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[Mid-tempo pop music plays] [Camera shutter clicks] [Singing in Dutch] Ooh, ooh ooh, ooh [Continues singing in Dutch] [Glasses clink] Ooh, ooh ooh, ooh [Continues singing in Dutch] Ooh, ooh [Music stops] Hope: Hey, I can be ready to go in like five minutes. Wyatt: Why? Are we going somewhere? Hope: Oh, give it up. You said you had something special planned. Wyatt: [Chuckling] Yeah, but I'm all alone with my wife in this beautiful hotel room. Hope: [Chuckles] Wyatt: I was hoping to take advantage. Hope: Mm. Yeah, all right, I like that idea, too. Wyatt: Yeah? Hope: Is it too late to cancel the boat? Wyatt: The -- what? Hope: I overheard you talking to Lars. It sounded like you were planning something very romantic. Wyatt: [Chuckles] Maya: Whoa. Rick. Rick: You like it? Maya: I-I love it. Rick: I thought you would. Maya: Well, you have great instincts. Rick: In jewelry, at least. Maya: Meaning...? Rick: Yeah, women, not so much. Maya: I'm gonna try not to be insulted. Rick: [Chuckles] Well, until now, of course. Maya: That's right. Because now you have a woman who actually appreciates you. We are going to accomplish so much together, Rick -- the C.E.O. And his model. Caroline: Wow. Okay, sorry I interrupted. Maya: Then knock. We're busy. Caroline: Such ambition in your eyes. A bright future being Rick's arm candy. You know, Maya, if you ever decide to revisit your acting career, you'd make a great lady Macbeth. Maya: Out, damned Caroline! Out, I say! Ridge: Pamela. Pam: Hmm? Ridge: Any messages? Pam: Nope. Katie hasn't called, if that's what you're asking. Ridge: That's not what I'm asking, but it sounds like you were asking something. What is it? Pam: Are you two still together? Ridge: Working on it. Pam: Okay. Well, if she decides to take you back after this whole Caroline mess, will you please do me a favor? Ridge: What's the favor? Pam: Enough with the ribbon thing. Just buy the poor woman an actual ring. Maya: I mean it, Caroline. Turn right around and go. Caroline: I'm not leaving. Rick: If this is about design, you can make an appointment. Caroline: This is about us, and that's -- that's ridiculous. I am not gonna make an appointment to talk to my husband. I care about you. I want you back. Rick: I'm not gonna get into this right now. [Cell phone rings] Rick: Hello? Maya: Listen. Get a clue. It's over. Caroline: I don't accept that. Maya: Would he be lavishing me with gifts if he was even remotely thinking about getting back with you? Caroline: Yeah, if he was confused and being taken advantage of. Maya: Look, Caroline. Rick's got someone new now -- someone who won't betray him, someone who supports him. So take whatever alimony you're gonna get and move on. Wyatt: You heard me talking to Lars? Hope: Arranging a boat ride for us. You sure you want to skip it, Mr. Romance? Wyatt: [Chuckles] Um, I mean... [Clears throat] We could do it tomorrow. Hope: But you booked it for today, right? Wyatt: Right. Yeah, I-I did. Um...I-I didn't rent the boat for us. Hope: What do you mean? Wyatt: It was a surprise for Ivy and Liam. Ivy: Thank you. Liam: For what? Th-- this is not me. Ivy: You know what? I believed that at first. Liam: Scout's honor. This is not me. I swear. Ivy: Really? So you just -- you just happen to know how to drive a boat? Liam: Oh, no, no, no. I'm a Spencer. That's in my blood. Are you kidding? [Chuckles] Ivy: And you also happen to know exactly where you're going? Liam: I've been driving around in circles. Haven't you noticed? Ivy: [Chuckles] Liam, be careful. Liam: I'm careful. I'm careful. We're fine. I mean, you can swim, right? Ivy: [Chuckles] You seriously didn't organize this? Liam: I seriously did not organize this. Ivy: Wow. Whoever set all of this up sure knew what they were doing. Liam: Yeah. Ivy: I mean, hors d'oeuvres, champagne. Liam: [Chuckles] Ivy: Some of the best views in the world. I mean... Liam: No arguments here. Ivy: [Chuckles] You know, I don't -- I don't think I've ever been happier. Liam: Well, you deserve it. Caroline: Rick, you're hurting, but turning to Maya is not gonna help. Maya: How can you say that? I am here every day listening to him, supporting him. Caroline: Oh, my god, you are supporting yourself. I know that you cannot see through her act -- Rick: Maya didn't lie to me. That was you, Caroline. Caroline: You're not yourself, and you're lashing out, but it does not have to be this way. Come home to me. We're still married. We can -- we can work this out. Rick: How? Ridge, of all people? I've been forced to deal with him my entire life -- watching him hurt my mother over and over again, and never in a million years, did I think he would hurt my wife. You turn to him?! You kiss him?! Ridge: That's enough. That's enough. Hope: You arranged a romantic boat ride for Liam and Ivy? Why? Wyatt: It's a great way to see the city. Hope: But they didn't think that was maybe a little strange that you did this for them? Wyatt: They -- they don't know that it was me. Hope: Okay. Wyatt: What? You know Liam. He probably wouldn't have even gotten on the boat if he knew it was me. Hope: Exactly, because it's weird. If Liam and Ivy wanted to go on a romantic boat ride together, they would have set it up themselves. Wyatt: Well, I saw an opportunity there. Hope: And you took advantage. Oh, my god. You are so your mother right now. Wyatt: What are you talking about?! Hope: You manipulated them. Wyatt: It's a boat ride! Hope: Ugh. Wyatt: [Scoffs] Okay, I should have told you. I don't know why I didn't. I was just trying to help Liam. Hope: No. When have you ever done anything to help Liam? This -- this is so self-serving. You were trying to force their relationship. Wyatt: Okay, maybe I am. Maybe I actually want my brother to be happy. Why is that a problem? Liam: What a way to see Amsterdam, huh? Ivy: I know. I still can't quite wrap my mind around it. Liam: Yeah, just that we're here, right? Ivy: Well, yeah, that we're here...that I'm working at Forrester. I have my own jewelry line. Liam: Yeah. Ivy: You know, I am living the American dream. [Chuckles] Liam: We are living the Dutch dream. Ridge: You want to come after someone, come after me, not her. Caroline: Ridge, it's okay. Ridge: It's not okay. Don't talk to her like that. I won't have it. Rick: You won't? Well, I'm C.E.O. This is my office. Ridge: I don't care what your title is, Rick. You're being an idiot. Look what you're doing. You slept with the first woman that walked through your door. Rick: You just want to push it, don't you? Go on. Give me a reason to fire you. I already warned you about talking trash about Maya. You know, my entire childhood -- all those years -- I watched your assaults on my mother -- watched her pick up the pieces every single time. Well, no more. Not for my mother, and not for Caroline. As far as she's concerned, I couldn't care less. So, the both of you, get out of my office. Hope: Why is it a problem? Seriously? You're really asking me that, when you know how I feel about lies and manipulations? Wyatt: More importantly, knowing how you feel about Liam. You have to let him go, Hope. Let him move on. If he wants to move on with Ivy, then so be it. Hope: Okay, if. That's my point. That's the whole thing. If Liam wants to be with Ivy, okay, fine, but that's his decision, not yours. Wyatt: Let him go. Hope: I have. Wyatt: And yet the idea of them being together upsets you. I rented a boat with some champagne and some flowers. Nobody's being hurt here. Hope: I am. I'm being hurt. You're putting so much focus on their relationship. You're not thinking about us. It's like you're -- you're putting us on the back burner. Wyatt: Do you want him pining after you for the rest of his life? Hope: No. Wyatt: Me neither. You're my wife. You're carrying my child, and if Liam is moving on with Ivy or whoever else, that doesn't affect that. I just wanted to do something nice for my brother. Hope: Maybe I would feel differently about it if you were just up front. Like, if the four of us were all hanging out, and you said, "hey, Liam, wouldn't it be a great idea if you took Ivy on this boat ride," and he said, "yeah, that sounds awesome," but that's not what happened. You went behind everybody's back, and that's sneaky, Wyatt. Wyatt: I can see that. Hope: I feel like I can't trust you now with the things that you're saying and doing. Wyatt: Do you think you're overreacting here? No, you know what? You can't have us both. Hope: That's not what I... Wyatt: You chose me. You married me. Liam has to move on with his life, and you have to let him. [Soft piano music plays] I'll never forget when we first met it wasn't so long ago it had gotten late, and I was lost and you said not to cry You gave me that face Both: Who's that man? Believe in me I'm a real good guy ohh, ohh, ohh won't you follow me home to the place where we belong? Follow me home just give me your hand when you feel like you can't start again just hold your breath and count to 10 Ohh Today is the day I finally found the one The one To follow me home Ho-o-o-me Ohh 'cause today's the day I finally found the one I finally, finally found the one Both: To follow me home Caroline: I can't believe Rick. He's not acting like himself. Ridge: Well, maybe he is. Maybe you just haven't seen that side of him. Caroline: No, he's hurting. He's hurting so much. I mean, the -- the way that he's turning to Maya -- he doesn't want her. Ridge: I've known Rick a lot longer than you have, and this is what he does. He gets upset, and he retaliates. [Sighs] And, yes, what we did was wrong, but I don't want him treating you like that. Caroline: Anyone but you. That's why he's hurting so much. That's -- it's... [Sighs] Ridge: You know, what he said before about his mother... it might be a cliché, but there are two sides to every story, and I think Rick has always wanted me to be the bad guy in his life. But it's not that clear-cut. Caroline: Nothing ever is. Ridge: You don't deserve this. Wyatt: Let Liam live his life. Hope: How do you know that Liam even wants to be with Ivy? Wyatt: Because I see how they are with each other. She makes him smile. Hope: Not if you're the one orchestrating things -- not if you are the one forcing the relationship. Wyatt: I was just trying to do something fun for them. A romantic boat ride is not gonna make or break the relationship. And why are you so emotionally invested in this? Ivy is a nice girl. Why can't you be happy for him? Hope: You should have been up front about it! Wyatt: [Sighs] Probably. You know, honestly, this has to stop. Hope: What? Wyatt: The looks, the longing, you looking at him, and him looking at you. It's annoying, and the sooner you see him move on, maybe the sooner it'll stop. But it needs to stop. It's wrong. We are married, and we are expecting a child. That is what we need to be focused on right now -- not Ivy and Liam. Hope: I need some air. Ivy: Ohh. The hotel de l'europe. Liam: Yeah. Ivy: So, uh, does this mean that our ride is almost over? Liam: Not if we don't want it to be. Ivy: I love you. I'm jus-- I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just put you on the spot. Liam: I love you, too. Hope: [Inhales deeply] [Exhales deeply]
He doesn't understand her over-reacting to this
Annie: Richie, what are you doing? Richie: Shut up. Annie: Please tell me there's a copilot. Pilot: The plane's on autopilot -- Richie: I will break your neck. Annie: Richie, stop it! Richie: I'm just getting started. See and raise you, Lavery. Ryan: Just -- just let him go, Richie, let him go. Richie: Just when it's starting to get fun? Doctor: I have the results of Mr. No -- oh, my God. Ryan: It's ok, it's ok. It's all right. Everything is ok, right, Richie? Richie: Tell them, Doc. Tell them, Doc. Tell them what they want to know. Tell them, Doc. Tell them, Doc! Doctor: It's leukemia. The man is dying. Richie: Dying. Dying -- a few months, a few minutes -- what does it matter? Do you get me? Do you understand what I'm saying, Ryan? Ryan: You got nothing to lose. There is nothing stopping you. [SCENE_BREAK] Derek: We'll settle this down at the station. Zach: He seems to be ok. Kendall: Thank God. Greenlee: Wait -- wait, Kendall, what -- what happened? What -- Kendall: I thank God you're ok. Thank God he's safe again. Greenlee: Of course, he's safe, he's fine -- I've been watching him. Aidan: Greenlee, don't say anything, all right? Greenlee: No, no, he's -- he's right here. He's fine -- right where you left us. Derek: Let's go, Greenlee. Greenlee: Wait, Derek -- Kendall, please tell them. Tell them what happened. Kendall: She stole my baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: Let's just block out the world, turn off our phones. Jack: Yeah. Erica: Let tonight just be ours, just ours. Jack, just stay with me. Jack: Just try to stop me. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: What are you talking about? I -- I didn't steal Spike. Kendall: She came out of nowhere. Greenlee: No, you called me. Kendall: How could you do this? How could you take my baby again? Greenlee: She gave me Spike. She -- she put him in my arms. Oh, my God. Oh, my God, you did this. You -- you set me up? Derek: Greenlee Smythe, you're under arrest for the assault and kidnapping of Spike Lavery. [SCENE_BREAK] Annie: Richie, don't do this! Richie: Come on. How about you, Doc? Anything else you want to add about my condition? Doctor: Please, just let us live. Richie: Annie, sweetheart, is there anything you want to ask the good doctor? You were so anxious before, don't hold back now. Come on, ask him, ask him. You got to be all sorts of curious, just ask him. Annie: Richie, just -- Richie: Ask him! Anything you want, just ask him. Annie: Are you -- um -- are you sure that it's -- that it's terminal? Doctor: It's -- there's no cure. Please, I have a family. Richie: Families -- families are overrated, aren't they, sis? [Pilot gags] Ryan: Let him go, Richie! Let -- Doctor: Oh, my God. Annie: Uh -- Richie: Oh. Oh, uh-oh -- no more pilot. [Richie kicks pilot] Richie: Looks like we're all terminal now. Ryan: Get away from him. Get away from him. Annie: Oh, Ryan! Stop it -- oh, my God, stop! Doctor: Wait! Annie: Careful! Richie: Ah! Doctor: Damn it. [Richie and Ryan fight] [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays] Singer: Watched the way you touch her face how you run your fingers through her hair ♪ Tad: Is this it? Is this it? Hannah: Please stop. Tad: Concentration of a rabid ferret. Hannah: I'm going to knock you -- Tad: That's important -- you sure you're going to get it? Hannah: Ah! God! Tad: It was a nice shot, really was. Hannah: Yeah. Tad: I'm not kidding, it was excellent position. Oh -- not the face, not the face. Don't hit the face. Singer: I dream ♪ Tad: Hey, Stuart. Adam: [As Stuart] Hi. Tad: How you doing, buddy? Adam: Fine. Adam: Hi, Krystal. Krystal: Uh -- what brings you here this time of night, Stuart? Adam: You don't have to be bothered by that. Krystal: By what? Adam: I saw you watching Tad in -- in there playing pool with that woman. She's a pretty good pool player, but -- uh -- she's not nearly as pretty as you are. [SCENE_BREAK] Singer: Desperate ♪ Tad: All right, Norton, get out of the way, because downtown this is what we call "the money shot." Hannah: Money shot, huh? Tad: The money shot -- damn it. Hannah: Ooh. Tad: Losing my touch. Hannah: Yeah. Well, your "money shot" worked fine the other night. Tad: Would you keep your voice down? That's terrible. Hannah: Hmm. Tad: You honestly think you can make be blush, don't you? Hannah: Yeah. Tad: Yeah? Hannah: Anytime. Tad: Anytime? Hannah: Anytime. Tad: Is that a bet, because I just might take you up on it. Hannah: Well, I wish you would. Tad: Mm-hmm. Hannah: Mm-hmm. Tad: In between the -- oh, the feedings and the burpings, you know, walking the floor all night, playing horsy, doggy, airplane -- and then there's the diapers. Oh, don't forget the diapers. You ever notice the smell really kicks in after about 15 minutes? Hannah: Wow. You know, I get the picture. You've given life up formally known as yours for fatherhood. Tad: I have not. Don't -- no, that's not true. Hannah: Or is it monkhood? Tad: I'm tired -- "monkhood"? Hannah: Mm-hmm. Tad: No, I just -- you know, call me "Big Daddy." Hannah: Ok, "Big Daddy," it sounds like a sacrifice. Is it worth it? Tad: Completely. [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: Uh -- that's very nice of you to say, Stuart, thank you. Adam: Yeah, well, just telling the truth. You're -she's not nearly as pretty as you are. Krystal: So -- uh -- what can I do for you, Stuart? It's kind of late to be starting any mural painting, isn't it? Adam: Yeah, well, sometimes I just like to come by because it -- it feels nice. Krystal: Don't you think Marian's going to be a little worried wondering where you are? Adam: Hmm, Mar -- oh -- oh -- uh, she's got those cucumber slices on her eyes and all that -- that white goo on her face. It's best just to leave her alone. Krystal: Yeah. Well, you might want to leave me alone, too, because I'm kind of busy here. Adam: I thought maybe you might want to talk -- about Tad. Krystal: Oh. Why the heck would I want to talk about Tad? Adam: Well, it -- it looked like -- kind of like you might have feelings for Tad. Krystal: Oh, come on, that's -- that's ridiculous. Adam: Well, I know you live with him. And you do have baby Jenny together. And it's sort of like, um, playing house, except maybe you sort of forget that it's not real. Krystal: I know fact from fiction. Adam: Yeah, but -- but two -- two lonely people living under the same roof with a baby? Uh -- that doesn't make it love. What you had with Adam -- that's love. That's real love, that's true love. That's love that lasts. Krystal: Why don't you tell that to Adam? Singer: 'Cause she's never gonna love you ♪ Adam: [Normal voice] Why don't you tell me yourself. Singer: Never gonna love you I'm never gonna love ♪ [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Greenlee must have followed me. Greenlee: No, that's not true. Aidan: Kendall, what are you doing out here with Spike this late at night anyway, huh? [Kendall sighs] Kendall: I -- I bring him here sometimes when he can't sleep, ok? The -- the ducks and -- and the water -- they -- they calm him down. But if I'd known that someone was following us, then we never would've come. Greenlee: No, I wasn't, she called me. Kendall: Ok, when -- when I saw her, I told her to go away and to leave us alone. Greenlee: No, she told me that she was upset, that she needed someone to talk to. She's lying! You're lying! Kendall: And then she put something over my nose and over my mouth. Greenlee: No, I didn't, I didn't. Kendall: And then I passed out, and -- and that's when she took Spike. Greenlee: No, Kendall got a phone call. She said that Zach had been in an accident, she had to go to the hospital, she asked me to watch Spike. Kendall: When are you going to leave us alone, Greenlee? When are you ever going to leave me and my family alone? Derek, it was horrible. Aidan: Greenlee couldn't have been out following you, because she was with me all night. Then she got a phone call, and then she left. Kendall: Yeah -- to kidnap my child. Maybe somebody was watching me. Aidan: You planned this whole thing, didn't you? Zach: Step away from my wife. Aidan: You know what? You're making a big mistake. Derek, you can't arrest Greenlee because Kendall is setting this whole thing up. Look at her -- she's not a criminal. Kendall is doing this to get revenge, and you know it. Kendall: Oh, God -- no, Derek, you know what Greenlee has done, we all do. Would I willingly hand over my child to the woman who almost killed him? Greenlee: I believed in you. I believed in us. Kendall: There is no "us." Greenlee: We were going to be friends again, Kendall. Please tell them. Kendall: I could never be friends with you. She was dangerous the first time she took Spike. I didn't think that she could possibly get worse. No, don't you even look at him, Greenlee. He is my son, "mine," not yours. Greenlee: I know that. Aidan: This is wrong, and you know it. Greenlee: It happened exactly the way I said, Aidan. Aidan: Yeah, I -- I believe you. Officer: We found these in the bushes. Derek: Chloroform. Greenlee: That's impossible. Derek: Take Fredericks and search her car. Greenlee: What? Derek: Let me know what they find. Aidan: You can't do that, Derek, you don't have a warrant. Derek: I believe there can be an accomplice in the car -- that gives me the right. Zach: Is little man. Greenlee: How could you do this? Kendall: You did this. Greenlee: But we were getting so close, and -- and now -- all of those months, you were just pretending to be close. All of those phone calls were secret because of this. You -- you never wanted to go back to the old days, you -- you never even tried to forgive me. It was all part of this setup. Kendall: You're delusional. Even you said that you couldn't believe a mother would forgive the woman who made her son deaf. Greenlee: Every word you said -- Kendall: Was something that you twisted into fantasy. It was always going to end this way, Greenlee, because you just couldn't leave us alone. And now you are finally going to pay for Spike. [SCENE_BREAK] [Phone rings] Erica: Oh -- Jack: No, that's mine. Erica: Jack, ignore it, ok? You're supposed to turn it off. Jack: I know, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. [Ring] Jack: It's Aidan -- it could be about Greenlee. I have to take this. Hello, Aidan. What's up? Aidan: It's -- um -- it's Greenlee. She's -- she's been arrested. Jack: What? For what? Aidan: Kidnapping Spike. Jack: Oh, my God. Aidan: She didn't do it, though, Jack. Jack: Aidan, where are you now? Aidan: I'm at the boathouse. The cops have taken her down to the station. Jack: I'll -- I'll meet you there as soon as I can. Erica: Jack, what -- what happened? Jack: It's Greenlee. Erica: Well, is she -- is she in trouble? Jack: Yeah. Dear God, can't my daughter get one moment of peace? [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Oh! Annie: Ugh! [Annie pants after she knocks Richie out with a blow to the head] Ryan: Nice. Annie: Thanks. Are you ok? Ryan: Yeah. I'd be better if we were on the ground, but -- what's up? Annie: He's not dead, is he? Doctor: Not responding -- no, just unconscious. What are we going to do? Ryan: You have sedatives? Doctor: Yes, but -- Ryan: Go get them. Doctor: But -- Ryan: Go get them! I'm going to get the handcuffs back on Richie, come on. Annie: Ok. So now why would he do this? Ryan: It's all right. Let's get the sedatives, Doc, come on! Ok, get his hands behind him, hands behind him. Let's get these on here. Annie: Oh, my God. Who's going to fly the plane? Ryan: Ok, dose him, dose him. All right, one more. You wouldn't happen to know how to fly a plane, would you? Annie: You? [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: This is crazy. It doesn't make any sense. Erica: Well, what happened, Jack? Is there anything I can do? Jack: No, I -- you know what? I don't know. Let me -- let me get down there, see what's going on, and then I'll give you a call, ok? Erica: Jack -- Jack? Erica: Barry? Hi, it's Erica. Barry: Ms. Kane, I was just going to call you. Erica: Then I presume that everything went as planned, that Greenlee was committed? Barry: Uh -- not exactly. Erica: What do you mean? Barry: Well, we tracked Ms. Smythe to Memorial Park but never got close. Erica: What happened? Barry: Well, cops were all over the place. A little boy was there, she was being arrested -- something about kidnapping. Erica: Oh, no. Barry: Where do we go from here? Erica: Uh -- never mind, Barry. You can go home. Oh, Kendall, you did it. You framed Greenlee. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Ok, everything's going to be ok, baby. You're safe now, Spikey. You're safe. Rachael: Is Spike ok? Zach: He's fine, Rachael. Thanks for getting him. We'll see you at home. Kendall: Ok, yeah, just take him home. Ok, bye, honey, I love you. Zach: Let's get him out of here. Kendall: Mama loves you. Ok. Thank you. Rachael: Sure. Kendall: Bye, sweetie. Officer: Chief? Derek: Did you find anything? Ofc. Fredericks: A large suitcase on the floor in the back of her car. Greenlee: What? No, that's not mine! Ofc. Fredericks: It was covered with a blanket. Aidan: Which was planted. Officer: It contained woman's clothes and toddler-sized boy's clothes. Aidan: Oh -- Greenlee: No, I didn't. Derek: Anything else? Ofc. Fredericks: Cash, lots of it, stashed underneath the front seats. Two plane tickets were underneath the floor mats. Greenlee: Oh, my God, Aidan, I didn't do that. Aidan: Yeah, I know you didn't. Officer: One of the tickets was a child's fare to the US Virgin Islands. Ofc. Fredericks: We also found a phony birth certificate for one "Jackson Smythe." Greenlee: Oh, my God. How far did you go? Derek: I have some questions I'd like to ask you. Greenlee: No, it's a lie, Derek, all of it! Derek: Hell of a lot of evidence. Greenlee: But don't you see? She planted it all! She planned everything! I didn't do those things, Aidan! Please tell them! Aidan: I know you didn't -- Officer: Sir, step away from the prisoner -- now! Aidan: Look, I'm just trying to speak to her, all right? Greenlee: It's ok, it's ok. Aidan: Listen, I called Jack. Your father's going to come down, and he's going to take care of this, all right? He'll be here soon. Greenlee: Ok, thank you. Derek: Good work. Take Ms. Smythe to interrogation. I have a few question I'd like to ask you. Kendall: Sure. Derek: Lieutenant Perry will do the honors if you take a seat right here. Kendall: Ok. Ahem. Aidan: I told you what was going to happen if this didn't stop, didn't I? Zach: Yeah, you told me -- you were going to kill me. I remember. Aidan: Right. Don't you think you've gone a little bit too far this time, Zach? This is bang out of order. Zach: Why don't we just play it out and see what happens? Aidan: I think you already know how this is playing out, because you and Kendall planned this whole thing, didn't you? Unless Kendall didn't -- Zach: Hey, let the police do their job -- that's what we pay them for. [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays at The Comeback] Tad: You know, I got to give you credit. You're the first thing that's happened to me in a long time that makes me feel like I might've been a little hasty in capitulating to all things baby. Hannah: Well, you think you could squeeze a little Q-time for big girls, too? Tad: God, I hope so, because you make one hell of a convincing argument. Hannah: Good. Because as wonderful as fatherhood is, and as happy as it makes you, there's nothing wrong with balance. I mean, it's great to devote yourself to your child, but what about you, hmm? Don't you feel like you deserve more? Tad: Well, that's just it -- my life feels pretty damn good right now. Damn good. I mean, I'm sure there are people out there that think that diaper bags and play dates are boring, but not me. The fact is I've had a lot of insanity in my life -- a lot of it. I'm finally lucky enough to trip over some peace of mind, and that -- that counts for something. As nontraditional as it is, Krystal and I have managed to make a home for our daughter, a home for all of us. Hannah: Yeah. Tad: Doesn't that mean something? Hannah: Yeah. But for how long? Tad: You know, that's the million-dollar question. The fact is I -- I don't have an answer. All I know is that for now, it's working, and while it's working, I -- uh -- I kind of feel like I'm married to it. Hannah: Well, for what it's worth, I think you're conning yourself. [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: You knew I wasn't fooled anymore, didn't you? Adam: Yes, yes. Exactly how long have you known that I was pretending to be Stuart? Krystal: Long enough to know not to get your hopes up. Adam: Spending the other night with me in my bed -- that -- that gets a man's hopes up. Krystal: Ok, just calm that hope down, then. Adam: No -- no. Singer: Anger and impatience ♪ Adam: You love me, Krystal. You love me, and you can't deny it. Krystal: Adam, I am not saying that I don't have feelings for you anymore, I'm saying that I can't live with you anymore. Adam: Of course, you can. Krystal: No, no. Not anymore. You rejected Jenny. There is no way that Tad is going to let his daughter step foot in your house. Adam: Well, maybe he'll have to see reason. Krystal: Don't you see, Adam? It's impossible. I have to choose between a life with you or a life with my child? This mother is never going to abandon her child. Adam: You'd come back to me if you could, wouldn't you? Krystal: I -- I didn't say that. Singers: It's been sometime ♪ Adam: My God, I love you. I can't go on doing this. Just come back to me. Just tell me you'll come back to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Ok. Uh -- uh -- the autopilot is on. It looks like the autopilot -- we should be good for a little while. I just got to get the radio -- get on the radio, find -- here it is -- find somebody here that can talk us down, that's all. It's going to be all right. Annie: I have faith in you, it's fine. Ryan: It's going to be good. Mayday! Mayday, mayday! Can anybody hear me? I got nothing. Mayday! Mayday! Ryan: Mayday! Mayday! Can you hear me? Controller: This is the Pine Valley control tower. What's your situation? Ryan: Thank God. Uh -- uh -- this is -- this is 84 Quebec, and -- and our pilot is unconscious. Now -- now, we do have a doctor onboard, but he hasn't had any luck reviving him, so I need somebody there to -- to take this plane down. Controller: Ok, roger that. I've got you on my screen. Luckily, you've just been circling. You're only about 15 miles out. Ryan: Ok. Controller: Are you ready to start bringing this baby down? Ryan: Yeah, but you're going to have to talk me through every step. Controller: I'm prepared to do that. All right, are you with me? Ryan: Yeah, I'm -- I'm with you. I'm not going anywhere. Controller: All right, we need to slow your speed and decrease your altitude. But first, you need to cut out the autopilot. Ryan: Ok. I see the switch, it's right here. Controller: You're going to flip it to "disengage." Are you ready? Ryan: Yeah, I'm ready. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: Ok, I'll bite. Why are you so convinced that I'm conning myself? Hannah: This lovely home that you've created, this peace you found? Tad: Yeah? Hannah: Keeping it depends on a woman you hope will make the right choice. Tad: Which is another way of saying you know all about Krystal and Adam. You are good. Ok. That doesn't change the fact that Krystal's primary concern is what's best for our daughter, and she knows from firsthand experience that Adam is poison. Hannah: He's an SOB -- ok, from everything I hear. Tad: So I rest my case. Hannah: This -- you know, there is one thing I have learned about women, is that there's always that guy. And no matter how much he's hurt you, no matter how much you promise yourself you'll stay away, you can't. And you fight it all you want. He makes you forget right and wrong, good and bad, and you hold on to that for what it's worth -- even though the only place to go is down. [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: I do love you, Adam. I don't want to deny it anymore. But to take this past mooning at each other and really try to make a go of it -- I don't know, Adam. I'm -- I'm afraid, I -- Adam: I'll prove myself to you every day. Just come back. Krystal: But what about Tad, huh? Tad is going to blow sky-high if he sees his daughter anywhere near you, and I don't know how to fix that, Adam. I don't even know if it's fixable. I know -- I know I screwed up. You know I'm sorry, but why -- why couldn't you have accepted Jenny? Adam: Oh -- I wish to God I had. Because she's yours. I see you in her. You're part of her. Krystal: What about the part of her that's Tad's? Adam: We -- um -- we both made some terrible mistakes. But if you'll give me the chance, I'll make it up to you every day of our lives. Will you do that, Krystal? Will you give me that chance? [SCENE_BREAK] Derek: What prompted you to -- Greenlee: For the millionth time, I didn't do anything. All I did was sit and watch -- Jack: Greenlee, don't say another word. Derek, I'd like a moment alone with my client, please. Derek: I'll be right back. Jack: Come here. Greenlee: I didn't do it, Dad. I didn't, I swear. Jack: Ok, ok. Just tell me what happened, ok? Greenlee: Well, it's Kendall -- she framed me. She -- she pretended that we were friends again. She -- she pretended that she forgave me for what happened with Spike, that everything was all right between us. And stupid me -- I believed her. But the whole time it was all about this -- arresting me is what she wanted. Listen, you have to believe me. You have to, Dad, because if -- Jack: No, I do, I do. I do believe you, and I'm going to help you. Greenlee: Ok. Jack: Ok? So, please, just -- Derek: Are you ready to give your statement? Jack: Derek, my client doesn't have to say one damn word. Greenlee: No, it -- it's ok. I -- I want to. I want to tell you the truth. Jack: Go ahead. Derek: What exactly transpired between you and Kendall Slater? Greenlee: Well -- um -- ahem -- she -- um -- Kendall a while back had told me that she wanted to forgive me for everything that had happened with Spike. She said she wanted to be friends again. Kendall: I only speak to Greenlee at work, at Fusion, because we're partners. But other than that, I have refused to have any contact with her. Greenlee: Kendall asked me to meet her at the park. She was there with Spike. Kendall: My child is deaf because of Greenlee, so I would never take him anywhere near that woman. She -- she obviously must have followed us. Greenlee: She said that she was worried about Spike's implant operation. That -- um -- she wanted someone to talk to, that she needed her old best friend -- that she needed me. Kendall: Greenlee was going on and on about how she wanted what was best for Spike. Greenlee: I was so happy. Kendall and I were almost friends again. And then she got a call, and -- and she was told that Zach was in an accident, and she had to go to the hospital, so she asked me to watch the baby. Kendall: You saw Zach -- there was no accident, he's fine. Greenlee: At first, I wasn't sure. But Kendall insisted. She said she trusted me. Kendall: So that's when she used the chloroform and took Spike. I mean, there is no way that I would ever voluntarily hand my child to this crazy woman who tried to kidnap him and almost kill him. [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: I was in your office when you got that call about Greenlee taking Spike. Zach: So? Aidan: So, you seemed surprised. Zach: I was surprised. Aidan: You didn't know about Kendall, did you? You didn't know about Kendall's little scheme -- the one she had with Greenlee. Zach: And then there's the real possibility that you didn't know how desperate and deranged your little girlfriend is. Aidan: You can protect Kendall all you want, Zach, but this is not going to end well -- for any of you. [SCENE_BREAK] Lt. Perry: All right, I'll have this typed up and then you can sign it. Kendall: Ok. Greenlee: You don't believe me, do you? Derek: Not my call. We'll investigate every square inch of this until we get the truth. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Don't threaten my wife. Aidan: You honestly think I'm going to let Kendall get away with this? It's not going to happen. Erica: Zach -- Zach: Hey. Erica: Zach, have you spoken to Kendall? Where is she? Zach: She's giving her statement. Erica: And, uh, Greenlee? Zach: Is in there with Derek and Jackson. Erica: Yeah, I -- I was there with Jack when he got the call. I mean, Greenlee obviously has completely lost it. I had a feeling something like this might happen. Zach: Why don't you go home? Erica: Well, of course not. I want to see Kendall. I want to make sure she's all right. Zach: Well, the best thing you can do right now is not be here. Erica: Zach, I'm not going to leave, I'm not going to leave my daughter. Aidan: Greenlee, are you all right? Is there anything you need? Greenlee: I -- Derek: Ms. Smythe needs to get checked into her accommodations. Aidan: Oh, come on, Derek, you can't -- Derek: Take her to booking, get her fingerprints and a portrait. Aidan: Derek, I've told you she's being framed. How can you do this? Ofc. Fredericks: Chief, we got the warrant to search Ms. Smythe's apartment and office at Fusion. Derek: Good. Make sure you get her computers from both locations -- we want all her files. Aidan: Now, what kind of rookie operation are you running here anyway? How can you let this happen, huh? What, are you in the business of harassing innocent people? Officer: That's enough! Aidan: Get off me, man. Oh, great. Derek: Get him out of here. Cool off, Devane. Aidan: This isn't over. Erica: Oh, and obviously, Greenlee has worked her lies on poor Aidan. Jack. Have you talked to Kendall? And -- and what exactly did Greenlee do? Jack: All I know for sure is that one of our daughters is lying -- and that you knew this was coming. Didn't you? [SCENE_BREAK] Controller: We got a visual. You're looking good. You're lined up with the runway. Ryan: And now you cleared everybody else out, right? There's no more planes down there? Controller: It's all about you right now. Ryan: Well, my wife is here with me, I am not letting this plane go down. Controller: Neither am I. Now, hold it there, one hand on the throttle. Keep the nose above the horizon. That's right. You're almost down, landing gear looks good. Ryan: Yeah. Controller: Just ease off the throttle a bit. You got it. [Tires screech] Annie: Oh -- oh, my God! Ryan: Oh. Oh. Controller: Nice landing, Mr. Lavery, welcome home. Ryan: We did it, we did it! Annie: We did it! Controller: Mr. Lavery, Mrs. Lavery, are you there? Ryan: We're right here. We're right -- what do we do now? Controller: This is the easy part -- just come inside and have a beer. You earned it. [Siren] Ryan: Everybody all right out here? Doctor: That was amazing. You saved our lives. Ryan: How's Ted? Doctor: He'll be all right. Annie: What about Richie? Doctor: He'll be fine as soon as the sedative wears off. Annie: No, I -- I mean the -- the cancer. Is there any way he can beat it? Doctor: Your brother has refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia. It's very rare, and there's no known cure. Ryan: Is -- is there any chance at all that the results aren't accurate? Doctor: There's no mistake, Mr. Lavery. Your brother-in-law is a dying man. Annie: Thank you. Doctor: No, thank you -- for getting us down safely. I owe you. Ryan: Hey, well, we're going to be bringing this guy up on charges, I could really use your testimony. Doctor: Absolutely. I've never been so afraid in my life. Ryan: Yeah. Annie: Ryan -- Richie: You sure you want to do that, Doc? I mean, I've got a -- I've got some charges of my own I'd like to file. Kidnapping, medical assault -- that's just for starters. I'll have your license -- yours, too. Kidnapping, conspiracy, assault -- whatever it takes, man. I'll bury you with it. Ted: Hey, you attacked me. Richie: I panicked -- brought up here in handcuffs, going off to who knows where? Come on. What jury is not going to sympathize with a man fighting off his captors, fighting for his life? Ted: Hey, I didn't sign on for this. I fly planes, that's it. Anything more than that, count me out. Ryan: But we -- Ted: I have to go check in with the tower. Ryan: Oh, Doc -- Doc, we're going to need you to put this guy away, all right? Doctor: I can't be a part of a kidnapping. Ryan: Are you kidding me? Richie: I guess the party's over, Ryan -- unless you want to go up for another ride? Ryan: You really are a sick man. Richie: Unless you want airport police seeing these -- because I'll scream bloody murder as soon as I get out of this can. Annie: Why, Richie? I mean, you hate us, I get that, but killing us, killing innocent people? Leaving Emma an orphan, leaving Spike without his father? Richie: Why, you ask? Because I can do anything I want. Scary, huh -- dealing with somebody who can do whatever the hell he wants? [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays] Hannah: Double or nothing? Tad: No. As much as I'd love to hang around all night and get fleeced, it's my night to relieve the sitter. Hannah: Hmm -- thrown over by 10 pounds of cute. Tad: No, actually, she's 16 pounds of cute, and she sleeps a whole lot better when Big Daddy kisses her good night. However, tomorrow is looking all kinds of all right -- if you say yes. Please say yes? Hannah: You're on. I'll even spot you a couple balls. Tad: Oh, really? Hannah: Yeah. Tad: You think I'll need them? Hannah: Oh, yes, you will need them. Tad: I hope so. Hannah: Oh, yeah. Tad: Just walk away really slowly. Hannah: Ok, grab my purse. [SCENE_BREAK] Singer: And I get around when I'm ready look out, love ♪ Adam: I want you home. I want you to be my wife again. Tad: Stuart -- [Tad sees Adam kissing Krystal and realizes he's been impersonating Stuart] Tad: Adam. [SCENE_BREAK] Derek: Try to get you some sleep. Aidan: Crikey -- they really will let anyone in this place. Greenlee: What are you doing here? Aidan: Well, I thought you might want some company. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: You know what's funny about all this? Not very many people seem surprised about what happened tonight, except for Greenlee -- the alleged kidnapper. Erica: Because everybody knows that Greenlee's been having problems. Jack: Come on, come on -- you knew this was going down. Erica: What? What are you talking about? Jack: Tonight, tonight -- all the -- all the candlelight, the dancing, the love -- because you knew. It wasn't a week ago that you accused Greenlee of plotting to kidnap Spike. Erica: Because I really thought that she was, and because she had done it before. Jack: Yes, she has. But she didn't do it this time, and we both know that. [SCENE_BREAK] Lt. Perry: I just need your signature here. Kendall: Ok. Lt. Perry: That's great. Thank you for your cooperation. Zach: Now it's my turn. Tell me what really happened. [NEXT_ON] J.R. (to Babe): Why don't we get married again? Greenlee (to Aidan): I want my embryos back, and I want to take Zach down for stealing them. Zach (to Kendall): You put our family in danger -- our family, our future, everything on the line.
Richie holds the pilot around the neck, and tells Ryan and Annie that they will have to do as he says
(Indistinct conversations) Hope: Ridge, what you're asking of me is so unfair. Liam: Yeah, I gotta go with Hope on this one. Ridge: Look, stop it, both of you. Liam, you have a wife inside. You have no business being out here with Hope. This is very inappropriate. Hope: Um, Steffy has no business being married to him. I should be married to Liam. Ridge: But you're not. It didn't turn out that way, and now commitments have been made. You can't pretend otherwise-- neither of you can. Hope, you're part of this family. You're sharing the holiday with us just like Steffy and Liam are. But they're married, sweetheart. That's how it is. And I really want you to acknowledge it at dinner. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: It doesn't seem possible. (Sighs) It's the holiday season already. Eric: And it's gonna be the best one ever, you'll see. Stephanie: You're such an optimist. Eric: Oh, you're worried, aren't you? You're worried about Steffy and Hope. Stephanie: Aren't you? [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: You know, everything seems so mellow right now, but I can't help but feel that we're sitting on a ticking time bomb. Brooke: You mean Steffy and your sister? Rick: Yeah, Ridge is speaking with Liam and Hope right now. Brooke: W-what? What are they talking about? Rick: What do you mean, "What are they talking about?" Your husband I-I-is fully supportive of Steffy, even after all the crap she's pulled. Brooke: No, I know. I know. And it's drives me crazy. (Sighs) Rick: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: What are you doing? You keep staring at the door. Steffy: You know they're out there-- my husband, your girlfriend, and dad. Thomas: Okay, so what's going on? Steffy: I don't... (Sighs) I thought Hope was leaving, and then dad followed her and so did Liam. I don't know. Maybe... maybe she's saying good-bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: You want me to toast this marriage? It's a farce. Ridge: Not to Steffy. And it better not be to Liam, either. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: You looking for Ridge? Brooke: Oh. (Sighs) He's outside with Hope and Liam. I just wish he would stay out of it. (Sighs) Taylor: No, let him do what he's doing. He's just trying to help. Brooke: I know. Taylor: It is a shame, though. Brooke: What? Taylor: This rivalry that--that's gone on between you and me and now it's been passed down to our daughters. Brooke: Taylor, I don't want that, either. Taylor: Well, we can do something about it. We can support both of our daughters. Who knows? Maybe we can even learn to support each other. It would be a good message to send our girls. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: Look, this-- this is really not necessary. I mean, Hope toasting Steffy and me? That's--that's like-- Ridge: It will send a message to everyone. Hope: Mm-hmm. Liam: It's asking a lot. Hope: It's asking way too much. Ridge: Liam, it's your first holiday with your new wife. Make it special for her. And you, young lady, you can help by acknowledging their marriage and wishing Liam and Steffy well. I'm really counting on you for this. Hope: (Sighs) Ridge: Hope, are you listening to me? Hope: I heard you. Ridge: Are you gonna do what I asked? Hope: I don't know if I can. Ridge: How can I make you understand how important this is? Hope: I get that it's important for your daughter, Steffy. Ridge: It's important for you, too, to help get your life off dead-center. I'm going in. Don't be long. [SCENE_BREAK] Steffy: Hey, Dad, did Hope leave? Ridge: Sweetheart, she's talking to Liam. Steffy: What? No, no, no, I'm going to -- Ridge: Steffy, Steffy, Steffy, you need to give them this moment. Steffy: No, are you crazy, Dad. No. Ridge: Sweetheart, you know that he loves you, right? Let them talk. It's ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: (Scoffs) This is absurd. Liam: Yeah. Hope: Me making a toast to the man I love and his wife. Is this really how my life has turned out? Liam: We don't know how your life has turned out. It's not over yet. Hope: It feels like it. Liam: Don't say that. You have so much to live for, it's not even funny. Hope: Liam, I get that Steffy is charming and pretty and clever and she's a free spirit, but do you really want to be in a relationship with someone who can blatantly lie to you, and who has been intimate with your father. That's who she is, Liam. I don't want that for you. Liam: Look, it's Thanksgiving. I can't -- I can't talk about this. Not now. (Hope kisses Liam passionately) Liam: (Coughs and clears his throat) Hope: Sorry, but it's Thanksgiving, so I don't really care. Liam: You're adorable. Stop thinking your life is over. (Chuckles) Hope: Go back inside. Liam: Are you okay? Hope: Yeah, someone told me that I have a lot to live for, so I guess I'll take his word for it. (Door opens and closes) [SCENE_BREAK] (Background music playing) Steffy: (Kisses Liam) Do you need a drink? Liam: No, I'm fine. Steffy: You were out there for a while. My dad said I should let you talk with Hope. Is everything okay? Liam: Yeah. Yea, it's--it-- yeah, I need a drink. I need a glass of wine, like, stat. Steffy: All right, comin' up. Liam: Okay. Steffy: Welcome to the family. Liam: Thanks. (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: Hey. Ridge: Hey. Quite a day. Thomas: Mm-hmm. Me and Grams-- Thanksgiving's our favorite. Ridge: I don't know about you, but I am starving. The smell of that turkey-- Thomas: Dad, how did it go out there? Ridge: I suggested to Hope that she acknowledge Steffy's marriage. Thomas: Ouch. Ridge: It's time, son. We need to put an end to this. Thomas: All right. Do you think you got through to her? Ridge: I don't know. But it sure wouldn't hurt if you helped the situation. Thomas: (Laughs) Dad, relax, I'm all over it. Taylor: (Laughs) (Indistinct conversations) Thomas: (Sighs) So where's Steffy? Liam: Getting some wine. Thomas: Good. We can talk. Liam: Oh, come on. I just got an earful from your dad. Really? Thomas: Yeah. Yeah, it doesn't surprise me. You're married to his daughter. Liam: Yeah, and your sister. So what is it? Thomas: You and Steffy... (Sighs) You're both very ambitious. You want to run Spencer Publications someday, and she wants to run... well, the rest of the world. Liam: (Scoffs) Yeah, that--that is true. And you and Hope? Thomas: Me, I live to design. I'm an artist. So is Hope. Plus she... has a social conscience. Liam: I heard you took her to, uh, Dayzee's for Veterans Day. She must-- Thomas: Yeah. Yeah, I did. Liam: She must have enjoyed that. Thomas: She did... a lot. So did I. Liam: You're really into her, huh? Thomas: Does that bother you? Liam: Uh... (Sighs) Thomas: It shouldn't, since you're married to my sister. Steffy: Ah. My two favorite men. Liam: (Clears throat) Steffy: Here. Liam: (Sniffles) Thank you. Steffy: To the best holiday season of our lives... Thomas: (Sighs) (Glasses clink) Steffy: For all of us. (Glasses clink) [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: (Sighs) Ridge: There's nothing like Thanksgiving. Brooke: Yeah. One holiday devoted to gratitude. Mm. Ridge: I think we ought to have one of these every month. Brooke: (Giggles) I certainly should... (Sighs) especially this year. (Ridge kisses Brooke) Brooke: Mm. So you were out here for quite a while with Hope and Liam. What were you talking about? Ridge: I was encouraging Hope to acknowledge their marriage... with a toast. Brooke: Oh, Ridge, how could you do that? Ridge: I believe that Hope is gonna pull herself together and do what needs to be done. Brooke: I understand where you're coming from, but how can Hope acknowledge a marriage that's based on lies? [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: Hey. Hope: Hey. Thomas: How's it going? Hope: Fine. Just trying to get in the spirit of things. Thomas: Yeah, that's understandable. I know it's hard. Hope: I'm sorry. I don't want to drag you down. Thomas: No. Gosh, that's impossible. Hope: I don't want to feel this way. I know that I should rise above it, I-I mean, if for nothing else, then for Liam. Thomas: Just do whatever you think is right, Hope. You don't--you don't have to feel like you need to be a hero. Hope: (Sighs) Did you know that your dad wants me to public acknowledge the newlyweds at dinner tonight? Thomas: Yeah. Yeah. He can be kind of an insensitive jerk. (Laughs) Hope: Yeah, he can. Thomas: Actually, you know, I don't understand what he was thinking asking you to do something like that. Hope: He just... Thomas: I... Hope: I think he's just trying to do what he believes is right. Thomas: (Sighs) So... what are you gonna do? Hope: I don't know. Part of me would like to rip your sister a new one. Thomas: Hope, I-it's Thanksgiving. Hope: Well, maybe that would be something to give thanks for. [SCENE_BREAK] Eric: (Whispering indistinctly) It's just so rude. Thorne: Hey, listen, Aly and R.J. are totally into the football game. They would like to eat in the den. I'd love to sit with them. Stephanie: Oh, I'm sure you would. They're fine in the den. The adults are eating at the dinner table. Eric: The football is gonna have to wait. Yeah, she sees right through you, you know. (Laughs) Stephanie: (Laughs) Nothing changes. (Laughs) Eric: I know. Ridge: Hey, how we doin' in here? Stephanie: Great. Ridge: Wow, it's a good thing I brought along my appetite. Eric: Ridge, I want to thank you. Ridge: For what? You two did all the work. Stephanie: No. For bringing us all together-- Eric and me and Hope and Steffy. Ridge: We're family, Mother. We're here for each other always. You taught me that. So did you. Eric: I owe you for this, Ridge. Ridge: Wrong, wrong, wrong. I owe you. And you, Mother-- I owe you for everything. Stephanie: Oh, honey, thank you. That's so sweet. Thank you. Mm! Now you go in there and get everybody to come to the table. It's time to eat. Ridge: Absolutely. Stephanie: Good. (Sighs) (Voices overlapping) Stephanie: I cannot wait. Ridge: I'm so hungry! Stephanie: I know. I'm so excited. (Voices overlapping) Ridge: I've been waiting for this for a long time. Stephanie: Honey, Thanksgiving's the best time of the year. (Voices overlapping) Hope: Hey, uh, everybody, everyone, uh, before we sit down... Stephanie: Shh, shh, shh. Hope: I have something to say. Brooke: Uh, honey, I-I think we're all really hungry, right? Hope: No, it's, uh, it--it's fine. It'll be quick. It'll be quick. Brooke: No, I don't think you really-- Hope: Mom, stop. I... didn't want to be here today. There are times in a person's life when holidays are very difficult, and this is one of those times for me. But as we all know, family, love, truth, honesty-- they're so important. So here I am, because nothing is more important than love. And when you find true love, you've got to grab it and hold onto it as long as you can. Liam and Steffy, congratulations on your marriage. Stephanie: (Applauds) Eric: Well, let's all, uh, let's all sit. (Indistinct conversations) Stephanie: Shall we, uh, hold hands? Brooke: Oh, yes. Steffy: Of course. Stephanie: (Sighs) Eric and I have, um, a lot to be thankful for today, this Thanksgiving Day. We are gathered here at a table that is just groaning with the fruits of our labors, and we're able to share it with our friends, our children and their better halves, and our grandchildren and their significant others. We're blessed. We have been really blessed this year. Even though we've had some dark and... turbulent and stressful times, we've come through it as a family, because we never lost faith in the unexpected and... the belief that something good and second chances always come with a new day... The belief that hope prevails and love endures. So let us be thankful for everything that we have and for each other. Hope: Amen. All: Amen. Liam: Amen. Ridge: All right, let's eat. Eric: Well, let's, uh... Stephanie: Yes. (Cheering) Eric: Now you--you're just gonna sit here. Ridge: Carve that bird, Dad. (Voices overlapping)
She counters that Steffy should not be married to Liam; she should
Gus: Hey, this is Gus Aitoro. I'm sorry, I don't really know how to do this. I haven't done it before, but I'm going to need your help. I need to book the Spaulding jet for tomorrow. Uh-huh. Well I just need it waiting for me. Yeah, uh... passengers. There'll be two of us. The destination? Why don't I tell you that when we're in the air. [SCENE_BREAK] Frank: Okay. Harley: Jude. Uncle Frank, ready? Frank: Yes. Harley: Ready. Three, two, one! Marshmallows! I caught it! Frank: All three of us! Harley: We all got it. Frank: It was perfect. Harley: Isn't that better than roasting? See? Frank: That was great! Here, put some pepper with your marshmallow. Harley: Can I have a marshmallow kiss. Buzz: Come here, come here. You've got to show me that. Show me how you do that. Show me how you do that. Show me how you do it. Frank: He can do it, Pop. Harley: He's very good, Grandpa. Frank: He's very good. Harley: You ready for your big date. Frank: I'm not sure. ( Harley laughs ) I'm nervous; I'm a little nervous, yes. Harley: I can't believe I'm actually letting you go out with Olivia, of all people. Frank: What do you mean letting me? Harley: Just be careful with her, okay? Frank: Okay. Thanks, Sis. Harley: Mm-hmm. Good. Frank: Okay, now that my sister just totally freaked me out, let's see, what do you think about flowers? Buzz: Flowers... flowers are good, yeah. Frank: Roses? Roses too happy? Buzz: Roses are good. Olivia's a romantic at heart. Frank: Marshmallow. Gus: Oh, that was going to be for me! Harley: Are you insane? Gus: I'm sorry. Oh, look at this, I'll have this one. How is that? ( Laughter ) Harley: Where were you? Gus: Well, I was just making sure that our New Year's Eve ended well and that the New Year starts off with a bang. Harley: Well, happy almost New Year's to you, Gus Gus: Happy New Year's to you. Harley: You, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Tammy: You had us arrested? Cassie: I had to. I had no other choice. Tammy: My God. Mom, Jonathan is in a jail cell right now... Cassie: Tammy... Tammy: ...Because of you. Cassie: That's right, he is. And I would do it again to keep you safe. Tammy: The fire was an accident. Cassie: Honey, someone was hurt in that fire. It scares me to death you don't realize what a big deal that is. Tammy: You think I don't understand. Jonathan is in jail. Cassie: Right, and you're not. Jeffrey knows you didn't start the fire, and there will be no charges against you. Tammy: So I can go? Cassie: You can come home with me. Tammy: What about Jonathan? Cassie: He stays right where he is. [SCENE_BREAK] Reva: Excuse me. Officer: Is Frank Cooper here? I got a call that my son was arrested. Officer: Name? Reva: Jonathan Randall Officer: Yeah, he's here. Reva: I'd like to see him. Officer: He's being processed. Reva: Well, I'll wait. Officer: You'll be waiting a long time. Your sonny boy's in a truckload of trouble, ma'am. ( Keys jingling ) [SCENE_BREAK] Frank: Come on, damn. Buzz: You can handle that. Frank: Hey, Pop. Listen, how's the tie? Is that all right. Buzz: A tie, for a concert? Frank: Hey, Pop, we're talking about Olivia here. She's used to guys in suits and ties, you know what I mean. I've got a nice, special evening planned here. Buzz: You mean after the concert? Frank: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've a got a great table at this fancy French restaurant. Buzz: I mean no offense, Frank, you know I mean if Olivia, if she's looking for French food, she just hops on a jet and she goes to Paris You know. Frank: Well... Buzz: Frank, you're not Phillip Spaulding You're not even Bill Lewis. You do have, however, some important cards to play. Frank: You've lost me completely here, Pop. I have no idea what you're talking about. Buzz: Frank, you have soul, you have passion, you go to the ends of the earth to find the woman you love. Whoo her like yourself, the Cooper way. Frank: What is the Cooper way? Buzz: Get her laughing, Frank, you know. Get her laughing. Give her a view of the top of the light house, not a French restaurant. Bundle her up, put her on the back of your harley. Get her arms around your waste. Frank: Pop. Buzz: Come on. Frank: Hold on one second. Pop, that's your style, okay. I'm a little bit more low key. Buzz: Look her in the eyes, Frank, and listen to her. Then you take her hand, take her for a walk in the park. It gets cold, you zip her up, you know. You put your arms around her, protect her. That's what you do, Frank. That's what you're good at. Do it your way. [SCENE_BREAK] Gus: So, Baby Cakes, did you clear off your schedule there? Harley: For the whole night? Gus: Yes, for the whole night. Actually, for the whole year. If you could clear out the whole agenda for the rest of the year, because, you see, this is my plan: I would like very much to spend each and every second that remains in this year for the person who means the very most to me, and since she can't be around, I'm just going to have to settle... ( laughter ) okay? And this way we can make each second count. Harley: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Reva: Thank you, Oficer. So, got yourself into a fight, huh? Back to your old tricks again? Jonathan: How did you get back here? Reva: The usual. I bought the guard. Yeah, I would have thought to slept with him, but whatever works. You want to tell me what happened? Jonathan: Yeah. I told the guard to keep his damn hands off of Tammy. I'm just not going to sit there while he man-handles her. Reva: Jonathan... Jonathan: Why are you here anyway? You feel guilty about pulling your alibi? Reva: What? Jonathan: Yeah. You give the cops one story to make me safe and you turn around and change your story. Reva: I didn't change anything. Why would you think that? Jonathan: Come on, I hit Josh, you figured you can hit back. Reva: You figured wrong. Josh can take care of himself. And my alibi stands. Jonathan: Okay, well, I'm in here, Reva, so if you didn't make the phone call, then who did? Reva: I don't know. [SCENE_BREAK] Tammy: If Jonathan is stuck in here, I might as well be, too. Cassie: Jonathan belongs in here, honey, you don't Tammy: Mom, Jonathan loves me. He would do anything for me. He would take on the whole town, the whole world. He almost knocked out this whole room full of cops. Cassie: Jonathan fought cops? Tammy: For me. Protecting me. He didn't think twice. Cassie: Yeah, that's a very naive way of saying he has a dangerous temper. Tammy: He feels things. He's passionate. Cassie: Oh, I'm sure he is. And I'm sure that's how the fire started in the first place, whether it was on purpose or not. Someone almost died because of his passion, and now he's assaulting an officer. Tammy: Who was assaulting me. Cassie: Jail time will be good for him. Tammy: You just want to see him suffer. Cassie: Of course I don't, I want you safe. Tammy: He'll protect me. Cassie: He is the one who you need protecting from, honey. Have you forgotten what he's capable of? Tammy: If I'm free to go, I better get going. I want to get started raising money for Jonathan's bail. Cassie: Okay, let Reva take care of that. I want you to come home to the farmhouse with me to the people who love you. Tammy: Jonathan loves me. If you loved me, if you wanted me to be happy... Cassie: Then what? Tammy: You would help him get free of charges by talking to Jeffrey. Talk to him about Jonathan, too, then maybe I'll come home. [SCENE_BREAK] Buzz: Frank, come on. Come back to Company and get on the roof and you can do some stargazing. Frank: Pop, I don't know anything about stars. I mean, come on it's like getting back to the motorcycle thing. Everybody in the family knows you're the most romantic one. Buzz: I'm sure you have some romantic ideas. Why don't you run them past me? Frank: I do, Pop, actually. I want to take her to Towers. I want to get a nice bottle of champagne and... Buzz: S'mores. Frank: What? Buzz: S'mores. You know, big fire. Kick off your shoes. S'mores. Frank: Champagne and s'mores? Buzz: Yeah, you know, a big crackling fire. Frank: Yeah, okay, right. Oh, Pop, there she is. Oh, Pop, look at her. Oh, my God, I am so nervous. Are you kidding me? Buzz: Relax, relax, relax. Frank: Yeah, right. What? Buzz: S'mores. Frank: Right. Right, s'mores, right. Buzz: And Frank? Frank: Yes. Buzz: Make her laugh. Frank: Okay, Pop. Buzz: And Frank? Frank: Yes, Pop. Buzz: It's okay to laugh yourself. Frank: Next date, if there is one. Hi. Olivia: Hey. Frank: I can't believe you're right on time. The concert is right about to start. Olivia: Oh, my sitter was late. Frank: Oh, that's okay. God, Olivia, you look beautiful. Olivia: Oh, and I just threw something on. Oh! Those are nice. Frank: Yeah, I'm glad you like them. Olivia: Yeah, they're... Oh, are you meeting someone here? Frank: No, they're for... Olivia: Frank, I thought... Frank: I'm sorry. I hope you're not allergic to flowers. Olivia: ( Gasps ) This is a date. Frank: Oh, uh, no. I mean, it doesn't have to be, officially if you don't want it to be. I mean, if you... Olivia: I'm you know... Frank: You know what? I just saw these laying around, and I saw them, and I thought of you, and I thought maybe you would like them. Olivia: They're lovely. They're lovely. Thank you. I don't remember the last time someone gave me flowers. Frank: Really? Olivia: Yeah. Frank: You know, Olivia, I'm sorry. You know, when I asked you to the concert, maybe I should have been more clear that it was a... I am so out of practice, I can't even tell you. Not that I've ever been in practice, but... the concert's about to start. Is it okay if we just go? Olivia: No! Those are my flowers. Frank: Okay. Olivia: Shall we? Frank: I'd love to. Buzz: You go, Frank. Harley: Oh, my gosh. Gus: That's all right. I'm right here. But you are on my team because I need all of the help I can get. Let's go, let's go, let's go. Harley: That is so not fair. You're going to get it. You just wait! ( Laughter ) You are going to be a sticky mess by the time I'm through with you! Buzz: You need an extra pair of hands? Harley: Grandpa's on my team. You guys are toast! Buzz: Always, always. No matter who's throwing at you. Even if it's Spaulding Harley: ( Screams ) Oh, so you heard about that hearing? Buzz: Oh, yeah. Harley: Oh, yeah. Buzz: Nervous? Harley: Well, considering what he's done to me, maybe just a little bit. But you know what, I am so sick of the time I devote to Alan Spaulding. This time, I'm doing the throwing and he better duck. Duck! ( Laughter ) ( screams ) Gus: See, these are good. You know why, because they don't hurt anybody. You can hit them and it doesn't hurt. Alan: You know I'm going to get out of here. When I do, I'm going to after Harley and get back everything she took everything she took from me. Jude: Gus, are you sad? Gus: Am I sad? No. No. I was just thinking about all of the great times and all of the great moments in our life. You know, I always wished when I was your age, somebody would have said to me, I want you to remember this moment right now. If you can remember this moment right now, because, you know, you blink your eyes-- ( snaps fingers )-- like that it's gone. And we don't want it to be gone or anything like that. We just... you wake up, and everything changes, you know. I mean, and they're never exactly the same. Do you understand what I'm saying? No. Jude: No. Gus: I'm glad you don't understand. Jude: Gus, are you going away again? [SCENE_BREAK] Tammy: Mom, we can do this, please. We can do it together, please. Help me. Cassie: I'm sorry, honey, I cannot help Jonathan Tammy: You mean you won't Cassie: I mean it's for your own good. Tammy: You know you could turn this whole thing around, and out of spite-- Cassie: Spite? Tammy: Don't you care about what I feel? Cassie: Of course I do. Tammy: Then help me, help me. Since this all started, it's like you don't.. Cassie: What? I don't what? Tammy: It's like you don't even love me. Cassie: Oh, honey, don't even say that. Don't even say that. You know that's not true. I love you so much, that I'm not going to let you give your heart away to a man who will destroy you, destroy you like your father almost destroyed us. Tammy: Oh, that's what this is about. You, and all of the men in your life that screwed things up for us. Cassie: Listen. Tammy: I heard you, this is about your mistakes. Cassie: But it's because I have learned from those mistakes, that I can't watch you make the same awful choices. Tammy: They're not awful. And they're mine to make. You lived your life, Mom, and you made your choices-- right or wrong-- it's my turn now. Cassie: Not like this, honey, not with him, not with your-- Tammy: My what, Mom? Go on. Tammy: Not with your cousin. Half cousin. Reva's your half sister, Mom. Cassie: Richard is Jonathan's father. Tammy: So what? Who cares? It doesn't mean anything. Cassie: It means a hell of a lot to me and to most people. Tammy: Who cares about most people? You didn't used to, Mom. We're only half. Cassie: Half, whole, it is wrong. You cannot have a romantic relationship with your cousin, end of discussion, it's wrong. It's. It's. It's... Tammy: Sick, disgusting? Cassie: I didn't say that. Tammy: You didn't have to. It's what you were thinking. You know what? I really don't care. You've done a lot of things in your past, and I haven't heard anyone rubbing your nose in it lately. You did what you had to do, right? And you moved on and lived your life, and in the end, nobody even cares anymore. That's what's going to happen with us, too. Cassie: Tammy. Tammy: It's too late now, Mom. I'm in love with him, all right? So live with it. Cassie: I can't Tammy: Well, I lived with your choices. No matter what, I was always behind you. When we didn't have any money for Christmas, and we didn't know if we had any place to live, I was right there. When we lived in a castle and times were good, it didn't make any difference. And whatever choices you made, whoever you decided to love-- Richard, Hart, whoever-- you always knew you could count on me, always. Why can't I count on you? [SCENE_BREAK] Jonathan: If you didn't squeal on us, who did? Whatever, whatever. First things first. Look, just make sure that Tammy's okay. And we'll go on from there. Reva: No. First things first, I have to make sure you know what's happening here. Jonathan: Yes, I know what's happening here. Trust me. Reva: Do you know how serious this is? What you're facing? First-degree arson, criminal negligence, and if that is not enough, how about assaulting a cop to top it off! Jonathan: Whatever. Reva: Jonathan, this is not the time for you to start acting tough. Look around, this isn't just another obstacle for you to overcome. This is it, honey, this is your life. I looked up the charges that you're facing, and if they find you guilty, you're facing 10 to 15. Jonathan: 15 years? Reva: Yeah, this may be it this time, Jonathan. You may lose it, all of it, everything. And that includes Tammy [SCENE_BREAK] Beth Ehlers inside "The Light." Harley's odyssey began in September of 1987. I think that Harley and Beth have really grown apart as the years have gone by. We're really very, very, different. She gets a lot from everybody in her life. This is my family. See Harley Wednesday, January 4 inside "The Light." [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: I had fun. Frank: Yeah, me, too. Olivia: You know, I think that you are just a wonderful man. And I know that when the time is right, you're going to be sharing your life with a woman who's going to feel so blessed to be with you. Frank: Thank you. Olivia: Um, I need to call my sitter. Do you mind? I just want to make sure... Frank: Yeah, by all means. As a matter of fact, you know what? I'll get us a couple of drinks, and you take all of the time that you need. ( Laughter ) Buzz: What's this? How about two Irish coffees? Frank: No thanks. You know I don't like coffee with liquor. Buzz: All right, a bear for you and Irish coffee for lady. Frank: Hey, Pop. Buzz: What, what? Frank: Thank you. Thanks for all your help, you're the best father a son can have. Buzz: Okay. How was the concert? Frank: It was great. It was great, really. I mean, it started off a little, shaky, but then once she realized that we had a lot in common it was perfect. Buzz: Oh. Frank: No, seriously. I mean, you know, we're both single parents and we have daughters. As a matter of fact, we talked about our daughters all night. Buzz: Then you were comfortable together? Frank: Yeah. Yeah, we were. But, Pop, I'm still nervous. You know, Olivia. She's just so... Buzz: Yeah, I know. I know, Frank, I know. Frank: Oh, Pop. Buzz: I know. I'm glad... I'm happy that you're happy. You found a life for yourself, and you deserve it. Frank: Thanks, Pop. [SCENE_BREAK] Gus: Leaving you guys, that's the very, very last thing that I would ever do. Got it? Harley: Wrong. This is the last thing! Gus: Oh, that is so wrong! You see what she did? We're coming after you, my friend! We're coming after you! Harley: Wait! Gus: Oh, you think you're so slick. She thinks she slick. Harley: Wait. Gus: You hold her down. No! You hold her. Hold her down. Hold her down! Harley: No, you're suppose to be helping me! Gus: Oh, enjoy that while you can. Right? Who got who? Jude: You got it. Gus: That's right. Jude: I want to get up. I want pick up all of them myself. Gus: You pick them all back up... Harley: You pick them up and put them in... Gus: You put them in the basket. ( Laughter ) [SCENE_BREAK] Jonathan: I think about all of the stupid things I have done, and all of them are a lot worse than walking away from that fire. I didn't care, you know. I never got caught. The cops would take me in, it wasn't a big deal. But...(scoffs )...15 years? Reva: You know, don't worry about that. I'll take care of it. I'll get you out of here, I promise. It may take a while, but I promise you, I'll get you out. Jonathan: Promise me this... Reva: What? Jonathan: Ask Tammy to move in with you because I don't want her out there all alone. Reva: Tammy's a grown woman, Jonathan Jonathan: You and her, you're all I have. I mean that's a lot, but I just... Reva: Just what? Jonathan: I don't know. I've been in a cell before and I didn't care, but... you know, it didn't matter. You know, what the hell, who cared? Who cared about anything? Reva: And now? Jonathan: I finally have someone I really care about and I just got her. And now I'm going to lose her. [SCENE_BREAK] Cassie: Look, honey, I understand what it is like to want something exciting in your life, something maybe a little dangerous, I get it. I'm telling you, it does not make you happy in the long run. And I have such hopes for you. Tammy: I'm not your second chance, Mom. I'm my own first chance. Cassie: Believe me, I know that. Tammy: It's my life. If you can't except that, and you can't admit you're wrong about Jonathan-- Cassie: I'm not. Tammy: Or at least try to make some room in our family for me-- for me. Then if you can't do that, we have nowhere else to go. We're through. Cassie: Tammy. Tammy: I know what I'm doing. Cassie: You will be on your own. It will be you and Jonathan against the entire world, honey, and that is going to wear very thin. Tammy: Yes, I'll have Jonathan, but I'll have Aunt Reva, too. Cassie: What does that mean? Tammy: Yeah, Aunt Reva has been on our side from the very beginning. She wants us to be together. [SCENE_BREAK] Frank: Oh, yeah, thank you very much. Olivia: Is there a problem down at the station? Frank: Yeah, unfortunately it is about your nephew, Jonathan Olivia: He's in trouble? Frank: You don't look surprised. Olivia: No, I'm not. Maybe you should get down there, and... Frank: Olivia, I'll do what I can for him, okay? Olivia: I know. Thank you so-- you know maybe I should go with you. Frank: You know what? Thank you anyway. But if I need you, I'll call you. Olivia: Okay. Frank: Olivia, I had a really nice time with you tonight. Maybe we should do this again. Olivia: Okay. Frank: Tomorrow night? ( Laughter ) I'll see you. Olivia: Bye. Olivia: Josh, it's Olivia. I don't know if you're busy, but I'm all dressed up, and alone. Anyway, I just figured if you weren't doing anything... if that's the case, then call me on my cell phone, okay, because I'd really like to see you if I can, Josh. Bye. Hi. Buzz: Hi. Olivia: You heard me calling. Listen, I had a wonderful time with Frank, I did. He's just sweet and-- you know the kind of guy I'm looking for, someone like Josh. He's the right kind of guy for me. Buzz: You wouldn't know the right man if you were staring at him. Olivia: What? Bill: Why are you so wrapped up in money and power, you can't see the right guy. When he is right in front of you, right in front of your nose. Frank would be so right, so loyal, Frank would be the right guy for you. Olivia: I didn't even know this was a date. I don't even know what to say, okay? Buzz: Look, I only want what's best for you. Olivia: And you think that's Frank? Buzz: Or someone like Frank. Why not? He can't wrap you in furs, but you've been there, haven't you? And you know that isn't all there is. A fur can't warm you up like a pair of eyes, and tell you you're the only woman in the room. Rub your hands, they can rub your neck at the end of the day. They can hold your hand, like it's the most beautiful hand in the world. Olivia: I'd like to believe those things exist. I don't know that I do. Buzz: This time, why don't you look for a guy who can make a commitment, and stick to it. Someone that is in it for the long haul. Someone who knows how to love. Somebody who really knows how. It is like carrying a torch, baggage. Don't you want to be loved for once in your life? Worth more than all of the diamonds of the world. ( Laughter ) [SCENE_BREAK] Harley: This is so fun. The kids are asleep, and we're out of the house for the night, and you obviously have a plan. Do I need an accent for this? Gus: Well, you know, that turns me on, but... ( Harley laughs ) yes, I agree the kids are finally asleep, and this is our time. So uh... Harley: Honey. Gus: Yeah, I just want you to know that the year has gone by very quickly-- hold on-- it has gone by very quickly, and maybe if we try very hard, we can break our old record. Oh, yeah. Harley: Yeah. Gus: Sorry. ( Harley gasps ) Gus: What do you think? Do you like it? Harley: That's great. What did you say about breaking our old record? I'm game, how about you? Gus: You're game? Oh, good. Hold on one second. Would the lady care for a little champagne? Harley: How about if we wait for breakfast? Gus: Oh, really? Well in that case... ( Harley laughing ) not a problem. Harley: This was a fun night. Gus: Yeah? It was, wasn't it? Harley: It is not over yet, right? Gus: No, it's not over. It's just beginning. In fact, the year is over, but as far as I'm concerned, the night is just getting started. Harley: Oh. [SCENE_BREAK] Reva: You're crazy, you know that. Jonathan: You're the expert. Reva: Yeah, well, maybe you and Tammy are throwing your lives away, but if someone had told me that I couldn't be with Joshua when I was your age... Jonathan: What about now? Frank: Hello, Reva Good-bye Reva Reva: Hi, Frank. Frank: Get out. Jonathan: Watch your tone, man. Reva: He's just trying to save me from myself. Too late. Frank: If the anonymous tip turns out to be true, which I assume it will be, and if Jonathan and Tammy were at the scene of the crime, that means that the alibi you gave about Jonathan is a lie. Reva: Is that right? Frank: And Jonathan assaulting Officer Jenkins didn't help his cause either. Reva: He was trying to protect Tammy Frank: So I suggest that you get Jonathan an attorney, now because that's about all you can do. And while you're at it, get one for yourself. Jonathan: Boy, now you're in trouble, too? Reva: So what else is new? Jonathan: Hey, Rev-- Mom, thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Cassie: Reva was supporting you and Jonathan? Really supporting you? Tammy: She sees what you won't, that we love each other, that we belong together. That's why the night before the wedding... Cassie: Before the wedding? She was trying to put you two together before the wedding? Tammy: She wasn't sure, but she gave us a chance. She believes in Jonathan, and in us. Cassie: No. No, she doesn't. She's guilty, honey, over abandoning him. She doesn't see who he really is. Tammy: You don't see him, period! I've got to get out of here. I've got to start organizing. Cassie: Yeah, time to start raising that bail money. Tammy: I have wedding gifts I can return. I'll pawn jewelry; I'll sell every last thing I have if that's what it takes. Cassie: Honey, please, please think before you make a choice you will regret for the rest of your life. You're my daughter. Tammy: No. I'm not. If you're going to treat me like this, I won't be your daughter anymore. Cassie: Honey. Reva: Tammy? Tammy: Aunt Reva Reva: Are you okay? Tammy: Is he okay? Did you see him? They won't let me back there. Reva: Well, you're not missing much. Tammy: I am. I am missing him so much, you don't know, Aunt Reva You just don't know. Reva: It's going to be okay, baby. I promise you that. You're both going to be fine. We're going to get this thing figured out, you have to trust me. Tammy: Thanks. Okay. Are you sure you can get Jonathan out on bail? Reva: As soon as the judge sets a figure, I'll take care of everything. Tammy: When? Reva: Well, that's not an easy question to answer. Jonathan hasn't exactly made friends here today. Tammy: So all we can do is wait, then? Reva: That's it. Hey, sweetie. I don't really know what your plans are, but I would love to have some company while we wait this thing out. If you'd like to stay with me, I would welcome that, and I know it's what Jonathan would want you to do. Tammy: I can't Reva: Oh, Tammy.. Tammy: Don't worry about it. I can't. What I need right now is just... Reva: Just what, tell me. Tammy: To be alone. To think. Reva: Are you sure? Tammy: Very sure. Thanks, though. Reva: Hey, the door is always open. Any time. Tammy, any time. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Can I tell you something? Buzz: Mind my own business? Olivia: No, no. I'm glad you said what you did. And I think you're right. Buzz: I am? Olivia: Yeah, you're a wise man. Buzz: I am? Olivia: Yup, more than that, you're an honest man. You're a great friend. Buzz: I am? Olivia: You say what you're thinking, certainly. And you have a way of seeing things so clearly. Buzz: I'm a little overwhelmed. Olivia: Our friendship means the world to me. I've been sticking my neck out with Josh, and trying to come up with reasons to get him to call me. And you're right. The bottom line is, if he doesn't see what a great team we would make and give me a second chance, then it's his loss. And mine-- mostly his. But I'm freed up to have fun, and to have more evenings out with Frank. Buzz: Frank? Olivia: He was so sweet, and he is a wonderful father. It doesn't hurt to have the chief of police on my arm on a Saturday night or any other night for that matter. And I need a little distraction, and I think maybe if I could offer him a welcome distraction, too. Buzz: You are distracting. Olivia: I don't know why I didn't see it before. Leave it to my friend to point out what was staring me in the face all along. Buzz: Well, that's what friends are for. Olivia: I'll see you soon. This time, this place misused, mistakes too long, too late who was I to make you wait just one chance, just one breath just in case there's just one left because you know, you know, you know I love you, I loved you all along I needed, I need to hear you say that I love you I love you I loved you all along and I'll forgive you I'll forgive you you've been away too far too long so keep breathing because I'm not leaving you anymore believe in our love and please never let me go keep breathing hold on to me never let me go. Hold on to me never let me go. [NEXT_ON] Dinah: My sweet, wonderful daddy wrote me a letter saying good-bye forever. Alan: I will be a free man come 2006, because I have a lot of old friends I have to see New Year's day.. Gus: It's all for you, babe.
Buzz overhears and tells Olivia that she doesn't realize what is waiting right in front of her
Harley: Zach, you tell your brother that you are older, and he has to listen to you. You both have to listen to Grandpa. I'll be back as soon as I can. I love you, too. You give yourself a big hug for me. Okay, bye. Peg: It's okay. It's okay. Detective Cooper? Harley: Peg Montera? Peg: That's me. Diaz from your department told me to keep an eye out for you. Harley: He's not actually in my department anymore. Peg: Excuse me? Harley: I'm here unofficially. But I could use all of the help I could get. I'm looking for this man. Peg: I thought this was supposed to go through channels. Harley: I'm sorry about the misunderstanding, but I really could use your help. This guy kidnapped my kids, and several other kids. He's a head case. I don't know what he'll do next. Please. Peg: Can I keep this? I'll pass it around, I'll see if anybody has seen him. But I can't promise anything. Harley: Every little bit helps. Peg: Who are you working with? Harley: I'm kind of on my own. Peg: Well, if this guy is as dangerous as you say... Harley: I don't have a choice in this matter. Peg: Suit yourself. You got my number. Harley: Thanks. Guess I'll get started. I am a shadow I am invisible I know it's hard to see it. You think you're looking at me sorry to tell you but you're not even warm at all. You keep on trying but you can't even touch me you're colder than you were a minute ago I am floating through the walls all around you you are talking to a ghost don't try to get inside the head of a phantom you might be disappointed you think you're getting to him maybe you wish that you could bring me back from the dead you keep on trying, but you can't even touch me you're colder than you were a minute ago I am floating through the walls all around you you were are talking to a ghost hear me coming. Harley: Wait! Oh! Oh! Cyrus: I'm here. I'm here. You're all right. It's okay. [SCENE_BREAK] (Phone ringing) Harley: Hello? Mallet: Hey, are you awake? Harley: Awake? Mallet: Yeah. You've been napping for like an hour. I thought you would be out, like, 15 minutes. Harley: Who is this? Mallet: (Laughs) Okay, you're killing me. Very, very funny. Harley: Mallet? Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, you're really out of it, huh? Harley: I don't understand. Mallet: Uh-huh. Right. Well, would you get down here, okay? Because we're only in town for two days, and you've been sleeping for, like, half of it. Harley: In town? Where are you? Mallet: Where am I? The police station. Would you get down here? Frank's waiting. Harley: Frank's waiting for what? Mallet: To see us. Come on, time's a-wasting. We go back to Florida tomorrow, remember? Harley: We're going to back to Florida... together? Mallet: Yeah. Is it so weird that I want to go back home with my wife? [SCENE_BREAK] Mallet: Hey, we missed him. Harley: Missed who? Mallet: Frank. He went out on a call with his partner. We missed him. Harley: Partner? Frank is Chief. Mallet: (Laughs) Frank is Chief of Police? Are you kidding me? Frank, a leader of men? Come on. In his dreams! What's wrong with you? You still waking up? What's going on with you? Harley: Nothing. Mallet: Are you sure you're all here? What's going on? Harley: Just give me a minute. Mallet: Right. Right, right, that must have been some nap. Does this have anything to do with what I found in Florida? Harley: Why, what did you find in Florida? Mallet: I don't want to get into it right now, all right? I don't want to get into it. Okay, what I found in Florida-- you know what I found in Florida, Harley? I found a suitcase under our bed, your suitcase, and it was packed with all of your clothes, ready to go. Harley: You knew about that? Mallet: Yeah. I found it. And I've been around a little bit. I kind of know what that means. Harley: Don't be so sure. Mallet: So what is it? Do you always have to have a safety net, always got to have a way out, a quick exit? Harley: You know what? Maybe I do. And I was right. Mallet: You were right? To what, spend your whole marriage with one foot out the door? Harley: Well, wasn't I justified? You did cheat, and we did get divorced. Mallet: Yeah, guilty. But what comes first, the cheater or the complete lack of trust? Harley: Oh, please, so it's my fault that you cheated? Mallet: Do you know what it is like to love someone who is convinced that it's probably not going to work out anyway? Harley: That's not fair. Mallet: You know what's fair? Having a bag packed and ready to go at all times. That's not fair. Harley: Mallet, I loved you. I loved you so much. I... I... Mallet: Harley? Harley: I... I've got to go! [SCENE_BREAK] Dylan: Hey, where you been? Harley: Dylan. Dylan: Our beautiful baby girl is in the maternity ward right now waiting for you to hold her. Come on. Harley: Whoa, not so fast. Dylan: What's the problem? Harley: Outside of whiplash? Dylan: She's perfect. She's the most perfect, beautiful little thing I've ever seen. You know, our little Daisy... Harley: Okay. Stop. Stop! Dylan: You're going to love being a mom. Harley: Back it up. The trip down memory lane is one thing, but, Dylan, you're rewriting history here. Dylan: She's got these dimples, these two, cute, little, perfect dimples right when she smiles. Harley: Dylan, we were not proud parents in some hospital. You weren't even there! I was the one who saw those cute dimples in the backseat of a car when she was first born. Dylan: Hey, you know what? When she looked at me, I swear-- I swear-- she knows who I am. She does! She knows who I am! Harley: That didn't kick in until years later, trust me. Dylan: You could have found me, told me. You didn't have to give her away. Harley: Yes, I did. We were too young. We were kids ourselves. We couldn't raise a baby. Dylan: So what? So you're just assuming we couldn't handle it, huh? Harley: If we had raised her, think of all the crazy stuff she would have gotten into. Hey, they probably would have taken her away even if we hadn't given her away. Dylan: You know what? News flash: She got into crazy stuff anyway. We had a chance to be part of something amazing! Harley: But? Dylan: But... you had to be practical, sensible, adult. Harley: I was alone. Dylan: Just think about this for a second, okay? Think about what you missed out on because you played it safe. Just think about that. Hey, Harley, we're not done here! Harley: Oh, yes, we are! [SCENE_BREAK] Harley: Gotcha! Daddy! Buzz: I didn't know it was illegal to window shop, you know. Harley: I'm so glad it's you. Buzz: (Laughs) Harley: Oh, you don't know the day I've had! Buzz: Well, you know, days, they just, they come and they go. But, you know, what about life? How is your life these days? Harley: I've got a handle on it. Buzz: Oh, you always did. Is it me? Harley: Well, I mean, it looks like you, but with the day I had, I don't know. Buzz: It was my fault, leaving Frank when I didn't even know Deenie was pregnant with you. I mean, making you two grow up faster than any kids should. Harley: Oh, Dad, that is not an issue anymore. I don't look back. Buzz: Maybe so, but things linger. Got a pop quiz: Half empty, half full? Harley: Daddy... Buzz: Answer the question. Harley: I think there's backwash in there. Buzz: Oh, that's nice! Harley: Daddy, I am glad I had to grow up early because it made me strong. I look at the world and I deal with it based on what I know, not what I wish for. And I think my kids are stronger for it, too. Buzz: Harley... Harley: Daddy, you didn't give me false hope. Maybe that's the best present you ever didn't give me, huh? Buzz: If you say so. Harley: You don't sound convinced. Buzz: I think maybe sometimes false hope is better than no hope at all. [SCENE_BREAK] Cyrus: Harley? Harley, can you hear me? Harley? Come on. [SCENE_BREAK] Harley: What? Gus! Gus: Hi, I'm sorry. I wish I could talk, but I'm running late. Harley: Wait! Where are you going? It's your wedding day? Gus: Yes. Harley: I'm sorry. Gus: What are you sorry for? Harley: Because maybe if I'd never been in the picture, you and Natalia would be celebrating an anniversary today instead of your wedding day. Gus: Oh, give me a break. Harley: Are you saying it's not possible? Gus: I loved you. I loved being married to you. I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world. Harley: You did trade it, for Natalia! Gus: I am not going to let you do this, okay? I wanted us to work out. You're the one that said that it couldn't be. Harley: It couldn't be because I couldn't share you. I couldn't do that again, share somebody with their memories, their first love... Gus: No, it wasn't like that. It wasn't like that at all. It was always you and me, always. And it still could be. Harley: Well, you got down on one knee pretty darn fast for somebody who says he is still in love with me. Gus: Well, what was I supposed to do? Huh? What was I supposed to do? You made it very final. Harley: I made it final? Gus: Yeah, you made it final. Harley: You know what I wish? I wish... I wish that... I wish I could know in advance what was going to happen in a relationship, how it was going to play out before I commit. That's what I wish. Gus: Well, they call that a superpower. Harley: Because I would go back to the beginning. I would go back to the very beginning of us. Gus: I don't think you could say anything that would hurt me more than what you just said right there. Harley: I'm just saying, I wish... I wish I knew all this. Gus: Well, maybe next time you'll get your superpower with whoever, Mr. Right, until he becomes Mr. Wrong. And that will be great. Then you'll know in advance, and you can choose to be alone, and then maybe you'll be happy. Harley: Gus! [SCENE_BREAK] Harley: Blake! Blake! Blake: Oh, hi. Harley: I am so sorry. Blake: Oh? What did you do? Harley: I'm sorry for all of the times that I said you were crazy, because clearly I am the person who is nuts here. Blake: Well, that's very refreshing, but I think I need some more information here. Come and sit down, relax. Just breathe. Harley: Where am I? Blake: Oh, God, you didn't hit your head, did you? Harley: No, seriously, I don't know where I am. Blake: Okay. Harley: I have been running. I'm out of breath. I've been running and running... Blake: From? Harley: My past and my future. Blake: Like you're running on the yellow brick road with the scarecrow and the lion? Harley: Uh-huh. Yes. Only it's Mallet and Dylan and Gus. Blake: Oh, you had one of those dreams about all the men in your past? Harley: Yeah. Blake: I've had those. They can be fun; I mean, well, sometimes. Harley: No, this was not fun. And I don't think this is a dream, because I was just talking to Mallet... am I still married? Blake: Technically, no, I think. Harley: Because he was talking to me like we're still married. Blake: Well, you could do worse-- you have done worse. Harley: Thanks. Well, I'm not going back there, no. No. I belong... well, I belong... Blake: Think. It will come. Harley: Well, I... I don't know. Love scares me. I just want to feel safe. I thought I'd found somebody I thought I could love and feel safe with, but I should not feel safe with him. Blake: I found love and safety with Ross. Harley: Not a lot of Ross' left in this world. So I think I'm just going to go home and I'm just going to crawl under the covers, and I'm just going to feel safe. Blake: No, no, no. You can't do that, Harley. That's not living. You have to take risk. Love is the only thing that matters. [SCENE_BREAK] Cyrus: Harley, can you hear me? Harley? Hey, hey. Harley: Cyrus? Cyrus: Yeah. How're you feeling? I'm going to get you to a doctor, all right? Harley: I can't get up. Cyrus: It's okay. I've got you. I've got you. Come here. It's okay. It's okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Cyrus: So what's the scoop? Tell me, Doc. Doctor: Almost done. Cyrus: You all right? Do you want anything? Harley: Why are you here? Cyrus: More water? Harley: I mean, one minute I'm alone, and the next you're caring for... Doctor: If I can interrupt, Ms. Cooper, you've been having these attacks for... Harley: I never said they were panic attacks. Doctor: Well, you said at times of stress, you've been having incidents of heartbeat acceleration, trouble breathing, dizziness, vertigo... Harley: I was there, okay? Doctor: How long have you been having these incidents? Harley: A few weeks, I guess. Sometimes I don't have them for days. Cyrus: They started just after we were in an accident together. We were trapped in a building that was being demolished. Doctor: So it's safe to say that you're lucky to be alive. Harley: Can I say something? We were in that building together, but we are not together. Doctor: Okay. Harley: Just pointing that out. Cyrus: So, what could she do about these things? They're really affecting her life. Today she actually passed out. Doctor: Well, you might try these sedatives. I'll write up a scrip. Harley: I don't want to be on pills the rest of my life. Doctor: Well, I don't think you have to be, but you do have some work to do. Harley: Work? Doctor: Well, not to generalize, but attacks like this happen when you don't feel safe. And we've all got checks and balances working in the background that help keep us functioning. And yours need some fine-tuning. Cyrus: Well, we passed an auto mechanic on the way in here. Harley: Keep going. Doctor: Well, for some reason you don't feel safe, secure in yourself and your life. It's not like being safe and unsafe in the building, but you need to take a step back, and figure out what has got you slipping and adjust, or it will become worse. Harley: How many of these things can I take at once? (Laughs) [SCENE_BREAK] Cyrus: You better take that pill the doctor gave you. Harley: Yeah. Is this bottle half full or half empty? Cyrus: Huh? Harley: Never mind. What are you doing here? Cyrus: Why, did you think I was going to let you go off and confront your psycho ex-husband by yourself? Harley: You followed me. You spied on me. Cyrus: You lied to me about even coming here. Harley: So what? Cyrus: So, you owe me the real story. Harley: Since when? Cyrus: Since right now. Harley: Cyrus... Cyrus: When I caught you before, when I looked at you lying there on the pavement... Harley: What? Cyrus: That's when I knew. Harley: Knew what? Cyrus: Don't do that. You know it, too. Harley: But we've been over this... Cyrus: Not really. Harley: This isn't just about us. There's another person in this equation. Do I have to say her name? Cyrus: It's different. Harley: Don't say anything else. Cyrus: What if I have to? Harley: What if I can't tell you to stop? Cyrus: Then don't. We're not here by accident. Harley: I know. I know. Cyrus: We need to stop talking. Harley: I'm scared. Cyrus: No, you're not. Harley: No. Cyrus: Come here. Come here. Harley: No, no, no. Really, Cyrus, I mean it. We're kind of getting carried away here. And, um, one of us just needs to think about what it is we're doing. Cyrus: I don't know. I don't know what we're doing. Harley: So you don't know what we're doing, and I don't know what we're doing, which means this is probably a mistake. Cyrus: Look, I have to tell you something. Harley: Is it bad? Cyrus: After we kissed yesterday, my mind was all over the place. I went from kissing you to making love to Marina. Harley: Wow. Ow. It's okay. Of course you did. You know, you love her. Cyrus: I love Marina, I do, but this, between us, this doesn't feel like a mistake. Harley: It feels right. Cyrus: It feels right. Look, I don't understand any of this. Let's stop trying to define it and jump. I don't want to hurt Marina, and I know you don't want to hurt her either, but there's something real here, Harley. Something big. So let's just jump together and see where we land. Harley: I can't. Cyrus: You want to. Harley: I want a lot of things. It doesn't mean I'll get them all. Cyrus: You can have this. Harley: I can't. Cyrus: If you really feel that, then... Harley: I know. Cyrus: ...That's it. I mean, if we quit, we quit. Harley: I know. Cyrus: I don't want to. Harley: I will decide for us. Cyrus: You already have. What about Phillip? Harley: I thought I saw him. Cyrus: When? Harley: Forget it. I mean, I was probably mistaken. Cyrus: So, are you staying? Harley: No... um, I think it's time to go home. Cyrus: Because we could go back together. I mean, unless it's inappropriate. Harley: I actually... I have my rental car, I have to return that, and all this stuff. I'll be fine. Cyrus: You'll be fine. Harley: You know what I mean. Cyrus: Well, just in case... Harley: No, don't. That's yours. It means something to you. Cyrus: Well, maybe now it will mean something to you. They've always brought me luck. Harley: Luck, huh? Cyrus: Yeah, some people pick up pennies, and I carry this around. Harley: Yeah, but, weren't you wearing that when that building collapsed on us? (Laughs) Cyrus: (Laughs) Yes, I was. I was lucky that day. You kept me alive. Harley: Why are you doing this? Cyrus: Does everything have to have a reason? Harley: Well, the important things do. Cyrus: Well, I guess that's where we agree to disagree. Because I think sometimes things just are. So, I'll see you back in Springfield. Harley: Not if I see you first. That was a joke. Cyrus: I'll take your word for it. So... Harley: Button? Cyrus: Good-bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Harley: (Yawns) Oh, great, perfect. Come on. Yeah, I guess they only work for Cyrus, huh? Oh, my gosh. I know I shouldn't, but... (laughter) Buzz: Oh, she's here! (Cheers) Gus: Finally! Mallet: Somebody turn down the music! Harley: What's going on? Frank: What's going on? Well, we've been waiting for you, sis. Gus: I thought you'd never show up. Harley: What's with that sign? Mallet: We heard about Cyrus. Gus: And how you put on the brakes. Harley: You did? Dylan: You did the right thing, Harley, you played it safe. Mallet: Not that we had any doubts. Frank: You did the right thing, sis. Gus: Just like you always do. Buzz: You could have taken the risk, you could have put yourself out there for love, you know... Frank: Yeah, without even knowing how it was going to turn out! Gus: You didn't even have a way of looking into the future. Dylan: But you knew what the smart play was. Buzz: After all, something could have gone wrong, you know, any time, you know? Frank: Yeah, anything at all. Mallet: Yeah, I mean anything. I mean, the guy could have cheated on you! Gus: Or found a long, lost love. Dylan: Right, you can't count on a guy like that, because all of the adult decisions you have to make every day. Frank: And Harley, we're not even going to mention to what this would have done to Marina if she found out... Buzz: Oh, Harley. Hope is overrated. You know it, in your heart, you know it in your soul. I know what I said before, but now I know you were right. Harley: What are you saying? Buzz: Do you think it's too late for me? Because I want to be just like you. Harley: Okay, just stop! Stop! Stop! Stop the insane celebrating! Gus: What we're saying is we admire you. Dylan: You were right, and we were wrong. Mallet: Let's have a toast to Harley, "Queen of the safety net!" Harley: Listen to me! Listen to me, all of you! I was wrong! Do you hear me? I don't to be rational about this. I don't want to be the grownup here. Dylan: Harley, you should really sit down, okay? Harley: No. I can't believe I walked away from something great because I was scared. Because I was afraid of hurting Marina, and because I'm always so afraid of dividing my family. And because I'm always so afraid of everything that could possibly go wrong! What kind of a way is that to live? Gus: But that's the way you've been living your whole life. Harley: No. Don't you see, Cyrus tried to tell me. His feelings for Marina have obviously changed, and I'm not helping either one of them by ignoring that, or by insisting that they stay together. I'm not helping me. He held out his hand to me, and he said, "Try, just try." And I said, "Keep moving." I told him to take love and adventure, and, yes, risk and uncertainty and everything else, and sell it somewhere else because we ain't buying here. I was an idiot! (Yelling) Frank: Hey, hey, what are you doing? Buzz: Harley, wait. What if... Harley: Yes, Daddy, what if? [SCENE_BREAK] Peg: You okay? Harley: I don't know. Wait. Maybe. Peg: You were so out of it, I didn't know what to think. Harley: The doctor gave me a pill... Peg: I thought the guy that you were looking for had found you instead. Harley: Oh, Phillip... you're talking about Phillip? Peg: Who else would I be talking about? Harley: Listen, forget it. I need a tow truck. Can you call them for me and get them here right away? Peg: Where are you going? Harley: Home. Peg: What's there? What about... Harley: Phillip? No. He's not here. Or if he is, he's sure not going to let me find him. Peg: I don't understand. Harley: What am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to spend my whole life afraid that somebody that I haven't seen in years is going to come after me? Come on. Peg: Okay. Harley: So my car will not start. It won't start, and I've got to get back to Springfield. Peg: What's there? Harley: Everything. Peg: You sure about the car? Harley: Yeah. Yeah, see for yourself. (Engine starting) Are you kidding me? Peg: Are you wearing dog tags? Harley: Yes, I guess I am. Maybe they are lucky after all. Thanks. Okay? Really. I appreciate everything. I'll see you around. [SCENE_BREAK] Harley: Blake! You were right. Blake: Oh, for once! (Laughs) What about? Harley: You know, our conversation before, when we were talking about men and choosing love or staying with something safe. Blake: Okay. I don't know what you think we talked about, honey, but, well you know me, I'm always going to vote for love every single time. It's the only thing we've got. Besides, I haven't even given up on it, after everything I've been through, right? We deserve it. (Cell phone rings) Cyrus: Hello? Harley: Cyrus, it's me. I just wanted to say... Cyrus: I gotcha! G'day. This is Cyrus, but you knew that. Leave your name, your number, and a really short message. (Beep) (Knock on the door) Cyrus: Harley? Harley: Hi. Cyrus: Hi. What are you doing here? Harley: I'm back, and I have to talk to you. Cyrus: I have to talk to you. Marina: No! No, wait! Let me tell her. Okay. We have news. Harley: News? Marina: We're engaged! Can you believe it? Harley: Engaged? Since when? Marina: Well, Immigration called, and we decided not to chance it. I mean, Cyrus said we were just putting off the inevitable anyway, so why not do it? Harley: (Laughs) Why not? Cyrus: Are you all right? Harley: Yes. (Laughs) I had a pill. I took a pill before, and I'm feeling so groggy from it. Oh, my gosh, you're engaged. Congratulations. It's so wonderful. Marina: Well, we were going to have a drink to celebrate, so you should stay. Harley: Oh, I am not going to be the third wheel. This is for the two of you. No way! Marina: You're not! Please. Harley: I am always the third wheel. It's so wonderful. I'm going to call you after you celebrate, okay? Congratulations! [SCENE_BREAK] Next, on "Guiding Light." Natalia: Nothing is going to stop me from marrying you tomorrow, Nicky. Ava: We going to stop Gus from eloping or what? Lizzie: I am not here to have sex with you. I look really hot today, too, by the way. Dinah: I say we bust out of here and get a little payback. Billy: I want somebody to hurt, and I want to be the one who causes it.
Marina says they have news, they are engaged
Barbara: Hi, there. I could help you with your hair. It's my designer's eye for detail. I mean, your costume's pretty good, but your hair could -- Patient: This isn't a costume. You wanna do somebody's hair, do your own. Get away from me, you freak. Barbara: I'm sorry. If I don't get out of here, I'll end up just like them. Rick, where are you? Otis: Nice mask. Barbara: Oh, Mr. Griggs, Mr. Griggs -- have you thought any more about what I told you last night? Otis: Right, right, right, right. The escape. Well, don't worry about it, honey, everything is locked up tight as can be, okay? Barbara: That's not true. There haven't been anymore security measures taken -- Rick Decker gonna get out of here tonight. Otis: Like I said -- don't fret. Enjoy the party. Barbara: Hey, don't you humor me! A couple of days ago, you were sure that Rick was gonna break out of here, he was going to take me along with him -- now you think I'm making this up? Otis: Well, the doc explained to me all about your condition. Barbara: I don't have a condition. I am telling you the truth. He is gonna bust his way out of here tonight. Otis: I thought he couldn't live without you. Barbara: Well, things are different now. Otis: Hmm. This is part of that bi-polar thing -- Dr. Sanborn said so. Like -- your need for attention. Barbara: I don't have a need for attention. I am trying to tell you something. Rick Decker could endanger a lot of people if he gets out of here. My family is out there -- other people, my friends are out there. You've gotta do something. Otis: How about a sedative, hon? You know, looking at all these scary Halloween stuff -- it could make you a little anxious. Barbara: I don't need a sedative! I need for you to take me seriously. Rick: Don't worry, Barbara. I take you very seriously. [SCENE_BREAK] Holden: So, what looks good? Lily: Hmm. I love the breaded veal. Holden: That has been on the menu since this place opened. Lily: I know. But it's the best. Holden: Thought you were getting tired of the tried and true. Too predictable. Lily: Some things get better with age, like a fine wine. Holden: Well, that wasn't loaded or anything. Lily: I mean it. I mean, you are my tried and true, and it means everything to me that you have stood by me. Holden: Well, there wasn't any choice, Lily. I love you. Lily: And I love you. Things were so difficult after Rose died, and you were there for me. That's why I could come back. To you, to myself, to my family. I am committed in a way that I have never been before. Holden: Well, I'm very glad to hear that because I need you, especially now. This thing with Jack has gotten so difficult. It was awful when we lost him, but now that he's back, it's like he's still gone. [Cell phone rings] Go ahead, grab it. Lily: It could be about the kids, so -- sorry. Hello? Craig: Lily? Craig. You on your way? Lily: I'm having dinner with my husband right now. Craig: Well, get a doggie bag. C'mon, you promised you'd come down to the gym as Rose, and pump Dominic for info. Lily: This is not a good time. Can we talk later? Craig: Come on, Lily. We know something's fishy about this fight, and I need you to find out what it is. Lucy needs you. Lily: I'm sorry, Craig. You'll have to do that without me. Craig: Lily? Holden: What did he want? Lily: A favor. I told him he'll have to work out his problems on his own. Holden: Good luck. With Craig, with his will, there's a way -- his way. [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: Shoot! I thought I'd beat you here. Aaron: Uh-huh? You have to get here pretty early -- I've been here a while. Whatcha got there? Alison: Well, it was supposed to be a surprise. But, since I'm busted -- I was going to put it in your locker. Aaron: Oh, Ali, you didn't have to do. Alison: No, it's a big day for you. So, what do you think? Aaron: Oh, ha, ha! That is so cool! That is so that you thought of this. Dominic: You'd better get "rest in peace" put on that thing, Snyder. You're gonna need it when my boy gets done with you. Hey, listen -- this is Rafael's show, kid, not yours. Remember that. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: You disappeared this afternoon. Why'd you split so soon? Lucy: What, all morning wasn't enough for you? Dusty: I never get enough of you, baby, you know that. Lucy: I heard you should always keep 'em wanting more. Besides, I wanted make sure everything was set up for this press reception after the weigh-in. Dusty: Why are you doing this? This isn't your job. Lucy: I know. I don't want you worrying about anything. Dusty: I'm not worried, it's just the weigh-in. It's not the fight. What were you reading when I came in? Lucy: You did a great job on Aaron's bio. Dusty: Well, thank you very much. Lucy: But he still looks like an amateur next to Rafael. Dusty: Well, everybody's gotta start somewhere, right? Lucy: I guess, yeah. Dusty: Its okay, Lucy. He knows what he's up against. Lucy: Yeah. Dusty: Besides, after tomorrow, we're outta here. What do you think of that? Dusty: Let's go back to the hotel so you can get dressed up for tonight -- eventually. Lucy: Sounds good. But, I'm just going to let you know, I'm -- I'm not going to the weigh-in. Dusty: Honey, you don't have stay away from Rafael on my account. You know? You can hang out with whatever friends you want -- always. Lucy: Try telling Dominic that. I know he's been on your case about me, and I want this whole thing to go off without a hitch. So, if you don't want me to go to the fight -- Craig: You better listen to her, Dusty. Before she met you, she had a working brain. [SCENE_BREAK] [Ben remembering] Jessica: I think despite what you told Bob Hughes, you're still in pain, and you're self-prescribing medication. Bob: Ben, may I see the pills in question? Ben: This is unbelievable. You know me. Bob: For your own good, show me those pills. Jessica: Bob, I seemed to have made a terrible mistake. Bob: It's nothing that can't be rectified. A simple urine test should clear this up once and for all. Ben: Fine, you can order all you want. I'm not doing it. Bob: Ben! Dr. Jacobs has signed off on your physical therapy. Ben: Great, then I'm set to rejoin the rotation. Bob: Well, there are still a few other requirements. Ben: How'd I know there would be? Bob: Oh, come on. It's just routine. Ben: Yeah, well, for somebody who've been accused of abusing drugs -- next time I see Jessica, remind me to thank her for that. Look, this is just her way of getting back at me. She had no right dragging you into her personal business. Bob: I don't think she was being malicious. I think she was concerned about you -- that made me concerned about you. Ben: Look, I'm no drug addict, Bob. Bob: I know that personally. But, I have to avoid any legal entanglements at the hospital. Ben, I have to insist that you take a urine test before I can reinstate you. Ben: Of course. And I know I got bent out of shape about that before -- Bob: I understand that, but it's a formality, it's not an indictment. Ben: I'll do whatever I have to do to get back to work. Bob: You tell the lab I said to rush those results. Ben: Yeah. Bob: Would you file that, please? Jessica: Bob. The nurse told me that I could find Ben with you. Bob: Well, he was, but you just missed him. Jessica: Oh. I have some court papers from the Jack Snyder case I need him to sign. Bob: Well, I'm going to see him later. Want me to take them to him? Jessica: Would you mind? Ben's resistant to anything I ask him to do these days, even in a professional capacity. Bob: Well, he has been sensitive about a few things these past few weeks. Rightly or not, he sees you as part of the problem. Jessica: Bob, I would not accuse Ben of abusing pills just to make trouble for him. You know that. Bob: Of course I know that. I said the same thing to him a few minutes ago. But, still -- Jessica: Go ahead. Say what's on your mind. Bob: Okay. It's demeaning for a surgeon of his stature to have to be given urine test so that he could resume his normal duties. He's humiliated. I mean, there's all this gossip about his personal life, and he thinks this will just add to it. Jessica: Certainly, getting to the bottom of Ben's problem is more important than hospital gossip. Bob: His alleged problem. Of course it is. But considering what he's been through -- look, it's none of my business, but I wonder if you should be not involved in this, no matter what the results say. Jessica: You're trying to tell me I should leave Ben alone, right? Bob: I suppose I am. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucy: Daddy, what are you doing here? Craig: Lucy, you don't need to go to the weigh-in or the fight tonight. Dusty: Our conversation didn't concern you. Craig: But my daughter still does. And I don't want her inhaling cigar smoke and obscenities at some low-rent gym. Lucy: Daddy, please. Craig: If you want to go somewhere tonight, what about the Chicago ballet? They're dancing "Petrouchka." Lucy: Oh, good, the one about the puppet who's in love with a doll, and it ends in murder. I'm not going. Craig: Now, Dusty, if you care about my daughter as much as you so loudly profess, you might let her bow out of this. Dusty: It's not my place to let her do anything. She's got a mind of her own. You know, honey, honey, if you want -- if going to fight makes you feel uncomfortable, then I don't mind if you go with your to "Petrouchka." I won't stop you. Whatever you want. Lucy: I want to be with you. You know that. Dusty: Well, I guess that settles it. Craig: Lucy -- Dusty: Craig. Curtis is late. He's one of your employees, remember? Make yourself useful and watch the bar. Craig: Lucy -- [Craig remembering] Dominic: Here's the deal, Montgomery. Lucy messes with my fight, and I will mess with her. [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: Rafael's good, but this is anybody's fight. Just watch and see. If you don't like the robe, you don't have to -- Aaron: No, no, I love the robe. Thank you so much, Ali. I'm gonna go put it in my locker right now, okay? I'll shower and get changed. Bud: Look, that was nice workout. But take it easy on the hand, huh? You're not gonna do too much before the fight. Rafael: Look, I don't want anybody sayin' I'm not ready. I could beat this kid with hand tied behind my back. Bud: Kid, you don't have to convince me, alright? Just take it slow, huh? Why don't you hit the showers? Rafael: All right. Alison: Why are you being such a jerk? What are you trying to do, mess with Aaron's mind? Dominic: Your kid's not championship material. He doesn't have what it takes inside. Alison: You don't know what you're talking about. Aaron Snyder has more heart than anybody I've ever met, and when he wants something, there's nothing that he won't do to get it. Maybe he hasn't had as many fights as your guy, but, you know what, experience isn't everything. Dominic: Oh yeah, it is. And he just doesn't have the juice. Alison: What is that supposed to mean? Dominic: Sure, he can throw a punch, maybe even take one. Okay, but a champ has more. Something that makes him stay on his feet when everybody else would go down. Something that makes a him look in the eyes of the guy across the ring, and know he can take him out. You know, some people say its killer instinct -- whatever you want to call it, it boils down to fire. It burns in here, it makes you go the limit. There's two kinds of people, kid. That's it -- winners and losers. And your boy is not a winner. Alison: And how do you know that? You don't even know Aaron. Dominic: I don't have to. Has he ever been a winner at anything else he's done? How did I know that? Go home, kid. Alison: Creep. [SCENE_BREAK] Barbara: Where are you, Rick? Rick: Did I startle you? Barbara: Uh, no. I just didn't expect -- Rick: To be so well-matched? Barbara: Oh. Where have you been? I've been looking for you for hours. Rick: Well, I've been working on my costume. I was in the arts and crafts room, when I kept going over things in my head, over and over again. Barbara: Do you have the keys? Rick: Absolutely. Barbara: On you? Right now? Rick: You can pat me down if you like. Barbara: I'll save that for later. [Rick hallucinating] Barbara: Like when hell freezes over! Rick: You've been very chatty with Otis Griggs today. Barbara: I have not. Have you been spying on me? Rick: No, no, of course not. It's just that, well, whenever I'm near you, I can't help but notice you. You know, Barbara, I'm so drawn to you. I'm like a moth drawn to a flame. Barbara: Easy big boy, you might get burned. [Rick hallucinating] Barbara: You thought I loved you? How could I love a freak like you? I was just pretending, you idiot. Just like Susan was. Rick: Shut up! Barbara: What? Darling, are you all right? Rick: Don't worry, I'm not going to get burned. Oh, good. It's our time. Barbara: Oh, I'll just go get a coat. Rick: No, no, there's no time for that. Let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: I swear to you, Bob, I am not trying to harass Ben. And I would be the last person to pass judgment on him, but if he has a problem, he should get help. Bob: I agree. He's like a son to me. I would do anything I can to help him. Chemical dependency is not in Ben Harris' makeup. Look, it's none of my business whatever went wrong in your marriage. Ben Harris is an honorable man. Jessica: Yes, who is only human? And honorable men fall just like everybody else. Ben: I can't believe it. You're at it again. Jessica: Ben, I just came by -- I need you to sign some papers for Jack Snyder's case. Ben: Yeah, well, I have some paperwork of my own. My Tox screen came back negative. I'm clean, sober and ready to report for work. [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: Aaron -- Aaron: A loser? A nothing? Alison: Nobody cares what that idiot thinks! Aaron: Well, what do you think? Do you think I'm a loser? Alison: Of course, not! Aaron: Well, then you're the only one who doesn't. Okay, 'cause Holden and Lily and Craig, they all do. You might as well put "Oakdale's favorite screw- up" on the back of my robe. Alison: Will you just cut it out, okay? You've never let me get down on myself. And there's no way that I'm gonna start letting you do it, okay? You're the greatest. And there's -- I don't even know what I would do without you. You're the best friend that I've ever had. Aaron: Ali, can you do me a favor? Can you get rid of these balloons and stuff, please? Alison: Okay. Will you promise me you'll be okay? Aaron: I promise, I'll be okay. I promise, okay? I'm just gonna get rid of some steam, okay? Alison: Sure. I'll be right back, okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Thank you. I think we should make this a standing date -- once a month. Holden: That is a great idea. We need this time to get caught up. We spend so much time with the kids, we never have any time for ourselves. Lily: Now that I'm back, we'll just think of this as a new beginning. Holden: You know, I wanted to be there when you got home last night, but things over at Jack and Carly's got so intense. What did you do? [Lily remembering] Lily: So you're worried your fighter's not gonna win 'cause of the, you know, bum hand? Dominic: No way. He's guaranteed to win. Lily: I remember you asked me if I was interested in making a little money. Hmm? So, this better be true, because I don't have much coin, you know that. Dominic: Place your bet, sweetheart. The kid's money in the bank. Lily: I had to catch up on a few things. You know, I haven't even unpacked my suitcase, so let's settle up here and go. Holden: Already? Lily: Yeah. We'll do this again. We just decided. I wanna see the kids, too. Holden: All right, we'll head to the sitter, pick up the kids, and head home. Lily: Okay, let's go. Let's go right now. Holden: Just a sec. I haven't even gotten the bill yet. Lily: Okay, I'll go to the ladies' room and then I'll meet you at the car. Dominic: Rosie, I've been trying to get a hold of you. How you doing? Holden: Sorry, buddy. But this isn't Rose. This is her twin sister, Lily, my wife. Dominic: Well, I'll be a son-of-a -- Rosie never told me she had a twin. You are a dead ringer for her. Lily: I know. Dominic: Wow. Well, you know, if you talk to her tonight, tell her Dominic's looking for her. Every time I swing by, she's never there. Lily: Well, she's -- she's -- Holden: Rose passed away last year. I guess you haven't heard. Dominic: Is that right? Our Rosie's in the great beyond? That's really strange, you know, seeing as how she was all over me last night -- right here in this room. [SCENE_BREAK] Barbara: You want to escape now? In the middle of the afternoon? Rick: No time like the present. Barbara: There's just enough to sedate him, right? Rick: What's the matter? You don't trust me? Barbara: Of course I do. Rick: Well, then what's with all the questions? You said you were in on this with me, right? Barbara: I am. Of course I am, yes. Rick: Good girl. Let's go. Alfonso -- Alfonso: Oh, it's you two. Rick: You know, I like that spider on your shoulder. That's a nice Halloween effect. Alfonso: Where? Rick: Oh, its right there, see? Barbara: Okay. I'll scream and get Otis. Rick: No, no. You're not going to do that. Barbara: But that was the plan. Distract Otis so we could get out of here. Rick: No, no, you're not trying to distract them. You're trying to tip them off about me. Barbara: I'm trying to what? Rick: Yes, you think if you can expose me, that's your ticket out of here. If you can get them to put me in a straitjacket, you think you're just gonna waltz out of here on your own. Barbara: What are you talking about? Rick: You little, lying, double-crossing liar. Barbara: Rick, I would never double-cross you. Rick: You know, I never really had any idea you were bipolar. Barbara: That was you in the alien mask? Rick: You know what? I think we're going to have to come up with an appropriate punishment for your many crimes sooner than you think. [SCENE_BREAK] Announcer: Coming up, on "As the World Turns" -- Barbara: You're nothing but a serial killer with a God complex. You don't intimidate me. Lily: Dom, he's dangerous. He threatened Lucy. Holden: Yet, you allowed him to come onto the property without any regard to your safety or the safety of our family. Dominic: Come on, Donovan, what are you scared of? Aaron: He's not scared of anything, you got that? Let's do this, come on! Dusty: Let's do it, come on. [SCENE_BREAK] Barbara: Come on, Rick, you don't have to do anything rash. You can still get out of here. No one's looking. Rick: Oh, good. Then we can leave together and no one will see us. Just like we planned. I'll deal with you later. Barbara: Do you think that you're the first psychopath that I have dealt with? I have survived more maniacs than you will ever know, Rickie boy. You're nothing but a serial killer with a God complex. You don't intimidate me. Rick: Nice speech. Let's go. Barbara: I'm serious. You get out of my face before I count ten or I'll start screaming. One, two, three -- oh! Rick: Do you see this? This is gonna do a helluva lot more than just knock you out. Do I have your attention? Barbara: Uh-huh. Rick: Hmm? Barbara: Uh-huh. Rick: Good. Now you're going to scream exactly like planned for our poor friend Alfonso. And then when everybody comes running to help him, you and I are going to escape just like we planned it. Hmm? Now, you cross me and I kill you. And if you think I'm bluffing, just remember, I have nothing to lose. Scream. Barbara: Help! Someone help me! It's Alfonso! Help! [SCENE_BREAK] Dominic: What kind of con game are you running? Asking me about my -- you're working with Montgomery? Lily: I can explain it. Holden? Holden: Oh, I'm sure you can. Dominic: Listen, lady, whoever you are, I'll back off out of respect for your dead sister, but you tell Montgomery, he's gonna be sorry he crossed me. Lily: Holden, I'm sorry. I can make you understand everything, but I have to call Craig. I gotta warn him about -- I gotta warn him about this. Come on, come on. Craig? Craig: Lily? I was hoping you'd change your mind. Lily: Listen to me. I just ran into Dominic Ramsey at the Lakeview, and he knows that I've been conning him. And he says you'll be sorry you crossed him when he sees you. Craig, I'm so sorry. I never meant for this to happen. Craig: Don't worry about it. Thanks for the heads-up. Lily: At least I was able -- Holden? Oh, no. [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: Are you okay? Do you -- do you need a sports drink or something? Aaron: No, I'm gonna wait till after the weigh-in. Alison: Well, the press is here. They're unloading out back. WOAK came -- Aaron: Holden didn't show up, did he? Alison: No, not yet. Aaron: Figures. Alison: I'm here. I know that I'm probably not your first choice. Aaron: You're my only choice, Alison. And I am so glad that you're here with me. Alison: Really? Because, Aaron, there is something that I have to say to you. You've got to forget all that bull Rafael's manager keeps spitting at you. His fighter may have been doing this longer than you have, but you're great, Aaron. You're a guy who goes the distance. And after everything that you've done for me these past couple years, I know that better than anyone. So don't let some jerk tell that you don't have any chops. Because he can't make you a quitter or a loser. Only you can do that. Come on, give me your best shot. I can take it. Come on. Aaron: You serious? Oh, God. You're something else, Ali. What would I do without you? Alison: You would let your muscles get cold and stiff. So let's get out of here so we can make a big entrance for all those reporters. Aaron: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: Drinking up the profits again, huh? Craig: Lucy, look at you. You came to your senses. Lucy: About what? Craig: Well, at least you're dressed for the ballet. Lucy: I'm going to the weigh-in. We just stopped by to see if Curtis needed anything. Curtis: Sorry I was late. Dusty: That's okay. Watch him, he's been hitting the bottle. Curtis: Okay, I got it covered. One more, and I take his keys, right? Dusty: Right. Curtis: The chef's almost done with the appetizers. Waitstaff should be here any minute. Dusty: Great. I'll see you after the weigh-in. Curtis: Tell my man Aaron I said "good luck." Dusty: You got it, buddy. Let's go. Craig: You can't go to the gym. You have to stay out of the gym until after the fight. Okay? Lucy: Let go. Craig: Listen, you are not safe in there. Dusty: She's not safe with you, Montgomery. Lucy: I never told anybody what you did. But if you interfere in my life one more time, I will talk. Come on, Dusty, let's go. Dusty: This is getting old. You know? Lucy: Ready? [SCENE_BREAK] Bob: Okay, I'll tell Ramirez to put you back on the surgical rotation. Ben: I'm sure he'll be glad to have another set of hands. Bob: No hard feelings, I hope? Ben: No. Jessica: Ben -- Ben: Actually, I just wanted to sign Jack's papers. Jessica: Obviously, I was wrong and I'm sorry. I just hope you can forgive me. Ben, I'm just glad to see you're getting your life back. Ben: No, Jess, I got my job back, not my life back. My life -- you want to help me? Stop sitting on the divorce papers and sign on the dotted line. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Holden? Holden: I called the sitter and asked her to keep the kids. Lily: Craig needed my help. I didn't want to do it, but then Dom came in and he saw me. Holden: Dom? You're on a nickname basis with this guy? Lily: Dominic Ramsey. He's a boxing promoter. He's working with Dusty. Anyway, he came in and he saw me, and he thought I was Rose and I -- I played along. Holden: So this is the guy that you were with the night I found you all dressed up in rose's things? Lily: It was important. Holden: Its many things, not to mention incredibly dangerous. Lily: It was the only way that I could pump that guy for information. Holden: About what? Lily: The fight. There's something wrong with that fight. Holden: Aaron's fight? Lily: Yes. And Craig wants to know what it is, because he's worried about Lucy. Holden: So let Craig dress up and pump the guy for information. So what, you uncovered some big secret? Lily: Yes. The fight is fixed. Aaron is deliberately outmatched by Dom's guy. Dom said, "Invest all your money, because Aaron is guaranteed to lose." Holden: That's probably hype. The guy is a boxing promoter. Lily: No, this is different. Dom, he's -- he's dangerous. He threatened Lucy. Holden: Yet, you allowed him to come onto the property without any regard to your safety or the safety of our family? Lily: Did you hear what I just said? He threatened Lucy. Holden: Says who? Craig? Why does this surprise me? Everything and everyone takes precedence over our family. Lily: Aaron is family. Holden: Don't even try it. You had plenty of time to tell me about this, but you didn't say a word. And if you hadn't been outed by that creep tonight, you still probably wouldn't have said anything! So don't you dare use Aaron as an excuse! [SCENE_BREAK] Boxing official: Now that they're weighed in, let me, once again, introduce our contenders. Our challenger, Aaron Snyder. Alison: Whoo! Spirit of Oakdale! Dominic: Spirit of Oakdale. You mean the wimp of Oakdale. Boxing official: And our top-ranked contender, Rafael Ortega! Alison: Boo! Reporter #1: Hey, Rafael, let's get some shots of you and Snyder in the center. Rafael: Yeah, if you're game. Bud: Hey, I don't think that's such a great idea. Dominic: Why not? We could use all the publicity we can get. Go ahead. Reporter #1: Come on, guys, spar a little. Show us what you got. Aaron: I'm game if you're game. Dusty: You'll get plenty of photos during the fight, fellas. Relax. Reporter #1: You don't have any confidence in your boy? Dusty: Just for show, right, Dominic? Dominic: Come on, Donovan, what are you scared of? Aaron: Hey, he's not scared of anything. You got that? Give me a lift here. [SCENE_BREAK] Otis: Everybody get back, give the man some air. I said, get back. Looks like it could be a heart attack. Call the paramedics. Rick: I can honestly say you're never gonna see this place again. Hmm? [SCENE_BREAK] Bob: Ben, Dr. Ramirez says he'll have you back in the surgical rotation in a couple of days. I'm sorry it couldn't be immediate. Ben: Oh, that's all right. The delay will give me some time to tie up some loose ends. Hey, listen, I heard some of your conversation with Jessica earlier. Bob: I meant every word of it. Ben: Yeah. I've always felt like you were family, too, and just appreciate your support. Bob: Good to have you back. Ben: Yeah. [Ben remembering] See, the problem is, I've been taking a -- some antihistamine cold medicine, and now Bob asked me to take this Tox screen before I can get back on rotation. Curtis: That should be okay, right? I mean, it's only over-the-counter stuff. Ben: It'll still give a false positive. Curtis: That's too bad. When can you reschedule for it? Ben: The lab's backed up. It could be as much as five days. And you know how desperate I am to get back into surgery this week. Curtis: Crazy. Ben: It's killing me. Curtis: I know you don't cut corners and stuff, but if it would help, I could always give you a clean sample, no problem. Ben: I would never ask anything like under normal circumstances -- Curtis: After everything you've done for me? Can I have that cup, please? Curtis: You know what? I'm actually glad there's something that I can finally do for you. You're my hero. Ben: No, Curtis, you're my hero. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: I never meant for things to get so out of control. You have every right to be angry with me. Holden: Don't condescend to me. I don't need your permission. Lily: I told Craig that I will not be involved in anything else with him. You were there. You heard me. Holden: Not too long ago, you argued that you had every right to see Craig, because he was your friend. You made me feel like I needed to be some sort of watchdog to keep you in check. Yet, when you come back, the night you get back, you get dressed up like Rose, you desert the kids and you get involved in one of his lowlife schemes. Lily: You make it sound so sinister. Holden: He almost got you killed once before. What's it gonna take for you to realize who this guy is? Lily: I'm sorry. Holden: You know, this is not about Aaron, Lucy or Craig. This is about you trying to find any excuse you can think to lose yourself in anything other than us. Lily: Please, Holden, don't -- Holden: How much more did you think I could take? You don't want to be here, but you just don't want to say it. So, fine. I'll say it. Lily: Don't. Please, don't. Holden: I give up. I give up fighting. I give up trying to hang onto this marriage, tooth and nail. It's over. Lily: Holden? [Door slams] [SCENE_BREAK] Aaron: Why's your manager being such a jerk, man? Rafael: Snyder, get used to it, all right? It's the fight game. It's nothing personal. Dominic: Hey. We got to talk, you and me. Alison: Looking good, Aaron! Lucy: Go, Aaron! Dominic: Come on, Rafael. Bud: Oh, watch the hand! Dominic: Snyder ain't no fighter. Dusty: Don't listen to him. Forget about him. Get off the rope. Get off the rope. [SCENE_BREAK] Barbara: Rick, please. Please, let me go. And without me in tow, you can make a clean getaway. Rick: Forget it. You're coming with me, and you're going quietly. All right? What is it? Barbara: I just realized this very moment that once we get of here, we're free, thanks to you. I'm sorry that I lost my nerve a moment ago. I don't know why -- why I've been resisting you. Rick: Barbara. I've waited so long. Oh, finally. Barbara: Die! Die, you monster! [NEXT_ON] Boxing official: Fellas, settle down. Get in your corners. Aaron: What? Dusty: What are you doing? Dominic: Maybe your beau doesn't want to cooperate when the time comes. You got to fix it. You got to fix it. Dusty: What do you mean, cooperate? Rick: Oh, Barbara, why? Jack: Doctor, I have a wife, and I want her -- I want her to know what's going on here. Carly: He doesn't mean me.
Rick overhears Barbara talking with Griggs and when the time comes for the big escape, he puts out Alfonso and then tells Barbara that he heard everything
Philip: [Clears throat] "How's it going, Philip?" Not bad, Mom. Thanks for asking. "And the record label? How's that coming?" It's coming. All the paperwork's complete. "Good. As long as you're happy, I'm happy." Kate: [Sighs] I don't feel like talking. Is that such a crime? Philip: Nope. But if we talk about it, you'll probably feel better. Kate: Talk about what? Philip: How you screwed up with Deimos. I told you not to mess with the guy. Deimos is one endless supply of bad news. Believe me, endless. [Soft dramatic music] Chloe: [Sighs] [Dramatic music] Deimos: You're awfully quiet. Nicole: Sorry. I just have a lot of stuff doing somersaults in my head... like Victor kidnapping Tate. Deimos: Hard to believe, I know. Nicole: Yeah. Deimos: And how about my answer to your question, did I have anything to do with it? Is that hard to believe as well? [Monitor beeping] Having arrested famed industrialist Victor Kiriakis earlier today, the police issued no statement except to say that he will be charged with conspiracy to commit kidnapping. Turning to sports, it appears the Chicago cubs-- [TV shuts off] Maggie: [Sobs] Justin: Brady, where's uncle Vic? Brady: He's in there with roman. I think, if he confesses now, things would be a lot easier for him. Sonny: Why would he confess to something he didn't do? Brady: Sonny, he did do it, okay? He arranged the-- Justin, you can't go in there. Justin: The hell I can't. How dare you interrogate my client without his attorney present? Roman: Justin, welcome. Join us. Justin: You are going to follow the law on this one, roman, to the letter. Victor: Forget about making legal points, Justin. Help me convince him I had nothing to do with the kidnapping. Roman: You don't have to convince me, Victor. Worry about convincing a jury. Sonny: Brady, why are you so convinced that uncle Vic is guilty? Brady: Because the facts add up, sonny. Sonny: Like what? Brady: Like-- [Stammers] Like summer accepting $100,000 to kidnap my son. Who has access to that kind of money, huh? What about Theresa remembering seeing summer coming for my son-- Sonny: Wait, wait, no. I heard that was just a dream. Brady: Listen, doesn't matter. Before summer took off for God knows where, she led us to a room at the Salem inn, all right? You know what I found in that room, man? One of my kid's toys. Sonny: Fine, I heard that. So Tate was probably held there, but then you found a lead on who rented the room, right? Brady: Exactly, her name was supposedly Lauren Cartwright. We found a burner phone that she had left behind in that hotel room in Indianapolis where we found my son. There was one number programmed into that phone, sonny. It was my grandfather's number. I called the phone. He answered it. Look, man, I've been behind my grandfather for as long as I can remember. I don't want him to be guilty. I want him to be innocent. But I know you love him. I love him too. He's been great to me. He's been great to you. But facts are facts! Sonny: You don't have facts. You have opinions. [Dramatic music] Nicole: I don't think you had anything to do with Tate's kidnapping. I believed you absolutely when you told me that. Deimos: Thank you. That means a great deal to me. Nicole: What I am having a hard time believing is how Victor could be so cruel. He loves Brady and Tate. Does he really hate Theresa that much? Deimos: He adamantly denies having anything to do with it... which is why I'm having my own professionals investigate. There is a chance-- very real chance-- that Victor's being set up. Nicole: Really? I mean, who would do that? Deimos: That is the question. When it's time to move to underwear, [Soft dramatic music] [Knock at door] Theresa: Hey. Do you have time for a few visitors? Maggie: Oh, my word. [Chuckles] Ah, he's really back. Theresa: I know. He's kind of tuckered out. He really wanted to see his great- grandma Maggie. Maggie: Oh, sweetheart. Oh, my goodness. Ah, you're such a beautiful sight. I'm so glad he-- I'm so glad to see you. Theresa: Yeah. It's amazing how much he's grown, isn't it? Maggie: It is. He looks perfect. Is he okay? Theresa: Yeah. Pediatrician said everything checked out fine. At least Victor made sure he was taken care of. Look, it must be hard for you... knowing that Victor did this. Maggie: He didn't, Theresa. He didn't do it. Justin: Uncle Vic, there's no need to defend yourself. Roman's so sure he's got his man, he's stopped thinking. Victor: He's got to know what the hell is going on. Deimos arranged for Tate to be kidnapped. Roman: You got proof of that? Victor: He might just as well have taken out a billboard. Think--the first clue that we got: The Chopin group. Deimos is a piano virtuoso. Such an egotist, he couldn't resist putting in a little inside joke. Roman: Really, that's it? That's what you got? Victor: Damn it, roman, the only thing that Deimos is better at than music is revenge. You're being played by the son of a bitch and letting me go down for it. Sonny: So you're saying uncle Vic risked his great-grandson's life just to make Theresa look bad? Brady: Plus, he got Maggie's daughter to be implicated in it as well, whom he also hated with a vengeance. Sonny: Oh, so two birds with one stone. Brady: Sonny, trust away. Trust your damn heart out. The fact is, that old bastard did this and it was cruel and he needs to pay for it. Sonny: Boy, you've really built a case against uncle Vic-- in your head, anyway. I mean, you took a fact from here, you took a fact from there, and you wrote a pretty convincing story. Or someone else did. Brady: What the hell does that mean? Sonny: It means maybe you should be out there looking for who set him up rather than measuring the rope to hang him with. Kate: Wow. If I knew this dinner was going to include a main course of "I told you so," I would have agreed to it so much sooner. Philip: Look, I know having me bring it up isn't fun for you... Kate: No! Philip: But-- Kate: No, nonsense. This is beyond enjoyment. We should do this all the time. Philip: Seriously, mom, I'm sorry you wound up going through hell-- I really am... even if it was pretty much your own fault. And I get no pleasure whatsoever in seeing you unemployed or kicked out of the place you thought was gonna be your home, okay? Kate: No, you know, it's not okay. Because you are loving every single minute of this. And believe me, I'm not gonna forget it. Philip: There it is. That's why I came here tonight. The fire, the tone. Kate: Excuse me? Philip: I was wondering when that blue streak was gonna show itself. Kate: Oh, my God, what are you talking about? What are you talking about? Philip: I know you, remember? Very well. You've been hurt, insulted, stomped on. You're miserable. Anybody can see that. I see something else. Kate: Oh, what's that? Philip: You're going for revenge. Kate: [Scoffs] [Laughs] Deimos: Actually, I'm not launching my own investigation just to help my brother. I have a more self-serving interest. There are gonna be people who believe that Victor's not guilty. They're gonna start pointing fingers at me. They already have. Nicole: Even with no evidence? Deimos: [Chuckles] Sometimes truth doesn't count for very much. You may recall a certain someone framing you for murder? Nicole: Oh, yes, I do. Deimos: Well, I certainly hope my investigators are able to clear Victor. I mean, who knows? Maybe he might appreciate it enough to-- Nicole: Forgive you? Deimos: [Chuckles] Well, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves, huh? Helping Maggie is one thing, but I have to believe Victor will always have me in his cross hairs, no matter how much I just... just want to be his brother. [Tender music] Nicole: [Sighs] Kate: Seriously, you think I'm planning revenge against Deimos? Philip: Maybe Nicole, too, while you're at it. Kate: I think the wine has gone to your head. I have given no indication whatsoever that I was even considering anything idiotic like that. Philip: I didn't say you were advertising it. But anyone who knows you knows how this plays out. Kate: [Scoffs] Okay. Let's get the check, shall we? Philip: Forget it. I got it anyway. Kate: Oh, good. Fine. Philip: Seriously, mom, would you just-- two more seconds? Kate: [Sighs] Philip: The only reason I'm trying to talk to you about this now is because this is going to end very badly for you. It always does. Kate: It's so wonderful that you're looking out for me, however condescendingly. But let me give you a piece of advice. You need to worry about yourself, since you're the one sleeping with Chloe lane. Philip: [Scoffs] What? First of all, I'm not sleeping with Chloe. Second of all, don't try to change the subject. Kate: Oh, oh, that's right. That's right. It's just a business relationship, isn't it? It's all about singing. Philip: It is. Kate: You know, tell me something. When things get really exciting between you --you know, when the bed starts to shake and the earth is about to move-- does she burst out into song? Philip: Damn it, mom, I told you, we are not-- Kate: You think that I'm predictable? When Chloe reverts back to form, do you know how insane things are going to get for you once again? Chloe: Wouldn't you rather have me answer that? [Soft upbeat music] [Tender music] Nicole: [Gasping] Deimos: I want you to move in here. I never want you to be away from me. Say you'll do it. Just say yes. Brady: You've got to know how many times that my grandfather, without hesitation, has broken the law, cheated, stolen-- Sonny: I remember. Brady: Name it. Sonny: I remember. But I also remember how much he's changed since Maggie came into his life. Roman: All right, Justin, I guarantee you it won't take long. Justin: It better not. Sonny: Hey, what's going on? Roman: Well, what's going on is, Victor is about to be booked. Sonny: No, this is insane. Justin: Look, don't worry. I'm on this. Your bail hearing is first thing in the morning, and there's no way can they hold you. [Dramatic music] [Tender music] Roman: Victor, go. Sonny: Wait, can we hold on one minute? Roman: Sonny, don't stop this. Sonny: I'm not. I'm just asking for one minute. I haven't got a chance to talk to you since this happened, but I want you to know, whatever they think they have, whatever they got cooked up to make you look guilty, I'm with you. I will not give up on you, uncle vic. Victor: Thank you. Good to know some members of my family still care. Let's go, roman, get this over with. Brady: What the hell is wrong with you? You've lived in that house. You know what he's capable of. Justin: Was. Was capable. Look, Brady, you turned titan around and made it legit. Uncle Victor met Maggie. Brady: Are you forgetting that you lost your job as a DA because of something that Victor had you do? Remember that? Was that the old version of Victor, or was that the new and improved version? Justin: Look, I know that this kidnapping has been hell for you. The stress you've been under has been unbelievable. I get that. But don't you think that maybe, just maybe, that could cloud your judgment? I mean, have a little family loyalty. Victor was hurting from this kidnapping as much as you. Deimos should be our main suspect. Brady: I investigated Deimos. I-- Justin: Well? Brady: I traced him to the Chopin group, which led to this mobster in Greece. And yes, Deimos most likely knew this guy in prison. But don't get carried away. The trail went cold. It was 20, 25 years ago. I got nothing to attach Deimos to this mobster since. Justin: How long did you look? Brady: You don't think I want it to be Deimos? I do! I don't want my grandfather to be involved in this. But he did it, Justin. I'm not gonna let family loyalty blind me from what really happened. I'm sorry. [Dramatic music] Theresa: Well, uh, you look terrific, Maggie. So hey, when can you get back on your feet? Maggie: Uh, well, it'll be a while. I, um-- you know, once I'm healed, the therapy starts. And after that, we'll see. Theresa: Yeah? Well, that's something to look forward to, though. Right? That's good. I, um--- I'm sorry it came at the-- you know, it just-- I'm sorry that it came at this-- it was just really bad timing, Maggie, with everything coming down on you, and... look, I know you want to think that Victor is innocent and summer wasn't involved. Maggie: Has there been any word on... Theresa: No. They're gonna find her. And when they do, I'm sorry, it's--it's gonna hurt you all over again. Maggie: Oh, my God. You know, when Brady walked in with john with this insane, absolutely unbelievable story-- Theresa: Yeah, I know. I know, and I wish-- I wish I could tell you that it was enough for me to just-- that I have Tate back, you know, but I can't tell you that, Maggie. It's not enough. It's not okay. You know, I've done a lot of horrible things to people. Come on, though. Kidnapping an innocent child? It's unforgivable. Maggie: Well, whoever did it should be punished. Theresa: Right. Maggie: [Sighs] Theresa: Look, I'm just gonna say this once, okay, get it out in the open. Look, you and I may not agree on Victor ever, all right, but that's okay, okay? 'Cause, Maggie, I-- I want to be here for you, okay, and I want to help you any way that I can. Maggie: Thank you. Theresa: Yeah. But I do need you to know... I'm gonna be in the courtroom when they sentence Victor. [Soft dramatic music] Philip: Hey, Chloe, looking sharp. Chloe: Thank you, Philip. It sounded like I was interrupting something-- a scolding, a warning against my evil ways? Kate: Sweetheart, if you think I'm going to be embarrassed or if I'm going to fumble an apology-- Philip: Mom-- Kate: You are a conniving, lying little witch who is going to make my son miserable once again. Philip: Okay, mom, could you maybe just-- Kate: But then again, maybe he'll wake up. You know, who knows? That is my fondest wish. But then again, he is an adult. A mother can only do so much. Wouldn't you agree? Chloe: [Sighs] Are you finished? Kate: I am finished. I'm finished chatting with my naive son. I've finished my dinner, although I might have to take something to keep it down if I continue to look at you. Chloe: Oh, well, I hope whatever you take, it isn't poison-- I'm assuming you have some left over-- or that it doesn't make you want to frame someone for murder yet again. [Soft upbeat music] I thought that went rather well. Deimos: You know what? Nicole: Hmm? Deimos: I just realized something. Nicole: What? Deimos: You never answered my question about moving in. Nicole: Well, I think I was involved in something, wasn't I? Deimos: Yeah. Yeah, I do seem to recall something. Nicole: Admit it: You were hoping that I wanted you so badly, I'd say, "yes, yes, a million times yes!" Deimos: Mm. Am I really that obvious? Nicole: Sometimes. Deimos, moving in with you, that's huge. I just need to think about it. You know, sometimes everything we do, everything we are, it's-- it's perfect. And sometimes I just feel like we're moving really, really fast. Deimos: All right. I guess, having spent so many years behind bars, that... time has a somewhat different meaning for me. But you're right. Take all the time you need... just as long as you finally say yes. [Both chuckle] [Dramatic music] [Laughs] Oh, baby, mommy is so happy that you're here. We had a nice visit, though, didn't we? Even if Maggie still thinks... [Sobs] My God, I never thought I was gonna see you again. Brady: Hey, hey, hey. Everything's fine. Everything's good. He's here. Look, he's here. He's right here. Theresa: Yeah, thank God. Brady: And it's gonna stay that way. We're good. We're good. Theresa: Okay. So is the old bastard behind bars yet? [Dramatic music] Philip: Okay. The waiter won't be coming back. The couple with the two little kids just left. It's just us. You can talk. Chloe: Philip, you realize that offer you made me is insane. Philip: No, it's not. If you're gonna keep this baby-- and I really think you should-- then you're gonna need someone Deimos will believe is the father. That way, you're safe; the baby is safe. Chloe: What about you? I can't put you in this position. Philip: Hey, I'm sure there's other guys you could get for the job, but I'm the most believable. We got a hot history, and we're gonna be together a lot. Chloe: Ugh! Philip: What? Chloe: Yet another reason for your mother to hate me. Philip: Yeah, and just when she was coming around. Forget her. You've got a problem. And it's in my self-interest to help you because I want you on my label for the next three decades at least. Oh... I care about you. So what's it gonna be? Yes or no? [Dramatic music] Kate: What a lovely couple you make. The charming prince from a faraway land and the commoner he plucked from a memory, an old memory. Quite a fairy tale. Deimos: You might want to be careful with your analogies, Kate. You might end up being cast as the crusty wicked witch. Nicole: Or something that rhymes with "witch." For the fried, Kate: Well, if I was a witch, it means that I could cast a spell on you. That would be fun, wouldn't it? Deimos: I seem to recall you already trying that and failing miserably. Nicole: Kate, isn't this weird for you? I mean, I would think you would go out of your way to avoid running into us. Deimos: You know what? I would have thought the same exact thing, given the fact that the last time, she made such a fool of herself. But then again, some people lack self-awareness. Come on. [Dramatic music] Chloe: [Sighs] Maybe I should just... leave Salem, move to la maybe. There's plenty of good recording studios there. Or Nashville, new York. Philip: I get it-- someplace you wouldn't run into Deimos. But we're just getting things going here. Trying to do it long-distance, not a good idea. We need to get your career launched, not spend time looking for places for you to hide. Chloe: You're right, I guess. I don't know. I... I think I have to think about this some more. Philip: Hey, hey, it's complicated, okay? Downright messy. But you can't keep running or telling yourself you need more time to think it through. You're in a situation. I can help. Let me. Chloe: Thank you. Maggie: Um, it's his wife, that's right. Is there, um-- is there no way that you could put him on the phone? Um, well, you see, it's just, I'm in the hospital, and it's-- it's very difficult for me not to be able to contact him. So if you could just... please allow him a few minutes out of his jail cell, I-- mm-hmm. Okay, well, I guess I'll have to understand, then, won't I? Could you get him a message? Okay. Tell him that Maggie called and she loves him and she misses him and she can't wait for us to be together again. I'd appreciate it. Okay. Yeah, you too. Bye. [Somber music] [Sighs] [Tender music] [Laughs] Oh, my. Oh! Oh, Victor. Alice gave me this piece years ago to welcome me into the Horton family. Sarah, when she was a toddler, she knocked it off a shelf and just-- it shattered to bits. I was sick about it. It was so rare. And they said it was irreplaceable. Victor: There are very few things in this life that are irreplaceable. I almost lost you last year. And I'm never going to allow that to happen again. Maggie: You didn't have to rush everyone out. Victor: Well, your therapist is gonna be here soon, and I wanted a little time for us. Been lugging this around for a while. Maggie: Really? You bought me a present and you held out? [Laughs] Victor: You wore red shoes all those years ago when you got on your feet again. I thought it was only appropriate. Maggie: How long have you had them? Victor: Since I promised you to take you dancing again. Maggie: [Laughs] I'm gonna hold you to that! Victor: I'm ready whenever you are. Maggie: You'll let me teach you a mambo? Victor: Well, as long as you don't try and dip me, I'm up for anything. Maggie: I'm so lucky. You couldn't have done it, Victor. [Sighs] I know your heart as well as I know my own, and I know... I know it's so full of love for Brady and for his son. You just couldn't have done it. Justin: Sonny, if Maggie brings up Victor, you don't have to avoid talking about him, but let's just try to keep the conversation about how her recovery's going, okay? Sonny: Okay. Wait, dad, before we go in there, I mean, I'm still not sure what we're gonna do about uncle vic. What's the plan? Justin: Pretty basic. One step at a time. First, we get him out on bail. Sonny: Can you do that? Realistically? Justin: If he forfeits his passport, it's possible. Depends on the judge. Sonny: So... all that stuff you said to roman? Justin: It's what lawyers do. Sonny: Dad, uncle Vic was set up. Justin: I agree. But proving it is going to be something else. Theresa: Hey, you look like you're gonna drop, all right? Come and sit down. Brady: I was gonna make some coffee. Theresa: No, you don't need coffee, babe. You just need to sit, all right? Brady: [Sighs] That feels good, actually. Theresa: Yeah. Hey, look, I'm sorry. I should have gone to the station and let you stay here with Tate. Brady: No. No, no, no. Trust me, you would not have wanted to be there. Theresa: Why, did Victor go off on one of his tirades again? Brady: No, actually, it wasn't Victor. It was, uh, sonny and Justin. They were going off on me about how I'm all out for blood, regardless of the lack of evidence I have against Victor-- Theresa: What? Oh, my God. Brady: This is how it's gonna be. Theresa, this is it. We're gonna be called traitors. They're gonna say that we are going after a sweet old man and that we're stabbing him in the back when he should be respected and admired and loved. You understand me? [Dramatic music] Theresa: Brady, do you... I mean, does part of you think that maybe Victor is innocent? We all need a hug in the morning... Brady: The thing is, Theresa, even after what my grandfather did... I feel guilty going after him. Theresa: What? Brady-- Brady: I don't want to hate him. It's hard for me. Theresa: Yeah, but he betrayed you. He betrayed us-- Brady: I don't--listen-- Theresa: The entire family. Brady: Look at me. I don't want to believe that someone that I loved and trusted for so long could be capable of doing something like this. I feel guilty about it. It's not gonna help that everyone in this town is gonna be yelling at me, saying, "Brady, you should be backing your family." I hate it. I hate the feeling. [Sighs] I don't--I just-- I don't know how to feel. All I know is that I love you and that I love our son. Theresa: Okay. Brady: Just sometimes I feel that's all I got, Theresa. Theresa: Well, then hey, that's gonna have to be enough, right? Come here. Brady: [Sighs] Mm. Theresa: I love you, okay? Brady: I love you. Theresa: We're gonna be fine. Brady: I know. Theresa: All right? We're gonna get through this together, okay? And we love each other, and that's all we need, okay? Brady: That's all we need. Theresa: That's all we need. [Tender music] Sonny: Dad, what about that mobster that Brady traced back to Greece, the one that was connected to Deimos? Justin: Sonny, that was decades ago. Sonny: Okay, decades. Dad, you're making it sound like we don't have a shot here. Justin: I'm just being blunt. We can't have rose-colored glasses on if we're gonna win this thing. And trust me, we're gonna have to give it everything we got. Sonny: You're damn right. 'Cause you know what? Whoever did this broke a lot of laws to put uncle Vic in jail. I say we return the favor. We're gonna do whatever it takes to make this right, legal or illegal. [Dramatic music] [Phone rings] Maggie: Hello? Victor: Maggie? Were you sleeping? Maggie: Victor! Are you out? Did you make bail? Victor: No, no, I'm in my cell. Not exactly five-star accommodations, but what the hell? It's free. Maggie: But how-- how can you call from a jail cell? Victor: Well, there are still a few people on the force that are loyal. One of the guards gave me his phone. Can't talk very long. I just wanted to... tell you that I was okay and to see how you were doing. Maggie: I'm fine. Um, I'm still healing. I'm worried. Victor: Yeah, let me assure you of one thing, Maggie. I'm not gonna let this beat me, as bad as everything looks right now. I'm gonna come home to you. You can count on that. [Soft music] Chloe: This means everything to me, Philip. Seriously, thank you. Philip: Just trying to protect my investment. Chloe: No, you're not. You're saving my life. [Dramatic music]
Sonny talked to Brady about Victor being innocent
Jason: Sonny, everything's in place. We're going to take out Sandoval and all his captains while you're at the dedication playground, okay? And I'm going to handle Armando Sandoval myself. Sonny: No, you won't. [SCENE_BREAK] Woman: Good afternoon, Mr. Sandoval. Some of your party have arrived. Follow me. Armando: Oh, what's this? You can't wait for the boss, eh? Man: Hey. Armando: Como estas, eh? Man: Have a seat. [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: To feeling lucky. Courtney: You have no idea. Jax: Okay. Now, why don't you tell me? Courtney: Tell you what? Jax: What I have no idea about. Courtney: Jax, I was just kidding. Jax: Really? Courtney: Yeah. It's just something to say. Jax: Something to do with Rachel? Courtney: Is she all you ever think about? Jax: What's really going on with you two? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Agent Marshall, my son grew up in this park. Jason used to push him on those swings over there, and we had fun no matter what was going on in our lives. There is no way that Sonny is using this dedication as an alibi. It is a memorial to our son. [SCENE_BREAK] A.J.: So, Michael, ever been camping before? Probably not. Sonny doesn't strike me as the camping type. Well, think of this as a -- a camping trip, our first of many. I'm going to stoke the fire. Want to help me? Michael? Want to help? A.J.: Thank you. Michael: Ow! A.J.: What? What's the matter? What's the matter? Michael: Something bit me. [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: Thanks. Courtney: I don't understand why you are so obsessed with Rachel, Jax. She's just difficult sometimes. She's been through a lot. Jax: Well, I didn't get anywhere with her at Kelly's, in case you're wondering. Courtney: You took her to Kelly's? Jax: I followed her there after the hospital. Yeah, Rachel enjoys my company, so I thought I could, you know, charm her into telling me what she's really after. Courtney: I can't believe that you were with her at Kelly's. Did you eat anything? Jax: What difference does that make? Courtney: Jax, don't play games with Rachel. Jax: Well, we had a plate of French fries that we shared. Courtney: Well, now, you don't understand how she thinks. Jax: Then why don't you explain it to me? Courtney: Can we just please change the subject? Just -- Jax: You know, a couple more questions. How many times have you asked Rachel to move out? Courtney: I don't know, Jax. I've lost count. Jax: Then why is she still there? [SCENE_BREAK] Rachel: What I tell Courtney is none of your business. Steven: Why would she want me to apologize to you? What did you tell her? Rachel: Well, what do you think I told her? Steven: Well, maybe that we both made a bad call when we were residents years ago. A patient died who shouldn't have, and then you took responsibility and I didn't. Rachel: And that your career took off while mine fell apart? Steven: Look, I handled that situation badly. But my real transgression, my real problem -- my mistake was breaking up with you, right? Rachel: Oh, you didn't give a damn about that patient or me. Steven: What difference does any of this make to Courtney? Rachel: None that I know of. I have no idea why she's bothering you. Steven: Rache, you think we could just agree to let this go? Because I've told you how sorry I was -- Rachel: No, you haven't. Because you weren't sorry then and you're not sorry now. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Today is about Michael. I don't want to hear about hits or alibis or anything else. Reese: I am trying to give you a heads-up. Carly: You are trying to make yourself feel better because you couldn't find Faith Rosco before she shot my son and she threw him in a swamp! You said you were going to bring all three children home safe and sound and you failed, Agent Marshall, and it's probably because your real assignment was to get Sonny. And now you're having second thoughts about that, too, and you are trying to fix something that you do not understand. Reese: All I want to do is help. Carly: Oh. Sam? Agent Marshall here wants to help. Why don't you give her a balloon to blow up? Sam: Is there a problem? Reese: This ceremony is an alibi for Sonny and Jason. Sam: Why would Sonny and Jason need an alibi? Reese: They're planning a preemptive strike against the Sandoval leadership. Sam: A what? Reese: Sam, it will happen during this dedication. Carly: You know what? She wants to cancel the ceremony. Reese: All right, just stop, all right? Just stop denying what is right in front of you here and think. John Durant is all over this case. Can you imagine what that would be for him to bust Sonny? Carly: There's nothing to bust Sonny for. Reese: Sonny is going after the Sandovals. And you know what's going to happen? He's going to end up in an eight-by-eight-foot cell in Maximum security, and Jason will get the death penalty. Now, is that any way to honor Michael? By allowing his father and his uncle to squander their lives? [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Sonny, what are you talking about? I have to handle this personally. Agent Marshall is all over this. Sonny: That means Ric and Durant probably are, too. Jason: Well, what do you what to do? You want to call it off? Sonny: No, this has to happen now, before the Sandovals get any stronger. We have to clarify our position. We have no choice. But they're going to be expecting retaliation after what happened at Kelly's. I don't want you anywhere near it. You're going to the dedication, Jason. Jason: Sonny, we have professionals to handle this, but Armando Sandoval -- he's going to be at the Metro Court. It's public, problems might come up. I need to be -- Sonny: I don't want you anywhere near it! We're going to the playground dedication. We're going to be surrounded by witnesses. [SCENE_BREAK] A.J.: Man. You're starting to swell up. Does it hurt? Michael: Not that much. A.J.: Did you see what bit you? Michael: No. A.J.: All right. You know what? I better -- I better get some mud from the river and make a poultice to draw out the poison. Michael: Where did you learn that, some stupid movie? A.J.: Yes, as a matter of fact. I'll be right back, okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Steven: What do you want from me? Look, I can't go back and do things over. You got a bad deal, but you bounced back. Rachel: Bounced back? It took me years to recover, while you just bounced from one better job to the next. And you know what? You never even looked back. You never thought of me once. Steven: I thought about you a lot. Rachel: Then why didn't you ever do anything? Did you ever try to find me, try to make things better, try to make amends? Steven: I considered it, yes. Rachel: Yeah, but you did nothing because I meant nothing to you. But you know what? That's my fault, because I fell in love with a selfish, cold-hearted man who loved his career more than he loved the truth, and he loved himself more than he loved me. And I deserve better. Steven: I agree. Rachel: I deserve to be loved by a man who has character, and I fully intend to make that happen. Man: Hey. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: Jax, you can't treat this like a bet in Monte Carlo or the stock market or blackjack. You just -- Jax: Why not? Courtney: Because -- because Rachel might take you seriously, and if she finds out that you don't really care about her, she's going to -- Jax: What, she's going to turn against me? I mean, so what if she does? Maria: Sorry to interrupt. Courtney: Hey. Maria: Hi. Jax: Maria, how's it going? Maria: Mr. Jacks -- fine, thank you. I just discovered two wedding suppers scheduled for the same time and date. Jax: Hmm. I didn't hire you a minute too soon, did I? Maria: Hmm. Courtney: So you're working here now? Maria: Yes, I'm the new assistant manager. Courtney: Oh, that's great. Jax: I had to get special permission from Maria for this lunch because she booked the entire restaurant for a private party. Maria: What can I say? They paid cash. Jax: A manager after my own heart. Courtney: Sounds like you're doing well. Maria: Thanks. Jax: I'll tell you what -- why don't we move the latter party to the lobby for complimentary hors d'oeuvres and champagne, and then we'll move them up here once the first party moves out. Courtney: Well, what if the first wedding is slow to leave? Jax: Well, we'll lure them to the lobby for a complimentary after-party with an open bar. Maria: Ah. I'll make the arrangements. Jax: Thanks, Maria. Courtney: So -- Jax: Now, where were we? Courtney: When did you hire Maria? Jax: Nice try. When did things start going sour with Rachel? [SCENE_BREAK] Lorenzo: Maria. Maria: Hello, Lorenzo. Lorenzo: Hi. I just found out you were working here. Maria: Oh. Yes. Isn't it great? Lorenzo: It's great. I thought you wanted to spend more time with Diego as his mother. Creating a home for our son -- isn't that what we agreed? Maria: Yes, but I never agreed for you to run my life. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: Dr. Meadows said that everything is fine and I can go home this afternoon. Ric: That's great. Alexis: I want to take Kristina to the museum. They have a new exhibit, and it got really good reviews. Ric: Well, I'm taking Kristina to the dedication of Michael's memorial playground. Alexis: Absolutely not. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: You think I'm wrong? Jason: I think if we don't stop the Sandovals soon, they're going to try to take us out, Sonny. Sonny: No, no, I mean using the playground dedication as an alibi. Michael loved that park. Jason: Yeah, I know. You know, I started taking him there before he was a month old. Sonny: You know, the playground was supposed to be something we're doing in a good way in his memory. Jason: It is. Sonny: So you don't think wiping out the entire Sandoval organization is going to tarnish it just a little bit? Jason: Michael would like the new playground. And I think he would also like to know that you and Carly and the rest of his family are safe. Sonny: Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right. We have to move now, you know. Dedication is a perfect alibi. [Knock on door] Max: Agent Marshall. Jason: Hey, you know what? I told Enzo not to let her in. Sonny: Jason, it's okay, it's okay. Jason: I'm -- Sonny: I know -- Jason, I know what I'm doing. I'll see you at the dedication. Max: Come on in. Reese: Thanks, Max. Sonny: You want a drink? Reese: No, thanks, Sonny. I know this is a difficult day. Sonny: Yeah, well, Michael -- ahem -- would appreciate what I'm doing. How can I help you? Reese: I love my work. I'm good at it. I like catching the bad guys. Sonny: I appreciate that. Reese: What I'm about to do, I've never done before. It goes against my own professional best interests. Sonny: Then maybe you shouldn't do it. Reese: Call off your plans for today, Sonny, or you will be taken into immediate custody. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: Yes, I want Rachel to move out, okay? I would love it if she would just disappear, but I would also love it if we could think about something else. Jax: Why are you being so evasive? Courtney: She just -- she makes me insecure, Jax. Look, I love you, all right, and I don't want anyone to mess it up, including Rachel. I don't believe this. Jax: Rachel. Rachel: The concierge said something about a private party? Jax: Oh, I own the place. Would you like to join us? Rachel: Sure. [SCENE_BREAK] Maria: Diego is practically a grown man. I don't need to be home all the time. I want to get out and meet some people. Lorenzo: Then volunteer for something. You don't have to work. Maria: Ah, I've worked my whole life. Lorenzo: So take a break. Let me spoil you for a while. Maria: I'm uncomfortable with it for a lot of reasons, including the way you make your money. Lorenzo: I see. Did you book the room for those men? Maria: Yes. Lorenzo: So you're making money from them. Their hands are a lot dirtier than mine. Maria, those men are very dangerous. You might be better off in your office for a little while. Man: So I told him – [SCENE_BREAK] Bobbie: Hey. Do you need some help? Carly: Hey. Thanks, I think -- I think we've got it. Mom, I wonder why I didn't think of this sooner. You know, when Michael played in this playground for years, why didn't I think of it while he was still alive? I mean, it never even occurred to me that he might want a better play structure. Bobbie: Oh, hey, don't even start. Don't ask yourself why you did or didn't do something, and don't start second-guessing your choices. And don't start regretting Michael's life, because you are a wonderful mother, and he was a happy boy. And if you didn't think about building him a play structure, it's because he didn't seem to need one at the time. Carly: I just miss him so much. Bobbie: I know you do. Carly: Oh, does it ever get any easier? Bobbie: Yes, it does. It does. And I can't give you a timetable because everybody's different. All I know is that for me, all of a sudden one day I woke up looking forward to something, instead of thinking about the fact that B.J. was gone. And then on a day after that I laughed without bursting into tears. And on a day after that I was finally able to think about my daughter without feeling angry. Carly: Oh. I don't know, mom, that's the hardest part for me. I'm angry. God, I'm so angry at faith and everyone who was involved -- at God for letting it happen, at Sonny and Jason and myself. I mean, my God, mom, how many times have I pulled myself out of disastrous situations, and how many impossible things have I overcome? How many times have I saved myself? Tell me why -- tell me why I couldn't save Michael. Bobbie: Oh, honey. I love you. And Michael loves you. And one day very soon you're going to be able to feel that love, and you're going to know that he's with you. And that's when you're going to start to heal. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Hey. Sam: Hey. Hi. Do you want to help me with the decorations? I have, like, one arm to use here. Jason: Do I -- do I have a choice? Sam: Nope, you don't. Have me the streamers right over there, please. Jason? Are you okay? Jason: Yeah, I -- I was just, you know, thinking about how -- how we got stuck decorating at Christmas. I'd walk in, somebody would hand me a bunch of lights to untangle. And Michael would always say, "Jason, when we're done, it's going to look so cool." Sam: Well, do you think he would like this -- you know, the balloons and all this stuff -- or do you think he would think it was babyish? Maybe we should've done the cars or -- Jason: No, no, no, the balloons -- he knows that his brother and sister, they love balloons, so that would make it okay for him. Sam: Well, you know he got that from you. Jason: What? Sam: Well, Sonny and Carly are a lot of things, but selfless isn't one of them. I mean, they want what makes them happy, and they really don't care about anyone else's feelings, really. But Michael is different. Michael wanted his brother to be happy and his sister and his mom and dad, and he always saw you put everybody first. And from seeing that happen over and over, that's where he got that from. I mean, everyone says that Michael is a lot like Sonny and Carly, and he is. He is on the surface. But in his heart, I think he was exactly like you. Carly: Jason? Can I talk to you alone for a minute? Jason: What's wrong? Carly: Agent Marshall came by. And this business move that you and Sonny are planning? She knows about it. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: I don't know if you know this, but Michael spotted this place in the -- in the newspaper. It was his dream home, you know, the place where he was going to grow up. The grounds, the yard, the tree house, the whole -- the whole thing, you know? I was going to play street ball with him this summer in the driveway. It's a long way from Flatbush Avenue, you know? Reese: Yes, it is. Sonny: But I held off buying it because -- I told Michael, I said, "Hey, this place -- we don't need it." Until Ric made an offer for it, so I outbid him. Reese: What, you didn't want your brother to have what he wanted? Sonny: Michael really wanted this place, and I knew eventually that, you know, we'd have to come here and pick up Kristina, he'd have to see his sister and her parents in the house that he wanted. I couldn't do that to my son. Reese: So you bought the house and you gave him his wish. Sonny: This was supposed to be the place where he was going to be safe behind these walls, you know, living here with me. I couldn't do that. I couldn't -- I couldn't protect my son from my enemies. Reese: Call off the war with the Sandovals. John Durant is just waiting for the opportunity to arrest you and Jason. This would be the high point of his career. Sonny: John Durant has hated me even before he got to town. There's no way he's going to build a case against me. Reese: Call it off, Sonny. Sonny: Excuse me. Sonny: It was Carly's idea to donate the playground because of what it meant to Michael. Jason, he -- he showed him the trees, you know? He knew all the names of the trees. I don't know anything about trees, but running around the bases -- now, that I can teach a kid. Michael and I were going to teach Morgan. That's why I'm -- I'm making the donation. Because I want a place where kids can laugh, run around, just be kids. Reese: And you also want an alibi. Sonny: You lost me there. Reese: The Sandovals are trying to push you out and you want to fight back. Now, Sonny, I offered you an opportunity to get out, but you are opting for a bloodbath. Now, John Durant knows exactly what's going on. He will catch you. Sonny: Doing what? Reese: Killing Armando Sandoval, for starters, along with all of his captains. Sonny: Thank you for the warning. Reese: You've already lost your son. If you go to prison, you will lose your entire family. Sonny: I have no intention of losing my family. Reese: Then you stop this war with the Sandovals before it starts. Leave Armando Sandoval alone. Max: Too bad. I'm not supposed to let you in here, all right? John: Well, Max, maybe you should take it up with -- Max: You cannot go -- John: You don't want to touch me like that, pal! Agent Marshall. Fancy meeting you here. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: First you insist that she spend the night at Sonny's last night, and now you want her to go to a ceremony about Michael, who was kidnapped and murdered? Ric: I seriously doubt there will be any references as to how Michael died. Alexis: It's an adult occasion. Ric: It is a playground occasion. Alexis: And when she goes to a playground she's going to expect to play, and she won't understand why she can't and why the adults around here are grieving and crying. Ric: Alexis, it is a family occasion. I think Kristina should be there. Alexis: I have raised her alone for two years. I'm perfectly capable of knowing what's appropriate for her and what isn't. Ric: Morgan is her brother. I think it's very important that she bond with him to be part of his life. Alexis: They've just been kidnapped together. That's enough bonding for a while, don't you think? Ric: We might've lost Kristina altogether if not for Michael. He died trying to save her. Alexis: She's too young to understand that. Ric: She's not too young to be close to the brother that she has, or to honor the memory of the brother that she lost. [SCENE_BREAK] A.J.: Okay, Michael, it's your chance to play in the mud. Oh -- Michael? Hey. Come here. Oh, damn. You are burning up, little friend. Oh, come on. Wake up. Wake up. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: You here for Carly? John: Yeah. Sonny: She's gone. John: Oh. Well, I thought I'd give her a ride. Sonny: Bobby came to pick her up, but I'll tell her you came by. John: May I ask what you're doing here? Sonny: Yeah, she's, you know, paying her respects for Michael. Reese: That's right. John: Oh. Oh, that's very heartwarming, the sight of you two together. You should make quite an entrance at the dedication, huh? Sonny: Well, Agent Marshall should be honored. I mean, she did everything she could to save my son. John: Oh, yeah, yeah. She always approaches her work with great passion. I just hope your next assignment is more successful than your last one. Reese: It will be. Don't worry. Sonny: You know what? We better get going because we don't want to get -- Reese: Right. John: I'll see you there. Sonny: Um, did Carly invite you? John: No. Sonny: Then you're not welcome. John: Well, you see, except for the fact that it's a public park, supported by people who actually pay taxes, I don't need an invitation. Sonny: Yeah, but, you know what, Durant? I just don't want Carly upset, you know? John: You know, Sonny, I -- I appreciate that, but, you see, Michael is my grandson by blood. I never placed him in harm's way. I'm going to go to that playground to honor the memory of Michael and mourn the fact that my daughter ever laid eyes on you. Thank you, Max. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Agent Marshall says that you and Sonny are going to take on the entire Sandoval organization, and that this whole dedication is an alibi. Jason: Carly, Carly, everything's fine. Carly: Not if that's true. Jason: Agent Marshall is a fed. She's going to put pressure on Sonny any way she can, including getting you all upset. Carly: Jason, I'm not going to go after somebody with a baseball bat. I am not going to dress up in some disguise and try and help. But I have already lost Michael. I cannot lose anybody else. Jason: You're not going to. Let's just -- let's just think about the dedication. You know, think about Michael. Just let Sonny take care of everything. [SCENE_BREAK] Man: A salud! Armando: Hey, enjoy, eh? [SCENE_BREAK] Rachel: Did Jax tell you we were at Kelly's? Fortunately, he didn't collapse this time. Jax: Trying to get better acquainted. Rachel didn't say too much about herself, not even the slightest details about a boyfriend. I mean, how can a pretty woman like you still be alone in this life? Rachel: Career first, you know? Jax: Well, I'm sure there's a trail of broken hearts out there somewhere. Rachel: Just mine, but it's starting to heal. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Hey. Hi. Hi, sweetie. You look very nice. Sonny: It's an important day. Carly: Yeah, Agent Marshall seems to think so, too. Sonny: Whatever she told you, put it out of your mind. Ric: Hi. Hey, Morgan. Kristina, do you want to give that balloon to Morgan? Carly: Oh, look. Ric: She said she wanted to give him a present, so -- Carly: Look at that. Ric: That's a good girl, huh? Carly: That's very nice of you. Hey, Kristina, want to come here? Want to come with me and go look at some more balloons? Get you one back, too. Ric: Stay close, honey. Sonny: Thanks for bringing her. Ric: You know, maybe things might've been a little different between the two of us if you and I had shared a balloon or something. Sonny: I appreciate that she's here. We'll just leave it at that. Ric: Hey. Alexis: Where's Kristina? Ric: She's -- she's right over there with Carly and Morgan. She's fine. Alexis: Okay. Sonny: How you feeling? Alexis: Much better, thank you. Sonny: Well, I'm glad. We're going to be starting soon, so -- Ric: Surprised to see you. Alexis: You obviously feel entitled to take Kristina wherever you want with or without my permission. Ric: Let's not fight. Alexis: Why would you? You won this round. [SCENE_BREAK] John: If Armando Sandoval and Val Diamond are alive at the end of the day, I'm charging you with collusion. Reese: Oh. Well, that would mean that you as a federal prosecutor would've known about several premeditated murders and did nothing to stop them, all in the interest of promoting your own career. Hmm. How do you think that would play at the justice department? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Okay, so everyone's here except Jax and Courtney. They're always running late. Jason: You have any idea where they are? Carly: They were going to have lunch at Metro Court. Jase? [SCENE_BREAK] Rachel: Jax isn't being entirely truthful. Are you? Courtney: What, you expect me to take your word over my fiancé's? Rachel: No, it's not that. It's just that he's covering for me, which is just another reason why you are so lucky, Courtney. I mean, a lot of men don't know what gallantry is, and he actually practices it. Which is why he didn't tell you that I started crying at Kelly's. Jax: Oh, you had a bad moment. They happen. Rachel: No, he very perceptively realized that I was upset about an old love. And I didn't go into specifics then, but I know now -- I realize that I have to come clean. I have to tell you the truth. Courtney: You know what? I'm not going to do this anymore. [SCENE_BREAK] A.J.: You don't -- you don't understand, Michael, what they stole from me. Not just nine years of your life. They stole your love, your admiration. Carly, Sonny, my brother -- they lied, threatened, humiliated me. They don't deserve you. I can't give you back. Don't make me. Don't make me. Wake up, okay? Please. Please. [SCENE_BREAK] Rachel: I made a serious error as a first-year resident. I wasn't the only one that was at fault, but I took the blame and I covered for -- Courtney: Okay, you know what? You can just forget the excuses and the ancient history and stop trying to justify all the crap you've pulled. It's impossible, Rachel. You're -- Rachel: I'm -- I'm not out to get you, Courtney. Not this time, I swear. Actually, quite the opposite. Courtney: You faked a change of heart once. I didn't buy it then, and I am not buying it now. Jax: Look, Courtney, Rachel is obviously trying to say something important. I'd like to hear it. Courtney: It's a lie, Jax. Rachel: It isn't, I swear, not this time. Look, I -- I was trying to go on with my life and I was actually doing it, and then I met a man who had a distant connection to the man that hurt me. And then he laid in front of me the thing that I thought that I wanted. Revenge. [SCENE_BREAK] A.J.: Hey, hey, you're a tough little kid, Michael. Okay? You're going to be all right. You're going to make it through this. I planned everything perfectly -- okay, everything but the plane crash. Don't make me call for help, okay? Please wake up, Michael. Please? I finally have a chance to be your father. Don't make me give that up, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: I don't know, I guess we're going to have to just start without Courtney and Jax. Sonny: Where's Jason? Bobbie: I don't know where he went, but he was here a few minutes ago. Sam: You know, Jason actually said that he would be right back in a minute. Carly: All right, well, the councilwoman -- she's going to give a speech, right, and she's going to thank us for the dedication, for the check, and say how wonderful the playground's going to be. Here you go. John: Excuse me, everyone. Welcome. I'm glad that you could all make it here to honor my grandson Michael. Before we get started, though, I would like to say just a few words. Carly: Oh, he better not turn this into a P.R. stunt. Sonny: Carly, Carly, let him say what he's got to say. Don't make a scene. John: Michael was a wonderful little boy. He was mischievous, bright, full of promise. He should've lived a long and productive life. Instead, he died a violent death -- terrified, far from home, taken from his family, and ultimately thrown out like garbage by a professional killer. But Michael died trying to save his little brother and sister. And because of his bravery, Morgan and Kristina are here with us today. So we dedicate this park to their brave big brother, Michael Corinthos iii, a little boy who wanted nothing more than to come home. He never will. But I vow that I will honor Michael's memory by destroying crime in Port Charles. [SCENE_BREAK] Singer: War what is it good for? Absolutely nothing war what is it good for? Absolutely nothing war ain't nothing but a heartbreaker [Gunshot] Singer: Friend only to the undertaker war means tears to thousands of mothers' eyes when their sons go off to fight and their daughters lose their lives in war what is it good for? Absolutely nothing war what is it good for? Absolutely nothing war is the enemy of all mankind the news of war just breaks my heart and blows my mind war has laid waste to a whole generation induction, then destruction and who wants to die in a war? What is it good for? Absolutely nothing tell me, war [SCENE_BREAK] John: They have to be stopped, they have to be tried, and they have to be convicted and sent to prison. Organized crime has had a stranglehold on the city of Port Charles for far too long. It stops here, it stops today. For Michael's sake and the memory of Michael, I'm pledging myself to the task of making the city safe for all of its citizens, especially the children. [NEXT_ON] Jax: Courtney? Jason: Is she alive? Jax: Look what you did. Sonny: You okay? Carly: I saw a little boy. Michael: Mom, where are you? A.J.: Don't worry, your dad's here, okay? I'm going to get you help. Carly: It's crazy. I thought I saw Michael. Tony: Nice coat. A.J.: Let's make a deal. Reese: That's breaking and entering. Sonny: Going to press charges? Reese: Tell me why I shouldn't.
Tensions run high at the park dedication
"Bridget: I don't know how i'd get through this without you. [Doorbell rings] brooke: Nick? Nick: He(...TRUNCATED)
The give each other long stares as she tries to leave
"Erica: Ben, I know you feel horribly guilty about this, but it was just an accident. Ben: Her littl(...TRUNCATED)
Tad gets a visit from Agent Trumbull who questions him about Cara
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