. [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: I was just calling you. Amber: My phone is here. Cane: So... what is the one thing I have that's worth any money ha ha. No, besides that. The car. I sold the car I bought you a ticket, so we can leave for Brisbane tonight together. Cane: I did good, eh? I mean, we don't need the car anymore. It's a perfect solution! Amber: I can't believe you just spent that kind of money without asking me first! Cane: All right, next time we'll be about the team, I promise. But I mean, come on, can't leave you behind when there's a solution right in front of me. Amber: Was it a full fare ticket? Cane: Of course. I bought it the same day. Amber: Then it's refundable, right? Cane: So? Amber: So I want you to return it right now! Cane: I can't do that. Amber: Why not? You know why you have to do it? Because we are starting a new life together, okay? And that takes money, no matter where we end up. And that extra $4,000 that you just spent-- Cane: Is worth every penny! Amber: Pennies that we don't have to be spending on airfare! you know... we're gonna be spending the rest of our lives together. It makes so much more sense to just wait a few weeks and save that extra money. Cane: And that just sounds like an eternity and I want my hot wife with me right now. That's the end of the discussion. Look, I know it'll be a chance, but I promise you'll start to like it. Amber's voice: He bought me a ticket for tonight! Cane: There's a lot more things than vegemite. Emu burgers and snake sausages. There's a whole lot of things you're just gonna love to eat. Daniel's voice: Two choices--go or don't go. But if you don't, you gotta tell him the truth. [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: This is from Australia. Kay: Hmm? Jill: Could you hand me the scissors? Kay: Oh, yeah, here. Is there a return address? Jill: Yeah, it's from... L. Ashby. Kay: That's Cane's uncle. Jill: Yeah, it is. Jill: "Dear Mrs. Abbott, Paul Williams contacted me to let me know you're Cane's birth mother. He gave me this address. I hope you don't mind me writing. I'm so glad Cane found you at last. I thought you might enjoy these souvenirs of his childhood. Sincerely yours, Langley." Kay: What's in the box? Jill: Um... it's mostly pictures. Kay: Well, why don't we sit down, Jill, and have just-- Jill: No! I wouldn't feel right about that. Kay: Well, we might as well. I mean... Jill: Katherine, this is family stuff. Okay, it feels like an invasion of his privacy. He's not family. [SCENE_BREAK] Korbel: I sign my name... like so. Colleen: Wow, did you mean to give me such a big tip? Korbel: I never do anything I don't mean. Colleen: Really? I'll keep that in mind. Korbel: I'm counting on it. Colleen: 50%? That's a lot. Korbel: Oh, you're worth it. Colleen: Why, because my salad delivering skills are so highly coveted? Korbel: Well, you are sought after. Colleen: By whom? Korbel: Well, the disorganized slob with all those transparencies he needs to spend the evening cataloguing. Colleen: The entire evening? Korbel: Well, possibly well into the night. Colleen: So what would happen if, let's say, an organized, well experienced cataloguer offered to help? Korbel: Well, at that point, we'd be talking about breakfast, for sure. Colleen: We? Korbel: Myself and the talented assistant you just mentioned. Colleen: Whose shift is almost over? Korbel: The very same. Colleen: Your place? Korbel: I'll be waiting. [SCENE_BREAK] Gina: Just make sure that Daniel does not eat these all in one sitting. Lily: Please, he'd be up all night on a sugar high. Colleen: Dessert for two? Lily: Yes. Gina's famous cannolis. Daniel has been a very good husband. Gina: You know what? I want the two of you to come in. I wanna feed you. You make sure you tell Daniel that, okay? Lily: Okay. Gina: This week. Lily: You twisted my arm. Gina: Oh, um, make sure you call for reservations. Lily: Okay. Well, I have to go. Colleen: Okay, I'll see you soon. Lily: All right, bye, Honey. Colleen: Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] JT: All right, Rock, I'll take my tab. Rocky: It's all paid, Man. JT: Hmm? What are you talking about? Rocky: That guy over there took care of it. JT: Hey. Hey, am I supposed to-- supposed to thank you for your hospitality there, Professor? Korbel: Perhaps one day you'll return the favor. JT: Well, maybe one day, I'll punch you in your damn face, you lying bastard. Korbel: Good-bye, JT. JT: Hey, I'm not done talking to you! Where you going? Korbel: Get off of me. Get off of me! Paul: Hey! Hey! Hey! Break it up! Gina: I want you out of here! Out of here now! Rocky: Hey, Buddy, easy, easy, easy. Paul: Look at me. JT: Don't tell me take it easy! Look at these two. They're perfect for each other. Colleen: JT, stop. JT: What? What do I owe you, Colleen? I forgot. Do I owe you something? Paul: Okay. Please? Gina: Let's go. Come on. J.T: Get out of my sight, 'cause you guys make me sick! Paul: That's enough. Gina: Yeah, everything's fine. Paul: Come on, you're gonna be fine. Let's get some water. [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: Go, I'm fine. I'm not gonna hang myself from the shower rod. Look at that expression. Michael: I worry about you. Kevin: Mike, I'm cool. Go. You're an important lawyer. You got important things to do. You don't need to baby-sit me. I'll see you later. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber's voice: I don't wanna go. And if I'm honest, I lose him. I can't win either way! Daniel's voice: Which is the bigger mistake? Wake up in Australia or alone? Cane: Have you packed already? Amber: I haven't started. Cane: It's that bloody computer, isn't it? Amber: It's important. Cane: So is hopping on a plane that leaves in a couple of hours. Or we'll be in Brisbane without a stitch to wear, which I won't mind, but you might be chilly. Come on, let's go, come on. Amber's voice: Not going to Australia. I'm gonna cut him loose. Daniel's voice: Best to be honest. Good luck. Let me know how it goes. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Hey, you! Daniel: Hey. Lily: I thought you would be sleeping. Daniel: I was, and then, well... I'll catch up later tonight. Lily: Did you get your paper in? Daniel: With moment to spare. Lily: Good job! I got you a reward. Daniel: I get a treat? Lily: Yes, you do. Daniel: Yeah? Really? Lily: Mm-hm Daniel: Cannolis! Thank you! Lily: You're welcome. Oh, and Gina wanted me to tell you that she forgets what you look like. Daniel: Yeah, I guess I kinda owe her a visit, don't I? Lily: Well, she does wanna buy us dinner one night this week. Daniel: Ooh, what night? Lily: I don't know. So do you wanna eat this now or wait until after dinner? Daniel: I think the cannolis can wait. Lily: Okay. Daniel: I have a surprise for you, as well. Lily: What? Daniel: Uh-huh. Lily: What's the occasion? Daniel: You're hot, which is a daily occasion. And I just thought we'd celebrate it today. Lily: Okay. I like that logic. That's good. Daniel: Well, what are you waiting for? Open it up. Lily: Oh, my gosh. Pretty wrapping. Daniel: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Lily: Wow! Daniel: Yeah. A little something that both of us can enjoy. Lily: I love it. Thank you. It looks like it'll fit. Daniel: Yeah, it does. Why don't you go, uh, try it on and model it for me? Lily: Are you sure you won't be too tired? Daniel: I'm pretty sure I'll be all right once you get it on. Lily: Okay. Daniel: Mm-hmm. Lily: I'll be right back. Daniel: Mm-hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: Should we call Cane so he can take this with him? Or tape it back up and send it-- Kay: Jill, aren't you the least bit interested? Jill: Katherine... Kay: Well, then avert your eyes, because I don't see the harm. Kay: (Chuckles) "Cane, 9 months old." Oh, gosh, so cute! Look. Look. Jill: No, thank you. Kay: It's her. It's her! Jill: What's her? What are you talking about? Kay: Violet! Violet! This is the woman! Jill: You remember her? Kay: Yes, yes, the woman in the bar. I mean, look at it! She is wearing my ring. Look at it! Jill: Are you sure? Are you sure this is your ring? Kay: Yes, I'm positive. Hat is Violet Montgomery! Now I swear, I do not care what the DNA test say, Cane is your son. [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: Baby? Amber: What? Cane: Come on, you're not packed. We're gonna miss the flight. I'm really not keen about running across tarmacs. Come on! Let's go! Amber? Daniel's voice: Best to be honest. Good luck let me know how it goes. Amber: I'm sorry. I just can't go with you. [NEXT_ON] Dru: Are you still in love with Brad? Sharon: In love?! Brad: Do you really think I'm going to be intimidated by you? Phyllis: Absolutely, I do. Nikki: What is wrong with you?! Victor: I warned you not to go against me. | Colleen ignores the two men and gets back to work |
439 | Stitch: Abby. Ashley: Abby, honey, wake up. Sweetie... Neville: Max. Max, come with me, okay? Stitch: Can you do that for me? Ashley: Sweetheart, please. Come on, honey. Abby. Oh, yeah. Hey, Abby. Hey, honey. Stitch: Okay, hey. Hey, don't move. Let's make sure nothing's broken, okay? Neville: Yes, I-I-I need an ambulance, please. Cane: What's going on? Lily: Abby fell down the stairs. Cane: Oh, God. Ashley: Just wait there. We're gonna get you to the hospital real quick. Stitch: Talk to me. What hurts? How do you feel? Abby: Something's wrong. Victoria: With revenue stream from pass key, we have the liquidity to fund a start-up incubator, which gives us access to the next great idea -- launching entrepreneurs with dreams. Nick: Wouldn't that be like babysitting a bunch of Natalie's? Victoria: As painful as that was -- and it was in so many ways -- it's really paying off. Nick: Yeah, it's bold, it's innovative, it's thinking outside the box. I like it. I say go for it. Victoria: That's what my gut says. But my head says things like, "a start-up incubator? It would be a bad idea. It would be a mistake. It would be a folly." Nick: Look, you got to get that out of your head, all right? Trust your own gut instincts. It's what's made you an amazing businesswoman. And know that I always have your back. Victoria: Have I told you in the last hour how happy I am that you're at Newman? It's really nice to have an ally. Nick: We can make this company everything we dreamed it could be. Victoria: Oh, my goodness. Abby's baby shower. It's a surprise. I'm gonna be late. Are you coming? Nick: Uh, no. I kind of thought it was just a woman thing, but I'll tell you what -- you go, and I'll call all the appropriate division heads and sell them on your new idea. Victoria: You are the greatest brother. Mwah! Nick: I know. Chelsea: What happened with Victor? Adam: Oh, you know, honey, the same thing that always happens -- just more mind games. You know what his grand plan is? He wants to hand the corporation over to his other son -- "the strong one," as he put it. Chelsea: Nick? Adam: Yeah. I mean, that guy, he's great at making martinis and, like, handcrafted cocktails, but a multinational corporation? I don't see it happening. Chelsea: Well, the good thing is, you don't care, because you're not interested. Adam: Yeah, that's right. Yeah, no, I-I don't care. You're right. Yeah, I think the old man's slipping a little bit. This whole reverse psychology thing that he's doing -- you know, it's so transparent. I can't believe he thinks I'd fall for something like that. Chelsea: Yeah, I can't believe it, either. Adam: He wants to watch Nick run Newman enterprises into the ground. That's what he's gonna do. You realize that, right? I'm fine with it, though, you know? I'm more than fine with it, actually. 'Cause there's a flaw in his plan. I don't care. I don't care at all. I don't want that stupid job. Not gonna get sucked back into that world. [Sighs] I'd rather sit here and be unemployed, honestly. Chelsea: I've got the perfect job for you. Sage: Angela Stephens... a nurse at GC memorial... that's about it. Sharon, I know you don't want to involve Dylan in this, but a detective would have much more luck looking into someone's personal life. Sharon: Well, we have those kinds of resources. Dylan keeps a laptop in his office desk at crimson lights, and he uses it for police work sometimes. Sage: Well, that's great. You can go there and look. Sharon: Well, I was thinking you could. Sage: Me? Sharon: Yeah. I have to watch the baby. Sage: Well, I can watch the baby. Sharon: I think this time I will. Here's the key. Sage: It's locked? Sharon: It's not locked if you have the key. And once, I happened to see him type in his password. Sage: You want me to hack into Dylan's computer to run a background check? [Door opens] Sharon: Hi, sweetie. I wasn't expecting you. Or you. Did you come to see the baby? Dylan: Actually... Nikki's gonna stay with us for a while. Chelsea: I need your talents right here. Adam: "Right here," right here. Chelsea: Mm-hmm. Adam: What, do you mean like upstairs "right here"? Chelsea: No, no, I'm talking about Chelsea 2.0. We need a C.E.O. Adam: Oh. Oh, no, I -- well, I thought you were the C.E.O. Of Chelsea 2.0. Chelsea: Well, I'm a designer. I design. That's where my heart is. And to be honest with you, the company's been expanding so quickly, I haven't really been able to manage it properly while also focusing on my designs. Adam: Well, you brought in Sharon, you brought in Sage, right? Chelsea: Oh, sure, but they're helping with the marketing and the website. But you, my friend, you are a big-picture person. That's what I need. Adam: Huh. Chelsea: If you could take over as CEO, then I could really focus on my designing. So, what do you think? Adam: I mean, I'm flattered, for sure. Um... Chelsea: Mm-hmm. It's just, you know, we live together, we're married. Working together -- that's a lot of face time, sweetheart. I can be a lot. I just -- I don't want you to get sick of me. Chelsea: I could never get sick of you. Adam: Really? Chelsea: Just think about it -- we could have coffee breaks and brainstorming... Adam: Brains -- I love it. Chelsea: ...And lunch breaks. I bet you don't have those perks at your other job. Adam: No. Although we'll never know, will we. Chelsea: Look, I know I'm asking you to work on a much smaller scale and for a lot less money. But just think about what we could do, babe. I mean, this company could be all ours. It would be new and amazing and...entirely ours. Um, you know, that's if you want to. Adam: I'm in. Chelsea: Yeah? Adam: I'm in. Chelsea: Yes! Yes. Oh, my God. Yes! Nikki: Well, I wasn't expecting a welcoming committee. Sage: You all right? Dylan: Yeah, she -- yeah, she's gonna be fine. Sharon: Um... something wrong with the main house? Nikki: Uh, it hasn't been torched, if that's what you mean. Sharon: Excuse me? Nikki: I don't think this is gonna work. Dylan: Hey, Nikki, please. I would like you to stay. Please. Nikki: All right. Dylan: Okay. Let's get you settled in the guest room. [Groans] Sharon: Uh, did that just happen? Sage: Yeah. Uh, I think this is my cue to get started on that project. Sharon: Okay. Thank you, Sage. Thank you so much for doing this. And good luck. Dylan: Hey. Thank you for doing this. Sharon: What? I didn't even have a choice. You invite Nikki to move into our home? Did you even stop to think to ask me first? Dylan: But she really needs help right now. Sharon: Okay, is that code for "she's drinking again"? It is. Dylan, we have a baby to think about. Couldn't you just take her to dinner and buy her some flowers? Dylan: I know. Yeah, but this whole mess with Victor... Nikki blames herself. And she's really struggling right now. And we both know what that's like. Sharon: What makes you think that she would even accept help from me? Dylan: Okay, well, I don't think Nikki's gonna want to rehash old grievances. She just wants her family. She needs to be surrounded by love, and I know there's more than enough of that in this house to go around. Sharon: [Sighs] Okay. We'll help her, we'll help her. Dylan: Oh, you're the best. Dylan: Mmm. Okay, I'll be back as soon as I can. Sharon: Wait. You're leaving? Dylan: Yeah, I got go. Sharon: No, don't leave. Dylan: Thanks again. Abby: The baby...? Stitch: Everything's gonna be okay. The ambulance... Neville: Any minute. Lily: Oh, my God. The guests, they're waiting. I'll tell them there was an accident. Abby: Ow... Cane: Hey, how you doing, buddy? You okay? Max: How's Abby? Cane: She's gonna be all right, okay? She'll be okay. Abby: Ben, please... the baby -- don't let anything happen. Stitch: I won't. Abby: Promise me. Stitch: I promise. Ashley: Honey, you're gonna be fine. You and the baby are gonna be fine. Okay? I promise you. Victoria: Abby. Is she okay? Ashley: No. Victoria: What happened? Ashley: She fell down the stairs. It's okay, sweetheart. All right, take some deep breaths, okay? Ambulance is coming, baby. Gonna get you to hospital, okay? I love you so much. Nikki: Dylan? Oh. Where's Dylan? Sharon: He had to go and take care of something. Work, probably. Police work. Nikki: Oh. Sharon: Genoa City's finest. He really loves his job. He's good at it. I'm sure you're proud of him. Nikki: Yes, I am. Sharon: Oh, I don't know if you've heard but, um... I'm now working with Chelsea and Sage at Chelsea 2.0. That's exciting. Nikki: Well, doesn't that take away some of your time with Sully? Sharon: Can I get you a drink? Nikki: What? Sharon: I meant tea. With honey, sugar, milk? Nikki: No, thank you. Sharon: Faith will be happy to see you. She made the honor roll again. She's a great big sister. Sully should be up soon. He gave us a scare recently. Spiked a fever. He was just cutting a tooth. Nikki: Oh, for God's sake, Sharon, will you cut the act before I become ill? [Knock on door] Nick: Hey, what's up, man? If you're looking for Vic, she already went to Abby's shower. Dylan: No, I'm here to see you. It's about Nikki. Nick: What's going on? Dylan: I don't know, man. This whole mess with Victor, his trial, the conviction, the stabbing... the guilt is eating away at Nikki, and she's drinking again. Nick: Uh, yeah. I mean, I know. I know she started at the trial. I mean, the whole world did, but I thought she was going to meetings and had it under control. Dylan: Yeah, well, it gets worse. There was an accident. Nick: What? Dylan: She had one too many at the club, she stepped in the street, got clipped by a car. Nick: Is she okay? Dylan: Yeah, she is okay. She's got cuts and bruises, but she's just embarrassed. Nick: Why am I just hearing about this now? Dylan: Because she's mortified for anybody to find out. The only reason I know is because the driver filed a police report. And she begged him not to do that. Nick: Cannot believe this. Dylan: Then after that, Nikki went to the prison to see Victor for their anniversary, and... Nick: Don't tell me. Dylan: Yeah, he refused to see her. Nick: What the hell is he trying to do? Is he trying to break her? Because that's what he's doing. Dylan: Well, I talked her into staying with Sharon and me for a little while till she gets back up on her feet. [Cell phone rings] Nick: Sorry. Dylan: Yeah. Nick: It's vic. Dylan: Okay. I'll let you get back to it. I just wanted you to hear it from me. Nick: No, hey, thanks for stopping by. Dylan: Yeah. Hey, what's going on? How's the shower? Are you winning the diaper derby? What? Uh, yeah, I'm on my way. Sage: Boy, that looks like a tricky job. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. Esther: Oh, I guess I still have the jumps. A fire alarm went off the other day. Sage: You're kidding. Oh, kids... Esther: Yeah. Can I get you a cup of coffee? Sage: No, I'm great. Um... say, you know what? I really like your hair right now. Esther: Oh, I just had it done. You really like it? Sage: Yeah, yeah, it's, um... it's really, um... Nicki Minaj. You know? Esther: Oh, really? Sage: Yeah. Esther: Who's Nicki Minaj? Sage: Oh. [Laughs] Well, she just happens to be the most famous rapper on the planet right now. You should look her up. Esther: Oh, I-I-I do try to be fashion forward. Sage: Well, you've succeeded on that one. [Both laugh] Esther: Oh, gosh. Sage: You know, I'm just gonna run in the office and pick something up for Sharon. Esther: Okay, uh-huh, uh-huh. Esther: Oh. Wow. Lily: Max was so excited to do this for Abby. I mean, it was his way of showing her that he cared, and then it all just goes wrong. Cane: Poor kid's blaming himself. Lily: Max, hey. What are you doing? Max: Trying to see where Abby tripped. I think the carpet's loose. Stitch: Hey. Abby: I'm scared. Stitch: You don't have to be. I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere. We're gonna get through this, together. Abby: Um, what happens now? Stitch: Dr. Gilbert will come in, give you an exam, do an ultrasound, make sure everything is okay with the baby. Abby: What if it's not? Stitch: It's hard not to think about a worst-case scenario, but I need you to stay positive, abs. Can you do that for me? Abby: I'll try. Stitch: That's my girl. I want you to push all those bad thoughts right out of that pretty head of yours. Think about something you love instead, like, um... jelly beans. Abby: I love jelly beans. I love you more. Stitch: Me too. So, so much. Ashley: When Abby was little and she'd hurt herself, a kiss from Mommy would make it all better. Is it crazy that I'd love to try that now? Victoria: No, not at all. Hello, Abby, Ben. Let's get started, okay? [Door closes] Neville: Dr. Gilbert has A... an exemplary record. Your daughter's in very, very capable hands. Ashley: How long is it gonna take? Neville: Oh, well, there's no way of knowing. Each case is different. Ashley: So we just have to wait. Victoria: And pray. Ashley: Abby already loves this baby so much. Ashley: Abby already loves this baby so much. If anything happens, it's... Victoria: Babies are resilient. And, uh, any baby with Ben and Abby's DNA is gonna be a fighter. Ashley: I know. She has fought so hard to get where she is today. No more resorting to those crazy antics. [Chuckles] I mean, she's realized that being Abby is just, you know, fine. It's enough. Are you kidding? It's more than enough. She's amazing. Now she has Ben, and... they're such a perfect match, right? Victoria: They are. Ashley: I mean, he's been so strong for her. He's been so patient, right? Incredibly patient. Victoria: And his sense of humor. [Chuckles] Ashley: And, you know, I think it was Ben believing in Abby that made her believe in herself. And I know it's been hard for her and it's been frustrating and she's been scared, but... to watch my little girl become a wife? And then a stepmommy to Max. It just -- she's opened up her heart to receive love, and I see her giving it back 100 times. It's as simple as that. Nothing can happen to this baby, Victoria. Victoria: This baby's gonna be fine. We just have to keep believing that. Ashley: That little soul has already given us all so much hope. Nick: How's Abby and the baby? Victoria: We're waiting to hear. Abby: The pain stopped. Almost. Um, that's a good sign, right? The ultrasound will tell us more. Abby: Tell me it's gonna be okay. Stitch: Hey, did you know that there are 40 tendons and 20 muscles in your hand? 26 bones? Abby: No. [Chuckles] Stitch: 2,500 nerve receptors per square centimeter. The simple act of my hand holding yours is a symphony of neurological, physiological divine. It makes you and I us. You know, the more -- more time I work in science, the closer I get to the magic of the universe, seeing how it's all connected, big and small. For a long time, I was bumping along with this empty place in my life -- a place only you fit, like hands folding into each other. Like an answer to a prayer. When you came into my life, my love found a home. And our love made this child. That's some pretty powerful stuff, huh? Sharon: Dylan and I are married and we have a baby together, so like it or not, we're family. Nikki: I don't like it any more than I did when you were married to my other son. Sharon: Nicholas and I have managed to overcome the pain that we've caused each other, and now we're friends. So, maybe you could take a page from his book. I'd settle for civil. Nikki: At least you were married to Nicholas when you got pregnant. This time around, you managed to get yourself knocked up to trap poor Dylan. Sharon: Why are you here if you hate me so much? Nikki: It was my son's idea. Sharon: You could have said no. Nikki: You slapped a smile on your face and agreed pretty damn quickly. If you had had any sense and refused, I'd be back in my suite at the athletic club. Sharon: Or drunk and wandering in front of another moving car. Nikki: Okay. That's it. I'm going. Sharon: No. You can't. Dylan really wants this. He loves you. He wants to help you. [Sighs] Maybe this is where you need to be for a little while. You'll get to spend some time with your new grandbaby. That's got to be a plus. Nikki: Well, that is, but if we are going to be forced to spend time together, let's not pretend that we are BFFs. Sharon: Couldn't do it if I tried. And for the record, I do love Dylan. Nikki: Well, you loved my other son, too, and look what you did to him. Sharon: [Sighs] What do you want from me? You attack me. You insult me. I'm trying to make this work. Nikki: You know what the problem is, Sharon? I know you too well. I know the real you. You were married to both of my sons. You threw yourself at my husband. You are simply a gold-digger, and nothing will ever change that. Sharon: Piles of Newman money has clearly never changed you. You're still the piece of trash your jailbird husband pulled out of the gutter. Nikki: Ooh. Just like the rat-infested sewer that you dragged me down to to help find the body of the man you killed? Sharon: I-I did not kill him. And how dare you throw that in my face, Nikki. That was lifetimes ago. Please, okay? We're family. Dylan loves you. Faith loves you. And I know that Sully is going to just melt your heart. Okay? There's a lot of love in this house. There is enough to go around, I'm sure, to at least keep us from killing each other. So, can we at least try to get along? Nikki: Sure. Sharon: What are you doing? Nikki: If I'm going to live here, I'm aware of your proclivity to burning things down. I'll also be keeping an eye on my purse. Sharon: You...hypocrite. Nikki: Klepto. Sharon: Lush. Nurse Stephens: There were complications. I'm so sorry. Christian didn't make it. Adam: Sage. Adam: Hey. Chelsea: Hi. Oh, is that the new marketing campaign? Sage: Uh... Adam: You all right? Sage: Yeah, yeah. I was just on a project for Chelsea 2.0. It's really exciting. Chelsea: Great. Can I take a peek? Sage: No, you can't, because it's not ready to be seen, and I don't really feel comfortable showing you something that's not ready. Chelsea: No, I understand that. I don't like to show anybody my designs until they're done, even Adam. Sage: Well, I-I promise to get it to you just as soon as it's done. Adam: Well, you can send it to me, as well. Sage: Oh, Adam: Yeah. Chelsea: Yeah. We've got some big news. Adam has agreed to be our new C.E.O. Sage: What? Well, hello, master of the universe. Chelsea: [Laughs] I think he's gonna take the company to a whole new level. Adam: Well, we should, uh, check out that office space. Chelsea: Yes, we should. Adam: All right. Chelsea: Okay. I'll see you. Sage: Bye. Adam: Bye. Lily: No, the carpet's not loose enough to have caused Abby to fall. Maybe her heel got caught. Max: Yeah, like the other day. Me and my dad were getting lunch, and she tripped. My dad blamed it on her shoes. I hope she's okay. And the baby, too. Lily: Yeah, so do we, sweetie. Cane: Listen, I hate to bring this up, okay, but we could have a liability issue here. You have to fill out an incident report. You have to check the video cameras and look at footage and, you know -- Max: There are cameras? Cane: Yeah, yeah. They're everywhere. Max: They can see stuff all the way up there? Lily: Yeah, of course they can. That's why we have them. Yeah, I'm gonna check the footage and see if there's something that we missed. Cane: Okay. [Door closes] Dylan: Everything okay? Sharon: Fine. Nikki: Just great. Dylan: Somebody want to tell me what happened? Sharon: I know how important this is to you that our family come together. I really wanted to try to make it work, and I tried. I really did. Nikki: Oh, please. It was so phony you made my stomach turn. Nikki: She called me a gold-digger. Nikki: You practically called me a guttersnipe. Sharon: Well, you started throwing every mistake I ever made in my face. Nikki: Sharon, you steal. You set things on fire. Those are facts. Sharon: You're a drunk. That's a fact. Dylan: Okay, okay. Stop. If we're gonna live together, we have to figure out a way to get along. Nikki, I love Sharon, and I love you, and whatever happened in the past -- and I know there's a lot of history there -- Nikki: Too much. Dylan: Can you just keep it in the past, please? For Sully? Nikki: I feel a migraine coming on. I'm gonna go lie down. Sharon: I'm so sorry. You know, I really tried. I tried. [Cell phone rings] Dylan: Detective McAvoy. [Sighs] Okay. Yeah, no. Thank you for the call. Sharon: Was that the station? Dylan: Yeah. Uh, a report came in that Abby fell down a flight of stairs at the athletic club. Sharon: Oh, no. The baby. Dylan: Abby's at the hospital. Stitch is there. I-I got to -- I got to get to him. Sharon: Of course. You do. Go, go, go. You know what? I've got control of this. Past is in the past. I got it. Okay. Dylan: Thank you. Sharon: I'll pray for them. [Door closes] Ashley: Thank you. Dr. Neville: Abby's gonna be just fine. She has her strength. And you and Ben, family. Ashley: And you. Dr. Neville: Yes, and me. Ashley: So, you haven't told me that the baby's gonna be fine, everything's gonna be okay. You don't think the baby's gonna make it, do you? Dr. Neville: A fall like that one would have created a significant amount of trauma. Ashley: You always tell it like it is, don't you, no matter how hard it may be to hear. You know, I find that comforting in the weirdest way. It's a lot better than listening to the blather that's been coming out of my mouth, trying to comfort myself. Thank you. Dr. Neville: That doesn't mean I'm not holding out for a miracle. Victoria: You know, when Abby found out she was pregnant, I had just gotten engaged to Billy. And she was excited because we were gonna plan our showers together. But now, it... you're thinking about Christian, aren't you? Nick: Do you ever not think of the children we've lost? This little one needs to be okay. Victoria: Abby's just always been my bratty little sister. [Chuckles] Even when she was COO, I still saw her as a self-absorbed child who was playing at being an adult. And then she walked out of Newman, she turned her back on the family, she didn't stand up for herself. I just don't think I've given her enough credit. Nick: She's definitely come a long way. Victoria: She's grown into a strong woman. And a wife. And she and Ben love each other so much. She's finally happy, you know? She's truly happy. This is so unfair, Nick. Nick: Hey. Abby's got that Newman strength. She's gonna be okay. Victoria: I'm beginning to think it's a Newman curse. Abby: [Crying] No. No! Stitch: [Crying] I'm so -- I'm so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry. Abby: No, no, no. We need to get her into surgery, stat. Sage: Hey, Sharon. It's me. I'm at the hospital, doing some more digging on our nurse. You were right about Dylan's access. You wouldn't believe what I found in her background check. Sharon: Sage, you should know that -- Sage: Nurse Stephens wasn't just a colleague of Dr. Anderson's. She was also her patient. Sharon: Are you sure? Sage: Yes, it's all there in the records. Stephens spent some time in a mental facility. Dr. Anderson was her shrink. Sharon: Why? What did she do? Sage: I don't know. I got interrupted before I could find out what the charges were, but that's why I need you to go to her boyfriend and find out why she was there and what was her relationship with Dr. Anderson. Sharon: So, I was right, then. There's definitely more to nurse Stephens than we thought. Sage: Sharon, there's something else. I've met her. Sharon: When? Sage: She was the nurse who told Nick and me that Christian was gone. Chelsea: Oh, it was so good to be in that space again where I used to work with Chloe. I mean, there's such good energy there, you know? Adam: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. It does. Chelsea: And I owe it all to you. Adam: Thank you. Chelsea: You are CEOing already. Adam: I know. Chelsea: And looking so food while doing it. Adam: Oh. Chelsea: What is it? Adam: What is what? Chelsea: Are you having second thoughts? Adam: No, no. I-I -- you know, I think the space is great. I love that place. Chelsea: No, I'm not talking about the space. About the job, my offer. Why? Do you feel like it's not a big enough challenge for you? Adam: Honey, I feel like you only offered me that job because you were afraid if I didn't have anything else, I'd go back to Newman. Cane: So, did you find anything on the security footage? Lily: Yeah, I rolled the footage back to where Abby fell, and she just...tripped. That's it. Cane: So, the carpet, shoes, no bad step or anything? Lily: No. She just tripped. It's weird but true. Cane: All right. At least we know. Um, I'm gonna stay here with Max. I'll hang, okay? I'll talk to you soon. [Sighs] Max: So, was it the carpet ore shoes? Cane: Hey, let's, uh -- let's put a movie on, maybe watch some TV or something. Come on. Stitch: Uh... [Voice breaking] We lo-- we lost the baby. [Crying] I promised her it would be all right. I promised her. [Sobbing] I promised. Ashley: Oh. Stitch: [Sobbing] Lily: Okay. Thank you for calling. Cane: So much for hang time. The poor kid's so tired he fell asleep. He's had a long day. What is it? Lily: Abby lost the baby. Cane: Oh, God. You're thinking about the baby we lost, aren't you? Lily: I just remember that I-I blamed myself, and it was no one's fault, but I still blamed myself. And I know Abby's gonna do the same. My heart just breaks for her. Cane: I know. But this was an accident, sweetheart. It was no one's fault. She's gonna understand that, okay? Come here. Come here. Ashley: Did you hear anything else? Oh, come on. You're always honest with me, remember? Dr. Neville: It was a girl. Ashley: Little baby girl. [Crying] Sage: Nick? Hey. Nick: Hey, I was, uh, just about to call you. Did you hear about Abby? Sage: No. What happened with Abby? Is it the baby? Nick: The baby's gone. Abby: Ben? Stitch: Hey. Hey, um... I'm right here. Abby: I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. It's all my fault. Stitch: No. Don't you say that, okay? Abby: No, I did this. I did this to our baby. Stitch: This is not your fault. It's no one's fault. [NEXT_ON] Wes: If it wasn't for this one psychiatrist -- she used to say there wasn't anything she wouldn't do for that woman. Stitch: You're feeling guilty, aren't you? Jack: I'm here because our family needs us, now more than ever. | Cane left the room, and Max threw the string in the garbage |
440 | Ridge: (Sighs) Dad, are you really here? Are you here with us now? Felicia: (Sniffles) Eric: Yes. Thorne: (Sighs) Felicia: (Sighs) Thorne: They told us we were gonna lose you. Felicia: Yeah, and then Mom did some mojo and, I don-- maybe we should call the doctor. Stephanie: You know, the sun came out just for you, sweetheart. Ridge, where's that wheelchair? Did you send that back? Ridge: I called this morning to schedule a pickup to return it. Stephanie: Well, call them back right now and tell them we're keeping it. Your father's missed the world. He wants to get a good look at it. [SCENE_BREAK] Owen: Who's room is this? Donna: It's Kristen, the one that moved back east. Owen: Well, it's gonna be fine. Thank you. Donna: Yeah. I don't know. Maybe I should just.. (sighs) change and spend the night at the hospital. Owen: You sure you want to do that? Come on. After 14 hours of traveling? Donna: (Sighs) Owen: Look, for a man who doesn't even know that you're there? Donna: Owen. Owen: Look, Donna, you've been a great wife to him. You don't have to continue to try to prove it. He loved you as much as he could for as long as he could. You can let that be enough, or you can keep on hurting yourself by refusing to accept what has happened. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: (Crying) Rick: (Sighs) I know. I know. I know. I was hoping he would take a nap by the pool. There was just too many distractions. Taylor: He was quiet enough out there. Why-- Rick: I know he was. (Doorbell rings) Rick: Here, I'll get that. Taylor: No, no. I got it. I got it. Rick: (Sighs) Come on. Come on. Brooke: Hi. Taylor: (Sighs) This is not a good time, Brooke. Do--do you ever call? Jack: (Crying) Rick: Mom, what's going on? Can we talk to you later? What-- Brooke: Is Jack sick? Taylor: No, he is not sick. Let me take him upstairs. Rick: All right. Taylor: I'm sure your mother's here to see you, not me. Come on. Jack: (Crying) Rick: What's up? Brooke: I don't know. You tell me. I mean, last night, you were trying to tell me that there was some kind of problem. Jack: (Crying) Rick: I didn't say "problem." Jack: (Wails) Brooke: Every time I come over here, he's crying. He's an angel over at Nick's. Jack: (Crying) Rick: All right, fine. You got me. Um, Taylor and Jack-- there's something going on, because Jack is just not bonding with her. Brooke: Still? [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: Okay, Dad, just try it. Try it slow. Push this here. That's forward, yep. Easy. Easy. Stephanie: Whoa. Ridge: There you go. There you go. Good. Thorne: Hey, is it, uh-- is it difficult to talk? Stephanie: Don't strain yourself now, honey, please. Eric: No. Ridge: Where did you go? What did you remember? Eric: I thought... Eric: I... died. Stephanie: Oh, honey. Eric: I remember... you. Felicia: (Laughs) Stephanie: Well, I hope you didn't wake up expecting the 25-year-old model of me, 'cause it's a little late, sweetheart. Felicia: (Sniffles) I think Mom made a deal with god. Thorne: Yeah, turns out they're on a first-name basis. Stephanie: I'm gonna call Dr. Seifert. Ridge: He's gonna be in for one hell of a surprise, isn't he? Thorne: Yeah. Stephanie: Yes. Is there anything you want me to ask him or tell him or-- look, Felicia, you stay with Dad for a minute. Felicia: Yeah. Stephanie: Um, is there anything that you need right now? Eric: Donna. Ridge: Donna's out of town on Forrester business. [SCENE_BREAK] Owen: Look, I know you love him, and nobody's saying that that should change, but it's more fair to him and to you if you stop expecting him to love you back. Donna: Look, I knew that we didn't have forever. I mean, nobody does. But having to let him go after only a few months? It's just not fair. Donna: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: We got him out of bed. He's fully cognizant. Well, I was just sort of wondering-- I mean, I-I should we feed him? Is it all right for him to eat something? Well, no, of course. You're the expert, so whatever you say. Thank you. All right. All right, Dr. Seifert. Ridge: Is he coming? Stephanie: Uh, he feels that the proper protocol is for him to inform Dr. Patrick, because that's your father's main doctor, so Doctor Patrick will come over. Thorne: Okay, well, we have another problem. Donna's coming back from Paris tomorrow, or maybe the next day. Then what? Ridge: Look, can't we have a couple hours to be happy here? Why do we have to think about her now? Thorne: Ridge, whether we do or not, Dad is already asking. What are we gonna tell him? Stephanie: Your brother's right. He's not going to put up with this, "She's out of town," for very long. Ridge: Okay, we're not gonna tell him that she's got a lover young enough to be his grandson. Thorne: Why not? Ridge: Because his heart's already given out once. (Birds singing) Felicia: Don't! Don't--don't fall asleep. Felicia: You came back to us once. You even spoke to Mom. And then you went away from us again, okay? I'm sorry, Dad, please don't do that. I'll be scared to death. Just please don't do that, okay? I couldn't stand it. (Sniffles) I'm sorry. I know you have to sleep. Eric: Home... now. Eric: Don't... be afraid. Felicia: I know. (Cell phone rings) Felicia: I know. (Rings) Felicia: University Hospital. Hello? No, Dr. Patrick, it's Felicia. And my cell phone was the number we left at the nurse's station. No, I know. Mom wants to speak to you, too. Could you hold on a minute while I get her? Thanks. It's your doctor. He wants to speak to Mom. Will you be okay for a minute here by yourself? I'll be right back. I love you. (Window opens) Donna: I'm a realist. I-I always have been. It just feels too soon to me. Eric: Donna? [SCENE_BREAK] Owen: I don't know about too soon, but it seems to me that if Eric's last name wasn't Forrester, the hospital would have lobbied to have him taken off life support weeks ago. And I'm not-- I'm not saying that you should do that, but-- Donna: Somebody's gonna have to make that decision at--at some point. Owen: Wait. Wait. Where are you going? Donna: Look, I just-- I just want to be near him. Owen: Donna, he's just as far away from you when you're in the same room. Come on, if what you're saying is that you need to be with someone, someone who will listen to you without judgment, then I'm here. Donna: Just-- please don't-- don't push me. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: I thought that was well behind us all. Now to find out that after all these months there's still some kind of-- Rick: Look, just-- just stop it. Taylor loves the boy, okay? It's not an issue. Brooke: I'm not questioning that. But you must be concerned, too. Otherwise you wouldn't have brought it up last night. Rick: I just-- Taylor feels judged, okay? She needs encouragement from people like you. Brooke: Okay, well, then let it come from me. I mean, if I don't say anything, and if I stay away, how is that going to help? She's gonna feel judged anyway, unless I tell her otherwise. Jack: (Crying) Taylor: Shh. Shh. Please, please. Jack: (Fusses) Taylor: Please be quiet. Please. Jack: (Crying) Taylor: Shh. Please. Just for a little bit. Please. Jack: (Crying) Taylor: Oh, please. Until Brooke leaves, please. Jack: (Crying) Taylor: It's okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Felicia: Telling Dad anything but the truth has a serious risk of backfiring, doesn't it? Ridge: Look, I don't care whether he gets angry. That's normal. I'm concerned about his health. Thorne: Look, we don't know what kind of grasp he has. I mean, all this talk about oxygen deprivation, possible brain damage-- Felicia: Look, Mom is gonna get the doctor here, okay? And if he says it's all right, we'll tell Dad that he never has to see Donna again and why. [SCENE_BREAK] Donna: Owen, I am so sorry after everything you've done for me. Owen: I can't help how I feel. Donna: That's fair. I-- Owen: And I'm not completely self-serving. Donna: Owen, I know that. Owen: I mean, yeah, there is how I feel about you. There's what I see when I look at you. But there's also the fact that this catastrophe has struck and you don't see it. You met the perfect man. You--you fell in love. And now he's gone without-- without being gone. And Eric is the last man on this earth who would want to see you in the same kind of limbo that he's in, donna. Donna: (Sighs) Owen: Living without living and--and letting all this sadness eat up everything that is good and beautiful inside you while he just slips further and further away. Donna: (Sighs) I know. I know I can't go to the hospital. I can't-- I can't bear not to see him. But I can't bear to see him like that. I mean, I keep hoping for-- for a miracle, but I already know it's too late. He's not coming back to me. He's not. I mean, I had my dream, and now he's not coming back, and now I'm-- I'm all alone again. Owen: No, you're not alone. Look, and you never have to be. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: Do you want something, Brooke? Brooke: I just wanted to say good night to Jack if he was still awake. Taylor: Well, he doesn't want to be, but for some reason, he still is. Brooke: Well, it's hard, isn't it, to listen to a baby cry? Jack: (Crying) Taylor: Well, if it's bothering you, you can go ahead and go. Brooke: No, I meant for you. Taylor: No, I'm fine. Brooke: May I... Jack: (Fusses) Brooke: Say hello? Taylor: (Sighs) You mean you want to hold him? Why don't you just ask? Jack: (Fusses) Brooke: Oh, come here. Come here. Hello! How are you? What are you doin'? Huh? You want to play with this little shiny thing? You love shiny things, don't you? Did you go swimming today? You did, 'cause I can smell sunscreen all over you. Can he swim? Taylor: Yeah, he seems to love the water. I don't know that I would call it swimming. Brooke: Yeah? Jack: (Babbling) Brooke: Oh, no, you would much rather be carried, right? Yeah, that's right. Jack: (Giggles) Brooke: No silly exercise. You deserve to be pampered. Yes, you do. (Chuckles) can I put him down? Let's go. You want to go to sleep? Mm-hmm. There's a bottle over here for you. Ready? One, two, there. There you go. Gently. Nicely. There you go. Here. Here's your bottle. There you go. There. Good. (Chuckles) (sighs) he's so beautiful. You know, I'd be happy to-- Taylor: You'd be happy to what? Brooke: To do anything that you need or you want. (Sighs) Taylor, you and I really aren't that different. We both love Jack. Brooke: Well, I'll be going. Thank you. Rick: So how'd it go? Brooke: Mm... it's a beginning. I told Taylor that we're really not that different, that we both love Jack, and we want what's best for him. Rick: So you're just wondering if you can Mother him better than Taylor can. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: Sweetie, we've gotta break this cycle. I know. I know. I get tense. I get anxious. And you soak it up like a little sponge. And then-- then you cry, and then I get more anxious. Taylor: What is it that's so broken in me that you find so hard to love? [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: You don't mind waiting for Dr. Patrick, do you? Felicia: Not at all. Stephanie: Good. Felicia: So are you moving in now, too? Ridge: We thought they were yours. Thorne: Oh, Donna! Felicia: Yep. Stephanie: Oh, my god. Owen: I can't stop. You know you don't want to. Eric: (Gasping) Donna: Eric? Owen: Oh, my god! Eric: (Wheezing) Donna: Oh, my god. It happened. You--you came home. You're home! Eric: (Wheezing) Donna: You're--shh. Shh. Felicia: Oh, my god. Stephanie: Eric. Eric. Eric. Easy. Easy. Easy. Donna: Wha--wha-- Stephanie: I'm here. It's all right. Nothing bad's going to happen. The doctor's on his way. Donna: My god. Thank god. Felicia: You! Shouldn't you be somewhere else, little man? Owen: Look, they have been waiting for a chance to crucify her since you got sick. Ridge: That rings kind of hollow right now, don't you think? Eric: (Gasping) Stephanie: You still have to take it easy. Relax. Relax. Donna: Stop. I know-- Stephanie: Relax. Don't--just breathe. Easy. Honey, you've survived the worst, and you're going to survive this. Donna: I know what you're thinking, Eric. Please, please, just-- it's not so bad as it looks. It's not. Eric: Out. Out! Donna: What? Stephanie: Eric. Donna: No. No, you don't mean that. Please, listen. After all that I waited and all my tears, just give me five minutes-- Eric: Get--get out! Get out! Felicia: I don't think my father could be more clear. Donna: Eric, nothing more than this happened. Please-- Eric: Go! Go! Go! Stephanie: Easy. Easy, Eric. Stop. Stop. Stop. Donna: Tell him. Tell him how much I-I protected him, please. Why--why--why are you making him believe something that's not true? Stephanie: He's asked you to leave. Can't you see that you could hurt him? Please, leave. Easy. Easy, honey. Shh. Shh. Easy. Easy. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. Donna: (Sobbing) Stephanie: Shh. Shh. Eric: (Gasping) Stephanie: Easy. Easy. Easy. Ridge: It's all right. It's all right. Stephanie: It's all right. I know that wasn't easy for you, but you're all right now. You're home. You're safe. You're here with us. Eric: (Gasping) Stephanie: You and me. The children. It's all right. It's all right. You're here where you belong. Just calm down. Listen. Shh. Shh. Shh. (Whispering) It's all right. It's all right. Eric: (Sighs) Stephanie: Easy. Easy. Easy. | He looks directly at Stephanie and says he remembers her |
441 | [Door opens] David: Lois, is that you? Say, while you're here, could you pour me some more of that delicious, ice-cold lemonade-- [David gasping, spitting] Charlie: Jeez. [David sighing] [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: I just need some time to myself to think things through about Cole. Kiss Hope for me and tell her that I'll be back soon and don't worry about me. [Beep] Dorian: Well, that must be a load off your mind. Any word from John about that Hannah whatever her name is? Has she been apprehended yet? Blair: No. I just got off the phone with John. They haven't found her yet. Dorian: Honestly, I don't understand what's taking so long. She couldn't have gone very far. Langston: Why not? Dorian: Because I would just bet that that lunatic is wandering the hospital right now, waiting for the perfect opportunity to finish Robert Ford off. [SCENE_BREAK] Ford: Are you here to give me a sponge bath? Nurse Tiffany: Not until you're out of that hospital gown. Ford: All right. [Cell phone rings] Ford: Hey, can you come back in a few? Nurse Tiffany: You'd better be ready for me then. [Cell phone ringing] Ford: What the hell do you want now? [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: I want to know what the hell's going on with Hannah O'Connor. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Okay, forensics confirmed the blood found on Hannah O'Connor's sweater is a match for Robert Ford's. This is a list of all the locations she's most likely to show up at. Let's get a uniform on every one of them. Cop: Yes, sir. Anything else? John: Yeah. Uh, track down Price, all right? Have him canvass all of Hannah's friends. Make sure he questions every one of them. And get Lovett on the phone. Have him expand the APB. Cop: You got it, boss. John: Don't call me boss. Marty: Yeah, and please call me back. Let me know that you're all right. John: Another message for Cole? Marty: Yeah, if he's not checking them, he doesn't know that--that Ford named Hannah as the attacker. John: I know he's okay. Marty: How do you know that? What if Hannah got to him? [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: So you sure this is where Starr and James said they were going? Hannah: Yeah. Cole: Okay, then. Hannah: Wait! When you find them in there, what are you gonna do? [SCENE_BREAK] [Noise outside] James: [Whispering] Starr, Starr. Wake up. Wake up. I think someone's outside. I think Bull found us. Starr: What? [SCENE_BREAK] David: What the hell was that for? Charlie: What do you think-- Llanfair is some kind of a nude beach? David: I was waiting for Viki. Charlie: Naked? David: Are you saying Viki's naked? Charlie: Hey-- David: Relax. I'm just here. I'm waiting to find out more about that job she offered me. You have any ideas? Style editor? Fashion guru? I know she wants to use my brain. Does "The Banner" have a centerfold? Charlie: There is no job, Vickers! David: Buchanan. Charlie: So why don't you just get back into your knickers and scurry off to London and get the hell out of here! Viki: Sweetheart. David and Charlie: Yes? Viki: Charlie? What are you doing? [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: Well, if Hannah wants to take a shot at Ford, she's gonna have to be creative. Because John said he has cops all over the hospital in case she shows up again. Langston: At this point, I wouldn't put anything past her. Blair: Really? Langston: Mm. Yeah. Dorian: Thank goodness you weren't home when that lunatic decided to vandalize your apartment. [SCENE_BREAK] Marty: She's gone after Cole. I know it. You saw her at the courthouse. And then she ransacked his apartment. John: There's no proof it was her. Marty: Who else could it have been? My son has been missing for nearly 24 hours. You really think she hasn't gone after him? Can you honestly tell me that he is safe? [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: Yeah, I really wasn't expecting Hannah to trash our place. Kind of freaked me out. Dorian: As well it should have. Honey, really. I don't want you to leave this house until that lunatic is behind bars. Blair: I just wish Starr hadn't lost her phone. I'd like to be able to talk to my daughter, tell her not to go back to your apartment, to come here instead or just stay wherever she is. Dorian: Didn't she say where she was? Blair: Didn't leave a clue. No. Dorian: Hmm. That isn't like her. Blair: No. Go off and not tell us where. Langston: Well, she hasn't really been herself since Cole told her to stop coming to see him in jail. Blair: Cole was out on bail yesterday. Langston: And she told him she didn't want to see him. Dorian: Maybe she's had a change of heart. Honey, I want you to call Cole, please. Blair: Okay. I guess it's worth a shot. Dorian: Darling...I'm so glad that Ford finally told everybody that Hannah was his attacker. Langston: Because you were still thinking I did it? Dorian: No. Of course not. Though honestly, after what he did to you, nobody would blame you or Markko for wanting him dead. Langston: It's another thing to actually do something about it. Dorian: True. And since, unfortunately, he's going to survive, will you promise me this? If he tries to contact you, if you see him on the street and he takes even a step toward you, get in touch with me right away and I will see to it that he is taken care of. [SCENE_BREAK] Ford: I did what you asked me. I told the cops yesterday that Hannah's the one that attacked me. No. How should I know why they haven't arrested her yet? That's not my problem! If the cops call me with any more information, you'll be the first to know. Now, are we done yet? Is this over? [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: No, it's not over, as long as that psycho bitch is out there. [SCENE_BREAK] John: You raised a smart kid. He knows how to take care of himself. Marty: Mm. I'm sure Robert Ford thought he could take care of himself. Look what she did to him. John: She went after him because he rejected her. Cole hasn't done that. Marty: No, but he was cold with her yesterday and she noticed. That's why she's so angry with me. She's accusing me of turning him against her. John: You didn't. Marty: What if I did and now Cole's paying the price for it? [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: I don't know what I'm gonna do. I mean, I'm not sure that I believe that Starr and James are in there... or if they're together. Hannah: All right. It's great that you have faith in Starr, but I did hear him say that they were coming here. I don't know. I mean, maybe I just misunderstood. [Knocking on door] Cole: Starr? Starr! See? I knew it. They're not here. Hannah: I'm so glad. At least now you know for sure. Cole: We drove all night to get to this place...in Delaware! Hannah, what's going on? Hannah: What are you talking about? Cole: Why would you drag me all the way over here? [SCENE_BREAK] James: Sit down. Get down. Get down. Starr: Is he here? Is it Bull? [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: David, why don't you go clean yourself up? You look rather wet. David: You say that like it's a bad thing. Viki: Go. David: Somebody's in trouble Viki: Sweetheart, I thought you were fine with my decision to hire David. Charlie: Oh, come on, Viki. The only thing that that guy is capable of working on is his tan, and I doubt that that is in the job description. Viki: You ordered him to go back to London? Charlie: Look, all I have wanted to do since I woke up this morning was to whisk you off to the cabin, so that we could get away from David and Dorian and just...spend some time alone together. Viki: That's a lovely thought. Charlie: Yeah. And then I come out here looking for you and who do I find but, you know, David Vickers buck naked and oiled up like a rotisserie chicken. So yeah, I'm afraid I--I kind of lost it a little, I guess. But-- what do you say? Can't we just go up to the cabin, please? [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: Well, luckily Ford's gonna be in the hospital for a while, so you don't have to worry about me running into him. Dorian: Sweetheart... you are still the same fabulous, talented, beautiful girl you were before you met Ford. And nothing that he could ever do to you...will ever change that. [SCENE_BREAK] Ford: You haven't answered my question. When Hannah goes down for attacking me, are we done? Hello? Hello? [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: I have to get to writers' workshop. Dorian: What? Excuse me. Were you listening? I told you I didn't want you leaving this house! Langston: Okay. If I put my life on hold for Hannah, then the terrorists win. Dorian: Wait, wait. At least let me have one of my security people keep an eye on you, tail the car. I mean it. I want you to be safe. And if you see Cole or Starr... Langston: I will have them call you. Dorian: Good. And you call me, too, you hear-- Blair: Well, Cole didn't pick up. Dorian: Good. Blair: Why is that good? Dorian: C'est absolument parfait! Blair: What does that mean? Dorian: Perfect. It's perfect, darling. It means that Cole and Starr met up and now they've gone somewhere to... kiss and make up. Ohh! [Dorian laughs] Blair: I hope you're right. Dorian: I know I'm right. And I have to go. Bye-bye. Blair: Bye. Dorian: Oh, um, ahem. Is...you know. Eli still here? Blair: Yeah, he is. He's getting dressed. Dorian: I see. Would you make sure to tell him how much I appreciate everything that he did for Langston when she was still a suspect? Blair: I'll give him the message, Dorian. Dorian: You do that. Bye-bye. [Door closes] Eli: So...have you heard from Starr? [SCENE_BREAK] John: You know, you can't blame yourself for something you don't even know happened. Marty: The girl threatened me and now I can't find my son. It's hard not to fear the worst. John: Let me show you something. This is the jail visitor's log. Marty: Looks like Hannah visited Cole nearly every day. John: Up until the bail hearing, which means they were still friends. Marty: Exactly. "Were." Cole's starting to consider the possibility that Hannah pushed me down the stairs and pinned it on Todd. What if he confronts her? Sets her over the edge, just like something did with Ford. [Door opens] Todd: Why haven't you arrested that little nutjob yet? [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: Hannah, did you really hear Starr and James saying they were coming here? Hannah: I wish I hadn't, but I saw them leaving graduation together and I heard him say that he wanted to take her someplace where they could be alone. And then he said something about "the only house on blue crab inlet." Cole: Well, that's definitely this place. Hannah: I understand how you're feeling. I wouldn't want to believe me, either, but you called Starr back and you got James' voicemail. How could I make that up? [SCENE_BREAK] James: Come here. You gotta see this. Starr: Are you kidding me? Is that Bull? James: It's a bunch of deer and they're feasting on your aunt's garden. Come here. Look. They're getting real close to the house. Starr: Are you kidding me? I just lost 10 years of my life because of Bambi and friends? Aww. Look at the little fawn. James: I'm really sorry that I scared you. Bull's just really got me spooked. Starr: We have a guy threatening to kill us if we don't give him back his money. We'd be crazy if we weren't spooked. James: Yeah, I guess you're right. Starr: I'm gonna grab a shower. The faster we get ready, the faster we can get out of here. Then we can go pick up the car, turn it into the money that you owe, give it to Bull to get him off our backs, and then I can get back to Cole and my baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Hannah: Is it working yet? Cole: Nothing much I can do until it's charged. Hannah: For your own peace of mind, you should find out that James and Starr weren't here. Cole: How do I do that? Hannah: There was a little diner on the way in. You should go there, ask around, and if no one's seen them, you could stop worrying. Cole: All right, let me take this. I'll show them the picture on the phone and ask around. Hannah: Okay. Cole: Be right back. Hannah: Sorry, Grandpa, but I knew you wouldn't be here.. Cole: Well, no one at the diner saw James or Starr. Hannah: That's great. I'm really sorry for worrying you. I must have just misunderstood. Cole: You were just looking out for me. But we should probably go. Hannah: Well, don't you think we should rest first? I mean, we've been driving all night. We should sleep for an hour or 2 before we hit the road. Cole: Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Hannah: Where are you going? Cole: To the car? We can't sleep here. We're trespassing as it is. Hannah: Right. Well...I mean, we are already here, and... doesn't really look like anybody actually lives here, so... Cole: Yeah, I guess you're right. Hannah: Come on. I mean, we're college students. People expect us to wander into the wrong house. We're both exhausted. Cole: You're not kidding. Hannah: I'll take the couch. You can curl up in the bed. Cole: No, no, no. You get the bed. I'll take the couch. Hannah: No. Seriously. It's fine, Cole. Cole: Okay. Thanks. But holler at me if anyone shows up, okay? Oh, and here. Thanks. I checked my messages. Hannah: Oh, yeah. No problem. Did you--did you get through? Cole: The reception here stinks. [SCENE_BREAK] James: Bull, don't worry. I'm getting you the money I owe my dad. By the end of the day. I promise. Starr: Sorry. I just forgot my stuff. I left a towel out for you, though. James: Oh, thanks. I made some coffee, by the way. Starr: Great. [SCENE_BREAK] Voice on phone: Message one. Marty on phone: Cole, where are you? Did you get John's messages? Ford named the person who attacked him, and it was Hannah. Ford: Oh, yeah. You have made me forget all my you know, it almost makes it worth having my skull cracked. Nurse Tiffany: Really? Ford: Yeah. You are that good. But you know, I think you missed a spot. Nurse Tiffany: I'll have to take care of that. Langston: New girlfriend? Ford: She's just doing her job, Langston. One that I bet you'd be pretty good at, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Eli: I was sure by the time I got down here you'd have figured out where Starr is. Blair: Well, apparently, Starr needs some time alone to figure out what she's gonna do about Cole, but Dorian thinks that Starr and Cole are together. Eli: That is a distinct possibility. Blair: But you know, it's not like Starr to go off. And then with Hannah out there, you know, on the loose-- Eli: Cops are gonna find her. Blair: No. Todd and Starr both think that Hannah pushed Marty down that flight of stairs so it would break up Cole and Starr. And then she tried to kill Ford? No telling what she would do to Starr. Eli: I don't think that's happening. Blair: She's a lunatic. She's a psychopath. She could--she could do something to Starr. In fact, you know, maybe she already has Starr. Maybe she's the one that forced Starr to make that phone call to tell her that she needed some time. Eli: Oh, Blair, I doubt that. Blair: God, am I just being paranoid here? Eli: Of course not. You are Starr's mother. It's your job to worry about her. We will do everything we need to do to find her. Blair: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: I just got off the phone with my P.I. and he informed me that an arrest warrant had been issued for Hannah O'Connor. John: Yeah, that's right. Todd: Where is she? John: Well, not that it's any of your business, but we're working on it. Todd: What's none of my business? Are you aware that Ford ID'd her as his attacker? John: I'm sorry--what does this have to do with you? Todd: Well, it's proof, man. It proves that he's the one who attacked Marty and killed your kid. John: No, it doesn't. Todd: You guys are unbelievable. You just don't--you don't care about the truth, do you? You just want to stick to the story that I did it because that's the version you really like. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: I know that things have been a little tense between us since we got back together again and it's all these stupid, ridiculous conversations about David and Dorian. Charlie: Look, I am not jealous of David. It's just that he does seem to get naked around you an awful lot. Viki: I know, but you can't take David being naked seriously. Charlie: I know I shouldn't, but sometimes I'm--I'm sorry. It just kind of gets to me. Viki: Well, I do know how you feel, because it really bothers me when Dorian monopolizes all your time. Charlie: You know what I think? I think that all this tension will disappear if we just have a little relaxation, a little romance, and so I talked to Lois and had her make a little picnic basket for us. Viki: I don't think the weather's going to cooperate. Charlie: It's gonna be cloudy down here, but the forecast says up on Llantano Mountain, it's gonna be nothing but blue skies. Viki: Oh, well, in that case, you're a genius, and I love you for it. Charlie: And I love you. Dorian: Oh, my! Am I interrupting anything? Charlie: Dorian, what are you doing here? You know this is my day off, and you know that Viki and I are planning to go to the cabin. Dorian: Oh, yes. The cabin. But I have some absolutely wonderful news. [SCENE_BREAK] James: Starr, you used all the hot-- [Starr gasps] [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: Wonderful news? This had better be spectacular news. Dorian: As I'm sure Charles has told you-- Viki: "Charles"? Charlie: Uh... Dorian: I have applied for a grant from the Shaw Foundation. Viki: Yes. He has mentioned that. Dorian: Yes, and he has a dream, as I'm sure you know, of building an ecologically friendly greenhouse as an annex to the civic center, a place where, year round, children can grow their little vegetables and flowers. Viki: Yeah. I'm familiar with the concept, Dorian. Dorian: What, are you saying that we got the grant? Dorian: Not quite, but we're in the top 3, and Mr. Henderson, the head of the foundation, wants to interview us and look at your blueprints today. Charlie: What, today, without any notice? Dorian: Well, he e-mailed me this morning. Viki: Oh, please. Dorian: He did. I have it right here. He tells me, us, that he is going to be in Philadelphia in the morning and would we mind if he came here to see us, so naturally, I told him no, we did not mind. Charlie: And you couldn't just call me? Dorian: I didn't think I need to. I mean, this is the chance of a lifetime. Your concept of that greenhouse is absolute genius, and the Shaw Foundation could give us the money to realize it. We cannot pass this up. Charlie: You are absolutely right, Dorian, and you'll just have to take that meeting alone. Dorian: Oh, no. No. Mr. Henderson is very specific. He wants to see you, as well. Charlie: Well, I'm sorry, Dorian, but I already have plans with Viki today. Viki: Sweetheart, I think you should go. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: What are you doing down here? James: What? Nothing. Starr: You're supposed to be in the shower! James: I was. You used up all the hot water. Starr: No, I didn't, and don't look at me. What, did you try to come down here and see me naked? James: I didn't see anything, I swear. Starr: You didn't? James: Besides, it's not like I've never seen a girl naked before. Trust me, okay? I don't need to sneak up on women to see them in the buff. Starr: Oh, please. Ew! You are so full of yourself. What did you do, take a lesson from your pig of a brother? James: Hey! You don't know a damn thing about my brother. [SCENE_BREAK] Ford: Thanks again, Tiff. Same time tomorrow? Tiffany: If you're lucky. Ford: I take it you're not here to wish me a speedy recovery. Langston: I heard Hannah was the one who put you in here. Ford: Yeah. I never saw it coming. I thought I could handle her after I dumped her. Langston: I know just how she felt. I was a suspect, too, you know, and they arrested Markko. Ford: He's not still in jail, is he? Langston: No. Now he'll never want anything to do with me again. Ford: You probably blame me for that, don't you? Langston: Why should I? It's not your fault. It's mine. I went against everything I believed in to be with you. I lied to my friends. I lied to my family. I lied to myself. One person that I never lied to was you. I trusted you. That's my fault, too. Ford: Why are you here, Langston? Langston: I came by before while you were still sleeping, but I didn't get any answers. Ford: Okay. What do you want to know? Langston: You said that I never really meant anything to you, so why did you say that you loved me? [SCENE_BREAK] John: She was arrested for attacking Ford. This time, it has nothing to do with you. Todd: Okay. Did you even bother to question Hannah about whether she attacked Marty? Marty: Of course he did. She stuck with her story. Todd: Oh, that's a shocker. She's only been making up this lie about me for months. What were you gonna do, brood at her and she was gonna cave? Marty: Whoever did this made me lose our baby. You don't think that John and I want answers? You don't think we want to find Hannah? Todd: "Whoever did this," is what you said. So you don't think I did it. Wonderful. I'd like these charges dropped, please, and I'd like you to find Hannah. Marty: Is that all you think about, what's at stake for you? My son is missing. Todd: Really? I think I know where he is. [SCENE_BREAK] Hannah: What's wrong? Cole: I found this in the bedroom. Hannah: Okay. It's Starr's diploma. That doesn't mean that she and James, you know-- Cole: This does. Hannah: I'm so sorry. [SCENE_BREAK] Charlie: Look. Viki: What? Charlie: You mean more to me than any grant, okay? You and I have plans. Viki: I know, darling, but the cabin is not going anywhere, and neither am I. Sweetheart, the Shaw Foundation is one of the most prestigious environmental philanthropies in the world. You've been talking about this greenhouse for weeks. I know how much it means to you. Charlie: Yeah, not as much as you do. Viki: I would like to see you be able to realize this dream. If the interview is today, you need to go. Charlie: Viki B. ... Viki: Hmm? Charlie: You never cease to amaze me. Viki: Oh, come on. Dorian: Henderson is on his way. We can't keep him waiting. Charlie: I'll call you when it's done. Okay. [Charlie sighs] Dorian: Come, Charles. David: Viki... Viki: David. David: I've got an idea. Viki: Mm? David: What do you say you, me, and that pic-i-nic basket take a long drive up to love cabin? Viki: Aw, thank you, David, but no, thanks. David: Ah. [David sighs] David: Oh, for crying out loud, would you look at that? It's all cloudy now...but it's sunny up on Llantano Mountain. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. James: Yeah. Well, whatever you think of him, Starr, he's still my brother. Starr: I know. James: I haven't seen him in a really long time, so I don't know what he did to you to make you not like him, but you have no idea what he's been through. Starr: You're right. I don't. James: However bad he's been, whatever he did, it's not his fault, all right? He is who he is because my dad made him that way. Starr: Trust me, James... I know what fathers can do to their children. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: No. I don't think you need to worry about Cole. Marty: You said you know where he is. Where is he? Todd: Well, I'm sure he's getting his itch scratched by Hannah. What, you don't think so? They probably ran away together, our own little Bonnie and Clyde. Ah, yeah. They were pretty hot between the sheets, right? John: All right. That's it. Get the hell out of here. Todd: What? Come on. You know it's true. John: Now! Move. [John sighs] Blair: Hey, John. Okay, Todd. What was that about? Todd: Whoa, my two favorite people--my ex-wife and Cole's lawyer. Nice to see you guys. Eli: Always a pleasure to see you, too, Todd. Todd: I got to call Téa, get these charges dropped. Blair: Have you heard from Starr? Todd: So long. You have any idea what I've been going through? Blair: Todd, would you stop making all this about you? Todd: What's wrong, Blair? Blair: I want to know if you've heard from Starr. Todd: Well, not recently. I was supposed to meet her at the car dealership. Why? What's wrong? Where is she? Don't tell me you don't know where she is. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: I'm sorry if your father messed you up and your brother, but you have to understand that Ford hurt my best friend really badly. James: And now he's lying in a hospital bed. Look. I'm sorry that I yelled at you and for walking in on you when you're almost naked. Starr: Well, it's okay. I mean, you didn't see anything, so-- James: Well, actually, I-- Starr: You are a piece of work. Do you know that? Oh... James: Oh, and you're not so bad yourself, twinkle. Starr: What did you just call me? James: Oh, come on. All these years, no one has ever called you that? Starr: Not twice. Oh, all right. I am going to go upstairs and get changed, and I am going to lock the door. [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: You didn't have to tell me that you loved me. All you had to do was snap your fingers, and I would come running over to have sex with you. So why'd you say it? [Cell phone ringing] Langston: Forget it. I already know the answer. I shouldn't have come. Ford: What do you want now? James: To see how my big brother was doing. Ford: James, I'm sorry. James: Who did you think it was? Ford: Uh, doesn't matter. Are you okay? James: I was calling to see how you were doing. Ford: Better. I'm getting better, actually. How are you? You disappeared on me the other day. James: Yeah. I just had to go. That was it. Ford: Are you in trouble? Is it Dad? What did he do now? James: Nothing. I'm fine. Ford: Don't lie to me, James. James: Bobby, I'm handling it. Ford: Prove it. Come see me. James: I will, I promise, as soon as I can. Ford: Looking forward to it. James: I love you, bro. [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: I was in the bedroom. Sheets and blankets were all over the place. I tried to straighten up the bed, and I got in and found Starr's diploma and...that. Hannah: Cole, I'm so sorry. I was really hoping that I was wrong about Starr and James. Cole: God, I can't believe this happened. D'oh! But I know why she did. It's my fault. Hannah: Cole, no. Cole: Look. I told her not to come see me in jail. I pushed her away. Hannah: Hey, don't do this to yourself. I'm sure that guy did a number on her when she was feeling really vulnerable. Cole: It doesn't matter how it happened, all right? It did, and now... I don't think things are ever gonna be the same between us again. Hannah: Hey... I'm so sorry. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Let's get this to P.I.O. Cop: Press release about Hannah O'Connor? John: Yeah. Time to get the public involved. Cop: Right away. John: Thanks. [SCENE_BREAK] Eli: Marty, I know you're worried that Cole might be with Hannah, but there's more. He doesn't check in soon, he may be charged with jumping bail. Marty: Well, that's the least of my worries right now. My son could be fighting for his life, just like Robert Ford had to. [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: I need to go for a walk. Hannah: You want some company? Cole: No, than. I just need to clear my head. Hannah: Okay. Um...I'm sorry. Cole: For what? Hannah: For starting this whole mess, you know, with showing you the picture of Starr and James. You so did not need to see that. Cole: Yeah. Yeah. I did. I didn't tell Markko when Langston was sleeping with Ford, and I regret that, so you did the right thing. Hannah: I'll be here for you when you get back. [Seagulls squawking] [Hannah sighs] Hannah: Oh, please have a signal. Please, please, please, please. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: Oh, it's about time. Bull could've shown up and dragged me away 3 times for how long you took up there. James: Oh, yeah? Well, too bad he didn't. 5 minutes alone with you, and he'd be paying me 50 grand to take you back. Starr: Oh, only 50? I must have been on my best behavior. James: All right. Come on. Let's go take care of this, and you can get back to your baby, your boyfriend, and your life. Come on. Let's go. [Clattering] Starr: What is it, those scary deer again? James: Shh, hold on. I heard footsteps. [SCENE_BREAK] [Cell phone rings] Ford: Hello? Hannah: What the hell is wrong with you? You've been talking to the cops about me? [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Hey, McBain, in case you haven't heard, my daughter is missing, and Blair seems to think Hannah might have her. Blair: Listen. We haven't heard from Starr since she left a message last night. John: I'm on it. Blair: Okay. Thank you. Todd: Oh, he's on it. I feel better now. Blair: Todd-- Eli: Listen. If Starr shows up for that car, you'll forget you were ever worried in the first place. Blair: Oh... [SCENE_BREAK] [Doorknob rattles] [David hums] James: Uh! Starr: [Gasps] Oh, my God, that's David Vickers! | Hannah takes Cole to her grandfather's cabin to show him that Starr is there with James and when they find the cabin empty, she sends him to a local diner to ask around while she plants evidence in the cabin |
442 | Nicole: Champagne? At this hour? Deimos: It's never too early for champagne. Not when you have something to celebrate. Chloe: Hey, I'm sorry. I know, I'm late. Philip: No problem. We just have a lot to cover, so... you okay? Chloe: No, I feel kinda lousy. Philip: Walk didn't help? Chloe: No. I don't know. Maybe it's this place. I don't know, I can't think straight for some reason. Philip: Sorry. Until I can rent an office, this is it. Chloe: Uh, isn't there somewhere more private we can go? Philip: Uh... not unless you want to go back to my place. Or yours. Belle: I was told to come right up. Chad: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We got to, um, we gotta get started. Belle: On what? What is going on? Chad: Well, my wife is missing. And her mother's decided to come in for the, um... the kill. Belle: Jennifer horton? Chad: Yeah, yeah. She wants thomas, so she's suing me for custody. I'd like your help, please. Belle: Uh, well, you're gonna have to help yourself first, or she's gonna have a strong case. Chad: I don't know what that means. Will you represent me? Jennifer: Slow. Hope: Daddy, I promise you I--I'm fine. Yeah, I just, um, need some rest. Okay. I'll see you and julie later, okay? Okay, I love you. Jennifer: All right. Hope: Bye. Jennifer: Easy, easy. Hope: Ah. Jennifer: Got it? Hope: Oh, yes. Jennifer: All right. All right, can I get you something, some tea? Hope: Mm-mm, no, thanks. Jennifer: Some soup? Anything? Hope: No, I'm fine. Like I told my dad at the hospital, I'm okay. But you're not. I could tell on the drive home. What's wrong? Jennifer: Nothing exactly. There's something I want to discuss with you, but not right now. Hope: Why not? Jennifer: No, I just-- I want to wait till you get a little stronger. Hope: Cuz, I'm stronger. Please, I'm desperate to talk about anything other than what happened to me, okay? Jennifer: I'm suing for custody of thomas. Hope: What? Jennifer: And I want to hire aiden jennings to do it. Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives." [Soft orchestration] Claire: Hello. Ciara: Oh, hey. Claire: Human in front of you. Ciara: Sorry, it's your dad. My mom's getting out of the hospital. Claire: Oh, that's great. Ciara: Yeah. Claire: Thank God she's doing so well. Ciara: Are you, uh, running away? Claire: Uh, no. Oh, philip's gonna launch chloe on his label, so there's a meeting. Ciara: And you're going? Claire: Well, I am chloe's personal assistant. Ciara: Oh, that explains why you look like a sherpa. Claire: Yeah. [Chuckles] I mean, I know it's grunt work, but this is how everyone starts, so... this is so I can play them my tracks. Ciara: They asked to listen to your music? Claire: Well, I just mean, like, in cyou know, I know they're gonna go for these songs eventually. Like, I could have written these for chloe. They're perfect for her. You know, and I know it takes time, but it's a foot in the door, so... Ciara: Yeah, that's awesome. Good for you. Claire: Thanks. Later? Ciara: Yeah, text me how it goes. Claire: Okay. Belle: You need to clean yourself up. You know, take a shower, change your clothes, and get to know your razor again. Chad: Is that the priority? Belle: No, that's the second thing. The first thing is to lose the booze. Listen, I know you're out of your mind with worry, and you're left trying to figure out how to take care of a baby all by yourself. Chad: Yeah, and I've taken good care of him. Belle: Yeah, well, prove it. And look the part. That's what the judge is gonna want to see. Listen, this is family court. Their only priority is the well- being of the child. Chase: I have never endangered thomas. Belle: Really? Like by having a drink or, I don't know, three while you're home alone with him? Or hiring a teenager with zero experience to nanny for him? Chad: Well, is he better off with jennifer? Belle: She's a mother who's raised two children. Chad: Who was addicted to painkillers. Belle: Was. And now she's in recovery going to meetings. Unless you have some kind of evidence that she's fallen off the wagon since abigail disappeared. Chad: No. Belle: Then for now, she looks like the stable one. Chad: So... I'm screwed. Belle: No, not necessarily. You are the father, you have precedence. But you're gonna have to prove that you're a good father. Chad: Okay. I'll do whatever it takes. I'll do what you say. Belle: Then you have a lawyer. Hope: I'm sorry, I could not have possibly have heard you correctly. Jennifer: No, you did. I want to hire aiden to represent me. Hope: Why? Why him? Jennifer: Because I want to get custody of a baby from his father. I want to take a dimera to court, hope. Hope: Honestly, I-I ca-- I can't digest this. You--you want to hire someone who was going to kill me? Someone who is in debt to the dimeras? Someone I can guarantee you cannot trust. Jennifer: No, I know it's crazy and I--and I hate what he did to you. But I have to be ruthless here. Thomas is not safe with chad right now. Hope: Why are you saying that? Jennifer: Because he's-- he's--he's completely lost it. He's so devastated over abigail disappearing that he's-- he's drinking, he--he's-- he's worse than I ever feared right now. Hope: Are you sure? Jennifer: What? Hope: Are you worried-- Jennifer: You think I'm making this up? Hope: Well, are you worried about thomas or are you trying to punish chad because abigail ran away? Jennifer: Is it wrong if I think both? Hope: You're not gonna get what you want. Not with aiden as your attorney. Hey there, hi. Deimos: Don't you want to know what we're celebrating? Nicole: We aren'T... celebrating. Deimos: Everything changed yesterday. Nicole: I thought everything changed when you went in the river. Deimos: Again. It changed again. I made a deal with Victor. Nicole: What kind of deal? Deimos: I promised to give my brother back Titan industries. Nicole: Oh. And what did you get? Deimos: What do you mean? Nicole: What's in this for you? Deimos: Hmm. Peace. My brother and I, we no longer have to live in anger. No more vengeance. Nicole: No, no. What did you get? Deimos: I get this house, a bit of money. That's all I wanted from him. Nicole: But not all you want. In general. Deimos: Of course not. Nicole: So this show is for me? Deimos: And what makes you think this is a show? Nicole: Well, I'm looking at the setup. Deimos: Okay. Yes, this is for you. But what I did with my brother was for Victor and me. Yet you still doubt. Chloe: I would love to go back to my room. Alone and lie down. Philip: You're really sick. Chloe: Yeah, I don't know. Must be some kind of bug or something, but I'm sorry. I just feel like I'm gonna be worthless today. Can we please do this tomorrow? Claire: Hi, hi, sorry. I meant to get set up earlier, but I didn't know how you like to work. Chloe: No, relax, it's fine. It's not happening today. Claire: Oh, did I miss the meeting? Philip: Chloe's not feeling well. She's gonna go back to lie down. Claire: Okay, no problem. Do you--do you want tea or soup? Is it your stomach? Or maybe some ginger ale? Chloe: No, it's okay. I just want to go back to my room. Claire: Okay. Chloe: I mean, if you want to walk with me, we can talk about what I need you to do for me and what, you know-- Claire: Perfect. Chloe: Okay. Claire: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I want to get set up the way you want, if that's okay. Philip: If that's what chloe wants. She's your boss. Chloe: Okay, I'll call you later. Philip: Sure. Claire: Okay, so I have three different calendar programs, so we can pick out the one you like the best. Hope: [Grunts] Cuz, please. I'll give you the names of some really great attorneys who are custody experts. Jennifer: Right. Jeannine wiest? Rick myers? Hope: Yeah, exactly. You know them? Jennifer: Yeah, I know them. I met with them. I checked their track records. I even read some transcripts from their court appearances, hope. Hope: Okay then, you know-- Jennifer: I didn't come by this decision lightly. And I wouldn't even be thinking about this if they were ruthless enough. Hope: Ruthless isn't always the best thing in family court. Jennifer: I'm not talking about shouting. I'm just talking about not backing down. Their clients lost. Hope, I can't lose. Hope: I don't know what you want me to say. Jennifer: I want you to tell me that you understand and that we'll be okay. Hope: I can't-- I can't do that. Jennifer: Right, because of what he did to you and lied about it. And because he was so determined, hope. Hope: That's one word for it. Jennifer: Yeah. And that is exactly what I need. [Knocking] I'll get it. Stay right there. Rafe: Hey, there she is. Am I interrupting? Jennifer: No, I was just leaving. Rafe: Okay. Hope: Call me. Rafe: All right. Jennifer: Bye. Rafe: Uh... what was that? Hope: [Exhales sharply] Rafe: Hmm? Cottonelle asked real people about cleaning... Belle: Have you, uh, seen my daughter? Here for a meeting, and she left with chloe. Belle: Damn it. Philip: Yeah, I know you're upset about this, but you'll have to take it up with chloe. Belle: No, actually, this is your label, philip. And your main investor's not happy, so you need to deal with me. Philip: This is really between you and claire. Belle: Oh, so now you suddenly want to back off? Philip: Hey, I didn't want to get in the middle here. You can always talk to chloe yourself. Belle: As your investor? Philip: Mother to mother. I didn't tell chloe you funded the label. You want to explain how you had that much cash? Belle: Of course not. Philip: But? Belle: Are you trying to protect me? Or you just want chloe to think you're the man? The one in charge. Philip: I am the man in charge. That was the deal. Are you having second thoughts about that? Claire: Okay, sure I can't get you anything? Chloe: I'm sure. Claire: Listen, if you don't want to work today, I would totally understand. Chloe: No, it's okay. I could use the distraction. Claire: Okay, sure, yeah. Um, so like I said, there's a couple of different calendar programs that we can choose from. Chloe: Well, just use which ever one you want. Just make sure that they're on both my tablet and my phone, and that they sync automatically. And just make it one calendar, but just do my professional one in one color. And then do Parker's appointments, like his doctor's appointments, school, anything, in another color. Claire: Got it. Chloe: His friends' birthdays, anything that has to do with Parker, that comes first. Don't ever schedule any work stuff that will conflict with that, you understand? Claire: Understood. Yeah, yeah, I'll get it set. Don't worry. Yeah, you--you want to be a good mom, and a dedicated professional, so you can only be in one place at a time. It totally makes sense. You know, that's--that's why I didn't want to go to college. 'Cause I don't want to split my focus. I want to be here learning the business. Chloe: Well, that's great. That's good. Claire: Yeah. Chloe: Oh, and, uh, I have a list of things that need to be done, if that's okay, on the desk. Claire: Of course. Chloe: Oh, and the homeopathics for my throat, you can only get them at statler'S. Claire: Oh, the one at the interstate bypass? Chloe: Yeah, I know it's a bit of a hike. Claire: Yeah, that's okay. I have a car, so I'll drive. I'll be a while though. Chloe: Uh, that's fine. I think I need to sleep. Claire: Okay. Chloe: Thank you. I appreciate it. Claire: Of course. Bye. [Suspenseful music] Aiden: Jennifer? You're here to give me holy hell about hope, I'm sorry, you're going to have to make an appointment. Jennifer: Well, this can't wait. Aiden: Oh, trust me, there's nothing you can say that I haven't already said to myself, and I know-- I know I deserve every bit of it. Fine, come on in. Give me a piece of your mind. Rafe: Jennifer wants aiden to represent her? Hope: Yep. Rafe: What is she thinking? That's crazy. Hope: It's insane. All she cares about and is focused on is getting thomas. That's it, that's all that matters to her. Rafe: Yeah, well, if she knew that aiden tried to blow us up. Hope: Well, obviously we can't prove that. Rafe: Oh, I'll find a way. Hope: What does that mean? Rafe: You just worry about getting better. Hope: Hernandez, look at me. Promise me you will not do anything to get yourself into trouble, nothing. I mean it. Please. Deimos: I knew you didn't believe my words, so I took action. I've changed. Nicole: Because you did a couple of things right? Deimos: You have to start someplace, right? Nicole: No, that doesn't mean you-- [Exhales deeply] Deimos: Tell me. Nicole: Okay. What you said about me, part of me that wanted vengeance on kate because she set me up, that was true. Deimos: Of course. Nicole: So I still have that impulse. You don't think you still have... impulses? Deimos: [Chuckles] No, I'm quite certain I still do. After all, we are human, right? We have a pulse. We will always have urges. But we are also intelligent beings, nicole. With the capacity to resist the bad ones. With you, because of you, I am a better man. Nicole: But you didn't give Victor back everything. Deimos: No. I want to be the kind of man that you can be proud of, but I also want to be the kind of man who can love you, protect you, take care of you. Nicole: I-I-I don't need... Deimos: You don't need what? To be cared for? To be loved? I will give you everything, nicole. That is all I want. Nothing else matters to me but that. But you. And this. [Romantic music] Belle: Meaning do I want to be in the record business? Philip: Or do you want to pull out? Leave me high and dry? Really? Belle: I wanted you to have your shot, philip. Philip: But your daughter doesn't get hers? Didn't you buy edge of the square so claire would have a place to sing? Belle: Yes, and that was a mistake. I was... [Sighs] Trying to buy claire's forgiveness. Philip: Now you want her to hate you? Belle: No, I want her to be smart. This is not a career path. Not like this. Philip: Why are you so sure? Belle: You listened to her demos and you didn't even sign her. Why are you so hot for this now? Philip: Because she listened. She's learning. Claire's passionate about the business. She won't give up. Why do you want to kill her dream? Belle: College will not kill her dream. She'll learn music from the ground up. She'll--she'll learn business so she knows how to handle herself. She'll grow as a person, as a--as an artist. Philip: Belle, you can say all that, but she's not gonna hear you unless you support her. Belle: Fetching coffee for chloe lane is not a career path. Philip: Support her music. Encourage her to-- Belle: You know what? I am so sick of you telling me how to raise my daughter. You don't even know-- Philip: Oh, the hell I don't! She used to be my daughter too! [Beeping] [Suspenseful music] Hope: [Groans] Rafe: Don't worry. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. Hope: You'll leave aiden alone? Let the department work the case? Rafe: Sure. Hope: No, mm-mm. Not buying it. That was way too easy. Rafe: Oh, come on. That's what you really want? In the past, you would have said, "let's go after these creeps ourselves." Hope: Not anymore. Time out. I want to see our future. Rafe: [Sighs] Me too. Hope: Promise me you will let roman and the department go after aiden. Or André. Hey. We stick to us. Rafe: The last part. Hope: No. No. All of it. Rafe: All of it. Promise. Aiden: Sorry about that. I'm sure you can understand I need all the work I can get. Jennifer: Well, that's why I'm here. I need a lawyer. Aiden: You do? Are you coming to me for representation? Jennifer: I need to sue chad dimera for custody of my grandson. Aiden: Does hope know that you're here? Jennifer: We are not gonna talk about hope. At all. That is number one, and I am not your way to get near to her... Aiden: Jennifer-- Jennifer: Or find out anything about her. Do you understand me? Aiden: Jennifer, jennifer, jennifer, jennifer, that is not why I'm asking. Okay? I'm asking because I know you two are close, and she's not gonna be happy if you hire me. Jennifer: I know, but I can't think about that right now. My grandson is in a dangerous place. And I need him to be with me. Aiden: Hey, wait a minute. Chad dimera is a danger to his son? Jennifer: Yes, he is. Do you want details? Aiden: So what are you hoping for? You hoping for, uh, temporary custody is it? Jennifer: Permanent custody. Aiden: Okay, but if your daughter is found, do you think-- Jennifer: No, when my daughter is found, I will worry about that. But I am not going to have this fight every couple of months. I want my grandson with me, and I suppose that means you'll need a retainer, and that is fine. Aiden: No. Jennifer: I am a paying client, just like any other. Aiden: No, no, no, no. You are not like any other, okay? Or my client. Jennifer: You don't want this case? Aiden: No. Jennifer: Oh, well. I guess I thought you had something to prove to this town. To prove to the dimeras. I guess I was wrong. Aiden: Okay, look, I'm not going to do that at the expense of your relationship with hope, okay? You've known her a lot longer than I have, and I don't care what she said to you. It's not gonna be okay with her if you hire me. Look, I hurt her. I've hurt her. And I don't want to be responsible for hurting her any more, okay? So as much as I'd love to help you. I'm sorry, you're gonna have to find yourself another lawyer. [Door opening] Shawn: [Laughing] Both: Hey. Shawn: Hey, welcome home. Why didn't you call me? I would have picked you up. Hope: Oh, uh, jennifer wanted to bring me. Ciara: But I didn't even have time to shop. Hey, rafe. Rafe: Hey. How you doing? Good to see you. Uh, you gonna hang out a little bit? Ciara: Yeah, we're here. Rafe: Okay, good. I better get to the station. I'll see you later. Hope: Yeah, thanks. Rafe: Okay. Shawn: Hey, rafe, I never got a chance to thank you. Rafe: OH. Shawn: Thanks for saving our mom. Ciara: Yeah, thanks so much. You're a total hero. Shawn: Oh, we're hugging. Rafe: Oh, guys. Shawn: Thanks, man. Rafe: Hey, your mom's a hero too, you know. So... we saved each other. See you later. Ciara: Bye. [Door closes] [Soft music] [Heavy breathing] Nicole: Deimos? Deimos: What? What? [Heavy breathing] Nicole? Nicole: I-I-I ca--I can'T. I can't, not right now. Deimos: [Panting] Roman: Okay, we need a contractor's license to order that, so start checking around. Any company that ordered that explosive. All right, get back to me. Rafe: We got a signature on the bomb? Roman: Well, the explosive is more common than I'd like, but the casing is pretty rare. Rafe: So it is traceable? Roman: I hope so. We could use a break. Rafe: What about tate black? Roman: Nothing but dead ends. Fortunately, john has offered to, uh, help us with that case. Hell, I'm shorthanded for a calm week, let alone what we've caught. Rafe: I really want to nail André and aiden to a walL. Roman: I get that. I get that, but you know you can't work the explosion. Rafe: I know. I know. That's why I asked to work the kidnapping. Roman: Yeah. There you go. Rafe: Yeah. And plus I promised hope, so... Roman: You really do love her, don't you? Shawn: Arms up. All right. Hope: Careful. Shawn: All right. Good? Hope: Mm-hmm. Shawn: There you go. Hope: Thanks, honey. Shawn: And guaranteed to relax. Hope: Aww, so sweet. Shawn: Mm-hmm. Hope: Oh, my goodness, ciara. Look what your brother got us. [Laughter] Rom-coms, "hope in a bottle." That is hilarious. Thank you. Ciara: Dude, come on. You want mom to be happy? We need action movies. Car chases, come on. Shawn: Action mo-- you--you guys are--you are not, so not well. Hope: Just figuring that out? Shawn: [Chuckles] Hey, what do you think about, um, moving back home for a little while? Ciara: I already did. Hope: Yeah. Shawn: Yeah? Ciara: Yeah. Hope: How are things going at the dimeras, anyway? Is chad okay? Ciara: Um, it's a little rough not knowing where abigail is. He's worried. Hope: He's holding it together though? Ciara: Yeah. I mean, the best he can. Hope: Mm. Shawn: Hey, you look exhausted. Hope: I am. Shawn: Yeah? Hope: I think I'm going to take a nap. Shawn: All right. Um, since you're going to be sticking around, I'm gonna head into the office and let me get some stuff done, all right? Ciara: Okay. Shawn: All right, you call me if you need anything, please. Hope: I will. Thanks, honey. Love you, shawn. Shawn: You too. Love you. Call me if you need me, please. Ciara: Yeah, we're good. Go find abigail and tate. Shawn: Yeah, all right. I will. Ciara: So you're going to sleep? Hope: Mm-hmm. Ciara: You promise? Hope: I promise. Ciara: 'Cause the kitchen's bare and I need to go pick up a few things. Hope: This is so wrong. You taking care of me. Ciara: Mom, it's okay. Just stop. I'll be back soon, all right? Hope: Yeah. Ciara: And stop worrying about me. Everything's gonna be fine now that aiden's out of our lives. Hope: Mm-hmm. You're right about that. Ciara: All right, mom. I love you. Hope: I love you too, sweetheart. Belle: That was a low blow. Philip: Why? I thought claire was my daughter. I loved her. Belle: She was a toddleR. Philip: I still care. Belle: But you don't know her. And you haven't for years. So sitting here and pretending like you have some kind of great insight into who she is, don't-- Philip: Fine, you know what? I-I-I don't want to fight with you. [Sighs] If you want to start a war with claire, do things your way. Shawn: And that's for us to decide, philip. So why don't you mind your own business? Ciara: Hey. You look, uh, rested. Chad: Thank you. What brings you by? Ciara: My mom just got out of the hospital, so I think I'm gonna stay there and take care of her. Chad: Yeah, of course. Ciara: Is everything okay? I mean, yeah, you really do look better. Chad: That's good. In case I end up in court. Ciara: What? Chad: Jennifer's suing me for custody of thomas, so I need to appear to be a fit dad. Ciara: Well, you are a fit dad. I mean, if the judge sees you and thomas, he'll see that. I can testify for you. Chad: Thank you. But, um, you work for me, so you'd be biased. And you no longer live with me, so you can't really testify to who I am now. Ciara: Well, all you have to do is call, and I'll be here to take care of thomas whenever you need me. Chad: Thanks. Deimos: Chloe? Are you all right? Chloe: Never been better. Deimos: Well, that's obviously not true, I can see-- Chloe: You know what, my life is none of your business. Nicole: Hey, dario. It's nicole. Where are you? I'd--I'd love to see you. Deimos: I will give you everything, nicole. That is all I want. Nothing else matters to me but that. But you. And this. Jennifer: No, I need mr. Myers soonest appointment. No, this can't wait. This is very important that I speak to him. I need to-- yes. Yes, you have my number. Thank you. Chad: Hi, jennifer. Jennifer: Hey. Chad: Doing some shopping for thomas? Jennifer: Yeah, he just-- just needs some things, you know. Chad: I think he has everything he needs. Thank you. How was your meeting with aiden? Jennifer: You talked to aiden? Chad: I heard it through the grapevine. You really coming after my son? Jennifer: Chad, listen to me. I'm not trying to make this a big thing, okay? Just let me take him for a little while. You have so much thinking to do. You have so much that you need to do to find abigail. Chad: You know, don't-- don't patronize me, okay? You take thomas and then you're gonna what? Say that I gave up on my son? Jennifer: No, I just want him safe, that's all. Chad: He is safe. You know what, your daughter would be ashamed of you. Jennifer: I doubt that. Will you think about it, please? Chad: I have. You want to take my son? I'll see you in court. Rafe: Okay, we'll work our sources and see if we get a hit on those names. Thanks, john. Roman: Okay, I'm going to forensics. Rafe: On the explosive? Roman: Yeah. You want updates? Rafe: No. No, you keep me out of it. Unless aiden tries anything else. Then all bets are off. Ciara: Dude, I told you-- Aiden: Just let me see her. Ciara: No! Aiden: Listen to me, ciara. I love her, I love her. Ciara: No! You're worse than your son. Aiden: You do not understand. Your mother needs me. Ciara: No, she doesn't! Aiden: And I'm not gonna let you or anyone stop me--hope! Ciara: No! Aiden: Hope! Ciara: Stop! Aiden: Hope! Hope: Leave her alone. [Gunshot] [Groans] [Exhales deeply] | Hope wanted to give Jennifer the names of different lawyers |
443 | Cole: I'll pick you up at 7:00. Don't keep me waiting. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: No way. Blair: Starr? Starr: Oh. What? What? What is it? Did something happen to Dad? Blair: No. No news. Starr: Well, then what are you doing back? Blair: I just thought that you could use a friend. Am I wrong? [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: Hey, it's me. Yeah, I'm here now, so why don't you just come meet me? We'll catch a bite to eat, and then we'll go catch a movie. Uh -- because I want you to have a good birthday? All right. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Marty: Um -- listen, I don't think I can go through another night like l um -- because I think I've done something terrible. [SCENE_BREAK] John: What's that, some kind of bird? Cristian: Well, one pure people -- they have a dove as part of their logo, don't they? John: Yeah, not -- not exactly like that. But my guess would be this is their way of claiming responsibility. Cristian: The bastards are sitting around somewhere laughing, thinking they're rubbing our noses in it. [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: What are you doing? Talia: Oh. Lieutenant McBain wants everything you have on the arson investigation. Antonio: Why? It's not his case. Talia: It is now. The Commissioner said you were taking a leave of absence to be with Jessica. Antonio: Well, there's been a change of plans. Talia: Why? Antonio: Because Jessica and I are through. So how about you back away from the desk and let me get to work? [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: Well, Jessie's doctor feels that you, Joey, and Natalie are the best shot we have at getting a possible match. No, I mean, we're fine. No, we're not fine. Natalie's got the flu. Yeah. Kevin, it's so frightening. I know. Will you -- just pray for Jessie, will you? Oh, and -- and thank Kelly again for getting tested, ok? I will. I'll call you as soon as I know anything. I love you, too. You give the baby a kiss for me, ok? Bye, darling. [Viki sighs] Jessica: Mom? Viki: What are you doing out of your room? You're not supposed to be out of bed. Jessica: I wanted to come. Viki: And you didn't talk her out of it? Are you out of your mind? It's not enough you destroy her marriage? You have to destroy her health, as well? [SCENE_BREAK] Marty: Listen, I can do a phone session tonight if that's all you have available, but I'd really like to see you in person. Hannah, I'm in trouble. Yes -- no, that would be fine. No, no, I can make it work. Ok, thank you. Thank you so much. [SCENE_BREAK] John: All right. Look, if you can, Cris, go through all your other paintings to see if there's anything else that forensics may have missed. Cristian: Ok. Yeah, I guess they figured I painted it, huh? John: I think so. Cristian: What are you doing? John: I'm going to send teams to all the other arson sights and see if we can find this symbol painted anywhere else. Cristian: And what does that give you? John: I don't know. But I've got to start somewhere. [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: If you don't move, I'm going to have a hard time getting caught up. Talia: You just said that you and Jessica are through. Antonio: Right. Talia: I was just at the hospital earlier today, volunteering to be a donor for her. Antonio: Thanks. Talia: Her parents were there. They didn't -- they didn't say anything about this. Antonio: You're not family. Talia: What happened, Antonio? Antonio: Jessica's been cheating on me with Nash Brennan. Did the forensics report come back on my brother's studio? Talia: I don't want to be out of line, but I have to say, this is not the way to handle your situation. Antonio: You're right -- you're out of line. Talia: How long have you known? Antonio: Since yesterday. Talia: This has to be killing you. You got to go home and let it sink in. You got to figure out what you want to do. Antonio: There's nothing to figure out. Jessica's been sleeping with Nash. She wants Nash. She's in love with him. She may be dying, and she wants him to see her through whatever's ahead. So I don't think sitting around the place we shared and feeling sorry for myself is going to be very helpful. Talia: But you must be devastated. Antonio: I didn't kill Nash last night, and I didn't go home and eat my gun. In my book, that makes me fine. And just so you know, this is the last conversation we're going to have on this subject. Talia: What you're doing is a huge mistake. If I can't make you see that, I'm going to go to the commissioner and tell him I don't want to work for you anymore. Antonio: You'd do that? Talia: Yeah, I would. Antonio: See, I thought we were friends. Talia: We are friends. But as long as you keep trying to pretend like you're fine, when we both know damn well you're not, you are a danger to yourself, and to everyone you work with. Antonio: Fine, get yourself reassigned. I'll work with someone else. What? Talia: I'm not going to let you do that, either. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Mom, don't talk like that to Nash, ok? I love him. Could you please take me inside? Nash: Yes. Viki: I'm very sorry, but your condition is already compromised, and you are very fragile as it is. When I saw you this morning, you could barely speak. Jessica: Who told you about Antonio and me? Viki: Your father did, last night. Nash: Huh. Yeah, he's not any happier about Jessica and me than you. Viki: Jessie, are you -- are you really sure you want to do this? Jessica: I have never been so sure about anything in my entire life. I don't know how much time I have left, but I know I want to spend it with Nash. Viki: You are going to be around for a long, long time. But it was very foolish of you to leave your room. This hospital is filled with germs and diseases. I'm going to take you back. Nash: No, ma'am, you are not. Viki: Excuse me? Jessica: Mom, I was going crazy in that room. And besides, I wanted to come down here and thank everybody who's signing up to help me. Nash: It's a warm day. I thought I'd take Jessica out onto the terrace and let her get some air. Jessica: Nash would not do anything to hurt me. Nash: I took care of Tess for a long time. But Jessica is much more -- reasonable? Jessica: Hmm. Most of the time, I guess. Anyways, I insisted on coming down here, so don't blame Nash. Nash: But you are right. I did come between Jessica and Antonio. I didn't want to hurt anyone. There's nothing I could do about it. I'm in love with Jessica. Jessica: And I love Nash. So you and everyone else is just going to have accept it. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: I'm fine, ok? I don't care what your radar is telling you. Blair: Ok, well -- one thing I'm figuring about raising a teenage daughter is, the stronger my feeling is that something's wrong, the more certain it is that you don't want to talk about it. Starr: Yeah, well, something is wrong. We don't know where Dad is. Blair: Yeah, you're right about that. But we got to believe that he's going to come home, and we can't give up hope, all right? Starr: Yeah, well, sometimes, it's just better to give up hope, isn't it? Blair: What's that supposed to mean, sweetie? Starr: I'm sorry, I just -- school was a drag, and I had rehearsal. It was just really tiring. Blair: Something happen at school today? Starr: No. Blair: Well, then why were you crying when I walked -- Starr: Mom, I just really don't want to talk about it, ok? Blair: Hey -- Starr: Please! Blair: Shh. Ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: Hey, Mom. What are you doing here? H -- um -- I was just out running errands. I got hungry. I thought you said you were going to stay in today and take it easy. Marty: Oh, yeah, I did. I just -- I had to go by the police station and sign a copy of my statement. Hey, look, why don't I just take us home and I'll make us something to eat there? Cole: I'm good. Thanks, anyway. Marty: Are you meeting someone? Cole: Uh -- yeah. Marty: Look, if it's Starr, you -- Cole: Mom, it's not Starr, all right? You'll be happy to know that she doesn't want anything to do with me. Marty: I'm sorry. So, who is it? Cole: What -- what's with the third degree? Marty: Hey, it's just a mother's prerogative. You know, I could just stay here and wait until this person shows up. Cole: It's Britney. Marty: The girl who caused all that trouble for you and Starr? Cole: Yeah. You should love her for that. Marty: No, I -- I don't love her for pushing that poor kid Henry so far, he finally snapped. He could have killed you. Cole: I know, but -- Marty: Cole, do you realize, I think you are going from a bad situation to a worse one. [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: I don't want to sit home and brood. I want to put all that energy into catching the son of a bitch who almost killed my brother -- and Nora, and Lindsay, and you. I want to nail whoever put Evangeline Williamson in a coma. So why are you in my face? Talia: Because you're acting like what you're going through is nothing. Antonio: My life -- I get to decide how to handle it. Talia: Yeah, well, as long as you're a cop, your decisions affect the rest of us, and if you're not thinking straight -- Antonio: I outrank you, Sahid. If you want to get yourself reassigned, go for it. Talia: I'm not backing down until I get through to you. Antonio: You can talk yourself horse. It's not going to happen. [SCENE_BREAK] John: This looks like it's supposed to be the same image as the one on the medallion. Cristian: Yeah, close enough, but this guy is no artist. John: I don't think he was trying to impress us. He did it because he wants credit. Cristian: Proud of himself, huh? John: And arrogant enough to think he won't get caught. Which means we got him. [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: Mom, why are you being so hyper? I'm not marrying her, I'm just taking her to see a movie. Marty: Look, I am just not thrilled about the fact that you are spending time with a girl you have called rude and manipulative. Cole: You know, the whole thing with Henry changed her. Marty: Oh, no, no, no. I know girls like her. They know exactly what they're doing. Cole: Ok -- what happened to not making snap decisions about people? Marty: Cole, how many times do I have to remind you? This girl nearly got you killed. Cole: Yeah, I know. That's something I can't forget. But Britney has a reason for acting the way she does. All right? Yeah, her parents buy her anything she wants, but they don't care about her. Marty: She told you that? Cole: No, I witnessed it for myself. All right, when that whole thing happened with Henry, you were all about me. I mean, Britney's parents are suing the school district. They just saw it as a way to money. Marty: Ok. Ok, I will give you that. Maybe that could explain why she does what she does. Cole: Listen, I'm not saying what happened was not her fault. But today is Britney's birthday, and they haven't even mentioned it. Marty: And that's why you're taking her out? Cole: Yeah. Marty: Have I told you you're a pretty good kid? Cole: People change, you know, for the good and bad. Marty: They certainly do. And I am proud of you for giving Britney the benefit of the doubt, and -- and trying to get over Starr. Sweetie, it never would have worked out. And you know, hanging out with Britney -- maybe that'll help. Cole: Maybe you should start taking your own advice. Marty: Oh. What? Cole: Mom, I know how much you loved dad, but he wouldn't want you to be alone. Marty: Oh, sweetie, your father was the love of my life, and he always will be. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: Oh, I can't believe I just did that. Blair: Hey, it's better than keeping it all bottled up inside. Starr: I don't know. Blair: Sweetie, were those tears for your father? Starr: No, I am not mad at him because he always does stuff like this. The big Todd Manning can conquer anything. Right? Blair: I was in Chicago with him, and that's not the way it was. Starr: Yeah, well, if he didn't do it deliberately, then I think that he could be dead. Mom, I'm so sorry. Blair: It's all right, sweetie. Starr: No, I really didn't mean to bring it up. Blair: You didn't, ok? I think about him all the time. What's important here is if those tears weren't for your father, who were they for? Starr: Well, there's nothing I can do about it, so -- Blair: Well, you can sit and talk to me about it right now. Starr: No, you'll just get pissed. Blair: Why don't you try me? Starr: Cole asked Britney out on a date. Are you happy now? [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: I don't think you understand how short my fuse is today. Talia: Yeah? Well, either you listen to me, or I am going straight to the commissioner's office. Antonio: Say what you have to say. Talia: Something happened to me when I was on the job in New York, after 9/11. Antonio: Hmm. What is it? Talia: After 9/11, I put on a clean uniform. I went right to work. Kind of did a version of what you're doing now. You know, it's probably the biggest mistake of my life. Will accept whatever you ask me to. I just think that this was a very difficult time to make such an important and life-changing decision. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: It wasn't like that. It was actually really, really clear. And when the doctor told me my life was on the line, I knew that I wanted to be with Nash. Nash: But that's not to say any of this was easy. It killed both of us to do this to Antonio. Jessica: And to Jamie. Nash: Yeah. Jessica: I couldn't ask him to go through this with me, not when I knew I wanted to be with Nash. Nash: Jessica, are you ok? Do you want me to get a nurse? Viki: Jessie? Jessica: I'm ok, I'm ok. You know, I just don't want to talk about this anymore. It was awful telling Antonio, and it's awful remembering it, and I just -- I'm happy I'm not living a lie anymore. Nash: It's ok. We love each other. Other than Antonio, we don't need to explain ourselves to anyone, all right? Viki: Are you sure you're ok? Jessica: I'm fine, ok? Viki: I think I should take you o your room. Jessica: No -- no, I don't want to go back, mom. I'm going to suffocate if I go back inside there. Viki: Fine. If you insist. But I have some things to say to you, and I want you both to hear me. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Well, thanks for clearing your schedule, Jeeter. Oh, this is -- this is Cris Vega. He painted the original canvas. What we want to know is, what paint and what brush was used to paint that image of the bird. Jeeter: We haven't found the dove symbol anywhere else yet. John: Ok. Well, look, send the image through our database. Get it over to the FBI, all right? And see this -- see this background here? See if you can blow up these jagged edges. See if they mean something. Jeeter: You got it, John. John: Thanks. Cristian: So did you find out why these guys signed their work? John: I don't know. Bo issued a challenge to these guys. Basically, he told O.P.P. they couldn't win. Cristian: So what happened at the studio was their answer? John: You could say they shifted into high gear. Cristian: Right. They decided to go after people instead of just buildings. John: Well, a few more mistakes like this and they might be the ones getting the surprise. [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: Mom, I'll never stop missing Dad. Marty: You know, sometimes, I feel that he is so close to me. The other day, I was sitting in the park -- you know, missing him -- and I looked down, and there was this shiny new penny. I knew it was from him. Cole: Maybe he was trying to tell you something. Marty: Do you know what bugs me? That men always assume that if a woman is alone, well, then she must be miserable. Cole: You know that's not what I meant. Marty: I am happy with the way my life is. You're just going to have to trust me on that. . But if the right guy does come along, and you just so happen to change your mind, you have my permission to go for it. Marty: Thank you. If a knight on a white stallion offers me a ride the next time my car runs out of gas, I will take him up on it. Cole: Mom, I'm serious. Marty: Oh. So am I. Look, I really hope you and Britney have fun. But just keep your eyes open, ok? And just make sure this new and improved Britney is -- is sincere and real. Cole: Seems pretty real to me. Marty: Well, good. And if you are right, she will have a much better life. Hmm -- I have got to go. Cole: But you didn't get anything to eat. Marty: Oh, I'll survive. You know, how uncool would it be if Britney showed up here and you were hanging out with your mom? Cole: Hmm. Marty: Listen, just don't come in too late, ok? Cole: I won't. Marty: Ok. Have fun. Cole: I'll try. [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: I'm not going to be angry at you for missing Cole. Starr: You know what? You're right. What is there for you to be angry about? Because you didn't want me and Cole together, he's going out with Britney. You won. Blair: You know, Starr, if you think that you're hurting now, you just -- Starr: Mom, can you just stop? God, I don't want to hear all the reasons why Cole is bad for me. I dumped him so that dad wouldn't kill him. It wasn't my choice. Blair: And I know it hurts to see him move on. Starr: With Britney. She's gone all pitiful ever since the whole Henry thing, and he's buying it. Blair: Why don't you hand me a knife? Please? You know, sweetie, I'm going to say something that I know you're not going to like. Starr: Great. Blair: You know, if Cole is all into you, like you say he is, why would he go out with the one girl -- the one girl he knows that you can't stand in that entire school, hmm? -- No matter how many games or tricks she's doing to get him? You know what I think? I think he's sending you a big message. Starr: What message? Blair: You say it's over. And he's telling you he's hearing you. Starr: Yeah, well, lucky me. Blair: If it's any consolation, I am sure Britney is just a rebound, and those things never last. Starr: Yeah, well, thanks. I'll remember that when I'm sitting home alone tonight. Blair: There's somebody out there for you, sweetie. I know it. You'll move on. Starr: What, like you? Like you've moved on from Dad? [SCENE_BREAK] Talia: This isn't easy for me to talk about. Huh. Antonio: It's ok if you don't want to. Talia: No, I have to. Every cop was on-call for weeks after 9/11. I was stretched so thin. But I didn't want anyone saying that the cop of middle eastern descent couldn't cut it. A couple weeks after 9/11, an "all available units" call went out. Bank robbery in progress. My partner turned on the lights and siren, and I felt like I was listening to everything through a filter. Antonio: All those units headed for the same 10-20. It must have reminded you -- Talia: Yeah, the perps were leaving the building just as we arrived. They were spraying the area with semiautomatics. I was in a fog. Then all of a sudden, I was at the towers. I could see people jumping from the windows. And I walked right into the line of fire. My partner jumped in front of me and took a bullet. Hit him in the chest. Antonio: Did he make it? Talia: No, he died. Because I wasn't there. I wasn't all there that night. He never had a chance. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: I'm not saying I don't understand what you went through, because unfortunately, I understand it all too well. But when Clint told me, I was livid with you. Nash: I get that. I do. Antonio was family. And you want things to be easy for Jessica, and I complicated things. Viki: Yes, you did, and you pushed your way in. Jessica: Mom, he did that because he loves me. He knew what was in my heart before I did. Viki: I'm not judging you, ok, darling? You know, we're human. People make mistakes and things happen. But I was furious. Nash: But I didn't steal Jessica away from Antonio, did I? I was in love with Tess. From what I understand, Jessica and Antonio were very happy together. But the Jessica who is sitting there is a new woman. And she's in love with me. Jessica: My only regret is I rushed into marriage with Antonio before I knew that. And I didn't want to hurt him, and I ended up breaking his heart. Viki: Well, it's debilitating living a lie. I think you probably actually did a very brave thing. Certainly not an easy one. Nash: A very strong woman, your daughter. Viki: I know that. Jessica: Well, I'm going to have to be, now, won't I? Viki: So I talked to Kevin. Jessica: Did you tell him about Antonio and me? Viki: No, of course not. You can do that. If anyone's going to understand what you went through, it'll be Kevin and Kelly. Anyway, Kevin, and -- and Joey, and Natalie have all been tested, and your doctors feel that any one of them could likely be a match, even though they're only half-siblings, you know. I wanted to show you the list of all the people who have been tested. There's 100 -- over 100 in Llanview alone. Jessica: Oh, that's wonderful. Nash: That's great. One of them will be a donor. It's just a matter of time. [SCENE_BREAK] Cristian: When I think about what these bastards did to Evangeline -- John: I know. Cristian: You know, I'm not in a prison cell right now rotting because of what she did for me. If she doesn't come out of this -- John: She will. Maybe no one can see it, but she's fighting back. Cristian: I know how you feel John: One of the best people I've ever known. Cristian: Can you believe wanting to kill somebody because of what -- what they look like, or where they come from? John: You can't change these people, Cris. All you can do is put them away. Jeeter: Detective? John: Yeah? Jeeter: I've got the paint and the brush that was used, but nothing from the federal database. John: All right, thanks. Keep looking, Keeter. Hey, I hate to break this to you, but we may have your paint supplies for a while. Cristian: If it helps you catch these guys, you can keep it. [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: This conversation has nothing to do with your father and me. Starr: Are you kidding me? You're my role model. Blair: What is that supposed to mean? Starr: You swore off Dad just like I swore off Cole. You're telling me to move on, but you haven't. Blair: I have so. Starr: Mom, you went to Chicago, didn't you? And now, you're doing everything you can to find Dad. Blair: I love your father, ok? Because he is your father. And that doesn't mean that we can still live together. Starr: Are you sure about that? Blair: Sweetie, when your dad and I were working together in Chicago right before he disappeared, there were -- there was a moment that actually felt like the good old times, you know? Starr: See? You guys are soul mates. Blair: Oh, you are so way too young to have met your soul mate already. Starr: Juliet was my age when she met Romeo. Blair: Yeah, and look how that turned out. Starr: Yeah, well, I hope Cole's not my soul mate, because we have no chance. Blair: Well, you're better off. Starr: I met Cole because Britney spilled beer on me at a party. And he lent me sweats so that I wouldn't come home reeking. How could he go out with her? He knows more than anybody else how she treated me. He told me that he loved me. Blair: Oh. You are learning the hard way, sweetie. When you give somebody your love, you also give them the power to hurt you. Starr: You -- you think that dad is the reason why you lost the baby, don't you? Blair: I can't be with your father for a lot of reasons. A lot of reasons. [SCENE_BREAK] Britney: Hi. Cole: Hey, hey. How's the birthday girl doing? Britney: I got you something. Cole: Uh -- it's not my birthday. Britney: I know. The man at the sporting goods store said it's the kind Derek Jeter uses, and I don't know -- I don't know much about baseball, but he's cute, so -- Cole: Wow, it's -- it's even left-handed. Thanks. Britney: I'm very observant. Cole: Why'd you do this? Britney: I don't know -- I saw it and I remembered you played baseball. Cole: Oh, right. Because you go browsing around sporting goods stores? Britney: I don't know. I guess it's just because I know you'd rather be with Starr tonight. Cole: Listen, tonight, all I want is for you to have a good birthday. [SCENE_BREAK] Talia: He had three kids. Three kids don't have a dad any more because of what I did. Antonio: The person to blame is the hump who shot your partner. Not yourself. Talia: Technically, I guess. But he died saving my life. And it still keeps me awake at night. Antonio: Is that what made you freeze up that time? Talia: Maybe. Whatever it is, I have to live with it. I didn't have a choice back then, but you do. You can take a leave of absence, and you should. Because if your head's not totally in the game, someone could get hurt, you know? It could be you. I'm so sorry what happened to you. I could see that you loved Jessica. Antonio: I still do. Talia: Go home. Go be with your daughter and your family. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: You know, if you don't go back to your room now, you're going to miss dinner. Jessica: Oh, wow. What a travesty that would be. I looked at my tray this morning, and I thought, "God, I would give anything if somebody would just make me a --" Nash: Three-egg omelet with bacon, peppers, onions, and mushrooms, and Monterey Jack cheese. Jessica: Yes, that's what I want. Nash: You want it, you go it. Viki: Are you insane? That's pure cholesterol. What are you trying to do -- Jessica: Kill me? I'm sorry, Mom, but cholesterol's going to have to wait in line. Viki: Don't say that! Jessica: Oh, mom, come on. I just want an omelet. Are you going to deprive your daughter her last dying wish? Viki: You know what? I've had enough of this. Jessica: Mom, laugh. Viki: I'll get the omelet. But let me tell you something. It's going to be egg whites and low fat cheese. Jessica: Ew. Viki: And you take care of her. Nash: I will. Jessica: Mom, thank you. Viki: You may not thank me later on when you don't feel so good. Come here. If she thinks I'm not running this by her doctor, she has another thing coming. I may very well be back with chicken soup and crackers. Nash: Gotcha. Don't forget the hot sauce. Jessica: Oh, you got in trouble! Nash: I got spanked. You want to go out on the terrace? Jessica: Yes, I do. Hmm. Ooh. I have not been outside forever and -- now it got so late, though. The sun's already setting. Nash: Time flies when you're having fun. [SCENE_BREAK] Miles: Uh -- just some coffee. [SCENE_BREAK] Britney: So you like my outfit? Cole: Yeah. You look nice. Britney: It was my mom's present to me. I put it on her credit card. Cole: So, what movie do you want to go see? Britney: Well, I checked what's playing at the plex, and there's a documentary about seals. Cole: Great. Britney: Then there's this love story about this really self-centered girl who runs over this guy with her car and falls in love with him. Cole: Uh-huh. What else is playing? Britney: I don't know -- it's either Tom Cruise or Bruce Willis or Leonardo DiCaprio -- I don't know. Maybe somebody else, but they shoot all these guys. Cole: Oh, really? Um -- what movie do you want to see? Britney: You don't want to see the movie about the self-centered girl, do you? Cole: Hmm -- um -- on your birthday, sure I do. Huh. Let's get out of here. Oh, God. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: I'm sorry I bummed you out. Blair: Oh, you didn't, sweetie. And it doesn't take much these days. But you know what? I know a great cure for the blues. Starr: Like what? Blair: Hmm -- a movie. And popcorn for dinner. Starr: What about Jack? Blair: Jack's over at Lyman's. We'll pick him up on the way home. Starr: Mom, I really don't know. Blair: You don't know? Would you just rather sit here in Dorian's kitchen and mope all night long by your lonesome, hmm? Come on. I was driving by the triplex. Great romantic comedy. Boy meets girl after she hits him with a car. Starr: Mom, a love story? Blair: Yes! It'll be fun. Come on. You have to admit that we both need to laugh. So come on. Girls' night out. Starr: Ok, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming. Blair: Let me grab my purse, my cash. Let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Cristian: You son of a bitch. You better pray John McBain gets to you before I do. [SCENE_BREAK] Nash: Think it's going to be a full moon tonight? Jessica: I don't know. Nash: Well, it should be. Jessica: What? Nash: You are beautiful -- Jessica: Oh, no -- Nash: In this light. Jessica: Stop. I'm not. Nash: You are. Jessica: I'm not beautiful. Nash: You are. And there will be really beautiful sunset tomorrow night. Jessica: Let's just enjoy this one, ok? Nash: You know, I think we should come out here every night, enjoy the sunset until I get you home. Jessica: I'd like that. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: Thank you. Keep the change. Waitress: Thanks. [SCENE_BREAK] Miles: Hi, it's Miles. Yeah, are you busy? Could you meet me at the diner? It's important. [SCENE_BREAK] Marty: Aileen, hi. It's Dr. Saybrooke. Listen, do I have any messages? Ok. Listen, I'm going to be unreachable for a few hours, so why don't you -- you know, ton the machine and take the rest of the day off. No. No, no, I'm fine. I will -- I will see you tomorrow. [Marty pants] John: Whoa, whoa -- hey. Easy. [NEXT_ON] Blair: If Cole is here with Britney, maybe he's not what you thought he was. Dorian: Don't you keep wondering who really did kill Spencer Truman? Carlotta: Oh, my god. Antonio left, and he took Jamie with him. Paige: I have good news -- we found a donor for Jessica. | Blair tells her that she thought that she might need a friend |
444 | John: She's still pretty shook up, Clint. I don't think you want her driving. I'll make sure she gets home safe, but just give her a little more time. I'll tell her. Natalie: How's your face? John: You still got a good right hook. You couldn't rest? Natalie: Not while Mitch Laurence is still alive. [SCENE_BREAK] Guard: Against the wall. Mitch: That won't be necessary. I'm fasting. Guard: Whatever you say. Mitch: There is one thing I'm hungering for. [SCENE_BREAK] John: I think we're done with this. Natalie: Yeah. I had enough to drink. Besides, I need a clear head. I'm going back to California. To Napa. John: You know, killing Mitch Laurence ain't gonna solve anything. Natalie: It'll stop him from hurting anyone else. [SCENE_BREAK] [Telephone ringing] Rex: Hello? Hello? Gigi: Wrong number? Rex: They hung up. Gigi: Well, Shane is having dinner over at Oscar's, so you and me get to have waffles for dinner. How are you? Rex: Great. Gigi: Don't lie to me. Rex: What can I say? I'm the son of a cult leader. No, I'm sorry, a murdering cult leader. Apparently, mood swings run in the family. Gigi: Honey, I know it's a lot to take in, but it could be worse. Rex: Really? Gigi: Yeah. You could still be with Stacy. [SCENE_BREAK] Kim: Hold still. Stacy: Where did you get this thing? Kim: I stole it from the maternity department at Logan's. Stacy: Oh, my God. Who would wear one of these things? Kim: People who are trying on maternity clothes. People who are trying to get Rex to believe the kid is his. Stacy: Not gay boy's baby? Kim: Hey, gay boy did right by us. If it wasn't for Oliver Fish and his little fishies, you wouldn't be pregnant. Stacy: Yeah, just not pregnant enough. Kim: Which is why we got the padding, so it'll buy us enough time to figure out our next move. [Pounding on door] Roxy: Come on! I ain't got all day. Kim: Who is that? Stacy: Our next move. [SCENE_BREAK] Ross: What the hell is this? Téa: I told you -- it's Daniella's DNA test. [SCENE_BREAK] Dani: Hello? This is a hospital. Todd: So, who the hell are you? Dani: How about "excuse me"? You were the one raising hell out here. Todd: Is this how you talk to strangers? Dani: Yeah, when they're acting like jerks. [SCENE_BREAK] Rachel: Téa, call me back. Todd is talking to his daughter right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: I'm sorry, Ross, but it's the truth. You're not Daniella's father. Todd is. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Were you raised by wolves? Dani: Just one, and she'd eat you for lunch. Todd: Ha. Tell her she did a good job. Dani: You can't go in there. Matthew's resting. Todd: Listen, little girl, I don't think you know who I am. I can pretty much do whatever I want. Dani: I don't want to know who you are, and no, you can't. Todd: Who's gonna stop me? Dani: Me. [SCENE_BREAK] [Pounding on door] Roxy: Open up or I'm outta here! Kim: You remember what to do? Stacy: Oh, wait. That's why it's uncomfortable. It's upside down. Roxy: I'm coming in. Kim: Whoo! Roxy: Who the hell do you think you are, calling me up and ordering me around? Kim: Don't curse around the baby. Stacy: That's your grandchild you're corrupting, Roxy. Roxy: With you as a mother? That kid is doomed. Kim: Nice. Roxy: Oh, shut up. Who asked you? So, what the hell do you want? Stacy: I've got a little job for you. Roxy: I don't care whose kid you're carrying. If you want anything done with that mop, you're gonna have to pay top dollar. Stacy: Ha! No, the hair is fine, thank you. Roxy: Says who? Stacy: What you're going to do is tell your son that you saw Gigi coming out of Schuyler's place yesterday morning. Kim: Looking a little worse for the wear, if you know what I mean. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: Please, can we not talk about Stacy for just one day? It's bad enough I'm gonna have to try to raise a kid with her. Can she not be the subject of every conversation we have? Gigi: Sorry. Rex: No, I'm sorry. None of this is your fault. I just want to have one day where it's just us. Gigi: Me, too. Rex: I'm also sorry that you had to deal with her rubbing that sonogram in your face. I should've been here. Gigi: I thought we weren't gonna talk about her anymore. Rex: OK. Yes, forget her. I'm sorry I dropped the ball. This thing with Natalie -- it took over everything and I -- oh, God. I was supposed to call her. Gigi: I thought she was still in California. Rex: Yeah. She stayed with Jessica. That was probably her on the phone. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Okay. You want to kill him, kill him. Natalie: Thank you for not trying to stop me. John: Hell, it'll make my job easier. Natalie: I'll get some peace. John: Mm. Who cares if they lock you up for life, right? Your family will understand. You can lie awake in your cot at night knowing you took Mitch Laurence out. Natalie: I never liked your sense of humor. You're telling me that you wouldn't want revenge? John: I'd be planning it every waking moment. Which is why I'm trying to warn you away from it. This guy, he's -- he's taken too much from you already. Don't let him take your future, too. You gotta try to focus on your family and try to find some way to say good-bye to Jared. Natalie: How do I do that? John: I don't know. I guess -- I guess you trust that the people who love you will take care of you. Forget about Laurence. Natalie: John, you know me better than that. [SCENE_BREAK] Guard: Can't help you. Mitch: Oh, but you can. Surely a God-fearing man like yourself has a bible handy. That's all I want. Just the good book to keep me company while I wait for the Lord's justice. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: We haven't been introduced. I'm Todd. Dani: Todd? How upper-crusty. Shouldn't you be at the country club with Topper and Tinsley? Todd: What's your name? Dani: Dani. Todd: Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were a girl. Dani: It's short for Danielle. Danielle -- Rachel: You know what? I just left another message. Why don't we go grab some coffee? Todd: No, I'm not gonna go anywhere till I find out why you guys are lying to me. Greg: Nobody's lying to you. Todd: Yeah, you are, because first you said that Matthew was alone in there and then this little -- this little rat comes scurrying out. Rachel: I didn't know that Matthew's social life was any of your business, Todd. Todd: Was he socializing? I thought he was recovering. Dani: I was just sitting with him. He just had surgery, you moron. Todd: Well, I just want to know why you can go sit with him and I can't. Just want to know what you're hiding. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: It was hard for me to accept at first, but the doctor assured me that the test is reliable. Ross: No, it's -- it's a fake. It's gotta be. Téa: Ask the doctor himself if you want to. Ross: Oh, Téa, you paid someone to fix it. You had it -- you had it forged. Téa: Why would I do that, Ross? Ross: Because you want Todd back, and you think that if you give him a child, my child, that he'll come crawling back. But if you think you're taking my daughter from me, you've got another thing coming. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: So, what's the big secret? Rachel: There is no secret. Todd: Well, then, why can't I go in the room? Greg: Because Matthew's in there resting. Rachel: And knowing you, you'll start pulling at his stitches until he tells you what you want to hear. Todd: And this -- this is not the thing you didn't want me to see? Dani: "Thing"? Rachel: I know it's shocking, Todd, but not everything revolves around you. Greg: His parents left him in our care. Rachel: And trust me, the D.A. and commissioner of police? They're not gonna take too kindly to the man that disturbed their son the day after surgery, so can we please -- Dani: And what am I supposed to do? Just wait here until my mom comes back and drags me off? [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: Ross -- Yes, I know it's not what you want to hear -- But -- Daniella's not your biological child. Ross: You're lying to me -- Téa: No, listen, I never meant -- I never meant to hurt you. It wasn't intentional on my part. I believed Daniella was yours. It was only that one time with me and Todd. And then we were together, and I wanted to make it work with us. I tried to make it work with us. Ross: Until you thought you had a chance with Todd and you just took off. Téa: Things hadn't been good between us for a while. You know that -- Ross: So, what? You just give up? That's it? Just run off? Run back to him? Look, you want Todd, you can have him. But Dani is mine. I'm the one that took care of her after you took off to -- deserted us for your career, Counselor. I -- I was there when she took her first steps. I was there when she spoke her first words. She's -- she's my daughter. She's my daughter and you can't just rewrite history to suit Todd. Téa: I am not denying your connection to her, just your paternity. Ross: Oh, okay. That's great lawyering. Thank you for that. Téa: Well, I am a lawyer with a lab test. Ross: The lab test is a fake. Téa: Then run your own test, Ross, okay? Ross: Okay. I will run my own test, Téa. I will. I will run it. Just tell me where my daughter is and we'll do this right now. [SCENE_BREAK] [Cell phone ringing] John: Hey. It's John McBain. Rex: Hey. John. Good. You tracked down my sister. I haven't -- I haven't spoken to her since I got back. John: You haven't heard. Rex: Heard what? [SCENE_BREAK] Roxy: What the hell are you talking about? Gigi and Schuyler? Never in a million, trillion years. Stacy: Oh, save the act, Roxy. We heard you loud and clear in Rodi's. Kim: So did most of the room. Gigi did the nasty with Schuyler -- Stacy: And you saw them. Roxy: Oh, yeah, I saw them. I saw them having a conversation. Kim: The morning after. Roxy: And I was still flyin' high from the night before. Little pink elephants. That's all I know. Stacy: Only it was Gigi and Schuyler. Kim: And Rex deserves to know the truth. Roxy: They were just talking. Anything wrong with that? Stacy: Oh, nothing at all, unless you're doing it with your clothes off. Kim: Or the conversation goes something like this: "Oh, yes, Schuyler, yes!" Roxy: That I think I would've heard. Stacy: So, here's what you're gonna do, grandma. You're gonna go to Rex, and you're gonna tell him what you saw. Roxy: Why don't you tell him? Stacy: Well, I can't. Kim: He wouldn't believe her. Roxy: I wonder why. Stacy: Besides, this way you can score some bonus points. Roxy: By breaking his heart? No, thanks, honey. Stacy: Hmm. See, Roxy, this isn't your call to make. Remember? I know who you stashed away in that clinic. Whose blood you swiped for Shane. Kim: And if you don't tell Rex the truth about Gigi and Schuyler -- Stacy: We'll tell him the truth about your little donor. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: Sit down. Gigi: Oh, please tell me this isn't about Shane. Rex: Shane's fine. John told me that Jared -- that he was killed. Gigi: Oh, my God. How? Rex: John didn't get into it. He just told me that Natalie's in bad shape and that I should get over there. What are you doing? Gigi: Well, you need to go. Rex: What about you? Gigi: Well, I would go with you, but I know that it's you that she wants to see. Rex: Are you sure you're okay? Gigi: I'll be fine. You need to see her. Rex: I don't know how long I'll be. Gigi: It doesn't matter. Rex: Morasco, if I lost you -- Gigi: You're not losing me. Go. Gigi: Oh, my God. [Knocking on door] Schuyler: I wanted to wait till Rex left. I, uh, uh -- uh, what's wrong? Gigi: We just had some bad news. Schuyler: Not Shane. Gigi: No. He's fine. Jared Banks. He's dead. Schuyler: Oh, my God. He -- he used to come into the bar with his wife all the time. He was a really nice guy. Gigi: His wife is Rex's sister. Schuyler: I am so sorry. What can I -- what can I do? Gigi: Schuyler, I don't even think that you should be here. I'm sorry. Schuyler: Right. Yes. Yeah. I just -- uh, well, you're okay, right? You're good all by yourself? Gigi: Yeah. Rex just went to see his sister. Schuyler: Yeah. Sure. Sure. Well, I'm gonna -- I'm gonna -- I'm gonna go. Gigi, okay, I'm sorry. The reason that I came over here, and I know the timing sucks. I just thought you should know Roxy was just at Rodi's giving me an earful about how you stayed over at my place. Gigi: Oh, God. Schuyler: And that's not the worst part. I think -- I think maybe Kim and Stacy overheard her. Gigi: Oh, great, and they think -- Schuyler: Yeah. Gigi: Oh, so -- so it's just a matter of time before they tell Rex. [SCENE_BREAK] Roxy: So if you think that you're gonna blackmail me into hurting my son, that peroxide has burned more than your hair, honey. Kim: Pick up the phone, Stace. Grandma here wants her son to know Shane's donor's name. Roxy: He already knows that, you pole jockey. Stacy: Oh, so you told him and you're still standing? No way. Roxy: Yes way. He already hates my guts. But you know, the only upside to that is that you two tramps have got nothing. So if you think you're gonna go after Gigi and Schuyler, well, you're wrong about that, because they weren't doing anything. And as for little junior here -- excuse me. My son is not gonna let a scammer like you raise his kid, and you know why? Because you remind him too much of his own mother. [Door closes] [SCENE_BREAK] Mitch: Bless you, my son. Guard: Oh, you're good. I'll give you that. Mitch: What do you mean? Guard: The jail cell come-to-Jesus. Like God gonna swoop down and save a lowlife like you. Mitch: Who better? Guard: Got a point. Whether the judge agrees, that's a whole 'nother deal. Mitch: So you don't hold out much hope for me. Guard: The way I hear it? You better pray. For a miracle. Mitch: Thank you, friend. That's exactly what I'm gonna do. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Hey, thanks for letting me get cleaned up and hiding out here and beating up on you. You didn't deserve it. John: What you said -- it wasn't wrong. Natalie: John -- if you told me that this was all the doing of a dead guy, I would have laughed at you. You were just following the evidence, like the good cop that you are, and -- You were a really good friend to me. And to Jared. And I treated you like the enemy. And I'm really sorry. John: Forget about it. Just try and take it one day at a time. That's all you can do. Natalie: I tried that when they told me that you were dead, but I'm not really that good at it. I should get going. John: Okay. You don't have to. Natalie: Thanks. I just -- I gotta make phone calls and decisions. You know. Don't worry -- I'm not going to Napa. And I'll bring your shirt back. John: Keep it. I might have another one in the same color. You okay? Natalie: Yeah. It just hurts to smile. [Knocking on door] Rex: Nattie? [SCENE_BREAK] Ross: Let's do it. No, let's do it. I'll swab my cheek for the cause. Come on. Téa: The results are not gonna change. DNA is DNA. Ross: Then you got nothing to worry about, do ya? Téa: Except for your reaction when the test results come back and you have to face the fact that you and Daniella are not related. I need some kind of assurance -- Ross: That what? That I'm not gonna run off with her like you did? Oh, that's precious. So, what should we do, Téa? Should we chain ourselves to the radiator? Huh? Huh? No? I guess we're just gonna have to trust each other. Téa: Okay, listen. Daniella is with a friend of mine. I am going to call her and set up this test you want so much. [Beep] [Beep] Voice on voicemail: Message one. Rachel: Téa, call me back. Todd is talking to his daughter right now. [Beep] Téa: Oh, no. Ross: What is it? What is it? Is it Danielle? [SCENE_BREAK] Rachel: Honey, I don't know where your mother is, but I'll call her. Todd: If she has any sense, she's on the first flight out of here. Dani: You don't talk about my mother like that. You don't talk about her at all. Todd: You gonna make that call? Rachel: I will. Todd: Good. I'm just gonna sit here and wait until whoever it is you don't want me to see comes out of the room. Greg: Rachel, do you want me to call security? Todd: Yes. Yes, call security. Find Téa for me. Dani: Téa? Todd: Yes. Téa. Dani: What do you want with her? Todd: It's none of your business. Dani: Wait. You're the jerk on the phone. Todd Manning. Todd: That was you? Dani: You stay away from my mother. Todd: Who's your mother? Dani: Hello? Téa Delgado? [SCENE_BREAK] Gigi: Ohh. Schuyler: Look, I don't know what Stacy and Kim overheard. Maybe nothing. Gigi: Knowing them, whatever they didn't hear they'll just make up. Schuyler: I'm so sorry. Gigi: Not your fault. I should've told Rex the truth the second I walked in the door. Schuyler: Gigi, nothing happened. Gigi: Yeah, because you wouldn't let it. I was all over you. Schuyler: You were drunk. You were upset. What do you want? Gigi: I should've -- I should've told Rex the truth instead of jumping at any excuse to avoid the subject. Now he's gonna hear an x-rated version from Stacy. Why I'm even worrying about this when Natalie just lost her husband and Charlie just lost his son, I don't know. Schuyler: Okay, all right, Gigi -- Roxy: Again? Schuyler: Whoa. Roxy: What the hell do I have to do -- tie you up? You stay away from her. Stay away! Schuyler: I came over here to tell her that Stacy and Kim overheard us at Rodi's, all right? Roxy: Oh, "overheard us," all right, and they're not wasting any time, either. [SCENE_BREAK] Kim: That was a bust. Stacy: Yeah. I knew Roxy had a pair, but -- Kim: Right? [Imitating Roxy] "You two tramps have got nothing." Stacy: Well, now I've lost my hold over grandma and I have no way of letting Rex know that Gigi's stepping out on him. I have got no witnesses, no pictures, nothing. Kim: Don't get all negative on me, okay? Stacy: Negative? I'm pregnant with Fish's baby and my sister has two men in love with her. What is so special about her? Can you tell me that? Kim: Okay. What's the mission? Do you still want Rex? Stacy: What do you think? Kim: Okay, so, fine. All we have to do is con some beer-for-brains guy into telling Rex the truth, that Gigi and Schuyler spent the night together. And I promise you Rex will come running. [SCENE_BREAK] Roxy: You gotta take the bulls by the horn, Gigi. You gotta tell Rex yourself. Gigi: I will. I will, as soon as he gets home from seeing Natalie. Roxy: Is Nattie back? Did she find Jared? What? Gigi: You didn't hear. Roxy: Hear what? Gigi: Rex went to see Natalie because Jared is dead. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: That story that Corinne told me about being sick, it was a lie. It was just about getting me away from you. I should've never left you. Natalie: No. I'm glad that you did. Rex: Why? Natalie: Because, Rex, if I'd lost you, too -- Rex: I'm not going anywhere. Natalie: That's what Jared thought. That's what Jared thought. Even the doctors thought that he was gonna be okay. He was awake and -- and we were talking and then he kissed me and then he just shut his eyes and slipped away. Because that bastard killed him. Rex: What bastard? What are you talking about? Natalie: Jared was murdered. [SCENE_BREAK] Dani: What are you looking at, you pervert? Todd: What did you just say? Dani: That you're skeeving me out? Todd: No, no, before that. Rachel: Todd, I need to talk to you. Todd: No, I'm talking to -- Danielle, right? That's your name -- Danielle? Dani: Dani. Todd: Are you saying that Téa Delgado is your mother? Dani: So, he's another one who doesn't know? Rachel: I think you should wait and discuss this with your mother. Todd: Discuss what? Dani: Why nobody knows about me? Todd: Just let me get something straight. Are you saying that Téa Delgado -- Téa Delgado, the lawyer, my Téa -- are you saying that you're her child? [SCENE_BREAK] Ross: So, what was that all about? Téa: I have to go. Ross: No, whoa, whoa, whoa. Where are you going? Téa: I have to go get Daniella for this test you want. Ross: Call her and tell her to get her butt back to the hotel room. Téa: This is Daniella we're talking about. She doesn't take orders from anyone, especially not her mother. Ross: I'll call her. Téa: Let go of me. No. Give me back my phone. Ross: Aah! Téa: You touch me again and I will call the police. Ross: No -- back! Voice on voicemail: Message one. Rachel: Téa, call me back. Todd is talking to his daughter right now. [Beep] Téa: So, now you know. Daniella's with her father. It's over. [SCENE_BREAK] Dani: What is your problem? Todd: Are you Téa's kid? Dani: Yes. How many times do I have to tell you? Rachel: Honey, let's just go home. Todd: Who's your dad? Rachel: Todd, just leave her alone. Todd: I'm asking her a question. Téa's your mom. Who's your dad? [SCENE_BREAK] Roxy: Oh, no, babe. Jared is fine. He's on the lam. So, you got this completely wrong. Gigi: All I know is what Rex told me. Roxy: Well, Rex doesn't know if he's coming or going right now. Jared took off, the police went after him, and then Nattie followed him. Gigi: Rex called Natalie. John picked up and told Rex about Jared. Roxy: Rex found this out from John? Oh, my God. Gigi: Get her some water. Roxy: Don't you dare! So, what the hell happened? Gigi: I don't know. Roxy: Oh, Nattie was so in love with him. She finally found exactly what she was looking for. Gigi: I would've called you, but I just found out myself. Roxy: Listen, Gigi, it doesn't matter at all. I lost my cell phone about two days ago. She's probably been calling me and cursing me for not calling her back. Gigi: Rex is with her. Roxy: At Viki's? Gigi: Uh, I think they're still at John's. Roxy: At the hotel? Where he lives? Gigi: Yeah. Roxy: So Rex is floating around with Stacy on the loose? Schuyler: Okay, I -- I gotta go talk to Stacy. Gigi: No, no, no. No. There's no point because I'm going to tell Rex the truth. Schuyler: Well, let me see if I can get through to her. I mean, why would you put yourself through all that and have Rex not believe you? Gigi: Too many people know. Schuyler: Know what? Nothing happened. Okay? Just -- just trust me. I think I may still have some pull with your sister. Gigi: And if you don't? Schuyler: Then you tell Rex and you hope for the best. [SCENE_BREAK] [Door closes] Natalie: John didn't tell you what happened? Rex: No. There wasn't time. He just -- he just called me and told me that -- that Jared was dead and that you needed me, so I hung up and I flew out of there. What happened? Did the cops shoot him? Natalie: No. Jared's innocent. He's been set up from the beginning. He didn't kill Wayne Landers or Pamela Stuart. Rex: I'm sorry. I just figured that maybe Jared called Corinne and got her to lie to me. Natalie: No. No. Jared didn't even know anything about that. Rex: He didn't? Natalie: Even John thinks that Jared was framed. Rex: Who does John believe is behind all this? Natalie: You're not gonna believe this. Mitch Laurence. [SCENE_BREAK] Mitch: "I pray to you, o Lord, saying, You are my refuge. You are all that I need in this life. Listen to me as I cry to you. I have a very great need. Make me safe from the people that follow me to hurt me. You make me safe because they are too strong for me. [Inhales and exhales] [Inhales] Take me out of this prison so that I can praise Your name." Guard: Hey, Laurence, look alive. You got a visitor. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Hey, wait a minute. How old are you? When were you born? Dani: Like that's any of your business. What is it with this guy? Greg: Hey, look. Leave her alone. Todd: I just want to ask her a simple question. My name's Todd Manning. Does that name ring a bell? Did your mom, did Téa ever mention me to you? Because she -- Rachel: Todd, can we just please wait for Téa? Todd: I just -- I want an answer, is all. Danielle, Téa's my wife. Dani: Your wife? She's married to my dad. Todd: Okay, let's talk about your dad. What's his name? Where is he? Dani: He's in Tahiti and his name is Ross Rayburn, okay? You happy now? [SCENE_BREAK] Ross: Where is she? Take me to her. Now! Téa: It won't do any good. Ross: You heard that message. She's with Manning. God knows what he's telling her. Téa: I don't care. You're not going anywhere near her until you get ahold of yourself. Ross: What are you talking about? Téa: We both know what you're capable of. Ross: Oh, I'm not gonna hurt my own daughter. Téa: She's not your daughter, okay? Ross: Damn it! God! Okay. This is how this is gonna go. We're gonna go find Dani right now. We're gonna go to the airport. You're more than welcome to join us. But we're gonna get on a plane and we're gonna go home. End of story. [Breathing heavily] Téa: Ross, listen to me. I'm not gonna keep her away from you. I know that you love her and I know that she loves you so much. We will work it out, okay? We will work out visitation -- Ross: Oh, shut up. I'm not some idiot that you're -- you're trying to tie up in court. I'm her father in every way that counts. You're not gonna shut me out. You're not gonna carve her up with visitations and joint this and joint that. Ha ha. I gave this to her. I won it surfing. She sleeps in it every night. Téa: I know, Ross, and I promise you, whatever happens with Todd, we will work it out. I promise you, okay? Ross: I know how you work things out, Téa. You're not gonna turn my daughter against me. She's all I have. Téa: I'm so sorry, Ross. I'm so sorry. Ross: You're gonna be sorry. That I can promise you. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Hey, come here. Greg: Hey, wait a minute. Rachel: Todd, I know what you're thinking. Todd: I'm gonna ask you one more time. And if I don't get a straight answer, I'm gonna go in there and I'm gonna tell that little girl a lot of stuff. About her father and some other things. Where is Téa? [SCENE_BREAK] Stacy: See what I mean? He's upside down. Kim: He? Stacy: Oh, I'm not having a girl. Kim: Girls are cute. Stacy: I don't need any competition. A boy is just fine. He can play ball. He can do whatever he wants. But do you see what I mean? He's going out where it should go in. Kim: So, maybe he is a boy. [Laughter] Kim: Let me see. Oh, you're right. The label is upside down. Easy enough. Stacy: Now we just have to break the news to Rex. Kim: We could always send an anonymous letter. I've always wanted to do that. You know, get a bunch of magazines and cut out the letters. Stacy: No, no, no, no, no. He'll know it's us. Kim: Okay. So, we can get him to overhear us talking. Stacy: Hello? He can't know it came from us. At least not until I have real belly on me. Kim: So maybe Schuyler can say something. Okay, no, got it. Okay. Oh, Rex and Schuyler can run into each other and sky can have one of Gigi's g-strings hanging out of his pocket. Stacy: Ooh. No, we could plant -- we could plant one of Gigi's g-strings at Schuyler's place and get Rex over there. Kim: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and he'll deny it and he'll look so damn guilty. Stacy: And then Rex will confront Gigi, and she can't lie to save her life. She never could. Oh, my gosh. Oh, know what, though? Schuyler. He's gonna know it's us. Kim: So? I mean, if he's smart and he still wants Gigi, he'll keep his mouth shut. Stacy: No. He's gotten all moral ever since he quit doing drugs. Can you help me with this -- ow! Okay, that's a little too tight. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: Mitch Laurence? Natalie: He was behind all of it. The stalking and the murders and getting you to Michigan, getting Brody's sister to drug him. All of it. Rex: I mean, I know the guy had a serious following, at least here in Llanview, but he still has people willing to kill people for him? Wait, unless it was his brother. What was his name? Miles? Natalie: No, I don't think miles would be involved in this. Rex: So, who does John think did these killings? Natalie: I told you -- Mitch Laurence. Rex: But -- Mitch is dead. Natalie: That's what he wanted everyone to think. But I saw him kill Jared. Mitch Laurence is alive and well. [SCENE_BREAK] Mitch: Hello, my friend. Guard: You got 5 minutes. Mitch: Officer, you see before you the power of prayer. God sayeth, "Ask and ye shall receive." Truly -- God is great. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: Ross. Ross. Ross: We had a good thing. You, me, and Dani. We -- Téa: We had Daniella. Things hadn't been good between us in a long time, and you know it. Ross: Just because you -- just because you're done with me doesn't mean you get to set the rules. She's as much mine as she is yours. Téa: And you will see her. Ross: Oh, I'll see her -- Ross: Because she's coming with me. [Téa screaming] Téa: No! [SCENE_BREAK] Dani: Do you know that guy? Greg: My brother works for the guy. I had no idea what he was dealing with. Dani: He's really freaking me out. Greg: Rachel? We need to get Dani someplace else. Todd: Where is she? I just have to talk to her, Rachel. I need to know what's going on here. Rachel: If anything happens to Téa -- Todd: Nothing's gonna happen to her. I promise. Please. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: Aah! Oh. Get away from me! Get away from me! No! Nooo! [SCENE_BREAK] Rachel: She's at the hotel across the street. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: Nooo! Oh! [Choking] | Rex finds out that Jared has been killed after finding out that Mitch Laurence is his father, yet assuming that Mitch has been dead for a long time |
445 | Katie: Mmm! That looks like it is good. Always loved the burgers here. Chris: Hmm. Katie: Here. Let me get this from you. Chris: You want to pay for my burger? Katie: Well, after everything you've done for me, it's the least I could do. Chris: Allowing you to falsify medical records cannot just be smothered over with buying me a deluxe burger, not even with more cheese or bacon, for that matter. Katie: I know that. I was just trying to do something nice for you. Chris: Because you feel guilty? Silence speaks volumes. Would you please allow me to finish my meal in peace? Thank you. Katie: I'm just trying to say that I'm sorry. Chris: You don't owe me any apologies, okay? It was my decision to let the changes you made stand, okay? I can live with it. You don't owe me anything. And I can pay for my own burger. Katie: Okay, what about dessert then? Chris: What? Katie: At my place. I have peach pie. We could have it with some ice cream and whipped cream. Chris: I'll pass. Katie: Are you sure? Chris: Yeah. Yeah, I think we should keep things the way they are. You know, you have your life. I have mine. And these days, there's not much room for dessert. [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: Hey. I was really hoping I'd see you today. Casey: Really? Alison: Yeah. Things are getting even weirder with this whole Vienna thing. Casey: Now what? Alison: Okay, you know how I was still trying to find out the name of her ob- gyn? Casey: Right. Okay. Alison: Okay, so I figured I should check, you know, her computer records again to see if maybe there was a clue we might have missed. Something strange came up. Casey: Her doctor's name? Alison: Oh, I wish. Ready for this? According to her file, Vienna's already been pregnant for over a month now. Casey: How -- how is that possible? I mean, we looked at her record. There was nothing about her being pregnant in there. Alison: I know. Casey: There's no way we could have missed that. Alison: We didn't. Casey: Then what do you mean? Alison: Well, we didn't see it before because it wasn't there before. Casey: Maybe someone changed it by accident. Alison: No. I don't think so. There was way too much new data entered for it to be just a mistake. There's only one explanation. Somebody changed Vienna's records. [SCENE_BREAK] Vienna: That was a delicious meal. Henry: Yeah. I'm surprised you wanted to eat so early. Vienna: Well, our little one gets hungry before I do. Oh, which reminds me, we have to have a very large kitchen in our new house. Henry: What house? Vienna: The one we move into when we have the baby. Henry: I -- I didn't realize that acquiring real estate was part of the birthing process. Vienna: We can't raise a child here in a hotel. Henry: Why not? Craig Montgomery does. Vienna: Well, we don't need to have a palace. You know, a small place is fine -- with a very large kitchen, that is. [Barbara groaning] Vienna: Oh, my. Henry: I didn't, uh -- I didn't realize Barbara was back here. Vienna: She obviously likes her room. Henry: She sounds very, uh, urgent. Vienna: You know what? That just comes to show that if you really want a man, you can always attract one no matter how old you are or what you look like. Come on, Henry. Henry: Yeah. Vienna: Let's go. Leave Barbara to her own business. [Barbara groaning] [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: Meg, put -- put the gun down. Meg: This tea -- it's so bitter. Emily: No. Meg: It's from all the drugs you put in it. Emily: You put the drugs in that tea. We both know that. Meg: But who's going to believe that. Emily: No. No, no, Meg. Don't. Where -- where did you get the gun? Meg: It's Paul's. Emily: He gave it to you? Meg: I borrowed it. It was in his safe, where he always keeps it. Emily: You need to put it away. Meg: You know, I even remembered the combination, which I took it as a sign that this was meant to be. Emily: No, no, no, no! Stop drinking that, please. Meg: It's all right. I'm getting used to the taste. Emily: Meg, the methadone's gonna start taking effect any minute. Stop. Meg: Well, that's the idea. Emily: What are you talking about? Meg: Well, with every sip, I get a little bit more buzzed. And pretty soon I'm gonna be crazy. But you'll be dead. Emily: Meg -- Meg, you don't want to shoot me. You don't want to shoot. Meg: Stay where you are. You drugged my tea, and that made me irrational, paranoid, violent. Emily: Eliza's upstairs. Your daughter is upstairs. You would never kill me when your daughter is in the house. Think of the trauma you would put her through. Meg: Eliza will be fine. Emily: How can you say that? Meg: She's gonna sleep right through it. Emily: The gun is very loud, Meg! Meg: It's gonna take only one shot, and I am doing this for Eliza! Emily: Think for a minute. Think. You kill me, you will be arrested, and you will head right back to Deerbrook. You will never see Eliza again. You won't have a family. Meg: But I already do. I mean, look. I'm back at Fairwinds. Eliza loves me. Paul is on my side. And all that is left is for me to get rid of you. Emily: No, no, no, no! We can work this out. Stop. We can figure -- we can figure this out. Just put the gun down! Meg: I know -- I know exactly what that means! That means you want to steal my little girl! Emily: No! I don't want to steal Eliza from you. I never wanted to steal her. You are her mother. She needs you. Meg: You are trying to con me! Emily: No. You -- you have been allowed to see Eliza as often as you want -- you know that -- when you're healthy enough to handle it. [Meg laughs] Meg: Well, that's always the catch, isn't it -- if I'm well enough? Emily: No. If you do this, they will lock you up forever. You understand? You will never see Eliza again. Meg: Well, I'm not worried about that. They tried to lock me up in a psycho ward before, and I got out. Emily: Yeah, well, you won't be this lucky this time if -- if you pull that trigger. Please don't. Please don't. Meg: You know, luck has nothing to do with it. I've worked everything out. Emily: What the hell does that mean? Meg: It means you're gonna die and I'm gonna get away with it. Emily: Oh, God. [SCENE_BREAK] Vienna: Oh. I love this one. What do you think? Henry: It's nice. Vienna: Yeah? No, it's adorable. It's adorable. Henry: That's -- that's what I meant -- adorable. Vienna: Okay, so, what are we looking at? Henry: Pictures. Vienna: Of? Bassinets, bassinets! I mean, you're not even paying attention! Henry: I'm sorry. Vienna: You're thinking about Barbara, aren't you? Henry: Yeah. Look, I'm -- I'm sorry. I can't help it. I'm not sure the sounds we heard coming out of her room were what we thought they were. Vienna: Of course they were. Henry: She just -- it sounded a bit off, don't you think? Vienna: Why do you even care? Henry: I don't -- I don't care, Sweetie. I don't -- I don't care what she's doing or with whom, however loudly or incessantly. It's just it sounded very strange to me. Meg: Oh, no. What's strange is that a woman her age would be having sex on the floor. That's strange. Henry: Is that what you think she was doing? Vienna: Of course! Of course she is. You know, once a tramp, always a tramp. Henry: Whoa! Vienna -- you know, we've had some adventures in some rather exotic locations ourselves. Vienna: Yes, but we've been creative, not pathetic like that. [Knock on door] Henry: Katie. Katie: Hi. Sorry. I just need to talk to Vienna about baby stuff. Do you mind? Henry: No, not at all. I, uh -- you'll do a better job than I did. I'll, um -- I'll be at the bar. Vienna: [Sighs] Okay. Did you find someone to help you with my medical files? Katie: I did. Vienna: And? Katie: And your file says you've been pregnant now for a month. Vienna: Oh, God! Thank you! What? Katie: Well, it just doesn't feel very good, especially since I had to get Chris involved. Vienna: Chris? Chris Hughes? Katie: Yeah. And his dad caught us in the computer room at the hospital while I was trying to change your file. We almost got caught. Vienna: But everything is okay, right? Katie: Well, yeah, for now. But if word about this gets out, we're gonna have a big problem. Vienna: You think you can trust Chris for this? Katie: Yeah. I mean, he knows what would happen if he said something. He's not gonna risk his career. Vienna: But then why are you so upset? Katie: Because I'm afraid helping you like this was a horrible mistake. [SCENE_BREAK] Casey: Did you print out a new copy of Vienna's medical records? Alison: I didn't have time. But believe me, pregnancy date is there in black and white. Somebody changed that file. Casey: But who and why? Alison: [Sighs] You -- you could talk to Bob about it. Casey: I'm -- I'm not walking into my granddad's office and telling him I got a woman pregnant. No thank you. I can already see the disappointment on his face. Alison: Yeah. I remember that look, the day we were supposed to be married. Casey: Yeah. There was a lot of disappointment going around that day. Alison: [Sighs] Okay, well, uh, you could ask Chris for help. Casey: I'm not gonna do that. Alison: Why? I mean, he has way more access to the doctor's files than I do. Plus, you know he'll never judge you. Casey: Well, there's enough tension between Chris and me without me giving the details of my sex life. Alison: Because I used to be one of those details? Casey: No, that's not what I'm saying. Alison: Look, if you're uncomfortable going to Chris because of me, then you should just really let all of this go. Casey: No, I -- I told you, I'm not gonna do that. Alison: Well, then, you're stuck, because at this point, Chris is really your only hope of finding out what's going on with Vienna and her baby. Casey: You're right. I'll talk to him. Alison: Good. Casey: Yeah, but that doesn't guarantee we're gonna find any more information than we already know. Alison: It's worth a try, okay? And I'll keep working on Vienna. Good luck, and, uh, talk to you later. Casey: Alison, thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] [Barbara groaning] [Knock on door] Henry: Barbara? [Barbara groaning] Henry: Oh, my God, she is on the floor. [Barbara groaning] Henry: Barbara? She knows I'm here. Why would she do this, knowing that -- unless she's, uh -- Barbara! Excuse me. Maid: Yes, Sir. Henry: I'm sorry. Could you help me? Um, my key isn't working. You see? Just -- could you let me into my room? Maid: Of course. Henry: Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thanks. [Barbara groaning] Henry: Barbara! God, here. Barbara: Thank you, thank you. You got to -- we've got to stop her. Henry: Who? Barbara: We need to stop Emily, Emily, Emily. Henry: What? Barbara: Yeah. Henry: She did this to you? Barbara: She's a menace. She's a menace! Henry: Come here. Oh, my God. How long have you been like this? Barbara: I think hours. Untie me, okay? She pounced on me the minute we got in here. Henry: Sorry. I can't get this. Barbara: We've got to find her. We've got to find her, 'cause you know what? She's out to get Meg. There's no telling what she's gonna do to Meg. She's gonna hurt her! [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: You know, this is going exactly the way I thought it would. Stay back! Emily: I'm back, I'm back, I'm back. Meg: You know, I know exactly what you're trying to do. Emily: Meg, I'm worried about you. You look very pale. Meg: I feel fine. Emily: Put the gun down. Please put the gun down before it's too late. Meg: I think I need some more. Emily: No, stop! Stop! Meg: My system needs to be loaded. And that way, it will explain all the awful, insane things I might do. Emily: No, this won't work. Meg: And then -- and then once it wears off, it's gonna be so easy -- so easy to convince the police that I killed you because you had drugged my tea and I was out of my mind. Emily: No, no, no, no, no. Please, stop -- stop drinking that. Please stop drinking that and put the gun down. I'm begging you! Meg: You know what the beautiful thing about all this is, Emily? Emily: What? What? Meg: That you're gonna be dead, and you'll be blamed for your own death. [Laughs] It will be all about you, Emily, at least one last time. [SCENE_BREAK] Vienna: Katie, I never would have asked you to change my medical records if I wasn't desperate. And I'm desperately in love with Henry. Katie: I know. I know you are, and I know you don't want to lose him. Vienna: Henry and I -- we belong together. And if anyone -- if anyone understands, it's you. Katie: I know. You're just like me and Brad -- soul mates. Vienna: Exactly. So think of this as saving two souls. Katie: It just doesn't change the fact that I asked Chris to go against his principles. Vienna: Yes, but deep down, Chris must have wanted to help you. Otherwise, he wouldn't have said yes if it was such a big risk. Katie: Maybe. Vienna: You really care about Chris, don't you? Katie: No. No, I don't. I mean, we're friends, yeah. It's just -- Vienna: What? Katie: I just hate the dishonesty part! Vienna: Since when? Katie: I got to go. Uh, I just wanted to let you know that for now, you are officially pregnant, and you have nothing to worry about. [SCENE_BREAK] Casey: Hey, Chris, um, do you think we can talk for a minute? Chris: Uh, yeah, but want to walk with me to the floor? Casey: Actually, I -- I was hoping we could speak in private. Chris: Okay. Yeah, we can do that here. Casey: I think I might have gotten, uh, someone pregnant. Chris: Okay. Casey: Yeah, and I'm not sure what to do about it. Chris: Well, have you talked to her about it? Casey: Yeah, yeah. Chris: All right. Well, what does she want you to do about it? Casey: Nothing. She -- she says I'm not the father. Chris: Then what are you worried about? Casey: Well, I -- I don't believe her. Chris: So you think the baby's yours? Casey: That's what I'm trying to find out. Chris: Well, why would she lie? Casey: It's complicated. Chris: Complicated because? Casey: There's another man in the picture. Chris: Who might be the father? Yeah, that, uh -- ooh, that does sound complicated. Casey: But is there any way to check the paternity of the child before it's even born? Chris: Um, well, yes -- and no. Casey: What -- what does that mean? Chris: Well, there is a test that can establish who the father is, but no, you cannot do it without the mother's consent. Casey: Well, she's not gonna agree to anything. I just -- Chris: Look, maybe she's telling you the truth here. Casey: I -- I just don't think so. There's too many weird things going on. I just -- I want a real answer. And please just help me out with this. Chris: Look, Casey, I, uh -- I don't want to pry here. But, um, if I'm gonna help you, I need to know the, uh -- the girl's name. Is it Alison? Casey: No, no. Chris: No? Oh. Casey: It's Vienna. Chris: Vienna? Vienna -- Vienna Hyatt? Casey: Yeah, yeah. It was just a fling thing. You know, I don't even really know what to call it. Chris: Yeah. Casey: But the weirdest thing about it is her medical files -- someone -- someone's tampered with them. Chris: What? Casey: I mean someone went into the computer and deliberately changed the files, and now I can't find out whether or not I'm the father. Chris: Um, you know, um, I have this emergency that I have to check on. But we're gonna -- Casey: Hold up. Hold on. Chris: We're gonna talk later, okay? Casey: Well, can I count on you or not? [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Vienna: Katie, I knew you would be -- back. Hello, Alison. Alison: Hi, Vienna. Is this a bad time? Vienna: Why? Alison: Um, there's some hospital stuff I need to go over with you. Um, do you mind? Vienna: I'm really actually quite busy. Alison: Oh, this won't take long. We're just updating our records, and I need to know your due date. Vienna: Um -- you know what? I don't know exactly. Alison: You don't remember? Vienna: No, but the next time I'll see my doctor, I'll -- I'll, um, have him put it into my files. Alison: And, uh, who is your doctor again? Vienna: Why do you -- this really isn't a good time. Alison: You know what? I kind of need to get this done today. Hence the house call. If you could just at least give me an approximate date. Vienna: Why are you being so pushy? Alison: Well, why don't you remember your own due date? Okay. The truth is, I know that you slept with Casey. Vienna: What? No way! No! That's a lie! That's a horrible lie. What would you -- why would you say that? You know that I love Henry. I love Henry. Alison: Okay. Okay, Vienna, let's just skip the games. Casey told me all about it. You had sex with him here, at the hospital. Vienna: [Sighs] All right. Okay. Why -- so what if I did? Alison: Well, not long after, you announced that you were pregnant. And Casey just wants to know if he's the father. Vienna: I already told him that Casey is not. Alison: Okay, and is that the truth? Vienna: I swear on everything, on heaven and earth that Casey is not the -- the father of my child. Alison: All right. I believe you. I will tell him that Henry's the father. [Vienna sighs] Alison: And congratulations. [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: All gone. All gone. Emily: No. Your plan won't work. Meg: Yes, it will. Emily: No, because there's one thing you didn't think of -- the methadone. Meg: [Scoffs] What? Emily: They can prove that I didn't steal it from the hospital. Meg: No, they can't. Emily: Yes, they can. They're -- they're already working on the case. Meg: Who? Emily: My mother. Of course. My mother -- she knows that I didn't -- I didn't take the methadone, and she's hired a private investigator, and now he knows I didn't take it. Meg: How? Emily: There's this new technology that can identify DNA left on anything. A person touches anything, like a pill bottle, Meg. Meg: No. Emily: Yes. Meg: No, you're making this up! Emily: No. No, I'm not. They will prove that you're the one who stole the methadone from the hospital and you're the one who -- that has been drugging yourself. Meg: No. Emily: Yes. It's okay. You can still get what you want, okay? We can figure out a way out of this, I promise. Just give me the gun. Meg: You are lying! Emily: I am not lying. Meg: You're a liar! You always have been! Emily: No, I'm not lying. Just listen to me. Listen to me. You want me out of the picture, I will move out of the house. I will give up any thoughts of adopting Eliza. I swear to God, we can figure this out. I am begging you, just put the gun down. We can work this out, Meg. Meg: You'd go away? Emily: Yes, yes. I swear to God, you'll never see me again. Meg: I don't know. Emily: Meg, Meg, you're not a murderer. Listen to me. Look at me. You're a mother. You're Eliza's mother. Meg: I'm a mother. Emily: Put the gun -- put the gun down. Put the gun down. Meg: No, no, no! Emily: Put the gun down, Meg! Meg: No! [Both grunting] Meg: Go to hell. Emily: [Screams] Oh, God. Emma: Meg, it's me. It's Mama. It's Mama. Meg: Mama? Paul: It's okay. You're all right. Emily: Am -- am I? Paul: Uh-huh. Emily: Oh, my God. What, did she miss? Emma: It's over, Meg. It's over, Meg. Please, give me the gun. Please. Meg: No, no, no! I can't! Why isn't she dead? Emma: I don't want you to hurt yourself! I don't want you to hurt anyone. Give Mama the gun. Paul: Nobody's gonna get hurt. They're blanks. Emily: Blanks? Paul: Yeah. I didn't want you to get hurt. I would never let anything happen to you. Emily: Wait, wait, wait. I don't understand. Paul: I took the bullets out of the gun, and I locked them up, and I put -- I put blanks in. I didn't want anybody to get hurt. Give -- give me the gun. Meg: Paul -- Paul: Yeah. Meg, you're okay. You're okay. Meg: You -- you need to tell him to go away. Paul: He's not -- he needs to be here. Meg: Well, we have to go upstairs and see Eliza now. Paul: Eliza's fine. Meg: I hear her. Emma: Sweetheart, did you take -- did you take all of those pills? Meg: No, no. Well, yeah, because of her. She -- she put them in my tea, and she made me drink it. She made me do everything. You're evil! Emily: She put the poison in her tea herself. Meg: Liar! Emily: She had the entire plan worked out. She was gonna kill me and claim that the drugs I gave her pushed her over the edge. Paul: Yeah. That sounds about right. Emily: You believe me? Paul: Of course I believe you. Emily: Okay, I -- I'm sorry. None of this is making any sense. Paul: Emily, I've known all along that you're telling the truth. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: Like anyone could ever take your place. [Doorbell rings] Katie: No! Oh -- [Katie groans] Chris: Why didn't you tell me it was Casey? Katie: What? Chris: Oh, do not act like this was news to you. Casey -- he's walking around thinking Vienna's pregnant with his child. You purposely left that little bit of information out, didn't you? Katie: No, Chris. Chris: Oh, that's just -- Vienna: Casey. Chris. Chris: Oh, Vienna, that's just -- Vienna: Oh, thank you so much for helping Katie -- I mean helping Katie help me. Katie: Right. Vienna: But I'm really scared that everything will come out now. Chris: You told her what I did? That's terrific. Great. Thank you. That's just what I needed. Vienna: What's wrong? Chris: Legally, ethically, where do I begin? Katie: The only people that know you helped me are us three. That's it. I promise. Chris: Really? Well, why stop there. Let's spread the word. Maybe I can get an official reprimand from my own father, or -- or better yet, a suspension. Vienna: Would it be that bad? Chris: Well, if it's my lucky day, Vienna, maybe I can get my medical license revoked! Isn't that great? Katie: I'm so sorry, Chris. Chris: Are you sorry? Really? Well, you know what? I cannot believe I let myself get involved with this, really. I mean, when will I learn, right? Vienna: Oh, my God. I'm gonna deal with Alison and Casey, and you go after Chris. We just have to make sure that they don't do anything before I get pregnant. Katie: We don't even know when that will happen, Vienna. Vienna: Soon. I told you, I'm trying every day. Katie: There's no guarantee it will happen at all. Vienna: No, don't say that. [Voice breaking] Don't say that, because my entire future depends on this one baby, having this one baby with Henry. Please, Katie, help me. [Katie sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: What the hell is going on here? Meg: No, no, no, no, no! You need to get away from me! Paul: Let me take care of this. I will explain. I will explain. Meg: Paul, Paul, they want to hurt me. Paul: No, no, no, no. Nobody wants to hurt you. Nobody's gonna hurt you. We're gonna help you. Isn't that right? Emma: Yes, that's right. Meg: She's the evil one. Emma: I don't want to hurt you, Sweetheart. I love you. Paul: Sit down for just a second, okay? Emma: I love you. Sit down. Paul: Just -- just sit down for like one second, all right? Everything's gonna be fine. Everything is gonna be -- it's gonna be you fine. Barbara: Oh, my God. What did I tell you. Are you all right? Paul: She's not hurt, if that's what you're asking. Barbara: Emily tried to kill her, didn't she? Paul: Mom -- Barbara: She did! She tried to kill her. I knew this was going to happen. I am so sorry. You told me to try to keep her away, and I tried. But you know what she did? Paul: It's okay. Barbara: She overpowered me. She bound and bagged me and left me on the floor. Paul: You did that? Barbara: Yeah. She was like an animal. Paul: Are you all right? Barbara: I am fine now thanks to Henry. He found me. Paul: Well, thank you, Henry. Maybe you could do us all another favor. Henry: Sure. Anything. Paul: Take my mother back to the Lakeview. Barbara: No, no. I am not going anywhere until I see that woman in handcuffs and arrested again! Meg: Where's Eliza? Barbara: Oh, my God. She drugged her again, didn't she? You still had methadone lying around here? Paul: Actually, Mother, Meg has been drugging herself. Barbara: That's impossible. Paul: It's the truth. Emily: Wait. You knew? You knew all along Meg was drugging herself. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: Hey. The nurse said I could find you here. Chris: Um, this room is for hospital staff only. Katie: I just need a minute. Chris: Katie, we really don't have anything to say to each other. Katie: I know how you would feel that way. If it were up to me, I wouldn't have just walked through that door. Chris: But here you are, so you must want something. Katie: Chris, Vienna is desperate to be married to Henry. She's terrified of losing him. That is the only reason any of this is happening. Chris: Katie, that doesn't excuse it. Katie: I know that. But if you could just pull back a little bit and not tell anyone about anything, that would really help. Chris: Help keep the lie going, you mean? Katie: Vienna just needs a little more time. Chris: A little more time to what? Uh, falsify another medical record? Is that what we're talking about? Katie: No, no, no. To make it right. Chris: It's too late for that. We broke the law. Look, I know I said it was my decision to let the changes you made stand, okay? But that was before I knew Casey was involved and that we were keeping him in the dark from knowing about the baby. Katie: It's not that simple. Chris: Look, Casey thinks that that baby is his. He wants to know the truth, and he deserves to know the truth, okay? It's not that complicated. Katie: Okay, so what bothers you is the idea that you might be betraying a family member? Chris: Betraying -- I am helping Vienna keep the truth from Casey, okay? That's worse than a betrayal. That is torture. Katie: Well, then, I can assure you with 100% certainty it's not Casey's baby. Chris: Really? And how do you know that? Katie: Because there is no baby. Chris: What do you mean there's no baby? Vienna's pregnant. Katie: She told Henry she was, and she's trying really hard to be. Chris: But she's not? Katie: Not yet. Don't you remember? That's why I had to change her medical records to make it look like she had been pregnant for a few weeks. Chris: This is one big, vicious lie. Katie: Well, that's a little harsh. Chris: Well, that's what it is, right? Katie: She had to get Henry's focus off of Barbara and back on to her. Chris: By what, using a make-believe baby? Katie: It's not gonna be make-believe for long. She's trying every day to get pregnant. It's basically a nonstop project. Chris: Unbelievable. Do you know what this is doing to Casey? He's walking around thinking this baby is his. And Henry -- what about Henry? He's supposed to be your best friend. And you are paying with people's lives, and you brought me in the middle of it. Katie: I'm sorry. I know. It's not gonna last forever. Chris: No, it's not, because I'm not gonna put a stop to it right now. Katie: What are you gonna do? Chris: I'm gonna go tell Henry the truth. Katie: No. Chris: Yes, yes. Then you go do it. Katie: No. Just give me a minute. Chris: One of us has to be the grown-up here, Katie, okay? What do you want to do, huh? You want to flip a coin or something? Is that -- there we go. Boom. Tails, I win. I'm gonna go tell, okay? Katie: Wait! You can't do that. Chris: Well, try and stop me. That was good -- really good. But not good enough. Katie: I can do better. [SCENE_BREAK] Vienna: [Sighs] Please, please, please be positive. I don't want to lie anymore. I just -- I just want a baby. [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Casey: Hey. Did you get any more information from Vienna? Alison: Yes. You are not the father of her baby. How's that? Casey: You know that for a fact? Alison: Yeah. Vienna swore it's the truth, and I believe her. Casey: So she just told you this? There was no lab result or anything else to back it up? Alison: No. I honestly don't think she's lying. You are really not the father, again. You can let this go now. Casey: No. Something's not right. Alison: Why can't you just believe her? Casey: Why are you so convinced she's telling you think truth? Alison: Because I -- I do. I just -- I believe what she's saying. Casey: Or is it you just want to believe her? Alison: What's that supposed to mean? Casey: Alison, I get the feeling you don't want me to find out that this is my baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Yes, I have known all along that Meg has been drugging herself. Emily: And you never said a word? Paul: I couldn't. Barbara: That I understand, because you can't be trusted. Emily: Would you shut up? This has nothing to do with you. Barbara: Why didn't you talk to me about this? Paul: Why? Because you make everything worse. Barbara: Well, I don't -- Paul: And because I didn't feel like I had to convince you or anybody else that Meg was taking methadone on her own. I thought it would come out on its own. Emily: So you just sat back and watched? Paul: Well -- no, not exactly. Barbara: You have so little faith in me? Paul: Given what you think of Emily, if I had told you that Meg was drugging herself, you probably would have accused Emily of drugging me. Barbara: Am I that unreasonable, Paul? Paul: No. It's just that the stakes were really high, and I couldn't take the chance of you tipping my hand. Henry: You know? Barbara, you've had a hell of a day. Let's, uh, head to the Lakeview, draw a warm bath. You can get some rest. Paul: That sounds like a great idea. Barbara: No. I am not doing that until I find out all the details. Or can't I be trusted with the facts after the fact? Henry: You can have the blanks filled in later. Come on. Let's go. Paul: Thank you, Henry. Emma: Paul, I think we're ready. Meg: It's quiet here. Paul: Yeah. Do you think I can have this? Meg: Oh, my God. Where -- where are you taking me? I don't want to leave Eliza! I don't want to leave Eliza! Paul: No, no, no, no, no. Its okay, it's okay. It's all right. Shh! It's all right. They're gonna take you somewhere safe. Meg: Where? Where? Paul: The hospital. It will be nice and quiet there, too. Meg: I want to stay with you. Paul: Maybe next time. Meg: She's the evil one! Why doesn't she go away? Emma: Sweetheart, Sweetheart, everything's going to be all right. Everything's going to be all right. Emily's not going to hurt you. I won't let her. Look at me. Look at me. I promise you. Do you believe me, huh? Yes, yes. That's my girl. That's my girl. Come on. Here we go. Let's go. Paul: How are you? Emily: I honestly can't tell. Paul: I'm sorry. At least now things can go back to normal. [SCENE_BREAK] Barbara: I have never been through anything so -- so demeaning and insulting in my entire life. Henry: Barbara, let me do that. Here. Come on. Barbara: I can't believe that my own son -- my own son did this to me. Henry: Why don't you sit down? Barbara: You know, he had this planned. He shut me out, and he had a plan from the moment he put it into action. Henry: Yeah. But I got to hand it to him. It was pretty clever how he went about it -- I mean, the whole getting Meg to reveal herself part, anyway. Barbara: Well, I still blame her. Henry: Meg? Barbara: Emily. Henry: Why? She wasn't drugging Meg. Barbara: She bound and she gagged me. I -- I have bruises all over my entire body. Henry: Yeah, I know. But she was just desperate to get to Fairwinds to prove her innocence. Barbara: The woman is a menace. Henry: Barbara, why don't you just admit it. You were wrong about her. Barbara: Yes, and Emily will rub that into my face the rest of my life. So please don't do the same. Henry: Forget I ever mentioned it. Barbara: I think you're thinking that I brought this on myself. Henry: I'm not saying a word, remember? Barbara: You're probably right. I -- I don't think this ever would have happened if I hadn't been there at Fairwinds, Paul's little house of horrors. Henry: It was your idea to move there. Barbara: Which I wouldn't have done if I didn't have to leave here. Henry: Which you did to put some distance between us. Look, I'll share the blame if that makes you feel any better. Barbara: That's gallant. Thank you. Henry: Move back. Barbara: What? Henry: Yes. Move back now, for good, permanently. Barbara: I -- Henry: No, things will be different. Things will be different this time, I promise. And I promise there won't be any, uh, feelings of awkwardness or any kind of difficulties whatsoever. Barbara: How is that possible? Henry: It's not. Because every time I see you, I -- this is all I can think about doing. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: All right, I'm gonna make you an offer. Chris: All right. Try me. Katie: If you promise not to say anything to anyone about Vienna's medical records, I will go away with you. Chris: Away? Katie: To a hotel, just the two of us, for all that implies. Chris: Well, it sure beats buying me a burger. Katie: Chris, I'm serious. Chris: Sex for secrecy? Katie: Are we going on a road trip or what? Chris: You want to do this today? Katie: I say we do it right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Henry: I should go. Barbara: I know. Henry -- never mind. [Henry sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: Paul's right. It is quiet here. Emma: Mm-hmm. Try and get some sleep now. Hmm? [Voice breaking] Meg: I miss them, Mama. Emma: Shh! Don't think about that now. Just think about getting better, okay? Meg: And I want to be with my family. Please let me go home to Eliza and Paul. Emma: You're safe here now with your mama. You're safe. Everything's going to be all right, Sweetheart. Everything's going to be all right. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: You know, it wasn't exactly fun for me to lie to you. Emily: And you did it anyway? Paul: It was the only thing I could think of to get Meg to reveal herself. Emily: Can -- can I just ask you, at one point did you realize Meg was actually drugging herself? Paul: I can tell you exactly the moment when it all clicked into focus. Emily: Okay, great. Tell me. Paul: It was actually -- it was something that you did. Emily: What's that? Paul: Well, the day that we figured out from the toxicology report that Meg was taking methadone, okay, we had a conversation that day. Emily: Actually, I think it was an argument. Paul: Well, I turned it into an argument. Emily: Okay, what's your point? Paul: Okay, let me back up, all right? We were talking, and I asked you point- blank -- I asked you if you were putting drugs into Meg's tea. Emily: And I said no. Paul: No. You did more than that. You swore to me that you would never put our marriage at risk by harming Meg. And I knew then. I saw your -- your face. I saw the look in your eyes. I heard the words come out of your mouth, and I knew that you could never lie to me. Emily: That's so funny, because that's exactly when you started lying to me! Paul: Well, I had to. No one was gonna believe you. Your word doesn't mean anything to Emma and Barbara or anybody else. I mean, I knew the truth. I had to figure out a way to get everybody else to know the truth. Emily: So you just started playing along with Meg? Paul: I set her up, all right? And -- and when she snuck out of the hospital and she broke in here, I knew my plan was working. That was the turning point. I knew she was ready to act out. I just -- I had to ratchet up the heat somehow. That's when I threw you out of the house. Emily: And you stood there at the hospital and watched your wife get arrested? Paul: Come on. I bailed you out. Emily: You did that? I thought my mother did that. Paul: Well, I'm sure she would have eventually. I -- I felt like I had to move quickly. And I had a hunch that once you were released that you would go straight to Meg. Emily: Really? You knew? You -- you just knew that I would confront her? Paul: I know how you are when you're angry, yes. And Emma and I were here. We were hiding. We saw Meg put the drugs in her own tea. We saw her take the gun out of the safe, and it was then we knew the truth. There was no denying it. Emily: You were -- your plan just -- it worked out -- it worked out like a charm, didn't it? Paul: I said I'm sorry. I am so sorry. But the key was that I had to convince you that I didn't have faith in you. I'm so sorry. It was the only thing I could think of. I had to figure out a way to make Meg move. And -- I'm just so glad that you understand. Emily: Oh, I understand. I understand this much. [NEXT_ON] Chris: Take off your clothes. Emily: It was Meg. Go. Just go, please. Don't rush back, 'cause it's not like you're gonna have a wife to come home to. Meg: We can find our way back to each other, and we could have a good life. Vienna: Marry me tomorrow. Yes? Barbara: You don't have to do this, Henry. This wedding -- it isn't what you want. | Barbara and Henry rush in, as Paul explains that he knew all along Meg was drugging herself and he had to do it this way |
446 | Rosanna: Although earnings per share showed a modest increase -- Craig: Rosanna! Rosanna: I'm in the living room. Overall sales were neutral, which is an effect of market conditions. Craig: Rosanna! Rosanna: I'm working, darling. Craig: Did you find any more of that stuff? Rosanna: Did you check the medicine cabinet again? Where was I? Ah. However, net profits were stronger than expected, and fourth quarter sales outpaced the industry. Craig: Rosanna! Rosanna: So Cabot Motors is poised to -- Craig: Rosanna! Rosanna: I cannot string two thoughts together, darling. I'm going insane. Craig: I'll show you insanity. [Rosanna chuckles] Craig: Oh, this is funny? I stand before you dying. Rosanna: Oh, darling. You're not dying. Craig: Oh, really? Rosanna: No. Craig: Why do they call it poison ivy? [SCENE_BREAK] Jeffrey: Didn't you hear me, doc? I've got some new dirt on a really old story. Rick: And that sounds quite interesting. Jeffrey: I'll bet the folks around here would just love to take a peek at my rough draft. It'll blow the serial killer case wide open. Rick: Oh, I'm sure that's not necessary. Jeffrey: Meet me at the Lakeview lounge now, or I go to print. I'll be waiting. Rick: You're absolutely right. We should -- we should get together and discuss this further. Jeffrey: Tick tock, doc. I've got a deadline to meet, and so do you. Rick: Yes. Yes, of course. I'll review the literature, then get back to you. Good-bye. Oh, a new generation of drugs is about to come to market. It could be groundbreaking for elderly patients. Alison: Break ground later. It's your wedding today. Rick: Oh, yeah, yes, of course. Well, I've -- I've got a lot of dictation to finish up. I'll see you at the ceremony. Chris: Wait, Dr. Decker. I have something else to tell you. Rick: No, no, no. Chris, Chris, I'm sorry. I've got a lot to finish up, okay? Chris: No, but you can't leave until I tell you my news. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: You just discovered the perfect cure for a hangover. Mike: What's that? Katie: You. A few minutes ago my head was like a jackhammer, and now it's like -- Mike: I can't promise you we're gonna find Simon. Katie: That's okay. I don't need a promise. I just need a little hope. And a plan. Mike: And a couple aspirin. Katie: Ooh, and a huge glass of water. Mike: Coming up. Katie: Wait, Mike, think about this. Somebody out there has seen Simon and talked to him. Mike: All right, listen to me. There's a strong chance, even with Jack and all the cops on our side, we may still come up empty. Katie: You don't think there's another woman, do you? Mike: If there is, then Simon's an idiot. Katie: Because if there is -- which I don't think that there is -- if there is, and we find her, don't let me kill her until we get some answers. Mike: I won't. I promise. Katie: You are about the best friend I think I've ever had. Mike: I just -- I can't sit around and watch you be miserable. Katie: Thank you. Oh, this is the best day I've had in such a long time. Even Henry said he has something from Simon to show me. Speaking of, where is he? He should be back by now. [SCENE_BREAK] Henry: Attica ! Attica ! Jack: Sit down. Henry: This is harassment, okay? This is -- Margo: And shut up! Henry: When did Oakdale become a police state? Jack: Zip it! Henry: Okay, wait. Time out, time out. If this is about me parking my jag into the handicapped spot -- Margo: Have you heard from Simon? Henry: Simon? No. No, of course not. I swear on my antique martini shaker, not a peep. Jack: I don't believe you. Henry: You don't believe -- that's a real shock, that is. Kids, kids, I am not hiding anything, okay? Jack: Maybe we should search him. Margo: Yeah, but not here. Down in the hole. Jack: Good. Henry: The hole? You know what? No, actually here is just fine. It's fine for me? But what about two-ish? Because Katie's expecting me. Jack: You know what? This has been a lot of fun, Henry. Henry: We'll do, like, drinks at the Lakeview, later, huh? Not so rough, okay? Because I can afford a real lawyer now, all right? Margo: That's good, Henry, because you may need one. Jack: Last chance, Henry. Hmm? Come on, empty your pockets, or we spend a night in the hole. Henry: This is invasion of privacy. Margo: You should file a complaint. Henry: All right, fine. Fine, here it is. Okay? But this is for Katie's eyes only. This is Pandora's box, Detective Hughes. Now you open this, and you could break Katie's heart forever. [SCENE_BREAK] Susan: Oh. Hal, come on in. Hal: Anybody order enough potato salad for the entire 3rd infantry? Susan: Where's Emily? Hal: Oh, she's briefing a new sitter, and then she's meeting me back here. Susan: Well, what do you think? Hal: Is there a flower left in Oakdale? Susan: Not if Rick had anything to say about it. He's very excited about the wedding. Hal: Well, it looks to me like he's not the only one. Susan: Emily thinks this is all happening too fast. But she pitched in here like a trooper. Hal: Well, fast or slow, she's in your corner. Susan: What about you? Hal: Hey, I'm the first guest here, aren't I? Susan: I mean, how do you feel about Rick? You were as suspicious of him as Dr. Daniels was there for awhile. Hal: Susan, you can't beat the cop out of me. But if that man can keep that smile on your face for the next 50 years, then he's okay with me. Susan: I know my daughters have doubts about him, but one of these days, he's gonna win their hearts over, just the way he's won mine. [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: Chris, I really don't have the time. We'll talk later. Chris: No, but that's what I have to talk to you about -- later. I'll be there. Rick: Be where? Chris: At the wedding. Alison: To my mother? Rick: Oh, yeah, yeah. No, yes, of course. Chris: No, I mean, that is, if you still want me to stand in for my dad as the best man. Rick: Oh, I would be honored. Hold that elevator! Chris: I'll see you there. If there's anything -- Rick: I'll see you at the house. Chris: Did he forget that he even asked me? Alison: He looked kind of spaced out to me. Chris: Yeah, must be nerves. Alison: Well, I should be the one with the jitters. I have to stand there and watch him make my mother his lawfully wedded whatever. Guess who they put in charge of the music? Chris: You? Really? Alison: Mm-hmm. Chris: Susan doesn't mind walking down the aisle to Avril Lavigne? Alison: Well -- I've got strict, strict orders to keep it as boring as possible. But here's the deal -- I'll give my mom her orchestra playing all the greatest movie love themes of all time if you'll go skinny-dipping with me after the wedding. Chris: I was kinda hoping for Avril Lavigne. Alison: Oh, come on. So, are we on? Let's say, midnight at the Snyder pond? Chris: Let's get through the wedding first. Alison: Well, just make sure that the groom doesn't get cold feet. The way he's acting now, I wouldn't be surprised if he forgot where we live. [SCENE_BREAK] Margo: Is this letter from Simon? Jack: Open it, Margo. Just open it. Henry: No, no, no! Yes, okay? It's from Simon. He gave it to me the night he left. Margo: And you've been keeping this from Katie all this time? Henry: Look, he asked me to hold onto it. Margo: Where is he? Henry: I -- I don't know, okay? I don't know. And if I'm not telling the truth, may another ace never fall my way. Jack: Why would you not give this letter to Katie? She's been miserable for months. Henry: I know, I know, okay? I know. The poor kid. I thought maybe she would get over it. And then -- and then Mike comes along. And I thought the big shoulders, the square jaw, a few lonely nights -- you do the math. Margo: Why now? Henry: Because when I got home, I saw that she was still pretty broken up about it, and I thought the letter might help. Jack: What happened when you got home? Henry: She went a few rounds with a bottle of wine, and the wine won -- TKO. Margo: Oh, no, why is she drinking? She knows that she's not supposed to have more than one or two glasses. Henry: What reasons do you want? Mike is here. Simon is God knows where, and she is caught in the middle, Margo. She is stuck between loving Simon and getting back to the land of the living. Margo: And you thought that this letter would help? Henry: Couldn't hurt. So, look, why don't you just hand it back over, and I'll forget all the Gestapo tactics, and my civil suit will never see the light of day. Jack: No, the party's not over yet, Henry. Henry: Really? I thought I just heard last call. Margo: You know what? This letter doesn't bother me so much as the fact that you had it all this time, and you get to decide whether my sister sees it or not. Henry: No, no, that was Simon's call, not mine. He asked me to look after her, and I have. Jack: From Vegas? Henry: Uh, a new paint job and new plumbing does require some money. Margo: All right, so why now show and tell? Why? Henry: Well, guys, I'm no Dr. Phil, okay? But any fool can see that Katie either needs to go and find Simon, or she needs to kiss his Aussie accent good-bye once and for all, or she will never, ever be happy again. So you tell me, Margo, all right? You give me the letter and let me go back to the cottage, or we let Katie drag her chin on the ground for the rest of her beautiful life. [SCENE_BREAK] Mike: Here you go. Take this. You'll feel better. Katie: Oh, thank you. Mike: So what do you think Henry has? Katie: I don't know, but he says it's from Simon. Mike: Why has he taken so long to show it to you? Katie: Mm. I don't know. You just have to know Henry. Mike: What if he's bluffing? Katie: Well, there was something different about him, you know, in his voice. He was very sincere. It's real. Mike: Coleman doesn't strike me as the sincere type. Katie: Well, we'll just have to wait and see. Mike: You know, why don't you wait here? I will -- I'm gonna go see Jack. He said he'd reopen Simon's case. He had to run it by Margo first, though. Katie: That's weird. It must be a chain-of-command thing. 'Cause I know Margo wants to find Simon as much as I do. Mike: Well, I told him, you know, if he doesn't help us, we'll hire our own private investigators. Katie: No turning back? Mike: No turning back. Katie: Last night, I felt like I had nothing left, and today, I'm so excited I could burst! Mike: Call me on my cell phone when you hear from Henry. Katie: Okay. Mike: Okay? [Phone rings] maybe that's him. Katie: Hello. Margo: Hey, baby, it's me. I'm down at the station. I've got Henry Coleman down here. He's got something that belongs to you. Katie: What is it? Margo: Why don't you come down to the station, and we'll talk about it? Katie: Okay. I'll be right there. But, Margo, listen -- whatever it is, just know that I can handle it, okay? I'll see you soon. That was Margo. Henry's at the station. Mike: What's he doing there? Katie: I don't know, but she says he has something for me. Mike: Well, let's go. I -- if you want me to. Katie: Yeah, I do. Of course I do. Whatever it is, we'll face it together. Mike: Let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Rosanna: Listen, why don't you just do what Emma always tells the kids to do when they have chicken pox? Go take a oatmeal bath! Craig: I'm not hungry, I'm itchy. Rosanna: Then go upstairs and lay down and rest for awhile or perhaps go for a walk so you can take your mind off of it. Craig: Even my mind is itchy. This is impossible. Rosanna: How about, then, you help me with my letter for the Cabot annual report? Hmm? I would love your help. Craig: Well, that's a good idea. Rosanna: Mm-hmm. Looky look. Craig: Lucy say when she was coming home? Rosanna: No, she didn't. Craig: Was that a car? Rosanna: No. I do not believe it was a car. Now if you'll just take a look at that chart I have there, you'll see that we met our financial challenges. But -- Craig: This is ridiculous. Rosanna: But the overall projections really aren't that bad. Craig: Well, how long did they -- could they possibly be going camping for? Rosanna: I don't know, darling, perhaps they went and got married. Maybe they're on their honeymoon now. Craig: Don't be cruel. [Rosanna laughs] Lucy: Daddy, we're home! Rosanna: Oh! Craig: In here, sweetness. Rosanna: Be nice, Godzilla. Hello! Hi! Did you have fun? Lucy: It was great. Rosanna: Oh, good. Lucy: Daddy, what happened? Aaron: Oh, man, that is the worst case of poison ivy ever. [SCENE_BREAK] Henry: Hey, what's the chance I could get a ham and cheese on an onion bagel? Margo: You know, I really think I should open it. Jack: Katie's on her way. Margo: Yeah, but you know, technically it is evidence, and technically, I should review it. Henry: What, you trying to ease the old conscience, Margo? You know, if Simon wanted you to read it, he'd have sent you a copy. Jack: Shut up, who the hell do you think you are? Henry: Can he talk to me like that? Jack: Margo, open it! If it's too rough, we file it away. Henry: And what are you going to tell Katie? Margo: Well, you know what, I'll just decide that later on. 'Cause now, what she doesn't know won't hurt her, huh? Henry: Yeah, mum's the word. Where is he? What's he doing? Does he mention me at all? Get off of me. Margo: I'm gonna -- I'm gonna take this down, lock it away in the evidence room. Henry: No, wait a second, wait a second. I promised Katie! Jack: No, Margo, let me do that. I'll put it with the Shears' file. Henry: No, hold it, hold it. Wait a second, now wait a second. I played nice, here, okay, I've given you what you wanted. But if Katie doesn't get something from me soon, she's gonna tear into me like a hound from hell -- all right, now what's up -- oh, Katie bird. Katie: Hey! Why didn't you come straight back to the cottage? Jack: Uh, that -- that was my fault, Katie. Katie: What did he do, jaywalk? Mike: Show us what you got, Henry. Katie: You said you had something from Simon? Henry: Did I? Katie: Henry! Henry: Okay, yeah, I -- I did, but I don't. Katie: All right, you've got about two seconds until I -- rip your head off. Mike: One second. Henry: Okay, don't hit me, now. Look, he took it -- and she has it. Mike: Has what? Henry: A "Dear Katie" letter from Simon. Look, he told me to hold onto it, and give it to you when I thought the time was right, and now I think the time is right, but Nick and Nora here snatched it from me and they want to put it into the saved and lost and never found. Katie: What is he talking about, Margo? Henry: See, yeah, they always shoot the messenger. Jack: That could be arranged. Katie: Where's the letter? Come on, Margo, what if it was Tom, could you live the rest of your life not hearing his last words to you? Margo: Look, honey, it's not that I don't want you to see it -- Katie: Really, Margo -- how bad could it be? Margo: See for yourself. [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: Don't bother. Mom programmed all the rock out of it. Hal: No, it's got a loose wire. Alison: Good! Don't fix it. Hal: Alison, you can't have a wedding without music. Alison: So you're okay with all this? Hal: You know, it's not up to me to be okay with all of this. Are you okay with all of this? Alison: Well, mom's happy, so I won't open my mouth when the judge asks if anyone has any objections. Hal: Do you have any? Alison: Well, Rick's okay. For a wack job. [Alison laughs] Hal: Define "wack job." Alison: Well, like one second he's rushing my mom off to the altar, and then today he just totally spaced out about the wedding. Right in front of me and Chris. And Chris had just told him he would be his best man. Susan: Chris is standing up for Rick? Alison: Yeah. Susan: Well, that's wonderful. Alison: You know what, I better get ready. Did you pick up my dress? Susan: Your dress is on your bed. Alison: Okay, and can I -- Susan: And my bracelet is there too. Alison: Thank you, Mom. Susan: Come on, and we have to hurry -- okay, hurry, hurry. Alison: Happy wedding day, Mom. Susan: Thank you, baby. Alison: I know that nobody will ever confuse us for the Brady bunch, but I think with a little bit of luck, maybe we can pull this whole family thing off. Susan: Thank you, baby. Alison: Oh, and can you tell Emily when she gets here to come upstairs to help me with my hair? Hal: Sure, will do. Alison: Thanks. Susan: I'm so happy Chris is gonna be best man. Won't be the same, though. Bob has been such a good friend to Rick. It would have meant the world to both of us, if he could have been here today. [SCENE_BREAK] Jeffrey: Well, thank you for being so prompt. Jeffrey Starr. Rick: What's this? Jeffrey: I call it The life and murderous times of Dr. Rick Decker. Whoo, I've been busy -- up and down the east coast, out to San Fran, interviewing dozens of people -- exhausting. Rick: Why? Jeffrey: Some of your old friends had a few interesting things to say about you, doc. It's all on the disc there, I downloaded the video so you could take a look. Rick: I've done nothing wrong. Jeffrey: They said to say "hi" to the mummy. That was your nickname in med school wasn't it? Oh, you were a wild man, doc. Playing flatline in the frat house. Rick: Flatline? Jeffrey: Oh, don't play dumb. Injecting yourself with potassium chloride to see if you could get a glimpse of the hereafter? Your friends said you were the champ. They'd keep the paddles handy just to jump start you. Myself, I think it sounds kinda sick. Rick: So what's your point, Starr? Jeffrey: Mm -- I just connect the dots, like I said. I'm sure that cop, Munson, would love to get his hands on these interviews, or maybe that medical investigator. What was his name, again? Daniels -- that's it. Rick: I was attacked and almost killed in that hospital. Jeffrey: You were playing "flatline," Decker. Just like the old days. This puts you on top of the suspect list. And this time they're gonna nail you for murder one. That's game, set and match, Dr. Decker -- or should I say, "Dr. Death." [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: Simon can't come back home, so I have to go to him and find a new home. Mike: Where? [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: Rick's not here yet? Susan: He was. But he's picking up a surprise for the wedding. And if I know Rick, it's going to be something sweet and wonderful. [SCENE_BREAK] Jeffrey: Sorry to keep you waiting, doc. [SCENE_BREAK] Susan: I can't believe this is all still happening. [Susan chuckles] Hal: Any second thoughts? Susan: Not a one. Hal: He's good to you? Susan: Oh, he's wonderful to me. Hal: You fight fair? Susan: We've never really had a fight. Hal: Now how do you manage that? Alison: They don't fight because mom's a total pushover. Susan: I am not. Hal: The Stewart women are not known for giving in. Alison: A big talk -- where's Emily again? Hal: You would rat me out? [Susan laughs] Alison: Oh, yeah. Hal: Now look, all I was going to say is that your sister can be passionate when she sets her mind on something. Alison: Nice save. Hal: Thank you. Susan: Well, I don't like to argue. Alison: Well, then what's with you and me? Susan: That's different. Rules don't apply to mothers and teenage daughters. Hal: I can vouch for that. Alison: Well, I'm not gonna pick a fight with you right now because it's your wedding day, but you better get out of that robe, Mom. Susan: Oh! Oh, look at me! Rick's gonna be here any minute. Alison: Well, let's just go upstairs and get you all gorgeous. Susan: No, I'm fine. Help Hal. Hal: It's all covered. Susan: Well, mingle. And by the way, you look beautiful. Hal, the stereo? Hal: Oh, it's better than new. So, any requests? Alison: Uh, sure. Anything without a beat? Hal: Tell you what, why don't you arrange the CDs? I'll go give Emily a call and see if she's on her way. Alison: Tell her not to bring her dancing shoes. Chris: Hi, Chris Hughes, best man. Alison: Alison Stewart, bridesmaid. Chris: Well, you look beautiful, Alison Stewart. Alison: So do you. I'm really glad that you're here. I just heard the strangest thing and coming from here, that's saying a lot. Chris: How strange? Alison: What do you call a man and a woman who never fight? Chris: Strangers. [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: So what do you want, Starr? Jeffrey: Fame. A byline at the Times. But we settle for what we can get. Rick: I could sue you and your magazine. Jeffrey: Oh, that's always an option, but by the time we hit the courts, you wouldn't have a practice left. I'm cutting you a break, doc. No one even knows I'm onto you. I play it close to the vest until my final draft. I don't like nosy editors telling me how to write my stories. Rick: You have no real proof. Jeffrey: I don't need proof. I figure I can get a couple grand for this story, but I'm betting it's worth a whole lot more to you than any editor. Rick: It was a stupid med school prank. I mean, this could ruin my entire career. Jeffrey: Or we could come to some kind of agreement -- Rick: How much do you want? Jeffrey: How much earning potential does a geriatric specialist have these days? I'll go easy on you. Make it 50 grand, cash. Rick: When? Jeffrey: A half hour. Rick: A half an hour? I can't possibly raise $50,000 cash in a half hour. Jeffrey: Then I'll see you in print, doc. Rick: Wait, wait -- Jeffrey: Okay. Okay, you see right through me. It's true, I'm a hopeless romantic at heart, and today being your wedding day, I'll cut you a break. Make it 45 minutes. Rick: Where? Jeffrey: Do you know that Old mill the outside of town? I drove by it yesterday. It's remote. Out of the way. Rick: I know it. I'll be there. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: You two look no worse for wear. Lucy: Oh, Aaron's a natural in the outdoors. Rosanna: And that's more than we can say for some people, right? Are you hungry? Aaron: Starving. Lucy: We drove straight through. Daddy, don't scratch. Rosanna: Did you have fun? Aaron: Yeah, a blast. Lucy: It was really -- uh, beautiful. Daddy, don't you think you should see a doctor? Craig: Oh, don't worry about me. This'll all clear up in about 20 years. Aaron: You know, Emma always tells us to take a -- Craig: Oatmeal bath? Yes, I heard. Rosanna: Listen, why don't you guys go into the kitchen? There's some chicken left from last night. Lucy: Thanks. Craig: Why don't we give them the keys to the wine cellar while we're at it? Rosanna: Don't be silly. That would be illegal. Craig: A lot of things ought to be illegal. I should have spiked his canteen with saltpeter when I had the chance. She's changed, Rosanna. Rosanna: Who, Lucy? Craig: No, Phyllis, the maid. Yes, Lucy. Being with him, intimately. It's changed her. Rosanna: Oh, stop. Craig: I've lost my little girl. Rosanna: You haven't lost anything. Lucy loves you. Craig: Says she loves Aaron. Rosanna: In a different way, and that's the way it's supposed to be. Craig: When she's 40. Rosanna: Oh, you expect her to wait to have sex until she's 40? Craig: Yes, I do. Rosanna: Oh, then you're being ridiculous. Craig: Well, I don't think so. Being little Fabio's love thing is not exactly the career choice I had in mind for my -- Rosanna: She's still in high school! Craig: Yeah. Makes a father proud. Huh? [Rosanna laughs] what? You think my daughter leaving me is funny? Rosanna: If she's leaving you, she hasn't gone very far. She's in the kitchen eating cold chicken. Craig: Yes, well, now. Yes, but what about her future? I mean, we had all these plans for college and life and -- Rosanna: Why don't you talk to her then? Craig: She's gonna ask what's his name for his opinion. And he doesn't know anything about colleges. Rosanna: And do you know anything about camping? Craig: He is the scholastic equivalent of poison ivy. Rosanna: Oh, here is a radical idea. Why don't you sit her down and say, "sweetheart, I thought that perhaps I would like to talk to you about going to college." Craig: She'll run out of the room. Lucy: Daddy, did you want a sandwich? Craig: Oh, no, thank you, sweetness. Lucy: Aaron's calling Holden and telling him we're back. Craig: Ah. Sweetness, I know you're just back, but -- I wanted to talk to you about your future and whatever plans you've made regarding college. Lucy: Oh, you're absolutely right, dad. I mean, I've got a lot of course work to make up before next year, but technically, I'll be a senior and a lot of the other kids have visited schools already. I really wanted your advice on how to get started. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: I haven't seen his handwriting in so long. Margo: Oh, Katie -- Katie: Did you read this? Margo: Yes, I did. Yes. Katie: And? Margo: Honey, there is nothing in that letter that changes anything. Katie: How can you say that? Simon said the most hateful things to me before he left. And I didn't believe him, but if this letter can just help me understand why he just took off -- Margo: But it won't. He loves you. Let's just leave it at that. Katie: I can't "just leave it at that." That's like pretending Simon never existed. [Katie sighs] oh, I've got to read it. Mike: You okay? Katie: Read it out loud. Margo: Katie, please -- Katie: I just need to hear someone's voice read the words to make them real. Please, Margo. Mike: Katie, sit down. Katie: Mike, read it, please. Mike: It's not right. Katie: Just please. For me? Mike: "My darling Katie, as you read this letter I am far away, but my heart is with you now and forever. Not even the sun burns brighter than my love for you. I'm sorry for the awful things I've said. I'm sorry for trying to deceive you, but it was the only way to save your life. Don't try and find me. You'll want to. I know how you are. But please, you mustn't, my love. There are no answers, no reasons for why this has happened to us. There will never be a happy ending in our beautiful cottage because I am a marked man. By the time --" Katie: What? Mike: "By the time you read this, I will be dead. But not even death can destroy our love. Please forgive me. All my love, Simon." [Katie crying] [SCENE_BREAK] Aaron: What's going on? Rosanna: We're discussing colleges. Craig: And Oakdale Latin sent the summer reading list a couple of weeks ago. Aaron: I told you. Craig: Do you have a problem with reading, Aaron? Aaron: Not since first grade. Lucy: Well, there's so much to think about. I don't even know where to get started. Rosanna: Sweetheart, we want you to enjoy your senior year. Don't we, darling? Craig: Oh, yeah. Of course, we do. So -- good. Seems like we're all on the same page as far as college is concerned. Hmm? Rosanna: Yes, and I know a lot of people on admissions boards. Aaron: Oh, you're practically in. Lucy: I love you guys so much. Thank you. [Lucy laughs] yeah, I promise you, as soon as you're better, the biggest hug you've ever had. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: What are you doing with it? Jack, I want to keep it. Margo: No, honey, we need it. Katie: Why? Henry, it's mine. Henry: I'm sorry, they beat me to the punch. Jack: We just have to hold onto it. As soon as we can, we'll give it back. Katie: Why not now? Henry: Uh, this is where I exit. See you at home, buttercup. Mike: Jack, what's going on? Katie: Simon's not dead. It's not like you have to investigate anything. Margo: Well, it sounded like Simon knew his fate. Katie: No, he was just lying so I don't follow him. Simon's not dead. Everything in that letter, I believe the opposite, except for the fact that he loves me. I know that's true. Margo: Well, there's more. Jack: No, let's wait. Katie: What? No! If it has something do with Simon, I want to know. Margo: Um, do you remember Simon's friend, the Australian who came to Oakdale just before Simon left? Katie: Yeah, Bartleby. Margo: Bartleby Shears. Well, it seems like he had a huge rap sheet. Interpol faxed us a list of priors. Jack: He came to Oakdale to ask Simon to run a con with him. Margo: And if he didn't, Shears was going after you. Katie: So we find Shears. We arrest him. He's gotta know where Simon is or something about him. Margo: Shears is dead. Jack: We think Simon killed him -- Margo: In self-defense. Jack: And then he left town. Katie: Simon killed Bartleby? That is the best news I've heard in months! This is incredible. Do you know what this means? It all makes sense now. Yeah, you take that evidence and you lock it away safe and sound because you know what? It proves that Simon loves me. It proves that the only reason he left me was because he wanted to keep me safe. And now he's somewhere alone. Jack: With a bunch of Shears' men on his trail, if they haven't found him already. Katie: No, Simon is not dead. And I know what I have to do now. I have to find my husband and spend the rest of my life proving how much I love him. [SCENE_BREAK] A kiss to build a dream on Alison: Okay, so it's not the worst music I've ever heard. But you still owe me. Chris: Avril Lavigne? Alison: Skinny dipping. As soon as we get this circus over with, the sooner that we can sneak off to the pond. Did you talk to the groom? Chris: Not since he left the hospital. Alison: He should have been here by now. Chris: At least we have the place all to ourselves. I'll be with you. Hal: Hey, Chris. This is for you. Chris: Thanks. Will you do the honors? Hal: Nice music. Alison: Figures. Hal: Oh, you know, there's a whole bunch of flowers in the kitchen that needs arranging. Alison: You're kidding? More flowers? Hal: Would you mind? It's not exactly up my alley. Alison: Yeah, like I can tell a Rose from a Lily. Come on, Chris, give me a hand. Rick: Hal, glad you're here. Hal: Hey, pal. You just made it under the wire. Rick: I need your help. Can you stall Susan for a while? I need to take care of something and I don't want her to get wind of it. Hal: Why not? Rick: Well, it's a surprise for the wedding. She'll start asking questions and I don't want to be late for the ceremony. If I leave now, it won't take long. Susan: What won't take long? Rick: Wow. You look beautiful. Susan: Thank you. So do you. What's this? Rick: See what I mean? I'll explain to you later. I promise. Susan: Rick, your hands are freezing. Are you all right? Rick: I'm fine. I was just telling Hal I have to take care of something. Susan: With this key? Rick: Yes, with this key. It's to a safety deposit box. Something that I've been keeping safe for just the right moment. And darling, this is definitely the moment. Hal: Come on, Susan. Give the guy a break. Let him go. Rick: I'll be back as soon as I can. Susan: Okay. Rick: I won't be long. I promise. Susan: Wait -- before you go. Don't forget your boutonniere. This is to remind you why you have to hurry home. Rick: Be right back. Susan: Okay. To build a dream on [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Now, Rosanna's gonna be handling the smaller liberal arts colleges. I will be covering the Ivy League. Rosanna: Well, perhaps I should do the Ivy League since I'm immune. Craig: Okay, everybody's a comedian. Rosanna: All right now, let's just put the catalogs aside for the moment. By the appearance of your visage, I can see that it's time to cover you with some more of this ointment, darling. Craig: No, no, no -- just take me outside and shoot me. Rosanna: Oh, no. I would never do that. Let me just get you all covered and then I have to get back to work. Craig: Oh, love, you spoil me. Rosanna: Yes, I do. And mommy is gonna itch you all over. [SCENE_BREAK] [Laughter] Aaron: You okay? Lucy: I was a little nervous. Aaron: It didn't show. Lucy: He was too, though. I could tell. He knows, Aaron. He knows about us being together. Aaron: Yeah, sure he does. Lucy: But it wasn't too weird. You know what? I think we'll be okay. Aaron: Luce, your dad loves you. Very much. And I think he's really starting to get it now. I mean, he can't keep you his little girl forever. Lucy: The last few days have been so perfect. I love you, Aaron. Aaron: I love you, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: Okay, we gotta start thinking like Simon. Mike: Slow down. Katie: I can't slow down. Simon needs me. Mike: If Simon needed your help right now, he wouldn't have had Henry hold onto that letter for months. Margo: Yeah, you're putting him in more danger by trying to track him down. Mike: Exactly. Katie: Or I could divert those apes my way. Mike: No, that's not an option. Margo: No, Mike's right. No. Katie: You guys are talking like I have a choice here. I don't. Simon can't come back home, so I have to go to him and find a new home. Mike: Where? Katie: I don't know! The outback, the jungle, up a tree -- it doesn't matter. Margo: It does matter, Katie! You're in no shape to make a decision right now. Jack: I just heard back from Interpol. They have a tip. Mike: About Simon? Jack: Yeah. They think they -- think they picked up Simon's trail. Katie: Yes! [SCENE_BREAK] Susan: No, you're right on time, Judge Chaney. Judge Chaney: Traffic was miserable across town. Hal: Oh, that would be the off-ramp construction. Susan: We're just waiting for my daughter. Hal: Oh, Emily called. She's on her way. Susan: And the groom should be here any minute. He had to run an errand. Alison: Rick's not here yet? Susan: He was, but he's picking up a surprise for the wedding. And if I know, Rick, it's gonna be something sweet and wonderful. [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: One more loose end, and then it's over. Jeffrey: Sorry to keep you waiting, doc. Is that the cash? Rick: Want to count it? Jeffrey: No need. I know where to find you if there's a problem. Ready to hand it over? Rick: I'm definitely ready. [SCENE_BREAK] [Rosanna gasps] Rosanna: What are you doing here? Paul: Well, you're not the realtor, are you? [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: I can't believe you're still pursuing this. Marshall is not that child's father. Bonnie: He could be, Mom. We just don't know yet. [SCENE_BREAK] Jeffrey: You're not God. You're nothing but a sick, demented psychopath! Rick: Shut up. | Lucy surprises dear old dad and said she wanted to get advice from him about it |
447 | Zoe: Is it possible to dream for something and to dread it at the same time? Bianca: Joe Martin says that Dr. Massey's very good. Zoe: Thank you -- for coming with me. Bianca: Starting transition is a huge step. If there is anything I can do to help -- [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Any better this morning? Zach: Sorry I came in late. I didn't want to wake you up. Kendall: Were you at the cemetery? Zach: I'm here now. Kendall: You know, I do have a little experience in fathers/monsters. Zach: What's your plan for the day? Kendall: There's life past this. I'll help you find it. I promise. Zach: Yeah? Kendall: Yeah. Myrtle: Do I get to say "I told you so"? [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: I'll have the task force report to you before the night is over, all complete with all the statements. Very good. Jack: Hello, Erica. Erica: You told me that Kendall would come home safe. Thank you. Thank you for helping to save her. Jack: She's my daughter, too. Erica: Now, what about this mess you created with Josh? [SCENE_BREAK] Josh: Good morning. Breakfast has arrived. How'd you sleep? Babe: How do you think? Josh: Good point. Why don't we take a quick blood pressure check? Babe: How can you be so calm about this? Don't you want to ask what I've decided? Do I stay and fight J.R., or am I going to run with Little Adam and you? [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: Little Adam isn't very good at keeping secrets. Krystal: Excuse me? J.R.: He saw his mother last night. Why don't you take me to see his mother, too? Krystal: Little Adam didn't see anybody last night, J.R. Not with me. I -- I don't know where he got that idea. J.R.: Where did you take my son after you told me I couldn't tell him about Babe? Krystal: I -- I know you couldn't tell him. Nobody wants to break his heart. J.R.: But Winifred saw you putting him in the car. You went somewhere with him. Krystal: I -- I wanted to spend some quality time with my grandson. J.R.: Well, where did you go? You know, on second thought, why don't you take me where you took my son last night? [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: No suggestions on where to go, how to leave? Josh: It's your life, your decision. Babe: Ok, you -- you didn't mind giving me your opinion yesterday. Josh: You make up your mind, let me know. Have some juice. Babe: All I can think about is holding my son. I -- I can't lose him. Josh: Then take him with you. We get out of here away from J.R. Babe: I will never be away from J.R. He'll do whatever he can to find us. And even if I stay and if I tell him that it's over -- really, truly over -- he'll do whatever he can to take Little Adam in the divorce. Josh: Like you said last night, you could lose your son completely. Babe: And Mama could lose the love of her life. There's no right way out of this. Either way, it could end in disaster, and Mama's secret will come out when it hits. [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: You think I took him to the cemetery? J.R.: Well, you sneaked him out somewhere. Krystal: You think I took my 3-year-old grandson on a late-night field trip? Never mind the dark, or -- or the big scary cemetery. "That's what your daddy's been trying to tell you, Little A. That's where your mommy is -- underground, and she's never coming home. " You really think I could do that? J.R.: No. You're right, Krystal. I'm sorry. But why would he say that he saw his mother? Krystal: He misses her, J.R. He's not the only one. J.R.: So he just makes up some secret visit? Krystal: You don't think he senses that there's something huge going on here? Yeah, he may be a toddler, but he's lived here long enough to -- to feel a change. I mean, the grief is as thick as fog. J.R.: I know. I know. I have done everything I can to make it feel like it's normal here, like nothing's going wrong. Krystal: I know. But when I went in to check on him last night, the poor thing was wide awake. I just -- I wanted to take him for a drive, that's all. J.R.: He loves car trips. Did he fall asleep? Are you sure he didn't say anything? Krystal: No. No, I don't know why he would say something like that, J.R. I mean, maybe he had a dream about his mama. J.R.: I'm sorry, Krystal. Krystal: It's ok. We're all a little bit high-strung lately. J.R.: I just need to figure out a way to tell him -- somehow. Krystal: Give it time. No, it's better to wait and do it right. J.R.: Yeah. I've got a meeting I have to get to. Krystal: Whew. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: The killer has been caught, but Babe is still lying. She's still pretending that she's dead. And she's doing it with help from you, because you helped to falsify those legal documents, Jack. What is going on? Jack: Honestly, Erica, I don't know. I've been kind of busy with the catching- the-killer part. Erica: Well, Josh is insisting -- Jack: Take a walk, please. Erica: Josh is insisting that I keep this insane secret. People deserve to know that she's alive. Jack: Look, if Babe wants to take a little time to decide what to do with her life, and her death, I'm not going to get in the way, or Josh's. Erica: Because he's my son, and not yours? Jack: No, because when did our meddling ever help anybody, Erica? Erica: Meddling? You really think I'm meddling, because I don't want to see my son throw his life away? I don't want to see him lose his -- his license to practice medicine. And you know there is no going back from that. And I don't want to see him lose his heart to a -- a woman who's married and makes no move at all to get unmarried. Jack: We made a promise to each other. You remember it? We weren't going to interfere in our children's lives. Erica: You don't see that this -- this is critical? Jack: It was part of the foundation of our marriage. Erica: You sure played by different rules when it was your daughter Lily involved with Jonathan. Jack: Yes, I did, and I see now that that was probably a mistake. And ever since that day, I've been trying to do everything I can to uphold this promise. I have been honoring the terms of our marriage. How about you? Erica: I came here to ask you to help me with Josh. And you decide to hurt him, instead, as some sort of payback to Jeff and me? Wow, that is some bonus. Jack: No, Erica, I reserve my payback for things that actually make sense for me to be passionate about. Like putting psychotic killers behind bars. Erica: Nut cases make you feel passionate these days? That makes a lot of sense to me. Do give Barbara my regards. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: You kids have fun. Behave yourselves. I will see you. Zach: Bye. Kendall: I'll miss you. Bye. Huh. Myrtle: You know, I should have bet on you two. I'd have won a fortune. Zach: And I would have paid you half of it. Myrtle: You saved her life. Oh, God, it must have been hell. [SCENE_BREAK] Bianca: You don't have to do this today. Zoe: I do. It's time. Bianca: But if you're not ready, we can reschedule. You can come back tomorrow. Zoe: Oh, well, then tomorrow turns into the day after, and then that turns into a week and then a month. And all the while, I'm losing precious time being me, feeling what I know I should feel. I wanted this my whole life, even before I realized it. Bianca: I just want you to be sure. Zoe: I'm sure. Doesn't make it any less frightening. Bianca: What scares you the most? Zoe: Oh, I could say physical this or internal that, or -- but truly, I'm afraid I'll go through all of this and still be lost. That I'll be in some hormonal limbo and -- and know even less about myself. And I won't have any groupies or leather pants or auras or anything to hide behind. Bianca: Nobody's got a stopwatch on you. You can set your own pace. Zoe: Oh. What I need is a pit stop. Bianca: Well, then we raise the caution flag. Zoe: I don't even fully know Zoe. Bianca: I know, but you will. And for now, just listen. Just listen to what the doctor has to say. I brought a tape recorder. I'm going to record it, and then we can remember everything. Zoe: No doubt about it. You are perfect. Bianca: And then, you can take all the time in the world that you need to figure out what comes next. [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: J.R. still has control of my life, even when I'm finally sure that I want out of it. Josh: Well, you know where I stand. If it were up to me, we'd be on the next plane out of here. But it's all on you. Babe: Yeah, and time -- time is running out. Josh: Listen, if you want to stay and fight J.R. in court, I'll help you win, no matter what. You want to stay dead, I will make sure no one ever finds -- [Kendall walks in and greets Babe with a smile and a warm hug.] [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: I didn't expect to see you two here. Bianca: Don't, J.R. If you're about to make some kind of an ugly comment, just keep it to yourself. J.R.: I'm sorry. Zoe: I'm confused. Was that directed towards me? J.R.: I'm sorry for the way that I treated you. It was ignorant and cruel, and you didn't deserve it. And just because I don't understand her doesn't give me the right to treat her less than human. Erica: Bianca, I -- listen, could I have a moment? I really need to speak with you. Nurse: The doctor's ready for you now. Zoe: You can stay out here. Bianca: Oh, no, no. No, of course not. Mom, I'm sorry. I don't have time right now. Later, ok? Love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Josh: Thank God you're safe. Kendall: I am glad to be home. Babe: We heard -- about what happened in Vegas. Kendall: Can that just stay in Vegas? Babe: How are you really holding up? Kendall: I'm numb. Relieved. Relieved it's over. Babe: Well, he can't hurt us again. We both beat him. Kendall: In my head I know that. Babe: It just doesn't stop the pit in your stomach. Josh: You're both safe. That's all that matters. Babe: And how about Zach? How's he? Kendall: He's dealing. Sometimes good, sometimes not so much. Babe: Just give him some time. Kendall: Yeah. I wish it were that simple. Now I know why never heard about you rising from the dead. Josh: She's taking some time, too. Kendall: You don't really think you can keep this a secret, do you? Babe: Maybe just long enough to give me some time to disappear with my son. Kendall: With my brother along for the ride? Josh: That's up to Babe. Kendall: Do you guys know what you're doing? Josh: We'll be ok. Kendall: Right. Ok, that's what you thought last time, too. Babe: Nothing is decided. I know -- I know how risky this can be, and I know what J.R. can do, but stay or go -- either way, I am done with him. Kendall: Well, if you decide to bail, I won't tell anyone. Babe: Thank you. Kendall: I don't want to see you guys leave, but whatever you do, do it quickly. Babe: We will. Kendall: I'm glad that you made it. Babe: You, too. And how about Dani ? Have you heard from her? Josh: I -- I talked to her. She's doing much better. Kendall: Yeah, well, Hawaii will do that for you. [Babe chuckles] Josh: Yeah. She's staying to go to school there. Babe: I can't blame her for not wanting to come back. Kendall: At least she survived. Babe: So did we. Kendall: I can't say that for everyone. Oh -- Babe: Kendall? Josh: Are you all right? [SCENE_BREAK] Myrtle: Zach, you are not your father. Nothing you have done in this lifetime has created that monster. And there are ways -- there are ways that you can get rid of him. Look, just love and -- and forgive yourself. Be happy. You and your wife -- you can have a family, and friends. You can have a wonderful life. Zach -- Zach, darling, you deserve a wonderful life. Zach: I don't deserve you. Myrtle: Well, now, that's different. But -- well, you're very easy on the eyes. So I just pass it up. Zach: Hmm. I'll let my wife know. Myrtle: No one expects you to pay for that man's sins. Not even the women who died would ask that from you. Zach: Drink your coffee. Myrtle: Yeah. Zach: Then I'll take you home. [SCENE_BREAK] Bianca: Do you mind if I record this? Dr. Massey: Oh, no, no, go ahead. Bianca: Thank you. Dr. Massey: So, you're here to begin hormone administration? Zoe: Yes. Dr. Massey: Yes. Well, my first job as an endocrinologist is to make sure you understand all the benefits and risks involved in this treatment. Bianca: There -- there are risks? Dr. Massey: Oh, quite a few. Zoe: Oh, I've seen all the research. I'm an -- I'm an Internet MD by now. Dr. Massey: From a reputable medical source? Zoe: Oh, you name it, I've seen it. Too many sleepless nights. Dr. Massey: Hmm. Why don't you tell me what you've learned? Zoe: Some of the results from the hormones can be seen and felt fairly quickly. Bianca: How quickly is fairly? Dr. Massey: Oh, a couple of months. I mean, in as little as six, some of the changes are irreversible. Zoe: Things like skin softening and breasts and fat redistribution -- they take place over a gradual period of time. Bianca: Fat redistribution? Dr. Massey: Mm-hmm. It's part of what gives women their shape versus the traditional triangle of a man. Now, you never had any estrogen prior to this, right? According to your chart -- Zoe: No, no. Major chicken. Dr. Massey: Smart. Hormone therapy is highly customized to your blood type and your body type. If you had taken estrogen from the street, you could have incurred potentially fatal side effects. Bianca: But that's just street drugs, right? I mean, what you prescribe will be completely safe? Dr. Massey: Hormones are the commands of the body. They tell us to breathe, to eat, to sleep. Bianca: Yeah, but I didn't realize that -- Zoe: Uh-uh. What else do I need to know, Doctor? Dr. Massey: Of course, we'll know more after some blood work. Bianca: Ok, but -- I'm sorry, can you just tell me more about these risks? Dr. Massey: There's also the possibility of circulatory or organ problems. Plus high blood pressure, liver damage, tumors, and blood clots. Bianca: How big are the chances of these side effects? Dr. Massey: Well, some are more common than others. I mean, blood clots are less common, but can lead to aneurysms, DVT -- deep vein thrombosis -- and pulmonary embolisms. Bianca: But an embolism can be -- Dr. Massey: Fatal, yes. Zoe: Oh -- this is the part where you try to scare me, right? Dr. Massey: This is the part where I lay out all the potential dangers. You can't make an informed decision about this process if you don't have all the facts. Nurse: Doctor, that call you're expecting -- it's on line four. Dr. Massey: Excuse me. Try to think if you have some questions for me. Bianca: You don't have to do this. You don't have to do any of it. You are who you are. Anybody can see that. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: I'm J.R. I'm an alcoholic. All: Hello, J.R. [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: Amanda? Honey, are you ok? Come on in. Amanda: I'm -- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come. Krystal: No, no, no, it's ok. How can I help you? Amanda: I just needed to talk to somebody. Somebody who misses Babe. Krystal: Sure. Come on in. It is -- it's hard to deal with. I know. Amanda: But I shouldn't have to. Babe should be here. And I can't get her out of my head. I -- I can't sleep. I keep having these dreams. And Babe's laughing, and she's giving me advice on the club, and I'm giving her advice about J.R. Not that she'd listen. Krystal: She always did what she felt was best. Amanda: Yeah. [Amanda sighs] Amanda: So what do I do? I keep waiting for Babe to bust through ConFusion's doors with the next drink idea. And all I can do is put flowers on her grave. What do we do? [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: I just lost my wife. That's where the bottom is. I've wanted so bad to pick up a drink and just kill the pain and the guilt and the anger, and just chug away my feelings in a bottle of Scotch. But instead of drinking, I've just been pissed off at everyone. I wouldn't take responsibility for my own actions. I mean, I'd say that I would, but every time there was a crack, I'd just slide right on through. And I became so suspicious of the people that I was supposed to trust in my life. I mean, the woman that I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with -- her faith, her trust -- I'd spit on them. She'd make mistakes, and I wouldn't forgive. Look, I'm not saying that I want to be some sort of prince, but if I can't learn to deal with my problems, I'm never going to be sober. You know, I've been reading this book a lot lately. Especially step eight. Write down all the names of everyone you've hurt. It's a big list. What if the person that you need to make amends to the most isn't there anymore? How do you -- how do you make amends if she's dead? [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: I'm fine. I'm fine, ok? I -- I stood up too fast, that's all. If you recall, I had a couple of rough days. Josh: All right, you need to get checked out. Did you eat anything today? Kendall: No, I left without breakfast. Josh: All right, stay right here. I'll be right back. Kendall: Ok. [Kendall sighs] Kendall: What? Babe: Hmm. Could be something else, you know. Is it possible? Count back. Kendall: Well, I -- I can count. Babe: It is, isn't it? Kendall: I'm just, I -- you know what? I'm exhausted. Babe: Mm-hmm. Kendall: I'm exhausted, that's all. Babe: Yeah -- and that goes away in a few months. Kendall: You're funny. You're very funny. Now, you have a major decision to make. Babe: Oh. Kendall: So, what are you going to do? Babe: I don't know. Kendall: Well, decide, fast. Babe: Thank you for caring. Kendall: I'd actually miss you at Fusion if you decide to go. Babe: I'd actually miss you, too. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: I don't know if you can make amends through prayer if someone's dead, but I'm willing to try. Heck, I'm willing to try anything at this point, because how will I ever know if what I've done is enough? Man: Please stand. All: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Man: Thank you. Erica: Was that for real? J.R.: What? Yeah, of course. Erica: All you want is a chance to make amends to Babe? J.R.: God, yes. Erica: And what about my son? Do you blame Josh for this? J.R.: I'm trying not to blame anybody. I thought that's what these meetings were about. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: I really hope this is not the last time I see you. Babe: When I know, you'll know. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: Erica, anything that Babe did, I helped create. I pushed her to it and I forgive it. Instead of looking at myself for things that were wrong, I look at other people to blame. Erica: Like Josh? J.R.: Yeah, numero uno. And don't get me wrong, I -- I don't like the guy. But I'm doing my damnedest not to make my problems about Josh. I got things I got to take care of. [SCENE_BREAK] Amanda: Thanks. Babe loved Fusion. And they had their fights, but she really loved the women there. Krystal: There's nothing easy about any of this. Amanda: Yeah. Krystal: Oh, come here. Thank you for loving Babe. Amanda: I did. And I'm sorry. Krystal: It's ok. It really helps to know how people felt about her. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Where do I sign this thing? Derek: Please read it thoroughly first. I want to make sure this statement is absolutely correct. And I'm sorry to have to make you go through all this again. Zach: Just anything to get it behind us. Derek: Well, the sooner the DA has this, the sooner we can start proceeding, so -- Zach: Don't worry about it. Alexander's voice: I cannot let Kendall go. If you're to learn your lesson, it has to cost you as much as it has cost me. [SCENE_BREAK] Zoe: This is right. You don't have to worry about me. Bianca: Oh, come on. How can you say that? You could get sick or die. There's a lot of people out there living their life as their true gender without any kind of medical transition -- no surgery, no hormones, no risks. Zoe: Yes, but that was right for them, not me. This is something I've been looking for, inside, my whole life. Imagine a piece of me abandoned and tarnished. Just a little bit of polish, and it could be reborn -- beautiful. Bianca: You don't need breasts to be beautiful. Zoe: And as Zarf, I know I spouted all that blah-blah about bodies being separate from souls, empty vessels, but that was because I was so uncomfortable in my own. I just want the chance to be happy in my own skin -- my new, soft skin. Bianca: Oh. Ok, well, if you want to go for it, then we go for it. Zoe: I've just been in darkness for so long. It's like someone has switched on the light and handed me a map. The day I met you, I said that you were pure light. And here is my cartographer. Dr. Massey: I apologize again for the interruption. Zoe: Oh, I appreciate all of the information, Dr. Massey. Dr. Massey: Do you have any questions for me? Zoe: I would like to begin hormone administration -- right now. Dr. Massey: I'm sorry, Zoe. I can't do that. Zoe: You don't want to treat me. Dr. Massey: Oh, not at all. But there's a protocol we have to follow. Harry Benjamin's standard of care. Zoe: "Care. " Bianca: I'm sure that it's for your protection. Zoe: They say that at banks, too. Dr. Massey: It's there to make sure that you and I agree on a course of action. Zoe: Oh -- I see. You have to have a letter from a shrink. Dr. Massey: Well, a psychiatric evaluation is part of the protocol. Zoe: I know I'm a woman. Dr. Massey: You are, Zoe. I believe you. But this is part of the educational process I told you about. You and I and, if you decide to, your surgeon must all agree what's right for you. Bianca: It's just a little bit longer. You've waited this long. Zoe: Ok. We'll do it your way. Dr. Massey: In the meantime, there are some transgender folk I want you to talk to, hear their experiences, get their thoughts. There's a group meeting in just a little bit. Are you up for it? Zoe: Here? In Pine Valley? Dr. Massey: Not all transgender people are in the cities. Some are right here in this very hospital. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Oh. Hey. Oh, my goodness -- what is that I see? Are you wearing your breakfast? Is that what you doing -- you're saving it for later there? Rachael: Oh, I'm sorry I missed it. Kendall: No, that's ok, no worries. I got it. Rachael: Can I take an hour or so? I have a couple of errands. Kendall: Yeah, yeah, go for it. Take all the time you need. The big man and I -- we have some very important business. [Spike whimpers] Kendall: Don't we? I know -- we do. [After the nanny leaves, Kendall pulls out a pregnancy test] Kendall: Here goes nothing. What do you think, Spikey? Mama's got a magic wand. [SCENE_BREAK] Zoe: This seemed like a good idea at the time. Bianca: It -- It is. Zoe: Ooh. Bianca: Oh. Zoe: No. [Zoe chuckles] [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Almost ready. Hmm. So what do you think? You think Mama's wand will have some magic in it, huh? Oh, who am I kidding? You'd chew on this thing if I'd let you. Ok, baby doll. You think you'd like to have a little brother or a little sister? [Kendall stares at the pregnancy test stick] [SCENE_BREAK] [At the police station, Zach faces his father in an orange prison jumpsuit] [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: Can I be your son? [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: How do I know what's best? Josh: Is there anything I can say to help? Babe: Don't think so. Oh. Josh: Found this downstairs. Babe: Oh, my -- Josh: Maybe this will help. Babe: Gosh, I haven't seen one of these since I was a kid. Josh: Go ahead, ask it something. Babe: Should I run? "Reply hazy, try again." That's not so good. I don't even want to run. If I stay, will I keep my son? "Outlook not so good." Josh: Ok, that wasn't such a good idea. Babe: Well, I know what it'll say if I ask it if I stay, what will J.R. do? He'll tell Mama's secret and her life will be ruined. Josh: Hey, stop thinking about your mom. I know you love her, but you have to start thinking about your son. [Erica sneaks up to Babe's door to eavesdrop] Josh: We'll disappear quickly. I'll make sure it works this time. Babe: How can you guarantee that? Josh: They may find out you're still alive, but it won't matter. We'll be long gone by then. No one will ever find us again. [NEXT_ON] Zach (to Kendall): You're all smiley. What's going on? Kendall: Have a cigar. Babe (to Krystal): The only way that I will ever be free of J.R. is to disappear. This is good-bye. | Kendall wonders what she is thinking |
448 | Maggie: Good morning. Brady: Maggie, hi. I'm running late for work. Maggie: How are the meetings going? Brady: Meetings... you mean the, uh, N.A. Meetings, right? Maggie: You're still going, aren't you, Brady? Kate: Yes, I understand. I do. I just... well, I'm disappointed. I know. I agree. Better not to risk coming to Salem when there's a warrant here for your arrest. Same here. Okay, well, if there's anything that I can do for you, you just let me know. Ciao. Clyde: Hey, there, ms. Roberts. Kate: Mr. Weston. Well, welcome to Salem. Rafe: Listen, it means the world to me, though, that you want to tell me about your past. It's just, uh, it's gonna get crazy here soon. Jordan: No, I understand. W-we'll talk when you're off duty. Rafe: Okay, okay. And, also, I want you to know-- whatever it is that you tell me, it's not gonna change our future. I promise. Okay? Nicole: Miles, will you just listen to me? This is the lead of a lifetime. Well, you won't think it's hype when you hear it. No, no, not yet, but soon, very soon, okay? Just give me a-- ooh, I got to fly. My potential contact just walked through the door. [Clears throat] Eric: [Breathing heavily] Nicole: Good morning, Eric. Eric: I have nothing else to say to you. Nicole: Get over yourself, would you? This isn't about you. This is about Sami and your new jailbird of a brother-in-law, EJ DiMera. Sami: That judge was an idiot. I mean, how dare he not grant you bail? EJ: Samantha, my father planted passports and cash at the house. We have a private jet! Of course, he didn't grant me bail. Sami: Well, he still doesn't know who he's messing with. I mean, does he know that we were just married? EJ: I have an attorney working on it. Hopefully this will just be a blip. Sami: Have you heard from your father? EJ: No. Sami: [Scoffs] Unbelievable. I mean, the whole thing is a travesty-- that you're not gonna be able to represent yourself at this big board meeting. And, yeah, the all-powerful Stefano DiMera--he could have gotten a message to you if he wanted to. And I heard it... loud and clear. I have a message for him. At the meeting. Brady: I went to one meeting... I kept an open mind, believe me. Maggie: Right, head you're used to that. Theresa: Hey, Brady, get a load of this. I found this in that powder room off the, uh--the library. [Laughs] Theresa: Adorable figurines. Hello, Maggie. some things before I went to work. Maggie: Right. So, what, did, uh, you need someone to keep you company? Kate: Mr. Weston, I almost didn't recognize you. You clean up quite well. Clyde: Well, I figured I needed to look presentable. It's not every day a man gets to reunite with his long-lost kids. I appreciate you meeting me like this. Kate: Oh, it's--it's my pleasure, really. I was happy to facilitate this to be absolutely thrilled to see their father again. Clyde: Not as thrilled as I'll be to see them. Eric: I heard EJ was arrested. Nicole: Of course you have. You're family. But no one's gotten the exclusive on the story yet. And since I'm an ace reporter, I'm gonna get it first, which is why I'm here waiting for you. Eric: For me. Nicole: Mm-hmm. You're Sami's twin brother. I know you've spoken to her. I know you know what's going on, so... tell me. Eric: What makes you think I'd tell you anything? EJ: Did you bring the paperwork I asked? Sami: Yeah, of course. So what's the plan? I mean, I know what the proxies are for, but power-of-attorney documents? EJ: Right-- Sami: Are you gonna give someone the right to vote for you at the-- EJ: Yeah, that is exactly what I'm going to do. Sami: Who? Mr. Rice. EJ: [Laughs] No. Sami: Valdez. EJ: No. Sami: Well, it better not be Charlie merkel, 'cause I'm telling you, I don't trust that guy, I never-- EJ: No, Samantha. No, I don't either. Sami: Then who can you trust? Justin? EJ: A Kiriakis? Samantha, I would never send a Kiriakis into a DiMera board meeting. Sami: Okay... EJ: No, there's only one person who I trust completely to represent me, one person. One person who I know the board will listen to, and that's you, my wife. Sami: Me? Really? EJ: Yes, you, really. People are stuck in very old habits Brady: I brought Theresa with me 'cause I thought we could get breakfast before I went to the office. Maggie: You said you were late for work. Brady: Getting later by the minute. Maggie: Hmm. Theresa, do you mind giving me a moment alone with Brady? Theresa: Sure, no worries. I'll just put this little cowboy back up on his perch. Brady: Maggie-- Maggie: Okay, I know. I know, you're late, so I'll make it quick. So what happened at the meeting? What made you feel like it didn't fit with you? Brady: Okay... nothing in particular, all right? Maggie: Mm-hmm. Brady: It--it didn't... it didn't resonate with me... except for one part-- the part about removing bad influences out of your life. It was crystal clear to me that the guy at the top of that list is my father. Maggie: Ah. So john is the bad influence. How so? Brady: He--he--he-- um, for one--for one, I caught him at the pub... Maggie: Mm-hmm. Brady: And he was just--he was laying into Theresa. John: You know how I feel about your relationship with my son. And if you're not happy that he's finally getting some help, then I've been right about you. You're selfish, you're destructive, and I just thank God that it won't be long before Brady is sober enough to see you for who you are. [Door slams] Brady: Get away from her! Theresa: Way to go, Brady. Blame old john. Brady: He was telling her that I'd seen the light, that I'd been to a meeting, and basically rubbing her nose in it. Maggie: I'm the one who told your father where you were. Brady: I know. And, actually, I'm not upset with you at all about that, because, Maggie, it clarified everything for me. Maggie: I don't follow. Brady: [Sighs] My father freaked out on me like he always does. Maggie: Mm-hmm. Brady: But this time... I handled it. I mean, Maggie, I just-- I handled it. I didn't feel like I had to use. I didn't want to use. I haven't used since that meeting. I mean, I am--I am on it. I've identified the problem, and I've gotten control over it. Maggie: But you're still drinking. Theresa: Oh, no, here we go. Maggie: You don't have to confirm it, Brady. I know it. I can see it in your appearance and your demeanor. It's clear that you are hungover. Brady: Maggie, Maggie, get-- get off the drinking thing. It's not a problem for me-- Maggie: Damn it, Brady, it is a problem! Clyde: Let me tell you, Kate. There's nothing I want more than to be reunited with my family. But ever since you showed me those pictures of my kids, I have been trying to imagine what that reunion would look like. Kate: Well, I'm sure it's going to be a revelation for all of you. Clyde: [Laughs] It will be that, for sure. But all the same, I'm a little bit nervous. I got to admit, I don't know what I'm gonna say to little Ollie--I mean, Ben. Kate: Yeah. Clyde: After all, he's a grown man now, but... he weren't much more than a boy when she took him away. Kate: I can tell you, Mr. Weston, that I know firsthand how that must feel. Clyde: Well, it's been rough. That's a fact. But I assure you, Kate, what was made wrong all those years ago is about to be made right, thanks to you. [Cell phone ringing] Jordan: Oh. [Sighs] Rafe: Hey, you. Jordan: I'm sorry about that. Ugh. I wanted to let you sleep in. I should have turned my ringer off. Rafe: Ahh. When I came in last night, you were curled up with Arthur. Jordan: We watched jimmy Fallon. I tried to stay up for you. Rafe: It's okay, baby. It's okay. I bribed him out of the crook of your neck with a cat treat. Then I took his place. Jordan: I just loved waking up to you this morning. I'm so glad you're here. Rafe: Well... there's nowhere else I'd rather be. Jordan: Mm. Nicole: Why would I think you would tell me something so important? Because I think you're smart enough to know that your twin sister and her creepy husband need me on their side. Eric: Really? And why is that exactly? Nicole: Spin control. The first hours of a scandal are crucial. So come on, Eric. Eric: Forget it. Nicole: Talk to me, please. Eric: No, forget it. Nicole: [Sighs] I am trying to help your family. Eric: Yeah, and that's very noble of you, Nicole, but for starters, Sami's too upset to tell me what happened at her wedding. I don't know anything. Nicole: Oh, come on. Eric: I don't. And even if I did, you actually think I believe you'd take my sister and EJ's side in this? You don't like either one of them. Nicole: I could be on their side... Eric: [Laughing] Yeah, right. Nicole: If things were different. Eric: Different? How, with you and me? You never change, do you? Sami: So you really want me to vote your shares? EJ: Yes. Sami: Are you sure? EJ: Yes, absolutely. Look, Samantha, you've been following me closely. You know exactly how I run the company. Sami: Well, I mean, yes, but I don't know if your board is gonna take me seriously. EJ: They'd be fools not to. Look at what you did at countess Wilhelmina. Yeah. Kristen left that place in shambles. You didn't just pick up the pieces--you turned a profit. Sami: Thank you. I'm touched. Still, all of that is different from staring down your father at his own board meeting. EJ: Look, all you have to do is vote. That's it. Then the balance of power remains the same. That's all I need right now, okay? I'm not gonna let my father, at Kate's behest, shut us out. Sami: You know, you're right. Kate is definitely behind this. Maggie: Your drinking is a huge issue, Brady. You are too smart a guy not to know it. Every time you take a drink, you are opening yourself up to temptations of cocaine or God knows what else. You're an addict, Brady! And addicts-- Brady: Will you stop with the labels, Maggie? My God. Maggie: Not if they fit. When you drink, do you tell yourself it's okay because it's not blow? Right? Oh, my, see... when you drink, you don't just have one or two. You binge... every time. And then the next morning you probably wake up with a splitting, debilitating headache, and you rack your brain to figure out or to try to put those pieces back together as to what happened the night before, but guess what. No luck. Brady, if you're anything like I was... [Scoffs] You can't remember where you parked the car the night before or if you even drove it, in the first place. You have zero memory for any of it. It's all a blank. Theresa: Sanctimonious witch. Maggie: [Scoffs] Do you remember phone calls that you make, texts you send? You run a company, Brady. How long do you think before it catches up with you in business, let alone in your personal life? Brady: Let me tell you-- none of this would be happening if it weren't for my father, Maggie, because you know what? He pushes my buttons. He's constantly on my case. Maggie: Oh, come on, give me a break, Brady! Don't blame someone else for your addictions! This has nothing to do with john! Brady: No, I told you! He is-- Theresa: Back the hell off, lady! Maggie: Oh! Excuse me! Theresa: Yeah, you heard me. You need to stop harassing Brady right now. Clyde: Well, as much as I enjoy chatting with you, Kate, I'm real eager to see my kids. So, if could point me in the right direction... Kate: Of course I could. Um, Ben, works at a club in town called the TBD. Uh, and Jordan is a physical therapist. She works at the university hospital. But I have to tell you, I think it's a little early for either one of them to be at work. Clyde: Actually, I was hoping you might know where they live. I'd hate to barge in on 'em at work. Kate: Well, sure. I mean, I could. I-I don't know where--where Ben lives, though, but, um... I believe I do have... Jordan's address. Clyde: That's fine. I can start with my daughter. Kate: Okay. Here we go. Clyde: Oh, and I was wondering--if I don't find her at home or if you should see either one of 'em before I do, would you mind not saying anything for now? Kate: [Chuckles] Well, of course not. I will not say a word until they have set eyes on you theirselves. Wouldn't want to spoil anything. Clyde: Thank you. Kate: And, um... I'm wondering if you could show me the same discretion. I think if Jordan and Ben knew that I was the one who tipped you off about your family, they might--they might take it the wrong way. Clyde: If that's what you want, you got my word. Kate: Good. Okay, then. Well, good luck to you. Clyde: Thank you, ma'am. Thank you for everything. Both: Mm. Rafe: I know you want to talk to me, and I really do want to hear what you have to say... but do you think you could hold off for a little while? Jordan: Yeah, sure. Is there something you need to do first? Rafe: Yes. Jordan: Mm. [Chuckles] Eric: You couldn't care less about Sami or EJ and the story. You just want to get in my face. And you'll use any excuse to do that--even this horrible situation between my sister and her new husband. Nicole: That is not fair. Look, I want to get to the truth about this for Sami and... [Sighs] Eric: [Scoffs] Nicole: Okay... maybe you're right. I did want to see you, and--and this just seemed like a good opportunity. I want to know if my testimony did anything to sway the bishop on your case. Did what I say or what Daniel said help at all? Eric: No, I haven't heard anything yet. Nicole: Eric, please. It-- is it so wrong to want to know if I helped make things right for you? Eric: No, but we both know that's not your real motive. Sami: It's certainly useful to have a notary at your beck and call. EJ: Don't forget to sign the proxy, as well as the power of attorney. Sami: No, I didn't. I got it all. Well, everything's in order. You shouldn't have any problems. Sami: Okay. [Sighs] EJ: Okay, so, listen, so the proxy--that gives you the right to vote my shares. The power of attorney gives you--thank you. Just doing my job. EJ: Gives you control of the company. Okay? Sami: EJ, I can do this, all right? I just wish we didn't have to. I wish this was not how we were spending our first days being married. We should be on a beach somewhere enjoying our honeymoon. EJ: Oh, we will be. Trust me. I'll either get this case in court, or I'll get it thrown out. One way or the other, we'll get our marriage back on track, okay? Sami: Listen to my husband, the eternal optimist. EJ: I do whatever is necessary to protect my family and our future. All right? I can't wait to see you and the kids again. Sami: They miss you. EJ: I know. I miss all of you. Now go on. Get out of here. Go and kick some ass in that boardroom. Sami: [Laughs] I will. I know I'll have you by my side. Trust me. I've got this covered. EJ: I have confidence in you. What happens when women use dove bar for 7 days with no mirrors? Theresa: You have no right to lay into Brady that way. You have no idea what his father's been saying or doing. And by the way, Mr. John black is the problem. Brady: Okay, okay, Theresa, just-- Theresa: "Okay" what, Brady? Look, she needs to hear this. You know, I've seen with my own eyes the way your dad treats you. Anytime john black is in his airspace, he picks a fight. I mean, with all that negativity swirling around you, who wouldn't go to a dark place to block out the pain? Maggie: Do you know what? I don't know where to start addressing how much is wrong with your defense of Brady. Theresa: [Laughs] Oh, God, please. Maggie: Theresa! Theresa: You know, no, we're just blowing off some steam. We're having a little fun. But then you and his father and everyone else in this town with an opinion just want to weigh in. And you know what? We're sick of it. Maggie: Oh, my God. You did listen in to a private conversation behind those closed doors! Brady: That's enough. Come on, all right, I'm done with this. I got to go to work. I don't have time for this. Maggie: Fine. I'm available to talk whenever you want. Theresa: Can you believe that woman? Brady: Listen to me. I'm sorry for the change in plans, but we have to rain- check breakfast, because there is something that I got to do. Eric: The only reason you want to know if your testimony helped is because you're looking for an inroad back into my life. The way you get there is always a little bit different, but you're working an angle. Nicole: No, not this time. Eric: Every time. But it's a lost cause. I mean, don't you get it? We can never be together, even as friends, because friends don't do what you did. There's nothing for you here... with me. There can't be. Kate: Just wait. Sami: Just get it off. Kate: All right! All right. Sami: God, all right, thank you. Everything else is under control? Kate: Yeah, yeah, I spoke to Stefano. He was turning around his jet after he was tipped off that a arrest warrant would be waiting for him in Salem. Sami: Who does he think is behind it? Kate: Well... Sami: Yes, right. Kate: He didn't really say, although I would put money on the fact that he probably thinks it's his very own Elvis-- maybe shin, cooking up a coup. [Laughs] Sami: The point is it worked. Kate: Flawlessly. Sami: So I have EJ's shares, and you have control of Stefano's. Maggie: Oh, my goodness. Oh, where is it? Eric: Oh, I'm so sorry. Maggie: Oh, oh! Oh, my goodness! Oh, oh! Eric: No worries, this-- Maggie: Eric, I'm sorry. [Laughs] Eric: I'm sorry. Is everything okay? Maggie: Uh, yeah, yeah. I suppose. I-I was walking, for quite a while, I guess. I-I don't know. I ended up here. I'm not sure how. Eric: Well, what do you say I get us a couple iced coffees and we can talk? Maggie: You're so nice. But I-I was--I was worried about someone--a sponsee. Someone who I had very high hopes for seems to be backsliding quite a bit. Eric: I'm sorry to hear that. Maggie: It's sad, yes. I'm afraid that that person is... is gonna end up like most addicts do... lost forever. Theresa: You sure you want to be alone right now, Brady? Brady: Like I said... Theresa: Well, I know. I know. It's important. Um, but, I mean, you could skip it, and we could just work, and we could grab a bite to eat and do what we planned, you know? And then we could go back to my place. Oh, come on, Brady-- Brady: I can't-- Theresa: Look, I took the morning off to be with you. Brady: Look, I know, I know, I know. I'm sorry, but there is something important that I have to deal with. Theresa: What's so important that you want to ditch a morning off with me, hmm? Brady: Theresa, it's--it's-- it's my problem, and I have to deal with it. Theresa: Hey, I get that. But, I mean-- Brady: Theresa, I need a little space right now, okay? Theresa: Sure. Yeah, got it. Brady: I'll--I'll call you a car to take you home. Theresa: No, don't. It's, um--it's a nice day. I'll walk. We'll, um--we'll talk later? Brady: Yeah. Theresa: Okay. Brady: [Breathes deeply] [Sighs] Okay. A few tweaks to Mr. Sun's proposal... and it'll be a perfect fit for someone else. [Cell phone ringing] John: John black. Brady: Dad, it's me. We need to talk. [Both sigh] Rafe: Okay. Okay. You can tell me whatever you want to tell me now... or over breakfast... Jordan: Mm. Rafe: Since I did have the floor first. [Cell phone ringing] Jordan: Ugh. Rafe: Is that--yeah. Jordan: Uh, I think it's yours. Rafe: No... Jordan: [Sighs] Work? Rafe: Yeah. Oh, brother. They need me--they need me to come down there and take care of something. But if you want to talk... Jordan: No, you know what? What I want to tell you isn't going away. It's not gonna change, and--and it really shouldn't be a rushed conversation, so... Rafe: Okay. After work, then? Jordan: Sure. Rafe: All right. Mm. I'm just gonna run and take a quick shower... Jordan: Okay. Rafe: If you'd let me. [Both laugh] Jordan: [Sighs] Kate: Oh, ye of little faith, I have time before the meeting. Sami: You don't have Stefano's shares. Kate: Yet. Sami: The meeting is today. Kate: I will get them before the meeting! Sami: And if you don't? Kate: Well, if I don't, then everything is status quo. Sami: That is not good enough, Kate. Kate: [Sighs] Sami: If you don't get those shares away from Stefano, then my cheating bastard of a husband has too much power at that company, along with his thug of a father... Kate: Okay. Sami: Whom you claim to despise, right? I have that right, don't I? Kate: Shh! Shh! [Whispering] Just keep your voice down, all right? Sami: [Whispering] Kate, you can't do this to me. You have to get Stefano's shares, or our plan is dead. And then where the hell does that leave us? Nicole: My, oh, my. Karma really is a bitch, isn't it? John: Kind of surprised to hear from you. Brady: I'm glad you came, dad. Listen, I wanted to see you because... I don't want to fight anymore, you know, and... [Sighs] I just want us to try to make a fresh start. John: I want the same thing, son. Brady: Good... because I have a proposal as to how we can make that happen. Maggie: I-I've said too much. Eric: Well, no names were mentioned, so... Maggie: No, but it--you know, it's not right... for me to discuss another person's problems, even if you don't know who they are. Eric: Yeah. Maggie: So, let's talk about something else. [Sighs] How are you? I heard what happened with Nicole. I'm so sorry. Eric: Thank you. It's--it's been rough, but, you know, I'm kind of focused on the future, wherever that may lead. Theresa: [Scoffs] Is that holier-than-thou bitch trash-talking me to my cousin now? Maggie: Aw. You take care. Eric: I will. You too. Maggie: Yeah. Theresa: Eric, hey. Eric: Hey, Theresa. Theresa: I just saw you talking to Maggie, and, um... anyway, it doesn't matter. Hey, grandma told me that you may become a priest again. Eric: There's no word yet. Theresa: Well, I think that's awesome... uh, for you, anyway. Eric: Yeah, thanks. Theresa: Hey, look, I'm--I'm really sorry that Nicole lied to you. But I did warn you about her. EJ: Who let you in here? Nicole: Are you kidding me? This is like a second home. I'm practically on a first-name basis with most of the guards here. EJ: Mm-hmm. So what do you want? Nicole: Well, it's funny. You walked out of my life when I went to prison for taking Sydney. And we--we made peace with each other, didn't we? I mean, you found it in your heart to forgive me, and I forgave you for the laundry list of things that you did to me. But forgiveness has an expiration date, doesn't it? EJ: So, what, you came here to gloat? Nicole: No. [Chuckles] Oddly enough, I came here to help you. Oh, what? EJ: [Laughs] Nicole: You're laughing? You don't--you don't want help, even though you're on the wrong side of those bars? EJ: You want to help me? Why? Nicole: Well, let's be real, EJ. Helping you helps me. Kate: Would you calm down? You just need to relax. Sami: No, no, Kate. I'm not calming down. Do you understand the plan? I mean, because it sounds like you don't understand-- Kate: I understand the plan perfectly, all right? But Stefano, unlike EJ, is not a caged bird with one option. He has irons in the fire all over town. But ultimately I believe he will choose me as his proxy. In fact, I'm certain of it. [Cell phone ringing] Sami: [Sighs] Kate: Stefano. Hello, my love. Yes, is everything okay? Stefano: Mm. Could you be free in a couple of hours? Kate: Of course I could. Does this by any chance have anything to do with that arrest warrant, you making the decision not to come back into Salem? Stefano: Actually, it does. I will need to sign over my shares to you, Katherine. Kate: Does that mean that you want me to go to the meeting, to place your votes by proxy? Stefano: Exactly. Kate: I... I was just so afraid that you were going to say this. I--of course, I would do anything that you wanted me to do, you know that. But I'm just so sad that you-- that you won't be there. Do you know that--you know, my darling, I was going to get on the plane and I was gonna surprise you. That's what I was gonna do, but, uh, I totally understand if you want me to stay here in--in Salem and take care of that proxy for you. Stefano: Brilliant. Now, here is what I need you to do. Kate: Okay. Yes, I understand. I'll get in touch with the attorneys right away. I'll sign the appropriate papers. No, I know exactly how that vote needs to go. Yes, my love. Yes, of course. And as soon as that board meeting is finished, I'm going to be on a plane, and I'm going to come to you, my love. Ciao. In your dreams. Are you feeling better? Sami: [Laughs] Yes. Oh, my God, this is working out perfectly. Oh, God, I'm so relieved. [Exhales sharply] Okay, okay. So I have to go get ready for the board meeting. And you have to go sign those papers, right? I mean, you have to go to a lawyer or something and get it all taken care of, so you go. And, then we'll meet... back... why are standing there? Why are you looking at me like that? Kate: Well, I'll be taking off in a moment. But first, there's just one little thing. [Both laugh] Rafe: Beautiful day, huh? Jordan: It is. Rafe: Oh, and you have my word that tonight we will set aside some time to talk, okay? Jordan: Okay. Brady: You know, in a way, it could be like it was in the old days, when we were rebuilding basic black after the pension fiasco? John: Are you saying that you want to work together again as well? Brady: Yes, I am. I think we should dive right in... with a deal between basic black and titan. We can test the waters, regain the trust, see how a small business relationship can, uh, function. Eric: Theresa, you don't even know Nicole. Theresa: True, but I know people like her... who lie and cheat and make promises and bargains and everything else. But, look, the bottom line is... people are who they are. They say they want to change, but they don't. They can't. They just... just take my word on this. EJ: Well, since everything you do is self-motivated, it would, of course, make sense that this is for your own personal gain. Nicole: Foreign concept to you, is it? EJ: So why don't you explain how helping you helps me? Nicole: Well, it's simple, really. I'm a reporter, and you, my ex, are news. And I would be privileged to tell your side of the story. EJ: I see. Nicole: I get an exclusive with you. I gain points with my boss and advance my career. And being unselfish for a moment--for you, you get a little bit of sympathy going your way instead of the rampant social-media hate against you, which is blowing up all over the internet right now. So you get the court of public opinion leaning in your favor, which could help you in a court of law, by the way. And I get a huge scoop that could be amazing for me and my career. So tell me... do you know who did this to you? Do you know who brought down the mighty EJ DiMera? EJ: Yeah... I know exactly who did this to me... and they're not gonna get away with it. Kate: [Clears throat] Sami: What one little thing, Kate? We don't have time for one little thing. We don't have time for one humongous thing. We don't have time for anything else, besides this. This is what we're doing right now, okay? All those other things that you have going on have to wait... Kate: [Sighs] Sami: Until you go the lawyer's, get your papers signed, and then you go to that meeting early. You have to win those board members over to our side-- stop smiling at me like that and tell me what is going on. Kate: You see, the situation is, we both know what you're getting out of this, but what am I getting out of it? Sami: Seriously? Seriously, you're doing this to me now? Kate: Don't you think it's fair that I benefit from our clever little plan as well, no? Sami: You are. You are gonna benefit. Of course you-- Kate: I'm going to do what I'm supposed to do. And then... you... are going to do this. Sami: I already promised you that I would-- Kate: You see, Sami, the problem is... I know you promised me, but the truth is... I don't trust you... not one little bit. | EJ wanted Sami to represent him at the board meeting |
449 | Heather: Wait till you see what I've got, boss. You're gonna love this. Here. Here it is -- this. Can you say "scoop"? [SCENE_BREAK] Delores: Forensics report you ordered. Anna: Oh, wow! Before my first cup of coffee. Delores: You said you needed it rushed. Anna: Yes, I did. No surprises here. Anthony Zacchara was killed by a bullet from the gun that you and detective Falconeri recovered. Delores: The one that Luke Spencer and Tracy Quartermaine had in their possession. Anna: Yeah. Delores: So, do you think one of them pulled the trigger? Anna: No, actually, I don't. [SCENE_BREAK] Johnny: Sit. Something you want to talk about? Starr: Like? Johnny: No offense, but you were kind of all over the place in rehearsal out there. Starr: I-I'm sorry. Johnny: No need to apologize. Look -- is something on your mind? Starr: Not something. Someone. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: [Breathing heavily] You've got a way leaving when you can, yeah [Music stops] [Soft music plays] Even though there's still the sound of you humming inside of me you know, I'm not too sure with you in my bloodstream changing every piece of me I'm wondering, what do I cure? And I fall silent like a deadly sin Elizabeth: Hey, Jason, it's me. Just wanted to see how you were doing this morning. You don't have to call me back. But if you want to, I'm -- I'm around. And about that kiss last night, please, don't worry. I meant everything I said. Okay, I'll talk to you later. Steve: Must have been quite a kiss. [SCENE_BREAK] [Door opens] Kristina: Hey. I thought you had already left for work. Wait a minute. Does that mean what I think it means? [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Lieutenant McBain. Not so honorable after all. [Laughter] [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: Again, I'm really sorry. Johnny: What did I tell you about saying that? Starr: No, I will be more professional moving forward. I promise. Johnny: Well, let's hope so. Or else this someone is gonna start paying for studio time. So? Who's the lucky guy? Starr: Who said anything about it being a guy? [Sighs] Okay, it's Michael. Johnny: Corinthos. Starr: Mm-hmm. Johnny: [Chuckles] That's weird. Starr: I thought you liked Michael. Johnny: No, no, I do. You don't find it at all odd that we're dating mother and son? Starr: Can we agree to not talk about that part, please? Johnny: Done. Starr: And we're not. Dating, that is. I mean, it's not official. Johnny: MM. You mean Michael hasn't taken you out yet? Starr: Well, it just happened. Okay. That's not exactly true, either. We have felt something for a while now, but we agreed to just be friends. Johnny: Oh, famous last words, huh? Starr: Yeah, we kissed last night. Johnny: Well, that changes everything. That's great, Starr. Isn't it? [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Jason? Jason: Hey. Michael: What's going on? Jason: Not much. What's -- what's going on with you? Michael: I was at the Quartermaines' yesterday. Barbecue. And I brought Starr along. Jason: I didn't know you and Starr were friends again. Michael: Well, it started out as that, but by the end of the night, we were a little more than that. Turned out to be a big night for fireworks. Jason: Yeah, for a lot of people. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Were you eavesdropping? Steve: It's called overhearing. And for the record, I much prefer it to the alternative. When I walked in on you and Ewen. Elizabeth: Oh, God. [Chuckles] Steve: That's not who you were leaving a message for, was it. Elizabeth: No. Steve: Please, please don't say Jason. Elizabeth: It's not what you think. Steve: You kissed him. Elizabeth: No. He kissed me. But it doesn't matter. He didn't mean it. Steve: Like hell he didn't mean it. Elizabeth: Come on. I'm not kidding. It was like -- it wasn't even romantic. It was more like -- Steve: Wrong. Elizabeth: Because he's married? Yeah, I know. Steve: No, because he's Jason Morgan, Elizabeth. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: I'm just not sure I should be wearing this. Kristina: Not sure? So -- there's still a chance? Sam: I guess, deep down -- I don't know. I guess I thought there was, that maybe someday I could get past what Jason did to me and we can go back to being us -- you know, when we were happy and hopeful. Kristina: Just like on your wedding day? Sam: I don't like being angry, Kristina, or upset or sad. I don't like feeling any of this. Kristina: It just kills me what's happened between you two guys. Sam: Yeah, tell me about it. It kills me, too. Kristina: Don't you miss him? Sam: Of course I miss him. And then, all of a sudden, I get hit with this reality that I'm never gonna hold my son again or be with my son. Kristina: I know a part of you blames Jason -- a big part -- but he could be helping you through all this, supporting you -- if you'd just let him. Sam: It's a little more complicated than that. Kristina: It doesn't have to be. Sam: Things have changed, Kristina. Kristina: What things? Sam: I kissed someone else last night. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Where'd you get this? Heather: Well, a good reporter's always ready for a story, and I happened to be there the moment it broke. Todd: Are you tailing Sam Morgan? Heather: No, I was just walking along the waterfront. It's not my fault she made a spectacle of herself. The little tryst will make for good copy, though. Todd: No. Heather: Oh, come on. It's front-page-worthy. An illicit affair between a hit man's wife and the cop who lives to bring him down! Todd: We're not printing this. Heather: Maybe you haven't been in Port Charles long enough, but Sam's married to Jason Morgan, and, you see, he's a Quartermaine, so that makes Sam cheating on him front-page news. Todd: Sam is grieving for a baby that isn't even dead -- because of me, because in a moment of confusion and weakness, I gave a perfectly healthy, beautiful baby boy to my ex-wife. Heather: And I thought this picture would ease your conscience. I mean, really, do you want a woman like this to raise a baby? Todd: Oh, no, he deserves much better. He deserves someone like you, Heather. Heather: Ideally, of course, but, well, Téa's a close second. Todd: We're not breaking this story. Find another one. Not that I wouldn't love to stick it to McBain. A pillar of truth and decency. Huh? Look at that. You know the woman that he's cheating on is my niece? Not my favorite niece but my niece, nonetheless, and family is family. Heather: Now there's the spirit. Todd: So we'll just have to stick it to McBain some other way. And Sam cannot suffer more than she already has. Heather: That's where you're wrong. Todd: What part of "no" is confusing to you? Heather: Well, I thought we were passed all this. I thought you agreed that telling Sam about the baby was a mistake. Todd: Well, yeah, but I don't have to be happy about it. I'll never forget what I've done to this woman. Heather: Maybe not. But you'll learn to live with it, in time. Just like I've learned to live with my secrets. Todd: That's enough. All right, you know what? I don't want to discuss this any further. Sam is off limits. Do you understand? Heather: Fine. How am I supposed to be a good gossip columnist if you won't let me go after anybody? Todd: Just one person. Are you always this melodramatic? Never mind. I'm sorry I even asked. There is a whole city out there of dirty little liars. Go dig up dirt on someone else. That is kind of a specialty of yours, isn't it? Heather: Anywhere you want me to start? Todd: Yeah, as a matter of fact -- I think I know a guy. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: If my suspicions are correct, then Heather moved and buried Anthony's body on the night of the storm. You see, Luke and Tracy were already in custody by then. Delores: So you like Webber for the murder? Anna: No, I don't think she has a strong motive for killing Anthony. Delores: But then why go through the trouble of moving his body? Anna: She would do that, you see, if she was doing a favor for someone who needed it. Heather is fixated with Luke, and if she thought that he had killed Anthony, she would move the body to protect him. Delores: Right. But that brings us to Spencer as our number-one suspect again. Anna: Among others, you know. Anthony had more enemies than friends -- Sonny Corinthos, Jason Morgan -- Delores: Do you want me to send someone to question them? Anna: No, no. There is someone whose motives have been long overlooked -- Anthony's grandson Johnny. Heather: Zacchara? [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Yeah. You remember Johnny. You buried his grandfather in the woods. Heather: Why would you want the goods on him? Todd: Why would any father be investigating any punk? He's involved with my daughter. [SCENE_BREAK] Johnny: For what it's worth, I think you and Michael would be good together. Starr: Really? Johnny: Yeah. Starr: I mean, you don't think -- Johnny: What? Starr: I don't know -- that it's too soon. Johnny: If you're talking about Cole, if you feel like you're betraying him, you sh -- Starr: No, it's not that. It's actually for something more selfish. I don't know. I -- I'm afraid to get hurt -- to love someone and then have them ripped away from me. I don't think I could handle that again. Maybe it's a sign. Johnny: A sign? Starr: Yeah, maybe I shouldn't even try to move on. Johnny: No, no, no. You have to -- you need to. For you -- [Breathes deeply] You and Michael deserve to be happy. Starr: You really believe that? Johnny: Yeah, I do. I think you guys work great. Starr: Okay, but I'm not the only one standing in our way. Johnny: Who else? Starr: Well, for starters, the person that killed Cole and Hope. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: You sure getting involved with Starr is a good idea? Michael: Uh, you know, I don't know. But I do know that I like her. A lot. And that she feels the same way. I mean, don't get me wrong. I know -- that we have stuff we're dealing with, especially Starr. She's obviously not over losing her family yet. Don't worry. We're taking it slow. We're not going into this whole thing blind or anything. It's just -- we know what happened and everything that can get in our way. We're still ready to give it a shot, you know? Jason: Maybe you shouldn't. Michael: What? Jason: I'm just saying, you can save yourself a lot of pain before you -- before you get in too deep. Michael: Like with you and Sam. [SCENE_BREAK] Kristina: You kissed someone. Who? Sam: John McBain. Kristina: The FBI guy who delivered the baby? The guy that Jason's been having issues with this whole time? Sam: Yep. That's the one. Kristina: So you're attracted to him? Sam: No. We just -- I don't know. We happened to run into each other last night. Kristina: That happens a lot. Sam: And I was -- I was thinking about Jason, and I was upset about the baby, and John -- he wasn't having the best night, either. Kristina: So you both were upset. Sam: Well, I mean, I was a little -- little bit drunk. Kristina: He didn't take advantage of you. Sam: No! Gosh, no. Kristina, would you stop? John didn't do anything I didn't want him to do. [SCENE_BREAK] Steve: Jason and Sam are having issues, but that doesn't mean -- Elizabeth: You're not gonna let this go, are you? Steve: No, I'm not gonna let this go. I know what I heard. Elizabeth: Yes, Jason kissed me, but it wasn't a real kiss. Steve: What do you mean it wasn't a real kiss? Did his lips touch your lips? Elizabeth: Oh, wait! Why are you interrogating me about my private life? Steve: Now Jason figures into your private life? Elizabeth: He's going through a really difficult situation. I wanted to be there for him, it turned into a kiss, and now it's over. Steve: I don't like this. Elizabeth: There is nothing not to like. Jason and Sam are having a really rough time right now. He's not thinking clearly. Steve: What were you thinking? Elizabeth: Excuse me? Steve: You know what I'm asking. Do you still have feelings for Jason? Elizabeth: Let it go. You have no idea what you're talking about. Steve: I'm just looking out for you. I don't want you to get hurt. Elizabeth: I know. But I'm fine, really. Steve: Okay. Elizabeth: Okay. Well, now that we know all about my last night, how was yours? Did you and Olivia get to see fireworks? Steve: [Laughing] Oh. Yeah, there were fireworks, all right, just not the colorful, fun kind. Elizabeth: Oh, did you guys get in a fight? Steve: More like a blowout. Elizabeth: Over what? Steve: My mother. Elizabeth: [Chuckling] Steve: You're not actually laughing right now. Elizabeth: Oh. Mm. Steve: What kind of "oh" was that? Elizabeth: Well, it's the "oh" that Heather isn't the easiest person to get along with. Steve: Okay, I know my mom is a little bit -- quirky -- Elizabeth: "Quirky"? Is that what you're calling it? "Quirky"? Steve: She's doing well right now. Elizabeth: Okay. Look, I understand why you want to stand behind your mom. Just be a little cautious, okay? Steve: You don't have to worry. She even went out and got a real job -- clean, legitimate work. [SCENE_BREAK] Heather: I love a good scandal, especially when I'm in the middle of it. Todd: Get out of here. Heather: Okay. So what's this Johnny person done to your daughter? Todd: [Clears throat] It's not that. It's just that he's too close, you know? He's been working with her, recording her album. Heather: Is she a musician? Todd: She's a singer. Heather: Oh, that's wonderful. The arts run in my family, as well, and -- Todd: I'm not so interested in that. I offered Zacchara a whole bunch of money to leave Starr alone, give me her recording contract, and he turned me down. Heather: What does Starr think? Does she like Johnny? Todd: I don't know. She likes him, yeah. She thinks he's a stand-up guy. Heather: But you don't. Johnny: I don't trust him as far as I can throw him. And Starr is usually really smart, but she's vulnerable right now. Heather: And you don't want her to be taken advantage of. I understand completely. I would do anything to protect Steven Lars from unscrupulous people. Todd: Okay. So you'll do it, then. Heather: You had me at "dirty little liars." But it would help if you could tell me what I'm looking for. Todd: I don't know yet. But the way he's been beating his chest about how he's starting over and redemption, I know it's something big. It's always the ones that scream the loudest about how they're redeemed that have the biggest skeletons in their closet. So you need to go find Johnny's. His skeleton, not his closet. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: Let's just go over everything we know. Delores: Okay. Anna: Johnny was the first person to report Anthony missing. And then, you know, he supplied you with information, saying that Johnny felt his grandfather was being threatened by Luke and Tracy. And then you have detective Falconeri's report, saying that Johnny had Anthony's phone at his place, and on it was the text from Tracy saying, "meet me at the Quartermaine boathouse." Delores: Where we discovered Anthony's blood. Anna: Mm. I just think that's awfully convenient. Don't you? Delores: Bottom line -- we have evidence against Luke Spencer and we have none against Johnny. Anna: So I think it's time to rattle Johnny's cage. And given your past dealings with him, I think you're just the person to do it. [SCENE_BREAK] Johnny: But you know who caused the accident. Kate already confessed. Starr: Exactly. Kate Howard, Sonny's girlfriend. Johnny: And Sonny's Michael's father. Starr: Yeah, the man that I tried to kill. Johnny: Okay. I can see how that could make Sunday dinners a little awkward. Starr: Oh, you think? And then throwing my dad into the mix, who doesn't want me hanging out with Michael in the first place. Johnny: Call me crazy -- it seems to me your dad doesn't want you hanging out with anybody. Starr: What do you mean? Johnny: Nothing. Starr: Did you guys talk about me? Johnny? What happened between you and my dad? [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Johnny Zacchara has a rap sheet as long as my arm. He's been on trial for murder, and he has an ulterior motive. I don't know what it is yet, but I resent him insinuating himself into my daughter's life, playing savior. Starr does not need to be saved. I want Johnny out of her life. I wouldn't mind Johnny out of someone else's life, too. So, go now. Go get me something I can use. Heather: Well, if Johnny Zacchara has a secret, I'll find it. Todd: Great. Go. Heather: Are we a great team or what? [SCENE_BREAK] Johnny: No big deal. Starr: Everything with my dad is a big deal, Johnny. Tell me. Johnny: He came to see me. Starr: I knew it. He came here? Johnny: He offered to buy your recording contract. Starr: He offered or threatened? Johnny: It doesn't matter, all right? I didn't budge. You're not getting rid of me that easy. Starr: I can't believe this! Johnny: Relax, Starr, it's over. Starr: Johnny, you don't know what my dad is capable of, and now I have to go. Johnny: Hey. You deserve to be happy, and I want that for you. Starr: Thank you. Johnny: And if Michael's the one who can give that to you, then -- living in fear is no way to live. Starr: Well, I -- wouldn't exactly call what I've been doing "living" -- until now. Johnny: You mean until Michael. Starr: And you. Getting back into my music has changed everything for me, and you did that. Johnny: I didn't do anything. Starr: You're a good producer, Johnny. And you're an even better friend. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Look, I know you and Sam are going through a tough time. She blames you for the baby's death, but, Jason, that is the grief talking. Sam still needs you. Jason: I'm not so sure about that anymore, Michael. Michael: Well, I am. I am sure of that. Look at how much you two have been through together. Jason: This is different. Michael: It seems like that right now -- Jason: I walked in on Sam and McBain kissing. Michael: What? Jason: It was right here, last night. Michael: I don't know what you're talking about, Jason. That sounds crazy. Jason: I saw them! Just can't get it out of my head. [SCENE_BREAK] Kristina: So, what are you saying? You want to be with John now? Sam: No. No, I'm not saying that at all. What I'm saying is, what happened last night -- Kristina: -- When you kissed him -- Sam: It was inevitable. It was something we needed to get out of our system. Kristina: And now that you have, is it over? Sam: Well, John went back to Llanview, and he's going back to his girlfriend and his son, so -- Kristina: So, will you go back to Jason? I mean, now that John's out of the picture -- Sam: John was never the problem, Kristina, despite what Jason thought. Kristina: I'm on your side, always. But you have to admit, John's a problem now. Sam: No. Even if Jason and I can't be together, it won't be because of John. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Sam doesn't trust me anymore. She, uh -- she hasn't in a long time. It started in Hawaii after -- after what happened with Franco. You know, she wouldn't let me take her to the hospital. She wouldn't let me -- get her help with counseling. She said that we should handle everything ourselves, and obviously -- obviously, we didn't handle it. So when everything happened with Franco, that I was his brother and -- he was the baby's father, she -- I mean, she couldn't or wouldn't -- turn to me. And then McBain was there. Michael: Do you think he was working her? Jason: You know, I used to. Right now, I'm not -- I'm not so sure anymore. Michael: Kissing her? Jason: It doesn't matter how it started. Sam didn't pull away. You know, part of me still -- still held out hope that -- that maybe we could get back together. But not anymore. Michael: Come on, Jason. You guys can -- Jason: We're done. Elizabeth: Given your mother's history, you can't really blame Olivia for having concerns. Steve: There's concern and then there's this. Olivia hired Spinelli. Elizabeth: To do what? Steve: To investigate my mother and follow her around. Elizabeth: Seriously? Steve: Yes. Elizabeth: Why? Steve: The night of the big storm, my mother borrowed Olivia's car without asking. Inappropriate, I understand that. But not enough to warrant a private investigator. Elizabeth: Depends on what she was doing with the car. Steve: Olivia caught my mom in a lie, so she thought she was up to something suspicious. Elizabeth: Was she? Steve: No! It ends up, she was just trying to have a normal life. She went to the motel -- to meet a guy she met online. Elizabeth: Ugh! Steve: She was embarrassed. That's why she didn't say anything. Elizabeth: Mm. It's kind of sad. Steve: Yeah, I know. I've got to find a better way to help my mom meet people. I mean, this guy could have been dangerous or violent. She could have gotten hurt. Elizabeth: From what I know about your mom, the woman can handle herself. [SCENE_BREAK] [Cell phone rings] Johnny: Zacchara. Anna: Mr. Zacchara? It's commissioner Devane here. I have news about your grandfather. Um, I wonder if you could come down to the station. Johnny: What kind of news? Anna: I think that's something that we should discuss in person. Johnny: All right. I'll be right there. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Hiya, Shorty. Starr: Don't "Shorty" me. I know what you did. Todd: You know what I did last summer? Starr: You tried to buy out my contract from Johnny? Todd: Yes, I -- I did do that. Starr: You went completely behind my back. Todd: I was trying to protect you. Your last record producer was kind of a sleazeball. Starr: Johnny is not in the porn industry, Dad. Todd: Oh, no, he's in the industry of killing people. Starr: No, I know exactly what I'm doing. Would you just stay out of it? Todd: I've never really been good at that, Starr. Starr: Well, what about when I decided to move to L.A.? You hated it, but you accepted my decision. You agreed to let me go and to stop treating me like a little girl. Todd: Yes, I did, because I hadn't seen you in a long time, and I just kind of wanted you to like me. Starr: Well, tough, Dad. There's no going back now. This is my life, not yours. And if you can't respect that, then I want nothing to do with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: I know Sam's going through a lot right now. I mean, that's not an excuse to kiss McBain, but -- Jason: We can't go back. Michael: Why not? You two love each other, don't you? Jason: I don't know how Sam feels about me, but, yeah, of course I still love her. Michael: Okay, then there's still hope. Jason: No, there's not. Michael: Look, if you believed that, you wouldn't be sitting here right now, torturing yourself. Jason: [Sighs] Michael: Have you been up all night? Let's go. Jason: No, I'm good, Man. Michael: Know how many times you've been there for me when I needed you? Now it's my turn, okay? We're getting out of here. Come on. [SCENE_BREAK] Kristina: But think of everything you and Jason have been through, all the hard times. You survived, got married, even wore that ugly lug nut before you got this. Sam: Hey, I didn't think it was ugly. Kristina: Because Jason gave it to you. That's all that mattered. Sam: [Sighs] I thought so, yeah. Kristina: You said yourself that you still love him. Sam: Yes, but -- the Jason I loved, I haven't seen that guy in a really long time -- the guy who made me laugh and feel safe. Kristina: But he's still that man. Sam: Maybe. I don't know. Maybe I'm the one who's changed. Kristina: No. Sam, you have not changed. The world around you, yes, but not you. I think that if you and Jason tried -- really tried, you could get it all back. Sam: I don't know. Kristina: There's only one place for this. Please put it on? [SCENE_BREAK] Johnny: Commissioner. Anna: Oh, that was fast. Johnny: My grandfather's missing. If you've got news, I want to hear it. Anna: Shall we? Would you like to take a seat? Johnny: No. Anna: I'm afraid there's no delicate way of putting this. Um -- we recovered Anthony's body. He was murdered. Johnny: I see. Anna: You don't seem to be surprised. Johnny: Missing for a long time. I've had a while to prepare for the worst. Anna: I'm sorry for your loss. Johnny: Thank you. Where was he found? Anna: Uh, he was buried in the woods, off route 59. Johnny: I would assume Luke Spencer's in custody, right? 'Cause he is the one that shot my grandfather in cold blood. Anna: I never said he was shot. Johnny: Well, right. I just assumed. Anna: Mm-hmm. Johnny: Anthony's blood was found all over the floor of the Quartermaine boathouse. Luke and Tracy were caught trying to stash a gun. Anna: Well, your grandfather was fatally shot. And the bullet did come from the gun with their prints on it. Johnny: So are they in lockup or what? Anna: Tracy denies any involvement. Johnny: Shocker. Anna: And Luke is -- missing at the moment. Johnny: Oh, which is code for "skipped town," the guilty bastard. Anna: They're being thoroughly investigated. Don't worry. Johnny: They better be. Anna: We are looking for answers from another suspect. Johnny: Who? Anna: Heather Webber. Johnny: What the hell does she have to do with any of this? Anna: I have reason to believe that she's the one who buried your grandfather. Johnny: Did she tell you that? Anna: Oh, this is an ongoing investigation. I can't divulge -- I mean, you understand. I'm sorry I don't have better news. [SCENE_BREAK] Delores: Johnny. I heard about your grandfather. I'm so sorry. We're gonna find whoever's responsible. Johnny: Yeah, well, I can give you Luke Spencer's address, if you'd like. If he ever comes back. Delores: Um -- Johnny: What? Delores: I shouldn't say anything, but -- the commissioner likes someone else for the murder. Johnny: Who? Delores: I don't know. I heard her tell the D.A. That she has evidence that ties another man to the crime. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: I need an APB put on Luke Spencer immediately, please. [SCENE_BREAK] Heather: Well -- ahh. My work here is done. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: I lived too much of my life away from you. I'm not gonna let that happen again. Starr: Then you better shape up. Todd: Or ship out? Starr: Pretty much, yeah. Todd: Okay. Love you. I love you. And I -- Starr: Would you just be happy for me, then? Everything with the recording is going very well. Todd: Okay, glad to hear it. It's almost done, right? Starr: Yes, we are going to debut the new album, the new material at the debut of the Haunted Star. Todd: When? Starr: It's in a couple weeks. Todd: You got to give me the details. I'll promote the hell out of it. And you got to save me a space, front and center, so I can cheer you on. Starr: Yo -- Dad, really? As long as you don't embarrass me. You know there can be no signs, no posters, no megaphones, no t-shirts with my face on it. Todd: Okay. Headbands are out, then, right? Starr: Yes, they're out. Todd: Okay. I got it. Starr: Stay away from Johnny. Todd: I know -- shape up, ship out. I remember. I won't touch Johnny. Won't have to. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Chili cheese fries won't save the world or anything, but they'll make you feel better. Trust me. Jason: For -- for breakfast? Michael: Anytime. [Cell phone rings] Michael: It's Starr. Jason: Go ahead. Just go ahead and take it. Michael: You sure? Jason: Yeah. Michael: Hey. Starr: Hey. What are you doing? Michael: About to have breakfast with Jason. Starr: Oh. Michael: Um -- Jason: No, just go. Go ahead. Go be with her. Yeah, go. Michael: Uh, actually, there's just been a change of plans. Starr: Really? Michael: Yeah. You want to hang out? Starr: The Elm Street pier? Michael: Okay, I'll see you there. Jason: Just go have a good time. Michael: I don't want to leave you alone. Jason: Michael, I'm fine. Just do me a favor and be careful. Okay? But if Starr makes you happy -- Michael: I'll check on you later. And, uh, eat some chili-cheese fries. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Putting this on won't change anything. Kristina: It'll mean it's not over, which means you and Jason will still have a shot. And even though he screwed up so bad this time, it -- it won't completely cancel out all the good things he's done for you, all the times he's stood by you, believed in you. Even just -- even just made you smile. Sam: Can I be honest with you? Kristina: Isn't that what sisters are for? Sam: Yeah. Okay, look, I can't see Jason and I getting back together again. But I also can't see the rest of my life without him. So I can't -- rule this out completely. Not today. [SCENE_BREAK] Steve: Can I give you a ride back to the hospital? Elizabeth: No, thank you. I have my car today. Steve: I'll see you there. Elizabeth: Okay. Steve: Breakfast is on me today, all right? Elizabeth: Thanks. Steve: Hey. We need to have a little talk. [SCENE_BREAK] [Acoustic guitar: Upbeat] [Footsteps approaching] Michael: Hey. Starr: Hi. Michael: Hey. How you doing? You sounded a little stressed on the phone. Starr: My dad went to Johnny, tried to buy out my recording contract. Michael: Take it your dad doesn't want you working for Johnny? Starr: No, he doesn't trust Johnny. And you know why he doesn't trust Johnny? Because he's untrustworthy. He would lie to anyone about anything, and that's why he's so suspicious about -- everyone. Michael: Look, I -- I barely know your dad, and I'm not defending him -- Starr: But -- Michael: -- But the way you're talking kind of reminds me of Kristina. She gets all wound up and convinces herself that my dad is trying to control her, when, in reality, he's just trying to protect her. Starr: Okay. Well, maybe my dad is trying to protect me, too, but -- it would be okay if he knew the difference between right and wrong, but he doesn't. He has no boundaries. He has no morals, either. And he doesn't listen to anyone about anything. Michael: Well, he listens to you. Starr: Uh, sometimes. Maybe. And I told him to back away from Johnny. He said that he would. Michael: But you don't believe him. Starr: This is Todd Manning we're talking about. [SCENE_BREAK] Heather: Well, I hope you're hungry. I'm serving up Johnny Zacchara on a silver platter. Todd: You found something? Heather: Well, not yet. But it's only a matter of time. Todd: D-do you mind? That's -- that's -- hey, Heather. Heather: Here we go. Ta-da! Todd: A blank screen. That's -- that's terrific. Heather: Welcome to Johnny Zacchara's office. There's a motion detector in the camera, so it only records when someone's walking around in the room. Todd: You planted a camera? Heather: They make them so small these days. They're practically undetectable. Hey, look. Look, look! It's working. Now, you have two options. You can watch the live feed, or you can log on to the server and order up the recordings. You see everything that the camera records. It's archived. Todd: And who has access to it? Heather: Only you and me. Todd: You've outdone yourself. [Pen clicking] Todd: This is so boring. How long do we have to wait before Johnny Zacchara does something unbelievably unethical? Heather: Patience, Mr. Manning. Patience. Watch and wait. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: Oh, hello, Heather. Heather: Ah, Anna Devane. Are you here to see Mr. Manning? Anna: No. Heather: You see, he's my boss. I write a little column for The Sun. It's called "Port Charles Confidential." Anna: Yes. Actually, we're here to see you, Heather. We would like you to come down to the station, answer a few questions about the death of Anthony Zacchara. Heather: No, that's ridiculous! I haven't done anything! That's -- that's preposterous! Anna: Well, let's just have a chat, shall we? [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Is there a problem? Steve: What do you think? Elizabeth: Don't do this. Steve: You and your wife are having issues. Don't involve my sister in it. Elizabeth: I am so sorry. Steve: I know what happened last night. You had no business kissing Elizabeth. | He promises that he won't touch Johnny |
450 | Langston: This must be it. Cole: Yep. Langston: We're right on time. Cole: You sure we have to go through with this? Langston: I don't know about you, but Social Services says I don't have a choice. Cole: Yeah, Nora thinks it's really important and she is really worried about me so I've -- I've got to do this for her. Langston: All right. [SCENE_BREAK] [Cristian whistles] Antonio: Well, I want an order of whatever got you in that mood. [Cristian chuckles] Cristian: Can't help you there, brother. Antonio: Sarah? Cristian: Yep -- got a date tonight. Antonio: Oh, good. Well, I haven't seen you this happy in a long time. Cristian: Sarah and I, we -- we have a good time. We'll see where it goes from there. What's up with you and Talia? Antonio: Nothing. Talia's gone. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: They've been in there questioning her for hours! Everybody in the country knows what happened. Why don't -- why don't they just leave her alone? John: They're just doing their jobs, Mike. Michael: She never would've hurt anybody -- you know that. John: I know. Michael: What the hell is going on? Agent Sutton: We've finished questioning your wife, Dr. McBain. She's been taken to a cell, waiting to be booked and printed. John: How's she holding up? Agent Sutton: Pretty good for someone who's facing life in prison. [SCENE_BREAK] Guard: You got company, Morasco. [SCENE_BREAK] Moe: Police didn't make nearly as big a mess as I thought they would. Viki: You need any help? Moe: Nah. I'm not going to open till dinner, so if you're here to work the lunch shift, it ain't happening today. Viki: Oh, Moe. I didn't come here to work. I came because -- I have to tell you I need to leave. Moe: You sure? Viki: Yeah. I'm afraid that I have to say goodbye to the Bon-Jour. Moe: Did you get a better offer from all you-can-eat Pete's? Viki: Yeah, but I turned him down flat. Moe: Ah. Kind of figured after last night, you might be moving on. Viki: Moe, I loved working here. I met so many wonderful people -- you know, people that I would -- I would never have got close to -- Moe: If they'd known who you actually were? Viki: You know that I never set out to deceive anyone, right? Moe: I remember that day. We needed someone and you just happened to be here. Viki: Yeah, right place, right time. And you were kind enough to take a chance on me. Moe: Well, no one 'round here's ever accused me of being kind. Viki: Oh, you are such a big, old sweetheart. It's all right -- I won't tell anybody. Moe: Thanks. I think. Viki: I learned so much here. And I'm going to ms you all terribly. I'm going to miss this place. I don't know why, but it was -- it was home for me. Moe: Except you got another home, in Llanville. Viki: Llanview. And I have to go back. Moe: You know, I was looking at all the pictures of you in the newspapers and the television had lots of stuff with you in it. I just kept thinking, "it looks just like her, but somehow, that's not the Viki I know." Not that there's anything wrong with the lady in the pictures, but -- she wasn't you. Viki: Yes. Moe: That make any sense? Viki: Oh, yeah. It makes a lot of sense to me. Paris changed me. It really did, I think more than even I realized. And the change was good. Moe: I'd be willing to bet on that. Viki: Huh. [Door opens] Moe: Excuse me, ladies -- we're not open for business quite -- Jessica: Mom. Viki: Sweethearts! Wow! Jessica: Thank God you're -- you're okay. Viki: Yeah, I'm fine! Natalie: Well, that's good, because you have got a lot of explaining to do. Viki: Oh. [SCENE_BREAK] Woman: If everybody would please take a seat, we'll get started. Woman: I'm Dr. Kayla Gibson. You all know why you're here -- you have each lost someone you love. You can think of this as grief counseling or a support group. What we call it really isn't important. What is important is in spite of how painful your loss might feel, you understand that you are not alone. [SCENE_BREAK] Cristian: Talia's gone? Antonio: Yeah, she couldn't get out of that job at Cherryvale. Bo said they needed a cop now. Cristian: Well, can't Bo do something? Antonio: No. His -- his hands are tied. Cristian: Well, but, you know, Cherryvale's, what -- it's not like it's 5,000 miles away. It's only, what, two, three hours? Antonio: Yeah. Yeah -- no, look, I -- I'm not giving up. I mean, hey, it couldn't have come at a worse time, but we'll figure something out. Cristian: Good man. Be right back. Antonio: All right. [Phone rings] Talia: I didn't expect to hear from you so soon. Antonio: Hmm. Where are you? Talia: I'm on the job. Antonio: Already? Talia: Yeah, I'm here, all right. My lieutenant wants me to familiarize myself with the job by going over old cases. Antonio: Oh. And what about your schedule? Talia: I got that, too. Antonio: Oh, good. So when can I come to Cherryvale and take you to dinner? Talia: Never. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Life in prison? John: Oh, what, are you judge and jury now? Agent Sutton: He's going to have to face facts, John. Michael: No, I'll tell you what the facts are. Agent Sutton, my wife never would've hurt anyone. She was trying to protect our son -- she was trying to protect Tommy because she loves him so much. And -- what, and for that, she's supposed to do life in prison? John: Hey. Take it easy, Mike. Take it easy. Is the F.B.I. out of it now? Agent Sutton: Yeah. It's officially turned over to local. Michael: Meaning what? When can my wife go back to Llanview? Agent Sutton: Not any time soon. Michael: Why? John: Mike -- Michael: How many more questions do you have to -- John: Easy, easy -- hey, listen, listen to me. Come here. I think that what Agent Sutton is trying to say is although Marcie's wanted for kidnapping in Pennsylvania, the local authorities are holding her now because of taking Viki hostage. Because they took her into custody, she may have to face those charges first. Michael: Wait, so you're telling me that she could spend a couple of years in jail in Texas before then going back to Pennsylvania and being tried for kidnapping? Agent Sutton: It's a possibility. John: Listen to me -- listen to me. Nothing's written in stone yet. She hasn't even spoken to a lawyer yet. Michael: John, she doesn't care about lawyers -- she doesn't want to talk to a lawyer. You saw her. Ever since she gave Tommy to Todd, it's like she lost everything. [SCENE_BREAK] Gigi: Are you okay? Marcie: I'm sorry. I am so sorry that I got you into this mess, Gigi. Gigi: Honey, you never twisted my arm, okay? I did what I wanted to do and I don't regret any of it -- well, except for this part where the two of us ended up in jail. Marcie: How's Shane doing? Gigi: He's okay. Noelle and Lonnie are taking turns watching him. Marcie: It's just so unfair. You shouldn't be in here, you know? Gigi: None of this is fair, Marcie, especially you losing Tommy. I'm so sorry. Marcie: "Sorry"? No, don't you dare say you're sorry to me. If it hadn't been for you, I never would've had as much time with Tommy as I did. Huh -- you kidding? You know, last night I -- I couldn't sleep, you know, because I just -- I kept thinking. I just -- I kept thinking about Tommy and I -- and I kept thinking about everything that I did and -- well, I must've dozed off because all of a sudden, he was there. Gigi, he was in my arms and, oh, my God, I could -- I could -- I could feel his -- his breath on my cheek, you know? And I could -- and I could smell his hair and I just -- oh, I just held on to him. I just held on to him so tight and -- and then he was gone. I must've woke up and I -- I just wanted to go back to sleep. Gigi, that's all I wanted to do so that I could hold him, you know? I could just hold him one more time and -- and, you know, I just -- I don't -- and now, I don't know. I just -- I don't know, I don't -- I don't -- I don't know how to go on. I -- I -- I just don't know how to live if I'm -- if I'm not his mommy anymore, Gigi. [SCENE_BREAK] Kayla: We're welcoming two new people to the group today -- Cole and Langston. Does anybody have anything they'd like to talk about? Man: I hate people saying they get how I feel. Kayla: Why? Man: How can they get anything? Did their little brother die? Kayla: It's important to acknowledge how you feel about your loss. Maybe you can help other people understand? Woman: What happens if they don't? Kayla: For instance? Woman: My best friend keeps trying to distract me. Kayla: And how does she do that? Woman: She always wants me to go to parties and the mall. Kayla: Do you go? Woman: Didn't want to hurt her feelings. Kayla: And what about your feelings? Did you have fun when you went with her? How many of you feel as though you're now being defined by the fact that you've lost a loved one? [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: Did I have a little misunderstanding about what happened between us? Talia: No. Antonio: Okay, so then why don't you want to have dinner with me? Talia: I do, more than you can imagine. But I know why they were so eager to get someone over here to good old Cherryvale -- they needed someone to cover nights and weekends. Antonio: Oh, for how long? Talia: Hmm -- till I retire. Antonio: Hmm. Well, I work days. Talia: I know. I'll be right there. Well, look, I can't talk right now. I'm sorry; my lieutenant wants to touch base and "spitball." He says things like that. Antonio: Sorry. Talia: Huh. How's Fish doing? Antonio: Well, if he asks me what's going down one more time, I think I might have to kill him. Talia: Huh -- I really do have to go. Antonio: Okay. I'll call you back and we -- [Line disconnects] Cristian: Was that Talia? Antonio: Uh -- Cristian: When are you going to see her? Antonio: Well, she -- she works nights and weekends there and I work -- days here. So we're not going to be able to see each other at all. Cristian: So you're just going to give up? Antonio: Maybe it's the best thing. Cristian: Maybe. Are you out of your mind, Antonio? [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: What are you two doing here? Natalie: You're kidding, right? Jessica: You were being held hostage. What did you want us to do, go get a manicure? Viki: But I'm fine! Natalie: Are you sure about that? I mean, they took you to the hospital. Viki: But, darling, for observation only. You know, my heart is fine. As long as I had my medicine, I was fine. Jessica: Do you think she's telling us the truth? Natalie: Well, who knows? It's not like she has for the last five months. Viki: Oh, stop. Jessica: So you've been working here as a waitress? Natalie: As a waitress? Viki: Yes. Yes, I've been working right here at the -- at the Bon-Jour cafe. Natalie: You told us that you were in Paris. Viki: Did I ever once say "France"? Jessica: Oh. Natalie: Did you ever once say "Texas"? Jessica: And you made up all those French names like "Gigi" and "Maurice" and "Noelle." Viki: I didn't make up anything. They are all right here. Natalie: How long were you planning on keeping us in the dark? Viki: I don't know. Moe: Excuse me? Viki: Oh -- Moe: Are you going to introduce me to these two beautiful young ladies? Viki: Oh, Moe, I'm sorry. These are my daughters. This is Natalie and Jessica. This is Moe Stubbs. Jessica: As in "Maurice"? Moe: Yeah, but I never go by that name. Viki: Moe is the owner and extremely fine chef of the Bon-Jour. Moe: And your mama's boss. Viki: Mm-hmm. Moe: At least, I was. Shane: Moe. Moe: Hey, Shane. Viki: Hi, honey. Moe: How you doing, buddy? Noelle: Shane stayed at my place last night -- you know, on account of Gigi. Shane: I know. My mom's in jail for helping Sally Ann. Noelle: Her name's "Marcie," sweetheart. Shane: Well, the cops blame my mom for the stuff that happened here last night. That's why they put her in jail. Viki: Yeah. Shane: And they also blame her for the stuff that happened to you. Do you hate my mom, too? [SCENE_BREAK] Marcie: Oh, God, Gigi. Gigi, what's going to happen? I mean, what's going to happen to you? Gigi: I'll be okay. Moe and Noelle hired a lawyer for me. Marcie: I'll tell them -- I will tell them that you never knew who I was, okay? I'll tell them that you were just helping someone named Sally Ann. Gigi: No, I don't want you to lie for me. Marcie: You have put so much on the line for me. You risked your life to warn me that I was walking into a trap with Todd. Gigi: That's because I wanted you and Tommy to be together, especially after I saw firsthand what kind of person Todd Manning really is. Marcie: Yeah, well, you know only someone like Todd Manning would keep Shane away from you until you got me to come over to your place. Is Shane okay? I mean, really, is he okay? Gigi: Yeah. He -- he had a -- he had a little problem with his asthma yesterday, but he's -- he's fine now. I talked to Noelle. Marcie: You know, but if you go to prison, then, Gigi, I -- Gigi: No, stop talking like that, okay? I'm not going to prison! Marcie: Okay, okay. Gigi: I will get out of this somehow. You will, too. Marcie: Yeah, but I don't think I'm going to be going home. But, Gigi, you can't -- you can't lose Shane, okay? We can't lose our little boys. [SCENE_BREAK] Cristian: You were moping around for months until you met Talia. Antonio: I don't mope. Cristian: You've been miserable since you lost Jessica, Antonio. Come on. Antonio: No, I was mad. Cristian: Right, so mad you didn't take a chance with Talia until it was almost too late. And now you're just going to let her go? Antonio: No, I didn't -- I didn't say that. I just think that -- that this might be the best move for her career. Cristian: Career? Antonio: Yes, her career. Talia loves being a cop, all right? And she has a better chance at advancement in a small town like Cherryvale. They are -- they are bound to see what -- what great instincts she has. Cristian: Okay, so that's what you saw in Talia -- her great instincts? And now, you're so noble that all you care about is her career? Hey, come on, man, who are you trying to kid? Antonio: Fine, okay. Look, yes -- yes, I would love to have her here in Llanview, and it stinks that she's there in Cherryvale with an ex-jock, working night shifts, no less. Cristian: So now you're worried that Talia's going to fall for someone else? Antonio: Well, I mean, look -- look at her, you know? You don't think those guys on the Cherryvale force are going to notice how beautiful she is? Cristian: Maybe. But what if Bo gives you some new, young, sexy cop who thinks you're hot? Are you just going to forget about Talia right away? Ofc. Fish: Hey, boss, I just swung by the puzzle palace and saw we're catching an obbo, so the non-dee's out front. Antonio: What? Ofc. Fish: One of the loos gave me a manual with all the inside lingo in it. Antonio: All right, did you happen to see when -- when the manual was written? Ofc. Fish: No. But it did look kind of beat up. Antonio: Uh -- that's because it was written in 1932. And -- and so was the lingo that you're using. Ofc. Fish: You mean I got hazed? Antonio: That's right. Ofc. Fish: Wow. Antonio: Uh -- Cris, meet the newest member of my team. Cristian: Hey, how are you doing, man? Ofc. Fish: Oliver Fish. I'm replacing Officer Talia Sahid. I just hope I can be as useful to your brother as she was. Cristian: Good luck. [Phone rings] Cristian: All right. I'll see you guys later. Antonio: I -- I have to -- I have to take this. Hello! Talia: Hi. I'm sorry about before, but I have good news. Antonio: Oh, good, because I can use it. Talia: So next Thursday night, we can go to dinner because I'm off. Antonio: Fantastic. I will get my mom to watch Jamie, and I will get off early from work, and we -- oh, no. Talia: What's wrong? Antonio: I -- I have an open house at -- at Jamie's school that night. Talia: Oh. I understand. Antonio: Talia, listen to me. We are going to figure out a way to spend time together. Right? Talia: Sure. I -- I got to get back to work, but kiss Jamie for me. Antonio: I will. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: Sweetheart, I am not in the slightest angry with your mom, and I told her that. Shane: She was just trying to help a friend. Viki: Mm-hmm. Shane: Isn't that what you're supposed to do? Viki: Yes, absolutely. Your mom is a very courageous woman, and I know that she thought she was doing the right thing. Shane: I just want her to come home. Natalie: Yeah, sweetheart, we were worried about our mom, too. That's why we came all the way down here. Shane: Viki's your mom? Viki: Yep. These are my daughters. This is Shane, and this is Natalie and Jessica. Natalie: Hi. Shane: Hi. You're not from around here, are you? Jessica: No. Viki: And, girls, this is Noelle. We worked together here at the cafe. And Noelle was actually just crowned champion at the Dallas pie bake-off. Noelle: You didn't need to tell them that. It was my special pecan pie that finally won it for me. Jessica: Congratulations. Noelle: Oh, Shane, honey, why don't you go out to the kitchen and take out the butter so you and I can bake up a special pie? Shane: Okay. Noelle: All right. Viki: Did he sleep all right? Noelle: Well, not really. The little fella's trying to be strong, but he is worried sick about his mama. Viki: Mm-hmm. Noelle: I didn't tell Gigi, but he was up half the night with his asthma. I'm sure it's just the stress working him over. Moe: Oh, I wish we could tell him Gigi was coming home, but we don't know what's going to happen. Jessica: Does Gigi work here? Viki: Mm-hmm. Noelle: You girls sure don't know a whole lot about your mama's life. Of course, neither did we till last night. Viki: The girls just arrived today. Moe: Did you fly into Dallas and then drive up? Jessica: Oh, no, we were in a really big hurry, so we just took the family jet. Shane: Your family has its own jet? Natalie: Well, I mean, our grand-- our grandfather owned a company that has its own jet. Shane: They said on TV that you are a really important person. Viki: Honey, you shouldn't believe everything that you hear on TV, okay? Shane: But if you have your own jet and company, can't you do something to help my mom? [SCENE_BREAK] Marcie: Shane needs you. And if what I did keeps you two apart -- Gigi: Oh, stop thinking like that, Marcie. Do you think I want Shane to see me be too scared to help a friend in trouble? Do you think I want him to grow up and be that kind of person? I'll do what I need to do to get out of here. Okay? Did they tell you anything? Marcie: I don't know. I -- I just started answering their questions so that they would leave me alone, okay? And I really don't -- I don't care what happens anymore. Gigi: Oh, stop talking like that. I can only imagine how I would feel if someone took Shane away from me, but you still have a life to go back to. You're young, you're a writer, you're a teacher. You have a lot going for you. Marcie: Not anymore. Gigi: That's not true! I know you have a man who loves you. Marcie: Michael has been put through hell, Gigi. Gigi: And he understands why. He put his own life on the line to protect you and Tommy. He took a bullet for it. The kind of love that man has for you -- that's more than most people get in a whole lifetime. [SCENE_BREAK] John: You know, from the moment Marcie took off with Tommy, we knew this wasn't going to have a good ending. I guess just be thankful that everybody turned up safe and you didn't get hurt worse than you did. Michael: I'm so grateful for everything you've done, John. I really -- I really am. The idea of Marcie in a jail cell is driving me crazy. I just want to take her home. I should have done everything differently. John: Listen to me; don't beat yourself up like that, all right? You're not doing anything -- Michael: No, none of this had to happen! I could have done something to stop this. Okay, I -- I have to help Marcie now, John. And anything -- anything you can do, please do it. John: Hey, listen, I got to take off for a couple of minutes, but I'll be back, all right? You going to be okay? Michael: Yeah. John: Yeah? Michael: Well, I'm not going anywhere. John: All right. Officer: Chief, can I kill this one? Second Officer: Yeah, we nailed that one. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: Sweetheart, I don't know if there's anything that I can do to help your mom. But I promise you that I will try, okay? Shane: Thank you. Viki: You're welcome. Moe: Come here, buddy. Viki: I've got to go to the police station to give my statement now. Jessica: Okay, well, we'll go with you. Moe: I think you two should stay here and sample my roasted duck with sweet corn glaze. I was planning it for the supper crowd. Viki: You know what? Take my advice and do as he says, because Moe's cooking is worth the trip to Paris. Shane: If you see my mom, will you tell her that I've been being good? Viki: Of course I will, honey. Shane: And if you see Sally -- I mean, Marcie -- well, you tell her that I read the pirate book. And she was right. It was awesome. Viki: Oh, great. I will tell her that. I'll see you later, okay? Shane: Okay. Viki: Girls -- um -- I need to borrow your car. Natalie: Look, Mom, I really think that Jess and I should go with you. Viki: No, I think not. Okay? I would like you all to stay here with Noelle, Shane, and Moe, and then maybe you will get a tiny idea of why I fell in love with Paris, okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Ofc. Fish: I've got the floor plans for the apartment we're staking out later. Antonio: Right, right. Later. Later, when our shift starts, which -- which isn't now. Ofc. Fish: Oh -- um -- well, I guess I'll just wait outside until then. Antonio: Yeah, that's -- that's a good idea. Ofc. Fish: All right. It's nice to meet you. Cristian: You, too, bro. You know, I think Talia better get here pretty soon, because you and Oliver -- you make a nice couple. Antonio: Yeah, that's -- that's -- that's pretty cute. That's pretty good. He means well. Cristian: All right, so -- so was that good news from Talia? Antonio: Well, the good news is she's as anxious to see me as I am to see her. There we go. [Phone rings] Talia: That was quick. Antonio: A week from Monday, I could -- I -- I work the 5:00-to-3:00 shift. I could be in Cherryvale four hours before you start. Talia: I have a special training session from 3:00 to 8:00 that day. Antonio: A special training -- at -- at Cherryvale? [SCENE_BREAK] Kayla: Thanks for sharing that with us. I think you can all see that you're feeling something different. Some of you are numb, still in shock, others are still in denial. Some of you might even be angry at the person who left you. Cole: This is lame. Kayla: Do you have something you'd like to say? Cole: Well, yeah, I just said it, but I'll talk slower for you. I said this is lame. Kayla: You sound angry. Cole: Really? I sound angry? I mean, here we are sitting in this group, and talking and talking and listening to people talk about their feelings until what? Until we accept our losses? Hmm? Or until we -- we understand that death is -- is a natural thing? Let me tell you something. There's nothing natural about my dad putting my mom and me in danger all those years. Oh, no. And there's nothing natural about my mom telling me that my dad was murdered. And there sure as hell isn't anything natural about watching my mom die! So tell me, Doc -- why don't you just give me the quick fix? Because how the hell am I supposed to deal with all this? Langston: You know what? I'm angry, too. I lost both of my parents at the same time. You know what I hate? I hate the euphemisms. "Lost" -- it's -- it's like they're missing somewhere and you're going to find them someday. I'm never going to find my parents. They're gone. They were gone a lot even before the accident. My parents went all over the world helping children in other countries. And, you know, I always knew what they were doing was something important, something good. But at the same time, what about me? And some -- that phone call -- some bureaucrat on the other line telling me that my parents were never coming home? "Thanks a hell of a lot, Mom and Dad. Have you done enough for other kids now?" And I knew that it wasn't their fault, but if they hadn't been out there trying to save all those other children, I'd still have parents! And every time that I look at their picture, sometimes I just hate them so much for leaving me alone! [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: When did my life get so complicated? Cristian: You don't want me to answer that. Antonio: Oh, you know, if all I had to do was tell her how I felt, then my life would've been perfect. Cristian: What could be more perfect? Antonio: Yeah. Hey, great. Uh -- why is Bo torturing me? Cristian: Maybe because he noticed you were being a horse's ass with Talia. But that was before, you know, you had issues. Antonio: Hmm. Cristian: Now you've realized that you and Talia have something worth fighting for and -- Antonio: Yeah, and that's exactly what I'm going to do -- I'm not going to blow this. [SCENE_BREAK] Moe: One of my specialties for you ladies to try. Natalie: Oh. Moe: I'm sure you've eaten in the finest restaurants. And this is just my take on the recipe. There's several -- Natalie: Oh, my God! Jessica: This is amazing! Natalie: Oh my God! Wow. Moe: You don't have to say that. Natalie: No, it is. This is -- mmm. Jessica: What kind of clientele do you usually get here? Noelle: They're mostly all truckers. Natalie: Oh, well, I'll have to get my 18-wheeler license. [Noelle chuckles] Jessica: No wonder Mom loved Paris so much. Noelle: Well, food wasn't the only thing keeping your mama in Paris. Shane: Noelle? Noelle: Oh -- butter must be ready. Got to go work on my crust. Moe: Enjoy, ladies. Jessica: "It wasn't just the food keeping mom in Texas." I wonder what else it was. Natalie: What else -- a man. [SCENE_BREAK] Officer: I'm here to take Mrs. McBain in for booking and processing. Gigi: I'll be praying for you. Marcie: You save those prayers, you hear me? You save them for Shane. You make sure he is happy and that he's healthy, because his mom -- his mom's going to be there with him always, okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: I know you can bend the rules. Please, I just need to see my wife for a few minutes. Officer: Dr. McBain, I already told you -- Michael: No, no, no, no, no, no. I know -- I know what you told me, but you were there last night, right, you saw what Marcie went through. I just need her to know that I'm not leaving. Marcie: Maybe you should, Mike. [SCENE_BREAK] Talia: We have to stop meeting like this. Antonio: I'm sorry to keep bugging you at work. Talia: I like you bugging me. Antonio: Uh -- well, I -- I know you're working, but I -- I needed you to know that even if I have to meet you at the tollbooth between here and Cherryvale for 20 minutes, I will. Talia: Well, so will I. Um -- any idea when you'll have 10 minutes for that to happen? Antonio: Well, unfortunately, not anytime soon. Talia: Same here. [SCENE_BREAK] Kayla: I'm glad some of you felt comfortable sharing with us today. Remember that this is a safe space -- whatever you say stays in this room. Thank you. Kayla: It's very difficult to share the way the two of you did on your first day. I hope you'll both be back. Cole: Uh -- everything that I said in this room -- Langston: Cole, I'm so sorry. I had no idea that you were -- Cole: I didn't know anything that was going on with you, either. Langston: It's like we were both trapped, you know, in our own worlds? Cole: Maybe that's part of what Dr. Gibson was talking about. Langston: Yeah. Cole: You know, um, that thing that she said about everything that we say in this room -- Langston: Staying in this room? Yeah, I think it's a good idea. Cole: Me, too. Langston: You know, I thought Dorian was crazy for wanting me to come here, but now -- Cole: Now you want to come again? Langston: I will if you will. Cole: Yeah, I will. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Moe, that food was truly amazing. Moe: Oh, thanks. It's nice to cook for people who truly appreciate it -- that's what was so nice about having your mother here. And she knew how to wait a table, plus keep them truckers in line. Jessica: Our mother is constantly surprising us. Natalie: Yes, yes, and we'd love to know all about her life here in Paris. In fact, why don't we start with her boyfriend? [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Thank you. Hey, I'm not going anywhere, all right, so you can just put that right out of your head. Marcie: Mike, I don't want to ruin your life. Michael: Marcie, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. Marcie: No. Not anymore, Mike. Gigi is in jail because she tried to help me because I couldn't give Tommy up. Michael: I know, I know. Marcie: I really did want what was best for him, you know? I loved him so much, and instead I just screwed everything up and I hurt so many people along the way. [SCENE_BREAK] Gigi: Guard? Guard, I -- I need to get a message to my son, please? [Footsteps] Gigi: Guard? John: I need your help. [NEXT_ON] Noelle: You girls got questions about your mom's fella? I got answers. Michael: Is there any way that you could forgive my wife? John: Manning threatened you, didn't he? Margaret: You are not his mother, I am. | Natalie and Jessica pay a visit to the Bon Jour Cafe in Paris, Texas |
451 | (Glasses clink) Sharon: Mm. I'm glad we did this. Victor: Thank you for inviting me. Sharon: Well, I wanted you to see with your own eyes that I've pulled it together since, um, yesterday. Victor: What was that all about? Sharon: Oh... (Sighs) It was a lot of little things. It was Adam's birthday. Victor: I thought it might have to do with that. Sharon: Yeah, so I was already a little bit emotional when I found out Nick and Phyllis are engaged. Victor: Are you serious? [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: So let me make sure I'm getting this right-- I can't treat you like a baby and I can't call you "Baby girl" anymore... Phyllis: Mnh-mnh. Nick: But if you and your friends want to have a baby-themed slumber party, then that's cool. Phyllis: Mm-hmm, yeah. Summer: Mm-hmm. Phyllis: Yeah, that's cool, because it's ironic, you know, so... Nick: Got it. Phyllis: Oh, oh, you know what? Why don't you take your rattle? Where is that? Take that. (Laughs) Nick: Oh, yeah. Phyllis: (Gasps) Ohh, Tedders. Nick: Tedders! Tedders? Phyllis: Oh, my goodness. You don't remember Tedders? Ohh, oh. Let me tell you something about him is--you loved him first. You loved him before Mr. Ears. You used to take him everywhere--vacations, the beach. You know what? You take him and the rattle. You owe it to him. Summer: You guys could have another baby. Then he'd have someone new to play with. Nick: You know, that's a-- that's an interesting idea, and we're gonna take it under advisement. [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: (Humming) All right. Welcome home. (Glasses clink) Kyle: Thank you. Oh, you never should have sold this place. You know that, right? Billy: Yeah, well, it didn't really fit my newfound maturity. Kyle: (Laughs) Yeah. Billy: Hey, but I still have the trailer, so if it gets a little cramped under Jack's watchful eye-- Kyle: Oh, I'm not staying at my dad's. Billy: No? All right, "Big-time." You got your own place already? Kyle: No, I'm, uh, I'm crashing at Victor's. Yeah, he gave me my own wing. It's pretty sweet. [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: Yeah, well, I figured if I wanted to get in on the FacePlace I.P.O., you would be the one to call. No, no, this would, uh, this would be with my own money. Yeah. No, the hedge fund got shut down. No, it's not the S.E.C. directly. The principal investor got spooked, and the investigation went nowhere. What are you gonna do? (Knock on door) Adam: Yeah, you got my number. Give me a call. Chelsea: Hi. Hungry? Adam: What do you want to do--room service, eat downstairs? Chelsea: God, no. Get me outside of these walls, please. (Chuckles) Yay! Adam: Let's do it. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Bye, Baby girl. Phyllis: Wait, oh, you said you weren't gonna call her that anymore. Nick: Oh. Phyllis: Bye, pretty! (Laughs) Nick: Oh, yeah. Phyllis: Sweet. I can't believe this is happening. It's so crazy, after all those years I was told I couldn't get pregnant... first Summer, and now another baby. I mean, that's insane. Nick: (Chuckles) It's awesome. Phyllis: (Giggles) Oh, it's a gift, is what it is. It's a gift. I'm happy. Especially now, when I miss Lucy so much. But we're gonna keep this baby safe, right? Nick: Yes, we will. [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: Oh, yeah, I get it. It's tempting... (Clears throat) The ranch. Yeah, has it all over the trailer. Kyle: Oh, yeah. Billy: But you have to put up with Victor. Kyle: I like Victor. Billy: Of course you like Victor. He's very likable when he's reeling you in. Kyle: (Scoffs) Billy: I mean, he was even nice to me when I first got here and he was with Ashley. What did he say? He said... (Imitating Victor) "You're a bright young man. There's a place for you within our organization. You got that?" Kyle: (Laughs) Billy: (Normal voice) That's him, right? Kyle: Yeah, but you didn't go for it. Billy: No, I didn't go for it, and I'm extremely grateful for that, because anybody who ends up trusting or relying on Victor ends up regretting it in a very big way, okay? I'm sure your father told you about all the crap he's pulled. Kyle: Yeah, well, Dad's pulled some crap of his own. Billy: Yeah, nothing like Victor. Kyle: But he could-- come on, can we just-- just 'cause the guy's given me a job and a place to live-- Billy: Oh, whoa, hold on. I'm sorry, back up. A job? You're working for him now? Oh, son. (Laughs) You are in some serious trouble. Kyle: (Scoffs) Billy: Trust me. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Thank you. Where did you hear that Nicholas and Phyllis were getting married? Sharon: Nick told me. He said they were getting ready to tell the kids, and they thought I should be prepared. Victor: Why would they be in such a rush? Unless, of course, Phyllis is pregnant. Sharon: She could be. You want to go over and say hello? Victor: No. Mnh-mnh. Sharon: You know, I realize that things are tense with Jack and you... Victor: Mm-hmm. Sharon: But you shouldn't let that interfere with your relationship with your grandson. Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. That's not my grandson. That's Billy Abbott's bastard son. Ain't got nothing to do with me. Jack: So what do you think's going on over there? Victoria: I don't know. Business dinner? Jack: Does it look to you like they're discussing business? Victoria: (Sighs) Well, maybe he's consoling her. Nick told me that he broke the news to her, that he's remarrying Phyllis. Jack: Well, better she turn to Victor than Adam, I guess. Not a whole lot better. Victor: Thank you. Sharon: It's sad to hear you say that about Johnny. You were so great with Cassie. Victor: But that's different. Sharon: Well, Cassie wasn't your biological grandchild. Victor: But Cassie was your child. Sharon: Nick welcomed her into the family and loved her like she was his own... Victor: Mm-hmm. Sharon: Just like Victoria is doing with John. He's a Newman now, Victor, like it or not. I just think, whatever your feelings are about Billy, you shouldn't punish an innocent child. Victor: But who says that I'm punishing him? Sharon: How are you gonna handle it at family gatherings? Are you gonna be warm and sweet with Reed and Faith and Summer, but not this little one? You couldn't do that. Victor: Hmm. Sharon: I just think that you and John would both be missing out if you didn't let yourself get close to him. Victor: Excuse me for a moment. Jack: Yeah. Victoria: (Quietly) Please stop looking at me like that. (Gasps) John: (Grunting) Victoria: (Normal voice) Hi. Victor: I thought I might... get to know the little boy. John: (Grunts) Jack: What a good idea, your getting to know little John. Just think, one day, you can tell him bedtime stories about how you used him to come between his mother and father. Victoria: Jack. Victor: It's nice to see you, Jack. Jack: Excuse me, I'm gonna make a phone call. Victoria: Uh... why don't you sit down? John: (Grunting) Victoria: What? Victor: He's a big boy, isn't he? Victoria: Yeah, he's-- he's big. He's perfectly healthy, thank God. Victor: And legally yours now. Victoria: Yep. Yeah, he's officially my son. He's your grandson. John: (Grunts) Victoria: Who--who could resist this face, huh? Who could resist it? He's so beautiful. Yes, you are. John: (Grunts) Victoria: (Laughs) Adam: We can go somewhere else if you want to. Chelsea: No, no. I don't have to hide from them. Plus, I-I-I want to see how John's doing. Adam: Yeah, don't you think maybe you should do a scheduled visit rather than just popping in? That could cause some trouble. Chelsea: Just get us a table, please? Adam: All right. Adam: Hey, Sharon. I wanted to, um, thank you for the card that you got me for my birthday. Sharon: It was nothing. Adam: Well, it was something. It was very nice. I appreciate it that you even remembered at all. Chelsea: Hey, Squid. John: (Grunts) Chelsea: You recognize my voice? Ohh! Did you see that? I think he does. Uh, I'm sorry to interrupt. Victoria: No, it's fine. My food's coming soon and I need to get him changed before then, so... excuse me. Victor: All right. Victor: Excuse me. What do you think you're doing? Chelsea: I was just checking in on my son. Victor: He is no longer your son. You gave up the rights to him. Chelsea: With the understanding that I would stay a part of his life. Victor: That does not give you the right to bother my daughter anytime you feel like it. Chelsea: What is it to you? It's none of your business. Victor: As of now, it is. Adam: Look... (Sighs) Let me apologize for the uncomfortable situation you had to walk in on. Sharon: No, no. Look, you're-- you're living your life, I'm living mine. You know, I hope you didn't read too much into the card, because there was no hidden message in there or anything. It was just "Happy Birthday." That's all. Adam: Okay. Victor: I think your date is waiting for you, Adam. Adam: Well, you two have a lovely evening. Chelsea: (Sighs) I thought you were gonna get us a table. Adam: You don't really want to stick around this place, do you? Chelsea: No. Adam: No. Let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: Yeah, you need to handle this right now. It's getting out of hand. Okay, good. Bye. Kyle: Another round? Billy: No, man. You know, it's time for me to get going. Kyle: Aw, is your curfew that early? Billy: (Laughs sarcastically) That's cute. You are gonna think about what I said, right? About Victor? Kyle: Yeah, yeah, of course. Billy: You know, I bet you learned a lot these past few years on your own, but you don't know how to handle a guy like Victor Newman. A lot of smart guys thought they did, and they ended up chew toys, so just-- Kyle: I love you for caring, Billy, really, I do, but you're being kind of a downer, and I'm here to have fun, and she just walked in the door. (Door closes) Kyle: Excuse me. Billy: (Chuckles) Oh, the good ol' days. Billy: (Clicks lips) No, I did not dial the wrong number. You and I are gonna have a conversation. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: That is adorable. Phyllis: Yeah. Does it not take you back in time? [Nick remember] Jack: Say hello to your baby girl. Nick: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: I'm not the only one emotional. (Giggles) Nick: I'm just, you know, I'm trying to figure out why everybody feels the need to use a scrapbook when a box works just fine. Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, well, I don't really think you can put this in a scrapbook. (Gasps) Ohh. Ohh. Nick: (Chuckles) [Phyllis remembering] Phyllis: Ohh. I, uh, never took you for the arts and crafts type. Nick: A very complicated arts and crafts type. Phyllis: Mm. Nick: I am making a mobile for our daughter's crib. Phyllis: Sweet. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: (Chuckles) I-I don't know what I did to deserve all this. Phyllis: Mm, I do. You're hot. (Chuckles) Nick: I'm hot. Phyllis: (Laughs) Nick: (Laughs) So that's all I have going for me? Phyllis: Um... Nick: Hmm. Phyllis: I'm also in love with you. Nick: Like, how much? Phyllis: (Laughs) Nick: Like, uh, like--like--like that? Phyllis: Like... Nick: More--eh... Phyllis: Uh, like, that much. Nick: That much love. Phyllis: Yeah. Uh, that's good. Nick: (Makes sizzling sound) I got that much love. Phyllis: (Laughs) Nick: It's gonna be so good this time. Phyllis: Yeah, it's gonna be great. I'm not worried. Nick: Good. Phyllis: I'm not worried at all. Nick: Good. Whoa. Is that your stomach growling? Phyllis: Yeah. Well, I'm hungry. That happens when you're pregnant. Nick: Well, then let's, uh, let's go. Come on. Phyllis: Okay. (Chuckles) Nick: Let's take care of you. You know what? I'm gonna take care of you, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: If you don't mind, I've got to get back to the office. Want my driver to take you? Sharon: Yes, have him come back for me after he's dropped you off. Victor: Well, I'll do that. Sharon: (Laughs) Victor: Thank you for inviting me. Sharon: It was my pleasure. Victor: Okay. Victor: Where's Jack? Victoria: Um... something came up. Victor: Don't give your mommy a hard time, okay? Victoria: (Chuckles) Victor: Bye. Victoria: Bye. Victoria: That was your grandpa. Thanks, by the way, for not spitting up on him, because he kind of has a tendency to hold a grudge sometimes. Sharon: Hi, Victoria. Mind if I take a quick peek? Victoria: No, go ahead. Sharon: Ohh. (Chuckles) Aren't you the cutest little man? Victoria: (Chuckles) So what's the deal with you and my dad? [SCENE_BREAK] Chelsea: I mean, what the--ohh! I'm the big, terrible threat to Billy and Victoria? I gave them my child! Victor is the one who wanted me to break them up, and now he's just perfectly welcome in their lives-- and John's life-- and he wants me to be the fall guy. I don't think so! Adam: This town is filled with a bunch of Victor sycophants. If you're gonna stay in Genoa City, you're gonna have to learn to live with it, Chelsea. Chelsea: And what do you do, hmm? What, you just take it? [SCENE_BREAK] Kyle: Ladies... ladies, take pity on me, please. Do you see this? Watch this. Hard evidence of a tragically misspent youth. All right, who wants to take me on? Okay, why don't I make it a little more interesting? If I lose, I buy the entire house a round. What, no takers? I mean-- Jack: I'm in. I have a misspent youth of my own. Let's see if the old man's still got it. [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: Thought you might have punked out. Victor: (Sighs) What do you want? Billy: Well, you said on the phone that you would like to rearrange my face. If that's still the case, go right on ahead, bring it on, but why don't you back off my nephew? Victor: Could have saved yourself a trip, Billy Boy. Wherever your nephew Kyle wants to stay is his business, not yours. Get it? [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: I don't really know what you're asking me. Victoria: Well, you know, it just sort of seemed like a really intimate conversation that you and Dad were having. Sharon: No more than usual. Victoria: I understand if you're at loose ends. I mean, Adam is moving on and Nick is engaged, so, you know, it wouldn't be unusual for you to latch on to the first available man-- or unavailable, as the case may be. Sharon: Oh, my God. Victoria: I just sort of wish, you know, that for a change, you would choose a man from some other family. Sharon: You know what we were talking about, Victoria? You and the baby, and I was encouraging him to come over here and make a connection with you, which-- he listened and he did, so I think what you meant to say to me was "Thank you." Phyllis: Oh. Do you want to come over? (Clears throat) Hi, Sharon. You--you look good. How are things? Sharon: Oh, I'm fine. I'm... I guess I don't have to ask how you're doing. Phyllis: Yeah, does it show? (Chuckles) Sharon: Congratulations. Nick: Thank you. Phyllis: Thank you. That's--that's-- that's very sweet of you. Sharon: Yeah, uh, enjoy your dinner. [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: I get it, man. Victoria's out of your life. Nick and Abby-- they put up with you to keep the peace, but they see right through you. You need somebody new to kick around, so enter Kyle, and the fact that he's Jack's son--well, you must just be loving that. Victor: You know who doesn't love that he's Jack's son? Jack's son. Billy: (Clears throat) Victor: This time, he wishes he belonged to any family but yours. Billy: (Chuckles) He's still mourning his mom's death, how it happened. Jack had nothing to do with that. (Scoffs) I mean, you're gonna take this kid's grief and you're gonna twist it up into a weapon? Victor: For your information, he came asking for a place to stay. He came to me, all right? Billy: This is not gonna happen again. Nobody else from my family is gonna get caught in the cross fire between you and Jack or you and me. Colleen died. Delia almost died. I mean, what else has to happen for you to learn your lesson? Victor: For me to learn my lesson? That out of the mouth of some drunk, oversexed adolescent that you have always been and always will be. Billy: Well, yeah, in your mind. Victor: In my mind, son? The reality is the baby that you brought into the world irresponsibly. My daughter deserves better than you. Billy: You know what? You're right. You are, but she doesn't see it that way. Matter of fact, she's got a problem with you. You're the one who can't admit that he was wrong. Victor: Let me tell you something, Billy Boy. One day... very soon, my daughter will see you for who you really are. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Hello! (Laughs) Man: (Laughs) Dude, I think you been had. Guy just wore a suit to throw you off. Jack: No, I actually am a suit. Haven't always been, though. There was a time I was very much like your friend here-- outgoing, competitive, maybe a little too cocky for his own good. Kyle: It's only too cocky if you can't back it up. Anyways, you forgot "Good- looking," "Charismatic," and "Really, really good at this game." Jack: Well, I thought that went without saying. Kyle: But beyond that, really, uh, the similarities pretty much stop there, unless you're saying that you, once upon a time, had the loyalty and the decency you're so obviously lacking now. (Dart hits dartboard) Jack: Kyle, listen. Kyle: All right, you know what? I'm really not interested in having this little beer summit. Jack: All right, l-look, we can work through this if you'll just give us a chance. Kyle: No, certain things, you just can't talk yourself out of, no matter how smooth you are. [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: Come on. This animosity has taken on a life of its own. Do you even remember how it started, or is it just the name "Abbott" that you hate so much? Victor: The name "Abbott" came from your father, John Abbott, who I happened to respect a lot. You're not anything like your father. Billy: (Sighs) Victor: You have no dignity, no self-respect, no discipline, a very short attention span. You just create trouble in order to entertain yourself, just like you did with Lucy. Billy: There is nothing entertaining about what we went through. Victor: What do you mean, "We"? Your wife, my daughter, was sitting at home, pining away for you useless son of a gun, while you went off into some far corner of the world, engaging n some debauchery. Billy: Played right into your hands, didn't I? Victor: That's right-- I sent Chelsea your way, see if you would resist the temptation. But you didn't. Of course, you didn't, Billy. You can't do that, can you? Then you try to deflect responsibility, just like you did with Delia-- passing her off as another man's child. Billy: You can sit there and say whatever you like about me, but you know for a fact that I love my daughter. Victor: If you love your daughter, tonight when you go home, you step in front of a mirror, look at yourself, long and hard, and say "I hope to God, I pray to the angels to protect my daughter, so that no man like me will ever cross her path." (Door opens) Billy: Oh, Kyle, please tell me you came here to turn down this job offer. (Groans) Kyle, Kyle, Kyle. Kyle: (Sighs) Billy: You don't want to be a part of this scene, trust me. You want a job, I'll get you a job. I'll get you a better job. You don't want to stay at the trailer, you don't have to stay at the trailer. We can go to the club or something, okay? Come with me. Kyle: I think I'm just gonna stick with the plan for now. Billy: You're gonna stick with the plan? You know what? You're right, you're an adult. You're a big boy. You want to make your bed, then go lie in it. (Door opens) Kyle: (Scoffs) (Door closes) Kyle: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause you any headaches. Victor: That's all right, Kyle. You're not causing me any headaches. Just for future reference, don't pay too much attention to your Uncle Billy, okay? You're welcome to stay at my ranch anytime for as long as you want, all right? [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: Uh, yeah, the service has kind of been slow here tonight. Phyllis: Uh, you know what? I'll--I'll get some drinks. Nick: Okay. (Sighs) Victoria: Oh, thank you. So... Dad was here earlier having dinner with Sharon. Nick: Oh, yeah? Victoria: Yeah. Yeah, something about it made me really uncomfortable. Nick: What do you mean? Victoria: I don't know. Maybe... being Mrs. Victor Newman, even if it was for a nanosecond and only a name, maybe gave her some crazy ideas. Nick: Okay. Victoria: I-I-I-I asked her about it. She denied it. Nick: Wait, just-- okay, are you saying you asked Sharon if she was putting the moves on Dad? Victoria: Nick, you didn't see them together. Nick: I know Dad's been acting erratic lately, but that, no. There certain lines that don't get crossed. Victoria: (Sighs) Mm. Sharon: (Clears throat) So have you guys set a date? Phyllis: Uh, no, not yet. Hi, can I have a seven and seven and a ginger ale, please? Sharon: Phyllis, are you... pregnant? Phyllis: Well, why do you ask that? Because I ordered a soda? Sharon: Yeah, that, and because you got engaged in such a hurry. Phyllis: Um, we actually found out I was pregnant after we got engaged. Sharon: Oh... (Laughs) I see. Phyllis: Yeah, I'm glad you know, 'cause it will preclude you from making a last-ditch play for Nick. Sharon: That never crossed my mind. But I am glad you told me about the baby, though, because it explains so much. Phyllis: Thank you very much. Um, you know, it's funny how things have changed, because a conversation like this before would have made me all... Sharon: Oh, I know. Now you're over it? Phyllis: No, Nick's over you. That's why I was able to accept his proposal without hesitation. You don't have a hold on him anymore. In fact, I think everybody is pretty much past caring what you do, finally. [SCENE_BREAK] (Potato chip bag crinkles) Chelsea: (Chuckles) Chelsea: (Crunching potato chips) Adam: You okay? Chelsea: Does it look like there's a problem? (Cell phone rings) Chelsea: That's mine. (Ring) Chelsea: (Chuckles) (Ring) Chelsea: It's your dad. [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: (Clears throat) Nick: All right, so I'm guessing we cannot have the fried calamari. Phyllis: Mm, yeah. Uh, you know what? We--we should go, because I'm--I'm spotting. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Well, thanks for telling me where to find Kyle. I'm afraid it didn't go so well. He just won't hear it. Billy: Yeah, same with me. (Sighs) He showed up to Victor's office while I was there. I tried to talk him out of taking that job, but... Jack: Wait, he's working for Victor, too? Billy: Yeah. Sorry, I... (Clears throat) Thought you knew. I figured he'd have rubbed it in your face by now. Kyle: Well, I guess Kyle's gonna have to find out for himself what "The Black Knight" is really about. Victoria: Well, you know, hopefully, you two can get through to him before he gets in too deep. Jack: In the meantime, you might want to keep an eye on your own son. Billy: Come on. Victor's not getting anywhere near my kid. Victoria: Um, actually, he sort of stopped by the table tonight, you know, just for a little visit. Billy: (Chuckles) What, is he recruiting a whole army of Abbotts? Victoria: Oh, come on. He's not gonna corrupt an infant. He was actually kind of sweet with him. Billy: Honey, you and I need to discuss boundaries. There's no way in hell that jackass is gonna have anything to do with my kid's life. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Chelsea, I think it's time you left Genoa City, all right? Chelsea: I'm kind of starting to like it here. Victor: Oh, I think you'll like a lot of other places, especially when you find out the kind of money I'm about to give you. Chelsea: What kind of money are we talking bout here? Victor: $10 million. Chelsea: (Sighs) Uh, well, I'm--I'm gonna need to think about that. Victor: You do that. I'll get back to you, okay? Chelsea: (Sighs) He wants to pay me off to leave town. $10 million. Adam: Wow. Chelsea: (Exhales quickly) I mean, I'd have to be an idiot to turn that down, right? I mean, what would you do with $10 million? Adam: Turn it into $100 million. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Sharon. I thought you were headed home. Sharon: (Sighs) I was. But I needed to see you. Victor: Okay. Sharon: (Sighs) You are one of the few people in this town who don't see me as weak or pathetic. Victor: Of course not. Sharon: You listen to me. You--you--you take me seriously. You--you understand me. Victor: Yes. What is this about? Sharon: Well, I just-- I wanted you to know how much I appreciate that. [NEXT_ON] Neil: I don't want you to go. Nikki: Am I interrupting something? Jack: Gen and Tuck-- no, you--are you sure? Ashley: I'm positive. Obviously, they just didn't think it was worth mentioning. | Victor goes to Victoria's table and can't help but smile when he sees how happy the baby makes Victoria |
452 | Mimi: Why do you always act like you don't have a choice? You chose to leave Shawn. You chose to marry Philip. You chose to stay married to Philip when you had the chance to leave him and be with Shawn. And if you're not happy married to Philip, then you should leave him, but that doesn't mean you should feel free to try and steal my husband. God, Philip deserves so much better than you and so does Shawn and so do I. I know that you are always used to getting what you want, but that changes when you become a parent. When are you gonna start putting your daughter first, Belle? [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn D.: You know I don't believe in divorce, period. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: Bet I know what you're thinking. [SCENE_BREAK] Mimi: Everything's fine, Mom. She didn't tell Shawn that she wanted to leave Philip for him. Yeah. Well, I got Shawn to remind her how he feels about divorce. Oh, yee-ha! Okay, Mom, I know you feel like I did the right thing, but, God, what if he finds out the truth? Shawn D.: Hey, truth about what? [SCENE_BREAK] [Baby cries] Carrie: No, we can't do this, Austin. I'm engaged to your brother. It's not right. Austin: What's not right is that you're with my brother. I can feel the way you're responding to me. You still have feelings for me. Carrie: That doesn't make it right, Austin. You said you'd accept my decision. Austin: I have tried! It would help if I understood. You can't explain it to me. You were there when Lexie tried to -- you know, she told us she might have cancer. Didn't you start thinking how short life is and how we don't have time to waste? It's not too late. I mean, you're not married yet. You can change your mind. Look, I know you have feelings for Lucas. I have feelings for Sami. But that is nothing compared to the way you and I love each other. You know, and -- you know -- Lucas and Sami, I mean, they should be together. They have a son. They have a long past. And you and I -- we should be getting married, having children. Carrie: Oh! Can we see him? [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: Lexie? Lexie: Carrie, Austin, I'm afraid I have some bad news. Carrie: Oh, my God. Lexie: It's what we talked about, what I was afraid of. Your baby has severe birth defects. Carrie: [Sobbing] No! No! Austin: What's wrong? [SCENE_BREAK] John: I'm right, aren't I? You're getting your memory back. You're starting to remember that I'm the man you love. We are gonna be together. [SCENE_BREAK] Tek: Is Lexie still not back yet? Abe: No, no. I wonder what's keeping her? Tek: I guess whatever emergency they paged her for can take a while, huh? Abe: Yeah. It's not like Lexie to talk about her health problems in front of everyone. She said she'd explain everything. I wonder what else is going on? [SCENE_BREAK] Alex: I'm still waiting for your answer, Lexie. Are you willing to risk losing Abe and your son or will you leave Sami and me the hell alone so that all of us can live our lives with the people we love? [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: Sami, are you in there? [Door rattles] She's got to be around here somewhere. [SCENE_BREAK] Alex: You have heard the tape recording of my conversation with Abe. He was very clear when he said that he could never forgive you if you ever betrayed him with another man again. So I repeat, are you willing to lose both your husband and your son? Lexie: [Crying] I can't do this. I can't let either of you blackmail me anymore. I have to tell the truth. [SCENE_BREAK] Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of our Lives. [SCENE_BREAK] [Baby cries] Austin: Baby, I am so sorry, but you... you got to face the truth. You love me more than Lucas. Carrie: Stop it, Austin. You have to let me go. I hope that you will be happy with Sami. She's really -- she's changed. And she's been supportive of me, and she loves you.. I have to go back downstairs. Austin: I have no idea what is going on with you... but I'm not gonna give up. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: God knows I've let myself down, but I'm not going to let either of you compromise me any longer. I am telling the truth. I am going to be honest with Abe about my affair with Tek and just pray that he forgives me. Sami: And if he doesn't? Lexie: If he doesn't, then I'll get what I deserve, just like you're both going to get what you deserve. I'm telling John what you've been doing to Marlena, and I'm telling Carrie how you've been blackmailing me. I'm so disgusted with myself for allowing you to force me into telling Carrie that horrible lie. [SCENE_BREAK] Alex: What is it that Sami wanted you to lie about? Lexie: Oh, you don't know? She blackmailed me into telling Carrie that if she and Austin had children together, that they were very likely to have children with severe birth defects. Sami: Shut up. Lexie: Well, now that I'm telling everyone the truth, I'm going to see to it that you lose Austin and Lucas and that you lose Marlena. Alex: That will never happen. Sami: Alex, what are we gonna do now? Lexie: What are you two up to? Sami: Wait a second. You mean that even if she has cancer, you're gonna let her think that she doesn't? Alex: Yes. She could die without treatment. Alex: Well, that's a possibility. But I think you're like me, Sami. We both operate on the premise that the end justifies the means. Sami: Um, I don't know what to say. Alex: Don't say anything. Just let me do what I have to do, and everything will work out for the both of us. Alex: I'm sure you'll make the right decision. Lexie: I've made my decision. I'm telling everyone the truth, and let the chips fall where they may. Sami: This is a total disaster. God, why did I team up with you in the first place? Alex: Because you had no choice. Now I have to do some damage control. [SCENE_BREAK] [Approaching footsteps] Abe: Oh, sweetheart. Lexie: Yeah. Abe: Why didn't you tell me you had a lump in your breast? Lexie: I'm sorry. But as I said, I will explain everything, okay? Abe: Well, I am so glad that you're all right. It isn't cancer. I'm so glad. Lexie: Yeah. Yeah. I was very lucky. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: Hey, I didn't know you went with Carrie. Carrie: Oh, we just walked in together. Lucas: Well, how did things go at the nursery? Carrie: Great. I signed up to volunteer. I want to get as much practice as possible before I have a baby... with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Do you think your plan is gonna work? Alex: Trust me. And I wonder where Marlena is. [SCENE_BREAK] Marlena: John... I can't do this. I'm a married woman. John: You don't love him because you started to remember our life together. Marlena: No. No. No. Let me. Marlena: [Gasps] I can't do this. I can't. John: Marlena, Marlena! [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Excuse me. I'm glad you're still here. Um, can I have everyone's attention, please? I'm sorry to have kept you all waiting, but I know that you'll all want to hear what I have to say. Sami: What are you gonna do to Lexie now? Alex: Just wait and see. [SCENE_BREAK] Mimi: Uh, Mom, Shawn just walked in, so I got to run, okay? Shawn D.: So truth about what? What's going on? Mimi: Well, I should have been honest with you, but I didn't know how to tell you. Shawn D.: Honest about what? Mimi: Well, I mean, it's supposed to be our honeymoon. Shawn D.: Oh, okay. All right. I get it. You've been lying to me, telling me that everything is okay, but, in reality, you're really upset because our honeymoon got cut short. I understand. Mimi: Yeah, that's it. Shawn D.: No, no, no. I get it. That is exactly why I went shopping. Mimi: Really? What are you up to? Shawn D.: You know, just a little surprise to show you how much I love you. Mimi: Really? Shawn D.: Mm-hmm. But I want it to be a surprise, so... turn around. Mimi: What? Shawn D.: It's not gonna be a surprise if you just watch me set it up. Mimi: Okay. Shawn D.: No peeking. Mimi: How can I? [SCENE_BREAK] Belle: Philip, why do you always say you know what I'm thinking? You're not psychic. Most of the time you're not even right. Philip: Well, you don't make it very easy, do you? I guess I should know you better. Belle: That's not what I mean. Philip: No, it's what I mean. You're my wife, and you don't seem very happy. Am I not a good husband to you? Belle: You're a good husband to me. Philip: Oh, come on. Ever since we've been married, it's been one thing after another. The war, my leg -- Belle: Philip -- Philip: I know it doesn't bother you, and I suppose I believe you, but there's so many other things, too. We had Claire, an unplanned pregnancy, then we almost lost her. Now your parents are going through hell. We're young. It's a lot to deal with. And let's be honest, we both know you never dealt with your feelings for Shawn before we got married. And I just can't shake the feeling that you have second thoughts about being married to me. Belle: Philip, I love you. You're a great husband, and you are wonderful with Claire. You're wonderful with both of us. God, come here. But you're right. I have a lot on my mind lately, and I think maybe it's time for me to be honest with you about how I'm feeling. [SCENE_BREAK] Abe: Lex, sweetheart? Sami: Just tell me, okay? Tell me what you're planning to do to Lexie to stop her from ruining everything. Alex: I'm bringing in reinforcements. They should be here any second. Lexie: Okay, so the reason that I asked you all to come here today is that -- Theo! Abe: Hey, Theo. Hey, my man. What are you doing here? Celeste: Well, um, someone called me and told me to bring him here -- one of the hospital staff. They called and said that Alexandra felt that she needed to hold Theo after getting the good news. Lexie: Uh, yes. Yes, I did. Celeste: And, darling, he said that you were fine, and the test results were negative, yes? Lexie: Yes, thank God. Celeste: Oh, gosh. I am so relieved. I am so relieved. Lexie: Yeah. Celeste: Oh, Alexandra. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: That's your plan? I mean, how is that gonna help? Lucas: [Clears throat] What's going on? What are you up to? Sami: I don't know what you're talking about. I am not up to anything. Lucas: I know you, and I know when you're hiding something. Sami: Well, I can't stop you from thinking what you want to think, but you're wrong. Lucas: If you get in the way of me and Carrie, and if you stop me from getting what I want, so help me God, Sami. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Tell me what you remember. I can help you along, just tell me. Marlena: I keep getting little pieces of information, but I can't put them together. It's so frustrating. John: I'm sure it is. But before long, those little flashes are gonna turn into a very clear picture, showing you, you don't belong with Alex North. [SCENE_BREAK] Alex: [Thinking] Sorry, John, but you're never going to get Marlena back. Sami: What are you doing here? You've got to do something before Lexie ruins everything. Alex: Wait. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Oh, it's been such an emotional day. This morning, I felt like I was on the verge of losing everything, and now it's as if I've been given a second chance. It's made me realize how much my family means to me. Abe: Yeah, you know what? I feel exactly the same way. Yeah, you want to come over here? [SCENE_BREAK] Celeste: Alexandra, darling. Lexie: Yeah? Celeste: Are you sure you're all right? Lexie: Yeah. Yeah, Mom, I mean, I'm cancer-free. I've never felt better. Celeste: Well, I'm very happy. Lexie: What's wrong? Celeste: Uh, I'm still feeling unsettled about something, Alexandra, about you. Lexie: That's because... I haven't told Abe about my affair with Tek, and I still haven't exposed Sami and Alex for blackmailing me. But I have to. I know. Celeste: I hope you really are all right, Alexandra, but I sense potential for a disaster here. [SCENE_BREAK] Abe: Uh, Lex. Lexie: Yeah? Abe: Everyone's waiting to hear what you have to say. Lexie: Yeah, okay. Um, all right, everyone, um, I'm ready. As you all know, I just had a brush with a very serious illness, and it's made me realize that I need to get rid of a lot of the stress in my life. It's so important to be honest with ourselves and with others. The mind affects the health of the body. You and I talked about that, Marlena. Do you remember? Anyway, this is why I have to tell you all this, even though it's going to be painful for some of you to hear. Hopefully, it'll change most of your lives for the better. [SCENE_BREAK] Mimi: [Gasps] Oh, my God. Look at you. Shawn D.: Hey, you know? Mimi: Wow! Oh, my God. Shawn D.: Try this. Mimi: Mmm, it's good. I can't believe you did all this. Shawn D.: Yeah. Mimi: Mmm, I want more. Shawn D.: Yeah? Mmm. Mimi: Good? Shawn D.: They're good. Mimi: Thank you, baby. Shawn D.: Of course. Mimi: I love you. Shawn D.: I love you, too. Oh, wait! Mimi: What? Shawn D.: Wait. Mimi: Jeez. Shawn D.: Wait, it's not totally perfect yet. Mimi: Aw. [Soft music plays] Shawn D.: All right, now it's perfect -- beautiful. So, uh, where were we? Mimi: Um... [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: [Sighs] Belle: So when are they going on that world tour your mom gave them? Philip: I don't know. It's hard for you to see the two of them married, isn't it? It'll get easier. Belle: Philip, I just don't want you to think that this has anything at all to do with you. Philip: That's a conversation for another time. Right now there are more important things going on. Your parents are splitting up, and I want you to know that I understand what you're going through. My parents got divorced. It's hard. It's really hard. And I know part of you is worried about your mom's health. I know another part of you is probably worried that you're never gonna see her again. Belle: That's definitely part of it. Philip: I just don't want to lose you the way your parents are losing each other -- the way Shawn's parents are. I love you. You're the perfect wife, you're the perfect mother, and I am so blessed to have you and Claire in my life. You're the center of my world. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: This is going to be hard. Abe: Sweetheart, are you gonna be okay? Hey, look, I know this has been an emotional day. We can just save all this for later. Lexie: No, I can't. I have to do this, okay? Alex: Excuse me. As a psychiatrist, I think I know what Lexie wants to say. She wanted you all to know just how important it is not to let worries or anxieties impinge on your health or your lives. Lucas: And what else? Alex: Oh, there is nothing else. There are far too many people living in the world today under tremendous stress. And like Abe just said, Lexie has been through a very difficult time. She could have received very disturbing test results, and it made her want to do what she felt is the right thing. Abe: You know, nobody asked you to speak for Lexie. You know you haven't a clue to what she was going to say. Alex: Oh, yes, I do, Abe. And Lexie knows I do. Abe: Then let Lexie say it. Nobody here likes you or respects you. I have saved your life more times than I can count, but not because I give a damn about you. I wasn't able to prove that you murdered Lois Banks or that you're endangering Marlena's life. I should have let John kill you when I had the chance. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Abe, sweetheart, I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me, but it's just that it's been so tense with us, and while you were recovering from your eye surgery and... your other problem, Tek has been there for me as a friend. But after a while, it's turned into more than friendship, and we've been having an affair. But it's over. [Gasps] Abe: Son of a -- you've been sleeping with my wife! Lexie: Abe, no! Austin: Abe, Abe! [All shouting] Let go of him. John: Abraham! Lexie: Abe, stop! John: Abraham, let him go! Lexie: Do something! Oh, my God. No, Tek. Abe: [Breathes heavily] Lexie: He's dead. He's dead. You killed him! You killed him. John: My God, Abraham. Cop: Commander Carver, you're under arrest for murder. Lexie: [Sobbing] Alex: I warned you that telling the truth would lead to disaster. Lexie: [Sobbing] [SCENE_BREAK] Alex: Did I hear you right, Abe? You wish you'd let John kill me for coming between Marlena and him? Is that what you would do if another man came between you and Lexie? Abe: What are you implying? Lexie: Honey, honey, he's not implying anything. Please, please, not with our son here. Um, I don't need Alex to speak for me, but he is right. That is why I called you all here today. It was to tell you not to allow this kind of stress in your lives. That's all I wanted to say. I couldn't do it, Mom. I couldn't risk losing Abe. Abe: Sweetheart... are you gonna be all right? Lexie: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Marlena: I've never seen Abe behave that way. John: No, he -- you remember Abe? Marlena: Of course -- of course I remember Abe. John: Then you are on the verge of a major breakthrough. I got a feeling everything is getting ready to unravel for our friend Dr. North. [SCENE_BREAK] Alex: I'd like a moment in private with my wife. John: You're not going anywhere with her. Alex: You have absolutely nothing to say about that. John: You're right. Actions speak louder than words. Marlena: [Gasps] Alex: Excuse me, officers! Tek: John, John, John. Alex: Do your job! Tek: Don't start anything, man. Don't start anything. Alex: You better listen to him, John, or do you want me to ask for yet another restraining order? Marlena: No, John, it's okay. I'll talk to Alex. John: Don't do that. Tek: You sure, Dr. Evans? Marlena: Yes, of course. I can talk to my -- my...husband. Alex: Come on, let's go. Let's go in here. [SCENE_BREAK] Marlena: Alex, it's time we got something out in the open. I'm still pretty unclear about it, but I'm remembering things you did to me. People told me to be wary of you, but every time I get around you, I lose all sense of logic. That's because of you. You abused me, Alex. You abused me... physically and psychologically, and now you're drugging me, aren't you? Aren't you? Alex: That's right, Marlena. But after I give you this... you won't remember any of it. Marlena: [Gasps] [SCENE_BREAK] Belle: Philip, I have something that I need to tell you. Philip: [Sighs] What? Belle: I want to have another baby with you. Philip: What? Really? Um, yeah. I-I-I love the idea. I love you. I love Claire. I think we should give her a brother or sister. Yeah! Belle: Yeah, well, then why are we just sitting here talking about it? Philip: You -- you mean you want -- right now? Belle: [Clears throat] Right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn D.: You know what I just remembered? Mimi: No, what? Shawn D.: Remember that letter you wrote me? I was supposed to read that after we got married. Mimi: Oh, I totally forgot about that letter. [SCENE_BREAK] Mimi: How do I tell Shawn he's Claire's father? What if I chicken out again? I'll write him a letter. Write him a letter -- that way I can't change my mind. I'll tell him everything. [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn D.: Where is it, anyway? Mimi: I don't know. Shawn D.: Oh, you know what? Never mind, I remember. [SCENE_BREAK] Abe: I'm sorry I went off on Alex like that. But I agree with John. The guy's a snake. He's up to something. I wish to God I had one thing that I could nail him on. I would take him into custody right now before he leaves town with Marlena. Well, I am gonna take this big guy -- come here, big guy. Are you making a call? Celeste: He wants to talk on the telephone. Abe: Are you calling daddy? Come here, come here, come here. I'm gonna take you down to the cafeteria because he loves that chocolate pudding, don't you? Yes, he does. You want to come? Lexie: No. I have to check on some patients. I'll see you later, sweetheart. Abe: [Laughs] You sure you're gonna be all right? Lexie: Yeah. I'll be fine. Abe: Okay. Bye-bye. Lexie: Bye-bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Chelsea: Alexandra, you have got to tell Abraham the truth about your affair with Tek. You can't go on lying. [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: I'm not exactly sure what that was all about, but Lexie was right about one thing -- we can't be carrying all this stress around, and you look really stressed out. Carrie: Stop it, Austin. Austin: I think I know why. You are not with the right man. You're not with the man who really loves you. Tell me the truth. Come on. You still love me, don't you? [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: You're glad this is a hospital, aren't you? 'Cause you're about to faint from relief. Sami: I don't know what you're talking about. Lucas: Oh, come on. You were white-knuckled a few minutes ago. What's going on, huh? I'll bet Lexie was gonna say something pretty bad. But you just dodged another bullet, didn't you? What's going on between you two? Sami: Nothing. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Got to keep Alex away from Marlena. Tek: Look, man, I'm sorry, John, but you tried to kill Alex before. We can't give you another chance. John: Now, you listen to me. Marlena is getting her memory back. Alex wants to impede that. Why the hell do you think he took her out of there to get her someplace private? So he could drug her or hypnotize her or anything he can do to keep her from remembering. Tek: But, John, he didn't force her to go with him. She went willingly. John: I think she's finally ready to confront him. Let me tell you, she is in trouble, and I've got to be there for her before it's too late. [SCENE_BREAK] Alex: Well, now, that's much better. We'll be going on our honeymoon soon. And you will never see John Black again. [SCENE_BREAK] John: I think they came this way. Listen, thanks for coming along and letting me do this, partner. Abe: I'm by your side. John: I know that. Abe: I just don't want any violence. John: I can hear his voice. [SCENE_BREAK] Alex: Oh, for crying out loud. This is getting real old, John. What did you expect to find in here, Marlena hanging from a light fixture? John: By now I'm sure you know that she's got her memory back, and she wants nothing to do with you. Marlena: No, that's not so. I'm married to Alex. I love him. John: We're too late. He got to her! Abe: Hey, hey, hey. Come on, come on. Alex: I do not want you harassing Marlena anymore. I didn't get to her with anything. Abe, I do not want my wife subjected to this. Now, we are about to leave on our honeymoon. I am taking her far away, someplace where he can't find us, and I expect you and the rest of the Salem P.D. to keep a collar on him until we are long gone. I do not want him bothering Marlena anymore! Say goodbye, Marlena. Marlena: Goodbye, John. Goodbye, Abe. Abe: Come on. [SCENE_BREAK] John: My God, Abraham. Did you see her? Did you see the way she was -- Abe: I did, I did. John: I can't let this happen, man. I want to stop him. [SCENE_BREAK] Carrie: Austin, I can't be with you. I love Lucas, and I belong with him.. I think that you should be with Sami. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: Listen to me. I saw you talking to Alex. I saw you whispering in each other's ears. I was standing so close I could hear you grind your teeth. Sami: I don't know what you think you saw, but I'm not up to anything, especially with Alex North. I think that guy is creepy. Lucas: You know what, Sami? If you're up to your old tricks again, they're gonna backfire. You're not gonna get Austin. You're never gonna change, and you're never gonna be happy, either. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Mom, I've screwed up so many lives trying to preserve my own happiness. Now, what if no one winds up happy? What if Alex and Sami never get what's coming to them? Celeste: Oh, darling. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: That was amazing. Belle: Yeah, it was. Maybe it did the trick. Philip: Maybe it did. I hope so, too, 'cause I want to have another one and another. Belle: Oh, Philip. Philip: No, I mean it, though, seriously. I mean, you want Claire to have brothers and sisters, right? Are you okay? Belle: I'm fine. My family and my future are with you. It's right where I want it to be. Philip: I love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn D.: All right. I cannot wait to read this letter, finally. Mimi: [Thinking] If he reads that letter, then it's the end of our marriage. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: Well, I have a confession to make. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: For once in my life, I am going to do the right thing, so you can take your threats and stuff them. [SCENE_BREAK] Alex: I want you to take off immediately. Make sure this plane cannot be traced. [SCENE_BREAK] John: But I'm gonna save her life or by God, I'm gonna lose mine trying. | Alex admits to the wrongdoing but drugs Marlena again |
453 | (Wagner's "Bridal Chorus from 'Lohengrin'" playing) Katie: The way you talk about her-- it's beautiful. I only hope somebody thinks of me that way someday. But Donna doesn't love you. She's just doing this to make Stephanie insane. Donna: Thank you for standing by me. It means a lot. Donna: (Whispers) this is the happiest day of my life. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Oh. (Mutters) Oh! (Laughs) rescued in the nick of time. Taylor: What? Nick: Come here, woman. Come, come, come, come, come. Come, come. (Whispers) God, you look good. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Taylor: What? Nick: This is what the love of a good woman is all about, right here. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Taylor: I feel like I'm going to get into trouble. Nick: Maybe you are in trouble. Taylor: Feeling a little feisty, are we? Nick: I don't know. Are we? Mmm. God, you look good. You feel good. You look good. You smell good. Taylor: Oh. Nick: You feel good. Mmm. Taylor: What do you think about "Jeremy"? Nick: I don't know. Who's Jeremy? Taylor: Mmm. I am talking about a name for the baby. Nick: Baby names? And boys, nonetheless? Ha! What do you know? Taylor: What, uh, what about "Jacqueline"? Would you like that? I like it. Nick: My mother's name? Well, I don't know, I mean, she'd probably like it, but wouldn't it be a little confusing for the kid? Two of 'em? Taylor: Okay, so no second additions... Nick: No. Taylor: No "The thirds," no-- Nick: No, no, no, no. Just give the kid its own original name, okay? Yeah. Be happier and healthier. Taylor: Do you have any ideas? Nick: Well, I got ideas, but it ain't about kids' names right now. Mm-hmm. Taylor: I am in big trouble. Nick: Mmm. Oh, big, you are, you are. (Telephone rings) Nick: Just ignore that. Meriah will get it. (Ring) Nick: Come here. Come on. Taylor: No, I can't. I can't ignore that. That's really distracting. Just answer the phone. (Whispers) just answer the phone. (Ring) Nick: Okay. (Whispering) you look good. You feel good. Good. (Ring) Nick: Yeah? He wants to talk now? Uh, yeah, go ahead. Put him through. I'm sorry. (Clears throat) Taylor: No. (Whispers) I'll be right back. Nick: Hey. [SCENE_BREAK] Minister: We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the joining together of Donna Logan and Thorne Forrester in holy matrimony. We pray that their marriage will be a blessing to them, enriching their lives and fulfilling the promise of their love. If anyone present has reason why this union should not take place, speak now or forever hold your peace. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: So is your mother joining us for dinner? Because I'm starving. Nick: She's going to Thorne and Donna's wedding. Guess our invitation got lost in the mail. Taylor: Mm. Well, I don't really think its part of miss manners, to, uh, have to invite your boss to your wedding. Nick: Well, it would have been nice. Tell me, is the food as good as I hear it is at those Forrester weddings? Taylor: Well, I didn't really see Stephanie going all out on this one anyway. Nick: No, right. If it's not for the dressmaker, I'm sure Thorne will be getting the cream cheese sandwiches and the veggie tray. Taylor: Oh. What I mean, is, um, she couldn't have if she wanted to because the whole thing went down so fast. Nick: (Chuckles) you know, Donna-- with that blond hair and all that... stuff going on-- people underestimate her. Stephanie sure did. Taylor: No, she just doesn't like her because her last name is Logan. Nick: Well, that's the whole point. Taylor: The point of what? Nick: Donna is marrying Thorne so she can stick it to Stephanie. Taylor: What makes you think that? Nick: Because that's what Donna told my mother. [SCENE_BREAK] Minister: Since there are no objections, we will continue with the reading. Felicia: This is a reading about the nature of love. From 1 Corinthians. "Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast. It is not proud. It is not rude. It is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." Minister: Donna and Thorne, if it is your intention to share your lives, all your joys and sorrow, and everything the years may bring, with your promises, now bind yourselves together as husband and wife. Join hands. Donna, make your vow to Thorne. Donna: (Whispering) I've waited my whole life to say this to a man. I'm so happy that man is you. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: Donna told your mother that she's only marrying Thorne because she wants to "stick it" to Stephanie? Nick: It's revenge, pure and simple revenge. When did your mother tell you about this? Nick: A while ago. Taylor: And you didn't say anything? Nick: To be honest, I really didn't think she'd go through with it. Taylor: Well, nick, they're getting married today. I'm--I'm telling you, if Thorne proposed to Donna, it's because he believes that she loves him, and if she doesn't... Nick: Well, let this be on her conscience, not yours. Every time that Thorne might get hurt, doesn't mean you have to jump and run to his rescue. Taylor: But, no, he will get hurt if this is true. I mean--I mean, Stephanie obviously wasn't able to stop the wedding, and I seriously doubt anybody from the Logan family will even try. [SCENE_BREAK] Donna: Thorne, I know this happened quicker than anyone expected, but when I think about how long we've known each other, how long we've been a part of each other's lives... our relationship has blossomed unexpectedly, but it's been growing and maturing for years and years. Katie's voice: Donna doesn't love you the way you think she does. The way you think she does. Minister: Thorne. Your vows. It's time to commit your life to Donna. . ( Rock music playing ) Thorne: I have a million things going through my head right now. I had this whole speech prepared, but those words which I've been practicing all morning can't be--begin to describe what I'm feeling right now. I'm so overwhelmed. Thorne: Marriage is such a huge commitment. We're talking about the rest of our lives... my daughter's life. Aly loves you so much, Donna. Donna: And I love her, too. I love you, too, Thorne. (Paper crumples) Thorne: I can't. I can't do this. Donna: Thorne, wait! Where are you going? Thorne! [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: This is wrong. This is just so wrong. Sweetheart, would you be upset if I just go over there and talk to Thorne? I just--I can only hope that the wedding hasn't happened yet. Nick: Go. Offer 'em free marriage counseling. Go on. Save the world. Taylor: I love you. Get us some takeout. [SCENE_BREAK] Clarke: What the hell just happened? Storm: Stephanie's wildest dream just came true. Katie: This doesn't have anything to do with Stephanie. It has to do with Thorne and Donna. Jackie: I'm sure they just need to talk, that's all. Sort some things out. Felicia: Okay, the caterer is serving drinks by the pool. Ashley: Well, that sounds good to me. Rick: Yeah, I could really use a drink right now. Stephanie: You know, maybe everyone should just go home. Bridget: Stephanie, no. No one knows what's going on right now. Stephanie: We all saw the expression on Thorne's face. He is not going to marry Donna today or any other day, thank God. [SCENE_BREAK] Thorne: How could I not have seen it? How? How could I have not seen it? (Knock on door) Donna: Thorne. Thorne, open up. (Grunts) what's wrong? Thorne: "What's wrong?" I think you know what's wrong. Donna: (Voice breaks) look, look, it--it-- it's just cold feet. Thorne: Yeah. Donna: That's all. It's not the end of the world. I mean, it happens. We'll just-- we'll just take a few minutes and relax and get back out there. Thorne: No, Donna, that's not it, and you know that is not it, you know it. I thought what we had, I thought what we shared-- I thought it meant something, Donna. I thought it meant something. I thought it was real. Donna: What are you saying? Of course, it's real. I-I-I-I said my vows. I-I made my commitment to you. Thorne: Why? Why, Donna? Why? Donna: What? Your mother got to you. Thorne: No. No, she didn't, but she tried. But I wouldn't listen. Donna: No, no, no, listen. Just--just stop. Stop, okay? Okay? Whatever you're thinking, I-I can explain, okay? Baby, baby, somebody's putting ideas in your head. Just--just tell me who it is. Tell me what they said. Donna: You? You went to Thorne? Katie: I gave you every chance to do the right thing, Donna. Donna: You stabbed me in the back. My own sister. Do you have any idea what you've done... to me? To Thorne and Aly? Thorne: Are you saying she's lying? Why would she do that, Donna? Donna: Jealousy. Katie: Oh, please. Don't try and spin this. Donna: No, I'm finally-- I'm finally happy, and--and you can't stand it. Katie: That's not true, and you know it. Donna: Well, why else would you do this? Katie: I thought Thorne had a right to know the truth. Donna: (Scoffs) you only got in town a few days ago, and--and--and suddenly, you're an expert on our lives? You know more about our relationship than my future husband. Katie: I know when I'm being lied to. Donna: I never lied to you, to either of you. Katie: I asked you if you loved Thorne. Do you remember what you said? Donna: I-I said the truth. I said that I would make Thorne and Aly happy, that I'll make him a good wife. I will, Thorne. Please, you just-- you just have to have a little faith. Katie: And Stephanie-- where does she fit in to all this? Donna: Nowhere. The minister asked if-- if there were any objections, and--and she didn't say anything... because she knew she didn't have to. You already said everything for her. Katie: No. Donna: They're working together, Thorne. Thorne: You know what? Stop it, okay? Stop trying to make Katie out to be the bad guy. Donna: No, no, but-- but she's ruining everything. Thorne: You mean your plan for revenge? I know all about it, Donna. You were using me to get back at my mother. Katie: I'm sorry, Donna. I-I really am. You would have regretted this marriage as much as anyone. Donna: No. No, no, baby. Baby, please, l-listen to me. I love you, okay? I love you. Thorne: No, you don't. You don't. Donna: (Sobbing) oh! Oh! Thorne: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Jackie: (Sighs) I know you were supportive of this wedding, but if it doesn't happen, it--it won't be the worst thing. Taylor: Eric? Eric: Taylor? Taylor: Where's Thorne? Where's everybody? Jackie: The wedding didn't happen. Thorne couldn't go through with it. Taylor: Thank God. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: I am so, so sorry. Thorne: You didn't say anything that I hadn't already been told. I... oh. My mother was right. She--she was right. I just can't believe it took this long to get it. I mean, the signs were there-- the constant... seduction, th--th-- the subtle manipulation. I-I... why couldn't I see it? Why couldn't I see it? Katie: You wanted to see the good things in Donna. That's something to be proud of. Thorne: I let my loneliness eclipse my judgment, is what it was. Katie: Well, Donna must have been pretty desperate to do what she did. I mean, I can't imagine any other reason. Maybe I'm making excuses for her. She is my sister. Thorne: You did the right thing, Katie, the courageous thing. I mean, you saved me from making a terrible mistake-- one that would've affected my whole family, especially my daughter. Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Donna: Damn it. Damn it. (Glass shatters) Donna: Damn it! Stephanie: Oh, my. All the weapons on display. They really let you down today, didn't they? Donna: Brooke always said you were threatened by sexuality. I guess she was right. Stephanie: Thorne had a good time, but finally, he came to his senses. I always knew he would. Donna: Oh, no, you didn't! You were gonna let us get married. Stephanie: Fortunately, your sister had other ideas, didn't she? So I guess that just proves that there is a decent Logan on the family tree. Donna: You think what she did was decent? She broke your son's heart. Stephanie: No, you broke my son's heart by lying to him. She just enabled him to see that. Donna: We could have been happy together. I could've made him happy. Stephanie: (Laughs) oh, right, keep thinking that while you pack your things and leave. Donna: This isn't over. Stephanie: Oh, yes, it is over, because he's seen the truth, and he sees you for what you are-- a conniving opportunist. Donna: Oh! Stephanie: Stop that! Stop that! You get the hell out of this property! You're the one that blew it, you understand me?! You blew it! And no one-- no one in this family's ever gonna be taken in by you again. Donna: I did not get my revenge on you today, Stephanie, but I promise you, someday, somehow, I will. Stephanie: Blah, blah, blah, blah. Donna: (Sobbing) | As the ceremony proceeds, Stephanie and Katie's eyes are gazing at him |
454 | Jennifer: Hi. Maggie: Hi! Oh, don't you look nice? Is that a new dress? Jennifer: Uh...does it look new? I mean...I mean, I don't want it to look like I have a new dress. I wanted to wear a dress and I want to look nice, but I don't want it to look like-- Maggie: Hey, hey, calm down. Are you okay? Jennifer: Yeah, I'm okay. I just...I have a date. Maggie: Good! I'm glad. Ha. So...who's the lucky guy? She says, trying to act casual. Jennifer: That's what I wanted to talk to you about. It's...with Eric. [Somber music] Maggie: Oh. Nicole: Brady, I don't--I don't know if--if I can do this. Brady: I wanna--I wanna make a life with you and holly and Tate--it's that simple. I wanna be a family with you. Nicole: Yeah, well, thanks to Chloe...holly and I have to live in hiding. So I'm gonna spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder ready to run to the next place where no one knows us. Brady: I would prefer to stay here, but if you run... we run with you. Nicole: It's not fair for Tate to have to live that way. Brady: What do you mean, it's not fair? It's not fair for him to have two grownups that actually love him...and wanna raise him right? I'll tell you what's not fair-- to be back in that town, Salem, where the grownups seem to be more concerned about waging war against one another... where kidnapping a child actually is becoming a common occurrence. Nicole: All right, that's not good for him either, but neither is running, right? There's nothing for him here. Brady: That's not true. There's you and there's holly, and there's the possibility of a happy family here. Nicole: How can we have a happy family if we get caught and daddy goes to jail? I mean, who's gonna take care of them then? Brady: Look at me, look at me--it's not gonna happen. I got this, all right? I have the wherewithal to make sure that nobody finds us. The trail...went cold at the border. No one is gonna find us. [Knock on door] [Tense music] Victor: Deimos...you know, it's so surprising that a man as beloved as you would get the crap kicked out of him. Tell me, did a mob just descend on you, or did your friends draw straws to see who got the honors? Deimos: It was Chad DiMera. He made a very big mistake [Dramatic music] Chad: Hey, baby. Where's Thomas? Abigail: He's upstairs. Chad: Everything all right? Abigail: Hope came by here earlier today and said that Deimos had been beaten up and that you were responsible. Is that true? [Dramatic musical flourish] Chad: Uh... [Chuckles] I gave him a taste of his own medicine, I suppose. Abigail: No! Chad: It was a small taste! W-wh-wha-- I didn't throw him in a meat locker for a couple of days or kidnap someone he loves and poison them, which I think shows a great deal of restraint on my part. Abigail: This is not funny. Chad: No, you're right, it's not funny! [Object clatters] Chad: But he had to be told in terms that he could understand that you don't get to mess with my family and get away with it. Abigail: Okay, so, what, you're gonna retaliate? And then the next thing we know, he will, and then you will and then he will, and it's a stupid thing that's just gonna go on and on and then I wake up and all of a sudden, someone's dead! [Dramatic chords] Victor: You know, you look like Marlon Brando at the end of "On The Waterfront." [Chuckles] Ah...kidney punches, huh? I thought as much. You know, all the DiMera enforcers are classically trained. That's gonna hurt for months. Deimos: You know what, you don't have to enjoy this so much. Victor: Well, it's always nice to be able to say "I told you so." Come on, you go around poking people in the eye and get surprised when they retaliate? You're lucky Chad DiMera's not the animal that you are. He only went after you. You attacked his family. Deimos: I tell you what. You're the last person that should be talking to me about morality. Victor: I am talking about family--my family. Brady's gone, Tate is gone. Even I think he's better off on the run with-- Deimos: Wait a minute. Are you saying that Brady took off with Nicole? Chloe: That's right. And what are you gonna do about it? [Edgy music] Nicole: Oh, Hillary, it's you. Hillary: Hey, Bridget. Hey, Freddie, glad you're back. Brady: Hi, Hillary. How you doing? Hillary: I wanted you to meet my husband scooter. Scooter, this is Bridget and Freddie... and the most beautiful baby in the whole wide world. [Tate crying] Hillary: Who's that? Deimos: Victor said that Brady took off with Nicole. Is that true? Chloe: What happened to you? Deimos: Did he go off with Nicole... yes or no? Chloe: Yes. Deimos: Eduardo told you about this, didn't he? What else does he know? Chloe: He doesn't know anything else. Deimos: Chloe, don't lie to me. Chloe: I'm not lying to you. All he knows is that Brady crossed into Canada with Nicole, which means that she has access to all his money, which means that she's probably gonna get away with it. Deimos: No, it doesn't. Just means that she made a very big mistake. Chloe: Nicole choosing Brady over you? That's what's bothering you? You couldn't care less about what happens with holly. Deimos: This isn't over, all right? Nicole's not gonna throw her life away for some mealy-mouthed pretty boy. I won't let that happen. Chloe: Okay, well, where I'm standing, it doesn't look like there's much that you can do. Think you lost her for good. Deimos: You know what, if that's true...then you have yourself to thank for that, and all of this--even losing holly. So as far as I'm concerned, you can go to hell. Nicole: Oh. [Small laugh] Brady: He's back asleep. Hillary: Who is "he"? Nicole: Uh, our son. He was at his grandfather's, and Brady just brought him back. Hillary: You never said anything about having a son. Nicole: You never said anything about having a husband either, so... Scooter: You didn't? Hillary: Well, sometimes I forget you exist. He's a math professor. Imagine the fascinating conversations that we have about that. [Both laughing] Brady: Well, nice to meet you, scooter. Hillary: Oh, uh, Freddie, I actually thought that you two might have something in common, you know, being a chemical engineer and all. Scooter: No, I actually teach a class: "Math theory for the applied sciences." Love to get your input on that. [Lightly edgy music] André: Are we up for a visitor? Gabi: What are you doing here? André: Oh...well, clearly, you're back to your old self. I understand you're going to be discharged soon. Gabi: You didn't answer my question. What the hell are you doing here, okay? We're not exactly friends. André: No. No, but cards on the table...I believe you pose a threat to my family. Gabi: Because my last name is Hernandez? André: No. Because you're in love with my brother... and I'm afraid he's married to someone else. [Ominous music] Chad: Do you not know me well enough by now that I would never let anything happen to Thomas? Abigail: Yeah, well, you said you weren't gonna let anything happen to me. Chad: You know what, that's not fair. Abigail: Well... Chad: Okay, you don't-- okay, yeah, I screwed up. You wanna know why? Abigail: Hmm? Chad: 'Cause I took the high road, and Deimos took from that that I was weak and I wouldn't fight back. And you can't deal with a bully like that, so I did what I did. And it's gonna be over soon. Abigail: And that, right there, is exactly what I'm afraid of...exactly. Because, Chad, I cannot lose you, and that is exactly where it's headed. Chad: What--we came to an agreement--there's no more violence! Abigail: Yeah, right! 'Cause his word means so much! Chad: I am gonna neutralize him, okay, and I unders-- you know what? Okay. Hey, listen, I understand that it's a slippery slope-- Abigail: Into hell. Chad: You know what? Do you--[Laughs] Do you trust me... or not? [Edgy music] Does that bother you? Maggie: I'M... surprised. Kinda out of the blue. Jennifer: I know. I can imagine. Maggie: Ah... I did tell Eric to make the most out of the second chance that he's been given. I mean, that's what Daniel would have wanted him to do. Jennifer: He knows that he made a terrible mistake. He--he agonizes over the pain that he has caused you and Nicole. Maggie: I don't want him to. I mean, Jennifer, I have forgiven him, but... [Exhales] Jennifer: No, say it. We need to say it all, aunt Maggie. Maggie: You loved Daniel once. And there just seems to be... a lot of baggage here... I mean, including Eric's drinking and...and your addiction. Are you sure this is a healthy step, not just for Eric, but for you too? Jennifer: I don't know. I just know that I have feelings for him, and... I just feel like we both need to give this a chance and see where it leads. [Soft music] [Footsteps approach] Eric: Victor. Victor: For me? How sweet. Or are you going on a date? Daniel used to go on dates. He doesn't anymore. He's dead. Eric: No need to make me feel guilty. I've got that covered all by myself. Victor: Ah, I can see you're consumed with guilt. That's why you got all dressed up... went to the flower shop to find a perfect rose. Well, have fun on your date. What are you gonna do? Have a few cocktails, go for a spin? Make sure you tell the young lady to, uh, buckle her seatbelt. Eric: I don't drink anymore. And I don't drive. Victor: You want a dog yummy? I'm sure Marlena and roman convinced you that the good people of Salem would welcome you with open arms. And maybe there are a few weak-minded ones that will. Most of us won't...and never will. Like most of the people who know you, I wish I never had to look at your face again. [Somber music] Abigail: [Scoffs] What does it matter whether I trust you? You're gonna do whatever the hell you want, no matter what. Chad: That's cute. Really? Where are you going? Abigail: I'm gonna go and I'm gonna see Gabi, and I think you need to come with me. Chad: Well, I don't think that's a very good idea, because probably her family wants to see her, and they don't like me very much, so I'm not gonna go. Abigail: Well, I know you feel guilty about everything that you've done-- you've gotten her into this mess--but you need to trust me on this. Chad: Oh, okay. I trust you. You-- Abigail: Yeah, because we need to start building some things. We need to start putting some things back together, and this is a good place to start. Chad: Fine. Let's go! Abigail: Let's go! Chad: Yep. Gabi: There's no need to threaten me. André: You think that was a threat? Gabi: It was indirect and condescending like you are, but it was still a threat. Chad and I are trying to do the right thing. André: [Laughs] Everyone tries, darling. Gabi: You really are a disgusting, smug, hypocritical little man. André: [Laughs] Yes, I suppose all of that. But I'm loyal to my family. And since Chad is my brother, his wife, his son, are also my family, and I will do whatever it takes to protect them. Gabi: No. You don't need to protect them from me, okay? Chad is married. I know there's no possibility for us. So two things. One...I hope that you believe that I'm trying to keep my distance from Chad. And two...that you get the hell out of my room and out of my life. André: Hmm. Chloe: Oh, give me a break. How can you blame me for trying to protect my child? Deimos: She's not yours, Chloe! Chloe: And Nicole is not yours. Brady is a good guy. For once, Nicole actually made the right choice. Deimos: Ah, you know what, just--just get out of my face. Chloe: You know, I wish I could have been there when this happened to you...but I'm sure that doesn't set me apart. Thank you. I'm glad I wasn't wrong about you. [Dark music] Scooter: So tell me, what math software do you use at work? Brady: Um...[Exhales] Wow, I, uh, I would love to discuss that with you, but I have one of those confidentiality agreements with my company. But your course sounds interesting. Where do you teach that? Scooter: It's a small college in Winnipeg. Brady: Winnipeg? Scooter: Mm. Brady: That's a big commute, right? Scooter: Well, I'm on sabbatical, working on a book. Brady: Oh. Scooter: I-I'm sorry. Uh, it's Bridget, right? Nicole: That's right. Scooter: I-I know I've never met anyone named Bridget, but I could swear I've seen you before. [Suspenseful notes] [Light knock] Abigail: Hey, Gabi. You up for a couple visitors? Gabi: Hi. Abigail: The nurse at the desk said you're doing really well. That's great news. Gabi: Yeah, I'm getting a lot--a lot better. Abigail: Good. [Soft music] Gabi: Hi, Chad. Chad: Hi, Gabi. Abigail: Well, you sure look a lot better. She looks a lot better than the last time we saw her, right? Gabi: You guys were here before? Abigail: Mm-hmm. We were really worried about you. Weren't we? Chad: Yeah. Scared the hell out of us. Abigail: Mm-hmm. Gabi: Yeah, well, you don't have to worry now because I'm being released this afternoon. Abigail: That's great. Oh, that's great--do you need a ride or anything? Gabi: No, no. Dario's gonna pick me up. But, I'M... glad you guys came. I needed to thank you for saving my life. Chad: No need to thank me. I'm, uh, I'm the...reason you got into all that, so... [Ahem] Gabi: No. It was Deimos' fault, so don't beat yourself up. But it's all over now, so... [Beep beep] Abigail: Sorry. Um... [Sighs] Sorry, Gabi. I have to go home. I gotta send a file to the Florence office. Chad: Okay, that's fine. It was nice to see you, Gabi. Abigail: No. It's okay, um...you guys have a lot to talk about. Just...just stay. I will see you at home. Okay? Hug Ari for me, okay? Gabi: Yeah. Abigail: Let me know when you're up for lunch or something. Gabi: Okay. Chad: I don't--I don't really know what--what...is left to say... you know... besides good-bye. [Soft music] Victor: I know you went to Maggie to ask her forgiveness. Plus, it made you feel better. Ever think what it did to her? I can tell you one thing. She won't talk about it, but she hasn't slept since. And it's torture for her that you're back in Salem. You may believe in a forgiving god... but you're just being a selfish bastard to expect it from people who loved Daniel. [Dark music] Nicole: That's funny, I mean, there is definitely someone out there who looks like me. I mean, people think they know me all the time. But, honey, why don't you offer our guests a drink? Brady: Sure. Course. I don't drink myself, but I'd be more than happy to show you what I got. Hillary, what do you like? Hillary: A beer would be great if you have one. Nicole: Oh, sorry. Scooter: I know what she likes. Hillary: You think you do. Scooter: Lead the way. [Hillary sighs] Nicole: So, um...scooter's writing a book--that's cool. Hillary: Oh, yeah, he, uh, he says he is, but I don't really see him finishing it anytime soon. Nicole: No? Hillary: No. He spends too much time on the internet. Social media, YouTube, and, uh, of course there's the porn. [Lightly edgy music] Nicole: Oh, and...and you're okay with that? Hillary: No. But it's, uh, better than the alternative. I would never put up with him cheating on me. Nicole: Yeah, well, uh, good for you. Hillary: He thinks I don't know what he's doing, but come on...I'm a cop. Nothing gets past me. [Soft music] Chloe: I'm a little upset, okay? Maggie: Yeah. I see that. What's wrong? Chloe: What isn't...wrong? Wait a minute. You do know about Brady, don't you? Maggie: No, what? Chloe: [Sighs] Well, Brady's gone off into the sunset with Nicole. They're living the life in Canada. Maggie: Oh. Ha. I had no idea. Chloe: Yeah, well, part of me is really angry... and then a part of me is kind of relieved. Maggie: Why? Chloe: Because I don't trust Nicole to keep holly safe. But I do trust Brady. But now that Deimos is out for blood, god knows where this is all gonna end up. [Door closes] André: I was looking for Chad. Abigail: Hi. Um, he is at the hospital. We went to go see Gabi, and I had a work thing, so I had to come home. André: Is he alone with her? Abigail: Yeah. André: I thought they'd cut all ties. Abigail: They needed some kind of closure. André: Again? Abigail: [Sighs] Gabi almost died, and Chad feels like it's his fault. André: But that's ridiculous. Deimos was to blame. Abigail: I know, André, but you can't tell people how to feel--it doesn't work. Chad feels like it's his fault, and I can't pretend like he doesn't feel that way, so he needed to talk to Gabi about it. André: But... what if she plays on the guilt? Abigail: [Laughs] She won't. She's not a villain. And she hasn't done anything wrong. After everything that I put Chad through, I'm not gonna be petty and I'm not gonna be jealous. I'm just...not. Especially since I know I don't have to worry anymore. André: Why, because Chad told you that you didn't? Men have been known to "shade the truth" in situations like this. Abigail: Well, he didn't have to tell me. I saw what he did at the warehouse. He had one vial of the antidote and...he chose to save me first. It almost cost Gabi her life. Gabi: Chad, before you say anything... there's something I wanna say. I hope that Deimos burns in hell for making you choose whether Abigail or I would live, but you had to choose, and you had to choose her, because she's your wife--she's the mother of your son. Chad: Gabi, stop, stop, would you listen to me? It's not that--it's not that-- it's not--look, I-I was here before. You were unconscious, and... I talked to you. And--and--and... I'm pretty sure you heard me. But I'm gonna--I'm gonna say it again. Your father...said that you were giving up, that you weren't fighting anymore. So I came here and I had to tell you...why I went to Abigail first. It was because I knew in my heart that I could count on you to catch that vial. Gabi: I just--I knew, I-- I looked at you and I knew what you were gonna do and why, because we were in sync. We always are. Chad: We always are. But you're okay now. Gabi: I'll be fine. I'll be fine. We have to be fine. [Soft music] Maggie: There is a way to ensure that this has a happy ending. Chloe: What's that? Maggie: Well, that...you could share custody with Nicole. Chloe: No way. Maggie: I know you don't want to, but it may be the only way. Chloe: Well, the way that things have turned out, she's not gonna want to share custody with me. Besides, she already has holly and Brady and everything she's ever wanted. Maggie: Do you think she wants to live her life on the run? Do you think she never wants to see parker again? I mean, skipping over the things that you did to create this baby in the first place... now, you said you only started this custody fight because you wanted... [Exhales] Well, you were worried... about Deimos in holly and Nicole's life. Well, he is no longer in their life, and he never will be. Chloe, isn't it time to compromise? I mean, it may be the only way that you get to see that little girl again. I want my granddaughter back as much as you do. I know you love holly. And I know you want her to have the best life possible, but... whether or not that happens is entirely up to you. Hillary: This is so much fun. L-let's keep the party going. Come on over for dinner. Brady: Oh, our...our kids are a little too young to go for a dinner party. Hillary: Then we'll bring the dinner party here. What do you say? Bridget? Nicole: Well, I mean, isn't it a lot of work? Hillary: I don't care how much work it is. You know, that way, I won't have to listen to him go on and on about algorithms over a plate of meat loaf. Come on, Pythagoras, we got shopping to do. Scooter: Right. Hillary: See you later. Scooter: Damn it. I know I've seen you someplace. Hillary: How? You never even leave the house. Brady: They are so much fun, I can't wait for dinner. Oh, it's gonna be so great. Nicole: Okay, do you have any idea what she said to me about scooter? Brady: It probably wasn't very flattering. Nicole: He watches porn. That's where he's seen me before. Brady: Wow. Hillary's full of a lot of information, isn't she? Nicole: It's not funny, Brady. Brady: No, it's not--okay. Listen, look at me. It's not funny, but it's not serious either. I know that was not a good time in your life, but it was years ago--don't worry about it. Nicole: What if he finds out I was misty circle-- Brady: He's not gonna find-- da-da-da. Nicole, if he was watching porn, probably wasn't paying too much attention to your face, okay? Nicole: Okay, well, then maybe he saw the amber alert. Brady: If--[Sighs] Then the--then the cop would have picked up on it, right? She's a police officer. I don't think the amber alert was here in Canada. It was exclusive to Salem. Nicole: [Softly] Okay. I hope you're right. I really don't like mixing it up with them. Brady: Look, I don't find them to be a heck of a lot of fun either, but I don't think we can afford to freeze them out either. We have to appear like a nice young family that's new to the neighborhood, and honestly, Nicole, honestly... being a nice young family doesn't sound too bad to me right now. [Lightly edgy music] Jennifer: Oh! Eric: Hey, Jennifer. Jennifer: There you are. I'm so sorry that I was late. I should have called, and I didn't. Eric: You weren't late. That's not what happened. Jennifer: What did happen? Eric: I was...reminded of how much I hurt you. And I won't let it happen again. Jennifer: This is what I-- I want. Eric: I don't want it. Jennifer: But you said that you wanted to move forward. You can't keep punishing yourself like this, Eric. Eric: I'm not. I'm just moving on with my life. Just with you not in it. I'm sorry. André: Well, you're absolutely right. Chad did choose to go to you first. But Abigail...you know, I mean, Gabi's still alive too. Abigail: You sound like you wish she weren't. André: [Laughing] Oh, no. Not at all. I'm just pointing out that Chad's choice seemed to be in agreement with everyone. But remember...I'm on your side. And I know that Chad loves you. It's just the sooner that they get all of this into the past, the better. In the meantime, don't miss the opportunity to remind Chad... that you are the love of his life, mother of his child... his wife... till death do you part. Chad: Gabi, I'm really sorry. I...you deserve better than this. [Soft music] Gabi: Yeah, this hurts. Can't deny that. But you know what? Talking about it doesn't help. Chad: [Whispers] Right. If you ever need anything, you know that I'm-- Gabi: Well, I'm on my own now. Like you said, it's time to say good-bye. [Somber music] Chad: Good-bye. [Dramatic notes] [Somber music] Jennifer: Maybe you need some more time. But I'm not giving up. [Soft instrumentals] Chad: I'm back. Hey. Abigail: You okay? Chad: Yeah. I'm great. Gabi got to go home, so... Abigail: Mm-hmm. Look, I-I was thinking... with all this mess that we've been dealing with lately, we should really...we should do something nice for ourselves. Chad: What'd you have in mind? Abigail: Well, uh... we never did take that second honeymoon that we always talked about, and... we've just been through so much since we've gotten married, I thought it would be really great to renew our vows. Chad: Okay. Yeah. That's a...I think that's a great idea. [Ahem] Abigail: Yeah? Chad: Yeah. Let's, uh, let's set a date. Abigail: Okay. [Laughs] I would love to. [Soft music] Gabi: Have you thought... maybe it was me who wasn't good enough for you? Chad: No. Gabi: Oh, good, because then we're perfect. Plus, I never feel nervous around you. Chad: Good. So then we'll just...take things slow. Gabi: Yeah. Nice and slow. Chad: Mm-hmm. I can live with that. But how slow? [Soft music] Chad: Ever since I lost Abby, there... people have told me that I have my whole life ahead of me. And for the first time, I actually believe them. It's been a really long time since I've felt happy, but I actually do now, and I'm excited for my future...because of you. Gabi: Yeah? Chad: Mm-hmm. Mm! Gabi: [Laughs] Chad: I love you. I love you. Gabi: I love you too. Chad: Okay. Good. I'm glad we settled that. Gabi: Yeah. [Soft music] Maggie: Hey. I just had a talk with Chloe. She said that Brady is with Nicole. Victor: Yes. That's right. Maggie: You knew? Victor: He stopped by... to say good-bye. Maggie: [Laughs] That business trip. Hmm. Why didn't you try to stop him? You know he's gonna be in terrible trouble with the law. Victor: No, it's worse than that. He has convinced himself, again, that he's in love with Nicole. And when he's suffering from that particular delusion, he's hard to stop. Brady: I think... that we can be a happy family. I really, really want that with you. Nicole: Brady, I don't-- I don't think you're facing how much you're giving up or how much you're risking. Brady: I don't care. I wanna be here. And I want you in my life. [Baby fussing over intercom] Brady: I understand that you're not ready yet. That's fine, that's fine. But if you can tell me that there's no chance in hell for us and that you didn't feel one thing during that kiss we just had... then I will take Tate, and I'll head home. Nicole: [Whispers] I... I can't say that. Brady: I didn't think you could. So guess what. Looks like I'm in this for the long haul. [Soft music swells] | André went to see Gabi, but she didn't want to see him |
455 | Kendall: "Anything is possible." You're so optimistic. Ryan: Why would anyone anticipate the worst? Kendall: "If you don't look at the train, it won't hit you"? If you expect the worst, then you're prepared when it happens. Ryan: And if it doesn't, then you've wasted a lot of time. Kendall: So then what's the fix? What do you do when things seem impossible? Ryan: That depends on what's standing in your way. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: Oh, thank God you're here. Would you do something? Stop this. Jack: Maybe I could if somebody could tell me what the hell's going on. Reggie: This man has lost his mind. Derek: It's called corruption of a minor. Jack: Corruption of who? Derek: My daughter, Danielle. Greenlee: Danielle corrupted him. Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa. This is Danielle? Oh, my gosh. Last time I saw you, you were wearing braces, I think. Danielle: Last time I saw you, I thought you were a major cutie. Still are. Livia: Danielle, you can give it a rest. Reggie: Oh, Jack, don't fall for it. If you do, you'll end up in cuffs like me. Jack: Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's with the handcuffs, Derek? Derek: You can pick him up at the station. Jack: He's not going anywhere, Derek. Derek: He goes. Livia: Let's just settle this like adults, ok? Greenlee: Fix this now, miss bag of chips. My family's been through enough. Derek: I got to tell you something. He came through � [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: Now, you -- you want Bianca to be Bess' godmother? Babe: And I want Bess' middle name to be Miranda. Bess Miranda Chandler. Isn't it just better than perfect? J.R.: It's a beautiful name and a beautiful idea. Babe: Bianca and I are a team now. We're going to love Bess together. J.R.: No, just hold on a second, Babe. Bianca, I want to do whatever I can to help you. Bianca: It's ok, J.R. Um -- I understand completely. Look, after what I did -- you didn't know where Bess was, if she was ok. If somebody took my little girl � [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: Pop, there's a chance -- albeit a small chance -- that Bianca's baby is the one that survived the crash. Joe: Tad, you're not making sense. Tad: Yeah, I am. Listen, just -- just hear me out, ok? There was only one person who was conscious the entire night of that helicopter crash, one person who saw those babies together, who was supposed to make sure that those incubators were secure, and that's Paul Cramer. Now, what if he screwed up? Joe: What do you mean, "screwed up"? Tad: I'm not -- I'm not saying he did it intentionally -- God knows there was a lot going on -- but what happens if he panicked? What if he made a mistake and switched the two babies? Joe: Do you have any proof of this? Tad: No. But you do, right there on your desk. You got everybody's blood type on file. Pop, we can get to the truth of this right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Orderly: Your chair, sir? Adam: Ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah. Put it right -- right there. Yeah, yeah. Yeah -- little more -- swing to the right, right -- good. That's good, that's great. Thank you. Krystal: You moving in? You actually going to sleep here? Adam: And eat here. And watch everyone that goes into that nursery. Go ahead, go ahead. Lay it on me. I'm overreacting, I'm overprotective, and I'm suffocating my granddaughter even before I get her home. Tell it like it is. Think whatever you want, but that baby is going to be protected. Krystal: You got me all wrong, Adam. For once, we are on the same side. Nobody -- I mean nobody -- is taking that little girl away from our kids. Adam: Krystal? Is there something I should be worried about? [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: Come on, Pop, it's easy. All you've got to do is open up the computer, right, check out the files, compare Bess' blood type against J.R. and Babe's, and then Bianca's and Michael Cambias. You got Cambias' blood type on that thing, right? Joe: That does not mean I'm going to open up a private file on the basis of a pure speculation. Tad: Are you kidding? Look, if there's the slightest chance that this baby belongs to Bianca, you've got to check it out. Joe: Tad -- I've gone along with a lot of your schemes in the past, but this time -- this time you have lost it. Tad: Yeah? The same way that Bianca lost it when she left this hospital with Bess in her arms because she was convinced she was her child? Maybe she was right. Maybe she hadn't lost it. Joe: Yeah, well, Bianca herself admitted she was confused. Tad: Yeah, but "confused" doesn't mean "wrong." Joe: Well, how about Babe? I mean, if the babies really were switched, Babe would remember what her own baby looked like. She'd know there's a difference between her baby and Bianca's. Tad: How could she? She was unconscious practically from the moment she gave birth. After everything Babe has been through -- first the helicopter crash, then the septicemia -- she's just begun to figure out which way is up again. Joe: Yeah, well, she seems to know her own baby well enough. Tad: Well, maybe she doesn't. Did you know she's having nightmares that she lost the baby, that the baby died? Maybe they aren't just nightmares, Pop. Maybe some awful, tragic mistake was made. You got to -- you got to help me solve this. Joe: Tad, the fact that one mother is grieving and the mother is having nightmares, it really, really is not grounds for an investigation. Tad: I know, I know. I realize it's not a lot to go on, ok? But I am begging you, I am desperate. Just open up the files, check out the blood types, and prove me wrong. Call me an idiot. We will never discuss this for the rest of our lives, case closed. Joe: You know, we have a real ethical question here. Tad: Yeah, you do. Because if there's the smallest chance that baby belongs to Bianca, don't you think she deserves to know it? Doesn't she deserve the right to raise her own child? Come on. We go in, we get the facts, and we forget this conversation ever happened. Agreed? Joe: All right. Let's see what we got. [SCENE_BREAK] Bianca: It makes all the sense in the world that you wouldn't want a crazy woman around Bess right now. J.R.: Well -- um -- let's back up a second. You're not crazy. It happened, it's over, and everything's cool. Babe: Especially if you'll agree to be Bess' godmother. Bianca: I just think I should work through this whole baby-snatching thing first. Babe: We could work through it together, if you want. Honey, that's ok with you, isn't it? J.R.: The only thing that I'm not ok with right now is that it's late, and we're exhausted. It's been a long day. I think we should sleep on it. Babe: J.R., I'd really like to talk about this now. Bianca: No, no, no, J.R.'s right. I'm going to head back to my room. J.R.: Ok -- oh, ok. So hold on a second. I'll -- I'll get someone for you. Bianca: Oh, no. J.R., I -- I know where it is. J.R.: Excuse me, nurse? Miss Montgomery is ready to go back to her room. Could you escort her for me, please? Nurse: Of course. Bianca: Thank you, J.R. And you -- you're amazing. Babe: We love you. Good night. Bianca: Good night. J.R.: Good night. Babe: What was up with that? The nurse? You were totally afraid that Bianca was looking to make a detour to the nursery. J.R.: No. All right, yes. Listen, I'm concerned about Bianca, but I'm even more concerned about you and our baby. But if anybody's crazy here, it's you -- for even suggesting that Bianca could be a part of Bess' life. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Sometimes you know exactly what's blocking the view, you just don't know how to get past it. Ryan: There's always a way -- over it, under it, right the hell through it, if that's what it takes. Kendall: That's easy to say. It takes a lot more than happy thoughts to solve problems. The fear, the uncertainty, all those -- those damn what-ifs -- they trip me up every time. How do I -- how do I choose if the wrong choice can send me over the edge? Ryan: Are you still dreaming about those cliffs? Kendall: Yeah, only now I'm alone. And there's no music and I'm not dancing. Some nights I just fall and fall and fall. I -- I always wake up before I hit the ground, but -- but it's so real. And I know someday -- I know someday I'm just going to smack down. Ryan: Now, didn't I give you pointers about how to banish those bad dreams? Kendall: Then how do you stop the fear? How do you find something to hang on to that's stronger than the demons? Do you have a fix for that? Ryan: What are you trying to say, Kendall? Tell me. Kendall: Um -- it's Bianca. Bianca -- she's in this -- this nightmare that she can't wake up from. Ryan: She'll find a way to, you know, make it to the other side. We all can. Kendall: Yeah, but it's not like returning Bess solved any of our problems. I mean, she -- she still can't have what she wants no matter how bad she wants it. It's got to be tearing her up. Um -- I -- I should probably go. I should check on Bianca. I'm sure she needs company right now. Ryan: Yeah, yeah. Will you -- will you give her my love? Kendall: Are you leaving? Ryan: I'll be back tomorrow. Kendall: Ryan? I will never be able to thank you enough for what you did today for Bianca. I'll never be able to thank you enough. I guess -- I guess I'll owe you again. Ryan: No, you don't owe me anything. All your debts are paid in full. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: So what have you got? Joe: Uh -- nothing. There's nothing conclusive either way. It doesn't prove a thing. Tad: Yes, it does. Joe: Look, Tad, you're beginning to scare me. Tad: No, I'm sorry, Pop, but if there's nothing conclusive either way, it does prove one thing -- Bianca could still be the baby's mother. [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: This little girl has survived more in the past two weeks than most people see in a lifetime. Adam: If we're on the same side, maybe I should be worried. Hmm? Krystal: Don't go looking for trouble, ok? Adam: Hmm. Hey. Hey, don't -- don't be wrapping, you know, the blanket so tight around the baby. I want her to be able to move. Nurse: Mrs. Chandler asked me to make sure that it was extra snug. Adam: That's ridiculous. Nurse: No, actually, your daughter-in-law is correct. Krystal: A snug blanky makes a baby feel more secure, and that's exactly what Bess needs after all her adventures. Oh, come on, Adam, admit it -- my little girl is a good mother. Adam: A knowledge of blanky-wrapping doesn't qualify her for mother of the year. Krystal: What's it going to take for you to admit that you're wrong about Babe? Adam: Why don't you do something constructive, like get a new tattoo? Krystal: That's good. That's good. But you know what? You can make all the cracks you want, but deep down, you and me, we're the same. We're two parents who will do anything for our kids. If they need us, we're there for them. That's what parents do. [SCENE_BREAK] Derek: Your son held my daughter hostage! Reggie: I helped her! Derek: He hid her! Reggie: She lied to me! Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. Just take it easy. You hid Danielle here? Reggie: Yeah. Greenlee's, too. She said she was scared of her parents. Derek: My daughter's not afraid of me! Reggie: Look, she cried abuse and neglect. What else was I supposed to do? I wasn't going to rat her out. I should've sent her butt to juvie and let them deal with her. Derek: Instead, you nearly got her arrested for vandalizing a music store! If that owner still wants to press charges -- Livia: Derek, let it go. Reggie: You got to believe that's not true! That crazy freak over there had some weird idea of what's fun! Derek: Hey, hey, hey, don't you call my daughter a freak, boy! Reggie: Well, you wanted to know the truth, son! Jack: Hey, hey, hey, watch your mouth, Reggie. Greenlee: You know what? Unless you tell your father the truth, I'm going to press charges. Breaking and entering, my penthouse. Grand theft, my wardrobe. Danielle: You really think my dad would arrest me? Greenlee: Oh, but it's ok for Reggie to be arrested? Danielle: Did I say that? You are some kind of uptight. Derek: He's still going down. I'm not going to let him pull my daughter down with him. Danielle: Daddy, stop, please! Derek: Honey, let me handle this. Danielle: But, Daddy, I have a confession to make, please. You're going to have to lock me up with Reggie. Reggie: There's no way I'm sharing a cell with this crazy girl. Jack, please tell me there's a law against cruel and unusual punishment? Danielle: It's all right, Reggie. You don't have to protect me. I deserve this. It was all my idea, Daddy, to hide in the music store all night. Derek: You said it was an accident. Danielle: The truth, I tricked Reggie. He didn't know what happened until we were already locked in. Livia: You said you were scared. Danielle: I was, but the real deal, there were these nasty thugs outside, they pushed up on me earlier, and I was too afraid to go back outside. Greenlee: So you're afraid to ask for help, but you managed to throw yourself a party? Danielle: We were hungry! We ate a few power bars, had some sodas! I didn't expect anyone to get hurt, I swear. So I understand if you have to book me, Daddy. Cuff me. Derek: I'm not going to arrest you. Danielle: I knew I could trust you with the truth, Daddy. Mom would've been all over me. I guess that's why I was too afraid to come clean upfront. Reggie: Home run. Greenlee: Out of the ballpark. Jack: Ok, well, now that Danielle has cleared all this up for us, what do you say you take the handcuffs off my son? Derek: No, no, no, no, no! This is about what happened here. Jack: Oh -- Derek: Your son brought my daughter here for one purpose! Danielle: Nothing happened, Daddy! I told you -- I slept in Mr. Montgomery's bed the entire night all by myself. Sure, Reggie and I were here alone and listening to some great music, and it may have been totally romantic -- Reggie: Kill me now. Danielle: But Reggie was a complete gentleman. He has this Tibetan monk thing going, complete control over all his urges. Reggie: Not all of them. Danielle: Daddy, you are the one rock in my life, the one person I can trust always to do the right thing. Please, let Reggie go. Derek: Do I have your word that you will never come near Danielle ever again? Livia: For crying out loud, Derek, let's just take the cuffs off and go home. Reggie: And I swear, I never, ever want to see your daughter again, anytime, anywhere. Derek: Come on, let's go home, Dani. Jack. Jack: Derek. Danielle: It was great to see you again, Mr. Montgomery. I'm sorry about all the trouble, but I'm sure we'll get past it. Reggie: Not in this lifetime -- Jack: Yes, I'm sure we will. Reggie: Or the next. Jack: Ok. Now it's my turn. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: Look, Bianca has already proven that she's having a hard time separating Bess from her own child. And if we make Bess' middle name Miranda, that's only going to make things that much more confusing for her. It's not going to make it better. It's only going to make it worse. Babe: You don't even want Bianca anywhere near Bess, do you? J.R.: It's not healthy. How could you even encourage her to bond -- [Babe sighs] J.R.: With a child that she thought was hers? Babe: Bianca -- she just needs time. J.R.: I'm sorry, Babe. There is no amount of time in the world that's going to make me feel comfortable having Bianca near Bess. Babe: J.R., I'm not going to just hand her the baby and toss her the car keys. But if Bianca wants to love Bess and spoil her rotten, I don't see anything wrong with it, and besides, it's going to be better for Bess in the long run. What's one more person loving her? There is no reason to be stingy with something like that. [J.R. sighs] J.R.: Baby, your heart is so wide open. You're only setting yourself up for all kinds of hurt. I'm not going to let that happen. Babe: J.R., the same heart that led me to you -- it's telling me that this is what Bianca needs. Sharing our baby with her -- it just feels right. J.R.: Why? Why does it feel so right? [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: I was hoping that the blood results would rule out Bianca as a potential parent, but obviously that's not the case, so we're right back to where we started. Joe: With these blood types, ¼ of Pine Valley could be Bess' parents. Tad: So there's only one way to be sure -- run a DNA panel. Joe: Absolutely not. Tad: Dad, you don't have a choice! Joe: Absolutely -- listen to me, listen to me. Babe and J.R. and Bianca had their lives torn up. What they need now is some time to heal. They don't need us digging up more trouble for them. Tad: I agree. The last thing I want to do is dump more grief in somebody's lap. That's why we have to do this on the QT. Joe: Forget it. Forget it! Tad: Dad, don't we owe it to the people involved -- to J.R., to Babe, and mostly to Bianca -- to make sure that the child is being raised in the right home? If she's not, could you live with that? Joe: Well, if you can't live with it, Tad, maybe you'd better go to them with your suspicions. Tad: No. Come on, be serious. That's not an option. I mean, what are we going to do? Run the tests so that -- that Babe and J.R. can live every day from here until the results come back thinking that this is their last with the child? Or give Bianca a sense of false hope so she can go out and buy all that stupid baby furniture one more time? No. The only way we can protect the people we care about is not telling that we're doing a test. Joe: Look, running a DNA test on the sly -- it's an ethical nightmare, and I mean -- not to mention a legal nightmare. Tad: Dad, we're talking about our family. Joe: Yeah, well, you know, just recently I almost fired someone for following her heart rather than the rules. Tad: Yeah, but you didn't. You didn't fire Anita because you know that sometimes in life you don't have a choice. Joe: Yeah. We're on very difficult grounds here. Tad: Pop, I know what a problem this is, but I cannot forget the look on Bianca's face when she gave that baby back to Babe, and neither can you. That's why you looked at those test results because you know it's possible. Joe: Doesn't make the decision any easier. Tad: No, it doesn't, but you got to make it. Because the more time that goes by is more damage we do to the people we love. [Knock on door] Krystal: Hey. I thought I heard voices. What are you boys up to this time of night? Anything going on I should know about? Krystal: Private conversation? Tad: Family only. But I guess that means you. Krystal: What are we talking about? Tad: Bess. Dad can't get over the fact that J.R.'s a father. Isn't that right? Joe: Oh, yeah. She's a beauty. Krystal: Yeah, yeah. Just like her mama. I tell you, every time I see her holding that little baby, it just takes my breath away. Have you ever seen a mama more in love with her baby? Joe: Hmm. My goodness. Look at that. You'll have to excuse me. Tad: Places to go? Joe: Some late rounds. Tad: Life of a chief of staff. Krystal: Level. What did I walk in on, Tad? Tad: I told you. Two grown men turned into mush over a new addition to the family, that's all. Krystal: Hmm. Yeah, I feel like mush, too. Every time I see Bess makes me realize how Babe's finally gotten what she's always wanted -- her own family to love. I tell you, it just melts my mascara every time. Tad: Tissue? Krystal: No. Know what else does that? Tad: Hmm? Krystal: Secrets. Certain shift in the eye. Tad: Krystal, you've got a really suspicious mind. Krystal: You've got a suspicious mind, Tad. You are just full to busting with your crazy mixed-up baby theories. So tell me, did you tell your daddy about your silly ideas, even though you promised me you wouldn't? Tad: Krystal, I never promised you anything. Krystal: Tad, my daughter's happiness is all that matters to me. Now, she's had to do without her whole life and she never complained. So for you to start meddling and try to erase Bess from her life -- Tad: Can I share a little secret with you? Krystal: You're just full of them, aren't you? Tad: You got to promise not to tell anyone. Krystal: I'm game. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Hi. So how was it with Babe? Bianca: I've never met anyone like her before. I mean, she had every -- every right to shred me and curse me and have me arrested. Kendall: What happened? Bianca: She asked me to be Bess' godmother. Kendall: Godmother? Well, what did you say? I mean, how do you feel about that? Bianca: I don't know how I feel about anything anymore. I mean, I know -- I know what happened, but none of this makes any sense. I need help, Kendall. Professional help. Kendall: Yes, and we'll get you help. We will. We'll find you the very best doctors. We'll take our time. We'll do this right. Bianca: No, I can't take my time. I need to do this now. Kendall: Why? Bianca: Because I know all the facts. I know that Miranda died, and Bess belongs to Babe, and J.R. is her father, and now she's back where she belongs, but I still feel it, Kendall. I still think that she's Miranda. And that has to be wrong. [SCENE_BREAK] [J.R. sighs] Babe: J.R., it just -- it just feels right to have Bianca a part of Bess' life. I mean, how could it be otherwise? Bianca has been there since Bess' very first breath. Just the same way that I was with Miranda�s. J.R.: I know -- I know you have been through a lot with Bianca. Babe: You don't know. We shared our pregnancies together, we gave birth together. What happened that night, J.R. -- it could have just as easily been our baby that was lost. So in a way, I kind of feel like I lost a baby, too. Nurse: Excuse me. Mrs. Chandler? We need to get some blood. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: I leave town for a couple of days, and what do I find when I get back? You and you sticking up for each other? Now, what is up with that, huh? I am so proud, I can't tell you. But you -- of all the runaways you had to help, it had to be Derek's daughter? Reggie: She tricked me. The little pip-squeak turned on the waterworks. She said her mother abused her, her father neglected her. I just wanted to step up to do the right thing, you know? Instead, I caused nothing but pain. Jack: Yeah, well, it seems to me this family has more than its fair share of pain right now. Reggie: Speaking of that, how is Bianca? Did you see her and the baby? Greenlee: Are they all right? Jack: Bianca took Bess back to the hospital. The baby's fine, but Bianca's going to -- she's going to need some time to heal. Greenlee: Now, there's someone who's in trouble. And we get played by a brat who's just out for laughs and doesn't care who she hurts. Jack: Which brings me to my next question. Greenlee, why in the world did you let this go on? Greenlee: Well, I don't have much practice with the whole sibling thing. But whatever problems that Reggie and I had, they -- they vanished when I thought he needed my help. It felt good to have a brother. I -- I wanted to help him. But I'd go easy on the punishment because he meant well. But you might want to think about a birds and the bees lecture. Jack: Ah, yeah. Reggie: Oh, you're killing me, Greenlee. Greenlee: You're only breathing because I kept your pants on. I got to go. Jack: What was that for? Greenlee: I'm glad you're back. Jack: Well, thank you. Reggie: You're not really going to give me no birds and bees lecture, right? Jack: Have a seat, big guy. Reggie: But I need my sleep! Jack: No, what you need is an explanation about what happens when the bird in question happens to be the local police chief's daughter. Reggie: No explanation necessary, ok? The bird went away. I let her free. She's gone. Jack: All right, look -- look -- Reggie, Danielle's a little doll, there's no doubt about that. I can see how you could get tangled up with that. Reggie: But I'm free now. And I plan on staying that way. Trust me, I don't want anything to ever do with Danielle ever again. [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: You like to play doctor when your daddy steps out of the room? Tad: Aerospace medicine? Outer space medicine. I stashed this here when my brother was the chief of staff. I kept it here for emergencies. Would you care to partake in a shot, or are you too shocked to partake? Krystal: Fill her up. Tad: Good enough. To our kids. And may their love and fortitude be enough to get them through this. Krystal: To our beautiful baby being exactly where she belongs. [Tad and Krystal clink glasses] Tad: May she grow up healthy and strong. [Glasses clink] Krystal: And happy. Thank you, Tad. Tad: For what? Krystal: For standing by me on this. Babe and J.R. have had to endure the "for worse." I think it's about time they got to enjoy the "for better," find out what happiness is. [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: J.R., we are so lucky. We have each other, and we have Bess. Please, let's just share this with Bianca. J.R.: I'll tell you what. I promise to think about everything that you said tonight, if you let me pamper you till you fall asleep. Babe: There's only one thing that I want. Our baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Bianca: I hoped that when I gave Bess back to Babe, this feeling that -- that she's my little girl would go away, but it hasn't. Kendall: Well, it's perfectly understandable that you would still be attached to the baby. Bianca: I got to fix this. I have to get it through my head and -- and through my heart that -- that Miranda is gone. Kendall: It'll get better, Bianca. It'll get better with time. Bianca: What if it gets worse? What if this feeling just gets stronger? It's not fair to Bess. And it's not fair to Babe and J.R., either. Kendall: It's not fair to you. Bianca: I just got to figure this out, that's all. And -- and I don't think I can do it alone. Kendall: Well, then we're going to get you the very best doctors we can find, I promise. Bianca: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Greenlee? Greenlee: Ryan. Ryan: Hey. Greenlee: What are you doing here? Ryan: Um -- just on my way home. I wanted to check up on Babe and J.R. What's up with this? Greenlee: I brought this for Bianca. Is it too much? Ryan: You hiding the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in there? Greenlee: It's too much. Ryan: It's not too much. It's perfect. It's exactly what Bianca needs -- a big supersized pick-me-up. Greenlee: Well, Jackson said she's hanging in, and I just want to do everything I can to be part of this family. Ryan: You think it can happen? Greenlee: Who knows? Even Kendall's giving me a shot. [SCENE_BREAK] Bianca: Kendall, you said you had news about Mom. What is it? Where is she? Kendall: I'll tell you tomorrow morning. Bianca: No, I want to know now. If Mom is in any kind of trouble --- Kendall: No, Bianca -- Bianca, come on. Bianca: Ok. You're right. Tomorrow is fine. Well, it looks like I'm not the only night owl. Is that Ryan? Kendall: No, I doubt it. Ryan said he was going home. Ryan: You think she's going to mind if I eat all the grapes? No. Bianca: Was I right? Is that Ryan? Kendall: All right, you need to stop talking and get some sleep now. Bianca: I guess Ryan's just been on my mind a lot lately. I mean, he -- he's been like my guardian angel. Kendall: Uh-huh. Bianca: And what he did for me tonight -- I was on another planet, but he was so kind and gentle. He made me feel really safe. Like everything was going to be ok. Kendall: Yeah, Ryan has a knack of saying the right things at the right time. Bianca: Did you ask him to help me? Kendall: No, no, I didn't have to ask him. Bianca: Wow. That's loyalty. And not just to me. Ryan came through again. Kendall: That's Ryan. Always true to form. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: You and Kendall, huh? One big happy family? A lot of damage there, Greenlee. You think you guys can get past that and give it a real chance? Greenlee: I want to try. Ryan: I'm impressed. Greenlee: Don't give me the peace prize just yet. [Ryan chuckles] Ryan: Progress is progress, Greenlee. Greenlee: Our cross-country adventure was a bust, wasn't it? Ryan: Ah -- one tank of gas and here we are. Greenlee: No matter how messed up things have gotten, I get it now. I belong here. And for once in my life, I can be part of a family in a crazy quilt kind of way. I want to hang on to it. Ryan: Wow. Maybe you traveled further than you thought. Greenlee: I just have to make sure I don't make the same mistake twice. Ryan: Hmm. Or a third time. Greenlee: What? Ryan: Nothing. I'm going to get going. Greenlee: Yeah, yeah, I got to get this to a nurse. Ryan: Here, let me -- oh, boy. Greenlee: Thanks. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: You'll get through this, Bianca. You will. Bianca: I have to. Bess isn't my baby. My baby is gone. [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: Your mommy missed you. J.R.: Oh, you girls can't be playing all night. You're going to need your sleep sometime. Adam: Thank God Bess is healthy. Krystal: And safe. Adam: Yeah, no thanks to this place. Gives me the creeps every time they take blood from that tiny body. Krystal: Well, that -- that tiny body's got a big heart. Adam: Oh, yeah, she's pure Chandler. Hmm. Krystal: Huh. Adam: Are you on your way home? Krystal: And leave Babe and that little peanut? No way. Looks like you and me are going to be spending the night together. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: How'd it go? Joe: We drew blood from Babe, Bianca, and Bess. And no one suspected anything. Tad: Now what? Joe: I sent the samples to the lab, I put a rush on it. We should know by tomorrow morning. All we can do now is say a prayer. Tad: Yeah, but what exactly do we pray for? [NEXT_ON] Opal: You're giving up on Erica? Say it isn't so. Bobby: I'll make sure that no one will recognize Erica Kane superstar. J.R.: It doesn't feel right, having Bess. Krystal: You and your daddy are just nothing but a lowdown felon and you make me sick! | Jack returns to his home to find out that Derek Fry wants to arrest Reggie for his involvement with Derek's daughter |
456 | Sami: Austin, I am a horrible person. I do these terrible things. And then when I get busted, I blame everyone else, and I feel like I'm the victim. And I never take responsibility for my actions. No one else believes in me, why should you? Austin: Maybe I see something that no one else wants to see. Sami: Or maybe you're just delusional. Austin: I don't think so. Sami: Austin, you want to save the world. And I love that about you, but....I'm not worth saving. Ask anyone. Ask your mother. I'm not worth it. Austin: That's not true. You may be misguided. At times, very, very misguided, but you're a terrific person. You're a wonderful mother. And you're definitely worthy of being loved. [SCENE_BREAK] Carrie: I don't think I can do this. Lucas: Listen to me, I am just as afraid of handing my heart over to somebody as you are. We've both been hurt in the past. Carrie: You've been so good to me, Lucas, and you're such a gentleman, but -- Lucas: You only like me. You don't love me. Carrie: It's not just that. I just -- I need to make sure that I'm not using you to fill this empty space in my life. That would be unfair to you. Lucas: Yeah. No, I appreciate that. You know, we're both in a vulnerable state right now. But we're here, and we're together now because it feels right. Look, I don't want to live my life alone without love. And I know you don't either. Carrie: No, of course not. I don't think that we have to worry about that for either one of us, though. We're not gonna end up alone. I mean, we've got a lot to offer, right? Lucas: Yeah. So I guess we're just kind of feeling sorry for ourselves, right? Carrie: Maybe a little. Lucas: What do you say we get out of that rut? Why don't you try liking me a little less and loving me a little more? Carrie: Well, yeah. We could try that. [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn D.: What do you mean, none of our lives will be the same if I read this letter? Philip: Mimi, if you wrote it for Shawn, maybe we shouldn't hear it. Belle: We're just gonna go. Mimi: How do I tell Shawn he's Claire's father? What if I chicken out again? I'll write him a letter. Write him a letter. That way, I can't change my mind. Mimi: No. Wait. Belle, Philip, it's important that you hear this. Go ahead, just read the letter. [SCENE_BREAK] Marlena: You are the only man in the world for me. All I want to do is have us be together. John: You sure this is what you want? Marlena: Mm-hmm. Yes. Oh, God, Alex. John: What did you say? Alex: Marlena, did you call me? [SCENE_BREAK] Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of our Lives. [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn D.: "Dear Shawn, I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone. That's why I'm writing this to you now, before we get married, so you'll know just how much I want you to find the happiness you deserve." This is really too personal. Belle: Yes, it is personal. I really think you should read it by yourself. Philip: No offense, Mimi, but why do you want us to hear this? Mimi: Because it affects the two of you just as much as it affects Shawn and me. Philip: You're right. You're right, it does. Mimi: Philip? Are you saying that you know what's in the letter? Philip: Yeah. And I think it's definitely something Shawn needs to hear. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Stop him. Marlena: Alex, is that you? Alex: Yes. Are you all right? Can I come in? John: Tell him "no." Marlena: Uh, no. Um, I'm already in bed. Alex: Well, I thought I heard voices. Marlena: Uh, uh, no. It was the radio. Alex: Oh. Marlena: Yeah. Well, good night. Alex: Good night. Oh, Marlena, don't worry about John. He's not gonna hurt us anymore. Marlena: Alex? Alex: Yes? Marlena: There's something you should know. It's about John. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Oh, yes, Austin. What? Why'd you stop? It was great. Austin: Was it? Sami: Yes. Yes. I mean, it's what we both want, isn't it? Austin: No. No. Uh, no. This isn't right. We can't do this. We can't do this. Sami: Yes, we can. Austin: No, we're not gonna go there again. It's a mistake, and I'm not gonna let it lead to a bigger mistake. Sami: But, Austin -- [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: I've loved you since the moment I met you. I can't believe this is happening. Carrie: Mmm. Lucas: Carrie, I know you want to have children, and I want to give Will a little brother or sister. And we're not getting any younger. I mean, I know that we still have time. You said that you wanted to be married first. Carrie: Oh, my God. Lucas, are you asking me to marry you? [SCENE_BREAK] Will: Really, I'm fine, Mrs. Hicks. Thanks for all your help. I can take it from here. Lucas: That sounds like Will. Will, what are you doing back? What's going on? Will: You can let go now. Lucas: What happened? Mrs. Hicks: I was chaperoning the nature overnight trip. Will fell and sprained his ankle. Will: It's not that bad. Lucas: Buddy, what'd you do? Carrie: You should get some ice on that. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Wait a second. Will, did you break your ankle? Will: No, I didn't break my damn ankle. Lucas: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Watch your mouth, all right? Sami: Let's just get you to the hospital. Mrs. Hicks: I don't think that's necessary. Sami: I'm sorry. Did you say that you were a doctor? Careful. Put your weight on me. Lucas: Be careful in there. Will: You really don't need to help me. I can walk by myself. Lucas: I'm sorry about that. I'm sorry about Will's mother. She's just a little upset. She didn't mean anything by it. We appreciate your help. Thank you. Mrs. Hicks: Good night. Lucas: Good night, Mrs. Hicks. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Are you okay? Look, I think that we should get an x-ray, just to make sure. Will: I don't need an x-ray. Lucas: Buddy, if mom's worried, then we got to get it looked at. We got to get it taken care of. Will: I told you I'm fine. Lucas: I hope you are fine, but if your mom's worried, then that's the last thing we need right now. If she wants you to go to the hospital, then that's where we got to take you. But if you don't want to go, that's fine. I'll call Lexie and see if she can get over here. Would that be all right, Sami? Sami: Yeah. That's fine. Lucas: All right, good. Get him on the couch. I'll call Lexie. Sami: Okay. Come here. Careful. Just go slow. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Well, I don't think it's broken, but it's pretty badly sprained. Sami: You don't think it's broken. Lexie: If the swelling doesn't decrease significantly with icing and elevation or if he isn't able to bear weight on it in the morning, I want you to bring him in for an x-ray, okay? Sami: We should have done that from the beginning, right? We should have taken him in for an x-ray. Will: Mom. Lucas: Didn't hurt yourself, huh, buddy? Will: I really didn't feel that bad. Lexie: How did this happen? Will: Well, I was reaching for an abandoned bird's nest, and I slipped and fell. Sami: Wait a second. Those chaperones were allowing you to climb trees in the middle of the night? Lucas: [Clears throat] Will: It wasn't their fault. Me and my study partner saw the nest and decided to go for it. They didn't even know. It's not like I was planning on falling. Sami: Well, you did fall. We should talk to that school. I mean, Lucas, we could sue them. Will: Oh, my God, Mom. [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: You're overreacting. It's gonna be okay. Will: What are you gonna say when I go out for Lacrosse? Sami: What do you mean, Lacrosse? People with big sticks, waving them in front of your face? You could knock out all your teeth. Will: You get a mouth guard. Sami: No! No. Lucas, no. Right? No. Will: Why do I open my mouth? Lucas: Buddy, we'll talk about it later, okay? Will: Yeah, when mom's not around. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Look, I'm gonna prescribe some medication for the pain and the swelling. Lucas: All right. There's a pharmacy on Water Street. I'll go pick it up for you. Lexie: I'll call it in. [SCENE_BREAK] Carrie: Uh, Lucas, why don't you stay here with Will? I'll go get the meds, and there just happens to be an ice-cream parlor right down the way. I'll get a half gallon of Will's favorite ice cream. What's that? Will: Chocolate Chip. Austin: Water Street's not the best neighborhood. You're not gonna go there alone. I'll go with you. Lucas: This is stupid. It's not like will broke his neck or anything. I'll get the prescription filled, and I'll get the ice cream, too. Don't worry about it. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: That's a good idea. Let's get you in your room. You can put your p..j.'s on. Here, watch your foot. Okay. Careful. I'll help you get your p.j.'s on. Will: Oh, no, no, no. You're not gonna help me get dressed. Sami: Oh, come on, Will. You need help. It's not like I haven't seen it before. Will: Okay, Mom, that's it. I'm calling Social Services. Dad, help me out here! Lucas: Dad to the rescue. Sport, I'll help you change. Don't worry about it. [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: And Carrie and I will go get the prescription and ice cream. Will: And, Mom, can you make me some hot cocoa while we wait? Sami: Will, you're about to have ice cream. Will: Please, Mom? Sami: Of course. Lucas: Look at that face. How could you say no to this? Come on, you need to change. Careful, all right? Sami: Watch him. Don't let him put weight on it. Lucas: I got him. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: All right, I've called in a prescription. Sami: You know, um, thanks, Lexie. Thanks for coming out. Lexie: No problem. [SCENE_BREAK] Carrie: And I can go get the prescription and ice cream alone. Austin: No, you're not going alone, no arguments. But you might want to fix your shirt. Carrie: And you might want to button your shirt. [SCENE_BREAK] Alex: Marlena? What about John? Marlena: I think you were right. John would never hurt me. Alex: Well, you know why that is, don't you? Marlena: Why? Alex: 'Cause I promise to protect you. I love you. Marlena: I love you. Now, good night. Alex: Good night. [SCENE_BREAK] John: You just said that you loved him. Marlena: I do. John: Do you even know that it is me that you're talking to? Marlena: Yes. Oh, my gosh. You're the man I love. John: I love you, too. Don't worry. I will get you away from Alex North before he hurts you. Marlena: Get me away from Alex? Why would you do that? He's my husband. We're about to renew our wedding vows. [SCENE_BREAK] Mimi: How do you know what I wrote, Philip? Philip: I just know. It's because I know you, Mimi. You want Shawn to know all of your hopes and dreams -- plans for the future -- before you spend your life together. Am I right? Belle: No, she said that it affected all of us. Philip: It does affect all of us. We got married, it affected them. Their getting married affects us. The four of us have been together for so long. We talk about the past all we want, but we can't go back. This is it. Shawn D.: No, we can't. Philip: Think about it. Belle and I just celebrated our one-year wedding anniversary, and we did it in the hospital as our daughter got a liver transplant. And so much of our first year has been spent dealing with things like that or being apart from each other. We're not even really newlyweds anymore. But that's why we're so excited to be going through this again with you two as your Best Man and Matron of Honor. Mimi: You know what, Shawn? Can you just -- can you just please read the letter? Shawn D.: No. Mimi: No?! Shawn D.: I'm really sorry, but I would rather wait until -- Mimi: But, no. Philip: I think it's wonderful that you want to share this letter with us, and more especially with Shawn. But maybe it should just be between the two of you. I know this sounds kind of cliché, but nothing is more important than communication. You need to do it. Belle and I just came down from the rooftop where we had one of the most meaningful conversations we've ever had about something we've never talked about before. In the wake of it, I feel closer to her than I ever have been. Look what we've been through. My leg, her postpartum depression, it could have killed us in our first year. And we got through it despite not wanting to confront it, being afraid of things we had never faced before. But all we had to do is face them, just be there for each other, and it turned out all right. Isn't that right? Belle: It's true. Philip: We were almost ripped apart in our first year. But you guys are gonna be fine. Just do what we did -- just communicate, be there for each other, love each other. You're gonna be great. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: Lexie, can, um, can Will go to school tomorrow? Lexie: Well, that depends on Will and how he feels. Sami: Wait a second. He can't go back to school. They're still on the field trip. He should stay home so I can take care of him. Lucas: You mean baby him. Sami: Well, I don't think he should go back to a field trip on a nature hike when he might need crutches. He could fall, hurt himself. Lucas: You just relax, okay? Lexie: Sami, he may not even need crutches. Lucas: See that? Lexie: Here's Will's prescription. I called it in, but you might want to take it with you in case there's a problem, okay? Carrie: Sami, can we get you anything while we're out? Sami: No. If you could just hurry back so Will can start taking his medication, thanks. [Cellphone rings] Lexie: Oh, if you'll excuse me, I have to get this. I hope Will's feeling better soon. Lucas: Thanks, Lexie. Not many doctors make house calls these days. Sami: Not a lot of doctors do a lot of things Lexie does. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Hi, John. What's going on? Where are you? John: With Marlena in her bedroom. Lexie: What? John: Don't worry. She knows I'm here. Lexie: Does Alex? John: Nope. Lexie: John, do you know what will happen if he finds you there? John: I can handle North. I'm worried about Marlena. Lexie: Why? John: She's acting strange. I think North has done something to her. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: After everything that's happened this year, Belle and I are still very happy. And right now, we're just happy for you two. Look how much our relationships have all changed. But we're still friends. And once you guys are married, we're gonna be better friends. [Cellphone rings] Philip: Who is it? Belle: Hello? Oh, hi. Everything okay? Oh, I guess we lost track of time.. Yeah, we'll be right there. Okay, bye. Philip: Babysitter. All right, we got to hit it, you guys. We got to get back. Good night, okay? Shawn D.: Yeah, yeah. Good night. Thanks for stopping by. Give Claire a big kiss for me. Belle: I will. Bye, Meems. [SCENE_BREAK] Mimi: Bye. I think you should read this letter now. Shawn D.: Why? Mimi: Because later is too late. Shawn D.: Why? Mimi: Because there are things in it that you need to know before we get married. Shawn D.: You know, before, you hurled a lot of negative baggage at me. You said, "I'm not who you think I am. I'm just like my mother. I'm a liar and a cheat. I'm only out for myself." None of that is true. And I'm not gonna let you put yourself down like that. You have too much going for you. I've always seen how special you are. Even when you can't see it. I love you so much, babe. And I don't need to read some letter to tell me how much you love me, okay? So stop putting yourself down, and stop saying that you don't deserve me. And I will never stop telling you how amazing a person you are. Hey, look at me. Can I see a smile? [SCENE_BREAK] John: Can you hear me, Lexie? Lexie: Yeah. Yeah. Uh, John, when you say Marlena is acting strange, can you describe for me what it is she's doing? John: Well, it looks like she's about to pass out. She's, um, confused, disoriented. Lexie: Confused? In what way? John: Well, she had a very dramatic reaction when she first saw me. It was visceral. We were connecting like we hadn't connected in months. And then in the heat of the moment, she called me Alex, even though she said she knew it was me that she was talking to. Now, I know that she took a sleeping pill, but it wouldn't cause her to behave like this, would it? Lexie: It's hard to say. It could certainly cause some confusion. John: Not like this. I think Alex North is drugging her. Lexie: Okay, John, it might help if you tell me the whole story. How did you get into Marlena's bedroom? John: Broke in. Lexie: John! John: Hey, it's my house. I was looking for evidence against Alex North. Lexie: Did you find any? John: No, I didn't have time. They came home. I had to hide. Lexie: Do you realize the trouble you could have gotten into if Alex had caught you? John, Abe told me about your fight with Alex. And now you're continuing to harass him, knowing that you could end up in jail? John: Listen, I'm not harassing Alex North. I am protecting Marlena. Lexie: Okay. Okay. Um, all right. So you were hiding in the bedroom. John: Yeah, and I was trying to find a way to bust Alex. She saw me. I thought she was gonna freak out and scream for Alex. Instead, she said she wanted me to stay. In fact, she said she wanted to be with me. Lexie: Oh, my God. Is she getting her memory back? John: I thought so at first. Now I'm not so sure. Lexie: Well, John, I can't tell you what's going on with her until I examine her. John: I'll bring her to the hospital. Lexie: No. You do that, you'd be making a huge mistake. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: I'm gonna go check on Will. Austin: I'll grab a coat, then we'll go. I'll be right back. Carrie: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: Everything all right? Lexie: It's just a patient I'm concerned about. Austin: I hope everything's okay. Thanks for what you did for Will. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: You're welcome. Okay. You can't risk taking Marlena to the hospital right now. If you do, Alex could find you in the penthouse. Abe already thinks he has grounds for another restraining order against you. John: I don't care. Lexie: Then think about this. If Alex finds out that you're taking her somewhere, he could have you arrested for kidnaping his wife. John: Mmm. Lexie: Not to mention, if Alex killed you, there's not a jury in the world that would convict him because he could prove that you broke into the penthouse and were in his wife's bedroom in the middle of the night. John: It seems like I'm always being set up to be the bad guy, aren't I? Alex: Is someone in there? Lexie: John, I believe you. I have no doubt that Alex is setting you up. But right now, a grand jury would side with Alex. John: Listen, forget about Alex. Let's deal with Marlena. Where do we go from here? Lexie: Well, from what you described, it doesn't sound like Marlena's health is at any serious risk. Any pain? Vomiting? John: Nah, nothing like that. Lexie: Then I think the best thing for you to do right now is get the hell out of there. John: What, are you out of your mind? What if he's drugging her? Lexie: If he is, he's probably been doing it all along. John, the danger is greater to both of you if you stay there and risk getting caught. John: No, no, no. I'm not leaving her. Lexie: Please, please, John. You are pushing your luck. If Alex discovers you there, it could lead to a confrontation that you may or may not live to regret. Marlena, too. Please, just leave her alone. Now, let her rest. Don't do anything to get her excited or agitated. John: Then you're gonna have to find a way to come and examine her as soon as you can. Lexie: Yes, yes. Of course I will. Just get out of there now. I guess I'll take the stairs. John: I won't let anything happen to you. I love you. Alex: Marlena, are you awake? Everything all right in there? [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: Ready? Carrie: We'll be back. Lucas: Yeah. Sami: Well, thanks for getting his medication. Lucas: Drive safe, all right? Austin: Yeah, we will. [Door closes] [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: What? Sami: You. You and Carrie were interrupted, huh? You were making out with my sister while our son was getting injured. He should be living with me. Lucas: What are you talking about? What kind of stupid logic is that? He was on an overnight camping trip with his school. It's not my fault he fell and sprained his ankle. Sami: What? Lucas: Don't "what" me. I know you. You're all flushed. What's going on? Your buttons are all messed up. Ohh. Ha ha. I get it. Well, it looks like Carrie and I weren't the only ones interrupted, were we? You know, maybe you should have been a chaperone at Will's little outdoor adventure, instead of getting it on with my brother. What are you thinking? Sami: Shut up. Lucas: You were getting it on with him, weren't you? I can't believe -- you know what's funny, Sami? It's funny, he didn't seem drugged to me. Sami: Oh, you are a bastard. Lucas: Am I a bastard? Sami: Yeah, I think -- Will: Guys, hey. I was just wondering if you guys were too busy fighting to get me my hot cocoa. Sami: Of course not. No. I'll get it right now. Lucas: Buddy, you can't be on your ankle like this. Come on. Don't put weight on it. Here, get the bat out of here. Come on. Let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: It's a bummer about Will's ankle. You know, right before spring sports are about to start. Carrie: Yeah, he'll be hobbling around for a while. The meds will help. Austin: I think the ice cream will help even more. Carrie: Must run in the family. When we were growing up, Sami and I would eat a whole quart between us. John had to keep the freezer stocked. Amazing how things have changed since then. Austin: It's amazing how much things have stayed the same. I mean, here we are in the same apartment where I first met you. And my brother's still in love with you, and your sister is still in love with me. Carrie: Look, whatever you thought happened with me and Lucas tonight -- Austin: It's none of my business. You know, whatever you think happened between me and Sami -- Carrie: Oh, ditto. Austin: You know our history. Carrie: Yeah. After everything she put you through, you still felt like you had to be her savior. No wonder she thinks you're her knight in shining armor. You are. Austin: You're the one and only love of my life. You know that. Carrie: You didn't even -- Austin: I'm sorry. Carrie: No. Go. What? Austin: No, you go. Carrie: Go ahead. Austin: Go. Carrie: It's not important, doesn't matter. What is taking so long with this elevator? Austin: I don't know. This is an old elevator. Let's take the stairs. Carrie: Oh. Austin: Maybe not. So I, you know, I saw Claire. She's doing great. Carrie: Yeah? She's such a cutie. It's amazing that your little brother and my little sister are parents before us. Austin: I know what you mean. Carrie: It's got to be tough on Belle, you know, with Marlena's amnesia and everything. And now that I'm home, I'm gonna be there for her. I know as hard as I've tried to be a good sister to Sami, I'm really gonna be there for Belle. Austin: You're an amazing sister. Carrie: Oh, I don't know about that. Austin: So, I mean, how is John doing and Marlena? Carrie: So disconcerting, you know? She pretty much raised me, and she doesn't even remember who I am. Can't imagine what it's like for Sami. Austin: Yeah. I know she's really afraid that she's gonna lose her forever if North takes her on this extended honeymoon. Carrie: It's horrible. I just wish she'd get her memory back. I can't help but think that everything's kind of gone wrong since I've gotten back. Maybe it's true, you can't go home again. Austin: I don't know about that. I mean, you and I both decided to stick around. Carrie: Austin. Austin: Yeah? Carrie: We're on the same level. Did you press the button? Austin: Sorry. Carrie: Okay. [Laughs] Austin: So Billie was asking about you. Carrie: Yeah? I haven't seen her that much since I've been back. I feel bad for her, you know? All she ever wanted was to be a mother, and she finally found Chelsea. I just wish she and Bo hadn't lied about Zack, you know? It's so bad that Bo and Hope lost their child. The only thing worse would be to lose each other, too. [Crash] Carrie: Whoa. Austin: Ugh. I forgot how much this old elevator would jam. I guess we're stuck here for a while. [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn D.: You're incredible. And I am so lucky to have you in my life. I cannot wait to marry you. You do believe me, that I mean that with my whole heart, right? Mimi: Yeah. I do. Shawn D.: Okay. It's all right, baby. Listen, just do me a favor. When we're up there at the altar, standing there looking in each other's eyes, just remember two words. Two -- "I do." Can you do that? Yeah? Okay. Good. Well, I'm gonna go to bed, and I was hoping -- I was wondering, would you like to go with me? Mimi: Yeah. Shawn D.: Okay. I was hoping you were gonna say that. Come on. [SCENE_BREAK] Belle: Don't you think Mimi was acting a little strange tonight? Philip: Strange. Um, she seemed pretty desperate to have Shawn read the letter. But other than that... Belle: I really wish that you wouldn't have added your own assumptions as to what was in that letter, being deep feelings and stuff. Philip: You don't think that's what it said? Belle: No, I don't. I think when we went over there, Mimi was clearly upset. She was crying. When we tried to leave, she said no, that whatever was in that letter was gonna affect all of us. She said she wanted us to hear the truth, that our lives would never be the same again. I don't know about you, but that pretty much freaked me out. Philip: Hmm. Come to think about it, maybe I shouldn't have spoken for her, huh? I kind of have a habit of doing that sometimes. Belle: Yeah, well, I guess it's too late now. Philip: I guess so. What do you think she wanted to say? Belle: Do you think maybe she's getting cold feet, changing her mind about marrying Shawn? Philip: No. I mean, she said one thing to me about pre-wedding jitters, but that's all. Mimi: Ooh! Ooh! Philip: [Laughing] Forget about cold feet. I don't think Mimi's got cold anything right now, you know what I'm saying? [SCENE_BREAK] Mimi: Ooh. I love you, Shawn. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: Sami, what is it? What's wrong? Sami: We could have lost him. Lucas: Why are you so emotional? What are talking about? He sprained his ankle. I mean, I don't know what the statistics are on that, but I think every day across America, somebody sprains their ankle about every three seconds. Sami: You just don't get it, do you? Lucas: What are you talking about? Get what? Sami: Damn it! What if it wasn't just a sprained ankle? You know, what if he had fallen and snapped his neck, or what if something had happened and no one had found him and he was just all by himself and alone? I mean, it could have happened. Lucas: It didn't happen. None of that happened. Relax. Sami: What about what happened to Zack? That happens. It happens to people all of the time. And you know what? I am sick and tired of losing people that I love. I have lost Will to you. I have lost my mom to all sorts of catastrophes, okay? And I lost Austin, I lost you, and I am sick and tired of losing everyone that I love. I just can't -- Lucas: Stop. Relax, all right? Sami: Lucas. [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: You okay? Carrie: Uh, yeah. I just -- I don't like feeling trapped. But who does, right? Austin: You're gonna be able to hang in. I don't think it's gonna be much longer. Carrie: Yeah. I'll be okay. Actually, I won't. Would you hold me? Austin: Won't that close you in even more? Carrie: It's not funny. Just hold me. Austin: Okay. Okay. Carrie: Okay. Ahh. Oh, yeah. That's good. That's better. Please, just don't let me go. Austin: You don't have to worry about that. I don't ever want to let you go. [SCENE_BREAK] Alex: Marlena, it's Alex. Can I come in? Marlena, the door's locked. Marlena, talk to me. Why did you lock the door? I'm gonna have to break this door down. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: If Alex killed you, there's not a jury in the world that would convict him because he could prove that you broke into the penthouse and were in his wife's bedroom in the middle of the night. [SCENE_BREAK] Patrick: What's wrong with you, Bo Brady? How could you let this woman go? [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: We could have been happy, don't you think? Don't you think we could have really made our dreams come true? [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: I would give anything if you would give me another chance. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: It's about time that she learns her actions have consequences. Billie: No. Chelsea will not go to prison. | Talk of marriage and an attempt at lovemaking between Carrie and Lucas is interrupted when Will returns home with a sprained ankle |
457 | Nick: It sounds like you're asking me if I'm through with Brooke. Taylor: Are you? Nick: Haven't I made that answer pretty clear by now? Taylor: In a few ways. Nick: Well, hold on to that then. And let go of whatever Stephanie may come and say and do. Taylor: Well, I know that Stephanie was just trying to stir up trouble, but she might have brought up an issue that might be good for us to address. Nick: Which one? Taylor: If Brooke, for some reason, was suddenly available, and showed up on your doorstep, how would you feel about that? I'm not asking for reassurances. I'm just, you know, trying to find out how you would feel. Okay, how did you feel when Stephanie just told you that Ridge and Brooke might be having problems? [Doorbell rings] Nick: Doesn't anyone know how to use a phone? Hold that thought. Actually, go ahead and lose it. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Sweetheart, I need to talk to you for a moment, privately. Ridge: Mother, we just got started here. Stephanie: Please, now. Ridge: Let's take five. Stephanie: Go home for the night, Paulette. Ridge: All right, what's so damned important? Stephanie: They're still seeing one another. Ridge: No, they're not. Stephanie: Yes, there are. I heard him on the intercom. They're on their way up now to Big Bear. Ridge: Mother, Phoebe wouldn't do something like that. We have an understanding. Stephanie: Honey, Phoebe says to you and tells you what you want to hear, and so does Brooke. Ridge: Will you stop with the thing with Brooke? Stephanie: She's lying to you. Ridge: Mother, I'm not going to take it anymore. You're not going to drive a wedge between us. Stephanie: I'm telling you to stop worrying about Brooke and start protecting your daughter! Ridge: Phoebe knows how I feel about all this. She's a good girl. Stephanie: Yes, she's a good girl, but she's also a teenager. Honey, she's going to do what the hell she wants and she's going to worry about the consequences later. And Brooke is encouraging her to act on her feelings. Ridge: Mother, Brooke is just as upset about all of this as I am. Stephanie: If she's upset, the only thing she's upset about is that you might catch her in a lie. Ridge: I said stop with that! Stephanie: Rick confirmed it. I'm telling you, Brooke knows what's going on. I heard him in the conversation. He said, "Phoebe, we've got to be careful, we can't get caught because of my mother." Ridge: That could mean anything. Stephanie: It means I'm right and you know it! Ridge: Okay, tell me, what exactly did you hear? Stephanie: Come with me up to Big Bear. I'll tell you everything in the car. [Ridge sighs] Come on, before it's too late! Ridge: All right, but I'm driving. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: I should have called. Nick: Well, I wasn't expecting to see you. Come in. Brooke: Well, I can't stay, really. It's just -- I wanted to bring you something. Hope heard about your accident, and she wanted me to give you this. She thought it'd make you feel better. It's a DVD from her school play. Isn't it cute? Nick: Well, thank you. Thank hope for me. Brooke: I will. Well, I -- whose purse? Is Taylor here? Nick: She's upstairs. Brooke: Oh, yeah. Well, I guess I should have called before I stopped by. [SCENE_BREAK] Phoebe: We should have called the caretaker. Rick: No, nobody could know that we're up here. Phoebe: Well, we could have convinced him not to say anything. Rick: Well, knowing your father, he probably paid the entire neighborhood to watch out for us. Phoebe: Well, you know, then it's a good thing we're here. They can earn their keep. Rick: I should probably start a fire. Phoebe: I think you already have. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: You're sure Rick and Phoebe were meeting at the cabin? Stephanie: That was not her message? Ridge: No. Stephanie: She said she was going to the beach with Madison. And don't worry, she'd be home late, so don't wait up for her. I told you, I heard their entire conversation on the intercom. Ridge: Well, it wasn't Phoebe's idea. I don't care how it sounded. I'm sure Rick was behind this. Stephanie: What does it matter who's behind what? The point is, they were supposed to stop seeing each other, right? And that's what Brooke led you to believe. Ridge: I don't want to hear one more word about Brooke, all right? Phoebe is my main concern right now. Stephanie: Well, shouldn't she be Brooke's concern, too? She's going to be her stepmother. What the hell, she was never worried about her own virtue, why would she be worried about Phoebe's virtue -- Ridge: Okay, that's enough! Stephanie: Look, I've been thinking, you know, if you're concerned about launching this whole new string of boutiques, and trying to tie in the whole wedding thing, you could call that off. Ridge: I am not canceling the wedding. Stephanie: Well, I realize there's a lot at stake, but it's certainly not worth throwing your future away. Ridge: My future is with Brooke, all right? Stephanie: Honey, you can't make a good life with someone who's lying to you. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: So, Taylor's here, and I'm interrupting. Nick: No. No, she's -- she's resting. It's okay. She's okay. Brooke: Is she really okay? After what happened last night? Nick: She's a little rattled. Brooke: I'll bet. You both could have been killed. Nick: Yeah. Brooke: It's hard to believe, that a Marone tanker destroyed the marlin. I loved that boat. Nick: So did I. I should probably let you know that Stephanie was here a little while ago. Brooke: Why did Stephanie come here? Nick: She wanted me to know how available you're about to be. Brooke: What? She has no right coming here to you. Nick: Brooke, if you support this relationship with Rick and Phoebe, you know Forrester's going to have a problem with that. Brooke: It's getting complicated. Nick: Well, when hasn't it? Brooke: Look, I'm sorry that she came to you. That's horrible. Nick: I'm just saying. Watch your back. Brooke -- Brooke: Look, I should go. Nick: Brooke -- listen, talk to me. Will you just tell me what is going on with this whole deal -- Brooke: Nothing. Nothing is going on! Nick: It's not nothing! Brooke: It's nothing to you! It's not your problem anymore. [SCENE_BREAK] Phoebe: I found blankets! Wow. Rick: I was just going to say the same thing about you. Phoebe: How did you do all this so fast? Rick: I was a boy scout. I always come prepared. Phoebe: For what? Rick: For anything. Phoebe: Were you prepared for me? Rick: Absolutely not. Phoebe: Yeah, well, you surprised me, too. Rick: You surprise me every day. Like wanting to come up here, just the two of us. Phoebe: It was kind of smart, right? Rick: Kind of sneaky. Phoebe: I know. I hate having to sneak around like this. But, I don't know -- for now, it's kind of exciting. Rick: I know what you mean. Phoebe: So, here we are. Rick: Yes, here we are. Phoebe: All alone. Phoebe: I don't know. We can do whatever we want. And no one can stop us. Phoebe: Well, forget what I said about sneaking around. I'm starting to like this. Rick: If we didn't have to hide from your family, we could do this all the time, a whole lot more. I mean, you know, like go out to a movie, to dinner -- Phoebe: Uh-huh, right. Rick: Come here. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: I'm sorry. Look, I appreciate your concern. Nick: Those people, I swear to God. These people! I told you that woman would turn on you. Brooke: I know. And Ridge told Stephanie that if she abused me anymore, that she would lose him. Nick: What about if you lose him? Brooke: We'll get through this. Ridge and I have waited too long and tried too hard to be together to lose it all now. Nick: Well, that's good. That's good. Brooke: Look, I think you should call hope and let her know what you think about the DVD, okay? Nick: I will. I'm going to go up and check on Taylor. Brooke: Yeah. Oh, you know what? Gosh, I really hate to ask this, but can I use your phone? Because my battery's dead in my cell. Nick: Sure. Here you go. Thanks again. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: If you mention Brooke's name one more time, if you so much as think about her, I'm going to pull over and put you out of the car. [Cell phone rings] Hello? Brooke: Hi, Ridge, it's me. I'm on my way home, and I was just wondering if you wanted me to pick something up to eat. Ridge: No. Listen, I already talked to Catherine. She's going to stay late and watch the kids. Brooke: What's going on? Ridge: I need you to get up to the Big Bear cabin, right now. I'm on my way up there now. Apparently, Rick and Phoebe have got some kind of rendezvous going on. Brooke: They're at the cabin? Ridge: Yeah. They're seeing each other again, Logan. But don't worry. When I get up there, I'm going to put a stop to it once and for all. I'll see you up there, okay? Brooke: Oh, my God, Rick. What are you thinking? What are you doing? [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: I am going to put another log on the fire. Phoebe: I have a better way to keep warm. Rick: You know, I like this way better. [Car approaching] Did you hear that? Phoebe: What? Rick: It sounded like -- like a car. Phoebe: You're just teasing me. Rick: No, no -- never mind. Stephanie: You make sure that they're here. Rick: Geez! Ridge: Phoebe? Phoebe? Phoebe: I'm right here, Dad. Ridge: Where's Rick? I know he's here. I saw his car out there. Rick: Yeah, I'm here. Ridge: Sweetheart, are you all right? Phoebe: Of course I'm okay, Dad. Ridge: Come on, let's go. Phoebe: No. Ridge: No? No? You did this. You brought my little girl up here for what, Rick? Huh? For what? [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: This is weird. This is too weird. Nick: She brought me a DVD that Hope wanted me to have of her in her school play. Taylor: And that's the only reason Brooke came by? Nick: That's it. Taylor: She didn't know Stephanie had been here? Nick: Not until I told her, no. Taylor: Why did you do that? Nick: Because she's in a tough spot and I'm concerned about her. But she said everything's all right. Taylor: So Stephanie was wrong then. She was wrong about Phoebe and Rick, that they aren't seeing each other. Nick: Well, Forrester doesn't think so. Is that what this is about, though? Rick and Phoebe? Is that what your concern is about here? Or is it really about something else? Because you asked me before how I felt. So, I refer to you. You are my analyst. You're supposed to know how I'm feeling. So, let me ask you. How do I feel? Taylor: You didn't answer my question. If Brooke and Ridge split up -- Nick: It's got nothing to do with me. I'm not with you because Brooke's not available. I'm with you because I want to be with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Phoebe, honey, get your coat. You can explain all this to your father in the car. Ridge: Not until I hear what Rick has to say for himself. Rick: Oh, please, Ridge, like you're going to listen to me anyway. Ridge: Am I wrong? Hmm? The candles? The fireplace? Am I getting the wrong impression here? Phoebe: Dad! Ridge: What happened, Rick? Did you plan on defying me from the beginning? Phoebe: Dad, he wanted to break it off in the beginning, but I wouldn't let him. Ridge: That act you put on in the office, it was very convincing. Phoebe: We didn't want to lie to you. Stephanie: But he didn't lie to everyone, did he? Rick: Nobody knew we were supposed to be up here. Ridge: No, of course not. You wouldn't want to risk somebody coming up and destroying your little plan, would you? Stephanie: Ridge does not believe that your mother knows about this, but she does. I overheard the two of you. Phoebe: What did you hear? Rick: What? So you're spying on us now? Oh, my God, is this how it's going to be? What are you, bugging your offices now? Is this how you treat your daughter, who you love so dearly, you treat her like a criminal? Ridge: You know what, Rick? My mother told me you guys were here. And I'm damn glad she did. God knows what would have happened if we'd left you up here alone. Rick: Nothing! Nothing would have happened that Phoebe didn't want to happen. Ridge: You shut your mouth! Stephanie: Don't let him bait you, honey. Rick: You know what? Coming up here was a waste of your time. You can't get Phoebe to stop seeing me. And you can't drag her out of here. She's an adult, ridge. She is 18 years old! Phoebe: Rick -- Rick: And she didn't come up here just to be with me. She came up here to get away from you. And I can't blame her. If I could get my mom to do the same thing, I would. I would get both of them as far away from you as humanly possible. Ridge: I told you to shut your mouth! Shut your mouth! You stay the hell away from my daughter! You hear me? Brooke: Ridge, stop it! Ridge: Stay the hell away from her! Brooke: Leave him alone! | Brooke stops by with a gift from Hope and Nick is clearly touched |
458 | Father Lonigan: You were apart for so many years, and I know Pilar prayed for your return every day. Pilar: Well, I never gave up hope that he'd come home. And then God brought him back to me. Father Lonigan: I believe this will be a truly joyous occasion. Martin: It will be, Father. Father Lonigan: Good. Well, I have all the information I need. There is one more question I would like to ask of you, Martin. Martin: What's that? Father Lonigan: Is there any reason why you should not enter into this covenant with Pilar? Any problem that might arise between you and your wife? Martin: Well, I'm not sure that I understand. Father Lonigan: It's no secret that you spent all those years with Katherine Crane. Martin: No secret at all. Pilar: Well, she's out of his life now, Father. Father Lonigan: Well, I assume so. That's why you're here. Still, what I must know is this -- did you make any kind of commitment with Katherine that could be interpreted as binding? [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Eve: Who could that be? Julian. Liz: Hello, Eve. Eve: What do you want, Liz? Liz: Oh, I'm here to help you, sister dear. Eve: You? How? Liz: If you do exactly what I say, I can make sure you walk away from this trial a free woman. [SCENE_BREAK] Ethan: Julian, did you speak to Eve? How's she doing? Julian: Well, she's understandably upset, but I think she'll be fine. Alistair: Oh, she'll be fine, all right. With you two on the case, how could she lose? Except for one little hitch -- she's guilty. [SCENE_BREAK] Gwen: I really hope we can get out of here before Theresa comes down for breakfast. Rebecca: I can't believe Theresa is actually staying here. Gwen: This whole thing is just horrible. You know, I'm constantly nervous, totally uptight with her hovering over Ethan all the time. Rebecca: I know. She's just like a spider in her web, just waiting for the fly. Gwen: I hate Alistair for moving her in here. Rebecca: I know. He's giving her free run of the whole house just because he wants to get a piece of her little tamale tail. Gwen: I know. Thank God that there's no evidence for her to find that you and I were the ones who sent the email to the tabloid about Ethan's true paternity. Theresa: Thank you so much, Gwen. See, I was just working on this hunch before, but now I know that the proof exists because you guys just admitted it. [SCENE_BREAK] Father Lonigan: Martin? Can you answer my question? Is there anything that would prevent you from honoring the renewal of your marriage vows to Pilar? Pilar: Why are you not answering him, Martin? Or is it that you can't do it in front of her? Father Lonigan: What's going on? Is someone else here? Katherine: Father Lonigan, it's Katherine Crane. I'm very sorry to interrupt. Father Lonigan: Is there something you need? Katherine: No, no. I came by to light a candle for Eve Russell and to say a prayer for her because her trial starts today, and she's very important to my son, Julian. Pilar: That's right. Poor Eve. Katherine: Pilar, I'm very sorry for this timing. The last thing I want to do is interfere here. So I'm just going to go light my candle, and I'm going to go. Father Lonigan: We won't be much longer, if you'd like to wait and talk with me, Katherine? Katherine: No, thank you, Father. Katherine: Pilar? I would like to speak to you. There is something that I really think you need to know. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: I knew you two were the ones who sent the information from my computer, and I knew the evidence existed somewhere in this mansion. Rebecca: I can't believe it. You are still trying to pretend that you're not the one who sent the email? Theresa: Yeah, yeah, because I didn't. Because you two did. And you know what? It's only a matter of time before I find it, and then it's all over for you two. Rebecca: Hmm. It's just the same old accusations over and over. Gwen: You really sound crazy. Theresa: Well, I'm not going to sound very crazy when Ethan kicks you out and he becomes a family with me and Jane and little Ethan. It's all over for the two of you. All over. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: Well, Father, you're wrong. Eve is innocent, and Ethan's going to prove it. Alistair: Those are pretty big words for someone who's standing on shaky ground. Don't you care at all that your mistress tried to kill you? Julian: She didn't try to kill anyone -- not me, not you, not Liz -- no one. Alistair: That's not what the D.A. thinks. Ethan: Well, in this country, a person is innocent until proven guilty, Alistair. Alistair: Ah. Ethan: That's why we have trials -- to find the truth. Alistair: Oh, really? Is that why we have trials? And all this time I thought it was just a very good excuse for ambulance-chasing lawyers to strut around like roosters so they can get their picture in the paper. Ethan: Don't try to ruffle me, all right? It's not going to work. I have every confidence that we will win. Alistair: Well, it's too bad that Julian doesn't share your confidence. Julian: But I do. Alistair: Oh, but you look nervous. You're going to miss her, aren't you, when Eve spends the rest of her life in prison? Julian: What have you done, Father? Have you done something to fix Eve's trial? Listen to me! You have -- you've tried to fix it so there's no way Eve can win. [SCENE_BREAK] Eve: What are you talking about, Liz? Liz: Just what I said. I can see to it that you're acquitted, cleared of all charges, and you can be free. Eve: No, you hate me. You claim I tried to kill you. Liz: That's right, you did. Eve: No, I didn't! You know I didn't. You're the one who's been lying through this whole thing. Liz: Well, then what if I decide not to lie? What if I could guarantee that you'll beat this rap and go free? Eve: What's in it for you if I do go free? [SCENE_BREAK] Father Lonigan: Can we continue our conversation, Martin? Can you answer my question? Martin: I don't know if I can give you the answer that you want to hear, Father. Pilar: Ok, well, what is it that you think I need to know? And please don't tell me that you want my husband back. Katherine: No, no, nothing like that. I'm not going to stand in the way of you being with your husband, Pilar. I couldn't even if I wanted to, because Martin wants his marriage back. Pilar: Thank you for respecting that. So, what is it you need to tell me? Katherine: It's about what's going on at the Crane mansion between Alistair and Theresa. [SCENE_BREAK] Ethan: Julian, let him go. Let him go. Julian: You bastard! It's not enough that you forced me to leave Eve when we were young. Now you're trying to rig it so she's taken away from me forever. Alistair: I don't have any time, any time at all to waste on your mistress' trial. Although, I did hear from the D.A.'s office. They said it was an open- and-shut case against her. Julian: You're a liar. Now, I swear, if I find out that you've rigged Eve's trial, I will kill you. I could stop you from taking another breath right now. Ethan: Julian, Julian, enough. Come on, come on. He's trying to get us upset. He's trying to get us angry so we won't be focused on the trial today. Julian: You're right. Today is far too important to let this unnatural thing get to me. Ethan: Absolutely. Let's get some breakfast. Let's start thinking about this trial, all right? Julian: Yes. We must be positive today. Alistair: Hmm. Oh, you have no idea what's in store for you today, my idiot son. No idea. [SCENE_BREAK] Eve: So you're saying that you would go to court and you would tell them the truth? I mean, you would tell them that you really didn't see me put poison in your punch? Liz: That's what I'm saying. And furthermore, I'll make sure the jury believes you're innocent. Eve: But why? Why would you do that? Liz: I have my reasons. Eve: Well, what are they? Liz: Quid pro quo, Eve. Done in court all the time. I give you something, and you give me something back. Eve: But, what? What could I give you that would make you help me? Liz: It's very simple. I will make sure you get off, that you get your freedom, and all you have to do is leave Harmony forever. Eve: Leave Harmony? Liz: That's right. You have to promise that you'll never see T.C. or your daughters ever again. "Global national" with Kevin Newman. The world at 6:30. Sooner. Better. [SCENE_BREAK] Father Lonigan: Did you make any commitment to Katherine, whether inside or outside the church? Martin: I love you so much. I wish that we could exchange our vows in a church. But since that's impossible, I hope you'll accept this ring as a token of my deep love for you. You have become more dear to me than you will ever know. Katherine: And you to me. Martin: I don't know how I can do this, Father. Father Lonigan: Would you be more comfortable in confession, my son? Martin: I think I would. Pilar: Just tell me what's happened to my daughter. Katherine: I want to say this in a gentle way. I don't know how to say it. Alistair has forced himself on Theresa. He raped her. Pilar: Madre de dios. My poor Theresa. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: So you could save us a lot of trouble and just admit what you two did. I'm going to find the proof anyway. Ethan: What proof? Theresa: Good morning. Gwen and Rebecca just admitted that they were the ones who sent the information to the tabloid revealing your true paternity. Ethan: What? Gwen: As usual, you are totally wrong. Theresa: Wrong? Gwen, didn't you just say that you didn't have to worry about Theresa finding the evidence? Gwen: Right, because there is no evidence to find because my mother and I -- we're not the ones who sent the email. You did. Theresa: You're lying through your teeth. Ethan: All right, do you think we could table this discussion, perhaps, until after the kids have breakfast, maybe? I don't think they need the tension. [Jane screams] Gwen: Aw -- Rebecca: Oh, well, if you'd get the tramp to move out, then -- voila -- no more tension. Theresa: Yeah, that's fine. But I'm going to find the proof and get Ethan back. You can count on that. Gwen: Boy, do you need to get over yourself. Whoo. Ethan: All right, Gwen, enough. Theresa, why don't you get little Ethan something to eat. I'm going to look over some paperwork for court. Theresa: Mm-hmm. You ready? Gwen: Ok. Can I get you some orange juice, babe? Ethan: I would love some orange juice, thank you. Theresa: So, Ethan, you nervous about today? Ethan: Yeah, I'm always a little nervous. But I don't think the prosecution has a case against Eve Russell. Rebecca: How can you say that? I mean, Eve and Liz were the only ones in the basement when Liz drank the poisoned punch, so, hello. Ethan: Rebecca, there's no proof that Eve put that poison in Liz's punch. Julian: It's Liz's word against Eve. And as much as you'd like to see Eve go to jail, she's innocent. Rebecca: Oh, so you think that I want Eve to go to jail because she's taking you away from me? Julian: Don't you? Rebecca: No. I actually don't give a damn what happens to her, as long as you remember that you are still married to me. Julian: Not for long. Alistair: Oh. Good morning, everyone. Well, isn't this a Walton family moment. Rebecca: Hmm. A what? Alistair: Oh, come on, Rebecca. Don't pretend you're too young to remember the television series. Rebecca: Oh, those Walton's. Alistair: Ah. Rebecca: Yes. Weren't they hillbillies or pilgrims or something? Alistair: Yeah, or something, yes. Or something. Now, I wonder -- I was wondering who at this table is related to me. Not you, Ethan. Not Gwen. Julian: Father, is this absolutely necessary? Alistair: Yes, I think so. Rebecca, only through marriage. And one of these two brats is -- that's Julian's bastard. Ethan: Alistair, that's enough! [Jane screams] Alistair: And then there's Theresa, who is not related to me. But then again, with those eyes, who really cares? So I guess we are not a Walton family, hmm? But there's someone missing. Of course, Julian -- your lover, the newbie. Where is Eve? Julian: You know very well where she is. Alistair: Oh. Yes, that's right, she moved out. She couldn't make up her mind between her sugar daddy and her husband, the high school coach. Julian: Her ex-husband. Alistair: Julian, you disgust me. You can't even hang on to a black woman. Ethan: Alistair, enough! Julian: Shut your racist mouth. Alistair: I don't think so, not in my home. Oh, by the way, Theresa, I have something for you. Gwen: Isn't that the bracelet you gave Theresa? Alistair: Oh, yes, it is. Yes. One of the -- well, one of the maids found it in the kitchen last night. I guess you were so involved with your late-night conversation with Ethan here that you forgot it, didn't you, Theresa? Gwen: Ok, you told me you were coming downstairs to work on Eve's case. You and Theresa were together? You lied to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Eve: God, Liz, you just -- you're never going to be happy until you've just destroyed me completely. For God's sake, you're my sister! Liz: Half sister. You lost any connections to me when you abandoned me. Eve: Oh, God, not that again. Liz: You don't like to be reminded. Too bad. Here's the deal, Eve. I will get you off. I will get you your freedom. All you have to do is -- Eve: Is give up my family forever. Liz: That's right. You'll get to miss the prison prom, and I'll get the satisfaction of knowing that wherever you are for the rest of your life you will be alone. You will be suffering because you don't have your family with you. Eve: God, you are pure evil. Liz: Well, I guess I am. So what's it going to be, Eve? Do you want to go to jail or do you want to go free? It's up to you. [SCENE_BREAK] Pilar: Oh, my God, that monster. He took my little girl and he used her. I was afraid this would happen. Katherine: So was I. I know firsthand what a devil Alistair is. Pilar: I know. You've been a victim of his brutality, too. Katherine: Please don't tell Martin. Don't tell him what he did to me. Don't tell him what he did to Theresa. He'll kill Alistair and he'll go to jail for murder. Pilar: You're right. I won't tell him. But I'm going to go to that house right now and convince Theresa to leave. And Alistair will not lay his filthy hands on my daughter again if I have anything to say about it. Katherine: You be careful, Pilar. You know Alistair is a vile and evil thing. Pilar: Just tell my husband that I'll see him later, that I had to go. Katherine: All right. Godspeed, Pilar. Katherine: Martin? Where'd you go? [SCENE_BREAK] Father Lonigan: So, Martin, you're uncomfortable renewing your vow to Pilar because of this commitment ceremony you shared with Katherine? Martin: Yes, Father. I want to renew my marriage with Pilar. I mean, Katherine wants me to do it. You know, Pilar is my wife. We were married in the eyes of God, and she suffered so badly because I abandoned her. But -- Father Lonigan: But? Martin: The truth is Katherine is still in my heart. I won't lie and say she's not. I still have feelings for her, very deep feelings. [SCENE_BREAK] Gwen: You lied to me. Ethan: No, honey, I didn't lie to you. I was working on Eve's case, came down here last night to get a snack. She just happened to be here. Gwen: Hmm. Rebecca: Hmm, happened to be there, huh? Like the black widow spider she is. Gwen: Gee, Theresa, I wonder what you were doing down here in the middle of the night. Theresa: Just came to get something to eat, Gwen. Gwen: Mm-hmm. Ethan: Gwen, I was telling her that she needs to leave the house. I was telling her that this alliance with Alistair she has is crazy. Alistair: And were you persuasive, Ethan? Ethan: You can prove it? How are you going to -- Gwen: She is here, lurking around every corner, just waiting to seduce you, and I'm not going to live like this. Ethan: I wish you would just believe me. I'm in love with you. You're my wife. I'm not going to leave you for her, period. Gwen: Uh-huh. Rebecca: I think Theresa is the one you need to convince, Ethan. Ethan: Why don't we just go upstairs, please? I mean, I need to get my head clear for court. Gwen: Yeah, and I'd really like to get away from her. Alistair: No, no, no, no, no. You two lovebirds stay here. Theresa and I will leave. I need to have a word with you, my dear. Ethan: Why is that? So you can be alone with her and rape her again? Is that it? Alistair: It's not your concern. I merely want to talk to her, Ethan. Ethan: Theresa, don't. Alistair: Stay out of my business, Ethan, or leave this house. Gwen: Just -- Theresa: You know, Alistair -- Alistair: Hmm? Theresa: I haven't finished having breakfast with my children. Alistair: All right. Nanny, would you come in here, please? The nanny will deal with giving the children their breakfast in the nursery. Theresa: Come on, sweetheart. Nanny: Let's go, you guys. Theresa: Thank you. Alistair: Shall we? Theresa: Yes. Gwen: Having her here makes everything so tense. Ethan: I know. I'm sorry. Rebecca: Yes, well, I've kind of lost my appetite, so I'm going to go take a long hot bath. Gwen: I'm going to come upstairs with you. Ethan: Actually, Rebecca, would you mind hanging out for a few minutes? Julian and I have a few questions we want to ask you about the case. Rebecca: Ok. Sure. I'm just going to get a little more coffee. Gwen: There is no evidence for Theresa to find, correct? Rebecca: No, don't worry. Don't worry, I -- I got rid of it. Well, I just wish I remembered where I put that disk when I got rid of it. Julian: What were you mumbling about, Rebecca? Rebecca: Oh, nothing. Nothing at all. Now, what did you want to ask me? Julian: Well, I just want to make certain that you tell the truth today in court, because sending Eve to jail won't get you anywhere with me. I'm divorcing you, one way or another. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: Why do you play these games? Huh? Putting Ethan on the spot like that? Alistair: What are you worried about? That Gwen might find out that you and Ethan kissed last night? Theresa: So you were spying on us again, huh? You're a bastard. Alistair: Such language. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. Theresa: You know, I think I've paid a high enough price. Alistair: No, I don't think you have. I put you in a position to find out whatever you have to find out against Rebecca and Gwen, the proof that you insist is here. Theresa: Well, I want more from you. I deserve more after what you took from me. I want you to find the proof. Alistair: If you want the evidence, find it. The house is open. You have total access. Theresa: I wouldn't know where to begin. Alistair: Well, you're a very resourceful person. I'm sure that eventually you're going to find what you're looking for. Theresa: This place is huge, ok? It could take me months. Alistair: That's right, it could. Well, I have a very big day ahead of me, so I'll see you later in private, and you and I can work out your next payment. Theresa: I don't owe you anything, Alistair. Alistair: Oh, I think you do. You owe me. And wear the red teddy. I'm in the mood for trash. Theresa: Don't do that! Alistair: Ooh. I like that fire, Theresa. I'll use it -- later. [SCENE_BREAK] Liz: Clock is ticking, Eve. Your trial starts soon, and I can make it all go away. But it's your choice. Eve: What kind of choice? Either I go to prison or I lose my family forever. How can you live with yourself, Liz? Liz: How can you live with yourself, Eve? You put me in prison when you left, and you left me to be abused by my father with no out in sight. Eve: Liz, please. We have been over this a million times. If I could turn back the clock, I would. And if I had known, I would have come back. But I didn't know. Liz: Well, then I guess that's why I'm being so gracious now. I am giving you an out. I am giving you a chance to go free. Eve: What's freedom if I can't see my family? Liz: Would you try to think of someone else besides yourself for once, Eve? Think of T.C., Whitney, and Simone! Think of how humiliated your daughters will be, knowing that their mother is in prison for the rest of her life. Or they could know that you are innocent, but that you just suddenly disappeared. Which is better, Eve? Which is better for the people you supposedly love? Eve: I can't believe you're putting me in this position, forcing me to choose between going to prison for something that I didn't do or never seeing my children again. Liz: I think I'm giving you a golden opportunity -- freedom or the slammer. And you know what? I'm willing to pay for your trip out of town. I have here a first-class one-way ticket to anywhere you'd want to go. Eve: So you're not just talking crazy? You are really serious about this? Liz: Oh, yes, I am serious, Eve. I give you the ticket in exchange for your following my terms. I can guarantee your freedom if you guarantee me you'll never see T.C., Whitney, or Simone ever again. You think about it. I know you don't want to be late for your day in court. Eve: No, I have to get going. Liz: See you there. [SCENE_BREAK] Father Lonigan: Martin, are you saying you're not sure you want to renew your vows to Pilar? Martin: I just wish that I could be more firm in my commitment, that's all. I want to go into this with as much dedication as I did when I first married Pilar. But -- Father Lonigan: But you're not sure that you can be true to your wife. You're worried that you might betray Pilar. Martin: No, absolutely not. Katherine would never allow it. She would never let me do anything to hurt my marriage. See, the thing is I can't promise that I'll never think of Katherine. We spent so many years together. I was with her longer than I was with Pilar. Father Lonigan: I understand. But I hope you understand that I cannot absolve you of your sin -- the sin of living with Katherine without the sanctity of marriage -- unless you reject her. You must renounce your relationship with Katherine completely. Martin: I can't do that, Father. She's meant too much to me. I mean, we might have lived in sin, but all the years that we spent together were not wrong. Our love was good and pure. Father Lonigan: I see. You do know what this means? Unless you repent your sins, I cannot offer you absolution. And you cannot accept the sacrament of marriage unless you are free of all sin. Martin: I know that. I'm prepared to spend eternity in hell. [SCENE_BREAK] Rebecca: Don't try to intimidate the witness, pookie. It won't work. Julian: I know you're lying about Eve. Rebecca: I most certainly am not! Julian: Something's not right, and you know what it is. Ethan: I hope you wouldn't perjure yourself on the stand, Rebecca. Rebecca: Look, I told you the truth. I was in the basement all of five seconds. I saw Liz collapse. I didn't see who put the poison in the punch, but Eve was the only one there. Julian: Mm-hmm. And since we know that Eve didn't do it, someone else had to be there. And you know who it was. Rebecca: No, I don't. Ethan: Well, I hope you won't lie in court. You could be the one going to jail. Julian: You'd better be very truthful in front of that jury today. Rebecca: Ooh, perjuring myself is the least of my worries. I've got to find that disk, the one with the evidence against Gwennie and me. I've got to find it before Theresa gets her grubby little paws on it. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Pilar: Theresita. Oh, mi amor. Theresa: Mama, what are you doing here? Pilar: Katherine told me what happened. She told me what Alistair did to you. Theresa: Oh, Mama. Pilar: Oh, baby. Why are you still here? Why are you staying in this place with that monster? Theresa: I have to. Pilar: No, you don't, Theresa. You are free to walk out of here right now. I knew this was a mistake. I knew you should have never agreed to come here. Theresa: No. You don't understand. Pilar: I don't? No, Theresa, you see, I do understand. I understand that you thought Alistair was going to help you get Jane back, that he would help you get Ethan away from Gwen. Theresa: Yeah, and he's helping me. Pilar: No, he's not helping you. He's mistreating you, Theresa. Theresa: No, listen, Mama. He just gave me full access to search the house. That means that I can find the proof, the proof I need to show Ethan I wasn't the one who sent the information to the tabloid that ruined his life. Pilar: Are you telling me that you're ok with this, with Alistair, because of this crazy fantasy of yours to get Ethan back? Theresa: No. Pilar: Theresa, that man raped you. He should be arrested! Theresa: Is that what Katherine said? Because she was exaggerating. She's totally wrong. Pilar: So Alistair -- he didn't force himself on you? Theresa: No. Pilar: Oh, thank God. Theresa: Ah -- Pilar: Que te pasa, Theresa? What's wrong? Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God! What are those bruises, Theresa? Theresa: Mama -- Pilar: Where did you get that? Theresa, how did you get that? Theresa: Mama -- ugh -- Pilar: Oh, my God. Theresa: Please, Mama, don't do -- Pilar: Let me see. Theresa: No -- Pilar: Let me see, Theresa! Oh, dear God! Oh, my God, what did he do to you? What did that monster do to you? Oh, God. [SCENE_BREAK] Martin: If I have to spend eternity in hell, so be it. Father Lonigan: Martin, I am not judging you. Only God can do that. And he is a merciful God. But if you are serious about renewing your vows to Pilar, I strongly urge you to look in your heart and find a way to renounce your feelings to Katherine. Martin: I'm sorry, Father. I can't do it. And I won't lie. Father Lonigan: Martin, I will pray for your soul, pray for your peace with God. Martin: Thank you, Father. [SCENE_BREAK] Pilar: Katherine was telling the truth. Alistair did rape you. Theresa: No, no, Mama. No, please, don't -- don't get excited and don't get upset. Pilar: Why in God's name are you lying to protect that monster? Theresa: Mama, you always taught me that if you want something you have to be willing to pay the price. Pilar: I never taught you to be a doormat. I never taught you that it was right to sell your body, Theresa. Theresa: That is not what I'm doing. Pilar: No? Then what do you call it when you allow a man to treat you this way in exchange for some idiotic fantasy? Ethan has told you over and over again that he will never leave Gwen for you. What makes you think he will? Theresa: He will, Mama, once I have the proof. Pilar: Ay, Theresita. You are so wrong. That's no excuse for Alistair to do what he did to you. You are right about one thing, Theresa. There is a price to pay for everything, and Alistair's going to pay the price for hurting you because I am going to kill him! [SCENE_BREAK] Gwen: Hi, sweetheart. I'm sorry I'm late. My mother took forever to get ready. Hi. Ethan: It's ok, don't worry. The D.A. isn't even here yet. Gwen: Ok. How you doing? Are you nervous? Ethan: Just a little bit. I mean, I haven't presented a case in court in a while, so -- Gwen: You're going to be wonderful. Good luck. Ethan: Thank you. Gwen: Eve, good luck. Eve: Thank you. Julian: Thank you. Ethan, you'll be great. Eve: I have complete faith in you, Ethan. Ethan: I just hope I can live up to your expectations. I'm going to go over my opening statement. Julian: Don't be nervous. I love you. Eve: Oh, Julian. I'll never be able to thank you enough for everything you've done. I don't think I would have survived this if it weren't for you. Julian: I'll do anything for you. Bailiff: Ladies and gentlemen, the jury is about to enter, and the judge will be here shortly. Ethan: Try to look confident, ok? We all have to believe we can win this. Eve's voice: Oh, I can guarantee that I'll win. All I have to do is give up everyone that I love. Oh, can I really pay that price? [NEXT_ON] Theresa: I want you to help me find the proof on Gwen and Rebecca. Help me bring them down! Eve: Grace Nancier is the prosecutor? Gwen: That's Grace Nancier. You know, she's got that TV show on the legal channel -- "Death Watch"? Grace: Eve Russell tried to murder three innocent human beings. | Theresa walks into the kitchen in time to hear Gwen say she's glad there is no evidence showing she and Rebecca sent the info to the tabloids, not Theresa |
459 | Brooke: I'm glad to hear from you. I was worried after our talk last night. Bill: Well, even I have the occasional bad moment. Thanks for listening. Brooke: Feeling better, then? Bill: Well, Katie's and my issues haven't magically disappeared, but we're gonna work it out. How about you? Ready for the big day? Brooke: Oh, gosh. I feel like I fell down a rabbit hole. It's been a while since a press conference has been about me. But you'll be there, right? Bill: Oh, yeah. Leaving in a few. Brooke: Why don't you bring Katie? Might be a good distraction for her. [Door opens] Bill: I'll mention it to her. Katie: Hard at work? Bill: Press conference for Brooke's Bedroom is today. Katie: Hmm. Bill: I'd like it if you joined me, Katie. Katie: Oh, no. No, I'm not going to any press conference, and neither are you. [SCENE_BREAK] Caroline: You still think I'm sexy? Rick: You have to ask? Caroline: I don't know. You didn't seem exactly enthusiastic last night. I mean, there I was, standing in awesome, expensive lingerie, and you kicked me out of your house. That's not how it's supposed to be, Rick. Rick: I'm sorry. I've been preoccupied. I've got a lot riding on this relaunch. Caroline: Is that all? Rick: Well, what else? Caroline: That girl -- Mariah? Rick: Maya, and can we not get into that again? Brooke's Bedroom's about to slam into production. I've got to stay focused. [Door opens, closes] Rick: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Maya: [Sighs] (Flashback) [Both laugh] [SCENE_BREAK] Donna: This is so exciting! Pam: It's a press conference. You've seen one, you've seen them all. Donna: For my sister. I mean, it's been a long time since the buzz has been about her. Pam: Exactly. It's been a long time. Donna: What does that mean? Pam: Brooke is a little long in the tooth to be parading around in her underwear. Donna: What in the world do Brooke's teeth have to do with anything? And besides, have you seen them? They're gorgeous. [SCENE_BREAK] Eric: Thanks for being here. I know you're not particularly happy with the relaunch of this line. Taylor: I think it's a colossal waste of time, money, and resources. I also think you'll regret that you gave it the go-ahead, but you did, we're doing it, and I'm here to support you. Eric: Well, I appreciate that. There's another reason I'm glad you're here. Taylor: And why is that? Eric: I'm gonna make an announcement of my own about us. [SCENE_BREAK] Caroline: Maria? Maya: It's Maya. Caroline: Whatever. I don't care. You need to stay away from my man. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: You'll work exclusively for Brooke's bedroom and report directly to me. It's gonna be long hours and hard work. Is that a problem? Woman: Not at all. I'd be thrilled to work for you. Brooke: It was very nice to meet you. Woman: Honor to meet you. Brooke: You'll hear from me either way. [Door closes] Taylor: Expecting someone else? Brooke: You've come to wish me well? Taylor: Just checking in. Brooke: I'm not hiding Bill behind the desk, if that's what you're wondering. Taylor: Well, maybe he won't come. Maybe Katie was able to make him realize his presence here would be completely inappropriate. Brooke: Bill has a stake in the success of this company. Taylor: Bill has a stake in you, Brooke. If Katie's smart, she'll keep him away. [SCENE_BREAK] Bill: I'm a minority shareholder in Forrester. The relaunch of Brooke's Bedroom was my idea. I'm happy for your sister, and I'm going to be there to support her. Katie: Bill, you run a multibillion-dollar conglomerate. Your 12% of Forrester means nothing. You don't need to be there to see Brooke parading around in her underwear. [Door opens] Bill: Alison, you shouldn't have. Alison: I didn't. I know there's a ban on spirits. It's from Mr. Henderson. He wants the Atlanta station to do a feature on his falling star. Bill: Let me take a peek at that label. Alison: Shall I send it back? Bill: Only if you want to be out on the job market. Alison: Then I shall leave you two to sort it out. Bill: So...where were we? [SCENE_BREAK] Maya: When I first met Rick, I didn't know he was in a relationship. Caroline: But it did become clear at some point, didn't it? What kind of a woman continues to pursue a man after she finds out that he's involved with someone else? I'll say it. A loser ex-con who's just trying to get as much as she can while she can. Maya: That's not true. Caroline: Which part? Maya: I went to prison for a crime I didn't commit. Caroline: Isn't that what they all say? "I'm innocent. I was framed." Whatever. The point is, you don't have a place in Rick's life. Maya: And you get to decide that? Caroline: I really don't want to hurt your feelings, but sometimes the truth has to be said, even when it's harsh. I move easily in Rick's world because it's my world, too. You, however, make stupid decisions that land you in prison. I have founded a charity that has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to help fight cancer. I have traveled the world. I speak three languages. Rick can take me anywhere. You he hides in this dumpy little diner. Doesn't that tell you all you need to know? [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: Hey. Rick: Hey. Where's my mom? What's that look for? Pam: Brooke's in, um... Eric's office. Donna: And they've been in there for a while. Pam: She's with Taylor. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: I know you ran straight to Katie when you saw Bill and me together. You couldn't wait to make her angry with me. Taylor: Well, she should be -- finding you rolling around, giggling on the bed with her husband, half-naked, swilling champagne. Brooke: We were toasting. Taylor: To the provocative underwear line that you're working on together. Why can't you see how inappropriate this is? Brooke: Oh, my God. Who are you to talk? Five minutes after Stephanie died, there you are, making a pass at Eric, moving into her house, into her bed. Taylor: Why is it wrong for us to be together? We're not hurting anyone. You can't say that. Brooke: Bill and I are not having an affair. Taylor: Well, you're not now, but you're getting close. Brooke: Go get a life. Taylor: I have one, thank you, and I'm reveling in it. [Door opens] Eric: Everything okay in here? Taylor: Never better. Eric: Good. Rick: Uh, whenever you're ready. Brooke: I'm gonna go get changed. [Door opens, closes] [SCENE_BREAK] Bill: You know, I would think you'd be happy to attend the press conference. Katie: I don't need to see Brooke in her underwear. I've seen it. And neither do you. Listen, you did a good thing. You encouraged her. You convinced her that what she has to offer Forrester is important. And now your job is done. I don't want you at that press conference. Bill: And I don't want you dictating where I can go, what I can do, and who I can see. Katie: I am trying to avert a disaster for our family. I love my sister, but I know her very well. I don't like what's going on here. Can you understand that? Bill: No. Because what you're really saying is...you don't trust me. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: You act like my concerns aren't valid. Bill: I'm tired, Katie. I am tired of hearing no. You know what? I have an idea. We're gonna do a controlled study. Every time you say "no," I'm gonna take a hit from this bottle. Katie: Are you kidding? No way. I'm not playing drinking games with you. Bill: And we're off. Katie: You cannot be serious. Bill: I don't think you realize how often that word comes out of your mouth. Katie: We agreed no more drinking. Bill: Cheers. Katie: This is ridiculous. You're knocking back shots in the middle of the afternoon. I mean, what exactly are you trying to prove? Bill: I'm a husband. I'm a father. First and foremost, I am a man. I make my own choices, live on my terms. I answer to me. Katie: No, not anymore. Bill: Bottoms up. Katie: You answer to Will. Our child comes first. Bill: And I will teach our son to live life to its fullest, to grab it by the throat and never let go. And I won't let go. I won't let go of all the things that make me feel like I'm alive. I knew it was coming. You demanded I give up the drinking. Then you demanded I give up motorcycle racing. You demanded I stopped heli-skiing. Well, I will not give those things up, Katie. They are my passions. And when he's old enough, I will introduce my son to my passions. I will share those experiences with him, and my passions will become his passions. Katie: No way. No way. You are out of your mind if you think that I am going to let you turn my son into some kind of adrenaline junkie. Bill, I am a heart-transplant patient. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be here. If something happens to you, then our son will be without both of his parents. Bill: You can't live in fear of your mortality, Katie, and you can't predict it. You said as much to me when you told me that you were pregnant and I was concerned for your well-being. Well, maybe I can't stop you, but I will be damned if you're going to turn our son into a person who lives in fear, who is afraid to get out from under his sheets every morning. Katie: I've hardly become a shut-in. I've been busy being a parent, taking care of our child. And I would like our child to learn good judgment, and I'm beginning to think that he's never gonna learn it from you. Bill: Don't mistake my passion for life for poor judgment. What -- what happened to the woman that used to share my adrenaline rush when I would do the things that exhilarated me? What happened to that incredible woman that I married? I miss my wife. I miss you. Having a baby doesn't turn you into an entirely different person. Katie: You're wrong. It -- [Cell phone beeps] Bill: What? Katie: Son of a... [SCENE_BREAK] [Camera shutter clicks] Eric: Thank you all for coming on such short notice. Jarrett: Well, spontaneous Forrester press conferences usually mean something exciting. Eric: Well, I hope you won't be disappointed today. It is with pride and pleasure that I announce the relaunch of the most successful line in Forrester history, Brooke's Bedroom. And here today to show you is the lady herself, Brooke Logan. Brooke? [Applause] [Camera shutters clicking] [Reporters murmuring] Brooke: [Chuckles] I just want to tell you all I'm very thankful that you're here, and I'm not gonna take up too much of your time. I'm very grateful to Eric, the C.E.O. of this company, for giving us the green light. And, of course, Rick -- you all know him as my son -- for being the president of Forrester Creations and putting all of his expertise and his talent in the relaunch of Brooke's Bedroom. Danica: Well, if the piece that you are wearing is any indication of what's to come, I think that Forrester has got a sure winner. Brooke: That is the plan. All right, no questions. Jarrett: Oh, just one, please. Don't you feel self-conscious and exposed? I mean, a woman of your age dressing publicly in lingerie. Brooke: No, I don't really feel self-conscious. And my motto is "the more exposed, the better." [Laughter] Brooke: No, really, I think you guys are gonna enjoy the preview, and it's gonna be ready very soon, so thanks for being here once again. [Applause] Eric: Thank you all very much for coming. Good job. Oh, and while you're here, I just want to take advantage of the moment. I have an announcement of my own to make. [Reporters murmuring] [SCENE_BREAK] Maya: Caroline, you don't know me. You walk in here, you basically call me a worthless lowlife. That's not who I am. I'm a woman on her own doing the best that she can. Have I made mistakes? Yes. I've hooked up with the wrong people, but I'm doing better now. I have dreams and aspirations just like anyone else. Caroline: Oh, you mean the actress/singer/model type? You and about a million other girls that come to L.A. and realize that their talents aren't that great, so they latch on to some rich guy. Just know that the rich guy that you want to latch on to isn't gonna be mine. You have a nice day now. [SCENE_BREAK] Eric: Rumors are the lifeblood of your business, and so -- well, I'd like to take this opportunity to go on record and say that Dr. Taylor Hayes and I are living together, and I couldn't be happier. [Reporters murmuring] Eric: Come on. [Camera shutters clicking] Danica: I assume this is a new relationship? Eric: I've known Taylor Hayes for a very long time, and since my wife passed away, she and I have become very, very close, and I'm very grateful for that. Danica: Any plans to be the new Mrs. Forrester? Jarrett: When did Miss Hayes move in? [Indistinct shouting] [SCENE_BREAK] Dayzee: She's right, you know? Caroline and Rick are in a committed, exclusive relationship since long before you got here. She's Rick's girlfriend, Maya. You need to accept it, and you need to leave Rick alone. [SCENE_BREAK] Donna: Hi. Just wanted to give you the all clear. The press is gone. Rick: Thank you, Donna. Donna: You're welcome. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: Where's your phone? Brooke: What? Katie: Your phone -- where is it? Brooke: Uh...it's right here. Katie: Isn't this what got you in trouble with Ridge? Because I got to tell you, I'm not too keen on it, either. Brooke: I don't know what you're talking about. Katie: Inappropriate texts. Listen -- my husband runs Spencer Publications. He's not involved in your little lingerie line. I'm sorry that it's come to this, but I don't like what's happening. So I want you to stay away from Bill -- no texting, no talking to him, no communicating with him whatsoever. Do I make myself clear? | Eric tells Taylor that he is glad she is here as he knows she doesn't have her heart in this re-launch |
460 | Rex: Now, tonight's on me. Lindsay: You know I'm not going to let that happen. Rex: Come on, indulge me, OK? I scored huge with Search-and-Destroy night at Ultra Violet. Lindsay: You have done an amazing job with that place. Rex: Thank you. But your daughter thinks that I'm a loser. Lindsay: You know you're not. Rex: Got that right. Jen wants Joe Buchanan, she can have him. I am doing great without her. [SCENE_BREAK] Kelly: Come on, can't we stay home tonight? Kevin: I don't think that the governor would understand. Kelly: Oh, well, it's for a good reason. Kevin: Mm-hmm. Kelly: We are trying to bring a new child into this world. Kevin: You are really happy about this, aren't you? Kelly: Oh, "happy" doesn't even begin to describe it. I pretty much had given up. And then I went to that last doctor here in Llanview, and she said I could get pregnant. Kevin: I just don't want you to be disappointed again, that's all. Kelly: Kevin, this is going to work. Really. You and I are going to have a baby. [Phone rings] Kelly: Oh -- that's me. Hello. Dorian: Kelly, darling, it's me. I have made an appointment for you with the best ob-gyn in Philadelphia. Kelly: Why? Dorian: Because I want him to tell you what I've already told you, which is if you get pregnant you could die. Maybe you'll believe him. Kelly: All right, well, thanks for calling. I'll talk to you later. Kevin: What was that about? Kelly: Oh, Dorian being her usual self. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: Oh, my -- what are you doing here? David: You didn't even miss this key, did you? Dorian: You give that -- David: Which one would you like, the original or the copy that I made? Wow, you're not looking too shabby tonight, but you could look a whole lot better. So I brought you something to wear. Show me your back. Dorian: Oh. David: You are going to wear this for everyone to see. Dorian: Oh. They're exquisite. David: You're not so bad yourself. But remember, this is mine. [SCENE_BREAK] Cristian: Now, that's what I call focus. Natalie: Well, I guess I have to be if I want to win this tournament in Atlantic City. And not be distracted. Not if I want to be like her, Jeanette Lee. Cristian: Black Widow, huh? Natalie: The best there is. Cristian: Yeah, for now. Natalie: I wonder where Max is. We're supposed to be leaving here really soon. Cristian: He'll be here. Well, I guess we're going to just have to start practicing without him. Natalie: Yeah. Cristian: Why don't we work on this focus thing? Jessica: Hey, hey. I thought you guys were going to a pool tournament. Cristian: We are. Natalie: Yeah. Cris was just helping me practice. Jessica: Yeah, I could see that. I can see your focus. Natalie: Yeah. So, things with you and Antonio -- good? Jessica: They're better than good. Everything's almost perfect. Natalie: "Almost"? [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: Keri -- Keri: Leave me alone! Antonio: Keri, what were you thinking? Why were you being so close to the edge of the docks? Keri: Why do you care? Antonio: Because you're our child's mother and she needs you. Keri: That's what you're worried about -- Jamie? Antonio: Yes, yes, and you should be, too. Keri: I'm leaving. [Engine cranks] [Car horn] Keri: Damn it! [Keri cries] Keri: Help me. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: What the hell are you doing, pa? You're backing Daniel Colson for D.A. instead of Nora? Asa: Don't get me wrong, Bo. Nora's a fine attorney. But she has got a kid to raise, and one without a father. Bo: Nora's doing just fine. You know, Colson's got a kid, too, and a drinking problem. Asa: Oh, please. They say the same thing about me. It's hogwash. Mmm. Anyway, Kelly, Kevin, and I are going to dinner tonight -- with the governor. Bo: Hmm. What are you getting Kev into? Asa: Just what he wants. Bo: Hmm. You finagled this whole thing, didn't you? All of a sudden, the lieutenant governor has health problems, so you slip Kev right in in his place. Asa: There's something wrong with that? Bo: You know, you've stepped on a lot of people over the years, Pa. Some of those people, they didn't really like it. Now, they could use Kev to get at you. Asa: Ugh. I have more friends than enemies, Bo. And don't you worry about Kevin. He knows what he's in for. [SCENE_BREAK] Renee: Hey, there, you two. Kelly: Oh, Renee, hi. Renee: Hi, honey. Kevin: Is the governor here yet? Renee: No, not yet. Where's Asa? Kevin: He'll be here in a little while. Renee: Good. Kevin, could I have a word with you? Kevin: Sure. Kelly: Actually, I wanted to have a word with Joey myself, so excuse me. Renee: Thanks. I want to talk to you about your grandpa. He's been out living it up every night this week. Kevin: Well, he's getting me the lieutenant governor appointment. Renee: Yeah. Couldn't he make a few phone calls instead? Kevin: The wining and dining's his favorite part. Renee: Unless it kills him. Kevin: Asa? Come on, he's going to outlive us all. Renee: Kevin, he's had multiple heart attacks. He's starting to forget things. Haven't you noticed? Kevin: Well, I don't know, a couple of things, maybe. It's no big deal, Renee. Renee: Kevin, I know how much you love your grandpa, as much as I do, and he won't listen to me. Kevin: What, you think he's going to listen to me? Renee: Just try, because the truth is he can't keep on like this. I don't want to marry Asa and end up a widow before my first anniversary. [SCENE_BREAK] Jen: What is my mom doing with Rex again? Joey: He's just trying to get at you. Don't let him. Jen: Yeah, I guess you're right. Kelly: Excuse me, Jen. You mind if I borrow your husband for a minute? Jen: Oh, my "husband" -- I can't get used to hearing that. Joey: Well, you better. Jen: Yes, no problem. I guess I'll just maybe go talk to your husband. Kelly: OK. Joey: Is everything OK? Kelly: Yeah. It's better than that. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Joey: Really? Kelly: Yeah. Joey: You seemed pretty upset last time I talked to you. Kelly: Yeah, I was a little, but then I got some good news. It looks I can get pregnant after all. I might even be right now. Joey: Oh, Kelly, that's great! I've been praying for you. Kelly: Well, keep it up. It works. Joey: So you're going to make me an uncle? Kelly: I'm going to make you an uncle. Joey: Oh. Rex: Don't go anywhere. Lindsay: OK. Jen: Mom, did you hear anything that I told you about Rex? Lindsay: I know -- he's using me to get to you. Jen: Yeah. So why are you here with him? Lindsay: Give me a little credit, please. Jen: Do you really think that he wants to be with you? Lindsay: Jen -- Jen: Oh -- oh, my God. Are you guys hooking up? Lindsay: No. No. As a matter of fact, he's setting me up with -- with someone, a friend -- a father of a friend. Jen: He doesn't have any friends. Lindsay: No matter what I say, you are just not going to see the good in this person, are you? Jen: There is no good in him. Lindsay: Why do you hate him so much? Jen: Do you want the short list? Lindsay: No, I mean, you really hate him, and I don't think this is about the divorce. Did something happen that I don't know about? Rex: Well. Do you want to tell her, Jen, or should I? [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Now, tell me, how is Keri handling all this? Jessica: Oh, not good, to put it mildly. Not good. But, you know, if I had lost Antonio, I'd be -- Cristian: You don't have to worry about that, because he's crazy about you. Jessica: And I think that Keri's finally starting to get that. You know, I don't think that anything will break us up no matter what Keri tried. [SCENE_BREAK] Keri: Remember the last time this happened? My car broke down and you came along to fix it. We got back together soon after that. What happened to us, Antonio? We were happy and we were in love. We made Jamie because of that love. Antonio: Sometimes things don't work out. Keri: Yeah, but they can. Antonio: Not anymore. Keri: Why? Because I left? It's my fault? Antonio: I never said that. Keri: That's what you think. I left because of you. Antonio: Keri, I know I made mistakes, too. Keri: Yeah, like sleeping with my mother? And now you're doing the same thing with Jessica. Antonio: What the hell is that supposed to mean? Keri: I don't know -- both beautiful, both blond. [Antonio sighs] Antonio: You know what? Stop with the blond stuff, OK? It's got nothing to do with that. Keri: You know, now that I think of it, maybe you're just a bigot. Antonio: That's crazy. Keri: You're calling me insane now? Antonio: You know what? The car's fixed. I'm done here. Keri: Antonio -- Antonio! What, is that what you're going to do? You're going to tell the judge that I'm crazy and try to get Jamie back? Think again. You will never see her, not as long as I'm on this earth. R.J.: Hey. What's going on here? Antonio: You know, sometimes I wish you both would just disappear. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: It was when Jen and I were in the Caribbean getting our divorce. She's still mad at me for what she did. Lindsay: Well, what'd you do? Jen: Nothing. I didn't do anything. Rex: Well, I wouldn't say that. You see, she really wanted her father's house in the settlement, and she would have done anything for it. Right, Jen? Jen: You know what? No one wants to hear this. Rex: Your mom does. She asked. You see, Jen exposed her soul to me. Jen: Oh, God -- Rex: She just stripped away everything so that I could see her for who she really is and how much her father's house meant to her. And I think that it embarrassed her. But, Jen, you were never more beautiful to me. Joey: Come on. Let's go back to our table. Jen: Mom, please, listen to what I told you, OK? I don't want you to get hurt. Rex: She won't. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: Kelly? Darling, come over. I can't help noticing you were having seltzer. You're not having wine tonight? Kelly: No. No. I don't feel like it. Dorian: Is that the reason, or is it something more specific? Kelly: What a beautiful necklace. Where did you get that? Dorian: Oh. It's a gift from one of my many admirers. Kelly: Oh. David: Don't look at me. Kelly: Well, are you sure that you should be wearing it out in public? You know, it must be worth five million at least. Dorian: Multiply that times three and you got it. Though the skinflints at my insurance company would only cover it for 10 million. Isn't that the governor talking to your husband? Kelly: Yeah. Would you like me to introduce you? Dorian: He seems a bit preoccupied just now. I'll go over and say hello to Joe and his new bride. Kelly: OK. Dorian: Excuse me. Kelly: Mm-hmm. David: Hey, while we have the opportunity, what do you say you and I have a real drink, you know, just for old time's sake? Kelly: No. Dorian: I know you two are newlyweds, but, Joe, could I drive you away for just a moment? Joey: Dorian, we're in the middle of dinner. Dorian: I wouldn't ask if it weren't urgent. Jen: Go right ahead. Dorian: You are a dear. Joey: It'll just be a minute. Dorian: Joe, I'm sorry, but it's about Kelly. I saw you talking to her a little while ago. Do you know what's going on with her? Joey: About her trying to start a family with Kevin? Dorian: She can't do that. If she gets pregnant, it could kill her. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Max, where are you? I've been -- I'm starting to get worried. Really? Unbelievable. OK. Yeah, OK. See you soon. Bye. That was Max, and he's already actually in Atlantic City. He was scoping out the competition. He thinks I can win. Cristian: And this surprises you? Natalie: OK, now, there's more. The Black Widow is actually going to be there. Jessica: Who's the Black Widow? Natalie: "Who's the Black Widow?" Jeanette Lee. She's doing this, like, exhibition competition there, and if we hurry, we could actually get to see her. Cristian: Well, maybe you can get to play her. Natalie: Ha-ha! Yeah, like that's going to happen. But you know what? Just seeing her would make me really happy. Wish me luck. Jessica: I'll do better than that. I'll come with you to Atlantic City. Natalie: Oh, Jess, thank you! Thank you. That means so much to me. Jessica: No problem. Natalie: OK, see you later. Jessica: Yeah. Cristian: Hey. What's up, man? Antonio: Hey. Cristian: How's it going? Antonio: Hey. Jessica: Hey. Cristian: Listen, Antonio, can you close up for me? I've got to go to this competition. Antonio: Yeah. Yeah, sure. Cristian: Appreciate it. Antonio: Hey, Natalie, knock them -- knock them down. Natalie: OK. Antonio: See you. Cristian: Don't forget to turn off the lights. Antonio: All right. Jessica: Is everything OK? Antonio: Yeah. Just some little setback, that's all. I'm not going to let it get me down. [SCENE_BREAK] R.J.: OK, Keri -- [Car accelerates] R.J.: You should just -- look, I should be driving. You're in no shape. Keri: I have to. If I drive, I don't have to think, and I can't think right now. R.J.: Exactly what did Vega do to you this time? Keri: I'm never going to get him back. R.J.: Look, honey, everything bad that has happened to you is because of Vega, and you're better off without him. Keri: No. There were good times, too. I was in love with him. He's the only man I've ever loved. He's the only man I'm ever going to love. R.J.: Stop it. There is someone else out there. Keri: I don't want somebody else. I want Antonio. R.J.: Honey, you can't have him. Keri: I thought you were on my side. R.J.: I am. That's why I'm telling you it's time to let it go. Keri: I can't. I tried, but I can't do it!! RJ.: Well, then, you got to get some help. Keri: What, you think -- you think Rae Cummings is right? R.J.: She's not the only one. Evangeline thinks so, and I do, too, now. Keri: You want to help me? Then help me get Antonio back. R.J.: Keri -- Keri: You're starting to sound just like Antonio! You think I'm crazy, but I'm not crazy, R.J.! [Car accelerates] R.J.: Keri, slow down. Keri: Leave me alone! R.J., Leave me alone! R.J.: Keri, look out! [Keri coughs] R.J.: Keri? Keri, are you all right? Keri: I'm fine. R.J.: Here, let me call an ambulance. Keri: No. I'll be OK. I just have to get home to Jamie. R.J.: No, no, no, we -- can't go anywhere. [R.J. coughs] Keri: I'm sorry. I know you told me to slow down. R.J.: No, no, it's not your fault. It's -- it's Vega. He upset you. What were you doing with him again, anyway? Keri: My car wouldn't start. He was helping me. R.J.: He helped you? Keri: He fixed something under the hood. [Keri coughs] R.J.: Well, what? Keri: I don't know. I wasn't paying attention. We were talking, and then we started fighting again. R.J.: Well, here. You call a tow truck. Let me -- let me check out the damage. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: So, what's the setback that you're talking about? Antonio: Oh, it's really not worth getting into, honey. Jessica: Well, I know you had a job interview. Antonio: Yeah, yeah, that -- that was it. Jessica: I'm sorry. You'll get something. I have a great idea. Why don't you come to Atlantic City with me tonight? Antonio: Hmm. I can't. Jessica: But Natalie could use somebody else -- Antonio: Honey, I wish I could, but I can't. Jessica: OK. Antonio: Besides, who's going to take care of the cat? Jessica: You're going to take care of the cat. Antonio: I am? Jessica: Yes, you are. Antonio: Hmm. Jessica: And he likes to sleep up on the bed with you. Antonio: Uh-huh? Jessica: And I have kitten food all set aside for him -- Antonio: OK. Jessica: And all his favorite things. Antonio: He's going to miss you, and so am I. Jessica: I'm going to miss you, too. Jessica: Are you sure that there's nothing going on? Antonio: You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You know that. Don't you? Jessica: I love you, Antonio. Antonio: Go. Have a good time. Taino and I will be waiting for you when you get back. Jessica: OK. [SCENE_BREAK] Joey: Are you sure about this, Dorian? Dorian: Joe, of course I am. I saw her medical records. I'm a doctor. I know what I'm talking about. Joey: Well, does Kevin know? Dorian: He doesn't have a clue. Joey: Someone ought to tell him. Dorian: No, no, no, wait a minute. You see, if I tell him, Kelly will never speak to me again. So, please, won't you talk to her? Because I think you may be the only person who can save her from this madness. Joey: It might already be too late. Dorian: Why? Is she pregnant? Joey: Well, they're trying. Dorian: They can't do that. She's -- she's only trying to save her marriage. And if she thinks a baby is going to do that, she's making the worst mistake of her life. Hi, sweetie. I tell you what -- I'm going to distract the governor and give you a chance to talk to Kelly, please? Thank you. Hello, darling. Kelly: Hello. Governor, this is my aunt that I was telling you about. Dorian: Dorian Lord. Hello, Governor. A pleasure. Governor: My pleasure. Joey: Joe Buchanan. Governor: Hi. How are you? How's it going? Joey: Fine. Governor: Well, your niece has been talking you up quite a bit. I understand you one time were a first lady of the commonwealth? Dorian: Ha -- briefly. Yes, but, really, what I want to talk to you about, I would like to make a sizable contribution to your next campaign. And the literacy work you've been doing, really it's so important. Kelly: OK. What were you two talking about over there? Joey: She's worried about you, and so am I. [SCENE_BREAK] Asa: I made some changes in your speech, Kevin, when you get appointed Lieutenant Governor. Kevin: OK, Grandpa, stop. Asa: They're just a few simple suggestions. Kevin: I know -- a few here, a few there, but you've done enough. Let the advisors you hired take over. Asa: Well, I guess you don't need me anymore. Kevin: Of course I -- look, Grandpa, these last few months that we've been working together have been like a dream come true for me. Ever since I was a little kid and you used to let me tag along to your business meetings, I have always wanted to be just like you. Asa: You're a better man than I'll ever be. Kevin: Not a chance. Asa: Why do you think I'm doing all this? Kevin: Well, I want you to be around so you can enjoy it with me. Asa: I'm not going anywhere. Kevin: Look, you've worked hard your whole life. It's time to take it easy for a little while, kick back, enjoy your golden years. That's all I'm saying. Asa: Who's your speechwriter? Renee? Kevin: She loves you, OK, as much as I do. If you're not going to do this for yourself, then do it for us. Asa: OK, OK. Don't you two gang up on me. All right, when you're made lieutenant governor, I will sit way back in the saddle. Deal? Kevin: Deal. Asa: Look. I wonder what that troublemaker's up to. Kevin: Oh. With Dorian, who knows? Asa: Well, I don't like it, especially that damn no-account ex-husband of hers -- David Vickers. Dorian: A recent gift. What do you think? Governor: May I? Dorian: Yes. Governor: Oh. Almost as beautiful as the woman wearing them. David: Are you showing off your gift? Dorian: Uh-huh. Governor: From you? David: Oh, no. No, no. Too rich for my blood. That's why I'm her ex. David Vickers. Governor: Hi. David: Husband number three, maybe four, could be six. She lost track a long -- Dorian: David -- David: I need to see you a minute. Dorian: It'll have to wait till later. The governor and I are discussing very important matters. David: What, Kevin Buchanan's press conference? Governor: Well, he's a fine young man. Comes from a good family. It's too bad his mother's going to miss it. Dorian: If he were my son, I would move mountains to be here. So odd -- Viki has the reputation of being a very loving mother, but yet she's missing her son's shining moment to be fundraising for the university? Governor: Yeah, well, she has to, you know, what with the controversy over there. I've been wanting to talk to her about how she's handling that. Dorian: I would be very happy to talk to her about that for you, yes. Governor: Please, and let her know that I think she's the best thing that ever happened to that school. [SCENE_BREAK] Joey: Dorian says your condition could be fatal if you get pregnant. Kelly: My gosh, Dorian reads one little study and she goes off on it. Joey: She knows her stuff. Kelly: No, she doesn't. She hasn't even practiced medicine for years. The specialists that I met with are fertility specialists. They know their stuff. Joey: So they said it's OK? Kelly: Joey, would I really get pregnant if I knew I wasn't going to be around to be there for the baby? Joey: OK, so Dorian's just -- Kelly: Doing Dorian's usual melodramatics. OK? [SCENE_BREAK] Governor: She's quite a woman, that Victoria Davidson. David: Yeah, you don't have to tell Dorian that. Dorian: Unfortunately, her husband was shot and went into a coma, while Viki, who has some mental problems, was under the influence of one of her alter personalities. David: Dorian is absolutely heartbroken for poor Viki. Governor: Yes. Tragic. David: Hmm. Governor: No one knows that better than myself. My wife was in a coma for months before she passed on. Dorian: Oh, you poor, dear man. I understand that myself because I was only recently widowed. David: Yeah, we need to get to that thing, so -- Dorian: Oh. Hmm. Governor, I can't tell you how good it was to talk to you, and I'm -- I'm so sorry that I have to leave. Governor: Well, it's quite all right. Thank you. Dorian: Goodbye. David: Here we go. [Dorian laughs] Dorian: Ahem. Do you realize -- I mean, that was an incredibly attractive man, and you have dragged me away from him. David: You seem to have forgotten why we're here tonight. Dorian: Oh, yes, that's right. OK, so what's up? [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: Well, you can put it on the front page, but put it below the fold. All right. Have a seat. Dawes: I've got something for you. Kevin: I don't want anything you're offering. Dawes: Oh, take a look. You're going to change your mind. Kevin: I'm taking the lieutenant governor's spot. And you can say goodbye to your fat road-building contracts that you've been padding at taxpayers' expense. Dawes: You know, you don't have the job yet -- Kevin: Mm-hmm. Dawes: And you're not going to get it, not after the governor sees these. Kevin: Where'd you get these? Dawes: Good photos, aren't they? I love the lighting. I wonder what your wife would think. You and her cousin? [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: I wonder who's going to be playing me first. Cristian: Well, you're not going to have a problem if you break like that. [Applause] Cristian: What's wrong? Natalie: She's here. Cristian: Who's here? Natalie: The Black Widow. Cristian: Well, let's slip away. Let's go meet her. Natalie: After I just made an idiot out of myself? I got to go. Cristian: Hey -- come here. Ms. Lee? Hi. This is Natalie Buchanan, your number one fan. Jeanette: It's nice to meet you. I was watching. You're good. [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: What'd you do, bribe the pilot? Dawes: It's not too late to back out. I'm sure the governor would understand. Kelly: Everything OK? Kevin: Couldn't be better. Dawes: Think about it. Kelly: Dawes just doesn't give up, does he? Kevin: Well, he will once I'm in office. Excuse me. I need to speak to Governor Brooks. Kelly: Stay away from my husband. Dawes: Ooh. Buchanan likes his women feisty. Me, too. Kelly: I mean it. Back off. You see, because Kevin won't, and then you will end up in for more than you bargained for. Dawes: Whoa. [SCENE_BREAK] David: So tomorrow I want you over by the windows. The windows behind -- don't look -- I'll be behind the curtains. And at some point there's going to be a very big commotion. That's when I'll grab the necklace. Dorian: What kind of commotion? David: I'm planning a -- there will be a -- I don't know, but I'll think of something. Dorian: Oh, that's wonderful. That's brilliant. David: Just relax. I will think of something, OK? Dorian: I can't believe that you pulled me away from the most eligible bachelor in the commonwealth. Are you some kind of moron? David: Pretty soon I'm going to be a $25 million moron, so you ought to be a lot nicer to me. Dorian: Hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Brake lines definitely look like they were cut. Keri: What? Bo: Do you have any idea how that could have happened? R.J.: Well, didn't you say that Vega was working on the car? Keri: Yeah, but he wouldn't -- he didn't -- Bo: Did he crawl under the car at any point? Keri: I -- I don't remember that. R.J.: Well, see, that doesn't prove anything. Keri: You both don't think that he -- he tried to kill me? R.J.: I think Vega would do whatever it takes to get his daughter away from you. How much more has to happen? Vega is out of control. He assaults me, he hits her, he knocks her down, and now this. Come on. If you don't do your job, Commissioner, somebody's going to end up dead. [SCENE_BREAK] Joey: I'm sorry. One of the parishioners -- Jen: Needs you. Go. Joey: He's in the I.C.U. Jen: No, you don't have to explain. I understand. Joey: I love you. Jen: I love you, too. Joey: Wait up for me? Jen: Of course. Jen: Well, I hope you got your kicks, sticking it to me about Santo Domingo. Rex: I didn't tell them how you really stripped for me. Jen: Yeah, I know. You just wanted to watch me sweat. Now, maybe you haven't forgotten what happened, but you know what? I have. Rex: Yeah. I can see that. Jen: Stay away from my mother, OK? Rex: Well, don't you think Lindsay has say in it? Lindsay: A say in what? Rex: If you want to be friends with me or not. Lindsay: Of course I do. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: Oh, what a night. What a night. [Dorian hums] David: I think you're getting a little too comfortable with this. Dorian: Oh. They're not yours yet. David: I will keep this safe. Dorian: David -- wait a minute. Don't you even trust me? David: Oh, absolutely. Dorian: You have Count de Valmont that you can always unleash on me, whereas I have nothing. David: Yeah, except this necklace. Dorian: Why don't I put it in my safe, just for the night? Hmm? [Dorian hums] Dorian: What are you doing? David: I'm settling in for the night. Dorian: Not here! David: I'm either staying down here with the necklace or upstairs with you. Either way, I'm sleeping with one of you. You take your pick. Dorian: Sweet dreams. [David laughs] [SCENE_BREAK] Jeanette: Thanks, everybody. I meant what I said. You got game. Natalie: Thank you. But what are you doing here? Jeanette: The tournament tomorrow. Natalie: Yeah, but that's for amateurs. Jeanette: I'm part of the prize. The winner plays me. That last shot you made -- if you keep your cue stick level, you'll get a lot more action on the cue ball, OK? See you. Natalie: Cristian, I have to win this tournament tomorrow. I mean, that would be, like, my biggest dream coming true -- to actually get to play against the Black Widow! Cristian: It's going to happen. It'll happen this time tomorrow. [SCENE_BREAK] Kelly: We should get to bed. You got a big day tomorrow. You will become lieutenant governor. Kevin: I saw you talking to Dawes. Kelly: Yeah. I told him not to mess with my man. Kevin: He didn't say anything to you, did he? Kelly: Kevin, relax. Everything's fine. Everything's going just the way we want it to. Besides, what could he do to us anyway? Keri's voice: "I, Keri Reynolds, being of sound mind and body, want to register my intentions regarding my daughter, Jamie. If anything happens to me, guardianship of my child will go solely to my father --" Keri: R.J. Gannon. [SCENE_BREAK] R.J.: OK, what did you do to Keri's car? Antonio: I fixed it. R.J.: Sure, you did. Was that before or after you played with the brakes? Bo: R.J., I'll handle the questions. Antonio: Commissioner, what's -- what's this about? R.J.: Her car crashed because of you. Antonio: Is Keri OK? Bo: She's fine, but we - we do have evidence that the brakes were tampered with. Antonio: All I did was tighten the battery cable. R.J.: So how did the brakes get cut? Antonio: I wouldn't know, but you seem to have a record of doing that sort of thing. You're not going to listen to this guy, are you? Bo: I'm sorry, Antonio. I have to investigate. Don't leave town. Antonio: You know, whatever it is you're trying to do to me, it's never going to work. R.J.: Whatever you're talking about already is. Stay tuned for scenes from the next "One Life to Live." [NEXT_ON] David: I don't think you've forgotten how compatible we could be. Al: No, it's all I can think about. That and when I can get you alone again. Key: If the real Walker Laurence is in Atlantic City, then who's with Blair? Rex: Now, tonight's on me. Lindsay: You know I'm not going to let that happen. Rex: Come on, indulge me, OK? I scored huge with Search-and-Destroy night at Ultra Violet. Lindsay: You have done an amazing job with that place. Rex: Thank you. But your daughter thinks that I'm a loser. Lindsay: You know you're not. Rex: Got that right. Jen wants Joe Buchanan, she can have him. I am doing great without her. [SCENE_BREAK] Kelly: Come on, can't we stay home tonight? Kevin: I don't think that the governor would understand. Kelly: Oh, well, it's for a good reason. Kevin: Mm-hmm. Kelly: We are trying to bring a new child into this world. Kevin: You are really happy about this, aren't you? Kelly: Oh, "happy" doesn't even begin to describe it. I pretty much had given up. And then I went to that last doctor here in Llanview, and she said I could get pregnant. Kevin: I just don't want you to be disappointed again, that's all. Kelly: Kevin, this is going to work. Really. You and I are going to have a baby. [Phone rings] Kelly: Oh -- that's me. Hello. Dorian: Kelly, darling, it's me. I have made an appointment for you with the best ob-gyn in Philadelphia. Kelly: Why? Dorian: Because I want him to tell you what I've already told you, which is if you get pregnant you could die. Maybe you'll believe him. Kelly: All right, well, thanks for calling. I'll talk to you later. Kevin: What was that about? Kelly: Oh, Dorian being her usual self. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: Oh, my -- what are you doing here? David: You didn't even miss this key, did you? Dorian: You give that -- David: Which one would you like, the original or the copy that I made? Wow, you're not looking too shabby tonight, but you could look a whole lot better. So I brought you something to wear. Show me your back. Dorian: Oh. David: You are going to wear this for everyone to see. Dorian: Oh. They're exquisite. David: You're not so bad yourself. But remember, this is mine. [SCENE_BREAK] Cristian: Now, that's what I call focus. Natalie: Well, I guess I have to be if I want to win this tournament in Atlantic City. And not be distracted. Not if I want to be like her, Jeanette Lee. Cristian: Black Widow, huh? Natalie: The best there is. Cristian: Yeah, for now. Natalie: I wonder where Max is. We're supposed to be leaving here really soon. Cristian: He'll be here. Well, I guess we're going to just have to start practicing without him. Natalie: Yeah. Cristian: Why don't we work on this focus thing? Jessica: Hey, hey. I thought you guys were going to a pool tournament. Cristian: We are. Natalie: Yeah. Cris was just helping me practice. Jessica: Yeah, I could see that. I can see your focus. Natalie: Yeah. So, things with you and Antonio -- good? Jessica: They're better than good. Everything's almost perfect. Natalie: "Almost"? [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: Keri -- Keri: Leave me alone! Antonio: Keri, what were you thinking? Why were you being so close to the edge of the docks? Keri: Why do you care? Antonio: Because you're our child's mother and she needs you. Keri: That's what you're worried about -- Jamie? Antonio: Yes, yes, and you should be, too. Keri: I'm leaving. [Engine cranks] [Car horn] Keri: Damn it! [Keri cries] Keri: Help me. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: What the hell are you doing, pa? You're backing Daniel Colson for D.A. instead of Nora? Asa: Don't get me wrong, Bo. Nora's a fine attorney. But she has got a kid to raise, and one without a father. Bo: Nora's doing just fine. You know, Colson's got a kid, too, and a drinking problem. Asa: Oh, please. They say the same thing about me. It's hogwash. Mmm. Anyway, Kelly, Kevin, and I are going to dinner tonight -- with the governor. Bo: Hmm. What are you getting Kev into? Asa: Just what he wants. Bo: Hmm. You finagled this whole thing, didn't you? All of a sudden, the lieutenant governor has health problems, so you slip Kev right in in his place. Asa: There's something wrong with that? Bo: You know, you've stepped on a lot of people over the years, Pa. Some of those people, they didn't really like it. Now, they could use Kev to get at you. Asa: Ugh. I have more friends than enemies, Bo. And don't you worry about Kevin. He knows what he's in for. [SCENE_BREAK] Renee: Hey, there, you two. Kelly: Oh, Renee, hi. Renee: Hi, honey. Kevin: Is the governor here yet? Renee: No, not yet. Where's Asa? Kevin: He'll be here in a little while. Renee: Good. Kevin, could I have a word with you? Kevin: Sure. Kelly: Actually, I wanted to have a word with Joey myself, so excuse me. Renee: Thanks. I want to talk to you about your grandpa. He's been out living it up every night this week. Kevin: Well, he's getting me the lieutenant governor appointment. Renee: Yeah. Couldn't he make a few phone calls instead? Kevin: The wining and dining's his favorite part. Renee: Unless it kills him. Kevin: Asa? Come on, he's going to outlive us all. Renee: Kevin, he's had multiple heart attacks. He's starting to forget things. Haven't you noticed? Kevin: Well, I don't know, a couple of things, maybe. It's no big deal, Renee. Renee: Kevin, I know how much you love your grandpa, as much as I do, and he won't listen to me. Kevin: What, you think he's going to listen to me? Renee: Just try, because the truth is he can't keep on like this. I don't want to marry Asa and end up a widow before my first anniversary. [SCENE_BREAK] Jen: What is my mom doing with Rex again? Joey: He's just trying to get at you. Don't let him. Jen: Yeah, I guess you're right. Kelly: Excuse me, Jen. You mind if I borrow your husband for a minute? Jen: Oh, my "husband" -- I can't get used to hearing that. Joey: Well, you better. Jen: Yes, no problem. I guess I'll just maybe go talk to your husband. Kelly: OK. Joey: Is everything OK? Kelly: Yeah. It's better than that. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Joey: Really? Kelly: Yeah. Joey: You seemed pretty upset last time I talked to you. Kelly: Yeah, I was a little, but then I got some good news. It looks I can get pregnant after all. I might even be right now. Joey: Oh, Kelly, that's great! I've been praying for you. Kelly: Well, keep it up. It works. Joey: So you're going to make me an uncle? Kelly: I'm going to make you an uncle. Joey: Oh. Rex: Don't go anywhere. Lindsay: OK. Jen: Mom, did you hear anything that I told you about Rex? Lindsay: I know -- he's using me to get to you. Jen: Yeah. So why are you here with him? Lindsay: Give me a little credit, please. Jen: Do you really think that he wants to be with you? Lindsay: Jen -- Jen: Oh -- oh, my God. Are you guys hooking up? Lindsay: No. No. As a matter of fact, he's setting me up with -- with someone, a friend -- a father of a friend. Jen: He doesn't have any friends. Lindsay: No matter what I say, you are just not going to see the good in this person, are you? Jen: There is no good in him. Lindsay: Why do you hate him so much? Jen: Do you want the short list? Lindsay: No, I mean, you really hate him, and I don't think this is about the divorce. Did something happen that I don't know about? Rex: Well. Do you want to tell her, Jen, or should I? [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Now, tell me, how is Keri handling all this? Jessica: Oh, not good, to put it mildly. Not good. But, you know, if I had lost Antonio, I'd be -- Cristian: You don't have to worry about that, because he's crazy about you. Jessica: And I think that Keri's finally starting to get that. You know, I don't think that anything will break us up no matter what Keri tried. [SCENE_BREAK] Keri: Remember the last time this happened? My car broke down and you came along to fix it. We got back together soon after that. What happened to us, Antonio? We were happy and we were in love. We made Jamie because of that love. Antonio: Sometimes things don't work out. Keri: Yeah, but they can. Antonio: Not anymore. Keri: Why? Because I left? It's my fault? Antonio: I never said that. Keri: That's what you think. I left because of you. Antonio: Keri, I know I made mistakes, too. Keri: Yeah, like sleeping with my mother? And now you're doing the same thing with Jessica. Antonio: What the hell is that supposed to mean? Keri: I don't know -- both beautiful, both blond. [Antonio sighs] Antonio: You know what? Stop with the blond stuff, OK? It's got nothing to do with that. Keri: You know, now that I think of it, maybe you're just a bigot. Antonio: That's crazy. Keri: You're calling me insane now? Antonio: You know what? The car's fixed. I'm done here. Keri: Antonio -- Antonio! What, is that what you're going to do? You're going to tell the judge that I'm crazy and try to get Jamie back? Think again. You will never see her, not as long as I'm on this earth. R.J.: Hey. What's going on here? Antonio: You know, sometimes I wish you both would just disappear. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: It was when Jen and I were in the Caribbean getting our divorce. She's still mad at me for what she did. Lindsay: Well, what'd you do? Jen: Nothing. I didn't do anything. Rex: Well, I wouldn't say that. You see, she really wanted her father's house in the settlement, and she would have done anything for it. Right, Jen? Jen: You know what? No one wants to hear this. Rex: Your mom does. She asked. You see, Jen exposed her soul to me. Jen: Oh, God -- Rex: She just stripped away everything so that I could see her for who she really is and how much her father's house meant to her. And I think that it embarrassed her. But, Jen, you were never more beautiful to me. Joey: Come on. Let's go back to our table. Jen: Mom, please, listen to what I told you, OK? I don't want you to get hurt. Rex: She won't. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: Kelly? Darling, come over. I can't help noticing you were having seltzer. You're not having wine tonight? Kelly: No. No. I don't feel like it. Dorian: Is that the reason, or is it something more specific? Kelly: What a beautiful necklace. Where did you get that? Dorian: Oh. It's a gift from one of my many admirers. Kelly: Oh. David: Don't look at me. Kelly: Well, are you sure that you should be wearing it out in public? You know, it must be worth five million at least. Dorian: Multiply that times three and you got it. Though the skinflints at my insurance company would only cover it for 10 million. Isn't that the governor talking to your husband? Kelly: Yeah. Would you like me to introduce you? Dorian: He seems a bit preoccupied just now. I'll go over and say hello to Joe and his new bride. Kelly: OK. Dorian: Excuse me. Kelly: Mm-hmm. David: Hey, while we have the opportunity, what do you say you and I have a real drink, you know, just for old time's sake? Kelly: No. Dorian: I know you two are newlyweds, but, Joe, could I drive you away for just a moment? Joey: Dorian, we're in the middle of dinner. Dorian: I wouldn't ask if it weren't urgent. Jen: Go right ahead. Dorian: You are a dear. Joey: It'll just be a minute. Dorian: Joe, I'm sorry, but it's about Kelly. I saw you talking to her a little while ago. Do you know what's going on with her? Joey: About her trying to start a family with Kevin? Dorian: She can't do that. If she gets pregnant, it could kill her. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Max, where are you? I've been -- I'm starting to get worried. Really? Unbelievable. OK. Yeah, OK. See you soon. Bye. That was Max, and he's already actually in Atlantic City. He was scoping out the competition. He thinks I can win. Cristian: And this surprises you? Natalie: OK, now, there's more. The Black Widow is actually going to be there. Jessica: Who's the Black Widow? Natalie: "Who's the Black Widow?" Jeanette Lee. She's doing this, like, exhibition competition there, and if we hurry, we could actually get to see her. Cristian: Well, maybe you can get to play her. Natalie: Ha-ha! Yeah, like that's going to happen. But you know what? Just seeing her would make me really happy. Wish me luck. Jessica: I'll do better than that. I'll come with you to Atlantic City. Natalie: Oh, Jess, thank you! Thank you. That means so much to me. Jessica: No problem. Natalie: OK, see you later. Jessica: Yeah. Cristian: Hey. What's up, man? Antonio: Hey. Cristian: How's it going? Antonio: Hey. Jessica: Hey. Cristian: Listen, Antonio, can you close up for me? I've got to go to this competition. Antonio: Yeah. Yeah, sure. Cristian: Appreciate it. Antonio: Hey, Natalie, knock them -- knock them down. Natalie: OK. Antonio: See you. Cristian: Don't forget to turn off the lights. Antonio: All right. Jessica: Is everything OK? Antonio: Yeah. Just some little setback, that's all. I'm not going to let it get me down. [SCENE_BREAK] R.J.: OK, Keri -- [Car accelerates] R.J.: You should just -- look, I should be driving. You're in no shape. Keri: I have to. If I drive, I don't have to think, and I can't think right now. R.J.: Exactly what did Vega do to you this time? Keri: I'm never going to get him back. R.J.: Look, honey, everything bad that has happened to you is because of Vega, and you're better off without him. Keri: No. There were good times, too. I was in love with him. He's the only man I've ever loved. He's the only man I'm ever going to love. R.J.: Stop it. There is someone else out there. Keri: I don't want somebody else. I want Antonio. R.J.: Honey, you can't have him. Keri: I thought you were on my side. R.J.: I am. That's why I'm telling you it's time to let it go. Keri: I can't. I tried, but I can't do it!! RJ.: Well, then, you got to get some help. Keri: What, you think -- you think Rae Cummings is right? R.J.: She's not the only one. Evangeline thinks so, and I do, too, now. Keri: You want to help me? Then help me get Antonio back. R.J.: Keri -- Keri: You're starting to sound just like Antonio! You think I'm crazy, but I'm not crazy, R.J.! [Car accelerates] R.J.: Keri, slow down. Keri: Leave me alone! R.J., Leave me alone! R.J.: Keri, look out! [Keri coughs] R.J.: Keri? Keri, are you all right? Keri: I'm fine. R.J.: Here, let me call an ambulance. Keri: No. I'll be OK. I just have to get home to Jamie. R.J.: No, no, no, we -- can't go anywhere. [R.J. coughs] Keri: I'm sorry. I know you told me to slow down. R.J.: No, no, it's not your fault. It's -- it's Vega. He upset you. What were you doing with him again, anyway? Keri: My car wouldn't start. He was helping me. R.J.: He helped you? Keri: He fixed something under the hood. [Keri coughs] R.J.: Well, what? Keri: I don't know. I wasn't paying attention. We were talking, and then we started fighting again. R.J.: Well, here. You call a tow truck. Let me -- let me check out the damage. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: So, what's the setback that you're talking about? Antonio: Oh, it's really not worth getting into, honey. Jessica: Well, I know you had a job interview. Antonio: Yeah, yeah, that -- that was it. Jessica: I'm sorry. You'll get something. I have a great idea. Why don't you come to Atlantic City with me tonight? Antonio: Hmm. I can't. Jessica: But Natalie could use somebody else -- Antonio: Honey, I wish I could, but I can't. Jessica: OK. Antonio: Besides, who's going to take care of the cat? Jessica: You're going to take care of the cat. Antonio: I am? Jessica: Yes, you are. Antonio: Hmm. Jessica: And he likes to sleep up on the bed with you. Antonio: Uh-huh? Jessica: And I have kitten food all set aside for him -- Antonio: OK. Jessica: And all his favorite things. Antonio: He's going to miss you, and so am I. Jessica: I'm going to miss you, too. Jessica: Are you sure that there's nothing going on? Antonio: You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You know that. Don't you? Jessica: I love you, Antonio. Antonio: Go. Have a good time. Taino and I will be waiting for you when you get back. Jessica: OK. [SCENE_BREAK] Joey: Are you sure about this, Dorian? Dorian: Joe, of course I am. I saw her medical records. I'm a doctor. I know what I'm talking about. Joey: Well, does Kevin know? Dorian: He doesn't have a clue. Joey: Someone ought to tell him. Dorian: No, no, no, wait a minute. You see, if I tell him, Kelly will never speak to me again. So, please, won't you talk to her? Because I think you may be the only person who can save her from this madness. Joey: It might already be too late. Dorian: Why? Is she pregnant? Joey: Well, they're trying. Dorian: They can't do that. She's -- she's only trying to save her marriage. And if she thinks a baby is going to do that, she's making the worst mistake of her life. Hi, sweetie. I tell you what -- I'm going to distract the governor and give you a chance to talk to Kelly, please? Thank you. Hello, darling. Kelly: Hello. Governor, this is my aunt that I was telling you about. Dorian: Dorian Lord. Hello, Governor. A pleasure. Governor: My pleasure. Joey: Joe Buchanan. Governor: Hi. How are you? How's it going? Joey: Fine. Governor: Well, your niece has been talking you up quite a bit. I understand you one time were a first lady of the commonwealth? Dorian: Ha -- briefly. Yes, but, really, what I want to talk to you about, I would like to make a sizable contribution to your next campaign. And the literacy work you've been doing, really it's so important. Kelly: OK. What were you two talking about over there? Joey: She's worried about you, and so am I. [SCENE_BREAK] Asa: I made some changes in your speech, Kevin, when you get appointed Lieutenant Governor. Kevin: OK, Grandpa, stop. Asa: They're just a few simple suggestions. Kevin: I know -- a few here, a few there, but you've done enough. Let the advisors you hired take over. Asa: Well, I guess you don't need me anymore. Kevin: Of course I -- look, Grandpa, these last few months that we've been working together have been like a dream come true for me. Ever since I was a little kid and you used to let me tag along to your business meetings, I have always wanted to be just like you. Asa: You're a better man than I'll ever be. Kevin: Not a chance. Asa: Why do you think I'm doing all this? Kevin: Well, I want you to be around so you can enjoy it with me. Asa: I'm not going anywhere. Kevin: Look, you've worked hard your whole life. It's time to take it easy for a little while, kick back, enjoy your golden years. That's all I'm saying. Asa: Who's your speechwriter? Renee? Kevin: She loves you, OK, as much as I do. If you're not going to do this for yourself, then do it for us. Asa: OK, OK. Don't you two gang up on me. All right, when you're made lieutenant governor, I will sit way back in the saddle. Deal? Kevin: Deal. Asa: Look. I wonder what that troublemaker's up to. Kevin: Oh. With Dorian, who knows? Asa: Well, I don't like it, especially that damn no-account ex-husband of hers -- David Vickers. Dorian: A recent gift. What do you think? Governor: May I? Dorian: Yes. Governor: Oh. Almost as beautiful as the woman wearing them. David: Are you showing off your gift? Dorian: Uh-huh. Governor: From you? David: Oh, no. No, no. Too rich for my blood. That's why I'm her ex. David Vickers. Governor: Hi. David: Husband number three, maybe four, could be six. She lost track a long -- Dorian: David -- David: I need to see you a minute. Dorian: It'll have to wait till later. The governor and I are discussing very important matters. David: What, Kevin Buchanan's press conference? Governor: Well, he's a fine young man. Comes from a good family. It's too bad his mother's going to miss it. Dorian: If he were my son, I would move mountains to be here. So odd -- Viki has the reputation of being a very loving mother, but yet she's missing her son's shining moment to be fundraising for the university? Governor: Yeah, well, she has to, you know, what with the controversy over there. I've been wanting to talk to her about how she's handling that. Dorian: I would be very happy to talk to her about that for you, yes. Governor: Please, and let her know that I think she's the best thing that ever happened to that school. [SCENE_BREAK] Joey: Dorian says your condition could be fatal if you get pregnant. Kelly: My gosh, Dorian reads one little study and she goes off on it. Joey: She knows her stuff. Kelly: No, she doesn't. She hasn't even practiced medicine for years. The specialists that I met with are fertility specialists. They know their stuff. Joey: So they said it's OK? Kelly: Joey, would I really get pregnant if I knew I wasn't going to be around to be there for the baby? Joey: OK, so Dorian's just -- Kelly: Doing Dorian's usual melodramatics. OK? [SCENE_BREAK] Governor: She's quite a woman, that Victoria Davidson. David: Yeah, you don't have to tell Dorian that. Dorian: Unfortunately, her husband was shot and went into a coma, while Viki, who has some mental problems, was under the influence of one of her alter personalities. David: Dorian is absolutely heartbroken for poor Viki. Governor: Yes. Tragic. David: Hmm. Governor: No one knows that better than myself. My wife was in a coma for months before she passed on. Dorian: Oh, you poor, dear man. I understand that myself because I was only recently widowed. David: Yeah, we need to get to that thing, so -- Dorian: Oh. Hmm. Governor, I can't tell you how good it was to talk to you, and I'm -- I'm so sorry that I have to leave. Governor: Well, it's quite all right. Thank you. Dorian: Goodbye. David: Here we go. [Dorian laughs] Dorian: Ahem. Do you realize -- I mean, that was an incredibly attractive man, and you have dragged me away from him. David: You seem to have forgotten why we're here tonight. Dorian: Oh, yes, that's right. OK, so what's up? [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: Well, you can put it on the front page, but put it below the fold. All right. Have a seat. Dawes: I've got something for you. Kevin: I don't want anything you're offering. Dawes: Oh, take a look. You're going to change your mind. Kevin: I'm taking the lieutenant governor's spot. And you can say goodbye to your fat road-building contracts that you've been padding at taxpayers' expense. Dawes: You know, you don't have the job yet -- Kevin: Mm-hmm. Dawes: And you're not going to get it, not after the governor sees these. Kevin: Where'd you get these? Dawes: Good photos, aren't they? I love the lighting. I wonder what your wife would think. You and her cousin? [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: I wonder who's going to be playing me first. Cristian: Well, you're not going to have a problem if you break like that. [Applause] Cristian: What's wrong? Natalie: She's here. Cristian: Who's here? Natalie: The Black Widow. Cristian: Well, let's slip away. Let's go meet her. Natalie: After I just made an idiot out of myself? I got to go. Cristian: Hey -- come here. Ms. Lee? Hi. This is Natalie Buchanan, your number one fan. Jeanette: It's nice to meet you. I was watching. You're good. [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: What'd you do, bribe the pilot? Dawes: It's not too late to back out. I'm sure the governor would understand. Kelly: Everything OK? Kevin: Couldn't be better. Dawes: Think about it. Kelly: Dawes just doesn't give up, does he? Kevin: Well, he will once I'm in office. Excuse me. I need to speak to Governor Brooks. Kelly: Stay away from my husband. Dawes: Ooh. Buchanan likes his women feisty. Me, too. Kelly: I mean it. Back off. You see, because Kevin won't, and then you will end up in for more than you bargained for. Dawes: Whoa. [SCENE_BREAK] David: So tomorrow I want you over by the windows. The windows behind -- don't look -- I'll be behind the curtains. And at some point there's going to be a very big commotion. That's when I'll grab the necklace. Dorian: What kind of commotion? David: I'm planning a -- there will be a -- I don't know, but I'll think of something. Dorian: Oh, that's wonderful. That's brilliant. David: Just relax. I will think of something, OK? Dorian: I can't believe that you pulled me away from the most eligible bachelor in the commonwealth. Are you some kind of moron? David: Pretty soon I'm going to be a $25 million moron, so you ought to be a lot nicer to me. Dorian: Hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Brake lines definitely look like they were cut. Keri: What? Bo: Do you have any idea how that could have happened? R.J.: Well, didn't you say that Vega was working on the car? Keri: Yeah, but he wouldn't -- he didn't -- Bo: Did he crawl under the car at any point? Keri: I -- I don't remember that. R.J.: Well, see, that doesn't prove anything. Keri: You both don't think that he -- he tried to kill me? R.J.: I think Vega would do whatever it takes to get his daughter away from you. How much more has to happen? Vega is out of control. He assaults me, he hits her, he knocks her down, and now this. Come on. If you don't do your job, Commissioner, somebody's going to end up dead. [SCENE_BREAK] Joey: I'm sorry. One of the parishioners -- Jen: Needs you. Go. Joey: He's in the I.C.U. Jen: No, you don't have to explain. I understand. Joey: I love you. Jen: I love you, too. Joey: Wait up for me? Jen: Of course. Jen: Well, I hope you got your kicks, sticking it to me about Santo Domingo. Rex: I didn't tell them how you really stripped for me. Jen: Yeah, I know. You just wanted to watch me sweat. Now, maybe you haven't forgotten what happened, but you know what? I have. Rex: Yeah. I can see that. Jen: Stay away from my mother, OK? Rex: Well, don't you think Lindsay has say in it? Lindsay: A say in what? Rex: If you want to be friends with me or not. Lindsay: Of course I do. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: Oh, what a night. What a night. [Dorian hums] David: I think you're getting a little too comfortable with this. Dorian: Oh. They're not yours yet. David: I will keep this safe. Dorian: David -- wait a minute. Don't you even trust me? David: Oh, absolutely. Dorian: You have Count de Valmont that you can always unleash on me, whereas I have nothing. David: Yeah, except this necklace. Dorian: Why don't I put it in my safe, just for the night? Hmm? [Dorian hums] Dorian: What are you doing? David: I'm settling in for the night. Dorian: Not here! David: I'm either staying down here with the necklace or upstairs with you. Either way, I'm sleeping with one of you. You take your pick. Dorian: Sweet dreams. [David laughs] [SCENE_BREAK] Jeanette: Thanks, everybody. I meant what I said. You got game. Natalie: Thank you. But what are you doing here? Jeanette: The tournament tomorrow. Natalie: Yeah, but that's for amateurs. Jeanette: I'm part of the prize. The winner plays me. That last shot you made -- if you keep your cue stick level, you'll get a lot more action on the cue ball, OK? See you. Natalie: Cristian, I have to win this tournament tomorrow. I mean, that would be, like, my biggest dream coming true -- to actually get to play against the Black Widow! Cristian: It's going to happen. It'll happen this time tomorrow. [SCENE_BREAK] Kelly: We should get to bed. You got a big day tomorrow. You will become lieutenant governor. Kevin: I saw you talking to Dawes. Kelly: Yeah. I told him not to mess with my man. Kevin: He didn't say anything to you, did he? Kelly: Kevin, relax. Everything's fine. Everything's going just the way we want it to. Besides, what could he do to us anyway? Keri's voice: "I, Keri Reynolds, being of sound mind and body, want to register my intentions regarding my daughter, Jamie. If anything happens to me, guardianship of my child will go solely to my father --" Keri: R.J. Gannon. [SCENE_BREAK] R.J.: OK, what did you do to Keri's car? Antonio: I fixed it. R.J.: Sure, you did. Was that before or after you played with the brakes? Bo: R.J., I'll handle the questions. Antonio: Commissioner, what's -- what's this about? R.J.: Her car crashed because of you. Antonio: Is Keri OK? Bo: She's fine, but we - we do have evidence that the brakes were tampered with. Antonio: All I did was tighten the battery cable. R.J.: So how did the brakes get cut? Antonio: I wouldn't know, but you seem to have a record of doing that sort of thing. You're not going to listen to this guy, are you? Bo: I'm sorry, Antonio. I have to investigate. Don't leave town. Antonio: You know, whatever it is you're trying to do to me, it's never going to work. R.J.: Whatever you're talking about already is. Stay tuned for scenes from the next "One Life to Live." [NEXT_ON] David: I don't think you've forgotten how compatible we could be. Al: No, it's all I can think about. That and when I can get you alone again. Key: If the real Walker Laurence is in Atlantic City, then who's with Blair? | Joey tries to warn Kelly about getting pregnant, but she doesn't listen |
461 | Hope: Amber? This is about you andand Amber? Liam: Well, no. Not--no, not really. I mean, I-- Hope: Did you two-- all--all the way? Liam: It's--it's-- it's possible. I don't--I don't know exactly. I don't remember. Hope: Liam, did you or didn't you? Liam: She says I did. Hope: Oh, my God. How could you do this to us? [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: Pregnant. How could this happen? Tawny: Amber, I think you know how this happens. Amber: It was only one night, and we used protection. Tawny: Every time? I mean, it just takes one slipup. Amber: I know. Tawny: Well, I-I would think you would. I mean, this is not the first time you have gotten yourself knocked up, honey. I mean, we've been through all this before. Amber: That was a lifetime ago. And my little baby was stillborn. I've been given a second chance. Tawny: Oh, no, girl. No, no, no. You get your head out of the clouds. Look, you are homeless. You are jobless. And what you're thinkin' now about havin' a kid with "Mr. Bongos" out there-- oh, no, you're not. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: (Sighs) Ridge: You're still upset about that photo. Taylor: Of course I'm upset. Every time I look at it, I see our son with Brooke and her body pressed against his. It's horrible. It--it is upsetting. Ridge: I will get to the bottom of this. And, actually, that's, uh, that's why I'm here. Taylor: I'm not concerned about how it happened or--or who took it or why. What matters most to me right now is our son a-and--and being around Brooke and what it's doing to him. Ridge: Taylor, listen to me. Nothing is going on between my wife and our son. Taylor: You don't know that. Ridge: Yes, I do. Someone set them up. Someone's trying to get back at me, Taylor. And they're using the picture of Thomas and Brooke to do it. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: It'll be okay, Mom. I mean, things'll work out. You'll see. Tawny: What I see is my homeless, jobless, penniless daughter drifting into fantasy land again. Honey, this kid is gonna need clothes and food and a roof over its head, just for starters. I--look, I... I know you don't want to, but maybe you should start to think about-- Amber: No. I am not ending this pregnancy. I'm gonna have this child. And I'm gonna love it, and I'm gonna take care of it. Tawny: Oh, no, no. Wait. You're not doing what I think you're gonna do. Amber: It's Ollie's baby. He has the right to know. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: It is killing me to have to tell you this. And I'm so sorry, but it's not what you're thinking it is. Hope: Really? Because I'm thinking that you were in bed with Amber. Liam: But I didn't realize that until I woke up. I don't even know how she got into my place. Hope: Liam, you are not making any sense right now. Liam: Hope, I know--I know it's difficult to believe, okay? It's hard to believe, but just-- Hope: Yeah, it's extremely difficult to believe, okay? How much did you have to drink that night? Liam: I was--I hardly drank anything the whole night. Hope: I was gonna go over there. I was gonna go over there to apologize to you for walking out. Liam: I-I wish you had. Hope: Really? So I could find you in bed with Amber? That would have been lovely, wouldn't it? Liam: What are you doing? Stop it. Stop it. Just hear me out for one second, okay? Hope: No. I don't want to hear anything else from you. Liam: Hope, listen to me. Hope. Hope! Damn it. [SCENE_BREAK] Oliver: What's up? Amber: Um, can-- can you take those off? Um... Oliver: Huh? Amber: I-I need to talk to you. Can you... (sighs) um, there's something that I wanted to tell you. Oliver: All right, tell me. But later, okay? I'm in the middle of something. Amber: You're always gonna love her. Oliver: What? Amber: Hope. (Sighs) She's always gonna be the love of your life. Tawny: William Spencer III, you are so good-looking. (Sighs) Such a cutie. Ahh, you've got it made. Private jets, money up the wazoo. (Sighs) If only Amber had gotten preggers with-- That's it. Oliver: Amber, you're-- you're acting a little weird, even for you. You said you wanted to tell me something. Uh, what is it? Tawny: Uh, excuse us, Ollie. Uh, I need to talk to my daughter. It's urgent, okay? Amber: What? (Scoffs) What the hell do you think you're doing? Tawny: Just listen to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: Hope, listen to me. Hope: No. Liam: Just let me explain for a second, okay? Hear me out. Hope: I don't want to hear it. Liam: When you left that party, I freaked out. I just--I wanted to go home, and I wanted to go to bed, and apparently Amber showed up. I don't know. She must have followed me when I got in the limo or something. And--and I don't know when she arrived exactly, but it must have been after I hit my head, because the last thing I remember is standing in my doorway just wanting to go to sleep. And then I wake up, and she's there. She--she--she's in my bed, Hope, and she's-- and she's not clothed, and I'm not clothed, and I don't know-- I don't know when she took her clothes off. I don't know when she came in. My God, I'm not even attracted to her, so I don't know how the-- I don't know how I-I could have-- Hope: Well, she certainly hates me. That's for sure. I mean, ever since we busted her for stealing designs. But what is this? I mean, what--what is this? Her revenge? Seducing my boyfriend? Liam: It wasn't like that, if it even happened. I'm not even convinced that it happened. Hope: But Amber says it did. Liam: I have a concussion, Hope. I don't... I don't remember anything about that night beyond me walking through my door. Hope: Until you woke up in bed with Amber. (Sighs) (sniffles) You know what? It's fine. Maybe she did target you. Maybe that's what happened. But you're the one who let it happen. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: Who, Ridge? Who is it? Or is this one of Brooke's versions of, "Oh, we were set up" just to cover her true intentions? Yeah. Ridge: It's not my wife you should be concerned about. Taylor, I had a talk earlier with your husband. I believe that Whip took that picture and leaked it to the internet. Taylor: That is ridiculous. Ridge: I'm not so sure. Taylor: Well, I am. Ridge: Taylor, I know you don't want to believe that Whip would do something like this because you're married to him and you love him. I understand that. But if you'd seen how guilty he was when I confronted him... Taylor: You're basing this on a look? Ridge: No, I'm basing it on a lot more than that. Taylor, I'm sorry. I know this is hard for you to hear. But I felt you should know the kind of man you're married to. Taylor: No. Ridge, don't even go there. Don't even go there. Whip is not some kind of monster. Ridge: Taylor, I swear. I never would have come over here. I never would have said anything. Taylor: No, Ridge. Whip: Well, I don't have to guess why you're here. Couldn't wait to badmouth me in front of my wife, could you, Forrester? Throw around some accusations, trying to get her to doubt me. Ridge: Who says I told Taylor anything? [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: Maybe she did target me. Hope: (Scoffs) Think about it, Liam. We're talking about Amber here. Of course she targeted you. Did she use protection? Liam: What? No, I-I don't know. I mean, I don't know. I-I... Hope: No? So-- so Amber could be pregnant right now, actually. Liam: Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Stop. No. Don't even go there. All right? I was so out of it from the concussion, I-I-- I don't even think I was conscious, so I don't know how I could-- Hope: (Scoffs) Do you think she cared? Do you really think she cared? How else was she gonna get a chance with you? Amber is a girl who knows how to get what she wants. She knows. And you were just ripe for the picking, weren't you? How could you let this happen, Liam? God. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: That-- that's your brilliant idea? You want me to-- Tawny: Yeah, not tell Oliver that he is the father, okay? Wait a little bit of time. Let the baby gestate, and then spring the happy news on Liam. Amber: That he's my baby daddy? Woman, you have-- you have completely lost your mind. Tawny: What? I'm looking after you. Or at least I'm trying to. Amber: By telling me to lie about who the father of my kid is? No, I've been there, done that. Tawny: I get it, all right? But you are desperate now. And you were desperate back then. Amber: I am not desperate. Okay, I'm desperate. But Ollie is a great guy. He'll do right by me and the kid. Tawny: Amber, when are you gonna wake up and smell the hair gel? Yeah, he's a great guy, but he's a one-way ticket to nowhere for you and this child. Honey, don't you want something more? Amber: Oh, more meaning becoming Mrs. William Spencer III? Tawny: Yeah. Look, not--not a lot of people get a second shot at being rich and famous. Look, just don't tell Oliver that he's the father, okay? Just let a little-- a little time pass. And then when Liam finds out that you are carrying his child... (sighs) He is gonna feel so guilty that he is gonna marry you on the spot. And then we both are gonna be part of the Spencer Publications empire. Cha-ching! Come on, honey. We can do this. [SCENE_BREAK] Whip: Come on, pal. I know you. You couldn't wait to rush on over here and paint yours truly in the worst possible light to my wife Ridge: You mean the way you tried to paint my wife and my son in the worst possible light in that picture? Whip: You are so full of it, Forrester. Ridge: And you, Whip, aren't as clever as you think. Taylor: Please, stop. Please. Please. Please. Sweetheart, I know you've been upset with Ridge, especially after what happened in the bedroom... Whip: (Sighs) Taylor: The other night. If you did do what he's accusing you of, just tell me. Please, you know? Just be honest with me. Did you take the picture to cause trouble for Ridge? And then you put it online to keep him out of our marriage? Please, for-- for all of our sakes, just--just tell me. [SCENE_BREAK] Whip: Taylor, I'm your husband. I love you. You... you've gotta know that I would never... purposely hurt you or your son. Ridge: And, of course, you would never lie to Taylor either to protect your own butt. Whip: See? This is what I gotta deal with. An ex-husband who-- if he really cared about you as much as he said he did-- Ridge: Oh, I do care about Taylor, and she knows that. Whip: Oh. Oh, really? Is that why you continue to put her son in harm's way when all you had to do was kill that Taboo campaign like she said? But, no. Oh, no, no, no. One salacious kiss at the end of the runway wasn't enough, was it, Ridge? You had to--you had to keep those orders comin' in, because the people were lappin' it up. You had to keep pushin', and what? For profits? How many times did she ask you to kill that campaign? Who should she believe? Taylor: Did you do it, Whip? (Sighs) Whip: No, Taylor. Ridge: Oh, for God sakes, Taylor. Taylor: Don't Ridge. Not one more word against my husband. It was your wife's hands all over our son's body, with her body pressed against his. There is no way that he could have even manipulated that. I am never going to change my mind about this campaign, Ridge. I don't want her working with him. I told you that. And God forbid if anything happens. I have told you. I have warned you. And don't say I didn't. I don't want to talk about this anymore. I-I just want you to go. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: Pawn this kid off as a Spencer? Really, Mom? And you know Bill Spencer. He will come after me so fast. In fact, I think the very first words out of his mouth will be "paternity test," and he'll want, like, a dozen billion of them. Tawny: Okay, so you can take a paternity test before the baby is born, and we'll just fudge the results. Amber: Oh, really? Really? How? How? How could we do that, Mom, hmm? Tawny: Well, I-it happens all the time. Amber: (Laughs) Maybe in your universe, but not in mine. Tawny: Look, this is not going to be like it was before. You don't have to worry about cousin Becky showing up to claim her kid, because it's your kid. Yours and Liam's. Honey, look, I-I know it's risky. But if this works, oh, honey, then it is the good life for Amber Moore and her child. Oliver: Am I interrupting? Tawny: Oh, no. No. No, we're just having some girl talk. Nothing that has anything to do with... you. Oliver: Okay. Well, my music is kinda not workin' right now. I'm gonna go out for a little bit. Just keep the... keep an eye on the place for me. Tawny: Amber, don't pass up this chance. Come on, honey. I know you didn't plan on getting pregnant, but now that you are, you--you have to think about your baby. And that's all you should be thinking about. You have to think about what is best for your child and for yourself... and that is to wait until the time is right, and then tell Liam that he's gonna be a daddy. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: It is breaking my heart that I hurt you. That is the last thing I want. I never intended that. Hope: God, I feel like I can't breathe. Liam: Hope, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but I will not let this be the end of us, because I believe that we can get through this. Hope: I don't know. Maybe you are more your father's son than I wanted to believe. Liam: No, I'm not. That--that image-- that most eligible bachelor, that is not me, Hope. That is not me. You want to know why? Because I'm a guy that's in love with a girl, and I am fighting like hell to keep her. Look at me. You have to believe me when I say that consciously, I never did anything with Amber. Yeah, yeah, I woke up, and there she was. Yes, she made her claim, but I don't even know if I buy it. That concussion really messed me up, Hope. And I'm blurry. I'm--I'm--I'm really blurry, but I'm not blurry right now. And I want to hear you say-- I want to hear you say it that you know for a fact I would never purposely hurt you. Now--now that night-- that night with Amber, whatever it was-- I don't know. I don't know if she was-- if she was targeting me or if it was payback or whatever, but I want you to admit that we can get past that. Okay? I want you to say that you forgive me, that you understand. Say that you forgive me, Hope. Say it. Say that you forgive me. | Taylor doesn't want to hear it, but Ridge tells her they were set up with this picture of Thomas and Brooke |
462 | Maxie: Nathan? Are you awake? Nathan: I sure am. Happy New Year. Maxie: You said that last night. Nathan: So? It's still New Year's. I'm still happy. Maxie: Me, too... so happy, it almost doesn't seem real, being with you. It's like I'm in a dream. [SCENE_BREAK] Singer: You don't have to love me Olivia: Oh, yes. Yes. Don't stop. Ned: Your wish is my command. Olivia: Oh. Ned, I had no idea. Ned: It could be this good? Olivia: Oh, there are no words. Ned: I wasted so much time with Alexis. Olivia: Don't even say her name. Ned: Never again. Olivia: No. Ned: I belong with you. Olivia: Yes. [SCENE_BREAK] Singer: ...Give what you want [Both moaning] Singer: I could meet you where you are Julian: How's it feel? Alexis: Oh, don't stop. Julian: I want to know how it feels to have come to your senses and kicked Ned to the curb. Alexis: Ned who? [SCENE_BREAK] Singer: Make it look like make it look like Ned: I wish it could be New Year's Eve every day. Olivia: Oh, why can't it be? Ned: You know, right? I'm not really with you. Alexis: He's with me. Olivia: [Gasps] [SCENE_BREAK] Singer: I could give you what you want, babe Julian: I'm never gonna let you go again. Alexis: That's not your call. Ned: It's mine. Alexis: Mm. Ned: Good morning. Alexis: Morning already, huh? Time flies. Ned: So, last night -- it was good for you, too? Alexis: Just as good as I remember. [SCENE_BREAK] Guard: Happy New Year, Corinthos. Only 30 more to go. [SCENE_BREAK] Silas: Look at her. You'd never know her dad was in jail. Kiki: And after yesterday's arraignment, my mother's heading there, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Fluke: Oh, how the feisty have fallen. [Chuckles] Bobbie: Could it be? Is this really my brother before me? Because if I didn't know better, I'd say that the genuine Luke Spencer was still in the nut house, and you're just another wannabe running around with his face. Fluke: Barbara, after all I've been through, how could you even suggest that I'm not me? Bobbie: Because punctuality is not in your character. I expected to show up here and find the table empty and, uh, wait 20 minutes and then receive your text begging off, because you're too exhausted from a late night of celebration with Tracy or a hangnail. Fluke: You wound me with truth. Let this be the first of many opportunities for me to apologize for being a no-show. You are my favorite sister. Which isn't saying much, 'cause you're my only sister. Bobbie: Well, we both know that's not true. Luke, I'm so happy that we're having breakfast together. I feel as if I've hardly had a chance to see you since Alexis broke you out of that snake pit, Faison got busted for impersonating you. I am so sorry. I mean, who would have thought that your own sister wouldn't have picked up on Faison's charade? Can you ever forgive me? Fluke: Sure. What I don't understand is how anybody could mistake me for that marble-mouthed gargoyle. I don't care how high-tech the mask. Bobbie: Just it never occurred to me, not even when Lulu told me someone was posing as you. Actually, the first thing that came into my mind was, "There's only one explanation. It's our cousin Bill Eckert." [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: Hi, Dad. Sonny: I'm glad you came. Morgan: Yeah. Me, too. How -- how are you? How's -- how's things in there? You still getting hassled? Sonny: You don't have to worry about me. So, catch me up. How's everything going? Morgan: Everybody's doing okay. Kristina -- she sends her love. I think she's setting up a visit. And, oh, Rocco -- Rocco is, like, running circles around Dante and Lulu. The kid's pretty fast, actually, so that's... Sonny: How's Michael? Morgan: I've barely seen him. He wrote Kiki and me off when he found out we knew about AJ, so he's done with us. Sonny: Are you done with me? [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: My girls. My beautiful girls. Officer: Keep moving. Ava: No, please! Officer: The commissioner gave orders for you to wait until the transfer papers are ready. Silas: Oh, come on. She can sit with her daughter at the same time, right? At least take the cuffs off. Officer: She's a flight risk. She took off once already. Kiki: She's not gonna go anywhere in a station full of cops. Silas: And you're standing right here -- with a gun. Ava: Please. Please. I'm begging you. Just let me hold my little girl one more time before they send me off to prison. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: Ohh. Olivia: God, what is wrong with me? Julian: Well, nothing we didn't fix last night. Olivia: Shut up. Shut up and don't look at me. Julian: Why -- 'cause you're naked under that sheet? Nothing I didn't see last night. Olivia: Not in the cold light of day. Oh, my God. What have I done? Julian: Would you like a list? It might take a while. We started right there. Then we started kissing passionately. Then I picked you up, put you into the bed, and then you started doing that thing that you do so well. Olivia: Stop! Stop talking! I know good and well what I did. I just can't imagine for the life of me what possessed me to do any of it. Julian: Well, we had the same motive -- to distract ourselves to forget about where Ned and Alexis were and forget about what they were doing together, even if it was only for one night, even if it meant waking up to the reality that our hearts were broken. You know, for the life of me, I just can't grasp what's so great about Ned that Alexis chose him over me. Olivia: Would you like a list? It might take a while. Julian: So, you really lowered your standards last night to jump my bones, hmm? [SCENE_BREAK] Ned: So, does this mean you have no regrets? Alexis: Not a one. And you? Ned: No. Alexis: So, it looks like we're on the same page. Ned: Good. Good. Good, because I think we have a chance to make it work this time. Alexis: So do I. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: [Chuckles] Nathan: Happy New Year. Maxie: You keep saying that. Nathan: Well, I keep getting happier. Maxie: How do you do it? Nathan: Do what? Maxie: Dazzle me. Were you tutored in the art of seduction like you were tutored in French? Nathan: Non. C'est un cadeau. Maxie: Mm. I love it when you speak French to me, but what does it mean? Nathan: "It's a gift." Maxie: I have a gift for you -- right here. Nathan: Mm. Maxie: What? Do I have morning breath? Nathan: No, no, no. It's not your breath. It's not your breath. I like the way you taste. I just need 20 minutes to recharge. Maxie: Oh. Well, don't scare me like that. Sometimes a kiss can just be a kiss. Nathan: Is this one of those times? Maxie: No. But I can wait 20 minutes, if I must. Nathan: Start the clock. thank you very much. [SCENE_BREAK] Officer: I'll be right outside. Don't make me regret this. Silas: Thank you. Thank you very much. Ava: Hello. Kiki: [Chuckles] Ava: Hello. Oh, hello, my darling. Yes. Oh, it's so nice to see you. It's been a while, hasn't it? But you're just as lovely now as you were then. And robust! [Laughing] She's grown! Oh, I can see that Silas and your big sister are taking very good care of you, aren't they? Now, you try to do your best. [Baby fussing] Ava: Oh, baby. You listen to them and you do your best to be well behaved, okay? Yeah? Because they're new at this, you know. Kiki: Hmm. Ava: [Chuckles] She seems okay. Is she okay? Kiki: Silas and a pediatrician looked her over. Ava: [Chuckles] Kiki: She passed every conceivable test. And she -- she took another one. Silas: The DNA test. Ava: You know who the father is? Was it Morgan... or Sonny? [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: Everything kind of just went to hell when Mikey found out that Kiki, and I didn't tell him what we knew about AJ's death. I mean, we tried to explain to him, but he shot down every reason. I've never seen Michael like this, Dad. Sonny: I hurt him. In a moment of blind anger, you know what? I betrayed Michael's trust, and I destroyed the relationship. Morgan: Yeah. I guess I just kind of always counted on Michael forgiving me, and now he's acting like I'm a complete stranger. Sonny: You got to give it some time. You're his brother. He'll come around. Morgan: It doesn't really seem possible right now. I mean, he's so pissed that he kicked Kiki and me out of the brownstone. Sonny: You can stay at my house. Duke's there, but you know what? There's a lot of room. Morgan: It's fine. I'm gonna stay with Mom, so that's fine. Sonny: How is she? Morgan: You know, she's putting on a brave face. She's pretending like everything's normal, because she doesn't -- she obviously doesn't want Joss to see her hurting, but I can see through it, you know? Sonny: Is she making any progress with Michael? Morgan: Oh, you mean did she lie to him like you asked and tell him that she's through with you? Sonny: Damn it. She didn't do what I told her to do? Morgan: Come on. Come on. Mom told Michael that you wouldn't let her visit, because he thought that you would forgive her, and she said that she loved you, she always would, and she'd be damned if she -- Sonny: So, she did exactly what I told her not to do, Morgan?! Morgan: It's Mom, Dad. What do you expect from Mom? Sonny: Be there for Michael. I mean, he cut off everybody. He cut himself -- Morgan: He didn't cut off the Quartermaines, Dad. He didn't cut them off. Sonny: Quartermaines aren't his family! They're never gonna be his family. Look, if he wants to hate me, that's fine, but he shouldn't hate all of you -- definitely not your mother. [SCENE_BREAK] Fluke: Did you say, "Bill"? Bobbie: Yeah, Bill. Bill Eckert. Our cousin? Remarkable for the fact that you and he are the spitting image of each other. Fluke: We look nothing alike. Bobbie: Oh, Luke, come on. You were off somewhere with Laura and Lucky, hiding from Frank Smith when Bill Eckert first hit town. Everybody mistook him for you. Fluke: Well, that must have been because everybody was just missing the real me. Bobbie: [Chuckles] Even I made the same mistake. Oh, gosh. The first time that I ever laid eyes on Bill Eckert was in GH in the ER. He was being wheeled in, injured in a boat accident. Even I thought he was you. Who knew first cousins could look like twins? [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Hey, when are you co-- what are you doing? Nathan: What? We needed sustenance. Omelet? Maxie: I can't believe you're cooking. Nathan: I do dishes, too. But you can, uh -- you can handle that. Maxie: I will gladly scour all the pots and pans that I own, including the neighbors', if you promise to do all the cooking in your underwear. Nathan: You keep staying the night, I'll keep doing the cooking. Maxie: This is my apartment. Nathan: That's a very good point. [Chuckles] What? Maxie: Nothing. Nathan: Liar. Maxie: I was just wondering... Nathan: Wondering? Maxie: If it's been 20 minutes yet. [SCENE_BREAK] Ned: How 'bout room service? Alexis: How 'bout the buffet? I hear it's amazing. Ned: Well, I thought we might be more comfortable here. We might run in to someone we know downstairs. Alexis: Are we on the downlow? Ned: I'm just trying to avoid an awkward situation with Olivia. That's all. Alexis: Well, that doesn't bother me. Does it bother you? Ned: No. Not at all. Should we go? Alexis: [Sighs] Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Okay. I don't need any reminder of the crimes against humanity that I committed last night, and just so we're very clear, it was you that couldn't get enough of this. It was not the other way around. Julian: Okay. Let's not pretend like you didn't enjoy yourself, because I remember -- Olivia: Okay, I'm gonna go try and scrounge up some small shred of dignity. Julian: Well, it might be easier with some clothes on. Olivia: I can't stay in this room one more second. I am gonna go change in my office, away from prying eyes! Julian: Olivia, Olivia, would you just settle down? We're both adults. We can talk about this. No need for the scramble of shame, seriously. Alexis: I'm not so sure I agree with that. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Well, I guess breakfast is out. The omelets are scrambled, which is sad 'cause they were so pretty. Nathan: We'll make more. Hey. Happy New Year. Maxie: [Laughing] Why do you keep saying that? Nathan: 'Cause it still applies. The way you make me feel, I'll still be saying it until next New Year's Eve, at which point I'll just start all over again. Maxie: Well, then, Happy New Year right back at you. Ohh. I really can't believe how well this worked out. We're very lucky we're so... compatible. Nathan: Compatible? Maxie: I was being discreet. Nathan: Maxie, we just had sex all over the living room. Maxie: Okay, okay. Point. [Chuckles] I mean, I knew it would be good, but [Sighs] Wow. After months and months of buildup, we could have just, like, fizzled out, but it's so great that we woke up jumping for joy like we did this morning. Nathan: I pity the fools that aren't as happy as we are. [SCENE_BREAK] Ned: What the hell is this? Did you hurt her? Julian: Believe me, I didn't do anything she didn't ask me to repeat -- enthusiastically, I might add. Alexis: Oh, my God. Ned: Wait. You slept with him? How much alcohol did he pour down your throat?! Hey! If you did anything to coerce her or force her into bed, I'll freaking kill you! Olivia: Enough! Enough! Enough! What I do behind closed doors and with whom I do it is none of your business, and, for your information, I was not drunk. He did not slip me a mickey. I got into bed with him of my own free will, and I was sober as a judge. Ned: Then that judge was blotto. Olivia, you're better than this. Alexis: And you're worse. Julian: Well, then, it's a good thing we're nothing to each other, right, Alexis? Alexis: I'm gonna go eat before I lose my appetite completely. [SCENE_BREAK] Bobbie: Identical cousins. Who would have thought it was possible? Fluke: Some Hollywood hack who invented "The Patty Duke" show? [Both chuckle] Fluke: So, uh, you want to order, or shall we just hit the buffet? Bobbie: You know, Luke, "The Patty Duke Show" was a show. You and Bill passing for each other is real life. Fluke: That's absurd! Bill Eckert is dead. Remember? He was shot in the back trying to defend his son and Lucky from Frank Smith. Bobbie: Of course, I remember. Fluke: Well, then, leave it alone. I've already got the poor bastard's death on my conscience. Bobbie: It's not your fault. Fluke: It is my fault! It wasn't his. [Sighs] He was mistaken for me. The only crime that that guy committed was looking like me. Bobbie: Oh, Luke, I wouldn't go that far. Fluke: What are you talking about? Bobbie: Well, I mean, I don't want to speak ill of the dead, but Bill Eckert wasn't exactly a saint. Fluke: This town has seen far worse than Bill Eckert, and you know it. [SCENE_BREAK] Guard: You're getting low on time. Wrap it up. Morgan: There's, uh -- there's something else I need to tell you about the baby. Sonny: How's she doing? Morgan: Oh, she's -- she's, uh -- she's great, you know? I mean, everyone thought that Franco and Nina were gonna hurt her, but it just rolled off her back. She's, uh -- she's -- she's tough, man. She's tough. She doesn't cry. She doesn't fuss. Sonny: That's because she's got you, you know? You're a good guy. You looking after her? Morgan: No. Actually, Dr. Clay and Kiki are looking after her, not me. [Sighs] Um... d-did you -- did you hear that they were -- that they did a-a DNA test? Sonny: Yeah. Shawn told me something. What are the results? Morgan: The baby's yours, Dad. It's not mine. It's you. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: Sonny is my baby's father? Kiki: Sorry. Ava: Well, I guess it would be too much to hope that would make us better neighbors in Pentonville. Silas: Sonny can't get you in there. Ava: How's Morgan taking the news? Kiki: He's hurting. I mean, he knew it was a possibility, but he also had to prepare to be a father. Ava: I know. I remember him reading some silly book on parenting. Kiki: He really started to invest in the idea of her being his. I don't think he realized how much it meant to him until he found out that he wasn't her father. Ava: I am so sorry that I hurt him. The last thing in the world I want is for Sonny to call this baby his own. Silas: No matter who this little girl's father is, she's a miracle. Ava: Yes. No. I know. It doesn't change how I feel about her. But what kind of life will she have with Sonny as a father? Silas: From what I understand, by the time he gets out of jail, she'll be a young woman, capable to decide on her own whether she wants to have contact with him or not. Kiki: Right, but you know what? That is a long ways away. You have a lot of other decisions to make, like what her name is. You know, we can't just keep calling her "beauty" and "perfect" all the time. She needs a name. Silas: Please don't call her "princess." Kiki: I mean, it's up to you. What's it gonna be? Well? Silas: Any ideas on a name? Ava: There was a lot of uncertainty in my pregnancy. I didn't know if I'd give birth at all or even if I did, if I'd be able to watch her grow up. So, I refused to think about names. I just didn't want to become more attached. Then the contractions started, and it occurred to me that if I lost her, what if she died nameless, because I was too wrapped up in my own fears? Kiki: Mom, look at her. She is perfect, and we didn't lose her, despite everything Nina put her through. Ava: Exactly. And so I sucked it up, and I considered it, and looking at her now, I think... my choice quite suits her -- Avery. Kiki: Avery? Ava: I'm sure you think I'm vain, naming her after myself -- right? -- Or close enough. Kiki: No. No. Ava: No? Kiki: I think Avery is a pretty name. Ava: I do, too. I do. And I just want her to have something -- some part of me, something to remember me by forever, you know? Kiki: Mom... Ava: Kiki, I'm -- I'm gonna fight as hard as I can to get back to you girls, but I'm a realist. I'm in big trouble -- trouble that I brought on myself, you know? But it could be that I don't get to spend much time with this one. It could be that I don't get to be the kind of mother that she deserves. And so with this, little Avery will always know that she is a part of me, and I'm a part of her. Kiki: Hello, Avery. Silas: That's a good name. Ava: Your mommy loves you -- both of you. And no matter what happens or where I am... you'll always be my girls. Avery: [Fussing] Ava: Oh, shh, shh, shh. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: So, she's mine? I have another daughter. Morgan: Yeah. She's a really great one, too, Dad. I mean, I fell in love with her the moment I laid eyes on her. I'm sure you will, too. Sonny: If I ever get to see her. Morgan: You will. You definitely will. We'll set that up. The warden's not gonna stop her, and Kiki's not gonna stand in the way. Sonny: Thank you, son. I know it's not easy for you. Morgan: Hey, we all dodged a bullet, right? I mean, what a crappy dad I would make anyway. I got no degree. I got no job. I got no prospects. I got no house, so I'm living back with Mom. I mean [Sniffles] I'm not fit to be a parent, right? Sonny: You're a lot more fit than I am, son. Look at me in here, useless. You tracked down that baby, and you brought her back. Sonny: I wouldn't give me credit for that. Sonny: Well, Morgan, I'm gonna be grateful to you, okay? You stepped up when she needed you. Morgan: But I'm not her father, Dad. I'm her brother. Sonny: You okay with that? Morgan: Who knows if things would have been different? But -- but they're not. That's what it is, you know? That little girl has the parents she's supposed to have. [SCENE_BREAK] Fluke: I could name you a multitude of people who are far worse than Bill Eckert ever was, and that's just the polyester-clad, "hustle"-dancing dimwits at the Campus Disco. Bobbie: Okay. I'm not saying that Bill was Faison-level evil. He was family, and I loved him, but he did a lot of people wrong. His sister Jenny and I were constantly having to apologize for him and clean up his messes. Fluke: Will you please stop demonizing the man? Bobbie: He was a womanizing cheater who left a trail of broken hearts in his wake. Fluke: Well, a lot of people could say that about me. Bobbie: Yeah, well, I'm not saying you're innocent. You know, you've done your share of things wrong. I have, too. But you never raised a hand to your son. Fluke: What? Bobbie: The man had an abusive personality. His son Sly -- Sly was desperate for his father's love, and yet you never knew, 'cause there were times when he could have rewarded him with a kind word or the back of his hand. Fluke: That's not true. Bill Eckert loved his son. Maybe he didn't always express it well, but he never beat that kid. Bobbie: You mean like our father? Fluke: Don't go there, Bobbie. Don't. Can you just -- just leave it alone?! Alexis: Hey, Luke. Is everything all right? [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: That was fast. Olivia: I keep a change of clothes in my office. Julian: Oh. So, now you're, what, back from work? Olivia: I left a shoe. May I? Julian: Mm-hmm. Please. Olivia: [Sighs] Julian: So, that was, uh, quite the run-in, wasn't it? Olivia: It's silvery gold. It's got an ankle strap, if you'd like to help me out. Julian: You gave Ned what for. The nerve of that guy, acting like he has any say in what you do. Olivia: It's got a platform sole, heel about this thick, just big enough to knock your eye out if you don't stop talking. Julian: You know, I like the way you stood up for yourself, the way you owned up to what we did. Olivia: And you just couldn't wait to rub it in, could you? Julian: Well, I think it was pretty obvious that we spent the night together. Besides, it worked, didn't it? Did you see the look on their faces? I'd say we did a better job of getting to Ned and Alexis than they did of getting to each other. [SCENE_BREAK] Fluke: Happy New Year, Natasha. Ned. Alexis: Yeah. It doesn't seem so happy at this table. Ned: Bobbie, are you all right? Bobbie: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Fluke: I apologize for raising my voice. We were having a small family disagreement. Bobbie: My brother doesn't like it when you talk about old times. Fluke: We remember a lot of those old times differently. Bobbie: Yeah, but in this instance, my memory is unadulterated. Ned, you were in town back then. Do you remember Bill Eckert? Ned: My ex-brother-in-law. Only too well. He looked just like Luke. Bobbie: Thank you very much. That's exactly what I was just saying. Bill wasn't always the nicest person to deal with. Ned: No, he wasn't. We clashed on a couple of occasions. Bill owned a chunk of ELQ for a time. Alexis: That's right, and then Damian Smith wound up with it after Eckert died. Ned: Yeah. I had to fight like tooth and nail to get it back. What's with all the people looking like you who want in on my family business? Fluke: [Scoffs, chuckles] [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Well, I guess we're not having eggs. Should we get dressed and go get something to eat? Nathan: Like, with clothes? Are you crazy? Maxie: Drastic, I know. But it's the hunger talking. If I don't eat something soon, my stomach will implode. Nathan: [Sighs] We got Floating Rib leftovers. Maxie: Mmm! Day-old gloppy mac and cheese. Nathan: Got eggs. There's still eggs left -- not enough to throw on the floor and still whip up another batch, by the way. Maxie: Don't lay that on me. You were an equal partner in the egg-splosion. Nathan: Hey, I promise to control myself if you will. Maxie: "Control" is my middle name. Nathan: Right. And here I thought it was Maximiliana. Maxie: [Exhales sharply] Maxie: I can't wait to see what you've concocted this time. Nathan: Yeah. Maybe you'll actually get to taste this one. [Groans softly] Maxie: What's wrong? Nathan: Sore. Maxie: From your bullet wound? I knew I shouldn't have made you overexert yourself. Nathan: I'm not complaining. Maxie: Well, are you sure you're okay? Nathan: Yeah, I'm gonna be fine -- unless you let the eggs get cold, so stop fussing and eat. Maxie: Well, this definitely looks better than the first breakfast you made. Maybe the delay was a blessing in disguise. Nathan: Definitely. You know what they say -- practice makes perfect. Maxie: Kind of makes you wonder what other things get better with practice. Nathan: Playing the piano. Maxie: Riding a bike. Nathan: Throwing a spiral. Maxie: Driving a stick. Nathan: Tying cherry stems together with your tongue. Maxie: Naked things done in pairs. Nathan: Those, too. Maxie: Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Nathan: We don't have any eggs left. Maxie: So, we'd be sacrificing our perfect breakfast? Nathan: Yeah. Maxie: And we shouldn't do that? Nathan: Probably not. Maxie: Exactly how sore are you? Nathan: Not that sore. [Both chuckle] Maxie: [Laughs] [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Ahh! Aha! Julian: Oh, good. Now we can get something to eat. How 'bout we try that buffet, hmm? Olivia: What, so you can rub our unfortunate lapse in Alexis' face? Julian: And don't forget Ned. Olivia: How 'bout this? How 'bout I forget about you and you forget about me? Julian: I think it would be a waste of so much potential. Olivia: You know what? I'm taking myself out of this game. You can continue playing it all by yourself if you like, but not with me. I'm out. Fluke: I can't speak to Faison's motivations. The man is beyond sociopathic. I also have no opinion on why Bill Eckert was so interested in having a piece of ELQ. I suggest you hold a séance and ask him directly if you're still so interested to figure it out. Bobbie: Where are you going? Fluke: I have no appetite anymore. Ned: Something we said? Bobbie: Oh, you know, he probably just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Alexis: I'm starving, so I'm gonna call Molly, check on her, and I'll meet you at the buffet. Ned: Okay. Bobbie, sorry about driving away your breakfast companion. Bobbie: Oh, you know, I'm probably better off. As you can see, my brother was a little crotchety this morning. Ned: Well, that's Luke for you. Alexis: I will call you later. I love you. All right, baby. Bye-bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: Check her out. Sonny: She's beautiful. Morgan: You got a new little daughter, Dad. I got a new little sister. As far as I'm concerned, everybody wins here. Guard: Time's up, Corinthos! Let's go! Sonny: I'll never forget that face. Thank you. Morgan: I'll send you this one. I'll send this one. I'll send you some other ones, too. And I'll be back, okay? Sonny: I love you, buddy. Morgan: I love you, too, Dad. [SCENE_BREAK] Officer: Transport's here. It's time to go. Ava: It's too soon. Just a few more minutes, please? Officer: It's not gonna happen. Ava: I can't. Kiki: Mom. Mom. Ava: I need more time. Silas: We promise you we're gonna take good care of her. Kiki: Mom, you need to be strong right now, okay? Don't scare her. Avery: [Crying] Ava: Baby. My sweetie. I love you. Mommy loves you, Avery. Don't forget that. Avery: [Fussing] Kiki: I got her. Ava: [Crying] Officer: Come on. Kiki: It'll be okay, Mom. Ava: Don't let her forget me. Silas: You ready? Kiki: I guess. Silas: What is it? Kiki: I just don't know what comes next. What am I gonna do? Silas: We're gonna go back to my place, and together we're gonna figure out how to make sure this little girl grows up happy and healthy. Kiki: Okay, but what about my mom? She'll be found guilty. She'll go to prison. Sonny is there. He's there somewhere. And it won't matter that the males and the females are segregated. Sonny will find his way to her. [SCENE_BREAK] Officer: [Whistles] Look at this piece. Sonny: Watch your mouth. That's the mother of my child you're talking to. Officer: So? You'll never get another crack at this, Corinthos. Sonny: You don't think so? Officer: All right. Let's go. Ava: I just saw our beautiful daughter. I named her Avery. Sonny: Why do you get to choose her name? Ava: Are you really gonna fight me on this? Sonny: No. I'm just pointing out that she's as much mine as she is yours. Ava: Yes, that's true -- our daughter. She's a part of us both. And surely you won't hurt me now you know we share a child. Sonny: Don't count on it. [SCENE_BREAK] Fluke: Late start. Did you get lucky last night? Julian: What the hell do you want? Fluke: Want? I'm merely concerned about you. I know you must be beside yourself with worry over your dear sister. Julian: And, what -- you thought I'd want to lean on you for support? Fluke: We are still partners. Or are you planning to do a little stint in Pentonville along with Ava? Julian: Mnh-mnh. No, no. I'm not worried. I have a good lawyer. Fluke: Do you, now? Julian: I have no intention of going to prison. In fact, I expect to be doing business with you for a long time to come now. You'll excuse me? [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Look, um, about that whole thing that just -- that just happened downstairs just now -- Alexis: What about it? Olivia: I know how bad that must have looked. I just want you to know that the whole situation is really complicated. I was in a bad place last night, and I did some things that I didn't intend to do, and I have no intention of ever doing again, and I just want you to know that if I hurt you in any way, I am sorry. Alexis: Are you? [SCENE_BREAK] Ned: I'm sorry. I truly didn't mean to drive Luke away. Bobbie: It's not your fault. It's mine. I was pushing. I should have known better. My brother has never had the slightest interest in nostalgia -- just the opposite. I mean, the past is like this place that he does not want to revisit. Luke turned on a dime the moment I brought up Bill Eckert. [SCENE_BREAK] Fluke: We need to meet. Why? Because I said so. We have a problem -- one that needs a permanent solution. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Where is the slaw? Nathan: Long gone. Maxie: You finished it without me? Nathan: You ate the last of the biscuits. Maxie: Like you eat carbs. Nathan: After what you put me through this morning, I need energy. Maxie: You're right. That was thoughtless of me. Will you please accept my apology and some mac and cheese? Nathan: You're on thin ice, Jones. Maxie: [Chuckles] Is the honeymoon over already? Nathan: Not with you. It's all honeymoon. Maxie: Nathan... Nathan: Maxie. Maxie: ...Happy New Year. [NEXT_ON] Jason: (to Carly) What can I do for ya? Ric: (to Elizabeth) Jake is a little hung up on you. Alexis: (to Olivia) If you hurt me, would you be sorry? Julian: (to Lucas) I'm back in the business. Carlos: (to Fluke) It's pretty obvious who's in charge. Sloane: (to Anna) I'm here to talk about Johnny Zacchara. Johnny: (to Sonny) I'm takin' over the Jerome crime family. | Kiki worries that Sonny will get to Ava in prison |
463 | Ethan: Hey, hey, it's all right, it's all right. We're here now, ok? Gwen: Why'd you call out for your mommy, sweetheart? Ethan: Did you have another nightmare? Is that what happened? Theresa: Oh, honey, don't let them know I'm here. Little Ethan: Mommy! [SCENE_BREAK] Tabitha: Well, here's another nice mess Kay got herself into, but we warned her, didn't we, Endora? We told her she had to be back here by midnight, and we told her that magic spell you cast that made her dress so spectacular would wear off at the stroke of 12:00. Well, it's the witching hour now. But would she listen to us? Oh, no, not our Kay. Well, it's all going to come apart for her now -- literally. In about 20 seconds flat, she's going to be stark staring naked in front of the whole town of Harmony. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay's inner voice: It's got to be almost midnight. Oh, I forgot Endora's spell would wear off at midnight. Charlie: You must come work for me. That dress is fantastic. That other girl -- her designs were all right, but she doesn't have the sense of style that you do. Your dress is incredible. It's almost as if it appeared like magic, out of the thin air. Kay's inner voice: Oh, it's about to disappear into thin air. [SCENE_BREAK] Charity: Well, I'm happy Mr. Lapson likes Kay's dress. It's certainly original. Miguel: Well, so are your designs, Charity. Charity: He wasn't so impressed. Miguel: Well, you know, it's only one man's opinion, and I think he's wrong. Charity: I don't know. Miguel: Well, I do, ok? I'm not going to let you give up, Charity. Look, why don't you just stay here and relax. I'll go get us something to eat. Charity: Thank you. Miguel: All right. [Miguel heads to the buffet.] Charity: My dream of being a fashion designer is never going to happen. I mean, with all the attention Kay's getting, Miguel's just going to start a business with her, I'm sure. I'll lose everything, including any chance I have of being with Miguel. [SCENE_BREAK] Tabitha: Oh. Well, let's hope blondie's right. If she and Miguel get together, she'll come into her full powers, and that will mean curtains for us, Endora. I just hope Kay running around in the altogether isn't going to screw things up. Oh, Luis is playing another of those C.D.'s he stole from Alistair. Ooh, wait till Sheridan sees this. [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: Oh, my god. That's the boat that Luis and I were on, the one that exploded. Is Luis right? Is my father really trying to kill me? [SCENE_BREAK] Tabitha: So, Luis, you think this is your moment of triumph, do you? Well, think again. It appears your mother has fallen down and she can't get back up again. Oh, dear, oh, dear. Pilar is in dire straits -- extremely dire. She has a very serious blood disease, but being the martyr that she is, she decided not to tell her children. So, Luis, you may get Sheridan back tonight, but it looks like you'll lose your mother, as well. No, that's not the only pain that will be felt tonight. So many secrets on those C.D.'s, and they're not all Alistair's secrets, either. There's Ivy. She blackmailed Eve into changing the results of Grace and John's D.N.A. test, so Grace thinks John is her son, and she forced David Hastings to pretend that he was Grace's husband, thereby costing Sam his marriage. Hmm. He's not going to like this. Then there's the true paternity of Chad Harris. And then there's Eve's murky past with Julian -- murky present, as well, matter of fact. And what really happened the night of the car crash that ended T.C.'s tennis career? Who was driving that car? And what happened to the Russells' land? They lost their land all those years ago. And then, of course, let's not forget our Sheridan -- Beth kidnapping her, stealing her baby. And what about Martin Fitzgerald? Where is he as of this moment? And how did Alistair's wife, Katherine, really die? Hmm. Oh, dear, oh, dear, a lifetime of horrible secrets coming out, and each one causing so much pain. [Rumblings in basement] Tabitha: Hmm. And if those secrets do come out, Luis and Sheridan will be reunited, and the boys in the basement just can't have that. I wonder what Alistair is going to come up with to stop all this -- because he has to do something, because if he doesn't, Luis and Sheridan will definitely get back together. [Roar in basement] Tabitha: I know. I know! The boys in the basement say if that happens, they're going to bring more pain and suffering than anyone can imagine. They say that Luis' little expose will seem like a hangnail. [SCENE_BREAK] Alistair: I need that information asap. It's the only chance I have of saving myself. Luis: What are you thinking, Alistair? There's no way you can save yourself? Take a look at the monitor. You see that? All your secrets are on parade. You're finished. You and your empire are going down. [SCENE_BREAK] Singer: I would hold the hand of the one who could lead me places, and kiss the lips of the one who could sing so sweet, and I, would fly on the wings of the bird I knew could take me highest. Breathe in, breathe out, you keep me alive, you are the fire burning inside of me. You are my passion for life. [SCENE_BREAK] Gwen: Oh, honey, that means so much to me. Ethan: What's that? Gwen: He called me mommy without any prompting. I think he is finally getting used to the idea that we are his parents now. Ethan: I guess so. Gwen: Sweetheart, you can call for your mommy any time you need me, because I will always, always be here for you. Little Ethan: I'm sleepy. Gwen: Ok. Ethan: All right. Gwen: Ok. Well, you sleep tight, ok? We'll see you in the morning. Ethan: Good night, buddy. Theresa: Hey. You were really good just then.. Little Ethan: I really am sleepy, mommy. Theresa: You are? Ok. Well, then, you go to sleep, ok? Little Ethan: I miss you. Theresa: I miss you, too. But you know what? I'm going to take you home with me very, very soon, because I got a plan, and it starts tonight. You go to sleep. Theresa: All right. So, Gwen's flying off to Boston on a fake interview that I set up for her, and that'll leave Ethan alone tonight. And I'm going to dress up like Gwen and I'm going to drug Ethan and then I'm going to trick him into sleeping with me. And then after I get pregnant, I'm going to trade that baby for my child. Yes, I'm going to get you back, little Ethan, no matter what I have to do. This is good. Shoot! [Theresa knocks over one of little Ethan's toys.] [SCENE_BREAK] Ethan: What was that? [They hear the toy fall.] Gwen: Well, I hope little Ethan didn't hurt himself. Let's go check on him. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: What's happening? Tabitha: Oh, she'll be naked as a jaybird any second now. Oh, get out of there, Kay, quickly! Hurry! Charlie: That's amazing. How did you do that? [One sleeve disappears.] Kay: I have to go. I'll call you about the job later. Charlie: Clever. You're just trying to get me to offer you more money, aren't you? [The other sleeve disappears.] Kay: No. I just want to think about some things. See ya. Charlie: But what's there to think about? Kay: You have no idea. Tabitha: Going -- Kay: Ha. [The lace top skirt disappears.] Tabitha: Going -- Kay: Ha! [The skirt disappears.] Tabitha: Gone! Kay: Oh. My gosh. [The entire dress is gone.] Charity: Ooh, my god. What happened to Kay's dress? Miguel: She's totally naked. [SCENE_BREAK] Tabitha: You should have listened to me, Kay. Should have blown that joint by midnight. Oh, dear. The video's changing. I have a feeling that Kay's butt isn't the only thing that's going to be exposed tonight. [SCENE_BREAK] T.C.: Look at this. The Cranes have been taping everyone in Harmony going about their business. This is a complete invasion of everybody's privacy. I hope there's enough on here to hang them all. [SCENE_BREAK] Whitney: I just know one of these C.D.'s is going to have information on my mom and Julian, and my father's going to be devastated. Chad: We don't know if anything's going on between them, Whitney. Whitney: Oh -- Whitney: No, I can tell what's going on just by looking at her face. She's worried, Chad. [SCENE_BREAK] Liz: Your life is going to be destroyed tonight, Julian, and so is Eve's. Finally, all your secrets are coming out. Julian: I'll pay for my mistakes, I'm resigned to that, but your sister's completely blameless. Liz: Yeah, right. Julian: She's done nothing wrong. [SCENE_BREAK] Ivy: What are we going to do, Eve? Alistair probably has information on those C.D.'s about me blackmailing you into changing the D.N.A. so that Grace thought John was her son. Eve: That is the least of my problems, Ivy. Ivy: Well, it's my biggest problem, Eve. If Sam finds out, I'm going to lose him forever. [SCENE_BREAK] Tabitha: Oh! If only I could relish all this pain and anguish. But without knowing what's going on with Sheridan and Luis, how can I possibly enjoy it all? If they get back together, love will triumph, and the boys in the basement will take their anger out on me. [SCENE_BREAK] Luis: So how does it feel to know you're finished, Alistair? All your secrets are coming out. I'm going to get Sheridan back and prove that you and Dr. Ackland had her brainwashed to make her think that she loved Antonio and not me. Alistair: Well, tonight, Luis, you may gain the woman you love, but you're going to lose one, too. Luis: What are you talking about? [SCENE_BREAK] Tabitha: He's talking about your sainted mother, Luis, who lies dying in a pool of blood. [She watches Pilar through her gazing bowl.] Pilar: Help me. Help me. [SCENE_BREAK] Luis: Answer me, Alistair. What are you talking about? Alistair: Your mother is in failing health, Luis. Luis: My mother? Alistair: She has a life-threatening blood disease, poor thing. Luis: My mother's not sick. This is just another one of your little tricks. Alistair: Haven't you noticed how tired she's been lately? Weak, prone to fainting, not to mention her mysterious absences. Do you know where she was, Luis? I'll tell you. Getting treatment for her illness. Luis: This can't be -- my mother is not sick. Alistair: Oh, it's true, Luis. Your mother is not doing well at all. Oh, hell, I'll be blunt -- your mother's dying. Luis: Dying? Mother? [SCENE_BREAK] Pilar: Help -- somebody help me. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: I can't let Ethan and Gwen find me here. It'll ruin everything. Ethan: Wait, honey, wait. You know what? Let's -- we could wake him up. Let's just not go in. Gwen: Honey, what if he hurt himself? Let's just check. Ethan: I'll look, I'll look. He's sleeping. He's conked out. Gwen: Ok. Good. Well, what was the noise, then? Ethan: Well, you know what? I mean, our bedroom is right up against the back corridor. If the staff drops anything, you can hear it loud as a bell. I'm sure that was it. Gwen: I've actually heard that, too. Well, as long as he's fine, you know, I need to finish getting ready and go to the airport. Ethan: Ok, ok. Theresa: Well, that was close. All right. Now I need to just put on the negligee that I bought. This one looks exactly like the one that I saw Gwen wearing once. I certainly wouldn't be caught dead seducing a man in this, but if it'll trick Ethan into thinking that I'm Gwen, then it'll be worth it. [SCENE_BREAK] Charlie: Miss, I'm shocked. Are you trying to seduce me into hiring you? Kay: No, no, I swear! Miguel: Kay, you're naked. What's going on? Kay: I don't know. I -- I honestly -- don't know. Oh, my gosh. Kay: Oh, no -- daddy. Sam: Kay -- oh, my god, what's going on? [Kay yells] Maitre d': Oh, you're not going anywhere with that, young lady. [She grabs a tablecloth.] [Kay screams] Miguel: Kay, wait! [SCENE_BREAK] Tabitha: Talk about a bat out of hell! She'll be turning up on our doorstep any minute now, Endora. [SCENE_BREAK] Luis: You're lying. There's nothing wrong with my mother. Alistair: Fine, fine, you don't believe me? Ask her doctor, Eve Russell. Luis: Eve? Eve: What is it, Luis? Luis: You know about my mother. Is she ill? Eve: Oh, Luis, I'm not at liberty -- Luis: No, Alistair -- Alistair says that she has some sort of blood disease. Is this true? Eve: Yes, Luis. Your mother is very ill. Luis: Oh, my god. Eve: Alistair, how did you find out? Alistair: That's not important. What's important is finding the woman, giving her the help she needs. Luis: What do you mean, "finding her"? Alistair: Turn off the screens and I'll tell you. Luis: No, you tell me where she is right now, or I swear I'll kill you. Alistair: Well, then both your mother and I will die, Luis. Is that what you want? That's better. Now, turn off the screens. Stop revealing what's on those C.D.'s, or the next time you see your beloved mother, she'll be dead. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: Yeah, yeah, I should be able to pass for Gwen, I think, in the dark, probably. [Door opens] Ethan: You know, I really, really wanted to drive you to the airport, but the champagne is just -- right to my head, you know? Gwen: Oh, sweetheart, that's ok. You know, I called a car service. I'll be fine. Ethan: Ok. Gwen: I am so excited about this job interview, you know? I'm just sorry I'll have to miss out on our romantic evening together. Ethan: No, there'll be others. Gwen: Mmm. But, you -- don't you waste that champagne you won at the dance, ok? Drink a toast to us. Ethan: No, I'm not going to drink it without you. Gwen: Come on, please. It'll assuage my guilt, I promise. Ethan: Fine, I'll polish it off. Gwen: Well, good, then. So now I have to get going. Ethan: Ok. [Ethan follows Gwen out while Theresa slips into his bedroom with the drugs.] Theresa: Ok. Thank you, Gwen, for insisting that Ethan finish off the champagne. It'll make my job a lot easier. Theresa: Ok. This drug should make it easier to fool Ethan, too, right? Yes. Once Ethan drinks his toast to Gwen, and very soon he'll have no idea that he'll be making love to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Luis: Where's my mother? What, did you kidnap her? Alistair: No, I didn't kidnap her, but she needs help. Eve: What's the matter with her? Did she pass out again? Luis: What do you mean, pass out again? Did she passed out before? Eve: Yes. Alistair: As I told you, Luis, Pilar is very, very ill, so turn off the video screens, and I'll turn you where your mother is. Luis: All right, I'll turn off the video screens, but you're not getting the C.D.'s back. Alistair: Fine. Whatever. All I ask is that you turn the video screens off now. [SCENE_BREAK] [The videos turn off.] Woman: Oh, my gosh -- Mrs.. Wallace: Hey! Who pulled the plug on the big show? Beth: Shh. [SCENE_BREAK] Luis: Now you tell me where she is. Alistair: Just outside. but you better hurry. Your mother's in bad shape. Fox: What the hell's going on here? Hank: Something about Pilar. [SCENE_BREAK] Luis: Mama? My god. Eve? How is she? Is she dead? [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: What if he decides that -- that he's not going to sleep in this bed? Or what if he decides that he doesn't want the champagne? Oh, my god, my plan's going to be ruined. Theresa's inner voice: No, Ethan, you have to drink it. [Phone rings] Ethan: Oh -- hello. Gwen: You better be drinking your champagne. Ethan: Hey, who is this? Is this Alistair? What, do you have cameras spying on me or something? Gwen: No. I just wanted to make sure that I'd gotten my toast. Now go get your glass, because I have some champagne here in the car, and I want us to make a toast together to our marriage. Ethan: All right, ok, fine. Let's do it. To my beautiful wife, and to our beautiful future together. I love you. Gwen: I love you, too, so much, sweetheart. Ethan: Clink. Theresa's voice: You will sleep with me tonight, Ethan, and the baby we make will help me get my son back. [SCENE_BREAK] [Kay whimpers] Kay: Leave me alone! Oh, why? Why did the dress have to disappear at midnight and not 2:00 in the morning? [Kay whimpers] Kay: Ok, ok. Oh. [Kay screams] [SCENE_BREAK] Tabitha: Kay will be home soon, my sweet Endora. It seems there are still big goings-on at the seascape. I'm beginning to see what Alistair's plan is, but will he actually be able to stop Luis from exposing the Cranes' secrets to the world? [SCENE_BREAK] T.C.: Why did Luis stop the C.D.? You're not leaving, are you, Julian? Julian: Let go of me. T.C.: I know you're behind my car accident, and if the truth comes up on that screen tonight, I'm going to cripple you. Do you hear me? Julian: You do what you must. [SCENE_BREAK] Liz: That's it, Julian. Go find Eve. Whitney: Chad, come on. Let's follow Julian. I bet you he's going to meet my mother somewhere. Chad: Whitney, come on -- Whitney: No, come on. [SCENE_BREAK] Luis: Eve, is she -- Eve: No, Luis, she's alive, but just barely. We have to get her to the hospital immediately, and we cannot move her until the paramedics come. Luis: Yeah, this is an emergency. We need an ambulance to the seascape now. [Luis called 911.] Whitney: Oh, my god. Eve: Chad, would you get my medical bag? It's in the coat check. Please hurry. Julian: Luis, what happened? Luis: My mother has a blood disorder. I didn't know till just now. She could die. Alistair: Your mother doesn't have to die, Luis. There is a way to save her. [SCENE_BREAK] Ethan: Well, you have a safe trip, ok? Gwen: I'll call you when I get to Boston. Ethan: Yeah, I'm -- I'm sure I'll still be up. Gwen: Or maybe not. Ethan: Guess I'm a little more tired than I realized. Gwen: Well, you know what, sweetheart? If you are asleep when I call back, I'll just leave you a voicemail and tell you how much I miss you. Ethan: I love you, Gwen. Gwen: I love you, too. Good night, sweetheart. Ethan: Good night. Theresa's inner voice: I'll wait until he turns out the lights and gets into bed, until he's more groggy. Then I'll slip into bed with him. Gwen's perfume -- I forgot to put it on. Theresa: Man. Oh, I know it's risky to be out in the open, but I've got to do it. Oh. Ethan: All right, I'm coming. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: Go away! Tabitha: Come on, dear. [Tabitha chuckles] Tabitha: Anything interesting happen at the dance tonight, Kay, dear? Kay: Oh, shut up, Tabitha! This is all your fault, you and that demon baby of yours. Tabitha: Well, you were warned. You were told you had to be home by midnight, but did you listen? No! You have no one to blame but yourself, Kay. [Phone rings] Tabitha: Hello. Yes, yes, she is. Hold on, Chief Bennett. Better make this a good one. Sam: Kay? Kay: Hi, daddy. Sam: Oh, well, thank god you're all right. Kay, what on earth went on here tonight? What happened to your dress? Kay: It was crazy. One of those waiters came by with one of those flaming desserts, and it caught my dress on fire, and I had to tear it off. Sam: Well, are you hurt? Kay: No, no, I'm totally fine, and I'm at Tabitha's now, and we were just talking about how weird it all was. Anyway, tell everyone I'm fine and have fun. Bye. Tabitha: Flaming dessert, eh? Kay: I hope he bought it. What a night. Tabitha: Yeah, well, it's not over yet. Harmony is primed for an explosion of biblical proportions. [SCENE_BREAK] Beth: Where has Luis gone? What is going on? Mrs. Wallace: Maybe he went to get little Martin, do a D.N.A. test, then he will learn that little Martin is really Sheridan's. Won't you be up the creek without a paddle. Beth: What? You really think he's going to do that? Mrs. Wallace: Well, I don't know, but I certainly hope so. Beth: Maybe I should make a break for it, right? Mrs. Wallace: No, no, no, you don't, missy. Beth: No, you're right, you're right. Luis might suspect that I'm afraid that something about me could come out on one of those C.D.'s. Mrs. Wallace: Well, guess what -- something will, that is, if Luis continues to expose Alistair's secrets, and then praise be to all the angels in heaven, my demon seed is going down! [Mrs. Wallace chuckles] [SCENE_BREAK] Luis: How can you save my mother? You're not a doctor. Sam: I heard the ambulance call on the radio. Ivy: Oh, no, it's Pilar. Miguel: Mama? Oh, my god. What happened? Eve: Your mother's ill, Miguel. She has been ill for a while. She has a rare blood disease. Miguel: Blood disease? Why didn't she tell us? Eve: Because she didn't want to be a burden to her children, because she thought you all had enough to deal with already. Miguel: Well, this blood disease, is it fatal? I mean, can you help her? Eve: I wish I could say definitely, Miguel, but I can't. I'm not sure. Luis: Ok, you bastard, now you're going to tell me how you can save her. You tell me, damn it! Alistair: Eve, could you come here, please? Alistair: I assume you've heard of the Valtin Project. Eve: I have, but it's full. There's no way that I could get Pilar into it, so I didn't waste any time. We needed to start immediately. I have to get back to Pilar. Luis: What is the Valtin Project? Alistair: It's a medical think-tank that specializes in this type of illness. They have an experimental drug that can help your mother, Luis, and I can get your mother into that project. Luis: Yeah, for a price, I'm sure, huh? Alistair: Isn't everything for a price, Luis? Luis: Right. You want me to give you the C.D.'s, and in turn you get my mother into the project. Alistair: Use your head, Luis. If you reveal all my secrets, destroy my power, I won't be able to help your mother. It's up to you, Luis. What's more important, your mother's life or ruining mine? [SCENE_BREAK] [Phone rings] Ethan: Gosh. Hello? Gwen: You weren't asleep yet, I hope. Ethan: Whoo, it's been a long time. Gwen: Oh, honey, I'm sorry I keep bothering you. Ethan: You're not bothering me. What's wrong? You sound odd. Gwen: I just had a very horrible feeling. I just got chills up my spine. Ethan: Honey, you know what it is? You miss me already, that's what it is. Gwen: Well, I do, but it's more than that, sweetheart. I feel like Theresa is close to you. I feel like she is about to make another one of her crazy moves on you. Ethan: And you don't think that's the least bit paranoid? Gwen: I know. Honey, come to Boston with me. Ethan: Honey, no, no, no. Look, listen to me -- Theresa is nowhere -- she's nowhere around here, ok? And I've told you a gazillion times already, at the risk of repeating myself, I love you, I love you very much, and there's nothing Theresa could do to make me betray you again, ok? I really love you. Gwen: I know you do, I know you do, and I'm so sorry to be so pathetic and needy, honey, but I still want you to come with me to Boston. Ethan: Well, I'm sorry, honey -- and little Ethan, too. You know, I don't want to leave him alone so soon after the adoption, and he needs assurance. He needs one of us to be here, you know? Gwen: You could bring him, too. Ethan: Honey, it's late. He's asleep. Gwen: You're right. I know. It's not the best idea. Ethan: But it's a very sweet one, very sweet. Gwen: Just a little worried, that's all, you know? Ethan: All right, tell you what, tell you what -- I will -- I'll have the door locked. I'll have it dead bolted. No matter who it is, they're not coming in. I'll even get a body guard just for the night, just in case. How about that? Gwen: Don't tease me. Ethan: Look, baby, nobody is here. Theresa's not here. You have nothing to worry about. You call me when you get to Boston, ok? Gwen: I will. I love you very much, Ethan. Ethan: I love you, too, with all my heart. Ethan: Hmm. Ooh, god. Why am I this tired? I know I didn't have that much to drink. Maybe I did. Ethan: Look who's back. Gwen, what are you doing back? [SCENE_BREAK] T.C.: Why would Luis shut down everything, just when it was all coming out, every rotten thing that Alistair and Julian have done? Liz: Well, I am sure that Luis will get the computer started again very soon. T.C.: When, Liz? Next year? I know that Julian is responsible for my car accident, and it's time that everybody here knew it. And it's time that bastard pays for it. Liz: Oh, T.C., You have no idea what else Julian has done, and when it all comes out, your life, mine, and Eve's will never be the same. Finally, Eve will be destroyed. [SCENE_BREAK] Beth: Whatever Alistair's up to, I just pray that it'll stop Luis. Mrs. Wallace: And I pray that he doesn't, and the angels listen to me, missy, not a wicked one girl like you. And you know what, Bethie? My little snookums? Pretty soon, you're going to be walking off into a jail cell while Sheridan and Luis -- they walk off into the sunset together. Hallelujah. [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: All right, come on, let's go. Let's get on that plane right now and go to St. Lisa's. Let's just start our life, our new life together, ok? Sheridan: Antonio, no, not yet. I have to see how this plays out between Luis and my father. I just have a feeling that this could change my whole entire life forever. [SCENE_BREAK] Miguel: Mama? Alistair: Make a decision, Luis. It's either your love for your mother or your hatred for me. Which one wins out? Luis: You rotten son of a -- Alistair: I guess it's a tough decision for you, Luis. I didn't expect that. Luis: Just shut up! Alistair: Fine, fine, fine. I'll just assume you'll let your mother die. Hank: Luis, what are you doing? Luis: How about this? Huh? How about this? You get my mother that experimental drug or I just kill you right here, right now. [NEXT_ON] Gwen: Ethan is in for such a surprise. Miguel: Mama, you can't leave us. We love you so much. I love you so much. Alistair: What's it going to be, Luis? Do I get my C.D.'s back, or does your mother die? | Kay's dress disappears at the stroke of midnight |
464 | Emily: Here we are -- Spoon Island. Some people call it Wyndemere, but technically, that's just the name of the house. Nikolas: Why did you bring me here? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Oh, that's a good year. I could definitely use a glass of this champagne. Jax: Yeah, well, I brought that for Courtney. Carly: Ooh. Well, you're a little too late because Courtney went off to meet Jason. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: Carly stole Jason's passport. Hey, look, I know he has more, but I just wanted to drop it off. Max: I'll have Jason give you a call when he gets in. Courtney: No, don't bother. It's ok. You know, he's probably busy with Sam. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Sam? Sam: I'm sorry. Jason: What happened? Sam: The baby's gone. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: I wanted to take you somewhere that's important to me, and since you don't want to be seen, my family's house is pretty much out of the question, so this is the next best thing. Nikolas: Come on, you never lived here. Emily: What makes you so sure? Nikolas: Well, I mean, this place is everything that you're not. It's dark, forbidding. It's more than just a little pretentious. I mean, come on. Emily: Excuse me? Nikolas: Gargoyles? Turrets? This place acts like it wants to be Notre Dame Cathedral. I mean -- Emily: Well, what can I say? I was in love. It more than compensated for a few design flaws. Nikolas: A few? Emily: Don't be so quick to make up your mind. Wait until I've taken you inside the house. Nikolas: Ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Skye: Lucky, thank you for coming. Lucky: I'm not sure why I did come. Skye: Well, you're Luke's son. That means you're inherently fair. Lucky: You want to know the first thing my dad taught me? It's never to trust outsiders. Skye: Is that what you think I am, Lucky, hmm? Some outsider trying to ruin your family? Well, what if you're wrong? What if there's someone out there trying to hurt Luke and Laura and they're framing me to do it? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Care to join me? Jax: No, thank you. I think I'll wait for Courtney. Carly: Well, you're going to be waiting quite a long time. Jax: I see. So after a long, painful breakup, followed by the revelation that Jason fathered a child with another woman, Courtney's going back to him because they spent a night in jail together? Carly: No, Courtney is going back to him because she loves Jason. Jax: No, Carly, you love him, which is something that I've never really understood. See, Sonny is extremely possessive, but it doesn't seem to bother him that you're fixated on his best friend. Perhaps the two really don't mind sharing. They obviously did it with Sam. Carly: You're a pig. Jax: Why? Because I won't sentimentalize the dysfunctional mess you and Sonny call a marriage? You think I'm going to stand back and watch you drag Courtney into a similar arrangement with Jason? Carly: Jason and Courtney love each other, and I want them to be happy. Jax: You're using Courtney. Carly: Me? Jax: You expect to come first in Jason's life. Courtney's just a convenience so that Jason isn't alone. But he's always on call for you, isn't he? Carly: Well, I guess I'm just a heartless witch then, aren't I? Jax: Your words, not mine. Carly: Or maybe you're projecting your motives on to me. Jax: I don't want Jason at my beck and call. Carly: No, but you certainly want what he loves and you want to rub his face in it. You don't care about Courtney. Jax: Well, that's where you're wrong. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: Carly doesn't want you here. Faith: Well, she's not here to throw me out. I suppose you could do the honors, but haven't you sworn off taking sides? Courtney: Ok, Faith, I want you out of my friend's club. Faith: Huh. Well, everyone wants something. We don't always get what we want and we can't always keep it when we do. Look at you and Jason. He wasn't anything like you thought, was he? Courtney: You know nothing about Jason. Faith: Huh. I know he's a killer, sweetheart. I know deep down, you thought your love would change him and it didn't, and now he's gone. So you'll move on to Jax and pretend that he makes you happy, but underneath, you will always want the one thing that frightened you away, the one who is capable of anything, the one who's dangerous. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Shouldn't you be lying down or in a hospital? I can take you if -- Sam: Jason, I wasn't that far along, ok? I think everything is going to be ok. Jason: I mean, can you walk to the car? Sam: Why? Jason: Because I got to take you someplace you can rest. Sam: Jason, I miscarried because I left. I wouldn't do what you and Sonny asked; I had to go off on my own. And now the baby is gone. Why aren't you mad at me? Jason: Because I told -- because I told this lie. And I made you and Sonny go along with it. You lost your baby because of me. [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: If I wanted payback with Sonny, why would I go after Courtney? I should be trying to seduce you. Carly: Not in this lifetime. Jax: What, you don't find me attractive? Carly: No, not even the littlest bit. Jax: But revenge turns you on? Sonny hurt you. Think about how much it would hurt him if you took me to bed. You wouldn't even have to tell him. You'd just know. And every time he bullied you, every time he looked at another woman, you could just think of me and smile. Carly: And it wouldn't bother you at all to sleep with Courtney's best friend? Jax: Oh. Maybe you think you'd be helping her by demonstrating that I am shallow and faithless. Hmm? Courtney: What are you doing? [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: You have been wonderful from the start. I mean, from the start -- Jason: What are you talking about, Sam? I switched the D.N.A. tests! I took away Sonny's claim to his own child. I promised that I would take care of you, and I just let you walk out? Sam: Jason, leaving was my decision. You let me make it. Jason: Can you walk? Sam: You don't have to take me everywhere. Jason: Yes, I do. Sam: You don't even like me! Jason: You don't know how I feel about anything right now! [Jason sighs] Jason: Sam, I was -- I was going to marry you. Sam: Yeah, Jason, for the baby. Jason: Yeah, for the baby. Then I saw how scared you were about this pregnancy; how hard you tried to do the right thing. You didn't ask me for any money. You didn't use this baby for leverage. You kept trying to be a good mother, even when you weren't sure what that meant. Sam, I am so sorry for even putting you in a position that could never work. Sam: Jason, I can't sit here and listen to you blame yourself when I know there is no reason, so stop. Please, for me. That is all you can do for me right now is just stop. Jason: Just stop! Let's go. Sam: Where? Jason: I'm taking you to the airfield. We're going to go to one of the casinos. You can rest there till you figure out what you're going to do next. Let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: Where's the furniture? Emily: There was a fire. Fortunately, it didn't spread to the rest of the house. Nikolas: I don't know about that. A fire might improve this place; cheer it up a little. Emily: You really hate it that much? Nikolas: Oh, it's just -- you know, it's just a little oppressive, I think. Emily: Yeah. Nikolas: But this room doesn't bother me so much for some reason. Emily: Yeah, it was one of Nikolas' favorites. Nikolas: Oh, he actually wanted to live here? Emily: Yeah. He inherited the house. Nikolas' Uncle Stefan bought it when they first moved here from Greece. I think he convinced himself Nikolas would be safer on an island -- one more barrier to stop anyone who could threaten the prince. Nikolas: Come on, no one actually referred to him as "the prince," did they? Emily: He was, though -- Nikolas Mikhail Stavrossovich Cassadine. Nikolas: They were Russian? Emily: Yeah, that's right. Nikolas: Got out before the revolution? Emily: How did you know? Nikolas: Logical guess, I suppose. Emily: Yeah. Nikolas: I mean, you said he was an aristocrat. Obviously had money at one point. And there were Russian nobility who managed to rebuild their fortunes that -- that, that, that, that -- Emily: What? Nikolas: No, it's gone. It's gone. Emily: What is? Nikolas: Oh, it's -- it's not -- it's not really a memory. Emily: Uh-huh? Nikolas: It's like knowledge that I shouldn't have. You know, like when I was speaking Spanish, or, you know, the time that Mary and I had caviar. I started rhapsodizing about the Baltic Sea as if I had been there. Emily: Yeah. Nikolas: Don't you understand how frustrating this is? Emily: Yeah. Nikolas: It's just I keep going around in a circle, just scrounging for clues about my life. Emily: Well, you know, maybe you're trying too hard. Nikolas: Yeah. Emily: You know, just give the therapy a chance to work. Nikolas: I don't really have a choice. Well, it must have been freezing here in the winter. Emily: Yeah. Let's just say the fireplaces are more than ornamental. Nikolas: Yeah. Alexis: Nikolas? Nikolas: What did you just call me? Emily: Alexis, I'm sorry. I should have called to let you know I was bringing a friend by. This is Connor Bishop. Connor, this is Nikolas' aunt, Alexis Davis. Nikolas: Hello. I apologize for showing up like this. I was at a bit of loose ends this evening, and Emily thought I might enjoy a tour. Alexis: By all means, make yourself at home. Nikolas: May I ask why you called me Nikolas? Alexis: Uh, trick of the eye. I walked in, you were standing by the fireplace, and my nephew used to stand by the fireplace like that and I just said his name without thinking. Emily: Connor, could I ask you a huge favor? Nikolas: Of course. Emily: Yeah, I just realized that I don't have my cell phone, and I'm not sure if I left it in the car or on the docks. Is there any way you could find your way back down there to check on it for me? Nikolas: Sure, no problem. It was nice to have met you. Alexis: At least we know that his good manners are still intact. Emily: Alexis, I'm sorry. I had no idea that you came out here anymore. Alexis: I had to come here working on Skye's case and I needed to check -- never mind. Are you certain this is the way that you want to handle Nikolas? [SCENE_BREAK] Skye: It's true, I care about Luke as a friend and more, but Lucky, I'm not trying to replace Laura. Lucky: Then why'd you go to the institute? Skye: To see if it was safe for me to risk my heart. Lucky: So you went two more times? Skye: To monitor her; yes, to see if there had been any change. And I'm telling you, there wasn't. She -- she could've been like a statue. She didn't even hear me. Lucky: Does that make you feel better? Skye: No, Lucky, it made me unspeakably sad for the both of them. But it did show me that there was room in his life for me because I respected that bond with Laura. Now, we can have something, but it'll be totally different from what they shared together. I really thought that we had a chance for something and I worked up the courage to tell him. Lucky: And that's when he took off running. Skye: Yeah, he did, but he came back. Lucky, don't you see? I am not threatened by Luke's past with Laura. I -- I have no motive to do this. Now, if you really care and want to protect your family, you will reopen this investigation and find out who did. I mean, think about it. What if the person who took Laura is holding Luke? Lucky: Helena? Skye: I -- no, not Helena. When we found her that night, Luke and I, she had no idea what was going on. Lucky: No, Helena is a good liar. Skye: Oh, really? Well, then check her out. Or check out Luke's other enemies. According to him, he's got plenty. I'm telling you; find out where he went after he dropped me at the gas station that night. Don't just blindly accept that he's with Laura. And if he really did write that letter, I'm telling you -- Lucky: Skye, he wrote the letter! The analysts proved it, ok? Skye: Well, then he's in trouble, Lucky, I'm telling you, because there's no way Luke would write that letter. I -- oh, my God, it's her. Lucky: Skye, Skye, you just stay here. I'll be right back. [SCENE_BREAK] Justus: Mr. Alcazar, what brings you here? Lorenzo: I'm meeting someone for a drink. Justus: Well, maybe you should meet them somewhere else. Lorenzo: I thought it was Carly's policy to encourage patrons. Justus: You know, you and Sonny are balancing a tightrope. If one falls, it's likely the other one will, too. Peace is to everyone's benefit. Why don't you encourage the process by not getting in his face? Lorenzo: I'm here to have a drink. If Sonny sees that as a sign of disrespect, I guess that proves he's a lunatic. Jen: So will you be billing Mr. Corinthos for that conversation? Justus: You think I should? Jen: Listen, a friendly word of advice -- don't go taking on your clients' grudges, ok, especially when they're gangsters. It's a good way to end up dead. Faith: Thank you for joining me. Lorenzo: Keep it brief, Faith. Faith: Well, I realize this meeting is mostly an excuse for you to show up at Carly's club, but while you're here, I'd like to point out the amazing opportunity -- Lorenzo: The answer is no. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Jax came over with a bottle of champagne to seduce you. You weren't here, so he moved on to me. Jax: Well, Carly accused me of using you. I accused her of the same, and that deteriorated into a game of chicken. If you hadn't walked in, we probably would've goaded each other into a kiss, but -- Carly: What? Jax: I wouldn't have let it go any further than that. Carly: A ki-- Courtney: Thanks. I'm reassured, really. Can you please just go? Carly: Yeah. Bye, Jax. Courtney: Both of you. Carly: Courtney, I need to explain something to you. Courtney: No, Carly, can you just explain it tomorrow, ok? I'm really tired. Jax: I'll call you, all right? Carly: Don't bother. Ok, Courtney, listen, it's true Jax and I were bluffing each other, but there's no way I would've kissed him ever. Courtney: Carly, I meant it, ok? I don't need an explanation. What I need is some time by myself. Carly: What happened with Jason? Courtney: Nothing. I dropped his passport off with Max. Carly: You went all the way over there and you didn't even see him? What -- Courtney: Carly, he wasn't there, ok? He went after Sam. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: We can rest here until the rain stops. Sam: You didn't have to break into this place. Jason: Yeah. Ok, come here. It's better if you lie down. Sam: Jason, the doctor said I would be ok. Jason: Look, I've been shot a couple of times. I mean, it doesn't compare to what you're going through, obviously, but you think you're all right till the shock wears off and everything hits you at once -- you know, the pain, the weakness. I was so tired that I could barely move. I just -- you know, I just don't want you to be alone if that happens to you. Sam: You know, it's crazy -- I keep wishing that you would yell at me or something and -- Jason: Here. Guess that makes sense. Sam: Why? Jason: Why? So you could yell back. You know, sometimes anger is all we've got to carry us through. Sam: I've been angry for years it seems -- at my mother for leaving me, at Cody for letting her, everybody else who made better choices than I did. For me, anger is like armor. You take it off and you're defenseless. That's what happened when I met Sonny. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: I am sorry to have put you through that. I know it must have hurt to hear that Jason went after Sam. Courtney: Then can you please just let it go? Jason and I are divorced, and when you try to push us together, it just hurts both of us. Carly: Ok. Ok, well, let's just say, for the sake of argument, that you and Jason are over. What are you doing with Jax? Courtney: Carly, I'm acquiring $10 million for my foundation. Carly: So you don't care about him? Courtney: As a friend, maybe, but -- look, Carly, there is no chance that I'm going to fall in love with Jax, so you have nothing to worry about. Carly: But what if you're more vulnerable than you think? Courtney: Well, then I'll make a mistake and I'll learn from it. But there is no way I am ever going back because I can't keep breaking my heart over and over the same way. [SCENE_BREAK] Lorenzo: Sonny has dropped out of sight. He's probably out of town, searching for his mistress. Jason may or may not be searching, too, but he's definitely out of town. Faith: Which leaves their territory wide open. Lorenzo: And let me guess -- I make the first move, they retaliate. One of us dies, one of us goes to prison, and you're the last one standing. Faith: You know, actually, I'd prefer a nice, comfortable alliance with someone who doesn't hate the air I breathe. Lorenzo: Well, then you came to the wrong place. Faith: Oh, come on, Lorenzo. You and I have managed to cooperate on more than one occasion. I am sure we could do it again if Sonny was out of the way. This is your golden opportunity to make it happen. Lorenzo: You're the one planning this move against Sonny. Am I supposed to be the diversion, or are you setting me up to take the blame if something goes wrong? Hmm? Either way, I'm not interested. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: And now you're stealing from the fridge. Jason: There's no lock. I left 100 bucks back here to pay for whatever we take. Sam: Well, what passes for law enforcement in this town is probably dealing with that flood, anyway. Jason: Why'd you pick this town? Sam: I was headed for the Gulf. I figured Sonny would probably follow me. Jason: He did follow you. Sam: He didn't tell Carly the truth, did he? Jason: She -- she knows that that Sonny came after you. She doesn't know that he's the father of your baby. Sam: Good, good, then you can go back to Port Charles and tell him that I miscarried. Jason, this can all be over with. Jason: Then he's going to want to see you, Sam. Sam: I don't want to see him! Tell him that for me, Jason. Ask him to stay away. Sonny makes me feel, and I can't handle that. He is better off with Carly, and you know that. You know that! Jason: It's not up to me to decide what's best for Sonny anymore! I tried and it didn't work! Sam: You wanted to give Michael his family. In the beginning, I thought you were crazy how far you were willing to go to give that kid what he needed, but, Jason, it is beautiful. Every child deserves somebody like you in their life; a person who's willing to put them first no matter what. Jason: No, no, Sam, I owe you for going along with this. You lied when I asked you to. You let everyone think that you were unfaithful. Sam: Jason, I don't mind lying for the right reasons, and this was the right reason. It still is. Sonny and Carly can be together; Michael can have his family. You can all have your lives back the way they were before. Jason: I asked Sonny to deny his own child, and now it's gone. He will never forgive me, Sam. And he shouldn't. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: The memory therapy is helping, Alexis. Nikolas described being on the roof of the Port Charles Hotel, watching the rescue helicopters take off. Alexis: Then why don't you just tell him the rest? Tell him that this Mary Bishop took advantage of his injuries and effectively kidnapped him. Emily: It does no good to tell Nikolas who he is. He needs to remember. Alexis: All right, I'm going to trust your judgment. I know that Nikolas would want me to do whatever you decide. [Door opens] Nikolas: Your cell must be in the car after all. Emily: Yeah. Thanks for checking. Alexis: I hope that you'll excuse me. I have a dinner engagement. I'm really glad that Emily brought you here. I want you to feel free to come back anytime. Nikolas: Thank you. She's very gracious. Emily: Yeah. She likes you. Nikolas: Is that why you found an excuse to get me out of the room -- so you could ask Nikolas' aunt what she thinks about me? [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Skye: Did you see her? Lucky: Whomever it was took off before I got a good look. Skye: Well, can't you call out an A.P.B. or conduct some kind of search or something? Lucky: Yeah, maybe I can call in the forensics team. Did you tell whoever it was to drop off a few more strands of my mother's hair? Skye: What, do you think that I set this whole thing up? Lucky: I think your timing's way too convenient. Skye: Lucky, I am being stalked by a woman with a knife. Lucky: Skye, why should she bother you? You're about to go to prison. Skye: Did you just hear anything I said to you? Lucky: I heard every word you said, and you're very convincing. I just happen to hope the jury doesn't buy it. Skye: Lucky, what -- [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: Well, what's this, Attorneys' Night at The Cellar? Justus: I don't know about you, Counselor, but Ms. McNeill and I here are on a date. Ric: Oh, I see. Yeah, one more connection between the Corinthos-Morgan faction and Courtney's foundation. Justus: Ric, you want to file a case and come after Sonny, file a case. I look forward to beating you. But don't come at him through a children's foundation. Ric: Was never my intention. Be mindful of the company you keep, Ms. McNeill. Jen: Well, I'm impressed. Justus: What? With his single-minded pursuit of his own grudge? Jen: No, with how fired up you get when you actually care about something. You better watch out, Justus. I might start thinking there's more to you than that next billable hour. Ric: Well. Alexis: Oh, God. Ric: Well, hello to you, too. Alexis: Do I need to get a restraining order to stop you from stalking me? Ric: Wait, what, what now? What, are you implying that I somehow miraculously divined that you were going to be here at The Cellar and then I showed up to lie in wait? Alexis, that's paranoia, a sign of an unbalanced mind. Alexis: Is that your idea of ironic humor? You have been pursuing me relentlessly. Ric: I have not been pursuing you. I took you out for dinner once. You got drunk and you kissed me. Alexis: That's obviously because I thought you were someone else. Ric: And now you're embarrassed, so you're overcompensating by imagining -- Alexis: If anyone's is embarrassed, it should be you because you are as transparent as glass -- Ric: I see. Alexis: Trying to compete with your brother. Ric: If I wanted to compete with my brother, Ms. Davis, I would be pursuing Sam or Carly. I wouldn't waste my time on his ex-attorney, who spent, what, a total of one night with him? Alexis: You are so crude. Ric: And you are neurotic. You know what, I thought that I liked something about you, but obviously I was wrong. Unless you're drunk, you're pretty much unbearable. Alexis: Drunk or sober, you are utterly repugnant. Ric: "Repugnant." Now, that is a word that suits you to a T. Alexis: Go away. Carly: Hey. Get out of my club. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Sonny has no right to blame you. Jason: Of course he does, Sam. Sam: You were trying to help all of us, Jason. I happen to believe he'll forgive you. But even if I'm wrong, Courtney will and you'll be free to go back to her. Jason: No. Sam: But you love her. Jason: It doesn't matter. Sam: It should, Jason. Jason: What are you good at? Sam: What do you mean? Jason: I mean, what are you, you know, good at? Everyone's good at something -- shooting pool, music, painting. What? Sam: I don't know. I guess I'm good at landing on my feet. Why? I mean, what are you good at? Jason: I thought I was good at fixing things. I thought I was good at being a father. This was not my family to have, Sam, it's Sonny's. I didn't mean to take it from him, but I did. And now it's gone. You know what? I'll do whatever you want, ok? I'll go to Sonny, I will tell him that you had a miscarriage, and I will ask him to let you go. You know, maybe he'll realize the only way to honor his child that was never born is to stay with the ones he has. Sam: For someone I didn't like, you really did turn out to be a good friend. I wish I just could've been a better friend to you, that's all. It stopped raining. Jason: Yeah, it'll take the river time to go down -- ahem -- it's going to be a little while. Why don't you get some rest, ok? Sam: I just figured it out. Jason: What? Sam: Why I sleep so much better at your apartment. Because you make me feel safe. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: And I thought I was being so smooth. Nikolas: Well, if you were the kind of person that were always on their cell, I wouldn't have suspected anything. Emily: Well, a lot of people would have stayed to eavesdrop. Nikolas: How do you know I didn't? Emily: Just doesn't seem like something you'd do. Nikolas: Oh, well, I'm glad you think that. However, I have no idea what I'm capable of. I suppose the only way to find out is to wait for the therapy to work. Emily: Well, sometimes you make the best progress when you don't push yourself. Nikolas: How would you know that? Emily: Well, when I was a teenager, Nikolas suffered a stroke that affected his speech, and he was miserable. He cut himself off from everyone except for his uncle and me. Nikolas: Because he loved you. Emily: Because I was harmless. I was skinny and awkward and much too young. And Nikolas didn't feel pressured with me, and because he could relax, the words came much easier. Not that he immediately started spouting Shakespeare or anything, but at least he wasn't mute. Nikolas: He trusted you. Emily: Yes. He did. Nikolas: But then he realized it was more than just trust. He wanted you. And it scared him at first -- the little girl who suddenly became a woman and a friend. What he wanted was a lover. Or maybe it was the most natural transition in the world. You were no longer harmless. You were essential. Emily: How could you know that? Nikolas: I just do. [SCENE_BREAK] Faith: I haven't seen Sonny around in a while. What, is he taking a little getaway with Sam? Ric: You might want to get your client under control. Alexis: Faith paid her bill. I'm no longer responsible for her, and Carly is certainly responsible for herself. Carly: Get the bouncer. Faith: Oh, try it and I'll sue. My lawyer happens to be sitting right over there. Now, I realize she used to be your lawyer, too, but I don't think you parted on the best of terms. After all, Sonny dumped Alexis for you, and then he dumped you for Sam, and now he's back with you, but how long can you seriously expect that to last? Carly: Leave. Faith: Time is running out, Mrs. Corinthos. Big Daddy's money and power won't be at your disposal very much longer. Carly: What are you talking about, Faith? What have you done to Sonny? Faith: It's what I'm going to do to you, princess. Carly: I said leave. Faith: And I said back off. I am tired of deferring to the almighty Mrs. Corinthos. It is time somebody treated you like the trash you are. Ric: All right, ladies -- Carly: Oh, and I'd like to see you try. Ric: You'd better call 911. She's not breathing. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Jax: Hey. Well, we both have a weakness for ice cream, so it's a good thing it's a perfect cure for jet lag. Courtney: Thanks. That's -- that's very thoughtful of you. Jax: But you still want me to leave? Courtney: I just -- look, Jax, I need some time to just decompress. Jax: As long as you know that I'm not out to hurt you. I have my flaws, but emotional abuse isn't one of them. Courtney: Yeah, I believe you. Jax: All right. Well, enjoy your ice cream. Courtney: Jax, wait. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Something's wrong. Jason, something's wrong with the baby! Jason: No, no, you were just having a bad dream, Sam. Sam: No, I'm not dreaming! It's like I'm having contractions or something. Jason: Sam, there is no baby. Sam: Jason, I lied! I lied, Jason! Jason: What? Sam: I lied! I lied about the miscarriage so you and Sonny would leave me alone! Now I think it's happening! Please, Jason, please, you have to get -- you have to get me to a doctor, please. We have to save this baby. Jason, please. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: I can see the girl you were. You were beautiful. Emily: Not a chance. Nikolas: Well, you didn't know it yet, but he did. Emily: Well, Nikolas wasn't waiting for me to grow up. He had other girlfriends. He almost married one. Nikolas: Well, why didn't he? Emily: Things didn't work out. Nikolas: You mean she wasn't you. Were you surprised when he first kissed you? Emily: I thought I'd told you I kissed him. To be more accurate, I -- Nikolas: No, no, no, no. The first real kiss. Were you surprised? Emily: It was like being hit by lightning. Nikolas: Were you standing close? Emily: Yeah. Nikolas: Yeah? Did he touch your face? Emily: I think so. Nikolas: Did you realize he was going to kiss you? Emily: Not until it happened. [NEXT_ON] Courtney: I think that we should call off this bet. Jax: Are you afraid that you won't win? Ric: I'm going to have to take you down to the PCPD for questioning. Carly: For defending myself? Emily: Are you sorry you kissed me? Jason: This woman's pregnant. She's having cramps. Sister Mary: How is he? Nun: I think it's time to call a priest. | Alexis walks in and sees him |
465 | Erica: Ok, Carmen, listen to me. You should be thinking of this as a kind of adventure. A kind of a -- a cleansing time-out. Carmen: Huh? Erica: You should be visualizing new personal growth for yourself. Visualize new goals. Carmen: My goal is to stab Mando Ortiz straight through the heart. Why are you heading to federal prison with me, instead of jumping on a first-class flight to Rio right now? Erica: Because if I disappeared, I could never come back. Carmen: So? Why don't you just reappear somewhere else? Somewhere the Feds can't catch you. Fiji, Bora Bora -- like that. Erica: Because when this is over, I want my life back. Carmen: Oh. You can start your show anywhere. Erica: Oh, honey, hi. Kendall: Oh, God, I thought I could handle this, but I can't. I can't. Mom, this -- this is not happening. I can't handle this right now. Carmen: Kendall Hart? In person? Kendall: Excuse me? Erica: Oh, honey, this is -- this is my -- Carmen: Cellmate, and compadre. And don't -- I am Carmen Morales. And don't you worry about Mama. Sugar's got her back. Kendall: "Sugar"? Erica: Is Carmen's nickname. Zach: Huh. How are you doing? Erica: Well, you know how I'm doing. I'm going to be perfectly fine. Kendall: Yeah, it's an adventure, right? Carmen: That's what she told me. Loved your book, by the way. Hot, hot, hot. But you really didn't know how to end it, did you? Kendall: Mom, I don't know what I'm going to do without you. Erica: You're going to do what you always do. You're going to be the successful, strong woman that you are. Zach: I keep telling her the same thing. Erica: And that's good, and she should listen to you. Kendall's lucky to have you. Zach: Did you just say that? Erica: I did. I can't believe that I did, but I -- I did. And I'm sure that Kendall thinks that, too. I know she does. I mean, especially now that her plate is so full. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: What can you do for Erica at the prison? Decorate her cell? Jack: Greenlee, I appreciate the ride to the airport, but could we not do this? Greenlee: Ok. Ok, you're right. I mean, who am I to talk? I've been exactly where you are now. Jack: Which is? Greenlee: Can't hang on to somebody you love, can't let go of them, either. Jack: And for you, that would be Ryan. Greenlee: My former obsession. Jack: "Former"? "Former" being the operative word here, right? [SCENE_BREAK] Angie: Still no answer. Where is Jesse? Where -- where is Tad? Why haven't we heard anything? Krystal: It hasn't been that long. Angie: Something is wrong, Krystal, I can feel it. Krystal: That is just your fear talking. Don't let that take control. Angie: What if Frankie got his father back only to lose him again? Krystal: Frankie and Jesse have a lot of years ahead of them. The Hubbards are a family again. Angie: We were -- Krystal: All right -- Angie: For a minute. Krystal: Hush. Just hush. Everything's going to be fine. Tad and Jesse are in this as a team, and together, they can't be beat. Angie: Tad and Jesse, our heroes -- who think they can take on anything. [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: You shoot me, you come up empty after all these years. A failure! A waste! Robert: [Distorted voice] Don't push it. Jesse: Go ahead. Do it. Pull the trigger. I win. Frankie: Now. Adam: Colby? Colby: Daddy! Tad: No, they couldn't. Colby -- Adam: No. Colby, no! Colby? Colby? No. Colby. Jesse: Frankie, thank God. Adam: No, no. Frankie: Hey, back up, back up. You need to give her some air. Adam: Don't -- don't tell me what to do. It's your fault, all of you -- Tad: Adam, he's a doctor! Let him look at her. Jesse: Everybody, just keep down, ok? Robert: Everyone all right here? Jesse: What the hell -- Tad: What are you doing here? [Colby groans] Colby: Ow. Tad: Colby? Adam: Colby -- Colby, are you all right? Colby: Oh, I just -- I fell and hit my head. Adam: Oh -- Tad: I asked you a question. Frankie: You weren't shot? Colby: No. Adam: But what happened? Robert: I think you'll find the answer right over there. Jesse: I don't understand. Robert: I wasn't sure we'd get here in time. Tad: "We"? Robert: You and Chandler -- I followed you. Adam: Who is this man? What are you talking about? Tad: My Uncle Robert. He's Ray Gardner's brother. Adam: Ray -- Ray Gardner? Your father? Jesse: Why were you following them? Robert: It's my job. Jesse: FBI? Robert: The man who was looking for you is right over there, Jesse. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: Ryan and I have been over for eons. I've got Aidan now. My -- my -- my life is perfect, I'm happy. Jack: Hmm. Greenlee: Besides, Ryan is married to one woman and deeply in love with another. I'm not even in the running -- which, I have to admit, I find odd. Jack: Not so odd that you would ruin your perfect life by trying to do anything about that, though, right? Greenlee: You know what? I don't care. Jack: Yeah. I think maybe you've run the Ryan relay once too often. Greenlee: What is all this Ryan talk? Jack: You were the one that brought him up. Greenlee: Only to commiserate about Erica. Jack: And that in itself is extremely alarming. Greenlee: "Alarming"? I'm trying to be supportive. Jack: Right -- Erica and I have a lifelong attachment, ok? But if you start looking at Ryan with "forever" in mind, I think you're opening yourself up for a lot of fresh hurt. Greenlee: We're just friends, ok? My comparison was off. You and Erica have a soul mate thing going on. I mean, I thought Ryan and I -- but we don't, so who cares? Not this former addict. Not in a serious way. Jack: Ok. Now, if that's the truth, it's very reassuring. Greenlee: So, what -- what is it that you're doing at the prison? You're going to bribe the warden to name Erica goddess of cellblock A or something? Jack: No, no, Greenlee, I'm going to have a discussion with the warden and try to explain who Erica really is. Greenlee: And who is she, really, Dad? The real Erica, according to you? Jack: Well, there's a thousand ways I could answer that question, but I think the answer that's in play right now is she's a part of me. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: What I mean is, Kendall -- Kendall could just overextend herself. She could make herself sick. I mean, you remember her bout with the supposed stomach flu. I mean, that really could've been serious. Kendall: But, Mom, I'm fine now. I'm -- I was very lucky. I -- I know I should've taken better care of myself. I'm sorry. Erica: No, don't be sorry, be smart. Zach: Why do I feel like you guys are talking in code? Kendall: It's -- it's just a mother/daughter thing. Kind of like shorthand. Carmen: Sounds like code to me, too. Zach: See? Erica: Well, I do just have a few minutes. I would very much appreciate a few minutes with my daughter alone -- is that ok? Zach: No, whatever you need. Erica: Thank you. Zach: Come on, Sugar. Give them some time. What's your name again? Carmen: Carmen Morales, big guy. You wouldn't make your girl drive your getaway car, would you? Kendall: Ok, you're obviously trying to tell me something, Mother. I get it now. Erica: Do you? Because I really hope you do. I meant what I said. You have a very full plate. You are overextended. You are married to a great guy, and you don't need two extra men. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: Does Erica have any idea how lucky she is? Jack: Hmm. Greenlee: You are so devoted to her. You always will be, wherever she goes, whatever she does. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: I do not have two extra men. Erica: Kendall, you thought that the stomach flu could've been morning sickness and that Aidan was the father. Kendall: Mother, but I'm not pregnant, ok? So can we please just forget about that one-time mistake? Erica: Can we? I hope so. Can we now, now that Zach has hired Aidan to trail you around? Kendall: There is nothing going on between Aidan and me. Erica: Except for one tiny spark. Don't deny it. Just don't give in to it. Kendall: I don't intend to. Erica: Well, good. Does that mean there is one? Kendall: No, no, of course not. Erica: Listen to me, Kendall. I want you to do this mental exercise. Whenever you see Aidan, I want you to ignore everything sexy about him. Just visualize something bland. A potted palm. [Kendall chuckles] Kendall: A potted palm? Hmm. Erica: In a hotel lobby, just blending into the background. Kendall: Ok. Aidan, a plant. I'm sorry, that's funny. Erica: Look, visualization is a very powerful tool, a very powerful weapon. Believe me, I know. I want you to visualize Ryan back with his wife. Kendall: Ok, well, that's kind of hard to do since Ryan doesn't remember who Annie is. Erica: Then visualize him with somebody else. A model, a movie star. Kendall: You? Erica: No. Kendall: Greenlee? Erica: Anyone but you. Kendall: Ok. Mom, I -- I thought that I should try to help Ryan remember. I mean, he is Spike's father, after all. Erica: Well, then help him remember Spike. But any other aspect of Ryan's life is none of your concern. You have a magnificent marriage. Don't sabotage it. Kendall: No, I won't. You know, you used to actually be fond of Ryan. Erica: I'm very fond of Ryan. I just don't want to see him upend your life. Kendall: Well, I can promise you I won't let that happen. Erica: Ok. Kendall: Ok. Erica: That's a good girl. Kendall: Ok. Erica: Great. All right, now, go get Zach, because I need to talk to him, too. Kendall: Not about this? Erica: You think I'm out of my mind? Kendall: Ok. Zach: What? Kendall: She requests you. Zach: Oh. [Kendall chuckles] Carmen: I really did like your book. Kendall: Yeah, yeah, I know. Except the ending. Who are you again? Carmen: Carmen Morales. Kendall: Right. So, Carmen Morales doesn't like happy endings? Carmen: Life just never works out that way. Kendall: Sometimes it does. Carmen: Hmm, for a minute, and then it all blows up in your face. Kendall: Well, I hope you're wrong this time. Carmen: I'm always right. Kendall: So why are you in custody? Carmen: I let myself forget for a minute that love was one butt-kicking trap. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: Zach, I am trusting you with the most precious things in my life. Zach: Your daughter's in good hands. Erica: They are big, strong hands, and I know that, and I believe you. I didn't always believe in you, but I do now. Zach: Oh, good, good. And who knows, maybe I'll double your money. Erica: Oh, I don't want you to think so much about my money. Zach: Not thinking about your money and your finances is what got you here in the first place, isn't it? Erica: Ah, that's a very good point. Zach: Mm-hmm. Erica: However, Josh can pick up the slack, and so can Bianca. I mean, we just spoke this evening. And if Kendall seems strained in any way, please, I want you to call -- Zach: I will. Erica: You're Kendall's knight in shining armor. You know that, don't you? Zach: No, honey, my armor was never shiny. And the little armor I had is in storage now. I don't need it with my lady. [SCENE_BREAK] Frankie: Hey. Colby: "Hey" yourself. Frankie: So you tripped and fell, huh? Colby: Yeah. Frankie: You did good. Colby: Yeah, well, you did better. Frankie: We made it. We're alive. Colby: Thank you. Frankie: Yeah. No thanks to him. [SCENE_BREAK] Robert: His name is Rafael Guzman, aka Papel. Adam: Who the hell is that? Jesse: Leader of a drug cartel. Robert: He's one of the biggest and nastiest on the eastern seaboard. We've been chasing this guy 25 years. Never had a picture. Never had a positive ID until you came back. Tad: He checks out. Jesse: FBI? Robert: Tad, would you like to take a look at my badge -- Tad: Why the hell didn't you tell me who you were? Robert: Well, I was on a job, undercover. I didn't think that'd be appropriate. Adam: Well, as far as I'm concerned, I am deeply in your debt. Robert: Well, thank you. Adam: I am Adam Chandler. Robert: Of course. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Chandler. Adam: Mm-hmm. Jesse: Listen, can you get back to Rafael? Are you sure -- are you sure this is the guy? Robert: There's no doubt in my mind. The bureau owes you a big debt of gratitude, Jesse. He wanted you badly. You have any idea why? Jesse: No, that's just it. I never knew what he wanted. Robert: Hmm. Well, whatever it was, it died with him. Jesse: Hey, man. Frankie: Hey. Jesse: Oh -- you sure you're ok, man? Frankie: Yeah, I'm good. How about you, Dad? Jesse: I don't know. Frankie: Does this mean -- this is over, right? Jesse: Yeah. Anybody got a phone? Tad: Yeah. [Phone rings] Angie: Hello? Jesse: Angela? Angie: Oh -- Krystal: Jesse? Jesse: Yeah. Krystal: Is everything ok? Jesse: Yeah, we're -- we're all fine. We're all fine. Can I speak to Angie, please? Krystal: She's right here. Angie: Jesse? Jesse: Baby. We're coming home. I got your boy. We're coming home. Angie: I love you so much. Jesse: Me, too. I love you. Love you -- here's your boy. Here's Frankie. Frankie: Hey, Ma. Angie: Hi. [SCENE_BREAK] Colby: Hey, Dad, are you ok? Adam: Oh, I'm fine, fine. Colby: You look a little pale. Are you sure? Adam: I was worried about you, that's why. I'm -- I'm fine. Here, put this on. Chilly in here. Colby: Mm-hmm. Robert: You still look surprised, Tad. Tad: I am. Robert: A Gardner on the side of the law -- who'd have thought? Tad: Lucky for us. Robert: Yeah. Lucky for you. [Helicopter flies] Derek: Are you Agent Gardner? Robert: I am. Derek: Derek Frye. Your bureau chief filled me in on the operation. Robert: Yeah. Derek: Quite a situation here. Robert: Oh, it got a little hairy there toward the end. Derek: Mm-hmm. My God. It's really him. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Is this really necessary? Guard: Regulations, sir. Zach: Yeah? What do you think, these two ladies are going to overpower a van full of cops? Carmen: If anyone could -- Zach: Come on, let me talk to somebody else, somebody with a bigger gun. A supervisor, anybody. Erica: Zach, really, there's no need for concern, because they're perfectly comfortable. I've worn jewelry that's less comfortable than -- actually, I'm envisioning a new bracelet design here. Carmen: The Erica cuff -- I totally see it. Kendall: Lovely. Zach: Safe trip. Erica: Remember what I said. Kendall: Every syllable. Erica: Ok. Guard: Sorry, ladies, but it's time. Erica: Ok. Carmen: All right, all right. Erica: Ahem. I'll be fine. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Well, that van will be picking Erica up to take her to prison any minute. Greenlee: Well, don't worry, Dad, ok? I called the airline. You're going to be at the prison hours before the van arrives. You'll charm the warden within an inch of his life. Jack: Yeah, her life, as it turns out. Greenlee: Ooh. Even better. Erica will get caviar blinis for breakfast instead of the standard prison cuisine. Pilates, instead of prison-yard strolls. Jack: Look, maybe there's some humor in all this. I'm sure there is, in fact. But I'm just not in a place where I can see it, you know, ok? Greenlee: Betcha Erica would. Well, you know, she and I have our issues, but I got to hand it to that woman. She's got bounce. Jack: "Bounce"? Greenlee: Bounce. You -- you push her down, and she springs right back. Jack: Oh. Greenlee: Bounce. Jack: Hmm. [Greenlee chuckles] Jack: I just want to get this warden to see that Erica has a lot to offer, even at this -- maybe -- maybe especially at this prison. Greenlee: Do they have seaweed wraps in fru-fru prison? Jack: Would you stop with the "fru-fru" prison thing? Greenlee, it's not a resort, ok? Greenlee: I'm sorry. I'm trying to be upbeat, and it's coming out like I don't care. I'm not much of a comfort, am I? Jack: I'm not the one that needs comforting today. Greenlee: Seems to me you are. [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: The bunny song the bunny song we just sung the bunny song the bunny song the bunny song sleepy time now won't be long. Winnie -- Winnie, yeah, thanks for putting me on speaker phone. Yeah. Call me anytime she wakes up, ok? Thank you. You ok? Angie: That song -- Jesse used to sing it to Frankie. I mean, he would hold him and sing it for hours. Krystal: Oh. Jesse was a good daddy. He still is. Angie: Is it Easter yet? Did -- did I miss it? Krystal: Uh -- I think Easter got by us this year. Angie: Jesse and I used to dye eggs and hide them for Frankie to find, and he'd get so excited. Krystal: Frankie or Jesse? [Angie and Krystal chuckle] Angie: I hardly know who had the most fun. Nobody had ever done that for Jesse, so I -- Krystal: Yeah. He got to be a kid. Angie: I kept it up after Jesse was gone. Frankie -- he would hunt those eggs down. And every year, he would pick up the prettiest one and he'd say, "Daddy brought this one from heaven." Krystal: Well, who needs egg hunts this Easter? Frankie got his daddy from heaven this year. Angie: He came back to us. Krystal: This time, for good. [SCENE_BREAK] [Jesse sighs] Jesse: It's still hard to believe. Tad: Yeah. A Gardner on the right side of the law. Who would've thunk it? Jesse: You sound disappointed. Tad: What the hell do I know? Jesse: Hmm. Where the hell were you guys? Tad: Uh -- yeah, well, there was the small matter of Adam's heart attack! And he drove us both off the road and nearly got us killed. Colby: Hey, you need to go to the hospital now. Adam: No! Honey, I'm fine now. I'm fine. A little stressed, that's all. Colby: Frankie? Frankie: Yeah? Colby: Will you please check out my dad? I think he had a heart attack. Adam: No, I did not -- I did not have a heart attack. Frankie: Well, Mr. Chandler, could you describe the symptoms? Adam: No, I'm not going to describe the symptoms because there aren't any symptoms. They're gone now. Excuse me. Colby: Whew. Frankie: Is he always this friendly? Colby: He was just scared. Frankie: That makes three of us. [SCENE_BREAK] Derek: Officer Hubbard -- Jesse: Whoa. I haven't heard that in a while. Derek Frye? You're the chief of police. Derek: It's a pleasure to meet you. Jesse: Wow. Derek: You're kind of a legend back at the station. A lot of the guys still remember you. Jesse: It's been such a long time. Derek: I'm going to need to take a statement about all of this. Jesse: Absolutely. Derek: At your convenience. Jesse: Thank you. Thank you. Derek: It's good to have you back with us. Jesse: Thank you, man. I want to go home. Agent Gardner? Robert: Robert. I figure we can be friends now, right? Jesse: Yeah. This guy, this Rafael -- Robert: Yes? Jesse: You asked me if he wanted to know something, and I told you I didn't know. Robert: That's right. Why, are -- are you remembering something now? Jesse: Well, nothing specific, but whatever it was, it had to be personal. I mean, I remember talking to him. I could hear it in his voice before the gunfire -- he wanted more than just information. Robert: Well, like I said, it's too late to find out now. Jesse: So you been on the case 25 years now, and you still have no clue why this guy snatched me from the hospital morgue, beat me, tortured me half to death, had a hole dug in the ground? Robert: He was a clever man, Papel. Jesse: Yeah. Threatened my wife, my kid, grabbed my kid and Colby, obliterated 20 years of my life, and you don't know any of that? And you're FBI? Robert: We got a dossier on Papel that's as thick as a phone book. We know how many tons of cocaine he moved from South America stateside, how many of his rivals he murdered including people that just looked at him cross-eyed, one of whom was John Remington and -- we think -- his mother. Tad: When did this happen? Derek: Earlier tonight. Angie and Krystal were there, but it was already too late. Robert: Papel was a criminal genius. The guy -- he had a gift, but we got him. [Jesse walks away] Robert: Yeah, it was personal, Jesse -- very personal. [SCENE_BREAK] Angie: Hey, Krystal, have you got any rosemary? Krystal: Uh -- yeah. The spice rack, next to the stove. Angie: Ok. Krystal: Hey, I don't even know how you could hold a spoon. I am just too excited to even run tap water. Angie: Jesse -- that's how. Jesse, whatever he wants. [Angie chuckles] Angie: Oh, my God. Oh, my God! Oh, baby! [Frankie chuckles] Frankie: Oh! Angie: My baby! Oh, sweetheart. Krystal: Oh! Oh, honey, your head. Colby: Oh. Krystal: It must hurt. Colby: No, I'm fine. I just feel like I got hit over the head with a log -- Krystal: Oh. Colby: But it's not bad enough for the emergency room. Krystal: Yeah? Colby: Frankie tripped me. Frankie: Oh, she's not very coordinated. Angie: You two are so brave. Colby: No, I was not brave at all. Frankie: Don't believe her. She was a klutz, but she's reasonably tough. Colby: This again? I am not a klutz. Angie: Take the compliment, scratch the dig. Krystal: You -- sit. Adam: I beg your pardon? Krystal: I said plunk your fanny right down here. Tad called, he said you were close to a heart attack. Come on. Adam: Oh, well, Tad, as usual, is full of it. Krystal: I said sit. Now, here, put your feet up, got your jacket off. You can have some water, or I'm going to have to personally hogtie you -- is that what you want? Adam: No, I don't think so. [Krystal sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Carmen: I like your family. Erica: Thank you. So do I. Carmen: Must be nice, have all those people in your corner? Erica: You have family? Carmen: Nah. Daddy left when I was 2, and Mom -- well, she and me don't get along so good. I thought Mando was family -- till he broke my heart. Erica: Your bank robber boyfriend? Carmen: Fiancé -- we were engaged. He was going to buy me the ring later when he had some money. Well, he has money now, the bastard. Erica: Shh, shh, shh, shh. Carmen: You've been in love, right? Erica: Yes, I have, a few times. Carmen: There's always that one you can't forget, the one you think is going to answer all your questions, have everything make sense? Well, Mando was that one for me, and he broke my heart, you know? Erica: Yeah, I think I do. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: Hey. Jack: Huh? Greenlee: Try not to worry too much about Erica, ok? Fru-fru prison will be a cinch for her. Jack: Oh, yeah, just like it would be for you. Greenlee: Are you comparing me to Erica? Jack: Well, there are certain similarities. Greenlee: That is not nice. [Jack sighs] Greenlee: Besides, that woman has half the planet worshipping at her tiny little feet. My feet are tiny, but where are all my worshippers? How fair is that? Jack: Well, keep at it -- maybe someday. Greenlee: What, you think I need global adoration? Jack: I think you'd like nothing better. Greenlee: I'll never admit to that. Jack: We'll keep it just between us. [Greenlee chuckles] [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: You don't need to do this. Kendall: I said rose petals, not eucalyptus leaves. Please, can you get it right -- no, hey -- Zach, no. Why did you do that? Zach: I don't want you to get a nosebleed. Kendall: Yeah, well, that stupid florist is going to be the one with the nosebleed. I just want to do something nice for you. Zach: We can have a bath together -- that's nice. Kendall: It is nice, but I wanted to do something even nicer, special. Zach: What'd your mom say? Kendall: My mom said what she always says lately -- that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Zach: She is a smart woman. Kendall: Yeah. I just want to make you happy. Zach: I am happy. Kendall: Ok. But -- I mean, I'm -- I'm a big pain in the butt, I really am -- Zach: Yeah. Kendall: Yeah, I am, and -- and I'm secretive. Zach: Hang on a sec. Kendall: What? Zach: You told me about Ryan. Kendall: Yeah, eventually. Zach: Mm-hmm. And the sky didn't fall on your head, I didn't have his legs broken, so you need to trust me. Kendall: Ok. Well, I need you to love me. Zach: Yeah? Kendall: Yeah. Zach: I will. We got a fire going, a couple of sandwiches, drinks. Kendall: A couple of sandwiches and drinks? No, I mean -- love me. Mm-hmm. Zach: Yeah? Kendall: Yeah. Zach: Yeah? [Kendall chuckles] Zach: You ready for this? Kendall: Uh-huh, I'm ready. Zach: You're welcome. [Kendall squeals] [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: Ok. Adam: Oh, ho, ho. Krystal: Oh -- Adam: Oh, well, as much as I love herbal tea, um, could somebody bring me a stiff drink, no ice? Colby: Ooh, I'll take one, too. Krystal: Forget it. Frankie: Actually, that makes three of us, but Colby and Adam get no alcohol. Adam: Speak for yourself. Angie: You do need to watch that, Adam. Adam: This -- is this a clinic? I'm not a patient. We have had one hell of a night, folks. Somebody please bring me a single malt scotch, or do I have to go out and get it myself? Angie: What, and miss dinner? Adam: What? I'm invited to dinner? Krystal: Of course, you are -- all the spicy chicken you can eat. Adam: Oh. Krystal: That's your reward for rescuing the kids. Angie: But no mac and cheese for you -- you're stuck with the string beans. Adam: Is this a nursing home? Angie: No -- a home where people are lucky to be alive. Tonight could have turned out totally different. We could've lost so much. Hey, guys. Welcome home, baby. Welcome home for good. It is for good, right? Jesse: You know, I didn't believe this day would ever come. Maybe if I had believed just a little more, I -- oh. Angie: It took all your strength to stay alive, alone and -- and running, nowhere to hide. Thank you so much for fighting so hard to live. Thank you for saving the love of my life. Jesse: Oh. Hey. Your boy Tad over there -- he needs a little bit of that praise, too. He deserves it. Tad: No, no, no, no, no, no. Angie: Tad -- I'm sorry, I just, you know -- Tad: Oh, don't you worry about me, baby. I got my best friend back. All's right with the world. Krystal: I need a tissue, honey. I'm going to lose it. Colby: Oh, I'll go grab some. Krystal: Oh, I'm just so glad you're ok. Jesse: Hey. Frankie: Huh? Jesse: What's say we hit that sporting goods store tomorrow, you know, pick up some baseball gear, hit some balls? Frankie: Ah. Jesse: Rollerblade, you roller-- golf? You golf? I'll tell you what -- the works. Frankie: Well, it sounds like some remedial athletic training, huh? Jesse: How about remedial father/son fun? Frankie: Yeah, man. Jesse: You know how long it's been since I've had "fun"? [Laughter] Jesse: So many presidents ago. [Angie laughs] Jesse: Whole lot of presidents. Colby: Hey, you guys, why is Robert just standing outside? [SCENE_BREAK] Robert: There may be a lingering bit of suspicion, but I'll be able to make that go away. I am a hero, after all. [Rob holds up Mrs. Remington's necklace] [SCENE_BREAK] Angie: Why is Robert still standing out there? Krystal: He's probably deciding whether or not to ring the doorbell. Well, we know he is your uncle, we know he is with the FBI. What's the next hurdle? Tad: Well, nothing would surprise me at this point. What do you think? Frankie: William Sherman, he was a maniac -- he burned Atlanta to the ground -- but his brother was a quiet guy who wrote progressive legislation. Colby: The Sherman Antitrust Act? He had a brother, General Torch? Who knew? Krystal: Well, good brother/bad brother -- we've seen that happen before. [Knock on door] Tad: Excuse me. Robert: Am I intruding? Tad: No. Come on in. Robert: Hmm, thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: So are you sure you didn't miss the rose petals? Zach: Rose petals? Kendall: Yeah. Zach: Mrs. Slater? Kendall: Mr. Slater? Zach: I have a confession to make. Kendall: Oh, yeah? Zach: I prefer tulips. Kendall: You do? Zach: I do. Kendall: Ok, well, then -- Zach: You're going to what? Kendall: I'll help you with that. Zach: Yeah? Kendall: Mm-hmm. Zach: I'm sure you could help me with it. [Kendall chuckles] Kendall: Take me. Zach: Whoa-oh! [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: Dad? I meant what I said about Erica. Jack: Did you? Greenlee: Yes. Jack: All of it? Greenlee: The good stuff. She can master anything. I mean, give her a few days, she's going to have that whole prison eating out of her hand. Jack: I'll tell her you said that. Greenlee: No, don't, don't, don't. She'll take it the wrong way. Jack: Oh, don't be so sure. She might be flattered. Greenlee: Or insulted -- you never know. The point is, Dad, she'll be out of there in six months, and back to driving you crazy again. Jack: Come here. Thanks. Be careful going home. Greenlee: I will. I'll see you. [Car door closes] [SCENE_BREAK] Carmen: I don't have a life without Mando. I love him, I hate him. Erica: You want to kill him. Carmen: Is that so wrong? [Erica gasps as the van veers off to the side, tires screeching. With Erica and Carmen leaning to one side, the driver frantically tries to pump the useless breaks, until the prison van crashes.] [NEXT_ON] Annie (to Greenlee): You told him to fake it, didn't you? Kendall: Something's wrong, Zach -- I can feel it. Erica: I'm not going anywhere with you. Carmen: Get up. Erica: No. Carmen: You're breaking my heart here, Erica, I really don't want to have to shoot you. | Remington's necklace and assuring someone that he will dispel suspicion about him |
466 | Brody: Good morning. Jessica: How long have you been awake? Brody: A while. Jessica: Why didn't you wake me? Brody: I couldn't do it. You looked so peaceful. But now that you're awake -- [Brody and Jessica giggle] [SCENE_BREAK] Charlie: Who is Jenice Parris? Viki: My acupuncturist. I've known her forever. Oh, that reminds me. We're going to have to invite everyone on the hospital board. Charlie: Is there anyone in Llanview who we are not inviting to our little wedding? [Knock on door] Dorian Good morning. Excuse me, I do so hope I'm not interrupting. Viki: Dorian, good morning. What brings you by so early? Dorian: My invitation, of course. Viki: What invitation? Dorian The one I'm here to deliver in person. And I won't take no for an answer. [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: I can't believe you're getting married in, like, an hour. Are you nervous? Starr: Well, I wasn't. Langston: I'd be petrified. I mean, one minute you're you and the next you're married. Starr: I know, but I guess it already kind of feels like I'm married. We have a baby and Cole and I have been through so much already. Langston: I can't believe your parents signed off on this. Starr: Neither of them really wanted to, but we're already a family, you know? And we love each other so much, we just need to make it official. Blair: Good morning, ladies. Starr: Good morning, Mom. Blair: How are you this morning? Starr: Good. Blair: Well, that's what I want to hear. So, have you seen your father? Starr: No. He's probably still in bed. Blair: Yeah. Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Oh, what time is it? Téa: I don't know. 8:00 or 9:00. Todd: In the morning? Téa: That would be the sun, yes. Todd: I am supposed to be at Blair's right now. Starr's getting married. Why the hell didn't you wake me up? Téa: Since when is that my job? Todd: I did my job last night, didn't I? Téa: And fell asleep with a smile on your face. Do you think maybe you're just avoiding Starr's wedding. Todd: I don't want to watch Starr throw her life away, if that's what you mean. Téa: Any reason you're not on your way to Cole's right now with an ak-47? Todd: The state's doing my dirty work for me. By the time he gets out of prison, Starr will have moved on. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Is this your argument for using Cole undercover? John: Mm. Hopefully, it's enough to convince Judge Runyon. Bo: He's not your biggest fan, you know. John: Mm. Bo: He's going to meet us here, by the way. I hope you're right about this. John: If Cole goes to Statesville, it will ruin his life -- maybe even end it. Bo: I agreed to do this because I do believe that Cole was set up. Now, John, I want to remind you, this is your first day back on the job. John: Yeah, Bo. I got no plans to go renegade. Bo: Oh, John, you never plan it. John: No. But this time it's not my future on the line. It's Cole's. [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: Okay, so what sounds good? Pancakes, maybe? Marty: I think I'll just stick with coffee and some of your pancakes. Not exactly what I imagined for your wedding day breakfast. Cole: You can't make me waffles in your hotel room. Marty: That's not what I meant. Ah, do I at least get to drive you to this wedding, huh? Markko: So, uh, dude, is it really happening? Are you and Starr getting married? Cole: In an hour. Markko: That's awesome! I'm so happy for you. So where are you going on your honeymoon? Cole: Statesville. They're transferring me tonight. [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: Well, it's about time, Todd. You know, the ceremony is, like -- Mom! When did you get back? What is that? Addie: It's an eco-friendly, natural composter. The rainforest is so lovely. You have no idea. Blair: What's -- does Dorian know you were coming by today? Addie: I don't think so. Blair: So much has happened since you left, you know. Addie: Besides you and Todd having to live together and share custody? Starr having gotten her baby back? And Cole going to Statesville tonight right after he's married? Darling, how is your back? I've got -- I've got some wonderful herbs from this shaman I met in Honduras. Blair: Where did you get all this news? Where did you hear it? Addie: Jack. He's a fountain of information. Blair: Yes, he is. It's nice to have you home. I'm glad you're home. Addie: Well, then why the long face when you opened the door? Blair: Well, I thought maybe you were going to be Todd. He is supposed to be living here and his bed has not been slept in. Addie: Do you have any idea where he's been? Blair: Unfortunately, yeah. Addie: Oh. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: Tell me again how it's my fault that Starr is getting married to Cole. Todd: Oh, I'm sorry. Who taped me saying that I only pretended to give them consent and saying how I wanted to kill Cole Thornhart? And who played it for Starr? So, what choice did I have? It's either that or lose Starr. Téa: You ought to lighten up about that kid. Todd: I'm sorry, that kid is a drug addict. And he's going to prison. What father in his right mind would want that for a son-in-law? Téa: He's in recovery. Todd: Yes, and how long do you think that's going to last at Statesville? Téa: Well, you would know, since you spent some time there. That only added to your charm. Todd: Where's my other shoe? Téa: Is this the way it's going to be -- spend your days with Blair and your nights with me when you feel like it? Todd: Don't you want me to come back? [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: I think you know Lieutenant John McBain. Judge Runyon: I thought Mr. McBain had left the force. Bo: Well, I asked him to reconsider. As you know, we've got a surge in juvenile drug use. John: We've got kids selling drugs to kids. A lot of product moving hands, even in the junior high schools. We want to get to the suppliers. Judge Runyon: I agree. Bo: And Lieutenant McBain agreed to come back and spearhead an investigation. Judge Runyon: Welcome back, Lieutenant. You can count on my full support. John: Thank you, Judge. I'm glad to hear that. Bo: Now, we feel that the best way to go after the suppliers is through the teenage dealers. John: We need to get a kid on the inside we can trust. Judge Runyon: Any candidates? John: We'd like you to set aside Cole Thornhart's sentence so we can put him back on the street. [SCENE_BREAK] Markko: You're going away tonight? Marty: Um, I'm going to let you two talk privately. Cole: Mom -- Marty: I'm fine. Markko: I'm sorry. Cole: No, it's not your fault. Markko: I mean, two years. No wonder your mom's upset. Cole: I can be released in one year for good behavior. Markko: Yeah, but still -- Statesville? I mean, they got, like, serious criminals in there. Cole: I'll sleep with one eye open if I have to. I'm going to have a wife and a baby to think about. Markko: So that's why you guys got married so quick. Cole: With me going away, it just made sense. I mean, this is supposed to be, like, the worst day of my life, right? I've got Starr and the baby back, so I feel great. Markko: I think I'm starting to get what you two went through. Cole: What are you talking about? Markko: My parents. They found out that Langston and I, you know. Cole: Oh, no. Markko: Yeah. Now they won't let me go anywhere near her. I mean, I thought it was the girl's parents that were supposed to act like that. But no, Dorian is cool with it. Anyway, they hate her, too. Cole: Okay, so what are you going to do? Markko: Well, we've got a plan. Cole: Good. Because I need you to stand up for me in an hour. The wedding's at Dorian's. [SCENE_BREAK] Ernesto: Our son is not going to Dorian Lord's. Aurelia: Neither are we. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian I wanted to deliver this to you personally. Viki: And what is this? Dorian Well, I'm afraid the other night when you made your announcement that I was a bit nonplussed and -- and I don't think that I congratulated you properly. Charlie: I didn't hear the word "congratulations" at all. Viki: Well, then you must allow me to make it up you. A dinner at la Boulaie in your honor. 7:00 tonight. Viki: No. Dorian Make it 8:00. Viki: The time is not the problem. Charlie: Do you really expect us to sit down and eat with you, Dorian, after what you've done to us? Dorian: All the more reason to allow me to make amends. Viki: No, thank you. Dorian You owe it to me. Viki: How? Dorian: The Riveras. The parents of Langston's boyfriend will not allow him to see her and it's all your fault. Charlie: Did she just say that that was our fault? Viki: Yes, I believe she did. Dorian: You've been slinging a lot of mud. Viki: And we would do it again, wouldn't we, Charlie? [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Natalie picked Bree up from the sleepover but I want to be there when she gets home. Brody: Whatever you need. Jessica: Thanks for last night. Brody: Just remember you're not alone. Jessica: You convinced me about that. I just wish there was something I could do for you. Brody: I have everything I want, and more than I ever expected. Jessica: What's this? Brody: Um, they had a stack of those in the lobby. Jessica: Are you thinking about becoming a cop? Brody: I have the skills, thanks to the Navy, and I don't want to be a bar back the rest of my life. Jessica: You'd be a great cop. Brody: Except for the little problem of the felony rap and the hitch at St. Ann's. I mean, nobody's going to license me to carry a firearm, let alone hire me for law enforcement. Jessica: You know what? If this is what you really want, I think I can do something that can help. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: Viki, you would do anything for your daughters. I've seen that for myself. Viki: What does that have to do with anything? Dorian: I'm getting to it. Oh, by the way, the baby is doing marvelously. Starr's a wonderful mother. Viki: I thought she might be. Dorian: And she's going to make a wonderful wife. Viki: I beg your pardon? Dorian: Some day. So can't you do this for Langston, please? Viki: Langston? I thought you said we owed it to you. Charlie: Yeah, for slinging all that mud. Dorian: All right. The truth is Markko's parents, the Riveras, won't allow him to see Langston because they think I am a bad influence. Charlie: Imagine that, hmm. Dorian: It's because the two of you shot your big mouths off in front of them. Viki: Oh, Mr. Rivera -- that was the man at the Buenos Dias. Dorian: Indeed. And now they won't allow Markko to see Langston. They say she is unsuitable. The least you can do is help me prove to them that I am not a monster. Charlie: Hey, Dorian, we don't have to do anything. Dorian: It's just dinner. And Moe is going to cook a really special meal. Viki: Didn't you throw him out? Dorian: Oh, Moe's not going to hold that against me. No, no, no, no. Unlike some people, Maurice in not petty. [SCENE_BREAK] Shaun: Get a load of this. Dorian invited me to dinner. Moe: Check it out. I got one, too. Shaun: You going? Moe: Not unless I can bring a taster. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: What I want doesn't seem to matter. Todd: Okay, I'm out of here. Téa: Is that what you want? Todd: Hey, you want to go to a wedding? Téa: What? Todd: Well, you asked me what a want. The last thing I want is to watch my daughter marry a drug-sucking felon. But if you were there, I could handle it. Do you want to go? [SCENE_BREAK] Addie: I thought you were through with Todd. Blair: I am, mama, but it doesn't mean that he gets to do anything that he wants. I mean, come on. I mean, like last night, for instance. You know, he tries to con me into being the one that refuses the kids to get married so he can look like the good, dutiful, understanding father. Well, you know what? I called his bluff, and now Starr's getting married. Addie: She loves Cole. They belong together. Blair: Mama, I don't care about anything now that I thought I couldn't live without when I was 17. Addie: You're not Starr. Blair: She hasn't even finished high school. Addie: No, but she has just had a baby, buried her, given her away, and finally admitted that she wants her and wants to marry her true love and be a family. That child has -- she's more mature than either one of us. Blair: That isn't making me feel better. Addie: If two people are meant to be together, nothing can keep them apart. [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: Your whole life is going to change, and that means you and me will never be the same. Starr: Nothing is going to change with you and me. Langston: So you're still going to jump out of bed and come running down the hallway in the middle of the night to tell me your problems? Starr: Why not? Langston: Um, I don't know, maybe because you're married. Starr: Langston, my husband's going to prison and I'm going to be scared and I'm going to miss Cole and what about when the baby keeps fussing and I haven't finished my pre-calc? Like, I'm going to need your help, and you'd better be there for me, all right? Langston -- Langston: Yeah? Starr: I'm really scared. Langston: Of getting married? Starr: No, of Cole going to Statesville. What if something really awful happens to him? [SCENE_BREAK] Judge Runyon: That boy was caught red-handed. Bo: And so was his dealer -- a kid named Asher Garnett. And yet Garnett wasn't even prosecuted. Judge Runyon: That case did not come before me. John: Asher's got someone helping him and that same person set Cole up. Judge Runyon: Mr. Thornhart knew the terms. He was to complete a drug rehabilitation program and stay clean. I reduced the sentence once at the D.A.'s request. Bo: You've been more than fair, Judge. John: Cole could roll over on Asher but he's small-time. We need to get someone that Asher would trust. Then Cole can find out who's supplying him and all the other dealers in town. Bo: We think that it shouldn't take more than a few months. John: And we know you want to find the S.O.B. who's dumping all these drugs into the high schools. Judge Runyon: Yes, I do. But I'm sorry, gentlemen. Mr. Thornhart serves his time. Judge Runyon: That's all, gentlemen, I'm due in court. John: So you'd rather put away Cole than punish the suppliers. Is that it? Bo: John -- we're not asking you to commute Cole's sentence, just revise it. Give him community service. John: If Cole can get us the information we need in the next few months, he gets the community service and that's that. Bo: And if the kid doesn't come through for us, you can always send him to Statesville. John: That's right. Of course, if you don't care about the kids in this town -- Judge Runyon: I care very much, Lieutenant. But I suspect this isn't about drug interdiction for you. It's personal. [SCENE_BREAK] Markko: Papi, just listen. Ernesto: I've heard enough. Marty: What was that all about? Cole: Markko's parents won't let him see Langston because they don't like Dorian. They seem a little nuts. Marty: Well, I'm sure it seems that way, but I'm sure they've got their reasons. Cole: I don't know. Marty: Well, it's not easy to be a parent, as you will find out. Cole: Yeah, I sure haven't been any day at the beach -- Marty: Stop. You're the best thing in my life. Don't you ever forget it. [SCENE_BREAK] Ernesto: Dr. Lord thinks she can buy us off with some fancy dinner. Markko: No, no, no. She just wants to give you a chance to get to know her better. Aurelia: We know a lot. She mistreated those two men who worked for her -- Mr. Stubbs and Mr. Evans. Ernesto: And fired them just because she felt like it. Aurelia: And she almost killed that poor man. What was his name? Ernesto: Charlie Banks. He and his fiancée told us all about it. Aurelia: Victoria Davidson. A fine woman. Markko: Yeah, well, Viki and Charlie and Moe and Shaun, they're all going to be there at the dinner tonight. Ernesto: After what she did to them? Markko: That's just it. They -- they know Dorian did all those things, but they also know that she took in Langston when she had nowhere else to go. And once you get to know her, you'll see -- you'll see she's a really good person. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian I wouldn't ask for myself. This is for Langston. She loves that boy, and he loves her. Don't lovers deserve to be happy? Viki: Yes, Dorian, actually they do. Dorian: Wonderful! So you'll come? [Cell phone rings] Dorian Oh, I'm so sorry. Forgive me. Oh, dear. I do have to take this, so please excuse me. Excuse me. Dorian Lord, here. Moe: Got your invitation, Dorian. Dorian: Oh, Maurice, darling. Dorian: What was that? Moe: That's the sound of me tearing up your invitation. Oh, and by the way, Shaun won't be there, either. Dorian: Marvelous! Looking forward to it so much. Bye-bye. Yes. So, the two of you will be joining me tonight? Charlie: Well, I do love Moe's cooking. Viki: Oh, yes. Moe is one of a kind. Dorian, no. I'm very sorry. I am not going to help you dupe these people. Dorian: What makes you say that I'm duping them? Viki: Dorian, you are staging a dinner. You are pretending that we are friends so that we can help. It's a lie and it will backfire. Dorian: Why don't you let me worry about that? Just show up and be your usual festive self. Viki: No. I'm not going to do that -- definitely not after what you did to Charlie. Dorian This is why we can never be friends, because you are so judgmental. Did I stop to think of all the terrible things that you had done to me before I saved your life? No! I'm here asking for your help, and all you're interested in is keeping score. [SCENE_BREAK] Moe: Breakfast is -- Mr. Manning. Shaun: What are you doing here? Moe: Do you have to ask? Todd: I'm leaving. Take good care of her. [SCENE_BREAK] Addie: I'm sorry it didn't work out for you and John. I thought that might be the cure. Blair: For Todd? I don't know if there is a cure. [Starr gasps] Starr: Grandma! Hello! I didn't know you were coming. Blair: Your brother called her. Addie: He didn't want me to miss the wedding. Starr: Oh, Jack, a true romantic. Addie: I planted a tree for you and Cole in the rainforest. It's just a sapling, like you. And in time, like you, it will grow and blossom and bear fruit. Starr: Thank you, Grandma. Addie: Oh. Blair: All right. Let's get my baby girl married. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: You know, my Uncle Bo is the police commissioner, and I could talk to him and -- Brody: No. I appreciate the offer, but no. Jessica: So -- so you can help me but I can't help you? Brody: You know how much you've helped me, but I need to know that I can make it on my own. If you talk to your uncle, I'll always wonder -- Jessica: My uncle would never hire somebody that wasn't qualified. It -- [Jessica sighs] Jessica: Okay. Well, just promise me that you'll apply, okay? Listen, you're a decorated navy seal. They'd be lucky to have you. Brody: But, baby, it's such a long shot. Jessica: Hey! For people like you and me, everything's a long shot, okay? Just promise me that you'll think about it. [Brody chuckles] Brody: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Moe: You seem like a smart woman. Téa: Well, thank you. Moe: So why get all tangled up with a guy like Manning? Shaun: Especially when he lives with his ex-wife and they have a connection. Téa: I appreciate your concern -- and you're not wrong about Todd -- but he's not all bad. Shaun: He's not? Téa: Look, he's one of those men who's afraid to show the world who he really is. I'm serious! [Knock on door] Téa: Dorian! Dorian: Ha. Excuse me -- there you two are. I had a hard time tracking you down, but, well -- uh, they make -- oh, Téa. Téa: Oh, thank you. Dorian: You're looking much better. Téa: Oh, thank you! Dorian: Hmm. Well, uh, I am here to apologize. Téa: For barging into my bedroom? Dorian Yeah, well, actually, I'm here to apologize to these two gentlemen. I treated you both very badly, very badly. Uh -- it was because, um, of Ray Montez's daughter who -- who had a breakdown and had to be institutionalized. My two sisters -- uh -- at any rate, I behaved very, very, very badly and, um, I'm very sorry and I hope that you'll forgive me and that you won't hold it against Langston. And that you will come to La Boulaie for a petit soiree -- tonight. [SCENE_BREAK] Markko: I mean, if all of Dorian's supposed enemies can get over themselves and come to dinner, why can't you? Aurelia: It would be a chance for us to see what Markko's talking about. Markko: And you could spend some time with Langston, get to see what a good person she is. Ernesto: Who knows? Maybe if Geraldo sees his mother and father at the same table with his woman, maybe he'll remember what's truly important. [SCENE_BREAK] Marty: Your father would be so proud of you. Cole: For going to prison? Marty: No, no. No, for following your heart, and for being strong when it's not easy to. And for making a commitment to Starr and your baby. He would be very proud of you. Cole: I wish he was here. Marty: He is. And I think he'd want you to have this. Cole: Your wedding ring? Marty: Uh-huh. Yeah, your dad put that on my hand the day we were married. There's an inscription in there. It's in Gaelic, but it says "love, loyalty, and friendship." And that's everything I wish for you and Starr. I would be honored if she would wear it. Cole: Huh. [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: Oh! You're here. Thought you were going to miss your daughter's wedding. Todd: No such luck. Blair: So where were you last night? Todd: Uh-huh, I ended up working late last night and fell asleep at the desk. Blair: Oh. Well, at least you're here now, and we have a lot to do before the ceremony. Todd: Blair, are you as freaked out about this as I am? Blair: Well, I thought the next big event in our daughter's life would be going off to college, but I guess it's going to be this wedding. Todd: She probably won't even graduate from high school, then. Blair: Yes, she will. Yes, she will, it might just take her a little longer. I mean, who knows -- maybe it won't. But, look, Todd, she's happy. In the last few months, she's thought her baby was dead, Cole was in all that trouble -- she was miserable. But now that hope's back and -- look, even after all our mistakes, we happened to raise a beautiful, strong, independent young woman. And she loves Cole and he loves her. Todd: Sure, and that's all it takes to make it work. Blair: Well, I hope in their case, it is. [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: Mom, I'd be so proud to give this to Starr, but are you sure? Marty: Yeah, I'm sure. Cole: Thank you. Marty: No -- heh -- thank you. I couldn't ask for a better daughter-in-law. She's terrific. Cole: Yeah, she is, isn't she? Marty: Yeah. Oh! And she is going to be furious if we're late -- come on, come on! We've got to get changed. Cole: Okay, all right. [SCENE_BREAK] Ernesto: I wish you wouldn't spend so much time with that boy. Aurelia: Oh, heaven's sakes. Cole's been his best friend since sophomore year. Ernesto: He takes drugs! Markko: No, not anymore. Aurelia: Ernesto, we cannot shelter him from everything. At some point, we have to trust that we've taught him what's right. Markko: So? You'll come to Dorian's dinner party? Ernesto: All right, we'll go to the party. But all those people better be there or I'm leaving. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian I know it's a lot to ask. And if you're not ready to forgive me, I understand but please, couldn't you set aside our differences for Langston's sake -- just for one night? Moe: Langston's a great kid, but I wouldn't come to your dinner party if it was the last food I'd ever eat. Shaun: I'm sorry, Dr. Lord. I can't allow you to disrespect me and then expect me to go to dinner. Sorry. Dorian Okay, I deserve that, but Langston doesn't. Please think about it. And if you change your mind, dinner will be at 7:00. All right, I was personally, deeply upset by Ray Montez, but please, do this for Langston's sake. She has lost enough things in her young life. Don't let her lose her boyfriend or her faith in me. Téa: Thanks for the flowers. Téa: That was pretty rough, fellas. Moe: Well, were we supposed to go running over there, drop everything just because she needs something? Téa: Maybe. [SCENE_BREAK] [Charlie chuckles] Charlie: What, are you having second thoughts? Viki: About Dorian's little dinner -- no. But I feel so sorry for Langston. Charlie: Hmm. Viki: It cannot be easy being Dorian's child. Charlie: That's the one thing you can say for Dorian -- she loves her kids. Viki: Yeah. Yeah, she really does. Charlie: Yeah, but the way she goes about it -- Viki: Oh, it's so exhausting. And God help you if you should disagree with her. [Charlie chuckles] Charlie: So I take it, we're not going to be inviting her to the wedding? Viki: No! Even if I wanted to, which I don't, I would never do that to Clint. Charlie: Hmm. So you -- wait a minute. But -- is there a whole 'nother guest list here that I don't know about? Nora and Clint? Viki: There will be an awful lot of overlaps because we know a lot of the same people. Charlie: Ahem. Viki: Yes, there -- there is another guest list. Charlie: I mean, we're going to have to rent out the entire football field. Viki: Am I ruining this for you? Charlie: No, no, no -- hey. I would marry you on a life raft in the middle of the ocean with nothing but the moon as our witness. [Viki chuckles] Charlie: But if it'll make you happy to stand up there with your ex-husband and your best friend in front of half the known population, then I say let's go for it. Viki: Oh, Charlie. You are -- oh, you are such a patient man. Jessica: Oops! I'm -- Charlie: Wait -- oh. Jessica: I'm sorry, I -- Charlie: You know, that's my cue to skedaddle. Jessica: No, Charlie! You don't have to -- Charlie: Yes, yes, yes, yes. Jessica: Mom, I'm sorry. Viki: That's okay, darling. He's not running away from you; he's running away from me. I am tormenting him with wedding talk. Jessica: Oh. Viki: So you -- you were out all night, huh? Jessica: It -- I was with Brody, but -- but Bree had a slumber party, and Natalie picked her up, so -- Viki: It's all right, sweetheart. You don't have to explain. Do you want some coffee? Jessica: Uh -- please. Viki: Good. He makes you happy. Jessica: Yes. Yes, he does. I'd almost forgotten what happy was like. [SCENE_BREAK] Officer: Can I help you? Brody: I'm here to fill out an application -- for the academy. [SCENE_BREAK] John: We're trying to enforce the law -- that's all this is about. Judge Runyon: You weren't very keen on the law the last time you were in my courtroom -- before you rushed out to play superhero for Marty Saybrooke? John: This is different. Judge Runyon: Because now, you want to save her son. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: You really like him. Jessica: I really like him. Viki: Okay, that's one more. Jessica: One more what? Viki: Guest -- at my wedding. Well, I assume you want him to escort you to the wedding, hmm? [SCENE_BREAK] Brody: "Have you ever been convicted of a crime?" [SCENE_BREAK] John: Commissioner, with your permission, I'd like to speak to Judge Runyon in private for a moment. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: I'll be right outside. [Door closes] Brody: "Yes, a felony conviction" -- strike one. "Have you ever been hospitalized because of a mental health issue?" Bo: Lieutenant Lovett. Something I can help you with? [SCENE_BREAK] Shaun: Ms. Delgado, I'm heading out to run some errands. Do you need anything before I leave? Téa: Yes. I need a ride. [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: So are they coming? Markko: Well, it wasn't easy, but they said yes. So did everybody RSVP? [Langston sighs] Langston: I'm about to find that out. So is everyone coming? Dorian To Starr's wedding? Well -- well, of course! Langston: Uh -- to the dinner? Dorian Oh, the dinner. Yes, yes. Don't you worry, darling. Everything's going to be perfect. Oh, my, speaking of perfect! Blair: Isn't she? Dorian Oh, Starr, you look so beautiful. Blair: Yes. Starr: Thank you. Dorian Every inch a Cramer woman, right? Blair: Mm-hmm. Dorian: And you have more than just beauty -- you have courage and strength. And always, for the rest of your life, your family is going to be very, very proud of you. Blair: Yes, we are. [Starr sighs, chuckles] Dorian: Feels like a group hug. [Laughter] [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Marty. Where's the groom? Marty: He's parking the car. Got to get used to it, Todd -- our children share a baby, so we're going to be in each other's lives. [SCENE_BREAK] John: The way I see it, our job is to go after the criminals, not the victims. It's not the users we want -- it's the dealers and the suppliers, and I think we can do that if we have a route to the inside. Judge, I promise you I will shut this operation down. Judge Runyon: So you've said. Now, why did you want to speak with me privately? John: You told me you thought this was personal for me. You're right -- it's personal. [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: So -- oh -- gorgeous. Starr: What's [Sighs] Cole: Wow. You look beautiful. Starr: And you look so handsome. So, what do you say? Let's get married. | But the families and friends of the young couple all surround them |
467 | Morgan: Coffee, tea, or me? Max: Coffee? Morgan: Guess again. Max: Oh, this is a trick question. I'm really good at these. Tea? Morgan: Max. Max: I'm just kidding. Wow. Definitely you. [SCENE_BREAK] Chelsea: Check out her outfit, huh? It's a good thing our uniforms didn't look like that. Stephanie: Yeah, no kidding. Where do you think she got it, the retail tramp? Chelsea: Maybe you should be wearing my costume. Stephanie: I can't look at them anymore. Where's the chocolate? Chelsea: Stephanie, you knew they'd be here together. Stephanie: I'm surprised they didn't come as bride and groom. Chelsea: Stop eating that. You're gonna get sick. Stephanie: Give it to me. Chelsea: What's with you and candy all of a sudden? Stephanie: Who do I have to look good for? I mean, now that Max and Morgan are exclusive? Chelsea: They just started seeing each other. I'd hardly call that exclusive. Stephanie: Yeah? Then how come her website last Thursday said "single" and this morning it said "in a relationship"? Chelsea: You're cyberstalking them now? Stephanie: It's horrible, isn't it? Take this away. Chelsea: Stephanie, you've got to -- you've got to get over this. Otherwise, you're not gonna last more than a week in this house. Stephanie: Yeah, no kidding. Chelsea: Where did you go last night anyway? You were supposed to be moving in. Stephanie: I went to this party. And there was this guy. Chelsea: Was he cute? Stephanie: Forget it. Chelsea: Did you guys make out? Stephanie: I said forget it. Chelsea: Sorry. Stephanie: Do you ever feel like you have no control over your life? I mean, I'm really trying to move on. I just -- I can't. Things would be so different if... Chelsea: If you were with Max. Stephanie: You have no idea. Chelsea: You always want what you can't have. Stephanie: We'll see about that. Chelsea: What are you talking about? Stephanie: Guess who scored a job at the Cheatin' Heart. Chelsea: Are you serious? Stephanie: I've got an in with the owner. Chelsea: Stephanie, does Max know that you guys are gonna be working together? Stephanie: Not yet. I'm still trying to figure out a way to tell him. The last thing I want is for him to think that it was a setup. Chelsea: Well, you did set it up, and he's probably gonna figure that out. [SCENE_BREAK] Max: Ladies. Chelsea: Max, hi. That's a -- a great costume. Max: Yeah, I thought I'd come as a bartender. Chelsea: Oh, you really nailed it. Max: Speaking of which, I heard you got a job at the Cheatin' Heart. Chelsea: I'm gonna go see if Nick's here yet. I'll be back. Max: Why didn't you tell me? Well, I'm really glad. I'm looking forward to it. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Yeah, tell Uncle Steve I said hi and kiss the babies for me, and thank you again for doing this. Little bit. Okay, bye. Lucas: Probably annoyed 'cause we keep calling. Sami: No, she understands. Lucas: I just can't believe we're here, and it's the twins' first night home from the hospital. Sami: I know, but the sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can get back home where we belong. Lucas: Did you see our lawyer? Sami: Yeah, he seemed nice. Lucas: You check out his wrist? Did you see that bling? He had like 10 grand on his wrist. Sami: Well, maybe we should get our law degrees and move down here. Lucas: Yeah, I guess drive-through divorces are big, aren't they? Sami: It's really sad. Lucas: Yeah, it is, especially since the ones splitting up still love each other. What are we doing, Sami? This is crazy. Sami: It is just a piece of paper. It doesn't mean anything. Lucas: Yeah, it does. It means E.J. won and the DiMeras get exactly what they want. [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: Kate. Kate: Well, you took your sweet time getting here. E.J.: What is it? Is it Samantha? She didn't change her mind about the divorce, did she? Kate: No, she's in the Dominican Republic as we speak. Sami and Lucas are spending their last night together as husband and wife. E.J.: Okay, then what's the emergency? Kate: Well, you asked me to find out about the DNA test, didn't you? Well, they're in. The DNA results are in on Sami's twins. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Do you remember that movie I made you watch with me about the immigrant girl who has to come to America and marry some man that she doesn't even know? Lucas: That was the black-and-white one, right? Sami: Yes, it was. And, um, she meets him in New York, and they fall in love almost immediately. Lucas: Oh, yeah. The scene in Central Park. I remember that. That was nice. Sami: That's right. But remember how they wanted to get married, and they go to the priest, and I guess she doesn't have the right papers or something and he tells them that they've been living in sin. Do you remember what she said? She said that in their hearts they were married. Lucas: Yeah, but then that priest didn't buy it. Sami: Yeah, he said that it wasn't real unless they got married in a church. Lucas: Right. Right. Sami: But...do you remember what she told him? She took her lover's hand, and she said, "just because something is intangible doesn't mean that it's not real." Lucas...no matter what happens, no matter what we've been through, no matter what I say, you will always be in my heart. [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: Do you know what the test results said? I mean, am I a father? Kate: You wouldn't believe the hoops I had to jump through to get this. E.J.: Am I a father? Kate: You're lucky I had connections, E.J. E.J.: For God's sake. Kate: Here. E.J.: Yes! I have a son. [Laughing] I have a son! I'm a father. [Indistinct conversations] [SCENE_BREAK] Chelsea: Hey, have either of you guys seen Nick Fallon? I'm sorry, Professor Fallon? Carmen: Well, it looks like he's blessing us with his presence right now. Chelsea: I thought you were coming as a priest. Nick: I decided to kick it up a notch. How do I look? Chelsea: You look fantastic. Nick: We make quite the couple, don't we? Chelsea: Would it be completely sacrilegious if I kissed you right now? Nick: Not at all. Chelsea: Thank you for coming. Nick: I was supposed to be trick-or-treating with Artemis and Demarquette. Chelsea: I know you miss them. Nick: We had their costumes planned out and everything. They were gonna go as a double helix, and we had these foam noodles that we got -- Chelsea: Hey...I know that it's really hard for you, but it's better this way, you know? They're with their parents. That's where they should be. Nick: You're right. Let's not talk about the boys. Tonight is about you and me. Ever been touched by an angel? [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Cordy: It's open. Morgan: Hey, honey. Why don't you come out and join us? You've got to see some of these costumes. Cordy: I'm not really in the mood. Morgan: I'm sorry your parents couldn't be here when you wanted them to, but since you're still here, why not one last hurrah, huh? [SCENE_BREAK] Ford: Amy, I'm only kidding. Amy: Get off, Ford! Morgan: Honey, are you okay? Amy: You're so wasted. Ford: And you...are hot. Smokin'. [SCENE_BREAK] Max: Somebody needs to bounce that fool out of here. Stephanie: Ignore him. He's not worth it. Max: Yeah, that's for sure. Stephanie: So, anyway, like I was saying about the job -- hey. Max: Sorry. Yeah, so, Adrienne asked you to work at the Cheatin' Heart. That's pretty cool. Stephanie: I just -- I hope it's not, you know, awkward or anything between us, working together. Max: Why would it be? We're friends, right? I mean, that's what you wanted, isn't it? Morgan: I was wondering where y'all ran off to. So, what did I miss? [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: Do you have any idea what this means? Kate: You need to keep your voice down because we're not supposed to know about this. E.J.: Look, Samantha and I share a child. I mean, that's a bond that can't be broken. Kate: E.J., just because people share a child doesn't mean they like each other. E.J.: But Samantha and I are gonna get married. I mean, we're going to be living together, you know. When that child wakes up in the middle of the night, who's gonna be there to comfort him? Samantha and me. Who's gonna take the kid to the zoo? Who's gonna take him to the park? We both are gonna do this. That boy's gonna grow up with a mother and a father. Kate: Oh, I see, and Sami's gonna completely forget about the daughter that she shares with my son? E.J.: No, of course she's not going to, all right? What I'm saying is this -- if Samantha loves that boy, and she loves that boy, then she can open up her heart to loving me. Kate: I think you're completely underestimating the bond between Lucas and Sami, which is something that I did, and I wasted a lot of time trying to break them up. E.J.: Mm-hmm. Well, I succeeded, Kate. They're probably divorced by now. Kate: I don't know. You think so? I mean, two people alone in a romantic, tropical place? They might not go through with it, E.J. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: Romantic movies always end happily, especially the ones in black and white. Sami: Our movie is gonna end happily, too. Lucas: This was supposed to be our year. Sami: Lucas, let's just not talk about what's going on in Salem, all right? We have this beautiful room, this romantic place. Let's just take advantage of it, okay? Lucas: You want to take a night swim, have a cookout on the beach? Sorry, I'm just not in the mood. [Sighs] Sami: I think I know a way to...get you in the mood. Lucas. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Lucas: Come on. That is bad timing. Sami: It's just the guy with the documents from our lawyer, right? Lucas: All right, well, just don't get it, then, all right? Guy: Mrs. Horton? Sami: Oh, yeah, that's me. Come on in. The lawyer said you'd be coming by. Guy: Yeah, if I can get you to sign this. I'll register your application before the court appearance tomorrow. Lucas: Wait, don't you need my signature, too? Sami: Oh, this is my husband, Lucas Horton. Guy: I'm sorry. I just assumed... Lucas: That I was the new model? No. No. He's back in the States, waiting for his bride to return a free woman. Sami: It's complicated. Guy: I'm just here to collect a signature. Sami: Okay. Lucas: Look, this is crazy. We'll find another way. [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: So, what are y'all talking about? Stephanie: I was just telling Max my great news. Morgan: Oh, what good news? Max: That she didn't have to buy a new costume this year. She just pulled out the old racing uniform. Stephanie: Yeah, um...it was either this or my old flight-attendant getup. Thank God I didn't wear that, right? Max: Yeah, that would have been awkward. Morgan: Well, this looks great. You look like just one of the boys, you know? Slone: We've got a 911 on Ford Decker. Morgan: What now? Slone: The girls are complaining. Apparently, he's hitting on everyone. Max: Do you want me to get rid of him? Morgan: No, I'll talk to him. Max: What a jackass. Stephanie: Yeah. Max: So, uh...where did you go last night? Stephanie: No place. Why didn't you want Morgan to know that we're gonna work together? Max: I don't know. I just didn't want her to freak out. Stephanie: Why would she care? Max: Forget it. Stephanie: No, tell me. Max: She's a little concerned about our past. I told her that we had raced cars together and that we dated for a couple months, but we both moved on. Stephanie: Right. Did you tell her what happened in the cave, how we -- Max: No, no, no. I didn't go into details or anything. Why would I do that? Stephanie: Why not? Are you afraid that she might think that there's still something going on between us? [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: Kate, I'm not the least bit concerned about this divorce, especially now we know that one of those twins is mine, okay? Speaking of which, where is my son? Kate: How should I know? E.J.: You're saying that Lucas didn't tell you who was looking after them? Kate: No. He wasn't exactly forthcoming, E.J. E.J.: Well, could it be Marlena? Kate: Oh, I don't know. To keep her mind occupied, or Bo or Hope or Roman? E.J.: Okay, do me a favor, darling? Would you do a little investigating for me, okay? See if you can find out where they are. This is in both our best interests...if you know what I mean. Kate: Fine. I'll see what I can do. E.J.: Good. Kate: Where are you going? E.J.: Me? I'm gonna go share the good news with my father. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: Wait a minute. Um...excuse me. Can you just give us a moment, please? I'm really sorry. Guy: Of course. Lucas: This will just take a second. I really appreciate it. Guy: Sure. Sami: Lucas, I don't want to hear it. Lucas: Do you remember this? I ripped it from that travel magazine a while back. Sami: Australia. Lucas: We were supposed to go there for our one-year anniversary. Remember, we were gonna have a great time? We were gonna go cage diving. You were gonna do a little wine tasting. I was gonna root you on. Sami: [Chuckles] Lucas: You were as excited about this trip as I was. Sami: We can still go on the trip. Lucas: No, we can't. Not with E.J. around. He won't let that happen. Don't you understand that? Sami: Yes, he will. Lucas: No, he won't, Sami. That's it. Our dreams are over. Sami: Lucas, listen to me, we can still do this. We can still go on family vacations and trips together. We can do all of it. Look, we don't have to let this stop us from doing anything that we planned. Lucas: E.J.'s not gonna let that happen. Don't you understand that? He'll keep you from me. He'll lock you up if he has to. When we were at the hospital, right after you had the twins, E.J. and I kind of got into it. We had a few words. Sami: Lucas, you can't let him get to you. Lucas: I told him. I told him I'd kill him with my bare hands if he married you. Sami: You can't say things like that. Lucas: Well, I did. I meant every word of it. Sami: Lucas. Lucas: Think about it, Sami. Just think about it. What if there was a way to make E.J. Wells disappear forever? Sami: Lucas, you are not killing E.J. Lucas: You don't think I'll do it, do you? Sami: I think you want to, but we've been down this road before. You were defending your mom, but, Lucas, I went to death row for a crime that I didn't commit. I had to say goodbye to my family, to everyone I loved. I had to say goodbye to Will. We are not putting him through that twice. So, stop saying that you're gonna kill E.J., because you're not doing it. Lucas: Fine. It's just hard for me. Sami: I know. It's hard for me, too. But, Lucas, if we just take it one day at a time, we can get through this. [SCENE_BREAK] Max: There's nothing between us but friendship, right? That's what you want. Stephanie: Friends, yeah. I'm gonna get something to drink. Max: We -- we're cool, though, right? Stephanie: Totally. Max: I mean, you're okay with me seeing Morgan and all? Stephanie: Yeah. I mean, she's not exactly the type of girl that I see you with, but -- Max: So you don't think she's my type? Stephanie: Don't listen to me. Max: No, I want to hear this. Um...so who do you see me with? Stephanie: I don't know. Maybe someone who can drive a stick shift? Max: She's getting there... if only she wouldn't keep starting out in third gear and all. Stephanie: You're letting her drive your car? Max: Letting her try to drive my car. Stephanie: So this is serious. Max: No. No, this is not serious. It's only been a couple of weeks, but, um...you know, if this is weird for you, me hanging out with Morgan and all, just say so. Morgan and I can hang out at my place. Stephanie: I'm totally fine with it, okay? In fact, I am happy for you. Max: Well, thanks, Steph. For the record, you don't look like just one of the guys. [SCENE_BREAK] Chelsea: So, a kiss, huh? Stephanie: On the cheek. Doesn't count. Chelsea: But it's better than nothing, right? Doesn't really look like Max has a problem with you guys working together. Stephanie: It's not a problem for him, but it's gonna be sheer torture for me. Chelsea: What are you talking about? Stephanie: I blew it, Chelse. Max was one of the good guys, and I let him get away. . It's coverage you won't see anywhere else. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: All right, if anyone can get this water into this glass without touching the saucer in any way, they will get an "A" for the semester. Slone: That's impossible. Nick: Oh, "that's impossible." Are we Mrs. Skeptical here? Any takers? Any takers? Carmen: I'll give it a shot. Nick: All right. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Look at them. Chelsea: Stephanie, will you please stop? Stephanie: You know what the worst part it? I actually kind of like Morgan. Chelsea: After everything you've said? Stephanie: I know. I was trying really hard not to like her. Chelsea: Because it would be easier if you hated her. Stephanie: She has every reason in the world to be a snob. She's rich, smart. She's a beauty queen for crying out loud. Girls like her are supposed to be stuck-up. It's like an unwritten rule. Chelsea: Steph, half the girls in this room right now are probably thinking the exact same thing about you. Stephanie: Well, she definitely has one thing that I don't have. Chelsea: Maybe...maybe you should play the field a little bit. You never know. There could be a guy out there that's better for you than Max. Stephanie: Okay, now you're sounding like my mom. Chelsea: Thanks. Stephanie: No, I'm serious. She said the same exact thing. Chelsea: Maybe we're both right. Stephanie: Max is it. Chelsea: So, what, if you can't have Max, you don't want anybody else? Stephanie: I need some air. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Lucas, we did the right thing, you know. It's not forever. We will be back together. We'll get remarried as soon as we possibly can. And maybe we can go on our second honeymoon to Australia. What? Lucas: I'm really gonna miss this face. Sami: Don't. No, Lucas, you're gonna make me cry. Lucas: I'm sorry, but I am. I'll be good, all right? We'll enjoy our last night together. We'll make it as memorable as possible. Maybe order some room service, get you some champagne or something. I'll have some sparkling cider. How does that sound? Sami: I haven't had a drink since I found out... Lucas: Since you found out you were pregnant. Come on, sit down. We'll just -- we'll make tonight about us, you know, about you and me. We won't think about anybody else in the whole world. We're the only two that matter. Sami: I love you. Lucas: I love you, too. [SCENE_BREAK] [Slow-tempo music plays] [Music stops] E.J.: It's a glorious evening, isn't it, Father? Stefano: Ah. The results are in, yes? E.J.: That they are. Congratulations. You have a grandson. Stefano: [Laughs] Bravo, bravo. Bravo. [SCENE_BREAK] Ford: I like you, Max. We need to hang out more. Max: Yeah, I don't think so. Morgan: Coffee. Drink up. Ford: Wow, spoken like a true stewardess. Can I get some beer nuts with that, too? Morgan: I think you've had enough beer for one night. Ford: There's no beer in beer nuts. Max: Maybe we should get him out of here before he... [Glass shatters] breaks something. Ford: My bad. That's my cue to leave. It was a great party, guys. Awesome. Morgan: Oh, no, no, no. You are not getting behind the wheel. Ford: I'll wear my seat belt. I promise. Morgan: I'm not letting you drive. You have way too much of a buzz going on. Max: She's right. Ford: I live six blocks from here. Morgan: Then you can walk. Ford: Just give me back my keys, please? Chelsea: Or we could just call my mom, you know, head of campus security? Ford: That's your mom? The hot chick with the brown hair, looks like she's young enough to be a student? Yeah, let's call her. Chelsea: You really are sick. Do you mind if I talk to you for a second? Max: Uh, are you gonna be okay? Morgan: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Chelsea: Jerk. Max: Copy that. So, what's going on? Chelsea: Well, I feel kind of weird asking you this, but what do you think of Stephanie? Never mind. I shouldn't have asked you. Max: No, Chelse, look, it's fine. Did she ask you to ask me? Chelsea: No, she didn't. And you can't tell her that I'm talking to you about this right now. Max: No, I won't. Chelsea: Good. So, how do you feel about her? Max: I think she's a great girl. Chelsea: "Great." That's not really the word you used when you guys were trapped in the cave together, but okay. Max: Did she tell you about that? Chelsea: Not in detail. Max: Well, okay, maybe I did feel a little differently about her back then, but she made it very clear that all she wants is a friend. Why is this so important to you anyway? Chelsea: Because I want her to be happy. Max: I should probably, you know... Chelsea: Yeah, no. Go. Go. Max: So, what did we decide? [SCENE_BREAK] [Doorbell rings] Chelsea: Hi. You guys must be Cordy's parents? Person: Is she ready? Chelsea: No, she's not, but you guys are more than welcome to wait inside if you'd like. Person: No. Chelsea: Okay. Well, I'll go check on her and see how long she'll be. Stephanie: Chelse. Chelsea: Hey. Um, these are Cordy's parents. Stephanie: Oh, hi. It's really nice to meet you. Your daughter's great. I'm really gonna miss her. Chelsea: We all are. Person: Please tell Cordy that we'll be waiting in the car. Chelsea: Right. Stephanie: They're friendly. Come on. [SCENE_BREAK] Ford: It's my car. Max: Hold onto the keys. Ford: What do you mean I'm not driving? Max: Go ahead, walk if you want to go. Chelsea: Cordy, your parents are here. Ford: I had a couple of beers. What's the big deal? Stephanie: Cordy, are you okay? Chelsea: Look, Cordy, you may not want to tell us what happened, but you might feel a lot better if you did. Cordy: No. I can't talk about it. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: I cannot imagine that Samantha was very pleased with the outcome. E.J.: Actually, she doesn't know yet, but she will...soon. Stefano: Good, because we have a wedding to plan. E.J.: Yes, we do, and there's no time to waste, eh? Stefano: Uh-huh. Well, everything seems to be falling in place, huh, my son? E.J.: I'm a father. I'm a father. And I'm marrying the girl of my dreams. Stefano: La vita buona. E.J.: Indeed. Life is very good. Oh, and I did some sleuthing down at the hospital. I found out that the stem cells from the umbilical cord have been stored. So, appropriately enough, to your good health. Stefano: Salute. You make me very proud, Elvis. But tell me, this grandson of mine, does he have a name? E.J.: Samantha wants to call him John or Johnny or something. Stefano: How original. E.J.: Well, I think it's supposed to be some kind of tribute to John Black. Stefano: Ah, John. Well, yes. But for my grandson, eh. I know what. I will call him Gianni. E.J.: Gianni? Stefano: Si, yes. It's a very powerful name. It will hold him in good stead when he takes over the DiMera empire one day. E.J.: Okay. But, father, I want you to be a mentor for my son, please, just like you were for me. Be a mentor for him. Stefano: I look very much forward to that with great pleasure, my son. E.J.: Good. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: [Giggles] Lucas: I wish we could stay like this forever. Sami: Me too. Lucas: You want a little massage? I saw a little massage oil in that bathroom. Sami: Really? Lucas: Yeah. Sami: I can't say no to that. Lucas: Okay, dear, I'll be right back. Save my spot. Sami: [Chuckles] Lucas: One Lucas Horton massage coming right up for you -- the feet, the forehead, back. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Sami: Oh, God. What does E.J. want? "DNA test confirms that... the boy is mine. We have a son." [SCENE_BREAK] Ford: How many fingers am I holding up, hmm? Three. Wait, no, no, no, no. Four. Who invited the professor? Nick: Terri's car needs a jump. Can you help me out? Ford: I can do it. I'll give her a jump. Max: Shut it. Are you gonna be okay? Morgan: I'll be fine. Ford: A teacher. So not cool. Morgan: I cannot be babysitting you all night. Ford: Well, then, you got two choices. You can either give me back my keys or give me a lift. Morgan: Fine, I'll drive you. Let me go get my jacket. Ford: That's my girl. Morgan: Are you ready? Ford: Happy Halloween. Morgan: Can we go now? Ford: Let's go. Morgan: Let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Ford left. Chelsea: Cordy, you can tell us whatever you want. It's not gonna leave this room, all right? Stephanie: Look, she obviously doesn't want to talk. Chelsea: What did he do to you? Cordy: He... he raped me. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: And I think he should grow up in Italy. Mmm. Of course, where he could spend his childhood immersed in culture and live life the way it should be lived instead of being surrounded with such shallow distractions as we have here. E.J.: Toscano? Stefano: Uh-huh. And then off to an English boarding school, hmm? Just like his father. But you know something? We keep talking about Gianni, Gianni, Gianni. Where is he? I want to meet him. [Doorbell rings] E.J.: I'll get that. Hold on. [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: Kate, may I assume that you have located my son? Kate: I should be getting a finder's fee. E.J.: Excellent. Come in. Stefano: Ah, Kate. [Chuckles] How delightful. E.J.: Father, she's come to tell us where my son is. Stefano: My grandson, hmm. Where is he? Kate: The twins are with Steve and Kayla. E.J.: What? You cannot be serious. Stefano: This is an outrage. Steve Johnson is caring for my grandchild? E.J.: Not for long, Father. Not for long. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: Ready for your massage? I found this great oil. It smells so good. Honey, take a look at this. Smell. What? What's the matter? Sami: I'm sorry. Lucas: Honey, you're as white as a ghost. Are you okay? Sami: Yeah. Yeah, it's just hormones kicking in again. Lucas: All right, come relax. Lay down. Lay down and make yourself comfortable. Lay on this towel, and I will give you a wonderful massage. There you go. That's perfect. Are you comfortable? Sami: I'm sorry. Lucas: Honey, stop. Stop apologizing, okay? Let's just make the best out of this. Just try to relax. A nice massage for you. I want you to think about... happy places and happy times. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: I have a grandson, and the DiMeras live on. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Where'd Ford go? Nick: Morgan drove him home. Stephanie: What? Nick: What's wrong? Stephanie: Ford raped Cordy. Morgan's in big trouble. [SCENE_BREAK] Ford: Looking hot, baby. You want it. | Chelsea pulls Max aside to question his feelings for Stephanie |
468 | Melanie: Wow. Chad: Wow yourself. [Melanie giggles] [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: All right, here's the form. Rafe: Thank you. So I just wanted to apologize for what happened last time at your office. Daniel: Don't worry about it. Rafe: I was a little stressed out. Daniel: It's all right. It's all right. Rafe: Hey, far as you're concerned, you're out of this for now, all right? Daniel: Yeah, we'll see about that. I just hope this helps. Rafe: Yeah. I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm researching how to fake a paternity test. What am I, Sami? This is for a good thing, right? Daniel: Are you sure about this? Rafe: Hmm. Daniel: Let me just tell you, I don't know how you're gonna pull this off without EJ finding out that he's really the father of Nicole's baby. No, no, no, you are laying claim to his child, Rafe. Do you have any idea what he could do if he--no, no, when he finds out? Rafe: Okay, well, I guess that's just a chance I'm gonna have to take. Daniel: Is it really? Well, let me tell you what I did when it happened to me. I nearly bludgeoned someone with a crucifix in a church. Now, maybe that's just me. But you, you're--I don't even know what kind of state of mind you're in right now. You're going through a divorce. And then this thing with you and Carrie, what is that? Rafe: The Carrie thing, it's over, okay? End of story. Daniel: Is it? Rafe: Yeah. Daniel: Okay, I am the last person to give relationship advice, but I have learned a few hard lessons in the last few years. Rafe: Okay. I'm listening. Daniel: Good. Because I think you should ask yourself why you're doing this. And is it even worth it in the end? Rafe: I'm the father of Nicole's baby. Daniel: I know you're trying to be a good guy here. Rafe: No. No, you're right. It's a lot more complicated than that. I'm messed up, man. Daniel: Yeah, well, who isn't? Rafe: When I took that leap of faith when I told EJ that that baby was mine, I didn't even know what I was doing. I mean, it's not like Nicole and I are even friends. Daniel: Yeah, no kidding. Rafe: But when I thought about EJ ruining another innocent kid's life... it made me so angry. And maybe... Daniel: Maybe what? Rafe: Maybe I'm paying him back for everything that he's done to me. Maybe that's what I'm trying to do. Daniel: Yeah, which is completely understandable. Rafe: Is it? Daniel: Yeah. Rafe: Is it really? 'Cause I've never felt like this before. All right, usually I have a good idea of what's what in my life--black and white, right and wrong, and... you know? Daniel: Not so much, but, you know, go ahead, carry on. Rafe: And now I'm doing this. On top of that, I'm kissing my wife's sister. What the hell is wrong with-- Daniel: Okay, don't be so judgmental. You don't know, maybe there's more there with you and Carrie. Rafe: No, no, there is not any more there. All right? She's working things out with her husband, and that's that, okay? Daniel: That's very chivalrous of you, but think about this, man. Think about this. Maybe you could just tell her the truth. Just... Rafe: Yes. You're right. You're right. That's exactly what I need to do. I just need to tell her the truth. Daniel: That's it. [Cell phone ringing] Trust me. Rafe: Thanks. Daniel: Who is it? Rafe: It's her. It's Carrie. Daniel: Pick up the--pick it up, man. Rafe: Carrie. Carrie: Rafe. I'm at the pub. I was wondering if you could come and meet me here. I have something important I'd like to talk to you about. Rafe: Sure, I'll be right there. Daniel: Well? Rafe: She wants me to meet her. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Stop avoiding me, Stefano. I'm not going away. I know you sabotaged EJ's election, which I'm pretty sure is valuable information that you don't want getting out, so you better call me back so we can settle this. Billie: Hello? Anybody home? Hello, hello? Hello? [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: So you are gonna go see Carrie, right? All right, that's a stupid question. Rafe: No. No, it's not. Daniel: Okay, look, listen to me. When I ended things with Jennifer, I had to go halfway around the world and back before I felt like I could be in the same room with her. Rafe: Yeah, I don't really have that option. Daniel: Okay, you know what, then don't. Don't torture yourself. Don't do it. Rafe: I owe it to Carrie, though. I got to tell her. Daniel: Well, there you go. There you go. Go tell her. That's what you should do. Go. Rafe: I can't. I can't. Daniel: Oh, my gosh, Rafe, Rafe, listen to me, man, listen. I know it's masochistic, but I think it's the best for both of you, really. You just go, and you lay your cards on the table, man. You can do it. Good luck. [SCENE_BREAK] [Door slams] EJ: Harold. Could you please send somebody to the front of the house to clean my car? Bloody thing's filthy. Potholes everywhere, I tell you. [Compartment sliding] EJ: Billie. I didn't know you were here. Billie: You know, you could get those potholes fixed. You are the mayor. EJ: Rest assured, it is at the top of my list. I see you're making yourself comfortable. Billie: Yup, I sure am. I like keeping my mom company. Hey, any idea when Stefano's coming back? EJ: I haven't heard anything. My father always likes to keep us on our toes. Billie: I'm sure he does. Oh, I would have liked one of those muffins. [Laughs] Thanks. I thought you had a meeting today early with the city council. What happened? EJ: I did. They canceled. I'm working from home today. How about you? Billie: Oh, great minds think alike. I'm working from home today too. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe: Hey. Carrie: That was fast. Rafe: I was only over at the Horton Square. Carrie: Thank you for coming to meet me. Rafe: Honestly, I'm glad you called. I missed you. Carrie: You missed me? Rafe: Yeah, I guess you haven't given me much thought now that you're back with Austin. Things are going well? Carrie: They are. Rafe: Well, in that case, I'm--I'm happy for you. I just want you to know that I really care about you. A lot. Carrie: Rafe, would you please stop pretending like you care about me? Rafe, it's just not right for you to keep saying these things. I'm married. Rafe: Okay, I'm sorry. All right, I didn't mean to upset you. Carrie: Look, we worked together, some things happened that neither of us planned or expected, but now I am working on my marriage. We need to forget those things. Rafe: I understand. It's just not--it's not that simple. I mean, at least not for me. I'll always care what you think about me. Carrie: We don't need to get into this. In fact, it's better if we don't. Rafe: Carrie, will you just hear me out? There's something that I need you to understand. All right? Carrie: Okay. I'm listening. Rafe: Okay. All right, um... [SCENE_BREAK] [Door opens] Austin: Sorry, I'm late. My faculty meeting ran a little long. And, Rafe, thank you. Thank you for joining us on such short notice. Rafe: No problem? Austin: Now, look, I know that there has been a lot of tension between the three of us, but I'm hoping after today we can just put it all behind us. Rafe: [Chuckles] Yeah, and how do you suggest we do that? Austin: Oh, sweetheart, you haven't--you haven't told him yet? Carrie: I was just about to. Rafe: What's this? Dissolution of business partnership. Carrie: I think it's important that we officially end our ties to each other so that we can both move on with our lives. [SCENE_BREAK] Billie: Oh, sorry, am I bothering you? EJ: Not at all. I couldn't help but wonder, though, if you wouldn't have a little bit more privacy working in your own room. Billie: Oh, no, it's too drafty up there. EJ: Well... I'm terribly sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to ask for a little bit of privacy because I have a rather important conference call that's starting in just a few minutes. Billie: Oh, I see. EJ: Maybe you'll have to go and work at Countess Wilhelmina today. Billie: Okay, guess you're right. EJ: I would imagine I would see you late tonight. I'm sure you'll be wanting to stop by the hospital and see how Bo is doing after work. Billie: Yeah, great, I'll see you later tonight. Good luck with the potholes. [SCENE_BREAK] Melanie: Mm. I didn't think anything would be better than last night. Chad: [Clears throat] I have a gift for you. Melanie: What? Yay! Okay. You didn't have to do this. Chad: I know. I know. I know. What is it? What is it? Melanie: [Laughs] Oh, my gosh. Oh, this is so cute. Thank you. Chad: You're welcome. There is one important thing about this gift that you need to know, however. Melanie: Oh. What is that? Chad: It stays here. Melanie: And why is that? Chad: Well, as much as I love you just like this, I realize there may come a time when this robe will come in handy, you know, save you from embarrassment. Melanie: Ohh. Chad: Like when a pizza delivery guy shows up. I...[Ahem]... I hope there are many more nights you'll spend here with me. Melanie: I would like that very much. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe: I just don't see why formally dissolving our business partnership is necessary. Carrie: It will exonerate you from any future liability. For example, suppose one day one client is unhappy and sues me for malpractice. Austin: We live in a very litigious society. Rafe: Yeah, but Carrie works so hard for all of her clients. They all love her. Are you sure you want to do this? End our partnership? Carrie: I think it would be best for both of us. Please just sign. Thank you. Rafe: Yeah. Austin: Great. Now that's settled, I have something that I'd like to say. Rafe: What's that? Austin: This has been an extremely difficult period for all of us--for you, Rafe, for you, my love, for me and Sami. And--and it kills me that you and Sami weren't able to work things out. Rafe: Thank you. Austin: But I need to know that you respect the fact that Carrie and I are committed to working out our marriage. Rafe: I do. Austin: Okay. Rafe: Yeah. Austin: Great. And I'm glad to hear that, because Salem is a small place, and, look, we're all still... family in a sort of way. And nothing would make me happier than to just put this all behind us and just be friends. Rafe: Friends. Austin: Yeah. Carrie: Yeah. Friends. Rafe: Well, if that's what you guys want, then, yes, absolutely. Carrie: Great. Well, I'm glad we cleared the air. Austin: Yes, cleared the air. Carrie: We won't keep you any longer. Rafe: Well, then, I'll see you when I see you... friends. Yeah. Austin: Rafe. Thanks. Rafe: Okay. Carrie: Thanks for coming. [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: Well, I thought that... was a little bit uncomfortable. But--but it went great. Didn't it? Carrie: Yeah. Austin: And he gets it. He knows that we are committed to our relationship, and he's gonna respect it. Carrie: Yeah. Austin: And you were wonderful. And I love you. Carrie: I love you. Austin: And I wish I could stick around, but I have to go talk to a student about his thesis paper. Carrie: Right. You mentioned that. Austin: And I cannot wait to spend the whole night with you. I'll call you later. Both: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Billie: Spencer. It's me, Billie. You got to call me back ASAP. I searched the DiMera mansion again, and I think I've hit the mother lode. I found some secret files in a hidden compartment. Now I didn't have time to examine the contents because, unfortunately, EJ interrupted me, but I'm gonna go back for a really thorough search as soon as I can. [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: Miserable bastard! [Thud] Nicole: You, um... you weren't supposed to be here. They said you were in meetings all day, so I thought it would be a good time to... get my things. EJ, what's wrong? EJ: You know, when I decided to run for mayor... I really thought my life could turn a corner. I could become some sort of legitimate force in this town. Do it for my family. For my children. For my wife. And for my father. You leaving me was a little bit like having the air sucked out of my lungs... but to lose my father is like losing the ground beneath my feet. He betrayed me. Nicole: I'm sorry. EJ, I... I was gonna tell you, but I wanted to talk to Stefano first. EJ: You knew? Why--why didn't you tell me? Nicole: I didn't want to get involved. EJ: How did you find out? Nicole: Does it matter? EJ: Of course it matters. You tell me how you found out my father was trying to undermine me when I was framing John Black with pension fraud. You tell me. Nicole: You framed John? EJ: What are you looking so shocked about? You said you knew everything that happened. Nicole: I wasn't talking about John. EJ: What are you talking about? Nicole: The election. EJ: The election? What about the election? Nicole: Maybe we should just forget about what I said. EJ: Whatever you know, whatever my father was doing, you tell me now. Nicole: Your father stole the election from you. EJ: Nicole, if anybody stole that election, that was Abraham. I mean, he was caught stuffing the ballot boxes. I won that personal vote, Nicki, I did. Abraham and Jennifer, they may have won the initial Victory with their fraud, but you caught that. We were able to uncover it, and then I was able to take my rightful place as mayor. Yes? Nicole: That's only partly right. I-I did pull a rabbit out of a hat when I made it look like Abe cheated, but that was only after I found out Stefano was working against you. EJ: What are you talking about? Nicole: EJ, it was your father who rigged the election so that Abe would win. Stefano is the one who made sure you lost. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe: Hey. Carrie: Rafe. What are you doing here? Rafe: Pen thief. Carrie: You didn't have to come back for a pen. Rafe: Really? It's the one your parents gave you when you passed the bar. Figured you didn't want to lose that. Carrie: Uh, yeah, you're right. Thank you. Well, I better run. Rafe: Hey. Thought we were friends. Carrie: We are. Rafe: Yeah? Then why does it seem like you can't get out of here fast enough? Carrie: Honestly? You don't know why? [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: Is that my sister? Billie: Is that my brother? Hi. Austin: Hey. Billie: What are you doing here? Austin: I'm actually waiting for this student. Is gonna be late. But I can have this opportunity to have a cup of coffee with my sister that I miss very much. Billie: I would love that. Austin: Please sit. Billie: I would love it. Yay. Austin: So I've been meaning to talk to you. I have so much to tell you, but... Billie: You do? Austin: First things first. You got to tell me what it's like living at the DiMera mansion with mom. Billie: You can't believe. I'm just glad that Stefano is gone so I can be with mom alone. Austin: Yeah. Billie: And then there's that EJ. I mean, I don't know, I guess-- well, it's a chance for me to get to know him. [Laughter] Austin: You know what, I don't think anybody knows that guy. Billie: Yeah, you're probably right. Well, we'll see. [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: My father rigged the election against me? [Laughs] It doesn't even make any sense. Doesn't--I mean, we're on the same team. You know? A Victory for me is a shared Victory for him. Nicole: EJ, this is Stefano we're talking about. He's not a person anyone should put faith in. EJ: He's my father. I'm his son. We're flesh and blood. A father does not do that to a son. Nicole: Well, I don't know. When they made Stefano, they broke the mold. EJ: Why? Why would my own father want to destroy me? [SCENE_BREAK] Melanie: Okay, handsome. You didn't really give me a whole lot to work with in the fridge, but I did the best that I could for breakfast, and I recommend you eat up, because you have a long day ahead of you. Chad: Is that so? Melanie: Oh, yeah. You have no idea. Breakfast. Chad: Oh, no, no, it can wait. Melanie: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Billie: You haven't told me what's going on with Carrie. Austin: Oh, my God. I can't even believe I haven't told you this, but... Billie: But? Austin: Abigail lied about me sleeping with her. Billie: What? Austin: Yes, yes. Billie: Are you kidding? Austin: Nothing happened between us that night at my office. I got drunk. I passed out. Nothing happened after Carrie and I had the fight. Billie: She--wait, she made the whole thing up? Austin: Yeah. Billie: Well, that's outrageous. Austin: Sit. What's outrageous is that I just didn't tell Carrie from the start what happened because, had I done that, we could have avoided so much pain and suffering and drama. I mean... Billie: Oh, I'm just--I'm so glad--I'm so glad that things are gonna work out between you two. Austin: Yeah. Billie: Wow. Austin: You know what, sis, I'm just--I'm trying to get back to the man that I was. And I know that if I can do that, Carrie and I are gonna be golden. Billie: I hope so. You know, marriage is between two people, and I just hope that Carrie is as committed as you are to making your marriage work. [SCENE_BREAK] Carrie: Rafe, I honestly believed you were a great guy. Otherwise, I never would have fallen for you. Rafe: Okay, you're right. All right, it was wrong for me to have feelings for you when I was still married to Sami. But I'm not the only one who had feelings. You've had 'em too. Carrie: Yeah. You're right. I never should have let it happen, but I did, I fell for you. It was a lapse in judgment, but my feelings for you were very real. Rafe: Well, mine were real for you too. I really cared about you, you know. I still do. Carrie: Seriously? If you really cared about me, you never would have slept with Nicole. Rafe: What are you talking about? Carrie: Don't lie to me about this again, because I know she is pregnant with your child. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: EJ... you're not really shocked, are you? There is no honor amongst thieves. If anyone should know that, it's you. I mean, you--you stole millions of dollars from John Black and tried to send him to jail. Everyone in Salem suspected it was you and Stefano. My God, it turns out they were right. EJ: It was my plan. It was me. Not my father. Planned it. I executed it. I brought John Black down. Nicole: Getting full credit really matters to you, I see that. EJ: So I did it. [Slams glass] I did it. Because I really, really wanted to prove to my father that I was ready to run his company. It's like he stole that from me too. Just like he stole the election. God! God! What a fool. Nicole: EJ, I can--I can see that you're upset and very angry at your father, but you need to keep your head on straight, okay? If you did frame John, you shouldn't tell anyone, including me. EJ: Oh, please, you're not gonna send the father of your child to prison. Nicole: Okay, let's focus, please. EJ... why do you think Stefano was undermining your plot to frame John? EJ: I have plenty of evidence. Oh, no, let me tell you something, sweetheart. There is no doubt. You know what's funny? I thought I scored quite a coup. I really did. Siphoning all this money away from John's pension funds into the safe accounts, and, all the while, unbeknownst to me, my father's pulling my strings! Probably having a really good laugh at the same time. You think? [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: Okay, you want me to be honest? Billie: Mm-hmm. Austin: There were times where I honestly didn't think that Carrie and I were gonna make it. I mean, even when we were together, I felt her pulling away from me, you know? I mean, she was there, but she wasn't quite present. Billie: Okay, well, how did you turn that around? Austin: Well, she found out that Abigail lied, and, I don't know, I mean, there was just-- there was just this one day that was a turning point, where I could tell Carrie just made the decision that she wanted our marriage to work, and that's it. Billie: I don't want to rain on your parade. It's just that it's one thing to say you want it to work and another thing to make it happen. Austin: Did you really just say that? I mean, honestly, sis, you are killing me here. Billie: I'm sorry! Austin: No, no, no. I'm asking for a little support here. Billie: I don't mean to be negative. I just--I care about both of you so much, and I just want it to work. Austin: I know you do. You are my loving sister, and you are always there to support me. Billie: I am, and you have always helped me through so much. And it is the least I can do. Austin: And you're absolutely right. It is nice to have it turned around for once, isn't it? Billie: Yeah, it is. Austin: But I got to tell you something. I am so determined--determined, sis, to be the guy that Carrie fell in love with originally, and, if we can just get back to the way we were... she's never gonna look at Rafe again. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe: Carrie. Carrie: You should have just admitted that you lied about sleeping with Nicole. Rafe: I didn't want to hurt you, okay? Carrie: No, you didn't think you'd get caught. But the joke's on you when Nicole wound up pregnant. What hurts the most is I was willing to walk away from my marriage to be with you, because I thought you were this great guy and that we had something real. I guess the joke's on me. Rafe: No, no, no, don't say that. Listen, what we have is real. I'm telling you-- Carrie: Stop saying that. If you really meant that, you never would have slept with her. [SCENE_BREAK] Chad: I love you. Melanie: [Silently] I love you too. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: You know, maybe Stefano has his reasons for what he did. Maybe he was trying to protect you. EJ: Protect me? My father evidently does not care about me, Nicole. The only person he cares about is himself. Nicole: All right, well, let's not forget that you're not the only person that's hurting, EJ. What about--what about the investors that poured millions into John Black's pension fund? EJ: What? You really think I wasn't gonna give them their money back? That was the whole point of the class action suit, Nicole. Okay, I was gonna do exactly the same thing John Black did. You liquidate his assets; you give it back to these little people. The only person who was supposed to be hurt was John Black. Nicole: If you're the one who stole it in the first place, then what happened to the money? EJ: Good question. I took the money and put it in here, his offshore accounts. Supposed to be secure. Nicole: I'm sorry. What do you mean? EJ: Oh, the money's gone, Nicole. It's all gone. There's not a penny left. [SCENE_BREAK] Billie: Where are you, Spencer? Austin: Expecting a call? Billie: Oh, well, yeah. But you know, unfortunately, a watched cell never rings. Austin: [Chuckles] Something important? Billie: No, business. Hey, I have an idea. Austin: Yeah? Billie: While we're waiting for your student, why don't you give Carrie a call and just check in, say hi? Austin: Well, I just saw her. We just met with Rafe to dissolve their business partnership. Billie: Good. Austin: Yeah. I mean, just to clear the air once and for all. Billie: Okay, that's good. How'd it go? Austin: It went great. It went great. You know, sis, I really think that whatever feelings Carrie and Rafe had for each other... they're in the past now. Billie: Good. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe: Carrie, you have to just trust me on--just trust me on this. I really do care about you. Carrie: What about Nicole and your baby? Rafe: It's complicated. Carrie: Oh, no, actually it's very simple. You sleep with someone, they get pregnant--you and Nicole are having a baby together. I'm sure you'll do right by Nicole, or at least I hope you will, because you're not the man that I thought you were. And that's what hurts the most. Rafe: No, Carrie, Carrie, stop, just listen to me, okay? I'm gonna tell you the truth. | Austin was happy that they ended their partnership |
469 | Philip: Hi, this is Philip Kiriakis, Mr. Drew. I'm actually calling about my son Parker. As you know, his mother and I were hoping to share custody. I see. No, I don't understand. But we're gonna fight this with all we've got. Chloe: Hey, what happened? Philip: It's not good. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: God, my baby. Hope: We'll find them. Lexie: Theo has no tolerance for places he's not familiar with. He must be terrified. Abe: He's with Ciara, sweetheart. Lexie: Oh, I'm sure she'll be a great comfort to him, Abe. Abe: Come on, Lex. Lexie: Oh, come on? Our son won't even go on a sleep-over. Now he's run away? Bo: They can't have gotten far. Lexie: Yeah, Bo, so you keep saying. Someone could've picked them up, right? They could've gotten on a bus, a train. Bo: People would've noticed two kids traveling by themselves. Somebody would've guessed that there was something wrong that they didn't have an adult with them. Lexie: Ciara talked him into this. Theo was fine. He was happy. He was doing well in school. He never would have run away if your daughter hadn't forced him to. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: The secret mom wanted to tell you involves Rafe Hernandez? Nicole: Yeah. Taylor: Mom mentioned his name to you? Nicole: I mean, sh-- she might have been confused, the drugs, you know. Taylor: She hardly knew the man. Nicole: I know. That's what's so strange. But let's just not tell anyone else about this, okay? Taylor: I still don't get it. The--the secret mom knew involves Rafe Hernandez? Nicole: Just leave it alone for now, okay? Taylor: Wait, aren't you worried about this, Nicole? I mean, if--if this secret about EJ has something to do with Rafe-- we both know that EJ and Sami have a very complicated relationship. Nicole: So what? Taylor: So if something is going on between EJ and Rafe, and--and mom seemed upset about it, then it--it can't be anything good, can it? Nicole: Why do you care, Taylor? What's it to you? [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: So... why was Nicole here? Answer the question, please. Rafe 2: I don't see what the big deal is. People come, people go. EJ: Is that right? Don't play games with me. Let me ask you one more time. Why did my wife... come to see you? Rafe 2: Jealous? EJ: Not really, no. Rafe 2: No? Then why are you so worried that Nicole was here? Seriously, hm? What're you so worried about? [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Then get more cars out there. Don't you think I would have told you if I'd heard from them? Hope: I have something to say. Don't blame Ciara. She's just a little girl. Very unhappy little girl, apparently. Lexie: I know. I know. Look, I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry, okay? I did--I did not mean that. All right? I-I know that Theo went with Ciara because, I mean, they're-- they're so close. I mean, she's like a sister to him. I know he didn't want her to be alone. Okay? Bo: Okay. I will. You, too. All right, thanks. Nothing. Hope: If Ciara would just call... and I could tell her that she's wrong about us. Why would she blame herself for anything? I mean, I-- after everything our little baby's been through, and now this? [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: He's such a sweetheart. He wanted to keep Ciara company. That's why he ran away with her, not because he was unhappy. Abe: He loved Ciara. Lexie: Yeah. Abe: He'll do anything for her. Lexie: I know, I know. But he's not capable of handling this, Abe. You know how he gets when he's out of his element. He needs to have his routine. He needs to know that we're around. He needs to know exactly when we're picking him up from school, from day care, I mean, he--he needs to know. He-- he needs to know. Bo: We're gonna find him, Lexie. Lexie: God, I-- well, I mean, if-- okay. If someone picked them up, we would have been notified by now. And... people would have noticed kids getting on a bus or a train by themselves, without an adult. Bo: Definitely. Lexie: Right. So... why are we standing around here doing nothing? Let's get out there and find them. [SCENE_BREAK] Theo: But I want to go home. Home, home, home! Ciara: I thought you wanted to protect me. Theo: I'm scared. Home. Ciara: We can't go home. Remember? The truck that we were hiding in took us far away. And if I go home, mommy and daddy will never be happy together. Theo: But I want my mommy and daddy. Ciara: Theo, shhh. It's gonna be all right. Don't worry, okay? [Rustling in the bushes] [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe 2: Why do you care your wife paid me a visit? EJ: See, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me. The woman can't stand you. So, now, why would she come around and see you? Rafe 2: Huh. So you are jealous. Is it the face? Huh? [Chuckling] I mean, come on, what do you think? That she just came over here and that, uh, she was hitting on me? What, you think that she-- EJ: [Laughing] Hit on you. I think it's a lot more likely that you were hitting on her, don't you? Rafe 2: All right, just chill. She just came over-- over here to thank me 'cause I went to the mansion, and I offered her my condolences. That's all. Rafe's a nice guy. He gets thanked a lot, man. Please-- EJ: Just thanked? Rafe 2: Yeah, just thanked. What else did you think it was? EJ: You're lucky I have somewhere else to be. Rafe 2: So we'll talk later then, huh? Hey, EJ, come on. Hey! [Door slams] Rafe 2: We're cool. Son of a-- [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: I need to talk to you. Right now. Stefano: Is there a problem? EJ: Oh, yeah. There's a problem. Stefano: Let me guess. Could it be your wife? [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: So what did they say? What did you say to them, Philip? Philip: What do you think I said? I told them you and I should have shared custody, that Parker needs his mother. Chloe: Well, you obviously weren't very convincing. Philip: What? You're blaming me? Chloe: You must have sounded ambivalent or--or--and they must have picked up on it. Philip: Chloe. Social Services made this decision, not me. They're obviously taking a very hard line. Chloe: Oh, come on, at least have the courage to say it. Philip: Say what? Chloe: They think I'm an unfit mother. And maybe I am. Maybe that's what you think, too. Philip: Chloe... look, it's not over, okay? We're going to fight them on this, all right? I'm gonna talk to the lawyer covering for Justin. Okay? We are going to have shared custody, all right? Everything's gonna be fine. Chloe: I wish I were as confident as you. Philip: You should be. Because we're gonna win. You believe me, right? Chloe: Yeah, sure. Philip: All right, I'm gonna go talk to that lawyer. I'll call you when I know anything. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Roman! Roman, what's going on? Roman: Well, we covered the entire neighborhood and beyond. Nothing so far. Lexie: Oh, God. Have--have you contacted everyone in the family? Doug, Julie, Caroline? Hope: Yes. Bo: Yeah, we--we've called everybody. Hope: And I keep trying to call Ciara, but obviously, she's not picking up. If --if she would just answer, then we could GPS the location. Abe: Listen, why don't we go down to the hospital, check the databases of the other hospitals, see if there are any kids who've been brought in. Lexie: Yeah, yeah, good idea. Um, we'll stay in touch, okay? Hope: Absolutely. Bo: Yes. Roman: [Exhales slowly] Hope: I should've known. I should've sensed it. Ciara was upset. Why was I so oblivious? Why didn't I see this coming, Bo? Bo: Whoa. Why didn't I see it coming? [SCENE_BREAK] Will: Okay, okay. This one, they're at Victoria's Peak, and dad says you can see the whole city from there. Maggie: Oh, my. [Gasps] Oh, my goodness, look at Allie. She has grown two inches since they've been in Hong Kong. Oh, my goodness. You miss them, don't you? Will: Yeah. I mean, especially lately, with everything that's going on. Maggie: Well, exactly what is going on? Will: Um, well, my mom's not here, you know. She took Johnny and Sydney to Colorado with her. Maggie: She did? To see your Uncle Eric? Will: Yeah. Well, uh, yes and no. I mean, she's staying with my uncle, but, uh, the reason that she left Salem is that she kinda had to get away. Maggie: Hm. Gabi: From my brother? He's the reason she had to get away, isn't he? [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: Look, Nicole, I know how much you care about him, and I don't want there to be any problems, okay? Nicole: Well, don't worry, Taylor, okay? Because the secret... it has nothing whatsoever to do with EJ. Taylor: But you just said that-- Nicole: I know what I said. Okay? And I'm seeing things differently now, okay? And I'm telling you that EJ is not involved in this. Taylor: Okay. Good, good. Um, I'm glad. For you, I mean. Okay, well, um, I have some things to pick up before the funeral. And, um, here's this. Maybe we should include it in the other photos we're bringing. Nicole: Yeah, definitely. Oh, God. Taylor: Hey. Are you okay? Nicole: We're going to Chicago to bury our mother, Taylor. Why would I be okay? Taylor: I'm sorry. Nicole: I feel like... it's like you're in denial for a while, you know, and then it just--it suddenly hits you, you know? Taylor: Yeah, I do. Nicole: Look, why don't you just go run your errands, okay? Taylor: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: It's impossible. I cannot believe that Fay Walker could discover a secret that we have kept hidden all this time. EJ: Look, Father, I don't know how she did it, but the more I think about it, the more I keep going over it... [Whispering] that's the only thing that Fay could have been trying to tell Nicole. It's about Rafe. Nicole: What now, EJ? What have you done? Stefano: Whew. Huh. If she keeps digging... EJ: If she keeps digging, that idiot is going to open up his mouth, and God knows what she's going to do with that information. Stefano: Yes. EJ: Yes? So what do you suggest we do? Stefano: Simple. We kill two birds with one stone. [SCENE_BREAK] Roman: Fine. Okay, thanks. There was a report that a boy and girl about Theo and Ciara's age were admitted to University Hospital about 10, 15 minutes ago. Hope: Oh, my God. Bo: Let's go. Lexie: Maxine. Two kids were admitted just a few minutes ago. Maxine: That's right. Brother and sister. Both sustained minor injuries in an auto accident. Mother's in ICU. Abe: All right, I'm gonna call Bo and Hope and let them know. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxine: What's going on, Lexie? Lexie: Um, I, uh, police matter. Bo and Hope needed us to check on something. Maxine: Hope everything's okay. Lexie: Yeah, so do I. Maxine: Well, if you need anything, you know where to find me. Lexie: Okay, thanks, Maxine. [Whispering] Oh, God. [SCENE_BREAK] Ciara: Do you see it, Theo? Theo: A deer? A deer, a deer? Ciara: And he didn't even bother us, did he? Theo: No. Ciara: I told you there was nothing to be scared of. [Phone rings] Theo: Hello? Ciara: No hello, remember? We made a rule. Theo: But-- Ciara: Promise me you won't answer the phone. No matter what. Theo: Don't answer phone. Don't answer, don't answer, don't answer, don't answer. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe 2: So what'd you guys wanna see me about? Stefano: We've come to tell you that it is over. Finito. EJ: There you go. Wad of cash. Bank card for an account in your new name. Rafe 2: This account, it contains the exact amount of cash that we agreed to? EJ: Sure, it's the balance for services rendered. Rafe 2: Javier Morales? Stefano: That is your new name. And we have given you all the documents you need for your new identification, plus more than enough money to start a new life, eh? Now. Once you are gone... you are to never contact us again. Rafe 2: Fine by me. You guys aren't that much fun anyway. [Laughs] [Clears throat] So. I'm on my way. Take care, gentlemen. Stefano: Ciao. Rafe 2: Adios. EJ: Not so fast. You and I have a little bit of unfinished business. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: What did you want to tell me, Mom? What did you want me to know about EJ before you died? Fay: What do you think that I was trying to tell you? [Celestial music] Nicole: I don't know. I don't know. That's why I need your help, Mom. I can't get it out of my head. I hear EJ tell his father that your secret has something to do with Rafe. But what could it be? Fay: I'm so sorry, sweetheart. You're gonna have to figure this out yourself. But it shouldn't be too hard. Don't you remember? I always told you that EJ is a bastard... and that he's capable of anything. Nicole: What does that have to do with Rafe? That is what I don't get. EJ hates Rafe. He always wanted to-- oh, my God. He finally did it. EJ got rid of Rafe. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: Maggie. Maggie: Oh. Taylor: Hi. Maggie: Taylor, hi. Taylor: I've been meaning to call you. Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers. Maggie: I am so sorry about what happened to your mom. It must have been a very hard time for you. And your sister, too, of course. Taylor: Yeah, yeah. We, uh, we thought mom was getting better. Maggie, it just shouldn't have happened. Maggie: No, it shouldn't have. I know Nicole has EJ to lean on, but what about you? [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe 2: What the hell do you want me to do now? Now, look, I held up my end of the deal. Sami and the kids, drove 'em away with my bad temper. EJ: We know you did. Unfortunately-- Rafe 2: And they're not even around right now, which makes it the perfect time for me to leave this town, you understand? EJ: Right. Rafe 2: Okay? EJ: Okay, you gonna listen to me? Thank you. You think you can just vanish? Huh? Just disappear? You need to make a believable exit, my friend. Rafe 2: Okay, fine, no problem. I'll make a believable exit. Whatever the hell that means. And how long is this exit thing gonna take, though? Because I got a life to lead, know what I'm sayin'? EJ: Oh, I'm sure you do, I'm sure you do. Uh, well, you need to go-- excuse me. Thank you. You need to go and say a proper good-bye to Samantha's family and to her friends. And then you need to endure all their shocked reactions, and then you need to listen. Listen with your ears. Patiently. While they tell you that you need to go back to Samantha and work things out. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: Let me ask you, Rafael. What are you going to say to Samantha's father when he implores you not to give up on his daughter? Rafe 2: Roman? Stefano: Mm. Rafe 2: He already knows what a bitch she is. I bet he'll have a new respect for me for leavin' her. Stefano: Wrong answer. This is what you're going to do. You're going to tell him that you have undying love for his daughter, eh? But things have gotten too bad, and you are afraid... of what will happen. So there is no going back. Rafe 2: Fine. Right. It's good. Things have gotten too bad. No going back. Stefano: Ah. Rafe 2: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: Okay. Now, by the time I get back from my mother-in-law's funeral in Chicago, Samantha gets back from Colorado, you--pshhht! Are gone. Rafe 2: Better believe that. I'm out. EJ: So I'll, uh, I'll leave a good-bye note for Samantha with some, uh, divorce papers attached. Rafe 2: All right. You guys, sounds good. Real good. EJ: Wonderful. Rafe 2: We got a plan. EJ: It's been a pleasure. Do me a little favor. Don't muck this up. Okay? And what I mean by that is don't inject any of your nonsensical exaggeration, or that wonderfully pathetic sense of humor that you have into this whole thing. Got it? Rafe 2: Got it. EJ: Good. Rafe 2: Yeah. Is that it? I mean, really? EJ: You have 24 hours. Not a minute less. Rafe 2: 24, not a minute more. I mean less. See that? All right, it's been real. EJ: It's been wonderful. Rafe 2: I'm out. EJ: Good. Rafe 2: Adios. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: Mm, mm, mm. You're going to miss him. EJ: Oh, I miss him already. Stefano: [Chuckles] I just hope he can finish his last job. EJ: Okay. We need to get Nicole out of town before she speaks to that.. idiot, so she can't start putting all these pieces together. Stefano: Mm-hmm. Well, we don't have a moment to lose. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Could EJ have caused Rafe's accident? Fay: Is EJ capable of something like that? That's what you need to be asking yourself, Nikki. Nicole: I know my husband's no saint, but... he's changed lately, ever since Johnny's surgery. So for him to try to kill Rafe-- Fay: Even if he did try to kill Rafe, did he actually succeed? Nicole: Not in ending his life, but the guy's never been the same since the accident. Everyone sees it. Sami left. That's why she took the children to see Eric, and-- so, uh... I guess in that sense... EJ did succeed. Even though he didn't... actually kill him. The old Rafe's gone. Nowhere to be found. Fay: And what are you gonna do about it, Nikki? Nicole: I have to find out if it's true. I have to see Rafe again. I have to find out what happened. EJ: Sweetheart. Who are you talking to? [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Please, Ciara, answer, honey. [Sighs] Voice mail. Here, you leave a message this time. Bo: Hey, little one, it's daddy. Um, listen, I know you ran away because you think that mommy and I are having problems. We're--we're not. Everything's great between us. The only thing that's wrong is we don't know where you are. So please come home, okay? Call us. We're a family. You, me, and mommy. So please, little one, we love you very, very much. Come home. [SCENE_BREAK] Ciara: No matter how many times mommy and daddy call, I won't answer the phone or listen to the messages, either. Theo: Ciara? Ciara! [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: What the hell are you doing? Chloe: What am I doing? You need to be in a cage. Kate: No, you need to be at home taking care of my grandson, instead of playing barfly here in the broad daylight. Chloe: Parker is napping. And I'm with him all the time. Kate: Oh, really? All the time? Like now? Or the other night, when you were out trying to seduce my son? Chloe: Go to hell. Kate: Just so you know... you and Philip may share a child, but that doesn't give you a hold on him. Because he's smart, and he's successful, and he's very, very handsome. And he can have any woman he wants. Chloe: And what if the woman he wants is me, Kate? Huh? What are you gonna do then? You gonna poison me again? Did you save that brownie recipe? [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: I'm fine, Maggie. I have Nicole. Maggie: Of course. I-I just wish some--tch. Taylor: What? Maggie: Ever since I lost my husband... it made me realize just more than ever how much--how much more important it is to have someone in your life to share it with. I wish that you had someone in your life, a man in your life, to love. Taylor, you are a terrific young woman. And-- and this is just none of my business. [Laughing] I'm sorry. Taylor: It's okay. It's okay, Maggie. You're being very kind. Maggie: I just--I just think that, especially through the tough times, having someone by your side would be-- Taylor: It could help, yes. And I wish there were someone that I could... love, who loved me. But there isn't, Maggie. There's--there's no one. Maggie: Hm. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: I was telling my mother how much I love her and-- and miss her. It's comforting. EJ: I understand. Um, I'm sorry that we interrupted you. Nicole: EJ, thank you for taking such good care of me. Stefano: Elvis, uh-- [Clears throat] you'll have to excuse me, but I have to go put the finishing touches on our latest venture. Again, Nicole... my deepest sympathy for your loss. Nicole: Thank you. You have been... so sweet and compassionate, and... it almost seems... EJ: What? Nicole: Well, you-- you hardly knew my mother. And it's--it's like you're grieving for her, too. EJ: Of course I am. When my wife is in pain, I'm in pain. That's what happens, isn't it? When you share your life with somebody. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe 2: Yeah. Right. Like I'm really stickin' around, saying weepy good-byes to people I don't give a rat's ass about. As if. Especially with Nicole pokin' her schnoz around. Can't have her figurin' out what I did to her poor, dear mother. Sorry, DiMeras. I'm getting the hell outta dodge. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: What are you thinking? Bo: I just realized something. Hope: What? Bo: The answers we're looking for, the clues to where Ciara and Theo are-- Hope: Yeah? Bo: They're at home. Hope: At home? Bo: Yeah, come on, let's go. Hope: I should have thought of this, too. Ciara's always talking about sending Theo emails and messages. Bo: You know her password, right? Hope: Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's Tommy Bear. Hope she hasn't changed it. Bo: No, no, she hasn't. Hope: Okay, here we go. Theo. Mommy and daddy will be happy when I'm gone. They're always so sad because of me. Scroll down. Bo: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Theo says that he's her friend... and that he'll go with her so she's not alone. Hope: Ciara thanks him. She thanks him again. And that's it. There's no mention of where they're planning to go. Bo: There's gotta be something here. There's gotta be some kind of clue. Come on. Hope: How did we miss this? How could we not have known how much she was suffering, Bo? [SCENE_BREAK] Theo: Ciara. Wake up. Ciara, wake up! [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: I am amazed that you share in my grief. And maybe that's partly because you and my mother made a connection these last few weeks. And I know that you really didn't get along at first. But you made a genuine effort. You saw the best in her, and you opened up your home to her, and I know she was grateful. EJ: Well, I was very grateful to be able to get to know her. She was a lovely woman. She was--she was very devoted to both of her daughters. Nicole: Yeah. Especially Taylor. EJ: Well, yeah. Nicole: What? EJ: No, I didn't--I didn't mean it like that. Nicole: What, you think Taylor was more deserving of her devotion? EJ: No, I don't think that. Nicole: You think my sister is a better person than I am. EJ: That's not what I said. Nicole: No, answer me. EJ: That's not what I said. Nicole: You think she's a better person. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe 2: It's time to start a new life. I'm gonna miss this one, though. Sami and her, uh, twins. Nicole. Well, I can always catch up with her watching some DVD�s. Wonder if she ever made any movies with that sister of hers. That'd be hot. Whatever. I got a new face and a bag full of money. Think I'll be fine. Well, Salem, my work here is done. [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: Chloe. Philip's not a fool. He's hanging around you because he feels sorry for you, because he's worried you're gonna jump into the damn river again. Chloe: No, I think he's more worried about what you're gonna do, Kate. His homicidal maniac of a mother, who only married a low-life criminal because he kept her from being charged with murder one. Kate: My concern is my son. And my grandson. Chloe: I don't give a damn what your concerns are. Kate: You wrapped your tentacles around Lucas' throat, and you tried to squeeze the life out of him, and I swear to you I will not let you do that to Philip or to Parker. [Gasps] Chloe: Toodle-oo, Kate. Kate: Stupid slut. This is not over. Not even close. [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: Th--that was not what I meant, all right? Stop this. You're jumping to conclusions. Nicole, please, all right? J-- Taylor. You're home. Uh, listen, the, um, jet's fueled up. It's ready to take us to Chicago. Nicole: It'll have to wait. EJ: What? Nicole: I have an errand to run. EJ: You have an errand to run? Nicole, we're cleared for takeoff, okay? We need to go now. Taylor: Okay, yeah, I'll get my things. EJ: Thank you. I'm gonna go and get the car ready to take us to the airport. You're getting on that plane. All right? Nicole: [Whispering] Oh... damn! I need to see Rafe again and find out what the hell is going on. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe 2: Oh. Will: Hey. Rafe 2: Hey, you two. Will: How's it going? Rafe 2: Good. I'm in a rush, though. Gabi: Where you going? The gym? Rafe 2: Uh, no. Sami's gone. I'm sure you heard. Went to her brother's. So I'm taking a little vacation. Gabi: Oh, you were just gonna leave town without saying good-bye? Rafe 2: Okay, Gabi, enough with the guilt trips, all right? Gabi: No, no, Rafe, I'm your sister, okay? I deserve to know what the hell you're up to, okay? You're not gonna ignore me anymore. Not anymore, do you understand? [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Hey. Hope: Hey. Lexie: Bo, did you read their messages? Did they say where they were running away to? Bo: No, there's nothing. I'm sorry, Lexie. Lexie: Oh, God, I was so hopeful. Abe: So what now, Bo? Bo: I'm gonna join Roman in the field, uh, help him with the search. Hope: Nothing. I'm gonna call Ciara again. Please, God. Have her answer her phone, please. [SCENE_BREAK] Theo: Ciara. Wake up. Ciara, wake up! [Phone rings] Theo: Don't answer. Don't answer. [Ringing continues] [NEXT_ON] Melanie: Drink yourself into oblivion, Chloe. Bo: We're looking for Ciara and Theo my way. Not yours. Mine. Gabi: Who the hell are you? | She thought that someone could have picked them up or they got on a bus or a train |
470 | Bill: All right, listen. We are going to find Emma. I promise. I promise you. Olivia: You can't make that promise. You don't know where Phillip took them. Billy: Hey. Bill: Hey, Dad. Billy: I came as soon as I got your message. Bill: Thanks for coming down. Billy: You okay? Olivia: I'm just great, Billy. Billy: You know, Phillip's crazy, but I really don't think he'll do anything to those little ones. Olivia: Are you kidding me? He already has. He stole them from their mothers. They're probably frightened to death. Billy: What you've got to understand, you know, he's been pushed. I mean, he's a father. He thinks maybe he's doing the right thing. Olivia: Why are you taking his side?! [SCENE_BREAK] Reva: You know, you didn't have to come. Josh: Of course, I did, Reva. I don't want you going up against Jonathon all by yourself. Reva: You know what? Nobody's going up against anybody. I mean, we're here to try to work things out between all of us. And you know what? He asked us to join him here. Josh: And you want to meet him halfway? Reva: Why not? I mean, seriously, how much worse can things get? Jonathan: Hi, Mom. This is the baby. That's Mommy. [SCENE_BREAK] Sebastian: You want out? You want out? Holly: Is that a real question? Sebastian: You tried to bribe my staff, Holly. I thought I could trust you. I thought you would understand. Holly: Understand why you've locked me up? Sebastian: Understand why I need you. Holly: To lure Ed to save your life. I get it. Sebastian: I didn't say why I needed a hostage. I said why I need you. [SCENE_BREAK] Lizzie: Mom, Dad's not going to tell you where the kids are. If he's going to tell anyone he's going to tell me. Beth: No, Lizzie, I don't like it. Lizzie: Okay, what else can we do, Mom? Tell me. Okay, I'm the one who started this. Just let me find them. Beth: Your father is unstable. There's no telling what he might do. Lizzie: He wanted to send me out of the country. I'm the one who pushed him to this. Beth: That's not true. Lizzie: Do you even love him anymore? Beth: How can you... Lizzie: Do you want to help us, Mom? Beth: Of course I do. Lizzie: Okay, then let me do this all right. If I can't help him, then who will? [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: Everybody's really worried about their kids, Phillip. Everybody. Phillip: The kids are fine, Rick. They're fine. They're all excited about their new lives. Rick: What about their old lives, pal? What about their lives with their mother and me? What about that? Phillip: Come on. Let's play a quick game of one on one. First one to 11. I'll spot you two points. You look like you could use it. Rick: What are we doing here? What are we doing here? Phillip: We're bonding. Just like the old days. Rick: Okay. So what do you say we play for some stakes here. Phillip: What did you have in mind? Rick: My son. [SCENE_BREAK] Holly: This is not normal. You know that, right? Sebastian: I don't know a lot about normal. Do you? Holly: I guess not. Sebastian: Well, see? We have that in common. Holly: Sebastian, there are other ways to go. Other ways to save your life. Sebastian: I'm not naive, Holly. I know there's a good chance that Michelle and Tony won't make it or maybe they won't even try. Holly: Then why are we here? Sebastian: I told you, I need you. Whether I live or not. Holly: Why? Why do you want me with you when you die? You don't even know me. Don't you have family somewhere? Someone who loves you? Now, what is this? More pictures of me and my family. Sebastian: What do you feel when you see these? Holly: Is this some kind of a game? Sebastian: What do you feel when you see these photos? Holly: I feel happy and sad, and mostly sad. Sebastian: Yeah. Holly: Is this really how you want to spend what could be your last days? Watching somebody else's home movies? Sebastian: Do you know what it's like not to know who you are? Holly: What does that mean? Sebastian: Holly Margaret Norris, birth date December 7. Children: Christina and Meg. Holly: I know what you're doing. You think by seeing yourself in all of this it makes you a part of it. Sebastian: This isn't just about me, Holly. As much as I want to find a cure for myself, I want you to be well, too. Holly: I'll be fine when I get out of here. Sebastian: Fine. Is that good you have? Holly: I'll take it. Sebastian: You don't strike me as the kind of woman who will settle for fine. In fact, I think you're capable of soaring much higher. Holly: I am capable of falling flat on my face. I have failed in so many ways. Sebastian: How can you say that? You have two adorable daughters. Look at Meg. She is so precious. Holly: Yes, she was. And better off without me. Sebastian: Or at least that's what good old Fletcher thought. Holly: Fletcher--he's a good man, good father. Sebastian: Yeah, right. He wanted to be a hero. Wanted to save you from big, bad Roger. When he figured out he couldn't save you, he took Meg and fled country. Some hero. Holly: He was doing what was best as a father. Being a mother has not been my strongest suit. Sebastian: I wonder how it was for them? Growing up with such an extraordinarily beautiful mother. Holly: My daughters are beautiful. They're better people than I would ever hope to be. And happier. Sebastian: That was very mother lioness of you. See, you have it in you. And you're right. Look at beautiful Chrissie. She made such a lovely bride. Gosh, I wish... I wish I could have danced with her at her wedding. And with you. Holly: She was so happy. Even Roger could see that. They belong with each other. Sebastian: If you say so. Holly: Blake understands love, being loved in a way I never have. Having Ed in her life helped. Sebastian: Dr. Ed. Hmm. Nice hat. Holly: (Laughs) Sebastian: I wonder how it would look on me? I wonder how I would have turned out if Ed had been my father. He helped you with Chrissie, didn't he? And you helped with Michelle after Maureen died. Holly: I tried. I was no Maureen Bauer. Sebastian: Why do you keep coming back to that? Your inadequacies as a mother, as a woman. Holly: I know who I am and who I am not. Sebastian: And yet when I see you with Roger and Chrissy, I see a family. Intact, loving, secure, warm. Holly: Sebastian, it was never like that. Sebastian: Do you ever wish you could go back and make it all the way it could have been? Holly: What kind of question is that? What is this about? Sebastian: I just want you to... Holly: To what? Say I'm sorry you weren't part of it? Sebastian: No. Holly: What do you really want? Sebastian: I just... I just want to live. Holly: There's something else. There's more to it. You wouldn't have gone through all this trouble. What do you really want, Sebastian? Is it family, or is it me? [SCENE_BREAK] Jonathan: I'm staying at a room over at the beacon. Reva: You're staying at Cassie's hotel. Jonathan: It's half my Aunt Olivia's hotel, too. My room's on the house. I decided to collect on my trust fund. It's funny how money changes you. Makes you want to do things, you know, like buy snakes. Josh: Leave town. Jonathan: No, actually it made me want to get a fresh start. Nothing like a massive cash infusion to show you the possibility of... well, everything. Or at the very least, you can call some things even. Josh: Or just get even. Jonathan: One thing I did realize is that even with a bucket of money, there's some things that you can't do buy yourself, like wipe the slate clean. That's why I need you. [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: I'm not defending Phillip. Bill: I don't know, Dad. From where I stand, it sounds like you're taking his side. Billy: No, no, I'm just trying to understand him. Understand what he's doing so I could figure out why. Olivia: He's sick. That's why he's doing this. Billy: Now that's too easy. People have reasons... Olivia: I don't care what his reasons are. All right, he took my baby and I want her back. And the longer we wait, the harder it is... what? Bill: We could stop Phillip. We've done it before. We'll do it. That's it. Courier: I'm looking for Mr. And Mrs. Bill Lewis? Bill: Yeah. What do you got? That's us. Courier: Sign here. Olivia: What is it? Bill: Well, let's take a look. Note says it's a wedding present from Phillip. Olivia: What? Bill: Papers from the INS. Olivia: This is great. Just when my day couldn't get any worse. What does it say? Bill: It's about your deportation. It says here that Billy Lewis got the favor he asked for. [SCENE_BREAK] Beth: Lizzie, I can't allow you anywhere near your father right now. Lizzie: Oh, come on. Daddy's not well, and I know that. But who better than me? Beth: Is that supposed to be funny? Lizzie: No. It's just nobody gets Dad and nobody gets me, but somehow we get each other. And if he's going to tell anyone where the kids are it's me. Beth: God help us. You may be everybody's best chance. Lizzie: Well, I've never been anybody's best anything before. Beth: That is not true. The day you were born, you became my best everything. Lizzie: I'm sorry I haven't lived up to it. Beth: Hey, I am proud of you. I love you so much. Lizzie: So will you let me do it? Beth: Okay. Okay. But I say how it's going to go. [SCENE_BREAK] Phillip: You know people put so much stock in romantic relationships. Marriages and love affairs. A good friend is still the hardest thing to come by. Rick: You know what? You're right. You're absolutely right, pal. I mean I've been a good friend, haven't I? Phillip: What we had--our friendship--I can never put into words what that meant to me. We were like brothers. Rick: Well, it's not over. Phillip: See now Zach and Jude will have a chance to have something just as meaningful. Rick: You're right. You're exactly right. And they're good friends. Where are the boys, Phillip? Phillip: See I love Jude just like he was my own son, you know that. And he's Zach's brother. So it just made sense to take him along, too. Give him the same opportunity I'm giving my kids. Rick: Which happens to be what? Phillip: A perfect life, Rick. You know, life here has become such a mess, so complicated and ugly. Remember when it didn't used to be that way? Remember when we were young how simple everything used to be? When it was just you and me and Mindy and Beth. I've been thinking so much about those days lately. About the prom. Remember when we went to New York? Rick: You were running away from something, Phillip. Just like you're doing right now. Phillip: No, see, you'll never understand, Rick. The life that my kids would have here, they'd be always ... be like I was. They'd always be conflicted, they'd always be at war with themselves and Harley and Olivia. And even Beth. Even Beth would always be pulling at them, trying to make them into something that they're not supposed to be. Rick: Is that what happened to you, buddy? Phillip: I don't expect you to understand, Rick. Even though nobody has ever seen it as up close as you did. See what you don't get is, it's always been different for you. You know, you're... it easier to be the conscious. It's easier to be the one who always knows the right thing to say or do. Rick: I have no idea what to say right now. Phillip: You're here, Rick. That pretty much says it all. Rick: Yes, I am. I'm here, and I'm not just here to get my kid back, but those other children, Phillip. Phillip: Then why else? Rick: For you. You're the best friend I've ever had. I just thought I'd give it one last chance to bring you back. Phillip: I take it you're speaking metaphorically. Rick: No, as a matter of fact, I'm not. We can walk right out of here, grab a beer and just try to figure this thing out, buddy. What do you say? Phillip: We don't have much time. People are looking for me. Let's play one last game for old times sake. Rick: Sure. Why not? (Ball bouncing) Phillip: (Moaning) Rick. You tricked me. [SCENE_BREAK] Sebastian: This would be an elaborate way to score a date, don't you think? Holly: I don't know I've been on a few that were weird. Sebastian: I'm sure you have. Holly: Don't think I've ever seen you smile. Sebastian: You sure I'm not just baring my fangs. Holly: No. I'm not sure at all. Sebastian: Neither am I. Holly: If you let me go, we could still.... Sebastian: Can you just once stop thinking about yourself! I'm sorry. It's the illness. It makes me moody. Or maybe that's just dying that does that. Holly: You watched your father go through all this so you... you watched your own fate. Sebastian: It's not everyday that a man gets to see how his story ends. Not that I'm accepting that this is where it ends for me. Holly: You say it makes you moody. Was he... did it make him... Sebastian: Violent? Is that what you're asking? As this gets worse, will I get worse? Yeah. Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: Let me see that. Look, this is a lie. It's a lie. Olivia: Is this true, Billy? Billy: He's trying to drive a wedge. Olivia: Is it true. Bill: Dad, will answer her question? Did you try to have her deported or not? Billy: Look, you got to understand... Olivia: You invite me into your family, you throw me a party. Do you even care that I have a child, Billy Lewis? You may hate my guts, but I'm a mother and I'm a good one. And I love my baby. She could have been taken away from me because of you. You're no better than Phillip. Billy: Look, wait. Wait a second, son. Bill: No. No, no. Don't even try to say that you did this for me. Because if you even try to tell me that, I'm going to walk out that door and you won't have a son anymore. Billy: But you don't know the pain and suffering that that woman caused this family. Bill: Oh, don't give me that, Dad. Billy: I really just wanted to do what was best for you. Bill: For me. No, don't even say that because you did this for yourself. [SCENE_BREAK] Reva: So, did you put Lou somewhere where no one will die? Jonathan: He's not big enough to eat people... yet. Reva: So you said that you wanted something from us. Jonathan: Yeah. I want to forget the last month ever happened. Josh: Really? Jonathan: You forgive me, I forgive you. No strings attached. It's a better deal than I've been given lately. Reva: Deal? What deal? Jonathan: Oh, nothing. Just a figure of speech. Josh: You know what? Jonathan: Hold that thought, Josh. You know, I can go around being a hell raiser forever. I could be a raging mad man. My mother loves another boy who she thinks is me! Oh, no! Oh, the horror! Oh! And now this other boy, he tried to kill me. But now I'm back! And everyone is going to pay! Josh: Don't be touching me! Jonathan: (Laughs) Reva: I'm glad you find this funny. Jonathan: Did I do what you would have done? Tell me, Josh, when you're up against it, what would you do? Would you bribe someone? Beat the snot out of them, huh? Huh? Josh: This is great, your son is trying to blackmail me here and now. He has information that he thinks I don't want you to hear. Reva: What kind of information. Josh: You think I'm going to let you hold this over my head? Are you out of your mind? Jonathan: Joshua, calm down. It was a joke. Josh: Well, I guess I don't have the same sense of humor. What he's trying to tell you, Reva, is that I set him up. I framed him for stealing my wallet so I could teach him a lesson. I also tried to bribe him to get him to leave town. That's what he wants to say to you, and it's true. And let me tell you something. If I didn't love you so much, I would have done a whole lot worse. [SCENE_BREAK] Rick and Phillip: (Gasping) Rick and Phillip: (Gasping) Phillip: Why? How did we get here? How did it go this far? Rick: You. My son... Phillip: I trusted you. I trusted you more than anybody in the world, Rick. How could you do this to me? Rick: My little boy. Phillip: Your boy is fine, Rick. I'm doing this to protect him. I'm going to save him. Rick: I'm was trying to... I was trying to protect you. But my son... Phillip: Oh, God, Rick, you just don't understand. I know it hurts, but you've got Leah. Ands it wasn't suppose to be this way. I wanted you to come, too. I wanted you to come and stay as long as you wanted to. Why did you have to ruin it? Rick: Pal, you need help. You need... Phillip: You're right. I needed your help. And you did this. I never thought it would be you. Rick: Neither did I. Neither did I. Phillip: There's only person that I could still really trust. Only one. (Phone rings) Lizzie: It's Daddy. Beth: Remember what I said. Lizzie: Hello? Phillip: Lizzie, it's me. Are you alone? Can you talk? Lizzie: Hey, Daddy, where are you? Phillip: Never mind about that right now. Lizzie: Look, I am really sorry I didn't make it to the plane. I just... I panicked. Phillip: Is there a problem? Where are you right now? Lizzie: I'm on my way down to the docks. You know, you were right. I do need to leave. It's the best thing for everyone. Phillip: I'll come get you right now. Lizzie: Okay. I'll see you there. Well, it's done. It's done. Phillip: Time to go, pal. Rick: Where's my son? Phillip: I can't tell you that, Rick. Rick: Where's my.... Phillip: I really did love you, buddy. I'll always remember. [SCENE_BREAK] Holly: For some reason, the only person you've been able to connect to was on his death bed and you are scared and you are terrified that you're going to die alone. Well, let me tell you something, no matter if I'm.... Sebastian: Stop! [SCENE_BREAK] Beth: I will be in the car. If you sense anything is wrong, I want you to turn around... Lizzie: I know, Mom. You'll fly in and run down Dad. Got it. Beth: Honey, I'm not going there to hurt your father. I'm going there to get back your brothers and your sister. (Cell phone rings) Beth: Hello. I'm sorry. I can't hear you. Oh, my god. Honey, I have to go. Lizzie: What about the plan? Beth: The plan can wait. Do you hear me? I want you to stay here with your grandmother. Don't you go anywhere near your father. Do you understand? This is a matter of life and death. I have to go, but you stay here. Lizzie: Okay. I'll stay here with Nana. I didn't promise. Not that that ever mattered before. [SCENE_BREAK] Jonathan: I guess I just bring out the best in everyone. Reva: Would you excuse us for a moment? Jonathan: Hey, for the record I was going to help you out. I was going to stay quiet. You gotta learn to read the signs. Josh: Let's go. Jonathan: What's up, Olivia? Olivia: Well, for starters may baby was kidnapped, and it just keeps getting better and better. Jonathan: Calm down. Who took him? Olivia: You want to help me? Jonathan: Yeah. Yeah, I do. [SCENE_BREAK] Beth: Rick? Rick? Oh, my god. What happened? Rick: Phillip... Beth: Rick. Phillip? Phillip did this to you? Did he say were the children are? Rick: No. We lost him, Beth. Phillip's lost. [SCENE_BREAK] Lizzie: Hi, Daddy. Phillip: Sweetheart. Come here. I wasn't sure that you were going to come. I know that what I'm asking you to do is difficult, sweetheart. I know you have your friends and your family. Lizzie: Daddy, it's just difficult. You know when you don't want to leave Springfield, it's kind of scary. Phillip: Yeah, I know. But, honey, I promise you, where I'm taking you is going to make this place seem like exactly what it is: Hell on earth. Lizzie: Where are you taking me? Phillip: It's a surprise. Come on. Lizzie: Wait. Can we get Mom and say good-bye before we go. I won't tell her where we're going. Phillip: No, honey, I'm sorry. You can't. You can't do that. Lizzie: Okay, well, can I call her? Phillip: No. Lizzie: But, Dad, you said before that... Phillip: Honey, I know, but things are different now, okay. Come on, let's go. Lizzie: Wait. I really don't know if I can do that, Daddy. I mean I don't know where I'm going. I don't... I can't call my Mom? Phillip: Lizzie, you said you trusted me before. Were you lying? Lizzie: No, Daddy, I wasn't lying. It still would feel better if Mommy knew where I was. Phillip: I'll tell her, okay. I'll let her know. Lizzie: Well, why can't I do that? Phillip: Because you can't. Honey, because it's a surprise, all right. It's one that I worked really long and hard to give you. Let's just go. Lizzie: At least I'd like to know where we'll all end, you know. Because I just... it'll make me feel better. Phillip: We'll all... end up? Lizzie: Daddy, you know, you and me... we all. Phillip: You know, don't you? And this is all a setup. [SCENE_BREAK] Holly: So you're telling me I need to just sit around and wait while you get more and more moody? Sebastian: I don't want to hurt you, Holly. Holly: Oh, where have I heard that before? Sebastian: If you just do as you're told. Holly: Just do as I'm told. I think you need to do some more research on me. Sebastian: What are you going to do, huh? Stage a jailbreak?? I already told you my staff is not for sale. You're here, Holly, until I get cured. Until Ed Bauer comes to save my life. Or not. So get used to it. Holly: You know what I just realized? Sebastian: What? Holly: You're a coward. That's what this all really about. You are sad and lonely because for some reason the only person you've been able to connect to was on his deathbed. And you are scared and you are terrified that you're going to die alone. Well, let me tell you something, no matter if I'm here... Sebastian: Stop! [SCENE_BREAK] Bill: And I thought something had changed. I thought maybe you'd stop trying to run my life and start trusting my decisions. Billy: Wait, wait, wait. You... you weren't here. You didn't see what went on. You don't know the misery she caused us. Billy: Dad, this has nothing to do with Olivia. This is about you and me. Now tell me, did you contact the INS and have them investigate our marriage or not? Billy: No. Bill: Then who did? Billy: Phillip. Bill: Phillip. Billy: Yes, Phillip. Phillip found out what I done and he blackmailed me. Bill: That's perfect. Billy: Yeah. Bill: Just perfect. Hey, look, look, I messed up. I really did. But I can fix it. I really can. Hey, Bill, don't let this drive a wedge between us, please. [SCENE_BREAK] Jonathan: Now who took your kid? Olivia: It was Emma's father. It was Phillip Spaulding. Jonathan: Lizzie's dad. I've heard of him. Least you married rich. Olivia: I loved him. I loved him very much. But then he went crazy and disappeared with all our children. Jonathan: Phillip is just like your brother-in-law, Alfred. He's a bully. Messing with kids, taking them away from their homes. No child should ever have to be separated from its mother. That is a sin against everything that matters in this life. [SCENE_BREAK] Phillip: Did you come here to set me up? Lizzie: Daddy, please, don't be mad at me. Phillip: Honey, it's not your fault. Did someone turn you against me? Lizzie: No, Daddy, I promise you, nobody will ever be able to turn me against you. Phillip: I know that, honey. But if you... I know people say things to you about me. And maybe you have questions that you'd like to ask me. Lizzie: I've just been Phillip: Of what? Of me? Lizzie: No, I'm scared of you, Daddy. I'm scared for you. I mean, I know what you're going through. And what you've been doing lately it's wrong. I mean, Zach and James and Jude and Emma, they belong here. Phillip: You're my best girl, Lizzie. You know that. You're my firstborn. I would die for you. I've always done everything I could to make your life better. Lizzie: Daddy, you're squeezing me too hard. Please let me go. Phillip: I can't... I can't leave you behind. Lizzie: I can't go, Daddy. I can't. I won't let you. Phillip: You won't let me what? Lizzie: Bye, Daddy. I'm sorry. Phillip: Lizzie. No! Lizzie?! [SCENE_BREAK] Jonathan: Phillip took your kid Aunt Olivia and you're sitting around here sulking? You get soft now, you're as bad for her as he is. Olivia: I'm doing everything in my power to get my daughter back. Jonathan: Then don't stop. Don't stop until you get her back. And then keep going. Olivia: What does that mean? Jonathan: You punish the person responsible. That's what I would do. You bide your time, you wait until they can't see you coming, boom, you put their eyes out. Olivia: It's like you could read my mind. [SCENE_BREAK] Holly: You want to hit me? Sebastian: No. Holly: Go ahead. Go ahead. Break the ice. Get the first one out of the way! Sebastian: I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt you, Holly. Holly: Mood swings. I've heard it all. Sebastian: No, that wasn't a mood swing. That was just me. [SCENE_BREAK] Beth: Rick, do you have any idea where Phillip could be? Any idea where the children could be? Rick: He didn't say anything. I thought I could get through to him, Beth, just like that old days, you know? I thought he could... would listen to me, but he just... he just doesn't care anymore. Beth: (Crying). Rick: I lost him. Beth: Rick, is he a danger to the children? Rick: I don't think so, no. I don't know. I don't know. Lizzie: Mom, I just got the message you were here, I'm.... Rick: Are you all right? Lizzie: I saw Dad. Beth: What? Lizzie, I told you not to go anywhere near your father on your own! Lizzie: I know. Beth: What happened? Lizzie: He just... he just scared me. I saw nothing else. And it wasn't him. He didn't mean to do it. It was just the way he was acting. I knew I couldn't help him, you know. And he kept asking me over and over if I would go with him. Then he thought I was snooping around about the kids and he was just so disappointed. So I ran. Rick: He's just not himself right now. Beth: That's all. He's just... he's not well. We've got to do something, Rick. [SCENE_BREAK] Phillip: Yeah, listen. I need you to do something for me right away. Sometimes you've got to hurt the ones you love. [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: Frank, listen up. This is about Phillip. Yeah, he's still in town. I don't know, Frank. I don't know if he's armed, but he's never been more dangerous. | Rick tries to bring Phillip back to reality, and ends up with a hypodermic needle in his leg |
471 | Stephanie: There he is. Hey, hot buns! Jeremy! He can't hear. Come on. Jeremy: Sweet cheeks! Stephanie: Hey! Jeremy: Hey. Who's the babe? Stephanie: Jeremy Horton, meet Chelsea Brady. Chelsea, meet Jeremy and his best friend Jett. Jett: Oh, hey. Jett Carver. Nice to meet you, Chelsea. Chelsea: Abe Carver's... Jett: Nephew. Jeremy: You ladies care for a beer? Stephanie: You can't drink alcohol on the beach. Jeremy: You can if you don't get caught. Stephanie: I'll have a beer. Thank you. Jeremy: How about you? Chelsea: That's okay. Beer actually kind of makes me sleepy. Jeremy: This is the cool cousin? Stephanie: Hey. Talk about not cool. You don't come down on a lady 'cause drinking's not her thing. Jett: Yeah. Beer makes me sleepy, too. This is actually soda. Jeremy: Ho-ho. I knew you were a lightweight, man. Jett: Whatever. Jeremy: Beer has a totally different effect on me. Jett: Yeah, well, some guys need that extra charge to get them going. Take me, for example. Jeremy: The question is, who'd actually take you? Chelsea: Are they always like this? Stephanie: Trying to out-macho each other? Yeah. Guys, if you're done grunting, I'll tell you my brilliant idea. Jeremy: I'm all ears. Well, not all ears. Stephanie: Listen, this is important, okay? Look, it's about your shuttle business from Salem to Las Vegas. Jeremy: Yeah, about our little airline. Stephanie: I know exactly what it needs -- two totally hot flight attendants like me and Chelsea. What? You guys don't want us to work for you? Jeremy: No, are you kidding? That'd be great. Jett: If we had a business. Stephanie: What are you talking about? Jeremy: We lost our investor. We're grounded. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: Listen, Sami, when you get this message, I need you to head back to the pub, all right? E.J. got away. Don't go to the university, and don't go home. Just call me when you get this. Bo: Yeah, just stay on top of it. Lucas: I left messages everywhere -- her cellphone, home, at the university. Bo: The university? John: Yeah, Hope said that Sami has an appointment with an Italian professor to have a certain DiMera letter translated. Bo: I don't like this. Lucas: Me neither. She's not answering her cellphone, and E.J.'s on the loose? How did that guy walk out of here like that? Bo: He got a phone call, and then he took off. Lucas: He took off? You don't know what the phone call was about or who it was from? Bo: No, but it could have been about Sami. John: That's what I was thinking. Lucas: I can't stay here. I got to go find her. Bo: All right, go. I could use some help. You up to it? John: Let's go. You gonna put out an APB? Bo: Yeah, from the unit. John: Where are we going? Bo: To pay Tony DiMera a little visit. John: Man, I like the sound of that. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Help. Help. Help me, someone, please. Help. Help. Help. E.J.: Samantha! Hey! Samantha! Samantha, wake up. Samantha, wake up. Samantha. Samantha? Wait, sweetheart. Wake up. I'm gonna get you out of here. Come on. Hey, look at me. Look at me. Sami: E.J. E.J.: What? Sami: E.J., please. Please help me. Help me. Help my baby. E.J.: I'm gonna get you out, okay? I'm gonna get you out of here. Just stay with me, okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Jeremy, what are you talking about? Jeremy: Dude dropped out. Stephanie: So, you guys are just gonna give up? Jett: It's kind of hard to fly when we can't cover costs. Chelsea: I thought you told me that they owned the plane. Jeremy: We do. We just don't own a hangar to keep it in. Jett: Or our own oil field. Stephanie: So, basically, we're talking about a tank of gas and a parking space. Jett: Well, on a much bigger scale, but, yeah, that's what we're talking about. Stephanie: Okay, well, I'll make some phone calls. It shouldn't be that hard to raise enough to cover that. Jett: Don't forget about insurance and salaries for those totally hot flight attendants. Jeremy: And those little bags of pretzels. Can't fly without the pretzels. Jett: That's right. Jeremy: The point is, we're not talking chump change. We need 25,000 bucks to get our business started. Jett: Which is 23,000 more than we have. Stephanie: Okay, so, banks -- we'll ask them for a loan. Chelsea: I think they already did. Jeremy: It seems a couple of young flyboys with no credit history doesn't inspire a hell of a lot of confidence. Stephanie: There has to be another way. Jett: There is if we don't mind doing business with someone who sees our kneecaps as collateral. Jeremy: Not gonna happen. Jett: No. Chelsea: That's really too bad. It sounds like it would have been a lot of fun. Jett: Yeah. Stephanie: Max. Max Brady. This is just the sort of thing he'd like to get a piece of. He can invest $25,000, right, Chelse? [SCENE_BREAK] John: Thought the DiMeras got rid of this place a long time ago. Bo: Nah. Too eerie. [Doorbell rings] Could never sell it. John: Yeah, it makes sense when you think about it. Wouldn't be much fun waging war on the Bradys if you had to commute. Bo: I missed your sick sense of humor. Good to have you back, man. John: Good to be back. Bo: Hmm. Now, there's a face you don't forget. John: You try and you try and you try. [SCENE_BREAK] Bart: Well, well, well, if it isn't Salem's own Batman and Boy Wonder. Why the long faces, fellas? You lose your capes? Bo: Be a good houseboy and go get Tony. Bart: Houseboy? I will, right after my mambo lesson, all right, buddy? Bo: Now would be a lot better. [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: Hey, Samantha, look at me, sweetheart. Look at me. Stay awake. You stay awake. Hey! Look at me. That's it. Come on, sweetheart. Stay awake. Stay awake. Sami: Tell Lucas I love him. E.J.: You can tell him yourself. Sami: Oh, God. Lucas and Will. My family. And this baby. Please, God. Please, God. [Banging on window] E.J.: [Grunting] Samantha. I'm not gonna let you die. I'm not gonna let you die. Come on! [SCENE_BREAK] Chelsea: Stephanie, are you crazy? Max doesn't have $25,000 to invest in anything. Stephanie: He has the garage, and it does a good business. He can just take out a loan against it. Chelsea: Okay, what happens if the plane crashes? What's Max supposed to do then? Stephanie: You mean because we'll all be dead? Jeremy: What would happen is your good old buddy Max would collect a big, fat insurance check. Jett: Yeah, we'd buy the best policy available. Chelsea: Would you guys just stop it, all of you? Stephanie, you cannot ask Max to do this. Stephanie: Are you kidding? Chelsea, he's gonna love this. Chelsea: That's assuming that everything works out perfectly. How often does that happen? Jeremy: How can one girl be so much fun? Chelsea: All I'm saying is I just don't think that friends should go into business together. Jeremy: Yeah, well, Jett and I are business partners and friends. Chelsea: In order to be partners, you kind of have to have some kind of business, usually. Stephanie: Lighten up, okay? This is just a business opportunity. Max can always say no. I'm gonna call him right now and see when we can meet him. Jett: I got our prospectus in my backpack. Jeremy: Yeah, have him come down to the beach. Good vibes here. Chelsea: Yeah, booze and bikinis -- great business plan. Stephanie: Don't need a plan. You've got me. Look, I'll get Max to pony up. Don't worry. Chelsea: Stephanie, what are you doing? Jeremy: I call it salesmanship. Jett: Yeah, Chelsea, we're not looking to con the dude. If Max decides to invest, he'll get rich. He'll make some serious cash. Chelsea: What if you're wrong? He's just a small-business owner. Jeremy: Think small, stay small. Chelsea: Where'd you learn that, Harvard business school? Stephanie: Max is a smart guy. He doesn't need you to protect him. Chelsea: Okay. Jett: Hey, Chelsea. Chelsea: What do you want? Jett: I just wanted to tell you that I was pretty impressed with you. Most people don't bust Jeremy's chops like that. Chelsea: Yeah, well, maybe that's why he's so obnoxious. Jett: Look, this is definitely not the right time to ask you, but -- Chelsea: Forget it. I don't have a nickel to my name, and even if I did, I wouldn't invest it in your guys' little plan. Jett: Slow down a second. I was just gonna ask you if you're seeing anyone. [SCENE_BREAK] John: [Scoffs] So, uh, what's the name of their interior decorator here? Bo: Satan? John: Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's him. [Horse neighs] Bo: What the hell is that? Tony: Whoa. Well, good morning, gentlemen. And I use the term loosely. John: Mama Mia. Bo: Sweet mother of God. John: Yeah, her, too. Tony: Welcome to my home. Bo: You always go riding in your living room? Tony: It's a morning room, not that you two clowns would know the difference. But it depends on Napoleon here. He's very picky about the weather. John: You look good -- almost as if you hadn't been in jail for two years. Tony: Well, so do you, and I hear you've been away for quite a while in a long, well-deserved coma. Anyway... good boy. Now go. Carrots? Bo: Doesn't disappoint. Crazier than ever. Tony: I prefer eccentric. Crazy -- there's a big difference -- implies some kind of insanity. I'm as sane as the next man. John: Sure, you are, if the next man is Stefano. Tony: I assume you didn't interrupt napoleon's exercise session to insult my father. Bo: We came here for an answer. Tony: To what? John: Simple question. Bo: What the hell did you do with my niece, Sami? [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: Come on, Samantha. Come on. Hey. Can you hear me? Samantha. Samantha. Can you hear me, sweetheart? Okay, come on. Breathe. Breathe. [Footsteps approach] Lucas: Sami! Sami! Get away from her. What'd you do to her? E.J.: I didn't do anything. He tried to kill her. It was the phone call I got at the police station. Lucas: Honey, please. Please, wake up. Wake up. Don't do this to me, okay? Don't do this to me. E.J.: She was unconscious when I found her, Lucas. Sami: [Coughs] Lucas: What? Here. Come here. Come here, baby. Are you all right? Are you okay? I thought I lost you. Sami: Oh, God. Oh, Lucas. Oh, Lucas, you saved me. You saved me. You came, and you saved me. Lucas: Relax, okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Jett: So, uh, are you? Chelsea: Um, seeing anyone? Jett: Yeah. Chelsea: Yeah, this guy Nick. Jett: Oh. Somebody you know from school? Chelsea: No, actually, he finished college. He's older. Jett: Oh. Chelsea: No, not, like, gross older -- like, within a couple of years. Jett: Oh. That's cool. So, what's Nick like? Chelsea: You don't want to know. Jett: I'm thinking smart, wears glasses, into science. Chelsea: How'd you guess? Jett: I was totally kidding. Chelsea: Oh. Yeah, well, that's Nick all right. He's really, really sweet. He's a lab tech at the hospital. You know those guys Crick and Watson? Jett: Aren't those the guys that discovered DNA? Chelsea: Yeah. He's, like, really into them. That's just the type of guy he is, a real brain. [SCENE_BREAK] Jeremy: Sounds more like a total geek to me. Chelsea: Oh, that's mature -- eavesdropping. Jeremy: I was just walking by, heard you talking about some nerd. Chelsea: Yeah, well, he's not a nerd. He's my boyfriend, all right? Jeremy: Down, girl. Not everything's personal, okay? Chelsea: Forget it. Jeremy: I understand. Guy's slide rule's not long enough. No problem. Chelsea: You're really funny, you know that? Jeremy: Oh, help me. I'm being attacked by a girl. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Max is on his way. Chelsea: What? He's closing the garage in the middle of the day to come here? Stephanie: Yeah. Jeremy: He must be really hot for this. Stephanie: Smokin'. Jeremy: Yes! Come here, sweet cheeks. You deserve a reward. Chelsea: Uh, what's the reward, getting slobbered all over by someone's ego? Jeremy: Hey-yo! Stephanie: All right! Jett: Hey, you want to go for a walk? Chelsea: About as far as the South Pole. You know, your best friend, he's a real jerk. Jett: Yeah, well, he has his moments. [SCENE_BREAK] Tony: Little Sami Roberts is missing. Bo: At this point, it's more like she's unaccounted for. Tony: You check all the local dives? John: Where is she? Tony: I don't know. Bo: You made him mad. That's not smart. Tony: Last time he played policeman, he got shot. Wasn't smart either. What, four months in a coma didn't teach him anything? John: We're not ready to go there just yet, Tony. Tony: Did you find the villain? I mean, all the taxes we pay here in Salem, the police department -- Bo: Cut the cute stuff. It's tired. Sami left my parents' pub and disappeared on the way to the university. Tony: I'll check the 11:00 news and see if there's an update. Excuse me. Bo: Here's what we know -- Elvis Jr., your psychotic brother -- Tony: That's my half brother. Bo: Kidnapped Sami and took her to a warehouse where your even more psychotic father was being prepped for surgery. Tony: A warehouse? I got to get him better health insurance. Bo: Then you, the craziest DiMera of them all -- Tony: You flatter me. Bo: Were standing there, ready to rip her unborn child from her womb to use the stem cells to save your father's miserable life. Tony: [Chuckles] That's absolutely brilliant. Did you make that story up yourself? No, of course not. Sami -- she's the author. Just didn't know how imaginative her lies had become. John: So, are you calling E.J. a liar also? Tony: E.J.? Bo: Gave us a statement corroborating all the details. You were there, ready to take Sami's baby, and he stopped you. John: Then you threatened both of them, hence our presence. So, where the hell is she? Tony: I don't know. Sami! Maybe she's under the sofa. Sami? No, she's not. No. Unh-unh. John: I'm tired of this standard routine. What do you want to do? Tony: You know, this is just like being in the movies. So, what are you gonna do if I don't answer the rest of your questions? Are you gonna beat me up? Are you gonna read me my rights? Bo: That won't be necessary. We'll just talk to your old man. Tony: You can't do that. Bo: Watch us. Upstairs? John: Yeah. Tony: Hold it right there. John: We got your attention. You want to talk now? [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Sami: No. I'm just scared, Lucas. I'm scared for the baby. I mean, what if -- what if all those fumes I inhaled -- what if the baby -- Lucas: Listen to me. You're gonna be fine. The baby's gonna be fine. I'm gonna get you checked out, okay? E.J. went to get help. Sami: Lucas, I was so scared. I was so scared I was never gonna see you again. Lucas: You can't get rid of me that easy. Don't you know that by now? I love you. I'm always here for you. Sami: I love you so much. Lucas: I love you, too. Sami: How did you find me? Lucas: John and Bo and I were going crazy looking for you all over town. So, what happened? Tell me what happened to you. Sami: I don't know. I was at the pub, and -- and I wanted to go to the university to have that letter -- that DiMera letter translated. Lucas: What happened then? Sami: I don't know. This guy bumped into me, and the next thing I knew, I woke up, and I was inside this car. I was duct-taped to the steering wheel. There was this hose, and I couldn't breathe. Lucas: Relax. I got you. I got you. You all right? E.J.: Ambulance is on the way. I got someone posted on the street to show the driver where the alley is. You okay, Samantha? Sami: No, I'm not okay. I'm scared. Lucas: Honey, what can I do? Do you want me to call somebody? I'll call your mom, okay? Sami: Call mom. Yeah, call her. She'll be terrified if she finds out that I'm in the ER. Please, call her. Lucas: I will. Sami: Just let her know I'm okay. Lucas: Damn it. Come on! I got no signal right here. Sami: Please, Lucas. Lucas: I will. I'll call her. Hold on. Hold on. [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: That was close. Sami: If you hadn't come... E.J.: You knew. Sami: Yeah. Yeah, I know you saved my life. E.J., I'm -- I'm really worried. E.J.: I'm scared, too. And I'm worried, Samantha. I'm worried that the next time -- Sami: The next time, I won't be so lucky. [SCENE_BREAK] Jett: Agh! Still playing tonsil hockey? Chelsea: Oh, God. Get a room already. So, um, you were telling me why this little random plan of your guys' to fly gamblers to Vegas excites you. Jett: Well, Jeremy and I need to make a living. Chelsea: Yeah, well, there's tons of ways to do that. Jett: True. Chelsea: So? Jett: I don't know. Up there, anything can happen. Chelsea: And that's a good thing? Jett: If you like taking risks, and I do. Chelsea: Now you sound like Abe Carver's nephew. Jett: And that's a good thing? Chelsea: Well, yeah. He's your uncle. Don't you know him? Jett: Not very well. I mean, my dad died when I was a little kid, so I grew up with my mom's family. Chelsea: I, uh, kind of had the opposite thing happen to me. Um...my adoptive family, the Bensons, they were killed, and then I found out that my biological parents were still alive. Jett: Wow. Pretty heavy. Chelsea: Yeah. My mom was, um, Billie Reed. Jett: Never heard of her. Chelsea: Do you know Bo Brady? Jett: Oh, yeah. He and his brother Roman are, like, two of Salem's top cops, right? Chelsea: Yeah. Bo is my dad. Jett: Oh. [SCENE_BREAK] Max: Hey, Chelse. So, is this one of the guys that's gonna change my life? Jett: Hey. Jett Carver. Nice to meet you. Max: Max Brady, man. Are you related to Abe? Jett: Yeah, he's my uncle. Max: Oh, okay. Why didn't Stephanie say that? I mean, it can't get any better than that, man. Chelsea: And that's Jeremy with Stephanie. Well, they're kind of...busy. Max: Yeah, so I see. So, who's the guy? Jett: That's Jeremy Horton, co-founder and C.E.O. of Touch the Sky Airlines. [SCENE_BREAK] Tony: Don't you dare go near my father. Bo: Love to stay and watch you make scary faces, but don't want to keep your daddy waiting. Tony: Bart! My father's not up there. Bo: [Scoffs] Tony: He's in Italy. He's very ill. Bart: Is there a problem, boss? You're gonna let them up to see Stefano? Tony: Oh, I forgot how stupid you are. Bo: Yeah, me too. We won't be long. John: Five minutes. Bo: Hey, hey, hey. You touch me, you'll be assaulting an officer and obstructing justice. Tony: Talking about the law, where's your warrant, Detective Brady? Yes, just as I thought. Can't search my house without one. Oh, God, I just love this country. [Laughs] [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Ugh! So, when is your whacked-out family gonna try to kill me again, E.J.? E.J.: They're not going to do this again, Samantha. This was a warning. Sami: They knocked me unconscious and tried to suffocate me. You're gonna call that a warning? E.J.: No, I'll give you it was close, but they made sure that I received an anonymous phone call earlier. Sami: What? What? Someone called you? E.J.: They told me where you'd be, what to look for. Sami: I don't know. I don't get it. I don't understand any of this. Why are they doing this? E.J.: To frighten you. Sami: Well, that's working. I don't get it. I offered them a deal. What do they want from me? E.J.: I think we both know that. Sami: My baby. E.J.: That was Tony's plan. I put a stop to it. Sami: So, now he's angry, which makes him even more dangerous. E.J.: Now the games are off. Sami: There's nothing you can do. Your brother is crazy. E.J.: Yes, he is. Yes, he is. But my father isn't, okay? He would never sanction this. I can go and talk to him. He would protect me. He would protect the child. Sami: E.J., you can't even get in to see your father because Tony won't let you. So you know what? I have to do something. Lucas and Will and I, we have to get out of here. We have to disappear. E.J.: Would you just please calm down and listen to me, Samantha? You don't need to run anywhere. You stay here. I can look after you. Sami: No way. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: I heard that. You really expect her to trust you? I told you, stay away from my wife. E.J.: Your wife would be dead if it wasn't for me, Lucas. I was the one who came in here and saved her. Lucas: You're the reason why she almost lost it. So don't expect a thank-you note in the mail, pal. I am gonna take care of you, okay? E.J.: You can't go up against the DiMeras, Lucas. The Brady family tried to. They failed. The police department tried to. They failed. The only person who can fix this situation is me. Lucas: Oh, really? Sami's half dead, and then you show up. All of a sudden, you're the hero? E.J.: What are you suggesting? You think that I set this whole thing up? Lucas: Oh, yeah. E.J.: Why would I do that? Lucas: Why? Because you're in love with my wife, that's why. [SCENE_BREAK] Jeremy: It's a 5-year projected earnings sheet. Jett: Which is basically Las Vegas' own projected earnings. Jeremy: The town is recession-proof. Jett: Yeah. Max: So, where are you guys getting your clients from? Jeremy: We rented some mailing lists. Jett: From some high-end companies with stores in Vegas. I mean, we got a database of over 10,000 rich gamblers that love to test their luck. Max: Well, why would they go with you guys? I mean, wouldn't they have their own private jets anyway? Jett: Yeah, but, I mean, most of these dudes fly commercial. Max: True, or first-class. Jett: Yeah, but they don't have our incredible perks. Max: Oh, such as? Stephanie: Really sexy flight attendants. Jeremy: And food catered from a gourmet restaurant, top-shelf liquor. Jett: And a car service taking them to and from the airport. Jeremy: It's a sweet investment. You'll see a return right away. Max: Okay, look, it sounds great, but I don't know how much Stephanie and Chelsea told you about the amount of money I can get my hands on. Chelsea: I don't want you to get your hands on any of it. I told them that I don't think you should invest. You don't have enough to risk. Max: I have some, okay? And I can borrow against the garage. I'm not a total loser. Stephanie: Exactly my point. Look, you're not a loser at all, Max, which is why I'm sure you don't want to be a grease monkey for the rest of your life. Chelsea: He's not a grease monkey. He's an auto mechanic, and there's nothing wrong with that. Max: Okay, girls, ho. I don't need either of you guys to be watching out for me here. Jett: Look, Max, if you want to take the prospectus home and look it over, it's totally cool. Max: No, that's fine, all right? I've made my decision. Jeremy: So, what do you want to do? Max: I'll get in for as much as I can. Jeremy: Yeah! Stephanie: [Laughs] [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: We'll be back. Tony: You know, it will take time to get a warrant, especially with my lawyers involved. But then, of course, anything can happen in the meantime. John: Well, if anything happens to Samantha -- Tony: Bart, did you hear me utter a threat? Bart: No, sir. Tony: You know, I'm the victim here because of Samantha and that ambitious twit of a brother. This breaks my heart. But then, of course, we're not as close of a family as the Bradys. John: That's a good point, because when families are as close as they are, it's a real bad thing to mess with them. Bo: You touch a hair on my niece's head, you won't have to worry about hiding behind the law. I'll come looking for you myself. Tony: Good day, gentlemen. John: So, what do you think? Bo: The DiMeras are back in town, and Sami's missing. John: This war between the families -- think it's still on? Bo: Oh, yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: You love this, don't you? You love when Sami's in danger 'cause then you get to show up, and you get to be the hero. Sami: God, E.J. E.J.: You cannot believe what Lucas is suggesting. It's preposterous. I would never endanger a child. Lucas: She's not interested in your lies, dude. E.J.: What's wrong with you, Lucas? You just can't stand the fact that I came and saved her, can you? So you have to pretend this whole thing, this whole threat never existed. Lucas: I'm not saying it wasn't out of hand, all right? E.J.: What do you think, Samantha? Do you agree with him, hmm? Because if you do, I can't help you. Sami: I don't know. Lucas: Sami, listen -- Sami: I'm sorry. Look, I don't know if you saved my life or if you tried to kill me. Look, Lucas, I know I can trust you, but I-I think I might need E.J. Lucas: I'd do anything for you. Sami: I know. I know. E.J.: She knows that I'm the only person who can save her, Lucas. Lucas: Don't let fear make you forget what's going on here. That's Stefano's son, okay, crazy Tony's half brother. He's done terrible things to you. E.J.: I know I've made my mistakes, Samantha. Lucas: You know what? Rape is not a mistake. E.J.: I know that I hurt you. Lucas: You played with her mind is what you did. E.J.: I know that I lied. Sami: Stop it. Stop it. E.J.: You need to listen to me, okay, because this is real. And these games are over, you got that? Lucas: Get out of here. Get out of here right now. E.J.: No. Tony's not gonna stop. You understand me? You and I are in serious danger. Lucas: There is no "you and I." E.J.: Samantha, I'm gonna tell you now -- hey! Lucas: I take care of my wife, all right? Me and me only. [SCENE_BREAK] Jeremy: Brother, you just saved Touch the Sky Airlines from going out of business. Jett: Yeah, before it was even in business. Stephanie: Touch the Sky Airlines -- I like it. [Laughs] Jett: Thank you. Max: I have a really good feeling about this. Chelsea: Why, because you like the name? Max: No, I think it's cool. What's cooler than Vegas, huh? Chelsea: I don't know, not losing all your hard-earned money? Look, Max, if you're really serious about this, at least have Frankie look over the paperwork. Jeremy: He's in, so lose the negativity or keep your mouth shut. Jett: All right, it's cool, bro. She's just looking out for her friend. Jeremy: So am I. So am I. Jett: You know, Max, you can show the prospectus to anyone -- your brother, anyone. Max: I know how to read a business plan, and this one reads a hell of a lot better than the one at my garage. Jett: Are you sure? Max: Yeah, all right? You know where the Brady Pub is? Meet me down there in an hour, and I'll have a certified check for $25,000. Stephanie: Yes! Max: Don't worry, okay? If it wasn't this, it'd be something else. I've been looking for a change anyway. Chelsea: Okay. Max: Thank you. Stephanie: We did it. We saved touch the sky airlines. Ooh! And since I found you an investor, I figure you owe me big-time. Jeremy: Anything. Whatever you want. Stephanie: Give me and Chelsea a job. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Lucas, I'm so scared. What if something happened to the baby? Lucas: Don't worry about it. We're gonna get you checked out. Bo: Hey. Is she gonna be all right? Paramedics: We need to get her to the hospital. Lucas: I'll be in the ambulance with you, I promise. Bo: What the hell happened here? E.J.: Exactly what I told you was gonna happen, guys, but you wouldn't listen to me. And now her life is in danger and that of my child. Lucas: You know what? This is not your child. I'm sick of hearing how this is your child. You have no proof, no DNA, you got it? E.J.: I have Celeste. Lucas: Celeste? Oh, what, voodoo's a science? E.J.: It's a lot more dangerous than science. Lucas: Why aren't we arresting this guy? E.J.: What are you gonna arrest me for, huh, for saving Samantha's life? Because she'd be dead right now if it wasn't for me. Lucas: You? I was here, too. E.J.: Really? Only one of us can save her, Lucas, and it's not you. Paramedics: You coming with us? [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Go ahead. Go on. Whoa-ho-ho. Hold on. You're down at the station. You get a phone call. John: And you just take off right in the middle of our happy reunion. Bo: Something tells me you didn't just stumble onto Sami here in this deserted alleyway. Someone called you, told you where she was. E.J.: I'm afraid I can't help you, gentlemen. Bo: Try. E.J.: I don't know. Bo: Try harder. E.J.: [Coughs] John: Bo can do this all day long. You might think about telling him the truth next time. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Come on! Answer my question. Can Chelsea and I work for you and Jett this summer? Jeremy: You -- no problem, sweet cheeks. Gloom and doom over there -- she's gonna scare away the customers. Chelsea: That's fine. I don't want to work for you anyway. Stephanie: Chelsea, Jeremy, this could be so much fun if you guys would just learn to like each other. Jeremy: You don't like me? What a surprise. Chelsea: No, I don't like Max selling his dream to invest in yours. Stephanie: Max's dream is to become a race car driver, not a mechanic. It's not like he loves changing oil filters. Chelsea: I'm sure he likes it a lot better than losing 25 grand. Jett: Chelsea, he'll make his money back. Chelsea: Maybe. Maybe not. Jeremy: What is your problem? You've been on me since we met. Chelsea: Well, you know, flying to Vegas and everything sounds like a blast, really, but I think I'm gonna pass. Thank you, though. Jeremy: What a pain in the butt. [SCENE_BREAK] Jett: You ought to know. Hey, Chelsea. Sorry about Jeremy. Chelsea: You don't have to apologize for that loser. Jett: He just says what he thinks. Chelsea: Yeah, so do I, and I think that he's a rude, arrogant, obnoxious woman hater. Jett: Well, I'll cop to the first two, but Jeremy's no misogynist. He just thinks that women should -- Chelsea: Should be seen and not heard? Jett: Something like that. Chelsea: Yeah, like I said, your friend's a jerk. Good luck with your airline, though. Jett: Hey, Chelsea, do you want to go grab a burger or something? My treat. Chelsea: Thanks, Jett, but I have a boyfriend, remember? Jett: Yeah, that's why I'm not asking you out on a date. Chelsea: Okay. Then, yeah, a burger would be great. Jett: Cool. Let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: I can't wait to tell my family about your airline. Plus, my Uncle Bo is a frustrated pilot. Jeremy: Hold it right there. You're not telling anybody anything, understand? Stephanie: But it's so cool, and plus, my parents are gonna want to know how I plan to pay my bills. What's going on? Jeremy: Nothing. Just hold off on the press conference until we get this thing up and running. If it doesn't work out, I don't want your parents to watch me fail. Stephanie: They're so not like that, but okay. For a minute there, I thought you were hiding something. You're not smuggling pirated DVD's, are you? Jeremy: Bootleg whiskey, sweet cheeks. Stephanie: [Laughs] Jeremy: Just remember rule number one -- if you're gonna work for me -- Stephanie: Oh, I am. Jeremy: What happens on Touch the Sky Airlines stays on Touch the Sky Airlines. Stephanie: Ooh, sounds like fun. Do you want to know what rule number two is? The owner has to give the flight attendant a back rub. Start rubbing. [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: [Laughing] How many times do I have to tell you? [Coughs] It was an anonymous phone call. That means the person who called me and told me Samantha was in the car, tied up, with the gas, they didn't leave their name. John: It sounded like Tony, didn't it? E.J.: I don't know, guys. Tony doesn't get his hands dirty. Bo: This is very simple, Junior. I want your family to leave my family alone. So tell your brother and your old man to back off, or I will come after them, dirty hands or not. E.J.: That's brilliant. That solves everything. John: Hey. Where are you going? E.J.: I'm going to try and keep Samantha alive -- something the two of you don't seem particularly interested in. John: Why would you say something like that? E.J.: Because if you were serious, you'd stop sending threats to Stefano and you'd start working with me. Bo: Oh, yeah, that would solve everything. E.J.: Actually, it would, 'cause you know what you don't get? It's that this isn't about Brady versus DiMera. This is about my father and Samantha. He's dying. And he needs the stem cells from her child to stay alive. Bo: Now who's making the threats? Let me tell you something -- if I find out that my niece or her baby are hurt in any way, I will bury you. E.J.: I need to talk to you now. [SCENE_BREAK] Chelsea: Why, Jett Carver, are you, by any chance, hitting on me? [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: This stops now. I'm done trusting you. Give me my card back. [SCENE_BREAK] Tony: Samantha is never going to be yours, not in this lifetime or any other. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: I didn't give you my name just so you can sign your death warrant with it. Leave this alone, all right? | Jett flirts with Chelsea |
472 | Sami: She's trying to take will! You are not leaving. Susan: You wanna bet? Come on, we're gonna get our stuff, we're gonna pack our bags, we're gonna get on the fastest plane we can find-- Sami: No, you're not! You're not taking my son anywhere! Sonny: And you're not taking my husband. John: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hold on, everyone. I found someone that will trusts who'S...gonna tell him the truth. Susan: Roger! Oh, thank goodness, honey. Now you can back me up. Come here, roger. Come here. Now, you tell ej that these people are just a bunch of stupid, stupid liars, okay? Sami: Oh, no, you are the liar. Susan: They're trying to take away my precious son, roger. Now, just go set 'em straight, okay? Tell them this is not will horton, this is my son, ej dimera--go ahead, tell 'em. Roger: Sorry, babe, I can't do that--not anymore. All these people are telling you the truth. [Dramatic musical flourish] Maggie: Oh, victor... I can't believe something like this even happened here. Victor: Something like what? Maggie: Uh... theo's shooting! What else would I be talking about? I spoke to jennifer. She said jj's a wreck. Blames himself. Victor: Well, he did pull the trigger, didn't he? Maggie: He didn't know it was theo. [Fire crackling] And now that beautiful young man... is in a coma, and he may never wake up. Oh, poor abe. Victor: It's all very tragic. Maggie: [Sighs] With all this going on here, there just--there doesn't feel like there's much to be grateful for this thanksgiving. Brady: Actually, there is. I just spoke to justin, and it turns out that will horton... he's alive after all. [Suspenseful music] Will: Are you serious? Roger, a-are you saying I'M... I'm not...ej? That I'M...will horton? Roger: Yes, you are, son. Will: And so y-you're really my husband? Sonny: Yes. Susan: Just...just don'T... don't listen to anything they have to say. How--[Huffs] John got you turned around on me. Roger: Oh, sweetie, you know that's not true--john just made me realize that we couldn't keep up this lie any longer. Susan: It's not a lie. It's not a lie. Roger: Truth's gonna come out sooner or later--they can run dna tests and get the concrete proof they need. I just thought it'd best coming from me. Susan: No, I can't hear you. I'm not listening to you. We're gonna go, ej. Come on, we gotta go before they poison your mind again-- Will: No. No, no, no, mom! I'm not going anywhere! Not until I get some answers. [Intense music] Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives." [Soft orchestration] Victor: Are you saying that will has been with that banks woman all this time? Brady: Not only that, will's been...brainwashed into thinking he's ej. Maggie: What?! Victor: Oh, good lord. Brady: My dad, marlena, sami, paul, sonny-- they're all down in memphis trying to figure this whole mess out. Maggie: And what about lucas? Does he know that will's alive? Brady: Adrienne has called him, but he's not responding. Maggie: Oh, god knows what state he's in with the way he's been drinking. Brady: Is it that bad? Maggie: He's not going to meetings at all. I am so worried about him. Victor: All it takes is one drink to start that downward spiral. Maggie: Well, maybe this news will be the splash of cold water lucas needs to get back on track. Victor: Have you spoken with sonny? Brady. No. No. But he has to be thrilled that will is back. [Dramatic musical sting] Eve: So will is still alive? Maggie: Isn't it wonderful? Eve: Excuse me if I don't open a bottle of bubbly. [Liquid pouring] My child's still dead. Susan: Ej? [Edgy music] Roger: It's okay. Will: How long have you known, roger? Roger: When I first met your mom, susan, she was grieving the loss of her son. I tried to make her happy. Nothing worked. Then one day, she showed up with you. All of a sudden, that smile was back. She lied when she said that she planned to kill will on the anniversary of ej's death. Susan couldn't kill a fly. She just needed to fill that big, gaping hole in her heart. She decided you were gonna be the one to do it. Found it fitting to take sami's son since, in her own mind, sami took hers. Susan: No, roger, don't talk anymore, please. Will: Let him speak. Susan: Don't talk-- Will: Let him speak, mom! Roger: So her and dr. Rolf kept an eye on you... on the anniversary of ej's death, followed you to some apartment. You were in there for a long time, then some man showed up. Sonny: Ben. He was the one who...who killed you. We thought. Roger: After a while, that same man left the apartment. He looked really upset. And that's when susan and rolf went in. Sami: And found you. Roger: At first they thought you were already dead. [Tense music] Susan: He killed him! Oh, no, he can't be dead--will's supposed to replace my ej! Rolf: Yes. Perhaps he still can. [Suspenseful music] Yeah, he's breathing and stable. Susan: Does that mean my plan could still work? What are you doin'? Rolf: I'll tell you once we're out of here. I don't want that lunatic coming back and killing us as well. Susan: [Indistinct] Roger: That no-good doc injected you with...some drug that makes you seem like you're dead, that way when your body was found, all your loved ones would... Sonny: We thought we lost you forever. [Tense music] Sami: You're a monster. You didn't just hurt me. You hurt every person here who loves will. Susan: Shut your mouth, sami brady, shut your big, fat mouth. Sami: You didn't even care. Will: How did I--excuse me! How did I end up in memphis? Susan: [Whispering] Don't you say one more word. Not one more word. Roger: Susan and rolf waited for your body to be found and taken to the morgue. Susan: No...no! Rolf: Are you sure the coast is clear? Susan: I'm positive. Do it right now! [Suspenseful music] Will: [Gasps] What--what's happening? Susan: Don't you worry, my precious ej. Your mama's right here. I'm right here. Sami: So rolf did...bring will back to life? Roger: Unfortunately, he also erased all his memories. Rolf stayed behind to oversee the burial, but...obviously will's body wasn't in the casket...'cause he was already with susan. Sami: How could you let her do it? How could you just stand there and do nothing? Roger: 'Cause he fixed her. I knew it wasn't right, but after she lost ej, she couldn't function. Sami: Neither could I when she took my son from me. Roger: She took you and made you into the son she lost. And it seemed like...all the broken pieces were finally put back together. Susan: He's just lyin'. All of 'em are just lyin'. All of 'em are lyin', ej. Don't listen to anything they say, okay? [Whispers] Don't listen to anything. Roger: It's over, baby. You gotta let him go. Susan: How could you do this? You stabbed me in the back! I thought you loved me! Roger: I do--that's why I had to tell the truth. [Susan whimpers] Susie, susie...you need help. Susan: What I need... Roger: You need help. Susan: No. I need my boy. I want my boy to come back to me. Sami: Hey, hey! Will: That's why... that's why you kept me so sheltered. That's why every time I had questions about my past, you would change the subject... because you didn't want me to find out that I'm not your son. Susan: [Whispers] You are my son. You are. Yeah. Marlena: He's not. Honey, he's not. Look at me. Ej's dead. Susan: No! [Mumbles] I won't listen to her. I won't listen to her! Marlena: I know how hard this is for you. I understand. It was your little boy. It was the person you brought into this world. It was a person you would do anything and everything for. I know. I know how much it hurts. The truth is... ej's gone. And that's unbearably painful. And it's unthinkable. But it's the truth. And trying to hold on to will... will not bring him back. [Somber music] Susan: What have I done? I'm so sorry! [Sniffles] I'm so, so sorry. I just miss my boy so much. I just wanted to hold him in my arms again. I wanted to be a mother again. See...I just really, really wanted to be his mother. My life was so sad... when I lost my ej. My precious boy. I'm so sorry. [Sniffles] I'm so, so sorry. [Soft instrumentals] Maggie: I'm terribly sorry for everything you've been through, eve. There's nothing more painful than losing a child. I know that all too well. But being bitter and resentful about other people's good fortune-- Victor: And if that's the way you're gonna be, you can just leave. Maggie: Victor! Victor: I'm sure that henderson would be thrilled to death to help you pack. Eve: Victor, victor, victor. I'd think you'd show a little bit more kindness to me, considering I have you and your grandson over a barrel. Maggie: What are you talking about? Eve: Oh--they didn't tell you about my little trip downtown? Maggie: No. They didn'T. Brady: Maggie, it's nothing that you need to worry about--trust me. Victor: Brady's right, maggie. No reason for you to hear this harpy go on. Maggie: I'll decide... what I need to hear and what i don'T. Go on, eve. Eve: Well, it seems that henderson found that ugly amulet among my things, and brady decided it was proof that I had murdered deimos. Or at least that's what he told the salem police when he called them to tell them to arrest me for murder. Maggie: Did you kill him? Eve: No, of course I didn'T. When the police checked out my airtight alibi, I was released, thank you very much. Maggie: Well, then, how did the amulet end up in your things? Eve: Well, I can only assume that it was planted by someone who wanted to frame me for my husband's murder. And I do believe that that someone is... brady. [Tense music] John: Ambulance is here. They're ready for susan. Marlena: I spoke to the head of psychiatry at the hospital. I explained what happened and told them that... susan's coming in and she's had a psychotic break. Roger: Thank you. You're good people. I'm sorry for all the trouble we caused. Come on, darling. Let's get you some help. [Emotional music] Susan: I love you. Roger: Come on. Everything's gonna be all right. Will: [Sniffles] I've, uh... I've never seen her like that before. Sonny: Just as long as no one called her out on her lie, she...was fine. But what she did-- Will: She's still... a good mother. Sami: So...now that that's over with, we can help you work on getting your memory back now. Sonny: Sami. Sami: Don't you think we could just...get him on a flight back to salem? Will: What is wrong with you? [Somber music] [Shouting] What is wrong with you? My mom just had a complete mental breakdown. I'm not leaving her. Sami: Will, she's not your-- [Intense music] (Vo) more "doing chores for mom" Sami: After everything that lying witch put him through... how can will still defend her? Sonny: He obviously cares a lot about her. Sami: Look, I don't care what kind of stockholm syndrome will is going through --I'm his mother...and I'm not going to lose him again. Marlena: Sami... will's whole world... everything he knows to be real and true...has been turned upside down. You can't push him on this. Sami: I just don't wanna give susan the chance to suck him back in. Paul: Well, I don't think susan's in any shape to manipulate anyone. Sami: I don't remember anyone asking your opinion. John: Whoa, whoa, whoa, i know tensions are high here, sami, but we all want the same thing--it's just for will to remember who he used to be. Sami: I don't know, john, if everyone here wants that. Marlena: Okay, I'm gonna go to the hospital, check on susan and will. Sami: Great. I'll go with you. Marlena: No. Sami: Mom...please try to understand where I'm coming from--I don't want to lose my son again. Marlena: [Softly] I do understand that. I know how desperate you are to be with him. To have him know that you love him, to see him heal. But honey...right now is not the time. Come on, let me just... let me talk to will, okay? Alone. [Emotional music] Will: How long are they gonna keep her here? Roger: I don't know yet. They, uh...doc is gonna do an evaluation before they make any decisions. Will: I've never seen her this upset, roger. Roger: I should never have let this gone on as long as i did. Just...you're the only thing holding her together. Will: Well, you know, we don't have to talk about that now. I just, uh... I'm here to help. Roger: As much as I hate to say it... the best way for you to help susan right now... is to just leave. Maggie: Is it true, brady, did you? Brady: I did not...frame eve. Eve: Well, the police might disagree with you on that one. In fact, they probably would have talked to you already and questioned you if they weren't dealing with the fallout of theo carver's shooting. Maggie: Eve, you can't believe that brady framed you. I mean, he would never do something like that. Eve: Brady and gramps here would like nothing better than to have me out of this house and out of their company. But guess what, guys. I'm not goin' anywhere. In fact, if you force my hand, I'll go straight to the press and tell them all about the little stunt brady pulled. Brady: You have no proof that I set you up. Eve: Well, brady, somebody in this house certainly did. Which means somebody in this house murdered my husband. [Phone rings] Oh! Someone just got saved by the bell. Eve. Kirakis. Oh, yes, no, no, this is a fine time. I just need to grab my notes. Excuse me. The job of the ceo is never done. Maggie: You said xander didn't succeed in killing deimos. Was that a lie? Or did you...kill your brother instead? Will: I'm not here to yell at her....roger. I'm just...worried. Roger: I know you are. But...I don't think having you here when she wakes up is gonna help. Will: I'm not...going to abandon her. I'm her s--I'm her-- Roger: You're not her son. That doesn't mean she doesn't love you. You filled that place in her heart that her real son left behind. Will: Maybe that's not such a bad thing? Roger: [Chuckles] It's not good, will. Making you a replacement for ej kept her from dealing with her loss and kept you from... sounds like a pretty good life. Will: If I leave her and she wakes up and I'm not there-- Roger: Then--then she's gonna have to deal with the truth. God knows living a lie hasn't done her any good. Marlena: Roger's right. I can tell you from experience that your presence here will only hurt susan. The best thing you can do for her... is stay away from her. [Soft music] I saw the change in rich when we moved into the new house. Brady: Neither one of us tried to frame eve. Maggie: How do you explain the amulet? Brady: I have no idea where that thing came from. Maggie: Why don't I believe you? Victor: Maggie and me have a few minutes? Brady: Are you sure? [Lightly edgy music] Victor: I did not kill my brother. And neither did brady. Maggie: Then...how? Victor: Maggie, please, just trust what I'm telling you. Maggie: Well, it's obvious you're keeping something from me, victor. Victor: You know all that you need to know. Neither one of us killed deimos. Do you believe me? Maggie: I do. I don't know why I do... but I do. [Light knocking] Marlena: Will, it's gram-- it's marlena evans. May I come in? Will: Sure. But I'm gonna tell you right now, if you're here to try and convince me to come back to salem, it's not gonna work, so-- Marlena: No, no. I'm not. Will: Okay. Marlena: I actually have been... a little worried about you. How are you feeling? [Thoughtful music] Will: I have no idea. It's--you know, it's too big. It's too much, it doesn't-- it doesn't even feel real. Marlena: I'm sure that's true. Will: And I'm sure you must think I'm an... I'm an idiot for believing susan's lies all this time. Marlena: No. I think you're incredibly loyal to somebody who, in many ways, was very good to you. Will: She was. That doesn't mean that I'm not... frustrated and angry with her for what she did, but I just can't--I can't suddenly stop thinking of her as my mom. Marlena: I understand. Will: And I'm not gonna abandon her. Marlena: Even though, by staying here, you could impede her recovery? Will: Well, then what--what-- what--[Sighs] What, then? What, I-I leave her in the hospital? Go off with just a bunch of strangers? Marlena: No, no, no. We are not strangers. We actually are your family. Will: Yeah, but why would that mean anything to me when i don't--I can't remember any of you? I don't even like some of you! I'm sorry, I'm not talking about you--I'm talking about...sami. I mean, all that I know of her, the horrible...things that susan's told me. Marlena: [Softly] Yeah. Look, I'm not asking you to come home for sami. Or for sonny or...or for me. I'm thinking that maybe... you should come home to...try to find out who you are. Will: What? Marlena: [Laughing] We've had this conversation before. Will: What, are you telling me that this isn't the first time that I've had amnesia? Marlena: No, no, not at all. I'm just saying that there was a time when you were...you were struggling with who you... with who you are. You know, you... you weren't sure whether or not you were really gay. [Dramatic chords] Sami: Still can't believe susan brainwashed will into thinking he was ej. John: Hey...he's alive. That's what's important here. And now that the truth is out, he knows who he used to be. Sami: But doesn't accept it yet. If he did, he wouldn't care what happens to that nut job. John: Well, you know, he's just gotta get his bearings, samantha, and what you need to do is just--you gotta take a step back. Sami: Enough, john! I can't take you lecturing me on how to handle my son right now, okay? Paul: He's only trying to help, sami. Sami: Oh, really? You're gonna pipe up? Did you help will when you saw him and didn't tell any of us? John: There's no point in going back over this again. Sami: But, of course, you don't want will to remember, do you, because you know the second will remembers everything, sonny is going to dump you. Sonny: Sami, stop. Sami: You should have done it already--the second that he lied to us when he didn't tell us about seeing will. Sonny: He came clean in the end. Sami: What if I'd had the chance to talk to will the last time--maybe everything would have been different! Sonny: One or two days wouldn't have made a big difference. Sami: How can you say that? For all we know, susan upped her tracker jack serum on him after she realized we were getting close. John: Come on, I doubt that, sami. Sami: Really? She had his bags packed--she was ready to take will and disappear again. We might never have found him, thanks to paul. Sonny: Okay, listen, hey, he apologized profusely to all of us--I mean, what else do you want him to do? Sami: Just can't believe you're standing here defending him to me. John: Look, come on, let's just everybody calm down here. Come on, really-- Sami: I'm not gonna calm down! That woman brainwashed my son. She convinced him that he was someone else, and you're telling me to just let that go and hope everything works out for the best? Get to know me. [Heavy music] John: Samantha! [Woman] Nope! Eve: Hey, hey, hey! Brady: You need to stop. Eve: Excuse me! Brady: You need to stop with these baseless accusations. You hear me? Eve: Well, you know what, brady, you didn't seem to mind throwing 'em around on me. In fact, if it were up to you, I'd be off in statesville right now. Brady: Hey, I was just doing my civic duty, eve. Eve: Well, I'm just claiming what is rightfully mine as deimos's widow. Brady: What's rightfully yours. Eve: Mm-hmm. Brady: You manipulated your way into a phony wedding to get money and power, eve. The only thing that's rightfully yours is to be exposed... as the pathetic gold digger that you are. Eve: [Softly] That's harsh... especially coming from someone that I once considered a pretty good guy. What the hell happened to you? Will: She told me... on several occasions that I was not gay. Not that, you know, there's something wrong with it or she had a problem with it. But I-I think... that, you know, now knowing that she wanted me... to be ej that she just thought maybe it didn't really fit with who he was. Marlena: Yes, that's right. You--you never said anything to her. Will: No. I let her think that she talked me out of it. And I figured that I must have just been in the closet... since I was supposedly married to a woman. Marlena: I'm so sorry that you had to...to keep that part of yourself a secret. Will: Thank you. Apparently, it wasn't--it wasn't any easier when I did come out. Sonny...told me how I fought it and how I was with arianna's mother because I was afraid to admit the truth. Marlena: No, you were just confused. You--you were just... you were trying very hard to-- to figure out who you were. Will: Did I...figure out-- figure out who I was? Marlena: Yes, you did. It took a while, and it was-- it was painful for you, but... the real you finally came out. It was wonderful. You were--you were so at peace. You were so happy. I wish you could feel that way again. Will: Thing is, though, that I was--I was... I was happy with this life. And I don't know...[Stammers] I don't know if I'm ready to leave it behind. Marlena: Well, what you know about it is that... you're living a lie. The same as you were before you--before you came out. [Contemplative music] You said to me one time... you never wanted to feel that way again. You always wanted to be true to yourself... true to who you really were. I don't think that's changed. Honey... why don't you... just come home and see for yourself? Bob starts his day with a delicious Brady: You wanna know what happened to me? Eve: Yeah. Brady: Women like you. Women like you... who I thought were loving and caring and decent, and it turned out they weren'T. Women like kristen and nicole. And your baby sister. Women like that who sucked me in and told me that they loved me, and then they took every good thing that I did for 'em and took advantage of me. That's why I am...who I am now. Eve: Well, if it makes you feel any better, I haven't heard from theresa either. Brady: Oh. I'm so glad that bitch is gone. Yeah, she would have ruined tate's life just like she ruined mine...so it's good that she's gone and out of this house and out of my life, 'cause you know she trashed every single thing that we ever had. I'm glad she's gone. You know what? She probably would have been just as bad a mother as you were. [Dark music] Brady: You wanna play? You wanna play with me? Eve: That's right, brady. You go ahead...hit me. Show me what a monster you really are. Marlena: There are so many people waiting for you. I mean, people that... love you so much and have missed you so much. And there'S...there's arianna. Will: I know, my little girl. Sonny told me about her. I just wish I could...remember. Marlena: Yeah, well, that-- that could take some time. Will: But it will...happen, though, right, eventually? Marlena: Will... [Sighs] There are no guarantees here. You know, maybe just... come back and see your family, your friends. And see how it feels to be will horton. You don't have to make any promises about staying, you know, just... well, I...just... just...just think about it. Will: Okay. Marlena: Well, I, um... I'd better go. Let everybody know that you're okay. Will: Mm-hmm. Marlena: I hope I get to see you again. [Contemplative music] Could I just give you a hug? Oh...ohh! [Softly] It is so good to see you. I accept I don't conquer [Tense music] Brady: I would never... hit you. Eve: You sure about that? Brady: Yeah. But I will warn you. If you try to go public with your crazy theory about me trying to frame you... Eve: You'll what? Kill me like you killed deimos? Brady: I didn't kill deimos. Eve: Get out. [Edgy music] I said get...out. [Edgy music] Marlena: It's been a lot for will to take in. Sami: But did you convince him to come home with us? Marlena: No. No. I was just trying to persuade him... that would be a good thing for him. But it really is up to will. Sonny: But did you get the sense that he would come home? Marlena: No. No, I didn't get that sense. Sami: So we just...hang out here and wait? Marlena: You know, I-I think we should all just, uh, go home. And I've checked online. There are plenty of flights available. Sami: No. Marlena: Honey, there's not much more we can do here-- Will: Think there's room for one more? [Emotional music] Roger: Thank you for coming so quickly. Mary: Poor susan. What my sister did was wrong. But she was misguided in her grief. Deep down inside, she's got a good heart, you know. Unlike that kristen dimera... who I don't think ever had a heart. [Ominous chords] And if she did, it was probably just A...burned up piece-a coal burnt to a crisp. From all those years of burnin' in hell. Kristen: Oh, you stupid, stupid, delusional fool, susan, trying to turn will horton into the poor man's ej dimera. If you only knew... you could have had the real thing...after all. [Dark music] [Laughing] [Intense musical build-up] | Roger told Will to leave if he wanted to help Susan |
473 | Michael: Thank you. You're still not feeling better? Lauren: My head is pounding. Victor: Lauren, do you need to eat something? Lauren: I can't. Every time I try, my throat closes up. Michael: Well, you're exhausted. You were up all night. Lauren: What if Scott called or Kevin? I couldn't risk falling asleep. Victor: Lauren, it is miles through very rough terrain. The authorities on the ground couldn't help him much, but they gave him instructions passed on to him by the kidnappers where to drop the ransom. Now, he's on the way through that rough terrain right now to meet with the kidnappers and hopefully with Scott. Michael: There's nothing else we can do now except wait. Lauren: Forgive me if that's not very reassuring. Michael: Sweetheart -- Lauren: You know, we're in a restaurant and...making small talk, looking at menus, trying to decide between the fruit plate and the eggs Benedict, and... my son is halfway around the world, and I don't know if he's had food or water in days. Michael: Just don't assume the worst. Lauren: Can you please stop telling me how to feel? I am not fit company. I'm gonna go back to Victor's office where at least I feel productive. I'm sorry. [Cell phone rings] Lauren: I'm sorry. Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait. This is Kevin. Yes? Kevin: I'm at the rendezvous point. Victor: How are things going? Kevin: [Breathing heavily] Colin: I'm aware you don't trust me. Esther: Does anyone? Colin: Yeah, I've got to work on that. But, uh, well, Jill invited me here, so that's, uh, in my mind, it's got to mean something. Esther: I'll go tell her that you're here. Colin: Yeah, before you go, how -- how's she doing? Is she, uh, feeling better? Esther: You'll have to ask her. Colin: Right. Jill: Good morning, Colin. Thank you for coming. Esther, that'll be all. Esther: Don't you want me to stay? Jill: There's no need. Esther: Do not upset her. Colin: Uh, well, you, uh, you look great. Uh, getting better, I see, responding nicely, as I knew you would. Jill: Thank you. Colin: Uh, did my special delivery speed things along a little? Not that I'm taking credit, mind you. But it must have meant something. Uh, is that the reason you wanted to see me? Jill: Can't get anything past you, can I? Sharon: If faith ready to go? Nikki: Well, she was almost dressed when the doorbell rang. Where you two off to again? Sharon: Is nick here, too? Nikki: Christian spent the night. You can go say hello. Sharon: Hi. Hi, baby. Come here. Nikki: I'm sure it's fine. Go ahead. Sharon: Oh! Come here. I missed you. Faith: Christian's still here? Why didn't daddy pick him up last night? Sharon: Well, I'm sure it's normal for him to spend the night at his grandparents' sometimes. And I'm sure nick had something he had to do. Faith: He did. He had a date. Nick: Hey. Chelsea: Hi. I'm glad -- I'm glad you're here. Nick: So am I. Chelsea: [Groans] It's bright out. [Sighs] I guess we slept in. Nick: Yeah. Do you have to go into work? Chelsea: No. One of the perks of being my own boss. You? Nick: Same. Chelsea: Well, that's good, then. Kevin: That's all I can tell you for now. I need to get to those assets on the ground, try and figure out where things went wrong and try and fix this. Victor: Okay, we'll be waiting for your call. Michael: Is Kevin all right? What did he say? Victor: He is not where is supposed to have been. Lauren: What does that mean? Michael: Where is he? Victor: Kidnappers probably got cold feet. Lauren: Is that it? Is Scott...? Victor: Lauren, when you deal with people of this nature, it's never easy. Negotiations are tough. This is a glitch. This is not over with. I promise you. Lauren: I listened to you to allow Kevin to deliver the money because it seemed like a good idea at the time. If the kidnappers ran, it means they think we double-crossed them. Victor: I understand you're upset. Lauren: What if my son pays the price for that? Nikki: Now, remember our talk last night, faith. There's no reason why your father can't go out on a date, especially if it's somebody we like. Sharon: I assume we are talking about Chelsea? Good for them. How close are you to getting ready? Faith: Five minutes. Sharon: Okay. Timing you! So, what's all this about nick's date? Nikki: Well, faith created an emergency. She called Nicholas and said that she couldn't wake me up. Sharon: What? Nikki: So, he left Chelsea, came rushing home only to find out it was a false alarm. Sharon: Wow, I'm -- I'm shocked that faith would behave like that. How did nick deal with it? Nikki: Well, I sent him back to find Chelsea, and I dealt with things here, but I'm sure he'll have a few words for her when he gets back. Sharon: Faith and Chelsea are close. I'm surprised faith's not all for it. Nikki: Well, things have changed. Dylan is gone. Your marriage is over. And for the first time in a long time, both of her parents are single and available. Chelsea: Connor's still asleep. Nick: Good. Chelsea: Yeah. Nick: Coffee's not too bad, either. Chelsea: Oh, well, um, thanks. Nick: So I guess this means we're officially out of the friend zone. Brings up a very certain question. Chelsea: What is it? Time to go public? Nick: [Chuckles] We haven't done the best job of keeping things super quiet. Chelsea: It'll get around town no matter what we do. That's the way the people here work. They love to gossip, so... Nick: Yeah, if I could do one thing over... Chelsea: What's that? Nick: I should have told faith that valentine's day was more than just a one- time thing. She interrupted our evening, which wasn't right, and I'm gonna talk to her about it. But some of that was my fault. Chelsea: We've been taking things slow. I mean, I don't think either one of us knew where this was headed. Nick: Do we now? Chelsea: I'd like to think so. Nick: Once she sees how happy we are, she will be, too. Chelsea: So are you saying you're happy? Nick: I mean... you couldn't tell, you know, at any point throughout the evening or this morning? [Chuckles] Hmm. Okay. I'm -- I'm gonna go and talk to my daughter. Chelsea: Okay. Well, good luck. Nick: So I'll call you later? Chelsea: Oh, a phone call. I thought everybody just text these days. Nick: Ohhh. Not this guy. This guy right here is strictly old school. Chelsea: Oh. All right. Bye. Nick: Bye. Colin: David Sherman -- he brought my gift in person? Jill: Oh, if you're referring to the check, yeah, I got it. Colin: I vowed to replenish that money, and I've made good on that promise. I know it's just a start. One can't replenish the coffers and expect forgiveness, but I want you to know that, uh, you're a very important part of my life and that I think about you all the time. I-I-I dream about you -- Jill: Stop, stop, stop, stop. Before you declare your undying love for me... there was another delivery you made. Colin: Uh, I don't know what you mean. Jill: I'm touched by how driven you are to repay me, okay? At least I was until I realized that you had, in actual fact, robbed me a second time to come up with the cash to do it. The key, Colin. The key to Katherine's safe deposit box, the one she meant for me. Jill: You opened Katherine's safe deposit box, and you found the letter. Now, you could have destroyed the letter, but you didn't. See, that was your fatal flaw. You figured you'd just slip it in my mailbox and you would assuage your guilt and I would be none the wiser. And that might have worked if it hadn't been for Murphy. Colin: Murphy? What possible reason could -- Jill: Well, I found out that Murphy didn't put it in my letter box. I also found out where the letter had been waiting for me all those years since Katherine died. Is this starting to jog your memory a little bit? Now, I don't know how you got your grubby, little hands on that box, but you did. So, you used the key, discovered the letter, but that wasn't all you found in there, was it? There was something else in there, something that Katherine meant for me to have. Something that was worth... oh, I don't know... maybe about that much! Colin: Ah, ah, ah! Please! Don't. Sharon: I was hoping you'd give me a little more credit than that, Nikki, but I guess that's too much to ask. Nikki: Sharon, why wouldn't I wonder about your intentions? The last time you and Nicholas were free -- Sharon: I don't need a man to survive. I'm a lot more grounded than you realize. Nick: Hey, mom! I'm here to pick up -- Nikki: Good morning, darling. Christian is here waiting for his daddy. Nick: I didn't know you were gonna be here. Nikki: Well, Sharon and I were just chatting. When you came through the door, she was telling me how grounded she is. Lauren: The middle east? Scott, why? That part of the world is incredibly dangerous. Scott: It is, but it's also filled with courageous people going through a terrible upheaval through no fault of their own. Their stories deserve to be told. Lauren: You're an American citizen, and certain elements won't wish you well. Can't your editor just send you someplace where foreign journalists aren't such targets? Scott: I'll be careful, mom. I promise. But this is something I feel I must do. Michael: All the bartender had was aspirin. Will that do, or you do want me to run across the street and pick something else up from the pharmacy? Lauren. Lauren: [Sniffles] What? Michael: Aspirin for your headache. Lauren: Thank you. [Sighs] Michael: You all right? Lauren: [Sniffles] Just give me a minute. Victor: All right, here's the map of the area that Kevin is calling from. Want to take a look? Lauren: Yeah, let me see. Victor: See these mountains here? See that road? I mean, not much of a road, but it goes through this pass here, all right? And if they travel in this area, they move very slowly, so I think they're within this radius here. Michael: Kevin, Scott, and the kidnappers. Victor: Yep. And your idea that the kidnappers were running to elude capture is probably sound. I'll tell you one thing. The lure of $10 million, they need that money, you know. That's how they finance their war, and that'll guarantee us that Scott will remain alive. Having Kevin there is the best thing we can do. Unless they offer up Scott and give Kevin and Scott both safe exit, they won't get a dime. It's our best protection. Lauren: Sounds like the only thing you care about protecting is your cash. What about my son? Lauren: Victor, I'm sorry. That was uncalled for. I know you're doing everything you can to bring Scott home. I am very grateful. Victor: I understand. I know what it's like to have a child in jeopardy. It's awful. All right, I'm going to my office now. Lauren: You'll let us know if there's any news, right? Victor: I will let you know immediately, okay? Lauren: Thank you. Thank you so much. Victor: It'll be all right. Okay. Michael: Thanks. Lauren: [Sighs] How could I have accused him of something so callous? He's moving heaven and earth to help us. Michael: No. Trust me, I've known Victor for a very long time. He was not offended. Lauren: I hope you're right. Michael: No, he wants what we want. Nick: Are you here for faith? Sharon: Yeah, I'm picking her up. Nick: Yeah? Where you guys off to? Sharon: No plans. But I was thinking I might enroll in some classes at GCU, and I thought faith might like to see the campus. Nick: College. Huh. I didn't even know that was on your radar. I mean, school was a long time ago for us. Sharon: Well... seems like it might be a good way to make a fresh start. Nick: Yeah. Well, before you take off with her, I really need to talk to her. It's important. Sharon: Yeah, Nikki told me about what happened. I'm shocked that our daughter would act like that. Nick: I should have talked to her after it happened. Nikki: No, you needed to get back to Chelsea, and she had to learn that this kind of stunt doesn't work. Were you able to pick things up where you left them? Nick: Yeah, it was -- it was a great evening. Nikki: I'm glad. Well, I need to check in with Victor about something. I'll leave you two to deal with faith. Sharon: Nikki told me her theory about what the issue was. Nick: Ah. You mean, uh, us. Sharon: Well, it's normal for kids to want their parents to be together. But if faith needs to be told that we're friends and it's always going to be that way, um, don't you think it would be best if she hears it from the two of us? Faith: I know I'm in trouble. I guess you want to yell at me? Sharon: Not yell. Talk. Nick: Yeah. Your mom and I both do. Colin: Don't destroy it. You've proved your point. I'll do anything. Thank you. Jill: So, does this mean that we're all through with these ridiculous denials of yours? Colin: [Sighs] Yeah. I...saw an opportunity, went for it. Jill: [Chuckles] Spoken like a true opportunist. Colin: I deserve that. Jill: Yep, you do. Colin: I'm not the one who set this in motion. Billy did. Jill: Billy did?! You're blaming my son for your sordid behavior?! Colin: Let -- let me explain. Jill: Oh, please do. Colin: Through Billy's actions, I had to go to the thrift store to buy my clothes back, and that's when I saw it. It was sitting on a shelf behind some boxes. Jill: "It"? Colin: Katherine's music box, looking somewhat the worse for wear. I kind of felt that it might have been kismet, that I was meant to find it. Jill: It never occurred to you to give it to me, though, the person it was intended for! Colin: Guess you feel that I should apologize, and maybe I should. But I-I needed to make you financially whole again. I felt that there could be no reconciliation until I did. Jill: See, this is the saddest part of the whole deal. You still think it's all about money. Colin: It's about trust. I understand that now. Jill: [Sighs] Colin, whatever was in that lock box, it was worth a value far beyond dollars and cents. That letter she wrote, that was entirely about our lives together. There was so much that she needed me to know. But there was something in that box that she wanted me to have. So what was it, Colin? And how the hell are you gonna get it back? Faith: I shouldn't have messed with your date. I'm sorry. Nick: Apology accepted. But I hope you understand why it was wrong. Sharon: Well, first of all, honey, you should never lie about medical emergencies. Nick: Absolutely. That can be extremely dangerous. And second, what you did to me and Chelsea wasn't only dishonest. It wasn't fair, especially if you were trying to keep me available for your mom. I mean, was that your plan? To try and manipulate us into getting back together? Because you know that's not the way it works, right? Faith: I said I was sorry. Is it so awful to want a normal family? Dylan's gone. You're alone. Dad's alone. Sharon: Well, nick's not alone. He's seeing Chelsea. Your dad and I are friends, and that's all we're ever going to be. That's good that he found someone he likes to spend his time with, and we should be happy for him. Faith: But who will you be with? Sharon: I have you and Noah and Mariah, the most wonderful family ever, and not a day goes by that I'm not incredibly grateful. Nick: All right, I should get going. Uh, you two have a fun time at the campus. Sharon: Thanks. I think we will. Nick: Come on, little man. Oh, there we go. Let's go get some snacks. Some for you and a lot for me. Faith: Bye. Sharon: Your dad graduated at GCU. He got a business degree. Did you know that? Faith: I'm really excited to go to a real college. But can we make one stop first? Jill: Katherine wanted me to have a ring? Oh, I swear to God if you're even remotely thinking of lying -- Colin: It's the truth. It's the truth. I promise. Jill: How long after you saw it did you start doing the math in your head? Did it even occur to you for one tiny moment that it might mean something to me, that this wasn't a bauble you could fence, that this was an object with history and emotion and closure? Did anything enter that dim, reptilian brain of yours except a scheme to save your pathetic ass?! Colin: Look, this isn't as black and white as you're making it out. Jill: Phillip chancellor and I, we were so in love, and when he proposed to me and said he wanted to marry me, he told me that he wanted to get me this spectacular ring. I'm sure he wanted to surprise me with it. Only I never saw it because Katherine got drunk and drove him off a cliff, and he died before he could give it to me. Oh, my God. Oh, if it hadn't been for that cruel, vindictive woman! She obviously found the ring and kept it out of pure spite. Colin. God, that ring was a symbol of what could have been. If it had been put on my finger all those years ago, God, everything would have been so different. You and me. Our marriage, it wouldn't have existed. Which, right about now, seems damned appealing. Victor: Kevin, you're cutting in and out. I can't hear you. Kevin: In a jeep...headed south. New location. Almost there. Victor: Is that where Scott is? Kevin: That's the word I got. Victor: Is that based on good intel? Kevin: Came straight from -- think it's trustworthy. Can't be -- Victor: Can you hear me? Nikki: [Sighs] Damn it. Victor: I bet you all the cell towers around there have been knocked out by shelling, you know? We'll wait for him to call back. Nikki: What time is it over there? Victor: It's nine hours ahead. Nikki: So it's dark. To hear Kevin, it sounds like those roads are dreadful. And I can't believe that he actually made it to the hideout only to find out that Scott had been moved! Victor: Yeah, well, they are scared, they are dangerous as hell, and they know exactly what will happen to them if they're caught. I've been trying to reassure Lauren all this time. I know how deeply upset she is. I would be, too. Nikki: Maybe we should have let her wire the money like the kidnappers wanted to. Victor: No, sweetheart. No, no, no, no. We are close to a resolution, okay? Now there's no time for "what ifs." Nikki: When I think back to when Victoria was taken, it was the worst day of my entire life. Lauren must be going through hell. [Cell phone rings] Michael: Excellent job. And now for the yogurt. Mmm! Lauren: Oh, I ate the grapefruit. Don't push your luck. Michael: All right, I'll take what I can get. Lauren: It's almost worse because I've been through this before with Scott. Michael: When he was a baby. Lauren: Oh, it's even more terrifying now, the thought of losing him. Michael: Hey. You got him back once. It'll happen again. Lauren: I hope you're right. I mean, Victor's been a lot more blunt about the reality. Michael: Because he's Victor. Lauren: Because he's been through a lot of dire situations. The men who've abducted Scott... nothing I do is gonna change the outcome. It's out of my hands, like it was the first time. [Voice breaking] I promised him that I would never let him go. I broke my promise. Michael: No. Sweetheart. You allowed him to become the man he was supposed to be. You allowed your son to pursue his passion. Lauren: Yeah, but a passion is supposed to keep you alive, not kill you. [Cell phone rings] Lauren: Oh, it's Victor. Victor, what's going on? Victor: Come to my office right away, okay? Lauren: What's happening? Victor: You just come here. I'll be waiting. Michael: What? What? Lauren: We got to go right now! [Glass shatters, Lauren gasps] Chelsea: Wow. An actual phone call. Nick: Yeah, pretty suave, huh? Chelsea: I am very impressed. Nick: Well, maybe I just wanted to hear your voice. [Metallic clang] Nick: Ohh! Chelsea: What was that? Nick: Oh, just, uh, hooking up Christian with a snack here, and you know how I am in the kitchen. I'm just Mr. Butterfingers. Chelsea: Ohh. What's on the menu? Nick: Well, let's see. We got mashed, uh, egg, mashed, uh, bananas, mashed oatmeal, and mashed peas. Chelsea: Peas aren't a snack. Nick: Yeah. So are you going into the studio today? Chelsea: Yeah, I thought I might. Did you get a chance to talk to faith? Nick: I actually did. Chelsea: And how did it go? Nick: Surprisingly okay. Chelsea: Oh, glad to hear that. [Doorbell rings] Chelsea: Um, somebody's at my door. Nick: Oh, uh, okay. I'll just, uh, I'll call you later. Chelsea: Okay. Bye. Oh! Hello. Faith: Hi. Sharon: Uh, can we come in? Chelsea: Yeah. Yeah, of course. Come on in. This is, uh... this is a surprise. Faith: I owe you an apology, Chelsea. That's why we're here. Jill: Get out of here. I can't stand the sight of you. Go! Go! Go! Colin: Look, I'm -- I'm sorry that I've hurt you so much, but how was I to know that ring would be so important? Jill: Important?! Ha! Maybe because it was a music box with a key inside of it and a safety deposit box and a letter! What?! You expect me to believe that you didn't think it was important?! What kind of a simpleton do you think I am?! Colin: You've told me almost nothing about that time in your life, about this Phillip chancellor! Jill: Well, then let me lay it out for you. Phillip chancellor was the love of my life. I thought he hung the moon, and he adored me. And Katherine knew this, but she never told me, not until she was dying, and she didn't even tell me in person. [Voice breaking] She wrote me a letter, and when I read it, all of those feelings of grief with Phillip leaving this world came flooding back to me! And now I find out about this ring that he meant for me to have, this ring that you sold to pay back the money that you stole from me? Colin: We -- we can't change the past, but we can build an extraordinary future. I believe that we're destined to be together! Jill: No. My destiny lay with Phillip. And I'm not interested in any future if it involves you. Colin: You don't mean that. Jill: Yes, I damn well do mean it! Now get out! Colin: Please. Jill: Get out, Colin! I mean it! Get out! And listen! Turn around! You get me that ring back. I don't want to see your face until you do. Lauren: What's going on? Victor: Come on. Nikki: Hi, Lauren. Lauren: What? Scott: Mom. Lauren: [Gasps] Scott: I'm here. I'm alive. Lauren: Oh! Thank God! Scott: I guess I scared you all. Lauren: Oh! You're safe now. You come home! You come home to me! Scott: There's no place I'd rather be. Lauren: [Sobs] Faith: I'm sorry about last night. I don't know why I did that. It was so mean. Chelsea: Oh, faith, you are the least mean person I have ever met. We all let our feelings get the better of us sometimes. Sharon: Isn't that gracious of Chelsea? She just let you off the hook. Faith: Thank you. Chelsea: You are very welcome. So, um, did -- did nick ask you to come by today? Sharon: No, no, this was all faith's idea. She wanted you to know that she's not only sorry, but she's also very happy for you and -- and her dad. Right, faith? Faith: Mm-hmm. Chelsea: That's really sweet. Thank you. Sharon: And I'm happy about it, too. Chelsea: Right, you know, I remember from the beginning you -- you were very supportive. Sharon: Yeah. You remember? Chelsea: Yeah, yeah, I do. Sharon: Um, how are things going? Well, I take it? Chelsea: Uh, you know, it's -- it's still the early stages, so... Sharon: Yeah, yeah, it's one step at a time. Chelsea: Right. Listen, if you guys aren't in a rush, you're welcome to stay for some hot chocolate. Sharon: Oh, no, I don't want to put you out. Chelsea: No, it's no trouble. Faith, would you want some hot chocolate? Faith: Sure. Sharon: Uh, lots of marshmallows on hers. Chelsea: You got it. Coming right up. I'll be right back. Sharon: You know, I'm really proud of you. Coming here was a good idea. Faith: I wanted Chelsea to know how I really feel. Colin: Certainly took you long enough. Figured you'd be on a beach somewhere enjoying your millions. Colin: Get me that ring back. Now? It might not be possible. Colin: Failure's not an option. Just make it happen. Jill: It belonged to me, old woman. You had no right! Esther: Jill, are you okay? Jill: Because of your precious Mrs. C, the sainted Katherine chancellor, I was denied something that would have meant more to me than all the money in the world. God, and it was more than a crime! It was a stab in the heart! [Voice breaking] How could you do it to me? You knew the truth all those years. You had the ring. It would have changed everything. [Sighs] You may think that this letter absolves you, Katherine. But it doesn't. I don't forgive you. I will never forgive you! Lauren: You're coming home. Victor: Here, sit down. Lauren: I can't wait. I'm gonna give you the biggest hug when I see you. Scott: You'll get one, too, ma. Count on it. Lauren: Kevin, I owe you so much. Thank you so much for finding my son. Michael: Good job, brother. Kevin: Thanks. We should wrap this up. I need to get Scott out of here. Lauren: All right. You be safe. I love you, sweetheart. Scott: I love you, too, mom. Lauren: [Sniffles] Thank you. Thank you so much. Victor: Okay. Kevin: My driver's outside. We need to get you to the airstrip. Scott: How'd you get here? Where are we? Kevin: They moved you around to keep you disoriented. But we're taking you home now, pal. There's plenty of time to debrief later. Scott: I got this. Kevin: Hey, hey, hey. Scott: I got this. Kevin: Lean on me. Scott: I got this, man. Okay. Kevin: Awesome. Let's hit it. Scott: You go that way, all right? I'm -- I'm gonna go this way. Kevin: We're going back to Genoa city together. It's good to know you still have your sense of humor. Hey, you are kidding, right? Scott: What do you think? Let's go home. [NEXT_ON] Ravi: Why, Ashley? Why is it so impossible for us to be more than friends? Hilary: You need to get it together, okay? Our photo shoot is about to start. Mariah: What photo shoot? Jordan: I was thinking about asking Hilary out on a date. Would that be a problem with you? | Jill tells Katherine's picture that she will never forgive her for keeping Philip's love from her and for not giving her the ring that he wanted to give her. |
474 | Steffy: I'm waiting. What's your answer? I'm offering you both a pretty sweet deal. You leave the company, and you send Hope away-- convince her to go to college back East. Oh, and also give us a chance. No one's gonna know what you two did. I'll keep quiet to everyone, including my grandmother. And just think what she could do with this information. Brooke: I already told you I would leave. But Hope? Steffy: You and Hope will be leaving Forrester Creations no matter what. You can leave disgraced, or you can leave with your dignity intact. It's your choice. Brooke: You're loving this, aren't you, having my back to the wall? [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Oh, thank you so much for helping me, Aggie. Aggie: Oh, it's my pleasure. Hope: Yeah, Oliver--he's just been so stressed lately, you know? I-I want to give him a fun night, so I thought I would make him some dinner, and then we'd watch his favorite movies. Aggie: Oh, no. Hope: Yes. Aggie: You really are a good girlfriend. Hope: (Laughs) You know what? He has done so much for me. That graduation party was one of the greatest nights of my life. You know, I just want to do something special to say thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: I know I promised that I wouldn't disappoint you. No more scandals. I wouldn't let you down in any way. Ridge: You haven't. Brooke: And I wouldn't... (Sighs) Not intentionally. Stephanie: Ridge? Ridge: In here, Mother. Stephanie: Hi, honey. (Sighs) Um, do you know where Steffy is? Ridge: Probably still at work. Stephanie: Oh. Ridge: Why? Stephanie: Well... (Sighs) She said something's going on with Brooke, and I want to talk to you about it. [SCENE_BREAK] Aggie: My brother is such a little bachelor. Look at this. Pork rinds and beef jerky. Hope: Ew, yuck. Aggie: (Laughs) What, does he do his grocery shopping at the gas station? Hope: I don't know, but I am really glad that I came prepared. Aggie: Oh, I don't even want to know how long this pizza's been in here. Hope: (Chuckles) Aggie: Oh, he's worse than me. You know what? You're--oh! You are just such a nice girl to do this for him. He is so lucky to have you. Hope: No, I am the lucky one. Seriously, I've got a great job, my own fashion line, the world's best boyfriend, you know? (Sighs) I would never give any of that up. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: Mother, just give it up, will you? Why are you doing this? Leave my wife alone. Stephanie: Has something happened? Ridge: Yes, something is going on with Brooke, and I think you and Steffy are the cause. [SCENE_BREAK] Steffy: I have to admit, I am conflicted about this. You know, a huge part of me thinks that my dad should know what you did. But... I am willing to give you this one chance, because honestly, I don't want to hurt my dad, and believe it or not, I don't want to hurt Hope either. Oliver: Well, neither do we. Steffy: Then accept my offer. No one gets hurt. Oliver: It's not that simple. Brooke: This isn't what Oliver wants. He's in love with Hope, and Hope's in love with him. Steffy: (Scoffs) She's young. She should be in a sorority house, not a fashion house. And I know that college still wants her. It's an excellent opportunity, one she shouldn't pass up, especially if it'll keep this secret. Oliver: But she doesn't want to go. Steffy: Oh, she'll love it once she's there. Let her find herself. Let her work for something. Come on. Brooke: She has a job here that she loves. Steffy: Uh, yeah, she was handed that one. She was an intern for one day, and then the next day, she had her own clothing line. That's when you and your sisters were running the company. She is the last remaining Logan. She has to go, 'cause I'm taking Forrester into its golden age when it's filled with class and integrity, things that have been missing since the Logans came around. Brooke: I've contributed far more to this company than you have or ever will, and I'm willing to give it all to you. Just leave my daughter alone. [SCENE_BREAK] Aggie: Dinner smells so good. My brother's gonna love it. Hope: Oh, yes, well, he will eat anything. Aggie: (Chuckles) That's true. But a meal made by you will be extra special. Hope: Oh, man, I feel like he and I haven't spent any time together lately, you know? Summer's already flying by, and most of my friends are already gearing up for college. Aggie: So you don't feel like you're gonna be missing out on anything by not going away for school? Hope: No, I really don't. You know, the, uh, the recruiter actually called me earlier today, really pushing for me to take that scholarship, and, I mean, don't get me wrong. It's a huge compliment, but I-I just have no intention of leaving L.A. or Oliver. Aggie: Well, Ollie will be very happy to hear that you're not leaving. Hope: Mm. Aggie: I, on the other hand, better get going. Hope: Oh, okay, well, thank you so much for helping me. Aggie: It was my pleasure, okay? Hope: Thanks. Aggie: Any time. You guys have fun tonight. Hope: We will. I'm sure it's going to be a very special night for both me and Oliver. (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Don't blame me for your wife's issues. Ridge: There are no issues. Stephanie: That's not what your daughter says. Ridge: I really don't appreciate you recruiting my daughter in this campaign against my wife. Stephanie: Honey, Steffy is a grown woman and has a mind of her own. Believe me. Ridge: And you keep egging her on. Mother, I'm just trying to keep peace here between Steffy and Hope. Will you stop trying to screw that up? Stephanie: Your daughter has had a lifetime to form her own opinion about your wife and her daughter. Ridge: You got to drop this. If you really cared what I wanted, you'd help me achieve a little peace around here. What happened? A few weeks ago, you were saying that everything was gonna be all right with Brooke. What the hell happened? Stephanie: Well, she reverts to type. Ridge: As do you. Stephanie: I'm worried that she's hiding something from you. Ridge: That's it. I'm done. Stephanie: I just don't want you caught off guard. Ridge: Good-bye, Mother. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: I told you I would leave the company, and I will. Just don't force Hope to leave town. She's happy. Steffy: I'm sorry. I can't compromise on that. Look, just don't make me out to be this cruel person. Brooke: But you are being cruel using this horrible mistake to your advantage. Steffy: Yes, I'm capitalizing on your latest mistake. But you have made so many in the past, and you've gotten away with it. I am doing this for my family. Everyone in this world deserves a place where they can be loved and respected. My place is here. I have proven to be a valuable asset to this company. I am the one that got this place back from Bill Spencer. I'm the one who's never waivered in my fight to free this place of the Logans, and I won't stop until I do. Brooke: I understand you're upset. But Hope has never done anything to hurt you. She's just tried to be a sister to you all these years. Steffy: No, no. The only sister I ever had was Phoebe, and she's dead because of your son. My father walked out on us because of you. And if I think of how our lives would be without you, without the Logans... look, I know I sound just like my grandmother, but it's true. Brooke, I'm tired, all right? I'm tired. I'm tired of feeling shut out. I'm tired of being hurt. I'm tired of-- of being disappointed. I'm done watching you do whatever you want and getting away with it, no consequences, nothing. I'm sorry, but I can't risk you damaging my family or the company's reputation any more than you already have. Brooke: I won't do it. I won't force my daughter to leave. I can't. I--this is my problem. I have to own it. I have to be honest and tell the truth, tell everything that happened. Oliver: Mrs. Forrester, no. No. It'll--it'll destroy how she feels about us. It'll ruin your relationship with your daughter. S-she won't understand. How could she? The only way to protect Hope is to make sure she never hears about us. She has to leave, Mrs. Forrester. Steffy: Well, it seems like Oliver's ready to accept my terms. What about you? It's time for an answer, Brooke. Brooke: Do you have any idea what this is doing to me? Never mind. I know you don't care. Oliver: Look, I'm agreeing to this for Brooke and Hope's sake. I'm only doing it 'cause I love Hope so much. Brooke: You're making a huge sacrifice for my daughter. Thank you. Steffy: Oh, come on. It's not the end of the world. And, hey, if it doesn't work out, then my lips are sealed. That's the deal. Mother, daughter gone. You in? Brooke: It's going to take some time to work this out. Steffy: No, it has to be done by tomorrow. Oliver: We need longer than that. Steffy: No, that's the deadline. Brooke, you're off the premises. And Hope is on her way to Boston. Oliver: I'll talk to Hope. I don't want her to know about Steffy and me. I'll handle it. Steffy: And you'll talk to my father about leaving the company? Brooke: I'll talk to Ridge. Steffy: Thank you. Stephanie: Did I interrupt something? Ridge: (Sighs) Whatever's goin' on, Logan, we'll work it out. Steffy: Just one more second, Grandma. You know what? Uh, switch the fabric for a tighter gauge, and not a pink. All right, I think this looks good. All right, yeah. Woman: Great. Steffy: Run this down to Thorne's office. Thank you. Woman: Okay, great. Thanks. I'm on it, Steffy. Steffy: All right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Just a lot going on today. Stephanie: What was this, uh, thing with, uh, Brooke and Oliver? Steffy: Oh, uh, just some changes with the company, that's all. Yeah. Stephanie: Uh-huh. Do you have anything on Brooke or not? Steffy: Grandma, it's happening. Stephanie: What is? Steffy: Everything. Everything we ever dreamed of. Forrester cCeations is gonna be ours again. We're finally gonna be free of the Logans. Stephanie: Including Brooke? Steffy: Brooke and Hope. They're gone. They're leaving. Stephanie: How did you do this? Steffy: Okay, let's just say I worked a little bit of my magic, all right? Brooke realized that she's not welcome here, so she's leaving. And Hope is going away to college in Boston. Stephanie: You're not gonna give me any of the details, are you? Steffy: (Sighs) Stephanie: So you're saying-- you're saying that maybe Brooke is actually going to pay the price this time and not us? [SCENE_BREAK] Oliver: Hope? Hope: Surprise. (Chuckles) Oliver: What's going on? Hope: Well, I figured we, uh, we haven't spent much time together outside of work, so I thought I would give us a nice fun night alone. How does that sound? Oliver: Great. It sounds great. Hope: (Giggles) [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: Ridge, it's so beautiful. What's all this for? Ridge: We didn't get to finish our conversation earlier. I wanted to know what it was you wanted to tell me, this big disappointment you wanted to talk about. Oliver: Smells good in here. Hope: That's because I am making a home-cooked dinner. Oliver: You really didn't have to. Hope: Yeah, I know. But I wanted to. Oh, your sister came by. She, um, she helped with everything. I really like her. She's so cool. I think we could be really good friends. I also think it's important to get to know each other's families, just like you've gotten closer to my mom. So dinner should be ready very soon, and I rented a bunch of movies for us to watch. I figure we can just cuddle up and relax on the couch. You're stressed. Oliver: A little bit. Hope: Crazy day? Oliver: Uh, yeah, it was pretty crazy. Hope: Well, then this is exactly what we need. You know, we'll just forget about everything, focus only on us. Oh, hey, I forgot to tell you. Guess who called me today. Oliver: Who? Hope: That college recruiter from Boston. Oliver: Really? What did she say? Hope: Yes, uh, well, it turns out they really want me to take that scholarship. They're holding it open for me. Oliver: Really? That's-- that's pretty unbelievable. Hope: Yeah. It's flattering. Oliver: It sounds like a big opportunity. Hope: Well, sure it is, you know, for someone, but... (Sighs) But not me, you know? I'm way too happy here with what I've got, you know? I've got a great job at Forrester, and I've got you. There's no way I'm gonna mess that up. Oh, and after dinner, I bought a whole bunch of stuff so we can make chocolate sundaes, and then I figured that we can take a walk on the beach. There are so many stars out tonight. It is beautiful. Oliver: Hope? Hope: Yes? Oliver: I think you should accept their offer. Hope: Uh, what? Oliver: The o-offer the school made you, I think you should accept it, go to college, leave for Boston. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: I know something's going on with you. Brooke: I'm sorry. (Sighs) Ridge: Since when have you become such a worrywart anyway? Brooke: (Chuckles) Me, a worrywart? Ridge: That's what you've been the last while. Brooke: Well, I don't mean to be. Ridge: What is it, sweetheart? Brooke: Oh, Ridge. Ridge: You know, you can tell me anything. Does it have to do with Mother and Steffy, the fact they're on the warpath again? Brooke: (Sighs) I hate what's happening with them. Ridge: Yeah, well, I've told Mother to back off. Brooke: She won't. Ridge: (Sighs) This has been going on since the party with Hope. You've been different. Brooke: That night made me do a lot of thinking. Ridge: The party was a success. But... did something happen? Is it me? Did I do something? Brooke: You? No. No, of course not. Ridge: I don't understand then. What--what is it that has been bothering you so much? Brooke: Ridge, I'm leaving the company. Ridge: What? What? No, I--uh, no. Brooke: Yes. (Sighs) It's for the best. Ridge: Brooke, that's ridiculous. I'm finally in charge of this company. We've got the best years of our lives ahead of us. No, it's ridiculous that you would do that. Brooke: Ridge, it's what needs to happen. Ridge: I don't understand. Where--why is this happening now? Brooke: (Sighs) Ridge: Where is this coming from? Brooke: I-I can't handle the tension and all of the infighting. I just can't take it anymore. Ridge: So this is about my mother and Steffy. That's what's causing all this now. Brooke: Ridge, don't blame them. This is all my doing. Ridge: Brooke, you have never been one to run and hide. Why are you doing it now? Look, Forrester needs you. We need you there. I'm not gonna let you go. I'll talk to my mother and Steffy, okay? Brooke: No. No, don't do that. Ridge: I know this isn't what you want. Brooke, I'm not gonna let you do this. Brooke: Ridge, I have to. Ridge: Why? Why? Why are you doing this? I want the truth. I want the truth. | They need to make up their minds |
475 | Daisy: We can't do this here. In the middle of school? We'll get in trouble. Rafe: We won't, okay? I'll be careful. Daisy: It's too late. Rafe: What? Daisy: It's different now. Rafe: Why? Because you're vice president of the student council? Daisy: It's just the responsibility. Rafe: Daisy, you'll be okay. Daisy: You don't know that. Rafe: Yes, I do, because if it gets too hard, I'll be there to help you. Daisy: Really? Rafe: Whatever you need, yes. [SCENE_BREAK] Alan: Reva, if we're going to fight, let's go to the house. Reva: That would be better for our cover story, wouldn't it? Alan: Much. Reva: We wouldn't want anybody asking any questions. Alan: No, we wouldn't. Reva: You know what I hate? I hate pretending that we get along. And I hate what's happened even more. Alan: I know, so do I. But not much longer; it'll soon be history. Reva: Yeah? I don't know about that. Alan, I can't take this anymore. I'll see you back at the house. Alan: After your cancer group meeting? Reva: How did you know I had a cancer group meeting? Alan, how did you know? Alan: I just know. Reva: No, that's not possible because I didn't say anything to anyone at the house. The only way you could have known is by bugging my telephone. Alan: I'm keeping tabs on you, Reva, because I don't trust you. Reva: And I don't trust you, especially now. Alan: Will you just lighten up? Look, I could understand if your life was a little more interesting right now, you being mad, but as it is... Reva: As it is? As it is? This isn't working between us, not at all. Alan: Wait, wait, wait. Where are you going? Reva: You know where I'm going... I'm going to go to the police. Alan: Because I tapped your phone? Reva: No, no, because you killed somebody and we buried him in the woods and I can't take it anymore. [SCENE_BREAK] Buzz: Oh, Frank, Eleni called today. Frank: Yeah, I know. She wants to know if she should come here. Buzz: What did you tell her? Frank: What, what's she going to do here? There's nothing for her to do here, Pop, you know? Marina's still missing whether or not Eleni's in town or not. Buzz: It might be good for you, you know. Frank: No, I don't need any more distractions, thank you. Buzz: Heard from Harley today? Frank: Yeah. There's nothing new. I cannot believe I'm relying on Cyrus Foley to rescue my own daughter. Buzz: Relying on Cyrus Foley and Harley. Frank: Pop, I got to get a better grasp on things. Everything hinges upon Cyrus Foley, trusting him, and praying that Griggs turns on his cell phone so we can trace it, and about 50 million other things I have no control over. What else could possibly go wrong? Doris: It's what I've been saying all along: If you look into my opponent's family, you will see a window into his character. The police say that Marina Cooper was kidnapped; I say they're stonewalling. This was a woman who was seeing Cyrus Foley, a known thief. What I want to know is, is this police woman a victim or an accomplice? And Detective Harley Cooper, was she sent there to find her or to cover it all up? [SCENE_BREAK] Harley: I can keep going. Cyrus: You're practically out on your feet. Harley: No, actually, I've done 72-hour shifts on a stakeout. I can do this. Cyrus: Just get some rest. You're no good to me like this. Harley: Look, I'm running this mission and you're the one who almost just got flattened by a cab. Cyrus: I thought I saw something. Harley: What, a unicorn? Cyrus: I thought I saw Marina. Harley: It was a large man. You're delirious. Cyrus: Okay, I'm going to go back out by myself. Harley: No, no, you can't. You can't. I am responsible for you, remember? Cyrus: Yeah, well, how can I forget? Harley: Listen, take a quick nap and we'll go back out again. Cyrus: Fine. Why haven't we heard from Frank about that cell phone trace? Harley: I don't know. Cyrus: Well, maybe we should sleep in shifts. Harley: That's a good idea. You go first. Cyrus: No, you go first. You need it more. Harley: Really? Maybe we should ask Ted, the man you thought was Marina. Cyrus: He had a very small waist. Harley: (Laughs) You go first. I don't mind. Really, I'll wait for Frank to call. Cyrus: Fine. Harley: We're going to find her. Don't worry. We will definitely find her. Cyrus: What? Harley: What? Cyrus: You just called me Gus. Harley: I don't know what you're talking about. Cyrus: I just... I touched you accidentally... Harley: No, you didn't. You didn't touch me. I didn't call you Gus. Gus is the last thing on my mind right now. Cyrus: Okay. I misheard. Harley: Yes, you did. Cyrus: I apologize. Harley: The subject is Marina. How long were we sleeping? Cyrus: Long enough. Maybe Frank hasn't called because he doesn't trust me. Harley: You know what? He trusts me. Cyrus: Yeah, well, maybe he doesn't trust me more than he trusts you. Harley: What? Cyrus: He hates me. He blames Marina's disappearance on me. Harley: Come on, you wonder why? Cyrus: You defended me. Harley: To get what I wanted. Cyrus, every hour that goes by... Cyrus: Is killing me and killing you and we'll fight and blame each other and everything else until she comes home. But can we just agree on one thing? Harley: What? Cyrus: We're both in this together until we bring her home. I've got your back, you've got my back, and when this is done, I'll go to jail, you'll go back to Springfield and your life. How does that sound? Harley: It sounds good. Cyrus: How about a little enthusiasm? Harley: Sounds good. Cyrus: I know you're frustrated... Harley: Yeah. Cyrus: ...And you're hungry. Harley: Yeah, that, too. Cyrus: Take this. And when you're done, take this, too. Harley: I have my own... Cyrus: Yeah, I know, but we need that line open for Frank. Use my phone, call Gus. Or call your kids. I know you want to. [SCENE_BREAK] Daisy: I'm sorry, we'll keep it down. Rafe: We weren't even being loud. Daisy: We should get to class. Rafe: Not yet. Daisy: I don't want to be late. Rafe: Doesn't being V.P. give you some sort of power? Daisy: I want to do things right. I can't screw up now. Rafe: You're not a screw-up. Daisy: It's important, okay? Just... I have to do things right. (Cell phone rings) Rafe: Okay, I'm sorry, all right? I guess I didn't realize that it was such a big deal. Daisy: Look, just forget it, okay? (Cell phone rings) Daisy: What? Harley: Hey, it's me. Daisy: Harley? Harley: Yeah. I just wanted to check on you. You're not in school, huh? Daisy: No. Did you find Marina? Harley: Not yet. We're working on it, though. You doing okay? Daisy: Yeah. Mom? Harley: You're calling me mom? It's got to be bad. Daisy: No. I'm just glad you called. Harley: Yeah, I just wanted to hear your voice. Daisy: Yeah, it's good to hear yours, too. Really good. Harley: I want to tell you something. Daisy: I need to tell you... Harley: I'm proud of you. Daisy: What? Harley: Yes, I'm proud of you. And grateful that you're there looking after things while I'm gone. Daisy: It's no big deal. Harley: It is a biggie, really. I know grandpa's got control with the boys, but there's a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. But you can handle it. I know that. I know you're capable of this. Daisy: Mom... Harley: That's kind of what you are, isn't it? Daisy: Don't say that. Harley: It's true, right? Daisy: No. I mean... yeah, right. Harley: Look, sweetie, I can't stay on the phone very long. I'm expecting a call from your Uncle Frank. But I'm here. If you need anything, call me. I am right here for you, okay? Daisy: Just bring Marina home. Harley: I plan to. I love you. Daisy: I love you. Hey. Rafe: Everything cool with your mom? Daisy: You scared me. Rafe: What, did you forget I was here? Daisy: No. No, never. I have to go. Rafe: All right. So, I'll walk you to class. Daisy: No, I mean I really have to go. [SCENE_BREAK] Alan: Hello, Ravenwood? Have I got a case for you! Reva: That is so stupid, Alan! Alan: That is my point. Do you think it is sane to admit to a murder when there's no good reason, Reva? Reva: Oh, I have a reason because we're going to get caught. Alan: You don't know that. Reva: I know that they found a body. I know that we were so panicked when we left there we probably left all sorts of evidence behind. Alan: It would take a psychic to connect us. Reva: Yeah? Well, they have those in California. Alan: Reva... Reva: And lucky me, I have you. Alan: Me? Reva: Tapping my phones, having me followed, no doubt. I know what you're doing, Alan. You're waiting for the perfect time and opportunity to pin this whole thing on me. Alan: I would never do that. Reva: So I'm going to do it to you before you can do it to me. Alan: Let me ask you something: What happened to trust, huh? Reva: I don't know, you tell me. Alan: We have a deal. Reva: You broke it. Alan: I'm keeping an eye on you, not setting you up, Reva. Reva: You would love nothing more than to have me out of the way. Alan: Why would I risk that? I have a new grandson. He is the future, my future. I can't walk away from that. Reva: Here we go. Alan: I risk losing my family. Now something could go wrong, there are no guarantees in this. Reva: You'd find a way. Alan: If I wanted to stick you with this, I could have done it a long time ago. But the fact of the matter is, Reva, you and I are stuck together. Reva: Okay, maybe I overreacted. Alan: Yes. Now, would you please drop this? Reva: I think I need another drink. Alan: First, I want your word. Reva: Oh, you've got my word. Now, you want to go inside with me and get something? Maybe something cold? Alan: No, thank you. I've got to go to the house. Reva: Okay, fine, then you go home. I'm going to go inside. Alan: Wait a minute. Are we done with this? Reva: Yes, yes, yes. We're done. Good-bye, Alan. [SCENE_BREAK] Doris: Has Detective Marina Cooper really been abducted, or is she in hiding? This is a woman who is in love with Cyrus Foley, a man who has a rap sheet as long as my arm. She was planning to run away with him and take the loot that he stole from the Spaulding charity event. Frank: That's it. Buzz: No, no, let me, Frank. You just crossed the line, Doris. Doris: Oh, look who it is, Buzz Cooper. These are legitimate questions. Why don't you answer... Buzz: No, the election is about us, not our families. Do you want a debate? I'll do it right here, right now, but leave my family out of it. Doris: No, you know what, that's a nice speech, but I think you're ducking the issue. Is your granddaughter an accessory to grand larceny? Buzz: This isn't a political issue. Doris: You know what? I think the voters would disagree, because I think they want to know the situation with Marina Cooper. Frank: That's enough! Doris: Oh, look who it is. It is a family affair, despite what my opponent says. Frank: Turn that thing off. Doris: What? Chief Cooper, why don't you answer the questions if your father won't? Frank: Have more important stories to cover right now? Doris: You know, he doesn't work for the local stations, actually, he works for me because I'm making a commercial. So, Chief Cooper, why don't you tell us, is your daughter going to be arrested once she's found? Frank: I said turn that thing off. Buzz: Hey, Frank, come on, take it easy. Doris: Did you see that? Did you all see that? Buzz: Frank, take it easy! Come on! Damn it! Think! Frank: He put the camera right in my face. Buzz: Think. Frank: I told him to turn it off. Buzz: This is what she wants. Frank: Yeah, no kidding. What the hell is going on here, Pop? How did this go so wrong? How can I not even see any of it coming? Officer: Chief? Frank: What? [SCENE_BREAK] Harley: When Marina was little she talked about going to New York. Did she tell you about it? Did she tell you she wanted to be a star? Cyrus: No. But I can see that. Harley: Yeah. Kids, they all have their dreams, don't they? Cyrus: Is everything all right with your daughter? Harley: Hmm? Yeah. Yeah, she's fine. Yeah. Cyrus: We should hit the streets again. Harley: Yeah, I know. I just feel like we were accomplishing something. Cyrus: Well, basically we're getting out of here. Harley: Yeah. Can I just... I just need to splash some water on my face and wake up. Cyrus: You can go and have a shower if you want. Harley: Is that a hint? Cyrus: (Laughs) Go. (Cell phone rings) Cyrus: Harley? Harley? Frank? Frank: Put Harley on. Cyrus: She's not available. Frank: What do you mean she's not available? She's watching you. Cyrus: She's washing up. Have you got news? Frank: Yes, I have news. I have a lead. Just tell her to call me. Cyrus: No, tell me, now. Frank: You know, Foley... Cyrus: Are you telling me you've got a lead on where Marina is and you're going to make us wait for it? Frank: I want to tell Harley. Cyrus: Are you crazy? Every minute counts. Frank: Foley, so help me... all right, here it is. Griggs turned on his cell phone just long enough for us to get a location. It's on 14th street, okay, on the west side. Apparently there's a wharf there. Cyrus: Yeah, I know it. Frank: Griggs docked his boat there and there's a chance that Marina could be there. Cyrus: Yeah, more than a chance. Frank: And Foley, U.S. Customs is the authority there. Cyrus: All right, we'll handle it. Frank: Listen, you tell Harley I can call NYPD and they can storm the place, but I'm afraid that Griggs just might... Cyrus: I've got to go, Frank. Frank: Have her call me, do you understand... Cyrus: I will. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Alan: Officer, I have something very important I... Reva: Alan, there you are. I knew it. Alan: Knew what? Reva: That you came here to rat me out. Alan: Well, somehow I don't think you're here because you like blue suits. Reva: And that whole story about how you needed your life to be about your grandson? Alan: You're just angry because I beat you. Reva: I am not going to let you spin this in your favor. Alan: Reva? Reva: Officer, is Frank Cooper here? Alan: Oh, so you're going to go straight to your pal, is that it? Officer: Not just now. Reva: Well, then I need to talk to you. Officer: The two of you can wait right here. Reva: No, no, no, we're not together. Alan: I was here first, Officer. Reva: Alan, ladies first! Alan: I'm sorry, Reva, I was here before you. Daisy: Reva, I need to talk to you. It's important. [SCENE_BREAK] Harley: Don't ever do that again. Cyrus: Chill out, I called you. Harley: What are we doing here? Cyrus: It's Customs, just like Frank said. Harley: All right, well, let's... Cyrus: No, no, no. What if this guy's on Griggs' payroll? Harley: Wow, you think? Cyrus: Well, that's what I'd do. I might as well send up a flare to announce our arrival. Harley: All right, all right. We have to do this carefully. Cyrus: And fast. Harley: And right! Cyrus: Okay. (Cell phone rings) Harley: Hi, Frank. Frank: Harley, are you okay? Harley: Yeah. I can't talk right now. Frank: Listen, I told Foley to have you call me. Then when I didn't hear anything, I... Harley: I said I can't talk right now. They'll hear me. Frank: Hello? Sis? Harley: I'll get back to him when we have... let me turn this off. Cyrus: Yeah. Now let's get in there. Harley: Wait. Your ankle bracelet. If he sees that, we're busted. Cyrus: Well, if you cut it off, it'll stop transmitting. Harley: Well, I'm going to have to trust you then. Cyrus: Fine. Harley: What do you think? Cyrus: All right, let's go. Harley: Wait. We have to figure out what it is we're going to say here. Cyrus: Let's just wing it. Harley: I don't wing it. Cyrus: Yeah, no kidding. Follow my lead. We'll be fine. Harley: I said no. I'm in charge. We'll do it the right way. Cyrus: I didn't say we wouldn't. Customs officer: Can I help you? Cyrus: Yes, you sure can. My wife... honey, get your tush in here. Harley: Here I am, honey. Cyrus: We just want to get down to the docks if we could. Just straight through there? Customs officer: Hold up. You need authorization. Cyrus: Oh, we have that, don't we, honey? Harley: We sure do. Customs officer: And the name is? Cyrus: Whitford. Harley: Smith. Customs officer: Which is it? Cyrus: It's both. She kept her name when we said our I do's. I can't stand it. Harley: Very old-fashioned. Customs officer: Uh-huh. Seems we don't have either a Whitford or a Smith here. Why do you want to get to the docks? Harley: We're meeting a boat. Cyrus: That's right. We're importers. Big shipment coming in today. Harley: Very big. Customs officer: From? Cyrus: Panama City. We just want to make sure everything got here in one piece. Customs officer: There are no boats here from Panama City. Cyrus: Honey, did you hear that? We beat the boat. Now you really got to let us get down there. Customs officer: Because? Harley: It's the captain's birthday. Cyrus: Yeah, we can surprise him. There's no time to waste, is there, hon? Harley: None at all. Customs officer: I don't know. What did you say you were importing? Harley: Rugs. Cyrus: Fruit. Customs officer: Okay. Cyrus: It's both. We each have our own business. Harley: We compete with each other every month to see who does better. Cyrus: It keeps the marriage fresh. Harley: Like fruit. Customs officer: I don't know about this. Why don't you hang on a second? Harley: Are you sure there isn't something that we can work out? [SCENE_BREAK] Frank: It went straight to her voicemail. She must have turned her cell phone off. Buzz: What did she say exactly? Frank: Something about trying to keep someone from hearing her. Buzz: Griggs. Frank: Yeah, maybe. Harley? What, what is it? Are you kidding me? Are you sure? Okay. Just let me know if any changes, all right? Buzz: What's going on, Frank? Frank: Foley. His ankle transmitter just went dead. Buzz: Just like that? Frank: Yeah, just like that. It makes me wonder who she was afraid of that might hear her. Buzz: What do you mean? Frank: Well, was it Griggs or was it Foley? Buzz: Well, they're working together. Frank: Supposedly. [SCENE_BREAK] Daisy: Reva, please. Officer: Excuse me. Reva: Sure. Right over here. How did you know I was here? Daisy: I saw your car. I had to talk to you. Reva: What's the matter? Daisy: You know... Reva: What happened? Daisy: I just... I can't keep hiding this. I mean, I've got to tell someone. I've got to tell... Rafe: Daisy? Alan: Whoa. Raphael, you're supposed to be in school, son. Rafe: Daisy's upset about something. Alan: Well, now her grandmother has everything under control, son. Rafe: I need to talk to her. Alan: I don't... I don't think that's a good idea. [SCENE_BREAK] Daisy: Dylan was at the school, okay, and I won this election. And he was so proud of me and Rafe was so happy and it's all a lie. I'm not what they think. Reva: Yes, you are. Daisy: And I'm going to lose everything anyway. I'm just... I'm scared, you know? Reva: You don't have to be. Daisy: I just... I need... I have to know that I can count on you. Reva: Of course you can. Daisy: No, I mean, really, like the whole deal, like when Harley finds out and Dylan and Rafe... Reva: Honey, whatever you need, whenever you need it, I will be there. I promise you. [SCENE_BREAK] Alan: Raphael, I have tried to tell you that it's a mistake to get involved with a Cooper. They're nothing but trouble, son. Rafe: I know that you don't like them, okay? Alan: It has nothing to do with liking. These people want to hurt us. They're jealous of our wealth, our position. Rafe: I don't care about any of that stuff, okay? Alan: Well, you better start caring because it's a part of your legacy. Rafe: My legacy? I only care about her, all right? Alan: I'm just trying to help you, son. Rafe: Yeah, I don't know about that. Dais. Daisy: Rafe. Rafe: You just took off. Is everything... is everything all right? Daisy: Yeah, I just needed to talk to Reva. Rafe: Yeah, but are you okay? Reva: She will be. Rafe: I don't... I don't get it. I don't understand. Reva: It's one of those, you know, girl things. You know how that is. Rafe: Yeah, I guess. Daisy: Um, you know, I think lunch is almost over. We should get back to school. Rafe: You want me to... I'll walk you back if you want. Daisy: Yes, please. Rafe: Yeah. Reva: Alan, listen to me... Alan: We need to talk. Reva: I know. We can't do this. Alan: We cannot do this. [SCENE_BREAK] Cyrus: Honey? Sweetie? Harley: Would you be a love and go off to the car and get my purse? Cyrus: Isn't that your purse right there? Harley: My breath mints, I mean, are in the glove compartment of the car. Do you mind? And, I'm sorry, what is your name again? Customs officer: It's Jim. Harley: Then Jim and I can knock heads together and try to figure out why our names are not on that very important list. So, would you go to the car, please, and get my breath mints? And don't forget the keys to the car. Cyrus: I will be right back. Harley: Take your time. Where were we? Customs officer: You two have a very interesting relationship. Harley: Oh, I think so. Customs officer: Why don't I just clear a few things off... Harley: How long have you worked here, Jim? Customs officer: Hey... Cyrus: What'd you do? Harley: (Groans) [SCENE_BREAK] Frank: I hate this, Pop. I can't believe it. First it's Marina, now Harley. Buzz: Frank, Harley can take care of herself. Frank: Oh, you really think so? She let herself trust Foley, just like Marina. Buzz: Foley's not going to let either one of them get hurt. Frank: We don't know that. I believed her. I believed that she was really over Cyrus. Buzz: Is this what this is about? My gosh, Frank. She was in love with the guy, you know? I mean, you know, I'm sorry she lied to you, but that was her only choice. Frank: She was leaving me. She was running away with him and she wasn't going to even say good-bye. How could I let that happen? Buzz: Frank... Frank: Pop, I should have done more. I could have done more. Buzz: Frank! Frank: There is a guy out there holding my daughter hostage, and I don't even know what the hell he wants in return. And I'm trusting a guy like Foley to bring her back in? And in the process, I'm putting my daughter and my sister at risk? Meanwhile, Doris Wolfe is parading up and down Fifth Street saying that my daughter is a thief. Are you kidding me? I need to get a handle here. I can't do this anymore. Buzz: What can I do? Frank: There's nothing you can do. I just know I can't be here. Buzz: Neither can I. [SCENE_BREAK] Alan: Do you remember the Cuban missile crisis, when we came very close to Armageddon? Reva: I'm not as old as you. What's the point, that history repeats itself? Alan: Yes. Now what were you talking to Daisy about? Reva: That's none of your business. But I'm glad that I talked to her when I did, because seeing Daisy... Alan: ...And me seeing Rafael... Reva: It's not just about us. Alan: Reva, we have to protect each other because there could be collateral damage. Reva: You know what's funny? Is that you tried to use Rafe before when you were trying to convince me that you weren't going to throw me in front of the bus, and I appreciate a little irony now and then. You were right and you don't even know it. Alan: Well, I'm glad you realized that. Reva: You don't see irony in the fact that we do need to depend on each other, do you? Alan: Yes, I do. But if I dwell on it, I feel like I should go to a psychiatrist. Reva: And it's not just Rafe and Daisy, it's everyone we love. We have to protect them from the fallout from this. That's why we have got to stick to our plan. Alan: I couldn't agree with you more, Reva. Reva: I want to spell this out, Alan. If this were a wedding, there'd be vows. We can't lose control of this situation again. If we get nervous or scared or if just want to talk to each other, that's what we have to do. The first call has to be to you, mine and yours to me. Alan: It's a deal. Cue the organ. Reva: Shake on it. Alan: Must we? Reva: Yes. Alan: I now pronounce us mutually dependent. Now, can we get out of here? Reva: Let's get out of here. You can go. It's Dylan. He says it's urgent. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe: You know, you had me really worried before. Daisy: Oh, I'm sorry. Rafe: But you're okay? Daisy: You didn't have to follow me like that. Rafe: No, I know. But I had to make sure that you're okay, and, besides, I never would have run into Alan. And that was amazing. Daisy: What happened? Rafe: It was just the regular, you know, "She's not good enough for you, and she's just going to drag you down" and all of that. Daisy: What if it turns out he's right? Rafe: Why would you say that? Daisy: I mean not exactly in that way, but, you know... Rafe: No, Dais, I don't know. Daisy: I just don't ever want to keep you from... Rafe: From what? It's not like I'm into anybody else. Daisy: From having a life. Rafe: Is this about you getting elected to student council? Daisy: Yeah. Yeah. Rafe: Well, if that's it, look, it's going to take more than that for me to give up on us. Daisy: I'm so glad you said student council because I can't miss class or else I can't go to the meeting. So... Rafe: All right, so, then let's go. Daisy: No, no, because you haven't eaten, so you should stay... Rafe: Dais, I'm fine. Daisy: Your blood sugar, no. Eat. I'm going to head back, and I'll see you later at school. I love you. Rafe: I love you, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Reva: Dylan, it's me. I got your message, open the door. Jeffrey? Jeffrey: Hi. Reva: Hi. Jeffrey: Sorry about the ruse, but I had to make sure you'd come. Reva: Well, now you can watch me leave. Jeffrey: I just got back from a trip I think you should know about. Reva: You could have just sent me a postcard. Jeffrey: Well, I would have, but there aren't any landmarks in Tourmaline, California. But you would know that, having been there yourself. Reva: I didn't even know there was a Tourmaline in California. Jeffrey: Oh, come on, Reva, let's not drag this out too much, okay? Reva: Look, Jeffrey... Jeffrey: I saw the newspaper clipping on the back of Jonathan's photograph. Tourmaline, that's where the Spaulding jet landed, that's where you and Alan pulled your little disappearing act. Reva: You're jumping to conclusions. Jeffrey: And you're treating me like an idiot. Jonathan was there, wasn't he? Alan figured out that he was alive. So, could you fill in the blanks? Otherwise I'll do it myself. Reva: Drop this, now. Jeffrey: It's too late. Reva: For me. Jeffrey: I'm doing this for you. Why can't you just tell me what this horrible thing that happened is? Reva: Alan Spaulding saved my life. [SCENE_BREAK] Cyrus: That's it. Harley: Looks deserted. Cyrus: They could be below deck. Harley: Maybe. Cyrus: We've got the cash; let's try and cut a deal. Harley: I say we've got one thing working in our favor right and we use that. Cyrus: What's that? Harley: The element of surprise. Wait here. [SCENE_BREAK] Reva: Alan got a call, a tip. Jeffrey: About Jonathan? Reva: Yeah. And he came to Cross Creek to test me about Tourmaline. And so I knew I had had to go there to warn Jonathan. Jeffrey: Did you? Reva: There was a situation. Jeffrey: What? Reva: A girl. There was a girl. Jeffrey: Yeah? Reva: I don't know the whole story, but the girl's father was the one who called Alan. I guess he hated Jonathan, hated that his daughter was with Jonathan. Jeffrey: So? So, who was this guy? Reva: The sheriff. Jeffrey: Of course it was. Reva: The guy started beating on his own daughter and Jonathan got into it with him and it got pretty physical. Jeffrey: How physical? Reva: Jonathan took a shovel to the back of the guy's head. Jeffrey: Did he kill him? Reva: Well, we thought so. And when I got there, I told them to get out of there, he and the girl, and leave before Alan found out that he and Sarah were still alive. Jeffrey: Oh, Reva. Reva: I know. And then Jonathan left, and then Alan showed up, and we thought the guy was dead, but he wasn't. He came to and then he attacked me. Jeffrey: And that's why Alan saved you? Reva: He shot him dead. Jeffrey: And then what happened? Reva: We buried him. We buried him in the woods. And then I convinced Alan that Jonathan and Sarah weren't alive, that the guy was just lying to him. And then we heard that they found the body. Jeffrey: Are you okay? Reva: Now you know. You know why I'm living in Alan's house. I don't trust him. Jeffrey: Reva, yeah. I also know that you have to turn him in, Reva. You have no choice. [SCENE_BREAK] Alan: Rafe, I owe you an apology. Rafe: No, you owe one to Daisy. Alan: Well, she's not here right now. Son, there's something I want you to know. Rafe: Yeah, I know. Alan: I have this bad habit. I've had it for a long time. I try to control people, the people that I love. I always wind up... Rafe: Yeah, you wind up pushing them away, right? Alan: Yes. And I don't want to make the same mistake with you that I made with Phillip, Alan-Michael, Elizabeth, your father, Gus. I want you to be the exception. Rafe: But you don't want me with Daisy, either. Alan: Give me a chance. I do want to change. Rafe: Okay, okay. But I have to go to school now. All right, so I'll see you at home? Alan: Yeah, I'll see you at the house, son. Oh, Rafe, thank you. Rafe: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Radio announcer: New accusations being leveled today by mayoral candidate Doris Wolfe, not only against her opponent, Buzz Cooper, but against his son and granddaughter, who Wolfe says... Buzz: Coop? I've decided to take your advice. I'm no longer taking the high road with Doris in this campaign. Time to do some digging. [SCENE_BREAK] Doris: And then Chief Cooper, totally unprovoked, grabbed my cameraman and threw him to the ground. Reporter: Will there be charges filed? Doris: Well, the man's daughter is on the run right now for stealing millions from the fine citizens of Springfield. So, I think that filing charges would be a little bit too much at this point. Frank: On the other hand, I wouldn't think twice about suing you for slander. But I'll let my daughter make that call when she comes back safe and sound. Reporter: Are you saying Mrs. Wolfe's charges are wrong? Frank: What I'm saying is what I've been saying all along, and that is that my daughter's been kidnapped, and this is the man involved. Reporter: Cyrus Foley? I thought you had had him in custody. Frank: Yeah, well, we did. But he begged us for the chance to search for Detective Cooper, and at the time we thought it was a very good idea. But we now know that it was a scam. Our intention is to bring him back immediately and put him behind bars. He is to be considered armed and dangerous. [SCENE_BREAK] Cyrus: Wait. Harley: Back off. I mean it. Cyrus, you'll be in the way. Cyrus: This could be our only shot to Marina. Harley: I know! Cyrus: Please. Harley: Stay behind me, okay? I have the gun. Let's go. | She tells Alan that after talking to daisy she can't risk not being there for the people she loves. |
476 | Jackie: Nicky -- Nick: Listen, I got a -- I got a whole new team of attorneys working on this, but they're flying blind, mother. They need to know -- Jackie: Don't use massimo's attorneys. They don't know criminal law. They know leases, they know contracts, shipping -- they just don't know criminal law. Is there any other reason? Jackie: What better reason could there be? Nick: I need to ask you something. Do you think the old man had anything to do with you being arrested? Massimo: What in the world is the matter with you? Coming to see me while ridge is here? Megan: God, he wouldn't stop talking about what a faithful friend and employee I am. Coming here and tracking him down with urgent business -- Massimo: Now what does he think now? Huh? You walked out with him. Megan: That I went home? Just where I should be if I could even think about dinner or sleep or anything else. Look, no one saw me come back here. Could you please turn that music off? Massimo: Oh, sure, so they can hear your voice out in the hall. Megan: Look, jackie is still in a jail cell, massimo. The judge refused to set bail. Massimo: Why are you telling me this? I was there. Megan: You meant to put a scare into nick, not send his mother to prison. Massimo, he is desperate, you should hear him. Massimo: Whoa, whoa, whoa -- you are talking to dominick? Ridge: Have fun! "I made you a surprise." Aww -- let's hope mommy likes my surprise, too. Jackie: Granted, I was very angry with your father at the bail hearing. Nick: Why would the judge allow the story about deacon unless the old man had gotten to the judge somehow? Jackie: Why would massimo want me in jail? I mean, if he wanted to punish me, he's certainly taken his time. Brooke: Maybe it accomplished something else for him, too. Like getting nick's attention. Jackie: Well that's exactly what this is about. Massimo thinks that there's no power like money and people in high places. You show him he's wrong, nicky. You be stronger than him. Massimo: Why would you go back to jackie M.? Of course it is being watched, of course dominick would be there. Megan: I needed to make sure that no one could trace whatever it was you had me install on jackie's computer. Massimo: What do you take me for? Megan: Well, any files, massimo, that were created are going to have the same date as when she saw me walk out of her office. Massimo: Do you think I am the sort of man that leaves things to chance? Hmm? That I would just make such glaring mistakes that I would need someone like you to correct them? What did you say to him, dominick? Megan: That I was only trying to help. And that I was certain that his mother was innocent. You promised me that she wouldn't be hurt. Massimo: And she hasn't been. Megan: She could go to federal prison. Why are you doing this? You said brooke would finally be free to go back to ridge. Massimo: And so she shall. Megan: Have you told me the truth about anything? Massimo: What are you accusing me of, exactly? Megan: I don't know -- all I know is that I am suddenly involved in something that absolutely scares me. Massimo: Megan, I thought your loyalty to brooke was real. Megan: It is! It is. I mean, no one has been as good to me over the years as brooke has, and I for one have seen firsthand how happy ridge has made her. I mean, she may have forgotten, but I certainly haven'T. Massimo: Hopefully she will remember what she almost lost, her happiness with ridge. And she will bless heaven, fate, whatever it is that led her back to ridge, never knowing that she should thank her beloved friend -- you. But -- thanks you deserve, thanks you will have. Megan: Massimo, oh my gosh. Massimo: Come here. Turn around, turn around -- lift your hair up. Okay, let me get this here. Okay. All righty. I knew it. It is absolutely stunning. Wear it when we're alone. Megan: I don't know what to say. I have never in my life -- Massimo: Well, maybe it's not appropriate for a secretary, but -- it is very suitable to a woman I choose to be by my side. Megan: Do you think I could ever be that, to you? Massimo: You've become more necessary to me every day. Ridge: Is the plane in from paris? Okay, how about the limo? Good, good, good. All right, I'm over at brooke'S. Just make sure you give the driver this address. Thank you. Nick: Mother, what did he say to you? Jackie: Oh, that's beside the point. Nick: Why won't you tell me? Jackie: Because it's not important, that's why. Nick: How can I help get you out of here if I don't know what I'm dealing with? Jackie: Just trust the system, nicky, I haven't done anything wrong. The evidence against me is bogus. Nick: Well, they seem to have it. Jackie: I will not let him make me his accomplice. Nick: Accomplice in what? Jackie: If you didn't know I could be as stubborn as your father, you do now. Nick: If you won't tell me, I'll go to him. Guard! Jackie: He'll deny everything. Nick: Not with my hands around his throat. Jackie: Don't you dare put yourself or brooke in danger. Brooke: Massimo wouldn't do anything to me, he wants to save me for ridge. Jackie: He wouldn't be that overt. He'd find your weakness. Bridget -- that's where he'd strike. Leave it alone, let him think I may weaken. Nick: Weaken how? Mother, what does he want from you? Jackie: He wants me to help him drive a wedge between you two. Nick: When did he say this to you? Jackie: The night I was arrested. Brooke: He tried to get in here that night to see you, but he couldn'T. Jackie: Yeah, well, massimo can do things that other people can'T. Nicky, don't you tell him that i said anything. Nick: Why do I want him to think that he can do this to us? Jackie: To stop him from doing anything worse. I mean, if he thinks that I may turn on you to save myself, he'll bide his time. I'm not going to go to trial for six months, maybe even a year -- by that time, you two, you'll be married. You may be expecting a child of your own. Nick: That is not how this is going to work out! Guard! Jackie: Nicky -- I've known him longer than you. You can wait him out. But you cannot go head to head with him and win. Nick: Watch me. Megan: Look, I want you to know that I understand how things have to be between us. But still, no one has ever made me feel the way you do. And I'll just be so happy when we can stop all of the hiding. Massimo: Mm-hmm. [Phone ringing] I told you I didn't want to be disturbed. All right, fine. Delay him. Dominick wants to see me. Uh, I would hide that if I were you. Megan: Okay. Massimo: Okay. Now, where are you parked? Megan: In the lot. This way. Massimo: Okay. [Knocking at door] Nick: You got something to tell me? Massimo: That brooke came to see me. Nick: I think you know what I'm talking about. Massimo: About your mother then. Nick: Yeah, about my mother. About that little deal that you tried to strike. Well, it didn't happen, so you gotta deal with me directly. Massimo: You know how demanding your mother is. She expects me to get her out of jail in five minutes. Did she tell you that the fbi is also in my employ? Nick: This is me, remember? I've watched you work -- how gracefully you manipulate. Business is a game to you, and I've always admired how you played it. I just never thought that you would use those methods to bear on me. Massimo: I've done nothing to you, dominick. But you know, if you really want to get your mother out, you'd choose another way. Nick: By handing the woman I love over to the man who broke her heart. Your darling ridge! Massimo: You are both my sons. Nick: I used to be so proud to hear that, how you would declare to a room full of strangers, "this is my son." I don't feel that way anymore. Ridge: Did you get my message? Brooke: Did you get mine? Ridge: Yes. But sometime later just isn't gonna do. It has to be tonight. Brooke: For what? Ridge: Is an hour of your life too much to ask? Brooke: Well, let me see -- let me count up the hours of my life that I'll never see again because of you. Ridge: This is different. Brooke: Ridge, I don't begrudge you one hour. I don't begrudge you ten hours. But it's been a very long day. I had to cover things at work, and this whole thing with jackie is -- Ridge: You know, I really hope that nick appreciates all the support that you've given him. Brooke: Look, I don't want to be like this with you. But whether you build a jungle in my backyard or a duck pond upstairs, the point is I'm really, really tired. And I have about enough energy to go upstairs and tuck the kids in bed, make myself a sandwich -- Ridge: Well, hope and R.J. Aren't here. I asked katherine to take them for the evening. Brooke: Without consulting me? Brooke: If this is some grand scheme for a seduction -- Ridge: Give me a little credit here. Brooke: Well, then, what? What is so important? Ridge: You. If someone you loved -- no, not even someone -- the most important person in the world was sick or hurt, pretending that nothing was wrong, wouldn't you want to try and do something about it? Brooke: What does that have to do with anything? Ridge: Well, wouldn't you? Okay, you're not a doctor, you don't exactly know what the answer is. You don't exactly know what the right thing would be to do. But wouldn't you want to do something, even if it was wrong? That's what I'm gonna do tonight. Brooke: Let me guess -- I'm the sick, injured person that you want to make better. Ridge: Okay, you can be angry, that's fine. Do you have to make fun of me, too? Brooke, I feel like I'm groping my way in the dark here. I know you. When we're connected, when we're not, I know something is off. Brooke: It doesn't mean that something's wrong with me, ridge. Ridge: Then why can't you let yourself love me? It used to be as natural as breathing for you. Brooke: It ended. Ridge: Then why did you agree to marry me? [Brooke sighs] Brooke: I thought -- Ridge: What? You thought you could forgive me? But you couldn't? Brooke: Do you want to make me hurt you? Because you know what happened. I'm in love with nick. Ridge: For the same reason that bridget was. Brooke: Now what does that mean? Ridge: It means you can count on him. He's the father you never had. Brooke: Oh, my god, you don't know the first thing about it. Ridge: Oh, but I know there's more. I know that nick is good with the kids, you guys have fun. But isn't this really about nick being a dad even to him? Brooke: What's the point? You're not even listening. Ridge: But I am, brooke. I'm also hearing the things you're not saying. You don't talk about how handsome nick is -- is he a good lover? You don't talk about his hands or his eyes or how he kisses you. You talk about how trustworthy and dependable he is. Hell, he could be a security guard or a german shepherd based on that. Brooke: Ridge -- Ridge: Brooke, you're trying to heal a wound that he didn't make. You're trying to fill a void that -- that you can't, not that way. It's not gonna happen. [Doorbell ringing] Brooke: If that's nick, I need you to leave. Ridge: It isn't nick. Hello, stephen. Stephen: Ridge -- hello, sweetheart. Brooke: Dad -- Massimo: If you think that I am favoring your brother over you -- Nick: I don't see his mother in jail. Massimo: There is no conspiracy against you, dominick. When I act for the good of the family, I do it for everyone equally. Nick: Well, then tell me, how is this good for my mother? Massimo: Jacqueline surrendered any rights she had to my loyalty when she dealt with that man. And as your father, I don't want brooke logan to do the same thing to you with your brother. Is she the woman that I would choose for him? Oh, god would only know. But it's going to happen. It doesn't make any difference what I do or you do, it's because that's what they are. And I don't want to see you go through the same pain that I went through. Nick: I know too much, about you, about your business, and I can cause serious damage, and you know that. You don't want me as an enemy. Massimo: You're my son, not my enemy. Nick: Then get my mother out of jail! Drop the charges! Don't force my hand, you may lose. Massimo: It is unwise to threaten me, dominick. Nick: It's sad to see you for what you really are. Work, honor, family. [Nick spitting] You got 'til morning. | He can do things that other people can't |
477 | Cane: [Groans] Charlie: We want to feed the ducks! Mattie: Can we, Daddy, please? Cane: Aren't you guys tired from being at the amusement park all day? Lily: Yes, and going on every ride twice. Devon: Yeah, you guys had the whole place to yourselves. You didn't have to wait in any lines. That's the way to do it, right? Lily: [Chuckles] Okay, here. Here's some bread to feed the ducks, but do not wander off. Please stay where I can see you, okay? Thank you. Devon: Gosh, those kids have so much energy. Cane: Yeah, 'cause you fed them cotton candy all day. Lily: Yeah, Devon, you did not have to rent out the entire amusement park just for us. Devon: It's my pleasure. It's my pleasure. Besides, what's the point of being a billionaire if you can't spend it on taking some people you love on roller coasters? Lily: Hey, Charlie, do not get close to the lake! Charlie! Cane: They're fine. They're fine. They're fine. Lily: I know, but he could fall in or something. Cane: He's not gonna fall in. He's okay. Lily: He's just so curious and adventurous. Remember how we were chasing after him at the park all day? Cane: That's 'cause he's a little boy, and that's what little boys do. He's okay. Relax. Devon: You've kind of been freaking out about the kids all day. What's wrong with you? Cane: I think I know what's wrong. Lily: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Christine: Oh, geez. Oh! Paul: Oh! Hi. Christine: Hi. Paul: Sorry. Christine: No, I'm -- I'm the klutz here. Paul: Here you go. No, I'm the klutz. You okay? Christine: Yeah. Paul: All right. I know you got a lot on your mind. Christine: Yeah, I'm not looking forward to Michael's sentencing hearing. I can't believe in less than an hour I have to be in front of Judge Wayne, requesting some kind of punishment. Paul: Yeah. Not feeling it, huh? Christine: No. That's why I didn't come to bed till after 3:00. I kept looking through this file, trying to find some way to get him out of it. Paul: And I take it you didn't find one? Christine: No. And you know what? If you ask me, Michael deserves a medal for killing Carmine Basco, not a prison sentence. Paul: [Chuckles] That's a hell of a thing for the D.A. to say to the chief of police. Christine: I know it is, but I mean every word of it. Paul: I know you do, Babe, but [Sighs] You know, the irony is that Basco is guilty of the same crimes that Michael committed against you and Nina. Christine: Oh, come -- that was so long ago, and Michael changed. I don't believe for a second that Carmine would have. Paul: Agreed. Christine: At this point, all I can try and do is get Michael the lightest sentence possible. Talk about a lose-lose proposition. [SCENE_BREAK] Lauren: [Sighs, sniffles] I've been so worried about you and what comes next. Michael: Well, what comes next is...I go to prison... to save our son from a murder conviction. Lauren: I'm just glad he's still in rehab. [Sniffles] I wouldn't want him to see you being sentenced. Michael: We're doing the right thing...for his future. Lauren: And what about yours? Michael: I will get the minimum sentence, and with time off for good behavior, it shouldn't be too long before I'm paroled. Lauren: But what if that doesn't happen? What if you don't get out of jail? Michael: Come here. [Chuckling] Come here. [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: The last thing your brother needs is to crawl inside a liquor bottle right now. Jack: Billy's trying to make himself numb. More than that, he's -- he's trying to find oblivion. He's not gonna find it in that bottle. I know. I tried. Jill: How can we help him, Jack? Jack: I thought that maybe you, more than anyone else, would have some idea of what he's feeling right now. Jill: Ah. You're talking about when we thought Phillip had driven drunk and killed himself in that horrendous accident. You know, there were moments the day of the funeral -- people were talking to me. They were saying stuff, and it -- it just sounded like gibberish. Didn't even sound like the English language to me. I could see their mouths moving. I could hear their voices, but I literally could not comprehend what was being said. Jack: I think Billy is going through something like that right now. When I spoke with him earlier, it was as if -- I don't know -- he couldn't even take it in. Jill: So, what are you saying -- that we can't help him? I will not accept that. You know the kind of self -- Jack: I'm not saying we can't help him. I'm saying talking to him right now isn't the right approach. Jill: Then what is? Jack: I don't know. That's why I called you. I thought maybe we could put our heads together and find some way to help Billy. [SCENE_BREAK] [Chair clatters] Alex: You're suffering. I understand. Billy: You don't understand. Alex: Okay? But if we're -- it's possible that we find the driver, we will. Billy: "If it's possible"? Really, that's what you're gonna tell me? You told me you're gonna find this guy. Alex: We will, Billy. We're trying our hardest, okay? Billy: Don't try! Stop trying! Do. You do your job, or I'm gonna get out there, and I'm gonna do it for you. Alex: No, no, no, no, no. Listen to me, okay? It's not just about finding the guy, all right? When we make the arrest, it has to stick. Otherwise, he'll walk. Is that what you want? No, right? Good. Then l the police do their jobs. Do not butt in. Billy: If you were doing your job, I wouldn't be here! Alex: Listen, we're being thorough. Billy: You're being thorough. Alex: We're doing -- doing -- we're doing good, solid investigative work that'll stand up in court, Billy. I know it doesn't look like it, but we've accomplished a lot. Billy: You've accomplished a lot? Okay, do you have somebody in custody? Alex: The second we do, I promise -- Billy: That means you don't have anything! You're not even close! And while you're sitting here, making excuses, the man who killed my daughter is out there, and the longer you wait to find him, the longer he has to cover his tracks. Is that what you want? [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: I just -- I just don't understand. These are supposed to be all of Delia's things -- everything that she was wearing when -- when they brought her to the hospital after the accident. I just -- I just don't understand why the scarf isn't here. Kevin: Could be any number of reasons. Chloe: Well, I don't really care about that. I just want to know where the scarf is. I mean, that was her favorite part of her costume. I mean, we went ape when we found it at Fenmore's, and I just -- I just want to find the scarf. Why isn't it here? Kevin: Listen, it could have been -- it could have been misplaced at the station. I know for a fact that happens sometimes. Chloe: No, but -- Kevin: Or maybe -- maybe, um, it could be at the hospital. It could be in Billy's car. Chloe: You don't understand. It was attached to her hat. She loves that scarf. She wouldn't have been so careless with it. Kevin: I'm not saying that she was being careless, okay? Listen, wherever it is, I promise you, we will find it together. Chloe: [Sighs] Kevin: Okay? Chloe: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] [Doorbell ringing] Adam: [Exhales deeply] Victor: Hello, Son. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: If I was in Billy's shoes, I'd be doing the same thing -- blaming myself for everything that happened. Jill: It's good to know that the Abbott men excel at self-flagellation, but what we need here is a plan. Because if Billy goes down that same dark road that he's gone down so many times... Jack: I agree. Jill: There is some good news, though. In spite of his grief, he managed to put it aside and perform an act of incredible selflessness. Jack: Do you mean donating Delia's corneas so that Chelsea and Adam's son wouldn't go blind? Yeah, Traci told me about that. Jill: That must have meant a lot to you, personally, since you and Nikki donated your baby's heart that time. Jack: Yeah, it did. I'm very proud of both of them. Jill: It doesn't seem to have made him feel any better, though. Jack: I don't think anything is gonna make him feel better until they find the person responsible for all this. Jill: Have they made any progress on that? Jack: No, the police are keeping a real lid on this one. Once they do find the driver, though, maybe Billy can stop hating himself and start hating somebody else. Jill: Well, since they're not giving the family any hope at all, I doubt they have any viable leads. They certainly haven't arrested anybody. Jack: Wait -- wait a minute. Maybe there's something we can do to help Billy and help the police at the same time. [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: I'm wasting my time. Alex: Billy. Billy: What? What if you can't find them? Alex: We can. Billy: Oh, yeah? Alex: If anyone can, it's us, but it takes time. We have to go through evidence. We have to be meticulous. Billy: You mean be glacial, don't you? Alex: I don't have any kids, okay? So I'm not gonna stand here and pretend like I know what you're going through. Billy: Yeah, please, don't. Alex: But believe me when I tell you this entire force is dedicated to finding the killer. Billy: Yeah? Alex: This is personal, okay? This is our number-one priority. Billy: Then why haven't you found the person that did this to her? Why don't you have any leads? Alex: We do. Billy: You do? Good. Please tell me, what are your leads? Alex: You know I can't share that with you. Billy: Don't -- don't do that. Don't play me. You know you don't have anything. Alex: Listen to me. A lead is something followed by a trained investigator to its logical conclusion, okay? Sometimes you get a dead end. Sometimes you get other clues. Sometimes -- not always -- it leads you to your suspect. Billy: You listen to me. I don't need a course in criminal justice. I need you to do your job. If you can't do your job, if it's too tough for you, then trust me, I'm gonna find someone who can! I'm gonna do it myself! Alex: All right, let me explain to you why it's a bad idea for a civilian, especially a family member, to try to help with the investigation. Let me break it down for you like I did with Kevin. Billy: Kevin?! Kevin's not her father! I'm her father! [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: So, what do you want now? Victor: I thought we should celebrate your little boy's successful surgery. Adam: Well, we don't know yet if it was successful. Victor: I heard it went well. Adam: It'll be some time until we find out if the baby will be able to see. Victor: Oh, he'll be able to see. Adam: Well, you're such a beacon of optimism. Where's the cake and balloons? Victor: That comes later. Right now, I want you to take a look at this. [SCENE_BREAK] Judge: Given the media attention, I thought it best to keep this hearing low- profile. Christine: Good call, your honor. Judge: I understand Mr. Baldwin has pled guilty. Michael: That is correct, your honor. Uh, second-degree intentional homicide. Uh, by law, I'm allowed to make a statement. Carmine Basco, uh, terrorized my family for months. He kidnapped my wife. He threatened her with rape. Ultimately, he tried to murder us in our own home. And driven by his pathological obsession with my wife, he... reached out to my son, Fenmore, who was a minor at the time. He would find ways to manipulate Fen into giving him information about Lauren, to the point where he even texted Lauren using our son's cell phone in order to trick her into meeting with him. Well, eventually, he was arrested for his actions, and sadly, he eluded police custody and succeeded in publicly humiliating my wife. Then it was soon after that... I managed to confront him in an alley. He had cornered my wife. She was obviously terrified. And I grabbed the gun that Carmine took from a police officer that he had knocked out, and, uh, I shot him. Judge: Ms. Williams? Christine: The state mandates a minimum of 10 years and a maximum of 60 for this type of crime. Judge: That is correct. What sentence would you like me to impose on Mr. Baldwin? [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: Hey. You're thinking about Delia, aren't you? Devon: It's kind of hard not to. You know, when a child is killed like that, it's -- talk about something you never see coming. Lily: Yeah, unless you're a parent. Devon: Is that why you've been hovering all day? Lily: I can't help it. It's, like, when you have kids, you just -- you can't ever relax, especially when they're young, and they're just so small and -- and fragile. Cane: Yeah, and Billy and Chloe know that better than anybody else. Lily: I mean, look at what they went through when Delia had leukemia. You know, she was so fragile, but then she got through it, and they thought that it was all behind them, and then, out of nowhere -- it's, like, you can't look away, because even if you do -- Mattie, please, do not get close to the water. Please. Cane: She's okay. She's okay. She's all right. Lily: I -- [Sighs] Devon: Lil, I'm sorry. I can obviously see why this would be on your mind. What happened to Delia is a parent's worst nightmare. I just -- you know, you never think that -- Lily: That it can happen to Cane and me? Cane: It is not gonna happen to you and I, all right? I will not look away. We will not look away. I will keep my kids safe. I promise you, okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: Kevin was more of a father than you ever were. He never would have left her alone in the car. Kevin: Chloe, don't. It's all right. Chloe: No, it's not all right, and where the hell do you get off saying something like that? Kevin: Listen to me. He's grieving, all right? He's blaming himself as much as you're blaming him. Billy: I don't need you to defend me or explain how I'm feeling, thank you very much. Kevin: Hey, we're all feeling the same thing. Don't you get it? It's not a contest over who loves Delia the most. We all love her. We've all lost her. [Sighs] Now we got to stop blaming each other. [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: What's this? Victor: Open it, Son. Adam: Stock options in Newman-Chancellor. Victor: For my grandson. Adam: Oh. You steal Newman Enterprises, and now you want to give my son a gift? Victor: I did no such thing, Adam. I bought the company back from you and jackass Abbott for a reasonable price. Adam: Yeah, that's exactly what happened. So, what, are you gonna buy my son's love now? Victor: That is not my intention. [Sniffs] By the way, I smell smoke in here. What's this? Adam: I don't know -- fireplace over there. Victor: Well, you'd better take care of that. I bought this place, if you remember, because my house burned down to the ground. Adam: It's already taken care of. It's gonna be fixed before my son is back. Victor: And when is that? I'd like to see him. Adam: You'd like to see him, would you? Well, you're not gonna see him, and I don't want you going over to the hospital to give him a visit. The staff has already been alerted not to let you see him if you do. Victor: Uh-huh. You mean the staff in the same hospital that has a wing named after me? Do you think they're gonna listen to your instructions? Adam: A wing named after you. Is that -- is that gonna be your angle? You gonna try and buy my son's love? Is that it? "Grandpa bought you some stock. Grandpa bought you a pony. Grandpa bought you a hospital." You open your wallet, and you buy love. Victor: No, Son, that is not my intention -- to buy love. My intention is to make sure that my grandson is taken care of. Adam: Well, don't worry. He's taken care of. Victor: [Chuckles] You just tore up a piece of paper, Son. You didn't tear up Connor's right to a piece of my company. Newman-Chancellor is part of your son's legacy. Adam: I guess you need a little reminding. You're not a part of my life. By extension, you're not a part of my son's life. Victor: I would think about that long and hard if I were you. You know what I can do for your son. Don't jeopardize his future because of your hurt feelings. Adam: Who's talking about hurt feelings? You betrayed me one too many times. You forfeited the right to care about me or my son. Victor: Well, that's where you're wrong, Adam. I didn't betray you. You betrayed me when you made a deal behind my back with jackass Abbott. Adam: [Chuckles] Victor: Okay? But having said that, once you're through this topsy-turvy period in your life, I think you will come out the stronger man. Adam: That what this is supposed to be about? It's a lesson? The only thing I need to learn is how to keep you out of my life. Victor: I didn't come here to spend time with you. I came here to ensure the future of your son. That's what family does. Adam: We're both men who would sell our souls for our families. Something we should really be proud of, right? Victor: You bet, Son. [SCENE_BREAK] Christine: I have reviewed the file and listened to what Mr. Baldwin had to say in his defense. Given Carmine Basco's record, along with the severity and prolonged duration of the alleged crimes against the defendant, his wife, and his son...I believe that Mr. Baldwin acted appropriately. And while I wish I could ask that he walk out of here a free man today, I know that's impossible under the statute. Therefore, I ask your honor to give him the lightest sentence the law allows. Judge: Thank you, Ms. Williams. You shot a man in cold blood, Mr. Baldwin. Michael: Yes, I did. Judge: Took a man's life. Do you feel any remorse for killing Carmine Basco? Michael: I regret...that my actions are taking me away from my family...but I will never regret trying to protect them. Judge: I see. I'll take a brief recess to decide the matter. [Door closes] Michael: That wasn't easy. I'm sorry I had to put you through that. Lauren: Thank you, Christine. Paul: We both feel that your family has been punished enough. Lauren: Do you think the judge will take your recommendation? Christine: I don't know. Judges tend to hold current and former officials to a higher standard than the rest of the public. Paul: Michael does have a criminal record, and his previous conviction will be taken into account. Christine: I just hope your statement and my recommendation is enough. Michael: But you can't be sure. None of us can be sure. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: So, did the duckies eat all the bread? Both: Yeah! Cane: Yeah? Yeah? Well, you know what time it is? Lily: Uh-oh. I think its naptime, Guys. Charlie: No! Cane: Naptime. Naptime. Lily: Yes. Cane: [Deep voice] Naptime! Mattie: Mommy, come and push me on the swings. Charlie: Me too! Lily: [Chuckles] Cane: All right, listen. I have to go see Jill, offer my condolences, okay? Lily: Yeah. Devon: Hey, Cane, if you don't mind, I'd actually like to go with you. I'm sure this has to be real hard on Jill. First Katherine and now Delia. Cane: It's hard on everyone involved. Lily: Yeah, I would go with you two, but I'm sure two rambunctious kids aren't gonna help, at all. Cane: All right, listen. Do you want to stay, or do you want to, uh -- do you want to go? If you want to go, I can get a lift with Devon. Lily: Uh, I'll hang here, and I'll take you guys on the swings, but first, something that you want to say to Uncle Devon? Cane: Yes. Go. Devon: What? What? What? Ohh! Ooh! [Chuckles] Ah! Mwah! [Chuckles] Lily: Bye. Cane: Bye. I love you. Lily: All right, come on, you guys. Cane: Bye. Devon: See you. Mattie: Bye! Devon: Bye. Cane: [Sighs] Devon: They're cute, man. Cane: They are. I really appreciate the amusement-park thing. I do... Devon: Yeah. Cane: ...But if it could be a one-time deal. Devon: I'll stick to being extravagant on their birthdays and Christmas. How about that? Cane: That will work. Devon: Okay. But, hey, I do know that you left Chancellor when Victor took over, so does that maybe give me more license... Cane: Nice try. Nice try, but this isn't because I'm unemployed or you have money to burn. It's just I don't want to spoil the kids. Devon: Okay. Cane: Okay? Devon: You got it. Cane: Thanks for understanding. [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: You're right. | Billy goes to the police station and tells Alex that if they won't work to find the person who killed Delia, he will do it |
478 | Bill: Well, how about this? You two stooges -- needle and thread. You come in here and threaten me in my own home. Ridge: No one's threatening you, bill. Bill: Eh, I don't know about that. You barge in, you get in my face. You tell me stay away from brooke, or you're gonna put a stop to me? Kind of sounds like a threat. Thorne: No, we simply want you to understand that any thoughts you're having about going after brooke, you can forget it. Bill: Because the fabulous forrester fashion boys say so? Ridge: That's right. No more secret meetings, no more kissing. You and brooke, you're not gonna be alone again -- ever. Brooke: You made the right decision. Katie: [ Sighs ] You know, nothing really changes. I still have full custody. Brooke: But you're letting bill see his son whenever he wants. Katie: Well, the only thing i ever wanted was for bill to see his son. I know you're happy about this. Brooke: Yeah. I'm thrilled. Katie: Then what's wrong? Brooke: I'm just in the middle, or at least it feels like that. Caught between ridge and bill. Dr. Phillips: Not too late for one of those gender-reveal parties. Liam: [ Laughs ] Oh, my god. Imagine your mom. She would go berserk planning one of those. Hope: She would go completely overboard. Liam: Yeah. Hope: She would love it. I mean, it would be blue or pink balloons flying everywhere. But, I mean, in the end, boy or girl, we will be thrilled either way. Liam: This is true. Dr. Phillips: Okay, then let's find out, shall we? Liam: Oh, boy. Hope: Oh, girl! [ Laughs ] Liam: Speaking of boys. No, but if it's a boy, I can't wait till he's old enough to teach me how to play catch. Dr. Phillips: Fingers crossed the baby is cooperating. We'll need him or her in the right position. Hope: And that we hear a heartbeat. Liam: That's all that matters. Dr. Phillips: You've been fine, right? No more cramping? Hope: Correct. Dr. Phillips: Then trying not to worry. You're about to see a healthy growing baby boy or girl. Liam: The question is -- which one? [ Laughs ] Katie: Caught between ridge and bill? Um, what do you mean? Brooke: [ Sighs ] I don't know. Forget I said anything. Katie: No, no, no. [ Scoffs ] No, um, if something's going on, you should tell me. Brooke: Well, nothing's going on. It's just... bill kissed me. Katie: Oh. Okay. Does ridge know? Brooke: Yes, he knows about both of the kisses. Katie: Both of them. Hmm. So bill kissed you more than once. Bill: Okay, well, listen. This has been fun, but now you're boring me to tears, so... time to leave. Come on. Thorne: As soon as we hear you say it. Bill: Say what? Thorne: That you understand brooke is off-limits. Bill: [ Sighs ] What I understand is that if you two bozos don't get out of here, something's gonna happen. Ridge: What's gonna happen? We're just having a nice conversation. Bill: I'm trying to be a nice guy, all right? Now back off, or something will go down, and it's gonna be something that we're all gonna regret. Ridge: See, that sounds like a threat to me. Thorne: Yeah. Bill: You show up at my home uninvited, ordering me around. Now, you know me, and you know I'm gonna defend myself. Ridge: And you don't think I'm gonna defend my wife? You think I'm gonna let you make her your new obsession so your crazy brain can tell you that she's yours? The way you did with steffy? Thorne: Just put a stop to it. Dr. Phillips: Say hi again to your beautiful child. Growing, thriving. Healthy heart, healthy size. I'm liking what I'm seeing. Hope: Look at that hand. Liam: I know. Hope: [ Giggles ] Is this real? Dr. Phillips: It sure is, and it won't be long. Soon you'll be holding that sweet little hand in yours. Hope: [ Gasps ] Look, liam. Look! Liam: I see. I see. Dr. Phillips: Well, it's time to decide if you really want to know. Liam: We do, right? We want to know. Hope: I think so. Liam: Yeah. Hope: I mean, that way, we can decorate the nursery... Liam: Exactly. Hope: ...And focus on names. Liam: Yeah. Hope: Yes, dr. Phillips, we would love to know. Dr. Phillips: Well, if you're going with a family name, i don't think she'll be too happy with liam jr., I'll tell you that. Liam: You said she! You said she! Does that -- Dr. Phillips: Yes! Liam: Is that what -- Dr. Phillips: Yes! You're having a daughter. Liam: [ Laughs ] Hope: Oh, my gosh! [ Giggles ] Liam: Whoa! Hope: [ Sighs ] Brooke: Katie, please understand, it was all on bill's initiative. I called him out on it. I told him that it was unacceptable and that he had to respect my marriage. Katie: Ridge can't be taking this well. Brooke: No. He didn't take it very well. But I told him it was a mistake -- bill's mistake, I didn't kiss him back -- and that I told bill it could never happen again. Katie: Did that make ridge feel better? Brooke: No. It didn'T. He seemed to be more upset, and that really worries me. His anger always gets the best of him. And then when they're both angry, they seem to lose all common sense. I think it's best that they both stay away from each other until all of this just blows over. Bill: You don't tell me what to do or who to see or who I spend my time with. Ridge: After what you did to my daughter, that is exactly what I'm gonna do. You stay away from my wife. Bill: [ Sniffs ] What is that smell? Oh, yeah, that's the scent of fear. Ridge: Really? Bill: Is your marriage really that fragile that you have to prevent brooke from seeing me? Are you afraid she's going to leave you? I mean, who could blame her, right? She would be trading up. Ridge: Once again, you're making a play for a woman who wants to have nothing to do with you. Bill: [ Chuckles ] You don't really believe that or you wouldn't be here. You would just ignore me. I haven't really even done anything yet, and you're already shaking in your boots. I will talk to brooke when i want to talk to her, and I will see her when I want to see her, and there is nothing you can do about it and nothing you can say to stop me or scare me off. Thorne: Except take your son away. That get your attention? You keep this up, this, uh, disgusting behavior, and you may never see will again. Dr. Phillips: Here you are, a picture of your adorable little girl. Hope: Thank you. Liam: Oh, my god. Hope: And you're sure she's okay, everything looks normal? Dr. Phillips: Normal in every way. This little girl is coming along just fine. Liam: [ Sighs ] Dr. Phillips: I know that the two of you are still a bit freaked out about what happened before. Understandably. Cramping is scary, but not uncommon. Hope: I mean, could it happen again? Dr. Phillips: Well, it's impossible to say. But if it does, don't panic. Just drink some water or juice, get off your feet, and rest. Sometimes it's just a matter of changing positions. But if the pain doesn't go away or if there's any bleeding, please don't hesitate to come see me. Okay? Liam: Yeah. Hope: Of course. Of course. Thank you, doctor. Liam: Yeah, thank you so much. Dr. Phillips: Okay, well, any other questions? If not, I've got a patient in labor I need to check on. Liam: Whoa! Hope: Oh! Liam: Get out of here! Hope: Yeah, no, we're good, by all means! Dr. Phillips: It won't be long. Soon it'll be you. Your baby girl will be more than just a picture. Soon you'll be holding her in your arms. Liam: Thank you, doctor. Hope: Thank you! I can't wait. She's beautiful. Katie: Can I give you some advice? I don't think ridge is the only one who should steer clear of bill. Brooke: I know. Ridge forgave me for the kisses, but he won't again. He was very adamant. He doesn't want bill touching me or anywhere near me. Katie: Well, I don't think he's being unreasonable. Brooke: No, of course he isn'T. But it's kind of unrealistic. Bill is hope's father-in-law, and we're bound to cross paths at some point. In fact, we already bumped into each other earlier at il giardino. Well, that wasn't really a coincidence. Bill knew that I was gonna be there. Katie: Oh, my god! Brooke: It wasn't like that, katie. He was just thankful that he got to spend time with will again. He was beaming. You should have seen him. And he's very thankful that I've been standing by his side. Katie: Okay, well, um, does ridge know? Because you should probably tell him. You don't want secrets. Brooke: Yes, I already told him. Katie: How did he react? Brooke: Well, he definitely wasn't happy about it, and now he's convinced that bill is coming after me. Katie: Well, yeah, it sounds like he is. Brooke: Well, even if he is, it doesn't matter. I don't love bill. I love ridge, and he knows that. Just, his anger gets the best of him. He can't see through it. Katie: Must be genetic. Thorne loses his mind over bill, too. Brooke: Really? Well, that concerns me because if this gets out of hand, who knows what can happen? Bill: You had to do it, didn't you? We were having a nice friendly conversation, and you had to cross the line. Thorne: I did? No, bill, that was you long ago. Bill: Will is my boy, not yours. You don't decide when I see him. That's between katie and me, and my advice to you is to not interfere. Thorne: I'm katie's husband. Will is part of my family now, okay? So if I feel like I need to protect him, I will. Bill: Protect him from me if I talk to brooke? That doesn't even make any freakin' sense. Thorne: Really? The boy suffered the first time you neglected him, and now you're about to do it again, this time with brooke. Do you understand that? So, yes, I will protect him from this kind of disappointment. Ridge: How do you think a judge would feel? We know how disgusted he was by what you did to steffy. How do you think he'd feel that you're chasing another married woman who doesn't want your advances? It's inappropriate behavior, billy. Thorne: So instead of you taking brooke from ridge, we'll be ones taking something from you. Ridge: Permanently. Bill: Try it. I want you to. I really do. You try and take my son from me, and I'll destroy you. Liam: Our daughter. Hope: Our daughter. Liam: You happy we found out? Hope: Yep. I am. You happy it's a girl? Liam: Yeah, I am. I mean, I would have been just as excited if it were a boy, but... you know. Hope: [ Exhales sharply ] You, sir, are gonna have your hands full with two girls! Liam: I know. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. But, then again, there's enough masculinity in the spencer clan. Hope: [ Chuckles ] Liam: I think some strong, independent women would do this family some good. Hope: Your daughter will be lucky to have you. Liam: Oh, man! [ Laughs ] Hope: [ Giggles ] Brooke: Let's just hope that ridge doesn't go over to bill'S. Because we both know how much bill loves to provoke ridge. Katie: You're worried that it might get physical? Brooke: Well, it could. Things always tend to escalate between those two. Katie: Yeah, but they both know how you feel about violence. I mean, you ended your marriage to bill because of it. Ridge and thorne are both kind, they're level-headed. Let's just hope that if ridge does confront bill that thorne is there. They can keep each other in check. Thorne: It doesn't have to go down like this, bill. All you got to do is stay away from brooke. Do the right thing. I know that's gonna be difficult for you, to behave like a decent man, like a decent father, but you do that, and you won't lose access to will. Bill: My access to my son is none of your business. Ridge: He's her husband. How do you not see that he has influence over her? Bill: Katie's a smart woman. She knows bullying when she sees it. Ridge: You think me telling you not to harass my wife is bullying? How does that make sense? Bill: Friendship isn't harassment. Ridge: Brooke isn't your friend! How do you -- wow. No. She has pity for your because of your kid! Any feelings she had for you is gone once she found out who you really were. Pity isn't friendship. You don't have friends, billy. The people that hang around you hang around because you pay them to. If you died today, god willing, no one would show up for your funeral. Not brooke, not katie, not steffy. Not liam, not wyatt. And definitely not that little boy. Thorne: Whoa! Break it up! Guys! Ridge: [ Grunts ] Bill: [ Grunts ] Thorne: All right, guys. Break it up! Break it up! Break it up! Break it up. Oh! [ Glass shatters ] [ Grunting ] [ Grunting continues ] Bill: [ Screams ] | The doctor tells Liam and Hope that the baby is cooperating today so soon they will know whether it is a boy or a girl |
479 | Bo: Yeah, I got it. Thanks. Hope: Bo, how's John? Bo: He's hangin' in there. Hope: This whole thing is so crazy. I mean, the John Black we know would never, ever embezzle other people's money. Bo: Yeah. We'll figure it out, but first, we have our own financial mystery to solve. Hope: I hope Mr. Schuffman doesn't keep us waiting much longer. Bo: Yeah. Hope: I need know why Gran had these assets that weren't listed in a will. Bo: You know, I keep runnin' up-- Mrs. H was not the kind of person to have deep, dark secrets. Hope: Right. It's just-- you know, I've been in and out of Gran's house so many times since she passed, and Jennifer's been living there, and neither one of us ever saw those bank statements before. That is, until the day of the town square dedication. I really feel like-- [Sighs] I really do feel like Gran's trying to tell me something, Bo. And thank you for not laughing. Bo: What's to laugh at? And what do you think she's trying to tell you? [SCENE_BREAK] Madison: Sami? Oh, this is great. Sami--I would love to introduce you to our latest hire--this is Sami Hernandez, this is Brady Black. Sami: Pleasure-- Brady: [Stutters] Very nice to meet you, how are you? Sami: Nice to--meet you--we Brady: Yeah, we already know each other. Madison: You do? Brady: Yeah. Madison: Um, okay, good. [Laughs] Sami is gonna be our new junior executive, unless it's awkward, and you two dated, or something. Brady: D--dated? Both: Oh, God, no. No. No, no, no. Sami: No. Both: [Laugh] Brady: Her mom is married to my dad. She's my s--step-sister Sami: Steps, yeah. Madison: Are you kidding? That--what a small world. Sami: Mm-hmm. Madison: Your maiden name wouldn't be Brady, would it? As in Sami Brady? Sami: Is that gonna be a problem? Madison: [Chuckles] Not unless you get mad, and knock me off the monkey bars again. Sami: Madison. As in Maddy? Maddy McIntyre from the first grade? Mrs. Cho's class? Madison: That's me. Sami: Oh! [Laughs] I can't believe this. Madison: It's so good to see you, this is crazy. Sami: Look at you! You look exactly the same. Madison: How did I not recognize you from your picture. Sami: I don't know. I don't know, you [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: Here. Familiarize yourself with that. Nicole: Why don't you familiarize me with something, EJ. How do you figure John Black is gonna help you win this election? EJ: You just worry about what's in front of you, okay? Nicole: EJ, I told you, I am not doing this. Not again. EJ: Excuse me? Nicole: I am tired of being on a need-to-know basis. You either answer my question, or I take those files, and dump them in the garbage, okay, and you can find yourself a new P.R. person to run your campaign. [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: Are you sure you want to do this? Carrie: But I don't want it to come between us. I meant that. Austin: Carrie, you don't have to hide stuff. The SEC doesn't need me anymore, I told you, my involvement in John's case is over with. Carrie: And I am so glad. That's gonna make things a lot easier for us at home. Austin: Well, I'm all for that. Rafe: Ahem. Carrie: Oh. Rafe: [Laughing] Sorry. Uh, you can go see John now. Carrie: Thanks, Rafe. Rafe: Yeah. Carrie: I'll see you later. Austin: Okay. Rafe: Looks like you and Carrie just had the same talk Sami and I had. Austin: [Laughs] Well, they both love John, they can't believe the charges, and-- I mean, nobody can. Rafe: Yeah, I hear you. Seems like the most decent guy in the whole world. Austin: If I know my wife, she's not gonna stop until she gets him released... one way or the other. [SCENE_BREAK] John: My legal team has been loyal to me for years, Doc. How much could Stefano possibly pay them to make them quit on me when I needed them the most? Marlena: Or how much did he threaten them? John: Bastard's gotta be behind this, it's the only thing that makes any sense. Marlena: John, you need a new attorney. Somebody who's Stefano-proof. Somebody who will take care of you--only you, and somebody we can completely trust. Carrie: You're lookin' at her. John: Carrie? Carrie: A.K.A., your attorney of record. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe: So Carrie's gonna fix John's situation how? Austin: Well, I guess you haven't heard...she's gonna be his attorney. Rafe: Wow. Huh! Okay. But you know this is gonna be a huge, high-profile case, yes? Austin: Well, she's convinced she's up to it, and... [Sighs] I'm sure she is. Rafe: All right, and that's gonna work how? You were brought in by the SEC on this. Austin: About as well as it worked with you and Sami, when you arrested her step-dad. Rafe: [Chuckles] Right. So not that well. Listen, here's the thing, though, I was able to convince Sami that even though I arrested John, I'm lookin' out for him, I'm makin' sure he gets a fair deal in all of this. Austin: And I've gotten myself taken off the case, but the big problem is, is that this can go on for a while, and John and Marlena's assets, they're frozen, which means that they're not gonna be able to pay Carrie for a while, which means that I gotta find some work. Rafe: Yeah. Austin: Or I gotta go back to Switzerland without my wife, and let me tell you something, Rafe, that's not gonna happen. Rafe: So you're okay with your wife makin' a decision that completely changes your life. Austin: She's done things like that for me before. Rafe: Right. Austin: [Laughs] And she is a Brady woman. Rafe: Yeah. [Laughs] I know a little bit about them. Austin: So you know I had absolutely no say in the matter. Rafe: Fair enough. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: [Laughing] Oh, my God, we went to elementary school together. Madison: In Colorado. Sami: Yeah, do you remember I used to live there with Eric, with my grandparents? Brady: Yeah, yeah, I do--I just can't believe you had friends back then, Sami, that's very impressive-- Sami: Shut up. Madison: We were best friends. Sami: Yeah, we were. Of course, she had all the ideas back then, and I was just the leg man. Madison: [Laughs] Do you remember that time--oh, my gosh, we stole Mrs. Cho's grade book to see if Melissa Wycoff was really getting straight A's? Sami: Yes! Madison: [Laughs] Sami: I totally got busted, and she came up with the best cover story. Madison: We-- Sami: She totally said that, um, I--we knocked a plant over, or something, and I was just trying to clean it up. Madison: Yeah, but we were great, we were a great team back then. We're gonna be a great team now. Sami: Yes, I think so, too, and I was excited about this job before, and now I am totally psyched to work with you-- [Cell phone rings] Sami: Maddy m--McIntyre! Madison: Oops, sorry, guys, gotta take this, okay? Yeah. Brady: Have a seat, Sami. Sami: Uh, wow! Okay, so how do you know Maddy McIntyre? I mean, uh, Madison. Brady: Well, I, uh--Titan just bought her company. What's wrong? Sami: I just thought I got this job on my own. [Sighs] Great, just great. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Carrie, you know, it means the world to me that you want to take on this mess, but-- Carrie: It's done, John. I already filed an ex parte motion, and submitted photographs of the injuries you received here last night, as well as testimony outlining the danger that I believe you're in as long as you remain in police custody. John: You didn't have to do this. Carrie: I had to, and I wanted to. Aren't you gonna ask me what happened next? [Laughs] John: Oh, uh, what happened next? Carrie: The D.A.'s office granted bail, with house arrest. Marlena: Oh, my gosh, are you kidding? Carrie: [Laughs] Well, I had to act fast, you know, John didn't have any representation, and since you can't pay for a lawyer, I figure I'm a better deal than a court-appointed one. At least I know you. John: Right, so I couldn't pay for a lawyer, how am I gonna pay for bail? Carrie: Abe, and a bunch of the other-- John: Absolutely not, that's not gonna happen, that's not-- Carrie: John, it might not feel like anybody is on your side, but there are a lot of people who believe in your innocence. Marlena: [Crying] Oh, my gosh. People are so wonderful. John: No, you got that right, they are wonderful, and I don't want 'em involved in my mess, it's too dangerous. Carrie: Once bail is granted, the court clerk will get a cashier's check from me. That's all that will become public knowledge. John: Not quite. What about you? Carrie: I'm fine. What we need to focus on now is getting you out of here, and getting you cleared of these charges. John: Well, you got it all figured out, but that last part might not be so easy. Carrie: I know what I'm doing, John. You're gonna have to listen to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: You know, when I first met Sami, she was about Will's age. Rafe: Oh. Austin: And this might be hard for you to believe, but she was this insecure, scared kid, and now she's this amazing mom, and wife, and kid-wrangler. Rafe: Yup. [Laughs] Just got a new job, too. First time she's worked since, uh --well, I mean, outside of the house--since she had Sydney. Austin: And that's about as long as you--you two have been together. Rafe: Yeah. Yup, she's really psyched about it, too. Austin: You're not? Rafe: What? Austin: You're not. Rafe: I am. [Laughs] I am, it's just, it's gonna be a lot of balls to keep in the air, you know? Austin: Well, if I know anything about Sami--I mean, I mean, I don't need to tell you this, but... [Sighs] If she wants it, she's gonna make it happen. Rafe: Yup. Found that out. Detective Hernandez? Rafe: Yeah. They need you in the holding area. Rafe: Be right there. Hey, listen, good luck to you... Austin: Yeah. Rafe: On this job search, or relocation, or this-- Austin: Thanks. Rafe: All right. Austin: Thanks, Rafe. Rafe: Take care. Austin: [Sighs] I hope it all doesn't depend on luck. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: You know, there is a possibility that Mrs. H just put those bank statements on a shelf, and forgot about 'em. Hope: [Sighs] But what drew my attention to them on that particular day? Do you think maybe I just wanted to feel connected to Gran? Bo: Nah, you've got great instincts. Let's just wait to see what Schuffman has to say, he was her financial planner. Hope: Right. I just hope it's nothing bad. I hope we don't find out anything bad. Schuffman: Thanks to you, Mrs. Brady. Bo: Hello. Hope: Hello. Schuffman: Hi. Well, I'm afraid you've wasted your time coming here. As I tried to explain to you on the phone, Mrs. Brady, I'm really not at liberty to tell you anything. Hope: Well, I am here to tell you that, um, I'm not accepting that. [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: You're issuing me an ultimatum. Nicole: You're damn straight. Because this is a business relationship, not a marriage. EJ: Let's not forget about the incredible opportunity that I have just given you. Nicole: Oh, my God, I don't care, I don't even care, because no experienced P.R. person would take you on, because you have something called an image problem, EJ. EJ: I don't think I have an image problem. I think, Nicole, that I have a perception problem. Nicole: Oh. EJ: My problem is just in the way that people perceive me. And yet I don't have a police record, I don't have-- Nicole: You don't have a police record because you're lucky. That man that you and your father created down in the basement had the good sense to get himself killed in jail. Not to mention he killed my mother. You dodged a bullet. I don't want to dodge bullets, EJ, so whatever you have going on with John Black, I need to know about it in advance, okay? EJ: Nicky you're just going to have to trust me. Nicole: [Laughs] I'm--I'm sorry, I think I just heard you say I have to trust you. What is that you said to me earlier? "Baby steps, Nicole, baby steps." EJ: [Laughs] This situation with John is going to seriously improve my image, and is also gonna make your job a lot easier. That's all you need to know. Nicole: Yeah. Well, that's not good enough, EJ. How about that? That's all you need to know, 'cause I'm leavin'. EJ: Really? You're really gonna turn your back on a six, almost seven figure salary? [SCENE_BREAK] John: I don't like this, Doc. I think Carrie's in way over her head. Marlena: She was right about one thing. You need a lawyer now. I'd prefer you have someone who knows you, who cares about you, someone--someone who is honest and loyal. John: No, I know, I know. I attended every parent-teacher conference Carrie had. You know, they, uh, they told me, she can be an astronaut. She could be a neurosurgeon, she could be the Supreme Court Jus-- she could be anything she wants to be. More than anything, every teacher told me what a wonderful heart she had, and that.. that made me the proudest daddy in the world. Marlena: I know it did. John: So I believe in Carrie. And if I were to put her in any kind of danger, I would never forgive myself, Doc. Marlena: And if Carrie could help you, and she didn't, she would never forgive herself. John: [Sighs] Marlena: John, look, I know you're trying to be brave and stoic about this, but I know, being in this cage is killing you. John: I thought I was covering it pretty well. Marlena: Mmm. Sweetheart, if Carrie can get you out of here, she needs to. John: I know, I know, but I don't want to put her in-- Marlena: Listen to me! John: I can't-- Marlena: You listen to me. If Carrie's in our corner, we're gonna be okay. She's strong, she's tough, she doesn't quit, and frankly, she's a person we can trust. John, I wouldn't trust a lawyer that would take this case now, because we can't pay 'em for a long time. John: Marlena, you saw all those people out there that have lost everything because of me. They come from all walks of life, we got bankers, we got cab drivers, they hate my guts. Now, if they can't come after me, they could go after her. Marlena: She can handle that. John, she's defended people who were guilty of the charges against them before. And you're not. It'll just be so much easier for her. John: Well, I hope so. Bottom line-- Marlena: Hi, what's going on? Carrie: Good news, John. We're getting you out of here now. Marlena: [Sobbing] [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: Sami, I didn't have anything to do with you getting this job. Sami: Right. Brady: Titan owns many companies, okay, but it doesn't mean we run them all, especially in this case. Madison calls the shots. I had no idea that she hired you. Sami: Okay. Brady: Sami, look at me. You believe me, don't you? Sami: Don't you think it's just a little too convenient? I mean, that I go looking for this job, and Titan happens to own the company that I get hired for? Brady: I know, look, I know how it looks, but I didn't even know you were looking for a job. Sami: Neither did I. It just happened, you know. I saw the ad and I... I went for it. Brady: And even if I had known, I mean, what makes you think that I would help you out? That's--that's a joke. Sami, Sami, I know better than to stand in your way of you getting what you want, all on your own. And I know we haven't always been close, but when you're happy, I'm very happy. Sami: Thanks. Brady: You're welcome. And if you're goin' back to work, sweetie, I'm glad you're on my team. Sami: [Laughs] Yeah. Brady: All right. Sami: Like it. I just wish it were better timing. You know, for the whole family to be happy for us. Brady: Mm-hmm. Sami: Because, uh, Mom and John have a mess to deal with here, right? Have you... gone to see him? Brady: [Clears throat] No, no I have not. Sami: Brady, come on. I mean, I know he said to stay away, but you know he wants to see you. You're his son. You heard about what happened to him, right? He got beat up in prison. Madison: Hey, sorry about that. That was the foreman of the crew that's gonna renovate the office space that Brady and I just rented. He wants to walk through it with us. Would you like to come with? Brady: Let's do it. Sami: Yeah. Can I? Madison: Absolutely. Um, Brady's my partner, but he won't always have time for the day-to-day stuff, so I'm gonna be relying on your input a lot. Sami: I'm totally there for you. Madison: Let's do it. Sami: Let me get my stuff. Let's do it! [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: There you have it. Nicole: You can't be serious. You're really--you're really gonna do this. EJ: Of course. Look, Abe Carver's approval ratings are falling. This situation with John gives me an excellent opportunity to step over him and take his job. Nicole: You ruthless son of a bitch. [Laughs] I am totally impressed. EJ: Mmm. So, you're back on board, then? Nicole: Yeah, uh, when is all this happening? EJ: Oh, let me see. All of the involved parties should know by the end of, uh, today. Nicole: What? By the end of the day, wait. What? EJ: What are you doing? Nicole: Well, I have to set up interviews. I have to make sure the media's set for when the news breaks. EJ: Good, you do that. I tell you this. John Black's not going to know what hit him. [SCENE_BREAK] John: You're getting me out of here? Carrie: You have to wear an ankle monitor. It's one of the conditions of your bail. Marlena: [Laughs] Honey, if he can go free, he'll wear a pearl choker. [Laughs] John: I wouldn't go that far. Rafe: The department will also provide you with 'round-the-clock protection. Carrie: We'll pass on that. Rafe: Why? Carrie: Because John was attacked last night while an officer looked the other way. That kind of protection he can do without. Rafe: Listen, I'm really sorry about that, but there's really no way around this. Carrie: Actually there is. With the court's approval, I've hired a private security firm. John: Yeah, that's great, but who's gonna pay for them? Carrie: My firm's agreed to cover the cost. You can reimburse them once you regain access to your own funds. Marlena: Oh, Carrie! Carrie: Could you open the cell door, please? Marlena: [Laughs] John: [Smells the air] Oh. Marlena: [Laughs] Oh, thank God! Rafe: [Chuckles] [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: I love the space. Madison: I'm really happy with the plans, are you, Brady? Brady: Yes, as long as it stays on budget. Madison: It will. I have a showroom designer coming by. It's a very good friend that I totally trust. Sami: Well, I hope he works fast, because I can't wait to start. Madison: You're gonna start working from home, you know that? I--I had a few things sent over to your apartment. Sami: Oh, okay. What kind of things? Madison: Just product lines and research on what women want, that kind of stuff. It should arrive today. Sami: Okay, then I better be there to sign for it. Maddy, Madison! [Laughs] I'm so excited. We are gonna kick ass. Here's your stuff. Madison: Thank you. Sami: Thank you. Madison: All right. Sami: Boss-man? Brady: Whatever. Sami: [Laughs] Brady: See ya. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Okay, so I just talked to-- [Sighs] What is this? EJ: Dinner. Nicole: And what am I, dessert? EJ: Hmm? No, I just, uh, I just thought we could have a bite to eat and a drink at the end of the workday, that's all. Nicole: Mm-hmm. What part of "agreement" do you not get, EJ? This is supposed to be business. And not that kind of business. I'm going. EJ: What are you doing? Nicole: Uh, well, you need a new P.R. person, 'cause yours just blew you off. EJ: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Schuffman: [Sighs] I'm not trying to be difficult, Mrs. Brady. Hope: And I'm not asking for information about just anyone. Mr. Schuffman, this...this is my grandmother we're talking about, and I was the executor of her estate. Okay, listen, all I'm asking is that, um, you simply explain these statements that I found at her house, because there's no name on them. In fact, I don't even know if these funds belong to my grandmother. Schuffman: [Sighs] I'd like to help you, but I can't. I am bound by confidentiality. Bo: Even though Mrs. H is deceased. Schuffman: If your grandmother had given you power of attorney and it was on file here, that would be different. Hope: Now, look-- Bo: We'll check with our lawyers, but I don't think confidentiality applies when the person is deceased. Schuffman: I'm sorry. Now, if you'll excuse me. Bo: Uh, why don't you hang with us for a little bit longer. Schuffman: And if I don't do what you want, what? Are you going to arrest me? Bo: You're being evasive. That makes me suspicious. Schuffman: Of what? Bo: That there's a reason for my friends at the IRS to come in here and audit your accounts. Schuffman: All right. Since you are the executor of your grandmother's estate, Mrs. Brady, I will tell you that this account is connected to your grandmother, and, uh, it is still active. Hope: Meaning the money goes in and is withdrawn a few days later. Bo: Like a clearing house. Schuffman: You could say that. Hope: Okay, so the, uh, the funds that are being deposited, where are they coming from, can you tell me that? My grandmother's account's been settled. Schuffman: I really can't say anything else. Now, if you want to throw your weight around and get a court order, I guarantee you that our attorneys will be ready. Good day. [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: What, are you kidding me? That's it? You're telling me that's the only position that you have for me right now? [Sighs] No, I d--no, I'll think about it. Yeah, I'll get back to you after I speak with my wife. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe: Yeah, this is Hernandez calling to check on the signal of John Black's surveillance device. Yes, I'll hold. Signal's strong, okay, good. Thanks. Marlena: Why can't I look out the window? Rafe: There's a lot of angry people out there. John: Because of what they think I've done. Rafe: Listen, even with your security in place, I'd prefer it if you guys keep a low profile, and, uh, I'd appreciate it if very few people found out that you actually moved back into this place. Marlena: So... house arrest is just what it sounds like. John: For Doc, too? Rafe: It's for her own safety, John. Carrie: Rafe's right. You both have to be careful. John: Doesn't make any sense. She just got home, and now she can't go out and see her family and friends. Carrie: We'll have to work that out. John: [Sighing] Oh, I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, because it's all because of me. Marlena: It's not because of you. It's because of the people that are after you. Carrie: I know you and John haven't had a moment alone since you've been back, so why don't we give you some time. Marlena: Thank you, sweetheart. Carrie: Rafe, shall we? All right. Marlena: Call you tomorrow. Carrie: Uh, right. Marlena: Mmm! [Kissing sound] John: Hey. I don't even know how to thank you. Carrie: Oh, you don't have to. I love you both. Marlena: We love you, too. John: Damn proud of you, kid. Carrie: Thank you. John: [Sighs] Marlena: Oh...my...word! It is just so good to be home. John: Yeah. Marlena: Mmm. John: Glad this place didn't sell. Marlena: [Chuckles] John: Oh, God, what a mess this is. Marlena: Hey! We've been in messes before. We'll get through this one, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: Well, those terms, they sound more than fair. Madison: You'll have contracts on your desk tomorrow, okay? [Speaks Japanese] Brady: You speak Japanese, really? Seriously? Madison: Well, I figured it was a good idea to learn a little bit. Brady: It's a terrific idea, because now your product line is set up for distribution in Japan. Congratulations. Madison: [Laughs] Thank you very much, it was a very, very important deal, so- Brady: [Sighs] Pretty shrewd, too. Madison: Mm. Brady: Donating a portion of the profits to earthquake victims--I like that. Madison: That was the right thing to do. Brady: Do I detect an ethical streak in you? Madison: You keep it under your hat, okay? I have an image to maintain. Brady: No problem. All right, time for celebrating. Work is done. I'm thinking a bottle of champagne. Madison: [Sighs] Brady: Uh-huh, and I'm thinking the chef can create something wonderful in the kitchen, you sh-- Madison: You know, I would love to, I really would, and I'll definitely take a rain check. I have so many contracts to go over. Brady: Really? Madison: Yeah. Brady: Are you sure? Madison: I am, I'm sure. I'm just-- Brady: He's really good. Madison: I'm so behind, if you will excuse me. Brady: No, I understand. Madison: Please. I'm sorry. Whoa! Brady: Oh, whoa! Madison: Oh! Brady: You all right? Madison: Huh. [Laughs] Brady: [Laughs] [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: Okay, uh, look, would you please just stop resigning and listen to me for one minute? One. You know, all of this, um, habitual quitting is rather making me want to fire you. Nicole: Oh. EJ: One minute. Come on. Nicky, one. Nicole: [Sighs] Fine. One minute. EJ: Thank you. Look, I'm sorry if the champagne is romantic, but I really just want us to have a nice working dinner. Nicole: Working dinner is take-out. This is something a man would do if he wants to get lucky, especially if that man is you. EJ: Thank you, I still have 50 seconds left. Nicole: Fine, go. EJ: Okay. Nicole: Go. EJ: The next time we can go to Buddy's Burger Barn, or wherever it is that you like to go. All right? But tonight I thought that we could have dinner in private, and discuss strategy. Nicole: With champagne? EJ: Of course, with the champagne. Nicole: Oh. EJ: Nicole, we are civilized, darling. And we have things to celebrate. Nicole: Celebrate what? EJ: You! Well, you have this wonderful job. And me, I'm, uh...I am about to become a working class hero. Nicole: [Laughs] EJ: A champion of the underdog. Nicole: [Laughs and snorts] EJ: All right? Nicole: Sorry, I just have a really hard time thinking of you that way. [Laughs] EJ: Get used to it. Nicole: [Clears throat] Okay. EJ: That's my new image, Nicole. Nicole: Mmm. EJ: Your job is to make everybody believe it. [SCENE_BREAK] Carrie: Hi. [Kissing sound] Austin: Hi. Carrie: [Sighs] Wow. Austin: I ordered you a, uh, a glass of wine. Carrie: Great. Austin: So how's John? Carrie: Better, now that he and Marlena are at their old townhouse. Austin: He's out on bail? Carrie: [Sighs] He's still under house arrest, but at least he won't be beaten up anymore, unless the good people of Salem decide to storm the castle. Austin: Well, I doubt that's gonna happen. Carrie: [Sighs] I started going over the D.A.'s case, Austin. You were right. It's very compelling. Whoever set John up was good. Austin: Well, I'm sure you're gonna get to the bottom of it, and I know that you won't stop until you do. Carrie: No, I won't. How was your day? Austin: Fine. Carrie: Then why don't you seem fine? Austin: [Laughs] You know me too well. Carrie, there's something that we need to talk about. [SCENE_BREAK] Marlena: Ohh, is there anything that feels as good as a shower in...in your own bathroom. Hey, what's all this? I don't believe it. John: Believe it. Marlena: Mmm. [Laughing] Oh. Ooh, champagne. John: Got a couple steaks marinating in the kitchen. Marlena: How did you do this? John: Rafe gave me a hand. Kinda had it planned for last night, but some things just kinda got outta control. Marlena: Didn't it, though. John: I've been wanting to be with you like this for a long time, Doc. Now, I know it's not a perfect set of circumstances, but I would like to try to go forward. Marlena: I'd like that, too. John: I love you so much. Marlena: Mmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Is it me, or was Schuffleman going-- Hope: Schuffman. Bo: Yeah, whatever, was he goin' out of his way to be unhelpful? Hope: Oh, he was going out of his way. He definitely gave us the runaround. Bo: Yeah. Well, at least he confirmed that Mrs. H's name is on the account. Hope: Yeah, thanks to you. Bo: He did not flinch when I laid the badge on him. He's not afraid of a court order, so that either means he's on the up-and-up-- Hope: Or he is connected. Bo: Yeah. So... you want to back down? Hope: Are you kidding me? No. Bo: That's my fancy face. So what do you want to do next? Hope: Those bank statements were sent to Gran's, so whatever it is, she knew about it. Bo: Yeah, but were they telling her the truth, or giving her some kind of story? Hope: Right. [SCENE_BREAK] [Cell phone rings] Sami: Oh, my God. She's bringing the kids back already? [Sighs] How'd it get to be so late? Great. Okay, okay, dinner. Uh, let's see. Okay. Nothing. Um... [Sighs] Peanut butter sandwiches. Super, everybody likes that, it's--can't be that bad for you. All right. Oh, how am I gonna do this? [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Madison: I'm so sorry about that. Brady: It's all right, don't worry--don't worry about it. It's all right, I mean, I'm used to having women fall in my lap all the time. Madison: [Laughing] I bet you are. I don't fall for just anyone. [Laughs] [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: You know that I asked my boss for an assignment that would keep me in Salem. Carrie: Right. Austin: Well... I got one. Carrie: Well, that's great! I know you don't want to leave your company, and I couldn't bear the thought of you going to Geneva without me. Austin: There's more. Carrie: What? Austin: If I stay, I have to remain on John's case. Carrie: But I thought-- Austin: That I was done. I know, Carrie, so did I. Carrie Reed? Carrie: Yes. Consider yourself served. Austin: What is this? Wh-- Carrie: Great! Just when I thought things couldn't possibly get any worse. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Hey, what's goin' on? Rafe: Hey. Uh, really sorry to interrupt. John: It's all right. Rafe: But, um, I've got some bad news, and I figured you'd rather hear it from me than from a process server, so.. here you go. Marlena: What is it? John: A class-action lawsuit against me. "Filed on behalf of the plaintiffs by EJ DiMera." [SCENE_BREAK] [Champagne cork pops] EJ: Whoo! Oh. Nicole: Ai-ee. EJ: There we are. Now, may I offer you a glass of champagne, without you thinking that I'm some sexual predator? Nicole: Oh. Yeah, I guess one glass couldn't hurt. EJ: Here we go. [Cell phone rings] EJ: Oh, excuse me. Nicole: Mmm. EJ: Yeah? They did? Fantastic! You're wonderful. Okay, much appreciated. Talk to you tomorrow. Bye. John Black and his attorney just got served. Nicole: Ah. EJ: So, let the games begin. To my wonderful new public relations expert. Nicole: [Chuckles] And, uh, to the future mayor of Salem. [NEXT_ON] Carrie: What are you doing? These are my files, Austin. Austin: Would you please understand where I'm coming from. I'm doin' the best that I can. Carrie: A little emotional support would be nice. Austin: I need to make money for my family. John: Enough! | Carrie said Abe and his friends would take care of it |
480 | Adriana: What are you reading? Rex: Another stupid article. They all make Morasco sound like this high school dropout hick that's so brain-dead, she -- don't get me started. How was your meeting? Adriana: Oh, it was hard to talk about lingerie when all I could think about was Marcie and Tommy. Rex: Yeah, I know -- I was supposed to audition new D.J.s for U.V., but it didn't happen. Adriana: You're worried about her, aren't you? Rex: They're not releasing a lot of info, but it doesn't sound like she had family in Paris. Who's going to help her? Adriana: Well, for what it's worth, from the news reports, your ex seems like she can take care of herself -- she doesn't let anyone push her around. Rex: Yeah, but sometimes that's just an act. She could be falling completely apart. [SCENE_BREAK] Waitress: You alone today, handsome? Jared: No, I'm waiting for someone. Waitress: Yeah, the good ones usually are. I'll get you another menu. Jared: Ah, thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: Hurry up and get in! Close the door quickly! Thank you. Charlie: I'm sorry, I wanted to walk the boundary and see what the property h to say to me. Dorian: And what did it have to say? Charlie: It said, "Look at me, I am gorgeous, and please build a beautiful cabin with a spectacular view." Dorian: It said all that? Charlie: Well, it's a very talkative piece of property. Dorian: What else did it say? Charlie: You know something? I'm going to tell you on the ride back, because I told you, I've got that lunch that I don't want to be late for. And if you don't mind, I'm going to tell the driver to step on it. Dorian: Charlie. Charlie: What? Dorian: We're not going anywhere. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: So is he tall, short, cute? Moe: What has she told you about this boyfriend? Natalie: Just that he exists -- and that was like pulling teeth. Jessica: Uh -- as you can see, we are kind of overprotective and we don't want our mother to get hurt, so anything that you could tell us would just be wonderful. Natalie: Mm-hmm. Moe: I can tell you -- that once you've tasted my nesselrode, you will fall to your knees. Natalie: His what? Jessica: It's a kind of pie. Natalie: How'd you know that -- and why won't he tell us about her boyfriend? I mean, you think there's something wrong with the boyfriend? Noelle: You girls got questions about your mom's fella? I got answers. [SCENE_BREAK] Marcie: Viki, why are you here? Viki: I -- I want you to know that I'm fine, okay? Marcie: How can you be fine? I -- I made you miss your medication, Viki. Michael: Viki was thoroughly checked out, Marcie, there were no adverse effects on her heart. Marcie: Just stop, okay? Just please stop taking care of me, Michael. Viki almost died because of me. I don't need you to take care of me. Michael: Well, she didn't. She's right here, she's fine -- you can see that. Viki: You know what? I'm sorry. I'm upsetting you, I'm going to leave. Marcie: No. Please, I -- I need you to know that what I did to you -- holding you hostage, pointing the gun at you -- I will never forgive myself for that. [SCENE_BREAK] Gigi: "Help you"? Do you see where I am? John: Yeah, I see. But Marcie needs your help. Gigi: Well, I already tried to help Marcie, and she still lost her son. You know, she is looking at life, and I could do 10 to 20 for aiding and abetting. John: Not necessarily. If manning kidnapped your son and held you at gunpoint, those could be mitigating circumstances for both of you, and it could be the legal leverage Marcie needs to fight back against Manning. Gigi: I don't have a clue what you're talking about. Todd never held Shane and me hostage. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Welcome home! What the hell? Starr! Jack! I thought you called from the airport. Blair: Well, I did -- and they said that they were thrilled. I don't know where they are. Hey Starr and Jack: Welcome home! Todd: Ah -- Blair: Ah! Starr: Hi Todd: Look at this, look at this. Starr: Come in, come in, come in! Blair: Okay! Todd: Huh? Believe it? Starr: Oh, my gosh, do you like it? Todd: Whoa! Blair: This is fantastic! Todd: Excellent. Blair: Wonderful. You guys are incredible. Starr: Oh, my gosh, Dad, he looks so much older! Todd: I know. [Starr gasps] Todd: All right, put that down for a second. Sam, I'd like you to meet your sister, Starr -- Starr: Hi! [Blair chuckles] Todd: And your brother, Jack. Starr: Hi! Do you remember me? Todd: Jack, you're a big brother now. What do you think of that? Jack: Hear that, Starr? Now it's two against one. Right, Sam? Starr: Oh, my gosh, I'm going to have to get used to that, aren't I? Blair: I think we're all going to have to make some adjustments. He keeps crying for his m-o-m-m-Y. Todd: Oh, he's fine now that he's with his family. Starr: Yeah. Jack: I'm hungry. Think Sam's ready for his cake now? Starr: No, no, no, let's do presents and then the cake. Come on. Okay, which one first? Blair: You got presents? Lookee here, Sam, got a bunch of presents for you! Starr: All right, all right, all right! Blair: Lookee! Starr: We're doing the best one first. Blair: What is it? Starr: Sam, Sam -- Blair: Look! Lookee! Starr: This is Freddy the magic frog, and Daddy gave this to me. And then I gave it to Jack, so -- Jack: And now I'm giving it to you. Whenever Dad was gone, all I had to do is talk to Fred, and Daddy could hear me. Todd: No, no, no, no, don't worry about that anymore. Blair: Oh! Todd: Listen, nobody here is talking to no frogs no more. I'm not going anywhere ever again. [Starr chuckles] Todd: Ah. [SCENE_BREAK] John: You know, you told me that Manning and Ramsey threatened your son to make you lure Marcie out of hiding. Gigi: I was a mess when I said that. John: No. I think you know exactly what you were saying. Gigi: Okay, okay, you're right, I did know. John: Go on. Gigi: Because I made the whole thing up. All of it, the whole story. John: Your son told me they pointed guns at you. Gigi: I told him to say that. John: So you're both lying? Gigi: I -- I felt really guilty about giving up all that information about Marcie, so I made up the story about Mr. Manning threatening us -- to -- to get them in trouble so it would make Marcie look not so bad. Look, I'm sorry I lied to you, but m telling you the truth now. I have no beef with Mr. Manning or that Ramsey guy. John: Manning threatened you, didn't he? [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: Marcie, sit down for a second, can you? Is it all right? Look, you have to realize it's over now, okay? Marcie: No. Not anymore, not for me, Viki. Viki: Honey, you were desperate. Frankly, you were not in your right mind. Marcie: Don't make excuses for me, because there aren't any excuses, Viki. There's nothing that you can say that is going to make it any less than what it is. I mean, to point a gun at you -- someone good and kind, to threaten your life. Viki: Honey, I've known you for a very long time, and I knew perfectly well you were not going to pull the trigger. Marcie: How did you know that? I mean, why would you even trust me? Viki: Because you're still the same person that you always were. Marcie: No. Viki, she's gone, she doesn't exist anymore. Michael: Marcie -- Marcie: No, please, Michael. All that time I was pretending to be someone else, pretending that it was all going to be okay. And then at the end, being holed up in that cafe, and -- and having to walk Tommy to Todd. Viki: Giving up a child is -- there are no words sufficient for that. Marcie: Look, please, just stop it, okay? Just stop being good and stop being kind to me, because I don't want that! I don't want it, I don't deserve it! Viki: Marcie, I knew you were never going to hurt me. Marcie: No, you didn't know. I don't know! Viki: You have to stop doing this to yourself, okay? You've been punished enough. Officer: Ma'am, we're ready to process you now. Michael: Honey, I'm going to be right here. Viki: Oh, Marcie? Shane asked me to tell you something. He -- he read a book that you talked to him about -- something about pirates? Marcie: Yeah. Viki: And he said that he loved it. Marcie: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Charlie: Well, I -- I told you I can't be late for this lunch. Dorian: I -- I know, but, unfortunately, my chauffeur did not check the gas gauge, and now we're out. Charlie: Well, I mean, there must be a station around here somewhere? Dorian: I'm sure. Just -- let me take care of it. [Charlie sighs] Dorian: Ooh. I'm -- I'm sorry, you're new, right? What's your name? Driver: It's Richard, ma'am. Dorian: Richard, Richard, yes. Richard: But great news -- there's plenty of gas in here to fill up the tank. Dorian: Ju-- ju-- just keep that to yourself, all right? I -- besides, I don't want to head back to Llanview and then run out of gas again. So, uh, find the nearest gas station and -- I tell you what, Richard -- take all the time you need, okay? Not a big hurry, no matter what I say, all right? Richard: Sure thing, Dr. Lord. Dorian: Yes, yes, yes, bye-bye. And -- uh -- hurry up, Richard! Ooh! I'm so sorry. Charlie: Well, this lunch is very important to me. Jared will not understand if I am late. Dorian: Yes, but unexpected things happen, and I'm sure he'll understand. Charlie: Yeah -- no, I've asked him to understand too much already. Dorian: What do you mean? Charlie: Look, Dorian, I used to have a drinking problem, and I let him down pretty badly in the past. Dorian: How? Charlie: Well -- well, we're old friends, and he really counted on me. Dorian: I'm sorry, Charlie. Maybe I'm overstepping my bounds, but I -- I just can't keep pretending that I don't know. Charlie: What -- don't know what? Dorian: Jared is not your old friend -- Jared's your son. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: Does it bother you that my ex is all over this case? Adriana: Should it? Rex: No. Adriana: Look, Gigi put herself on the line for Marcie and your godson. I would've done the same. And besides, you guys dated, like, a million years ago -- it's not like she's having your baby. Rex: Yeah, I -- I thought we ixnayed the baby talk -- at least, for another few years. Adriana: All right. How about wedding talk? Rex: Ooh, I like it. What are you thinking? Mountaintop panorama, or some destination niceness -- preferably involving a villa? Adriana: I'm thinking anything that doesn't allow my mother to hijack the wedding and turn it into some gross society-page thingy -- you know that's what she wants. Rex: Nasty. Adriana: I know. So if we don't start planning soon, we can kiss our free will goodbye. [SCENE_BREAK] Waitress: You want to order something while you wait? Jared: No, thank you. My fa-- um -- my friend's going to be a couple minutes late. Charlie: You look all grown up in that suit. Young Jared: You don't look so bad yourself. Charlie: Yeah, you know what they say -- "You never get a second chance --" Young Jared: "To make a first impression." Charlie: That's right, and I want to look my best for your class. Young Jared: Oh, and when it's your turn to talk, tell them how you build things -- that you built the bank downtown. Charlie: That I will. You know something? We've got time. How would you like to have a quick hand of gin rummy before we go? Young Jared: I've still got the quarter I won off you last time. [SCENE_BREAK] Charlie: Well, I don't know where you got that, but Jared is not my son. Dorian: Charlie, I was there -- outside the Buchanan mansion when you caught up with Jared. I heard the two of you arguing. I heard how he treated you like a stray dog, and I heard how he sent you away. Charlie: It's my own fault. Okay, yes. Jared is my son, but no one can ever know. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: So, what's his name? Natalie: And how'd they meet? Jessica: Is he from Paris? Noelle: Your mother's boyfriend comes in out of the blue one day -- tall, big, blue eyes, dreamy smile. We all thought he was just going to be here -- Moe: Ortiz, your order's up! Noelle: No, it's not. Moe: Well, it's coming up! Noelle: So, this gentleman -- who is far better-looking than your average Parisian hombre -- strolls in through that door -- Moe: Ready for that pie, ladies? [Noelle sighs] Noelle: For heaven's sake, Moe, for once, this is not about pie! It's about something much, much sweeter. Moe: Yes -- Viki telling her own news when she's ready to tell it. You might want to respect that. Noelle: Fine, Moe! I'll keep mum -- happy now? Moe: Tables two and four need a wipe-down, pronto. Noelle: Your mother's boyfriend's a catch. Moe: I heard that! [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: So much of this is my fault. Viki: No, Michael. No, you cannot blame yourself. Marcie made her own choice. Michael: I knew that Todd was Tommy's biological father; I knew it for a long time. I didn't tell anybody, I didn't tell Marcie. Viki, I -- I know that Marcie's not asking for your forgiveness, but I am. Is there any way, any way that you could find it in your heart to forgive my wife? [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays] Singer: Step out the door and it feels like rain that's the sound that's the sound on your windowpane take to the streets but you can't ignore that's the sound that's the sound you're waiting for you feel that your will starts crashing down whenever your will starts crashing down whenever your will starts crashing down that's when you find me yeah, God love your soul and your aching bones take a breath, take a step maybe down below everyone's the same our fingers to our toes we just can't get a ride but we're on the road Singers: If ever your will starts crashing down whenever your will starts crashing down whenever your will starts crashing down that's when you find find me lost till you're found swim till you drown know that we all fall down love till you hate jump till you break know that we all fall down Singer: All fall down we all fall down all fall down all fall down we all fall down all fall down fall down [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: You think this shindig was wild, wait till your birthday, my friend. We're going to have us some -- Blair: Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle. Todd: Pony rides, merry-go-rounds, clowns -- as long as they're not too scary. Blair: Oh, my God! Todd: What? Starr: Mom, what's wrong? Todd: What? Blair: We forgot your birthday, Starr. Starr: No, no, no, don't worry about it. I mean, you guys were busy getting Sam, so it's fine. Blair: No, it's not fine! You turned 16 and we forgot! Jack: I was here and I forgot! Blair: We'll -- we'll fix this. We can fix it. [SCENE_BREAK] Marcie: They took it, Mike. They took everything. Michael: Yeah. Man: Mrs. Davidson? Viki: Yes? Man: I'm A.D.A. Jenkins. Viki: How do you do? Jenkins: How about we go to my office? Viki: Actually, I can say what I have to say right here. Jenkins: I'm sorry, but not in front of the defendant. Viki: I don't mind. Jenkins: No, it could be misconstrued. We are seeking the maximum penalty. Viki: I don't want that. Marcie: Viki -- Viki: I have to tell you right now, I have no intention of pressing charges against Marcie McBain, nor will I testify against her at any trial, and that decision is final. Jenkins: I'll take that into consideration. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: Jared's passed himself off as Asa Buchanan's long-lost son. If it were ever found out that he was really your son, he'd be in a lot of trouble. Charlie: Look, I am not proud of what Jared is doing, but who am I to judge? I -- I failed him as a father, but I am not going to be the guy who gets him sent to prison for fraud. Dorian: Hmm. It could be a lot worse, you know? The Buchanans like to personally exact revenge. Charlie: Well, they can't. No one can ever know about this. Dorian: Which is why you said your name was "Balsom" and not "Banks." Charlie: I feel like a fool. I saw that Balsom name on the business card for that Angel Square hotel. How was I to know that your -- your daughter's fiancé's last name was the same name? Dorian: Hmm. An unfortunate coincidence. Charlie: Yeah. Dorian: An unfortunate name -- "Balsom." I'm really hoping that my daughter keeps her maiden name after she marries. Charlie: Please, Dorian, I'm begging you not to breathe a word of this to anyone. Look, I was a lousy father and I blew it with my son, but he's finally got a chance at something much better and I want him to have that. Dorian: The Buchanans be damned. Charlie: You know, if you're so concerned about the Buchanans, why didn't you already tell them that Jared was conning them? [SCENE_BREAK] [Charlie laughs] Charlie: You're killing me, kid. Deal again. Young Jared: No, Dad, we're going to be late. We should go now. Charlie: No, no, no, no, no. One more hand -- I -- I still got a couple more quarters to lose. Mmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Adriana: Stop! Rex: What -- it's my wedding, too. What are you doing? Adriana: The guest list, family first. Okay, done. Now you. Rex: Well, I hope you have a lot of ink left, it's quite a crowd -- Roxy, Natalie, Aunt Corinne -- Adriana: Don't tell me, write it down. Rex: That's it. That's my whole family -- as far as I know. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Your mom hasn't gone to court yet. Shane: So she's still in jail? Jessica: Afraid so. She's going to have to stay put until the arraignment. Shane: What's that? Natalie: Well, that's actually where she says if she's guilty or not guilty, and then the judge sets bail. Jessica: Oh -- and bail is a sum of money that she has to give the court to prove that she's not going to skip town. Shane: But we don't have very much money Moe: Why don't you have a seat, buddy? I'm going to get you some French fries. Go ahead, sit down right there. Natalie: And you know what? In the meantime, could you show me how to play these games on here? I really don't understand this phone. Shane: Which one do you want to play? Natalie: I don't care -- whatever looks good. Shane: Thanks for trying to keep me busy. It's okay -- it sure beats thinking about my mom in jail. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Just trying to get this clear in my head -- you gave up Marcie, someone that you've been protecting for months and her son, to two guys you barely knew for no apparent reason? Gigi: Just leave me alone, okay? John: Your son said they had guns, I don't think he was lying. Gigi: Todd did not have a gun. John: And Manning didn't threaten you? So Ramsey did? He did, didn't he? Gigi: I never said that. John: Look, I can protect you and your son, but you got to tell me the truth about what they did to you. You do that, and maybe Marcie gets some breathing room. [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: There you go. I know this isn't much and it's kind of all messed up here, but it is your birthday and we're just beginning. So you make a lot of wishes, and you better start blowing. Go, go, go! Starr: Okay. Blair: I'll hold your hair. Whoo! [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: I will be eternally grateful to both of you for adopting my nephew. You loved him and you sheltered him when he really needed it. And I sincerely hope that my not pressing charges is going to make a difference. Marcie: What happens to me, Viki, doesn't matter. What matters is my baby. Michael: Could you please tell him, when you see him, that all we want is for him to be happy? And -- and we don't want him to miss us. And we don't want him to cry for his mommy. Viki: Yeah, I will tell him that. When I see him, I will tell -- I will tell him that you love him, and that you want him to be happy. [SCENE_BREAK] Gigi: I don't need protection from Mr. Manning or Ramsey. John: That's not true and you know it. Look, I understand that you're scared. Gigi: I'm bored. Officer: Time for your arraignment, Ms. Morasco. Gigi: Viki -- you came. Viki: Well, I'm not about to let you sit here all by yourself. Gigi: They're shipping me off to court now -- change of scenery, I guess. Viki: Okay, well, I'm going to come with you, if that's all right. You need a lift? Gigi: I think the city has it covered. Viki: Okay. John: That's my cell. Call me if you change your mind. Ready? [SCENE_BREAK] Charlie: Just -- oh, no -- no signal. God, I don't believe this! Oh, you have no idea how important this lunch date is to me. I promised Jared that I would be there, and I can't let him down again. [Charlie sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: Well -- there's my grandma, Stella -- Roxy's mom. Adriana: You never told me you had a grandma. Rex: I don't like to think about her that much. She's kind of like Roxy on steroids -- you do not want her at the wedding, trust me. Adriana: Okay, scratch Stella. Rex: At least with a small family, I can't really be the black sheep. Adriana: Yeah, and you miss out on the whole guerilla warfare thing Blair and I have got going over Todd being Tommy's father. Rex: You know, if Blair rats us out, our guest list is going to be a couple of prison guards and the Statesville barbershop quartet. Adriana: Okay, no more coffee for you. Rex: Maybe we can invite your -- your mom's new friend, seeing as how we have the same last name. Adriana: Yeah, how weird is that? Rex: How weird is it that I looked him up online? Adriana: Ah, who is he? What's the dirt? Rex: Seems he's a 22-year-old surfing god from down under. Adriana: Not the same guy. Rex: Probably not. Adriana: Well, did you find any other Balsoms that you might be related to? [SCENE_BREAK] Shane: What if my mom can't afford to pay the bail? Will they take her back to jail? Moe: Shane, look. Shane: Mom! I didn't think they'd let you out! Gigi: I'm so sorry I scared you, baby. Shane: You're back -- that's all I care about. Gigi: I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for Viki -- she paid my bail. Shane: Oh, man, you're the bomb. [Laughter] Viki: I'm the bomb? Boy, I've been called a lot of things in my life, but never that. Thank you, I think. Gigi: We'll find a way to pay you back, Viki, I promise. Viki: No. No, no, no. No, you took care of Marcie and my nephew when they really needed it. I am just paying you back. Jessica: Did you get to see Marcie? Viki: Yeah. I'll tell you all about it on the plane, okay? Noelle: You're leaving already? Moe: So soon? Viki: Yeah, I -- uh -- I have to go back, you know, and I'm afraid this time it's for good. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Hey. Where you been? John: Just trying to catch a break. Michael: What does that mean? Officer: Time to go back to your cell now, Mrs. McBain. Michael: Can you give us just one second? I love you. You try to be strong, okay? There's hope. You got to believe it. Michael: Tell me something good. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: See that? Blair: Mm-hmm. Todd: Tell me that is not a dream. Blair: That is not a dream. Your little boy is really here. Todd: We did it. Blair: Yes, we did. It just breaks my heart that he keeps crying for his mommy, though. Todd: Oh, he'll be all right. He'll be all right, he will. Hey, thanks for everything, for all your help -- Blair: Yeah. Todd: Especially marrying me. Blair: Well, you know, you made me an offer I couldn't refuse. But now that your son is here with you, we don't have to stay married, you know. Todd: What if I want to? Blair: Is that what you really want -- for us to stay married, I mean, for real? Starr: Mom, Dad, look, I found the cutest baby clothes online! [Blair squeals] Starr: How adorable are they, Mom? What? Todd: No, you're not going shopping for anyone but yourself. Starr: But, Dad, I -- Todd: No, no, no. No "but, Dads." Get your coat; you and me are going to spend some money. Starr: Dad, you really don't have to do that. I mean, you don't want to leave Sam, you just got him. Todd: No, nah. His mom wants to spend some time with him, let's go. Blair: Sure, yeah -- yeah. Todd: Say goodbye. Starr: Bye. Todd: See you, kid. Starr: Bye, Sam. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: There's a lot of Balsoms out there, I'm just not sure that I'm related to any of them. Roxy's not going to help, seeing as she freaked when you mentioned I might like to see if we had any other family. Adriana: Do you really want this wedding to be wall-to-wall Cramers? Rex: God, no. I don't care if they're 15 times removed. If I've got any family out there, I'm going to dig them up and drag them to our wedding. [SCENE_BREAK] Young Jared: We're late now, Dad, we have to go! Charlie: Hmm. Whoa -- Daddy's out of medicine. You -- wait here, and I'll be right back. Oh. Young Jared: Dad -- Waitress: So, still waiting for your friend? Jared: Uh -- he's not my friend. He's nothing to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Charlie: Damn it! Where is that driver? Dorian: Oh, maybe the gas station is further away than we thought. I'm so sorry. Charlie: Oh, I should never have come out to look at this property today, not when I knew I had this lunch. Dorian: And I probably shouldn't have forced the issue. [Charlie sighs] Dorian: But since we're stuck out here, I might as well show you this. Here. [SCENE_BREAK] Noelle: I hope you see Charlie again real soon. Viki: Me, too. I'm going to miss you so much. Noelle: Oh -- Gigi: I don't know how I can ever repay you for paying my bail and everything else. Viki: Oh, Gigi. You know what? Come here, you. You get through this, and you raise this terrific boy to be a fine young man, okay? If any of you ever need anything, please, you know where I am, all right? Moe: This is not going to be one of those big, teary goodbyes. Viki: Oh, Moe -- Moe: I guess you never really were ours. Viki: No -- I was. And you -- all of you and this place -- you were mine. Listen -- uh -- here. This is clean and ready for whoever takes my place. [Moe chuckles] Moe: No one could ever take your place, Viki. You hang that in the closet where you can see it -- maybe you'll get the urge to come back. Viki: I'm going to do that. Moe: Okay. Viki: Oh. Shane: Noelle and I baked this for you. Viki: Oh, sweetheart! Thank you. Jessica: Um -- here. Everybody, turn around. Viki: Ooh, okay. Jessica: Okay -- um -- well, hang on. [Laughter] Jessica: Smile. [Shutter clicks] Jessica: Perfect. Viki: Okay. Jessica: Well, let's go. Gigi: Thanks. Viki: Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] John: No good news yet, but I'm going to keep trying. Michael: What are you trying? John: Involves the -- the waitress, Gigi. I'm going to back off for now and give her some time. Michael: We don't have time, John. Marcie's got nothing. She has no son, no hope. I'm really afraid of what this is doing to her. [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: I think I'm as close to a mommy as you have. Margaret: You are not his mother. I am. [NEXT_ON] Clint: Nora and I are seeing each other. Natalie: Why haven't we met him? Jessica: Yeah, what's wrong with this guy? Dorian: She's one of my oldest and dearest friends. Margaret: This nightmare is your life. | Jessica and Natalie try to persuade Mo to give them info about their Mom's boyfriend |
481 | Spinelli: You are a sight for sore eyes, dollface. Maxie: Spinelli, you were so incredibly brave. Spinelli: All in a day's work, sweetheart. Maxie: Seriously, though, the way you dropped down from that air vent and saved me from Lisa, took a bullet that was meant for me was...beyond heroic. Spinelli: Ah, heroes are saps. I just lucked into trouble. Maxie: You were amazing. I don't know how I would ever thank you. Spinelli: How about planting some more gratitude on my kisser, sugar lips? Maxie: Ok, Spinelli, the joke's over. You don't have to keep talking like that. Spinelli: I told you, my name is Jackal, P.I. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Diane, what is holding up the clearances? Diane: Sonny, Sonny, renovations of the piers takes weeks to approve, at the very least. And for you, Port Charles' leading crime boss, it's gonna take a lot longer than that. You and I have dealt with the city before on many occasions. Why is this coming as any surprise to you? Max: The boss appreciates-- Sonny: I've been waiting. What the hell am I paying you for, Diane? Diane: Ok, all right, you have, uh, two choices, as I said. You can either allow me to handle this with my usual brilliant efficiency, or you can make a personal call to the mayor and see you fast, fast you are denied approval. Sonny: Mayor Floyd is an idiot. Diane: Start with that. That's a good opening salvo. Sonny: Ok, I will. But I'm gonna give it a couple of weeks. If nothing happens, I'm gonna take action! Max: Well, look, Diane's doing the best she can, Boss. Diane: What kind of action are you talking about, Sonny, nice comfortable form-fitting cement boots? Max: Look, the boss is angry with the city, not-- Sonny: What the hell is wrong with you? Max: Nothing, Boss, I know you guys really respect each other. Diane: All right, Max. I--I appreciate your attempt to smooth over the waters. But I think it's time we opt for full disclosure. Sonny: Of what? Diane: That I refuse to make you a father yet again. [SCENE_BREAK] Ronnie: Mac says you called in the fire. Dante: Yeah, I did. Ronnie: Wow. What a coincidence. Lucky's family home goes up in flames, his wife's trapped inside, you're the one that discovers it. I mean, how does that happen, exactly? What are you, just strolling by? Dante: I saw the flames and I drove on over. Ronnie: Oh. And that was with Lucky? Dante: Yeah. Ronnie: And the two of you ran in and you saved Siobhan? Dante: Yeah. We heard her screaming, so we went in and got her. Ronnie: Well, uh, Mac seems to think that Luke Spencer set the fire. Maybe you got a theory of your own. Dante: I don't know, Ronnie. My guess is as good as yours. Lulu: Oh, my God. Dante: Hey. Baby, I'm sorry. They did all they could to save it. Lulu: Ohh. Maybe it's for the best. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: Can I get you anything? Water? Ice? Siobhan: French fries from Jake's? Lucky: French fries? That's not your typical post-surgery request, but I can talk to the doctor, see what we can do. Siobhan: I don't need anything but you. Lucky: Listen, Siobhan, our marriage has been kind of confusing, you know, because we don't really know what it is, exactly, but I want to be there for you, and I want to treat you better and, you know, give us a real shot. Siobhan: Before you make promises that you may not be able to keep... you need to know that you're Aiden's real father. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Spinelli, you're really cute when you do that voice, but I just want to know that you're ok, so maybe drop the act and just talk to me. Spinelli: It's no act, sweetface. What you see is what you get. Jackal, P.I. In the flesh. Maxie: Ok, this is officially weird. Do you have amnesia? Spinelli: The noggin's sharp as ever, doll. That crazy dame that you and the 3 doctors cornered, she was mad as a hornet and packing heat. Now, I got the jump on her, but she was one bullet ahead of me. And you, you starting mouthing off. Her trigger finger got itchy and she fired. Maxie: You jumped in front of me. Spinelli: I should've tackled that crazy dame. [Pats bed] But I got a slug in the chest instead. I'm sorry for taking a powder on you. Maxie: Spinelli, you were wonderful. I don't know how I would ever thank you. Spinelli: It's just part of the job, kitten. I remember going down. Morgan and the flatfoot busting in. But after that, I suppose the fog rolled in. Maxie: Lisa Niles is in a coma. They don't expect her to make it. Spinelli: Well, that's justice for you. Although, I owe her one. After all, she brought out the real me. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Since when do you have anything to do with me being a father, Diane? Max: She doesn't. Diane: I most certainly do. Sonny: Get to the point. Max: You know what? Diane's a little cranky. Sonny: No, get to the point. Max: Busy night last night-- Diane: Stop. Just stop. Look, I appreciate you wanting to avoid the subject, but it's time we settled it. Sonny, I cannot be the lawyer who arranges for you to adopt Brenda's son. Sonny: I never asked you to make adoption arrangements. Diane: But Brenda did on your behalf. She wants me to start the paperwork as soon as her own parental status is solidified. And I refused her request. Max: Don't be upset, Boss, alright? Diane meant well. Sonny: Shut up. Diane, what did you say to Brenda? Diane: I told her that in light of what your other children have suffered, I could not in good conscience be the one to arrange for you to adopt her son. [Max groans] [SCENE_BREAK] Brenda: Did you love the aquarium? Alec: Mm-hmm. Brenda: What was your favorite fish? Alec: The butterfly fish, because remember those fish was confusing with the eyes? Brenda: Oh, yeah, because did he have one eye, did they say? Alec: No, this is the eye. Brenda: Oh! That's the eye? Alec: 'Cause see the mouth? Brenda: That is crazy. Anthony: Hi. Alec: Hi. Anthony: Hi. Oh, what are you looking at there? Oh, that's a butterfly fish. I know you like those. Alec: I love them because they confuse fish. Anthony: I know that. And I saw that you were watching them at the aquarium today with your mother. Have you ever seen an Anthony fish? Alec: Mm-mmm. Anthony: [Laughs] You know where I like to go? Alec: Where? Anthony: The city gardens. They have flowers in all different colors, as far as the eye can see. Alec: Where is it? Anthony: Oh, it's close to here. You know what? Maybe we should go there sometime. Alec: Mm-hmm. Anthony: Ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Ronnie: Lulu, why is it for the best that the Spencer house burned down, huh? I mean, is there a big insurance policy? Dante: Ronnie, why don't you give her a break? Ronnie: It's a simple question. Dante: Well, great. Ask the question at another time. Ronnie: I'm gonna go check with the fire chief. Don't leave till I get back. Lulu: Lucky did this, didn't he? Dante: Ah, you'll--you'll have to talk to Lucky about that. Lulu: You don't have to cover for him. He practically told me that he'd do it. Dante: You loved that house, huh? Lulu: I have wonderful memories of my grandma here. Lucky had great memories, too, but he's determined to destroy them. Torch the past in a bonfire. Dante: Yeah, I don't think it works like that. Lulu: I don't either. Do you know where he is? Dante: Uh, yeah. Siobhan showed up, thought he was in the house, she went in, got hit on the head with a beam, and now she's in surgery. Lulu: Oh, my God. Dante: Where are you going? Lulu: I'm gonna go find Lucky. Ronnie: Dante. The fire chief confirmed that it was arson. They found a gas can in the entryway. Now, given the strange way Lucky's been acting, man, you know, he's a suspect. Dante: Well, you know what? You better come up with more than a guess before you start accusing a fellow officer. Ronnie: I'm not pressuring you to give lucky up, ok? I'm just saying you probably shouldn't risk your badge trying to protect him. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: You know that Aiden's my son? Siobhan: You don't seem that surprised. Lucky: I just found out myself. Elizabeth told me. But how did you find out? Siobhan: I went over to Elizabeth's after you and I got married. She went into the kitchen for a moment, and... the test results, they were right there on the table in front of me. I didn't mean to pry, but there it was. Lucky: Why didn't you say something to me? Siobhan: Well, Elizabeth, she clearly had her reasons for staying silent. And I--I didn't feel like it was my secret to tell. Perhaps I was wrong. Maxie Jones knows, too. Lucky: Maxie? Well, that explains a lot. She's been hovering lately, trying to get Elizabeth and I to spend more time together. Now Elizabeth has to tell Nikolas and...I'm sure this is just gonna devastate him. Siobhan: I know the truth. You and Elizabeth, you share another child. So, you might want to rethink all those lovely promises you made. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: This is strange. Maybe you've had a stroke or a concussion. I'm gonna get a doctor. Spinelli: Those baby blues of yours are the only medicine I need. Maxie: All right, I'm--I'm gonna ask you a couple questions, and just try to answer them the best that you can. What's your full name? Spinelli: Damian Millhouse Spinelli. How's that for a moniker? Maxie: I happen to like it. Who do you live with? Spinelli: Morgan. Jason Morgan. Enforcer for the big enchilada, Sonny Corinthos. Maxie: Good so far. When did you first kiss me? Spinelli: Oh, no, you got it backwards, dollface. You were on a case with me-- the Text Message Killer. You spotted a cop, and to cover our tracks you planted one right on Jackal, P.I. I felt a jolt, like I stuck my lips in an electric socket. Current running through. Maxie: Enough about the socket. What--what happened on September 24, 2009? Spinelli: Well, we didn't get married. Had a hell of an after party, though. You know, I like the dames as much as the next fella, but no one holds a candle to you. You made me a one-woman, man, dollface. Maxie: Why did we break up? Spinelli: You took a walk on the dark side with Franco. I would've hung in, but--but you, it was all she wrote. Maxie: Name one thing that nobody else would know about me. Spinelli: You're making this too easy, kitten. Those cute little freckles on your caboose. The ones that look like the constellation Artemis. Maxie: Only you would describe them that way. Spinelli: Well, what makes those spots so sweet ain't the name. It's like in real estate. Location, location, location, [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: You knew about that? Max: I didn't know what to say-- Diane: Max was restrained by professional discretion. It was Brenda who made the adoption request. Max was under no obligation to disclose her personal business. Sonny: That's a lie and you know it. [Diane scoffs] Max: Please don't fire Diane, Boss. She's a brilliant attorney, you said it yourself. There's no one better at keeping you and Jason out of prison, right? Huh? Sonny: Say what you want to say. Spit it out. Max: Diane's become this best-selling author. If you fire her, she could write full time. Promotional tours. All these fans. Maybe even meet a flexible guy. I would lose her for sure, Boss. Diane: Max, Max. Honey. Look, I could write ten best-sellers, they could all be adapted into screenplays, and you will always be my guy. Sonny: Ok, enough. I'm not firing Diane. And I'm not going to adopt Alec. And if I did, I will hire another lawyer to file the papers. Diane: There, you see? It's all settled. Sonny: It's not all settled. Next time you speak to my wife or anybody that's connected to me, I want you to use more tact. Diane: I consider myself the very soul of tact. Sonny: No, you get a thought in your head and it comes out of your mouth, and there's no filter. Am I right? Max, tell her. Diane: Max? Max: I have no idea what he's talking about right now. Sonny: Ok, I can't have this bad attitude around my family, so you need to work on your people skills. Diane: Well, I mean no disrespect, but my people skills have kept you out of the penitentiary. Sonny: Ok. It is not your job to talk private matters with Brenda. You understand what I'm saying? If you don't stay out of my private life, you really will be fired. [SCENE_BREAK] Brenda: We were just having some private time. Anthony: I don't want to intrude. Brenda: Right. Anthony: Isn't it fun to explore the aquarium, Alec? Alec: Mm-hmm. Anthony: You know what, though? Alec: What? Anthony: A kid has to be very careful. Because if you wander off too far, who knows what could happen? Brenda: Alec doesn't have to be careful. He was holding my hand the whole time. Anthony: I know he was. That's a good boy, Alec. A friend of mine happened to be at the aquarium today, saw you two. Talk about a small world. [Laughs] Brenda: Well, I don't ever take my eyes off of Alec for a second. And neither does our bodyguard. Anthony: Bodyguard? Brenda: Mm-hmm. Anthony: Gee, I haven't seen him. Brenda: Well, I guess that's the point, right? But he's there. Anthony: Between you and me, a bodyguard is probably a wise idea. Alec... Alec: What? Anthony: Your stepfather is a very important man. And people pay a lot of attention to him. Brenda: Ok. Anthony: You know, they're watching him all the time and they're watching you and your mother, too. Alec. Alec: What? Anthony: Would you do me a big favor? Would you tell your stepdad Anthony says hello. Alec: Mm-hmm. Anthony: Thank you. Brenda: Wow, the butterfly fish. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: This is all going to take a while to process. You know, the fact that Aiden's my son, but it doesn't have to change anything between us. Siobhan: You don't have to stay with me. Lucky: We got married, didn't we? Siobhan: We got married so that I could have a green card. And it seems to me, a child's a bigger priority. Lucky: I've been Cam's father his whole life, I can be Aiden's, too. We can still be together. Siobhan: Well, we always said no strings. Lucky: You trying to get rid of me? [Siobhan scoffs] Lucky: No, just be honest. Siobhan: If you're staying out of obligation, yes. Damn straight. Lucky: Whose idea was it to get married, anyway? Siobhan: Yours. Lucky: That's right. So you can't talk me out of it. So stop arguing. Just rest. [SCENE_BREAK] Tracy: Yes, that is your father's favorite brand, but since he's gone, it's a pretty safe bet that's not his. Lulu: It's probably Lucky's. Tracy: Is he drinking? Lulu: I don't know, but he hinted to me that he was thinking about burning down our family house. I was worried, I didn't think it would actually happen. And apparently Siobhan was inside and now she's hurt. Tracy: That's terrible. I have to confess that when I heard the house burned, I was hoping your father was home. Lulu: I was just there. I don't know. It just made me think of our last Christmas, me and my dad and Lucky. And to me, it seemed right, all of us in that house. Tracy: I'm sorry. Lulu: I just think that everyone's at a breaking point. But I'm afraid that Lucky's at a place where he doesn't care. And the only thing left for him to do is dive head-first into oblivion. Tracy: That would be tragic. But if he does...it's not your job to rescue him. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: I don't even know where to start. Siobhan: Wherever you want. But only if you want to. You look like you've been hit by a truck, Lucky. If you want to just sit and be quiet and give yourself some time to process, that's fine with me. Lucky: You're not the slightest bit angry with me for almost getting you killed? Siobhan: Well, you didn't intend for me to run in like a fool and have the house fall on me. Now, if you'd callously planned my death, I'd say that's a whole other story. Lucky: You know where I was when Elizabeth found me? Told me that Aiden was my son? I was at the Haunted Star with a drink in my hand. Siobhan: Given everything that you're going through, I can see how getting drunk would have some appeal. Now unfortunately, when you sober up, all those things that you were trying to escape, they're right there waiting for you. And in the meantime, they've probably gotten worse. Lucky: I like how you restrained yourself from throwing the 12 steps back at my face. I really appreciate that. Siobhan: Well, I can't say that I've had experience with addiction recovery prior to you. But you're all the proof I need that it works. It doesn't mean that you never have a slip. If you drink tonight, I have all the confidence that you'd get yourself into a program. The good news is, Elizabeth stopped you. Lucky: Yeah. Yeah, she did. And so did Aiden. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: Hey, you ok? Elizabeth: I'm ok. Nikolas: How's Lucky? I got a message from him that said you were with him at the hospital. Elizabeth: Well, now that Siobhan is going to recovery, he's doing better. Nikolas: He burned that damn house down, didn't he? Elizabeth: Yeah, he did. Nikolas: Yeah, that's sad, you know? Because he's starting to act like his father. Like burning it down would actually make a difference. I don't know, maybe the police will assume Luke did it. Elizabeth: Yeah, maybe. Nikolas: He's been threatening to burn that house down for as long as I can remember. Going on and on about how it's like a prison. [Chuckles] I mean, seriously, like it's a crime for my mother to want to settle down and have a family, have some happiness in her life. Adventure and pleasure and action and gambling and booze or whatever it is, the things you things you enjoy in the moment, that's ok with Luke. But contentment and commitment and love from his family-- Elizabeth: Nikolas. I didn't come here to talk about the fire or Luke. I have something I need to tell you and I should have told you months ago. And I'm so sorry. Nikolas: Sorry for what? Elizabeth: Aiden isn't your son. He's Lucky's. [SCENE_BREAK] Brenda: Hey. Sonny: Hey. How was the aquarium? Brenda: It was good. Sonny: Yeah? Brenda: Yeah. Sonny: So your mom says that she was going to take you to Kelly's to have dinner. Was it fun? Alec: Yeah, it was. And Anthony says hello. Sonny: Yeah? Can you--hey, do you want to go upstairs and play with the nanny? Max, will you take him upstairs? Brenda: Go up and see Julia. I'm going to come up in just a second and read you a bedtime story, ok? Max: I'll race you, go. Sonny: Yeah. What happened, you saw Anthony? Brenda: Yeah. Yes. We did. We were sitting in Kelly's and he was having a sugar cookie. And Anthony walked in. Sat right next to him and just started talking to him. Sonny: What did he say to you? Did he threaten you? Brenda: He said, Alec, your stepfather is watched at all times. And he also told him that Alec and I are, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: I'm the one who sent Lucky after my dad, so I basically set him up for my dad to unload on him. Tracy: Lulu, you have bent over backwards for your father and your brother. Lulu: No, I have been trying to force things along to get them to a place where they remembered how much they love each other when they weren't ready to. Tracy: Listen to me. Your father made a choice to not acknowledge his disease and treat it. Lucky made a choice to set the house on fire. Lulu: Ok, so what if he's drinking? What if he's using again? Tracy: It's not your business. Lulu: No, I should be able to say or do something that makes things better instead of worse. Tracy: Lulu, you've turned yourself inside out trying to help and support your father and your brother in every way you know. Lulu: I don't need to be appreciated for my efforts. I'm the one who's ok. Tracy: You're not ok. You're clearly crushed that your family's falling apart. And if your father and your brother weren't so wrapped up in their own dysfunction-- Lulu: No, stop, stop, I don't want to hear about how we're feeling. I don't want to hear criticism about them. They're my father and my brother. I love them, I don't want to talk about this. Tracy: Ok. I don't want to cause you any more pain. I love you. And if you need me, call me. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: You know how Jake looks so much like Jason? The same eyes and that funny little scowl. And I knew at some point I was going to have to tell Jakey the truth. But in the same way Jake looks like Jason, Aiden looks like Lucky. And I'm not the only one who sees it. Other people have mentioned it to me before. So I thought, why not just get another paternity test, so I did. And I got the results back the night Jake got hit. That's what I was doing. That's why I wasn't paying attention when Jakey ran out the front door. I had just read that Aiden is Lucky's son. Nikolas: Is that it? Elizabeth: I was in shock after the accident. I couldn't find the right words to tell you and Lucky. And the more time that passed, the more difficult it was to tell you. And you were so wonderful and so supportive of both of us that I just-- how could I repay you-- Nikolas: You don't have to do this, it's not necessary. Elizabeth: I found Lucky tonight. I found him at the Haunted Star. He had a drink in front of him. He was giving up on his sobriety, he was giving up on himself. And I realized that I had waited too long. Nikolas: Did he take that drink? Did he? Elizabeth: No. Nikolas: Ahh. Elizabeth: No, we talked for a little bit. And he went to see Siobhan at the hospital and I came straight here to tell you. Nikolas: I get it, I get it. So telling Lucky that he's Aiden's father kept him sober, yes? Elizabeth: Yes. Nikolas: That's what you wanted. Elizabeth: Yes. Nikolas: So you lied to him. [SCENE_BREAK] Spinelli: I dropped in on the scene of the crime; nimble as a cat, landing on my feet between the gun totin' broad and her hostages. But the loopy dish was too quick with her side arm. Matt: Lisa fired the gun? Maxie: Not right away. First she said he was just going to be another hostage. But Lisa aimed the gun at me and Spinelli jumped in front and took the bullet instead. Spinelli: That didn't sit too well with you, did it, doll face? Maxie: Well, it really upset me that she was calling you pathetic. When it was obvious the only pathetic person in that room was her. Spinelli: I stick my neck out for no one, but for you... for you, I make an exception, doll face. Maxie: You saved my life, Spinelli. Spinelli: The name on the letterhead is Jackal, P.I., buttercup. Matt: Thank you for saving her life, Spinelli. Spinelli: Well, you saved my bacon, so I guess we're even. The real hero was the enforcer Morgan, anyway. Flat foot turned out to be pretty useful, too, for a cop. They collared the crazy dame. I just was too busy bleeding. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Can you excuse us for a second? This is not normal behavior, matt. If Spinelli didn't have a stroke, then he's having some sort of mental breakdown. Matt: I've gone over all the tests. He has no evidence of a stroke. There's no cranial contusions. He's healthy and he's getting stronger all the time. Maxie: No. No, why did he wake up with this bizarre personality? Matt: Since when has Spinelli ever been completely normal? You told me that one time, one night he decided that he was just going to be Australian for the night, right? The whole, like, G'day, mate. That whole thing. What was that? Maxie: I guess I should just be grateful that he survived. Matt: Ah. He's going to be ok. I have to go do my rounds. I'll be back, ok? All right. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: How are you feeling? Spinelli: Got a hankering for some chow and a shot of whisky. Maxie: If you had a shot of whisky, you would fall down drunk or be completely nauseous. [Running footsteps] Diane: There you are! Thank God you survived. I just heard the news! Spinelli: Well, if it isn't my favorite redhead. How's the book business, cookie? Diane: Did he just call me cookie? [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Don't worry about Anthony. I'll handle it. I know what to do. Brenda: Like you've handled it before? Sonny: What do you mean, like I handled it before? Brenda: Well, I didn't-- Sonny: What do you mean? Brenda: I'm just saying, I didn't tell you that he came up to me on the pier already once. Sonny: Why didn't you tell me? Brenda: Because you were busy with Kristina, and you were worried about her and you had graduation. Sonny: What did he say? Brenda: He just said that-- you know what, honey, it wasn't really about what he said. He said, you know, I'm Claudia's father, Claudia, right? He said that he knew that I was married to you. Sonny: Ok, so he approached you. He's been following you is what it is. Brenda: I guess so. Sonny: You need to tell me these things, ok? Because I need to know these things. Brenda: All right, well, I just didn't want to bother you because I knew that you were dealing with your children. So I didn't want to upset you. Sonny: You and my children are my whole life. I'm not going to pick one over the other. You know that, right? I love you and I want to take care of you. Brenda: I love you, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: You know, Aiden was kidnapped when he was a newborn. Siobhan: Yeah, you told me. That mad artist, Franco. He left Aiden with his mother and you were the one who found him. Lucky: Yeah, and I held him in my arms on the plane ride home and I just wished so badly that he was mine. Siobhan: And now he is. Lucky: It's crazy. What does that even mean? You know, how does sharing the same genes with Aiden make him any more mine than cam and Jake? Siobhan: Well, I don't think that you love Aiden more than you love cam or Jake. But maybe you'll see more of yourself in him. You'll discovery ways that Aiden is like you and there will be plenty of ways that he isn't, I'm sure. Lucky: You know, when Elizabeth told me, I didn't believe her, at first. I thought she was lying to keep me from drinking. But once it penetrated, I didn't even want to drink. So I don't ever want Aiden to look at me... Siobhan: Like you look at Luke. Lucky: Yeah. And, you know, Cam, he doesn't have to worry about the Spencer DNA. But Aiden does. And he's only been my son for what, an hour, and I'm already scared for him. Siobhan: On the contrary. If he turns out anything like you, he'll be a fine man. Lucky: Look who's talking, you're in the hospital because of me. [Siobhan chuckles] Lucky: It's not just the potential for addiction, you know, it's the whole thing. It's the romance of self destruction. And it's really strong in my family. Siobhan: Everybody falls, Lucky. It's the picking yourself up that counts in the end. If, you know, someday in the future Aiden disappoints himself, he winds up an addict, he burns down the house, you'll be there to show him that he can stand up and keep going and do better. Just like his dad. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Brenda's little boy sent me your message. Anthony: That's a quick response. Sonny: I'm polite that way, Anthony. Anthony: Breaking and entering isn't my idea of polite etiquette. Sonny: I can get to you anytime, anywhere. Anthony: Duly noted. Sonny: Note this--you use one of my family members again to give me a message, I'm going to send a message to you using the remaining family member you have. The only one, Anthony. And you're not going to like that message. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Lulu. Tracy: Where's Lulu? Dante: Uh, looks like we missed her. She went to go look for Luke. Tracy: [Sighs] I was afraid of that. She's still trying to fix things. Dante: Yeah. Well, I'm going to find out where Luke went, and I'm going to go get her. Tracy: It occurs to me that if she wanted you to follow her, she would have told you where she was going. Dante: She needs support. She just doesn't want to admit it. Tracy: Well, she's stubborn, like the rest of the Spencers. Now she's off on a wild goose chase, which will end in disaster. [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: Hey, Lucky, it's me. I'm going to be out of town for a day or two. And I know that it's really bad timing. But things will get better when I come back. I promise. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: I have Aiden's paternity test at home. Nikolas: Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter one bit. You're a nurse! Who's more qualified than you to fake a paternity test? Elizabeth: I didn't fake it. Helena tampered with the first two. Nikolas: Oh, you've always wanted Lucky to be Aiden's father, come on. Elizabeth: That's not fair! Nikolas: When Lucky got together with Siobhan, you were afraid you were going to lose him, so you faked a paternity test to make it look like-- Elizabeth: No, that's not what happened! Nikolas: Yes, it is. Elizabeth: No, it's not! Nikolas: That is exactly what happened. And then Jake died and you couldn't go with your big plan. Elizabeth: No! Nikolas: So you probably stuffed the paternity test in a drawer somewhere in your house. Elizabeth: Nikolas, you even held it! Nikolas: It doesn't matter if I held it or if I viewed it in a damn PowerPoint presentation, it's a lie. Lucky committed arson tonight. Siobhan almost died because of it, right? We know that. Lucky was ready to pick up a drink. To your own self admission, you were desperate to save him. So what's the natural-- Elizabeth: So I told the truth! Nikolas: Stop it! That's not the truth! Elizabeth: Nikolas, I'm sorry. I know you are hurting. But Aiden is Lucky's son. Nikolas: Aiden is my son! Look, I feel really bad for you, and Lucky. But there is no way that I am just going to hand over my son to you as a replacement for Jake. No way. Elizabeth: How could you say that? Nikolas: How can I say that? Because you are grieving for your child. Which is why I'm going to excuse you from walking in here and telling this lie. Elizabeth: Nikolas, it's not a lie. Nikolas: You would do anything for Lucky, damn it. You would lie for him. You would give your son to him. But understand this--there is no way in hell I'm giving him mine. Elizabeth: Ok. I'm going to leave now, and I'm just going to let you think about this. Nikolas: Well, you go to Lucky and you apologize to him. Say you're sorry. Ok? Tell him you lied. Tell him why you lied. And tell him we'll get through it just like we get through everything else. Elizabeth: You know, denying this isn't going to make it go away. Nikolas: I can forgive you for this, Elizabeth. But you need to lie this down right now, and never mention it again. | Lucky and Siobhan talk he finds out that she knew that Aiden was his son - and that Maxie knew as well |
482 | Lily: Oh, my gosh, we need an extra bin for all this recycling. Look at all this paper. Cane: All right, look, look, watch, watch, watch, watch how you throw this plane. Watch. Look at the power. Look at the strength. Look at the--the awe me ninja power. Look, huh? Whoosh! Ohh. Lily: Look at that one. It's got a little gum, huh? Now what's that, Matty? Cane: You know, if-- when I think about it, um, I'm really lucky to spend this Christmas with the three of you. I mean, a couple of months ago, this, you know, I wouldn't have thought this would happen. Lily: Well, it just shows that anything is possible, huh? Cane: Hmm. Lily: Anything is possible. Cane: Anything is possible. You hear that? Hmm? Lily: (Laughs) Cane: All right, throw daddy the ball. Come here, throw me the ball. Throw daddy the ball. Lily: Throw the ball. Cane: Whoo! Wow. Lily: Whoa! Look at that. Cane: Look at the arm on Matty! Lily: (Laughs) Cane: Go throw the ball back. Your turn, your turn. Do it. Lily: Good job! Cane: Throw it at mommy. Ready? One, two, three. Go... (Makes whooshing sounds) Lily: Aah! Okay, try and get daddy in the face now. Get him in the face. Cane: (Gasps) In the face. Ly: Yeah! Almost, almost. Cane: Ohh! Yeah! Hooray! High five. Say, "Girls rule." Girl power, yay! [SCENE_BREAK] Angelina: (Humming "Running with you") Kevin: Could you not hum the song... Angelina: (Stops humming) Kevin: That you were supposed to sing at my wedding to Chloe? Who probably hates me now, but hating me is better than getting sprayed by bullets courtesy of your psycho baby daddy, who somehow decided that I knocked you up. Who and now we're on the run, and you keep threatening to puke, so I would really appreciate if you just didn't hum that song! (Inhales sharply) (Sighs) Thank you. (Sighs) Angelina: Can I at least turn on the radio? Kevin: (Exhales sharply) [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: Marriage is a very, very big important thing, okay? And you need to do it when you're ready, so we're just not doing it today, but it's gonna happen soon, okay? It's just not happening today, but guess what? Someone's getting married. Delia: (Gasps) Chloe: Uh-huh. Daddy and Victoria are getting married again. Delia: (Gasps) Billy: Aah! High five. Chloe: (Laughs) Billy: Nice! Victoria: Yay! Billy: Hey, would you go ahead and do the flower girl thing for us? Hmm? Victoria: Because having you in our wedding would mean so much to us. Delia: Should I start now? All: (Laughing) Victoria: Uh, not yet. Pretty soon. I'll let you know when, okay? Jill: (Chuckles) Esther: Come on, Sweetheart. Let grandma fix your hair, okay? Chloe: Go with. Bye. Billy: (Makes silly noises) Jill: (Chuckles) Nikki: It's time for you to get ready, my sweetheart. Jill: Aha. Billy: Mm. Jill: That means you are being evicted, my boy. Billy: Ah, yes, Ma'am, well... (Chuckles) I guess I'll see you when I see you. Victoria: Yeah. Billy: Yeah. Victoria: I guess I will see you. Billy: Look at this red dress. Mm-hmm. Jill: Oh, oh, oh! Billy: Aw, Mom. Jill: Save it for the altar, you two. Billy: No. Oh, that's not fair. Jill: (Chuckles) Victoria: (Sighs) Well, I'll marry Billy again, right now... this time, forever. Nick: That's right, Aunt V.'s getting married. Avery: (Laughs) Nick: I invited you to go to a wedding with me, but I didn't think it was gonna be my sister's. Avery: Are you okay with this? Nick: You know, Billy, uh, Billy's made some-- some interesting choices. I don't know how great, but, uh, you can see how happy he makes my sister. Avery: You and Victoria are really close, huh? Nick: Yeah, but you know, it wasn't always like that. Avery: I wasn't always on opposite sides with Phyllis. [SCENE_BREAK] Gloria: Michael? Michael: Hmm? Gloria: How did Kevin sound? Was it just nerves or something deeper? Michael: Uh, he just said that he needed some time to think and wanted some days away. Daniel: Seems kind of strange he wouldn't tell Chloe face-to-face. Phyllis: Yeah, um, maybe he just panicked? Daniel: Hmm. Phyllis: Coming in here is too much for him? Lauren: We don't know where he's going. I just hate the thought of him alone right now. (Sighs) Gloria: We just have to send him good thoughts and loving energy, and he will know that he's not alone. [SCENE_BREAK] Angelina: Where are we headed? Kevin: Away from carmine and his hail of bullets. Angelina: Ooh, my cousin Francine has a place at the Jersey shore. I know where she hides the key. Kevin: Fine that's where we're going. Angelina: Crud. You got any cash or plastic? 'Cause I ain't got my wallet, and, well, all my cards are in daddy's name, anyway. (Chuckles) Kevin: Angelo. He's gonna think I canceled the wedding, and when he can't find you or me, he's gonna think that we-- I'm dead. (Cell phone rings) Angelina: It's daddy. Kevin: So dead. (Exhales quickly) [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: Well, the kids, uh, they scored, didn't they? Lily: Yes, I'm gonna wait till they're old enough to put that together themselves. How about that? (Chuckles) Cane: Are you, uh, afraid of a few nuts and bolts, huh? Lily: Yeah, really? Okay, because of that, you just signed up for duty, Sailor. How about that? Cane: How about that? Lily: (Scoffs) Cane: How bad can it be? Lily: (Laughs) Ohh. Cane: Huh? Lily: Did you just jinx yourself. You watch. Watch. (Laughs) (Music playing) Cane: (Laughing) Lily: (Laughing) I told you! I'm always right. I'm sorry, I'm always right. (Laughs) Cane: You know what? I wonder if Chloe and, uh, Kevin are official yet. Lily: I don't know, but knowing them, I'm sure the ceremony is very sweet and very... unconventional. (Laughs) [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: (Breathing rhythmically) Jack: You okay? Billy: Yeah, I'm great. I'm fantastic. I'm wonderful. I'm... (Clears throat) Genevieve: Nervous. Billy: Yeah, okay, a little nervous. This is really stupid, because "A," I love her, and "B," I've done this twice before. Genevieve: With Victoria? Jack: Oh, did I mention? My brother's an overachiever. (Cell phone rings) Billy: Gosh, so nice. Hi, Loreen. Um, well, we've had a change of plans and we're gonna be a little later than we thought, so, uh, can you keep Keely? What do you mean, he bolted? Well, then, um, take the squeaky toy and go outside and squeak it, grab the--the treat bag and shake it. Get the dog back, okay? Okay, thanks. Jack: Your dog ran away? Billy: Yeah. Victoria loves this dog. You don't understand. Like, she loves this dog. I mean, if anything happened to this dog-- don't say anything to her, but if anything happened to this dog-- Victoria: Okay, so, uh, really bright red dress, check. (Chuckles) Blissfully in love, check, matron of honor, check. (Claps hands) All right. Chloe: Oh, well, you need your--your "Something borrowed, something..." Victoria: Oh, right, I don't have that. I don't even have-- Jill: Oh, look, look. This could be something borrowed. Victoria: Oh, gosh, that's beautiful. Thank you. Jill: You're welcome. Nikki: And, Honey, your dress is new. Chloe: Yeah. Victoria: Right, yeah. Nikki: And this belonged to your great-grandmother. Victoria: Oh, Mom. Wow, I love it. I love you. Nikki: (Whispers) I love you. (Normal voice) Now we still need "Something blue." Chloe: Oh, okay. Victoria: Oh, yeah, I do need blue. (Gasps) Nikki: Oh. Victoria: Oh, no. Do you think it's an omen? (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Okay, here you go. Cane: Thank you. Lily: Is that better? Cane: Yeah, I wouldn't want to put a wheel on backwards, huh? Lily: (Scoffs) Nope. Cane: (Sighs) Huh, can you believe it's been two years since we told your family that Mac was pregnant? Hmm? Lily: No. (Sighs) Cane: I can only imagine how big they'll be in another two years. Lily: Oh, please don't say that. Please. I just want to pretend that they'll just stay little in that little wagon that you're taking forever with, by the way. Cane: Do you think you can do better? Lily: No, no, no, no. Cane: All right, if you think you can do better-- no, come here. Here. You do better. I wanted to get some cider. Come on. Lily: Oh, no, no, no. I'm fi--I'm fine right here. Cane: You sure? Lily: I'm totally fine. Don't worry. I trust you. [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: Okay, everybody, please enjoy the candlelight while you can, because Sexton tells me he's going to fix the generator soon, maybe. What? Victoria: What if it's a sign, Billy? Billy: Don't do that. No, no, don't do that. No, no, no, no. This is not some cosmic commentary on our love together. No, no. Victoria: Okay, but--but if--one more thing goes wrong-- Billy: No, that's not-- nope, nope, nothing, nothing. Victoria: Okay. Billy: Ok. Victoria: I'm gonna go get back in position, then. Billy: Get in position. Victoria: Okay. Billy: Get. Chloe: Ow. Daniel: Hey. Chloe: Hi. Daniel: How are you holding up? Chloe: I am smiling for Victoria and Billy, and if you start talking to me, if I stop smiling, that is not good, okay? So just don't. Phyllis: Quite an evening. Nick: Uh, yeah, nuts, but Chloe seems to be, uh, holding up all right. I just checked on the kids. They're, uh, they're back there having some fun. I'm gonna go check on Victoria. Avery: Okay. Would you like to snub me now and walk off, or just continue to give me dirty looks? Phyllis: Does Sharon know that you're here with Faith? Avery: Oh, not everybody is as territorial as you are, Phyllis. Jill: Ohh, you look extremely handsome and very, very focused. Jack: Hmm. Billy: Well, if I pass out, Jack will prop me up. Jill: Yeah, you're the best man. Jack: Yes, I am. Jill: And do you know where you're standing? Jack: Wow. Genevieve: Wow. This matronly role really suits you. Yeah, it must be, uh, your maturity. Jill: (Laughs) And you're a blushing ingénue, Grandma? Billy: Okay. Victoria: Um, I still have nothing blue. (Sighs) Chloe: Well, it's gonna be your face soon if you don't start breathing soon. Victoria: (Breathlessly) All right, okay, but we have no lights and we have no music, and Murphy took Katherine home because she caught a chill, and there's a storm coming, and that's all bad. Nikki: Honey, this is about love, okay? Not some crazy superstitions. Victoria: Mom, I can't take any more marital bad luck, sorry I've had my share, okay? Nick: Okay. Victoria: (Sighs) (Angelo walks out quickly) [SCENE_BREAK] Angelina: He's calling again! Kevin: Well, answer it and tell him whatever you want, but you are not with me. Angelina: (Sighs) Poppy. What's up? Angelo: What's up? (Shouting) What's up? Where the hell are you? Kevin: (Sighs) Angelina: Daddy-- I-I didn't go to the church 'cause...'cause it's the holidays, and I-I-I got lonely for home, so I-I called Francine and... and she said to go to her place. Kevin: (Mouthing words) Angelina: (Mouthing words) No, I'm not with Carmine. I-I'm in a cab with a taxi driver. Kevin: (Jersey accent) Hey, watch where you're goin'! Angelina: Uh, uh, going through a tunnel. Talk to you soon. Love you, bye. I think he bought it. Kevin: (Normal voice) Awesome, and now we have nowhere to go. (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Gloria: Ahh. Did you hear from Angelina? Angelo: Yeah. See, the poor kid was just homesick. Who can blame her? Gloria: Oh. Mm-hmm. Angelo: I gotta get back to the Gloworm. Gloria: Yeah, yeah, yeah, and I'm going to invite all the guests there. I mean, it seems a shame to waste all that beautiful food. Angelo: Oh, uh, Vin and Chloe ain't footing the bill, so who is? Gloria: Billy. It's his wedding. Angelo: Uh-huh. Gloria: And a round of drinks on the house... (Whispering) Would create a lot of goodwill. Angelo: Nah. (Chuckles) I don't see any down-on-their-luck average Joes in this crowd. They want to eat and drink, they can pay for it. I ain't playing Santa to no strangers, huh? Gloria: (Normal voice) All right, all right, all right, all right. Angelo: By the way, uh, the elves dropped something off for you. Happy ho ho, Gorgeous. Gloria: Mm. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: Does anybody have anything blue? Eden: You know, my earrings are blue. I mean, they're not very bridal, but-- Nikki: Ohh. Today, they're perfect... Eden: Okay. Nikki: Thank you so much. Eden: Sure. Billy: I take it, there are more issues? Nikki: (Whispering) I think the sooner this happens, the better. Billy: Okay. (Cell phone alert chimes) Billy: Hey. Huh, and still no dog. Okay. (Groans) Daniel: Billy. Billy: Hey. Daniel: Sexton can't get the generator on. Billy: O-kay. Yet another omen, if you're Victoria. This is great! Avery and Faith: Dressed in black, black, black with silver buttons buttons, buttons all down her back, back, back she asked her mother mother, mother... [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: Now you have your "Something blue." Victoria: Great. Thank you. How does it look? Nikki: You look beautiful. Nick: You look perfect. Victoria: Thank you, thank you so much. Chloe: Eh. (Inhales through teeth) Well, you can't let her walk down the aisle like that. You need this. Victoria: Oh, uh, Chloe, no, I-- Chloe: Yes, I insist. Take it. Nikki: Honey, yes, yes, yes. It's beautiful. Victoria: Thank you. Chloe: You're welcome. (Door opens) Chloe: Thank you. Nikki: Ohh. Chloe: Here. Victoria: Wow. So are you sure? You're, uh, ready to give me away again? Nick: Well, Billy makes you happy. I can see that, so I'm happy to pass you off. I just wish Dad was here. Victoria: Well, I doubt that he would come, even if he could. Nick: Doesn't mean you don't miss him. Victoria: I do... (Sighs) But I don't want to wait another second. Nikki: All, then, let's get this thing going. Come on. Victoria: All right, I guess the guests will just have to hum, since we don't have any music. Chloe: Uh, no, when you have a boom box, and I got batteries from the flashlight. No humming needed. [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: Judge Anderson? Judge Anderson: Billy Abbott? Billy: Oh, wow, it's-- it's you, here, in this-- this is perfect. This is perfect, 'cause Victoria and I, we're the dearly beloveds. Judge Anderson: But we already did that. And--and what about Chloe and Kevin? Billy: Yeah--long stories. Look, here's the thing-- I'm so glad to see you here, because now I know everything happened the way it was supposed to. Judge Anderson: It must be kismet. Billy: Kismet. This is a good one. Will you please tell my wife? Kismet, kismet. Perfect. Judge Anderson: (Laughs) Billy: (Chuckles) Billy: (Chuckles) Jack: Um... Billy: (Laughs) Victoria: Oh, Keely! What are you doing here? (Laughs) Jack: I think you found your dog. Billy: Yep. Nick: It's a wedding now. The dog's here. All: (Applauding) Yay! [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: So there's one left. It's for you. Cane: Actually, uh, I also got something for you, but I held off, 'cause I didn't know we were exchanging, but since you got something for me-- excuse me. Cane: (Clears throat) Lily: (Chuckles) Cane: You can open it. Lily: It's perfect. (Chuckles) Thank you. Cane: It's my turn, huh? I love it. It's from Charlie and Matty. Lily: I didn't know that we were exchanging, so... Cane: This is, uh, one of the best Christmases I could have asked for, Spending it with you and the babies. This is one of the best nights of my life. [SCENE_BREAK] Angelina: What a pit. Kevin: You want to sleep in the car? Angelina: Well, we should push the beds together, you know? Make some sort of booby trap for ax murderers. Kevin: Your boyfriend is trying to kill us, and you're worried about some bogeyman from a horror flick. Angelina: Help me. Kevin: Not a chance. You and I, we are not getting cozy. In fact... in fact, we are gonna-- we're gonna hang a sheet so I can have some privacy, because I can look at your face right now. Got it? Good. [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: (Laughing) Billy: Keely. (Claps hands) Keely. Come here, Bud. Come here. Victoria: Oh, Judge Anderson. I-I--how... (Laughs) Did you-- when did I Chloe: I--remember, you recommended her to me ages ago, so here she is. Victoria: Ohh. Wow, that's wonderful. Judge Anderson: It's kismet. Billy: Thank you. Victoria: Thank you. Judge Anderson: I know the guests and the bride and groom are more than ready for this to happen, so let's begin. Do you two have anything to say to one another? Billy: Do you mind if I start? Victoria: No. Billy: (Chuckles) I don't know how else to say it. I love you. I love you, and I have done some stupid things in my life, and the dumbest was leaving you alone. And it landed me square in hell, and not because of the accommodations but because I wasn't with you. I'm not going anywhere else. This wedding, it's it, because we're not doing this again. Victoria: (Sighs) Billy: This is... meant to be. This is kismet. It's even blessed by your dog. Victoria: (Chuckles) Billy: It's not gonna end in any of us going to jail or me leaving. It's just you and me, forever, because we are meant to be. Victoria: You know, I am a bus--businesswoman, and I have a career and I have friends and family, and I have a big life, a very big life, but you'd think that would be enough, huh? But when you were gone, I just felt wrong. I felt kind of sad and lonely. You're back now. You're back, and everything is right. Do you know, I'm more myself with you than I could ever be without you? (Laughs) Even tonight, I was running around looking for "Something old, something new, something"-- all that, and... and being up here with you right now, I-realize that all I need is us. And this night, with our family and our friends and everything, this is my happiness. Thank you so much for giving it back to me. Judge Anderson: I don't suppose you two have rings? Billy: We never took 'em off. Judge Anderson: Good thinking. Do you take each other for better and for worse, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, as long as you both shall live? Billy: We do. (Laughs) Victoria: We do. (Laughs) Judge Anderson: By the power vested in me by the state of Wisconsin, I now pronounce you husband and wife again! Billy: (Sighs) Judge Anderson: Haven't you two waited long enough? Billy: Ooh! Mm. (Laughter) All: (Cheering) [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: Huh? Lily: I must say, that's pretty cool. Cane: Thank you. Lily: Pretty cool. I will be on wagon duty starting at about 8:00 a.m. Cane: Do you think you can pull the wagon and hold a camera? Lily: Um, I guess so, or maybe you can sleep on the couch. Then you can see their faces for yourself in the morning. Cane: Okay, all right. I'll pull the wagon and you, uh, you hold the camera. Lily: (Chuckles) It's a deal. [SCENE_BREAK] Angelina: You want me to drive tomorrow? You shouldn't have to suffer because of me. Oh, is it cold in here? Kevin: (Sighs) I'm gonna go wash my face. Angelina: (Sighs) What do I gotta do, draw him a picture? Angelina: Oh, come on. (Sighs) (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: It was lovely. Victoria: Thanks, Mom. Oh, thank you. Jack: I couldn't be any happier for both of you. Esther: Delia, you looked so pretty walking with Mom down the aisle. I'm so proud of you. Gloria: And I would like to invite everyone to Gloworm to celebrate. Billy: Yes, right, reception. Uh, perfect. Everybody please go to Gloworm and feel free to eat, drink, and remind me just how far I married out of my league. Genevieve: Ohh. (Chuckles) Jill: Not that far. All: (Laugh) Chloe: Um, also, um, you know, Delia got you a wedding present. Billy: Oh, really? Victoria: You did? Billy: For a wedding that nobody was coming? Chloe: Well, it's a honeymoon. (Chuckles) Surprise. You, guys, I'm--I'm really not gonna use it, so you better haul butt, 'cause you gotta make the flight. You gotta go home and pack and do all that. Victoria: Oh, no, I--we-- we can't, no. Chloe: Yeah, all you need is a toothbrush and a bathing suit. Victoria: No, I mean, we can't--we can't do that, because you've already given us so much. Billy: Yeah, you-- We can't, and plus, I don't want to really leave Delia right now, -- Victoria: We can't. Right. Delia: You can leave, Daddy, because I know you'll come back and bring me a present. Billy: And get you a present? Chloe: See? Now you have to. Billy: Uh, where? Chloe: Can't believe it, but, uh... (Chuckles) Jamaica. Billy: Wow. Victoria: Well... this, um... this is Kiethuh? Billy: Hmm. Victoria: (Laughs) Thank you. Thank you. Billy: Okay, uh there's an update-- you guys can go party without us. We got a plane to catch, Man. Victoria: (Chuckles) Yeah. Oh, wait, hold on a second. What about Keely? What about the dog? Nick: Ah, Keely's gonna have a guy weekend with me. It's all good. Victoria: Mom? Nikki: Oh, Honey, you go. Victoria: Okay. Nikki: You go have a wonderful time. Everything here will be perfect. I promise you. Victoria: Okay. Nikki: You, too. Victoria: Love you. Nikki: I love you. Mwah. Billy: Okey-dokey. Victoria: Okay. Bly: You guys can enjoy the Wisconsin winter. We've got a plane to catch. Victoria: Good-bye, everyone. Billy: (Grunts, growling) Victoria: Thank you for being so happy for us. (Applause) Jack: (Chuckles) Bye. Genevieve: Ohh. Billy: Mm! Jill: Love you. Billy: (Humming) (Laughs) [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: So do you need another pillow, or are you good? Cane: No. I'm good. Thank you for letting me stay. Lily: And I love my snow globe. Cane: Yeah, I saw it, you know, made me think of you. Lily: well, good night. (Chuckles) Cane: Good night. Cane: (Sighs) (Exhales sharply) (Sighs) (Winding snow globe) ("La Glo en Rose" playing) [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: Hey. You said he's really crushed. Chloe: (Sighs) Big night. Daniel: Yeah, I know. That's why I came over here. I wanted to see how you were doing. Chloe: You know, Kevin was really having doubts, then I think that he had thoughts (Sighs) You didn't say anything to him about me having second thoughts or anything, did you? Daniel: No, no. I thought maybe you said something to him. I thought, you know, maybe that's why he did what he did. Chloe: (Voice breaking) I was so sure that he really loved me. Daniel: Okay. Chloe: (Sobbing) (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Angelina: Kevvie? Kevin: What? Angelina: Are you mad at me? Kevin: What's the point? It's not gonna get us out of this mess, and Lord knows we have got to get out of this mess. And I have to explain things to Chloe, if she'd listen to me. But, Angie, this thing with Carmine-- it is not good. Your dad was right to want to keep you away from him. I can keep you safe, well, at least that's something. (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Genevieve: 5 bucks if can turn that thing into a hockey puck and slide it past the bartender. Lauren: Yeah, it's the other couple I'm concerned about. Eden: I know. Kevin must be a wreak. I mean, there's no way he doesn't love Chloe. Angelo: Bo...did you open your gift yet ? Gloria: Mnh-mnh, but I bet.. It's something lovely, Angelo. Gloria: please? Lauren: What does it say? Gloria: Angelo, really? Gloria: Angels given Gloworm. I mean, it's--it's mine? I'm--it's mine, it's all mine! Michael: Here, let me see that. Lauren: How? Michael: This is outright, as a gift? Angelo: Eh, the classiest club owner I know deserves to own her own club, free and clear. Gloria: Bless you, Angelo. Angelo: (Laughs) Gloria: Mwah! (Laughs) [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: All right, let's get out of here. It is past our bedtime. Avery: Faith, I had a wonderful time tonight. thank you. (Laughs) Oh, my gosh. Nick: Come on, let's go. Avery: Oh, you what? I forgot my phone. I'll meet you out there. Phyllis: "Miss Mary Mack." We sang that together all the time. I heard you singing it to Faith in the church. Ooh, it's like you have a death grip on the past... Avery: Ohh. Phyllis: And you're just not letting go. Avery Phyllis, we are both adults. We live in the same town. We're gonna run into each other sometimes. It's a mild inconvenience. We live in town other than that, I'm over it. Phyllis: Oh, please. That's bull. Avery: What are you doing? Phyllis: What's this? Avery: What are you doing? Phyllis: Huh, what is this? This. What's this? I gave it to you when we were little. I gave it to you, and you still are carrying it around. Why? Avery: Because I had a sister once? And this is what's left of her, 'cause you are nothing like her. Phyllis: (Sighs) Michael: Okay. Lauren: (Laughs) Michael: Did Nikki seem okay to you? Lauren: Nikki? Mm. Yeah, she seemed fine? Wedding. Michael: Hmm. Well, then let's just hope it wasn't an act. Nikki: Hello again. Now before you try to rush me out of here, I need to let you know that I have just come from Victoria's wedding. Yes, she and Billy have had a lovely ceremony and you're gonna have to just deal with that. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: (Sighs) Will you never learn? It's embarrassing that you're pleased about that. He's gonna hurt her again. You know that, don't you? I tried to protect her from it. Nikki: Can you just be happy for the daughter that you adore? Victor: Oh, come on. Nikki: She was thinking of you. She wanted you there. Enough of that. I'm moving on. Now I am not going to let you ruin your life for me. You didn't kill Diane, and I didn't kill her, either. I know that now in my soul. Don't ask how I know. I just do. The point is, I'm gonna prove that you don't belong here. Victor: Sweetheart, just leave it alone, okay? Leave me alone. Nikki: Victor, I know you instinctively want to just push me away, try to find some new reason to be upset, to--to feel resentful towards me, and foolishly, I did get upset. I'm not upset. I love you, and I'm going to get you out of here. Victor: Will you listen to me? Nikki: Victor, good night. [SCENE_BREAK] (Knock on door) (Door closes) Billy: Mm... Victoria: Mm. Billy: Mm. (Laughs) Victoria: (Laughs) Okay, so if I ever can't find you again... Billy: Mm-hmm. Victoria: Now I know where to look. Billy: Mm-hmm. "A," It's never gonna happen. "B," I can't help it. I am a sucker for green beer, shamrocks, and you. Victoria: Mm. Billy: (Growls) Here. Victoria: Hmm? Billy: You know it all happens here, right? Right there, right now, at Finn McGee's. Victoria: What does? Billy: Oh, the lifetime of happiness I'm about to inflict... on... you. Mwah. Victoria: Ooh, lucky me. (Glasses clink) Billy: Lucky me. Cheers. Victoria: Cheers. Billy: (Growls) Victoria: Mm. Billy: Uh-oh, uh-. Oh, no. Victoria: Come on. Billy: Oh, no! [NEXT_ON] Victor: Is there a part of you that doesn't want Adam to be kept away from you? Billy: We need to ask you about what happened in Myanmar. Adam: I know you've a not only worked for my father, but you're his friend. You're fired. | Victoria and Billy get married in a candlelit ceremony since the lights go out in town |
483 | Harley/Ruth: Well, thank you, Mr. Lewis. Bill: Ruth, fancy seeing you here. How's the new job? Ruth: Well, it's going quite nicely, sir. Thank you for asking. Harley: This is risky. Bill: I know, but I had to see you. We got to do something about Olivia. Harley: You're telling me. Ruth: Well, excuse me, sir. Mr. Spaulding is expecting me back at the mansion. I don't have time for idle chitchat. Bill: But Ruth, I want you back. Ruth: That's not possible, sir. Working with Mr. Spaulding is a dream job. The man is an absolute joy. Bill: Yes. Well, you're absolute joy is behind this bogus deportation. Harley: Hello? You're telling me. Bill: All right, well, we don't have much time. Harley: Look, I am well aware of that. But we are going to make Phillip pay for this and every single other dirty deed he's got up his sleeve. We will strip him of everything. Bill: Well, that is music to my ears. But listen to me. Be careful. I don't need both my partners in jail. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: This is ridiculous. The only reason I'm here is because my ex-husband is afraid of me. He wants me thrown out of the country. Don't you get it? You're taking the orders of a lunatic. You can't treat me this way. I'm a taxpayer. I want to see my lawyer now. Guard: Be quiet, lady. Olivia: No, no. Unless you want to be named in a lawsuit, you will let me use the phone. I want to use the phone. Guard: Inside. Olivia: What? Guard: You heard me. Get inside. Enjoy your stay. INS will be in to see you later. Olivia: You're going to regret this. You're going to regret it. Phillip, I hate you. I wish I had never met you or your stinking family. Alexandra: Believe me, the feeling is mutual. [SCENE_BREAK] Coop: It's payback time, Phillip. Food delivery for Mr. Phillip Spaulding. You don't have to worry about calling anybody. He knows it's coming. Security guard: I have to call. I can't just let you in. Coop: The other guy does. Besides, I know that Mr. Spaulding is in a very, very important meeting right now. You don't want to be that guy that takes him away for a phone call for no reason. Security guard: You don't understand something, kid. I have a reason. You want me to lose my job? Coop: Oh, great. Lizzie: And what do you think you're doing here, huh? Coop: Delivering food. Security guard: For your father, Miss Spaulding. Lizzie: (Scoffs) I don't think so. Don't let this jerk anywhere near our house. [SCENE_BREAK] Gus: What is so important that you have to call me all the way back here to the house when I just saw you... Phillip: Shh. I have an assignment for you. Gus: ...For breakfast. What? You couldn't pick up the phone? Phillip: I didn't want to talk to you on the phone because it's too sensitive for that. Listen. There has been a serious security breech at Spaulding. Gus: Oh, okay. Well, then you should be talking to security, because I'm the legal department. Phillip: No, I'm talking to you because I don't trust anybody outside the family to handle this, and you've got the experience. Gus: Okay, just take a deep breath. Are you sure this isn't your paranoia, or did something really happen? Phillip: No. It started with the leaks to the press, and it's gotten worse. Now I'm worried about the family's safety. I want you to run a number of background checks on certain Spaulding employees. Gus: Employees... Phillip: No, listen. I want you to start with that new maid, and then the gardener that Alan just hired. I also want you to look into my assistant, Ruth Karloff. Gus: Do you hear yourself? You can do your own dirty work, okay? Phillip: Well, I'm doing it with or without you. Gus: Like I care. Ruth: Good morning, Mr. Spaulding. Phillip: Good morning, Ruth. Ruth: Well, sir, shall we get started on the plans for the day? Phillip: This is perfect timing, Ruth. I have something very important for you to do today, and the sooner we get started, the better. Alan: Gus, have you seen Beth? I have a match scheduled with her this morning. Gus: I haven't seen her since breakfast. Alan: You know, I'm surprised you're here. I thought you would be at the office. Gus: Yeah, well, you know, the big boss, he summoned me back to the house. Alan: He summoned you here at the house? Gus: Yes, back to the house. Exactly. He's on a witch-hunt. He's on a witch- hunt, Phillip. And he's got me looking for broomsticks. Alan: I'm not following you. Gus: Yeah, he wants me to play plumber boy and interrogate everybody and Lord knows what else. Alan: I gather from your attitude you said no. Gus: Well, you gathered right. I'm not going to lean on every one of our employees and alienate them because Phillip doesn't like the color of their shoes. Alan: Gus, you're new to this corporate system. Now, Phillip's request is really not that unusual. Gus: Mm-hmm. Alan: Especially if someone is trying to sabotage our company. Gus: Fine. But he wasn't specific about any one thing, okay? And that... I'm sorry. That just gets me wondering. Alan: Wondering about what? Gus: If it's happening again. If it's his paranoia. You know... Alan: Now wait. I think you're really being to hard on him. Gus: You do? Alan: Yes. Gus: Is that what you think? Let me tell you what I think. I think your number-one son is coming unglued again, okay? And I think you should step in and stop the madness. [SCENE_BREAK] Coop: Move along, Lizzie. You wouldn't want to be seen chatting up the delivery boy now. Lizzie: You're up to something. Any idiot could figure that out. Coop: It's a good thing you're not just any idiot. You're a Spaulding. Lizzie: Shut up. Coop: Oh, that's a good one. Look, what are you doing out here anyway? Shouldn't you be in your shiny little convertible, driving around? Lizzie: For your information, I like to walk. Coop: Oh. You surveying the land, or are you just mingling with the common folk? Lizzie: Oh, good one, Henry. You know what? I want to know what's in the bag. Search him while you're at it. Coop: You can't search me. He'd be violating my civil rights. Lizzie: Actually, you're on private property, so you have no rights. What's in the bag? Security guard: A brick. Lizzie: A brick. Now, what were you going to do with that? Throw it through our window? That'd be very original. Coop: It's from Harley's house. Lizzie: Oh. Coop: Your dad needs to see exactly what he's doing. Lizzie: Oh, so you honestly thought you were just going to saunter in here with a brick in a bag? Coop: Actually, I did. Lizzie: Very Cooper. Coop: What's that supposed to mean? Lizzie: It means, look at you. You got your little brick in your little bag. And then look at us. Look at everything we have. Look at our house. Coop: One of these days, Lizzie, I'm going to really enjoy bringing you down a peg or two. Lizzie: Dream on. Security guard: You want me to call the police, Miss Spaulding? Lizzie: I don't know. Should we call the police? Coop: Go for it. Lizzie: No, you know what? I don't have time for that. Just get off my property. Coop: Okay. Lizzie: What? That's it? No argument? No nothing? Coop: What do you want, Lizzie? You've already caught me. Lizzie: You're right. So why don't you just leave? Coop: You don't have to tell me twice. [SCENE_BREAK] Frank: Olivia, what are you doing here? Cirillo told me he brought you in, but he wouldn't tell me why. Olivia: Frank, you've got to do something. There's been a huge mistake. The INS is talking deportation, all right? You've got to help me. Frank: They want to deport you? I thought once you married an American citizen, that that was... Olivia: And I've married several. I should be good for life. Frank: Yeah, well, unfortunately it's not my area of expertise, but I'll see what I can do. Olivia: Just do it soon, okay? I can't sit here and look at this barracuda. Frank: Yeah, I know what you mean. I do find comfort, however, knowing that she's locked up, where the only person she can hurt is herself, so... how's the foot? Alexandra: Throbbing. Thank you very much. Frank: Well, sorry to hear it. Olivia, I'll see what I can do, all right? Olivia: Thanks. Frank: All right. You two ladies try to keep it down in here, will you? Olivia: Well, golly. What a great opportunity to catch up. Alexandra: Did I hear correctly? Are you being deported? Olivia: That's the plan. Alexandra: (Laughs) I'm sorry. That's priceless. Olivia: Oh, yes, your nephew has a wicked sense of humor. He had me stopped in the airport in Copenhagen a couple of weeks ago. Alexandra: Oh, I hope you tried the pastries. They really are to die for. Olivia: Pastries make you fat. Alexandra: Oh, really? Well, I wouldn't know. Olivia: No, of course not. Not with all that exercise you're getting out in the yard, huh? Alexandra: Actually, I'm not getting that much these days, as you can see. Olivia: You really hurt your foot. What was it, a close encounter with an inmate? Or did you kick the bars because they didn't bring you dinner fast enough? Alexandra: (Coughs) Olivia: You kicked the bars and broke your foot? (Laughs) Alexandra: I was having a really bad day. Olivia: I guess so. Can I sign your cast? Alexandra: Oh, that would be wonderful. Just make sure you say, "good- bye forever" on your way out that door. Olivia: Which will be very soon, I hope. Alexandra: Well, you should be thanking your lucky stars you'll be out of here. But really, has anyone warned San Cristobel? Bill: Olivia? I'm going to get you out of here, okay? I promise. Hey there, Alex. You look rested. Olivia: You promise? Is your promise supposed to make me feel better? Bill: I'm sorry? Olivia: You helped Harley. That's why I'm here. Bill: No, I... well, yes, but I never intentionally meant to hurt you. Olivia: Everything is intentional, Bill. Bill: Come on, please. You don't mean that. You're frustrated and you are scared, but that's no reason to take it out on me. Olivia: Really? Bill: Come on. We are in this thing together. Olivia: Together? No, no. Maybe when we first started in business, but no. No, ever since Harley latched on... Bill: Ssh. Olivia: What? It was your dumb mistake, not mine. Bill: Listen to me. Harley is helping us, all right? She has the same goals we do. She's helping us in ways you don't even know. Olivia: How? Bill: Will you just... Olivia: No! No. Bill: ...Keep it down. Olivia: It's your soft spot for Harley that got me in here in the first place, and now I may lose Emma. Do you understand? I may never see my daughter again, and if that happens, it's your fault. [SCENE_BREAK] Alan: Gus, I think the only problem here is that you and Phillip do not see eye to eye on this. Gus: And you think that is the only problem? That's what you think? Alan: Yes. Yes. Now, look, I have told you before, I am not going to interfere in Phillip's business decisions. Gus: That's the point, though. These aren't business decisions. He's making his decisions based on personal things, or revenge--mostly revenge. Alan: Well, I think you should talk to him about it. Gus: Oh, please. Like that's going to work? Are you kidding me? Alan: I know you've tried before, but persistence is the name of the game. Gus: Well, that's... I'm out of the game. I'm out. I was much better off as the lone wolf. Alan: The lone wolf? So, you've given yourself a nickname, huh? Gus: It's a state of mind, big al. Alan: Yeah. Don't you see, though, Gus? You are the lone wolf inside of Spaulding. Gus: You could sell ice to Eskimos. You could sell anything. Alan: It is a fact. You are a Spaulding. Where else can you be as isolated and as different? Gus: That was not the point. Alan: The point is, you are the voice of reason when it comes to Phillip, and without you, he goes unchecked. Gus: You sound like Beth. Alan: Well, Beth's a very smart woman, and a very good tennis player, and I'm going to go meet her on the court right now, and when I get back, we will continue this. But in the meantime, while I am gone, please try not to howl too much, all right? Gus: You're hysterical. Funny. [SCENE_BREAK] Ruth: Here's a draft of the proposal to the city council. Phillip: Actually, Ruth, before we get into this, there's something that I'd like to discuss with you. Why don't you come on over here and sit down with me? Ruth: Am I in trouble, sir? Phillip: Why would you ask that? Ruth: Well, sir, you sounded so serious. Phillip: Well, it is serious. But it should also be painless, as long as you have nothing to hide. Ruth: What are you trying to imply, sir? Phillip: I'm running a background check on you, Ruth. Ruth: Well, sir, I assumed you did that when I was hired. Phillip: Uh, well, I would have normally, but I've been a little preoccupied. Why? Is that a problem? Ruth: No, sir. Not at all. Phillip: Okay. Because one of my investigators will be interviewing you today. I'm not sure... Gus: Phillip! Ruth: I'll just give you a minute alone, sir. Phillip: No, that's all right. You stay, Ruth. I'll be right back. Look, Gus, unless the house is on fire, I'm a little busy right now. Gus: Listen, I have decided to go ahead and run all the background checks that you want. Harley: Come on, Bill. Pick up. Pick up. (Cell phone ringing) [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Don't you dare take that call. We're not finished. Harley: Damn it, Bill. Where are you? Bill: Sorry, I've got to take this. What do you have? Harley: A warning. Bill: What now? Harley: Phillip is running a background check on Ruth, so be prepared. Bill: All right. Well, thanks for the heads up. I've got it covered. Harley: Yeah. Yeah, because if my references don't check out, my cover is blown. Bill: Don't worry. Harley: Easy for you to say. Bill: Look, you just keep looking through Phillip's papers, all right? Leave the rest to me. Harley: Okay, okay. Bill: Are you looking? Harley: Yes, I am looking. Bill: Did you find anything? Harley: No, I haven't found anything yet. Not yet. Bill: Harley, just keep looking, all right, because you're our best hope to get Olivia out of here. Harley: I realize that, Bill. I realized that back at the Beacon, I realized that, okay? Bill: Sorry, it's just... I'm a little desperate here. Harley: Okay, look, I've got to go. I've got to go, because Phillip, he's going to walk in any second, okay? Bill: I've got someone working on this. Olivia: I heard. Bill: Hey. We're going to find what we need to beat this thing. All right? You are not going to get separated from Emma. No way. Not a chance. Olivia: Thank you. Bill: Look, I know you're scared, but I am not going to let anything bad happen to you. All right? Alexandra: You're in love with him. [SCENE_BREAK] Harley: That's right, Phillip. You keep talking, I'll keep looking. Phillip: Well, I'm happy to have the cooperation, but why the sudden turnaround? Gus: Because I'm not going to stand around and watch you alienate our entire staff and invite a dozen lawsuits while you're at it. Phillip: I guess I can be a little overzealous. Gus: Mm-hmm. Phillip: Sometimes. Gus: A little bit. Phillip: I don't care. I'm glad that you changed your mind. This is a very important job. Spaulding has got to be a fortress if we're going to succeed. Gus: Right. And there is a spy in the castle. Phillip: You just find out who it is. I'll take it from there. Gus: All right. Got a list or something I could... Phillip: You bet I've got a list. Gus: Look at that. Unbelievable. You're on it. All right, I'm going to call a friend of mine at the FBI. Phillip: Well, you can do that later. I've got Ruth Karloff, my new assistant, in here. I want you to start with her right away. Ruth? [SCENE_BREAK] Lizzie: If you see that guy get back here again, just inform me or my dad as soon as you... (loud engine starts) what are you doing? Coop: Mind the gap, sweetheart. This train is leaving the station. (Cheers) Lizzie: Will you stop him? Do your job! Security guard: He's not stopping for anyone! Phillip: That's funny. She was here a minute ago. (Bulldozer engine) Lizzie: No. No, don't! (Loud crashing) Phillip: What the hell was that? Gus: Well, that didn't sound good. Phillip: Yeah. No kidding. Well, I have no idea what that was, but I'm going to go check it out. Gus: Listen, I'm going to stay here for your assistant. Phillip: Yeah. Oh, yeah, her name is Ruth. Ruth Karloff. Gus: Ruth Karloff, right. Ruth Karloff. I bet you didn't know what you were getting yourself into when you took this job. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: I am not in love with Bill. He's my business partner. Alexandra: Well, forgive me, dear, but I almost became ill watching that touching scene: The hands reaching through the bars and the tearful good-bye. Olivia: I'm emotional, all right? Your nephew won't let up. Alexandra: Can you really blame him? Olivia: Don't you dare. You are the last person who should judge me. You're a drug dealer. Alexandra: Really? Well, let's just keep this on you because you... you and your business partner have declared war, literally, on the Spaulding's, and all Phillip is doing is fighting for his family. Olivia: And I'm fighting for my life. For my child. Alexandra: Well, pardon me if I can't muster up too much sympathy for you. Olivia: Oh, big surprise. Alexandra: You know, you're the one who brought the Spaulding's... you started this whole spiral downhill by pitting Phillip against Alan in the beginning, and look what you ended up doing to Phillip. Olivia: I didn't do anything to Phillip! Alexandra: What, putting him in a psychiatric hospital by telling him that his baby daughter is dead? For God's sake. Olivia: I had to protect my child, for God's sake! Alexandra: That's ridiculous. There's nothing more precious in this whole wide world than his children, his family. Olivia: Oh, you know what? Don't even use the "f" word with me, all right? You sent your precious family to hell in a hand basket when the feds came a-knocking on your alleged front door. Alexandra: I'm paying for my mistake. Olivia: (Sighs) maybe neither one of us is completely innocent. Alexandra: Who claims to be? Well, really, though. Do you and I belong here? Olivia: I know that I don't. Alexandra: I never liked you. Olivia: Oh, well that's because we're so much alike. Alexandra: Perish the thought. Olivia: Oh, you'd better believe it, but unfortunately, it's true. We've made huge mistakes because of the men we've chosen. Alexandra: Oh, what woman hasn't? Olivia: But this, I don't think I can take. I may never see my daughter again. But you know what that feels like, don't you, because somebody took your babies, didn't they? Alexandra: Yes. It's the most horrible feeling in the whole wide world. Mm- hmm. I wouldn't even wish that on you. Olivia: Then help me. Help me. Alexandra: How? Olivia: By getting me out of here. Look, you pull that off, I'll return the favor. Bill: Hey there, Chief. Can you let her out? Frank: What did you say? Bill: Olivia. Can you go down to the jail, open the door, and let her walk? Could you, please? And don't give me any excuses about paperwork and red tape, all right? Frank: Well, Bill, unfortunately we're dealing with INS here, and when you deal with INS, they're going to do what they've got to do. And I'm afraid if I stick my nose into this, well, you know, it could turn out bad. Bill: Well, you're probably right. Thanks anyway. Frank: Hey, Bill. Come here. I would like to help you, I really would. I like Olivia, okay? I think she's had her share of bad breaks. I mean, I don't agree with her choices of men, but... Bill: Well, marrying Phillip Spaulding is the stupidest thing she's ever done, I think. Frank: You think? Bill: I mean, what kind of man would sic the INS on the mother of his child? Frank: Well, let's see. Maybe the same kind of guy who would level the house of the mother of his other children? Do you really think Phillip could do this? Bill: Oh, Frank, come on. Please. Frank: Yeah. You're probably right. Bill: I mean, look. If you want to hate each other, hate each other, but there's no need to hurt an innocent little girl. That's the way I see it. Frank: Well, see, that's just exactly the problem. The children, they're always the innocent ones that get hurt. Eleni and I, we've always tried to be civil about everything, but unfortunately, Marina is the one who always gets hurt. Bill: I mean, look, my parents, they had their ups and downs, but my dad, he would never, ever do anything like this. Frank: Yeah, well, Phillip is certainly on a rampage, isn't he? I've never seen anybody go after anybody else like he does. Bill: He's done a number on your family, huh? Frank: Yeah, Phillip certainly has. This whole family, actually. I lost my job, I lost my girl. My sister lost her house, her fiancé. My dad almost lost his life. My daughter drops out of college. Why? Because she's scared to death and she wants to keep an eye on her father and her grandfather. Bill: You guys... you don't deserve any of that. Frank: No, we don't. You're absolutely right about that. But we got one thing going for us: We have each other. Bill: Yeah. Well, see, that's just it. You have each other. Olivia, she's all alone. Frank: That's not exactly true. And you know why? Because she's got you. Bill: Her business partner. Big deal. Frank: Well, Bill, if you don't want your business partner to leave the country, maybe it's time for you to step up to the plate. What do you think? Because right now, I think that you are all she's got. [SCENE_BREAK] Gus: Okay, thanks. Alan: What on earth was that? Gus: I thought you were on the tennis court. Alan: Well, Beth had to postpone the game because she forgot she had a doctor's appointment. Gus: You and Beth. It's kind of cute. You're like two peas in a pod. Alan: Beth is like a daughter to me. Gus: Right. Well, didn't your last daughter turn out to be your sister? It's funny how relationships in this family evolve. Alan: You know, Gus, you are incorrigible. Gus: I've been called a lot worse than that. Alan: Yes, you have. Gus: Yes, I have. You're right. I should be simple and uncomplicated, like your other son. Alan: Well, I still think my two very different sons would make a good team. Gus: Okay, just stop. I've already put the ball in motion, okay? I'm working on project paranoia, for your information. I'm interrogating somebody right after this. I'm starting with Phillip's new assistant... Alan: Wait. Phillip has got a new assistant? Gus: Yes. Alan: I didn't know about that. Gus: Yes. Her name is Ruth Karloff. I'm sure she's going to be the highlight of my day. [SCENE_BREAK] Lizzie: You stupid idiot! You almost hit me! Coop: Oh, I'm the stupid one? Who didn't get out of the way until the very last second? Lizzie: Well, I was protecting my family. Coop: Well, so was I. Lizzie: I can't believe this. Oh, great. There's a tree in our solarium. Coop: Well, that was an accident, but it certainly did turn out all right, didn't it? Lizzie: You're crazy. You're a real psycho. Coop: Well, it takes one to know one, doesn't it? Lizzie: You're going to pay for this. Coop: That's what this is all about, Lizzie. It's payback. Your dad knocked down my sister's house! Lizzie: My dad owns that house! Coop: Oh. Well, that makes it all right, then? Lizzie: Well, this isn't exactly right what you did, either. Phillip: What the hell is going on out here? Coop: Well, foot slipped. Phillip: Oh, well. What a surprise. Coop: Foot slipped onto the pedal. So sorry. Phillip: Oh, you will be sorry. Lizzie: Daddy. Listen, I really did try and stop him. I tried. I was so scared. He almost hit me. Phillip: Are you all right? Lizzie: Yeah, I'm fine. Ruth: Mr. Spaulding? Phillip: Yes? Ruth: I thought that you would need some... oh, Lord. What have you done? Phillip: I'll tell you what he's done. He's just landed himself some time in jail. And when you get out, you will owe me a tree, a gate, and a new solarium. Coop: Oh, just like you owe Harley and your kid a new house? Phillip: My son Zach has a house. You just knocked a tree into it. Go call the police. Ruth: Mr. Spaulding, I wouldn't, sir. Phillip: You wouldn't what? Ruth: I am appalled by this young man's behavior, but... Phillip: But what? Ruth: Sir. He's just a boy, sir. Phillip: Well, that boy just destroyed part of my house, and my daughter could have been seriously injured. Ruth: I realize that, sir. Phillip: Well, then what's the problem? Mike, go call the police. What? Why do you care so much about this kid? Phillip: I want to know, what is the problem? Ruth: Sir... sir, it is bad publicity, sir. Phillip: I don't give a damn. I'm not going to be held hostage by public opinion. This kid tried to level my house. He's got to be taught a lesson. Ruth: You're right, sir. Phillip: I'm so glad that you feel that way. Unbelievable. You Coopers never learn a damn thing, do you? Coop: That's right. I'm a Cooper. But the last name is Bradshaw. Phillip: Oh, well, thank you, Mr. Bradshaw. We'll want to get that right on the police report. Coop: Do I know you? Ruth: I don't associate with juvenile delinquents. Lizzie: (Laughs) that's good. Coop: What is so funny, goldilocks? Lizzie: Nothing. I just think it's funny how clearly Ruth can see. Phillip: Frank. You're back on the job. Well, I'm sorry that one of your first calls has to be to arrest your brother. Frank: Did you do this? Coop: They deserved it, Frank. You know it as well as I do... Frank: Don't say another word. Phillip: Oh. Now, that's what I like to see: Unbiased law enforcement in action. Frank: Are there any witnesses here? Phillip: Yes. Lizzie and Mike, here. They're both ready to give you a statement. Lizzie: We are more than ready to give you a statement. Frank: All right, Simmons. Take statements here. And you, I want you to go over there, I want you to sit down, and I want you to keep your mouth shut. I want to... I want to pay for all the damages. Phillip: Take a look at it, Frank. You're talking about tens of thousands of dollars. Frank: What my brother did was dumb, stupid, and reckless. Phillip: Mm-hmm. Frank: But I don't want him to have a record. He doesn't deserve that. Phillip: Oh, well, actually, I think he does deserve it, and that's exactly what I expect to happen. Frank: Look, if you want to take something out on somebody, you take it out on me. Phillip: Frank, what kind of a lesson would that teach the boy? Now, we all have to learn sooner or later in life that our actions have consequences. Now, damn it, arrest him or things will get much worse. [SCENE_BREAK] Bill: Well, Mr. Mason, I'm not asking for miracles here. I don't know, can you file a brief? Make a motion? Something that's going to tie up the proceeding? Yes, but look, you're not hearing me. My partner has a little girl, and this whole thing is a ploy by the girl's father to keep her away from Olivia. That's what's going on here. I mean, the only mistake that she made is marrying this freaking lunatic. Sorry. Listen, sorry, sorry. But... bottom line, you can't help or you won't help? Yeah, well, you know what? Thanks for nothing. All right, there's other lawyers, Bill. Just take it easy. Olivia, don't worry. Your partner is here. You can count on me. You can count on me. No. Jeffrey O'Neill, please. Bill Lewis. He's in a meeting? Yeah, well, could you get him out? I think he's going to want to take this call. (Laughs) Alexandra: So, you want to play "let's make a deal"? Olivia: Oh, yes, I do. I'm that desperate. Alexandra: Why on earth should I trust you? Olivia: What have you got to lose? Alexandra: True. But then again, you? Olivia: Well, has anybody else done anything to get you out of here? I mean, Alan or Phillip? Alexandra: Oh, well... (laughs) Olivia: I mean, it seems like they just sort of left you here to rot, didn't they? Alexandra: No. I'm sure they're distancing themselves from me for the sake of Spaulding. But come on. We are family. They would never abandon me. We're family. Olivia: There's that word again. My offer still stands. You have my word. Alexandra: Which means what? Absolutely nothing. Olivia: All right, all right. Alexandra: But I'll do it. I'll call Phillip; I'll tell him to call off the dogs. Olivia: That's it? That's your idea of helping me? There's no way. Alexandra: I think you underestimate my influence over Phillip. Olivia: I think you underestimate how much he hates me. Alexandra: (Laughs) well, perhaps, perhaps. But what have you got to lose? Olivia: Good point. Alexandra: Fine then. But what are you going to do for me? Olivia: Okay, all right. How about... I was running Spaulding when the whole Brad Green/Vinnie Salerno thing happened, right? Alexandra: Right. Olivia: Alex, I will swear in court that it was Brad who framed you, that he set you up. Alexandra: (Laughs) good. Okay. Okay. Let's do it. Let's... we sound desperate, don't we? Olivia: Well, desperate times call for desperate measures. Alexandra: Let's just do it. Jeanie? Jeanie? Jeanie? Guard: Can I get you something, Spaulding? Alexandra: Yes, please. May I... may I ask a huge favor of you? Guard: Sure, just name it. Alexandra: May I borrow your phone again? Guard: Just be discreet. Alexandra: Oh, I will. I will. Her son just loves that mountain bike I sent him. [SCENE_BREAK] Alan: Well, it looks like we both have a lot of work to do, Gus. Gus: Why don't you stick around, help me out with the interrogation? You can work the faucets on my water torture technique. Alan: (Chuckles) I think I'll leave that to you. But I do want a full report. Gus: No. Just join me when I give it to Phillip. Alan: Good. Remember, I think you're a good influence on Phillip. Gus: Yeah, well, I'm giving it my best shot. Alan: Glad to hear that. Good luck with the interview. Gus: Mm-hmm. Ruth Karloff. I bet you turn out to be my next best friend. Frank: You know, Phillip, there's no reasoning with you, is there? Phillip: Well, Frank, let me ask you. How reasonable were you with me when I had a bulldozer--just a minute, Ruth--when I had the bulldozer parked outside of company? Hm? Frank: Excuse me. Coop? Phillip: It's a reasonable... Ruth, what is it? You know, I'm not crazy about this bleeding heart that you're displaying. Ruth: Mr. Spaulding, the press will have a field day if you put the Cooper boy in jail. Phillip: I'm not concerned about the press. Ruth: What if they should ask questions about your ex-wife's house? Phillip: What if they do? Ruth: Sir, that story has not hit the papers yet. Phillip: It's not a story, Ruth. Ruth: It is to the Coopers, sir. Phillip: Well, I can't just let the little criminal get away with this. If I don't put a stop to these pranks now, there's no telling what they'll do. Ruth: I agree, sir. There must be consequences. Phillip: Although I could punish him myself. Ruth: Yes, sir. That way you would stay in control. Frank: I want you to apologize to Phillip. Coop: Just like you did to Alan? Forget it, Frank. Lizzie: You know, it's great to see your brother finally came to his senses. Coop: It's called temporary insanity. He's going to snap out of it. Don't worry, there's no way he's going to be convinced to join Spauldingism. Lizzie: Oh, Spauldingism. I like that. Coop: Don't you have to bleach your hair or something? Lizzie: And Miss you get hauled away in handcuffs? I don't think so. Never. Coop: I don't care if they lock me up forever. At least I had the satisfaction of seeing the way you looked when that bulldozer was coming right at you. Phillip: Ruth, why don't you go back inside now? My investigator, Gus Aitoro, is waiting for you in the den. Go ahead. Go on. I think you've done enough out here. Frank? Frank: Just keep going, Simmons, all right? Phillip: Well, it looks like you're off the hook. Frank: You changed your mind? Coop: Looks like the Coopers are catching up with the Spaulding's. Phillip: Oh, you think this is a game, son. Well, you're about to find out otherwise. You committed a crime. I'm going to make you pay for that. Phillip: All right. You didn't want the kid to have a record; he won't have a record. Frank: Thank you. Coop: Wait. What's going on here? You didn't sell me down the river, did you? Frank: Coop, just keep your mouth shut. Trust me. Phillip: Let me explain it to you. I'm going to cut you a deal. I'm going to handle your punishment myself. You'll work for me to pay off the damages. Coop: (Laughs) the torture method? No. You can't do this. Phillip: Frank? Can I do it? Lizzie: You can just, I guess, think of it as community service for us. Right Daddy? Phillip: Right. Coop: No. No way. Frank, take me to jail. There's no way I'm doing this. Frank: You are going to do it. Now, just pipe down. (Cell phone rings) Phillip: Yeah? Alexandra: Phillip, darling, it's Alex. I need to speak to you. It's important. Phillip: This is not a good time. Alexandra: But it is really important, Phillip. Phillip: Aunt Alex, I'm sorry, but I can't talk to you right now. Alexandra: Phillip, it's about Olivia. Now, you have to talk to me. Phillip. Hello? Phillip! Well, I... disconnected. Phillip: All right? Had time to mull it over? Frank: Yes, he did. He'll do it. Coop: No. I'm not going to do this. Phillip: Well, it's either go to jail or work for me. Your choice. [SCENE_BREAK] Bill: Hey. I'm getting you out of here. Olivia: What? Bill: Jeffrey O'Neill is on the way. Olivia: Jeffrey? Bill: Yeah. He's helping us. Olivia: How? Does he have a connection at the INS? Bill: No, that isn't it. Olivia: Well, then how? Bill: Baby, there is no reason to wait anymore. Olivia: What are you talking about... did you just call me "baby"? Bill: Look, I know you deserve something special, but under the circumstances, I just thought that maybe... Olivia: Just back up. I don't understand what you're saying. What are you trying to say? Bill: I know you love me. Olivia: You do? Bill: And I love you, too. So let's just do it. Olivia: Do what? Bill: Let's get married. (Laughs) (knock at door) [SCENE_BREAK] Gus: Come on in. Ruth: Excuse me, sir. I'm Ruth Karloff, Mr. Spaulding's assistant. I believe you're expecting me for an interview, sir. Gus: Yes. Hello, Ruth. I'm Gus Aitoro. I'm just going to have a few questions for you. Next, on "Guiding Light"... Gus: Deep, dark secrets, Ms. Karloff. Now, we both have them. I have them, you have them. But we're not here to talk about me, so if there's anything that you have to confess, now would be a great time. JB: You have to stay unconscious until she starts to believe and until I take care of a few other things. Bill: Olivia, sweetheart, will you make me the happiest man on earth and say "I do"? | Coop comes at the Spaulding mansion with a bulldozer and does some major damage |
484 | Gus: Just breathe, baby. A few more minutes and we'll know if this guy's for real. Frank: Okay, are we ready? State your full name and address. Webster: Jack douglas webster. 311 front street. Harley: To think that I was this close to pleading guilty and just going to prison. And now that may all change if... if this guy is telling the truth. Gus: You think... Harley: I mean, obviously if he's not, I... Gus: One step at a time. Danny: Um, are those what i think they are? Are these the keys to this apartment? Marina: Yes. And the lease. All you have to do is sign it. Danny: Uh, what... okay, wait. What's going on, here? First you find me a place to live, and now you arrange it so that I have absolutely no choice but to move in? Do I sense an agenda here? Marina: Oh, look, santos, an apartment with a view like this one comes along, like, never, okay? There was no way I wasn't going to jump on it. We just need to sign this and get it back there before it's too late. Danny: You know what? You would make a fantastic real estate agent. Let's go. Marina: ( Laughs ) Tony: Hey. Danny: Hey. Michelle: Hi. Danny: No time. Got to go. Tony: Okay. So, well, things are moving pretty quickly there. You okay with that? Hm? Michelle: Are you kidding? That's great. Olivia: I need your help. Alexandra: Oh. Well, only if you'll help me decide what I'm going to have for dessert. Olivia: I don't have time for this. You were there when alan threatened to rip my life apart, alexandra. He's starting to make good on it. Alexandra: What? Olivia: He's using sebastian to go after bill. Alexandra: What makes you so sure? Olivia: Bill ended up in the emergency room. And I know this is just the beginning. I know it. I can feel it. He's going to try and take emma away from me. Alexandra: Or you away from her. Olivia: Why? Why is he doing this? Alexandra: He's lost phillip and not a thing he can do will bring him back, so all he has right now is his grandchildren. There's lizzie and james and zach... Olivia: And emma. Alexandra: Yes. And those children are his entire world. They're what he cares most about. I mean, that's what motivates every single move he's making. Olivia: Like trying to annihilate me. Alexandra: If he thinks there's any jeopardy to those children, from anyone... Olivia: How could I put my own daughter in jeopardy? Alexandra: Well, in alan's mind, maybe you're phillip's murderer. And he would never allow a granddaughter of his to be raised by his son's killer. Alan: Well, zach, look who's out here. It's your sister, standing out here in the cold because... Lizzie: Because I'm waiting for someone. Alan: Oh? Lizzie: And no, it's not coop. Alan: Well, his family is probably dancing on tabletops, celebrating their surprise witness. Lizzie: I don't know. I haven't been inside yet. But I know harley and gus went down to the police station. Alan: Yes. Probably to gloat. Lizzie: Do you really think this witness can clear harley? Alan: The courtroom isn't the only place where justice can be distributed. Harley: Look a the needles. They're not even twitching. This guy's telling the truth. Frank: ...You saw a woman matching the description of... Harley: Yeah, but there's no pressure in there right now. You know? What happens when he's testifying on the stand? Jeffrey is going to do everything he can to make this guy crack. I... I think I should check him out. Gus: No. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Coop. Harley: I've got a question for you. Frank: Harley, you can't be in here. Harley: Did you make up a big, fat lie so you could cut a sweetheart deal with the da? Frank: Sis! Harley: Answer me! Coop: You waved? Lizzie: I need to speak to you. Coop: Not alone, I take it. Lizzie: Oh. Right. Have you met my friend, tyler? He graduated top of his class at westlake prep. Now he's over at state for business. He's got his own business. It's doing great. Coop: That's great. Tyler: That's the word for it. Coop: Lizzie, I wanted to talk to you, too. Lizzie: Okay, well, I'm the boss, so I'm going to go first. When I walked in here, there were two tables that weren't set. The bussing tray needed to be emptied and the bathrooms were disgusting. We cannot have that around here. Coop: We also can't have people parking in the handicapped spots without permits. Tyler: Oh, yeah. That would be me. I'm not staying long. Coop: You're certainly not handicapped yet. Tyler: Well, I'm kind of handicapped. I have a dirty fork. Lizzie: Get him a new one, coop. Now. Waitress: He'll probably want a spoon. Coop: This chili is for that guy? I'll take it to him. Don't worry about it. Oh, yeah. Marina: Ta-da! Welcome home! Oh, this place is great, isn't it? I mean, lots of space. Danny: Yeah, it'S... it's pretty great. It is. It's great. Especially when you look out the window. ( Laughter ) Marina: Oh, come on. Oh, you could wait weeks to get a crew in here to repaint the place. Well, I don't need to tell you that. You're in the business. Danny: That's right. Marina: Only that means weeks until you can move in. Danny: Yeah, well... I can do it myself. Marina: ( Laughs ) actually, I have a surprise for you. Danny: Are you not wearing anything under that coat? Marina: Oh, you're so funny. Nice guess, but no. Actually, I snuck in here this afternoon, after I met with the landlord. Danny: Snuck in? Marina: Yes. Danny: Why? For what? Marina: This. Danny: Did you buy all that stuff? Marina: Mm-hmm. Want to mess around? Danny: ( Chuckles ) Michelle: You know what? I bet this is the apartment that marina found for them. Look. It's all circled. Tony: Yeah, sure is. Michelle: We should buy them a housewarming present. Tony: You want to buy them a present? Michelle: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Come on. Why don't we go over there and we'll surprise them. Tony: You want to go where, exactly? Huh? Michelle: To the apartment. Are you paying attention? Tony: Ha-ha. Michelle: I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But I do really want to go over there. This stuff can wait, right? Tony: All right. After that, we go out on a date, huh? Tyler: ( Gasping ) Frank: Harley, don't do this. Harley: Just give me a minute, frank. You've already done major prison time, and you just got busted again. For a felony. How long do you think you'd be locked up if you didn't cut this sweet little deal with the da? Webster: Hey, I'm the first to admit seeing that ruth lady split that night is the best break I've had in a dog's age. Harley: And after months of silence-- months-- you spill the details, right after you get arrested. Webster: I caught a report on the radio about your trial. It hit me, the stuff I knew might be... come in handy one rainy day. Harley: You get nabbed, you get locked up, and damn if it wasn't pouring out, huh? Webster: Lady, what's your problem? I saw the dude in the restaurant alone. Alive. It's like you don't want to believe you didn't kill the guy. Harley: I just want to know what to believe. Webster: What can I say? You're innocent. Frank: Harley, look at the test. He hasn't even lied once. Gus: The guy might be a lowlife, but his story stands up. Harley: Good. That's good. Yeah. Gus: How long have you been here? Alan: Long enough to hear what I needed to hear. Harley, I hope you're not planning on reneging on our deal. Because if you do, it'll be another mistake. Olivia: So alan doesn't want to just take emma away from me, he wants to pin phillip's murder on me, first. Alexandra: Olivia, what did you expect when you came back to spaulding? Olivia: Well, I didn't sign on to be alan's whipping girl, i can tell you that. Alexandra: Well, you knew there was going to be some risk, didn't you? Olivia: Yes. Alexandra: Well, then what are you afraid of? You've protected yourself against alan before. You can do it again. Unless, of course, you have something to hide. Olivia: Like what? Alexandra: I don't know. I'm not privy to alan's informational world, but whatever he deems a weapon, i suppose. Olivia: You have to help me. Help me. Please. For emma's sake, alexandra. Please. I need to know exactly what kind of danger I'm in. Alexandra: All right. First thing, I suggest you just stay as calm as you can. And then do everything alan tells you. Olivia: Harley. Her being exonerated has nothing to do with me. Alexandra: Well, if harley goes free, that leaves you vulnerable to alan. So it's just something to think about. Olivia: Thanks for nothing. Um, jeffrey o'neill, please. It's olivia spencer. Could you tell him that I need to talk to him about the harley cooper murder case? And it's urgent. Marina: You know, I'm definitely getting a "less is more" vibe from the place. I was thinking maybe we could do some sponge on the paint, give it this nice textured feel. Danny: Ugh. No, no, no. No sponge. Danny no likey the sponge. Marina: Yes, it's nice. Danny: No, no. Marina: What color do you think we should do the kitchen? Danny: You mean that little wall? I don't know. What color is the most manly? Marina: Whatever color you're standing next to. Danny: Oh, good answer. Marina: Actually, I was going to suggest a nice, warm salmon. Danny: That just makes me hungry. How about this? I mean, I like this color. Marina: Yeah? Danny: Don't you? Looks good to me. Marina: Actually, I was thinking something more along the lines of this. Danny: Yeah? Marina: Uh-huh. Danny: Really? Marina: You're going to pay for that. Wait until I get my hands on the roller. Danny: No, no, no, no, no. No. Marina: Oh, yeah. Danny: No. Marina: Oh, yeah. Danny: No, no. Drop it. Drop it. ( Laughter ) drop it. Marina: ( Shrieks ) ( laughter ) ( knock on door ) Michelle: Cool, a paint fight. We're good at those, right? Tony: Yeah. Danny: Hey. What are you guys doing here? Marina: How'd you even find the place? Michelle: Well, we came over to help you guys celebrate. Danny: Celebrate? Celebrate what? Michelle: You two moving in together. You know, I hope you're as happy as tony and I are. Alan: So, your conscience is clear, harley. Well, that's good. I just wonder if the jury will accept the testimony of an ex- con, especially one that just cut a deal with the da. Gus: The man knows what he saw, he knows what he didn't see, and she clearly didn't shoot anybody. Alan: You signed a statement changing your plea to guilty. Now, that sends a very strong message to the jury. Gus: Don't listen to what he's saying, baby. Alan: More bad advice from your attorney. This is not just about criminal records or prison time. This is about family and children. Harley: Time to threaten me again, huh? Alan: Harley, our agreement was very simple. You plead guilty to manslaughter, and I allow zach to be raised by your family. Harley: You "allow." Alan: Yes. And I would also stop disbarment proceedings against gus, and in general ease up on the people that you love. Gus: I don't think you understand. The situation has changed. Alan: Yeah, well, perhaps it hasn't changed quite enough. You know, you could go back in that courtroom and lose. This big break of yours may not prove to be big enough. Harley: Then what? Alan: Then I take my grandson home and raise him as a spaulding, the way he should be raised. Like his father would want. Harley: But I'M... I might be innocent, alan. I mean, don't you care at all about the truth? Alan: I care about justice and I want the people who hurt phillip to pay. And you are at the top of the list. Gus: Baby, don't listen to him, okay? We are going to win this thing. Alan: Careful, harley. Gus has failed you in the past. Are you going to put faith in him now? Can you count on him, now that everything you hold precious is on the line? Coming up on "guiding light"... Alan: You're not innocent, either, olivia. Olivia: What makes you think you can cook up something that would incriminate me? Alan: And what makes you think I would have to "cook up" anything? Harley: I'm choosing to believe in you. Again. Don't make me live to regret this. Gus: Listen to me. I'm not going to let you get hurt, okay? Alan: Promises, promises. Gus: We have taken a beating because we want something special and good in our lives, and some people, they can't stand that. Some families, they can't stand that, but that's not us. Now, I know there's a lot on the line: Your future, zach's future, your freedom. But we're going to win. We're going to beat this thing, okay? It's going to turn out the way we want it to. This is the way it's going to be. Alan: This is pathetic. Gus: Just because you are all about control and revenge, it doesn't mean the rest of us can't act like human beings, okay? Baby, don't be afraid. Okay? You're just going to have to trust me. Just one more time. Frank: Can you feel air going in there? Zach: Yeah. Frank: You getting a little tired? Okay. Harley: Hey. Do you think that gus is a good guy? Do you believe what gus says to you? Zach: Yeah. Harley: Yeah. The deal's off, alan. My lawyer and I will be going to court. Alan: I hope you can live with your choice, because you are going to regret it the rest of your life. Gus: Thank you. You'll see. Harley: Don't thank me. Just prove me right. I'm choosing to believe in you. Again. Don't make me live to regret this. Coop: So, where's romeo at? Lizzie: Tyler went to go smoke a cigarette. Coop: I'm surprised you're hanging out with a smoker. I thought you didn't like the smell of cigarettes. Lizzie: That's exactly why tyler's outside. Coop: I know what you're doing, lizzie, bringing wonder prep around. Lizzie: Excuse me? Coop: You're not fooling me for one minute. Lizzie: Good. I'm glad there's no misunderstanding. And before you clean the bathroom, make sure you take the trash out. Coop: Sure. Lizzie: What are you doing? Coop, let go of me! Put me down now! Now! Coop: Ow. Lizzie: You are such an idiot. Tyler: I noticed you the second I walked in the door. Waitress: Really? Tyler: Yeah. So, when do you get off tonight? Waitress: Not for a while. Tyler: Well, that's no problem. You're worth the wait. Michelle: This is just a little something to, you know, help you around the house. Danny: Oh, well, thank you. Thanks. Listen, michelle, about this place... Michelle: Don't tell me you're not going to take it, because that would be a really incredible waste of paint. And, you know, this amazing space, here. Danny: No, I mean I am taking it, but marina and I are not moving in together. Michelle: I don't understand, because we... tony and I heard you guys at company saying that you didn't want to let this place slip out of your hands. Danny: Oh, no, no, no. Marina just... she found the place for me. That's all. That's it. So, I mean, well, what do you think? It's pretty great, huh? I mean, it will be great, once it's painted. Michelle: Yeah, I hope so. I mean, really... enjoy it. I hope you like the present, too. Danny: Thank you. Tony: Okay. All right, well we will leave you to fling paint brushes. Michelle: Listen, I really do mean it. I hope you're happy here. Tony: Michelle, he's going to want what's best for his kid. Michelle: He does, tony, you know that. Tony: Even if that means letting robbie live here full- time? Michelle: ( Laughs ) danny would never go for that. Tony: I'm telling you, hey, it's not a bad idea. Michelle: Do you really think we could? Tony: Your son belongs with you. Michelle: And if you need any extra hands cleaning up or moving stuff, just let me know, okay? Bye. Danny: Okay. Tony: Nice place, danny. See you. Danny: See you. Well, that was nice of her. Marina: Yeah. Hey. Danny: Hm? Marina: Just be careful around michelle, okay? Michelle: Okay, I could have sworn they said they were moving in together. Tony: Or maybe, babe, that's what you wanted to hear. All right? Come on, let's go. Olivia: Jeffrey? Hello? Look, your secretary said a half an hour, so... hello? Look, I'm not really in the mood for games, so if we could just... you know what? Never mind. Alan. Alan: A little bird told me you were going to talk to jeffrey o'neill about harley's case. I think you should talk to me first. Olivia: Why? Alan: Because she's going to get off. Olivia: Harley? Alan: She's going to walk out of this courtroom a free woman and get on with her life. Olivia: So the witness that came forward can prove that she's innocent. Alan: She's not innocent, but the law will say so. And phillip will be forgotten, unless I can change things and find another way. Olivia: Another way? Or another person. A replacement for harley. A stand-in for guilt. Me. Alan: You're not innocent, either, olivia. Olivia: What makes you think you can cook up something that would incriminate me? Alan: And what makes you think I would have to "cook up" anything? Tyler: So, listen... Coop: Hey. She can't listen. She's got a shift to finish up. You, inside. Right now. Tyler: Hey, hey. Coop: I don't think so. Tyler: Man, what's your problem? Coop: What's my problem? I'll tell you what my problem is. You can't have one date at one time, casanova? Tyler: I'm just covering my bases, that's all. What's it to you, anyhow? Coop: Covering your bases. Tyler: Lizzie's a babe and a real spaulding, which is a plus, but, you know, if the crazy thing gets out of hand, I've got to have a backup. I mean, I've heard a lot about lizzie. Coop: Like what? Tyler: Like she's pretty much one step away from going to the same whack-farm her father got locked up in for a while. Coop: You know what the great thing about parking in the handicapped spot is? It means you can leave faster. If I ever catch you back here again, don't you ever come back! Lizzie: Coop, wait! What's going on? Coop: Turns out that tyler had to leave a little early. Lizzie: You are unbelievable. I finally find a guy that wants to go out with me and you have to go screw it up. Coop: That's right, lizzie. That's exactly what I did. Danny: Wait, hold up. Hold up. What do you mean, be careful of michelle? Marina: Nothing. Danny: Marina, stop. What's going on? Oh. Are you jealous? Are you jealous? Marina: No. I am not. I am not jealous. Danny: Really? Marina: Really. I just want to make sure that you're okay. Danny: Well, yeah, I'm okay. I mean, I seem okay right now, don't I? Marina: That's because I'm here. Danny: Oh. And michelle's not. Listen, michelle and I can be friends. I want to. We're robbie's parents and that's important for him, but it will not get in the way of what's going on between us. Marina: Are we going to paint, or what? Danny: No. No, no, no. No. Come here. Have I told you how much i appreciate you finding this place for me? No? Okay. Marina: Wow. It really pays to read the classifieds. ( Laughs ) so, you really think there's an "us"? Danny: What do you think? Tony: Okay, I am going to get you a drink, so you can keep your mind off of danny. Michelle: I'm not thinking about danny. Tony: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Danny: Happy valentine's day, honey. Michelle: Thank you. Danny: I love you. Tony: Here you go. Michelle: Thanks. Thanks. Tony: So? Michelle: All right, so you're the expert. Tony: Yeah. ( Laughs ) Michelle: Why was I so quick to jump to the conclusion that danny and marina were a serious item? Tony: Okay, first of all, i am no expert on anything, pretty much. But I think that you... I don't know, I think that if you were sure that danny was with marina, that it would keep him from coming between us, I guess. I don't know. Michelle: Maybe. Tony: I know you've had memories about your life, all right? I do. I just happen to think that it's happening a lot more often than you've really admitted to me, that's all. Alan: Means, motives, opportunities. You had all three of them. And you know something, olivia? No one despised phillip more than you did or was happier when he died. You couldn't even contain your happiness at the hospital when his body was still getting cold. Olivia: Yeah, well, I had a lot of company. Alan: Yeah. And you also had these. Ah, look familiar. One way tickets to san cristobel for you and emma. Yeah. You purchased these just days after he was shot. Olivia: That doesn't prove anything. Alan: It proves you were leaving the country, on the run, and not planning on returning. Olivia: I didn't leave. I didn't run, did I? How did you get those, anyway? Alan: You know, the police aren't the only ones capable of investigation. Matter of fact, I have a lot of evidence on you, olivia. Evidence I won't have to fabricate at all. It'll be very interesting for the jury to see. Olivia: No, no. Apparently it wasn't enough for them to charge me with the crime in the first place. Why should I worry about it now? Alan: You left the towers well before phillip was shot and you were seen immediately thereafter. You made a total fool of yourself and were out of control at his funeral. You checked yourself into a mental hospital just weeks later. Olivia: No. No. You had me locked up. Alan: Yes, but the records show that you signed the intake papers voluntarily. Olivia: You set me up, alan. Alan: Well, why don't you try to explain to that the judge or the jury. Olivia: I don't have to explain it to anybody. I'm innocent. Alan: I have lots of facts on you. Just think how they're going to look. Oh, I think I could probably prove that you murdered phillip and have you put away and have emma all to myself. Olivia: I did not kill him! Alan: Then tell me what you're willing to do to protect your innocence and your freedom. Harley: Dear, you bring me back some of those corn nuts, okay? Don't eat them all. Gus: ( Laughs ) I love you. Harley: Don't give me "love," okay? Because eight months ago, I set aside all my doubts and fears about getting married again, i set them aside for you. And that was about love. Gus: You know what's funny? On that note, what you just said? Harley: No, let me finish, because if I don'T... if I don't just get this out... Gus: All right. Harley: I've got to go into this. Gus: I'm sorry. Harley: I'm telling you how i feel. Gus: I'm sorry I interrupted you. Go ahead. Harley: I can't have my heart broken again. I mean it. I can'T. I was at peace with the fact that I was saying goodbye to my kids, and I was going to do my time in prison, and you're standing here, you're getting my hopes up again, and you're telling me I might not have to go. Gus: You're not going. You're not going. Harley: I know, but what if i do? Gus: Just listen. Harley: No, you listen. It's going to be like our wedding day all over again. No, it's going to be worse, and I can'T... I can't take it. I'm not kidding. Gus: I want to tell you something. This morning, I was thinking about something. That if you had actually walked down the aisle with me back in july, we'd have made it. Even with all this garbage that's going on, we would have made it. We would have made a life together, a beautiful life together. Harley: ( Sobs ) you are either the most romantic guy in the world, or the stupidest. ( Laughs ) Gus: If I'm the stupidest, I'd have given up the idea of us a long time ago. Believe me. Harley: I'm scared. I'm scared. Gus: I know. I know. Of course you are. I am, too. But you can't let that stop you. So now, I am going to ask you to go down the aisle with me again, okay? Only this time it's a different aisle, and it's going to affect our future even... even in bigger ways. You understand? Harley: Swear to me that you won't make me sorry that I'm doing this, okay? Gus: I swear. I'm not going to lose you again. Alan: You don't have much time, olivia, to plan a defense. Because very shortly, someone is going to get on that stand, take an oath and turn this courtroom upside down. Harley will go free and phillip's murder will be unsolved. Until I can find another suspect. Olivia: I did not kill him. How many times do I have to say it? Alan: The question is: Do you want to try to convince a judge and jury? Because that is what you're going to do if harley goes free. Olivia: Alan, what do you expect me to do? Make sure she isn't cleared? Alan: I expect you to do what's best for you. Take care of number one and to hell with everyone else. Olivia: No. This is insanity. Alan: No. It's justice the way it should be. Olivia: How do you expect me to fix a murder trial? Alan: I think you're going to figure it out. Because I've got faith in you. Lizzie: How dare you throw a friend of mine out like that. Coop: Lizzie, please. All right, you brought that loser in here to send me a signal. Lizzie: A signal? Oh, gosh, this has got to be great. Go ahead, coop. Coop: Lizzie, it's obvious. All right? You bring mr. Hot shot biz-whiz from state in here, start parading him around. You start chewing me out like I'm some sort of busboy, in front of him. You do all this just because you want to make me feel small. Is that right? Lizzie: No. No. That's not... it's nothing about you at all. I happen to like tyler a lot. He's very sweet. Coop: He's what? He's sweet? He's a snob. He's a white-collar criminal of tomorrow. Lizzie, what is so appealing about that guy? Lizzie: He's nothing like you. Coop: Really. Lizzie, he's not even close. ( Laughter ) ( cell phone ringing ) Danny: Is that mine? Marina: No, it's mine. Hello? Oh, hey dad, what's up? What? Oh, my gosh, yes. Yes. I... I'll be right there. Yes. I'll see you soon. Okay, bye. Danny: What? Marina: So, that guy that showed up, witnessed harley leaving? It turns out that he's telling the truth. Danny: Oh, that's fantastic. Marina: Harley is so close to getting cleared. Danny: Great. Marina: Danny. Danny: What? No. No, stop. It's okay. Actually, I'm really glad that your phone rang. Marina: Yeah? Danny: Yeah. Yeah. Because that wouldn't have been right. I mean, it would have been right, but... you know, I... it can be... I want it to be righter. Marina: Yeah. Do me a favor, though? Danny: What? Marina: Stop looking at me like that. Danny: Why? You don't like it? Marina: No, I... I do. That's the problem. I like it a lot. Danny: I think you're looking at me the same way. Marina: Maybe. Danny: Get out of here. Marina: I've got to go see harley. Danny: Go. Good luck. Marina: Thank you. Michelle: Look, I... Tony: Yes? Michelle: ...Have had some memories. I have. Okay? And it scares me a little. I... you know, I just don't want it to scare you. And I don't want it to upset you. That's why I came off as this big cheerleader for danny and marina, because I figured, you know, the faster we all kind of settle down, the quicker things will work themselves out, you know? Tony: In your head, you mean. Right? Michelle: And yours. Listen, you're the guy I'm moving in with. Tony: Yeah, well, you know. Michelle: Hey, you're the guy that I love. Tony: I know that. Michelle: Memories are just... they're just memories, right? They're just snapshots from the past. I mean, I could remember every detail about my relationship with danny, but that's not going to make me forget how I feel about you. So, are you mad at me for keeping that from you? Tony: ( Laughs ) I'm going to tell you something right now. You look around here, anywhere in springfield, you're not the only one in love, okay? Come here. Hm? Gus: Hey! Harley: My corn nuts. Gus: It's the corn nut thief. Frank: Sorry. He kind of got away from me. Harley: No, it's okay, we're done. Or actually,$we're not done. We're going back to court. We're going back to court. I'm giving gus another shot. You can call me a big jerk if you need to. Frank: I would never say that. Harley: Well, I would deserve it. I mean, you know, he has burned me before. Frank: Yeah, he sure has. Big time, actually. But obviously you must see something in him now, in order to give him another chance. Oh, sis, I love you. You just hang in there. Harley: Mm-hmm. Okay, it's time to go home. Gus: Oh, yeah. All right, well, I'll drive, okay? Harley: No, you're not going to drive. Zach's going to drive. Gus: Oh, yeah? You want to drive? Harley: He's a great driver. Gus: Here, go ahead. It's going to be okay. Come on, let's do it. Harley: Let's go. Gus: It's a stick shift, okay? Frank: The da signed off on your deal, so you're free to go. Don't be late for that court appearance. Webster: Oh, don't worry, I'll be there. No question about it. Next, on "guiding light"... Cassie: If edmund can lie about something so scary, how do I trust him, josh? Edmund: She can barely even look at me, reva, and it's all because of you. I'm about to lose everything that makes my life worth living, and it's all because of you. | He makes it clear that she will go to prison or Harley will |
485 | Michael: Well... (Sighs) Congratulations. You made the headlines, and not just here-- all over the world. Victor: I did exactly as I wanted it. (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Oh, yeah, I saw it. So did Kyle, over breakfast. Ashley: How did he take the news? Jack: My son put his faith in Victor Newman. We both know what happens when you make that mistake. How did he react to finding out a man he idolized was responsible for his mother's murder? If Victor wasn't in jail right now, I'd want to do to him what he did to Diane. Ashley: Abby wanted to come back from L.A. I told her there was nothing she could do. We're all in a state of shock, obviously. Jack: Shock? The only thing that surprises me is that he admitted it. Ashley: Victor didn't do it. I've known him a long time. I know he's capable of a lot of things. He did not bash in Diane's head. He didn't. Jack: Whereas I know he is capable of anything. [SCENE_BREAK] (Cell phone rings) Nick: (Sighs) It's been ringing all morning-- Victoria: (Sighs) Have you heard from Mom? Is she okay? Because I haven't heard from her. Nick: Yeah, I swung by the ranch this morning to check on her. Bonnie said she was up most of the night and she had just fallen asleep, so I didn't want to wake her up. Victoria: (Sighs) Tim: Tim Johns, "Wall Street Weekly." Why do you think your father killed Diane Jenkins? Nick: (Sighs) You know, I'd appreciate you respecting our family's privacy. Tim: Are you worried this will drive your mother to drink again? Nick: Okay. We're not answering any more questions today, okay? Victoria: Thank you. Nick: Damn parasites. So glad I got out of that business. Victoria: Yeah, that's for sure. Oh, and for the record, Billy said he wouldn't go near this story. Nick: You think he'll stick to that? Victoria: Honestly, I don't really care. It's like, truly, these days, I do not know what to think about Dad. It's like, who the hell is he, anyway? Nick: Look, Vick, I'm not making excuses for what Dad did to you and Billy, but this is our father. I mean, if we're not gonna support him right now, who will? [SCENE_BREAK] Avery: You're back. Sharon: I hope you don't mind that I tracked you down here, Avery. I need your help. Avery: What happened? What's wrong? Sharon: This... this is what's wrong. It's beyond wrong. Avery: If Victor confessed-- Sharon: There's something else going on here, Avery, and I want you to find out what it is. I want you to help Victor the way that you helped me, because I'm not gonna stand by and watch that man go to prison. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: I still think there's a better way of handling this than throwing your life away. Victor: Would you rather I throw Nikki's life away? Michael: Even if, for argument's sake, even if what you say is true, let me build a case. There are extenuating circumstances. I can do-- Victor: Listen to me. I killed Diane Jenkins, okay? That's it. When can we finish this? Michael: The arraignment has not been scheduled, and even when it is, I am telling you, the court is not required to accept your guilty plea. Victor: I am telling you they have been waiting for a long time to nail me. Michael: Just--but this is a crime you did not commit, Victor! Victor: Come here. Do not let anyone hear you say that. Is that clear? [SCENE_BREAK] Spencer: My office is thrilled to have closed this case. Kudos to everyone on the force who helped make it happen. You, too. Police commissioner's a happy man this morning. Ronan: And you-- you're still accepting this. Spencer: Newman confessed. Ronan: After months and months of denying that he had anything to do with it, he suddenly cops to it right as we're about to arrest Nikki? Spencer: What's your point? Ronan: My point is, no matter what Victor Newman claims, there's still a hell of a lot more to this story. Spencer: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: (Sighs) Oh, thank you. Bonnie: Anything else you want? Nothing to eat? Nikki: Just juice, thanks. Bonnie: The whole staff is really concerned about Mr. Newman, so if there's anything any of us can do-- Nikki: Oh, well, I-- I-I don't really think there is, but I appreciate that. Thank you. (Doorbell rings) Deacon: Good morning. Nikki: (Slams glass down) Good morning. That'll be all, Bonnie. Thank you. Bonnie: Yes, Ma'am. Deacon: Have I ever told you how much I love the sound of your voice in the morning? You know, it's too bad it had to be on the telephone. Nikki: Stop talking. Deacon: What's the matter? What? I can't give you a compliment? Nikki: You saw me in the park the night that Diane died. I need to know exactly what you saw. Deacon: Well, uh-- (Doorbell rings) Nikki: Oh, who is that now? Deacon: What's the matter? Are you not in the mood for a party? Nikki: Will you just shut up? Deacon: Just send 'em away, whoever it is. Come on. Nikki: You never shut up. Deacon: (Sighs) Oh, great. Kay: I most certainly do not need to be announced. I've been coming to this house since before you were born. Deacon: (Sighs) Kay: What's he doing here? Deacon: Well, I assume we probably came for the same reason-- our concern for Nikki. Look, I saw her at a couple meetings. She looked like she could use some support. Kay: Well, I'm here now, would you so kindly take a hike. Deacon: Uh, Nikki, just let me know if you need anything, okay? Kay: She won't, not from you. Deacon: Mrs. Chancellor, always a pleasure. Nikki. Kay: Why didn't you call me? And what the devil is going on with Victor? (Door slams) Nikki: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Have you thought about what this will mean to your family? Victor: That is all I've thought of. Michael: Oh, about the company-- did you check the stock price this morning? Victor: I don't give a damn about business right now. I want this over with. Michael: (Quietly) Victor, if you were in prison, the person who did this is still out there. They're not gonna look for him or her. Victor: Michael, I asked you to do your job, all right? Michael: (Normal voice) This is important. You cannot do this to yourself. You cannot! Adam: Am I interrupting something? Michael: Yes! Victor: No, he's not. Do as I asked you to do. Get it over with now. Adam: Nicholas wants back at Newman Enterprises. Victor: That was his decision. He has a lot of experience with the company. Adam: And I have your back, and I'll continue to scratch it as long as you scratch mine. Victor: Is that so? [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: You know, we've already discussed this. Nick: Yes, and I'm not gonna try and force you to do anything you're not prepared to do. Victoria: (Sighs) And guilt won't work, either, in case you're wondering. Nick: Then what will? Victoria: Nick... (Sighs) Nothing, okay? I just--I want to focus on Mom right now, and helping her. Nick: Yeah, and we're both gonna be there for her, but I can't abandon Dad. He needs one of us at Newman. Victoria: Hold on. You're going back? Nick: I know we talked about starting a business together... Victoria: (Scoffs) Nick: And we can do that, Vick. We can. But I just-- I just don't trust Adam. Victoria: Yeah, well, that makes two of us. [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: I thought we had an understanding. Victor: You know damn well that Newman Enterprises is huge and diversified. Plenty of room for you and Nicholas, okay? Adam: Your loyalty to your "Good son" is admirable. It's a shame that he's not loyal in return. If you want this... to succeed... Victor: Mm-hmm. Adam: You'll need someone who thinks just like you, and who knows your plans and your wishes, and who can give the things that you need and deliver those things, so that you can attain that plan. Victor: Mm-hmm. Adam: That person needs to call the shots, not be constantly undermined by someone who only knows half the story. Victor: If any of my kids want to return to Newman Enterprises, I will not stand in their way. Nor will you. However, you will be in charge. Adam: Can you make sure that everyone is clear on that? That includes Nikki. Victor: You be clear on one thing-- if you fail me, there'll be hell to pay. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: I can only imagine the stress you must be under. Nikki: I'll be fine, Katherine. You don't have to worry about me. Kay: Darling, how can I not be worried? Especially when I walk in and find that loathsome man in your living room. Nikki: (Sighs) Kay: Have you talked to Victor? How's he doing? Nikki: When Nicholas and I saw him in the jail last night, he was his stoic self. Kay: You and Nicholas? Not Victoria? Nikki: She's not in a good place right now anyway? Where he's concerned. Kay: Has Victor offered any explanation? Cause I can't believe he's claiming he did this. Nikki: (Pops lips) I know, neither can I, but he insists that he killed Diane. Kay: Do you believe that, Nikki? [SCENE_BREAK] Spencer: Victor confessed. You've done your job. It's time to back off. I-I'll take it from here. Ronan: And totally blow off a viable suspect? Spencer: What physical evidence do we have against Nikki? Nothing, all circumstantial, whereas with Victor, we have-- Ronan: We just realized that Nikki should be on the list. Spencer: You're here for this case. Then once it's over, you move on to another assignment, right? Ronan: Yeah, that's the plan. Spencer: Then maybe you're clinging to this case because you want to stay in town after all. Ronan: No. You know this has nothing to do with me. This has not a thing to do with me. Just--all this doesn't add up. If you give me just a minute to look over the evidence again, I could be able to-- Michael: Excuse me. When will my client be formally charged? (Stomps foot) Ronan: That depends. Is Victor still sticking to his story? Michael: That's what he says. Spencer: Good enough for me. I'll give Rosemary's clerk a call, see what her schedule's like. Ronan: (Sighs) So that's what he says, huh? Michael: Mm. Ronan: What do you say, Counsel? Michael: My job is to speak for my client. Ronan: You don't believe for a second that Victor's guilty. As a matter of fact, you probably know for certain that he isn't. So he cops to this just as I'm about to go arrest his former wife. Come on, Counsel. You and I both know that's no coincidence. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Well, I've been hearing great reports from the west coast. Every store that Abby has appeared at is exceeding sales expectations. Ashley: Right. Jack: And it's almost two weeks till Christmas. Ashley: I know. I'm so proud of the way she stepped in. I think she's finally found her niche. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Jack: Ooh, the next Abbott generation, stepping up. Nipping at our heels. Ashley: Mm. Jack: You know, it might just be time. Ashley: Time for what? Jack: To make a real play for Beauty of Nature. Ashley: Oh, Boy. We already had this discussion. You know that. Jack: That was before Victor torpedoed his own company. Believe me, if Newman stock prices keep plummeting, that board will be willing to consider the possibility of spinning off Beauty of Nature, and when they do, what does that mean for us? We would own the cosmetics industry. We would have it locked, Ash, and we will be building a legacy for Abby and Kyle and Delia, when it's their turn. Ashley: So is this the part where I'm supposed to say you're right and I agree with you? Because I don't agree with you. Jack: Ash, l-listen-- Ashley: I haven't changed my mind. Jack: All we-- Ashley: No, Jackie, I just don't think that now is the right time for us to make that kind of acquisition. Jack: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: When Adam is Victor's corroborating witness, what does that tell you? We don't have the whole story, and neither do the police. Avery: Okay, I understand why you want to help Victor, but he has a very, very competent lawyer... (Footsteps approach) Avery: Speaking of whom-- Sharon: Michael! Listen. We've gotta put a stop to this. I-I am not going to let Victor go to prison. Michael: All right, you know? Listen to me. Sharon, you may have to. Sharon: Hey, I don't want to hear that ever again, you understand me? Come here. I've been talking to Avery. I want to hire her. Michael: What? Sharon: She can help you get Victor out of this. Michael: No. No, no. No. [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: Oh, I love you, too. Okay. I'm gonna see you sometime after the holiday, okay? All right. I love you and I miss you. Have fun baking, Sweetie. Bye-bye. Kay: Hi. Victoria: Oh, hey, hey, Katherine. Kay: May I? Victoria: Yeah. Kay: Is your son excited about the holidays? Victoria: Yeah. Yeah, he and Mac are-- are baking cookies, like we used to do when, you know, when he lived here. (Sighs) Kay: I can only imagine how you would feel if he turned his back on you. Victoria: Well, I would never give my child a reason to do that. Kay: Your family needs you, Victoria, and not just Victor-- your mother, too. You need to present a united front whatever your differences are with your father. Victoria: Oh, differences. That's funny. Is that what you think this is, differences? Because... oh, my God. You don't know, do you? Kay: Know what? Victoria: Billy disappeared for a reason, Katherine. My father deliberately kept him away from Delia and away from everyone that loves him. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: (Sighs) You shouldn't have come back here. Nikki: Victor, I will not allow you to do this. Victor: Sweetheart, I am sick and tired of my family being harassed, okay? I did it, and that's it. Nikki: How can you say that? You and I both know that-- Victor: You don't know a damn thing. You were drunk that night, remember? You don't know what happened. I do. Nikki: I don't believe that you would kill Diane. Victor: You sure of that? Nikki: Positive. Victor: Blows to the head are not the only thing that killed Diane Jenkins. Nikki: What do you mean? Victor: She was injected with a paralyzing drug before she was bludgeoned to death. The police found that drug in my safe. [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: We are not in turmoil. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Nick: What's going on? Adam: Newman Enterprises is quite robust. Woman: How can you make that claim when the stock's tanking? Adam: Oh, come on, Terri. You know how this goes. This is "Sell on the news." That's all that's happening. The scared money's out, which is never a bad thing. The fundamentals here are strong, despite what the headlines say, and, uh, we've done quite well. We have performed brilliantly in Victor's absences in the past, and I imagine we'll do quite the same with my strong leadership. Terri: Are you saying you're in charge now? Adam: I am, per a conversation with my father this morning. Nick: I believe my brother is speaking out of turn. He will not be running this company. Tim: Are you ready to make a statement? Nick: I told you earlier I won't be making any more statements. This press conference is over. Thank you for your time. Terri: Just one quick question. Nick: That is all. Thank you. Adam: Thank you all. Adam: (Sighs) You got a hell of a lot of nerve, Brother. Nick: I do? Where the hell do you get off making this ridiculous claim that you'll be heading Newman Enterprises? Adam: It's not ridiculous at all. I'm acting on our father's orders. Nick: Dad handed the reins to me. Adam: Sorry, Brother. Dad and I have spoken since then. He believes I'm a stronger candidate to lead this company. You can confirm it with him yourself if you'd like. Nick: Well, Newman Enterprises is a public company, which means Dad can tell you you're in charge all he wants, but that doesn't make it so. That's up to the board and you can bet I will be challenging this. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Thank you. Um... while Victor respects Avery's legal abilities, he's not looking to expand his legal team quite yet, not to mention the fact that I myself have a personal conflict of interest with Avery, in that she is trying to free the woman who tortured my wife. Avery: You can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved. Sharon: I don't care what Michael just said. Victor never walked away from me, and I'm not gonna walk away from him, even if he wants me to. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: Billy was Delia's bone marrow donor? Victoria: (Sighs) Yeah. Look, uh, after my father found Billy in Myanmar and got him out of prison, he proceeded to blackmail him. Kay: Dear God. Victoria: Yeah, he found a doctor that harvested Billy's bone marrow in secret. In exchange for Delia's life, Billy promised to never come back to Genoa City. Kay: (Sighs) I've made some regrettable decisions regarding my family that seemed justifiable at the time, but to keep that little girl's father from her when she was so sick... Victoria: It's- Kay: And--and putting us through all that hell of not knowing whether Billy was dead or alive... (Sighs) Victoria: It's disgusting. Kay: It's beyond the pale, even for Victor. How could that man be so selfish? [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: I killed Diane Jenkins. You had nothing to do with it. Her body has been exhumed. Nikki: For what? Victor: (Sighs) A drug test. The normal test doesn't... show the drug I used. They have to run a special test to detect it. The medical examiner is doing that right now, and I'm sure he'll detect it. It'll be all over the news in no time at all. How would I know that if I didn't kill her? Nikki: (Gasps) Victor: Sweetheart, I'm telling you the truth. You had nothing to do with her. I killed her, all right? Nikki: (Sobs, mouths words) Victor: You have got to go home right now and pull yourself together, be strong. Nikki: (Sobs) Victor: You're in charge of the family, okay? Nikki: (Sobs) No, Victor-- Victor: Sweetheart... Nikki: (Sobbing) Victor: Leave it to me. Everything will be all right, okay? Please go now. [Nikki remembering] Nikki: (Sighs shakily) I let them accuse my family... Victor: Sweetheart, Sweetheart, Sweetheart... Nikki: I'm a horrible, horrible person. Victor: Sweetheart, you're not a horrible person, okay? Nikki: I am. Victor: Now stop it. I'll make it go away, okay? Nikki: I'm gonna have to-- I have to do that thing with the, um, uh, confess. Victor: Oh, Sweetheart. Nikki: (Sobbing) [SCENE_BREAK] Ronan: Nikki. We need to talk. Show you to my office? [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: I thought we had the same vision. Ashley: We do, but not on the timetable. Jack: The timing couldn't be better. Newman is on the ropes. Ashley: I don't agree with you, okay? I don't want to be that company. I don't want to be the company that takes advantage of another's misfortune. Jack: Oh, no, Ash, Ash, Ash, this is business. Ashley: Oh, please. Jack: This is the way the game is played. Ashley: Don't say that to me. Jack: How do you think Victor would react if the situations were reversed? I'll tell you how he'd react. (Cell phone rings) Jack: Hold on two seconds. I'm waiting for this cana-- oh, Kyle's school. Jack Abbott. Is he okay? Then--uh, okay, I-I'm on my way there. Ashley: What happened? Jack: Kyle just got in a fight at school Ashley: Oh, no. Jack: Oh, I tried to talk him out of going in today. He said he had to. Ashley: Kids can be so cruel at that age. Jack: Okay, we are not finished with this conversation about Beauty of Nature, okay? Ashley: And maybe we are, maybe we are. Jack: I'm not giving up. Ashley: (Sighs) I'll walk you out. Jack: Oh, Kyle. [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: Hey, can I get a regular coffee, please? Woman: Mm-hmm. Deacon: Uh, hi, Victoria. Victoria: (Sighs) Deacon: How's your mom doing? Victoria: It's none of your business. Deacon: You know, no matter what you think about me, I happen to care about her. Victoria: Stay away from my family. Deacon: From what I read, you got a lot bigger problems than me to worry about. (Grunts) Man: Instead of paying 5 bucks for some fancy coffee, maybe you ought to be saving your money to pay back Mr. Veneziano. Deacon: Angelo will get his money, all right? Man: I hope so, 'cause next time, I won't be so nice. Deacon: Some coffee. Great. (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: You're not protecting your daughter or anyone else. You're playing God with people's lives. Victor: I did what I felt I had to, okay? Kay: Yeah, I suppose that means you're not going to explain this ridiculous murder confession, either. Victor: Katherine, leave it alone, please. Kay: (Sighs) Victor, why are you doing this? You of all people should know there are always options. (Door opens) Michael: Thank you. Oh, hello, Katherine. Kay: Will you please talk some sense into your client? Michael: I am here to inform Victor that his arraignment is starting shortly. I can get you a suit. Victor: I don't want a damn suit. I want to wear this, okay? Kay: I'll call Nikki. Victor: No, you will call no one. Kay: She'd want to be there, Victor. Victor: And I don't want her there. Kay: Fine. Then I'll go. Victor: No, I don't want you there, either. Kay: What is the matter with you, Victor? Victor: I don't want any of you to interrupt the proceedings in that courtroom, okay? Now kindly leave it alone. Kay: (Sighs) Victor: Tell the guard to unlock me, please. Let's go. (Taps table) Michael: Okay. Mr. Newman's ready. Victor: Thank you. Kay: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Ronan: So why would you leave the hospital and not let anybody know where you'd be? Nikki: I have a question for you this time-- was Diane ever given a drug that would paralyze her? Ronan: Hmm. I can't discuss anything pertaining to an ongoing investigation with you. Nikki: I see. Ronan: When you left the rehab facility, what was your state of mind? Nikki: I was very upset. I-I wanted to see my family. Ronan: You were upset. Upset by what? By the lawsuit that filed against you? By the pictures of you and Victor she sold to the tabloid? Nikki: Yes, yes, all of that, and more. Ronan: Okay. Well, then, when you got on the road, what happened? Nikki: I blacked out. I don't remember anything until I woke up, and I was so ashamed. I knew that the rehab obviously had not worked, so I turned straight around and went back. [SCENE_BREAK] Ashley: Vicki. I'm so happy I ran into you. How's your dad? Victoria: I have no idea. Haven't seen him. (Sighs) Ashley: Why not? Oh, don't tell me you think he actually killed Diane. Victoria: Dad's confessing has nothing to do with it. Ashley: Well, you're obviously upset with him. Why? Victoria: (sighs) Not because of what I think he did, but because of what I know he did. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: (Sighs) How did you get in here? Deacon: Uh, I just asked Bonnie to let me in, told her that we hadn't finished our conversation, so... Nikki: I-I--forget it. Stop--stop talking. Tell me what you saw at the park. Do you know what happened to Diane? Deacon: Honey, I know everything. Nikki: Did Victor do it? He says that he did, but I-I-I'm not sure what I remember. I-I don't know what to believe. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: I don't remember security being that fierce. Avery: Judge Click is all business. She doesn't like looky-loos in her courtroom. Sharon: I had to be here to support Victor, and I need you to pay very close attention to what happens in there, from a legal standpoint. I'm happy to pay you for your time. Avery: This one's on the house. I have a feeling this is gonna be worth seeing. Come on. Judge Click: I have imposed a media blackout on today's proceedings. I won't have my courtroom turned into a circus. Spencer: I'm fine with that, your honor. Michael: So are we. Judge Click: Mr. Newman, the charge is murder in the first degree. How do you plead? Victor: Guilty, your honor. Judge Click: Does the state accept this plea? Ronan: Uh, excuse me, your honor. I'm Ronan Malloy. I'm on loan from the FBI to the. G.C.P.D. I'm the lead investigator in this case, and I realize that it may be out of line for me to address the court-- Spencer: You certainly are. Judge Click: I would like to hear what Mr. Malloy has to say. Ronan: Thank you, your honor. Although the D.A. says he's satisfied, I have serious reservations about Mr. Newman's guilt, even if his confession was genuine and he was involved in the murder of ms. Jenkins, it's possible, your honor, it's actually more than possible, that he did not act alone in this. There's growing evidence in this case that links at least one other person to this crime. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Oh, Kyle, 15 minutes on, 15 minutes off with that ice, okay? (Telephone rings) Jack: Abbott residence. Rafe, hey, thanks for getting back to me. I appreciate it. Uh, my son Kyle is upstairs nursing a black eye right now. He got into a fight with a boy at school who said something about Victor murdering his mother. Thank you, I appreciate that. It's been a difficult time. Anyway, the reason I'm calling, the thing I'm most worried about, is this-- ever since Diane died, Victor has been waving around this document that Diane supposedly gave him, granting him sole custody of Kyle should anything happen to her. Oh, no, believe me, he knows I would fight him to the death on this. I don't want this affecting Kyle. I don't want him to know anything about it. Yes, so I want this document, bogus as it is, voided by a judge. Yeah, if Victor somehow manages to get out of jail, Kyle is not spending one more night under that man's roof. [SCENE_BREAK] Ashley: I just can't believe him. I mean, how could Victor do that to my brother and to Delia? And you're his daughter. How could he do that to you? Victoria: Because Dad has to control everything and everyone, or he's not happy. Ashley: Well, I can understand you not wanting anything to do with him after that. I mean, I've been there a couple times myself, as you know. Victoria: Yeah, well, Dad is who he is, and he is never going to change. (Sighs) Ashley: So what are you gonna do, now that you're leaving Newman? Victoria: I don't know. I mean, Nick and I talked about maybe working together, you know, but I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon. Ashley: Why don't you come back to Jabot? Victoria: What? Seriously? Ashley: Yes, I'm serious. Jack has always wanted Beauty of Nature, and you're the one that made it a success. What? Why don't we all work together and develop a new Jabot line that could go toe-to-toe with every product that Beauty of Nature has? You're a Newman and an Abbott, right? I think this is perfect. What do you think? [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: An emergency board meeting is being convened. They will decide who's running this company. Adam: Fine, but until then, our father gets to say who's in charge, and that would be me. Nick: For now, maybe, but not for long. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: (Sighs) Nikki, it's Katherine. Victor ordered me not to do this, but I think you should know he's being arraigned this very minute. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: Whatever you know, you have to tell me. Deacon, please, I am begging you. Deacon: What happened in the park-- if I told anyone, it would destroy your family. [SCENE_BREAK] Spencer: The people believe that there is sufficient evidence to substantiate Mr. Newman's confession that he alone killed Diane Jenkins. Michael: My client has admitted guilt and will allocate. Judge Click: After hearing Agent Malloy's statement, I am not satisfied, and will reserve judgment pending further investigation and an evidentiary hearing. Until that time, the court refuses to accept Mr. Newman's guilty plea. Victor: Your honor, you cannot do that. Judge Click: I can, and I did. [NEXT_ON] Victoria: When am I gonna make an honest man out of you? (Giggles) Beverly: I think it might be a little too late for that. Sharon: Do you really believe that your father is the killer? Nikki: I know what happened, and I know what I have to do. | Ashley asks Victoria to come work with Jabot to develop a product line to compete with Beauty of Nature. |
486 | Hilary: Hello, Ashley. How are you? Ashley: Busy. I'm about to make a call, so -- Hilary: Well, I was just wondering if you had a chance to catch the show tonight. Ashley: Not with my own eyes, but I heard all about it. Hilary: It's crazy what's happening with Victor, huh? Ashley: That's one word for it. Hilary: Well, now's your chance to go on the record. That is, if you have anything to say. Ashley: I have so much to say. I'll try to keep it short and sweet. No comment. Hilary: Huh. I'm intrigued. "No comment" -- that's not a denial. Off the record, someone went to great lengths to make sure that GC buzz had all of Newman's financial information. I was just wondering -- is this jack's idea of payback? Jack: Did you see the breaking news on GC buzz? Yes. I saw it. Jack: We may have a problem. I need another meeting. Tonight. Phyllis: I know if I showed up at your office like this, you would do everything you could to shove me out your window. Victor: [Chuckles] Lucky for me, you don't have any windows. Phyllis: I don't know what you want, but I am damn sure I don't have any time for it. Victor: I want to help you save jack from himself. He stole private Newman enterprise financial information, which is not only against the law, but it's a bad mistake. May very well be the last mistake he'll ever make. Chelsea: And this is a riff on one of my designs from the very first season. Do you remember? It's crazy. It was just you, me, and a sketchpad. And you're not listening because you're thinking about your date with Kevin. Chloe: What? No. No, no, no. And it's not a date. Chelsea: Two people going out at night for dinner. No, you're right. There's nothing date-ish about that. No, it's just a couple of friends who have seen each other naked, who, in fact, were also previously married. It's -- it's not a date at all. Chloe: If you don't stop, I'm going to hit you soon. [Sighs] Kevin: Hello, party people! Chelsea: Well, hello there, handsome. Chloe: Hi. Kevin: Hi. Chloe: You look... Kevin: What? Is it too much? Chloe: No, no. I... Chelsea: I think what Chloe's trying to say is... it's just enough. Dylan: Hey, what's going on here? Sharon: Oh, you're home! Nick: Hey. Excellent timing. Here are the keys back to your house, and I'm out of here. Dylan: What are you talking about? You're leaving? Nick: Yeah, you're home. You don't need me here anymore. Dylan: Well, you didn't even know I was coming back. I thought you were here to keep -- keep your eye on some things. Nick: Ah, Mariah and Sharon, they got this. I don't want to wear out my welcome. But I'm glad you're back. Let's grab a beer and catch up, all right? Dylan: Yeah. Hang on a second. I want to hear about everything I missed while I was gone. Sharon: You know, we should probably tell Dylan everything. We owe him that much. Nick: He deserves to know the truth. Sharon: Mm-hmm. Dylan: Okay. What's going on? Nick: Something happened while you were gone. Sharon: And that something is... pumpkin patch. We took the kids to the pumpkin patch. Nick: It was so awesome. Sorry you missed it. Sharon: [Laughs] We got you. You thought that we were gonna confess to something outrageous. Dylan: [Mocking laugh] No. I wasn't buying anything that you were selling. Sharon: Not even for a second? Dylan: No, not even for a second. Nick: Well, maybe a second. Dylan: No. Nick: Okay. Dylan: I see you got into the season while I was away. Sharon: Yeah. We cut out some cookies and cider. Mariah: Somebody heard cookies! Dylan: Oh, there he is! Come here! That's my big buddy! Mariah: He just woke up, so he's a little bit grumpy. Sharon: He knows his daddy's voice. Dylan: Buddy, did I miss you. Did you, uh, thank your uncle nick for staying with you, hanging out? I think he wants you to stay for that one last hit of cider. Nick: Maybe one for the road. I mean, who could resist that face? Sharon: Okay, great. Sully and Mariah and I are going to go and get the treats, and we'll be back. Mariah: We're gonna get them! Dylan: All right. How's, uh, how's the head? Nick: Ah, intact. Just remind me never to run into Kevin in a dark alley at night. Dylan: I owe you. I mean, it happened. You were looking out for my family. Nick: Listen, it's no big deal. No worries. Dylan: So, uh, did Sharon and Mariah mention that they thought patty was -- was the stalker? Nick: Yeah. Why? Dylan: Because Sharon never mentioned it to me. I had to hear it from my father. Chelsea: I added this. Chloe: Okay, but I'm feeling a little underdressed. Chelsea: What? You look perfect. Chloe: Yep. Mr. Suit and tie here is really putting me to shame. Kevin: I had to somehow make up for how gorgeous you are. You could be wearing a paper bag and it still wouldn't be even. Chloe: Okay, okay. You know, you are kind of ridiculous. Chelsea: In an adorable sort of way. Chloe: I feel bad leaving you here to work alone. Chelsea: Stop! Go! Go! I'm gonna actually make you go, because I myself also have an adorable date tonight, so... Kevin: All right, we know how to take a hint. Come on. Chelsea: Go. Have fun, kiddos. Don't stay out too late. Isn't it nice, Connor? Connor: Fire truck. Chelsea: I see that! That's what happens when two people go on a date that really like each other. Connor: Yeah? Chelsea: Yeah. Aren't we happy for Chloe? She was so sad for so long and so lonely, and now she has somebody to talk to and somebody to...hold hands with at dinner. Yeah, isn't that nice? Ashley: It's fascinating that you chose to drop this bombshell about Newman enterprises when you have no idea who the source is or how the records were obtained. Wow. You've really got this journalism thing down, don't you? Hilary: That's why I'm asking for your help. Everyone knows that jack has motive. He would love to see Victor and his company go down in flames. Ashley: I thought you were my brother's biggest fan. Is this some kind of payback for you, some personal issue that the two of you had? Hilary: I respect jack. And corporate espionage is not really his thing. But Phyllis? I wouldn't put it past her. My money's on her. I just need some confirmation. Come on, Ashley. Wouldn't it be a nice bandage for jack to watch Phyllis and Victor go down together? You could give that to your brother all wrapped up in a pretty, little bow. [Footsteps approach, stop] Devon: Hi. Ashley: Hi. So, Devon, is this really the direction you want to take GC buzz? Letting your wife slash and burn no matter who the hell gets hurt? Phyllis: You know, your threats didn't work on jack. I don't know why you think they'd work on me. Victor: Well, I once told jack before that you... [Drawer opens] Victor: ...Are the more practical of the two. In fact, you're more intelligent. Phyllis: Oh. [Drawer bangs] Victor: I think you are the mastermind behind the attack. Phyllis: I don't know anything about the leak, Victor. Victor: Yet here you are in this sorry excuse for an office. You so desperately want to get back into his good graces. You're willing to do his dirty work. Isn't that right? Phyllis: No. Revenge is your thing, as he mentioned. Victor: My suggestion is that you come to me before jack entertains another attack on my company. That way I can nip it in the bud, and I won't have to do damage to him. Phyllis: You're incredible. Are you suggesting we go into business together? Victor: And you will, because you will help me save jack from himself. Phyllis: The ego on you. NASA must see it from outer space. Why in the world would I ever want to team up with you? Victor: Because you were happy enough to have my help when we wanted Luca Santori out of summer's life. Phyllis: Yeah, that was to save my daughter. Victor: And this is to save your husband. Phyllis: The only reason I agreed to work with you was because I knew that you wouldn't hurt my daughter, but you don't give a damn about jack. Victor: You're absolutely right about that. I have nothing but disdain for your hubby. Be that as it may, I have no time to deal with this nuisance. I need to focus on business, focus on family. I need to mourn the loss of my son. Phyllis: Okay, so this is just all a nuisance. That's why you decided to come into enemy territory, plant yourself at my desk, ask me, of all people, to team up with you? I mean, that's a lot of effort for just a little nuisance. Victor: You come to me whenever you realize that jack is about to embark upon a dangerous road, make another egregious mistake. Consider yourself his guardian angel. How's that? Phyllis: I'm gonna report to you? Victor: That's right. You're welcome. Phyllis: Oh, I'm not thanking you for anything, Victor. Victor: Oh, Phyllis, you will once this is all over, you know, once we have saved your hubby from himself. You want him back, don't you? Righteous Jackie boy who you love oh so much. Warms the cockles of my heart how much you love him. Phyllis: Jack? Jack: [Sighs] Sneaking up on me? What are you trying to do? I can't be too careful. Jack: Okay, that makes two of us. I need to know that the information you gave me is true. More than that, I need to know Victor can't squirm out of this one. It's from the Newman system, everything watermarked. Jack: And if Victor has wiped the hard drive and the server? All those e-mails and data going missing? That will leave some big gaps and look suspicious. Jack: That would be proof that he is scrambling and he's nervous, even afraid. And the last thing Victor ever wants to show is fear. You know what? We're gonna move this up. Everything I've done thus far is an appetizer. I think Victor's ready for his entree. Nick: Look, the reason Sharon didn't tell you about patty was because, you know, she didn't want you to worry. And don't argue with me. We both know you would have worried a lot. Dylan: Of course I would worry. Who wouldn't? We're talking about patty. Nick: You were 200 miles away. There wasn't anything you could do. It's over. And now Sharon wants you and her and your kid to go back to a nice, normal life. Sharon: Well, look at you two, looking so brotherly. Dylan: Hi, guy. Sharon: Seems serious. Nick: It was definitely serious. I was, uh, talking to Dylan about the pumpkin patch and the corn-maze incident, how the odds were stacked against me, but I persevered. I triumphed. Mariah: That's because faith led you out. Nick: Yes, she may have led me out, but it just proves that I make intelligent children. So, with that, I'm gonna take one ghost cookie for the road and make like a banana and split. Mariah: Oh, the dad jokes! There were a million of them. Really, no, I had to listen to a million of them. Nick: You know, people love my humor. And when I say people, I mean toddlers, like...sully and Connor. Connor loves me. [Sully whines] Nick: I know! So I'm gonna go check on Connor and Chelsea right now. Sharon: Oh, that's a good idea. Nick: [Sighs] All right. Little man, hey. Thanks for letting me hang out with you, okay? It was fun. It was the best. Nick: [Voice breaking] Welcome to the world, son. Didn't expect to see you this soon. But you keep fighting, okay? That's what Newmans do. We fight. And you're gonna pull through this. Dylan: Nick? Nick: [Sighs] All right, I really am gone now. Dylan: You sure you okay? Nick: Yeah, I'm good. Uh... thanks for letting me borrow your son these past couple days. Very lucky to have him. Dylan: Thanks. Sharon: Okay. Dylan: All right. Sharon: Night-night for this guy. And then we can talk about the trial. You can tell me how it went. Dylan: Okay, you go up. I'm gonna clear some dishes for you. Sharon: Okay, say, "bye-bye, daddy." We're glad you're home. Dylan: All right, I'll see you soon, buddy. Mariah: Is it wrong to deal with all the leftover cookies by eating them? It's okay. Nobody will know. Dylan: It's okay. Mariah: To eat the cookies? Dylan: No, I know everything that happened while I was gone. And I know Sharon didn't want to tell me because I'd get worked up and I'd rush home, but you know what? You should have said -- you should have said something. Mariah: She didn't. Yeah, I mean, we all got spooked when the lights went out, but look. Lights. We're good. Dylan: Yeah, must have been pretty scary since you and Sharon thought patty was the one calling, especially when Paul found out she was missing. Mariah: That -- that's all over. Dylan: Yeah, now it is. But you thought patty was the stalker even after you saw her at Stonevale. That's right. Paul told me about that, too. I want to hear all about it from you. Chloe: Ah, well, this is nice. Kevin: Nice? Nice is the worst. Nice is the word that all men dread. Chloe: This is beautiful. Kevin: [Sighs] Chloe: [Chuckles] It's sweet. Last time we were at the athletic club having burgers and fries, so what is it this time? Chicken fingers? Grilled cheese? Kevin: Actually, I thought we graduated to using some silverware. Unless you're talking about finger foods because you miss Bella, which is totally cool. Chloe: You know, we used to do that. Have a nice grown-up dinner and end up spending the entire night talking about Delia. Kevin: Ah, back when we were an old married couple. Chloe: [Chuckles] Yeah. I don't know. I feel...I feel younger these days somehow. I don't know. Maybe it's just less pressure. Kevin: You don't look any older. You look exactly the same. Well, even more stunning. Chloe: Well, now -- [Chuckles] Now I'm blushing. Kevin: [Chuckles] Chloe: Not you. You look older. Kevin: I do. Chloe: Here. Let me fix it. Here. Kevin: Uh-oh. Chloe: Wait. Well... you got too much product in there. There we go. There. Kevin: Okay. Is that better? Chloe: Now you look like him. Kevin: "Him" who? Chloe: The guy who rolls around the floor with Bella, the guy who sings really awful, truly awful karaoke. Kevin: Oh, that guy. He's nice. Chloe: Don't call him nice. He's a lot more than that. Hilary: I have a job to do, and I'm doing it. Ashley: You're using GC buzz as a hammer to bash people with. It's cheap, it's disgusting, and I won't have any part of it. Excuse me. Devon: Sure. Hey. Enough. That's enough. Ashley: Hello. Victor: So what do you have to say for your brother, stuffing false information down the public's throat? Ashley: Oh, don't. I mean, honestly, after everything you've put him through? You accusing my brother of anything is laughable, so maybe you should concentrate on Newman's meltdown and not worry about my -- Victor: Ashley, listen to me carefully. He's no match for me, and you know it. So stop him before I retaliate. Ashley: Right. Have a nice evening. Victor: Yeah. Michael: Hmm. Ashley looked like she couldn't get away from you -- Victor: Why are you late? Michael: You know, my wife's waiting for me at home. Why don't you tell me why you wanted to meet. Victor: Why the hell would I want to meet you? I want to file a lawsuit. Michael: And what? You want me to represent you? That didn't work out well for either of us last time. Victor: And you know damn well why that was the case, okay? Because you egregiously threw this in the direction of Phyllis. Michael: Yeah, I seem to recall something like that. Victor: I bet you do. Michael: Look, I'm just trying to figure out why, after our recent history, you'd want me to represent you at all. Victor: Because you owe me, and you know it. Michael: Oh. Victor: This case could get dirty. And who better than you to get into the muck? Michael: I'm flattered. [Clears throat] Really. Victor: Uh-huh. Michael: But you're right. Nobody knows better than I what it means to owe you. So then... boss... who are we suing? Victor: Mr. And Mrs. Devon Hamilton. Dylan: So why'd you go to Stonevale to see patty? Mariah: Oh, last Halloween, patty broke out of Fairview to, uh, talk to you. And as you know, that was the night that the world basically exploded. So, uh, Halloween's coming up again. Dylan: So you thought patty was making the calls. Mariah: Yeah. I thought there might be a connection. Dylan: So you went to ask her yourself. Mariah: I did. And you know what? I learned my lesson. It didn't do any good. Moving on. Dylan: So what'd she have to say? Mariah: [Sighs] A lot of "I don't belong here. Get me out of here." She actually can't really hold a conversation. I don't think she's getting any better. Maybe she should be transferred to another facility, one that can actually keep track of her? Sharon: Hey. Everything okay? I thought you were right behind me. Mariah: Yeah, Dylan knows that I went to see patty, so he was just asking what went down. Sharon: Paul told you? Dylan: Yeah, Paul told me. About patty, about the stalker outside, about Kevin cracking nick over the head. Sharon: Well, the reason we didn't tell you -- Dylan: Yeah, because you didn't want me to worry, and I got that message loud and clear. But the one thing no one can answer is why did patty paint a picture of you pregnant? I mean, Dr. Anderson delivers our son. Months later, patty kills her. Doesn't it feel like there's some kind of connection here? Why is patty so obsessed with you and sully? Chloe: We got to get back to new York, you know? It's been way too long. Kevin: Yeah, you've got a lot of living to catch up on. Chloe: Yeah. Yeah, I've been doing it. Kevin: Wait. What? You just got serious. Don't get serious. Chloe: No, I'm not. Yes. Yes, I am. [Chuckles] I just -- I've got my life back. You know, it's -- it's great. I'm -- I'm sane. Relatively. [Both chuckle] Chloe: I'm free. Hey, I can pick out my own shoes now. I don't have to wear those ugly shoes they used to make me wear in California. I get to play with Bella. I get to go out on a hot date with a great guy in a very sexy suit. But...I don't know. Sometimes I just -- I feel guilty. Kevin: What? Why? Chloe: [Sighs] Chelsea. You know, no matter what's going on, she always has sad eyes. Just a tinge, but it's always there. Kevin: Adam's gone, but she has Connor, she has her friends, she has you. Chloe: Well, I'm not enough. She thinks that Adam was the only one, but, I mean, she needs to find someone, someone who can help her move on. Kevin: You can't fix this for her. And wanting and wishing for that to be the case doesn't make it happen. It's fate, it's time, whatever. And when it does, there you are, right where you're supposed to be. Chloe: I think we should skip dessert. Kevin: Then we skip dessert. Check, please. Chelsea: You should not be here. Nick: Well, when I called, you said you and Connor were accepting visitors. Chelsea: Only so I could tell you in person that you should be taking it easy and not gallivanting after hours. What's wrong? Are you feeling woozy? Nick: No. No, I just, uh... you know, I don't need to go back to Sharon's. Dylan's home. Chelsea: Oh. Nick: And I got to admit, it was harder than I thought to say goodbye to sully. When I saw him tonight, I couldn't help but think about Christian. Hit me kind of hard. You know, I was always afraid that I would forget about his little face or his tiny, little hands and... when I'm around sully, it just kind of makes it seem as real or as vivid as when Christian was still here. Chelsea: I know what it's like. I'll be dreaming, or even when I'm awake, actually, and I feel like Adam's right there, just out of sight. Like if I went into the kitchen or if I turn a corner, I'm gonna see him and... [Sighs] I think it's normal. Nick: I mean, it's crazy. It kind of came out of nowhere. It hit me right in the face. It's almost as if Christian was trying to hang on to me. Michael: GC buzz is a gossip site. To sue them for slander just calls attention to the news. It validates them, Victor. Victor: Listen to me. They drug my reputation and my company's reputation through the mud. They're not gonna get away with it, all right? Well, now. Michael: Victor. Victor: Hello, hello. Devon: Hey, we're not gonna do this here, okay? Hilary: No, no, I'm not gonna run and hide. Victor: I want you to record every word I have to say. Might come in handy when I slap you with a lawsuit. Michael: It doesn't have to come to that, Victor. We're calm, rational adults. I'm sure we can resolve this without involving the courts. Devon: That's right. I sure hope we can. Victor: You should have thought about that before you bought this tawdry production company as if it were a purse for your wife. Devon: Mr. Newman, you and I have respectable history. Victor: That's why I've not filed a lawsuit yet. I'll give you a chance to set this right. Hilary: I'm pursuing a legitimate news story. And in other news, it's 2016. So if you have an issue, you can speak to me directly. Don't tell my husband to curb me, because that's not the way that this marriage works. Michael: An excellent idea. A one-on-one conversation in a more appropriate setting, say my office early in the week. Victor: Cut the nonsense, okay? Give me the name of the source. Devon: Well, the journalists' sources are confidential. Victor: Your wife ain't a journalist. She's a pretty face slinging mud. You were given fabricated documents. They conned you. You want to pay for their fraud? Hilary: [Scoffs] So you're still claiming that none of the financial documents are true or accurate? So your wife, she didn't buy $3,000 shoes with company funds, right? Victor: You're not taking this seriously, are you? Give me the name of the source, I will forget about pursuing this with a lawsuit. You keep the name of the source to yourself, I will see to it that all of you go down together. Phyllis: Jack. Jack: You're still here. Phyllis: Where have you been? You have nothing on your schedule. Jack: And you know that how? By snooping around my desk? So much for trusting you. Phyllis: Hey, I am the one you can trust. Anyone else would have caved. Jack: Caved on what? Phyllis: Victor. Jack: Oh, he's already offered you a chance to turn on me? That didn't take long. Can I presume you turned him down on his proposal? Phyllis: My loyalty is not for sale. Jack: Your loyalty to me might be a subject we should avoid. Phyllis: Fair enough. You cannot take Victor down on your own. You cannot. You need me. Whether you want to admit it or not. Jack: Wait. You want to know what my plan is? Phyllis: If you want my help, I need the details. Jack: On one condition, and this is not up for debate. You will not try to talk me out of it. Any of it. Michael: You've made your point. All you needed was me standing to the side looking appropriately intimidating. Look, let's give them 24 hours to consider your offer. Why don't we do that? Victor: They either prove that they regret what they have done or they will face the consequences. No. Have you made a decision? Hilary: We can't name our source even if we wanted to. The package was delivered to GC buzz anonymously. Victor: Or is it that perhaps you know who the source really is? Jack Abbott. Devon: We didn't know that, and we still don't. Victor: I'm sad to see you dishonor your grandmother's name. She and I were good friends, you know. You're now allowing your wife to cast aspersions on my name and on my company's name. I think Katherine would be appalled. Devon: Well, with all due respect, sir, do you think she'd be pleased with some of the things you've pulled this last year? Victor: Give me the name of the source, and I will forgo pursuing this legally. Michael: If he hasn't made it quite clear, he's very adamant on this point. Devon: No, I know. He has. And, uh, I believe my wife has given you her answer. And I want to make it very clear to you, too, that Hilary has my full support as my wife and as the decision-maker for GC buzz. So if you do want to come at us, then you can come at us. Victor: All right. Do what you have to do, Michael. Chloe: [Laughs] Chelsea! Kevin: Uh, maybe she and Connor are still at the studio. Chloe: Which means that we're alone. Kevin: Very alone. Together at the same time. Wow. That sounded so stupid. In my mind, it sounded cool. Chloe: I'll take your word for that. So, um, can I offer you a nightcap since I didn't let you have any dessert? Kevin: I would love one. Chloe: Then why does it sound like you're saying no? Kevin: Because as terrific as a nightcap would be... I think it's best I just say good night. Chloe: Are you afraid of a drink? Kevin: I'm cautious of it going to my head. Chloe: Okay. Understandable. If -- if you'd rather not. Kevin: Rain check, please? Can I have a rain check? Chloe: Totally. Okay, well... good night, friend. Kevin: Good night, pal. Chloe: Good night. Kevin: Yeah. 'Night. Chloe: I mean, you're not seriously going, are you? Kevin: Seriously not going anywhere. Chloe: That sounded cool. [Laughs] [Laughs] Nick: You know, the months -- oh, thank you -- before sage died, I just kept telling her over and over again how... how unhealthy it was for her to always be around sully. And it's like I'm the biggest hypocrite ever, because I absolutely love being around that little boy. When I'm around him, it -- it helps me to imagine my son, and so when I had to say goodbye to him tonight... Chelsea: I'm sorry. That must have been brutal. Oh, thanks. Bringing back all the pain. Nick: You know, it's not pain, Chelsea. It's, uh... holding sully, I-I find it very comforting. It's almost as if the ache isn't as awful. I kind of feel whole again. Mariah: If the doctors can't decipher what's in patty's head, how can Sharon? So her weirdo paintings will just have to remain a weirdo mystery. Dylan: Well, I mean, you can't just dismiss it. She's obviously trying to communicate. She just might not have the ability. Mariah: But if patty's trying to communicate something, how could we possibly decipher it? There's no way. Dylan: There's got to be a way. Why Sharon? Why pregnant? There's got to be a reason for this whole thing. Sharon: Okay, it's because she's mentally ill, Dylan! Because we were at Fairview together! Because I was pregnant and she was obsessed with me! You know, jack told me that she miscarried years ago. Maybe that was it! You know, Dr. Anderson tried to shield me from patty, and -- and that made patty resentful. Maybe that was it. Like Mariah said, we're not gonna be able to figure out patty! For you to go on and on as if I have any answers, you know, it's not enough that Dr. Anderson lied about who she was, and it's not enough that patty then killed her. But, you know, it's like that time of my life will never be over! I just want it to be over! Mariah: Look, you just got home, and everybody really missed you. Is this how you want to celebrate coming back? Talking about patty? Dylan: Sharon. I'm sorry. I just feel like things are being kept from me. I had to find out about patty through Paul. I mean, if there was a reason that you suspected her... Sharon: We suspected everyone! Dylan: Yeah, but you didn't tell me you were worried it was patty. I assumed it was some guy, and both of you backed me up on that, by the way. Meanwhile, you're off in another direction, and obviously you had a reason, so I want to know why! Hilary: I am a strong, independent woman. Devon: You sure are. Hilary: And I am your partner. I'm not someone who can be controlled. Devon: [Chuckles] You've made that abundantly clear, honey. Hilary: But the way that you defended me back there with Victor, that... that was sexy as hell. Devon: So what are you doing? You just going back to work now? Hilary: Yeah, Victor's footage is incredible, but I'm gonna be editing all night if I want to get this on tomorrow's show. Devon: No, you're not running that. Hilary: What are you talking about? I'm not afraid of Victor, and apparently neither are you. Devon: This isn't about fear. It's about sense. You made unsubstantiated claims about Newman enterprises. You can't cite the source, and you didn't get the information verified. You didn't even speak to a lawyer to analyze the risks. So what I need you to do right now is to find out exactly where in the hell that information came from and if it's legit, 'cause if it's not, Victor will make sure that you and I pay for this. [Glasses clink] Michael: Libel -- listen to me -- is notoriously difficult to prove in a court of law. Victor: Well, that's your problem. Michael: I imagine it's our problem. Victor: Michael, they can bring in the FBI, the IRS, whoever the hell they want. Check my hard drives, my servers, look at all the documents. They will find out that they are fabricated. Michael: There is always something lurking deep in the dark recesses of a computer system, Victor. Always. That's why my brother has a job. Victor: Not if there's nothing to find. Michael: I think we know each other far too well for secrets at this point. I can't help you if I don't know the truth. If those documents are from your company, if they're legitimate... Victor: They are not. And I will say the same thing in court. Jack: So, that's the whole plan. Needless to say, nothing I just said can leave this room. Phyllis: Of course. Jack: So now you know everything. Here's the question. Are you still in or are you out? Either way, it's going to happen. Phyllis: What you're proposing is insane. Jack: This from the woman who brought paragon back for round two. Phyllis: If I knew then what I know now -- Jack: All you have to focus on right now is one question. Are you in or are you out? I'm putting a final nail in Victor's coffin. You can swing the hammer with me or not. Chloe: Okay, you can't break me. Kevin: I never want to hurt you. Chloe: You never could. Kevin: I've missed you. I missed you so much. Chelsea: So I have to ask. Was it strange, living with your ex? I mean, it's got to be a little awkward, right? Nick: You know, I don't know if Sharon felt like it was an intrusion or not, but I have seen this look in her eyes before. Chelsea: What look? Nick: There's something going on that she doesn't want to tell me. When we first met, it was about a guy. And then it was about Cassie. Then it was some other stuff between us. And, uh, summer's paternity. And whether Sharon wants to admit it or not, that look is back. There is something going on that she doesn't want me to know. Sharon: Mariah had an idea about patty. She went to Stonevale. Nothing came of it. Now, the phone calls have stopped and there's no one peering in the window. You know, after I haven't seen you in how long, this is what you want to talk about? Dylan: You're right. I'm sorry. Just got home. I'm here. I just hate there's anything that you can't tell me. Sharon: There's nothing to tell, Dylan. I swear. [Cell phone rings] [NEXT_ON] [Glass clatters] Kevin: You're home. Cool. Lily: Honey, he had to work. Mattie: Why is he here? Dylan: Let me answer the phone. Sharon: No, I got it, I got it. Hello? Patty: Hey, kitten. You miss me? | Nick says goodbye to Sully and has a memory of Christian |
487 | EJ: Okay, so I told Allie that her brother Johnny went to the museum today and saw dinosaurs. Johnny: Tell her which one. EJ: Okay. Velociraptor? How 'bout that one? That seemed to be your favorite. You were most interested in that one, right? Johnny: Yeah, that one. EJ: That one. Nicole: You can spell that? EJ: I'm texting. Who spells? Johnny: And tell Allie about Aunt Taylor. EJ: What about her? Johnny: Like how pretty she is. Nicole: Oh, you think she's pretty, huh? Johnny: Yeah, don't you, Daddy? You stopped texting. What are you thinking about? EJ: Hmm? Nicole: Yeah, honey. What are you thinking about? [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: It's pretty severe. Brady: Given Titan's shortfalls, I don't see any other way. Taylor: Okay, I'm with you on the budget cuts, but the layoffs... Brady, some of these people have been with the company for years. Brady: I know that. I know. But we gotta make cuts. Gotta do it. Taylor: Well, I know where you should start. Brady: Hmm? Taylor: Fire me. [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: Oh, look at you. Still keeping busy. Jennifer: Busy as a bee, hey. Daniel: Yeah. You volunteering at the hospital now? Jennifer: Yes. Were you looking for me? Daniel: I am. I have a proposition for you. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: So our friend is settling down with no problems? Al: He's pretty amiable these days. Stefano: And, uh, you're keeping a close eye on him, right? I mean, no signs of recognition on his part, is there? Al: No. But I'll keep you posted. Stefano: There's no need. The only time you call me is if there's a problem. Al: Yes, sir. Stefano: There had better not be any problems. Al: Yes, sir. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe: Where am I? Al: A mental ward. Rafe: Why? Al: Because you can't remember who you are. Rafe: [Scoffs] Will I? Am I gonna get better? Al: Not on my watch. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: I think it's awesome that you were able to mend fences with Dario like that. I know Gabi's really happy, too. Rafe 2: Yeah, it was cool of him not to hold a grudge. Sami: I know it wasn't like you to get that upset. I mean, family means so much to you. Rafe 2: Right. Sami: And maybe the tests that Dr. Manning is running will help us find out why you're acting so out of character. Carly: Hi. I got the preliminary test results. Rafe 2: Lemme guess. Found nothing. Carly: Actually, I-I did find something wrong. Something very wrong, indeed. [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: You know, I was just trying to think about how best to describe Aunt Taylor to Allie. I'm not very good at describing people. Johnny: She's pretty. EJ: Well, we already said that. Anything else? Nicole: She's fun, too, right? EJ: Okay, "and fun...love, Johnny." There we go. Here, Johnny. Do you want to pop balloons? Johnny: I'm on level six. EJ: Level six. Nicole: Oh, my goodness. Sydney, I'm gonna switch with you real quick. Here you go, whoo! Bump! This way, you two can share colors easier. How 'bout that, huh? Now. Here you go, honey. Uh... do you notice, um... do you notice... how often you do that? EJ: I'm sorry, how often I do what? Nicole: Change the subject when we talk about Taylor. Can you tell me why you still... don't like her? EJ: I don't know. Can you tell me why she still doesn't like me? Nicole: Well, because you're... abrupt and arrogant and bossy, and I get why she doesn't like you. But she's so sweet. What is this thing you have about her? EJ: I don't--I don't have a thing. I'm sorry, can you do me a favor? Could you take her to the restroom? She's fidgeting the way she does when she needs to go. Nicole: You really don't want to talk about her, do you? EJ: Th-there's nothing to talk about. Nicole: Come on, sweetheart. Come on. [Sighs] EJ: How you doing there? Let's see. Ah. Wow. Those balloons don't stand much of a chance, do they? Johnny: I forgot something I wanted to tell Allie. EJ: What's that? Johnny: How I can fight now. Rafe taught me how. EJ: Did he? Johnny: He is so cool. EJ: You really think so? Johnny: Even cooler than he used to be. Text Allie. Tell her how fun Rafe is. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: When I got these results, I went and pulled the results of the blood work that you had done when you were brought into the hospital after the accident, and I compared the two, and there's--there's a really strange discrepancy. Sami: Discrepancy? Carly: Yeah, Rafe, I know Sami has told me that she's noticed some behavioral changes in you. I think maybe now I know why. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: You tell me. You're my doctor. Is my heart strong enough for a proposition? I haven't had one in a while. Daniel: Oh, I'm pretty sure that you can handle this. Uh, I was just talking to Lexie. She said there's a job opening in the Hospital PR Department. Now, I have my reservations, but she seems to think that you're the perfect candidate. Jennifer: Well, you know what? She may be right. But your "perfect candidate" has no experience in pr. Daniel: Yeah, that's right. Ah, you're just a journalist, so you never-- Jennifer: Hey, I know it's hard to believe these days, but journalism and PR are not supposed to be the same thing. Daniel: Well, the hospital's not running for public office. You don't have to spin anything. It's just getting information out there that could end up helping people. Jennifer: Helping people. Okay, that--that's what this is about. This is you and Lexie trying to help--help poor little Jennifer muddle through her screwed-up life, right? Daniel: No. What? Jennifer: Don't do me favors. You put my heart back in the right place, and that's all I need from you. Thank you. Daniel: All right, all right. So you're just gonna go on candy striping, turn the job down flat. You know, you could help the hospital more by just doing something important for us. Jennifer: You know what? Is this because I'm a Horton? Daniel: No. It's 'cause Lexie thinks you're tenacious. I seem to think that you're a pain in the butt. Whatever works. So what do you say? [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: So what's wrong? Carly: Your fasting blood sugar is significantly lower than the last time you were tested. Now, this isn't my area of expertise, but in general, hypoglycemia can cause mood swings, irritability, memory loss, and maybe even seizures. Rafe 2: So that's what you think this is? The hypo-whatever? Carly: I think it could be part of it, yes. So from now on, small, frequent meals, high protein, low carbs. Sami: Oh, my God. Carly: You okay? Sami: It's just so nice to have a diagnosis. You know, something we can really point to for all of this. And now I know I'm not hallucinating. Rafe 2: Well, nothin' like, uh, gettin' a prescription to eat more, right? Carly: I want to prescribe to you, though, an anti-anxiety medication. It's a common complication of post-traumatic stress. Rafe 2: Eh, I think I'll pass on that. Sami: What? Rafe 2: Well, I'm not a real big fan of pills. Carly: Well, um, it's your call. But if you change your mind, you let me know. I'm gonna get your discharge papers together. Um, will you talk to one of our nutritionists here? Please? Rafe 2: So I'm good to go? Carly: I'll get your paperwork. Rafe 2: Okay. Sami: I'm gonna call Dario and Gabi and tell them the good news. Rafe 2: No, stay here. Call 'em. Sami: Oh, no, I've gotta let you rest. And, um, I get better reception out there, anyway. I'll be right back. Oh, good, you're still here. Hi. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Hi. Something wrong? Sami: Uh, no, no, it's just-- I just wanted to ask you about the medications that you suggested he take, the anxiety stuff. Carly: Yeah. Sami: You think he needs that? Carly: I think it could help. Sami: And the behavior, being so stubborn and everything, that could be a symptom of the hypoglycemia, right? Carly: That could just be his opinion. There are people who don't like the idea of medicating their feelings. Sami: But you think he should take it. Carly: Like I said, I think it could help. Sami: So maybe I could get him a really protein-full meal and then ask him again? Carly: Yeah, you know what? I'll give you the prescription, just in case you can persuade him to take them, okay? Sami: Thank you. You have no idea how much better that makes me feel. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: Little early in the day, isn't it? EJ: Bugger off. Stefano: Ohhh. I see you are in a lovely mood. EJ: I'm sorry, Father. You know, if I'm bad company, maybe you should just replace me with somebody else. That always seems to work out very well, doesn't it? Stefano: What's your problem? EJ: My problem is that you went out and hired some ex-con who was so desperate for cash that he was willing to rearrange his entire face. Somebody who had so little on his plate that he could just go and spend months pretending to be somebody completely different. And now my son...[Scoffs] Thinks this guy is a cross between the Pied Piper and Sugar Ray Leonard. Stefano: Giovanni likes him? EJ: Oh, Giovanni thinks this guy's cool. I thought the plan was to alienate my son. Stefano: Oh, dear. [Sighs] EJ: Oh, there's more, is there? Stefano: Well, I'm afraid our stand-in has been improvising. First of all, he got into a little trouble because he was not warm and welcoming to Hernandez's brother. So he faked a seizure. EJ: Oh, f-- Stefano: Hmm, I know. I was at the hospital, and I heard Samantha talking to the doctor, all right? Now, she is very suspicious. She doesn't really know what is going on, but she knows that something is off. EJ: Well, that's wonderful news, isn't it? Just peachy. So what do you suggest we do? Stefano: Two things. All right? First, we have to eradicate Samantha's suspicion. And the second thing is we have to speed up this procedure. We have to get this man off the map as soon as possible. EJ: No. I'm sorry. Absolutely not. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Come on, Jen. It'll be fun. Remember boarding school? Jennifer: Are you kidding me? Yeah, good argument. So we're gonna short-sheet patients' beds and what? Write skits for the pep rally? Carly: What's your problem with that? Daniel: Hey, you're gonna-- no, you're--tell her. She's gonna be saving lives, changing the course of humanity. Jennifer: No, I'll be doing PR. Carly: She's right. We're saving lives and changing the course of humanity. And I'm done with that stuff. I'm off duty. Daniel: All right, ditto. Carly: See you tomorrow. I hope to see you tomorrow. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: Yes. Oh, so you're off duty, too? Daniel: Oh, yeah, finally. All right, well, you know, think about that job, okay? Jennifer: I will. You know what? Could you actually get me a few more details? 'Cause I would like to make a really informed decision. Daniel: Yeah? Okay, well, I'll get the job description, some press releases, and, um, email 'em to you. Jennifer: Even better-- better idea. My computer's broken. If you could just come by my house later and drop them off, that would be great. Daniel: Hey, I don't have any plans. Jennifer: That's good. Let's see how I can change that. [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: You want me to fire you? Taylor: I'm the last hire. Doesn't that make me the first in line for the ax? Brady: I think I know what's going on here. Taylor: About the bottom line, right? Brady: No, but you're getting flak from people that are saying, "ah, she only got her job because she's Brady's girlfriend." Taylor: I'm not your girlfriend, so-- Brady: You are my girlfriend. You can check your contract. It's in there. You're my girlfriend, all right? Listen, if anybody's giving you flak, come to me. Tell me, okay? Taylor: Brady, I don't care what anybody says or thinks. But you can't hire your ex's sister and--and then lay off staffers who've been with the company for years. Brady: Well, the way I see it, a lot of other people would have lost their jobs if it hadn't been for your good ideas. By the way, your salary here, it's not exactly a game-changer. So don't worry. Taylor: Gee, it kinda was for me, thanks. Brady: Look, if you don't wanna lay anybody off, you're just gonna have to come up with another brilliant idea. So get crackin'. [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: You know, it's nice to spend a little time together. Nicole: Yeah. You know, I've missed you. And I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you through such a bad time. Chloe: I-I know you've been busy. Come on, let's find a table. [Sighs] Oh, and now with your sister moving in with you, how's that working out? Nicole: It's pretty good. You know, we're getting along a lot better than I thought we would. [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: Father, what your, uh, crack secret agent has done is make it necessary for us to slow down the entire operation. Stefano: Slow it down? I think we should speed it up. EJ: But we can't spee-- if Hernandez divorces Samantha right now, okay? She's going to think it's because of his medical condition. All right? Father, she's gonna forgive him. She's not gonna hate him. Stefano: He says he can handle that. EJ: Does he? Really? Well, maybe we should go with that. I mean, he is, after all, quite a genius. Stefano: Oh, come on, you are over-reacting now. EJ: I'm over-reacting. Father, the man... is a disaster. He's managed to make Samantha more sympathetic to his position, instead of alienating him. My son thinks he's starring in the next version of the karate kid. And now, if he leaves town, Samantha's going to think she's abandoned this damaged little man, and my son is gonna idolize him even more than he already does. Stefano: [Sighs] EJ: I don't know what else we can do. Stefano: I'm not sure. But one thing. You know what you have to do. EJ: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe 2: Mm, wow. Sami: Okay, so I think the first thing I should do is, uh, pull together a protein-laden lunch for you. How 'bout that? Rafe 2: Sounds good. Sami: Good. Oh. There's no food. Which makes it kind of difficult to make a really healthy, protein-heavy meal for you. Would you be all right if I went to the store? Rafe 2: Go for it. Sami: I just can't believe that this all turned out to be so simple a problem to deal with. Rafe 2: Yeah, huh. Me, too. Sami: All right, well, um, I'm gonna go to the store. You're sure you'll be all right? Rafe 2: I'm fine. Go ahead. I mean, how many times you gonna ask me that? Sami: Well, Carly said that you're dealing with anxiety. Rafe 2: Sami, go. I'm fine. Sami: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] [Phone rings] Rafe 2: [Sniffs] Yeah. EJ: I just had a little chat with my son. It appears he is not alienated with you, but enamored by you. And then I talked to my father, who tells me that Samantha is worried to death about you. That tells me you've screwed up rather royally. Rafe 2: [Chuckles] You know somethin'? You and your old man, you guys got this same sound bite. EJ: If I were you, I would get this plan back on track. You don't want to break a contract with the DiMera family. Rafe 2: Don't you threaten me. EJ: You have two weeks, and you better pray you can figure this out. Don't forget what happened to the other Rafe. Sami: So Gladys was home, so I was able to borrow some eggs from-- what's wrong? [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: What are you doing here, and where is Jennifer? Carly: Well, she's not here, which is surprising. She asked me to bring her over information on that PR job. Oh. You, too. Daniel: Me, too. Carly: I think she wants us to spend more time together. Taylor: It's nice to see you again. [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: Uh, yes, it is. Nicole: This is the real Chloe. Uh, she was going through a tough time when you met her before. Taylor: Yeah, well, I hope you're feeling better. Chloe: I-I am, a lot better. Thank you. Nicole: Hi, Brady. Brady: Hello, Mrs. DiMera. Chloe, how you doing? Chloe: Hi. Nicole: Working hard, huh? Chloe: Yeah, you look really busy. Brady: I am very busy, yeah. Nicole: Okay, well, then, uh, don't let us interrupt. Um... you know what? Suddenly I feel like a-a latte. Let's go to Java. Chloe: Sounds good, okay. Nice seeing you again. Taylor: Okay, yeah, you, too. Chloe: Bye, Brady. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: Wow, you can't even talk to her? Brady: I did talk to her. I said, uh, I said hello. Taylor: Wow. I don't think she likes us working together. I'm sorry. Brady: Hey. You don't have anything to be sorry about. Taylor: Well, I kinda do. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: Do you think it's a good idea to threaten the man? EJ: Why? Do you think I hurt his feelings? Stefano: Well, I think he is, uh, unbalanced, of course. But we have to keep him at the top of his game, huh? And if you tell him that you're gonna turn him into a vegetable, well, I think there's somehow, I don't know, that's unsettling, don't you? EJ: Speaking of vegetables, Rafael Hernandez is totally secure, yes? Stefano: I spoke to his handler. No problem there. EJ: Good. One down. One to go. [Keyboard tapping] [SCENE_BREAK] Al: Be sure to eat all your broccoli. Cruciferous vegetables strengthen memory. You're gonna have to get used to me. I have a very offbeat sense of humor. Rafe: I'd like to feed myself. Al: No can do. But maybe if you behave yourself, I can get permission for some hands-free time. Rafe: Permission from whom? Al: What did I tell you about asking questions? Rafe: Not to ask them. Al: Right. Now, finish your lunch. Then we can talk about those painting lessons I promised you. After all, what's life without a little creative expression? Right? Rafe: Whatever you say. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe 2: Yeah, uh, sorry, babe. I was trying to reach Dario, kept gettin' his voice mail. I guess I shoulda waited till after my protein-laden meal. Sami: Right. Yeah, well, like I said, I was able to borrow some eggs from Gladys, so I'm gonna make you some scrambled eggs for lunch. Rafe 2: Great. Sami: That's why you were frustrated, because Dario didn't answer his phone? Rafe 2: Yeah. Yeah, I was frustrated. EJ: Don't forget what happened to the other Rafe. Rafe 2: Guess I'm just a little edgy right now. Sami: You'll feel better after lunch. Rafe 2: I'll feel better after a good, stiff drink. Sami: Huh. Wait a second. Carly said you can't drink. You--you can't have alcohol, right? Rafe 2: Right. Forgot. Sami: I mean, 'cause it would totally mess up your blood sugar and everything. I think it's a bad idea. Rafe 2: I-I know. My bad. I... forgot. Sami: Why don't you, um... have a seat? Relax. You know, you'll feel better. I'll--I'll get lunch going, and--and it'll all be all right. Rafe 2: [Grunts] Okay. Sami: Hey, guess what I have. [Clears throat] Coffee. Cold, just the way you like it. Rafe 2: That sounds great. Sami: Hopefully, that'll tide you over till I get lunch ready. Rafe 2: Yes. Take your time. Sami: Yeah, yeah, no, just put your feet up. It'll be ready in a minute. Rafe 2: Yeah. Ahhh. It is some great coffee. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: Oh, perfect, you got in, great. I'm sorry that I'm so late. It was so crowded at the market. But I got cold cuts, and I'm gonna make a beautiful salad. Carly: You--y-you're making lunch? Jennifer: Yeah. I wanted to thank the two of you for everything that you've done for me. Daniel: Well, why didn't you just ask us for lunch? I mean, why the intrigue? Jennifer: Well, because maybe you would have said no. So I have avocado. I'm gonna put it in the salad. Carly: Jennifer, stop! Please just stop. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Here you go. Chloe: Thanks. Nicole: Listen. Uh, thanks for agreeing to the change of venue. I-I just don't like to see Brady so unhappy. Chloe: Yeah. Me, too. Nicole: I understand why he's so sad. But it's like he refuses to understand why I married EJ. Chloe: I'm sure he understands. He just thinks it's a mistake. Nicole: It's not a mistake. This marriage is... it's turning out better than I expected. Chloe: Is that right? Nicole: EJ and I married for the sake of the kids, but the fact is, we're falling in love with each other again. Chloe: Really? That's... unexpected. Quite a reversal on EJ's part. Nicole: Okay, maybe I overstated things a bit. I-I know that I am falling in love with him. And I think that he is very attracted to me. It's just he's been so hurt, and he's intent on protecting himself. Chloe: So you're gonna break him down? Nicole: That's not a very romantic way to put it. But-- Chloe: I guess I'm just not really in a romantic place right now. Nicole: Don't give up hope, Chloe. If EJ and I can find our way back to each other... anyone can. [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: What? Taylor: You still love her, don't you? Nicole? Brady: Oh, my God. Um, you know what? That--that--that is not a work question, Taylor, okay? "Hey, Brady, what's the allocation for research and development?" That's a work question, okay? "Do you still love--you still love her." That's not a work question. We're working. Taylor: Brady? Everybody at work thinks you've turned into such an S.O.B. because she broke your heart. Brady: Oh, you know what, and all this time I thought I was just being a hard- nosed businessman. Taylor: You do realize that this makes it awkward for me, right? Brady: No, I don't see that, because the way in which people think you act at work, or the way in which they view you, is not your concern. Your concern is your numbers, Taylor. Taylor: Ooh. You know, from the way Nicole talked about you, I thought you were gonna be this knight in shining armor. But so far, you've acted like a total Kiriakis. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: [Humming] Oh, by the way. I forgot to mention that, uh, your brother was here. EJ: Really? Stefano: Yeah, as a matter of fact, you know, I think I've made progress in getting him to move in here with us. EJ: Well, that's wonderful. Stefano: And oh, that reminds me. By the way, what about our star boarders that we have here now? When are they moving out? EJ: They're not moving out until Nicole's mother gets better. I have no idea if or when that's going to happen. Stefano: All right, well, tell Nicole to speed things up a little bit, all right? Because the sooner we get rid of the mother and her sister, you know, life will be a little more pleasant around here. EJ: That's the first good idea you've had all day, Father. [SCENE_BREAK] Al: We were very cooperative and agreeable during lunch. That earns us the first of what we hope will be many stars on our behavior modification chart. Only 99 more, and we will have earned our first privilege. Rafe: Oh, I know what I want. Al: A walk outside? Internet access? Rafe: That you stop saying "we" when you mean me. Al: And the star goes away. We need to be very careful how we deal with me. Can we say "utterly dependent"? It's not a rhetorical question. Can we say "utterly dependent"? Rafe: Utterly dependent. Al: That's behavior modification. I humiliate you at will to make you completely obedient to me. I modify your behavior. We are now in a very long- term relationship. And it's important that the roles are clear. Rafe: I'm never getting out of here, am I? Al: Well... probably not alive. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Hey, um, it's ready. Rafe 2: Oh. Sami: There you go. Rafe 2: Wow. This looks great. Thanks. Sami: No problem. You, um, need more coffee? Rafe 2: Uh, maybe after I'm done with these. Sami: Okay. Rafe 2: Whoa. Where you goin'? Sami: [Laughs nervously] Rafe 2: After I'm done, you and I... oh, we have some makin' up to do. Sami: [Laughs uncomfortably] Rafe 2: Mm. Hey buddy, wattaya lookin' a-oooh. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Could I just speak with Jennifer alone for a minute? Daniel: That's a good idea. Great idea, yeah. You know where I'm gonna be? I will be in the kitchen. Jennifer: Thank you. Daniel: No problem. Jennifer: Other way. Daniel: I know that, I know. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: Why--why are you looking at me like that? You like Daniel. He likes you. What's the problem? Carly: What's the problem? Jennifer, are you ready to move on from Jack? Jennifer: No. Of course not. I just filed for divorce a couple days ago. Carly: Then why would you think that I am? Or Daniel, for that matter? Jennifer: I don't know. I just--I want you, I want him to be--I want you to be happy. Carly: I know, I know. And I know you're trying to help, and I love you for it. And I get it. I try to fix people and their problems without asking them if they actually want my help. You know what happens? They get mad at me. They just get mad at me. Jennifer: Oh, you're mad at me? Carly: I'm not mad at you. I will be if you don't knock it off. Jennifer: All right, all right, I'll knock it off. I promise, I'll knock it off. [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: Well, even if EJ hasn't fallen to his knees and professed his undying love for you-- Nicole: Yet. He hasn't fallen to his knees and professed his undying love yet. Chloe: Yet. Well, hey, at least you're all getting along well at Chez DiMera. Nicole: [Clicks tongue] Chloe: Uh, you're not all getting along? Nicole: You know, in a million years, I never would have seen this coming. But EJ and Taylor, they're like two pieces of flint. Chloe: Really? Thought you said your sister could get along with anyone. Nicole: I think I inadvertently brainwashed her, uh, into disliking anyone with the name DiMera. And EJ doesn't appreciate the fact. Chloe: Hmm. Well, sounds like you just have to un-brainwash her. Nicole: Yeah, I know. I'm working on it. [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: And acting like a Kiriakis, that--that's just terrible, right? Taylor: Sometimes, yeah. Brady: Well, I think it's a hell of a lot better than acting like a DiMera. Taylor: I'm not gonna trash them, Brady. EJ took in me and my sick mother, and that was--it was a really decent thing to do. Brady: Yeah, I-I'm touched. You know what? If EJ did anything nice at all, he has an ulterior motive. Trust me. Watch your back. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: You're feeling better, huh? Rafe 2: Uh-huh. Can't you tell? Sami: More relaxed? Rafe 2: I don't know. I don't know if relaxed is the word. I'm happy. God. I--[Chuckles] I am a lucky, lucky man. Tell you that. Sami: Okay, so maybe you should rest. Rafe 2: Mm-mm. Mm-mm. Let's... let's talk. Sami: Okay, about what? Rafe 2: Like about... my job. Do you--do you know--do you know that I have the best job in the whole world? It's awesome. Sami: What are you talking about? Rafe 2: Oh, man. [SCENE_BREAK] [Lock clicks] Rafe: Glad I know how to do that. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: Bye. Carly: Oh, sorry. Daniel: She, uh, she tell you off? Jennifer: Uh, yeah. But she was really nice about it. Do you hate me? Daniel: Oh, no, it's always fun going back to junior high school. Jennifer: [Gasps] Daniel: [Gasps mockingly] Jennifer: That's so mean. It's accurate, but it's really mean. Daniel: Sorry. Jennifer: Do you, uh, think less of my PR skills now? Daniel: Okay, what, am I gonna have to do the hard sell here, like-- Jennifer: No, listen. I-I wanna tell you, because when I was in the market, I was standing in line, and I was thinking that this is good. I-I need that job. I'm gonna take it. Daniel: Good. You know, I think it'll be, um, be interesting working together. Jennifer: Yeah. Be interesting. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: [Sighs] You know, I'm beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to have Taylor move in. Chloe: Really? Nicole: I thought it would be good for my mom, but what if she starts to see the strain between EJ and Taylor? Chloe: Well, can you talk to Taylor about it? Nicole: I can try. But I'm telling you, this time around, I swear we are going to be one big, happy family. Everyone is going to get along. Whether they like it or not. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: Thanks for the warning, but I thought this was supposed to be a business meeting. Brady: Young lady, you just referred to your boss as an S.O.B. You run the risk of it becoming personal after that. Taylor: I didn't call you that. I just told you everybody else did. So you would be aware of workplace morale. Brady: Honestly, right now, I just--I'm just concerned that there is a workplace in general. You know, if everyone's unemployed, the morale's gonna be really low. Taylor: Okay, well, then we need to find a way to make these numbers work. Brady: Exactly, see, now you're talking. There she is. We got 24 hours, all right? Taylor: Right, an all-nighter, how fun. Brady: You a popcorn or chocolate girl? Taylor: Popcorn. Wow, accounting and snack foods. Brady, this really could be fun. Brady: I'm--I'm a good boss. Come here, I need your help. Come here, come here. Taylor: Oh. Great. Brady: What is this? Taylor: Okay, well, I think-- I think, basically... [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe: So this is a key to my old life. And somehow, I know how to pick locks. [Sighs] Well, it's a start. [Door closes] [Wheels squeaking] [Door opens] Al: Is everything all right in here? Rafe: Yes, sir. Yes, sir. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: You're talking about being a cop, right? That's what you mean? Rafe 2: No. That's not what I mean at all. Sami: But you said your job. Rafe 2: My mission. Sami: Mission? Rafe 2: Should I choose to accept it. Sami: Rafe, are you okay? Rafe 2: Huh? Yeah, well, it's-- I have a secret. You didn't know that, did you? Sami: No. No, I didn't. Rafe 2: Dying to tell ya exactly what it is. [NEXT_ON] Vivian: You idiot! Sami: God, he spiked his drink. After I put drugs in it. Rafe 2: I'm gonna tell her. I'm not the real Rafe. | When Johnny started talking about Taylor, EJ changed the subject |
488 | Gus: What's that? Harley: What are you doing in the service elevator? Never mind. Come on. Let's get you out. Gus: Did you know that I was in here? Harley: No, I heard banging. I thought it was somebody on the staff. Come on. Gus: I've been trying to find you. Do you realize that? Harley: Well, here I am. And here you are. Gus: I don't understand. When did you get back in town? Harley: Can we talk about my itinerary when I get you out? Come on. What's wrong with her? Gus: What's wrong with her is... Natalia: I'm fine, I'm fine. Gus: She's all right. She's okay. Natalia: I can't take that elevator. We should have taken the stairs because... Gus: It's just a little bit of turbulence, okay? Elevators don't fall down. Only in the movies. Natalia: They do in my building when I was nine. Gus: Oh, snap. I forgot about that. Mrs. Perez, yeah. Harley: Can you please go for a walk on memory lane when I'm not here? Gus: You don't understand. Mrs. Perez lived in her building and there was an... incident. Harley: Let me guess. The elevator fell all the way down. Natalia: All the way down! Harley: All the way. Gus: She used to have nightmares and... Natalia: I still have the nightmares. Harley: Well, it must be very scary for you. Natalia: Can you just get us out because I can't breathe. Gus: You can breathe. There's a lot of oxygen and you're not going to run out of air. Harley: There's air. Natalia: Are you going to get us out? Now? Harley: Yeah. Gus: Come on. Damn door. Harley: What was that? Natalia: What was that? Gus: What did Alan do to this elevator? I don't understand. Harley: I don't know. Don't worry I'm working on it. Come on. Gus: All right, that's good. Think you can hold that right there? Harley: Yeah. Gus: All right. Okay. Hold on, hold on. Give me your stuff. Okay. Watch your feet. All right, ready? One, two, three. Okay. That's it. Good. Everybody all right? Natalia: Thank you. I hate elevators. Harley: Clearly. Gus: Where are you going? Harley: I have business, otherwise I wouldn't even be here. Gus: Yeah, really? What about this business? Or did you forget we were married? Harley: Did I forget we were married? Gus: Listen, we're going to go someplace, okay, in private and have a little conversation. Harley: No, I like it here. This way if I get upset I can throw you down the elevator shaft. Gus: We're going to go talk about this, but we're going to talk about it calmly. Harley: Okay, fine. Then I will ask you calmly why you slept with Natalia. Gus: I'll ask you calmly why you slept with Dylan. Calmly. [SCENE_BREAK] (Band playing) Crowd: We want Buzz! We want Buzz! We want Buzz! Gus: We can work it out. Harley: I can't hear you! Crowd: We want Buzz! We want Buzz! Gus: What? Crowd: We want Buzz! We want Buzz! We want Buzz! (Band playing) We want Buzz! We want Buzz! Gus: What is this? Harley: A band. Crowd: We want Buzz! We want Buzz! We want Buzz! Gus: I can see it's a band. Why? Harley: My father is running for mayor. It's a media event, it's a press party. Gus: Nice, nice. Harley: I think so. This is why I came home. Gus: Really? I thought maybe you came home to talk to me and, I don't know, save our marriage. Crowd: We want Buzz! We want Buzz! Harley: There's my father! (Cheers and applause) Buzz: First thing on the agenda is repairing that elevator. Lillian: Look, I'm a nurse. Does anyone need CPR? Oxygen? Frank: Yeah, I could use a hit of oxygen, yeah. Buzz: And after we fix the elevator so we can--- thank you, thank you-- fix the elevator so we can get out of this building, we're going to go into something more important, which is stopping over-development in this town. Stopping the Spaulding's from tearing... destroying people's homes. That's what life's all about, isn't it? It's about the preservation of family and of our loved ones. Harley, right? Harley? Harley: What? What, what? Buzz: A good, sound family is the most important thing? Frank: That's exactly right. Like our family. Harley: Oh, yes. I love my family. Buzz: Gus, Harley, my two sons, Coop, Frank. They're the reason I'm running for mayor. So that they and their grandchildren and their grandchildren can have the home town that I mistakenly took for granted. It's what we have to fight for. Harley, tell them about Gus' house that he built for you. Harley: Four bedrooms, two and a half baths. Gus: Recessed lighting and copper plumbing. Harley: It's bright, spacious. Gus: It's a good house. Harley: Just one minute, okay? Dad. Hey. Buzz: What? Harley: I am your biggest cheerleader and I want this for you, but I can't do this right now. Buzz: I need you tonight. I know it's rough. Harley: Daddy, it's more serious than that. Buzz: Okay, it's real tough, but, I mean, you can't run from it. You're just going to have to face it as a couple. Harley: I don't know how to do that. Buzz: You just did it. You stand by his side, you smile and you remember all the good things you have. Harley: You're asking a lot. Photographer: Help me out, guys? A little smile here? Frank: All right. Harley: Frank. Dad. Frank: Excuse me. Harley: Okay, whatever is going on with us, we have to stuff it down before we deal with it, okay? This is a very big night for my father. Gus: We'll just stand right here and we can pretend. What's the big deal? Harley: Yes. So smile. Buzz: I don't have a lot of experience... what do you call it? Governing. I have no experience governing, but my door will always be open to you. I'm just a cook and I run a restaurant, but I want to serve you. How unwittingly witty of me. Lillian: That's very funny. Buzz: Enjoy the party. (Applause) Photograph: Hey, guys, let me get one more shot. Buzz: Yeah, sure. Come on. Hey, guys. Come on a little closer. Come on, come on. Photograph: One more. Buzz: Come on, come on. A little closer, please. A little closer, please. Photograph: Closer. Now give me a smile. Buzz: Thank you, thank you. Look, you guys are going to be okay. If you act like you love each other, you'll find out you do. [SCENE_BREAK] Manager: How would you like to work tonight? Natalia: Right now, tonight? Manager: Yeah, we're short-staffed. I can pay you double time. Natalia: Where do I change? [SCENE_BREAK] Frank: So would you like me to throw him off the balcony? Gus: Thanks for your support, Frank. Frank: I think you know how I feel. Harley: Go take care of daddy. Gus: I missed you. Harley: Don't. I missed you, too. I shouldn't have, but I did. Gus: Well, if you want to be technical about it, I shouldn't be missing you, either. Harley: Let's not. Gus: You working? Natalia: Yeah. They're paying me double. Harley: You better give me one of those. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe: I'll be right back, okay? Daisy: Okay. Rafe: Yeah, I saw that. Natalia: Rafe. Rafe: Hey. Ma, what is it? Natalia: I got stuck in an elevator. Rafe: Oh, man. Did you freak again? Natalia: Yeah, I freaked. You know I hate them. Rafe: I'm sorry. That totally sucks. Were you alone? Come here. [SCENE_BREAK] Daisy: I'm actually glad that you're back. Harley: Actually? Daisy: Actually. Can I get anyone anything? Something to eat, drink? A chainsaw? Gus: Girls, excuse me for a second. That's enough. Rafe: It's just a sip. Gus: No, that's it. It's not good for you and there's press in this room. It's not good for us. You laughing? Reporter: Is this your son? Gus: Yes, this is my son. This is Raphael. Reporter: Mrs. Aitoro, you have a very handsome boy. Gus: That's not Rafe's mother. He has a different mom. Rafe: That's my mom. Reporter: The waitress? Gus: She's a lot more than just a waitress. Harley: Oh, much more. Buzz: Everybody have a drink. Get a tall one for my daughter. Hi. Harley: Actually, I'm fine. This is hard enough without you hovering around. Natalia: Well, I'm working, so I can't leave. Harley: Oh, you didn't tell your boss you almost died in his elevator? Natalia: Nope. Harley: Of course not. Gus is here. You want to be here. Natalia: Maybe. Harley: Maybe. I don't think I should have to remind you that Gus is still a married man and I am still his wife. Natalia: Okay, if you want to start pulling rank, I was here first and I have his son. Harley: I thought you didn't go after married men? Natalia: I know, we did talk a lot about that. But things have changed and I have changed my mind. Take that. Look at that. That's Nick. That's Nick when we were in high school and we were together. See, he looks about Rafe's age. Harley: Yeah, he looks young. Way too young to know what he wanted. Natalia: We were kids. We were both kids. You weren't there. You didn't see him grow up. I knew his father, Joe, I knew his mother. I have as much history with Nick Augustino as you do with Gus Aitoro, maybe more. Harley: We are not two high school girls arguing about who he's taking to the prom. That boy, he grew up. He fell in love with and married me. Natalia: Yeah, only because it was too dangerous to be with the girl he really loved, which was me. I have done a lot of thinking about this. I have asked myself a million questions, and you know what? Harley: Oh, my God. You're going after him. Natalia: I'm not going to disappear anywhere. You have had a lot of years with him that I missed out on. And if you two are supposed to be together and you're going to work it out, then fine. But if not, I'm going to be right here. Harley: Yeah, yeah. Making sure you do everything so that we separate. Natalia: Oh, God. You know, I am not out to hurt you, Harley. Harley: What do you think you're doing to me? Natalia: You know what? If he is supposed to be with me, who am I to say no? And I think maybe he deserves to be happy. Harley: What makes you so sure he's not happy with me? Natalia: Your marriage is not perfect like you think it is. Harley: It was damn near perfect before you showed up. Natalia: Really? That's not what your brother Frank said. Harley: What? Natalia: Mm-hmm. And after he told me about all the times that you broke up, I figured, actually, maybe he really would be happier with me. [SCENE_BREAK] Buzz: When I came back here, I realized that he was right. This is home, there's nothing like it. Right, honey? Harley: Whatever you say, Dad. Buzz: Come here. Come here, come here. Listen, this is family. It's parents and kids. After the separation we had, it's everything, right? Harley: Everything. I don't know what I would do without my father. Buzz: Or your brother. Harley: Get back to me on that one. (Laughter) Just kidding. I love my family. They are everything to me and I can't ever imagine... Gus: Harley. Harley. Harley: Go away. Gus: Ma'am, please leave the bathroom. Woman: I have to wash my hands. Gus: I understand. Springfield Police Department. This woman is armed and dangerous. Harley: I am not talking to you. Gus: She's going in there to load her weapons so I would really, ma'am, if you want to be... thank you very much. Sorry. All right. It's just us. Please come out. Harley: No. Gus: Well, what are you going to do in the stall? You can't just say in the stall. Harley: I like it in here. I don't have to look at your face. (Flush of toilet) Gus: What are you doing now? Harley: I'm drowning myself in the toilet. Gus: You just hit me in the head with a roll of toilet... Harley: Incoming! Gus: I tried to reach you. I called everybody. Nobody would tell me where you were, I checked my messages, you don't leave me any messages, you don't call me back. Harley: I called you. Gus: You did not. I checked my messages every hour on the hour like a fool. Like an idiot. Harley: Well, maybe your girlfriend erased it so it would give you an opportunity to have a little go-around. Gus: Listen, I was with Natalia, I admit it, but just the one time. After that, I never went near her. Harley: You were near her in the elevator. Gus: I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about after that time I never touched her, which is more than I can say for you with Dylan up at the rehab. What were you doing there with him? Harley: I went with Dylan because I needed to get away after your girlfriend admitted you had slept together. Because my heart was broken, because I couldn't believe you, you would ever, ever, ever betray me like that. Gus: Betray you? I walked in and saw you in bed with another man. Harley: So then why did you go to her? Why didn't you come to me? Gus: Why? What were you going to say, that it wasn't me? I wasn't there, it wasn't me? Harley: Yes. Gus: Oh, come on. Seriously? Harley: Gus. Gus: Seriously. Harley: I never slept with Dylan. Gus: I saw you in bed with Dylan. Harley: I drank too much and I passed out. Dylan let you think what you thought. Gus: Right. Harley: I took care of Dylan. This is about you. Gus: Look, I care about Natalia, okay? I always have, she's my first love. But you are my soul mate. You are my heart. You know this. Harley: I don't know what I am anymore. Gus: Look, Natalia was there because you weren't, because you were off with Dylan, and she was just nice to me and sweet and kind, but that's it. That's as far as it goes. Harley: I never thought that you could do this. You have always been so devoted to me and so loyal to me. Gus: I still am. I still am. Harley: No, you're not. You would have had faith. You would have had faith and you would have come to me instead of conveniently believing that worst so that you would have an excuse to go to her. Now look where we are. (Knock on the door) Lillian: Excuse me? Gus: Go away, please. Lillian: Gus, there are people waiting. Gus: Just tell them to use the men's room. Lillian: I don't think so. Gus: Go away. Harley: You're making a scene. Gus: Baby, I love you and we're not leaving this bathroom until we figure it out. Please. Harley: I can't hear you say that to me. I can't hear you say that to me when I see her, when all I see is Natalia in your arms. Natalia with you. Daisy: Harley. Gus: Your mom is busy right now, okay? Daisy: There are a line of people out there and they're starting to ask questions. So could you guys maybe finish this at home? Harley: Okay. Gus: Baby. Harley: We will go out. We'll go out together as a family, okay? For appearances sake. [SCENE_BREAK] Buzz: Buzz Cooper, the only candidate endorsed by the Springfield Board of Nurses. A man of the people, determined, honest, respected. I think you left something out. Lillian: What did I leave out? Buzz: Passionate. Lillian: Oh, it's true. Harley: Mister mayor. Buzz: Yes, ma'am? Harley: We're going home. Buzz: So soon? Harley: Yes. Well, you know, Gus and I promised those kids we'd make brownies. Buzz: Well, you'd better go. Cooper's always keep their promises. Harley: Okay. Come on. Gus: I just need just a second. I'm going to go talk to Harley for a bit. I'm sorry. Natalia: Don't be sorry. You know where to find me if you need me. Gus: All right. Okay. Thank you. Just tell Rafe I was looking for him and say goodbye to him for me. Where's Daisy? Harley: She decided she wants to stay. Gus: All right. Is she with Rafe? Buzz: Hey, you know, they'll be fine. You two go. The elevator's fixed, so... [SCENE_BREAK] Gus: Look, if you want to look at it like that, Mallet's one for you and Natalia's one for me, all right? Harley: The difference is I thought you were dead when I was with Mallet. Gus: Well, I wasn't dead, I was very much alive. Harley: I know. Gus: Very much alive. Harley: You established that. You want to keep going over this and over this and over this? You want to play this game? Zach/Jude: Happy anniversary! Gus: Hey! Harley: Oh, my gosh! Wow! Gus: Surprise! Harley: Surprise! Zach: Did you guys forget? Gus: What? Harley: No, of course not. We were just out celebrating. Gus: No, yeah. We had... yeah. Harley: Hey, I can't believe this. Look at those decorations. Did you guys do this all by yourselves? Zach: Daisy helped us. Harley: Daisy? Daisy: Surprise! Harley: You were just at Towers. Daisy: I was, but then Marina picked us up in her squad car and raced over here so we could beat you. Gus: Oh, you did this, too. You were a part of this? Daisy: Okay, well, Rafe wasn't part of the plan, but... Rafe: I'll go if it's not cool. Harley: Oh, please. Gus: You'll go where? What are you talking about? You're family. Don't think that. Come on. Harley: Wow. Gus: This is something else. Harley: This is something. Gus: Very impressive, you guys. Harley: Can you believe it? A couple of years ago on this very day... Zach: We got married at Company. Harley: We got married at Company. It was magical. You guys are great kids. You're all so great. Thank you so much for this. Daisy: I know, let's look at the wedding album. Harley: That's a great idea. I don't actually remember where it is. Gus: I couldn't tell you. I have no idea. Daisy: It's right here. I found it in your closet. Gus: Wow. Looks like a good wedding album. Rafe: I thought we were going to go, like, hang out and eat Greek food? Daisy: Well, we are, but I was away at school when you guys got married. So I want all the details, okay? Come on, all the romantic stuff. Let's hear it. Gus: All the romantic stuff, wow. The only thing I remember is I got to kiss your mom, so... Daisy: I know that. I mean, like, were you guys nervous? Harley: No, we were not nervous. Gus: Well, what I remember is we lost the rings, there, for a second. Remember? Harley: That's right. But then we found them. Gus: Yeah, found them in a tree house. In the tree house that's at... Harley: In the tree house. Gus: At my dad's house. Harley: And look, Blake and Mel and Cassie, they were all my bridesmaids. Don't they look pretty? They look real pretty. Gus: What I remember most is... is your mom. She came out and, well, I was waiting, first of all. I was waiting a long time and I was panicking because I thought she wasn't going to come out at all. But then she did and walked down the aisle, and she was beautiful, radiant, and had the flowers in her hair. She was doubly beautiful because I was thinking that she was having second thoughts about even marrying me in the first place. Harley: I never had second thoughts. Daisy: Did you guys vow to love each other in good times and bad, and all that stuff? Harley: Yes. Gus: All that stuff, sure. Harley: Boys are tucked in. Daisy's actually reading. She's reading one of the books from her summer book reading list. I think she might be on chapter two. Gus: I can't believe you told the boys that you weren't nervous. Harley: I wasn't. Gus: I remember you being a basket case. Harley: I wasn't. Gus: What I remember most about that day was when you walked down the aisle, you said something... you said something to me. Harley: Hi. Gus: I don't think I've ever been happier than the moment I heard that word, "Hi." And I especially remember it because that's the moment that I put this ring on your finger. Harley: And it was the first time we kissed as husband and wife. I remember that kiss. I had kissed you a million times before, but I remember that kiss because... because it was sacred. My heart was pounding and I was... I was dizzy and I guess I was so happy and overwhelmed. I can't do it. I can't do it, I can't. Gus: You can't do what? You can't do what? Harley: Honey, I like you too much to fight with you. I don't want to fight with you. Gus: Let's not fight, then. Right? I realize what we're about to go through is very difficult, maybe even impossible, okay? But we belong together so you have to try. You have to try. Tell me you're at least willing to try. Tell me that and that you're not willing to give up. Harley: I don't ever want to give up, okay? Okay. Gus: Coop? Harley: Yeah. Gus: Did I ever tell you how I wore a pair of your father's shoes to the wedding. Harley: No. Gus: Yeah. I couldn't find mine and it turned out that I had left them at the station in a drawer because they had this gum all over them and I forgot to bring them home. Harley: The cigarette ashes from that filthy ashtray in your drawer at work. It wasn't gum. Gus: Oh, yeah. Harley: (Laughs) I remember. Gus: I miss this, you know. Just holding you, loving you. Just being with you. Harley: Mm, yeah. Gus: I want to just take it slow. Harley: No. No, no, no. I can't, I can't do it. It feels wrong. I keep seeing her. I can't do it. Gus: Okay. It's too soon. Too soon. [SCENE_BREAK] Gus: Make your move, Zach. Don't hog all the popcorn. Make a move. Somebody make a move. Jude: He's out. Zach: No, I'm not. Harley: So then make a move. Zach: I hate this game. Can we play "Happy Family"? Gus: I'll be a happy family if you just make a move. Zach: I'm out. Gus: Oh, he is out. Jude: Told you. Zach: Shut up. Jude: You shut up. Gus: Okay, we don't use that kind of talk in this house. What's the matter with you guys? Zach: You and mommy fight. Gus: Me and mommy fight? We do? Harley: We don't fight, we disagree. Grown ups disagree. Every grown up disagrees. Zach: Sounds like fighting. Jude: Are you still in? Gus: Me? Am I still in? I got bad news for you. I think I won. Look at that. Read it. Jude: What? That's not fair. You cheated, you cheated! Cheater, cheater, cheater, cheater. [SCENE_BREAK] Frank: Yeah, all right, well, keep looking, will you? All right, thank you very much. Hey. Harley: Next time why don't you just take a break and eat like normal people do. And what are you doing here instead of being at the station, Chief? Frank: Doherty's mother had open heart surgery and Slott had a tonsillectomy. So being that I'm chief of police, I thought I'd check on my boys, make sure everybody's okay. Gus was kind enough to bring me lunch, so I said, "Yes, I'll take it." Harley: Of course, your favorite word. Frank: Yes? Harley: As in, "Yes, my sister's having marital trouble," and "Yes, she and Gus have broken up before and let me tell you all about it." Frank: What are you talking about? Harley: I'm talking about Natalia. Gus: What about it? Harley: He told her about every single fight we'd ever had. Frank: No, no, no, I did not, actually. I said that you guys had your share of troubles just like everybody else has. Harley: You gave her ammunition to try to take him away from me, Frank. Why don't you give her the keys to my house next time? Frank: No, I did not. Hold on one second, here, I didn't tell her anything specific, okay? You know what? Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. You're right. You know what? It's not like I was lying or anything. Harley: Well, you should have lied. You should have done whatever you had to do to protect me. I am your sister. And you should have just told her to leave town. But you couldn't let her go again, could you? [SCENE_BREAK] Gus: Remember that time in the elevator when I said, "Nothing can touch this." And then I pushed the stop button? Harley: Is that what happened in the elevator with Natalia? Gus: No. Alan did something to the elevator because he's trying to push us together. Harley: Of course he wants you to be together. Gus: Oh, forget about it. You know how he is. Harley: I know how he is. I also know he gets what he wants. [SCENE_BREAK] Gus: Are you awake? Harley: Yeah. Gus: Mind if I watch TV? Harley: Sure. [SCENE_BREAK] Harley: Jude is crying and upset and he wants to go home. I've got to go pick him up from day camp. Gus: Why, what happened? Harley: Apparently, he fell asleep during arts and crafts and when the teacher asked him why he was so tired, he said, "Because Mommy and Gus are fighting." Gus: Well, I'll come with you. Come on. Harley: You know what, actually? I'm tired and I could use a nap, so I'll just pick him up and then he and I can take a nap together. Gus: Sure, I understand. I'm beat myself. Harley: Probably one of us should be at the station. Gus: Well, if I come to the house... it wouldn't be a very good idea, right? Harley: It's not working, is it? Gus: No, I guess not. Gus: So what do you want to tell the boys? Harley: Just tell them the truth. We're taking a break. Gus: You don't want to talk about it anymore? Harley: We're talking for hours, we're talking for days. It's not getting any better, is it? Gus: All right. What do you want to do? [SCENE_BREAK] Gus: Will you please get your jacket? The bus is going to be here any second. Oh, my Lord. Harley: Okay. Zach: I traded mine. Harley: You traded your brand new jacket? For what? Zach: For this. Harley: A jar of mud? Zach: It's alien soil. Jude: Yeah, from the planet of Venus. (Laughter) Gus: You better get your jacket. You better get your jacket. Harley: You are going to Venus if I don't get that jacket back today. Gus: And if you don't, I'm going to turn into Gus-enstein! Harley: Today I want that jacket back. Gus: Gus-enstein is going to go and get you and I'm going to clobber you. Better run! You better hide! Harley: Guys? Gus: Yes? Harley: Seriously. Gus: Oh, yes. Harley: The bus is here, boys. The bus is here, the bus is here, the bus is here. Down here, now, now now. Here. Gus: So now they're jacket- less. Fine. Harley: Just take it. It's going to be a nice day. Gus: I'll hold on to the mud. The alien mud. Harley: Okay. Daisy's right outside. Shut the door! Nobody listens to me. Gus: All right. So I guess I should go. Harley: Yeah. It's just temporary, you know. It's just temporary. It's best for now. It's not forever. Gus: Right. Harley: I have your dry cleaning slip so I'll just bring your shirts to you? Gus: No, that's all right. I'll get them. And the boys are going to be in that little show at camp. So should I not go? Harley: No, of course you should go. If you don't go, they'll be devastated. Gus: All right. I'll be there. Harley: All right, I'll just give you a call if I need you. Gus: You can call me if you don't. Even if you don't. All right. Hey. Well, I'm glad that you're here. [SCENE_BREAK] Harley: My favorite plate, broken. All broken now. (Crying) Daisy: It's okay, Mom. It's going to be okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Gus: I just wanted to let you know that Harley and I decided to take a little breather. I've gone over things in my mind and I've... I've realized that no matter what, I really need to spend time with you. This is where I want to be. The only place. [NEXT_ON] Alan: When it comes to trusting your husband, you said, "I do," but I don't. Nurse: Congratulations. You must be very proud. Alan: She's mine. Dylan: If I were Gus, I would stay and fight for you. Natalia: I know what you need. Gus: Do you? Harley: I tell you, I've seen you wear a lot of hats, Alan, but pimping for Natalia, that's a new one. Alan: Natalia's going to win. Harley: Don't you bet it. Rafe: Do you love your wife or do you love my mom? | Though Gus and Harley have decided to only separate temporarily, Natalia has made it clear she is going to fight for Gus so will the Gus and Harley split be a permanent one? Harley rescues Gus and Natalia from the Towers freight elevator after it got stuck |
489 | Bill: You know, it's not too late, beautiful. I have the jet standing by. You say the word. I will whisk us and our guests to the Caribbean. We'll get married on a beautiful, private, secluded beach. Katie: Hmm. And miss the chance to say "I do" in that little park across the street from where I grew up? Bill: (Chuckles) Katie: What could be more romantic than that? Bill: You don't really want me to answer that, do you? Katie: (Sighs) The last few days have just been a blur. Next time you see me-- tomorrow I'll be walking down the aisle to be your wife. Bill: No second thoughts? Katie: No second thoughts. I have never been more sure of anything or anyone. [SCENE_BREAK] Steffy: (Sighs) Thomas: Okay, spill. You and Bill Spencer. Steffy: What are you talking about? Thomas: Well, the other day, I hear you went over to see him. Or did he summon you? 'Cause I hear that's what he's all about these days. You know, if it would have been me, I would have walked right in there and given him one in the kisser. Steffy: What? Thomas: (Grunts) [SCENE_BREAK] Bill: What do you mean you hired Pam to co-host "The Catwalk" with Donna? Justin: I know it seems crazy, but Pam's "catwalk" dance has taken the internet by storm. Bill: (Chuckles) No wait, wait, wait. "Catwalk" dance? All right, you know what? I said I was gonna let you run the show, so I'm gonna stay out of it... for now. Justin: Anyway, you said you had a new assignment for me so... Bill: Yes, I do have a new assignment for you, and it's unlike anything I have ever asked of you or ever will again. [SCENE_BREAK] Bridget: It's a pretty simple procedure, actually. Once Dr. Caspary harvests my eggs, she'll fertilize them with... your swimmers, and after that, we'll just cross our fingers and pray. And if we're lucky, ten hours or so later, the eggs have turned into little embryos. Nick: It really turns me on when you talk doctor talk. Bridget: Really? Nick: Yeah. Yeah. Give me some more. Bridget: Oh, nice. Okay, well, I'm healthy. Nick: Mm-hmm. Bridget: And you're virile... very. So with our D.N.A., I think we're gonna have tough little embryos. And then with our lovely surrogate Sandy, I think we'll have our own little bundle of joy very soon. [SCENE_BREAK] Sandy: Aw, jeez. Oh. Nine whole months? (Sighs) "The key to a successful pregnancy is plenty of rest, a healthy diet, exercise." Sandy: (Smells) Ooh. (Gags) Ugh. Hmm. Well... (Smells) I'm not pregnant yet. Sandy: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: A bachelorette slumber pay? That's why you asked us to come here? Katie: Yes. I've got everything we need-- all our favorite tunes from back in the day. Donna: (Giggles) Brooke: Oh, good. But wait. Before we start painting each other's fingernails and scarfing down pizza, don't you want to tell us your little secret? Katie: Oh, I bet you both want to know where the ceremony's actually going to be. Brooke: Uh, yeah. Donna: Yeah, otherwise nobody can come, including your two bridesmaids. Katie: (Chuckles) I know. It's a minor detail. Brooke: (Laughs) Katie: I'm sorry I've been so mysterious. It's just that there's been so much media attention, and we didn't want paparazzi hiding in the bushes and-- Donna: Oh, would you just tell us please? Please? Katie: We are getting married at a very special spot on our old street. Do you remember that little park across the street from our house where we used to play as kids? That's where I'm gonna marry Bill Spencer. Brooke: (Chuckles) Donna: (Sighs) Katie: What do you think? Donna: Aw. Katie: (Chuckles) Brooke: (Giggles) [SCENE_BREAK] Dr. Caspary: Everything looks good, Bridget, if you're ready to proceed. Bridget: Okay. Is it okay if Nick stays? We want to share this together. Dr. Caspary: Oh, of course. Nick: Yeah? Okay. You relax. I'll be the one to get egg-cited. Bridget: (Chuckles) Nick: And if all goes well, I'll go from egg-cited to egg-static. Hmm? Hmm? (Chuckles) Just a little comedy to relax you two. Bridget: All right, thanks. [SCENE_BREAK] Steffy: Thomas, if this is your idea of a joke-- Thomas: I'm just saying, if it had been me-- Steffy: It wasn't you. And he didn't summon me. I went over there so I couldjust-- Thomas: Wrangle an invitation to his wedding tomorrow. I know. Steffy: Wait, it's tomorrow? Thomas: He didn't tell you? I mean, you guys are so tight now. Steffy: Oh, what-- Bill and I are not tight. Thomas: The dude made you head of P.R. Steffy: Because the Hollywood campaign was my idea, remember? Thomas: Yeah, like you'd ever let me forget. Steffy: I got to talk to Bill. I got to--I got to see him before his wedding. [SCENE_BREAK] Justin: This new assignment-- what does it involve? Bill: Well, as you know, I am getting married tomorrow. Bill: And I need a best man. You're the best man I know. Justin: I would be honored. Though I must admit, I never thought I would see the day when Bill Spencer would willingly give up his freedom. (Chuckles) Bill: Well, you see what happens? Even a legend goes down when the right woman comes along. [SCENE_BREAK] Donna: I just love it. I think it's perfect. Katie: (Laughs) Brooke: (Laughs) Katie: I just-- I wanted to make sure that Bill understood, you know? A-And-- and I-I took him there and I-I showed him the place and the street, and I-I told him what it was like growing up there, and--and all these-- these ordinary things that happened to us that-- that feel so extraordinary now. And, you know, we didn't have much, right? We didn't--we didn't have many material things, but we had each other. Brooke: And that was everything. Katie: And it's even truer now. I mean, we've had losses. You know, we've lost our brother, our beautiful Storm, and, you know, we--we're losing Mom a little bit every day. But--but that's part of why I wanted to do this. You know, I-I wanted this to be a tribute to her. Brooke: Mm. Donna: (Sighs) Katie: Because we have so much to be grateful for, you know? No matter what. You've got Ridge, and you've got Eric... Donna: Yeah. Katie: And your son has--has--has found his father. (Sighs) Donna: Mm-hmm. Katie: I just... (Sighs) I never dreamed-- I didn't think it was possible in my wildest fantasies to ever dream anything like this. Donna: (Giggles) Brooke: (Giggles) Katie: You know, I didn't think it was possible to be this happy, to feel this --this confident a-and certain about my future. No doubts. No fears. I feel like this--this weight that I've--I've carried around my whole life has-- has finally been lifted, and it's just such a relief. I remember watching you two growing up, and just--just thinking, God, if could just be a little bit more like them. And you both were so golden. Donna: (Sighs) Katie: People couldn't help but be drawn to you, and I just-- I just wanted to taste just a little bit of that just to feel what that felt like, to love someone and... and have them love you back. And now I know what that feels like, which is why I'm so happy that you're-- you're here with me tonight, and you're gonna be with me tomorrow on the day that I marry this man that means so much to me. I love you both so much. Donna: (Giggles) Brooke: Oh, honey. Katie: (Laughs) Brooke: We love you, too. Donna: We love you. Brooke: (Giggles) [SCENE_BREAK] Bill: All right, gentlemen, I believe that covers everything. You have your marching orders, so, uh, march. Man: Yes, sir. Man: We'll make sure things run smoothly while you're away. Bill: They'd better. (Door opens) (Door closes) (Cell phone rings) (Ring) Bill: If this is about upping the budget for the Glamour campaign, it ain't gonna happen. Steffy: No, um, look, I know you were busy when I tried calling you the other day, but I really need to see you. Is there any way you can meet me up at my family's cabin now? Bill: You're calling me from Big Bear? Steffy: I'm really stressed out, okay? I-I feel terrible, and I just--I need to see you. I know this is a huge imposition, but I promise, I won't ask anything like this of you again. Bill: (Sighs) All right, Steffy. I'm on my way. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: Okay, well, I just ordered takeout. But it may take a while. They were kind of swamped, so... Donna: What you doin', honey? Katie: Oh, just going over these lists. I mean, there's so much to do, and I-I'm terrified that I'm forgetting something. I didn't ask you. Donna: What? Katie: Did you guys see the -the bridesmaid's dresses? I mean, do they fit? Are they beautiful? Donna: Oh, relax, sweetie. Katie: Do you like them? Brooke: Well, yeah. Yeah, we did. We saw them. And we tried them on, and they fit perfectly. Donna: Ridge made sure we had lovely gowns. Katie: Oh. (Sighs) Brooke: Oh, Katie. Don't cry. You're wedding's going to be absolutely fabulous. Katie: (Chuckles) Donna: Mm, I think that's why she is crying. After all these years and all that you've been through, tomorrow you're finally gonna get your happily ever after. Brooke: (Sighs) Donna: Oh, gosh, now you get me started with this. Brooke: Oh, honey, stop. Katie: We--we can't start. We'll never stop. Brooke: (Laughs) Katie: (Laughs) Brooke: You guys. Katie: (Chuckles) Brooke: (Chuckles) [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: So I guess it's a little too early to pass out cigars? Dr. Caspary: We still have a ways to go yet. Nick: Right. Right. But we're all good, right? Everything's okay? Dr. Caspary: Mm-hmm. I'll tell you when it's time for you to do your part. (Laughs) Bridget: Ow. Nick: What's the matter? Bridget: N-nothing. Nick: Wait--wait a minute. I'll get the doctor, okay? I'll be right back. Bridget: No, no, honey, no. It's--it's fine. It has nothing to do with-- with this stuff. Nick: What is it? What's wrong? Bridget: Just my foot. There's a little cramp in my foot. Nick: Which foot? Oh. You sure it's just your foot? Bridget: Yes, sweetheart. I'm fine. You don't need to worry. Of course, nine months from now when our surrogate's screaming in pain, you may want-- Nick: Hey, can we just not-- skip that screaming-in-the-pain thing? I have a little-- Bridget: Maybe we should check in with her. Nick: I've already got her number on speed dial. Bridget: Look at you. Nice. Okay. Bridget: Hi, Sandy? It's, uh, it's Bridget and, uh, Nick. We're just here at the hospital. I just had my eggs harvested. Sandy: How did it go? Bridget: E-Everything went really--really well. We just wanted to keep in touch and make sure you're still healthy and eating well... Nick: Mm-hmm. Bridget: And, you know, drinking your smoothies. Sandy: That's what I'm doin'. Bridget: Good. Um, just take good care of yourself. But I'm sure I don't need to tell you that. I'll talk to you soon. Bye. (Sighs) Nick: So everything okay? Bridget: Everything's better than okay. Everything's great. It's-- (Shudders) it just makes me wonder-- Nick: It just feels like it's all a little too good to be true? Bridget: Tell me it isn't, Nick, please. Tell me everything's gonna be fine. Nick: Everything's gonna be fine. This is meant to be. You know it. I know it. [SCENE_BREAK] Steffy: (Sighs) Thank you for coming. Bill: I almost didn't. But I could hear how upset you were. So what is, uh, so important that you got me all the way up here the day before my wedding? Steffy: Look, it's, um, it's about what happened when I kissed you. It's startin' to freak me out. And if anyone were to find out-- the Logans, the Forresters-- it would cause war. Bill: No one is going to find out. Now you need to listen to me. You are overreacting. It was one kiss. It's over. It's like it never happened. (Sighs) I realize that at your age, something like this can feel like a cataclysmic event. But from my point of view, it's no big deal. You don't have to worry. No one is going to find out that you kissed me. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: Kind of brings you back, doesn't it? Brooke: Mm-hmm. Donna: (Chuckles) Brooke: When Mom would be too tired to make dinner after catering all day? Donna: Mm, and Stormy would get us Chinese? Brooke: Mm-hmm. We must be worth our weight in moo-shu pork and egg rolls. Katie: (Laughs) Donna: (Laughs) Katie: Not that either one of you ever gained an ounce. Me, on the other hand-- Donna: Oh, you have the same cute figure as you did back then. Katie: Minus the face full of acne. Donna: (Chuckles) Brooke: Oh, boy. Katie: (Laughs) Brooke: Look at you now. You are gorgeous, and you're smart... Donna: Mm-hmm. Brooke: And you're marrying a man who has changed your life. Donna: Yeah. (Gasps) You guys! Do you remember when we used to be little and we used to play "wedding"? Katie: Yes. Oh, my God. Brooke: Mm-hmm. We would borrow Mom's makeup and high heels. Katie: And whoever was the bride, we'd make daisy chain for her hair. Brooke: And then we'd go down the stairs, and she would be waiting for us. Katie: And she'd be all teary-eyed. Brooke: Just wait until she sees you tomorrow. Donna: It's gonna mean so much to her-- her little baby girl getting married across from the house that we had so many happy memories. Brooke: Well, it's not like we didn't have challenges. Donna: Well, yes. Maybe we struggled to make ends meet, but we still found joy in our family. Katie: Money can't buy that. I know firsthand with Bill. He had everything growing up except what mattered most. Brooke: Just like the closeness that we all have. Donna: Especially now that Dad's back again. Katie: Which makes things even more perfect. Donna: Now do you think Mom and Dad are ever gonna make it back to the altar? Brooke: Well, I know that's what Dad hopes for. Katie: Well, it doesn't really matter if they do. I mean, he wants to be a part of our lives. He wants to reunite our family, and that means so much. I just hope that tomorrow on my wedding day that--that Mom is--is clear and present, and that all of these wonderful memories come flooding back to her and that she can experience the joy of--of seeing me, her youngest daughter... Donna: (Chuckles) Katie: On the happiest day of my life at the place where it all started, the place where you all made me feel so safe and so secure, and that's the best that any child could ever have. And I'm so grateful for that and no matter what, even though I will become Mrs. Bill Spencer tomorrow, I will never forget what it means to be a part of this family, to be a Logan. Brooke: (Giggles) Donna: (Giggles) Katie: I cherish you more than I could ever say. (Chuckles) Brooke: Oh. Donna: Oh, honey. Brooke: (Chuckles) Katie: (Laughs) Don: You're so sweet. Katie: I love you guys. Donna: We love you. | She has so much to be grateful for and she wants this to be a tribute to their mom |
490 | Erica: There. "M.R., Spinnacle Street Facility, Number 25, Los Angeles." Opal: "M.R."? Erica: Mike Roy. Opal: I thought you had given up on this pipe dream that David might be holding Mike Roy on ice somewhere. Erica: "Somewhere" could be Los Angeles. It could be L.A. Mike Roy might actually be alive and well and living in Southern California. Jack: Hey. Opal, good to see you. I do hope you've managed to talk some sense into Erica about chasing ghosts. [SCENE_BREAK] Marissa's voice: Go ahead, J.R., do it. Release the tape. I will not be blackmailed, and neither will Bianca. J.R.: Damn it, Marissa! Don't make me use this to save my son. [SCENE_BREAK] Bianca: And you are worried that J.R. is gonna call your bluff and release that video, aren't you? Marissa: I don't think it's a bluff. And in J.R.'s current state of mind, I wouldn't even allow him to visit A.J. A.J.: You're holding hands. Marissa: Yeah. That's because we like each other. A.J.: I like you, too. Marissa: Me, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: Hey. Look at this. It's nice to see such happy family, complete with garden gnome. Not so happy? What's up? Bianca: Um, you know what, A.J.? Why don't we go in the kitchen? I think Nana Krystal is making some brownies. Come on. Tad: Ok, ok, ok. What has J.R. done this time? Marissa: He has a video of me and Bianca. Yeah, that kind of video. Tad: And he wants to use it to get A.J. back. [SCENE_BREAK] Dixie: Ohh. Is it on the Internet already? J.R.: Is what on the Internet? Dixie: The news. Honey, the board voted you out. You're no longer running Chandler. [SCENE_BREAK] Angie: I told you I wanted to be alone with her. Jesse: You did, but you know I couldn't leave you here. Angie: And I can't leave her. Jesse: Let me take you home. Angie: Jesse, I saw her. I saw Ellie. I saw our little girl. I saw her, and I thought to myself, "thank God it was all just a nightmare. Ellie, you're alive." Oh, and just -- she was just sleeping, sleeping in my arms, Jesse. The most peaceful, contented sleep you can imagine: Little soft breaths, her mouth curled like an "O," and her eyes fluttering. She was dreaming, and somehow I just knew that she was dreaming about me. Jesse: That's pretty amazing. Angie: Ellie was so happy. And she and I, we were connected. We were as connected as we were when I carried her inside me. Oh, Jesse, why? Why? Why? Jesse: God, I wish I had those answers. Angie: [Cries] You watch over her. I don't understand why you took her so soon. Maybe you just needed another angel to watch over us. But please, God, I need you to tell Ellie that her mother will always remember her. And that when I get my sight back, I will see her beauty in every child, and try very hard not to cry over another mother's good fortune, but celebrate their children the way I would her if she were still here. I don't know when my time will be up, but I will try my best to be my best so that in heaven I can hold my baby for the first time. Jesse: Amen. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: I love my life, the one I'm living right now. I have no desire to live in the past. I just have one question for you, though. Jack: A question. What is that? Erica: If I had proof that someone you once loved was alive -- Jack: Ok, listen. I told you I love you, so you do anything you have to do regarding this subject. Now let's change the subject. It seems like your new book is creating quite a stir in the literary circles. Opal: Oh. The one that she wrote when she was being held hostage? Erica: Yes. "Erica Kane: Uncensored." Jack: As a matter of fact, your publisher wants you to start promoting it. She's booked you on some late-night talk shows. Erica: But I can't leave town right now. I mean, these all shoot on the West Coast. Jack: Yes -- in Los Angeles, to be exact. It's only a few days. Erica: Are you saying you think I should go? Jack: Absolutely. I think you should start moving forward with your life. Erica: That is very good advice from the man I love. Ok. I'll go to Los Angeles. Jack: That was way too easy. Erica: You love me, and I know you always want what's best for me, and I think it's probably about time that I started listening to you. Jack: Amen. Look, I'd go with you, but I've got a calendar full of court dates, unfortunately. Erica: I understand. Jack: But I'll miss you like crazy. Tell you what, why don't you let my office book all your arrangements, all right? Erica: That's very sweet. Jack: Yeah, it is, isn't it? Come here. See you later, Opal. Opal: All righty. Erica: Shake your head a little bit more and it might just fall off. Opal: Talk shows, my Aunt Fanny. The only reason you agreed to go west is so you could find out if Mike Roy is dead or alive. Erica: I can multitask. Opal: Yeah? Since you're taking advice right now so freely, why don't you take a little tidbit from a woman who knows? When a dog digs, she usually gets one of two things. Sometimes she gets a bone, but most of the time she's just digging empty holes. Erica: I certainly hope that I am not the dog in that little tidbit. Opal: Erica, come on. Tear up this file before everything you got with Jackson ends up in the shredder. [SCENE_BREAK] David: This is just a small token of my gratitude for everything you've done for our hospital in the past, and for what you did for Cara Castillo in the present. I appreciate you helping her out with her immigration issues. Agnes: Dr. Castillo saved my life. The least I could do was try to make hers a tiny bit easier. David: I'll check in with you later, all right? Agnes: Oh, and, David? David: Yes? Agnes: Have you thought anything about what your father said? David: Uh, yeah. Agnes, my father -- he passed a long time ago. Agnes: He did. David: But he came to you in a tunnel of light to give me a message to make the right choice? Agnes: That's right. David: I believe I've done that. Agnes: Tell me. David: I don't know if you've heard, but I've recently made a major medical breakthrough, something that will change the way that we look at life and death. Now, did my father mention anything about my work? Agnes: As a matter of fact, he did. David: Really? Agnes: Yeah. He said, "Leave God's work to God." [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: Dixie swore that J.R. was making progress. I guess he's even managed to lie to his mother. Marissa: Maybe you can talk to him, get him to see that -- Tad: I've tried over and over again. I talk till I'm blue in the face. He just tunes me out. Marissa: God. I mean, if you can't talk to him, then who can? Tad: Whatever good there is in J.R. definitely comes from his mother. If we're lucky, we tell her what's going on, maybe eventually he'll have to listen to her. [SCENE_BREAK] Dixie: Baby, the only reason the board told me was because they couldn't reach you. J.R., are you listening? Can you hear me? J.R.: I'll deal with Chandler later. My first priority still hasn't changed. I'll get my son back no matter what it costs. [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: Baby, why don't you let me put you to bed. Angie: I just want to go to sleep, dream about my baby again -- but I can't because Maya and Lucy are here. Jesse: We don't have to tell Maya today. Angie: Maya is desperate to find her baby. When I came to after the birth, and I asked you to hold our baby, and you didn't get her right away, those few seconds when I thought -- knew something was wrong, it was the worst -- I thought it was the worst moments of my life. And I won't make Maya wait one more second to hold her baby, and I need to do it alone. Jesse: I love you, Angela. I always will. I'll be back. [Lucy cries] [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: David. David: Erica. Erica: David, I just want you to know that I am completely and utterly happy with Jack. David: Are you telling this to me or are you telling it to yourself? Erica: What I'm telling you is that I don't care if you are keeping all my long-lost loves alive. David: I'm happy for you, Erica, that you finally made peace with your decision to settle for what passes as bliss in this town you call home. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to change the world. Erica: Hello, Agnes. Agnes: Erica. Erica: It's been way too long. Agnes: Oh, indeed it has. Erica: I understand you had a close call with some bad berries. Agnes: Bad berries, but I had a wonderful near-death experience. Erica: Oh, my. But you're on the mend, and I'm sure you'll be back out there in no time. I'm gonna let you rest. Agnes: Erica, first, I want to tell you I saw Mona over there. Erica: My mother? Agnes: And she gave me a message for you. [SCENE_BREAK] Dixie: J.R., you're not gonna get your son back until you stop staring at whatever it is you're looking at and feeling sorry for yourself. [Drops a book] There. Do I have your attention now? Can you please tell me what is you're looking at so intently? Tad: A sex tape. Dixie: I'm sorry? What? Tad: Marissa with Bianca. J.R. intends to blackmail A.J. away from his mother. I know Adam would be proud. Dixie: Is this true? J.R.: She left me no choice. [SCENE_BREAK] Marissa: What if J.R. takes the video and puts on the internet? What if A.J. sees it? How will I ever explain that to him? A.J.: Mommy, look! [SCENE_BREAK] Brot: Long night. Jesse: Tell me about it. Brot: Looks like you could use this more than me. What's up? Jesse: I just spent the night watching over Angela -- at Ellie's grave. Yeah, she knows. Brot: You told her? Jesse: Yeah. Maya was on a mission to find her baby, Tad was helping, so I had to tell Angela. She wanted me to take her to Ellie's grave. When we got there, she refused to leave. She actually spent the night sleeping on the ground where Ellie's buried. She said that she dreamt about her. It took everything I had to get her home. Brot: Is she gonna tell Maya? Jesse: Yeah. She has to. She's not gonna lie to Maya the way I lied to Angela. Brot: Yeah, but you only did that because you love her. Jesse: Yeah. I lost my little girl now, because of what I've done. I could lose everything. [SCENE_BREAK] Angie: I know you're not mine, but I don't feel that way. I lost my baby, but I have just held you for so long, Lucy. Maya: Oh, you've got her. Thank God. When I woke up, and she wasn't there, I was so scared. Is something wrong, Angie? Is your baby ok? [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: Look at this. See what kind of mother Marissa is. See what kind of family she wants my son growing up in. She ought to be ashamed of herself. Tad: The only person bringing shame on their family is you. J.R.: How can you take her side like that? Tad: They haven't done anything wrong! J.R.: Nothing wrong, huh? Dixie: Stop, everybody. Just stop. If J.R. is hell-bent on ruining his life, there is nothing you or I or anybody can do about it. All we can do is try to save A.J. J.R.: That's exactly what I'm trying to do. Dixie: No, it's not! You're just standing there spewing hatred, and it's wrong! Baby, I know it's been hard for you growing up with Adam as a father. I know he's passed on his anger to you, and you're carrying it around. You know, look at this. Here. Look at that. J.R.: It's me and my father. Dixie: Yeah -- when you were A.J.'s age. J.R.: I'm smiling. Dixie: Yeah. You always had the most amazing, bright smile. I haven't seen a lot of it since I've been back. When I look at your son, there it is again -- beautiful, pure, innocent smile. What is it that you want for your son? What do you want to pass on to him? Do you really want him to become the man that you are right now? [SCENE_BREAK] A.J.: It's a house, a new one. Marissa: You drew this? A.J.: Uh-huh. Marissa: Oh, it's really good. Bianca: Nice architectural eye, buddy. Hey, do you mind if I borrow this for a second? I want to show your mom something. A.J.: Go for it. Marissa: What you got? Bianca: This. This house just went on the market. It doesn't have the bold strokes of A.J.'s design, but it's not gonna last very long -- this price. It's beautiful. Marissa: Oh, my God, it is. It's beautiful. I love it. This is what we should be focusing on. We should be thinking positively. This is great. Bianca: So what do you say we go pick up Gaby and Miranda and check it out? Marissa: Hey, A.J.? Would you like to go on a little adventure? Ha ha ha! [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: Agnes, I know that you and my mother were very close, but my mother's been gone for years. Agnes: None of us is really gone, Erica. Erica: A message? What was it? Agnes: Be satisfied with your life in Pine Valley. Erica: I am. Everything I want is right here -- Jack, my girls. I'm not looking for anything else. Agnes: Your mother thinks you're fascinated by the far-off hills, no matter what anyone says. Erica: My mother is still trying to look out for me from beyond the grave. Agnes: That's part of being a mother. Erica: Agnes, if you have another contact with my mother, would you give her a message for me? Agnes: I will. Erica: Will you tell her not to worry? I'll be just fine. Agnes: All right. Thanks. Erica: Thank you. Bye. Agnes: Just as you predicted, Mona. [SCENE_BREAK] David: What do you want, Jack? Jack: Hayward, it seems you have some people in this town believing you walk on water. David: If you ask me, it's about time. Jack: When you sink -- and you will sink -- I want to make sure you don't drag Erica down with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Brot: Chief, let me take the bullet for you. I'll go to Angie and tell her that I found the baby in my patrol car, I brought the baby to you, and that this whole thing was -- that it was my idea. Jesse: Listen, I appreciate your loyalty -- you're a good soldier, Monroe -- but if anybody's taking a bullet here, it's gonna be me. You are not risking your badge. Brot: I believe Angie will understand why you did it. Jesse: I'm gonna spend the rest of my life making it right for her -- if she'll let me. [SCENE_BREAK] Angie: There is nothing wrong with this baby. She is perfectly fine. Maya: She is. And I hope my baby is half as sweet -- if I find her. Angie: Oh, she is. She is just as sweet, and just as beautiful. Maya: How -- did someone find my baby? Angie, did Jesse or Tad? Angie: Yes. Maya: What? Where is she? Angie, please tell me. Where is she? Angie: Right here. My Lucy -- she's yours, Maya. Maya: Why would you say that, that Lucy is mine? Angie: You left your little girl in a squad car, and you know Jesse's chief of police. Maya: And your baby? Angie: Gone. And Jesse gave me Lucy. But she belongs to you. [SCENE_BREAK] David: So what's going on? Is Angie ready for the surgery or what? Jesse: That's why I'm here. We need to call it off. [SCENE_BREAK] Opal: Hey there! Erica: Hey. Opal: What's up? Erica: Opal, you still believe in the afterlife, don't you? Opal: You bet I do. Sure. All these trials and tribulations we go through here on earth -- they better be preparation for something, right? Why do you ask? Did you suddenly get religion or something? Erica: Oh. It's not important. No, I have made a decision. Opal: Oh, boy. Erica: You haven't even heard what it is yet. Opal: Yeah, I don't think I have to. Erica: I am going to L.A. to promote my book. Opal: Why am I not surprised? Erica: But there's more. Opal: Too soon to say "Oh, boy" again? Erica: I want you to go with me. [SCENE_BREAK] Dixie: Look at this -- all these happy moments between father and son. Do you think when A.J. is older, and he looks at this book, he's gonna remember the good times or just your anger? J.R.: I can't lose him. Dixie: Baby, you already have. Tad: He's afraid of you. J.R.: I know! Don't you know how much it kills me? Tad: I hope so, because I was afraid of my father, Ray Gardner, with good reason. He dropped me in a state park with a broken arm when I was 10 years old. You know what really scared the hell out of me, is that someday he'd come back for me. I mean it. Even years after the Martins had adopted me, I carried that fear around. If A.J. has to spend any time with you right now, all he's gonna sense is your anger, and he's gonna somehow think it's his fault. When he cries himself to sleep at night, he's gonna think that no matter what he does, he wasn't enough to make you happy. J.R.: I miss him so much. Dixie: J.R., there are still empty pages in this book. You can fill it up with more happy memories. J.R.: How? Dixie: Stop attacking A.J.'s mom. Pull your life together. Let us help you. We're here for you. [SCENE_BREAK] Marissa: Oh, no. If it seems too good to be true -- Bianca: It usually is? Marissa: Mm-hmm. Bianca: Oh, I guess it's a good thing we didn't get the kids' hopes up. Marissa: Aw. Look how well they play together. Bianca: They're already family. Marissa: We all are. What are you doing? Bianca: Thinking positively. Hi. This is Bianca Montgomery. I'm calling about the house on Crescent and Park. Oh. I see. Ok. Thank you very much. Good-bye. The sale fell through. This is our house if we want it. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: For a minute there, I thought we got through to him. Dixie: Maybe we did. Maybe it'll just take a little time to sink in. You were wonderful, but you always are. Tad: I got to hand it to you, using the photo album was inspired. Dixie: Huh. As hard as it is to see him like this, deep down I know he's a good kid. I think we did good. Tad: So do I. [SCENE_BREAK] Marissa: So we're gonna be like a family. Bianca: Yeah, but not like every other family. Marissa: Right, we're not, but no family is like every other family. Bianca: Right. Which is what makes us so special. Miranda: What about the house? A.J.: Yeah, what about the house? Miranda: Will I get my own room? A.J.: Will I get my own room? Bianca: Ok, we made an offer on the house, but the person who's selling to us -- they have to say yes. Miranda: When? Marissa: Hopefully really soon. [Phone rings] Bianca: Hopefully really soon. Hello? Uh, thank you. Yeah, thanks for calling. Marissa: Well? Miranda: Well? A.J.: Well? Gabrielle: Well? Bianca: Yes. Yes! [All squealing] Marissa: Guys, go see Krystal! Get some brownies! We can celebrate! Whoo! Ha ha! I can't believe it! It's so exciting! [SCENE_BREAK] Opal: You need to be honest with your fiancé. Erica: You want me to tell Jack that I plan to fly clear across the country to look for another man? Opal: I hope you phrase it a little more carefully than that. Erica: No matter how I would phrase it, with the rivalry that Jack felt with Mike Roy? That's all he would hear. I am trusting you, Opal, to keep my secret. Jack: Ah, there you are. You're all set. You're booked on the next flight to Los Angeles, all right? Either one of you ladies have something you think you should tell me? [SCENE_BREAK] David: I don't understand, Jesse. Angie was determined, desperate to have this procedure to see again. She had to be to trust me, right? Jesse: You told me that stress was no good. David: Did something happen? Jesse: You just need to know that she is in no condition for surgery right now. I'm sure her blood pressure is up much higher than it should be. David: Ok. Then we'll just have to postpone till Angie's ready. Jesse: Thank you. David: I want this done right -- so Angie can finally see that beautiful girl of hers. [SCENE_BREAK] Maya: This is all so incredible. Angie: I know. Maya: I am so sorry about Ellie. Angie: Thank you, Maya. Maya: Every night I hoped that my little girl would end up with a great family who loved her -- and she couldn't have done better. Angie: Do you want to take her? Maya: You're gonna think I'm crazy, but I can't. The last time I held her in my arms, and I knew she was mine, I left her. Do you think that she knows that? Angie: You somehow found your way back to her, and she knows that, too. This little girl knew who you were the first time you held her here. Maya: You think? Angie: I know. And all she was doing was just waiting for you to find out that she was not lost at all. Hey, munchkin? You want to go to Mommy? You want to go to Mommy? Maya: My baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Opal: Erica wants me to go to L.A. with her. Jack: That's good news. I'm counting on you to keep my gal out of trouble. Opal: Yeah, that's a tall order. I'm gonna go get packing. Jack: All right, Opal, we'll see you. Opal: Catch you later. Jack: I know Mike Roy pushed every one of your buttons, and I'm very proud of you that you didn't give him the satisfaction of rising to the bait. Erica: Jack, you know that I adore you. Jack: And I you. Erica: And you have to know that it would take a lot more than a man like David Hayward to come between you and me. Jack: Hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Dixie: Thank you. Tad: For what? Dixie: You never gave up on J.R. You were the one constant in his life. I just pray he sees that. [SCENE_BREAK] Bianca: Haven't you done enough already, J.R.? Marissa: It's all right, Bianca. What do you want, J.R.? A.J. is here. J.R.: I know. Marissa: I don't want you scaring him again. J.R.: Here's one less thing you can use to convince him that I'm scary. Marissa: Is this the tape? J.R.: Yeah, your smutty little sex tape -- the one you were gonna use to turn A.J. against me. Bianca: Marissa was only gonna tell A.J. the truth if you put it out there like you threatened to do. J.R.: Yeah, but I didn't threaten you guys into bed. You did that willingly. Marissa: You honestly believe that we're the ones who are doing something wrong here? J.R.: I know. You may have stopped me from using that video, but I will find a way to get my son back. [SCENE_BREAK] Maya: This must be torture for you, huh? Me and my baby? We should go. Angie: No, please, don't. I mean, I know it must be selfish of me to still want you here, but I can't imagine the place being a home without this little girl. Maya: You've already done so much. Angie: Then you do this for me -- until you find a place? Maya, will you stay? Maya: Of course. Of course. Do you want to hold her a little bit? Angie: Maybe in a little while. | Angie tells Jesse about the dream that she had had about their daughter |
491 | Jason: Elizabeth, I can -- I got it. I got it. Elizabeth: Just -- just stop. Wait here. I'll come back and get you when an O.R. Room opens up. No, wait. Jason, what are you doing? Where are you going? Jason: I'm getting out of stand. Jason: I'm gonna find jerry and I'm gonna find the counteragent. Steve: We're running dangerously low on supplies. Monica: Oh, I'm aware of that. And with the city's perimeters all sealed off, and the authorities are just as sick as everybody else. Steve: So, we're on our own. Monica: All we can hope for is that Patrick's research has given the CDC a head start in formulating enough antiserum for distribution. Steve: Can they do it in time? Monica: I don't know. I don't know. And we have another casualty. Kate: Hey, Sonny. It's me again. I just wish I knew where you were, that you're okay. Clearly, you're too busy playing hero to get in touch with me. I just hope you found jerry and that you're on your way to the hospital with the antiserum. I love you. Steve. Steve. Where's Olivia? Where's she been moved to? Steve: Nowhere. I was just going to see her. Kate: I was just there. She's not in her room. [Horns honking, sirens wailing in distance] Sam: Mom? Mom, are you here? McBain: Red. [Timer beeping] McBain: What the hell? Why not? Sonny: Jax, stay down! [Gunshots] [Beeping continues] [Beeping stops] [Air horn blows] [Explosion] Dante: There wasn't enough time to defuse the bomb. Lulu: John -- he's gone. Dante: So is the antiserum. McBain: Got it. Lulu: Wait. What? McBain: The antiserum, it's right here. Dante: Well, then what the hell was that that just blew up? Alexis: What was that? Shawn: Jerry's boat exploded. Alexis: Sonny and Jax are on that boat. Oh, my God! [Breathing heavily] Kate: I don't know why I didn't think of it before. Liv always used to come up to the roof and think. Liv! Steve: Shh! No loud noises or sudden movements. There you are! We've been looking all over for you. Olivia: You guys, have you ever seen anything so beautiful? That light? Steve: You're no ready for the light yet, baby. Kate: Come -- come down, Liv. Olivia: I don't want to come down. Steve: I know it looks bad, but we're working on it. Olivia: It doesn't look bad. It looks incredible! Oh! This is exactly where I need to be. Kate: No, you're not, Liv. That's the LSD talking. All right? So, just please come down. Please don't jump. Olivia: Jump? [Laughs] Is that what you think I'm doing? [Laughs] I was just enjoying the rain. Steve: What else? You -- Olivia: Don't you remember? When we were little kids and it would rain, and my mom would -- would let us go out back and put on our bathing suits. We would -- we would play around in the rain. [Sighs] Don't you remember that? Kate: Yes. I remember. Olivia: Oh, wow. Why do you two look so worried? I'm gonna be fine now. [Breathes deeply] Jason: I got it. Elizabeth: So, how far do you think you're gonna get on that leg? Jason: Bernie just said Sonny freed up $18 million. He's gonna pay jerry's ransom. Elizabeth: Okay. Jason: And Sonny's gonna pick up the counteragent in person. I can have Spinelli track his cell phone to see where he's meeting jerry, and all I got to do is get close enough to take one shot. Elizabeth: And you could've done that if you hadn't already been shot. Jason: My leg's not that bad. Elizabeth: Yes, it is that bad, Jason! You have a bullet in your leg, and it's compromised a major artery. I don't care if you hate me, but I'm not gonna let you walk out into the parking lot and bleed to death. Jason: I don't hate you. Elizabeth: Well, then prove it and get back on the table. Jason: [Sighs] Come on, Elizabeth. Now, how bad is it out there? Elizabeth: It's chaos. The only place more crowded than the E.R. Is the chapel, with people saying what they hope won't be their final prayers. Jason: Yeah, nobody wants to die without setting things right. Elizabeth: Thinking about Sam's baby? Wondering if he might still be alive? Sam: Mom, where are you? Call me when you get this, please. Molly: Sam. Sam: Hi, honey. Molly: Hey. Sam: How are you? Oh, I've missed you so much. Molly: I missed you. Sam: Hey, T.J. T.J.: Sam. Molly: Are you okay? What's wrong with your head? Sam: Um, I'm fine. I'm fine. I fell. I got it checked out. Everything's good. How are you, though? How are you feeling? Molly: [Voice breaking] I've been better. [Sobs] Sam: Oh, sweetie. Come here. Molly: [Breathes deeply] Sam, I'm so scared. Sam: Yeah, I am, too, babe. Molly: [Sniffles] Where do you think mom went? Sam: I don't know. But I'm sure wherever she is, it was really important for her to be there. Alexis: [Breathing heavily] We have to get a boat! Shawn: No, no, it's too dangerous. Look, look, something else could blow, all right? We have to get back. Alexis: Sonny and Jax could be hurt. They're not dead. They're not gone. [Breathing heavily] McBain: All right, listen. I'll find out what the explosion was. You need to get this to G.H. Get this to the lab right now. Call dispatch. Have them notify the CDC that we have the antiserum. Lulu: So, we're gonna be okay. Dante: Well, if jerry was telling the truth. McBain: There's only one way to find out. Get this to somebody who knows, all right? Before it's too late. Lulu: All right. He's right. Come on. Let's go. Dante: Hey, hey, hey. Wait a second. How did you know which wire to cut? McBain: Lucky guess. Dante: Let's hope your luck doesn't run out. Shawn: Yeah. Thank you. The coast guard's on its way. Alexis, we have to move back. Alexis: They're gonna find Sonny and they're gonna find Jax. And I hope they find jerry and let him drown. McBain: What happened? Shawn: Jerry's boat exploded. McBain: Any survivors? Shawn: It's not looking good. [Water sloshing] Sonny: Don't be too sure. Kate: Liv? Honey? It's not raining. Olivia: Sure it is. [Laughing] Sure it is. On the up side, I guess, um -- I guess maybe it's, uh -- it's not the LSD causing the hallucinations. Maybe it's just the fever. Kate: Right. Olivia: It'd be nice, though. Kate: What would? Olivia: To go to my grave knowing what's real and what's not. Steve: Hey, hey, no one's going to any grave. Not yet. These hallucinations you've been having, they've been coming true. I mean, for all we know, this one will, too. Olivia: We're all gonna be saved by some rain falling from a mysterious light in the sky? Steve: Hey, I've heard of crazier. Look who my mom is. Olivia: [Laughing] Oh, stop. Steve: I can't. Not if it gets you to smile. Olivia: Would you just hold me? Steve: Forever. Forever. Olivia: [Sniffles] [Sighs] God. As much as I'd like to take you up on that, you have to get back to work. 'Cause I know there's people in this hospital that need you. Steve: I'll find you later. I promise. Olivia: [Sighs] Kate: Hey. You still seeing the rain? Olivia: No. I'm just thinking about us. The Falconeri girls. Remember all those nights we spent up on my rooftop? [Both chuckle] Kate: Remember when we built that clubhouse? Olivia: Membership two -- Connie and Olivia. [Both laugh] Kate: Nail polish, hairbrush, and dark secrets. That's all we needed, huh? Olivia: Yeah. You know, there's something that I never confessed. I think now is probably the time to come clean. Dante: Is it legit? I can't tell just by looking. We need to get the contents analyzed immediately. [Knock on door] Monica: Hi. Am I interrupting? Elizabeth: No. No, not at all. Monica: I, um -- Elizabeth, I need you to relieve Heather griegson. Elizabeth: Is she not doing well? Monica: No, not at all. Elizabeth: Okay. Monica: Thank you. So, how's the leg? Jason: Well, you know, it's not too bad. Monica: Oh. Jason: How are you? Monica: You should've been in surgery hours ago, but the O.R.s are so backed up. Jason: Are you doing okay? Monica: Well, I'm worried about patients. Edward, in particular, at the moment. Jason: Is he all right? Monica: Well, he's very, very frail. Tracy's with him at the moment. Jason: Well, how's -- how's she doing? Monica: [Laughs] Well, actually, excellent. Excellent. My, God works in mysterious ways because she, apparently, is patient zero. Jason: So, she's not sick? Monica: Oh, she was exposed to the tainted water but not affected by it. Jason: Well, can't they use that to come up with a counteragent? Monica: Actually, Patrick has used her blood to synthesize an antidote. But, unfortunately, there's only enough for one dose, one patient. And Tracy got territorial -- surprise, surprise -- because she feels that because it's her blood, she really owns it. So, she stole it, and she's going to use that for Edward. Jason: All right. So, he's gonna be -- he's gonna be all right. Monica: He refused, and he said that Emma drake should have it. Jason: Wow. He -- he saved Robin's daughter. Monica: Yeah, he can hide a lot of things, but this time he couldn't hide being selfless and now heroic. Traits that someone else I know has that couldn't be disguised, even after an accident. Jason: I, uh... I know that -- I know that you love me. Monica: I do, Jason. I do very much. Jason: Just -- I want to, uh -- I want to say thank you for everything. Um... I appreciate you even -- you know, even if I don't show it. Monica: Hey, you do show it. You do show it. And I'm just very glad... that I could be in your life. Jason: Yeah, me too. Monica: And, uh, you know, tomorrow is your birthday. Jason: Yeah, which, uh -- which means it's Franco's, too. Monica:, Oh, God. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't really -- I didn't mean that. I didn't mean to bring it up after everything that he did to you and Sam. Jason: I've just -- I've just been -- I've just been thinking about it a lot. Monica: The rape? Jason: No, the baby. There's something that doesn't add up. Sam: Mom's still not picking up. T.J.: I'll try Shawn. Molly: Oh, um, you left your phone on my bed. T.J.: Right. Thanks. Molly: What? Sam: What do you mean "what?" This sleeping in the room business? Molly: No, we were just talking. T.J. Was holding me, and we fell asleep. That's all. Sam: Okay. Well, that's a lot, but I'm glad that you're able to spend this time with the person that you care about the most, especially now. Molly: Why aren't you? Sam: I did. Molly: You were with Jason? Sam: Uh... Molly: Or do you mean John McBain? Sam: Both. Sonny: Jerry fired a shot, hit the tank, and it just blew. Alexis: Okay, you're okay? Sonny: Yeah. Alexis: Where's Jax? Sonny: That's the last I saw him. Alexis: But you made it out okay, so Jax could, too, right? McBain: No point in all of us sticking around, all right? You guys get going, wait this out with your families. I'll handle things down here. [Sirens wailing] Alexis: [Sighs] Sonny: If you need anything, you know I'll --- I'll help you out, okay? McBain: Thanks. Sonny: I hope this antiserum works because, you know, you and I on the same side, it's just -- it's kind of strange. McBain: Tell me about it. Dante: What happened to you? Sonny: You guys all right? Dante: We're fine. Did you find Alexis and jerry? Sonny: Alexis is fine. Uh...Shawn and I got her off the boat before it blew up. Lulu: So, that explains the explosion. Sonny: You -- you were at the marina? Dante: Wait -- wait a second. Is jerry in custody right now? Sonny: He -- they were right by the gas tank. Dante: Who's "they"? Jerry and Jax? Sonny: I'm lucky I was on the other side. Dante: You -- you were on the boat when it blew up? Sonny: I got tossed in the water. I swam to the dock. Jerry and Jax... I don't think they made it. Lulu: So, Jax died trying to stop his brother? Sonny: It hasn't been confirmed, but, uh, McBain went with the coast guard, and he said the antiserum's here. Is that true? Lulu: We brought it in. Dante: The CDC has got the stuff right now. If it's real and jerry was telling the truth, they got to synthesize it and make sure we can spread it out to enough people. Sonny: But there's hope, right? Dante: Absolutely. It's just a complicated process. It's gonna take some time. Lulu: Time we may not have. Kate: Olivia, you're making me nervous. What did you do? Olivia: I read your diary. Yeah, the one that you wrote in when you were 13 years old? The yellow one with the -- with the ugly brown flowers on the cover? And I know that it was totally private and I shouldn't have done it, but I was a little kid and I couldn't help myself, which I know that is not an excuse, so if you want to scream at me, go ahead and ream me out. Kate: [Chuckles] Olivia: What, you're not mad? Kate: Why? You wrote something I wrote a million years ago? Why would I be mad at you? Olivia: You say that 'cause you think we're dying? Kate: No, I'm saying that because I don't think there's anything earth- shattering in there. Olivia: I don't know. I don't know. You telling Bernadette lerch that you liked Robbie tincone, and her telling everyone else, that was a pretty big deal. Kate: Oh, lord, I forgot about that. Olivia: [Chuckles] Kate: She was a snake. She got me to admit to her my feelings, and she blabbed it to everyone. I was so humiliated. Olivia: You know, you wrote something else in there, too. You wrote that it didn't matter that Bernadette wasn't your best friend because you already had a best friend. You said your best friend was your cousin Olivia. And that no matter what, when you grew up and you met the loves of your lives, you were still gonna be best friends. And then I never read another word after that, my hand to God. [Chuckles] Kate: I was pretty smart for a 13-year-old, huh? [Both chuckle] I know we took a long break. Olivia: Yeah. Kate: But we're best friends. [Voice breaking] I love you, and I'm really happy for that. Olivia: And we met the loves of our lives. [Both chuckle] I'm pretty glad for that, too. [Laughs] [Sniffles] Steve: That wasn't supposed to be in here. Ewen didn't die of the pathogen. [Sighs] I'm sorry. Elizabeth: For what? Steve: For encouraging you to go out with him. I honestly thought he was a good guy. Elizabeth: Yeah, well, so did I. So, don't beat yourself up over it. Steve: There I was, trying to protect you from Jason, and Keenan was the threat all along. Elizabeth: No one knew Ewen's connection to jerry, okay? Steve: But you were tentative. You were unsure about your feelings, and I should've just let you go with your instinct. Elizabeth: Let me? Steve: I know. You're a grown woman, and you're gonna make your own decisions. But you're always gonna be my baby sister. And I'm sorry I let you down. Elizabeth: You didn't let me down. And you were right about why I was holding back with Ewen. It's because of Jason. Monica: Of course you were thinking about the baby. It's the reason you and Sam fell apart. Jason: No, I'm the reason. Monica: You can't act in a vacuum, Jason. I know they brought Sam in earlier. I was hoping that she would be with you. Jason: It's okay. She wanted to be with her family. Monica: You are family. You're her husband. That's family. Geez. You know, I think of all the times that Alan and I fought, and we couldn't stand the sight of each other. But if there was a crisis, boy, we -- we were together just like that. I was hoping that would be the way with you and Sam. Molly: What does that mean, you're in love with Jason and John? Sam: No, it means that I saw them both earlier and we said our goodbyes... if this is goodbye. I mean, we really don't know that yet. Molly: It feels like it is, though, doesn't it? Sam: Hey, they could be mass-producing a cure as we speak. Molly: I hope so. Sam: Yeah, me too. Molly: What if they are? What if we're saved? Sam: [Chuckles] I was just saying that to Jason earlier. "What if"? I mean, what if we had never found out that the baby wasn't his? Jason: You know, Sam and I had -- had some time together. She was talking about how -- how different things would be if we'd never known about Franco, if we -- if we'd gone on believing the baby was ours. Molly: And? Sam: Well, Jason and I would still be together, raising our son...at home. But that's not how things played out. Monica: Well, you and Sam had an awful lot to deal with. I mean, finding out that the baby was Franco's and then losing it the day it was born. Jason: I'm not so sure about that. Sam: My baby died, and I blamed Jason. I punished him, and he didn't deserve that. [Sighs] Molly: But isn't that why you turned to John? Because you were mad at Jason? Sam: No. No, there was just -- there was something about John, and I knew it was more than just friendship. Molly: So, what if, Sam? Sam: What if what? Molly: What if somehow we survive all this? Who do you want to be with? Jason or John? Steve: Are you sure you're not just saying this now because of how Ewen turned out to be? I mean, Jason did save your life. Elizabeth: [Sighs] Steve: Maybe what you're feeling is gratitude. Elizabeth: He saved my life before, and I also saved his. We have a lot of history. Steve: That's one way of putting it. Elizabeth: I'm not talking just about Jake. This goes years back. When I was grieving for lucky, Jason was the only person I could turn to. He was the only one who would listen to me without trying to fix things or diminish how I felt. It's always been like that. We go in and out of each other's lives... and my feelings for him... never really go away. Steve: Does he feel the same way? Elizabeth: Sometimes, I think he does. Steve: You think? I take it you haven't talked to him about this. Elizabeth: I just tried to. But John McBain and Sam came in and interrupted, and then I -- I didn't. Steve: Well, maybe that was for the best. Elizabeth: I know you don't approve of Jason. Steve: Look, I'm not judging the guy. Elizabeth: [Scoffs] Steve: But your lives are completely incompatible. He's a career criminal, and his life is steeped in violence, and you're way too good of a mother to expose your kids to that. Elizabeth: And now we're all gonna die because of a pathogen jerry put in the water, and I'm supposed to stay away from Jason because...? Steve: I just don't want you to get hurt. Elizabeth: Well, I didn't tell him how I really feel. And now I probably never will. Jason: Sam was blaming herself for her baby's death, and I wanted her to know that it wasn't her fault, so... I got ahold of her son's medical records. Monica: All right. Jason: Okay. In the file, the baby's blood type is AB-negative, and Franco and Sam's blood are both o-positive. Monica: Well, that's not possible. Jason: Exactly. Monica: I mean, a mistake could happen. It doesn't happen often, but it could happen. Elizabeth: And that's exactly what Elizabeth said. But there's too much that doesn't add up. Monica: I-I don't really follow. If the discrepancy is not an error in the autopsy report, then what is it? Sam: Do you really think now is the time to be talking about this? Molly: Well, there might not be another time. Come on, you must know in your heart who you'd choose. Sam: I do. T.J.: Kept trying, but I couldn't reach Shawn. Molly: Where are they? Alexis: Right here. Molly: Mom! Alexis: Oh, baby! Oh, I'm so happy to see you. How are you? Molly: I'm okay. Alexis: And you. Sam: Hey, mom. Alexis: How are you? What happened to your head? Sam: Oh, I'm okay. I'm more concerned where you've been, though. Molly: Yeah, mom, I thought you said you wanted all of us to stay together. Alexis: Well, uh, jerry had other ideas. Sam: Jerry Jacks? He kidnapped you? Molly: Mom, where did he take you? Alexis: You know what? It's fine, okay? It's all fine. Because finally, I think this nightmare's over. Sam: What does that mean? Kate: [Gasps] Oh, my God! Thank God! Thank God! Sonny: Hey, hey, hey! Hey, come on. Come on. Kate: Oh, God. Are you okay? Sonny: Yes, I am now. I'm fine. Kate: What happened? Did you get the antiserum from jerry? Sonny: They're testing it as we speak, okay? And knowing jerry, who knows if it's gonna be fake, okay? Kate: Well, it can't be fake because I have to plan our wedding. Must have been so insane out there. Sonny: All I thought about... was getting back to you. Kate: [Chuckles] Detective Falconeri? Lulu: How'd it go? Dante: Was it the antiserum? Jason: The baby had hemophilia. Never showed up on any of the prenatal scans. Monica: Well, Jason, hemophilia is very, very rare. Maybe they didn't even screen for it. Jason: Okay. All the ultrasounds show that the baby was healthy. There was never any problems with the lungs. Monica: Well, that just could have been hidden complications. Jason: On top of the baby having a blood type that's not compatible with both parents? Monica: [Sighs] Well, like I said, if it wasn't a clerical error, then what was it? Jason: I -- I don't -- I don't know. I mean, one possible explanation -- [Cheers and applause] Monica: Wait, wait. Wait a minute. Oh. Oh, I hope that means what I think it does. Sam: Hold on. You're telling me that the antiserum is at G.H. Right now? Alexis: What jerry said was the antiserum. [Cell phone beeps] Shawn: Well, we're still waiting to see if it's the real deal or not. T.J.: It's real. It's real. Molly: What? How do you know? T.J.: Check your phone -- the rave alert we all signed up for. Shawn: The CDC has a concentrated form of the antiserum. Molly: That will effectively combat the pathogen that has affected Port Charles. Oh, my God! Look! Alexis: Oh, let me see. It's -- it's real. It works! Molly: We're gonna be okay! T.J.: We're gonna be okay. Dante: Hey, hey! I know you're all very excited! I just hope you can bare with me a few minutes. There's some details that I just want to go over with you. Now, this information will all be sent out via TV, radio, and internet, but mayor Lomax would really like it if we could all talk to friends, family, co- workers, whoever -- we got to get this message out to as many people as possible. Okay? We're gonna be cured the same way we got sick -- through the water. Okay? The antiserum needs to take time to disseminate, so we ask that you wait patiently just for further instructions. Okay, that's it. Thank you. [Sighs] Lulu: I tell you one thing, it's gonna be a whole lot easier waiting to live than it is waiting to die. Dante: Yeah. I feel better already. Kate: This is all happening because of you. Sonny: No, not just me. A lot of people pitched in. Kate: We're gonna live? Sonny: Not all of us. Olivia: Did you feel that? Dante: What? Lulu: What? Olivia: Never mind. Lulu: Gosh. Isn't it crazy? How everyone just kind of goes back to normal. I mean, technically, we're still dying... Dante: Eh! I've had enough of the dying, morbid talk to last a lifetime. Lulu: I know. But, like, look at everyone, knowing that there's a cure, and they're just going back to doing what they were doing before jerry. Dante: I remember what we were doing before... Lulu: Yeah? Dante: Yeah. We were trying to make a baby. Lulu: Mmm. Aren't we lucky we still have that to look forward to? Dante: My luck changed the day I met you. Lulu: [Laughing] Oh! And he's back. Dante: I thought that was a good one, actually. Lulu: Yeah. It's all right. Just kiss me. Kate: Jax is dead? Sonny: The guy was a hero. You know how hard it is for me to say that, but he was gonna stop jerry or die trying, and... that's what happened. Kate: The only comfort that I can take is that jerry's finally gone. Sonny: Mm-hmm. I just wish that he hadn't taken another victim. It's okay. You all right? Kate: I'm starting to think that Dr. Keenan was also a victim. Sonny: No, Keenan... Jason said he was involved? Kate: Yes, he knocked out Patrick, and he took off with Elizabeth. Sonny: But she was right there. Kate: Jason got to her in time, thank God. Apparently, Ewen had a gun. Sonny: So Keenan's -- he's dead? Kate: Does Jason ever miss? Sonny: Do you blame him? Kate: No, I don't blame him, Sonny. I just wish that Ewen was still alive. I wish he could have been saved. Sonny: Kate, Kate... [Grunts] The good outweighs the bad here. Do you understand what I'm saying? Kate: I know. You're right. Because we get to live. Sonny: I promised you we would, didn't I? Kate: Yeah, you did. You always keep your promises. Sonny: Well, I got another promise. Okay? I want to move up the wedding. I want to get married. I want to get married right away. Kate: What are you talking about? Sonny: If there's one thing that, uh... that this has taught me today... is that there are no guarantees. And you got to -- you got to appreciate what you got. And I want to finish what we started years ago. Kate: What do you mean by "right away"? Sonny: Listen to me. Be my wife. Kate: [Laughs] I -- Sonny: You know what? And I don't want it -- I want it as soon as we can do this. Understand me? Kate: I -- I could -- I could pull something together for next week. Sonny: All right. Still not soon enough, but that's fine. Kate: I love you. Sonny: And I love you. Elizabeth: Cameron, put me on speaker phone so Aiden can hear, too, okay? Okay, are you there? Are you both there? Can you hear me? Hi, guys! I know mommy's been calling a lot, but I wanted to tell you how much I love you, and I'm gonna see you really soon. [Chuckles] And from now on, we're not gonna waste a single moment, okay? I love you, too, baby. McBain: I'm very sorry. I wish I had better news about Jax. Alexis: You're gonna keep looking for him, right? McBain: We'll do our best, but at this point, search and rescue is focused on dealing with the crisis. T.J.: At least that guy jerry's dead. Molly: T.J.! Alexis: It's okay, T.J. It is a relief that jerry's dead. But it would certainly be really unfair if Jax had to sacrifice his life for that. Thanks for coming by and telling me. Sam: Thank you so much for everything. I think we all really appreciated it. McBain: I had a lot of help. Sam: Yeah, you can just say "You're welcome." McBain: You're welcome. Sam: John. Hey, um... where you going? McBain: Oh, I thought I'd let you have some time with your family. Sam: Yeah, while you what -- wait for the antiserum at home? We faced death together. We might as well re-welcome life that way, too. TV: Antiserum has been introduced to the Port Charles reservoir and water supply and should reach all affected citizens in the area. In addition to the water through household and building pipes, the military will be spraying outdoor areas aerially. People are urged to get water into their systems as quickly as possible. Singer: People tell me there will come a time when your heart and mine will grow cold. No more staring at the evening sky low [Helicopter blades whirring] Singer: As long as you're around, I'll follow you. You won't ever be alone. As long as you're around, I'll follow you, and I will be wherever you go Molly, TJ, Alexis, Shawn: [Laughing during water fight] [Laughter, screaming] [Laughing] Singer: They say the future is our enemy. Time eventually will set the sun [Helicopter blades whirring] Singer: But I believe in you, and you believe in me. How can we ever go wrong? As long as you're around, I'll follow you. Heart is never gonna break. As long as you're around, I'll follow you, and I will give whatever love takes, so be patient, baby hold me close. I hope you understand. You're a beautiful woman, and I'm just a man [Finale plays as everyone stands outside soaking in water from a helicopter] | Sonny says John can call on him if he needs anything |
492 | Gabi: That was a really nice toast to your mother. Jake: She wasn't a very nice lady. Gabi: Oh, come on. I just mean, you know, it's not every day someone meets their biological mother while she's cuffed to--to a chair in a police station because they-- they tried to kill somebody at their wedding. Jake: Oh, my god, wedding! Gabi: What? Jake: I'm supposed to be at ben's wedding. Rafe: Thank you. You're the best. Hope: Mm. Rafe: Oh, my god. Ciara, is that you? Is that-- [Both laughing] You look stunning. Come here. Ciara: Thank you. Rafe: Oh. Ciara: Thank you. I mean, it's thanks to allie and my mom, really. Hope: And you're feeling fine, too, right, honey? Hmm? Ciara: I feel more than fine. Mom, I'm feeling off the charts happy and excited. I mean, how can I not? I'm about to marry the love of my life. [Beeping] I just wish that some of the people that we lost were here today so that they could share in my joy. My dad most of all. Rafe: Yeah. Well, I know one thing. If he were here, he would be so proud of the woman you've become. Ciara: Thank you for being such a comfort to me after he died. Rafe, you were so loving and so nurturing, it was amazing. Rafe: Oh, come on. Ciara: [Chuckles] Rafe: You do not have to thank me. It's--it's been a gift. Truly. Hope: Told you she loves you. Rafe: Yeah. [All laughing] Hope: Thank you... Rafe: Yeah. Hope: For stepping in. It means a lot. Thank you so much. Rafe: Yeah. Hope: And you. Rafe: Hmm. Hope: [Exhales sharply] Baby, I am so sure that your dad is here today. He is watching over you. He is making sure that you are safe and happy. [Suspenseful music] [Beeping] Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives." [Soft orchestration] Gabi: Ben invited you to his wedding? Jake: Yeah. We've become friends, probably because I remind him of his old pal stefan, but still. Gabi: Yeah, ben saw the good in stefan. I mean, he makes two of us, so, all right, I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go home. I'm gonna go to bed early. I'm really sorry again about vivian. Jake: Thanks. Hey, gabi, why don't you come with me? Gabi: To the wedding? Jake: Yes. Gabi: I don't think so. Jake: Come on. Compared to the memorial service I was just at, the wedding will be a blast. You can be my plus one. Gabi: What about gwen? Jake: You're here. She's not. Gabi: Oh, she's gonna be so mad. Jake: Well, she's always so mad at me. So you coming? Ben: You sure this is straight? Will: Yes, it's straight. Collar's a little tight, too. Will: [Chuckles] You know what that is? That thing is called nerves, but you couldn't be nervous about marrying ciara, could you? Ben: It's this room, man. All these eyes, all these people who don't think I'm good enough for her, makes me wonder if I am. Will: Well, I mean, you don't have a lot of fans in this room. Ben: Yeah. Will: But who cares, right? I mean, all that matters is ciara chose you, right? So you want to prove all the haters wrong, all you gotta do is stand up there and marry her. Give her the best happily ever after, ever. Ben: Think I can do that? Will: I would not be standing up for you if I didn'T. Ben: [Exhales] Claire: Hey, where's dad? Belle: Oh, he, um, went to the wedding. You know, to be there for ciara. Claire: Wait, he's at the wedding? Belle: Are you upset about that? Claire: No, no. I'm--of course he's at the wedding. Ciara's his sister. I mean, I'm actually very surprised that you didn't go. You still can, if you want. Uh, I am very fine here alone. Belle: Honey, you're not fine. You're upset that you're unable to attend the wedding. I get it. Claire: Um, I am not unable to attend, mother. No, I have been fired--banned-- from the wedding and ciara's life. Belle: Which I know is terribly hurtful, and that's why I'm here to be here for you. Claire: Really? Or maybe you just wanted to guard me, you know? Make sure I didn't do something crazy. [Beeping] Hope: It's time, sweetie. Are you ready? Ciara: Um, I don't know. But I do know that I love ben with my entire heart and he looks at me the way that daddy looked at you, and I never thought that I would have that. Hope: And now you do, and i couldn't wish for anything more than that for you. Happiness. I love you. Ciara: And I love you. Hope: My beautiful girl. Okay. Ciara: [Groans] Hope: Oh, okay. Ciara: [Exhales sharply] Rafe: Hey. Ciara: Okay. Rafe: It's time. Ciara: Ah-- Rafe: [Chuckles] [Romantic music] Eli: Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait! [Beeping] This is ava. [Romantic music] Ben: You think something's wrong? Will: Nope, and, uh, I'm your best man so you have to believe me. Hope: What happened? Rafe: What's wrong? Hope: What is it? Eli: I'm sorry. There's no emergency except for this one. Lani: Ciara, I am so sorry. The dress that I planned on wearing, it didn't fit and-- Allie: Uh, I can relate to that. Lani: So I--I to run out and get a--a new one and I--I'm so sorry, you guys. I'm so sorry. Eli: And now we are holding things up. Look, do you mind if we sneak in before the wedding starts? Ciara: Go ahead. Jake: Yeah, us, too. Lani: Crashing another wedding again. Jake: Nobody's crashing anything. She's my plus one. Lani: Mm. Jake: Let's go. Lani: You are the most stunning bride. It's all you. Ciara: Thank you. Lani: [Kisses] Ciara: [Exhales sharply] Rafe: Okay. [All laughing] [Romantic music] Will: See? Just some late arrivals. All good. Ben: Oh, I hope so. Lani: Allie's the maid of honor? Wh--what happened with claire? Belle: I know how hard this is. Claire: Oh, really? Huh. Do you actually know what it's like to try your very hardest to make things right and--and to try so hard to do everything you can to throw your best friend the most perfect wedding ever, and then have everybody just hate you? Belle: Nobody hates you. Claire: And to have your own parents wonder if they can believe you? Belle: Oh, baby. Claire: Yeah, I heard you and dad. You actually think that i did it. You think that I put nail polish on ciara's wedding dress and that I made her engagement ring disappear and that I made her sick on her wedding day. Belle: Honey, your father and I want to believe you and we know that you love ciara and that you regret all the things that you've done in the past. Claire: I do, yeah. Belle: Listen, i understand that. I do. I--I think that we're--we're just worried that when you got out of bayview you set all these expectations, right? You were gonna make up for everything you did to ciara and you were gonna be her best friend again and, you know, i know what a perfectionist you are and how hard you try and i mean, baby, you just put too much pressure on yourself. Claire: Mm. So, what? What, you think I snapped? [Organ music] Ciara: [Exhales sharply] Rafe: That's our cue. Ciara: Uh-huh. Rafe: Yeah. Ciara? Ciara? Ciara: I need a minute. [Exhales sharply] Rafe: Hey, what--are you--are you okay? You--you feeling ill again? Ciara: No, no, no, no. It's not that. Rafe: Cold feet? Ciara: [Chuckles] Yeah, it's, uh--it's not really my feet as much as it is my legs. I mean, I know it's a short walk down that aisle, but it feels like my legs might go right out from under me, you know? Just-- Rafe: Yep. Ciara: Whoosh. Rafe: Yeah. Ciara: Yeah. Rafe: Yeah, okay, okay. Hey, it's gonna be okay. Ciara: [Groans] Rafe: Um, hey, do you remember when you were--you were a little girl, you asked me to teach you to ice skate? Ciara: Yeah. Rafe: Backwards? Ciara: Yeah. Rafe: Right? Ciara: Yeah. Rafe: Okay, and what did i tell you? What'd I tell you, huh? Ciara: You told me to hold your hands and--and you won't let me fall. Rafe: That's right. Yeah, right? Okay? Ciara: Yeah. Rafe: And by the way, I get it, 'cause, um, walking on those heels, like, that's gotta take unbelievable balance and courage. Ciara: Tell me about it! Rafe: Yeah, in front of all these people. Ciara: [Laughs] Rafe: But, look, you're not on ice skates, right? And you're not going backwards, so I am not gonna let you fall. Ciara: And if I do, then you have to catch me. Rafe: You better believe it. All right? Hey, you got this. All right? Ciara: I got this. Rafe: Come on. Ciara: I got this. Rafe: There you go. Ciara: Thank you. Rafe: Yeah. Ciara: Yeah. [Richard wagner's "bridal chorus"] When migraine strikes, [Richard wagner's "bridal chorus"] Claire: Mom, I swear that i am telling you the truth, okay? I did not do any of these horrible things. It's just from the moment I saw the save the date card on dr. Morris's desk, I knew that I had to find a way to be in ciara's wedding, okay? Because I--I was so sure that if I just convinced her of how sorry I was and then she trusted me enough to let me be her maid of honor, then everything would be okay between us again, but somehow everything has been ruined and everybody has just decided to blame me. Belle: Hey, claire, wait a second. Claire: What? Belle: When your father and i told you about ciara's wedding, you acted like you heard that for the first time. Did you know already? Ciara: [Exhales sharply] Yeah, yeah. So? Belle: So you lied to us. Why? Claire: 'Cause I knew that if I told you and dad the truth that you would look at me the exact same way you're looking at me right now, like you think that I am obsessed with ciara and her wedding. Belle: Honey, are you? Ciara: Oh, my god, no, mom. I swear to god, I am not! Julie: Who gives this woman to be married to this man? Rafe: Well, this woman makes her own choices. I'm just lucky enough to have the pleasure of walking her down the aisle. Love you, kid. Hope: I love you, baby. Ciara: I love you, mom. Ben: You look so beautiful. Are you sure you're feeling okay? Yeah? Julie: [Clears throat] Are you two ready? Ben: Very. Julie: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join benjamin oliver weston and ciara alice brady in holy matrimony. If anyone here has just cause why these two should not be joined together, let the--i don't think we need this part. [All laughing] Because I am determined to marry these two no matter what anybody says. [Cheers and applause] Rafe: Yes. People used to care. Heck, they'd come Julie: Marriage is an honorable estate not to be entered into lightly or unadvisedly. Oh, dear. If it's okay with the bride and groom, I'd like to wing it. [All laughing] Okay. After all, I--I just said at a very recent, very wonderful wedding, I know more about marriage than anybody in this room. John: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, except maybe doug. Doug: The only thing I know about marriage is what julie tells me. [All laughing] Julie: Okay, everyone, if--if the hecklers will allow me, thank you. Thank you so much. I would like to proceed with the wedding by starting off with a story. A story about the bride. Many years ago--well, not so many--when ciara was just about this high, a feral cat moved under the porch of our house, and this cat was the meanest, mangiest, scariest creature in god's green earth, and doug and I did everything in our power to try to get rid of it, but this tomcat would not be moved. Well, one day doug and I were coming home one afternoon. We look up and there's ciara, no bigger than a minute. She's sitting on the front porch swing, and sitting in her arms is the tomcat, purring away. Well, I--I look at her and say, "ciara, how did you get him to come out from under the porch?" She said, "I--I looked him in the eye and I sat perfectly still, and after a lot of mewing and yowling and spitting and hissing, he just came to me." Wow, well, doug and I are afraid that the cat might be rabid, so I yell out to her, "ciara, you shouldn't let that cat anywhere near you," and she just held it tighter in her arms, and then she said to me, "grandma julie, don't you ever tell me it's not okay to love somebody." I'm sure sadly everybody in this church has been told at some time or another in their life it's not okay to love somebody, and sadder still, I'm afraid some of us have been the one to say it's not okay to love, but love-- true love--is never wrong. Sometimes it takes years and years for people to learn that, but this beautiful young lady has known it her entire life. And so, I am honored today to marry her to the man she has decided is okay to love. Marlena: Oh. Claire: Come on, I am not obsessed with ciara or her wedding, okay? I love her and I want her to be happy, and all I have tried to do is show that to her, but apparently I have to show it to everyone else, too, including my own parents. You know, and it just really sucks because no matter what i do or say or how freaking hard i try, it's just not gonna be enough, so-- Belle: Listen, honey. You are enough and we love you and I'm--I'm so sorry I upset you, okay? I am, and for the record, I am not here to guard you. I am here because I miss you and I want to spend time with you, and I think that we just need a hug right now. Claire: Got it. Belle: I know how much you want to make amends to ciara and I really, really do believe that in time she will give you the chance to do that, okay? But right now I think maybe you should come home to hong kong with your father and me. Shawn: So when my sister asked me to do, uh, a reading for her wedding, I did my homework and, uh, I decided that there's only one way to do this. Chinese wedding poem. Ciara: No way! Shawn: [Gasps] Here we go. [All laughing] I want to be your friend forever and ever without break or decay. When the hills are all flat and the rivers are all dry, when there's lightning and thunder in winter, when it rains and snows in summer, when heaven and earth mingle, not until then will i part from you. Ciara: Shawn, thank you for that and, um, I'm so sorry about claire. Shawn: I'm sorry, too, but this is your day. It's not claire'S. It's not mine. It isn't anybody else'S. I love you and I wish you all the happiness in the world. Ciara: I love you. Julie: Ben and ciara have written their own wedding vows which they will now share with us and with each other. [Theresa] Shingles? Oh dios mio. So much pain. Ben: No one here today will be telling any heartwarming stories about me, but that's okay... because before I met ciara, the stories people would have told would not be the ones anybody would want to hear. I think we all know I'm the feral cat... but I've owned my past to the best of my abilities. I've made amends when I could, and the way I see it now, my real story--my real life-- began the day I met you. I'm sure a lot of you are wondering about ciara's engagement ring. Well, yes, it is a washer from her dad's bike that I took when I repaired it when she crashed and broke her leg. That crash, that's how we met. It was the moment that brought us together and it gave us the chance to fall in love. You know, people my whole life have told me that I'm no good, that nobody would ever care about me. My story--my story was not supposed to be this. It was not supposed to be a love story. By some kind of miracle-- you-- it is. [Breathing heavily] And you are incredibly brave. You know that? You know, I heard sometimes talking will take your mind off the pain. I don't know if you want to. Ciara: Oh, my god. This is my dad's bike. Wait, but no. But I--I totaled this. How did you-- Ben: Well, that was the thing. I started working on it. I don't know. I just remembered back at the cabin, you told me how much this bike meant to you and-- Ciara: It was my dad's most prized possession. When he left it to me it was like I guess a little part of him, you know? So thank you. Ben: You're welcome. Good things come to those who wait. Ciara: That's kind of cliché, isn't it? Ben: Yeah. I'm hoping it's true. Ciara: So I'm a good thing? Ben: You are a great thing. Ciara: I have something really, really important to tell you. Ben: Me, too. I'll go first. Ciara: Okay. Ben: I love you. I've never loved anyone like this in my entire life. Ciara: I love you, too. Ben: Yes, I fixed your broken bike, and yes, I fixed your broken leg. When you met me, my heart and my soul, everything about me was broken until you loved me. Ciara, your love fixed me. Limu emu & doug Ciara: Benjamin oliver weston, you've told me so many times that I believed in you when no one else would, but what was hard for me wasn't believing in you. It was believing in myself. When we met, ben, I was so mad at the world and I just wanted to make sure that no one could ever hurt me again, but then i woke up in that cabin after i crashed my bike and you were so kind and you were so gentle and you made me feel safer than I've ever felt in my entire life and I felt safe every day since. Safe to trust again and safe to be myself again. I know that our life won't be easy, no, but I also know that it's okay for me to be scared sometimes because I'm gonna have you right by my side every single day. It's your love and your strength that taught me to open my heart again to you and to the entire world. Okay, this is officially bizarre. I can't believe I'm getting a sponge bath from-- Ben: The necktie killer? Ciara: If my mom saw this right now-- Ben: She would not be happy. Ciara: No. Ben: At all. [Both laughing] Is that funny? Ciara: Mm-mm, nope. Nope, I'm just really ticklish. Ben: Sorry. Ciara: [Giggling] Ben: Should I stop? Ciara: Mm-mm. No, I'm good. I'm--I'm good. Ben: Okay. Ciara: Yeah. I, uh--I never actually, uh, thanked you for rescuing me off the side of the road, so thanks. Thank you. Ben: You're welcome. Oh, my god. Ben: What does it say? So, don't you leave me hanging in suspense. What does it say? Ciara: "Will you marry me?" Ben: Of course I will marry you. The question is, will you marry me? Ciara: You say that I'm the one who fixed you, and that may be true, but I was just as broken as you were when we first met, and it turns out that true love was the only thing that could fix me, too. Julie: You have the rings? Ciara: [Laughing] Ben: With this ring i thee wed. Julie: Ciara? Ciara: Right. With this ring, I thee wed. Julie: Do you, ciara alice brady, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? Ciara: I--I--I do. Julie: And do you, benjamin oliver weston, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? Ben: I do. Julie: Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride. [Dramatic music] Claire: You know what? I think that is a great idea. I am totally ready to go back to hong kong whenever you are, actually. The sooner the better. [Chuckles] Belle: Okay. Good. I thought you were gonna fight me on this. Claire: Oh, what's to fight? No, I think you're right. I really hope that ciara and i could be friends again and she could forgive me, but it's just not gonna happen. Nope, I totally blew up my only chance to fix things with her. Belle: Sweetie. [All laughing] [All shouting] [Whistling] Julie: Ah, I'm so glad you two came up for air. [All laughing] And now it is my great honor to present for the very first time mr. And mrs. Benjamin weston. [All cheering] [Applause] [Felix mendelssohn's "wedding march"] [Clapping] [All cheering] [Suspenseful music] [Booming] [Rumbling] [Sirens blaring] | Belle tried to explain what she meant |
493 | Chelsea: Was that a wing? Are we going down? Nick: No, I just sneezed, okay? I'm sorry. Chelsea: When are we gonna be in Toronto? Nick: I don't know. We should be there soon. Chelsea: What are you reading? Nick: It's just this article on the molecular structure of molecules. Chelsea: Bridal guide? Does this always make you this pale and sweaty or -- oh, my God, Nick. Are you sick? You cannot be sick. We have to bring this money to Shawn and Belle. We're a team, remember? Nick: I'm fine. Chelsea: No, you're not. Oh, my God. Your heart is beating, like, really fast. Are you in love? [SCENE_BREAK] Belle: Looks like she slept through the night. Thanks to super dad. Shawn D.: Oh, yeah. I'm just a regular dragon slayer, right? Belle: Well, I am expecting a fire-breathing reptile to walk through that door any minute. Shawn D.: You talking about the cop that was out there looking around the alley? Belle: No, I'm talking about Philip. I'm sure he's hired his own private army to find us by now. Shawn D.: Yeah, well, the freighter leaves tonight. So all we got to do is wait for whoever's bringing us the money. Belle: I still don't know who that is. Shawn D.: I just know that it's gonna be somebody that we trust. Belle: We need to get some baby food. Shawn D.: I still got a few bucks left. Belle: All right, well, I'll start getting all of our stuff together. Shawn D.: Yeah, I should probably get dressed. Have you seen my shirt, by any chance? Belle: Oh, here it is. Thanks. Shawn D.: Yeah, thanks for finding my shirt. Belle: For making Claire feel safe. It's the way my dad always made me feel. Shawn D.: I'm not your dad, Belle. Belle: Maybe not yet. Shawn D.: Come on. All I did was I went to the pharmacy to get some teething medication. The real test is coming, and I don't know if we're gonna pass. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: Hey, toy cop, how about you uncuff me and save yourself a lawsuit? Willow: Officer Carson, something to drink? Officer: After listening to the poor little rich boy whine all night, water's not gonna cut it, sweetheart. You should teach your boyfriend some manners. Philip: She's not my girlfriend! She's the reason I'm cuffed to this chair. Willow: What?! I am -- this isn't my fault. Philip: All you had to do was keep an eye on Fallon. That's the guy you want. He -- Officer: Hid the knife in your bag. Yeah, yeah. Philip: While his accomplice tried to distract me. Officer: Tell it to your lawyers. Philip: Don't worry. I will. Officer: Carson. Yes, sir. I'm right across the hall, funny guy. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: Hey, cut this thing off. Willow: And get arrested? No, thanks. Philip: If those two brats get to Shawn and Belle with their getaway money, and they leave Toronto with my baby -- Willow: Your dad is freaking Victor Kiriakis. Once he gets here with his lawyers, the airport manager will be falling over himself. Philip: I've been waiting all night for my father to get here! Cut this thing off before that cop gets here. Willow: I'm not breaking the law. Send me to Toronto. I will stall Shawn and Belle until you get there. Philip: How much? How much did Bo and Hope pay you to look the other way while Nick planted that knife on me? Willow: What? Nothing. Philip: Whose side are you really on, Willow? Willow: Yours and mine. I told you. After what Shawn did to me, I want to see the look on his face when he realizes he has lost everything. So don't worry. I am on your side. Philip: Yeah? You better be. Because if I find out otherwise... [SCENE_BREAK] Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: You think I'm in love? Chelsea: Maybe. Nick: With who? Chelsea: I don't know, Nick, but you were reading this. Nick: Oh, and because I was reading bridal guide that all of a sudden means I'm in love? Chelsea: Something made you look like a sick duck. Is it a fellow lab geek? Does she have big glasses and big buck teeth? Nick: What?! Chelsea: Okay, maybe it's not someone you work with, but it's definitely someone you don't want me to know about. Another man? An older woman? Nick: Older woman? What are you talking about? Chelsea: Ew, Nick, that is disgusting. Well, how much older? A few years wouldn't be that bad. Nick: Would you please just drop it? Chelsea: Why should I? You know everything about Dr. Shane Patton, and I don't even know your mystery woman's name. Nick: Marge. Chelsea: Marge. How old is she, 60? Nick: She's ageless. Chelsea: Marge. As in Margot? Nick: As in Simpson. Chelsea: Oh, you're cute and funny. Yeah. Okay, so there's no girl. So then why were you reading this? Nick: For the articles. Chelsea: Liar. Nick: All right. All right. I'm a white-knuckle flier. I'll read anything to avoid thinking about planes crashing. Chelsea: You are afraid of flying? Nick: Terrified. Chelsea: I don't buy it. Nick: Why is that so hard to believe? Chelsea: Because you're Nick Fallon. Nothing gets under your skin. Nick: You'd be surprised. Chelsea: Oh, my God. Nick: Hey, hey. Chelsea: I freaking hate this. Nick: It's okay. Calm down. Chelsea: We're gonna crash. Nick: Think of it this way. We're way safer in this plane than we would be in a car. It's all right. Just breathe. Chelsea: What happened to your white knuckles? Nick: I'm cured! It's a miracle! Chelsea: You're a liar. Come on, Nick. Why were you reading this? Nick: I didn't want you to think I was sitting here looking at you like a creep. Chelsea: Were you? Nick: No! I was just resting my eyes... on your face. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: Where are you going? Willow: I don't like being threatened. Philip: I was just giving you fair warning, in case you were thinking of helping Shawn. Willow: I hate the guy, believe it or not, and I am sick of trying to convince you. Philip: Hey, hey! You can't leave me here! Willow: Oh, yes, I can. I am not handcuffed to a chair. Philip: You want an apology? Fine. Fine, I'm sorry! Willow: I lied about Shawn in court. I was the one that told you Nick and Chelsea were going to bring them money. I have been a big help to you. And if you don't start showing me a little bit of respect, I can be a big help to the cops. Philip: Are you threatening me? Willow: Just giving you fair warning. This is stupid. We should be working together. We both want to see Shawn hurt. Philip: Meaning...I should send you to Toronto to find Shawn and Belle? Willow: So I can stall them until you get there. What is wrong with that? Philip: Only one thing. For me to give you money, I'd have to trust you, and I don't. Willow: Later, loser. [SCENE_BREAK] Officer: Hey, man. Your father's here with a whole bunch of lawyers. Philip: Let me guess. He's not happy. Officer: He accused me of undue force. Victor: Out! Officer: There was no undue force. Victor: You, too. This is an outrage. I promise you, son, people are gonna pay. Philip: No. Shawn is going to pay, and I'm gonna collect the debt, not you. [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn D.: Look, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to be straight with you here. Belle: Yeah. Being straight means giving up? Shawn D.: I never said that. Belle: Well, you said that this is our test, and you didn't think that we could pass it. That's giving up. Shawn D.: What I meant was that I am not your dad. Belle: You are both men who can be counted on. You proved that last night. Shawn D.: All I did was go out and get some teething medication. I have never flown through a snowstorm to save somebody's life. I have never taken on the DiMeras. I have never done any of the amazing things that your dad has done. Belle: I just -- Shawn D.: I know that you want me to take his place. Belle: I don't want you to be him. I want you to be yourself. Shawn D.: I am myself. This is me, all right? Shawn Brady. I have made more mistakes in the last year than your dad has made in 20. And if I could be like your dad, I would, but I can't. Belle: How do you know that? Shawn D.: Belle, your dad is a strong man. Belle: So are you. Shawn D.: Yeah, but your dad never blamed other people when things went wrong. I dumped everything on Mimi. He never lost his temper and drove a car into somebody's house or pretended that he was working for somebody that was honest when he knew the whole time the guy was a total crook. Belle: So why fight, right? Is that what you're saying, if Philip were to walk through that door right now, you would just hand your daughter over to him? Shawn D.: No, okay? If he comes near you or Claire, I'm gonna kill him, or I'm gonna die trying. Belle: I always did have your number. Shawn D.: Yeah, well, why don't you teach me some time? Belle: Just did. Shawn D.: I can take care of you and Claire. Belle: I know. [Door closes] [SCENE_BREAK] Merle: Shawn. Something is going down. Shawn D.: What is it? What is it, Philip? Merle: Who's Philip? What are you talking about? Shawn D.: What are you talking about? Merle: I got a tip. I got to check it out, see what it's about, but my advice to you is start packing. Belle: She's still sleeping. Is it Philip? Shawn D.: No, he said he heard something in the streets, something about that he wanted us to go pack. I'm gonna go to the store. I'm gonna get some diapers, and I'm gonna get some food, okay? Belle: No, you can't leave me. We have to wait until we know what is happening. Shawn D.: I will tell you. You remember that test I was telling you about earlier? All right, that has just begun. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Your mission is to bring Claire home. Forget about Shawn. Philip: He stole my daughter. Victor: Yes, your daughter, the person that you live for. Nothing is more important than getting her back, not even revenge. Philip: I can do both. Victor: The same way you could get Claire immunized so we could take her out of the country? Philip: Belle tricked me. Victor: Everyone seems to be tricking you these days -- Belle, Shawn, Chelsea, even that scientist kid. You know why? Because you're distracted by Shawn. Now, walk away from this fight. Philip: When did you ever show an enemy mercy? Victor: Never. And for that reason, there were times I didn't get what I wanted. Philip: Shawn Brady kidnaped my daughter, and he is going to pay! Victor: I don't care what you do after you get Claire back. Philip: You don't care? That says it all, doesn't it? This isn't your fight. It's mine. Victor: I know that. Philip: Do you? Then why did you bribe Willow to lie in court? Why did you pay off that judge? Victor: You're recovering from serious injuries. Philip: No, because you knew I was going to fail. That's what you always think. Victor: Philip. Philip: You know what I liked about being a marine? The confidence my superiors had in me. They assumed I could complete any mission, and they were right. So guess what, Dad? I'm gonna complete this one, too. Victor: I can't let you. Philip: I'm not asking your permission. Victor: You walk through that door, you're on your own -- no company jet, no legal protection. You got to trust me on this, Philip, or you'll never see Claire again. [SCENE_BREAK] Chelsea: Look, it's a quiz. Let's do it. Nick: What? Chelsea: Take it with me. Nick: Okay. And find out what kind of bride I'm gonna be? I mean, I definitely want it to be a surprise, Chelsea. Chelsea: Come on, Nick. It's called bridal guide. Couples take it together to see if they have enough stuff in common "to build a lasting marriage." Don't you want to see if we're a good match? Nick: I mean, I guess it will help pass the time. Chelsea: Okay. So the possible answers are "yes," "no," and "maybe." First question -- "are you smarter than the average bear?" Nick: Yeah. Bears are really stupid. Chelsea: Okay. A "yes" for you, and... "maybe" for me. Question two -- "are you kind and generous toward your friends?" Definitely "yes" for you. And, um... am I kind and generous? [Chuckles] This quiz needs an "occasionally" column. Nick: Circle "yes." Chelsea: Really? Nick: Yeah, really. Chelsea: Next question -- "are you comfortable around the opposite sex?" Nick: Amazingly so. Chelsea: Are you kidding? Nick, you sweat and you trip and you stumble over your words. You're a mess. No, definitely not for you. Definitely "yes" for me. And... that's it. Nick: We're done? Chelsea: Are you kidding me? Okay, now we add up the scores, which is the funniest part. So, we'll do yours first, since I am kind and generous towards my friends. Okay, so 6 plus 2 is 9. Nick: 8. Chelsea: Right. Plus 10 is 18. Plus 5... plus 9... plus 7... Nick: 39. Chelsea: That can't be right. Nick: No, yeah, it's the 2 and the 7 carry up. Chelsea: That puts you into the "young and inexperienced" category. Nick, you're a virgin? Chelsea: Oh, my God, Nick. It all makes sense. Chelsea: Nick, these things are never wrong. Nick: Are you ever wrong? Take them because they are written by actual shrinks, not some stupid office intern. Nick: They got jobs at bridal magazine writing trash articles like this? Chelsea: Nick, would you please try to lower your voice because people are starting to stare. Nick: I am being very quiet. Chelsea: Are you a virgin? Nick: No are you satisfied? Chelsea: Was it Marge, the older woman? Was she your first experience? [SCENE_BREAK] Merle: Word on the street -- this place is getting raided. Merle: Everyone, grab everything you don't want the cops to take. We're getting out of here now. Shawn D.: They don't have to go. The police are after us. Merle: I don't take chances. Shawn D.: Look, we'll leave, but I need you to stay here and wait for the person who's bringing us the money. Merle: When I keep it clean, which I rarely do. Shawn D.: If we don't get that money, we don't get on the freighter. Merle: You got a problem with a freighter. I got a problem with jail. You're on your own. Come on, who needs a hand? Belle: You are not entirely on your own. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: You would do that, take away all the Kiriakis resources just to get your way? Victor: I'll do anything to get Claire back. But if you make this trip to Toronto about revenge, you won't. Philip: I'm not making it about revenge. Shawn Brady needs to be taught a lesson. Victor: As long as that's front and center in your mind, he's got the advantage. You're gonna be busy having tantrums while he's planning his next move. Philip: You always have to win. Victor: I always have to protect my son, especially when he's being foolish. Philip: I can take care of myself. Victor: But you can't take care of Claire, not when you're chasing after Shawn. You're obsessed. Philip: So? Why is that a bad thing? Victor: Because it keeps you from thinking like a soldier. You learned a lot of good lessons in the marines, son. Don't throw them away now that you need them the most. [SCENE_BREAK] We will return for the second half of "Days of our Lives" in just a moment. [SCENE_BREAK] Chelsea: Come on, Nick. Put this stupid game away and answer my question. Nick: Okay, first of all, it's not a stupid game. It's Sudoko. Second of all, I'm involved in a really high-stakes tournament. Chelsea: Wow. Nick: Yeah, so I got to e-mail and scan my answers in as I'd really appreciate it if you could -- Chelsea: Shut up. Got it. Nick: Thank you. Chelsea: Nick, do you swear you're not a virgin? Nick: Yes. Chelsea: Okay, so then what's the big deal if you tell me who you lost it to? Nick: It was so long ago I can't remember. Chelsea: Okay. Now I know you're lying. Nick: I'm not -- you know what? Forget it. Never mind. Chelsea: Come on, Nick. Just tell me her first name. Nick: No. Chelsea: Maybe you're a virgin, and you don't know it. Nick: Chelsea, people know whether they're virgins or not. Chelsea: And you're not. You're sure. Nick: Yes, I'm sure. Chelsea: Okay, you're not a virgin. By a little or by a lot? Nick: Are you asking me how many times I've... you know? Chelsea: You are so a virgin! Nick: What?! Chelsea: Yes! You want to know how I know? Because virgins, they can't call sex "sex." They refer to it as "you know." You want to know why? Because the word "sex" or anything even pertaining to the subject whatsoever freaks them out, makes them uncomfortable. Nick: Oh, thank you, Dr. Freud. Chelsea: You know what, Nick? It's fine because the more experience you have, the more you'll be able to call sex "sex" and not "you know," you know? You know, I could believe that you had sex once... maybe even twice. If you'd just tell me her name. Nick: It's none of your business. Chelsea: Come on, Nick! It's not like I would ever even meet her. Unless I already have. Oh, my God. It's someone I already know. Nick: Oh, give me a break. Chelsea: Oh, my gosh, was it Abby? You had sex with Abby. Nick: She's my cousin! Chelsea: It happens. Nick: Not with me it doesn't. Chelsea: Stephanie. Ew, was it Stephanie? Nick: You know what, Chelsea? Let's talk about you, okay? Are you a virgin? Let's add up your score. Chelsea: No, Nick, you don't need to do that. Nick: Why? Chelsea: Because, um, my score will, well, intimidate you. Nick: Oh, really? And why is that? Chelsea: 'Cause I've been around, okay? Let's just leave it at that. Nick: Let's not. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: You're right, Dad. I haven't been thinking like a soldier. I don't have a plan, a strategy. I haven't been focused on getting Claire back. Victor: Revenge distracts the mind. It started distracting yours the minute you found out that Shawn was Claire's biological father. Philip: I had to fight him for Belle, and I lost. I'm not losing Claire. Victor: They put you through a lot of pain, son. Philip: They weren't the only ones. Victor: But now you have the advantage. Philip: How do you figure? Victor: They expect you to come in loud, out of control, making a lot of noise when you get to Toronto. Philip: To trip the alarm. Victor: Instead, you're gonna come in cold and quiet. Philip: No publicized search for Claire. Victor: If they don't know that you're there -- Philip: I can study the territory, anticipate their next move. Victor: Now you're thinking like a soldier. Philip: I need to hire some private cops and look at the airport and harbor. I need to find the go-to person for the fake passports. Victor: You can do that or you can just ask me where Shawn and Belle are hiding. [SCENE_BREAK] [Claire crying] Merle: Quick and quiet. Over that way. Officer: Police department. Open up. Merle: All right, this is it. [Belle singing] Officer: Open up or we'll use force! Belle: Shawn? Merle: Get that baby quiet. Shawn D.: Belle! Officer: It's locked. Merle: Baby quiet. Okay, this is it. Belle: She's scared, and she's hungry. Okay, it's okay. Shawn D.: Keep singing to her. Merle: Shawn, they're breaking the door down. Shawn D.: Papa's gonna buy you a valentine go, Belle, go. Belle: Where are you going? Shawn D.: Take Claire and go. Officer: Almost. Shawn D.: Hey. So what's the noise? I'm trying to sleep. Officer: Stand back, buddy oh, jeez. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: 16 plus 3. Chelsea: You really don't have to finish adding it up. I will tell you anything you want to know, okay? Nick: Anything? Chelsea: Yeah. What do I care? Nick: All right. First question -- are you a virgin? Chelsea: Please. Nick: Really? Chelsea: What, that surprises you? Nick: Kind of. No, I mean... I guess not. All right, well, how many guys have you..."you knowed"? One, two, three, four. Five, six? Seven. Nine, 10. That's the final count, 10? Chelsea: Well, I'm all out of fingers, and I don't feel like taking my shoes off to use my toes, so, yes. Nick: Uh... that seems like an awful lot of guys. Chelsea: I want to go freshen up before we land. Nick: It seems like I would have heard something. Chelsea: Nick, move. Nick: Whoa, whoa, okay. Just tell me one guy. Anybody I've hung out with? Chelsea: Yeah, you know, um, Einstein gave me his number once, but I threw it away. Nick: Oh, come on, Chelsea. Somebody with that much experience should have no problem naming names. Chelsea: Sorry, Nick. I don't kiss and tell. Nick: I that look your eyes. You're lying. Chelsea: I am not. Nick: Yes, you are! All right, come on, prove it. One guy. Just tell me one. Chelsea: Why should I? Nick: If you don't, I'm gonna start adding up your score, and then we'll really find out. Chelsea: Okay. Fine. Okay, first there was Larry. Nick: Larry. Chelsea: And then Moe. Nick: Moe. Chelsea: And then Curly. Nick: Ha ha ha. I'm gonna bet my last dollar that you are a virgin. Chelsea: You know what, Nick? I will make you a deal. I will tell you the name of one guy that I slept with if you give me the name of your one and only. Nick: Forget it. Chelsea: That doesn't seem very fair. Nick: You know what, Chelsea? I really want to finish this Sudoko, so I'd really appreciate it if you could just let me do this. Don't talk to me until we get to Toronto. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: You know where Shawn and Belle are hiding? Victor: The Toronto police wouldn't give me the location, but they assured me they'll be raiding it this morning. Philip: Where did they find them? Victor: You had the foresight to report Belle's wedding ring as stolen, so when she tried to sell it -- Philip: She tried to pawn the ring I gave her? Victor: She didn't get any money. The jeweler recognized it from the hot sheet. Philip: You told them the charge was kidnaping, right? Victor: They won't know about the kidnaping until you get to Toronto and show them the court order giving you custody of Claire. Philip: Yeah, but theft isn't nearly serious a charge. They could post bail before I get there. Victor: With what? They're down to their last few dollars. Philip: I'm calling the Toronto P.D. They need to know Shawn and Belle abducted Claire. Victor: Do you really want the Toronto P.D. talking to Bo and Roman and hearing their side of the story. Philip: I hadn't thought of that. Victor: Listen, son. You're right. This is your fight. Now, go get your little girl. Philip: I can't believe this mess is almost over. [SCENE_BREAK] Officer: Mr. Kiriakis, your lawyers need you to sign this statement saying that you had no part in concealing a weapon in your carry on. Willow: Hey, hey, hey. It's Mr. K. Heard you joined the party. Victor: What are you doing here? Willow: Philip's taking me to Toronto. I get to see him take Shawn down ringside. Revenge is like ice cream, isn't it? [SCENE_BREAK] Officer: Move aside. Shawn D.: Hey, that's slander. I'm gonna sue you for that. You know that, right? Officer: Cuff him. Shawn D.: Come on, let me just sleep right here. I want to sleep. Let me take a nap. Officer: Come out! Show yourself! Shawn D.: Who's your daddy? Who? Who is your daddy? Don't keep secrets between friends. It's not nice. Officer: Someone must have tipped them off. The place is empty. Shawn D.: I could have told you that. There was a cop. He was here. He was looking around. Everybody freaked out, and everybody just took off. So, yeah, you guys are out of luck. Officer: Let's move this guy to the drunk tank. Shawn D.: Drunk tank. [SCENE_BREAK] Chelsea: Nick, I don't know why you're upset with me. Nick: I'm not. Chelsea: If I said something that hurt your feelings, you should know I never meant to do that. Nick: I just -- I don't like talking about my sex life with you, okay? Chelsea: Because I make fun of everything. Nick: No, it's not that. Chelsea: Look, Nick, I know that it's a really bad habit that I have, but I'm really trying to break it. But I swear. I wasn't laughing at the thought of you being with some girl. Nick: It's okay. I'm over it. Chelsea: No, you're not. Nick, the truth is... I think you're a really great guy, and, in an ultimate frisbee kind of way, you're actually really cute. Nick: How did you know I played ultimate frisbee? Chelsea: Google. Nick: You googled me? Chelsea: Yeah. I wanted to know a little bit more about you. Nick: Cool. Chelsea: And what I found out just made me want to get to know more, you know, a little more curious. Nick: About me? Chelsea: Yeah, who else? Nick: Well, what do you want to know? Chelsea: Well, like, even with all those good grades, was it hard being a science geek? Nick: Um... I mean, I guess some of the jocks kind of gave me a hard time, but I won them over. Chelsea: How? Nick: When they had a test or something that they'd want to get out of, I'd mix up a chemical concoction that would make them break out into hives. It worked every time. Chelsea: And what about girls? Nick: I had girlfriends in high school and college. I mean, friends that were girls. Chelsea: Was one of them who you lost your virginity to? Nick: You keep wanting to know something that I can't tell you. Chelsea: I'm sorry. I -- I always push. I need to stop that. Nick: No, it's okay... Chelsea. Whoa, was that...too intimate? Did I go too far? Chelsea: No. [SCENE_BREAK] Flight Attendant: Ladies and gentlemen, we're beginning our descent into the Toronto airport. Please make sure all baggage is stowed, your seats are upright, and the trays in front of you are secured. Willow: Want a lick? Victor: No, thank you. Willow: You sure? It's bubble gum. You can have the gum. Philip: I need my passport. I think it's in my bag. Victor: Are you really taking Willow with you to Toronto? Philip: Yeah. Willow: Told ya! Victor: You're dripping. Willow: Ugh. I'll be right back. Philip, do not leave without me. Victor: Are you really willing to risk everything to take that appalling woman with you? What is it, sex? Philip: With Willow? You got to be kidding. Victor: Then what? Philip: I don't know. She hates Shawn and wants to see him suffer. Isn't that enough? Victor: Not even close. Philip: All right, I owe her. Victor: I paid her off. You owe her nothing. Philip: No, it's not that. Victor: Is she trying to blackmail you? Philip: No, she's not that stupid, Dad. In fact, she's a little too smart. Victor: Don't tell me you're falling for her mind. Philip: Willow found out Nick and Chelsea were bringing the money to Shawn and Belle. Victor: Nick. The guy that planted the knife on you. Isn't that interesting that Willow knew who was gonna be the courier? It sounds almost like a setup. Philip: Doesn't it, though? She swears not, but I'm not about to turn my back on her again. Victor: Don't take her with you. That little tramp could ruin everything. Philip: You remember that book you gave me in high school, "THE PRINCE" by Machiavelli? You remember what he said? "Keep your friends close..." Victor: "And your enemies closer." Philip: Yeah, I don't trust Willow, but I want to keep her in my sight until I find Claire. And then I never want to see her again. Victor: Good. But be careful. Be very, very careful. Philip: Always. [SCENE_BREAK] Merle: All right, everybody. Belle: Where's Shawn? Merle: I think he got himself busted. Belle: What? What are you talking about? Merle: He played drunk to buy us enough time. You have a brave dude there. Belle: Oh, my God. What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to feed you? Merle: Here. Belle: Are you sure? Merle: Yeah, I've got enough. Belle: Thank you. Merle: You know you can't quit trying, especially when you got a kid counting on you. Belle: Yeah. You know what? She's right. She's right. Everything's gonna be fine. [SCENE_BREAK] Willow: What's up with your dad? He said if I ever hurt you, he'd make sure I disappeared. Does he not like me for some reason? Philip: Not for some reason. For many. Willow: What? He hardly even knows me. Philip: He knows you took a bribe. Willow: That he offered. I don't see why he's a saint and I'm a sinner. Philip: He gave it to help me get my child back. You took it out of greed. Willow: Be glad that I did because even the crooked judge that your dad hired couldn't rule in your favor. You had a lousy case. Philip: I'm taking this to the airport manager, and then I'm leaving, with or without you. Willow: Oh, I'm with you, Philip. For a long, long time. [SCENE_BREAK] Chelsea: Belle? Belle: Chelsea? Oh, my God, Nick, what are you doing here? Chelsea: Bo sent us. Where's Shawn? Your guy definitely got arrested. Nick: What?! How did Philip get here first? Belle: The police were trying to raid this place, and Shawn decided to distract them. Merle: By acting drunk, so they threw him in jail. Belle: What am I supposed to do? We're supposed to get on that freighter tonight. Nick: We have plenty of money for bail. You and Shawn will be long gone before Philip gets here. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: I can't work with him. The guy even tried to play the family card, said I need the income if we had another baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Willow: Belle helped you take my dream away. Shawn D.: What are you talking about? Willow: Our future, our house with the white picket fence, kids. [SCENE_BREAK] Belle: Shawn is in jail, and Philip is on his way. How am I supposed to protect my little girl without Shawn? [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: I want Claire, you hear me?! | Nick and Chelsea decide to take a quiz in a bridal magazine to pass the time but end up arguing over their sex lives |
494 | Nikolas: Patrick, you're fighting an uphill battle here, and you're trying to do it alone. It's bad enough when you only have patients to take care of, but you're trying to make everybody in this hospital your responsibility. You can't do that. Patrick: But if I don't, who? Nikolas: Wait. Hey, you [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Jason! Jason: It's Sonny. I've got to stop him. Sam: Whoa, whoa, whoa. He just nearly ran me down. Jason: Where'd he go? Sam: I don't know. He said something about Anthony, but I guess finding a man in a wheelchair in a hospital isn't as easy -- Jason: No, no, no. There is no wheelchair. Anthony can walk. Sam: What? Jason: And Sonny wants to kill him. If he does, I've got nothing left to trade to save Spinelli. [SCENE_BREAK] [Anthony grunts] Ric: Wait, wait. What the hell are you doing? Anthony: I'm running for my life. Ric: Anthony! Sonny: You can't protect Anthony anymore, Ric. Where's he going? [SCENE_BREAK] Johnny: All right, we've got to get her to her feet, get her moving so she can keep warm. Robin, where's your coat? Maxie: Where is Emma? We have to find the baby. Robin, you have to know where Emma is. She's your daughter. [SCENE_BREAK] Ethan: All right. So tell me more about the beautiful girl you met in the mountains who didn't need an introduction to skinny dipping. Luke: Ah, yeah. Holly, my English rose. Ethan: Did you say "Holly?" Luke: Mm-hmm. Ethan: I met a beautiful English Holly once. Luke: Do tell. Ethan: Older than me. Just drop-dead gorgeous. Great body and deep brown eyes. Luke: Really? Did this brown-eyed holly of yours have a last name? Ethan: Yes, Sutton, I believe. Luke: You just took one step too far into the land of coincidence, Ethan Lovett. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Wait a minute. Make sure you're okay before -- Jason: Sonny found out that Anthony shot Kate. Sam: Okay, fine. Why wouldn't he want him dead? Jason: Because Anthony's no good to the FBI if he's dead. Sam: Let Sonny take care of his own business, Jason. Jason: Sam, Rayner was specific. He wants a public victory against organized crime. If Anthony dies, there's no one left to give to the feds except for Sonny. Sam: Well, would you give up Sonny to save Spinelli? Jason: If I can keep Anthony alive, I don't have to make that choice. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Why would Sonny decide now's the time to kill Anthony? Claudia: My father can walk. He hid in the balcony of the church, and he shot Kate. Carly: How long have you known? And why the hell did you choose now to tell Sonny? Claudia: I just found out that my father can walk. I told Sonny as soon as I did. Carly: And now Sonny wants revenge. Claudia: Yes, of course. Carly: Wow. This works out great for you, doesn't it? Sonny's going to kill your father. And you can't stand him. Perfect. Claudia: I just gave up the only opportunity I'm ever going to have to have anything remotely resembling a relationship with my father. Carly: I'm sure you'll get over it. Claudia: You're right, I will. I hate him for a reason. But all the same, he's the only father I'm ever going to have. [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: Just put the gun away, Sonny. Sonny: No, don't tell me not to do this. Ric: I'm a lawyer, okay? I know this is going to go. Your Honor, the accused was seen in the halls of the hospital, in the corridors, holding a weapon, asking for the whereabouts of the deceased. Sonny: I'm okay with that, Ric. Ric: I know this seems like the perfect opportunity with the state of emergency that the hospital is in and all to commit a murder. I know, everybody's dying, another body's not going to matter. But if we're lucky enough to get out of this, Sonny, don't you think the cops are going to come in? They're going to perform autopsies. And if they see that Anthony's got a bullet in his head, it's going to lead right back to you. Sonny: There's always a justification for not killing him. I'm tired of it. Okay? He gets set free and what happens? He hurts somebody that I care about or he tries to kill somebody that I care about. I'm not doing that anymore. I'm going to kill the -- Ric: Okay, Sonny, Sonny. Listen to me. You have the advantage, okay? You can neutralize Anthony. You do not have to sacrifice yourself. Sonny: I don't plan to. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Robin, here's what you need to do. You need to try and remember what happened so we can trace your steps and maybe we can find Emma for you. Robin: The car broke down. It was snowing really hard. Johnny: We already know that part. What happened after you went and looked for help? I think she's in shock. Robin: I got lost, and I couldn't find the way back to the car. Maxie: Shh. [Baby crying] Maxie: Do you hear that? Johnny: I do hear that. Maxie: I do, too. Johnny! Oh, God! Okay. Oh, my God! Emma. She's okay! She's okay! Oh, my God! Emma, you're okay. It's okay. She's fine, Robin. Don't you remember? You must have put her in there to keep her safe from the storm. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Oh, good. I thought you were sleeping. Has Sonny been here? How long ago did he leave? Kate: Why would I tell you anything about Sonny? Carly: Listen to me. It turns out that Anthony Zacchara is the one who shot you. And Sonny wants to make him pay. Kate: So what -- Sonny has his revenge. He'll leave that witch he's married to and come back to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Even if you didn't know Anthony could walk, which I doubt, you've been his lawyer for a long time. You know how he thinks. You know where he would go. Ric: No, I don't want any blood on my hands. Sonny: You don't want any blood on your hands, right? Kate almost died. You were right there when she got shot. Robin: What is revenge going to get you, Sonny? Sonny: Revenge is its own reward. Don't preach to me now. I know what you stand to lose. You've been with Anthony for a long time. You got a little power. You're starting to like it. You like it so much that you're willing to set your own brother up and get him killed. Ric: You've got me all figured out, right? Sonny: Well, you give me good reason. Robin: Okay, you know what? I'm going to explain why you're so wrong. For example, Jason. You thought his loyalty to you was undying. Well, not so much, huh? Sonny: Listen to me. Anthony's not leaving this hospital alive. You help me find him, you'll be all right yourself. Ric: So why should I trust you? Sonny: You're right. Okay. You shouldn't, because I save myself, I help myself. Try to do the same, brother. [SCENE_BREAK] Trevor: Why the hell are you running around here? Somebody could see you. Anthony: Claudia gave me up to Sonny before I could kill her. Trevor: How bad is it? Anthony: She told him it was me who shot Kate. Now Corinthos is going to hunt me down and shoot me like a dog. Trevor: Oh, my God. Where is your bodyguard? Anthony: I don't know where the hell he is. But when I find him, he's dead. Trevor: All right. Anthony, listen to me. You've got to hide. We can't let Sonny kill you. Anthony: Exactly. You always see the big picture. Ric was such a disappointment to me. Trevor: Forget about Ric. How do you know? How do you know that Sonny's after you? Anthony: Because he's chasing me with a big, freaking gun, Trevor. How smart do I have to be? The man is obsessed with revenge. He knocked Jason Morgan out, and now he's coming after me. Trevor: Didn't he kill Jason? Anthony: Go figure. Trevor: Well, that element of your plan failed miserably. Anthony: I don't need a running commentary, Trevor. I need to get the hell out of this hospital before Sonny kills me. Trevor: All right, Tony, listen to me. You hide. Now I am going to go find Sonny. I'm going to distract him and lead him off your trail. Then I'll come back and I'll get you out of here. Anthony: Oh, yes. That's great. Listen, if you happen to kill Sonny, I'm not going to mind. Anthony: You bastard! This is all your fault! [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: I need an update. Agent Rayner: Mr. Jacks, I'm already under enough pressure from my superiors, the Equinox board, the D.O.D. I don't need it from you, too. Jax: Okay. Here is the difference. None of those people are here. None of those people have friends or wives inside the building. I do. Agent Rayner: You're a civilian. You're not even authorized inside this trailer. Jax: I understand that, but I have influential friends with access to media. I can turn this into the biggest, ugliest scandal your bureau has ever seen. Are you following me? Now I know you understand how this works. You can either work with me or against me. Now which will it be? [SCENE_BREAK] Winnifred: Wait, stop. Find a more secure container. Spinelli, you should not be here. In fact, it is my duty to arrest you unless you deny that you're trying to steal this poison. Spinelli: I am indeed trying to pilfer said poison. And as a fair thinking member of the human race, priestess Winnifred should offer to aid and abet. [SCENE_BREAK] Johnny: It's okay, Robin, we're back at the car. Robin: It won't start. Maxie: Maybe we could just get them home. Robin: Emma has a fever. Johnny: All right, just give me a few minutes under the hood. I'll see if I can get us running, okay? Maxie: Johnny is really good with cars, and he'll have it up and running in no time. We'll have Emma to the hospital before you know it. Robin: Emma has a fever. Maxie: I know, Robin. You already told me. Do you want to hold her? Robin: No, she's okay. Maxie: Why did you leave the car? Robin: 'Cause of the phone. There was no signal and -- Maxie: I know. Us, too. Did you think that you could walk to a hospital? Robin: I was trying to find a house, somebody to help, and I -- and got lost. It was easy to get lost. Maxie: I know it is, okay. I'm sure you're scared. [Johnny taps on window] Johnny: See if it starts. Maxie: Okay, here. Will you hold her? Robin: No, no, she's okay. She's fine. Maxie: I have to help Johnny. Robin: No. Maxie: Johnny, can you come here? Open the door. Now? [Engine stalls] [Engine starts] Maxie: It's going to be okay, all right? Everything's going to be okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: So the pieces clang into place. You heard about me from Holly Sutton. And you sought me out. Ethan: Not true. And I think I'm a little offended. Luke: Offended? Ethan: I thought you gave me more credit than that. I mean, if I was harboring some big, dark secret, why would I lay Holly's name on the table like that? Luke: Oh, I don't know. Maybe for the same reason you left that coaster with the address of this joint for me to find. Ethan: Touché. All I seek is the benefit of your vast wisdom and experience. You know, I stand to learn a lot from you. Luke: Oh, brother. To hear you tell it, you've never heard of me before, so what do you know about my "vast wisdom and experience?" Ethan: I believe my own eyes. The minute I set foot in your casino, I could sense it. And a friendly observation. You don't need to be so uptight. Especially when it comes to money. You know, considering you married it. I mean, so what do you care about $500 or $5,000 for that matter. Luke: I care about being ripped off. Ethan: So get over it. Forgive the debt. Luke: Oh, yeah. And why would I do that? Ethan: All right. Well, then let me win it fair and square. Luke: I'm not going to let you do anything until you tell me something true about yourself. [SCENE_BREAK] Spinelli: Equinox cannot be allowed to reclaim this poison. Winnifred: It's not your call, Mr. Jackal, nor is it mine. This is a matter well above my pay grade. Spinelli: Equinox cannot be trusted. They've abused the nation's trust. Winnifred: It's not their fault the poison was stolen. In truth, Equinox Industries has done everything required since the theft. They referred it to the FBI, and now we're obligated to return the biotoxin to the lab that developed it. Spinelli: This is not a matter of obligation or the letter of the law. This is a question of right or wrong. Any corporation that would manufacture such a deadly toxin cannot be trusted. Winnifred: Well, people more powerful than we are in a position to make those determinations. Spinelli: Equinox has developed weapons far worse than the eighth level of Calaphus dungeon. This is a moral outrage. This is not a weapon of war. It's a weapon of terror, designed to be unleashed on thousands of civilians. The fact alone that it was stolen and has created chaos in this hospital is illustration of equinox's incompetence. Winnifred: I have my orders. Spinelli: Well, then I banish your orders. I banish them from your mind and demand that you use your conscience. This cannot be allowed to be returned to the evildoers. If you joined the federal ones to do good and fight evil, then this is the place to start. Right here. Right now. It's time to stand up and be counted. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Have you seen Anthony or Sonny? Ric: Why the hell would I tell you? Jason: Okay, you start talking right now or I'll drag your ass back to that boardroom, Ric. Ric: Oh, it's finally happened. This crisis, whatever it is, Jason, it's a great equalizer. Why would I be afraid of you when people are literally dying from breathing the air? Jason: You want me to shove you in that O.R. and make them figure out if it's a murder or not? Ric: Go ahead. Sam: Just tell him what he wants to know, Ric. Come on. Ric: All right. What the hell. Sonny is hunting Anthony. And Anthony is running for his life. Yeah, that's right. He's running. Where they're going to end up, I have no idea. I can only hope just the three of you kill each other. Sam: What are we going to do? Jason: I'm going to find Anthony before Sonny kills him. [SCENE_BREAK] Trevor: You're not going to find him in there. Sonny: Okay. Well, you're going to have to do. Because whatever Anthony does, you're part of it. Trevor: You are wrong again. If I was the one who knew that Anthony had shot Kate, he would have never gotten away with it. Sonny: Or you're lying, Trevor, to save your own life. Trevor: Look, I despise you, too. Every time our paths have crossed, you have managed to destroy a part of my life. Even as a little boy. [Trevor laughs] The irony is this one time, we're in sync. Anthony's melting down. He's crazy. He's an old man. Better for all of us if he were dead. Sonny: I don't need your blessing. Trevor: And I'm not giving it to you. I told Anthony that I would find you and distract you. I lied. He's hiding in the chapel. Sonny: So now you expect my gratitude? A favor to be named later? Trevor: Nah. My gift to Kate. Make sure that you aim right between the eyes. Don't disappoint me this time. [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: Life is too short. This whole experience has put that in perspective. I love Sonny, and I want to spend my life with him. When this is all over, he's going to leave Claudia. He's going to come back to me. Carly: If you say so. Kate: Every move that Sonny has made has been out of love for me. And nothing you can do, nothing anyone does can stop the inevitable. Carly: Sonny loves power more than he's ever loved you, and as long as Claudia can give him that power, he's going to stay with her. Kate: I know exactly why Sonny married Claudia. I also know he isn't safe. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: What are we closer to, G.H. or Mercy? Johnny: G.H., but it's going to be a slow ride. Maxie: I don't think Emma's fever is that bad. It's okay. [Emma crying] Johnny: When I was a baby, I had a really bad fever once. Claudia said they put me in an ice bath to get my fever down. Maybe that's what Robin was doing. Maxie: Is that what you did, Robin? You took Emma out to the snow to help get her fever down? Robin: It doesn't matter. She's still sick. Maxie: It's okay. We're going to get her to the hospital. Do you think Robin has hypothermia? Johnny: I don't know. I guess they'll tell us when get there -- to the hospital. Maxie: Robin, I think maybe Emma wants you. Robin: No, she's -- I'm no good for her. Maxie: Something's wrong with her, I think. [Emma crying] Maxie: It's amazing that we actually found Robin in that snow, and even more amazing we found Emma in the tree. I can't even imagine what would've happened if he hadn't come along. Johnny: No, but we did, and everybody's okay. Maxie: What was Robin thinking? How could someone as smart as her get herself into that situation? Johnny: She made a couple of mistakes, Maxie. It happens. She probably made a wrong turn, thinking she was going down a familiar street, expecting to find houses and people, but it was the woods. When the car broke down, she figured she and the baby could possibly freeze to death, so I don't know. Seeking shelter had to have felt like the right choice for her. Maxie: Every choice she made ended up being the wrong one, except for putting Emma in that tree. Thank God Robin had the presence of mind to find her baby shelter when she thought she wasn't going to make it. Johnny: Okay, so at the end of the day, she made the right choice. Maxie: Sort of. Yeah, it was good she put Emma in the tree, but what kind of mother doesn't remember where she put her baby? Johnny: Robin got disoriented, Maxie. With the blizzard and possibly having hypothermia, it could happen to anybody. Maxie: Not Robin. You don't know her like I do. Okay? My cousin is a planner. She's almost obsessed. She has a plan "a" and a plan "b" and then two more plans just in case those fall through. Johnny: Well, everything will be fine once we get to the hospital, okay? Maxie: You hear that, Emma? Johnny said everything is going to be okay. We're going to take care of you. [SCENE_BREAK] Patrick: Hey, Sam, have you -- I need Spinelli. Sam: No, I don't know where he is. I haven't seen him since whenever. This whole evening has turned into one endless nightmare. Patrick: I just -- I need to find out if he can help me get through to Mercy and find out if Robin and Emma were admitted there. Sam: Well, I'm sure he would happily hack into one of his computers for you. Call him on the P.A. or something. Whatever you guys use in here. I hope he hasn't gone off and done something really crazy. Not that he can get us into any more trouble than we're already in. Patrick: You don't think he found a way to leave, do you? Sam: I don't know. I mean, he knows that we need him. He's our main source of communications. Besides, he hasn't been gone that long. Patrick, listen, he went into like one of those rants, you know, like he does. And he was obsessing on Equinox. And I think he's afraid that if they're allowed to reclaim the poison, then it's going to become one of those national security secrets, and the world just might not ever know the truth. Patrick: I get all that, but you don't think he would actually try to do anything dangerous, do you? Sam: He might. I don't know. The question is what. [SCENE_BREAK] Spinelli: This poison is evil. It must be destroyed. Winnifred: You can't fight the entire Equinox Corporation and the federal government all by yourself. Spinelli: The Jackal is not fighting solo. He has the priestess Winnifred and the powers of Stone Cold and fair Samantha on the side of right. Winnifred: Then have faith. Equinox Corporation will be held responsible. There are ways to fight them through the system. Legal ways. If you do what you're planning, it amounts to stealing a classified weapon and turning yourself into an enemy of the state. Spinelli: But perhaps it will save lives. Winnifred: That's so brave of you, Spinelli. But it's too dangerous. Spinelli: I respect the priestess, but this may be my only opportunity to stop this evil and prevent it from spreading further. Winnifred: Okay, I'm about to ask you to do something that I know that I haven't earned. This is important, Spinelli. I need you to trust me. [SCENE_BREAK] Claudia: They tell me I'm doing better. Is that disappointment I see in your eyes? Ric: Well, I guess I was warned, right? After all, you told me you were going to betray me. That's the one thing that I could count on. Claudia: I didn't betray you, Ric. Ric: Claudia, I confided in you to protect you. I told you things that could get me killed. And you turn right around, and you told Sonny all of it. Claudia: I never told Sonny how I found out. Ric: You gave Sonny the excuse to go and try to kill Anthony. Claudia: So what? Don't tell me you're going to shed a single tear. You hate him as much as I do. Ric: If Anthony dies, then Sonny gets everything. We're out of the organization with nothing to show for it. Claudia: What I told Sonny proves my loyalty. I can make sure that you are taken care of. Ric: What is this? Now all of a sudden you're going to sit here and throw me scraps and expect me to feel grateful for it after you -- Claudia: Get out. Get out. Ric: No, I'm not done with you. Trevor: Temper, temper, Richie. Temper. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Anthony, where are you going? Do you want to die looking me in the eye? Or do you prefer I shoot you in the back, so you can run away like the coward that you are? Either way you're going to die, so -- Anthony: You wouldn't shoot me in a church. Sonny: That's funny coming from a man who shot my bride at her wedding. Anthony: No, no, no, no. No, no. Your bride is my daughter. We're family, Corinthos. Sonny: Shut up. You know, the place where I was going to get married was a lot bigger than this. A lot of space for a coward like you to hide. You expecting someone? Don't, because there's no one left to rescue you. If Claudia survives, she picked me over you, and actually, Trevor told me where to find you. Anthony: Claudia is a self-centered, ungrateful liar. Sonny: What I want to know is what did Kate ever do to you? Why would you kill an innocent woman? Anthony: There's no such thing as an innocent woman. They're all guilty of something. Even if it's just marrying the wrong man. Sonny: You set this in motion, Anthony, to manipulate me. It's the biggest mistake you've ever made. And I'm telling you right now, it's going to cost you. Don't beg me. Don't beg me! Jason: Put the gun down, Sonny. Put it down! [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: You've been pouring the beer, encouraging me to spill my guts. Let's turn the card over. Now you talk, and I'll listen. Ethan: Fair enough. Luke: And don't lie to me. I can smell a lie like a pocket full of dead fish. Ethan: Okay, let's see. I'm adopted. Does that count? Luke: Yeah, that counts. Ethan: All right, the adoption was closed, so I never knew my biological parents. Don't much care to either. You know, they gave me up. I give them up. Turn the card, fair play, all that. Anyway, my adoptive parents were killed when I was 15 in a car wreck. And foster care was in my immediate future, so I wasn't much interested in that. I took off. I've been on my own ever since. Just making my way however I can, you know? Luke: How have you been taking care of yourself? Ethan: You know, cards, pool, the occasional odd job. I have a particular talent for bartending. Luke: Yes, you do. Ethan: That's actually how I met Holly. I was working at a beach resort hotel, this awesome property, and she was based there, fleecing some sheep. She certainly had style. Luke: She does. Ethan: And she was a big tipper. Luke: Well, how did I come up? Ethan: You didn't. No, swear to God. Luke: Well, then how did you end up in Port Chuck? Ethan: I asked Holly where she'd perfected a specific move. And I don't remember what it was now, but she said from a man in a most obscure place, Port Charles, New York. Luke: So, you lied. You told me that Port Charles just happened to be the place you ran out of money. [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: Where's the hazmat team? They should've secured the poison and been back by now. Agent Rayner: They're professionals. They have to be exact or this poison could be exposed to everyone in the hospital. Jax: With all due respect, Agent Rayner, I could've removed the poison quicker myself. Agent Rayner: And died doing it. Jax: You know, let me rephrase that. You have an hour to clean up whatever you need to clean up, and then I'm going in there to get my wife. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: Hey, Carly, where are you coming from? Carly: Kate Howard's room. Have you seen Sonny? Nikolas: No, no, I'm trying to track down someone myself. Have you seen a woman wearing a black leather Jacket, black -- like beret? Carly: No. Nikolas: No. Looks a lot like Emily. I know it's crazy. I know. Carly: Are you feeling okay? Nikolas: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. It just doesn't help being trapped in this hospital. Carly: I know. Is it me or is it just getting worse and worse and worse? Nikolas: Well, I think we should be grateful that we dodged a bigger bullet. Both of us seem to have avoided exposure. Carly: So far. I know. I just feel like if I'm going to be here any longer, my head's going to explode. Nikolas: I know. Carly: I'll let you know if I see Emily's ghost walking around, okay? Nikolas: She's not a ghost. Carly: Sorry. Nikolas: Look, I know it's completely ridiculous. I know. All right, I'm just going to go see if I can help out in the hospital, okay? Carly: Good luck with that. Nikolas: Thanks. [SCENE_BREAK] Spinelli: What must be done has nothing to do with trust. It's bigger than you and me combined. Winnifred: Please, Spinelli. The FBI are not evildoers. We are trying to do what's right. If we work tandem on this, we can save lives. Spinelli: It is the Jackal's most ardent desire that you're right about this. [SCENE_BREAK] Patrick: The FBI is taking the poison out of the O.R. and taking it out of the hospital altogether. If he was going to do something crazy, he probably would've done it by now, right? [Cell phone rings] Patrick: Robin? Robin, hey, can you hear me? Are you okay? Robin: Patrick? Patrick: Robin, listen to me. You cannot come here. [SCENE_BREAK] Robin: Dammit. And the phone's charged now. I don't understand. Johnny: Maybe the storm's -- I don't know, took out a cell tower? Robin: I just want him to know that we're okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Did she mention Emma? Patrick: No, I only heard her voice for a second. I couldn't understand what she was trying to say. Sam: Okay, well, at least you know she's okay. Patrick: Yeah, but what about Emma? [SCENE_BREAK] Trevor: How are you feeling, dear? Ric: It was a private conversation, Trevor. Trevor: Oh, I can see that. Do you want me to leave? I thought not. Ric: Look, this is none of your business. Trevor: Oh, yeah, Richie. It is my business. It's very much my business. From the moment that you started to undermine me with Anthony until you made your big power play by sleeping with his daughter. But you see Claudia was fast, and she's bright. She picked the smarter brother to marry. Claudia: Let it go. Trevor: It's just an observation. Richie, how many times I got to tell you not to back the wrong horse? But you wanted immediate gratification instead of a long-term strategy. So you made an ally of Anthony. That was a big mistake. Anthony is sick. He's crazy. Increasingly ineffectual. Ric: Yeah, and yet you propped him up for years, right? Trevor: Richie, it was a bygone era. I could see right from the start who was going to win this contest of wills. So good for Sonny. To the victor go the spoils. Ric: You know for a fact that Anthony is dead. Trevor: Well, I can tell you he is not going to leave this hospital alive. Ric: Well, good, maybe then we all win. Trevor: No, no, no. Not you. Claudia might come out on top of this. You see, she's smart. Sonny owes her. You've always been a survivor. Claudia: Well, I -- I had to be, growing up around you, didn't I? Trevor: Yeah, and as long as Claudia is secure, brother Johnny is secure. And that's the one thing that Claudia has always been consistent about -- baby brother Johnny. Ric: What about you? Sonny hates you, with good reason. Trevor: Thank you for your consideration about me, but I don't need your help. I can take care of myself. I have absolutely no regrets leaving this town. You see, I got underworld connections all over this planet. I got a legal practice in New York City and people who are connected all over. But, please, let me give you one last piece of fatherly advice. It's time to disassociate yourself with all things Zacchara. They're falling down around your ears. Ric: Don't worry about it. I can take care of myself. That's the one thing I learned from you, Dad -- how to be increasingly selfish. Claudia: Why did you do that? Why did you get between me and Ric? Trevor: Clau, it's a small indulgence. After all these years of antipathy towards me, I wanted you to survive long enough so that you could see how beautifully, how perfectly and elegantly I have played this game. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Once this piece of dirt dies, it will all -- Jason: Sonny, you know why I need Anthony alive. Sonny: He shot Kate! I told you that. He wanted us to be -- why are pointing your gun at me? That was his plan. Jason: His plan didn't work. He's finished. You don't need to kill him. Anthony: If you're serious about saving my life, Morgan, I think you better shoot Sonny before he kills me. [SCENE_BREAK] Trevor: You know, Clau, things are going to work out real well for John and me. When this is over, he and I are going to be the only ones left standing. Claudia: Did you plan it like this, Trevor? Or did you just get lucky? Trevor: I consider myself lucky every moment I'm alive. Now we all want Anthony dead. Fortunately, Sonny is going to relieve us of that problem. [SCENE_BREAK] Anthony: Sonny's a mad dog. If you want me to stay alive, you got to kill him. Jason: Sonny, whatever's happened between you and me, Spinelli is innocent. He doesn't deserve to go to jail. [SCENE_BREAK] Spinelli: Is the priestess sure that that box and cylinder is sufficient to secure the poison? Winnifred: It's state of the art. That's metal with titanium lining. These guys know what they're doing. [SCENE_BREAK] Trevor: With any luck, you're going to die from that poison. Claudia: You're stuck in this hospital, too. Trevor: Yeah, but you see, I got a free pass. As long as this seal is unbroken, it's harmless. Otherwise, it's lethal. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Anthony tried to take everything from me. Anthony: Shoot him. [Anthony sobbing] [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: Guys, guys, you can't go in. Robin: But Emma's sick. Jax: It's locked down. No one's getting in or out. [SCENE_BREAK] Spinelli: Wait, wait, stop. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Sonny. Please. Please don't do it. I'm asking you. [Anthony grunts] Sonny: I want to kill the son of a bitch. I'm not doing it. Just for you. Jason: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Trevor: This baby's going to save my life. I'll trade it for my freedom and maybe even immunity from prosecution. Claudia: You really think you're going to get away with that? Trevor: I got options. What do you think about Costa Rica? I always wanted to see Costa Rica. Carly: You're the one who stole the poison? [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: The poison got into the air supply, and they sealed off the hospital while the FBI deals with it. Robin: What about my husband? Where is Patrick? [SCENE_BREAK] Patrick: Dammit, this is crazy. I still can't reach her. Sam: Just take it easy. Patrick: No, I need to find out if she's okay. I'm going to find Spinelli. [SCENE_BREAK] Spinelli: Stop, that equipment is -- | Ric tells Claudia he's disappointed in her for betraying his trust |
495 | Jamie: You're lying, Dad. I have proof. And if you want to win back even a shred of the respect that I have for you, you will admit that your testimony is false. Dixie is innocent. Judge: Don't do this, James. Jamie: You have to be kidding me. You're not even going to try to make this right? Well, then I have no choice. Colin: Objection, Your Honor. This is ludicrous! Livia: Your Honor, if James Martin has evidence that his father's testimony is fabricated, I believe in the interest of justice, this court should hear that evidence. Judge: Order! [Judge pounds gavel] Judge: Bailiff Evans is going to take you back to the jury assembly room until I can sort this out with the attorneys. Counsel, approach the bench. Livia: Your Honor, in the interest of fairness, I think that we need to take a 20-minute recess, so that we can evaluate -- Colin: I want a mistrial, Your Honor. This is insanity! Judge: There are no grounds for a mistrial, Colin, not yet. Livia. Thank you. Judge: Your request for a recess is granted. Livia: Thank you, Your Honor. Judge: In light of these new developments, court is going to take a short recess. [Judge pounds gavel] Evans: All rise. [Gallery murmurs] Tad: Jamie? Jamie? Brooke: What is this about? Tad: I don't know. Look, I -- Joe: Tad, what proof -- Tad: I can't do this right now, Pop. Just let me go, ok? [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: Can you imagine what this is doing to him? Jeff: Just when he thought he was getting some closure. Erica: Do you think we should go after him? [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: Ah, there you are. Uh -- Colby's hearing is coming apace. I've talked to the attorneys. I think we should develop a family strategy to show solidarity to the judge in case Colby's still facing charges for that Independence Day carjack -- Krystal: Yeah. Adam: Car-chasing thing with the -- anyway, and we also have to do something to lessen the blow for this yachtjacking disaster. Colby! Krystal: Honey, honey, she's not here. Adam: What do you mean, she's not here? I -- I grounded her for life. Krystal: Well, you should have, and you probably meant to, but what you actually did was kiss her and hug her and tell her that you would protect her for the rest of her life. Adam: Oh. Oh. Yeah, I was -- I was just so happy to see her safe. Krystal: I know, I know, honey. Well, she'll be home soon, and you can ground her then, ok? Adam: Yeah, but she shouldn't be -- Krystal: In the meantime, I have something to tell you. Adam: No, she shouldn't be out at all. I love that little girl to pieces, but Colby is a full-blooded Chandler. She's probably out there raking in more charges even as we speak. Colby! Krystal: Adam, honey -- Adam: Sydney! Krystal: You know, I'm due at the Miranda Center, so if I could just have a little bit of your time, I'd really appreciate it, ok? Adam: Yeah, that's fine, sweetheart. I know, you go right ahead. That's all right. Sydney? Sydney: You called me? Krystal: No, no, just five, you know, teenager-free minutes alone with you. Sydney: You called me? Adam: Do you know where Colby is? Sydney: Mm-hmm. But, um -- Adam: No, no "buts." You got to tell me the truth. Sydney: I'm kind of afraid. You're not going to like it. Krystal: Oh, Sydney, just spill it. Sydney: Ok. The whole, awful story. [SCENE_BREAK] Sean: Oh, God. Colby: Cold. Sean: Hey, hey -- Colby: I'm cold. Sean: No, no, no, you're dead. Go away! Colby: I'm cold. Sean: Colby, I mean it! Stay back! Colby: Cold! So cold! God, I'm cold! Sean: Boo! [Colby screams] [Sean laughs] [SCENE_BREAK] Jonathan: Excuse me. That -- I'm sorry. I wanted to just leave Ryan a note real fast. Annie: Go for it. Hey, I know I've already thanked you, but -- Jonathan: But you're going to thank me again. Annie: Oh. Jonathan: Ok. If you want to thank me, I want you to come down to ConFusion as my guest and let me buy you a drink, let me put some food in your belly, tell me what your favorite song is so I can -- I can have the DJ play it. Annie: Uh, Motley Crue, "Shout at the Devil." Jonathan: Wow. Ok. We, we're going to have to go down to Beaumont Street for that one. [Annie laughs] Jonathan: Oh -- no. There's this really cool place next to the hotel I'm staying. Annie: You're staying in a hotel? Jonathan: Hey, it's not a big deal. Annie: No, it's a huge deal. If Emma hadn't taken over your room at Erin's, you'd be staying there. Look, I have a job now. I can afford a place of my own. Jonathan: Emma needs consistency. That's why I'm finding a place. I've already looked at two studios downtown. Annie: Do you really want to be alone? [SCENE_BREAK] Jeff: Let's give him a minute. Erica: All right. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Look at Tad. He doesn't seem too rattled for a guy who was just accused of lying under oath, does he? Ryan: No, but -- Kendall: Ryan, Jamie was so angry. He publicly accused his father in a court of law. I mean, would he have done that without evidence? Ryan, what if Tad really is lying? [SCENE_BREAK] Di: Well, at least this means that our sister's finally off the hook. Del: I wouldn't jump the gun. This might not work out the way we think it will. Di: It will. It has to, and when it does, Tad can go straight to hell. [SCENE_BREAK] Colin: I don't know what your son is trying to pull here, Martin, but if he's messed up my case, I will haul him into court so -- Tad: You're not going to do a damn thing -- nothing. You're finished threatening my kids, Mr. Summerhill, because in case you didn't notice, that boy's family is being torn to ribbons today, because you had to have your eyewitness testimony. Well, you got it. So from now on, from here on out, you got anything to say to me, it damn well better be "thank you." Otherwise, you just shut the hell up. J.R.: How many chances have we given you to come clean? We told you that we would handle Derek, that we would have your back. You looked us right in the face, and you told us, you swore to us that Mom had a body, that she and Slater buried Greg Madden. No room for doubt. I mean, how could you do it? How could you lie to us? How could you put away Mom? Tad: Actually, I'm kind of amazed that you didn't come up with this first. J.R.: What the hell are you talking about? Tad: It's called reasonable doubt. Jamie did everything he did to put doubt in the minds of the jury, to get them to disregard my testimony. Might have worked. J.R.: So Jamie's the liar now? Tad: No. I'm proud of him. It was a good move on his part. J.R.: I'm giving you one last chance, because if there's the slightest possibility that we'll ever be family again, you will come clean right now. Tad: I'm sorry, J.R. But I'm standing by every word I said. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Ahem. Dixie: I really hate this. Jamie's so upset with his father, and J.R. is -- [Dixie sighs] Dixie: Angry. I -- Zach: Don't question anything. Just hang in there. Dixie: I'm trying to. [SCENE_BREAK] Jeff: Thirsty? Erica: I can't even imagine what you're going through. Jeff: If our being here makes you uncomfortable, son, it's just that we want to show -- Josh: Did I ask you to be here? Did I ask for the water, did I ask for your sympathy? No. I didn't ask for any of it. I didn't ask to be born. I didn't ask to be terminated, salvaged, or raised by a madman, either, but that's just the way it played out. But at least I'm alive, right? And like it or not, I owe Greg Madden for that. So here I am, here to do my part, see this thing through to the end, make sure his killers go away for what they did. And now this. Jeff: Josh -- [Jeff sighs] Jeff: Jamie is desperate. He's just trying to save his family. Josh: Oh, so what are you saying? He's a liar, I should believe your brother or your ex-sister-in-law? Who? Jeff: Well, after hearing the -- the evidence, it just seems to be that -- Josh: I mean, I just want to know who did it. Can you just give me a name? I mean, there's enough people in there. I mean, they all had motive, they all had opportunity. Hey -- even you did. I'm just -- I'm tired of guessing. I just -- I just want an answer. Erica: And I wish I had one. Josh: I keep seeing that hole he was buried in, you know? It's like I'm right there again. I can -- I can see it, I can smell it, I can taste it, and until someone pays for digging it, I don't think I'll ever be able to get it out of my mind. [Coming face-to-face, Josh and Babe stare at each other.] [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: I can't stand this, Ryan. I've got to -- I have to go talk to Jamie right now and make him tell me what he knows. Ryan: Whoa, whoa, whoa -- Kendall: And I don't care if he has a problem with me or not. Ryan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. He may not know anything, Kendall. I mean, come on. Last night, he was grasping at straws. Do you really think he came up with something that explosive between then and now, do you? And on top of that, Kendall, there's something else you're forgetting. Kendall: Hmm. Right. Madden's recording. Ryan: The recording that Zach has admitted was his. Kendall: Yeah, I know, and Jamie doesn't know anything about it. Ryan: And Jamie also doesn't know that the alibi is a crock, but we do. Kendall: Ok. No, you're right -- well, at least one of us has a straight head. Ryan: Look, I know it's not what you want to hear, and I know you want to believe that Tad's lying through his teeth and that Zach's innocent. Kendall: Well, I can't even go there, Ryan. It'll only hurt worse when Zach gets convicted and taken away. Ryan: Hold on, hold on. I'm not -- I'm not saying that you shouldn't have hope. I mean, believe me, I'm going to be here no matter how this plays out. I'm just saying don't jump the gun. Kendall: But if I took Tad's word, and he's lying, and I didn't believe Zach, and he's telling the truth [Kendall turns toward Zach but stops short when she sees Dixie comforting him.] [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: I wasn't sure that you'd still be here. Josh: Well, I thought about bailing, but I -- I couldn't. I had to find out who did it, who killed him. Besides, I canceled all those pressing social engagements, so I figured I might as well stay. Babe: Well, I honestly don't know who to believe. I don't see Tad or Jamie lying. Josh: Well, at this point, I just want someone, anyone to pay for killing Greg, so I can just put this whole mess behind me and just start some sort of life again. Babe: Well, I hope you don't erase everything about the old you. Josh: Well, there's a few banner moments I'll never let myself forget. I'm glad you're here. Babe: I wouldn't be anywhere else. [SCENE_BREAK] David: Life is a trip, isn't it? [David chuckles] David: First, you're dead, then you're not, then you're a killer, now maybe not. Well, one thing's for certain -- you're no longer the sweet, innocent Dixie Cooney we all knew and loved. Dixie: Well, it's just too bad you're still the same selfish, manipulative man you were when I left town. I guess some things never change. David: Well, you see, you're wrong, Dixie, because I have changed. You changed me when you blew me off for Zach. All the plans I had for us -- wiped out. I had to find some way to let it go, move on. Dixie: Is this how you move on? Skulking and gloating on the sidelines while I'm being convicted of murder? Does this satisfy your need for revenge? [David laughs] David: You know, you would think that it would, wouldn't you? But I might come up with something else. [SCENE_BREAK] Erin: Well, Miss Emma here is just a doll, and I think just maybe Gianna's down for the count, so it should be kind of a breeze. Krystal: Oh. Well, lucky for them, I do know a couple of things about little girls, so we are going to have a great time. Erin: Aw, cool. [Krystal giggles] Erin: Thank you very much. Krystal: Ok. Erin: Bye, Emma, I'll see you later. Bye! Krystal: Bye-bye. See you. Hey. Hey, Emma. So tell me -- do you know how to play patty cake? [Krystal gasps] Krystal: You do? Oh, boy. This could be the best thing that's happened to me in this whole messed-up day. Ok. Here we go. Patty cake? Show me. Show me. Come on. [SCENE_BREAK] Annie: I'm such a wuss about being alone. Emma sleeps with me every night. After being on constant alert for so many months, I still -- Jonathan: It's understandable, Annie. You know, it's -- it's still very weird for me not to have Lily on the other side of that bed. Annie: Ok, then -- problem solved. You move back into your old room, Emma bunks with me. Yes, yes. Erin will be thrilled to -- Jonathan: No, no, no, no, no -- Annie: Have her brother back. It'll just be one big, loud, unlonely party pad -- "Three's Company" with a twist. Jonathan: You're lucky I can use the comedy. [Annie chuckles] Annie: Ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Colby: Are you kidding me? First you don't care that I'm dead, now you don't even care that I'm alive? You play jokes on me, you scare the crud out of me. Sean, I totally hate your guts right now. Sean: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Wait, before you take off ticked, where -- where were you? What happened to you? Colby: As if you care. I heard you tell Sydney just to get over me being dead, so don't even try to play that. Sean: What -- what'd you do? Fake your death so you could spy on people? See how many people would show up to your funeral? Colby: You obviously wouldn't have showed up. Sean: Look -- we had a pretty awesome time together before that boat crashed. Ok, I would've been front row center. Colby: Right. You were so drunk, I bet you don't even remember what happened. Sean: Not only do I remember it, I think about it every day. Look, I'm really glad you're alive, Colby. Adam: Get your hands off my daughter! [SCENE_BREAK] Judge: I apologize for the earlier interruption, and I thank you all for your patience. Now, as we move forward, I remind you to focus only on the sworn testimony in this case. The earlier accusations from James Martin toward his father have been stricken from the record and should not have any bearing on the outcome of this trial. Is that understood? Now, Mr. Summerhill, I understand that Tad Martin has been removed to the witness waiting room? Is that correct? Colin: Yes, Your Honor. Judge: Ms. Cudahy, you may proceed. Livia: Thank you, Your Honor. In light of the recent developments, the defense would like to call a rebuttal witness to Tad Martin's testimony, Mr. Daniel Kagan. Colin: Objection. Judge: Overruled. I want to hear from your witness. Livia: Thank you, Your Honor. Would you please state your name for the record, sir? Daniel: Daniel Kagan. Livia: And, Mr. Kagan, what is your profession? Daniel: I spent 15 years in the military, but for the past five years, I've been head of security at Pine Valley Airport. Livia: And as the head of security at the airport, are you privy to security breaches? Daniel: That's correct. Livia: Now, where were you or were you on duty the night of June 5, 2006? Daniel: No, ma'am, not that night. I worked earlier in the afternoon, but my shift ended at 1700 hours. I'm sorry -- 5:00 p.m. Livia: Thank you. And when did your next shift begin? Daniel: The following morning at 8:00 a.m. Livia: Now, Mr. Kagan, are you aware that a Thaddeus Martin is a material witness in this murder case? Daniel: Yes, but I only learned about Mr. Martin's involvement this morning. Livia: Well, why is that? Daniel: I've been out of town training security teams for over a month. Livia: And how did you learn about Tad Martin's involvement in this case? Daniel: His son James told me. Livia: What exactly did James Martin tell you about his father's involvement in this case? Daniel: He said Mr. Tad Martin was an eyewitness, that he claims he saw the defendants load the body in the trunk of a car somewhere between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. on June 5. Livia: And did that surprise you? Daniel: Yes, ma'am. Livia: Well, why is that? Daniel: Because Tad Martin was in a locked room at the airport the entire night of June 5. If he says he saw anything during those hours, he lied. Colin: Your Honor, please. The defense has rushed to put this man on the stand. We have no proof he is who he says he is, or that he saw Mr. Martin at the airport. He's already admitted he wasn't even working the night in question. Livia: If Mr. Summerhill would stop interrupting, Mr. Kagan will explain all of that. Judge: Overruled, Mr. Summerhill. You may proceed. Livia: Thank you, Your Honor. Now, Mr. Kagan, if you weren't working the night of June 5, how do you know that Tad Martin was in the airport? Daniel: Because when I came in the next day, I saw him on the security camera. On June 5, Tad Martin sneaked into a private office in the rear of the airport. But what he didn't know is that this particular office was equipped with a time lock. Livia: What does that mean? Daniel: The room automatically locks itself every night at 10:00 p.m. If you don't have a key, there's no getting in or out. Livia: So you're saying that when you came back on duty in the morning, you found Tad Martin in a locked room without a key? Daniel: That's right. When I saw him in the monitor, I immediately went to question him. Livia: And what did you find out? Daniel: He told me he was a private investigator. Livia: So then you let him go? Daniel: No, not until I got a copy of his driver's license and his PI license. Then I wrote up a report. Livia: And about what time was Mr. Martin free to go? Daniel: About 9:00 a.m., I'd say. Livia: I have here copies of the driver's license of Tad Martin, as well as his PI license, and the detailed report filed and signed by Daniel Kagan on June 6, 2006. Colin: Objection, Your Honor. There is still no proven validity to this man's testimony, and these papers could easily be doctored. Livia: If Mr. Summerhill would like more substantial evidence, I can provide that, as well. [SCENE_BREAK] Colby: Daddy, stop! No, Sean didn't do anything wrong. I'm the one who came to see him. Sean: I think Colby makes a pretty hot ghost. Adam: You're standing on my last nerve, kid. But you're going to take me very seriously. Colby: No, no, Daddy, don't shoot him! Adam: I'm not armed -- not yet. It's a plane ticket -- Barcelona. You're going to reunite with your mommy, Sean. Sean: Oh. Thanks, but I'm going to have to pass, Mr. Chandler. You see, I'm -- I'm allergic to coach. See, if you want to talk first class, maybe I'll listen. Adam: This is a big joke to you, isn't it, kid? If I ever catch you with your hand on her again, you're going to be the one who's trying to come back from the grave -- with far less success. [SCENE_BREAK] Annie: Hey. Emma: Mommy. Annie: Hi! Krystal: Well, hi, Annie. I didn't hear you come in. Annie: Oh, that's ok. Sweetie, why don't you go get your lunch box, huh? Mommy's going to take you home. Krystal: Emma is such a sweet little girl. Annie: Aw. Krystal: She reminds me of my little daughter when she was that age. Annie: Yeah. She's a handful, but I feel like the luckiest woman in the world to have her, so -- Krystal: They are miracles. Annie: Yeah, without a doubt. Oh. Look at this one. You all set? Did you grab your lunch box for me? Yeah? All right, we're off. Looks like you and this little angel are on your own. Krystal: Well, I think we can manage just fine. Annie: Ok. Krystal: Bye, Emma. Annie: Bye. Emma: Bye. Krystal: Lordy, little bit, what have I done? [SCENE_BREAK] [In the witness waiting room, Tad paces and sweats out the wait.] [SCENE_BREAK] Livia: Mr. Kagan, can you please tell this court what we are seeing? Daniel: This is security footage of Mr. Martin in the airport room on the evening of June 5. Livia: 21:59:57:20. 10:00 p.m. is the time you say the doors lock? Daniel: Yes, ma'am. Livia: Your Honor, I would like permission to fast-forward the tape to demonstrate that Mr. Martin was indeed locked in the security room overnight June 5, 2006. Colin: Your Honor, objection. The state requests a recess. Better yet, a mistrial. Judge: Overruled, counselor. Livia: Thank you, Your Honor. [As the tape fast-forwards, the court watches Tad knocking on the locked door then sitting on the floor, resigned to an all-night wait.] Livia: Your Honor, the defense would like to recall Tad Martin to the witness stand. [The gallery murmurs as Tad walks to the witness stand and takes his seat.] Livia: Mr. Martin, I would like to remind you that you are still under oath. Tad: I'm aware of that. Livia: Have you ever seen this man? Tad: Never. Livia: Mr. Martin, where were you the night of June 5, 2006? Colin: Objection. Asked and answered. Judge: Overruled. Mr. Martin, I assume you're aware the court imposes a severe punishment for perjury? Tad: Yes, sir. Judge: And I advise you to think hard before answering Ms. Cudahy's questions. Livia: Where were you the night of June 5, 2006? Tad: I don't understand this. I've already testified I was at the airport. Livia: Where at the airport? Tad: All over it. I was down at the gates, luggage, baggage claim. I was even at the cargo storage area. Livia: And how long would you say you were at the airport? Tad: About an hour, maybe more. I didn't have a watch. I don't know. I don't remember the exact time. Livia: And is it still your testimony that when you left the airport, you witnessed my clients in the commission of a crime in a remote parking lot? Tad: Yes. Livia: And you're absolutely certain that was June 5, 2006? Tad: 5, 2006, absolutely. Livia: Your Honor, permission to show the witness the video? Judge: Granted. Livia: Mr. Martin, are you familiar with this video footage? Tad: It doesn't look the least bit familiar. Livia: So are you saying that that's not you in that videotape? Tad: That's exactly what I'm saying. Livia: Well, that is video footage of a locked room in the airport. Tad: No, no, no -- Livia: The entire night of June 5, 2006. Tad: No, counselor, you're wrong. That -- that -- that is a very convincing fake. Livia: Hmm. Tad: No, it's -- it's good. I mean, it's good work, I'll give you that much. As a matter of fact, I -- I can even understand why my son would fall for it. But it doesn't change the fact that it's phony. You think I would be doing that the same night that the man that stole my daughter disappeared? That never happened. Livia: Did you mourn the loss of your daughter? Colin: Objection, irrelevant. Tad: What the hell kind of question is that? Judge: Overruled. Answer the question, Mr. Martin. Tad: Of course, I mourned her. Livia: So much that you lied to this court today? Colin: Objection. Judge: Overruled, counselor. Tad: No. Livia: Isn't it true that you never wanted a child? Colin: Objection! Irrelevant! Judge: Overruled! Tad: I -- Judge: Answer the question. Tad: I am answering the question. I didn't want Dixie to jeopardize her health by having a child. But then again, I was never told she was pregnant until well after the fact. As soon as I found out that she was into her third trimester, and she was healthy, I wanted that baby every bit as much as she did. Livia: Did you name your daughter? Colin: Objection, Your Honor. Relevance? Judge: Overruled, counselor. And I suggest you sit down and stop interrupting. Tad: Kate. Our daughter's name is Kate. Livia: Mr. Martin, your son James has called you a liar. An independent, unbiased security officer has said that you have lied to this courtroom today. And this footage supports both of them. Tad: Is a fake. I'm not the liar here, Livia. You want me to make it easy for you? Ok. Dixie Cooney Martin and her lover, Zach Slater, killed a man. They buried him alive. Now, if you went around this courtroom calling me a liar, you think that's going to help your case, you go right ahead, knock yourself out. But I know what I saw that night, and so do they. My conscience is clear. [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: That smart-mouthed, snot-nosed delinquent. I'll make him sorry he ever -- he ever messed with me. A 16-year-old girl? No, I'll make his life a living hell. Colby: All right, Daddy, jeez. Adam: And you, young lady, I don't want you out of my sight until after your hearing. Colby: You don't trust me? Adam: No, I don't. Colby: Because I'm a girl, huh? Adam: No, because you're a Chandler. You think I don't know what goes on in that -- that mind of yours? I raised J.R., and Hayley. Hell, I went through it myself when I was your age. Colby, I don't want to lose you again. All those years we missed, and all that time I thought you were dead in the water -- why don't you indulge your old man and stay at home and spend some time with me? Colby: I'm so happy to be home. I love you, Dad. Adam: Oh -- I'm so happy to have you home, darling. Krystal: Adam? Adam, sugar, could I see you in the parlor for a minute? I -- I have a surprise. [Krystal shows a confused Adam a cake on which is written "Congrats Daddy 2B." [SCENE_BREAK] Livia: There was a four-year period during which you believed that your wife was dead, correct? Colin: Again, asked and answered, Your Honor. Livia: Did you mourn Dixie's death? Tad: Of course, I mourned her. I was devastated. Livia: Did you love her, even when you thought she was dead? Colin: Objection. Irrelevant. Judge: Overruled. Tad: Very much. Livia: Enough to even want her back as your wife? Tad: Yes. Livia: So when she returned to Pine Valley, you pursued her in an effort to gain her back? Tad: No. Livia: But you told us that you loved her and wanted her back as your wife. Tad: That was before I knew that she'd done it on purpose, that she had deserted her family and allowed us to run around for four years thinking she was dead. Livia: And that made you angry? Colin: Objection. Leading question. Tad: Nobody is leading me anywhere. Judge: I'll handle the objections, Mr. Martin. Sustained. Livia: How did you feel when you found out your daughter, Kate, was still alive? Tad: How do you think? Livia: And how did you feel when you found out that she had given your daughter away without your knowledge or consent? Tad: I've already told you, I mourned the loss of my daughter. Livia: And what was the reason that Ms. Martin told you for giving away your child? Tad: She said she thought she was dying. Livia: But isn't it also true that she said she didn't give Kate to you, because she believed you were incapable of loving her? Tad: That's true. Livia: And that videotape footage we saw today is also true? Tad: The videotape footage is nothing! It's a fake! It's a phony! Livia: You were locked in a room the entire night -- Tad: Bring me the damn computer, I'll do it myself, ok? You give me five minutes, I'll give you a spicy little video of you and the DA there. Livia: You were locked in that room -- Tad: No. Livia: The entire night of June 5 -- Tad: No. Livia: Weren't you? Tad: No, I wasn't. Livia: You lied to this court today, didn't you? Because you wanted to get back at Dixie. Tad: I didn't lie. I didn't lie to anybody. Livia: You concocted this entire story, because you were angry with her for leaving you, playing dead, giving away your child, and you invented this story about -- Tad: No! Livia: Her burying Greg Madden. Tad: No, I didn't! Livia: Dixie didn't bury -- Tad: I saw her with the body! How many times -- Livia: You didn't see anyone, because you were locked in a room the entire night! Tad: No, I was not. Livia: Dixie didn't bury anyone, did she? She didn't bury kill anyone. She didn't bury a soul. Tad: How the hell would you know? She buried me! She killed me! That woman's taken everything I've got. Look at the way my son looks at me. My daughter's out there somewhere. She's lost, she's gone. I'm never going to know what it feels like to pick her up. I'm never going to know what it feels like to call her by her name. I'm never going to know what she looks like because of her, because of that selfish bitch sitting right there. She chose to do this to me. It was her choice to go to Europe. It was her choice to give my daughter to a complete stranger, a psychopath. And then instead of coming home to a family that needed you -- instead of being a -- a wife and a mother, you chose to be Zach Slater's whore. And now a complete stranger is raising my daughter, my flesh and blood, mine. I get to go to bed every single night wondering if she's happy, if she's lonely, if, God forbid, she's being abused. And it doesn't matter, anyway, does it? Because one way or another, I can't do a thing about it. Because let's face it. Greg Madden's nothing but a useless sack of meat. Greg Madden is gone, along with every hope I'm ever going to have of finding my baby girl. So, counselor, I really don't give a damn about your tape. I don't care what you think. I don't care what they think. I know the truth. You are a murderer. Because you buried me. You killed me. You're nothing but a lying, cheating, sadistic bitch. And so help me God, I'm going to make you pay for it. Right here, right now. You're going to pay. [NEXT_ON] J.R. (to Jamie): You want me to save Tad? He's worthless. Tad: I told the jury exactly what I had to tell them. There wasn't anything else I could do. Ryan: The jury's back. Judge: In the matter of the people vs. Dixie Martin and Zach Slater, how do you find in the first count? | After Tad testifies for the prosecution against Dixie and Zach, Jamie disrupts the court by informing them that he knows his father is lying |
496 | Will: Beat that! Lucas: I'm out. Sami: How -- me too. Lucas: You're on fire, man. You're smokin'. Where'd you learn how to play like this? Will: At camp. Sami: Wait a second, I think we sent you to a sports camp. You know, volleyball, soccer, horseback riding. Will: The kid who had the top bunk over me was from Las Vegas. His dad's a professional poker player. Sami: What else did this boy teach you? Will: Not nearly enough. He had to leave early. Lucas: What, did he get kicked out for gambling? Will: Ha ha. No, he went home for his folks' wedding. They had an Elvis impersonator for a minister and everything. Lucas: Nice, typical Vegas style. Will: His parents are a lot like you and Mom. They had a kid, but they had never been married. They had broken up over a bunch of stupid stuff when they were young. But now that they're old -- Sami: Old? Older. Will: Not old. Now that they've grown up, they're just as committed as you two. Lucas: Good save there, kid. Will: So, when are you guys gonna get married? [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: You scared me. Man: Kate Roberts? Kate: Yes? Kate: You're with the I.S.A. Man: I regret to inform you that your daughter, Agent Billie Reed, has died. Kate: Oh, no. No. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Sorry, Fancy Face, but I had to make sure at least one of us made it back to Salem and take care of our boys. Hope: Bo, please, don't risk your life, our life. She may not even be out there. You may have been hallucinating. Bo: Hope, you know how much I love you, but I gotta do this. Hope: Bo, please don't go. Don't go. Bo, please don't go. Bo! [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: Oh, hey. What is this? Maggie: Warm milk. Maybe it'll help you get back to sleep. Jennifer: Thank you. You just have no idea how great it feels, how safe and warm I feel here with the two of you right now. Maggie: The feeling's mutual, darling. Jennifer: You know, and to have my husband and my baby boy upstairs sleeping. I just -- I feel so blessed because even if we are captives here, and even if this place and this Salem is the furthest thing from our real homes right now, I am so grateful to be alive. Maggie: Well, is there anything else I can do for you? Jennifer: Well, I-I guess, if we had television reception, we could curl up and watch an old movie. Aunt Maggie, what's wrong? Maggie: Oh, a little while ago, we had a special broadcast that our host arranged for us captives. Jennifer: Of what? Maggie: Oh, our loved ones back in Salem -- live from the Penthouse Grill. My husband doing the hootchy-kootchy with my housekeeper. Jennifer: You mean Bonnie? Maggie: In a dress -- she gave new meaning to the expression "boob tube." Ha ha. You know, I hate to say it, but I -- I'm almost afraid to think about what might be going on back at 1313 Mockingbird Lane. [SCENE_BREAK] [Bedsprings squeaking] Mickey: Ha ha ha. Yeehaw! Bonnie: Whoo! You certainly know how to drive those cattle across my range. Mickey: Well, you know, there's something about you that brings out the young cowpoke in me, Bonnie. What's wrong? Bonnie: You're so -- so good to me. Mickey: Well, you're good to me. And you're good for me, too. Bonnie: This isn't my first time in the rodeo, you know. But it is the first time I've ever been able to relax, laugh, cuddle... without worrying about some big old ambush waiting for me around the next corner. You were so sweet when Patrick disappeared, presumed dead. Mickey: No, no, no, no, no. Bonnie: I won't believe it. Mickey: No, no, no. Bonnie: My son is not gone. Mickey: Mnh-mnh. Bonnie: And you've been such a pal to Connor, taking him to pee-wee football try-outs at Horton field. Mickey: We had a lot of fun together. Bonnie: What did I ever do to deserve you? Mickey: You better watch out, ma'am. I feel another stampede coming on. Ha ha ha ha. [Kissing] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Julie: Dearest Laura, thank you for the e-mail. I am doing better. But I still have trouble sleeping. And every time I look at that telephone, I think it's gonna ring with terrible news. [Telephone rings] Julie: Hello? No! Not Shawn! [SCENE_BREAK] Jan: Open your eyes, my darling. That's Shawn's bike. Is he gonna be okay? Woman: Are you family? Jan: No, but -- Woman: Then you're gonna have to leave. Jan: Shawn, you can't die. I have our whole life together mapped out. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Shawn's hanging on. But his head injuries are quite severe. We're about to prep him for surgery to relieve the pressure on his brain. Mimi: I feel -- I feel sick. Rex: Excuse us. Belle: Wh-what -- what are his chances? Lexie: Sweetie, we won't know until we operate. Belle: But you have to know something. I mean, what do you think? Lexie: Well, Shawn is still very weak, Belle. Honey, if I were you, I would hope for the best, okay? But be prepared for the worst. I'm sorry, I have to go. [SCENE_BREAK] Belle: H-how could this have happened? Philip: I guess he was just going too fast. Belle: Well, he was near Salem when he crashed his bike. I mean, maybe -- you think he was on his way home? Philip: Maybe. Belle: I can't lose him. Philip: Look, Shawn is strong. He's young. Belle: We've just -- we've lost so many people. I mean, my Mom and your dad. I can't lose Shawn, too. No matter what's happened, I still love him. Philip: I know. Belle: I need to go to the chapel and pray for him. Come with me? Philip: Yeah, of course. Come on. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: Mimi, hey, are you okay? Mimi: Yeah, I just felt kinda sick to my stomach. Rex: Maybe it's that bug you had, or whatever it was. Bonnie: You're pregnant, aren't you? Mimi: What if I am? Bonnie: Listen to mama, sugar pie. Rex can never find out. Mimi: How -- how would you feel about something like that? Rex: Something like what? Mimi: Like having a baby. Rex: I can't think of anything that would excite me more. The most important thing is not having anything yet. I mean, a baby right now? That would be a serious mistake. Mimi: Oh. It's probably just my nerves. It's so awful about Shawn. Let's go back and see what we can find out. Rex: Actually, the doctors want us to keep that area clear. So...I got an idea. Come with me. Come on. [SCENE_BREAK] Julie: Hello, I just got a call from Judy at the Horton Foundation. My grandson Shawn Brady -- he's been in a terrible accident. Mickey: I'm Mickey Horton. I have power of attorney for Shawn Douglas, and I authorized surgery over the phone, but I need to sign the papers as soon as possible. Woman: Follow me, sir. Julie: Well, did you just roll out of bed? For crying out loud, if you had to come to the hospital with Mickey, couldn't you at least have put your top on right side out? Bonnie: This is not the time or the place. Julie: No, it isn't. Oh, God, Shawn is so young, and this family has suffered so much. This is not fair. Bonnie: [Blows nose] [SCENE_BREAK] Mickey: Lexie, wh-where are they taking Shawn? Lexie: They're taking him to the O.R. I'm on my way to scrub in, okay? Mickey: How bad is it? Lexie: Mickey, I won't lie to you, it's going to take a miracle. I'll do everything I can, but I-I-I'm sort of thankful that Bo and Hope aren't here to witness this. Excuse me. [SCENE_BREAK] Maggie: Should I be worried about my husband and Bonnie Lockhart? Jennifer: Aunt Maggie, Uncle Mickey, he -- he misses you terribly. You're the love of his life. You are. And if Uncle Mickey were to become a bit dependent on Bonnie, that doesn't mean that something romantic would happen. Maggie: Well, I-I told Roman the same thing. He saw Kate dancing with John. It's just -- it's been a bit unnerving for all of us since that broadcast. [Sobs] I don't know. I'm sorry. I don't know what I would do if I lost Mickey to another woman. Okay. Best not to think about it. I will make us some sandwiches. That's what I'll do. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: Wow. Am I a big, fat liar. I didn't have the heart to tell her that Uncle Mickey and Bonnie may be getting closer than we know. Hope: I'm not sure of anything. Jennifer: Well, we're sure that -- that Uncle Mickey is letting Bonnie manage Tuscany. We're sure that she's turned it into a honky-tonk, as Julie would say, and we're sure that she has him dressed up like a rhinestone cowboy riding a mechanical bull yelling "Yee-haw." Hope: Maybe -- maybe it's Uncle Mickey's way of not giving in to despair. Jennifer: Well, if something were to develop between the two of them, that would break Aunt Maggie's heart. Hope: Which is probably exactly what our captor is counting on. Jennifer: What? You think so? Hope: Oh, I'm convinced of it. Uncle Mickey and Maggie aren't the only couple in Salem that he or she has interfered with. Jennifer: Well, I know that. I-I know Roman and -- and Marlena -- Hope: No, I'm talking about Bo and me. Jennifer: Bo? Hope: He's gone. Jennifer: Where? Hope: Back out into the jungle... to look for Billie Reed. Hey, it's me, your crock-pot slow cooker. [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: How did she die? I know that you know something. I know you know what happened. Man: She was on an undercover assignment, but her mission was compromised, and that's all I'm really allowed to say. Kate: Oh, well, thank you so much. You've been a really great comfort. Kate: Oh, God. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Are you boys ready for a treat? Lucas: That's right. Your mom has perfected the art of popcorn making. Will: You haven't answered my question. Lucas: What, killer? What question? Will: Uh, when are you going to make Mom an honest woman? Sami: Hey. Are you somehow implying that I am less than honest? Will: Uh, let's not go there. You know what I mean. Now that you guys are engaged, when are you going to set a date? Sami: [Thinking] What if Lucas hooks up with Manda again? What if he starts drinking? What if he turns into the old Lucas and tries to take Will away from me? Lucas: [Thinking] What if Mom's right about this? What if Sami reconnects with Brandon? What if she turns back into the old Sami and tries to take Will away from me? Will: Well? Lucas: Um, buddy, we -- we haven't exactly set a date yet. Will: Why not? Sami: Well, Will, we're still in mourning. Will: Weddings cheer people up. It'll give a reason to bring all the families together and celebrate. Lucas: The kid's got a point. What do you say? Are you ready for me to make an honest woman out of you? [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: Billie Reed is on this island? Hope: Unless he was hallucinating, which is entirely possible, considering he has a head injury. Jennifer: What? Wait -- what is happening? Tell me. I missed everything. Hope: When Bo crash-landed here, he hit his head pretty badly. Jen, I'm worried about him. He had no business going back out into that jungle. It's dangerous. I don't care if Billie Reed is out there or not. Jennifer: Wait a minute. Let's get back to Billie. She's in Europe. She was working for the I.S.A. Hope: She was. She disappeared last winter, and Bo went to Paris to look for her. Remember, she left the message saying that she had important information about the Salem Stalker? Jennifer: Yes, I remember, but Bo came home. He didn't find her. Hope: Not until tonight, here, in this jungle, or so he says. Jennifer: This is unbelievable. Hope: Maybe. But then maybe not. Jennifer: What? What do you mean? Hope: It's possible that Billie figured out that Marlena was the Salem Stalker. In fact, what if she went even further and figured out who set Marlena up? I mean, what if she discovered the identity of the mastermind who's behind this whole plot? Jennifer: Wait a minute. So you're saying that maybe she just got way too close. Hope: Well, that would explain her presence here on the island. Jennifer: You mean our host captured her, put her in the jungle, and just left her at the mercy of the elements? Hope: Maybe. Jennifer: Why didn't he just kill her outright? Hope: Maybe she was put here for Bo to find. Jennifer: Oh, my gosh. That is -- that is absolutely diabolical. Hope: Jen, everything about this case has been diabolical. Jennifer: All right, well, Billie Reed -- she is -- is the last person that needs to be around your husband right now. Hope: You're telling me? Jennifer: I mean, she's okay, but she is -- is better off on another continent. Hope: She is the only woman who has ever come between me and Bo, and tonight he is out there risking his life for her. Now, maybe I'm being selfish, paranoid, whatever, but you know what? I don't give a damn. I don't like it. Jennifer: No, I don't, either. I understand that. Hope: What I don't understand is why didn't he talk to Roman or Abe or John, let one of them go if he didn't want me to go with him? Why did he insist on going out there and looking for Billie reed on his own? I don't understand it. [Crash] Maggie: Did I hear right? Billie Reed is here? [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: Here's what I wanted to show you. [Baby crying] [SCENE_BREAK] Bonnie: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall to pieces on you. Julie: It's all right. Bonnie: Poor Shawn. I watched him grow up alongside of Mimi. Julie: Remember when they were all just little toddlers? Bonnie: I keep thinking about my oldest, Patrick -- lost. Everyone thinks he's dead and... I don't know how you do it. Julie: Do what? Bonnie: You're such a rock. You've lost all these people that you love, and yet you manage to go on day after day, all alone. [SCENE_BREAK] Mickey: Julie's strong. She's a Horton woman. Julie: I don't know about that, Uncle Mickey. There aren't that many of us left. Please tell me about our boy -- the truth. Mickey: Well, it doesn't look good. Shawn went into code blue a little while ago. Julie: Oh, no. Mickey: And Lexie is operating to relieve the pressure. She has to stop the bleeding. Um, otherwise... Julie: Otherwise what? Mickey: He could be brain dead. Julie: Damn it. Damn it to hell. [SCENE_BREAK] Jan: This is Belle's fault, and she's going to pay. Belle: Shawn and I have been through so much in this little chapel. We prayed together for my Mother. Not that it helped. Still, I can't think of anywhere else to go or what else to do for him. Philip: Would you like me to pray with you? Belle: Please. Philip: Okay. Belle: Our Father... Both: Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done... Philip: On earth -- Belle: If it's God's will that Shawn dies, I don't think I could bear it. How can I let him go? Shawn-D: I'm afraid you don't have any choice this time. Belle: He's gone. [SCENE_BREAK] Bonnie: Why don't I go to the cafeteria and bring us back three cups of tea? Mickey: Fine. That'd be good. Julie: This waiting is unbearable, Uncle Mickey. Mickey: I know. I know. Julie: Shawn just has to pull through. His family can't stand another funeral. Mickey: I know. Oh, Lexie. Lexie: I am so sorry. We did everything we could. [SCENE_BREAK] [Baby crying] Mimi: They're so small, so helpless. Rex: Whenever I come by the hospital for anything, I like to stop by here. Mimi: You like looking at babies? Rex: Yeah, sure. Who doesn't? Mimi: They remind us how precious life is, especially at a time like this. I mean, Shawn -- Rex: I just like to come by and watch the parents wave at the babies. That must make these kids feel so welcome, no matter how tiny they are. Mimi: Rex, do you ever think about us standing here and, um, waving at our own little baby? Rex: Of course. All the time. Mimi: Rex, there's something -- [SCENE_BREAK] Woman: Mimi Lockhart! I haven't seen you in ages! Mimi: Louise. Louise: You were the best candy striper we ever ha I sure do miss you around here. Mimi: I miss it, too. Louise: Would you like to rock one of the babies for old times' sake? Wait a minute. Are you pregnant? [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: Austin, it's mom. Um... I have some news. I have some... I have some bad news. So please call me when you get this message. I love you, sweetie. Kate: The keys to Lucas' apartment. But of course. Because it was Billie's to begin with. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: It's a simple question, Sami. What's the answer? Sami: That is not fair. It is not a simple question. I have a history of major blow-ups at the altar, and I thought a long engagement would help me make sure that this one turns out just right? Will: You're stalling. Sami: No, I'm not. There's a lot to do, will, you know? I got to pick out a dress and book the hall and make some new friends so that they can be bridesmaids. Lucas: Other than the new friends, it shouldn't take that long. Will: I have a calendar in my knapsack. I'll just get it out. Sami: No, don't do that. Will: Why not? Sami: Well, because a calendar only goes through December, and I always saw myself as a June bride. Will: Too far away. Lucas: Buddy, listen, if your mom wants to wait till June, then we're just gonna have to wait till June. Will: Why can't she be like the parents on "Leave it to Beaver"? Lucas: Parents on "Leave it to Beaver"? What do you know about that? Sparky, that's way before your time. Sami: I don't know about you, but it's before my time. Lucas: Well... Will: I watch it on TV Land at the pub with Grandpa Shawn. In this one episode, Ward was telling the Beav how he proposed to June. I saw him get down on one knee. Next scene, they were walking down the aisle. Sami: Well, Will, life in Salem is not exactly like TV. I mean, these things take time, and your dad and I both have to be ready before we get married. Lucas: That's right. There's just a lot of things to consider, buddy. Will: I knew it. Neither one of you really has any intention of getting married, do you? [SCENE_BREAK] Maggie: Oh. I can't believe it. Billie here? And here I am going on and on about Bonnie and Mickey dancing together. Oh, why didn't you tell us right away? Hope: I was upset. Bo had just tricked me. Maggie: What? Hope: When he told me he was going back out into the jungle to search for Billie, I insisted on going with him, so he tricked me. Maggie: How? Hope: When we reached the force field, he pretended to be dizzy. And while I was getting him some water, he slipped through the perimeter without me. Maggie: Oh... Jennifer: Listen, he was probably trying to keep you safe. Hope: That's what he said -- that if something happened to both of us, where would our boys be? Jennifer: Exactly. He has a point. Hope: But the fact remains -- but still the fact remains he's out there in the jungle by himself. Jennifer: Look, don't do this to yourself. Hope: I can't help it. Jennifer: If Bo does find Billie, it doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean that he's gonna go off -- Hope: Look at everything that's been going on. Look at all the couples that have been torn apart. Don't you detect a pattern here? Maggie: Yes. I've been trying not to admit it, but, yes, I do. Hope: And now Billie shows up? Maggie: Yeah. Jennifer: Hope, Bo loves you more than anything, and he'll be back. Hope: What if he's killed trying to rescue Billie? What if he falls to his death like Patrick? Jennifer: Oh, gosh. Patrick was such a good friend, and here I am going on and on about how thankful I am for my life and my husband and my baby, and I keep thinking about Patrick. Why couldn't he have been spared? Hope: I'm sorry. Jen, sweetie, I didn't mean to upset you. Jennifer: No, just -- I feel like -- I feel like that it's my fault. Hope: Don't you dare think that way. Jennifer: Listen, he never would have been here in the first place -- Hope: None of us would be here if it weren't for this damn maniac playing games with our lives. I'm sorry. Who knows? Maybe Billie was recruited here to add to our misery. Maggie: Do you think Billie is working for our captor? Hope: Remember what happened with Larry Welch? Zack and I were almost killed because Billie got herself mixed up in our lives. I think given the chance, Billie Reed would stop at nothing to reunite with Bo. And I have a feeling our captor is after the very same thing. [SCENE_BREAK] Julie: Are you saying Shawn Douglas didn't -- Lexie: No, no, no, no. Shawn pulled through the surgery. Mickey: Oh, thank God. Lexie: I'm so sorry. What I meant was I wish that we could have done more. But there's been excessive damage, as you know, and we weren't able to completely control the bleeding. Unless Shawn's body regains its ability to clot and repair the protective membrane, he won't be able to survive. Julie: Oh God. Mickey: Thank you, Lexie. Lexie: Yeah, I'm going to go check in on Shawn and get cleaned up. I'll be back to speak with you, okay? Mickey: Thank you. Lexie: Okay. Julie: What now? What can we possibly do now? Mickey: I can't even imagine life without Shawn Douglas. Belle: Oh, my God. Please don't tell me he's gone. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Will, honey, of course we're gonna get married. Will: Sure doesn't sound like it. Sami: Well, we just want to take our time and make sure that everything's perfect for you, kiddo. Lucas: Yeah. Your mom's right. I got to wait till I get another job. Will: You're administrator of the Horton Foundation. Lucas: Yeah, yeah, I am, but it's more of an honorary thing, buddy. It's not a real job. And ever since Tony DiMera passed away, I've been looking for a job. I just haven't been able to find one. Will: Well, we've got a roof over our heads. We've got food to eat. What more do we need? Lucas: How about a backyard? Sami: Well, Will, it would be fun for you, right, to have a place so you can play ball with your friends? Lucas: Houses are just so expensive these days. Will: Wait. I thought Great-Grandma Alice left you some money in her will. Lucas: Yeah, she did, but it's not liquid. Will: Liquid? Lucas: That means that most of the money's tied up in bonds and I can't really touch it. If I do, I'll lose money, you know? Besides, a man should provide for his family under his own esteem, don't you think? Will: Well, then we better start saving, 'cause at the rate you two are going, this could take forever. Unless... Lucas: What? Will: We move in together. Get rid of Aunt Billie's place. It's not like she's ever gonna use it again. [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: Oh, Billie. How do I tell Lucas that you're never coming home? [SCENE_BREAK] Louise: I mean, is that what you're doing in the nursery? I mean, look at you. You're glowing. Your eyes, your skin. Rex: Uh, hi. I'm Rex Brady -- the boyfriend. Louise: Hi. Rex: Yeah, if Mimi were pregnant, I think I'd know about it. Louise: Oh, I'm sorry. I mean, I'm sure you'll both make great parents when the time comes. Mimi's such a natural mother. She's always been so good with the newborns. Please forgive my mistake. It's just that prospective parents always gravitate to this window. Rex: It's no problem, really. Louise: Well, I'd better be going. Good to see you again, Mimi. Mrs. Lockhart. [SCENE_BREAK] Bonnie: Hey, Louise. Mimi: Mom, what are you doing here? Bonnie: I was with Mickey when he got the call about Shawn. He was so upset, I offered to drive him to the hospital. Rex, could you give me a moment alone with my daughter, please? Rex: Yeah, sure. I'll go find Belle, see how things are with Shawn. [SCENE_BREAK] Bonnie: Thanks. I was afraid you were going to tell all. Mimi: Rex needs to know I'm pregnant. It's his baby. Bonnie: And I'm sure he'll do the right thing and marry you. But how long is he going to stick around? Mimi: Mom -- Bonnie: Your father could not stand the sound of a crying baby. He left me stranded more than once. Mimi: Rex wouldn't. And I don't want to talk about this right now, not while Shawn is fighting for his life. Bonnie: Well, don't wait too long. You're gonna have to make a decision. And the sooner, the better. Look... I love you, sweetheart. Don't throw your life away. [Baby crying] [SCENE_BREAK] Julie: No, Belle, Shawn is not dead. Belle: Oh, thank God. Mickey: No, he is just out of surgery now, and Lexie says that he's hanging in there. Belle: I got back from the chapel, and I had this really horrible feeling. Julie: I just had an idea. Belle: What? Julie: Well, even if he isn't conscious, what if you went into Shawn's room and talked to him? Even if he isn't conscious, hearing the voice of the girl he loves -- that might do wonders for him. Jan: I'm the girl he loves, not Belle. Mickey: You know, I think that Julie is right. If you went in there and you just sat there and you talked to him, it might give him the encouragement that he needs to keep fighting. [SCENE_BREAK] Julie: Lexie. Lexie: Yeah? Julie: A favor. Could Belle scrub up and go and sit in Shawn's room right now and talk to him? Lexie: Yeah, that's a good idea. Mm-hmm. Julie: You can do it. You can bring him back, Belle. [SCENE_BREAK] Belle: I'll try. But, you know, Shawn's been pretty upset with me lately. What if he doesn't respond? Philip: How could he not respond to you? Belle: That's sweet to say so. Philip: If anybody can save Shawn, it's Belle. Lexie: Come on, sweetie. Oh, great-- these clean dishes are still dirty. [SCENE_BREAK] Will: We could all live here, and Dad wouldn't have to pay rent. Sami: Um, I don't think so. Will: Well, you guys are on low-carb diets, right? Well, instead of throwing out half a loaf of bread, why don't you just buy one and share it? Lucas: Well, that's a great idea. That just settles it for me, huh, Sam-- Will: See, Mom? Dad agrees. Lucas: Look, Will is right, though. I mean, we've been treading water for a while, and it's absurd. So I guess it's -- it's time for me to bust a ward cleaver and set a date, right? Will: Yes! Lucas: Well, I can do this. Sami Brady, this is the moment we've been waiting for. It's time to set aside our excuses and our doubts and make a commitment. Now, are you willing to set a wedding date with me or not? Sami: Lucas, I think we better before our son drives us insane. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Will: Go away. Kate: It's Grandma Kate, honey. Open the door. It's important. Will: Hi. Sorry. It's just Mom and Dad are in the middle of planning their wedding. Lucas: Uh, Will, could you give us a minute, please? Will: Uh, sure, I need to unpack. Lucas: All right, thanks, bud. Mom, what is it? What's wrong? Come in. What? Kate: I have some horrible news. Sami: Kate, our wedding is not horrible news. Kate: Your sister... Billie's dead. [SCENE_BREAK] Maggie: Hope, you are working yourself into a state. Now, come on, sit down. You must be exhausted. You know what I don't get? This person who's holding us all captive -- why would he go to such lengths to destroy our relationships? Why would our love for each other be such an affront to him? Jennifer: Because love is the most precious thing there is, Aunt Maggie. Hope: And if it is Stefano, you know he's out for revenge. Maggie: Well, all I know -- Bo would never turn his back on you for Billie, just like Mickey would never turn his back on me for Bonnie. Hope: Thank you for your support. But I have this gut feeling about this thing with Bo and Billie -- something's gonna happen. I can feel it. Hope: I'm afraid. Maggie: You know, as a child, I... you would never admit that you were scared. Hope: Bo could die out there. I think our captor is positioning us for a great fall. And once we do, our lives are never gonna be the same, Maggie. [SCENE_BREAK] Mimi: Oh, God... what am I going to do? [SCENE_BREAK] Julie: I don't care if Belle and Shawn have broken up. They have been together -- a couple -- for a long, long time. Mickey: Mm-hmm. Well, we can only hope that the sound of her voice can, uh, pull him back from the brink. Bonnie: Love is a very powerful thing. Julie: Well, Bonnie, for once I agree with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: How's Shawn? Philip: It's touch and go. Rex: And Belle? Philip: She's in there with him now. Rex: Good. All right, look, I'm gonna go to the cafeteria and get something for Mimi's stomach. If she turns up, just let her know I'll be back, all right? Philip: Mm-hmm. Hey. What the hell are you doing here? [SCENE_BREAK] Belle: Shawn, it's Belle. If you can hear me, squeeze my hand. Shawn-D: [Muttering] Jan. Jan. J-Jan. Jan. Jan... [SCENE_BREAK] John: We've gotta devise a plan where we give our captor a taste of their own medicine. I think it's time the hunter becomes the hunted. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: Where are you going? Hope: I'm going to do the only thing I can do -- make a deal with the devil. [SCENE_BREAK] Tony: I don't believe it. | Kate receives word that Billie is dead from an ISA agent and after calling Austin, visits Lucas at Sami's apartment to tell him the news |
497 | Steffy: Thank you. Thank you for giving me your word. Bill: Why are you protecting Amber? Steffy: I'm not protecting Amber. I'm protecting you. Bill, I care about you way too much to let your throw your life away for some stupid, devious girl. [SCENE_BREAK] (Door opens) Katie: Oh, darn, you caught me-- (Laughs) Oh, my God! Donna: Oh, gosh, yeah. Awkward moment. Sorry. Katie: (Laughs) I thought you were Bill. Donna: Oh, obviously. Katie: Yeah, he's, um, he's gonna be here any minute, so... Donna: Uh, yeah, okay. Listen, I just, um, need to tell you something before-- Katie: Really? Can't it wait? Because, you know, he's been really stressed out, and, you know, if he gets here and you're here, it might kinda kill the mood. Donna: Yeah. Yeah, well, you know, he was-- he was still in his office when I left the building. Katie: Well, I made him promise he wouldn't stay late. Donna: (Sighs) Maybe something came up. Katie: No, he would have called me. Donna: Does he--he do that? Tell you what's going on? Katie: Yes, of course, he does. I mean, he's been a little distracted lately with Liam and Amber, but... Donna: (Sighs) Katie: You know, he just needs to relax, so... Donna: I agree, because every time I see him, he's a little off. Katie: Well, that's why tonight is so important. Donna: But... (Sighs) Are you sure it's just Amber? Katie: What do you mean? Donna: Well, I... (Sighs) Is there something else that could be distract-- Katie: Okay, Donna, obviously you have something you want to say, so why don' you just spit it out? Where are you going with all this? [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: You know I wouldn't just walk in here... (Sighs) unless it was very important. I know how busy you are. Ridge: You look worried. Taylor: (Sighs) Yes, yes. I am. Ridge: Not about Thomas and Brooke. Come on, Taylor. You've got to let go of this. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: Very hot. Nice. Thomas: Yes. Brooke: I like it. Thomas: But are these as good as my first designs? Brooke: Yeah. What did your father say? Thomas: I haven't talked to him yet. Brooke: He's gonna love them. So will Eric. They are wonderful. Thomas: All right, well, you heard the lady. We're good. Thank you. Brooke: Thank you. Thomas: All right, we're finally alone. Tell me how you really feel. Brooke: I said they're wonderful. Thomas: Not about the designs, Brooke. About me. A while back, you told me to get out there, start dating. Maybe I'd meet someone. I took your advice. I thought Dad must have told you. Just wondered how you felt about it. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: Taylor, there is nothing going on between Brooke and Thomas. I shouldn't have to keep saying this. Taylor: No, you don't have to keep saying that, because it's not about Thomas. It's about Steffy. Ridge: Steffy is doing fine. She really came into her own over there at International. Taylor: No, she's-- Ridge: Now she's back. Taylor: Listen. She is interested in Bill Spencer. Ridge: What?! Taylor: Yes. Ridge: No. Taylor: Yes. She just told me that. She told me that herself. Ridge: Bill is married. Taylor: Well, his wife doesn't get him the way Steffy does. Ridge: He told her that? Taylor: No. That's Steffy's opinion. And somehow, this justifies her infatuation she has with him. And Katie doesn't deserve him, so it makes it all okay, but it isn't okay, Ridge. It is not okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Donna: You know Steffy is back in town, right? Katie: Yes. Brooke told me. Donna: Not Bill? Katie: No. Why would Bill? He hasn't seen her in months. Donna: Really? (Sighs) Steffy was in Bill's office when I left the building tonight. [SCENE_BREAK] Bill: Steffy, I did not push Amber off that cliff. Steffy: Well, she wouldn't have been on that cliff if it weren't for you. You put her in that house because you knew-- Bill: All right, did you hear me? I didn't do it. Steffy: She fell before you could. Bill: Enough! Steffy: Bill, come on now. You need someone to confide in, so you can talk to me. Let's be honest. If nature hadn't intervened, you would have killed Amber tonight. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: You mentioned infatuation. Maybe that's all it is. Taylor: It doesn't matter. Any kind of closeness at all between Bill Spencer and our daughter is-- is absolutely dangerous. He's manipulated her feelings before. Ridge: She's manipulated him, too. Taylor: And he may want to pay her back for that, Ridge, and he could if he finds out that she's vulnerable to him, if she makes that known to him. Ridge: But she hasn't. Taylor: Well, we better hope that she doesn't, because then she will be in a very vulnerable situation, Ridge. And it doesn't matter if it's infatuation or what. These feelings that she has-- they can't be ignored. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: Sorry. (Sighs) Jarrett wanted me to confirm a quote. Thomas: You're avoiding my question. Brooke: No, no, I'm not okay. (Sighs) Um, I-I do know that you're dating, and I think that's delightful. It's as it should be. And as for you and Dayzee... Thomas: (Laughs) Oh. So Dad did tell you. Brooke: (Sighs) Well, he didn't really have to. I saw it for myself. I saw you and Dayzee kissing. Thomas: You were spying on me? Brooke: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: What exactly are you implying, Donna? Donna: (Sighs) Oh, Katie, no, I-I'm not-- I'm not implying anything. I'm just --I'm telling you where your husband is and who he's with. I mean, do you know why he could have been meeting with her? Katie: No. Donna: He--he hasn't said anything about Forrester lately? Katie: (Sighs) Look, this whole thing with Liam and Amber is nightmare. Her pregnancy is ruining is life. He even broke up with Hope over it. Donna: I know. I know. It's terrible. (Sighs) Katie, having another woman in the picture can send even the strongest relationship into a tailspin. Katie: Donna, we're good. Bill and I are fine. Donna: Katie, you--you... (Sighs) You know Steffy. You know how much she hates us, probably even more so now that-- that Brooke and--and Stephanie are getting along. I mean, I don't want to make you paranoid. But you know how vindictive she can be. Katie: Steffy was a problem in the past when we were running Forrester. I don't know what happened back then, and you know what? I don't want to know. I don't care. I trust my husband. He's never given me any reason not to, and I would be crazy to start looking for problems where there are none. Steffy's not a factor in our lives anymore. Donna: Okay, well, you just keep it that way. Katie: Oh, I will. That's what this is all about. This is exactly what my marriage and what my husband need. I'm not worried about Steffy. She hasn't got anything on Bill anymore. [SCENE_BREAK] Steffy: Talk to me, Bill. You've been thinkin' about this for a long time. And I know it's eating you up. You have to get it out. Bill: Amber's fine. She wasn't hurt. Steffy: You thought she was dead. You saw her go over the cliff, and you took off. Bill: Problem solved, until I saw you. Steffy: Bill, if I hadn't been there to pull Amber up, she would have died. Bill: I don't want to talk about this anymore. It's pointless. Steffy: Wow, you lost control. You put everything you care about in jeopardy-- your business, your reputation, your family. Bill: I was protecting my family. My son almost died because of that bitch. Steffy: Oh, okay. So he'd be better off the son of a murderer. Bill: (Sighs) Steffy: Oh, I bet you weren't thinkin' about that, huh, the ramifications? You just wanted Amber gone for good. You couldn't talk to Katie. She'd think you're a monster. So you just kept it to yourself until you couldn't take it any longer. You had no one to go to, no one to give you perspective, no one to share your pain or frustrations. Bill, I will listen to you, and I won't judge you. If you ever feel like you're about to lose it, talk to me. I'm here for you. You can trust me. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: Mm. Welcome home. Bill: (Sighs) It's not our wedding anniversary. Katie: No. Bill: The first day we met? Katie: Mm, nope. Bill: Wanna give me a hint? Katie, I guess it's just your lucky day, Mr. Spencer. Bill: Must be. (Sighs) Katie: (Chuckles) Bill: Thank you. Katie: Mm, you've been so tense lately with this whole situation with Amber. I thought maybe you needed a little time to unleash some of that tension. Bill: No, I don't want to think about Amber. The only thing I want to feel is my arms wrapped around you. Katie: (Sighs) Bill: Mrs. Spencer. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: No, I-I wasn't spying. Thomas: So you didn't see Dayzee and me kissing? Brooke: It was sweet. I-I was very happy for both of you. Thomas: Okay, so you were watching Dayzee and I kiss -- Brooke: No, no. Thomas: You just said it was sweet. Come on, Brooke, what do you give it? Scale of one to ten. Brooke: Okay, that's it. I'm not talking about this. Thomas: Oh, I'm sorry. Brooke: (Sighs) Thomas: Come on, are you-- are you-- are you blushing? Brooke: No, 'm not blushing, but Dayzee would be if she heard you talking like this. She doesn't seem like the girl that would kiss and tell. Thomas: Okay, is that why you didn't ask me about it? Brooke: I just didn't want to pry. I thought maybe you'd say something when you got back from San Francisco. Thomas: Okay, so Dad told you about that, too? Brooke: (Laughs) Well, you must have had a good time, because you've had a smile all over your face all day. (Chuckles) Thomas: Have I? Brooke: Yeah. Thomas: (Sighs) Brooke: Dayzee is really an amazing young woman, and you guys are lucky to have found each other. Thomas: Yeah. (Chuckles) Lucky for you, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: I am totally wiped out. I feel like I've been hit by one of those waves at Point Dume. Bill: Yeah, I'm, uh... pretty wiped out, too. Katie: Um, have you had a hard day? Bill: I thought I could come home and get away from it. Katie: You want to talk about it? Bill: No. Katie: But you're okay? Bill: Better than I was. Katie: Did something happen at the office? Bill: (Sighs) Katie: You know, Donna was here earlier. She was at the office with Justin. She said that Steffy came by to see you. Look, Bill.. Bill: (Sighs) Katie: Look, Bill. I know that you've been dealing with a lot. And I know you don't want to talk about it. But I just. I know you haven't been yourself lately, and--and everyone who knows you can see that, and I'm sure Steffy was with you tonight, and she saw too,. I just want you to be careful with her. If she sees that you're distracted, if she senses weakness, she won't hesitate to use that. She hates me and she hates my family. She's hurt us once, Bill. Don't let her hurt us again. You and I both know that... she will cross any line. Se will do anything and push anyone out of the way to get what she wants. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: You wan me to admit that I'm wrong? Ridge: I want you to admit that it might be a false alarm. Taylor: I have every right to believe that Thomas was getting in over his head with Brooke. Ridge: But he didn't. I just want to hear you admit it. Taylor: (Scoffs) I overreacted, okay, but--but Thomas denied his feelings for Brooke. Steffy, on the other hand is admitting that she has feelings for Bill. Ridge: I still think she may have said it for effect. She's just yanking you chain. Taylor: Okay, fine. Well, let's just like our eyes open. Ridge: Of course, we will, and you'll see, just like with Thomas and Brooke, that it's just nothing to worry about. Taylor: Oh, my gosh. You can't just let that go. Ridge: You're the one that won't admit it's crazy-- the idea of my our son and my wife being romantic together? Come on, Taylor. Taylor: No, you're the one who said you would leave her if anything like that happened. Ridge: Because I knew it would never happen. Taylor: Oh, okay. Ridge: Taylor, nine times out of ten, your instincts are right on the money with our kids. Nobody cares about their safety and their happiness more than you do. I will watch over Steffy because I trust your opinion on all this. But I also trust Brooke. [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: I know you must be relieved. You wanted me to start seeing somebody and now I have. Brooke: (Sighs) I just wanted you to have more in your life than just work. Thomas: Also the fact that me dating Dayzee gets my mom off your back. Brooke: I think she's accepted our friendship. She's not griping anymore. Thomas: Oh, to you and Dad, maybe not. Brooke: Mm, she's expressed her concerns to you? Thomas: She sighs a lot, makes that pinches look in her face every time I mention your name. Look, I get the message. Brooke: (Chuckles) Thomas: You know, maybe she will, too. Brooke: That's not why you took Dayzee to san Francisco. Thomas: No. Dayzee's special. She actually makes me look at my life in a whole new way. Brooke: She has that effect on a lot of people. Thomas: (Chuckles Brooke: (Giggles) Thomas: You can imagine her sitting in a private jet -- Brooke: Oh, my goodness. Thomas: She was talking about how much the flight cost and what good I could do instead. Brooke: So how did that make you feel? Thomas: Grateful, grateful to have somebody like that in my life. Just. Lucky.. exactly how I feel about working with you. Brooke: (Giggles) We have had a very successful partnership. Thomas: Oh, come on. It's been amazing. We got some help from the buzz from our fist show, but.. Brooke: You should be very proud. Thomas: (Sighs) Brooke: You handled it like a pro. Thomas: Yeah, all except for that one mistake. You know, when I kissed you on the plane. Brooke: Thomas! Shh. Thomas: Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean any disrespect with the kiss. Brooke: Look, I thought we were gonna forget about that. We put that behind us forever. Something inappropriate did happen. Yes, I-I hope you realize that, and it's never going to happen again. Just you and me coming home on the plane from Paris-- I mean, our secret has to remain safe. It can't get out. I can't imagine what would happen if it did. I don't know how or why it really did happen, but I'm just gonna chalk it up to one crazy moment. A line was crossed and it's never going to be crossed again. Nobody can ever know about our kiss (Echoing) our kiss... our kiss.. our kiss... our kiss. Our kiss...kiss... | Thomas shows his newest designs to Brooke who thinks they are fabulous |
498 | Amber: Yep, rumor. 'Restless Style' launches tomorrow on schedule. Jack: And the new cover art? W-what about the logo? (Whispers) It's Jamie Whitfield. (Normal voice) uh-huh. No. No, we needed to hear that. Okay. Okay. We nailed it. Sharon: Oh! Amber: Whoo! Sharon: Jack, wow! Daniel: I knew we did. I knew we did. Jack: Yay! Amber: Whoo! (Laughs) Daniel: You did. Man! Amber: It's so great! Phyllis: Wow, look at this. What did we miss? Amber: Oh, just the saving of our magazine. Daniel: Jamie Whitfield just called, and, uh, she likes the changes. Phyllis: Oh, great. Well, she should. She made them. Jack: So how'd the trip go, Nick? Did you put out the fire with the advertisers? Nick: We got what we needed. Jack: Then we're right on track. Nick: We are. Everyone, if you'll excuse us for a minute, Jack, I need to speak with you for a second. Jack: Uh, this is gonna have to wait. I'm a little swamped right now. Nick: No, you don't get to make the call on this one. Photo studio, please. Sharon: (Clears throat) Just what we need-- a little alpha male fight. Phyllis: Yeah. Well, you know, Jack was walking around here like he was top dog. Nick deserves this. Nick: If I wanted to work for a dictator, Jack, I would have just stayed at Newman. Jack: The first edition needed to be tweaked, Nick. You were unreachable. I had to take things into my own hands. Nick: After Phyllis and I said we were against any changes. Jack: Because you didn't think the changes could be made and still make the deadline. You were wrong. Someone had to make the call. Nick: Oh. Do you have any idea how much you're acting like my father right now? Jack: I'll try to ignore that remark. Nick: Sure. Dismissive and controlling-- it's classic Victor Newman. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: They're pleasant thoughts, I hope. How beautiful you are. Sabrina: (Sighs) I'm wondering if all of this is really happening, Victor. Are you my fiancé? Are you my fiancé, hmm? (Whispers) You beautiful man. Victor: (Sighs) When you were a young girl... Sabrina: (Normal voice) mm-hmm. Victor: You must have had dreams and fantasies about your wedding. What were they like? Sabrina: Um, I used to always imagine that I'd like to have, you know, artistic elements... Victor: Mm-hmm. Sabrina: A cultural, historical background. Victor: I have an idea. Sabrina: What? Victor: What about the Notre Dame in Paris? Sabrina: Ohh. Victor: With your friends and family, we'd fill the church. Sabrina: (Sighs) you know, actually, when I was in grade school... Victor: Mm-hmm. Sabrina: We lived near the oldest church in Strasbourg. My God, it was beautiful. Victor: (Whispers) wow. Sabrina: You should have seen it. It dated to the 14th century. Victor: (Normal voice) oh, my God, how beautiful. Sabrina: Mm-hmm. Victor: Why don't we go there? Have it there? Sabrina: (Giggles) Victor: I'm serious. Why not? Sabrina: You're so romantic. I love you. No, no, no. It's--it's been in ruins since the war, so... Victor: (Scoffs) I'll have it rebuilt. Sabrina: (Laughs) Victor: (Laughs) simple. Sabrina: Well, that might take a very long time, and I know you're not the most patient man in the world. Victor: But I've become much more patient since I've known you. Sabrina: But still, I mean, you've been through this wedding stuff before. Victor: And you haven't. And I promise you, it'll be the wedding of your dreams. [SCENE_BREAK] David: Whoa. Nikki: Oh! David: Watch your step. Watch your step. Nikki: Oh, well, a broken leg would be fitting after everything else we've been through. David: (Laughs) Buenos dias, Señor. Man: Buenos dias to you, too, Man. David: Oh. Great. Y-you're an American. Man: From New Mexico. Fell in love with this brainy girl in my Poli-Sci class junior year. Married her, came here, decided I liked old Mexico better than New Mexico. David: (Laughs) Fred: Fred Flinn. David: Well, nice to meet you, Fred. Fred: What can I do you for? David: Uh, I-I think our cab dropped us off at the wrong place. Nikki: Yeah, we're looking for this wedding chapel. David: Yeah. Fred: Awesome, huh? Nikki: Oh. David: Yeah. Nikki: So you know where it is. Thank goodness. Fred: Oh, yeah. You're in it. David: (Whispers) what? [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: I will concede it may have looked as if I was pulling a Victor. Nick: You think? Jack: This was not a power play, Nick. You and I are still on the same team. Nick: There wasn't a lot of teamwork involved. Jack: I'm not discounting what you and Phyllis bring to the table. When you are not at the table, though, someone has to take charge. Nick: Okay, as long as that's what this was all about. Jack: That's all this was about. Jack: I'm glad we had this talk. Nick: You know, I am, too. It'll make it a lot easier when you can't be around and then I have to decide what's best. [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: And you're, uh... Phyllis: Yeah, um, I set up the control panel for people to use their own signatures and--and their avatars and... Sharon: Yeah. Um, I'm really distracted, too. I can hardly concentrate. Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, right. They'll work it out. They'll work it out. Sharon: I--yeah, yeah. I don't know. I mean, maybe the won't. Everyone's so stressed right now, and things get said and-- Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah. Well, things, you know, had to be said. Sharon: Yeah, well... Phyllis: Right? Sharon: Mm. (Cell phone rings) Sharon: My phone. Pardon me. Hello. Amber: Ahh, Sabrina, hey! Sabrina: Good morning. Amber: Good morning. Phyllis: Look at you up early. Early-bird-gets-the-worm girl. But you live with an early riser now. Sabrina: Uh, I was looking for Nick, but he's not here, so I'll come back later. Amber: Oh, wait. Wait. I heard about the engagement. Let me see the ring. (Gasps) Phyllis: Oh, look at that. Wow, that's--it's big. Amber: That's ginormous. Phyllis: Yeah, it's really big. How can you lift your hand? Sabrina: I know. My biceps hurt, yeah. Phyllis: Crazy, yeah. Sharon: Well, you are marrying a very special man. Sabrina: I'm glad we agree. Thank you very much. Daniel: Yes, I'd like to say congratulations. Sabrina: And I'd like to say thank you. Sabrina: Wow. Where--where did you get this. Daniel: Oh, you like it? Sabrina: I do. I do. Who's the artist? Phyllis: My son is the artist. Amber: My boyfriend here. Sabrina: And is this yours, too? Daniel: Oh, that's just a game of "Pictionary." Amber: He is being modest. Sabrina: Yeah, he seems like he's modest, because you know what? You look like you have potential. You should consider art school. Daniel: You serious? Sabrina: Mm-hmm. I mean I wo--I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it. Let me know if you need recommendations. Phyllis: Hey, uh, you know what? I didn't offer you any coffee. Let's go have some coffee, and we can talk about some, uh, couture wedding gowns that, uh, I've checked out on the web--fabulous. Sharon: Jack. What, no bruises? Did you win? Jack: Well, I managed to survive being compared to Victor Newman. Nick: Hello. Sabrina: Hi, Nick. Nick: Did, uh, my dad send you? Sabrina: No, Nick, he didn't send me. Why do you think Victor is behind my every move? Nick: Well, it wasn't all hugs and kisses after the big announcement. Sabrina: I'm sorry there was no warm-up. Nick: Eh, it's all right. I kind of have a feeling you didn't really have a say in it. Sabrina: My being here has absolutely nothing to do with Victor. I just have a large piece arriving today at work, and I need the key to the loading dock, so... Nick: Oh, all right. It's the black one. Sabrina: All right. And thank you for the tea, Phyllis. Phyllis: Uh, absolutely. Sabrina: Okay. I'll bring it back as soon as I'm done. Phyllis: Okay. And, hey, don't be a stranger. Come on up. We'll--we'll, uh, have coffee and do lunch and things. Sabrina: Okay. Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah. Sabrina: That's sounds good. Okay, bye. Nick: Bye. "Don't be a stranger?" Phyllis: Yeah, well, she should not be a stranger. (Clears throat) so how'd it go in there? Nick: Went all right. We talked it out. Phyllis: Yeah? You talked it out? Is it over? Nick: For now, until he decides to do it again. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: I understand, but right now, I'm calling the shots. And if we're only apart by 10 cents an hour, give it to them. Victoria: What was all that about? Brad: Our plant in Malaysia. Workers' contract expires at midnight our time. Victoria: I thought they agreed to bargain around the clock. Brad: Until negotiations broke off an hour ago. Victoria: Well, you just took it upon yourself to handle it? Brad: I didn't take it upon myself. I know our C.E.O. is M.I.A. Victoria: Did you try her cell? Brad: Obviously, you didn't get the message. She and David have taken the day off. They aren't reachable. Victoria: Not at all? Brad: That's what "Aren't reachable" means. So right now, I'm in charge. Jill: Oh, I just don't understand the way Nikki works. Kay: Why? Because she didn't, uh, decide to tell you she was hiring Victoria? Come on. When you were running Jabot and I was running Chancellor, did you come to me every time you were hiring? Jill: Oh, please. This isn't the same. Kay: It's exactly the same. (Sighs) and we are very fortunate to have her. Although, why Victor let her leave, that's still a mystery to me. I don't... Jill: Well, why don't you ask him? Kay: Hmm? [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: This is a scam. This guy advertises a beautiful wedding chapel. It doesn't exist. David: What's Spanish for "We've been punked"? Woman: Hello, my friends. I am Rosa Flinn. My husband tells me you've come to be married. David: Yeah. Yeah. But not here. Here. Nikki: Here. Rosa: Unfortunately, the chapel burned down to the ground not long ago. David: (Laughs) That's great. And no one thought that important enough to put that on your web site? Rosa: But we did. I added it myself. The green click at the bottom -- David: There was no green click. Are there any other churches in the vicinity that are still standing? Rosa: Many, but the padres won't marry you on such short notice. David: That's wonderful. Just perfect. Fred: Hey, no sweat, man. I can marry you. Nikki: You can? Fred: Mail-order certified and proud of it. Nikki: I don't know. I mean, I'm still wearing the clothes I traveled in. I -- they lost our luggage. I've -- I'm covered with cat hair. Rosa: Think about it. Fred performed weddings in our chapel for many years before it burned down. Nikki: Well, maybe this chapel burning down is a sign. I mean, maybe we're not supposed to go through with this. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Katherine, please sit down. Kay: Oh, thank you, Victor. Victor: I will have some coffee a little later. Thank you. So what can I do for you? Kay: (Laughs) well, not for me, but for Victoria. Victor: I knew something was on your mind. What about Victoria? Kay: Well, um, that you would, uh, you know, let her leave-- it--it sort of boggles my mind. Victor: She wanted to leave. Kay: Why do you think for a minute it was the right thing for you to do? Wh-- why? Victor: Katherine, I didn't make the choice. She didn't want to stay. You have children. They do what they want. Kay: Well, yes, I understand that. I-I do, but, I mean, where was your concern for her well-being, and this is the point I'm really making... Victor: Yes? Kay: When you slept with her best friend? Victor: Whoa! Kay: Come on, Victor. Well--whoa me. (Sighs) Victor: You're a dear, old friend, but that doesn't mean that I want you to interfere in my personal life unless I ask you to. Kay: Come on, stop it. I would never think of interfering with your personal life, and you know it. Victor: Well... Kay: I mean, I am--I am pained that your whole family is going through such turmoil because of this. Victor: And I appreciate that. But remember who started the turmoil. It wasn't me. My wife decided to have an affair with that character that she is with, okay? Kay: Yeah, right. Victor: Please do not blame me for everything that's wrong with my family. Kay: Oh, for God's sake, I would never blame you. Victor: Everyone points their finger at me. Kay: Oh, Victor, stop it. Victor: I'm sick and tired of it. I'm serious. Kay: No, stop it. Come on, you know? I'm not blaming you for anything, for heaven's sake. Victor: Okay. Kay: All I am saying-- I am concerned about the people I love and respect. Victor: Katherine, I appreciate that. But you understand my feelings about all this. Everyone is pointing their finger at me, and I must say, I've had it with that. But I appreciate your concern. Okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: Where did you disappear to? Can you make Brad disappear, too? Call me, Mom. Sabrina: Victoria, hi. (Sighs) well, I should go. I was just picking up something to eat for-- for us. Victoria: That's really nice. That really is a nice rock. It's a little bit ostentatious. Sabrina: Well, Victor picked it because it's representative of our join-- Victoria: His feelings for you, right? Come on, Sabrina. Give me a break. Sabrina: You out of all people should know that I've been through enough relationships to know when something is real. Your father is an amazing man. He's wise, and he's loving, and he's generous-- Victoria: He's also a lot of other things which you would find out about if you weren't so busy rushing to the altar. Sabrina: Actually, we're not rushing to the altar whatsoever. Victoria: Oh. Well, that's good. Good. Then my dad has some sense. Sabrina: Your dad. Yeah. Well, actually, it was a mutual decision. We're just not rushing. I'm committed to him, Victoria. And he's committed to me. Nothing is going to change that. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: More messages than I can count. I'm dealing with them later. Enough crises for one day. David: You know, maybe we're looking at this the wrong way. Maybe it isn't a bad omen. Nikki: Then what is it? David: How about an experience we can look back at one day and laugh about? Nikki: (Chuckles) David: Tell Reed all about it when he gets older. Hey, who knows? Nikki: (Sighs) David: Maybe one day, it'll become a family classic. Nikki: Oh, it was such a pretty church. David: Yeah. But come on, stained glass is overrated, right? And look! Right here, a wedding bouquet. Nikki: Oh, David. David: You're right. To hell with it. We're going home. (Sighs) Nikki: We are? David: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, come on, Nikki. Your wedding should be everything you want it to be. I'm sorry. I--next time, I'll do better research. Nikki: Oh, it wasn't your fault. David: Yeah. All right, look, we're gonna get married in August just like we planned, all right? And we're gonna do it right. You know I want to marry you yesterday, but you are definitely worth waiting for. [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: Let me make this call. Nick: Keep me posted. Daniel: All right. Nick: Uh, can I-- you guys have a minute? Sharon: Um, barely. I-I hardly got to finish checking my e-mail yesterday. Nick: Whoa, 150 unread. Sharon: Yeah. Jack: Maybe a couple of minutes won't matter that much. Sharon: What's up? Nick: Uh, just a last-minute pep rally for the team. Phyllis: Oh, good. Good. Do I get to be the homecoming queen? Nick: Hey, out of this office, Baby, you bet. But around here, the operative word is "Team." Jack: I second that, and I thank you for the reminder. Sharon: Me, too. Me, too. Phyllis: Me, three. And we have to remember that we have to be very, very honest and up front with each other, right? Jack: I agree with that, too, yes. Nick: We all weigh in on major decisions. We operate this magazine by consensus. Jack: Except in certain exigent circumstances. Sharon: Well, that sounds like a plan. Daniel: Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, please? We have just received word from the printers, and at this very moment, on its way over here, hot of the presses-- the first copy of "Restless Style"! (Cheering) Phyllis: Yay! Sharon: Yay! Amber: Congratulations. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: Well, I have said what I felt had to be said, but I want you to think about it. Victor: Katherine, I will think about it. I appreciate you coming by. Okay? Kay: Hello. Sabrina: Sorry I'm late, mon chérie. Victor: Um, this is Katherine, an old friend of mine. This is Sabrina. Kay: I prefer to be known as "A friend that I've known for a long time," rather than "An old friend." Victor: (Chuckles) Sabrina: I agree. That sounds much better. Kay: Well, you don't have to impress me. Uh, it is a pleasure finally meeting you. Sabrina: Same thing here. Kay: Mm-hmm. I, uh, have to get back to my child who's waiting-- Victor: Katherine, I appreciate everything you said. Thank you. Kay: Okay. Nice to meet you. Sabrina: Bye. Victor: All right. Sit down. Sabrina: I like her. I'm not sure, though, that she necessarily likes me. Victor: You know, my darling, that is her problem. I wouldn't worry about it. Sabrina: You're absolutely right. It is her problem. [SCENE_BREAK] David: All right, there's a flight back in two and a half hours. If we leave now, we can make it. Nikki: Oh, the thought of getting back on a plane makes me ill. David: I know, but you shouldn't have to compromise, not about our wedding. Nikki: It is a shame. I mean, we're already here. I don't have anything to wear. Rosa: How about wearing this? Nikki: Oh, well, that-- that is pretty. Rosa: And back there is a lovely garden surrounded by the mountains. It's a most beautiful place for your wedding. Nikki: What do you think? David: It's up to you. [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: Oh. Nick: Mitch is here. Phyllis: Mitch! Ooh, Mitch! Mitch! Me! Me! Me! Sharon: Let me see! Phyllis: Here we go. Here we go. Let's see--oh, my gosh. Ahh. Sharon: (Gasps) Phyllis: Wow. Jack: Wow. Nick: Nice. Daniel: Yeah, what you guys said. Sharon: It's gorgeous. Phyllis: That is nice. Nick: Jack, I have to admit, you were right. Jack: Mitch, you did an incredible job. Thank you. Mitch: Don't thank me yet. We can't make your shipping deadline tonight. Phyllis: All the last-minute details pushed us back, right? Nick: What? No, no, no, no, no. We have agreements with our advertisers. "Restless Style" hits newsstands coast to coast. Tomorrow. Friday morning. Jack: Mitch, hire extra crew. I-I'll send my entire staff over there. I'll load magazines on the trucks myself. Mitch: I can't promise miracles, but I'll try. Jack: Do anything you can. Mitch: All right. Phyllis: Thank you. Jack: Yeah. Phyllis: It's very pretty. Nick: Not if no one sees it. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: Well, I see what you mean. It is beautiful out there. Rosa: So you see? Coming to us wasn't a mistake after all. Nikki: Everything is as it should be? Rosa: Now you have proof. Nikki: Well, I guess I can't turn my back on that. David: We're going through with it? Nikki: Yes, we're going through with it. (Laughs) Rosa: Wonderful. I'll handle the preparations. Excuse me. Nikki: Oh, thank you. Oh, this news is too good to keep it to ourselves. Let's call the kids. David: All right. Nikki: Whoo. They're not gonna believe it. Nikki: Hi. Victoria: Hey, Stranger. Did you get my message? Nikki: No, I didn't. David and I have been a little busy. Victoria: Yeah, I know-- playing hooky. Yeah, you're the talk of the town. Nikki: Really? Well, wait till they hear that we took the day off to get married. Victoria: That's funny, Mom. Very funny. Nikki: Oh, I'm not kidding. I'm very serious. David went on the internet, and he found this beautiful chapel in Mexico, and the next thing I knew, here we were. Victoria: Was this his idea? Nikki: Well, we both thought it would be best. Victoria: Without your family present? Nikki: Darling, there's been so much drama lately. I didn't want to add to that. We thought this would be better. Victoria: Well, will you be down there long? Nikki: Oh, just a day or two. Victoria: Okay. Well, we'll--we'll celebrate when you get home. Nikki: We'd love that. Victoria: Okay, um, and, uh, give David my best. Nikki: I will. Victoria: You know, Mom, um, I want you to be happy, all right? I really do. Even if it isn't with Dad. Nikki: I will be. I am. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: All right. We--we'll be in touch. Okay, they agreed to move back the shipping time and add five planes. Phyllis: Really? How much is that gonna cost? Jack: You don't want to know. Phyllis: No, I'm sure I don't want to know. Good thing we tested it on the webzine. Daniel: Yeah, so at least we'll make one deadline. Jack: No, two deadlines. We'll make two deadlines. Nick: I just found a printer on the west coast who will take off some of the load. Jack: That's about all we can do right now. Nick: Yeah. Jack: All right. (Cell phone rings) Nick: Hi. Victoria: Ooh, you sound like I feel. Last-minute craziness? Nick: Uh, you have no idea. Victoria: Um, well, in that case, uh, this can wait, I suppose. Nick: No, no, no. What's up? Victoria: It's nothing. It's--it's nothing. It's--it's a mom thing. It's--it's no big deal. Um, I'll tell you about it later, okay? Nick: You know what? No, I-I could use a break anyway. Where are you? [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: Excuse me. I just thought I'd stop by on our way out. I haven't had the pleasure. I'm Jill Abbott. Sabrina: Hi. Sabrina Costelana. Jill: Ahh, soon-to-be Newman, I understand. Congratulations. Sabrina: Thank you. Thank you very much. Victor: Uh, Jill is the C.E.O. of Chancellor Industries. And she's the sponsor of the Genoa City Art Museum. Sabrina: Oh, wonderful. Then we have something in common. Jill: We do. I hear that you're curating a new collection. Sabrina: Yes. Kay: Uh, it's Victor's collection, right, Victor? Victor: Sabrina is doing the collecting for me, Katherine. Kay: Uh-huh. Jill: You know, I would love to talk to you about that. Maybe we can plan an event together-- the autumn art fair for the city. Sabrina: Mm-hmm, it sounds very interesting, actually. Jill: It does, doesn't it? Yeah, let's have lunch. Sabrina: Okay, sure. Jill: All right. Sabrina: Oh, I think I forgot my PDA in the car. Um, let me-- Kay: Well, Jill, why don't you run along with Sabrina and help her get it? I'll just stay here and talk to Victor for a moment. Sabrina: Okay. Jill: All right. Five minutes. Sabrina: (Speaking French) Chérie. Jill: Victor. Kay: (Clears throat) well, there is one more thing I would like to mention. Victor: Now why doesn't that surprise me, Katherine? Kay: (Chuckles) It's about Nikki. No, no. Now, now, now. Now I know it's a closed subject, and you have moved on... Victor: Mm-hmm. Kay: And your future is with Sabrina... Victor: Mm-hmm. Kay: As is Nikki's is with David. Victor: Now that's a match made in heaven, isn't it? Kay: But I think you should know they're being married today. Victor: Well, I'll be damned. Hmm. Will miracles never cease? I guess I shall send my condolences. [SCENE_BREAK] Rosa: 13 coins. One for each apostle and one for the savior. You present this to your novia as as symbol of your support and protection. David: Thank you. Rosa: Ahh, muy bonita! Nikki: Oh, thank you. It's amazing what a shower and some makeup can do. Rosa: Ahh. (Guitar music plays) Nikki: A guitarist. Rosa: Mm, my nephew Marcos will serenade you. Nikki: Oh, how beautiful. Rosa: We want to make this very special for you. Uh, the dress fits, I hope? Nikki: Like it was made for me. Rosa: Ahh, you see? More proof that this was meant to be. Nikki: Mm. Rosa: The perfect wedding. [SCENE_BREAK] Sabrina: Mon amour? Sabrina: Jill and I were talking about the possibility of a joint exhibition. Victor: That's nice. Sabrina: Mm-hmm. Victor: That's nice. Um, you know, I didn't realize what time it was. Um, I need to do something. I'll see you back at the ranch, okay? You just enjoy your coffee. Sabrina: Uh, Victor, is everything okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: Oh. Oh, look at that. What is that, a new font? I thought that, um... Phyllis: Uh, you have a problem with that? Sharon: Yeah. It's too late for changes. Phyllis: Uh, I-it's too late for you to micromanage. Daniel: Uh-oh, here come the claws. Amber: Well, can you blame them? They've worked so hard. And now... Daniel: Well, it's like Yogi Berra said. Amber: I don't know who that is, and I definitely don't know what he said. Daniel: He's one of the greatest baseball players of all time. It's like déja vu all over again. Amber: He said that? Well, that's definitely Sharon and Phyllis. Daniel: That's not what I meant. He said, "It ain't over till it's over." Amber: Hmm, never heard that before. Daniel: You know, that is so sad. Amber: Mm, what'll be sad is if we're unemployed soon. Hey, you could always sell your art. (Telephone rings) Amber: "Restless Style." (Whispering) soon-to-be "Going out of style." (Normal voice) one moment, please. Hey, Jack, it's the printer. Jack: Oh! Hey, Mitch, give me some good news. I will tell everyone here. Thanks. Mitch says without any more glitches, he expects to make the deadline. Phyllis: Thank goodness. Sharon: Oh, see? Jack: We are not out of the woods yet, but we're partway there. Sharon: That's great. Phyllis: Oh, I'll call Nick. (Computer makes odd noise) Daniel: Why is the computer making that noise? Phyllis: No... no, no, no, no, no. No. No. No, this is not happening. Daniel: What? What's not happening? Jack: Wha--wha--what? Is--is it the webzine? Phyllis: Oh... what happened? Where did it go? [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: I can't believe it. She didn't leave a forwarding number. Brad: That's why I made the decision. Jill: And it was the right decision. Thank God somebody around here is on top of things. Kay: Am I interrupting? Brad: Uh, no, not at all. Uh, you know what? I'm gonna go run this by Heather Stevens, have her confer with our council in Kuala Lumpur. Jill: Let me know what she says, okay? And, Brad, thank you. Brad: You're welcome. Katherine. Kay: Uh, night. Jill: I'm curious about something. Kay: Hmm? Jill: Why are we paying Nikki a salary large enough to support a small island nation when other people are doing her work? Kay: Mm, well, what is our Bradley taking credit for now? Jill: No, no, no, no, no, no. A very crucial situation came up, and our C.E.O. was nowhere to be found, and neither was her trusted sidekick, so Brad did the right thing at the right time. Kay: (Chuckles) well, our C.E.O.-- Your C.E.O. is in Mexico. Jill: Why? Kay: With David, uh, getting married. Jill: Getting m-- oh, that's great. Now she has a daughter and a husband here at work. Gives a whole new meaning to nepotism. Kay: Well, I have a daughter who is working for me, and you have a son on the payroll. Jill: Katherine, what is it gonna take for you to accept that we have a problem here? Kay: Well, if you mind your own business and run Chancellor industry and let Nikki run Jabot, you know, I mean, you know, you're, uh, making too much of it. Jill: A C.E.O. does not blow off work to elope to Mexico, at least a C.E.O. who cares about the company, and you know it, Katherine. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: So a quickie Mexican wedding? Mom? Victoria: Yeah. Yeah. I-I-I can't picture it. Nick: Hey, you know, maybe that was her only way to really break free from Dad. You know, do it fast. Victoria: Yeah, like ripping off a band-aid, but it still hurt. Nick: Mm. Did you tell her that? Victoria: No, I didn't tell her that. It wasn't the right time. It wasn't the right place. It was frighteningly mature of me, wasn't it? Nick: Oh, yeah. Sucks to be a grown-up sometimes, huh? Victoria: Yeah. Nick: Hey, you know what? It--it is what it is. Stepparents, sometimes even parents, they come and go. But the Nick and Vick show just keeps on runnin'. Victoria: Yes, it does. Nick: It's an exciting show. Mmm. [SCENE_BREAK] (Door slams) Victor: (Sighs) How long have you been back? Sabrina: A while. Victor: (Sighs) I took Nikki's horse out to ride. Sabrina: Mm-hmm. I saw you. Victor: Mm-hmm. Sabrina: That was quite the ride. Victor: Mm-hmm. Needs to be run hard every so often. Sabrina: But we humans, we have it easier, don't we? Victor: Mm-hmm. Sabrina: We can talk about what is bothering us. Victor: Mm-hmm. Sabrina: Oui? (Sighs) Victor: I'm going to take a bath. I'm sore. My back is sore... Sabrina: Okay. Victor: For one reason or another, okay? Sabrina: Okay. I'll draw it for you, okay? Victor: Oh. Sabrina? (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] (Guitarist sings "Through the Eyes of Love" in Spanish.) David: Something wrong? Nikki: No, I... I just haven't heard that song in a while. Fred: By the power vested in me by the ministry of universal love, I now pronounce you husband and wife. [NEXT_ON] Jack: Thanks for nothin'. Phyllis: That means we may not launch tomorrow. Kay: I just thought you should know who really has Jeffrey's heart. Jill: And he told you this. Cane: Okay, just relax. I'm gonna get you some coffee, okay? Chloe: Okay. | Nikki shares the news of her nuptials with a taken aback Victoria who tells Nick |
499 | David: So what do you say? Ready to wow Dixie's biggest fans? Di: Right this minute? No! No way! To play Dixie, I need weeks of rehearsal, maybe an out-of-town tryout -- way out of town. David: Forget the stage fright. You don't have to prepare a thing. Dixie's nearest and dearest -- you're going to hit them right where they live because they're desperate. They need you now more than ever. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: Look, Dr. Cautele, I know this is long distance, but I -- I just have to make sure we haven't got our lines crossed here. There was a Jane Doe treated by a local doctor around the time of Dixie's accident? And this was somewhere near the crash site? Dr. Cautele: That's correct. Tad: Doctor, by any chance, was this Jane Doe pregnant? [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: Dad, Dad, believe me, I care, ok? Talk to me. Tell me what's wrong. Adam: You hate me! If I dropped dead right now, you'd leap over my body to get at everything I own. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: So many men, so little time. First the son proposes to me and I throw the ring back in his face, and then Daddy comes a calling, just eager to walk me down the aisle. Greenlee: Lucky I know the way to the psych ward. You getting hitched to either Cambias -- that has "crazy" written all over it. Kendall: No, no, no, Zach stated his intentions very clear and very calm. He was very upfront about what he wanted from our marriage. Ethan: Ok, Kendall, I understand that you're upset and that you feel betrayed. Take that out on me, but don't -- please, don't demean yourself by pretending that you and Zach would ever -- Kendall: Wait a minute, you think I'm making this up? Zach: She's not. I asked Kendall to marry me. And if she accepts, make me one hell of a lucky fellow. Kendall: Pink roses are my favorite. Greenlee: Yeah? Since when? Kendall: Since just now. Everything Zach says or does makes me see my life in a whole new way, just bursting with possibility. Greenlee: Watch me burst up my breakfast now. Kendall: Zach, you wouldn't pressure me into taking such a huge step. Greenlee: More like a suicide jump. Kendall: See, I have to make sure I'm not making a mistake. This isn't my first proposal. Zach: You take all the time you need. Greenlee: 10, 20, 30 years. Kendall: Zach, is that what I think it is? Zach: Why don't you open it? Kendall: I think I will. Let's check this out. [Kendall gasps] Kendall: A prenup. You shouldn't have. Greenlee: Yeah, exactly. Toss it and I'll drive you home. Zach: It's the details of our proposed business arrangement. Ethan: Business arrangement? Greenlee: Wait, we're talking merger, not marriage? Zach: Kendall and I agree that love only screws things up. Kendall: Yes, that's right. You can swear on it but still be a two-faced liar. Ethan: May I see that, please? Zach: Sure, no, let him see it. It's ok. Kendall: Ok. Zach: Here you go. Kendall: Zach, you just proposed to me this morning, so how did you get it in writing so fast? Zach: I got my lawyers on it the moment I decided that you and I made sense together. Greenlee: I fell down a rabbit hole. That would explain this. Zach: Do you mind? Thanks. So let's get back to the business at hand. As discussed, you'll acquire business licenses and gaming licenses with both my casinos. Puts me back in business. Kendall: Oh. Zach: And I will sign over half of all of Cambias holdings to you, once I win them in court. You can consider that a done deal. Kendall: Ok, so if we do wed, then I keep Bianca locked in and protect Miranda's share of the estate. Zach: You and I, full partners, husband and wife. Greenlee: Ok, you know what? I can't deal with this right now. I still have a husband down the hall who's shell-shocked, because he had to shoot his own brother. So can we just drop this whole marriage farce? Kendall: Was it a farce when you married Ryan? Zach: Wasn't that a business arrangement, also? Kendall: Yes, but this is so much more. See, it turns out Zach and I -- we have tons in common. We both love sushi, sunsets, and we both want to rip everything away from you. You know we can do it, Ethan. We can strip you bare and leave you with nothing. How tempting is that? Ethan: You can't seriously be considering this, Kendall. Kendall: Oh, yes, I can. Zach: We're dead serious. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: You heard Babe. She said that you spaced out while you were holding little Adam. Adam: Yeah, yeah, "Babe says." We all know what her word is worth. Doesn't stop you from believing that I sold you out to help that lying tramp! J.R.: You still taking your blood pressure medication every day? Adam: The hell we paved to get your son back -- detectives zigzagging across the country, DNA challenges, court battles. And after I did all of that for you, you really believe that I would hand little Adam over to Babe in exchange for Colby? Well, sure, why not? Why not? That's the father you know and hate. J.R.: All right, Dad, you know what? Sit down and breathe before you pop an artery. Adam: For God's sake, how long have you lived in this house, under this roof, with me, watched me work? How long? I played Hayward to score my own win. It's the oldest come-on in the book. I promise anything to get what I want, and then I drop kick my end of the deal. I would never sacrifice my grandson! I would kill anyone who tried to get little Adam away from you. The way they stole Colby -- J.R.: All right, that's it. I'm calling 911. Adam: No, stop pretending you want to help me! J.R.: Ok. Ok, Dad. You're right, I don't care if you die. But before you kick, clue me in on something. The estate -- how are you going to divide that up? Tell me you're worth more to me dead than alive. [SCENE_BREAK] Maria: I don't want to stick my nose in where it doesn't belong or anything, but that phone call -- Tad: Hang on, sweetie, just a second. Attach and send. Maria: Dixie. Tad: Yeah. That was summer a few years back. I had surprised her with a camera, so she ended up chasing me around the backyard with a pair of salad tongs. [Maria laughs] Tad: I just sent it to the head of a clinic in Switzerland where she was going to have her baby. Maria: Is that who just -- you were just on the phone with? Tad: Yeah. Dr. Cautele. Out of the blue, he calls me last night and informs me that some climbers found Dixie's car in a crevice at the base of a mountain. There was no body inside. So I had him do a little checking, and he said that there was a Jane Doe treated by a local doctor. Maria: Near the crash site? Tad: Right. So now he's going to find out whether she was pregnant or not. Maria: Oh, my God. I mean, is -- is it possible that Dixie survived? I mean, that she's alive? Tad: I know what you're thinking. Go ahead, say it. It's crazy, impossible. Just tell me not to hope. [SCENE_BREAK] Di: Ok, I know I signed on for this. But now that it's showtime, I don't think I can pull it off. David: Give me a break. You survived a year in prison. You can do anything. Di: No, I heard your take on Dixie -- some kind of angel on earth. You know, my halo and wings are on permanent back order. David: Well, you look like an angel now with that new hair color. Di: It's window-dressing. When Dixie's nearest and dearest hear me open my mouth, they're going to bust me for a phony. David: That is not going to happen. Di: That's easy for you to say. You're not the one being pushed onstage without a script or even a damn cue card! I could get arrested for -- for fraud or identity theft, impersonating a saint! And I am not going to prison just so your daughter can have more q time with her son. David: You are not going to prison. You are not going to do anything even remotely illegal. You are going to pull this off without a hitch. I promise. Di: I'll pull another stretch at my old cellblock. David: Uh-uh. I have the whole thing worked out. And this will show you exactly how. [SCENE_BREAK] Maria: You want me to tell you what's impossible, like I would know? I mean, "Maria, Edmund can walk." "Impossible." Tad: Come on. I mean, what are the odds that that Jane Doe is Dixie? Maria: Yeah, well, you're talking to, you know, someone who survived a plane crash against all odds and made it back to her family. Tad: So you're not telling me to abandon hope? There's no way Dixie's out there alive and well, just as alive as the day I took that photo? Maria: I -- I don't know. I don't know. I'm sorry. But here's the good news. I don't charge for nothing advice. Tad: You're great. You listened. Maria: Yeah, through the crying jags, but -- if there's anything that I can do -- Tad: No, I'm fine. I'm ok. He's going to check some of his contacts and get back to me soon. And when he does, I will know one way or another. Maria: Ok. Ok, then I'll just -- I'll wait with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Who'd have thunk it? Two marriage proposals in one week. One from a guy who claims he loves me but lies to my face, the other from a man who doesn't love me but keeps it honest. Well, that makes the bachelor behind door number two so much more appealing. Ethan: Kendall, don't do this. Don't say yes to Zach. Kendall: Well, who's going to stop me, Ethan, you? Your lie cast out your vote. You have no say in my life. You are nothing to me but a bad memory. Greenlee: Who do you think you are? You don't get to use my friend to screw over your son. Zach: She gets to use me, too. Greenlee: No, uh-uh. Find another patsy for your payback. Zach: Why are you being so negative? You didn't even look at the prenup. Greenlee: I have something against marriages made in hell. Zach: Oh, now you're losing me. What are we talking about? Because you married with a business plan. Of course, you didn't know there was going to be homicidal in-laws, insanity, and curses. Horrible thing to hand down to your children, isn't it? Greenlee: You dirty son of a bitch. Kendall: All right, ok, that's enough. Ok, back off. Back off. Greenlee: You, clueless, you're coming with me. Zach: Ethan, will you be my best man? [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: What are these? J.R.: Cyanide capsules. Take two every four hours till dead. Side effects include dizziness, vomiting, and gut-wrenching agony. Adam: Sorry, I must have got the placebo. You'll have to wait a while for me to give up the ghost. J.R.: How long have you been having these headaches? Adam: No, not headaches, headache -- one headache. Just -- it's gone, it's passing. So don't get your hopes up. I'm not about to die, not right now. I have too much to live for. I'm going to get Colby back from that witch of a mother of hers, and she's going to come back here and live with us. She's going to be part of my life for as long as I have one. J.R.: And you always get what you want, don't you, Dad? Adam: Well, sure, it's no secret. I'm a selfish SOB. My mission statement -- power, money, influence, grabbed by the fistful, wringing everything I can out of this miserable life. Not too bad for a poor kid from Pigeon Hollow. I have made and lost and remade half a dozen fortunes in my day. I can still rattle the windows on Wall Street, but my family, my children are my real fortune and my future. There's no room for love in business. But I have opened my heart to you and to Colby and to Hayley. Because you're my children. And you're the only love I have. I would gladly die for you, yes, knowing that I would live on in you, just as you will live on in your son. I would sell my soul to secure my family, to keep my children with me. That's how much I would do for you. And for Hayley and for Colby. Because without you, I -- I'm nothing. I have nothing, I am nothing. My daughters and my son -- you -- you're everything to me. Everything. J.R.: I love you, Dad. I don't want you to die. [SCENE_BREAK] Di: Absolutely brilliant. David: Well, I'm glad to know I'm not just a genius in my own mind. Di: Just don't let it go to your head. David: A little late for that. So, do you think you can do this now? Di: Just like whistling Dixie. David: Great. There's one little thing you need to remember. When you meet Dixie's loved ones, you look right in their eyes. You stare at them as if you're looking right through their soul, and hold that look. Di: Like this? How's that? David: It's good. It's amazing. One look, trust me, and you're going to knock 'em dead. [SCENE_BREAK] Maria: Nada? Tad: No. Watched pots and telephones. Maria: Yeah, wait for no man. Tad: Driving me crazy. [Phone rings] Maria: Here you go -- oh -- I got it. Got it, got it, got it, got it. Tad: Hang on, hang on. Hello? Dr. Cautele: This is Dr. Cautele. Tad: Yes, Doctor. Did you find out anything? Dr. Cautele: There is a nurse here on staff who used to work in the office where Jane Doe was treated. Tad: Uh, did you show her the picture? Dr. Cautele: Yes. Tad: Did she recognize Dixie? Dr. Cautele: It was impossible for her to identify Jane Doe from the photo of your wife. The -- the facial injuries sustained in the crash were severe. Tad: So what exactly happened to this Jane Doe? Dr. Cautele: She was transferred to a hospital for surgery. Tad: Ok, what's the name of the hospital? Dr. Cautele: My nurse doesn't know the name of the hospital, or if in fact Jane Doe was pregnant. Tad: Ok, is there -- is there any way you can get your hands on the -- the medical records? Dr. Cautele: Uh, unfortunately, there was a fire at the doctor's office about a year ago. The records were destroyed. Tad: A fire? Dr. Cautele: Arson was suspected but never proved. Tad: Great. Just -- just great. Dr. Cautele: Mr. Martin, I'm sorry I can't give you more to go on. Tad: No, no, that's quite all right, Doctor. I'm used to running on empty. Thank you anyway. Maria: More nada? Tad: Dead end at every turn. Maria: Well, you're a PI. You've got connections and sources and -- Tad: No. No, that would just be a big, fat waste of time. Maria: Why, because the trail is too cold? Tad: Nope, because I smell a rat. A big, juicy rat. I mean, come on, let's look at it. You know, Dixie's been gone all these years. All of a sudden, out of the blue, some doctor -- some Swiss doctor calls me and tells me that Dixie may be alive, starts filling my head with what-ifs and maybes and then leaves me hanging. No. The end result is that whatever peace I made with Dixie's death has been absolutely destroyed, and it was done for a reason. Maria: What reason? Tad: Somebody wants me on my knees. That was a setup. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: So you won't join the wedding party, huh? Won't stand up for the old man? Ethan: I should have known you'd target Kendall. Zach: Kendall is the ammunition. You're the target. Ethan: You have a certain gift for cruelty. Zach: You know what? I -- you almost had me. You almost had everyone convinced, everyone -- the cops, Kendall, everyone in this town -- that I was guilty of murder. If Jonathan hadn't confessed, you'd be the lucky groom, not me. Ethan: If you hurt her, I swear -- Zach: You swear what? I didn't hurt Kendall, you did. I'll get her back on her feet, dust her off, and help her take aim. Ethan: You know, it's ironic, really. That day at the dump I had you in my sights, but I just -- I couldn't pull the trigger. The fire -- I could have left you to be incinerated, but it wasn't in me. But if you touch a hair on Kendall's head, I will find you, and I will you strangle you with my bare hands. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Oh, well, this is cozy. Cramped, but cozy. Greenlee: Don't get too comfy. This is an intervention. Kendall: Really? You, that's it? Man, my mother had a much bigger turnout. Greenlee: Kendall, don't make me slap you. Kendall: All right, fine. Go ahead, intervene. Greenlee: Ethan hurt you, so you dump him. Live on Rocky Road and new shops until you're over him, and then move on. But don't marry his father. That's not part of the cure. Kendall: No, Ethan did not just hurt me, ok? He used me and he played me. He got me to a place where I was completely convinced that he loved me. Greenlee: Yeah, like men don't ever lie. Kendall: Yeah, well, I thought Ethan was different. He was special. He was different. He was everything that you're looking for in a guy. He was the list. You know the list -- the perfect man. Greenlee: Forget him. Kendall: No, no, Greenlee, he was the one, ok? He had me totally convinced that he was the only one that I could trust. He was real, he was sincere. And, yeah, ok, maybe I saw a few warning signs, but I just shut them out of my head. I totally bought into it. And then, bam, I got slammed by the big lie. Greenlee: He's a Cambias. That's what they do. Kendall: All right, but I gave him more than one chance to come clean, and he just -- he just looked at me with those soulful eyes and swore on his love for me. Greenlee: Remind me to poke out those eyes. I'll have to get on a chair. Kendall: No. When I had him cornered, when he finally had to confess, he still said that he loved me, I mean, as if nothing had happened. He's not going to stop. The lies are not going to stop, so it's up to me to stop them, and I have to hurt him to stop them. Greenlee: Well, then plan a revenge party. Invite all your girlfriends. We'll hang Ethan in effigy and then beat him like a bad-boy piñata. Kendall: We can do that. That's just great. We'll do that after I make him pay me back. Greenlee: You know what? Remember your last big payback? Ryan hurt you, and so you slept with his brother. Now Ethan hurts you, and you go after his dad. The trend is not working for you, Kendall. Keep it up, you're going to have to pay. Kendall: Zach is going to help me. Greenlee: Zach will destroy you. Give up this insane wedding idea, or he's going to make Ethan look like the best thing that ever happened to you. Kendall: Is this the part of the intervention where I beg you to help me help myself? Greenlee: This is the part where I remind you -- you saved me from falling off a rooftop. I'll do whatever the hell it takes to save you now. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: You keep threatening me, but you don't have the guts to kill me. That's why you wanted the state to give me the needle. You can watch me die from a safe room. Ethan: The stakes are much higher now. Zach: I know they are, and I will succeed where you failed. I'm going to make Kendall happy. Ethan: How? By forcing her to marry you? Zach: By not lying to her. There's no force. I offered her a good deal -- security, power, and an obscene amount of cash. Ethan: Really? But you don't have an obscene amount of cash. Cambias is still mine. Zach: Yeah. And Kendall is still single. But that's all temporary. But all kidding aside, I got to tell you, I really think we have a shot. But, you know, when we take the plunge, that is entirely up to her. Ethan: Not entirely. Zach: What don't -- you don't listen well, do you? Kendall, I thought, made it very clear that you have no say in this. You had a chance to be with her and you blew it, just as I predicted. Ethan: I see. So I'm doomed because you say so? Is that right, Father? Zach: No, son. You lost Kendall, the one thing that you love more than anything else in the world, not because of anything I said or did, but because of who you are. So why don't you go home, have a good look at yourself, and come to terms with who you've become. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: I'm not about to sacrifice myself at the altar of Ethan. I know what I'm doing. Greenlee: You sound like the alcoholic who insists one drink won't hurt. Kendall: Ethan's face when I shoved Zach's proposal in it -- that could be habit-forming. So crushed, so stunned, so incredibly satisfying. That is the best I've felt in days. Greenlee: You did get him where it hurts. I'll give you that. Kendall: Don't look now, but the old Kendall is back in fighting form, getting my kicks hurting the one who did me wrong. Greenlee: So this is a contact high? Kendall: I really thought I found it, that old cliché -- my happy ending, my heart's desire. I wanted that cliché more than anything. I still want it. I'll probably die wanting it. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: How are you feeling? Adam: Better, better. It's nice to know my son doesn't want me dead. That's a tonic, just the tonic I needed. J.R.: Well, there are times I still want to kill you. Adam: Well, of course you do. That's what makes you my son. J.R.: But I love you. Adam: And will always have me to back you up. J.R.: I said I love you, not that I trust you. Adam: All right, you're taking notes. That's good. Keep your guard up, even with me. J.R.: Especially with you. Adam: Eyes in the back of your head, always. It's the way you protect yourself and your loved ones. Maintain your power base. J.R.: Never blink. Blind your enemies with the whites of your eyes. Adam: Yes. You are really something to watch, my friend. I am so proud of you, the man you've become. You never cave or roll over for anyone. J.R.: Not even for you. Adam: I say we drink to that. J.R.: To lessons learned? Adam: Not just learned. Mastered. J.R.: And never follow a headache with a brandy. Adam: Three out of four St. Bernards recommend it. J.R.: Are you sure that you're ok? Adam: I'm fine. I'm fine. Just -- I've been reading the fine print without my glasses, that's all. J.R.: Well, aren't you due for your next physical? You know what? Let me call the hospital and set up an appointment. Adam: No! Don't you -- no. Those backless gowns and the freezing waiting rooms? You are trying to kill me. J.R.: Oh, come on, Dad. You have a history! High blood pressure, stroke. Adam: Yeah. J.R.: If you don't go to the doctor's office, I'm going to drag -- Tad: You miserable, stinking -- J.R.: Hey, hey, back off! Tad: Before I twist your head off, I think you should know your latest plot just curled up and died. Adam: Am I supposed to know what you're ranting about? Tad: You know exactly what I'm ranting about. Dixie. J.R.: I warned you, Tad. Do not use my mother to try to get to me. Tad: J.R., don't threaten me. Not today. I'm not the one using your mother, he is. And I'm the obvious target. Adam: Is this the way you fill up your empty days, Martin? By dredging up dear, departed Dixie? J.R.: Neither one of you had better breathe a word about -- Tad: Don't even say her name. How dare you. After all the sadistic things you ever did to Dixie while she was alive, you can't let her rest in peace? You got to reach out and manipulate that last little shred of hope? Adam: He's rambling. It must be the fallout from the bomb blast. J.R.: Get out. Tad: No. No. You're going to hear this whether you like it or not. It's short, but it's ugly. The man you want to call your father hired himself someone to impersonate a doctor -- the head of a clinic in Europe where Dixie was going to have our baby. And I don't know how much he was willing to pay Dr. Faker. But all he had to do was stir up a little dust, throw out enough hints to make me think there was half a chance in the world that Dixie was alive. Yeah, that's right -- your mother, alive and well. What wouldn't you be willing to pay for that? J.R.: So just out of nowhere, three years later, there's a phone call? Tad: Yeah, something like that. And all designed to do one thing -- to fire me down a trail to nowhere. J.R.: But why? Adam: What, are you expecting logic? Tad: It's perfectly obvious. Because you knew that all you had to do is throw out enough breadcrumbs, throw out enough clues to make me desperate to find Dixie and wait. And as soon as I got desperate enough, you'd show up with a big fix. Only thing is, it would cost me. What I want more than anything else in the world for what you want -- Dixie for Colby. Well, there's only one problem. Dixie's still dead, and you are one miserable bastard. Adam: Thus concludes -- Tad: You play me, you kidnapping, judge-buying -- Adam: The rambling of a psychopath! Tad: Jury-tampering, sperm-switching son of a bitch! Adam: Be sure to tune in next week. Tad: Your resume reads like a riot act. I knew you'd be willing to do anything to get Colby back, but you really threw it up one big notch. Adam: J.R., why don't you show Tad the door. Whoa, wait a minute. Don't tell me you -- you believe any of this bull? Son, you have to know, I would never stoop to using the memory of your mother. J.R.: You just told me that you'd do anything, sell your soul to keep your children in your life. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Ethan's lie -- he said it was to protect me. Greenlee: That's a new one. Kendall: No, no, Ethan lied, because he couldn't trust me. And why didn't I recognize it? I've done the exact same thing my entire life. I've lied to the people that I love, because I couldn't trust them. But I didn't lie to Ethan, and I never dreamed that he would lie to me. Greenlee: And the moral of this story is? Kendall: Trusting people makes you stupid. Greenlee: You're nowhere near stupid. Kendall: Ok, see, there you go. You're doing it again. You're being too nice. Greenlee: Ok, so you're stupid, but not because you trusted the wrong guy -- because you're trusting another wrong guy, a way worse wrong guy who could do some serious damage. Kendall: I don't trust Zach. But it's a sweet deal, and I'm going to squeeze whatever I can out of it. Greenlee: Ok, look, if you want to get out of here, repeat after me -- Zach Slater is a mean piece of nasty. Kendall: How's Ryan doing? Greenlee: You want to signal before you turn? Kendall: I am just completely sick of this ridiculous Cambias chatter, ok? Now, is Ryan all right? Greenlee: Physically, yes. Kendall: But he's not doing so good in other categories? Greenlee: He -- he told me that he doesn't want to have children. No more Laverys, period. End of discussion. Kendall: Oh. Well, who would want to discuss anything with you? You're too damn bossy. How about you let me give it a try? Greenlee: You? When I told you that Ryan and I wanted to try for babies, it sent you into a major funk. And now you want to talk him into it? Kendall: Well, I need the karma. And I want to take your kids to Wally World. And I want one of us to be happy, and if it can't be me -- Greenlee: What's the catch? Kendall: You don't believe me? Ok, fine, fine! Then I'm doing it, because I want you to owe me. Greenlee: Now, there's the Kendall I know and sometimes even love. Kendall: Unlock the damn door. You can't even do an intervention right. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: I offered you a truce, but you wanted to battle it out. And now Kendall has become the spoils of our little war. One winner, one loser. I'm willing to put the truce back on the table. Ethan: Just like that? You're going to forget this whole marriage proposal? Zach: Forget your birthright. Surrender Cambias to me, my terms. Ethan: I'm not surrendering a damn thing. Not Cambias and certainly not Kendall. Zach: Oh, my sweet boy. You already have. Zach's voice: I asked Kendall to marry me. Will you be my best man? Kendall is now the spoils of our little war. Ethan: Maria, I understand that you hate me. I hate myself for the fact that I had to lie to you about Zach. I'm really sorry. Maria: Yeah, I don't really want your apology, though. I just want you to leave me alone. Ethan: Listen, I'm worried about you. Maria: Yeah, good one. Bye. Ethan: Wait, no, Maria, stop. You don't understand. It's Zach. He's struck again. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Ok, go in. What -- what are we waiting for? Greenlee: Kendall, you can't just breeze in there without knowing what to expect. Kendall: All right, well, then fill me in. Greenlee: Ahem. Ryan is quiet, on guard, shut down. Kendall: Ok. Well, yeah, after Jonathan, I don't expect small talk. Greenlee: I mean, we'll never know. Kendall: What? Greenlee: What kind of hell he's been in. I mean, we think we had it bad. Kendall: Jonathan wanted us all dead. Greenlee: But he wanted Ryan. Kendall: Yes, but he didn't get him or us. Now, if you ever want to hear the pitter-patter of tiny Lavery footsteps, let me do my stuff. Greenlee: Thank you. Kendall: Thank me? That's it? No, thank me and cut out your tongue? Thank me, and if I say anything, you'll deny it? What? Greenlee: No. Just thank you. Kendall: Well, after I go and tell Ryan that it's safe to have your baby, I want it in writing that you'll name it after me. Greenlee: Torture our little angel with the name "Kendall"? Kendall: Oh, yeah, like "Greenlee" is on the top-10 list of baby names. Greenlee: All right, you as a namesake, out. You as a godmother, maybe. You've got company. Ryan? He's gone. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: You used and abused my mother for years, before and after I was born. I've tried to get past it. I've tried to love you in spite of it. But if in any way Tad's claims are true and you used all Mom meant to me and Tad to grab Colby, I will wish you way more than dead. Adam: J.R., I swear on Colby's life, I did not set Tad up. Tad: He's lying, J.R. Adam: You're lying! Or insane, or both! J.R.: I got to get out of here. Adam: No, son, stay. No! Damn you. You helped Liza steal Colby from me, but I'll be damned if you're going to get between me and my son. J.R.: Who the hell are you? Di: You don't know it yet, but I'm the answer to your prayers. [NEXT_ON] Kendall: You're very, very good. Adam: Why are you here? Di: I'm here to join your family. Ethan: You can't walk away. You're a part of this. Jonathan: You saw your chance and you took it! Ryan: Shut up! | Greenlee tells Kendall she cares about her well being and that marrying Ethan's father in order to put him in his place is not the solution |
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