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200 | Ryan: Hey, sweetness, why don't you take this and go to the vending machine and get yourself some ginger ale for your tummy, ok? And make sure that very nice police officer outside -- he watches you the whole time. You got that? Ok, thanks. What were you two whispering about? Annie: You know, silly girl talk. Ryan: I think it probably was a little more than that. Emma seemed pretty excited. Annie: Ok, you've got us. We were planning a takeover of the government. From now on Emma shall be known as "Dear Little Leader." Ryan: Don't play games with me, Annie. Annie: I am not the one playing games here, Ryan. [SCENE_BREAK] Liza: Tad, Tad, wake up. Please, are you ok? Tad: Ah, yeah. No, I'm fine. Oh, my God, Liza, Liza, we've got to get you to the hospital. Liza: It's ok, it's ok. Tad: No, it's not, honey. I've got to get you an ambulance. Liza: It's ok, I'm fine. Hey, Tad, listen to me. I'm fine. Tad: I might have hurt the baby. God knows I must have hurt you. Liza: No, listen, there's no baby. No baby. No. Tad: What? Liza: I'm not pregnant. It's a fake. [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: Well, I take it it didn't go so well with David? Marissa: No. I did everything I could think of to talk him out of it, but he's sure that Jake and Amanda are using their honeymoon to steal his baby from him. Krystal: Where is he? Marissa: He got a call. Found out where they were. Krystal: And he went straight after them. Marissa: Yeah. And he wouldn't tell me where, either. All I know is he hired a plane. He's already gone. Krystal: God help them. And that baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Amanda: It's nice to finally meet you face to face. I'm your mommy. Hey. Jake: Babe, they're -- they're here, so we have to move quickly. You know, everything's set up. Amanda: I can't. Jake, I can't give my baby away. Jake: Ok. Amanda: No, please, please. Please don't take him. I know, I know I said that that's what I wanted. I can't go through with it. Please, I can't give my baby away. Jake: Ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Annie: You didn't really buy that whole tummy ache routine, did you? She's probably stocking up on candy with the cash you gave her. Ryan: Our seven-year-old is playing games like this and that doesn't bother you at all? Annie: Maybe if you let our daughter visit her mother, she wouldn't have to pretend she was sick to come see me. Ryan: She learned how to lie like that from you. Annie: Oh, fine. I am not the only one who's lied. Ryan: To our daughter? Yes, you are. Look, I want you to get better, ok? I really do. I do, but you have to promise me that you will be committed to whatever treatment the court orders for you. Annie: And what about Emma? What about what she needs? Ryan: Emma is doing fine. Annie: She needs her mother in her life, Ryan. Ryan: She needs her mother to be committed to getting better, that's what she needs. Annie: And you know what? She has that. I could have escaped from here, you know? My security guard out there had fallen asleep. I could have walked out of here and disappeared, but I didn't. Because of Emma. I am doing everything I can to fix things. I am doing everything anybody tells me to do. I have to. [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: Hey, Emma. You look like you're feeling better. Emma: I got to see my mommy. Aidan: You did? Oh, good. Did you get the chance to play the secret game? Great, come over here. Why don't you tell me? What's your mommy's secret? Emma: I can't tell you. Aidan: Why not? Emma: 'Cause it won't be a secret any more. [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: I -- I am so sorry. I really do appreciate your trying, though. Marissa: Well, it didn't do any good. He didn't listen to a damn thing I said. Krystal: No, I'm sure he did. Trust me, David -- he takes in everything. He remembers everything. I mean, it's just that he is just so narrow-minded, and he's obsessed when it comes to his children. Marissa: All except this one. Oh, God, I mean I was so naive to think that having me around would somehow be enough for him. Krystal: I really just think that David is coming to terms with who you are. I mean, really, I knew who you were your whole life, and I still -- I still can't believe you're here. Marissa: It's just -- well, I just, I thought that since losing Babe set all this in motion for him, that maybe having her sister around would be enough to stop him from going after that baby. Krystal: This didn't start with Babe's death. Believe me, it started long before that with Leora, the daughter that David lost when she was just a baby. Honey, I saw that when I lost the baby we were supposed to have. It was like Leora's ghost just came up out of the grave and grabbed him by the throat. That is why he's so obsessed with Amanda's baby. He's -- he's still looking for a way to put Leora to rest. It's not because you're not enough. Marissa: You should call Tad. Tell him he really needs to get in touch with Jake and Amanda. I mean, they need to know that David's on his way. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: You're not pregnant. Liza: No. Tad: I mean, not even a little. I mean, not that you can be a little bit pregnant, but, um... why? Liza: Well, you know, it's a long story. Tad: Well, it would have to be. Liza: Yeah, ok, ok. Tad, I've been, um -- really, extremely lonely ever since Colby left. Tad: So why not buy a puppy? Liza: Because -- come on, I miss a family. Tad: Yeah, well, you could start by finding a nice guy rather than making the kind of, you know -- obtusely -- the imaginary baby. Liza: No, because I'm done with relationships. Come on, you fool me once, shame on you. You fool me a dozen times? No, but I want a child. Colby wants a family as well. That's the whole reason she went running to Adam, because she found her brother there. Yeah, and then she found her nephew. She found her grandmother, and now she's found her cousin. Come on, I realize that she wants more than just me. So I'm trying to give her that. Tad: Honey, your daughter's nothing if not incredibly bright. Eventually she's going to figure out that her brother or sister is part of the sofa. Liza: Yeah, ok, so I haven't exactly figured it all out yet. Tad: A-ha, ok, now I know the reason you did -- there's a reason you did that. Liza: What? Tad: That thing. When you turn away from me, it's because you knew you could never lie to me. Liza? Liza: I haven't figured it all out yet. Tad: And she does it again. Liza: Oh, please. Tad: I saw that, Liza. Come on. Liza: What? Tad: You don't do anything but figure things out. Liza: Please, stop pushing me, Tad. Tad: I'm not pushing you. Honey, look, ok -- all right? This isn't just nuts. It's not just crazy. It's weird. I mean, eventually you're going to have to, you know -- the fact is you're going to need a real... Oh, my God. You wouldn't? That's why you were so concerned about Jake. You were going to steal Amanda's baby and pretend it was your own? Liza: I would never steal a baby. He was going to give it to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Amanda: I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Jake: You're sorry for what? That you're falling in love with your -- your child? Don't ever apologize for that. This is your son. This is your son. Look, honey, if you don't -- if you don't want to put him up for adoption, you don't have to do that. You don't have to. Amanda: But what about David? He's going to try and take him away from me. Look at what he did to Little Adam. I mean, J.R. almost lost him. We don't have their money, their influence. We can't fight him like they did. And I cannot live with the fear of knowing that he could just steal him away at any moment. Jake: Look, this is -- we'll find a spot. Listen to me. On this earth we will find a spot and we will disappear, ok? Just the three of us -- and we'll set up a brand new life a million miles away from everybody, especially David. Amanda: You know as well as I do that he won't stop, Jake. He won't stop. He will go to the ends of the earth to find us, and I don't want to live our lives running. I can't do that to this little boy. I can't do that to you. Jake: Well, then let's go home, ok? Together. And we'll fight him face-to- face, head-on. You are this baby's mother. You know what? That in court, that -- that holds a lot of weight. You'll cut some sort of a deal with David, some sort of visitational thing. As little as possible, hopefully, but... Amanda: Even if we win -- even if we win, Jake, he won't stop. He doesn't know how to stop. He will keep hammering and hammering at us. I know how he works. I was with him when he did that to J.R., and he's going to keep going until he ruins you or me or both of us, and he's going to use that to try and tear him away from me. I can't do that to this little boy. He deserves a normal life. Jake: I support whatever it is that you want to do, ok? But it's your decision and so... Amanda: I know, and I need to do what's best for my son. Jake: Look, you don't have to do this if you don't want to. You want to change your mind, it's your mind to change, ok? Amanda: No. No, we have to go through with it as planned. I have to do this for my baby. Can you give me a minute to say good-bye? Jake: Yeah. Amanda: How? How could I ever say good-bye to you? [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: You love playing games, don't you? Well, I have another game for you. It's called "hot and cold." Want to play that? Emma: How do you play it? Aidan: Well, here's how it goes. I try and guess your mommy's secret. And if I'm right, you say "Hot." And if I'm sort of right, you say "Warm," and if I'm way wrong, you say "Cold." You understand? Ok, let's play. Is Mommy's secret about me? Emma: Cold. Aidan: Is Mommy's secret about Little Adam's granddad? Emma: Cold, cold. Aidan: Is Mommy's secret about you? Emma: Warm. Ryan: Hey, sweetness. Ok, I think it's about time we get going. Ok? [SCENE_BREAK] Liza: So Amanda was planning to give the baby up for adoption, but she knew that David would eventually track him down and steal him away, so Jake and Amanda, they came up with this plan to make David think that the baby had died. Tad: You are joking. That's why they went on the honeymoon, so they could fake a baby's death? Liza: Yeah, and that's why Jake called me, because I was going to help with the adoption, and then it just, it all -- it hit me. Tad: You figured you could pass off the baby as your own, like hiding in plain sight and David would never suspect anything, and Amanda could probably just see her kid any time she wanted, right? Liza: Well, actually, no. Amanda doesn't know exactly about that part about me adopting the baby. She just thinks that it's going to a really good home. Tad: You are out of your red-headed mind. There is no way this can work. Liza, it's way too complicated. You've got too many secrets, too many lies, and you are -- you are so underestimating Hayward. Liza: Well, actually, I think it's a damn good way of protecting the baby from him. Tad: But you're not protecting the baby. That baby's going to be the one who's hurt worst of all when this whole thing comes out. It doesn't matter how many years it takes, you know it's going to. Liza: Well, now you're just underestimating us because Jake and I -- we're never going to let that happen. [Phone ringing] Tad: Don't move. Jake? Krystal: No, this is Krystal, but I -- I am looking for Jake. Have you been in touch with him yet? Tad: What's wrong? Krystal: David's been busy. He found out where they went and went after them. We really have to warn them now. Tad: I'll take care of it. [Phone closing] Tad: Where are they? Liza: I don't know where they are. Tad: Liza, don't play with me. I don't know how he did it, but somehow David found out where they are, and he's on his way there now to bushwhack them. Now where are Amanda and Jake? Liza: They're in Barbados. Jake got a little bed and breakfast near Calvin's Bay. [Phone ringing] David: Yeah. Tad: Jake, listen. It's me, ok? I know all about this, this ridiculous plan of yours, ok? You've got to call it off. You've got to get out of there. Look, somehow Hayward found out where you are. He's on his way there now. You've got to come home. Jake? Jake, are you there? Tad: He hung up on me. [SCENE_BREAK] Maid: Oh, Dr. Martin, I didn't realize you were... who are you? What are you doing in Dr. Martin's room? David: It's all right. I'm -- I'm a friend from back home. There's been a terrible accident, and I'm trying to find him. Do you know where he is? Maid: Yes, the clinic. David: The clinic? Why? Maid: Mrs. Martin went into labor. [SCENE_BREAK] Amanda: Look at you. Look how beautiful you are. You know, I never thought I'd have a baby. Not because I didn't want to. But because I've made a lot of mistakes in my life. And I thought I'd mess it up. But you are definitely not a mistake. You're more perfect than I could have ever imagined. You know, I used to dream about what -- what it would feel like to hold you just like this in my arms. I tried not to, though, because I knew once I did I'd never want to let you go again. Oh, God, I would give anything to keep you, to know what your laugh sounds like, what your voice will sound like, how tall you'll grow... But I can't. I just can't. I have to do this for your sake, ok? Please, please don't hate me for it. I am going to always love you, ok? Yes, I am. Jake: Babe, it's -- it's all going to work out. He's going to have a wonderful life. Please believe that. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: That is so pretty. It really is. Emma: Thank you. Ryan: You're welcome. Hey, how come you told me that you had a tummy ache when you didn't? Emma: I just really wanted to see Mommy. Ryan: How did you know she was in the hospital? Emma: I heard you talking on the phone. Ryan: Oh, so you told me a lie? Do you think that was wrong? Emma: I just really wanted to see Mommy. Ryan: I know, I know. Hey, but it's really important that you don't tell any lies, ok? To anybody. But especially -- especially to me. Ok, do you understand that? Emma: Yes. Ryan: Yeah. You promise me you'll tell me the truth from now on? Emma: Yes. Ryan: Yeah? Come over here and give me a hug. Come give me a hug. Come on. Oh, my goodness, I love you so much. Big hug. Now what were you and Mommy whispering about? Emma: I can't tell you or else I'll lose. Ryan: You'll lose? Lose what? Emma: The game. Ryan: What game? Emma: The game that I'm playing with Aidan. Ryan: Oh. I see. [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: Hey. Annie: Hey. Aidan: How are you feeling? Annie: I feel better now. Thank you for telling me that Emma was here at the hospital. It was -- it was really great to see her. Aidan: I thought a visit would be good for the both of you. Annie: Yeah, and maybe you too, right? Aidan: What do you mean? Annie: I'm talking about Emma's little secret game. You think I don't know where she got that from? Instead of using my daughter, why don't you just come right out and say it? You don't trust me, and you think that I'm hiding something from you. Aidan: I don't think, Annie. I know you're hiding something from me. When you thought you were about to die, you were going to say something to me, something very important. You said that you were so close to something, and Angie walked in here and interrupted us, and when she told you that you were going to be fine, you completely changed your mind, and you shut down on me. Why? What is it that you came so close to? [SCENE_BREAK] Marissa: So what happens now? Krystal: Well, we wait. We hope Tad gets there before David does. Marissa: No, I meant with David. What's going to happen with him? What does he do? If Jake and Amanda run away with the baby, does David chase after them? Krystal: Wouldn't be surprised. After the way he went after Little A when Babe died. Marissa: What if he can't find them? What does he do then? Go after Little A again? When does it all stop with him? Krystal: I don't think David will ever be satisfied, especially when it comes to his kids. Marissa, I tried to warn you, all right? I told you to stay away. I did not want you to become David's next obsession. Marissa: Yeah, well, I don't think you have to be worried about that, not after today. He didn't seem to be very interested in me. Maybe the only children David wants are the ones he can't have. [SCENE_BREAK] Amanda: I want my baby. I want my baby. David: So do I. Where is my son? Amanda: Get out. Get out of here! David: Where is my son, Amanda? Amanda: It's over. He's gone. David: What are you talking about? What do you mean, "He's gone"? Amanda: Get out! Jake: What are you doing here? David: I want my son. What have you done with him? Jake: Nobody's done anything with him, David. He's dead. And it's because of you. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: Doesn't make any sense. It's like he turned off his phone all over again, you know? I just keep getting his voice mail. I can't even get through to his room. I got to get in touch with him. Liza: Yeah, but, look, Jake knows what he's doing. Tad: No, he doesn't. Jake needs a good swift kick in the head. You know what? He's not the one I'm worried about. The one I'm worried about is Amanda. Because she's on her way down there. She thinks she's giving up a child for the rest of her life. She doesn't know that you and Jake cooked up this little plan. Son of a bitch. Liza: Hey, are you all right there? Tad: No, I'm not all right. I got this raging headache. It's like my mind is turning itself inside out trying to come up with something funny about this. And there's nothing funny about it at all. Liza: Look, Amanda wanted to find a good home for her son, and I'm going to be that -- Tad: No, Liza. Amanda wanted to get her child as far away from David Hayward as possible. Now, the last I heard, you were planning on sticking around Pine Valley, weren't you? Because, if she did know about it, a few blocks would be more than enough to ease Amanda's mind about anything. Liza: Which is exactly the reason why we didn't want to say anything. Tad: Because, you know, of course, what she doesn't know won't hurt her. Liza: Exactly. Tad: No, what she doesn't know won't hurt you. But do you know who it's going to hurt? Jake. For the rest of his life, you're asking him to lug around a secret like this. That's going to eat him inside out. Every time he takes a look at you and that kid, it's going to hit him all over again. And you know what? It should. Trust me, I know. No parent should ever be separated from their child, ever. [SCENE_BREAK] Marissa: I just thought that by getting to know David and finding out who he was underneath all that pain, that maybe it would help me with my own pain, help me figure out who I was. I just... God, I -- I need some answers. Krystal: They'll come. They will, ok. You just -- you can't force them. Marissa: Tell me about it. I miss my mom and dad so much. I just wanted to matter to David. You know, I thought that maybe he really could be like a second father to me. So I tried to fill the void Babe left in his life. How pathetic is that? [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Now you want mommy to get better, don't you? Yeah. And so do I. But I need your help, ok. I really need you to tell me what she said. Emma: It's a secret. Ryan: I know, but sometimes it's really important to tell people's secrets in order to help them, ok? What? Emma: It's about you. Ryan: It is? What about me? Emma: Mommy said she has a guardian angel. Ryan: Did she say who it was? Emma: No, but I know it's you. She said you're going to help her get out of the hospital, so we could be a family again. [SCENE_BREAK] Annie: You want the truth? Aidan: That's what we promised each other. Annie: What I came so close to was being happy, being really, truly happy. For the first time in my life, I thought I'd found a man who loved me for me. A man who really understood me. Aidan: I do. Annie: But you don't believe me? Aidan: You've made it very difficult lately. Annie: You still think I'm crazy, don't you? Aidan: No. Annie: You think I should be locked back up at Oak Haven, spending day after day after day talking to doctors, letting them dissect my mind, piece by piece. Well, no, I don't belong there, and I'm not going back. I am better now, Aidan. And a lot of people believe me. Aidan: One person in particular, right? Adam Chandler? Where is he right now? I mean, he's been by your side ever since you came in here. Annie: Well, he left so I could get some sleep. I think you should do the same. [SCENE_BREAK] Liza: You know, you're right. You're right, no parent should be kept from their child. But sometimes it's necessary. Like when you helped me keep Colby away from Adam. Tad: Yeah, that went swimmingly. Are you going to tell me you don't regret that now? Liza: Hey, this is different, we're talking about David Hayward. Come on. That man has ruined more lives than Adam. You, of all people -- you should understand the implications of allowing that man to be -- to raise any child. Would you want him raising Jenny? Tad: No. Liza: No, right. And what about Little Adam? Hmm? You and J.R. did everything you possibly could to make sure that he didn't have his claws in him, didn't you? Come on. Didn't you? Tad: Yes. Liza: Ok, so how is this any different? Tad: Because! You're basically telling David Hayward that the child --- the son he's always dreamed of having is dead. Gone forever. I don't care how big a rat Hayward is, he doesn't deserve that. Liza: You're talking about Kathy and what Dixie did? Tad: Damned right I am. Dixie lied to me about Kathy for years. She allowed me to mourn for her, ok? I used to talk to my daughter like she was dead. And Dixie regretted that until the day she died. And not because of the pain she put me through, but because of what she did to our daughter. Don't kid yourself, Liza. Kathy's got a whole mess of issues to work through. So you can sit around and come up with all the excuses you want, the reasons why you think you and Jake should be doing this. But, if you do it, that kid's going to be just one more casualty, and you will hate yourself for it. [SCENE_BREAK] David: No. No, he's not dead. Jake: You tortured her, you stressed her out beyond human boundaries. You constantly told her you were going to take the baby over and over again. It's because of you, Dave. It's because of you. David: How? Jake: Well, stress. She went into premature labor. There was a cord prolapse. We couldn't get to the clinic on time. I mean, it's -- it's -- David: How could you be so stupid? How could you be so stupid? Amanda: Stop it! David: You put her on a plane? Amanda: David, stop! David: You killed my son. Amanda: Somebody help! David: You killed him! You hear me? Orderly: Hey, hey, hey. David: You killed him! Amanda: Get him. [Jake coughing] [SCENE_BREAK] [Doorbell rings] Aidan: Hey. Ryan: Who the hell do you think you are? Aidan: What are you talking about? Ryan: Using my daughter like that. The little game you have going on with Annie. Aidan: I told you that Annie was up to something. Ryan: Don't you ever, ever use my daughter like that again. Aidan: Annie's keeping a secret. I had to find out what it is. Ryan: I know what the secret is, Aidan. She thinks she's got a guardian angel that's going to rescue her, make everything all happy again. Is that what you're going to do? You going to break her out of jail again? Take her away, along with Emma this time? Aidan: No. I told you I don't want Annie to be set free now or at any time soon. The problem is her guardian angel. [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: I want you to listen up good. I was just like you, ok? I thought that that void in David was because he lost Babe. That's not it, all right? It's been there in him long before that. Probably long before he lost his little girl Leora on that operating table. It's like there is this black hole inside him that you just cannot fill, no matter how hard you try. And if you insist on going back again and again, then you are going to end up just like me, broken as hell. Marissa: I'm already there. I have been since the day I lost my mom and dad. [SCENE_BREAK] Liza: I understand where you're coming from. I do. And I can't imagine that pain that you went through with Kathy. You are such a good man. But you are a loving man. You are a decent man. But putting a baby with David Hayward is a crime. It's child abuse, if you ask me. Tad: I'm sorry, Liza. There's not a whole lot I wouldn't do for you, but I'm not going to do this. Liza: Wait a minute. What are -- what -- please. Please, you have to -- I can't lose my baby. Tad: That's just it. It's not your baby. It's Amanda's. [SCENE_BREAK] Amanda: Jake, oh, my God, are you ok? I thought he was going to kill -- Jake: I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine. Amanda: How did he find us? Jake: I don't know, but that's David for you. I don't know. But everything's fine. Everything's fine. Amanda: We should call the police and have him arrested. Jake: Oh, no. You can't get the local police involved in what we're trying to do here. Are you kidding? This is -- honey, this is good. This just means that the plan is working, and David actually believes that you've lost the baby. Amanda: But I have. [SCENE_BREAK] David: Excuse me. Excuse me. The woman in room 3. Nurse: Yes? David: What happened to the boy? Where did you put him? Nurse: I am sorry, sir, but you cannot see -- David: I need to see him. Nurse: We can only allow family, I'm afraid. David: I am the child's father, all right? I want to see my son. [Loudly] Now, where is my son? | At the hospital, Annie tells Emma that she has a guardian angel, who is going to help her get out of here |
201 | Deimos: To the happiest day of my life...the day you told me you love me. Nicole: And I meant it, too. And I didn't think I could get holly off my mind at all tonight, but you helped me do that, and I feel so much better, so thank you. Deimos: I understand how hard this is for you, knowing that Nancy took holly to be with her grandfather and parker. Nicole: It breaks my heart. But you know what? I don't--I don't want to talk about that anymore, okay, because tonight is about us being together. Deimos: You can talk about anything you want to, my love. I just want to be with you, all right? Nicole: And I just want to be with you too. And the truth is, I can't fix Chloe's crazy, mixed-up life, and I'm gonna stop trying. I'm sorry if I made you feel like the baby was more important than having you in my life. Deimos: No, no! Stop. I fully understand how much you've longed to have a baby. Nicole: Yeah, brooding over something that I can't have, it's not good for me. It's not good for us. I mean, to think that I could be like a mother to holly because I know, right now, Chloe can't... yet. Anyway, it-- it really makes it a lot more difficult to let go. Deimos: You know what, Nicole? Maybe you won't have to let go. Nicole: Why would you say something like that? [Dramatic music] Anna: I can't believe Steve and Rafe just left us here. And your stepson hasn't been any help either. Marlena: They had no choice but to leave us here. And if you don't want to land in jail, don't shoot off a gun in a public place. Anna: Well, like you have all the answers. Marlena: You could've killed Paul...and me. And if Stefano were anywhere around, he now knows that we're tracking him. Anna: All right, all right. Marlena: I just--I just-- I hope that Steve and Rafe are able to find him before he disappears. Anna: What about us? We could just disappear like that too. Hey! You know, we have rights. We're American citizens. Zavri pusu! Anna: What did he say? Marlena: I don't think he said, "Lawyer up." Anna: God. We're gonna get thrown in some awful prison. We're never gonna be heard from again. Marlena: Will you calm down, please? Now, we just don't-- don't know that for sure. Anna: Well, who's gonna help us now? Carrie: Hello, mother. Anna: Carrie? Austin? Carrie: Well, we always seem to bump into you in the nicest places. Steve: Who's it from? Rafe: Carrie. She and Austin just got to the police station. Steve: Good. Hopefully, they'll be able to get Marlena out of there. I don't really care what they do with Anna. Rafe: Yeah, and hopefully, Stefano won't cancel on Reznik. Steve: I'd feel a hell of a lot better if I knew they'd set a location. Rafe: Yeah, well, Stefano's too smart. He's not gonna do that till the last minute, especially now that Anna's got him spooked. Steve: Yeah, that woman's a piece of work, isn't she? Rafe: Oh, boy. Steve: Stumbling around Europe with her dead husband's ashes in one hand and a luger in the other. Well, let's just hope Stefano's out of money. It might force him to keep that meeting. Rafe: It better be. Hope's only chance. Steve: I still can't believe she got herself released from the prison infirmary. Rafe: I know. She was supposed to stay there. She was supposed to stay there. That's where she was safe. Steve: Well, you know what, man? Maybe she feels like she's safer with that other inmate looking out for her. What was her name? Rafe: Hattie. Steve: Yeah. Rafe: [Scoffs] Yeah. She's loyal, but, uh, odd bird, that one. Hope's got to get the hell out of there if she has a chance. Steve: So you and I better figure out how to get to Stefano. Shawn: Well, Rafe was not happy mom checked herself out of the infirmary. Ciara: Why did she do that? Shawn: I don't know. She must've had a good reason. Kayla: Well, at least Steve and Rafe have made contact with the agent that identified Stefano. Ciara: Oh, God, please, let it work out. Shawn: Oh, lieutenant Raines, sorry, we're just-- we're just closing up. Raines: Kayla Brady? Kayla: Yes. Raines: I have a warrant to search these premises. Kayla: Why? Raines: I've been informed by prison officials that hope Brady escaped. Ciara: What? My mom wouldn't do that. Raines: Are you saying you didn't already know? Shawn: Does it look like we already knew? Raines: You decided not to take matters into your own hands after she got stabbed in prison? Ciara: No. But maybe we should have. Kayla: Ciara, take it easy. Ciara: They're not doing anything to help her. Kayla: We didn't know anything about this. And you can go ahead and search, but all you're gonna find here is some great clam chowder. Hope's not here. Chet: You owe me one, Hattie. Ow! Hope: [Groans] [SCENE_BREAK] Marlena: Oh, I'm so glad to see you anytime but especially now. How did you know we were here? Carrie: Rafe called us. He said the two of you had been arrested and you needed a lawyer. Anna: We're scared to death. Honey, you've got to get us out of here. Marlena: Yeah, Zurich isn't close by. Who's watching the baby? Austin: We have a very reliable nanny. Anna: Thank you so much for doing this for us. Carrie: What choice did we have, mom? Anna: What does that mean? Carrie: That you're in a Czech jail...again. Don't you think you're a little too old for this sort of thing? Anna: Well, I'm very high-spirited. Carrie: [Scoffs] You think you're cute when you say that, but you're not. Anna: Well, what was I supposed to do, just ignore the fact that Stefano killed my tony? Marlena: Anna thinks the ISA has spotted Stefano near here. Austin: Rafe told Carrie. Carrie: Now, you listen to me, mother. I want you to stay out of this. Marlena: I-I told her that she needs to stay away from everything that Steve and Rafe are doing also. You know, Stefano set hope up for his murder. Unless we can produce him in court, we can't even get her out of prison. Austin: I never thought I'd be rooting for Stefano to be alive, but I guess I don't have a choice. Carrie: Well, I've got an appointment with the local magistrate. I'll try my best to get you two released. Anna: Oh, thank you, darling. Carrie: If I succeed, you have to promise that you're gonna stop shooting at people. Am I--am I getting through to you at all? Anna: Well, what will I do with my empty life? Austin: Why don't you try visiting your grandson once in a while? Carrie: Yeah. You might find out what a great kid he is. Deimos: I just meant that, I mean, since you're so close with parker that-- that you'll be seeing a lot of seeing holly too, right? Nicole: Well, that depends on Chloe. I'm really scared for her, because if, God forbid, she doesn't get through this, Nancy will be calling the shots with holly and parker. Nancy and I, we used to get along just fine, and for some strange reason, she's threatened by me now. I just don't get it. Deimos: You know what? You said you didn't want to think about this tonight, and here I am keeping it going. I'm sorry. Nicole: You want to make it up to me? Deimos: Sure. Nicole: Get me another glass of champagne. Deimos: Well, that's easy. Nicole: Mm. But there's more. Deimos: Really? Nicole: Mm-hmm. I'm gonna go powder my nose. When I get back, you're dancing with me. Oh, yeah. Get ready. [Both laugh] [Suspenseful music] Deimos: Brady, me. Look, I want you to call the Chicago office. I want a man on Craig Wesley and the kids. Like, now, all right? I want somebody following every move they make. Because it's the only way that we're gonna figure out when and how to get a sample of holly's DNA. I don't care if I have to drag her out of Craig's arms. Do you understand me? We need to get proof that baby is Nicole's. [Soft guitar music] Kiriakis. Let's see what you got. This is the perfect night. Deimos: I think you're perfect. Nicole: No. I am not perfect. And neither are you. And maybe that's what makes us perfect together. Deimos: I really like the sound of that. Nicole: Mm. Deimos: I know how much you've been hurt, Nicole, and I'm gonna do everything in my power to make it up to you. Anything you want, anything at all, I'm gonna make sure you have it. Nicole: You know, a while ago, I... would've jumped up and down to hear a rich guy say that to me-- before I realized all I ever wanted was a kid of my own, and that's never gonna happen. Deimos: Let me tell you something. When two people are as perfect for each other as we are, anything is possible. You hear me? Nicole: Yeah. Deimos: [Sighs] Paul: So I just heard from Reznik. The meet with Stefano is on. Steve: Great. Rafe: Where? Paul: A little cafe in garden town. Rafe: Eh, where's that? Steve: It's the middle of nowhere. Rafe: You got the exact address? Paul: Yeah. Steve: Let's check it out. Rafe: I want to be able to record every word of that conversation. Paul: Well, what do you want me to do? Steve: You're good at taking pictures, aren't you? Paul: Yeah, I even brought my high-resolution camera. Steve: Good. Rafe: Yeah, I think the ISA should set up a sniper on a rooftop. What? Stefano's coming home with me, even if it is in a body bag. Steve: Let's do it. [Dramatic music] Ciara: I can't believe mom would do that. Kayla: Yeah, she's just recovering from being attacked. Shawn: Maybe she thought that they were gonna get to her again. Kayla: Oh, so great. Now all the cops in the whole state are gonna be looking for her. Ciara: Oh, my God. Poor mom. Raines: Well, checked the whole place. There's no sign of her. Shawn: It's not like she's a threat to the community. Raines: She's a desperate convict. Shawn: Oh, come on, man! You worked with her. You know that she's not a danger to anyone. Raines: She's a danger to Stefano DiMera, that's for sure. The way I see it, she killed once. She can do it again. If you're counting on her getting special treatment, you can forget that. Kayla: I don't think I heard anyone here ask for that. Raines: Well, if you hear from her, I expect you to call me immediately. And if you do anything to help her... you can expect to be charged with aiding and abetting a fugitive. Shawn: Okay. We done here? Raines: No. The Bradys aren't writing the laws in this town anymore. Hope: [Groans] Chet: Why did you do that? Hope: Why did you put me in a dumpster and smuggle me out of prison? Chet: I was trying to help out a friend! Hope: Sheila and Coco. Oh, my God. They want you to finish what they started. Chet: No, no, no, it wasn't them; it was-- Hope: I don't care who put you up to it. You're not getting away with it. Stay-- [Groaning] Deimos: You hear that? Nicole: Hear what? Deimos: You don't hear music playing? Nicole: Uh, no. Deimos: Hmm. Well, maybe you're just not listening hard enough. Nicole: Oh. Deimos: You hear it now? Nicole: By golly, I think I do. [Laughs] [Smooth music] Marlena: I knew that Noah would like the magic-- Carrie: Okay, you're both free to go. Marlena: Oh, thank you, honey. Anna: Oh, what did you say to the magistrate? Carrie: That you had escaped from a mental institution and I'm taking you back there. Anna: But that's not true. Carrie: Well, I know how devoted you are to the truth. And I managed to convince him that you were just an innocent bystander. Anna: I have to get out of here. Can we go now? Carrie: Soon. And you are gonna love Switzerland. Anna: Oh, I'm not going to Switzerland. Carrie: Oh, yes, you are. I had you released into my custody. Austin: Isn't it wonderful? Carrie: Well, I hope you find Stefano alive, and I really pray that everything works out with hope. Marlena: You must be an amazing lawyer. You got us released, having no idea what happened. Carrie: I knew enough. Been there before. Marlena: [Laughs] Talk to you soon. Austin: All right. Okay, Anna, let's get you processed, and then we're gonna get on the next flight back to Zurich. Anna: You're gonna have to go alone. I'm not going anywhere without tony. [Dramatic music] Shawn: No, no, call's not going through. Kayla: Well, you have to keep trying. Rafe needs to know about your mom. Ciara: Man, I wish he was here right now. Maybe he could do something to help. Shawn: Like what? That lieutenant Raines, he is having fun with this one. I hate that jackass. Ciara: Do you think she's gonna come back here? Shawn: No, she's not gonna come back, not if she doesn't want to get caught. Ciara: Well, should we tell people, like Jennifer and Julie, about what he said? Shawn: No, mom knows the law better than he does. She's not gonna go anywhere near them. It's too dangerous. I can't--I can't believe that she did this. Kayla: Neither can I. I mean, she's in enough trouble already. And it's just not like her to do something that she knows isn't possibly going to work. Shawn: It just--it doesn't make any sense. Kayla: So what are we missing? Hope: You son of a bitch. You're not gonna kill-- [Grunts] Chet: Put that thing down! Hope: Oh, yeah. That'll happen. [Groaning] Chet: You don't get it. Hope: Oh! [Tense music] Rafe: All right, well, Carrie got Marlena and Anna out of prison. She's keeping Anna with her. Steve: Good. I hope she keeps the cover over that cuckoo's cage. Paul: That cafe is so small. How are you going to cover Stefano's meeting without him spotting you? Rafe: Well, it's not gonna be easy. I was thinking of maybe disguising myself as... [Cell phone rings] Rafe: Kitchen help. Steve: It's Kayla. Rafe: Tell her I said hi. Steve: Hey, sweetness. What's up? Kayla: Thank God. I've been trying and trying to call you. Steve: We were in a part of town that doesn't have cell service. Kayla: Where were you? What were you doing? Steve: We were checking out the place that Stefano chose for his meet with Reznik. Kayla: The agent who spotted Stefano? Steve: Yeah. He thinks that she's gonna be there to do a black market arms deal, and, uh, we're gonna be there too. Kayla: So things are going pretty great for you. Steve: Except for one little hiccup, but that's been handled. Kayla: Yeah, well, you know, we've had a big hiccup here, and it hasn't been handled. Steve: It isn't Joe, is it? Kayla: No, no, Joey's fine. It's, um--it's hope. She's escaped from prison, apparently. Steve: What? Hope broke out of prison? What, is she crazy? Rafe: Give me the phone. Steve: Here's Rafe. Rafe: Hey. Hope escaped? How? Kayla: I guess. I mean, we were here. Shawn, Ciara, and I were closing up the pub, and then lieutenant Raines came racing in here with a search warrant, and he told us that she had escaped, and that's where we heard about it. Rafe: Oh, my God. Hey, put Shawn on the phone. Kayla: It's Rafe. Shawn: Rafe, hey. Rafe: Hi. Did, uh--did you go to the prison today like I asked you to? Shawn: Yeah. Rafe: Okay, that's good. So how the hell did this happen, Shawn? Shawn: I don't know. I don't know. I mean, she didn't say anything about planning an escape. Rafe: Oh, my God. Okay, was this before or after she got out of the infirmary? Shawn: It was before. Rafe: Okay, well, then obviously something must have happened. She got scared. Shawn: No. No, I had no idea she was planning an escape. Rafe: Well, obviously you had no idea, Shawn! You misread the situation! How did you let this happen? Chet: Come on, lady, open your eyes. Plea-- [Dramatic music] Chet: Oh, man. Oh, man. I was just trying to help you. I tried to tell you, I'm not working with Coco and Sheila. It was Hattie. Hattie asked me to protect you. I done the best I could. Please, lady... don't die on me. Oh, crap! [Smooth music] Nicole: I could dance in your arms like this forever. Deimos: Really? Nicole: Really. Deimos: Then marry me. Nicole: Uh... I don't--I don't think I heard you right. Deimos: No, you heard me right. You said it yourself. We're perfect for each other, right? And we both have been spending our whole lives waiting for happiness, stuck in some place believing that it's unattainable for us. Now, I know--I know, at first, I saw you as a reminder of the last time that I knew happiness. But it didn't take long for me to finally see you for who you are: The most beautiful woman I've ever known, inside or out, or ever could hope to know. And I've been patient, Nicole. Nicole: [Sighs] Deimos: You have to admit, a hell of a lot more patient than I ever thought possible. But that's because I was waiting for you to love me back. And now you say you do. Nicole: I do. I told you. And I meant it. Deimos: Okay. Okay! Then marry me. Nicole, what are we waiting for? I want to wake up beside you every day for the rest of my life. I want to look into those beautiful eyes every moment I have left in this life. I want us to have a family. Nicole: Oh! You know that's impossible. Deimos: All right, you know what? I hate that word "impossible." I want to give you the world, and that's not hyperbole. It's not a metaphor. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. Nicole, all you have to do is say that you'll marry me. [Soft music] Nicole: Okay. Deimos: Okay, what? Nicole: [Laughs] Okay, I'll marry you! I'll marry you. I'll marry you. I'll marry you. [Both laughing] Nicole: [Chuckles] Deimos: You said yes. You're not gonna change your mind? Nicole: No. I... I want to marry you, okay? Be your better half, the old ball and chain. What else can I say? Deimos: I can't believe this. Nicole: I love you. And I know you love me back. And I want a life together with you...so badly. [Laughs] Deimos: We're getting married! Nicole: Yeah! [Laughs] Deimos: Mm! Mm. Mm. Mm, just so you know, this wasn't planned. Nicole: I know, and you plan everything. Deimos: I mean, I just-- it just happened. It just felt right. Nicole: Yeah, which makes it that much more amazing. Deimos: Yeah, yeah. Oh, my God! Nicole: What? Deimos: I'm a moron! Nicole: No! What? Deimos: I should've had a ring! Nicole: No, honey, I don't-- I don't care about a ring. Deimos: No, no! I should have-- Nicole: No, I don't. Deimos: Wait. No, we're committing to each other for the rest of our lives, right? Nicole: Yes. Deimos: We're gonna be talking about this night forever. Nicole: I know. Deimos: Look, I know I may not be perfect and I know you believe you're not perfect, but this night is damn well gonna be perfect. Nicole: [Laughs] I love you. [Both laugh] [SCENE_BREAK] Carrie: Mother, Tony is dead. He's been that way for a long time. Tell her, Austin. Austin: Guy's a goner. Carrie: Okay, we are going to take you home with us. We will take very good care of you. And everything's gonna be all right. Anna: You're impossible. I know very well that tony is dead. I'm talking about his ashes. Carrie: You're still carrying them around with you? Anna: Well, why wouldn't I? He's the love of my life. Austin: But he's-- he's in a jar now. Anna: I don't care. He still brings me comfort. And that lousy policeman took him away from me. And I am not leaving this place without him--them. Oh, you get the point. Carrie: Yes. I'll see what I can do. Anna: Thanks. [Dramatic music] Rafe: I was counting on you, man! I can't be in two places at once! Shawn: Look, Rafe, I get it, all right? You yelling at me, it's not gonna help my mom. Ciara: I want to talk to him. Hey, it's Ciara. Look, I know you're really worried. We're all really worried. I'm scared to death. But I am telling you, there is nothing Shawn could do. This just came out of nowhere. Rafe: Okay. Okay, well, something must have happened after Shawn left the prison. She must've been scared or something. Ciara: Yeah, we think so too. Rafe: I'll bet Raines is all over this. Ciara: He told us not to go help her because he'll throw us in jail too. It's crazy. But the good thing is, mom can take care of herself. And I think you just need to focus on finding Stefano and bringing him back. That is the best thing that you can do to help her. Rafe: Well, we are getting close. Ciara: That's really great. And if mom wants to reach out to somebody, she knows where we are. We just need to believe that she knows what she's doing. Rafe: Yeah, well, I hope so. Contact me the second you hear anything more. I mean the second. Ciara: I will. Yeah, thanks. Bye. Shawn: Good job. You did a good job talking him down. Ciara: Thanks. I just hope he bought what I was saying. He just needs to focus on finding Stefano instead of trying to run things here. But the truth is, I'm just as scared as he is. Deimos: You know what? Nicole: Hmm? Deimos: This was the perfect place to ask you to marry me, because that boutique has antique jewelry. Nicole: Well, how do you know? Deimos: Well, I was looking for a gift for you, and I checked it out. So what do you say we go look at some rings? Come on. Nicole: What? Wait. It's closed. It's almost midnight. Deimos: So? Nicole: So we can't look at rings tonight. It's impossible. Deimos: You're with me now. You have to stop saying that word "impossible." Nicole: Mm-hmm. What are you gonna do, break in? Deimos: I'll tell you what. If I can make that ring happen tonight, will you start believing that I can make all sorts of impossible things happen? Nicole: I'll work on it. Deimos: Good. Nicole: [Laughs] Deimos: You wait right here. Start working on it. Nicole: Okay! [Laughs] Anna: [Sighs] This is taking so long. What if they threw the ashes out? Austin: Ever think maybe you should live in the present tense? Anna: [Gasps] Oh, you found them! You are just the best daughter. Oh! Carrie: Austin, I know how much you hate taking my mother back with us. Austin: What I hate is the way she treats you. Carrie: I don't know what else to do. We have to keep an eye on her. I... Austin: Okay, okay. All right, okay. Let's do this. Okay, all right. [Dramatic music] Marlena: Oh! Paul: Oh, boy, is it good to see you. Marlena: Oh, yes. Steve: Hey. Marlena: And thank you for calling Carrie. She knew exactly what to do. Rafe: Yeah. Steve: Well, she has been dealing with Anna her whole life, huh? Marlena: Yes, and so now she and Austin will be taking Anna to Zurich with them. Steve: Well, that's good. Marlena: Yeah, yeah. What's going on here? Rafe: You want to tell her? Marlena: What? Oh, wait, wait, wait. Don't tell me that Anna scared Stefano off. Steve: No, no. Agent Reznik said that she's got a meeting set up with an arms dealer for tomorrow, and she's pretty sure it's Stefano. Marlena: Oh, great. Rafe: Yeah. Marlena: Why the long faces? Rafe: Kayla called. Hope escaped from prison. Marlena: What? No, no, no, that-- no, no, no, she was meant to stay in the infirmary until-- until you got her out of there. Rafe: Yeah, she was. Obviously something happened. I mean, she wouldn't risk her life to escape-- I mean, she still had stitches in, for god's sake, you know? I... [Sighs] Marlena: Well, that sure ups the stakes, doesn't it? Steve: Yeah, the clock is definitely ticking. Salem pd already searched the pub. There's a manhunt on. Rafe: If they find her, I just... just hope they take her alive. Shawn: Hey, listen, all right? Don't worry. I'm gonna try to fix this. Ciara: How? Shawn: I-I don't know. But Rafe was right. Mom was desperate to get out of that prison when I was there, and I... I just wasn't reading it. But the good thing is, is that you know what? Out of everybody that's out there that's looking for her, they don't know her the way that I do. So I'm-- I'm gonna track her down. Kayla: No, come on. You heard what lieutenant Raines said. Shawn: Listen, I don't give a damn. Kayla: He will put you away if he thinks you're helping her. Shawn: That's my mom out there, and she's injured and she's on the run. The entire police force is hunting her. I'm not gonna just sit back here and do nothing. So I'm gonna find her and I'm gonna keep her safe until we find Stefano alive. [Dramatic music] Nicole: Oh, Janet! Did he get you out of bed in the middle of the night? Janet: Mr. Kiriakis is a very good customer. I was happy to do it. Deimos: And I was happy to make it worth her while. Why don't you show her what you have there? Nicole: Oh, my-- Deimos: Pick the one you like best. Nicole: Oh. Wow. Deimos: Now, that's a good one. Nicole: I-I don't know. I... [Laughs] Okay, um... well, I-I... I like this. Deimos: All right, now, wait a minute. This is gonna be the last engagement ring you ever have, all right? So, please, pick the one you really want. Don't worry about price. Nicole: Uh... uh... I, um-- wow. I love this one... a lot. Deimos: If it doesn't fit, can you resize it? Janet: Absolutely. Deimos: Perfect. Sold. You'll have a check tomorrow. Janet: Well, that was easy. I wish you every happiness. Nicole: Thank you. Deimos: Thank you. [Soft music] Nicole: Oh. Deimos: [Sighs] Nicole... will you do me the honor of becoming my wife, making me the happiest man that ever walked the face of this earth? And if you do, I promise you I will do my very best to make all your dreams come true. Nicole: Yes. I will be your wife. And I will do my best... to make all your dreams come true as well. [Laughs] [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn: Look, I'm going to the house. I'm gonna get my gun, and I'm taking off. Kayla: Shawn, don't. Come on. Shawn: No, listen. You let me know if you hear anything, please. Stay in contact, all right? Ciara: Yeah. Kayla: Please, don't do this! Shawn: Listen, Kayla, this is my mother out there. She would move heaven and earth if it were me. Kayla: You don't even know where she is. What are you gonna do? Shawn: Well, I know where the prison is, and I know how long she's been gone. Trust me, I'm gonna figure it out. I'll find her. Kayla: Could you talk to him, please? Ciara: I think he's right. Kayla: What? Ciara: Mom needs us. Kayla: What? [Sighs] Paul: So Steve and Rafe and I checked out the cafe tonight. And when Stefano comes tomorrow, we'll be watching. Marlena: Well, if he's got people watching, then he will know you were there tonight. Steve: Oh, he doesn't have any people. He can't afford them. Marlena: [Laughs] What are you talking about? He-- what, he doesn't have any money? Steve: He spent it all on the black market arms he's trying to fence. You know, one problem with trying to pass yourself off as dead is, you can't wire home for cash. So Stefano's definitely gonna be at that meeting. He's got no choice. But we can't afford to get cocky, because if we let him get away this time, hope might never be free. Rafe: Just listen to me. The last time that I saw hope, she was in a hospital bed. She'd been stabbed by an inmate. She was still receiving threats. Raines: That's what she told you anyway. Rafe: Come on, she's one of our own! You can't treat her like a common criminal! Raines: She's not getting special treatment. Why do you think I'm in charge of this manhunt instead of roman? Because I do things by the book. Rafe: You're just loving this, aren't you? Raines: When we find hope-- and we will find her-- you better pray that she doesn't put up a fight, because I have authorized to use force. [Tense music] | Steve and Rafe talked about Hope getting out of the prison infirmary |
202 | Brad: You've reached Brad Carlton's voice mail. Please leave a brief message and a number where you can be reached. I'll call you back. J.T.: Brad, its J.T. call me as soon as you get this. It's urgent. [SCENE_BREAK] Man: Detective. Man: This is quite an extraordinary situation. Victor: Thank you for responding so quickly, Sir. Man: Sure. You're not the first tourists to get lost down here. Man: Yeah, but you are the first ones to do so while a thief was trying to steal a treasure. Victor: Oh. Man: Some of those items go back to 1800s, even earlier. Brad: Wow. Really? Victoria: Wow. Brad: We didn't get a good look. Victoria: No. Man: I'm no expert, but I'll bet you there's nothing later than 1940s over there. Victor: Uh-huh. Victoria: You think that was buried 60 years ago? Man: Yeah. Probably, uh, by the Nazis. Someone intended to hide it there and then come back for it after the war. Victoria: Oh. Brad: You know, I've read somewhere that there are, I don't know, billions still unaccounted for. Victoria: Yeah. Man: Yeah. How did you find it? Brad: Oh, uh, we didn't. Your dead guy did. Victor: And he was not too happy when we stumbled upon him. [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: Uh... sorry we came all this way for nothing. Amber: It's cool. I mean, I was doing you a favor by getting married, you know. I'm not really the settling-down type, anyway. Cane: You're disappointed. Amber: Whatever. Cane: I just, um, feel bad that I wasted your airline tickets and the room. I... Amber: They're not wasted. We are in Vegas, Baby, Sin City. So let's commit some sins. Cane: Are you sure? Amber: Of course. But first you gotta drop the little emotional boy bit... Amber: And let yourself have some fun. I mean, you know how to have fun, don't you? Cane: Me? Fun? No. Maybe you'll have to show me. Amber: Yeah. That's a plan. But first you gotta feed me, because I am famished. Cane: Well, it's the least I can do. Amber: Let's see... okay. Ooh, this place looks good... but they don't deliver. Cane: That's no problem. I'll run out and pick it up. What do you want? Amber: Oh. Um, number six, dressing on the side. Hmm? Cane: Back in a flash. Amber: Okay. Amber: Guess who? You're never gonna guess where I am. Nope. Vegas. Surprise! Okay, Ali, listen. I need you to do a really big favor for me. 'Kay, you are the only one that can help me. I need you to come over here right away. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: I got it. J.T., where's Colleen? J.T.: She's in ICU she's being treated for smoke inhalation. Sharon: Can she breathe on her own? J.T.: No. No. She's on a ventilator. Her lungs aren't getting enough oxygen. Jack: Oh, please, God, let her be okay. Sharon: What happened to you? J.T.: It's nothing. It's-- Jack: How--how the heck did she get stuck in a burning building? J.T.: It wasn't an accident. Jack: What? J.T.: Yesterday I tried her cell phone, but I-I couldn't get a hold of her. Jack: Wait, I thought the two of you weren't-- J.T.: She told you? Jack: Well, we were playing phone tag. But her last message said she's staying at Brad's and that she was trying to figure a few things out. J.T.: She moved in with Lily. And, uh, Brad wanted me to keep an eye on her while he was out of town. Jack: So who's the last person that saw her? J.T.: Korbel. Professor Korbel. Sharon: Oh, uh, he's the guy--he worked on that event with Victoria. J.T.: Yeah, that's him. I found her car parked in his garage yesterday, but she wasn't there. Jack: What was she doing at his place? J.T.: She-- she works there sometimes. She's his research assistant, and, uh... anyway, he--he helped me find her. Sharon: Well, thank God you got to her in time before the building fell down. J.T.: It was close. She was trapped in a walk-in freezer. Jack: What... how could that happen again? J.T.: Well, like I said, it wasn't an accident. She was in there with Kevin Fisher. Jack: Kev-- that son of a-- I'm telling you, that entire family is damaged. J.T.: We found Kevin's wallet under Colleen's car, and that's how we located her. Jack: Where is Kevin right now? J.T.: He's here. He's being treated. He accidentally locked himself in with Colleen. Jack: Yeah, well, I hope they lock that bastard up for life. J.T.: He claims he didn't do it. Jack: Oh, I'm sure he claims a lot of things, J.T. Sharon: Can Colleen have visitors? J.T.: Yeah, one at a time, though. Korbel's in there with her now. Korbel: You're a fighter, Colleen. Like--like, uh, Queen Boudicca, who-- she sacked the Romans and... what am I telling you this for? Of course you know who she is. You're always one step ahead of me. Well, you have her fiery spirit and determination. You never let me win... just like you're not gonna let this win, 'cause I have faith in you, Colleen, in your tenacity. You will make it. Korbel: You have to. You have to. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: Aah! Ali: Why didn't you tell me you were coming to Vegas? Amber: Oh, it was a spontaneous thing. Ali: Nothing's changed, I see. You look great, as always. Amber: So do you. So how have you been? Ali: Great. I'm really happy out here. Leaving LA was good for me. Amber: Yeah. Good for both of us. Ali: Mm-hmm. So this guy you tell me about sounds like he's got you all lit up. Amber: Mm. Yeah. His name's Cane. Ali: He's really worth all this effort? Amber: Definitely. Hand 'em over. Ali: One should do it. You owe me big-time for this. Amber: Hey, you didn't even come and say good-bye to me when I left LA, so this should make us even. Cane: I'm back with food and expect to be duly compensated. Well, hello there. Amber: Cane, this is my old friend Ali. Ali: Hi. How are you? Cane: I'm good now. Where'd you come from? Amber: She lives here. Ali: You were right. He is cute. Amber: Mm-hmm. Cane: What a great town. I leave the room with one girl. I come back, and they multiply. Amber: You don't mind if Ali joins us, do you? Cane: Whatever makes you happy, Baby. Amber: Mm, good friends... good brew. Cane: I should've brought some more. Ali: Oh, I brought my own. Cane: Ace. I love your mate even more. Amber: Mmm. Let's get this party started, Baby! [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: I think they bought our story. Victoria: Why wouldn't they? The only one who knows the truth is dead now. Brad: Fortunately, there were no witnesses. Victoria: Yeah. As far as the authorities are concerned, we were innocent tourists. Brad: You know what this means, don't you? Victoria: Mm-hmm. No one's chasing after the treasure anymore. Brad: It's really over. Victoria: Yeah. I knew we could do this together. Brad: Me, too. We should go out and celebrate. Victoria: Oh, I can't celebrate. I've been running on adrenaline all night. I-I think I might crash and burn. Brad: All right. Well, we'll celebrate when we get home. Victoria: Yes, home... with your mother. Brad: Your dad. Brad: Victor. Victor: The jet is ready. Brad: Good. We should get out of here as soon as possible. Victor: How are you holding up, my sweetheart? Victoria: I'm fine. Victor: Yeah? Victoria: Yeah. Brad: Listen, uh... I know you haven't agreed with all the decisions I've made. Victor: We both want the same thing, Bradley. That's all that matters. Brad: Well, I wanna thank you for standing by me. There's been a lot of mistrust and resentment between us. I hope this can be a turning point, Victor. Victor: Let's hope so. Brad: It's finally over. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Hey, Colleen. It's Uncle Jack. I'm here to keep you company till your parents get here. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: You getting any reception at all? Victoria: No. You? Brad: Some. Victor: Sweetheart, I'm going to pack, okay? Victoria: Okay, Dad. Victor: Be back in 20 minutes. Brad: Hello? Victoria: All right. We'll be ready. [Cell phone rings] Sharon: Brad. It's Sharon. Brad: Sharon. Sharon: Listen, have you been picking up any of your messages? Brad: No, I was just about to. Listen, uh, you'll be the first to know. We found what everyone's been looking for. It's finally over. Sharon: Brad, that's great. Brad: No one's ever coming after us again. Sharon: Okay, listen, um... I have something really important to tell you. Brad: What is it? Is everyone all right? Sharon: It's Colleen. She, um, she's in the hospital. Brad: Is it serious? Victoria: What's going on? Brad: Colleen's in the hospital. Sharon: She was in a fire, and she suffered some lung damage. Brad: What? How bad is it? Sharon: She's on a ventilator. You still there? Brad: Yeah. Yeah, I'm, uh, I'm here. Is Traci there with her? Sharon: Well, we've tried to contact her, but we haven't heard back, and we've also tried to contact Rebecca. Brad: Uh, yeah. She--she's, uh, out of town. I'll reach her. Sharon, please stay with Colleen. Make sure the doctors are doing everything they can. Sharon: I will, Brad. I will do that. I'm so sorry. Brad: Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Ali: I like this one. He's fun. Don't let him get away. Amber: Cane's the one who should worry. You know, we almost got married on a lark, but we just decided against it. Ali: Too much woman for you? Cane: Something like that. Ali: To all the men who let us get away. Amber: Cane already knows I'm irresistible. Ali: Have you shown him your moves yet? Amber's got some dance moves to die for. Amber: Well, as I recall, you're pretty good yourself. Show him. Ali: Only if you'll join me. Ali: The trick is to make it sexy, not sleazy. Like this... Cane: Whatever you need oh, Baby... Ali: Right, Amber? Cane: Happy birthday to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: How's Colleen? J.T.: She's hanging in. Doctor's gonna update us when he can. Sharon: Good. Um, I talked to Brad. J.T.: You did? I've been--I've been trying to call him all day. Sharon: Yeah, apparently his cell phone's been off. But, um, he said they found what they were looking for. J.T.: Oh, that's great. That's great. Sharon: Yeah. No more reliquary, no more living in fear. J.T.: Yeah, when Colleen gets through this, we're gonna celebrate. How did he react when you told him about Kevin? Sharon: Well, I, uh, I left that part out. I just--I didn't want to upset him anymore. J.T.: I screwed up. I screwed up pretty bad. I should've been there, Sharon. I should've been there to protect her. It was my job. Sharon: J.T., this isn't your fault. You saved Colleen's life. Korbel: Hello, Sharon. Sharon: Hi. Um... I hear that you helped J.T. save Colleen. Korbel: Well, J.T. was... very resourceful. We found her just in time. Sharon: Well, she's very lucky that you both did. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: I know we haven't spent a lot time together lately. It's my fault. I should've made it happen. You called me a couple weeks ago to play tennis, and I was too busy with NVP what a stupid excuse. I'm sorry. I'm gonna make that up to you. That's the first thing we're gonna do. As soon as you get out of here, we're gonna get on the court and play a couple of sets together. I gotta warn you, my backhand is deadly these days. You're gonna have to fight for every point. That's what you gotta do now, Kid, fight. Fight. Don't give in. Don't give up. You hang in there. Too many people love you. Too many people need you. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: A fire? How did that happen? Victoria: Yeah. Well, we don't--we don't know all of the details. Brad: But we do know that Colleen's condition is serious, and we have to get home right away. Victoria: Yeah. Victor: The jet is ready to go. Brad: Then let's get out of here. Victor: I'll get that. Man: May we? Victor: Please come in. Brad: We were just about to call you. Man: Were you planning on leaving? Victoria: Yes, an emergency has--has come up and-- Brad: My daughter is quite ill. We have to get home. Man: I'm sorry to hear about your daughter, Mr. Carlton, but I can't permit you to go. Brad: What are you talking about? Man: Not yet. Victor: Why is that? Man: Because you didn't tell the truth. The dead man didn't find the treasure. You did. Victoria: Well, we were trapped in the catacombs-- Man: We have surveillance cameras. Man: The tape shows you pulling out the stone. Man: Until the authorities are satisfied, you aren't going anywhere. Victor: I am certain that... [Cell phone rings] Brad: I'm trying to get us out of here as fast as possible. Sharon: What's going on? Brad: There's been a delay. I've got to hang up and deal with the authorities. Sharon: Okay. Is there anything I can do? Brad: You can... promise me you'll stay with Colleen. Talk to her, hold her hand... and don't let go until I get there. Victoria: But my husband... Brad: Promise me, Sharon. Victoria: My husband is... Sharon: Of course, Brad. I promise I'll stay with her. Victoria: they want to know how we knew about the treasure. Brad: I'll call you back. [SCENE_BREAK] J.T.: What did he say? Sharon: Brad hasn't left the Czech Republic yet. Korbel: You're kidding. J.T.: I thought it was over. Sharon: Something happened. I don't know what. But I promised Brad I would stay here with Colleen until he gets here. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: The Newmans are well-known collectors of antiquities. Recently they acquired several new pieces. My wife found something etched in one of 'em. Man: What was it? Victoria: Letters. Nonsense words. They weren't a part of the original piece. Brad: We became obsessed trying to figure out what it was. We suspected there was something hidden in the catacombs. Victor: We had every intention to inform the authorities once we found that our suspicions were correct. Man: Well, if your intentions were noble, why lie? Victor: Sir, don't you think the most important issue is that this treasure is now in the hands of the Czech authorities? Man: You know... I-I can't help but wonder if the three of you intended to keep your discovery a secret so that one day you could come back and steal the treasure all for yourself. Brad: Detective... a man of Victor Newman's stature has no need for such findings. Man: Hmm. Victor: I assure you, I have no desire nor any need to enrich myself in such a despicable way. Man: You know, greed is not limited to those with meager funds, Mr. Newman. Victor: Detective, if you don't mind my saying so, greed was Milan's motivation, not ours. Man: And conveniently, he is not here to defend himself now. Victor: I assure you, as I stand here, we did nothing wrong. Brad: Check the surveillance tapes. You'll find out we're telling the truth. Man: The tapes are being examined now. Victoria: So... what else can we do? Man: We, uh, wait. Brad: Detective, my daughter is in the hospital, and we need to get home now. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: How's she doing? Jack: I keep bringing up lots of embarrassing Abbott family moments, hoping she'll come to and tell me to shut up already. Jack: Hey you all right? Sharon: She just looks so fragile, I... Sharon: Hey, Colleen. It's Sharon. You know, I talked to your father and... he says he loves you very much and he'll be here as soon as he can. [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: Oh, wow. It's gettin' hot in here. I may have to get myself another coldie. Amber: Aww. Let me get that for you for a change, Mr. Bartender. [Amber puts a pill in Cane's beer] Ali: What do you do, Cane? Cane: Like the lady said, I tend bar. Ali: You know, you could be one of those "Thunder down under" guys. Cane: Really? Down under, eh? Ali: Sounds like fate to me. Cane: Well, maybe I could show you a couple of my assets. Ali: The world would be a better place. Cane: What do you think, Baby? Am I "Thunder" material? Amber: Um... I'm not quite sure yet. Cane: You're not sure? Amber: I might need a little more convincing. What do you think, Ali? Ali: I'd say so. Amber: Mm. Amber: Drink up, Baby. Show Ali and me what you got. Cane: Oh, wow. You know, this is really, um... its good beer. Oh. Amber: Need some help? Cane: Yeah. Yeah, I need a... I just need... Amber: Cane? Cane? [Cane passes out] Ali: Did you give him both pills? Amber: No, just one. Go figure. Hurry up. Help me get his clothes off. Amber: Okay. Oh, he is so pretty. Ali: He's a hunk, but, Amber, he's a bartender. Amber: He won't be a bartender for long. Hurry up. Ali: Ah! Amber: We've got places to be, clothes to buy. Oh. Sugar Cane, this is the most important night of our lives. Mmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: No one should have to see their daughter lying in a hospital bed like this, unconscious. Jack: Hey, why don't you take a break? I'll look after Colleen. Go ahead. Sharon: I told Brad I'd stay. I want to. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: My daughter is very ill, and I need to get home. Now please, I'm begging you. Victor: Sir, if you allow my daughter and my son-in-law to leave, I will gladly answer any additional questions. Man: I'm sorry, but I can't allow that. All three of you will have to stay. Brad: Detective, do you have children? My daughter needs me, and I'm not there for her. Do you have any idea how that feels? Victor: Let me handle this, okay? I will put an end to this right now. Excuse me. [SCENE_BREAK] Woman: Well, here you go, Dolly, your--your I.D. and your social. [Ali is dressed to look like Cane] Amber: Thanks, Ma'am. Ali: Yeah, thanks. Ali: Thanks. Woman: Get off the box. We got two for the no-frills special. Man: Hold on a sec. I'm about to defeat the aliens. Woman: oh, you two seem like you make a sweet couple. Y'all in town for a while? Amber: No. He proposed to me on a cross-country road trip, and we just thought we'd stop and make it official. Woman: Oh, well, listen, if you two have a chance, you have got to go over and see the most-photographed sculpture in all of Vegas. It is a sight for sore eyes. Ali: What is it? Woman: It's a cast-from-life bronze sculpture of the crazy girls. Ali: Crazy girls? Woman: Seminude Showgirl Revue at the Riviera. Sculpture's all their bare behinds right there for the lookin'. Right, Darlin'? Man: Yep. But they don't compare to Edna. Yeah, my Edna, she used to be a hoochie dancer. She had the best legs and rear end in the country. Man: My baby can shake it two ways from Sunday. Edna: oh. Man: Eh... well, looks like everything's in order. Hit it, Baby. Edna: Ooh! Man: Oh, yeah. Man: Hey, Sweetie, save it for later, will ya? Man: Step forward. We are gathered today in the grand old wedding chapel to join these two in holy matrimony. Marriage is a sacred unification of a man and a woman. Did you bring the rings? Amber: Um, he has 'em. Man: The circle is the symbol of the earth, the sun and the universe. Today you two will be joined in an unbreakable circle. Take my advice, you two, don't get married unless the sex is great. Amber: Oh, it's--it's great. Mm-hmm. Ali: Sure is. Amber: Mm-hmm. Man: yeah, I'll bet. all right, then. Well, then repeat after me-- I, Ambrosia Moore... Amber: I, Ambrosia Moore... Man: Take Ethan Ashby to be my wedded husband... Amber: Take Ethan Ashby to be my wedded husband... Man: To have and to hold from this day forward... Amber: To have and to hold from this day forward... Man: For better or for worse, for richer, for poorer-- for richer's better, right? Amber: Definitely. Man: Yeah. In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part. Amber: Sickness and health, to love and cherish till death do us part. Man: All right. Put the, uh, ring on his finger. Amber: Ooh. Man: Whoa. You're gonna have to size that thing, Son. It's gonna slip right off your hand. All righty. Your turn. I, Ethan Ashby, take Ambrosia Moore to be my wedded wife... Ali: I, Ethan Ashby, take Ambrosia Moore to be my wedded wife... Man: To have and to hold from this day forward... Ali: To have and to hold from this day forward... Man: In sickness or in health, even when she's got a headache... Ali: Headaches and all... Man: to love and to cherish till death do us part. Ali: To love and to cherish till death do us part. Man: Put the ring on her finger. Man: By the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Man: Hit it, Edna. Edna: Well, go on, Boy, show her what your made of. Edna: Aww. Man: That's hot. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: I'm glad you're here... for both of us. Sharon: You know, I don't think I could do this without you. J.T.: Are you still there? Brad: Yeah, I'm here. Put her on. J.T.: Okay. Sharon: You're not allowed to use cell phones in here. J.T.: Yeah, we're gonna have to make an exception. Colleen, listen to me. Your dad is on the phone. He wants to speak with you. I'm gonna put the phone next to your ear so you can hear him, all right? Brad, go ahead. Brad: Hi, Baby. It's your daddy. I know what happened. I'm gonna be there soon, okay? I love you, and I'm thinking about you every second. Victoria: Send her my love. Brad: Victor and Victoria send their love. You hang in there, Sweetheart. I will be there as fast as I can. J.T.: I'm gonna have to call you back. Woman: There are way too many people in here. All but one of you will have to leave while I check her vitals. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: J.T.? J.T., you there? Victoria: What is it? Brad: We were cut off. Damn it. Victoria: It's okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Listen, h-how is she doing? Woman: I need to find the doctor. [SCENE_BREAK] Ali: Just when I think I've done it all, you prove me wrong. Amber: God, it was so great seeing you again. Listen, don't be a stranger. You have to stay in touch. Ali: I'll come and visit as soon as you move into that mansion. Amber: Mm, deal. Ali: Uh, good luck. Amber: Mm, no luck needed. Mm. Ali: Oh... catch. Amber: Oh. Amber: Oh. Amber: Ahh. Ohh. Da dum ba-dum da dum ba-dum ahh. Cane: Mmm. Amber: Mmm. Cane... [Amber takes off her dress and climbs into bed with Cane, Cane wakes up] Amber: You were amazing. I'm so glad we waited until after we got married. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Thank you, Minister. I am indeed indebted to you. Yes, we would love to do that one day. Looking forward to it. Thank you. Yes. Just a moment. The minister would like a word with you. Man: Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes. Um, no, sir. Yes, sir. The minister said that Mr. Newman and his family have done great service to our country by locating the stolen items. We have to release them. Victoria: Uh... I-I'll show you out. Victor: Thank you, Detective. Man: Yeah. Victoria: Thank you. Brad: Victor, I can't tell you how much I appreciate this. Victor: I've done some business with the minister before. Brad: Thank you. Victor: I'll pack my bags and, uh, meet you in the lobby. All right? Brad: Yeah. [Cell phone rings] Brad: Brad Carlton. Jack: Brad, its Jack. Brad: Are you at the hospital? Jack: Sharon's in with Colleen right now. Brad: How's my daughter doing? Jack: I just spoke to the doctor, Brad. It's not good. Brad: What do you mean, it isn't good? Tell me. Jack: Her oxygen levels are still going down. Her condition is worsening. Brad, I think you need to come home. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: All you have to do is hang in there, Colleen. I mean, who cares what the doctor said? You're strong. You're gonna beat this. J.T.: Hey, you. Hey, you just-- you just wanna see me cry, don't you? So you can make fun of me for it later. Well, the only way you're gonna be able to do that is if you wake up. I look forward to that. I look forward to you teasing me. Hey... you know what I been thinking a lot about lately? Is that tutoring session I had before I started college? Remember? You were trying to get me to focus on-- on "Don Quixote," and, uh, Alonso Quixano... that was his-- that was his real name. I remember that. You--you imprinted that in my mind forever. J.T.: You were cute and you were confident. The most tenacious girl I had ever met. You were so sure I was gonna... so sure I was gonna fall for you, and you were right. I did. We had that really serious talk about--about living life on our own terms and... and then you kissed me. Brave little Colleen. J.T.: I didn't really think a lot about it back then. You know, I didn't think it was that big a deal, but... but it was. J.T.: Everything changed after that. You been a part of me ever since. Colleen, I know we've had our ups and downs... and a lot more downs lately, that's for sure, but... but our story isn't over. It can't be. [NEXT_ON] Nick: I'm very sorry. Phyllis: I think you're only sorry because you got caught. J.T.: I'm glad you're back. Brad: Right now I'd like to put you in a hospital bed, J.T. Victoria: Brad, stop. Will: You're under arrest. Kevin: What? Michael: What? Will: For the attempted murder of Colleen Carlton. Kevin: No, no. I didn't do anything. | Brad tells that Victor isn't the kind of man who would do a thing like that |
203 | Nick: Summer wants no part of you. Or didn't she make her feelings very clear? Luca: We both did, after we each confessed what we'd done. Nick: Confessed? Luca: I gave the press some inside information that made Victoria look bad. Once I told Summer that, she admitted that she tried to set me up. That's right. I told her I wanted a job at Newman and was willing to do anything to get it -- anything but hurt her. Like it or not, Nick, I love your daughter. Nick: Well, if that's the case, there's only one way to prove it. Luca: And what's that? Nick: Pack your bags and leave town. Summer: You moved out? Mom, that makes no sense. You and Jack, you guys are amazing together. Phyllis: Okay, nobody can understand what's going on in a relationship except for the two people in it. Things aren't always as they appear. Summer: Okay, so does that mean you're not gonna try to give me all this advice and pretend to know what's happening with me and Luca? Phyllis: No. You cannot compare your troubles with Luca to me and Jack taking a break, okay? Summer: You guys are married. Taking a break -- What does that even mean? Phyllis: It means that I need time to think, honey. Summer: About what? What happened? What did Jack do? Phyllis: It's nothing Jack did. It's what I did. Jack: Phyllis flew to Canada that day for some business meetings, only it doesn't show up in this monthly flight summary. Could that be an oversight or maybe a last-minute change in the flight plans or -- She never got on the plane? You're sure? Okay. Thanks, Howard. Ashley: Hi. Jack: Hi. Ashley: Just checking on you. I hope you spoke to Phyllis and took my advice. You got to keep the lines of communication open. What's the matter? Jack: I think Phyllis has been lying to me. Devon: "The pair were also spotted looking very cozy at the Polo Lounge, along with several members of the diva's entourage. Her jilted hubby responded by dumping her entire shoe collection into the pool of their Bel Air mansion." Hilary: Oh, no! No, Jimmy Choos and chlorine? No, that does not mix. Devon: Yeah. It says here he's checking her out, along with the shoes. Hilary: Well, it serves her right for not appreciating the good man that she had. [Door opens] [Knock on door] Dr. Neville: I'm sorry to interrupt. I just thought I would, uh, check on the patient. How are you feeling today, Hilary? Devon: Didn't Ashley tell you that my wife is no longer your responsibility? Dr. Neville: Ashley told me what you said, Devon. Devon: Good, good, because we've brought in a new doctor, one who doesn't experiment on his patients. Dr. Neville: I understand you don't want me to continue with Hilary's treatment. There's only one problem. What happens if it's our only chance to save her? Hilary: To kill me, you mean? Because I am not giving you another chance to finish me off. Cane: Shhh. Lily: [Chuckles] Hey. Cane: Hey. Lily: [Sighs] Don't you wish we could just stay like this forever? Cane: Yeah. Why can't we? Lily: You know why. Cane: Oh, that's right, 'cause you're worried in Hilary's settlement, she'll get the club and fire you. Lily: Yeah, I'm sure she's counting the days until she can make it happen. I heard her on the phone with moving companies. Cane: Well, didn't Devon have a plan to stop the divorce? Lily: I guess he can't change her mind, so what Hilary wants Hilary gets. Cane: Okay, but she's been sick and Devon's been spending all his time, you know, by her bed in the hospital, so maybe she has a change of heart. Think of it that way. Lily: You are such a romantic. But in the real world... Cane: Oh, in the real world, I have a job that I have to go and do. And when I come back... I'm gonna have a surprise for you. Lily: [Gasps] Cane: [Gasps] Lily: A good one, I hope. Cane: Oh, a great one, and you are gonna love it. Lily: Okay, I could use some good news right now. Cane: Let me go and renovate this house. Lily: You're gonna make me wait? Really? Cane: Yeah. You know why? 'Cause I like to keep you in suspense. Lily: Yeah, fine, fine. I'm glad that you're helping Jill renovate Katherine's house. I really hope that Billy appreciates it. Cane: Yeah. I love you. Billy: This has got to be a mistake, Vick. I-I-I didn't sell Brash & Sassy, okay? This has got to be some sort of rumor or something. Victoria: These guys are never wrong. Don't make it worse by lying, okay? You -- Obviously you cut your losses and you dropped it like a hot rock! A brand that means more to me than anything in the world! Billy: I know how much this brand means to you, and I didn't sell it, okay?! If -- If this is true, this is a hostile takeover! And I know exactly who is behind it. Victoria: Okay, don't try to blame someone else. You took your eye off the ball. It's too late to do something about it. Billy: Don't say that. Vick, don't say that. Luca: I thought you learned by now that you can't control Summer. If she decides to forgive me, she won't let anyone keep us apart, not even you. Nick: If Summer isn't a means to an end, if you truly do care about her, then you need to do what's best for her. Because, Luca, when you go down -- and you will go down -- you're gonna drag her down with you. Luca: I didn't think making threats was your style. Nick: It's more my dad's. He always makes good on it. Luca: Victor's in prison. Nick: For now. But his hearing to appeal his sentence is tomorrow, and when he gets out, he's not gonna like hearing that you've been shacking up with his granddaughter or how hard you've been working to undermine Victoria. Luca: I'll take my chances. Nick: Then you are a fool. Nick: Why don't you ask Billy Abbott how that logic works out? Luca: This is a very different situation of what he had with Victoria. Nick: No, actually, it's not. See, my dad doesn't trust you. He never has. When he gets out and he finds out how deep Summer's gotten, he's gonna question her judgment, maybe even lose some respect for her. Luca, is that how you're gonna prove to Summer that you care about her? By destroying her relationship with her grandfather? Summer: What was so bad that you had to move out instead of staying and sorting things out with Jack? Phyllis: It's complicated. Summer: Okay, you realize I'm not a kid anymore, right? Phyllis: [Chuckles] No, you are definitely not a kid anymore. Look, things have been strained between Jack and me for a while, okay? Summer: Okay, is it because Pass Key? Because I know Jack was against you and Billy trying to buy it out from under Grandpa. Phyllis: It was more than that. It had a lot to do with Victor. Summer: Okay, and Jack wanted you to drop it. Phyllis: Yeah. Honey, look, I know that you love your grandfather and you are gonna support him at that hearing. But I cannot forget what happened. That is too much to expect from me. Summer: Okay, so then tell Jack that. Phyllis: I did. And he seems to understand, which makes this all very difficult, because if he was being insensitive or intolerant, that would be one thing. But he is not. He is being good, true, and wonderful Jack. Summer: Okay, so what's wrong with that? Phyllis: Nothing. But, you know, even when two people love each other, sometimes it isn't enough. Not if they want different things. Jack: The pilot said Phyllis never even ordered the jet that day. What am I supposed to do with that? Track down these foreign investors and see if she showed up at their meeting? I mean, assuming they do exist. What's that say about Pass Key, much less my marriage? Ashley: What exactly are you suggesting, Jackie? That Phyllis invented this trip so she could rob a bank or she's covering up some torrid affair? I'm joking. Jack: I'm not. Victoria: I'm not interested in your bogus story about some kind of hostile takeover, Billy. Billy: Even if it's true, Vick? Victoria: Tomorrow's a big day for my family. We're going before a judge and speaking up for my father so we can try to bring him home. I'm sure you'd prefer to see him rot in jail, right? Maybe that's what this is about. Maybe you're just taking your anger out on me. Is that what you're doing? If that's the case, I feel really sorry for you, Billy. Billy: Vick. Victoria: [Scoffs] Cane: Hey. Victoria: Hi. Cane: Hey. Oh, it's good, man. Looks like you got some samples on the wall. So things are moving along, huh? Billy: Yeah, they are. You've been busy, haven't you, Cane? Not only are you overseeing the renovation, but you had enough time to steal my company out from under me. You son of a bitch. Victoria: Oh! Cane: [Laughs] Summer: What is wrong with this picture? Me giving you relationship advice? Phyllis: You are wiser than you think, my dear one. Summer: Yeah, I do not feel it, especially after that talk I just had with Luca. Phyllis: So it didn't go well? Summer: I mean, at least we got all of our issues out on the table. But here you are saying all this vague stuff about how you and Jack want different things, whatever the hell that means. Phyllis: You're so beautiful. You're 21 years old, and you're more grounded than I am. And I don't know when that happened. And I hope I can learn from you before it's too late. Summer: Mom? Mom, wait. [Sighs] Luca: Something changed along the way. The feelings I pretended to have for you to gain your trust, they became real. Look, I know this explanation isn't an apology. I-I wanted to apologize, but no matter how many times or how many ways I could say that, it wouldn't change anything. Summer: No, it would not. Luca: I have to show you. I'm determined to make you see how sorry I am, because I can't bear to lose the best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't know how to be any more honest than what I've been with you here today. Summer: Luca, I... Luca: Look, don't say it now, okay? Take some time. Take some time. Just sort it all out. Summer: What will you be doing? Luca: Hoping you can forgive me, even if I don't deserve it. Luca: We need to talk. Summer: Look, I heard what you had to say, but I need more time to think about it, Luca. Luca: No, I've thought about it for the both of us. You're a Newman entitled to your birthright. That's why I've come to say goodbye. Dr. Neville: Devon, please. Devon: Neville, listen, get out of here before I call security. Dr. Neville: Hilary, you've got to understand. I would never intentionally do anything to harm you. Ever since the day you first came under my care, you were unconscious at the time. All I've done is try to restore your health. Hilary: Health? Well, do I look healthy to you? [Scoffs] This is what your medical miracle -- This is what it did to me! Devon: Baby, calm down. Hilary: I'm -- Dr. Neville: You are having a negative reaction to the medication. That's all. And it makes sense. I mean, we're in the experimental phase. If I adjust the protocol, you'll be -- Devon: Neville, there is no more adjustments, no more treating my wife like a guinea pig. The FDA suspended your trial. Do you know what that means? You're done. Barton: Don't worry. Dr. Neville won't be treating Hilary or any other patient, at least not here. In case you've forgotten, Simon, you don't have any privileges at this hospital. Dr. Neville: Dr. Shelby -- Barton: If you don't walk out of that door now, I will throw you out. [Door closes] Billy: Admit it, Cane. Admit it. You stole the company that she created. Cane: No one stole anything, Billy. This is business. Victoria: It's a hell of a lot more than that to me. Cane: If you want to blame somebody, blame him 'cause he's negligent -- as usual. You took on too much debt, and you left the company ripe for the picking, 'cause that's what you did. Victoria: Is that true? Billy: To build the brand, to move into emerging markets, you need capital to do that. Cane: But you didn't have the financing, did you? So you overextended yourself and you took out too many loans. Billy: And you swooped in and stole the debt, didn't you? Cane: Billy, what do you want me to say to you, okay? I saw an opportunity to consolidate your debt, and I took it. 'Cause you know what the problem is with you? You are a gambler. But when you gamble, you like to lose. Billy: You insufferable -- Victoria: Oh, no. Wait a second. Hold on. Look, you may have the ego to pull off a stunt like this, but I created Brash & Sassy, and I'm the only one that knows how to run it. Billy: Oh, no. Cane's not gonna be running anything, because he's a little errand boy. He's gonna be overseeing the takeover, just like he was overseeing the renovation for Mommy, right? 'Cause you're a little Mommy's boy. That's who you did this for, right? You bought the company for Chancellor, didn't you? Cane: Who knows a son's weakness better than his own mother? And don't look so surprised. This is not the first time she's replaced you with me, so... It looks like you're out and I'm in. I like the yellow. Victoria: Oh, no. No. Just let it go. Let it go! Billy: Are you kidding me? Let it go? After what he just did? Victoria: Cane's right. There's nobody to blame here but you. Ashley: Jack, I know you're upset, but for you to think that Phyllis is actually being unfaithful to you, I just don't see it. Jack: You know what? You're absolutely right. I-I don't know what I -- [Sighs] I love my wife. I trust her implicitly. Ashley: I know you do. It's a confusing time. You're letting your imagination get the best of you, Jackie. Jack: You think I like being suspicious? I hate it. Ash, she moved out for a reason. She said she's unhappy. And I don't think it's a giant leap to think I may be part of that unhappiness. Maybe she's looking elsewhere, looking for someone else -- Ashley: Okay, could you not do this to yourself? Whatever she's going through, let her work through it. Just be patient. And don't bring this up to Phyllis. [Footsteps approach] Phyllis: Don't bring what up Phyllis: Is there a problem? Ashley: No, I was just talking to Jack about the Classic line -- Jack: Uh, uh, Ash, I can -- I can take care of it. Thanks. Ashley: Okay. Jack: Don't you have a meeting you have to get to? Ashley: Yes, thank you. Okay, bye. Phyllis: Well, she's never been a very good liar. This isn't about focus groups, is it? Jack: No, it's not. Phyllis: Okay. Well, now you're worrying me. How bad could it be? Jack: I'm hoping it's nothing at all. Phyllis: So talk to me. Jack: My assistant asked me to sign a, uh, a flight log for the corporate jet. There was a flight missing -- the one you were supposed to have taken to Montreal. I was confused, so I talked to Ashley about it. Phyllis: Because you thought I lied to you about it. Jack: I don't know what to think anymore. Ever since you left, nothing makes sense. I try to give you space, I try to give you understanding, but somehow it still feels like you're not telling me something. Now this happens. Phyllis: Nothing happened. Jack: Then why did the pilot tell me you never stepped on the plane? Phyllis: Because I didn't. I flew commercial. And we're not exactly swimming in cash these days, and I did not want to waste the money or the fuel taking the jet all by myself. Jack: I'm sorry. I... I don't know why I-I went there. Can you please forgive my doubting you? Phyllis: It's just -- It's clear that we can't have a relationship 'cause we don't have trust. Jack: No, I can trust y-- I trust you. Can you trust me to tell me why we are apart? Phyllis: What I need to do is focus on work. I am clear I need to do that. Jack: Phyllis, all I'm ask-- Phyllis: Jack, please just -- Please. Jack: Fine. I have a meeting to get to. Summer: Goodbye? Luca: I'm leaving town. It's best for both of us. Summer: No, you can't. You can't just leave, not if there's a chance for us to work things out. Luca: There isn't. I won't be the one responsible for your grandfather turning against you. Summer: What are you talking about? Luca: If Victor's sentence gets overturned and he gets out of prison and discovers that you and I are living together... Summer: Luca, there is nothing to worry about, okay? He loves me. Luca: Yeah, but that won't stop him from denying you what is rightfully yours because of your association with me. It's like Nick says. Summer: Wait, is this all coming from my dad? Luca: He's right, Summer. You're a Newman just starting to carve out your place in the family business. But as long as you're with me, all your choices, all your decisions, they'll be suspect. Victor will never trust you. And I love you too much to let that happen. Summer: Luca -- Luca: No, look, I'm gonna pack my things, and I'm gonna take a suite at the club until I can make arrangements to go back to Madrid. Summer: Luca, no. Luca, no! Please, you can't end it like this, Luca! No! Luca! No. Nick: Hey. Let him go. Let him go. Lily: Hey. What happened? Was there an accident at Jill's? Cane: Uh, you might say that. I, uh, I walked into a fist. Lily: Whose? Cane: Billy's. Lily: What? Why? Cane: Well, uh... 'Cause he's kind of furious I'm working for Jill and he has the emotional impulse control of a toddler. Lily: Wait, Jill asked you to supervise. Why would Billy resent that? Cane: Well... Actually, the whole thing was a cover so I could buy up his debt and Chancellor can acquire Brash & Sassy. So he didn't like it and -- pop! -- sucker-punched me. So, uh, surprise! I'm heading up the new line at Chancellor. Okay. Are you -- Are you happy for me? Billy: You're blaming me for this? Victoria: You made it possible for Jill and Cane to do this. If you hadn't been so distracted by so many other things and focused on my brand that you took from me! Billy: How many times do I have to tell you that I bought Brash & Sassy to stop your father from selling it to a stranger? Victoria: Now it belongs to Jill! Your mother! And -- And I just want to know why! I can understand her taking this house back from you, but why would Jill make a play for my company? Billy: I have no idea, but I'm gonna call her and get some answers. Victoria: No, I don't want her excuses! I don't want to hear your excuses! You can both go to hell for all I care! Billy: Vick, wait. Vick. Mother, you always talk about how much this beloved house means to you. If you don't call me back, I swear to God I'm gonna burn it to the ground. Lily: You're gonna be running a major division for Chancellor? How do you think I feel? I-I think this is amazing. Why didn't you tell me? Cane: Well, I didn't want to get our hopes up till Jill gave me the job. I had a chance to close up the deal. Lily: Yeah, I'm sure you jumped at it. Cane: Oh, my God. I did. I can't wait to start. I have so many ideas for this marketing line. Lily: Oh, I love seeing you like this. I just wish you had told me sooner. Cane: Well, I'm telling you now. Oh! I haven't told Lauren. I feel alive. I feel fantastic. You know, I haven't felt this good in years. I even feel great that Billy punched me and I had a chance to punch him back. [Both laugh] Jack: You and Billy hit each other? Cane: All right, listen, all right? I won this deal fair and square, okay, even though Billy doesn't see it that way. So, Jack, if you have a problem, you want to take a swing at me, go ahead. Go. Lily: No, no, no, no, no. No one's hitting anyone. Jack: Not to worry. If I'm gonna knock some sense into anybody, it's gonna be my brother. Ashley: Neville. What are you doing out here when your patient's in there? Dr. Neville: I just keep going over and over Hilary's labs trying to figure out why she's not responding well to the treatment. If I'm lucky, I can help her new doctor find a solution. Ashley: Wait, wait, wait. You can't just give up. Hilary's counting on you for a cure. Dr. Neville: Well, I-I don't have an option. Dr. Shelby takes great delight in reminding me I no longer have privileges here at Memorial. He's not gonna let me anywhere near Hilary, much less any other patient. Ashley: Her life is in the balance. You know that. You can't just back down. Dr. Neville: I'm telling you, I don't have a choice. Shelby's in there. I'm out here. I don't know. Maybe as administrator, he feels it's his job to look out for the interests of the hospital. Ashley: Neville, it's your job to save lives. Dr. Neville: Not anymore, Ashley. Not here. Barton: I've spoken with Dr. Lindros. [Door opens] With proper care and a more traditional approach, I'm hopeful that he'll be able to treat -- Ashley: Is that in case something happens to Hilary and this place won't be liable? Is that what you're saying? Barton: This doesn't concern you, Ashley. Ashley: I have something to say, and I'm not leaving until I say it. Hilary, Dr. Simon Neville pulled you out of a coma. And if he hadn't continued to treat you, you wouldn't be here right now well enough to apparently forget everything he's done for you. Barton: That'll be enough. Ashley: I'm not finished. I'm standing here today because of Dr. Neville. He saved my life, too. If anything, this place should be doing everything it can to support him and his work. Barton: I'm not going to let you upset this patient. Now, by allowing you to defraud the FDA, Simon not only jeopardized his reputation, but he put every patient in his trial at risk. Surely you know that. Devon: She used to. Ashley: He's not perfect. I'm not perfect. Are you perfect, Hilary? Devon: You're out of line right now, okay? Ashley: I'm trying to make a point. I was afraid just like you. I was terrified. I thought I was dying. But I didn't die because of Dr. Simon Neville, Hilary. Are you really gonna punish him? All that man is doing is trying to do everything he can to find a cure for you! Devon: Ashley, I really think it'd be best if you left right now. Ashley: Fine. Summer: I thought you trusted me to handle things with Luca, but instead you go behind my back and tell him to leave town? Nick: Of course I trust you. Summer: Yeah, well, you have a funny way of showing it. Nick: Look, I'm not gonna apologize for asking him to do the honorable thing. But him playing on your feelings like this, it just proves once again that Luca is only out for himself. Summer: Not only was he trying to live up to your standards, but he also admitted to tipping off the reporter to make Victoria look bad. Nick: So he knew you were going to accuse him. He owns up to it first. It's a smart play. Summer: [Scoffs] You have an answer for everything, don't you? Nick: Surely you understand he was just using you to get into the company. Summer: Luca has never denied the fact that he would love to work for Newman. But he loves me more, and now he is willing to walk away from it all, and so am I. Nick: And what does that mean? Summer: That I don't need Grandpa's approval or yours. Luca loves me, and that's enough. So thank you for making that clear to me. Nick: Summer. Summer! [Sighs] Billy: No, no, no. Don't tell me that I don't have any recourse. Everybody has a price, including my mother. I don't care what you do. Just make a counter offer! Threaten to sue! Do whatever you need to do! Just get my company back! [Sighs] Jack: Might want to put some ice on that jaw. Billy: Jack, I don't want to hear it right now. Jack: Then it is true. Jill and Cane conspired to take Brash & Sassy away from you. Billy: Look, I know, okay? You told me not to take on all that debt. But I don't want to hear your lecture right now. I just got one from Victoria. Jack: I'll be honest with you. I was gonna give you hell. But you know what? When I walked in here and heard you talking on the phone, you sounded like a man who is willing to fight for what he believes in. And, Billy, that's a man that I admire. So no lectures. How about a job offer? Come back and work at Jabot. Billy: Jack, I know you mean well, but I can't accept your offer. Jack: I'm not just throwing you a bone, if that's what you're thinking. Look, you and Phyllis are a great team. Now that she needs time away from me, it would be a great comfort for me in knowing that you are by her side, well, somebody I can count on. Billy: Well, if Phyllis was standing here right now, she would say that she knows what's best for herself. Jack: [Scoffs] Wow. It's like you were a fly on the wall. Those were the exact words my wife used when I visited her at the club earlier. Billy: It's not that difficult. She values her independence. Anybody that knows her knows that. Besides, getting punched in the face is a wakeup call. Victoria's right. I lost my focus. Now the only thing I want to do is fight to get my company back. Guess you never know what you lost until it's gone. Jack: It's a hard lesson to learn. I'm learning it all over again with Phyllis. God, it's amazing. I always assumed I would spend the rest of my life with her. Now she's living at the club and... Billy: And what? Jack: Remember that trip she took last month to Montreal? Business trip? She took the company jet? Turns out she never got on the plane. Lily: Thank you. Cane: Thank you. Lily: Wow. That's a very girly drink for a manly man with a cut. Cane: Yeah, I'm, uh, kind of afraid that the booze might sting my lip. Lily: [Chuckles] Cane: Don't laugh at me. Don't think I'm a wimp, so... Lily: No, you, my love, are a lot of things, but a wimp is not one of them. Cane: That's good to hear. Lily: Mm-hmm. So, I owe you an apology. Cane: Yeah? Lily: Yeah. Cane: What for? Lily: Well, I should have realized that you needed more of a challenge. You know, I just expected you to support me as I fought with Hilary over the club, but I didn't stop to think that maybe you need my support to go after your dreams. Cane: So you don't mind if I go back to Chancellor? Lily: No, of course not, if it makes you happy. Cane: You know what makes me happy? You and the kids. 'Cause I do all of this for you. Lily: [Chuckles] You know what? This might sting a little bit. Nick: For one fleeting moment, I thought I'd finally gotten through to her. Then she starts telling me I'm the one who made her realize this is all about Luca. Victoria: Well, she and I had it under control until you came back. Nick: Are you telling me I'm the one who screwed this up? Victoria: I think I made that pretty clear, yes. Nick: Well, I don't know what to do now. My only hope is that Summer will wake up and realize that she's got to kick this snake to the curb. Victoria: She did it once before. Let's just have faith that she'll do it again. Nick: [Sighs] I hope you're right. Victoria: You're not the only one who had a frustrating day. I just came from Billy's. Nick: Now what? Victoria: Guess who let the company that he snatched away from us slip through his fingers? Nick: Billy lost the whole company? Victoria: More he had his pocket picked by his mother with a little help from Cane. Nick: So Jill owns it now. Victoria: Well, I guess Chancellor's wanting to be a player in consumer products again. Nick: Man. Dad being on the sidelines so long, when he comes back, he's gonna be itching for a fight with Jabot, Chancellor. Victoria: Luca. Nick: I just hope Summer doesn't get caught in the crossfire. [Knock on door] Luca: I didn't order anything. [Knock on door] Summer: Luca, please do not do this. Just get your stuff and come back to our place, okay? Please. Luca: Summer, it's your place. It always has been. Summer: We have been over this. You are not gonna come in between me and my family. Luca: Look, I know how much your family loves you. Summer: Okay, and I love you. I do not need Newman Enterprises. I can get another job, and so can you. We can have everything we have ever wanted if you will just stay here and fight for this, for the two of us. Please. Luca: Look, you don't realize what you're saying. Summer: Yes, I do. Of course I do. Luca: Look, Summer, it's one thing for me to defy your family. I have nothing to lose. But if you do this, you'd be giving up everything for me. Are you really prepared to do that? Summer: No, you have it all wrong. I am not giving up anything. I am getting the one thing I want most, and that is you. Luca: Look, someone has to think for the both of us. If and when Victor comes back -- Summer: He can't do anything. My family loves me, and I'm still gonna have all the skills that I got from working at Newman. Unless you were just trying to flatter me by saying I was a natural at business. Luca: No, I meant every word. You have loads of talent. Summer: Okay, then wherever we end up, I'll learn on the job. I'll make my own way no matter what my Grandpa does or says to try and stop me. Luca: But will you be happy? Summer: As long as I'm with you, yes. Victoria: Whether Dad comes back now or not, we need to stay strong. We need to defend the business. Nick: Against Luca. Victoria: Or whoever else tries to target us. We've survived two catastrophic oil spills, and we're still standing, right? So I say bring it on. As long as you and I are together, then no one can stop us. Why are you -- [Chuckles] Do you think I'm full of it? Nick: Just the opposite. I think you're exactly what this family needs. And if you're up for the fight, so am I. Ashley: You did what? Dr. Neville: It's the least I could do for you -- and Hilary. So I... I called the FDA and then, what, confessed. I told them I was the one that altered the test results. I had to. I can't let you go down for something you didn't do. Ashley: You did that for me? Barton: I have your latest test results. You're healthy enough to be released. Hilary: Really? Barton: Mm-hmm. Dr. Lindros will monitor your progress, and we're hoping that you'll continue to respond to treatments. Devon: That's fantastic news, Dr. Shelby. I really appreciate you taking a personal interest. Barton: Of course. I'm just sorry I wasn't able to intervene sooner. I'll get this paperwork started so you can go home. Hilary: Thank you. Thank you, Doctor. [Door opens] [Door closes] Hilary: So, um... Since they're letting me go, I guess everything will go back to normal. Devon: Yeah, if by normal, you mean we'll be back at each other's throats. Hilary: I wish it didn't have to be that way. Devon: It doesn't. It doesn't at all. I want to take you home, back to our home at the penthouse. Hilary: Devon... Devon: Unless you want to go back to your own room at the club, then I understand. Hilary: Can you do me a favor? Devon: I'll do anything. Hilary: Can you stop being so damn understanding? Take me home. Billy: How did she explain not taking the private jet? Jack: She flew commercial. I swear I could just kick myself. Why didn't I just assume that? I got so paranoid. I started thinking... Billy: Thinking what? Jack: That maybe she never left town, that she was with some guy in a secret hideaway. You hear how crazy this all sounds? With everything Phyllis and I have been through, even if she was tempted, she would tell me. That's who she is. That's... Billy: If it was any other woman, I would say that there's a reason to be worried. But not with Phyllis. Jack: Really? Billy: She loves you, Jack. Whatever you two are going through, she wouldn't mean to hurt you. Jack: Thank you. I think I needed to hear that. Billy: I want to be with you. And I know you want to be with me. You keep showing me that you do. So just say the words. It's three simple words. Phyllis: I love you. I love you. I love you. Jack: I am not gonna let you walk out of my life again. Phyllis: Well, that could sound romantic, overbearing, and domineering. Jack: You didn't fall in love with me 'cause I'm a pushover. Phyllis: Maybe I'm not in love with you at all. Jack: Except you are. You understand that no matter how tough things get, I'm never gonna let you go again. Phyllis: Do I know that? Jack: Yes, you do. I think deep down inside you are very confident in my love for you. That's why you can walk out of here and come back and tell me you won't marry me -- because you know I will never give up on you. Phyllis: Swear it. Jack: I do. Phyllis: I do, too. Jack: Let's put this back where it belongs. Phyllis: [Sobbing] [NEXT_ON] Jack: I'm with you no matter what. Phyllis: Even if I go to that courthouse and crucify Victor? Victor: Hopefully this time the outcome will be different. | Luca told Summer what Nick said, then he announced his plans to move back to Madrid |
204 | Nora: So are we sure that the bombs were planted because Antonio was donating an organ to Jessica? Bo: Well, if the perp objects to contaminating a pure white race, what could be more symbolic than Jessica getting a liver from her husband, who happens to be Puerto Rican? Nora: Ok, so tell me about this Tate Harmon. Bo: Well, he came to Llanview right before all these arson fires started. He went to a baseball camp in Wyoming. Nora: And that design that we saw at Cristian's studio matches the logo of the Wyoming O.P.P.? Bo: Yeah. Nora: So the camp is run by supremacists? Bo: Well, no, no, not on paper. See, that's the point -- I can't bring Harmon in for questioning unless I have a lot more to go on. Nora: So what -- so what are you doing? Bo: Well, Sahid ran into Harmon and Adriana Cramer yesterday, and she started pushing him on the subject of that explosion at the hospital. She said he got pretty uncomfortable. Nora: Ok, well, now I'm getting worried about Adriana -- her father was Puerto Rican. I mean, what does this maniac have in mind for her? [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: Yeah, well, all we can do now is hope and wait and pray. I know. Well, I love you, too. Tell Joey I'll call him later, ok, and you give Kelly and that incredibly sweet baby a big kiss for me. Ok, I will. I love you. Bye. Kirk: Mrs. Davidson? Viki: Oh, Mr. Harmon. Hello. Kirk: Oh, Kirk, please. Viki: Oh. Kirk: I've been watching all the news coverage on the bombings and, well, I just wanted to find out how you and your family were. Viki: Well, that's so nice of you, thank you. We're fine. You know, we were lucky. Kirk: Oh, good. And the police -- have they figured out who's behind this? Viki: Well, not as far as I know, no, but I'm sure they won't give up until this maniac is caught and punished. Kirk: Right. Viki: It's -- it's unbelievable to think that there are people who are so consumed by hate. Obviously, they're insane. [SCENE_BREAK] Adriana: Well, I hope you're hungry. The chorizo omelet is amazing, but it's a major amount of food. Tate: Well, you can help me out with it, right? Adriana: Oh, no. I start eating those babies and you'll have to carry me out of here with a forklift. Rex: Enjoying your breakfast? Adriana: It's no big deal, Rex. Tate: Yeah, I'm just buying her breakfast. Rex: You spent the night together, didn't you? [SCENE_BREAK] Marcie: A-five, six, a-five, six, seven, eight. Right two, three, four, left two, three, four, side, together, side, tap, side, together, smile, chest out, hands up. Amber: I can't believe you said that! What are you, 4? Markko: Nobody talks to me like that. I'm out of here. Langston: The line is, "ok, I'm sorry." Markko: Yeah, but I would never say that, so I changed it. Langston: The character isn't you. Markko: The character was written by somebody who doesn't know anything about guys. Langston: I wrote this and you know it. Markko: Like I said. Marcie: Ok, ladies, here. Kick right, kick left, kick right -- I want to see smiles -- and move forward two, three, four, move back two, three, four. Ok, I want you to keep working. You, too, fabulous, you need to work. Ok, keep going. Kick right, kick left, kick right -- I have eyes in the back of my head. Hey, have you seen Cole? Starr: I'm sorry, I don't keep track of Cole anymore. Miles: What do you think you're doing? Woman: The Truman case had, like, zillions of boxes. John: Yeah, we, these are the only two I need. Is there something I can do for you? Woman: Uh -- no. I just thought that this case was closed. John: Yeah, well, we all thought Vickers gave it up a little too easily. Woman: Is there new evidence? John: Vickers changed his story. This case is wide open again. Langston: If we do it your way and you walk off, the scene's over. Markko: Not if she begs me to come back. Langston: She's not going to do that. Markko: I'm not playing a wimp. You got to change this. Langston: Ok, I see. He doesn't act like a jerk, so that makes him weak? Markko: No, I didn't say that. Langston: Why can't you just do the lines the way they were written? Markko: Because they don't work. Langston: How do I know that if you won't even try it my way? Markko: Fine. I'll try it. Langston: Thank you. Marcie: Five, six, seven, eight. March two, three, four, kick right, kick left, and turn into your formation. Bend, bend -- arms up, Britney. Spear fingers. [Marcie laughs] Marcie: Ok. All right, that was -- that was pretty good. We'll take a 10-minute break and then we will come back and we will run it one more time. Britney: But it's prom night, Mrs. McBain. Marcie: I know, but you'll have plenty of time to go home and get beautiful -- after we run it one more time. Britney: Yeah, ok, but my mother spent $300 on my shoes for tonight, and she's not going to be very happy if my feet hurt too much to wear them. Marcie: Well, then I suggest you wear foots. Still no word on your dad? Starr: My mom keeps telling me that she knows that he's alive and that she won't give up until she finds him. Marcie: Moms and dads have radar about each other, I wouldn't worry. Starr: I don't know. I hope so. Marcie: Come on, let's get your mind on something else, all right? Let's run your song next, how about that? [SCENE_BREAK] Heather: What color is your dress? Britney: Oh, well, I bought five -- I never know what I want to wear until the last minute. Heather: What are you going to do with five dresses? Britney: Well, I'm going to wear one of them and take the other four back tomorrow. Girl: Everybody's talking about how you got Cole to ask you to the prom. Yeah. I mean, Starr's still totally in love with him, but they had too many problems. It never really would've worked out. Girl: And you and Cole will? Britney: I actually think we might have a chance. [SCENE_BREAK] Marcie: Ok, Starr, that was your cue. You know, you're supposed to come in on the downbeat? Starr: Um, I'm sorry, Ms. McBain, but I can't do this today. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: I want to draw this guy in and then I want to trap him. Nora: How? Bo: I asked Lindsay for help. No: Lindsay -- Lindsay Rappaport? That's your secret weapon? Bo: Look, we need a front, and I think she can provide that. Nora: Well, I have no problem with her front. It's the rest of her that I have a problem with. Bo: Ok, look, personal feelings aside, Lindsay does have a stake in this, too, you know? This creep knocked her out when he was trying to kill the rest of you at Cristian's studio. [Knock on door] Hi. Lindsay: Hi. Nora. Nora: Lindsay. [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: Your stuff was all over the place. I was just putting it back. Miles: I was in a hurry when I unpacked last night. You don't even want me here. Why are you worried about my things? Cole: Figured if I packed you up, you would take the hint and get out. Miles: Cole, I married your mother -- Cole: Get your hands off of me. Miles: I'm not going -- Marty: You leave him alone! Miles: He was going through my things. Cole: No. No, I wasn't. And what if I was? It's not a big deal, right? Unless you had something to hide. Miles: I'm not the one who has secrets, Cole. Cole: Yeah? Miles: Mm-hmm. Cole: What do you know about Todd Manning's disappearance? Miles: Nothing. Is that what you're looking for -- information on Todd? Cole: Then how'd you get my mom to marry you when -- when you haven't even gone on a date before? Miles: Your mother and I, we explained that to you. Cole: Yeah. Yeah, you did. The thing is I don't believe it -- any of it. [SCENE_BREAK] Woman: This is so cool. Do you know what you're looking for? John: I'll know when I find it. I'll really let you know if there's anything else. Truman's crime scene photos, that's what set you off. Why? Fibers from my scarf -- not mine, not Mike's. Hey, look, it's not like I'm saying you're some sort of lunatic or something. Marty: Uh-huh. So what are you saying? [SCENE_BREAK] Kirk: So how's your daughter doing? Viki: She's thankfully recovering, slowly, but obviously she has a big fight ahead of her. They've taken her down for more testing, so we'll know more when we get the results. Kirk: Ah. And your husband? I -- how's he doing? I understand he was caught in the O.R. When the bomb went off. Viki: Well, uh, no. He's actually my ex-husband, and, no, you heard wrong. He was not there, thank heavens. He's fine. Kirk: Good. Viki: Yeah. Kirk: Good. Well, if you're stuck just waiting here, maybe I can buy you breakfast at t cafeteria Viki: Thank you, I've had breakfast. Kirk: Oh. Coffee, maybe. I can make a run. Viki: I have to tell you that the coffee in the cafeteria is undrinkable. Kirk: Of course. Well, I guess there's nothing I can do, but if that should change, you'll let me know. Viki: Thank you. Um -- I'm sorry. This is going to sound a little rude, but, I mean, you barely know us and you've never even met Jessica. I was wondering why you seem so concerned about my family. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: I want to have photographs taken of all the victims of these hate crimes, and then I think that we should set up a special exhibit. We call it "Real Americans," ok? We push the fact that these are really Americans. They are patriotic. I mean, we really push this guy's buttons. Lindsay: I love this idea. Nora: Well, do we think this guy's going to show his face so close to the bombings? Bo: Of course he will, believe me. The guy's arrogant. He doesn't think that he can be caught. Lindsay: You know, one of the victims could be the photographer -- Cristian Vega. And, of course, we'll have it at my gallery. Bo: No way. Nora: No. No, Bo's absolutely right. No. [SCENE_BREAK] Adriana: Don't be disgusting, Rex. Tate: What Adriana and I are doing is really none of your business, but I can see why she'd rather be with me. I know how to treat her like a lady. Rex: I treated Adriana just fine. Adriana: Ok, please, just stop this, both of you. Tate: I'm not going to let him talk that way without saying something back. Adriana: Thank you. Tate: You're welcome. You can apologize now. Rex: I'm sorry if I misunderstood. Adriana: It's just breakfast, Rex. Rex: Everybody's got to eat. Tate: Well, we managed to not a whole five minutes. Adriana: I knew this was a mistake. Tate: You're sorry that you came out to breakfast with me just because you saw Rex? Adriana: Yes, I am. [SCENE_BREAK] Marty: Look, manhandling Cole isn't going to help you with him or me. Miles: He was going through my things, and you heard him accuse me. Marty: Yeah, well, why wouldn't he? He knows me. He knows I would never marry you of my own volition. Miles: I love you. I want to take care of you, ok? I want you and Cole to be my family. Marty: You know, does it ever occur to you that I might be disgusted by the idea of not taking responsibility for what I did? That confessing to Spencer's murder might actually be a relief? Miles: Cole needs you. Marty: Yes, he does. I can't bear the thought of him being alone in the world. Miles: He won't. He'll have you and me. Marty: Cole will never accept you as a father, a will never accept you as a husband! Now, you can force me to do certain things, but this marriage exists only on paper. Miles: You're wrong about that, Marty, and you're wrong about me. [Knock on door] John: What? Cole: John, I need to talk to you. John: Come on in. About what? Cole: My mom and Miles Laurence. [SCENE_BREAK] Tate: You're going to let Rex ruin our whole morning? Adriana: What do you expect, Tate? I didn't break up with Rex because I didn't anymore. I broke up with him because of what he did. Tate: To me. Adriana: Yes, but it doesn't mean that I'm ready to start a relationship with you. Tate: Well, you made your own decision about Rex. Are you going to spend the rest of your life afraid you're going to run into him? Adriana: I'm not talking about the rest of my life. I'm talking about this morning, and I should've known that it was a mistake to bring you here. Rex is addicted to Carlotta's coffee. Tate: Well, I wish I had known that, too. This is our first date, I want it to go well. Adriana: Maybe I should go talk to him. Tate: No, I don't think that's a good idea. Adriana: Why not? Tate: Well, you're through with the guy, right? Adriana: Yeah, I guess. Tate: So, you don't want to seem like you're playing with his emotions, feeling sorry for him now. Adriana: He would hate that. Tate: Maybe if he sees us together a couple of more times he'll get the hint. Adrian I'd feel like I was using you. Tate: Believe me, I don't mind. And anyway, I'm kind of using you right back. Adriana: How so? Tate: Well, because of what Rex said, a lot of people still think I'm gay. So if I'm seen around town with a beautiful girl, maybe that'll help clear things up. But I'll tell you one thing -- on our next date, we are going someplace that Rex hates. Rex: Yeah, well, never mind what I said. Find out anything you can about Tate Harmon. Because I've got nothing left to lose, that's why. [SCENE_BREAK] Marcie: Is your voice tired? Starr: Yeah, I guess. Look, I know the song really well. I've been practicing ever since you gave me the tape. It's just -- could we not do it today? Marcie: Sure. We'll move on to scene work or something. Or we could if we knew where Cole was. Langston: There, I reworked the scene a little bit. Markko: Ok. Fine, I'll try it. Langston: Aw, would you? Actors. Heather: I thought you only asked Cole to the prom to make Starr crazy. Britney: No, I'm not like that anymore. I mean, I've never met anyone like Cole. I'm, like, happy. You know, it's getting late. Can't you kick McBain out already? Amber: She still has a half an hour. Britney: Well, fix it, Amber. I want to go home. Amber: Hey, Starr? Don't you need to go home, get ready for prom? Starr: No, amber, I'm not going. Amber: Why not? Starr: Because I wouldn't be caught dead going to prom. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: No. No, I would never ask you to put your life or your business on the line. Lindsay: You didn't ask, I offered. And if you have this exhibit at my gallery, it's going to get this guy a lot more rile than if -- than if you had it at some warehouse on the edge of town. Nora: Oh, she's right, Bo. She's right. We have to make this event look as real as possible. Lindsay: I can do that. Bo: All right, on one condition -- the night before the exhibit, you let the city put you up in a hotel. Lindsay: Why do I have to stay in a hotel? I want to be part of this. Bo: No! I'm not going to let you be a target. Lindsay: This isn't negotiable, is it? Bo: No. Lindsay: Ok. Fine. Do you want me to talk to Cristian? Bo: That's ok, that's ok. I'll do it. But I do want to thank you for everything you're doing for us. Lindsay: Anything for you. All you have to do is ask. Nora. Nora: Lindsay. [SCENE_BREAK] Miles: I did what I did because I love you, Marty. I had to make you give me a chance -- Cole, too. Marty: You didn't give me a chance to think about my options. And I don't care what you say -- this is not love. And you leave my son out of this sick, twisted arrangement of ours. Miles: "Sick and twisted"? I've been honest with you from the beginning. I've done everything that you've asked for. Marty: I asked you to leave me alone! Miles: I never laid a hand on you! Marty: And it's going to stay that way. Miles: I hope you will rethink that and you'll start making an effort. Marty: Or what? Miles: I'll have to turn the tape over to the police. Marty: And just exactly what kind of effort are you expecting? Miles: I want us to go out in public as a married couple. [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: My mom, she married Miles Laurence. John: I know. Cole: I -- I can't believe it. This is ridiculous. She doesn't even love the guy. John: For what it's worth, I don't think she does, either. Cole: My mom always told me that she would never love any guy but my dad. So why did she marry this doofus? John: You got any ideas? Cole: Yeah. It's my fault. John: How do you figure that? Cole: Well, I kind of told her that I thought it'd be a good idea if she got over my dad and moved on with her life, started dating. John: Well, that must've been a hell of a talk you had. She went out and married the first guy she saw. : Yeah. Hey, listen, John, my mom thinks of you as a friend. So you think you could talk to her for me, try to figure things out? John: For you I'll see what I can do. Cole: Thanks. John: All right. Cole: Well, I got to get to school. John: Yeah. Look, you -- you hang in there and, look, everything's going to be all right. Cole: It's funny -- when you say it, I kind of believe it. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: Who doesn't want to go to prom? Starr: Me. Besides, nobody asked me. It's not like I care. Amber: Well, you could go alone, I guess -- mean, if you're ok with being humiliated. Langston: Can we recast Markko? Marcie: Sure. Can you find a replacement? Langston: Where? Every guy we auditioned got cast. Marcie: Mm-hmm. Well, I rest my case. Langston: Ugh! Marcie: Ok, fine. I will go talk to him, ok? Langston: Thank you. Marcie: You're welcome. Langston: Ugh! Starr: What's wrong? Langston: Markko. I'll be so glad when this is over and I never have to see him again. Starr: He doesn't seem that bad. Langston: You don't even know him. All you think about is Cole. Starr: By the way, I saw Cole the other day. Langston: You did? Starr: We're not together or anything. We just hate the same guy -- that's all. Langston: What guy? Starr: Miles Laurence. My mom thinks that he's the reason why my dad is missing and he just married Cole's mom. Langston: Were they even dating? Starr: Nope. He's really upset about it, e offered to snoop around Miles' stuff to see if he could find out anything about my dad. Langston: You're kidding -- you guys are working together on this? Starr: Yeah, but nothing's changed. Langston: I'm sorry. I have to go see if Mrs. McBain got through to Markko Di Caprio. I'll see you. Starr: Anything? [SCENE_BREAK] Kirk: I know what it's like to have a kid in trouble. Viki: Oh. I'm sorry, of course you do. I -- I also wanted to say thank you once again for volunteering to be a donor for Jessica. [Phone rings] I'm sorry. Whoops -- I better take this. Kirk: Sure. Viki: Excuse me. Hi, Bo. Bo: Hey, Viki. I'm just calling to get the latest on Jess. Viki: They've taken her down for more testing, but I guess we'll know more later. Bo: All right. Well, keep me posted, ok? Viki: Yeah, I will, I will. Bo: Is my brother there? Viki: No. No, he went home to shower and change. Bo: So you're there alone? Viki: Uh -- no, actually. It's a little curious. Tate Harmon's father stopped by. Bo: No kidding. Hey, is there any way that you could keep him there for a while? Viki: I suppose so -- why? Bo: I just want to meet him. Viki: Oh. Ok, well, I'll try. Bo: Well, thanks, Viki, and can you do this without letting him know I'm on my way? Viki: Yeah, sure. Bye. I'm sorry. You know, Kirk, I've changed my mind, and I think I would like some of that completely undrinkable coffee from the cafeteria. Is the offer still good? Kirk: Absolutely. How do you take it? Viki: It's decaf and light, no sugar. Kirk: Coming up. Viki: Thank you. Thank you. Hey. Miles: Hey. Viki: Hi. Marty: Hi. Miles: Well, we just came by to see how Jessica was doing. Viki: Oh, that's so sweet of you, thank you. Um -- she seems to be getting better. Marty: Oh. Viki: She's not here right now, though. They took her down for tests. Miles: Oh. Marty: Yeah. Miles: Well, that gives us some time to tell you our news. Viki: Really? What news? Miles: Why don't you tell her, sweetheart? Marty: Uh -- Miles and I flew to Vegas last night. We got married. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: Hey. What do you got? That's it? [Rex sighs] No, it sounds like a wild- goose chase. Just confirm everything, get me a location, and we'll talk. I'll pay you when I see you, but this better turn out to be real. Tate: So, you think about what I said? Adriana: I don't know if I'm ready, Tate. Tate: I'm not asking you to go out on a cruise -- it's a charity event. It's very public, good for both of our images. You can talk about your company. Adriana: I know. Tate: It'll be fun. We'll go have dinner with the beautiful people, I'll have you home by 10:00 -- maybe 11:00 at the latest. What do you say? [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: You got married? Wow! Oh -- gee. I -- boy, I'm surprised! Miles: Yeah. I think a lot of people are going to be surprised. Viki: I mean, I had no idea! Miles: Well, it was kind of sudden. I knew that she was the one for me the first time I saw her, but she was a little scared. It took me a little time to finally get her to see the light. Right, honey? Marty: Uh -- I'd like to be the one to tell Jessica. You don't mind if we wait, do you? Viki: No, of course not. Fine. Bo: Hey, Viki. Viki: Hi! Hey, that was fast. Miles: Hey. Viki: Do you know Miles Laurence? Bo: Yeah, yeah, we've met. How you doing? Miles: Well. Bo: Hello, Marty. Marty: Hey. Miles: We were just telling Viki that Marty and I got married last night. Bo: Well, what do you ow. Well, that -- that was -- that was pretty sudden, wasn't it? Kirk: Here you go. Viki: Oh! Thank you so much. Kirk: Sure. Viki: Thank -- Kirk Harmon, do you know Bo Buchanan? My brother-in-law. He's actually police commissioner here in Llanview. Bo: Yeah. Kirk: Really? Bo: Also, I was a big fan of your son. Kirk: Oh. Viki: Oh. Well, I'll leave you two to talk baseball. Can we talk in Jessie's room? Marty: Oh, yeah. Viki: Would that be all right? Miles: Yeah. Viki: Excuse me. Thanks so much. Kirk: Sure. Miles: Excuse us. Kirk: Don't mention it. Bo: Oh, boy. You know, Tate -- he had quite an arm, didn't he? I mean, I thought he was going to break records and maybe even end up in Cooperstown. Kirk: Yeah. So did I. Bo: You know, I think I read somewhere that he hurt his shoulder when he was a kid. Kirk: Hmm. Bo: Do you think that maybe that's why that he blew it out later on pitching? Kirk: Uh -- well, the doctors would never tell us. Bo: Huh -- no, they never do. But how about you? What do you think? Kirk: Well, I think it had something to do with it. Bo: How'd he hurt himself? He fall out of a tree or something or -- Kirk: No. He was in camp. Bo: Camp -- somewhere local? Kirk: Wyoming. Bo: Wyoming. Kirk: You sure are interested in somebody who can't even play anymore. Bo: Well, yeah, sure, but, like I told you, I'm one of his biggest fans. Kirk: Huh. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: Wow! I mean, I -- I certainly wish you all kinds of happiness. Miles: Thank you. I know you had every reason to hate my brother. Viki: Yes, I did. But I'm going to try very hard not to hold that against you, especially if you're going to make Marty happy. [Phone rings] Marty: Ah. It's a -- a patient. I just need to take this real -- Viki: Sure. Marty: Real quick. Miles: Ok. Marty: Dr. Saybrooke. John: Hey, it's McBain. I was wondering if I could see you. Marty: I'm a little busy right now. John: It's important. Marty: Ok. I'll be there as soon as I can. Oh. It's a patient. I forgot that I -- I booked an appointment this afternoon. Miles: Oh, well, here, I'll walk you to your office. Marty: Actually, it's a consult, so it's taking place at the office of another therapist. Would you please give Jessica my love, and I'll -- I'll see you later. Viki: Ok. Miles: And don't be too long. Marty: No, I won't. Miles: Ok. I love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: You know, my son plays little league and he's good, but I don't really know that he has a future in the game. How old was -- was Tate when you saw that he -- that he really had something special? Kirk: Well, I showed him a couple of pitches when he was about 7 or 8, but by the time he was 10, he was -- he was throwing some pretty good stuff. Bo: Whew -- yeah. It must've killed you when you found out that he'd hurt himself. Kirk: Yeah, well, I went to Wyoming with my heart in my throat -- that's for sure. Bo: Yeah, well, yeah. It's a different part of the country, isn't it? Kirk: "Different"? From what? Bo: What? What -- oh, no, no, nothing. I'm -- you know, I'm just making conversation. How long did you stay there? Kirk: I'd love to stay and talk with you, Mr. Buchanan, but I'm meeting somebody. Bo: Oh, yeah, sure, sure. Hey -- give my regards to Tate, ok? Kirk: I will. [SCENE_BREAK] Tate: At least promise me you'll think about dinner, ok? Adriana: I will. But you're probably going to be mobbed by fans the entire night. Tate: I will not. Adriana: Oh, please, come on. Even Officer Sahid was all over you yesterday. "Where'd you go to summer camp, Tate?" "What was it like?" [Adriana chuckles] Tate: Yeah -- I don't even know what she was talking about. Rex: Can I talk to you? Adriana: No. Rex: It's about Todd. Adriana: Did they find him? Rex: I know a guy who knows a guy in Chicago who thinks he saw a guy matching Todd's description being put into a car. Adriana: Well, is he sure that it's him? Rex: No. Adriana: Why are you telling me? Rex: Blair is your cousin, you know her better than I do. Should I say something to her? Adriana: Well, it doesn't sound like you have much, and the last thing Blair and the kids need is false hope. [SCENE_BREAK] Marcie: Markko has agreed to do the scene as written. Langston: Smart move. What'd you threaten him with? Markko: She told me I had to have respect for the words. Marcie: Yes, and that it is your job to make the lines work. Markko: Yeah, but what a her job? Isn't she supposed to make me look good? Langston: I think we're supposed to make each other look good. Marcie: Ok -- are you two going to the prom? Markko: No way. Langston: Oh -- me, neither. Marcie: Teenagers. Markko: Not if you were the last person on the planet. Langston: Same here. Britney: Oh. You're late. Cole: I know. Britney: Did you get your tux fitted? Cole: No. Britney: Well, you better get on that if you want to look as hot as me. [Music plays] Marcie: Five, six, seven, and eight! Yes! That was great! Ok, listen up. We're going to take a 10-minute break, and then we'll come back and run the blocking from yesterday. Excuse me, Ms. Jennings? All: Oh! Marciete then you can go and get ready for the prom, ok? Great. Britney: I forgot to tell you -- don't get me one of those pin-on corsages because those are way, like, back in the day. Maybe -- maybe get me, like, a flower for my hair or something. Cole: Already done. Britney: Ok, and make sure it matches your boutonniere. Cole: It will. Britney: It's only a couple more hours. I can't wait. Cole: Yeah. Me, too. Markko: Hey, I wanted to ask you something. Langston: You heard Ms. McBain. I can't change the script. Markko: I wasn't talking to you. Langston: Makes my day. Markko: So, I hear you don't have a date for the prom. Starr: Amber told you, right? Markko: Right. Yeah. I don't have a date, either. Starr: I'm sorry. Markko: Right. Well, see, I know it's last-minute, but -- I don't want to sit home tonight and I figured you probably don't want to, either, so I was thinking -- maybe we could go together? [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: If I find out anything more, I'll let you know. Tate: You know, Rex, I don't think Adriana really needs to know about your cases anymore. Rex: It's about her family, and just so you know, I still don't trust you. Adriana: Please. Rex, if you do care about me, just let it go. Rex: Just be careful with him, ok? Adriana: I'm a big girl. Rex: Yeah, I know, but worrying about you -- it's an old habit. Tate: That must've been hard for you. I'm sorry. Adriana: You have nothing to apologize for. Tate: Do you really think that Rex knows anything about Blair's husband or was he just trying to find another reason to interrupt us? Adriana: Rex wouldn't lie to me about Todd. Kirk: We need to talk. Tate: I'm with Adriana -- can't it wait? Kirk: No. I'm sorry, Adriana. Adriana: No, it's ok. I have to get back to work, anyway. Thanks for breakfast. Tate: Think about the dinner, ok? Adriana: I nice to see you, Mr. Harmon. Kirk: Yeah. [Kirk sighs] Tate: This better be important. Kirk: Ran into the police commissioner. He was asking questions about Wyoming. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: Miles, may I ask you something? Miles: You want to know about Marty and me, right? Viki: Yeah. I mean, last time I spoke with Marty -- and it wasn't that long ago -- she was quite convinced she would never even fall in love again, much less get married. Miles: Yeah. Our feelings kind of took us by surprise -- well, not me. Viki: Oh. Miles: I think I fell in love with Marty the first time I saw her. Viki: Whoa. [Viki chuckles] Miles: I'm going to be so good to her -- and to her son. Nothing is more important than their happiness. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Come in. Marty: Hi. John: That was fast. Marty: Well, you said it was important. John: Have a seat. Marty: I actually don't have much time. John: I'll get to the point. Cole came to see me this morning. Marty: Really? John: Really. Obviously, you know, he must be upset about you marrying Laurence. Marty: I know, but it's my decision and it's something he's going to have to live with. John: So will you, right? Marty: You know, is -- is that what you came -- John: No, it's not. You don't love Laurence, so why'd you marry him? What are you not telling me? [NEXT_ON] Starr: I would love to go to prom with you. Markko: Sweet. Then it's a date. Miles: If you're on my side, you're going to have to prove it. Blair: How? Miles: Kiss me. John: Just tell me what you told Vickers. Tell me what you know about Truman's murder. | Rex comes in and immediately assumes that they spent the night together |
205 | Meg: Hey there. Craig: Hey yourself. Meg: You let me sleep in late, Mr. Montgomery. You know, this is the part where you make a comment like you let me sleep in late too, Mrs. Montgomery. Craig: I thought you preferred us on a first name basis. Meg: I've kind of gotten used to you adding Montgomery to my name. What? Where are you going? Craig: Oh, it's late, like you said. Meg: Have you forgotten that you're in bed with the CEO of Montgomery Enterprises? You can go in as late as you like. Besides, you probably need the rest after yesterday. How's your hand doing? Craig: I'll live. Meg: How's your head? Craig: You know what? Okay. You know what, if I promise not to ever mix alcohol and medications again, will you stop asking me how I am? Meg: Maybe. Oh, my God. Craig: What's the matter? You all right? Is it the baby? What's the matter? Meg: He moved. Here, here, feel. What's wrong? [SCENE_BREAK] [Cell phone rings] Bonnie: Why does this phone always ring at the worst -- basketball's world famous Bonnie McKechnie speaking? Holden: How are you? Did I catch you at a bad time? Bonnie: You bet you did. If you would have called about 10 minutes ago, you could've saved me some major damage on my credit cards. Holden: I'll try to schedule my calls better in the future. Bonnie: Oh. So what is the reason for this unscheduled call? You ready for that rematch you promised me? Holden: Actually, I was thinking that maybe we could take in a movie. If you're free. Bonnie: Holden, are you to ask me on a -- oh, what's that word? Date? Holden: Yeah, I guess that's what they're calling it these days. Bonnie: All right. Last I heard, a date between two adults usually involved some sort of food or beverage. And before you ask, popcorn and soda do not count. Holden: Well, I suppose that I could buy the candy, if you insist. Bonnie: Big spender. Well, since you are clearly out of practice here, I gonna take pity on you and say yes. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: Margo. Margo: Oh, Dusty Donovan, what the hell are you doing here of your own free will? Dusty: I need your help. Margo: Why? What's happened? Dusty: I got to get in to see Bob. Margo: Well, I'm a cop, not a nurse. I have no control over the visiting hours at Memorial. Dusty: The hours aren't the problem. It's the access. Your brother-in-law locked me out. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: Uh, we're here. Chris: The next time I threaten to take an overnight shift, remind me of last night and this morning. Emily: I can't make any promises. But I will do my best. Chris: Oh, I know what you can do. That's why I want some more. [Cell phone rings] Emily: You better get your phone. Chris: Oh, I swear if I wasn't the acting chief of staff, I'd break this thing into a million pieces. Dr. Hughes. What time did they get out of surgery? Uh- huh. Emily: Hi, Lily. It's a pleasant surprise. Lily: Really? Wasn't that little loving couple routine -- wasn't that for my benefit? Emily: No. Chris and I don't have to make a show of our relationship. Lily: Relationship? Is that what you're having with Chris? A relationship? Emily: Uh, yeah. Lily: Really? I thought Dusty and I were having a relationship. Until you slept with him. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: I managed to see Bob once, until Chris had security throw me out. Margo: Oh, so you're asking me to pull rank on hospital security? Dusty: Well, since you're family, can you talk to him? I just want a chance to see Bob. After that, Chris can throw me out again. Tom: From what I understand, Chris had every right to throw you out of my father's room. Apparently after your visit, my dad wound up stressed and sedated. Dusty: I'm not the reason Chris drugged your father. Tom: Are you trying say that my father's condition is somehow Chris's fault? Dusty: That's exactly what I'm saying. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: Stop making it sound like I'm some kind of a home wrecker because I'm not. Lily: I didn't do that. Emily: No, I'm not. You and Dusty were not having a relationship. You were having an affair. Lily: Really? What would you call what you did with Dusty? Emily: A mistake. Lily: A mistake? Emily: Lily, it never should've happened. Lily: Oh, really. Why did it happen? Just to prove that you could do it? Get him back? Emily: I'm not going to have this conversation with you. Lily: You know, you're not a home-wrecker, you're just a whore. [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: Why'd you pull away? Craig: Bad hand, remember? Meg: Sorry. Here, let's use the other one. You know, once your son starts -- what now? Craig: Look, I'm just -- I'm just not up to this, okay? Maybe I'm just a little tired still from yesterday. Meg: When you had your bout of food poisoning a few weeks back, you practically tackled me so you could feel the baby kick, but now you're too tired? Craig: All right. Maybe later. Meg: Maybe? Craig: You know, I would appreciate it if you didn't dissect every single word, since I've already told you I'm just not feeling very well. Meg: Okay. What gives, Craig? It's not that you're just not jumping to touch the baby and feel it kick, but you snatched your hand away like you can't bear to touch the baby or me. Well, you can't be angry at the baby. He hasn't done anything. So, that leaves me. What's going on with you, Craig? Craig: Meg, I know -- Meg: What is it? Craig: I know I haven't been acting like the best dad this morning. Okay, I just -- chalk it up to still feeling sick about -- recent events. Meg: Where are you going? Craig: I need to take a shower. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: What did you just call me? Lily: You heard me. A whore. You know, that's somebody who sleeps with anybody that she can get her hands on. Emily: Okay, since we're throwing around accusations, Lily, how about adultery? Or did you happen to get a divorce from Holden while nobody was looking? Lily: Holden knew about Dusty and me. Does Chris know that you brought the New Year in with a big bang? Emily: Leave Chris out of it. Lily: Why should I do that? Why should I let you ruin his life the same way you ruined mine? [SCENE_BREAK] Tom: Now that is one hell of an accusation you just leveled at my brother. So, if you don't want to be slapped with a slander suit, you better have something to back that up. Dusty: Tom, your father's stroke doesn't sit right with me. Tom: Oh. And you base this on what? Your vast medical knowledge? Dusty: Chris knows more than what he's letting on. That's why I got to talk to Bob. Margo: Well that's not going to happen, Dusty. Bob is just now regaining consciousness. So, if the family doesn't want you in the room during recovery, you're going to respect their wishes. Dusty: Bob woke up and started talking, and Chris had him sedated. Am I the only one who thinks that's a little off? Tom: My brother is devastated about my father's condition. He's not only trying to give him the best care he can, but he's trying to run a hospital. So, you picked this family tragedy as grounds for, what, a personal attack? Dusty: Why would I do that, Tom? Tom: I don't know. 'Cause of Emily. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: Look, I don't want Dusty. Chris and I are very happy. Lily: Do very happy women have one-night stands? Emily: It was a mistake, okay? It was a mistake. You want Dusty, he's all yours. I'm not going to get in your way. Lily: You already have. You've always been there between me and Dusty because he wants you. He never wanted me, he always really wanted you. Chris: Hey, my father seems to be doing fine this morning. Which is more than I can say for you. What's wrong? Emily: No, no. I'm fine. I'm fine. We're good. Chris: Am I interrupting something? Emily: No, not at all. Not at all. Don't you need to get to the hospital? I think you're already running late, right? Chris: And whose fault is that? I can wait for you, drop you off at the Intruder? Emily: No, no. That's okay. That's okay, Babe, I'll catch up with you later, okay? Bye. Lily: You are a pro. Emily: Stop saying that. Lily: You're a pro. The way you looked at him right in the eye, and you lied to him like that. Well I shouldn't be surprised. That's exactly the way you treated Dusty. Emily: I told Dusty. I was honest about the way I felt. But it's not my fault he wasn't listening to me. Lily: Maybe it was the timing. Hmm? Did you tell him before or after you slept with him that you weren't interested in him? How could he not understand your message? Wasn't it perfectly clear? You were so honest with him. Flaunting your relationship with Chris in front of him for months, and months, you just wanted to be a challenge. You wanted Dusty to fight for you, all along. That's what you wanted to do! Emily: Lily. Lily: All along! Emily: Lily, you are making a scene. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: Did Chris tell you that? That I have it in for him because of Emily? Tom: Well, what other reason do you have for this personal vendetta? Dusty: Ask Chris. Margo: Well, what -- what exactly are we supposed to ask Chris? Dusty: Ask him about the fight he had with Bob just before Bob collapsed. Margo: What is he talking about? Tom: I don't have a clue. I don't think he does either. Dusty: I overheard the two of them going at it. Tom: Okay, okay. So they were working under severe strain. It's not a secret, it's not a cause for concern. Dusty: You got to understand that your brother isn't as cute as he used to be. Tom: Now, you know nothing about my brother. Margo: All I hear are accusations and insinuations. Nothing solid. Dusty: I understand that you guys are trying to do what's right for your family, but Chris isn't. He's out for himself. Margo: Donovan, you are skating on some pretty thin ice here. Dusty: The first thing he decided to do when he became chief of staff was green light the Evan Walsh/Craig Montgomery research project, which everyone knows Bob was against. You telling me all of this is a coincidence? [SCENE_BREAK] Bartender: What can I get you? Lily: Vodka. Very little soda. Jay: That's a pretty classy drink for this place. Lily: Oh, please. If you're going to say, what's a classy lady like you doing in a joint like this -- Jay: Nope, I just thought I'd just sit over here and build a fire to ward off the chill. Lily: Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to say that. Jay: That's okay. It looks like you're having one of those days. Lily: One of those lives. Jay: I know what you're going through. Lily: I doubt it. Jay: Feeling like that one person you thought had your back just stabbed you in it? I've been there. Lily: So what do you do? Come here and drink your troubles away? Jay: That's one of my tricks. I've got a few others up my sleeve. But I'm not quite sure it's something a classy lady like you would go for. Lily: You'll never know unless you ask. [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: Jan. Hey. Nurse Jan: Oh, Meg. How are you and the baby? Meg: Just fine, thanks. Nurse Jan: Did you manage to get that husband of yours calmed down? Meg: Actually, that's why I'm here. I know this could get you into trouble, but I need your help. Nurse Jan: What kind of trouble are we talking about? Meg: I need to see my husband's medical records. Nurse Jan: Meg, that would be putting my job on the line. Meg: I know, I know, I know it's a lot to ask. But Craig has been acting really strange lately. Nurse Jan: Strange isn't the word for it. He was flipping out over a doll at a little lunch party. Meg: Yeah, I know. I know and it's not usually like him to do that. And that's why I'm worried about him, and I think maybe he's keeping something from me. Nurse Jan: What do you think it could be? Meg: Chris Hughes treated him just recently. They both said it was for an infection, but maybe it wasn't. Nurse Jan: You think it's something more serious? Meg: Craig has been so excited about the baby. He's been micromanaging my vitamins, touching my belly all the time -- Nurse Jan: That's so sweet. Meg: Yeah, it's kind of making me crazy. But now Craig's whole attitude about the baby has changed. It's like he's scared. He's afraid that he won't be around to watch our son grow up. Nurse Jan: This is just standard issue pregnancy paranoia, Meg. Meg: Probably. But I have all these crazy thoughts going through my head. And I just need some answers. Nurse Jan: You're really worried, aren't you? Meg: He's my husband and the father of my baby. I need to know what's going on, and if there's anything I can do to help him. I know I'm asking for a lot. Nurse Jan: Yeah, you are. I'll see what I can do. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: You're right, it's really -- this is not my thing. I'm not being judgmental or anything, but I kind of had a small problem with these not too long ago. So, I said, no more. Never again. Jay: Of course, I understand. Major props to you. Lily: Lily. My name is Lily. Jay: Jay. But, just so you understand, these little babies aren't addictive. Lily: Right. Jay: Cross my heart. Do I look like I want to end up like that? Lily: Who does? Jay: These are just for a little recreational relaxation. For when things get a little too heavy for me to handle without a little chemical help. Like when my friends stop acting like my friends, when my family gets on my case, when my honey keeps sending these mixed signals and getting mad when I misread them -- it helps put things back on an even keel. Lily: And which of those things got you here tonight? Jay: All of the above. You? Lily: Yeah, the same. So, those help? Jay: Check it out. Steady as a rock. Lily: Mm-hmm. Jay: You sure you don't to try one? Come on. Lily: No, thanks. No. Jay: Come on. What have you got to lose? Lily: Nothing. All right, just one. One. [SCENE_BREAK] Tom: So Chris is sleeping with Emily, big deal. So you're going to make him pay for that by hurting our father. Dusty: That's complete nonsense. Tom: Then where's your proof? Back up one of your accusations that Chris has done something to cause my father harm. Margo: Come one, Honey. Tom: No! He's not going to talk about my family like this. Dusty: I apologize. I shouldn't have come to you with this. Margo: No, you shouldn't have. Tom: I'll tell you this, I am 100% behind my brother on this one. So you stay the hell away from my father. I will slap you with a harassment suit that will make you wish you were the one in intensive care. Dusty: What happens when I get proof? Tom: I'm not holding my breath, Dusty. Back off! Stay the hell away from my family! Don't be the one that winds up sorry. [SCENE_BREAK] Jay: Oh, good choice. Lily: Ahh, thank you. Thank you. I feel good. I feel really good. Jay: If you feel half as good as you look, you must be on the moon right now. Lily: Hmmmm. Thank you very much. This song just makes me feel free. I haven't felt that way in a really long time. Jay: You know what's even better than being free? Lily: What's that? Jay: Not being alone. [SCENE_BREAK] [Cell phone rings] Holden: Hey, Faith. How was dance class, Honey? Faith: Fine. Have you seen Mom? Holden: Isn't she with you? It's her day to pick you up. Faith: That's what I thought. But I've been here at Al's for 20 minutes. Holden: Well, maybe she's running late. Did you try her cell? Faith: It went straight to voicemail. Holden: All right, I'm on my way. Stay put. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: I think the music stopped. Jay: Did it? Lily: I must've run out of quarters. Jay: Well, maybe that's a sign it's time for us to blow this joint and find a place where quarters and music won't be needed. Lily: I thought you were just trying to cheer me up. Jay: I thought it'd be nice if we could cheer each other up. You interested? Lily: I'm very interested. [SCENE_BREAK] Faith: Hey Dad. Did Mom call you? Holden: Afraid not. Faith: I bet she just forgot. Holden: You know what? I bet something came up and she just couldn't reach us. Faith: Can we go home? Holden: Sure. Bonnie: If this is your taste in fine dining, I better get to pick the movie. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: I'm not in the mood. Emily: Do you have a death wish? Dusty: I'm really not in the mood. Emily: Yeah, you know what, neither am I, thanks to your girlfriend. Dusty: My what? Emily: Lily. Call her off, Dusty. Or I won't be responsible for what happens next. [SCENE_BREAK] Nurse Jan: You so owe me, Meg. I took a peek, and it's just an infection. You're just paranoid. He'll take the medication, and he'll be fine in a few days. Are you satisfied? Meg: Okay, it says here there was xyphorex in his system. What's that? Nurse Jan: It's a new drug, it came out in the market after you retired from nursing. Meg: Thanks for the tact. So what is it used for? Nurse Jan: I've only seen it prescribed a couple a few times. Meg: Is it experimental? Nurse Jan: No, but there are some side effects. Doctors are discouraged from prescribing it to women of child bearing age because it can cause miscarriages. Meg: Okay, well there's no record here that it had been prescribed. So if it wasn't ingested, how'd the xyphorex end up in his system? Nurse Jan: Meg, an infection is an infection. Okay? Are you done? Meg: No, no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait. Look, apparently the xyphorex was the cause of the infection. So how could something like that happen? The xyphorex must have come in contact with this wound. [Meg remembering] Craig: And to our baby. [Meg goes to take a drink and Craig knocks the drink out of her hand and the glass breaks cutting Craig] [SCENE_BREAK] Nurse Jan: Well, it's just a good thing it was him and not you. Meg: What? Nurse Jan: If you had come in contact with the medication you might have lost your baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: Lily's my friend, not my girlfriend. Emily: Okay, whatever, Dusty. I'm not going to argue semantics with you. She cornered me at the Lakeview and made a scene. Dusty: No she didn't. She wouldn't do that. Emily: Yes, she did. She did, and it's all because of you. Why the hell did you tell her about what happened New Year's Eve? Dusty: Why do you have a problem with the truth, Emily? Emily: I told you I didn't want to be with you -- Dusty: Start by being honest with yourself. [SCENE_BREAK] Jay: You okay? Lily: Yeah, I'm okay. I'm okay, I'm okay. I'm just a little whoo. Feel a little sick, my stomach. And my head, so maybe, you know, this isn't a good time. You know, maybe we should -- Jay: Okay, I'll call you a cab. Lily: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Holden: I'm sorry. I got so distracted I forgot to call. Bonnie: Well, is everything okay? Holden: I hope so. Lily was supposed to pick up Faith after dance class, she didn't do it. So I had to come get her. Is there any way we could do this some other time? I have to take Faith home. Bonnie: Yeah, and track down Lily to and see if she's all right. And yeah, I understand. We'll just do this another time. Holden: Sure you're okay with it? Bonnie: Yeah, come on. I'm a lawyer, I'm used to adjournments, right? Holden: Thanks. I owe you. Bonnie: You bet. And I intend to collect. Holden: You ready, Sweetie? Faith: Sure. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: I'd get off that high moral ground of yours, if I were you. After the things you've done. Dusty: You've done worse. Trust me. Emily: Did you tell Lily? Did you tell Lily what I used to do? Dusty: No. Of course not. Should I have? Emily: No! But you never should have told her that we slept together. You had no right being so damn honest with her at my expense. Dusty: I thought I was doing the right thing. Emily: Why? Why now? Why? Just to hurt me? Dusty: I love you. Emily: Well, I don't love you. Dusty: Was I alone in the car on New Year's Eve? Was all that my imagination? Emily: Would you just face it? Okay, we are not destined to be together. Okay? It's just the way it is. So what now? Because of that, you're going to make me and Chris pay for it for the rest of our lives? Dusty: Don't turn me into the bad guy. Your boyfriend's pulling all the strings here. Emily: No. No, that's not true. There are no strings. There are no manipulations. He's just a decent guy who is treating me, finally, the way I deserve to be treated. Dusty: That decent guy of yours is all an act. He's a sham! And I'm surprised you'd fall for a guy like that. [SCENE_BREAK] Holden: You're sure you saw Mrs. Snyder go in there? Bellhop: Just a little while ago. Holden: Was she alone? Bellhop: She was. Holden: Unlock it. Look, Mrs. Snyder is part-owner of this hotel. She could be in trouble. Open the door. Bellhop: Sir -- Holden: Please. Lily. Lily, wake up. Lily, wake up! Lily, come on, wake up! [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Where have you been? I got out of the shower, you were gone. Meg: I had a doctor's appointment. And since you weren't feeling well, I thought I'd go by myself. Craig: I think that was good thinking. Meg: I have another appointment next week, so if you want, you could come with me then. Craig: Next week I am really busy. Meg: Aren't you gonna even ask what the doctor said about the baby? Craig: I assume that your pregnancy is progressing as expected. Meg: I got another sonogram today. You know, I could tell our son's gonna be the spitting image of you. Craig: Don't be ridiculous. Meg: Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating. But when I was looking at it, I suddenly got a thought of the perfect name. Craig Montgomery Junior. Craig: Absolutely not. Meg: Why not? Why shouldn't our son be named after his father? Craig: I just that -- there must be a million names for boys. You know what, I will buy you one of those books, you can pick any name you like. Meg: But I want my son to have a name that connects him to his family. Craig: Then use your father's name. But Craig Montgomery Junior is not on the table. Meg: I thought you'd be happy for your son to bear your name. Craig: You have no idea how much. Not this baby. Meg: Why not? Craig: You know what? I really, I've got to go. I'm so behind. I lost a lot of time with the infection and then my bad reaction to the medication. Meg: Okay, you know what? You never did explain why you felt the need to drink on antibiotics. Craig: Okay. I guess I really didn't understand the total effect, but I do learn from my mistakes. I will be at the office if you need me. Meg: Okay, you know what, just wait -- I'll just change and I'll -- Craig: Okay, I really -- I really have to get out of here. Just take your time, relax and I'll see you there. Okay? Meg: Okay. Craig: Okay. Meg: He really doesn't want this baby. Why? That's impossible! [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Hey. Holden. What are you doing here? Holden: Lily, I had to have somebody on staff let me in. I was knocking on the door, I was calling your name, but you didn't answer. Then when I came in, and I saw you lying here, so unresponsive, it reminded me of when you were in that coma. Don't ever do that to me again. Lily: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. Holden: Are you okay? Lily: Yeah, I'm fine. Holden: Your cell phone was off. Lily: Oh, well, I just couldn't handle anymore bad news today. Holden: Did you forget that it was your day to pick up Faith? Lily: Oh, no. Holden: It's all right. It's all right. I did it. She's fine. Lily: Is she okay? Holden: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Lily: She's all right? Holden: She was just a little confused when you didn't show up. Lily: Oh, I feel terrible. Holden: You look terrible. Lily: I didn't feel well, so I took an antihistamine -- I just took a rest, I had a bad reaction I guess. Holden: Yeah, okay. Well, you do look a little pale. Lily: I feel terrible. I didn't mean to forget about Faith. I've just been so stressed, and it was just one pill. Holden: You know what? Things have been rough lately. You okay? Lily: I'm just a little groggy. Holden: You know what, if you're sick, then maybe you should come down to the farm. Why don't you let me take care of you? [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: The only one playing mind games here is you, Dusty. Dusty: I've always been honest with you. And you know how much I want you. Emily: Stop it. Just stop it. Just leave me and Chris alone. And tell Lily to be quiet about what happened New Year's Eve. Dusty: I don't control Lily. Emily: Well, you better! Because if she ends up ruining what I have with Chris, it'll be your fault. And I will never forgive you. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that. Holden: I only want what's best for you. That's all I've ever wanted. Lily: I know that. It'll be good to be out at the farm. I know I've made things so difficult on you. It'll be good to be at the farm. You know, spend some time with the kids, spend some time as a family. Holden: You know, I want to look out for you, but just until you're okay to do it yourself. Lily: Of course. Holden: The way you were talking -- Lily: I'm just not all right in the head right now. I'm just a little tired. I shouldn't -- you know, I shouldn't go out to the farm, it wouldn't be a good idea for the kids to see you taking care of me. As you said, we don't want to give them false hope. I should stay here at a hotel, where I can get 24 hour service, I can get hot tea and soup. I'm not going to get that kind of service out at the farm. Holden: Are you sure you're okay? Lily: Yeah, I'm fine. Fine. [SCENE_BREAK] Chris: Hey, I was just about to call you. I just checked on my [SCENE_BREAK] Nurse Jan: Did you ask him how the xyphorex got into his system? Meg: I'm working on it. But what I really do need right now is to reach Eli. Nurse Jan: He quit not too long ago. Meg: He quit? But he loved his work at Memorial. Nurse Jan: That's what we all thought. But then one day out of the blue, he just announced that he was going to spend some time in Europe, enjoy life. None of us thought Eli knew what enjoying life even meant. Meg: How could he afford to quit? Let alone travel? Nurse Jan: Well, word is, he came into some money. Maybe it was a rich relative? Meg: Or a payoff. Nurse Jan: What did you say? Meg: Nothing important. Thank you for your help, Jan. Nurse Jan: From now on, let's keep the favors to the non-job threatening kind, okay? Meg: Okay. Bye. Voicemail message: Your party is unavailable. Please leave a message at the tone. [Beep] Meg: Hey, Eli, it's Meg Mont -- Snyder. I know you're probably miles away from Memorial right now, but if by some miracle you get this message, can you call me as soon as possible? I want to talk about the DNA tests. Is it possible somebody might have switched them? I just need to know -- Voicemail message: The subscriber's mail box is full. Please try again at another time. [SCENE_BREAK] [Phone rings] Holden: Hello? You almost finished? Faith: Just started math. Lily: Holden, could you put Faith on the phone please? Holden: Yeah, sure thing. It's your mom. Faith. Faith: I'm busy. Holden: You are never too busy to talk to your mom. Come on. Faith: Hey, Mom. Lily: Hi, Honey. I know you're upset that I didn't pick you up. Faith: It's all right. Dad came and got me. Lily: I know. You can always count on your father to do the right thing. Even when your mother messes up. Look, I wasn't feeling well, and I decided just to put my feet up and I must have drifted off and I went to sleep till your father came by and woke me up. Faith: It's all right. I have math homework. Lily: Well I'll let you get back to math. But hey, if I'm feeling better tomorrow, maybe the two of us could go out and do something? Faith: Okay. Holden: What'd she say? Faith: That she took a nap and forgot all about me. Happy now? [SCENE_BREAK] Margo: You almost decked Donovan in there. Tom: Well, the things he was saying, don't make any sense. Margo: All right. I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this, but I'm going to have to, especially with a lawyer. Tom: Do what? Margo: Be the devil's advocate. Tom: Oh, don't. Please, don't. Margo: All right. I have gotten to know Donovan reasonably well through the years, of all the interrogations and where is he may shade and evade every once and a while, it's usually only to protect himself or someone he loves. And that just doesn't apply here. And grant it, he may still have the hots for Emily, but that doesn't account for his attacking Chris like that. So it makes me wonder -- Tom: You know, just stop wondering. I mean, Chris would never do anything to hurt our father. How can you even say something like that? Margo: Because I'm a cop, and doubt is a necessary evil that comes with the job. Tom: You have no reasonable basis for doubt here. Okay, Chris is ambitious. My dad and he have certainly had their differences. But the bottom line is, he idolizes my father. It's the reason he became a doctor in the first place. Margo: I know, I know, I know. But, Honey, what if Chris's ambitions have just gotten away with him? After all, he didn't stop Emily from raking Bob over the coals in the Intruder, did he? Tom: Well, there's a big difference between some public scrutiny for my father and winding up in a hospital bed. Devil's advocate, you got no case here. Dusty's accusations are biased, they're baseless, and there the rantings of a jealous man. [SCENE_BREAK] Chris: What was that for? Not that I'm complaining. Emily: Just following instructions, Doctor. Chris: And which instructions were those? Emily: To remind you not to take the night shift tonight. Chris: Wow. Well that was the nicest reminder I've ever gotten. You and Lily seemed pretty intense before. Was that about Dusty? Emily: Yeah. She and Dusty broke up, and she's pretty upset. Chris: Dusty messes up every life he touches, doesn't he? Maybe we should take her out to dinner, you know, show her that we're here for her. Emily: No. No, you know, I don't think that's such a great idea. She's being completely irrational, throwing blame everywhere. I really think it's best if we both just stay far away from Lily and that entire mess. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: Bob? Bob? Kim: Oh, my God. Dusty: Bob, can you hear me? Kim: Honey. Honey. Dusty: Bob? Hey, it's Dusty Donovan. I need something analyzed. [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: What else could it be? Paul, call me as soon as you get this. I've got news. It's about the baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Next week on "As the World Turns." Katie: I want to be in a relationship. Brad: Well it's funny that you should say that, because I was thinking -- Katie: But it can't be with you, Brad. Chris: Your friend Dusty, he fights dirty. Alison: He's fighting for my sister. He's in love with her. Meg: That means that you're the father. Craig: I swear on my life, I will never let Paul Ryan have you. | Holden finds her later back in her hotel room conked out |
206 | Hope: Ohh. Oh, no. Hey. (Grunts) Hey, are you okay? (Grunts) [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: Any word on the Aspen contingents? Bill: Which one? Alison: Mm, there are several, aren't there? Hope and Liam, Steffy, not to mention the swarm of hungry reporters you sponsored. Bill: I'm doing what needs to be done. Alison: Saving your son from sweet Hope Logan? Bill: Hmm, let me tell you something-- she might look like a butterfly, she stings like a bee. Alison: How can you say that? She's adorable? Bill: Adorable?! Really? She's a control freak, like her mother. Alison: Hope is nothing like Brooke. Bill: It's a documented fact, Alison-- daughters take on the traits of the mother. Alison: I don't think you could apply that to those two. Brooke, a sex symbol... Bill: And Hope, "Miss Chastity"-- oh, I'm sorry, the former "Miss Chastity." Alison: They may be mother and daughter, but they're very different. Bill: You just don't see it, do you? Alison: See what? Bill: They both use sex to control their men-- Brooke is eager to give, Hope is anxious to withhold, but either way, it's about control. Alison: Okay. Bill: Look, the point is, compare those two to another mother and daughter-- Steffy and Taylor. Taylor has overcome tremendous adversity, and she exudes calm and charm, grace, sophistication, elegance. She's straightforward, gets to the point. Brooke is hot and sexy and a total flake. Her life is about nothing but drama, episode after episode, and her daughter is just like her. Let me ask you something-- has Liam had one bit of peace since he asked Hope to marry him? No. She's a drama queen, and she's learned from the best. [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: You know, I-I don't know what Ridge is talking about. Take another look at these. I mean, they're absolutely perfect, you know? How do you feel, Marie? Marie: It feels wonderful. Rick: Yeah? And that--that issue we had with the bodice? Marie: Not a problem. Rick: Yeah? You ready for the runway? Marie: In this gown, I'm ready for anything. Rick: Yes, you are. Mom? Mom! Brooke: Yes? Rick: You know, I don't need another opinion. You both look incredible. Marie: (Chuckles) Rick: Thank you. Brooke: I'm sorry, honey. Rick: Still no word from Hope? Brooke: No. Rick: We know Othello got her back to the house. Brooke: Yeah, well, then why isn't she answering any of my texts? Rick: She's probably trying to track down her boyfriend. Hey, it was Liam's idea to take her to Aspen. Where was he when she was being ambushed by the paparazzi? Brooke: He was covering fashion week for his father. Hope knew that he'd be working. Rick: Yeah, he told Hope that this was a time to decompress, to relax. That's what she needs. Brooke: (Sighs) Rick: I mean, he shouldn't have left her alone, mom he should have stayed by her side. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Oh, my God. Are you okay? Ohh. Oh, God, are you okay? (Sighs) Steffy: You? Hope: (Chuckles) Steffy? Steffy: What the hell, Hope? Hope: I am so sorry. I didn't see you. Steffy: Were your eyes closed? Hope: No, I-- Steffy: Oh, my God. Hope: It was--are you hurt? Can I help you at all? Steffy: Hope, what's-- what's wrong with you? Hope: Nothing. It was-- it was just an accident. Steffy: No, no, no, it-- you were totally out of control. Hope: Okay, I'm sorry. Uh, look, I'm sorry, okay? Steffy: What's wrong-- Hope: But I'll, uh, I'll see you at the bottom. I'll race you. (Laughs) Steffy: Okay, yeah, bye. Don't let me slow you down. Steffy: (Grunts) (Grunting) Aah! Ow! (Winces) (Breathing heavily) Oh, God! Owie. (Winces) [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: The jet's still in Aspen. Thank you, Madison. No, no, no. I-I was just checking. All right. I can call the pilot. Brooke: (Sighs) Rick: I can get Hope back here. Brooke: No. Rick: But if you're that concerned... Brooke: I'm not sure there's a reason to be concerned. Rick: But you have a bad feeling. Brooke: I just wish Hope would call me. (Sighs) Rick: Is it the press that's bothering you, or is it something else? Mom? Brooke: I asked Dr. Barton to stop by earlier. Rick: And what did she say? Brooke: She doesn't think it was a good idea that Hope went to Aspen, either. Rick: Wait, Hope didn't discuss it with her before she left? Brooke: No, you know your sister. It's her first inclination to always handle everything herself. Rick: But can she? Brooke: I thought she was doing better, but now I'm not so sure. Rick: What else did the doctor say? Brooke: She said that Hope can call her. She's just a phone call away, so... Rick: You're still not telling me everything. Brooke: (Sighs) I don't know, I-- you know, I may be getting worked up over nothing. I do that sometimes. Rick: You? Brooke: I just feel so... responsible. Rick: For what? Hope's anxiety? Uh, no, that's the press. Brooke: Honey, none of this would be happening if Hope didn't take such a hard line. And now everybody's just calling her a hypocrite, and it's all my fault. I mean, she just wanted to prove to everybody that she was... different, that she was... nothing like her mother. (Sighs) Rick: Hope's gonna be fine. She's made some pretty crummy decisions lately that have taken their toll. But she hasn't changed. She's still that caring, sensitive person. She's having a rough time, but she's gonna get through it. Mm-hmm. Brooke: Mm. Rick: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: (Laughing) [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: If what you say is true, why is Liam still determined to marry Hope? Bill: He has his doubts. He just won't admit it because he's stubborn. Alison: I wonder where he gets that. Bill: He doesn't want to let her down. He feels he's made a commitment. Alison: He did. Bill: Yeah, well, he also made commitment to his wife. They're called wedding vows. Look, I'm just-- I'm just worried about my son. Alison: I know you are, and it's very sincere, but I think you're overreacting. I've done some research on this girl you call "nuts," "a flake," and she's actually a young woman who's exceptional-- poised, graceful. She's had remarkable success with her clothing line... Bill: (Sighs) Alison: Especially for one so young. She herself has conquered... adversity. I think you're not giving her enough credit. Bill: I think you're fired. Alison: (Scoffs) [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: Hey! You okay? Steffy: (Whimpers) (winces) Liam: Steffy? Steffy: Ow. (Whimpers) Liam? Liam: Hey. Steffy: (Sighs) Liam: What happened? Steffy: (Sighs) Hope crashed into me. (Inhales sharply) Liam: What-- Steffy: She came out of--out of nowhere. Liam: Did--did she at least go get ski patrol? Steffy: No, I don't know. I don't know where she went, Liam. (Sighs) Liam: Wait a minute. She just--she just left you? Steffy: (Inhales sharply) (Sighs) I-I thought it was okay, but, um, my knee-- my knee really hurts. Liam: Okay, all right, it's okay. Hey, it's okay. Hey, it's all right. It's all right. Nice work. [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: Shall I empty my desk now? Leave the building in 20 minutes? Bill: It's your lucky day. I will grant you a reprieve. Alison: Oh. Bill: You're unfired. Alison: (Chuckles) Bill: But I don't know why you keep defending Hope. Alison: I don't see her as the pathological figure you do. Bill: Am I wrong? I mean, have they had any peace, any happiness, any fun? Alison: Liam and Hope have had their obstacles. Bill: Caused by her! By--by her hang-ups, by her misguided values, by her clothing line. Alison: Does it matter to you at all that Liam loves her? Bill: (Sighs) I hate that love isn't based on rationality. Alison: (Laughs) Oh, there's the Bill Spencer we all know so well-- control freak, don't give in to your emotions. Thank God Katie has humanized you. Bill: Well, I still don't want her niece marrying my son. Alison: And why are you so determined to keep Steffy in the family? Bill: She's unique. She's perfect for him. They were happy. They laughed. They had fun. But when it came time to--to--to crack down, to take care of business, she was there for him. When he was in trouble, she helped him. When she was in trouble, he helped her. That's the kind of relationship they had, and I don't see that with Hope. And then I look at their mothers, Brooke and Taylor. Brooke is all about trauma and drama. Taylor has overcome incredible obstacles, and she exudes her--her charm and her--her peace, her serenity, her elegance. Daughters take on the traits of the mothers. Now which kind of life do I want for my son? I never thought I would have a son, Alison. But now I do, and he means the world to me. And I keep hoping the moment will come where he opens his eyes and he sees who he is married to... and how exceptional she is. [SCENE_BREAK] (Cell phone rings) Brooke: (Sighs) Hope, honey, are you all right? Hope: Hi, Mom. Brooke: (Sighs) Your brother and I have been worried sick about you. Where are you? Why haven't you returned our phone calls? Hope: I'm in Aspen. I'm skiing. Brooke: You're on the mountain? Hope: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just--I stopped for some coffee. I'm waiting for Liam. Brooke: He's not with you? Hope: Uh, no, we, uh, we got separated. Brooke: (Sighs) Well, everything's okay? Because Othello told Rick that you were being chased by the press. Hope: Well, you can't catch me on the slopes! Oh, my God, Mom, you should see me up here. These runs, they are-- they are awesome. Brooke: (Sighs) So you're having a good time? Hope: It's amazing! Perfect weather, champagne powder. Uh, there's-- there's one thing, though. I, um, I kind of crashed into Steffy. (Laughs) I mean, really. I crashed into her. There's 76 trails, and she's on mine. Can you believe that? Brooke: Was anybody hurt? Hope: No, no. No, not at all. Really, it's nothing to worry about. Brooke: (Sighs) Hope: I mean, I'm fine. Steffy's fine. It's not a big deal. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: Okay, so ski patrol should be here any minute, okay? Steffy: You don't have to wait for me. I assume Hope's wondering where you are. Liam: (Chuckles) What, are you kidding me? I'm staying right here. Steffy: No, no, I'm--I'm fine. See, just, um, help me up. Liam: Help you up? Steffy: Yeah. Liam: Okay. All right, come here. Steffy: Okay. All right. Liam: All right, up. One, two, three. Steffy: See, I'm up. I'm ok-- Aah! Liam: All right. Whoa. Steffy: (Breathing heavily) Liam: (Sighs) Yeah, you're not-- you're not going anywhere. Steffy: (Sighs) Liam: (Sighs) Neither am I. I'm staying right here. (Christina Perri's "Arms" playing) I never thought that you would be the one to hold my heart but you came around and you knocked me off the ground from the start you put your arms around me and I believe that it's easier for you to let me go you put your arms around me and I'm home how many times will you let me change my mind and turn around? I can't decide... Steffy: Marry me. (Christina Perri's "Arms" playing) If I'll let you save my life or if I'll drown. I hope that you'll see right through my walls. I hope that you catch me 'cause I'm already falling. I'll never let a love get so close. You put your arms around me, and I'm home [SCENE_BREAK] Man: Okay, let's go ahead. Liam: Hey. Hi. Man: Hi. Liam: Thank you. Man: What happened here? Liam: Well, it's her knee. Man: Yeah? Liam: Uh, she had a collision with another skier. Man: Were you the other skier? Steffy: No, no, no. It was another skier. She was fine. I-I thought I was fine, too. Man: And you hurt your knee down in here? Steffy: Yeah. Man: Okay, let's go ahead and get a toboggan down here, all right? Steffy: Okay. Liam: Great. Scott: Buttermilk patrol, this is Scott. We're gonna go ahead and need a toboggan down here. (Static crackles) [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Where are you, Liam? (Chuckles) (Sighs) Mm. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: Not a bad way to get down the mountain, huh? Steffy: But I'd rather be on my board. Liam: I know. I'll bring it. Steffy: No, no, take-- take it back to the house with you. Liam: Uh, no, I'm-- I'm going to the hospital. Steffy: Liam, it's-- it's not necessary. I'm fine. Liam: Oh, yeah? Really? Yeah, well, I'll believe that when I hear it from a doctor. Steffy: (Sighs) I was waiting for you. Scott: Sir, you said you were gonna go to the hospital. Are you a boyfriend, brother? Liam: I'm her husband. . . . . | They used to laugh and have fun |
207 | Maddie: Well, it's a little short in the sleeves but all in all -- Gwen: You look like a dumb jock. Will: Hey, you're talking about Casey. He's no jock. Gwen: How can you even stand living with him? Maddie: He sleeps a lot. Will: Thank you so much for all this food. Gwen: You're not going to get in trouble are you? For raiding Mrs. Hughes' fridge? Maddie: No, she'll probably think its Casey. He eats like a pig. Gwen: I can see that, he's kind of a pig in other ways. What was that? Maddie: I told you somebody followed me! [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: You really believe Paul's alive? Jennifer: Madame Lacoste told me so and I believe her. Dusty: She told me her name was Doris, now it's Madame -- something. The name alone should make you run. Jennifer: Don't you think that there are people in this world who are in touch with things that others aren't? Dusty: I think when she saw you on TV making that appeal for Will and Gwen, she started licking her chops. Jennifer: She saw see me on TV, yes. Dusty: She had a lead on Will and Gwen. And then what? A dead end? Jennifer: It was more she was expressing her sympathy and wishing me luck and then suddenly, completely out of nowhere, she started having feelings -- not about Will, about Paul. Dusty: You didn't tell me that part. Jennifer: That's because I was very skeptical at first. Dusty: And you should be. She's a con artist. She's sitting on your couch telling you your brother's come back from the grave? Jen, you're scaring me. Jennifer: I'm sorry. Okay, but I know that this is not something that you wanted to hear that's why I didn't tell you. But the second that she said started telling me that Paul was trying to reach out to me, it's like -- I felt it. I could almost hear him calling my name. And I just knew -- I knew I was going to get to see my brother alive again. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: What do you mean you want more money? Madame Lacoste: Your sister seems open to the possibility that you might still be alive. But convincing her to see you, that's another story. Paul: Look, I know my sister. And if she believed even for a second that I was alive, she would come running. Madame Lacoste: Then by all means, Mr. Ryan, knock on her door. But don't blame me if she slams it in your face. Paul: So what are you saying she doesn't want to see me? Madame Lacoste: No, but these things take time. Paul: How much time? Madame Lacoste: That depends. Paul: On how much I pay you? Madame Lacoste: Mr. Ryan, by your own admission. Your sister had every reason to hate you before you disappeared. Now granted, your dying forced her to re- evaluate but has she forgiven you? If you make an appearance before she's ready to process her feelings -- Paul: How do I know that you've even told Jennifer anything? Madame Lacoste: That's what you think? Give her a call. See how she reacts. Paul: Okay. I will. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: How dare you. You have the nerve to actually stand there and accuse me of murder? Meg: Look, you might have been able to get off with manslaughter, maybe even reckless endangerment. If you hadn't pushed Paul off the cliff after you shot him. Emily: And you know that because -- Meg: Can we stop the cat and mouse thing, already. We both know the truth. You shot Paul and left him for dead. Only he didn't die, he lived. Lucky for you, he's a forgiving guy. And he's not going to press charges. At least not yet. So if you want that cozy lifestyle of yours, we didn't have this conversation. Emily: Where's Paul? I need to see him. [SCENE_BREAK] Will: Its okay, you guys can come out. The noise. Maddie: What, it'd just fall by itself? Will: Well, as you know, we have had company. Gwen: We have mice. Will: Rats. Gwen: Mice. Maddie: I don't care if its squirrels, that's terrible. Gwen: Hey, it's freezing outside. If you were a mouse, wouldn't you want to be in here? Will: Mm-hmm, especially if you're a rat. Gwen: You ever noticed how he always thinks he's always right? Will: Because I am always right. Gwen: Just you wait, Munson. First stop we make is a barbershop. Will: Whatever. Gwen: What do you think, Maddie? A Mohawk? We could start a mullet, you could just "W.M." On the back -- Will: I think my hair is fine, thank you very much. Gwen: Whatever you say, William. Whatever you say. Will: Well, as long as I got you in my corner, I'm as cool as they come. Gwen: Aw. Maddie: You guys are just so -- Gwen: Are you crying. Maddie: No, I'm not crying, it's just so unfair. You should be in school and working and applying to college not living in a rat-infested nightclub. Will: We've got each other and that's all that really matters. Gwen: You're going to make her cry again. Maddie: No I'm fine. I'm going to miss you. Both of you. Gwen: You've been such a good friend. I don't even know what to say. Maddie: I'm just worried about you. Out there on the highway, in the dark -- Gwen: Hey don't worry about me, nobody's going to mess with me. I'm with him. Will: I know I didn't trust you at first, but you really came through, thank you. Maddie: Okay, I really have to go now. Please be careful, and stay together, you have my e-mail right? Email me if you need to. Gwen: I have it. Maddie: I know you're scared and it's freezing out and there's cops probably two steps away and you don't even know where you're going to sleep tonight, but you are very lucky. Will: She's right you know. Gwen: We're going to be fine. [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: You can't be serious. Emily: Just tell me where he is. Meg: Why? Emily: Just tell me where he is. Meg: So you can finish him off? Emily: Of course not. Meg: Oh. I'm sorry. I thought that was you who just admitted shooting him at point blank range. Emily: It was an accident. Meg: An accident? No Emily, an accident is when a flowerpot falls on my foot, this is murder. Emily: No attempted murder. Meg: Oh excuse me. Attempted murder. Emily: And you didn't feel like killing him yourself? Come on admit when you lost everything because of him you lost your job, you lost your boyfriend. You lost your career, because of Paul. Meg: What I lost, I lost because of me. I should've told Jennifer the truth the minute I figured it out. Emily: Oh I see so, you're repaying her? Is not telling the truth that her brother is still alive. Meg: That's not my call. Emily: Why are you helping him? Meg: And that's none of your business. Emily: He's paying you. Isn't he? He's paying you that's how you can afford to stay here after you lost your job. Right? Meg: Let's stay focused, Emily. You need to keep your mouth shut. If the police find out that Paul is alive? You'll be going to jail for shooting him. Emily: And you'll go to jail for hiding him. [SCENE_BREAK] Madame Lacoste: Mr. Ryan, stop and think. How would you feel if someone you loved killed himself and then just showed up with no warning? Paul: That's what I'm paying you for, to give her warning. Madame Lacoste: And I've been preparing the ground, Mr. Ryan. But your sister is filled with guilt. And at the same time, she's still deeply angry with you for keeping her son from her. She needs to accept the fact that you're not perfect and that she can love you anyway. Then, and only then, will she be ready to let go of the guilt and the anger and embrace you. Now if you shock her by her appearing before she's ready -- I'm sorry, it's possible that you'll lose her forever. Paul: Fine, you'll get your money. But don't come here. It's too risky. I'll have someone deliver the money to you at java. Madame Lacoste: Cash. As we agreed. Paul: All I want is a chance to make it up to you Jennifer. And I will. If you'll let me. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: I believe that Paul is alive. Dusty: Why, because some wacko says so. Jennifer: Because it makes sense. Dusty: What was Paul's funeral? Just something to do on a slow afternoon. Jennifer: Why are you so angry? Dusty: Because this is crazy! You're lying to yourself about something you know is impossible, we both know it's impossible. Jennifer: Then how did she know things? I never mentioned Paul in the broadcast. I only talked about Will. Dusty: Maybe she read the paper. It's been on the cover of every magazine and paper, in three states, for three weeks. You'd have to be a moron not to know about Paul Ryan's suicide. Jennifer: She knew things, that had never been in the papers. And only someone who knew Paul, who really knew him could know. Dusty: How much did you pay her sweetheart? Jennifer: Nothing. She doesn't want money. No she doesn't. Dusty: That's the oldest trick in the book. She gained your trust then she goes in for the kill. Jennifer: I'm not giving her money. Dusty: Even if she offers to take you to your brother? Jennifer: Even then. Look, I always had doubts about Paul's suicide. Dusty: Even though your father didn't? Jennifer: They never found a body. I just have a feeling. Dusty: I thought Madam was the one with the feelings. Jennifer: I was right about Johnny even though everybody thought I wasn't, everyone that I was crazy. But I was right. And you stood by me then. Dusty: I'm always going to stand by you. That was different. Jennifer: So what if Paul is alive? Is it too much to ask? Just a little more time? Just a little faith? [SCENE_BREAK] Maddie: You're going to eat all that? Casey: What can I say? I eat like a pig. When I'm not sleeping. You want to get me the salami out of the fridge? Maddie: Salami? Casey: Yes the salami my mom brought home from the store this morning? Maddie: Looks like you have enough there to give you a solid case of heartburn as it is. Casey: You seen my U of W sweatshirt? Maddie: Your what? Casey: You know my sweatshirt. From the University of Wisconsin. I thought maybe it got mixed up with your pile of laundry. Maddie: Nope, sorry. Casey: You sure? Cause I can't find it anywhere. Maddie: I don't have it. Casey: Who does? Maddie: How am I supposed to know? Casey: I guess it doesn't matter. Since I blew my chances at going there anyway. Maddie: Yeah, you did. Casey: It looks good on Will. A little short in the sleeves but he can roll 'em up. [SCENE_BREAK] Gwen: Look what she brought me. Will: It's you. Gwen: She's really great. Will: She's funny. Maps. A compass. And I think she must've gotten this off the web it's a list of youth hostel in the state. Gwen: Don't forget the salami. Will: Yeah, I think we're good to go. Gwen: Now if I could, you know, have a shower. Will: You look great. Gwen: I think stuff is going to start growing out of my hair. I just wanted to freshen up before we'd be on the road for two weeks. I'm sure I'm much more appealing to you this way. Will: Wait here. Gwen: Where're you going? Will: You'll see. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: All I'm asking is that you admit that maybe, just maybe, this is possible. Dusty: That a dead man's alive? Jennifer: You want to hear what really bothers me? I think that if you didn't hate my brother so much, you would at least think about giving me the benefit of the doubt. Dusty: I don't hate Paul. I hate what he did to you and to Johnny. He kept you guys apart. He put you right into rehab. And what did Brother Paul do when you were all strung out? Did he tell you, you're baby was alive? No. He committed you to a psych ward, remember? He really hurt you. And you're not a bad person, if you remember that. It's not your fault -- it's not your fault that your brother was selfish. That's why he killed himself. Jennifer: All I'm saying if Paul -- if Paul is alive I think he'd want to make it up to me and to Johnny. Dusty: He's not alive and can't get that time back. He's dead -- and for your sake I hope he stays that way. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: If Paul's alive, he's wanted by the police which makes you an accessory. Meg: I saved his life. You tried to kill him. Who do you think the police are going to arrest? Emily: I still don't understand why you bothered. You hate him. You hate me. Why not bring us both down? Meg: Then what? Then what, Emily? You lost Paul, Paul lost Jennifer, I lost Dusty. It's enough. Yeah. Paul: I need to see you right away. Meg: Bad idea. Emily: That's him, isn't it? Meg: I'll call you later. Emily: Paul! It's me. I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry for everything. Please tell me where you are. I need to see you. [Knock at door] Emily: Paul, please say something. I need to hear your voice. Wait a minute! Meg: I'll call you back. Emily: That was him. He's in Oakdale, isn't he? Please, Meg, I need to see him. Meg: You need a psychiatrist is what you need. Emily: I didn't mean to shoot him I swear. Meg: That must've been why you had a gun. Look, back off or I'm going to do what I said before. I'm going to call the cops and have you arrested for stalking. Henry: Meg, I didn't know you cared. Meg: I don't. Tell your friend here to keep her mouth shut. Henry: Keep your mouth shut? Emily: Henry, he's alive. Paul is alive. Henry: We know this because? Emily: Meg just admitted it. And he's in Oakdale. I know it, I know --. Henry: Emily I hope you didn't tell her I had anything to do with the shooting, and I was only there to help a woman push a car into the river and that was only because you threatened to tell the entire world that I was planting B.J.'s money in the woods, not that Meg, or anyone else for that matter, needs to know that particular piece of the puzzle. Emily: She's not going to say anything. And neither is Paul as long as I keep quiet about the fact that he's still alive. Henry: Oh. Hey, great. That calls for a toast. Let's go have a drink. Emily: No celebrations yet. Not until I find him. Henry: Why? Emily: So I can finish this. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: Why are we fighting about this? Jennifer: Because I'm hoping that my brother is alive, and you're hoping that he isn't. Dusty: If your brother was alive, do you think he'd want us together? I mean, he did everything he could to break us apart. Jennifer: I'm not -- I'm not defending anything that he did. Dusty: I don't know what you're doing. I really don't. You finally have everything you want, you know? You got your son back. You and I are good. And you're throwing it away. Jennifer: No. Dusty: You lied to me. You handed off your son, all to hang out with a psychic? Jennifer: Okay, yes, yes, I lied. And I am sorry. I should not have done that. So the next time that I want to sit down for half an hour with Madame Lacoste and talk to her, I will tell you. And whenever I think about Paul, I'll tell you, okay? Dusty: You're not gonna stop pursuing this, are you? Jennifer: Can't we just agree to disagree? You're -- you think Paul is dead. I'm hoping that he isn't. Okay. But I love you, and I love Johnny. And if Paul is alive, out there somewhere, he can't stay hidden forever. He'll surface. And then it'll end. I will have the answers that I need. But that doesn't have to change how we feel about each other, does it? Dusty: Nothing is gonna change how I feel about you. [Baby cries] Jennifer: Well, he probably needs to be changed. Dusty: Hey, hey. You got to be careful. You got to promise me to be careful. Jennifer: I promise. [SCENE_BREAK] Casey: You remember Will, right? Big guy, dates Gwen. Maddie: Yeah, I remember Will. I just -- I don't know why you're bringing him up. Casey: So you're saying you haven't been helping him hide from the cops? I mean, sorry, my mother. Maddie: I don't know what you're talking about. Casey: I saw you, Maddie -- you and Will and Gwen at Metro. I saw you give them the clothes, the food, everything. And all those times you said you were meeting Nate for coffee or Valentine's Day, you were helping them. Maddie: Fine, you caught me. I'll buy you another sweatshirt. Casey: It's not about the sweatshirt. Maddie: Then what's it about, Casey? Revenge, 'cause you can't go away to school? Casey: No. Maddie: Then what is it? Casey: You. It's about you. [SCENE_BREAK] Gwen: What is that? Will: You'll see. Gwen: Are you still there? Will: Okay, you can open your eyes. Gwen: Oh, you made me a bath. Will: It's actually just a nice tub filled with a little hot water and dish soap. Gwen: It's perfect. Will: Well, it's not going to stay hot for long, so you better get in. Gwen: You really know how to make a girl's dreams come true, you know that? Will: I try. Gwen: No, I mean, I did -- I did dream about this. I was awake, but I felt like I was dreaming. You took me into this big room, and there was a bath in there, and it was -- you're the best, the absolute best. Will: Okay, so get in while it's hot. Gwen: Only if you come in with me. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: What? Meg: Well, you don't look like a cadaver. Paul: And usually, compliments make me feel so uncomfortable. Meg: No fever. And it looks like the blood's going to your brain. I guess the meds are kicking in. Paul: Yeah, well, I should hope so. Meg: You know, you scared me when you called me. Paul: Sorry. Meg: No, it's great. It's great. You might make it after all, Ryan. Paul: Well, thanks to you, Nursey Meg. Meg: Well, you know, I'm sorry when you called about Emily. She ambushed me. Paul: Did you break the news to her? Meg: I had no choice. The woman's relentless. Anyway, she -- she kind of knew. She just wanted to hear me say it. But I did tell her to keep her mouth shut, and I did threaten her. I mean, after all, she came close to killing you, almost succeeded. She's kind of looking at attempted murder at least. Paul: So you think she'll back off? Meg: Emily? Not a chance. She's tough, and she usually gets what she wants. Paul: That's not really fair. She's very strong, but that's only because she's had to survive so much loss. Meg: Well, she's not ready to lose you. In fact, she wanted me to tell her where you were. Believe it or not, she wants to see you. I know, I know. She tried to kill you. It's crazy. And I've done enough rotations in psych wards to know what I'm talking about. It's clinical. Paul: Okay, that's enough. Not another word against her -- not one more word. Meg: Please don't tell me you're defending Emily Stewart? The woman brought a gun to her own wedding. She shot you and threw your body over a cliff into a snow bank, and that's the good news. She was aiming for the river. And then she shows up at your funeral making a complete spectacle of herself. [Paul chuckles] Wait, that's funny? Paul: No, it -- a little bit. It's all my fault. Meg: How could it be your fault? Paul: I dumped her at the altar. Meg: Okay, that might have been heartless, but it's not a crime. And then even if she might have wanted to shoot you, she could have shown some restraint. Paul: Look, I used her. I did. And that doesn't mean that I didn't care about her or even love her, in my own, peculiar way. Or that I didn't convince myself that I was in love with her, or that I didn't, at the very least, convince myself that I could be in love with her one day. Meg: So you think you deserved to be shot and left for dead because you broke her heart? That's insulting. She's a grown woman. She made a choice, and it didn't, you know, follow through with what she wanted. Look, I know she's hurting, but you don't shoot someone. Paul: You're right. Shooting people is bad. But I bet, if you look at most of the people in jail for murder, they shot somebody that they loved. Emily loves me, and I used that. I forced her to be a part of my plan. Meg: Yeah, been there. As you recall, I went along with your plan until I could find a way to let Jennifer know. Paul: That's you. And our arrangement had nothing to do with love. You hated me. Meg: I didn't hate you. All right, I hated you, but only because I was angry at myself for letting you get to me. Paul: Yeah, well, Emily's not that self-aware. Meg: Oh, you think? Paul: Oh, come -- don't be so mad at her. Why are you so angry at her? If anybody has a right to be angry at Emily, it's me. She shot me. Meg: Exactly! Paul: And look, I appreciate you patching me up and standing by me. I really do. But you don't need to defend me anymore. I can take care of myself. [Meg laughs] Okay, look, I know I got a ways to go, but it's not your job. Meg: It is my job. You paid me a lot of money to save your life, and I'm not going to let Emily Stewart take another whack at you. Paul: Okay, look, take it easy on her, all right? Emotions can be very tricky, and they creep up on you, especially when you're so intimate with somebody that you hand them your heart. It's really no wonder that she was so angry at me for cutting her loose. Meg: Well, you can't always get what you want. Paul: And that's a shame. I still remember when I figured that out. I don't think I've recovered. Meg: That's what kept you alive. Paul: What, being greedy? Meg: Hungry. It's not a bad thing, as long as you are willing -- Paul: -- To move on. Meg: Was there a reason why you called me? Paul: Yeah. I -- I need for you to take this to a woman who's waiting at Java. Meg: I'm a nurse, not a messenger. Paul: No, you a guardian angel. And it would be a really big favor. Please? It's very important. Meg: Okay, who's the woman? Paul: It's probably better that you don't know. Look, I would go myself, but it's too risky. And I catch a pneumonia, my nurse will give me a tongue lashing. Meg: You'd only be so lucky. That's a lot of cash. Paul: Yeah. She'll be waiting at a table. She's expecting you. Meg: What happened while I was away? Paul: Well, I almost died without you. [Meg laughs] No. Meg: Yeah, right. Paul: I'm serious. Meg: Oh, well, you know what? You're going to get in bed and take a nap. And try to eat something that doesn't come in a wrapper. Okay, you got it? Paul: Yeah. I miss you already. That growl, the way you glare at me -- Meg: Whatever. Paul: Ooh. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: I've been waiting for weeks to find out whether my fiancé is dead or alive. Henry: Question -- is he still your fiancé if he breaks it off, and you shoot him? Emily: Do you honestly think I meant to shoot him. Henry: You had a gun. Emily: For protection. I told you that! I was afraid that Hal was gonna show up. Henry: So what, you were gonna shoot Hal? What do you have on you right now, an ice pick? Emily: Okay, look, I am the first to admit I wasn't at my best that day, okay? Henry: What, you're shrugging this off? We're not talking about a bad day, a bad hair day here, Emily. You could have killed the man. Emily: I know that. So I need to find him. Henry: Write him a note. "Dear Paul, I am so sorry I shot you. I don't know what came over me. It will never happen again. Your friend, Emily the nut." I am positive that Meg will be happy to deliver that. What? What now? Emily: You really think I'm a nut? Henry: Do you want me to answer that? Emily: Why is Meg in Oakdale? Why is Meg in Oakdale? Henry: She lives here. Emily: Why, why? She was fired. She lost her job. Her boyfriend dumped her. Her family's barely speaking to her. I mean, the woman has absolutely no friends, Henry. Henry: Well, that's harsh. Emily: Do you like her? Henry: No, not my type. Me, I go for the beautiful blondes that are in love with somebody else. Emily: Meg is in Oakdale because of Paul. Henry: That's -- it's a reach. Emily: No, it's not. Think about it. He was in the cabin, right? And she was taking care of him. Henry: And then she took off for sunny Mexico. Emily: What, with Paul in her carryon? And don't forget the phone call -- the urgent phone call Paul left for her down there. Henry: We -- we left that phone call. Emily: She doesn't know that, Henry. She didn't know it. She came right back. Henry: Okay, fine, he's here. He's here! So what? Emily: So I need to see him? Henry: Why? I'm gonna ask you one last time, why? Emily: I can't just walk away from him. Henry: Why not? Emily: Because he's hurt. Henry: He has Meg for that. She is a professional nurse. He is obviously paying for her services. Emily: Yeah, but he needs me. No, honestly, you don't know him. I mean, he's a very sensitive man, and I'm sure he's very depressed and lonely right now. Henry: So he's gonna turn to the woman who shot him? Emily: Obviously he's forgiven me, right, or he would've -- he would've pressed charges against me. Henry: He still might press charges, Emily. Emily: No. No, he wouldn't do that to me. Henry: Emily, you and Paul are over. You know that. And with this -- whatever you shared, however epic it was, it ended when you shot him. Oh, no. Emily: I can't help it. Henry: Oh, no. You want him back. [SCENE_BREAK] Maddie: Look, I took a risk because it was the right thing to do. Casey: The right thing to do?! Will's mom got knocked out, and they stole $1,000. Maddie: It was an accident, and Will's mother is using it to break them up. She's a nightmare, and you know it as much as I do. She -- she's lying to the cops, and you know it. Casey: Maybe. Maddie: Definitely. You are just feeling too sorry for yourself to admit it. Casey: I'm not feeling sorry for myself. Maddie: Please. Ever since your parents sat you down, it's been one big pity party. I'm sorry, but it's true. Look, can we just stop fighting and talk about this? Casey: Fine. Maddie: Fine. Will is supposed to be your friend. And I know that Gwen is not your favorite person, okay, but he's in love with her, and she's in love with him, only you're too clueless. Casey: You know, I've had it with you insulting me, all right? I don't insult you. And as far as me being clueless, I tracked you right back to Will and Gwen. Maddie: Oh, good, you're a genius. Now what are you gonna do, call the cops? Casey: Maybe I already have. [SCENE_BREAK] Will: You okay? Gwen: Yeah. Perfect. Will: You are right. There is stuff growing in here. Gwen: You can leave it for the mice. Will: If the rats don't get them first. Gwen: Don't you ever wish that you could make it all stop? Or not stop. I don't know. Just -- just stay the same. Will: Well, I don't know that I can sit in this tub that long. Gwen: I could. Will: Yeah, that because you're short. Gwen: Excuse me? Will: Any taller, and we wouldn't fit. Gwen: Well, we do fit. Will: Yeah, we do. Gwen, I'm so sorry about all of this. Gwen: What do you mean? Will: You told me that we shouldn't go to my mom's, and I should have listened to you. Gwen: Hey, we were starving. We did what we had to do. Hey, it's not like my mom's a walk in the park. Will: Yeah, and she is behind bars. This is so sad. Gwen: You're right, you're right. It is. It's very sad. We should really take it more seriously. Will: You are so gonna get it. [Gwen laughs] [Banging] Will: It's okay. It was just a car backfiring. It's okay. Gwen: I thought it was the cops. I was so scared. Will: Yeah. There's nothing to be scared of -- except for maybe the rats. Gwen: So we're packed, we're dressed. What do you want to do before we take off? Hey, what are you doing? Will: I think we should get out of here, right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Maddie: How can you be so cruel? Will is your friend, and Gwen, I don't care if you don't like her, she's the mother of your baby. And just imagine if that baby would have lived. Oh, but no, Casey's upset because he didn't get to go to University of Wisconsin. So let's ruin it for everybody. Casey: I'm not trying to ruin any -- Maddie: They were happy, okay? They loved each other, but you couldn't see that because you're only into yourself. Casey: Where are you going? Maddie: I'm going to warn Will and Gwen. Casey: Maddie, just wait. Maddie: You want to call the cops? That's fine. That's all on you. But I'm not letting them get caught because you want to get even. Just get off. Casey: Maddie, just wait. [SCENE_BREAK] Henry: What I said before about you being nuts, I take that back. You're a lost cause. Emily: Okay, you know what? That is just mean. Henry: I'm the best friend you've got, Emily. Do you have any idea what you're doing to yourself? Emily: To myself? Henry: Yes, yes. I want you to read a little book. It's called "Women who love too much." Now, I have dated most of them. And the trouble is, I'm not the one they love. Emily: That's your problem. If you were, you would understand. Henry: Wait, okay. Hold on. Reality check here. It takes two to tango. Emily: Yeah, so what? Henry: So why hasn't he called you? Emily: Because he was shot, Henry! Henry: Yes, he was shot. Emily: Yeah. Henry: Yeah, and you've been on the phone with him not once, but twice, right? Why no word from the love of your life? Emily: Because he's protecting me. Henry: Maybe he's just not that into you. Emily: You know what? You're just a jerk. Henry: Face it, Emily. Shooting your fiancé is a definite turnoff. Emily: Yeah, you know what? One would think, but obviously not. Henry: What do you mean, "Obviously not"? Emily: Why is he still here, Henry?! Think about it. I mean, he's paying -- he's paying Meg. Why not pay her to put him in a van and schlep him across the border? Why risk getting caught by the cops? Henry: You obviously have a theory. Emily: I think he tried to stay away, but he couldn't. Henry: Because? Emily: Because he still loves me. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: If Dusty's right, and you really are dead, then why can't I feel you? Your spirit, something? Maybe it's just I can't accept it. But you know what? The trouble is that I -- I do feel something. I feel like you're alive. I feel like you're just -- you're just hidden, like Johnny was. That's exactly the same. It's the same feeling. Oh, Paul, are you out there? You're just waiting for me to find you. [Paul in disguise.] Paul: Jennifer -- I'm here, I'm here. I'm right here. [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: Hi. Madame Lacoste: Hello. Meg: I was told that you would be expecting this. Madame Lacoste: I was beginning to think you'd forgotten about me. [NEXT_ON] Will: If we're in a jam, and I can't get clear, then you'll keep going. Meg: That's a lie, Dusty, okay? That phony psychic, right. Paul is alive. Jennifer: Paul -- is that you? | Emily is determined to find Paul because she is convinced Paul stayed in Oakdale because he loves her |
208 | [Seagulls calling] Liam: I tell her I'm never giving up, and she says... nothing. Hope: Sorry. Sorry. Liam: Hey. No, I shouldn't be complaining. It could be good. At least you didn't shoot me down. "No way, buddy. Never gonna happen, buddy." Hope: [Chuckles] Oh, Liam. You know that I would never call you "buddy." Liam: Bless your heart. Hope: [Laughs] Liam: I am serious, though. You're really distracted. Hope: Little bit. It's obvious? Liam: Is it this thing with, uh, my dad and your mom? Hope: Uh... Liam: Wyatt? Something happen between you two? [SCENE_BREAK] Wyatt: [Humming] Quinn: I don't have to wonder what you're thinking about. Wyatt: Why, your gorgeous jewelry, of course. Quinn: Yeah, and how it would look on your gorgeous girlfriend. Wyatt: [Chuckles] Please tell me I'm not that transparent. Quinn: Only to your mother. Wyatt: I'm sorry. Was that supposed to make me feel better? Quinn: Hope makes you happy. Let me enjoy it, too. Wyatt: [Chuckles] And check it off your list. Quinn: Hmm? Wyatt: One of the three things that you want in life. Happy son, successful business, companion for yourself. Quinn: Well, two out of three ain't bad. Wyatt: Where is this positive go-getter attitude that I'm used to? Quinn: I may have underestimated your father's interest in Brooke. Wyatt: Oh, Mom, I'm sorry. Quinn: You warned me. Wyatt: Wait. What happened? Quinn: Oh, Bill's not ready to let go. Wyatt: Hmm. It's not really your style, either, Mom. Quinn: Mnh-mnh. And unlike your father, I have other things on my mind besides who I'm spending time with. I mean, I have a company to run and jewelry to make and a son who depends on me for guidance and support. My life is full. [Chuckles] Wyatt: Glad to hear it. Quinn: Mm-hmm. You know me. I'm not one to get lonely. Wyatt: It's 'cause you've always had me around. Now that I have my own digs down at the beach -- Quinn: [Gasps] Is that an invitation? Wyatt: Huh? Quinn: Oh, thank you! Wyatt: No. No, no, no, no. Quinn: Oh, sweetie! That's so -- I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm too busy to hang out with you at the beach or to be pining for your father. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: Are you and Wyatt having problems? Hope: No. Liam: Sorry. Was that too hopeful? Bill: Don't apologize, Liam. There is nothing wrong with being hopeful. Hope: [Chuckles] Bill: Okay, well, uh, don't mind me. I'm just gonna grab a few things, and I'll be on my merry way. Liam: What is this? You going somewhere? Bill: As a matter of fact, I am. Liam: Are you moving back in with Brooke? Hope: I, uh, saw your car at my mom's last night. Bill: Mm-hmm. Liam: Congratulations. Bill: Huh?! Thank you! Thank you, son! Uh, Hope, so, did you just come by to share the good news with Liam, or...is there something else going on I should know about? Hope: Where's my mom now? Bill: Oh, I imagine she's probably looking for you and Donna to share the good news. Hope: And Katie? Bill: Uh, that was actually the first call she made. Hope: She wants Katie to know how happy she is? Bill: Well, uh, how happy we -- we both are. Actually, we always were. That was -- that was never the problem. It was really outside forces. Whether it was Katie's anger or Ridge's whining or your judgment. We let that stuff get in our way. But I don't have to explain that to the two of you, do I? You know, your mom tried to fight her feelings for me. She never denied them. And mine never wavered. Now, I know I'm not your favorite person, and I probably never will be, but that's got to count for something, doesn't it? Hope: Yeah, it does. Bill: Okay, well, that's not "congratulations," but I'll take it. Liam: [Chuckles] Hope: I'm gonna take off. Liam: Okay, yeah, I'll walk you out. Hope: Okay. [Door opens] Hope: Sorry. I could have been a lot more positive. Liam: Yeah, well, you got stuff on your mind. Hope: I meant what I said to your dad about having someone stand by you, be there for you. It doesn't always change things. But it means a lot. [SCENE_BREAK] Wyatt: So, he'll always have a place in your heart? Quinn: He's your father. Wyatt: And you're not looking for more? Quinn: [Chuckles] Not from him. Wyatt: Because you don't want it or because you don't think that he can give it to you? Quinn: He's already given me the most precious gift I could ever receive. Wyatt: Oh, well, thank you. [Both laugh] Quinn: Besides, I didn't get where I am by wasting my time. Wyatt: Right. But the other day, you said that no other man makes you feel the way that he does. Quinn: I don't need a man to be excited about my life. I have a lot going on. Wyatt: A lot. Quinn: Yeah. Wyatt: And there's some pretty great things. Quinn: Yeah! Wyatt: Mm-hmm. Quinn: It's what I've worked my whole life for. Wyatt: But you don't want to share that with someone? Quinn: Oh, my love, but I'm sharing it with you. Wyatt: Mom! Someone who's not your kid! Quinn: Not having a man in my life doesn't diminish what I have accomplished. What? Well, look, a man like Bill, he would most likely get in the way. Look, he's used to be fawned over. Brooke and Katie, they catered to his every whim, and that's not me, and it never will be. Wyatt: Hmm. Quinn: Hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: So, Brooke took you back. Bill: Finally came to her senses. Liam: You must have made a hell of an argument. Bill: You looking for some pointers? I know you were, uh, asking Hope about Wyatt when I came in. Liam: Yeah, I know, but they're fine. Bill: And? Thought there might be an issue. Liam: No issue. It's just Hope wasn't acting like herself. Bill: Huh. Well, that -- that could be my fault. Uh, Brooke and I probably kept her up last night. Liam: [Chuckles] Yeah, that's probably it. Bill: Yeah, she wasn't, you know, throwing confetti or streamers or anything, was she? Liam: That's the thing you have to remember. Hope hasn't talked to Brooke yet. But if Brooke is happy, then Hope will be, too. Bill: Oh, she's -- she's happy, all right. Liam: All right, well, make sure she stays that way, and Hope won't have a problem with you. Bill: Uh, I am not the one who broke her mother's heart. Hey, uh, you obviously didn't say anything about my uninvited guest, did you? Liam: What? Quinn? God, no. Bill: Good. Keep it that way. Liam: But, Dad, you did say that it was over. Bill: It is. Liam: What -- she was here. I mean, when Brooke showed up the other day, Quinn was here. She was in your room. Bill: Yeah, I, uh, I shoved her in the closet. Liam: Oh, Dad! Bill: What do you mean, "oh, Dad"? Liam: What are you doing?! Bill: What do you think I was doing? What was I supposed to do? It was fine. It gave Brooke and me a chance to -- to talk, and that's a good thing. Liam: With Quinn in the room! In the room, Dad! Bill: Okay! Well, she didn't come out of the closet! She could've! She could've blown the whole thing for me, but -- but she didn't! So, I don't know. Maybe I'm somewhat wrong about her. Liam: No, you're not. You're not wrong about her. There's a reason she kept quiet, and it's not to help you. Bill: Nothing happened. Liam: Okay, fine. Nothing happened? Then why -- why couldn't you tell Brooke about Quinn? Bill: Why would I do that?! Liam: Ridge lied to her, okay? He told her that he wanted to spend his life with her, and then he took up with Katie. It's a little hard to trust after that, and if you're keeping all this from her -- Bill: Totally different set of circumstances! I came home, Quinn was hiding in the room! I didn't know she was there! And listen, you know, it wasn't like last time. Nothing happened. It didn't go anywhere. Liam: No, you're missing the point. It doesn't matter how far it went, because Quinn has dirt on you now. And if she threatens to tell Brooke, then you're out of luck, man. Bill: She's not gonna tell -- she's not gonna do it. She's not -- she -- she won't do that. If she wanted to do that, she could have just walked right out of the closet and blown me out of the water, okay? That didn't happen. Now, will you just do me a favor? Quinn's not the problem! You're -- you're making a problem out of nothing! Brooke and I are happy. Now, what I want from you is to just be happy for me. Liam: [Sighs] Dad, all I'm saying, you and Brooke have a chance to get everything right. Bill: All right. Enough, Liam. I'm not worried about it, so why are you? Liam: Yeah, well, if you and Brooke are back together, Quinn might have a little something to say about that. Bill: Quinn is not the one making a big deal out of this! You are, and I want you to stop! Look, Quinn went home last night. Brooke left, Quinn left, and we were on good terms. Liam: Okay. Does Quinn know you two are back together? Bill: Not yet. Liam: Do me a favor. Don't be alone when you tell her. Bill: I won't be. You're gonna be here. Liam: Me? Bill: Yeah. I'm gonna call Quinn right now, tell her to come over. Liam: No, no, no, no. Bill: And you're gonna see once and for all we don't have to worry about Quinn Fuller. [Cell phone rings] Quinn: [Sighs] Oh. Hello, Bill. Bill: Hey, uh, can you get away right now? Quinn: Uh, it depends. What for? Bill: Well, I need to see you. I'm at Liam's house in Malibu. Quinn: I'll be right there. [Cell phone beeps] Quinn: Hmm. Wyatt: Dad? Quinn: Uh-huh. He's waiting for me at Liam's. Wyatt: Why? Quinn: [Scoffs] I don't know. Wyatt: Well, maybe you didn't underestimate dad's interest in Brooke. Maybe you underestimated his interest in you. Quinn: Well, that's an interesting thought, but I think I'll stick with "Don't get your hopes up." Wyatt: [Chuckles] All right. Quinn: Bye. Hope: Hey. Wyatt: Hey. I was wondering when you'd get here. Hope: Hi. Wyatt: Hi. Hey, did you see my mom out there? Is she okay? I couldn't get a read on her. Hope: Your mom? Wyatt: Yeah. You just -- you just passed her. Hope: Oh, I-I didn't -- I didn't see her. Wyatt: Is everything okay? You seem like you're somewhere else. Hope: Hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Bill: I'm telling you you're wrong about this. Liam: I hope I am. Bill: Listen, Quinn knows how I feel about Brooke, and she promised she wouldn't say anything. Liam: [Laughs] And you believed her. [Sighs] Bill: You're forgetting something. She works for Brooke's son. She's not gonna do anything to jeopardize her situation at Forrester. Liam: Yeah, no, that -- that makes sense, except we're talking about the woman who stabbed you in the neck with your own pendant, hacked my e-mail, sabotaged my wedding -- Bill: Okay, all right! I hear you! And I'm not discounting anything that you're saying! Sure if we hit the rewind button, she'd do it all again. [Sighs] But so far, she hasn't done anything to blow my relationship with Brooke. And I'm...grateful. Liam: I can't wait to get this place back to myself. Quinn: Oh! Well, my curiosity got the best of me. Hello, Liam. I didn't know you'd be here. Liam: I live here. Bill: Uh, do me a favor, will you? Just, uh, give me a minute to talk to -- to Quinn here. Quinn: Or we could just talk upstairs in your bedroom -- Liam: I'm gonna go. Quinn: Oh, is Liam going out of town, hopefully? Bill: Those are my bags. Quinn: Pretty big for the gym. Bill: I wanted you to hear this from me. Brooke and I got back together last night. Quinn: Brooke took you back. Bill: I'm moving in. Quinn: Last I heard, Brooke said she needed more time. Bill: Gave her all the time I could. Quinn: [Chuckles] Once you found out that she would be sharing the vice presidency with Ridge. Is that what brought this on? Bill: I've wanted this for a long time, Quinn. Quinn: Well, you did tell Brooke that you would wait for it. Bill: You know, I didn't ask you here for your opinion. I just wanted to let you know what's going on. Quinn: Really? Is that all you wanted? Bill: That and to remind you what you said the other night. Quinn: I said a lot of things the other night. Bill: Right. I'm talking about our deal. That you wouldn't say anything to anyone about what happened between us. You haven't said anything to anyone, have you? Quinn: Why would I? Liam: I'm going to work. Bill: I thought you said you were gonna hang out. Liam: You need me to? Bill: No. Liam: I'll check up on you later. Quinn: [Scoffs] [Door opens] Quinn: Did you think that I was gonna act like some sort of jilted lover? [Chuckles] Please, Bill. I'm a mature, independent woman. I run my own company. I've raised a son. Okay, am I happy that you and Brooke are getting back together? No. Because it's been a long time since I've had the kind of fun that we've had lately. But I'm not going to tell Brooke. Bill: Thanks. Quinn: Really? I think you can do better than that. I mean, I'm doing a really big favor keeping your secret. Hmm. I think there's something that I want in return. Two things, actually. Bill: What? Quinn: First... our last kiss. Bill: Permanently. Quinn: Mm-hmm. It's just something you can add to the long list of things Brooke never needs to know about if you grant me my second wish. Bill: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: Where did I leave my keys? Ah. [SCENE_BREAK] Wyatt: Look, okay, I have a great idea. Let's get out of here. Hope: I just got in. Wyatt: Yeah, but I had a surprise for you for later, but it just kind of seems like you -- you could use one right now. Hope: Not -- not really, no. Wyatt: It's a good one. Look, the RVs in the lot. It's packed. It's stocked. It's ready to go. Why don't we just go? Let's go somewhere. What do you say? Hope: Hmm. You -- you want to leave right now? Wyatt: Yeah. Yeah. Or whenever you want. I mean, if you need to clear you calendar or whatever, you can do that. Uh... look, you -- you've been really stressed out lately, you know? Hope: Yeah, I have been. Wyatt: With everything that's been going on, I mean, you're -- you're overwhelmed. Hope: It's definitely getting to me, yeah. Wyatt: Okay. Well, this will be good for you. You can get away from work, a few days away from Ridge, you know, all the craziness that happened yesterday. Hope: Hmm. It's not just that. There's something else. Wyatt: What? Hope: Um... I -- okay. I don't want you to misunderstand what I'm saying, because... I really like being with you, and I love how close we've gotten. I really do. Wyatt: Right. Hope: [Sighs] You know, when I told you that I-I didn't want to move too fast, you know. I said that a lot. Wyatt: Yeah. Hope: You -- you asked me to move in, and I said that I wasn't ready. Uh, I said that I wasn't ready for a big commitment. Wyatt: No, I know, and I-I understood that. Hope: I just wanted to -- to take things slow. Wyatt: Right. Hope: But now I'm late. Wyatt: Late for what? Hope: I'm late. Wyatt: Oh. Hope: Wyatt, I think I might be pregnant. | She hasn't talked to Brooke yet but if Brooke is happy then Hope will be happy |
209 | Fox: You know what, I'm going to check on Kay, make sure she's all right. Valerie: I thought you decided not to, that Kay might think you were checking up on her. Fox: Right. No, I'll make sure she knows this is, you know, about us as a couple, not about me being her boss. Excuse me. Valerie: Guess I'm going to have to work just a little bit harder to distract you then, Fox. [SCENE_BREAK] Fancy: Valerie can never take your place, Kay. Fox loves you. It's not like Valerie's a witch who can cast a spell on Fox. Kay: No, I had Tabitha do that for me and the spell finally seems to be working. I think I'm losing Fox to his career and Valerie. Fancy: What did you say you did? Kay: Oh, nothing. I was just talking to myself. Sorry. Fancy: You should be talking to Fox. Tell him you want back in on the Singapore project. Kay: Hmm, I still think I need to prove myself to him first. If he likes the job that I do planning the Christmas party, then I'll push to work beside him again. Fancy: Do whatever you think is best, Kay. Fancy's voice: And so will I. [SCENE_BREAK] Gwen: You are the only man who has ever held my heart. Honey, it's breaking now that I know you're never going to come out of this coma, that I have to be the one to take you off life-support. Sam: Gwen, we're here for you. Ivy: We'd never let you go through this alone. Gwen: Thank you both. Thank you very much. Sheridan: Gwen? Before you take Ethan off life-support, maybe Father Lonigan should come and give him his last rites? Gwen: Oh, Sheridan, definitely. I can't even believe I forgot. Please, yes. Eve: You were so focused on Ethan, you couldn't think about anything else. Sheridan: I'll call St. Margaret Mary's and have Father Lonigan come right away. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Noah! Thank you so much for helping me save Ethan's life. I promise you you will not regret this. Noah: Oh, I hope you're right because I'm sure Fancy won't think so. Oh, God, she'll totally freak when she finds out that I'm helping you kidnap Ethan because you think you can coax him somehow out of his coma. Theresa: You know what, I got to at least try, right? And I can't just, like, stand by and watch Gwen take him off life-support. Noah: Yeah, right or wrong, your love for Ethan is amazing. Oh, God, I just hope Fancy understands that this is about me helping Ethan stay alive, it's not about helping you or taking your side. Theresa: Look, we are going to make her understand, I promise you that, after we save Ethan. [SCENE_BREAK] Fancy: When you talk to Fox, be confident. Remember that he is lucky to have you. Kay: Yeah, well, Valerie's not exactly a charity case. Fancy: Forget Valerie. You are beautiful and smart, and you manage to balance motherhood, work, and college? I can't even balance my checkbook. Debits, credits -- what's all that about? Kay: Well, thank you for the pep talk, but I should probably get back to stuffing the old envelopes. No use planning a Christmas party if no one gets their invitation on time. Fancy: You are handling this much better than I would. If Fox had me stuffing envelopes, chestnuts wouldn't be the only things roasting on an open fire. Fox: Hey, you. Kay: Fox! Fancy: Speak of the devil. Fox: I've been looking all over for you. Kay: I'm sorry. I was on my way to the conference room to start stuffing -- Fox: Hmm. Kay: When I got a little distracted talking to Fancy. Fancy: Oh, Kay, it's not your fault. I was picking her brain about fashion and Kay gave me a fabulous idea for a sketch I'm working on. Fox: Really? Fancy: No wonder you hired her as your assistant. She's amazing. Fox: Yeah. Fancy: In fact, why don't you use my office to do those invitations. I need to go have a talk with my brother about some personnel matter. Fox: Gee, Fancy, we have to do that now? Fancy: Now. Mm-hmm. Fox: Great. See you in a bit. [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: Father Lonigan will be here shortly to give Ethan his last rites. Sam: He understands Ethan's situation. Sheridan: He said that it was his job to shepherd Ethan's soul, not to get into an ethical debate over end-of-life issues. Gwen: Ok, that's good. Chris: Sheridan also took the liberty of calling some people that might want to come say goodbye. Sheridan: I hope that's ok. Ivy: Of course. Julian: Excuse me. I got your message. Eve: Thank you. Julian. So, did you get to take care of that unfinished business? Julian: I did force myself on you. No wonder you hate me so much. Well, I -- I made some headway, but there's still some work to be done. Eve: Come on. Julian: Gwen, may I? Gwen: Of course. Julian: Well. Biology be damned, huh? I loved you when I thought that you were my son, Ethan, and now, here at the end of the day, Sam Bennett's your father. But it matters not. I never stopped loving you. Even when the truth first came out, my anger was -- was at the situation, it was not with you. It was the lies that we were told. My anger was never with you. And in my heart, in my mind, you'll always forever be my son. My wise, my noble son. Julian: Goodbye, Ethan. Godspeed. Gwen: Pilar. Pilar: Hi. Sheridan called. I hope it's ok that I came, given what Theresa has done. Ivy: Of course, Pilar. You helped raise Ethan. Gwen: He would want you to be here. Pilar: Thank you, Gwen. Thank you both. May I? Gwen: Yes. Pilar: Oh, Julian. Julian: Pilar. I'll leave you. Pilar: Ok. Thank you. Pilar: Oh, Ethan. Oh, lo siento mucho, mijo. Siento mucho lo que ha hecho Theresa y me imagino que ella lo lamenta tambien. I'm sure Theresa would give anything for you not to be here like this. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Now I know why you stopped by the bank on the way here. A new ambulance costs a fortune. Theresa: Yeah, but you know what, I got the money thing under control. We don't have to worry about that. What we need to do is find the best model to transport Ethan to the Crane cabin, we've got to buy it, then run to the hospital, grab Ethan, and save his life before Gwen kills him. Noah: All right, well, the Lifesaver 4000 has oxygen, a built-in O.K.. machine, and wishbone suspension. Theresa: Well, what is this, the Medi-Meister 911? This thing has all of that, plus an operation room with instructional D.V.D. player and dual climate control. Noah: Huh. Oh, here comes the salesman. Wait, what's our reason for needing an ambulance? Are we, like, hypochondriacs or something? Theresa: No, no, no. Look, I'll do the talking, ok? I got this all under control. And whatever happens, we cannot say Ethan's name, ok? Noah: Ok. Theresa: Thank you. Salesman: Hi. Sorry to keep you waiting. Every time we put a new ambulance out front for display, a crowd of lawyers forms thinking they've struck gold. I just love seeing the looks on their faces when they realize they've struck out. So, which model sounds your siren? Theresa: Actually, both of them seem great. Salesman: Mm-hmm? Theresa: And, well, we were just wondering, which model would be best to transport a coma patient? Salesman: Well, Sonny von Bulow goes in hers to Newport every summer and you don't hear her complaining. So which will it be, the Lifesaver 4000 or the Medi-Meister 911? Theresa: Um -- which one, you know, goes with green better? Salesman: Excuse me. You folks don't seem like the normal hospital-procurement types. Theresa: Oh, that's because we're in from California. Salesman: California? Theresa: Yeah. Salesman: Did I mention the Medi-Meister has emergency lipo attachments and a fridge for storing Botox? Noah: You know, that's really great, but which one can we drive away in today? Theresa: Like as in now? Salesman: Well, I have a Lifesaver 4000 in stock, but -- Theresa: Oh, then sold. Sold. [SCENE_BREAK] Pilar: I really can't believe we're losing you, Ethan. I pray to God that you know that Theresa never meant to hurt you. It's Alistair that she hates for his cruelty toward her, forcing himself on her, degrading her. I mean, she knew it was wrong to try to kill him, but she couldn't take it anymore. And Theresa would rather die than to have accidentally poisoned you. Rebecca: Too bad Teresita didn't die. Gwen: Mother, don't do this now. Rebecca: So why are you here, Pilar, huh? You here to harvest some of Ethan's body parts for Theresa, one part in particular? Julian: Rebecca, it's not the time for this. Rebecca: Oh, really, Julian? Well, when are we going to schedule this in, huh? I mean, when, maybe after Gwen has to pull the plug on Ethan? Or maybe after Ethan's funeral or when he's six feet under? I mean, when are we going to blame the person responsible? When is Theresa going to pay for costing Ethan his life? [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: Great. So you'll take a personal check? Salesman: What is with you two? The Lifesaver 4000 is an expensive piece of medical equipment. Only top hospitals and planned retirement communities can afford it. Theresa: Look, you said Sonny von Bulow -- she has one, and she's an individual, right? Salesman: Yes, but she's rich. Theresa: Ok, well, money's not a problem for us, either. Salesman: Californians, right. You -- you two are fronting for a celebrity, aren't you? Who is it, Charlton Heston? Kirk Douglas? Liza? Liz? Noah: No. Theresa: No, no, no. No, actually, we're here from the coast to shoot a film at Harmony University. Salesman: You do skin flicks, don't you, pal? Noah: Do I look like someone who does skin flicks? Salesman: Admit it, you are hellbent on pulling a fast one on me. Wait, wait -- am I being punk'd? Wait, where's Kutcher? Theresa: No, no, no, you're not being punk'd, ok? We're really serious. We really do want to buy this ambulance, so how much is it? Salesman: Right, I'm going to take your check and watch it bounce all the way to the bank? Why don't you two get out of here and stop wasting my time before you both need an ambulance? [SCENE_BREAK] Fox: What are you -- are you trying to rip my ear? Ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow! Fancy: Valerie, would you excuse us? I'd like some time alone with my brother. Fox: Watch it! Valerie: Fox and I are working on the Singapore project. Fancy: Listen, Val, I'm a Crane. My family's name is on the building, not yours. Now, vamoose. Fox: Why do you have to talk to her like that? Ow! What'd she ever do, huh? Ay! Fancy: Good question. Valerie: Excuse me? Fancy: Don't make me tell my Grampy on you. I'm his favorite, you know. And if I say that you ignored a simple request, he will fire you so fast, your head will spin. Valerie: I'm not refusing your request. I'm just concerned about the way you're treating Fox. Fox: Please. Fancy: It's a sibling thing. Fox: Ah! Fancy: Now run along. Kay's in my office. You can help her with the Christmas party. Valerie: If you insist. Fancy: I do. Valerie: Fox, if you need me, just call. Fancy: Oh, Fox will be fine. Fox: Oh! Fancy: See? Fox: I'm going to be fine! I got it! Totally under control. Just see you in a bit, then. Yeow! Why, huh? What the hell is wrong with you? Ow! Ah! Fancy: No, Fox, what the hell is wrong with you? Ugh! Fox: Ah. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: 'Tis the season to be jolly ha, ha, ha, ha, ha blah, blah, blah, blah ugh. Valerie: Kay? Kay: Valerie. Come in. Valerie: Fancy said I could find you in here. Kay: Yeah, she said I could use her office for the Christmas stuff-a-thon while she and Fox went to discuss business or something. Valerie: Was Fancy angry when she left? Because she was on a tear when she just dragged Fox back into his office. Kay: She was? Valerie: I can't believe how rude she just was to me. She dismissed me like I was the help instead of a coworker. Kay: Really? Valerie: She said she needed to speak to Fox in private. Please, what could she possibly have to say to him that she couldn't say in front of me? Kay's voice: Uh-oh. I bet Fancy went to defend me to Fox after all. Kay: I have no idea what she would want to talk to him about. Valerie: Well, whatever it is, I don't appreciate being dissed by Alistair's granddaughter. Kay: Well, I'm sorry she was so rude to you. She's always been really nice to me. Valerie: I wonder what her problem is. [SCENE_BREAK] Fox: Fancy, what the hell is wrong with you, huh? Fancy: You are! Fox: Well, what did I ever do to you? Ow! Fancy: Oh, you haven't learned a damn thing, Fox. Fox: I don't even know what the hell you're talking about. Fancy: After a lifetime of hearing Grandfather and Father go on and on and on about business and the bottom line. Father and Mother finally saw the light. They were able to realize that there's more to life than money. But back when we were growing up, we hated it when our parents never had time for us because they were too focused on money -- Father always making it, Mother always spending it. We used to say that we would never treat people that we love the way that our parents treated us growing up. Fox: Yeah. Yeah, so? Fancy: So you've turned into Grandfather's ideal of a Crane. All you care about is work, work, work, money, money, money. Fox: Oh, please, not even true, huh? And what the hell does any of that have to do with you dragging me in here like a puppy that missed going on the newspaper, huh? Fancy: You sidelined Kay to plan the Christmas party because you think Valerie will help you get to the top faster. Fox: Ok, wait, no, no, that's not what happened. Fancy: So why is Kay off the Singapore project? Fox: Well, Kay's off the Singapore project because she was in over her head, Fancy, all right, which was my fault in the first place for giving her a project like that she's not ready for. She's got great potential, right, but she's green. She needs, I don't know, more work experience, so I gave her an easier project to work on. Is that ok with you? Fancy: Mm-hmm, yeah. Was that before or after Valerie took Kay's place? Fox: What are you implying? Fancy: That this isn't about you doing what's best for Kay. This is about you doing what's best for Fox Crane. Fox: Ah -- Fancy: To hell with Kay and how much you've hurt her. [SCENE_BREAK] Ivy: I agree completely with Rebecca. Theresa is to blame for Ethan being in an irreversible coma. And when we take him off life-support and he dies, Theresa will be to blame for that, too. And as God is my witness, Theresa will pay for my son losing his life. Sam: Ivy, now is not the time to get into this. Sheridan: Sam's right. Our focus should be on Ethan. Gwen: Mother, Eve ran Ethan's tests one more time and they show that he has no improvement whatsoever. Rebecca: Oh, Gwen, no. Gwen: So I'm going to have to do this. I'm going to have to take him off life- support. Rebecca: Ethan, I'm so sorry. I mean, I know we had our differences, but you're a good man. I'm going to miss you. We all will. Oh, my poor baby. Gwen: Mother, I can't believe this. Father Lonigan: Gwen, Sheridan. Eve: Father Lonigan. We've been expecting you. Father Lonigan: Before I administer last rites, I would like us all to go to the chapel for a short prayer service. Ivy: That would be lovely. Eve: I'll show you the way, Father. Father Lonigan: Thank you, Eve. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: Sir, excuse me, but we are not trying to con you. We really do want to buy this ambulance. Noah: Yeah, and we're kind of up against a deadline, so -- Salesman: Stop jerking my chain. If you're really shooting a film at Harmony U., There is no way you can afford a brand-new ambulance. Go get a stretcher from the army surplus store and leave me alone. Theresa: No, no, no, no, no! Excuse me, but we really do want to buy this ambulance and I have the money to pay for it. Salesman: Oh, right, sure, you do. Theresa: You know what? If you don't want to take a personal check, how about cash? Salesman: Oh, right, you've got that much green on you? Theresa: Would you like to make change? Salesman: Oh, my God. Noah: We'll need a receipt. Salesman: Wait a minute, this has to be counterfeit. Noah: No, call the bank. Ask Mr. Durkee. He'll vouch for us. Salesman: This stuff is real. Theresa: Told you. Salesman: Who the heck are you, lady? Theresa: I'm the woman who just bought an ambulance. Salesman: Yes, you are, ma'am. Theresa: Thank you. Salesman: Pleasure doing business with you both. Theresa: You, too. Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Valerie: Fancy's got a nice office, doesn't she? Of course, she is Alistair's favorite, a fact she was all too thrilled to throw in my face just now. Kay: You make it sound like she threatened you. Valerie: Not me, Kay, my job. Spoiled little rich bitch. How dare she? Kay: I can see this is upsetting you. Working with Fox is a big step for you, isn't it? Valerie: I hope you don't mind. Fox asked me to help him. Kay: And you couldn't say yes fast enough. Valerie: You think I'm being disloyal to Chad, don't you? Kay: Are you? Valerie: Opportunity for advancement is something we can't afford to refuse, Kay. Kay: Don't play the race card with me, Valerie. You left Chad in the dust to work with Fox because you think he's going to win this competition that Alistair has set between them and you want to come out on top. Valerie: Are you jealous of me, Kay? Do you want me to tell Fox I can't work with him anymore? Is that it? Kay: No, no, that's not it. Valerie: If you feel threatened about Fox and I spending so much time together, just say so. Kay: You know a lot about computers, Valerie. Any idea how that virus got into the Crane system? Valerie: No. Kay: Hmm. Yet you were able to just jump in and fix it like you knew exactly where the problem was. Valerie: I don't think I like what you're implying. Kay: I'm not implying anything. Valerie: Good, because I'm just helping Fox. Kay: You're such an inspiration, Valerie. I bet I could learn a lot watching you with Fox. So you know what, from now on, I'm just going to keep a really close eye on you. [SCENE_BREAK] Fox: All right, listen, Valerie has more work experience than Kay does, right? She's also a little bit more computer savvy than Kay is. Fancy: Then give Kay some real work experience so she can catch up. Fox: Well, Fancy, I would love to, but first I have to prove myself to Grandfather! Fancy: Oh. You mean win the competition he has you in with Chad to see who will end up running the company. Fox: Yeah! It's do or die here. You know that. Fancy: How very Crane of you to see it that way. Fox: Fancy, you are missing the whole point. The reason I'm working these ridiculous hours is so that I can give Kay and Maria the life I think they deserve! Fancy: Bull. You're doing it to be the top dog and for the money and power that come along with it. You're as bad as Father used to be. [SCENE_BREAK] Father Lonigan: We are all here because we know and love Ethan. Would anyone care to share something about him? Sam: I'd like to say a few words, Father. Father Lonigan: By all means, Sam. Sam: I had no idea Ethan was my son until a few years ago. Since then, I thought I'd have all the time in the world to make up for all the time we lost together, but that's not going to happen. I'm going to lose my firstborn son. Which is really hard because it's supposed to be the parents. The parents are the ones who are supposed to go first so they'll be in the light to meet their children when the time comes. My parents and Ivy's parents will be there to meet him, along with Sarah and his unborn son. I'm going to miss Ethan. I think we all are going to miss Ethan. He's been a true prince among us. God bless him. Julian: Uh, I would like to say that I share Sam's sentiments. Ethan was perhaps the finest young man that I've ever known in spite of being a Crane. He had this innate goodness that brought such love and respect, and I wish I could take credit for that, but I'm afraid I can't. I -- I love Ethan very much, and I always will. Liz: Poor, grieving Julian. I know just how to buck you up. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Got to hand it to you, Theresa, you thought of everything. These fake I.D's and uniforms really fooled security. Theresa: Well, driving up to the hospital in a new ambulance definitely helped, right? Ok, so this is what we need to do -- we need to get into the I.C.U., grab Ethan before Gwen takes him off life-support. You ready to do this? Noah: Yeah, I got to make a call first. Theresa: Ok, no, no, no. Who are you calling right now? Noah: Fancy. Look, I made a pact with her to be upfront about anything that might affect us as a couple. You know, considering she thinks you should burn in hell for trying to smother Alistair, on top of poisoning her half brother, I think it's best that she hears about my helping you kidnap Ethan from me. Theresa: No, no, no, you can't call her, no. Noah: Look, I have to convince her that I am doing this for Ethan, not for you. Theresa: No, I'm telling you no, Noah. Don't call her. Noah: Damn it, Theresa, don't mess with my phone, all right? Theresa: Well -- ok. All right, just listen to me, ok? I don't want you to call Fancy and tell her that we are planning to kidnap Ethan. Noah: Look, Fancy and I made a promise to each other -- no more secrets, all right, no more anything that could pull us apart again. Theresa: Look, that is really sweet, Noah, it is, but this is one promise that you are going to have to break. Noah: No way. Theresa: Way, ok? Just blame it on me later. Could you do that, you know, tell her the truth? Tell her that I was the one who wouldn't let you make the phone call. She's bound to believe you because she completely hates me. Noah: Theresa, I am not going to take any chances, not when it comes to Fancy. Theresa: Look, you know what, if you tell Fancy what's going to happen, she's going to call the police and they will stop us from saving Ethan's life. Noah: Look, maybe I can convince her not to, all right? Theresa: Look, I don't think we have that time. Please, please, Noah, just -- look, I believe that once we have Ethan, ok, once he comes out of this coma, Fancy's going to be thanking us both for bringing her half brother back to her. Noah: Yeah, I suppose. Theresa: Help me, please. Help me save Ethan. He's your half brother, too. Please, we've gotten this far. Noah: All right. But look, I got to call Fancy and tell her that I love her and that I will be in touch, ok? Theresa: Ok. Just make it quick. Noah: Look, you broke my phone! Theresa: Well, I didn't know. Ok, fine, you know what, don't worry about it, ok? When we get to, you know, the cabin, once Ethan is safe, we'll call her. Ok? Noah: All right. All right, so what's the plan, genius? We're not going to just waltz up to Ethan's room and put him and all of his medical equipment on the gurney and then stroll down here to a waiting ambulance and make a clean getaway, are we? Theresa: Well, yeah. Actually, that's exactly what I had in mind. Noah: Oh, brother. Nurse: It's sad to think a chiseled hunk like Mr. Winthrop will be taken off life-support soon. Second nurse: It's a shame, all right. Giving Mr. Winthrop sponge baths made my low pay and long hours worth it. Theresa: Ok, we made it in time. Ethan's still alive. Noah: At least we didn't get dressed up for nothing, huh? Theresa: That's right. All right, Ethan, I'm here for you. I'm going to bring you back to me, little Ethan, and Jane. Noah: You know, there's no family or friends around. Theresa: You're right. Maybe Gwen changed her mind. Maybe she's not going to take Ethan off life-support after all. Oh, quick, quick, make yourself busy. Nurses are coming. Nurse: As soon as Mr. Winthrop's family and friends get back from the chapel, Father Lonigan will administer last rites before Mrs. Winthrop turns off her husband's respirator. Second nurse: I'll call the morgue, alert them to be on standby. Theresa: I should've known. Gwen is as evil as ever. She's still planning on killing Ethan. We've got to get him out of here before it's too late. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: And I wish Ethan a safe journey back to God, whose wisdom and love is beyond our understanding. Eve: That was beautiful. Rebecca: Yes, Julian, it really was. Gwen: Thank you. Liz: I have something to say, too, Julian, and just wait till you hear what it is. Father Lonigan: Does anyone else wish to speak? Sheridan: Yes, I do, Father. Father Lonigan: Thank you, Sheridan. Sheridan: It's hard to fathom the idea of losing Ethan so soon after losing Luis. Sometimes what we want and what we are given are worlds apart, and this is definitely one of those times. I know that none of us can imagine our lives without Ethan because he's been everything that we needed -- a friend, a son, a brilliant lawyer, a loving husband, and a father. I was on a rare visit stateside when Ivy and Julian first brought Ethan home from the hospital. I fell in love with him on the spot. Julian: I'm sorry. Sheridan: Ivy told me that I could help out with Ethan -- Eve: Why don't you take it in my office? Sheridan: So I did. I would give him his bottle and rock him to sleep. I think it was during those times that Ethan and I formed a special bond that would last until now. Ethan and I were more than just aunt and nephew. We were best friends. And to lose him now is like losing part of my soul. [SCENE_BREAK] Valerie: Why do I feel like you're putting me on notice? Kay: I don't know. Maybe because I am? Valerie: Well, you're being paranoid. I'm not interested in taking your job as Fox's assistant. I'm just helping him with the Singapore project. Kay: And what a help you have been. Wow, next thing you know, you'll be taking Geisha lessons and learning to speak Mandarin. Valerie: Like I said, I'm not after your job. I already have one as Chad's assistant. Kay: Yeah, which begs the question -- why aren't you assisting Chad? Because if you were, then I could be assisting Fox, and everybody lives happily ever after, the end. Valerie: I hear what you're saying, and I'll follow through as soon as possible. Kay: Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a Christmas party to plan. Valerie: You're not as naive as I thought, Kay. I'm just going to have to be much more subtle and clever at winning Fox. [SCENE_BREAK] Fox: Fancy, I'm not working my tail off for money or power, ok? I'm working my tail off for the life that I want to have with Kay. Fancy: What kind of a life can you have if you're working all the time? Fox: Well, gee, Fancy, I don't know, why don't you tell me, huh? You're the one busy playing with paper dolls all day! Fancy: You need to get your priorities straight. Fox: Yeah, well, you need to mind your own business. Fancy: Ugh. [Phone rings] Fancy: Hello? Julian: Fancy, I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but -- Fancy: It's Ethan, isn't it? Fox: What about him? Julian: Eve conducted one last test on Ethan, and his condition remains hopeless. So after Father Lonigan administers Ethan's last rites, Gwen is going to shut off the life-support. I thought that -- that you and Fox would like to be here. Fancy: Yes, of course. We're on our way. Fox, come on, we have to get to the hospital before it's too late. Fox: Fancy, I can't. I'm up against a deadline here, ok? Fancy: How can meeting some stupid deadline be more important than saying goodbye to our brother? Tell me, Fox, tell me! I dare you! Fox: Fancy, go to the hospital, ok? I'll meet you there later. Fancy: I can't believe how messed up your priorities are. This is our brother we're talking about! Ethan is set to be taken off life-support any minute now, and here you are worried about making some stupid overseas business deal! Fox: Go to the hospital! I will meet you there later. Fancy: Fine. What? Valerie: Can I come in and get back to work now? Fancy: Please do. You and Fox deserve each other. Kay: Hey, my dad just called. Ethan is -- Fancy: I know, my father called me just now, too. Kay: Can I come with you and Fox to the hospital? Fancy: You can come with me. Fox won't leave until he meets some stupid deadline. Kay: You're kidding. Fancy: No, see for yourself. Kay: Maybe I should wait for him. Fancy: Just don't wait too long, Kay. You could be wasting your time. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: Well, we all hope so. God. Calling people to come and watch Ethan die. Could anything be more grisly? Julian: I take that as a yes. Liz: What? Julian: Never mind, Liz. I'm really not in the mood to go another round with you. The man that I thought was my son for decades is about to die, so for once in your miserable life, why don't you show some respect? Liz: Oh, I'll show you more than that, Julian. Make love to me. Make love to me, Julian. Julian: Liz, you stop this. I'm sorry for what I did to you years ago, but history is certainly not going to repeat itself. Liz: Then we'll write a new chapter together. Julian: What, are you mad? I wouldn't make love with you if you were the last woman on earth. Liz: Oh, you'll make love to me or I'll kill Eve. [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: We've all lost so many people that we care about -- Luis, Antonio, Miguel, Grace, her niece Charity, sweet little Timmy, Sarah, Marty, and Chris' wife, Maureen. And now to lose Ethan, too, it -- it's just too much to bear. Father Lonigan: If everyone will join me, I believe it is time for Ethan to receive the last rites. Sheridan: Ethan. Oh, Ethan. It's just so much pain, so much loss. First Luis and Marty, and now Ethan. I feel like I'm drowning in grief. Chris: Let me be your lifeline, Sheridan. Lean on me for strength. Let me give you hope, make you happy. Let me love you. Sam: Ivy and I are here for you, Gwen. Rebecca: Yeah, me, too, sweetheart. Ivy: And I promise I won't change my mind this time. We'll do what Ethan wants. Gwen: Well, thank you all for helping me. Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: All right, uh, I think we're ready to roll. Theresa: Great. You hear that? Your brother and I are here to save you, ok? There's no way I will ever let Gwen kill you. Noah: Theresa, come on, we got to get out of here before people get back from the chapel. Theresa: Ok. [NEXT_ON] Jessica: Daddy? Spike: Better than that, babe. It's me, the only man in the world who really loves you. Liz: Ooh. Look how sharp this is. If you want to save Eve's life, you'll make love to me. | Julian was called from the prayer service by someone on the phone, then decided to call everyone who might want to be there to let them know Ethan was going to die |
210 | Maxie: Excuse me. I'm looking for Dr. Matt Hunter. Could you tell me if he's checked in? Well, that was rude. Elizabeth: Stay the hell out of my life! [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: I wish I could be here to see what Santa brings you this year, but I have to go away. Cameron: Why? Lucky: Uh, well, I was looking for something, and I got interrupted before I could find it, so...I, uh, have to go back tonight. [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: So, uh, what would you call this? Dante: Slice of heaven. Lulu: [Laughs] I'm not gonna argue there, but this timing seems a little weird. Dante: Why? You--you agreed to be my wife. You're--you're wearing my ring. That's reason to celebrate to me. Lulu: So, is this a post-engagement pre-wedding getaway? Dante: It is whatever you want it to be. Lulu: You're what I want...every day for the rest of our lives. Dante: I know. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: What happened? Jason: Bernie's gonna be okay. Sonny: Yeah, I know. That's great news. But why did he--he get hit in the first place? Jason: It was supposed to be a meeting. Turns out, it was an ambush. Sonny: But I-it wasn't supposed to be Bernie. Jason: It was supposed to be me. Sonny: Okay, you are a hard man to kill. Anybody who tries usually ends up dead--unless you're distracted or vulnerable. I mean, like right now. When I walked in here, I could have driven a-a truck through here. Jason: I knew it was you, Sonny. Sonny: You gonna tell me this would have happened if you were paying attention? You either d-deal with your personal stuff or you're gonna have to handle the--the business. I-it just seems to me that you can't do both. And don't ask Shawn, 'cause look what happened the last time. Jason: What happened to Bernie is on me, Sonny. Sonny: I am not blaming you. We just have to fix the problem, okay? I need to be able to rely on you, and I can't do that if you're chasing Franco. Jason: What do you want me to do? Do you want me to stop? Sonny: Okay, I want him dead more than anything, okay? But I'm not gonna sacrifice everything I worked on-- Jason: I never asked you to sacrifice anything. Sonny: You built this business, too. Franco is a stupid reason to throw it all away. You got to shut down your emotions-- Jason: I can't! [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: So, what are we doing today? Dante: Uh, well, for the, uh, price of this hotel room, I sort of think we should just lay in bed all day. Lulu: I want to go and hang out in the city. Dante: You mean hit up somewhere other than, uh, Madison Avenue? Lulu: Okay, I realize that a shopping spree is not your idea of a good time, but... Dante: No, look, I-I-I love that you want to get my mom a gift, but w-we don't have to hit up every store on the Upper East Side. Lulu: She's gonna be my mother-in-law. I want to make a good impression. Dante: You don't need any help in that department. She already loves you. I mean, every fight we have, she's on your side, not mine. Lulu: Well, good. I want to keep it that way. Dante: [Chuckles] Do you think we'll fight a lot when we're married? Lulu: Well, I don't know. We're both pretty strong-willed. Dante: I'm strong-willed. I think--I think you're just a little bit stubborn. Lulu: You're stubborn! Shut up! You're totally stubborn! The--the--the day at Jake's, you wouldn't take no for an answer. Dante: I don't--I don't actually remember it like that at all. Lulu: Really? Y-you don't remember, uh, fighting both of my brothers at once? Dante: No, I remember that. I don't do that for just, you know, any hot blonde. Lulu: You don't? Are you sure about that? Dante: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, sure, she has to be smart and funny and beautiful, inside and out. Lulu: So, you figured all that out when they were kicking your ass? Dante: I did. I figured that out when they were kicking my ass. I know what I want to do today. There's something I want to share with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: [Gasps] Wow. That is so cool, man. That's perfect. This is, like, perfect for my trip. It's like you'll be there with me. Listen, uh...Cam, I'm really sorry that I'm--I'm going away so soon, but...it's just--I want you to know that I'm gonna be thinking about you and your brother the whole time I'm gone, all right? And I'm--I'm counting on you to help little Aiden open his presents and empty his stockings on Christmas. Can you do that? Cameron: Why can't you stay and get back together with Mom? [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Haven't you done enough to hurt my family? Why can't you just leave us the hell alone? Maxie: I happen to care about Lucky too much to watch you trick him into another reunion that he doesn't even want. Elizabeth: Hey, you were the one who put all of this in motion. You've done everything you can to undermine my marriage, and now Lucky and I are still dealing with the fallout. Maxie: Okay, first of all, you and Lucky are over. There is no "you and Lucky," Elizabeth, and that's your fault because you cheated on Lucky first with Jason and then with Lucky's own brother. Elizabeth: Okay, this is none of your damn business. Maxie: Oh, yeah? Well, it kind of became my business when you walked up in here and you slapped me across the face because I told Lucky the truth. Elizabeth: No, no, no, no. Y-you did everything you can--you went out of your way to turn him against me! Maxie: You checked yourself into ShadyBrook for a crisis that you weren't even having! I mean, it's pathetic, and, you know, really, it's quite cruel when you consider the fact that Lucky's own mother was a legitimate mental patient. You make him miserable, Elizabeth, okay? Just let him go. Elizabeth: Wait, wait, wait. You're not trying to protect Lucky. You just want revenge because Matt and I have become friends. Maxie: You always have a backup plan, don't you? So, when Lucky fails to, uh, hang on to you, you're just gonna move in on Matt? Elizabeth: Does it bother you that I can actually comprehend what Matt says? 'Cause if you feel insecure about it, maybe you should find somebody else to take this out on and leave me the hell alone. Matt: What is going on here? Elizabeth: [Laughs] Nothing new. She's just trying to sabotage my life. Maxie: Oh, it's not my fault that Lucky happened to walk in and hear the truth that you faked that breakdown. Elizabeth: Really? Prove it. Maxie: I don't have to prove it. You admitted it to Matt. Elizabeth: You told her? You know how Maxie feels about me. You knew she would run straight to Lucky. Maxie: Well, why'd you even go to Matt and start bragging about your fake breakdown anyway? Matt: She wasn't bragging. I-I never said anything about bragging. Elizabeth: I trusted you. Matt: And I was upset. I-I--when I realized what you were doing, not so much to Lucky but to yourself-- Maxie: Oh, you mean tricking Lucky back into a relationship that she trashed in the first place? Matt: You were guilting Lucky back into a relationship, and I knew that was a relationship built to fail. Elizabeth: So, you--you what? You decided to give it a little push and send my family crashing down? Matt: No, I went to speak with Lucky face to face, and I told him what I felt and how I didn't think it was a good idea. Maxie: You know, what are you even doing here, Elizabeth? I mean, did you seriously think that you could come to work after you uncommitted yourself? Elizabeth: I don't owe you an explanation. Maxie: You should be at home, right, working on Lucky? I mean, I bet if you used those tears that you pull out so well and--and you told him that you were really, really sorry and that you were just confused and desperate, you'd be able to reel him back in. I mean, you are so good at your little victim and martyr act. Matt: Okay. All right. You know what? That's enough. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: The first most important thing is that your mom and I will always love you, even if one of us has to go away for a little while, like me. But we're still your parents, and we're proud of you and...nothing matters more to us than making sure that you're safe and happy. It's just that your mom and I...it's just better that we're not married, you know, that we're just parents so we can focus on the good things, like loving you and Aiden. Cameron: I love you, Dad. Lucky: I love you, too. You're the one who taught me how to be a dad. Cameron: Thanks. Lucky: Yeah. Okay. Want to go put this together? Huh? Let's see what you can do, all right? Go for it. Cameron: One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four! Lucky: [Sighs] Hey, buddy. You want to come up? [Chuckles] Come here. Oh, look at you. Look at you. You know... Aiden: [Coos] Lucky: I was so hard on my dad. Every time he would leave, there was a part of me that would just want to blame him and judge him and...and now I'm doing that to you. See, the thing is, Aiden...you--you don't leave because it's easy. You leave because...you leave because you have to. Aiden: [Coos] [Door opens] Ethan: It looks like you're getting ready to leave again. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Just--I just been--I've been missing things I should have seen coming. You know, like the ambush. I-I should have realized that it was a setup. Sonny: Why didn't you? Jason: I don't know. Okay? I-I don't know what is going on with me. I can't--I can't think clearly. I don't know why that I get so angry. It's like I--it's like I black out. Sonny: What do you mean, you black out? You had another--did you have another seizure? Jason: No, it's nothing like that. It's my temper. And it's getting worse. It was--it's like it used to be. I'd flipped tables and--and smash the furniture, and I slammed the mayor down on the table. Sonny: Something I used to do. Jason: I can't even remember it half the time, Sonny. And I feel--I feel the anger. I-it comes and I can't--I can't shut it down. And the next thing I know, it's... Sonny: Something's broken, right, on the ground? Hmm? Jason: You remember the night that I met you at Luke's? Sonny: Yeah. You were--you lost it in the middle of the show. Jason: Yeah, you said it wasn't because I was brain-damaged. You said it was because I had a bad temper and I had to figure out how to control it. Sonny: Right. Jason: I mean, you--you made it sound like it was normal or manageable. Sonny: Mm-hmm. Jason: All those years that, you know, you started to lose it and you--you would freak out and I would be the one who would stay calm...part of the reason I could stay calm was...so I could pay you back for believing in me. Sonny: You don't owe me anything. You owe it to yourself to deal with whatever it is you're going through. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Thanks for doing that with me. Lulu: I'm glad you asked. Have you ever been to the world trade center before 9/11? Dante: Uh, yeah. My, uh, my mom took me there to eat at windows on the world when I was a kid. And 9/11, I was--I was at school, and the news came in, and I just kept thinking about that time I was there, and I was looking at these buildings, and I thought how impossible it was that they could fall. Lulu: It's hard to imagine how much was lost until you see it in person and all the names carved in stone. Dante: I knew some of those names from my neighborhood. Not the bankers or stockbrokers, but the policemen and firefighters. Used to see them at the church or at the park with their families...or in the bar using their uniforms to pick up girls. I mean, they--that's--they weren't saints, but they were doing a job they believed in. Lulu: Like you believe in yours. Dante: Yeah. I'd like to think that if I had my badge back then, I-I wouldn't have thought twice about going into one of those buildings. Lulu: Is that what this is about? Is this...a test? [SCENE_BREAK] Ethan: So, you're going back to Ireland? Lucky: Yeah. I'm, uh, I'm no good to anyone here, not until I figure out what I want for my life. Ethan: Well, far be it from me to question a voyage of self-discovery. But your, uh, your timing's pretty bad. Lucky: Look, I wish that I could be here with Elizabeth and the boys. I really do. But I don't want to build up their hopes and then just have e-everything come crashing down. I mean, that--that's just cruel. Ethan: Yeah. Does Lulu know? Lucky: What? Y-you didn't get her message? Ethan: The deliriously happy voicemail about she and Dante are engaged? Lucky: Yeah. Ethan: Yeah, I got it. Lucky: No, I didn't want to rain on their parade, take away from that whole thing, so I didn't--I didn't tell her. But look, if she's mad at me after the fact, I can take it. She has every right. Ethan: What about Luke? Lucky: Oh, what about him? Ethan: He's bound to rear his head again at some point. What do you want me to tell him? Lucky: Uh...I guess you can tell Dad that--that I love him and, uh...I finally understand. I'm in no position to judge. Ethan: And what changed? What happened? Lucky: No, I mean, I went to see Elizabeth at ShadyBrook, and there was a part of me that knew she was faking the whole breakdown. And turns out, I was right. The whole thing was a play to get us back together again. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: I'm not gonna apologize for trying to hold my family together. Maxie: Oh, dress it up all you want. You still lied. Matt: Okay, look, she has been through so much lately, including nearly dying of pneumonia. Maxie: She used Lucky's guilt to trap him. Matt: No, look. If I may--if I may, she was trying to keep her family together, her kids with their father, and as someone who grew up without a parent, that's certainly something that I can appreciate, although not the method. Maxie: Well, she slapped me. Are you implying that I deserved it? Elizabeth: Don't ask questions if you can't handle the answers. Maxie: You deserved to lose Lucky, and I hope that someday when the kids ask him why he had to bail, he tells them the truth. He couldn't live with you. Matt: Oh, Maxie, s-s-stop this and just-- Elizabeth: No, this is good. This is good for you to see just how hateful she really is. Maxie: At least I'm honest. I don't have to act like a victim to get what I want. Elizabeth: Okay, we need to talk--away from her. But right now, I need to go get my paycheck and then just go home to my kids. Maxie: Yeah, hurry home. Take that last shot at manipulating Lucky. Matt: All right. Look, listen, before you-- Maxie: Not another word out of you or I'll slap you. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: We should just talk about the ambush and how to retaliate. Sonny: Well, first we have to figure out who to retaliate against. I mean, I heard that the shooters worked for the Soleitos? Is that true? Jason: It's a risky move for them. They don't have any power here in Port Charles, so taking me out gets them nothing. Sonny: Gino Soleito and Anthony Zacchara, uh, were friends back in the day, and I'm sure Anthony figured out that I was out of town, talked to somebody in the PCPD, which told them, you know, when you were arrested, when you're getting released. Jason: Right. I think Anthony posted this whole thing up without Johnny knowing. Sonny: W-why do you--w-what's the big deal about Johnny? W-why do you want him to be innocent? Jason: I-I-I don't. I don't. I just know that Johnny doesn't want a war. Sonny: Anthony does. If--if Anthony and Johnny come after us, father and son full blast, can we stop them? Jason: No. Sonny: Okay. So, what we got to do is, uh, keep pretending there's a truce, right, until we can get some strength in our position. How long's that gonna take, you think? Jason: Can you give it your full attention? Sonny: No, the question is, can you? Jason: I mean, if you asked me to take Anthony out, I'll do my best, but I can't guarantee any result. Sonny: Well, I mean, uh, you know...are you stalling or you're not sure you can trust yourself? Jason: I've just been making a lot of mistakes. Sonny: Well, stop making mistakes. You got--you can't--look. You got to--you got to get out of your head. Jason: Could you get out of your head? Could you when you were locked in a room, you're smashing furniture, talking to people who weren't there and I said "get out of your head"--could you? How easy would that be? Sonny: You were the--you were the one who helped me through those times. I'm just trying to do the same for you. Jason: You're just trying to manage me. Sonny: That sounds like somebody--that sounds like something somebody else said. You remember who? Jason: You. Sonny: Now I know what you dealt with all those years. It seems like for every anti-aging problem, when I hired you, I thought I was doing you a favor. I wanted to give you some kind of responsibility, right, so you were able to support yourself. You didn't have to take any money from the Quartermaines. Jason: Yeah. Yeah, you did all that for me. Yeah. Sonny: Yeah, for about a month-and-a-half, until Lily died, then my life fell apart. But you covered for me, and that kind of was the pattern. I would lose it. You would cover for me, until last summer when you were in the hospital and you couldn't do anything. Jason: No, you pulled it together. Sonny: But there was collateral damage. I hurt a lot of people. Some people I didn't care about, but I got to tell you, I feel very sorry about what happened with Robin. Jason: You know, Robin came to see me in lockup. Sonny: That's a good thing, right, 'cause you guys haven't been seeing each other much. Jason: Yeah, it was good. We got to talk about a lot of things. Sonny: My name come up? Jason: Not exactly, but, you know, I got the impression that if you reached out to her, she wouldn't--she wouldn't turn you away. Sonny: Last thing--last thing I'm gonna do is get in between Patrick and--and --and Robin, 'cause he--he hates the air I breathe. And you know what? Especially after what happened with the gun going off in his house, a little kid there, you know, I mean, it's just...look, I know you've been through a lot, right? But all you got to do is look at me. I'm still standing. Jason: Yeah, but it's different. Sonny: No, it's not different. You--you're in trouble. I know what that's about, you know, and I want to--I want to be able to help you. You just got to tell me how to help you. Jason: You can't. Sonny: Can you let me decide? Why--why did you first make the--the mistake? Was it after the surgery or when you went to Hawaii or what? After you blacked out? Jason: I already tried this with Spinelli. Sonny: Please, don't compare me to Spinelli 'cause I'll get really upset. Jason: No, I'm just saying, it doesn't do me any good to talk about it. Sonny: Tell me what's going on with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: You probably think I'm being paranoid. Dante: Uh, a little, but it's cute and endearing. Lulu: It just--it occurred to me that a lot of the firefighters and cops left spouses behind, and...I don't know. Maybe you wanted me to ask myself if I could handle seeing your name written on a wall somewhere. Dante: It wasn't a test. I just wanted to share that with you. I wanted you to see that these people gave the best of themselves and it's something to emulate and it's an example to follow. Lulu: Do you think that helps the families, knowing that they're heroes? Does that help them not miss them as much? Dante: I think they know that they died doing something that mattered, that they were trained for. Lulu: We keep coming back to you dying and me being left behind. Dante: Look, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but not if it ruins you. Lulu: Do you think I'm gonna change my mind about marrying you? Dante: Are you? [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: I don't know. Elizabeth justified the whole thing by saying that she was fighting for our family and if she could only get through to me...we could be happy again. Ethan: [Chuckles] Yeah. I think you and Elizabeth have two different definitions of that word. Lucky: We just can't seem to let go. I mean, every time Elizabeth was ready to move on, I would fight to win her back. And now it's her turn, I guess, to fight for me. Because, like, the love that we had is just...I don't know. It's like we're drowning and--and the only way to survive is if one of us pulls free. Ethan: Well, don't drown. You're making the right choice. Lucky: Hey, listen. Um, I'm asking you as my brother to, uh, look after my boys, okay? I mean, you don't have to babysit or anything like that, but just keep an eye on them for me, and if they need me, find a way to let me know. Ethan: I will. Lucky: And you know what? Uh, you might want to be a little bit more careful yourself, 'cause all that time you're spending at Wyndemere, it's, uh, it's a bad idea. Ethan: Au contraire. It's actually become quite lucrative for me. See, Alexis hired me as the caretaker. Lucky: Again, bad idea. That house has a strange effect on people, man. Ethan: Effects aren't always bad, okay? Maybe, uh, you got to be open to possibilities. Lucky: That depends on the possibilities. Okay. What is it? What happened, huh? What happened out there? What? Ethan: I...[Groans] I promised not to tell anyone. Lucky: You kidding me? You promised? Who did you promise? Dude, I'm going to Ireland in a few hours. Nobody in Dublin or Wicklow or County Cork's gonna care what you tell me about Wyndemere. Ethan: You don't know that. Lucky: Oh, I do. Ethan: Okay. All right. Fine. Fine. There's a young woman living there. Lucky: What's her name? Ethan: Uh...I don't know that, either. She's skittish, okay? She's a little skittish. She's, uh, she's hiding out from someone or something, you know. Maybe she's a runaway. Lucky: Okay. Okay, she's a runaway. She's running from what? From who? Because you know Helena's probably around there. Ethan: Exactly. That's all the more reason to-- Lucky: To what? All the more reason to what? Ethan: To stick around and try to look out for this girl, you know? Lucky: How--how many times have we talked about this? You do not want to get tangled up with Helena. Ethan: Well, I'm not gonna hand someone over to her on a silver platter, either. Lucky: [Sighs] Okay. You don't know her name. Ethan: Uh-uh. Lucky: What do you know? What has this young woman told you? Ethan: [Laughs] Um, she actually hasn't told me anything. No, I mean, literally. She has not spoken a word to me yet. Uh, even with all of my wily charms and best coaxing, I don't know, I mean, I'm kind of halfway convinced that she just--she just can't even speak. Lucky: Ethan. Ethan: Hmm? Lucky: Do you know what this looks like? Ethan: What? Lucky: You're being conned. Ethan: Oh, come on! Lucky: No, seriously. Look in the mirror, man. Ethan: She's not conning me, okay? What would be the point? Look, we just--we just ran into each other, okay? I mean, she's--she's like a-a stray. She's like a lost cat. Lucky: Well, cats have claws. She might be looking for something or someone to sink them into. Ethan: Okay. [Both laugh] Look... Lucky: [Sighs] Ethan: Look...I'd like to think that not everything in life has a darker lining. Lucky: Since when? Ethan: Um... Lucky: All right. So, this whole thing you're telling me is about a young woman--and I dare to presume pretty, young woman... Ethan: Oh, yeah. Lucky: ...Who's lurking around in a--in a mausoleum. Ethan: Hey. It's a house. Lucky: It's a mausoleum. Ethan: It has a mausoleum, but it's a house, okay? And some rooms might actually turn out to be quite comfortable. Lucky: Well, that house and that family has a very ugly history with the Spencers, so you might want to think twice about putting your faith in anything you discover over there. Ethan: That's a little hypocritical coming from you. You put your faith in--in some stones on the ground in a cemetery in Ireland, and it saved your little boy's life. Lucky: Ethan...not everything is a game. You're in dangerous territory. And take it from someone who...nearly found out too late. [SCENE_BREAK] Ewen: We meet again. Elizabeth: What are you doing here? Ewen: Checking in with the acting Chief of Staff. Elizabeth: You're working at General Hospital? Ewen: Guest privileges. I'll be seeing some of my outpatients here. Elizabeth: You plan on lying to them like you did me? Ewen: I never lied. You made assumptions, an issue that's complicating your already-problematic life. Elizabeth: You misled me into believing you were a patient at ShadyBrook. It was very manipulative. Ewen: Ah. Not a pleasant feeling, is it? Elizabeth: If this is how you deal with your patients, it's a good thing we never had that session. Ewen: You were assigned to me, and I wanted to get to know you. Elizabeth: That's right. I was assigned to you. So you knew that I was a painter. Is that why you pretended to be one? Was there anything under that canvas other than a bunch of stick figures? Ewen: There you go again--making assumptions. Elizabeth: You used something personal, something that used to be very important to me to--to get me to open up and to say things that I-I-- Ewen: That you wouldn't say to your therapist? I meant what I said. Elizabeth: Which part? Type of tea you brew? The honey from stingless bees? Ewen: I think you would benefit from therapy. I could see you on an outpatient basis. Elizabeth: Well, I don't need a therapist, and if I ever do, I am certainly not coming to you. [Cell phone rings] Elizabeth: Hi, baby. Is everything okay? Cameron: Mom, Dad's getting ready to leave. Elizabeth: Okay. I'll be right there. [SCENE_BREAK] Matt: Maxie. Listen. Maxie: You know, you are so lucky that I couldn't find Robin, because I planned on telling her all about how you dissed me to suck up to Elizabeth. And believe me, Robin would have taken my side because some people know the meaning of "loyalty." Matt: Lower your voice, okay? I was not siding with Elizabeth. I don't think that you deserve to be slapped, okay? Maxie: That's funny, because you could have said something when Elizabeth was standing right there. Matt: I--look, she's going through so much right now, okay? I feel very bad for her. Maxie: Then great, Matt. Sympathize with Elizabeth all you want. Matt: [Groans] Listen. Can you listen to me? It's almost Christmas. I don't want us to be like this. Maxie: Yeah, well, you should have thought about that before you drop-kicked me in front of Elizabeth. Matt: Can I tell you something? Can I tell you something? Christmas is my favorite time of year. I don't want that to be ruined by us fighting, okay? Maxie: [Sighs] You know, when I was little, I used to love Christmas so much, but then for a while, my sister died, and after that, I don't know. I started to hate it. Matt: Okay. And how about now? Maxie: I guess I'm learning to love it again. I mean, I know it's crazy commercialized, but...it is all about tradition and reconnecting family. And I, uh...I helped Mac pick out all these ornaments, and they're pretty awful, but he loves them. Matt: Are they too colorful? Maxie: Let's just say that Emma told him that his entire apartment looks and sounds like the North Pole. Matt: Sounds? Maxie: Yeah, he always insists on playing all these Christmas carols, and he wants to read "The Night Before Christmas" all the time. Matt: Okay. So, out of the entire Christmas thing, what is your favorite part? Maxie: Hmm. I'd have to say waking up Christmas morning and having that feeling like I did when I was a child, believing that there's still magic in the world. Matt: Okay. You want to hear my Christmas wish? Just that I want to spend it with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: I'm sorry it took so long. I had a problem with my--my check and just--is Lucky upstairs with the boys? Ethan: Well, Cam is, uh, putting together a pirate ship he got for another Christmas present, and Lucky's on his way to the airport. Elizabeth: He didn't want to wait to say goodbye? Ethan: For what it's worth, I think he wanted to avoid hurting you. Elizabeth: He wanted to avoid hurting himself. Ethan: He told me what happened. Elizabeth: I guess you called it. He just needed to get away from me. Ethan: When I said that, I was way out of line. Elizabeth: No, not--not really. I-I did fake a breakdown. That kind of makes me the lowest of the low, doesn't it? Ethan: Lucky doesn't think so. Elizabeth: Well, it can't just end like this. He can't just walk away, I mean, 'cause that would make him the bad guy. He's got to come back, and he's got to tell me that he will always love the girl I used to be, right? Ethan: Lucky knows that...you were both at fault for what happened. Elizabeth: Yeah, but I was the one willing to lie and cheat to keep our family together. Ethan: What if you'd succeeded, hmm? What if you'd been able to keep Lucky trapped like Laura did with Luke? I mean, just going through the motions that --that--when he couldn't wait to get out? Elizabeth: So, what are you saying? That history is doomed to repeat itself? Lucky leaves, I stay, the love gets so painful that it becomes a burden, and eventually, I end up losing my mind? Ethan: It doesn't have to be that way. Elizabeth: You're right. It doesn't. Do you mind staying with the boys for a little bit? Ethan: No, but are you sure about this? Elizabeth: At this point, I'm not really sure about anything. [Door closes] [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: It was overwhelming to see the memorial today, and I just wonder if it'll ever be possible to visit that place and not feel the loss. Dante: I hope not. Lulu: I got emotional when we were walking back. Dante: I know. I saw that. Lulu: It's just--it's just that everything seems so normal and people were just going to get their coffee, and I'm sure that's exactly what it was like the morning that it happened. Everyone was thinking about the rest of the day, you know, and they were running late or worrying about whatever, and...I don't know. I just wonder if they knew it was their last morning, would they have appreciated life or called someone that they loved or... Dante: They didn't know. No one does. We just got to make the best of the moments we do have. Lulu: And stop counting the ways that we could lose each other and love each other in the moment. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: The first time I lost was--it was in Hawaii. Sonny: With Franco? Jason: Sam and I rented the same house that we did when I was sick, and, um...there was just something off, you know? I knew it, and I--and I felt it. Cameras. Franco was watching us the whole time. And when Carly and Shawn showed up to warn us, I should have sent Sam home with them that night. Sonny: Why didn't you? Jason: Because I made the--I made the wrong choice, Sonny, decided it was just another game, and I-I didn't want to overreact. Carly and Shawn left. I was gonna go up to Toronto to look for Franco. You know, Sam and I wanted to spend the last couple days...together. You know, she had this idea that we wouldn't spend more than 20 bucks. We surprised each other. I left the house wide open. Franco got his chance. Sonny: His chance? What do you mean? To do what? Jason: You know, Franco, um, he set a trap, and I walked into it. And that's-- and that's--that's when I lost it. I couldn't think. I couldn't come up with a plan. And I--and I just--I went crazy. I started hitting the walls. I started yelling at him to come at me. I was useless. Sonny: You blacked out? Jason: I don't--I don't know. Some of the--some of the things I can remember perfectly. Some--some things are a blur. Sonny: Obviously, you found a way out. Jason: No, he let me out. And he left a trail--a motel key. We went to the room. We found a girl dead on the floor and something new that he spray- painted on the wall. Sonny: Who was the girl? Jason: I have no idea. Sonny: Well, look, at least he didn't go after somebody that you love, right? Jason: I should have been able to stop him. Sonny: We--we all should be able to protect the people we love, keep them safe and everything. We want control. We want power. But...we lie to ourselves and say we can do it, but we can't. You're doing Franco's work for him. You're-- you're crucifying yourself for what he did, Jason. Jason: You don't know what he did. Sonny: Then tell me. What--what did he do? Jason: You know what? You're right. Business is first. Sonny: No, screw business. Screw business. Jason: [Sighs] Sonny: You're in trouble. I've been there. You know that. I've been to a point where I, you know, I couldn't even think. I want you to trust me to help you. What's going on? [SCENE_BREAK] Woman: Daddy's gonna be so excited to see you guys. [Chuckles] [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Can I have my cell phone back? Matt: [Chuckles] No. Not until you promise you will celebrate Christmas with me. Maxie: Well, it won't be much of a Christmas if I lose my job, 'cause then I won't be able to buy presents or--or--Matt, come on. Give me my phone. Matt: Okay. Fine. Under one condition. Can you meet my condition? That is you have to at least consider spending Christmas with me. Maxie: Well, that depends if you have a high tolerance for Christmas carols and awful decorations. Matt: No problem. There's no problem. I can do that. Maxie: Never mind. Elizabeth's back. You know what? She looks really sad. She could probably use your sympathy. Just please remember she's only trying to use you same way she did with Lucky. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Are you heading out? Ewen: That depends. Did you need something? Elizabeth: I thought about what you said. Ewen: Which part? Elizabeth: I need help. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Thank you. Lulu: I'm a glass-half-empty kind of person. I always see the downside before I see the good, so...the more that I fell in love with you, the more afraid I was that it wouldn't last. But...I think today put it into perspective, and it's a waste of time to worry about what might happen and let fear get in the way with happiness. Dante: We're gonna have our worries, you know. We just got to pick each other up. So, when you're scared, just hang on to me. Lulu: [Chuckles] Dante: I'm gonna hang on to you. Lulu: I really hope that you know I'm proud of you and what you do. And the risk that you take is just a reminder for me to treasure every moment because life is random and nothing is guaranteed and...I'm lucky to have this time with you. Dante: Do you mean that? Lulu: Absolutely. Dante: Then what--why wait? Let's get married now. | She assures him that she's ready to marry him and he suggests they do it right away. |
211 | Lauren: Let me go! You just-- Sheila: Do it, Lauren. You want to stop the voices. You want to be rid of me, don't you? Lauren: Please, God, yes. Sheila: Just do it. There's one way you can get rid of me. There's one way you can get rid of me forever. Just do it. Do it! Lauren: Aah! Michael: Hmm. She hasn't checked the messages. Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm. Michael: Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba. Hey, sweetheart, it's me. Where'd you go, see a movie without me? Look, wherever you are, hurry ho here without you, okay? Love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: (Grunts) Jack's voice: Brad married both of my sisters and Cassandra Rawlins, making himself one of the richer guys in town without breaking much of a sweat. His tentacles are reaching into your family, Nick. Keep your eyes and ears open. Nick: I'll leave it at that. Phyllis: The man is as good as his word. You said you were working out, and here you are. Nick: I wanted to blow off some steam. Phyllis: 'Cause I beat your butt so bad at poker? Nick: Ha ha. Who knew you were such a player? Phyllis: Yeah, who knew? I'll give you a chance to win your money back someday. Nick: I look forward to that. Phyllis: You know what the best thing was about the night? Nick: What? Phyllis: Seeing you enjoy yourself. Welcome back, Nick. We missed you. [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: Your set design is spectacular. You know, and the--the lighting that you described is going to create exactly the mood that we're looking for. Neil: You do realize these are just auditions, right? The set alone has already blown our budget. Dru: Can't we use the set someplace else, honey? Neil: Yeah, for print, maybe, but even so, the storage costs won't be worth it in the long run. Victoria: You know, Neil, as a producer for this audition, I thought you'd agree. The backdrop makes a tremendous difference. Dru: Right. Victoria: I know that Brad feels strongly about this. Neil: And, of course, you agree with him. Sharon: "A palette for every season, a color for every woman-- whether it's the luminous-- luminescence." I don't know why I keep doing that. I just can't seem to get my tongue around that word. Brad: Just relax. Take a deep breath. Sharon: (Exhales) I don't know. I'm--I'm nervous. I don't know why. Brad: Well, you have a lot riding on this. So does Newman Enterprises. Sharon: Yeah, I really want this spokesmodel job, and I know that I would be great if I could just get past this audition. Brad: You are going to do fine, okay? Just do what you did in Chicago. You blew those fashion editors away. Sharon: Well, that's because I had you with me. Brad: Well, I'm here with you now, aren't I? And I'm not going anywhere until you nail this sucker. [SCENE_BREAK] Ashley: Thanks for meeting me so late. Jack: Well, I've got to say, you have my curiosity. Ashley: Well, I didn't want to do this at the house. Dad doesn't need the stress. Jack: Because of your bizarre relationship with Tom Fisher, spawn of the devil? Ashley: This has nothin' to do with Tom. I need the name of the attorney you used when you split from Phyllis. Jack: What, you're thinking of divorcing Brad? Ashley: Thinking of divorcing him? What do you mean? We've been separated for months. It's time we made it official. Jack: Forgive my second guessing you here. Are you sure this is what you want? [SCENE_BREAK] Brittany: Sleep, little baby. I'm so glad your daddy got to see you today. Hmm. Joshua: (Coos) Brittany: When he walked through that door, I was sure we were finally going to be together. (Sighs) it was so hard to see him again and feel his arms around me... and then just let him walk away. J.T.: Hey, uh, Britt. Why don't you take a break? Let me hold the little guy for awhile. Brittany: Oh. There you go. Brittany: Thanks. You know, his daddy should be doing this, not you. J.T.: Yeah, I wish there were some way I could make this better for you, Brittany. Brittany: Bobby's the only one who can make it better. Brittany: Did he say something to you when you were alone? J.T.: I just--he just told me to watch out for you. Brittany: What aren't you telling me, J.T.? [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: I don't always agree with Brad, but in this case, he's right. We're going for a very highly stylized campaign. So wouldn't it be better to see our spokesmodel in this sort of setting? We could have somebody very wonderful, but all wrong for the look we're going after. Neil: Well, it seems to me the decision has been made. The money's been spent. I'll figure it out somehow. Victoria: You're the money wiz. You'll make those numbers work. I got to go. Got a big day tomorrow-- a full slate of candidates coming in. Dru: Let me see you out. Victoria: All right. Neil: Have a good night, Vicki. Victoria: I'll see you two bright and early. Dru: Take care. Okay. So, uh, I take it you don't approve? Neil: I don't want to see Brad or anyone spend the company's money unnecessarily. Dru: For crying out loud. He green-lighted a project. If you had issue with it, why didn't you come to me in the first place? [SCENE_BREAK] Sheila: Do it, Lauren. Come on, you can do it. Just do it, Lauren. That's right, you can do it. Lauren: (Crying) Sheila: Just do it, Lauren. It's the only hope you have. You want me out of your mind. You want to be free of me. Lauren: No, I told you, I have so much to live for. Sheila: You have nothing. Lauren: I have Michael. I have Scott. Sheila: Don't be stupid. Your son hates you. Lauren: No. Sheila: He hates you for abandoning him when he was a child. Lauren: No, no. I didn't abandon him. You stole him from me. Sheila: You shoved him aside. You stuck him into boarding school. Lauren: To protect him from you. Sheila: Oh, no, no, no. It's because you're too selfish to be a mother. You're too selfish to be of any use to anyone. You are useless. Your life is pathetic, and I will haunt your every dream, your every waking moment. You will never be rid of me. Lauren: Oh. Oh. Sheila: Do it, Lauren. Lauren: Oh. Sheila: Do it. Lauren: Oh. Oh. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: What, she forgot her wallet? Michael: And what movie gets out this late? (Sighs) (Telephone rings) Michael: Oh, okay. Hey, what movie did you go see without me? Yeah. Oh, no, hi, Gloria. Yeah, I thought you were Lauren. What? No, no. Uh, Scott and Kevin, uh, threw me a bachelor party. I just got in. What dinner with Lauren? No, no, I didn't know anything about that. Are you sure? No. Uh-huh. You know, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria! No, yeah, I got to go. Uh, she's on the roof, right? Bye. [Michael picks up note off the floor.]"Michael, I'm not here. Come to the roof. Bring your appetite. Bring all your appetites. Love you." (Chuckles) Michael: Doo, doo [SCENE_BREAK] Ashley: I would have thought that you would have broken your wrist trying to get the card out of your wallet. Jack: Don't get me wrong. I will be delighted the day Bradley is out of your life. Ashley: Well, fine. Could I get a name, please? Do you have one? Jack: Did he spur this sudden interest in divorce? Ashley: No, I told Brad that he'd be hearing from my attorney, but now that he's seeing Victoria, I'm sure she'd be a lot more comfortable if he were a free man. Jack: This isn't about what makes Victoria comfortable. This is about what you need, what Abby needs. You got to think about that now. Ashley: Believe me, Abby is all I'm thinking about. Her father is going to be dating her half-sister, and Victoria's not exactly thrilled to have Abby be part of the package. I mean, you heard what she said. Abby said she didn't think Victoria liked her very much. If that didn't turn my stomach, what would? Jack: So why cut the cord now? The moment you do, she's going to swoop in. The first person she wants, the first person she needs to have on her side is Abby. Before you know it, she's gonna be calling Victoria "Mommy." Won't that be fun? [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: I've missed being a part of things these past few months. Phyllis: Yeah, I know it's been beyond awful for you, but, um, you know, sometimes, you just have to cut loose. Nick: Tonight felt good. You know, I just hung out with the fellas and you and... Phyllis: Yeah. Nick: Played cards... kinda forgot about everything. Phyllis: Yeah, it felt good for me, too, to see you like that. It reminded me of the Nick I used to know, the Nick I worked with. You know, he could laugh at himself, didn't take things too seriously. Nick: I don't think that guy exists anymore. Phyllis: Oh. I think you're wrong. I saw a glimpse of that guy for, uh, just a couple seconds during the poker game. I want you to know you haven't lost your edge. Nick: Yeah, my, uh, killer instinct did me a lot of good against you tonight, huh? Phyllis: I'm not talkin' about cards, and you know that. I'm talkin' about the real deal. Getting back and doing what you're best at, what you were born to do. Nick: If you're talking about Newman Enterprises... the game has changed now. Phyllis: Well, then, change the strategy. It's not too late for you to get back into the fray. You were the dealer over there. You could gamble. You knew how to bluff. Get your desire back, Nick. Nick: Oh, yeah? Phyllis: Yeah. Come on, the guy I went to L.A. with, he was so driven and impassioned. Nick: I had a very strong reason to be driven on that trip. Phyllis: I know you did. So there's your answer. Find a reason to be driven again. Find--find a reason to be passionate about your work. Nick: I may have already. His name is Brad Carlton. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: I truly appreciate your help, Brad, but... if there's somewhere else you'd rather be-- Brad: Mnh-mnh. These auditions are my number one priority. Sharon: Well, still, I doubt you're coaching any of the other candidates. Brad: I don't know any of the other candidates. Besides, I'm here as your friend, not your boss. Sharon: Well, I just wish I felt more confident about this. Brad: Just be yourself. Don't overdo it. Sharon: Okay. You ready to try again? Brad: You bet. Now remember what you did in Chicago. You were natural, easygoing. That's how you're gonna win this thing. We want to feel like you just came up with these products in your kitchen. That's how familiar you are-- Victoria: I wasn't aware there was a private tutoring session going on in my office... but, you know, Bradley, it's only fair if you offer your services to everyone. [SCENE_BREAK] Lauren: I'm losing my mind. (Crying)I'm going crazy. I'm losing my mind. Sheila: Yes, yes, that's it exactly. It's a terrible fate being locked away in an institution like an animal, and you're treated even worse. I can tell you all about that, Lauren. What its like-- what your future will be like when they haul you away and lock you up like I was! Lauren: (Crying) Sheila: Make it go away, Lauren. Lauren: (Whimpers) Sheila: Make it go away, Lauren. Lauren: (Whimpers) Sheila: Make it all go away, Lauren. (Door knob rattles) Sheila: That's good. Make it go away. Make it go away. [SCENE_BREAK] Brittany: (Sighs) didn't Bobby tell you anything else? I mean, he must have told you something. Was it something he didn't want me to know? J.T.: Honestly, Brittany, I don't think he knows what's goin' on. It's pretty obvious that he's not in control of his life anymore. Brittany: But this wasn't supposed to go on and on. Who knows when I'll see my husband again? J.T.: (Sighs) J.T.: Is that your camera? Brittany: Yeah. (Camera beeps) Brittany: I asked Esther to take a picture of us-- me, Bobby and Joshua-- when we were upstairs. It's the only picture I have of the three of us together. J.T.: You mind? J.T.: You look happy. Brittany: Well I thought Bobby was going to take us away. Brittany: Damn it, J.T. I hate this. My whole life is on hold. If this keeps up, Joshua won't even know his father. How long am I supposed to wait? [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: Listen, um, whatever motivates you. I mean, go for it. It doesn't matter if it's Brad Carlton or... whatever... but the thing that does matter is that you don't waste your time. I mean, I think that-- that we sort of have a duty to make the best with what the good lord gave us. Nick: He gave me a son who needs me. This little time-out I've taken was very good for both of us. Phyllis: I understand that. I understand that, and you're a great father. I don't dispute that, but it's only one part of what you are, Nick. I mean, come on. Competition's in your blood. You know that. I saw that at the poker table when I was kickin' your butt. You hate to lose. Nick: That's true. Phyllis: Yeah, and, you know, when you were running Newman, you were at the top of your game. It was great there. You're not the kind of guy who's going to sit back and let somebody take over his turf. Nick: It's gettin' late. I'll see you around. Phyllis: Nicholas... don't take too long. [SCENE_BREAK] Ashley: Okay, you're trying to push my buttons, right? Abby is never going to call Victoria "Mommy." Jack: Don't be so sure. He's romancing her pretty hard right now. Ashley: Jack. Abby will never be a part of that, all right? That's why I want something on paper. Do you understand? Jack: Why a divorce? Why? You're better off now. You have more control now. Ashley: You know what? I love that about you. Jack: What? Ashley: Your whole view on life, Jackie, is about having control. Jack: Not my whole view on life. Ashley: 90%. Jack: Well, that may be fair. Look... you've got to think about Abby. Ashley: That's what this whole conversation's about, isn't it? Jack: Exactly. You give Brad a divorce, you give him the green light to build a relationship with a woman you just said is not good for Abby. God, at least make him sweat. Ashley: And what, exactly, will that accomplish again? Jack: All right. Never mind. Brad is going to run into a little glitch in the Victoria scene. Ashley: What kind of glitch? Jack: Would you believe junior never told her the two of you weren't divorced? A little fact he forgot to mention. Ashley: You think he's being deceptive? Jack: I don't think that's an option for him anymore. Ashley: What did you do? Jack: I told her the truth. If she's going to get in this deep with him, she ought to know her new boyfriend comes with a wife. Ashley: I really wish you hadn't meddled. Jack: I was doing what I thought was best for Victoria and you and Abby. Ashley: Yeah, right. I believe that. Jack: You know what? I don't think he's really interested in Victoria. I think he's interested in what Victoria can do for him. She's done plenty already. Let's see what she does now... now that she finds out that he's still married... and in no rush to do anything about it. Listen to me. Lay low, see which way the wind blows. Don't make any of this easy for Brad Carlton. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: Brad was just trying to help me feel a bit more comfortable with the audition material, because, you know, I'm... I'm a little nervous competing against all those people. Victoria: Oh, really? Well, you know, I always find that competition is a great motivator. If anything, it brings out the best in me. Sharon: Well, I'll keep that in mind. Okay, um, I'm going to head home, so if you'll excuse me, I want to get a good night's sleep before tomorrow. Brad: Sharon, just relax, okay? You'll do great. Sharon: I'm feeling better already, thank you. Brad: Good. Victoria: Good night, Sharon. Brad: See you tomorrow. Sharon: Night. Brad: So is everything set with Neil and Dru for the auditions tomorrow? Victoria: Yeah... though I am a bit concerned about Neil. I want you to make sure that he doesn't feel sidelined in any way. He's too valuable. We don't want to lose him. Brad: I totally agree with you. We want everyone in on this thing 100%, right? This person's going to be the face of the new line. We can't let petty grievances get in the way. Victoria: Mm-hmm. That's exactly what I was thinking, which is why I've made a decision. This selection process has to be totally objective so that neither you nor I will have any final say in who the spokesmodel is. Brad: Really? [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Well, somebody forgot to unlock the roof door. Oh. Oh. Sorry, sweetie, I-- I didn't get your note until, uh... Lauren: Over there. Over there. Over there. (Crying) over there. Michael: What? What's goin' on? Lauren: Over there. Lauren: Over there. O-over there. (Crying) Lauren: Look over there. Do you see her? Michael: Sweetheart, there's nobody over there. Lauren: You can't see her. Michael: No! Lauren: No! Michael: What happened? Lauren: No! Michael: What happened, sweetheart? Lauren: No! Get away from me! Michael: Lauren, Lauren, stop it! Stop it! I'm not letting you go. Stop it. Lauren: No, I can't take this anymore. Michael: Lauren, what happened, what happened? What went on up here? Who did this? Who did this? Lauren: Get away from me! Michael: Lauren, its Michael, it's Michael. Look at me. Look at me. It's Michael. It's me. Sheila: (Laughs) Lauren: Oh! Aah! No! No! Michael: What? What? What? Lauren: God, enough, enough! Michael: It's Michael. Lauren: Get away from me. Michael: Honey, it's me. Lauren: No! No. No. Michael: What's wrong? What's wrong? Please, sweetheart, it's me. Lauren: No, no. (Cries) Michael: I've got you. I've got you. It's okay. It's Michael. Honey... [SCENE_BREAK] Ashley: So you think that Brad is really just using Victoria? Jack: Well, it wouldn't be the first time. Ashley: That's not very nice. Jack: Oh, come on. If you don't see him for the opportunist he is by now-- Ashley: Maybe you're just a little biased, huh? Jack: Yeah, maybe. First Traci, then you-- Ashley: Don't start. Don't. Jack: Cassandra Rawlins in between. Ashley: Don't. Stop right there. Jack: A little good luck-- Phyllis: Hey, hi. Am I interrupting? Jack: How are you? Ashley: No, your timing's perfect. Phyllis: Good. Jack: Where have you been? Phyllis: Well, give me a kiss and I'll tell you. Jack: Eww. Sorry, no offense, but... Phyllis: Do I still smell like an ashtray? Jack: Yeah. Why? Phyllis: Oh, I was at, um, Michael Baldwin's bachelor party. Ashley: Oh, don't tell me you were sneaking cigarettes while you hid inside the cake. Phyllis: Um, I wasn't inside the cake. Ashley: Just kidding. Phyllis: Yeah, I mean, although I was very entertaining, taking all the boys' money in poker. Jack: Ooh. That's my girl. Phyllis: It was great. Poker, you know, cigars, martinis-- it doesn't get better than that, does it? Jack: Okay, so how much did you win? Phyllis: You promise not to tell the I.R.S.? Jack: Ooh, that much? Good girl. Phyllis: That's right. So drinks are on me. What do you want? Jack: I'm full. Phyllis: We'll toast to Michael and Lauren's happiness together, blah, blah, blah, you know. Ashley: Yeah, they're a good couple. I hope they're happy. Phyllis: Me, too. So what do you have? Ashley: Um... you two enjoy. I've got to run. Good night, Phyllis. Phyllis: Good night. Brr. What... Jack: Oh, I just gave her a little information that didn't sit too well. Phyllis: About what? Jack: I think she's finally realizing that Brad's an opportunist and always has been, who'll do anything, including use his daughter, to get what he wants. Phyllis: Oh. Mm-hmm. Hey, um, can I ask you somethin'? Jack: Yeah, shoot. Phyllis: Um, how-- how long are you gonna talk about Brad Carlton? Jack: Why? What's gonna happen if I keep talking about him? Phyllis: Watch carefully because I'm about to show you. Jack: Okay. Stop. Stop. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: So why the sudden change of heart? I thought that's one of the things you loved about being the top dog-- making the big decisions. Victoria: Well, this person is going to be our new public face. She's gonna be responsible for millions of dollars worth of sales. And it's not a decision that I feel like taking lightly or in any way arbitrarily. Brad: I could help you make the right choice. Victoria: Brad, look, I've already made up my mind. I've hired a market research firm, and they're going to be testing the candidates using focus groups, and then we'll go with whoever tests highest. Brad: I don't know, Victoria. I don't think it's wise to leave that decision to outsiders. They don't know the company. Victoria: Which is exactly why I think it's a good idea. This way, no one can accuse us of favoritism or nepotism. Brad: Are you sure that's the real reason? Or is it that you don't trust me to be objective? [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: A cool climate body lotion helps you create your own environment. That's the beauty of nature. The beauty of na-- Nick: I couldn't have said it better myself. Sharon: Nick. Hi. Nick: Hi. Is Noah asleep? Sharon: Yeah. Um, Miguel told me he was exhausted. Where have you been? Nick: Believe it or not, I was at a bachelor party. Sharon: For whom? Nick: Michael Baldwin. Kevin and Lauren's son Scott threw it for him. Sharon: Oh. Wow. Nick: So what have you been doing, just rehearsing all night? Sharon: Uh, yeah. I mean, I-I just got home from the office. And Brad gave me some great tips for my audition tomorrow. Nick: Brad, huh? Sharon: Uh-huh. Yeah, he's running the whole thing. Nick: I guess I would've thought that Neil and Dru would've run it. Sharon: Well, I guess it was Victoria's decision. Sharon: Anyway, um, I'm a little nervous. You know, I don't want to come across like I'm really rehearsed. I want it to seem natural. Nick: All right. Well, then why don't you give me this, and, uh, in your own words, tell me why this lotion is so special. Sharon: Okay, um, here, I'll just--I'll put some on. Sharon: Um... okay, well, it goes on really light. And it doesn't have a greasy residue. And it's just... it's really silky. See. Feel. Nick: It is silky. I bet it would feel even better on your legs. What do you say? I could give it a shot? [SCENE_BREAK] J.T.: Brittany, I wish I had an answer for you. Brittany: It's one thing not seeing Bobby for months, but to get my hopes up like this... J.T.: The guy's life isn't his own anymore, Brittany. He's doing the best he can. Brittany: Yeah, and how long am I suppose to live like this? I never wanted to leave Genoa City, never see my friends again.... but Bobby said this was the best thing for us. So I agreed to go along with it. We had a plan. And now all I have our doubts. I don't know what to believe. J.T.: And Bobby seemed pretty desperate to see you. He risked a lot. Brittany: Well, if I had known he was going to take off like that, I would've followed his car. J.T.: And put your life and his in danger? No, Brittany. Brittany: Damn it, J.T., what about our marriage, our family? When did those ever come first? [SCENE_BREAK] Neil: Honey, this line is your baby. I realize that and I wish I could be more supportive, but I have a fiduciary duty to the company. Dru: Do not tell me that you're thinking about going to jabot. Sweetie, listen, do you know how much you mean to me over at Newman? The way we sit across from each other, just lookin' at each other. Neil: (Laughs) Dru: And we're able to talk about the business without it interfering with our marriage. Neil: Mm-hmm. Dru: I don't wanna lose you, too. Neil: You miss her, don't you? Dru: Yes, and so do you. Neil: Yeah. Wow, despite all we got goin' on, there's this empty place in my heart without lily around. Dru: Yeah. Neil: Drucilla... ah, I miss her moodiness... Dru: Yeah. Neil: I miss her messy room, her mess in the living room, not doing the dishes, late night computer sessions, you know? Dru: All the things that drove us crazy. Neil: Until they're gone. Dru: Baby, listen, we made the right decision. She's thriving at boarding school. Neil: Doesn't make it any easier. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Okay, okay, you've made your point. You've made your point. Come on. Phyllis: Thank you. Meaning we can table your favorite subject. Jack: Hey, come on. I have a plan and its working. And I thought you were part of it. Phyllis: Only because you wanted to think I was part of it. Jack: Oh, what was going to Neil and dropping a bug in his ear? Phyllis: Temporary insanity. Jack: Don't tell me that. You had a ball. No one enjoys a scheme more than you do. Phyllis: (Sighs) if I admit you're right, will you promise not to talk about Brad for the next 12 hours? Jack: The thing is, it's working. Yes, there's a zig here, a zag there, but its working. Phyllis: Did you-- did you notice my booty zigzagging out of here? If you didn't, I can demonstrate it again for you real slowly. Jack: Wait, wait, wait, just give me a break. I got through to Neil and Nick in one night. Phyllis: That's a coincidence, because I just had a little run-in with Nick Newman. Jack: You don't say? What did you two talk about? Phyllis: You have already filled his mind with dire thoughts about Brad the impaler. It's obvious. Jack: You didn't contradict me, did you? Phyllis: Would I double cross you? Jack: I'd like to think not. Phyllis: He's taken your words to heart. Jack: Music to my ears. Phyllis: The only music I'm interested in listening to is the sound of sweet nothings being whispered into my ears by you. And if I don't get that soon, I'm out of here. Jack: God, you're a turn-on when you're like this. Phyllis: Leaving you high and dry? Jack: Why is it we always want most that which we can't have? Phyllis: Oh, you can have me. Just play by my rules. Jack: Remind one more time, what are your rules? Phyllis: Oh, okay. No talking about Bradley or business when we should be doing this. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Listen, listen, no, Lauren, look at-- Lauren: No, no, I gotta go. I gotta go! I gotta go! Michael: It's Michael. It's Michael! It's Michael. Look at me, look at me, look at me. It's Michael. It's me. I'm here. Can you see me? Can you? Look, see? See? Lauren: Michael? Michael: Yes. It's Michael. Lauren: Michael. Michael: It's Michael. That's right. That's right, it's me. Lauren: Oh, God. Oh, God, you gotta go. Michael: Lauren, no. There's nothing wrong. Lauren: She's gonna get you! She's gonna hurt you! Michael: Who? Who? Who is she? There's no one here. Lauren: She's here. She's here on the roof! Michael: There is no one here. You keep saying that, but it's just you and me. Look around you. It's just you and me. Lauren: I saw her. Michael: It's me. Look, it's Michael. I'm the only person here with you. Just look at me. Look at me. There's no one, honey. Lauren: She's... Michael: It's all... Lauren: She's in here. I'm... I'm... Michael: Honey, its okay. Look, you know, this is just a breakdown. It's-- you'll be fine. I'm here to help you now. I'm here to help you. Lauren: I'm losing my mind. Michael: It's okay. No, no, you're fine. You're fine. I got you, baby. I got you. Lauren: I'm losing my... Michael: It's okay. [SCENE_BREAK] J.T.: Brittany, it is what it is. Now you can make things worse or you can choose to accept that that's how it is right now. Brittany: That's easy for you to say. J.T.: Britt, you know you're welcome to stay here. In fact, Jill would be pretty happy if you did. You don't have to plan everything around Bobby. Brittany: That's the problem, J.T. Bobby is my life. If he weren't, you think I'd sit around here and wait? J.T.: No, princess, you'd be long gone. Brittany: You bet I would. But I love him. Neither one of us had an ideal childhood. That's why it's so important for us to be a real family. J.T.: Yeah, I know it is. And I'm not in the middle of this thing like you are. But I can see that Bobby loves you more than anything. And he'll do whatever it takes to be with you. Now just hang in there. Brittany: (Sighs) I'm trying. But it's hard, you know? J.T.: Come here. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: I'll bet that standing up all day demonstrating products is very tough on your feet. Sharon: Mm-hmm. Yeah. Keep rubbing, keep rubbing. Nick: Its helping, right? Sharon: Mm-hmm. It feels like heaven, Nick. Nick: So what other products in our line have you tried? Sharon: Um, well, there's this really incredible sunscreen. Nick: Sunscreen's good. Sharon: Oh, and then we have this bath oil. Nick, it is so amazing. It's right over there. Nick: Bath oil, huh? Sharon: Mm-hmm. Nick: I wonder if this could double as a massage oil. Sharon: I guess it could. I don't know. Nick: Are you telling me you haven't tried it yet? Sharon: Well, I haven't had the time. I just like the way it smells. Nick: Sharon, I think we owe it to our consumers to at least give it an in- home trial. Sharon: When? Nick: Now. [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: Brad, I know you would try to be objective, but this way, no one is offended if they're not chosen. Brad: And by "no one" you mean Sharon. Victoria: Well, she'd be a lot happier if she earns the job rather than getting it through favoritism. Brad: I don't think it's favoritism you're concerned about. Victoria: Well, if you really believe in Sharon's abilities so much, then you'll trust that her performance will hold up no matter who's judging her. Brad: What I believe in is your passion for this project and your instincts as C.E.O. Victoria: Thank you. I appreciate that. Now we better, uh, call it a night. We both have to be up early tomorrow. Brad: I thought we could grab a late dinner. Victoria: Well, I'm sorry, Brad. You remember what I said? I'm not really comfortable seeing you outside of the office just now. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night. Brad: Night. [SCENE_BREAK] Lauren: (Whimpers) Michael: I got you. It's all gonna be fine. (Cell phone rings) Lauren: (Gasps) aah! Michael: What is it? Lauren: No, make it stop! Please make it stop! Michael: Sweetie, okay, I will, I will. I'm gonna make it stop. I'm gonna make it stop. Look, this is Michael. Listen to me, listen to me, I'll make it stop. I will. Whatever it is, I'm gonna make it stop. I can do that. I can. Lauren: Honey... Michael: It's me. Lauren: I don't wanna die. Michael: I'll make it stop. Lauren: I don't wanna die. Michael: Honey, you're not gonna die. You're not gonna die. I'm not gonna let you die. All right? You just trust me. I'm the only one here. It's Michael, and I love you. Lauren: Michael... Michael: Come on. It's gonna be fine. Lauren: I... (Cries) Michael: It's okay. Come on. Sheila: Oh, my perfect plan. I was so close, so close. But I'll be back, Lauren... because I'm not through with you, not yet. [NEXT_ON] "The Young and the Restless"... Brittany: I'm calling about my husband Bobby Marsino. (Gasps) Gloria: Tom? Tom: Put the old man on. Sheila: That damn boyfriend of hers has to show up and just snatch victory right out of my grasp. There's no justice! | Michael was waiting for Lauren to return home, but is confused was to why her wallet is still at the house if she is out |
212 | Elizabeth: Mm. [Sighs] [Chuckles] Franco: Oh, thank you. [Both laugh] Elizabeth: Don't thank me. Franco: No, I'm saying thank you for -- for sending the kids to Audrey's house. Why? What did you think I was thanking you for? Elizabeth: Okay, just stop. Just stop. Franco: No, no, no, no. Oh, I see. You thought I was thanking you. Elizabeth: Already? Franco: Already. Elizabeth: Again? Franco: Why not? We don't have jobs. Okay. Nothing else to do. [Both chuckle] Franco: I do think it's really sexy that you're pretending to be sick, so that you can help the nurses. Elizabeth: [Chuckles] Franco: I do. Even though they're totally gonna close the hospital right out from under you. Elizabeth: No. [Cell phone ringing] Franco: Who would call while we're trying to have sex? Elizabeth: [Chuckles] Should I answer it? Franco: No. Elizabeth: I should. Franco: Oh, God. Elizabeth: Let me go find out. [Laughs] [Ringing continues] Elizabeth: Hello? Monica: Oh, I'm so glad I got you, Elizabeth. I need you to, uh, come in to work tonight. Elizabeth: [Sighs] Monica, I'm sorry, but you know I can't do that. Monica: No, yes, you can. You all can 'cause General Hospital has been saved. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia Jerome: The Quartermaines saved the hospital. You failed me. Julian: The board voted not to sell? Olivia: Exactly. I don't have GH. I don't have the one thing that I truly, truly need. [Knife clicks] Olivia: I blame you. [SCENE_BREAK] Curtis: Oh, good, you're here. We got to talk. Jordan: Okay, hold on. What the hell do you think you're doing just barging into my office? Curtis: Uh, I'm solving the Morgan Corinthos murder, okay? So look, as it turns out, Julian -- Alexis: Guys, guys, guys, you got to help me. It's -- it's my daughter Sam. She's in trouble. Jordan: Alexis, just calm down. Tell me what's going on. Alexis: You're working with Jason, right? Did -- have you told her anything? Curtis: N-no, I was just about to. Jordan: Tell me what? Curtis: Well, that the person responsible for the bomb in the car that killed Morgan Corinthos... Jordan: Yeah? Curtis: ...Is Julian's older sister, Olivia Jerome. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: You are a crappy brother! You tried to kill me 20-some years ago, and you botched that up. Then you promise me you're gonna get me General Hospital, and you botch that up, too. Julian: How could I have predicted whatever the hell just happened? Olivia: And you didn't do it because you care about me or because you love me or because I'm your sister. I had to threaten to kill everybody you love in order to get you to lift a finger to help me. Julian: Oh, that kind of makes you a crappy sister, as well. Olivia: [Exhales sharply] [Sniffles] And then you tried to kill me again. That's strike three. You...are out! [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Nelle, what happened? What's wrong? Nelle: Michael, I've done something terrible. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Carly, let's just go home. Carly: Why does being in Nelle's apartment make you so anxious? I mean, you're the one that stopped by here, right? Sonny: It just feels like it's an invasion of privacy, Carly. Carly: You know, we wouldn't want to cross any boundaries or hurt anyone's feelings. I mean, it might offend Nelle to show up and find us here. I understand that because it sure as the hell offends me that you've been screwing her. Sonny: Carly, can I just say that -- Carly: I want you to look me in my face, and I want you to admit you slept with Nelle. Sonny: Yeah, I slept with her. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Tell me she's gonna be okay, Jason. Jason: She's fine. Yeah, you did it, didn't you, honey? I knew you could do it. Look at you. Look at you. You are so beautiful. You're just like your mom. You're so strong. Hey, Sam, you ready to see our daughter, huh? Sam? Sam! Sam, honey, wake up. Sam! [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: Olivia Jerome is alive? Alexis: Liv. She goes by Liv Lowry. Curtis: Yeah. And, uh, here is a picture of what she looked like in 1990 when she's supposed to have died. I think we need to put out an APB. Jordan: On a dead woman? Alexis: Sam is missing, and I think that Liv has her or has done something to her. Jordan: What makes you think that? Alexis: Because Jason told me that she didn't come home last night and that Sam texted him and said that she was staying at my house, which wasn't true. So no one has seen or heard from her since yesterday. Now, I met this Liv this afternoon, and -- and she had a bruise on her cheek. Curtis: Hmm. Bruise. Like someone hit her? Alexis: Yes, I think that's possible. I didn't know Sam was missing at the time, and I tried to text Sam during the meeting, and she -- and she got me to hold off on that. Then she left, and all of a sudden, her phone shows up in my purse. Jordan: That's good enough for me. Is there anything else that I need to know? Curtis: Uh, yeah, just what I was telling you earlier, that, uh, you know, Julian's big sister is the one that's responsible for Morgan Corinthos' death. Alexis: She's been hiding in plain sight. She's been masquerading as my AA sponsor. Jordan: Did Julian know about this? Alexis: I don't know. I-I thought I introduced them for the first time a few weeks ago. Curtis: That's exactly what I've been trying to tell you. Julian's been taking orders from his big sis for who knows how long. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: I just don't think you want to do this right now. Olivia Jerome: Are you kidding? [Chuckles] I've wanted to do this for decades -- to gut you like the bottom-feeding fish that you are! I have to keep my eye on the prize, though. Julian: And what prize is that? Olivia: Oh! All of the effort, all of the work, all the things that I made you do. [Sighs] I have to go a different direction. Julian: Great. I'm onboard. Olivia: [Scoffs] Are you really? Julian: Yeah, absolutely. Olivia, you just tell me. What direction? [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Say no more. I'm gonna make some phone calls, and I'm on my way. It worked. The sick-out worked. [Chuckles] The hospital found another solution, and now -- Franco: The nurses are back. Elizabeth: The nurses are back! Franco: Okay. Elizabeth: [Laughs] Franco: What about the staff? Elizabeth: Oh, I don't know. I'll find out all the details from Monica when I get there, which is unfortunately... Franco: Yeah, I know. Elizabeth: ...Right now. I have to leave right now. Franco: I got that part. Elizabeth: But I promise I'll make it up to you when I get home. Franco: I look forward to that, but I'm coming with you. At the very least, I got to figure out what time I'm working tomorrow. To new beginnings, huh? Great new beginnings. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Take it easy, okay? Whatever's gone wrong, we can fix it. Nelle: No, we can't. Definitely -- definitely not "we." Michael: Why don't you let me be the judge of that? What's this terrible thing that you did? Nelle: Michael... Monica: Michael! Oh, I'm glad I ran into you. Michael: What can I do for you? Monica: Oh, not too much. I'm just crazy busy right now, but I wanted to thank you for everything you did for this hospital. Michael: Oh, I didn't -- I didn't do that much. Monica: Oh, yes, you did. Your stalling gave Finn the time to save the hospital. Well done. Michael: Thank you. Monica: Well done. I'll see you later. Michael: Okay. Monica: Bye, Nelle. Nelle: Bye. [Sighs] Michael: So... Nelle: [Sniffles] No, you first. How -- how did you save the hospital? Michael: Well, first of all, I-I-I didn't -- I didn't do anything. There -- there were three votes. Um, first one was a tie, then they brought someone in for a tiebreaker. We lost. But, uh, then, a miracle happened. Nelle: What -- what miracle? Michael: Well, you know how, uh, Dr. Finn developed a cure for a rare disease named, uh, Blackwood's Syndrome? Nelle: Yeah, yeah, he's one of our premium guests at the hotel, so I've -- I've heard something about it. Michael: Yeah, so he sold a patent to a pharmaceutical company named Biospen. And he gave the proceeds to the hospital. And, uh, we had a new vote. Here we are. Nelle: Wow. And the stalling your grandma was talking about? Michael: Yeah, I had to, uh, tap dance for like 15 minutes to give Finn enough time to finalize the deal. I never talked that long about nothing in my life. Nelle: [Chuckles] Uh, you stepped up, like always. You're such a good person. Michael: So are you. Nelle: No, Michael, I'm not. And that -- that's... [Voice breaking] That's why I have to go away. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: It happened on Thanksgiving. I was drunk. I was grieving for Morgan. I was drowning in my own pain, and I thought that you and Jax were getting back together. And [Sighs] You didn't want to have anything to do with me. So it just -- it happened, you know? Carly: It doesn't just happen. It doesn't just happen. And it's not like it just happened once. Sonny: It was just once. Carly: Don't lie to me! I know about the flowers. I know about Nelle seeing a married man, so don't stand there and lie to my face! Sonny: Okay, any -- any flowers that Nelle got, they weren't from me. Carly: Oh, my God. Sonny: And we -- we didn't have an affair. Carly: I'm not gonna stand here and play this game because I don't have to, Sonny. I don't have to because I have proof. Sonny: Let me see it, then. Carly: [Sniffles] Nelle: Maybe we should just tell her the truth, you know, that we slept together. Sonny: No, no. That's not gonna happen. Carly: How's that for proof? Sonny: That bitch set me up from the start. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Sam? Sam, please, I-I need you to help me. The ambulance is on its way, but I need you to wake up, Sam. Sam, wake up, Sam. Sam: Jason? Jason: Hey, honey. Sam: Hey. Jason: Hey, there you are. You went away for a while. [Baby crying] Jason: I know. Baby. I know. [Baby crying] Jason: She's fine, sweetheart. Sam: Are you sure she's gonna be okay? Jason: She's fine. Look at her. Come take a look. Sam: Ohh. Jason: Come here. Sam: Let me see. Jason: Can you see? She's beautiful, just like her mama. Sam: [Chuckles] Jason: You did good, honey. Come here. Sam: [Sniffles] [SCENE_BREAK] [Elevator bell dings] Monica: Ah, welcome back! Elizabeth: How in the world did this happen? Monica: Well, Dr. Finn sold his patent for the Blackwood's cure and saved the hospital. Franco: Wow. Good things do come in dark, moody packages. Elizabeth: I'm speechless, though I'm sure Hayden is quite pleased. Monica: And quite busy. That's why I'm trying to get the nursing staff up and running as soon as possible. That's why I called you in on such short notice. I wonder, could you do graveyard shift in ER tonight? I mean, you don't have to do the whole shift, but -- Elizabeth: Oh, please, I've never been happier to cancel my plans. Franco: Oh, oh, hey, now. Monica: Oh, thank you. Elizabeth: Well, you know what I mean. Franco: Yeah. [Chuckles] Okay, so, uh, GH scheduling -- when are you gonna put me back on the schedule? Do I start tomorrow? Monica: Um, no. Franco: Okay. So when? Monica: Probably never. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Whatever you've done can't be so bad you have to leave town. Nelle: It is. I told you I was a bad person. Michael: Okay. Now you have to be a little bit more specific. Nelle: [Sighs] Look, I'm ashamed of myself. Look, my friend Leanne, she's -- she's sick, okay? She's very sick back in Atlanta. And I feel terrible. Michael: Okay, I'm sorry to hear that, Nelle, but why should you feel ashamed? Nelle: Because she's -- she's bent over backwards to help me a thousand times, and I was too busy with my life here to be a good friend in return. She begged me to go back to Atlanta multiple times, and I just -- I didn't because -- Michael: Because you were busy helping me and my family. Nelle: You know that your mom would have let me go back if I had asked, but I didn't because -- because I only want what I want. And -- and now I see how wrong I was about that. Anyway, uh, Leanne texted me, and she is -- she's much, much worse, and I feel guilty. So I've been doing the wrong thing, Michael, for way too long, and I have to go back to Atlanta, okay? That's that. Michael: Okay. I'm going with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Nelle set you up? Sonny: You think she just happened to have a recording of that conversation? Carly: I will ask her. Believe me. But -- [Scoffs] She may have recorded your conversation. That doesn't change what happened. Sonny: That was made after we... Carly: Screwed? Sonny: So she sleeps with me, has the -- the frame of mind to record our conversation. That doesn't just happen. Carly: Oh, come on, Sonny. Come on. Sonny: She's setting -- she's setting it up! Carly: Really? Sonny: I'm telling you, she's -- she's doing that to both of us. She is playing both of us, Carly. Carly: It sounded like to me that she wanted to come clean, and you stopped her. Sonny: She dangled wanting to tell you, but she knew I was gonna stop her, so she recorded me. It's a trick. Carly: I-I can't believe this is happening. Sonny: She say -- did she tell you about the affair, or what -- Carly: No, no, no, she didn't tell me. Sonny: Okay, so why did she record the conversation? Carly: I don't know! What does she want? And I don't care! She's not gonna get whatever she wants because she's a liar and a cheat just like you! Sonny: I-I admit I'm -- I'm -- you know, I'm not innocent here. But Nelle is spinning this, Carly. Carly: I don't want to talk about Nelle. I want to talk about you -- my husband. [Voice breaking] How could you do this to me? How could you do this to us? How could you do this to our marriage, Sonny? [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Take her. Jason: I got her, honey. Sam: No, Jason, you have to take her to the hospital. Take her someplace warm. Jason: Okay, I need you to hang on. I'm gonna carry -- Sam: No, you need to save our baby. Jason: I'm not leaving you here, Sam. Sam: Jason, you have to leave me down here. Jason: The paramedics are coming. I'm not leaving you here, honey. Sam: You promised me. Jason: I'm gonna break that promise. [Baby crying] Sam: Jason, please, I will never forgive you if you don't save her and go now. Jason: That's fine. I can live with you not forgiving me, but I'm not gonna live without you. Sam: Ohh! Jason: I can't live without you, honey. Sam: Aah! Jason: Listen to me. Your kids need you. I'm gonna get us out of here. The paramedics are on their way. What's happening? Sam: Ohh, I don't know. Tired. Jason: Sam? Sam: Ohh. Jason: Sam. [Baby crying] Jason: Okay. Sam: Oh, Jason. Jason: We got to go, honey. We got to go, honey. [SCENE_BREAK] Franco: I-I know that I've done some unforgivable things to your family. Monica: Yes, you have. And for that, I probably will never forgive you. Franco: Fair enough. Monica: But if I thought you were a danger to my family or to any patients in this hospital, you wouldn't be here. Not at all. Franco: Okay. Do you think that I do good work? Monica: I think you do excellent work. Franco: But you will not allow me to continue to do that excellent work. Monica: This is a purely financial decision. Now, General Hospital was in the red long before Dr. Finn's gift. Franco: [Clears throat] Monica: Now, we have enough money to keep the hospital running and a -- and a full compliment of nurses, but -- Franco: Not a luxury like art therapy. Monica: A lot of the services have to be dropped, including the art therapy. Now, maybe sometime down the road, we'll bring it back. Franco: [Chuckles] In the meantime, you know, I got bills to pay. I got stuff I got to buy. I got -- I got -- I got someone I really want to hang out with. Monica: Okay, well, there are some positions that are open and have been open since before the crisis that you can check up on. Otherwise, good luck. Franco: X-ray tech. Sonogram specialist. I'm not -- I'm not qualified to do any of this. [Sighs] Monica: Maybe it's a sign. Maybe you should go back to being an artist full- time. Franco: I can't. [Chuckles] Art's no longer a viable source of income for me. Any serious work would be sucked into the civil suit that's pending against me. All my assets are frozen. Elizabeth, what am I gonna do? [SCENE_BREAK] Nelle: I don't think that -- Michael: I'm not gonna interfere when you see your friend, okay? I just -- give you some time to talk, and we'll spend some time together. Nelle: That's exactly what we need. Michael: Yeah. Nelle: Just -- just time by ourselves to talk things out. I-I know that if I had more time, that I could just explain things. Look, okay, if we're gonna go, we need to go now. Michael: Okay. All right, great. Yeah, let me, uh, reserve the jet, and I'll let the office know I'll be gone. Nelle: Call the office? Michael: Yeah, don't worry. I'll be able to get away. I just have to stay in the loop while I'm gone. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: I told you I was drunk. I don't -- I don't -- I really don't remember what happened. Carly: Oh, that's convenient. Really convenient. Sonny: I thought you were gone, that you weren't coming back 'cause that's what you said and -- I was so down after Morgan. Carly: [Sighs] So was I. Sonny: I didn't -- I didn't -- I didn't, uh... I thought that you didn't want to be with me at all, and I thought that you had gone back to Jax. And I-I'm not blaming you because you -- you thought I was responsible for Morgan's death. And I thought I was responsible for Morgan's death. [Voice breaking] And I was carrying around a lot of stuff, you know? Carly: So what you're saying -- you just had a weak moment or something? Sonny: I was -- I mean, I was wrong, you know? I made a mistake. Carly: [Sniffles] Sonny: But Nelle didn't. Carly: What does that mean? Sonny: Well, if she -- if she made that recording, that means she was gonna use it. So she was really setting us both up, Carly. [SCENE_BREAK] [Baby crying] Sam: Ohh, Jason, I'm still bleeding. Jason: It's not that bad. It's not that bad. Sam: Ohh. Jason: Sam. Sam: No, take Scout. Jason: Shh, shh. Sam: Take our baby, Jason. You don't have a choice. Go. Jason: Okay, Sam. I need you to listen to me. You're gonna have to hold Scout, okay? I'm gonna carry us out of here. Listen to me, Sam. I need you to hold this baby. I'm gonna pick you up and carry you out of here. But you can't go back to sleep. I might not be able to make it, so, Sam... Sam: Okay. Jason: ...Listen to me. We're doing this. You ready? [Baby crying] Jason: Here. Sam: Okay. Jason: You got her? Sam: I got her. Jason: Okay. We're getting out of here. [Sirens approaching] Jason: You ready? Sam: Mm-hmm. [Groaning] Jason: [Grunts] I love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: Liv, you want to build condos, I'll help you build condos. You want to deprive a community of its hospital? Hey, listen, I'm no philanthropist. We'll just pick another hospital. Olivia Jerome: Ohh. You don't understand anything, do you? This was never about buying General Hospital or building condos. Honestly. Condos. Julian: Okay, then. Olivia: It wasn't even about getting a valuable piece of real estate. It was about this specific piece of real estate. Julian: Liv, what is so important about GH? Olivia: It's not the building. It's what lies beneath. [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: If Olivia Jerome was responsible for the bomb that killed Morgan, then she's been in Port Charles since October, at least. Curtis: That's why Julian's been sweating the last few months. Alexis: Whatever relationship that Julian had with Olivia before, he's terrified of her now, I'll tell you that much. Jordan: We need to locate her. Curtis: Thank you. Jordan: Okay. If you can get her to call you, then -- then we can use the cell towers to trace her location. Curtis: Now, how close can you get? A few blocks, a few miles? Jordan: With our equipment, almost exact location. If we're lucky, she might be able to give up some information before we pounce on her, that is if you can keep her on the line. Alexis: She put the phone in my purse knowing that I would find it. She's not gonna pick up if I call. Curtis: Okay, wait. She's posing as your sponsor, right? Alexis: Yes. Curtis: So if you were to have a moment of crisis, then -- Jordan: She would be your first call, right? Alexis: [Sighs] Curtis: And -- and it's only been, what, an hour or two since she slipped Sam's phone in your purse? Alexis: A little longer than that. Curtis: Okay, then she may not have realized that you -- you're onto her. She doesn't even know if you found the phone, so I think it's worth the risk to reach out. Alexis: Set it up. I'll do it. Whatever you say, whatever you want, I-I just want to find my daughter. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Hey, we're over here! [Breathing heavily] [Siren wailing] Sam: Jason, I hear sirens. Jason: Yeah, I know. They're here, baby. We're almost home, honey. Sam: I love you. Jason: I love you, too. Don't you ever ask me to leave you again. Sam: Okay. Jason: Okay? Just hold on a little bit. Sam: Okay. Jason: Just hold on. We're almost there. We're almost there. No. No. Sam. Sam, listen to me. Sam. Hey! She needs help! [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: Okay, I'll bite. What, um, lies beneath GH? [Cell phone ringing] Olivia Jerome: [Sighs] Oh, it's Alexis. She must have found that little gift I left in her purse. Julian: Oh, don't tell me it was a purse bomb. Olivia: [Chuckles] Kind of. Julian: What, you seriously targeted Alexis? Olivia: No, I couldn't have targeted Alexis. I didn't do that, for crying out loud. I just took Sam's phone and put it in Alexis' bag. [Ringing stops] Olivia: [Laughing] Really. You should have seen the look on your face. [Cell phone beeps] Olivia: Oops. Voicemail. Shall we listen to the voicemail together? [Cell phone ringing] Olivia: It's her again. Has she always been this big of a pain in the neck? I wonder if she's trying to confront me or trick me. Julian: Only one way to find out. Olivia: Oh, it's most certainly a trick. Julian: [Sighs] You know, if you were as, uh, smart as you think you are, you'd answer that phone. Only way to find out if the police are onto your situation. Of course, you know what, you're probably right. Probably is a trap. And you ought to think about leaving town. Olivia: [Chuckles] [Chuckles] You wish. [Ringing continues] Olivia: Knowledge is power. Liv Lowry. Alexis: Liv. Thank God you picked up. Olivia: Alexis. You sound terrible. Is something wrong? Alexis: I really -- I really need to see you. I-I think you may be my only hope. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: I have to get to the ER, but sometime tonight, you are gonna tell me everything, okay? Franco: Okay. Elizabeth: It's gonna be okay. [Pin clatters] [SCENE_BREAK] [Elevator bell dings] Monica: Oh, hey, hey. Michael: Um, oh, so it turns out that I'm gonna be gone for a couple of days. I'm taking Nelle to visit a sick friend in Atlanta. Monica: Oh, I'm sorry, Nelle. Nelle: Thank you. Uh, Michael, can I borrow your phone? My battery's just... Michael: Yeah, one second. Okay. So I-I wanted to go over a couple things with you before I go. Monica: Sure. Nelle: I just need a few hours. That's all. Just a few hours alone with Michael far, far away. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: So Nelle's been playing us all along. All right, so this would be all my fault, then, because I'm the one who invited her in, and I'm the one that kept her close because I wanted to think the best of Josslyn's donor. It's my daughter's kidney donor, Sonny. Sonny: I never said it was your fault. Carly: No, it's not your fault either, right? Because you were drunk and you were broken and -- and -- and there she was playing you, and you played right into it. Did you stop for one second and think that you were throwing away what you had left of your family? Sonny: Like I said, I-I didn't -- I don't remember anything about that night. It's like I blacked out, and I woke up and she's laying next to me. And all I can think about was you and the kids -- how badly I'm gonna hurt you. And I didn't -- I didn't want to hurt -- hurt you anymore. I didn't want to cause you any more grief and pain than you were already suffering. So I did -- I went against every instinct that I have, and I covered it up. I didn't -- [Sighs] I made a mistake, and I'm sorry. I played... right into Nelle's hands. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia Jerome: Your only hope? Wow. Sounds serious. Alexis: Well, I'm -- I'm having a real crisis here, Liv. It's -- it's about Sam, my daughter. Olivia: What happened to Sam? Alexis: I can't find her. I-I-I don't know where she is. I haven't heard from her. Jason hasn't heard from her. We just got this text, and, uh, the text -- well, it just didn't make any sense. Olivia: Have you tried calling? Alexis: Yeah, I've been calling. It goes right to voicemail. Olivia: Where are you? Alexis: I'm in front of a liquor store, and I-I'm really afraid I'm gonna -- I'm doing everything I can not to go in. So can you meet me there? Olivia: I can't come there right now. And you are not working your program. Your only hope is your higher power. Alexis: Yeah, well, I-I'm gonna need some help finding it. I -- please, I-I-I need you to meet me there, Liv. Please. Olivia: Find a meeting. Call me later. I'll do everything I can to get there. I promise. Alexis: But... Olivia: Bye. [Click] Olivia: She's onto us. Julian: How can you be so sure? Olivia: Because she said she was in front of a liquor store, and there was no traffic noise, no pedestrians, nothing. [Sighs] She's also pushing this, "I'm a drunk in a crisis thing" way too much. Julian: Well, you do know her daughter's missing, right? Olivia: Yeah, so why don't we just wait around here for the cops to come and arrest us? We need to regroup, wrap things up, and move on to the next level. Julian: And what level is that? [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: We got it. We got the location. Alexis: Good. Let's go. Curtis: Okay, great. Where are we going? Jordan: Uh, you are staying right here. Both of you. Curtis: I'm gonna tail them. You want to go with? Alexis: Oh, let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Nelle: Hey, our flight leaves soon, so we got to go now, okay? Michael: I was gonna use the ELQ jet. Nelle: For personal use? Isn't that kind of embezzle-y? Michael: Fair point. Nelle: Okay, well, we got to go now. Michael: Do -- do you have my phone on you? Nelle: Uh, it's in my bag, all right? We'll -- we'll find it later, okay? We just need to hurry. We got to go. Michael: All right, let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: I want to make sure I understand this. So, um, you slept with Nelle once. Sonny: Yeah. Carly: On Thanksgiving. Sonny: Yeah. Carly: So you've been lying to me and keeping this from me for months. Sonny: I told you it was a horrible mistake. Carly: Right. Um, and now you're saying Nelle set you up. Sonny: I know she did. Carly: Because of the recording? Sonny: Well, I just found out about that right now, but I've known something about Nelle since before Christmas -- the way she's always hanging around, making excuses to come by, hinting that she's dating a married man, so I-I-I asked her about it. Carly: You questioned her? Sonny: She said she slipped up with you trying to cover, but she wanted you to figure it out, Carly. Carly: Yeah, she's really diabolical. Sonny: Hmm. You said something about flowers, right? Carly: They were delivered to the Metro Court. The card was signed "S." Sonny: Come on, Carly. H-h-how long have you known me? 20 years? In all that time, do you think I'm stupid enough to send flowers to a public place and -- and put my initials there so everybody can see it? It was a set-up. And there's more. Carly: What do you mean, "there's more"? Sonny: That day you came by -- you and Nelle -- for Morgan's foundation. You told her -- you told her to go up to the bedroom. Carly: [Scoffs] Yeah, she must have loved that. Sonny: Yeah, she loved it a lot 'cause she, uh -- she planted her bra I-in my bed. Carly: What do you mean she planted her bra in your bed? Sonny: That was the day that I broke house arrest, went after Ava. Remember, you came over. We went upstairs. Carly: Yeah, don't talk about sleeping with me in the bed you screwed Nelle in. Sonny: I straightened out the bed and found the bra, and I knew it wasn't yours and I said to myself, "Oh, okay. She's gonna go this far." So I went to Nelle, and I confronted her. I told her to back off. That's probably when she decided to use the recording. Carly: [Sighs] I believe you. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Hey, you're still here. Franco: Yes, I want to fill this out before I leave. You know, application. I don't want to -- yeah, I want to be first in line. Check it out. Elizabeth: You want to be a janitor? Franco: Totally underrated profession, just like being an artist. Elizabeth: Here in the ER? Franco: Yeah, that way I get to hang out with you. Don't look at me like that. You do the nursing. I'll do the sweeping. Elizabeth: Oh, you're gonna love cleaning up medical waste. Franco: Are you trying to talk me out of applying for this job? Elizabeth: No, not -- not if this is what you want to do. I just kind of have a hard time believing -- Franco: All I want is to be with you. That's all I want. And, okay, look at it this way. You know [Clears throat] I had no idea that I was gonna love helping people with my art. But it's been remarkably gratifying. But it started out as just a job, you know? I didn't know it was gonna be my calling. I didn't know it was gonna bring me to you. Elizabeth: I'm glad it did. Franco: Me, too. And hanging out with you -- you know, if I hadn't been doing that, you know, I probably wouldn't have been motivated to change. And I like the changes that I've made. I'd like to keep them. So, you know, if I have to sweep some floors or handle some medical waste to do that, then that's what I'm gonna do. I know it sounds dumb. Elizabeth: No, no. It doesn't. It sounds like you know what you want, and you know why you want it. And if you do get this job, then I am gonna be just as thrilled to hang out with you as you are with me. [Gurney clatters] Doctor: What do we got? EMT: Delivery in the field with a large amount of blood loss. Hypothermic from exposure all night. BP's 52/35. Heart rate at 130 and thready. Here's that. Uh, infant's showing signs of cold stress with retractions and nasal flaring. Jason: She was in labor when I found her. I had to deliver the baby outside. Doctor: Elizabeth, call the NICU and get a neonatologist down here and tell them to bring a radiant warmer. Jason: I'm not gonna leave you. You're gonna be fine. I'll be right there with you. You're gonna be all right. You're gonna be okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: Go. Curtis: Too late? Jordan: I thought I told you two to stay in my office. Curtis: Look, you were always complaining I never listen to you, so this shouldn't be a surprise. Officer: Bathroom's clear. Curtis: You think the cell phone call tipped them off? Jordan: Maybe. Either way, she got out ahead of us. She could be anywhere right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: She wasn't breathing at first, but once she started, she seemed okay. Doctor: We'll get her upstairs and run a complete exam. Sam: No, no, no, Jason, go with her. Jason: No, no, I'm staying with you. Sam: Go with her. Please. Jason: No, I'm not gonna leave you. I'm gonna stay with you. Doctor: Let's get her to exam room 1. Jason: Okay, I'll be right here. I'm not gonna leave you. I'll be right here. Doctor: Wait here. Wait here. Jason: No, no, I need to be with my wife. Elizabeth: Jason, let the doctors -- give them room. We'll be out. Franco: Hold on, hold on, hold on. Jason: Get your hands -- get your hands off me. Franco: Let the doctors do their job. Jason: Don't get between me and my wife. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: You believe me? Carly: I believe there was something going on with Nelle before Christmas. And I believe that she sent herself flowers. And I believe that she planted her bra in your bed. And I believe that she was playing us. I also believe that you knew about it for months, and you did nothing to stop this. Sonny: I told you why I didn't say anything. Carly: See, that's what I don't believe. You weren't trying to spare me, Sonny. You were trying to spare yourself. So you kept your guilty little secret. You kept your mouth shut while that little slut worked her way further and further into our family. You let me depend on her. You let me trust her, when, the whole time, she was a lying bitch, and you knew about it. Sonny: What was I supposed to do, Carly? Carly: You could have told me! You could have told me. You could have told me the morning after it happened, but you didn't. You chose to lie about it. Sonny: Okay, if I told you, would you have understood? Would you have forgiven me? Carly: Well, we'll never know, will we? Sonny: No, I guess not. Carly: No, we won't. We'll never know. You lied. And you let me believe in this future that we were going to have -- something that's never going to happen now. And that hurts worse than knowing you slept with that slut in the first place. No, don't touch me! That's not gonna work, man. That is not gonna work this time. Sonny: What do you -- what do you want me to say? I-I-I'll say anything you need me to say. I'll do whatever you want. Carly: Nothing to say. It's all on the recording, you know? I want you to leave me the hell alone. Nelle: [Gasps] Carly: [Sighs] [NEXT_ON] Michael: Did something happen? Carly: You could say that. Elizabeth (to Jason): I have an update on Sam. Jake (to Franco): Sam and the baby aren't okay, are they? Tracy (to Finn & Hayden): Don't tell me that the thrill is already gone. Laura: [Screams as the car alarm blares] | Meanwhile, Nelle tells Michael that she has to leave town |
213 | [Rumbling] Miguel: Ok, look, I'm going to protect you, ok? It's just an earthquake. Ok, this is crazy, the Bennett house isn't even moving. The earthquake's only hitting Tabitha's house. Miguel: What's going on here? [SCENE_BREAK] [Rumbling] Kay: Oh! How did my spell go so wrong? Oh, my gosh. I have to stop it! I need Tabitha's help! [Rumbling] Tabitha: Oh, I just love the Fourth of July. Kay: Tabitha is gonna kill me when she finds out I stole her spell book. Ah! Oh, my -- oh, my God. Ok -- I said this right! "A love that is true, as strong as the timbers that hold up the walls." I did not say "a love that caused the walls to shake!" What -- what am I gonna do? Tabitha: Ow! Have we got wasps in here again? What in Hades is going on here? Kay, have you been practicing magic again? Kay: Who, me? [SCENE_BREAK] Simone: Was that lightning? Noah: Wow. Maybe there's a storm coming. Paloma: Isn't this great? A late-night burger feast with Jessica at your house. I'm so glad she's home. Simone: Yup, and I got her a veggie burger. Noah: Did you happen to get any onion rings in there? I have a feeling she likes onion rings a lot. [Laughter] Noah: They're her favorite. Paloma: You're a liar. Onion rings are your favorite. Noah: You know, a man's gotta eat. Simone: See, this is so nice and normal. Paloma: Well, normal isn't exactly the right word. Not with all those dead bodies piling up. Simone: Well, at least things are looking a little more positive. I mean, we know that Spike must have been the one that killed those johns and buried them in that deserted lot and not Jessica. Paloma: It was so stupid of him to leave fingerprints at the scene. Except for DNA, that's about the best evidence there is. And maybe it's not enough to hold up in court, but it connects him to the crimes. Noah: Hey, it's a start, right? And with any luck we will find some more evidence, there's got to be some out there, and we will put him in jail and we will prove that Jessica is innocent, and then she can go and have her baby in peace. Simone: Ah, Spike behind bars. Just think of it. You know, I will be so glad when she is done with Spike once and for all. Noah: You and me both. But for right now she is safe and sound at home, thankfully. [SCENE_BREAK] Spike: Jessica! Jess! Woo! Oh, man, it's a good thing you only drank a little bit of that stuff. The drug I put in there must have been a lot stronger than I thought. Yeah, babe, but you'll be out cold long after I'm finished with you. It's a real shame that things had to end this way. You know what they say -- one door shuts, another one gets picked open. At least for me. Ah, baby, but for you the door's gonna get shut for good. [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: Wait, wait -- I always get turned around in this hospital. Look, there's a map over there. Fancy: Ok, we've gotta find Dr. Smith. He's the one who ordered the original blood work on the blackmailer, so he should know the identity of the blackmailer. Sheridan: I don't see Dr. Smith's office anywhere on this map. Fancy: Ok, so let's find a nurse and ask. Sheridan: Hold on, I've gotta fix my shoe. We've gotta find this blackmailer so that we can save Luis and clear his name and save him before he's executed. Fancy: Ok, would you please hurry up? This thing is always one step ahead of us. We have got to find Dr. Smith before the blackmailer can stop us. [SCENE_BREAK] Dr. Smith: I know your file is in here. I saw it just the other day. Blackmailer: It must make for interesting reading. Dr. Smith: Yes, it does. Ah, here it is. What are you doing? Blackmailer: What I should have done long ago, doctor. Kill you. [SCENE_BREAK] Simone: You know, this has been going on for so long, I almost lost hope. But Jessica might actually have a future now. Noah: Might? Come on, with all the information we have on Spike, we can keep him away from her for good. Then -- well, you know the first thing I want to do, actually, is take Jessica to a doctor, get her checked out. Paloma: Oh, yeah. She's not getting any prenatal care at all and that's dangerous. Noah: Well, let's hope for the best. And then we can take her and put her back in school. Simone: She was always such a good student. You should have seen her back then, Paloma. You wouldn't have known her. You know, actually she was a little too perfect, it was kind of irritating. She was a real goody-two-shoes. Paloma: [Laughs] Noah: I don't understand how this all happened. It's a good thing Spike's going to jail because I could kill him. Paloma: He's a devil, using all those drugs to keep her under his control. Noah: Threatening to take Jessica to the police for a murder she didn't commit. Paloma: Oh, and he threatened us, too. Noah: Well, thank God he's out of our life for good. Simone: Yeah, but look, while we're all yakking, she's probably starving, and this food is not getting any warmer. Noah: Well, blessings on the inventor of the microwave. Jessica, we're home! Simone: Jess, it's burger heaven in here! Paloma: Jessica! Noah: She's gotta be here, right? Oh, no. [SCENE_BREAK] Spike: Oh, it's just gorgeous here. [Inhales deeply] Ah, pine air. Lets you know you're alive. Spike: Oh, baby. You always look so beautiful when you're quiet and aren't whining about something, honey. Hey, you know what? We haven't gotten it on in the back seat in a long time. What do you think, huh? One more for old times' sake, huh? Actually, honey, I can't. I got some stuff I have to do. But look, I'm gonna be back in a few minutes, ok? But hey -- no peeking. I don't want to spoil the surprise. [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: Hello? Hello, is anyone here? Fancy: Where is everyone? Why isn't there a nurse on duty? Sheridan: They must all be out on rounds. Fancy: Oh, it's Father. Ever since he cut hospital funding, they've been short-staffed. We've gotta find Dr. Smith now. It's our best hope of saving Luis. Sheridan: I know, I know. We have to save Luis so he can get back to his old life. Fancy: Why are you looking at me that way? Sheridan: I was just thinking about us. I mean we're working together now, but... once we save Luis, we'll be at each other's throats again. Fancy: Bring it on. Sheridan: Oh, come on, Fancy. I love Luis and Luis loves me. Everyone knows that. Fancy: Ok, here we go again. Aunt Sheridan, everyone except you knows Luis has moved on. You told him to. Now, if you don't get that through your head soon, you're gonna end up back in your padded cell. Sheridan: All right, that is enough out of you. Because Luis and I are soul mates. We are great loves. We have spent many lives together. Fancy: I repeat -- padded cell. Sheridan: I pity you. Luis' love for me is eternal and you just can't compete with that. Fancy: God, you are so selfish. You really are your grandfather's daughter. Sheridan: I am not the one that took lessons at his knee year after year after year -- Fancy: At least I've never looked the other way while someone's life was in danger! You wanted that creature to kill me tonight so you could have Luis to yourself. Sheridan: Oh, not this again. Fancy: And even now, when we are finally so close to being able to help Luis, all you can do is think about you, you, you. You don't deserve Luis, Aunt Sheridan, you are far too self-centered. In fact, if there is any justice in this world, you will spend your life completely alone. Sheridan: Ok, now you listen to me -- Fancy: No, enough! We are wasting time. Now I don't know about you, but my priority is to find Dr. Harold smith, I.D. the blackmailer, and save Luis. As usual, your priority is, hmm, yourself. So, why don't you go find a mirror while I get to work. You can have a nice conversation with your favorite person. Sheridan: What are you doing? Fancy: What does it look like I'm doing? We can't just sit here and wait for a nurse to come back. We have to find Dr. Smith now, before it's too late. Sheridan: Fine. [SCENE_BREAK] Dr. Smith: Stop it! You're acting crazy! Blackmailer: Oh, don't say "crazy" to me. Au revoir, doctor. Give Alistair Crane a hug for me when you see him in hell. Dr. Smith: No, I won't. Look, you don't want to do this. Blackmailer: No, I don't? Dr. Smith: No, you don't. Look, I know you're in a lot of pain, but killing me is not going to make it go away. Blackmailer: There's only one way to find out. Dr. Smith: Hey! This is therapy, right? Remember our sessions? Remember the sessions. Blackmailer: What about them? Dr. Smith: Look, you made a lot of progress there, right? Think about the techniques. Take a deep breath. Think calmly. Remember, when you're in a stressful situation, you respond with appropriate behavior, right? You don't give in to your need for violence. Blackmailer: Do I have to listen to more of your psychiatric mumbo-jumbo? Dr. Smith: No, no, but you do have to listen to what you yourself have said. Now come on, take a look, you're acting out right now, aren't you? Blackmailer: Perhaps. Dr. Smith: No, no perhaps. You are. But it's ok, because a lot of patients do that. You know, this outlandish behavior is just a cry for help. Blackmailer: Who says I'm outlandish? Dr. Smith: Ok, all right, maybe that was a poor choice of words. But it doesn't matter. The point is, you gotta rise above your base nature here, all right? I know you're in pain, I know you're suffering, I know you got a lot of deep wounds. But these wounds will not heal by damaging somebody else, ok? It just does not work that way. Blackmailer: Says who? [Laughs] Oh, doctor. The look on your face. I must thank you for everything I've learned in our sessions. I did take in everything that you've said and did exactly the opposite. Yes. Oh, and you can't believe how great I'm feeling lately. When I act out, I have power. I have control. I've unleashed hell on my tormentors and when I'm finished, everyone will be sorry for what they've done to me. Everyone! [SCENE_BREAK] [Rumbling] Miguel: Ok, look, the house is just shaking, ok? It's shaking a little harder, it's getting worse, but we're gonna be ok, right? Ok, listen, listen, Mommy's inside, ok? Mommy's inside and we have to go inside and save her, ok? Ok, just hold on to me. Hold on to me, ok? [SCENE_BREAK] [Rumbling] Tabitha: Kay! Look what you've gone and done! Kay: I'm sorry. Ah! Tabitha: Sorry? Sorry just doesn't cut it. I warned you about practicing magic on your own. You sneaky Pete! You stole my spell book right off my lap! [Skeleton laughs] Tabitha: Oh, shut up, Marvin. I can't even hear myself think. Oh my, this whole place is about to go up in orbit. Kay: I know, I know I was wrong, but please can you just help me stop it! Tabitha: Bell, book, and candle, yadda, yadda, yadda -- oh, I see where you went wrong. Kay: Well, can you fix it before anything worse happens? Miguel: Kay? Where are you, are you ok? Tabitha: I think it just did. [Rumbling] Miguel: Kay? Are you upstairs? Maria: Mommy? Miguel: I'm coming to get you! Kay: Oh, oh, my gosh. Miguel can't find me like this. Do something. Tabitha: Oh, it's always the same, isn't it? Let dear old Tabitha clean up your mess. Maybe I should go and have a nice cup of cappuccino and a scone at the Book Cafe and let you just get on with it! Kay: No! Please, Tabitha, help me! Tabitha: Do you finally admit that you have no control over your magic? Kay: Ah! Tabitha: Oh! Kay: Yes. Tabitha: I didn't hear you, dear. Kay: I said "yes, I'm sorry." Tabitha: Oh, well sorry is as sorry does. Kay: What? Tabitha: Oh, never mind. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Spirits. Spirits! Spirits of the earth, spirits of fire, babblings of a foolish mortal have opened up the evil portal! Kay: You don't have to rub it in. Tabitha: Oh, shh! I know her drivel has made you chortle -- oh, give me another word to rhyme with chortle. Kay: Hurry up! Tabitha: Mind your manners! Spirits, spirits -- behold! I will send you an offering of unholy smoke if you'll just cut us some slack here. Tabitha: Oh, there, there. Oh, they love all that Ozzy Osbourne stuff. [Rumbling intensifies] Kay: Tabitha, you made it worse! This whole house is gonna come down! Miguel: Ok, hold on. Hold on, baby. I'm gonna keep you safe, all right? [Rumbling] Kay: Tabitha, please try and convince them to stop. Maria is downstairs. Tabitha: So is Endora! Kay: Well, then hurry! Tabitha: I'm thinking, I'm thinking! Spirits, spirits, will you please stop this? Listen, listen, if you stop, I'll make you a special batch of my famous homemade chocolate chip cookies! Miguel: Kay? It's all right, I have Maria, ok? Maria: Mommy? Mama? Tabitha: Oh, oh demons. Demons, please, please -- anything you want, but don't pull my house down. Kay: Tabitha, it's not working! It's making it worse! Tabitha: Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better! Will you stop interrupting? I'm trying to think of a good bribe here! Oh, hey, hey -- spirits, spirits, listen to this. Every other day, for a month, I'll send Endora down to the basement, yeah? That means -- that means endless games. Chutes and Ladders, tic-tac-toe, endless nursery rhymes and playing hopscotch, hide-and-seek, but best of all, you'll be able to dance the hokey-pokey with her until your heart's content. How's that? [Rumbling intensifies] [Hokey pokey plays] [Kay and Tabitha scream] Kay: Tabitha? Tabitha: Yes, dear? Kay: Oh, Tabitha, Tabitha, you did it! Oh, thank God! Tabitha: I told you not to use that word in my house. Kay: Ugh. Oh, I'm just so glad you stopped the spell. Tabitha: Yes, well, actually you can thank Endora. Those fiends from hell can't get enough of my little demon. Kay: Oh, I know who to really thank. Miguel: Kay? Are you all right? Kay: Yes, I'm fine. Why? Miguel: What do you mean "why"? Did you not just feel the entire house shaking? Kay: Ah, ah, um -- oh, I thought that was like a big truck that drove by. Gosh, did you see all that heat lightning? Looks like there's a storm coming, huh? Miguel: You ok? Am I going crazy, baby? Huh? Kay: I'm kind of in the middle of something. Is there any way you could put Maria to bed for me? Miguel: Yeah, uh, ok. Honey, this entire house was shaking, wasn't it? Tabitha: Well, dear. I hope you've finally learned your lesson. This sorcerer's apprentice act is getting extremely tedious. Kay: I know. Tabitha: Why do you keep disobeying me? Why? Don't ever, ever, ever try to do that again, ok Kay? Kay: Mm-hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Paloma: Jessica's not upstairs. Noah: She's not down here, either. Hold on a minute. [Phone rings] Paloma: Oh, no, she left her phone and her purse here. Simone: No way a girl leaves the house without her cell phone. Noah: Unless she didn't leave alone. Paloma: Noah, this isn't yours, is it? Noah: Ah, no. Paloma: Then you know what happened. Simone: Spike. Noah: Spike was here. And now both he and Jessica are gone. [SCENE_BREAK] Spike: Man, baby, you've really put on the pounds since last time I kidnapped you. I bet it's that baby, isn't it? By the way, I don't give a damn what you say -- there's no way that kid's mine. Think about all those johns. The kid could be anybody's. It might even be that freaky half-and-half's child. That is not cool. Right down, honey. There you go, sweetheart. There you go, honey. Whoo! Oh, boy. Honey, I should have bought a six-pack. Anyways, sweetheart, listen. I want you to stay all comfy and cozy, ok? I gotta go get your new place ready for you, all right? Spike: And, hon, I don't want you to worry, all right? It's not gonna take long. Just gotta make sure it's deep enough. Like, maybe six feet? [Laughs] Yup, don't want any damn squirrels coming along and digging things up. [Laughs] [SCENE_BREAK] Fancy: Oh, damn! This computer isn't working, either. Nurse: What do you think you're doing? You can't just sit down at my computer -- I'm calling security. Fancy: I am security. I'm Harmony P.D. and we have urgent business. I need you to locate a Dr. Harold smith immediately. Nurse: Dr. Smith? I don't know him, and you're not going to find him on the computer. All the computers are down. Sheridan: Well, then where? Fancy: Please, nurse, it's important. Is he still with the hospital? It's a matter of life and death. [SCENE_BREAK] Dr. Smith: Stop it, you're out of control. Blackmailer: Oh, I revel in it. I never knew joy until I learned to hate. Dr. Smith: That is not a mature choice. Blackmailer: Oh, you and your namby-pamby morality. I've been living in hell- on-earth all my life. It's lonely there, doctor. I want company. I'll make them pay, all of them, pay for the way they've persecuted me for being just a little bit different. Dr. Smith: I am truly concerned about you. Blackmailer: No, you're only concerned about you. Dr. Smith: Ok. Ok, that, too. But I'm still your doctor. Look, don't you get it? If you give in to this -- this hatred and this need for revenge, it's gonna destroy you. Blackmailer: Nice try, Dr. Freud. But save your psychobabble for someone else. I've waited years for my revenge, and now the time of glory is at hand. Dr. Smith: A rational creature reserves revenge for an enemy. I'm a friend. I've always been a friend. Blackmailer: I know, doc. And you've been swell. But you're also a problem. You know way too much. And you know what they say. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Dr. Smith: Put the weapon down. Blackmailer: Oh, I will put it down. Very soon. [SCENE_BREAK] Tabitha: I must admit, I am impressed with the strength of your powers. But I have to insist that you do not attempt to cast another spell without my supervision. It's just too dangerous, Kay. I mean, I could've been out. Your little stunt today could have -- could have -- could have destroyed this whole house and your father's house next door. In fact, the whole town could be a pile of kindling by now. Tabitha: Hey! What are you doing? Kay: I'm sorry, Tabitha, I have to try again. Tabitha: You are mad. Kay: No, just in love. Tabitha: Same thing. Kay: I have got to find a spell that will make it so Miguel and I can be together. I'm sorry, Tabitha, I can't lose him. I can't. Tabitha: Haven't you learned anything tonight, dear? You almost brought this whole house down with all of us in it. Kay: I know, but that's just a risk I'm gonna have to take. By hook or by crook, I will make Miguel mine. Tabitha: Fasten your seatbelts. Looks like it's gonna be another bumpy ride. [SCENE_BREAK] Nurse: Yes, there is a Dr. Harold smith associated with the hospital. I don't know him personally, but it says he's part of the psychiatric staff. Fancy: Figures. Nurse: I'll call downstairs and see if he's on call tonight. Sheridan: Get his home number if he isn't, we have to reach him one way or the other. Nurse: Sure, sure. Gloria? Honey, it's Marjie. Do you have a Dr. Harold smith on call tonight in the shrink-wrap department? [Whispers] Our little joke. He is? Sheridan: [Whispers] Yes! Marjie: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Fancy: Ok, hurry. Marjie: Uh-huh! [Laughs] Thanks, Gloria. So, how are the kids? Did you force Tina to take that stud out of her tongue? I was on the phone. Fancy: Yeah, it's police business. Now, where is Dr. Smith? Marjie: Well, assuming he's not out on the wards checking on his patients, you'll find him in his office on the eighth floor, room 820. Sheridan: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Dr. Smith: Stop it, come on! I got a wife and kids. Blackmailer: Sorry, doctor. You should've picked a safer specialty. Dermatology, maybe? Dr. Smith: Look, I am on your side. I've always been on your side. Look, I'm not gonna tell anyone anything about you, you know that. Blackmailer: I do know that. Once your heart stops beating, you'll never tell a soul what you know about me. Dr. Smith: Trust me, I'm a doctor. Talking to me is just like talking to a priest. Blackmailer: Oh, bad simile. I don't trust priests either. Dr. Smith: Don't kill me. Please, don't kill me. [SCENE_BREAK] Paloma: I can't believe Jessica has gone back to Spike again. Simone: No, no way, not this time. She knew that I was just running out to get some food. Anyway, she was happy when we realized that Spike must really be the one who killed those johns and buried them in the deserted lot. Paloma: So, Spike must've forced her to go. Noah: This isn't good. Look, we were just shooting our mouths off to Spike and he knows we're on to him. Simone: Yeah, and you told him that you found his fingerprint. Paloma: Oh, no, he must be getting nervous. I can't imagine what he might do to Jessica. [SCENE_BREAK] [Spike grunting] Spike: You know, it's really a shame that things had to end this way. I mean, you're so damn hot. Well, actually, used to be. Till you turned into a prego porker. Yeah. Oh, baby. You know what? I never really saw myself as a married man, you know? With a wife and kiddies. But after I blackmailed you into marrying me -- and this is gonna sound really dumb, but I used to have this fantasy all the time, you know? About how life could be for us some day. You know, it's the usual. You know. Little house, white picket fence. Then you, coming home after doing a few easy tricks, give me a big fat kiss, then going to make dinner. Then in the summertime, when it was still light outside, I'd take the little kids out and teach them how to pick pockets and shoot their first guns. Then, of course, we put those little monsters to bed and we have it out in the bedroom like never before, honey. Get wasted and, of course, watch porn. Yeah, baby, that's the American dream. But that dream is dead now, honey. And that's too bad. I mean, it wasn't like you got on my nerves all the time, right? Just -- just most of the time you did. And that stupid brother and damn friends of yours. I mean, you wanna blame someone for the fix you're in, blame them for their snooping. You see, I could have let you keep living, but they're on to me. Don't you understand? They know that I killed those johns! And let me tell you something, baby. The Spike-man ain't going to prison, ok? No way, I'm way too pretty, honey. I wouldn't last a week in there. So that's why I gotta do this. That's why you have to die. But, as they say, I guess it's time for your dirt nap. [SCENE_BREAK] Tabitha: I've always known mortal minds are weak, but you take the cake. You know magic is dangerous and yet you still continue playing with fire. Why don't you take up smoking while you're about it? Kay: Look, I have to do this and there's nothing you're gonna do to stop me. Tabitha: Is that a threat? Well, that's very nice, I must say. All right, go ahead, blow us all up. You'll be sorry. Kay: Oh, here! Perfect. Oh, I can cure Fox's disease and bring Miguel back to me all at the same time. Tabitha: Oh, well, this I have to see. Kay: Oh, this is easy. All I need is a big scarf. Kay: Oh, scarves. Scarf! Ok. Kay: Erase the barriers and take them away! Tabitha: Well, you're no Isadora Duncan, dear. Kay: Erase the barriers and take them away! Remove what stands between Miguel and I. Tabitha: Miguel and me. Kay: Whatever! Erase the barriers and strip them away! Away! Away! Away! Tabitha: [Laughing] Is that it? Kay: Did it work? Oh! Nothing's happening. Tabitha: Don't you feel anything? Kay: No. What a bunch of hooey. It didn't work. Tabitha: Well -- wait a minute, don't sell yourself short. You never know -- I don't know why I'm helping you. Anyway, here, hold this. Tabitha: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, I'm sorry to disturb you, but would you show this little ninny if her last attempt to cast a spell was successful? Miguel: Ah! Where are my pajamas, huh? Kay: What? Tabitha: Was -- was that -- was that line in your spell "strip away the barriers"? Oh, good job! Kay: Poor Miguel. Tabitha: At least your spell isn't a total loss. You did "strip away the barriers" of what stands between you and Miguel. His clothes! [Laughs] Miguel: Where are my pajamas? [SCENE_BREAK] Simone: So, what do we do? Noah: We find her, of course. There's no telling what Spike's gonna do to Jessica now that he knows we're on to him. Paloma: Calm down. He won't hurt Jessica, she's carrying his baby. Noah: Spike is a crazy drug addict, ok? He's capable of anything. You think he's gonna stop at killing a baby? Simone: Don't say that! Noah: Well, I'm sorry, I don't mean to scare you guys, but Spike has killed before. How many times? Paloma: Lots. Simone: He can't hurt Jessica, he just can't. Noah: We have to find her right now. Simone: Ok, let's go, but where do we look? Paloma: Ok, it's just a hunch, but I might know where he took her. [SCENE_BREAK] [Grunting] Spike: Whew. There you go, baby. Nice and deep. Oh, boy. You know, it's lucky for you I had all that practice digging those graves. Yeah, well, yours is all ready and waiting for you, honey. Oh, baby. Now all I have to do is kill you, sweetie. [SCENE_BREAK] Dr. Smith: You don't want my blood on your hands! Blackmailer: That's why I wear gloves. Dr. Smith: Look, you know I'm not gonna say anything to anyone; I can't. Everything you ever said to me is protected by doctor-patient confidentiality. So, by law I can't tell anyone anything about you. Blackmailer: Oh, and you expect me to trust the law? After what's happened to me? Dr. Smith: Then trust me as your doctor. Trust me. Trust is the first step to having a meaningful relationship between a patient and a doctor. Trust me to keep my mouth shut. Blackmailer: Oh, you will keep your mouth shut. I'll make sure of it. [Growls] Sheridan: What room number is it? Fancy: 820, we have got to find Dr. Smith before the blackmailer does. I'll take him in to custody for his own safety. Sheridan: You quit the job at the police department. Fancy: Well, yeah, so I could take the guard job at the prison, but don't tell him that. I am still a trained cop and right now I need all the pull that gives me. Sheridan: Here it is. Fancy: Dr. Smith? Harmony P.D., we need to talk to you. Dr. Smith? Fancy: [Gasps] Oh, no. [NEXT_ON] Jared: We need to talk... about my wife. Noah: I just hope when we find her, it's not too late. [Kay gasps] Tabitha: Oh, look what you've gone and done. | The blackmailer has been enjoying all the evil he has been doing lately |
214 | Kendall's voice: Get the hell out of here, Greenlee. Go. I swear to God if you hurt Ian like you hurt Spike. If you come anywhere near this baby, I will kill you. [SCENE_BREAK] Warden: Takes some serious connections to use my office for a private meeting. Ryan: I just need a few minutes with Richie Novak. Warden: So the governor said. Look, visiting hours are over. Can't this wait till tomorrow? Ryan: No, warden, it can't. [Knock on door] Warden: Come in. [Guard whispers] Warden: Show him in. Michael: Mr. Lavery. Ryan: Yes? Michael: I believe I'm the man you came to see. [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: Anyone here? Annie: No. Rachael took Emma and Spike to the carnival, and Kendall and Zach are at the hospital with Ian, so -- Aidan: You have any idea who's harassing you, Annie? Why they'd knock me out just to steal your mother's old locket? Annie: No. No, but Ryan's checking something out, but who knows? Aidan: Yeah, here's your keys. Annie: Thank you. Aidan: What is it? Annie: It can't be. Aidan: Where did you get this? [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall's voice: Greenlee? Do you remember last night? You were in trouble and, um, Dr. Madden had to rush you here. Greenlee, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You had a miscarriage. I'm going to drive in your car, because we don't have room for Spike in the back seat. Babe: Ok. Kendall: You take this car, ok? Babe: Yes, ok, ok. Let's go, let's go. Kendall: Let's do it. Greenlee's voice: Stop making me say it. You can't give me my baby back. Kendall: No, Greenlee, not the baby you lost, another one -- your baby with Ryan. I can carry it for you. Your baby, my belly. I give birth for you. You have your child. Zach: Greenlee never showed up with Spike. Kendall: Spike, Spike, Spike! Greenlee -- she took him! She took him, Zach! She took my baby, Zach! I need Spike, please! Zach: Shh, shh. Kendall: Please find -- oh! Ow, ow, Zach! Zach: He's really strong. Kendall: Spike, Spike, Spike? Spike! Zach, all the blood. What happened to Spike? What did Greenlee do to him? Dr. Norton: Your son has suffered profound hearing loss in both ears. I'm sorry -- he is deaf. Kendall: Spikey, please, come on, baby. Ryan: Help -- help him! Kendall: Baby, you have to breathe, come on! Ryan: He's not breathing -- do something! Kendall: Come on, baby, breathe! Ryan: Do -- I'm sorry. Kendall: What is that? What are you doing to him? What are you doing? Zach: Hey. How are my two favorite kangarooers doing? Kendall: Zach? Greenlee was here. Zach: When? Kendall: A second ago. Zach: What did she do? Kendall: Nothing. She was just standing there. Zach: Did you see where she went? Kendall: No. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, she was gone. I wish I could stay here all night with Ian, but the nurses said he needs his rest. Zach: You'll be back. Kendall: You were right. Holding our son is -- I have to -- I have to finish here with Ian and then I have to go pick up Spike at the carnival. Do you want to meet us later? Zach: Yeah, I got some work to do. I'll give you a call, all right? [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: Get off of me, you freakin' gorilla! What, do you think you can just grab me and drag me around? This is harassment and this is assault -- you're going to hear from my lawyer. Bodyguard: I don't want you anyone near Mrs. Slater or her kids, ma'am. Those are my orders. Greenlee: Well, here are my orders -- you tell Ryan I'm going to sue his ass if any of his meatheads ever touch me again! Bodyguard: You don't want to see me? Stay away from Mrs. Slater. Greenlee: Hey, here's a warning -- stay away from me! Oh. Did I get this wrong? Is Big Biff over here on the Cambias payroll? Tell me you're working with Ryan to have me tailed 24/7. Zach: If that had been one of my men, you wouldn't be here anymore. [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: How did your mother's locket end up in your purse? Annie: I -- I don't know. Aidan: You don't know? Annie: How did -- well, how did this -- uh -- Aidan: "EHN"? Annie: They were her initials. The -- this handkerchief belonged to my mom, Emma Hope Novak. Aidan: I want to help you, Annie. But I can't unless you help me. Now, who is doing this? Who mugged me for this locket and then stuck it back in your bag? Annie: I told Ryan everything that I know. Aidan: That's great. Now I want you to tell me. Annie: "They all fall down." Aidan: What's that? Annie: Nothing. Aidan: Annie, talk to me. Annie: No, no, no, I can't. Aidan: Listen, it's ok. You're safe -- it's all right. Annie: Ryan will fix it. Ryan will fix everything. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Um -- you can't be Richie Novak. Man: No. I'm Dr. Michael Chambers. Warden: He's our head psychiatrist here. Knows Novak better than just about anyone. Ryan: Oh, I see. Well, I don't mean any disrespect here, but I didn't come to see Richie's doctor. I came to see Richie. Warden: Um -- I'll let you two talk. Michael: What is your relationship to Richard? Ryan: I'm married to his sister, Annie. Michael: What do you wish to speak with him about? Ryan: Ok, again, no offense, Doctor, but this is really none of your business. I got to get back to my family, so if you could just go get Richie and bring him back in here, that would be great. Michael: Well, I'm afraid that's not possible. Ryan: I don't understand. Michael: Richard Novak is no longer an inmate here. He's been released. Ryan: Richie couldn't have been released then. My wife called a couple of weeks ago, and she was told that he's still here, still behind bars. Michael: She was misinformed. Ryan: Annie asked a pretty simple question -- "is Richie here or not?" I mean, how does somebody screw that up? Michael: Mr. Lavery, this is a federal prison. We have thousands of inmates here. A clerical error of this sort is not uncommon. Ryan: "A clerical error"? Michael: Precisely. Ryan: I'm sorry, doc, but I'm not buying it. Michael: Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Lavery, but -- Ryan: Look, I don't know what's going on here, but I really don't have time for games, all right? I need to find Richie because he or somebody that's working with him is terrorizing my wife, making very disturbing phone calls, sending very strange gifts. Michael: Richard Novak is no longer incarcerated at this facility. Ryan: You or whoever Annie talked to should've told her the truth. You should've had the common sense to pick up the phone and let her know that Richie was being released. Michael: And why would that be necessary? Ryan: Because the man is a threat. Michael: I highly doubt that. Ryan: Did you not just hear what I said? My wife is being terrorized. Michael: Not by her brother. Look, Richard Novak should never have been in prison in the first place. He is an innocent man. [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: I want to know what's going on, Annie. Annie: You need to back off, ok? Aidan: I'm not going to do that, not until you start being straight with me. Annie: You can ask me a hundred times how that locket got in my purse, and the answer is going to stay the same -- I don't know. I'm going upstairs. Aidan: I'm sorry, that's not good enough. Annie: Ok, this is funny. Get out of the way. Aidan: No. Annie: Aidan? Ryan hired you to watch my back, not interrogate me. Aidan: Well, I'm a private detective. I guess it's just in my blood. Annie: This is between me and my husband. It really doesn't involve you. Aidan: Well, I've got six stitches in the back of my head, all right, that says it does. Annie: I'm sorry you got mugged. I'm sorry you got involved. Aidan: This locket didn't magically appear in your purse. Someone must've put it there. Annie: Obviously. Aidan: And I'm thinking the same person that knocked me out -- what do you think? Annie: I think I'm tired. Good night. Aidan: We can do this all night if that's what it takes. Annie: You're really not going to back off, are you? Aidan: No, I'm not, not until you tell me what you know. [SCENE_BREAK] [Calliope music plays] Rachael: Want more cotton candy? Are you sick? Kendall: Hello there. Hello? You guys having fun, huh? You having fun? Emma: Yeah! Kendall: Yeah? Hmm. Rachael: Emma's tall enough to ride in the mini-roller coaster. I promised I'd take her. Kendall: All right. Emma: Please, please, please? Kendall: Ok. Go ahead and go. I am happy to take Mr. Spike. Yes, I am. Yes, I am. Rachael: Let's go. Come on, come on. Kendall: Yes, I am. Hello. Hello, my sweet boy. My goodness, did I miss you. Oh, I missed you -- I missed you so much. I did. Yeah, I did. So, are you having fun here? This carnival's pretty cool, huh? Pretty fun. Did you have enough dinner? What am I saying -- of course, you did. You and Emma probably pigged out on cotton candy and all that good stuff. Kendall: You know, sometimes I forget -- yeah. I forget that you are only 15 months old. You have had to be braver and stronger than most people are in a lifetime -- [Spike babbles] Kendall: Yes. I feel the same way. You were born fighting -- you were. Doctors and hospitals and surgeries, and now this. Everything is different for you, for all of us. How did we get here, hmm? Spike: Uh-oh. Kendall: Yeah -- "uh-oh" is right. How did this happen? [Spike babbles] Kendall: Mm-hmm. Kendall: Greenlee did this to us. And she won't stop. [Spike babbles] Kendall: Yeah. She won't stop. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: Are you threatening me? Zach: Kendall got to hold Ian for the first time today. Didn't know if that was ever going to happen -- he was going to live long enough for that to happen. Greenlee: It was beautiful. Zach: It was beautiful -- beautiful moment, Kendall's moment and Ian's moment. Little boy needed to spend time with his mom, and the mother needed to see the son. Greenlee: Do you think I didn't know that? Zach: Five minutes of happiness is all she wanted, five minutes, after everything that you put her through. And still, you had to ruin it. Greenlee: Ok, I was not -- Zach: So my question to you is this -- what do you want? I know you're not here to torture my wife -- you wouldn't be that stupid. Greenlee: I'm trying to apologize to her. Zach: You can't. There is something you can do. Greenlee: Oh. This ought to be good. Zach: Leave. Greenlee: This again? Zach: So you're going to force your way in here, and it's just going to get worse -- for Kendall, for the boys, for everyone. Greenlee: So, what, I'm supposed to just slink out in the middle of the night? Zach: Now works. Greenlee: Did you sneak out of town after you caused the blackout that destroyed my embryos? Zach: My wife can't heal with you here, because every time she turns around, she sees that face -- your face -- and all she thinks about is almost losing her kids. Greenlee: And every time I see your face, I think about the children I'll never have -- an entire future wiped out -- so according to your logic, you should've vanished a long time ago, but yet, here you are, hypocritical as ever. Zach: You don't belong here. Greenlee: You're wrong. We all make mistakes, Zach -- horrible, awful mistakes. But unlike you, I'm trying to be forgiven. Zach: Yeah? I'm all out of forgiveness, and I don't want any from you. What I want is for you to disappear. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: So Richie is innocent? Is that your judgment, Doctor? Michael: It's my professional opinion. Ryan: Oh. Michael: Have a seat, Mr. Lavery. Ryan: Whew. Michael: How much do you know about Richard's trial? Ryan: I know that he was sentenced to ten years for armed robbery and assault, only now I find out he just served seven. Michael: I've worked with the prison population for nearly three decades. I have diagnosed and treated literally thousands and thousands -- Ryan: Good for you, that's great. I'm sure you have, just, a really impressive resume. All I want you to do is tell me where the son of a bitch is. Michael: I don't know where he is. Ryan: Well, somebody must. Does he have a parole officer? Can I talk to him? Michael: Mr. Lavery, please, hear me out. Nearly every man in this prison claims to be innocent. Nearly all of them are lying -- not Richard. Ryan: Why? Because he told you? Michael: At first, I was skeptical. But the more I came to know Richard, the more I found him to be one of the most intelligent and thoughtful men I'd ever met. Ryan: Wow. Maybe we should go outside and build him a statue. Michael: Mr. Lavery -- Ryan: My wife -- his sister -- disagrees with you, Doctor, and I think she knows him a little better than some jailhouse shrink. Michael: This isn't getting us anywhere. Ryan: No, it's not getting us because you've already lied to my wife about when he was released, and now you're lying to me about where he is. Michael: I assure you I am -- Ryan: I don't want your assurance. I just want some straight answers, like why did he get out of here early, how? Michael: I found him a lawyer. Ryan: "You" found him a lawyer? Michael: Yes, that's right. Ryan: So, what is that? Is that standard practice here? I mean, you find lawyers for convicted felons, sociopaths who shouldn't even be out on the street? Michael: Richard's conviction rested on the testimony of a single eyewitness. Ryan: And obviously, that was enough for a jury to convict him. Michael: Richard's new lawyer was able to build a case for early release on the basis that that witness against him was highly prejudicial. Ryan: And all of this without contacting that witness? Michael: Mr. Lavery, Richard was set up. Ryan: What are you saying? Michael: How well do you know your wife? [SCENE_BREAK] Annie: The locket, the handkerchief, it's -- it's a joke. It's a stupid prank. Aidan: Yeah. Well, I'm beginning to get that picture. But whose sick joke is it? Annie: Somebody who is messing with me, messing with my head. Aidan: Well, this person must have a name. Annie: I told you all that I know. Aidan: Are you sure? Annie: God, what -- what is it with you? Aidan: It's a simple question. Annie: Ok, just stop, ok? Stop pushing. Aidan: There's more to tell, isn't there, Annie? A lot more. Annie: Get that thing out of my face. Aidan: Ok, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, all right? I'm sorry if I upset you. Annie: Sure, sure you are. [Aidan sighs] Aidan: No, I am. I I just -- I'm just -- I'm trying to make sense of it, that's all. Annie: Well, good luck with that. [Aidan sighs] Aidan: Can we just go back from the very beginning? Annie: Look, I am tired, and I have a lot to do before Emma gets home. Aidan: Look, Annie, whoever knocked me out stole the locket. And somehow, it has ended back up in your purse. Annie: And for the millionth time, I have no idea how that happened. Aidan: Well, just think. I'm just asking you to think, all right? Has that purse been out of your sight for even -- for a second? Annie: No. Aidan: Did you leave it on your desk at work or -- or in your car or something? Take your time, please. Annie: I said no. Aidan: "No," you're not sure? Annie: What? See, now you're -- now you're confusing me. Stop. Why are you looking at me like that? Aidan: Like what? Annie: Like I'm guilty, like -- like I've done something wrong. Oh, God, you -- you really think I did it. You think I was the one who hit you? You think the person who stole the locket is me. Where the hell do you get off? Aidan: Annie -- Annie: Get out. Get out of here right now. Aidan: Annie, please. Annie: No. I am calling Ryan. Aidan: What -- what? Annie: To tell him that you just accuse me of trying to kill you. Aidan: I never -- I never said that -- I never -- Annie: Well, you might as well have. I knew it. I knew he couldn't trust you. Aidan: Please don't call Ryan. Annie: Oh, yeah, you wish. Aidan: Ryan could be making great progress on his lead right now. He could be this close to making sure that you're safe. And if you call him right now, he's going to give up what he's doing, he's going to come back here, and we could be back to square one. Annie: How could you think that I could do this, Aidan? How could you think that I could pick up a rock and bash you over the head with it? Aidan: It's the last thing I want to believe, trust me. Annie: But you do. Aidan: Well, just look at the facts, all right? Fact one -- whoever mugged me stole the locket. Fact two -- you have the locket. Annie: So that's it? I'm automatically guilty? Aidan: Well, I'm just going with what I have. And what I have points to you. Annie: Well, believe what you want. I'm a thief and a liar. Aidan: All I want is for you to tell me what happened. Ok? That's it. How about I go make some tea, and I'll come back here, we'll sit down, and I'll just listen? Annie: You sure you want to risk it? I might hit you over the head with the sugar bowl. Aidan: All I want is another explanation, ok? That's all. One that makes sense. Annie: I can't. Aidan: Look, I know you're afraid, Annie. But if you tell me who's behind this, I will find them, and I will make them stop. I promise. Annie: He did it. Your head, the locket. He did all of it. Aidan: Who? Who is "he"? [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: You be careful what you say about my wife. Michael: I am merely trying to determine how much she told you about her brother's trial. Ryan: She's -- she was afraid for her life and for her parents' lives. Her brother had problems -- had psychological problems, and she just wanted to get him help. Michael: So she put him in prison? Ryan: You went up on that stand and you told the truth. You were a hero. Annie: No, I'm not. I lied. I got my brother put away for something he didn't do. Ryan: She only agreed to testify against her brother because the DA made her a promise. He said if she made his case, then they would get Richie the help that he needed. They would put him in a mental hospital. Michael: That may be what your wife told you, but I happen to know the truth. Ryan: No, you don't. You don't know anything except for what that sick lunatic told you. Michael: I know Richard. Ryan: Yeah, of course, you do. Michael: I also know that he told me that when he got out of here, all he wanted was to live a nice, quiet life. Does that as far from his sister as possible. Ryan: Whatever Richie told you is a load of crap, all right? The man is tormenting my wife, and I'm pretty sure that he's doing it from Pine Valley. Michael: These bizarre phone calls your wife claims to have received -- did you actually hear any of them? The weird gifts -- can you prove that they come from Richard? Ryan: I have my wife's word. Michael: Ah. Ryan: What are you saying, Doctor? Are you saying that she made this up? Michael: I am urging you, please, not to wrongly convict Richard the way that jury did. You have never even met the man. Ryan: I know what he's capable of. I know what he's putting my wife through. Michael: In my line of work, I have seen them all. I know how persuasive, and even charming the worst of the worst can be. But Richard Novak? I have not one shred of doubt about his integrity or his innocence. Ryan: He's playing you, Doctor. That's what he does. That's part of his illness. Michael: Do you presume to lecture me in psychoanalysis? I have a Ph.D. from Yale. Ryan: Yeah, well, you wasted your money. [Michael sighs] Michael: You know nothing about Richard. Ryan: That is all that I am trying to do, Doctor. You know what? If he's as great as you say he is, then I'm going to go out and I'm going to buy him a drink. Michael: I won't listen to this anymore. Ryan: Yes, yes, actually, you will. Because if I don't stop Richie, then he's going to go out, and he's going to hurt somebody, or worse. Now, you don't want that on your head, do you, Doctor? So you're going to help me. Michael: Look, Mr. Lavery, I am sorry. Even if I knew where Richard was -- which I don't -- I couldn't tell you. Ryan: You're making a big mistake. Michael: I have worked too hard to help get him the freedom that he deserves. For me to divulge his whereabouts to anyone, especially someone wishing to do him harm, would be unethical. Ryan: Listen, my wife is not imagining this, all right? What Richie is doing is very real, and he is doing it inside my house, where my daughter sleeps. Michael: Let go of me. Ryan: Now, he may have you fooled, but he doesn't fool me, and neither do you. I know you have the answer, and you're going to give it to me right now. Where is Richie? [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: So you want me gone? Zach: I do. Greenlee: Ok. Let me get this straight when you've messed up -- Zach: Enough! Not about me. We know what I did. This is about you. Greenlee: Yeah, you're right. This is about me. I don't care if Ryan has an army tailing me 24/7. I don't care who's walking around pretending to have feelings for me. I don't care if everyone looks at me exactly the way you are now and asks me to leave town. I will face what I did, I will fix what I broke, and I will do it for Kendall. Zach: It's over. Greenlee: No, you're wrong. Love doesn't die. Family doesn't die. Kendall was like a sister to me. I'm going to do what I have to to make it right. You just try and stop me. [SCENE_BREAK] [Calliope music plays] Kendall: It wasn't supposed to be like this, Spikey. We had a whole new life ready to go. Yeah. We had our new house, and your baby brother on the way. Yeah. And -- and now, I don't know. [Fireworks] Kendall: Look. Look, Spikey. They're fireworks. Look at them. Look at the fireworks. Aren't they pretty? They're pretty, huh? Greenlee and I -- we were like fireworks. Explosive, yes, definitely. But also magical. Greenlee was my best friend. Do you know what a best friend is? The best friend is the person who knows you better than you know yourself. She inspires you and challenges you. Makes you laugh. She makes you feel like you can do anything in the whole entire world. The best friend doesn't hurt you. The best friend doesn't hurt your children. But that's who Greenlee is, Spike. That's who she is. That's who she'll always be. No more fireworks. No more, Spike. All gone. There's no turning back now. I know what needs to be done. I am absolutely sure. Forgive me, Spikey. Forgive me for what I'm about to do. But I don't have a choice. I have to do it. And I have to do it tonight. [Calliope music plays] Kendall: Everything's fine. The kids are having a great time. Zach: Yeah, ok, how about you? You all right? Kendall: Yeah, I am -- I am good. I -- actually, I haven't felt this great in a really long time. Zach: All right. Well, you be careful. Don't let Spike take you on any rides. Kendall: Oh, don't you worry. No one will be taking me on any rides ever again. Zach: You heading home after that? Kendall: Um -- yeah, Rachael's actually going to head over there with the kids. I -- I want to follow her. I have one quick stop to make first. Zach: Ok. I'm -- I'm going to go to the office, do some paperwork, and then it's home to the wife. Kendall: Hmm. Sounds like a plan. I love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: I'm -- I'm -- I'm sorry. I -- my family has been going through a lot. My son was in an accident, and now my wife -- Michael: I'm sorry, Mr. Lavery. I truly am, but -- Ryan: Look, nobody wants to hurt Richie, all right? I just -- I just want to talk to him. I want to find out why he's coming after Annie. Michael: Richard spent seven years of his life living in a cell because of a lie. I won't allow him to be punished any more. Ryan: Well, then how about a photograph, if that's not too much to ask? Michael: Ask your wife. I'm sure she can show you snapshots from the Novak family album. Richard is a good man. Leave him alone. Just let him live the rest of his life in peace. Ryan: You know, my wife would like to live the rest of her life in peace, too. Michael: That's between her and her conscience. Ryan: She's the victim in this, Doctor. Michael: Is that the term she used? Because I can think of another. Ryan: You go ahead. You say one more word about my wife. Warden: Ok, that's it. This interview's over. [SCENE_BREAK] Annie: Nothing's changed. This is the way it always goes. This is the way he always does it. Aidan: Who are you talking about? Annie: Ryan knows. Aidan: I will help Ryan. Just tell me who this person is, Annie. Annie: If Ryan wants to tell you, he will, but I am done. [Aidan sighs] Aidan: Annie, come on, please. Annie: No, stop, no more questions. Leave me alone. Aidan: I'm going to find out sooner or later, all right? So how about we just save a bunch of time? What is it? Annie: Oh, my God, there's somebody out there. There's somebody watching us. Look. Aidan: All right, don't move. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: We're not finished. Michael: I'm afraid we are. Warden: Don't make me call the guards to escort you from the premises, Mr. Lavery. Friend of the governor, or not, you're way out of line here. Ryan: So do you agree with Dr. Chambers here, that Richie was set up? Warden: Not my place to judge. Ryan: An opinion would be nice. Warden: Novak was a model prisoner. Wish we had more like him. Ryan: So you think that he was innocent? Warden: My take? The guy served time for a crime he didn't commit. As for the brother/sister thing, who knows? Ryan: Well, I do. My wife tried to help her brother, and now he is making her life hell. Michael: And Mr. Lavery knows this, despite the fact that he's never so much as even seen Richard. Ryan: You know what I'm going to do, is I'm going to find him, and I am going to prove to you and to you and to everyone that he pulled one over on -- that he is not only a liar, but he is a dangerous liar. And then I will get the truth out of him, and I will redeposit his sorry ass on your doorstep so that "you" can put him back where he belongs. Michael: Be warned, Mr. Lavery. You might not like what you hear. [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: There's nothing out there. Are you sure you saw something? Annie: It's a car. Aidan: It's all right. It's Rachael and the kids. Listen, just try to relax. I'll go and help Rachael with Spike and Emma, all right? Man's voice: Liar! You're a liar! Why are you doing this to me? Why are you telling lies about me? You're a liar! [Echoes] A liar! You're a liar! Liar! [Echoes stop] [SCENE_BREAK] Hannah: I know one child can't replace another. But I need this baby. [SCENE_BREAK] [Greenlee answers a knock on her door and finds Kendall standing there] [NEXT_ON] Hannah (to Zach): How much does Kendall know about what happened between us that night? Greenlee (to Kendall): What do you want? What's your plan of attack? Aidan (to Ryan): Annie's taken off. Ryan: This is Richie, Aidan, she's not missing -- he's got her. | Kendall arrives at Greenlee's door. |
215 | Maxie: Somebody open this door! Sam: Whoa! What in the world is going on? Maxie: I need to speak with Jason immediately. Sam: Well, he's not here. What's going on? Maxie: It's Spinelli. He's-- Sam: What? Maxie: Not himself. Sam: Ok. That's fine. It's to be expected. He was shot. He's probably just going through-- Maxie: That's not what I mean. Spinelli woke up from surgery fine. I mean, he looks like himself. He's just not himself. Sam: Maxie, you're not making any sense right now. Maxie: Neither is Spinelli. He has morphed into Jackal, P.I. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Ah, Spinelli. I'm glad you're ok. Spinelli: Yeah. Howdy, Morgan. Jason: What? Spinelli: You're supposed to holler back. Don't sweat it. It's good to see you. Not that I'm complaining about the cute little chickadees rolling in and out of here, but a guy needs a little mano a mano for balance. Jason: Ok. What-- Spinelli: Hey, listen. I'm dusting this joint soon. You know, going back to packing lead and taking out the flotsam. So bring me up to speed. What kind of missions you got on tap for Jackal, P.I. once I blow this pop stand? [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: You know, it pains me to have to punish you. Really, it does. But you have to know your actions have consequences--some not so pleasant. Kristina: If you're going to cut me off at the knees, Mom, just do it. Alexis: Did you learn that regrettable expression from your father? Ok. For starters, you won't be going on your senior class trip. Kristina: No, Mom. It's Cancun. Alexis: You already had your little tropical getaway when you decided to sneak off to the Dominican Republic with a married man. Kristina: I didn't sneak. I boarded a plane and left because I'm almost 19, and I get to do that. Alexis: Not while you're under my roof, you don't. Look at me. You're forcing me to act like this generic mother. Kristina: Probably because you know that it's arbitrary and unfair. Alexis: As your mother, I get to be that, too. So while other kids, your friends, are in Cancun doing God knows whatever they're doing, you can stay here and think about what you did that you shouldn't have done. Kristina: Well, do I have a choice? Alexis: Nope. Kristina: Are we done? Alexis: Nope. And if you think for one minute that I don't know that you're trying to get rid of me before Ethan walks in here, you profoundly underestimate me, my friend. Let me ask you something. Are you trying to get Ethan killed? [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: So I'm really happy you decided to work for me. I know it's not as exciting as you want it to be, but coffee business, it's like--it can be interesting, you know. You might be surprised. Michael: We'll see. Sonny: You'll meet some influential people, see a little bit of the world. Michael: From a coffee warehouse? Sonny: No, from the office, 'cause you'll be going to plantations, meeting suppliers, and-- Michael: All right, Dad. I'm not doing that. Sonny: What do you mean? Michael: I'm not signing up for some cushy office job with a travel and expense account. Sonny: Ok. So what are you saying, that if I don't give you the exact job that you want, you're going to go work for the Zaccharas? Michael: Who said anything about the Zaccharas? Sonny: I just feel like you're hanging it over my head. Michael: I'm not. I'm sitting here ready to go work at the warehouse. You're the one making it about the Zaccharas. Sonny: Ok. Maybe I just jumped the gun 'cause I want to offer you so much more that doesn't include Johnny, Anthony, or the ugly side of this business. Michael: I heard that the first hundred times, dad. Now, look. About the coffee business--I want to be clear on this. I don't want you paving the way for me. I want to start entry level. Sonny: You realize what that is? It's loading trucks. Michael: It's an honest day's work, and it will keep me in shape. Sonny: But you got to--you're so intelligent. Why waste your mind? You should be doing merchandising, sales, anything else. Michael: I can do all that when I get there. I'll have more experience. I'll be more valuable knowing all aspects of the business. Sonny: I'm offering you something here, though. Michael: No, Dad. You're shoehorning a job in for me over the heads of people who actually deserve it. All I'm qualified for right now is loading trucks. Sonny: It's a rough, thankless job. Michael: Someone's got to do it. Sonny: Let me tell you something. When I was a kid in Bensonhurst, freezing my ass off, you know, selling newspapers, I said to myself, I'm going to make it, and I'm going to do better than my family did. And I have kept that promise. And here I am now, offering you something that I never had, and you're not interested. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: You know your father. When he gets angry, he has a trigger response. Literally. News flash--he's really angry. Kristina: Because you jumped to the wrong conclusion. You told Dad that I was running off to marry Ethan. Of course he'd go ballistic. Alexis: The thought of you marrying Ethan makes me want to go ballistic. Kristina: Honestly, Mom, the way that you and Dad are talking about him, it's like he's some gang-banging drug dealer or something. He's Ethan, remember? A guy that you actually like. Alexis: This isn't about whether we like him or not. This is about you running off to another country behind our backs. And he was married. Kristina: The whole point of the trip was to end Ethan's farce of a marriage. Alexis: You know what? We're not talking about this anymore. What you did is wrong. You're not going to get away with it. I don't care how old you are. You live under my roof. You're supported by your father and I. We make the rules. You follow them or else, ok? Oh, yeah. There's one more thing. You're not going on the Manhattan overnight trip with us. Kristina: I'm the one who picked out the plates. Alexis: I know. I know. I'm sure they're going to be really good. Thanks. We'll give you a full report. I'm missing one. I'm missing one. Ahh. 6:00. You're coming home every night at 6:00. Kristina: 6:00? Alexis: Mm-hmm. Kristina: How unfair are you? Dad literally gets away with murder, and I'm grounded because I supported a friend? Alexis: Do you think you're being fair to Ethan? Kristina: What do you mean? Alexis: You're putting him in a situation where he has to take care of you. It's awkward. Kristina: You don't know anything about us. Alexis: Honey, there is no us. I'm sure Ethan cares about you as a friend. Who wouldn't? But he's not going to cross that line--"a," because he knows you're vulnerable, and "b," because he wants to live. If you really care about him, I suggest you find yourself another, more appropriate boyfriend. [SCENE_BREAK] Edward: Oh. Ethan, my boy. It's been too long. Ethan: Yes. Sorry if I've been neglecting you, Edward. Life intruded. Edward: Mm-hmm. In the form of your drunken lout of a father, Luke. He ought to be ashamed of himself. Ethan: I'm pretty sure he's got that covered. Edward: So, any idea where he went? Ethan: Well, I know where he was, but chances are, he's moved on by now. Edward: I just consider it good riddance to bad rubbish. You know, when I think of the hell that he put my daughter through, I--oh, well, never mind. I know you didn't come here to discuss Luke and Tracy's marital woes. Ethan: Actually, I have news about Maya. Edward: You do? How wonderful. I was wondering how long you would let this separation go on. But you finally put your foot down, huh? So, when's Maya coming back? Because I'll have cook prepare all of her favorites. Ethan: Yeah. Here's the thing, old chap. Maya likes Philadelphia. Edward: What's to like? Ethan: [Chuckles] Well, her family, for one. You know, she's thinking about staying on permanently. Edward: Well, change her mind. Ethan: I can't. Not from here. Edward: Have you tried? Ethan: Yes, of course I've tried, but my particular brand of charm works better up close. Edward: You know something? Mm. This is too bad. Kind of unfortunate turn of events for you, because the deal was in order to get a million dollars, you had to stay married to Maya for one year in this city. Ethan: Yes. I'm aware. Edward: I don't want Maya in Philadelphia. I'm used to having her here. Ethan: Yeah, well, me as well. Edward: And there's nothing you can do? Ethan: Short of dragging her back home on a private plane, I don't think so. Edward: Well, I have a private plane. Ethan: And you'd lend it to me? [Edward and Ethan laugh] Edward: For a worthy cause. And this certainly qualifies. Ethan: Well, I mean, I would need money up-front--you know, just to finance the trip. Edward: Hmm. How much? Ethan: Not a steep amount. Why, a man of your means, I should say $250,000? [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Maybe Spinelli was still out of it from the amnesia or just having a little fun at your expense. Maxie: I wish. Spinelli is different. It's like I said, he's become that character from his book. Sam: I don't even know what that means. Maxie: He's calling me things like doll face and sugar lips. Sam: Ok. Maxie: The nurses are dames. He even called Diane cookie. Sam: Did she threaten to sue him? Maxie: No, the woman is perverse. She liked it. I did not. Sam: Well, have you talked to his doctor? Maxie: All the time. It's Matt. Sam: Oh. Ok. Well, what does he say? Maxie: That Spinelli didn't have a stroke, which was my first thought. Sam: Well, that's why he's a doctor and you're not. Maxie: Yeah. He said there's no cranial damage, and that Spinelli's brain is completely healthy. Sam: Does he seem worried? Maxie: No, but Matt does not know Spinelli like I do. Sam: All right. Well, what's your take on it? Maxie: Something deeply psychological, wish fulfillment. I mean, that's why Spinelli wrote that book, so he could pretend he was just like that character --efficient, confident, heroic. Sam: Well, he certainly lived up to the heroic part. Maxie: I know. Spinelli literally took a bullet for me. I feel like I need to help him return to the terrific guy that I know he is. And if I can't get through to him, I think there's only one person that can. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: What are you doing, Spinelli? Are you practicing a new character for your next book or something? Spinelli: Life ain't practice, Morgan. It's the real deal. One time around the block, and you're maggot food. Jason: Whatever this is, it's got to stop right now, because we have a problem, and I need you to focus. Spinelli: Ah, yes. Problems--breakfast of champions. Lay it on me. Jason: I got a call from Bernie. You know who Bernie is, right? Spinelli: Yeah, sure. Sure. The bean counter. Jason: Close to $20 million is missing from the offshore accounts. Spinelli: Inside job? Jason: That's what you're supposed to tell me. Tracking money, handling transfers-- that's what you do. Spinelli: Doesn't sound like my cup of tea. Jason: Bernie said that you told him the money's going to move automatically so we don't attract attention from the feds. Spinelli: How would I know that? Jason: Spinelli, Bernie needs the account numbers. I need to find this money. Spinelli: You must be pulling my leg. I'm no keyboard jockey. Jason: Are you saying that you don't know how? Spinelli: No clue. [SCENE_BREAK] Ethan: I mean, I hate to be so blatant, coming right out and asking for money like this. You know, normally, I'd fleece some high rollers in a private game, but the Haunted Star is no more, and time is of the essence. I mean, it's important that we get Maya back before she becomes too comfortable with life in Philly. Edward: Hmm. Ethan: Also, I mean, we're still practically newlyweds, you know? We didn't know each other very well to begin with, so we cannot be separated at this crucial stage in our relationship. Edward: How's that coming along? Ethan: What? Edward: Your relationship. I've been thinking about that. Ethan: Oh, it's been going really well. Edward: Good. That's good to hear. Now, I realize what you are going to get out of all this, but I'm paying all the expenses, and what is my incentive, huh? Ethan: Well, that's the beauty of it. I mean, you get Maya back, too. You can't deny that you've grown to love her. [Edward laughs] Ethan: What's so funny? Edward: Oh, God. You are good. I have to hand it to you. You are a chip off the old Spencer block. Ethan: Thank you. Edward: Maya called me. Ethan: She did. Edward: Mm-hmm. She wanted to tell me personally that she is staying in Philadelphia with another man. Ethan: Right. That may be her intention at the moment. But see, I do have the upper hand, seeing as I'm her husband and all that. Edward: She also mentioned that she had seen you quite recently, and that you were headed to the Dominican Republic for a quickie divorce. Ethan: Well, you two certainly covered a lot of territory, didn't you? Edward: Hmm. I enjoyed watching you work. It was a very noble effort. [Chuckles] Ethan: So does that mean I don't get any money? Edward: She cared for you a great deal. Ethan: I thought so. Just not enough, I guess. Edward: In fact, she also liked the fact that you were a little twisted--maybe too much. But you just didn't figure in the life that she set out for herself. Ethan: Yeah. I guess you probably didn't, either. Edward: Well, sometimes that happens--more often than not. Ethan: So, you know, I did give that marriage my best effort. Do you think maybe I could get, like, a partial payment? Edward: Oh, god. Best effort? Hell, you blew it. You had the sweetest of all deals. All you had to do was stay married to that exceptional woman for one year and walk away with a cool half mil. But you drove Maya away. Out of my house. Ethan: But I was enjoying our little visit here. Edward: Out. Ethan: Ok. This is me leaving. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Look, Dad. I respect you so much. I know where you came from and what it took and cost for you to get here. But you did, Dad. Nobody handed you anything. You got there on your own merits. I want to be able to say the same thing for myself. Sonny: It was different because my father was not in a position to help. If he had been, I'd have let him. Michael: I doubt that, Dad. You're not the kind of guy who takes the easy way out, and neither am I. Sonny: Why do you have to be so stubborn? Michael: I'm my father's son. Sonny: All right. Michael: Look, Dad. I'm not being stubborn. I'm just being true to myself. Sonny: Mm-hmm. Michael: I agreed to take a job at the coffee warehouse because it's something I think I can do. Sonny: Mm-hmm. Michael: And once I get--you know, understand how it all works, then I'll be ready to take the next step. Sonny: All right. All right. No. If that's what you want, that's what you'll get. Michael: Thank you. Sonny: Yeah. Brenda: Hey. Oh. Hey. Michael: Hey. Brenda: I didn't--oh, am I interrupting? Sonny: No, 'cause we were just finishing. Brenda: Oh. Ok, good. I heard you're going to go work at the coffee warehouse. Michael: Yeah. We were just going over the parameters now. Brenda: Great. Sonny: I'm happy, you know. Michael: Um, so-- Sonny: Hold on. Why don't you tell Michael about the incident at Kelly's? Brenda: Uh... Sonny: Yeah, tell him. Brenda: Ok. Ok. We were--Alec and I were at Kelly's, and Anthony walked in and, you know, started talking to Alec. So. Sonny: You realize that was an implied threat. Michael: Anthony said he can get to any of your people whenever he wanted to. Sonny: Right. Anthony is upping the game. You get what I'm saying? That's why I don't want you anywhere near Anthony or Johnny. Get it? Michael: Yeah, I got it. Sonny: Good. Michael: So who do I see in the warehouse? Sonny: Now? Michael: No time like the present. Sonny: Ok. Joey is his name. And I'll call him for you, ok? Michael: All right. Thanks, Dad. Sonny: Yeah. Brenda: Bye. Michael: Bye. Brenda: Later. Good luck. Michael: Oh. Sorry. Brenda: That's ok. [Laughs] Bye. Michael: See you. Brenda: Why'd you have me do that? Sonny: What? Brenda: What do you mean, what? Tell Michael about Anthony. Sonny: Well, because Johnny and Anthony have been courting Michael for a while, and they're getting close. And now that Anthony threatened you, he's overplayed his hand. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Ok. Open this. Maybe you'll remember something. Spinelli: Where's the handle on this thing? Jason: Are you serious? Here? Spinelli: Oh. That's mildly interesting. Jason: Spinelli, a lot of money is missing. You need to find it for me. Spinelli: Yeah. How many smackers did you say? Jason: Smackers? Spinelli: You know, mean green, cashola. How many dollars? Jason: 20 million. [Spinelli whistles] Jason: And if you don't find it, my organization will be compromised. Spinelli: Tough break, Morgan. I feel for you, I really do, but I can't help you. Sounds like you need one of those tech guys or number crunchers. Doll face! You came back. Maxie: Stop calling me that. Spinelli: Oh, McCall. What's doing at the office? Any dangerous cases that require Jackal, P.I.'s special kind of finesse? Maxie: How come you haven't fixed him yet? [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: You need to help me right now. What can you do to make Spinelli normal again? Sam: I'm not sure I want to. Jason: What do you mean? Sam: I just kind of like the whole Jackal, P.I. thing. I think it's fun. It's like-- Jason: This guy can't work on a computer. Spinelli can. I need Spinelli back now. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Ok. Look at this. It's a GPS program that you created to help us track cheaters. Does this look familiar to you? Spinelli, look at this. Spinelli: Looks like another language. You are sporting some set of gams, sugar lips. Maxie: Do not call me that. And stop staring at my legs with Spinelli's eyes, because it's creeping me out. Sam: Ok, ok. Look. What about this? Hey. Spinelli: Oh, hey. It's Morgan in miniature. That's clever. Maxie: It's a video game, Spinelli. You invented it. Spinelli: That does not seem possible. Maxie: "The saga of Stone Cold"? You made a lot of money. Spinelli: Oh. I got a stash? What are you doing Friday? Maxie: Do you see what I mean? Sam: Ok. So none of this means anything to you? Spinelli: I hate to say it, but you're snoozeville with this computer talk. It's not for me. Jackal, P.I. does not sit hunched over a machine. He works in the danger zone. He's a man of action. He looks death in the eye and sneers. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Let's not talk about Anthony, 'cause it's such a beautiful day. Why don't you take Alec to the lake, feed the ducks-- Brenda: No, no, no. I don't want to feed the ducks with Alec without you. So why don't you take me out on your speedboat? Sonny: You know what? There's nothing I would love more than that, but the thing is-- Brenda: But? But what, babe? What, business? Sonny: It's scarier than business. Brenda: Why don't you tell me? Sonny: Alexis. She's coming over. We're going to talk about Kristina because Alexis is too lenient. She lets Kristina run riot over her, and molly, too, for that matter. Kristina is testing boundaries. She needs to know where the boundaries are. And we shouldn't just move them around to suit Kristina's needs. Brenda: Ok, but you know how I feel about this. And I'm just saying, you know, that's fine. But make sure you listen to how Alexis feels, because she may have a more realistic view on what it actually feels like to be a girl. Sonny: Realistic? Ok. You tell me how we can do that and how we can get rid of Kristina's huge crush on Ethan. Brenda: Get rid of? Sonny: Well, whatever. I can't deal with it anymore because Alexis always has him around, like the graduation. Kristina walks in the door, and guess who she walks in with? Him, right? Brenda: Yeah. Sonny: Alexis is happy. She's gleaming. And she lets them go for a walk. Brenda: [Gasps] Oh, wow. Sonny: Yeah. For a walk. Brenda: I didn't know she let them go for a walk. Oh, no! A walk? Sonny: You know what? You can laugh all you want, but things are going to change. Brenda: Ahem. Look. You know how I feel about this, right? And I am going to stay out of it, like you asked me to. But I just want you to know, honey, there's no father in history that has ever won the battle over a teenage girl who thinks she's in love. [SCENE_BREAK] Ethan: You think you got some work you can throw my way? Johnny: Yeah. I got something in the works, but it's going to take a couple of weeks. If you need me to spot you financially in the meantime, I can do that. Ethan: Oh, no, no. I appreciate it, but I'm good. Johnny: Cheers? Ethan: Yeah. Not a whole lot of that going around. Johnny: I can tell. You want to talk about it? Ethan: There's nothing to talk about. I caught Maya with another man. Johnny: Really? Ethan: Yep. We're divorced now. Johnny: Well. I didn't see that coming. Ethan: Yeah, join the club. Johnny: Well, how does that make you feel? [Ethan laughs] Johnny: No, I'm serious. That sucks. I'm sorry. Ethan: You win some, you lose some, you know? Johnny: Well, you can drop the facade. I know you had feelings for her. Ethan: Doesn't matter, does it? Anyway, I actually just came by to warn you, storm clouds are brewing. Johnny: Oh, that ain't good. Ethan: Sonny's pissed off. I think Anthony's making his presence known. Johnny: Yeah. Well, those two are always itching for a fight. Ethan: Where does that leave you? Johnny: Smack in the middle, as usual. But if I play my cards right, I could hold off Armageddon after all. Ethan: How? Johnny: The key to dealing with Sonny is through Michael. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Jason: Just find somebody else to track the money. Ok. Let me know. Edward: May I come in? Jason: Sure. Edward: Jason, I know you aren't much on small talk, so I'll get right to the point. Monica and I were deeply hurt that we weren't invited to Michael's graduation. Jason: I'm sorry. Edward: No need to apologize. Our disappointment was mitigated by the relief that Michael actually lived to experience this rite of passage. And I want to capitalize on that momentum, get him on a fast track. Jason: To what, exactly? Edward: I want to offer Michael a summer internship at ELQ. It's time he got back to his real family. Jason: Michael already has a job. He's working the coffee warehouse this summer. Edward: That's a mob front. That's no place for Michael. Jason: The coffee business is actually legitimate, grandfather. Edward: I don't expect you to say anything different. So, Michael plan to go to college? Jason: He got accepted at PCU. Edward: Excellent. All the more imperative that he learns how a real corporation is run. So, are his grades good? Jason: Yeah. They're very, very good. Edward: You know, I shouldn't even have to be asking you these questions. You know that. Jason: I don't want to fight. I mean, you want Michael to work for ELQ? You should talk to him. It's up to him to decide that. Edward: He'll do what you say. Jason: Michael does what he wants. Edward: Maybe. But you exert a great deal of influence. If you support his going to ELQ, he's much more likely to agree. Jason: I think you're giving me too much credit. Edward: Hmm. So that's your answer, huh? Michael is 19, and you wash your hands of any responsibility in his future, huh? I don't want to fight with you either, Jason. You had the very best of intentions. But when Michael was a baby, you handed him over to Sonny. And Michael has been paying the price for it ever since. Now, this is your chance to make things right. [SCENE_BREAK] Brenda: Remember, I was 18 when I fell in love with you. And you are way more unsuitable than Ethan. And no one could change my mind about you. So, you know, Sonny, unfortunately, you love who you love. [Door opens and shuts] Sonny: Wow. Alexis: Hi. I'm sorry if you're in the middle of something. Sonny: Come on in. Come on in. Brenda: Actually, he's happy that he's not going to have to hear my unsolicited advice anymore. So good luck, both of you. Alexis: Why do I need luck? Sonny: I just want to talk about, you know, Kristina's summer. Alexis: That's why I need luck. Sonny: I just wanted to make sure that we're on the same page, as far as punishment, because she left the country with Ethan, and I don't want her seeing him anymore. Alexis: Done. Done. Sonny: What does that mean, done? Alexis: I took care of it. She's not going on her senior class trip. She really wanted to do that. She's not going to Manhattan with me and Molly on this theater overnight thing that we planned for months. She really, really wanted to do that. And she's got a curfew. 6:00 every night, she's home for the rest of her life. Sonny: Yeah. Yeah. Alexis: I think that's good punishment. Sonny: That's a start. Alexis: Sonny, let's talk about Ethan for a second. You know, if we force her to stay away from him, which we really can't do, we're just sort of begging her to defy us. It's just not a battle we're going to win. Sonny: So am I supposed to just put my hands up in the air and let my teenage daughter go out with a con man? That's not happening. Alexis: No. If you don't mind, this is kind of where you trip yourself up a little bit. When you say things like, "I'm not going to let..." people have free will, even teenagers. They do have free will. It makes our country great. Sonny: But you're too soft. You let her run circles around you. You're the mother, you know. I'm the dad. I tell her what to do, she's going to do it. Alexis: Oh, my God. I just don't know what to say, that's just so wrong. You're such a Neanderthal. You really are. Sonny: Oh, really. Alexis: You know, join us, please. Join us in the 21st century. Sonny: Hah. Ok. Right, right. Alexis: Ok. Listen. You got to have faith. Sonny: You got to have faith? Alexis: That's right. You need to have a little faith, because there are going to be things that she does that we just don't have any control over. Sonny: The last time we let Kristina run with love, she went to a guy who beat the hell out of her. You all right with that? Alexis: You're seriously asking me if--no. Don't talk. Just listen for a second. Ethan is not Kiefer. Sonny: Ok. To you, Kiefer wasn't Kiefer until our daughter wound up in the hospital beat up. Alexis: You're going to insist on this. Let me ask you a question. So you think Ethan is going to beat up Kristina? Sonny: I don't know what Ethan's going to do, but I'm not going to sit around and find out at my daughter's expense. And I don't understand where all this, like, love for Ethan's coming from. Alexis: What? Sonny: Last time I saw you, you had your bag and your mouth like this, and you were scared to death that they were going to elope. Alexis: Oh, my God. I don't even know--I'm speechless. [SCENE_BREAK] [Door opens] Abby: Hey, you. Michael: Hey. Abby: Hey. Michael: Stopping by? I wanted to get the lay of my new land as soon as possible. Abby: So it went well with Sonny? Michael: Well, as well as it could when I'm not doing what he wants. Abby: Did you guys fight? Michael: No, not really. He was just being resistant. But I held my ground. I told him the only way I'm going to work here is if I start at the bottom and work my way up. Abby: I'm proud of you. But what's new, right? I need to follow your example and get a job on my own. Michael: We're living together now. I can cover expenses. Abby: No. I am not comfortable with that. Michael: Just until you find something, which you will. Abby: Maybe I should reconsider Anthony's offer, you know, to hook me up with Angela Dwyer. She is a big gun. Michael: Abby, you realize you'd be playing right into Anthony's hands. Abby: I know, but she's Anthony's lawyer. Maybe I could spy for your father. Michael: Anthony and my dad are gearing up for a major war right now. You need to stay away from it. Abby: That's really good advice, Michael. Will you be taking that, too? [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Maybe it will help if we go over some of the cases we've been working on. Spinelli: This is all small potatoes. We got to branch out, do something a little edgier than cheating spouses. My talent's being wasted. Sam: Well, what do you suggest? Spinelli: Industrial espionage, kidnappings, murders--you know, something juicy to get the blood boiling. Sam: Wow. That surprises me. Spinelli: Why is that, McCall? Sam: Well, you've just been really concerned about me taking chances. I mean, aren't you worried about me getting pregnant anymore? Spinelli: Look, you want to pack a diaper bag instead of a piece, that's your prerogative. Waste of a good partner, but a dame's going to do what a dame's going to do. Sam: Really. But what about the business? Spinelli: Now, don't get hysterical on me, McCall. Jackal, P.I. will take on the mean streets solo. [SCENE_BREAK] Ethan: Hi. What's up? Kristina: Ethan. I didn't expect to run into you. Please, sit. I'm just finishing texting a friend. Well, an insensitive friend. Ethan: I'm afraid to ask. Kristina: Well, Chelsea just messaged me from the mall where she's bikini shopping for the trip to Cancun that I'm no longer allowed to go on. Ethan: I thought that trip was your graduation present. Kristina: It was, until I went to the Dominican republic. Ethan: Yeah. Sorry about that. Kristina: It's not your fault. And I couldn't care less about being in Cancun with a bunch of high school kids. I sure wouldn't trade my trip with you. Although it does suck being under curfew. Ethan: How bad is it? Kristina: It's ridiculous. 6:00. The street lights aren't even on yet. Speaking of which, do you have the time? Ethan: Isn't it right there on your phone? Kristina: Oh, right. Yep. Just as I thought. Lockdown looms. It's going to be very lonely until further notice. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: So are you saying that I overreacted when they took off together? Sonny: That's the right reaction. That's the appropriate reaction that a parent has when their daughter takes off with a married man who makes a living pouring drinks and scamming people. It's the reaction that I want to see more from you. Alexis: Oh. Sonny: That's the kind of reaction that I want to see. Alexis: I'll make sure that I do that for you. I love when you get all superior about how people earn a living. I mean, it just never fails to amuse me. Sonny: You're deflecting because you're naive about the situation. But see, here's the thing. This crush that Kristina has on Ethan has to end, and I'm going to tell you why--because I'm a man. Alexis: Ohh. Sonny: No, listen to me. Kristina keeps pushing and pushing this relationship with Ethan. As a man--I don't care how platonic this relationship is--he will give in, and something's going to happen. Do you want that? Alexis: No. Sonny: No. So stop letting her manipulate you into complacency. You are the mother. You tell her what you want. And that's done. Alexis: You are such a hypocrite. Sonny: Why? Alexis: Because Michael is living with an ex-stripper, and that gets your seal of approval? Sonny: That's different. Alexis: Really? How? Sonny: 'Cause Michael's a boy. Alexis: And? Sonny: And nothing. Alexis: Oh, my God. I got to go. Sonny: As long as we're clear on what I said. Alexis: Oh. Yeah, we're clear. [Door shuts] [SCENE_BREAK] Johnny: How much does it pay? Michael: Decent hourly wage. Why, you looking? I got an in with the boss. Johnny: Thought you were coming to work for me. Michael: Yeah. That was before Anthony started sniffing around my girlfriend and making threats against my stepmother. Anthony's pushing my dad into a war, and there's no way I'm ever going to side against my father. What do you got? [SCENE_BREAK] Kristina: So what are your immediate plans for the future? Ethan: Still figuring it out. Johnny said he might have some work for me, but in a few weeks. Lulu was on fire about taking over the Star, but the desire seems to have waned. Kristina: Is the Star even open? Ethan: No. No. That's the point. There's no drinks to pour, no customers to serve. What's known as at loose ends, I believe. Kristina: I'm sure you'll figure something out. Ethan: You know, I was actually thinking about hitting the road again, leaving my fate to chance. Kristina: Well, you know, at least you don't have to decide right away. Hey, what are you doing tonight? Ethan: Nothing in particular. Kristina: Why don't you come over and keep me from losing my mind out of sheer boredom? Ethan: Yeah. I doubt Alexis would welcome me into her home with open arms. I'm not exactly her favorite person. Kristina: She was good with you at my graduation party. Ethan: True. Kristina: And she knows that my dad's being totally unreasonable. She just goes along to get along. She doesn't have a problem with you at all. Come on. Please say you'll come. [SCENE_BREAK] Edward: I'm delighted that you accepted my invitation. Abby: Thank you for having me over. I'm not sure why, though. Edward: I thought it was time for us to get to know each other better. You are playing a very important part in my great-grandson's life. Michael's very fond of you. Abby: I'm very fond of him, too. Edward: Please. Abby: Thank you. Edward: And I also wanted to thank you for your kindness to me during the horrible aftermath of Sonny and Brenda's disastrous wedding. Abby: Oh. I was happy to help. Edward: Of course you would be. You're a very compassionate person. So, tell me about yourself. Abby: What would you like to know? Edward: Well, let's start with your profession. What does Abby want to be when she grows up, huh? [Abby and Edward laugh] Abby: Uh, I'm studying to be a paralegal. Edward: Ooh. That's exciting. Are you currently employed in that? Abby: Trying to be. Unfortunately, I'm not having very much luck, though. The job market is so tight. Edward: Oh, of course it is. Say, you know, I might be able to find you a position at ELQ, either in our main office or in one of our subsidiaries. And you could start right away. Abby: You don't even know my job skills. Edward: Well, I'm sure we could find something that suits you. And there's really only one small provision. Abby: I had a feeling. Edward: I can find you a well-paying, intellectually stimulating job at ELQ, provided that Michael comes on board as well. [SCENE_BREAK] Johnny: I'd never ask you to side against your father, but he's working an agenda, same as my old man. I mean, come on. You honestly believe Sonny taking a hard stance against anything and nothing is furthering the process of peace? Michael: I can see what's going on. Johnny: Good. Then you can see that a compromise is necessary. Michael: You know, Anthony's the one who broke the truce. Johnny: Yeah. And your father and Jason retaliated. And now, look at what we got--burnt warehouses, lost shipments. Everybody loses. Michael: Obviously, you want something from me. I'm listening. Johnny: Like I said before, and I still believe it, you come work for me, we can effect a long-term truce. Michael: You said you'd never ask me to do that. Johnny: You're right. I did. I never thought it would come to that, but it has. You and me teamed up is the only way this town isn't going down in flames. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Hey. Sonny: Any news on the missing money? Jason: No, we're still working on that. But we need to discuss Michael. Sonny: Michael is going to be loading trucks at the warehouse. I told him, he's too smart. He should get into sales merchandising. But you can't change the boy's mind, you know what I mean? Jason: Michael hasn't been approached yet, but he has another job offer on the table. Edward wants to give Michael an internship at ELQ. Sonny: Really? What do you think of that? Jason: I don't know. I think it might be a good opportunity. Michael might realize that he likes business, and ELQ is big, and it's legitimate. Sonny: Yeah, but what about how Edward plays head games, and he's controlling-- Jason: At least Michael would be safe. Sonny: Yeah, but you left the Quartermaines because you felt like they were swallowing you whole. AJ stayed, got destroyed. I just don't want that happening to Michael. | He tells Spinelli that he needs him to track some missing money, but Jackal, PI is not a keyboard jockey and doesn't know how. |
216 | Nikki: Meggie's voice mail says that she and Victor were going out of town together, I... Deacon: Yeah, I know, but maybe it was just business. Nikki: Yeah, maybe. But... (Sighs) Maybe I was right all along. Maybe she's after him. Deacon: Okay, even if she was, I-- do you honestly believe that he would do that to you? Nikki: (Sighs) I don't think so. I mean, he wouldn't get involved with Meggie... would he? [SCENE_BREAK] Meggie: It's still hard to believe that we're husband and wife. Victor: (Slurring) Yeah, Baby. Meggie: Well, I've got the marriage license right here to prove it. Hey, Captain, what's up? Man: I just wanted to let you and Mr. Newman know that we'll be arriving in Genoa City on schedule. Meggie: Would you take a picture of us on my cell phone so that, uh, I don't have to wait for the minister's husband's pictures to be sent, and I can upload to my social network and let everybody see the new bride? Say, "I do," Darling. Victor: I do. I do. Meggie: Let me see. (Sighs) Oh, that ought to do just fine. Victor: That's beautiful. Man: Anything else, Mrs. Newman? Meggie: "Mrs. Newman"-- I love it. No, we're good. Victor: (Sighs) Meggie: Well, Mr. Newman, I have quite a night in store for us. I'm really excited about it. Victor: Oh, Boy. Meggie: And I know you will be, too. Hope you're ready for it. Victor: (Chuckles) Oh, Boy. [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: Okay, the dresses, the suits, makeup, curling irons... Kay: The suits, right. Right. Right. Right. Chloe: Um, cake and flowers are on its way. Kay: Uh-huh, um... Chloe: And I don't know how "Mrs. Houdini" did it, but she pulled a marriage license out of her hat. Kay: I just pulled in a favor. That's all I did-- a favor. J.T.: (Chuckles) Chloe: So I'm gonna take these upstairs. Then we will talk plan of attack for the day, and, uh, ooh, please say thank you to Kevin, because he volunteered to help. J.T.: Well, I can only imagine her definition of "Volunteer." Kevin: Dude, you have no idea. Kay: (Chuckles) (Doorbell rings) Chloe: Okay, be quiet. Let's bring these-- don't mash the dresses. Mac: Thank you, Kevin. Kay: Watch it, Kevin. You're gonna step on that. (Chuckles) Victoria: What's going on? Reed: I'm going to be in daddy and Mac's wedding. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Great. Good. No. I'm on my way. Thanks. Michael: I'm on my way to Heather Stevens. I'm gonna make sure Daisy doesn't get bail. I was hoping you would come with me. Lauren: What do you need me for? Michael: (Chuckles) As brilliant as I am at what I do, there's something you offer I can't. Lauren: A real-life representation of Daisy's crimes? No, thank you. No, thank you. (Sighs) I am through playing victim. Michael: Not as long as you stay locked away in this apartment. [SCENE_BREAK] Daisy: (Sighs) Am I getting arraigned today? Woman: Are you prepared to post bail if the judge grants it? Daisy: No. But, uh, I'm hoping my baby's father will come through for us. [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: Hey, Daniel. What are you doin'? Daniel: Hey. Phyllis: Come have a cup of coffee. Daniel: I didn't even see you sittin' there. Phyllis: (Chuckles) Daniel: I've actually been meaning to call you. Phyllis: Oh, great. Hey, hey, did you hear that they arrested Daisy? Daniel: Yeah, I-I was there. Phyllis: What? Daniel: She broke into my apartment. Phyllis: Oh, my gosh. Did she do anything? Did she try anything with you? Daniel: Does claiming that I'm the father of her baby count? [SCENE_BREAK] Reed: Will you stay, Mommy? Victoria: Yes, I would-- I would love to stay and see you all dressed up and handsome and walking down the aisle. Esther: You know, Chloe has an awesome suit for someone to try on. Want to see it? Reed: Come on, Mom. Esther: Yeah. Victoria: Okay. J.T.: Hey, Victoria? Look, I know this isn't easy. I appreciate what you're doing for Reed. Victoria: Yeah, well, I'm a good mom. I always have been. I wish you'd stop acting so surprised about that. Kay: Uh, Billy. Billy. J.T.: Well, she is really upset with me for taking Reed to D.C. Kay: You both love Reed, and you're going to make him a great life in Washington. But Victoria's entitled to be angry, you know? Surely you both understand that. (Doorbell rings) Mac: I'll get that. Kay: Thank you, Sweetie. J.T.: (Sighs) Lily: You're getting married today! Mac: I know! Can you believe it? Lily: (Laughs) Mac: Where's Cane? Lily: Uh, actually, he flew to, uh, Chicago for a meeting, so he's gonna be really upset that he missed this. Mac: Well, I am glad that you're here because I have a favor to ask you. Lily: Yes? Mac: Would you be my matron of honor? Lily: (Laughs) Listen, after everything that you have done for me, of course I will. I would love to. (Laughs) J.T.: Hey, thanks again, Buddy. I appreciate it. Kevin: Yeah, no problem. Kay: Well, I'm rather surprised to see you here, young man. I thought you'd be preoccupied with Daisy coming back to town. Kevin: No, that's got nothing to do with me. Kay: No? Well, she nearly, um, killed Jana, destroyed your marriage, and the fact that she is your sister... and you are telling me that you have no feelings about her coming back to Genoa City? Kevin: I'm-- I'm just gonna let Michael handle Daisy. Kay: Mm-hmm. Kevin: He'll make sure that she gets locked away for a long time, and that's good enough for me. Kay: (Chuckles) [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Hey. I appreciate your being able to meet with me. I know how busy you are, what with work and the campaign and... Heather: (Sighs) I guess you hadn't heard then. Michael: (Sighs) Heather: I dropped out of the race. I thought I could, uh, do a balancing act with Victor, take his money and not let him use me, but, um... Michael: I'm so sorry. Heather: Mm. You and me both. (Sighs) All right, um, Daisy Carter's arraignment is today. I plan to ask for remand. Michael: Well, we can't let some incompetent judge grant her bail just because she's pregnant. Heather: Oh. (Scoffs) Plenty of pregnant inmates. Michael: None as dangerous as this one. Listen to me. Daisy has to stay behind bars, not just for my family's safety, but for Lauren's sanity. [SCENE_BREAK] [Lauren remembering] Daisy: Sheila didn't raise her twins. Doesn't mean she didn't give birth to them and then pawn them off to someone else. Our mother was too busy with her vendetta against you to give us a thought. If it weren't for you, my brother and I would have had a mother, our real mother. And for that, we are gonna make you suffer, like we did. [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: Okay, this was just gonna be an ordinary day. I was just gonna go to work. Summer was gonna go to school. Maybe get a massage, a manicure. But finding out that I might become a... g-- a g-- a grandmother was not on the agenda. Daniel: I'm telling you... Phyllis: Daniel-- Daniel: I did not have sex with Daisy. Phyllis: You don't know if you did or you didn't have sex with Daisy. You don't remember. We need to get a court order. We need to find out if that kid is yours. Daniel: She already offered to take a paternity test. Phyllis: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go! (Sighs) Let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: (Slurring) Where the hell is everybody? Meggie: Oh, I called ahead and told the staff they could go home so we could have the house to ourselves. Victor: Oh, I like the sound of that. Meggie: (Chuckles) Victor: I love the sound of that, Baby. Meggie: (Laughs) Victor. Victor: Mm. Mm. Meggie: It's our-- it's our wedding night. I want everything to be perfect. Victor: (Laughs) Ooh! Oh, Man. (Sighs) Don't make me wait too long, okay? Meggie: No, I'll just... post our wedding photo on Faceplace so everybody can see how happy we are, and then we'll get on with the rest of the night. [SCENE_BREAK] J.T.: Hey, Paul. Thanks for coming. Come on in. Paul: Yeah, it sounded urgent. What's up? J.T.: Yeah, it is. Uh, let's--let's go in here. Well, my friend... (Sighs) I am gettin' married. Paul: You and Mac, I know. J.T.: No, today. Now. Paul: Great. Uh, shoot. What--what can I do to help? J.T.: You can be my best man. Paul: (Sighs) I would be honored. J.T.: Good. Paul: (Chuckles) (Doorbell rings) Mac: I'll get that. Kay: Oh, could you, Darling? Mac: Yeah. Kay: Please. Could be the minister. Brock: Hi. Mac: Hi! Brock: I hear there's a wedding here today. Mac: (Laughs) Dad! Brock: (Laughs) Oh, congratulations, Sweetheart. Mac: Thank you. Brock: (Chuckles) [SCENE_BREAK] (Key rattles in lock) Michael: Hey, hey. Lauren: Hi. Michael: Uh, interesting news-- Heather Stevens has decided not to run for district attorney. Lauren: Really? Michael: Apparently, she will handle the arraignment, and the new D.A. will take over the prosecution. Lauren: All right, good. Hopefully, between the three of you, you can keep Daisy in jail for a very long period of time. Michael: Oh, well, the odds of that happening would improve considerably if you spoke at the arraignment today. Lauren: No. I-I-I don't want to see her. Michael: All right, wait. Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Listen to me. Daisy cannot hurt you if we make sure she stays locked up. Lauren: But Ryder is still out there. He--he could be waiting for me to leave the apartment. Michael: All right, Sweetheart. Sweetheart, that's not gonna happen. Lauren: Daisy said that she would make me pay for taking Sheila away from her and her brother. She wants to hurt me, and she wants to hurt you, and she wants to hurt Fen. Michael: All right, Lauren, she's already tried to hurt you. But you defeated her with your strength and your courage. Lauren: (Sighs) Michael: You go to that arraignment today. You show her she still can't beat you. Lauren: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Heather: Fax it to my office, all right? Thank you. Michael: (Clears throat) Look who came to speak at Daisy's arraignment. Heather: Lauren, you have no idea how important it is that you're here. Lauren: Well, if it keeps Daisy in jail, then I'm glad I came. Daisy: So am I, Lauren. I'm glad you came today. Lauren: Why? Daisy: (Sighs) Lauren: So you could scare me? So you could hurt me? Daisy: I was a victim of Aunt Sarah's, just like you. I feel terrible about what happened. Lauren: You know what? You enjoyed every second that you tortured Jana and me. You caged us like animals. You told us that we would never see our families again. Oh, no. Now you are behind bars, and I'm gonna make sure you stay that way. Daisy: Daniel. Phyllis: We are here to talk to you and Heather, um, regarding something about Miss Carter. Michael: What about her? Phyllis: (Sighs) It's not about her, actually. It's about, um, the-- the ba- baby. Daniel: She claims it's mine. Phyllis: Yeah. Michael: Yours? Lauren: What?! Phyllis: No, no, no, no. Listen. Listen. This is not for sure. We're-- we're gonna make sure that-- that--that it's his... or not. Michael: Are you willing to do a paternity test? Daniel: Absolutely I'm willing to do it. Phyllis: Yeah. Daniel: All right, I want to do it before the arraignment, though... Phyllis: Right. Daniel: So we can prove that this kid is not mine. [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: Hey. (Sighs) Have I told you how much I love you? I'm gonna call you every day, all right? I'm gonna send you lots of hugs and lots of kisses over the phone. Reed: It won't be the same as real kisses. Victoria: Yeah, I know. But... well, I'm gonna come to Washington, D.C., to give you those kisses, okay? And you know what? You're gonna come back here, and you're gonna visit a lot. You'll see me a lot. Reed: I'm gonna miss you, Mommy. Victoria: Come here. (Sighs) I'm gonna miss you, too, Baby. But you're always gonna be my number... my number one guy, okay? Reed: You're always gonna be my number one mommy. Victoria: Okay. (Chuckles) Victoria: Mm... (Chuckles) Billy: Hey, Guys, you want to go, uh, stretch your legs a little bit before the ceremony? Victoria: Yeah, that's a good idea. (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] (Knock on door) Deacon: I, uh, brought you some tea. Nikki: Oh, thanks. Deacon: What are you doing? Nikki: Oh, I'm just loggin' on to Faceplace. Maybe I'll find somebody whose life is more miserable than mine, cheer myself up. Deacon: Any luck? Nikki: What? Deacon: What's the matter? What'd you find? Somebody put an unflattering picture up or something? Nikki: Meggie has changed her status from single to married. Deacon: Your assistant? Nikki: (Gasps) Oh, my God! Nikki: There's a wedding picture of her and Victor. Deacon: Let me see that. [SCENE_BREAK] Meggie: Sorry it took me so-- is that any way to act on your honeymoon? You know what you need? (Chuckles) A drink. And I happen to know the perfect pick- me-up. Meggie: Poor Victor... so tanked. Meggie: He felt he had to take a few pills... Meggie: Just to perform. Meggie: That ought to put you right out of this world... literally. [SCENE_BREAK] Woman: She'll do the paternity test if she can check into a hospital and get adequate prenatal care. Daisy: And I stay there until the results come back. Lauren: There's no way. Michael. Michael. You cannot let this happen. Michael: (Stammers) She's already proven she's a flight risk and a threat to Lauren. Lauren: And her brother's still out there. Phyllis: Lauren, Lauren, I-I understand. I-I totally support you-- totally. But, um, we--we have to find out if that baby is my son's. Lauren: Then fine. Do the test in jail. You've got doctors and hospitals. Daisy: Forget it. I'm not letting a prison doctor jab me in the n-- stomach with a needle while I'm handcuffed to a bed. Heather: W-we can't force Miss Carter to submit to a paternity test. It is up to her. Lauren: (Sighs) Daisy: You know my conditions. I go to a real hospital, or "Baby Romalotti" stays behind bars with me. Phyllis: (Sighs) (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: Married? (Sighs) (Stammers) That's unbelievable. When--when they were up in Canada, I know that Meggie came on to him, and when she came down here, I-I-I thought that she might be after him, but he said that he had no interest in her. Oh, my God. I need a drink. Deacon: Okay, you know what? That's the last thing you need. Nikki: Oh, my God. I know. I know. You're right. Deacon: (Sighs) Nikki: I-I-I-I just don't understand how something like this could happen. I mean, what, is it because of the-- the fight that we had here the other night? Because I threw him out of here? Deacon: I mean, do you really think that he was so upset that he rushed into the arms of another woman? I-- Nikki: Are you kidding? He does it all the time. Every time something goes wrong between the two of us, there's a whole list of them-- Diane, Sabrina, Ashley. Now we have Meggie. How could he do this? How could he just give up on me? [SCENE_BREAK] Meggie: Wake up, Sleepyhead. I made you a special drink. It's gonna help finish the honeymoon with a bang. Victor: (Slurring) I've had too much to drink already. Meggie: Oh, I went to so much trouble. Don't you want to make your bride happy? She'd do anything to make you happy. Victor: Oh, Baby. Oh, Baby. (Groans) (Sighs) (Sighs) (Exhales) (Groans) Oh, Meggie, you're a good wife. (Sighs) You're such a good wife. (Sighs) Meggie: Oh, Victor, I can't wait for what comes next. Victor: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Brock: You be happy. Mac: I will. Brock: All right. Mac: (Chuckles) Brock: I've been asked to, uh, cut this short. Um... well, I mean, these last couple of weeks have been, uh, difficult, you know? Pretty tough for the family. So when Mother called and asked if I'd marry you two, uh, I was thrilled. (Chuckles) You know, finally, something to celebrate! What a... what a joyous and hopeful celebration for you two. The love that you have for one another, the life that you plan to... to build together-- simply fantastic. All right, now I believe, Mackenzie, J.T., You have something you want to say to each other. Mac: (Sighs) I have traveled the world helping other people, trying to give meaning to my life. I always felt good about what I was doing, but something was missing. It wasn't until I got home that I realized that what was missing had been in my own backyard the whole time... since high school. (Chuckles) J.T.: (Chuckles) Mac: We have crossed in and out of each other's lives so many times, I've lost track. But I think somewhere deep inside, I always knew that we would end up here one day. I could have clicked my heels three times and maybe made it happen sooner... J.T.: (Chuckles) Mac: But we're here now. We're home. And as long as we're together, we always will be. J.T.: (Sighs) That's right. Timing hasn't always been our thing. But we're destined to be a family. And just so I got the message loud and clear, somebody upstairs sent us a little reminder-- the baby you're carrying, our baby. Reed: Yeah! I'm gonna be a big brother! Esther: (Laughs) Brock: (Laughs) Brock: Well, let's make this official, huh? Jeffrey Todd, do you take Mackenzie to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live? J.T.: I do. Brock: Mackenzie, do you take Jeffery Todd to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live? Mac: I do. Brock: Ring time, Kiddo. J.T.: Thanks, Buddy. Mac: Oh, the ring. J.T.: Okay. Brock: By the power vested in me by the state of Wisconsin, I do hereby proclaim you husband and wife. J.T.: (Chuckles) Yeah. Yeah, go ahead. Kay: (Laughs) Brock: (Laughs) Esther: (Laughs) Chloe: Whoo! Brock: All right. Lily: Aw. (Laughs) Mac: Thank you so much. This was amazing. Chloe: Wait till you see what we did to the car. Reed: Can I see it? J.T.: Yeah, hey, Buddy, why don't you, uh, help me pack up the rest of your stuff? Billy: Thank you. Kay: Oh, just what Billy needed. Victoria: Um, can I come with you? J.T.: Sure. Here. Kay: (Chuckles) Billy: Well, hope this wedding goes better than the last one you had here. Mac: Yeah, it's destiny-- Victoria's yours, J.T.'s mine. Billy: I wish you all the best. I'll always love you. Mac: You, too. Billy: Mm. Kay: My turn. Billy: Yes, Ma'am. Kay: (Chuckles) All right, now you listen. You promise to come and visit, or I'm gonna be knocking on your door in Washington every time I turn around, especially when this child is born. Mac: I promise. Kay: I love you, Mac... Mac: I love you. Kay: So much. Mm. Happiness. Lily: My turn. Mac: (Laughs) Lily: Now listen here, Missy. I planned on spending every day telling you thank you for giving me Charlie and Mattie. Now how am I supposed to do that with you so far away? Mac: Well, we're gonna stay in touch, always. Lily: (Sighs) Okay. Victoria: Did you pack the "Bumpy" book that I gave you? Reed: Uh-huh. Victoria: Uh-huh. J.T.: Hey, Buddy, where's that stuffed cow you won at the harvest festival? Reed: I left it upstairs. J.T.: Okay, go get it. Hey, uh, look, I'm sorry if it sounded like I was insinuating you're not a good mother, 'cause you are a good mother. Victoria: Okay. Then why are you taking my little boy away from me? J.T.: You'll always be a part of his life. Victoria: What? Through phone calls and e-mails? Is that how? That--that's not good enough. I'm his mother, okay? I need to be there for him. I need to be there for him every day, and I need to tell him how much I love him. You have no right to take that away from me. How would you like it if--if somebody took Mac's baby away from her? You wouldn't like that very much, would you? You would hate the person that did that to her. You would never forgive that person. And you know what, J.T.? I'm never, ever gonna forgive you--ever. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: Oh, my God. Deacon: Okay, okay. Hey. Nikki: (Sobs) Deacon: What Victor did to you is awful, and I-- I get why you want to have a drink, but please don't let him do this to you. Nikki: That is easier said than done. Deacon: Yeah, well, nothing's easy when you're in recovery... Nikki: (Sobs) Deacon: Which is why we made a pact, right? You remember? You and me, we're gonna get through this together. Nikki: I know. (Sighs) Whoever would have thought...? (Sniffles) Deacon: (Chuckles) Nikki: Us? Deacon: Yeah, not me. But I'm glad it happened, because, Nikki, I'm better when I'm with you. Nikki: (Sighs) Deacon: I just wish that there was something I could do for you. Nikki: (Sighs) Well, you could... (Sighs) Wake me up and tell me this is all a dream. Deacon: Yeah, right, so you can go running back to that guy and he can hurt you all over again? No way. Nikki: (Sniffles) Oh, my God, I am so predictable. (Scoffs) So is he. I mean, he can just be so cruel and so selfish to me and his children and his grandchildren. Deacon: I mean, how does he get away treating the people that he cares about like this? Nikki: Are you kidding? He doesn't care. He do--he doesn't bother rationalizing any of it, you know? It--it's--it's his way, however it is. If he wants to be with Meggie, well, then we will just accept that or go to hell. Deacon: I think he's lucky you even give a damn about him. Nikki: I worry about that myself sometimes. What am I doing? But I have to say, he's given me two beautiful children who I adore. And--and we have had... we have had some happy years. (Sighs) (Chuckles) (Sighs) And, you know, he thinks that we're the lucky ones to be in his world. He will die believing that. [SCENE_BREAK] Meggie: Something wrong, Sweetheart? Victor: (Sighs) Meggie: Does your chest hurt? Victor: (Groans) Meggie: Are you feeling a little light-headed, nauseous? Victor: (Sighs) Meggie: Don't worry. It'll be over soon. Victor: (Sighs) Meggie: Very soon. Victor: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: (Sighs) Lauren, you know I would never, ever, ever do anything to hurt you. Daniel: Yeah, we just want to make sure that this baby she's carrying isn't mine. Phyllis: Right. Lauren: Yeah, and-- and what if it is? Then what? She--she stays out of jail until the baby's born? Come on. Heather: We could put, uh, 24-hour surveillance on her. We could handcuff her to the bed. Phyllis: Right. Right. Lauren: No. No. No. Heather: Whatever would make you feel comfortable. Michael: Look, the only thing that would make Lauren more comfortable is if Daisy stays in jail. Phyllis: Michael. Michael. Michael. Michael: Look, I understand your predicament... Phyllis: (Groans) Michael: But there is too much at risk here. This is a dangerous, conniving woman, and she is trying to use this baby as a "Get out of jail" pass. Now if you let her do this, I will fight you. Heather: That won't be necessary. Lauren: I'm sorry, Phyllis. Phyllis: (Sighs) Michael: No deal. You can still have a paternity test done in a county facility. Daisy: No, thanks. No private hospital, no test. Looks like junior stays behind bars. Bye, Daddy. [SCENE_BREAK] Brock: (Sighs) Okay, remember, Thanksgiving, I'll be there to visit you. All right. Mac: Okay, we will set you a place at the table. Brock: All right, Dear. Mac: Ready? J.T.: Yeah. Yeah. Let's do it. Mac: Okay. Victoria: Hey. Come here for a second. (Sighs) Okay, listen. (Clears throat) You need to button up here. It's a little bit cold out. It's gonna be cold in Washington, too. I wanted to talk to you about, uh, everything we discussed. Do you remember? I need you to brush your teeth every day and every night. And don't forget the back teeth, 'cause they're really important, too. (Sighs) And would you please do me a favor and don't jump on the bed, because you know it makes me so nervous? Right? When you go over to your friend's house, be sure to be polite, and say please and thank you. Reed: 'Cause you want to make a good impression. Victoria: Yes, that's right. And most importantly, though, just remember that if you ever miss me, you just close your eyes really tight. That's right. And wherever I am, I'll be thinking about you. And I'll be giving you a big hug, all right? Victoria: I love you so much. Reed: I love you, too, Mommy. J.T.: Let's go, Bud. Come on. Victoria: (Sighs) Victoria: (Whispers) You gotta go. Reed: (Whispers) I love you. Victoria: I love you, too. Now go. J.T.: All right. (Sighs) All: (Cheering) Brock: It's gonna be fine. Chloe: Whoo! Brock: All right, good. Mac: We love you! Victoria: (Sobs) [SCENE_BREAK] Deacon: Hey, they're showing "Airplane" in the media room in ten minutes. Come on, what do you say? We could both use a laugh, right? Nikki: No, I-I-I don't feel like it. You go ahead. Deacon: I'm not bailing on you. Nikki: (Sighs) No, you're not. Deacon: No, I'm not. Nikki: Thank you... somehow doesn't seem... enough. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: (Gasps) Meggie: What's the matter, tough guy? Victor: (Groans) Meggie: Not feeling well? Victor: (Groans, coughs) Meggie: To call an ambulance, or not to call an ambulance? Victor: (Wheezes) Meggie: Well, really, I mean, why waste the money? And it is my money... Victor: (Groans, coughs) Meggie: Or it will be if you could just hurry up and die. Victor: (Groans) (Sighs) (Growls) Meggie: Aah! Victor: What's the rush? [NEXT_ON] Nick: It's our final divorce decree. Kay: Murphy, uh, wh-- Darling, what is it? Nikki: Tell me all about your wedding and your new wife. | Victor begins to have chest pains |
217 | Brooke: No, no. Don't speak. Don't think. Just enjoy this moment -- just the two of us together after so long. Just feel it. Ridge: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] (Flashback) Katie: [Sobbing] Ridge: Come here. (Present time) [Knock on door] Donna: Hi. Katie: Hi. What are you doing here? Donna: Um, well, I didn't like the way you sounded on the phone. Katie: So you're here to check up on me? Donna: What are sisters for? Katie: Hmm. Donna: You're a little blue? [Sighs] It's okay. You're allowed to be. Katie: No, I'm not. I should be over this by now. Donna: You know, I-I don't think there's a specific timetable for recovery when your family breaks apart. Katie: You know, I-I go through the day, and I-I almost convince myself that I'm fine. I'm -- I'm at work, and I'm functioning, and thank God for work. And then I come home, and I feed Will, and I play with him, and then I put him to bed, and I'm all by myself in this big house. I never knew silence could be so loud. Donna: Ohh, Katie. Come here. [SCENE_BREAK] [Door opens] Caroline: Oh. Hi, Uncle Bill. Bill: Hey. Liam behind you? Caroline: No. He's gonna work late, so he asked me to pick up something for him. Bill: Working late...at my company -- the one I'm not allowed to enter without permission or invitation. Caroline: Bugs you, huh? Bill: It drives me nuts but it is humbling. Maybe it's a lesson that was long overdue. [SCENE_BREAK] Bill: Thanks. Caroline: A lot's changed for you lately. Bill: A lot? How about everything? A year ago, I was in a solid marriage. I was worried about my wife but committed. I was a proud new dad, spending a lot of quality time with my son -- something else that I have to ask permission for now. I was the C.E.O. of my company. I mean, I had it all...at least on paper. Caroline: And then you fell in love with Brooke. Bill: Yeah, I didn't see that coming. My wife's sister? Unthinkable. Caroline: Regrets? Bill: A few -- Will growing up in a divided home, Katie getting hurt so badly. I regret the estrangement between Brooke and Katie. They were so close until all this happened. Caroline: Would you take it back? Getting involved with Brooke, I mean. Bill: Never. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: Okay. All right. There you go. Donna: Thank you. Katie: Cheers. [Glasses clink] Donna: Cheers. Katie: So, Brooke stopped by earlier. Donna: Mm. How did that go? Katie: It was tense. It's probably my fault. I mean, I just want to forgive her and tell her that we're sisters, and we're gonna move past this, and then she says something that is so infuriating, and I'm right back to where I started. Donna: Well, you know how it is when you just want to say the perfect thing, and it's bound to come out wrong? Look, Brooke -- she means well, okay? And more than anything, she wants to make it right with you again. Katie: [Sighs] I know. I'm just -- I'm so tired of hearing that it's all my fault and that I pushed them together and that I insisted that she take my place. I mean, I wasn't well, and if Bill didn't consider that, then Brooke should have. And please, please -- God, stop me. Please, stop me and tell me to shut up. [Chuckles] Donna: It's okay. Your whole life was turned upside down. You have a right to feel however you feel. Katie: I'm just trying to figure it out. [Sighs] It's confusing. These are two people that I trusted more than anything else in the world, and they betrayed me, and I don't want to be filled with anger. I'm trying to move past it, and then Brooke shows up, and she just gives me Bill back. I -- what am I supposed to do with that? Donna: Well, you know, she says that she's done with Bill. I believe her. Katie: [Sighs] She's still in love with him. And now she's positioned right where she wants to be -- between two men who want her -- Bill and Ridge. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: [Breathing heavily] [Sighs] Ridge: I can't do this. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: This feels familiar, doesn't it? Donna: Mm. Katie: Two men fighting over Brooke, competing for her. Donna: Yeah. Yeah, we've certainly seen this before... Katie: [Scoffs] Donna: ...Usually involving Ridge. Katie: What is it about our sister that makes men behave like besotted little boys? Donna: That's one of those questions I'm not supposed to answer, right? Katie: I mean, I used to take it for granted -- you know, Brooke is so sexy and so beautiful, of course men just lose their minds over her. [Sighs] It doesn't go down so easy when the man in question is yours. Donna: You know, she really regrets her part in breaking up your family. Katie: Oh, I know. Donna: She thought that you and Bill were broken up, and -- Katie: Yeah. She feels really bad. I understand. She's really sorry, and then she reminds me that I'm responsible and I have owned that, and then I have to think, "well, no one forced Bill and Brooke into bed together," and then we're back in the same cycle, like this merry-go-round, and it's exhausting. I mean, I have got to have some kind of resolution. I have got to be able to live some kind of normal life and have some kind of normal relationship with my sister and the father of my child, if that's even possible. Donna: Anything is possible if you really put your mind to it. And, look, things -- things are different now. I mean, Bill and Brooke are done, and Ridge is back...and that changes everything. You know it, I know it, and I suspect Bill knows it, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Bill: Thanks. Caroline: You must know Ridge is back. Bill: Mm. We bumped into each other at Brooke's. Caroline: Awkward. Bill: Well, for Ridge, maybe. I mean, he's been gone over a year. I've been here, helping Brooke through her pain, because he dumped her. On top of that, there was Stephanie's death. Ridge is the interloper -- not me. Caroline: Does Brooke see it that way? Bill: She's a little... confused. He has that effect on her. Caroline: You don't seem worried. Bill: I know what Brooke and I have. Caroline: But where does that leave Katie? Bill: In a place I never wanted her to be. When I married Katie, I meant it. I had never met a woman who was a match for me -- strong, beautiful, accepted me for who I was. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Katie. Caroline: Until Brooke. And now Ridge is back, you're -- you're really not worried? Bill: Ridge is like a cigarette -- a bad habit that Brooke needs to break. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: I want that, but I-I-I can't. Brooke: I'm right here, and I'm wanting you, too. Ridge: Yeah, well, the thought of you and Spencer -- I just can't get it out of my head. Brooke: Don't -- just please don't talk about that. Really, it's over. Ridge: No, it's not -- not for me. Not for Katie. Brooke: [Sighs] It's complicated. Ridge: Complicated how? Tell me. [SCENE_BREAK] Caroline: Not to minimize your relationship with Brooke at all -- I mean, it's obviously very intense -- but Brooke and Ridge -- I mean, they're kind of legendary. I mean, this grand, sweeping love prevailing against all odds. Bill: It's a bunch of over-romanticized B.S. You want the facts? The facts are Ridge leaves. Brooke steps out of line, does something he doesn't like, and he heads for the exits. He has a little hissy fit. Brooke knows that I'm not going anywhere. Caroline: I don't think that Ridge is, either. I mean, he is back at Forrester, acting like C.E.O. or president, at least. Bill: That's pretty classic Ridge. The guy leaves town for a year without so much as a goodbye to anyone, and then he shows back up and thinks that everything should just be as it was. That's what happens when you grow up with a silver spoon in your mouth. In the real world, the clock keeps ticking, positions get filled, people move on with their lives, and Ridge would be wise to learn that. Caroline: It's just... I love you, Uncle Bill. You are the closest thing I have to a father. I don't want to see you get hurt. Bill: I'm not afraid of hurt, Caroline. I'm not afraid of anything that makes me feel alive. Brooke says she's going back to Ridge. She thinks that if the right families get together -- Brooke, Ridge, R.J. -- Me, Katie, Will -- that everything will be right in the world. The truth is too much has happened. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: You want to know what I don't understand? Brooke thinks that she can just give Bill back to me. Well, what if I don't want him? What if Ridge doesn't want her? It's not unthinkable. Donna: No, he -- he came back for one reason -- one reason only -- to reunite his family. Katie: Well, he didn't know that Brooke was carrying on with Bill. He certainly wasn't happy about it. He came by to see me as soon as he found out. He actually stopped by after you left on New Year's Eve. Donna: Was he furious? Katie: He was in shock. He actually apologized for not being here and keeping Brooke under control. He was very sweet. He's looking for reasons to give her the benefit of the doubt. [Scoffs] And who am I kidding? He's gonna find those reasons and take her back. Why should this time be any different? [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: Don't shut down on me. Ridge: He had your body right here on this bed. Did he have your heart, too? Brooke: There was an attraction, but we fought it. Ridge: Well, you didn't fight it very hard. He must have been pretty special for you to hurt your sister like that. Brooke: [Sighs] Ridge: Look at me. Did you love him? Brooke: Um... eventually, yes. Ridge: How does one person fall in love so many times? Brooke: That is not fair. You walked out on me on our honeymoon, and I was devastated, and Bill was there to pick up the pieces. Ridge: I can't talk about this. Brooke: You have no idea what you did to me. You left...and Katie was leaving Bill. Ridge: So you had to comfort each other? Brooke: Yes. Yes, we did, as friends. And then, because of circumstances -- look, why are we even talking about this? Ridge: Because I don't get it! Brooke: It is over. Bill and I are over. Ridge: That's what you keep saying. But why? What happened? Brooke: Bill did something unforgivable. As if we didn't hurt her enough already...he broke up with me, and he said he was going to rebuild his family, go back to Katie, and I encouraged that because I knew it was the right thing to do. Ridge: So, Bill and Katie got back together? Brooke: No. No. It was a con. Bill pretended to go back to Katie so that he could get her to sign over his company back to him and also he'd have equal custody of his son. Ridge: Now, you know that's despicable, right? Brooke: Yeah, I know. I know. And that was it. That was the end. I know what I did was terrible, and I have many, many regrets, and I'm trying really hard to -- just to rebuild that trust that Katie and I once had. And I'm doing it. But you know what? That has nothing to do with us or you. I just -- I want you to focus on what we have here. I want you to focus on rebuilding our family the same way they are. I mean, R.J. wants that, too. Did you see how happy he was at Christmas? He wants his family together so badly. And we can do that. Really, we could do that for him. We could make that happen. This is my issue. It's not yours -- really, it's not. I don't want you to worry about this. I just want you to concentrate on our family and bringing everything back together and rebuilding. I want it to be the way it used to be -- all of it -- everything. Ohh. [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Caroline: I admire you so much -- your strength, your confidence. I'm just -- I'm not sure that you can have what you want this time. Bill: Because of Ridge? Let me tell you something. Throwing on a suit doesn't change the fact that the guy is a jerk. He broke up with Brooke over a text message. He doesn't deserve her. Caroline: Well, if she wants him back... Bill: That's just guilt talking -- over R.J., over Katie -- and I understand it... because I feel some guilt myself. I mean, kids grow up really fast, and I am missing out on a lot of quality time with my son and him with me. And when Katie looks at me, and I see that pain and bewilderment in her eyes, it cuts right through me. Caroline: Then maybe -- maybe Brooke's onto something. You know, maybe going back to your family, starting over again -- it's not the worst idea. You know, you won't know unless you try. Bill: I know the connection that Brooke and I have -- the passion that we share -- and not Ridge and not any man can compete with that. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: Apparently, I just do not know what men want. Donna: Mm. Don't look at me on that one. I have no idea. Katie: I mean, look at Brooke. She wrecks homes, she breaks hearts, and what does she get? She gets two men fighting over her. I mean, how does that happen? Donna: Well, you know, things haven't been easy for her. Katie: Oh, come on. Donna: [Sighs] Katie: It's very hard to be sympathetic when she's choosing between her husband and mine. Is there any man who isn't vulnerable to her? [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: [Sighs] Ridge: [Sighs] Brooke: I'm yours. | He asks if she loved Bill |
218 | Sheridan: You really didn't have to come home with us, Eve. Eve: Oh, you know, I'm staying at the main house. I thought I'd just come in and make sure you were ok. Luis: All right, how about I run you a nice hot bath and make you some tea? Sheridan: You really don't need to do all this fussing over me, honestly. Luis: Sure? Sheridan: Positive. Look, I'll be fine. Both of you stop worrying. I will get through this. Luis: What about Marty? Sheridan: I'm happy that you asked Beth for joint custody, and I realize that I have to get over this notion that Marty is my son and not hers. Mrs. Wallace: Oh, boy. Beth: The gall of that woman! How dare she and Luis demand joint custody of Marty. Mrs. Wallace: Well, Marty is Sheridan's son, missy, not yours, and your problem is that she knows that deep down in her soul, and she's not letting it go. Beth: I don't give a rat's tail what she feels "deep down in her soul." Mrs. Wallace: All right. So what about Luis? Beth: What about him? Mrs. Wallace: Seems to me, missy, he has got you backed right into a corner, because if you refuse to give him custody, he's going to start wondering why. He may even take you to court. So you know what? You don't have any choice but to let Marty spend some good time with Luis and Sheridan, whether you like it or not. Beth: The hell I will. She can get her own damn kid. Mrs. Wallace: Pardon me for being a stickler for details. She already has. His name is Marty. He's asleep upstairs. You kidnapped him. What, do you think you're going to be able to pass him off as your son forever? Jeez. Beth: I can and I will. Mrs. Wallace: Think again, missy-moo. It'll save your rear end a mess of trouble. Now, please, Bethie, please, just give Sheridan back her baby boy. Do the right thing here. Return Marty to his real mommy, his real daddy. Come on! Beth: Never. I am not even going to give Luis custody. It's just not going to happen, Mother. Mrs. Wallace: Oh -- [SCENE_BREAK] Whitney: Wait. So, tell me, how are you going to find Gwen and Jane? Fox: Well -- Whitney: How are you going to bring Theresa's baby back to her? Fox: Let's just say that I already put a plan in motion. Like I said, Whitney, I would do anything to make you feel better. Whitney: You care about me that much, huh? Fox: More. And if bringing Theresa's baby home is the most important thing to you right now, then I'll move heaven and earth to make sure it happens. Whitney: Well, I'm going to go tell her, ok? Fox: Oh, no, no, no, don't tell her, don't tell her, because I don't want her to get her hopes up and then, you know, if it doesn't work out, she'll -- I probably shouldn't have told you anyway. Whitney: No, no. No. I'm glad you told me. No, thank you. It means a lot to me, thank you. Fox: Yeah? Whitney: Yeah. Fox: Good. So does this mean you and I still have a chance? Because I was afraid when you turned me down on all my marriage proposals earlier that we were kind of -- kind of over, you know? Whitney: Well, you know, why don't we just talk about our future later -- Fox: Ok. Whitney: And worry about getting Theresa's baby back now, ok? Fox: Right. Well, I just want you to know that I love you and I love our baby with all my heart. Whitney: Ok. Fox: Oh, what do you know? The tracer's doing its thing. Alistair's on the phone. The longer he stays on the phone, the better my chances are of finding Gwen, Katherine, and Theresa's baby. If this doesn't make Whitney love me enough to marry me, I don't know what will. [SCENE_BREAK] Katherine: I'm going to hang up now, Alistair. Alistair: Is my voice affecting you that deeply, Katherine? I know you. You're getting goose bumps, aren't you? I miss you, too, darling. Yes, don't worry. We'll be together soon. And I can't wait to see you in my little gift. Katherine: I don't want to touch it, much less wear it. I don't want to see you, Alistair. I thought the deal was that you were letting me go, that you were never going to see me again, and that I would never see Martin again. Alistair: Martin, yes. Me, not quite. Katherine: But I don't want anything to do with you, Alistair. Alistair: I really don't care what you want, Katherine. It's what I want! You came to me to help you get out of Harmony to get away from your filthy little lover, and I sent you to a very luxurious place to hide, where no one would ever find you, except me. Fox: Well, this is it? This is it. It's working. Now Alistair's on the phone, the call's being traced, keep talking. Keep talking. It won't be long before I find out where you had Katherine, Gwen, and the baby taken. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: All right, the soup's ready, so -- what are you doing, Whitney? Whitney: I'm researching adoption. Theresa: No. Whitney: Don't get all negative on me now. I mean, this is my only solution, please. Theresa: The only solution is to eat the soup that I just heated up for you, get some meat on those bones before you have your child. Whitney: Look, I told you, I can't keep anything down, so there's no use trying. Theresa: You have to feed your baby, Whitney. Whitney: The most important thing is finding adoptive parents for my baby before I think about food, ok? Theresa: Well, I can't believe I'm hearing this. Whitney: Well, believe it. Honey, I can't keep this baby. I can't even consider raising my half brother's child. What kind of life would that be? Theresa: We'll deal with that when the time comes. Whitney: Well, the time is now, and my baby is about to be born. Look, the least I can do is try to set him or her up in the best way I can, ok? Now, don't argue with me about this. I am placing my child up for adoption, ok? Theresa: And what about you? Whitney: Me? I'll move someplace far away, and I'll start my life over, just try to put this horrible thing behind me. [SCENE_BREAK] Alistair: You really don't think I would send you to a place where I couldn't visit you, do you? Katherine: That was our agreement. Alistair: Agreement? Don't you mean understanding? Katherine, you're mine. And you asked me for a favor. I granted you that favor. Don't you think there would be -- there would be certain stipulations attached? Katherine: Stipulations? Alistair, I made it very clear to you that I -- Alistair: That I repulse you? That I offend your sensibilities? You've said all that, Katherine. But one thing I don't like and I can't stand is being compared to Martin Fitzgerald. Katherine: Martin's more of a gentleman than you will ever be. Alistair: Katherine, don't you understand? You are mine. And you knew that when you accepted my generosity. Katherine: No. Alistair: You wanted to be taken to a place where your filthy lover could never find you. I granted you that wish. I went to a lot of trouble to grant that wish for you, so don't pretend that you thought it was coming from the generosity and the goodness of my heart! Katherine, you are in my debt. You are deeply in my debt, and I will continue to collect my payments for as long as we shall live. Ethan: Just me, just me. The girls are in the kitchen. What are you hiding? What is that thing? Fox: Hey, it's the bug. It's working. It's actually working. Alistair's in his office. He's on the phone right now. His call's being traced. Ethan: Show me, show me. Fox: Oh, look. I don't know what it means, but -- Ethan: Fox, how do you know this isn't some random work call that means nothing, huh? Fox: No, no, no. Trust me. I know his habits, ok? He doesn't do work this late in the day. This is Katherine. Ethan: All right, well, how do you find out where she is? Fox: Well, that's the beauty of the bug I planted. All I have to do is download the actual tracer on to my laptop. Ethan: Laptop -- there's a laptop around here. I saw one. Fox: Well, I don't know. Maybe the girls are using it in the kitchen. I got one in the car. Ethan: So who knew you were such a techie, huh? Fox: Guess all those computer games I played in college actually paid off, huh? You know what this means, don't you? Ethan: Yeah, it means you're a little closer to finding out where Alistair had Katherine flown. Fox: Yeah. That's right, and Gwen and the baby. Ethan: That I know, all right? Fox: Yeah, which means it's only a matter of days, maybe even hours, before we bring them home safely. So Theresa will have her baby back. You'll be facing the biggest decision of your life -- Theresa or Gwen? [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: Look, will the two of you stop treating me like a fragile piece of Crane porcelain? I will get through this just fine. Luis: So, then you're over thinking that Marty is our baby? Sheridan: Our baby? Our -- the baby that was taken away from me just minutes after I gave birth to him? All I know is that I trust you, Luis. All right, if you say that Marty is not our son, then I have to believe you, and whatever feelings that I have towards Marty I just have to accept that he's Beth's son and not mine. Luis: Are you just saying that because you think it's what Eve and I want to hear? Sheridan: Of course not. Look, I know that it's not going to be easy to be around Marty because I feel such a connection to him. But I do promise that when I am around him, I'll act appropriately. Look, I know that I'm being ridiculous. I know that I'm talking out of both sides of my mouth. You know what? I'll be right back. I'm going to go freshen up. Luis: You see how hard she's trying? Eve: You can't blame her for how she feels in her gut, Luis. Luis: Yeah, but she's trying to hide that pain because of me. And it's killing me that she feels this badly. Eve: Well, time will do wonders, that and spending time with Marty. Luis: What if it doesn't? Eve: Well, you can't think that way. Luis: Yeah, it's just hard not to, considering last time she almost had a nervous breakdown. Eve: Yes, but she didn't. She's a strong, resilient young woman, and she can tell reality from fantasy. I'm not saying that we shouldn't be concerned with her emotional state, but I think there are other ways to deal with her conflicts. Luis: Like her spending time with Marty? Eve: Exactly. Luis: Ok. Well, I've already spoken with Beth, so that shouldn't be a problem. I just hope her being around little Marty doesn't make Sheridan worse instead of better. Beth: I don't care what Luis wants. He's not going to get more custody of Marty, not when it means he'll end up spending more time with Sheridan. Mrs. Wallace: Luis has parental rights. If he wants Marty to spend more time with his girlfriend, soon-to-be wife, then that's his beeswax. Beth: It's not going to happen. Mrs. Wallace: You know and I know that the more time Marty and Sheridan spend together, the harder it is going to be for you to keep them from connecting, which is god's will as mother and son, and the angels of mercy can't wait for that day to come, because judgment day is a-coming! It's going to be better than the rapture, missy! So you'd better get yourself to Father Lonigan for confession, or you will have hell to pay. Beth: Guess what -- I'm not afraid of your damn angels of mercy! Mrs. Wallace: Ooh, blasphemy from the she-devil! But, Bethie, let me tell you, it's not too late for you. You can save yourself. You can save your soul. Just give Marty, Marty back to his real parents, please, before all is lost and you'll burn in the hell fires forever, huh? Sheridan: Ok, there's no reason for you to feel sad. Marty is not your son. Luis is sure of it. Did you get everything? Luis: Who knows? I never knew babies needed so much stuff. Sheridan: Oh. You don't mind, do you? Luis: Mind? It's the best day of my life. You look beautiful, by the way. Sheridan: Oh. I never even knew I could feel this way. I just love this little baby so much, and I love you more than I ever even knew I could. That's the way it was supposed to be. Luis and I were supposed to have our baby. We were supposed to be happy. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: You say you've thought this through, Whitney, but you haven't. Whitney: Oh, please don't make this any harder than it already is. Let's not argue, ok? You know, you're supposed to be my best friend, the one person in the world who would stick by me no matter what. Theresa: Which I will. But as your best friend, Whitney, I got to keep you from making the worst mistake of your life. You cannot want to give your baby up for adoption. Whitney: What I want doesn't really have a place in my life anymore. I'm pregnant by Chad. I mean, do you have any inkling what that feels like? Theresa: No. But you keep talking like you committed this sin, like you knew that you and Chad were brother and sister when you slept together. Whitney: Well, like the other kids on the playground are going to go any easier on my child because Chad and I didn't know what we were doing? No, Theresa, get real here. Theresa: You get real. Whitney: No, I'm trying. Think about it. Think about what my child's life would be like, please. Theresa: I am thinking. I'm thinking that Fox would be a wonderful father for your baby. Whitney: Oh, ok, yeah. That is a really great solution. I marry Fox and use him to give my child some sense of legitimacy. Now, how do I use one of the nicest men I have ever met? I can barely live with myself as it is. And you know what? It would be a thousand times worse to let Fox continue to believe that he's the father of my child. I can't put my problems on someone else like that. No. Adoption is my only solution, Theresa. Theresa: Well, who are you and what have you done with Whitney? Whitney: Oh, god, I am not in the mood for games right now. Theresa: You know what? Neither am I, Whitney. Don't you remember when we were kids how we used to talk about raising our children together? I'm just telling you, Whitney, that once your baby is born, once you look at that tiny, trusting face, you are not going to want to spend one day of your life without your child. Whitney: Maybe that's what happened with your babies, but it's going to be different with mine. Theresa: You're wrong, Whitney. It doesn't matter who the father is. It's your baby, a baby you have been carrying inside of you for months now, a baby you have already bonded with, whether you want to believe it or not. And that love grows stronger when you see each other. You know, with all the struggles that I have had with little Ethan and Jane, I wouldn't spend one day of my life without either one of them. That's why it's tearing me up not to have Jane. The pain of not knowing where Gwen has taken her, if I'll ever see her again -- that is more than I can bear. Whitney: I know, but this is your situation, ok? Theresa: And you, Whitney, and every other mother that I have ever met. That's just the way it is. You can't turn your feelings on and off for your child because it's somehow inconvenient or causes problems. Don't you remember how we used to talk about it when we were children? Whitney: Ok, I'm the mother, and this is my baby daughter Lulu. Theresa: No fair, Whitney. You always get to be the Mommy. Whitney: Because that's my dream. When I grow up, I'm going to have lots and lots of babies and love every one of them with all my heart. [SCENE_BREAK] Alistair: Do you actually think, Katherine, that I would help you without expecting some kind of payment? Katherine: Please, please, please leave me alone. Alistair: There's no Martin Fitzgerald this time to help you. And no one will except me. Right now, Katherine, you will do everything I want you to do, because you're my property. Basically, you're my slave. Fox: So, all I have to do is plug the tracking device into the computer like that. Voila, a map. See? It's trying to find out where Alistair's calling. Ethan: Yeah. Fox, how do you know -- how do you know this isn't some late- night call he's making to his broker across town? Fox: Oh, look. There you go. See? The cursor's moving across the ocean. It's circling around there, trying to zoom in? Ethan: Yeah. At least it keeps moving, huh? Fox: Yeah. Well, it'll stop when it finds the destination. Ethan: Yeah, or if Alistair ends the call. Fox: Well, thanks for your glass-half-full attitude, Ethan. Ethan: Fox, I'm just saying -- Fox: No, look, you got to hope that Alistair stays on the phone long enough so that Gwen and the baby can be found and brought home safely. Or not. Ethan: I resent that. Fox: Well, you can resent it all you want, Ethan, but I know when I've struck a nerve. I just got myself a bull's-eye. [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: I have to let go of all this. It's just that when I'm with Marty, I am on cloud nine. When I'm not -- god, I can't keep doing this to myself, or to Luis. I have to let go of this notion that Marty is my son. Mommy loves you so much, with all of her heart and soul. She always will. How can I let go of something that I know is true? It's true in my heart and my soul. Marty's my son. Eve: So, Luis, you're sure that Beth isn't going to have any problem with the joint custody between you? Luis: Well, how could she say no? I'm the boy's father, and just because Beth and I aren't together, that's really no reason for her to deny me equal time with my own son. Eve: Yes, but she could argue that you just sprung it on her out of the blue because you want Sheridan to spend time with Marty. There's a lot of emotional history there. Luis: Well, you heard Sheridan. She seems to understand that Marty isn't her son, and, well, you said yourself that being with the child will help Sheridan heal more quickly than any traditional medicine could. Eve: Well, when I mentioned that, I was thinking more along the lines of you and Sheridan having your own child. Luis: Which we will. Have you seen the way Sheridan lights up when Marty's around? Eve: Yes. Yes. I don't think I've ever seen her so happy as when she's with that little boy. Luis: And I'll tell you something, Marty feels the same way. No, he adores her, always has. And I would have asked Beth for more time with Marty when he was born, but I just figured that I would wait till Sheridan and I were married, but now I just don't see any reason to wait, especially when there's a potential that he can help her. Eve: Well, you did raise the question, Luis. It is a possibility that Sheridan spending time with Marty can make it even more difficult for her to realize that he's not her son. Luis: Well, I don't know what else to try. I know there's a risk, but it seems worth it when I see that smile on Sheridan's face. Eve: I know. I agree. I think that the potential benefits are worth the risk. I think the more time that Sheridan spends with Marty, the more fulfilled that she will feel and the sooner she will get over thinking that he's the son that she so tragically lost. Mrs. Wallace: Why prolong the inevitable, missy? Come on. Oh, you're such a pathetic loser. Beth: Don't call me that. Mrs. Wallace: Then admit defeat. Come on, give Marty back to his real mommy and his real daddy. Come on. Beth: Not even in your warped dreams, all right? Mrs. Wallace: Oh, then he is going to be snatched from your scrawny little arms, missy. Beth: Look, Marty is my son and I'm going to keep him. Mrs. Wallace: Well, what about the visitation rights that Luis asked for, huh? You cannot say no to a child's daddy. Beth: I'm not just going to flat-out say no. But I will put him off, and I'm just going to keep stalling until I figure out a plan, but Sheridan is not going to start sending more time with Marty. That's all there is to it. I went through a lot of trouble to make Marty my son. Mrs. Wallace: Yeah, like lying, kidnapping, attempted murder. Beth: Yeah, yeah. That was a lot of hard work. Mrs. Wallace: Oh! Beth: All right? Marty's my son. He's going to by my son forever. [SCENE_BREAK] Katherine: Don't come here, Alistair. Please, I'm begging you, don't come here. Alistair: You'll be begging me for a lot more once you are in my arms. Katherine: No. Take me back to Harmony if this is part of the deal. You never told me. Alistair: You never asked. Now it's too late. So do me a favor, Katherine -- make yourself very beautiful. I'll be arriving soon, and I want you looking your best. Ciao, baby, for now. Oh, yes, Katherine. You're all mine, all mine. Fox: Damn it. Ethan: What? What happened? Fox: Well, Alistair ended the call. Ethan: Oh, don't tell me this whole thing was an exercise in futility, Fox. Fox: Well, I don't know. I mean, not necessarily, you know? The command was already put in place, so just because the call was terminated doesn't necessarily mean it can't be traced. I'm just going to keep trying a couple of things here. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: Once you place your baby up for adoption, Whitney, it's over. Your child will belong to the people who become its legal parents. Whitney: Yeah, that's the idea. Theresa: You're reaching for a solution out of desperation, Whitney, and that is no way to make a reasonable life-changing decision. Whitney: Wait a minute. Since when have any of your decisions been based on logic at all? I mean, all your decisions are based on fate and destiny and, yeah, nine times out of 10, desperation. Theresa: Yeah, well, why don't you learn from my mistakes then, Whitney? You're right, my life hasn't been a fairy tale. Whitney: No, kidding. Theresa: But I always follow my heart, Whitney. This isn't about logic. You're right, this isn't about what makes sense. This is about how you're going to feel the moment you hold your child in your arms. Whitney: My brother's child. Theresa: You're not going to be thinking that. Whitney: How do you know that? Theresa: Because I wasn't thinking that when I held my son. Sure, I could have looked at my son and thought of Julian, the man that I despised and detested, who I apparently married in drunken haze. But I wasn't thinking that, Whitney. When I saw my son's face, when I felt his fingers wrap around mine, I was a goner. I knew I would love him no matter what, come hell or high water, no matter who the father was. That's the way it works. Whitney: Yeah, well, it's going to be different for me. Theresa: Well, you know what? You don't know what you're talking about, Whitney, and you're not going to have any idea what you're talking about until the moment that you hold the child that you have been carrying inside of you for months. The second that you see its face, the second that you realize that you are all it has in this world, everything changes. Nothing else is ever important again. Whitney: You know what, honey? I know you mean well in this whole thing, but -- Theresa: Well, you know what? If you don't believe me, Whitney, then just ask any other mother on the street. Ask them what happened for them the moment they looked into their child's eyes. For god's sake, this isn't about your relationship to Chad, Whitney. We're talking about a part of you, and that is never going to go away, ever. Theresa: I bet Sheridan would trade places with you in a heartbeat. Whitney: What? Theresa: She was devastated, Whitney, when her baby was ripped out of her arms right after it was brought into this world. Whitney: No, this is a completely different situation. Theresa: It's not a different situation when we're talking about losing a baby after it's brought into this world. She had an emotional breakdown. It nearly killed her. If that's not enough to convince you, Whitney, what about your own mother? Whitney: God, I don't want to talk about her, ok? Theresa: Well, too bad, Whitney, because it's another example of what I'm talking about. She almost went crazy not knowing where her son was. Is that what you want to have happen to you? Whitney: But, see, my situation is different because this is my choice here. Theresa: You're naive, Whitney. You're totally underestimating the feelings that you are going to have for your baby. It's not about the father, Whitney. It's about you, the baby's mother. And you are going to love that child with all of your being, and that is never going to go away, ever. Do you want to break your own heart? Whitney: My heart's already broken. And if there's anything left to be hurt, then I deserve it for being with Chad. Theresa: Whitney, you didn't know that you and Chad were brother and sister when you slept together. Whitney: You know, you keep saying that like that's going to make a difference in my child's future. I mean, my god, my child has enough to deal with once it's born. And if I do go ahead and try to raise it, everybody's going to know the truth about me and Chad. And I can't do that to an innocent little baby, so don't you see? I have to do this. I have to give my baby a chance no matter how I feel about it. Theresa: Well, I can't let you do it. I can't let you make the biggest mistake of your life. Whitney: What are you talking about? Theresa: I'm going to find a way to stop you. Whitney: You're not going to tell Fox and Chad, are you? Theresa, tell me you're not going to tell Fox. [SCENE_BREAK] Ethan: Did you find it? Did you pinpoint where Alistair's calling? Fox: No. I'm trying, you know? If he was on the phone long enough, we'll be able to find out exactly where Katherine, Gwen, and your baby are. This is driving you crazy, isn't it? Ethan: Yeah, Fox, this is driving me crazy. All right, we're talking about Gwen here. We're talking about my little girl here. Fox: Now, here's what I think -- ahem -- here's what I think's going on in that lawyerly brain of yours. I think half of you really does want your baby and Gwen to be brought home safely, and I think there's the other half of you that just would as soon they stay gone. Ethan: Fox, that is a bunch of bull, all right? Fox: You know what? Never kid a kidder, Ethan. You're still in love with Theresa and you know it. And if Gwen's found and she comes home safely, all of her worst fears about you and Theresa are going to be confirmed. So what's it going to be? Are you going to choose Gwen, the woman that you promised to spend the rest of your life married to, or is it going to be Theresa and Jane, the love of your life, the little baby you two made together? I don't know what I was thinking when I used to want to be you. [SCENE_BREAK] Beth: You know, of all the times for Luis to decide he wants to spend more quality hours with his son -- Mrs. Wallace: Aha, the lord works in mysterious ways. I think he is trying to right a terrible wrong. Beth: You know what? You might be on to something there. Mrs. Wallace: Uh-oh, uh-oh. What's happening? You never agree with me about anything. Beth: Listen. If Sheridan needs Marty so much, if she has to have a baby around her for her own well-being, and I succeed in keeping her little boy away from her, it might be just enough to push her right over the edge again, right back into Bonkersville, where she will never get out, because I will make sure they throw away the key. No more Sheridan, no more problem. You were right, Mother. The lord does work in mysterious ways. Mrs. Wallace: Oh, the lord has nothing to do with this, missy. Luis: You know I'll do anything I can to help Sheridan get through this, right? Eve: I'm sure she knows that. Luis: I'll tell you, now, that poor girl, she has suffered more in her short life than most people have in 80 years. Her mother disappearing again certainly didn't help things. Eve: Well, my understanding was Katherine left because she thought it would make it better for the two of you. Luis: Yeah, well, I guess that backfired. Now Sheridan blames me for losing her mother all over again. And I'll tell you, Sheridan and I -- we've had some arguments, but she has never been as upset with me as she was earlier tonight. Eve: Well, she seems to have forgiven you. Luis: Well, maybe for the time being, but who knows how long that's going to last? Eve: Just don't push her, ok? Give her the time and the space to figure things out for herself. Luis: I know. It's just hard. I just want to take her in my arms and tell her how much I love her. Eve: I know, but just go easy on her. Luis: I will. I just hope she loves me as much as I love her. Hey there. Sheridan: Hi. Luis: Need anything? Sheridan: No. Not now, thank you. Look, I've been thinking about that horrible fight that we had before I went to Beth's house. I mean, I could have died from that gas leak. Luis: Yeah. Thank god you didn't. And I just wanted to tell you I'm really sorry about everything that I said before. Sheridan: Which is why we need to talk about it, because there's something really important that I need to tell you, something about our future. [SCENE_BREAK] Whitney: Promise me you're not going to go to Fox, Theresa. Don't tell Fox that Chad's really the father of my baby, ok? Theresa: He deserves to know. Whitney: Don't betray me like this. You are my best friend. I have kept your deepest, darkest secrets for years against my better judgment, and I've kept your confidence, honey. I have kept your secrets all these years. Promise me, give me your word your word you're not going to say anything, please. Theresa: You have it. Whitney: Thank you. Theresa: But it doesn't mean I agree with your decision, Whitney, to place your child up for adoption. I know what's going to stop you. Whitney: The feeling I have after the baby's born, yeah, I know. Theresa: No, Whitney, something even your stubbornness can't push aside. You see that? There's no way in the world you can get around that. [SCENE_BREAK] Alistair: Katherine. Katherine: I won't let him touch me! I won't! Oh, god! Oh, what have I done? What have I done? Oh, god, what have I done? Man: The arrangements you requested have been finalized, sir. Alistair: The jet is ready? Man: Fully fueled, ready for takeoff to your secret destination whenever you choose to leave. Alistair: And no one else is privy to that location? Man: Not a soul, sir, not even air traffic control. Your flight plan will never be traced by anyone. You can come and go as you please without fear of surveillance. Alistair: Just as long as you know I cannot be followed. I'm going to be making this trip quite frequently at a moment's notice. Man: Consider it done. Alistair: I'll be departing shortly. Wait to hear from me. Man: This must be extremely important to you, Mr. Crane, I mean, to go to such incredible lengths to protect your privacy. Alistair: Yes, Jerry, it is very important to me. Alistair: Won't be long now, Katherine. I can see you as often as I like. You're all mine now, completely. Ethan: Fox, look, this isn't telling us anything we didn't already guess. You know, they're somewhere overseas, right? Fox: Look, don't give up, ok? It's still trying to find the location there. You know, you're not the only one with a lot on the line here. I want to find Theresa's baby, but I'm doing this for Whitney, too. Ethan: Even if it costs you your Crane inheritance? Fox: Oh, come on. Ethan, I know Alistair well enough to know that he'd never give me a dime anyway. If I'm worried about anything, it's the fact that he's going to kill me if he finds out. Ethan: Mm-hmm. And you know what he does to his disloyal lackeys, right? Fox: Yeah, I know, I know. He snuffs them out, right? So, how do you think he'd feel about a disloyal grandson? Ethan: Same way. Fox: I was afraid of that. Which is not really a good thought, considering I want to stay alive for Whitney and the baby. Ethan: Mm-hmm. [Computer beeps] Fox: That's it. That's it. Ethan: What? What? Was Alistair on long enough to trace the call? Did you find Gwen and Jane's location? [NEXT_ON] Gwen: We can just disappear together. No one will find us. Fox: I know exactly where Katherine, Gwen, and the baby are. Beth: I will have Luis! I will! Sheridan: You're my son, Marty. I know it. I'm going to find a way to get you back. I have to. | Theresa is still trying to talk Whitney into keeping her baby |
219 | Ciara: Well, you don't look too happy to see me. Ben: Of course I am. I always am. But I thought you were gonna be spending some more time with your mom. Ciara: I am. I'm headed to the hospital right now. But I needed to see you first. I have some news. Ben: Ciara, please tell me that it's about my conviction being overturned and I can finally get the hell out of this place once and for all. Ciara: I really, really wish it were that, ben. But the news that I have, it's-- it's not good. Lani: We need to keep looking, eli. We need to keep passing out these flyers. Eli: Babe, we have been all night. Lani: Yeah, and with nothing to show for it. Christian or evan, whatever his name is, he ran off with david. Eli: Hey. We'll find him, okay? But we can't do that if we're exhausted. Lani: I just-- I really hope that rafe is having better luck than we are. Orpheus: I picked up breakfast and this to replace the one I lost. You think my grandson will like it? You look like somebody took away your favorite toy. Are you okay? Evan: I just got david to take a nap. He was up at the crack of dawn. Orpheus: Was something troubling him? Evan: He was fine. He's happy to see me. But he wouldn't stop asking for rafe. Shawn: I'm surprised that we both showed up to your place at the same time. Are you really just getting home? Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, I've been out all night, putting up posters and handing out flyers with evan and david's picture on them. And a lot I have to show for it, but nothing, not one new lead. Shawn: Listen, we're gonna find--we're gonna find them, all right? And we're not gonna stop until we find your son. Rafe: Yeah. All right. Right, thanks. You're right. You're right. So hey, can I make you some coffee or something? Shawn: No, no, no, I'm good. I know you want to get back to the search. I just --I stopped by 'cause i wanted to see how you're doing. And I also wanted to give you an update on another case. Rafe: What case? Shawn: My mom. She's going into surgery this morning. Rafe: Oh, man. [Elevator dings] Jennifer: Kayla, hi. Kayla: Hey, hi. I'm just finishing up the last bit of hope's paperwork. Jennifer: Okay, so the surgery is happening today? Kayla: Yeah. I am just hoping that once we remove that microchip, she will no longer believe that she is princess gina. Jennifer: That's what we all want, especially doug. And he would be here right now, but julie doesn't want him here. And I agree with her. Kayla: Is this too stressful? Jennifer: No, kayla. It's too painful. He has already suffered enough abuse from gina. Ciara: Is she always like this? Shawn: You have no idea. Hope as gina: Oh, do not speak as if I'm not present. I am right here. Shawn: Well, you know what? We're gonna be very lucky if you're out of that body soon. Hope as gina: What are you doing? Get away from me. Oh, god. You need a mint. Ciara: Yeah. Definitely creepy. You're a microchip. Hope as gina: This is torture. I will not be double-teamed by-- oh, god. How inept, children. Get out. Ciara: You can insult us all you want, princess. But there is no way in hell that we're gonna give up until my mother is back. We're gonna find dr. Rolf and-- Hope as gina: Oh, please. Even if you find dr. Rolf, my wilhelm, you honestly believe that he'd turn on me? Never. Ciara: What's the news? Shawn: Well, it looks like our--our little pain in the ass is wrong. Rolf was apprehended. And it looks like he's gonna turn on our little princess nightmare over here and he's gonna reverse what he did to our mother. Ciara: Oh, that's just fantastic. Shawn: You got nothing to say, princess? Hope as gina: [Screams] How dare you subject me to these--these indignities! [Sighs] Rolf: Your highness, are you all right? Hope as gina: Rolf. No. I am not "all right." I command you to free me from these chains. Spirit me away this instant! Please? Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives." [Soft orchestration] Rafe: Oh, man. I'm sorry. I wish I could go to the hospital today to support your mom. Shawn: Are you kidding? I mean, everybody understands that you should be focused on finding david. It's okay. Rafe: Yeah, which it would be a hell of a lot easier if I had one thing to go on. Shawn: Give this back to you. Rafe: Yeah. David's favorite toy. Did you find any prints on it? Shawn: Just david's and yours. I'm sorry. Rafe: Yeah. Right. Orpheus: Don't you think it's time you told that boy who his real father is? Ciara: So the judge threw out evan's confession. Ben: How is that even possible? He admitted he killed jordan. Ciara: Only because I had an actual gun to his head. Apparently, that is coercion, which makes his confession inadmissible. Ben: So what, evan just gets to walk? Ciara: I mean, he did make bail. But the charges against him still stand, ben. Ben: And what happens if he beats those charges? Am I stuck in here? Jennifer: Ciara called me earlier. She should be here very soon. Kayla: Yeah. You know, she and shawn were here yesterday, trying to get through to their mom. I just--I can't even tell you. I thought it was just--it must be so hard on them to see their mom like that. Jennifer: We really need to support those kids. And we really need to support hope once we get her back. I mean, how long is it even gonna take to remove that chip? Kayla: Well, I don't think it would be long. But you remember, I will not be doing the procedure. Jennifer: I know that. Rolf is doing it. Kayla: Right, he's the one that did this to hope. Jennifer: But, kayla, I don't understand after everything that he has done, how can we even trust him? Rolf: Princess, there are police standing guard right on the other side of that door. Hope as gina: Then we shall find another way out. Rolf: Oh, there is no other way. You simply must accept your fate. Hope as gina: If you're not here to rescue me, you impetuous buffoon, then why are you here? Rolf: I came to examine you. Hope as gina: No. Rolf: It's preparation for the procedure to remove your microchip. Hope as gina: No, you cannot do that. I forbid it! Rolf: I'm sorry. There was no other way. They wanted me to turn on stefano. Hope as gina: So instead you turned on me? Rolf: You must understand, my loyalty to the phoenix is paramount. I could never betray him, not for you, not for anyone. So yes, your highness, I have agreed to end your reign. U diet. Exercise. Evan: Don't you think it kills me not to tell my son I'm his father? Orpheus: Does it? Evan: Of course it does. For the past year, I've done everything for david. I fed him. I bathed him. Rocked him to sleep. Anything that he needed, I was there, okay? I loved him the way a father should love his son, did everything that I had to do. Orpheus: Except be honest with him. Evan: David is at an age where he repeats everything, okay? I couldn't risk him telling anyone I said I was his father, especially rafe. Orpheus: But rafe's not in the picture anymore. So what's stopping you? Ciara: I spoke to justin this morning, and he's confident that the judge will still overturn your conviction. Ben: How does he figure that? Ciara: Well, because we have new evidence this time. And I mean, evan's dna was at the crime scene. There was bad blood between him and jordan. They have to exonerate you this time, ben. They have to. Ben: Well, that's great. Really. But it's still hard. Ciara: The waiting. Yeah, ben, I know-- Ben: No, ciara! What's hard is knowing that that psycho murderer, who murdered my sister and took my nephew, is still out there while I'm locked up in here. I can't even help with the damn search. Ciara: Rafe is on it, ben. He's really determined. Ben: I'm sure he is. But the more time that goes by-- Ciara: Look, ben, he's not gonna give up, okay? He's gonna find that little boy. Eli: Okay, shower's all yours. Come here. It's gonna be okay. We're gonna bring david home. Rafe: I can't believe that "princess gina" had us fooled for so long. I should have figured it out. Shawn: How? You didn't have any experience with gina. Rafe: Yeah, I could have asked more questions, dug deeper. Shawn: You started a file on my mom. I mean, you were documenting all of her strange behavior. Rafe: Yeah. But I just wanted to make sure that she was okay. Shawn: And she's going to be, thanks to you. I mean, if you hadn't called me in hong kong and told me to come here, we might not have ever put the pieces together and we might not have ever figured out what rolf had done to my mom. Rafe: Yeah. Kayla: Believe me. I have my concerns about rolf. Jennifer: So you don't trust him? Kayla: I trust him to take out the microchip. Otherwise, he's gonna spend the rest of his life behind bars. Jennifer: Yeah, but that scares me. What if he tries to pull something in the middle of the surgery? Kayla: He won't because I'm gonna be watching him every step of the way. Jennifer: This is crazy that gina's cold, cruel behavior comes down to this chip, that this little chip has caused so much trouble for so many people. Hope as gina: Step back. Back off! Rolf: I-- Hope as gina: Do not even step near me. Rolf: I simply wanted to listen to your heart. Hope as gina: Well, listen to this. Lay hands on me again, and I shall tear them from your limbs! Rolf: All right. All right. But your protestations have impeded my exam. However, I have more than enough data to conclude that you are healthy enough to undergo the procedure. Hope as gina: No, this is an outrage! A crime of the highest order, rolf! Rolf: Yes. Yes, well, I will go and see if an operating room is ready. Hope as gina: Wait. Wilhelm, I understand that you don't wish to be disloyal to stefano. But I also know that you do not wish to destroy your own masterpiece. Rolf: I don't understand. Hope as gina: Me. Me, rolf. I am your masterpiece, one that you worked tirelessly to create. Do not let them force you to eliminate me. Rolf: What are you suggesting? Hope as gina: Outsmart them as only you can. Go through the surgery, go through the motions of it all, but surreptitiously leave the chip right where it is. The fruits of your labor will live on. And I will still be princess gina von amberg. And no one-- no one will be any the wiser. Rolf: Hmm. Orpheus: Son, do you have any idea how hard it was for me to swallow my pride and reach out to you and your sister once you were grown only to have you reject me? Evan: This isn't about pride or fear of rejection. As I said, I didn't tell david who I was to protect him. Orpheus: But david is safe now. And you're still not telling him the truth. Evan: You need to stop. Orpheus: Son, listen to me. The greatest feeling a father can have is the one I missed. When a man looks at his son and he tells the whole wide world, "that's my boy," and then he turns around. And the son looks at him and says, "dad." Now it may not mean much to you, but it means everything to me, even now. I want you to have that. Evan: For david to call me "dad"? Orpheus: When a son looks at you and says that little word, it makes you want to be better. It makes you want to be worthy. I can still--I can still see it in my mind's eye, you were--you were probably no bigger than that... the way you looked at me, it was--it was like your old man was some kind of superhero. Evan: Boy, was I wrong about that. Lani: You know, when I was a cop, I dealt with the worst of the worst. I looked them right in the eye and I didn't even blink. Eli: I know. And I saw it firsthand. Lani: And some of the cases we worked on, bad things happen to good people. Eli: All the time. Lani: And it's heartbreaking, but we--we learn how to put our emotions aside and do the job, work the case. But, eli, this is different. When--when that little boy was a baby, I helped rafe take care of him. And I know--I know that my attachment to him was not healthy. Eli: Lani, you were grieving the loss of our child. Lani: I know that. But I had to create distance between me and david because of that. I don't know. I just-- this feels really personal. And I know that I will not be able to rest until that little boy is safe. Eli: Okay. Why don't I go get dressed? We'll go find him. Shawn: Well, if you're not gonna sleep, you got to eat something. You got to keep your strength up for your son. Rafe: Waffles. Shawn: There wasn't really anything else in the kitchen except for seven boxes of waffles in the freezer. Rafe: They're david's favorite. Once I ran out, and, uh... total meltdown. So now I--I make sure I'm stocked up, you know? Shawn: Well, we better hurry up and find your kid so he can help you eat 'em, right? Rafe: Damn right. Yeah. Not bad. Shawn: It's not my first time using a toaster. All right. I'm gonna head to the hospital. Rafe: Hey, listen. I appreciate the support, man. Really; I know you're going through a lot right now too. Shawn: Yeah. Are you kidding me? Absolutely. Anytime. Rafe: Yeah. I'll be praying for your mom. Well-- Shawn: Yeah. Rafe: I hope the procedure goes well. Shawn: Thank you. Thanks. And I hope you do know that the second she's back, I'm gonna be helping you find your son. That's the first thing. Rafe: Yeah. Shawn: Take care, man. Rafe: Yeah. Ciara: I will keep you posted on the search for david, okay? I promise. Ben: Thank you. And thank you for coming. Ciara: I'm just so sorry that I had to come with bad news. Ben: It's just a setback. We'll get past it. Ciara: I know we will. Now you must be going absolutely stir crazy in here. I mean, tell me what I can do for you. Can I get you a book? Can I get you-- Ben: No. Nothing, nothing. Look, look, I love that you're always thinking about me, I do. But right now, you need to be with your mom. Ciara: I just want her to be okay. Ben: I'll be praying for that, that this procedure is a success and you get your mother back. Ciara: Me too. God, I love you so much. Ben: I love you so much. Hope as gina: You do your part, and I shall do mine. Wilhelm, I promise you, when I wake from the anesthesia, I shall pretend to be hope brady in all of her dreariness. Rolf: That will be very challenging. Hope as gina: Nonsense. Well, I managed to fool the entire population of salem for over a year. Surely, I can dupe them again. I promise. Rolf: Oh, gina. While I appreciate your passion for self-preservation, what you are proposing simply is not possible. Hope as gina: And why not? Rolf: Because dr. Kayla brady will be watching over me like a hawk. She will be in the operating room while I remove the chip. And once it's extricated, she will expect me to hand it over to her as proof of my cooperation. Hope as gina: Come now. A genius like you can surely perform the sleight of hand necessary to fool these fools. Rolf, please, I am begging you. You must do this for me. This one-- Rafe: I'm glad we got a lot of calls. That's the whole reason that we set up the tip line so people with information about david could contact the police. Well, I don't care if it's a hundred or a thousand or a million, I want to read them all. So please, email me the transcripts right now. Orpheus: You're right. You're right, son. I was no superhero. And any vitriol you want to throw my way is well deserved. Evan: We don't have to talk about this anymore. Orpheus: I was nobody's idea of an ideal father by far. Took me a long time to realize that, get the blinders off and see the terrible pain I caused my children. I'm not gonna bore you with a lot of apologizes and the hundred regrets I feel about not being there for you and your sister, but I want you to know one thing. I want you to know how grateful I am that finally we've reconnected after all these years. Evan: Thank you for saying that. And hey, I'm no superhero myself. In the short amount of time I've been a father, I've made more mistakes than I can count. Orpheus: Well, there were extenuating circumstances. Evan: Okay, we don't need to get into it. I just want to put all that behind me and focus on doing right by my kid. [Baby cooing] Orpheus: You're realizing what it took me most of my life to learn that no matter how good or bad a man is, there's nothing on this godforsaken earth that can compare to a father's love for his son. Ben: Dad. [Elevator door dings] Ciara: Shawn, hey. Shawn: Hey. Ciara: Hey, I'm so sorry that I'm late. Shawn: No, it's okay. I just got here myself. Ciara: Is mom in surgery yet? Shawn: No, they're prepping her right now. Kayla's in there with her. Hope as gina: I would think a hospital, even one as dreadful as this one, would prohibit strangers from barging into patients' rooms. What if I had been in a state of undress or perhaps having a private conversation? Kayla: I assure you that jenn and I were neither peeping or eavesdropping. I'm just prepping you for surgery. Hope as gina: Well, next time, ask permission before you enter. Kayla: I have given you a sedative so we can get you to the or. I have an officer out there that could escort you to change and scrub in. Have you gone over the procedure with your patient? Rolf: Hmm. She fully understands what to expect. Hope as gina: Here I am, holding court with tweedledumb and tweedledumber. Jennifer: We're here to make sure that hope is done being the nightmare that you are. Hope as gina: Oh, jenny. Please be a dear and go find another balcony to fall off. Kayla: That's enough, gina. Hope as gina: I cannot tell you how it pleases me to hear me called by name. Jennifer: Not for much longer. Kayla: Jenn's right. This is goodbye. Hope as gina: It does not matter what you do to me. I shall always be princess gina von amberg. Just as your beloved steve shall always be the great stefano dimera. Kayla: Well, we'll see what happens when you wake up. Clyde: [Laughs] Man, I didn't think I'd ever see you again. Ben: Yeah. It came right down to the wire. Clyde: That's what I heard. Is it true your girl burst into the death chamber holding a gun on the guy who really killed jordan? Ben: Yeah. She blasted right by all the guards and demanded they stop the execution. Clyde: And you already had a needle in your arm? Ben: I flatlined, yeah. Clyde: Oh, my god. Ben: Ciara, she did it. She saved my life. Clyde: Man, I tell you, it's already the stuff of legend. That kind of grit and determination? You got to love that. Ben: I do. I do. Ciara's an incredible woman. Clyde: No, she's a badass is what she is. Oh, man! I'll be forever grateful. Ben: Ah, dad-- Clyde: You must be over the moon. You're gonna be reunited with her soon. When do you get out of here? Ben: I'm not so sure that's gonna happen any time soon, dad. [Baby sniffling, hiccups] Evan: I've wanted to tell david I'm his father from the moment I took him from rafe's house. Orpheus: Then do it. Evan: I almost did this morning. I'm so tired of him calling me "evan." Orpheus: It's not your real name. Tell him. Evan: Just before sunrise, while I was holding david, listening to his breath rise and fall as he slept, I knew from the smile on his face, he felt safe in his father's arms. And I was about to tell him the truth. Orpheus: And then he woke up and asked for rafe? Evan: I didn't want to confuse him. Orpheus: From this day forth, there will be no more confusion. You, christian, are that boy's father. And you don't have to worry anymore. Nothing will ever come between you and that child again. When he wakes up, tell him who you are. Evan: I will. Right now, I need you to tell me something. What's our next move? Eli: What's all this? Rafe: The transcripts from all the calls we got on the tip line. Lani: Wow. That's a lot, rafe. Rafe: Yeah. And I'm gonna read them all. Listen. I just want to say thanks. I really appreciate you guys helping me and go out there and find david. I know, I understand it's was totally frustrating we came up empty-handed. But we tried, and that means a lot. So get out of here, all right? Go get some sleep. Lani: We are not resting until we bring your little boy home. Ciara: Why does mom look so out of it? Shawn: Is she okay? Kayla: Yeah, she's fine. We just sedated her. Ciara: Why? Kayla: Because we have to give her general anesthesia for the surgery, and we didn't want her to physically resist-- I mean, gina to resist. Ciara: All right. Shawn: How long is she gonna be surgery for? Kayla: It shouldn't be very long. I'll let you know when she's out and you can see her, okay? Ciara: And you--you are gonna be there with her, right? During the surgery, you are gonna be with her? Kayla: Every step of the way. Okay? Ciara: Okay. Hope as gina: Wait. I want a word with my children. Shawn: Mom. Mom, yeah, we're here. Hope as gina: Yes, you're here. But your mother is not. And she's never coming back. Kayla: Let's go. I'm bad. Rafe: Huh. Just got an email from shawn. Says he's gonna have forensics go back over to my place and search evan's room again just to make sure that he didn't miss anything. Lani: That's a good idea. Rafe: Yeah. How are those tips going? Lani: Most of them are from well-meaning citizens who want to help, but they don't actually have any helpful information. Rafe: And the rest? Lani: Total nut jobs. Eli: I just talked to one of my contacts from the fbi, asked him to run down christian maddox's known associates. Rafe: The guys he used to run with? Eli: And his various cellmates from when he was locked up. Rafe: Oh. Ciara: Shawn, what time is it? Shawn: It's five minutes past the last time you asked. Ciara: Sorry, I just-- I can't stand this waiting. You know, I've been so focused on ben, and I haven't spent any time with mom. Shawn: Well, it's not exactly a bad thing. She's not exactly the most pleasant person to deal with. And she--it's weird she provokes me, and I push back. And even though I know that she's not my mom, I just--I still feel bad. Ciara: You shouldn'T. Shawn, she's-- Shawn: You can say it, ciara. Princess gina's a royal bitch. Ciara: Yeah. Ben: Ciara had a gun to evan's head. So the judge ruled that his confession was coerced. Clyde: He confessed to jordan's murder and made bail, and you're still in here behind bars? Ben: Yeah, and the worst part is, he won't tell anybody where davis is. Clyde: [Scoffs] Man, my poor grandson. If I weren't in here, I'd make that lowlife talk. You can ask nicely, but sometimes you got to resort to other means. Ben: I hate to say it, but I agree. I wish I could take a run at him, dad. Give me five minutes alone with that son of a bitch who let me take the fall for jordan's murder and took her son. Evan: So what's the plan? Orpheus: I think we should get out of dodge, hit the road and keep moving. Evan: I've spent the past year pretending I'm someone I'm not. Now you want me to become a fugitive? Orpheus: It's not so bad. It's a hell of a lot better than the alternative. Evan: No. No way. I don't want that kind of life for my son. Orpheus: It's not forever. It's just right now, we don't have a choice. Evan: I disagree. I think my best move is to stay here and lie low. Orpheus: And take your chances in court? I'm sorry, son, but that's nuts. Evan: The case against me is weak. All the evidence is circumstantial. I truly believe that I can beat the charges, clear my name, and then be able to leave salem and live a normal, happy life with my son. Limu emu & doug Ciara: Well, the surgery's over now, mama. And aunt kayla, she said that you did amazing. She said you were so brave. Now please just come back to us. Please just come back to us, mom. Kayla: Hope is stable and resting comfortably. She should be awake pretty soon. Jennifer: Okay. Well, while she's sleeping, I'm gonna run home, I'm gonna tell doug that the surgery is over. I mean, I would call him, but-- Kayla: No, no, no, no. Go, go. I will text you if anything changes, all right? Jennifer: Thank you so much. Okay. Shawn: Bye. Jennifer: Bye, honey. Shawn: See you later. Jennifer: All right, we'll talk soon. Kayla: Okay. Here is the microchip. Shawn: I'll take it down to the station. I'll have the lab do a thorough analysis on it. Did he--did he do anything suspicious while he was in there? Kayla: I didn't see anything. Rolf: With all due respect, dr. Brady, what you saw was a master at work. Shawn: My mom is not herself when she wakes up, you're gonna have some serious problems. Rolf: In my expert opinion, the procedure was an unqualified success. Shawn: Well, until we know for sure, you're coming to the station with me where I can keep an eye on you. Rolf: All right. Shawn: Bye. Kayla: Oh, my god. Please, let hope be all right. Clyde: I just can't believe that jordan's killer was hiding under rafe's roof the whole time. What, this frears guy didn't have a record? Ben: No, he did, and a substantial one from what I heard. Clyde: What, that just got by detective hernandez? Ben: No, evan changed his name to hide his identity and his whole past. His real name is christian maddox. Clyde: Wait, what? Did you say christian maddox? Ben: Yes. Why? Dad, do you know the son of a bitch who killed my sister? Evan: I should wake david. If I let him nap any longer, he won't go to sleep tonight without a fight. Orpheus: You really know that kid, don't you? Evan: Damn right I do. I know him better than anyone. He's my son. [Phones ringing] Rafe: People know we're looking for a child, right? Eli: Of course. Rafe: I just got a tip about a missing parakeet. [Phone rings] Lani: I think I might have something. Someone just saw a man matching evan's description. Rafe: For real? Lani: Yes. I think I know where david is. | She told him that Evan was released |
220 | Kate: [Sighs] Sami: Hey... Kate. Wow. Don't you look nice? What, have you been working out? Kate: What do you want? Sami: Nothing. I just thought we could, you know, talk. Kate: About what? Sami: EJ. Kate: You know, I think we really have exhausted that subject... unless, of course, you came to your senses and kicked him out. Oh, my God. You invited that bastard into your bed, didn't you? Abigail: Hi, mom. It's me. I-I just wanted to call you because I don't think I thanked you enough for making your chicken. It's gonna be great. I know you've been really busy, and I appreciate it. Ben's gonna love it. Thank you, mom. Bye. EJ: Abigail, I was wondering if I could have a quiet word with you. Ben: What can I get for-- Clyde: Ha! Well, I'll be. I do believe you didn't recognize your own daddy. Aiden: I'm so sorry. Chase: It's okay. Aiden: When I called this afternoon, the guy said he had three zombie hunter costumes left. Chase: [Sighs] Everybody wants one. Aiden: I guess so. I guess so. But you heard what he said. He thinks the superstore on the highway has some left, okay? So... uh, well, I think they're closed now, so I'm not gonna be able to make it. Chase: My school's out early tomorrow. Can we go then? Aiden: Tom--mm. I can't. Chase: Oh. You have a date. Aiden: But we will go as soon as I get back. Chase: Are you still not gonna tell me who your date is with? Hope: I'm filing for divorce. Caroline: A divorce? Hope: I-I just--I can't go on like this anymore. Caroline: Have you told anybody else? Hope: No, not even Shawn and Ciara. But I thought you had a right to know. And, please, I'd like to keep this between us for right now. Caroline: But Bo has been gone a long time. Why are you doing this now? Theresa: Now or never. [Monitor beeping] John: [Groans] Theresa. Abigail: I can't think of anything we have to talk about. EJ: Well, I just wanted to say it's good to see you looking, uh, so happy. Ben: How come you're all dressed up there, Johnny cash? You headed to a funeral or something? Clyde: [Laughs] You are a funny fella. But, no, I'm all decked out 'cause I got a big night ahead of me with a special lady. Ben: Oh, yeah? Well, whoever she is... I pity her. Sami: You have to stop talking about the sex thing, Kate. It's getting kind of weird. Kate: You have gone to the other side. That's what you were gonna tell me, right? You really are a little fool. Sami: [Sighs] Theresa: [Sighs] Mr. Black, you're, um-- I-I should go call a nurse. [Zipper closes] Brady: What are you doing in here? Theresa: Uh, I was just checking to make sure that he was okay. Your, um, dad --he... Brady: Dad. John: Yeah, I was just... saying hello to Theresa. Brady: You know her name. You remember her. John: Sure. Why wouldn't I? Aiden: You don't have to worry, okay? Not ever... 'cause you come first with me. All right? It's just me having lunch with a woman. And that might be all there is to it. Chase: But maybe not... right? Aiden: [Sighs] You know what the most important thing to me is right now? Zombie hunter costumes. And I promise you this, okay? I'm gonna score you one in plenty of time for Halloween, all right? [Laughing] Okay. Eat your ice cream. Caroline: I-I know you always think things through. But isn't there just a chance that you might change your mind, hmm? Hope: Bo left two years ago. He has clearly chosen his mission above his family. So, no... I'm not going to change my mind. Caroline, you need to know this... I am so sorry. Caroline: I want you to know this, too--that... whatever happens between you and Bo... you'll always be my daughter. Clyde: You don't have to worry about this lady. She can take care of herself. Ben: Does she know how you used to take care of mom? Clyde: The reason I came by is to see if you gave that money to your sister. Chad: So that's where you got all that cash. Abigail: You look happy too. I see you're shopping for jewelry. EJ: Ah, yes, well, I have a lot to atone for. And Samantha has been just-- Abigail: A complete and total bitch? Oh, whoopsy. Sorry. That just slipped right out. EJ: No, no, it's okay. I can understand why you would feel that way, you know. Look, I-I really--I just wanted to say that you and I have been through a tremendous amount together, and... I see that you are happy, and I am happy. And I would just like you to know that I-I am as pleased for you as I am for myself. Sami: Kate, I... I had to follow my heart. Kate: Okay. But if you think you're following your heart, then you need a-a refresher course in human anatomy. Sami: Oh, God, snap. Kate, you know, you sound like someone who's just bitter because all of your relationships went up in flames. Kate: [Laughs] Okay, so it's gonna be different for you because you're following your heart, because you had a storybook romance with EJ, who ended up seducing your maid of honor. Sami: [Sighs, scoffs] Kate: You know, but I-I should have known. I should have known, because you charge around here playing the corporate executive, the new-age woman who has it all, but truly, you know what you are? A weak-willed slave to a really bad man. Brady: Here you go. John: Thanks. I met Theresa last night, remember? Brady: Last night? John: Yeah. At her apartment, when... when I got back. Brady: It's okay. Are you warmer now? Maybe you should get some sleep. John: No, I don't need sleep. W-why--why am I in the hospital? Brady: Don't--hey, don't-- don't worry about that. Don't worry about it. John: Why am I? I want to know. Why am I here, Brady? Brady: It's okay. Maxine: You okay, Mr. Black? Brady: I-I pressed his call button. John: Why am I here? Why am I in the hospital? Brady: He's getting agitated. Maxine: Dr. Jonas ordered a sedative for him. John: Talk to me. Don't talk to him. Why am I here? Maxine: I'm gonna put something in your I.V. That will help you sleep. John: I-I don't need to sleep. I just need answers. I want to know why I'm here. Maxine: We're gonna take real good care of you. That's all you need to know for now. John: [Mumbles] Hi, I'm Henry Winkler Kate: Were you really naive enough to believe all those pretty words that he was saying to you? Do you think that's because he desperately wanted you back? You really need to wise up, because EJ is his father's son, and all he wants is his power and his money back. And he will say anything and do anything, including you, to make that happen. I just can't believe that you fell for that act. Sami: It's not an act. Kate: Fine. You keep on saying that to yourself. Sami: [Sighs] [Door opens] Sami: Kate, I mean, come on... [Door closes] Clyde: I don't believe we've met. I'm Clyde Weston. Chad: Chad DiMera. I own this place. Ben: With sonny Kiriakis. Chad: Ben's right. Clyde: Well, I'm Ben's daddy. Chad: It's a pleasure to meet you. Your son's doing a great job for sonny and me. Clyde: Well, my boy's a hard worker, always has been. He won't disappoint you, Mr. DiMera. But I got to run. Thank you, son, for doing that favor. Take care. Chad: [Exhales deeply] So... it seems like I owe you another apology. Abigail: So Sami tried to put you in prison. She tried to take every single penny that you had, and now suddenly she's just giving you another chance? EJ: Well, I'm a very lucky young man. Abigail: Well, that's, uh, certainly one way to put it. EJ: And Ben--he also seems like an extremely-- Abigail: No, just stop right there, EJ. Ben, my life, basically everything I do-- that's off-limits for you now. Got it? EJ: Got it. I would just like you to know that I still care about you, and I know that Chad is back in town-- Abigail: No, that is off-limits for you too. Don't talk about that. If you care about me at all, then the next time you see me, EJ, don't--don't look at me, don't talk to me, don't even think about me. Just keep walking. Clyde: Hello. Kate: Well, I almost didn't recognize you. Clyde: Well, folks tell me I clean up pretty good. But, ms. Roberts... I ain't got nothing on you. Maxine: Why don't you let him get some rest now? I'm sure Dr. Jonas will call you in the morning, fill you in on his condition. Brady: You're telling me to go home? Maxine: If he sees you again, he's gonna start asking questions again. Brady: I got it. Thank you for everything. Theresa: So what are you gonna do now? Brady: [Sighs] I'm gonna call Marlena. Theresa: He doesn't remember anything about the night he... he got hurt... or what he's doing here in this hospital. Brady: Has Daniel been in to see my dad yet? Theresa: No, but, um, how are you doing? Brady: I'm good. I just--you know, I'M... I'm so happy that he--that he's awake and that he's recognizing people, but... it's like he's lost months of his life, Theresa. Theresa: Yeah, but he's doing so much better. Brady: But he's gonna want those--those gaps filled in, you know. He already wants to know why he's here in the hospital. Theresa: It doesn't mean you have to tell him. Brady: Why--why wouldn't I? Theresa: Look, Brady, your dad doesn't remember anything about the night that he got hurt, and... I mean, don't you think it's better for both of you if you just keep it that way? Aiden: Hi. Hope: Uh, hi. I was, uh--I wasn't expecting to see you again today. Aiden: Yeah. Hope: Uh, actually, I was just on my way out. Aiden: Oh, you know what? I only got a few minutes myself. The mom of one of chase's friends is watching him for me. I just want to make sure--are we, uh... we still good for tomorrow? Hope: Uh, yeah--what? Yeah, still good. Aiden: Yeah? Okay, good. It's just been a while since I had an actual date, so I was just hoping that, um... uh... Hope: [Sighs] Ben: The only thing you owe me is a paycheck. Chad: All right, look, I get why you're acting this way. We got off on the wrong foot, but I was kind of hoping that-- Ben: Hoping what-- that we could be buddies after you accused me of stealing money from this place? Chad: I was out of line. Ben: Like you were with Abigail. Chad: Okay, that's between her and me. Ben: Then why don't we stick to being boss and employee? Chad: We could do it that way if you want, but it might make it kind of awkward. Ben: And why's that? Chad: Well, you've just gotten to be friends with sonny and will, and they are two of my best friends... Abigail: Hi. Ben: Hey. Abigail: Hey, uh, ready to go? Ben: Yeah. Let me just grab my jacket. Abigail: Were you hassling him? Chad: Everything I do hassles him. [Sighs] I was just trying to fix the situation. Abigail: I hope that's it. Chad: It is. Look, the only reason why he had all that money and wouldn't explain is because his daddy gave it to him, to give to his sister. Abigail: Well, see? I knew there was a reasonable explanation. Chad: Hmm. Yeah, I didn't know he has family here. Abigail: Well, now you do. Ben: Ready to hit the road? Abigail: Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Ben: [Chuckles] Let's go. Chad: [Exhales deeply] Clyde: Now, I do believe you make your own destiny. But a couple of months ago, I was having dinner at a local Chinese place back home... and the waitress noticed I hadn't eaten my fortune cookie. Kate: Well, no one eats fortune cookies, except maybe in poplar bluff. Clyde: Well, I didn't want to hurt her feelings, so... I opened it up... and read my fortune. Kate: [Chuckles] "You will meet a beautiful and mysterious stranger who will change your life." I think that waitress was setting you up. Clyde: [Laughs] I thought it was hogwash myself. But the very next day you showed up looking for me. Now here I am, sitting at a table with a beautiful, mysterious stranger who has changed my life. Kate: So is that what this dinner is all about-- celebrating your fortune? Clyde: No, ma'am. This dinner is about seducing you. Sami: Harold? Harold, have you-- oh. EJ: I gave Harold and the rest of the staff the night off. Sami: What is this? EJ: Well, the children come back tomorrow, so... I thought this would be a good opportunity for us to spend a little bit of time together alone. Sami: Um, good. Uh, actually, I-I do have to talk to you. EJ: We'll talk. But first, you might want to have a look in that bag. Sami: What? What's in them? EJ: The unwrapped one is mine. That is yours. If I may. Sami: Wait. What are you-- what are you doing? What-- Sami: [Gasps] [Scoffs] EJ: Samantha gene Brady DiMera... will you marry me one last time? Oh, steer clear of Kristen, Sami: EJ, get up, come on. EJ: Hey, you haven't answered my question. Sami: Well, 'cause we're already married. EJ: Yes, we are already married. And I would not change that for anything in the world. But the last time that we exchanged rings, Samantha-- Sami: I was planning to destroy you? EJ: So I would like to replace that memory. And this time, when we pledge to spend the rest of our lives together, I will know that you know that you are the only woman for me. You are the only woman I will ever need. So what do you say, Samantha gene? Sami: I say yes. EJ: [Laughs] Sami: [Shrieks] Hope: Uh, maybe you should go and, um, check on chase. Aiden: Right, yeah, yeah, that's a good I--good idea. Hope: Yep. Aiden: Um, great to see you, Mrs. Brady. Hope: Caroline. [Door closes] Caroline: Hmm? Hope: I'm guessing, uh... from that look, you heard Aiden say we have a date. Caroline: Yes. Uh, yes, uh... and, I mean, you tell me that story about your not being able to go on--you never mentioned him. Hope: It's just lunch. It's just lunch. Caroline: Oh, oh, you're gonna get a divorce so that you're free to date Aiden Jennings. Isn't that it? Hope: No. Yes...and no. [Sighs] Abigail: Well, next time, I will bring my apple pie. Ben: Well, that sounds excellent. But to be honest, the only thing you really have to bring... is yourself. You taste like chocolate chips. [Both laugh] Abigail: I'm glad you're having a good time. Ben: Why wouldn't I be? I'm sitting here eating homemade cookies with a beautiful lady on a beautiful night. [Chuckles] Abigail: It's just that when I got to the club, um... things seemed kind of tense between you and Chad. Ben: Okay, I don't want to talk about Chad. Abigail: Neither do I. I just... think we kind of have to. I don't want you to lose your job because of me, Ben. Chad: Checking up on me. Stefano: It's a father's prerogative, you know. And I just wanted to see how things are going in Salem. Chad: Things here are going just about the way we thought they would. Kate: Announcing that you intend to seduce a woman may play well in poplar bluff, but in Salem, it falls flat. Clyde: Oh, I'm so sorry. I figured you'd know I wasn't talking about anything... physical. Kate: [Scoffs] Ha. What were you talking about, then? Clyde: From the day I met you, I felt like we just clicked. I think we could make a powerful team. Kate: A team? You mean working together? Clyde: Mm. A powerful lady like you scares off a lot of men. Kate: But not someone like you. Clyde: There's a lot I could learn from you--that's for sure. But I think you could learn from me too. Kate: About business? Clyde: Exactly. Kate: Because you're so powerful. Clyde: [Laughs] Well, if a man has to brag about his power, he probably doesn't have very much. Kate: Okay. But even if we did make a team, it's very difficult for me to imagine exactly what kind of professional relationship we could possibly have. Brady: I don't know how to lie to my dad about what happened that night. Theresa: Just tell him it was an accident. Brady: Come on, Theresa, he's not stupid. He's gonna realize that he didn't hit himself in the head with a fireplace poker. Theresa: What happened that night--it was so horrible. I mean, I don't remember everything that happened, but--but you and your father had this terrible fight, and then you were-- Brady: Drunk and wasted. Theresa: Yeah. Look, I know that eventually your dad's gonna have to know everything that happened, but not now. I mean, just tell him the parts he can handle. Tell him--tell him he fell down, and he--and he hit his head or something. Maybe he'll buy that. Brady: Theresa, Theresa, why are you pushing this so hard? I mean, you have nothing to worry about. Theresa: Brady, that's not true. I have my own reasons for--for hoping your father doesn't remember everything about that night. Clyde: Well, believe it or not, I happen to have some money. Kate: Some? Clyde: [Laughs] We can get into details later. Kate: Well, tell me, are you looking to invest? Clyde: I'm prepared to go all-in. Kate: I see. I see, but I still don't really understand. Clyde: Do me a favor. Just promise me you'll think about it. Abigail: When I got there, it seemed like Chad was trying to make up for being such a jerk before. Ben: Yeah, he was trying. Abigail: Well, maybe--maybe you should just, uh... Ben: Just what? Get over myself? Abigail: I was going to say, maybe you should just... try to find a way to stay there. Ben: Here's the thing about Chad. I just don't trust the guy. I heard the way he was talking to you, and he's no different than his brother. And I don't want any part of anybody that could hurt you like that. Caroline: You have feelings for Aiden? Hope: I don't know. I'm not sure. But even if Aiden hadn't come along, I-I-I still would have come to this decision about Bo. Before Aiden came in and you found out about the date... you seemed to have understood my decision. Caroline: [Sighs] Hope: I really need your support now. Brady: I don't get why you would feel guilty about any of this. Theresa: Are you kidding? God, Brady, when I think about that night, I just-- it makes me sick. Brady: O-okay, don't-- don't--don't go there. Theresa: Well, too late. I already have. I mean, that fight that you had with your father, it was about me. I'm--I'm the one who got you drinking and doing drugs again-- Brady: Hold on. No, no, stop. Stop. I did plenty of drinking and drugs without any help from you, all right? Theresa: Yeah, but you wouldn't have gone to Vegas that night without my help. And--and you wouldn't have gotten married, and your father wouldn't have come home and found out about it, and... Brady, when I think about my--my part in this, I just... I feel so horrible. I mean, I almost cost you your father. [Sighs] And I hope you know how much I still care about you. EJ: You know, from the first moment that I met you-- Sami: You mean, when you were EJ wells, the dashing race car driver? EJ: Samantha, I knew that you were the one for me. Sami: It must have been so complicated for you, since Stefano had send you to destroy our family. EJ: You're really not trying to make this easy for me, are you? Sami: Uh, nuh-uh. EJ: Uh-huh. Let me ask you something. Do you remember when we had to bond, uh, together, so we could fake out that immigration officer? Sami: Yeah, that was a lie too, though, right? EJ: Yes. Sami: [Laughs] EJ: Howev--however... do you ever stop to think about what would have happened if we'd just married and settled down into our own happily ever after? Sami: Yes. But we wouldn't be us, then, would we? We--we wouldn't have found... this. EJ: We really did torture ourselves over this... Sami: [Laughs] EJ: Didn't we? I mean, I don't really know what this is necessarily, but it's certainly greater than the sum of our parts. May I? Samantha Brady... I vow to tango with you, literally and figuratively... every day for the rest of our lives. I vow to catch you every time a piece of furniture or a door gets in your way. I vow to hold you when you need to cry. And I vow to spar with you when you need a good fight. Sami: [Chuckles] EJ: And I vow to give you a big spoon when you need to stir up trouble. Sami: [Chuckles] EJ: And I vow always... to put you and the children first... now... and forever. You are more than my heartbeat. Sami: [Cries happily] [Chuckles] Is that... EJ: This is the letter that you wrote to me from prison, and it really helped me find my pulse. I will never again jeopardize our love, Samantha, nor will I ever take it for granted. And I will work every day to earn my place by your side. Sami: EJ, stop. I can't let you do this. Caroline: I've loved you ever since you were a kid. And I've supported you. But I cannot support you in this. I'm sorry. Aiden: Hi. Hope: Hi. Uh, where's chase? Aiden: Uh, he's over there. He's taken up with his--with his friend. Look, I am so sorry if I screwed things up with your husband's mom. Hope: Yeah, well, probably not a good idea to bring up us dating in the Brady pub. Please don't do that again. Aiden: I just didn't think. But look, hope, tell me-- if you think this is a bad idea-- Hope: No, it's not. I--well, I, um... I'll be there tomorrow. Promise. Aiden: Really? Hope: Really. Aiden: Okay, great. Great. Then we're gonna have one hell of a lunch, okay? Hope: Yeah. Aiden: Um, well I'd better go get chase, but I'll see you tomorrow. Hope: Yeah. Aiden: All right. Hope: Tomorrow. Stefano: Tell me, have you and Elvis managed to bury the hatchet? Chad: No, and I don't see that happening. Sorry. Stefano: Ahh. And Katarina--what about her? Chad: I told her everything you wanted me to tell her. Stefano: That you were on her side, no? I mean, that you wanted to help her undermine me, huh? Chad: Yeah, I made it very convincing. Stefano: You know, she is not a stupid woman, okay? Are you sure that she believed you? Chad: [Sighs] Oh, yeah. She bought every word. Kate: Well, I promise to think about it. But don't get your hopes up. Clyde: I won't. And whatever you decide, I'll respect your decision, even if I don't agree with it. At least I got to spend a wonderful evening with you. Kate? Kate: Clyde. Clyde: Are you a film buff? Kate: Yes, actually, I am. Clyde: I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Kate: Rick said that to a man named Louis. Clyde: I know, but I didn't. Ben: Unfortunately, I think we need to slow down a little bit. We're not exactly in a private place. Abigail: Kind of seems like it. You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. Okay. Ben: I want to be with you so bad... it's not even funny. But I am renting this room in this place, and they don't exactly allow guests. Abigail: And since I can't really, uh, walk you past my mother and my brother... Ben: [Chuckles] Abigail: To take you to my bedroom, I think that we might need to come up with a plan. Ben: Oh, we will. Believe me. Abigail: [Laughs] EJ: Darling, I wasn't actually finished explaining the whole-- Sami: You have to let me have my-- EJ: Okay, when I said that I wanted to spar with you, I didn't mean right here and now. So, if you just give me one second to just maybe talk-- Sami: It's my turn. EJ: Yes, dear. Sami: You were about to rehash all the terrible things we've done to each other, weren't you? All the horrible things and the ways you hurt me, and I am tired of being a hypocrite. You hurt me, and I hurt you. And we're gonna move on from it. We're both very stubborn people, and I think we had to go through all of that to get to here. So... I know now... that nothing is stronger than us... not you at your worst... and not me at mine. EJ: [Chuckles] Sami: I know that what we have between us... is more. It's unbreakable. And it's irreplaceable. And I meant what I said in that letter, EJ. I can't breathe without you. And I can't sleep... without listening to your heartbeat. And I will love you... always and forever. [Shrieks] [Laughs] Brady: You owned your part in all of this, and I know that wasn't easy for you. I think the best thing we can do is learn from that night and... well, live our lives our a little differently. [Chuckles] Theresa: Yeah. Brady: See ya. Theresa: [Chuckles] Brady thinks I'm a lovely person. Wow. This night turned out so much better than I thought it would. Who knew? Maybe everything's gonna be okay... unless--unless John remembers more than he has already. John: [Breathing heavily] [Monitor beeping] Brady: I want you to get out, dad. I want you to get out of here. Get out, get off. John: Okay, easy, easy. [Monitor beeping erratically] Maxine: Your heart rate just went way up, Mr. Black. Are you okay? John: [Breathing heavily] Uh, dream. Maxine: You want to talk about it? John: Uh, can't remember. It was something... really bad. | John wanted to know why he was in the hospital |
221 | Erica: Gentlemen. Thank you so much for coming. First Man: Nice to see you, Erica. Second Man: You look lovely, Erica. Third Man: I was going to say that, too. Erica: Many thanks to all of you who think I look so lovely. Now, I'm sure, gentlemen, you're all wondering why you're here. Thank you, Val. Would you please show the gentlemen what you have? Can anyone tell me what this is? Man: Oh, it appears to be a large chunk of ice. Erica: Exactly. This, gentlemen, is ice, representing my considerable assets -- my considerable assets. So you can imagine my shock when I tried to access my money to buy a home and found out that my funds have been frozen. How in the world did that happen? Erica: Someone had better start talking -- and I mean now. [SCENE_BREAK] [Jesse has a nightmare] Angie: Help me, Jesse, please! Please, help me! Jesse: Oh, let her go! Let her go! Angie: Jesse, don't let him kill me! Jesse: Let her go! Angie: You promised to always protect me! Jesse, please! Jesse: Let her go! Let her go! Angie: Help me! [Jesse wakes up] Jesse: Oh. Oh, Angie. I will never let them get their hands on you -- never, never. [SCENE_BREAK] Angie: What's wrong with this picture? Frankie: Well, I'm officially out, and you're in. Thought I'd change things up, have you be the patient for a while. Angie: Well, I don't like it. Frankie: Ma, hey -- hey. What happened, Ma? I mean, you had us all pretty worried. Angie: Nothing -- just overtired and passed out. Frankie: At Dad's grave? Angie: It could've happened anywhere, Frankie. Frankie: But it didn't happen anywhere, Ma. It happened there -- after you saw him. [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: We're going home, Greenlee. Finally, we're going home. That means no more monitors beeping in the background and no more nurses interrupting every five minutes. Greenlee: Aidan, hang on a minute. Aidan: What is it? Greenlee: It's just I've spent so much time in this place. Aidan: Right, which is why I want to get you out of here. Greenlee: I know, and I want that, too, more than anything, but -- but now -- Aidan: What, are you feeling sick? Greenlee: No, no, no. I feel healthier than Dr. Oz. Aidan: Well, let's pack up the car, then, all right? Let's ditch this uncomfortable hospital bed and go back to your place, all right? It's time for the old Greenlee to take the world on by storm. Greenlee: But I'm not the old Greenlee anymore. What if I can't get her back? [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: "To Deirdre, best wishes. Kendall Hart." Oh -- sorry, it ran out of ink. Hold on one second. Ok. Sorry, I -- I love this bag, but I can never find anything in it. Oh, one second. Ah -- ok. So, who should I make this one out to? Zach: How about "To the love of my life"? Kendall: Zach. Zach: Hey. Kendall: What are you doing here? Zach: It's your big day -- hey, I wasn't going to miss that, and I'm sorry I cut in line. It's my wife, so -- women: Oh. Zach: Great book, right? Woman: Yes. Kendall: Ok, I'm now officially embarrassed. Zach: And I'm officially in the way. Kendall: No, you're not, you're not. Zach: I can't stand here -- they're going to tear me to shreds. I got to go, sit. Kendall: No, no -- hold on. I -- I got it, I got it. There. You can sit now. Zach: Ahem. You're glad I'm here, right? Kendall: Of course, I am. Zach: So why do you look so nervous? [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: Greenlee, what happened? Yesterday, you were on the express train out of this place. Greenlee: What if I'm not ready for what's out there? Aidan: Oh. Honey, look, you can handle anything the world throws at you. Greenlee: Hmm. I'm not so sure. Aidan: Well, what's changed? Greenlee: I have. I've made a lot of mistakes since I came back to town, even before I left. I lost my husband, my best friend. Aidan: Yeah, because you felt betrayed by Ryan and Kendall, but that's all in the past. Greenlee: When I look back at that time, I barely recognize myself. I was so worried about having a baby to save my marriage -- it was like when I was a kid and my grandmother told me I couldn't do something, then I just had to make it happen. I went baby crazy, I -- I wanted it more than anything. Aidan: Is that what this is about -- you want to start a family? Is that it? Greenlee: No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No way, I am off that track -- I mean, not that I don't still love the idea of having kids someday, when the time is right. But before that, I need to work on myself. I want my career back, I want to make Fusion one of the top cosmetic companies in the world. I want to travel, I want to go on adventures with you. Aidan: Well, that sounds good to me, all of it. Greenlee: I want to hang out with my friends, throw fabulous dinner parties, go to Fashion Week, buy out the spring line. All of that stuff feels like the old me. But after everything that's happened, I don't want to be the same person. How could I be? I mean, the last few years have changed me. Aidan: All right. Well, then let me ask you this -- now, what do you want? [SCENE_BREAK] Angie: I wanted to say good-bye. I'm leaving Pine Valley. Honey, I've just had a lot on my mind lately. And being here at the hospital -- it's the last place that I saw your daddy alive. I hallucinated, just like you. That's all. Frankie: Then tell me this -- why would I have smelled his after-shave? Angie: I don't know, baby. Frankie: That was real, Ma. Angie: I know that it can seem that way. Frankie, when -- when I passed out, I imagined that Jesse was holding me, and it felt so good. But I woke up, and it was a paramedic. Frankie: But that's just it, Ma -- who called the paramedics? [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: Get it together. [Tad walks down the stairs] Jesse: How's Angie? Tad: Other than thinking she saw the love of her life, a man that's supposed to have been dead for 20 years? Jesse: Did she say anything? Tad: She's fine, she's ok. She's just fine. I talked to my old man, all right? She's sound asleep. They -- maybe they gave her something, I don't know. She thinks you were a hallucination brought on by stress or maybe hypoglycemia, I don't know. Jesse: Oh, man. Well, thank God she's ok and thank you. Tad: She's fine, she's ok. Jesse: Thank you, man. Tad: What do you think you're -- Jesse: What are you talking about? Tad: Eat something -- Jesse: I got to get out of here. Tad: You can't go anywhere -- Jesse: It's not safe with me being here -- it's not safe for Angie, Frankie, you, your family. Tad: I'm not as defenseless as I look. You're practically family -- you are my family. Why don't you let me do something for you? Don't you think you owe me a couple of answers at this point? Jesse: Look, the more you dig around for answers, the better their chances are for finding out the truth. Tad: Who are "they"? Jesse: They are very bad people, Tad. Tad: But what kind of bad people? Jesse: Would you stop! Sorry. I'm sorry, just -- please, just -- [SCENE_BREAK] Singer: You are a prince seducing me ♪ Babe: Ok. Let's do the checklist -- is Tad coming home late at night? Krystal: No. Babe: Is he getting strange phone calls from women? Krystal: Uh-uh. Babe: Um -- did you find a matchbook or something? Krystal: No, no, none of that. It's just that he -- I don't know, he seems a little preoccupied lately. Babe: Well, did you just come out and ask him if he's having an affair? Krystal: Yeah, you better believe I did, and he said no. Babe: But what if he was, Mama? I mean, would you be breaking any rules? I know that you guys didn't get married, because you're madly in love -- you did it to protect Jenny from Adam. Krystal: I do love Tad. Babe: You know what I mean. Krystal: Yeah. I know what you mean, and you are dead wrong about our relationship. Babe: Wait -- wait, wait. So you're telling me that you and Tad are -- are "together"? Krystal: I'm not going to give you any details, Babe. Babe: Oh, wow. Krystal: No, look -- all right, look. Let's change the subject, ok? Let's talk about something else, like how about your relationships, huh? Babe: No, no. I'm having too much fun talking about yours. Krystal: Please. Babe: Do you remember that boyfriend you had when I was in Junior High? God -- what was his name? It was Clem Toller. [Babe chuckles] Krystal: Oh, God, I haven't thought about him in years. Babe: He took us to Vegas and treated us like queens -- Krystal: Uh-huh. Babe: Well, until his wife showed up. You grabbed my hand, and we ran out of there like bats out of hell, ok? Nobody even batted an eye. Krystal: Thanks a lot. I appreciate that, thank you very much for bringing up my checkered past. Babe: Oh, anytime, anytime, Mama. Singer: I surrender ♪ Krystal: Speaking of bad decisions, look who's over there. Singer: I will be so right ♪ [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: Um -- well. Hi there. There's coffee if you want it. I see you've stopped wearing your grandfather's ring. J.R.: Yep. Adam: Is there a reason for that? J.R.: It's at the jewelers -- I caught it on the door. That's not exactly true. You know, if it was a year ago or a week ago, I might've made up some BS how I took it off while I was playing tennis or that it was at the jewelers, something like that. But the truth is I lost it. The ring's gone. Adam: So you lost our family ring? J.R.: Little Adam wanted to see it, so I took it off, so he could look at it. And then, he dropped it down the sink at the bar. Adam: Oh -- huh. I see. J.R.: I'm sorry, I really am. Adam: No, no. No, no, no. There's no reason to be sorry. I'm sure another one will turn up somewhere among all the other family heirlooms I happen to have. [Adam drops a bug on the floor] [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: No one has answered my question. Why aren't my funds available to me? Man: They are available. You just can't get to them right now. Erica: That makes no sense. Man: We're facing a routine investigation. Second Man: By the federal government. Erica: Nothing about that sounds routine to me. And you all assured me that everything was under control. Man: Well, it was, and then it wasn't. Erica: I feel like I have fallen down the rabbit hole. Not one of you is making a bit of sense at all. Are my funds frozen? Men: Yes. Erica: Can anyone here tell me how to fix that? No? All right, gentlemen. Do you know what this is? This is you getting fired. Men: No, wait -- Erica: That's right. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. [SCENE_BREAK] Richie: V8 V-Fusion. It's a great name. Babe: Are you ok? Richie: Oh, yeah. I'm great, sure. Babe: Did you -- did you get a blood transfusion? Richie: Yeah. One yesterday, another one tomorrow. Good times, though, right? Babe: And -- and they still haven't found a match? Richie: Oh, no, they found one, all right. It's just whoever it is, they're not interested. Babe: That can't be true. Richie: Trust me, it's true. Babe: Well, who is this jerk? Babe: Richie, I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do? Richie: Well, actually, you're doing it just sitting here listening to me. Babe: Well, I wish it could be more. Richie: Well, you could always break into the hospital and find out the name of that donor. [SCENE_BREAK] Val: Where'd everyone go? Erica: Fired. Val, I need you to contact that Mr. Eaton at the -- the firm that Adam Chandler recommended. Val: Uh, he was out of the country. But I will see if he's back. Erica: Jack? Well, I have had a very productive morning -- I fired all my money people. Good riddance. Listen, Jack, -- I know that you're busy, but could you possibly find out anything more about that SEC investigation? Oh, and I have something for you. I know we said that we weren't going to do this, but I did get you a little Valentine's Day present -- just for old times' sake. Call me. Pam: Erica, you'll never guess who agreed to be on the show. Samuel Woods, Erica Kane. Samuel: Erica Kane, I've waited a long time for this. [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays at ConFusion] Babe: You want me to break into Joe's office? Richie: No, I -- it -- well -- just forget I said anything, ok? It -- I mean, come on. You're a -- you're a respectable person with a career and a kid, and I -- I'm just an ex-con with nothing to lose. So -- just wanted to keep you up-to-date. And your mom probably thinks that I'm corrupting you again, so go set her straight. Singer: Let's move along and find out if he only has ♪ Krystal: What's going on? Singer: It's so good to belong ♪ Babe: Mama? I need you to help me save a man's life. Singer: What you know ♪ [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: I want to be happy -- truly, madly, deeply, deliriously happy. I want to -- I want to face the world and my mistakes head-on and grow from them. I want to look forward and never look back. I want to be the independent, smart, passionate woman I was before but with all the insight I have now. Aidan: Wait -- what -- what are you talking about? You already are this woman. Greenlee: You think? Aidan: Yeah -- no, I don't think -- I mean, I know. The fact that you can just admit all of this -- I mean, it makes it true. Hey, you're not the same person as you were when you came back to town. Greenlee: Maybe you're right. Aidan: And your taste in men has improved dramatically. Greenlee: Well, once you go British, you never go back. Aidan: That's true, and you know what? You can -- you can have all the dreams that you want, all the dreams that you wish for. You just got to go out there, and you got to grab them. Greenlee: You're right. I'm ready. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: I wrote a book -- I wrote a book, ok? And there's people here, and they want me to sign it, so the whole thing is just surreal and weird. Zach: Relax. I'll get through this, and I'll take you out for a nice dinner in Chicago. Kendall: Well, I like the sounds of that. Zach: Hmm. Kendall: Ok, so I'm going to finish up with this and just don't go anywhere. Zach: Uh-uh. Kendall: All right. Hi. What's your name? Woman: Carol. Kendall: Carol. Carol: Oh, but make it to "Sandra." This one's for my daughter. I already have a copy. Kendall: Oh, ok -- so, "to Sandra." Zach: It's quite a book, huh? Carol: Oh, I love it. Makes you feel you know these people, like they're family almost. Zach: What's your favorite chapter? Carol: I like all of it -- especially the sexy parts. Are you really Kendall's husband? Zach: I am the lucky man, yes. Carol: An understanding one, too -- with all the other lovers she's had. Kendall: Why does everyone think this is about me? Zach: Well, don't burst her bubble. Here you go. Carol: Thank you. Kendall: Thank you. Zach: Should I be worried about all the other lovers you've had or -- Kendall: No. You know better than that. Zach: Hmm. Kendall: Hmm, hmm. Zach: I will go to the "husband too close to the flame" corner. [Kendall chuckles] Kendall: Ok. [Phone rings] Kendall: Oh -- excuse me. Woman: Oh. Kendall: Sorry, one second. Hey. Greenlee: How's my favorite literary rock star? Are you being worshipped like only you deserve? Kendall: The book signing's going great. So, are you out of the hospital yet? Greenlee: Uh, in a minute. I had a minor identity crisis, but I'm done with that and ready to move on. Say goodbye to the whiney Greenlee. Kendall: So the bitch is back? Greenlee: Not necessarily, but I'm definitely done living in the past. It's time to find out who I'm going to be next. Kendall: Good. Uh -- is Aidan taking you home? Greenlee: Yeah. He can't wait to get me back to the penthouse, speaking of which -- did Zach manage to surprise you? Kendall: Yeah. You -- you knew about that? Greenlee: Of course. I want all the details when you get back. Kendall: Sure. Greenlee: Be happy, Kendall. Things are finally looking up for us, and who knows? Maybe our futures are going to be better than we could possibly imagine. Kendall: I hope so. I'll see you at home. [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: I really got to go, Tad. Tad: I know. I understand, and I tried asking some questions about the girl that stole your wallet, but I wasn't able to figure out anything -- you know, come up with anything on such short notice. But -- I did put this together. It's just, you know, some clothes and some money. Jesse: Come on, Tad, I can't take this from you. What are you -- Tad: You can, and you are going to, ok? I love you, and you need it, so just say "Thank you." Jesse: You're still the same stubborn-ass Tad Martin from high school. Tad: Yeah -- why? Is it coming back to you? Jesse: Oh, my God. Tad, do you have any idea what it's like to hold somebody that you love after 20 years? Tad: Hmm -- no, but almost. Jesse: Yeah, you and Dixie. Tad: Me and Dixie. Jesse: You and Dixie. Angie felt the same, man. She's even more beautiful, if that's possible. I wanted to say so much -- so much to her. What the hell can I say? I mean, what could I possibly say after 20 years? [SCENE_BREAK] Angie: What are you getting at, Frankie? Frankie: You thought you saw him. I thought I saw him. Angie: Ok, you know what? Just -- just stop it, ok, because this is crazy. We are both exhausted. And -- I just don't want to have this conversation anymore. Frankie: Look, Tad knows something, too. Angie: What does Tad know? Angie: All right -- Frankie: I -- Angie: I just need you to just stop it, please! Frankie, you don't know how long I prayed to God to give Jesse back to me. But I can't pretend that that would ever, could ever happen. I saw him die, baby. I saw your daddy breathe for the last time. Frankie: Oh -- I know, Ma. Angie: Then please just stop questioning anything different, because the reality -- it is what it is. Jesse is dead, and he is never, ever coming back. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: It's so nice to meet you, Mr. Woods. Samuel: You call me Samuel. Pam: Mr. Woods was able to rearrange his schedule to be here for an interview. Samuel: I was here in town handling some business, and I thought about your flattering offer, and I thought, why not? Erica: Why not, indeed? Samuel: I mean, if your offer still stands. Erica: Well, I mean, of course, that depends on when we can do the interview. Samuel: How about now? Erica: Well, I -- I'm sorry, but we've already finished taping for the day. Pam: Erica, we could do -- Erica: No, Pamela -- I, uh -- don't have any plans for this evening. Samuel: Oh, see, that's a shame, because now I'm completely booked up. Erica: Oh. Well, that is a shame. I think it would have been fun. I mean, that I have never interviewed a true "man of the people." Samuel: Uh-oh. I think she just flattered me. [Erica chuckles] Erica: Oh, I'm quite sure you're used to that. Samuel: Well, until next time. Erica: Till next time. Pam: What did you just do? Erica: He'll be back. Pam: Oh -- Erica: Five, four, three, two -- Samuel -- did you forget something? [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: Here, let me help you with that. Adam: No, no, I've got it -- J.R.: What is this? Adam: That -- that? It's a -- it's a -- well, it's a security device. Your old man is inching his way into the 21st century. J.R.: Kicking and screaming -- Adam: Well -- J.R.: But at least you're here. Adam: Yeah, well -- I have some new numbers for you about your internet venture, if you're still committed to that. J.R.: Of course. Let me see them. Adam: Yeah, I will, I will. I'll have Lucretia make us something to eat. J.R.: That sounds like a plan. Adam: Well, I know everything I need to know about you, J.R. You're a liar and a traitor. J.R.: Yeah, this is J.R. You did? Oh, that's great. Yeah, I'm at the house. [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: They found a bone marrow donor for Richie, and whoever it is won't come forward, and Joe won't tell him who it is. You know, it's all about rules and confidentiality, and it all just seems so -- so stupid! Krystal: Right. I'll -- I'll talk to Joe, and I'll talk to Tad, and see what they can do. Babe: I think it's past that point. Krystal: What do you have in mind? No. No, I -- I know that look, and whatever it is, the answer is no. Babe: We deserve the best, and together, we can always get it. Krystal: All right, you know, don't -- don't throw the Carey motto in my face right now, Babe. Babe: You know what, Mama? You taught me that, and sometimes, that means fighting like hell to get the best for other people, too. So, what do you say? Are you in, or out? [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: This is the book you want. Woman: Really? Zach: Yeah. These are good, but you want this one, "Charm!" Kendall: You -- Zach: Hmm? Kendall: My love, should get 10%. Zach: I don't want 10%, I want you. Kendall: Oh, no. Oh, God. Excuse me, excuse me. [Kendall gets sick to her stomach and runs off] [SCENE_BREAK] Frankie: I didn't mean to upset you, Ma. Angie: I'm not upset. I'm just tired. Frankie: But you're right. I mean, maybe it's us being here, and it's Dad's birthday that brought him up in both of us, making him seem more real. [Frankie sighs] Frankie: Well, I got to take care of a few things, but you get some rest. And I'll call you later. Angie: Ok. [Angie recalls seeing Jesse at the cemetery and jumps out of bed] Angie: Je -- Jesse? [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: Well, what do you know, my gorgeous sweetness? Beautiful darling, that was the last box. What, still no Joe? Greenlee: Oh, he'll be in in a minute. Aidan: And then you're going to be all mine. Greenlee: Hmm. About that -- Aidan: Yeah? Greenlee: I left out one very important wish. Something I want to be a big part of my life. Aidan: What was that? Greenlee: You. You've been amazing, Aidan, through all of this. And no matter who I was or am or could become, I want you to be right beside me. Aidan: This is going to be good, Greenlee. All right, we're going to be together for a long, long time. Greenlee: I could get used to that. Aidan: And the best part is it starts right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: How long have you been feeling like that? Kendall: I don't know. I guess just today. Zach: Hmm, it's longer than that. I've been watching you. Kendall: Yeah, well, I'm sure I'll feel better. I just need to lay down in the hotel room. Zach: That's not what I meant. Something's bothering you, and you're afraid to tell me. Kendall: No, Zach, nothing's bothering me. Zach: But you don't need to be. I love you more than anything. And nothing you can do or say will ever change that. So go ahead, let's have it. [SCENE_BREAK] Samuel: You know what? I thought about it. I can rearrange a few things. Erica: Well, so quickly? I am impressed. Samuel: Later on today will be an absolutely perfect time to do the interview. Erica: Well, Pamela seems to think that we can make this work. Pam: Hmm? Yes. I can make it work. I mean, yes. Samuel: All right. Erica: Well, then I guess we should do it. Samuel: Let's have some fun. ["New Beginnings" theme plays] Erica: Today, we have one of Washington's best and brightest. The U.S. Attorney from the Third District, Samuel Woods. Samuel: Well, thank you for that introduction. I got to say right away that I have enjoyed your show for a long time. Erica: Well, thank you. Would you like to tell our audience the real reason you're here today? You're running for the U.S. Senate. Samuel: Oh. That -- that's been discussed, but that's not actually why I'm here. Erica: You're not running? Samuel: No, I didn't say that. Erica: You want to keep us guessing? Samuel: I didn't say that, either. Erica: Don't you want to use my show as a forum for your political aspirations? Samuel: Ms. Kane, I can tell you this -- when I want something from you, you'll know it. I will never, ever, ever keep you guessing. ["New Beginning's" theme plays] Erica: Stay tuned, and we will find out exactly what Mr. Woods wants. Pam: Samuel, that was fantastic. Erica, are you glad we made this happen? Erica: I'm having a great time. Samuel: Hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: If Tad were to find out -- ok, what do we do now? Babe? Babe: Ok -- um -- Krystal: What are you doing? You can't hack into that. You don't know the password. Babe: I -- I have an idea. Look, Jamie told me once that Joe uses his grandkids' names, so let's see. Oh -- ok, all right. "Jamie" -- no, no, wait -- maybe I should use "James." Krystal: "James," yeah. Babe: No, no. Krystal: Josh, Josh. Babe: Yes, Josh. Krystal: Yeah, Josh. Babe: No, damn, damn. Who -- who else? Who else is there? Krystal: Jenny, Jenny. Babe: Jenny. Of course, of course. "Jenny." Yes! Good job. Ok, now -- um -- now, I need to find patient files. Krystal: Oh, God. This is just so wrong. Babe: I know, I know, but it's for a good cause. Ok, there -- "Richard Novak." Ok. Krystal: What's it say? Babe: I -- I can't find it. Wait, wait, wait. Oh, wait -- "bone marrow match identified." Krystal: Who is it? Babe: Oh -- my God. Huh. It's J.R. [SCENE_BREAK] Colby: Hey! How are my two favorite guys? J.R.: Working hard. But ready to take a break. Colby: Oh. Don't quit for me. I got a bunch of college stuff to go through. It's going to take me all night. Adam: I'd like to take a look at that stuff, if you don't mind. Colby: Sure, Dad, anytime. Adam: These numbers -- they look good, very good. Why don't we hit it again tomorrow, ok? J.R.: Yeah, sure thing. Adam: Ok, good. J.R.: Did you bring it? Where did you find it? Colby: I didn't. I had Dre and Ren take the sink apart, and it popped out one of those pipes. Krystal is going to freak. But you got ring back. J.R.: Thank you. Colby: You know, it's really nice seeing you and Dad work together. It means a lot to him. J.R.: Yeah. A microphone? [SCENE_BREAK] Joe: Ahem, ahem. Aidan: Joe finally turns up. Greenlee: Hmm. Joe: I would guess you're well enough to go home. Greenlee: I am ready to take on the world. Joe: Yeah, well, word of caution -- take it easy at first. Greenlee: Hmm. That's not going to happen, but I promise you that I'll be here in two weeks for my follow-up. Joe: Ok, uh-huh. Well, Aidan, are you ready to do the honors? Aidan: Yeah, yeah. Joe: Yep? Aidan: Certainly. There we go. Of course. Milady, your chariot awaits. Greenlee: There's no way I'm getting in that thing. Joe: Well, it's hospital protocol. Greenlee: Yeah -- that's not going to happen. But I'm going to walk out of here on my own two feet, and neither one of you can stop me. Joe: Same old Greenlee. Aidan: Yeah. You know, I have a feeling this one's going to be even better than the last. Joe: Hmm. Greenlee: Are you coming? I have a life to start living. Aidan: Thanks for everything, Joe. Joe: Yes, yes. Bye-bye. Aidan: Ah. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Let's hear it. Kendall: Uh -- well, we haven't had much alone time. We haven't had any alone time in -- in weeks and weeks. So I thought if you stayed here tonight with me, that it would make me feel better. Zach: Yeah? Kendall: Yeah. Zach: Mm-hmm. Kendall: Hmm. Zach: Hey, it's Zach. I need to change my flight. Yeah. [Kendall drops the contents of her purse on the floor, including the pregnancy test] [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: Listen to me -- if you can find a way to do it that works for you, just drop me a line. Let me know you're alive, ok? Jesse: I'll try. Tad: You do know I'm going to keep scratching, right? Tad: Jesse -- as if they were my own. Jesse: Thanks, Tad. You're true blue. [Knock on door] Tad: Take it easy. Just stay out of sight. I'll see who it is and get rid of them. [Tad opens the door to Angie] [NEXT_ON] Kendall: Can we just not talk about Aidan anymore? Zach: Who said anything about Aidan? Krystal: Angie has agreed to stay with us. Jesse: Tell Angie you will not be happy until she leaves. Tad: I would be thrilled if you stay with us. Jesse: No, no. | Jesse worries when he finds that the person at the door is Angie |
222 | Nora: Wait a minute, Dorian, what -- what -- what are you doing? Dorian: Shh. Get ready to stand back. Nora: What? You can't -- are you out of your mind? Dorian: No, I'm quite fine, thank you. Ah, good! Nora: Put it out! Dorian: No! Nora: Yes! Dorian: Let it burn! That's the whole idea. [Dorian laughs] [Smoke detector beeps] Dorian: What's that? Nora: Huh? Dorian: What? Oh! Whoa! Oh! Oh, no! No! Oh, my hair! Nora: Oh! Oh, this was a brilliant idea, Dorian -- just brilliant! Dorian: Okay, I was being resourceful! No: Oh, God! Dorian: Where are you going? Nora: I'm going to go try and find the off switch! Dorian: Oh! Clint: Ah! What in God's name's going on in here? [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Ramsey found out, huh? I wonder how! Blair: He just said "aloha." Todd, what are you doing? Todd: He's got this place bugged. Can you hear me, Ramsey? Blair: No, I do -- I'm sure he found out some other way, Todd! Todd: Son of a bitch! I'm on to you, Ramsey! We are history! We are out of here! Nothing you can do about it! It's out of your control! Blair: Todd, just stop it before you make things worse. [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: Get in, get in. Did anyone see you? Markko: No, I used the kitchen door and I came up the back stairs like you said. Langston: Good. I talked to Starr. She said that she and Cole just got to my house. Markko: Well, at least they'll have one last night together. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: It's freezing. Cole: Yeah, the heat's probably been off all winter. [Cole tries light switch] Cole: Great, no electricity, either. Starr: Wait, why are we whispering? There's, like, nobody else here. Cole: Oh. Right. [Starr chuckles] Starr: Well, at least it's not as cold in here. Cole: Okay, well, let's just stay here, then. Starr: Okay. Cole: Who you calling? Starr: I'm not calling anyone. I'm shutting it off so that no one interrupts us -- especially my dad. Cole, I'm so sorry that he's doing this to us. Cole: You're freezing. Starr: This is it, huh? Our last few hours together? I don't want to waste one minute of it, okay? Not one minute. [SCENE_BREAK] [Smoke detector beeps] Nora: Ah -- ah -- Clint! Dorian: That man has a hair-trigger temper! Nora: Oh, well, did you think he'd be amused by this? For God's sake, you almost caused a four-alarm fire and destroyed an office in the process! [Smoke detector stops beeping] Nora: Oh, thank God. Dorian: Oh, sure, blame me for everything! Nora: What? You did it! You -- Clint: Either one of you want to explain to me what just happened in here? Nora: Well, I bet you can -- Dorian: This shouldn't surprise you but -- she's going to try and be the victim here -- Nora: Victim? She was trying to -- Clint: All right, stop it, both of you. Dorian, what are you doing here in the first place? And don't give me any of that crap about wanting to do something about -- for your magazine. Dorian: Oh, but in point of fact, I am writing an article. It's for "Craze," about Jared. Clint: Well, nobody at B.E. has any time to do an article, okay? So I don't want to hear anything about it. It really stinks in here! It smells like melted plastic! Clint: Okay, either one of you want to tell me what this used to be? [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: How did I get to be the bad guy in this situation? Blair: I didn't say that you were the bad guy. Todd: Well, you're just spouting off all a bunch of crap, accusing me of stuff. Blair: I wasn't accusing you of anything, Todd. I know that you must have a very good reason why you want to move the entire family to Hawaii. Todd: Well, let it go. Quit analyzing it so much. Blair: I'm not analyzing it, Todd! I'm just -- I'm trying to understand why you're so determined to do this. Todd, this is about your family here, it's not just about you, okay? And especially Starr -- it's killing her. Todd: No kidding. I hadn't noticed. Blair: And I know that you're trying to protect us and I love you for that, but you're asking Starr to leave her home. You're pushing her away -- now, is that worth it? Well, what did she say to you? Todd: She said, "I'll never forgive you for taking me away from Llanview and Cole." [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: Well, at least we have some light. Starr: Cole, this is it. Tonight, I'm going to have to say goodbye to you. How am I going to do it? I can't, Cole. I can't say goodbye to you. Cole: Okay, then let's not. Cole: Hey, it's not like this is forever, right? I'll come see you. Starr: You will? Cole: Yeah, of course. I'll -- I'll get a job. And as soon as I have enough money saved up, I'll buy a ticket to Hawaii -- maybe even by spring break. Starr: Spring break? That's not so far away. And -- and them maybe my mom can bring me back to Llanview for the summer to visit, and -- and we can text each other and talk on the phone every day. Cole, who are we kidding? We can't keep lying to ourselves. This is it. Cole: How are we lying to ourselves? Starr: "How?" There's no way you're going to make enough money by spring break! And my dad's never going to let me come back to Llanview for the summer. There's -- oh. My gosh. Cole: Well, we don't know that, Starr. Starr: Yes, we do. Cole: Okay, well -- okay, well, maybe I can borrow some money. I'll borrow some money, and then I -- Starr: Cole -- no. Things are never going to be the same for us ever again. [SCENE_BREAK] Nora: Um -- huh -- do you remember when we went to the "Go Red" ball and -- and you walked in on Lindsay and me? Clint: Rather difficult to forget. You were fighting about something. Nora: That's right. Clint: Go on. Nora: Right. And -- and people wrote down their -- their secrets and put them in those little heart boxes? Clint: Yeah, you were trying to stop Lindsay from looking at them? Nora: Yeah, that's right. That's -- no, that's not right. That's not true at all. I -- I -- I actually was the one that was looking at the secrets. I was trying to find evidence that Lindsay had been faking her insanity to get out of a prison term. That's what I was doing, and I know it was the wrong way to do it and it was terr-- I'm terribly ashamed. Clint: Well, now -- now I'm the one at a loss for words. Dorian: And why wouldn't you be? I myself am deeply embarrassed. I was the co- chair of a charity event. People gave their hard-earned money. And -- and -- and they were betrayed because their secrets were rummaged through, and not by just some random prankster but our very own district attorney. Nora: You really want to go there, Dorian? Dorian: I think it warrants an investigation, don't you? Nora: Careful what you wish for since you saw those secrets and dove right in. She was pocketing them like party favors. Dorian: Ooh! Ha! Do you have any proof of that? Nora: Yeah! Yeah! I bet with a little persuasion and a lot of tequila, Roxanne Balsom -- she'd just open her mouth and talk a blue streak, wouldn't she? Clint: Oh, my God. Roxy's involved in this, too? Nora: Okay, okay -- okay. Clint, I -- I -- I -- oh, God. I just need you to understand why I kind of sunk so low -- I mean, not that there's any excuse. Clint: No, there isn't any. Nora: But there is an explanation, okay? I -- I truly -- I really was motivated in my desire for justice. Clint: Nora -- Nora: Yes? Clint: I have a very full plate. Nora: I know. Clint: I can't afford to get in the middle of this so here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to call maintenance, they're going to come clean this up, and then I am going back to work. Nora: Okay. Clint: Okay? Nora: All right. Clint: Now, look, there are plenty of towels in the gym down on the fourth floor. Nora: Okay. We'll talk about this later, okay? Clint: Yeah, we'll talk -- Dorian: What is there to talk about? Clint has finally seen you for what you really are. Clint: Dorian, you have no idea what I see. Just towel off, get out. [SCENE_BREAK] Markko: I still can't believe it. I mean, maybe if she wasn't moving so far away -- Langston: Halfway across the world. It's so messed up. Markko: Starr and Cole -- they belong together. Langston: What's going to happen with all her stuff? I mean, Mr. Manning didn't even give them time to pack. Markko: Is this -- is this a blanket? Langston: Starr would kill me if she knew I let you see that. Markko: Like you would if she showed me your giraffe collection? Langston: Those are collector's items. Markko: That you've kept since you were 3. Langston: Because they're cute. And, hey, remind me, what's in that big box in your closet, Rivera? Action figures? Markko: Um -- hmm, maybe. Langston: And here I was thinking you were so cool. Markko: Nope, total geek. Langston: Confession? Markko: Uh-oh. Langston: Remember in grade school when I used to tease you, and I would take your notebook when you weren't looking and show all your weird doodles to Brianna Philpot? Markko: Yeah? And you also used to sit behind me in assembly and pull my hair and try to pretend it wasn't you. Langston: You know why I did all that, right? Markko: Because you liked me, you really liked me Langston: No. I thought you were really annoying and I hated you. Markko: Oh. Oh, nice. You know, you weren't all hotness back then, either, Miss Thing. Langston: Oh, please. I totally rocked those braces. Markko: No, you didn't. [Langston laughs] Markko: Oh, that's -- Langston: "Oh," what? [Markko and Langston laugh] [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: Come on. She didn't mean that. She's just angry. Look, you guys have a very special connection. You always have. It'll always be there. Todd: I don't know. I really didn't expect that reaction. I mean, she's always supported me in the past no matter what -- even when I didn't deserve it. And now, to know that she thinks I don't love her -- Blair: I'll -- I'll go talk to her. Todd: No, no. I should talk to her. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: I'm so sorry. Cole: Why? Starr: Because I said that I wouldn't cry and -- here I am. I just love you so much. Cole: I love you, too. You're so beautiful. Starr: No, I'm not. Cole: Yes, you are. And I know you don't think it, and that's what makes you even more beautiful. And that's what I thought the first time I saw you. Starr: You mean at that party? Langston and I were so clueless. Cole: You? I didn't know anyone. I was totally out of place. Starr: Oh, so that's why you followed me -- us around the whole night? Cole: No. I followed you because -- well, not only that you were the prettiest girl there but there was something about you, just the way you carried yourself. And the things you said -- I could tell you were really smart and funny and totally real. Starr: That's the same way I felt about you. Did you know that I had a crush on you before that night? Cole: Really? But we didn't even know each other before then. Starr: I know, but I saw you in the hallways and stuff and all of the girls loved you because you were the star of the football team. Cole: Hmm. Well, I blew that one. They all pretty much hated me after that. Starr: Except for me. Cole: Yeah, you were the only one. You were the only one that stood by me through that whole steroid thing. Starr: Just like you stood by me when Britney made that stupid slide show of me on Halloween. Do you remember when you found me in the rain? Cole: Hmm. Yeah, I remember thinking in the rain that night that -- there was no way I could be without you. And I knew -- I knew that you would always be there for me. Starr: Cole -- who's going to be there for you when I'm gone? [SCENE_BREAK] Nora: Even a child knows not to burn plastic -- indoors, of all places! Dorian: At least I had an idea! Nora: Oh, and you're supposed to get props for that? Dorian: Sometimes, a hasty action is better than taking no action at all. Nora: Words of wisdom from Dorian Lord -- "Hey, don't just stand there, do something really stupid and destructive." Dorian: Maybe that's what you should've done -- just stood there. You know, with Clint -- Nora: What? Dorian: Instead of making a fool of yourself with that self-serving confession. Nora: I was being honest, Dorian. Dorian: Whatever you were being -- ha, ha -- Clint wasn't buying any of it at all. In fact, he seemed downright repelled by your confession of guilt. Nora: Oh -- Dorian: And disgusted by your -- your attempt to frame Lindsay. Nora: What? Dorian: And here she is now. Hello, dear. Nora: Oh. Lindsay: Nora. Nora: Lindsay. Lindsay: Am I to understand what I just heard -- that Clint knows everything? Dorian: He now knows that our Nora is just a fallible human being. That's putting it politely. She's all yours. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: So -- ahem -- you were with Dorian and Nora just now? Clint: Yeah. Bo: Oh. Are they all wet, too? Clint: I said don't ask. [SCENE_BREAK] Lindsay: You know, I'm not really sure that that drowned-rat look works for you. Nora: Hmm. Shut up, Lindsay! Just shut up! This -- this -- this -- you -- you -- you are the whole reason that this is all happening! Lindsay: I'm responsible? Nora: Yes, you! Lindsay: For your stupidity? Nora: If you hadn't scammed Bo and the court system into thinking that you were insane instead of a homicidal maniac, you'd be up in Statesville where you belong and out of Bo's hair! Lindsay: I was right. I was right! You still have a thing for Bo. [SCENE_BREAK] Markko: I don't know what I'd do if it was you, if you had to move away. Langston: After everyone found out my parents were gone and I thought I had to move away to a foster home, I couldn't stand it -- thinking I might never see you again. [Knock on door] Todd: Starr? [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: If you're worried I'm going to hook up with someone else -- Starr: No, no, no. That's not what I meant. Cole, you -- you lost your mom and your dad and -- and now me, too? Cole: I'm okay -- well, I mean, not okay, but, you know, I'll deal with it. Starr: Hey -- I know how you feel in your heart more than anyone else. Cole: Yeah, you do. Starr: I feel like when two people are in love with each other, that they feel exactly what the other one feels. It's like they're the same -- you know, their hearts. Does that sound stupid? Cole: No, it doesn't because I feel the same way. I mean, sometimes, I even think we're thinking the same thoughts. Starr: It's because we are. It's because we were meant to be together. Cole: Hey, hey, come on, that's not w we wanted to spend our last night together, right? Starr: I know we said no more tears. But I just want you to hold me. I want you to hold me and never let go. Starr: Cole, Starr: Cole, make love to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Nora: You're not needed here. Go, go. Lindsay: Neither are you. Nora: Go. Me? I've been -- I've been doing good work for this company. Lindsay: So you thought you'd just take a little break and run through the sprinklers? Nora: Okay, before the sprinkler things, I've been doing good work for this company. Lindsay: You've been doing good work, all right -- with Bo's ego. Nora: What are you talking about? Lindsay: Taking Bo's side over Clint? Nora: They're brothers -- it's their business. Let them work it out on their own. Lindsay: Yeah, with you steering the ship, of course. Nora: Clint asked me to come here and give him legal advice and that's what I've done. Lindsay: With a special nod to Bo's ego, right, Nora? Nora: Maybe you have lost your mind -- hmm. Lindsay: Oh, I'd watch it if I were you. Nora: What, are you -- are you threatening me again? Lindsay: No, I'm just suggesting that you might want to change your ways. Clint is only part of this equation. You're equally devoted to your work. Nora: I'm going to regret this, but now what are you talking about? Lindsay: Correct me if I'm wrong, but rifling through people's personal property -- or secrets -- is grounds for disbarment. Right? I thought so. Nora: Bitch. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Webster agree to meet? Clint: He's flying in tomorrow morning. Bo: Good. Clint: And your Winston Simmons connection was a big help. Bo: Well, he owes me a favor. Thanks for reminding me. Clint: Yeah. Bo, let's just hope that this meeting gives us some indication as to how to deal with Webster, yeah. Wherever pa is right now, I'm sure he's slapping his hat against his knee. Bo: I know. This was what he always wanted, isn't it? Two of us pulling together, you know, doing all we can for the company? Clint: For the family. Bo: Yeah. That really is what it's all about. Well. Well, look at you, you're -- you got it worse than Clint. You're drenched. Nora: Yeah. I'm really sorry, really sorry. I'm really sorry. Clint: Say no more. Nora: Okay. [Phone rings] Nora: Oh, my God, I can't believe it works. Excuse me. Hello? Oh, hi, honey. What? Yeah, okay, fine. I'll -- I'll come pick you up. All right, I'll be right there. Bye. I've got to go pick up Matthew. Clint: I thought Cole was doing that. Bo: I thought Matthew was at -- Nora: He went and did a kids' activity at the Love Center. Bo: He didn't say anything to me about that. Clint: Oh, he just probably forgot to mention it, that's all. Bo: What, why -- did you know about it? Nora: Okay, I'm going to go now. I'm going. Bye. Clint: Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: Aloha. Oh. So did you buy yourself a new bikini yet? Blair: Did you? Are you all right? Dorian: I'm perfectly fine, thank you. I just had a minor run-in with a sprinkler system, thank you. Blair: Well, what happened? [Dorian sighs] Dorian: What happened is Nora Hanen Buchanan whatever whatever. Excuse me. I hope I can find an umbrella to put in my adult beverage. Blair: Oh, will you make me one? No umbrellas, though. [Dorian chuckles] Dorian: Straight vodka? Blair: Yeah. Dorian: Well. Skoal, baby. Blair: Skoal, baby. [Dorian sighs] Blair: Okay. Dorian: So, did that lunatic husband of yours stick with his plan to move the entire family to Hawaii? Blair: Well, I think I've actually talked some sense into him. Dorian: Honey, I am so relieved. Blair: Wait, wait, nothing is -- is definite yet. Dorian: Oh. So he's going to go all by himself, huh? [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Starr? Honey? It's your favorite person. Hey, look, I -- I -- I don't like the way things ended between us. Uh -- so I thought we could talk a little more if that's okay. I -- I'm coming in. I'm coming in. Honey? Todd: Hey. Todd: I know you're not asleep, sweetheart. Hey. I know you're angry at me but could you at least look at me? I talked to your mom and she's helped me to understand your situation a little bit better, a little better than I did before anyway. And I've decided just to think about moving a little bit more, give it some more time. So, obviously, you don't have to get on a plane tomorrow. Does that cheer you up at all? Huh. Hello? Yeah. I love you. I love you more than anything else in the world, you and Jack, Sam, Mom. You guys are everything to me. And I don't want anything to happen to you. I won't let anything happen to you -- that's for sure. Okay, that's all I had to say. I hope that you feel a little bit better and -- okay, good night. [Noise] [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: I didn't know you wanted to make love -- I mean, well, now, I mean. Starr: I do. You don't? Cole: No. No, I do. Starr: Okay, then, what's wrong? Cole: Nothing. Nothing's wrong. I mean, I've thought about it a million times, dreamt about it. I -- I just -- I just thought it'd be different. Starr: Believe me, I thought it would be different, too. I thought that it would be after some important date, that it would be really romantic and something really special. It -- it is my first time. Cole: Yeah, me, too. So I think it should be a really big deal. Starr: So you don't think that we should do it now? Because we're breaking up? Cole: Hey. We're not breaking up, all right? Starr: Right. I know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. I just -- we're going to be together. We're just not going to see each other. Cole? I love you more than anyone. Okay? And that's why I want you to be my first and my only. Cole: Yeah. Me, too. I feel the same way. Starr: We might not have this chance again, and I want to show you how much I love you. Cole: Hey. You don't have to do this to show me how much you love me. I mean, I know how much you love me. You love me a lot. Starr: Hmm. Cole: And I don't want you to do anything that -- I don't want you to do this because you think you have to. You know, if -- if we do do this, then it's because we both think that it's the right thing to do -- and because we both love each other. Starr: Cole? I know that I want this. And I have never been so sure about anything in my entire life. Cole: Huh. Then I'm sure, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Nora: Hey, you know what, kiddie? Why don't you go and get your book bag and finish up that math homework? Matthew: So you can talk about Cole? Nora: No, you can finish up your math homework. Bo: You're not going to ask Cole again, are you? Nora: I sure will. He has never let me down before. Oh, come on, Bo, he's a teenager, you know? He probably got distracted or forgot or got his nights mixed up. Bo: Or maybe he shouldn't have been given the responsibility in the first place. Nora: What's that supposed to mean? Bo: I don't blame Cole. [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays] Singer: Like a rose losing its thorn you came to me I was so scared just the thought made me weak placed your hands in mine gently closed my eyes your lips touched my lips I felt so alive my first, my last my always my sweetest kiss [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: What the hell are you doing? Langston: Leave him alone! Langston: Oh, are you okay? Todd: What the hell is this? Where's Starr? Langston: Mr. Manning, please -- Todd: Where is Starr? She's with Cole, right? [SCENE_BREAK] Singer: Do you remember arm in arm for the first time? Against all odds our hearts collide like it was meant to be something happened then it hit me stronger than anything I'd wished or ever will again my first, my last my always my first, my last my always my first, my last my always [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Answer me. Where are they? Langston: Stop! Todd: Where are they? Hmm? Langston: Oh! No, Mr. Manning, no! Todd: Huh? Where -- where is she? Where are they? Huh? [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: I love you, Cole. I'll never love anyone else. Cole: I'll never love anyone else, either. Singer: Placed your hands in mine gently closed my eyes your lips touched my lips I felt so alive my first, my last my always my first, my last my always my first, my last my always my first, my last my always sweetest kiss sweetest kiss [SCENE_BREAK] Nora: What exactly are you saying here, Bo? That you think I'm a bad mother because I've asked Cole to help me with Matthew while I've helped you and Clint with Buchanan Enterprises? Bo: The kid just lost his mother. I don't think he should be asked to do anything other than take care of himself. Nora: Really? Because I don't see it that way. Cole is a -- well, usually -- a very responsible, caring young man who has told me many times he wants to help out any way he can. Bo: I think you're juggling too many things. Nora: I think that's a non sequitur. Bo: You're dealing with Ramsey at work, got your new relationship with Clint, now you're helping out at Buchanan Enterprises. I mean, you got a lot on your plate. Nora: And this concerns you how? And -- and how is this -- wait, how does -- oh. What does this have to do with Cole? Bo: I wonder if you're up to being his guardian. [SCENE_BREAK] Clint: I thought you left. Where the hell did you get this? [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: Dorian? Dorian? Somebody has to stop Mr. Manning! He's going to kill him! [Langston gasps] Langston: Oh, my God. [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: I love you so much. Starr: I love you so much. I always will, okay? Starr: Dad [NEXT_ON] Talia: I'm just wondering if what happened to Marty is affecting your judgment. Langston: What about Starr? What's going to happen to her? Blair: Starr? Starr: Please, Dad's going to kill him! Dad, stop it! | Markko and Langston have a pillow fight which results in them getting into bed and kissing |
223 | Nikolas: It's Cody. He's dead. Emily: Oh, my God. Why would he do this to himself? Nikolas: Maybe he didn't. Emily: We need to get him down, Nikolas. Nikolas: We need to wait for the police. Emily: Cody stole from you and now he's dead. What if the police think you killed him? [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: I want you to get Courtney to talk about Jason's business. I need something damaging. Brian: Courtney's loyal. She won't knowingly incriminate her husband. Ric: Well, I can see that you admire Courtney. Is this going to affect the way you do your job, detective? Brian: My dad's dead because of the mob. I'm not going to forget that. Ric: Good, because this is the best chance that we've had to get close to Sonny and Jason in a long time. Elizabeth: Ric? Are you still going after Jason and Sonny? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Hey Sonny, it's me. I guess you're out of range still. I was just calling to say I love you and I miss you and I want you to come home. All right. Love you. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Lorenzo: What do you want? Jason: Get inside. I'm not asking. Lorenzo: Now what? Jason: Now you're going to sit here till Sonny comes back. Then all this will finally be over with. [SCENE_BREAK] Sage: I'm bored. Dillon: Try the internet. Sage: I'm sure Uncle Lorenzo will let us watch movies on his big screen. Dillon: I'll pass. I've got this assignment due after the break and I'm nowhere near finished, so -- Sage: Well, I've got a better idea. My uncle's going to that new casino boat tonight. He said I could meet him there and you can come, too. Nobody's going to card Lorenzo Alcazar's guests. We can gamble and do shots -- Dillon: Sage, I'll pass, ok? Sage: Are you really going to sit here in a diner pretending to work on a paper while you wait to see if Georgie shows up? Dillon: I don't mean to be a jerk, but I'm done with this job. I'm not your babysitter anymore, ok? Sage: Don't you mean bodyguard? Dillon: I'm quitting. You -- you've been in Port Charles for a while now. I just -- I think it's time that you try to make some real friends, you know? Sage: My uncle is not going to be happy about this. Dillon: Well fine, whatever. I'll explain. I just -- I think it's better for all of us. Sage: Well, are you feeling guilty because you kissed me the other night? Dillon: You kissed me and I probably should've stopped it. Courtney: Oh Georgie, these flowers came for you. Georgie: No way. Courtney: Mm-hmm. Someone must think you're really special. [SCENE_BREAK] Brian: All right, I got to go. A case just opened up. Ric: Go. Keep me informed. Brian: Yeah. Elizabeth: Ok, we need to discuss this. Ric: We don't to discuss anything. Look, I have to prosecute Sonny and Jason sometime, all right? You know that. That is my job. Elizabeth: I understand that. Ric: Yeah, but you're also worried that I'm going to lose perspective; I'm going to cross over the line into another vendetta. Elizabeth: I want to believe that you're past that. Ric: So do I. Look, Brian is getting personally involved in this and I'm going to show him by experience that revenge is not the way. Now, Sonny and Jason are criminals, ok? I'm not -- I'm not a saint by any means, but I am on this side of the law, Elizabeth, ok? I know the way to make and win a case is to do it clean. Elizabeth: Ok. Ok, ok, I understand that it's your job to prosecute Jason and Sonny. I'm just glad you're not making this a personal crusade. Ric: I am going to do my job, but I am not going to let it consume me. I lost you once. I'm not going to let that happen again, ok? Especially after everything we have to look forward to. [SCENE_BREAK] Lorenzo: You're not going to keep me away from Carly. Jason: I just did. Lorenzo: Every time you or Corinthos tries to hurt me, it pushes Carly closer to me. Jason: Not if you're dead. Lorenzo: She won't forgive you. Jason: She'll be relieved. You've been stalking her for months. Lorenzo: Carly's tied to me. I can see it when I look in her eyes. You can't order her to stop feeling -- Jason: I don't know if you're delusional or just stupid. You know what? It doesn't matter because I'm going to do everything I can to make sure you never see Carly again. [SCENE_BREAK] Faith: I have to be honest. I just don't get it. Carly: Go away. Faith: No, not until you explain the attraction. Now, Sonny and Alcazar are two of the most powerful men in the northeast, and they're chasing around after a glorified piece of trailer trash. What is your secret? Carly: I won't tell you again. Faith: Oh, come on, Carly, it's just us girls. Tell me, who do you dream about at the end of the day? Sonny or Alcazar? Now, I know it's a tough decision. Yeah, they're both powerful, passionate men. Unfortunately for you, neither one learned to share, otherwise maybe you could have both of them -- you know, say, like, alternating nights or three on a mattress. What is your private fantasy, Carly? [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: If the police even remotely suspect that I killed Cody, the evidence will prove that I'm innocent. Emily: Cody was after the treasure, ok? Maybe whoever killed him was looking for this. I'll put it in a safe in my room before the - Lucky: Nikolas? Nikolas. Nikolas: Yeah, thanks for coming. Lucky: You said you found a body hanging in the tunnels? Nikolas: Yeah, come here, I'll show you. Lucky: Looks like suicide to me. Nikolas: I barely knew Cody, but he didn't seem like the type to take his own life. Emily: We need to tell Lucky about the treasure. Lucky: I'm sorry, what? Nikolas: When -- when my freighter was sabotaged, it sank onto another ship, a ship that belonged to the Quartermaines in the 1700s. Emily: Cody has a daughter Sam and Sam was supposed to salvage Nikolas' freighter. When she discovered the treasure, she tried to take it for herself. Nikolas: At the time, I didn't know that Sam and Cody were related. Anyway, Cody claimed that he was an experienced diver, so I hired him to recover the treasure first before anyone else had a chance to. Lucky: Well, what about the Quartermaines? Don't they have a claim? Nikolas: The Quartermaines and myself agreed to a 50/50 split of whatever we could recover. So Cody dove the night of the Haunted Star -- the night it opened -- but he claimed that by the time he had gotten there, the treasure was already gone. We think -- we think Sam took it. I mean, no one's seen her, Lucky. Emily: Yeah, and then Cody showed up dead. Lucky: So you think Sam McCall killed her own father? Nikolas: No, it just doesn't fit. She was too small to have lifted him up there. But see, there was another person involved, a -- a fence named Ben that Cody had warned was dangerous, so I -- Lucky: Well, then, we got a lot of people chasing this treasure. We just got to figure out who wanted it bad enough to kill. [SCENE_BREAK] Georgie: No one has ever sent me flowers before. I love them. Courtney: Well, who are they from? Georgie: I think I know. I've been seeing someone new and we're really into each other, but I didn't expect this. Courtney: Well, open the card. Georgie: They're from my boyfriend. That's so sweet. Sage: She is so easily impressed. Those flowers look like they came from a grocery store. Dillon: Hey, didn't you -- didn't you have to go meet your uncle? Sage: He's waiting for me at the Haunted Star, where we're going to gamble and have lots of fun. Last chance to join. Dillon: No, no, I have to -- I have to do this. Sage: Your loss. Georgie: I'm supposed to be meeting him at the pier before we go skating, but I decided I'd stop off here and grab a couple of lattes. He must've read my mind. Isn't that amazing? Courtney: Well, he sounds really great. Here are your coffees. Georgie: I cannot wait to give him the biggest thank-you ever. Thank you. Dillon: Um -- I just -- I just spilled something. Can I get, like, a rag or -- Courtney: Yeah -- no, I got it. It's fine. I'll take care of it. Dillon: Ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Faith: The truth hurts, doesn't it? You want Sonny for the main course and Alcazar on the side. Carly: I'm married to Sonny. Lorenzo means nothing to me. Faith: Well, isn't there something in the scripture about lusting in the heart being just as bad as doing the deed? Carly: Don't quote the bible, Faith. You may burst into flames. Faith: You're the one that's on fire, buttercup. Lorenzo Alcazar is under your skin and he knows it. He's not going anywhere and you don't want him to. Oh, and remember -- if I can see it, Sonny will too. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: If he gets out, you're going to answer for it. You understand me? Lorenzo: Corinthos is out of town. He have any idea what you've planned? Jason: I know Sonny wants you dead. Lorenzo: So you're not following orders. You're just blowing off steam because your woman moved on with another man. Jason: Shut up. You're the reason Courtney lost our baby. Lorenzo: But I'm not the reason she left, am I? You are. She's a very sweet girl. She just can't handle who you are or what you do -- [Lorenzo grunts] Lorenzo: Is that an attack of your conscience? Jason: You tried to take Sonny's wife. He's the one who gets to end this. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: I got Detective Beck up to speed. Brian: So tell me more about this guy Ben. Lucky says that the victim contacted him about buying the treasure? Nikolas: Cody owed him money, seemed to think that he would kill for the treasure. Lucky: Ok, you know what, we need to get as much information on Ben as we got. Brian: First, I have a few questions for Mr. Cassadine, starting with your whereabouts earlier this evening. Emily: He was with me. Nikolas found me unconscious in the grotto and he took me to the hospital. Nikolas: The doctors released her and we've been home ever since. Brian: Ok, but I still need to know where you were before you found Ms. Quartermaine. Nikolas: I went to the Haunted Star to see Jax. Came here, found Cody. We discussed the treasure. I warned him that he better find it. He left and then I went to look for Emily. Brian: Ok, so as far as we know, you're the last person to see Cody McCall alive. Nikolas: Except for the killer. Brian: Mr. Cassadine, you had both motive and opportunity to kill Cody. I guess my only question is, did you? Emily: Nikolas has been with me since right after Cody left. Lucky: Unfortunately, you weren't conscious the whole time so that doesn't help. Nikolas: No, no, it's ok. I'll answer the detective's questions -- Emily: Let me call Alexis first. Nikolas: There's no need to because I didn't kill Cody. We found the body hanging in the passageway, so we called the police like responsible citizens are supposed to do. So, unless Cody really did commit suicide, the obvious suspect here is Ben, ok? Lucky: Ok, can you describe him? Nikolas: I -- I never saw him. Lucky: Ok, what about you, Emily? I mean, do you -- did you see who knocked you out in the grotto? Emily: I was hit from behind. Brian: Then it could've been Cody. Emily: He was here, talking to Nikolas. It was probably Ben. Brian: A man that no one's ever seen. Do you know his last name? Nikolas: No. Cody never mentioned it to me. Brian: Then as of now, there's no proof that Ben even exists. You could've made him up to cover your own guilt. [SCENE_BREAK] Justus: Counselor. Ric: Mr. Ward. Celebrating your victory, I see. Justus: How you doing? You know, I haven't had a chance to do a postmortem on how Sonny got himself acquitted. Elizabeth: I can tell this conversation's about to get extremely technical so if you don't mind, I'll be right back. Ric: Ok. Zander: Hi. Elizabeth: Hi. Are you working? Zander: Yeah, I'm keeping an eye on the place. Elizabeth: Well, it's good to see you. Zander: I'll make this easy for you. You're just coming to make sure that I'm going to let you and Ric raise our baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Georgie: That was great! He totally saw us! Maxie: Gross! Georgie, we're never, ever doing that again. Gross! That was so gross. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: Hey, you're back. Brian: Yeah, I'm waiting on a forensics report. Someone found a dead body in their house. It's going to be a long night. Courtney: Oh, yeah. Want some coffee? Brian: Sounds good. Courtney: Aren't you supposed to stay at the crime scene until the forensics people are finished? Brian: It depends on the case. The forensic guys do all they can to get us out of there. Makes them crazy to have us around the site, potentially contaminating it. Courtney: Oh, ok. So you're here to hide out. Brian: I'm here to see you. I've been thinking about our dance. I really liked holding you in my arms, moving to music. Courtney: Please don't -- don't read too much into it. Brian: I won't. Courtney: Listen Brian, you've been really great, but I don't want to hurt you. You know, I still love Jason. There's a part of me that knows I need to stop looking back and maybe I should just make a clean break and -- Brian: No, you can't leave Port Charles. [SCENE_BREAK] Sage: Carly Corinthos. I'm Sage Alcazar, Lorenzo's niece. Is he here? Carly: I -- I haven't seen him. Sage: Well, I'm supposed to meet him here and he's never late. Carly: Ok, well, maybe he's inside -- sage: I already checked inside and no one's seen him. Carly: Ok, well, maybe he's been delayed -- Sage: What if your husband did something to him? Carly: Sonny didn't do anything to your uncle. He's not even in town. Sage: Oh, of course he's not. That way he can't be blamed. You know what, maybe you're in on it, too. Carly: Oh, my God. This is so ridiculous. What are -- Sage: You probably lured Uncle Lorenzo somewhere so that one of Sonny's thugs could kill him, like that one you sent to our apartment the other day and if I hadn't have walked in -- Sage: Does it make you feel important, knowing that my uncle would die because he loves you so much? He would do anything for you and you don't even care! Carly: Because I don't love your uncle. Sage: Well, then, there's something wrong with you because my uncle is the best man that I have ever known. He's smart and he's brave and he's caring and he would do anything for you. I swear, if he's really hurt and if it's your fault -- Carly: You know what? I do not care if he is hurt or not. Lorenzo needs to stay out of my life for good. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: Ahem. Forensics will call as soon as they determine the cause of death. Emily: Lucky, you know Nikolas didn't do this. Lucky: Of course not, but it would help if you guys could come up with something on Ben. Nikolas: I've already told you everything I know about him. Lucky: Ok, sometimes in a case like this, a detail that doesn't seem important is. I mean, you both got to think every time you've been with Cody. I mean, maybe one of you walked in on him when he was finishing a phone conversation? Nikolas: Lucky -- Lucky: Did you see him in public? Nikolas: Lucky, Alexis hired him as a butler, ok? His references checked out. But according to Jax, he was an experienced con man, so I doubt he left any incriminating information behind. Lucky: Ok, I'm going to start digging up Cody's past. Maybe we can connect it to Ben, you know, get a last known address. Nikolas: Ok. Emily: All right, that would be great. Thank you. Nikolas: All right, I appreciate you coming by. Lucky: You're my brother. We're in this together. Nikolas: This is getting way too dangerous for you. I want you out of this. Emily: No, listen, we've already decided we're doing this together. I told you that I would stand beside you through this whole thing and I meant it, Nikolas. Nikolas: All right. All right. I guess the first step is -- is trying to find Ben. I mean if Cody was in fact murdered, then this Ben guy is obviously the killer. Emily: All right, well, he's probably gone after Sam and she's probably gone after more treasure. I think this journal can help. Ok, what we know so far is that Blackthorn the Pirate was also a Cassadine prince. Nikolas: Emily, you seriously want -- you seriously want to keep pursuing this like nothing's happened? Emily: I don't know what else to do, Nikolas. Nikolas: Fine. Fine, fine, fine, ok. Well, I doubt that the Courage is the first ship that Blackthorn has raided, so -- Emily: Ok, well, then where did he stash the rest of his loot? Nikolas: That's probably what's in those missing pages. Emily: Maybe there are other clues in the text. Nikolas: Possible. Emily: Ok, well, then let's get to work. We'll just -- we'll go over this page by page until we figure out where the rest of Blackthorn's treasure is. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Are you having second thoughts about letting us raise the baby? Zander: I'm not ready to be a father and you are going to be a great mom and Ric seems to want to be a dad, so that's it. We don't have to have this conversation again. Cameron: Alexander. You're working here now? Zander: Faith's a partner in the casino, so, yeah. Elizabeth is pregnant. I'm the father. Alexis: Oh, well, that's unexpected. Cameron: You and Emily just got divorced. I didn't even know you and Elizabeth were dating. Zander: We're not. It was a one-night thing. Elizabeth remarried Ric Lansing. Cameron: So I'm going to be a grandfather? Zander: Congratulations, dad. I need some advice, Alexis. Alexis: I imagine you do. Zander: Elizabeth and Ric want me to let them raise our baby. I need to know what my legal rights are in case I want to keep custody for myself. [SCENE_BREAK] Skye: Enjoying the atmosphere? Justus: Gets better and better. Skye: Well, I'm flattered not to mention intrigued. You just won a high- profile case for a very guilty man and yet here you are in Port Charles. I should think the best law firms in Manhattan would be banging down the door for guys like you. Justus: Maybe I'm just trying to rediscover my roots. Skye: You couldn't care less about the Quartermaines. It's one of the things I like about you. Justus: Which begs the question -- why are you still here? You're smart, rich, and fortunate enough not to be related to Edward and the rest of them. So why are you still around? Skye: Just a glutton for punishment, I guess. Justus: Oh, there's got to be more to it than that. Skye: Very good, counselor. I start asking too many questions and you turn the tables around, implying that I have something to hide? Justus: Doesn't everybody? Skye: Very true. But just know this -- the more mysterious you are, the more interested I'm going to get. Justus: Oh, then I'm playing it just right. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: So, when am I going to be able to dance with my handsome husband? Ric: Oh, you're in a good mood. Elizabeth: Well, why shouldn't I be? We're finally back together, there's a baby on the way. Zander's agreed not to interfere. Ric: Couldn't be more perfect, could it? Elizabeth: I talked to him about, you know, making sure he was ok with the agreement and he is. Ric: Well, don't be too sure. After Zander left, he went to talk to his attorney. If I don't miss my guess, right about now he's discussing his paternal options as we speak. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: Would it really matter that much to you if I left? Brian: Well, you're a beautiful, smart woman and my life has definitely changed for the better since I met you. So, yeah, I'd miss you and I hope you stay. Courtney: Well, I -- I was never planning on leaving in the first place. Brian: But you just said that you -- Courtney: That I was thinking of making a clean break, not that I was going to leave town. Brian: So you just let me go on and on? Courtney: Well, you didn't give me a chance to explain. Brian: Now I'm listening. Courtney: Ok. What I meant was that I'm ready to take a step. You know, I've been keeping you on the edge of my life, mainly as an acquaintance, and now I think that we could be more. You'll feel so confident underneath it all. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: I bet Sam took those pages. Emily: Mm-hmm. Makes sense. Nikolas: Wherever she went, I'm sure Ben is following her. He wants that treasure. Emily: So if we can find the location of the remaining treasure, then we'll find Sam and probably Ben, as well. There are clues in this text. I can just feel it. Nikolas: I know, but so much of this is about Constance's romance with Blackthorn. I'm not sure it can help. Emily: Ah, but you're being too literal. Nikolas: Too what? I am? Emily: Yes, you are. Look, someone could tell a lot about me by looking at my relationship with you. I'm in love and it affects me every day and it was the same with Blackthorn. Nikolas: Give me. Let's -- let's go to the entry after Blackthorn saved Constance in the park, all right? Emily: Ok. Nikolas: Here it is. "It didn't surprise me when Constance came looking for me later that night. [British accent] When she entered, Constance stood out like the aristocrat she was, not the kind of lady you spill your ale on." Lady Beresford: Ahem. Excuse me. I have a query for you. Man: I don't answer queries for free. Lady Beresford: Oh, yes, naturally. I'm looking for a man who carries these coins. Tell me where to find him and you'll be well paid. Man: Today's my day for fortune. I'd lost this piece and now you've returned it to me. Lady Beresford: No, the coin belongs to another. Return it immediately. Man: I will -- for a kiss. Lady Beresford: A -- a kiss? Keep the coin. Second man: Ms. Quartermaine doesn't appreciate your filthy hands all over her, Pegleg. Man: Oh, bloody -- come on. Come on. Lady Beresford: Pegleg? Pegleg? What a ridiculous name! You have two feet that I can plainly see. Pegleg: They don't calls me Pegleg because I have one. They's call me that because I give them to those who cross me! [Men laugh] Man: Well done. Lady Beresford: Yes. Well, you rescued me in the park and I'm pleased to return the favor. Man: I suddenly feel compelled to demonstrate my gratitude. Lady Beresford: Prince Nikolai. Man: Prince Nikolai, the Russian prince when I need to be and Blackthorn the Pirate when it suits me better. Lady Beresford: You have two identities? Prince Nikolai: Aye, 'tis true, mi'lady. But both prince and pirate are in love with you. Nikolas: I can't believe he let his guard down and allowed Constance to reveal his identity so quickly. Emily: Blackthorn obviously trusted Constance. She was his one true love. You know what that's like. Nikolas: I'll always come to your rescue. Emily: Yeah and I'll always rescue you right back. [SCENE_BREAK] Cameron: Before we get any deeper into his legal rights, I'd sort of like to know how you feel about getting a girl pregnant. Zander: It's a little late for that conversation, isn't it dad? Cameron: Well, do you care about this baby or the girl? Zander: Ok, Alexis, what do I need to know? Alexis: Will you be on the birth certificate? Zander: They don't want me to be. Alexis: Well, if you want any legal rights to this child, it will save you some money down the line if you're on the birth certificate. Cameron: Don't pressure him. Alexis: I'm not pressuring him. He asked me a legal question. I'm answering it. You don't have to make any decisions about this, you know, until after the baby is born. Zander: Right, but won't that make me look like I'm neglecting the child? Alexis: It sounds like you're being pressured to stay away from the baby, so if that's the case, the judge isn't going to take kindly to that. Zander: I don't have a great record. Alexis: I'm not saying you'll get custody. I'm just saying that you don't forfeit your rights as a biological father just because you don't act on it immediately. You can wait until the baby's born. Cameron: That's terrible advice. Alexis: Coming from a man who didn't look for his son until, what, how many years? Zander: She's right. Alexis: I'm right. Cameron: That's why I know it's wrong to drift in and out of a child's life. If you don't want this baby, why not let somebody who can care for it raise it? I mean -- Alexis: This is a very difficult decision but like I said, you've got time to think about this, and you know that you can call me any time. Zander: Thank you, Alexis. Alexis: You're welcome. Cameron: You are such a hypocrite. I don't hear you tripping over yourself to give legal advice to Kristina's biological father, whoever the hell he may be. Alexis: I'm an attorney. He asked me a legal question, I answered it. And my personal life has no bearing on Zander's whatsoever. Ric: I couldn't help but notice you talking to Alexis Davis. She's still your lawyer, right? Zander: No, she's also a friend and she happens to be dating my father -- Ric: Because if you're thinking about changing your mind -- Zander: I'm not. As far as I'm concerned, this baby is yours and Elizabeth's. [SCENE_BREAK] Dillon: Looking for this? Georgie: I was. Thank you. Dillon: So, who's Tom? [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Where were you? Carly: Ah -- Jason, you just took five years off my life. Jason: Where were you? Carly: I was at the Haunted Star. You know Alcazar's niece, Sage? She was there. She was waiting for him, said he never showed up. She thought Sonny must have done something to him, and I thought she was being a hysterical kid. Makes sense, Jason. You saw me and Lorenzo on the bridge tonight. What did you do to him? Jason: What were you doing on the Haunted Star? Carly: You answer me first. Jason: You went there looking for Alcazar, didn't you? You promised me that you would stay away and the second I turn my back, you broke your word, Carly. Why? Carly: Listen to me, Jason. Alcazar kissed me on the deck of the Haunted Star the night that the casino was robbed, and I thought if I stood there where it happened that I could just let it go. I could realize that I didn't even ask for it in the first place. Jason: It doesn't make any sense. Carly: Jason, I don't want Alcazar in my head. I don't want him in my life. But I need to resolve this for myself. If he's dead, then it's never going to really happen. So what'd you do to him, Jase? Did you kill him? [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: Did you find any clues where Blackthorn hid the rest of the treasure? Nikolas: Yeah, maybe. Listen to this. Uh, yeah -- "I've left the only place that comes before the name of my one true love." Emily: That's cryptic. What do you think it means? Nikolas: I don't know, but I think we just found our first clue. Lucky: The report came back on Cody McCall. He was murdered. Ric Lansing wants to question you. Emily: All right, I'll call Alexis, tell her to meet us at the station in the morning. Lucky: Ric needs to question Nikolas tonight. [SCENE_BREAK] Georgie: Thanks for holding the card. Can I have it back? Dillon: You didn't answer my question. Georgie: Why does it matter who tom is? You're with Sage. Dillon: You know, I still care about you. That's why I'm asking all these questions about the guy. You deserve somebody who -- who's going to treat you great -- you know, somebody who won't hurt you. Georgie: Thanks. But you don't have to worry. I mean, Tom's awesome. He -- he sends me flowers, he's -- he never looks at other girls, and he's honest. Dillon: Good. You deserve to be happy. Georgie: I am. So, I'll see you at school? Maxie: So? Georgie: So, Dillon wanted to know all about the new boyfriend. Maxie: Yeah? And? Georgie: And he told me I deserved someone great, but he still seemed a little sad. Maxie: Look, then why don't you just be honest with him, Georgie, and tell him that he's the only guy you're ever going to want? Georgie: I can't. Look, I don't trust -- I need to trust Dillon, and I don't. And no matter how bad he feels, he's still hanging out with Sage. I'm not going to compete with her; he needs to compete for me. Maxie: Well, then you're going to have to find someone to make him jealous because I am definitely not kissing you again, not even on the cheek. Georgie: You're right. Look, if I'm going to convince Dillon that I'm moving on with someone else, then I need to recruit a real boyfriend. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: Is everything ok? Brian: I'm working up the courage to ask you to dinner tomorrow night. Courtney: Um -- look, Brian, I'm trying to take the next step but I -- I can't promise anything. Brian: Everyone has to eat, right? If you decide it's too much, you can just get up and leave. You know what, we'll even have them serve us in takeout containers if that makes you more comfortable. Courtney: Ok. Dinner, just the two of us. [SCENE_BREAK] Lorenzo: How much is Corinthos paying you? Man: Save it. If I let you out of here, I'd be dead. Lorenzo: I'm not asking for my freedom. I'll pay you to deliver a message. You tell Carly Corinthos where I am. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: What difference does it make? Carly: I just told you -- Jason: Alcazar hurt you, he hurt Courtney. He's trying to ruin your family and you keep going back and defending him! Are you going to walk away from your marriage for this guy? Carly: I am not walking away from anything. Jason: Alcazar is Sonny's enemy! Carly, if you keep going near him, it's like you're spitting in Sonny's face. Carly: Jason, I am not being unfaithful to Sonny. Why do you keep coming down on me like like this? Jason: Because you're about to blow your life apart again! Carly: Ok, Jason, you know what? I tried to explain this to you. I tried and you either can't or you won't understand, so just tell me where he is! Jason: No! You need to forget about him. Alcazar is out of your life. [NEXT_ON] Zander: I want you to prosecute Nikolas Cassadine. | Ric wants to question Nik. |
224 | Kate: Well, I was happy to hear from you. I was just a bit surprised. What did you want to see me about? Rafe: Well, it's actually pretty serious. Kate: Oh? Did something happen between you and Jordan? Rafe: No. No, it's about Nick Fallon. You care to tell me why you hired the S.O.B.? And I want the truth. Gabi: Well, I still-- I can't believe Rafe. I mean, he punched you. Nick: Well, you know, maybe now that he's gotten it out of his system... we can find some common ground. Gabi: Yeah, you never give up hope. Nick: Well, he's your brother, and that makes him important to me. [Keys jingling] Gabi: Oh, I better-- I better go. Nick: Can I see you later? Gabi: I'd like that. Just give me 20 minutes. Nick: I can't wait. Gabi: Wow. You're still getting belated wedding gifts. Awesome. Will: Yeah. Gabi: Oh, wow. That is beautiful. Will: Yeah. Sonny and I--we both really like it... [Clears throat] Even if it is from Nick. Hope: I didn't know you and Marlena knew each other. Aiden: Oh, Dr. Evans consulted on a case for me. You two are friends? Hope: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. She's one of my very closest friends. She's always had my back. Aiden: I know from experience, it's good to have someone in your corner, looking out for you... for your family. Hope: Yeah. You're right. It is. And by the way, uh, you didn't need to do what you did, but... it did mean a lot. Brady: Is there any way it could be somebody else... anyone at all you can think of? Jennifer: Like who? Brady: I don't know. Jennifer: What other sick, demented person would want to destroy Daniel? Liam: This ought to do the trick. Hey, it's me. How's it going? Yes, it has been a long time. Daniel: Theresa! Don't even think about walking away from me. Aiden: I, uh, guess chase gave you that thank-you note. Hope: Yes, he did. It wasn't necessary. Aiden: No? Look, if you didn't stop that jerk from trying to take chase's phone, this whole thing could've turned out differently. Hope: Aiden, it's my job. Aiden: I know it is. But I still thank God that you were there. Louis: Are you two brainstorming about the St. Luke's summer gala? Hope: We were thinking about having it in the summer. Aiden: Yes, and it'd be kind of like a gala. Hope: Gala. Aiden: Yeah, that's what we got. Louis: Clearly you have matters well in hand. I like that big-picture thinking. Aiden: Good. Louis: There are, however, of course, one or two details that need to be dealt with. Hope: Oh. Oh! [Breathes deeply] Aiden: Hmm. Gabi: It is beautiful. I mean, I'm just surprised you and Sonny didn't trash it, you know, being from Nick. Will: No. No, this was--actually, it was very thoughtful. Gabi: "Thoughtful"? Or... do you think it's just a way for him to manipulate you? Will: Well... it's definitely a possibility. Kate: You're right. He is an SOB, but a brilliant one. And he makes me lots of money. Rafe: Ah. Money or not, I know how you really feel about Nick, especially after everything that he did to will and Sonny. Kate: Business is business, Rafe. Rafe: Yeah, and it's my business now that that creep is trying to worm his way back into my sister's life. But the funny thing is, is I have got people telling me it's not my business and that I need to back off and butt out. Kate: Okay, you want the truth? Whoever is telling you that is dead right. You have to back off. You have to. Brady: Jenn, I don't-- I don't know who could hurt Daniel. I just thought there might be some other explanation besides Theresa. Jennifer: It's far-fetched, isn't it? Such an unfair accusation. 'Cause she's so honest and upright and just all-around great gal. Brady: I know that she screws up, okay. But I've screwed up too. And it doesn't mean that you're vindictive. Jennifer: Okay. You just don't want to see what she's like, do you? And as always, you have this incredibly good heart. So I'm not gonna talk to you about this, not now and probably not ever. Brady: [Groans] Theresa: Daniel, I-I didn't-- I didn't see you. Daniel: Or hear me? Actually, I think you were trying like hell to get away from me. Theresa: No, I just-- hey, look, I heard what happened to you. And I'm so sorry. Daniel: Are you sorry that it happened, or are you sorry that you did it? Theresa: I didn't. Daniel: Oh. Addicts are notoriously arrogant. I bet you think you're clever. I bet you think you got away with it. Liam: What's what? Theresa: A key to Dr. Dan's apartment. You have no idea what I think. Daniel: No. Then why don't you do me a favor and enlighten me? Louis: There is one, you know, little hitch. Aiden: Which would be? Louis: Well, uh, Helen, the president of the PTA, wanted me to tell you that last year was not a... a triumph of organization. So the last person in charge kind of left things hanging. You know, you'll have to excuse me. I promised I would pop in and say hello to Caroline. So bye. Hope: Uh... Aiden: [Sighs] Hope: Have you ever noticed how he drops bombs, and then he's gone? Aiden: Hmm. Hope: "Hmm"? What's that mean? Aiden: Uh, well, now, this is just a first impression, of course, but, uh... I'm thinking when Helen said things were left hanging... it was code for "things were completely screwed up." Hope: You know what? I think that's putting a positive spin on things. Aiden: Yeah. Rafe: [Sighs] You're one of the pack too. Kate: "The pack"? Rafe: Yeah, the pack-- the pack of people telling me to back off and let that creep get his hooks back into my sister. Kate: Oh, my God. Rafe: Well, it's not gonna happen. Kate: Okay, I am telling you this as a friend. You just have to let it run its course. You have to wait until Gabi comes to her senses. Rafe: Gabi had a kid with a gay man, and she married Nick Fallon. She does not have any senses to come to. Kate: Okay, and if she hears that, you have lost her. And in the process, you're going to make Nick seem more sympathetic. Rafe: So we just let him get his way? Kate: No. We wait. And we play it safe. Rafe: You never wait... nor do you ever play it safe. Something's going on. Kate: No, it's not. Look, after the situation that I had with Chloe and Parker, I don't want to risk alienating Gabi. She has will's baby. Rafe: This is nuts. This is--I mean, do you hear yourself right now? Everyone is acting like Nick is this all-powerful guy, like we're all supposed to be afraid of him. Kate: Okay, look, I know how frustrating this is. Believe me, I do. But with the hold that Nick has on Gabi, he is powerful right now. And she's beyond stubborn. Look, I'm sorry. But I do--I have a meeting, okay? Rafe: Mm-hmm. Kate: I think that you need to go to the gym and, um, beat up a punching bag. Rafe: Oh. Kate: That's--that's how you get this frustration out. But stay away from Nick. Rafe: Okay, listen... if you're not gonna level with me, then... I'll just find someone who will. Kate: Oh. Good luck with that. Rafe: Mm-hmm. Kate: Hmm. Rafe: "Good luck with that." Yeah. Rafe: Right, so it's the same old, same old. Nick does something nice, and, of course, it's an act, a ploy, a strategy, right? Will: No, you asked me if I thought he was trying to manipulate us, and I said it's a possibility. It's also a possibility that he's being genuine. You're going around, telling anyone and everyone that he's changed. Gabi: Well, I repeat myself, because no one will listen. Will: We listen. We just aren't sure that you're right. And after everything that Nick has ne, I don't think you can blame us for wanting to be sure before we give him a second shot at us. Gabi: Oh, no, he's had that second shot. Your mother, your grandmother and I aren't in prison because he didn't take that second shot. I-I'm supposed to be mad at him because you want me to be? Can I be mad at your mom for telling me that I'm an unfit mother because I wanted to spend time with him? All right, can I be mad at Rafe for punching him in the mouth? Will: What? Gabi: You know what? Everyone's being horrible but Nick, and it's still his fault. And everyone keeps yelling at me! [Cell phone ringing] Will: Gabi... [Clears throat] [Sighs] No one is gonna keep yelling at you. I just had a talk with my mom. And we laid out some ground rules. She's not just gonna barge in here whenever she wants, not anymore. Gabi: Thank you. But I need to be honest with you about something. Sonny and I --we will lay off of Nick. But I am worried about you rushing into something with him. I am scared of it. Gabi: Will, he's not gonna hurt me. Will: It's not you that I'm worried about. It's Ari. I took care of what you asked for... so I hope that we're even. And whatever it is that you're up to, I hope it's worth it. Liam: Oh, trust me. It will be. Brady: Look, I get it. You don't want to talk to me because I'm on the board. But I got clearance before I came over. Our conversation--it's off the record, Jenn. Jennifer: That is not why I don't want to talk to you about this. I know deep in my soul that Daniel does not use or abuse drugs. And I know what Theresa is capable of. So I'm not gonna talk to someone who's gonna take her side over Daniel's. Brady: Hold--hold on. I'm not-- Jennifer: He saves lives, Brady. He saved her life. And what did she do with that life? She went after him. She went after my son. She went after me. Oh, but I forgot. She's pretty, so you'd probably like a little roll in the hay with her. So let's come up with an alternative theory of the crime, right? Brady: Hey, listen, that is not what I meant. Jennifer: I don't care what you meant. This is not about the board. It is about her. And you came here because you want to level with me, when I know that anything I say, she could use to wiggle her way out of this situation and hurt Daniel even more? That is not going to happen. Theresa: Oh, no, no, no, no. See, if you knew what I was thinking, you wouldn't be flattered. Daniel: Hmm. Well, I do have to hand it to you. You are smart. You said you'd keep your distance from me. And yet, out of left field, you pull off this stunt. That--that had to take a lot of planning. But you went too far. Embezzling hospital funds, yeah, that's one thing. But endangering the life of a patient... [Clicks tongue] Theresa: Ha. Daniel: No, see, that is a serious crime. Theresa: I think you're crazy. Daniel: Do you? Possibly, if provoked. But you are crazy if you think that what you have on JJ can protect you... because you, sweetheart--you are playing in the big leagues now. And when what you've done is uncovered, it's not gonna be up to Jennifer or me to save your ass this time around. No, no, no... because even if we wanted to, well, we really wouldn't be able to. You are going down, and no one... can save you... no one. Well I drove grandpa to his speed dating this week, Hope: I was right. The Salem inn ballroom was never booked. Aiden: Oh, no room at the inn. We Catholics know all about that. Hope: This isn't funny. Aiden: No, it's not funny, nor is it tragic. Look, there has to be some other venues. Hope: I know, but St. Luke's has always had its gala there and always on the same weekend. This is gonna be a disaster. I can feel it. Aiden: Oh, glad to see that you're not overreacting. Hope: Aiden, with the new school building, this gala is really important this year. One year, the same kind of thing happened. They had it someplace else, and they came close to losing money. Aiden: Hmm. What's the number of the Salem inn? Hope: Why? Aiden: Well, you're telling me that we have to have that ballroom. So we are gonna get that ballroom. Gabi: Nick would never hurt Arianna. He loves her. Will: He loves you too. But what about his temper? Gabi: [Sighs] Will, look, Nick and I are far from anything serious right now, all right? I think you're borrowing trouble. Will: Damn it, ga-- [Sighs] [Breathes deeply] I'm sorry. It's just... we are talking about Ari's life. We're not some kids in a dorm room discussing our love life. We're parents. And it scares the hell out of me that you've... you almost moved out. And Nick is moving back into your life, and we have no formal agreement. Gabi: Are you saying you want a custody agreement? Will: Yeah... I am. Brady: You and Daniel are my friends. I would never do anything to hurt you. Jennifer: Intentionally. But just the fact that you are hanging out with Theresa shows... Brady: Shows what? Jennifer: An incredible lack of judgment. I mean, what if you were to let something slip that could help her get away with this? Brady: Don't you know that I would never let that happen? Jennifer: Normally, yes. Brady: Oh. But I'm drinking now, right? Is that it? Jennifer: Yes. Theresa: I haven't done a bloody thing to you or anyone else. You're barking up the wrong tree. I didn't drug you. And I know I didn't, so I also know that you and Jennifer-- you don't have anything on me. So I really wish that you would stop harassing me. Daniel: Do you? Right. Okay, well, you just keep telling yourself that. But see, I do know you. And I know that you don't always act alone. Theresa: Okay, Sherlock... just tell me what you think you know. Hope: I can't believe you got the Salem inn to give you the name of the person who booked the ballroom. Aiden: Yeah. Hey, you know what I'm thinking? Hope: What's that? Aiden: That we put the dance floor here, and we will move the wall of silent- auction tables over there. Hope: How feng shui of you. Aiden: Yes, yes. [Chuckles] Hope: Maybe we should do-- what if we moved-- Howell: Mrs. Brady? Aiden: Ah, it's detective Brady. Hope: Mr. Howell, thank you so much for meeting with us. Howell: You two, uh, work for the church? Hope: No, we're volunteers. Both of our kids go to St. Luke's school. Howell: Public school not good enough for them? Aiden: Uh... [Clears throat] Mr. Howell, uh, it seems that when the Salem Inn booked your event, there was some sort of mistake. See, St. Luke's gala is held there every year, same date. So what we want to talk to you about was maybe-- I don't know--um... Howell: Oh, you were hoping I'd switch the date so you could have the room that night. Hope: Yes. Both: Yes. Hope: That's it. The gala's a 20-year tradition. And we've always had it there. But somehow, this year, I don't know how, but the booking fell through the cracks. Howell: I know. Why do you think I booked it when I had the chance? I've been after that space for years. Aiden: Okay. Kate: It looks good. You can go ahead with the formula. Nick: [Scoffs] Wow. You're not even gonna say anything, are you? Kate: About what? Nick: About my--my split lip, about what happened. Kate: Oh. Well, I just assumed someone belted you. I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often. Nick: It was Rafe. But you probably knew that, didn't you? Kate: Nope. Nick: No? What have you said to him? Did you talk to him? Kate: [Sighs] Nick, I don't talk about you to anyone. I actually try not to think about you at all. But Rafe does know you're a horrible person. And he does love his sister, so I'm sure he tries to keep you away from her. Nick: This isn't funny. I'm not forcing Gabi to do anything, Kate. This is her decision. Kate: Really? Nick: Yeah. Kate: And the fact that if she wasn't interested in you, you could send her away for attempted murder-- that does weigh in on any of this? Nick: You know, she's not the only one who's at risk here, okay? And if Rafe keeps pushing, he might found out more than you want him to know. Kate: I get that, Nick. In fact, I just told Rafe that he should leave this situation alone. Nick: Mm, good. Let's hope he listened... because wouldn't it be ironic if he ended responsible for putting his sister, his ex-wife, and his... ex-lover all behind bars? Will: I'd just like a joint custody agreement. Gabi: But why? Will: Gabi, when you said you were going to move out, it hit me... that if for whatever reason you didn't want me to see Arianna, I'd have to go to court. Gabi: I would never keep you from seeing her. Will: What if Nick were in your life? Gabi: You think that I do whatever he tells me to do, right? That I'm spineless? Will: That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that I would feel safer if there was an agreement in place that guarantees some kind of parental rights if you should happen to leave. Gabi: No. Will: [Sighs] You're angry. Gabi: No, no. I'm not angry, all right? I'm surprised. I didn't see this-- I didn't see this coming. But I need to go out. I need to get some air. Will: I'll watch Ari. Gabi: I know. I trust you. I just wish it worked both ways. [Door closes] Jennifer: Brady, I know how hard it has been for you. I know... you are so hurt over losing Madison and everything that happened with Kristen. Brady: [Sighs] Jennifer: But that is when you need to turn to the people who love you... not drinking, not hanging out with Theresa. Brady: Jennifer... I know you love me. And I understand why you're upset with me. But putting Theresa aside, I really do want to help Daniel. Jennifer: And I am not questioning your intentions. It is your judgment and your self-control that I'm worried about. And I can't risk trusting you, when you are drinking and dealing with Theresa. Brady: Okay. All right. You don't want me involved. I understand why. But I'm gonna ask you for one small favor. Theresa: Okay, Dr. Jonas, I'm waiting. But I think you know. Daniel: I know what kind of person you are. Theresa: You've got nothing. [Cell phone ringing] Theresa: I got to go. Daniel: No, fine, you go. Go, yeah. I don't think the police or, in your case, your family will have any problem tracking you down. Theresa: [Scoffs] Just kick over my rock, right? [Cell phone ringing] Daniel: Hey. Jennifer: Hey. Listen, I know that Parker is with Joanna. Would you mind stopping by my house, please? Daniel: Everything okay? Jennifer: Yeah. I'll fill you in when you get there. When Jake and I first set out on our own, Hope: What kind of event are you planning? Howell: A domino convention. Yes, I'm the president of the upper Midwest domino society. My membership wants a calm and relaxing place to focus on the art of dominoes. Hope: Oh. Aiden: Uh... Hope: Well, then you know what? This is perfect. What about the Horton square? Aiden: Oh. Hope: There's a beautiful space they reserve for private parties. Aiden: Yes. Hope: Or even better, um... we could talk to father Louis about letting him use the new gymnasium. Aiden: New gymnasium. Hope: It has tons of room. Aiden: Oh, yeah. Hope: It's perfect. Howell: Then you use it. Uh, uh... [Sighs] The service here stinks. Hope: Mr. Howell, please... the gala raises money for scholarships for the church. And being as kind as I know you are, don't you want to help the kids? Howell: I don't like kids. So why should I be the one to move? What's in it for me? Aiden: Well, uh, let's talk about that, shall we? Howell: Typical lawyer. You think you can buy anyone. Just what kind of a man do you think I am? Will: So what is it that's so urgent? Rafe: Well, I want to know why everyone's giving me the runaround about Nick. Will: They are? Rafe: Yeah, they are. So I'll start. Is Nick threatening Gabi? Is he blackmailing her? Will: What? Rafe: Does he have something on her? Will: No. No, it hasn't come to that. Rafe: It hasn't come to that? So he does know something which he could potentially use against her? Will: Rafe, for Gabi's sake, leave it alone. Rafe: Oh, my God. Oh, my God, you too? Let me just be clear, okay? Gabi is my sister. So I am not going to leave it alone. Now, if Nick has done something illegal, I can put him away. Will: Damn it, Rafe. Will you listen to me? For once, it was not Nick that did something illegal. Rafe: Right. But someone else has. Gabi: So I was talking to will, and he showed me the heart that you gave him and Sonny. It was very sweet of you. Nick: Yeah. Gabi: I thought for, like, a second that he was open to giving you a chance. Nick: For a second, huh? Then it was back to "Nick is Satan." Gabi: Well, he wasn't talking about you. He's trying to be fair. But then, like, in the same breath, he mentioned that... he wanted a custody agreement for Arianna. Jennifer: Oh. Daniel: Oh, man, am I glad to see you. Jennifer: Oh, bad day. Daniel: Ran into Theresa. Jennifer: Horrible day. Daniel: Mm-hmm. Jennifer: You didn't go off on her, did you? Daniel: Uh, no, no. I kept my cool. But I did let her know that I think she's behind my being drugged. Jennifer: Oh, how did she react? Daniel: Uh, she kept it pretty close to the vest, but... I think I did rattle her. Jennifer: Did she give you any indication or proof that she's responsible for this? Daniel: No, no. But she sure seemed guilty, and... I'm worried... really, really worried. Theresa: Hey. I was surprised to get your text. Brady: Have a seat. I got you an espresso. Theresa: Oh. Well, bloody marys would've been more fun. Brady: Yeah, that's... why I needed to talk to you. Theresa: To not drink bloody marys? Brady: Some things have to change with me, Theresa... with us... starting right now. Aiden: Now, who shall I make this out to? Howell: I will not be bribed. Aiden: No, no, this is-- this is not a bribe. It's an incentive to do the right thing for the kids who will benefit from the money that we raise. Hope: Right. Exactly. This one night funds the P.E. Program, the arts. We already told you about the scholarships. Howell: I'm sure it's all lovely, but I am not changing either the time or the place. And another thing--you tried to bribe me. I should report you to the bar. And you assume you can intimidate me with your rank. Are you gonna arrest me for not buckling under? Hope: Excuse me? Howell: I should report you to your superiors. Aiden: Sir, we're not doing anything illegal. Howell: It's unethical. And I will never give up this venue, so good luck finding your own. Aiden: [Sighs] Hope: That went well... Aiden: Yeah. [Door closes] Hope: Really well. Rafe: So you're telling me that someone did something illegal, and Nick could use it against them? Will: I am only saying that whoever told you to leave it alone was right. Rafe: Hmm. Yeah. And leave Gabi at Nick fallon's mercy? Will: [Sighs] Look, I just talked to her. And if Nick was blackmailing her, I would know. He's not. Rafe: Not yet. That is what you said before, right? Will: Rafe, I don't know what you could do that would make this better, but I do know that you can make this a lot worse. Rafe: Oh, really? That's funny. And that's funny, because when I spoke to Nick before, that's what he implied. Will: [Sighs] Was that before or after you beat him up? Rafe: Oh, you heard? Will: Yeah, and Gabi was furious. And you know what? This might come as a big surprise to you, but she's even more sympathetic to his cause, all right? She thinks that he's the injured party, and maybe he is. But, Rafe, I cannot let this escalate any further... because of Ari. Rafe: Okay. I get it, I get it. You feel boxed in. But here's the thing... you can't appease someone like Nick Fallon. And if you try, it's only gonna make things worse. Okay? Nick: I guess it is a little bit weird that he started talking about a custody agreement right after he married Sonny. Gabi: Yeah, I mean, I thought about that also, but, I mean, he's nervous too. Nick: Nervous? Why? About what? Gabi: You. Nick: Oh. Well... I guess that makes sense. I can't blame him for that, you know? He sees that you and I are... whatever. And I have tried to keep Ari away from him before. So it makes sense. Gabi: Yeah, but you would-- you would never do that again. I mean, promise me you'd never do that. Nick: I promise. Gabi: I want to believe you. Nick: You can. Daniel: Oh, I'd really like to find a way to just nail her. And there has to be a way to figure out how she pulled this off. Jennifer: Yeah, actually, that is why I called you. Daniel: What, you have a lead? Jennifer: No, but I know someone who really wants to help you. Theresa: I'm not sure I like the sound of this. Brady: I get that you're nervous. Um, you're not gonna like what I have to say. Theresa: And that would be? Brady: I've agreed... if it's okay with Daniel, to figure out who drugged him. Theresa: [Scoffs] Daniel: And who is it? Jennifer: Well, it's someone who might be able to get to the bottom of this, if it is Theresa. Daniel: And who is it? Jennifer: Uh, Brady. Daniel: Oh. Absolutely not. Theresa: You think it's me, don't you? Brady: I didn't say that. Theresa: [Scoffs] Brady: I pray that's not true. But in order to help Daniel, Theresa--Theresa, I got to stop drinking. I do. And for obvious reasons, I have to stay away from you as well... until I find out the truth, until I figure this thing out. Theresa: [Scoffs] Damn it, Brady. Can't you see that they're out to get me? Brady: I wonder why. Theresa... if you didn't have any part in this, you have nothing to worry about. The best-case scenario in this is that I clear Daniel's name and yours. Theresa: And if I don't do what you want? Brady: Then we're through. Jennifer: Listen, I was wary too, but then he made some promises. And I-I believe him. Daniel: No, he's an untreated alcoholic. Promises don't really mean much. Jennifer: He is your friend, and he loves you. Come on. That's why I think you need to hear him out. Will you do that much? Hope: So, okay, what do we do now? What are we gonna do? Let's look at this again. Louis: Oh, it looks like things are going splendidly. Hope: Uh, yeah, if splendid means we've lost. Aiden: Uh, lost some of, uh, last year's records from the silent auction. But I-I don't think it's gonna be all that important. Louis: Oh, you know, let me look into that for you. You two continue to concentrate on the big picture, right? Like I said. I knew you two would make a great team. Hope: Great team, yes. [Chuckles] Do you really think father Louis isn't gonna notice the gala's in my garage and not in the ballroom, huh? Aiden: Oh, ye of little faith. Hope: You just lied to a priest. What were you thinking? Aiden: I'm thinking that this might be kind of fun. Daniel: Well, I got to say, Brady, I'm not so sure about all this. Brady: I don't blame you. It's your call, man, but, um... here's the thing. You've helped me through a lot of tough times, and I want to do the same thing for you. Daniel: Brady, you're drinking and sleeping with the enemy. Brady: Not anymore. Jennifer: What? Brady: Well, I told Theresa we're through. And I'm not gonna have a drop to drink until we find out what's happening here. Daniel: And you think you can do that? Brady: You'd do it for me, man. I want to find out who's messing with you, put 'em away, and find out the truth... I mean, if you'll let me. Jennifer: [Chuckles] Daniel: Okay, don't look at me like that. [Both laugh] Brady: Come on, man. Daniel: All right, get in here, man. Thank you. Brady: You're welcome. Theresa: All right... if I rat Liam out... it's a lose-lose for me. Oh, God. I really hope that psycho Liam realizes that this is-- this is just getting really serious and he needs to back off... for all of our sakes. Nick: I would never ask you to keep Ari away from will or do anything to make you unhappy. I never want to see you unhappy again. Gabi: Oh, Nick. | Rafe told Kate that he wasn't going to back off of Nick |
225 | Nick: Yeah, as we were leaving the ranch, we saw a horde of photographers on the road across from the guard house. Esther: Oh, those vultures. So how'd you get past them? Chelsea: Well, nick turned the headlights off and went to this back gate that led to a dirt road that only the local farmers know about. Nick: We're just lucky it hasn't rained in awhile, otherwise we could have got stuck. But we made it to highway b, turned the lights on, and then cruised right past that esteemed grouping of members of the press. Esther: [Chuckles] Well, I bet they just wanted to get a picture with this handsome little guy, right? Oh, nick. What a miracle having your son with you again. Nick: Thanks. It really is. But right now we're here to celebrate, and hopefully with some cake. You know, I missed, uh, Christian's first birthday, so... Chelsea: And, uh, the paparazzi's just camped at the ranch, so we were hoping we'd be safe here, at least for a little while. Esther: Well, you have come to the right place. Just grab a seat and I'll fix you right up. I know. I even have, um, some birthday candles in the back, and I'll j-- Chelsea: Esther, you okay? Esther: Oh, oh, yeah. Um, no problem. I'll get the cake. Nick: Uh, two glasses of milk! Esther: Okay, got it. Nick: Two. Esther: Yeah, got it. [Cell phone chimes] Esther: Should we take off your coat, bud? Want to take your coat off? Chelsea: Oh, my God. Nick: What is it? Chelsea: A news alert from GC buzz. [Music turns off] Nikki: GC buzz is on. Victor: Oh, sweetheart, don't do that. The music is beautiful. I'm reading a wonderful story. Not that tabloid nonsense. Nikki: I think you're gonna want to see this one. Victor: Why? Nikki: Their lead story is about Nicholas and Christian again, but now Sharon has decided it's her turn to air her side. Victor: That damn woman. Okay. Paul: Ah, good, you're back. I want to discuss -- Dylan: Hold on. I'm listening to a voicemail, something from Mariah. Paul: What? Dylan, what's going on? Dylan! Christine: I think I may have some idea. Hilary: Welcome to another edition of "GC buzz TV." We are coming to you live with breaking news. Now, you've heard of one of the biggest scandals to hit Genoa city in ages -- the baby swap that has deprived nick Newman of his son for an entire year. Now, you may think you know the entire story. But Sharon McAvoy, the woman at the eye of the storm, is here tonight with a "GC buzz TV" exclusive. There is more to this unfolding saga than you ever thought possible. So, Sharon, are you ready to tell your story? You certainly have all of GC buzzing, and I know that I have many of my own questions, as I'm sure that our viewers do, as well. Sharon: I, uh, I'm aware of what people are saying about me. They think that I must be crazy or I'm some kind of monster. But I'm not. I knew exactly what I was doing and why. It's a secret that I would have kept forever if I could've to protect my family. [Computer keys clacking] Billy: Mom? What are you doing here? Jill: Well, with the new jabot app generating all that publicity, we got a lot of catching up to do. I thought I would walk in here and find you and Victoria hard at work, but no. The place is deserted. Hmm. Must be really nice to be keeping banking hours during this crisis. Billy: A competitor's good idea is hardly a crisis. Jill: You're gonna debate me on this? Billy: Okay. How can I help you? Jill: That's better. Since you're here, what do you say we rally your other colleagues? Billy: If you're gonna be dialing Victoria's number, I have a feeling she won't be picking up tonight. Travis: I'm glad you asked me to come back. I don't want to fight with you, either. Victoria: No. [Sighs] I'm sorry. When you walked in here smelling like alcohol, I just... I overreacted. I never should have thrown you out of the house. I'm sorry. Travis: No. You're right. I shouldn't be around the kids when I was drinking. Victoria: [Sighs] Thank you for understanding. But I still shouldn't have gotten so upset. Maybe we can just, um, start over again, just have a calm discussion about things. Travis: Such as? Victoria: I don't know. I can't help being curious where you went after you left here. When you picked up my call, I just... I kind of got the feeling that you weren't alone. Travis: It doesn't matter where I was. I just -- I would have been miserable anywhere. I was completely out of line attacking Billy that way. Victoria: Well, you know, Billy said some surprising things after you left. Travis: Yeah? Like what? Victoria: [Sighs] That I should go easy on you. And he reminded me how difficult it is being a Newman outsider, especially when it comes to my father. Travis: Wow. Support from Billy. That's the last thing I expected to hear. Victoria: Look, sometimes I just get frustrated, and it's not fair. I took it out on you. I'm sorry. You came back to town to be with me, and that means something. Anyway [Sighs] Enough talk, okay? And no more fighting. I'm willing to put this behind me if you are. Travis: Yeah. Let's do that. Victoria: Okay. Travis: [Sighs] Victoria: You smell so nice. Is that a new cologne or something? Travis: Or something. Victoria: You've just reminded me the best part of making up. Hilary: Now, keep going, Sharon. Don't hold anything back. Sharon: Just talking like this... Hilary: I realize that it's not always easy. Sharon: I did something terrible. I-I kept a baby after I learned that he wasn't mine. I tried to raise him on my own, even though I knew that he belonged to another family. And I'm sure that everyone will judge me for that. Hilary: But coming clean like this, being so forthright, I'm sure that you will change a lot of people's minds. Sharon: Well, I hope so. Because everything that happened, I just want people to understand that this was a very complicated situation. And I-I can't undo the harm that I've caused. But maybe your viewers, after hearing what I have to say, will at least understand why I did it. Chelsea: This is unbelievable. Nick: I mean, she steals my son. Now she's on live TV trying to justify it? Hilary: ...Realized that the baby you were raising wasn't yours, why did you keep quiet? The baby's real father didn't know. Your husband didn't know. How and why did you keep such a huge secret? I mean, there must have been someone that you confided in. Sharon: Um, once Dr. Anderson had died, patty Williams was the only other person who knew. Hilary: Now, for those of you who aren't in the know, patty Williams is police chief Paul Williams' younger sister, and she has been confined to various mental institutions over the years. Sharon: She was blackmailing me. She threatened to expose my secret if I didn't help her escape, which is something that I was not about to do. Paul: So why drag patty into this?! Christine: Sharon's looking for sympathy. Hilary's looking for ratings. Paul: Well, they're not gonna get away with it. I'll tell you that right now. Hilary: So you're not denying what you did? Sharon: No. Not at all. I just want people to understand that I was a victim, too. Hilary: You were at Fairview, right? You were a patient there at the same time that patty Williams was a patient there, correct? Sharon: Dr. Anderson was treating both of us. Hilary: How and why did you end up a patient there? Is that something that you would be willing to share with us? Sharon: I have bipolar disorder. It's something that I manage with medication. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Hilary: Absolutely not. Sharon: I checked myself into Fairview, believing that I was pregnant at the time. I wanted to be of healthy mind and body and spirit when I gave birth to my child with Dylan. Hilary: Dylan. That's police detective Dylan McAvoy, your current husband, right? Sharon: Yes. Um, without even realizing it, I was playing right into Dr. Anderson's hands. Hilary: What do you mean by that? Sharon: She was a vengeful person. She was someone who Nicholas knew from decades back, and she had carried a grudge against him all that time. Hilary: Nicholas. Now, you mean nick Newman, your former husband, correct? Sharon: Yes. When I checked myself in, Dr. Anderson saw that as an opportunity to punish nick by stealing his child and giving him to me to raise instead. It turned out that I had had a miscarriage, and I was no longer pregnant. But nick's wife was at the time. And that was, uh, a convenient way from Sandra to get rid of the evidence. Hilary: How so? Sharon: Well, Dr. Anderson ordered my family to stay away from me so that I could focus on my own treatment, so she said. She pumped me full of powerful mind-altering drugs so that she could manipulate me. She led me to believe that I'd never had a miscarriage and that I had a carried a baby to full term. And then one night she put this tiny, little baby boy in my arms, and she told me that he was mine. Hilary: Only he wasn't, was it? Sharon: No. He was Nick's. He was nick and sage's little boy, Christian, who they believed had died. And I didn't know that at the time. I was too pumped up full of drugs to even realize that I had not given birth and that this little baby wasn't mine. Hilary: So are you saying that this woman brainwashed you? Sharon: There are no other words for it. I believed that I had given Dylan the greatest gift of his life. He had become a father. He had a son. It was Dylan's dream, and it was my dream, too. This little baby... that we named sully. By the time that I had learned the truth that he wasn't really ours, it was as if he was our own child by then. I was devastated. How was I supposed to tear my little family apart? Dylan: [Sighs] Hilary: Now, Sharon, why are you here tonight? What were you hoping to accomplish? Did you want forgiveness, pity, absolution? Dylan: Okay, that's enough. That's enough. Devon: What are you doing? Hilary: You can't just interrupt my interview! [Sighs] Well, ladies and gentlemen, if you didn't know, that was detective McAvoy, and apparently he didn't like what his wife had to say. Jill: A knee injury? Billy: Tore his ACL playing basketball with his 6-year-old twins, which is [Chuckles] -- I mean, I'm finding it really difficult not to give him a hard time about that. Jill: You men are so crazy. You think you're 16 forever, don't you? Billy: Actually, I feel more like a strapping 19 1/2, personally. Jill: Still, it's a really nasty injury. I hear it's very painful. But knowing cane, he won't be off his feet for long. Billy: And I will take the peace and quiet while it lasts. Jill: Oh, which brings me to my previous question. Since cane is out of commission, why isn't Victoria picking up the slack? Billy: Because she and Travis got in an argument, which they're probably working out as we speak. Jill: What was it about? And how can you be so sure that they're back on track? Billy: Because I told her he's not a bad guy and that he deserves a second chance. So hopefully she's at least doing that. Jill: [Slams desk] Oh, my God! How can somebody with my DNA be so incredibly stupid? Travis: Maybe we shouldn't. Victoria: What? Why not? Travis: Well, I mean, are Katie and Johnny even asleep yet? Victoria: Katherine is probably still awake. She's really excited about her birthday tomorrow. Travis: Yeah. Victoria: She loves that we share a birthday. Travis: Hey, the night's young. I got some making up to do, so what do you say we hit the town, celebrate a few hours early? Victoria: Now? Travis: Yeah. The nanny's upstairs with the kids, right? Victoria: Uh, yeah. Travis: Then it's settled. You and I are gonna hit the town. Victoria: Um, okay. Just like that? Travis: Just like that. Victoria: [Chuckles] Okay. Travis: Put on those dancing shoes, and you and I will be on our way. Victoria: Uh, all right, well, I'll just go up and -- and kiss the kids goodbye, and then I'll be all yours. Hilary: Now, I may have lost my star interview, but obviously there is a lot more going on in this juicy ongoing story. Now, I want all of my loyal viewers to stay tuned for the next edition of GC buzz. Keep on buzzing, GC. Nick: [Sighs disgustedly] Chelsea: You okay? Nick: [Exhales deeply] It's just... oh, of course. They found us. Chelsea: Oh, my God. Someone must have tipped them off. Esther: Okay, okay. Run out the back. I'll keep them occupied. Nick: Okay. Thank you, Esther. Esther: You're welcome. Chelsea: Where should we go? Nick: Uh...you know what? I know a place. Come on. Chelsea: Okay. Dylan: Do you know what you've done? Sharon: Yes, of course I do. I just explained myself. Dylan: No, you just confessed to a felony on camera in front of thousands of people! Sharon: Tell me something I don't know. Dylan: You just admitted that you're a kidnapper. How can you stand there and be so calm? Sharon: Because I made the only decision I could. I had no other option. Dylan: I gave you an option! Sharon: To pretend that I'm crazy, get myself admitted to another psych ward to try to avoid prosecution if I'm lucky? As far as I'm concerned, that's no option at all. Dylan: At least it would have been a chance at keeping you out of prison. Sharon: No. I have children I intend to be a mother to, which means that I need to defend myself. I need to be proactive in getting my side of the story out there. Dylan: Sharon, do you really think people are gonna sympathize with what you did? Sharon: I don't even sympathize with myself, so no. What I need is some kind of understanding. And right now, I would settle for people knowing that I didn't keep Christian to be cruel to nick. I did it out of love for my own family. Nikki: Can you believe the performance that that woman put on? She is shameless! Whatever punishment she gets, it's not enough! What? Why are you quiet? I would think you would be as mad as I am! Victor: Sweetheart, calm down, will you? My goodness. I agree with you. Nikki: Good. Victor: I'm just thinking about Nicholas. I just know that he didn't want Sharon to be prosecuted. And after that performance, he may not have a say. Nikki: Well, I'm not gonna leave it to chance. Victor: What are you gonna do? Paul: You know, say what you will about Sharon, but she's not stupid. I just can't believe she didn't have the good sense to stay away from the media. Christine: Given her history, I can believe it. Paul: [Sighs] [Cell phone rings] Paul: It's Nikki. Christine: Take it. Paul: Hey, Nik. What's up? Nikki: Hey, Paul. Um, are you aware that Sharon just confessed to a serious crime on live television? Paul: Uh, if you're referring to Sharon's interview with "GC buzz TV," yeah. Chris and I just watched it. Nikki: [Sighs] Good. How soon are you going to arrest her? Paul: [Chuckles] Hold on, Nik. It doesn't work that way Nikki: Why not? Paul: Well, for starters, everybody down here are professionals. So we decide who to arrest and when. We don't wait around for our citizens to give us our marching orders. Nikki: Even when one of those citizens is right? Paul: Look, Nik, rest assured, my department will follow up on this, okay? Talk to you later. Christine: She has a point. With nick unwilling to prosecute, we might have been able to look the other way. Paul: Well, not after Sharon does an interview on live television. Christine: Whatever discretion I had went right out the window. Tomorrow morning my phone will be ringing off the hook from the mayor all the way down wondering why I haven't charged her with kidnapping yet. Paul, at some point, you're gonna have to bring her in for questioning. Paul: Yeah. Understood. Travis: Isn't this better than hanging out at home? Victoria: Yeah, well, we'll find out. Honestly I would have much rather stayed at home alone with you. Travis: Yeah? Victoria: Yeah. Nick, hey. Travis: Hey. Victoria: What's wrong? Nick: Well, we're safe now. Chelsea: For a few minutes, at least. Travis: Safe from what? Chelsea: We managed to outsmart the paparazzi. They somehow figured out we were at crimson lights, so we had to hightail it out of there. Nick: You know, I'm just gonna shut the place down early and kick everyone out, give us some privacy. Victoria: Uh, well, Travis and I will watch the front door, and you just handle the rest, okay? Nick: Thanks, Vick. Victoria: Sure. Oh, hey, I'm sorry. We're closed for the evening. Michelle: Oh, really? The sign on your door said you'd be open a few more hours. Victoria: Yeah, normally we would be, but we're just closing up early tonight. Michelle: I see. I'm from out of town, don't know the area, and I really didn't feel like being alone. Victoria: Oh, uh, well, as you can see, the customers are clearing out. The owner's dealing with some personal stuff. Michelle: Personal? Sounds intriguing. But I'll get out of your hair. Victoria: Thanks. Michelle: It's too bad. It looks like a fun, little club. Victoria: Yeah, well, any other night it would be. So we'll see you again soon. Michelle: You just might. Victoria: Wow. Some people just really don't want to take no for an answer, do they? She acted like she wanted to stay here all night. Travis: Yeah. She's gone now. Victoria: Yeah. Hilary: Hey. You're even jumpier than usual. Mariah: Maybe it's that damn espresso you keep stocking the coffeemaker with. Hilary: You know, during the interview, Sharon claimed that patty was the only one who knew her secret. I don't know if I buy that. Mariah: Why are you telling me? Hilary: Because for a moment there, it looked like you were relieved that Sharon said that. Mariah: [Scoffs] Relieved? Yeah. 'Cause there's so much to be relieved about when my mom just went on camera and admitted to being guilty of a felony. Hilary: What did it feel like when you first found out that sully was really Christian and your mom kept such a huge secret from you? Especially since the two of you are so close. It is almost inconceivable that you would have no idea. Almost. Mariah: I wish I had known what was going on, and then I could have helped my mom. Hey, are you all right? Sharon: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Hilary: We can get you back on camera right now. Just say the word. Dylan: Interviews are done for the night. Hilary: Was there anything that you would like to say to our viewers? The chief sent me. Dylan: Oh, hell, no. We are not doing this, Peterson. Orders are orders. Dylan: I'll deal with Paul. Mariah: Guys. Sharon: Hilary, don't. No. This is embarrassing. Dylan: You heard her. Turn that camera off. Hilary: Okay. Sharon McAvoy, you're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Victoria: He is such a good boy. He's not even fussy or anything. Nick: Yeah, he is kind of a night owl. It's crazy. Victoria: Why did you decide to take him out? I thought you were gonna stick close to home until everything died down. Chelsea: It was kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing. Cheers. Nick: Ah, here we go. Victoria: Cheers. Nick: Cheers. Victoria: [Chuckles] Nick: Well, Chelsea and I were talking, and, you know, I had missed his first birthday and several other milestones, so I thought, you know, we'd go out for the night and have some fun, but that was wishful thinking. Victoria: Well, here's an idea. It's a little off the wall. Katherine's birthday is tomorrow, and mine, and we're having a party at the ranch with pony rides and everything, so how would you feel about folding Christian's birthday into that? We could have, like, a triple celebration. I would love it. I know Katherine would love it. Nick: I mean, that sounds awesome. Chelsea: Good. Victoria: Yeah? Chelsea: I agree. I was just telling nick it's not too late to celebrate Christian's turning 1. I mean, it's not nick's fault that he missed the last one. Victoria: Okay, well, what do you think, Travis? Travis: Sorry. What? Victoria: Uh, a combined birthday celebration with Katherine and Christian and me? Good idea? Bad idea? Travis: Yeah, no, it's a great idea. Yeah. Victoria: All right. Nick: Cool. Travis: Um, I think maybe we should get going, yeah? Victoria: Seriously? We just got here. It was your idea to go out. I thought... Travis: Yeah, I mean, well, nick wanted some private time with his son, and, you know, we shouldn't step on that. Victoria: Oh. Nick: Honestly, it's -- it's fine. Chelsea: Yeah, please stay. It's fine. Travis: You know, it's getting kind of late, but definitely next time. Victoria: Yeah, next time. Sure. Chelsea: Drive safe. Victoria: Thanks. Travis: Thanks. We will. Nick: We'll see you tomorrow at the party. Victoria: Yeah, you will. Travis: Sounds good. Victoria: Good night, Christian. Travis: Take care. Nick: Good night. [Clicking tongue] Victoria: Okay, hold on a second. Travis: Hmm? Victoria: What's the matter? And don't say "nothing." Travis: What? Everything's perfect. It's like you said. Privacy's good. I just want to get you home and have you to myself, okay? Billy: I mean, how could I not feel for the guy? He's in a tough spot. I mean, how many times when I was with Victoria did I find myself on Victor's list with Victoria in the middle? Now it's Popeye's turn. Jill: Popeye? Billy: The sailor man. Jill: [Chuckles] Billy: How can I not be empathetic to the position that he's in? Jill: You do realize that you are twice the man that Travis is. Billy: Aww. That's sweet. But you have to say that. Jill: Listen. Victor eats this kind of kid for lunch, all right? He's not gonna last, which means that very shortly he's gonna be breaking Victoria's heart. Billy: And I'll be there to pick up the pieces? Is that what you're saying? Jill: Well, why waste time? Come on, if you intervene now, you can save that poor girl a world of hurt. Billy: You know what? I used to get really annoyed at the way that you would just flog this issue to death. Now I just find you adorable. Jill: Seriously, sweetheart. How can you support this relationship? You know that he's nowhere near her league. Billy: You want to know how? Because I still care enough about Victoria to want to see her happy. I had my chances with her, and I blew every single one of them. So if Travis is the guy, if he's the one to make her happy, then so be it. [Door opens] Paul: Peterson, what's with the handcuffs? I told you we'd brought her in for questioning, not to arrest her! Peterson: I'm sorry, Chief. Paul: All right, Sharon, listen, I need to get a statement from you. You have the right to an attorney. It's your call. Sharon: Well, Dylan told me it might be too late to worry about that now that I've given a confession on live television to Hilary. Christine: So are you passing on the lawyer? Sharon: I think for now, yes. Mariah: Are you sure that's a good idea? I can call Michael. Sharon: Thank you, but no. I-I just want to get this over with. Paul: All right. In my office. Christine: I know Paul wants to talk to Sharon alone for a minute. While they're doing that, maybe you and I can have a chat. Dylan: A chat? Christine: Come on, Dylan. Let's talk. Do you have any objection to my recording our conversation? Dylan: No. None whatsoever. Is it on? Because I want to say this flat out. I know what Sharon did was wrong. There's no question about that. But I get why she did it. Hilary: Oh, my God. You should see these comments. Everyone is talking about Sharon's interview. Gosh, I just hope that the website doesn't crash from all of this traffic. It's... Devon: I'm sure it'll die down soon enough. Hilary: Don't be such a killjoy. Devon: I'm not. I'm just being realistic. You know that stories run their course and people get bored. They want something new. Hilary: I hope you're not suggesting that we kill the story. Devon: I didn't say that. Hilary: Then what are you saying? Devon: I think it's a bad idea to focus on just one story and exclude everything else. Hilary: You wouldn't be protecting Mariah, would you? Devon: No. Hilary: Okay, good. Because you are the one that suggested that we keep her around because of how close she is to Sharon. And I am starting to think that you were right. Devon: Why? What do you mean? Hilary: Because during the interview, I asked Sharon if she confided in anyone, and she looked straight at Mariah. That girl knows things, Devon. I-I just -- I could bet my life on it. Now we need to pry it out of her. Victor: I saw your little production. Hilary: Excuse me? Little? Well, the responses from my viewers are nothing short of -- Victor: I don't give a damn what the responses of the viewers were. You gave Sharon a soapbox from which she could justify her onerous actions. Nikki: Yes, it was disgusting. The whole damn spectacle. You should both be ashamed. Hilary: Yeah, well, we're not. Devon: Hilary. Victoria: Thank you. Travis: Guess it's true what they say. No place like home. Victoria: Yeah. It was nice seeing nick, but truthfully I could have stayed in all night with you and been perfectly happy. Travis: Now that we're back, I feel the same way. Victoria: Why don't I get us some wine, and we can relax a little bit? Travis: [Sighs] Nick: I mean, I was right. Chelsea: They're still out there? Nick: Yeah, I cracked the door open a tiny bit, and it was just wall-to-wall flashes. Chelsea: [Sighs] Nick: We're gonna have to run the gauntlet to get this kid home into his crib anytime soon. Chelsea: You know, Christian's fast asleep. Whether it's a crib or a stroller or daddy's lap, it really doesn't make a difference to a 1-year-old. But hearing screams and people yelling at you and all the flashes as you're trying to get to your car? Nick: Yeah, that will definitely wake him up. Chelsea: Yeah. The temperature's dropping outside. They'll get tired eventually and leave. In the meantime, I think we should just stick it out here. Nick: Are you sure? I mean, you've been here a long time. I'm sure you're anxious to get home. Don't want you to be bored. Chelsea: I'll tell you if I get bored. Nick: Hey, buddy. Victoria: [Sighs] This is where we belong. [Sighing] I love you. Travis: I love you, too. Billy: Is this seat taken? Michelle: Help yourself. Billy: Thank you. Just a few people that I'd rather not see at this moment. Michelle: You want me to provide cover? Billy: Oh, no worries. I don't need anybody to hide behind. Just a scotch will suffice. It's been one of those days. Michelle: Tell me about it. I'm gonna go powder my nose, so you're on your own for a minute. Billy: [Chuckles] Michelle: You mind watching my things? Billy: No. Not a problem. Thank you. [Cell phone chimes] Hilary: Now, I am happy to call up the interview so that you can watch it again. Because the last thing that I did was help Sharon's cause. Actually, our next episode will feature footage of her being hauled out of our studio by the police. Nikki: Oh. So she's been arrested? Hilary: Yes, she has. And don't worry. We caught it all on camera, so I'm sure that will appease the both of you. Nikki: Actually, no, it won't, because Victor and I didn't hear a thing about how Nicholas suffered. It was all about Sharon, Sharon, Sharon and what she has suffered. Victor: You know, I'm very happy that the police are finally doing their job. But the court of public opinion is another matter. This show tonight was nothing but propaganda for Sharon. Now, Devon, I think I've told you what it takes to keep my lawyers at bay. Devon: To make Sharon out to be the villain in our piece. Hilary: Never mind that her heart's broken, too. Nikki: Who cares how that woman feels? Victor: Devon, just to let you know, I will watch the show very carefully to make sure the story is told the right way. Paul: Listen, Sharon, I don't want this any more than you do. And Dylan and I talked about not letting this get this far, but... here we are. Sharon: I know. And I appreciate you trying to help. You broke my son's heart. Sharon: I know that, too. [Recorder beeps] Paul: Chief of police Paul Williams questioning Sharon McAvoy, November 15, 2016. It is 10:47 P.M. All right, Sharon. Start from the beginning. Christine: I'm less interested in opinion than I am in facts. Dylan: Yeah, well, I'm afraid I don't have too many of those. Um, when I heard Sharon's story, you know, it came as a shock to me just like it was for everybody else. And then the next day when, uh, nick walked away with... uh, with sully, you know, my -- my whole world came crashing down. Christine: So you believe what Sharon did was the act of a rational woman? Dylan: [Sighs] I mean, if you're looking for me to say that she wasn't sane, I'm just -- I'm not trained to make that evaluation. Christine: I mean, you're her husband. You know her best. Dylan: No, obviously... obviously I don't. But if you're looking for my opinion... I believe Sharon is sane. I believe she was sane when she chose not to come forward. Christine: How about prior to that? Dylan: Fairview. Uh, yeah, Dr. Anderson used her, preyed on her, drugged her, victimized her the whole time Sharon was there. But, uh, once she was home and she was faced with the truth, she realized that she had a choice. And I believe she knew what she was doing. Sharon: Sage and I were both close to finding out the truth right around the same time. Paul: On parallel tracks? Sharon: Yeah. That's a good way of putting it. You know, I think about sage a lot, the emotional agony that she was in. What it must have been like for her to realize that her son had been taken from her. And after she died, I... that was my greatest fear, putting Dylan through that, making him go through the same pain that sage went through. [Voice breaking] You know, I just -- I just wanted to preserve my family. [Sniffles] The family that we built together. It was my only thought. I... I just wanted to protect my husband from the same thing he had been through once before with -- with Chelsea. And I guess all I ended up doing was postponing it. Christine: How did Sharon keep up this lie for so long? Dylan: I have no idea. I mean, it had to torture her because she knew that she was wrong. Christine: You sound convinced of that. Dylan: I am. But at the same time, she had convinced herself that, uh, this was the right course of action, that it was right for sully, it was right for her, it was right for me, her kids, and the rest of our family. Christine: You think she did the right thing. Dylan: I think she thinks she did the right thing. Christine: Regardless, I-I have no choice. Dylan: What -- what does that mean? Christine: No matter what Sharon says to Paul in there, I have evidence. I'm filing charges against Sharon for kidnapping. Dylan: [Sighs] Michael, it's Dylan. I really need your help. [NEXT_ON] Nikki: I'm not about to throw away one son over the other! Victor: Sometimes you have no choice! Michelle: Last night Travis and I made love, and it was better than it's ever been. Victoria: Something wrong? | Devon and Mariah watch |
226 | Sami: Don't you ever talk to me like that again. Do you hear me? Rafe 2: Oh, great. Here come the waterworks. Sami: You tell me to back off, or I'll be sorry? I'm your wife. I'm not supposed to care that you're acting like a complete stranger? Is that what you want? Me not to care anymore? You want me to pretend like everything is all right in our marriage when actually it's frightening and horrible? Rafe 2: Yes! Okay? That is exactly what I frickin' want. Because I am sick and tired of being badgered by you. Sami: Don't shout at me. Rafe 2: And if you don't listen to me--if you don't listen... you are going down too, do you hear me? You're going down too, just like Fay Walker. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: Ah, Katherine. Kate: Oh! Finally, the car is here. Stefano: All right, look. Kate: Mwah. Stefano: I'm sorry I kept you waiting. Kate: Well, was it business, I assume? Stefano: Yes, there was a shipment stuck out there. Kate: Well, now I feel like a complete idiot, dressed like this for a black tie charity event and we only stay ten minutes? Stefano: Well, I'm anxious to get home. Kate: I never would have guessed. Stefano: Look, I want us both to be there when my son arrives, all right? We both should welcome Chad DiMera into his new home. Huh? [SCENE_BREAK] Abby: Hey. Chad: Oh, how's it going, Abigail? Abby: Okay. Chad: Oh. Abby: I'm meeting a friend here. Chad: Oh, well, have fun. Abby: Chad, wait. Why don't you, uh, why don't you stick around? Cindy's really nice. You'll really like her. Chad: Actually, I really can't. I got a lot to do. So I'll just-- Abby: Studying? Chad: Packing. I'm moving into the DiMera mansion tonight. Abby: Oh, so soon. Chad: Yeah, why would I wait? Abby: I don't know, to think about it some more? Chad: And why would I do that? Just because you're not so high on the idea? Abigail, I hardly know you. Why the hell should I care what you think? [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: You must be exhausted. Nicole: Yeah. But I am not leaving until I know my mom's okay. EJ: I'll stay with you. Nicole: No, EJ. EJ: No, Nicole, I'm not-- Nicole: EJ, really, listen-- EJ: No. Nicole: You have been so-- EJ: Mm-mm. Nicole: Caring. And kind. And I can't tell you how much it means to me to have my husband by my side. My husband. I like saying that. EJ: Mm-hmm. Nicole: Mm-hmm. EJ: I noticed. Nicole: Do you like referring to me as your wife? EJ: Yeah, of course I do. Nicole: It's just, I don't hear you say it that much. EJ: I say it a lot when you're not around. What? What is it? Nicole: Well, I know... I'm a bit needier than usual. But I was just wondering if, um... EJ: What? Tell me. Nicole: Do you love me? Me? Even a little bit? [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: [Crying] Mom. Mom, it's me, Taylor. Mom, can you hear me? [Crying] You're waking up. That means you're gonna be okay. You fell, Mom. That's why you're here in the hospital. You took a bad fall down the steps of the DiMera house. Do you remember that? Mom, do you remember what happened to you? Rafe 2: Time for you to have a little accident. Fay: No, no! Aaaah! Taylor: Mom! Mom, what is it? Mom, what's wrong? Mom. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: No. No, it can't be true. You did not try to kill Fay Walker. Rafe 2: I didn't? What do you think I was doing when you walked in on me in her hospital room. Huh? Reading her a bedtime story? About to clean her bedpan? I was injecting an air bubble into her I.V. Sami: No. Rafe, no. Rafe 2: No, no, that's the other thing, babe. I'm not Rafe. EJ and Stefano... they switched us. [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: The, um... the truth is... the truth is that my feelings for you have changed. And the way you've cared for my children, your devotion to them. I'm very grateful for that. Nicole: That's it? Oh, God, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that. I guess I'm deluding myself. EJ: How so? Nicole: Honey, because... here you are with me. Not wanting to go until we know my mom is all right. And you could have gone home. Not that I would be mad, but you didn't. You won't. I guess that's why I... I thought you'd fallen in love with me. [SCENE_BREAK] Fay: [Crying] Taylor: I'll go get Lexie, Mom. All right? I'll be right back. Fay: No! No, no! No, no, no! [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: What are you talking about? You're not making any sense. Rafe 2: They switched me. What, do I need to spell it out for you like everything else? Sami: Switched you? How? With who? What do you--what do you mean? And why would you try to kill Fay? Rafe 2: Because Fay knows about the whole thing. She knows who I am. Which is why I decided I needed to throw her down the stairs. Which, under normal circumstances, would have worked fine. But evidently she's built like an old brick outhouse. Sami: I still don't understand. Why you would do something like that. This doesn't make any sense. Rafe 2: Because, like I said. She knows the whole deal. She knows that EJ and Stefano are paying me to impersonate your dork-ass husband. Which also means when they find out that I'm not doing such a good job, well, they might just kill me. So I need to keep Fay from singing. Know what I'm saying? Sami: I have to get out of here. Rafe 2: No, no, no. I don't think you're going anywhere. Huh? What, are you gonna go tell the cops? Huh? Your Uncle Bo? Your daddy? Sami: No. I swear to God, I swear. I won't tell anyone anything. I promise-- Rafe 2: No, you're not gonna tell anyone anything 'cause you're never going anywhere. Ever again. Sami: [Choking] [SCENE_BREAK] Abby: Fine. You don't care what I think? Have a nice life, Chad. Go and pack for your big move. I'll never tell you what I think again. Chad: Abigail, look, I didn't-- Abby: Hey, wait. Chad: Okay, all right. Abby: I have an even better idea. Why don't I never even talk to you again. Hmm? How would that work for you? Chad: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Look, what I was trying to say-- what I meant to say was... I didn't mean to lash out at you, all right? I'm just--I'm really insecure about this right now. So I don't need you telling me it's a bad idea. I just don't want to hear that, you know? Abby: I...yeah. I'm sorry, too. This is obviously a really rough time for you. And you're right. I hardly know you. So it's not my place to give you advice about anything. Much less where you're planning to live. Chad: I'm not that naive, you know. I've read all about the DiMeras. Heard all about them. And trust me, okay? At first I wanted nothing to do with them, all right? The thought of being a part of the DiMera family even made me sick. Like, literally. Abby: What changed? Chad: Well, I--you know, I got to know them as people. All right, not just names on the internet. Or in newspaper articles. All right? They made me feel like I belonged. Like I had a purpose. You know? Abby: Interesting. Chad: That they accepted me for who I am. And I've realized... that they're not that different. When you talk to them. Okay? And, you know, they're my family. So... Abby: Yeah, okay. I get that. And I will never say another word about them again. Because... they're your family. Chad: Right. Abby: So good luck with the move. Chad: Thank you. Um... Abby: Did you hire a moving company? Chad: Um... no, no. I don't have that much stuff. My friend, he's supposed to meet me here. But it looks like he's a no-show. Abby: Oh, that's too bad. Chad: Yeah, it is. Hey, if you're not busy... why don't you, uh, come by and check out the new digs, huh? Help me get settled in? What do you say? [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: So I asked Harold to prepare the bedroom for Chad. And we moved in the larger desk into the bedroom from the adjoining study. Stefano: Excellent. Kate: And I also asked him to hang some more artwork. I thought that Chad would appreciate that Warhol that's in the guest suite. If that's all right with you? Stefano: Oh, of course. Kate: Okay. You know, it's just... well... Stefano: What? Kate: Well, I just wonder, you know, how long he's gonna stay. I mean, if he's planning on living with us permanently... Stefano: Katherine. I asked him to move into the house. All right? I told him I want him to be part of the family. So that means he can stay as long as he likes. Ah. That's not a very thrilling idea for you, is it? Kate: No, it's not Chad. It's not Chad at all. He's a very impressive young man. He's smart and he's--he's good-hearted. He is, I feel for him. His mother's gone, he's lonely. Obviously lonely. Stefano: Well, if it's not about Chad, then who is it about? Kate: You. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe 2: [Sighs] Should have done that a long time ago. Sami: Rafe, why aren't you answering me? I asked you if you're threatening me. And you're, like, in a trance. You totally tuned me out. What is the matter with you? Rafe 2: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Oh, God. You know, it's my head. I... I'm sorry. It's just not right. I say things I don't mean, I lose my temper. And I... you know, I listen to myself sometimes, I can't even believe it's me. You know? Sami: Okay. Do you have control now? You want to talk about us? Rafe 2: There's nothing that I wanna do more than talk about us. But it's just that the department's got me on a stakeout tonight. Sami: Right, you mentioned that. Rafe 2: Okay, listen to me. Listen, as soon as I put this thing to bed I promise you that's all we'll do. We'll talk about us. Only us. Sami: Why don't I believe you? [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Why aren't you saying anything? EJ: Because I just don't think that this is the time or the place for us to be discussing our feelings for one another. Okay? Nicole: Oh, God. You're right. You're right, I need to focus on my mom. Not my own needs. I'm just so grateful that you're here, EJ. And I just... I got carried away. EJ: It's okay. You're allowed, you know. A little bit. Nicole: And you know what, EJ, when I look at you, it all comes back to me. Why I wanted to marry you. Why I so badly wanted to have a baby with you. And now we're raising your children together. And we're being honest with each other about everything. It's a dream come true for me, EJ. How--how could I be so lucky? [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: Mom, please. Don't speak yet. It's taking too much effort. Fay: [Mumbling] Gotta help. Gotta help. Gotta help her. Taylor: What? Gotta help who? Fay: Gotta help Nicky. Nicky, gotta help her. Help Nicky. [SCENE_BREAK] Abby: You want me to help you move in? Chad: I mean, you don't have to. I mean, I know you're busy. I know you're probably--probably meeting someone here. Abby: No, no, no. I can--I can call her and make it later. Chad: Oh? Abby: This is a really big step for you and you need a friend around. Moral support. Chad: It could be helpful, yeah. But, uh, you know, I also want you to meet my father. And maybe you'll see that he's not the Stefano DiMera everyone maligns and mistrusts. That he's the man who welcomed me into his family, a guy who cares for his kids and grandkids more than anyone I've ever known. Abby: Okay, sure. I would like to meet him. Chad: Yeah? [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: I don't understand. You are not happy about Chad moving in because of me? He's my son, for goodness' sake. He's a DiMera. Kate: Yes, that's exactly my concern. Stefano: I don't follow. Kate: You DiMeras are not only smart and witty and charming, you are also quite curious. Stefano: Look, Chad is a very bright and curious young man, yes. Which means to me that he is willing to respect any boundaries that I put up. Kate: Oh, now I see. He's just going to look the other way. Stefano: Well, if that's the way he's directed, yes. Besides, I don't see anything in our house that is in the least bit suspicious, okay? You worry about nothing, as always. Kate: God. Oh, I know. I'm married to Stefano DiMera and worry about nothing. Stefano: All right, look. The thing that is important now, the most important thing is that we make Chad feel welcome in our home, in our lives, hmm? Loved and respected. Kate: All right, fine. I'm going to do my very best to welcome him and to love him. Stefano: Good. Finally our family is living a normal life, and by God, I'm going to keep it that way. [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Obviously your priorities are in order. Your work is more important to you than our problems, resolving this problem in our marriage. Rafe 2: You know, it's like talking to a frickin' wall over here. Sami: Excuse me? Rafe 2: Yeah, yeah, it is, you know? I mean, don't you get it? The bad guys, they don't sleep, Sami. You know that. Sami: All right. All right, fine. Go have fun with your bad guys and we'll talk about this some other time. Maybe next week. Is next month okay? Maybe-- maybe next year. Maybe we'll wait until 2012. Rafe 2: Okay, I get it. I know that I have not been the world's greatest husband, and I'm sorry for that, but you need to understand that sometimes work does come first. I'm a cop. Isn't that what you do? You dedicate yourself, your life to making people safe? Sami: I know your work is important to you. You have made that clear from day one. Rafe 2: Really? Really? Do you know that? Because it seems to me like if you did, you wouldn't be dragging me on the other side of town for some frickin' relationship talk when you know that I have to operate some serious stakeout. Sami: I dragged you out here? Is that what you think? Rafe 2: See? Here we go. Sami: I brought you here because I thought this place would help you remember how important we were to each other. Rafe 2: Okay. Okay. I get it. Sami: You do? Rafe 2: Yeah, I do. This is a very special place, so I'll tell you what. Why don't we come here tomorrow, we'll have a picnic and I'll make love to you all day long if that's what you want. You know what? I'll feed you some grapes, I'll give you a nice little back rub, a massage. How's that sound? But right now I need to go and operate my 12-hour stakeout shift because it's not gonna operate itself. Sami: 12 hours? Rafe 2: Maybe longer. So don't wait up. Sami: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: You gotta help me. Why? Mama, what does she need help with? Oh, God. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: I love you so much and I've never felt it more than right now. I've never felt it more. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: Welcome to your new home, Chad. Chad: Thanks. Is it okay if my friend Abigail comes inside? Stefano: Of course. Any friend of yours is always welcome here. Mary, what are you doing? Mary: I'm sorry, Mr. DiMera. I was just making sure all the blood was scrubbed out from when miss Fay fell down the stairs. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Taylor. How's Mom? Taylor: She just woke up. Nicole: She did? Oh, uh, well, did she talk? Did she say anything? Taylor: Uh, only that she needed to help you. Nicole: What? Help me? Taylor: Yeah. She seemed really worried about you and I-I-I just--I couldn't get her to explain why. Nicole: Okay, well, I should go in there and tell her that I'm fine. Taylor: Yeah. EJ: You go on in. Nicole: Okay. EJ: Okay? Nicole: I'll be back. EJ: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: [Sighs] EJ: Look, just-- Taylor: Don't, don't. EJ: Taylor, about the-- Taylor: Don't, EJ! [SCENE_BREAK] McCarthy: Well, Detective Hernandez, glad you're back. I have updated printouts of all the latest area crime, so if you want to-- Rafe 2: Not now. I got a tip on a drug dealer holed up in a motel, so we'll stake the place out, try and nab the guy. McCarthy: Oh, not alone, you're not. Rafe 2: What? McCarthy: I'm going with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Caroline: Oh! [Chuckles] Hi. Sami: Grandma, how are the kids? Caroline: Oh, they're sound asleep and Will is out with Gabi. Sami: Well, thank you. Um, uh, I'll go check on them in a minute. Caroline: Okay. Everything okay? How's Fay Walker? Sami: She's good. She's gonna be okay, I think. It's Rafe I'm worried about. Caroline: No improvement? Sami: No. If anything, he is worse, Grandma. He is worse every day. Caroline: You want to talk about it? Sami: I found him in Fay's hospital room and he had the lamest excuse for being there. He said he was there for me. Caroline: For you? Sami: Weird, right? And then all these alarms went off, so we had to leave her room, but I swear, he-- Caroline: He--he what? Sami: He seemed like he was gonna smile the whole time we were in there. Caroline: Smile? That woman's had a terrible accident. Sami: Yeah. Maybe I'm imagining things. But when we talked about it-- Caroline: What happened? Sami: I confronted him and he threatened me. Caroline: Oh, God. In what way? Sami: Grandma, I swear to God, there was a moment--and I can't believe I'm gonna say this--but I swear, there was a moment when he was looking at me that I thought he wanted to kill me. Caroline: Sami. Sami: And he said that I'd be sorry if I didn't back off. Look, I know it's crazy. I know I'm over-reacting. I mean, I can--I hear it, I-- Caroline: Sami, you're always saying you're over-reacting but maybe you're not over-reacting. Maybe this accident has caused Rafe to become angry and vengeful. Sami: Look, it's so hard to be objective, but there's one thing I know for sure. I know I'm right about the thing with Johnny and how wrong it was for him to try to teach Johnny to be aggressive like that and fight other kids like that. I know I did the right thing, putting a stop to it, and I just wish to God that EJ hadn't found out about it. Caroline: Oh, great. Sami: And he said that he was worried about Rafe contaminating our kids and that if he felt there was a problem, he was gonna get involved. Like, great. The last thing I need. Caroline: I guess you're afraid that EJ's gonna use Rafe's behavior to demand full custody of the kids, huh? Sami: EJ said that he's worried that Rafe is a bad influence on my children and he's worried that he could corrupt them, and the thing is... Caroline: What? Sami: I agree with EJ. I think he's right about Rafe. [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: And that concludes the grand tour. Did you like your room? Chad: Yeah, it's great. I mean, it's huge. Abby: Like the rest of this house--estate--mansion-- whatever. Chad: Yeah, my bathroom, it's like the size of a studio apartment. Kate: Well, I'm going to leave you to get settled then. Chad: Wait a minute. We're not done yet. Kate: No? Chad: Yeah. There's something that I want to say to you. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Hey, Mom. Taylor said you were worried about me. Well, you don't have to be. And I don't need Taylor to help me. I don't need anyone's help, Mom. Not anymore. I know I used to be angry with you, and then I grew up. Well, I sort of grew up. And I only came to you when I needed money and you bailed me out of desperate situations. You were always there for me and you always gave me everything I wanted, even when I was horrible to you. And yet, you stood by me, no matter what. I guess that's what they mean by unconditional love. A mother's love. [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: Hey, I'm back. Taylor: I'm busy. EJ: You're surfing the internet. Taylor: Searching for an apartment. EJ: What? Taylor: In Chicago. EJ: Taylor, please. Taylor: I'm leaving town, EJ. I'm getting out of your life for good. EJ: You can't do that. Please, your mother needs you. Your sister needs you. I need you. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe 2: Because there's no point in the two of us staking out the motel. McCarthy: But I've got orders. Commander Brady wants two detectives covering stake-outs. We were briefed on it last week. Rafe 2: You're like a dog with a bone. McCarthy: I'm just going by the book, Detective Hernandez. Rafe 2: Okay. Book it is. We'll leave here in five. Grab a couple of two-way radios. [Sighs] Damn her. [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: Do you really want to have that conversation now? Abby: Look, I should be going anyway. Chad: No, no, no, no, no, no. It's okay for you to hear this too, okay? It was Kate who found my actual birth certificate. I wouldn't know my real dad or any of my real family. I wouldn't even be here right now if it weren't for you. So I just wanted to thank you, okay? And I'm hoping that we can get to know each other better, especially since we'll be living together. Kate: I'd like that too, and I appreciate you reaching out to me like this, I do. Stefano: [Applauding] Wonderful, wonderful. My wife and my son start anew and we'll love each other. [Chuckles] [Speaking Italian] Group hug, huh? Kate: [Laughs] Chad: Uh, you know, I really don't do those, so instead, you want to get the-- Stefano: Well, maybe you better learn to do those because our family is very expressive, right, Katherine? Kate: Oh, yes, indeed. Stefano: Aha! Heh heh, hey! Ha ha! Mwah! Ah! [Applauds] Well, that calls for a toast, hmm? Chad: Uh... Abby: Wow. Did those just appear out of nowhere? Stefano: Well, I'll tell you the truth, I was hoping that maybe--maybe Chad's brother and sister would be here, but in their absence, I would like to, uh, welcome the charming Miss Deveraux, hmm? All right, so, there you go. Kate: Thank you, my love. Stefano: [Exhales] We want to welcome you to your new home with open arms and open hearts. Salute. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe 2: McCarthy, you actually read these updates? McCarthy: Not yet. Rafe 2: Yeah, well, I did. We got an anonymous tip that that home invasion thief we've been looking for for months, he's gonna strike a certain house tonight. McCarthy: So? Rafe 2: So? You're all over that, huh? Stake the house, grab the perp, make the collar. McCarthy: Shouldn't we do that together, since this tip seems more solid? Rafe 2: We could do that. I could give up my stakeout. We could team up. But if we catch the thief, I'm getting all the credit, being the lead detective. Go and be the hero or lose the mark and that promotion that you've been wanting. You've got to think about your future, kid. McCarthy: Okay, I'll do it on, uh, one condition. Rafe 2: Yeah, what's that? McCarthy: From here on, you address me as McCarthy or Detective McCarthy. Deal? Rafe 2: Sure thing, hot stuff. I mean, Detective McCarthy. [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Caroline: So, is this it? Is it over between you and Rafe? Sami: [Sighs] Grandma, I know I promised to love him in sickness and in health, and I did not make that promise lightly. I know he had a head trauma from an accident that I caused. I know he's been diagnosed with hypoglycemia. Caroline: But? Sami: But I feel in my gut that he's not acting like this. He's not acting like someone I don't even recognize because of a head trauma or anything medical. Caroline: What are you saying? Sami: There's something else going on. I'm sure of it. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: I won't leave until my mom is able to go home, until she's all right, and then I'll come and visit her all the time. EJ: Taylor, please. Taylor: As far as Nicole needing me, I think that's a bit ridiculous, considering there were years that went by when we hardly even spoke. I think she'll survive my not living down the hall from her. EJ: Taylor, you are extremely important to her. Taylor: I think it's more important for her marriage to survive, don't you think? EJ: Taylor, please. Taylor: You have no say in this, damn it. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Mom, I was so scared when you told me you were sick, but having you move in with us was one of the best moments of my life. Being able to take care of you for once. And then having Taylor move in, too. It was so great and so comforting to have my mom and my sister back in my life. And EJ, he has been so wonderful to me and to my family. Mommy, I fell in love with him all over again. And he makes me so happy. Fay: [Moaning] EJ, no. EJ, no. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: It's a crutch, Grandma, don't you see? Every time he gets angry or every time he forgets something really important, he--he plays the victim. He blames the accident. Caroline: But, darling, what if it is the accident? Sami: It isn't. I know it isn't. I know in my gut, I know in my heart it isn't, so I just have to find out the real reason Rafe has been acting like this. And when I do, then I'll make a decision about our future. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe 2: [Chuckles] What? Holy frickin' jackpot. Oh, oh, oh. Look at that. Well, Fay Walker, you're about to be treated by the world- renowned Dr. Hernandez, whose specialty is death. [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: [Sighs] Taylor: [Laughs] And then there's you. Contrary to what you seem to think, EJ, I'm the last person you need to have around. In fact, you need me gone so that you can devote yourself to my sister and to your kids and to making a family for those kids, and I'm just gonna get in the way of that. EJ: Okay. Can I speak now? Taylor: No, you may not. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Mom. Fay: [Whimpering] Nicole: Mom, Mom, what is it? You said, "EJ." What about him? Fay: He--he--he--a secret. [Gasping] Nicole: Shh, shh, shh. Mom? [NEXT_ON] Vivian: He needs a mother figure now that he doesn't want anything to do with you. Taylor: Why did she get so scared? What is she afraid of? Rafe 2: Time to say good night. | He didn't care what she thought since they hardly know each other |
227 | Philip: Belle? [Sighs] Where'd you go now? Shawn D.: I was really hoping there would be a future for Mimi and me, but that's not up to me. If she can't get over the fact that she can't have another baby... Belle: And I don't see that ever happening. Shawn D.: ...Then we'll never be together. And I'll just have to accept that...the same way I have to accept the fact that you and I could never be together. Claire: [Cries] Belle: I should go get her, shouldn't I? All right, what do I need -- diapers? Shawn D.: I just changed her. Belle: Maybe I should get her a blanket. Shawn D.: Philip left one over here. It's okay. Belle: But she's not, and I don't know what I'm doing. Shawn D.: Calm down. Take a deep breath. I think this is the postpartum depression talking. You just need to get some rest, okay? Mimi and I can watch her tonight. You should go home, get a good night's sleep, and you'll feel better in the morning, okay? Good? All right, good. Take care of yourself, okay? Belle: I'll try. Hey. Shawn D.: Yeah? Belle: Thank you. Shawn D.: Anytime. Claire: [Cries] [SCENE_BREAK] Frankie: [Sighs] Hey. Here, take my chair. It's nice and warm. Jennifer: Oh, thank you. It is getting cold out here. Frankie: Yeah. Jennifer: Oh, gosh, did you want some hot chocolate? I'm sorry. Frankie: No, thanks. I think you need it more than I do. Jennifer: Yeah. You know, I remember when there wasn't a time in the world that a cup of Gram's hot chocolate couldn't fix a problem. And now... Frankie: How's Jack doing? Jennifer: Lexie's upstairs with him right now. Frankie: I'm sure she'll find no harm done. Jennifer: I told her about the books that Jack bought, and she's gonna try to talk him into trying some of the alternative remedies. Frankie: That's great. It sounds like Lexie's optimistic. Jennifer: Yeah. I wish everyone was. Frankie: Who we talking about now? Jennifer: I don't know, Frankie. You know, Jack -- he's not exactly a health nut, and I know that he said he's willing to try anything, but, I don't know, part of me doesn't believe him. I think he's saying that just to appease me -- really. Frankie: Well, can you blame him? He just wants to make sure you're okay, Jen. Jennifer: Frankie, I'll be okay when he's okay. Frankie: Jack's not the only thing you should be worrying about. You need to take care of yourself. Jennifer: I have the rest of my life to think about taking care of myself. What I am going through right now is nothing. It doesn't even compare to what Jack needs from me. Frankie: I disagree. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: [Sighs] [Knock on door] Uh... look, j-just a second. Uh, just a second. Uh, come on in. Lexie. Lexie: Hey. Jack: Coming into my bedroom. People are gonna talk. Lexie: Your wife called me to check on you. I hear you decided to take a jaunt to the bookstore in the middle of the night. Jack: I'm telling you -- 24-hour bookstores, doctors making house calls. I feel like I've already died and gone to heaven. Lexie: How you doing? Jack: You know, I'm okay. I mean, other than a little numbness in the arm, couldn't be better. Lexie: Shall we? Jack: Sure, but I think it fair to warn you that, you know, I am a married man. Lexie: Oh, Jack. [Chuckles] Jack: [Grunts] Lexie: All right. [Clears throat] You feel this? Jack: No. Lexie: Okay, how about here? Jack: No. Lexie: Here? Jack: No. Lexie: Okay, what do you feel here? Jack: I'm feeling like we're wasting our time. I mean, other than the fact that I'm left-handed and I can't really use my left hand very well... what I need to know is how much longer will this numbness last until the pain comes back? Lexie: Jack, I wish I had better news, but your condition has worsened even since the last time I saw you. [SCENE_BREAK] Alex: Can you authenticate some information and fax it to me right away? Yes. Thank you. It'll prevent a patient of mine from making a terrible mistake. Marlena: John... do you -- do you love Kate? I -- I do think I deserve to know. John: Yes, you do. I love Kate... and a part of me always will. Marlena: Well -- well, then, I don't understand how you can pledge your undying love to me, and then in almost the same breath, you can say that you still...have very strong feelings for somebody else. John: As much as I loved... love Kate... my heart and soul will always be with you. You -- you need to understand -- it's like it is with...with you and Roman. You'll always have feelings for each other, but your future -- our future is destined to be spent together. And I want you in my life now and forever. [SCENE_BREAK] Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: Jack is fighting for his life. Frankie: Yes, but that doesn't mean you should discount what you're going through. You need to take care of yourself, get some rest. Jennifer: Rest?! How am I supposed to rest? Will you tell me that? Frankie: I'm sorry. Look, I didn't mean to upset you. Jennifer: I know you didn't. I know you're trying to help. But it is so hard to see Jack, knowing what is happening to him, Frankie. But I am not going to give up until he gets better and he will get better. I know you think I'm crazy. I know you do. Frankie: No, I don't. Hope is a good thing. I just don't want to see you get your hopes up too high, that's all. Jack buying a few books doesn't mean he's cured. Jennifer: Frankie, don't you think I know that? As much as I hope against hope, as much as I pray to God each and every night, every single morning, my husband is dying, and there is nothing that I can do about it. [Voice breaking ] I am really gonna lose my husband this t aren't I? Frankie: I'm afraid so. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Lexie, you're not telling me anything I haven't already heard. Lexie: Okay, look, um, I know we talked before about a possible course for your illness, but it's progressing very quickly now. In addition to loss of mobility, I'm afraid you're going to begin experiencing a great deal more pain. Jack: Wait a minute, wait a minute. If I can't feel anything, then I shouldn't be able to feel the pain either, right? Lexie: Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way, Jack. I wish it did. Look, it's not a perfect solution, but I phoned in a prescription, and it'll help manage some of the pain. Jack: No, no, I don't want any more painkillers. No more prescriptions. Thank you. Lexie: Jack... you've made such a big deal about your rights as a patient -- as for confidentiality, for doing things your own way. Okay, well, it's also your right to face the end of your life with as little pain as possible. Jack: Well, I intend to. I can have as little pain as possible for the entire family. Lexie: Jack -- Jack: Wait a minute. You told me that medication can't really help manage my pain, right? Lexie: Well -- Jack: So then why bother? Why -- why give up on the ability to think to the end? Because at the end, that's when I really do need to think -- when I'm saying goodbye. Of course I'm gonna have a little bit of help from this puppy right here. Lexie: Oh, yeah, Jennifer told me about th-- Jack: [Clears throat] Lexie: No, she didn't. Jennifer doesn't know about this, does she? Jack, I can't believe you're still considering suicide! Jack: I'm not considering suicide. Lexie: But then why are you reading this book? Jack: I am deciding on suicide. Family's never gonna know about it, and I'm gonna die knowing I wasn't a burden to anybody. Lexie: [Scoffs] Jack: So I hope you don't have any plans to share any of this with Jennifer, because you're not. Lexie: Okay, look, doctor/patient confidentiality or not, Jack, I can't let you do this. I will not. [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: [Sighs] Alex: Oh, now, isn't that reassuring? He says that he still loves you. You can't tell me that isn't what you want to hear. Once Marlena divorces John, he's yours for the taking. Kate: If you believe that, you need a shrink. Alex: Why are you fighting me? He loves you, you love him. Don't you deserve some happiness? Kate: Oh, god, just go to hell, all right? Alex: Kate, if we work together, we can ensure that everyone gets what they want. Kate: [Chuckles] You are foolish if you believe anyone can come between Marlena and John. [SCENE_BREAK] Marlena: I know that we shared a life and children. I don't remember that. I just have to go on what I do know. John: I wouldn't expect anything else. But the fact is, as long as North is living in your house and putting ideas in your head, you are never gonna find the certainty you need.. Marlena: Look, I know we keep talking about this, and I know you don't believe it, but Alex does help me. John: No. He's helping himself... Marlena: [Sighs] John: ...To your home, to your life. Please don't listen to him. Hell, you don't even have to listen to me. All you gotta do is look around. Look at the daughter we raised, the home that we shared, our life together. You look at that, and you will realize that what we had is very special. Marlena: I'd like to believe that. I'm just not sure that I do. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: Hey, there you are. I was worried about you. Belle: I went across the hall to Shawn's. Philip: Oh, did you? That's what I figured. Belle: Then why were you worried? Philip: 'Cause that's my job, just like it's your job to worry about Claire, right? Belle: What's that supposed to mean? Philip: Nothing, sweetie, nothing. How is she? Did you get to hold her? Belle: She was asleep the whole time. Philip: Nice. I am so glad that they watched her tonight. Belle: Yeah. All I could think about was how glad I was that she was over there, how glad I was that she was gone so that I wouldn't have to deal with her. See? What kind of mother thinks like that? Philip: A great mother that's going through a tough time. Postpartum depression makes you think a lot of things, honey. Belle: [Chuckles] So, nothing that I feel is real, right? So then how do I know I even love my own baby? Philip: Belle, you love your baby. Love her. Even if it doesn't feel that way right now, you love her. You know, you were over there for kind of a long time. Is everything else okay? Belle: Well, apparently, Mimi's having a hard time with the baby, too, so she took off. Philip: Oh, I didn't even think about that. I feel horrible. I should have known she would have had a tough time around the baby. Belle: It's not your fault. They're the ones that offered. Philip: Well, Shawn offered. I hope Mimi's not upset with him. It's just what they need to worry about right now. It's too soon in their relationship to be concerned with things like this. Belle: [Chuckles] Actually, it's too late. According to Shawn, he and Mimi don't have a relationship and they never will. [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn D.: Aw, doggone it! Stupid pipe! Claire: [Cries] Shawn D.: Sorry, Claire, I'll be there in one second, just gotta tighten the pipe down. [Grunts] Mimi, what are you -- where'd you come from? Mimi: Don't worry. Everything's fine. Isn't it, baby Claire? [SCENE_BREAK] Frankie: I -- I'm sorry I said that. Jennifer: It's okay. It's okay. Don't be. You know, I've just been so caught up in thinking if Jack eats the right thing and he tries all these alternative treatments that he'll get better and if I pray hard enough and if I want it badly enough... and the truth is that I'm just having a really hard time accepting the fact that my husband is dying, Frankie. Frankie: What you're feeling is normal. Jennifer: What is "normal," Frankie? This is Salem. My husband beat Hodgkin's Disease, then Tony DiMera faked his death twice. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, like there's gotta be something more, like it was a trick and he was misdiagnosed. But it's not, is it? It's not a trick, is it? Frankie: I'm just sorry you have to go through this again. It's wrong. Jennifer: Well, third time's a charm, right? I sound like Jack. And when I imagine what it's gonna be like when he's gone, oh, my gosh, Frankie, I feel like I'm falling, like when I was in that terrible accident with J.T. and we were hanging over this cliff and we were looking out into blackness. Only this time, Jack's not gonna be there to pull me back up... will he? Frankie: I will. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Uh, look... I'm not going to run to Jennifer and tell her that you want to commit suicide. Jack: Good. Lexie: But it doesn't mean I'm not gonna try to talk you out of it. Jack: All right, give it your best shot. Talk to me. I'm still dying, aren't I? Lexie: Jack! Jack: Look, you've told me everything there is to say. I'm gonna need 24-hour care. I'm gonna lose motor skills and muscular function. I'm gonna be in extraordinary amounts of pain. But still, I would do something. I would do anything if it would just give me one day, two days with my wife and family. Lexie: Good, then do it! Fight this! Jack: I'm not gonna be that selfish. I won't be selfish. I will not put them through two or four days of sitting there, helpless, suffering, watching me wither away. I won't do that to them. That would kill me faster than any disease. I wish you would understand that. Do you? Lexie: Yeah. Jack: Good. Because as my doctor and my friend, I need to ask you a favor now. And I don't think you're gonna like it. [SCENE_BREAK] John: So, what's stopping you from believing me? Is it Alex? Marlena: I just have so many questions about my past, and when I -- when I try to find answers, it's just -- it's all a haze. I do believe that you loved me. I just don't know... I just don't know if, when you thought I was dead... if you laid me to rest and moved on with Kate. John: I never did anything without you in my heart. Marlena: I don't know what to believe. I don't have any memories to fall back on. Look, if I just had some -- I don't know -- some sort of a proof that...that you still loved me when you were in love with Kate. John: [Sighs] Marlena: I'm afraid without that, I'm just not sure that I can take your word over Alex's. Alex: I'm glad to hear you're reserving judgment, because I have the proof you're looking for. John's been lying to you. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: I don't understand. Why are Shawn and Mimi not getting along? Just two hours ago, I saw -- Belle: They're getting along fine. Philip: Okay, good. So, what's the problem? Belle: Mimi's abortion. She can't give Shawn kids of his own. Philip: So what? They're just gonna call it quits? It's not like that's news. Belle: I guess watching Claire really brought it home for Mimi, and now she doesn't think they belong together. Philip: That's ridiculous. Look, I'm sorry, but don't you think they're getting ahead of themselves a little bit? It's not like they're getting married. Not yet, anyway. And just because Mimi can't have babies doesn't mean they can't adopt down the road. It doesn't make any sense to me. Why can't she understand that what's in the past is over? They're just gonna give up? Belle: I don't know. I think it's kind of weird, too, but it's probably for the best. Philip: What do you mean "it's for the best"? Why would you say that? Belle: Oh, come on. Philip, it is so obvious that Shawn and Mimi do not belong together. Philip: Wow. Honey, I love you, but you're dead wrong. [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn D.: Are you okay? Mimi: I'm fine. I didn't hit my head on the floor when I fainted before, if that's what you're worried about. Shawn D.: No, I was just surprised to see you here, that's all. Mimi: With the baby. You're not the only one. Shawn D.: What happened? Mimi: Shawn, when I left here, I went to St. Luke's, and Father Jansen was there and... well, Father Jansen was there and I confessed to him and he gave me absolution. Shawn D.: That's great. I'm just glad to see that you're doing better. Mimi: Yeah, well, I wasn't at first. Um, it wasn't good enough for me, actually. God could forgive me, but I couldn't forgive myself. I mean, how crazy is that? Shawn D.: Um, not crazy at all. Mimi: So I realized that I just needed to forgive myself, accept what I did, and move on. Shawn D.: That sounds great. I'm happy for you, and you seem happier and more at peace. Mimi: Yeah, 'cause it was killing me not being able to hold this baby. I wouldn't allow myself the pleasure of nurturing this perfect little life. Now that I know that I'm not doomed forever, I can finally hold her and love her, and it feels really, really good. [Chuckles] [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Jack, I want you to listen to me very carefully. There is no way that I'll ever be a party to you committing suicide. Jack: Dial it down, doc. I'm not asking you to do anything unethical. Hey, hey, would I lie to you? Don't answer that. Look, all I'm asking is that you keep a few simple facts from Jennifer. Lexie: No, you want me to lie to Jennifer. Jack: No, no, no, no. No, no lying, no lying. I just -- I just... let's keep it simple. In the end, would you please not conduct an autopsy? Lexie: Jack, that is not my choice. You know, you have to talk to Jennifer about that, Jack. As a matter of fact, you need to talk to Jennifer about everything. Jack: Wait, wait, wait. Let's just say for a moment -- just for a moment, let's pretend that I have no intention of letting my wife know what is about to happen. And let's just say -- let's pretend that she demands an autopsy. Please. Promise me right now that you won't tell her how I really died. Let's consider it an extension of the doctor/patient confidentiality clause. What do you say? Lexie: [Scoffs] Look, let's -- let's just hope it never comes to that, okay? Jack: All right, all right, let's hope. There's always hope. Lexie: Yeah, uh, look, in the meantime, I called in a prescription, just in case, and I want you to call me anytime day or night, as your doctor, as your friend. Jack: As my doctor, I'm telling you I'm not gonna take that prescription.. But as my friend, I'm telling you I will call. Lexie: Okay. Jack: I will. Lexie: Okay. [Sniffles] Promise me that you won't do anything stupid. Jack: Hey, you know me. Lexie: Yeah, that's what worries me. Jack: [Chuckles] Right. Lexie: Yeah, well, listen, I expect to see you soon, okay? Jack: And you will. Lexie: Okay. Jack: You will. And guess what? Feeling's coming back already. [Chuckles] I'll see ya. [Inhales deeply] No, Lexie, I won't do anything stupid, but I will do whatever it takes to protect Jennifer and my family. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: Are you saying that you'll stay? I mean, I wouldn't even ask you, but will you? Frankie: Where else would I be but with you? Jennifer: Frankie, you have been so amazing to me and Jack. You really have been. And I know Jack. He will be so grateful that you're gonna stay here and help us. And, you know, it just makes me laugh because when Jack and I weren't together, there were some men around me, and, well, let's just say Jack wasn't happy about it. I mean, you see the way he treats Patrick. Patrick delivered our son, Frankie. But with you, it's different. Jack is different.. It's almost like he handpicked you to take his place. Frankie: He did. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Why don't you give it up, North? You don't have any proof that I stopped loving Marlena when she was gone because God knows that it wasn't true. Alex: Well, forgive me, but when you married Marlena, didn't you vow to love her until you died, or was that just for the first month or two after she left? That's so hard to keep straight. I see. And as I've seen, you're obviously prone to making all sorts of meaningless vows. You once made some priestly vows, too, didn't you? Kate: John, John... Alex: You obviously are a man of action, and it is actions that speak louder than words. Marlena: You said you had some proof. Alex: I certainly do. As these documents show, not only did John have you declared legally dead within the first few months after your alleged death, but he also signed over your life insurance policy to none other than Kate Roberts, his bride-to-be. Can you deny either of those? John: No, I can't. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: Of course they belong together. Shawn and Mimi have been friends forever. And if she's still having trouble with the abortion, then she needs someone exactly like Shawn to help her come to terms with it. Belle: And he will, but only as a friend. Philip: [Sighs] As a friend? That's...that's how it always starts, isn't it? Look at us. We were friends. Then we move in together, fall in love, have a baby. I think that worked out pretty good, wouldn't you say? Belle: Yeah, I wouldn't count on it. I mean Shawn and Mimi. Philip: Belle, do you want them to be happy? Belle: Of course I do. I just don't think that it's really any of our business, and I don't think that we should be trying to push them together when I honestly don't think that they'll be happy together. Philip: Who else in the world could they possibly be happier with? Exactly. All right? So I just think that it's our responsibility as their closest friends to make sure that they give it a try. Belle: No. Philip: Belle, what harm could possibly come from giving them a little nudge? Belle: A lot. I don't think that we should pressure Mimi into anything. It's just gonna make her feel worse. It won't work. Believe me. I know her better than anybody else. She is never gonna get over having this abortion, and she's never gonna get over losing Rex. [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn D.: You say that you've forgiven yourself for the abortion, but are you sure you're okay? Mimi: Yeah, these are -- these are happy tears. Shawn D.: All right, well, those are allowed, I just -- I can't believe how different you are 'cause this guilt has been weighing on you for months. Mimi: Tell me about it. Shawn D.: And now, in the span of, what, an hour? Mimi: I am here holding baby Claire. Shawn D.: I know, so what changed your mind? Mimi: Oh, man, Shawn, I don't know how to explain it. I was there in the church. And it's like something just snapped, and I found this clarity about everything. I'll always mourn that baby, but now, with God's help, at least I know I can move on with my life. Shawn D.: Wow, we should have gotten you to that church earlier. Mimi: [Laughs] Believe me, I am thanking God, but I also owe a lot to you. Shawn D.: To me? Why? What did I do? Mimi: Because you've been there for me every step of the way, telling me over and over again that I should stop being so hard on myself and if you hadn't done that, it might have not clicked with me. And you've definitely shown me that there can be somebody after Rex. Shawn D.: Somebody after Rex? What do you mean? Me? Mimi: [Laughs] [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: [Sighs] Look, I know you feel bad about what Mimi's been going through, but sooner or later, she's going to come to terms with it, just like you will with your postpartum depression. You're gonna feel better, I promise. And until then, all we can do is support our friends just like they've been there for us. Belle: Why are you so fixated on this? Philip: Why am I so fixated on this?! They're our friends. I thought you cared about them as much as I do. Belle: Of course I do, which is why I think it's a mistake for Shawn to end up with Mimi. Philip: You think it's a mistake for Shawn, period. Belle: That's not what I meant. Philip: That's exactly what you meant. You know, the reason this keeps coming up is because every once in a while, it seems like you don't want Shawn to end up with anyone. [SCENE_BREAK] Mimi: So you still want to date me, even after I freaked out on you and everything? Shawn D.: Oh, yeah, you know, now that you mention it, never mind. Mimi: [Laughs] Okay, I get it. I'm gonna stop being so hard on myself. Shawn D.: I figured you would one of these days. Mimi: Gee, thanks. Shawn D.: So... Mimi: So...yeah. If it's all right with you, I would really like to try things again. Shawn D.: Oh, if it's all right with me? Hell, yeah. Mimi: [Chuckles] Shawn D.: You know, I should, um, probably go finish fixing the leaky pipe, you know, earn my keep around here. You gonna be okay with the baby? All right. [SCENE_BREAK] Frankie: [Clears throat] Jennifer: Frankie, what are you saying? Are you saying that Jack literally handpicked you to take his place? Frankie: I meant -- I meant he asked me to look after you once he was gone. Jennifer: Wow. He really has thought of everything, hasn't he? Frankie: That's all he's thought about. He just -- he just wants to make sure that you and the kids have someone that you can rely on, and he knows that I'm no threat, so... you know, I would have never thought in a million years that I would be here right now with you. It just goes to show you -- everything comes around, full circle. Jennifer: Hm. [Sniffles] Lucky you. Stuck with a mess like me. Frankie: You're perfect. Jennifer: You're a great friend. You're a liar, but you're a great friend. And I can't tell you how grateful I am that you're gonna be sticking around here. Frankie: Don't you know that there's nothing I wouldn't do for you? Jack: [Sighs] Yeah, everything's finally falling into place. [Gasping] [ Straining] And not a moment too soon. [Panting, coughing] Yes, I see my time is finally up. [SCENE_BREAK] John: [Sighs] Marlena: So it turns out Alex was right. John: No, Alex is not right. Will you let me explain? Listen, I'm not gonna deny that I had you declared legally dead, but as far as any of us knew, you'd been lost at sea, and I'll never forget the moment that you strapped me onto that raft instead of saving yourself. All I could do was lie there and watch the ocean sweep you away, and there wasn't a damn thing that I could do about it. Alex: How very, very touching, John. Only, it seems that you were quite eager to put Marlena behind you when you returned to Salem. John: You know, I had to deal with the facts. And the facts are, you weren't the only one -- Jack Deveraux, Caroline Brady, Victor Kiriakis, all presumed dead. Alex: You forgot Roman Brady. I mean, how convenient for you both that your spouses were declared dead? John: The Coast Guard presented us with your bloody clothes. Subsequent DNA testing confirmed our worst fears. What the hell was I supposed to think? But all you need to know is if I thought for a second that you were alive, I would have gone to hell and back to try to find you. Alex: Then explain the life insurance policy -- how you gave your wife's money to another woman. John: The reason Kate's name is on the back of that canceled check is because she runs my company. Now, the money went to Basic Black in an offshore trust fund for your children, Marlena -- Belle, Sami, Eric -- and I'll be glad to bring in my attorney, Mr. Burns, and he'll verify every word I said is true. Alex: Well, that's very nice, John, but you're still sidestepping the issue. I mean, not only did you have Marlena declared dead according to the law, but in your heart, as well.. Now, the proof lies in the fact that as soon as you came home from the hospital, you had Kate move into Marlena's house, sleep in her bed! Kate: Oh, wait a minute. There was a reason for that. Marlena: I'm sure there was. I'm sure you fell in love with him. And then he proposed. John: Well, now, that was only after... Marlena: After I was declared dead. I really understand that. I don't quite understand why you're here. John: Yes, you do. I made a vow...to love you until I die, and that's what I'm gonna do. Marlena: Well, then you have lived up to your vows. You were faithful and honorable to me until you believed that I was dead. You owe me nothing at all. That being the case, with whom would you like to spend the rest of your life... w-with Kate or with me? [SCENE_BREAK] Billie: You are delusional if you think my brother is still interested in you. [SCENE_BREAK] Alex: The only one who can love and cherish you the way you should be cared for is me. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: If there was anyone who could help Belle with her postpartum depression, it would be Mimi. [SCENE_BREAK] Mimi: Belle, I want to apologize. | Frankie and Jennifer talk about Jack and how Jennifer is coping while Jack asks Lexie to avoid telling Jennifer about how he really died once the time comes |
228 | Kendall: I can't find my keys. Cara: Oh. Here, roomie. Kendall: Thanks. Cara: Where are you going? Kendall: It's my first day back at Fusion. I can't walk. Cara: You do have that appointment with Griff, though? Kendall: Yeah. I will stop at the hospital on my way. Cara: Ok. How you feeling? Kendall: Good. Yeah. Cara: Ok. No heart palpitations? Shortness of breath? Weakness? Kendall: Just first-day jitters. I just want to get to the office and dive in. Cara: Ok -- after your checkup. Kendall: After my checkup. Got it. Cara: All right. Have fun, ok? Kendall: Thank you. I will. I can do this. Everything will be ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Jake: Anemia. Uh-uh-uh. David: Yep, that's right. Still think I faked the test results? Jake: It's not impossible. David: As brilliant as I am, I'm still chained to this bed. Ergo, the results are legitimate. Jake: Do you know what I'm thinking? Let's take all the tests again. David: And why would you want to do that, Doctor? So you can tamper with them? Make it look as if I'm fit enough to go to prison even if it kills me? Griffin: You wouldn't do that, would you? [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: Is this for me? Ryan: Yes, it's for you. I hope you're hungry. Greenlee: I'm starving, but I can't be late. Ryan: No, this is Kendall's first day back. You need your strength, ok? I want you to eat. Greenlee: I don't know who's more excited, Kendall or me. Ryan: I thought maybe I'd meet you for lunch, and then at dinner, maybe we'd go to the club and have a nice -- Greenlee: Wait a minute. Slow down. What's with all the plans? Ryan: Nothing. I just thought we should have our fun before we're an official married couple. That's all. Greenlee: Or you're trying to keep my mind off David avoiding prison. Ryan: David is going to prison, whether he likes it or not. Greenlee: Somebody has a plan. Ryan: You just focus on your yogurt, ok, and eating a good breakfast -- and Fusion. Greenlee: Hmm. Sounds like a good one. But whatever it is, I want to help. I mean it, Ryan. If you have a way to get David out of that hospital bed and into prison, I want in. Ryan: No plan -- yet. Greenlee: I knew it. I knew it. There is no way that you would sit back and do nothing. Ryan: I will let you know. Greenlee: Tell me now, or I'll torture it out of you. Ryan: As tempting as that sounds, you just drink your coffee, ok? Greenlee: Don't change the subject. Ryan: Fine. My plan for today is to get my bride-to-be the perfect wedding gift. [SCENE_BREAK] David: Dr. Castillo, you came in here just in time to be my witness. I believe Dr. Martin here might be planning to tamper with my test results. Jake: Dr. Castillo, you are more than welcome to watch me retake Dr. Hayward's blood tests. Griffin: I don't think that's necessary. Dr. Martin has an excellent reputation. Jake: Dr. Martin does have an excellent reputation. I just read that in the men's room. It's on the wall. Griffin: I believe he'll make the right decision. Jake: Thank you. That's very sweet of you. David: I know you're new around here, but let me fill you in on a not-such-a- big secret. This man hates my guts. Griffin: From what I hear, he has good reason. Jake: You know what's not such a big secret? I'm still in the room, Dave. I can hear everything you're saying. David: Are you really siding with him? Griffin: Our job is to get you better as soon as possible. David: Even if it means I go to prison? Griffin: As soon as you get healthy, that's out of our hands. Jake: Dave, I'd start hoarding my pudding if I were you, because compared to the state pen, the food around here is five-star. I'm out. David: I really could've used some support there, you know. The results are legit. There's no reason to retest me. Griffin: It's Jake's call. Look, I don't want to see you go to prison. If I had it my way, I'd have you back on staff doing what you do best. David: Really? Then why don't you help me out here? Let me prove you wrong. Griffin: I respect you, but I respect what you taught me more: Don't get emotionally involved with a patient. No Kendall. Why am I not surprised? [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: You can do this. You are the best at this. There is nobody better than you. Greenlee: Kendall. Kendall: I'm back. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalia: Hey, what you saying? Ohh. I cannot believe -- I can't believe I put this off for so long. God, and I was so nervous. But this is so much fun. Heh heh heh! And you, you're the best. Brot: I'm your only. Natalia: Yeah. It still makes you the best. Brot: You inspired me. But, unfortunately, we have to clock in for our shift soon, so we should probably get moving. Natalia: Right. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: So the herbal tea is from Mama, the audio book is from Krystal, and check this out. This one's from me: Sudoku. Ha ha! Look. It's even in Braille. You need a fun fact? Sudoku was created by a blind mathematician in the 18th century. It says so right there. Angela still does this, right? Jesse: Yeah. She can't start a day without one. Tad: Awesome. Oh. Last but not least, her favorite chocolate. Jesse: Oh, yeah! Nice! Tad: What the hell you doing? She's on bed rest, not you. Get your own damn chocolate. Jesse: Don't be hating. Come on, man. Let me have one chocolate. Tad: One. What the hell. Give me one of those. How is she, anyway? Jesse: You know her. She barely likes to sit down. Having been ordered to bed rest is driving her nuts. You all right? But she knows what's best for the baby, so she's doing it. Tad: Good on her. Jesse: Mm-hmm. How you doing? Tad: Fine. I'm ok. Great. Jesse: Except you miss the hell out of your boy, huh? Tad: Give me another damn chocolate. Jesse: Yeah, long distance sucks. I just got back from seeing Angela, and I want to hop on the next jet out. Tad: Yeah. At least she's got Cassandra. Jesse: There are some people I could just drop-kick across the big pond. Tad: Who's the suit? Jesse: The new commissioner, mayor's hired gun. He's out for me. Tad: Lovely. Commissioner: Chief Hubbard. Jesse: Commissioner Bennet. Tad: I'll go replace the chocolate. Jesse: Hmm. What can I do for you, commissioner? Comm. Bennet: I had an interesting talk with the mayor. Jesse: She's good for that sometimes. Comm. Bennet: Are you aware that your daughter and Officer Monroe are, once again, flouting city policy in a hotel room? Jesse: And you're having them followed? You've got nothing better to do? Comm. Bennet: You were supposed to handle this. Jesse: So let me handle it. And back off my officers, please? Comm. Bennet: "Officer," singular, because you're going to fire one of them. Jesse: Commissioner. Comm. Bennet: You know that's the policy. So who's it going to be? Officer Monroe or Detective Fowler? Jesse: Commissioner Bennet, the mayor is out after me. Right? We know that. Back off my officers, please. Come on. Comm. Bennett: You have until the end of business tomorrow. One of them goes, or you do. [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: Sit down, both of you, please. Natalia: Ahem. Jesse: That was me trying to call in a favor from Councilman Hurren. Natalia: What's Mayor Blanco doing to you this time? Jesse: Actually, not me, you -- and you. Brot: Is this about us seeing each other? Jesse: Did you two spend the morning in a hotel room? Yeah. The mayor's poodle couldn't wait to tell me all about it -- Commissioner Bennet! Brot: Sorry, Chief. Natalia: Ohh. It was my idea. Jesse: Hey. Yeah, he is mayor's hired gun. He wants me to fire one of you. Natalia: He can't do that. Jesse: Don't sweat it. It's not gonna happen. You are two of my best, and I still have a long list of favors to call in. Natalia: I'm so sorry to put you in this position. Jesse: Shut it. You have finally found one hell of a man. And I don't have to tell you what you found, do I? Brot: No, sir, you don't. Jesse: Don't do that here! What, are you stupid? Look, I support you 100% on and off duty, but come on! I'll make this work somehow. Natalia: But you could get squeezed out. Jesse: I will make this work somehow. Go do something. Let me handle this. Now! [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: Sounds serious. Jake: Tad, I have a drug problem. Tad: Jake. Jake: No, not me. I got a problem with drugs, and prescriptions are going missing, and somebody is obviously helping himself. Tad: Or herself. Jake: Yes, or herself. I talked to Angie. She wants me to deal with this internally because, apparently, the hospital is dealing with sort of a fallout since Hayward was in control. So she wants this whole thing sort of -- Tad: Oh. You're hiring me? Jake: I called the best P.I. in the business -- and since he wasn't available, you're gonna have to do. I don't know if the whole undercover thing is gonna work out because everybody knows this face. Everybody knows what brother got the looks, so we'd have to do it aboveboard and sort of out in the open. Are you ok with that? Tad: I don't know. Besides the insults, have you got someplace for me to start? Jake: Yes, I do. I got this from Human Resources, right? This is the supply manager. His name is Alex Mopley or Mopely or whatever. I don't know if he's guilty. I'm not saying that. I'm just figuring it's a good place to start. Tad: Ok. I'm on it. Jake: Good. You need to bring in somebody else? Tad: No. You know me. I like to work alone. Jake: Yes, I've always known that about you. Tad: So let me ask about Hayward. Jake: Yes, Hayward. I have never wanted somebody to get better faster in my whole life. [SCENE_BREAK] Cara: Hey. Here you go. Morning. Griffin: Good morning. Cara: How did Kendall's checkup go? Griffin: She never showed. Cara: Wow. Because I spoke to her this morning. She said she was on her way over here. So she must've gone straight to the office, then, huh? Hmm. Griffin: You didn't encourage her to -- Cara: No. Of course not. Griffin: Because you have this whole "no one tells me what to do" kind of thing going. Cara: For me, but not when it comes to somebody else's life. You know this. Come on. Griffin: I've had women fake heart conditions to be examined by me. Now I have this woman who has a real heart condition, and I can't even get her to come in for an exam. Cara: It's a major blow to the ego. Griffin: My ego can take it, but her heart -- I don't know what's up with Kendall, but if she has a death wish, I'm not gonna be the doctor of record. Cara: Hmm. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you actually care about her. Griffin: I don't like wasting my time. Ryan: I'm sorry to interrupt. Is it true that Hayward is not going to prison because of some kind of health issue? Griffin: It's not my call. You have to ask Dr. Martin. Ryan: Ok. Thank you. David: Lavery. Don't you want to welcome me back to the land of the living? Ryan: Why not? [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: You totally screwed up your big welcome by showing up early. Kendall: I said I didn't want anyone making a big deal about me being back. Greenlee: I know what you said, but it is a big deal. Kendall: Yeah. Greenlee: So I thought you had a doctor's appointment. Kendall: Like I said, I couldn't wait to be here. Greenlee: Neither could I. It's a big day. We got back-to-back meetings with new suppliers, the designer for the new line. I could cover the meetings if you're, you know -- Kendall: I'm not up to it? Greenlee: No. Of course, you're up to it. You wouldn't be here if you weren't up to it, right? Kendall: Right. Greenlee: So, good. I'll get you the files, get you up to speed. Fusion is not where I'd like it to be. We really took some hits in the last couple of quarters. Kendall: We'll bring her back. We've done it before. Greenlee: Yeah, we have. I'm really, really, really glad that you're back. Kendall: It feels good. It feels great, actually. Ahh. Actually, you know what? I'm gonna get some coffee. Greenlee: You sit. I'll get it. Kendall: Greenlee -- Greenlee: I'm going back there anyway. Kendall: I know what you're doing. Greenlee: What? Getting my partner some coffee? Kendall: No. You're watching my every move. You're waiting for some clue or some sign that something's wrong, that I'm not ready to be here. Greenlee: That's not what I'm doing. Kendall: Yes, it is. Greenlee: Ok. I'm sorry. It's just that the last time you came back to work, it was tense. I want you to know how glad I am that you're back. This is our company. I want us to run it together. Kendall: Yes, that's what I want. It is. But all I'm asking for is no hovering. Ok? If you hover, people will notice. They'll think something is wrong with me. They'll start whispering behind my back and tiptoeing around me, questioning my decisions. If this is going to work at all, I need to know that everyone has complete confidence in my ability to do my job. Greenlee: We know. Kendall: Ok. Sorry. I know that I can vent all over you, and you understand. Greenlee: I'll take that as a compliment. And next time, I'll wear Kevlar. Kendall: Ok. You can get me that coffee now. Greenlee: Get it yourself. Randi: What are you doing here? Kendall: I work here. Randi: I know, but I was supposed to have this up before you got in. Welcome back. Kendall: Aw, thank you. Madison: I hope you're hungry for cupcakes. Kendall: Always. Yes. Are you kidding me? Look at this. Greenlee: Hi. I need to speak to a Dr. Griffin Castillo. [SCENE_BREAK] Brot: Damn. Natalia: I know my dad. He's not gonna fire either of us. Blanco will take him out instead, which is exactly what she wants. Brot: Yeah. Here's the deal. The mayor can throw everything she's got, but she's not gonna mess us up. I waited too long for this, for you, and I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you, Natalia. I love you. Natalia: I love you, too. Detective: Fowler? Some uniforms cornered your favorite pusher behind the high school. Natalia: Let's go get this lowlife. Let's do it. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: These are last quarter's numbers, which we all know weren't great, and this quarter's projections factoring in the new launch. Kendall: Hmm. Greenlee: What? Kendall: Well, it looks kind of optimistic, given what we're digging out of. Greenlee: We can hit the target. Kendall: Ok. It'll take aggressive marketing, which lowers the profit margin. Greenlee: It's a good thing we're aggressive. Griffin: There she is. Kendall: Excuse me. What are you doing here? Griffin: It's a nice place. You have anything for dark circles? Kendall: We're in the middle of something. Griffin: You're supposed to be in the middle of something with me. Kendall: I'll stop by later. Griffin: Now is good. Kendall: Later. Excuse me. Sorry. Ok. Where were we? Randi: Who is that? Kendall: Nobody. Randi: A very hot "nobody." Madison: Kendall's heart doctor. Kendall: All right. Ok. So, marketing -- aggressive does mean expensive. Greenlee: No, I don't think it has to be. We can go guerilla like the old days with Simone, with a twist. Kendall: Viral? Greenlee: Exactly. We blanket all the social-networking outlets. Randi: He's still here. Kendall: Don't look at him. Ok. You know what we could do? E-mail blasts. We could hook up with other sites. It could work. What? What? Excuse me. Griffin: Ahem. Kendall: I am trying to do my job here. Griffin: So am I. So you have two choices. You either come back to the hospital with me, or you take off your clothes, and I examine you right here. [SCENE_BREAK] Madison: Kendall really likes the idea of a virtual campaign. Greenlee: Why don't you let Kendall speak for herself? Madison: We discussed it last week. Greenlee: Well, "we" haven't. Randi: Ok. How is this gonna work? Greenlee: How's what gonna work? Randi: Madison is having your fiancé's baby. Are we all ok with that? [SCENE_BREAK] David: I'm kind of surprised you haven't stopped by to see me sooner. Ryan: It's been on my mind, it really has, but I've been busy with the wedding and the honeymoon. David: Ah. The wedding. So did you get my present? Ryan: We dealt with it. David: In other words, it's in pieces. Ryan: No, we didn't even open it, Hayward. Besides, the best present you could give Greenlee is just to disappear -- preferably before the wedding. David: You set a date, huh? Ryan: Valentine's Day. David: Wow. Tempting fate. Ryan: Setting things right. David: I guess we'll just have to wait and see if this marriage lasts longer than the last time you dragged Greenlee down the aisle. Ryan: I wanted to thank you for signing off on the divorce so easily. Greenlee really appreciated it. David: I would do anything for her. You know that. Ryan: Yeah, like going to prison. Look, we're getting married, right, so this is like a fresh start for everybody. David: Kind of like a fresh chance for you to hurt Greenlee all over again, right? Ryan: Do me a favor. When they slam that prison door in your face, don't call Greenlee. Ok? Don't write her, nothing like that. What you got to do, make some new friends while you're there, because you're about to become nothing but a bad memory, Hayward. [Phone rings] Ryan: Excuse me. I got to take this. But I wanted to say love the new jewelry. Hello? Yes, this is David Hayward. Are we all set? [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: What the hell are you doing? Griffin: When I took you back as my patient, I was real clear. You play by my way, or you go find yourself a new doctor. Kendall: I'm standing. I'm breathing. I'm fine. Griffin: You weren't supposed to return to work without medical clearance. Kendall: So clear me already so I can get back to my meeting. Griffin: If you're so healthy, why didn't you show up for your appointment this morning? Were you afraid I was gonna find something? Kendall: I forgot. Griffin: Lies with a smile. That's a bad symptom right there. Kendall: You talk to your sister? Griffin: Yeah. She got a kick out of you blowing me off. Me? Not so much. Kendall: All right. Look, you're gonna check my heart, you're gonna check my blood pressure, then you're gonna tell me that I'm fine. So why waste the time? Griffin: Because you're a transplant patient whose heart has been compromised. Kendall: Broken. It's been broken. And this is how I fix it. I will grieve my husband every day for the rest of my life, but I need to live again, and that means taking care of my boys and going to work. This place means more to me than you will ever know. Griffin: I'm all for you getting back to an active life. Kendall: Then don't undermine me. Griffin: Then play by the rules. Kendall: Don't you get it? They are all watching me. They are waiting for me to crack and collapse into a puddle like I'm some kind of an invalid. And nothing pisses me off more than being treated like I'm going to break. Griffin: I'm not doing that. Kendall: Yes, you are. You show up here. You're ready to bust out with our stethoscope and drag me back to the hospital. Do you have any idea what that looks like to my employees? Like I've only been here a couple of hours and already I can't hack it. Griffin: I think they would understand if you're not ready to go back. Kendall: I want their respect. I need it. You could put all the stents and Band-Aids on my heart that you want. But this, being here, is the only way to fix what's wrong with me, step one on the way to whatever a normal life is. Please, please don't take that away from me. Griffin: I want to make sure you get to step two. Kendall: Then leave, please. Just give me this morning, this day. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: Madison and I have an understanding. Don't we? Madison: We do. Greenlee: The baby is a nonissue here or anywhere else. Right? Madison: Total nonissue. Greenlee: Right. That's why we're keeping it quiet. Satisfied? Hmm. Don't take too long getting there. Randi: "Nonissue?" Who are you kidding? A couple of months from now, Greenlee will be bumping into that big belly of yours every single time she makes a move in here. You don't think that she just might be bothered by the fact that her husband is that baby's father? Madison: As long as Ryan doesn't know, it's gonna be fine. Randi: You know what? Give me that cupcake, because whatever sugar high you're on, I need some of that. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: Ryan? Ryan: Hey. How's the most beautiful bride-to-be in the world? Greenlee: Thinking about you. Ryan: I am actually kind of working on that perfect wedding present. Greenlee: And that plan for David? Ryan: I'm just gonna say you're gonna be very, very happy. Ok? That's all I'm gonna say. How's Kendall? How's the reentry going? Greenlee: Tricky. But it's really good to have her here. I just hope it's not too soon. Can you come by later today? Ryan: I will do my best. Ok? I love you. Greenlee: I love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Jake: Ok. I filled your dance card. David: You shouldn't even be at the party. Jake: The thing is, Dave, I've always known that you're abnormal. But as it turns out, your red blood cell count -- that's also abnormal, which means only one of two things. Either, "A," losing blood cells, or, "B," you're not producing enough blood cells -- either of which, not good. We don't want you to lose your reservation at the state pen, so I will try to fix you. I got a couple of things scheduled for you here. We got a retic count, a serum iron count, and the slightly painful peripheral smear count. How are you with a lot of needles? David: I can handle a few jabs. Jake: Good, because immediately following that, I got your colonoscopy scheduled. David: What are you talking about? Jake: The best thing is not to think about it. You push it away. David: I am not gonna allow this! Jake: It's gonna be ok because with some drugs, you will hardly feel anything -- if I remember to give you the drugs. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: I'm starting a drug wholesaling company, and you're the man at Pine Valley Hospital. So I thought I'd come straight to you. Alex: I'm not really "the man." Tad: Come on. You are the supply manager for all drug purchases. So I'm hoping I can convince you to bring P.V.H.'s account over to my company. Alex: It's a big business to take on. Tad: Yeah. My father always said, "Go big or go home." I'm sure you remember him, Dr. Joseph Martin. Alex: And Dr. Jake martin's your brother, acting chief of staff. Maybe you should go to him with this. Tad: No, no. I'd like to think I can get your account because of my merit, not my name, and I think I got some pretty good ideas just how to do that. Cara: Hi. If it isn't Thaddeus Martin. Hello. Alex: Hi. Cara: So, work any good cases lately? Alex: "Cases?" What kind of cases do you work? Tad: Um, I used to enjoy life as a private investigator. That is, until Dr. Castillo here walked through my door. See, she hired me, didn't like what I found, and then fired me, consequently revoked my license. Cara: You deserved it. Tad: What do you mean, deserved it? You're the one who couldn't handle the truth. Cara: Ha! I hired you to find out if my boyfriend was cheating on me. Tad: And I did -- he was. Cara: You took photos. Tad: That's called proof. Cara: You sent them to my work. Tad: Mistakes happen. Cara: I was humiliated. Tad: Why? You weren't the one in the photos. Cara: You deserved to lose your license, because you're the worst private dick in the history of private dicks. Tad: If you don't mind, I prefer "P.I." Cara: Really doesn't matter because you aren't one anymore. Tad: No, that's true. I'm not, you know? So if you'll excuse me, I'm in the middle of a business meeting. I'd like to try to get another business on its feet. Cara: I hope you're a better businessman than you were a P.I. Alex: I should be getting back to the hospital. Give me a call. We'll talk. Tad: I'll do that. I'm really so sorry for the interruption. Alex: No problem. Tad: How's tricks? Cara: Hi. So tell me, you and the supply manager from the hospital. Is this about the drug situation? Tad: What would you know about the drug situation? Cara: Rumors. They're true, aren't they? Jake hired you to nail a thief. Tad: That's privileged information. For all I know, you're the drug thief. Cara: What? I just saved your ass. Tad: After hanging it out to dry. Are you kidding? It's a good thing I'm quick on my feet. Cara: And I know how to keep up. Tad: Yeah, you were pretty good. I almost believed you hated my guts, thank God. Cara: I actually haven't had that much fun in a really long time. Tad: Then you got to get out more. But you're a fairly believable liar. Cara: Sadly, I've had a lot of practice. [SCENE_BREAK] Brot: Natalia just called. She's bringing in that pusher. Jesse: That's what she does. That's my girl. She's great at it. Brot: That's exactly why you're gonna keep her on the force and fire me. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Please tell me you understand how much this means to me. Griffin: I do understand. If someone was keeping me away from my work, I'd be a huge pain in the ass, too. Kendall: Excuse me? Griffin: But that doesn't take away the fact that you're putting yourself at a huge risk. [Phone chimes] Griffin: I got to go. But you're in my office first thing in the morning, or I'm bringing my EKG machine, and I'm placing it right over there. Kendall: Ok. All right. Griffin: I'm serious, Kendall. This is your last chance. Kendall: You called him and ratted me out. Thank you so much, partner. Greenlee: I did, and I'll put him on speed dial if I have to. Kendall: Why can't you just mind your own business and let me take care of me? Greenlee: Because your health is my business. Our company needs all the help we can get to get back to where it was. And I can't have you being all proud and noble and stoic, and then collapsing on me. Kendall: I'm not gonna collapse. Greenlee: Because you're going to take care of yourself, and you're going to ask for help when you need it. There's no shame in asking for help. How many times have you helped me? That's what we do. That's why we make such a great team. Kendall: Even when you're driving me crazy? Greenlee: Especially then. So how do you feel? Truth -- and the word "fine" better not come out of your mouth. Kendall: I'm tired. I'm really tired. I'm achy, I wonder when I'm ever gonna feel like me again, and I really want to take these heels off. Greenlee: Was that so bad? Kendall: No. What about you? How are you? You're working with Ryan's ex- girlfriend. Is that gonna be a problem? Greenlee: No. No. Not at all. I'm marrying the most amazing man, and the man who made our life hell is going to prison as soon as Jake solves this big medical mystery. Are you ok? Kendall: Yeah. Yeah, I was just thinking how great our lives will be once David is out of them for good. [SCENE_BREAK] Jake: Ahh. I love you like this, Dave -- sedated. You're so cooperative. Listen, I'm gonna get all the new test results, and we're gonna take it from there. Ok, buddy? Lisa, can you do me a favor? Can you get an orderly to take Dr. Hayward back down to his room? Never mind. There's an orderly. Orderly, we got a patient! So tomorrow will be your colonoscopy. First thing in the morning, ok, 5:30 a.m. That's all they had, so rest up. [Phone rings] Jake: Ooh. There's my phone. I got to go. Dr. Martin. [SCENE_BREAK] Cara: Hi. Tad: Hi. Well, thanks again for not blowing me out of the water. Cara: You mean helping you. Tad: What? Cara: Yeah, because, I got to tell you, I've always wanted to do a sting. Tad: Technically, this isn't a sting. Cara: I think I could be really good at the whole cloak-and-dagger thing, you know, playing a character. Tad: You hang on to that thought, Mata Hari. Cara: No, really! I could pretend to be dirty, like a doctor on the take. What do you think? Tad: I think you're enjoying this too much. Cara: I think what you do is really cool. Tad: Yeah, sometimes. Cara: Ok. So does this happen a lot? Do you get to wing it, "Fly by the seat of your pants" kind of thing, or what? Tad: It happens. Cara: Yeah? Tad: Yeah. Now that we've safely landed, I'll see you later. Cara: Hmm. Ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalia: Come on this way. Brot: Amazing, isn't she? Jesse: Absolutely. But that is no reason for you to throw yourself on the sword. I'm not firing either one of you. Brot: Chief, have any of those favors returned your calls? Natalia is one of your best detectives, and I'm just a beat cop. Jesse: One of my best. Brot: But she breathes this job. Jesse: And you don't? Brot: Yes, but I could find a job in security. Jesse: Security? Brot: Chief, I just want Natalia happy, ok? And nothing makes Natalia as happy as being a cop. Jesse: You know there's been something else putting a smile on her face here lately? Brot: I want to keep it there. Write up my pink slip, Chief. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: It's the bond girl theme -- sexy, adventurous, exciting. Kendall: Edge, but elegant. Greenlee: Yeah. We'll keep it fun in the final. We'll riff on the names. Kendall: We should change it to "Goldeneye Eye Shadow." Greenlee: Brilliant! You haven't lost your touch. Kendall: Oh, yeah. It does feel good. It feels great, actually. Greenlee: I'll be right back. [Kendall has visions of a gun] Greenlee: I know it's early, but I think that we deserve this. [Cork pops] Greenlee: Kendall, are you all right? [SCENE_BREAK] Griffin: Hey. Have you seen Dr. Hayward? Orderly: I was supposed to pick him up from Pathology, but he wasn't there. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: You might want to be careful, Dave. It sure is a long way down. | Jake lets David know that he is ordering more tests on him |
229 | Gabi: [Sighs] Well, everything seems all right, but you never really know with Nick. Will: I know. Gabi: You know, he says he wants us to be friends. I mean, how can we be friends, really? Will: That's the problem. I mean, he's the only one who knows what he really means. Who the hell wants to ask him about it? [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: I'm not sure what we have to talk about. Nick: Oh, I think you have a pretty good idea. Kate: Why would you say that? Nick: You don't remember? The last time we were together? Does that--does that ring a bell? [All screaming and shouting] Sami: Let go of me! Nick: Gabi, no! No! Kate: Oh! Oh, my God. Nick: Hmm? [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: [Sighs] Maggie: A little hair of the dog? That's your idea of a hangover cure? [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Father Louis, thank you so much for meeting with me. I really appreciate it. Father Louis: Well, now since I'm more directly involved with the school, Father Matt thought that I might be able to help deal with this issue. Hope: Right, he told me you'd be taking over. Father Louis: First of all, I'm terribly sorry that there's a problem between Ciara and Chase Jennings. Hope: Yes, so am I. Believe me. Father, I really want to solve this problem, but honestly, I don't know if that's going to happen. Father Louis: Why not? Hope: I've tried talking to Chase's father when this first came to my attention, and, well...[Chuckles] let's just say it didn't work out, so-- Aiden: Well, I'm not going to apologize for looking out after my kid. Hope: Excuse me, this is a private conversation. Aiden: Yeah, about what your daughter is doing to my son. So I have a right to be here. Father Louis: I'm sure that we can work this all out. Aiden: Well, me too, father. But someone didn't want to listen. Hope: Well, someone is listening now. So why don't you tell me what you think the answer is, Mr. Jennings? Aiden: It's quite simple. You can pull your daughter out of St. Luke's and put her in public school. Hope: Excuse me? Father-- Aiden: Or you can wait till she gets expelled for acting like a hooligan, but either way, problem solved, right, sweetheart? [SCENE_BREAK] JJ: Hey, Theresa. Theresa: Are you following me? JJ: I've got better things to do than follow you. Theresa: Like what? JJ: Abigail, my sister, she works here, and I'm supposed to be meeting her, okay? I gotta go. Theresa: When we were talking before, you didn't say anything about meeting your sister here. JJ: All right, if you think I'm stalking you, you need to get over yourself. Theresa: [Scoffs] Oh. Look, there's Abigail now. Why don't we ask her what she thinks you're doing here, hmm? [SCENE_BREAK] [Door clatters] [Footsteps approach] Sami: Well, did you find a way to convince Abigail to keep her trap shut? [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: Oh, look who's here. Abigail: Great. Theresa: JJ was just afraid he was late. Abigail: Late for what? [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: So what did you say to her? EJ: To who? Sami: Who do you think? Abigail. EJ: Samantha, Abigail is the least of your problems. Sami: Well, not if she decides to go prancing off to Hope and telling her everything she thinks about the night that Nick disappeared. EJ: She's not going to say anything to Hope. Your problem is Nick. Sami: Maybe, and maybe not. EJ: You don't seriously believe that song and dance he put on about not being able to remember what happened, do you? [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: Of course I remember, because you gave me a present. A wonderful formula that you said you had created just for Mad World. Actually, I was quite touched. And then I plugged your flash drive into my computer, and the virus that you had loaded cost my company quite a bit of money. Nick: Well, it only destroyed the work that I had already done for you, but I confess that I feel awful about it. Kate: Do you? Nick: I do. I want to make it up to you. I have some ideas for Mad World that I think could really pay off. Kate: Okay, I think the less that we have to do with each other, Nick, the better. Nick: Kate... I really don't think you want to be turning me down. [SCENE_BREAK] Bev: JJ, it's Bev. I really hope Theresa didn't see me. I left that envelope you gave me in Anne's office. By the way, what a bitch. Anyway, I really hope Theresa finds it and this works and it gets her off your back. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: JJ, Abigail doesn't seem to remember anything about meeting you here. Abigail: Yes, I do, actually, Theresa. It's just that he's not late. He's right on time. JJ: Oh, good. Abigail: Yep, I was such a klutz, dropping all that stuff, I didn't even hear what you were saying. Silly me. I'm sorry. Theresa: Hmm, your own brother has to make an appointment? Must be some important meeting. Abigail: I'm sorry, Theresa. Why do you care so much about what we do? Theresa: Oh, I don't. Abigail: Hmm, that's funny, 'cause it kind of seems like you do. Anne: Is there a problem? Is everything okay? Theresa: Yeah, it's just fine and dandy. Abigail: Yeah, she's right. Anne: Good. Theresa: I have to get back to work. Abigail: Okay, bye, Theresa. What is going on, JJ? JJ: Not here. Come on. Abigail: I can't--well, I'm working, so-- JJ: Take a break. Come on. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Sweetheart? Really? [Chuckles] Father Louis: Aiden, you want to take it down a notch? Aiden: Ah, I'm not surprised you take her side. Father Louis: I'm not taking anyone's side. You're out of line. Aiden: No, look, I've done a little research. I see the Bradys and the Hortons, they pretty much own this town. Now, look, Father, you may think that I have an attitude, but if I don't look out after my son, this one over here's gonna walk all over him. Hope: This--this one? I am "this one" now, seriously? Are you kidding me? I have a name. Use it. Aiden: Oh, yes, you do, and it's Brady, and I know what that means. In fact, I got the message loud and clear when they played that sex video of your nephew, the priest, in front of a church full of people. And what happens? He got a pass. Hope: "A", Eric was set up, and "B", he most certainly did not get a pass. Aiden: Okay, look. You think you and your family run this school, but I got news for ya. Father Louis: Whoa, hey, hey. I run this school. If you can't have a civil conversation and resolve this amicably, Mr. Jennings, it's your child who's going to be asked to leave. Aiden: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: I'm surprised this bar isn't under lock and key. Maggie: That's not how we do things. I had a pretty disturbing conversation with a couple of people who were at that meeting where you showed up drunk. Brady: I should've known that would get back to you. Maggie: I'm worried about you, Brady. I thought that maybe that would be enough for you to realize that maybe you needed to be in rehab. Brady: Well, Maggie, I've been--I've been thinking a lot about rehab, and what I keep coming back to is that it's just as stupid an idea now as it was when you first brought it up. [SCENE_BREAK] Will: The thing that bugs me about Nick is that when he was trying to keep me from being Ari's father, this is exactly how he was acting. Gabi: What do you mean? Will: All nice and easy-going while saying one thing and then thinking the opposite. Arianna: [Crying] Gabi: I'm gonna go hold our baby, 'cause it's the only thing that helps me think. Will: I don't care if you're for real or not, Nick. There's no way you're gonna worm your way back into our lives. [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: That has all the earmarks of a threat, Nick. Nick: How could I threaten you? Kate: I mean, I have to say, after this computer virus thing, there is no way that I could re-hire you and justify it to my board of directors. Nick: Well, I think you ought to try, because you're one of the few people in this world who truly knows what I'm capable of. Kate: Okay, so what is that? Just what are you capable of? Nick: [Laughs] Making your life a living hell. Kate: Okay, so you are threatening me? Nick: Look, I made Mad World a lot of money, right? If I were to, say, go to a rival company, give them the benefit of my expertise, the profits that you'd lose would make the money that you spent on computer repairs look like chump change. Just trying to be fair. After everything that you did for me. You don't want me to have to hurt you... right, Kate? [SCENE_BREAK] Maggie: So rehab is a stupid idea. Brady: Gotta be blunt sometimes, Maggie. I don't want there to be any doubt. Maggie: Hmm. Well, maybe I thought in time, you'd reconsider. Brady: Well, it's doubtful, okay? Maggie: So I guess the best approach now is for you to go to meetings and to work on your steps. Brady: [Groans] The Big Book, really? Really? Hmm? Maggie: I brought mine too. I thought we could read it together... Brady: [Sighs] Maggie: Starting with page one. [SCENE_BREAK] Abigail: What is with you? I mean, what's going on with you and Theresa? JJ: Well, I'll tell you as soon as you tell me what's got you so wired. Abigail: I'm not wired. JJ: Is it a guy? You picked another winner, didn't you? Just like Chad, and now he's making you miserable. Abigail: Okay, will you just drop it, please? JJ: It is a guy. Abigail: Fine, yeah. It's a guy. JJ: That's a good start. Now tell me his name. Abigail: Oh. [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: It's true. You're actually buying Nick's story, aren't you? Sami: You weren't there that night. Gabi hit him hard on the head. I saw the wound. It was bad enough that we were dragging him to the river, thinking that he was dead. EJ: Samantha... [Grunts] If Gabi hit Nick in self-defense, then why are you so worried about what Hope will find out? Sami: I'm not. I just--[Sighs] Well, it would be easier for everyone if Abigail doesn't say anything to Hope, because we know that Nick isn't going to, right? I mean, he's lucky he remembers his own name, let alone what we did. EJ: I just think you don't want to think about what it would actually mean if he did remember. Sami: What are you doing? Trying to scare me into coming to you for help? EJ: Just trying to, uh... suggest to you that you underestimate Nicholas Fallon at your own peril. [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: Well, the last thing I thought you would be asking me for is a job. Nick: It's what I want. So take some time. Think it over. 'Cause I'm not going anywhere. Both: [Chuckle] Nick: See ya. Kate: [Exhales] You son of a bitch. What are you up to? [Phone rings] Kate: [Scoffs] [SCENE_BREAK] Abigail: Okay, fine, yes. It's a guy. But you know, JJ, it doesn't even matter what his name is, okay? Because it's over. JJ: Hmm. Is that what has you so upset? Hmm? Did he dump you or something? Abigail: There has to be some kind of reason that you are so desperate to keep me from saying anything. EJ: I'm not desperate. But I am determined. Abigail: Stop trying to make this about me, JJ. Tell me what's going on with Theresa. Hey, are you in trouble again? Because your hearing date is coming up soon, and if you've done something totally stupid again to mess this up-- JJ: I told you that I would talk to you, and I will. Okay? Abs, all I think about is that hearing, okay? And all I'm trying to do right now is make sure Theresa doesn't mess me up. [SCENE_BREAK] Anne: So I get an email from the hospital administrator's office asking me to find someone to make all the arrangements for that sensitivity seminar. Theresa: Wait, what is a sensitivity seminar? Anne: I--what--what do I know from sensitivity? Okay, anyway, so I email back, and I tell them I have the perfect candidate for the job, the most sensitive person I know. Congratulations. Both: [Cracking up] [SCENE_BREAK] JJ: Theresa knows some stuff from when I was dealing stuff that the judge didn't hear. And if she shows up at the hearing and runs her mouth, I'm dead. Abigail: Okay, wait. What do you mean, stuff? What does she know? JJ: Just more of the same. You know, but she's gonna try to make it sound like I held up liquor stores and broke people's legs. Abigail: Oh, God, this girl. Why does she have it in for you? JJ: Because she hates Mom, because Mom canned her as her assistant. Abigail: [Sighs] JJ: And mostly, she just lives to make trouble. Abigail: Yeah. So what are you gonna do? JJ: I'm just gonna try to get something on her and make the threat go away. Abigail: JJ, what are you trying to get on her? JJ: I do know that she has to keep her job at the hospital, because if she doesn't, her probation gets revoked. All right? And she thinks working for a living is for suckers. Abigail: JJ, are you saying that you're trying to get her fired? Hold on, this girl isn't stupid, okay? I saw the way that she looked at you today. Whatever it is that you're planning, JJ, if she's on to you, you're gonna be the one that's losing here. [SCENE_BREAK] Anne: So all you have to do is post these notices on all the bulletin boards and then get these information packets to anyone attending the seminar. Am I boring you? Theresa: What? I-I'm sorry. I was--I was trying to figure something out. Anne: All right, so tell me. Theresa: Oh. Really? Anne: Well, yeah. What do you think, I wanna talk about this cockamamie seminar? No, I want to know why Dr. Dan came to your rescue this morning. Who's he protecting? Theresa: Anne, come on, I keep telling you, that's not the important part. Anne: Okay, well, what is? Theresa: Well, I think he's finally starting to see what a kind and thoughtful person I really am. Anne: [Chuckles] Right. Okay, really, and he goes for kind and thoughtful. Theresa: Yeah, I know, I know, but he does. Now that Jennifer's being a total bitch to him... Anne: Mm-hmm? Theresa: I stand to win the kind and thoughtful sweepstakes. Anne: Really? And destroy poor Jennifer? Theresa: Yeah, hopefully. Anne: Well, works for me. So all you have to do is get working on these, and it's gonna do wonders for your image. Theresa: Hmm, if you say so. Anne: Okay. Oh--oh, wait, and this is for you-- okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Aiden: Okay, maybe I came on a little strong. Father Louis: You think? Aiden: Ever since Chase's mom died, I, uh-- it's just been me and him against the world. Sometimes I can be a little overprotective. Look, I know this is the right school for him, okay? So please don't talk about kicking him out, 'cause we-- we love it. Father Louis: All right, fine. But you have to stop demanding that Mrs. Brady's daughter be kicked out. Aiden: Well, where do we go from here? Father Louis: Well, my thoughts are that the two children and the two of you meet with me, and we talk this out. Aiden: Sure. Fine. Father Louis: Okay, great. I've got another appointment to get to, so why don't the two of you take a look at your schedules and figure out what a good time is for a meeting? All right? Use my office. Hope: Thank you, Father. Aiden: [Sighs] Hope: I, um... I know how stressful it can be to raise a child on your own. Aiden: Oh, yeah? Hope: Yeah, I do. Ciara's father isn't around. And it can be difficult. Right, so, um... Aiden: [Sighs] Hope: Right after school is probably best. Um... what day works for you? [SCENE_BREAK] Maggie: Well, I guess you've made your point. Brady: Maggie, listen to me, please. You are projecting your drinking issues on me. I have a drug problem. I have a cocaine problem. I've owned that. I don't have a problem with this stuff. I don't have a drinking problem! Maggie: I don't know how you can say that with a straight face. Brady: You know what, today was a very rough day for me. I didn't have a good day today. Maggie: And you thought drinking was gonna make it better? Brady: Why not? Lots of people do that. Isn't that okay, if an occasional drink once in a while gets me through a bad day? Why is that a wrong thing to do? I don't understand. Maggie: Because a drunk can't have an occasional drink. Brady: Oh, my-- Maggie: And, Brady, you're a drunk! Brady: You know what, I've laid this out as--as well as I can for you. If you can't see it the way I see it, then that's your problem, but do me a favor. I'm going to say this very kindly--butt out! Maggie: Fine. I'll butt out. Brady: Mag--Maggie, St-- you--just look at me for a second, please. I love you. I love you very much. You know I do. You've been there for me so many times in the past. But I am not going to put up with the pressure you are putting on me now. Maggie: Okay. If you don't have any desire to get completely sober, then I don't know how I can continue to be your sponsor. Brady: All right. That's fine. Because I don't need a sponsor or a program to keep me off drugs. Maggie: So this is it? Brady: This is it. I guess this is it. If they're looking for me at the meetings, you tell 'em I'm done. Good-bye. [Door slams] Maggie: [Groans] [SCENE_BREAK] Abigail: JJ, the best way to deal with Theresa is if you do absolutely nothing, okay? Just leave her alone. You only have one more day. JJ: You're right. Abigail: Are you faking me out? JJ: No, it's just-- the pressure is getting to me, I guess. Abigail: Hey, listen to me. JJ, you've been doing great. Ever since Theresa overdosed, you've had a clear head, and you're gonna be fine. Okay? JJ: Yeah, sure. Abigail: Listen, I'm sorry, but I gotta get to work. You're being straight with me right? You're gonna leave Theresa alone? JJ: Yeah. Abigail: Okay, good. JJ: All right. Abigail: Thank you. Hang in there. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: [Sighs] Tad: Can I get you something? Nick: Just a beer. Tad: You're Nick Fallon, right? Nick: Yeah. Who are you? Tad: Everybody calls me T. I'm a friend of Gabi's. Nick: T. Really. Yeah, I've heard Gabi mention you before. Tad: I thought--I thought you moved to New York. Nick: No. Well, I did. I'm back. Tad: Right, right. Nick: [Sighs] [Sniffs] [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: We both know exactly how Nick operates. He goes underground. Sami: EJ, that gash on his head looked like it was enough that it killed him. And then he got dumped into a freezing cold river. We saw him go under. EJ: Yeah, well, he popped up somewhere, didn't he? Sami: Well, obviously. No, I-- I just-- I don't understand. If he came up, and he remembers, then he would have gone to the hospital. He would've gone to the police. We would have heard something. EJ: Okay, you keep telling yourself that. You asked me if I'm trying to scare you into coming to me for help? You know, just recently, you and I were about to put this standoff between the two of us to one side. Sami: Right, I remember. And then my mother called to tell me that your sister had hired someone to murder my brother. EJ: Oh, I see. Sami: Right? EJ: Standoff back on, is it? Sami: EJ, just find him. Find whoever wants to hurt my brother, and stop-- EJ: If I could do that, I would do it in an instant. [Phone rings] Sami: [Sighs] Oh, it's Will. He--he says he needs to see me. EJ: Samantha, we cannot go on like this. One way or another, this has to change. [SCENE_BREAK] Bev: Okay, so what's next? JJ: Okay, um, Theresa, she has to find the envelope and open it, and then once she sees the check, I'm just praying that her natural instincts kick in. Bev: That's kind of a lot of if's. JJ: Yeah, tell me about it. And now my sister knows some stuff. Bev: You told her? JJ: No. She walked in on me and Theresa. I mean, it was a good thing because it prevented Theresa from seeing you with Anne, but it was also bad because I had to tell Abigail some stuff. But don't worry. I left you out of it. Bev: Thanks. JJ: Yeah. God, if Theresa would have seen you, she would've gone straight to Anne and told her that you're my friend, all right? And everything would have blown up for sure. Bev: What happens if it blows up anyway? JJ: I go to jail. Theresa will make sure of that. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: Well, you were pretty much a wreck last time I saw you. You dropped your stuff all over the floor and then tried to act like you had it together. Did you think I wouldn't notice? You didn't really pull that off. Abigail: Thank you for your concern, but I'm fine. Theresa: Oh, I sure hope so, because your boss is so demanding. I should know. Abigail: I love it. This is amazing. A world-class slacker is calling my mom demanding. Wow, Theresa. Even after she saved your ass. You know, compared to you, I could totally suck at my job, and I'd still look good. Theresa: Ooh, wow. Doesn't take much to set you off. You know, if you ask me, somebody needs to get laid. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Hey. Will: Hi. Sami: Sweetheart, I got your text. What's up? Will: Well-- oh. Kate: Did something happen? Will: Yeah, but Gabi can fill you in. I have to go out. Oh, and the key to the apartment that you wanted is--it's on the counter. Sami: Thanks. Will: Yeah. Sami: Are you okay? You look funny. Will: Yeah--yeah. I just--I have to go... take care of something. I'll see you guys later. [Door slams] Sami: What happened? Gabi: I was alone when I ran into Nick. Kate: [Sighs] What did he do? Gabi: He said he wants us to be friends. Sami: Seriously? Do you buy that? Kate: Well, actually, I do, because I ran into him as well, and he expects me to give him a job. Gabi: What? After he fried your computers with that virus? Kate: Mm-hmm. Sami: Well, hold on now, ladies. I think it might be a good idea. Kate: What? Sami: I mean it. You should offer him a job-- you know, with a great office at the top of your building with a view of the river. [SCENE_BREAK] [Light pop music playing] You take me high Tad: Hi. Brady: Hi. What's your name? Tad: Everybody calls me T. Brady: T, I'm Brady Black. Tad: What can I get you, Brady? Brady: Single malt scotch. Neat, please. So high oh, oh Tad: There you go. So high [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Uh, okay, um, well, it doesn't look like Ciara has anything planned after school tomorrow, and I could probably-- no, actually, I could. I can get someone to cover for me at work. Does that work for you and Chase? Aiden: Yeah, fine. Hope: That's great. [Laughs] Can you believe it? We got that settled, right? Who knows? Maybe it'll all get easier from here. Um... you're new in town, right? Aiden: We already came up with a date for this meeting. Are we done? Hope: Sure. Aiden: Chase is waiting for me. Hope: Un... believable. "Are we done?" Oh, yes, we are certainly done. Creep. [SCENE_BREAK] Will: Brady. Brady: Hey, Will. Sorry, in a hurry, man. Will: Yeah. Nick: Will. It's--it's really good to see you. Will: Gabi said you told her you want to be friends. Nick: Yeah, that's--that's true. I know--I know that I have-- I have a lot to make up for with certain people, especially you and Gabi. But...[Chuckles] Isn't that--isn't that what we're supposed to do? Atone? Atone for our mistakes? Try to keep moving forward? I-I've been trying to do that, I swear to you, since I got out of prison. And you know better than anyone what that experience... did to me. Will: But now you're different? Better? Nick: All I can tell you is that I'm working on being better, and I know people are gonna be skeptical. Will: You got that right. Nick: But, Will, you and me, we're family. I'm hoping that counts for something. Will: The whole family thing-- don't push it too hard. Nick: I'm gonna prove myself to you. And everyone. You have no idea how motivated I am. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: How was your day at school? Ciara: It was okay. Hope: Mm. Just okay? Ciara: School was like it always is. Hope: You know, I went to see Father Louis today. Ciara: Am I in trouble? Hope: I hear that you're having problems with a little boy named Chase. Is that true, honey? Ciara: Can I have some ketchup? Hope: Ciara. Ciara: Chase is so mean. Hope: What's he do that makes him so mean? Ciara: He says things that make me mad. And then we get in a fight. Hope: Baby, I asked you, remember? Are you having any problems with the kids at school? And you told Mommy no. Ciara: I don't like to think about it. Hope: What's this boy like, anyway, huh? Ciara: Well, he's always talking about how great his dad is. He says he's gonna be just like him when he grows up. Hope: Oh. I think I'm starting to get the picture. [SCENE_BREAK] [Door slams] [Keys jingle] Brady: Hi. Maggie: I didn't expect you back so soon. Brady: Well, what I had to do didn't take long. I went to Sonny's bar. I met a bartender named T, and I ordered a drink. Maggie: You're telling me this why? Brady: Because I left it on the bar. I didn't drink it. You can call the bartender and confirm it if you need to. But you didn't think I could walk away from a drink, did you? Maggie: So you did this to show me? [SCENE_BREAK] Bev: I'm worried about this now. It could really backfire on us. JJ: Okay, well, listen. I know it's a long shot. I mean, Theresa has to find the envelope that you put in Anne's office, and then she has to be interested enough to open it, and knowing her and how she feels about her job, if she even found it, she would probably toss it without even looking at it. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: Okay, I hung up some fliers, and it was so boring that-- oh, she's not here. Hmm. Someone's giving me $2,000? Oh. They're not. It's for Abigail. Must still think I'm Jennifer's assistant. As if. [SCENE_BREAK] [Phone rings] EJ: Hi. Abigail: Hey, can you talk? EJ: Uh, yes, I can. Are you all right? Abigail: Uh, listen, um, I just wanted to call you because I wanted to apologize. I didn't mean to threaten you earlier. EJ: Oh. [Chuckles] You're very sweet. I wouldn't worry about it. I've fended off far more serious threats, I can promise you. Abigail: I just-- I don't know what I was thinking. EJ: Well, this is a very complicated situation for both of us. Abigail: Yeah. Another thing, EJ. I want you to know that, um, I'm not going to say anything to Hope. EJ: Thank you. I appreciate that. Abigail: Well, I guess that's really all I had to say, and I know that you don't want me calling, so-- EJ: Abigail... actually, I'm glad you called. Abigail: You are? EJ: Have a good night. Abigail: Yeah, you too. He's glad I called? What--why? What-- what just happened? [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Okay, fine. So it's still Nick, you know, and he still says things that creep us out. That doesn't mean that he remembers anything. Gabi: Yeah, I agree. Sami: Right. So he survived what we did to him, that's all. Kate: And he's just back to make us miserable. Sami: But we can't let that happen, right? We can't give Nick any power over us. Gabi: Unless he does remember. Sami: Even if he remembers. Especially if he remembers. I mean, come on. It is our word against his. He's a convicted murderer. We're three upstanding citizens. Well, mostly upstanding. I mean, it's not like we've served time in prison. Or a lot of time in prison. The point is, we can't give in to Nick on anything. Kate: [Sighs] Sami: Are you in? Kate: I'm in. Gabi: Me too. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: When I saw you and-- and Gabi and the baby and Sonny at the christening, it hit me how much I'd messed up. You had it all. I was on the outside looking in. Didn't have to be that way. [Sighs] You're a lucky man, Will. Tad: How'd that go? Will: I don't know. Tad: It's kind of hard to tell what that dude's really thinking, but I get the vibe he is some piece of work. Will: That's what I'm afraid of. | Aiden and Hope got into an argument over their children |
230 | Audrey: Ah. Hello, darling. Uh -- how was your day? Elizabeth: Long. I'm really glad to be home. I can't wait to spend a quiet evening with my son and grandmother. Why do you look like that? What's the matter? Audrey: Uh -- well -- um -- Lucky called from rehab. Elizabeth: Do you see how he doesn't care about anybody but himself? I told him I didn't want to talk to him, but does he listen to me? No. Audrey: Now darling, I understand your frustration. I -- I mean, that's why I didn't want to bother you at work. I didn't want to upset you. But you're home now and -- now, Lucky has left a number and I Elizabeth: I don't want it. Audrey: Darling, you don't have to call him right now. I mean, rest for a while, hmm? I'll fix us a nice cup of tea, and then -- then you might feel like talking to him. Elizabeth: Gram, tea is not going to fix this. Audrey: Oh, Elizabeth, stop being so stubborn. Darling, you are pregnant with Lucky's child. The least you can do for both yourself and your baby is try to find some way to communicate with its father. [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: Oh, you can absolutely count on me and Sam to do whatever you need. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Do you remember the night you left me? Jax: Vividly. Carly: We made love. And then you slipped out of bed and you got dressed, and you walked to the door and you turned back. Jax: You were awake? Carly: Mm-hmm. And I heard you say you loved me. And then I waited for you to shut the door so you wouldn't hear me say "I love you, too." Jax: Well, I'm not walking away or closing any doors tonight. And I know that you're awake. So here goes. I still love you. Carly: I love you, too. Jax: Wow. That wasn't so hard. I was just wondering what took us so long. Carly: I don't know. Jax: What? Carly: You just said you loved me. Jax: Yeah? And I meant it. Didn't you? Carly: Well, of course, but now something really bad is going to happen. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: Even you wouldn't drag me into family court when I'm dying of cancer. Sonny: What kind of monster do you think I am? Alexis: I don't. That's why I can see right through you. Sonny: Obviously, I didn't make myself clear. You're being very stubborn not -- not going through this -- the chemo, which basically means you're letting yourself die. So what I'm telling you is the second they bury you in the ground, I'm going to take Kristina as far away from Ric as I can. [SCENE_BREAK] Pete: You have no clue what that book is about. Busted. Lulu: I understand every word in this novel. I even identify with the main character. Pete: Yeah, sure you do. Lulu: What gives you the right to be so condescending? Pete: I'm the professor; you're not. Lulu: Wow. You know what else you are? A big, fat coward. Pete: Coward? Wow. That is a fascinating observation. Tell me, how did that overwrought little brain come to it? Lulu: You ignored me in class, even though it's obvious I'm one of the few people who's actually reading this stupid novel that you assigned. You refuse to call on me, and now I figured out why. Pete: Oh, please, share the wealth. Lulu: You're too chicken to be challenged on the material. Pete: You don't know enough about the subject matter to engage in intelligent debate. Pulling a couple of all-nighters to cram doesn't mean you get what the book is saying. Anyone can acquire the ability of memory retention. Lulu: Wow. You don't even pretend that you're not a jerk, do you? Pete: What's your excuse? Lulu: For? Pete: Victimhood. Lulu: I beg your pardon? Pete: See, the sad part is you've gotten comfortable with it. You wear it like a glove. You enjoy it. Something bad happened to you, Miss Spencer. That's clear. Equally clear is you're determined to feel sorry for yourself about whatever it is. Lulu: You act like you know something about me, but trust me, you don't. Pete: Trust me, you're not hard to figure out. Lulu: You don't know anything about me or what I'm capable of. Maybe if you did, you'd shut your mouth. Pete: So tell me. Lulu: Huh. This summer I got pregnant and I had an abortion, ok? Pete: Big deal. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: I know what you're doing. So you can give up because I'm on to your little plan. Sonny: I'm not -- there's no little plan. Alexis: You're threatening to take Kristina out of her home, which is exactly what I don't want you to do, hoping that I'll get so angry and so furious that I'll subject myself to the rigors of chemotherapy to not make that happen. But, you see, I know better, and I know you. And I do know you. And I know that you love Kristina and I know that you would never take her out of the only home that she knows, the home that her mother wants her to stay in. Sonny: "Wanted --" you're dead, remember? And if you think you know me, then you know that I'll do whatever I have to do to take care of Kristina. Do not doubt me on that. Alexis: I don't doubt that at all. In fact, I'm counting on that. You already demonstrated that you will do anything to protect Kristina by convincing Sam to give her the stem cells that saved her life. So, you see, when push comes to shove, you usually do the right thing. And I know you will in this case, especially if I'm not here. Sonny: If you're not here, that means you've given up the fight, Alexis. Alexis: I'm not giving up; I'm just not choosing chemo. I'm -- I'm choosing something else, alternative ways, and I'm not taking it lightly. Sonny: I don't want to hear it. Chemo is your best chance, maybe the only chance you got to live. It's crazy to dismiss it. Alexis: It's my life, and it's my family, and there's no way you're going to convince me that I'm not taking everybody's best interest at heart. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: I get that you want me and Lucky to be a family with Cameron and this new baby, but it's not going to happen. I need space right now, and I know you don't like it, but that -- that's what works best for me. Audrey: Well, I'm not going to give up hope. Elizabeth: Fine. You hope; I'll deal with reality. I went to an Al-Anon meeting tonight. Audrey: You -- ah, you see? That proves it. You haven't completely written off your marriage. Elizabeth: What? I didn't go to the meeting to find a way to hold on to my marriage. I went for support. That's what it's all about -- being in a room full of people telling stories, realizing you're not alone. I went tonight for myself -- just like Lucky needs to get sober for himself. Audrey: I know. I couldn't agree more. Oh, Elizabeth, I just want -- Elizabeth: You want me and Lucky to be together and happy. I know, I get it, but I'm not the one who ruined my marriage. Lucky is. Now, he needs to pick up the broken pieces with a professional, and that's not me and that's not this innocent child. If anyone needs to get saved here, Lucky better start saving himself. Audrey: But the question is, who's going to save you? [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: Well, you can go back to the school board and you can tell them that Alexis' entire family is prepared to support the school's endowment. Frances: Oh, I am so pleased to hear that. Ric: Yes, and depending on my wife's convalescence -- Sam: I am really sorry, but I have somewhere to be, so -- thank you. Call. Frances: Oh, thank you so much for your time. Ric: We'll -- we'll be in touch. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: What's so important? Bernie: I just got another call from Playa Del Vista. They won't give up the September receipts. Jason: Ok. Uh -- get Alfonso on it right away. Bernie: I think he's dead. [Phone rings] Bernie: Yeah. Jason: Yeah? Sam: Hey. Can you meet me? Jason: Uh -- you know what? This is a -- a bad time. I'm in the middle of a business situation here. Sam: I know. Look, I wouldn't interrupt unless it was really important, and -- and it won't take long, I promise. Just -- at the same place as before. Jason: Ok. This is going to have to wait. Bernie: Oh. [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: Where is this premonition of doom coming from all of --? Carly: Haven't you noticed every single time we start to get close, something happens to stop it? I mean, first it was us. First, I wasn't ready, so I took a step back. Then you weren't ready, so you took a step back. And now we're finally in sync, who barges in -- Sonny. And now we finally say "I love you"? Aren't you a little bit freaked out that something is going to happen, because I am? Jax: Would you just stop, stop, stop and listen to me, ok? Nothing bad is going to happen. We're in love, ok? We're together, finally. No one's going to come between us. No one, ok? Carly: Has your ceiling always buckled like that? Jax: What? Oh, no, that's an optical illusion. Come on, come on, come here. Carly: What was that noise? Did you hear that, because I heard that? I heard something. Jax: There's no noise. There's no noise. Ok? Just kiss me. [Phone rings] Jax: Oh, you know what? Don't answer it. Don't answer it. Carly: I have to. Jax: Don't. Carly: It could be the kids. Oh, wow. This better be good. Sonny: Don't hang up, Carly. Carly: This is a really bad time. Sonny: It's serious. Carly: Is this about my children? Because if it's not about my children -- Sonny: It's about Kristina. I think you're the only person that can help her. [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: I'm sorry. I tell you that I had an abortion, and your response is "big deal"? Pete: Let me try to enlighten you. There's a big world out there, and every day people live through far worse things, and they figure out a way to go on without sulking around, wallowing in self-pity. They don't use their misfortune to excuse their failure or wear them like some loopy badge of honor. And while I'm calling you out, you're not tearing through that book out of any thirst for knowledge. You're just trying to prove something to me. So do us both a favor -- don't. Read it to expand the horizons of a closed-up mind. Don't just catalogue the events. Learn something about the author. Hey, here's a thought -- he probably lived through something difficult, too. [Lulu sighs] Lulu: What a cold-blooded, pretentious jerk you are. Pete: Why? Because I'm not impressed by your drama? [SCENE_BREAK] Frances: Thank you for meeting with me, Mr. Lansing. I realize you're a very busy man. Ric: Oh, please, it was my pleasure. Sam's, too. I'm so sorry she left so abruptly. Frances: Oh. Oh, we all have time constraints. Ric: Mm-hmm. Frances: I'll be in touch. Ric: Thank you. Lorenzo: So your big plan appears to be a bust. Ric: I don't follow. Lorenzo: Jason wasn't exactly blinded by jealous rage when you touched Sam. He just walked away. Ric: You're not seeing the forest through the trees, Mr. Alcazar. Jason didn't want to go off here in this very public place. I think my plan's working very well. Lorenzo: So your plan to put your hand on Sam's knee was supposed to distract Jason enough to make him vulnerable to me? Ric: Mm-hmm. That's the idea. Lorenzo: Yeah. I wonder. Ric: Now, what's that supposed to mean? Lorenzo: Well, it's a little simplistic, but I can't help but think you're working your own agenda, and it has nothing to do with some agreement you came to with me. Ric: My only agenda, Mr. Alcazar, is my family -- protecting and providing for them. So, no, I'm not trying to make Jason so mad that he tries to kill me. I'm sorry to disappoint you -- if that's what you were hoping for. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: I'm glad you came. Jason: You said it was important. Sam: Look, you probably figured it out for yourself, but what you saw at the Metro Court -- Jason, it was a setup. Ric's meeting was miraculously canceled, and there I was, trapped with that pig and the school charity director. When he put his hands on me, Jason, I wanted to scream, especially when I turn around, and I saw the only reason why he did it is because you were standing there. Jason: Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam. I knew Ric was putting on a show. I'm sorry I confused you by leaving. I do understand that you are in an impossible situation. Sam: Ok. Well, if you understand and you don't blame me, then why do you get so mad? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: As God is my witness, if this is another trick to get me away from Jax, I'll be so mad at you. Sonny: It's not at all. Listen to me, ok? Alexis is being stupid. Carly: What else is new? Sonny: Ok, Jax -- what Jax said? It's worse than that. She refuses to take the chemo. I did everything I could to change her mind. I even threatened to take Kristina away if she dies. You know, I don't know what to do at this point. I'm kind of -- I just need your help. You know what I mean? Carly: I am sorry, ok? I don't know what I can do to help. Sonny: I know what you can do, because you -- you frustrate her more than anybody that I know. Use that. Carly: How am I going to use that? Sonny: You just -- just go in there for a second -- Carly: Oh -- Sonny: I'll show you. No, just -- like this right here, look. Carly: Sonny -- Sonny: Just watch what I'm -- just go. Alexis: Hi. Carly: Hi. Alexis: Carly. This is a surprise. Carly: Sonny told me about your decision, and I would like to say that I'm sorry that you've decided to pass on chemo. But I do think it is entirely up to you how you manage your own health. Alexis: Yeah, well, thanks. That's -- um -- unexpected but appreciated. Carly: I support you 100%. I do. And I -- I don't want you to lose one hair on your head worrying about Kristina. Because she is going to be perfectly fine -- with me. [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: You know, I should have as many doubts as you do. By all rights, it would be a win-win situation if Jason were to kill me. He would go to jail, Sonny would crumble without his trusty hit man, and the D.A. -- who pretty much knows where all the skeletons are in your closet -- would become a non-issue. Lorenzo: You know, it's really not like you to underestimate your own value. What's that saying -- "Better the devil you know"? Why would I want to take my chances with a new D.A.? Ric: Good point. You might want to follow that advice. Look, you need me as much as I need you -- perhaps you might need me more. Lorenzo: Hmm. Let's not get carried away. Skye left town with my unborn child. For all I know, the child's been born. I have no way of knowing. Diego's a full-grown man who thinks he can take care of himself. Break it down -- I don't have a lot to lose. You, on the other hand, have a sick wife, a couple of girls who are depending on you, Sam -- whatever she means to you. Oh, yeah -- and then there's that older brother who you've been obsessed with since you were a little child. I'd say that gives me the advantage. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Do you think we should tell her? Sonny: Uh -- yeah. Carly: I mean, it seems counterproductive not to tell her. Sonny: Yeah. Right. Tell her. Carly: I mean, the whole town is going to know eventually. Sonny: Yeah. Alexis: Tell me what? Carly: Sonny and I got back together last night. I'm predicting a remarriage by Christmas. It'll be our fourth. Alexis: What about Jax? Sonny: Nah. Carly: He was just a speed bump on my road to true love. I want you to know that Sonny and I are remaking our stable home, and it's ready for Kristina at any time. Michael and Morgan are going to be so thrilled to have their little sister there they can mold into their adorable images. I'm sorry -- "thrilled" is a really bad word to use right now. I mean, I know that you would rather raise Kristina on your own, but at least you have the next best thing -- Kristina's dad and her new mommy. I am so excited, I have to tell you. I mean, this is the daughter I've always wanted. And as soon as Kristina comes to live with us, I'm going to take her on a shopping spree and I'm going to teach her how to use credit cards. We're going to buy a whole new mommy-and-daughter wardrobe, and I might even dye her hair blond. What do you think about that? Sonny: And I'm sorry, Alexis, you didn't hear it from me. It's just that you were facing death, and it was happy news, and -- you know, your position right now. Carly: And as soon as Krissie turns 16, I'm going to train her at the hotel -- a "start from the bottom up" type of thing. You know what? She can start sweeping hair at the salon -- Sonny: Yeah, yeah. Carly: And then help the mAIDS do all the laundry and the -- and the sheets. Alexis: Funny. That's -- that's good. That's comedy. You're not raising my daughter. She's not raising my daughter. Sonny: Is that any way to show gratitude to a woman who -- who wants to raise your child? Alexis: I get it. I get it. Get out. Out. Sonny: We -- Carly: Take care. I think it worked. [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: Gee, professor. This tough-love strategy of yours is absolutely brilliant. I feel so much better now that you've put my abortion in perspective for me. And thank you for pointing out that I'm too stupid to know how to read a book. That's actually an amazing observation for someone who hasn't even tested me yet. I guess, in addition to your perfection in all worldly matters, you're a psychic, too. Pete: Well, someone as self-involved as you are is easy to read. You might as well wear a sign around your neck. Lulu: Oh, and I bet it says "spoiled, ignorant, little drama queen," right? You think you got me nailed, professor, but I'm going to surprise you. I'm going to ace your pompous class and have you eating my oh-so-ignorant dust. Pete: Somehow, I don't think so. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Elizabeth, can I talk to you for a second? Elizabeth: Nope. Maxie: I know you're not going to make this easy for me. Elizabeth: What do you want, Maxie? Maxie: I already apologized to Lucky, and I just want to do the same for you. I'm really sorry about how I went about telling my dad about me and Lucky. I shouldn't have done that. I was just angry and hurt, and I -- I didn't mean for him to lose his job. Elizabeth: I know. Maxie: Well -- you're being kind of cool about this. Just so you know, I think Lucky should go to rehab, too. Elizabeth: If you think I'm in any way "cool" about what you did to my husband and my marriage, you are sorely mistaken. As long as I draw breath, I will never forget it. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: I don't like carrying this anger. But you know I'm not good at hiding my feelings. Sam: Jason, you shouldn't have to. Feelings are what they are. You know, there was a time when this would have been really easy for me and -- and I would've been able to put all of my energy into this, but I can't, Jason. I don't have the energy to put into it. Every time we take a step forward, we take two steps back. This isn't working. This is starting to hurt worse than it did before. Jason: I understand. [Sam sighs] Jason: You know I have my own issues I have to deal with, but none of this means I -- I don't still care about you. Sam: I know. [Sam sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: First you say you're glad Lucky lost his job, which is not a very wifely response. And then you turn on me because I slept with your husband. I mean, no wonder Lucky was confused. Elizabeth: No, honey, Lucky was confused because he was addicted to drugs. And if you're confused now, let me clarify. I can't stand you for the way you manipulated a bad situation to your own advantage, and when it didn't work out your way, you went running to your father, who then fired Lucky from the force -- which was exactly what he needed to bottom out. And the only place he had left to turn was to rehab so, in a very weird and twisted way, I should be thanking you -- the girl who made Lucky worse. Life is full of ironies. Maxie: So are you going to take him back when he gets out of rehab? Elizabeth: That's none of your business, now, is it? Lulu: So, you're the slut who was having sex with my brother. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Hey. Jax: Hey. Carly: Uh -- has Alexis called you? Jax: No. Is she going to? Carly: Yeah. She's probably going to call you and -- uh -- well, you should probably hear it from me. But I've got to warn you, you're going to hate it. You -- you are going to hate it. Jax: Ok. Carly: Maybe you should sit down just for a minute. Jax: No, I'm fine standing, thanks. Carly: It was Sonny's idea, ok? I want you to know this was Sonny's idea. Jax: Ok, you're right, I hate it already. Carly: Well, you were right. Sonny went straight to Alexis to try and convince her to have chemo and, of course, hardheaded Alexis didn't listen to anything he had to say. So Sonny called me and asked me to help him with a little bit of shock therapy. So to freak out Alexis, I -- we pretended like we were back together. And I kind of went on and on about how -- um -- I'm so excited that she's eventually going to die because she's not going to have chemo, and then I'll get the daughter that I always wanted. Jax: Wow. Ahem. That must've been a shock. Carly: I even threw in there that I was probably going to dye Kristina's hair blond. Jax: Really? Oh. Carly: Are you mad? [SCENE_BREAK] Bernie: I -- I just think we need to -- to be more hands-on. You -- did you hear what I said? Sonny: Yeah, I heard you loud and clear. We'll talk about it later. Bernie: Rome is burning; I can't get anybody to listen. Jason: Was that about Vista Del Playa? Sonny: We can't get our money out, and Bernie thinks we're going to have the same problem with our casinos in Puerto Rico. They killed Alfonso. Yeah, he's not going to be the last if we don't take action now. Jason: I'll take care of Puerto Rico. This would be a good time for me to leave town, anyway. [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: Where's Alexis? Sam: Took her in for some tests. Ric: So, what was that all about before? Why the hell did you walk out of the meeting? I mean, it's exactly what Alexis wants us to do -- is try to have a normal flow while she's trying to get better -- and you purposefully flake on something that's very, very important to her? Sam: Are you kidding me? It was important to you, Ric. You told me that Kristina was in trouble with school. You said that she had a -- she had a teacher that I had to meet with. You said you had a meeting to go to. You stuck me with some charity director who wanted money and time, time that we do not have right now. And then to add insult to injury, you put -- you put your hands on my leg -- Ric: Oh, that was -- Sam: Just so Jason could see. How dare you. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth's voice: Ooh, that is no fair! You can throw farther. Lucky: Hey, you started it. You can't wimp out now. Elizabeth: Ah! Who you calling a wimp? Lucky: I'm storming the barricade! Elizabeth: Oh -- retreat, retreat! Lucky: Hey -- Elizabeth: Ok, ok -- Lucky: Ah. Elizabeth: The white flag. Oh -- wave the white flag. Lucky: Ok, why don't we call a truce? Elizabeth: How about I stuff this snowball down the front of your -- Lucky: Oh, no, no. How about we say you don't? Elizabeth: And why not? [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: You have no idea how much pain you caused my family. Lucky and Elizabeth have been changed forever because you were needy and bored. Maxie: You have no idea what happened between me and Lucky. Lulu: Ok. Fine, I'll tell you what I know. You targeted a married man and got him hooked on drugs so you could trick him into bed with you. Maxie: Oh, Lulu, you really need to get off your high horse. I mean, you have no room to talk -- you targeted my sister's husband, lied to him, tricked him into sleeping with you, and even worse, you got pregnant and had an abortion. And you're calling me a slut? You're no paragon of virtue so your judgment rings just a little hollow. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: Thank you. Sam: Um -- Ric: I -- I don't know -- I don't know what you heard or what it was -- Sam: What you just walked in on -- it just -- it wasn't -- Ric: It wasn't anything, really. Alexis: Obviously, the two of you were fighting about something. I don't know what it was. Don't want to know. Probably a good idea for you two to get along. I mean, it -- it would be best for the family. Ric: Well, hey, I'd like to try myself. I'm sure Sam would, too. Sam: If -- if I -- if we have to try and work on this family thing, then I think you should try, too. I just don't understand why you are so insistent on refusing chemo. And I -- I do get that there is a chance that it'll leave you too weak to fight off the pneumonia, but I think there's a bigger chance -- and we all know this -- that if you don't fight this aggressively, it could kill you. Ric: Ok, I think she already knows that, Sam. You don't have to remind her. It's not based on your comfort. Sam: I resent that. Ric: Well, then stop doing it, ok? Alexis: Stop it, both of you. I've thoroughly investigated all of the treatment options and I've made a decision. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Are you going to say something? Are you mad? Jax: No, I just -- you know, I might not agree with your methods, but I get the intent. You know, you care enough to want to help, even though Alexis isn't your favorite person. You think she changed her mind? Carly: I don't know. It's hard to say with her. Jax: You know, it's just -- it's interesting that Sonny's solution would be to ask you for help. Carly: I wouldn't read anything into it. Jax: Oh, I'm not. I'm just, you know, pointing out that you two seem to be finding it easier to, you know, be in the same room together. You even managed to convince a skilled attorney that you're an item again, and then you went your own separate ways, so -- yeah, it's good that you're getting along. It's good. Carly: Are you done? Jax: Yeah. Carly: I happened to have a really, really hard time selling that I was in love with Sonny. Jax: Really? Carly: Yeah, you want to know why? Jax: Yeah. Why? Carly: Because I'm in love with someone else. Jax: Who would that be? Carly: You. Jax: Me? You love me? Carly: Mm-hmm. Jax: Yeah? How much do you love me? Hmm? [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: You don't have to go to Puerto Rico. I'm going to go. Jason: Sonny, I know all the players. I had to handle them while you were out of commission. And I meant what I said about needing the time away. Sonny: I can't give it to you, not this time. Jason: Why not? Sonny: I need to make my presence felt. The situation here is a lot more explosive than what's going on in Puerto Rico. That's why you have to stay here, keep a lid on Alcazar. He may perceive our situation as weak, and you know what? He may even take action -- Jason: Alcazar is not ready to move. I can go down there; I can be back by the time he does any -- Sonny: Jason -- I'm not going to let you run away from Sam. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: It's no wonder that you're fighting. I'm sure the hospital's getting on your nerves -- thank you -- it's certainly getting on mine. I'm tired of this hospital, I'm tired of the diagnoses, I'm tired of it all, and I'm scared that I'm going to feel even worse than I -- I do now. I'm scared that I'm going to fall into another coma and this time I'm not going to wake up, which is why I -- I don't want to have the chemo. But all 500 people that I've asked think that I'm making a mistake. They're people that I respect, people that I love, people that I care about, people that I can't even tolerate all think that I should have the chemo. So I am going to go with the majority, and I'm going to trust that. I'm going to do the chemo. Sam: Wow. Uh -- I am so glad to hear that. Ric: Yeah, so am I. Alexis: Well, you know, this isn't going to be a picnic because I'm going to be drained physically and emotionally, so I'm going to need your support, both of you. Ric: Well, you don't need to ask. Alexis: I think I do. You two need to stop fighting and find some way to coexist, because I'm asking you to. Sam: I'll give you anything you need. Ric: We both will. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: I get that Sam has to be around Ric because of the circumstances and they're connected through family. But when I see them together, I want -- I want to kill somebody. Sonny: And you -- you've talked this over with Sam? Jason: Yes, I've talked over and over, but you know what the thing is? When we're alone, it's -- it's ok. Sonny: Right. Jason: It's actually starting to get a little better. But then she'll say his name or I'll see them together, and I get angry and I change, and she sees it in my eyes. And I know that she's under a lot of stress right now. She just thinks it's better that we don't even try. That's why it would be best for both of us if I left town. Sonny: That's not good for business or you. You're not going to forget about Sam just because you go on a trip to Puerto Rico. As a matter of fact, you're going to be distracted, surrounded by a bunch of hotheads who already have a problem with you running the organization. Jason: What, are you saying you don't trust me down there? Sonny: No, it's not about that. I'm looking at things objectively. I have to make an appearance as a show of strength, and you got to do the same thing by staying here. [Jason sighs] Jason: Ok. Sonny: And I understand that, you know, anger consumes you. But sometimes you got to, you know, take a step back and look at things from the outside in, and you may figure out that the anger you feel is not as strong as how you and Sam feel about each other. As long as you got that, you know, things may work out. Unless you let a third party take it away. [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays] Jax: No more distractions? Carly: Oh, one more thing. Jax: No, no, no, no -- no, no, no. Carly: No, wait, wait, wait. Now, I give you my heart. Singer: You just stand in my doorway I fight to keep my temper I try to figure what to say please believe me and tell me yourself I don't please believe me that chances are you'll lose yourself lose yourself to someone else who made that mistake and I am sorry from the time it takes to give it back somewhere I don't know if I can stay anymore [NEXT_ON] Maxie: Does anyone know what rehab facility Lucky's in? Robin: Isn't it past visiting hours? Lucky: I'm in the drug rehab center across the way. Emily: You're pregnant? Why didn't you tell me? Alcazar: Why don't you come up with a good reason why I should let you live, or I will kill you where you stand. | Sam and Jason agree to go their separate ways |
231 | Philip: Lauren, Lauren! Belle: Is she okay? Is she breathing? Nurse: I'll call it in. Shawn D.: I'll get a doctor. Nurse: She's got a pulse. She's going into shock. Belle: I'll go get some blankets. Nurse: Let me take a look here, sir. Philip: Don't touch me. I know what I'm doing. Where's the doctor? She's got a major head injury, and she needs help right now. Lauren, we got help on the way, okay? Talk to me. Don't leave us. Doctor: What happened? Philip: She tripped running down the stairs. Her head's pretty bad. Nurse: Keep her neck stabilized. They're bringing a backboard and a cervical collar from ER. Philip: You hold on, Lauren. You're gonna be okay. I'm here, and I'm gonna see you through this, okay? You don't worry about anything but getting better. Just stay with me so we can find Tyler. Lauren: [Whimpers] Philip: I know you love my son. And you wouldn't do anything to harm him. Lauren: Tyler? [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn D.: Ow. Belle: Shawn. Shawn D.: Belle, I'm okay. Belle: No, you're not. You're in pain. Come on. Let's get back upstairs. Nurse: I'll help you. Philip: Shawn... thanks. Shawn D.: I hope she's gonna be okay. Philip: Lauren, I need you to tell me one thing -- is my son alive? [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: This vendetta will never end without you. Please, come on. I don't want you to die, E.J. Please. You can't die on me. I hate you for everything that you have done to my family and everyone I love, but I don't want you to die. Please. E.J., this vendetta will never end without you. Come on. I hate myself for this, but I care about you. And I don't want you to die. Sami: Be careful. E.J.: All right, look, stop. You shouldn't be doing this. Sami: Oh, please. I'm almost done. E.J.: Samantha, you shouldn't even have started in your condition. Sami: I'm pregnant. That's not a condition, and mopping the floors is not going to make me go into labor, though I wish something would. E.J.: Sorry about all the oil. Sami: Yeah, well, it's just oil. E.J.: How's your dad? Sami: Aside from some dehydration and exhaustion, he's actually gonna be okay. E.J.: I would have thought that you would have been a little happier knowing that Roman, you know, was safe. Sami: Life is one never-ending party, huh? E.J.: Okay [Clears throat] You're tired. Let me finish this up for you. Sami: No, thank you. E.J.: I insist. Sami: Can you just get the hell away from me, please? [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: Lauren, focus, please. This is important. Is my son alive? Lauren: [Whimpering] Nurse: What's her name? Doctor: Everyone, step back. Lauren. Lauren, can you hear me? Lauren: Aah! Doctor: We're gonna fix you up. Relax and let us do all the work. 1, 2, 3. Lauren: Aah! Doctor: Hang in there, Lauren. We're gonna take good care of you. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: Hey, it's okay. It's okay. I'm here, okay? I'm gonna help you through this. Lauren: [Whimpering] Philip: What are you trying to say? Is my son alive? Is my son alive? Did you say yes? Lauren: Yes. Philip: Yes. Yes. [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: Mop away, sweetheart. If you think you're gonna be able to wipe out what happened to you, you're wrong. Sami: Thank you, Dr. Freud. That was really -- excuse me. Sorry. I don't mean to get that in your way. E.J.: I'm beginning to get the distinct impression that you wouldn't mind upending that bucket of water over my head. Sami: Well, maybe that's 'cause you know me better than I know myself. E.J.: You know, I think that you might have hit the nail on the head. Sami: Don't start with me, E.J. E.J.: My, um, intimate knowledge of your many moods tells me that you are upset, Samantha. Sami: That is a brilliant conclusion. E.J.: I hope it's not because you nearly lost me. Sami: Oh, by George, I think you got it. E.J.: Really? You know, actually, I think I do have it. I think that's it, because I think in nearly losing me, you suddenly realized how much you care. Sami: That's ridiculous. E.J.: Is that ridiculous? Well, why don't you tell me exactly what it is that has got you worked up into such a state? Sami: "What it is?" Are you really telling me you're that clueless? E.J.: Maybe I am. Why don't you enlighten me? Sami: I'll tell you. Because I am sick to death that I have to divorce the man that I love to marry a man that I hate more than anything in the world. E.J.: Really? More than my father? More than Andre? Really? Is that right? Sami: Would you just get out of here?! E.J.: No, Samantha. I won't. Now be fair. You were given a choice. You were given a choice, sweetheart. You chose to agree by the terms to end the vendetta. Sami: You have an unbelievable definition of the word "choice." My choice is to either marry you or leave the rest of my family to be attacked by DiMera's until there's not one Brady left standing? E.J.: Look, whether you marry me or not, whether this vendetta ends or it doesn't end, I've already told you, I've given you my word that you and those children will not be harmed. Sami: Well, that just makes me feel really safe. And I can't wait to throw myself under the wheels of the DiMera killing machine. E.J.: Oh, I see. This is all about self-sacrifice. Is that right? Sami: Not for a second. I am not sacrificing myself to you or to anyone in the DiMera family. With any luck, Stefano will die soon, and Andre will never make it out of that hospital alive. E.J.: My father has more lives than a cat, Samantha. Sami: Yeah, well, Stefano has run out of lives. E.J.: Maybe. But as for Andre, evil has a certain nasty way of persevering, you know. Sami: Wait till we're married. You'll see a new meaning of the word "nasty." E.J.: Oh, come on, Samantha. Look, as long as our lots are thrown in together, can't we at least try and make the best out of this? Sami: Oh, yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't you? E.J.: Yes, actually, I would. It would give me an opportunity to prove to you that I'm not the scoundrel you think I am. Sami: I don't care. Do you understand that I don't love you and I don't want you and this marriage is an act of mercy to stop your family from killing mine? E.J.: It's a lot more than that, Samantha, and you know it. Sami: No, I don't. It's not more than that. That is the definition of a marriage of convenience. There is no love between the husband and wife. E.J.: You speak for yourself. Sami: You wait. Before long, you will be begging, screaming for the devil to take your soul to get you away from me. Why, I can practically smell the fire and brimstone. [SCENE_BREAK] Nurse Gilliam: You know what happens to patients with second-degree burns who race through this hospital? Shawn D.: No lime jello? Nurse Gilliam: I ought to serve you double for that stunt you pulled. Shawn D.: [Sighs] That's better...and fast. Nurse Gilliam: Yeah, painkillers, they'll usually do that for you. Belle: The pain really that bad still? Shawn D.: It's mostly okay, but when you get slammed against a wall, it stings quite a bit. The skin, it feels so tight. Nurse Gilliam: That's because your skin grafts are healing. Belle: Maybe you shouldn't have gotten out of bed at all. Nurse Gilliam: Some exercise is good for him -- speeds up healing. Belle: Well, yeah. We're talking once around the nurses' station, not clocking a marathon. Shawn D.: What can I say? I used to be hell on wheels. Belle: He's talking about race cars. Nurse Gilliam: Live for danger after you're discharged. Shawn D.: What was I supposed to do? If I didn't do anything, Lauren would be long gone. I just hope she's gonna be okay. Will you let me know how she's doing? Nurse Gilliam: I'll keep you informed. In the meantime, I don't want those burns to get infected. Belle: I'll see that he follows doctor's orders. Shawn D.: And no more wind sprints in the halls. I get it. Nurse Gilliam: Don't let him charm you, honey. Belle: Too late. I'm already under his spell. Nurse Gilliam: Pretty hard to resist, isn't he? [SCENE_BREAK] Belle: You know, that nurse is right. Shawn D.: All these women ganging up on me. Belle: Oh, please. You love it. But seriously, you need to relax and recuperate. You know, the sooner we get out of here, the sooner we can finally get to setting that wedding date. Shawn D.: What's stopping us from picking a date? [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: Samantha, you do realize this is not entirely about you. We are both being manipulated by circumstances that are entirely beyond our control. Sami: I have a choice between a rock and a hard place. E.J.: Oh, I get it. You think you're the only one who's trapped, don't you? Sami: I know I am. I know I'm the only one hating it. E.J.: You're wrong. Sami: E.J., this is your fondest wish come true. E.J.: No, actually, it's really not. I resent being used as a pawn to play out the end of some 50-year-old romance. Sami: Well, then, you should tell your dad to do his homework. When history repeats itself, it usually has the same ending. E.J.: I certainly hope not. Sami: Well, if someone is throwing themselves off a cliff, you can be sure that it will not be me. E.J.: That was a whole other century. I mean, it's a completely different world now from the one that Santo and Colleen knew. Sami: Yeah, well, tragedies still happen and hearts still get broken. You're more like Santo than I first thought. You ruin people's lives. And this supposedly perfect solution to the vendetta could just as easily have been your twisted brainchild. E.J.: I'm not that devious, you know. Have I ever made any secret of my feelings for you? Sami: Don't you ever, ever bring it up in front of Lucas again. E.J.: Look, Samantha, I want your hand in marriage, but not because it's being forced. Sami: Oh, good. Then let's call it off. E.J.: I want you to want me. I want you to want to be with me. I want you to want to share your bed with me. Sami: What? Wait. Hold everything. Who said anything about sharing a bed? [SCENE_BREAK] Belle: Well, we need to look at a calendar and see holiday dates and all that stuff before we can set a wedding date. Besides, I want you to have some incentive to get better fast. Shawn D.: Being back with you and Claire is incentive enough. Belle: Well, I hope this whole episode doesn't affect your back and make you have to stay here longer. Shawn D.: I wasn't planning on running the 50-yard dash. The nurse said I could stroll around a little bit, and the first person I run into is Lauren. Belle: And you ran after her. Shawn D.: Yeah, I followed her for Philip. I figured she might have his kid someplace nearby. It was either grab her or lose her. Belle: You're pretty amazing, you know. I know that had to hurt. Shawn D.: I was just running on adrenaline. Belle: What's she even doing here anyway in Salem and in the hospital? Shawn D.: I don't know. I just wish she hadn't run. Belle: Hey, it's not your fault or Philip's. If she would have just given him his son back when he asked her to, none of this would have happened. Shawn D.: I don't know. I called Philip. I couldn't hold him back when he saw her. I'm starting to feel like this is my fault she fell down those stairs. Belle: Hey, you did what needed to be done. Things happen. Shawn D.: I just hope she's gonna be all right. Belle: She will be. She'll be fine. You reacted on instinct to help Philip find his son. That's a good thing. Shawn D.: I wasn't really thinking about helping Philip. I was thinking about helping myself. Belle: What do you mean? Shawn D.: First thing I thought about when I saw Lauren was if Philip gets his kid back, then I get you back all to myself. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: Yeah, Billie, I know. It's crazy she showed up here. Thank God Shawn was here and spotted her. Billie: And she just took off? Philip: When she saw me, she freaked, Billie. Billie: Must have been a pretty bad fall. Philip: Very bad fall. Billie: Is she gonna be okay? Philip: She's pretty banged up, has a serious head wound. Billie: What about Tyler? Did she say anything about him? Philip: He's alive. That's all I got, but I don't know where he is. Look, I got to find out what's happening. I'll call you later, okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn D.: All right, go ahead and say it, Belle. Belle: What are you talking about? Shawn D.: Call me on my jealousy. Belle: Well, there's clearly something you don't know about women and jealousy. Shawn D.: That they hate it. Belle: That they love it... in moderation. Shawn D.: Not you. You hate it when I'm jealous of Philip. Belle: I encouraged it. Shawn D.: What? Belle: Well, not on purpose. I've done a lot of stupid things without thinking about your feelings. Shawn D.: Like what? Belle: Like letting Philip buy me clothes and taking off with him around the country to help him find Lauren and his son. And I wasn't thinking how it was for you. Shawn D.: Well, my motives for going to Tulsa weren't exactly pure, either. Not that I didn't miss you. 'Cause that much is true. Belle: I really missed you, too. Shawn D.: You could have fooled me. Belle: I was just working off my guilt for keeping Philip away from Claire for so long. And I thought that if I could help him find his son that it might even things up a little bit. Shawn D.: You could have told me this stuff, you know. Belle: You were right all along, okay? I got too involved in Philip's life and that was very unfair to you. Shawn D.: I could have handled things better. Belle: I guess it's time to give myself a reality check, huh? You've been amazingly patient, more than I have had any right to expect. Shawn D.: Not patient enough. Belle: We are engaged to be married. I'm wearing your ring. And I love you so much. I can't wait to marry you, so I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you for not letting me wreck what we have. Shawn D.: I got an idea. Why don't we split this guilt? I'll take half of it and then you take the other half. Belle: Are you sure you want half, considering the hoops I've made you jump through? Shawn D.: There isn't a hoop that is too high for me to jump through, as long as I end up with you. Belle: Things are gonna be different from now on, I promise. Whatever happens with Tyler, he's Philip's family and I'm gonna concentrate on my own from now on. [SCENE_BREAK] [Monitors beeping rapidly] Doctor: She's arresting. We need the crash cart, stat. ...On the monitor. Okay, I don't feel her heart beat. [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: Samantha, I don't think you quite understand here -- Sami: I understand everything. Now you need to understand that this marriage will consist of separate beds, separate bedrooms, separate sides of the house. E.J.: So we are buying a house together? Sami: I am not living in that apartment with you, rubbing Lucas' face in this disaster of a marriage. E.J.: No, of course not. I understand. Mm-hmm, okay. I'll buy a house. You know what we could also do? We could live with my dad. Sami: I'm not raising these twins in Satan's playground. E.J.: Look, Samantha, no matter what you think of Stefano, he's my father, okay? And he's also dying. Sami: Yeah, not soon enough for me. E.J.: That's cold. Look -- that man is responsible for bringing peace between our two families. Sami: E.J., I'm not sharing a bed with you, no matter what you say or where we're living. E.J.: All right, look -- I appreciate that this...puts you in a somewhat difficult situation. Sami: Oh, do you? Really? E.J.: But...if we are to end this vendetta, we have to agree to follow all the terms, and that means uniting Santo and Colleen's souls. We're not going to accomplish that by being roommates. I mean, do you really think we can? Sami: All right, fine. Then we will let Stefano believe that we have consummated the marriage. E.J.: We can't do that. If we're going to end this vendetta, we need to follow the spirit of Santo's terms, not just the letter. Sami: Or what? Your grandfather's gonna come up from hell and push our beds together? E.J.: Look, okay, we have an opportunity here to redeem their souls, to honor the love and the passion that they had for each other, to fulfill their destiny, to bring the whole thing full circle. Sami: E.J., please. Don't try to turn this into some Irish 1950s version of "Romeo and Juliet." Santo's love destroyed Colleen. E.J.: As Romeo's did Juliet. Sami: Okay, just shut up. I'm not turning into Colleen. You got me? E.J.: You won't. Sami: If I sleep with you. E.J., you are not trying to honor Santo and Colleen. This is just another trick to get me into bed. You know every trick in the book, don't you? E.J.: I'm not that man anymore. I thought you knew that. And though I may try a little gentle persuasion, I'm not going to use any trickery. Sami: Persuade all you like. Won't make a bit of difference. E.J.: Look, Santo is the guiding force here, not me. Do you want to save your family? Do you want to end this cycle of grief that has plagued your family and mine for so many years? Then you have to become my wife, and that means being my wife in every sense of the word. [SCENE_BREAK] [Monitors beeping rapidly] Doctor: Clear. Air. Morgan: Let it go, fella. Call it a day. Philip: Look, it's money you want, right? So, what will it take? 250? 300 grand? I'll write you a check. Just give me an address where I can find him. Belle: Philip, come on. Morgan: He's accused you of extortion, sweetheart. You take that money, I'm gonna have to arrest you. Philip: Detective, you're not helping. Lauren: What is this? Just because you got a few bucks in the bank, you think you're entitled? I wouldn't tell you where my son is if you put a gun to my head. Philip: Damn it! Where is he?! Where is he?! Doctor: 200 joules. Clear. [Beeping continues] Philip: Come on! Come on! Doctor: One gram of epi. Charge 360. Philip: You can't let her die. She's the only one who knows where my son is. Doctor: Clear. [Flatline] I'm sorry. She's not coming back. Time of death... [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn D.: You know, when I get sprung from this place, I want you, me, and Claire to go on a vacation. Belle: Oh. Well, Thanksgiving break's coming up. What did you have in mind? Shawn D.: You pick. Belle: Well, if we had money, I've always wanted to go to one of those club- type resorts, you know? They have the programs to entertain the kids while Mom and Dad go and sip Mai Tais on the beach. Shawn D.: Belle, I don't care if we have to pitch a tent in the park and feed the squirrels. Belle: Yeah, well, maybe until we have money, that's what we should do. Shawn D.: No, how about I pick and I'll surprise you? Ooh, wait a sec. I forgot. You hate surprises. Belle: No, that's the kind of surprise a girl likes. Just you need to hurry up and get better...and surprise me. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: She's gone. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: This is a nightmare. E.J.: Look, Samantha, I want you...to come to me with a full and loving heart...and of your own free will. Sami: Do you really believe that you love me? E.J.: Yes, I do. Sami: Then go to Stefano and tell him to end the vendetta. E.J.: Look, I made a promise, Samantha, to abide by my grandfather's terms...and that includes you. Sami: You claim to love me. Then lie to him. E.J.: That won't work. My father won't be fooled easily. Sami: What's he gonna do, hide a video camera in our bedroom? Hide Dr. Rolf under the bed? E.J.: No, of course he's not going to do that. Sami: Damn you. I am sick of this conversation, and I am sick of you. I want you to get out. Right now, E.J. You claim to care about me? Then get out right now. E.J.: Okay. All right. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Oh! Don't shoot. What? Sami, what is it? What's wrong? What is it? Sami. [SCENE_BREAK] Tony: Seems someone is having a bad day. You shouldn't be drinking alone, you know. E.J.: Go away, Tony. Tony: Why don't you give me one of the same, a little ice? So, why the long face, Elvis? I thought you won over the fair maiden. E.J.: Yeah. She's leaving Lucas and marrying me if that's what you mean. Tony: Hmm. And after you wed, what then? A honeymoon? E.J.: I suppose. Tony: Well, there's a nice island in the South Pacific I can recommend for its privacy. In fact, um, it's not on the charts. It has a little thatched hut. Only in your case, you'll probably need two -- one for you and one for the wife who detests you. E.J.: Very funny. She'll love me in time, Tony. Tony: Oh, is that what you believe or for what you did to her? Those shot glasses would say otherwise. [SCENE_BREAK] Belle: Hey, what happened? Philip: Her heart stopped. They couldn't bring her back. Belle: That's awful. Shawn D.: I can't believe it. Belle: So, we don't know where Tyler is or if he's even alive. Philip: She said that Tyler was alive right before she died, but nothing about where he is. Belle: So he is alive. Philip: That's what she said. Belle: Well, that's all that matters, Philip. Philip: Where do we even begin looking for him? Belle: Victor's gonna pull out all the stops to find his grandson. Shawn D.: And I'll do whatever I can to help. Philip: Thanks. And thanks for everything you did today. I mean, talk about going the extra mile. You really came through for me when the chips were down. I won't forget it. Shawn D.: When I saw Lauren, I just knew how much it meant to you to find her and your son. Philip: Yeah, but we've had our issues, man. I mean, you could have just let Lauren walk away and feel like I deserved it. You did a really generous thing when there wasn't anything in it for you. That means a lot, man. Shawn D.: I just wish I could have done more, find out where Tyler is. Belle: At least we know he's alive now. Philip: Yeah, but that picture I have of Tyler is pretty much worthless. Remember how much Claire changed from week to week? Finding my son is gonna be next to impossible. Billie: That's where you're wrong. Not only are we gonna find Tyler, we're gonna bring him home. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: So, what are you doing here? Hope: Well, I was checking on Shawn and Caroline. Shawn, actually. He still feels so guilty about Colleen's death. Sami: She committed suicide. That is not his fault. Hope: Yeah, well, he's still having a hard time believing that. I was just about to make him some tea. Would you like some? Sami: Herbal tea? Hope: You got it. You want to talk about it? Sami: My, uh...my meltdown? Hope: Yeah. Is it really all that bad? Sami: Well, I have to divorce the man I love to marry a man that I hate. Hope: Nobody expects or wants you to do that, Sami. Nobody. Sami: Well, E.J. thinks -- Hope: Nobody who truly cares about you, honey. Sami: I am doing this to protect my family -- you, Uncle Bo, and your kids and my kids. What if one more person dies and I know I could have done something to stop it? Can you believe that it's me? I used to be such a troublemaker and doing what I wanted when I wanted to do it and with whoever I wanted to do it with. I was such a selfish you know what. Hope: Rhymes with "rich"? Sami: [Chuckles] Yeah. That and here I am, willing to give up what I want most in the world for my family. Hope: And you know why? Because, troublemaker or not, you never stopped loving and caring about your family, even when you were making our lives miserable. Sami: People compare me to Colleen, and I guess I...knew it myself, but...she had a choice. And she chose love over family. But I can't do that. I have to choose my family over love. And I can't bear what it's doing to Lucas. Hope: I can imagine. Sami: I just hope one day he understands that I had to do it to protect him and our kids. Hope: And what about you? Sami: Well, I know what I'm getting myself into. I mean, poor Colleen -- she had no idea what kind of man santo really was, that he'd been lying to her all that time. Hope: He definitely took advantage of her in the worst possible way. Sami: And that's why she threw herself off that cliff. Because...because she couldn't live with it. She thought it was her own fault. Hope: It's so unfair. Sami: And she knew that decision would haunt her for the rest of her life. Hope: And now you're about to marry E.J. Aren't you afraid that decision will haunt you for the rest of your life? Excuse me. [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: You know, things began really well between Sami and me. Tony: Really? E.J.: Yeah, we really -- we really connected right off the bat. If old man Brady hadn't spilled the -- about grandfather's wife, none of this would have ever started. Tony: Oh, but you know what they say -- better to have loved and lost...than never to have loved at all. E.J.: Yeah, but therein lies the rub, you see, Tony. 'Cause she's never actually been mine to lose. Tony: But I thought that was already in the works? E.J.: Oh, yeah, we're getting married, but what good is a piece of paper? She doesn't really love me. Tony: Well, she can grow to love you. E.J.: [Chuckles] Yeah. Maybe. It's grandfather's fault. You know that, right? He started this stupid vendetta, turned father into the vengeful, unforgiving man we see before us today, and made me do things of which I am...deeply ashamed. Things that I don't think... Samantha will ever forget. Tony: But we've all lost, the Bradys most of all. E.J.: Then why is it the DiMera family's in ruins, eh, Tony? This has to stop. It has to stop. [SCENE_BREAK] Billie: All right, does anybody have any idea what Lauren was doing in the hospital? Belle: Shawn and I were wondering the same thing. Shawn D.: She was running around the country, hiding from Philip, and suddenly she comes back to his hometown? Billie: Nothing that Lauren did made sense. Bonnie paid her off to carry Philip's baby to term. Philip: Yeah, then she agreed to sign that paper to terminate the pregnancy. Billie: Which is a little thing called fraud. That's a felony that could have landed her in prison. Shawn D.: Then she went after Philip for money. Billie: He wanted the baby. She didn't. All Philip had to do was pony up more cash. Philip: But when I agreed, she took off with my son. Belle: Maybe she just fell in love with the little guy. I mean, babies are pretty irresistible. Shawn D.: If that were true, then why didn't she have Tyler with her? Billie: What, she left him with somebody she trusted until Philip gave up looking for him? Philip: So he could be anywhere. Billie: Maybe not. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Marrying E.J. is gonna ruin my relationship with Lucas. It could ruin my entire life. Hope: Doesn't that scare you? Sami: I don't have a choice. Hope: Can I ask you something without you getting angry? Sami: That sounds ominous. Hope: Is something else going on? Any other reason why you've decided to go ahead with this marriage? Sami: Look, Aunt Hope, I don't have feelings for E.J., and I'm really sick of people asking me about it. Hope: Why do I feel that I just struck a nerve? Sami: You didn't. But... Hope: But what? Sami: But I look like Colleen, and he looks exactly like Santo. What if it is more than just chance? What if it is...fate? Tell me that I am doing the right thing. Hope: I can't. If I were in your position... would I make the same decision? Sami: Would you? Hope: I don't know. See, the truth is, Sami, is that I don't think anyone can know what they'd do without actually having to make that choice. Sami: Well, then, how am I supposed to know that I did the right thing? Hope: I don't know. You need to look inside of your heart. Sami: You better get that tea up to Grandpa before it gets cold. Hope: You okay? Sami: Yeah. Thank you. Hope: Always. You know that. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: You got it? I told you to go. E.J.: I'll lie to my father. Sami: What? E.J.: I'll respect your wishes and your feelings for Lucas. If you want a separate bedroom, if you want your privacy, whatever it takes to make this whole situation more tolerable for you, you got it. I'll tell Stefano...that we're sharing a bed together. He'll never be any the wiser. Sami: And what do you expect in return? E.J.: Nothing. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: All we know is Tyler's alive. Billie: We know more than that. What are the two mysteries that need solving? Belle: Where Lauren kept Tyler. Shawn D.: And what she's doing back here in Salem. Billie: Add those two questions up and what have you got? Philip: Tyler's been here in Salem all along. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: How come 10 minutes ago you were insisting that we be man and wife in every sense of the word? E.J.: Because you're making a huge sacrifice for your family. And I would like to make it as easy for you as possible. Sami: So what's the catch? E.J.: There's no catch. No terms. No conditions. Sami: Why? E.J.: Because I love you. And I'd like the opportunity to prove that to you. [SCENE_BREAK] Max: Oh, you're gonna convince a bunch of frat guys to turn off the game and sell their bodies for a chick charity they don't even know about. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: So, when I found E.J. in your lap, that was within the boundaries? Sami: I thought he was dying. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: I have something that I think will be of very much interest to you. [SCENE_BREAK] We don't read the guestbook very often, so please don't post QUESTIONS, only COMMENTS, if you want an answer. Feel free to email us with your questions by clicking on the Feedback link above! PLEASE SIGN--> | ---|--- HELP SUPPORT THESE GREAT CAUSES!  |  ---|---  Fight hunger and malnutrition. Donate to Action Against Hunger today! 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232 | Marah: Mom, are you okay? Reva: Oh, sweetie, yes, honey I'm fine. I'm so fine. How did you know? Marah: Harley called. Reva: Carrie was here, she's in police custody? Josh: Carrie's in police custody, you don't have to worry about her. Marah: What happened? Josh: Your mom had a pretty big night, marah. And we discovered that you need to know about. Maryanne did not drown in the Josh: Yeah. Marah: How do you know? Reva: Well, sweetie, i relived the whole thing. Maryanne is the one who saved you, saved both of you. Marah: I can'T... I don't believe this. After all this time; after all these months and years? Josh: It's over, marah. You're free. Marah: Free? Dad, how can you even think that Harley: How did you find he? Gus: Please, I'm a detective. I got people that have got people that tell me things. Harley: This has been the most insane night. I am not kidding you. This carrie curruther's thing has me freaked out. Gus: It's finished, it's over right? Harley: Finished. Over and done with and time to move on to something else. Speaking of which, what is going on with you? You were so weird on the phone with me earlier when I called you. Ed: The first lady of springfield. Michelle: That's sounds so weird? Ed: Get used to it, baby. Ed: So, where's danny? Michelle: I don't know. He's missing his own victory party here. Ed: That gives us a chance to talk. Cassie: Hey, guys? Michelle: Hi. Cassie: Have drinks. Michelle: Thank you. Hey, you know, I want to thank you for being here. Ed: You're welcome, you know, not being able to support ross. He's your best friend and me dredging up the past and everything that's happened. Ed: That's what I wanted to talk to you about, okay? Bill: I'm sorry. Can I get her for one photo, please? Michelle: I'll be right back. Cassie: Do I throw a party or do I throw a party? Edmund: Very interesting. Cassie: What was that? Edmund: I'm sorry, what? Cassie: The tone in your voice. You didn't sound too impressed. Edmund: Oh, I don't know. It's just the... I never thought danny santos would be mayor of springfield. Cassie: People change. Don't forget that. Edmund: Yes, well danny and i are the poster boys for that. Cassie: Yes, you are. Okay, look, I don't expect you guys to be friends, but, you know, stranger things have happened. Edmund: True. Cassie: But danny's my friend. Edmund: Have I not beenEdmund: Have I not been gracious? Cassie: You are the epitome of graciousness. Keep it up. Bill: Still no sign of the big guy. Eden: The way I see it, I am standing next to the big guy. Eden: You made this han. Bill: Well, no, danny wanted this whole mayor thing and i helped a it will. Eden: A little? Bill: A lot. It's all me. But I couldn't have done it without you, okay. We make a great team. Tonight everyone's going to know it. Tony: Michelle, do you think danny's still upstairs with jeffrey? Michelle: I guess so. I don't know what was so big that jeffrey o'neill had to talk to danny tonight. Jeffrey: I suggest that you settle down, danny. Danny: No way, forget it. Forget it. O'neill, I worked too damn hard to win this election. Do you know how hard I worked? I am not giving it up. Jeffrey: You're forgetting, danny, you don't have a choice. Danny: Believe me, I have a lot of choices. Jeffrey: No, you don't, danny. You can't have it both ways. Either you're legit or you're not legit. This says you're not legit. I'm offering you an opportunity. Danny: An opportunity? That s that what you're calling this, an opportunity? You're trying to take me down. Jeffrey: Listen to me. Just take the time and listen to what I'm saying. Danny: I've listened to you long enough, o'neill, this meeting is over. Jeffrey: It's not over until I say it's over. I thought your wife and kid meant more to you than this. Danny: Take your threats and demands and go straight to hell, got it! Jeffrey: Come here! Listen to me, danny. You walk out that door, you're never going to get a chance like this again. This is your last chance at redemption, you got it? Harley: So, how does it feel being out of that boring office and back out on the streets? Gus: Oh, yeah, it's good. Harley: You working on anything interesting? Gus: No. The routine stuff, you know? Frank's got me doing bupkis. Hey, let's get out of here. We'll go over to the beacon to danny's victory party. Harley: I like this. Gus: It's called being lazy. Call me captain. I'm just being lazy. Harley: I would love to go to that but I have stuff I have to finish up here, first. And then I get to work with jeffrey o'neill again. Gus: How's that going? Any link between spaulding an the drugs on the street. Harley: Wouldn't you like to know. Gus: Not going to tell me? Harley: No. I have to hook up with reva and marah. I will meet you at the beacon maybe. If not, tell danny and michelle I said congratulations. Gus: Yeah, sure. You might have found the link to spaulding yet, but I guarantee you there is one. Danny: Redemption? You think that you're saving me by shoving me back into the mob? Jeffrey: I got news for you, danny, you never left it. Danny: The hell I didn'T. Jeffrey: You can't deny it, danny. Danny: My hands are clean, o'neill. Jeffrey: All that time you were cleaning up 5th street, you were still in bed with the other families, danny. Danny: That's bull. I'm a free man. Jeffrey: You're not a free man, danny! You wrong to them, you know it, I know it, and worst of all, they know it. Danny: You don't know what you're talking about. Jeffrey: Play make believe. Go sit in that fancy mayor's office downtown. Danny: I will. Jeffrey: And then play house with your wife and pretend you're on top of the world! Danny: I am on top of the world! Jeffrey: How long is that going to last, danny? How long before someone comes knocking? How long before that bill becomes due? Because it is going to come due, isn't it? And when it comes, you're going to be paying through your nose. Danny: What do you want from me? Jeffrey: Okay, good. Now you're listening. You cooperate. You do what I tell you and then you're finally going to get a chance to walk away from the mob once and for all. Danny: Nobody walks away. Isn't that what you've just been telling me? Jeffrey: I can make it happen. Danny: Right. Jeffrey: And I can also make it, danny, that your son can grow up with the respect that his father never had. Danny: You don't understand. If I cooperate with you, I'm a dead man, or I spend the rest of my life in witness protection. Jeffrey: Doesn't have to be that way. Danny: I think you overestimate yourself. Jeffrey: I know what I'm doing, danny. Danny: You don't know who you're dealing with. These guys don't just go away, o'neill. Jeffrey: Trust me, I know who I'm dealing with. Danny: No, you don'T. Jeffrey: And we're not just going to make a couple of arrests, danny. We're going to clean up these streets once and for all. Danny: (Laughs) Jeffrey: And we're going to do it together. Danny: It'll never happen. Jeffrey: Well, that... that's up to you now, isn't it? Ed: Honey, I need to talk to you for just one minute, okay? Michelle: Okay. Tony: That yours? Ed: No, that's me. I'll be right back, okay? Michelle: Okay. So are you having a good time? Tony: You want me to lie? Michelle: Well, it is a little thrill. Tony: Kind of to say the least. Michelle: But he did it. He won, danny won! Tony: He sure did, he won. (Cheers and applause) yeah, danny won. Did you ever doubt him, seriously? Michelle: Well, you know, briefly. I think we all did. Tony: Well, you know I'm skeptical. Michelle: I know. But you never ever doubted that he deserved it. Tony: Never. In fact, I'm very, very proud of him. He worked extremely hard at it. He deserves it. Michelle: It just goes to show you that dreams do come true. Tony: Sometimes, yeah. Cassie: Hey, have you seen danny? Michelle: He's upstairs with jeffrey o'neill? Cassie: Why? Michelle: I don't know. City business, I guess. Cassie: Do you want me to go get them? I have a way of handling mr. O'neill. Michelle: No thanks. I'm going to have to get used to it if he's going to be the mayor. Duty will call, right? Ed: Hey, can I steal her for one second? Please, please. Michelle: What's wrong? Ed: That was holly. One of her reporters just told her that carrie carruthers is... is alive. Michelle: Oh, my god! I mean, I knew it was a possibility, but.... Ed: She's in police custody for trying to kill reva. Michelle: What? Is reva all right? Ed: She's fine. She's fine. Michelle: Wow. Wait, dad, this means that marah should be cleared of the charges right? This is good news. Ed: Yes, it is. But there's something else, and that's what I've been trying to tell you. Michelle: Well, what? Ed: All right. The reason that carrie went after reva is because reva had figured out the truth about what happened the night of the accident. Maryanne carruthers wasn't killed in that car when it went off the bridge. Carrie killed her. Josh: Marah, carrie can't hurt us anymore, ever again. Marah: I know. Josh: It's okay. We can always breathe a little easier now. Reva: Joshua. Josh: It's okay to feel relieve. Marah: Dad, I don't feel relieved. I still feel sick over the whole thing. I almost killed somebody. Josh: You did not kill carrie and even if you had, it would have been justified. See? Marah: I have a very difficult time justifying it under any circumstances. Reva: Sweetie, you did what you had to do in order to save your father's life. Josh: I feel pretty good about that personally. Marah: Me, too. I just, I don't know.... Reva: I wish it could have happened another way. Marah: You know, I keep seeing me pulling the trigger and I see it clearer everyday. I just wish I could forget about of this. Reva: You won't forget about all of it. But with time the pain will go away. Marah: This is worse than anything tony ever did. I did this. Josh: No, marah. Carrie did this. Carrie made this whole thing happen because she was sick or evil or whatever. You just can't let her get to you. Marah: I wish to god that she didn'T. Just wish I could forget about all of this. Josh: You will. Like your mom said, time will heal this, you just have to give it time, you have to believe all that. Marah: Okay, I'll try. Harley: Mind if I come in? Reva: After everything you've done if this family, get in here. Harley: How are you feeling? Reva: I'm better, I am. They're going to let me out of here later. I can go home in sleep. Josh: Have you seen carrie? Did she confess to killing maryanne? Harley: Carrie admitted maryanne was alive after the car crash and she swam to shore, where she was strangled to death my carrie. Reva: That's how it was when I relived it. Harley: Then she said something. She said "always remember." Reva: "Always remember"? What? Harley: I don't know. Because after that, her lights went out. She's gone. You look at her and you can tell she's not there anymore. Josh: I don't buy that. It's an act, a trick. Harley: I don't know, josh. Josh: It is. It's part of a plan, I'm sure. She's going to try to get sympathy from the judge. Harley: The woman is a shell. I mean, all that rage that we saw earlier, it's gone. Or it's buried, I don't know where. Reva: Well, it doesn't surprise me. She's been nuts long before tonight. Josh: I just want to see her locked up. I want to see her jailed for the rest of her life and away from us. Marah: Will she go to jail? Harley: Probably not. She'll probably be institutionalized. Josh: Have you told buzz about this? Harley: No, I couldn't reach him. But I want to try him again. Excuse me. Marah: Dad, I've got to do something. Josh: You want somebody to go with you? Marah: No, thank you. Josh: I don't think you should be alone. Marah: I need to do this alone. Reva: Joshua, let her do it alone. Marah: I love you, okay? Michelle: I don't believe this. Ed: I know. It's like none of us, we weren'T.... Michelle: Dad, you must be so happy. Ed: I'm relieved. Michelle: Oh, god, I prayed for this so many times. You know what? Tonight is like a new beginning in so many ways, we're going to put the past behind us and move forward, okay? Ed: I want to do that, too. Ross: Sorry, I'm interrupting something? Michelle: No, it's good. Ed: Carrie carruthers, she was alive and she was arrested tonight. Ross: I didn't get a call about this. Michelle: It just happened. But, ross, it turns out that carrie is the one who is responsible for maryanne's death. Ross: I can't tell you how happy I am about this. But right now I'm here to congratulate the apparent mayor elect. Is danny inside? Michelle: He is meeting with district attorney o'neill. Ross: Ah, there is an upside to losing this election. Danny: Good fight, counselor, no hard feelings, right? Ross: None whatsoever. Danny: Where blake? Ross: She's at home with the kids, a place where I'll be very soon. I just want to say hello to danny. No danny? Bill: Yeah, well you can't leave without saying hi to him, first. Ross: You're dying for this photo opportunity. Bill: I'm not necessarily dying, but hey there's plenty of food. Come on. Eden: He's so happy tonight. Michelle: We all are. Gus: Hey, hi. Eden: What are you doing here? Gus: I'm never going to miss a big party, free food. Eden: Yeah, and danny did great. Gus: Yeah. He's got great people on his side. You make a great team. Eden: Yeah. I think so, too. Bill: Still no danny? Michelle: He's still upstairs with jeffrey o'neill. I don't know how much longer he can be. Bill: In that case, excuse me. Gus: Take here; I'm hungry. Should we? Eden: Should we what? Bill: You know? Eden: I do? Bill: Yeah, you do. Tell them our news. Eden: Bill, I don't think telling them's a good.... Bill: What are you waiting for? Come on, follow me. Come here. Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen. Can I have your attention, please? I have a little announcement to make. One that makes me a very happy man. Danny santos is not the only winner tonight. We're engaged. That's right. Thank you very much. Thank you. (Applause) Danny: Why me? Jeffrey: You're a mobster, danny, remember? Through and through. Danny: It's just in my blood, huh? Jeffrey: Exactly. And now, finally, you're positioned... positioned to let the world think of t worst of you. Danny: What about my family? Including my family? Jeffrey: Everybody, danny. Danny: And if I say no? Jeffrey: If you say no, danny there's always that note that's going to come due. But before that happens, the feds are going to prosecute, danny. They're going to come down on you like a ton of bricks and I'm going to make sure of it. Your friend cassie winslow, your campaign manager bill lewis. Your cousin tony. Anybody and everybody that's invested faith and/or money into danny santos is going to be.... Danny: O'neill, not one of them has done anything. Jeffrey: It's guilt by association. That's the law. How many times do I got to tell you? I didn't write it. Danny: And if I say yes? Jeffrey: Okay. If you say yes, then you will understand why I let you win this election. After the recount-- and there will be a recount-- ross marler will be declared the newly elected mayor of springfield. Well, yeah, danny, that's the whole point, don't you get it? It was all in your grasp and then it was taken away. Danny: You set this up, too, my... my reason for going back. Jeffrey: That's the story vinnie salerno is going to buy. That's the story you make him buy. It's easy. Danny: You get off on using people, don't you? How do you sleep at night? Jeffrey: I guess the same way you do. I put my head on the pillow, i close my eyes. Maybe you need some time to think about this. But then again, what's there to think about? Go back to your party, danny. Drink some champagne, shake some hands, kiss your wife. We'll pretend this meeting never happened. Danny: Come on, everyone saw you drag me away. Jeffrey: Well, then lie, danny. We both know you're capable of that. Danny? Don't take too long before you get back to me. Danny: You say we're in this together, huh? Jeffrey: Yeah, we are. Danny: And you're telling me that I have to give up everything. What are you giving up, o'neill? Marah: Well, you got your wish, carrie. I can't forget. Not about maryanne, but about what I did to you, what I let you turn me into. Reva: Marah will be fine, sweetie, don't worry. Josh: I've been worried about her since her first day of kindergarten. Reva: Well, she has to do whatever this is to have some peace of mind. Harley: Carrie's at central booking. Josh: So this... this whole thing is finally over? Reva: Yes, it is. Now where's the doctor? I want to get out of here now. Josh: No, no. Reva: I'm feeling fine. Josh: Stay, stay, stay. Can you do me a favor, please? Harley: Sure. Josh: Can you just stay here with her and make sure she doesn't go anywhere until the doctor lets her go somewhere? And then can you driver will home? Harley: Sure. Reva: Marah really does need to have.... Josh: I'm not going after marah. I have to call billy. I have to go after something else. Reva: What something else? Josh: You'll find out later. I'll see you back at the house. Reva: Bye. Josh: Bye. Yeah, wanda, it's josh, I'm sorry. I hope I didn't wake you. Yeah. Wanda, just... stop talking for a minute, okay, just listen to me. I need you to find an all-night florist, order four dozen roses, maybe, and see if you can get some champagne. No, not the cheap stuff, the good stuff. It's for reva, okay? Reva: Is the coast clear? Is he still out there? Harley: What are you doing, reva? Reva: I'm going to get dressed. You need to keep an eye out, let me know if he starts backing over here. Harley: You haven't even been released yet. Reva: It's just paperwork, harley. Come here, there's a knot. You need to drive me somewhere before I go home. Harley: Do I want to know where? Reva: Probably not. I need to say good-bye to someone. Tony: Bill, congratulations. Seriously, do you mind if I have a couple seconds? Bill: Not at all. Not at all. Michelle: Hey. Bill: What's up? Tony: Well, you look happy. Eden: I am. Tony: You could be a little more excited, don't you think? I mean, it's something, right? You're engaged. Eden: Okay. You'll find someone, tony. Tony: Maybe. Eden: You may not believe it, but there are other fabulous girls out there. Tony: Yeah, we'll see. Michelle: Wow! So you're getting married. Bill: Are you congratulating me? Is that that what's going down? Michelle: I am congratulating you. Just very surprised. Bill: I can see that, I can see that. And before you ask, yes, yes, i thought this through and this is what I want. Michelle: You love her. I think this is great. I just expect to be best man or woman or whatever. Bill: Of course. Michelle: Good. Gus: Ah-ha. I'm glad that ring is exactly where it belongs, on the finger. Eden: Yeah. Gus: On the finger. Listen to me, I'm proud of you and I want you to be happy. So I'M... this is your official congratulations. All right? Eden: Thank you. Gus: All right. Hey, take care of her. Bill: Count on it. Cassie: Well, look at that, bill and eden are getting married, danny's the new mayor, everybody's happy. Edmund: Especially you. Cassie: I love it when good things happen to my friends. On a night like tonight, it makes you feel like absolutely nothing can go wrong. There he is! ( Cheers and applause) Michelle: You're happy? Danny: Of course. Michelle: Everything you ever wanted? Danny: Everything. Ross: Above and beyond politics, I admire the way you've turned your life around. I think you're going to make a fine mayor. Congratulations. Danny: Thank you. I really appreciate that. I hope we can be friends. Ross: Absolutely. Enjoy your evening. Danny: You, too. Cassie: Partner. Danny: Hey there. Wow. Another hug. Thank you. Cassie: You know, what you have done with fifth street you are going to do for this town in no time. I know it. Edmund: Well done, danny. Danny: Edmund. Edmund: Life doesn't always present us with second chances. Danny: I'll remember it. Bill: You did it. You did it. Danny: No, we did it. Really. Bill: I helped. I helped. But turn man that people have faith in. Turn man that people can believe in right here, all right? Danny: I hope so. And it's a new beginning for springfield. Also a new beginning for me. Danny: What? Bill: Eden and I got engaged. Danny: No way. That's terrific. Congratulations. This night just keeps getting better. Bill: Let me tell you something, everything's going to get better and better. People, come over here, we got the right man in the right place dan new santos for mayor. The man's going to be taking care of us all. (Cheers and applause) Ross: Danny looks a bit overwhelmed. Ed: It's a big night. Ross: Yes, it is. All around. Ed: I'm sorry about the election. I never thought. Ross: Neither did I. Neither did my pollsters. But there are other public offices to be had. Ed: Really? Ross: Yes, really. This is not a swan song for me. I forgot how much I enjoyed politics. Ed: You want some coffee. I thought I'd drop in on buzz. Ross: I'd love to, but I have to take a rain check. I've got a redhead waiting for me at home. She's a little prettier than buzz. Cassie: Did ross leave? Ed: He had to go home. Cassie: How's he doing? Is he okay? Ed: He's resilient. Cassie: I called blake but she didn't pick up the phone. Ed: She's probably home in how. Cassie: I'm going to give her a call. Ed: Cassie, how's reva? Cassie: She's fine, I guess, why? Ed: You don't know? Let me steal this guy for one quick second, okay. You all right? Danny: Yeah, I'm fine. Tony: You look like you might need some fresh air, hmm? Danny: I'm happy. Tony: You should be. You did this, danny, you did it on your own. You got the votes to prove it. In all sincerity, I really am sorry that I doubted you. Danny: No, tony, don't be. I'm serious. Tony: I mean it. You know what I am going to do right now. I'm going to put you on the spot and embarrass you a little bit. Danny: No, no. Tony: Excuse me, you know what? Well, you know what? I'd like to make a toast. Here's to danny. (Cheers and applause) (gunshot) Marah: Carrie was right, I'll never be able to forget. I'll never forgive myself for what I've done. I'll be just like her. Harley: This couldn't have waited till tomorrow. Reva: Harley, why don't you get in the car. Harley: And leave you here all by yourself? Reva: I won't be long. I'll be right over there. Harley: Okay. Reva: Maryanne, I want to thank you for saving marah. I hope you can rest now. I know how it must have felt to die without justice. I know how it must have felt to die without justice. But we know the truth now, and carrie will be held accountable for taking your life away from you when it was just starting. I wanted to bring you flowers, but everything was closed. Maryanne, thank you for coming. Reva: I think we could have been friends, you and me. I was lucky. I had a momma who let me be me, didn't try to change me. I'm sorry you didn't have that. That you had someone who forced you to change. It's no way to live. Or die. Harley: Reva? Reva: Sorry. Are you okay? Harley: Yeah. I was talking to dead people again? Harley: She... Marah: I'm not going to let that happen, carrie. I'm not going to turn into you. Michelle: Hey, that was beautiful. Tony: "Here's to danny" was beautiful? Danny: Well, it was... she's right. She's right. It was very nice. Thank you. You know, I owe you for a lot. Tony: Oh, no, you don'T... you owe me nothing. You don't owe me a thing, danny. Listen, I'm just glad to be part of this family. I'm proud of you and you've given me something to look up to. I appreciate that. Tony: So you want to tell me what's up with o'neill? Danny: What do you mean? Tony: He putting screws with you again? Danny: No, nothing, he just has some ideas. Eden: Really? Jeffrey o'neill has a political agenda? Danny: Well, who doesn'T. Tony: I think he should make an appointment. Bill: So are you still mad? Eden: No. Bill: A little? Eden: Will you just drop it. Bill: A lot. Eden: You know, I just thought we would wait for another night. I am not mad, all right. Bill: I just wanted to tell everyone that I am marrying the most beautiful, sexiest, smartest woman that I ever met. Now I'm finished. Gus: Hey, hey, look. Oh, this is embarrassing already. She's got a reputation that i want to protect. Bill: Well, that's my job now, okay? Gus: Okay. Cassie: I cannot believe they didn't call me. I cannot believe it. This psycho carrie tried to kill her, okay? That's a big deal. What's going on? Ed: Reva was stabilize and then she left the hospital. Cassie: Thank god. Edmund: Good, good, so she was released? Edmund: Well, no, she left before she was released. (Cell phone rings) Jeffrey: Hi. Marah: I didn't think that you would pick up. Carrie's in custody. Jeffrey: Yeah, I know. Are you all right? Marah: I... no, not really. It's just... it's still too much. I wish I felt like it was over, but I don'T. Jeffrey: Hang in there, kiddo, the worst part is over, i promise. Marah: Do you have to go? Jeffrey: Well, I just... i need to get back to my room and there's one thing I've got to take care of and then I'll call you. Danny: What are you giving up, o'neill? Michelle: This is incredible, isn't it? You know that you have given me everything that I've ever wanted? I'm so proud of you, mr. Mayor. Danny: Mr. Mayor. Mr. Mayor. Oh, michelle. I want us to remember this night forever. Harley: Next on "guiding light".... Danny: Do I go back into my old line of work, this time as your undercover dog or do I say no and let you destroy me? Michelle: Apparently they're saying that the election was rigged somehow and the D.A. Is looking into it. They're going to do a recount. | Reva feels an obligation to Maryanne for saving her daughter's life and while Josh makes plans to take Reva away, Reva visits Maryanne's grave, to say thank you and goodbye |
233 | Beldon: As I told your wife, without strict maintenance, her eyesight most likely will continue to deteriorate. However, as you know, the medication poses a potentially serious risk to the fetus. Angie: Well, hopefully it hasn't had an effect already. Jesse: Doctor, if she were to resume taking the meds after she gave birth, could the damage be undone? Angie: Jesse -- after 8 months, I mean, the chances are the damage will be too extensive to be reversed. Beldon: That's correct. Jesse: So if she takes the meds, she might get her sight back. We -- we protect the baby, and she might not get her sight back. That's it? No other choice? Beldon: Let me know what you decide. Angie: Thank you, Harold. [Door opens and closes] Angie: Jesse? Jesse: What is it, baby? Is it gone again? [SCENE_BREAK] Damon: Uh, the plane doesn't leave for a while. We have a few minutes. Uh, look, I just want to say I'm really sorry about what happened with your mom and what she did and -- Colby: Mmm. Whatever. It's really not the first time she's screwed me over, but it definitely is the last. Hey, when you asked me yesterday if I was sure about going -- was it because you wanted to stay? Damon: No. No, I want to go. Colby: But you and Tad, you have this relationship, and you guys are just getting to know one another. Damon: Hey, hey, hey. Tad doesn't matter, ok? No one matters to me except for you. Colby: Just me? Damon: Just you. [SCENE_BREAK] Liza: Tad. Tad: I got nothing to say to you, Liza. Liza: Look, I've looked everywhere for Colby. Please tell me you have some idea where they're at. Tad: I don't. The kids made their decision, so why don't you just live with it. Liza: Look, I don't want to make any trouble. Ok? I just want to make things right. I want to apologize. Tad: Well, then you got your work cut out for you, don't you? 'Cause you lied to your daughter and you set up my son in the worst way possible, and then to top it all off, you decided it was a good idea to switch my son's ADHD medication with sugar pills. [Liza sighs] Tad: You really want to make things right? A nice start would be just staying the hell out of their lives. And mine. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: Cooney is up to something. And you're right in the middle of it. Marissa: Well, great. I will be in the perfect position, then, to figure out what his big plan is, won't I? Annie: Good morning. Marissa: Morning. Annie: Someone over-caffeinate this morning? J.R.: Cooney has offered her a job. Annie: And you're fighting it? J.R.: Oh, hell yeah. He wouldn't have hired her if he wasn't trying to get to me! Annie: Back off, J.R. If Marissa wants to take the job, let her, support her. Better yet, tell her that you're thrilled. J.R.: Why would I do that? Annie: Because you need to make this work. For all of us. We are so close. We've been able to live under the same roof without everything blowing up, so just go up there and tell Marissa that this job for Caleb would be great news. J.R.: He's out to get me. Annie: And you're letting him succeed. Do you want your marriage to work or not? Controlling Marissa is not gonna make that happen. Come on, J.R., you and I have been such screw-ups in our relationships, and we are lucky enough to have these incredibly forgiving people in our lives. Scott and Marissa love us despite what we did. They are what is keeping us sane and keeping us grounded, so I am going to do whatever it takes to make my relationship work, and I suggest you do the same. J.R.: I'm as committed to Marissa as you are to Scott. Annie: Good. J.R.: Where are you going? Church? Annie: No. Scott and I are meeting with the minister who's marrying us. J.R.: That ought to be fun. [Door opens] Scott: Annie! This is my fiancée, Annie. My cousin J.R. J.R.: Hello. Annie: We are so grateful that you'll be presiding over our ceremony. Minister: Well, we have quite a bit to discuss. Shall we? Scott: After you. [SCENE_BREAK] Colby: Ha! So I was thinking since we're going to Ohio to pick up your guitar -- I was thinking that you should introduce me to your mother. Damon: What? What? Where did that come from? Colby: Well, you guys haven't seen each other in a very long time, and you have a lot to talk about -- Damon: Look, it's not like she's calling me or anything, you know. She knows where I am. She's not interested. Colby: But that doesn't mean you don't miss her. Damon: I don't. I don't. Colby: Well, Ohio is a long ways away to go just to get a guitar. Damon: What, you think I'm using this as an excuse to see her? Colby: Well -- Damon: No. I just really like the guitar, ok? Look, look, our relationship is not exactly stellar. Colby: Huh. Well, at least your mom's not trying to hit on your friends. Damon: Hey, from now on, I have a great idea. Colby: What do you have? Damon: We're gonna live in a parent-free zone, ok? Colby: A parent-free zone? Damon: Yeah, until we meet up with your dad in San Fran, parent-free zone. Colby: Parent-free zone. [Cell phone rings] Colby: Ooh! Damon: Tad again. He just broke the parent-free zone. Colby: Damon, Tad has called, like, a gazillion times. Pick up. Damon: Uh, a gazillion and one. [SCENE_BREAK] Liza: [Looks around Colby's room and finds a notepad] Dammit, Colby. "Bluebird Hotel. Lithopolis, Ohio." [SCENE_BREAK] Colby: All Tad has done is be great to you. He has done nothing wrong, Damon. Call him back. Why not call him back? Damon: Because he'll try and talk me out of this, ok? And all I've ever done anyway is cause him trouble. It's a parent-free zone, remember? Come on, come on, let's get out of here. [Colby sighs] Damon: Come on. Come on. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: Hey. Marissa: If you're here to keep pressuring me to not take the job, I really don't want to hear it. J.R.: No more arguing about the job. You want it, go for it. Marissa: You mean that? J.R.: I want you to be happy, Marissa. I know it's gonna be a ways before you fully trust me again, but I also know that we've come a long ways, and I'm really proud of that, proud of us. I guess what I'm saying is, I don't want to do anything to jeopardize what we have. [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: Here we go. You're doing fine. Oh. You ok? Angie: Don't look at me like that. Jesse: Is your vision back? Angie: No. I can feel it. I don't want you to pity me. Jesse: Ah. Hey, it doesn't have to be like this. All you got to do is start your meds again. Chances are you can fight this infection. Angie: Jesse, the protocol is experimental. There is no guarantee that I will hang on to my sight, and there is no way in hell that I am gonna put this child's well-being at risk! So yes, it has to be this way. Jesse: So you've really, really thought this through? I mean, about what you're giving up -- you career, your independence? You are a doctor, baby, that's who you are. You're really ready to sacrifice all that? Angie: You know what? I may not be able to practice medicine as I have in the past, but there are plenty of options, like being a mother. Jesse: We used to talk about how you could sometimes sense when a patient -- when there was something wrong with a patient by just looking at them, Angela. Angie: Well, there are other ways to diagnose patients. Jesse: But not to be able to see that look in a patient's face when you tell them everything's gonna be ok. Angie: Like other blind people around the world, I can lead a full, happy, productive life. I can see you. Jesse: Think about this. Think about this some more. Please. Angie: I don't want to think about it. I want to go home. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: Damon, it's me again. Listen, if you don't call me back, I'm just gonna torture you with more and more messages until you do, because I'm your father. That's my job. It's what I do. Actually what I want to do is call the National Guard, but that's just me. [SCENE_BREAK] Minister: Your previous marriage ended in divorce? Annie: Marriages. Minister: Excuse me? Annie: Previous marriages. Minister: Two? Annie: Three. Minister: I see. Marriage is a lifetime commitment. Given your extensive matrimonial experience, do you think that you would be able to draw on those life lessons to build a lasting relationship? Scott: Annie and I, we are as committed to a fresh start as we are to each other. We really prefer not to dwell on the past. Minister: I think that's admirable. It's important that both of you come into this marriage with absolute commitment forsaking all others. Annie: We have, we do. Minister: Marriage is the embodiment of eternal commitment and faithfulness, not only in body, but in thought as well. Annie: [Flashes to having sex with J.R.] I love Scott. I just mean, all the things that have happened before, it's done, it's over. All that matters is here and now and forever with Scott. No one else. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: I'm sorry I overreacted. I just thought you'd be interested in working at Chandler, you know, keep it in the family. Marissa: There's already one lady of the house working at Chandler. J.R.: Yeah, but this isn't about Annie. I just thought that you'd be interested, that's all. Marissa: Look, I want to make it on my own. I just don't want to be handed a job because of my last name. J.R.: But you see, Marissa, you are being handed the job because of your last name. Marissa: So you think that Caleb couldn't be hiring me for any other reason than to use me to screw you over? J.R.: You are one of the smartest women that I know -- Marissa: Oh, I'm just naive, right? What -- what, so this whole "I support you thing" was just a lie? J.R.: What are you talking about? I am trying here. [Marissa sighs] J.R.: I'm just making sure that you're looking at all your options. Marissa: What are you talking about? J.R.: What about us? What are we trying to build? What if we want to have a baby? [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: So you are looking for alternative treatments? Angie: As long as it doesn't hurt the baby. Jesse: And you are researching this? Angie: Yes. Jesse: You do realize the longer it takes to find a treatment, the more you're putting your health at risk? Angie: My eyesight, not my health, and my pregnancy is already at risk because of my age. And I took several doses of the triazole medication before I knew about the baby. Now, I can't add anything more to that risk. Jesse: Angela, we got pregnant this time. We can do this again. Angie: What are you asking me, Jesse? I am not terminating this pregnancy. [SCENE_BREAK] Scott: Thank you so much. Minister: Well, it is always my pleasure to guide young people into the joys of marriage. Good day. Annie: He hated me. Scott: Now -- now, the -- he didn't hate you. He just -- maybe he's not the right person. Annie: He was totally judging me, blaming me for all the horrible mistakes I made. And he doesn't even know me. Scott: Ok, how about we just find somebody else? Annie: It's all gonna be the same, Scott. It's always the same. When I married Adam, I was in a roomful of people that hated me. It's gonna be the same thing, the same looks, the same judgments. "There she goes down the aisle, sucking the life and the cash of yet another Chandler." Scott: Nobody thinks that. Not all of them. Annie: That's why I love you so much. You don't care what they think, you don't care that I made a real mess of my entire life. [Sighs] Scott, I don't -- I don't know if I can do it. Scott: What do you mean? Annie: Just a big, lavish public ceremony. This is our day. It's about us and our love and our future. So -- let's elope as soon as we can. [SCENE_BREAK] Marissa: A baby? Where did that come from? J.R.: We've talked about this. Marissa: Yeah, but that was before -- J.R.: I know. Look, finding our way back to each other, we want this to be better, and what better way to build our future than to build our family? Marissa: This is, like, way too soon to be talking about this. I -- J.R.: It is? You know, one of the things that kept me alive was thinking about our future: Yours, mine, A.J.'s. I -- remember when we first got married? I mean, you wanted a baby, like, right now. Marissa: Yeah, because I thought that you were dying. I thought I was gonna lose you. J.R.: Oh, oh. Marissa: But you're gonna live, J.R. We have plenty of time. J.R.: Mm-hmm. So what are you telling me? You telling me that it's no? Marissa: I'm just saying -- I mean, we have to fix us before we're in a strong enough place to raise another child. I'm sorry, but you can't expect me to just get over what happened so quickly. [SCENE_BREAK] Jake: Hey, how you doing? How you doing? Tad: Mmm, I've been better. Jake: Really? I've been working out. Can you tell? Tad: Not now. Jake: No word from Damon? Tad: No. Before or after? It's a long story. He made it back from New York for a little bit. We talked and, uh, I mean, briefly anyway. Jake: What about? Liza dropping her drawers to keep Colby away from him? That's disgusting. Who does that? I can't believe that. Can I just say? Tad: Anyway, at least I got the chance to tell him that I knew Liza was lying, you know. That I believe him, that I believe in him. Jake: Hmm. Then what happened? Crap. I forgot. Hold it. You got that thing? I got to -- thank you. Tad: So anyway, listen. You know, I could have sworn we were making progress, you know. He was looking me in the face. He was starting to open up a little bit, and then boom. Colby shows up, and then Liza shows up. Jake: Oh, that's bad. Tad: Oh. No, actually in terms of thermonuclear war, it was pretty decent considering Colby just found out her mother tried to seduce her boyfriend. Jake: Holy hell. Tad: Yeah, something like that. Anyway, Colby can -- understandably she gets upset, and she takes off, and she took Damon with her. Jake: Mm-hmm. Well, they're probably just cooling off. Tad: No. See, that's what I'm worried about. When we were talking, Damon told me he's been, you know, getting kind of frustrated with Pine Valley. And who can blame him? You know, he's thinking about moving away with Colby. I mean, initially he was -- you know, I felt like he was gonna stick around a little while to think about it, and now this has really lit a fire under him, and the problem is he won't answer his phone, you know? Jake: The problem is they could be anywhere. That's the problem. Tad: Oh, it gets better. Listen to this. Jake: Not possible. Go ahead. Sorry. Tad: Anyway, after the kids took off, Liza admits to me that she switched out Damon's medication with a placebo. Jake: No. Tad: Yes. Jake: Who does that? Sorry. Go ahead. Tad: [Sighs] That's -- obviously I don't give a damn about Liza, but I'm worried spitless about Damon. If he's not on the medication, it's not gonna be too long before he starts acting exactly like he did before, before any of this happened. He's gonna be irrational, he's gonna be unfocused, he's gonna be angry, and he's not gonna know why it's happening. Jake: He's going to get back on his medication, back on protocol, and he will be fine. Tad: Yeah, if I can find him. But that's a big if, and what happens even after that, you know? Seems this poor kid, ever since he got to Pine Valley, he gets slapped in the face every day. It's like two steps forward, one step back. I just get him to the point where he's starting to trust me, he's starting to trust the family, starting to trust himself, then something like that happens. How is he going to get past it? Jake: He'll get past it 'cause he's got you as a dad. Tad: Oh, yeah. There's a real prizewinner. The only thing I can do is, I gotta hunt him down, I got to hog tie him, drag him back and somehow help him to cope with this. Jake: Want my opinion honestly? Tad: Do I have a choice? Jake: Let him go. [SCENE_BREAK] Damon: All right, if Paul is home, we're just going to forget about this, all right? He's probably at work, but if he's not -- Colby: We will deal with it. Damon: Are you sure you want to meet my mom? We could just grab the guitar and go, in and out. Colby: Well, we are here, and I would hate for you to feel sorry later, and trust me, nothing is worse than dealing with my mother. Damon: Well, my mom has her own issues. Colby: Even if her head spins 360, there's nothing you and I can't deal with together. Ooh, except -- Damon: What? Colby: I totally spaced out. I forgot my makeup. I have to go to the drugstore. Damon: You scared me. Colby: I'm gonna go to the drugstore. I'll be right back. Damon: Ok. Colby: Ok, ok. Oh. Kisses. Damon: Mmm. Colby: Hee hee. Damon: Mmm. Colby: Bye. Damon: Bye. [Sighs] [Knock on door] Damon: Back for more? Ooh. Ahem. [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: Angela, I would never ask you to -- I'm not -- you know how I feel about his baby. I was on top of the world. Angie: You still can be. Jesse: While I watch my wife go blind. Angie: Is that how you see it? I'm choosing to take care of our child. Jesse, this baby is a miracle. It's our miracle. Jesse: The price is too high. Angie: Well, it's a price I'm willing to pay. Jesse: Angela, maybe this just isn't real for you yet -- living in complete darkness, not for just a few minutes or for an hour. Forever! Angie: You think it's not real for me? I've been dealing with this for months. Jesse: Without me. Angie: Jesse -- Jesse: Angela, the thought of you not being able to see -- my eyes and what I feel for you -- Angie: I will always know how you feel for me. Jesse: I know that you can still be every bit of the woman you are without your sight, but to risk, to sacrifice something so precious, to choose the roughest road, Angela, I cannot wrap my head around that! Angie: I've made my choice. Jesse: Your choice. Um, this is our baby. Shouldn't it be our decision? Angie: As long as I am the one carrying this baby in my body, I will decide the best way to care for it. Jesse: So you're just going to ignore my opinion? Angie: I didn't say that. Jesse: Well, I mean -- you didn't have to. I mean, it's your body. Ultimately it's your choice, right? Angie: Baby, you don't -- you don't think I know how scary this is? Believe me, I do, but I also know that God has a plan, and there is a reason for this. Jesse: What the hell kind of plan could this possibly be? People like David Hayward walking around without a care in the world and people like you -- oh. You know what? You know I am with you. Angela, regardless how much we might disagree with each other, I am gonna fight through this with you, you hear me? Angie: Baby, I love you so much for wanting to protect me from what's ahead, but I have faith that whatever happens, happens for a reason. Jesse: It doesn't have to happen. Angie: Jesse, I won't endanger this baby! Jesse: We can try this again once the infection is gone! Angie: Are you kidding me? Do you know what the chances are of me getting pregnant again? Jesse: This is not some test you have to pass! Angie: I don't want you telling me what I'm going through! Jesse: Well, let me tell you this, ok? This decision that you want to make, no coming back from it! Angie: I'm having this baby. I am not changing my mind, Jesse, and this is the way it's going to be. Jesse, wait a minute. Jesse. Jesse: I need some air. Angie: Jesse, please, don't go. [Door closes] [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: That's your best advice -- let him go? Just like that? Never mind the fact he just showed up in my life. I should wave to him when he takes off on the bus? "Hey, I'm sorry you didn't work out." Jake: Not what I'm saying. I'm not saying that. I'm saying it's not always easy to be part of the Martin clan that you're pushing him to do. Tad: Why shouldn't I? Let me tell you something, this family is a miracle. It's the best thing that ever happened to him, it's the best thing that ever happened to me. It saved my life, remember? You were there. Jake: Greatest family on the planet. Not always easy to live up to. Tad: What is that supposed to mean? What the hell is so hard about being loved? Jake: Nothing. Great love. Big love. Huge, unconditional, just not always, you know, simple to be a part of that whole thing. Tad: And now you're freaking me out. Damon said something exactly like that not too long ago. Jake: So I'm not crazy, right? Look, our parents did a great job. They built a beautiful foundation for us to build on when we are ready to build on it. When we're ready. Tad: Are you talking about anybody in particular? I -- oh, we're talking about you! Jake: I had to find myself. I had to find out who I was before I was ready to accept all this beautiful love, ok? Tad: Where were you? Jake: And it's amazing, it was beautiful, and when I was ready, I came on my own. I didn't need to be dragged here by anybody. That's what I'm saying. Tad: You didn't have to drag -- be dragged -- Dad would never do anything like that. Dad was a better father than I am. Dad would let us find our own way -- Jake: Shh -- Tad: 'Cause he's smarter than I -- don't shush me. Jake: Yes, he was smarter than you, much smarter than you. Look, Damon will find his way when he's ready on his own time, and when he is ready, we will all be here as a family ready for him. [SCENE_BREAK] Damon: You are unbelievable. What part of "Colby wants nothing to do with you" don't you understand? Liza: Damon, I'm here for you. Damon: What? Ok, get the hell out before Colby comes back. Liza: No. I have to give you these. Damon: What's that? Liza: They're your meds. Damon: No. I have my meds. Liza: No, you don't. You have been taking placebos. Damon: Wh -- you've lost it. Liza: I switched them a few weeks ago. This is your medication. [SCENE_BREAK] Marissa: I'm sorry if you're hurting, and I'm not saying no. I'm -- I'm -- and I'm not even saying that you were out of line to suggest it. I'm just saying not now. And you know what? When we do start to build our family, I will have a career. J.R.: Yeah. As long as you're happy -- that's all I care about. Marissa: So -- no more baby talk? J.R.: No. Sorry I pressured you. I just -- I thought that we always promised each other that we would tell each other exactly what we were feeling, what we were thinking. Marissa: I just -- hope you mean that. [SCENE_BREAK] Scott: I thought you wanted the whole wedding extravaganza -- the dress, the cake. Annie: Yeah, people laughing behind our backs, cracking jokes as we walk down the aisle, um, taking bets on how long we'll last. Scott: We won't invite those people. Annie: Then there would be, like, 4 people at our wedding, two of which would be us. Scott, it is our day. I just want it to be special. Scott: With some justice of the peace, bad lighting, and a line of couples behind us waiting their turn? No! Annie, I love you. I mean, I am proud you are going to be my wife, I want to show you off, and I don't give a damn what other people think! Annie: Well, exactly, exactly. And you and I are the only two people who really know what we have. Why would we give a bunch of haters an opportunity to ruin our special day? Scott: Where is all this coming from? Annie: Nowhere. It's just -- I love you. On our one-year anniversary, we could celebrate and have a huge party, have a huge party that would make Jake and Amanda's wedding look like a puppet show. Just for right now, Scott, I don't care about dresses or cake. I just want to be your wife as soon as possible. Scott: I still want wedding cake. Annie: Ok. Ok. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You won't regret this. It'll be perfect. [SCENE_BREAK] Marissa: Hey. Scott: Hi. Marissa: What are you doing here? Scott: Canceling some catering plans. Marissa: Oh, you're gonna have the wedding somewhere else? Scott: No. No, we're not having a wedding at all. Annie and I are eloping. Marissa: Oh, well, that's great, right? Scott: Yeah, sure. Marissa: It's me, isn't it? Be honest. Scott: It was Annie's idea. Marissa: Well, what about what you want? Scott: All I want is Annie. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: Marissa's taking the job with Caleb. Annie: Good. J.R.: I told her as long as she's happy, I support her. Annie: Well, words every wife loves to hear. J.R.: Mm-hmm. How did the meeting go with the minister? Annie: There's not gonna be a wedding. J.R.: What do you mean no wedding? Annie: We decided to elope as soon as possible. J.R.: Oh. That's great. That's good news for all of us. [SCENE_BREAK] Liza: I don't expect Colby to forgive me any time soon or you. Damon: Or Tad? Liza: Damon, would you just promise me one thing? Whatever should happen with you and Colby, please don't hurt her. Damon: I love her. Liza: And one more thing -- don't blame Tad for any of this. He loves you so much. Damon: All I have ever done is screw up and make his life hell, so -- Liza: You have no idea how happy you make him. He's an unbelievable man, and he is a hell of a father. Just give him a chance to prove it. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: Huh. You look like I feel. Jesse: So our mechanic, Erica's plane, anything? Tad: No. I'm sorry, babe. I'm not exactly up to the top of my game right now. I've made a few calls. So far I got nothing. And again, I don't know why I should expect to be able to find a mechanic when I can't even keep track of my boy. Jesse: Damon took off again? Tad: Something new and different. At least he's with Colby. Jesse: Liza have any ideas? Tad: Liza's so far out of my life she's a distant memory. Jesse: Huh. Tad: Your turn. Jesse: Angela's pregnant. Tad: Ha ha! That's great! Jesse: No. Tad: No, baby, that's terrific! Thought about naming him Thaddeus? Jesse: Not so terrific, Tad. She's -- she's losing her sight. Tad: What? Jesse: She picked up an infection from this kid that she was treating at the hospital, and this infection is attacking her retinal cells. She was on these meds that were slowing down the progress, but it turns out these meds are a risk to the baby, so she refuses to take them. Tad: And if she doesn't take the meds, she loses her sight. Wow. My God, I -- I -- Jesse, I don't know what to say. I'm sorry. Jesse: Yeah, so am I. [SCENE_BREAK] Angie: Your daddy's going to change his mind. I promise you he will. [SCENE_BREAK] Marissa: So why did Annie change her mind? Scott: Oh. Well, Annie knows she's not exactly popular. She's more comfortable keeping it private. And if we're gonna elope, it's gonna be the best damn elopement ever. Marissa: You really do love her, don't you? Scott: Yeah. Marissa: I'm glad. Scott: That means a lot coming from you. I know how you feel about Annie. Marissa: Oh, I mean, how I feel about her is irrelevant. It's how I feel about you. You're one of the most amazing men I have ever met, Scott, and you deserve every bit of happiness that comes your way. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: So, eloping, that's -- that's the best idea I've heard. I assume it was all you. Annie: Well, Scott did kind of want the bigger wedding, but I just think this is the best possible solution. J.R.: Yeah. Yeah, well, the whole wedding thing -- would just be too hard. Annie: What? For me to wear white and play the blushing bride? J.R.: For me to watch you walk down the aisle to another man. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad's voice: I get it if you need your space. I understand, I do. But just so you know, I'm, uh, I'm holding the man cave for you, and why shouldn't I? You know, you painted it, right? It's yours. It's your room. It's always gonna be here, and so am I. I'd do anything for you, you know that, right? Colby: There wasn't really much of a selection, but whatever. I'll make it work. Oh. Hey, you ok? Damon: Your mom was here. Colby: What? Well, what did -- how did she find us? What did she want? Damon: She wanted to apologize and give me these. Colby: I don't -- I don't get it. Damon: She switched my meds. She says I've been taking fake pills instead of my prescription. Colby: Ah. She tried to hook up with you and now she is messing with your medication. No. No. I am done. I am so done. Damon: What are you doing? Colby: I'm calling the police. I'm having her arrested. [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: Tad, it's killing me to have to sit back and watch her lose her sight. Tad: Well, as much as it sucks, sometimes doing nothing, no matter how much it hurts, is the best choice we got. You know, back before Kathy, Dixie got pregnant, you know, with her heart condition, almost all our doctors told us that if she decided to carry the baby to term, her ticker would explode. And, uh, for months I tried to get her to -- decide against having the baby. I pushed her to make the right decision. But in the end, all I did was push her out of my life. Singer: You need to remember I need you to remember the way it used to be the way it used to be [SCENE_BREAK] [Angie takes her Pine Valley Hospital appreciation plaque off her wall and throws it away] | changed his mind |
234 | Stephanie: Honey, I want you here with me. I want the world to know that your loyalty is to forrester creations. I own 100% of the stock. Your loyalty will be very well rewarded. Ridge: So you're offering me a piece of the company? Stephanie: I'm offering you what you deserve. Ridge: And all I have to do is work for my younger brother, who by the way, threw Spectra into bankruptcy. Stephanie: Ridge, we've already discussed this. Eventually, I want the two of you to share the office of presidency. Ridge: Hmm, just like that, huh? Stephanie: Well, yes, it is a simple matter when it comes to character. Ridge: Knifing dad and Brooke in the back is your idea of a good character? Stephanie: I'm trying to protect this company that you helped build. That I helped build. Strength, character, in difficult times is something that I value. Enough to make you a very rich man. [SCENE_BREAK] [ Brooke remembering ] Brooke: Is that the kind of person that you are, Nick? You would betray your own family? Is that really the person that you are? Because if it is, I want you to take me. I want you to make love to me. Take me, nick. Take me! Nick: I can't. I can't anymore than you can. Eric: Reunited? If you're worried about the company, don't. I have no intention of giving up on Forrester Creations. Oh, I forgot, is that really bad? What did the doctor say? Brooke: Oh, no, he said it's going to be fine. I just have to keep the cast on for awhile. Eric: Okay. Eric: So, we're really willing to fight Stephanie on this? Eric: Absolutely. I will fight her with everything I can. Now that I have you back in my life, I can do anything. Brooke: Eric, I went out with Nick on the "marlin." He wanted to make love to me, to convince me that we should be together. But nothing happened. Actually, something did happen. Nick realized that Bridget was good for him and that he really did love her, and that he really wants a family with her. So now he is determined to win her back. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Brooke is a determined woman. If she says she's committed to making a life with Eric, maybe they'll do it. Bridget: Even though she's still in love with Nick? No, the longer she goes along with this charade, the more she's going to end up hurting my dad as soon as s leaves him. And she will leave him, Dante. Dante: And Nick will be there with open arms for your mother. I know how much you want to believe in him, but that fool cannot be trusted. Not ever. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Brooke is out of my life. For good. Taylor: You said that to me before. Nick: Whatever I thought we might have, it's done. It's hard to describe, but it's been like an addiction, like -- it's sad what it's done to Bridget. I mean, you've cured people of addictions, you've dealt with that before, haven't you? Taylor: Well, only for people who've made up their mind to give up the drug. Nick: Well, I am. Completely. Taylor: What changed? Nick: Coming so close to throwing everything away with Bridget. Betraying her. I realize I don't want to throw that away. I realize that's my life, that's my future. That's what I want, Taylor. That's clear in my mind. [SCENE_BREAK] [ Bridget sighs ] Bridget: It's all just turned into such a mess. I know that my mom doesn't want to hurt my dad anymore than she wants to hurt me. But if you just -- if you think about it, all the things that she has done to try to reassure me. She's dated you and then she married my dad again. If it wasn't so crazy, it would almost be funny. The more that she tries to help, the more that things just spin out of control. Someone has just got to bring some order back into our lives. Dante: You? Bridget: Yeah, I mean, maybe. I kind of have an idea that may be the only way to stop all this madness. Dante: What are you thinking, Bridget? What are you going to do? Taylor: You've convinced yourself that you're doing the right thing for Bridget. But the reality is, you're still emotionally involved with Brooke. Can you tell me that you're not in love with Brooke? Nick: Well, define love. Because to me, love is when you bring joy to somebody, or you lift them up, or you help them love themselves. If I'm with Brooke, every time she looks at her granddaughter, or her daughter, or at herself, she'll feel ashamed. Her whole life will be diminished because of me, and I can't have that. I won't. Taylor: Even if you can walk away from Brooke, can you give Bridget the kind of life she deserves? I love Bridget, I love the life we were planning, but she lost trust in me. That's my job now -- to build that trust back. And that's what I'm going to do. [ Cell phone rings ] Sorry, you're not supposed to have these things on in here, are you? Excuse me. Hi, I was just thinking about you. Bridget: We need to talk. Nick: Okay. Bridget: Can you meet me at my mom's in half an hour? Nick: I'm on my way. I've charted a course for my family. I know where I want to go, and I'm not going to veer off it. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: Nick and I needed this test. To make sure that we could get on with our lives. Eric: The two of you share a passion, a desire for one another. The important thing is that you have both realized that physical attraction is not as important as commitment. As family. Brooke: I was impressed at how Nick stopped himself. And that shows just how committed he is to our daughter. Eric: I'm glad. For Bridget's sake. And for yours, too. Look, the important thing is that we're all standing together here, all of us. Dante included. He's moved in with Bridget. Brooke: Really? Eric: Yes, he says he wants to help her. Just as a friend, he says. Of course, it's obvious to me that he's still in love with her. But he just wants to help her out until the baby comes. Brooke: No, Eric. Bridget needs to be with her husband. Now that's been decided, there's no turning back. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: We're going to have a press conference in a little while. I'm going to announce the new team at Forrester. Ridge: What? Stephanie: I want you there by my side. Ridge: Mother, you're moving too fast. Stephanie: No, I'm not. You have to separate yourself from Eric and Brooke. I cannot have divided loyalties. Ridge: That's what this is really about, isn't it? Dad marrying Brooke. Mother, listen to me, I agree with you. I agree their marriage is ridiculous, but I think you're overreacting to all this. Stephanie: As if that were possible. Ridge: Mother, Brooke is confused. She gets that way when we're not together. She's just -- she's in need of direction. You know, it's not her fault. Stephanie: You hear what you say sometimes? Of course it's not her fault. Ridge: Look, if you'd just take a moment to realize what this marriage really is -- it's a sham, a front. You wouldn't feel the need to destroy something we've all worked so hard to build here. You don't have to tear Forrester apart just because you're angry at Brooke. Stephanie: You just cannot see her for what she really is, can you? Instead of defending Brooke, why aren't you supporting your wife? Remember her? Listen, restructuring this company, working side by side with Taylor, that's the very best thing that you could do for your marriage right now. Ridge: So now this scheme of yours is about saving my marriage? Stephanie: Not entirely. Ridge: Mother, you're making really bad decisions for all the wrong reasons. Stephanie: Why can't you trust me just a little bit? Be part of this company with me, and together we can have everything that we have ever wanted. Ridge: You mean everything you wanted. Stephanie: My company, my family. Ridge: Mother, I agree with you. It was wrong of dad to hide that trust. He shouldn't have married Brooke. He's hurt you, he's betrayed you. Mother, I know how much you love me. But I can't be a part of Forrester without dad. Stephanie: I tried. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: The reporters are starting to arrive. Ridge: All right, I'll leave you two to get ready for that. Taylor: Ridge, listen, this press conference, it is -- it is so important to all of us. Could you -- would you please be a part of it? Ridge: Sorry, Doc. I just -- I can't, it's wrong. What bothers me most is that you don't seem to see that. [SCENE_BREAK] Bridget: You know, Nick and I could've had an incredible life together. That's the really sad part, is that we're in love. We compliment each other so well, and you know, we're sharing a child together. The simple, ugly truth is he's just drawn to my mother. It's some of sort of sexual, obsessive, passionate thing. But in the end, it's unfulfilling. I really, really believe that he wants to beat this. But it's there, and there's nothing I can do about it, and I cannot live like that. Dante: I'm proud of you, Bridget. Bridget: I just deserve someone that's going to love me entirely, and so does my dad. Dante: Mm-hmm. Bridget: Good intentions or bad intentions, what's going on in this family is ridiculous. It just kills me to think of a life without Nick. A family that's torn apart. I mean, part of me thinks, "am I walking away from my dream?" Maybe I'm just a really proud person, but I feel like I have tried so hard. Dante: Yes, you have. Bridget: If there is one cell in my husband's body left that is still drawn to my mother, then that's just one too many. Because I have lived that nightmare before, and I will not go back there again. This has just got to be dealt with immediately. [ Phone rings ] Brooke: Your father and I were just talking about you, sweetheart. Bridget: Oh, he's there? Good, I'm on my way over. I need to talk to you both. Brooke: I'm sure you're thinking about Nick. You know what you have to do. Bridget: Yeah, yeah. He's coming to your place, too. Brooke: Why? Bridget: You'll see. Dante: What are you going to do? Bridget: I'm going to try to make some sense of this mess. Dante: I'll go with you. Bridget: No, it's okay. Dante: Then I'll be right here when you get back. Bridget: Good. You can help me pick up the pieces. What I'm about to do may be the most difficult thing I have ever done. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: Okay, you know, Ridge, I understand. If you don't want to support your mother's dreams, then can't you just please support your wife? I mean, I'm excited about this. But this is a whole new world to me, and I'm terrified. I'm horrified of this crowd out there, and I would like it if I had my husband by my side when she introduces me. Ridge: Look, the kids are really excited about going up to Big Bear. And they'd really like to have you there with them. Taylor: Well, we can go in the morning, after the press conference. Ridge, please, can't you just love me and support me, even if you don't agree with me? Ridge: Taylor, you're my wife. I want you to be happy. I want to watch you grow and take on every challenge that life throws at you. But you're asking me to watch while you help my mother destroy Forrester and my dad along with it. I'm sorry, but I just can't do that. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Bridget: Thank you for meeting me here. I know it seems really silly that it's come to this, but it really seemed like it was the only way to face the truth. I know you all have been deciding what's best for me lately. But now, I'm going to tell you what I have to say. If it seems like I'm a little angry, you're damn right I'm angry, because I'm pregnant, and this is supposed to be the happiest time of my life. But instead, it's the worst. But I don't want you to think that I hate any of you. Because I don't. And I know the things that you've been doing, Mother. Like flirting with Dante and marrying dad again, you're doing for me. But they're wrong. They're very wrong, and they're going to stop, right here and right now. There's going to be no more games, no more lying or sacrificing, and especially not for me. Brooke: Honey, marrying your father a second time wasn't a sacrifice for me. Bridget: Oh, stop it, Mother. I'm not a fool. And I'm not your little girl anymore. You don't have to protect me. None of you do! I know that I will survive this, but what I won't do is be deceived. Brooke: And you're not. Bridget: I know that you and Nick have feelings for each other, mother. Nick: Bridget, we never denied that. We have dealt with them. Bridget: Well, I'm going to be the one that deals with them now. Dad, I'm really sorry to tell you this, but your marriage -- it isn't real. It isn't anymore real than ours is. We've all been living in denial, refusing to really see what's going on here. And I cannot deal with that any longer. Nick, you don't have fight this anymore. Nick: Bridget, I've told you -- Bridget: I know what you've told me. But I also know that you want her. So just take her and be together. Brooke: Honey, please. Bridget: No. No more "honey, please," Mother. I mean it. Just take him, he's yours. You want him? You can have him. I've thought a lot about it, and it's the only way we can put this insanity behind us. And I have got to. So just take his hand. I'm serious, Mother, just do it. Just take his hand. Good. Now look at him. Look at her, nick. Nick: Bridget -- Bridget: Just do it. See, you want each other. It's killing you not to be together. I can see it. I know that dad knows it. So just stop pretending. Stop torturing yourselves and everyone around you. You love each other. You say you always will, so embrace it. Just do it in front of me and my father. Just take her into your arms. I want you to take her into your arms, just do it. | She offers him stocks and wealth |
235 | [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Mia: This means you can't arrest me for what I did to lola because, if you do... this baby gets born behind bars. You can't want that for your own child. Kyle: Wake up now. I need you. Nate: The fact is, her liver is failing. She's going to need a transplant. All three defendants will be remanded into custody until trial. Bail is denied. [ Gavel bangs ] Billy: Victoria deserves a chance to get on the stand and tell her side of the story. If she's not able to give her testimony to the judge and the jury, tell them what she actually lived through, than this trial is over before it even started. Sharon: Well, this is it. This is where the decide my fate. Brittany: I'll do my best to get you cleared of these charges and back home, where you belong. Sharon: What about nikki and victoria? How does this work with two attorneys? Brittany: My job is to defend you, to present the best case for you. Victoria: Michael, wouldn't it just be simpler for you to put us on the stand? Michael: It would, but i can'T. You both lied multiple times while being questioned by the police. You repeatedly denied any knowledge of J.T.'S whereabouts or his death. No, I think silence is best. I'll get to the truth some other way. If I put you up there, christine will eviscerate you on cross- examination. Nikki: So, how will you get to the truth another way? Michael: Well, last night, i received a list of the witnesses christine intends to call. She has a strong case, but not without its weaknesses. I intend to exploit those to our advantage. Nikki: Do you think there's a chance we could be acquitted? Michael: Well, that's my goal, to get you both back home, where you belong. Summer: Hey. You going to court? Nick: Yeah. Yeah, it'd mean a lot to your aunt victoria and your grandmother if you came with me. Summer: Yeah, no, I was actually gonna ask you for a ride right now. Nick: Good. They could use all the support we can give them. They've got the best lawyer, but christine's got some powerful weapons in her arsenal, too. Summer: Yeah, you mean mom's testimony? Nick: How'd you know about that? Summer: Well, she told me about girls' night, their pact, and why she ultimately decided to spill the beans. Nick: Must have been a hell of a conversation. Summer: Yeah, it was a lot to process. Nick: What do you think? Summer: I mean, honestly, I -- I get why they did what they did. It was a matter of survival, and I also get why mom went to the da with what she knew. You don't, or else you wouldn't have kicked her out. Nick: Phyllis is testifying against my mother, my sister, and the mom of my kids. So...what do you want from me? Summer: I just want five minutes to change your mind. Jack: Hey! You're late. Billy: [ Sighs ] Yeah, well, I'm doing the single-parent thing with two kids and having a hard time filling their mother's shoes, so... I'm late. Why was I summoned? Jack: You have to ask? Billy: Is this about our plan to oust phyllis as C.E.O.? Jack: No, we got a much bigger priority on-hand today. The trial. Billy: Yeah. The trial. It's the only thing I can think about. Jack: I think we need to go together, present a united abbott front. Billy: I had a dream last night that victoria was convicted, sent to prison, jack. If that happens... if that happens, I don't know what I'm gonna do. Mariah: Tea? I send you for coffee, and you bring back tea? Kyle: Chamomile. Soothes your nerves. I figured with the trial starting today... Mariah: Can I take this up there on the stand with me? Kyle: You'll be great. Mariah: No, no, because I am already a certifiable mess. I can't eat, I am barely sleeping. I'm so terrified that I'm gonna say something that inadvertently gets my mom thrown into prison. Kyle: I wish there was something I could do to help. Mariah: You can. Change the subject. So, why did you want to see me today? Kyle: Um... I got some bad news from abby last night. And I really need your help. Mariah: Today? Kyle: It's a matter of life and death. Mia: Morning. Rey: Hey. Mia: You sleep at all last night? Rey: No. Got a lot on my mind with the trial starting today. Mia: When do you have to testify? Rey: I'm not sure. Mia: Are you on your way to court? Rey: I can't be in the courtroom since I'm on the witness list. Mia: Good. That'll give us time to talk. Any news on lola? Rey: I spoke to arturo. There's no change. Mia: I was up half the night worrying about her. All this stress is probably bad for the baby. Rey: Must be. Mia: Rey, I need to know. Are you gonna turn me in for what I did to lola? You've tried moisturizer after moisturizer... Additional sponsorship Nick: I don't want to get into a debate about this with you, summer. It's time to go. Summer: Okay, can you just hear me out and try to see this from mom's point of view? She had to make a tough call -- either go to jail with the rest of them or try to find a way out for all of them. Nick: If she hadn't cut a deal with the da, nobody would have been charged. Summer: Okay, all I'm asking is that you keep an open mind and try to give mom the benefit of the doubt. Nick: Phyllis is testifying against my mother and my sister. Now, I don't want to hear another word about this. All right? And neither do your aunt victoria or your grandmother. Do not bring phyllis' name up to them. You stay positive and you let them know how much you love them. That is all they need from you today. You got it? Victor: Sweetheart. Nikki: Oh, my god. Thank goodness you're here. Victor: Sweetheart... Nikki: [ Sighs ] Victor: Is there anything that you need, hmm? Nikki: Only you. Victoria: Dad, how are you? Are you okay? Victor: Anxious for this farce to be over with. I want my family back together again. Victoria: Yes. Billy: Hey. How are you? Victoria: Hey. Billy: Get some rest? Victoria: No, I -- I didn'T. I couldn't stop thinking about you and the kids. How are they doing? Billy: They're good, you know, they miss their mom. They're hoping that she comes home soon. Victoria: I miss them, too. Tell them that I said I love them. Billy: Of course. Victoria: Okay. Billy: Every morning, noon, and night. Victoria: All right. Nikki: Thank you so much for coming, jack. Jack: Abby is held up at work, but she will definitely be here. Victoria: Oh, good. I'm happy she's coming. Jack: You know, it's time like these that you realize what's important, what really matters -- the support of family and friends who love you, and you both have a limitless supply of those. Victor: Thank you, jack. Jack: Hey. Sharon: Jack. I didn't think you'd be here today. Jack: I wouldn't be anywhere else. How you doing? Sharon: I don't think I've ever been so frightened in my life. Jack: When you get nervous, just look around the courtroom. Realize there are a lot of people here rooting for you and nikki and victoria. We've got your back. Arturo: Looks like you need a new liver. Rey and me have been searching like crazy, trying to see who's gonna be the lucky guy who gets to save your life. I was hoping it would be me, but no such luck. Same with rey. Not a match. But don't you worry, we are gonna get through this. Okay? It is just a matter of time before we find a donor. You are gonna pull through, lola. You have to. There's still so much left for you to do, so... I need you to hold on. You hear me? Hold on. Kyle: Where's your guy? Mariah: He'll be here. Kyle, are you sure you know what you're doing? Kyle: Yeah. Mariah: But if rey and arturo see you... Kyle: Mariah, I know, okay? Mariah: All I'm saying is maybe you should have just cleared this with them first. Kyle: Just do your thing. If anyone has any issues, I'll take full responsibility. [ Sighs ] Mia: How was your walk? Did it clear things up for you? Rey: Maybe. Mia: I'm so sorry to put you in this position, rey. Rey: So am I. My whole life, the only thing I've wanted is to be a person people can look up to. A role model because I didn't have one. Mia: That's one of the reasons I love you so much. That's what gonna make you an amazing father. And I know it can't be easy, deciding what to do about me... and the baby. Rey: You have no idea. I don't like to make decisions based on my emotions. That's, uh... that's a dangerous way to live. And I've never let my personal feelings get in the way of enforcing the law, even when it meant someone I knew was gonna pay the price. And it is killing me that you went after abby looking for a fight, and now my sister's in the hospital. Mia: I never meant to hurt lola. Rey: I know, mia. I know, it was an accident. I believe you. But you lied about it to protect yourself. And you're damn lucky she survived -- so far, because if she doesn'T... Mia: No, don't even think like that. Rey: Christine is gonna come down hard on you. Pregnant or not, she's gonna make sure that you pay the price for what you did. Mia: But what do you want? Rey: I'll tell you what i -don't want. Our baby born in prison... Mia: Does this mean you won't turn me in? Rey: It'll remain our secret. Forever. Mariah: Good morning, and welcome to a very special live edition of gc buzz. I'm mariah copeland, and I am reporting to you from the icu at genoa city memorial. Today, I want to tell you a story about a young woman who is fighting for her life as we speak. Lola rosales -- if you're familiar with that name, maybe that's because you've enjoyed a meal at her food truck or her pop-up restaurant. But today, she needs your help. This is... kyle abbott. He is a very, very dear friend of lola'S. Why don't you tell us about her? Kyle: Um... lola is...the most wonderful woman I've ever known. She's a million things at once, and all of them good. She's a talented chef. Passionate, dedicated, funny, generous, and she brings out the best in everyone around her. When I first met lola, she had this crazy dream of running her own restaurant. It happened for her. She's magic like that, you know? She was a couple weeks away from having everything she ever wanted, and then she got assaulted. We don't know by who or why. All we know is she needs our help. Mariah: She needs a transplant. The amazing thing about the living donation program is that the donor gives a part of their liver, and over the next few weeks, it regenerates. It grows inside the donor and the recipient. A quick and painless blood test is the first step into finding out if you're a match. So, please, come on down, get tested. There's more information on our website. The greatest gift that you can give is the gift of life. I'm mariah copeland for gc buzz. Till next time. We did it. Kyle: What do we do now? Mariah: We wait and hope, pray. Arturo: You have something to do with this broadcast? Kyle: Yeah. Everything. Arturo: And you didn't even think to ask me if I was okay with it? Kyle: You didn't even cross my mind. So if you're looking for an apology, you can forget it. Nikki: Hi, sweetheart. Nick: How you doing, vick? Victoria: I wish I knew. Summer, I'm so glad you came. Thank you. Summer: No, of course, I mean, we're family. Victor: Times like these, we have to present a united front. Nick: Excuse me one second. Nick: Hey, jack. Can I talk to sharon for a minute? Jack: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Be strong. I'm rooting for you. Sharon: Thanks, jack. Means the world. Nick: How you doing? Sharon: Well, I'm more concerned about faith. How is she? Nick: Uh, she's doing a lot better. Dad's spending a lot of time with her down at the stables. Mariah's helping out with the homework, picking up the slack. Faith really wanted to be here today. Sharon: [ Sighs ] God, no. As much as I'm dying to see her, this is the last place she should be. Nick: No, I talked to her. She understands. She just wanted me to send along her love. Sharon: This can't be easy for you, either. Your mother and your sister on trial.. are you getting any sleep? Nick: I'll be a lot better once the jury comes back with a "not guilty" verdict. Billy: So, you and J.T. -- You were close for a while. Brittany: We were. Billy: I'm sure you've got mixed feelings. Brittany: Well, after I heard about what kind of a man J.T. Became, I set my feelings aside. I thought I knew him. And it just never would have crossed my mind that he was capable of what he did. Billy: Well, I guess we really don't know anyone, do we? Brittany: But I know this -- sharon shouldn't be in prison. Billy: None of them should be. Brittany: All I have to do is convince 12 strangers of that. Billy: Yeah. Kyle: Did you really think i was gonna sit back and do nothing, after I found out, from my cousin, that lola needed a liver transplant? We need as many people tested as we can because she won't get better until she has that operation. Mariah: Kyle thought if we shot the story at the icu, it would have the most impact. And, yes, maybe he should have cleared it with you first... Kyle: But I know the way you think about me. So I figured you'd say no. Arturo: So you went ahead and did it anyway. Mariah: Kyle stuck his neck out for lola, and I am really hoping that you chop it off while I'm gone. I have to get to the courthouse. I'll be in touch. Kyle: I owe you one. Mariah: Yeah, I know. I have a long memory, too. Kyle: Good luck! Look, you need to know there's nothing I won't do for lola. And if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. Arturo: You gonna let me talk now? Because I got a few choice words for you. Kyle: Look, whatever it is you have to say, arturo -- Arturo: Thank you, kyle. Really, thank you. Mia: Thank you for protecting me. Protecting us. What do I do now? When the lead detective runs the dna he found on my earring... Rey: I don't think they're gonna find anything. You're not in the system. Besides, that earring could have belonged to anybody. Friend, family... employee of the abbotts. Eddie and the guys will keep investigating until they run out of leads. The case will go cold, and it'll end up at the bottom of a pile.& Mia: You know, our little one gets a shot at life with nothing hanging over his head, raised by two parents that love him. And each other. Rey: This baby means more than anything to me. I will always be its father. Mia: And our marriage? Are we staying together because your head is telling you it's the moral thing to do? Or because your heart can't imagine living without me? District attorney williams, you may proceed with your opening statement. Christine: Thank you, your honor. Ladies and gentlemen on the jury, we're gathered here today because on april 13, 2018, nikki newman and her co- defendants engaged in a conspiracy to cover up a brutal death. Now, the defense will try and tell you that they are unjustly accused and there shouldn't be a trial. But it's your job to focus on the fact that nikki newman did kill J.T. Hellstrom. And with the help of her daughter victoria newman and her former daughter-in-law sharon newman, they conspired to conceal his death. On the night in question, the three defendants and others that you'll hear from later on had a party, a girls' night. They were trying to raise victoria's spirits after a painful breakup with J.T. You see, the man she was once married to, the man with whom she shares a son with was no longer the man she believed him to be. He had grown emotionally and physically abusive. She also found out that he was working undercover at their family's company trying to prove that her father was engaging in illegal business practices. So with all of this weighing on her mind, she just wanted to go upstairs and be alone. But she wasn't alone. J.T. Had broken in and confronted her about ending their relationship. They argued, it escalated. Nikki and sharon ran to her aid. Victor: It was a hell of a lot more than an argument. Christine: Nikki grabbed a poker from the fireplace and she viciously brought it down on J.T.'S head, ending his life. And then what happened next? Did they call the police? Did they call emergency services for some assistance? No. None of the above. I'll show a video tape of these three fine, upstanding citizens rolling this man up in a rug and disposing of his body. They buried him unceremoniously at a park owned by nikki newman, and they made this blood oath that they would never speak of this again, that the truth would never come to light. Now, I understand J.T. Hellstrom was no angel. He had his faults. But nobody deserves to die that way -- killed in cold blood and dumped in a park. And yet, these three women, they believed they would get away with it. They think they're above the law for some reason, and I don't know why. Victor: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, that's an egregious misconstruction of the facts. [ Gavel bangs ] Order! "The young and the restless" will continue. Mr. Newman, if you cannot control yourself, I will have you removed from my courtroom. Victor: Your honor, are we dealing with facts or fabrication? The truth is, ms. Williams has a vendetta against the newman family. Mr. Newman -- Victor: She is no longer interested in justice for J.T. Hellstrom. She just wants to put a newman behind bars. Nick: Dad. Dad. Nick: It's a feather in her cap. Nick: It's not the time. Christine: The prosecution requests that the jury being instructed to ignore mr. Newman's outburst and that he be banned from the courtroom for the remainder of the trial. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you are hereby instructed to disregard mr. Newman's outburst -- Victor: Your honor, this has been a witch hunt from day 1! Mr. Newman, I will give you the choice to leave on your own volition, or I will have you escorted from the premesis. Victor: Your honor -- Michael: Your honor, I'm sure mr. Newman regrets his outburst and will leave peaceably and allow us to continue without further interruption. As you were saying, counselor... Christine: Oh, well, thank you, but as mr. Newman just demonstrated, the elite see lawful prosecution as personal persecution, something from which they should be excluded. Their privileged lifestyle should put them above criminal charges. Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's time show the newmans of this nation that they are just like the rest of us, that there is justice for all, and that they will not get away with murder. Arturo: Look, man, I know you have feelings for my little sister. And even though I don't approve of your methods, I know they come from the heart. But next time you get any bright ideas, just, you know, run 'em past me first. Kyle: Will do. Arturo: You want to go in there and see her? Kyle: Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that very much. Arturo: What are you waiting for? Kyle: Thanks. Arturo: Go. Mia: I should know better by now, asking a question when I'm not prepared for the answer. Rey: I'm just trying to find the right words. Mia: Take all the time you need. Rey: You know, timing's a funny thing. Just the other day, I walk out of here, figured if you want my brother, there's no room for me here. Start my next chapter someplace else. Mia: With someone else? Rey: [ Sighs ] Mia: I could never love anyone the way I love you, rey. Rey: [ Scoffs ] Our timing is so off. You went off and attack my sister and lie about it. Now you're telling me you're pregnant. Mia: That's not the way i wanted it to happen. Rey: But maybe this gift we've been given is a sign that we're meant to stay together. Mia: You do mean it, don't you? Rey: It's gonna take a lot of time, mia. And forgiveness. Mia: I'm ready to do whatever it takes. I swear. Rey: My head, though... it keeps telling me you never wanted kids. So it makes me wonder -- are you happy that you're pregnant? Or just happy it's keeping me from turning you in? Brittany: My esteemed colleague, mr. Michael baldwin, is representing two of the defendants in this case, ms. Victoria newman and mrs. Nikki newman. I am the attorney for sharon newman. Now, it's important that you consider the case against sharon on its own merit, separate from the actions of nikki and her daughter victoria. While it's true that sharon was at that girls' night, that does not mean that she participated in or instigated any criminal behavior. I am confident that once you hear the facts of this case, you will find no basis to convict my client of any of the charges against her. Thank you. Mr. Baldwin? Michael: Yes, your honor. Hello. Ladies and gentlemen, there is one thing about which the prosecution and I agree. When we're finished our work here, and it's time for you to deliberate, you must consider the facts. The facts alone. And the fact is, everything you've just heard from the prosecution is pure conjecture. Their case is base entirely on the claims of phyllis summers, who was arrested along with these women you see before you. Yeah, arrested. How is she not at the defense table? Well, she agreed to testify for the prosecution in exchange for her immunity. She handed over her version of the truth in exchange for her freedom. Remember that when she takes the stand. Remember that when she tells you her version of the truth. Ask yourselves -- how far will the prosecution's star witness go to save herself? Everything that ms. Summers says must be carefully considered, evaluated, questioned. Is it the truth? Can she be trusted? The prosecution has also mentioned video footage, but, as you will undoubtedly see, that video proves nothing. It does not prove mr. Hellstrom's death at the hands of nikki newman. It does not prove these women were moving a body. Nikki newman is charged with second- degree intentional homicide. Victoria newman is accused of being a party to it, of helping to cover it up. But, ladies and gentlemen, while you're listening to their stories and watching the video, keep this in the front of your mind. There is insufficient evidence that these crimes were committed. There is insufficient evidence that jeffrey todd hellstrom is even deceased. And why? Because there is no body. Thank you. We will take a five-minute recess, after which, we will hear from the prosecution's first witness. Mia: I was afraid of having a baby, of...the fact that that baby would change my life -- our lives -- forever. But then the strangest thing happened when I started thinking I was pregnant. It was like everything I had done was leading up to this. To becoming a mother. And I was happy. I wanted this baby. Your baby. I wanted to wake up at 4:00 am to feed her and -- Rey: Her? Mia: Read our child stories at bedtime. I love this frijolito so much more than I could love anything. And, yes, I'm scared. Scared that I'll make all the wrong decisions or that you'll stop loving me. Rey: That's -- that's not gonna happen. Mia: Good. Because as long as I have you by my side, I know everything's going to work out. This baby really is the best thing that's ever happened to us. Rey: Then... let's make it official. Let's go to a doctor, get you both checked out, make sure you're both on track. I mean, we don't even have a due date yet, do we? Mia: I've already called the best ob in town. I'm just waiting for a call. Rey: Good. Make sure you tell me the date and time. I want to be there for every milestone, okay? The ultrasound, first time we hear the heartbeat, finding out the gender of the baby. [ Chuckles ] I can't wait to tell everybody I'm gonna be a dad. Mia: No, rey, you can't do that. Kyle: Hey, lola. It's me. Told you I'd be back. And, this time, I didn't even have to impersonate a doctor. Arturo gave me the go-ahead to come visit. Guess he realized he couldn't keep me away from your forever. [ Chuckles ] Nothing can. Arturo: He's been going on and on about how you'd want him to be here. This guy really doesn't know when to stop. Kyle: Not when it comes to my love for you. Arturo: Hey, but if I'm wrong, if you want me to kick this guy out, just say the word, and he's gone. Kyle: [ Sighs ] That's okay. You rest up. You've got a fight ahead. You're gonna need all your strength. [ Cellphone chimes ] Arturo: You need to take that? Kyle: It's a text from nate. The results from the blood test are in. Arturo: I'm gonna go get some air. You need anything? Kyle: No, thanks. [ Sighs ] I know it sounds crazy. But I was sure I'd be a match, the one who could save your life. But maybe I still can. See, what I didn't tell you is mariah did a segment about you on the gc buzz, trying to spread the word that you needed a liver donation. And all it takes is the right person to get tested, and if it doesn't come from your family, then maybe it's one of the viewers. We'll start local, and go global because I am ready to go to the ends of the earth to help you. Rey: What's the problem? Why don't you want anybody to know about the baby? Mia: Well, of course I want people to know. It's just -- it's so early. Rey: Okay. We can at least tell our family, you know? Mia: I want to keep this our little secret. Our little dream come true. Just until we're sure. Rey: All right. Whatever you say. But when the time comes, I got to warn you, nothing is gonna stop me from shouting it from the rooftops. Mia: I want you to know how much I appreciate what you're doing -- protecting me, protecting the baby... it means more than you know. Brittany: How you doing? Sharon: I'm still scared to death. Not for myself, but for mariah. Brittany: If your daughter's half as strong as you are, she'll be just fine. Sharon: All she wants to do is protect me, but that's just blood in the water for the da. She'll use her against me. Brittany: And mariah knows that. She's smart. Whatever damage is done, I'll fix it on cross. Sharon: I just wish she had never gotten dragged into this. Nikki: That was quite a performance. Michael: I'm merely stating the truth. Victoria: No, you did an amazing job. I think you gave the jury a lot to consider. Michael: Thanks. Nick: I'm gonna borrow this guy for a second. Nikki: Yeah. Victoria: Yeah, of course. Michael: I'll be right back. Nick: Look, I know it's early, but you've seen the jury, you've gotten a feel for the judge. What do you think my mom and sister's chances are? Michael: Well, I can't predict the future. But, to be honest... I think we're facing an uphill battle. | failed |
236 | Avery: Hi. Dylan: Hi. Avery: How was the lake? Were you able to finalize your dad's affairs? Dylan: All taken care of. Avery: Good. Dylan: Sorry about the phone call. Avery: No, no, no. It's okay. It's -- its -- its fine. It's water under the bridge, so... Dylan: How did things go for you here? Avery: Um... [Avery remembering] Avery: "One of these days, you'll pick up the phone and call. Or if you want, you can write me back. We can revive the ancient art of the love letter, because that's what this is, Nick -- a love letter, hoping to show you where my heart is and where it wants to be -- with you. Avery." [Back to present] Avery: The ball's in Nick's court. He knows what I want. Chelsea: Hi! Sorry I'm late. We still on for breakfast? Dylan: Yeah, absolutely. Avery: Oh, I'll let you guys talk. Give you some privacy. Chelsea: I'm sorry. Am I -- am I interrupting something? [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: Are you sure this pow-wow's a good idea? Victoria: Yes, I'm sure! It's the only way to handle the situation. I just wish I'd thought of it sooner. Billy: Dee Dee, Honey, Sweetheart, I got eyes. Please don't poke them out. I need them to see you with! I need them to see you with! [Growls] Delia: [Screams] Billy: Who put a nickel in her? Victoria: Yeah. She's just a little wound up about Reed coming to stay, I think. Billy: Do we know when that's gonna happen, by the way? Victoria: Well, J.T. texted me earlier to, you know, confirm that it was okay, but he still didn't give me any details, and it's just not like him to be so vague. Something really big must be happening, I think. Billy: I'm sure he'll explain soon. Victoria: So, are you okay with Johnny and Delia? Billy: You kidding me? Piece of cake. Besides, I've got Hannah as backup. Victoria: Good, good, good. Then it sounds like you have everything under control. Billy: I do. Victoria: Good. Billy: You know, we might not like our new schedule, but the kids do, because they get one of us 24/7. Victoria: Guess it'll be practice for if the fertility treatments pay off. Billy: You mean when they pay off, when they pay off. Victoria: Have I told you lately how much I love being married to you? Billy: I can't remember. Damn, I guess you're gonna have to tell me again. [Growls] Victoria: I love being married to you. Billy: [Chuckles] [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: I did speak to Victoria last night about taking the company private again. Adam: Wild guess -- she didn't scream "Yippee!" And cut you a check with a bunch of zeros on it. Victor: Son, it's an enormous investment. She would like to sleep on it. You would understand that. Adam: Did she tell you that, or is that what you inferred because you think she's still this sweet, worshipful daughter? Do you deny you're biased? Victor: What are you saying? Adam: Victoria's a Newman. That inherently makes her dangerous. I don't want to be blindsided. Victor: Son... your father doesn't have a blind spot where any of his children are concerned. Any of them. You'd do well to remember that, okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Leslie: You're here kind of early. Tyler: Yeah, I'm here to check on Gus...and you. You know, hopefully you'll let the man get a little bit of breakfast before you decide to start in on him about who Rose was. Leslie: A woman our father may have had an affair with. Tyler: He said that he didn't. Leslie: Then why won't he just tell us who she is? Tyler: Hmm. Let me think. Maybe 'cause it's none of our business. Leslie: Is that it? Are you worried you might find something worse out about our father? Gus: For 12 years, you thought I killed your mother. [Scoffs] What could be worse? Leslie: I'm afraid to find out. [SCENE_BREAK] Avery: Uh, you're not interrupting anything! I'll give you some privacy. Dylan: No, you don't have to rush out. Avery: No, you obviously -- you have plans, so... Chelsea: Just breakfast. Avery: Uh, I-I heard about the baby. Congratulations. Chelsea: Thank you so much. Avery: Yeah, Dylan loves kids. He's gonna be an amazing father. I'm really happy for you both. Um, well, I have to go have a good day, so, um, I'm gonna scoot. And you -- you enjoy your -- Dylan: Breakfast. Avery: Yes! Yes. See you. Bye-bye. Dylan: What? Chelsea: Avery's not just your lawyer, is she? [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Hey. Abby: Hey! I ordered some rolls. I hope you don't mind, I already ate. I was starved. Nick: Nah, that's cool. I wouldn't have waited for you. Abby: Ah, thanks, Big Bro. Nick: So what do you think this mysterious summons from Vick is all about? Abby: I don't know, but something tells me it's not about taste-testing new dishes that Billy wants to add to the menu. I still can't believe he bought this place, can you? Nick: I don't ever pretend to try and understand what's going on through that dude's head. Abby: That's probably for the best. Victoria: Good morning! Nick: Morning. Coffee? Victoria: Thanks! Abby: There's some Danishes and stuff, too. Victoria: Oh, great. Abby: So...here we are. Why'd you want to meet? Victoria: I have some news. Dad came to me last night, and, um...he wants to privatize the company. Nick: We're here to talk about Newman? Business? Victoria: Listen, Nick, I realize that you've backed away from the company, but Dad's gonna come to you, and he's gonna ask you both for the money that you won in the lawsuit to finance this. Abby: All of it?! Victoria: I assume most of it. Nick: Okay, well, what's this all about? Because you know Dad was gonna come to us anyways. Abby: Well, I think it's very courteous. Thank you, Victoria. Nick: Nah, I think this is a heads-up. You have a plan, don't you? Victoria: Good call. Abby: What kind of plan? Victoria: I want for the three of us to pool our money and buy as much stock in Newman as we can to take over the company... and kick Adam out for good. Nick: Okay. And if Dad stands by Adam, are you prepared to kick Dad out, too? [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: Victoria won't be contributing one red cent as long as I'm running Newman. Victor: Son, I've asked her several times to give you a chance... which I'm sure she will. I wish you would extend her the same courtesy. Adam: Well, I hired her, didn't I? That was against my better judgment, so how's that not giving her a chance? Victor: Now, come on, my boy. Be honest. You said you hired her. What -- to do menial jobs? You need to treat her as an equal. Adam: Treat her as an equal? She works for me! Victor: Do you know that you and she are more alike than either one of you wants to admit? Adam: Dad, if this particular buyback works... I just think it's a situation where there's too many cooks in the kitchen. You think this company's big enough for three -- not two, three -- people who are strong-willed and are certain that they are always right? Victor: [Chuckles] You inherited that from your father, didn't you? Well, Son, there are times when it's necessary for family to pull together. Adam: And let me guess -- that time is right now. Victor: You bet. And I will make it work. [SCENE_BREAK] Tyler: Are you okay? Leslie: D-dad, maybe you should sit down. Just sit down. Gus: Why don't you just quit your fussing, huh? Leslie: Have you taken your pill this morning? Gus: Yes, Ma'am! Leslie: Okay. All right, now. It's important that you stay on top of your medication schedule. Gus: Yeah. Well, n-never mind all that. There's something more important that we need to talk about. Tyler: Like what? Gus: If we're gonna have any chance at a relationship... [Voice breaking] As a family... ...we need to put our cards on the table. Tyler: Yeah, but come on. We don't have to do that right this second. Gus: Look. You know, I was so hopeful when your sister reached out to me, and now you're trying the same thing! That means the world to me, Davis. Tyler: I know. Gus: You guys keep saying that we can't go back to where I was before I went to prison. Well, I don't see any way around it. I mean... we need to go back... to the night your mother died. [SCENE_BREAK] Delia: [Shrieking] Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey! All right! Take it easy! Pumpkin, Baby, simmer down. Simmer down. Act like a teapot and simmer down, okay? We don't want to wake up your little baby brother. It took me forever to get him to sleep! Please, please, please? Please take it easy. [Sighs] Delia: Sing me the teapot song, Daddy! Billy: Okay. You -- you -- you play the game that daddy just got you, all right, and leave him alone for a little bit, 'cause you're freaking him out, and he needs to recharge his batteries. [Billy dreaming] Delia: [Cackles] Billy: Oh. [Yelps] [Sighs] Victoria: [Sighs] Billy: Oh! Whoa! I'm awake! I'm awake! Yep! Not sleeping on the job! [Clears throat] Victoria: That's good, because you're gonna need all the energy you can get. These fertility treatments are just magic! Our family just keeps growing and growing and growing! Billy: [Chuckles nervously] [Baby crying] Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Take it easy, captain! Why are you crying? There's no crying! There's no crying! Victoria: [Chuckles] Billy: Wow. Oh -- [Babies crying] Billy: Uh, uh, Delia, Sweetheart, will you come in here and turn off your dolls? They're crying! I don't know how to turn them off! It's really loud! Victoria: Honey, stop kidding around. Those aren't dolls! Those are the twins! Delia: [Laughing] Billy: Okay. Okay. Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey! Daddy's got a splitting headache. Please turn that off. Victoria: Oh, please tell me that you remembered to pick up the 1,000 mega- pack of diapers. We sure do go through them. Delia: [Cackling] Billy: Um, please stop? Victoria: It's the life we've always dreamed of. Billy: Oh, yeah. [Chuckles dryly] Victoria: [Chuckling] Oh! The baby! Billy: Yeah...yeah... okay. Okay -- [Billy waking up] Billy: [Gasps] [Grunts] [Exhales] [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: I'm not proposing an attack on Dad. Nick: I notice you didn't rule out the possibility. Victoria: Well, I'm hoping that it doesn't go that way. I want Dad in charge. What I don't want is Adam in there, expecting all of us to kiss his ring. Abby: Don't throw knives at me, okay? But from everything I've heard, Adam's doing great so far. Victoria: He's on his best behavior, for now. But we all know that his true nature will come out, and then we'll all end up with knives in us, including Dad. Nick: Do you really think Dad would let himself get fooled like that again? Abby: I don't. Dad knows Adam better than any of us. If he's gonna pull something, trust me -- our father can handle it. Victoria: You haven't seen them working together lately. It's a regular love fest. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Dad offered to take a bullet for Adam. Nick: I don't think you're giving our old man enough credit. Victoria: There's nothing wrong with wanting to protect him, Nick. Nick: That's the same argument Dad's given us when he's not happy with the way we've been living our lives. We have fought against that, all of us, for years. Abby: He's got a point, Sis. Victoria: It's different this time. Nick: Why, because of Adam? Victoria: Yes! Nick: All right. Piece of advice -- don't turn this into a battle over Dad and who's his golden child this week. He's using the company as a loyalty test again, and you are falling into the same trap again. If Adam wants to play this game, then let him. He doesn't know what we know. Let him learn the hard way. Victoria: [Chuckles] Have you always been this cynical, or just since you left the corporate world? Nick: You have no idea how grateful I am to be out of the rat race. I just wish you'd come with me, Sis. Victoria: I guess you're not gonna go in on this with me, then. Nick: I'm out. I love you both dearly. I got stuff to do. Victoria: Thank you. I appreciate your time. Thank you very much. Nick: You guys be careful. Abby: [Sighs] Victoria: I hope that you're not gonna let Nick's behavior influence your decision. As far as I'm concerned, Newman Enterprises is a very, very important part of our family. Abby: Like Segundo, only bigger and a lot more teeth. I'm kidding. Victoria: Okay. Abby: I know what you're getting at. Victoria: So where do you stand? Will you go in with me? [Cell phone rings] Abby: Um... hi, Dad. Victor: Hi, Sweetheart. I'd like to see you today. Do you think we can make that happen? [SCENE_BREAK] Dylan: Uh, why would you think Avery's my attorney? Chelsea: Well, I saw you two having a pretty intense conversation one night at the Underground, so I just kind of assumed that it was a legal matter. Except just now, the way you two were looking at each other, it seemed a little more personal than that. Dylan: We know each other pretty well. Chelsea: Uh, I'm sorry. I'm not meaning to pry. I just -- Dylan: No! Uh, you're right. I mean, everything should be out in the open. Avery and I were involved once. Chelsea: And it was serious, wasn't it? Well, then you have to go back to her... while you still have a chance! [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Hey. Avery: Hello. [SCENE_BREAK] Leslie: You're not looking all that well right now, Dad. What is it? Is it your heart? I want you to take some aspirin. Gus: In a minute. Leslie: Now, okay? And chew it so it gets in your system faster. Gus: I ain't chewing no damn aspirin! [Breathing heavily] Tyler: You know what? Why would we have to go back to the night that Mom died? That doesn't make any sense to me. Gus: Lin was murdered, right? We all lost her, including me. And with that trial and all that ugliness, we never got a chance to grieve her properly as we should. Leslie: I mean, well, right after your conviction, we moved. We changed our names. We just pretended we weren't related to either of you. Gus: You hated me that much? Leslie: We were scared of you and the people you knew! We were afraid they might come after us. Tyler: Yeah, we hardly even talked about Mom, even in private, in case someone was listening in. Gus: Yeah, you know, well... I lost my identity, too, right? I wasn't Gus Rogan anymore. I was a number, 12 long years. And Lin -- she became a painful memory, one that I desperately tried to forget. Now... none of us got to say a proper goodbye. But this -- this is where we can start. Tyler: Maybe now we finally can. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Why wasn't this corrected during last month's close? Adam: Beats me. Look -- let's contact Ted from accounting and have him answer for the discrepancies. Victor: Would you kindly do that? Adam: Well, it's got to be done. Mom would be so touched, seeing us working side by side like this. Victor: [Sighs] Often thought about your mother, you know? A remarkable woman, she was. Was blind, and raised you by herself -- more or less by herself -- on that farm in Kansas. Such fond memories of her. Abby: Hey! Sorry to barge in. Victor: That's all right, Sweetheart. Come in! Adam: Abby, we were just finishing up. Come on in. Abby: Uh, great! Then you won't mind giving Dad and me a minute. Whatever it is that you wanted to talk to me about, I'd rather do it in private. Victor: Well, Sweetheart, actually... I thought the three of us could have lunch together. Abby: No, thanks. I just had breakfast with Nick and Victoria. Victor: Did you? Adam: Well, aren't you just the busy bees? Didn't think you'd have time for some things as mundane as bacon and eggs. Abby: Mm. We made time. That's how it works when you like each other. [Chuckles] Victor: Whose decision was it for you to have a quick get-together? Adam: Oh, I think we know the answer to that question. Victoria gave you and Nicholas the heads-up about our plan. Abby: I don't know what you're -- uh, plan? I don't -- Adam: Yeah? Let me see if I can guess the rest of it. Victoria sounded the battle horn, and she told you not to throw in with Dad and me. Abby: [Exhales] Well, you are so smart, Adam. Adam: Thank you. Abby: Yeah. Victor: Well, is that what happened, Darling? Please tell us the truth. Abby: I guess you'll hear about it soon enough. Uh...Victoria wants us to make a bid, buy back the company ourselves. Adam: And I wonder why. Victor: Um... what was your decision? Are you gonna go along with it, or what? [SCENE_BREAK] Dylan: Avery and I -- [Sighs] It was -- it was years ago. Chelsea: It didn't look that way to me. Dylan: Feelings don't always disappear, even when things weren't meant to be. But you got to move on, and Avery has. Chelsea: Well, I mean, I heard that she was engaged to Nick, but still, it shouldn't stop you. I mean, you can fight for her. Dylan: Why you pushing this? Chelsea: You didn't want to come between me and Adam, so... I'm offering you an out. Look -- if you don't want to be a full-time dad, you're off the hook. You can walk away from me and this baby right now if you want to give it another shot with Avery. [SCENE_BREAK] Avery: I don't want to stalk you. [Chuckles nervously] Nick: That's good, 'cause I don't want to be stalked. [Chuckles] How you doing? Avery: Uh, I'll be a lot better when I know if you read my letter. Nick: I-I did. Avery: Um, the last time I wrote a note to a boy, I was in the 7th grade. [Chuckles] At least then I heard back by the end of class. Nick: Well, I was, uh -- Avery: No, no. You know what? I-it's okay. If you were ready to respond, you would have. Nick: No, no, no. Avery, it's just -- Avery: Clearly, you're not. Um, I'm being impatient. And here I am, barging into the house and pushing you for answers, and I'm very sorry. I'm gonna go, and you take all the time you need, and, uh, you get back to me...whenever. Nick: I -- Avery: You know what? No. No, damn it. I can't take this! I can't take this! The bell has rung! Class is over! Tell me what you thought of the letter. I need to know. [SCENE_BREAK] Abby: I won't be teaming up with Victoria...or you and Adam. Adam: Equal-opportunity rejection -- very nice. Abby: [Sighs] Victor: Sweetheart, why don't you listen to my proposal before turning me down? Abby: Daddy, um, I'm sorry. And I can tell that you're disappointed, but my mind's made up. As tempting as it is to side with Victoria against Adam -- no offense -- Adam: None taken. Abby: ...I feel like you and I are in a really good place right now, and I don't want to mess that up. And I also don't want to side against my sister, who I adore. I'm team Newman and team Abbott, which I am totally excited about... and money just -- it messes things up, so I'm gonna save my cash for now. I'm gonna put it towards an opportunity that doesn't side one half of my family against the other half. But, um... good luck to you both! Victor: [Exhales] Betrayed by my own children. I'll be damned. Adam: What's that you were saying about Victoria giving me another chance, because -- yeah. Now, I think we know where the rest of the family stands. Victor: Do we, now? [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Little anxious, huh? Avery: Oh, no. No, because it's every day that I write a love letter to a boy. [Sighs] I'm sorry. Nick: Don't be. Avery: I need to know something. Anything, you know? The -- the tiniest hint of how you felt when you read it. I'll take a compliment on my penmanship at this point. Nick: I found your letter to be very moving. How could I not? I love you, Avery. That has not changed. Avery: I love you, too. Nick: I know. I have it in writing. But a part of me just keeps wondering if you're just trying to convince yourself that you're really over Dylan. Avery: Oh, Nick, what do I have to do to prove it to you? I saw him. He saw me without my ring. And he asked me to go to his family's cottage with him. Nick: 'Course he did. Avery: Yeah, so, if I wanted to be with Dylan, I would have. There was nothing standing in my way, except my deep love for you. Look -- I wish we could start over -- I do -- and pretend everything was back to before Dylan came into my life. Maybe you can -- maybe you can fall in love with me all over again. Nick: It's not that simple. Avery: It is. I'm quite lovable. Nick: Look -- we can't just start over. Avery: We could try. And I think I might know a way. [SCENE_BREAK] Dylan: I don't know where you get the idea that I'm looking for a way out. Chelsea: I'm offering. Dylan: Uh, why? Chelsea: Because I don't want to get between you two. If she's the reason that you came to town, I mean, shouldn't you be with her? Call me a sucker for true love. Dylan: Avery and I -- we were over...a while ago. We had an affair while she was married, and you might even say we were wrong from the start. And it seemed no matter how hard I wished for it to be more, it just never was, and things kept getting in the way. Chelsea: Things that maybe you could get past now? Please. Please, Dylan. If this baby is what is stopping you from -- Dylan: No, it's not that! Believe me, I've tried with Avery. I have tried, even before I knew you were pregnant. And no matter what feelings she may still have for me, she's in love with Nick, and that's who she wants. And I'm not gonna turn my back on you and this baby. Avery was right on when she said how much this child will mean to me. Chelsea: [Sighs] Dylan: What's wrong? What -- what is it? What aren't you saying? Chelsea: [Sighs] I have to be honest with you, Dylan... about the baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Tyler: We should go visit Mom's grave. I'm sure we all have things we need to say to her. Gus: I know I do. Leslie: Okay. Okay, good. Well, then, if that's true, then prove it, all right? Uh, please. Just tell us the whole truth about this Rose person. But let's -- let's do it here, not standing in front of my mother's tombstone. Gus: How could you think... for you that have -- that I would -- I would ever defile your mother's memory? [Crying] I loved her! And for you to suggest that I would -- Tyler: Hey, Gus. Gus. Leslie: Dad! This can wait! Tyler: Come on. We need to get you a doctor. Gus: No, no! No! No doctors! Leslie: Dad! Gus: I got to get this out, right here, right now! Leslie: Dad! Dad! Tyler: I'm gonna get his pills. Leslie: This is not important, okay? You just need to sit down. Just sit down, okay? Gus: No. Listen to me. Tyler: Here, here, here. Take one of these! Put it under your tongue! Gus: No, I got to get this out! Rose... isn't what you think, all right? It was -- Leslie: This is not important! Just -- just calm down. Gus: Okay. Listen. Rose is someone that I cared about. Leslie: Dad, stop! Stop! Gus: I loved your mother. [Crying] I loved her! Leslie: I am so sorry. I should've never said anything. Gus: Your mother knew about Rose, all right? She knew! Leslie: Call 911. Call 911. Gus: Rose was -- rose was -- Leslie: Dad. Gus: Rose -- rose was -- Leslie: Dad, no more talk about Rose. Don't worry about Rose. Gus: [Strained] Rose -- Leslie: No, no! Tyler: It's ringing! Leslie: Dad! Dad! Hello, emergency? Okay. My -- my dad, he just collapsed. He -- yeah, he just got out of the hospital. I think he's having another heart attack. Yes -- no, we need an ambulance! Please! Please hurry. Tyler: Stay with us! Hey, stay with us! Don't leave us! Don't leave us, Dad! Gus: [Weakly] "Dad"? Tyler: Yeah -- Dad! Gus: [Crying] Dad. Dad. [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: Trying to make an end run around your own father, huh? Victoria: The end run was around you, Adam. Victor: Son, would you give us a minute, please? Adam: She's all yours, Dad. Victor: You made a decision behind my back. You betrayed me. Victoria: Dad... Victor: No, don't give me this "Dad" business, okay? You know this company means more to me than just business. It's my family's legacy. Victoria: Our family was being threatened. Our family is being threatened, by Adam. Victor: Sweetheart, he deserves to be here. Victoria: I cannot believe that you're taking his side when you know the damage that he's capable of! With no board to answer to, God only knows what that man is capable of! Victor: What do you mean, what he's capable of? He saved my life! Don't you acknowledge that? Victoria: Yes, he saved your life, and I will always be grateful for that. Victor: Then please act like it! Victoria: He didn't do it out of love! It was instinct, okay? He does not get a pass for all of the horrible things that he's done! Victor: Well, he gets one if I want to give it to him! Victoria: I know, Daddy. I know you feel like you owe him. But Adam's not a whole new person. He came to that wedding. He wanted to hurt you. Maybe you've forgotten that, but I haven't. Victor: I haven't forgotten a damn thing. Not a damn thing. You have betrayed me. Victoria: I don't trust Adam. I will never trust Adam. And I'm trying to protect you, and, damn it, I am not giving up! [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: Which one of your dolls is this? Is this Caryn? Hmm? Delia: No, Becky. Billy: Becky. Sorry. Becky. Delia: And it's time to change her diaper. Billy: Oh. Oh. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Um, why don't we play a game instead? Anything you want, just let's not change diapers. Daddy can't do diapers right now. Delia: Um... go fish! I bet I'll beat you. Billy: Honey, listen to me for a minute. Um, that word "Bet" is not a word that we should use in this house, okay? Delia: Okay. Billy: Because, uh, you should never bet, not even for fun, because sometimes it's not so fun. You can lose a whole lot more than a bet, and it's not good. It's very, very bad, okay? Delia: Okay. Billy: Okay. So... you still want to play a game? Delia: I'll go get the cards. Billy: You know what? [Grunting] Let's not do cards. Let's play a board game, and -- and maybe something without dice. You know that one with the spinner thing? You know what I'm talking about? Why don't you get that one? It's in the green box, okay? Go get that one. Let's play that one. Delia: Okay...? Billy: All right. [SCENE_BREAK] Man: Who's the target? Victoria: Adam Newman, my half-brother. I need all of the information you can gather on him for me. Man: Some personal dirt? Victoria: Mnh-mnh. Nope. I've got that already. Man: Then why do you need me? Victoria: I need something -- something related to Newman Enterprises. That's my concern. I have personal information on Adam and his ex, but I'm saving that little bundle of dynamite for a rainy day. [SCENE_BREAK] Dylan: Honesty's a good thing, so anything you want to tell me about our baby, about you -- big things, little things -- I want to hear it. Whatever's on your mind. Chelsea: Okay. Um, I -- you know what? I'm not really comfortable talking about it here. Could we -- Dylan: Oh, okay. Um...I'll tell you what. I got a few things to take care of today, a bunch of apartments to look at. How about tomorrow? We could talk about it then, over...dinner? Chelsea: Dinner? Dylan: Yeah -- that's the meal that comes after lunch. [Both chuckle] Dylan: Are you -- are you -- are you busy? Chelsea: Uh...no. No. Dylan: Okay, then. It's a -- a date. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: So, what'd you have in mind? Avery: Dinner at my place, tomorrow night -- a first date. Well, not exactly, but sort of. [Sighs] I know that I can't erase what's happened. But I feel like we can get back to -- to what makes us work together. And I'm not willing to give that up without a fight. You hear that, Newman? I am willing to fight for you. [Sighs] Nick: Okay. Well, I guess a lot of this hinges on...what you're gonna make for dinner. Avery: Wow. Have I ever let you down with a meal? Nick: No. But I'm saying if you are preparing a menu, I really enjoy things wrapped in bacon. Avery: I know you do. I know you do. Is that a yes? Nick: Yeah. It's a date. [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: The night of my parents' wedding, Adam crashed the reception at the ranch. He claimed that he had a bombshell to drop, something that my dad knew but he hadn't revealed to anyone. But he was shot before he could follow through. Man: So the secret's still a secret. Victoria: I need you to find out what it was and exactly how explosive it could've been for Dad. [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: I assume you didn't get anywhere with Victoria. Victor: Yeah. Give her time. Adam: How much time -- enough time for her to marshal her own forces together, damage the company's reputation in order to "Save" it? Victor: Family ties are a powerful thing, Son. Adam: Yeah... except, apparently, when she's suing you for half a billion dollars. Victor: She'll come around. Adam: I know you want to believe the best of her, Dad. I get that. But this goes much deeper than sibling rivalry. Victoria wants a duel to the death. She's gonna put you in a position where you have to take sides. Victor: She can't do that, because I won't give her the power. Adam: I know you believe that. I know. But you're gonna have to be prepared, because there is gonna come a time... that she is going to force you to choose one or the other -- Victoria...or me. [SCENE_BREAK] [Leslie remembering] Leslie: Dad, whatever you want to say to me, you can just say it. I-I do not blame you. This is my fault. Gus: Don't say that. I don't blame you, not at all. Don't even think it. Because I don't. Leslie: My testimony put you here, and I was supposed to get you out. And if you hate me, I understand. Gus: Not for one second. Now, you were a scared young kid when you testified. Your mother was gone. You saw what you saw. And nobody can blame you for anything. I'm sorry for the man that I was, all right? I didn't deserve you or your brother... or your mother. I am so sorry. Leslie: I forgive you. [Tyler remembering] Gus: It hurts that you got all these bad memories about me. That's a damn shame. Let's try to make it better. Tyler: [Chuckles] Gus: Son? This thing between us... Tyler: I'm willing to try. [Back to present] Tyler: Come on. Hang in there, Dad. Leslie: Dear God, please let our father make it through this okay. Please, Lord. Tyler: We're gonna get you to the hospital, all right? You're gonna be okay. Don't give up. Leslie: What are you doing?! Don't stop! Tyler: No! Come on! You have to! This is your job! Save him! EMT: I'm sorry. Tyler: No, no, no! This is your job! Do your job! EMT: It's too late. I'm sorry. [NEXT_ON] Kyle: Is that what tonight's about? Are you gonna propose to Phyllis? Leslie: Did you lose your parents? Lauren: I want my life back! Paul: Then you need to end this now. | Victor fills Adam in on his talk with Victoria |
237 | Spencer: Uncle Sonny, it's me, Spencer Cassadine, again. It's really, really important. I don't understand why you aren't returning my calls. [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] AJ: Are you looking for this? [Chuckles] Or sap. You know what? I almost feel bad for this guy. I mean, he didn't kill me. You did. [Gasps] That almost reminds me -- today is my funeral, and I was wondering if you'd like to do a little celebrating -- you know, maybe a little dancing on my grave? [Vocalizing] [SCENE_BREAK] Ned: Good morning. Are you all right? Tracy: Why wouldn't I be? Ned: We are burying a member of the family today. True, neither one of us thought too much of Junior, but in some ways, that makes it even sadder. He's gone -- truly gone -- and nothing will ever be resolved now. Tracy: Actually, I was thinking about Alan. [Inhales deeply] He wanted so much for AJ, and none of it was realized. [Sighs] AJ had so many chances, and he blew every one of them. Ned: Well, at least there may be a lead on his killer. The cops arrested someone involved with the, uh, February break-in. Recognize this guy? [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your brother? Dante: I got some time before the funeral, and I wanted to see if the labs came back on Carlos Rivera. Anna: Oh, yeah, I'm waiting for them, too. If the DNA matches, then we can connect Carlos to the break-in at the Quartermaines'. Dante: Yeah. Anna: [Sighs] Officer: Commissioner? You were looking for these? Anna: Perfect timing. Thank you so much. Here we go. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: [Clicks tongue] Diane, it's Ava. Why the hell haven't you called me back? I need you on top of Carlos' case. [Door closes] Morgan: Your -- your guy got arrested. Ava: I thought you were my guy. Morgan: Why would -- why would Carlos be gunning for -- for AJ? Carlos: You gonna kill AJ? Ava: I can't. It'd be too easy to trace it back to me. I have to ask somebody to do it for me -- someone discreet, professional. Carlos: Like who? Ava: Like you. Morgan: Do you know anything about that? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Hey, it's Carly. Yeah, is my dry-cleaning down there? Great. No, no. No, don't send the bellhop up. I'm gonna come down and get it. Bye. I have to go get my dress for AJ's funeral. Franco: Have you seen this? Carly: That's who they arrested? Franco: Yeah. Sonny -- that lucky bastard -- he's totally gonna skate. Carly: Do you know what this means? It means I was right. Ava is up to her neck in AJ's shooting. [SCENE_BREAK] Ross: Time to take you to school. Spencer: I'm not going straight to school today, Ross. Ross: Because of Miss Emma, sir? Spencer: This is way bigger than losing Emma -- much bigger. You need to drive me to Uncle Sonny's house. Ross: May I ask why, sir? Spencer: He isn't answering his phone, and I need to warn him that Uncle Luke is out to get him. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: You need to leave me the hell alone. Olivia: Yeah, I heard you last night, Sonny, loud and clear. I got it. Sonny: Hey, uh -- Olivia: Okay...I just stopped by to, uh, get a couple things that I needed. Sonny: I'm sorry about what happened last night. Olivia: Me, too. I'm sorry, too. I am. Sonny: Okay, can we -- can we -- can we -- do you have to go? Olivia: Sonny. Sonny: Do you have to go? Olivia: Do you think I want to leave you right now? Like this? Sonny: Well, then why are you doing it, then? Olivia: I love you, Sonny. You're not giving me any choice. Sonny: Can we talk, Olivia? Can we talk? Olivia: No, we can't talk right now. I'm going over to my place to stay for a while. I just -- I just need a break, okay? AJ: Kind of serves you right. [Chuckles] Sonny: This is on you. You killed Connie. You attacked Ava. I did what I had to do. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: That whole story that AJ attacked Ava because the Jeromes wouldn't hire him -- it's ridiculous. I don't buy it. The only place where AJ could hold himself up to Michael as being better than Sonny is that he wasn't a mobster. He would never throw away the moral high ground to team up with the Jeromes. He just wouldn't do it. That's not AJ. Franco: Well, he's a drunk. They don't make good decisions. Carly: No, I told you -- the last words that AJ spoke were about Ava. "Sonny shot me because of Ava." He died before I could find out why. Franco: Okay. So, what does the guy -- Carlos -- have to do with any of this? Carly: Well, Carlos works for Julian, but he seems to be Ava's BFF lately. I've seen them together a few times. Franco: So, he broke into the Quartermaine mansion and attacked AJ? Carly: Yeah, only hours before Sonny stumbles upon AJ attacking Ava. There's a connection. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: Poor Carlos. What has he gotten himself into now? Morgan: So this wasn't some Jerome operation to whack AJ? Ava: Well, I wouldn't know. Maybe Julian was after AJ. Carlos is my friend, but he still takes his orders from Julian. Morgan: Yeah, well, with all the information you've given my dad, I don't think Julian's gonna be giving anyone orders for much longer, so... Ava: I hope you're right. Julian's become suspicious of me lately. I think he's starting to think that I'm on Sonny's side. Morgan: Wait, what -- why would he think that? We -- we've been careful, right? We haven't slipped up. No one's seen us together. That's why we meet here and not at -- at your penthouse. Ava: No, you're right. No, we have been careful. And I don't think we are the reason that Julian is suspicious. In fact, my brother is convinced that our relationship is over. Morgan: Yeah. Well, I'm not too convinced that it isn't. [SCENE_BREAK] Carlos: Either charge me or let me loose. Anna: I think we'd like to go over your statement one more time. Tell me again -- why were you after AJ Quartermaine? Carlos: For the hundredth time, I didn't even know the guy. Dante: So you didn't break into the Quartermaine mansion? Carlos: Like I said last night, no. Dante: And that gun -- the one we found -- that wasn't yours? Carlos: Like I said, the gun was stolen from my trunk. You find the guy who stole it or whoever he sold it to, that's your man. Dante: Okay. Okay, just -- just so I got it all sorted out in my head... Anna: Okay. Dante: ...Your statement is that you did not make an unlawful entry into the Quartermaine -- Carlos: For the last time, no! I was never in any mansion, threatening some rich dude! Anna: DNA evidence says otherwise. [SCENE_BREAK] Tracy: No, the intruder was wearing a mask. All I remember is Luke and I came in, and he was standing over AJ with a gun. I hit him over the head with a vase, and Luke went after him. Ned: I thought he got away. Tracy: Well, he did, but Luke and I stopped him from killing AJ. Luke gave chase without a thought to his own safety. It was, in fact, a valiant effort. Ned: Oh. Valiant Luke. Tracy: Don't start. Ned: Too late. I thought we would go over these before the house filled up with funeral attendees. Tracy: Won't be necessary. Ned: I did you the favor of having a prenuptial agreement drawn up for Luke. Pretty standard fare. You each keep your assets that you brought into the marriage -- yours are considerable. His are nonexistent. So, all we need is Stepdaddy Dearest's signature. Where is your aging gigolo this morning? [SCENE_BREAK] Kiki: Whatever you and I are going through, Michael, of course, I'll be there... [Knock on door] Kiki: I got to go, okay? I'll see you at the funeral. Luke: I brought doughnuts. Bet you'd love to get your mouth around -- Kiki: I'm not hungry, and I need to get changed. Luke: This'll only take a minute. Kiki: My -- my dad and my cousin are here. Luke: Oh, no, they're not. I waited till they'd left...so we could be alone. Kiki: I'm calling the police. Luke: Relax. Kiki: Don't you dare touch me. Luke: I'm not here to touch you. I just want to ask you a question. Why did you tell Tracy that I made a pass at you? Kiki: Because you did -- twice. Luke: That was supposed to be our little secret. Kiki: Tracy is the one that came to me. She said that you told her that I made a pass at you, which is not true. I couldn't let you get away with something like that. Luke: Is that the real reason, or are you just trying to come between me and my bride-to-be because you want me all to yourself? [SCENE_BREAK] Tracy: Luke isn't here. He's running an errand. Ned: Quick -- hide your credit cards, or your "hero" will rip through your liquid assets before we get him to sign this. Tracy: He's not signing a prenup. Ned: He refused? Tracy: I told him he didn't have to. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: Why would you think we were over? Morgan: Well, the -- the talk we had last night about you saying that a part of you still loves Silas. Ava: And you didn't exactly deny that you still love Kiki. Morgan: Right, but I think that's how we -- we kind of started, is we both were hurting, and we used each other to get through it. Ava: I certainly hope that it's more than that now. Morgan: No, no, it is. It absolutely is. It's -- it's just we had that talk, and things -- they felt bad. And -- and then you texted me, and -- and -- and we were all over each other, and it was great. It -- it always is great. [Sighs] I just -- are -- are we good? Are we good? Are we just slapping a band-aid on what's not right between us? [SCENE_BREAK] Franco: Okay, look, whatever you're seeing in this Carlos arrest, I don't get it. Carly: Carlos had no motive whatsoever to go after AJ. He's the enforcer for the Jeromes, which means one of the Jeromes had to give the order, and it wasn't Julian's name that AJ brought up on his deathbed. It was Ava's. So, he must have been working for her. Franco: Yeah. I don't know, Carly. It's a little bit of a reach, don't you think? Although Ava does seem to have a very strong effect on men. Carly: That's what scares me. Franco: Yeah, well, you scare easy. I think you need to relax. Just -- just calm down a little bit. I think that, you know, I know that this is a very gloomy day for -- for Michael, but look at it this way -- you got everything you wanted. AJ is completely out of the picture, and you didn't have to lift a finger. Carly: You're talking like it's just over. Franco: Yeah. It's a funeral, Carly. That is, by definition, over. Carly: Franco, Sonny shot AJ. Meanwhile, the police have arrested someone else with ties to Ava, a name AJ brought up on his deathbed, okay? See? It's all connected. It is. And I have to figure out what's going on because -- stop! I have to figure out what's going on because my son stands to get hurt in all this, so tell me how it's over. Franco: Okay, well, look, Ava didn't like AJ. Nobody liked AJ. That doesn't necessarily mean that Ava wanted AJ dead. Carly: I don't know that. That's why I need to talk to Carlos. Franco: Well, how are you gonna do that? Carlos is in custody. Even if he wanted to talk to you, he's not gonna talk to you in front of a bunch of police. Carly: You know what? You're right. I should just forget about everything. I'm gonna go downstairs and get my dress. Franco: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Hold on. Whoa, whoa. Wait a second. Carly: What? Franco: Are -- are you mad at me? [SCENE_BREAK] Carlos: What DNA? Not mine. You got nothing. Dante: There's a 99.99% chance it's yours. Carlos: Nice try. I never gave you a sample. Anna: You didn't have to. We took it off the water bottle we gave you yesterday. Remember? We matched it to some blood that was found on the vase that Tracy Quartermaine used to hit you. That proves you were in the house and you tried to kill AJ. [SCENE_BREAK] AJ: You know, Sonny, I was cleared of Connie's death. I mean, maybe you punished the wrong person. [Footsteps approaching] Sonny: You're not gonna talk -- you're not gonna talk to me? Olivia: You told me last night to back the hell off. That's what I'm gonna do. Sonny: By leaving? Olivia: Like I said, I'm gonna be staying at my place. Sonny: Olivia, listen. Olivia: [Sighs] Sonny: Please? Olivia: Unless -- unless you're willing to just tell me what's eating at you... Sonny: I can't do it. Olivia: Okay. Then I guess I'll see you when you're ready to be honest. Goodbye, Sonny. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Ever since I told you that I think Ava's role in AJ's murder is bigger than Sonny realizes, you've done nothing but argue with me. Franco: [Muttering] Oh, well, technically, I think you're arguing with me, but... Carly: [Sighs] Franco: Okay, look, I thought you liked to argue with me. I thought you thought it was kind of fun. Carly: What -- what I'd like, Franco, is to have someone in my life that respects my instincts, okay? That understands that I might not necessarily have all the answers, and, hell, I may even jump to the wrong conclusions a few times along the way, but I do know when someone has an agenda, and when that person threatens my family, you damn well better believe I'm gonna find out what's going on. Franco: Okay. Carly: Okay. Franco: So, how is Ava threatening your family? Carly: How can you not grasp this?! Franco: I... Carly: The truth about Sonny shooting AJ has the potential to blow my family apart, okay? Ava is involved, and I don't trust her. I thought I could trust you. Franco: You can trust me. Carly: Really? I told you Sonny's secret. Do you know how big that is? Franco: Well -- Carly: Do you? Sonny and I have been through so much. We have two kids, all right? We have a huge history, and when our backs are up against the wall... Franco: I already suspected what Sonny had done. You just confirmed it. Carly: He would hate that you knew. He would hate it. And I told you because you said you needed to know the truth, so I gave it to you. I thought you were on my side. Franco: I am on your side. Carly: Really? Because it doesn't feel like it. Now I want to find out the truth about what happened at Ava's apartment before Sonny showed up and shot AJ, and yet you're acting like I'm on some crusade to crush Ava. Franco: Hey, look, if the agenda is to crush Ava, I'm in. Carly: That is not what this is about! Franco: No, no, of course not. Carly: Knock it off! Franco: [Snickers] Carly: I'm not kidding! I don't give a damn about what happens to Ava -- I don't. All right? I want to know the truth. I want to know the truth for Sonny, for Michael, and for me. And, yes, I'm mad at you. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: You've been lying to us, Mr. Rivera. You were that intruder. You broke into the Quartermaines', and you pointed your gun at AJ. Dante: You would have killed him if his aunt and Luke Spencer hadn't walked in. Anna: Right. But then you lured him away to Ava Jerome's apartment, and you finished the job. Carlos: That's not true. That's -- that's not what happened. Anna: Oh, it isn't? So why don't you set us straight? Go on. Tell us what happened. Dante: Start with the break-in. Anna: Were the Jeromes behind it? Did they send you to the Quartermaines'? [SCENE_BREAK] Ned: Mother, I thought we agreed -- a prenup will prove that Luke has changed -- that he's not just marrying you to wipe out your bank accounts. Tracy: Ned, I know that you're trying to protect me, but it really isn't necessary. Luke is not marrying me for my money. Ned: And you know this how? Tracy: He told me. Ned: Ohh, I see. And I was worried. Tracy: He was so hurt. You should have seen the look on his face. Ned: Mm. Lots of crocodile tears. Tracy: If you could, uh, hold back the sarcasm for a minute, I will explain. Luke thinks that signing a prenup is an indication of a lack of trust. Ned: Bingo! Tracy: He was so upset, he wanted to call off the wedding. Ned: And you fell for that? He was bluffing, Mother. He's playing you. He's manipulating you like a puppet. Can't you see that? Tracy: No, you can't see. He and I have been through so much this past year! Ned: Oh, if you're talking about the debacle on Cassadine Island, I've been meaning to ask you -- what the hell were you thinking? Risking your life, impersonating a guard while lunatics like Jerry Jacks and Faison are running around the island with guns? Tracy: What I was thinking is that the man that I love was in trouble and needed me. I was there for him -- not Anna, not Laura, not Skye, not Holly -- it was me. I'm the one that rescued him. It bonded us. Ned: And so he is going to show his gratitude by robbing you blind? Tracy: And then, by the way, he was kidnapped and held captive at Miscavige. Ned: Sounds like an ideal spot for him. Tracy: You do not get to be snide about this. Those experiences were a wake-up call for Luke. He realized that he did not want to live the rest of his life without me -- not a minute of it. He wants to give me his heart and his soul. Our connection transcends money. Ned: Mother, you're a Quartermaine. The only connections that transcend money are the ones you have with your family, and, then, only on a good day. Tracy: I'm just gonna tell you what Luke told me he would marry me if I was living in a car. He doesn't care about my bank accounts. He doesn't care about my charge cards. I'm the only woman for him. [SCENE_BREAK] Kiki: You're a sick man. You're delusional. Get off of me! Luke: You are the one who's ailing, little Kiki. What you need is a big dose of love medicine from Dr. Sugar. You need a real man. I'll make you forget all about that little beanie boy Michael. Kiki: You shut up! [Kicks him in the crotch] Luke: I will have you screaming for more. Ohh! You son of a -- get down! [Groans] You... Kiki: Get out of here! Luke: ...Bitch! Kiki: Get out of this house! I will call the police! Get out before I hit you! Luke: You don't deserve my doughnuts! Kiki: Get out! Luke: [Groans] Kiki: [Panting] [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: I meant what I said the other night. A part of me will always love Silas, but that doesn't diminish my love for you. I love you. I can't stand it when we're apart. Morgan: I needed to hear that. Ava: I need to hear something, too. You never answered me when I asked you if you still felt something for Kiki. Morgan: I think it's -- I think it's like you said -- you know, maybe I have some residual feelings for Kiki, but, Ava, that doesn't change the way that I love you. You're my future. Kiki's -- she's history. [Cell phone rings] Morgan: Yeah? Kiki: Morgan? Can you come over here? I really need to see you. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Hey. Are you looking for me? Olivia: Believe me -- there's no other reason I would knock on Franco's door. I got to talk to you. Carly: What -- what's wrong? Olivia: It's Sonny. Something's wrong with him. I think it has something to do with AJ, but he won't tell me. I mean, he looks like hell. He's not sleeping. He's nervous. You know, I-I asked him -- I thought maybe he wasn't taking his meds, but when I asked him, he blew up at me -- blew up like he's never done before. He's just... Carly, he's not himself. [SCENE_BREAK] [Rapid pounding on door] [Doorbell ringing] Spencer: Uncle Sonny! It's me! Answer the door! AJ: You gonna answer that? I mean, maybe it's Michael, you know? Um, hey, you know what? Here's an idea -- maybe you could, uh, go off on him like you did Olivia. Or, better yet, save yourself the time and trouble and completely alienate the kid before he finds out that you killed his father. Sonny: Shut up! [Rapid pounding continues] AJ: You gonna get that? Sonny: Go away! Go away! [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: I walked out last night. I'm -- I'm, uh -- I'm staying back at my place. You know what? I don't -- I don't care how much pain Sonny's in or what he's lashing out at -- I can't let him treat me like that. Carly: No. You can't...at all. Um, come inside. Yeah? Franco: Check it out! Look who got his mojo back. [Spray paint hissing] Olivia: Who in the hell is gonna pay for all this? Franco: You know, you're right. That's a valid point. And I was thinking that, you know, this is pretty site-specific, so maybe a time-share, you know, where people kind of rent time. Carly: What the hell did you do? Franco: What are you talking about? I painted. It's wonderful, isn't it? Come on. Look, I thought that my muse had abandoned me, but it turns out she was just on hiatus, and she has returned, and she has inspired me. She's my life force, and I cannot resist her, because I want my muse to have everything in the world that she ever wanted, 'cause we're kind of a team. Carly: Your muse told you to destroy your hotel room -- my hotel room? Olivia: My hotel room, too. It's half mine since Connie died. Franco: Congratulations, because now you're a half owner of my latest art. Olivia: You call this art? Carly: You destroyed the room, Franco! Franco: You're just saying that because you don't understand that there's real beauty in purpose. Okay? Really, I think this is gonna make you really happy. Olivia: Do you understand how much it's gonna cost to fix this? Like, thousands and thousands of dollars. Franco: Olivia does not understand because Olivia is a philistine. Olivia: I'm a philistine? You're a vandal. Franco: Fine. If that's what you think, then call the cops. Olivia: Oh, I will call the cops. I will call -- Carly, don't even try to stop me. Carly: Just hold off for a second on that. Olivia: I don't care if he's your boyfriend. Franco: Yeah, go ahead. Call the cops. I'm sure that they can tell the difference between a vandal and the vanguard. Olivia: My son can tell the difference between the guilty and the innocent, and you're guilty, and I'm gonna call him right now. Carly: What the hell are you doing? Franco: Check it out. Check it out. Okay, you couldn't figure out a way to talk to Carlos, because he was in police custody, but I think I might have been able to figure out a way to talk to him instead. [SCENE_BREAK] Carlos: I got nothing to say. Anna: We know you work for the Jeromes, Mr. Rivera. If you were on a job for them, and you can help us to prove it, the D.A. will take that into consideration. Dante: Man, don't take the fall for your bosses. They're not doing anything to help you. Anna: Nothing. We handcuffed you right in front of Ava and Julian. Where are they now? They know the situation. Where's that lawyer that they promised you? Dante: They threw you under the bus. Anna: You don't need to protect them. Dante: It's a simple choice, okay? You go away for the rest of your life, or you give up the Jeromes. Anna: We don't want you. We want the Jeromes. Dante: Do the right thing. Anna: Help us. Dante: Come on. [Door opens] Anna: And if -- Diane: Not one word, Mr. Rivera. I am so sorry to have made you wait. I was out of town and only recently apprised of your difficulties, and now if you both will excuse us, I need to confer with my client. Anna: Sure you do. [Door slams] Diane: Thank you. Okay, now you can talk. Carlos: [Sighs] [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: You're not here! You're not really here! Spencer: But I am here, Uncle Sonny! Sonny: Go away! Ross: It sounds like this isn't a good time for your uncle. Let's -- let's not bother him. You're late enough for school as it is. Spencer: School will have to wait. We have another stop. I have to save Uncle Sonny, whether he likes it or not. AJ: You know, you -- you make a good point. I mean, I'm not here here. I'm -- I'm here. I'm in your head, which kind of begs the question, buddy boy, who's gonna save you from yourself? I mean, Ava? I mean, you called her last night, and she was quite the little ghostbuster. I mean, she came, and she chased me away, but, really? Ava's gonna save you? [Clicks tongue] [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: Where are you going? Who was that on the phone? Morgan: Uh, actually, it was -- it was Kiki. She needs to see me. Ava: I thought AJ's funeral was this afternoon. I figured she'd be attending with Michael. Morgan: Yeah, but she isn't. I -- it sounded like something was really wrong, so... Ava: Well, if Kiki's upset, then I'm going with you. Morgan: Well, I -- no, I don't think that's -- that's the best idea. She asked to see me, you know? Ava: Oh. Of course. Well -- well, if it's something serious, you'll let me know. Morgan: I-I will. Yes. I promise, okay? [Door opens] Morgan: Hey. I love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Ned: Mother, I am not telling you anything you don't already know. For a woman in your financial position, it would be a mistake to marry Luke Spencer or anyone else, for that matter, without a prenup. Tracy: I am not marrying anyone else. I am marrying the man I love. Ned: Maybe marriage is the problem. You've been through how many? Seven, eight marriages? None of them lasted. Why would you want to put yourself through it again? What is a ring and a ceremony going to do for you, besides put your finances at risk? Tracy: Why can't you get this? Luke almost died. I was gonna have to live my life without him. He didn't die, and I want to be with him as his wife! Ned: Mother, you are so smart. Why are you being so dumb? Marrying Luke is not going to change him! He's a lying, cheating, greedy, selfish swindler! Luke: Bearing doughnuts. Ned: I'm not sorry you heard that. Luke: Oh, my. What's this? Ned: It's a prenup. Luke: Why, thank you, Ned. How thoughtful of you to have one drawn up for my future bride and me. [Inhales deeply] [Exhales deeply] It's a shame that you wasted all that time and your mother's money on an attorney. Our marriage is gonna be based on trust, so we don't need that. Do we, Tracy? Tracy: No, we don't. Luke: Sweetheart, shouldn't you be getting ready for the funeral? Monica may need us. Tracy: I trust the two of you can share those doughnuts and call a truce before I get back. Luke: That's what I'm hoping. Tracy: You need to respect my wishes. I deserve that. Ned: About that truce... Luke: Screw the truce. It's time that I was perfectly clear with you, oh, once and future stepson. [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: Kiki? Kiki: Morgan, hi. Morgan: What's going on? Kiki: [Panting] I'm really sorry. I couldn't call Michael because today is his father's funeral, and I hope you weren't in the middle of anything. Morgan: No, no, no, no, no. I'm just worried about you. What's -- what -- what happened? Kiki: Um, I just got out of the longest, hottest shower. I would have washed myself with bleach if I could have -- that's how dirty I feel right now. Morgan: From what? Kiki: Luke Spencer. He waited until I was alone, and then he showed up here. Morgan: Why? Kiki: He said that he was pissed because Tracy told him that I told her that -- that he made a pass at me, and he -- he thought that -- that I was trying to get him and Tracy broken up so that I would want him all to myself. And then he -- he got all hot and bothered, and he grabbed my wrist, and... Morgan: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Kiki: [Exhales deeply] Morgan: Did -- did he -- did he hurt you? Kiki: [Sighs] No. No, but I think I hurt him. [SCENE_BREAK] Ned: You have my mother completely snowed with this supposedly life-altering brush with death, but I am on to you, Spencer. I know exactly what you're doing, and since my grandfather isn't here to prevent you from plundering the family fortune, it falls to me. Luke: I appreciate your honesty, Ned. Let me return the courtesy. Your mother and I are together now. I love her. I am going to share her life and her work at ELQ, and if you try to stop us, if you do anything to try to prevent this marriage, I will... Ned: You will what? What can you possibly do to me, Luke? Luke: I will kill you. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Yes, this is Detective Dante Falconeri's mother. Uh, please don't put me on hold again. No, no, I need to speak to him right now. No, no, it is not an emergency. Franco: What? Carly: You wanted Olivia to call the cops? Franco: Yeah. Once I'm in police custody, I can work on Carlos. I'll get the dirt on Ava -- all the answers you want. Carly: You did this for me? Franco: Of course. Oh, it's too much? Carly: No, no, no, no. It's perfect. I love you. Franco: You know I'm on your side, right? Let's just hope Dante doesn't confuse what I've done with art. Hey. Officer: Falconeri, your mother's holding on line three. Anna: Oh, take it. We're not getting anything else out of him with Diane here. [SCENE_BREAK] Diane: Mr. Rivera, I want to explain to you that this conversation is covered by attorney-client privilege, so no one can compel me to disclose what you say to the PCPD or anyone. I want you to be perfectly honest with me. Carlos: Got it. Diane: Good. So tell me everything that happened. And don't worry that I will think badly of you. My opinion of you is entirely beside the point. I'm being paid to defend you, and my clients always get their money's worth. And don't edit your actions. Don't try to protect yourself. That's my job. In this room, we have no secrets. Is that clear? Carlos: Yeah. Diane: Good. So, you are charged with breaking in to the Quartermaine mansion on the afternoon in question with the purpose of trying to murder AJ Quartermaine. Is there any truth to any of these charges? Carlos: The situation with AJ is complicated. Diane: "Complicated." Carlos: I did break in. I did have a gun. Diane: Why? Were you intending to kill AJ? [Cell phone rings] Diane: Hang on. Oh. It's your benefactress. Hello, Ava. Ava: Where the hell have you been? Carlos needs your help. Diane: Throttle it back. [Clears throat] I'm with him right now. He was just telling me about the Quartermaine break-in. Ava: What did he say? Diane: Well, he hasn't said much, but I'm expecting the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth. [Chuckles] Ava: Put him on. Diane: I'll put you on speaker. Ava: No! No speaker. You give him the phone. You step out of the room. Diane: All right, let me get this straight. You call me at least a dozen times to demand that I defend Mr. Rivera, and now you want me to step out of the room? Ava: I'm paying you, Diane. Do as I ask. Diane: You're right. It's your dime. For you. [Door opens] Ava: Carlos? [Door closes] Ava: Is she gone? Carlos: Yeah. Ava: You listen to me. You listen to me very carefully. You don't tell Diane or the cops a word. Deny ever being anywhere near AJ. Carlos: [Inhales deeply] That ship has sailed. That story about me losing the gun -- it's a no go. They got my DNA at the Quartermaine house. I've got no choice, Ava. I have to cooperate. I'm sorry. Ava: No. You're not sorry -- not yet -- but if you tell them that I sent you to kill AJ, because he knew that I killed Connie, you will be. Then you will be very, very sorry. [SCENE_BREAK] AJ: So, what'd you decide, sport? You, uh, gonna make it to my funeral? I mean, me, personally -- I wouldn't miss it for the world. It's -- it's the one time when I can be guaranteed that everybody's gonna say something nice about me. You know, I'm sure Michael will deliver the eulogy, and, you know, he'll -- he'll vow to get justice, and he'll talk about punishing that poor sucker Carlos Rivera. And the whole thing is -- it's just -- it's so ironic. I mean, Michael tries -- he tries so hard to be fair and to be a good person -- [As Sonny] To be a man of honor. [Chuckles] [Normal voice] And he's gonna be going after an innocent man. I mean, you know, he doesn't know it, but you do! Don't you? And you're gonna die -- just little pieces of you are gonna die, and who knows, Sonny? Maybe this time, the pressure will get to you. Maybe this time, you'll blow up at Michael. But this is for sure -- that guilt -- that guilt is gonna eat you alive until you push away everyone that you love. [SCENE_BREAK] Franco: You're arresting me? Dante: Yeah. You destroyed the room. Franco: What I did was I created a work of priceless art. Dante: I mean, it's terrible. My kid can do better. Seriously. Let's go. Carly: [Exhales deeply] [SCENE_BREAK] Carlos: What can you do to me if I tell the cops you killed Connie Falconeri? I'm in the safest place I could be right now. For the first time in my life, I am happy to say [Chuckles] I'm surrounded by cops. You can't touch me. Ava: Maybe you're right. I can't get to you. But I can get to your little pregnant girlfriend...Sabrina. [SCENE_BREAK] Ned: So dramatic. There's really no need for that kind of hyperbole, Luke. Luke: Hyperbole? Trust me, Ned -- cross the line again, and find out. Ned: [Chuckles] My mother was right. You have changed. You weren't always a thug. [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: You need to report Luke. Kiki: Yeah, I know. But today is supposed to be about Michael's father, not about Luke, but I know that Luke -- that perv -- is going to be at that funeral today. How am I supposed to avoid him? Morgan: Okay, the question's not how you're supposed to avoid him. It's -- it's how he's gonna avoid me. All right? Because I'm gonna be at that -- at that funeral, too, Kiki, and I will make dead sure that this man doesn't think he's gonna get away with what he's been doing to you. I promise. After I -- after I'm done talking to him, he's not gonna bother you ever again. Kiki: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Spencer: Turn around and face your accuser, Uncle Luke. Luke: And who the hell are you? Spencer: I'm your nephew, Spencer Cassadine, and I know all about what you're trying to do to my Uncle Sonny. | Spencer tries to call Sonny, with no answer |
238 | Ridge: Rick, I'm trying to help you. Rick: Treat Caroline better. Take her back. Ridge: Do it now or you'll lose her forever. Is that what you want? Rick: I think it's what you want. You're not worried about Caroline. You're not worried about our marriage. You're just here to tell me that if I'm not there for her, you will be. [SCENE_BREAK] Caroline: This was a bad idea. Ivy: Hey. Aly: What -- what happened? Caroline: I -- I shouldn't have called you. It's stupid. It's just a... picture. Aly: No, it's not. Ivy: Hey, you said you got into it with Maya. What happened? Has she left? Caroline: Yeah, she had to "get back to her man." This is ridiculous. You don't become the Forrester matriarch by sitting around and just admiring my husband's terrible taste in art. [SCENE_BREAK] Maya: Ah, there you are. Carter: Maya, I'm staying out of this, okay? Maya: Calm down. I just need somebody to talk to. Carter: Okay. Well, get Rick to take down the picture, we'll talk. Until then, I'm -- I'm Switzerland, all right? I'm Mr. Neutral. Maya: Well, that doesn't sound very neutral to me. Carter: You definitely don't want to hear what Ridge has to say about it. Maya: Let me guess. My face is good enough to sell their clothes but not good enough to hang over their fireplace. Carter: Removing Stephanie's portrait wasn't cool, Maya. Maya: Anyone who thinks that doesn't understand why Rick did it. Carter: He's trying to send a message. Maya: Yes. To me. Not to anybody else. Only to me. When Eric gets back, he can put up whatever picture he wants, but while we're living there, Rick has the right to do the same. Carter: Maya, it's not just a picture, okay? Stephanie's still incredibly important to this family. Maya: Especially to Ridge, her precious golden boy, who she put before anybody else, let him do whatever he wanted, no matter how horrible or hurtful it was. Carter: So? He replaced it with someone who treats him the same exact way. Maya, look, just want you to understand how it looks. Maya: To who, Carter? To Ridge? To Caroline? Why should I care what those people think? I knew that the picture wouldn't sit right. But Rick insisted. And I'm not gonna let anybody make me feel like I don't deserve to be up there. Because Rick thinks I do. [SCENE_BREAK] Caroline: I came here because Rick said that we could talk. Ivy: And did you? Caroline: Yeah, about that. He wanted me to see it. Aly: He wanted to hurt you, Caroline. Ivy: Yeah, because that's the point of all this. Yeah, could he be any more obvious? Ivy: So you see it, too? Caroline: Yes. Aly: And you're not upset? Caroline: No, of course I'm upset. My husband's moved his mistress into the family estate and hangs up this terrible thing like a gigantic "under new management" sign. Ivy: Yeah, but he's doing all of this because he's not over you yet, Caroline. Caroline: Yeah, well, don't try to tell him that or Maya. Neither of them want to admit what's really going on here. The only people that they're fooling are themselves. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: You don't get it, do you? Rick: I trusted Caroline. She betrayed me, and she -- Ridge: She's doing everything she can to earn your forgiveness. But, Ricky, everyone has a limit. Rick: Yeah? How many women have you pushed to theirs. Ridge: Too many. But Caroline's still willing to take you back. Rick: There's Taylor, my mom, Katie -- Rick: It's not about me right now. Whatever happened, happened. It's over. Caroline and I were professionals, were working together. Rick: Professionals, huh? Katie didn't see it that way. She left you. I guess she finally came to her senses, realized that you were a bad bet. And I've got a sneaking hunch that Caroline's figured that out, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Maya: If you don't want to talk about this, I can go. Carter: Where, Maya? Who else in this building will listen to you? Maya: I tried to reach out to Caroline today and offer her help. Carter: Help her with what? Maya: Accepting what's happened -- getting over Rick and moving on with her life. He's done with her, Carter. She needs to face that, and that portrait proves it. Carter: She saw it? Maya: Yes, and freaked out. Carter: Of course she freaked out. Maya: No, no, you can't even imagine the things she was saying. The woman is delusional. She thinks that that portrait -- my portrait -- is all about her, that Rick put it up to get back at her. Carter: He was trying to get a reaction. That's -- Maya: He's living with me. Carter: Maya, it's the classic rebound. Maya: No. Caroline hurt Rick more than anyone else ever has. Carter: And you don't think it's at all possible that he's using you to hurt her back? [SCENE_BREAK] Ivy: So, why were you about to run out of here when we turned up? Caroline: I -- I need to get back to work. Aly: Dealing with this is way more important. Caroline: Yeah, well, if you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them. Ivy: Uh, yeah, I've got a few ideas of what we could do with that thing. Caroline: Yeah, well, me too. But I have to face the real thing. Because, like it or not, real or not, Maya is a part of Rick's life, and as long as she's influencing him, I'll never be able to apologize enough. Aly: Why are you apologizing at all? Caroline: Because kissing another man is wrong, Aly. Aly: And what about Rick? What he's done is so much worse. Caroline: Yeah, it is, and -- you know, I think he's finally starting to see that. Aly: Really? Ivy: Ridge isn't engaged to Katie anymore. Caroline: I know. Aly: Ridge being free doesn't change anything. Caroline: No, I mean... look, I'm always gonna be grateful for what he taught me and what we accomplished together, but...we're in different places. I mean... Ridge and Katie's relationship is over, and I'm trying to put my marriage back together. Ridge isn't trying to start a family. He's had that already. He's done that. And I just -- I have to stay focused. No matter how painful it is, I can't just give up my future with Rick to chase some impossible dream. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: What I'm telling you is a fact. Rick: The man who destroyed my relationship is trying to lecture me on how to fix it? Ridge: [Sighs] Rick: Well, I don't need your advice. I know how this goes. I've heard that song. I've seen it so many times. Turning my mom's world upside down -- she promised me, "Rick, it's never gonna happen again," that she was over you. Ridge: You need to grow up now, Ricky. Please. Nothing I did in my past made you hang Maya's picture in the living room. Ricky, moving to dad's house, make love to her in dad's bed -- that's all on you. And what do you keep doing? You keep punishing Caroline. And she lets you do it because she loves you. And she thinks there's a little part in you that still loves her. She believes that. I know what's gonna happen. That belief is gonna fade, and she's gonna find someone else, someone who appreciates her and respects her for who she is. Rick: Then you better steer clear of her, because you've never appreciated or respected a single woman in your life. Ridge: Tell me one more time. Tell me that you're done with your wife... and I promise, this time, I'll believe you. [SCENE_BREAK] Maya: Rick doesn't want anything to do with Caroline. Carter: That's what he says, but his actions tell me otherwise. Maya: He left her, Carter. He's starting his life with me. Carter: Just like that, though. Maya: Our relationship goes way back. Carter: You threw yourself at him for months. Rick didn't bite. He barely blinked. He was happy with Caroline. Maya: Until she played him with Ridge, and then Rick remembered exactly who she is. Everything I said about Caroline is true. Carter: It's a good story. I know it's the one you think you deserve, but what if you're wrong? Maya: Rick came back to me, just like I said he would. Carter: Has he told you he loves you? Maya: Everything Rick does is an expression of his love. Rick: Did he say it? Maya: Not yet. Don't give me that look. Carter: I'm not judging. Maya: Yes, you are. Carter: Maya, I'm asking you to be careful. I understand how tempting this is, all your life feeling less than, and here you are. Right? Right at Rick's side... in his bed, living in the Forrester mansion. It's good to be on top. But, Maya, you are pulling and putting your faith in a guy who, up until a few weeks ago, didn't have any interest in you. If he can't say "I love you" -- Maya: He will. He just hasn't yet. But he will. Maybe tonight. Carter: You don't have to prove anything. Maya: And we don't have to hide anymore. There's no reason for us to hold back. I will say it to Rick... and he will tell me he loves me. Of course he will. [SCENE_BREAK] Caroline: You're not Rick. Ridge: No. Believe me, you don't want to see him right now. Caroline: What'd you do to him? Ridge: Nothing. And nothing I said made any difference. Caroline: I know the feeling. Ridge: I'm sorry. Caroline: What are you working on? Cheer me up. Ridge: Well, this one needs work. Caroline: Mm. I like it. Ridge: Yeah? Caroline: Mm-hmm. [Clears throat] I... no, I can't. Ridge: What is it? Caroline: It's just... it's hard right now. But it's gonna get better. Ridge: What happened? [SCENE_BREAK] Maya: Welcome home, Mr. Forrester. Rick: [Sighs] I got your text. Maya: Well, I'm glad you could get away. Rick: I couldn't wait. Maya: Hard day? Rick: Yeah. Everybody had a gripe. Maya: Well, I guess that's the burden of being C.E.O. and why your dad needed to end every one of his days with these. Rick: Well, it might be a little bit early, but, then again, what the Hell? Maya: [Chuckles] You know, I had to look up the recipe. I've never made a martini before. Rick: You just decided to give it a try? Maya: Well, it's a Forrester tradition -- a way to end the work day and start our private time at home. That seems like something to celebrate. This is all new to me, Rick -- the estate, the lifestyle... loving a man like you. I feel so lucky... and I hope you feel the same way. [Glasses clink] [SCENE_BREAK] Caroline: And in one breath, Maya goes from saying that no one could ever replace your mother to saying that she's gonna be the new Forrester matriarch. Ridge: Oh, that's not gonna happen. Caroline: She's living in your parents' home. Ridge: For now. Caroline: That picture is -- Ridge: Held up by one nail. Caroline: It's payback is what it is. Ridge: If Ricky really felt that way about Maya, he wouldn't have to do all this. Caroline: Well, that's why I'm not giving up. Ridge: But if he refuses to see -- Caroline: But I think that he is seeing. I think that I'm -- I'm starting to get through to him. It's his pride, you know? And... his history with you, getting involved with Maya... this whole thing is such a mess, and... the longer it goes on, just the worse that it gets. [SCENE_BREAK] Carter: It's a standard vendor contract. I planned to have it ready by the end of the day, but, uh... got a little behind. Ivy: Yeah. We did, too. Aly: So, we saw Caroline. Carter: How is she? Right. She saw the picture. Ivy: Mm-hmm. And she got that message loud and clear. Aly: Rick is using Maya to get back at Caroline. Ivy: He's not being very subtle about it, either. Aly: Yeah, he won't admit it, but Caroline knows. Ivy: And you do, too, don't you? Carter: Unfortunately, Maya doesn't. Ivy: Carter, are you actually concerned for Maya? Carter: [Stammers] I'm concerned for Caroline, this has to be painful for her. Aly: She's not giving up, Carter. Caroline still wants Rick back. Carter: Do you think it will happen? Aly: I -- I don't know. He is so angry. Ivy: If he didn't care, he wouldn't be. Carter: Look, I know I criticize Maya, questioned her motives, but I'm starting to think this is for real... that in her own way, she, she loves Rick. Just the question is, does he feel the same? [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: Well, we're off to a good start. Maya: We certainly are. Rick: And now that we're all settled in, we need to start planning for our future, like how we're gonna run the business, how we're gonna establish ourself in the industry... Maya: In your family. Rick: That might take a little longer. Maya: Yeah, especially if Caroline and I keep getting into it the way we did today. Rick: At the office? Maya: Here. After you left. Rick: Oh, I am so sorry. I should've asked her to go. I just couldn't deal with her anymore. Maya: Yeah, she was being pretty outrageous. If she was saying the things to you that she was saying to me. Caroline thinks that all of this -- moving in here, the portrait, that it's all about your feelings for her, not your feelings for me. Rick: Does that surprise you? She thinks the internet's gonna crash if she doesn't post a selfie every 20 minutes. Maya: She thinks you're doing it to get back at her. Rick: I can't help it if it hurts her. Maya: But that's... not why you're doing it, right? That's not the point. Rick: I don't even know what that means, "the point." We're just trying to live our lives. Maya: And it's been amazing. I have never been happier. I love our life together -- the opportunities we have, the security I feel... the glamour, the luxury, the excitement -- all of it. I have never denied that, and I never will. But more than all of that, Rick... I love you. A-and I... I want to know that this means as much to you as it does to me. I want to feel it. I need to hear it. Rick: I tell you all the time. Maya: You tell me how important I am and how much you appreciate my support, but... you never said how you feel... that you love me. Rick: Maya... you're amazing. We're gonna do incredible things together. Where is this coming from? Who put this in your head? Maya: I just need to know. I love you, Rick. Can you say you love me? | She does not care how those other people think |
239 | Julian: Time to wake up. Alexis: Mm. Five more minutes. Julian: Well, I've got something for you. You sure you don't want your present? Alexis: Is it bacon? Julian: Well, there's bacon, among other things. Alexis: Rock beats paper, paper beats scissors, and nothing beats bacon. Julian: Mmm. Alexis: Hi, there. Julian: Hungry? Alexis: Famished. Julian: Good. [Tray clatters, both laugh] [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: The good news is that Sonny seems optimistic about his recovery. He's talking about going ahead and marrying Carly. Dante: Yeah, I guess so. Lulu: What's bothering you? Dante: I'm just thinking that he doesn't quite grasp the extent of his injuries. He could have surgery and still not be able to walk afterwards. Lulu: Sonny's tough. He'll bounce back. He always does. Dante: Yeah. We just got to hope Carlos Rivera doesn't try to finish what he started. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: The plan is under way, Ava. Soon, we will have the cover we need and the investigation into Sonny's shooting will be closed. Stay in touch. [Knocks on door] Paul: Come. Tracy! To what do I owe this pleasure? Tracy: Oh, I have often wondered how it would feel to be asked that question. Paul: And? Tracy: Feels suspicious, like you're trying too hard. Paul: I'm just being my usual charming self. Tracy: For you. Paul: It isn't ticking. Tracy: Oh, well, they've done extraordinary things with timers these days. Paul: Aha! Yes, the cutting edge of technology. Tracy: Mm-hmm. It will keep interruptions to a minimum. If that doesn't teach your visitors to keep it brief, then try a cattle prod. Paul: Okay. Tracy: Go ahead, try it. Paul: What brings you here? Tracy: Well, I wanted to know if you have spoken to Michael yet. I need to know whether or not he's joining Sonny. [SCENE_BREAK] Sabrina: Felix, stop lecturing me. Yes. Yes, I got the test. No, I haven't taken it yet. Well, because I've been busy. Yes, too busy to pee. Look, I'll do it, okay? And then I'll know for sure if I'm pregnant. Michael: Pregnant? Who's pregnant? [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Okay. Thank you for the escort. You can go now. Nathan: No, I think I'll stick around, see what this acting thing is all about. Maxie: Why? It's so boring and un-glamorous. I mean, I don't have a trailer or an assistant. Yesterday, I had to make my own coffee, and I even messed that up. Forgot the vanilla. Seriously, if Dillon wasn't my friend, I would call the union on him. Nathan: What do you need a union for? You've got a cop. Besides, I think it's about time I laid down the law with this Dillon. [SCENE_BREAK] Dillon: We had this conversation last night. Valerie: I just wanted to make sure we're still cool. You said you'd keep my secret. Dillon: That's what I said. Valerie: So, are things still good? Dillon: Why are you pressing this? Valerie: Sometimes, things can seem different in the light of day. Dillon: Well, one thing hasn't changed. Dante is still an unfaithful husband. You know, Lulu deserves to know the truth. She deserves better. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: I'm not gonna rest until I've brought whoever hurt my father to justice. Lulu: You will. And Sonny can stop looking over his shoulder and move on with his life. Dante: If he feels he has a life to move on with. He's not the kind of person who's gonna feel grateful to be alive if he can't walk. Lulu: Well, remind him of the reasons he is lucky. Like his family. Sonny has Carly. She's already proven that she will stand by him no matter what. He has five kids to be a father to, not to mention an awesome grandson. There's no motivation more powerful than family. Dante: You're right about that. Lulu: Sonny will get through this, just like you, me, and Rocco have made it through all the crazy ups and downs that life has thrown our way. We're stronger than we've ever been. Dante: We could be even stronger. Lulu: How? Dante: Let's have another baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Thank you, Tracy. But you needn't butter me up before asking for my help. Tracy: I didn't ask you for help. You offered. Remember? Last night? Paul: I do. Tracy: So, have you spoken to Michael yet? No. I rest my case. You clearly need prompting. Paul: I know I have given you plenty of reason to mistrust me over the years, as you have. But times are different. We're different. I told you I would speak to Michael about his association with Sonny, and I will. Tracy: The longer Michael associates with Sonny, the more likely it is that he's gonna get sucked back in. Paul: I called Michael earlier. I expect him any minute. When he arrives, he and I are gonna have a frank discussion about what he stands to lose sticking by Sonny's side. Tracy: Good. Paul: But let's be straight about this, Tracy. Whatever familial concern you have for Michael pales in comparison with your own self-interests. What are you up to? [SCENE_BREAK] Sabrina: Michael's here. I've got to go, Felix. Bye. Michael, hi. Michael: Hey. So, you got a problem with a patient or something? Sabrina: A patient? Michael: You said someone's pregnant. So I figured... Sabrina: Yes, yes, you're right. A patient. Felix was just asking me for some advice. On a patient. It's so good to see you outside of the hospital. How are you? Michael: Um, I'm doing better. My father seems to be holding up. He's even talking about moving forward with marrying my mom. Sabrina: Oh, wow! That's great. Michael: Yeah. Sabrina: Wow, yeah, that's really important for Sonny to stay positive. Michael: Yeah. Any good news would help. I mean, the judge returning Avery or the location of Carlos so we can finally find out who shot my father and why. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: You said there was bacon. Julian: Try not to get any grease on your gift, huh? Alexis: I thought you were joking. You really got me a present. Julian: Yes, well, it's... Alexis: What's the occasion? Julian: ...Been in the works for a while. I was just waiting for the right time to give it to you. Once Sam announced her engagement, I realized there's no time like the present. Alexis: Usually, it's the bride that gets the gift. Julian: Well, why can't the mother of the bride get her due? Alexis: You did this? Julian: Well, Molly helped. Alexis: You and Molly worked together? Julian: [Chuckling] Well... as it turns out, she loves you more than she dislikes me. So I wouldn't say she was eager, but she was willing to participate once I told her that I wanted a reflection of you and your family, from the past and present. And, uh, here. I, uh... I left a little room for the future. Alexis: [Voice breaking] It's beautiful. Julian: Thanks. I know we have some challenges ahead. I'm facing these charges for hijacking Sonny's trucks, but I'm confident I'm gonna beat that, since I have the best lawyer in town. Alexis: [Chuckles] Aw, shucks. Julian: [Chuckles] Someday soon I'm gonna truly be free. And then we'll -- maybe we'll start our life together. And we can fill the rest of these pages in together. Hmm? Alexis: [Sniffles] Julian: Hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: You want to have another baby? Dante: Well, it isn't like we haven't discussed it. Lulu: [Scoffs] Yeah, I thought that you wanted to wait. That's why I haven't been pressuring you. Dante: So, you thought about it? Lulu: Only all the time. You know when your dad was all set to marry Carly, before everything went to hell, you remember how it felt to see baby Avery? Like, the best feeling in the world. Dante: No question. Lulu: I want to feel like that again with a baby of our own. Dante: I told you I was ready when you are. Lulu: I thought you were caught up in the moment -- the wedding and everything. But if you really want this... Dante: The point is for us to both want it. Lulu: I just want you to be sure. Don't do this to make up for what happened with you and Valerie. [SCENE_BREAK] Valerie: I am so embarrassed. Dillon: Don't be. Valerie: What was I thinking, throwing myself at you like that? Dillon: Maybe I should tell Lulu the truth about you and Dante. Valerie: You can't. Dillon: I know I promised, but I mean, sometimes, you know... [Chuckles] Valerie: We both know you care too much about Lulu to destroy her family for no good reason. Dante cheated on Lulu. Isn't that reason enough? Valerie: It was a one-time thing, the result of a terrible misunderstanding. It was a mistake, Dillon. Haven't you ever screwed up? Of course, I have. I know what it's like to be the liar. Valerie: Then you understand that Dante deserves a second chance. He's committed to Lulu. He doesn't want me and Lulu doesn't want you. Unrequited love sucks. No one knows that more than me. But at least we can tell ourselves that we're doing the right thing. We made it a point not to sabotage a family that deserves happiness. Andy: Dillon, want to check out my behind-the-scenes footage? Dillon: Now is not a good time. Andy: I've got some really good stuff. It probably shouldn't all be in, but... Dillon: Okay, it's your project, so do whatever you want. Be the director, okay. Andy: Right. Okay. Dillon: Sorry. Still here. Valerie: Look, no one can find out that Dante and I slept together. And it'll stay our secret so long as we both keep our mouths shut. [Tape replays] Valerie: Of course, I would never say anything to anyone. Dillon: Thank you. Valerie: Whoa, this is bigger. Dillon: How big? Valerie: [Sighs] Dante and I slept together. [Back to present] Valerie: Dillon, please. I know how you feel about Dante, but spilling your guts is only gonna make everything worse, and it's not gonna help you with Lulu. Dillon: You think I would tell Lulu about her cheating husband just to get something out of it? Valerie: It hasn't crossed your mind, that she would come running to you for comfort? It's not gonna happen, Dillon. Dillon: So what am I supposed to do? Just go on letting Lulu be married to a liar, and just keep this a secret forever? Valerie: It's more honorable than getting it off your chest at the extent of Lulu's family. Do you want that on your conscience? Dillon: [Sighs] Valerie: Dillon, are you still there? Dillon: Yeah. Valerie: What are you gonna do? Dillon: Nothing stupid. Nathan: Hey. You have a second for the PCPD? [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Having another child has nothing to do with what happened with me and Valerie. It's about you and I loving each other. Lulu: We do. More than anything. Dante: So it's decided that we want to have a second child. Why don't we start the process? I mean... if we wait, things could change, something could happen. Lulu: Is this about what Sonny went through? Dante: He got pretty close there. You know, one thing goes wrong in the OR and Sonny's not here right now and Avery doesn't have a father. Lulu: Yeah, but he is here right now. And she does have a father. Sonny made it. We will too. Dante: I want to believe that. Lulu: Believe it. We're not going anywhere. We're stuck with each other. I will make an appointment with my Ob. If she gives us the green light, then we'll take it from there. Dante: I like the way you think. [SCENE_BREAK] Valerie: Can I get the squad's usual, just a coffee and a box of doughnuts? Sabrina: Hey, Valerie. Valerie: Hi. Sabrina: Hi. Michael: You okay? Valerie: Yeah, just late. Forgot it was my day to buy doughnuts. [Cell phone beeps] Michael: Actually, I think... yeah, I got to get going. I have an appointment with Paul Hornsby. Sabrina: Hmm? What about? Michael: Hopefully he'll tell me that Carlos is behind bars. Want to walk me out? Sabrina: Uh, yeah, sure. Michael: Oh, I'll keep the DA occupied until you can deliver that coffee. Valerie: Thanks. I owe you. [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Nathan, please don't do this. Nathan: Maxie, stay out of this. This is official business. Dillon: What official business? Maxie: Nothing. Nathan was just leaving. Nathan: No, Nathan's here to investigate working conditions on your set. There's complaints about the long hours, abusive behavior. Dillon: What? Maxie: He's joking. Please stop. No one is complaining. Nathan: Also, there have been questions raised about discrepancies on your shooting permits. Dillon: You know what, I have had enough of this. I've already lost a whole day of shooting due to this bureaucratic garbage, okay? I've filed all the right paperwork. If somebody has a problem with the way I run a set, they can come to me about it. Nathan: Oh, Dillon, no need to get defensive. You just keep everything legit and aboveboard. And you keep your hands off my girlfriend. Break a leg. Maxie: Bye. Shall we get to work? [SCENE_BREAK] Tracy: How can you accuse me of having anything but Michael's best interest at heart? Paul: You've never had any use for Alan and Monica's brood except if they serve your agenda. So what's your angle? Why do you care whether or not Michael supports Sonny? Tracy: For the same reason you should -- to protect our son's inheritance. I made some significant errors in judgment, which allowed Nikolas Cassadine to get control of ELQ. After Nikolas, Michael controls the largest piece of the company. I cannot allow it to be fragmented any further. Paul: So, if Sonny gets his hooks into Michael... Tracy: He gets his hooks into ELQ. Paul: I can't fault your logic. Tracy: I wasn't going for your approval, but thank you. Paul: I'll do what I can to help. Tracy: Good. I certainly hope you do better with Michael than you did with this timer. I am way past my limit. You didn't even notice. Paul: Did it ever occur to you that I just enjoy your company? [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Oh, there's my handsome boy! Dante: When did you get back? Olivia: Oh, just now. I came right here to see your father. Dante: Oh, that's good. He'll appreciate the visit. Olivia: No, wait, wait, wait. I'll get to this soon. First I want to hear what's going on with you. You look suspiciously cheerful. Dante: Well, aside from worrying about Sonny's health nonstop, everything is, uh, pretty good. Olivia: How good? Dante: Well, you act like I'm not in a good mood. Olivia: Don't -- don't -- don't do that to me. Just spill it. What? Dante: Okay, well, Lulu and I have talked about it, and think we're gonna have another baby. Olivia: [Gasps] Oh, honey. Dante: Okay, look. Olivia: That's fantastic. Congratulations! Dante: Please keep it to yourself, okay, because I don't want to put any pressure on her. Olivia: All right. I get it, I get it, I get it. But I know, I know everything is gonna work out for you perfectly. My little Leo's gonna be an uncle again! [Laughs] Dante: I don't know if he can quite grasp the concept yet. Olivia: I don't care. I would go and tell him right now if I didn't have to hide him from his father. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: Well, I'm glad you liked your present. Alexis: Like it? I love it. Julian: [Chuckles] Well, I was afraid you might find it hokey or something. Alexis: Hokey? This is fantastic, and I can't wait to fill all these empty pages with memories of the two of us and our family. Julian: Hmm. Neither can I. Mm. Alexis: So, why not make it easier for that to happen? Julian: What did you have in mind? Alexis: Move in with me. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: So, is there coffee? Dillon: Ah, ah, ah. No, no, no, Maxie. What the hell was that? Maxie: [Sighs] Don't worry about Nathan, okay? Dillon: Really? Maxie: He just went a little caveman because he's upset about our sex scene. He doesn't see the artistic merit. Dillon: Did you tell him that it's all pretend? That it's totally choreographed? That there was no actual sex involved? Maxie: Seriously, I've tried. But Nathan, he's a fan of pro wrestling. I mean, he claims to know that it's fake, but deep down, he believes that it's real. Dillon: And the man is allowed to carry a gun? Maxie: He was just banging his chest a little. But Nathan is too good of a guy to actually cause problems for you. Can we talk about something important? I'm worried about this scene. Dillon: Why? Do you think it needs another re-write, or... Maxie: No, I think that it's beautiful. But I have to cry. Dillon: Well, yeah, so do I. Maxie: Yeah, but you're way more in touch with your emotions than I am. Look, I went to the library. Dillon: Libraries still exist? Maxie: I know, right? I checked out these acting manuals, hoping they would give me some guidance, but they're so mystical, they might as well be written in Elvish. Dillon: Elvish? Maxie: Too much time with Spinelli. Sorry. But -- affective memory? Imaginary circumstances? Harnessing sense memory? What the heck is that? Dillon: If worst comes to worst, we'll fake it with some glycerin. A few drops in the eye, boom -- instant tears. Maxie: No. No way. I want it to be real. Dillon: Okay, well, then, when the time comes, think of the saddest thing that you've ever lived through. Maxie: And that works? Dillon: For some people. Give it a try. See, you did. Maxie: Yeah, and it sucks. All I had to do was think about my sister. Dillon: Yeah. Losing Georgie is what I think about, too. Maxie: Okay. Should we get to work? Dillon: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Man: Scene 32, take 4. Dillon: You will always have a piece of my heart. Maxie: Don't say that. You're just making it harder for both of us. Dillon: It's the truth. And if this thing that we have between us has come to an end, I want you to know what losing you is going to cost me. I want you to know that I will always love -- [Lulu enters rustling some bags] Dillon: Love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Now, how's my baby brother? Olivia: Well, come to the Metro Court and see for yourself. Dante: What? What are you, out of your mind? Olivia: No, he's holed up in my room with the nanny. Dante: Mom, what are you talking about? Everything we did to protect Leo from Julian -- if they cross paths, it's over. Olivia: Maybe that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Dante: Since when? Olivia: Since I hit the breaking point, okay? Dante: What's going on? Olivia: I can't -- I can't do this. I was crazy to think that I could live with these two homes, with Leo in Brooklyn and you in Port Charles. I can't do it. It's driving me crazy. It's -- it's -- it's -- it's killing me. I want Leo with me, and I want my whole family together. Dante: Okay. I agree with you, Ma, but the best way to keep Leo secret is to keep him out of Port Charles. Olivia: But what if -- just what if Julian is telling the truth, for once? I mean, maybe Alexis is right. Maybe he's really out of the mob. Maybe it would be safe for Leo to know his father after all. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: Are you kidding? Alexis: This is my serious face. Julian: You really want me to move in with you? Alexis: Even with your exercise equipment. Julian: Wow. You're not fooling around. Alexis: No. Julian: You know, we have gone down this road before. I mean, we went so far as to fantasize about remodels and renovations, but nothing ever materialized. Alexis: Well, it's materializing now. I want you to move in. Julian: Strictly speaking, it isn't your penthouse. Alexis: But I have a very benevolent landlord. So I think Sam will be fine with it. Julian: It's not really Sam I'm worried about. It's more Molly. It is her home, too. Alexis: She's gonna have to learn to share it with you. Julian: Just like that? Alexis: I'm very sensitive to Molly's feelings. But she knows that we have a life together. Julian: Well, it's not quite the same as having me in a room across the hall. Alexis: She spends most of her time at campus, and kind of seems like the two of you are -- well, things seem to be thawing out. Julian: They are? Alexis: Yeah. You made that photo album together. I mean, arts and crafts are half the battle. Julian: [Sighs] [Chuckles] Are you sure this is what you really want? Alexis: I'm sure. You have made extraordinary steps to change your life, and I want to take the next steps with you. Julian: You make a compelling argument, Counselor. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knocks on door] Paul: Come in. Michael. Thanks for coming. Have a seat. Michael: So, uh...what can I do for you, Mr. DA? Paul: [Chuckling] Michael. Paul. We're family. At least, you and my son are. Michael: So, if this isn't an official meeting, why couldn't we talk at the house? Paul: Well, you're hardly ever around the house anymore. I know you're down at the hospital a lot, visiting Sonny. And possibly out hunting for his... shooter. Michael: Well, that's up to the police. Paul: Well, the presence of law enforcement has never stopped Sonny or any of his people from taking action as they see fit. Tell me, are you one of Sonny's people? Michael: I'm his son. Paul: Well, you're AJ's son, too. It would be a shame if you squandered all that you've built as a Quartermaine by giving in to your instincts as a Corinthos. Michael: Instincts? Paul: Well, you must be tempted to avenge Sonny. Perhaps take up his mantle. And that would be a mistake. You're not made for Sonny's kind of life. Trying to live it would only cost you, and those closest to you, as well. Sabrina: [Sighs] [Sighs] [Sighs] Quit stalling and deal with it. [SCENE_BREAK] Valerie: Ooh! Ohh! Nathan: I am sorry. Valerie: Ugh, crap. I'm pretty sure that was me. Nathan: No, no. Valerie: Ugh. This is not my day. First, I forget that I'm in charge of bringing the doughnuts for Monday's meeting, and now I'm late with no doughnuts. And I was supposed to bring Henry the ballistics report before the briefing. Nathan: Hey. Just go. I will get you more doughnuts. It's all right, okay? Go. Tell everybody I'm right behind you. Valerie: Really? Nathan: Yes. Valerie: You're a lifesaver. Nathan: [Sighs] Valerie, wait! [SCENE_BREAK] Sabrina: What the -- where's my pregnancy test? [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Renounce Sonny and embrace all things Quartermaine? Paul: That would be the most prudent course of action. Michael: Well, maybe I don't want to treat Sonny the way that Dillon and Tracy have treated you. Tracy? This is her standard gift she gives to business associates. Next time you see Tracy, why don't tell her to deal with me directly instead of having you send the message? Paul: I'm not speaking to you simply as a friend of Tracy's. I'm speaking to you as the district attorney. Now, Sonny may be sidelined for now, but his organization is still up and running. Michael: Yeah, you're right. Corinthos Coffee is doing business as usual. Paul: I was referring to his extensive criminal enterprises, which happen to be the current focus of an ongoing investigation by the district attorney's office. Now, whoever takes over for Sonny will feel the heat, no matter what his last name is. Michael: Noted. It's time for me to go. [SCENE_BREAK] Sabrina: No, Felix, I still haven't taken the test yet. Well, because I lost it. [Laughs] I don't know how. I just did. No. No, uh, you do not need to bring me one. I bought another test, but I am just not home yet. Yes, I'll take it soon. And I promise -- I will call you as soon as I find out if I'm pregnant or not. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Think about it, Ma. Carlos Rivera's a prime suspect in Sonny's shooting. He's an enforcer for the Jeromes. Olivia: Okay, okay, but isn't it just possible that Rivera went after Sonny on his own? Dante: Well, that's what Ava wants you to believe. She's trying to misdirect by saying it wasn't her or her brother. I mean, she -- she told us that Carlos Rivera shot Connie. Olivia: Listen, listen. I wouldn't believe Ava Jerome's word if she said that the sun rises in the east, but there's no actual proof, right, that Julian went after Sonny? Dante: Well, he's still awaiting trial for hijacking Sonny's trucks. Olivia: Okay, okay, but -- but that's not the same as actually -- just being accused doesn't mean he's necessarily guilty, right? Dante: Ma, I know what you want to hear from me, but in good conscience I cannot tell you that it is a good idea to move Leo back to Port Charles full time, let alone let Julian meet him and find out that the kid is his son. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: No, this is good. This is good. The penthouse has enough room. We'll just turn Danny's old room into your workout room, and we just need some more closets -- Julian: Alexis, Alexis, just slow down. Alexis: Oh, God, you're having second thoughts already. Julian: No. Not at all. It's just -- look, I'm definitely moving in, but the duration of my stay is up in the air, since I'm still facing charges. We just don't know how -- Alexis: I'll get you acquitted. You don't trust my expertise? Julian: [Sighs] No. It's not that. It -- look, we're on the verge of starting our new life together, and -- I know it sounds ridiculous. I just don't want to jinx it. Alexis: You're right. That's ridiculous. [Cell phone rings] Julian: But you -- Alexis: It's the DA's office. Alexis Davis. Paul: Paul Hornsby. Do you have a minute? We need to discuss your client's future. Alexis: What client? Paul: The one who matters most to you. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Okay, well, I probably better go see Sonny before the line of well wishes gets too long. Dante: Okay, look. Let -- let's talk this over with Lulu and see if we can come up with some alternate solutions. Olivia: Okay. Dante: Okay? But please, just don't -- don't do anything rash, okay? Olivia: I promise. I love you. Dante: I love you, too. [Cell phone rings] Dante: Falconeri. Nathan: Hey, Dante. Are you at work yet? Dante: No, I'm on my way in right now. Nathan: All right, well, come and find me when you get there, okay? Dante: Why, what's up? Nathan: I'll tell you when I see you. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: I don't know what to say. Declan. Dillon. Dillon: Uh, um -- cut! Maxie: What -- what happened? I wasn't sad enough, was I? Dillon: No, you were plenty sad. Excuse me. Lulu: Hey, hey, I know that you can't afford craft services, so I brought treats for the crew after you're done finishing this scene. Dillon: Yeah, but we didn't finish filming this scene because you brought it to a screeching halt when you came barging in and ripped me out of the moment. Lulu: I am so sorry. I didn't realize that you guys were filming. Dillon: You didn't realize that we were filming? Are you that oblivious or do you just not care?! Lulu: Of course, I care, Dillon. Dillon: I mean, what is it with you people?! You just roam around and you just do whatever makes you feel good. Whatever makes you happy, right? And to hell with the people that get hurt in the process, right? Lulu: I am sorry. I didn't mean to rip you out of the moment! Dillon: You know what? Whatever. Just everybody take a lunch. I need a break. Maxie: [Sighs] Lulu: Maxie. What was that? [SCENE_BREAK] Valerie: Wait. What did I do with that candy? [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] [Knocks on door] [Knocks on door] Sabrina: [Sighs] Tracy: That's what you're eating when you should be having breakfast with me? Sabrina: [Groans] I completely forgot. I'm sorry. My head's all over the place. Tracy: I can tell. So what has you so distracted? There's something bothering you. Is it Michael? Sabrina: [Chuckles] How'd you know? Tracy: Just a lucky guess. Is it this business with Sonny? Sabrina: [Scoffs] Tracy. It's a mess. Tracy: Made messier by Michael's inclination to walk in his father's shoes, and if he goes down that path, he's gonna end up like Carlos. Is that what you want? Sabrina: No. Tracy: Well, then do your part. Make sure that Michael has his head screwed on straight. Michael: Oh, mine's on just fine. Yours, on the other hand, is about to come clean off. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Have you got all that? Alexis: Clear as day. Paul: And tell Julian for me -- he's welcome. Alexis: Thank you, Mr. DA. Julian: So what did the new DA want? A little pre-trail posturing? Alexis: There isn't going to be a trial. Julian: What do you mean? Alexis: With the death of the principal witness, the DA has decided to drop all charges. You are off the hook! It's over! [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Dillon. Shouldn't you be on the set? Dillon: We took a break. And I'm glad I ran into you. Paul: Well, yeah, how lucky you are that you stumbled upon me in my office? Dillon: Yeah, I had a visit from Nathan West. Paul: The detective? Dillon: He, uh, he thinks I'm interested in his girlfriend, and he's throwing veiled threats around about shutting down my production. I've done nothing wrong, and yet, I could lose everything because of a jealous cop on a power trip. Paul: And you'd like me to intercede. Dillon: As much as I hate to play the "Daddy" card, yes. Paul: Well, look at this way -- you finally have a "Daddy" card you can play. Why not? Might as well take advantage. So what else is bothering you? Dillon: That's not enough? Paul: Dillon, if your only problem was a jealous boyfriend who's throwing his weight around, I guess you would have called me and gotten back to work, not walked off the set. Dillon: [Sighs] Have you ever cared about somebody you couldn't have? Paul: That was pretty much the story between me and Jenny for a long time before we were married. Dillon: So what happened? You waited her out? Paul: It was more complicated. Does this woman in question know how you feel about her? Dillon: No. Paul: Maybe it's time you let her know. Dillon: It's more complicated. Telling her could ruin things. Paul: Well, then things remain as they are. Can you live with that? [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: I don't think Dillon has ever gone off on me like that -- not even when we were teenagers. Maxie: He just needs time to cool off, okay? We were in the middle of an intense scene, and he's probably just mad at himself because he lost focus. Lulu: Mnh-mnh. No, I don't buy that. That was more than an artistic tantrum. I must have done something to hurt Dillon or piss him off, but I don't know what it could be. Maxie: I'm sure if you really think about it, you can figure it out. Lulu: [Scoffs] You know, don't you? What? Maxie: I didn't say that. Lulu: You didn't have to. It's written all over your face. What is it, Maxie? What did I do to make Dillon so mad at me? [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: [Clears throat] Dude, I'm here. Nathan: Hey. Yeah, uh -- Dante: What did you need me to find you for? Nathan: I got doughnuts. I saved you a jelly. Dante: That's why you wanted me to find you? So I could have a jelly doughnut? Nathan: No. No, no, there's, uh, there's more than that. Dante: Uh-huh. Nathan: Look, man, I didn't want to get involved, you know. Dante: In...? Nathan: I guess it's none of my business, but I kept thinking, you know, if the tables were turned, I would want to know, so -- Dante: Know what, dude? Nathan: I ran into Valerie, and she, um... she dropped this. She doesn't know I have it. I'm sorry, man. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: So it's really over? There's nothing hanging over our heads anymore? Alexis: Yeah, well, I wish I could stay home, but unfortunately, my clients aren't as lucky as you are. Julian: Forget it. Go. Save the innocent. I'll make arrangements to move my stuff to your place. Alexis: Mm. Hey. Our place. Julian: Right. Alexis: This is really happening? Julian: Unless you back out. There's still time. Alexis: There's no chance of that, Jerome. Tomorrow when you leave work, you're coming home with me. Julian: To our place. Mm. Alexis: Now you got it. Olivia: [Gasps] [SCENE_BREAK] Sabrina: Michael. What are you doing here? I thought you had a meeting. Michael: Well, it got off on the wrong foot when Tracy sicced the DA on me. So I figured I'd try to salvage the rest of my day by spending it with my girlfriend, so could you please -- Tracy: I'll see myself out. Sabrina: Wait, wait, wait. Tracy was just looking out for you. Michael: No, she's interfering. Look, Tracy, I've, uh, heard your concerns, but now you need to hear me. Sonny is my father. He nearly died, and I'm gonna do whatever I feel necessary to keep him safe and support his recovery. Tracy: Well, Sonny is not an innocent victim. He traffics in violence, and it finally came back to bite him. Do not follow him down that path! Michael, we're family. [Slams door] Michael: So how was your day? Sabrina: Uh, it -- uh, uneventful. [SCENE_BREAK] Nathan: What are you gonna do? Dante: I don't know. Nathan: Well, you better figure it out. Here she is. [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: Give it up, Maxie. Tell me -- why is Dillon so upset? Maxie: I think you should talk to Dillon about it. Lulu: Dillon's not here. I'm talking to you. Maxie: I'm sorry. I promised I wouldn't say anything, and a promise is a promise. Lulu: Unh-unh. Unh-unh! No way. You owe me. You are my best friend. Maxie: Uh, no. That is not fair. You cannot do that. Lulu: Already did it. Just tell me -- why is Dillon so mad at me? Maxie: Oh, for God's sake, he's not mad at you! He's in love with you! [SCENE_BREAK] Dillon: Thanks for the advice. Paul: Are you going to take it? Dillon: It would do more harm than good. Paul: You sure? Dillon: Yeah, I'm gonna have to let things stay the way they are -- suffer in silence, no matter how much I wish I could do otherwise. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: We need to talk. Valerie: Look, if this is about the jelly doughnut, I told McKay -- Dante: It's not about the damn doughnut, okay? Valerie: Dante, what's wrong with you? Dante: Take a look at this. When were you going to tell me about that? [Dillon overhears] [NEXT_ON] Jason (to Sam): You've got less than 10 months to figure out who I am. Laura (to Elizabeth): I think you are making a terrible mistake. [Maxie approaches Nathan & kisses him.] Julian (to Olivia): Whose baby is that? Hayden (to Nikolas): You will get what you deserve. Trust me! Dillon (to Lulu): There is something you need to know. Valerie (to Dante): Who the hell do you think you are? | Knowing that the test kit does not belong to her and not having a clue where it came from, she demands to know where he got it and is very angry with him |
240 | Nick: Hey, Abby. Abby: Hey, Nick. What are you doing here? Nick: I've got a leak in my brain. Can you fix it? Abby: Yeah, Aunt Maggie told me about what happened with Chelsea. Look, I'm really sorry, Nick. Nick: Well, you only told me to come clean about Shane Patton like a thousand times and kept chickening out. Guess I got what I deserved, right? Abby: Was it really that bad? Nick: It was horrific, Abby. I must be the biggest jerk in the world. Are you tuning engines in your spare time? Abby: Uh, I'm just helping Max catch up a little bit. Nick: Why? Abby: Because he's swamped and I offered and he said yes. Nick: Don't take this the wrong way, Abby, but, um...are you out of your mind? Abby: What? Nick: You like Max, right? But he's with Mimi. The more time you spend around here, the more time you're gonna spend hating yourself. Take if from somebody who learned the hard way, all right? Liking somebody who doesn't like you back is a great way to get your heart broken. Just FYI. Nick: Chelsea, it's Nick. I, um -- could you please give me a call? I want to explain. I'm -- I'm so sorry. I -- just, please, please call me, okay? [Answering machine beeps] Chelsea, please answer the phone. I know you're there. You know it's me. My number's on your caller I.D. Please pick up. [Sighs] At least hear me out, then, if you want to, you never have to speak to me again. All right, maybe -- maybe you're not there. Just -- just please give me a call when you get this, all right? Okay, bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Billie: Nick again? Chelsea: I really wish that he would stop calling. Billie: Chelsea, he's just -- he's just trying to make things right. He feels terrible about what happened. Chelsea: I don't care, Mom. He lied to me. I never want to see him again. Billie: Okay, he did lie about some things, yes, but... he wants you to know that everything he said in those e-mails he wrote to you was the truth. Chelsea: Then why didn't he just come out and tell me himself? Why did he have to pretend to be somebody else, especially a gorgeous doctor? Billie: Let's be honest here, Chelsea. If he had told you about his feelings face-to-face, what would you have done? [SCENE_BREAK] Steve: [Breathing heavily] Kayla: Are you coming to bed? Steve: [Breathless] No. Can't sleep. Kayla: What are you doing? Steve...what are you doing? Steve: [Breathing heavily] Kayla: What? Steve: You're disappointed in me, aren't you? Kayla: No, I'm not. I'm not disappointed. I'm...frustrated, maybe. If you had just stayed in the hospital -- Steve: If I'd stay another minute in that hospital, I really would be a basket case, now, wouldn't I? Kayla: So, what are you telling me? It's better just to sit here and do absolutely nothing? Steve: No. Kayla: What do you want to do? 'Cause I'm fresh out of ideas. So if you got some kind of plan, I would love for you to tell me what it is. Because you know what? It's time for you to step up to the plate. [SCENE_BREAK] Man: You Wells? E.J.: Where is he? Man: Back of the truck. Wasn't easy getting him off the boat. Cops were all over the yard. E.J.: Is he all right? Man: Where do you want him? E.J.: Put him in the warehouse. And you make sure you don't hurt him... 'cause your life depends on it. Got me? [SCENE_BREAK] Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of our Lives. [SCENE_BREAK] Steve: Listen, baby. I do want to get this thing in my head straighten out. I just need to figure out how. That's all. Kayla: But when Dr. Beale had you under that hypnosis, you remembered the room you were in. You remember being tortured. Steve: No, I don't remember any of that. Kayla: Maybe if you had a little more time -- maybe one more session. Steve: I don't need any more sessions. I want you, baby. For you to stay with me. And I'm telling you, you put any other woman through what I've done to you lately, they would have run for the hills. But not you. You stay. You fight. If I didn't have you, I couldn't survive what's going on right now. Those DiMeras -- Wells, all of them -- they can come after me all they want. It doesn't matter. I took it then, I can take some more, but what I couldn't take... I couldn't take losing you again, sweetness. You're my life. [SCENE_BREAK] Billie: Yeah, I take it from your silence that you wouldn't have given Nick the time of day. Chelsea: I don't know about that. Billie: Oh, Chelsea, come on. I've heard the way you talk about him. You make fun of him all the time. You make fun of his hair, the clothes he wears, the way he walks, talks -- everything. What Nick did was wrong, but the reason he did it was so, so right -- to bring comfort to a lovely, lonely girl. Kind of like Cyrano de Bergerac. Chelsea: Isn't that the story about the guy with the big nose? Billie: No, that was Pinocchio. Chelsea: Mom. Billie: Just kidding. Okay, sorry. Chelsea: Not funny Billie: I was trying to bring humor into the situation. You're right. Sorry, my bad. Anyway, there was this guy named Cyrano de Bergerac who was in love with this beautiful girl named Roxanne. But Cyrano was afraid to talk to her because he was kind of -- well -- well, he had a big nose. But he was so eloquent with his words that he professed his love to her hiding behind somebody else's identity. Sound familiar? Well, I think it was poetic. Chelsea: Whose side are you on, anyway? Billie: Yours. I'm on yours, baby. And you have every reason to be upset. Chelsea: Why did you bring him to the garage last night if you knew that I was so upset? I mean, why do you keep defending him? [SCENE_BREAK] Abby: Look, Nick, there's only one problem with your theory about me and Max. Nick: What's that? Abby: He likes me back. Nick: You know this because... Abby: Well, we had a really good discussion last night at dinner, and, you know, we admitted that we both had feelings for each other. And he's with Mimi now, and I'm -- Nick: Replacing the oil and changing the plugs? Abby: At least I was up front about how I felt about him, okay? And, you know, it felt great, Nick. It really did. It's like the big elephant in the room just got up and walked away. Nick: Honesty -- what a concept. Unfortunately, it's a little too late for me. Abby: Chelsea's gonna forgive you, Nick. Nick: Not unless I do something drastic. Abby: No, last time you did that, you wound up in bed with her mom. Nick: Thank you for reminding me, Abby. Abby: Seriously, Nick, I think you should just lay low and let Chelsea chill out for a while. Nick: Maybe I should do something Romantic -- I don't know, like playing guitar and singing outside of her window. Abby: No, Nick, I've heard you sing, and the neighbors would shoot you. Nick: What if I bought her a car? Abby: With your salary? Nick: Come on, you could pull some strings for me, Abby. Abby: No, Nick, no. I'm sorry, no. Nick: Come on. Abby: Nick, no. I'm not gonna help you. Do you -- do you see this face? You know what it is? Switzerland -- I am neutral. I'm your cousin and Chelsea's friend, and I'm not gonna let the two of you get me in the middle of this. Nick: You're right. It's a big ask. Abby: Yeah, very big. Nick: Especially because you gave me all that great advice and I never listened. Abby: Well, you should have. Nick: Anyway, I hope everything works out with you and Max. I'll just have to figure something else out. Abby: Oh, my gosh. Nick: What? Abby: Okay, I should keep my mouth shut, but, look, I-I think I have a way for you to get Chelsea back. [SCENE_BREAK] Billie: I am not defending Nick. Chelsea: Mom, you just called him poetic. Billie: Well, yeah, in a devious sort of way. But, you know, that's just my opinion. Yours is the one that counts. Chelsea: You're right. Mine is the only one that counts. I guess now it's my turn to be the victim for a change, right? Billie: That is so not nice. Chelsea: I'm sorry. I'm just upset. Billie: Well, get over it. What Nick did wasn't malicious. He made a mistake, and God knows you have made your share. And you also know how much it hurts not to be given a second chance. All I'm saying is treat Nick the way that you would like to be treated...as a friend. Because when all is said and done, that's exactly what he has been to you. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Okay, so, what's your plan? Abby: Well, it's gonna require some humility on your part. Nick: Abby, I'm so humble right now, I've been apologizing to my lab cultures, all right? What do you got? Abby: All right, well, Chelsea needs money to stay in college, right? So maybe you can lean on Dr. Robert to get her a job at the lab. Nick: That...is a great idea, Abby. You want me to go to my supervisor, who already thinks I'm a complete nut case, and ask him to hire the crazed girl who jumped into his arms and started covering him with kisses when she didn't even know him? Abby: Uh, yeah? Nick: I mean, he'd definitely fire me. Abby: Nick, if he was gonna fire you, he'd have done it by now. Nick: Maybe. Abby: You know I'm right, Nick. Hello? Hey. Uh, sure. I'll be right over. That was Chelsea. She wants me to come over and talk. Nick: How did she sound? Abby: Not too good. You can fix that, Nick. Take my advice for once. Just call your boss. Be Chelsea's hero again. [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: Thank you for coming, ladies. Could you check his vitals? And his IV needs to be changed. Thank you. Keep your mouth shut. [SCENE_BREAK] Kayla: You are not going to lose me because I'm not going anywhere. I am staying right here. Steve: Maybe you're the one who needs a mental hospital, then. Kayla: You know, I'm not a woman who would give her man ultimatums. Steve: I know that, baby. Kayla: No, you don't... because you say you're waiting for me to make the first move. I'm sorry, but that's a coward's way of daring me to make the first move. You want me to say, "you check into that mental ward, or I'm leaving." Steve: Is that what you all think? Kayla: Well, you know what? I'm not gonna give you that kind of luxury. You want to give up on yourself, then fine. Go pack yourself a bag and get on the next train and just disappear, but don't expect me to pack that bag for you or open the door... because I have never given up on you in my entire life and I am not gonna start now. [SCENE_BREAK] Billie: Hi. Nick: Hey, lady. Can I buy you a beer? Billie: No, thanks. I'm a recovering alcoholic. Nick: That's right. Very smart. I'm sorry. Billie: That's okay. How many have you had? Nick: Mmm, two. Billie: And how many are you going for? Nick: Three. Three will be my personal record, so I'm planning to break that. Billie: No, no, you don't. Hold up, hold up. You don't need that, Nick. You called and said that you needed to talk to me. I'm assuming it's about Chelsea. I'm here, and I am listening. So, what is it I can do for you? [SCENE_BREAK] Abby: Look, Chelsea, I'm really sorry. It must have been horrible. Chelsea: Yeah, I had a really bad couple of days. I mean, first I find out that the guy I've been pouring my heart out to is someone else, and then...my dad tells me that he never wants to see me again. Abby: Wait, your dad? Chelsea, what happened? Chelsea: I'd really rather not talk about it. Abby: Come on, Chelsea. Chelsea: I said I don't want to talk about it, okay Abby: Okay. Do you want to talk about Nick? Chelsea: No. I hate him. Abby: Yeah, I got that part, but... Chelsea: It was the most embarrassing thing in my life. I mean, it would have been great if the guy that I had been making out with had any idea who I was, but, no, instead I was just lip-locking with a complete, unsuspecting stranger. Abby: That's something that you'll laugh at 20 years from now. Chelsea: No, Abby. Abby: Well, if it's any consolation, Nick feels terrible about what he did. Chelsea: Nope. Abby: He just couldn't find any other way to tell you how he felt. Chelsea: What, are you channeling my mother now? Abby: No, I'm trying to explain to you what happened. Look, I begged Nick for weeks to tell you the truth about Shane Patton. Chelsea: You knew about this? Abby, you knew? [SCENE_BREAK] Kayla: You have to decide how you want to live. Do you just want to be this wounded warrior that's waiting for the next battle? Or do you want to figure out what's going on inside your head and get well? Steve: That's what I want. Kayla: But you can't do it on your own. You tried. It doesn't work. Steve: Well...you know what they say -- if first you don't succeed, try, try again. Kayla: Would you stop it? This is life or death, and if we don't do something to solve this problem now, it's just gonna get worse. Listen to me -- I am not going anywhere. I am gonna be in that bedroom every single night. And I want you there by my side, right next to me. Whatever is haunting you... I love the man you are now. Please, come on. Come on. Come on, baby. Come on, come on. Steve: I'm scared, sweetness. Kayla: I know it. Steve: I'm really scared. Kayla: Shh, shh, shh, shh. [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: Wonderful. He's stable. Thank you. If you -- if you don't mind, I'd like some time alone with the patient. Thank you. Well...I got the most technologically advanced equipment... and the finest doctors and nurses in the world. Nothing is too good for you, Father. [SCENE_BREAK] Chelsea: It must be really fun for you, listening to me go on and on about a guy that didn't even exist. Abby: Chelsea, that's not -- Chelsea: Did you tell all your friends? Did you all have a great big laugh at my expense? Abby: I tried to get Nick to tell you the truth. Chelsea: Yeah, well, obviously you didn't try hard enough, Abby, because he never told me. Abby: Because he was afraid to. Chelsea: Then why didn't you? Why didn't you come to me? You just stood back and let me make a fool out of myself. Abby: I-I-I just wanted -- Chelsea: You know what? Just save it 'cause there's real no excuse that you can give me for what you did. Abby: If you're not gonna let me answer your questions, I guess I can't. I have no excuses. I hoped deep down that Nick would do the right thing. I didn't want to get caught in the middle. I didn't want to see you get hurt, and I also didn't want to hurt Nick. Look, it was a judgment call that I wish I could do over, and if I did, I would go right to you. Chelsea: Who else knew about it? Maggie? Stephanie? Max? Abby: No. Just me and Nick. Look, I'm sorry, Chelsea. I really am. Chelsea: I guess I really can't be that upset. I'm sure I haven't been the best of friends to you. It's just payback time all the way around for me. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: I don't usually drink. I just thought it would be a good idea. Billie: Well... Nick: Bad...I knew you would understand, Billie. Billie: I've been there. Nick: Like a scum-sucking, bottom-feeding... Billie: Worthless piece of trash? Nick: Yes. Billie: Yes, I have been there, too. In fact, I've been just about everywhere on the scale of what not to do with your life, including...sleeping with my daughter's best friend. Nick: Another reason...for Chelsea to hate me. Billie: Not as much as you hate yourself right now. Nick: I feel like my life is this...stupid...country-western song that gets stuck on the part where you lose the one thing... you truly love. Billie: You are so young. Listen, this, you know, isn't really the kind of place where cowboys go to tie one on. You know what I'm saying? Nick: Well, I'm really lame, so... Billie: No, you're not. This is really lame, and trust me, you're gonna feel like hell in the morning, so -- yes, please. Thank you. We'll take some of that water. Could you get him an espresso, please? You okay, so, where were we before we were interrupted? Billie: Well, she won't talk about her father. But you, on the other hand -- Nick: No, I don't want to hear. Yes, I do. Billie: Okay. You're number one on her hit list. Listen, I tried to put in a good word for you, but...it's gonna take a while before she forgives you. And knowing my daughter the way I do...a while could be a very long time. [SCENE_BREAK] Kayla: Come here, sit down. You can attack this fear that's gripping you and understand that you are a victim. Steve: Victim? Kayla: I know you hate that word... especially if it's attached to you and me. But the DiMeras pulled you from the grave. They drugged you. They tortured you for how long -- weeks, years? Most men would have never hoped to survive that. But you did. And if you can survive that, you can survive this. Steve: Are you asking me to check back into that hospital? Kayla: I'm just asking you to attack this head-on. Just be Steve -- that's all. Steven Earl Johnson. [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: Hey, guess what I got you. Some opera to listen to. There we go. I remember growing up, I used to -- I remember you used to conduct the whole orchestra as if it was right there in front of you. You've eluded death before. This time will be no different. It looks like Mariah Carey is styling everybody. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Oh, my God. Billie: Oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey. Oh, God. I'm -- I forgot to tell you. These French places make their espresso hot. Nick: Oh, jeez. Billie: Are you okay? Nick: Yeah, thank God you had this water. I don't care what it takes or what I have to do, but I...I'm gonna get Chelsea to forgive me. Billie: That's a great attitude to have. Nick: Really? Billie: Yes. Yes, that's great because that means that you want to fight for what you want. Nick: Abby said that I should get Dr. Robert to get her a job at the lab. Billie: Great idea. What do you think? Nick: Well, I mean, Chelsea needs the money for school. Billie: Yes, she does. Nick: And if I got her the job, do you think that it would help her hate me a little less? Billie: Is that your goal -- to get her to hate you a little less? Nick: Well, I mean, it would be better than her not talking to me at all. Billie: Just remember, it's gonna take some time. [SCENE_BREAK] Chelsea: Hello? Dr. Robert: Chelsea Brady? Chelsea: Speaking. Dr. Robert: This is Dr. Robert, or should I say Shane Patton? Remember me? Chelsea: Of -- of course. How could I forget? Dr. Robert: I was hoping you'd say that. [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: I have a plan in place to see you well again, Father. And if that plan fails, I have another. I've been living in Salem long enough to have located several donors that can help us overcome your condition. If necessary, we'll use every one. No one is more important, Father. No one is more important to me than you. [SCENE_BREAK] Steve: Hmm. I must have been one hell of a good man in my last life to end up with you in this one. Kayla: Well, if anybody's gonna be grateful for the other person, it's me, because no man has treated me the way that you have. Steve: Baby... you're so beautiful. I love you so much. [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: Kind of funny to think I almost never met you, eh? You should have heard what my mother used to say about you. I don't know where I'd be today without your love and your guidance. You gave me the best teachers, the finest luxuries...such a wonderful appreciate for music, for art. You gave me the world. Now it's time I gave something back to you. [SCENE_BREAK] Steve: You know...someday, when I'm facing the big dude, or whoever it is who tallies up the scores here on earth, they're gonna ask me... "Steven Earl Johnson, what was the finest thing you ever did?" And I'm gonna say..."one time, I let down my guard...and I let a girl named Kayla love me." I don't know if that answer's gonna get me into heaven, but I don't care. This is heaven. Your lips are heaven. Kayla: I love you. Steve: You know, baby, when we were talking earlier, you said something about how you needed me to be Steve. That confused me. Kayla: Why is that? Steve: Well, I know you were upset about me leaving the hospital. But that was me. That was Steve afraid -- afraid of being drugged to the gills and turned into a zombie in that place. But...I've made a decision. I'm gonna -- I'm gonna talk to Marlena. Kayla: Thank you. Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: This is a bad idea, isn't it? Billie: No... not necessarily. I -- well, getting a job for Chelsea could go either way. Nick: Okay. Well, give me the good way first. Billie: All right, well, she could see your getting her this job as a gesture of repentance and forgive you of your sins. Nick: Yeah, that's good. I like that. Billie: Or...if she continues to dislike you, working with her every day could be sheer torture. And there go your chances of her ever forgiving you. Nick: This is true. Billie: So what are you gonna do? Nick: I have to do something for Chelsea that's gonna prove to her...how much she means to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Dr. Robert: I was looking over the job applications for the lab-assistant position, which still hasn't been filled. And I came across your name and was wondering if you'd still like to come in and be interviewed. Chelsea: I can't believe you're calling me after I made such a fool of myself the other day. Dr. Robert: Well, at least you know me now. Chelsea: Yeah, I'd say I got up close and personal. Dr. Robert: So, will I see you? Chelsea: Yeah. I'll be right there. Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Abby: Chelsea, don't tell me. Chelsea: Yeah, that was Nick's supervisor at the lab. Abby: The one you attacked with kisses? Chelsea: Apparently he's still willing to consider me for the job. Abby: You know what? Maybe Nick called him to -- Chelsea: I don't think so. But you know what? I really do hope that I get that job because there's nothing I would love more than to be in Nick's face everyday it I and, you know, that doctor wasn't half bad-looking. He was actually really pretty hot. Abby: Meaning what? Chelsea: Hmm, well, if I get the job, I'm pretty sure I could use him to make Nick jealous. something to me? Chelsea: What? Abby: Why do you want to make a guy you can't stand jealous? Chelsea: Because Nick deserves it. I don't see anything wrong in grabbing an opportunity and getting a little revenge out of it. It's not gonna hurt anybody, except for Nick, but I already said that, you know, he deserves that, so... I should go, though, but, um, wish me luck. Abby: Yeah, good luck. Chelsea: Oh, and when you leave, can you lock up, please? Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: I am gonna do everything I can to get Chelsea to forgive me. Billie: Well, if she ends up forgiving you, that's great. But if she doesn't, you still did a good thing. Does that make sense? Nick: You're a very smart lady. Billie: Well, you know, chalk it up to experience. Nick: I'm gonna call Dr. Robert tomorrow. Billie: You're a good guy, Nick. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Hold on. Hello? Abby: Nick, it's Abby. Nick: What's up? Abby: Look, I just want to you to know something. Nick: What? Abby: You know, calling Dr. Robert to give Chelsea the lab job. Nick: I didn't call Dr. Robert. Abby: Well, I was just with Chelsea when she heard from him. He wants her to come in for an interview. Nick: What? Abby: Yeah, she's on her way to the hospital right now. Nick: Oh, my God. All right, thank you, Abby. I have to go. [SCENE_BREAK] Billie: Nick, what's going on? Nick: Apparently my supervisor beat me to the punch. He wants to schedule Chelsea for a job interview. Apparently he didn't mind playing tonsil hockey after all. I'm so screwed. [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: You're one of us now. E.J.: I came to Salem to save your life. And that's exactly what I'm going to do... even if it means that other people must die. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: If I hadn't pretended to be someone else, you never would have let me see who you really are. Chelsea: You still don't get it. Nick: No, you don't get it. I love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Celeste: I know you were with E.J. the night John was shot. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: What, are you on drugs or something? Kate: Sami did not save your life. E.J. did. [SCENE_BREAK] Kayla: Steve! | Chelsea wants to use the job as a way to flirt with Dr |
241 | Alan: You stabbed my son and you left him in the hotel room to die! Courtney: Alan, I know that you are hurting, but I had nothing -- Alan: You're a cold-blooded killer. You're just like your brother! Courtney: I did not kill A.J.! I -- Alan: I am going to make sure that you spend the rest of your life in prison. Jax: All right, ok, that's enough. If you want to blame someone for A.J.'s death, then maybe you should take a look at yourself. [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: Hi. Alexis: Any word on Kristina? Ric: No, not yet. But I think it's time that we force the kidnapper out of hiding, starting now. [SCENE_BREAK] Monica: I have no idea where Jason is. I wish I did. Steven: You got some blood on the cuff of your shirt. Monica: Well, this is a hospital, and I am a surgeon. Elizabeth: Come on, Steven, she has enough on her plate. Why are you interrogating her? Emily: You know, maybe you're not aware of it, but my brother A.J. just died. Steven: I know. And Jason is being hunted by the police, and he's injured. So you must be pretty desperate to help him; maybe desperate enough to break the law? Monica: Of course I am worried about Jason but, unfortunately, there isn't anything I can do. Now, if you will excuse me -- Steven: Ok, one more thing, though. That large vial of antibiotics that's in your pocket -- the one that you've been trying to hide this whole time -- I'm sure Jason needs it. How much longer can he survive without that medication? [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: I'll get you a doctor. Jason: What about Sam? Sonny: You were right, she didn't do it. I went after you, I framed you, and I apologize. Sam: Sonny, I stole from you. I complicated everything. I'm sorry for that. Sonny: No, you were framed. We all went after you, and now it's going to give the kidnapper at least two days. Reese: Nobody move. Sonny: What took you so long? [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: I'm sorry, Alan, but you're lashing out at Courtney because of your own guilt over A.J. Alan: What are you talking about? I'm the only one who ever stood up for him. I loved my son. Jax: Of course you did. But A.J. didn't make it easy, ok? He was angry and bitter and he stole from your family and bankrupted -- Alan: He didn't deserve to die! Jax: Of course he didn't deserve to die! I'm just saying that there's a part of you that must feel like you failed him somehow, because that's how I felt when my father died. You know, I kept saying to myself, "Why did I let so much time pass in anger, and why couldn't I have done more for him while he was still alive?" Justus: He's right, Alan. Look, we all know you wanted a chance to make it up to A.J. Alan: Oh, don't you offer me all that phony sympathy because you're trying to protect Courtney! Jax: Look, Courtney is innocent. Justus: This is your grief talking, Alan. Right? Nobody expects you to be rational right now. Alan: Well, here's what I'm rational enough to know. I know these facts -- that the hotel concierge where A.J. died told me that a woman matching her description attacked A.J. in his room, that he referred to her as his wife, and that she showed no remorse. Mac: Alan, the concierge said that when Courtney left the hotel, A.J. was still alive. Alan: She could've doubled back. She certainly had motive. For God's sake, she attacked A.J. in front of witnesses! Jax: Because A.J. provoked her, Alan. Courtney: Look, I was wrong to get physical with A.J., but he was being really horrible, Alan. Alan: Look, you may have torn him apart while he was alive. You're not going to do it now. Jax: Ok, you know what? You're right. You're right. But there is a lot that you don't know. Courtney: Alan, I got angry with A.J. and we fought, but he was alive when I left the hotel room. Mac: And that matches the statement made by the concierge. Courtney: For what it's worth, I am sorry for your loss. Alan: It's worth nothing. If you didn't kill A.J. yourself, you hired somebody to do it, and I'm going to prove it. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: My daughter, Kristina, may look like a healthy little girl but, in fact, she isn't. She has recently had a stem-cell transplant due to aplastic anemia. I am certain that the person or persons who took my daughter are not aware of this and that her life could be in jeopardy. The doctors have recently told me that her condition is chronic. The onset could be fatal and a relapse could occur at any time, and I am begging whoever took her to please return her to a hospital and have someone leave her in an emergency room, and I give you my word that there will be no questions asked. Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Steven: I'm not trying to be heartless, Dr. Quartermaine. But you can see that there is a sick little girl out there who's missing her mother. Monica: We all want to see Kristina returned safely. Steven: And the police believe that Jason and Sam are the kidnappers. Emily: That's ridiculous, Steven. Jason would never steal a child. Steven: If so, if Jason's not involved, then every minute we spend looking for him is a waste of resources that could be used to help Kristina. Monica: For the last time, I don't know where Jason is. Steven: The evidence says otherwise. Jason suffered a gunshot wound, and I believe you're going to deliver him that medicine. I will tell you, if you leave this hospital, I will have you followed. Monica: Well, you will be wasting your time. Steven: You're wasting time. You're wasting time that Jason doesn't have. You've already lost one son. Are you willing to gamble the life of the one you have left? [SCENE_BREAK] Reese: Jason Morgan and Samantha McCall, you're under arrest for the kidnapping of Kristina Corinthos-Davis. Sonny: Do you really think you could've followed me if I didn't want you to? Reese: I know I could've. Put your hands on your heads. Come on. Sam: Jason's still hurt from the first time you shot him. Reese: Well, if he tries to flee, it's my responsibility to shoot him again. Sam: This isn't going to bring Kristina home. Sonny: Agent Marshall doesn't want to shoot anybody. She thinks she has a new strategy for getting my child back. Sam: There's a lead? Sonny: Agent Marshall thinks that I'm the key to understanding who the real kidnapper is. She wants me to open up my feelings, tell her my secrets. That way she has a better understanding who hates me enough to kidnap my child. Sam: Then why is she trying to arrest us? Sonny: Because she thinks she's going to get me to talk if she brings you guys in. But she's wrong, because I'm not saying a word until you let Sam and Jason go. [SCENE_BREAK] Diego: Maria? Maria: It's so good to see you. Diego: Did you know she was coming? Maria: I called and told Lorenzo I was worried about you. I miss you, Diego. We were barely starting to reconnect when you left to come back here. Lorenzo: I'm glad the guard let you in. Can I offer you a drink? Diego: Look -- ok, wait, you came back from Mexico just to see me again? Maria: No, I'm here to convince you to return home with me. Lorenzo: No, no, no. Diego and I have not had much time together yet. I was hoping he'd stay through the school year. Maria: Where would he live? Diego: Look, I have a room above Kelly's, ok, and I'm paying for it with my money that I make as a busboy. Lorenzo: Well, that's temporary. Diego can stay with me. Maria: Wait, wait, is -- is this what you want, Diego? I thought you were starting to get used to living with me in Mexico. Lorenzo: Obviously, we'd both like to know your plans. Diego: Look, look, look, don't just stand there acting like concerned parents, ok? Because the three of us barely know each other. Lorenzo: Well, that has to change. Like it or not, we're family. Diego: You don't even know what that means! I'm out of here. Maria: Diego -- Lorenzo: Let him go. Maria: He's upset. Lorenzo: He's angry and confused and he has every right to be. Maria: I have made so many mistakes for both of us. Lorenzo: Maria, I'm not criticizing. You did the best you could. Maria: I made a lot of wrong choices that robbed Diego of his childhood. Lorenzo: Well, we can't give that back now. What we can do is to provide Diego with the best home possible. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: Ric thought that if I made a plea to the kidnapper and told her that she was ill, that they might return her. Ric: Yeah, I figured that we could pressure them into returning Kristina if they thought she was going to relapse. Steven: Ok. I totally understand, and of course I'll go along with it. Alexis: Thank you. Steven: It might not be necessary. Kristina could be brought back before your plea airs. Ric: What have you heard? Steven: Monica Quartermaine treated Jason's gunshot wound. Alexis: She -- she knows where he is? Was Sam with him? Steven: The police are on their way to the location right now, and Jason and Sam could be brought in within the hour. [SCENE_BREAK] Reese: If you don't talk, it's your daughter who suffers. Sonny: If you're asking me to trust you, I need a gesture of good faith. Reese: This isn't a negotiation for territory with one of your rival bosses. Your daughter's life is at stake. Sonny: Ok. You know what? If you really care about finding my daughter, then you'll stop wasting your time chasing Jason and Sam because they're innocent. And if you're as smart as you claim you are, then you know that's true. So put down the gun and let them go. Sam: Let's go. Sonny: Ok, hold on, hold on. I just -- do we have an understanding here? Reese: I'm ready to look at other suspects. I'll be waiting at your house when you decide to get serious about finding your daughter. Sonny: We got to get you to a doctor. Jason: Monica examined me. She's going to get me medicine. Sam: Sonny, what do we do now? Sonny: Well, I got to go home and talk to Agent Marshall. Jason: Yeah, we got to get to Rollo's place. He's -- he's the only link to the real kidnapper. Sonny: Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. There might be something in his apartment we could use. Jason: Yeah, I know where it is. Sam: No, no, no, no, no. You are in no condition to go around in some dead guy's house right now. You're not breaking in, no. Jason: You can help me, Sam. [Phone rings] Sonny: Wait. Yeah? Yeah, I -- I see the lights. Jason: You posted a lookout? Sonny: Yeah, there are two cops coming right now. Sam: No, Agent Marshall said that -- Sonny: She lied. She's been playing us all along. [SCENE_BREAK] Faith: You're positive you wiped Rollo's place clean, destroyed his hard drive, any electronic devices that store information? Man: The place is harmless. Faith: Good. There can't be anything to lead the investigation back to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Lorenzo: Diego has had a lot to process over the last few months. Maria: He feels betrayed. Lorenzo: By both of us. Maria: No. No, it's my fault. I should've told him about you before the -- Lorenzo: Maria, we are both responsible. It's understandable that you were afraid of me. When we were together, I was less than supportive. And that's before I was shot right in front of your eyes. Maria: I'll always regret the choices that I made. But they can't be undone. So all we can do now is try to move on and do better for Diego's sake. Lorenzo: You know, when I first found out Diego was my son, I was ambivalent. Diego senses that. Maria: You're both very proud. It can get in the way. Lorenzo: Maybe I was afraid to get close to anyone. I recently lost my teenage niece, Sage. I think all she wanted was a little love and attention, but I was too wrapped up in my own problems to reach out to her. And now I'll never get the chance. Maria: It's natural to overcompensate with Diego. That's what I do, and you saw how it affects him. Lorenzo: Maria, I don't want Diego feeling overwhelmed. It'll just make him run. Maria: I agree. So how can we help our son? Lorenzo: Well, we can start by showing a united front. That means we both have to be available for Diego, and that can't happen with you in Mexico. Maria: The whole time Diego and I were together there, he seemed to want to be here. Lorenzo: Which is why I want you to stay here in Port Charles. [SCENE_BREAK] Diego: Hey. Brook Lynn: Hey. Diego: How you doing? Brook Lynn: Good. Diego: Well, why'd you want to meet me at the hospital? Brook Lynn: Because I'm going to work here. Diego: Well, isn't that going to give us less time together? Brook Lynn: Hey, chill out, ok? By the way that my dad is acting, I'm lucky to even be out of the house, right? So I volunteered here so we could hang out. We could meet here. Diego: Yeah, nice plan. Yeah. Brook Lynn: Yeah. Hey, I owe it to Georgie, ok? I mean, that's what she did with Dillon when her dad cut him off. Diego: Yeah, well, at least Commissioner Scorpio didn't have Dillon arrested. Brook Lynn: I know. Hey, I know. By the way that my dad talked to you, he's lucky if I ever talk to him again. Diego: Alcazar isn't any better, you know? He thinks I should stay away from you. Yeah. And it gets worse. Maria's here. She wants me to move back to Mexico with her. Brook Lynn: Oh. Well, what did you say? Diego: No, don't worry. I'm not going anywhere. Brook Lynn: Good. Diego: Yeah. Brook Lynn: So, tell me, what was it like having your parents in the same room? Diego: It was -- I don't know, it's like I'm in an alternate universe, you know? My whole life I've been getting kicked out of families, and now I have two biological parents, and both want me to live with them, so -- Brook Lynn: Hey, it's ok, all right? What are you going to do about it? Diego: Well, they can't force me to stay, you know? I'm -- I'm going to stay where I am above Kelly's and hang with you. Brook Lynn: That's great. Diego: Yeah. Look, what about your dad? I mean, after a while, he's going to realize that you're not actually volunteering here. Brook Lynn: Diego, listen, I don't care about my dad, ok? I'm going to find a way to be with you whether he likes it or not. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: Monica still hasn't answered my page. Maybe I should try again. Jax: I'm telling you, this is a bad idea. Courtney: Jax, I need her to know that I did not kill her son. Jax: Well, you know what? Monica might not want to hear it right now because she's stretched to the limit with Jason being on the run and A.J. being dead. You know, the Quartermaines are grieving. They can't be held accountable for their actions. I'm just letting you know. Courtney: Yeah, you're right. You're right. I should be thinking about what A.J.'s family needs instead of trying to deal with my own guilt. Jax: You have nothing to feel guilty about. Courtney: Jax, I was one of the last people to see A.J. alive. The Quartermaines are going to want to hear what happened. Jax: They're going to rip you apart. Courtney: Well, then let them, ok? They -- they deserve to know the truth. [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: Ahem. Hi. Elizabeth: Are you ok? Ric: Yeah. Elizabeth: Hey, I just want to let you know that I'm praying for Kristina, and I can't even imagine the pain you and Alexis are going through. Ric: Well, there may be a break in the case. Elizabeth: I know Monica told you where to find Jason, but she doesn't think that he or Sam know anything about Kristina. Ric: That's your opinion. Elizabeth: Well, Jason's -- he's not the kidnapping type. Ric: Unlike some people we know, huh? Elizabeth: Ric, come on, that was -- that was a long time ago. Ric: No, karmically speaking, it's yesterday. Every minute -- every second since Kristina was kidnapped, I keep hearing this voice inside of my head. It says, "This is what it feels like," you know, "this is what you did when you took Carly." And now Kristina's been taken from me, and I -- I deserve it. I did this, and I had it -- I had it coming. Elizabeth: No, no, no, no, you -- oh, Ric. You didn't do this to Kristina, ok? You didn't make this happen, karmically or on any other level. I mean, you are so tired. You are tired and scared, and you have every right to be, but don't turn it around on yourself, ok? Ric: Yeah, right, yeah. You're right. I need to focus on -- on finding Kristina. I just -- I don't need to make this about myself. Elizabeth: But in a way, it is about you. I mean, a little girl you love was taken from you, a little girl you sat beside and told stories to, a little girl that you think of as your daughter. [SCENE_BREAK] Reese: Took you long enough. I'm just going over these files, and I -- Sonny: You're good. You're real good. But Jason and Sam took off before they could be arres-- I want you out of my house. Reese: I didn't tip off the police to Sam and Jason's location. Sonny: You're going to lie to my face again? Reese: If I wanted them arrested, I would have done it myself. Sonny: Oh, that's not true because you thought you had all this perfectly planned. You get me to talk, I come here, Jason and Sam would be brought in, but the PCPD showed up too soon. Am I right? Reese: I let two fugitives -- one a suspected kidnapper -- walk away to prove myself to you. I played by your rules because I know what's important -- finding Kristina. And we'd have a really good chance of doing that if you would just cooperate. But since you won't, I'll bring your daughter back myself. Ofc. Murphy: Agent Marshall? Reese: Yeah? Ofc. Murphy: Commissioner Scorpio wanted me to inform you of something immediately. McCall and Morgan got away. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: What are we looking for? Jason: Probably nothing. This is a professional job. Sam: Well, you know, I really hoped we'd find something because we really need to stop running so you can get the treatment you need, Jason. You're starting to look a lot worse. Jason: Let me check -- let me check the computer. [Jason groans] Sam: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Come on, come on. Let's go to the couch. Come on. Take it easy. Jason: I'm ok. Ugh. Sam: Easy, easy. Jason, you're burning up. [SCENE_BREAK] Lorenzo: I realize I'm asking a lot. We barely know each other. You have a life in Mexico. Maria: We both want what's best for Diego, so we all need to be in the same place. Lorenzo: I could set you up with an apartment nearby if you'd like. Diego can live with you. Maria: Well, I thought you wanted him to stay here. Lorenzo: I just want him to be comfortable. I think he knows you better than me. Maria: Oh. Hmm. That's a very generous offer, Lorenzo. I accept. And thank you. Lorenzo: Mm-hmm. Yeah, well, you're the one uprooting your life. Maria: Well, you deserve to know your son. I regret keeping him from you all this time, and I'll learn to be Diego's mother while you learn to be his dad. Lorenzo: Yeah. Well, I suppose two inexperienced parents are better than one. Maria: Let's hope so. Lorenzo: Well, we might as well get started. How much has Diego told you about Brook Lynn Ashton? Maria: That she's the most wonderful girl in the world. She's talented, beautiful, understanding, etc., etc. Lorenzo: Well, unfortunately, Brook Lynn's father had Diego arrested for visiting her, even though she invited him. Maria: Diego told me a little about her family, the Quartermaines. They're difficult, aren't they? Lorenzo: Mm-hmm. That's an understatement. I mean, Brook Lynn's a nice girl, and her mother is a very good person, but I think Diego and Brook Lynn being together -- that's cause for trouble. Maria: Well, I don't want Diego to date a girl whose family doesn't approve of him. I mean, he's so volatile and quick to anger. It's a recipe for disaster. Lorenzo: Then we agree. Diego will have to give up Brook Lynn. [SCENE_BREAK] Diego: Well, Mrs. Hardy seems ok. Brook Lynn: Yeah. She was actually great friends with my great-grandmother Lila, so I'm sure that she'll let me work whatever hours I have to. It'll be great. Diego: And ditch, too, right? Brook Lynn: Yeah, I mean, whenever I can. But, Diego, I don't want to get in the way of your relationship with your mother, so it's -- Diego: No, no. Look, I can visit Maria in spring break -- Brook Lynn: Ok. Diego: Ok, and you can come with me. Brook Lynn: Yeah? Diego: Yeah. Maybe we can get your mom to talk to your dad about it. Brook Lynn: Oh, yeah, yeah, now that Alcazar has dumped her. I'm sure she'll be up for that, right? You know what, though? Diego: Hmm? Brook Lynn: I have a friend Jessica who just moved to Florida, and I could just say that I went to go visit her, right? Yeah? Diego: Yeah, yeah. See, didn't I tell you it was going to work out? Brook Lynn: Yes, you did. Diego: Yeah, I did. Brook Lynn: So, tell me, what's going to be your excuse while I'm "volunteering"? Diego: Well, no, I don't need an excuse. My parents didn't raise me, ok? I'm not going to start taking orders from them now. Brook Lynn: I don't think Alcazar's going to like that. Diego: In a week he's going to forget I'm alive. The guy is all business, Brook, ok? He doesn't even know how to be a father. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Ric, I don't even know how you're holding up. I mean, if Cameron had been kidnapped, you would have to sedate me. Ric: Oh, no. No, you'd be strong and determined. You'd be focused on getting your child back home safe. Elizabeth: You're projecting. You just described yourself. Ric: Yeah. Elizabeth: I can't imagine Alexis and Sonny tearing around, blaming -- Ric: Oh -- Elizabeth: Blaming everyone -- the police, I'm sure. God. Most of all, themselves, each other. Ric: You sure you haven't been eavesdropping? Elizabeth: It's not that hard to figure out. I mean, I know Alexis is overprotective of Kristina on a good day, so she must be in orbit by now. And then you have Sonny, and Sonny is -- Ric: Is Sonny. Elizabeth: Yeah. And then there's you, stuck in the middle, trying to remain cool and logical. But I know you're as worried as they are. Ric: I'm praying that it is Sam, Elizabeth, because if it isn't, then that means it's somebody who really hates Sonny; somebody who wants revenge and somebody who wants ransom or both. I mean, a kidnapper with that profile is not going to give up Kristina. I mean, if it isn't Sam, then that means -- Elizabeth: Ok. Listen. Ok, don't -- don't go there. Don't give in to fear. You said that grief is a powerful motivator. But love -- Ric, love is the most powerful motivator of all. I know you love this little girl. You keep believing you'll find her, and you will. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: Monica, may I talk to you for a minute? Monica: Uh, I really don't have time. Alexis: I'm very sorry about A.J. Monica: Thank you. Thank you. And we're all praying for Kristina. Alexis: I really appreciate that. I know that you told Steven Webber where Jason is. Monica: Yes, well, he's in bad shape, and I want to help him. Alexis: Unfortunately, when the police got there, Jason and Sam were gone, and I was just wondering, if he contacts you again, if you might tell me where he is? Monica: I'm afraid that's not possible. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Don't -- don't touch anything. You'll leave prints. Sam: No, Jason, this is more important. We have to try and bring your temperature down. And we have to get the medication. Your mother said it was going to get worse, and it has. Jason: Monica won't be able to find us. Sam: Really? All right, then I will go and find her. Jason: No. The cops -- Sam: The cops? What about the cops, Jason? I got in and out of G.H. before. Jason: It's too risky. Sam: No, you saved my life. Now it's my time to save yours. Jason: Sam, you -- you don't owe me. Sam: Yes, I do. And I'm not being entirely unselfish. I cannot imagine my life without you in it anymore, ok? Jason: It's a bad idea. Sam: No, it's not. I promise you -- hey, look at me -- I'll be back, ok? [SCENE_BREAK] Ofc. Murphy: Turns out Dr. Monica Quartermaine was worried about her son, so she doctored up his gunshot wounds. Dr. Steve Webber caught on and got Dr. Quartermaine to give us Morgan's location. We got there too late. The place was empty. Reese: Thank you, officer. Ofc. Murphy: Yeah. Reese: Let me know if you hear anything else, ok? Ofc. Murphy: Got it. Reese: Apology accepted. Sonny: How do I know he didn't stage that whole conversation? Reese: Why does it matter? I don't want Sam for Kristina's kidnapping anymore, anyway. I want to know who's really responsible for this. That's the way to find Kristina. Sonny: I don't -- I don't trust cops, especially feds. Reese: What's more important to you, huh? Stonewalling the bureau or finding your daughter? We're running out of time, Sonny. Are you going to help me find Kristina or not? [Phone rings] Sonny: Yeah? Right now? What channel? All right, thanks. Reese: You're going to watch TV? Alexis: Recently told me that her condition is chronic. The onset could be fatal and a relapse could occur at any time, and I am begging whoever took her to please return her to a hospital and have someone leave her in an emergency room, and I give you my word that there will be no questions asked. Thank you. Sonny: Alexis should've told me that Kristina was sick. Reese: No, this is a standard ploy to convince the kidnapper to give up the child. Sonny: Do you think Alexis is making this up? Reese: Well, it's probably Ric's idea. They made the mistake of believing the kidnapper was actually human. Sonny: Is it going to hurt Kristina's chances of coming home? Reese: Maybe. I never would've authorized it. Sonny, if you and Alexis keep sabotaging this investigation, we may never find Kristina. [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: Jason and Sam been picked up yet? Mac: Look, I just heard from Murphy. They weren't at the address that Monica gave to Steven Webber. Ric: Well, they couldn't have gotten far. Jason is wounded. Mac: My men haven't turned up anything. Ric: I want you to pull every uniform off the street and I want you to send them to that location. Get another chopper to canvass the area. Mac: Jason and Sam are gone, all right? We're going to have to find them another way. Ric: Meanwhile, Kristina is still missing. Mac: I'm sure Kristina is fine. Sam has to be working with someone. She's being taken care of. Ric: Yeah, that's -- that's what I keep telling Alexis, too, Mac, but you and I both know that that isn't a given. Mac: You're not doing yourself any good by getting emotionally involved. Ric: How am I supposed to avoid it? I love that little girl, Mac. I remember when she first came home from the hospital, she was -- she had a nightmare; she was scared. I could see the fear in her eyes, and I picked her up and I -- I held her, I laid down on the couch with her. And I put my arms around her and she fell asleep. Look, I would give anything to be able to comfort her right now, to be able to hold her and take away that nightmare that she's going through and to help her feel safe. Mac: We're going to find her. Ric: We have to. [SCENE_BREAK] Monica: What's happening with Kristina is horrible, but make no mistake, Alexis -- I told Steven where Jason was because he needs an active form of antibiotic to stave off an infection from a bullet wound. Alexis: But if he should contact you again -- Monica: Then I will help him again, but not because he and Sam had anything to do with Kristina's being kidnapped. Alexis: But you don't know that. Monica: Yes, I do. Jason is my son and he would never, ever hurt a child. Alexis: Monica, I'm not worried about Jason. I'm worried about Sam. Sam is suffering very much -- Monica: If Jason says that she is innocent, then she is. Alexis: And my daughter is out there and she's scared and I'm sure she's confused and -- Monica: And if Jason were well enough, he would be out there looking to bring her back to you because he had nothing to do with her disappearing. Now, please, I've got to go. I have a funeral to arrange. Oh, my God. Sam. Sam: Hi. Monica: Oh, I'm glad you're here. I know the police came to where you guys were hiding. Sam: Yeah, we got out before they could catch us. Monica: Oh, thank God. How is he? Sam: He's getting worse, Monica. Monica: Ok. Listen, give him these. The dose is on the label. Make sure he takes them exactly as prescribed and he finishes the whole course. Sam: All right, I'll do that. Monica: I'm so sorry I couldn't get there, but Steven Webber has figured out what I'm doing. Sam: It's ok. He's your son and you're helping him. That's all that matters. Monica: You keep him safe, ok? Sam: I will. Monica: All right, thank you. Sam: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: Oh, my God, Sam. Where is she? Where's Kristina? Sam: I -- I don't know and I don't have time to convince you. Jason is sick. Alexis: You go to Jason after you tell me where my baby is. Sam: No, if you want to find Kristina, tell the police to start looking for the real kidnapper -- Alexis: No, Sam -- Sam: And leave me and Jason alone, please! Alexis: Sam, please! Sam: No! Alexis: Tell me now! Just tell me -- is she ok? Is she scared? Sam: Please get off of me, Alexis! I have to go! Alexis: I'm not letting you go until you tell me where my daughter is! [SCENE_BREAK] Edward: The services will be at St. Timothy's. Lois: Where we all said goodbye to Lila? Edward: Lila always wanted me to be nice to A.J. Ned: Instead, you always played us against one another. Edward: I'm not proud of that. Tracy: A.J. was like the rest of us. He wanted respect but always fell short. Dillon: You know what? If you guys really cared about A.J., you would've helped him. Instead you alienated him; you made him feel like dirt and forced him to leave. Tracy: Oh, well, that's just our way of relating, dear. Edward: No one ever wished him dead. Ned: This family has a strange way of bonding. Dillon: Well, that doesn't make it right. Lois: I agree. Tracy: Oh, who asked you, and what are you doing here anyway? Lois: I'm here for Ned, for Edward. Dillon: Hey! Hey! I'm getting kind of worried about Alan. I mean, was it a smart idea to let him go identify the body by himself? Ned: Well, I offered to go with him, but he needs to do this by himself. Lois: He needs support. If anything like this ever happened to Brook Lynn, I wouldn't be able to stand. Tracy: Well, getting hysterical isn't going to help anyone, and it's not going to bring A.J. back. Courtney: Edward? Edward: Courtney. Tracy: I can't believe you would set foot in this house. Courtney: I came to tell you what happened the night A.J. died. [SCENE_BREAK] Alan: That's him. That's my son. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: Look, I was furious with A.J. when I found out he had falsified the original divorce papers. Tracy: So you channeled your rage? Dillon: Mom, let her finish. Courtney: I wanted to handle things with A.J. amicably, but he refused to sign the papers. Ned: What possible reason would A.J. have to draw this out? Lois: Was he still in love with you? Courtney: Look, A.J. lost most of the money he stole from you. He knew that I had received all that money after the hotel fire, and he wanted half of it. Lois: But you used that money to start your foundation. Courtney: A.J. didn't care. He didn't. He wanted that money no matter who he hurt in the process. Edward: Alan told us you attacked my grandson. Courtney: Edward, I'm not proud of that, but A.J. grabbed my arm and I had to fend him off. Tracy: So you have an impulse control issue. Courtney: A.J. provoked me. Look, all right, I took the bait. I did. He was probably planning on using the assault against me in divorce court. Ned: Sounds like something he would do. Dillon: Ok, so there you go. A.J. was still alive when she left the hotel. Courtney: Yes, he was. I've already told Alan that, but I needed you to hear it, too. Tracy: Ok, so let me get this straight. You won an uncontested divorce from A.J. by murdering him, and you want us to absolve you. That's not going to happen. [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: So what's the big development in the A.J. Quartermaine investigation? Mac: You're not going to like it. Jax: As long as you're not trying to build a case against Courtney. Mac: I'm sorry, Jax, but she had means, motive, and opportunity. Jax: Come on, Mac. We already established she was on a plane back to Port Charles when A.J. was murdered. Mac: She had a layover in Miami. That gave her plenty of time to fly back to the Bahamas, kill A.J., and still board her connecting flight. Jax: And you guys have witnesses? I mean, is there any proof? Mac: The investigation is ongoing, but it looks a lot like Courtney killed her husband. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Let go! Alexis: Not as long as you have my daughter! Sam: Alexis, get off of me! Alexis: Sam! Sam! [Sam screams] [SCENE_BREAK] Reese: Obviously, you're not used to things being out of your control. But you got to try to put your ego aside for now for the good of your daughter. Sonny: I don't want to sabotage this investigation. I just want my daughter back. Simple. Reese: Good. Sonny: Ok. If we work together, we have to end this competition. I want you to make a plan; I want you to tell me about it. I want you to work it. Because so far, you don't know anything about the kidnapper. Reese: I know she's a woman. [SCENE_BREAK] Faith: Isn't karma a bitch, Jason? Do you remember the times I begged for my life? How about the one where you had me tied to a chair and you almost shot me in the head? I've got big plans to make happen, and they're all going to be a lot easier with you dead. [NEXT_ON] Skye: Refuse the case. Luke: Skye. Sonny: You say the kidnapper is a woman and you have absolutely no proof. Faith: Sonny underestimated me again, and the first thing I'm going to take from him is you. | Alexis makes a televised appeal to the kidnapper to consider the child's health |
242 | Stephanie: I'm fine. Nick: Well, you'll be fine when you sit down, okay? Right over there. Stephanie: (Laughs) What? All of a sudden, I look like I'm delicate or something? Nick: No, no. In the car, you looked a little green in the gills, and you were wobbly when you got out. Stephanie: Oh, well, would you like to know why? Nick: I'd like you to sit down. Stephanie: Because your car stinks of smoke. Nick: Well, that's because I smoke in it sometimes when I'm alone. Stephanie: But it's really bad. Nick: I'll get some air freshener. Stephanie: I'm kind of surprised. I mean, I-I-I suppose I thought you were always just one of those guys that smoked one cigar a month at a party or something. Nick: (Chuckles) Um, I smoke because it relaxes me, like going to Big Bear does for you. Stephanie: You don't look relaxed. [SCENE_BREAK] Whip: Madison, hi. Madison: Hi, Mr. Jones. Whip: Is-- is Thomas expecting you? Madison: Is he here? Whip: I'll take that as a no. Madison: Um, they were gonna messenger these papers to him, and I was leaving the office anyway, so I... Whip: Oh. Madison: (Sighs) Will you give these to him? He wouldn't want to see me. Whip: (Chuckles) Madison, Thomas is a little preoccupied right now. I wouldn't take it personally. Madison: Oh. (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Donna: Am I early? Katie: You're family. Donna: I used to dread being late. Now I dread being early. Katie: Why? Donna: Oh, because it makes it look like I have nothing to do with my time but watch the clock, which is true. Katie: Oh, please. The only reason why we're having dinner is because I couldn't get you to have lunch with me. Donna: Oh. Katie: You were too busy. Donna: Yeah, yeah, sure. 'Cause I have money now, you know? People know that I have money, so foundation directors, museum people, they all want to have lunch with me. But when the sun goes down, nobody's knocking. Katie: Woe is you. Donna: Shut up and feed me. Where's Bill? Katie: He and Justin are working late, and then they're going out. I mean, really, do you really think I would be feeding you Dungeness crab if I had something better to do? Donna: Oh, so I guess we have to kill that expensive chardonnay all by ourselves. Katie: No problem. Donna: Yeah. (Glasses clink) Katie: Crab comes in season but once a year. Donna: Mm. And how you must look forward to it, because boiling is about the only thing you do in the kitchen. Katie: Can't burn water. (Chuckles) Donna: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Madison: I shouldn't have said anything. Whip: Madison, no, uh, look, I'm kind of glad that we have an opportunity to have a candid conversation here. Thomas's mother and I have been a little... (Sighs) Concerned about him and-- Madison: Why? Whip: Concerned may be too strong a word. He's having a lot of success with his new men's line, and we're--we're very proud of him, but, you know, there's an old saying-- "Don't miss the forest for the trees." I just don't think that he's taking the time to enjoy the things in his life that he has in front of him. I mean, for instance, uh... (Scoffs) You're one of the few people his own age that he actually hangs out with. Madison: To be honest, I don't think that's going anywhere. Whip: Oh, come on, Madison. At your age, relationships don't really go anywhere. It--it's more about two people coming together and really enjoying each other. Madison: Um, Thomas is probably jet-lagged from his trip. I-I really should just drop this off and go. Whip: You know what? I got a better idea. [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: (Sighs) (Sniffles) (Sighs heavily) (Scoffs) Crazy. (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: It's a spot on my lung. Maybe I breathed wrong when they took the picture. I feel great. Stephanie: So did I. And then they told me I had stage four lung cancer. Why don't you pour yourself a drink? I did. Nick: (Sighs) Is this what you call moral support, or were you sent by the grim reaper? Stephanie: I can't help it if I want to protect the people that are close to me. Nick: What you can't help is bossing around the people that are close to you. Stephanie: You saved my life once, Nick, by giving me a job. Maybe it's my turn, Honey. [SCENE_BREAK] (Knock on door) Thomas: Door's open. I'm sorry. (Chuckles) I thought you were my parents. Madison: Your stepfather said I should just come on up. Thomas: Yeah. Sure. Why not? Madison: Thorne said you'd be wanting this. Thomas: Oh, are those the bids from the new suppliers? Madison: I don't know. Thomas: (Chuckles) Okay. Thanks. Madison: (Sighs) Uh, well, I should really be going now. Thomas: Whoa, are you in a hurry? You want some dinner? Madison: I thought you said you weren't hungry. Thomas: I'm not, but my mom made pot roast for Whip and me, and she'd be pretty upset if somebody didn't eat my share. Madison: (Chuckles) [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: So I have an idea, but it might be a bad one. Donna: Hmm. Well, that's never stopped you before. (Chuckles) Katie: This one affects you. Donna: Oh, well, you're not gonna microwave that crab, are you? Katie: Ha ha ha. Donna: Mm. Katie: Truth or dare? Donna: Is this the bad idea, or is there another one coming? Okay, um... truth. Katie: Do you miss Eric? Donna: Of course, Katie. Katie: You thought you and Eric were forever. Donna: Yeah. I know that's what I said, but that's pretty stupid, right? God. Made me forget what I knew at the beginning-- that we were totally wrong for each other. Katie: That's not true. Donna: Katie, anyone could see it. Are you... (Sighs) Surprise, surprise, you know? We fell in love, and... we fell so deeply that we forgot what we saw in the beginning. Katie: I guess that's true. I mean, I know I don't see Bill the way anyone else does. Donna: Well, once the hurt of losing him stopped being so blinding, I... I realized I never really expected forever. Truth or dare. Katie: (Scoffs) Well, I'll take dare after that. Donna: Well, I dare you to actually cook dinner. Katie: Hello? Why do you think you're here? Donna: Oh, so you can pile on the cheese and crackers until we both say we're full like you usually do. Katie: Oh, that is just low. Donna: (Scoffs) Katie: (Laughs) Donna: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Stephanie, I'm as strong as a horse and I always have been. This is probably nothing, and that's what the doctor said. Stephanie: Right. And you'll get the answer for sure tomorrow. Nick: That's right. So... Stephanie: However, I would bet with myself that you're just dying to walk out on that balcony and light up. How long have you been smoking? Nick: 16, when I started working out at sea. Stephanie: Ah. Nick: It was a very big deal to be able to keep a cigarette in your mouth and smoke it all the way down. And then when I moved to the ship's captain, cigarettes were gone, and cigars became the status. Stephanie: Right. Why didn't you give up the cigars? Nick: (Clears throat) I appreciate your concern, Stephanie. I really do. But you're starting to remind me of all the things that irritate me about you. Stephanie: Well, all the things about me that irritate you, you may not have to deal with much longer. I may be gone. I may check out. Nick: Well, again, thank you for your concern, but as we both know, sometime's life's not fair. Stephanie: And if you come down with cancer, it really won't be. [SCENE_BREAK] Donna: Well, I have to say that this crab is so good that not even you could ruin it. Katie: Thanks, Sis. Donna: Mm-hmm. Katie: Truth or dare? Donna: Oh, no, no, no. Uh, no playing while eating. Actually, that's the rule. Katie: That's not the rule. Don't you remember when you dared Brooke to put that chicken leg down that waiter's pants? Donna: Oh, come on, she's so gullible. She'll believe anything. Katie: I have one word for you-- Justin. Donna: Is that a truth or a dare? Katie: You pick. Donna: Yeah. Justin is the one who got away. One bad decision, and he was gone. You know, it all came down to shame really. I mean, I was ashamed to be pregnant and not married. I-I couldn't bear to tell him that. I dreaded the idea of him thinking I was trying to trap him. No, you know what? I-I knew that it would have trapped him. He would have done the right thing, and I would have wrecked his life. Katie: You know, I've been working at Spencer for a while now, and I've gotta say... (Sighs) I've really come to appreciate him. He is a smart guy. Donna: Yeah. I know. Katie: Not that he hasn't done some questionable things. Donna: Mm, like everyone else who works for your husband. (Chuckles) At least Justin didn't marry him. Katie: Be nice. Donna: Mm. Katie: It's because of Bill that you're a very wealthy woman. Donna: Yeah. Katie: Do you know why Bill took Justin to that boxing match tonight? Donna: 'Cause you had to cook for your sad sack of a sister? Katie: No. It's his birthday tomorrow. Donna: (Scoffs) I used to know that. Katie: Bill, uh, was gonna throw him a little shindig here tomorrow night. I dare you to come. Donna: Ha. Ha. [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: Thorne was right. I have to make a decision about these tonight. Madison: Oh, um, I'll get out of your way. Thomas: No, you're fine. Madison: This is crazy. I just offered to drop that off, and now I'm eating your dinner in your bedroom. Thomas: And breaking my mom's "No eating upstairs" rule. Madison: Ooh. Your mom is a good cook. These gorgeous women who are good at everything depress the hell out of me. Thomas: (Chuckles) Madison, you're gorgeous and good at things. Madison: A few. Thomas: You're good at your job. Madison: Thanks. Thomas: What else? Madison: Is that an indelicate question? Thomas: Does it have an indelicate answer? Madison: If you're an interested party, I might tell you. Thomas: I never said I wasn't interested. Madison: In what, though? [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Stephanie, I don't want a word of this mentioned to my mother. Stephanie: I did the same thing. I didn't want anybody to know. Nick: It's a completely different situation. Stephanie: Nick, denial is denial. Nick: Who would have thought that a terminal diagnosis could have made you even more smug than before? Stephanie: (Sighs) Let me tell you something. You see a drunk downtown, curled up in a doorway, slugging down a bottle of booze, and you say to yourself, "Doesn't he know that drinking like that's going to kill him?" No, he doesn't, because he's in denial, too. Nick: There are 95-year-old smokers that have never been sick a day in their lives also. Stephanie: Smoking causes lung cancer. Come on, Nick. What are you going to do when your little boy comes up to you and he says, "Daddy, didn't you know that smoking would make you sick?" What are you going to say to that child? [SCENE_BREAK] Madison: Mm, Thomas... (Sighs) I don't understand. I thought you said you weren't that into me. Thomas: I never said that. (Sighs) I didn't mean it that way. Madison: Well, what did you mean? Thomas: I have this amazing thing in my life, Madison. I have success, and I don't know where it's gonna take me or what demands it's gonna make. I can't make any promises. Madison: I never asked you for any promises. And the one thing I cannot do is have a long conversation about it with you in your bedroom. Thomas: Right. Madison: See you tomorrow. Thomas: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: (Sighs) Donna: Well, that was delicious. Katie: It was! No more slamming my cooking! Donna: (Chuckles) Yeah, but now I smell like a need a bath. Katie: Well, I'm sure you can fit one in between now and tomorrow night. Right? Donna: Katie, Katie, I can't just have polite chitchat with Justin, okay? I-I can't say anything that's not 100% truthful. Katie: What do you mean? Donna: I've cost him too much already-- a life with his son. I mean, I can only imagine the rage he has inside for me. Katie: Well, you can imagine it all you want, but I don't think it's there. Donna: Did you talk to him about me? Katie: Sure. A little bit. He doesn't blame you, Donna. You were both so young. Donna: (Sighs) Yeah, Katie, but some mistakes just can't be corrected. Katie: Oh, Boy. If I believed that, we should all just go jump off a bridge. I mean, your mistakes are not any worse than anyone else's. He's never gotten over you. Donna: He said that? (Laughs) Wow, I mean, I've barely seen him since Eric, I --except for, you know, Bill's party for Liam, and... and nothing. Katie: Well, you were off on your South American adventure. I mean, maybe he was waiting for you to call him. You have to stop punishing yourself. Maybe you hurt him, but... maybe he wants to love you again. Donna: (Sighs) It can't be that simple, Katie. Katie: Donna, come on. Donna: Life doesn't work that way. Donna: Okay, well, I guess that I cannot ask Eric, so, um, you're gonna have to help me pick out something to wear. Katie: I think that can be arranged. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Okay, so you've had your awakening. Let's not forget that a couple months ago, you were all about death with dignity and doing it your way. And now you're the champion of life no matter what. Stephanie: I am the champion of life without a terrible death from cancer. Nick: But you don't get to judge me, Stephanie, especially since you've been the author of so much insanity in your own life. Stephanie: Nick, I won't deny that point. Nick: And you don't get to tell me what values are in life, especially for me-- what's tolerable and not tolerable. You know, you don't like cigars? Don't smoke 'em. Don't buy 'em. Don't give 'em to your friends. Nobody shoving them down your throat. Stephanie: It's not my throat that I'm concerned about. Nick: Exactly. It's my throat... Stephanie: (Sighs) Nick: And I'm not your husband or your son or your problem. In fact, the people in my life are kind of used to me living dangerously. Stephanie: Boy, is that a cop-out. Nick: I take risks. That's how I like to live. Stephanie: And that's supposed to apply to smoking? I don't see that there's any upside to that risk. Nick: I just enjoy smoking. Stephanie: Is that for real? Or you mean, if you smoke, it kind of... takes the edge off the craving because you tried to stop smoking for a day or two? Nick: Okay, you know, I'm gonna leave now while I still think that you're attempting to do good. Thanks, Stephanie. Stephanie: Nick, you have a successful business. You have a brand-new girlfriend who seems to make you happy. You have a mother that just adores you, and you have a little boy-- a little boy who thinks the sun rises and sets on you. Excuse me. I thought that they meant more to you than evidently they do. Stephanie: Thank you for bringing me home. Take care. (Sighs) | Whip senses she is disappointed and tells her that Thomas is pretty occupied right now, but not to take it personally |
243 | Nick: Uh-oh. What is my voodoo princess up to now? Phyllis: Oh, I lost count. Oh, I lost count. Nick: What is this stuff? Phyllis: Um, this is, um, blue and black cohosh. Nick: Cohosh? Phyllis: Mm-hmm. And mugwort tea. Nick: Well, it smells like gym socks. Phyllis: Yeah, that's the mugwort tea, I think. Yeah, this is all natural ingredients and won't hurt the baby. See? Nick: I thought you were swearing off home remedies. Phyllis: Yeah, I was. But I changed my mind. Listen, I'm tired of this. I wanna have this child, all right? So I've been searching the internet. Nick: You know, did you ever think about just letting nature take its course? Phyllis: Mother Nature isn't always right. And, um, I love being pregnant. I'm eternally grateful that I am pregnant in the first place, right? But I feel like I'm being held hostage in my own body. Do you understand that? I want my body back. Nick: I like your body just the way it is. Phyllis: That's very sweet of you. But do you know what it's like carrying a bowling ball around inside of you? Having all of your organs smushed? Every single trip in the car is planned according to available rest stops. So... I'm having this baby. Okay? You get it, don't you? Time to come out. [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: I told you I would get to it and I will. It's not top priority. Look, if you want an answer right now, the answer is no. Fine, works for me. That's what I get for doing a friend a favor. Kay: You have been jittery ever since you woke up this morning. Jill: Yeah, well, you didn't sleep at all last night. I heard you wandering around at 3:00 A.M.. Kay: I admit I will feel much more relaxed once we get the results from the D.N.A. test, yes. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: "If she continues to use said name for said purpose, the injury to Jabot Cosmetics and the Abbott family will be irretrievable and incapable of being compensated, unless the court restrains Gloria Fisher and she is not allowed to continue." Lauren: You know, Jack and Ashley have gone too far this time. Here, Sweetie. Kevin: Thank you. You know, I own a coffeehouse. You'd think I wouldn't run out of coffee. Lauren: Yeah, one would think. Gloria: Michael, what does all that mean? What am I to do? Michael: This is a T.R.O.-- temporary restraining order, uh, to prevent you from using the Abbott name. Gloria: Does that mean I have to go back to being... Gloria Fisher? Michael: Until this is resolved, yes. Gloria: Everything I own says I am Gloria Abbott-- my license, my checks. Now you tell me what I am supposed to do. [SCENE_BREAK] Jana: Mochacchino with an extra shot. And remember, Officer, don't drink and drive. Sullivan: Oh, thank you. Jana: So, any new G.C. tidbits you can tell me about Carmen's murder? Sullivan: Why do you ask? Jana: Well, it's the biggest thing that's happened around here. You know, I heard the Russian mafia put a hit out on Carmen and pinned the whole thing on Devon. Sullivan: Where did you hear that? Jana: Oh, one of the kids who comes in here heard her father talking to her mum who knows a person in New York who knew a person that used to work with Carmen. Sullivan: I'll bet you hear a lot of things working here, don't you? Jana: All the time. I could tell you a thing or two about the married couple who bought the dry cleaners 'round the block. Sullivan: Okay, well, let me ask you, uh, did you or anyone you know happen to see Carmen's car the night she was murdered? Jana: What, here? At Crimson Lights? Sullivan: Yeah, that's right. We had a tip. [SCENE_BREAK] Gloria: Thank you. This is from "Extreme Catwalk." Kevin: Oh. Hey, at least you have that to look forward to. Gloria: Yes, I do, Honey. Michael: I'm gonna start the paperwork on the temporary restraining order. I'm gonna ask for an immediate hearing. Kevin: All right, thanks for the coffee. Gloria: Good. Lauren: Uh, hey, will you tell Jana that I'm gonna stop by later? She wanted me to look at some paint chips. Kevin: Oh, she's working this morning. Lauren: Ah, all right, so after her shift, tell her to stop by. Fen and I will be here. Kevin: I will do that. Lauren: Okay, Honey, bye. Gloria: No... Michael: What? Gloria: No, no, no, no. Lauren: What is it? Michael: What? Gloria: It's from the producers. They received notification of the temporary restraining order. And, uh, they don't wanna get involved, pending litigation. Lauren: Oh... Gloria: So I'm off "Extreme Catwalk." Michael: I'm afraid so. Gloria: Jack and Ashley said they didn't want me to go on television, but they are idiots. This could've been huge for Jabot. Michael: All right, you know what? I'm gonna draft a letter alleging proper use of the name with no intent to defraud anybody. Where are you going? Gloria: I'm going to work, because I have had it. You take care of the legal garbage, and I'm taking them down. Michael: What are you doing?! Why are you [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: Gloria's Perfume on the Glo may be the only thing that saves us. Kay: Well, as successful as it may be, I doubt, uh, it's going to be the profitable holiday season you envisioned. Jill: Not with N.V.P. tie-in merchandise sitting in warehouses. Kay: Well, cosmetics have a shelf-life. Jill: Oh, don't remind me. (Cell phone ringing) Jill: Jill Abbott. Hello, Ms. Saperstein. How do you do? Yes, I've seen "Extreme Catwalk." Me? A judge? Kay: On "Extreme Catwalk"? Do it! [SCENE_BREAK] Jana: So... tell me, Officer, what happens when you get a new tip on a murder case then? Do you check out every tip that comes in? Sullivan: Well, sometimes. Jana: What if they're bogus? Sullivan: What if they're not? Jana: If I were a murderer, I'd send an anonymous tip to get the police off my trail. Sullivan: Well, you know, that happens, believe me. Jana: God, I wish I could tell you something to help you out. Devon's not a murderer, though. He's not the type. Sullivan: Well, murderers come in all shapes and sizes. Jana: You know... I have a theory. I think he's doing it to cover up for Drucilla Winters. We all know about her temper. Sullivan: Did you see Carmen the night she was murdered? Jana: She didn't come in here. Sullivan: You're certain? Jana: Yeah, I don't remember seeing her. Sullivan: Or her car? Jana: I don't know what kind of car Carmen drove. I wouldn't have known it if I'd seen it. Kevin: I-I would. I know exactly what Carmen's car looked like. [SCENE_BREAK] Lauren: He's still asleep. Michael: So... the baby's asleep. Gloria's gone. You know what that means, don't you? Lauren: Oh, yeah. I get a nice, long, hot shower. Michael: It means that I have you all to myself for a little while. Come here, Mrs. Baldwin. Michael: Come here. Lauren: What? Michael: Do you remember what you were doing one year ago today? Lauren: Oh, let's see, one year ago today? Ooh, my nails? These poor things. Michael: Okay, fine, if that's how you're gonna play it, you're not getting your anniversary gift. Lauren: A gift? Michael: Mm-hmm. Lauren: A gift?! Why didn't you say that in the first place? Michael: Too late, too late. I am so taking it back to the store. Lauren: No, you are not. Michael: Yes, I am. Lauren: Not if I can find it first. Michael: No, no, stop! Lauren: Where is it? Let me find it! Michael: Stop it! Stop it! Lauren: No, not till I find it! Michael: All right, all right... there. Go ahead, it's yours. Lauren: Are you gonna give it to me? Michael: Yeah. Lauren: Okay. Michael: Yeah... Lauren: Oh... Michael! I gotta pick yours up later, okay? Michael: No, look, you have given me the most precious gift in the world... and it's asleep. Open. Lauren: Okay. Oh! Honey, they're so beautiful! Michael: Mm-hmm. You can wear them tonight. Lauren: Tonight? Michael: Mm-hmm. Lauren: No, I don't-- Michael: You and I are going out on a date. Not taking no-- Lauren: And is the baby coming with us? Michael: Not taking no for an answer. Lauren: What are we gonna do? Michael: Uncle Kevin and Aunt Jana are gonna be babysitting. We'll make it an early evening. 'Cause I, uh, I wanna spend some time alone with my, uh, sexy wife. Lauren: So what do you think? What do you think? Michael: I think this is perfect. And I think this is perfect. I think this is pretty. Lauren: Honey... Michael: Hmm? Lauren: Aren't you supposed to be filing some papers for Gloria or something? Michael: Yeah, well, one hour will not make a difference. Lauren: Okay. Fen: (Cries) Lauren: Oh, Man... Michael: Don't listen. Lauren: I have to listen. Michael: Don't listen. Lauren: Baby, I'll be back. I'll be back. [SCENE_BREAK] Ashley: You're going to be a judge on "Extreme Catwalk"? Jill: A guest judge. I know you turned it down. Ashley: No, I think it's great. I just wasn't comfortable with it. Jill: Well, it's not my thing either, but it's a great opportunity for Jabot. And I had marketing check on the ratings and demographics and it's a perfect way to reach our target. Ashley: Listen, better you than Gloria. She's the last person we want representing Jabot on national television. Jill: Well, I don't know, she has a lot of personality. Ashley: Yeah, that's a nice way of putting it, Jill--a lot of personality. Gloria: I think she would've made an interesting choice. Ashley: You'll be fabulous. You'll get the Jabot name out there without making a spectacle of yourself. Man: Excuse me. I'm looking for Jill Abbott. I have a delivery for her from "Extreme Catwalk." Gloria: I'm Jill Abbott. Man: Oh, just sign here. All right, great. Gloria: Thank you. Thank you very much Man: Thank you. Gloria: Thank you very much. [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: Whoa, whoa, I'm so itchy! I can't stand this. Nick: Your arm? Phyllis: Yeah, and I have a rash. Look at that. Nick: I think there's some calamine lotion in the first aid kit. Phyllis: It's starting to spread, I think. Nick: Somebody took the kit, so I'll go to the place downstairs and get you some cortisone cream, all right? Phyllis: Okay, I'll go with you, all right? Nick: Okay. Phyllis: Oh, did someone turn up the heat? I am so hot! It's like a hot flash. Nick: Well, maybe it's the, uh, those herbs you took? Phyllis: You think? Nick: The way you're reacting... Phyllis: Oh! I can't believe this. I'm hot, I'm sweat--hey-- I'm sweaty, I'm burning up. The only thing I'm not-- is in labor. Nick: Hey, you know what? Maybe we should call the doctor? Phyllis: No, no, no, I'll be fine. Nick: You don't know that. Phyllis: Oh, yes, yes, I do. I just need some fresh air. I'm good. I'm good. I just had this horrible thought. I hope this isn't making the baby itch, too. Nick: All right, forget the fresh air. I'm taking you to the doctor. It's all right. [SCENE_BREAK] Jana: I had no idea you were into cars. Kevin: Well, you know that big box of stuff I haven't unpacked yet in the hall closet? Jana: What, you mean, your boxful of girlie magazines? Kevin: No, it's my boxful of "Auto News." And I have every issue from the last ten years. That's how I knew what kind of car Carmen drove. It was a Mercedes CLK. Jana: Wow. P.R. pays better than I thought. Kevin: Well, in the P.R. world, it's all about image. It makes sense to me. Maybe she leased it. Jana: So was Michael into cars, too, when you were growing up? Is that how you got into it? Kevin: No. Mom was. Jana: Gloria? Unusual. Kevin: Yeah, every Friday night we used to watch "The Dukes of Hazzard." Jana: Yeah, news flash, Love, I don't think she was watching for the cars. Kevin: Mmm, I was. The Duke Brothers drove a '69 Dodge Charger, R.T. there was nothing sweeter than this car. It was 2-door, v-8, heavy duty suspension, coke-bottle styling. You know, it was the same car that Steve McQueen chased in "Bullitt." Jana: God, just think, Kevin, Carmen could've been here the night of her murder. The killer could've been standing right there. He could've snatched her out of Crimson Lights. Kevin: Yeah. Let's not spread that around. It could be bad for business. Jana: What? You joking? It would double our business. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Buy you a cup of coffee, Detective? Sullivan: Well, you know, one's my limit, thanks. Paul: Didn't your daddy teach you anything? No cop worth his salt would turn down a free cup of Joe. I'm not even gonna get into the doughnut thing. Sullivan: I'm gonna have to take you up on that another time. Paul: Don't mind if I do. I'll just take this chair right here. Sullivan: I'm working, Williams. Paul: I don't see any paperwork. Sullivan: Well, it's all right here. Paul: Don't set me up like that. What, are you staking out the coffeehouse? Sullivan: What, are you fishing? Paul: You see any hooks? Sullivan: Yeah, a great big one with a worm on the end of it. Hey, do me a favor? Let me see your right hand. Paul: Why? Sullivan: Come on, show me your right hand. Sullivan: Okay, thank you. Paul: What was all that about? Sullivan: I just was wondering if you'd sprained your dialing finger. Paul: Oh, you mean the number you gave me was good? I'm gonna have to dig it out of the trash. So what are you really doing here? Sullivan: Well, it can't hurt to tell you, seeing as how you're no longer working on the case. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Daddy has to go slay the evil dragon for Granny Gloria. Lauren: No dragons. No dragons. You'll give him nightmares-- if he ever slept. Michael: No. You know what else Daddy has to do? Daddy has to go see the jury consultant in the Devon-- can you say "Devon?" Devon Hamilton case. That is a-- yes, it is, that is a real nightmare, huh? You gonna take care of Mommy? Yes, you are. (Chuckles) there we go. Lauren: Come here, Baby. Oh, there we go. All right, Honey... Michael: And you, I'll see tonight. You're mine. We have a date. Lauren: You're right, we do. Michael: I can't wait to see my hot wife all dressed up. Lauren: I love you, Honey. Michael: All right. All right! Lauren: See you later. Lauren: You miss Daddy when he's gone? Don't you? [SCENE_BREAK] Gloria: "Extreme Catwalk" sent that over. Jill: Oh, thank you. Gloria: I can't believe that you did this to me. Jill: Did what? Gloria: That was my show and you snatched it away from me. Jill: Oh, my God, that was Ashley's show. She turned it down. Gloria: Yeah, well, they offered it to me and I said yes. It was even in the newspaper last night. Didn't you see it? Jill: The late edition? No, I'm sorry, I didn't see it. Gloria: Jill, that thing doesn't mean anything to you. Not what it means to me. You are C.E.O. of a huge corporation. You are going to inherit Chancellor Industries and I got nothing. It's important for me to be out there, to reinvent myself. Jill: Gloria, I am doing this for one reason and one reason only-- to boost sales and Jabot's image. Gloria: That's right. And I'm the best person for that job, and you know it, Jill. Now listen to me... I don't mean to be unkind, but you know that I'm the one that would shine on TV. Jill: You are a piece of work. You know what? I've said yes to it. I don't wanna argue about it. Gloria: Okay, fine. I can't wait to see the headlines. Oh, yeah-- "Cat fight over 'Catwalk'-- C.E.O. of Jabot, creative V.P. go at it--" Jill: Gloria, for once in your life, would you bow out gracefully? You don't wanna hurt Jabot any more than I do. Gloria: Ask anything of me and I'll do it for you, Jill. But I will not give in to Jack and Ashley-- not this time. Jill: What do Jack and Ashley have to do with this? Gloria: Oh, I guess you haven't heard? Ashley and that son of a bitch brother of hers are now claiming that I have no right to use the Abbott name! Jill: When did this happen? Gloria: Last night, after the article came out. I got served with a temporary restraining order that I have to cease and desist from being Gloria Abbott. Jill: I had no idea. Gloria: Yeah. Well, now you do. They have done everything humanly possible to hurt me. And now they are trying to even take away my own name. [SCENE_BREAK] Ashley: Hi! You wanted to see me? Does this have to do with that shipment from Hawaii we're expecting? Jill: No, Ashley, it doesn't. What have you and Jack done to poor Gloria now? Ashley: Poor Gloria? We haven't done a thing to Gloria. Jill: Do you want me to stop using the Abbott name? Should I expect a cease and desist order, too? Ashley: Jill, you were Dad's legal wife. And this is completely different. Gloria's marriage to my father was never valid. She has no right to his name. Jill: You've really changed since John died. I mean, I don't know if it's that Jack's influence on you is too strong or what. Ashley: You know, I beg your pardon. I haven't changed a bit. Why do you say that? Because I don't want Gloria to embarrass my family any more than she already has? Jill: You are a hypocrite. "Extreme Catwalk" is a bad idea if Gloria does it, and a good idea if I do it? Ashley: So between you and me, you honestly believe-- you honestly believe that Gloria is the right person to represent Jabot on national television? Jill: Yeah, but this isn't about Gloria and Jabot. This is about you and Jack persecuting John's widow. Ashley: I'm so sorry you feel that way. [SCENE_BREAK] Jana: God, I'd love to know what they're talking about over there. Kevin: You and your true crime stuff. You know, it's like you're obsessed. Jana: Well, how is that any more of an obsession than knowing how many horses Carmen's car had? Kevin: Well, if the deceased popped for the deluxe v-8, then it was a 5.4 liter engine, 362 horses, but what's that got to do with anything? Jana: Maybe I should refill their coffees. Kevin: You just did that. Jana: Ah, right. Sullivan: You're dying to find out what I know, and yet you claim you're off the case. Paul: I am off the case. Sullivan: Well, that's too bad. I was kinda hoping we could share some information. Paul: Oh, I'm sure the D.A.'s office would love that. Jana: Hello, there. Excuse me, um, sorry. Um, we are actually giving away pastry samples today to our special customers. So please try them and tell me what you think. Sullivan: Oh, thanks, but I'm not hungry. Paul: No, you know, and I am watching my waistline. This will just be tempting, but thanks, though. They look delicious. Sullivan: Yeah. Jana: Okay. You know, I just can't get over the fact that you thought Carmen's car was outside here the night she was murdered. Sullivan: Thank you, Jana. Jana: Sure. Well, if you need anything else, just... Sullivan: Yeah, we'll let you know. Jana: Okay. Paul: Carmen's car was outside? Sullivan: Oh, I was following up on a tip. Paul: Anyone confirm? Sullivan: No. Paul: Do you mind if I pass this information on to, uh, Michael? Sullivan: But you're off the case? Paul: Quietly. For Devon. [SCENE_BREAK] Gina: You know, we could do another Vegas night in the private room for you and Lauren. Show the Colonnade folks a thing or two. Michael: Yeah, uh, you know, she's been spending a great deal of time at home with the baby. It'd be nice to see her out amongst the living, you know? Gina: Well, then I guess you want a corner table? Michael: Oh, yeah, perfect! Gina: Okay. All right, the menu is set. Michael: Flowers? Gina: Taken care of. Michael: All right. You know, everything's gotta be perfect. This has been one roller coaster ride of a year. And she's been a rock through it all. (Cell phone ringing) Michael: I'm sorry. Uh... I have to take this. Gina: Oh, go on ahead. We're finished here. Michael: Thanks. What is it, Paul? Paul: Hello, to you, too, Michael. Listen, I'm at Crimson Lights. I just a tip that might be helpful for Devon's case. Michael: You're not working on the case. You quit. Paul: Do you want this information or not? Michael: I'll be there in a few minutes. [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: I can't stand this anymore! It hurts! It's starting to hurt. Nick: Come here. Come--come here. You know, you really are very warm. Phyllis: See, I'm too hot to hug. Oh, good, Doctor! Dr. Okamura: Good morning. Nick: Hey, Doc. Dr. Okamura: So... tell me what's going on. Phyllis: Um, I am in so much pain right now. I'm itching so much. I have a rash. And I am so hot I just wanna take off all my clothes and jump in a snow bank! Dr. Okamura: May I see? Uh, your arms, that is. Phyllis: Yeah. Dr. Okamura: Okay... your baby was due by now. Phyllis: Yes, Thanksgiving. Dr. Okamura: Yeah, you're late. Phyllis: Uh, you're telling me. Dr. Okamura: So, uh, when did you start feeling the itching? Phyllis: Um, this morning at work. It came on fast. Dr. Okamura: And, uh, is the rash anywhere else on your body? Phyllis: Mm-hmm. My legs and, uh, my arms and my back. Dr. Okamura: Well, I'd like to take a look at your back. May I? Phyllis: Okay. Dr. Okamura: Okay... this looks like an allergic reaction. Are you using any new laundry soap? Phyllis: Mnh-mnh. Dr. Okamura: Uh, softener? Phyllis: No, the same we always use. Dr. Okamura: Are you eating or drinking anything different today-- something you don't normally ingest? Nick: Yeah, she, um, she drank an herbal concoction. Phyllis: Yeah, something I found on the internet to induce labor. Dr. Okamura: And what exactly was in it? Phyllis: Um, I... I don't... did--did I do something to harm the baby? Nick: No. [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: Any word from the lab? Kay: Not yet. Not yet. (Sighs) oh... is this from "Extreme Catwalk"? Jill: Yeah. Kay: Well, you know, I'm glad you decided to do it. Maybe I'll fly out to Los Angeles with you, take a little holiday and, uh, watch you tape the show. I love that show. Jill: I know. I know you do. I, however, have lost my enthusiasm for it. Kay: Oh, come on, Jill, it's gonna be a lot of fun, for heaven's sakes. You'll probably get out of your comfort zone. Jill: Katherine, Gloria was supposed to be a guest judge on that show, until Jack and Ashley hit her with a court order demanding that she stop using the name Abbott. Kay: Really? [SCENE_BREAK] Gloria: Come on, Jack, you pathetic coward, answer the phone. Gloria: Ashley! Ashley! [SCENE_BREAK] Lauren: Cell phone... keys... okay... baby bag... baby. That's you. Okay. [Lauren starts hyperventilating and having a anxiety attack she closes the door and goes back to the living room] Lauren: Okay... we'll just... we'll go later. We'll go later. Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: All right... so you're telling me that someone saw Carmen's car outside of this place the night she was killed? Paul: It was a tip. Michael: Why are you telling me this? Paul: Don't you wanna know? Michael: You quit the case. Paul: Michael, it doesn't conflict with my employment at Newman Enterprises. I thought it may help Devon. Michael: All right... well, let me see if I understand you correctly. You're willing to give me any clues that point me in a direction you want, but you'd withhold the clue that pointed to anyone at Newman? Paul: You know, we have been all over this. Michael: Carmen worked at Newman. You knew I would be investigating anyone she worked with when you took this case. It didn't seem to bother you then. Now, funny how it all of a sudden becomes a conflict of interest when I asked you to investigate Brad Carlton. Paul: Michael, I don't wanna do this anymore. Please. I did it for Devon's sake. Michael: Oh, what? Because you care for him so much? So much so, you're willing to point me in any direction except the one that may keep him out of prison! Paul: You know what? This is not personal. For once, just for once, Michael, put your client's best interests ahead of your ego. [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: I'm a moron. I'm so stupid for taking those herbs. Nick: No, you're not. Phyllis: I'm so stupid. Nick: No, you're not. Dr. Okamura: Herbal remedies work sometimes, but you should always proceed with caution and consult a physician. There's a lot of misinformation on the internet. You're just lucky that it was only an allergic reaction. Now I want you to take this for the skin rash. Phyllis: Okay. Nick: Thanks, Doc. Dr. Okamura: I also wanna run a test. The baby's fine. Phyllis: You wanna run-- if the baby's fine, why do you wanna run a test? Dr. Okamura: Because of your lateness in your delivery. Phyllis: What kind of test? Nick: Is something wrong? Dr. Okamura: It's a non-stress test. We wanna see that the fetal heart rate increases when the baby moves. If it doesn't, it's an indication that the baby isn't getting adequate oxygen from the placenta. Nick: Is the baby in danger? Dr. Okamura: Oh, heartbeat is strong. There's no signs of distress. However, if the placenta is starting to deteriorate, and not enough nourishment gets to the baby, she could start to lose weight within the womb-- something we don't want. Phyllis: Well, wait, how--how would you fix that? Dr. Okamura: Do an immediate c-section. [SCENE_BREAK] Fen: (Cries) Lauren: Please stop crying, Fen. Please... okay... I can't breathe! [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: I wish you would level with me about why you quit the case. Paul: You know, I'll remember not to do you any favors in the future. Kevin: Hey, what the hell was that about? Michael: Okay... do you know anything about Carmen's car being parked outside of this establishment the night she was killed? Jana: The detective asked us about it. Michael: Well, did you see it? This could be very important in Devon's case. Kevin: No, no, we didn't see Carmen or her car. Jana: We could ask around. Kevin: Yeah, I'll find out who was working that night. Jana: Yeah, I'll check with some of the regulars, find out if they, um, know anything. [SCENE_BREAK] Sullivan: Well, that went well. Paul: All I wanna do is help Devon. Sullivan: But if you care so much, why did you quit? I'd like the truth this time. [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: I can't stand this anymore. Where is the doctor? Nick: He'll be here as soon as he gets the results. Phyllis: If our baby is losing weight in the womb... Nick: She's fine. Okay? Dr. Okamura: The baby's fine. Phyllis: Oh, good! Good! Nick: See? Phyllis: Okay, she's fine. Dr. Okamura: I'd like to monitor you for the next few days. Now, if you don't go into labor, I recommend that we induce. Phyllis: Induce, okay. Hey, do you hear that? You have to come out now. Stop lagging. Dr. Okamura: You can get dressed now. I'll talk to you both later. Nick: Thanks, Doctor. Phyllis: I'm a horrible person. I mean, I wanted this baby to come out because I was uncomfortable, but I never even thought that she would be in danger. Nick: You're not a horrible person. Phyllis: I'm a horrible person. Nick: No, you're not. But I think that... maybe we should just let Dr. Okamura do the c-section right now. Phyllis: I'm not a big fan of c-sections unless it's a medical emergency. But I'd rather just deliver this baby the way that God intended. Nick: Cursing me through every contraction. Phyllis: I would never do that to you. (Knock on door) Dr. Okamura: I wanna see you in a couple of days. Schedule an appointment with the front desk. No more home remedies to induce labor. Nick: No more. Dr. Okamura: No more castor oil omelets, okay? Phyllis: Definitely not. The milkshake was gruesome enough. Nick: Thanks. You know, with all the excitement, I forgot what today is. Phyllis: It's Friday. Nick: It's also the one-year anniversary of Michael and Lauren's wedding. Phyllis: Oh, yeah, that... that night... Nick: That night. We wouldn't be together if Michael and Lauren hadn't gotten married. [SCENE_BREAK] (Door opens) Michael: Ooh! It is freezing out there. Oh, is he asleep? Lauren: Yes. Michael: There's my little angel. Aw... did you just get back? Lauren: I was gonna take him for a drive, so he could get some air. Michael: Our little bambino will just have to wait till tomorrow, because Mommy and Daddy have plans. It is date night. Oh, I used to hear married friends with kids talk about date night. And I thought they were crazy. Now I get it. No, being a parent is more wondrous than I ever could've imagined, but I gotta say, babies can be very detrimental to romance. Lauren: Would you be too terribly disappointed if I said I didn't wanna go out tonight? Michael: You feeling all right? Lauren: Yeah, I'm, you know, I'm tired. I'm really, really tired. And I would love to just stay home with you and rest. Michael: Of course. Whatever you want. Lauren: 'Cause that would be a great present-- you know, staying home with the three of us. You're not too disappointed, are you? Michael: Oh, no. We can do it another time. Lauren: Thanks. Thanks. I appreciate that. Michael: Well, I'm gonna call Gina and let her know, all right? Lauren: Okay. (Telephone ringing) Gina: Dining room, Gina. Michael: Gina, I appreciate all your trouble and, um... I'm sorry to do this, but I have to cancel. Gina: You're canceling? Michael: You know, keep the card for me. Gina: Well, do you want me to send the flowers over? Michael: No. They're yours. Take 'em home. Gina: Okay, I mean, listen, is everything all right? Michael: I'll reschedule soon, all right? Gina: Okay. Michael: Thank you for understanding. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Sullivan: You avoided my question. Paul: All right, Mags, give it your best shot. Sullivan: Okay, you claim that you quit working on the Carmen Mesta murder case, and yet, you seem so invested to me. Paul: It's a full-time gig. I have other cases I can't walk away from. Sullivan: Right. Paul: Okay... I think Devon is innocent. And unofficially, I will devote any of the resources I have to try and prove it. So what about you? You think he's guilty? Sullivan: That's what the evidence says. Paul: It's all circumstantial. Sullivan: Yeah, you know, the grand jury would've have returned an indictment unless they would've found that evidence pretty compelling. Paul: You think? Sullivan: Paul, this is just my job. It's what I do. I follow up on leads. I try to find evidence to support Bardwell's case. Paul: And what happens if you find leads and evidence that don't? Sullivan: I have to get down to the station. I'll tell you what, you have my number. Why don't you give me yours? And that way, I'll call you if I need to get in touch with you. Paul: Here. You can reach me at this number at any time. Sullivan: All right. [SCENE_BREAK] (Cell phone ringing) Kevin: All right, we're around. Bye. Oh, a scrapbook? I didn't think you were the type. Jana: It's for Carmen's murder. I've saved all the articles. Kevin: That's what serial killers do. Jana: I know. Creepy, eh? [SCENE_BREAK] Ashley: Really? The shipment came in? (Doorbell rings) Ashley: Are you sure it's the one from Hawaii? Great, would you have Randy drop it off at my bench in the lab? Thanks. Gloria: Open the door, Ashley! You may as well open it because I am not going away! Not this time! You can't keep running away from me forever, because I will stay out here all night if I have to! Ashley: Do you have to make a scene wherever you go? Gloria: That didn't seem to bother you and Jack when you threw everything that I own out there in garbage bags. Ashley: What do you want, Gloria? Gloria: Where is your brother?! Is he here?! Ashley: No. Gloria: Then fine, I will tell you-- you are not getting away with this. Ashley: You are not getting away with this. Gloria: Michael has already filed an answer to your ridiculous claim. Your father gave me his name and you are not taking it away from me! Ashley: My father would never allow you to take our name and make it a laughingstock on national television, Gloria! Gloria: A laughingstock? Ashley: Yes. Gloria: That's what this is all about? Ashley: Yes. Gloria: You don't want me to be on "Extreme Catwalk" because you're afraid that I might embarrass Jabot and bring on a little bad publicity? Ashley: That's right, Gloria. That's right. That's what you do. Gloria: Well, then you wait till I drag you and your precious name through the mud with this cease and desist order! Ashley: Get out of my house. [SCENE_BREAK] (Cell phone ringing) Jill: Is it? Kay: Agnes. Yes, hello, Agnes. How are you? Yes, yeah, we'll have lunch and talk about the trip. I've gotta take this other call, all right? I promise I'll call you back, all right? Fine. Katherine Chancellor. It's the lab. The D.N.A. test results are in. [NEXT_ON] Neil: There's another reason I wanted to be alone with you. J.T.: You're being ridiculous, you know that? Colleen: You're being a jerk. Jill: What did they say? Kay: You better sit down. Nick: Are you totally sure that Brad didn't have anything to do with Carmen's murder? Victoria: That is a horrible thing to say. | She goes to see Jill thinking that she was the reason that there was a change in plans for her to be on the show |
244 | Luke: What are you doing there? Noah: Trying not to get third-degree burns from the cappuccino machine. Luke: You work here now? Noah: Got to make money, don't I? Luke: Well, I -- I thought your tuition was covered? Noah: Yeah, but the lab fees are not. You know, stock footage and processing -- Luke: Uh, well, look, um, Noah, if -- if you want any help, you can just -- Noah: No, I can -- I can handle it. I can't take any money from you. Luke: Well, we could look at it as a loan. Yeah, okay, okay, okay. I guess I should just order. Um, I want -- Noah: I know what you want. Have a seat. I'll bring it right over. [SCENE_BREAK] Aaron: What's going on here? Bonnie: I'm trying to get Alison to eat something, because it is gonna be a long day. Alison: And I'm trying to get her to ask me more questions. Aaron: Yeah, listen. You don't want to practice too much, because it's gonna sound like you've been practicing. Bonnie: Yes. I actually agree. Thank you, Aaron. Alison: I know, but I need to hear the tough questions, like the ones Tom's gonna ask when he whips out that movie I made. Bonnie: Look, I don't think we need to worry about that right now. Alison: Okay. Yeah, sure. How about I worry about that later, when Tom plays the movie and -- and everybody gets to see me in all my glory. Do you know how deathly quiet it will be in the courtroom? And then I'll have to admit that, yes -- yes, I was high on crystal meth at the time. Oh, that will be fun. Is that when you want me to worry about it? Aaron: Maybe you should ask her the questions. Bonnie: Okay, fine. Ms. Stewart, given your enthusiastic work as a porn star, what could Dr. Chris Hughes have said or done that would be deemed as sexual harassment? Alison: I think I'm gonna be sick. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: They've closed the hearing. No press. Casey: I guess Alison and her lawyer are nervous about what's gonna be said -- or shown. Emily: No. No, the request came from your father, Casey. What is Tom up to?! I mean, if he's gonna use the DVD to embarrass my sister, wouldn't he want everybody to see it?! Casey: Okay, he's not trying to humiliate Alison. He just wants to win the case and get Chris out of trouble. Hell, I bet it was Chris who asked -- Emily: Chris?! Why does he care if the court's closed?! He doesn't care if she gets embarrassed! He's just concerned with covering his own butt! Casey: Well, my dad is a different story. You know, I know he threatened to use the videotape, but he won't. He has ethics. Emily: You know what? You are so young. Casey: Not that young. Come here. [SCENE_BREAK] Aaron: Hey, look at me. You do feel a little warm. Maybe you're getting sick. Alison: No such luck. The worst day in my life will not be called off on account of illness. Bonnie: Look, Alison, it's not too late to pull out if that's what you want. Alison: It sure would make me feel better. Aaron: No, Ali. Don't -- don't -- don't even -- Alison: Today. It would make me feel better today. But tomorrow, I'd kick myself in the butt for letting Chris push me around. Bonnie: Okay. Let's go. Alison: Okay. You have to promise me something. If Tom uses that DVD, I want you to leave the room. Aaron: And act like I'm ashamed of you? I don't think so. Besides, I have a really good feeling that he's not gonna use it anyway, so -- Alison: A feeling? Bonnie: Yeah, I think he's right. It could backfire on Tom if he's not cautious. It could actually make you look more sympathetic. Alison: And then you'd tromp all over them? Bonnie: Oh, yeah, Honey. I got my tromping shoes on, spiked and ready to go. [SCENE_BREAK] Bob: Shouldn't you guys be heading over to the courthouse? Tom: Hey, Dad. We're leaving just now. Bob: I'll be right behind you. Chris: I -- you're coming, Dad? I thought it was a closed hearing. Bob: Just to the press. But your mother and I will be there to support you. Does that surprise you? Chris: No, no. I'm just -- just nervous, I guess. Bob: Rightly so. Chris: So much is riding on this, Dad -- my career, reputation of the hospital, future funding. Bob: Hey, take it easy. You're making me nervous. All you got to do is look them in the eye, tell them the truth. Good luck. Tom: Thanks. Chris: This isn't just about me. If you love him as much as I do, you'll win this thing, all right? Tom: All right. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Susan: Hi. You read -- Emily: Hi! Casey: Hey. Susan: Hey, Casey! I didn't expect to see you here. Casey: I was on my way to court, uh, but I heard the hearing was closed, so I came to see Emily to see if I could still get in or not. Susan: Oh. Well, your dad would know that. Why didn't you ask him? Casey: He's busy. Emily: You know what? Casey's not the enemy, Mom. He's gone out of his way to help Alison. So, let's go. Let's go. Casey: Yeah, yeah. Emily: Go. Yeah. Alison: I'll meet you in there. [SCENE_BREAK] Tom: Counselor -- moment, please? Bonnie: Of course. Tom: I think it's time that we put our cards on the table. Bonnie: Or our pornography, as it were. Tom: We're prepared to use this. Bonnie: So I was told by my client. It's improper of you, Tom. You never should have gone to Alison. You should have come to me first. Tom: Well, I am sorry for that, but we do need to deal with this. Bonnie: Yeah, you know what? And your father shouldn't have gone to Lisa. He had no business going to my godmother, trying to get her to persuade me to resolve this case. Tom: And I agree. Bonnie: And your brother shouldn't have locked Alison in a room, trying to intimidate her. Tom: Look, we're all just trying to avoid this ugly situation. Bonnie: Good. Let's avoid it. So, uh, we will take a cash settlement, an apology, and Alison's reinstatement to the nursing program. Tom: Or we can all just walk away, because that is my offer. Bonnie: No, thank you. Tom: You're obligated to take this to your client, as well as the new information. Bonnie: Oh, I'll do that. But thank you so much for confirming to me that your brother has something to hide, because I cannot wait to see what that is. [SCENE_BREAK] Aaron: Did you think about the favor? Chris: Yeah. Yeah, I did. I decided I don't owe you a damn thing. Aaron: Think about what you owe Alison. Don't use that video. Chris: Alison, this shouldn't be happening. Alison: Then you shouldn't have made it happen. Emily: Casey, you can't sit with me. Go sit with your family. Casey: Not if I don't agree with what my dad is doing. Emily: Casey, go sit with your family. Casey: No. Kim: Uh, Casey, uh, your grandfather and I have saved a seat for you. Casey: Thanks. Kim: Emily, uh, I think maybe you should be a little more careful about the things you write in your tabloid. Emily: Huh. Just reporting the truth as I see it, Kim. Kim: Well, in that case, you should have your eyes examined, because at this rate, you're gonna be at the wrong end of a lawsuit. Emily: Bring it on. Kim: Be careful of what you wish for. Bailiff: All rise. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Did I get it right? Luke: Yeah. That's exactly what I wanted. You didn't forget. Noah: No, not a thing. Luke: Um, you want to sit with me for a little bit? Noah: I should probably get back to work. Luke: What's going on? Cop: I'll wait for you outside. Luke: What was that about? Noah: I'm not sure. He wants me to answer some questions. Luke: About what? Noah: I'm not sure. Luke: Noah, the cops can't just come in here and haul you down to headquarters without an explanation. Manager: You're being arrested? Noah: No, no, no. It's nothing like that. I'm just -- I just have to take off a few hours. Manager: You're leaving me in a bind. Noah: Well, I'll come back as soon as I can. Luke: Let me go with you. Noah: Please. Luke: Sorry. [SCENE_BREAK] Bonnie: As head of the nursing program, is it your policy to allow students who have missed exams to reschedule? Brenda: Quite the opposite. My view is, there are no second chances where our patients' lives are concerned. Thus, the same standards should be applied to my nurses and their studies. Bonnie: And yet, you allowed Alison Stewart to take the test that she missed. Brenda: I did. Bonnie: Why? Brenda: Because Dr. Christopher Hughes urged me to do so. Bonnie: Oh, so you do admit that he did influence you? Brenda: In that case, yes. Bonnie: Okay, but not when he had you drop Alison Stewart from the nursing program? Tom: Objection. It has not been established that Dr. Hughes urged Ms. Manning to do anything of the sort. Judge: Sustained. Bonnie: I'll withdraw the question. Reserve the right to redirect, your honor. Judge: Of course. Mr. Hughes, your witness. Tom: Ms. Manning, did you kick Alison Stewart out of nursing school because of Dr. Hughes? Brenda: Absolutely not. Tom: Your honor, with your permission, I'd like to submit a document into evidence. Judge: What is it? Tom: Alison Stewart's latest grade report. [SCENE_BREAK] Cop: We thought you'd want to have these. Noah: These are my dad's. Cop: They washed ashore back in New York. Noah: This is it? I mean, you didn't -- you didn't find his body? Cop: No, but Colonel Mayer has been declared officially deceased. Tom: Did you prepare this report on Alison Stewart's grades? Brenda: I did. Tom: How was she doing? Brenda: "Ds" and "Cs." Tom: Well, was that considered average for a first-year nursing student? Brenda: Well below average, I'm afraid. Tom: Then why did you drop Alison from the program? Brenda: Because she was failing, pure and simple. And for that reason, I made the unilateral decision that she would never make a good nurse. Tom: No more questions. Bonnie: Were you a straight-"A" student in nursing school, Ms. Manning? Brenda: As a matter of fact, I was. Bonnie: So please, tell us about the doctor/nurse working relationship. Do nurses have to listen to doctors? Brenda: Of course. Bonnie: Obey them? Brenda: Follow orders. Bonnie: So, on what day did you make your unilateral decision that Alison Stewart couldn't cut it in the nursing program? Brenda: I believe it was May 29th. Bonnie: Is that the day right after she passed her exam? Brenda: Yes. Bonnie: Wow. Not the day she got a "D" in Anatomy or a "C" in Basic Health? Brenda: I was hoping she'd improve. Bonnie: But she showed no improvement on her exam. She barely even passed. Brenda: That is correct. Bonnie: And yet, you graded those tests, and you didn't toss her out. You let Alison and everybody else believe that she was gonna continue in the nursing program. Brenda: A misjudgment on my part. Bonnie: Which you corrected on the afternoon of May 29th. And why is that? Did you have a conversation with Dr. Chris Hughes that day? Brenda: But he didn't ask me to throw -- Bonnie: Did you discuss Alison Stewart's performance with Dr. Chris Hughes on the afternoon of May 29th? Brenda: Yes, I did. Bonnie: And you followed orders? Tom: Objection. Bonnie: Withdrawn. I'm done with this witness. I'd like to call Alison Stewart to the stand. Bonnie: Ms. Stewart, please characterize your recent relationship with Dr. Chris Hughes. Alison: We were friends. Bonnie: No more than that? Alison: We were sort of, um, headed towards more, but, um -- I'm sorry. Uh, could you please repeat the question? Bonnie: Were the two of you intimate? Alison: Not exactly. Bonnie: Okay. Was there any expectations that you were to become intimate? Alison: Yes. Bonnie: So, when those expectations weren't met, how did Dr. Hughes react? Alison: Uh, the first two times, he was, uh, pretty good about it, especially after I explained that, uh, the problem was mine, not his. Bonnie: Was there a third time? Judge: Ms. Stewart, answer yes or no. Alison: Sorry. Yes. Bonnie: And that day was? Alison: Uh, the day the nursing exam results were posted. Uh, I had passed -- barely. But I was happy about it, and -- and Chris was happy for me. So we went back to his place, and he wanted to have sex. Bonnie: But you refused. Alison: Not at first, but eventually, yes. Bonnie: So, what did Dr. Hughes do when you turned him down this time? Alison: He got mad, we argued, and I walked out. Bonnie: So, when was the next time that you saw Dr. Chris Hughes? Alison: The next day. Bonnie: At work? Alison: At my friend Aaron's house. He showed up there, and he was still mad that I didn't sleep with him. Even madder, I guess, because then, he had thought I had sex with Aaron. Bonnie: Well, did you have sex with Aaron? Alison: No. I let Chris think what he wanted to think, but I didn't sleep with anyone that night, or even since then. Not at all. Bonnie: So, was Dr. Hughes still angry when he left you that morning of May 29th? Alison: Yes. Bonnie: And what happened that same day? Alison: Brenda Manning kicked me out of the nursing program. Bonnie: No further questions. Judge: We will take a five-minute recess, and then we'll start with cross- examination. [Gavel bangs] Alison: How did I do? Bonnie: So far, so good. But listen, Alison. If they're gonna pull out that DVD, it is gonna happen now, so you cannot make this easy for them. Do not open that door. Alison: Okay. Aaron: Hey, you're doing great. Do you need anything? You need some water? What do you need? Alison: I'm just so glad you're here. Chris: She's lying, Tom. You should have seen her when I showed up. She was wearing nothing but Aaron's t-shirt. Tom: What difference does that make? Chris: Yeah, because if she didn't sleep with him, Tom -- Tom: Then what? Chris: Nothing. All right. It's -- it's nothing. [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: Noah? Noah: These are my dad's. He always wore them -- always. And they found them. Luke: I know. They told me. Come on. Let's get out of here. Noah: I have to get to work. Luke: No, no. You can call your boss and tell her what happened. Just come with me. [SCENE_BREAK] Tom: Are you a virgin? Alison: You know I'm not. Tom: How would I know that, Ms. Stewart? Alison: Because you're Chris' brother, and you know that a long time ago, I was engaged to Chris and pregnant with his child -- a child that we lost. So no, I'm not a virgin. Tom: So you slept with Chris before. You liked him before. Dare I say loved him? Alison: Yes. Tom: And on three separate occasions in recent history, you went into his bed and almost had sex? Alison: Yes. Tom: Well, do you make a habit of this -- going into men's beds and then turning them down? Or is this just some cruel game you played with my client? Bonnie: Your honor, relevance. Tom: Your honor, this is a classic case of he said, she said, resting on the credibility of these two people. The character of both of them is at stake here. Judge: I agree. Objection overruled. Aaron: What just happened? Bonnie: Tom just opened the door. [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: You want me to get you something? Water, coffee? I could make you some soup. Noah: No. I don't want anything. I saw my dad jump in the water, and when he didn't come up, I -- I knew he drowned. It just -- it never felt quite real. Luke: Well -- if the police are sure -- Noah: He's dead. If he were alive, he'd be wearing these. Luke: Well, at least you know it's over now. He can't hurt you anymore. Noah: What hurts is knowing that it didn't have to be like this. Maybe I could have saved him. Luke: How? By jumping in the water after him? Noah: No, by making things right with him! You know, maybe if I just had a chance to finally talk with him -- Luke: But you didn't, because of me. [SCENE_BREAK] Tom: So, you were afraid to have sex with my client why? Alison: I have intimacy issues. Tom: Have you ever had these problems before? Alison: In a way, yes. Tom: But they didn't always stop you from having sex, did they? Alison: No. Tom: Your honor, I'd like to introduce some evidence pertinent to these issues that the plaintiff says prevented her from having sex. Aaron: This is not even fair! [Gavel bangs] Hey -- Judge: I will have order in this courtroom! I'll have all the spectators ejected. Do I make myself clear? Bonnie: You are not helping Alison! Your honor, we apologize. Judge: Present your evidence, Counselor. Chris: No, wait. Wait. Chris: Don't use the DVD, Tom. Tom: So you want to lose? Chris: No. I want this case to go away. I -- I can't do that to Alison. Judge: Mr. Hughes, are you offering something into evidence or not? Tom: No. I apologize, your honor. It appears that the evidence is not relevant at all. I have no more questions for this witness. Judge: You may step down, Ms. Stewart. Ms. McKechnie? Bonnie: I have no more witnesses, your honor. Judge: Is that your case, Mr. Hughes? Tom: I call Dr. Christopher Hughes to the stand. So, did you ever use your influence or position to affect Alison Stewart's career? Chris: Yes, I did. Tom: Well, what did you do? Chris: Alison missed a test for the nursing program, and I asked Brenda Manning to give her a makeup exam. You know, I wouldn't have butted in, but I believed she'd be a good nurse, and I thought she deserved a break. Tom: So, you asked Ms. Manning to make an exception for Alison? Chris: I asked. I never told her she had to. Tom: Did Ms. Manning ever discuss Alison's failing grades with you? Chris: Yeah. Sure, she did. Tom: We -- make that sound so normal. Chris: Well, for months, Alison's been working at Memorial as a nursing aide. It made sense for Brenda to come check with me, get a feel of how her class work stacked up against her patient care. Tom: So, what was your personal opinion of Alison Stewart's abilities? Chris: Truthfully, I still think she'd be a good nurse. But her grades -- I mean, you saw. And in the end, I had to leave it up to Brenda, and she decided that Alison didn't belong in the program. I can't tell you how sorry I am about that. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: What are these? Luke: You're the film buff. You tell me. Noah: "Road to Perdition" and "Godfather." Fathers that do bad things. Yeah, I got it. What's your point? Luke: You didn't see this one. Noah: "Luke and Dad"? Luke: Damian Grimaldi, my birth father. Noah: You don't talk about him very much. Luke: Well, when I was a -- a kid, he, uh, kidnapped me to get some thugs off his back. And when I came out, not only did he try to de-gay me, but, uh, he lied to me and told me he was dying to get me to go back to Europe with him. Noah: He wanted your trust fund. Right. Luke: Yeah. And I've watched those movies thousands of times. And in them, I can see how much he loved me, and I can see all of the fun times we had together. But as hard as I try, I can't see the part of him that wanted to sell me out. I can't see the greed, and I can't see the cruelty. Noah: It's not the same as with me and my father. Luke: Why not? Look, I know that you have very, very complicated feelings about your father, and I don't blame you for trying to find some good in him. But, Noah, whatever the Colonel was, you're not that. You don't have to polish your father's image to keep it from reflecting badly on you. Look, you are a good, decent, loving man. Noah: But I'm still his son. Luke: So what?! Evil's not genetic. Your father was an angry, isolated person. You don't have to be that. You deserve to be loved. [Noah sobs] [SCENE_BREAK] Bonnie: Were you upset when Alison refused to have sex with you? Chris: After we took off most of our clothes and got into bed together? Yeah. Of course I was. It's the third time we'd been through this, and it's not like we hadn't slept together before. Bonnie: And after that, you lost your temper when you saw her with another man. Chris: I'm not proud of it. I'm human. I was hurt. Bonnie: So what did you do about it? Chris: Absolutely nothing. Bonnie: And at work? Chris: I went back to work, yeah. Bonnie: You sought out Brenda? Chris: No. I ran into her. Bonnie: Mm-hmm. So, who brought up Alison? You or Brenda? Chris: I honestly don't recall. Bonnie: But you were still angry at Alison. You thought she had betrayed you. Chris: None of that changed how I felt about her potential as a nurse. Bonnie: So, exactly what did you say to Brenda Manning about Alison that day? Chris: Over the years, you know, Alison and I -- we've done hurtful, careless things, but that never stopped us from wanting the best for each other. Even now, you know, when she's suing me, I -- I still think she'd be a wonderful nurse. And that's exactly what I told Brenda Manning. Judge: Ms. McKechnie? Bonnie: No more questions. Tom: Defense rests, your honor. Judge: We will take a brief recess while I consider my decision. [Gavel bangs] Emily: Hey. Whatever happens, I want you to know I'm very proud of you. Alison: Thanks, Emily. Emily: Hey, I got to check in with the office, okay? Hang in there. [Emily goes into the hallway and Casey kisses her] Emily: Ca -- Casey! Are you crazy?! Stop it! Casey: What? Emily: Both of our families are here. My God! Casey: I can't help it! My dad didn't use the movie! I told you he wouldn't. Tom: Well, he did plenty of damage without it. [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: How do you think it will turn out? Bonnie: Uh, we might lose, or we might not. I don't know. Alison: Not what I was hoping to hear, Bonnie. I want to win. Bonnie: For them, or for you? Alison: Both. More them, though. Actually, for her really. I've always had this way of disappointing my mother. Bonnie: Look, Alison, you are somebody. You can't worry about your mother's expectations or your sister's accomplishments or even what Chris Hughes has to say. Alison: But he said he thought I'd be a good nurse. Bonnie: Alison, he said that here. Do you really think he said that to Brenda Manning after he saw you with Aaron? Alison: I don't know. [SCENE_BREAK] Judge: The purpose of this hearing is to determine if Ms. Stewart's case has merit, if Memorial hospital, through the person of Dr. Christopher Hughes, impeded Ms. Stewart's studies and her career by engaging in sexual harassment. I find that Ms. Stewart has indeed been treated unfairly. Dr. Hughes improperly asserted his authority by interfering in Ms. Stewart's studies, and ergo, her career. I would expect a doctor to have better judgment. At the same time, plaintiff was a willing participant in this relationship, and she seemed to have no trouble accepting -- favors from the defendant as long as he was giving them out. Did Dr. Hughes intentionally sabotage Ms. Stewart's studies? There is some evidence to indicate that he did. But there is yet another fact to consider here. In spite of any help she may have received, Ms. Stewart never achieved the expected standard of performance. Ultimately, it was Ms. Stewart's own limitation that caused her to be terminated from nursing school. Therefore, I must find in favor of the defendant. [Gavel bangs] Emily: It's me. Don't put the paper to bed. I want to add something to the front page -- an editorial, 1,200 words on sexual harassment and the abuse of power. And I want a picture of Chris Hughes as big as you can get. Casey: I'm gonna go to "The Intruder" with you. Emily: Yes. No, the judge ruled in favor of Hughes, but we're not gonna mention that, are we? Casey: Ready to go? Tom: Hey, hey. We're heading over to the Lakeview to grab something to celebrate. You want to come with us? Casey: Sorry, but I already have plans. Tom: Oh, okay. Uh, all right. Then I'll see you later. Emily: What are you doing? Go with your family? Casey: No, I'm gonna come with you. I know -- Emily: No! Would you stop?! Stop, okay?! Casey: What? Emily: Your family's already ticked off at me as it is! I don't need -- just go with your family, please. Alison: I'm sorry, Mom, if I've disappointed you. Susan: You didn't! You didn't. Alison: Just -- I wanted to do something important with my life. Susan: And you will. I know you will. Oh, listen. Let's get out of here. Let's go eat something really decadent and delicious. Come on. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: I have to get back to work. Luke: No. You just had a really traumatic experience. They can get someone to cover for you. Stay here. Noah: Luke, being here doesn't feel like home anymore, okay? It does for you. You belong. You have roots here. But for me, it just reminds me that I don't belong anywhere. Luke: Yes, you do. You belong with me. Noah: My father died hating me because I was gay, because I couldn't be what I wanted. Luke: But you can't help being who you are. Noah: Yeah, but the thing is, I don't think I can be what you want either. [SCENE_BREAK] Bob: Casey, some champagne? Calls for a toast. Casey: What are we celebrating? The fact that the powerful Hughes family knocked down a poor, defenseless girl? Whoopee! Tom: Hey, you know, why don't you watch yourself? She accused Chris of doing something that he didn't do, and he has every right to defend himself! Kim: The truth is, Tom could have put her through much worse on the stand than he did if he'd wanted to. Casey: Yes, that's one way of looking at it. But the other way is even though you didn't take up her past, Alison still got nailed. She can't be a nurse. So, like, working at the hospital's gonna suck, and she has you to thank for it. Chris: Whoa! Casey, if that's the way you feel, maybe you shouldn't be here. Casey: You're right. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: What are you do -- what are you doing here, Casey? Casey: Chris kicked me out of his party. Emily: Oh, God. What did you do now? Casey: I spoke the truth, which obviously, he couldn't handle. I did say, uh, nice things about your sister, though. Do I get to have, uh, sex for that? Emily: You have got to stop making waves with your family, Casey! We are barely staying under their radar as it is! Go home! Go home and make nice with your dad. Casey: Maybe later. You need me right now. Emily: What for? And don't say sex. Casey: No. You need me to tell you that you did the right thing. Emily: I don't know about that. I mean, Ali lost the case. Casey: But she kept her dignity. Emily: Well, her dignity doesn't mean squat if she falls off the deep end, Casey, and starts using drugs again. No, you know what? I sh -- I shouldn't have pushed her. Casey: No, you're wrong. Emily: Where are you going? Casey: To lock the door. [SCENE_BREAK] Bob: Well, it's too bad that Casey didn't stay with us, but, uh, let's be positive. Thank God we won that case. If it had gone the other way, it could have been devastating for the hospital. Kim: Well, Chris was absolutely honest and aboveboard, and it paid off. Bob: There's a lesson there, isn't there? Kim: Oh, sounds like a lecture -- Chris: It's all right, Mom. I'll never make that mistake again. I promise you that, Dad. Kim: Well, do us all a favor and promise not to get mixed up with the Stewarts again. [SCENE_BREAK] Susan: Come on. Let's just go someplace else. Alison: Why bother?! It's a small town. I'm gonna be bumping into Hughes's left and right. Aaron: Yeah. You -- you might as well get used to that. Susan: No! No. We don't need the indigestion. [Pager beeps] Oh, that's me. Alison: Do you have to go? Susan: Complications with one of my patients. I'm sorry. I -- I feel terrible about leaving you like this. Alison: Its okay, Mom. You were there for me today, okay? Thank you. Kim: Honey, have a good evening. Chris: You, too, Mom. Love you. Kim: Love you, too. Chris: Dad. Kim: Bye, Sweetheart. Thank you so much. Tom: You're welcome. My pleasure. Congratulations. Chris: Thanks for everything, Tom. Tom: All right, Buddy. Aaron: You know, Chris is probably still in there. Are you ready for that? Alison: To tell you the truth, I was only going to dinner to make my mom happy. There's nothing to celebrate, and -- and I don't really want to talk about it anymore. Aaron: I mean, I can take you home. I could take you on a ride in my bike. Whatever you want. Alison: No. You know, I kind of want to be alone. Do you mind? Aaron: As long as you're not planning on sitting around, being depressed. You did a great job today. Alison: Yeah. But it didn't make a difference. The judge was right. No matter what Chris did or didn't say, I was flunking out of nursing school. Chris Hughes didn't ruin my nursing career. I did. Aaron: Are you sure you're gonna be okay? Alison: Yeah. I'm just gonna go wash my face, and then I'm gonna take a really long walk. Aaron: And if you run into Chris? Alison: I'll keep walking. [SCENE_BREAK] Casey: What's up, Baby? Emily: You know what I could use right now? Casey: Name it. Emily: Someone to hold me close. Casey: Come here. I'm sorry. Emily: You're sorry? What for? God, Casey, you've been wonderful. You -- you are one of the finest men I've ever known. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Luke, I can't talk about this anymore. I just -- I just want to work. Luke: Okay. Then I'll make this quick. You keep trying to break up with me, and I keep trying to find a way to get back into your life. But that's gonna end today. I'm not gonna stalk you, and I'm not gonna pressure you into anything that you don't want to do. Noah: Well, I appreciate that. Luke: But just because I'm not following you around, it doesn't mean I'm not thinking about you. Noah, I'm always gonna love you. So, if you ever need someone to -- to talk to or to not talk to, just -- just someone to be with, find me. [SCENE_BREAK] Chris: I didn't think you'd want to be in the same bar with me. Why are you in the same bar with me? Alison: I was feeling depressed, and I started doing that -- that addict thing. You know, wondering how I could score. 'Cause I've had such a bad day and everything. Chris: Ali -- Alison: But then I saw you, and something clicked for me. I've changed. I'm not that same girl in that movie, because I have worked like hell not to be. And one day, I'm gonna go back to school and I'm gonna do well, because it is important to me. Chris: For you. Alison: But you -- today, tomorrow, next week, next year, you will still be the same spineless, dishonest coward, Chris. And that's never gonna change, but it's just who you are. Chris: Another. [SCENE_BREAK] Announcer: On the next "As the World Turns" -- Jack: I like you. I had fun with you. But I don't want to do this if it's about making Brad jealous. If it is, just tell me now, and I'll be on my way. Winkie: Welcome to Camp Chapawee's annual talent extravaganza! And I got a feeling it's going to be a very special night. | Luke tells Noah good-bye but makes it clear that he will always love him and if he ever needs him for anything he will always be there for him. |
245 | Natalie: Good morning. John: You sleep? Natalie: I couldn't. I spent all this time thinking you were dead. When I saw your face with those bandages off, I promised myself that I wasn't going to stop looking at you. John: It can't be a pretty sight. Natalie: It is to me. I'm looking at you. I'm talking with you. These are things I thought I'd never get to do again. John: You cry on me, the nurses won't like it. Natalie: It's good to see that you haven't changed. Still hate weepy women? John: Not this one so much. Natalie: I love you. John: I love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Nash: Hi. Need a spot? Cristian: Got it under control, thanks. Nash: All right. Yeah. Takes a lot of control to drop the weight. Cristian: You come here to hassle me, man? Nash: You know what? Your brother and I found a way to come to a truce. Maybe it's time you and I did the same, huh? Cristian: Why would I want to do that? Nash: Because we have something in common. Cristian: Oh, yeah? What's that? Nash: Jessica. [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: Muchissimo gracias por todo. We had a wonderful time. Jessica: We especially enjoyed the terrace. Man: Are you heading home now? Antonio: Ahem. No, no. My -- my wife and I are going to go see Rincon. Man: Enjoy. Antonio: Thank you. Man: I'll let you know when your car arrives. Antonio: Gracias. [Antonio sings in spanish] You are going to love Rincon. Jessica: Hmm. I am loving everything about our honeymoon. Antonio: Me, too. I wish we could make it last forever. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Spit it out, Balsom! What's the big news? Why are we Brady Bunch here? Rex: Because this concerns all of you. Marcie: Well, what could Michael and I possibly have in common with Todd Manning? Rex: The baby you guys adopted, Tommy, is Todd's missing son. Todd: Hey. You left early this morning. Blair: Oh. I was going crazy sitting around the house. I stopped off at the diner and had some breakfast. I'm dying to find t what Spencer's lawyer has up his sleeve today. Todd: What did the doctor say about your headaches? Blair: I didn't have the appointment. It was postponed. Todd: Who postponed it, you or him? Blair: Now I know why Starr gets so angry when we ask her questions all the time. Todd: Starr gets angry when she knows she's done something wrong. Have you done something wrong? [SCENE_BREAK] Nora: That's unbelievable. Michael, you -- you must be overjoyed. Michael: Misidentifying that body was probably the greatest mistake of my life. Nora: Yeah, well, those mistakes are easy to make. Are we sure that it's Hugh that's dead? Michael: The body's been exhumed. We ran D.N.A. tests. Nora: Oh, God. Paige -- she just found him. She must be devastated. Well, we all are. Yes. We get wonderful news about one person, and then -- you ok? Evangeline: Yeah, I'm ok. Nora: You sure? Evangeline: John is alive. And it's a miracle. And I feel terrible about Hugh. But to have John back -- Nora: It's a lot to take in. Evangeline: Yeah. Nora: So -- ok, I need you to be honest with me now. Are you going to be ok to do this? Because I can step in. Evangeline: I know you can. But, Nora, you gave me a job to do, and I'm going to do it. Michael: How do you think Hugh would feel about the fact that you're going after his father for murdering my father? Evangeline: He knew, before the accident. He put the case together. Michael: Really? Nora: Besides, Hugh never thought of Spencer as his father, despite the relationship Spencer may have wanted. Evangeline: I wonder how Spencer is dealing with his son's death. Michael: Hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Marcie: Michael, stop, now. Tommy is Todd Manning's son? Michael: Todd and Margaret Cochran's baby? No. Rex: I'm sorry. Todd: Thanks for taking care of him. I'll take it from here. Marcie: Don't you touch my son. Michael: You stay away from Tommy. He's ours. Todd: Not anymore. He's Todd Manning II now. Michael: Rex, this would be a very good time to tell me that this is all just a big joke. Rex: I wish. Michael: I'm telling you, we will fight you on this. Rex: Do you really want Tommy in the middle of a court case? Todd: Against me? Michael: I'm sorry, Marcie. Marcie: No -- Michael: We don't have a choice. Marcie: Wait -- Todd: He's me now. Hey there, little Todd Manning II. You can forget about everything you've learned from these losers. Marcie: No. Todd: I'm going to teach you everything you know, so you can become exactly like me. Marcie: No. No, no! No! No! Michael: Marcie, Marcie -- Marcie: No! [Marcie cries] [SCENE_BREAK] Bailiff: All rise. Judge: Please be seated. Mr. Casey, are you ready to present your case? Mark: I am, your honor. The defense calls its first and only witness. Dr. Spencer Truman. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: So, the defense presents their case today. But Evangeline's done an amazing job. I mean, I'm -- I'm quite sure she's going to get a conviction. John: I wish I could be there. Natalie: Yeah, we all do. But at least you're here. You know, John, I thought that you were gone. I'd have these dreams about you and me about our life together. And then I'd wake up. I never felt that empty before. Tell me this is not a dream. John: It's not a dream. Natalie: I wish I could touch you. John: Me, too. Natalie: So, are you up for any more visitors today? John: That depends. Natalie: How about your mom? John: Definitely. Natalie: Good. Actually, she said that she would actually be here by now, so let me go call her and find out what's keeping her, ok? Just rest. Vincent: Oh. Heads up. Natalie: So sorry. Vincent: No need to apologize for that smile. Would you look at -- so I guess that means we got John in there. Natalie: That's right. Vincent: Hey, that's great. Natalie: Yeah. Thank you. Thank you so much for bringing him back to me. Vincent: Hey. Stop it. There's no need to thank me. Natalie: Are you kidding me? I mean, you -- you were the one who figured out that it was him. And -- and you came to me about it, and you put up with my crazy antics of me trying to prove it. And you kept me from going to jail for grave robbing. Vincent: Well, you know, that's a small price to pay to see you smiling again. Natalie: I thought I'd forgotten how, so thanks. [SCENE_BREAK] Bailiff: Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Spencer: I do. Judge: You may be seated, Dr. Truman. Mark: Dr. Truman, why did you kill Thomas Mc Bain? [SCENE_BREAK] Cristian: So we have Jessica in common. What's the big deal? Nash: All right, look, we got to find a way to get along. Cristian: Why? Nash: Brennan, for starters. Cristian: You mean, Bree. Nash: I mean the beautiful little girl who doesn't need to pay the price for her family's feud. Cristian: Yeah, well, how'd you find out about Jessica and me? Nash: Well, Llanview loves gossip. Gossip has it, she was your first. And you were hers. Cristian: So you're wondering how she ended up with my brother. Nash: Nope. Stuff happens. You still think about her? Cristian: That was a long time ago. I've moved on, so has she. Nash: Yeah? How? Cristian: What's it to you? What, you having problems getting over her? [SCENE_BREAK] [Latin music plays] Antonio: Anytime now. Jessica: First -- Antonio: Ok, you're a hard habit to break. Jessica: Huh, I know. So do you have the rental car vouchers? Antonio: No, I gave them to you, remember? Jessica: No, I don't remember, but I guess if you were kissing me at the time, I would have been distracted. Antonio: Yeah, well, I promise to keep my hands to myself while you look for them. Jessica: Fine. That's a promise I hope you don't keep. Ok, ok, ok. Um -- Well -- Antonio: Nice. Jessica: Nothing in here looks like a voucher. Antonio: No, it looks like you could have thanksgiving turkey in there. Jessica: Ooh, great. I'm so glad I married a man with a sense of humor. Ah, voila. Antonio: Oh. Look. Jessica: Oh, I love that picture. I carry it with me everywhere. She's so beautiful. Antonio: Oh, just like her mother. Jessica: I love her little smile and the way she falls asleep and her head tilts to the side. Antonio: I love the way she smiles at Jamie. It's like total trust. Jessica: I know. They just love each other. I wonder if she knows how much I love and miss her. Antonio: Absolutely. Jessica: I'm sorry. Antonio: Baby, it's ok. You're entitled to miss your daughter. Jessica: I do, I miss them both. I just didn't think I'd miss them this much. Antonio: Do you want to go home? [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: Todd. What are you doing here? Todd: Todd II's birthday. Rex: I know. Todd: And he wanted to come by and thank you. Thank you for bringing him back to me. Rex: You're welcome, Todd -- I mean, Todd -- Todd II: It's Todd II, you idiot. Rex: Ow! Agh! You little -- Todd: Well, Todd II, what did I tell you about kicking people? And dogs and hamsters? Rex: You're happy now, right? Blair's accepted Tommy-- I mean, Todd -- Todd II: It's Todd II. Todd: Oh, boy. Yeah, everything was good until the incident. Adriana: "The incident"? Todd: Yeah. Chip off the old block got behind the wheel of my hot rod. The little bugger likes fast cars just like his old man. Adriana: Well, he didn't drive it, did he? Todd: Briefly. Blair tried to stop him. The whole thing was her fault, really. Rex: What happened? Todd: Well, Blair stood in the middle of the road, and Todd junior just -- he just ran her over. Adriana: Oh, my God. Is she ok? Todd: No, she didn't make it. Adriana: Oh, my God! Todd II: Accidents happen. Rex: No -- no -- no -- [SCENE_BREAK] Spencer: No. I didn't kill Thomas Mc Bain. And why the hell are you asking that question? Mark: The question offends you? Spencer: Well, let me put it this way -- what reason would I have for killing a man who I didn't even know? Especially a police officer? Mark: You know the reason. Evangeline: Your honor, is that a question? Judge: She's right, Counselor. Are you looking for a mistrial here? Mark: Absolutely not, your honor. My client's life is at stake. I'm just asking for a little leeway in questioning him. Evangeline: Leeway? This is your witness. Your honor, he's making a mockery of this court. Mark: That's not my intention. There's a rationale behind these questions, your honor. Judge: Very well. But if you cross the line, Mr. Casey, I will hold you in contempt. Mark: Understood. Dr. Truman, do you know a man names Asa Buchanan? Evangeline: Objection. Relevance? Mark: I'll prove relevance. Judge: Go ahead. You can answer that question, Dr. Truman. Spencer: Yeah, sure, I -- I know Mr. Buchanan. Mark: Now, isn't it true that the only reason you came to Llanview in may of last year was to destroy him, and his family, because you believed yourself to be his long-lost son? Spencer: What are you doing? You're supposed to be defending me! Mark: And didn't you recently find out that you, too, had a son? Spencer: So what? Mark: And wasn't he recently killed in a car crash before you ever got to know him? Spencer: What kind of questions you asking? Whose side are you on? Mark: I'm on your side, Spencer, but I need to clarify a few things for the jury. Evangeline: Objection! Judge: Sustained! Stick to questions, Mr. Casey. Mark: All right. Um -- let's get back to Mr. Buchanan. You hate him, don't you? Spencer: Huh. Mark, listen -- Mark: Just answer the question. Do you hate Asa Buchanan? Spencer: Yes. Mark: Because you believed that he got your mother pregnant and then threw her away like trash. He threw the both of you away, didn't he? That's what she told you on her deathbed, isn't it? Spencer: Yes. Mark: She said he threw her away, got her pregnant, ruined her life, and that it was up to you to make him pay for it. Spencer: Yes. Mark: But as it turns out, Asa Buchanan isn't your father, is he? Spencer: His sons say no, I'm not. Mark: The D.N.A. test says, as well. Now, doesn't the fact that you're not related to the Buchanans make your mother a lying whore? Spencer: You son of a bitch. Judge: Order! Order! [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: I'm really sorry. Vincent: For what? Natalie: For Hugh. I know he was a good friend. Vincent: Yeah. I wish it could have had a happier ending. But, hey, at least a good thing came out of this. Natalie: Yeah, I know. I can't seem to stop smiling. Vincent: Hmm. And I'll bet you John's smile is just as big. Not that I've seen John smile before, but -- Natalie: Oh, stop. Vincent: Has he said anything about -- my visits? You know, back when I thought he was Hugh? Natalie: Well, John really hasn't said a whole lot since he's come out of surgery, but I'm assuming you're referring to when you told him that I kissed you. Vincent: I only said something because I thought he was Hugh. Natalie: Yes, I know. But I also td you that it didn't mean anything. But you know, I'm -- I'm sure John probably doesn't even remember you telling him. Vincent: I should go tell him. Natalie: No. If anything, I'll tell him. Vincent: You need backup? Natalie: I'll be fine. Vincent: Hey, you know what? You need to get back in there with John. Natalie: Yes. Vincent: Ok? Natalie: Thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for coming. Thank you. Vincent: Hey, the pleasure's mine. Always. [SCENE_BREAK] Adriana: Rex, I feel just as bad as you do about Blair, but her death is not your fault. Rex: I don't care what he said -- that monster ran her down on purpose. Adriana: And he may still have been a monster if he had stayed with Michael and Marcie. He can't escape his D.N.A. Rex: Well, what about Starr and jack? They're Todd's kids, too. Adriana: And they could have turned out just like Todd did. Rex: But we'll never know, will we, because of what Todd did to them. Adriana: I don't even want to go there. Look, all that matters is Michael and Marcie are safe. Rex: Do we know that for sure? They moved out of Llanview because of me. Adriana: They started fresh. I bet they have dozens of kids by now. Rex: You're right. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't people throw out their garbage anymore? Marcie: Hey, buddy, leave it alone! This is my house, you jerk! Adriana: Marcie? Rex: No. Marcie: Not a pretty picture, is it? Rex: No, you and Michael moved out of Llanview. Marcie: Yeah. We moved out of Llanview. It turns out we couldn't have kids. Michael started drinking. He lost his medical license. He disappeared. I spent all the money I had looking for him. I lost everything because of you! Adriana: All he did was tell the truth. Marcie: Yeah, which leads to my current career choice -- living outside of a cardboard box. Thanks a lot, Rex. Thanks for ruining my life! Adriana: No! Rex: No! [Rex pants] Adriana: Rex, what's wrong? [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: So your mom said she'll be here in a few more hours. She told me to give you a kiss for her, but I know it's going to have to wait. John: Who says? Natalie: You are so bad. Natalie: Vincent stopped by. You know he and Hugh were college friends. So he's pretty -- pretty upset. Do you remember Vincent coming by to visit you when he thought you were Hugh? John: Yeah. Natalie: So I guess you remember him telling you that I kissed him? John: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] [Judge pounds gavel] Judge: Quiet. Dr. Truman, that's enough! Sit down! I will have order in this court! Spencer: Shut up about my mother! You know nothing about her! She was a good woman! Mark: She lied to you. She told you Asa Buchanan was your father. Spencer: She did not lie to me! Evangeline: Your honor, objection. Mark: But he's not your father. The D.N.A. proved it. Judge: Mr. Casey, one more word out of you, and I will hold you in contempt! Mark: She betrayed you, like all the other women in your life. Paige Miller, Blair Cramer -- Spencer: You're wrong! Judge: Mr. Casey -- Evangeline: Your honor, please. Judge: I find you in direct summary contempt! Mark: How does it feel to be lied to over and over again? Judge: Bailiff, arrest him, now! I hope you brought your toothbrush with you, Mr. Casey. Officer: Calm down. Spencer: It's all your fault. Why did you lie to me, Ma? Why did you lie to me? [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Of course I don't want to go home. Antonio: Honey, but you just said you miss Bree and Jamie. So do I. Jessica: Well, you just said you wanted this honeymoon to last forever. Antonio: Well, and it can -- back in Llanview. Jessica: Oh. How can it? I mean, you have to go to work, you have to take Jamie to school, change Bree's diapers -- Antonio: Are you going to be there? Jessica: Of course. Antonio: Sounds like a honeymoon to me. Jessica: Oh -- Man: Ahem -- excuse me. Antonio: Oh. Man: The car's here. Antonio: Thank you. Ok. So? What do you want to do? Jessica: I don't know. What do you want to do? Antonio: Well, I want to do whatever makes you happy. [SCENE_BREAK] Nash: I have no idea what you're talking about. Cristian: So you're not trying to get over Jess? Nash: Tess. Not Jess, Tess. Tess. Cristian: Right. And you think I wrote the book on how to get over someone? Nash: Well, come on, you're with Evangeline now, right? You were with Jessica, you're with Evangeline. How did you get over Jessica? Cristian: I fell in love with someone else. Nash: Hmm. Easy. I'll do it. Cristian: Look, you don't want to know the truth, you don't have to listen, man. Nash: No, come on, it's just, you know -- it's a small town. You know, who else is out there? Cristian: Well, there's -- there's Claudia. She's into you. Nash: Hmm. Claudia's a little high maintenance? All right? Cristian: Tell me what woman isn't. Nash: Yeah. Cristian: Hey, you know what? There's -- there's Layla. Nash: Evangeline's sister? Cristian: That's right. She's not with Vincent anymore. Nash: Oh, great. I can be the rebound guy. Cristian: Do you want to move on or not? Nash: All right. Cristian: Are you sure you want to get over Tess? Nash: Yeah. Cristian: You're not convincing me. [SCENE_BREAK] Adriana: God, they sound horrible. Marcie attacking you -- Rex: Todd's little demon child running over Blair. Adriana: They were dreams, Rex. Rex: Well, they could come true. Adriana: Come on. You don't live in a horror movie. Rex: Well, it could turn into one. You know that Michael and Marcie would be devastated. Todd isn't any kind of role model for a kid. Adriana: Well, neither was my mother, but I turned out ok, right? Rex: The best. On the other hand, she didn't raise you. Adriana: True. So you're going to keep this secret about Tommy. Can you live with that? Rex: I don't know. Adriana: Hey, what are you going to do? Rex: I need some fresh air. Maybe the answer will come to me. Remember your prayers from convent school? Adriana: Of course. Rex: Well, then say one for me. [SCENE_BREAK] Spencer: Why did you lie to me, Ma? I did everything you asked me to. I tried to punish the Buchanans for you. I said I know I didn't do a perfect job, but I tried. I tried everything I could. Then why did you lie to me? Blair: I'm -- I'm not your mother, Spencer. Spencer: Did you kill my son? Are you punishing me for my failures? Did he die for my sins? Evangeline: Your honor, please. Judge: You'd better explain, Mr. Casey. I can have you taken to jail right now. Mark: Isn't it obvious, your honor? My client has suffered a complete psychotic break. The man's not fit to stand trial. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Please, let me explain this kiss. John: Please don't. Natalie: John, I have to. You need to know the truth about this. I was having a really bad day. I was upset about you. And then I had to go try on these bridesmaids dresses for Jessica's wedding. I mean, everybody was talking about it. And I was trying really hard to pretend like I was into it, but I was missing you. And I felt like I was losing you. Like your -- your memory. And I know this sounds crazy, but I just -- I had to get away. I had to try and find you. So I went -- I went to your rooftop. But you weren't there. And I've been there alone before. Itust -- it never really felt that empty. Vincent showed up. And I just grabbed him, and I kissed him. But I did it because I was trying to bring you back. Which I couldn't, because you were here. How much do you hate me? John: I don't hate you. I -- I need extra morphine, but I don't hate you. Natalie: Hmm. I'm sorry for kissing Vincent. I promise, it didn't mean anything. John: Don't worry about it. Natalie: I thought you were dead. John: I know. You and me -- we're alive. And that's all that matters. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: Marcie? Woman: Can you spare some change? Rex: Buy yourself a meal. Woman: God bless you. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Oh, a psychotic break? [Judge pound gavel] Todd: I'm sorry, your honor, with all due respect, that is a load of crap. [Pounds gavel] Todd: He's -- he's acting! Blair: Come on, Todd. Todd: This is staged. Judge: Sit down! Spencer: Davey, it's ok. Don't be angry. Todd: Oh, bravo, Dr. Truman. Bravo. [Pounds gavel] Todd: He's become an actor. Judge: Sit down! Blair: Come on, Todd, behave. Todd: I'll behave when he behaves. Evangeline: This is obviously a performance intended to sway this jury. Mr. Casey never even hinted he intended to pursue an insanity defense. Mark: That's because I didn't know my client was insane until now. Spencer: What? Bastard does not! Evangeline: Oh -- Spencer: You will go with me! Evangeline: Please. Your honor, this is ridiculous. Judge: Mr. Casey, you asked for leeway in questioning your client. Mark: Your honor -- Judge: That shows me that you knew what you were doing, sir. Mark: Your honor, I suspected he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, but I honestly didn't believe he would snap like this. Evangeline: He didn't snap. You coached him. Spencer: What? Bastard does not! Evangeline: Listen to this. Mark: Come on, he's not a performing seal, counselor. Evangeline: Obviously. Mark: And the man belongs in a sanitarium, not on trial for murder. Todd: Evangeline, he's lying. [Judge pounds gavel] Michael: Come on, your honor, this man killed my father! [Pounds gavel] Evangeline: This is disgustingly low, even for you. Judge: Quiet! I'm calling a recess and, Mr. Casey, that will give you time to find a qualified doctor to examine Dr. Truman. Officers. Officer: Take it easy. Second officer: Come on. Let's take him out. [SCENE_BREAK] Nash: Hmm. You cannot choose the one you fall in love with. No, you can't. I didn't choose to fall in love with your mom, but I did. And now, no one even comes close to her. Well, there's one. But she's not an option. [Knock on door] Oh. Hmm. Let's see who that is. Let's see who that -- [SCENE_BREAK] Adriana: Hey. I was starting to worry. Rex: I needed a lot of fresh air. Adriana: Did it help? Rex: Tommy is staying with Michael and Marcie. Adriana: So you're not going to tell Todd the truth? Rex: Not if he held me down and pulled out my fingernails. Adriana: What made you decide? Rex: A bunch of things. Todd just wants to possess his kid. But Michael and Marcie genuinely love him. Adriana: Well, Todd does love Starr and jack very much. Rex: And look at what it's put them through. Adriana: Well, going to prison wasn't his fault. I mean, he didn't kill Margaret, and the baby obviously is alive. Rex: But everyone thought it was a possibility because of who he is and who he'll always be. Adriana: Ok. Well, what if Tommy grows up to be exactly like Todd, despite Michael and Marcie? Rex: What, you mean genetically? I have Roxy as a mom. You're stuck with Dorian and Manuel Santi. We both turned out ok. Adriana: Better than ok. Yeah, I don't know what kind of person I would be if Dorian had raised me. Rex: God knows what would have happened to me if Roxy hadn't placed me with my aunt. So I have to believe that Tommy is in better hands with Michael and Marcie. You're the farthest thing from a liar, so this is going to be really hard. But I can't keep quiet unless you back me up. I hate asking you this, but will you keep the secret, too? [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Sorry. Marcie: It's ok. So what'd you think of Dr. Truman's performance? Todd: Exactly what you said -- it was a performance, mm-hmm. Blair: Yeah, well, if it's so obvious, why is it taking all afternoon for the judge to reconvene? Marcie: Well, they said they had to find a qualified doctor to examine him. Todd: "Qualified" -- guaranteed Casey bought the best quack money could buy. Let's go in. Hey, Evangeline, any news? Evangeline: The judge was ready two hours ago, and the defense just asked for more time. Marcie: Do we have a plan b? Prove Spencer's faking it? Evangeline: Yeah, we've been working on it. Blair: What do you think Casey's up to? Nora: Trouble, as always. I'm going back to the office. Once you learn what he's doing, let me know, and I'll plan our counterattack. Evangeline: Be prepared for the worst. Nora: Yeah, I know. Bailiff: Take your seats. This session is about to resume. Blair: What's up now? Oh, great. Todd: Ah. Sir Laurence Olivier. Bailiff: All rise. Judge: Be seated. Mr. Casey, I am still holding you in contempt. Sanctions to be determined at the end of this trial. Mark: I understand, your honor. But I needed to show the court that Spencer Truman is not fit to stand trial. Judge: Can you prove it? Mark: I can. The defense would like to call its next witness. Dr. Marty Saybrooke. Blair: What? [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: What are you doing here? Vincent: The same as you, I suspect. I come down here a lot. Clears my head. Have you talked to John about what happened? Natalie: Yeah, I mean, I guess he understands. Vincent: Good. Natalie: Yeah. I mean, I wasn't sure that John would be John when he got out of surgery, but it seems as though maybe I've gotten a better John. He said he loved me. Vincent: Hey, that's great. Natalie: Yeah. He didn't say anything about this ring, though. I'm wondering if -- I don't know if he remembers that he was going to propose to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Thought I'd come by and give you an update on the Truman trial. John: Not good? Michael: The guy had a complete mental breakdown right in the middle of the thing. I swear to God, Johnny, the guy was faking it. Everybody else thought so, too. John: Surprise, surprise. Michael: Listen to me, John. This man is going down, and he is going down hard. John: Ok. Michael: So where's Natty? John: I sent her home. She needed to get some rest. Michael: Yeah. It's probably a good idea. You know, we all went a little crazy when we thought you were dead. Natalie, especially. Do you -- do you remember anything else about the accident or what happened before? John: Like what? Michael: Like planning on proposing to Natalie when you got home? I was just wondering. I mean, you still want to marry her? [NEXT_ON] Bailiff: Do you swear to tell the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help you God? Marty: I do. Michael: Planning on asking Natalie to marry you, or you're having second thoughts, huh? Man: Hey, Tess. Jessica: I don't remember you. Man: I remember you, real well. | His head lolls around like a toy dog in a car window, and he just can't seem to get his eyes off the ceiling |
246 | Zach: Whoa. Someone's getting bounced off the boards. There seems to be a lot of hostility on the ice. Kendall: Ahem. Spike, will you please tell your dad I'm not speaking to him right now? You see, I asked him to help Aunt Bianca, but he said no. Zach: Will you please tell your mother that helping someone and interfering in their life is not the same thing at all? Kendall: Ahem. It's not interfering when you try to help your sister from becoming involved with someone who can clearly hurt her. Zach: Mm-hmm. See, there, that's your mom -- always assuming the worst. [Kendall sighs] Kendall: Spikey, I'm being realistic. Zoe is not what your Aunt Bianca needs right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: Oh, hey. Zoe: Hey! Congratulations. I heard Krystal had a baby. Babe: Yes! It's official -- I'm a big sister. Zoe: How are they? Babe: Beautiful and little Jenny looks just like Mama. Hey, is it true what they say about caffeine being a substitute for sleep, because I seriously did not close my eyes for a second? Zoe: Well, that makes two of us. Help me, Babe. Help me stay strong. Babe: What is it? Come here, sit down. What happened? Zoe: Oh. I told my secret admirer that we were over before we even started. Babe: You're not giving Bianca a chance? Zoe: I can't -- for her sake. Please, Babe, help me do what I need to do. [SCENE_BREAK] Bianca: Whew -- is Zoe here? Josh: Good morning to you, too, sis. Bianca: Oh, sorry. I need to talk to her. Josh: She left for work already. Bianca: Oh, damn it. I was hoping I'd catch her. Josh: She told me what happened last night. Bianca: You mean the rain all over my big, romantic dinner? Josh: I'm sorry, Bianca. Bianca: She just turned me down. I mean, everything was going great and then -- done, over. Josh: Well, maybe she just wasn't comfortable. Bianca: I was just asking for a couple of dates, see where it went -- not a life partnership. Josh, you got to help me. Help me persuade Zoe not to shut the door completely. Josh: It may be too late for that, Bianca. Zoe's leaving Pine Valley. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Thank you for coming with me to this convention. Sean: Yeah, it beats Calculus. Lily: Hi -- Lily Montgomery, Cambias industries. Thank you. I don't know anyone here. Sean: Well, that's why I'm here. So, when do I rip off my clothes and streak through this techno-nerd convention? Kidding. Lily: Can you help me find out if someone's lying to me? [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: Ava Benton, B as in bravo -- booked on a commercial flight to LAX. Check all ticketed passengers. Jonathan: Morning. Di: I'm sure Ava's having a grand time in LA, but what happens to her when the money you gave her to leave town runs out? Jonathan: Di, I will protect Lily. Di: And who's protecting Ava? That girl needs help, Jonathan, not a shove out the door. [SCENE_BREAK] [Ava hums as she emerges from the shower at the Valley Inn] Ava: Ahem. Ava: Not bad. Can't even see a bruise. [Knock on door] Waiter: Your breakfast. Ava: Yes! Thank you. Waiter: How many people? Ava: Just me. Haul it in anywhere -- I don't care. Oh, my -- Erica: Lily? What are you doing here? [SCENE_BREAK] Zoe: My transition will take months -- scratch that, years -- and I just don't know what I have to offer. Babe: But if Bianca is willing to take this ride with you, why are you pushing her away? Zoe: Well, because Bianca's so very special to me. She deserves 100% love and support, and I'm just afraid I'm going to mess it up. It's all about me -- you know, my transition, my issues, and I -- it's not fair. It's been all Zoe all the time. I'm annoying myself. Babe: First off, you're not annoying, and second, Bianca wouldn't be around if she didn't want to be. Zoe: I've just asked so much from Bianca from the day that I met her -- for love, support, and understanding. Babe: Ok, but why -- why is that a bad thing? Zoe: I don't want to hurt her. Babe: You are not giving her enough credit. Bianca is way stronger than you think. [SCENE_BREAK] Bianca: Zoe can't be leaving. Josh: She talked to her new manager this morning. Bianca: But she lives and works here. Her doctor, her therapist, her support group -- they're all here. Josh: Yeah, I know. She's going to London to do an album -- apparently, she's already started. Bianca: Wow! She didn't say anything about that. When did she make this decision? When is she leaving? Josh: I don't know. I didn't hear a date but it sounded like soon. Bianca: Did I push her into this? Josh: Look, Bianca, maybe what the two of you need is some space. Bianca: You want her to leave? Josh: Well, it wouldn't be the worst thing -- Bianca: For us to be apart? God, you are just like Kendall. Can't you see that Zoe is good for me, transgender or not? Josh: This has nothing to do with transgender. Bianca: Oh -- so you're telling me that if she were just your average lesbian, you would -- you would also want her gone? Josh: Someone has to bring you down to earth about all of this. Bianca: About what? About finding somebody I like and want to spend a little more time with? Josh: Ok, Zoe didn't seem to get through to you. I guess it's my turn. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Aunt Bianca doesn't like your mom telling her what to do. Kendall: Well, Spikey, when you have a little brother or a little sister, you will do everything you can to help them, too. Zach: And when you have a little brother or a little sister, you will let them make their own decisions, same way that Bianca needs to make a decision about Zoe. Kendall: Hmm. Yes, well, Aunt Bianca needs time and distance before she can make any decisions. Zach: Why don't you tell your mom that you want Bianca to stay, because you want to play with Miranda? Oh, and tell your mom to mind her own business. Kendall: Spike, can you tell your dad to stop using you to get to me? Zach: Oh, come on, Mom. Look how cute I am. Just kiss Dad -- he's rugged and handsome. You guys should make up, because I am starving! Come on. Feed me. Kendall: Ugh. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Well, listen, I -- I got you a room here for as long as you'd like. Barbara: This really isn't necessary, Jack. Jack: I insist, and I will have your other stuff brought over, ok? Barbara: Jack, you don't have to do this. Look, it was one night. It happens, Jack. We're both adults, we could live under the same roof. Jack: But Lily won't live under that roof if you're there. I'm not going to lose my daughter over this. Barbara: What about my son? I came to Pine Valley to spend more time with Sean. Jack: You can spend more time with Sean and not live in the same house. Hi, I'd like you to -- I'd like you to meet my guest, Barbara Montgomery. Man: Good morning, ma'am. Barbara: Hi. Jack: Hi. Listen, anything you need, Anthony here will take care of it for you, ok? Barbara: Ok, thank you. Jack: Great. Thank you. Have a good day. Barbara: Jack, what -- what if this was, like, a temporary -- [SCENE_BREAK] Sean: So, who's lying to you, Lily? Lily: Well, I've met with Aidan twice to find my look-alike, and he says he hasn't found her yet. Sean: Well, people searches can take some time. Lily: But when he told me that, he looked away and his voice was different. He's never done that before and -- and voice changes and looking away can indicate that someone is hiding something from you. Sean: Well, what can I do? Lily: I need your opinion. Sean: Well, I -- I don't really know Aidan that well. You know, maybe you should ask his girlfriend or Tad Martin. Lily: But you're really good at lying. Sean: Excuse me? Lily: Maybe you'd be good at seeing if someone else is lying. Can you please go talk to Aidan and see if he's lying about my potential relative? Sean: Well, why would he lie? Lily: Maybe he's lying for the same reason that Jonathan lied to me -- to protect me. But it doesn't work -- it doesn't protect me. It's a bad plan, because when I found out he lied, it really hurt me a lot. [SCENE_BREAK] Jonathan: Don't you think that you're going a little far in Ava's defense? Di: Someone has to -- she's got no one. Jonathan: Di, the girl plays hooker to scam money from guys. Di: She's desperate. Jonathan: So desperate that she tried to steal your jewelry. Di: I swung around a pole to make a living, so I guess that excludes me from your judging committee. Jonathan: You didn't break any laws. Di: You did. Do you want everyone to judge you from your sketchy past? I don't think so, Jonathan. Jonathan: Can we leave this on Ava, please? Di: Yeah, yeah. She needs someone to hold on to, to ground her. Family could do that for her. Jonathan: Or she could take that entire family under with her. Di: You know what? Finding Dixie helped me. Ok? It gave me a place to belong. Now, Ava has got a right to meet her sister just like I did. I got to spend time with Dixie, even though she's gone. I got to see myself in her, Jonathan. I got to change my life around. Jonathan: Family isn't always great. You want to use me as an example, that's fine. Look what I did to Ryan when I first came to town. Because you have a sibling out there doesn't mean it's going to be a guarantee that that's some great event. Di: I don't think Ava's going to go around blowing up anybody in a cave. Aidan: Ava never boarded that flight to LA. Jonathan: What? I give her cash and a plane ticket, and she snows me. This is who you want in Lily's life? Di: You deserve to be snowed. Jonathan: Is Ava still in town? Aidan: That's what I'm afraid of. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: Lily, are -- are you all right? Honey, why are you staying in a hotel room? Did something happen at home? It's Barbara, isn't it? You couldn't stand to stay in the same house with her. Oh, I don't blame you. Waiter: Ahem. Mrs. Lavery, could you sign? Thank you. Erica: Lavery? You're using Jonathan's last name again? Oh, of course. I know what's going on here. You're using your married name so nobody finds you. You're hiding. Oh, honey, I am so sorry. I am so sorry that Barbara is so difficult. [Erica sighs] Erica: You know what? You stay here, you enjoy your breakfast, and don't worry. I'll take care of everything. [SCENE_BREAK] Zoe: No one thinks they're going to be hurt at the beginning of a relationship. Babe: Ok, you would never hurt Bianca intentionally, and if something were to happen, if something went wrong, she can stand up for herself. Zoe: Why would I go into something that I knew could go wrong? Babe: No one knows what's going to happen in a new relationship. That is part of the fun, and besides, if you ask too much of Bianca, she'd let you know. Zoe: Bianca gives so much already, to everyone -- to her mother, to her cranky sister, and to her silly brother and to her little daughter and to the Miranda Center and to her friends and to even people that don't deserve it. Babe: Yeah. And I'm one of those people. There is no reason that Bianca should've ever forgiven me, but she did. Zoe: I think you're easy to forgive. You should've seen how Bianca reached out to J.R. at your funeral. I was awful to him, but she deserves to get some of that goodness right back. Babe: So give back. Bianca wants a chance with you. Give her that chance. [SCENE_BREAK] Josh: You and Zoe told me not to push Babe, that she was going to have enough going on with J.R. and her family. Maybe you should take your own advice. Bianca: Zoe wants to be with me. Why does this have to be so difficult? Josh: Bianca, Zoe's going to be going through a lot of therapy. There will be times when she won't know what she wants. She's going to have reactions to the hormone treatment -- mood swings, body image issues, possible depression. This is not going to be easy. Bianca: All the more reason why I should be with her. Josh: Look, relationships are hard enough trying to make them work, let alone trying to change your life while you're going through it. Bianca: Ok, so I should just forget about Zoe? It's too difficult -- done, over? Josh: You might want to do just that. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: Well, Barbara. I didn't realize they let just anyone into this hotel. [Barbara chuckles] Barbara: Upset that Jack booked me a fabulous suite? Erica: Didn't take long for Jack to come to his senses and kick you out. Barbara: Well, actually, I insisted on leaving. Oh, yes, I did. I do care about Jack, but he's a little needy sometimes -- all those phone calls during the day and the knocking on the door at night. I'm just not getting my sleep, so I had to come here. Erica: Right. Barbara: Mm-hmm. Erica: Well, you do get that sleep, and keep on dreaming. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Lily has a half sister. Aidan: Denny Benton had another daughter -- Ava Benton -- and she was actually here in Pine Valley last night. Jonathan: Yeah, Di thought it'd be a good idea to bring a streetwalker into our home. Di: You, of all people, should believe in second chances. She's not really a hooker, Jack. Jonathan: Yeah, she's more a thief. Di: Jonathan paid her to leave town last night. Jonathan: Yes, I did. She's bad news, Jack -- stealing, lying. Who knows what else? Jack: Ok. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. Where is this woman now? Aidan: We don't know. Di: Whose fault is that? Jonathan: Maybe we should've let her steal your jewelry. Jack: Aidan, what's your take on all this? Aidan: Ava Benton is -- she is a challenge. [SCENE_BREAK] [Ava gasps] Ava: Here he is. How do you always know exactly when I need you? Anthony: The laptop you requested, miss. Ava: Oh, you're the greatest -- you know that. Anthony: The front desk still hasn't heard from you about your credit card. We need an imprint of the card -- you said it was in your luggage. Ava: Oh, right. Um -- well, I still haven't found it yet, but I gave a call to the credit card company, and they said that they were going to be giving me one right away. Anthony: I have already bent the rules for you, miss. Ava: I know that, and I thank you very much, and I will repay you anything. Anthony: You will let us know when you receive it? Ava: Of course. The minute I get it, I'll be straight down to your office. Anthony: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: If Ava met Lily, who knows what would happen. Maybe it would be a good thing, maybe it would be a disaster. Jack: Well, Lily doesn't know that Ava's been here or that they're half sisters, right? Aidan: Only that we're looking for her. Jonathan: Ava could be anywhere in town. Di: Or she could've taken Jonathan's cash and be long gone. Aidan: She is a wild card. Jack: A sister -- I still can't get over it. Di: Oh. Aidan: What do you want me to do, Jack? Do you want me to track her down again? Do you want Lily to meet Ava? [SCENE_BREAK] [Ava uses the computer to search for information on Erica Kane Montgomery and Who's Who in Pine Valley] [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Ok, talk to Aidan and see if you think he's lying. If you think he is, then I can come up with a plan. Sean: I'll check him out. I'm not sure how much help I'll be, but -- Lily: You can go see him after this conference, ok? Erica: Hey, Sean. Lily -- I just saw you upstairs in your room. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Wow! Oh, my goodness, let me get the nose! Let me -- yes. You have made quite a -- quite a mess. You did a good job. Zach: What are you talking about a mess? Look at this. Come here. You just couldn't see it in the light, but this is a work of art. We should wallpaper the new kitchen with it. Kendall: Spike thinks that's a really lame idea. Zach: Spike told me he wants to hang signed hockey jerseys all over the living room. [Kendall sighs] Kendall: Spike has taste. Zach: Are you talking to me right now? Kendall: You know what? Uh -- Spikey, come here, my little monkey. You need to tell your daddy that you're just tired, you're just as tired as could be. Right? Zach: Oh, whatever. Kendall: You know, your dad is good, but there's no way he's going to break me. Right? Zach: Oh, God! [SCENE_BREAK] Zoe: If I give Bianca a chance, I'm just afraid that she won't get very much in return. Babe: You can give just as much to Bianca as she can to you. Zoe: Not quite. Bianca's the only one with a woman's body. Babe: She knows that. She sees you. Zoe: What if this is all she ever sees? Babe: Aren't you going through transition? Zoe: I don't know how far I'll go. I might never have a woman's body. [SCENE_BREAK] Bianca: There are things about Zoe that you will never understand. I can. I know what it's like to live a secret, to give the other side a chance, and to realize that it's completely wrong for you. Josh: Well, this isn't just coming out, Bianca. You didn't have surgery. Your body didn't change. Bianca: When I came out, I could finally look in the mirror and recognize the person I saw. Josh: Yeah, well, you could identify with any transgender person you met. That doesn't mean that it's a good idea for you to be with Zoe right now. I mean, you could get seriously trampled in the process. Bianca: So I get hurt -- it happens. What's wrong with giving her a little support and understanding during the hardest time of her life? I'm just asking for dinner. Josh: Yeah. Bianca: Maybe rent a movie -- I'm not talking commitment ceremonies or a moving van. Josh: Do you really think it would be that easy to keep things casual? Bianca: Zoe and I have something. We owe it to ourselves to figure out what that is. We'll never know if she just shuts me out and I give up and walk away completely. Josh: You think I don't know what it's like to want to love someone, to want to take care of them? What do you think I've been doing for the past year? Bianca: Babe's heart was somewhere else. Josh: Being pushed away sucks. It hurts like hell, and it's hard to accept. Bianca: You can't compare us. Josh: You have to accept what the other person wants. Bianca: You didn't accept it when Babe pushed you away. You fought like hell, you went to extremes. Josh: Yeah, and I made a lot of mistakes. It didn't get me any closer. Bianca: You convinced the world that she was dead, you were willing to drop off the face of the planet for her. All I'm asking for is a date. Josh: Oh, yeah. Yeah, you want more than just a date. Bianca: Let's face it, Josh. If you came up with another way to hook Babe, you would do it in a second. Josh: Oh, see, that's where you're wrong. I finally got the message. I've backed off Babe. [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: Is that what you want -- to keep your body? Zoe: This thing that I've tried to break out of for all these years? Babe: So why would you stick with something that makes you feel so uncomfortable? Zoe: Well, I've educated myself more on the whole process. I've read more books than I can count, and websites and my doctors and the support group. There's just so many factors that I didn't even think about. I may not respond well to the hormones -- physically or emotionally -- and that's before I even think about surgery. Babe: Can -- can you still be you without the surgery? Zoe: Oh, of course. Lots of transgender people transition without the operation. And the reasons are -- some are financial and some are medical and some are personal and -- a lot of people are just happy with a new name and a new wardrobe. Babe: And are you one of those people? Zoe: I don't know. There's just so many risks in surgery, so many complications that can happen. Babe: Well, even if you don't have the surgery, it can still work with Bianca. You are a woman -- with or without the equipment. Zoe: I talked to my manager this morning. I'm working on a new album in London -- I've actually already started. Babe, I'm leaving Pine Valley. Babe: Don't be a coward. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Hey! Gross. Whew. Kendall: A spider? Zach: Ah. Kendall: Right, ok -- you can take on the entire world -- Zach: Oh. Kendall: But you are afraid of a little spider? Zach: It was a good-sized spider, and -- Kendall: Yeah? Zach: It got you to talk, didn't it? Kendall: I hate you, Zach Slater. Zach: No, you don't. Come here. [Zach and Kendall grunt as they hug] Zach: I know you're concerned about your sister, but let the kids work it out. You know, you just -- you need to have a little faith. Kendall: Did you just tell me to have faith? Zach: Yeah, it's, you know, something Myrtle told me to work on -- faith. Have some faith. Kendall: Hmm. Ok. Yeah. Well, I -- I do have faith in Bianca, but it's Zoe I'm worried about. Zach: I know more about Zoe than you may think. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: I used to make all of Lily's decisions for her -- that didn't work out so well. Aidan: If you want me to find Ava, I will. Jack: How can I choose to cut someone out of Lily's life? Jonathan: Because Ava's never been in Lily's life, Jack. She's not going to miss anything. Di: No -- except the -- the chance to know her sister. Jack: When Lily first came to live with me, I made all the choices for her -- right up to the point that she chose to make a life with you. It scared the hell out of me. I mean, I -- and not for all the reasons you might think. Mostly, it scared me because I thought you were going to hurt her. Well, it turns out I was wrong about that, and I regret it. Di: Then let Lily choose. She wants to find Ava. Jack: You know, I was afraid we weren't going to get Lily back after that attack. But she did get better, thank God, but she was never the same again. She seemed to have to -- I don't know -- grow up faster than she needed to or something. I don't -- there's something about her that seems lost now. Jonathan: There has to be something you can do, Jack, that -- some therapy? Jack: She is in therapy regularly. But I think what she really needs is that human connection -- like the one she had with you, Jonathan. Di: See, Ava could be that connection for Lily. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: I -- I don't understand. Erica: I'll take care of the problem. Lily: Wait, what problem? Erica: The reason that you got a room here. Sean: Whoa -- hold on a second. Lily: A hotel room? Erica: Sean, I ran into your mom upstairs. Sean: Did you run her over? Erica: She's checked in. Sean: Wait, she -- she left Uncle Jack's? Erica: Yeah. So, Lily, you can check out. Lily: Do you know what Erica's talking about? Sean: My mom's a genius at rattling people. Maybe she got Erica confused, you know? Lily: Sounds like a bigger mystery to me. Barbara: Sean, um, may I have a word with you alone, please? Lily: I'll be back. Sean: No, Lily, don't go. Look, there's -- Mom, there's nothing to say. Lily: No, I need to be alone. I have a mystery I have to solve. Sean: Mom, make it quick. There's a session on computer viruses coming up. Barbara: Sean, what have you told Lily about me? Sean: I hate to tell you, Mom, but the world doesn't revolve around you. Barbara: You know that -- that Jack's thrown me out of the house? Sean: Well, did you think you were staying permanently? Barbara: How can you hate your own mother so much? Sean, I came here to make things right with you. Sean: Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. Look, Mom, stop using me to work Uncle Jack. You know that's why you're here. Barbara: I want my son back. Sean: Come off it, Mom. You and I both know I've never been a son to you. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily's voice: Number one -- Erica saw me upstairs in a room. Number two -- I haven't been upstairs. Number three -- I don't have a room in this hotel. Number four -- Erica couldn't have seen me upstairs. Number five -- Erica doesn't lie to me. Number six -- Erica must've mistaken me for someone else. Number seven -- who is that "someone else"? [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: "The happy couple with Mr. Montgomery's daughter Lily." Erica's Lily's stepmom? Sweet. [SCENE_BREAK] Barbara: How can you say that? I gave birth to you, Sean. Of course, you're my son. What kind of nonsense is this? Sean: You needed a bone marrow hookup for Molly -- that's the only reason you had me. Barbara: Oh, Sean, will you stop being so melodramatic? What you did for Molly was a wonderful thing -- you saved your sister's life, Sean. Sean: Yeah, once I did the whole donor thing, my job was over. You were done. Barbara: I love you. Sean: Dad loved me -- as a son. You didn't even try. Barbara: How can you say that? Sean, I have given you nothing but the best. I've given you the best clothes -- Sean: "The best"? "The best," Mom? You know what? It bothered me for a long time. It did, but I'm -- I'm done. Not anymore. You know what? Do us both a favor -- quit playing the family card, call it quits. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily's voice: Number eight -- see the room where Erica saw the other person. Number nine -- see the other person. Anthony: Any chance you found your credit card? Lily: Cred-- what cred-- uh -- you -- you need credit cards to pay for the rooms here, and you think I -- I should pay for my room. Anthony: I need an imprint. Lily: If -- if I give you my card, I -- I can get an extra key to the room, right? Anthony: That shouldn't be a problem. Lily: And -- um -- and my -- my room number will be on the receipt, right? Anthony: It will say "Room 416" on your receipt, yes. [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: Look, I understand that you've dealt with some drama since coming to Pine Valley -- coming out, murder charges, being attacked -- but through it all, you have been graceful and brave. Zoe: Oh the outside perhaps. Babe: Come on. You have found the courage to start your transition -- that is huge. Zoe: Oh, but it's not enough for Bianca. You don't go to bed with courage. You don't cuddle courage, you don't caress it. Babe: She wants something more than friendship, and you're afraid. You're giving up because you're frightened. Zoe: No, I'm being practical. Babe: You are never practical. Why are you turning your back on something that can be so wonderful? Zoe: Fear. I've never been so afraid of something before. Babe: Ok. Well, I have said my peace, but now I have to go see my mama. Zoe: I love you. Babe: Love you, too. [Babe sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Bianca: You're actually going to stay away from Babe this time? Josh: Well, I finally figured it out -- with some help. I can push and push and push. It doesn't work. You both have to want it to work. Bianca: Zoe said that I brought light into her life. She brought light into mine. I can't just watch that light go out. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: When we got back from Vegas, I went to Ethan's grave, and Zoe was there. Kendall: You didn't tell me that you saw her. Zach: Yeah. We came back, and I just -- I was thinking about all the stuff that my father did -- all those innocent people -- I didn't know where to put that. You know, I didn't know how to live with that. Kendall: And she helped you through that? Zach: Yeah. Yeah, she did. She saw through years of anger and pain, and she was compassionate and blunt and dead-on. Kendall: I didn't know that you guys were close. Zach: We're not close. It's not -- it's not that. It's just that she helped me that night, and I -- I see her differently now. Kendall: Well, I'm glad she was there for you. Zach: My point is if Bianca does get involved with her, then at least she'll have someone who's understanding and -- and will listen to her. [Phone rings] Kendall: That's good. Zach: Where we at? What are you talking about? No, he can't, no. No, you're going to stop him right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Zoe: What are you doing here? Bianca: I came to see you. Zoe: I was at work. You waited? Bianca: And Josh was here. We talked. Zoe: And? Bianca: He told me to let you go. Zoe: That's funny. I spoke with Babe -- she told me not to let you go. Bianca: So what do we do? [SCENE_BREAK] Di: Ava could fill that void in Lily's life, and Lily would do wonders for Ava. Jonathan: This is none of your business, Di. Di: And neither is it yours, Jonathan. Aidan: All right, guys, can I just -- can I be alone with Jack for a minute, please? Aidan: Jeez. [Aidan sighs] Aidan: What do you want me to do, Jack? Jack: I want you to find her. I want you to find her, bring her to me, and let me ask her a few questions, then I'll decide from there. [Knock on door] Aidan: Hold that thought. Erica: Aidan, hello. Jack. Jack? Your office told me that you were here. Jack: And here I am, but I'm kind of right in the middle of something, Erica. Erica: Why didn't you tell me that Lily was staying at the Valley Inn? [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: Hmm. [Ava answers a knock on her door and comes face to face with a stunned Lily] [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: The reason Lily is at the Valley Inn is because she's attending a convention there having something to do with her job at Cambias. Erica: She's taken a room. Jack: What are you talking about? I saw her at the house this morning. [Phone rings] Jack: Excuse me. Erica: Huh. Jack: Hello? Derek, what's going on? I'll be there as soon as I can. Erica: What, Jack, what's wrong? Jack: Alex Cambias, Sr. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Well, he can't do this, I won't let him do it, it's not going to happen. Kendall: Who? What? Who? Zach: I had a chance to kill the bastard, and I didn't take it. Kendall: What, your father? Zach: He might actually do it, he might actually get away with murder. [NEXT_ON] Tad (to Krystal): You and our daughter don't have a place to live. So, by all means, what's your next move? Colby (to Adam): I'm going to go live with Krystal and our baby. Adam (to Colby): If you go to them, I don't have a daughter. Kendall (to Zach): So then it's not over? Your father can terrorize us all over again. | Bianca hurries into Josh's apartment in order to catch Zoe before she leaves for work |
247 | Gwen: Honey, this has been such a nightmare. Ethan: Yeah, for everyone. Gwen: Thank god it's almost over. You know, just when you think Theresa has hit rock bottom, I mean, causing me to lose my baby, she comes up with this. Honey, posing as our surrogate, having my eggs implanted in her so she can use our child as some bargaining chip to get little Ethan back? Ethan: It was an act of desperation, Gwen. Gwen: Don't even think of defending Theresa, because what she's done affects our future, Ethan. It changes everything. Ok, and this is a new low for Theresa. This has gone above and beyond what I thought she was capable of. And we're not going to let her get away with it, ok? There is no way Theresa is going to give birth to our child. We're just going to have to get that judge to rule that Theresa has to have an abortion. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: What -- do you believe what Ethan and Gwen are pulling now? Fox: Well, you knew that they were going to do something, right? Theresa: Yeah. But this? I mean, first they take my son away from me, and then they adopt him, and now they're going to force me to abort this child. Well, you know, I can't let it happen. I'm going to fight them on this. I need this baby. It's the only way I can get my son back. [SCENE_BREAK] Chad: What? Is something wrong? Whitney: No, nothing's wrong. Everything is right. I'm so happy. Baby, I love you with all my heart. I'm so glad you're in my life. Chad: I'm glad you're in mine, too. Whitney: You know, you're the one person I know that's never going to let me down. Chad: Never. Whitney: And no matter what my mother does to tear my family apart, I know that there's no way she can ever come between us. She can't hurt our relationship in any way. Chad: Well, no one can, baby. I love you, Whitney. [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: What's taking Luis so long? He said that he'd be here as soon as he called. Antonio: I'm sure he will be, then. Sheridan: You know, he said that he had proof that what he said was really true, but he wanted to show me first before he exposed my father tonight at the dance. Antonio: Well, you want to know what I think? I think this is a total waste of time. Luis is doing nothing but grasping at straws, doing anything he can to try to get you back to him. Luis: Yeah, well, you can say and think whatever you like, Antonio, because I got Alistair nailed. Everything I need to bring him down, it's all right here -- proof. Alistair: So what I heard is true. Luis: Alistair. Well, you know what? Actually, I'm glad you're here. I want to see your face when I bring you down, because now I've got proof -- proof that you were behind that boating accident. You know, the one that nearly killed Sheridan? Nice. Your own daughter. And I've actually also got proof that you had Dr. Ackland brainwash her in the psych ward, you had him make her forget that she loved me. Here, Sheridan, why don't you take a look. Sheridan: Oh, my god. It's true. Luis is right. You tried to kill me. And you had me brainwashed to forget Luis. How could you do this to me? I'm your daughter! How could you do such horrible things to me? [SCENE_BREAK] Singer: I would hold the hand of the one who could lead me places and kiss the lips of the one who could sing so sweet, and I would fly on the wings of the bird I knew could take me highest, breathe in, breathe out you keep me alive, you are the fire burning inside of me you are my passion for life. [SCENE_BREAK] Whitney: I want to stay here forever. I feel so safe in your arms. Chad: You always will be. Whitney: And when we make love, it's like -- it's like all my problems disappear. Chad: You know, I wish we could stay, too, but we've got to get going to Theresa's hearing, and then I've got to set up for the Founders' Day Dance. Whitney: Yeah, I know we got a big day ahead of us. I definitely want to be there for Theresa, and she needs all the support she can get, you know? Chad: Well, I wish I could be there with you for the whole hearing, but after a while, I have to leave, go set up my equipment, get your record tracks ready. Whitney: No, I understand, and so will Theresa. Besides, we need the job. Chad: Yeah, it's a good-paying gig, considering it's one night. Whitney: Yeah, and it's very prestigious. I mean, the Founders' Day Dance is the biggest dance of the year -- and I get to sing. Chad: And you're going to be great. But I'd rather spend the whole day here with you. Whitney: Me, too, baby, but we really could use the money. Chad: I've already spent it. Whitney: You know, our lives used to be so simple, so happy, and now it seems like everything's going wrong -- I am overwhelmed, Theresa's problems with Gwen and Ethan, and my mother and Julian. But, you know, the one thing that I can count on, the one thing I know that will never cause me pain is you, my relationship with you. Thank god I have you in my life, baby. Chad: And you always will. Nothing can ever tear us apart. [SCENE_BREAK] Pilar: What's happened to make you think you're close to finding out your son's identity? Eve: Well, I don't want you to get upset about this, Pilar, but Luis got into Alistair's office and found a hidden safe and broke into it. Pilar: He...he what? Eve: Well, he was trying to find evidence to bring Alistair down, and he thinks he did on some cd-roms that he found in the safe. Pilar: Cd-roms? Eve: Well, apparently, there's all this information on the Cranes illegal dealings on the cd-roms, and it's very bad for Alistair. Pilar: Well, I know that Luis has always wanted to bring the Crane empire down. Eve: Looks like he's going to do it. Pilar: Ok, but what does all of this have to do with finding your son? Eve: Well, apparently, there's information about our son on one of the cd- roms, so when Luis decodes them and tells everything that's on them, then we'll know who and where our son is. Pilar: Oh, I pray that's true, Eve. Eve, what, what? You should be happy that you'll find your son soon. Eve: Oh, I am, Pilar. I am happy. It's just I'm very concerned for Julian because there's evidence on those cd-roms that can send him to prison, possibly for life. Pilar: Why should that concern you, Eve? He's been anything but an honorable man. He's broken the law. He must pay for his crimes. The terrible things he's done to other people -- he's hurt people badly, Eve. Eve: I know, Pilar. But Julian's not that terrible man that he used to be. He's changed. He's a better person now. Sometimes I look at him and he reminds me of that Julian that I used to be in love with. And he's been so good to me, Pilar. I don't think I could bear it if he were to go to prison, especially now. Pilar: Oh, my god, you still in love with him. You're still in love with Julian. [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: How could you? You tried to kill me, your own daughter! And you kept me from the man that I love. You're sick. Evil! Antonio: Sheridan, look, I told you, you cannot believe anything that's on those cd-roms. Luis is desperate here. And, look, he dummied those cd-roms up. I told you before, ok? Luis: Antonio, you're the one who's desperate. Antonio: You cannot believe anything you see on that. Look at me. I am your husband. I love you, and you love me. With him, Luis, he's just angry because he can't accept the fact that you chose me over him. Luis: Sheridan, look, it's all right, here, ok, all the proof you need. It's right here on the C.D.'s. Sheridan: My god. Luis: That's right. You were brainwashed. I'm the man you love. I'm the man that you've always loved. Antonio: Sheridan, he is lying. Everything out of his mouth is a lie. There is no proof. He faked every bit of this, ok? I'm the one you love. You're in love with me, your husband. Luis: Antonio, why don't you just give it up, ok? It's over. Antonio: I'm not giving Sheridan up, ever, and I'm going to prove to her that you're a damn liar. Sheridan: Look, stop it! Both of you, stop it! Father, I want the truth. I can't take this any more. No! Antonio: Sheridan, what is it? Hey, why do you look so pale? Sheridan: I can't keep on this way, Antonio. I have to know the truth. I have to know now. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: You sick bitch. Gwen: Oh, go ahead, Theresa. Go ahead, call me all the names in the book, why don't you. You know, why don't you just spit on my face? We all know you are a classless lunatic, including Judge Reilly. Theresa: You know what? Gwen, you're not going to get away with this. Gwen: Really? I'm not going to get away with this? Because Judge Reilly already thinks you're a nut job loser. You're volatile, you're unstable -- Ethan: Calm down, ok? Gwen: And when he hears of this latest stunt you've pulled, Theresa, you're going to be lucky if all he does is force you to abort this baby. You'll be lucky if he doesn't throw you in jail or some mental institution for the rest of your pathetic life, where you belong! Theresa: Just shut the hell up, Gwen, ok? Gwen: I hope he does. You belong there. Theresa: No, Gwen, how do you sleep at night? How do you look yourself in the mirror knowing you're to blame for this? Gwen: I'm to blame? Theresa: Yes, you took my child from me. Gwen: Wow. Theresa: Really, "wow"? You took my son, Gwen. You pushed me to this, and Judge Reilly's going to understand that. He's going to understand that I'm a mother desperate to get my child back. Gwen: Hmm, hold on to the waterworks, ok, Theresa, because that is never going to happen, just like you are never going to give birth to our child. I will see you in hell first. Bailiff: Excuse me. I'm sorry to tell you, but there's been a change in today's hearing. Gwen: What? Theresa: There's been a change? Bailiff: I have to get back to the courtroom. Gwen: Well -- great. Theresa: Maybe the hearing's been called off, you know? Maybe the judge is going to throw out this case. Gwen: You know what, or maybe Judge Reilly doesn't need to hear any more, Theresa. And why would he, ok, given your recent history, and the information that Ethan has filed with the court. He's probably already made his decision. Theresa: Nope. Gwen: Yeah, I'm sure of it. I am sure that he, being the fair man that he is, has ruled for us, ok? There's no way -- there's no way that you are going to give birth to our child, ok? He's going to make you have an abortion. You cannot and will not give birth to Ethan's and my child. Theresa: No he won't, Gwen. The judge is not going to rule against me. Gwen: Why not? He already has. He already has when he let us adopt little Ethan, and I am sure that he will rule in our favor. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: You wanted to see me, father? Alistair: So far, Luis hasn't notified the police or the feds about the information on those C.D.'s he stole from my safe. That could mean he hasn't decoded them yet, but we need to prepare for the possibility he will and how to stop him. Julian: The walls are closing in, yes? Alistair: Is that all you can say? Julian: What would you have me do, blow my brains out? Alistair: We'll see if you're so flip when they throw your sorry ass in jail. Julian: I've come to accept my fate, father. At least something good will come of it. Alistair: What the hell are you talking about? Julian: Eve will be reunited with the child you stole from us. Alistair: And won't that be touching? But not for you, Julian. For you, it will be tragic, you see, because Eve will want nothing to do with you once you're in prison. So you can sit in your lonely little cell and think of her with T.C. making passionate love with him, not you, night after glorious night. Julian: At least she'll be happy. Alistair: Good god, this selfless side of you is positively revolting, Julian. It isn't the way I raised you to be. Julian: No, you raised me to be a chip off the old block -- greedy, unconscionable, willing to do anything, to hurt anyone to get what I want. Alistair: Hmm, what s wrong with that? I never heard you complain when you were getting what you wanted, Julian. Julian: I was weak, father. I should have stood up to you sooner. My biggest regret is letting you get away with what you've done for so long. Alistair: No. Oh, no, your biggest regret will be turning on me, I assure you. Sam: Great. You're both here. Alistair: I don't believe we have an appointment, Chief Bennett. If you'll see my assistant, perhaps she can arrange one for you, but as you can see, I'm very busy here. Sam: Yeah, I know how much you value your precious time, Alistair. Trouble is it seems to be running out. Alistair: I have no idea what you're talking about. Now, if you'll make an appointment -- Sam: I don't need one. This is official business, and it can't wait. Alistair: Well, then spit it out. What do you want? Sam: I need to talk to both you and your son right now about your arrest. [SCENE_BREAK] [Hank groans] Hank: Still at the computer, I see. Luis: Yeah, we've bonded. Hank: You didn't sleep, did you? Luis: Couldn't. Too much is riding on me exposing Alistair's secrets at the dance tonight, especially what he did to Sheridan. The weird thing was yesterday, even after I showed her proof that Alistair was behind the boat explosion, she was just confused by it, you know? It was like she couldn't accept it. Hank: Yeah, who could blame her. You know, it's too horrible to even imagine. Luis: That's why I need more. I need more proof to show her what kind of a monster Alistair really is and what he's capable of. I'm going to prove that Alistair had Ackland brainwashed her in that psych ward. I know it's got to be on one of these C.D.'s. Once I do, I'm going to get Sheridan back. [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: I can't take this anymore. I have to do something. I have to find out the truth. Antonio: Don't tell me this is about those photos and documents that Luis showed you yesterday. Sheridan: I had nightmares about them all night long. I couldn't get it out of my head. Antonio: Look, Sheridan, look, I told you it's all a fraud. Sheridan: What if it isn't? You know, that cd-rom looked like the information that proved that my father was behind the boat explosion that almost killed me. Now, I have to confront my father to see if what Luis is saying is really true. Antonio: What Luis is saying is not true. He is lying to you, ok? Look, Sheridan, don't let him have that kind of power over you. All he's doing is trying to upset you, and you're falling for it. That's not good. Sheridan: How could I not be upset, Antonio? If Luis is right, then my father tried to kill me. And if Luis is right about that, then that means that my father tried to brainwash me, as well. Antonio: What are you saying? Huh? Do you believe what Luis is telling you? Is that it? You think that you're in love with Luis and not me? [SCENE_BREAK] Whitney: Hey. Theresa: Hey, guys. Thank you so much for coming. Thank you. Whitney: I'm so sorry we're late. Theresa: Oh, no, no, no, you're not late. There's been a delay, so it's fine. Whitney: A delay? What, is something wrong? Theresa: No, it's just that the bailiff came in, and he said there's been a change with the hearing. Whitney: What does that mean? Theresa: Well, I don't know. I mean, he wouldn't explain. But, you know, I'm just thinking, you know, what if the judge rules against me without even hearing my case? I mean, it's -- Whitney: Ok. Theresa: I need to relax, calm down. Whitney: Yeah. Bailiff: Sorry, folks, but it's been a hectic morning. Theresa: Yeah, well, you said something about a change? Bailiff: Yes, there is. Judge Reilly has taken ill. He won't be able to preside over today's hearing. Gwen: You mean there's not going to be a hearing? Bailiff: Oh, yes. The honorable Judge Ellis will be overseeing instead. You can come inside now. Gwen: Honey, this is not good, you know? I mean, at least Judge Reilly had experience with Theresa, and he knows how manipulative and crazy she is. Ethan: Don't worry about it. I'm sure Judge Ellis will be fair. Gwen: God, he'd better be. Theresa: You know what? I'm thinking that this is actually -- this is really, really good news because, you know, Judge Reilly, he never really liked me, right, and we think that he's in the Cranes' pocket, so maybe I have a better chance of winning with a different judge. Fox: Yeah, maybe, but I think the most important thing for you right now is to control that latin temper of yours, ok? Theresa: Ok. Fox: Just control yourself no matter what Gwen and Ethan say. Whitney: That's exactly right. I mean, whatever happens, don't let the two of them get to you, ok? Theresa: All right, I'm going to try not to, I promise, ok? I just -- I'm going to fight them with everything I got because I will not let Ethan and Gwen force me to abort this child. Ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Pilar: It's true, isn't it? You're still in love with Julian. Eve: Yes. Yes, it's true, Pilar. I've tried to deny that the feelings are there, but they are. Pilar: Oh, Eve. Eve: Oh, but how could I not love him, Pilar? How could any woman not love the man who loves her so deeply that he's willing to sacrifice anything for her, even facing jail? Julian wants the information on those cd-roms to come out so that we can find our son, because he knows how much it means to me. But finding our son is going to destroy his life, and he is still willing to make that sacrifice for me. Pilar: What about your husband? Eve: I love T.C., Pilar. I really do. You have to believe me. Pilar: I do. And that's what worries me. You're caught between loving two men, and that's a very dangerous place to be. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Well, I'm real glad to get the two of you together. Saves me a lot of time having to track you both down. Alistair: Make your point and get out. Sam: My point is that you are both screwed. I know about everything Luis found on those cd-roms, meaning I'll soon have enough information on both of you to put you away for a very, very long time. Alistair: Have you come to arrest us, Bennett? Do you have a warrant? Sam: Not yet. Alistair: Well, then don't waste my time, damn it. You can show yourself out. Sam: You must know the walls are closing in on you, Crane, so don't do anything stupid like plan some great escape, because I sure as hell won't let you slip out of what you got coming to you. Alistair: I asked you to leave my office. Sam: Not until you give me your passports, both of them, now! I'm going to make sure neither of you leave this country. [SCENE_BREAK] Whitney: I wonder where Rebecca is. Chad: I don't know. I figured that woman would be here in full force. Fox: Well, you know, my grandfather ordered her to help with arrangements for the Founders' Day Dance. Otherwise, you know she would've waddled in here by now. Whitney: Oh, well, that's a plus, right? I mean, not having to deal with Rebecca is always a good thing. Chad: Mm-hmm. Theresa: Well, my mom should've been here by now. Bailiff: All rise! In the case of Ethan and Gwen Winthrop vs. Theresa Lopez- Fitzgerald, we are now ready to begin the proceedings, the honorable Judge Ellis presiding. Judge: Take a seat, everyone. So I read over the motion -- a couple of times, in fact -- and I still can't believe it. In all my years on the bench, never have I seen a case quite like this one, and I honestly don't even know where to begin. But I will make a stab at it. Otherwise, we'll be here all day, and I'm sure no one wants that. Now, I can see that the petitioner Ethan Winthrop is also counsel, so perhaps we should start with him. Mr. Winthrop, why don't you present your case to us. Theresa: Excuse me, your honor. If I may have your indulgence before we start? Judge: Yes, well, what is it, Ms. Lopez-Fitzgerald? Theresa: I just wanted to remind the court that I'm here representing myself, and I was wondering if I might question Mr. Winthrop first. Whitney: Ok, what is she doing? Fox: I don't know. Judge: While that is highly irregular, Ms. Lopez-Fitzgerald, so is this entire case, so fine, I'll allow it. Gwen: What is that bitch up to? Judge: Go ahead, Ms. Lopez-Fitzgerald. You may begin your questioning. Theresa: Thank you, your honor. [SCENE_BREAK] Hank: I hear, if you watch the screen, it always goes slower. Luis: Well, it's going to take a while to decode these files, but by tonight I'm going to have everything I need. I already have enough evidence of Alistair and Julian's financial wrongdoings to put them in jail and bring down the whole Crane empire. Hank: But you want more. Luis: Yeah, you're damn right I do. This isn't just about business, it's personal. Tonight, I'm going to expose Alistair at the Founders' Day Dance. There's no way he's going to slip out of it this time. [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: Answer me. Do you think that you love Luis or me? Sheridan: No, no, Antonio, I do love you. I just don't know what to think about any of this anymore. I'm scared, I'm confused, and I need answers. Antonio: Don't we all. Sheridan: I need to go talk to my father. I need to find out the truth, and I need to do this now. Antonio: All right, I'm coming with you. Sheridan: No. No, I'm sorry, Antonio, but I need to do this by myself. Please understand. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Well, what the hell are you waiting for? I want your passports, now! Sam: Oh -- I'm going to need yours, too. Let's go! Alistair: Let this serve as a warning, Bennett -- Sam: A warning? Alistair: You may be smug now, but I still hold the power in this city. Sam: Oh, stop. You're scaring me. Alistair: You're making a dreadful mistake. Sam: You're the one who's making a mistake. You know, I've been waiting for this for a long time, and so has my father. He came so close to finding damning information on you, but you always managed to buy your way out. Well, guess what -- not anymore. Finally, at long last, there's going to be an end to the stronghold you've held on this town and everyone in it. Alistair: Your father was a whopping failure, and so are you. Even your own wife saw you for the loser you are and left you. And how is Grace, by the way? Europe is lovely this time of year, so romantic. She must be having a splendid time with David, a sophisticated, well-traveled man who can show Grace all the things you never could. Sam: Oh, shut up, Crane. Alistair: Yes, I'm sure Grace grew tired of being married to a man who could never measure up, a man who, like his father, never made much of his life. How bored she must have been, always stuck in the kitchen when she was married to you, whipping up those wretched tomato soup cakes. Sam: You bastard. Alistair: And now she's off making passionate love in all the most beautiful cities in Europe. [Alistair chuckles] Sam: Damn you, Alistair. [SCENE_BREAK] Pilar: You know I'm not judging you, right? I'm just concerned for your marriage. Eve: Oh, Pilar, I swear to you, I have never cheated on T.C. I have not broken my marriage vows. I wouldn't do that. I love T.C. And I'm committed to my marriage. Pilar: But you're in love with another man. Eve: Oh, Pilar, I've tried so hard to fight the feelings, and I just can't. It's so difficult. Pilar: Julian, too? Eve: Yeah. We just can't seem to stay away from each other. Pilar: See, that's what worries me. You say that you haven't been able to fight being near Julian, and I'm afraid eventually you won't be able to fight going to bed with him. [SCENE_BREAK] Alistair: Go on. Take your be s shot, Chief Bennett. My security will be on you faster than you can say "assault" -- or how about "police harassment," "brutality"? [Sam groans] Sam: You know what? I won't play your game, Alistair. Alistair: Perhaps not now. Sam: Not ever. You know what, game's over, ok? There's no way out, and I'm going to enjoy watching you go down. Sam: Oh, and remember what I said. Don't try slipping out of town, ok? All airports, train stations, and bus stations are under watch. You're not going to slip out of this one. No way. Julian: He's right, there is no way out of this. We're going down. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: What's happened to you, Ethan? Who have you become? Gwen: This is ridiculous. Ethan: It's all right. Theresa: You're certainly not the man that I always believed you were, the man who always cared so deeply about doing the right thing, a man who was always looking out for others. You've changed. When you turned your back on helping me and little Ethan, I was shocked. I couldn't believe that you would do something like that. And then, when you went through with the adoption -- I thought I'd seen your worst, but I was wrong, because now you're trying to force me to abort your own child. My god, Ethan. This child that is growing inside of me is your's and Gwen's baby. How can you just sit here and ask a judge to make a ruling to force me to get rid of it? How can you want me to abort your baby, Ethan? How? [SCENE_BREAK] Eve: I love T.C. I'm determined to stick by my marriage vows. My family means more than anything to me. Pilar: I know, as does mine. Which reminds me, I need to get to the courthouse, Theresa's hearing. Eve: Pilar, again, at the risk of repeating myself -- Pilar: I know, I have to avoid stress. But Theresa needs me, Eve. I have to be there for her. Eve: I know. I understand. It's just as your doctor, I feel it's my duty to remind you how serious your condition is. And I am trying very hard to get you into one of those clinical trial programs, but until I do, you're going to have to take it easy. Pilar: All right. I promise I will. Eve: And thank you, Pilar, for being so compassionate about my problems even when you have so many worries of your own. Pilar: Just be careful, Eve, all right, because your love for Julian -- it's dangerous. It could destroy your life, your marriage, and your family forever. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: How can you do it, Ethan? How can you force me to abort your child? It's your's and Gwen's. Please just answer me, how? Ethan: You have to understand something -- you crossed a line. You crossed a line ethically, morally as a human being, and what you did was beyond reason. Theresa: Ethan, nothing is beyond reason when it's about protecting your child, and that's what you need to understand. See, I am willing to do anything to get my son back. Ethan: Anything? Theresa, my god, you took Gwen's and my embryo and implanted it in you. I mean, why didn't you just let the surrogate go through with the pregnancy? Theresa: You know why -- to get my son back. Ethan: Here's what you don't know. Once Gwen and I had our own biological child, I was going to make sure that you got little Ethan back. Theresa: Well, that would never happen, Ethan. Ethan: I'm telling you the truth. It was always my plan. Theresa: Ethan, that may have been in your plan, but not your wife's. Gwen would never give me my son back. Ethan: Once we had our baby, course she would. She is a good woman. She would want to do the right thing. Theresa: You just don't get it. See, I had hoped the same thing. But I talked to Rebecca, and she told me that since both of you are little Ethan's legal guardians, that it would take both of you to agree to give me my child back and that Gwen would never let that happen, not in a million years. Ethan: What? Theresa: It's the truth. Gwen would never give me my child back, ever. Rebecca told me that. [SCENE_BREAK] Luis: Tonight's the night, Hank. I'm finally going to bring down Alistair Crane and get back the woman I love. Hank: I hope you're right, Luis. Luis: What? Well, you sound skeptical all of a sudden. You don't think I can do it? Hank: You know Alistair Crane as well as I do. He's not going to just sit back and do nothing. He'll do anything he can to stop you. Luis: Well, you know what? It's too damn late. I got all the information I need to bring him down, and it's right here on these damn discs. Hank: What's also on those discs is the proof that he tried to kill Sheridan, his own daughter. Luis: Yeah, so what are you saying? What, you think he's going to try and kill me again? Hank: Wouldn't even think twice about it. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: You know, I must admit, I never thought this time would come, yet here it is. A monumental day in history, to be sure, the day the Crane empire comes crashing down. Tell me, father, was it all worth it -- the hideous things we did, the pain we caused, the lies we told, the heinous acts we committed against even members of our own family? Where did it get us in the end? Alistair: Everything I have done has been for a reason. Julian: I've never doubted that. Alistair: And if you hadn't become such a righteous bag of wind, you'd see that. Julian: So what you did to Sheridan, your own daughter -- that was for a reason, was it? Alistair: Of course it was. Sheridan was the fool who brought Luis Lopez- Fitzgerald into our family's inner circle. Stupid girl. I'd always feared this very thing would happen, and sure enough -- Sheridan has always been absurdly naive when it comes to love. Julian: I used to think that, too, father, but now I realize that Sheridan is the only member of this family who didn't sell out. She -- she didn't devote her life to the pursuit of money, and power, and revenge, and all those wonderful things we Cranes are famous for. You see, Sheridan, whom you so cruelly and wrongly call stupid, is really the smart one because she followed her heart. Alistair: Oh, stop, please. I'm going to cry. Julian: I often wonder how different my life would've been if I'd have done the same. Alistair: Spare me your sob story, Julian. You've had plenty of women over your lifetime. You have not gone without. Julian: Only without the one I truly love. Alistair: Sentimental crap! And if you're referring to Dr. Eve, you're well rid of her. She was a mistake. Julian: Don't you dare say that. Alistair: You've made a mess of things, Julian. Julian: Me? Alistair: Yes, you. Do I need to remind you that you were supposed to handle the situation with Luis and Sheridan, not have it blow up in our faces? My god, if you hadn't bungled that boat explosion, we wouldn't be dealing with any of this right now. Luis wouldn't be on the verge of bringing us down, and Sheridan would be dead. Sheridan: Oh, my god. Luis was right! [NEXT_ON] Sam: My life with Grace, it's in the past. It's time for me to move on with my life. Grace: Hello, it's grace. Ethan: We have the sole right to determine whether the pregnancy should be continued or aborted. Pilar: Not again. | Theresa, Gwen, and Ethan go to court, but the hearing is delayed because Judge Riley was ill |
248 | Jason: So, continuing on the 10-cent tour... [Chuckles] How did you enjoy your first night home, honey? Yeah? Did it feel good? Being safe and surrounded by the people who love you? [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Here. Franco: Oh, thank you. [Kiss] Franco: You sure about this? Elizabeth: Yes, I'm sure. Franco: You got to be really sure. Elizabeth: [Chuckles] Franco: You do 'cause, I mean, this won't -- this won't be your place anymore. It'll be our place. Elizabeth: Are you happy about this? Franco: I'm so happy about it. Elizabeth: [Laughs] The boys are gonna be really thrilled, especially Jake. Franco: That's all I am to you, right, just a genius, just a -- just a babysitter/art therapy genius. Elizabeth: You know it. Speaking of art therapy. Franco: Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. I-I haven't been able to do anything with Jake, except finding this gap in the time that he was missing. Elizabeth: Yeah, but that's huge. You found that, and I-I know you're gonna find more. Franco: You have a lot of faith in me. Elizabeth: I have that much confidence. In the meantime, Jake is happy and he's well-adjusted and... [SCENE_BREAK] Finn: Hayden. Hayden: Huh? Oh, I wasn't sleeping. I was -- I was just resting my eyes. I'm -- I'm so, so sorry. I just... Finn: [Breathing heavily] Hayden: I just had to close my eyes for a second. Sorry. I'm sorry. Finn: It's all good. [Sniffles] We made -- we made it. Hayden: We made it? Finn: [Sighs, sniffles] I-I mean with -- I made it through withdrawal. You -- you [Sniffles] You got me here. [Sighs] Hayden: When did this happen? Finn: When -- while you were sleeping. It went -- it went from bad to worse, and then it was just gone. Hayden: Right. Finn: [Sniffles] Now that the worst is over, you can -- you can let me go. [Sighs, sniffles] [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Alexis: Hi. Kristina: Hey, Mom. Molly: Hey, we didn't think you'd be up. Alexis: I'm -- I'm up, and I have coffee. Hey. Molly: Oh, score. Kristina: Ooh, nice. I got you. Alexis: Hey, sweetheart. Molly: Hey. Alexis: How are you? Molly: Good. We've barely seen you. How are you doing? Alexis: Uh, as well as can be expected. You know, between the baby and being questioned by the police about Olivia Jerome taking me hostage and killing Julian, you know, I'm -- I'm busy. Kristina: Yeah, about all that. Molly: Mom, we're worried about you. Alexis: Go get the coffee. I'm fine. I'm worried about you, actually. How are you handling everything with Morgan? Kristina: In a seesaw between grief and pure rage. Alexis: Hmm. Kristina: That woman took my brother from me, and she almost took you and Sam and the baby. I hate her so much. Alexis: We all hate her so much, but she's locked up in a mental ward for the rest of her life, which is way too good for her. So let's talk about something nice, shall we? Let's talk about that baby Scout. Beautiful girl, and she's fine. Kristina: Yeah, no thanks to Olivia or Julian. Molly: What is this? Alexis: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Hey. Sonny: Hey. Carly: I was just, um, going for a walk to get a cup of coffee. Sonny: Don't they have the same coffee at the hotel? Carly: It's a different blend. So that's why I'm here. What are you doing here? Sonny: Oh, I just came to see Kristina and tell her everything that's going on. Carly: Well, I won't keep you. Sonny: Well, she's -- she's not on schedule, so I'm not gonna be seeing her. Carly: Oh. Well, I got to get my coffee, so... Sonny: Wait, hey, hey. Do you have to go? [SCENE_BREAK] Finn: The best thing for me right now would be, um, a shower. You know, and I could [Sniffles] -- I could really use some fresh air. So, hey, if you cut me loose, we could go for a walk. [Sniffles] Hayden: Yeah. It must be horrible being taped to a chair like a hostage. Finn: [Chuckles] Yeah. It's a little like Stockholm Syndrome. Hayden: I guess that means you like me too much to run if I let you go? Finn: You know I do. Hayden: Yeah. Finn: So what do you say? [Sniffles] I think there's some s-scissors right over there. Hayden: Yeah, yeah, I know where they are. It's just that you said this was gonna take a lot longer. Finn: Yeah. [Sniffles] I didn't expect it to go as well as it did. Hayden: Yeah, and you told me to keep you in this chair until we were sure that all the drug cravings were gone. Finn: Yeah. And -- and they are. Hayden: How long since you started feeling better? Finn: Uh, uh, it's been, um... you know, you were sleeping. It's -- it's been a while. Hayden: Really? Well, I wasn't asleep that long, not even two hours. Finn: Yeah. And you're beautiful when you're sleeping. It's adorable. It's better than watching public television. Hayden: Finn. Finn: Hey, who cares how long it's been? It's just -- it's -- it's time to cut me loose. Hayden: Maybe we should wait a little bit longer. Finn: [Chuckles] No! Listen, I know -- I know what's good f-- I know what's good for me, all right? And what would be good for me is a shower -- a shower and then getting some sleep in my own bed. Hayden: A minute ago, you said you wanted to walk. Finn: Well, now I'm tired. Hayden: Okay, I'll get you a neck pillow. Finn: Hayden, please, just cut me loose. Hayden: I think we should wait a little bit longer. Finn: Listen, just let me go now! Hayden: No, you made me promise -- Finn: Hayden, I don't want to do this anymore! All right?! Just let me go! Let me go! [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: I have to tell you, the best part about living here is the view. Yeah, you can see the entire harbor, and at night, you can see the stars. And I got to tell you, thanking your lucky stars has a whole new meaning to me. Hmm. When you're old enough, I'll explain to you how starlight helped your dad find you and your mom when you were in trouble. [Smooching] Sam: It sounds like a serious conversation. Jason: Nope. Just filling our baby in on a few things. Sam: Oh, yeah? Jason: Yeah. How you feeling? Sam: Good. Rested. Thank you for taking the last feeding. Jason: Oh, yeah. No problem. I think she's just about ready to go down. Sam: Here, let me take her. Jason: Got her? Sam: Mm-hmm. Jason: Oh. [Knock on door] Jason: Uh-oh. Sam: Uh-oh. Somebody's here. Jason: [Chuckles] [Knock on door] Curtis: Hey. Jason: Hey. How you doing? Curtis: All right. Sorry. I know it's early, but I just wanted to drop by and give you guys something. Jason: Oh, thanks, man. Come on in. Curtis: Yeah. Sam: Hey. Curtis: Well, I can see that your hands are full, so maybe I'll let you do the honors. Jason: Oh, thank you. Oh, let's see what we got here. Sam: What's in there? Jason: Oh, look at that. Sam: Aww! Jason: [Chuckles] Sam: They're beautiful. Thank you. Curtis: Yeah, no problem. Sam: Scout's gonna love it. Curtis: Now, she is beautiful. Sam: See her? Curtis: Look at her. Sam: [Chuckles] Curtis: You know she looks just like mama. Jason: Yeah, I know. Thank God, right? Curtis: [Chuckles] Sam: Stop. Curtis: Wow, look at her. Hi, honey. Sam: You want to hold her? Curtis: Oh, we -- uh, I don't, uh... Sam: Come on. Curtis: Well, maybe a second. Sam: Okay. Just be careful. Get her by the neck. Mm-hmm. Okay. Curtis: Oh, hi. Oh, she's precious. Oh, I love her. She's adorable. [Scout fusses] Curtis: And... Sam: Uh-oh. Curtis: I think she just spit up on me. [Laughs] [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: I-I'm just gonna get my coffee. Sonny: Yeah, but just stay -- you know, stay here, and w-we can sit around drinking coffee and talking. Carly: We talked yesterday. We didn't get anywhere. Sonny: Well, I disagree 'cause I -- underneath the anger, I saw that we still love each other. Carly: I got to go. Sonny: And there's hope. Carly: There's hope. Hope for what, Sonny? Hope for what? Us? Huh? What? Sonny: I bel-- I believe deep down inside that you want things to be better in the future... and I-I-I believe the same thing... starting right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: This space right here -- the time Jake spent with Helena -- it was blank last night. Franco: Yes, it was. Elizabeth: And now -- Franco: Now it is not. Elizabeth: Jake must have come down here last night and -- and drawn this. How could I not have heard him? Franco: You were asleep. Elizabeth: I'm -- I'm a mother. I sleep like a ninja. Franco: Right. I'll keep that in mind. Elizabeth: But at least he's starting to remember things. Franco: Yeah. Yeah, you're right. This could be some kind of big breakthrough. [Footsteps descending] Jake: Good morning, Mom. Elizabeth: Hey. Jake: Morning, Franco. Franco: Hey, buddy. Elizabeth: How are you feeling? Jake: Better. I think I can go to school today. Elizabeth: Oh, yeah? Let me see. Feel good. You're all clear. Jake: Great. I'll get dressed. Franco: Hey, um, great job adding to the drawing. Jake: I didn't add to anything. Elizabeth: You didn't draw this? Jake: No. That wasn't me. Elizabeth: Okay, uh, go upstairs and get dressed and tell your brothers breakfast will be ready in five minutes. Jake: Okay. Elizabeth: Okay. I-I don't think the other boys did this. Franco: No, that was Jake. I mean, kids' drawings all look a little similar, but Jake definitely drew this scarecrow. Elizabeth: So do you think he was lying? Franco: No, I don't know. M-maybe he -- he doesn't remember doing it. Elizabeth: Like he was sleepwalking? Franco: Or it's just some kind of repressed memory. Either way, Jake definitely had to get this figure out on this page. Elizabeth: I think it's time we bring Jason in on this. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Look, I'm sorry about that, but, uh, I think it means she likes you. Curtis: Oh, man. I'm sure this is a blessing in some cultures, man. Jason: Sure it is. Curtis: [Chuckles] Man, Lord knows I could use all the luck I can get. Jason: Uh-oh. Any particular reason? Curtis: Yeah, well, I got a meeting with Jordan, and, uh, maybe, possibly, she's going to, uh, invite me to join the PCPD. Jason: Wow, you know, happy for you. Curtis: You don't seem happy. Jason: If you want to be a cop, be a cop. I don't care, but, uh, you're carrying a badge, we're not working together. Curtis: Yeah, yeah, I've been thinking about that, too. [Sighs] Jason: Okay, well, think of the bright side. You won't be doing any dumpster diving any time soon. Curtis: Rat-infested dumpster diving. Jason: Yeah, breaking into any crypts. Curtis: Yeah, thank God. You know, strangely, though, man, I'm kind of gonna miss all that stuff. I mean, not that specifically. Jason: Yeah, I know what you mean. Curtis: But you feel me. Jason: I got it. Yeah. Curtis: Hmm. You know, we did start off kind of -- kind of shaky, right? Jason: You broke into Sonny's office, man. Curtis: Small detail, brother. Jason: Yeah, well, we ended up making a good team. Curtis: Yeah. Yeah, we did. Take care, man. Jason: All right, well, thanks for stopping by. I'll tell you what, uh, you find yourself in trouble, you can, you know, give me a call. Curtis: I'll call a cop. Jason: Hey, keep my number just in case. Curtis: Yeah. Jason: Hey, good to see you. Curtis: Hey. [Door closes] Sam: Everything okay? Jason: Yeah, yeah. I got to say it's strange, but I think I'm gonna miss that guy. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: [Clears throat] So what do you think? Kristina: I'm sorry, Mom. I don't believe a word of it. Alexis: Okay, that's fair. Why not? Kristina: Because my brother's dead, and we're all dealing with the pain of that loss. And it's indirectly because of Julian. Alexis: Well, we can certainly blame him for a lot, but not that. Kristina: I'm not saying it's his fault that Morgan took his car, but this letter, which is taking Molly forever to read -- are you memorizing it? Molly: I'm almost finished. Kristina: [Sighs] Whatever. Julian pretends like all he was trying to do was protect you, but he knew his lunatic sister was in town for months. He should have warned you, and then you could have defended yourself. Alexis: Yes, he should have, and maybe he thought it was too big of a risk. Kristina: See, one letter, and you're already defending him. Alexis: I'm not defending him, sweetie. I'm -- I'm just open to the possibility that there -- there could be something more, that's all. Kristina: Even if he knew he was being watched, it's not like we have cameras installed all over the house, do we? I mean, he could have found a way to warn you before he dragged you off at knifepoint. I mean, we have sticky notes. I -- Alexis: Okay! I'm not arguing with you. I see your point. [Sighs] Kristina: I know that you loved Julian, but that man was a lot of things, including a murderer and a liar. I -- and that letter -- I think it just proves that we're better off without him. Alexis: Well, don't hold back. Kristina: That's how I feel. Alexis: Okay, well, how I feel is I want to just know if that letter is true or not. Molly. Do you agree with your sister? Molly: Mom, you know I've had my doubts about Julian. Kristina: Doubts? You're the president of "I hate Julian, and I'm glad he's dead" club. Molly: Okay, thank you. But when he wrote this letter, he did it knowing that it was for you to read after he died, and that kind of makes me think -- Kristina: No. Alexis: What? Molly: Maybe it's true. Alexis: What if it is true? Kristina: No, you want to believe a different concept entirely. Alexis: If the letter is true, then I'll have regret. Molly: Regret over what? Alexis: That he died before I could tell him that I still love him. [SCENE_BREAK] Hayden: Finn, you -- you need to listen to yourself, okay? You're -- you're shouting at me. You're sweating. You're anxious. You're miserable. Finn: Don't tell me how I am. I know how I am. Hayden: Clearly, you're still detoxing. Finn: I don't care! I don't want to do this anymore! Let me go! Hayden: Okay, you just need to calm down and take a deep breath, okay? Finn: Don't! Don't act like you know what you're doing. I told you everything that would happen, and now I want it to be done with. Hayden: No, I'm not letting you out of that chair, okay, not until you can act like a normal person. Finn: What are you doing?! Who are you texting?! Hayden: What? I-I need to make sure that we can get through this. Finn: You're turning me in? Hayden: No, no. I'm not. Finn: You're turning me in. I thought I could trust you. I thought you loved me! Hayden: I do love you. That's why I'm doing this. Finn: No, no. You don't love me. You don't love me. You're just gonna use me, and you're gonna throw me away! Hayden: Use you? What could I possibly use you for? Finn: Nothing! You're not gonna use me for anything 'cause I won't let you! I won't let you! [Crying] I won't let you. Aah! [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Even running into each other here is an opportunity for us to think about what's happened. Carly: I don't want to have that conversation. Sonny: Okay, wait, look, we can do this, is what I'm saying. We just got to try. Carly: Okay, you know what, Sonny, when we're together like this, I think, "Of course. Of course the answer should be yes. Of course, we should be able to move past this. We've already been through so much." Sonny: Yes, we have. Carly: Yes, and we both have made mistakes. I know that. Good or bad, right or wrong, we made mistakes because we had our reasons. I know nothing happens in a vacuum, and I think, "Yes, we can rebuild." We should be able to. Sonny: Okay, then let's try. Let's do this. Carly: You lied t--! [Softly] You lied to me when I was starting to trust you. And I get that you had your reasons, and I get that you regret it. But that's something I can't move past right now. I need more time. Sonny: How much time? Carly: What? Sonny: How much time? Carly: I don't know. How -- how long did it take for you to be honest with me? You never were. If I hadn't figured it out for myself, you would have never told me what happened. Sonny: I can't -- I can't -- I'm not doing this. I can't do it. Carly: What? Sonny: Enough. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: So Curtis is gonna be a cop? Jason: Yeah, he seems to think so. Sam: Aww, that's too bad that you have to break the team up. You know, I don' think they would have caught my Aunt Olivia without the two of you. Jason: Yeah. You okay with her going into D'Archam? Sam: Um...yeah... I think that place is perfect for her, and it saves us the pain of a-a trial. She's a complete lunatic. She's not gonna get out any time soon. And now that my father is dead, I think it's -- it's good. It's gonna give my mom a chance to heal. Jason: What about you? Sam: What about me? Jason: Well, you haven't said much about Julian since he died. Sam: There really isn't much to say, Jason. He's my biological father, and that is it. The only relationship he had with me was about manipulating my mother. I'm not gonna miss any of that. You know what I am happy about? Jason: Hmm? Sam: That Scout gets to have a dad she loves, and she knows that you're gonna love her back. You're not gonna lie to her or manipulate her. You're just gonna protect her and cherish her. That makes me very happy for my little girl. [SCENE_BREAK] Kristina: Okay, first of all, Julian knew you loved him. Alexis: Why do you think that? Kristina: 'Cause the man was a total narcissist. He assumed you loved him 'cause how could you not? Molly: Hey, Kristina. Kristina: What, you deny it? Molly: No, but you don't have to be so harsh. Kristina: I'm being honest. Mom, after everything that Julian has done to you and done to us, how could you possibly think that you loved him? Alexis: I don't know. But I do because I saw another side to him. Molly agrees. Molly: Well, I mean, all -- all that I said was that the letter might be true. But are you really sure that all of these explanations add up? You told me a long time ago that sometimes when we lose someone, we start to idealize them. Alexis: I know you think that I'm creating some sort of revisionist history in my mind. I just want to believe that he loved me. Kristina: Mom, you know who you sound like? Me when I used to talk about Kiefer. What if I had come to you after he spent months of beating the crap out of me and said, "You know what? I really think that I misunderstood him. I think he was just trying to protect me." What would you say? Alexis: I'd say when things were good with Julian and me, I was happy, and I'm tired of not being happy. So now he's dead. It doesn't matter anyway, right? I'll just have to live with it. Molly: Mom, we really need you to listen to us, okay, because we are worried about you. [SCENE_BREAK] Hayden: Okay, then, you need to calm down, okay? You're gonna hurt yourself. Finn: No worse than you're hurting me, Hayden. Hayden: No, you're hurting you. I'm trying to stop it. Finn: I know who you were texting. I know. You were texting that guy Healy at Biospen, right? Hayden: What? No. Finn: Money. You want the money, don't you? Hayden: What money? What -- Finn: You can't have it. The money that's for General Hospital. You can't have it. You can't steal it. Hayden: I'm not stealing -- Finn: You're a liar and a thief! Ohh, why didn't I see it? How come I didn't see it? Hayden: That's just -- that's just the drugs talking. Finn: Why did I talk myself into believing in you? Hayden: Okay, Finn. Okay, Finn, that's enough, okay? Finn: I didn't see it. How did I not see it? You -- you told me yourself you blackmailed Nikolas. Why didn't I see this coming? Why did I trust you? Hayden: Okay, Finn, you need to stop now. You need to stop. Finn: You prey on people that are stupid enough to believe in you! Hayden: Stop! Okay, just stop! Finn: [Crying] I'm sorry. I don't even know what I'm saying. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's the drugs. It's the drugs talking. Please forgive me. Forgive me. Forgive me. Forgive me. Hayden: Okay. Yeah. You okay? Finn. Finn. Hayden: [Gasps] W-what are you doing? Let go of me! Let go of me! Finn: Cut me loose. Please. Do it now. Hayden: Let go of me. You're hurting me! Let go of me! Finn: Do it now. Hayden: Finn, let go of me! You're hurting me! Curtis: Yo, man, let her go. What's wrong with you? Let her -- okay, let her go. Hayden: [Sighs] Finn: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Hayden: I heard you the first time. Curtis: Hey, when you sent me the text to meet you in the room in the Metro Court, I didn't know what to expect, but I sure didn't expect this. [Telephone ringing] Curtis: Ah, that should be security. Hayden: Right. Right. [Sighs] [Beep] Hayden: Hello? Um, yeah, everything's fine. We just had a little mishap. I'm sorry. Thanks. [Telephone beeps] Curtis: [Sighs] Let me guess. Do-it-yourself detox? Hayden: I need to swear you to secrecy. Curtis: Consider me sworn. Now, was I right, or was I right? Hayden: Yeah, I'm... I'm helping Finn detox from a pretty powerful drug. Curtis: Well, I got one question for you. Have you lost your mind? [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: I've apologized over and over again. I've begged for your forgiveness, and you won't have it. Carly: I got to get to work. Sonny: You don't think maybe you -- you should ask for my forgiveness? Carly: For what? Sonny: For leaving me when Morgan died? Carly: I thought you were responsible. Sonny: So did I. You know what kind of burden that is to carry, thinking you killed your own son, having that on -- on your shoulders? And you didn't -- you didn't even want to have any part of it. Carly: I couldn't even look at you. Sonny: Yes, because maybe you were too busy kissing on Jax. Carly: When you were too busy having Nelle in our bed? Sonny: Our bed that you weren't in it, right? Because you said -- you made it very clear -- you didn't want any part of me 'cause I was a-a-a low-life murderer... who killed his son. Carly: I can't believe you're throwing this up in my face. I can't believe you're doing that right now. Sonny: I'm -- no, no, no. What I'm trying to do is tell you that nobody's perfect, okay? We've hurt a lot of people, e-especially each other, and w-we both need forgiveness. Carly: What you're trying to tell me is that you've been lying to me for months, and now I need to get over it on your timetable. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: There's no need to worry about me. I'm sad. You just have to let me be sad. Molly: Well, the Julian situation isn't the only reason we're worried. Kristina: No, but it's a big one. Alexis: Okay, girls. What else do you have on your minds? Molly: Have you been going to your AA meetings? Alexis: No. Molly: Well, I mean, you're so new in program. Shouldn't you be going a lot? Alexis: Well, I would have if my sponsor didn't kidnap my daughter and leave her for dead in a snowbank where she had to give birth and then hold me hostage and then kill Julian. I just don't really have this urge to go to a 12-step program. Molly: Well, after all that? Kristina: Make the time, seriously. Anyone would want a drink after that. Alexis: All right. I'll go to a meeting tomorrow. Kristina: No, you can go to one today. Alexis: Guys, you got to listen to me. I've been through a lot, and I'm gonna have to find a new sponsor, given that my last one was a homicidal maniac. Kristina: Wait, so -- so try someone else. Go to a meeting. Meet a new sponsor. Alexis: I love you both so much, but you have to understand I'm not on your timetable. Molly: Mom, you know as well as we do that this is a really important time in your sobriety. I mean, you don't want things to go back to the way they were before, do you? [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Cameron, help Aiden on the bus. Franco: Hey, have fun, boys, and -- and like learning stuff, too. Have fun while you're learning stuff. Elizabeth: Bye. [Bus departs] Franco: You're really gonna call Jason right now. Elizabeth: Yeah, I think I have to. Franco: He's gonna yell at me, you know, for messing with his kid's already- tampered-with psyche. Hey, Elizabeth. Elizabeth: I can't believe I didn't remember this. Franco: Didn't remember what? Elizabeth: This is so much worse than I realized. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: You girls don't believe in pulling your punches, do you? Kristina: Mom, I'm sorry if we offended you. We didn't mean to. We're just trying to help. Alexis: No, no, it needed to be said. You said it. I heard it. I do not want to go back to the dysfunctional mess that I was when I was drinking, so thank you both for caring. Molly: Of course, we care. We love you. Alexis: And I love you and you. And if it makes you feel any better, I love myself. Molly: Yes! Kristina: Okay, now you're just getting sappy. Molly: Kristina. Kristina: I'm kidding. Alexis: All right, all right, listen. I will go to a meeting. I know where there's one in 20 minutes. Molly: And not to be pushy, but meetings really are the best place to meet a sponsor. Alexis: Thank you, my darling, for your advice. I will get a sponsor tonight, hopefully one that isn't a deranged killer. Kristina: It really is best when they aren't. I mean, hey, to each her own. [Chuckles] Alexis: I am a very lucky mom to have you three as my daughters, because you care about me, and that will get me through all of it -- the letter, Julian -- all of it. Kristina: Of course, you will. Molly: Aw! Alexis: All right, come here. Molly: [Laughs] Alexis: All right. I can still get my arms around both of you. Molly: [Laughs] [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: This is really hard on my mom. You know, even before Julian died, I could tell that she was struggling. She was trying to forgive him. She was trying to make excuses and rationalize all the things that he's done. Jason: Did you talk to her about it? Sam: Yeah, I mean, like a good, supportive daughter, I-I-I told her that she was lying to herself, to accept the fact that Julian was never gonna be the man that she wanted him to be. The thing is, I think I pushed her too hard. I pushed her to face reality, and now she's afraid to confide in me, you know, and tell me how she's really feeling. Jason: I hated Julian for a variety of reasons. The man lied to everybody, especially your mother, so why don't you try telling her the truth? Sam: You -- you think I should just tell my mom how I really feel? Like, the truth-truth? Jason: Well, I mean, come on. You love her. You support her. You're honest. What can you do? Sam: [Groans] I don't know. The thing is, Julian had potential. He did. He could have been a good man. He had -- he had a chance. You know what, none of it matters. None of it matters. I'm actually really glad that he's never gonna be able to disappoint me again and again and again. Jason: Okay, look... don't focus on the disappointment. Focus on that little girl over there and how lucky we are to have her. And then I think maybe you should try to focus on getting a little sleep. You know what I'm saying? Sam: Yeah. Danny's gonna be up soon. Jason: Yeah, and I will be here for him. Then we're gonna go over to the Quartermaines, and we're gonna play with Annabelle II! Sam: Okay! Jason: And you and -- you and Scout can get settled in, have a little peace and quiet. Sam: If I haven't told you already, you're pretty wonderful. Thank you. Jason: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: The children's book Helena gave me. Franco: "Jake's adventure." Elizabeth: Do you remember the Jake in the story, when he ran into the old woman in the woods and they came to that clearing -- Franco: Yeah, right, there was a scarecrow, but -- but nothing happened that I remember. I mean, it was all pretty innocuous. Elizabeth: Well, maybe to you and me, but this is Helena we're talking about. She could have built a dozen triggers into that book, and even though Jake has never seen the book, he knows the story. Not just the end of the story. Franco: And it wasn't weird enough when he said the end of the book in, like, a trance. Elizabeth: Helena planted the story deep down inside his subconscious. Franco: We need to take another look at that book. We need to reread the part about the scarecrow. Elizabeth: We need to reread the whole thing. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: After all this time, if -- if -- if you can't understand why, at the lowest point of my life, that would happen with Nelle, I don't know what else I can say to you. Carly: My God, you're not listening to me at all. Sonny: I -- what do you mean I'm not -- Carly: I hate what you did with Nelle. She is a lying tramp, and I don't care how drunk or grieving you were, you should have known better. But it's not about that, Sonny. It's about the lies that came afterward because I thought we were working our way closer to each other. I've never felt closer to you ever. And the whole time, you were keeping this secret from me. Sonny: I told you why. I was trying to protect you, right? Carly: Yeah, trying to protect me from what, from being hurt? Well, look, I'm hurt. I'm really hurt. And you've reached your limit. You tried being remorseful, but that didn't work, so now you're just gonna get mad at me. So all of this -- all of this pain, it's now all my fault? Sonny: All I'm saying is that you've made a -- you've made a choice, and the choice is to push me away. If I can't do anything else to earn your forgiveness, then you can stop running 'cause I'm not gonna run after you anymore. [SCENE_BREAK] Hayden: Finn said that he looked into rehab, but given that he just signed a huge deal with this big pharmaceutical company, he can't let them or anyone in the medical community know that he's got a problem. Curtis: All right, I get it. The guy's got a lot at stake, and if anyone found out, his whole life could be screwed up. Hayden: Exactly. Curtis: Okay, but I still think you're crazy by doing this alone. Hayden: Well, you're probably right, but I can't involve anyone at the hospital, so this is on me. I have to help him kick this on his terms. Curtis: Why you? Hayden: Because I love him. Curtis: Okay, I get that, but -- Hayden: What? What? Whatever you're gonna say, don't sugar-coat it. We're beyond that. Curtis: Yeah. All right, real talk. Even if Finn does, uh, detox in the next few hours, and he makes it through with no cravings and no shakes and no behaviors like what just happened, it don't mean you're home free. You see, uh, detox is not the end of Finn's battle with addiction. Trust me. It's only the beginning. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: So you're done. You're done running after me. You're...done trying to earn my forgiveness. Sonny: You should be relieved because every time I try to make amends, it just -- it pisses you off. Carly: I'm just trying to be clear. Are you saying our marriage is over? [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Okay, if I remember correctly, I think the scarecrow is in the -- the middle of the book. [Doorbell rings] Franco: Oh, you know what would be really creepy and weird is if that was actually Helena. Elizabeth: Don't say that. Franco: Why not? What, I'm just kidding. Elizabeth: I'm sure it's my neighbor. She's bringing back my muffin pan. [Door opens] Elizabeth: Hey. Jason: Hey. Uh, I just dropped Danny off over at the Quartermaines, and apparently Jake left this there last time he visited, so I said I'd bring it by. Elizabeth: Oh, thanks. Hey, I was just gonna call you. I-I want to show you something. Come in. Jason: Okay, what's going on? [Clears throat] Is -- what is this doing out? I thought you said you were gonna keep this under lock and key. Elizabeth: I was, but I -- Jason: And, what, did Jake draw this? What is -- I don't understand. Elizabeth: Okay, that's -- that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Jason: Okay, I'm here. [Chuckles] What's going on? [SCENE_BREAK] Kristina: Oh, my goodness, she's so gorgeous. I can't stand it. Molly: Oh, yes, she is. Aren't you? Sam: Wait, wait, where's Mom? I thought she was coming with you guys. What? Molly: Um, Julian left Mom a letter. Sam: Yeah, I know. She told me. Kristina: Did you read it? Sam: No. Why, did you read it? What did it say? Molly: I think Mom should probably tell you that herself. Kristina: I-it was -- a load of crap. Molly: Intense. Sam: Okay, so why don't one of you call her, tell her to come over, and we can discuss whatever Julian put in that letter and help her deal with it? Molly: Well, actually, Mom is dealing with it. She's on her way to an AA meeting. Sam: Oh, that's right. Oh, I completely forgot with everything that's been going on with me. Kristina: We talked to her. Sam: Oh, you did? Kristina: And the good news is that Mom is taking the right steps to take care of herself. Sam: Did you hear that, Scout? [Laughs] Your grandmother's taking care of herself. And she knows that we love her so, so, so much. [Laughs] Molly: Isn't she pretty? Kristina: Ooh! [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: [Sighs as she enters her home] [Locks door & closes all the blinds then takes out a bottle of alcohol & stares at it] [Ominous music plays] [NEXT_ON] Sonny (to Laura): Nelle is working for Valentin Cassadine? Carly (to Sam): I think my marriage is over. Scott (to Lucy): If you don't like the prospect, perhaps you should reconsider. Ava (to Alexis): What happened here? Jason (to Elizabeth): If Franco's gonna spend so much time here, then maybe Jake shouldn't. | Jason later decides to take Danny to the Quartermaine house |
249 | Alison: Forget it. Club rep: But it's the finest salmon. Alison: I'm just gonna stick with the steak. Susan: Oh, honey, you have to offer your guests a choice. Club rep: Perhaps the tuna steak? Alison: More fish? Susan: Try to keep an open mind. Alison: Okay, fine. I'll keep my mind open and my mouth closed. Susan: That's not what I meant. Because you have guests and maybe they don't eat meat. Alison: Well, I am like, the guest of honor. We are -- here, try some of this. Try it. Chris: No, no, no -- thank you. We'll go with whatever you decide. Alison: You don't care what we eat on our wedding day? Chris: Alison, I'm sure it'll be fine. Susan: But Alison only wants the filet. Chris: So whatever. It doesn't matter. Alison: Of course it matters! Chris, this is the most important day in our lives. And I want it to be perfect -- just like we're perfect. [SCENE_BREAK] Barbara: Oh, well, it's possible that I was confused about the time. I'm sure that Dr. Jones will be here shortly. Oh, that'd be great. Thank you very much. Paul: Making a house call? Barbara: Yes. He has the results of my tests. Jennifer: And he's bringing them here? Barbara: Mm-hmm. He insisted. Paul: And after you get the results, what then? Barbara: Well, I suppose that depends on what they say. Jennifer: Will you be treated in New York then? Barbara: Hopefully, darling, I won't be treated at all. Paul: Well, what kind of recommendation do you think he's gonna make? Barbara: Honey, I don't know. I haven't really even thought about it. Though I think there's a possibility we might end up staying in New York a few more days. [Knock on door] that must be him. They were gonna send him right on up. Dr. Jones, thank you so much for rush -- walker, what are you doing here? Walker: I'm here trying to figure out what a perfectly healthy woman is doing seeing a specialist. [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: Hi. Rosanna: I thought you were at the office. Jordan: I was. I just -- I couldn't concentrate. Rosanna: I know the feeling. Jordan: I spent half the night trying to come up with some kind of answer to this mess. Rosanna: Well, sometimes there are no answers. Jordan: What's wrong, Rosanna? Rosanna: I just came from Carly's. Jordan: How's she doing? Rosanna: She's all right. She's trying to be strong, trying to be happy for the kids. Jordan: Is there anything that I can do? Rosanna: There's really not anything anybody can do. You know, I was holding Sage. And she doesn't realize what's happened. But she will. One day when her father isn't there to take her to her first father/daughter dance or teach her how to ride a bike. And when I was holding her, I was thinking about Cabot. Jordan: No, Rosanna. You can't compare the two situations. Rosanna: Why not? One day Cabot could wake up in a strange place without a father or a mother. If we don't do what James wants us to do, he'll take him. [SCENE_BREAK] Waitress: I'm clean. I didn't do anything -- Nikki: We just need to ask you a couple of questions. Dusty: We just gotta ask you a couple questions about Wade Larsen. Nikki: He kidnapped Lucy Montgomery -- Waitress: I don't know anything about a kidnapping. Nikki: But you know Larsen? Waitress: Well, yeah. He came into Yo's a couple times with Donnie. Dusty: What did you guys talk about? Waitress: The weather? Sports? I don't remember. Nikki: Think. It's important. Dusty: How about friends, places. How'd he make his cash? Waitress: I guess he did some odd jobs. Dusty: How odd were his jobs? Waitress: How should I know? Dusty: Yeah. Nikki: When was the last time you saw him? Waitress: A couple months ago maybe. Wait, there is something -- he made a weird comment once. Nikki: What kind of comment? Waitress: It's nothing. Nikki: Look, anything you tell us may help. Waitress: Well, okay, sure. But if it's true, he and that Lucy are long gone. [SCENE_BREAK] Sierra: They should have called by now. Alan: He will. And when he does, the police will trace the call. Sierra: What if it's not money he wants? What if -- Alan: He won't hurt her. She's too valuable to him. Craig: How do you know what he wants? He's deranged. You an expert in deranged? Sierra: Craig, please stop it. We are all upset. This waiting and not knowing -- it's just crazy. Craig: An animal like Wade Larsen doesn't deserve to live. Lily: Sierra, this was on the hood of my car. It says to watch this. Put it in. Alan: It's got to be from Larsen. Lily: Maybe its proof he has Lucy. Hurry up. Hurry up. Lucy: Please, let me out of here! Help! [Lucy screaming] no! Please let me out! Please let me out! Please! Somebody help me! [Lucy screaming] no! Nooo! Please! [SCENE_BREAK] Barbara: I resent you checking up on me like a child. I told you I was coming to New York. Walker: For B.R.O. Jennifer: Walker, Mom says her eyes have been bothering her -- Barbara: Honey, you don't have to defend me. How do you know about Dr. Jones? Paul: I called Walker. Barbara: Behind my back? Walker: I updated Paul on your latest test results. Barbara, if you weren't feeling well, why didn't you tell me? Barbara: Because I was trying to avoid this very scene! Walker: Perhaps I should talk to this doctor. Paul: Oh, you'll get your chance -- Barbara: Oh, no. No, no, no. I want you all out of here. Paul: Out of here? Forget it. Things are just getting good. Jennifer: Paul. [Knock on door] Paul: I'll get it. Barbara: No! No, no, no! I mean it! I want you out! Now! All of you! Paul: Oh, come on, Mom. I just want to hear what this guy has to say. Dr. Jones, I presume? Dr. Jones: You must be Mr. Ryan. Paul: I'm Paul. This is my sister, Jennifer. This is Dr. Walker Daniels. And I'm guessing you've already met my mother. Barbara: Dr. Jones, this really isn't a very convenient time. Perhaps we could reschedule? Dr. Jones: I see. Paul: Reschedule? He's just giving you test results. Walker: I'd like to see them. Dr. Jones: Unfortunately the results are very inconclusive. Walker: How so? Dr. Jones: Well, the nature of Ms. Ryan's symptoms are very puzzling. Walker: Would you mind if I scanned the reports? Dr. Jones: I didn't bring the actual reports. Walker: Why not? Dr. Jones: I didn't think it was necessary. Walker: How about film? Where were the tests done? Barbara: Stop this interrogation. Walker: I'm not interrogating. Paul: What hospital are you affiliated with? Walker: Columbia Presbyterian? Barbara: I told you -- Walker: Do you happen to know a Dr. Tim McKay, head of neurology? Dr. Jones: I'm more independent. Paul: Independent? Walker: I assume we can call the radiologist and get an oral read. If you'd give me the number. Dr. Jones: Actually, I have it -- back in my office. I'll call Ms. Ryan with it, but I am late. I have another appointment. I really have to go. I'll be in touch, Ms. Ryan. Paul: So that's your expert? How much did you pay that clown? Barbara: He came highly recommended. Walker: From whom? Why didn't you ask me or Ben for a recommendation? Paul: How much, Mom? Barbara: I took the tests. I swear. I mean, I didn't know he was incompetent. The guy should have his license revoked -- Jennifer: Oh, stop it, Mom! You lied! Barbara: No! I didn't! Jennifer: I was so scared that you were sick. I defended you to Paul! Barbara: I was having symptoms, okay! Well, maybe. Maybe I was imagining them. They say that happens sometimes. Paul: You were imagining something. Why are we here in New York? Jennifer: Because of Jordan and Rosanna? Paul: Was it James? Barbara: No! Paul: Did James hire that quack? Is he behind all of this? Barbara: No! No! He has nothing to do with it. Paul: Tell me the truth! Barbara: Paul, I swear to you, this has nothing to do with your father. Okay, I will tell you -- Rosanna's behind this. She wanted you both out of the way so she could be alone with Jordan. [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: Aren't you the one who told me that there is no appeasing Stenbeck? Rosanna: Well, I think we have to try. Jordan: We are not powerless here. There are four of us, we have lots of money, we have a security team. I can't have my son growing up afraid. And I can't have his mother so tense that she doesn't enjoy raising him. Rosanna: Well, then do something about it! If we defy James, he'll get tucked away in a some small corner of the world without a mother or father or any sense of family. Jordan: All right. I have an idea. Why don't we go to the prison? See James, go hand-in-hand. Put on a show we act like we caved and that we can't get enough of each other. Rosanna: Are you insane? If we try to fool James, Cabot will be gone by the time we walk out of that prison. [SCENE_BREAK] Waitress: Hey, thanks. Usually I'm the one servin'. Dusty: Why do you think Wade and Lucy are long gone? Why'd you say that? Waitress: Okay, it's just -- once, he was half in the bag -- he kinda said somethin' about Paris. Nikki: Paris? Paris, France? Waitress: Maybe. Dusty: The word "Paris" just flew out of his mouth? Waitress: I was pouring him some more coffee and he was tellin' Don like, "Paris was okay." No, maybe it was, like, "Paris was kinda good to me." Dusty: What does all this mean? Waitress: Beats me. Nikki: Can you remember anything else? Waitress: He's a lousy tipper. Nikki: All right. Okay. Look, here's my card. If you can remember anything else, give us a call, okay? Waitress: That's it? I'm done? Nikki: Yeah. Waitress: Can I take this to go? Nikki: Sure. And just remember to stay put -- Waitress: Yeah, don't leave town. I watch lots of TV, Detective. Nikki: I will pull records on every outbound flight from Orly and de Gaulle. Dusty: Wade's not going to -- hey, Larsen's not going to France with Lucy. He'd never get through security. If it's a place, it's here in the states. It's here. Nikki: Do you know how many towns are named Paris in this country? Dusty: I guess we gotta find out! All right. I'll contact field offices at the FBI and see what they can pull. Dusty: How long is this gonna take? Nikki: It's a lot of territory to cover. Dusty: What if it's not a place? Maybe it's a name, you know? Nikki: Same problem. Paris is a fairly common name. Dusty: It may be something else entirely. Nikki: Dusty -- Dusty: Paris what? Paris -- Paris -- Nikki: These leads could be false leads, all right? I will pull as many officers as I can to work on this case. We will contact authorities in each town that's a hit. Dusty: So while we're waiting for the feds, who knows what Larsen's gonna do? He's been jerked around too long. He's all jacked up. He might kill Lucy just for the hell of it. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucy: No! Help! Please! [Wade laughing] no! No! Stop! Sierra: He's killing her. He's killing her. He's killing our baby. Alan: No. He's trying to scare us. We don't know if this tape is even real. Sierra: It certainly looks real. Alan: Darling, we're gonna find Lucy. Lily: We have to call Hal. Right now. Alan: I'll call him. Leave the tape in the machine until he sends his forensics people out. [Phone rings] Sierra: It's my -- it's my secure line from Montega. Alan: It must be him. Sierra: Only you and Lucy have this number. Alan: He must have forced Lucy to give it to him. Craig: Let me talk to him. Sierra: No, no, no -- Craig: Let me -- Sierra: I'll do it. Hello? Wade: How'd you like the show? Sierra: What have you done with my daughter? Wade: What? You didn't catch the finale? Sierra: Where is she? Wade: If I tell you that, you'll dig up my little treasure. Can't have that. Sierra: I want my daughter. Wade: Oh, you can have her. Craig: Let me talk to him. Sierra: No, Craig! Wade: Is that Montgomery? Sierra: What do you want? Wade: A fair shake. I don't got all day. Neither does your kid. So I'm not repeatin' myself. Get $2 million. And have your husband -- not Montgomery, the new one -- bring the money to the bell tower. St. Mary's church, past Milltown and Luther's Corners on Skytop Drive. You got that? Sierra: I got it. Wade: Tell hubby to bring the dough there. And I'll tell him where he can find your kid. No cops, no Donovan and no Craig Montgomery. You get what I'm sayin'? There's not a lot of oxygen left in there, so make it quick. Sierra: Okay. I'll do it. I've got it. But please take her out of that box, I'm begging you! Please! Oh, God. Craig: What'd he want? Sierra: He wants money. Alan: How much? Sierra: Craig, you gotta -- you gotta leave. Craig: What? No, you can't leave me out of this. Sierra: Listen, if you love our daughter, you will do what I say. Craig: Sierra, I have a right to help bring our daughter home. Lily: Sierra, how can you treat him this way? Sierra: If Craig stays, he'll kill her. Craig: Did he say that? All right. All right, I'll go, I'll go. But you have to let me know everything, all right? You have to. Sierra: I promise. Craig: Okay. All right, all right. Lily: This is ridiculous! You're not being fair to him! Sierra: I'm not making the rules. The kidnapper said if I involved Craig or the police or Dusty, he would leave her in that box to die. Alan: What does he want, exactly? Sierra: He wants you. He wants you to bring $2 million to the bell tower outside of Luther's Corners and St. Mary's church. Lily: He wants Alan to do this? To deliver the money? Sierra: That's what he said. Lily: This doesn't make any sense. He barely knows her. Sierra: We can't argue about it! I don't know, he just -- I have to transfer some money from the bank. I have to call the bank. Alan: Okay. Sierra: I'm gonna call the bank. Alan: I'll get the car. Sierra: And I'll find out where that church is. Lily: Excuse me, the police are all over the place. They're gonna follow you. Alan: No, I'll make up a reason why I have to leave. We can distract them with that tape. Lily: Excuse me. They're going to know something is going on. Sierra: There's no time to argue! Listen, I am going to get the money transferred from my personal account. [Phone rings] Lily: Hello. Craig: Lily, are you alone? Lily: I'm so sorry they made you leave. Craig: It doesn't matter. Lily: They want Alan to drop off the ransom. Craig: Is that what the kidnapper wants? Lily: I'm telling you, Craig, I don't trust this guy. Craig: Yeah. Alan must have been the one to give the kidnapper Sierra's private number. We can stop him. There's still time. Just tell me where they're meeting. And I'll do the rest. [SCENE_BREAK] Wade: Are you alone? Alan: Yes. It's all here. We've done everything you said. Wade: Put the suitcase down. Alan: Not till you tell me where Lucy is. Wade: Don't tick me off, punk. Alan: Where is she? Wade: There's not a lot of air in that box, so "show me the money!" Two mil? Alan: Yes. Now tell me where my stepdaughter is or you won't live to enjoy it. Wade: You don't have the guts. Alan: Don't even think about it! Wade: This is a simple business negotiation. There's no need to get violent. Alan: You tell me where Lucy is. Now! Wade: Or you'll what? Kill me? What are your odds of finding the girl then? Relax, hero. I got a better idea. Chill, and I'll tell you a little story about Craig Montgomery. Trust me, pal. This one'll kill ya'. [SCENE_BREAK] Chris: Alison, I don't care if we have a burger and fries. Okay? It's not about the party. Alison: How can you say that? Susan: Are you saying that I'm not throwing my daughter an elegant reception? Chris: That's not what I meant. Susan: Because it's gonna be up to Hughes' standards, don't you worry. Alison: Okay, then let's just have the lobster. Susan: Forget lobster. Chris: Look, my parents just want us to be happy. Alison: Like your mom's my biggest fan. Chris, what do you think that she would want us to have? Susan: This is not Kim's wedding. Chris: No. It's mine and Alison's. Alison: Okay, then tell us what you want. Chris: I want to get married. Alison: That's what we're doing. Chris: No, we're planning a wedding. Alison: Why are you being so grumpy? Chris: Alison, when I say that I don't care, it means that I don't care! Just pick the food, the flowers, the music. It's all great. All right? The menu, it's fine, it's perfect, like us, right? Baby, it's just one day. What about the rest of our lives? Alison: I think about the rest of our lives all the time. Chris: I'm sorry, okay? Nothing that I'm saying is coming out right. Susan, go with the salmon. Okay, there, I made a decision. Alison: I hate salmon. Chris: You know what, forget it. I'm gonna go to the bakery and I'll pick out a cake. Alison: What flavor? Chris: I don't know. You want me to make a decision, I'll make one when I get there. Alison: No. I'll come with you. Chris: Look, Alison, I cannot spend all day at the bakery. Susan: And, besides, we're not finished here yet. Chris: Okay, fine. So I'll leave them a deposit and I tell them to wait for you and your mother to come pick out the flavor. There. You happy? I'll call you later. Susan: Well, that was rude. Alison: You were rude! You couldn't just spring for the lobster? Susan: This is not about lobster. Alison: Well, then why are we fighting? Susan: We're not fighting. We're planning a wedding and it's stressful. People always have these little spats. Alison: But, why is he acting so weird? Susan: He's tense. We're all tense, honey. It's gonna be all right. Emily: What's gonna be all right? Alison: Oh, Emily, I'm so glad you're here. I need your help. Emily: What? What is going on? Alison: It's Chris. I don't know what's going on with him. And you two are close. Please, just tell me that you'll help me? [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: You're telling me that Wade hasn't called you? Nikki: I was sure there'd be a ransom demand by now. Dusty: He's definitely too greedy to wait. And where is everyone, Sierra? Sierra: Um, well, it seemed kinda unproductive for the all to hang out here, so they left. I'll call you as soon as I hear anything. Nikki: Sierra, what is going on? Sierra: All you need to know is that Alan will bringing Lucy home. Dusty: So Larsen did call you? Nikki: What does he want? Sierra: Alan's taking care of it. Dusty: What does that mean? Nikki: Sierra, where is your husband? Sierra: I can't tell you. Nikki: You are interfering with a federal investigation and putting your daughter at risk. Sierra: This is my daughter's life! It's not just an investigation. Dusty: Sierra, where is she? Where is your daughter? Nikki: Look, if you have any information -- Sierra: Listen, he said if I'd involved the police, or dusty, he would kill her. Dusty: I know -- I know this guy. Sierra, I know how he thinks. Talk to me. Nikki: If you don't cooperate -- Sierra: What? What are you gonna do? You gonna arrest me? Go right ahead. Do it. Whatever it takes just to get my daughter back. If you'd seen that tape -- Dusty: What tape? Sierra: You would know that there is no time to file court orders, or follow leads, or anything like that. Listen, I am not going to stand here and be harassed. Excuse me. Nikki: Sierra, I'm gonna have to download files of all incoming calls. Sierra: You do that. [Lucy screaming on TV] Dusty: I'll find you. I swear I'll find you. I promise. Nikki: What is it? Dusty: It's the tape. Nikki: Oh, my God. Dusty: Do you see this, right here? I recognize this. I think I know where Larsen buried Lucy. [SCENE_BREAK] Alan: I don't care about Craig. Wade: You should, 'cause he was the one who ordered me and Donnie to snatch her the first time. It's true. She was on her way and he wanted to play hero for his kid one last time. Alan: I don't believe it. Wade: Don't take my word for it. Tell him, Montgomery. Alan: Freeze. I don't have to kill you, Larsen. But I could make you wish I did. Wade: Okay, okay, hero. Just take it easy. Okay, just take it easy. Alan: Craig, get over there by Larsen. Craig: Huh? Alan: Move. Get over there! Craig: Hey, hey, hey. Put it down, put it down. Okay, okay, okay. Alan: Over there. Craig: Okay. Alan: So, is it true? Craig: Huh? Oh, come on, Alan. Wade: Tell him. Tell him how we met up and you gave us that pretty graduation picture of the girl and how you lined up the limo so we could grab her before she got to the airport. Craig: I don't know what he's talking about, Alan. Alan: Oh, my God, Montgomery. So you had Lucy kidnapped? Craig: Oh, come on, Alan. He's out for the money. He's gonna say anything. Alan: Yeah, well, you can tell that to the police. Craig: No! No, we get to Lucy. Alan: If he's telling the truth, I'll make you pay, Craig. I swear I will. Craig: Don't -- put it down. [SCENE_BREAK] Announcer: Coming up, on "As the World Turns" -- [Lily screaming] Lily: Craig! [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: You're telling me that Rosanna cooked up some phony brain tumor scheme? Barbara: No, I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that she wanted both of you out of Oakdale for a while. Jennifer: Because of Jordan? Barbara: Yes, darling. I'm sorry. Jennifer: Jordan would never be a part of this -- Paul: Rosanna wouldn't do this either! You did this, Mother! You are up to something. What are you doing? Barbara: I swear to you, she came to me about this because she's so worried and frightened about Cabot. And you know what? She has reason to be because I'm scared, too, because if James wants to come after either of you -- Paul: Then we all know whom to blame. Barbara: Paul, Paul! Walker: Let him go. Jennifer: You know, I defended you, Mom. Because I told Paul not to think the worst because you were sick and you needed us! Barbara: I didn't want you to be hurt, that's all. Jennifer: Jordan loves me. He would never do anything to hurt me! Barbara: Maybe not intentionally. Jennifer: We are happy. Why does that threaten you? Walker: Answer her, Barbara. Barbara: Don't talk to me in that tone. I did all of this for the right reasons, Jen. Walker: Then tell us those reasons. Jennifer: Save your breath, Walker. She'll never tell you the truth. Mom, you may have destroyed Paul and Rose, but you will never do that to me and Jordan. We love each other and nothing you say -- nothing you do -- will keep us part. [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: Short of having cameras and wiretaps, how would James know what goes on in this house or in your bedroom? Rosanna: We'll have to lie to everyone. That includes Jennifer and Paul and the staff -- Jordan: We could tell them the truth, Rosanna. Rosanna: Nobody can know the truth. The more people who know the truth, the more likely it will that it will get back to James. So I think we should just sever those relationships. Jordan: No, no, no, no. Wait a second. I am not going to lose Jennifer because of Stenbeck. Rosanna: Well, then it's over and Cabot suffers the consequences. Jordan: No, it's not over. Rosanna: Okay, look, then we do it your way. We walk into the prison arm in arm. Maybe James believes us, maybe he doesn't. And what about all the people who work for him on this end? They're pretty smart. Maybe they figure it out, they report back to him and then we lose Cabot. Jordan: We can't live the rest of our lives trying to please James. Rosanna: Well, I can if it means we raise our son. Jordan: And how are we gonna raise him? Under James' shadow, pretending that we love each other? Rosanna: At least he'll be here and not lost so deep in the system we're never able to find him. Look, Cabot comes before you, before me, before Paul or Jennifer or anybody else. That's what it means to be a good parent. You put your child first. Look at him. He's little. He can't protect himself. We have to do it for him. But I can't make you feel that way if you don't feel that way in your heart. Jordan: I do feel that way. Rosanna, I can't have him growing up the way I did, alone in some orphanage or worse. Rosanna: Okay. Then help me. We're just going to consummate the marriage. Okay? Jordan: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Alan: First, you'll tell me where Lucy is, then move down those stairs and we'll wait for the police. Wade: Not with two mil staring me in the face. Craig: Put the gun down, Alan. Alan: Where's Lucy? Craig: Don't be stupid. Wade: Listen to your friend. Alan: I've heard enough from both of you. Craig: What are you trying to do? Kill my daughter? Wade: Make your next shot your best, cowboy. [Lily screaming] Lily: Craig! Craig! Craig! Oh, my God, you killed him! [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: Tell me what you're looking for and I can help. Dusty: Check the tape. Nikki: I've seen it. Dusty: Check it again! It's not dirt, its sand. Nikki: What, you think she's at the beach -- the lake? Dusty: Can't be any witnesses, right? It's got to be a construction site. Nikki: And they use sand? Dusty: All the time they use sand. Got it. Paris Construction on Hollywood, off Highway 9. Let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: Alison, listen, Mom's probably right. He's nervous. Before Hal and I got married, we were fighting so much, I'm surprised we ever had a wedding. Alison: You're just saying that. Emily: No, I'm not. It's true. People show their nerves in all sorts of different ways. And guys, they check out, basically. They get all silent on you, right, Mom? Alison: Well, what if it's more than just that? Susan: What more could it be? Alison: I don't know. Susan: Oh, honey, Chris is crazy about you. Alison: Maybe you could remind him. You could try to figure out what's going on with him and talk up all the great things about me. Emily: Honey, he already knows them. Alison: Yeah, but hearing it from someone else, I mean, that really, you know, pumps you up. Emily: He needs to hear it from you. He doesn't need to hear it from me. Alison: Okay, then right after you tell him, I'll tell him. Susan: Just say "yes". Emily: No. You know what? I'm not getting in the middle of this. Alison: Emily, you're already in the middle of it. Emily: No, I'm not. Alison: Because anybody that has half a brain can see that he likes you and he will listen to you. Susan: Emily, how many weddings is our family going to have? Emily: Well, hopefully not too many. Susan: That's why I want this wedding to be beautiful. After the year I've had, I want everyone to know how proud I am of the two of you. So, come on, do your part. Smooth the way for Chris and Alison. Is that too much to ask? Alison: Please, Emily. You're my sister. If I can't count on you, who can I count on? [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: Ambulance and search crews are on their way. Dusty: She's gotta be here somewhere. Nikki: Okay, look, I'll take the south -- Dusty, look, over here. What is this? Dusty: This has been turned over recently. Nikki: Yeah. Dusty: Give me that shovel. Hurry up. Be careful. [Sirens in background] I got something. I got something. Oh, my God. Lucy! Call an ambulance. Lucy! [SCENE_BREAK] Alan: Lily, stay away from him. Lily: You're a monster! You're a monster! Craig: Lily. Lily, Lily -- hey. Alan: I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened. Wade: What happened is I got a gun now. Alan: Where's Lucy? Wade: Halfway to heaven by now. [Gunshots] [Lily screams] Lily: No! Wade: One down, two to go. Craig: Tell me where she is. Wade: You blew it, Montgomery, again. Craig: Wait, wait -- you can shoot me, all right? Just tell Lily where Lucy is and you're free. Take the money. Wade: No more deals, Montgomery. You -- Craig: Wade! Wade: You! Come with me. Craig: Leave her alone. Wade: Now, move! This pretty lady just got promoted. Hope you don't mind. But you're gonna make one sweet little hostage. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: Chris. Hi. Chris: Hi. What are you doing here? Emily: Groom hunting. Chris: What? Emily: Alison sent me. Chris: Yeah, things -- things didn't go so well at the tasting. Emily: Yeah, I heard. Is everything okay? Chris: Sure, why wouldn't they be? I just shelled out $100 deposit for a five layer cake. Emily: Oh, what flavor? Chris: Whatever Ali wants, Ali gets. Emily: What about what you want? What's going on, Chris? Chris: I don't know, Emily. I mean, lately it just seems like I'm making the biggest mistake of my life. [SCENE_BREAK] Barbara: Jen -- Jen, please, don't go. Let me explain. Jen -- Jennifer: Not interested, Mom. Barbara: Are you going to walk out on me, too? Walker: You told me you were working. Meetings, publicity -- why? Barbara: To protect my kids. Walker: You had a choice, Barbara. You had a choice to trust your kids, to trust me. If Paul hadn't called me, we'd probably be on the phone later today talking about how good your meeting with your B.R.O. People. Am I right? You had this whole thing planned, didn't you? Right down to that fraud that just left this room. And if he'd been better at his game, you'd probably still be lying. How far were you willing to take this, Barbara? Barbara: I don't know. Walker: Well, that's the first bit of truth I've heard all day. Barbara: Walker, please don't go. Walker. Walker: You had it all, Barbara. You had it all and you threw it all away. Barbara: I was just trying to hold onto you and my kids. Walker: Well, maybe you're trying to hold on too tight. Good-bye, Barbara. [Barbara sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Rosanna: Our trip to the park must have really wiped him out. Cabot went right down for his nap. Jordan: Oh, let me turn the monitor on. Rosanna: I gave the staff the rest of the night off. Jordan: Good idea. Rosanna: Do you want some wine? Jordan: Sure, let me pour. Rosanna: Boy am I nervous. Jordan: Yeah. I haven't felt this jumpy since I was about 16. Rosanna: Can I ask you a question? Jordan: Sure. Rosanna: About Cabot's birth mother -- do you know who she is? Where she might be? Jordan: I don't know. I've been thinking about the timing -- where I was, who I was with -- I mean, there were a couple of women, nothing serious. And I always used protection. Rosanna: Sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you. Jordan: I'm not embarrassed. I mean, obviously one of them is his biological mother, but none of them were ready to be a parent, that's for sure. Rosanna: And what about that woman in Canada, the one who claimed that she was Cabot's birth mother? Jordan: My guess is that she was hired by James to put all of this in motion. I'm sure that the biological mother has no idea what happened to him. She probably thought she was signing off on a legal adoption. Rosanna: Oh, God, I can't even go there. Jordan: Don't, okay? We can't change the past. Rosanna, the one thing that I know in my heart, is that Cabot could never find a mother who loves him more than you do. Rosanna: He's such a little angel. He came into my life when everything I thought was important suddenly didn't matter any more. Jordan: We do share a very precious gift. Rosanna: Thank you. Thank you for understanding, for loving him so much. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Wade -- Wade, wait. Take me. Leave her alone. Wade: Montgomery, you're more trouble than you're worth. Craig: No, no. Wade: Come on, let's go, beauty. [Lily screams] [Grunting] Lily: Help me, Craig. Don't let me die. Don't -- help me! [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: Lucy. I got her, I got her, I got her. Lucy. I got her, I got her! Put her down. Put her down. Call an ambulance! Nikki: I did. Dusty: Call again! Nikki: Okay, all right. Dusty: Lucy, it's going to be okay. Don't go anywhere. Don't you go anywhere, okay? Hold on. [NEXT_ON] Rosanna: I'm sorry. I wish you didn't have to find out this way. Paul: Find out what? Rosanna: Jordan and I have decided to make a go of our marriage. Emily: Are you saying you don't want a big wedding, or you don't want a wedding at all? Dusty: Come on. Breathe. Come on. [Dusty breathing heavily] | Craig runs and finds Lily hanging onto the edge and grabs her hands as she shouts that she doesn't want to die |
250 | Kiki: Hello, handsome. Michael: Oh, hey. Kiki: [Chuckles] How'd your visit with AJ go? Michael: He's, uh -- he's hanging in there. I keep telling him it's gonna be over soon. Kiki: Hey, the power of positive thinking, right? So, do you think his chances are good? Michael: I don't know. I mean, he's not even convinced that he didn't kill Connie. How is he gonna convince 12 other people? Kiki: Well, that's what the lawyer's job is, right? Michael: She's the best at what she does, but I mean, it all depends on how hard this Lazaro D.A. Guy goes after him. Lucy: Oh, did I just happen to hear the word "D.A."? Hey, you two lovely, gorgeous, wonderful people. Have you decided who possibly you might be voting for in the upcoming race for district attorney? May I suggest this gentleman here -- Scott Baldwin? He is courageous, and he is a pillar of our community. But I tell you this, he will have the defense attorneys running for them thar hills. What do you say? [Sighs] Sam: Hey. Alexis: Hi. Sam: Hi. Alexis: Thanks for meeting me here. Sam: Of course. What's so urgent? Alexis: [Sighs] I, uh, wanted you to be here with me when I opened it. Sam: Lab results. Okay. I'm assuming it's the DNA. Alexis: Yeah, they put a-a rush on it, although it certainly didn't feel like that. I mean, what's the point anyway? I waited your whole life to find out who your father -- Sam: Um, you're -- you're rambling, mom. Alexis: Yeah, I know. I mean... [Chuckles] Really? It's not like it's gonna change anything, right? I mean, he's -- he -- he -- he -- he's either your father or he's not. Sam: Right. Okay. So, uh... let's just get this over with? Go ahead. What does it say? What? Alexis: You and Lucas are a match. He's your brother. Which means that Julian Jerome is your father. Derek: You know, last night, when I said we should get breakfast, I just assumed that you'd be, uh...staying over. Carly: Really? Derek: Mm-hmm. Carly: It's only our second date. You know, I like to take things slow. Derek: Hmm. So that's the only reason why you wouldn't come home with me? Or is it because you were still hung up on that psychopath, Franco? Franco: What the hell? Heather: Give me your honest opinion. Franco: Aaaah! Heather: Do you like them? Carly: Franco? [Laughs] Uh, he's busy with his attorney, Diane. Derek: And if he weren't? Carly: I couldn't care less about Franco. Derek: Oh. Well, I hope that's true. Because, um [Clears throat] I am really enjoying... getting to know you. [Cell phone rings] Derek: Uh... Carly: Business, huh? Derek: In a matter of speaking. But...it can wait. Derek: Leave a message. [Beep] Ava: It's me. Why aren't you picking up? I just have one question. Did you get the job done or not? Sonny: Son of a bitch. Shawn: Hold on. Damn. What the hell happened here? Sonny: What's it look like? We've been hit. Again. Michael: Okay, look, about the D.A. -- I haven't really thought about who I'll be voting for. Um, and I'm not sure Kiki is registered to vote in Port Charles. Lucy: Oh. That's okay. We still have plenty of time to just march you right down and get you registered. Kiki: Actually, I'm sorry, but we're in the middle of something. Lucy: Oh. Oh, I gotcha. You got bigger things to be worried about. Not that you're really worried. I-I just mean your mind is probably on your father. Well, not that father. I mean your biological father. I mean -- I guess AJ -- poor thing. That was all he could ever be to you, really, right? And I know how awkward it must be to have your father kill your other father's girlfriend that -- shut up, Lucy. I will. Sorry. Shut up. I'm done. Michael: You know, actually I'm sorry, but I think I might sit this election out. Lucy: Yeah, right. I-I'm -- I'm so sorry. But if you change your mind, hey, you know what? At least I can give you a button! Here. Button, button. Okay, excuse me. Uh, here. Button. Here. Here you go. Kiki: If this Scott Baldwin wins, do you think that it could help AJ or hurt him? Scott: So, a vote for Scott Baldwin is a vote for law and order in this town. Here. Thank you. Lucy: [Scoffs] Wow. Is that the very best you can do? Scott: I-I can't promise everybody a brand-new washer and dryer, Lucy. Lucy: Oh, no, but you could do something with a little more energy, a little more charisma, sex appeal. You know, a little more warmth. Scott: It's a little chilly out. Lucy: Oh, it is not. It's a beautiful Indian summer afternoon. Scott: Thank you for the weather report. Lucy: Listen to me, you. No one is going to vote for Mr. Grumpy. Scott: Well, in a perfect world... my wife would be by my side. This town loves Laura. I loved her. That's over. [Sighs] Lucy: I know. I'm very, very sorry. But, hey! You got your ex-wife, and might I add, I better be your favorite ex-wife. Come on, pal. I am not leaving your side until every single voter in Port Charles knows that you are absolutely the very best candidate for D.A. Ever. Scott: I appreciate all your work. Have I mentioned that lately? Lucy: Oh, it doesn't hurt to say it over and over again. Scott: You've got your own work to do. I'm sure you need to get back to deception. Lucy: No, we're good. We're good. I think we're almost up and running. I just have a few "I"s to dot and a few "t"s to cross, and, unfortunately, I have this little thing with the origin of some tile, but you know me. I can get that done. Everything's gonna be fine. And I love staying busy-busy. Scott: Are you sure that's it? Lucy: What? What do you mean? Scott: Are you sure you're not using this as a distraction because your husband is off being very busy-busy? Alexis: Talk to me. Sam: I don't know. I guess I always thought I was gonna find out who my father was and I -- I would be able to meet him, you know? But he's -- he's dead. I'm never gonna have that closure. Alexis: I'm so sorry. All I can tell you is that when I met him, he was handsome and nice. And considering what he became, maybe it's best that you never did have a chance to know him. Julian Jerome was a very dangerous man. Carlos: Oh. You ready for me, boss? Derek: Uh, Carly, I'd like you to meet one of my associates, Carlos Rivera. Carlos, ms. Jacks. Carlos: Pleasure. Carly: Likewise. Derek: Listen, Carlos, give us a few minutes, will you? Carly: Oh, that's okay. That's okay. I can't keep you from business all day. Derek: Oh, no, no, no, no. I-it's fine. He can wait. Carly: I know, but I have some things I need to take care of, so I'll see you later. Derek: Uh, Carly. Hope to see you soon. [Sighs] Carlos: Nice catch. [Laughs] Ava: You can't avoid my calls forever. I'm just as invested in this job as you are, and I will not be ignored, my darling. Morgan: What job? Ava: Morgan. I-I thought we talked about eavesdropping. Morgan: Yeah, well, it's kind of hard to avoid when your girlfriend keeps having these secret conversations. Who were you on the phone with? [Knock on door] Ava: I have to get that. Diane: Good morning, you two. Oh, Morgan. I see you still haven't found your shirt. Thank you for messengering me your statement, by the way. These are the annulment papers for you to sign, and, ms. Jerome, I believe you have a document for me, one that was signed by your silent partner? Ava: Yes, yes, I do. Right here. Diane: Excellent. Excellent. Fantastic. Looks like everything is in order for Franco's big show. Franco: Hmm. How did you get in here? Heather: How many times do I have to tell you? I have my ways. I came incognito this time. Neat, huh? Franco: Mm-hmm. It's very creative. Heather: Yeah. You asked me for more paintings. Ye ask and ye shall receive. You know how much I stan for you. Franco: Thanks. I guess. I think maybe I should be flattered that you stan for me. Heather: It's just twitter lingo. An unkind person might say that's a term for a obsessed fan. I prefer dedicated follower. Franco: Yeah, I'll bet. Heather: The point is nothing will keep me from giving you what you want. [Knock on door] Carly: Franco, open the door. [Knock on door] Carly: Franco, it's Carly. We need to talk. Heather: What is she doing here? Diane: Franco's show is going to be the social event of the fall season, so thank you for getting your partner's signature so promptly. Morgan: Derek Wells. Ava: And only our attorneys will be aware of his identity. Diane: I am nothing if not discreet. Morgan: You guys don't have to be so secretive. I know Derek Wells is your partner. Derek: Is everything taken care of? Carlos: Corinthos should be surveying the damage as we speak. Shawn: The warehouse is completely trashed. Almost all the inventory is useless. Sonny: I don't have to tell you who did this. Shawn: You still think Derek Wells is Julian Jerome? Sonny: I don't think. I know. It all adds up, Shawn. Shawn: Where's the guard? Sonny: I had Max take him to the hospital. Shawn: He wasn't prepared for this type of situation. I should have sent one of our people to watch the place. Sonny: Why? Why would you do that? This is -- we got coffee here. Completely legit. Shawn: Look, we should get you out of here, okay? We don't know if these guys are gonna make a return visit. [Tires squeal] Lucy: You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Why on earth would I need to be distracted from doc? Scott: Listen, Lucy, I don't mean to get you riled up here. I just know that you've been feeling sort of, mm, abandoned. Lucy: No, I am not! I am not feeling abandoned by Kevin. I am not. In fact, Mr. Smarty-pants, we are having lunch today. Scott: Are you sure you're having lunch? Or is he gonna cancel, as he's been doing? Lucy: He is not going to cancel! You know what? Just because your whole marriage went on the skids does not mean mine will. You know what? Just go shake some more hands and kiss some more babies' bottoms! Scott: [Sighs] Michael: I don't know what it would mean for AJ's case if Scott Baldwin wins the election. I mean, last time he was D.A., I was a kid. Kiki: "Last time." So, he was the D.A. before? Michael: A few times. Yeah. Kiki: Well, why did he keep getting the boot? Was he too tough on crime? Too soft? Michael: Uh, neither. Actually, he resigned. [Sighs] The truth is I have no idea what this could mean. I mean, a part of me thinks that, you know, no matter what, Scott Baldwin has got to be better than this Lazaro guy. Lazaro: Don't shoot. It's the good guys. Sonny: What are you doing here, Lazaro? Lazaro: The fine men at the PCPD got word of a break-in here. Sonny: Uh-huh. Lazaro: I decided to tag along. Sonny: Do they have a warrant? Lazaro: Feel free to begin your investigation, officers. Sonny: Do they have a warrant?! Lazaro: Why would they need one? They're here to help you. Sonny: Okay, next time you bring a bunch of cops in here, you ask me first. Lazaro: This is the second time you've been hit, Mr. Corinthos. Sonny: Right. Lazaro: With an election coming, I need to look tough on crime. Sonny: You can start by convicting AJ Quartermaine. Lazaro: I'm working on that. But in the meantime, we both know that I turned a blind eye to your activities. Sonny: Yeah, and you got paid quite a lot of money for that, didn't you? Lazaro: Mm. I need a high-profile takedown. So...you let me go after the guys targeting you, you get rid of a rival... Sonny: Uh-huh. Lazaro: ...I keep being D.A. It's win-win. Sonny: I do want you, uh, re-elected. Lazaro: I appreciate your vote. Sonny: Mm-hmm. Lazaro: So, I can't take down these guys unless I know who they are. You got a name for me? Sonny: Yeah, I got a name for you. Julian Jerome. Carlos: When you called me up here, I didn't think I would be sabotaging coffee shipments. I thought we'd be going after some of Sonny's more ambiguous holdings. Derek: Yeah, you would think that, wouldn't you? But you forgot the first rule of the game, Carlos. You follow the money. Alexis: There is something that came out of this. Sam: What's that? Alexis: You have a sibling out there somewhere. Sam: [Chuckles] Yeah, okay, you are right. That is something. Alexis: Incredible, isn't it? You and Carly have the same brother. Sam: Oh. Ugh. Yes. I mean, I guess there's a lot of that going around right now. Alexis: What do you mean? Sam: Well, it's just a strange coincidence. I mean, you know Silas, right? Well, Silas, um -- Kiki Jerome, his daughter -- um, Silas told Kiki that her mother had a brother that she never knew about, and I offered to help find out who he was, and now I just -- I just can't stop wondering. Alexis: What? Sam: Is it possible that my father was Ava Jerome's brother? Ava: How do you know about Derek Wells? Morgan: Easy -- I saw the papers in your bag. Ava: You went in my bag? Well, I see clearly that we need to have another conversation about privacy. Morgan: Whoa, why don't you calm down? 'Cause I was looking for a pen. Ava: A pen? I've never actually seen you write. Don't you text all your correspondence? Diane: Okay, I'm sure you crazy kids want to have this conversation in private, so, Morgan, if you'll just sign those annulment papers, I will be on my way. Morgan: Sure. Good thing I got a pen. [Pen clicks] Diane: Fantastic. All right. Well, I just wish the two of you A...lovely day. Morgan: You tell me that Derek Wells is buying art from you and then I found out that he's your silent partner? Ava: What goes on in my gallery, Morgan, is none of your business. Morgan: Yeah, but you lied to me. Why? What's going on between you guys? Carly: Franco, open up or I'm gonna use my key card. Heather: You gave her a key? Franco: She owns the hotel! She has a key to every room! I -- I need you to hide. Heather: No, what I need to do is have a little chat with your uninvited guest and make it clear to her that you're not interested. Franco: Please don't do that. Please, Heather. Just let me handle this. The last thing I need is for anybody to see you here in this room. Carly: That's it, Franco. Fair warning. I'm coming in. Oh, my God. Franco: Hi, Carly. Carly: Uh, you didn't open the door, so... Franco: Yeah, I was in the shower. What are you doing here? I thought you never wanted to see me again. Carly: I don't want to see...you again. You know, I, um, your bill. It's past due. You owe me money. So when am I getting my money? Franco: Soon. Really soon. I got a big show coming up. Carly: This what you been working on? Franco: Yep. These... are my masterpieces. Alexis: Listen, according to Duke, Victor only had one daughter, Olivia, and she's dead. Sam: So? What if he had a mistress? It's possible he had a daughter with another woman. Alexis: [Sighs] From what I understand, he had a fondness for a lot of women. [Footsteps] Alexis: And there's one now. Lucy: Hi. Excuse me. I'm here to see Dr. Kevin Collins. To tell you the truth, I'm a little early, but that's okay. Just don't bug him if he's got a patient or anything. I'll just kind of wait, I guess. I'm Lucy Coe. I'm sure you've heard of me. Sonny: What do you know about Julian Jerome? Lazaro: Oh, Victor's son? I don't think he's your man. He's...how do I put this? Sonny: Dead? Yeah, people think he is. Lazaro: What makes you think he's not? Sonny: Okay, this is just a theory. What if -- what if he's been hiding out, right? And he's back with a new identity. Lazaro: I don't suppose you have any proof. Sonny: Well, that's where you come in, Mr. District attorney. Diane: Thank you both for agreeing to meet with me on the fly, as it were, and I do have another appointment, so I will be brief. [Clears throat] I want you to hear it from me first that I'm going to try and stall AJ's trial yet again. Michael: He's being held without bail. Diane: I know, and being in county lockup is...inconvenient, but I am hoping that there are greater benefits. Michael: What kind of benefits? Diane: Him. Michael: You think Scott Baldwin is gonna be elected D.A.? Diane: I think there's a strong chance. Mm. Scotty Baldwin was never the most reputable of district attorneys, but he and I had a sort of love/hate relationship that I fully intend to exploit at trial. Michael: Okay, do what you have to do. Diane: You know, underneath that very sweet exterior, Michael, you've always been a realist, and I've always appreciated that about you. Your father would never allow it, d neither would I, but I think you would have done very well in his business. You remind me of Jason Morgan in that way. It's always the quiet ones that are the most dangerous. Oh, excuse me. By the way, I also have something for you. Kiki: Oh. Thank you. It's from Morgan. Michael: Divorce papers? Kiki: Annulment papers. Michael: Morgan wants an annulment? On what grounds? Kiki: Fraud. Ava: What do you mean what's going on between me and Derek? Morgan: Are you sleeping with him? Ava: No! Morgan: Okay, so, he wasn't the "my darling" on your phone call just now? Ava: Morgan, I can assure you I am not having sex with Derek Wells. In fact, the idea of it is revolting to me. Morgan: Okay, then, what's with all the secrets? Why don't you just tell me the truth? Ava: You know something, Morgan, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous. Morgan: Jealous? No. Ava: Good. Because you've got no reason to be. Regardless of my relationship with Derek. What we have isn't serious. Morgan: Yeah. Well, maybe I want it to be. Carly: Well, you seem to have gotten over your artistic pretense. I mean, your agent, Sebastian, wanted more pieces like that, and you certainly delivered. Wow. Franco: Yeah, well, you know, you got to give the people what they want, and I think I have. I think I'm gonna make a bunch of money and I'm gonna be able to pay you back with interest. Carly: Well, I'll be waiting with bated breath. Franco: All right. That's great. 'Cause I was hoping to see you there. Carly: I might come, yeah. I might be there. Sure. I'm sure you'll be taking your girlfriend, Diane. Franco: Okay, Carly, look, I tried to tell you before. Carly: And I'll be going with my own plus one. Over breakfast this morning, Derek and I were discussing where to go on our third date. Heather: Mind telling me what that was about? Diane: It's on me. Scott: Well...Diane miller. It's been awhile. Diane: Mm-hmm. But absence does make the heart grow fonder, does it not? Just came by to tell you that you got my vote. Scott: In exchange for what? Diane: [Chuckles] Oh, Baldwin! You are too much. I'm actually thinking of the greater good. A win for you might be a nice change of pace for this city. Instead of Lazaro, we have somebody in office who actually understands, I don't know, the meaning of "trumped-up charges," for instance. Like, take my client, AJ Quartermaine. Scott: Yes. I read up on that. Diane: Well, then, you know that it's entirely circumstantial. I mean, it's all smoke and mirrors, totally unprovable. Scott: Is that what you think? Diane: Well, what do you think? Scott: I will let you know when I'm in office. Put that on. Diane: Oh. Scott: Thank you. Diane: [Sighs] Michael: Wait, Morgan's saying that you defrauded him. Kiki: He is claiming that I married him under false pretenses because I was in love with someone else. And the truth is, is that he's right. Morgan: I know we're both on the rebound and our physical relationship is new, but I've always cared about you, Ava, and I know you cared about me. I mean, you took care of me in New York, and I think we've always had something for each other. We're just now realizing it. Ava: What are you talking about? You're in love with my daughter. Morgan: Yeah, but that doesn't mean that my feelings for you aren't real. Ava: Morgan, I -- Morgan: What? What are you -- what's going on? Ava: I have to go. Morgan: Where are you going? Ava: To see Derek. Morgan: Derek? Ava: It's just business. Derek: See, the reason Sonny can rake in all these millions without ever catching heat is simple. He funnels everything through Corinthos coffee. Carlos: Oh, like Ava's gallery and your publishing wing. Derek: Exactly. Except print is dying. Now, Ava and I had hoped that ELQ could be our new front, but unfortunately that is not gonna happen. Carlos: That's too bad. I mean, you could launder a lot of money through an international like that, right? Derek: Yeah. Well, what are you gonna do? Right now I have bigger fish to fry. Carlos: Corinthos coffee. Derek: Yeah, you see, when you take out a front business, it doesn't matter how much money a family brings in. They can't spend it without alerting the authorities. Those millions are useless to them. It's like having a gun without bullets. Sonny: Julian Jerome was killed in a shootout with a guy named Jonathan Paget. His body was found by the chief of police, Robert Scorpio. Lazaro: I remember. It was big news back then. Sonny: Okay, so, there must be a file on it. Robert Scorpio must have an account of everything that happened. I just -- I just need you to pull it for me. Lazaro: I can't. Those records are confidential. Sonny: So? Lazaro: You're talking about something that happened 20 years ago. Odds are all we have is a hard copy. I'd have to sneak the file out of PCPD, which is next to impossible with commissioner Devane on watch. Sonny: I have faith in you. Last thing that you want to do is disappoint me. Lucy: What can I do for you? Sam: Well, actually, we were hoping you could answer a few questions for us. Alexis: And we wouldn't ask unless it were very important. Lucy: Okay. Okay. Um...consider me intrigued. What do you want to know? Alexis: Uh, we're inquiring about a certain individual with whom you were reputedly acquainted with. Sam: What do you know about Victor Jerome? Lucy: Victor Jerome? Well, that's a blast from the past. What about him? Alexis: Duke mentioned that you were, uh, involved with him. Lucy: Oh, no, no, no, no. I don't mean to be mean or anything, 'cause I love Duke, but he had to misspeak or he has to remember it differently, 'cause I was never, ever involved with Victor Jerome. Sam: You weren't? Lucy: No. No, I wasn't. Really. I promise. I admit, I was, uh, making bad relationship choices at the time, but happily I was never involved with him. I was not wanting him, but he -- he kind of wanted me. He was actually head over heels in love with me. And unfortunately when I rejected his affections, he ate it. Sam: He did? Wait, what do you mean? He -- he died when you rejected him? Lucy: Yeah. I-I -- I guess so. Technically he did. He literally...ate it. He -- he choked on my necklace. Sam: [Gasps] Alexis: He did. Lucy: Okay, but you still have not said why do you want to know about him? Sam: Um, okay, this is gonna sound a little bit awkward, and I'm sorry for being so crass about this, but is it possible that Victor had other relationships? A mistress, possibly? Lucy: Oh, um, let me think. Yeah. [Gasps] There was a woman. Her name was, um, Dimetria. And she actually bore his love child. Franco: All right, what did I do now? Heather: You said that you wanted my paintings because you admire my work, my artistic genius. And now based on what you were telling Carly, it sounds like you're just trying to pass them off as your own. Franco: I had to tell Carly that, right? I mean, I had to. I -- [Sighs] I can't show her my real work, 'cause it would ruin the mystique. Heather: So, you are planning an art show? Franco: Yeah, of course, but, you know, not with these. It'll be with my artwork. Heather: New pieces. From the Franco. Can I see them? Franco: Yeah, well, no, it's like I said. It would ruin the mystique. Heather: You're not comparing me to Carly, are you? Franco: No, not at all. It's just that my work is very contextual, and it has to be in a context. And if I showed it to you now, it would be like giving you your Christmas present in October. Heather: Say no more. Besides, I've already had my present for today. Carly's seeing someone else. Franco: Yeah, I already told you that. Heather: And what's going on with you and Diane miller? From what I hear, she's quite promiscuous. Franco: Well, she's a fantastic attorney. Heather: No question. Franco: Yeah. Heather: But a lousy gossip columnist. Did you know that her former publisher fired her and hired me to do her job? He was thrilled with it! In fact, we became quite close. His name is actually -- Franco: I don't need to know his name. Heather: Well, I guess I can't complain. Jumping from Carly to Diane is a step in the right direction. Franco: Yes, it is! In fact, you know what? Diane is on her way over right now. So now would be a great time for you to leave. Heather: Now? Franco: Yes. Heather: I thought we could grab some BLTs. Franco: I'll take a rain check on that. Okay? Because I don't want to send Diane mixed signals. Not now. Not during the honeymoon phase of our new relationship. Heather: Fine. And, by the way, yes, you are very welcome. Franco: Hmm. Heather: For the paintings. Franco: Yeah. Heather: Can't wait to see your big show. [Door closes] Sam: So, Victor and Dimetria had a child. Lucy: Uh, yeah, a boy. A son unfortunately named Dino. What? That's not the information you wanted? What? Alexis: Actually, we're trying to find out if Victor fathered an illegitimate daughter. Lucy: Well, not with Dimetria. [Gasps] But there was that other mistress. Sam: What other mistress? Ava: You mind telling me why you're ignoring my -- Carlos Rivera. I heard you were in town. Carlos: Ava Jerome! Mm! Still as gorgeous as the day we met. Ava: You always did know just what to say. Carlos: [Chuckles] Ava: So, any luck with that old love of yours? Carlos: It's an uphill battle. Ava: I do know what that's like. Carlos: Well, yeah. Derek tells me you got a new situation of your own. A little young for you, no? Derek: Okay, excuse me, but if you're both done, uh, Carlos has some work to do. Carlos: Like I said, always business with you. See you around. Ava: Yeah. So...you can update Carlos on the family business but not your little sister? Derek: You want an update? It's done. Corinthos is down for the count. Carly: What happened? Shawn: Our friends paid another visit. Carly: The same people who destroyed the coffee shipment? Sonny: We got it covered. What are you doing here, Carly? Carly: Do you have any idea about Morgan? Shawn: I'll go check on something. Carly: Okay. All right, so, I'm guessing that you know where our son is. Sonny: Morgan is staying at Ava's new place. Carly: Why didn't you tell me? Sonny: Because I knew how you would react. Carly: Oh, really? Sonny: Which is pretty much the way you're reacting. Uh, so I had -- you know, I went over there and I had words with Morgan. Carly: Is he still there? Sonny: He does not want to come home, so, I'm just telling you, if you go over there all hot-headed -- Carly: I just want to make sure he's okay, Sonny. Please. Tell me exactly where he is. Derek: We still have Sonny to, uh, take care of. Ava: Did you get the job done or not? Carly: Please, please don't be so naive, okay? This woman -- look at her. She's a predator. She goes after impressionable people like you. Sonny: You are an adult now, and I can't -- I can't protect you from all the harm that's gonna happen out there. Especially this woman. Watch your back. Kiki: Diane? We're all set. Diane: Well, Kiki, that was awfully fast. You sure you don't want to -- Kiki: Oh, I'm sure. No, it's better this way. Diane: Okay. I'll have these filed by this afternoon. Michael: You okay? Kiki: Um, yeah, I'm okay. It's just -- it's a lot to process. Michael: Do you want to get out of here? Kiki: Okay. Diane: What's all this? Franco: This is my new work. A dozen or so paintings just like the one Sebastian said he loved so much. We are ready to put this show on the road. Diane: Yes. We would be, except we have one big problem. Franco: What's that? Diane: You didn't paint any of these. Scott: Excuse me, ma'am. Have you, um, given any thought as to who you -- Heather: Scotty. Scott: Heather? Sam: Okay, wait a minute. So this mistress who is from New York -- you mean the city? Lucy: What else would I mean? Alexis: What else can you tell us about her? Lucy: Uh, not much. I think they met at a bar near the George Washington bridge. Sam: Okay, do you remember its name? Lucy: Uh, wait. It'll come to me. It was Irish. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Riley's? Rogan's? Ryan's. Sam: Ryan's. Ryan's. Are you sure? Lucy: Yeah. It was Ryan's. I'm 100% sure it was Ryan's. I hope. Ava: Sounds like you've got the Sonny situation well in hand. Derek: Is that approval I hear? Ava: Don't get cocky. How are things with Carly Jacks? Derek: Making progress every day. Before long, she'll be in my pocket, too. Carly: Morgan? Morgan! Derek: Okay, enough about me and Carly. How are things with you and the kid? Ava: Well, you're not gonna believe this, but I think the kid is actually falling for me. Sonny: We got to deal with what's in front of us right now. Nobody hits us like this, gets away with it. Somebody is gonna pay for what they did last night. Shawn: You say the word and it's done. Sonny: We got to be smart, though. You understand what I'm saying? Shawn: Okay. So what you want to do? Sonny: We're gonna wait for Lazaro to come back with that file. Once we're sure that Derek Wells is Julian Jerome, we are gonna strike. We are gonna make him wish he stayed dead. Ava: You won't believe this, but Morgan thought we were sleeping together. Derek: You and me? Ava: Yeah. [Laughs] I nearly choked. Do you believe that, Julian? He actually thought I was sleeping with my own brother. | They wonder if Sam could have siblings out there who are her deceased father's kids |
251 | J.R.: I don't know. I just hardly slept last night. Colby: At least it was in your own bed, not at the police station. J.R.: Yeah, so how do I look? Sober, responsible, fatherly? Tad: You look like a man who loves his son. You keep the faith, ok? We've been through this before. You and me and custody battles, we go back a long way. J.R.: All right, well, that's unless Hayward does something else. Blackmail, poison, who knows what's next? What we need is a miracle. Erica: You don't need a miracle. You have me. I guarantee that David has no more tricks in his bag. I've made sure of it. Tad: Care to share? Erica: Let's just say that your hearing will be held in front of a fair and impartial judge. Tad: I knew I loved you for some reason. Listen, I'm there to testify about Krystal's fitness as a mother, ok? J.R.: Yeah. Tad: Buck up, I'll see you at the courthouse. J.R.: Ok. Erica: Bye. You're going to win this, J.R. I want you to know that I spoke to Adam, and he wanted me to tell you that he has all the confidence in the world in you. [SCENE_BREAK] David: I don't have a good feeling about this. Krystal: You know, you did go too far in trying to manipulate that judge, but we are in the right. David: That doesn't mean we're going to prevail. Krystal: You know what? No matter who the judge is, the facts stand. Listen, Little A's going to be with us, and if you would just believe that, then maybe you wouldn't have to worry about manipulating judges and blackmailing witnesses and poisoning the opposition. David: So in other words, you don't approve of my methods? Krystal: You never do anything halfway. David: I always play dirty, don't I? Why? [SCENE_BREAK] [Kendall holds up the day's copy of "The Wall Street Herald" with the headline "Hostile Takeover of Cambias Industries" Kendall: You did this, didn't you? Ryan: Yes. Kendall: Why didn't you tell me? [SCENE_BREAK] [Zach looks at Myrtle's portrait] Zach: A fine day. Sun's out, it's warm, and I've lost everything. My family, my company, and my wife. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: Angie. Angie: Hi. Taylor: Is it true? Frankie and Randi's big Hawaiian honeymoon -- it's off? Angie: Cancelled flight, lost luggage. They made it as far as San Francisco before they had to come home. Taylor: That's terrible. Angie: Even worse, they're going to have to wait until Frankie gets back from Iraq before they can go on their honeymoon. Brot: Oh, maybe not. Where are they at right now? Angie: They're at the loft, why? Brot: Can you keep them busy? Angie: Uh, I guess. What do you have in mind? Brot: You'll see. Hey, come with me. Come on. You'll see -- watch. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: Hey. Jesse: Hey, you're here for Little Adam's custody hearing? Tad: Yeah, better give a front row view of Krystal's worthiness to be a mother, or not. Jesse: I'm really sorry, man. It can't be easy for you to have to go through this again. Tad: I don't want to say anything bad about her, but this is about Little Adam, you know? I've got to make sure he stays in the right house, his father's. Jesse: I agree, but with Hayward all up in the mix, no telling how this is going to play out. Tad: I'd give a year of my life to make sure that he stays with J.R. That poor kid, I can't imagine how he feels. He's got to be so turned around, he doesn't know which way is up. Jesse: Trust me, the kid is in good hands. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalia: "And when the smoke cleared, Moose was alone. Bird was gone." Hey, you, what's wrong? Little Adam: I miss my mommy. Natalia: Yeah, me, too. Little Adam: Did she go to heaven, too? Natalia: She did, she did. I remember your mommy. You know she loved you as big as the sun, and she still does. But now she just smiles down on you from the clouds. And every time she smiles on you, I bet there's a rainbow somewhere, and when she blows you kisses, I bet there's a beautiful breeze. Little Adam: Really? Natalia: Yeah, really, and I bet you if we keep reading that Bird will find Moose. Little Adam: Will he find his dad, too? Natalia: I'm sure, Babe, I'm sure, real soon. Here, come here. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: So Dad's doing ok? Erica: He's much better. J.R.: Yeah. I can't thank you enough. You busted David's judge, you got me out of jail, giving me the opportunity for a fair hearing. Colby: And you're taking care of Dad. Erica: Well, as much as that man will ever let anyone take care of him. Colby: So you and Dad -- is it love? J.R.: Colby. Colby: What? She never really liked you, so she's got to be doing this because she's got something for Dad, right? Erica: There are so many kinds of love. With Adam and I, it is, um -- it's a dance. We move beautifully together in so many ways, and yet sometimes -- Colby: He steps on your toes. Erica: Oh, your father can tango with the best of them. Your father is a very special man who loves very, very deeply, despite what he would like other people to think. You, Colby, and J.R., Little Adam, you are his life. That's why I made sure that you get a fair hearing this afternoon. Because your son belongs in your home. He belongs in your arms. J.R.: I just hope I don't blow it. Colby: Are you coming to the hearing? Erica: I'm way too busy, but I do want you to call me as soon as it's over. I expect to be celebrating. J.R.: We will. Erica: Ok. Colby: So is that a "yes" or "no" about loving my dad? Erica: I love Adam... like ice cream. Colby: I'm freaking myself out, but I kind of really want her to be in love with Dad. [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: You are a man who knows what he wants. David: And if I could take someone down in the process, all the better, right? Krystal: Hey, I can't think of anybody in this town who has the right to throw the first stone, including me. David: Oh, come on. Krystal: I'm just like you. David: Krystal, no, you're not. You're a good person. Krystal: Oh, come on. David: You at least know where to draw the line. Krystal: Look at my history. Hmm? And where was that line when I kept that secret about Amanda's baby being yours? You know, I didn't want to hurt anybody, but I wanted what I wanted -- you. And I didn't believe in myself enough to take a chance on the truth. David: Yeah, well, look what happened. The truth came out, and I'm still here. Krystal: And Little Adam will be here with us, too, because we are right. I mean, come on, J.R.'s struggle with sobriety left Little Adam one glass away from alcohol poisoning. I mean, and where -- where is Adam? And as much as I love Colby, she isn't exactly a responsible role model. David: Well, when you put it like that, I almost feel optimistic. Krystal: We are the right family for Little A. The judge will see that, and he'll make his decision. David: You're amazing. Krystal: I just want our grandson to be in a happy, safe home. David: And I know now what to do to make that happen. Trust the facts. Trust you and me. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: You knew that I was going after Zach. Kendall: You stole Cambias? Ryan: It was legitimate. It was legitimate and it was a pretty brilliant business move, yes. Kendall: The casino, too? Ryan: Cambias. Cambias and all of its holdings, yes. Kendall: So Zach has nothing? Ryan: Zach is going to be fine, Kendall. He's going to have, like, a platinum parachute, ok? Don't worry about him. If it makes you feel any better, he didn't exactly drop to his knees and beg when he found out about this, ok? Kendall: He wouldn't. He would just do that little half-smile and act like everything's ok. You in Zach's bed, taking his company, his casino that he has worked so hard for -- you've killed him. [SCENE_BREAK] Brot: Got it, got it? Taylor: Got it. Brot: Wow. Taylor: Hey, do you remember when we were in Iraq and you decorated my stinky old tent with, um, wine chilling in the bucket and flowers strewn all over my cot? Brot: Hate to break this to you, but they were fake flowers. Taylor: You're ruining it. Hey, you never did tell me where you found plastic flowers in the middle of the desert. Brot: A man never reveals his sources. Now take a look at this. You like? Taylor: I like. This is going to be the best Hawaiian honeymoon ever. They are never going to forget this. It's so romantic. Brot: Romantic is Fiji, Bora Bora, nobody on the beach for miles, just you, me -- yeah, that's our honeymoon. Taylor: Was that a proposal? [SCENE_BREAK] Natalia: Ahem. Hey, you two, lighten up on the PDA, there is a child present. Angie: And a mother. Frankie: We are on our honeymoon, thank you very much. Natalia: Then get a room, thank you very much. Randi: It's in Hawaii. Little Adam: Would you color with us? Randi: I'd love to. Frankie: I think I have just been upstaged. Angie: Ok, Little A, after you finish coloring, look what I have. Hey, do you like these? You like blocks? Randi: Come on, Little A, I'll help you build anything you want. Frankie: Yeah, me too, little buddy. Natalia: Hey, this is good practice for the whole kid thing. It's the next step, right? Frankie: Well, you know, I'm going away. Randi: And we haven't really talked about that. Angie: And, Natalia, they just got married a few days ago. Will you let them breathe? You guys know that I'm crazy about kids, but I'm not quite ready to be called a grandma. Not yet. [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: Just in time. Hey, I'm sure you're aware that Salke has been replaced by Gordon. You don't have a problem with that, do you? David: No problem. We just want a fair hearing. Man: Judge Gordon is ready for you. Krystal: Ok. J.R.: Ahem. David: Well, what happened, Junior? Had to stop off for one final Bloody Mary? J.R.: I'm ready, Hayward. I've got nothing to hide. Let's do it. David: Well, you're pretty confident for a man with so much stacked against him. Jesse: Just to remind the two of you, this hearing is for temporary custody. David: Got it, Chief. Well, I hope you're not going to bill me for the half- hour you were stuck in traffic? Barry: Have we been called? J.R.: Just now. David: So is Adam going to be here? J.R.: I don't know. I haven't spoken to him. David: You know, I'm not much for that name -- Adam. What do you say we change it after we get custody? "Little D" -- Little David. Yeah, it does have kind of a ring to it, doesn't it? J.R.: You're an ass. David: Yeah, and you're going to lose. Come on. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: So, Myrtle, let me ask you something. Why is it so impossible for me to be happy? Why? I had everything. I had a wife that loved me and kids with their loving arms around me, and I didn't just push them away. I blew it up in true Cambias fashion. It's not about Ryan. It has nothing to do with Ryan. It's all about me. I found the road to happiness and put land mines all over it. I put on a blindfold and started running. So what's your advice? You got anything? Ah, it doesn't matter. Wouldn't change a thing, right? Ashes to ashes. Here I am with every Cambias in hell cheering me on. [Knock at door] Zach: Go away. [Knock at door] Zach: I said "go away." Erica: I'm not going anywhere. [SCENE_BREAK] Brot: I proposed once, didn't I? Taylor: What does that mean? Someday you will again? Brot: Come here, come here. I'm just saying -- I want it to be perfect, Taylor. I want to be the best man that I can for you and I don't want you to have any doubts at all. Taylor: I don't have any doubts. Brot: But I do. Taylor: Mm-hmm. Brot: And I'll get there and when I do, it'll be you, me, white sandy beaches, ok? Taylor: Ok. Brot: Now a few more fronds, turn on a couple twinkle lights, and all this place needs is a couple of honeymooners, right? Taylor: Mm-hmm. Brot: Not too bad. Frankie: Hey, Mom, thanks for the no-pressure, really. Angie: You know, I want you guys to know when you decide you're ready to have kids, you know I'm going to love 'em like crazy, ok? All right. Bye, Little A. Listen, I want you to stall the love birds, ok? Give them some alone time. There's a surprise being set up for them. Natalia: Oh, ok. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Angie: Don't burn down the house. Natalia: Right, ok. Little A and I are going to go to his room. You two do whatever newlyweds do. Come on, honey. Randi: So, um, you really want kids? Frankie: Do you? Randi: Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't mind a Frankie or two running around. Frankie: One or two? Baby girl, I want a basketball team. Randi: Oh, really? Frankie: Yes. [SCENE_BREAK] Judge Gordon: I'd like to hear from both sides. Mr. Chandler, would you care to start? J.R.: I have had a problem with alcohol, but I'm sober now and I'm winning. I did plan to leave with my son. I had no idea that it was illegal for a father to take his child on a trip. You see, Little Adam's mother died during the tornadoes and it has been difficult times, but I would never, never put my child at risk. Judge Gordon: There was the 911 call regarding the alcohol, the child left alone? J.R.: That was a mistake. Look, I'm not a perfect father. But I did promise his mother that I would raise him with the love, the patience, and wisdom that she showed me when she was alive. David: Wisdom and love? You're kidding, right? And where was Little Adam when J.R. was bedding my late daughter's best friend, getting drunk with her? This man lacks the judgment and self-discipline to raise a plant, let alone an utterly dependent little boy. Judge Gordon: Sit down, Dr. Hayward. I won't warn you again. Mr. Chandler, do you have anything to add? J.R.: No, except I love my son as much as I loved his mother, and I only want the opportunity to raise him the way that she would want him raised. Judge Gordon: Thank you, Mr. Chandler. Mrs. Hayward? You're the mother of the deceased, Babe Chandler? Krystal: Yes, I am. Judge Gordon: Mrs. Hayward. Krystal: I just, um -- I just want to say that everything J.R. said is -- is true. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Look, if you're so worried about Zach, I honestly -- I think that you should go to him. Kendall: I don't know if I should go to him. I -- I'm confused, Ryan. I'm confused about Zach, I'm confused about us and where we are and what this whole thing means. Ryan: Well, I passed the test, right? Yesterday's test, the voicemail. If I didn't show up here, you would have left. Well, I'm here. Kendall, I'm here because I want to be here, and you can either stay here with me or you can go to Zach. Kendall: That's not a choice. Ryan: Really? Because it sounds like a choice to me. Kendall: No, Ryan, none of this is my choice or yours. This is Zach's. This whole thing is Zach's decision. We're just playing it out. Ryan: Well, I took his company with no help from him. Kendall: Mm-mmm. Zach can't be happy. If Zach comes anywhere near happy, he -- he can't trust it. He can't give into it. No, you stole Zach's wife and you stole his company, but you know what? You didn't win. Zach won. Zach won because he got exactly what he wanted. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Why are you here? Your daughter made a choice and now -- look, Ryan's a good guy. She'll get on with him, and I'm sure they'll have you over for brunch soon. Erica: Oh, stop, being such an ass, will you? Hey, what are you doing? Zach: Oh, nothing. Kendall and I, we were done the moment I gave her that flower on the beach. Erica: Zach, get down. Zach: Why -- what am I doing? I like the balancing act, it's good. Erica: Zach. Zach: Nowhere to go but down. It's relaxing. Erica: Will you stop this right now? Kendall has no idea what she's really doing. You know she hasn't been herself ever since she came out of the coma. You know this. We spoke about this, Zach. Zach: She didn't end this marriage -- I did. I could have stopped her. I didn't -- I let her go. Erica: Why? Why did you do that? You love her. Zach: This is what I deserve. Nowhere to go, no one to go to, no reason to get up in the morning. Reese: You're wrong. Erica: This is a private conversation. Reese: You damn well have a reason to get up in the morning. It's called your children. Whatever is between you and Kendall, she knows you're a great father. Nothing changes that. Look, so you lost your company, you lost your marriage, you are fighting demons with both hands. I know about that. I've been fighting my own demons. You don't let them win, Zach. You stand up to them, and you persevere, and you show up for your kids. Look, we hurt the women we love. We did. And maybe we can get them back. Maybe we can't, all right? But we don't quit on our kids, ever. They are first, they are last, they are always. So you wake up for them, Zach. You fight for them. You need to be there for them. [SCENE_BREAK] David: What are you doing? Krystal: J.R.'s right. He and Babe loved each other to pieces, and he loves Little Adam just as much. But when I found Little Adam so sick from that glass of Scotch that he had left out, that's when I realized that as much as he loves Little Adam, he just is not able to provide the care and the kind of home that he needs right now. Colby: That's a lie. Krystal: David and I are Little Adam's biological grandparents. We are deeply in love, and we can provide the stable, loving, nurturing environment that he needs. Judge Gordon: Thank you, Mrs. Hayward. Although the court has already heard your thoughts, is there anything you'd like to add, Dr. Hayward? David: Yes, your honor. I didn't even know my daughter existed until she was an adult. And, despite the Chandlers' interference in our relationship, I cherished every single moment with her until the moment she was taken away from us. Now, if there's anything good that came out her death, it would be that it brought her mother and me back together again. Your honor, when I hold my grandson in my arms, I see in him a chance to build the relationship that I was not afforded with my daughter. I see in him a chance to raise him in a way that would honor and respect my daughter's memory. Judge Gordon: Mr. Chandler has stated that it was his wife's dying request that he raise his son. David: Well, unfortunately, that is a conversation we only have J.R.'s word for. J.R.: What? I would never lie about Babe's dying wish. David: You've already shown that you'd do anything to hold onto your son, even run with him. Judge Gordon: Gentlemen, please try to keep a civil tongue. J.R.: Your honor, David wasn't part of most of Babe's adult life. And the reason why is because she didn't want anything to do with him. You remember that? Thanksgiving? She said he was the worst thing that had ever happened to her. That she was sick and tired of him hurting the people that she loves. Remember what she said next? She wished that you'd disappeared forever. She wished that you'd "disappeared forever." That was your daughter's words. Did I leave anything out? David did come back to town. Only to check and see if Babe was happy. But he didn't have the guts to face his daughter, because he's such a coward. In fact, he never even held his daughter in his arms until she was dead. David: You son of a bitch! J.R.: What the hell are you... Judge Gordon: Order, gentlemen, order! Order! I understand that emotions run high in cases such as this, but let's try to maintain some decorum. If there are no other witnesses, I'm ready to make my ruling. Tad: Your honor, excuse me, but my name is Tad Martin. I am Mrs. Hayward's ex- husband, and I raised J.R. He's my stepson. I'd like to say a couple of words. Is that all right? Jay: Your honor, this is irrelevant. Mr. Martin is a bitter ex-husband who would say anything to sabotage Mrs. Hayward's happiness. Judge Gordon: Mr. Martin knows both parties intimately. I'm interested in what he has to say. Tad: Thank you, your honor. I find it ironic that I have to sit here and listen to the Haywards discuss building a loving, stable environment when the fact is he bedded my wife when I was out of town on business, and then turned around and got her addicted to medication. Jay: Your honor, this is slander. Judge Gordon: I will hear all sides. Continue, Mr. Martin. Tad: Krystal spoke of J.R. losing his way after Babe died. That's the truth. But it's equally the truth that so did she. Which is why another court has given me sole custody of our infant daughter Jenny. Now Krystal is a wonderful mother, and she can see our daughter any time she wants, but I will never allow my daughter in the presence of David Hayward. He's torn through my family one too many times. Now, for all his loving words about his grandson, I'm sure he does have feelings for Little A, but the idea of ripping that boy away from the only father, the only home he's ever had is payback, pure and simple. It's revenge. It's got nothing to do with the welfare of the -- David: That is not true! This has absolutely nothing to do with revenge or payback, and everything to do about my love for that boy. I love him enough to want to protect him from an irresponsible father and a dangerous grandfather. He needs me. And I need him. Your honor, yes, it's true, I was estranged from my daughter during her latter years, but that never diminished my love or devotion to her, which is exactly why I want to honor her memory by giving her beloved son the home he needs, the home he deserves. A safe place with two loving parents, which is something he is not even close to having now. Your honor, my wife and I, we want to give him a safe, healthy environment where he can thrive. And that is exactly what my daughter would have wanted. But we cannot do that unless this court awards us, my wife and I, with the privilege of raising and loving our grandson. [SCENE_BREAK] [Hawaiian music playing] Brot: Looks good. Taylor: Good. Brot: Ah-ha. I tried, I tried. Taylor: [Giggling] [Key turning] Brot: Oh, here. Ready? Hold on, hold on. All right, here we go. Brot: Surprise! Frankie: What in the world... Brot: You guys couldn't make Hawaii, so we brought Hawaii to you. Frankie: Wow. Taylor: Aren't you forgetting something? Frankie: Yeah, yeah. Taylor: Ok, you can put her down now. Brot: Whoa, Nelly. Taylor: Aloha. Frankie: Ooh. Randi: Aloha. Frankie: Look at you. Taylor: Aloha. Frankie: You two are totally wack, the both of you. Taylor: This is where we say aloha. Frankie: Welcome to Paradise, Mrs. Hubbard. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: So apparently Zach has what he wants. But what about you, Kendall? What do you want? Kendall: You. I want you. And what we had last night. Ryan: You mean, passing your test? Kendall: No, Ryan. You holding me in your arms, comforting me and understanding my tears and crying with me. I think that we can do this, you and me. I really do. I think it's possible that a relationship built on so much can be strong and loving. Ryan: It can be. I know that it's been difficult. But it can be. Kendall: I finally have hope. But that's what scares me. [Kendall and Ryan kiss] [SCENE_BREAK] [Frankie and Randi make love] Singer: Ooh hey you mean everything to me you mean everything to me and your eyes are all I see and your eyes are all I see when life seems like it's just too much I'll hold onto your every touch right now, right here you'll see you're everything to me you're everything to me yeah whoa you mean everything to me you're everything when I look in your eyes [SCENE_BREAK] Brot: Thank you for dropping me off. Taylor: Thank you for a fun luau. Brot: That was fun. It really was fun. Listen, I didn't mean to upset you with the whole proposal thing. Taylor: Oh, you mean the lack of proposal. Brot: Yeah. Taylor: Is that what you're talking about? Brot: I knew that was coming. But we're in a good place, Taylor. Taylor: Are we? Brot: Yeah. Taylor: The thing is, I was doing the laundry the other day and I found the ring in your pocket. That thing has made its way all the way back from Iraq, and you're still carrying it around. And we were engaged once, so I'm just confused. I -- have your feelings for me changed or something? Brot: No, no, no, no. I love you, ok? I just have a lot to work through. Taylor: Like what? Seriously. You have a great job. We are settling here in Pine Valley. We're happy. Aren't we happy? Brot: Great job? I'm an orderly. I mean, I deserve more, don't you think? And I want more, not only for myself, but for you, too. The problem is I don't know what "more" is. I should be dead, and I'm not. God definitely spared my life for a reason, but until I find, you know, or figure out what that reason is, it's unfair to ask you to be my wife. [SCENE_BREAK] Judge Gordon: It's very clear from all I've heard and seen today that both parties are very passionate about this child. It's typical in this sort of case for custody to go to the father. While I have no doubt that Mr. Chandler loves his son deeply, he has committed a number of violations, and, given his current issues, may not provide the most stable of homes. At the same time, Doctor and Mrs. Hayward are settling into a relatively new marriage, and seem to have their own custody issues on another front. At present, young Adam is in an excellent home. I hereby recommend that the child remain in that home until such time as permanent custody can be determined. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: That was quite a speech. Reese: I meant everything I said. Erica: Well, Zach needed to hear it. Reese: I just told him what he already knew, you know? What I keep telling myself. Look, Erica, Zach and I messed up. And we hurt the women that we love, but it doesn't mean we have to give up. And I am going to fight to get my family and Bianca. Maybe Bianca won't have me back, but I will prove that I am worthy to be in Miranda and Gabrielle's life. Erica: It won't be an easy fight. Reese: I know who I am now, I know what I want, and I deserve it. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: We will continue to operate the casino per status quo for now, but there will be some changes. As you guys know, business has dropped off dramatically. Profits are very low. Francesca: Perhaps you've heard, we're in a recession. Ryan: I'm not finding fault with previous ownership here. I'm just simply stating there's going to be some very difficult decisions to make, and I need everybody to step up. Zach: Couldn't have put it better myself. Kendall: What are you doing here? Zach: How about a game of Texas Hold 'Em? It's still a casino, right? Ryan: What are the stakes? Zach: The thing I love most. | At the hospital, Brot and Taylor find out that Frankie and Randi's honeymoon to Hawaii had had to be postponed because of different mishaps |
252 | Jack: Wait a minute. The famous Teri, the waitress everyone loves, is your sister? Janet: Wait a minute. You were the babysitter Rosanna wanted to hire? Teri: Yeah, until this jerk said no. Jack: Charming. Janet: This jerk is my husband. [Janet laughs] Sage: You never said Janet was your sister. Teri: I had no idea she was married to your dad. Jack: But you knew she was in Oakdale? Teri: Well, I knew she moved here, but I had no idea she stayed. We haven't talked in a while. Janet: 18 years. Sage: Teri, does this mean now you can stay? Teri: Oh, I don't think so, Sweetie. Janet: Oh, come on. Why not? Teri: Well, for one thing, your husband here thinks I'm stalking his daughter. Janet: Oh, come on! That's ridiculous. Teri: Well, it didn't stop him from jumping down my throat. Is he always so sure he's right? [Jack sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: You are doing a bang-up job of caring for the kids, but Jack is -- territorial. He can't help but take over. It's a sickness. Rosanna: He just made me feel like a total failure. Craig: Well, look on the bright side. If he's got the kids, he won't be looking over your shoulder every minute. Rosanna: Carly wanted me to take care of the kids, and she wanted them to be here. That's what she wanted. Craig: It's okay. You'll make it up to her. Rosanna: How am I gonna do that? Craig: By turning our vitamin water business into a cash cow. Rosanna: Oh, which by some strange coincidence would put money in your pocket, too. Craig: My gosh. I think you're right. Parker: Hey, what a shock. Craig's here. Craig: Hey, nice to see you, too. Parker: Aunt Rosanna, is there anything to eat that hasn't been crawled over by bugs? Rosanna: Well, Parker, you don't have to worry anymore, because your healthy days are over. Your dad wants you and Sage to stay with him until your mom gets back. Parker: Why? Rosanna: I don't know. He wants to take care of you himself. Is that so strange? Craig: And we were this close to hiring that waitress from Chicago to come help out here. Parker: Teri? Rosanna: Yeah. She came to Oakdale looking for a job, and it really just seemed like a perfect solution for everybody. Parker: What happened? Rosanna: Your dad said no. Parker: What's his problem? [Rosanna sighs] Rosanna: Listen, Sage is already there, so you'd better go upstairs and get packed. Parker: Now? Rosanna: Yeah. He wants you there tonight. Parker: Well, you know what? I don't care what he wants. I'm not going. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: It's nothing personal. I just -- I just don't want a total stranger looking after my kids. Janet: Oh, you know what? That's about as close as he gets to an apology. Teri: Glad you told me. Janet: I can't believe you're here! Ah! Jack: I hate to interrupt the love fest, but can I ask you a question? Janet: Sure. What is it? Jack: Did you know that Janet was in Oakdale? Teri: No. That guy Craig gave me his card. Uh, I was hoping he could help me find a job. Jack: But you knew she was here. Teri: Like I said, I didn't know she stayed. Janet: Isn't it amazing, Jack? It's like fate or something. [Laughing] Jack: Yeah. Or something. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Luke, your father and I want to take you to dinner. Luke: Really? Lily: Don't act so surprised. Luke: Well, what's the occasion? Lily: No occasion. We just don't get to see you as much now that you've got your own place. You busy? Luke: Uh, well, I'm getting ready for my first day at work tomorrow. Lily: Well, you still have to eat, don't you? Luke: Yeah. Lily: Well, then, let us treat you to a nice dinner. And bring Noah, too. [Luke sighs] Luke: I wish I could, but Noah's busy night and day with his film. Lily: Well, then, we're gonna have to settle just for you. See you soon. Luke's gonna join us for dinner. Holden: Good. Lily: Why do I feel like we're setting him up for an ambush? Holden: We're not. We're not at all. Besides, Noah will be there to protect them. Lily: No, Noah will not be there. It's just gonna be the three of us, which is gonna make him feel like we're pressuring him even more. Holden: No. We're just trying to give him another option. Lily: He's not gonna see it that way. Holden: I hope that once he sees we're on the same page, he'll rethink his decision. Lily: I agree with you that working at Worldwide is a much better place for him to learn about business. But he's gonna know that we have other motives. And we do. Holden: Damian said himself that he'll respect Luke's decision. Lily: Won't matter. Holden: It will if he keeps his word and doesn't make it personal. Lily: I tried to give him the heads-up, but he didn't return my call. Holden: Wasn't your fault. Lily: Well, he usually answers my calls. Holden: Well, maybe he's finally found something that he'd rather do more than talk to you. [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: That was -- Damian: Incredible! Meg: Ah, you took the words right out of my mouth. What time is it? Damian: I don't know. I don't care. What day is it? [Meg laughs] Meg: I have no idea. [Meg laughs] Damian: 7:30. Meg: Oh! I told Pam that I would pick up Eliza at 8:00. Damian: Oh, I'm sure they're both having a wonderful time. Meg: Oh, yeah. Damian: They're not the only ones. [Meg laughs] Meg: You know what? I should go get her. Damian: No, no, no, no, no. I think I have to ravish you again. [Meg laughs] Meg: You know, that would be ravishing, but I am a mother as well as sex goddess. Damian: Just a few more minutes. Meg: No. It won't be. Damian: You're right. But I'll make it worth your while. [Meg laughs] Meg: You already did. Oh! [Meg sighs] Meg: Oh, no, no. You don't have to get up. Damian: Yeah? What kind of gentlemen would let you walk out of here alone? [Meg sighs] Meg: The usual kind. Damian: Let me at least walk you down to the lobby. [Meg laughs] Meg: You just want to keep me from leaving this hotel. Damian: Uh-huh. That's the plan. Meg: You know, my brother warned me about men like you. He actually warned me about you in particular. Damian: Aren't you glad you didn't listen to him? Meg: Mm! What do you think? [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: So, yeah, I've barely seen Noah all week. I mean, when he's editing, it's like he disappears, and when we are together, he's always screening shots in his mind. Lily: Well, he's lucky that he's getting to do what he loves. Luke: I know. I'm just nervous that with me starting to work and him being so busy, we'll never see each other. Holden: That's what we want to talk to you about. Luke: Me and Noah? Holden: No. Damian. [Luke sighs] Luke: I thought we've been over this. Holden: We have, but something new has come up. Luke: What's that? Holden: Look, it's no secret that we wanted you to go back to school. But that's not what you want. What you want is to learn a business. Luke: Okay. Holden: We're just not sure that Grimaldi shipping is the best option for you. It's not a centralized company, the headquarters are in Malta, and there are a lot of people who make decisions there. Luke: You mean the Grimaldis. Holden: Right. Luke: Well, Damian's the C.E.O. he makes all the decisions, and he's here. Holden: That's true, but the way the company is structured, I just think it's gonna be very difficult for you to learn the business. Luke: Dad, what's your point? Holden: We think that you can learn a lot more about modern management in a company that's more local. Lily: Like Worldwide. Luke: Worldwide? Holden: Yeah. Your grandmother's gonna be running the company again while Dusty sorts out his legal issues. It would be great if she had someone that she trusted by her side. Luke: Oh, come on. You're just trying to keep me away from Damian, again. Holden: That's not the reason. Luke: Oh, tell me that's not why Grandmother's going back to work. [Holden sighs] Holden: Are you gonna help me out here? Lily, don't you have anything to say? [SCENE_BREAK] [Meg laughs] Meg: You promised to behave. Damian: I tried. Meg: Well, try harder. [Meg laughs] Damian: Do you know how much I want you? Meg: Everybody in this lobby knows. Damian: When will I see you again? Meg: Soon. Damian: Call me from your car. Meg: Why? Damian: 'Cause I'll miss you by then. [Meg laughs] Meg: No, you won't. Damian: I will. Promise I will. Meg: I have to go. [Meg laughs] Damian: I miss you already. [Meg laughs] [SCENE_BREAK] Holden: Lily -- Lily? Lily: What? Holden: Are you all right? Lily: Uh, I'm fine. Holden: It seemed like you were a million miles away. Lily: I'm here. Holden: Are you gonna participate in this conversation or not? Lily: You know, I was thinking that Damian should be here with us. Holden: What? Lily: Well, yeah. Uh, you know, h -- he was just at the elevator. Uh, I'll go get him. Luke: What for? Lily: So we can all be on the same page. [SCENE_BREAK] Janet: I still can't believe you're here. Hey, are you hungry? Teri: After all these years, you're still a Ciccone. Janet: Well -- Teri: In fact, is that Mama's lasagna I smell? Janet: Mm! I made it for Sage. It should cheer her up, because she was under the influence that Teresa the magic waitress wasn't gonna be able to stay. Let's catch up. Talk to me. What's been going on? Sage: I'm gonna go wait outside. Jack: Hey, Sweetheart. You okay? Sage: Do you think Teri just pretended to be my friend so that she could find Janet. Jack: Oh, Teri could have found Janet another way. I think Teri really likes you a lot. Sage: But she likes Janet more. Jack: Honey, they're sisters. And Teri didn't even know that Janet was here. She came by to say good-bye. Give me a minute. Hey, we're gonna go for a walk. Janet: Oh, okay. Uh, dinner will be ready in 10 minutes. Jack: Yeah, we'll be back. Janet: Okay. Teri: What's going on? Janet: He's a really good guy, and he's a great husband. Teri: But? Janet: His kids make things complicated. Teri: It seems like it's his ex that makes things complicated. Janet: Oh, you have no idea. Do you remember Mrs. Fanucci? Teri: Ooh! That complicated? Janet: Well, no, no, no. Not quite, but -- but close. [Teri chuckles] Teri: It is so good to see you. Janet: Oh, it's so good to see you. Ooh! So, what took you so long? Teri: What do you mean? Janet: Well, you said that you knew I was here. Why did you wait so long to come find me? [SCENE_BREAK] Parker: You know, having Teri stay here with us and help out is a great idea. Rosanna: Yeah. We thought so, too. Craig: Your father didn't agree. Parker: Well, you know what? If -- if he can decide that, then I'm deciding not to stay at the farm. Craig: Uh, that's not really how it works. Parker: Yeah, but you know what it's gonna be like. He'll be all over me way worse than it is now. Craig: Well, it's kind of tough to imagine that. Parker: Yeah. I thought they didn't want me anywhere near Liberty, and now they want me to stay in the same house as her? Craig: I guess they trust you. Parker: I wouldn't. We started to be friends again, and if I'm around her all the time, who knows what's gonna happen? Craig: Teenage hormones. Wonderful thing. Rosanna: Oh, listen, I wish there was something we could do to help you. I do. Parker: Well, then, call my mom. Ask her to tell him that she wants us to stay here. Rosanna: Well, your dad already knows that that's what she wants, and she's not allowed to make phone calls right now. Parker: Yeah. Well, this sucks. Rosanna: I'm really sorry, but your dad has made up his mind, so you'd better go upstairs and start packing. [SCENE_BREAK] Teri: I didn't think you wanted to see me. Janet: Are you kidding me? I didn't think you wanted to see me. Teri: That's not true. Janet: Do Mom and Pop know you're here? Teri: No, of course not. But maybe it's time you get back in touch with them, you know? They're not getting any younger. Janet: That's not my place. If they want to find me, they can. Teri: It's time to put that stuff in the past. I mean, they were hurt when you disappeared. Janet: "Disappeared"? "Disappeared"? Oh, that's an interesting way to put it. Teri: Look, I don't know how things went down between you guys, but it was 18 years ago! [Jack sighs] Jack: We're starving. Janet: Uh, good. Dinner will be ready soon. How was your walk? Jack: Oh, it was great. Showed Sage a new foal. Why don't you go show it to Teri? Sage: Now. Jack: Sure. We got time, right? Janet: Yeah, I guess. Teri: I'd love to see it. Sage: Okay. Jack: Mm, mm, mm! Janet: Oh, Sweetheart, isn't it great? My sister's gonna live here. And now Liberty is finally gonna meet her aunt. She's gonna know that I have a sister. Jack: Honey, not so fast. I still haven't changed my mind. Janet: About what? Jack: About Teri watching my kids. Janet: Well, Honey, I know that you didn't want to hire a stranger, but this is my sister we're talking about. Jack: Yeah, but she's a stranger to me. And I got to tell you, she's a stranger to you, too. Janet: No, she's not! Jack: Honey, how old was she the last time you saw her? Janet: 5. Hey, that's not the point. Jack: Yes, it is. Darling, I'm sorry, but my mind's made up. [SCENE_BREAK] [Lily sighs] Lily: I need to talk to you. Saw you in the lobby with Meg. Guess you two are together? [Damian chuckles] Damian: We are. Why are you here? Lily: Holden and I are talking to Luke about who he should work for, and I think you should be there. Damian: I thought it was settled. He wants to work with me. Lily: Well, things have changed since he made that decision. My mother has taken over Worldwide for a while, and she could use Luke's help. Damian: They don't give up, do they? Lily: I think it would be a better place for him to work. Damian: Why? Because it's not with me? Lily: Because it's a different kind of company. It's closer to home. He could learn more about management. Damian: Why can't he learn about management with me? [Lily scoffs] Lily: Come on. Worldwide is nowhere near as Byzantine as your family's business. Damian: By that you mean corrupt? Lily: No. Old-fashioned. Damian: Lily, please. This has nothing to do with management styles. This is about your husband wanting to keep my son away from me. And it sounds like you're on his side. Lily: I'm always on his side. Damian: I thought you were on Luciano's side. Lily: I am. And I don't think Grimaldi shipping is the place for him. Damian: Really? Because of management styles, or because of what you saw today in the lobby? [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: Dad, I understand you wanting me to work at Worldwide. I do. And if I didn't already have a job, I would consider it. Seriously. Holden: Yeah, but you haven't started working for Damian yet. He'll understand if you change your mind. Luke: Yeah, but I haven't changed my mind. Holden: Why not? Working for Worldwide is a better fit. Damian -- he'll be fine with whatever you want to do. Luke: But he'll still be hurt. Holden: He wants what's best for you, and he's willing to let you make that choice. Luke: I know! So why aren't you? Holden: I just want you to have an option. Luke: Dad, can we please be serious here? Holden: Yes. Luke: You are just trying to keep me away from Damian. Holden: I want what's best for you. That's all. And working for Damian at that company isn't it. Luke: In your opinion. Holden: Your mother agrees, and she's more sympathetic to him than I am. Luke: Dad, that's not the point, either! You are trying to make me choose between you and him, which is exactly what you accused him of doing. Holden: No, I'm not. This isn't personal. Luke: I know it's not! Not for me. But it sure seems personal to you. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: This has nothing to do with you and Meg. Holden and I think that Luke would be better off in a family business. Damian: Grimaldi shipping is a family business. Lily: Your family. Damian: And his. Lily: That's the problem. Damian: You agreed it should be Luciano's decision. He made it. So why are we still having this discussion? Lily: We wanted to make sure he's making the right decision. Damian: He thinks he did. So did I. You must understand what could happen if you try to force him to change his mind. Lily: We are not trying to force him, Damian. We're trying to guide him. That's what parents do. Damian: By ganging up on him? [Lily scoffs] Lily: Just because Holden and I agree -- Damian: You didn't agree before, Lily, not until you saw me kissing Meg. Why don't you admit this is because you're jealous? [SCENE_BREAK] Parker: Would you just talk to my dad, please? [Craig laughs] Craig: Have you been living on another planet since I came back? Parker: Maybe if you and Aunt Rosanna talked to him together -- Craig: Parker, your father doesn't listen to anyone. Parker: Tell me about it. Craig: Well, you have one thing to look forward to. [Whispering] Craig: At least Janet will be doing the cooking and not your aunt. Parker: Craig, what's with you? Since when do you let my dad do whatever he wants? Since when do you let him push you around? Craig: I never said I thought what he was doing was okay. But he has legal rights where you're concerned, and I don't. Parker: Yeah, well, you're still my trustee, aren't you? Aren't you supposed to protect my best interests? Craig: That has to do with your trust fund. It has nothing to do with where you live. Parker: Okay. So when I was trying to marry Liberty and my parents were against it, you were behind me the whole way. And that had nothing to do with money. Craig: That's a good point. But frankly I don't know where I stand now that your aunt's back in the picture. Parker: Well, she hasn't changed anything legally, has she? Craig: Not that I know of, no. Parker: Right, so it's still your job. Craig: Parker, I don't know what else I can do. [Parker sighs] Parker: Give it another shot. Please? Craig: Rosanna, Parker wants us to take another stab at convincing Jack to let the kids live here. Rosanna: Oh. Oh, Parker, I'm sorry. I just -- I've been told off enough for one day. Craig: Well -- then I guess it's my job not to get pushed around. [SCENE_BREAK] Janet: I can't believe you don't trust my sister. Jack: Honey, I don't know her well enough, and neither do you. Janet: So we'll get to know her. Jack: You don't think it's odd that she suddenly shows up out of nowhere and that it's because of a random connection with Craig Montgomery? [Whispering] Janet: What, do you think she's part of a secret plot? Jack: With Craig, you never really know. Janet: Oh, stop it! She would never be involved in anything like that! Jack: You're talking about a girl you haven't seen since she was 5. Janet: What are you saying? I just found my sister. Why are you trying to ruin this for me? Jack: No, I'm not! This isn't about her. This is about Craig and Rosanna. I don't trust either one of them. Janet: Well, Carly does. Jack: Carly is in no shape to make any kind of decisions right now. Janet: Well, who is, especially when they don't agree with you? Jack: Well, now, that -- that is not fair. Janet: Look, Rosanna and Craig don't even like each other. Jack: Why is he there every day? Janet: Because he likes your children. But, Sweetheart, he's not gonna take them away from you. They love you. Nobody could ever do that. Jack: I know that. Janet: Well, it's hard to tell sometimes. Jack: Honey, I'm not trying to tell your sister she can't stay here. I have no problem with your sister staying in Oakdale. It's just that I don't want her in that house with my kids. I don't want anyone in the house with my kids. Teri: Come on, Sage, Sweetie! The lasagna's probably ready, and you want to eat it when it's hot. Janet: Okay, so they won't hire her, but she could live here with us. Jack: Come on, Hon. With the kids staying here, we kind of got a full house, right? Janet: Is that your final answer? [Jack stammers] Janet: Is that your final decision? Jack: Yes, it is. I'm sorry. Teri: What a cute little bay horse. Sage: It's called a foal. Teri: That's right. How could I forget that? Janet: Uh, lasagna's ready. You guys -- you guys ready to eat? Teri: I'd love to, but I've got to get going. Sage: You're not gonna stay for dinner. Teri: I can't. Janet: Well, why not? Teri: I got to figure out my next move. I have a pile of debt from culinary school. I have to find a job fast. Janet: Yeah, but you still got to eat. Teri: It was great seeing you, Janet. Janet: Well -- Teri: Nice meeting you, Jack. I'll see you around, Sage. Janet: Hey, whoa, whoa. Teresa, how am I gonna get in touch with you? Teri: Sage has my e-mail. Later. Jack: I'm sorry. I got to think about my family. Janet: You know what your problem is, Jack? All this talk about family, and the only one you really care about is yours. Jack: Janet, I'm not trying to come between you and your sister. Janet: It's your fault she's gone. Jack: Honey, you can still keep in touch with her. She doesn't have to move in here or baby-sit my children. Janet: Listen to me. When my parents found out I was pregnant, they put me on the first bus to my aunt's house. They didn't even let me wait and say good- bye to my sister when she got home from kindergarten. I never got to say anything to her. She had no idea what happened to me. She thought I just ran off and left her high and dry. And now I finally have a shot to make up for that, and my husband scares her away. Honey, I know that you're just thinking of your kids, but for once, can't you think of me? [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Why would I care who you sleep with? Damian: You tell me. Lily: I don't. Haven't I been the one that's been behind you and Meg the whole time? Damian: Until you saw us together. Lily: Get over yourself, Damian. You and I were so long ago, I can barely even remember it. Damian: Then why are you here, Lily? Lily: I told you. To talk about Luke. Damian: Uh-huh. Of course. Lily: I will tell you this. How long do you think your hot romance is gonna last if you tick off Meg's entire family? Damian: If you mean Holden, what chance do I have of not ticking him off? Lily: Trying to turn Luke against him will take this to a whole new level. Damian: I'm not the one who keeps pressuring him to change a decision he's already made. So you know what, Lily? You're right. We should settle this once and for all, right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Hello. Anybody home. Mrs. Snyder. Uh, door was wide open. Janet: What do you want? Craig: What else? I came to argue with Jack. Where is he? Janet: I don't know. Craig: Is something wrong? Janet: I argued with Jack. Craig: Oh. What did he do? Janet: He scared away my sister. Craig: Uh, who's your sister? Janet: Teresa. Teri. Craig: Teri? The waitress I wanted to hire is your sister? Janet: I haven't seen her in years. Craig: Oh. That's incredible. Janet: It almost was. Craig: Oh. Jack ruined it. Janet: I can't talk about this with you. Craig: Yeah, I know. You wouldn't want to be seen fraternizing with the enemy. Janet: You're not my enemy. Craig: I'm not his, either. I want what's best for Carly's kids, just like him. Janet: Well, it's too bad you guys can't agree on what that is. Craig: Or anything else. You really don't know where he is? Janet: He left a few minutes ago. Craig: I'll find him. Janet: Why? Craig: Don't worry. I'll take care of everything. Janet: Okay, now I'm worried. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Teri. Teri, wait. I need to talk. Teri: About what? Jack: About Janet. I don't want you to blame her for this. Seeing you again means so much to her, and I don't want to ruin that for her, or -- or you. I just -- I'm trying to protect my kids. Teri: From me? Jack: No. From everything. I don't know if anyone told you where their mother is right now. Teri: Rehab. Jack: Right. And I let their aunt stay with them 'cause I thought I could give them stability by keeping them in their own house. But Rosanna -- her heart's in the right place, but she's not used to having all these kids around. And when Sage took off, that's when I decided that I was gonna take them and -- and have them stay with me. My aunt, my cousins -- they're all at the farm. There will always be someone there to look out for them. That's why I don't need a babysitter. Teri: That sounds like a mess. [Laughing] Jack: Yeah. It is. Teri: I just hope they make it through it. They're good kids. Jack: I'm just trying to keep it that way. Teri: Good luck. Jack: Will you at least call Janet, maybe visit again? Teri: It depends on how my own mess turns out. Craig: Teri. [Jack groans] Jack: What the hell are you doing here? Craig: Trying to clean up after you. Jack: What's that supposed to mean? Craig: Can you wait for a minute? Teri: Got a train to catch. Craig: That's it? You're just letting her walk away, your wife's long-lost sister? Jack: Who told you that? Craig: Your wife, between tears. Jack: That's none of your business, Craig. Craig: I'm trying to help you, Jack. Jack: I don't need your help! Craig: Yes, you do. But I know it's your goal to get everyone who cares about you to hate you, but this is ridiculous. You don't want Teri to take care of your kids? Fine. Take your kids to the farm. But what's the harm in having Teri work at Metro until Carly gets back? She can spend time with Janet and still see Parker and Sage once in a while. Jack: I don't need your advice. Craig: Jack, Janet wants this! Your kids want this. No one gets hurt. For once in your life, admit that you're wrong. Teri: I'm gonna miss my train. Craig: That's the idea. Jack -- Jack: Look, I'm sorry that I've been -- Craig: An ass. Jack: -- A little less than friendly. I'm just worried about my kids. Teri: You said that already. Jack: Right. I don't want to be the one to separate you and Janet. You two deserve a shot at getting to know each other again after all these years. And I definitely don't have a say as to who gets hired at Metro. But my children stay with me. Craig: Understood. Jack: Well -- welcome to Oakdale. Teri: What just happened? Craig: That -- that was a once-in-a-lifetime miracle. So, will you take the job? Teri: Are you sure it's okay with the owner? Craig: Carly's always wanted to do more with the place. Rosanna has her power of attorney, so she's making all the hiring decisions right now. Teri: Where am I gonna live? Craig: I'll put you up in the hotel where I'm staying. Teri: A hotel? Craig: Until you decide if you want to get your own place. So what do you think? Teri: I think I'm staying. Craig: Well, like the man said, welcome to Oakdale. [SCENE_BREAK] Holden: Lily, it's me. What happened to you? Luke: Maybe she's not as happy about this as you thought. Holden: Neither of us is happy about this, but we think it's a better alternative than working for Damian. Luke: But it's not personal. Holden: In some ways, maybe it is, but it is definitely not about making me choose between two fathers. Luke: Dad, I already did that a long time ago. Holden: And that means a lot to me. I know I can sound like a broken record when it comes to Damian. Luke: But you know he's changed. Holden: I know you want to believe that. And maybe you're right. Maybe I'm wrong. But I have years of evidence to back up everything I say. All you have is promises. Luke: If you want to believe the worst-case scenario, I can't change your mind. But it's my decision, and I made it. Holden: What's going on? Lily: I just thought we should work this out face-to-face. Luke: Just so you know, Damian, this wasn't my idea. Damian: I understand. Luke: I had no clue they were gonna throw this whole Worldwide thing at me. Damian: What do you think? Luke: I'm not interested. Damian: It might be a better place for you. Luke: I don't think so. Lily: But you don't have any objection if he makes a different choice? Damian: I told you all more than once, I want Luciano to decide for himself. Luke: And I already have. A -- and you haven't done anything to change my mind. Damian: Are you sure? Luke: Totally. Damian: Then I'll see you tomorrow morning at work, first thing. Holden: You are making a big mistake. Luke: I know you think so. Lily: We hope we're wrong. Luke: I thought you agreed with my decision. Lily: I agreed you should be the one to make it. Luke: But you don't want me working for Damian, either? Lily: No, I don't. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Look who's back. Rosanna: Gosh, what happened? Craig: Do you believe in miracles? Jack Snyder changed his mind. Parker: Are you kidding? [Laughing] Craig: Heck, yeah. And then the skies opened, and a choir of angels started singing. Rosanna: Does that mean you're staying? Teri: For now. Parker: Does that mean that we don't have to live at the farm? Craig: Uh, your father didn't go that far. Parker: Right. Craig: But he did agree that Teri could work at Metro and spend time with you guys. Parker: That -- that's great. Really glad to have you here. I'm sure Sage will be really happy, too. Teri: Oh, no one's gladder than me. It means I get to spend more time with my sister. Rosanna: Your sister? [Laughing] Craig: Oh. You won't believe who that is. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Hey. Janet: Hey. Jack: I'm sorry. Janet: For what? Jack: Being insensitive. Janet: Where's my real husband? [Jack laughs] Jack: I deserve that. Janet: Oh, you deserve a lot worse. [Jack sighs] Jack: I didn't mean to ignore your feelings, Honey. It's just -- this whole Teri thing caught me by surprise. Janet: Me too. Jack: It was just too convenient, you know? I was sure it was a play by Craig. Janet: For what? Jack: That's what I couldn't figure out. Janet: Maybe that's because it only existed in your paranoid imagination. Jack: And that's why I stopped her from leaving. Janet: You did? Jack: Just now. She's gonna work at Metro, at least till Carly gets back. Janet: Did you talk to her? Jack: And Craig. Janet: I don't believe it. What changed? Jack: Craig made me realize that I wasn't being fair to you. Janet: You listened to Craig? [Jack laughs] Jack: I know. I know. Janet: Hey, Sage, guess what? Your dad has some news. Jack: Oh! Teri's not leaving. She's staying in Oakdale. Sage: Really? Jack: Mm-hmm. Sage: She's gonna be our babysitter? Jack: Well, no, but you can see her anytime you want. Sage: But I still can't go home? Jack: You like it here. Sage: No, I don't! I want to go home! [Jack sighs] Jack: I can't win. [Janet sighs] Janet: Yes, you can. Honey, let her sleep in her own bed. Let her have her new friend. Let her be happy. Don't you think she deserves it after all she's been through? Sage: Teri! Rosanna: Oh, hi, guys. What's, uh, wrong? Jack: Well, I decided to let Sage and Parker stay, if Teri still wants the babysitting job. Craig: There go those celestial choirs again. Jack: I'm sorry? Craig: Oh, nothing. Just amusing myself. Jack: I'm glad it works on someone. Janet: So what do you say? Teri: Only if you agree to spend as much time with me as you can. Janet: Oh, are you kidding me? I can handle that! Come here! Oh, yay! Parker: You don't have to yell. I'm ready. Jack: Who's yelling? Sage: We're not going. We're gonna live here, and Teri's gonna stay with us. Parker: Seriously? Um, how did this happen? Jack: It's a long story. Parker: You guys should seriously get your acts together one of these days. [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: Hey. Damian: Thanks for meeting me. [Meg laughs] Meg: You don't have to thank me. I like seeing you. Damian: I love seeing you, too. But we might be the only ones who like it. Meg: What do you mean? Damian: Your sister-in-law saw us together today in the hotel, and, uh, she wasn't happy about it. Meg: Lily? I thought she was on our side. Damian: Yeah, well, so did I. But alliances seem to be fluid in your family. [Meg sighs] Meg: Tell me about it. Damian: Yeah. After you left, she dragged me down to a summit meeting with Holden and Luciano. Meg: About his job? Damian: Yeah. They want him to work at Worldwide. He wants to work with me. Meg: Well, I think Luke is old enough to make his own decisions. Damian: His parents don't believe that. Meg: Look, I know Holden doesn't -- Damian: Lily was right there with him. Meg: So you think it's because Lily saw us together? Damian: Doesn't it seem like more than a coincidence? Meg: Well, they're gonna have to get used to it. Damian: Are you sure about this? I mean, first Luciano, now you. I mean, I -- I'm afraid that they'll think I'm trying to pull their family apart. Meg: I don't care what they think. I care about you. Damian: If you need some time to let them get used to the idea, I'll understand. Meg: Is that what you want? Damian: No. Not at all. Meg: Well, neither do I. Damian: Still -- you've been through enough turmoil with Paul. If you're not ready for more, I will understand. Meg: After today, one thing I do know I'm ready for is more. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: We pushed Luke as hard as we could. It didn't work. Now we just have to back off. Holden: What is going on with you? When he said that he was working for Damian, you were on his side. Lily: I never said I liked the idea. I was afraid that if I said no, Luke would get upset, which he has. Holden: You never said you agreed with me. Lily: I didn't think you'd know what to do if I told you you were right. Holden: Probably not. But you still don't think Damian has an agenda. Lily: No. I think you're right about that, too. And I know what it is. Holden: Really? Lily: He's sleeping with Meg. Holden: He said that? She said she was going to take it slow. Lily: I guess he changed her mind. And now it feels like since he has no family, he's trying to steal ours. Holden: Meg never cared about what I thought about who she was with. I don't think I can talk her out of it any more than we could with Luke. Lily: We just have to figure out a way to beat Damian at his own game. [SCENE_BREAK] Sage: That smells so good. You're such a good cook. Teri: Well, it cost me enough to learn. You know I know 15 different ways to make French fries? Sage: That's so cool. You're so much cooler than Janet. Teri: I won't tell her if you won't. [SCENE_BREAK] Janet: Mm. Jack: What was that for? Janet: That was a "Thank you" for being so flexible in letting my sister take care of your kids. [Jack laughs] Jack: Well, I really didn't have a choice. [Janet laughs] Janet: That's never stopped you before. Jack: 'Cause you're such a good influence on me. Janet: Hey, do me a favor, though. Don't get too flexible. One of the things I love about you is how you stick to your guts. Jack: But sometimes that gets me in trouble. Janet: Not today. Jack: Mm. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: What is that? Rosanna: Oh! Teri's in there making something. Craig: Smells delicious! Rosanna: Mm. Yeah. It certainly does. And nobody's used to that, certainly, since Carly left. Craig: I think you're a great cook. Rosanna: Oh, you're such a big liar. And I just really appreciate you saying that. Thank you. [Rosanna chuckles] Rosanna: But, you know, I'm gonna really give you one thing. I can't believe you made Jack do a 180 and -- and let the kids stay here. That was incredible. Craig: It's like you said. It's that legendary Montgomery charm. Rosanna: Oh! Or he just said yes to stop you from talking. Craig: Whatever works. Rosanna: Well, listen, I am just happy that the kids are gonna be staying here, 'cause that's what Carly wanted, and that's all that matters to me. Craig: Well, look at that. Something we can agree on. [NEXT_ON] Liberty: Mom, what's wrong? Teri: "Mom"? Craig: I'd like to tell everyone that Parker has made a crucial life decision. He's going back to school. Jack: He is? Parker: I am. Audrey: Okay. It's time. Henry: Vienna, what are you doing here? | Lily denies the allegation and reminds Damian their relationship ended a long time ago and she is happy with Holden |
253 | Anna: Oh, wow. Luke: Wow. Anna: Wow. Luke: Uh-huh. Anna: Um... Luke: Oh. Anna: Oh, gosh. Luke: Oh, sorry. Anna: No, it's fine. Luke: I mean, I didn't, uh... Anna: It's okay. Luke: I hope you don't think that -- Anna: No. Luke: Not that it wasn't nice. Anna: No, exactly. Luke: Very nice. Anna: Um... Luke: Hmm? Anna: Such a long day. Luke: Oh. You're tired? Anna: No. Yes. I have a lot of work to do on my computer -- e-mails, things. Luke: Those are important. Anna: They're on my computer, so I'm gonna go and do that now. Luke: Well, yeah. I understand. Oh. I'll get that. Don't worry about that. It's fine. I -- I'm just gonna stay here and... Anna: I'm gonna go in there. Luke: You -- okay. Anna: All right. Luke: Yeah. I'll put this up here. Luke: [Exhales] [Cell phone rings] Lulu: Hey, Johnny. Johnny: Listen, you got any idea where Luke keeps that spare key for the back room? I got to get in there, and there's no key on the ring you gave me. Lulu: Are you by the bar? Johnny: Yeah. I'm behind it. Lulu: Okay, um, head toward the scotch. Johnny: Okay. Lulu: Um, it's the claymore black label. Johnny: Got it. Okay. Lulu: Okay. Underneath. Johnny: Huh. Nice. Hey, sorry to bother you. Lulu: Eh, it's not like I have anything better to do. Johnny: You all right? Lulu: Well, my A.C.'s broken in my apartment, so it's like a million degrees in here, and my husband walked out on me. But other than that, I'm awesome. Johnny: I take it you told him about our partnership. Lulu: Yeah. He didn't share our enthusiasm. Johnny: Well, look, my offer to buy the other half still stands if that's what you want. Lulu: No. I-I love the idea of turning the haunted star into a nightclub, and I want to be a part of that. Johnny: Even if it means working with me? Lulu: We're gonna make a good team, and if Dante doesn't like that, that's his problem. Johnny: Oh. Looks like it's my problem now. Lulu: What? Johnny: Nothing. I'll talk to you later. Something wrong, detective? Dante: What do you think? Sonny: Now that you know the truth, you can go back to Llanview. McBain: If it's the truth. Sonny: I give you my word, I had nothing to do with your sister's d-- Kristina: FYI -- his word isn't worth much. Sonny: What'd I tell you about this camera crew? Kristina: I'm his daughter, and if he lied to my face, what makes you think he'd be honest with you? McBain: Excuse me. I was just leaving. Trey: Oh, no, no, no. Please stay. We'd love to get your side of the story. McBain: Story's over. This chapter, anyway. Kristina: That looked intense. Want to talk about it? Ewen: Connie... what happened to the baby? Connie: No more, please. Ewen: I mean, you must have felt extremely scared, alone. Connie: I felt dirty. I felt... damaged. I couldn't tell Sonny. I couldn't tell anyone. Ewen: Then tell me. Connie... what happened to your baby? Anna: [Sighs] [Knock on door] Anna: Ah! Oh, God. Hello? McBain: Anna? Are you okay? Anna: Yeah. Mm-hmm. Is that John? McBain: It's me. Anna: Okay. Hi. McBain: Hi. Anna: I dropped something on my toe. I'm fine. Come in. Come in. Just beware of... the furniture. McBain: It's a good thing I remembered to wear shoes. Anna: Yes. It's very good. What can I do for you? McBain: I just came to say goodbye. 60 days are up. Anna: Oh, yeah. I'm so sorry I couldn't get that extension for you. McBain: No worries. At least now I get to go home to Natalie and Liam. Anna: Mm. Yeah. You must be thrilled. It's got to be hard for you. Um... not getting the answers that you wanted from Sonny about your sister. McBain: I got answers. Just not the ones I was looking for. [Knock on door] Luke: Oh, good. You're home. Lulu: Hey. Is something wrong? Luke: Something have to be wrong for a dad to stop by and see his daughter? Lulu: No. Unless he's you. Luke: Well, cut me a little slack, will you? This is not easy for me. Lulu: W-what isn't easy? Luke: Uh, well, usually when I spill my guts, it's to a bartender pouring single malt. Lulu: Well, pull up a barstool. Luke: It's hotter than hell in here! Lulu: I know. I'm sorry. The A.C.'s broken. Luke: You want me to take a look? Lulu: Dad, really. What's going on? Luke: [Sighs] Relationships. Complications. Lulu: [Laughs] Join the club. Dante and I had a fight. Johnny: Why? Lulu: Remember I told you a realtor called with a client who wanted to buy the haunted star? Luke: Oh, Johnny Zacchara. Lulu: Yeah. Contract signed. Luke: Well, why would Dante be upset about that? I mean, you're gonna sell that rust bucket that doesn't even float. Lulu: He's upset 'cause I only sold half. Johnny: Look, Dante, this is gonna be good for everybody involved. Lulu will make a hell of a lot more money than she's making now, and maybe you won't have to pick up any extra shifts. Dante: We're doing fine, thanks. Johnny: You could be doing better. I mean, it's criminal what cops get paid these days. Dante: Yeah, well, at least my money is clean. Johnny: All right, look, Dante, I'll be the first to admit that I've made mistakes, all right. But this club, this partnership, it's completely legit. Dante: Nothing you do is legit. Your whole life is a fraud. And whatever you're planning, I don't want my wife involved. Johnny: Your wife is a big girl. She can make that decision on her own. Dante: You know, John, one day you might find someone desperate enough to marry you, and you're gonna realize that the big decisions in life -- they're made together. Johnny: You know, it's no wonder Lulu's itching to get out. As of right now, she lives with you, she's working with you, and apparently is forbidden to make decisions without you. Careful, Dante. No woman likes to be backed into a corner. Ewen: What happened to your baby? Connie: I don't want to talk about it. Ewen: You've come this far. You can't stop now. Just tell me, Connie. I want to help you get through this -- Connie: You want to help me like the rest of them. Ewen: Rest of them? Who? Connie: They all said they'd help me, and no one did -- not the doctor, not father O'Brien. It's a mortal sin. That's what he said. Ewen: This is your priest. Connie: Yeah. He said that if I terminated the pregnancy, I'd go to hell, that it was a sin to even think about it. Ewen: He didn't even take into consideration how it was conceived? Connie: "It's still a child of God, Constanza." But it wasn't. It wasn't. It was a child of that bastard that forced himself on me. Ewen: Connie, it's very important for you to understand that Joe Jr. Can't hurt you anymore. You're safe here. He has no power over you. Connie: But he does over Sonny. Ewen: I don't understand. Connie: Joe Jr.'s father is Sonny's boss. And more than that, Sonny owed him. If Sonny found out I was raped, he would retaliate and end up dead or in prison. I can't let that happen. Sonny: Didn't I make myself clear the first time? I want no part of your show, Kristina. Trey: It's actually my show. Sonny: Who the hell are you? Trey: I'm trey Mitchell, creator, executive producer -- Sonny: Oh, so you're the one who talked my daughter into putting her private life and mine on television. Kristina: Trey didn't talk me into anything, dad, which I'm sure must astound you, since you clearly believe I can't make my own decisions. Sonny: Excuse me. Can we talk about this later? Kristina: Why don't we talk about it now? You lied to me for months, made me believe that I got into Yale all on my own, when -- oops! Just kidding -- it was bought and paid for with your blood money. Trey: You getting this? Hey, uh, guys, why don't we go in the living room, where the lighting's a little bit better. Yeah? Sonny: That's a good idea. Come here, trey. All right. How's the lighting? Sonny: You're gonna shut your mouth right now, and you're gonna listen. I don't know how you got Kristina to do this, but it's over. Do you understand me? Trey: God, if only you'd said "capisce." Sonny: That's funny. Okay, so you're the type of guy who always pushes just a little too much, right? Well, one day you're gonna push too far, like right now, and you're gonna wind up on the floor in pieces. Do you understand what I'm saying? Trey: Yeah. See, this is what I'm talking about. This is real. It's raw. I'm gonna go get the guys. Sonny: No. Here's what you're gonna do, all right? You're gonna get the guys, and you're gonna get their cameras, and you're gonna get out of my house. Trey: You might want to rethink that a bit. See, you kick me out, your daughter cuts ties, never speaks to you again. Is that what you want? Anna: Do you think Sonny's telling the truth? McBain: I don't know. Anna: He better be. Otherwise, he is completely reprehensible. Basically getting away with murder and then all these years later, saying, actually, no, he didn't do it after all. McBain: The alternative's not much prettier. He took a murder rap to protect Scully's idiot kid. Anna: Yeah. Obstruction of justice, most definitely. All these years thinking that Sonny was responsible. Hmm. McBain: Now he didn't do it. Think this is the one time that Sonny's telling the truth? Anna: Yeah. McBain: Joe Jr. Killed Theresa. And all this time, is it possible I've been chasing after the wrong guy? Anna: You didn't know that he was covering for someone. How could you possibly -- for God's sake. He was standing over your sister's body with a gun in his hand. And then the charges are dropped and the case is closed. McBain: Consider it reopened. Anna: You're always so hard on yourself. McBain: Not without reason. Anna: You did the best that you could with the information at your disposal. Didn't you? The -- either way, whether it was Sonny or this Joe Jr... I am very sorry for your loss. McBain: Anna Devane -- always the voice of reason. Anna: Yeah. About that... [Sighs] I might speak it sometimes, but I don't always follow it. McBain: Now I'm interested. Anna: [Chuckles] No, no, no. It's nothing. It's too -- bah! No. McBain: Would it help if I promised not to laugh? Anna: Mm. Yeah. It would help. No, it's absurd. McBain: You have to be a little more specific than "it." Anna: I kissed my roommate. Luke: Well, just for the record, I would never side with a cop over my daughter. Lulu: But off the record? Luke: Well, off the record, I can understand Dante being upset with you going into business with Johnny Zacchara. Lulu: It's not like I planned it he just showed up, and he threw out the idea. Luke: Yeah, but then you went for it, didn't you? Lulu: Trusting my instincts. That's what you've been telling me. Luke: That and never hit when the dealer shows 16. Lulu: We're Spencers. We're impulsive. Luke: Well, sometimes it can get us into trouble. Like today. Lulu: This Tracy? The kiss -- it was unexpected, maybe, but not a total shock. Luke: How about the kiss with Anna? Dante: I don't control Lulu. She makes all her own decisions. Johnny: Except for when it comes to her work. Dante: Speaking of a job, I have one to do, and I don't want my wife getting caught in the middle when I bring you down for murder. Johnny: What the hell are you talking about? Dante: Your grandfather's still missing, and as far as I'm concerned, you're the one who made him disappear. Johnny: [Chuckles] Wow. Okay, so, if you're ready to finally admit that Anthony's dead, why don't you go knock on Tracy Quartermaine's door? Means, motive, opportunity. Dante: You had all three! Johnny: I didn't cause that accident. But I know who did. Dante: Oh, Sonny. Right. Sonny again. Look, he's innocent. Johnny: His girlfriend's not. Ewen: Tell me what happened to your baby, Connie. No one's judging you. Connie: [Breathes shakily] [Crying] Oh, God. Please forgive me, God. [Whimpers] Lulu: [Sighs] Okay, so, you and Anna kissed. Luke: We did. Lulu: I thought you two were just friends. Luke: We are. We were. No, we -- we are. We are. Lulu: With a little side of more? Luke: I don't know. I'm confused. Lulu: Well, you guys obviously got close after Robin died. Luke: Well, sure. With Robert gone and Patrick lost in grief, she needed a friend. Lulu: And you stepped up, and you gave her a place to stay and someone willing to listen. Luke: Hey, look, it wasn't all one-sided. I mean, she helped me, too. Lulu: When? Luke: When? How about a little thing called "my daughter gets held hostage by a maniac with a gun"? Remember that? Lulu: That. Luke: Yeah, that. She stopped everything to look for you, you know. She listened to me. She let me vent. It's just really easy with her. At least, it was till that damn kiss. Lulu: So, did she kiss you, or did you kiss her? Luke: I don't know. It was kind of mutual, you know. Kind of like two magnets who were... attracted and couldn't fight it. Lulu: Is that how it is with Tracy? McBain: Anna and Luke sittin' in a tree... Anna: Oh, no, no, no. McBain: ...K-I-S-S... Anna: [Chuckles] McBain: Come on. It's a little quirky, but you could do worse. Anna: No, it's not me and anyone. It's not -- it's certainly not me and Luke. We're just friends. We're roommates. McBain: There's a name for roommates that kiss. Anna: No! It's not -- we're platonic friends. McBain: Except when you kiss. Anna: He kissed me. McBain: Hmm. Anna: Maybe I kissed him. Anyway, he was giving me a shoulder rub. McBain: Uh-huh. And? Anna: Nothing. And nothing. Then it was over. And then I said that I had a lot of work to do. McBain: Did you? Have a lot of work to do? Anna: Technically, yes, I did. You know, since taking over as police commissioner, there's always something that you have to do just to keep busy -- McBain: You're getting a little off point here. Anna: Yes. Okay. I went into my room, I panicked, and I stayed there until he left. I'm a coward. McBain: "Coward's" not the first word that comes to mind. It's not even in the top 100. Anna: Busting a drug ring is a cake walk compared to this. How am I gonna face him? I don't know what to say. McBain: It was a kiss. It happens. Anna: Ah, I don't know. It felt like more than a kiss. I mean, it really did feel like more than a kiss. McBain: Come on. I mean, what's the problem? Anna: Well, see, I'm not the only woman that Luke kissed today. Sonny: Are you threatening me? [Knock on door] Trey: Kristina's the one that gave you the ultimatum, okay. I'm just reminding you what she said. Sonny: She was upset. Kristina: Dad, I'm serious! Trey: You blame her? Sonny: You used her, took advantage of that. [Door rattles] Kristina: Open up! Trey: Kristina's got a story to tell, all right? She wants the world to know how you operate, how that affected her life. Sonny: She can write a book. Trey: No, no, no. See, this is so much better. This right here -- real life in real time. Kristina banging at the door and you not giving a damn. Sonny: You have no idea how much I care about my daughter. Trey: Really? That's why you listen to her so well, let her do what she wants. [Knock on door] Kristina: Dad? Sonny: You think I'm gonna stand here and let you exploit her? Kristina: Dad, if you hurt... Trey: Look, I'm the only friend Kristina's got. Sonny: You're no friend. Trey: Come on. You never went to college, right? So you have no idea how her classmates felt, how hard they worked to get into Yale or how they -- I don't know -- might have resented her a bit because she took someone else's spot because you threatened to break the dean's kneecaps. Sonny: I don't make threats. I, uh, I take action. You might want to consider that. Trey: Look, the other students didn't feel that Kristina deserved to be there. They wouldn't talk to her. They wouldn't hang out with her. I'm telling you, she was crushed. Sonny: And I'm sure you were there to pick up the pieces, right? [Banging on door] Kristina: If you don't open this door in 10 seconds... 10... Trey: Last chance, buddy. It's gonna be, you know, push me away, push your daughter away, probably for good. Kristina: 4...3 -- Sonny: Come on in. Kristina: Not without them. Sonny: Uh, yeah. I know the deal. I always keep my word. Ewen: Why do you need forgiveness, Connie? What did you do? Connie: I prayed every day that it would go away, that I would just wake up and it would have been just a nightmare. But it didn't go away. I kept getting bigger. I couldn't let anybody see me like that. Ewen: What about your parents? Connie: I told my parents I had to go to school early, that I needed to get a head start on my studies. I took rent money from my father, and I told my mom... I told my mom she couldn't visit me because I-I couldn't have the distraction. Ewen: And where were you really? Connie: A boarding house. And I stayed there until... Ewen: Until your baby was born? Dante: Wow, John, that's desperate, even for you. I mean, blaming that accident on Kate Howard? Johnny: What? You mean to tell me that thought's never crossed your mind? She assaulted her shrink, put the poor guy in a coma. Oh. Looks like you have considered it. Sonny: Big deal! There's no evidence. Johnny: Evidence? A confession isn't evidence? Dante: She didn't confess! Johnny: Not to me, but she did to her lawyer. See, Kate -- or rather, her alter ego, Connie -- shot out Anthony's tires and caused that accident. And Sonny is working overtime to keep it quiet. Ewen: Did you have the baby? Connie: [Sobs] Ewen: Connie. Connie: Yes. I... I had a little boy. Ewen: What happened to him? After he was born, what -- what did you do with your son? Connie: I got rid of him. Kristina: What did he say to you? Trey: Uh... Sonny: Hey, trey, you got to really try something. These cookies are amazing. They're Kristina's favorite. Kristina: What are you doing? Sonny: I'm not doing anything. Graciela just took them out of the oven. Nice and warm. Really nice. Trey: No. No, I'm good. Thanks. Sonny: How about you guys? 'Cause I know it must take a lot of energy, carrying the... cameras around. Here you go. Here you go. Oh, you didn't want one. How about you? Kristina: I'll pass. Sonny: Okay. Trey: Look, uh, we should probably get started. Sonny: Yeah! Yeah, let's get this going. Trey: So, uh, okay. Let's, uh, let's talk about what you did to get Kristina into Yale. Sonny: Okay. First, I want to say... how talented Kristina is, how beautiful and intelligent. She got a 4.0, and she was in the 95th percentile on her S.A.T.S I mean -- Kristina: Seriously, dad? When did you ever start paying attention to my S.A.T. Scores? Sonny: Well, I was concerned, you know, that they had you on the waiting list because of your association with me, which I don't think is fair. Kristina: But it was fair to bully my way in? Sonny: Well, you -- you always wanted to go to Yale your whole life, so I just made some calls to make sure that they knew that your mother went there. Kristina: Right. And you didn't threaten anyone. Sonny: No, I didn't. But I did make a sizeable contribution to the library fund. Trey: Mm. So you're admitting that you bought her a spot. Sonny: Kristina deserved better. I don't know for what reason they made her wait that long, so I just got her bumped up. Kristina: Except that's not how it works, dad. Sonny: What do you mean? Kristina: The school year had started. I didn't get in. I wasn't on the list anymore. Sonny: And I'm very sorry how that turned out. Kristina: No, you're sorry you got caught. Sonny: I'm not gonna apologize for that. Kristina: See? Sonny: I would do anything -- and I mean anything -- for my children. Any father would. I'm sure your father would do the same thing, trey. But I will say this. I did nothing illegal. Trey: And the guy that was just here, the one that was talking about...sister's death, would you say the same thing? McBain: Give me a minute. I'm just trying to picture Luke and Tracy together. Luke and Tracy. Luke and -- [Shudders] Anna: I didn't know that you knew her. McBain: Yeah, I questioned her when I first came to town about Anthony Zacchara and the night of the accident. I got exactly nowhere. She's a formidable woman. Anna: She's kind of scary -- McBain: Scares the hell out of me. Yeah. Anna: Scares me. McBain: Well, does Luke return her feelings? Anna: I don't know. And I don't think that Luke knows either. McBain: He must have had some reaction. Anna: Yeah, he said that he told her that they shouldn't rekindle anything until they're not being investigated for Anthony's murder anymore. McBain: That's probably smart. Anna: Absolutely. Absolutely. But then when I asked him if that was the only thing keeping them apart, he didn't give me a straight answer. McBain: So we know what Tracy wants. Anna: Yeah. McBain: Not sure what Luke wants. What does Anna want? Luke: We were celebrating our freedom, and then -- boom! -- She kissed me. Lulu: Completely out of the blue? Luke: Well, we'd had a couple of moments at the boathouse. Lulu: And whose idea was that? Luke: Mutual. Lulu: Well, that would explain why she decided to kiss you again at the floating rib. Twice? [Chuckles] Luke: She said that she cares about me still and she wants me back. Lulu: And what did you tell her? Luke: Well, I said, you know, with all this mess going on with Anthony Zacchara that it would really look bad if she and I were having a thing if her stiff of a husband turned up. Lulu: Okay, be honest. Do you really think it's too soon for you to be with Tracy, or do you want to be with Anna? Connie: I was in labor for hours. Ewen: At a hospital? Connie: At the boarding house. I was alone. And when the baby was finally born... I looked at my son. And I felt... nothing. No. No, that's not right. I was -- I was angry. Here was this living, breathing reminder of everything that was stolen from me. Ewen: So you "got rid of him." What does that mean? Connie: I left him in one of the dresser drawers. And then I left. And I got on a train, and I just... I let it go. I was never going back to that place, to those memories. They weren't mine. That baby was not mine. It was as if he never existed. Ewen: And from that moment on... Connie ceased to exist, too. Dante: How well this works out for you. If Anthony's dead, then you inherit his estate and take some money, buy a club, and start over, and your hands are clean. Johnny: You sound disappointed. Dante: No, I'm not disappointed. We're watching you, Johnny. One slip-up, just one misstep, and I will take you down. Lulu: All right... let's just deal with one woman at a time, okay? And we'll leave Tracy out of it for a second. [Sighs] Are you sure it's a good idea for you to get involved with Anna? Luke: You mean because she just lost her daughter. Lulu: There's that. And she's also the new police commissioner. You despise law enforcement on any and every level. Luke: Oh, come on. She's not like those other spuds at the precinct. Lulu: Your son-in-law excluded. Luke: I was just about to say that. Lulu: Ah. All right, so, tell me, what's so wonderful about Anna. Luke: Well... for one thing, she's smart. Lulu: Not smart enough if she's risking her career for you. Luke: Hey, I didn't kill Anthony, and she knows it. Lulu: But she doesn't know that he's dead, because you haven't told her that you found his body in the boathouse. Luke: I told you. Self-preservation, baby. I'm doing what I have to do. Lulu: Including lying to Anna. Luke: It's not a lie. I just omitted some information. Lulu: Oh, right. So when you told her that Ethan's Robert's son, were you lying to her then? Luke: Well, that was for a good cause. Lulu: Mm. So, Robert wasn't at Robin's funeral because of you. She had to grieve alone because of you. Luke: [Sighs] You're right. You're right. Getting involved with slim would be A... terrible idea. Anna: It would be a big mistake to get involved with Luke. You want to know why? I'll tell you why. First, his ex-wife wants him back. Messy. Two, he is still a suspect in the Anthony Zacchara disappearance. So, if you think the press is all over me right now for letting him go, can you imagine what they would do if we were involved? Can you imagine? McBain: I'm almost afraid to ask -- is there a -- is there a thir Anna: There's a third. McBain: There's a third. Anna: The third is he's my ex-husband's best friend. McBain: Ah. Anna: Well, I didn't actually know Luke at the time I married Robert. But, anyway, you get my drift. It's just so complicated, and I can't handle complicated, because I am the police commissioner, for God's sake. McBain: So what are you gonna do? Anna: [Sighs] Sonny: The man that you saw me talking to when you walked in, his name is John McBain. He's a cop, former FBI. If I had done something illegal, he'd have arrested me. As you can see, here I am. Kristina: Then why was he here? Sonny: Uh, I gave him some information to help him out with a case. Kristina: You helped a cop with a case? Sonny: Yeah, it does happen every so often. Kristina: What was the information? Sonny: [Sighs] Years ago, McBain's sister was killed, and they arrested the wrong guy, so I pretty much told him who really did it. Kristina: He thought it was you? You were the wrong guy? Sonny: McBain was misinformed, just like your friends at Yale. Kristina: Former friends at Yale. Sonny: Okay, Kristina, look, if your friends can't see the beautiful, funny, smart girl that I see, to hell with them! Anything else you want to discuss, sweetheart? Trey: Your girlfriend, Kate Howard -- editor in chief of crimson -- she was charged with assaulting her shrink, right? Now she's in a mental institution? Sonny: Okay, that's enough for today. Ewen: You left Connie behind, along with your baby. That's...that's when you became Kate. Connie: When I got on that train, it was the first time in months that I could breathe. It was like the further I got away from the city, the further I got away from the rape. Ewen: And the further you got away from your son. Connie: The doors opened. So did my life. I stepped onto the platform... and I was Kate Howard. I went into Greenwich. I went shopping. I bought a whole new wardrobe. And then I went to Princeton, and I started my freshman year. And it was like it never happened. Like I just... forgot. Ewen: You did. Until tonight. But now you know. Kate? Kate: Huh? Ewen: No, it's good, Kate. Now that you've remembered, you -- you can begin to heal. Kate: But does it mean that -- Ewen: Yes. Connie's gone. You -- you don't have to live two separate lives anymore. Kate: I just have to live with what she's done. Luke: Oh. McBain: Call me if you need anything. Anna: Okay. Mm. [Door opens] Luke: Oh. McBain: Hey. I was, uh, just leaving. Headed back to Transyl-- I mean, Pennsylvania. Luke: [Chuckles] That's a good one, Lestat. McBain: See you around, Luke. Luke: Yeah. Funny guy. Um... look, about that kiss -- Anna: I think it's a mistake if we get involved. Just to get entangled in that way -- it's a mistake. Luke: Yeah? Anna: Yeah. Luke: Me too. Anna: Yeah? Luke: Yeah. Anna: Okay. That's good. Luke: Yeah. Anna: 'Cause I don't want it to be awkward. Luke: No. No. Neither do I. So... it's settled, then. Just friends. Anna: Just friends. Luke: Okay. [Grunts] Lulu: Dante, it's me. I know you're upset, but I think we need to talk about this. [Sighs] Dante: Does now work? Lulu: Where'd you go? Dante: To see Johnny. Lulu: No, you didn't. Dante: Relax. He's in one piece. So is the boat. He obviously had a lot to say, some of which I'll have to follow up on tomorrow. Bottom line is I just -- I still don't trust that guy. But I trust you. And I respect your decision to work with him, even though I... may not like it. Lulu: Did you practice that on the way home? Dante: No, I winged it. It's pretty good, huh? Lulu: Very. Dante: I'm sorry I walked out on you like that. Lulu: I'm sorry that I didn't consult you. You're my husband, and we're in this together. Yes, we are. Johnny: Watch me all you want, Dante. You'll never find anything. As long as Connie keeps her mouth shut. Kate: I can't believe what I've done. I had a-a baby. A little boy. And I just left him... helpless... alone. He -- he never even had a chance. Trey: Hey, so, let's pick this up tomorrow, guys. Call time's 9:00 A.M. Yeah? Cool. Kristina, you coming? Kristina: I'll meet you in the car. I want to talk to my dad. Trey: Okay. Sonny: I n wrap up the cookies -- Kristina: I know what you're doing, and if you think your playing nice -- I'll just magically forget and call this whole thing off, you're wrong. Sonny: Sometimes when I look at you, I see myself. Kristina: Don't say that. I'm nothing like you. Sonny: No, you're more like me than any of my kids. Because you get angry, you get hurt, and you lash out. You don't care what you wreck. You don't realize that you're hurting yourself. Kristina: I'm not hurting myself. I'm paying you back. Sonny: By what? By loving you? By believing in you? Kristina: For humiliating me, dad. Sonny: I'm your father. I'm gonna have your best interests at heart. And if you think that kid, trey, is gonna do the same thing, you're mistaken. Trey: Yeah, it's -- it's me. I'm in Port Charles. Kate: Joe Jr. may have been a monster, but that baby was innocent. And I just left him to die. What does that make me? | She says Joe Junior may have been a monster, but the baby was innocent |
254 | Nora: When I was Matthew's age, I had an elaborate plan to run off to New York City and become a Rockette. Bo: Yeah, yeah, I could see that. Nora: Eh -- too short and not a good enough dancer. Bo: Oh, come on, that's not true. Nora: Oh, God, Bo, do you remember that time -- oh, my God, look out, Bo! Bo, Bo! [Tires screech] [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: Hmm, let's see. You've got a guard on her 24 hours a day, you took away her cell phone, her internet. Now you want to homeschool her? Yeah, I think that would be probably torture for any teenager. Todd: Well, I don't want it this way. It's just that, you know, when I think about what happened I -- I just can't get that image out of my head. Blair: Well, it's a good thing you got there when you did. Otherwise, it could've been a lot worse. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Langston: Can I borrow your Chem book? Starr: I've got it. I'm sorry. Langston: I -- I thought you said that nothing happened between you and Cole. Starr: I lied. [SCENE_BREAK] Markko: Are you serious? You're going to stay away from Starr? What did Lieutenant McBain say to you? Cole: Well, he told me if I want to do what's best for Starr, that I will end it between the two of us. [SCENE_BREAK] Lindsay: Do you think you could step on it? Clint: Why don't I just run us right off the road while I'm at it? Lindsay: Well, Clint, you're only going 15 miles an hour. We could walk there faster than this. Clint: If you want to walk, I'll stop the car. Lindsay: I don't want to walk, especially not in this storm. Clint: The higher up we go, the worse it's going to get, which is why I am driving slowly. Lindsay: Which is why we are never going to get there. Clint: For God's sakes, would you just relax? Stop worrying. Lindsay: You practically shove Bo and Nora in a car together and you want me not to worry? Clint: Are Bo and Nora going to fall in love all over again simply because they're in the same car? Lindsay: Could you not raise your voice at me? Clint: Well, I don't understand your anxiety about all this. Nora and Bo alone for a couple of hours -- so what? What's going to happen? [SCENE_BREAK] [Bo sighs] Bo: Are you okay? Nora: Um -- yeah, I think so. I think so. What about you? Are you okay? Bo: Ah. I'm bruised. Nora: What? Bo: No, I'm kidding. I'm all right, I'm fine, I'm fine. Nora: Oh. That was a lucky deer -- I didn't know you had such fast reflexes. Bo: Yeah, not so lucky for us, though. I'll get outside and check the damage. There's a tree growing right outside my window. Nora: Oh. I -- I -- I could check mine. Ah. It's -- [Nora sighs] Nora: Oh, boy. We're stuck. [SCENE_BREAK] Matthew: I still can't get through to my mom or my dad. Nigel: I'm afraid the landlines are down, as well. Matthew: I hope they're all right -- driving in this storm? Nigel: I'm sure they are, Matthew. And hopefully, ms. Natalie and Mr. Jared are faring well. Matthew: They'll be all right. They can take care of themselves. [SCENE_BREAK] Jared: Oh. Natalie: Oh. What is wrong with you? Why would you do that? Jared: I -- I did it because I have something to tell you and there is nothing that's going to stop me this time. [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: So, you and Cole -- you actually -- that night that your dad walked in? But, you said that -- you swore that nothing happened between the two of you. Starr: What was I supposed to say? Langston, my dad was a psycho that night. He would've killed Cole if my mom didn't come in on time and he definitely would've killed him if he knew the truth -- about what really happened. Langston: But Cole never said anything, either. Starr: Well, because he's not like that. That's one thing that I love about him is that he wouldn't talk about something that important or something that's just between the two of us. Langston: Okay, I -- I get why you didn't tell your parents, but why didn't you tell me? Starr: I don't know, okay? I'm just -- I'm really freaked out right now over it. Langston: So, do you think you're really pregnant? [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: My God -- how could it have been worse? Seeing what he was doing to my daughter, I just -- I cannot describe what that did to me. [Blair sighs] Blair: Well, what I mean is, is if you had gotten there maybe a little later, they may have been making love. I mean, that's what they were planning on doing, that's what they intended. Todd: All right, so what's your solution? How can I make her realize that I'm doing this to -- to show how much I love her? How am I going to get through to her? Blair: You can get through to her, Todd -- if anybody can, you can. You know you and Starr have a very, very special connection -- you always have. Todd: Hmm. Blair: And, yeah, I admit it's -- it's going through a rough time, but you can get that back. You can fix this relationship. [SCENE_BREAK] Lindsay: If you and Viki were driving up to the lodge together, just the two of you, Nora would run out of the courtroom in the middle of a murder trial to yank you out of that car. Clint: No, no -- Lindsay: Yes, she would. Clint: No -- nice try, but Nora is not you. Her mind does not work like yours and neither does mine. Lindsay: And if you still had lingering feelings for Viki? Clint: I don't have lingering feelings for Viki. Lindsay: And you two were married how many times, and you broke up and got back together how many times, and you have how many children together? Clint: Lindsay, try and understand this, all right? Viki and I are mature, sane people. We could actually be in the same automobile for two hours without feeling compelled to tear each other's clothes off. Lindsay: But you would feel compelled to talk, would you not? Clint: I expect that we would, yeah, about things that actually mean something as opposed to this. Lindsay: Ah, so you would have a meaningful conversation. And then, of course, that would segue right into wonderful old memories, and before you know it -- Clint: "Before you know it" what? Lindsay: Before you know it, you are walking down memory lane and we both know where that leads. [SCENE_BREAK] Nora: Oh. We slid pretty far down that hill. I don't even -- I can't even see the road. Bo: Yeah. Well, it means if anybody's up there on the road, then they can't see us down here. But we got the old GPS, so it's just a matter of time before somebody finds us. Nora: Yeah. In the meantime, we'll just try not to freeze to death. Bo: Ah. Well, you need me to warm you up? Nora: Oh -- no, it's okay. Thanks. I'm going to try the back door. That's what I'm going to try, you know, since these front ones are blocked by all these lovely trees. Bo: Open the back ones. Nora: Well -- Bo: You know, those windows -- they only go halfway down. Nora: Are you implying I'm not going to fit? Bo: No, no. I'm just -- what I meant was give it a shot. Good luck. Nora: Oh. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Why do you keep doing this to me, Jared? Don't you get it? It -- it disgusts me, it makes me feel ashamed of myself. Jared: That is why you need to hear me out, okay? Natalie: No, I've heard enough. I got to -- I had to -- I got to get out of here. Jared: Okay, you're not going anywhere, not in the middle of this storm. Natalie: Yeah, well, you know what? I think I'd rather freeze than be stuck here alone with you. Jared: Not until you listen to me. Natalie: Let go of me. What, you want to tell me that you have more feelings for me? Jared: Will you just let me talk, please? Natalie: No, I've heard enough! For God's sake, Jared, you're my uncle! Jared: No, I'm not! Natalie: What did you just say? Jared: I'm not your uncle. That's what I'm trying to say. [SCENE_BREAK] Markko: You're really going to end it with Starr -- for good? Cole: Well, of course I don't want to. But John made me realize how hard it'd be on Starr if her dad realized we were still seeing each other. Markko: He already beat you up. What, are you afraid he's going to put you in jail for what he says you did to Starr? Cole: No, not for that. Markko: Then what? Cole: I don't care if Starr's dad comes in right now and beats the crap out of me. I can't live like this anymore. Blair: He could do worse than that, Cole. Cole: Like what? What, kill me? Starr: No, Cole. What my mom is trying to say is that he could throw you in jail for a really long time. Cole: For what? Raping you? He can't because I didn't do it. Starr: Cole, no -- for shooting Miles Laurence. Cole: All right, listen, it'd be bad for a lot of reasons, all right? Now, I -- I don't want to give her up, but there's no other way. And as soon as she accepts that we can't be together, then she can finally start living her life again -- without me. [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: So, you and Cole, you -- you actually -- Starr: Langston, could you please stop acting so shocked? Langston: Well, I -- I'm sorry but I just -- I can't believe you actually had sex. Starr: We made love -- it's different. Langston: Well, what was it like? Starr: It was -- it was between me and Cole and I don't want to talk about it right now. Langston: Wait -- was that the only time that you and Cole were ever together like that? I'm just saying -- Starr: You're just saying what? Langston: Starr, the chances of getting pregnant after just one time- it's extremely unlikely. Starr: But it's not impossible. Langston: Well, did you use protection? Starr: Okay, look. I know that I should have, okay, and not just because I could get pregnant but also because of diseases and stuff like that, but -- I know all of that, Langston. I just -- I thought that it was going to be the last time that I was ever going to see him. Langston: Well, how do you feel? Starr: Not so good -- especially in the mornings. I thought maybe it was because of stress. Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. Langston: Starr, how could you be going through this and not tell anyone? Starr: Because no one can know about it, Langston. No one can know. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: So you think I should just cave -- is that it? That's your solution? Blair: No, Todd. Just bend a little. You can talk to Starr -- I mean, really talk to her and really listen. Todd: I do really talk to her, I do really listen. She just shuts me out. Blair: No, you really talk at her. Todd: Well, the last time we talked, I -- I tried to explain to her why homeschooling was good for her. Blair: Good for her? Todd: Yes. Yes -- of course. It's for her own good. Blair: Oh, my God, it -- she's isolated, completely alone, away from her friends, how could that be good for her? Why can't you see that? Todd: See, now, the way you describe it, it makes seem like I'm being harsh. Blair: Yeah, you're being harsh and you're being cruel. It's worse than that. I mean, it -- you do this, Todd -- you always go over the top when somebody defies you and you don't like what's going on, you just bully your way through this. Well, you can't do this now. You've got to pull back. You've got to do it before it's too late. [SCENE_BREAK] Lindsay: Are we almost there? Clint: Another 45 minutes at least. And if it gets any icier, they're going to close this road. Lindsay: Oh, great. That would be a great excuse for Bo and Nora to spend the night in some seedy motel together. Clint: Oh, here we go. Lindsay: It would be the old "there was only one room and one bed available" routine. Clint: Put a sock in it, Lindsay. Lindsay: I know human nature as do you. Clint: Oh, yeah. Well, then your assumption should apply to us. Now, if we were to get stuck, we'd check into a motel and we'd make mad, passionate love all night long. Lindsay: No. Clint: Why not? Lindsay: Because we -- Clint: No -- whoa. Lindsay: Don't have feelings for each other still. Clint: And I'm telling you for the last time, neither do Bo and Nora. Lindsay: They have a child together. Now, that's the tie that binds -- you ought to know that. [Clint chuckles] Clint: I'm begging you, turn on the radio, get some loud music. That'll hit the spot. Lindsay: Oh, look. Look -- you see? There's a light -- you see it? Up ahead? Clint: Ruby's Diner, yeah -- Ruby's Diner. Lindsay: Oh, Clint, can we stop? Can we stop there, please? If the road is closed up to the mountains, Bo and Nora might be in there. [SCENE_BREAK] [Nora sighs] Nora: Both back doors are stuck. They're trapped by those stupid trees. Bo: Yeah, well, it could've been a whole lot worse. We could've had one of those stupid trees in here with us. Nora: It could be a whole lot better. Bo: Uh-huh. Nora: We could be up at the lodge, sitting in front of a cozy, warm fire, eating dinner -- [Bo chuckles] Nora: One of those fabulous meals prepared by Nigel. Hmm. I'm hungry. [Bo chuckles] [Nora gasps] Nora: Oh, my God! Bo: What? Nora: I completely forgot! Bo: Forgot what? Nora: Nigel -- he packed us some snacks to take on the road. And -- [Nora gasps] Nora: And, look -- we're not even going to freeze to death because he brought blankets. Bo: Oh, yeah, this is great. Nora: Ah. Bo: Where's the food? Nora: Oh, yeah. Yeah, okay. Eureka. Bo: No, that's bread. Nora: It's a start. Bo: Yeah. Nora: And -- mmm -- brie. Bo: All right. Nora: Mmm, mmm, yum. Oh -- vino. Bo: Well, look, I can't drink. I'm driving. Nora: I hate to rain on your parade, but if we get out of here, you're not driving. Here we go. Bo: Well, then, let's pop open the wine. Nora: Yeah. This is the only libation we've got -- we might as well drink and enjoy ourselves. Bo: Yep. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Are you so sick and -- and turned on by this perverted idea that you would actually lie to me? Jared: No, I am not lying to you -- not anymore. Natalie: I can't even look at you. I can't -- I can't believe that I let Nigel take Matthew and leave us here alone. Jared: Yeah -- Natalie, please! Will you just listen to me? The lie is that I was your uncle. I'm not. I never -- was. I never -- I never could be. Natalie: Get your hand off me. Jared: Natalie, I'm just plain old Jared Banks. I'm a fraud. I'm pretending to be someone I'm not. And I can't pretend anymore. Jared: This is getting old. I -- I -- I mean, first you smack me because I kiss you. That I understand, but now you smack me for telling you the truth? Don't you get it, Natalie? We can be together now without -- without guilt and there's no weirdness. Natalie: What planet are you living on, Jared? I mean, there were DNA tests run -- remember? I mean, Nigel read the letter that my grandfather had. Jared: I know, I know, I know, I know -- identifying me as Asa's son. It's not true. Okay? And ask Nigel -- he'll back me up on this. Natalie: Boy, that's rich -- bring Nigel into this? Come on -- that man would never lie to our family. Not in a million years would he hurt us. Jared: Not intentionally, but he didn't have any other choice. Natalie: Oh, what, did you threaten him? Jared: I didn't have to. He had other reasons. Natalie: Like what? Like Grandpa's real long-lost son is an ax murderer? [Jared chuckles] Jared: No, but according to Nigel, almost that bad. Natalie: Well, who could be -- who could be bad enough that Nigel would go along with this scam? Jared: David Vickers. [SCENE_BREAK] Lindsay: I don't see Bo and Nora. Clint: Matthew. Matthew: Uncle Clint. Where's my mom and dad? Lindsay: You haven't heard from them? Matthew: No, the phones are down, so even if they tried to call me, they couldn't. Clint: Nigel, what are you two doing here and not at the lodge? Nigel: Mr. Matthew accompanied me for supplies. We just made it down the mountain when, oh -- Matthew: When the ice started pounding the car. And then it started snowing. I mean, isn't this weird this time of year? Clint: Yeah, it is weird, Matthew, but it happens. Nigel: It seems the authorities have closed the roads, so I thought it best to wait here until the storm lets up. Matthew: But I don't get it -- why aren't they with you guys? Lindsay: Well, your Uncle Clint had the brilliant idea of them driving up here, just the two of them together. Nigel: I suppose they could've gotten through if they left Llanview early enough. Lindsay: Maybe we should call the lodge and check on them. Clint: Well, we've already tried that, and if you'd pay attention, Matthew just told us the phones are down. Nigel: Yes, I'm afraid all communications are cut off on the mountain. As far as I know, only Miss Natalie and Mr. Jared are up there. Lindsay: Nigel, where did they close the road? Nigel: Just a few miles up. Lindsay: Is there anywhere to stop between here and there? Nigel: Nothing but a barren stretch. Matthew: No. No, no, no. That old motel -- remember? Clint: Matthew? Your mom and dad are fine, wherever they are. Lindsay: Yes, I'm sure they're very, very fine. Matthew: Why do you say it like that? You -- you think they're not? Clint: No, no, that's not what Lindsay meant, not at all. Matthew: You know, I'm going to go try to call them -- maybe another part of the diner -- Clint: Oh, that's a good idea. What is the matter with you? Why are you trying to scare the kid? Lindsay: Did you hear what he said? There's a motel between here and there. Clint: Lindsay, now let's just stop this nonsense. Lindsay: Your imagination isn't running wild? Clint: No, it's not. My only concern is that they're driving safely in this storm. Other than that, I have complete faith in Nora -- and in Bo. [SCENE_BREAK] Nora: You know what I'd love right now? Bo: Hmm? Nora: A Rodi's cheeseburger -- with bacon -- oh, fried onion rings, lots of ketchup. Hmm. Bo: Do you want some more brie? Nora: Yeah, that'll do in a pinch. Bo: Hmm. [Nora chuckles] Bo: You know what? I don't know how you do it, you eat all those cheeseburgers, French fries, and everything and you still stay in good shape. Nora: Well, it gets harder as I get older, but I think it's good genes. Bo: Hmm. Good thing Matthew got those good genes. I think he got his best genes from you. Nora: Oh, back at you. [Nora chuckles] Bo: Oh -- huh. [Bo chuckles] Nora: What's so funny? Bo: Hmm. I was just thinking about the time we got snowed in in the house. I think it was the blizzard of 1996, I think -- you remember that? Nora: Hmm, oh, hmm. We had, like, three feet of snow. Bo: Yeah. Nora: Hmm. Bo: God, boy, you made some dinner that night, didn't you? Nora: Hmm. Bo: You used everything in the kitchen. Nora: That was truly fine dining -- potato chips, leftover pizza -- Bo: Hmm. Nora: Cookies -- Bo: Mm-hmm. Nora: Apples? Bo: Hmm. Nora: Hmm. Hmm. Bo: Yeah, but then we just popped open the old bottle of wine again -- Nora: Yeah. Bo: Sat there in front of the fire and listened to Benny Goodman. Nora: Mmm -- a little bit more. Benny Goodman -- God, it sounds like we're 100 years old. Bo: No. [Nora chuckles] Bo: No, we like swing music, that's all. Nora: We sure do. We sure do. Isn't it funny -- the only two in Llanview I think that do and we found each other. How did we find each other? [Bo chuckles] Nora: Is this GPS even working? Bo: Ah, I don't know. Somebody's going to find us, and soon. [Nora sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Starr wants nothing to do with me right now, Blair. She won't talk to me. Even if she did, I -- I don't think she'd believe anything I said. Blair: Well, maybe she would if you sounded reasonable. Todd: No, but she just won't buy it. She'll say I don't trust her. Blair: Well, maybe that's the big question. Do you trust Starr? Todd: Not when it comes to Thornhart -- no, I don't. Do you? [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: You plan on keeping this a secret? How? Starr: Look, I don't even know if there's a secret to keep, okay, and I won't, not until I take this. Langston: Okay, but what -- what if it comes up pink or positive test? I -- do you even have a plan? Starr: I will -- if it turns out. I'm going to think of something, okay? Langston: How did you even get the test anyway? Wasn't Shaun with you? Starr: I had Shaun take me to the drugstore and I snuck it in between two magazines while he was on the phone with my dad. Langston: Starr, if you're pregnant, you're going to have to make a decision. Starr: I know. And, um -- I really just want to be alone for this, okay? Please? Langston: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: How long -- I should say how did you find out? I mean, about David? [Jared sighs] Jared: Back at the ranch in Texas, for the reading of Asa's will. Natalie: At the ranch? You mean, when we -- Jared: Yes. When we acknowledged our feelings for each other. Natalie: Oh. I see. So you realized that you had feelings for me. And you knew that if you went along with this scam, you wouldn't be able to be with me. Jared: Yeah. Natalie: So you chose money over me? Jared: No, no! No, it was not like that. It was never about the money, Natalie. Natalie: Really? If it wasn't about the money, then what in God's name was it about? [SCENE_BREAK] Nora: Well, no one thought we could do it. No one thought we had a chance of winning. Hmm. Bo: Well, we showed them. Nora: We sure did. Yeah. [Swing music plays] [Whistles] Nora: Wow. I remember it so vividly. And sure, the winning and there was -- that was sort of silly. Great TV set, though. Bo: Oh, yeah. Big. Nora: But when we won, I don't know -- I just -- it made me feel like -- Bo: What? Made you feel like what? Nora: Like we could have it all. And we did. For a little while. Bo: Uh-huh. [Nora chuckles] Lindsay: Oh! Oh, thank God we found you! Are you all right? Nora: Well -- well, I'm fine. Are you fine? Clint: We'll get you out of there in a minute. [SCENE_BREAK] Renee: Cole, I didn't know you were here. Cole: Oh, hi, Mrs. Buchanan. Renee: Markko, always nice to see you. Markko: You, too. Oh, may I get you anything? Renee: As a matter of fact, I came in to get some takeout for Cole and me. We're the only ones up at the mansion, now that everybody else is up at the lodge I thought that you might like food from here better than from The Palace. Cole: No, ma'am, I don't mind eating at the mansion. Renee: I just thought this would be more fun. As a matter of fact, why don't we just stay here? Markko, would you get us a couple of menus? Markko: Sure, be right back. Renee: Thanks. I am -- I'm so glad that you and I get to spend some time together, just the two of us. Cole: Me, too. Renee: How's it going? Is Todd Manning still giving you a hard time? Cole: Mr. Manning won. He broke up me and Starr, and nothing can change that. [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: You know, I -- I completely agree with you that Starr and Cole have moved too fast on this. But the way you wanted to put the brakes on here, it's not working. I think you're going to have to, you know, change your approach. Todd: To what? Blair: Well, I think maybe you should try having a civil conversation with her. Calmly. You take your cues from her and really listen to her. I mean, because whatever you guys are talking about now, it's certainly not working. And if you can't make this happen, then I'm going to have to. I mean, she's my daughter, and I should have a say in her education and I should have a say in all the other aspects of her life. And I've kind of let it go up to here, Todd. But you can't make these unilateral decisions about her education or anything else without talking to me first, okay? Todd: Okay. Blair: Okay. Todd: Should I go up and talk to her right now? Hmm. I'll go talk to her. [SCENE_BREAK] Clint: Nothing about a storm on the weather report. 30% chance of precipitation, partly cloudy -- what happened to that? Aren't we supposed to be heading into spring? Bo: You know, it's a good thing you got ahold of Jessica and Sarah and you told them not to come. Lindsay: It's really dangerous driving out there. It's a lucky thing Clint and I were able to cut those tree branches away and get you two out of that car. You're being uncharacteristically quiet, Nora. Nora: Hmm? Oh, uh -- just being in the country like this makes me mellow. Makes me feel close to nature. Lindsay: Yeah, I know what you mean. Soothes the soul to get out of the city and away from the hustle and bustle. Nora: Is that why you decided to tag along this weekend? To soothe your soul? Lindsay: I didn't decide anything, Nora. Bo is my court-appointed guardian, and I felt like I didn't have any choice. I -- I didn't think it was right for me to be alone for the weekend. Bo: Oh, man, Lindsay, I'm sorry. Lindsay: That's all right. Bo: No, no, it totally slipped my mind. You know, I've been preoccupied -- all this Buchanan business, you know? Lindsay: Yeah, well, we're together now and that's all that Matters. Clint: You know, now that the roads are clear, Nigel and Matthew are probably halfway up the mountain. Lindsay: It's a great idea for us to go up to the lodge, Clint. I predict that we're going to have a really good time. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: So let's hear it, Jared. Why did you toss me aside if it wasn't for the Buchanan money? Jared: Well, it's hard to explain. Natalie: Try. [Jared sighs] Jared: Look, I've followed the life of your grandfather for a long time now, and -- Natalie: I know. His book, your bible -- got it. Jared: Yes, and -- and I always wanted to meet Asa Buchanan. I wanted to be like him. And then being at the ranch with his family, and seeing what that was all about -- I just -- I wanted to be a part of it. Natalie: Well, you could have. I mean, maybe with me. Jared: You -- you are what I didn't plan on, Natalie! When I first came to Llanview, I didn't -- I didn't plan on falling for you. Natalie: Wait a second, I thought you came to Llanview to get back at Tess for putting you in prison. Jared: I did. Pretending to be Asa's son -- that wasn't the initial plan. It just sort of fell into my lap, and when it did, I -- I took advantage of it. Natalie: To put it mildly. Jared: Look, I - I have hated watching you hurt by this. Natalie: Not enough to stop doing it. Jared: No, I didn't think I had a chance to be with you. I didn't think I deserved you. Natalie: You don't. Jared: I can't get over you, Natalie. Okay? I've tried. And as much as I try, I can't get you out of my system. I've never felt this way about anyone in my life. I don't -- I didn't think I could feel this way. And the more time that went on, the harder it got, the more my emotions grew. And I tried to tell you. I did -- I -- I did at -- at the ball. I tried to tell you on Valentine's Day. And then -- and then that crazy lady with the gun came and -- Natalie: And you saved Jessica's life. Jared: Yes! And that's when your family started treating me and accepting me like one of them. I never had that before. And it felt good. Okay? But being with you feels better. And I'd give all that up to be with you. Natalie: You really mean everything you said? Jared: More than anything I have ever said in the world. I want to be with you, Natalie. And I hope you want to be with me. Please tell me you don't hate me. Please tell me that you understand. Natalie: I do. I understand perfectly. [SCENE_BREAK] Renee: It just breaks my heart. You've had so many losses in the last few months. First your beloved mother, and now this terrible situation with Starr. Cole: I don't know what I'm going to do without her. [SCENE_BREAK] Markko: Hey, I'm almost done with work. What are you up to? Langston: You know -- you know, I can't really talk right now. Markko: Why not? Everything okay? Langston: Yeah, everything's -- everything's great. Markko: Why don't I believe that? Is it Starr? [Langston sighs] Langston: You know, I -- I don't really want to get into it right now. Markko: Okay. Well, Cole is here. Is there something I should tell him? Langston: No! Um -- no, because there's nothing to tell. Um -- things are just, you know, how they are around here. So, um, I'll call you later? Markko: Yeah. Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: Langston? Langston: Oh. [Blair chuckles] Blair: Is everything all right? Langston: Yeah, yeah. You just startled me. I was just going to go upstairs to bed, -- Blair: Um -- you can go up, but don't stop by Starr's room, because her dad just went up to have a talk with her. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Todd: Starr? Starr: Oh, my God -- the box. Starr: Dad, do I not get any privacy in here anymore? Todd: We both know why I took the knob off that door, Starr. And I did knock, didn't I? You didn't answer. Everything all right? [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: Langston -- um -- do you got a minute? Langston: Me? Blair: Yeah. I was just hoping that maybe we could have a talk, you know, while Starr's talking to her dad. Langston: Uh -- sure. Blair: Great. Great, great, great. I -- I wanted to know if -- have you talked to Starr today? Langston: Yeah, but we -- we always talk. Blair: Did she say anything about this homeschooling thing? Was she upset about it? Langston: Yeah, she really is. Um, is that it? I should really get back upstairs. Blair: Is everything all right? Something bothering you? Is it about Starr? Look, Langston, if it is, you need to tell me what's going on. [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: Leaving? Markko: Why, you need a ride? Cole: Sure. What's up with you? Markko: Nothing. Well, I just -- I talked to Langston, and she's -- she's all weirded out. Cole: About what? Markko: I don't know. Cole: I hope Starr's all right. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: Can't I be alone in my own room? Todd: Ah, I know you're still mad at me. But your mom and I had a little talk, and -- and we decided that maybe there's something you and I can work out. Starr: Like what, you're going to give me my life back -- let me be with who I want to be with? Todd: Well, if by that you mean Cole, then you know the answer to that. But -- but I don't want you hating me anymore. You're my daughter. It kills me that we're not getting along. You'll understand that someday when you have your own kids. Of course, I know that feels like a million years away. [SCENE_BREAK] Jared: My God, you do understand. Natalie: I understand that you are the most disgusting human being that I have ever met in my entire life, and I have met some pretty disgusting people, but you are the worst of the worst! Jared: I just told you how I feel about you. Natalie: And that's supposed to make up for you ripping off my family? Jared: Whoa, I have never taken a dime from B.E. For every hour I've clocked, I've given two. I care about that company, okay, and I care about the Buchanans. Natalie: And I'm supposed to believe a word that comes out of your mouth? The -- the man who scammed me into believing that he was "dear old Uncle Jared," and made me think that there was something between us before you started this whole stupid thing? Jared: There was something between us, Natalie, and there still is. Look, I get why you're angry, okay? Of course. But I know you still have feelings for me. Clint: Hello? We made it. What's going on here? Jared: Hi. Nora: Hi. Ooh. Jared: Look, there's something I need all of you to hear. [NEXT_ON] Adriana: I want you to help Layla look into this guy Gigi says is Shane's father. Rex: I'd be a standup dad, never bail on my kid. Langston: She needs your help. Todd: Let's just start over. Starr: It's too late. | But she has a secret that she is not telling anybody involving a pregnancy test. |
255 | Flight attendant: We anticipate a smooth flight to Las Rocas, Mexico, so sit back and enjoy the flight. Please let us know if there's anything we can do to make you more comfortable. Emily: You know, if Nikolas were on this trip that he planned, he'd be appalled. Lucky: Traveling in economy? They were jammed like sardines back there. Emily: No proper luggage rack. Lucky: Oh my God. Can you imagine the look on his face when that flight attendant would be handing him a bag of peanuts or a soda in a plastic cup? Emily: He would have thanked her graciously before passing out in shock. Lucky: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Mary: Maybe we should've taken a regular airline to Mexico. Nikolas: Oh, and pass up Alcazar's offer to use his private jet? Come on. Mary: It just makes me feel a little uncomfortable. Nikolas: Well, I want my bride-to-be to get accustomed to traveling in style. Mary: I don't need all this, Connor. You don't have to pamper me. Nikolas: Yeah, well, this is just the beginning. I can't wait to get you to Las Rocas and renew our wedding vows. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: Jason, what happened to your face? Jason: Sonny hit me. Courtney: Sonny? Why? Jason: Sam -- she told Sonny that -- that I'm the father of her baby. Courtney: So Sam lied to Sonny, and he took her word over yours? How can he -- I don't -- how could he do that after all the loyalty you have shown him? Jason: Because it's true. I'm the father. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: But Uncle Jason loves Aunt Courtney, and she loves Uncle Jason. So why did he make a baby with Sam? Carly: Um -- you know, sweetheart, sometimes grownups just -- they do things even they don't understand. Michael: I don't get it. If Uncle Jason stops loving Aunt Courtney, why does he love Sam? Carly: Sweetie, he doesn't love Sam. Sam's not Jason's type. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Figured it would be you or Carly. Come in. Sonny: Is Jason here? Sam: No, no. He went to go look for Courtney. Sonny: Well, it makes sense. Sam: I'm glad you're here, Sonny. I -- I -- wanted to ask you something. Sonny: Ask me anything you want. Sam: Jason believes this arrangement -- me living here, pretending he's the father -- is the best thing for the baby. Do you agree? Sonny: I hate everything about this. Sam: Then why are you going along with it? Why not just tell the truth? Sonny: Don't you think I want to? [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: I want an immediate arraignment. Alexis: That is an exercise in futility. You are being charged with aiding and abetting Laura escaping authorities, as well as accessory to murder. You need to plead not guilty. I will petition for bail, and then Lansing will launch into a monologue about your countless criminal activities. Luke: Which you'll counter with an equally impassioned monologue about my sterling and peculiar character. Alexis: You have jumped bail so many times. There isn't a judge on this planet that wouldn't remand you to custody before trial. Luke: So what are you saying? You're going to let Lansing -- this -- this bully -- just make you back down? Alexis: I'm facing the facts. Luke: I don't know anybody who can massage a fact like you can. Come on, Natasha, don't let this oily D.A. just -- just walk all over both of us. Come on, come on. Alexis: Don't expect a miracle. I want an arraignment for Luke immediately. Ric: Are you so desperate for an evening with me that you're willing to waste everybody's time by jumping to this foregone conclusion that I'm going to say yes? Alexis: Are you so intimidated by my skills as a jurist that you need more time to prepare? [SCENE_BREAK] Skye: Bad idea. Very bad idea. Luke: What's a bad idea? Skye: Oh, are you kidding me? I can almost hear the short-circuiting of your overheated little brain right now. You think you're going to escape here, dodging police bullets, have your little rendezvous with Laura, and then ride off into the sunset. Luke: Lucky guess. Skye: Yeah, well, you're dreaming. Even you can't escape a guarded courtroom. Luke: It's going to be risky. That's why I need your help. Skye: What? Forget it! There's no way I'm helping you break out of here. Luke: You haven't even heard the plan. Skye: There is no plan. Luke: Give me a minute! Skye: No, Luke, that is it, ok? That is enough. This is where I get off. [SCENE_BREAK] Tracy: You can tell the board members that I will be there in a few minutes. Thank you. Oh, hello my darling. Jax: So what is this so-called emergency about, Tracy? Tracy: You and I are going to get our marriage license tomorrow. I want you to meet me at the courthouse at 9:00 A.M. sharp. Jax: I have no intention of returning your calls, let alone marrying you. Tracy: Ready to throw Skye to the wolves, are you? Jax: Well, actually, Skye is no longer a murder suspect in the Ross Duncan case. You see, ahem, they proved that she was set up by someone. Presumably, you know, somebody even nastier than you, since you merely exploited the situation, or perhaps you stabbed the detective yourself as part of your husband-hunting scheme. Tracy: Don't be ridiculous. Jax: This cat-and-mouse game is over, Tracy. You have no leverage. I can finally get on with other matters. Tracy: Other matters or other women? Jax: Both. Tracy: Explain something to me -- why would you discard a woman of substance, such as myself, in favor of a dewy-eyed lightweight like Courtney Morgan? Jax: Why not? [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: So -- so what happens from here? Jason: Sam's moving in with me. Courtney: Are you going to marry her? Jason: I don't know. We're just taking this step by step. Courtney: Thank you for delivering the news in person. I don't think I would have believed it from anyone else. Jason: I'm sorry. Courtney: Don't be. You're going to be a wonderful father, Jason, and I'm sure you'll be happy. Jason: Courtney, wait a minute. I can't leave it like this. I need to explain. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: I'm a very religious person, and I made that promise to God and to Michael that I was going to, you know, keep this family together, and I knew that I had to keep my word. Sam: I understand. I mean, it's not like you and I planned this pregnancy. You shouldn't have to rearrange your life to take care of a baby you didn't even want. Sonny: Well, it's not that I didn't want the baby. I mean, I want the baby. It's just I don't know how I'm going to, you know, live across the hall from you and our child and just pretend that I don't want to be a part of this baby's life. [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: You owe me this, Blaze. Skye: Oh, don't even start. Luke: Who was it that wouldn't leave a burning hotel until he could coax a certain redhead out? I literally kept you from going up in flames. Skye: Yeah, you saved my life, ok? It's true. And now I'm trying to save yours. I'm telling you, this -- this is crazy -- this rescue plan you have for Laura. It's a kamikaze mission, Luke. It's not going to do you any good. The only thing that's going to do is get you -- Alexis: The arraignment's been set for tonight. Luke: Nice work. Alexis: I'm telling you, a judge is not going to let you out on bail. It's a temporary change of scenery, that's it. Luke: Listen, I'll take whatever I can get. [SCENE_BREAK] Tracy: Why would a sophisticated man like you be interested in a stripper? Jax: Is it really such a mystery? Tracy: Has she already bankrupted her so-called foundation? Run afoul of the I.R.S.? Perhaps she's on the verge of a nervous collapse. Jax: No, none of the above. Tracy: Well, it has to be something. You are hideously addicted to damsels in distress. Jax: Oh, no, see I actually fired myself from that position, and I sold my white horse to the circus, and I've donated my armor to the Camelot museum. They loved it. Tracy: No kidding? Jax: Yeah. Tracy: No more chivalrous acts? Jax: No. Nobility's overrated, you know? It's boring. Tracy: Well, don't tell me you're as cynical as I am. Jax: God, I hope not. Tracy: Oh, Jax, just admit it; we are perfect for each other. We have no scruples. We have no illusions. Just two risk-takers against the world. Jax: Tracy, Tracy, Tracy. There's just one small problem with that. I don't like you. Tracy: Maybe you don't know me well enough. Jax: Perhaps I know you too well. Tracy: Ok, Jax, Courtney is likeable, I'll give you that. Jax: Thanks. Tracy: But "nice" is a nonevent. She is a cookie-cutter beauty, as well. There's a thousand of her on every beach in California. So what is the attraction, aside from the obvious thrill of annoying Sonny and Jason? Jax: Now you're getting the hang of it. Besides, Courtney, she's -- she's beautiful, she's smart, she's -- she's sexy. She's really fun to be around. Tracy: The perfect candidate for a wifey-poo? Jax: Oh, no, no, no. I've had my share of those. I'm not looking for happily ever after. Tracy: Live for today? Eat, drink, and be merry? Jax: See, I'm just trying to live up to my reputation that I established a long time ago -- international playboy, with the emphasis on "play." [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: I'm pretty clear on what happened. Sam got pregnant sometime in February, she started up with Sonny, and then she slept with Jax the night of the fire. I just -- I don't know where you fit in. Jason: You know what? The details don't matter. There's a baby now, and I have to take care of it. Courtney: Yeah, of course you do. But anyway, it's not like you were unfaithful. You know, we've been separated for months, and I'd already dated another man, and I was sending you mixed messages -- pulling you close and then pushing you away. I'm just surprised that you turned to Sam; not that I'm knocking the mother of your child. Jason: Courtney, what happened was something we did not plan on. Courtney: Sam was involved with Sonny, Jason. I can certainly see her coming on to you, but why would you sleep with her? Unless you were doing it to protect Sonny and Carly. Jason: That's how it started, anyway. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: I care about you. I want you in my life. I know that's selfish. Sam: No, I am selfish that way, too. I -- Sonny: That night on the docks, when we were -- we were both at low points in our lives, we held on together. You helped me through the night. I helped you through the night. I got to tell you, I got to be honest, I thought that that was, you know, all that was going to be. Ok? And then I just -- you know, I realized that I could talk to you and that you weren't there to use me. You didn't ask me or anything. You gave me more than I deserved, and now you carry my child. I want you in my life, even if it's from a distance. Sam: There is no room for me, Sonny. You made a commitment to Carly and your family. Sonny: I don't know what's going to happen with Carly. I mean, she's the mother of my boys, I respect her, and I appreciate her. But something's missing. Sam: You loved Carly once. You could fall in love with her again. Sonny: Well, you know what? We've hurt each her way too many times. At this point, I'm not sure if I can forget her affair with Alcazar. Neither one of us wants to get back to that old cycle of blame, lies, betrayal -- our hearts are just closed to each other, you know? Ahem. I'm with Carly because of the promise I made to God and to Michael. Sam: Michael's happy now, isn't he? Sonny: Yeah, yeah, that's actually a great thing, because, you know, he just lights up every time he sees me and his mother, you know? Tucking him in bed and having dinner, playing soccer. Sam: That's why you can do that, Sonny. You are committed to your family. I'm not saying it doesn't hurt, and in a strange way, it's kind of what attracts me to you, but I don't think I could love you if you left Carly and your kids for me. To be that careless with the family you have would mean that your love had no value. And instead, you have justified everything I feel for you. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: I've always believed in Sonny and Carly's marriage. I mean, even on their wedding day, Carly wanted to back out, you know and I was the one -- Courtney: Yeah, I know. You bet her $20 that Sonny would prove to be the love of her life. Do you really think that they can get back what they had? Jason: I don't know. I think they can be happy. But I do know Michael and Morgan -- they will be happy. Courtney: You slept with Sam to push Sonny and Carly back together, didn't you? Jason: Yeah, something like that. Courtney: God. Oh. So, what, she came on to you, and you let it happen to show Sonny what kind of woman she really is to make the choice between his family and Sam clear? And then Sonny and Carly got back together, anyhow, so your sleeping with Sam was a wasted effort. Till she showed up pregnant. Jason: It was the last thing that I ever expected. Courtney: Yeah, it's kind of crazy how things happen. You and I loved each other, and our baby wasn't meant to be, and then you and Sam have a meaningless fling, and just like that, you're having a baby. Maybe -- maybe it's a good thing. Yeah, I couldn't let go of you, and now I have to. But our lives are just taking us in different directions. So it's really over, Jason. Courtney: (On phone) Are you busy? [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: Hey. You look exhausted. Why don't you close your eyes; take a nap? Lucky: I just can't stop thinking about my parents. My dad -- he's being held at the PCPD, and my mom -- she's out there wandering around God knows where. Emily: Well, Luke is going to get out on bail, and he's going to find her. Lucky: No, not if some trigger-happy cop finds her first. I just feel like I put my mom's life in danger, and it's all my fault. Emily: Lucky, you can't put this on yourself. Lucky: If I'd never told her that Nikolas was dead; she'd just be safe in an institute. I just wish I'd never decided to tell her what happened. Emily: No, Lucky, you just wanted to get through to her. Lucky: I just wanted to make her feel again. I just felt if she started to think or, you know, started caring, it'd just would shift her back into some reality. Emily: Yeah. Lucky: Nikolas -- he would have known what to do. He just -- he would have never gone into that institution and told Mom -- Emily: All right, you know what, stop. Lucky, I'm not going to let you do this to yourself or to Nikolas. [SCENE_BREAK] Mary: Don't you think this is all a little excessive? Nikolas: Um no, not really. It, you know -- it somehow seems familiar to me. Mary: Well, I just -- I can't help but thinking that Mr. Alcazar is arranging all this because he's going to want a favor in return; something you'll feel obliged to do, even if it's crossing boundaries you don't want to cross. Nikolas: Well, maybe he's just being generous. Possibly -- possibly assuaging his guilt that I was injured on the job. Mary: Well, maybe. Nikolas: Just relax and enjoy it, please. Thank you. Mary: Like you are? Nikolas: Yes. Mary: Ok. Nikolas: A toast. To new experiences. Mary: I'll drink to that. Mmm. This is delicious. Nikolas: Yeah, well, it should be. It's from the best year in a small vineyard. Oh, hello. It's Russian caviar. You can't get this in the states. Mary: I'll just have the toast with the tomatoes. Nikolas: No, no, no, no, no, no, you have to try this, Mary. This is -- this here is top-quality roe from the Baltic Sea. You know, the northern part where the sun sets like streaks of fire, and the white -- ok, where did that come from? How did those words just come out of my mouth? What do I know about the Baltic Sea? Mary: I have no idea. Nikolas: I -- I swear, I could see the place in my head, Mary. Like at the church, when I spoke fluent Spanish. Mary: The brain is a mystery. Head traumas can have bizarre side effects. Nikolas: Yeah, well, I need to understand what's going on here. I want to see a specialist when we get back to Port Charles. Mary: Ok, ok, listen, we're on a romantic vacation, and you're already talking about going home. Nikolas: Killing the mood, huh? Mary: Yeah. Here, have some more champagne and focus on us. Nikolas: Ok. Ok. Now, we are on our way to a beach-side paradise to renew our wedding vows, which means -- which means that we were on our honeymoon the moment we boarded this plane. Mary: What are you doing? Nikolas: The pilot's busy flying the plane. We won't be interrupted. [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: Hey. Everything ok? Courtney: The father of Sam's baby isn't a mystery anymore. Jax: Who is it? Courtney: It's Jason. Jax: Wow. Well, the man's a bigger fool than I thought. Cheating with trash like Sam when he was lucky enough to be married to you. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: How'd it go with Courtney? Jason: She handled it pretty well. Sam: Which probably made it even worse. I'm sorry. Jason: Yeah, me too. Sam: You want to talk about it? [Sam sighs] Sam: Right. You'd rather eat dirt and die. I know. I'm -- I'm sorry. Jason, I wish I would make you feel better since I'm feeling so much better myself. Jason: What'd you do? Sam: It's what Sonny did. He came over here looking for you, and we talked. It helped a lot. He still cares about me. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Boys are asleep? Carly: Yeah, Morgan is. Michael's faking it, though. As soon as I walked out, he turned his flashlight back on and went back to reading his latest "wizards and magic" book. Sonny: I'll go check on him in a minute. Carly: No, that's ok. I don't want to discourage him from reading. Sonny: It's great that, you know, reading comes easy to him. Carly: Yeah, well, he started early. Jason read him that guidebook to Africa by the time he was 6 months old. Sonny: Yeah. Jason's always loved Michael, you know? He would do anything to make him happy. Carly: Yeah, I'm sure he's going to do the same thing for his baby. Sonny: Do you want to talk about what's going to happen? Carly: There's not a lot to talk about, is there? I mean, in a perfect world, Sam will have her baby, give it to Jason, and disappear. Right? In a not-so- perfect world, she will stay here indefinitely, living across the hall. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: Look, I'm sorry that your bail was denied, but I can't tell you that I'm surprised. Luke: Well, you did the best you could. Alexis: All right, well, don't worry about it. It's not over. I will tear his case apart when we get to trial. Luke: Do me a favor -- if you can, get an early court date. I'm not big on prison cuisine. Alexis: I'll see what I can manage. I'll see you first thing in the morning. Luke: Thanks. [SCENE_BREAK] Mary: Oh, my God. Oh! Connor, we have an oceanfront view! Nikolas: Thanks. Mary: The beach is right at our doorstep. Oh! Nikolas: Yeah. The concierge said there were some coral reefs offshore. I'll get some masks and snorkels in the morning. We'll head out, ok? Mary: This isn't really happening. We can't be looking at a perfect white-sand beach ringed in palm trees and leading out to a moonlit ocean. Nikolas: It is as beautiful as you are. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: Wow. Emily: Wow. Hey. Listen, Lucky, you can hear the ocean. Bellhop: Si, senorita. You are right on the beach. Emily: You know, I feel selfish taking the oceanfront room when yours is across the hall. Lucky: Mm-hmm, you deserve it, Emily. I mean, Nikolas did plan this trip for the two of you. Emily: Yeah, thanks for coming. I'm so glad you're here with me. Lucky: So am I because I plan on eating my breakfast on your terrace every morning. [Emily giggles] Emily: Is the terrace private? Bellhop: Si, senorita. It's semi-private. You share it with the room next door. Emily: Ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: Sam is exactly what Jason deserves. You know, he was never good enough for you. He's a cold-hearted thug who doesn't even understand the meaning of the word "love." Courtney: Jason loved me. Jax: That's exactly how he won you over. You're so kind and trusting. You always try to see the good in people, even when it's not there. And he used that, and then he crawled into bed with Sam and God knows who else. Courtney: That not how it happened, Jax. Jax: Well, you know what? The -- the details aren't important, ok? The fact is that you're in a position to pay him back. Right? Jason hates me as much as I hate him. And he will choke when he sees me treating you like a princess while he's stuck with Sam. See, you've moved on, and there's nothing he can do about that. So, he betrayed you, and now it's your turn to make him suffer, just a little. Courtney: You don't know Jason at all, and you don't know me, either. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to break up Sonny and Carly's marriage. I know we're playing this whole charade to save whatever they have left. Jason: I'm doing this for Michael so we can hold whatever family he has left together. Sam: I know. Sonny agrees, and so do I. I'm just saying that I'm not going to deny my feelings for Sonny. I am in love with him, Jason, and I'm carrying his child. It just -- it means a lot to know that he -- that he cares about me, that's all. Jason: Ok, that's fine. Whatever you say, feel for each other, it's none of my business, ok? But I'm asking you to remember -- there are three kids involved now. And they have a right to feel happy and secure, and if that means the adults have to make some sacrifices, then that's what needs to happen. That's what being a parent means. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: If Sam stays with Jason, we'll just find a way to deal. Carly: Yeah. Well, you've got to admit that it's going to be a little more than uncomfortable. Sonny: Well, what do you want to do, Carly? You want to ask Jason to move? Carly: No. Sonny: Then we're just going to have to, you know, have some patience until, you know, we can just get used to the way things are. Carly: Do you -- you feel like Jason betrayed you? Sonny: No. Carly: No? No, you don't feel like Jason betrayed you or no you don't want to discuss it? Sonny: Jason's my best friend. He's like a brother to me. He didn't betray me; he never will. I don't think what he did is right, but I know what his reasons are. He wants to provide for Sam, and he wants to give the baby a good life, but at the same time, he wants to remain friends with us and our children. I am not going to shut Jason out. I mean, it's not right. Who am I to talk? I owe Jason more than I can, you know -- than I can ever repay. [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: I do love a woman who can wield a wrench. Skye: I can't believe the flower camouflage worked. Luke: Come on, come on, before sleeping ugly wakes up! Skye: Hey, hey, you might want to thank me a little bit while I'm trying to get -- Luke: Thank you, already. Let's go, let's go! Skye: Right. Right! Here. Luke: Oh, God. Great. Let's get out of here. Skye: Ok. Officer: Freeze! Luke: One move and I shoot the hostage! Skye: Help! He! Ooh! Ooh! [Officer groans] Luke: Ok, you can be quiet now. Skye: Good point. Alexis: What happened? Officer: Oh, God. The prisoner escaped. Ric: The -- how? Officer: I'm -- I'm not sure. He -- he knocked me out, somehow, and then when I came to, he grabbed a hostage and threatened to shoot her. Alexis: He had a weapon? Officer: He took mine. Ric: Well, what did the hostage look like? Officer: A woman. Red hair, looked rich. Ric: Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's Lansing. I need A.P.B's put out for both Skye Quartermaine and Luke Spencer. They're traveling together. They should be considered armed and dangerous. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Michael's doing good in school, right? Carly: Yeah. He's fine. The teachers say he's all caught up now. Sonny: Yeah? Carly: Mm-hmm. Sonny: It's, what, now, two weeks until summer vacation? [Sonny sighs] Carly: You know, where are you going with this? Sonny: A lot has happened, and I was just thinking, you know, it would help to get some distance. Carly: Are you saying you want to go away? Sonny: Just you, me, and the boys. I think we need time to reconnect as a family. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: Jason's worst flaw is his blind loyalty to Sonny, and even in the extreme, loyalty is not such a terrible thing. Jax: You're still trying to paint Jason as the honorable soldier. What's honorable about sleeping with Sonny's mistress? Courtney: Did it ever occur to you that Jason was trying to push Sonny and Carly back together? Trying to save their marriage when he couldn't save his own? Jax: Couldn't or wouldn't? Courtney: You've already made up your mind, so there's no point in this discussion. Jax: You know, Courtney, I really don't understand. How did Jason convince you that having sex with Sam was a sacrifice? I mean, there had to be another way to save Sonny and Carly's marriage. Courtney: Sam came on to Jason, ok? Jax: Grow up. See Jason's little fling with Sam for what it was. It wasn't an attempt to save Sonny's marriage, ok? It was a sleazy round of mattress tag with a slut; all the while he claimed that he loved you. What a crock. I guess Mr. Doesn't Lie tells the biggest lie of all. Courtney: You don't know anything about us, Jax, ok. Jason loved me just as much as I loved him. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: So, how is this going to work? Jason: Um -- I don't know. Is the room you've been using ok? Sam: Yeah, yeah, I love it. I mean, it's nothing I would have picked, but it's really comfortable. Thank you. Jason: Ok, well, you know that room opens on to a den. I thought maybe that could be the nursery, and the nanny could use the room down the hall. Sam: Nanny? Jason: Yeah, the nanny. I thought you might like one, instead of taking care of the baby by yourself. At first you'd have to learn -- Sam: No, a nanny sounds great. That's good. Thank you. Jason: Ok. Money -- um, we know you like a lot of money, so I'm going to get you a credit card. I'm going to get you a bank account, and if you ever need cash, it's always in this drawer, ok? Sam: Jason, thanks for everything, ok? Jason: Um -- I should thank you for -- for going along with it. Are you doing anything next Thursday? Sam: I don't think so. Why? Jason: Because we're getting married. [SCENE_BREAK] Mary: I take back every single one of my worries about this trip. Nikolas: Glad we came? Mary: It's paradise. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: Hey. Emily: Hey. Lucky: Get your swimsuit on. I'm ready for that midnight swim. Emily: Ok. Me, too. Hey, thanks again for doing this. Lucky: Hey, it's my pleasure. I'll see you in a bit. Emily: All right. [SCENE_BREAK] Mary: I'll be right back. Nikolas: Ok. [NEXT_ON] Luke: This is your part. Skye: I thought that we were in this together. Courtney: Is that why you're making $10 million bets? To sleep with women you barely know? Carly: What you're really doing is just running away from Sam. Jason: Why's marrying me such a big problem? Sam: Where do I start? | Courtney defends Jason to Jax after Jax finds out Jason is the father of Sam's baby |
256 | Tony: And now, ladies and gentlemen, the name of the killer is -- Shawn-D: Look out! [Crowd screams] Woman: Yeah! That was great! Shawn-D: I have to find Mom! Stay here! Belle: Oh, my God, Shawn! Woman: Yeah! Do it again! Celeste: Dear God, no! Lexie: Somebody... needs to help him, please. Somebody help him! Celeste: No, Alexandra, no, no, darling, darling. Please -- I'm sorry, but I fear it's too late. Lexie: No. Julie: Oh, my God! Doug: I want to know how the hell that tiger got out of its cage. Julie: Well, the tiger was agitated earlier, but he -- his cage was triple padlocked. He couldn't have broken out. John: Get the people out of here. Keep your eyes peeled for that tiger. [Whistles] Tony! Get out of the ring! There's a tiger loose. He smells blood on you, he'll attack. [Crowd screaming] Hope: Everybody try to stay calm! Tony: A crafty killer, but not even blood or a tiger are going stop me from bringing you down! [Tiger roars] Tony: I am ready. Come and get me! [Tiger growls] [Crowd reaming and shouting] [Tiger roaring] Celeste: Tony! Tony: Waah -- aah! Tony: [Screaming] Celeste: Oh, God. Oh, God, listen to him. Just as I feared. I tried to warn him. I tried to warn him, but he wouldn't listen to me. Now it's too late. Sami: Will, don't look. Lucas: My God, I don't believe it. [Crowd screaming] John: Damn it! It's still jammed! No, no, no, no! Don't hit Tony. [Crowd screaming] Hope: Go outside! Go! Get them out of here! John: Hope, stay here. I got to help Tony. [Tiger growling] [Crowd screaming] [SCENE_BREAK] [Crowd screaming] Hope: John, what's happened? Where's Tony? John: The tiger dragged him off during the blackout. Hope: We got to find him. John: First get everyone out of here now. Hope: You got it. John: Out, everybody, out! Hope: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm hope Brady from the Salem P.D. There has been... [SCENE_BREAK] John: What happened with the lights? Doug: I just checked. Somebody yanked the main power line right out of the box. Julie: It was deliberate. John: Somebody wanted to make sure DiMera didn't make it out of here alive. Damn it, Tony was right. That stalker's in this tent. Doug: Could Tony still be alive? Lexie: He has to be. We have to find my brother. Celeste: We have to get him to the hospital. John: Yes, but first, we need to get everyone out of this tent. That tiger's going to attack again. Get her out of here now! [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: Oh, thank God. Thank God for the emergency lights. Lucas: Are you all right? You didn't scrape yourself, did you, when you came down the catwalk? Will: I don't know. I'm just scared. Lucas: All right, buddy, come with me where it's lighter. I'll check you out. Sami: All right, Lucas, take care of him. Sweetie... Kate: I'm glad the three of you made it down safely. I was worried when the lights went out. Sami: I'm sure you were worried that I wouldn't trip and break my neck. Kate: Sami, you're the one who tried to kill me with your little knife routine. Sami: I already told you I was only trying to scare you. If I wanted you dead, Kate, you'd be dead. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: Move! Move! Come on! Mimi: Guys, I'm not helpless! Belle: Let go! Shawn-D: We have to keep you safe, okay? Bonnie: Hey, did I hear you kids say you needed a safe place to hide out? Come with me. I know the perfect spot. I was just heading there myself. Come on! Philip: Come on. Shawn-D: Come on, let's go. Belle: We're following your mother. Mimi: Story of my life. I know, I know. [SCENE_BREAK] [Crowd murmuring] John: Hope. Give me that damn tranquilizer rifle. Hope: Forget about the tranquilizer rifle. Take my gun. Julie: No! No! Don't shoot the tiger. He was provoked. Doug: Right, right, right. I'll find a trainer. I'll get you a gun that works. John: All right, on the double. Check the tent for stragglers. Marlena: John! [Gasping] Oh. John: I'm so relieved that you're all right, doc. Marlena: [Gasping] I -- I saw what happened to Tony. Oh, my gosh. Is he going to die? John: I don't know. Marlena: Where's Belle? John: She's fine. Shawn took her to safety. Marlena: Oh, safety. You think the tiger might attack again? John: I don't know. The tiger is not the only danger here, though. The killer is here somewhere in this tent. Marlena: Why do you say that? John: This whole thing was so carefully orchestrated -- from the release of the tiger to the -- the bucket of blood. The killer is the chef, doc. Tony was the first course. Just when I had a chance to help him out, the damn lights go out. Marlena: That could have been an accident, couldn't it? John: Aah, no, the cables were pulled. Doug checked it out. Marlena: Well, then the killer's long gone by now. He must have escaped under the cover of darkness. John: Nah, I don't think so. Tony was going to identify the killer. That person will not leave here until they're sure Tony's dead. Marlena: John... when will this nightmare ever end? John: Look, I got to find the tiger and that killer before a second course is served up. Can you make it to safety by yourself? Marlena: Oh, of course I can. John: All right, then you get out of here on the double. I will catch up with you later. Marlena: Oh, John. John: Yeah. Marlena: Please be careful. John: I will. I have to. I love you, doc. Marlena: Oh. I know. I know. Hope: John. John: Yeah. Hope: Okay, the tent is almost cleared, and Uncle Mickey took the family back to Gran's house. John: All right, time for you and I to get to work. Make sure that gun is in good working order. Hope: I thought my dad was giving you a new tranquilizer gun for the tiger. John: Yeah, but I don't plan on sedating the killer. That bastard's in this tent, and once we find him, we take him out. Got it? Hope: Let's do it. [SCENE_BREAK] [Tiger growling] Marlena: [Gasps] Man: Lady, you shouldn't be here. It's not safe. Man #2: You need to get outside. Marlena: Yes, yes, I will. Man #2: We'd take you ourselves, but we need to get these flashlights to Mr. Black. [SCENE_BREAK] Bonnie: Come on, come on. Philip: Where are we going? Bonnie: The only safe spot around this place. Shawn-D: Are you kidding? Belle: You call this safe? Bonnie: Well, if the tiger was in there, and we would feel safe out here. Well, the tiger is out here, so it only stands to reason -- Rex: That we'd be safe in there. Bonnie: I knew you were a smart guy. Come on. Mimi: I'm not getting in there. Shawn-D: No, she's right. No, listen, there's no time to argue. Philip and Rex and I are going tiger hunting, and we can't do that until we know you're safe. Belle: I just want to let you know I don't like this, and you're putting yourself in danger. Shawn-D: I will be fine. Just stay in there. Philip: Mom, in the cage. Sami, you too. Get in. It's the only safe place. Sami: I am not going in a cage with her. Philip: Just get in there right now, damn it, okay? Go. Come on. Bonnie: Come on, you guys! Kate: [Groans] Oh. Philip: Get in. All: [Shouting] [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Tony? Celeste: Alexandra, everyone was getting into the tiger's empty cage, darling. Perhaps we should join them. Lexie: No, no, how can I worry about my own safety when my brother is out here somewhere wounded, maybe dying? I've got to find him, Mom. Tony?! Tony?! Celeste: Alexandra. Bonnie: The tiger's not around anywhere... [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn-D: I'll be back soon. Stay here. Stay safe. I love you. Belle: I love you, too. Mimi: Rex, be careful, okay? Rex: I promise. Kate: Oh, Phillip, be careful, too. Philip: Yeah, sure, Mom. Bonnie: Hey, this reminds me of that prison movie "women behind bars." Now that we're all in the slammer, maybe we'll all bond and become the best of friends. Sami: What, you think that's funny? Bonnie: I'm just trying to make the best of a bad situation, sweetheart. What are you complaining about? At least you can see. Mimi: Mom, could you just not talk for a little while? Would that be too much to ask? Bonnie: I'm hungry. Hey, anybody want to trade a soggy cig for a candy bar, maybe? [SCENE_BREAK] John: All right, everybody, gather up here on the double. Come on, move it. Doug: John Black. John: All right, what we're going to do is we're going to -- Doug: John, here's your gun. It's a good one. It's loaded and ready to go. John: Good job, Doug. Doug: Julie, I just saw all the other ladies safe inside the tiger's cage. You get in there yourself. Julie: I want to help. I want to be here. Doug: I know you do, but you get inside there. John: Everybody listen up. We're going to work in pairs. Doug, take Phillip. Get Julie back to the cage. Then check the lights. See if you can get them back on. Doug: Right. You got it. John: Shawn, Rex, you're going that way. Hope and I are going this way. Now, if you see the tiger or the killer, keep them at bay and scream your brains out for backup. No unnecessary risk. Let's go. Hope: Be careful. Shawn-D: Right. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Tony! Tony?! It's Lexie! Where are you?! Celeste: Darling, you should get back with the others where it's safe. Lexie: No. No, not till I find my brother. Celeste: Don't move, Alexandra. Lexie: What is it? [Tiger roars] Lexie: [Gasps] Celeste: Oh. Oh, darling. We can't let it know that we're afraid. Lexie: What do we do? Celeste: Very slowly move backward. Slow, slow, slow. Lexie: [Gasps] We can't go back any further. What do we do now? Celeste: Quick, darling, I think we've just -- Lexie: Aah! [Tiger growling] Celeste: Oh. Lexie: Oh, my God. Celeste and Lexie: [Gasp] Celeste: Help! Somebody help us! Please help us! John: Who's screaming?! Where are u?! Celeste: Here! Right here! Help us! Hope: Celeste? Celeste: Yes! Here! In here! [Gasping] Help! Here. Hope: Oh, Celeste, Lexie, what are you still doing here? Lexie: The tiger was right there, and the killer -- Celeste: He was right up -- Lexie: That monster was right there, I swear it! Celeste: We -- we were trapped between the -- the killer and the tiger. You -- you guys saved us. John: You're sure it was the killer. Lexie: Oh, yeah. I saw the knife, the hooded sweatshirt, the mask. John: Hope, check it out. Look around. Damn it, ladies. I thought I told you to get to safety. Now join the others before you have another close encounter. Do you understand? Lexie: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Celeste: Come on. Come on, let's go. Hope: No sign of the tiger or the -- the killer. Shawn-D: John! Hope: Oh, my God. That's Shawn. Let's go. Shawn! Lexie: Come on, Mom. We have to keep looking. Celeste: All right. Shawn-D: Now just try and stay calm, all right? Take deep breaths. I've never done this before. Hope: Shawn. Shawn, what's going on? Are you okay? Shawn-D: I'm fine, I'm fine. It's this guy. He was attacked by the tiger. Man: Don't hurt him, please. I've never seen him like this. He-- he's a good animal. John: We'll do whatever it takes to protect everybody. Shawn-D: He was yelling. I found the tiger on top of him. John: Where's the tiger now? Shawn-D: Rex chased him off. John: Where's Rex? Rex, where's the animal? Rex: I lost track of him. It's just too dark. Hope: I'll find a paramedic. [Tiger roars] Hope: Maybe not. Shawn: That doesn't sounds good. John: The tiger's tasted blood. Now he's out for more. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: So let me get this straight -- there is a deadly tiger roaming free, and we are all stuck in this cage like rats. Does anyone else see a problem with this? Kate: I'm going to get out of here. Mimi: Oh, no, you don't. We're keeping the door closed because it's our only way of staying safe, apparently Kate: I'm getting claustrophobic, okay? Sami: Just get used to the bars, Kate. You're going to be seeing a lot of them in your future. When I prove that you are the serial killer, you are going to be locked up in a squalid, horrible cage that'll make this one seem like the Taj Mahal. Kate: Listen, your threats are just about as empty as your head. You know that I couldn't possibly kill your father. I loved him more than I loved my life, and somewhere deep in -- in that shriveled ball of hate that you call a heart, you know that's true. You know that I would have given my life for his. Sami: Oh, what a performance. You play the part of the grieving widow to the hilt. And now you're going to try to convince us that you have all the makings of a first-class martyr? Please. Julie: God, shut up. Just shut up, Sami, before I -- Sami: She started it. Julie: Before I put this muzzle over your head. Bonnie: [Snickers] Sami: God. God, get me out of here! Julie: Oh, boy, how long is this going to last? Sami: [Sobbing] Will. Belle: [Thinking] I can't stay here while my dad and Shawn are in danger. Sami: God, please, let will be okay, please. Bonnie: I need a cigarette badly. Mimi: Hey, uh, Mom, you still hungry? Bonnie: Ew. Very funny. That must be what's left of the tiger's dinner, and Tony was the dessert. Mimi: Oh, now that's just awful, Mom. My God. Bonnie: Hey, hey. Hey, he they found the tiger yet? Mimi: Mom. Julie: Oh, my God. All: [Gasp] Sami: Aah! Bonnie: What? [SCENE_BREAK] Bonnie: What? Why is everyone so quiet? What's going on? Julie: The stalker. The stalker is coming right at us. Bonnie: [Gasps] Kate: Who are you? You killed my husband. Sami: You bastard! You sick twisted -- Julie: Ladies, ladies, I don't think it's wise to antagonize a serial killer, and I hasten to point out we are at a disadvantage here. Kate: I don't care. You're a monster. You are a monster, and you're going to be caught, and you're going to be executed. And then you're going to lose your life just like my husband did -- just like Roman -- just like everyone else you killed, damn you! Damn you to hell! Sami: You evil, twisted -- what are you -- no, no! I won't let you get away with it. Bonnie: Go, Sami, go! Julie: What? You locked us in, Sami? I'm not sure that was the way to go. Sami: There's a serial killer -- Bonnie: Oh, not me! I'm not going down without a fight! Mimi: What are you going to do? Mom! Mom! Bonnie: I need you to back me up! Where is the sick S.O.B.? Mimi: He's right there to your right! Your other right! Bonnie: Oh, God! [Women shouting] Bonnie: Do not mess with a Lockhart, yeah! Whoo! Oh, thank God for hair spray. Mimi: Help us! Bonnie: Help! Somebody help! Help! Philip: What is it? Doug: What happened? Julie: Where were you? Doug: We were working on the lights. Philip: Mom, are you okay? Did you see the tiger? Kate: The killer. The killer was right here. Mimi: Yeah, but my mom saved us with some quick thinking. Philip: What happened here? Kate: Einstein locked us in. Sami: Would you shut up? Man: I'll see if I can find the key. Bonnie: Oh, wait, honey, wait, wait, wait. You wouldn't happen to have a cigarette, now, would you? Man: Sure. Sami: Philip, can you fix it? Can you get us out? Philip: The axe isn't going to work on this. Mimi: Why not? Julie: Aah! Doug: Philip, we got to get back to work on that electrical system. Philip: Stay here, you'll be safe. We'll be right back! Julie: Bonnie, I didn't survive a serial killer and a tiger to die from second hand smoke. Put it out. Bonnie: Listen, if anyone needs a nicotine fix, it's me. Mimi: Mom, please! Now, Mom! [SCENE_BREAK] [Tiger roaring] Rex: Hey, you guys all right? Philip: Yeah. Doug: Yeah, but you can't see a thing in this damn low light. Rex: Hey, what was that? Shawn-D: Where's the killer? Where's the killer? Should we go around and trap him? Philip: No, let's go with Rex! Come on! Rex: Hey, guys! Come on! A little help would be appreciated! Doug: Rex, what happened? Philip: Who is it? Doug: Who you got? Is that him? Rex: Lucas? What the hell -- Lucas: What the hell do you think you're doing, man? What's your problem? Doug: Lucas, we thought you were the killer. Lucas: Does it look like I have a mask on my face? I'm trying to avoid the tiger, like everybody else! John: Stay with the group next time. Lucas: As long as Rex doesn't try to tackle me again. Hope: Knock it off. We got a job to do here. Rex: Maybe we should go check on the women. Shawn-D: No, our number one priority is finding the tiger and capturing the killer. Hope: Let's go. Okay, wait, wait, wait, follow me. Philip: Go, lead the way. John: Come on, man. [SCENE_BREAK] Mimi: Uh, ladies, I think we have a new problem. Sami: What now? Julie: A fire! [Women shouting] Sami: Somebody help us! [Women screaming] Julie: The key! We need the key! Sami: Somebody help us! Help! Help! [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Tony? Tony, it's Lexie. Still nothing. Celeste: Someone was here. Lexie: Who? Tony? Was Tony here? Celeste: With the mask on, I see through the eyes of the killer. Celeste: Anthony, I knew it the moment I looked through the killer's mask in my dream. There they were... those glowing yellow eyes, tiger's eyes. Oh, yes, it's clearly a sign that the killer is ferocious and deadly. Anthony, listen. This tiger arriving in Salem today -- it isn't a coincidence. It's an omen, and a bad one. And I fear that it means there are more deaths to come. Tony: I couldn't agree with you more. All the more reason why we should catch this killer before she strikes again. Celeste: You're putting yourself in mortal danger, Anthony. Tony: I have no life or death. I make the tides of breathing my life and death. Celeste: If you threaten the killer, he or she is going to come after you! Tony: I have no enemy. I make carelessness my enemy. Celeste: Quote all the samurai poetry you want. Fool yourself into thinking that you've achieved a state of emptiness. But the fact is, you're just being stupid. Tony: I had my own epiphany last night. I know who the serial killer is. And before this day is over, I plan to announce it to all of Salem. Celeste: If you're not dead by then. Tony: I am prepared. Celeste: When I looked through the killer's mask in my vision, I saw the eyes of a Bengal tiger. Now, yesterday you and I witnessed the arrival of such a beast in Salem. Anthony, if you attend the circus and name the killer, you're tempting fate. Tony: Well, maybe it's the showman in me. I want to make the announcement in centre ring. Celeste: Oh, heaven forbid. Tony: Don't you understand? I want the townspeople to know that the DiMeras are here to save Salem, not to destroy it as they all assume. Tony: What are you seeing? Celeste: Death. Tony: But whose? Celeste: [Gasps] Tony: Well, I'm ready to take on the killer. Celeste: Please, Anthony, I saw through the tiger's eyes, and there was blood. It could be yours. Tony: The moment is at hand. The killer will be revealed. Celeste: [Gasping] Celeste: [Gasps] Oh, God, it won't stop! It won't stop! Lexie: Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, are you all right? Celeste: Oh, darling, I have a really bad feeling about this, Alexandra. Lexie: Mom, Mom, where is Tony? Celeste: I don't know. I'm sorry. I don't know. Lexie: Okay. Okay, we'll just have to keep looking. Celeste: Oh, no, no. Don't you see that the killer and the tiger are still out there? It's not safe, Alexandra. We've got to get out of here. Lexie: All right, fine. If you want, go. You can go. Celeste: Darling, please, please think about what could happen here. Lexie: I am. My brother is out there somewhere. He's bleeding, and he's suffering. If I don't save him, Mom, if I don't find him, he could die. Celeste: Alexandra, the others are more equipped, darling. Lexie: No, no, no. No one is better equipped than I am. I am a doctor. I'm what Tony needs. I turned my back on him once when he was all alone in prison when he needed his family the most. Celeste: Alexandra, Anthony would not want you to risk your life for him. Lexie: I've already lost my husband. I am not going to lose my brother, not when I still have it in my power to save him. Celeste: Darling, if we can't help ourselves, we can't help Tony. Lexie: Mom, maybe it was fated for Tony to be attacked by the tiger. But maybe it was fated for me to save him. Maybe God wanted me here today. Isn't that possible? Celeste: Perhaps, darling, yes... but it's the power of evil that I'm feeling. It's all around me. Lexie: Okay. Then we have to be more powerful. Mom, don't you understand? I can't abandon my brother... not again. Celeste: I can't dissuade you, can I? Lexie: Listen, why don't you go and be with the other women where it's safe, okay? I'll find Tony. No, Mom, the cage is that way. Lexie: Alexandra, darling, we're going to do this together. I am not going to abandon you. Lexie: Thank you. Celeste: Go. Let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Bonnie: Help! Somebody help! Somebody help! Oh! The smoke is killing me! Mimi: Welcome to my world! Bonnie: Oh, funny! Help! Sami: Help us! Somebody help! Kate: A little foretaste of when you're going to be in hell! Sami: You're the one who's going to burn in hell, Kate! Julie: Girls, could you channel your energy towards screaming for help before we're burned alive? Sami: Help! Help, Lucas, help! [Women shouting] [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn-D: Where's all that smoke coming from? Doug: From the back of the tent! Philip: It's the women in the cage! Come on! Go! John: Hope, hope, see if that radio is working. Alert the fire department. [Tiger roaring] Hope: The tiger. John: You stay here. Hope: Take my gun. John: No, no, no, no. I got this. Hope: This is Hope Brady here. Evacuate the tent. [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn-D: It's hot! Mimi: Come on, Shawn, you can do it! Doug: Watch out! Hope: The fire department is on its way. Doug: I saw some fire extinguishers out back! Philip: Hey, Rex, we can get those! Let's go, come on, come on! Hope: I need you to check that everyone else is out, okay? Doug: Yeah, but I don't want to leave Julie. Julie: No, no, just get the key, get the key! Hope: All right, Julie, step away from the bars. Everybody, step away from the bars and stay low. Where's the key? Mimi: The circus guy said he was going to go find them. He never came back! Kate: Sami, I promised your father that I would forge a better relationship with you, and now I'm never going to get the chance to fulfill that promise. Sami: Well, at least I'm not a hypocrite. At least I didn't promise my dad something that I knew I never could do. I hate you, Kate! I hate you so much! I can't believe I'm stuck here in eternity with you! Hope: Shallow breaths! Everyone, shallow breaths! Okay? Bonnie: I can't breathe! I can't breathe! Shawn-D: Mimi, where is Belle? Mimi: She's here! Shawn-D: Where? Where is she? Mimi: Oh! Oh, my God! She must've snuck out before the killer got here. Shawn-D: Snuck out? How'd you enter this thing? Mom, I gotta go after Belle! Hope: Honey, go! Link up with John! Be careful! [Women shouting] Hope: Everybody, save your breath! [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn-D: Your dad -- he's going to be okay. Belle: I hope so. Shawn, I know he's trained to protect himself. But so is your mom, and she's already been attacked twice. My God, it's like everyone we know is a target because they're trying to do something to stop this person from killing again, except the ones that might actually be the killer. "Who will be the next victim?" Shawn-D: Belle... Belle: I know. I know. This is ridiculous. And I do love you. I couldn't stop loving you even if I wanted to. But how do we know who's going to die next? Shawn-D: It's not going to be me. Belle: What's going on with her? I've never seen her act like this before. John: I don't know, Izzy. Your mom is, um, she's, uh... everything's going to be okay. Belle: Can you promise me that because I don't think that you can? Shawn-D: Are you okay? Belle: No, I'm not. I don't know how much more of this I can take. Shawn-D: All right, come here. Come here. If Tony's right, this could end tonight. Belle: You know, we have lost so many friends and family because of this maniac. And even if Tony was to name names, what's to say that the killer is not going to retaliate and strike again? Shawn, what if it's someone else that we love? None of us are safe. Belle: I'm sorry I'm such a mess. It's just all this death. Shawn-D: Hey. I understand, okay? Belle: It's just when things seemed to be getting back to normal... the killer strikes again, and it's -- it just gets closer and closer to home. Shawn-D: Yeah, okay. I know you're thinking about your mom and dad. Belle: Even though they see each other and talk and stuff, this separation is just pulling them farther apart. Shawn, I know that Celeste's premonition would never come true, but... Shawn-D: It's not going to happen, okay? There is no way. Your father would never hurt your mother, let alone kill her. [SCENE_BREAK] Belle: Dad? Shawn, where are you? [Rustling] Belle: Someone there? [Heavy breathing] [Rustling] Belle: Someone's there. I can tell. Who's there? Dad? Belle: Shawn? Come on! Who -- who's there? Please say something! [Tiger growling] [SCENE_BREAK] All: [Coughing] Philip: Hope! Here! Use that. Kate: Rex, where's Lucas?! Rex: Don't worry about him! He's with John! Just stay low! I'm not sure we can put this thing out! [SCENE_BREAK] Doug: And make sure all the animals are out safely! Lucas, check the back room. Make sure that everybody is out. I'll check all the dressing rooms. Lucas: Okay. Doug: We got a fire going! Is there anybody in here? Hello? Anybody? Anybody? Hello? Hello? There's a fire! If you're in here, get out now! Right. Okay? Lucas: There's nobody in the back room. Doug: And all the dressing rooms are empty? Lucas: Right. Doug: Oh. Hey! Hey, we got a fire we're trying to put out! We could use a little help here! Lucas: That was real selfish! Doug: Yeah. Lucas: What? Doug: There's somebody over here. It's that roustabout. Lucas: Oh, man. Doug: Hey. Hey, what happened to him? He was going for the keys. Lucas: He's still alive. Doug: Have you got a key? Lucas: What happened to him? I don't know. Doug: Hey, maybe that guy that just ran by -- Lucas: The killer. You think the killer did this? Doug: I don't know. I don't know. Lucas, get some medical attention for this man, and then go... work on the lights! I'll look for the key. Lucas: All right, I'll see what I can do. Doug: That key -- it's got to be here. That damn key! Where is it? [SCENE_BREAK] Belle: Someone's watching me. I can feel it. John: [Whispering] Belle, don't move. Shawn-D: [Whispering] It's the tiger. It's right behind you. John: Freeze. Don't move a muscle. [Tiger growling] Belle: Dad... Dad, I'm scared. Shawn-D: Don't talk. John: It's all right, sweetheart. I'm right here. Now I'm gonna put a tranquilizer dart in that animal, so you just hold real still. Belle: [Panting] John: Damn it, I can't get a clear shot. Hold still. [Tiger roaring] Shawn-D: Hey, hey, over here! Look over here, you big pussycat! Come on! Come on! Belle: Shawn, stop it! John: Damn it, will you shut up? I need to get a shot here! Aah! Aah! Aah! [Screaming] Belle: Shawn, stop it! Somebody help him! Shawn, do something! Shawn-D: Stop! Get back! Belle: Shawn! Shawn! Dad, no! [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: I got it under control over there. How you doing? Hope: I'm okay. I was about to run out of juice. Rex, you okay? Rex: Yeah, all clear. Hope: All right. Kate: Thank God! Mimi: Ah, I knew we'd be saved. Bonnie: Oh, gosh! [Women shouting] Doug: I found the key! I found the key! [Women shouting] Sami: I'll hold the flashlight for you. You got it? Philip: Come on; get them out of there. Bonnie: Oh, God. Thank God. Open, open, open! Sami: Careful, it's hot. Mimi: Yay! Philip: All right, Doug! [Women cheering] Sami: Oh, see, Kate? I told you it would be okay. Kate: Yeah, no thanks to you. Sami: Just give me back my -- Kate: Oh! Julie: Darling, oh... Mimi: You're my hero, Rex. Bonnie: You're my hero, too, Rexie! Mimi: Mother! Oh, my -- Philip: The lights. It's about damn time. Mom, are you sure you're okay? Kate: Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks to you, sweetie. You were so brave. Hope: All right, I want everyone to be checked out, okay? You all need oxygen. I want everyone who was in the cage to be checked out by the EMTs immediately. Lucas: I jerry-rigged the lights and got them working again. Philip: Nice work. Lucas: Thank God you're okay. Sami: Like you care. Lucas: Of course I care. You're the mother of my son. I don't want anything to happen to you. You know, for will's sake. Sami: Thanks for all your help. Belle: Aah! Mimi: That's Belle! Sami: Oh, my God. Belle! Let's get her. Come on! Philip: Go, go, go. Come on, come on. Here. [SCENE_BREAK] John: [Screaming] Belle: No, dad! Somebody help him! Dad! Shawn, shoot it! Dad! Shawn-D: I can't get a clean shot! John: Now, Shawn, do it! [Gunshot] Shawn-D: Damn, I missed! Belle: Dad, are you okay? Oh, my God. John: You get back, Belle. I'm okay, Shawn. Belle: Dad, but you're bleeding on your neck and your -- oh, my God! Shawn-D: John, take it easy. John: I'm all right! There's no time for that. Belle: I cannot believe this. John: Shawn, I owe you one, kid. Thanks, man. Shawn-D: You saved Belle. You don't owe me anything. I was so afraid I lost you. Belle: I'm fine. I'm okay, but look at him. Mimi: Belle? Belle, we heard you scream. Oh, my God! Doug: What the hell happened? John: It's a scratch, everybody. Relax! It's all right. Everybody's fine. Marlena: Belle! Belle! Where are you, Belle? Is she -- oh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, honey, are you all right? Belle: Mom, I'm fine. Dad and Shawn saved me from the tiger. John: Marlena, what the hell are you doing here? I thought I told you to get out. Marlena: I couldn't leave with my family in dang-- oh, my gosh. John. Oh, my gosh -- John: It's all right. It's just superficial. Marlena: Oh, you're bleeding. Oh, you're cut. John: The cat and I got a little up close and personal, that's all. Everybody's fine. Marlena: Oh, my gosh. Bonnie: I don't know about everybody else, but I think next year's fundraiser should be a bake sale. [SCENE_BREAK] Celeste: Tony! John: Everybody... Hope: All right, wait. John: Slowly, come on! Bonnie: Oh, no! Philip: Come on. Julie: Go, go, go, go, go. Lexie: Tony? Tony? It's Lexie. Can you hear me? Marlena: Lexie's got him. John: Is he dead? Celeste: He's alive. Lexie: He's lost a lot of blood. We have to get him to the hospital. Hope: Ruiz, get the paramedics in here right away. We're by the exit. John: Tony's got to survive, doc. Just long enough to name that killer. [SCENE_BREAK] "Next on Days Of Our Lives" Hope: Do you see any woman on this list -- besides Nicole walker -- who you think we should be investigating? [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: All right, show me some proof then. I want solid evidence that Nicole is guilty. [SCENE_BREAK] Bonnie: Is it me, or is the tent starting to spin? Mickey: Ahh! | Tony is dragged off by the tiger, and everyone is on a frantic search for both of them |
257 | [Ace fusses] Kevin: Come on, Ace. Come on. Give me a little break here, buddy. Please. Come on. Babe: Excuse me. Kevin: Yes? Babe: I was just noticing you with your little one. Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, he's a little grumpy tonight. Babe: He's beautiful. Kevin: Oh, thanks. I just wish I could get him to settle down a little bit. Babe: Maybe I could give it a try. Well, if you wouldn't mind. Kevin: Uh -- sure, I guess it couldn't hurt. Babe: Hey. Kevin: Here you go. Babe: Come here. Oh, so silly. That's it. That's what we needed. [SCENE_BREAK] Asa: Oh, Bo, hold on. Bo: Hey, pa. Asa: Did you know that she-devil and Manning were living under my roof? Bo: Welcome back. Asa: Why the hell didn't you give them the boot? Bo: Hey, now, look, I didn't expect you back here for another week. Hey, how's your knee? Asa: My knee's fine. It's my trigger finger getting a little itchy. And if those two mongrels aren't off my land by midnight, they're going to be carried off. [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: You know, I think we should have the wedding reception right here. What do you think, hmm? Todd: Well, it would tick Asa and Kevin off. Yeah, let's go for it. Blair: And Dorian is really great at all this stuff. She'll help us with the guest list. You think Viki will help? Todd: Sure, whatever you want. Blair: You know, Viki knows anybody who's anybody. And -- maybe Governor Brooks will come. What do you think? Todd: Governor Brooks? Blair: Yeah. Todd: Maybe. Well, if he said yes, we'd have to invite Kevin, wouldn't we? Ahem. Can you imagine the look on Kevin's face watching Governor Brooks congratulate us? Blair: Ok, you know what? Forget it. Forget it! Todd: Forget what? Blair: The house, the wedding, everything! As long as getting revenge on Kevin is all you want, then I don't want anything to do with it, Todd. [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: Is Manuel Santi my father? Carlotta: Para. Para, Antonio. Esto es una locura. Antonio: No. No, Angelina looked me right in the eye. She said "Manuelito." Carlotta: She was confused. Antonio: No! No, it was like she was calling me that. Like it was my name. Carlotta: No. No, Antonio. Antonio: Angelina is not a nanny. She's Isabella Santi. And she's my mother, isn't she? [SCENE_BREAK] Tico: Angelina! Sonia: Oh, my God! What happened? Angelina: Ah! Tico: Call 911 now! Sonia: It's -- it's too late. It's too late. She's gone. Oh, God, how did this happen? Tico: She -- she must have been trying to get out of bed and she knocked this glass and fell on it. My God, everything she went through to die in some accident like this -- Sonia: Accident? I'm not so sure. [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: Who is the happy camper? That's the smile we want! Yes! Kevin: Wow, that's -- that's -- you're amazing there. Babe: Oh, I could just hold him all night. Kevin: Well, you settled him down in record time, that's for sure. How'd you do that? Babe: Sometimes it's just the right person at the right time, I think. I mean, who knows what goes on in those tiny little heads? Kevin: Yeah. I have to admit, I'm a little jealous. I mean, he's happier with you, a total stranger, than he is with me. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: The fact is you did sign over 12 acres of your land to Blair, which included the house. Asa: Yeah, and that is a lot of horse manure. And that's exactly what I gave her in the divorce. It was just some -- some real legal foul-up, that's all. Bo: Yeah, well, now you have to go to court and you have to prove it. Asa: Yeah, I'm in this mess because of a bunch of dumb lawyers. Why don't you forget it? I'll deal with this myself. Bo: No, no -- no, no, hey, hey, don't forget that you're not completely off the hook for threatening to shoot that reporter. Now, you get in trouble again, I know the judge is going to want to lock you up. Asa: Kevin's lawyers will take care of it, just like Evangeline did. Bo: Do me a favor, though. Don't take the risk. All right? Why don't -- go back to the Palace Hotel right now. Check on Renee. I mean, she's a wreck. Kevin's there; little Ace is there. Wouldn't you love to see your great- grandson? Asa: All right, I'll let it go for tonight. But in the A.M., Blair, Manning, out. Bo: No problem. No problem. I got a meeting, pa. Listen, go -- go spend time with the family. Asa: I'm gone. Bo: Good night. Paul: You wanted to see me? Bo: Yeah. Let's talk in here. Paul: All right. Bo: Have a seat. Paul: Look, I don't know what you want, but I haven't done anything wrong. Bo: Just relax. All I want to do is talk. Paul: Oh, right. That's what all cops say right before they try and pin something on you. Bo: You probably know quite a bit about how police work by now, right? What I wanted to talk to you about is my niece Natalie. I love her. She's very important to me. Now, do you understand what I'm saying? I will do whatever it takes to make sure that she's happy. [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: My whole life has been a lie. Carlotta: No. No, that's not true. Antonio: Papi wasn't my father. Cristian -- wasn't my brother. And, you -- you're not my mother. Carlotta: Yes, Antonio. Yo soy. I am your mother. I am, every day of your life, night after night after you fell asleep, caring for you when you were sick, hoping for you in school, on the street, in jail, undercover, fearing for you, a marriage, a divorce, a grandchild, through the joy and the tears, praying for you through it all. You're my son. And I will always, always be your mother. I love you. I love you more than anything. What do you want me to say? Antonio: I want you to tell me -- I want it to come from your mouth. Rex: All right, what? Are they closed? Natalie: The sign says that they're open. Oh, look, Carlotta's talking to Antonio in there. Antonio: Ignore them. They'll go away. Is Isabella my mother? Am I your brother's son? [Knocking] Carlotta: It's Natalie. I have to let her in. Antonio: You're still lying, mami. You know it and I know it. Natalie: Carlotta, are you ok? What's wrong with Antonio? Carlotta: Uh -- we just had a disagreement. I'll be fine. Natalie: What was that about? Rex: Well, a family squabble. They'll work it out. All right, look, what about the 100 grand? Did you come up with any of it? Natalie: Nope, and I'm not planning on it. Rex: Natalie, R.J. blames Paul and me for blowing the heist. Natalie: Look, R.J. Is just trying to scare you, that's all. Rex: Hey, Natalie, you think this is a joke, huh? R.J. did this, all right? It still hurts to take a deep breath. Natalie: Ok, fine. Let's just say you give R.J. the money. And what's to stop him from asking for more? Ok, when does it end, Rex? Rex: I thought you loved me. Natalie: You know that I do. Rex: Ok, and your own boyfriend. Ok, if you loved him, you would be breaking your backside to get the money to save his neck. Rex: But you don't love Paul, do you? [SCENE_BREAK] Tico: Where is that ambulance? Sonia: It doesn't matter, Tico. They can't help her now. Tico: Excuse me. Jessica: You think that she was murdered? Tico: Who would want to kill Angelina? Sonia: Most likely someone who was trying to get a message to Manuel Santi's son. Probably El Tiburon. Jessica: Oh, my God. Sonia: Take her downstairs. [Siren] Sonia: Let in the paramedics. Tico: Let's go. This is a nightmare. Come on. Sonia: Oh, God, how could this happen? How did this happen to you? [Sonia sighs] [Phone rings] Sonia: Come on, Antonio, pick up your phone. Tico: Someone should have been by her side at all times. Jessica: You can't blame yourself. Tico: If only I hadn't left, you know? But she was so angry when she saw Antonio. Jessica: What happened with Antonio? Sonia: He left. Jessica: Well, somebody should tell him about Angelina. I guess I should go and find him. Sonia: Yeah, that's a good idea. Tico and I need to take care of this. Jessica: I'm so sorry for your loss. Tico: Thank you. Jessica: If you need anything, please call. Tico: Jessica, except for Antonio, please, don't say anything about Angelina until Sonia and I make the proper arrangements. Jessica: Of course. Tico: Thanks. [Door closes] Tico: You want brandy? Sonia: Tico, what happened after I left? When did you last see Angelina alive? Tell me what happened with Antonio. Tico: He was angry. He was questioning her. She was so weak, but he just kept pressing her. Sonia: Did she tell him anything? Tico: Nothing of consequence, I assume. I threw him out and then I called the police. I don't think he would have gone if he thought he was making progress with her. Sonia: And did she say anything to you? Nothing? There were no words exchanged? Tico: No, she was drifting off from the pain medicine. I told her to sleep well. So many things I would have said. Why didn't I just stay with her, you know? If I would have been there, she'd still be alive. [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: Why is everything blocked off? Why the ambulance? Is it Angelina? How -- how did this happen to my mother? [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: Pretty soon, you'll be trying to bankrupt Kevin for looking at you funny, Todd. I know. Todd: I won't do anything to Kevin that he doesn't deserve. Blair: Yeah? And what is that supposed to mean? Todd: It means I want my newspaper back. Fine. He fired me. He got "The Banner." He can't have "The Sun." I want it back. Blair: Well, that's fair. Is that it? Todd: That's it. So, you're not going to call the wedding off? Blair: No, I'm not going to call the wedding off. Todd: Invite the whole damn Commonwealth of Pennsylvania if you want. Whatever floats your boat. Blair: Look, I just want us both to be happy. And if you're going to make Kevin and your revenge for him the number one thing in your life, then it's just not going to work. I mean, I do want to see Kevin get his, too, you know. Todd: Well, listen, if revenge was number one on my list, then all I would do is make one phone call and the cops would be over at Kevin's house to snatch Ace from his loving arms. [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: Hi. Kevin: Wow, you really have the touch. I have never seen him take to a stranger so quickly. I mean it. Renee: Hello. Babe: Hi. Kevin: Hey, Renee. Renee: I haven't seen a smile like that on him all night. Kevin: I know. Renee: He must be a ladies' man. Babe: Aw. Kevin: I know. He's already asked this one if they met somewhere before. Babe: I feel like we have. Yes! Did you know I have a little girl just about your age? I do. You know, maybe we've seen each other at a play group or something. Do you or your wife ever take him to one outside Llanview? Kevin: I'm divorced, actually. I know my son's never left town -- except once. He went to Boston to visit his grandmother. Renee: You know what? Now that he's having such a good time, maybe I should take him back up to his nanny while he's -- Kevin: That would be great. Renee: Doing so well. Kevin: Yes. Babe: Bye-bye, little guy. Renee: Mm-hmm. Babe: It was so nice to meet you. Renee: Come to great-grandma. Oh, thank you. Oh. Kevin: Thanks for all your help, really. Renee: What's this? What's this? Babe: He's a gorgeous boy. [Ace fusses] Renee: Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh. Babe: Excuse me. Renee: Uh-oh, he wants -- so, say good night to your daddy. Kevin: Good night. Good night. Renee: Hey! Lookie here! Kevin: Grandpa, hey. Renee: Oh, Ace, look who's been away for so long? Welcome home! Asa: You call this a home? I sure as hell don't. Renee: Oh, come on, Asa. You promised me on the phone that just because we were out of the mansion you wouldn't let your blood pressure shoot up. Kevin: And don't worry. We're going to fix the whole housing problem, I promise. All right, but right now I have a victory to celebrate. I won sole custody of Ace, remember? Renee: But maybe he ought to get a little sleep before we do that. And how about you? You coming up? You must be exhausted. Asa: I'm wide awake. [Ace fusses] Renee: Good night. Kevin: All right. Good night. One more kiss. Come on. Renee: I'm glad you're home. Here we go, sweetie. Asa: So, who'd you pay off to get the kid? Kevin: Excuse me? Asa: I want to hire the same judge to boot Todd and Blair out my front door. Kevin: I didn't pay off anyone, all right? And we're still going to get them out. I have a meeting with the lawyers in the morning. Asa: Yeah? Well, I want it done now, so get them over here tonight. Kevin: Oh, come on, grandpa. Asa: We've waited too damn long already. Kevin: I can't get the lawyers over here tonight. They can't get you back your house. The courthouse isn't even open. Asa: All right, fine. I guess I could use a little shuteye. Kevin: That's a good idea. Asa: But I'll be at that meeting. Kevin: Ok. 9:00 A.M. at B.E. in Conference Room Seven. Asa: Night. Kevin: Good night. Babe: Hi. I'm sorry to bother you again. Kevin: Oh. Babe: I think this might be yours. Well, or actually your baby's. Kevin: Right. Thanks. Babe: Um -- you know, it's -- it's really bothering me. Do you think -- have we ever crossed paths, maybe, at a baby shower or something? Kevin: Oh, no. I think I'd remember you. Babe: It's weird. I -- when I was holding your little boy, it was such a familiar feeling. I would have sworn that -- Kevin: Yeah, you're probably just missing your own baby is what it is. Babe: Yeah, yeah. You're probably right. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: What's the deal with you and Paul? Natalie: Can you drop it? Rex: Tell me. Natalie: We're close, very close. Rex: Close? Natalie: Mm-hmm. Rex: But not in love. Not the way you feel for McBain. Natalie: Come on, John and I were -- Rex: Are just friends. Yes, yes, yes, I knew you'd say that. Look, I'll go along with whatever you're telling anybody else, but you don't have to pretend with me, ok? I know what it's like to be hung up on somebody who has moved on. Natalie: True. I mean I don't know that it's really love that I feel for John. I don't know. I just know that he makes me feel safe, he's very honest, and he always does the right thing. Rex: Wow, what a -- what a turn-on. Natalie: Can be. It's nice to have someone to rely on. Rex: Ok. All right, well, what does Paul have going for him? Because it sure isn't any of those things. Natalie: Paul -- well, he's fun, he's reckless -- Rex: Yeah, and he's going to be dead if we don't come up with that money for R.J. Natalie: Rex, what do you want me to do about it? You know I can't touch my money. Rex: Because it's in a blind trust for your future kids -- yes, I get that. Natalie: And I'm sorry, my family is definitely not an option. I tried to talk to Jessica earlier. All I got was a lecture. Mom would be so much worse. You know, they want me to dump Paul. Yeah, they think that I'm being forced to live on the edge and that I couldn't possibly be happy, right? Rex: Well, maybe not -- if what you want is somebody that you can really rely on. So, are they right? Do you like the kind of life you've got with Paul? [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: You've been brought in on four different criminal investigations since you came to town. Paul: Mm-hmm. And I've been released every time. Bo: What concerns me is that Natalie has also been brought in. And it's always tied to you. Now, I don't want you going to jail and then dragging her along with you for company. Paul: Right. Am I under arrest? Bo: I think this belongs to you. Bo: It's clean. Paul: Yeah, I know. I could have told you that. Bo: You know, I've seen my share of guys like you, Cramer. They keep committing the same crimes over and over until their luck runs out. And it always does. But the smart ones -- they jump off that train before it crashes. It's your call. Paul: Hmm. Well, I haven't committed a crime, and I'm not planning on it. Bo: Then we're done here. Paul: Cool. Bo: Tell my niece I said hello. Paul: Yeah, all right. Sure, I'll make sure I do that. I'm not planning on getting caught. [Knock on door] Bo: Yeah? Hey, Jess. Jessica: Hi. Have you seen John around at all? Bo: No, no, he's not here right now. Can I help you? Jessica: I was looking for Antonio. He's supposed to be working. Bo: I guess you haven't talked to him. Jessica: About what? Bo: Well, jess, Antonio turned in his badge. Jessica: You fired him? Bo: No. No, no, he just -- he quit the department. Jessica: Why? Bo: Well, I was hoping that you could tell me. [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: How did it happen? Sonia: It was an accident. She fell. Antonio: She seemed to be getting stronger when I saw her. She was ready to tell me something. Sonia: About your mother? Antonio: You stopped her. You scared her. Tico: It was you who frightened her. Antonio: What did you do to her? Hmm? Tico: I was trying to calm her down after I threw you out. Antonio: Did you kill her just so you could shut her up? [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Hey. Rex: What's up? Paul: Listen, I know of a way we can get the money for R.J. Rex: Well, not from Natalie. Paul: No, no, her brother. All right, the rich one -- Kevin. Rex: Sure. "Kevin, write me a check for 100 grand." Paul: No, listen to me, Rex. All right? I've been thinking about this ever since I started working for the guy. I mean, all we have to do is figure out how and when he's using money. Guys like him always use cash to avoid taxes. Rex: Right. You keep working on that plan. Paul: Rex, listen to me, this will work, all right? Natalie will help us out. Natalie: I'll help you what? [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Antonio -- he doesn't tell me anything anymore. I don't know where he's been or what he's doing. Bo: Well, sometimes Antonio acts on impulses and, you know, sometimes that can get him into trouble. But it's also what makes him one of the best cops that I've ever known. Jessica: Yeah. I guess I just got to keep on telling myself that. Bo: Yeah. Hey, come on. I'll talk to him, ok? And he'll calm down. But I want you to try not to worry, all right? Because Antonio does know how to keep himself safe. Jessica: Yeah, from other people, sure. But, you know, the way things are now, who's going to protect him from himself? [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: What did you do to Angelina? Sonia: Antonio, please -- Antonio: Answer me. Tico: I did nothing. You were the last person I saw in the room with her. Antonio: She knew the truth. She was ready to tell me. Tico: This is my house! I want you to leave! Antonio: Not until I have a look at Angelina's room! Tico: You've done enough! She was in pain. She was injured, but you just didn't care, did you? Antonio: She was reaching out to me. Tico: You wouldn't leave her alone! Sonia: Tico, please, just let Antonio do what he's got to do. Tico: I don't like this. Sonia: Tico, it's ok. Angelina can't tell him anything now. Angelina: Manuelito did not die on that day of September 17, 1976. He escaped. And he is still alive. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: To -- help Rex and I stay legit from now on, huh? As soon as this whole thing with R.J. is handled. Ok? Natalie: You know, I've got some things to do. I'll see you at home, ok? Paul: Ok. Natalie: Put those back Paul: All right. I'll see you, man. Rex: Whoa, whoa. Wait up, wait up, wait up. Look, why didn't you clue Natalie in? You're afraid she'll tip off Kevin that you're planning to rob him? Paul: No, no. She wouldn't do that to me. Rex: Ok. Don't you get it? She's not going to help you steal from her brother. Paul: Rex, of course she will. I mean, she already feels guilty for messing up the heist. She just needs to be convinced that R.J. means business. And she's not going to stand behind and watch us get worked over or whacked. Rex: No, she won't, but that's a long way from planning a robbery. Paul: Trust me, ok? Natalie will help us on this. Love is a big motivator. Rex: Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Jess, are you all right? Jessica: Have you seen Antonio? Natalie: No. No. What's wrong? Jessica: Everything. Oh, Carlotta. Hi. Have you seen Antonio? Carlotta: Yeah, he was here earlier. We had an argument. Jessica: Ok. I have to go. I have to find him. There's something I have -- Carlotta: What's going on? Jessica: Carlotta, there's -- there's been a terrible accident. Angelina -- she's -- she's dead. [Carlotta gasps] Carlotta: Oh, no! Oh, no! No -- que dios tenga misericordia de ella. Oh, no -- Jessica: I'm -- I'm sorry. Carlotta: No, it's just that -- ay, dios mio. After all these years -- Jessica: I know now how much she meant to you. I -- I didn't know how close you were. Carlotta: I don't want to talk about this right now. Jessica: Carlotta, listen, I -- I don't mean to be insensitive. The way that you reacted when you first saw her at Tico's party -- Antonio and I knew that she was important to you, but we didn't -- we didn't understand the connection. When Angelina was in the hospital, I saw the pictures that she had in her locket. It was the same picture that Tico and I found behind a mirror, a mirror that belonged to his mother, Isabella. The picture was of two little boys -- Isabella's sons. [Jessica sighs] Jessica: Carlotta, I've done a lot of research on the Santis. And I keep on coming up with the same thing. Isabella didn't die in the car explosion, did she? She survived. She changed her name, she went away, and she took Tico with her to protect him. She took Tico to Madrid. Angelina wasn't Tico's nanny, was she? She was his mother. She was Manuel Santi's wife, Isabella. Carlotta, am I right? Carlotta: Yes. You're right. Angelina was Manuel's wife. I can't bear this anymore. I can't keep all this inside of me anymore. [Carlotta sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: If Angelina tried to get out of bed, it would have been a struggle for her. Where was the glass? The nightstand. So she gets out of -- she gets out of bed. The glass is behind her. How does she knock it over? She had to have fallen backward, but if she's going to the door, that's impossible -- unless she was -- unless someone was coming at her. Or she was pushed. [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: All right, thanks. I'll call you back. Bo: Hey, Kev. Kevin: Hey, Bo. Good to see you. Can I get you a drink? Renee: Have either of you seen Asa? Kevin: He said he was going up to bed. That was a little while ago. Renee: Well, he didn't. Where on earth could he have gone at this hour? Bo: Home. Kevin: All right. [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: Tell you what. Asa is going to come after us for this house when he gets back from Texas. Todd: Yeah? What's he going to do? Blair: I don't want to think about it. But we do need to think about this wedding guest list, so help me out here. Todd: I think we should practice for the honeymoon. Let's do it. Come on. Blair: Ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: Aren't you sleepy a little bit? Huh? Don't you want to get a little nap in? Babe: Having a rough night, huh? Kevin: Yeah, I'll tell you, you have no idea. I mean, you know, he's adjusting to a new crib and new surroundings, and I was trying to give the nanny a break, and I'm doing very well, as you can tell. Babe: I could hold him again, if you like. [Ace coos] Kevin: Uh -- you know what? I'd really appreciate that. He's -- he's breaking my heart here. Babe: Hey. Come here. Come here. [Ace coos] Babe: Yes. Yes. [SCENE_BREAK] [Gunshot] Blair: Wait a minute! [SCENE_BREAK] Tico: What is Antonio doing up there? Sonia: He's just checking out Angelina's room. He's a cop. He's trying to piece together what happened. Tico: Yeah, or perhaps he's trying to cover up evidence. Sonia: Please. Tico, I'm worried about him. What's going to happen when he finds out the truth? Tico: It's going to change everything -- for everyone. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Isabella -- she wasn't the only one that survived in the car explosion, was she? Her older son, Manuelito -- he survived, as well, didn't he? Carlotta, her older son -- he's alive, isn't he? He's alive and he's El Tiburon. Carlotta -- please, please. Antonio is killing himself trying to find answers about his family. He's changing right in front of me. I want to help him. Carlotta, you must want to help him, too. He's your son. Carlotta: No. Antonio is not my son. Jessica: What? Carlotta: You're right. Manuel's older son -- he didn't die. He's alive. But he's not El Tiburon. He's Antonio. [NEXT_ON] Paul: The baby -- it's not really Kevin's. Dorian: You'd better give Kelly visitation rights. You can't afford a scandal, Kevin. Blair: Todd, he's really going to kill us. Antonio: Why don't you tell me, Tico? What are you hiding? | Carlotta refuses to answer him |
258 | Sam: No, no, no! Blair: Come on, Sam. Sam: Oh, no! Blair: It will just take a minute. Come on. Come on. Listen, it'll just take a second, and then you can go to your birthday party. All right? Sam: Party, now. McBain, never. Blair: He gets it from his Dad. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: What's going on? Todd: Tomás was just leaving. Tomás: Not until I tell you about your husband. Téa: Tomás, can this wait? I really need to get ready for Sam's party. Todd: Yeah. Me, too. Tomás: No, no, you'll want to hear this, Téa. It's worth it. That's a promise. [SCENE_BREAK] Destiny: I have to tell you something. Dani: What's going on? Are you all right? Destiny: I need to talk to you bad. Dani: Actually, I have to talk to you, too, about Matthew. Destiny: What about Matthew? Dani: Well, the thing is... Destiny: What? What? Dani: Nate knows Matthew killed Eddie. [SCENE_BREAK] Deanna: Nate, what are you doing? Nate: I don't have a choice, but he's got nothing on you. You can't force her to make a porno. Rick: Maybe not. Or maybe I can. Nate: What is that? Rick: Deanna knows what this is. Don't you, sweetheart? Deanna: How the hell did you get that? Nate: Get what? Deanna: The truth about my mother. Rick: So what was that you were saying about not being able to get her to do porn? Nate: Ohh. [SCENE_BREAK] Baz: Something's going on between your father and mine. Starr: Ooh. Sounds ominous. Baz: I'm not kidding, Starr. And whatever it is, it's not good. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: Ok. I'm listening. What do I need to know about my husband? Ahem. [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: There you go, big guy. Be right back. John: So what's all this about? Blair: John, I really didn't know what else to do. You know the dead body that you found in La Boulaie yesterday? John: Yeah. What about it? Blair: I think Sam might know something about it. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Ok, Mr. Todd Manning, let's find out who you are... and what the hell you did to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Destiny: Nate knows Matthew killed his Dad? Dani: Yeah. Destiny: How? Did you tell him? Dani: Shh! People are coming over. Destiny: Dani, how could you? Dani: I didn't! Oh, well, technically, I did, but... Destiny: You're supposed to be my best friend. How could you do this to me? You promised you wouldn't say anything. Dani: I didn't tell him anything he didn't already know! Destiny: If you didn't tell him, who did? Dani: Actually, it was you. [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: Mm-hmm. There's your mother's name and the address where she lives and-- yes, this is chock-full of things you just are dying to know. Deanna: How did you get my mother's file from that lawyer? What did you do to him? Rick: "Do to him?" Abel and I are close friends. Nate: You know him? Rick: Oh, yeah. We went to Brown together. Deanna: Figures, a sleaze like you would know a sleaze like him. Rick: It's called "networking." I saw him outside, we got to talking, and then I made the connection that my muse and his wayward orphan are one and the same. Deanna: And he just gave it to you for nothing, after he's making me give him 20 grand? Rick: You were taking too long, and he owes me one, and, yeah, he just gave this big old file right over to me. Deanna: Give it to me. Rick: No. All in good time. You were willing to fork over a lot of cash for the intel on this file. What makes you think I'm gonna give it to you for free? Nate: How much do you want? Rick: I don't want Deanna's money, dummy. I want her talents. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: Baz, our fathers are not exactly best friends. Baz: That much I got. Starr: But it's not like it's personal. My Dad doesn't like most men--or people, for that matter. And with the two of them living under the same roof, they were bound to get under each other's skin sooner or later, even with Téa playing referee. Baz: Starr, this isn't some kind of rivalry between two guys who like different soccer teams. Didn't your Dad just accuse mine of shooting him? Starr: Yes. And then he took it back. Baz: Why? Starr: Probably because he realized he made a mistake. Baz: There was no mistaking what I just heard. Starr: What are you talking about? Baz: Your Dad said he kept mine out of prison, and mine said he kept yours alive. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: I'm waiting. Ok, Tomás, if you're not gonna tell me what's up, then I'm gonna have to ask you both to scram, because I really do need to get ready for Sam's party. Tomás: No, hang on. Your husband and I, we had a very good talk while you were in the shower. Téa: About what? Tomás: About his bad behavior, about the man he is and the man he wants to be. I could probably tell you all the details we discussed, but you know what? You really ought to hear it from him. So what do you say, Todd? Tell her. Tell my sister how sorry you are. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Here, kid. Play with these. So why do you think Sam knows something about the murder at Dorian's? Blair: Because of his imaginary friend. John: You lost me already. Blair: I know. Listen, I'm sure it comes as no surprise that there's a lot of strain in my family because of all of Jack's trouble. John: I'm sure. Blair: And Todd is really focusing on really keeping Jack on the straight and narrow, which means I think he hasn't really shown much attention to Sam. So when Sam started saying that he has this friend, somebody that I've never seen and nobody's even heard of, I just... John: You think he's making up for his father's absence? Ok. But what does this have to do with the body that was found at Dorian's? Blair: It was found out by the pool, right? John: Yeah. Blair: Starr said that she heard Sam talking to somebody out by the pool. So when she went to check, there wasn't anybody there. So she asked Sam, and Sam said that he was talking to a friend. John: Maybe he wasn't so imaginary. [SCENE_BREAK] [Phone rings] Todd: Oh, come on, Baker. Like I don't know it's you? I know. I killed your boy Kent and you're coming after me. I'll get back to you...right after I figure out who this guy is and get back at him. [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: Thank you, John. John: You're welcome. Blair: So do you remember when John used to live with us at la Boulaie? How much fun that was and how he would play with you and tell you all those great stories? Remember? You think you can tell John a great story now? Sam: I don't want to tell a story. I'm missing my birthday party. Blair: Sweetheart, the party's not gonna start without you. John: Sam, this won't take long. I just thought maybe we could have a little talk about your new friend. [SCENE_BREAK] Destiny: Girl, you have seriously lost it. There is no way I told Nate what Matthew did. Dani: You did. You just didn't know it. Destiny: How is that possible? Dani: Remember that night in Angel Square when I found out what Matthew did to Eddie Ford and you confirmed it? Destiny: Yeah. Dani: It turns out Nate was there, ok? He heard everything. Destiny: No. Are you serious? Dani: I'm sorry, Des. Destiny: So Nate's known all this time that Matthew killed his Dad and he almost let him go down for it, and he hasn't said a word to anyone? Dani: Well... Destiny: Oh, God, Dani, who did he tell? Dani: Deanna. [SCENE_BREAK] Nate: You son of a bitch. You cannot force her to make your movie. Rick: I would not dream of it. Deanna, no one's gonna force you to do anything you don't want to do. Deanna: Then what do you call this? Rick: Negotiating a deal-- my services for your...goods. Deanna: You're sick. Rick: I'm sorry that you think so. I am offering you a chance at stardom and a way to make spectacular money in the process. Deanna: I don't want this. Rick: But you do want money, and you know everybody wants to be famous. I don't care what they say. You do one movie with me, and a girl like you could end up with her own reality series. Deanna: You think that's worth doing porn? Rick: You may not know this, but "porn" isn't the dirty, little word that it used to be. It has evolved like--like pole dancing, or online escort services. Think about it, but don't think too long because my offer has an expiration date. Nate: Really? When would that be? Rick: As long as it takes for me to finish my smoke. I'll let you kids talk amongst yourselves. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: But, Mom, it's my birthday! Blair: I know it's your birthday. John knows it's your birthday. But we will go to the party as soon as you answer a couple of questions from John. You think you can do that? Sam: I can't! Blair: Why not? Sam: I promised. It's a secret. John: A secret? Why didn't you say so? Don't you know you can't just go around, Mom, spreading secrets all over the place? Right, Sam? You can't do that. Sam, come here. Come over here, buddy. Let us have a little talk, just the guys. You see, the thing about moms--you can't blame them. Sometimes they don't get it. But, you see, I deal with secrets every day. As a matter of fact, just earlier on, I was working on this super-top-secret case with Santa and--oh, I wasn't supposed to say anything. Sam: What about Santa? John: No. Forget I even mentioned it. Sam: I saw Santa once. Maybe I can help. John: I wish you could, but I'm only allowed to talk about it with other police officers. Sam: You can trust me. John: There is one way, but-- no, that would never work. Sam: I can do anything. John: Yeah? I can make you a deputy, but then we couldn't have any secrets between us. I'd have to tell you everything I know, and you'd have to tell me everything you know. You think you can do that, Sam? [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: You want me to what? Téa: You think this man's gonna apologize? I think you have the wrong Todd. Tomás: Don't be cynical, pajarito. Your husband might surprise you. I'm pretty sure he'd rather make a humble apology than face the consequences of not taking responsibility for his actions. Right, Todd? Téa: Hold on. If anyone is gonna make him face the consequences of not taking responsibility for his actions, it's gonna be me, not you. So back off. Todd: Yeah. Do what she said. Téa: And I am not interested in a coerced apology, especially from someone who obviously feels no remorse. Tomás: That's fair enough. But you know what? If Todd's not gonna take it-- Todd: All right. I--this should happen just between you and me, but I realized recently--through no help of Tomás'--that I have acted like a jerk. I should not have been so grabby with you there. I am sorry. You're my wife. I love you. I want to make things up to you. I hope you do. Téa: Of course I do. I love you, too. And it means a lot to me to hear you say you're sorry, so thank you for that. And, Tomás, I happen to know that Todd would not have seen the light on his own, so thank you. Whatever it was you said worked. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Please raise your right hand--close enough. I, John McBain, declare you, Sam Manning, an honorary member of the L.P.D. Congratulations, Deputy. Sam: Now, what about Santa? John: What about him? Oh. Santa. Uh, that's right. Um...yes. Santa. You see here, Sam? What does it say? It says "Christmas in July." Is Christmas in July, Sam? Sam: No. In December. John: It's in December. That's absolutely right. So, you see, Santa and I are pretty convinced that there's a Grinch that's behind all this, trying to mess with our favorite holiday. Sam: Oh, no. John: No. But don't worry. Santa and I are on this. But, hey, maybe you could do me a favor. Maybe you and your friend, you could keep your eye out for the bad guy. You think you could do that? Sam: Ok. John: Yeah? Now that I think of it, maybe I should deputize your friend while I'm at it. Do you know his name? Sam: He never told me. John: He never told you. I have a friend who's like that, too, likes to be mysterious and everything. I wonder if it's the same guy. Hey, you could have a look at something for me. Is this your friend, Sam? [SCENE_BREAK] Blanca: Todd Manning remains in critical condition at Llanview hospital after surgery to repair damage from a bullet wound. Manning, notorious publisher of local tabloid "The Sun," was shot in a gunfight outside Rodi's bar last night. Tonight we'll examine Manning's life, his impact on Llanview, and the actions that have made him the target of so many in "the nine lives of Todd Manning." John: Do you know this man, Sam? It's ok. You're a deputy now. You can tell me anything. Is this your friend? Blair: He's not? John: Are you sure, Sam? Sam: I'm sure. He's not my friend. He's a bad man. John: "The bad man"? Sam: The guy who tried to shoot me at the pool. [SCENE_BREAK] Destiny: I can't believe this. So Nate's known about what Matthew did this whole time, and now he's going around telling people? Dani: No. He only told Deanna. Destiny: And that's ok? Dani: He said it was because he needed someone to talk to and he didn't have anyone else. Destiny: So he couldn't talk to you or me? Dani: No! Destiny: Why not? Dani: Because Nate didn't just find out about the part about what Matthew did. Ok? He heard everything, Des, including you making me promise not to tell him. Destiny: So? It's not like someone made him promise not to tell you anything. Dani: He was waiting for me to tell him, but since I didn't-- because I kept my promise--the only person he could turn to was Deanna. Destiny: She's the only person? Dani: Yeah, I know. I wasn't happy about it, either, but at least that explains one thing. That's the reason they've had their heads together these past few weeks. I was really starting to think that they were hooking up. [SCENE_BREAK] Deanna: This can't be happening, Nate. Everything I ever wanted to know, everything I've been searching for about my mother-- it was all just right in front of me, and then it was gone. And the only way to get it back-- Nate: You'll get it some other way. Deanna: How? You heard Rick. Nate: He cannot force you to prostitute yourself for his camera. Deanna: But he wouldn't be forcing me. It would be my choice. Nate: What? No. Deanna, you're not actually gonna do it? Deanna: Well, aren't you? [SCENE_BREAK] Baz: That's not all I heard. Our fathers are keeping something from Téa, too. Starr: What is it? Baz: My Dad said he knows your Dad better than Téa does, that he knows who he really is. What do you think he meant by that? Starr: I have no idea. You probably didn't hear the whole conversation. Baz: No, because I had to get the hell out of there before they caught me listening in. Starr: Ok, so it is possible that you took it out of context? Baz: Possible but not likely. Because from what I heard, it sounds like our dads have some kind of secret deal. Starr: About what? Keeping Tomás out of jail for shooting my Dad? My Dad said Tomás didn't do it. Baz: After he said he did. Isn't it possible that your Dad is lying and my Dad really did shoot him? Starr: And why would my Dad cover for a guy who tried to kill him? [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: I will hold this moment close to my heart and cherish it forever! But now you two need to get the hell out of here so I can get ready for Sam's party. The decorations still need to go up. Todd: No, you don't have to be doing any of that kind of stuff. Téa: Oh, really? Who's gonna do it? You? Todd: No. Tomás. He volunteered earlier because he's the artsy type. Isn't that right? Tomás: Yeah. Of course. Todd: Yes. You see? Téa: Ok. Todd: You go make yourself pretty now. Téa: Blair and Sam will be here soon--oh, and the entertainment is on its way. Todd: I'll keep an eye out. [Door closes] Tomás: Lovely apology, Todd. Didn't know you had it in you. [SCENE_BREAK] Blanca's voice: Manning's irresistible attraction to danger came to a head in 2003 when he ran afoul of cult leader, Mitch Laurence. Manning went missing as a result of that feud and, subsequently, Blair Cramer, the mother of two of his children, arranged for Manning to be legally declared dead. John: So the man in the picture--tell me again, what did he try to do? Sam: He had a gun. He tried to shoot me. John: Ok, Sam, but, hey, you're safe here. All right? All you have to do is tell me what happened. Sam: My friend saved me. He shot the bad man. John: Ok. And you're sure your friend--he never told you his name? Sam: I'm sure. He never told me. Can we go to the party now? Blair: Come on. Let me just have a few more words with John, and then I'm sure we can go. Ok? Be right there. Ohh. Oh, my God, John, somebody tried to shoot my little boy. John: Let's not get ahead of ourselves, all right? More than likely, he just witnessed the confrontation that ended up in our John Doe's death, all right? He wasn't the target. Blair: But you can't be sure. John: I understand, all right? Just answer one thing for me. Has he ever talked about this friend of his before? Has he ever said anything about him? Blair: Just that, well, according to Starr, that this guy had a line on his face. John: A line on his face? Like a scar? Blanca's voice: The presumption of Manning's death had proved premature, however. Shortly after his disappearance, an unfamiliar face began to insinuate himself into the lives of Manning's loved ones--Walker Laurence, supposed brother of cultist, Mitch. But it wasn't long before Walker was unmasked as Todd Manning himself, wearing a face drastically reconstructed as a result of plastic surgery made necessary by beatings at the hands of Laurence's henchmen. Many wondered at the extent of Manning's transformation, but Llanview was soon to discover it was only skin deep. Blair: I know what you're thinking, John--I thought it, too--Todd had a scar on his old face. But obviously Sam's imaginary friend can't have Todd's old face. I mean, right? John: There's one way to find out. Hey, Sam, buddy, I want you to take a look at something. Take a good, long look and you tell me, is this your friend? Is this the guy that saved you from the bad man? They're two of a kind. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: I don't know what to make of all this. I guess my Dad has been a little off ever since he woke up after the shooting. Baz: I guess any normal person would be. Starr: Except my Dad's anything but normal. Baz: I'm beginning to think my Dad's as screwed up as yours. Starr: I don't think the CIA has files on normal people. Baz: The CIA has a file on my Dad? Starr: Ok, I don't know much about it, except for John McBain, this detective, said that it was very similar to the documents that they found hidden in my Dad's desk. Baz: What was in those documents? Starr: Something about my Dad! Look, I have--other than that, I have no idea, except that they've both been encrypted. Oh! Oh, my God! Oh, my God, my Dad. I have to get to my Dad's house. It's my brother's birthday party! I forgot about that! Are you coming? Baz: Hell, yeah. Maybe I can figure out what's going on with my Dad. [SCENE_BREAK] Destiny: You thought Nate was hooking up with Deanna? Dani: I kept seeing them together, and then he'd always be in a mood with me. I didn't know what was going on. It turns out it was because he knew I was keeping that huge secret from him, and he finally blew up at me. Destiny: Is he still mad? Dani: We talked things out. I think he's ok, now that we don't have any more secrets. [SCENE_BREAK] Deanna: Maybe Rick's right. Maybe porn's not as bad as we think. I almost did it before. Nate: So you can let yourself do it now? Deanna: Nate, I've been searching for my Mom for years. And to just let it go because of sex? Nate: It's not just sex, Deanna. Deanna: Yes, it is. Look, what about you? Nate: What about me? Deanna: You're gonna be a lot worse off if you don't do what Rick wants. [SCENE_BREAK] Destiny: I'm glad you and Nate are ok. Dani: Me, too. Destiny: But wait. Where does all this leave Matthew? If Nate knows that Matthew killed his father, what's to stop him from telling the whole world? [SCENE_BREAK] Nate: Deanna... Deanna: If you don't come through for Rick, he's gonna tell Matthew's parents what you did to him. You could go to prison, Nate. Nate: So I'm supposed to get naked on camera and have sex with you? I haven't even had sex with my girlfriend yet! I cannot betray Dani like that. Deanna: I know. I get it. It's your choice, but you really need to think about this, Nate, because it's either making Rick's movie with me or losing your freedom. What's more important? Nate: Dani. She's more important. Deanna: But you wouldn't be hurting her. It's just what Rick said--it's business. And you wouldn't be doing it because you had feelings for me or to get off. She wouldn't even have to know. [SCENE_BREAK] Dani: Look, don't worry. Nate won't say anything. Destiny: And what about Deanna? The only thing we know about her is that she used to go out with James. Dani: Nate trusts her. Destiny: Does that mean we should, too? Dani: Yeah. Destiny: Are you sure? Dani: Look, she has no reason to talk. And what would be the point of Nate saying anything? It's not like they can arrest Matthew while he's... in his condition. Destiny: What about when he gets better? He is going to get better. Dani: I think Nate will just drop it. You know what? No. I know he will, and you should, too. Ok? Huh. Oh--your turn. Destiny: For what? Dani: You said you had something that you wanted to talk to me about. Destiny: There's no way. I didn't read this right. It's positive. Dani: Des? What do you need to tell me? [SCENE_BREAK] John: Is this the man that helped you? Blair: Come on, Sam, it's ok. You can say. Sam: Yeah, that's him. Don't tell him I told you. John: No problem, buddy. Shake on it. Blanca's voice: After several tumultuous months, Manning and Cramer got engaged and planned a wedding, but Manning was abducted by Margaret Cochran. Manning had used Ms. Cochran as a pawn in one of his schemes to thwart rival, Kevin Buchanan of Buchanan Enterprises. Unfortunately, Cochran became obsessed with Manning, holding him captive for months, and forcing him to impregnate her, finally resulting in the birth of his fourth child, Sam. John: Good job, buddy. Blair: Wow. So what do you think all this means? John: It means we don't go jumping to conclusions. Blair: My son witnesses a murder, now he's seeing things? John: What he saw was his father. Blair: But Todd hasn't looked like that since before Sam was born. Unless it-- unless Sam saw Todd kill that man, and he's covering for him? Do you think that's what Sam's trying to tell us, that Todd is a murderer? John: It wouldn't surprise me. But at the same time, it doesn't hold up. Blair: Why not? John: When John Doe was getting killed, Todd was in police custody. Whoever Sam saw, it wasn't his father. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Ok. I don't know what's going on with me, or with you...but you don't mean a thing to me. But he means something to you. Todd: So, Tomás, are you enjoying yourself? You having fun making me jump through all these hoops? Tomás: No. I have much better things I'd rather do than yank your chain. Todd: Good. Then stay away from me. Tomás: I will, for now. Besides, I got to deal with all these party favors, right? Todd: And also remember that I can hurt you every bit as badly as you think you can hurt me. Tomás: I'm more than well aware of that. The difference between me and you, Todd--based on my experience, I have a very high threshold for pain. Do you? Because if you threaten or hurt or even raise your voice to Téa or her daughter again, we'll definitely find out. Todd: Yeah, that's right. My daughter, my wife--I'm never gonna lose them, Tomás. Tsk. Tomás: Yeah, my sister, my niece. [SCENE_BREAK] Nate: But what if I do this and Dani finds out? Deanna: But how would she? I mean, Dani doesn't exactly seem like she's into porn. Nate: She isn't. Deanna: Then how's she gonna know? It's not like I'm gonna go around advertising it. Nate: But all it takes is one, one person to see it. How am I ever gonna look at Dani or my mother or my brothers again? Once we're on camera, it's out there, Deanna. There's no taking it back. Deanna: I get that. But wouldn't it be better for you to be out in the world, living with that risk, than locked up behind bars? Rick: It's decision time, kiddies. What's it gonna be? [SCENE_BREAK] Dani: Whatever you wanted to tell me, it sounded like it was important. Destiny: Yeah. Right. The thing is... Starr: Hey, guys. Dani: Hey, Starr. Oh, Des, you remember my cousin Baz, right? You met him at Nate's graduation. Destiny: Yeah. You were the DJ, right? Baz: It depends. Did you like the music? Destiny: Yeah. That was a sweet song you played for Starr and James. Starr: Where is everyone? It's almost time for Sam's party. Destiny: Oh, I didn't realize I was interrupting a family event. Dani: No, you're not. It hasn't even started yet. Destiny: I should go. Dani: What for? You're family. Besides, we never got to finish our talk. Destiny: It's ok. We can talk later. Dani: Des... Destiny: Wish Sam happy birthday for me. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Mommy, come on. It's time for my party. Blair: It sure is. Let's ask the detective if we can go, ok? What do you say, detective? Can the deputy go? John: I just want to know why I wasn't invited. Hey, for now, yeah. Ok. Whoever this guy is, it looks like he had every chance to hurt Sam and he didn't. In fact, it looks like he was trying to protect him. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Hello. Mr. Todd Manning, please. It's--I'm calling on behalf of Victoria Lord and "The Banner." She'd like to set up a meeting with Mr. Manning as soon-- he's not? He's not in the office at all today? Of course it's his son's birthday. How could I forget? Could you do me a favor, please, and remind me where it is? My boss will kill me if I send her to the wrong place. "Mr. Manning's house"? No. You know what? You have a beautiful day. Téa: Why aren't you downstairs? Todd: Oh, Tomás has got it all under control. Hey. Wow. You look beautiful. Téa: You're in a strange mood. Todd: Why? Because I gave my wife a compliment? Téa: That, the apology. What's next, flowers? Todd: I want you to believe that I don't take you for granted. That's all. No matter how crazy I get, I think about you guys, you and the family, and appreciate you every day. Téa: Is something wrong? Todd: No. Everything's fine. Téa: Then why are you... Todd: It's--I don't know. I don't want to lose you. Téa: Why would you say something like that? Todd: You know how it is. The things in your life that you hold most dear you're the most afraid of losing. Téa: Don't be afraid of losing me, ok? Just try not to be such a jackass. Ok? Todd: I'll try. We all have internal plumbing. [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: Do we have a deal? Deanna: One scene, and I get everything in that file. Rick: Excellent! Hmm! And, Nate? Does this beautiful, little lady speak for you, too? Nate: Yeah. Rick: Ah, great! Hmm! Ok. You will not regret this. I'm gonna head back to the motel, get set up. I want you two there in a half an hour. A half an hour, and then we're gonna make movie magic. Deanna: Hey, I know how hard that was for you. Nate: Not as hard as this is gonna be. Deanna: Wait. What? Nate: I'm calling Dani. Ohh. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: So is Nate coming? Dani: He's supposed to. Actually, I thought he'd be here already. Todd: All right, people, let's move! I just got a text from Blair saying they'll be here any second! Starr: Whatever you do, do not push too hard, ok? For all we know, the conversation between our dads could've been completely innocent. [SCENE_BREAK] Baz: Yeah. Right. Tomás: I didn't think my son would be caught dead at a little kid's birthday party. Baz: Oh, I wouldn't miss this for the world. Blair: All right, everybody, ready for... Todd: That's him right there! Is that you? Sam: It's me. Todd: It's you! Téa: Are you ready for your piñata? Sam: Yeah! Téa: Yay! Come on! Todd: Piñata! All right. Téa: Piñata! Come on in here. Todd: You were supposed to be here a while ago. What was the holdup? Blair: I'll explain later. Where's the entertainment? Todd: Should be here soon. Man: I know it's good money, but I'm a serious actor. After this no more children's parties, Bev. Did the have-a-seat people call back about my audition? Fine. But the next time I put on tights, it better be for "Hamlet." Todd: So much for your "Spidey sense." | But his "friend" saved the day and saved his life by shooting him |
259 | Clint: Viki. Nora: Hi, Viki. Good to see you. Viki: What's with the suitcases? Charlie: Going on a trip? Clint: Uh, not exactly. Nigel: We find ourselves in rather extraordinary circumstances. Charlie: What kind of circumstances? Nora: Dorian kicked us out of our house. Clint: Is there any room at the inn? [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: So we're agreed. We're going to tear up the south lawn and put in a labyrinth. David: A labyrinth? I thought we were going to build a big maze made out of hedges. Hey, on second thought, we should extend the garage. Did I tell you that I have a meeting at Llanview Motors tomorrow? I've ordered two convertibles, three SUV's, and a six-pack of motorcycles. Dorian: Well, then. We'll just demo the stables. David: Now that is a good idea. Allow me. Dorian: Thank you. David: I have unfortunate memories of the stables. Dorian: So do I. So we'll sell all of Asa's horses to a stud farm. David: What about the old gray mare? Dorian: Renee can fend for herself. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: What are we going to do, Chloe? Huh? It's your bedtime and you are just not tired. No, you're not. You want to try reading? Huh? You want to hear a story? "To our beautiful niece, Bree." "It's the first of many stories we'll share together." "Love, Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jared." [SCENE_BREAK] Jared: Why don't we just get out of here? Can't we forget about Jessica for one night? Natalie: We're next. Jared: Yeah? It seems like this might take a while. Attendant: Well, I mean, if you hit the turnpike, you've gone too far. Jared: We could go home, we could make a little dinner -- Natalie: Who's this "we?" Jared: Hey. Bree and I happen to make a mean can of noodle doodles. Natalie: Yeah. Well Jess is going to be making the noodle doodles now. If she even remembers to feed them their dinner. Jared: You know Jess takes good care of the kids. Natalie: You mean now that she's not Tess. Tess is out of the picture. Jared: You don't believe that. Natalie: I'm sorry. I can't. Not until I know everything that happened the night Chloe was born. [SCENE_BREAK] Markko: You want to tell your lawyer that Vanessa killed your mom? Lola: I already did. What? You told me I should talk to someone. Langston: Yeah, but it's just -- maybe Téa wasn't the best person to tell. Lola: Why not? Markko: Ms. Delgado. -- She's got a habit of sympathizing with criminals. Langston: Like Starr's dad. Do you think you can really trust her? Lola: She trusted me enough to tell me the truth. Langston: What truth? Lola: She's been working for my father all along. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: Antonio, it's Téa. Would you please call me as soon as you get this? I'm trying to reach Cristian and he's not picking up his phone. It's very important, Antonio. If you speak to Cristian, please ask him to call my cell phone right away. [SCENE_BREAK] Ray: So, you're not even going to say hello to me? That's amazing. And to think I used to be married to you. Vanessa: Ray -- Ray: Oh, so you didn't forget my name while you let me rot in that hellhole. Vanessa: How did you get here? Ray: Why? Is it a problem? I'm screwing up your plans? You need more time, perhaps, to turn my daughter into your puppet? Vanessa: What do you want? Ray: You know, you're not being very friendly to a man who broke out of prison and came all this way just to see you. [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: Téa's been working on Uncle Ray's case this whole time? Lola: She just told me. Markko: But I thought she was your stepmom's lawyer. Lola: She is. Langston: So, what, she's defending your stepmother while trying to get your father out of prison? Markko: He's the guy Vanessa shot. Lola: She's trying to prove my father's innocent. Markko: Isn't that like -- Langston: Um, unethical? Markko: Well, we are talking about Téa Delgado. Téa: Hi. Hi, guys. Lola, have you seen Cristian around? Lola: He was home when I left. Téa: Oh, and when was that? Lola: Like half an hour ago. Téa: Oh. Because I've been trying to reach him on his cell, and he's not picking up. Neither is Vanessa. Lola: Is something wrong? Téa: I don't know. Langston: Did something happen? Téa: Maybe we should talk about this -- Lola: It's okay, I told them everything. Téa: Lola, the more people who know the truth, the more likely it is that Vanessa will find out. Lola: I already told her, too. Téa: You told her what? Lola: That I think she killed my mother. Téa: What? Lola: We got in a fight. I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't take it anymore. I'm sorry. Téa: No, it's -- it's all right. It's all right. Lola: Is it going to make it harder for my father to get out of prison? Téa: Not so much. He's already out. Lola: What? Langston: They let him out? Markko: Uh, isn't he dangerous? Téa: They didn't let him out. He escaped. [SCENE_BREAK] Ray: Ah, what's the matter? No gun to pick up this time? Vanessa: Where's Cristian? Ray: What do you care? Vanessa: I love him. Ray: Really? You love him? You know, you used to tell me you loved me. Vanessa: Just tell me where he is. Ray: You used to say it to me all the time. Vanessa: Just tell me he's all right. Ray: Does he believe you like I did, Vanessa? Was he as big a fool as I was? Vanessa: Tell me what you did to Cristian. Ray: Maybe I gutted him. Maybe I gutted him like they say I did my wife. Like I could so easily do to you. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Jess doesn't remember half the things that Tess did, okay? And Tess came here to the hospital the night Chloe was born and then left. Went to the cottage. And Tess doesn't do anything without a reason. I just want to know what that reason was. Hello? Do you want my GPS? Jared: What if it doesn't stop here, okay? What if you keep pushing until somebody gets hurt? Bo: Never going to happen. Natalie: Hi. Bo: This little lady would never hurt a fly. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: Poor Renee. She looked so exhausted when she came in. Nora: Oh, it's been a rough day on everyone, but especially her. Jessica: What's going on? Clint: Your mother's good friend decided to evict us. Viki: Oh, hello. Don't look at me. He's your brother. Jessica: Uncle Bo evicted you? Nora: No, no, no. David Vickers. Jessica: Excuse me? Nora: And your mother -- Clint: Honey, it's a long, long story. Nora: Your mother's just been so gracious, and she's allowing us to bunk with her. Viki: Come on, it's no trouble. Nora: We would have stayed at the Palace. Clint: Yeah. Desk clerk wouldn't give us a room. Then the night manager backed him up. Can you believe that? Charlie: Wait a second; they wouldn't let Renee stay at her own place? Nora: Well it's questionable as to whether it's hers or not now. Clint: Due to some loophole in the will, David -- David of all people now owns the Palace, and we're persona non grata. Jessica: David who? David Vickers? Viki: I can't believe that David actually threw you out on the street. I truly thought the man had changed when he converted. Jessica: Converted to what? Charlie: You know, why wouldn't David and Dorian stay at her place? I mean, she's already got a mansion. Viki: Yeah, but she gave that to Moe and Noelle. Nora: Besides, ours has a moat and horses. Clint: It's not about the house. She could care less who has what house. What it is, it's revenge. She wants to make me pay. Viki: Well, that's her favorite activity, isn't it? Making other people miserable. Clint: Yeah. If she thinks I'm done, got another thing coming. [SCENE_BREAK] David: The Buchanans are probably crying into their domestic beer right about now. Dorian: That's all those barbarians deserve. David: Easy. Those barbarians are my brothers. Dorian: You never cared when I said anything about Spencer. David: You're right, go ahead. They've never acted like my brothers. You're all the family I need. Dorian: And you've got a wonderful extended family now. You're going to love living with all my girls again. David: Yeah, where are the Cramer women? Dorian: I sent Addie to round them all up. David: What's wrong? You sound worried. Dorian: Vell, Sven said they were on their vay, but you know what atrocious English he speaks. David: Oh, they'll be here. You just increased their net value by several zeros. Dorian: I'm not sure they'll appreciate that. David: You're kidding, right? Dorian: No. The last time that I offered them a golden opportunity, I ended up running a company all on my own. David: Well that won't happen again. Dorian: Of course not. You just have to help me, David. Convince them that this is a new and golden era. David: Baby. [Door bell chimes] David: I'll do whatever it takes. Dorian: Are you ready? David: Always. [Door bell chimes] Dorian: Doggone it. Am I going to have to fire some of the help already? David: Don't you worry your pretty little head. I'll get it. Dorian: Oh. Wait. How do I look? David: Sweetheart, you look like a billion bucks. Trust me. This is going to be a piece of cake. Bienvenue a La maison Fleurie. Dorian: Addie! David: What did you do that for? Dorian: Oh, darling. Addie: Maison Fleurie. David: It's French. Addie: I know that. Learning français was on my list. How come you renamed the Alamo with something so delicate as a flower? David: A flower? You said it meant stud. Addie: Still at it, aren't you, Dorie? Dorian: Well, darling, when you think of it in terms of fertility -- David: Hmm. Addie: One lie to explain another. That sounds like a really good recipe for a highly successful marriage. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: Obviously, you're all welcome to stay just as long as you like. Clint: Well, no. We won't be staying all that long. I mean, if we can't get the house back, there's always London. Viki: Oh, come on. You're going to leave the country? Clint: Well, it won't come to that, no. Bo and I have options. Dorian: What are you doing, coming over here, acting like this? What kind of an example are you setting for the girls? Addie: What girls? Dorian: Aren't they on their way over? Addie: No. Langston's out with Markko. Starr has a project. And Blair hung up when she heard you'd called a meeting. Dorian: Oh, so of course you had to come over here, right? And just happened to throw a pie in my husband's face? Mmm. David: I just exfoliated. Addie: I didn't come here to unclog your pores. I came here to clear your stopped-up soul. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Is everything all right? Jared: Oh, yeah. We're just having a little disagreement. That's all. Natalie: About the wedding. Because Jared wants a tent on the lawn, and I would like a canoe with beer in it. Down by the river, you know? Bo: So I -- good. I don't have to worry that you two are visiting a hospital. Natalie: Oh -- Jared: Blood tests. Natalie: Yeah. For the marriage license. Jared: Officially disease-free. Bo: Well, I'm glad to hear that. When do you two plan on doing this thing, whatever it is that you turn out -- to do? Jared: Actually, we haven't set an official date yet. Natalie: Yeah. Bo: Well, just FYI. If you do plan on going with your tent thing, don't plan on pitching it on Pa's lawn, because David Vickers is now the official Lord of the house. Jared: What? You couldn't cut a deal? Bo: No way. Natalie: I mean, I can't say I'm surprised. I really never counted on David's religious conversion really taking. [SCENE_BREAK] David: My soul is just fine, thank you. Addie: You're worse off than I thought. What about the damage you're doing to your future selves? Dorian: What does that have to do with anything? Addie: I thought you were Buddhist, Dorie. You drank all that yak butter Téa for nothing. What about learning to live a life without want? Dorian: With all due respect to David's former faith, I think that his higher power did not want to see him suffer. Addie: Suffering is the only true path to enlightenment. Dorian: Well David's path led him to find his real self, and straight into this house. Maybe his higher power wanted him to be rich. David: Yeah. Addie: By turning the Buchanans out of their home? Dorian: That is melodramatic. Nobody has been turned out of anything. David: Eh, they kind of were. Addie: I thought so. Tell me, David. Is that what Buddha would do? [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: So can you contest the will? Bo: Well, we can try. But could take up to a year. And so far, Vickers has the law and the money all on his side. Jared: There's nothing else you can do? Bo: We're going to do another DNA test. Natalie: Well Jared took a sample of David's hair to prove his case, and it worked. Bo: Yes, but we can't start legal proceedings until we verify that the DNA is a match. That's why I'm down here. I want to see if I can light a fire under these lab techs. Attendant: Next. Natalie: Finally. Bo: All right, I'll see you guys later, all right? Jared: Good luck. Bo: Hey, hey, congratulations on the engagement. Natalie: Thank you. Bo: And FYI. You two do know that Pennsylvania no longer requires a blood test to get married? Natalie: Oh! All right. Bo: See you later. Natalie: Hi. Attendant: Hey. Natalie: We -- Attendant: Ticket, please. Natalie: We really need your help. [SCENE_BREAK] Nora: Cole, honey, it's Nora. Could you -- I need to talk to you, it's really important. Before you go back to the house, could you give me a call, please? Thank you. Jessica: Hi. Nora: Hi, Jess. How are you doing? Jessica: I'm okay. Could I talk to you a minute? Nora: Sure. Jessica: Do you know anything about Wes Granger's murder? Nora: Did you know Wes? Jessica: No. He was a friend of Brody's though. And Brody and I were in St. Ann's at the same time. I only met Wes like once. Nora: I just don't think it's something you need to focus on right now -- Jessica: Do they have any suspects? Nora: Well, actually, they've already made an arrest. Jessica: Oh, my God. Who? Nora: Marty Saybrooke. [SCENE_BREAK] Lola: My father escaped? When? Téa: I'm not sure. I think a couple days ago. Markko: What does that mean? Langston: You don't know? Téa: Well, the Colombian authorities weren't very forthcoming. Lola: I don't understand. Téa: Listen -- Lola: Weren't you helping him? Téa: I'm afraid he thinks that I let him down. I got busy with another case, kind of dropped the ball with his case. Markko: Because you were getting Todd Manning off. Langston: Markko. Markko: What? You think the same thing. Téa: Look, if I have messed things up, I will pay for that later. I just want to make sure that no one's paying for my mess-up's right now, which is why I need to find Cristian. I can't keep him in the dark any longer about any of this, okay? Langston: You don't think that my uncle would risk coming here, do you? Téa: Why wouldn't he? Everything he wants is in Llanview. I'm sorry, I have to go. Lola: I'm going with you. Téa: No. Lola, you stay here with Markko and Langston until I have everything settled with Cristian. Lola: He's my father, Téa. I don't care what you say, I'm going. Téa: Okay, let's go. Thank you, thank you so much. Thank you, Markko. Langston: Be careful, all right? Téa: Okay. Let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Ray: Something wrong? Huh? Cat got your tongue? You couldn't stop talking when I was on trial for Selena's murder. You would've said anything to prove I was a killer. Some maniac who only knew how to hurt people. Vanessa: And now you're proving me right. Ray: I'm doing no such thing. Get up. Vanessa: You're here with a knife. How's it going to look to the authorities? All you're doing is making trouble for yourself. Ray: I told you to get up. I don't care anymore what anybody says about me. I only care that justice will now be done. Vanessa: What does that mean? Ray: That means you're going to pay for what you did to me. That means my daughter is going to wake up from a nightmare, and bring -- hey. Okay, now you need to step aside, my friend. I'm taking Vanessa with me. Cristian: Take a shot. Ray: It shouldn't have had to happen like this. [SCENE_BREAK] Attendant: This pass was stamped and paid months ago. Natalie: Yeah, I know. It's evidence. Attendant: What kind of evidence? Natalie: Well, this guy is suing me. Says that I rear-ended his car. But this here is proof that I was here the whole time. The problem is, the time is really light and you can't read it. Attendant: Oh, yeah. Natalie: Yeah, so I can't present this in court. Attendant: Sure, the judge would throw you out on your ass. Natalie: Right, right. So I was hoping maybe there was something you could do that could tell us when it's from? Attendant: Like one of those CSI guys. Jared: Look, man, if it's too much trouble, just -- Attendant: I could just scan the ticket and print the info out on a receipt. Would that help? Natalie: Yes. Yes, thank you very much. Attendant: Here you go. Natalie: Thank you. Attendant: Good luck with the lawsuit. I hate those creeps that sue everybody. Let me know if you need any more help. Natalie: Got it. Thank you. Jared: Thanks, man. What have we got? Natalie: Something that makes no sense. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: I don't believe Marty killed Wes. Nora: Well, I don't either. But she woke up in bed with his dead body. Jessica: Oh, my God. Nora: Her fingerprints are on the murder weapon, so Antonio really didn't have any choice but to arrest her. Jessica: But you think that she's innocent, right? Nora: Well, I certainly hope so. She's just -- she's been through enough. Jessica: I know. My mom told me that Tess knew that Todd had her, and she didn't help her. Nora: Okay, it's not your responsibility what Tess did. Jessica: It does feel like it. Nora: No. Jessica: Is there anything I can do to help her? Nora: I wish there was. I'd like to help her, too. But she's been a little reckless since she's gotten away from Todd. Jessica: Is there anything that I can do? Nora: No, sweetie, no. Thank you for offering though. Oh, if you find out who killed Wes Granger, you can let me know. Jessica: Hello. Yes, I need to speak to a patient there. Brody Lovett. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: Okay, I'm curious. What exactly is your plan to outmaneuver Dorian? Charlie: You know, you could always ask Moe and Noelle to let you bunk in with them. Nora: And we would do that, why? Charlie: I was just thinking that it might shake Dorian up, seeing all of you taking over her place. Nora: Oh, Charlie. I do like the way you think. Clint: And I'm open to anything, because right now we're pretty much screwed. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: You remember me, right? I parked here about 10 minutes ago. Attendant: Pass, please. Bo: Look, I can't -- I lost it, all right? Attendant: I can't let you go without a pass unless you want to pay the maximum fee. Bo: Will that cover it? Attendant: Maximum fee's only $12.50. Bo: No, you keep the change, okay? There's some place that I got to be. [SCENE_BREAK] Addie: It's not too late, David. You can still give the Buchanans back their home. Dorian: It's our home now. And Addie, if you don't change this tone, I'm going to rescind my invitation. Addie: What makes you think I want to live anywhere near this place? Dorian: Where else are you going to go? I gave La Boulaie to Moe and Noelle. Addie: Without consulting the six other people who live there, I might add. Dorian: How could you not love La Fleurie? It has a moat. It has acres and acres of landscaped grounds. Addie: And a boatload of bad karma. Dorian: There is no such thing. Addie: Don't you get it, Dorie? The last time you stole the Buchanan's fortune, one man fell through a skylight, and another was shot. What will happen this time? [SCENE_BREAK] Lola: Papa! No, stop. Please put it down. Ray: I missed you, Nina. I missed you so much. Lola: Look, Papa -- Vanessa: Don't go near him. Ray: Shut your mouth, Vanessa. Vanessa: Don't you touch her. Cristian: Vanessa, stay back. Ray: This woman still believes she can steal you away from me, Lola. Cristian: Téa, get Lola out of here. Ray: My own daughter. Cristian: Get her out of here and call Antonio now. Ray: She's not going anywhere! No one is taking my daughter from me again, not even my lawyer. Cristian: Your what? Téa: Ray, please put the knife down. Cristian: Téa, what's he talking about? Ray: Tell him. Lola: Please, Papa, just listen to Téa. She's trying to help you. Ray: Like she's been helping me all this time? Cristian: What is going on? Tell me! Téa: I work for Ray. I've been trying to free him for the past year. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: Addie, Asa bequeathed this house, everything in it, and everything else to David. We're not stealing anything. Addie: I think the Buchanans would see it differently. Dorian: We are the Buchanans, and we are not doing anything wrong. Addie: Keep telling yourself that. Dorian: Would you please talk to her? David: Why? Where are you going? Dorian: I have to talk to Langston. David: Don't look at me like that. For your information, I'm cementing over the koi pond and putting in a yoga studio. What do you say? Addie: Is that all you care about, David? David: No. I care about Dorian. Addie: Is that a good enough reason to give spiritual enlightenment? David: The yoga studio is going to be clothing optional. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: Where are you? Langston: The Buenas Dias. It's Dorian. Dorian: You are supposed in La Fleurie. Langston: La Fleurie? Dorian: Our new home. Didn't Addie tell you? I called a Cramer family meeting. Langston: Oh, sorry, I forgot. Dorian: And what on earth could make you forget our newfound family fortune? Langston: My Uncle Ray broke out of prison. Dorian: Come at once. Langston: No, but we don't even know if he's here. Dorian: No arguments, Langston. I expect to see you at La Fleurie within the hour. Markko: So I guess you have to jet. Langston: Yeah, well, whenever there's a crisis, you can always count on Dorian to take control whether you want her to or not. Markko: That's okay. I'll give you a ride if you want. Langston: I don't even know for sure where I'm going. My uncle -- if what Lola's saying is true, he could be innocent. Markko: I still don't like the guy. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Black coffee to go, please. Thank you. Jared: Same for me, thank you. So Tess drove into the hospital parking garage at 9:17 -- Natalie: And left 35 minutes at 9:52 p.m., which was the exact same time that your dad got rid of the bomb that Tess set to blow us up. Jared: What time did your parents find Jess at the vineyard? Natalie: About a half an hour later. Jared: Was there even enough time to drive all the way back to the cottage and then give birth? Natalie: I mean it -- vineyard, hospital to the vineyard, I mean, it's at least 20 minutes. Jared: Right, so that the only way this makes sense is -- Natalie: Jess drove to the hospital after Chloe was born. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Please, Sister Mary Claire, I know that it's past calling hours, but if I could just speak to Brody for a moment, it's really important. Yes, I understand. Um, can you just tell Brody I called in the morning? Thank you. Viki: Honey? Jessica: Oh, hi. Viki: She woke up. I think she wants Mommy. Jessica: Oh, I still can't believe I get to hold her just whenever I want. Hello, ohh. Viki: You were trying to call Brody Lovett? Everything all right? Jessica: Yeah. Did you hear about Marty getting arrested? Viki: Yeah, Nora just told me. I was thinking in the morning I'd go and visit her, see if I can post her bail. Jessica: Um, well -- thanks, Mom. Viki: You're welcome. Jessica: Would you mind if I come with you? You know, she's my friend. Viki: Sure. Jessica: She was my friend. Viki: That's absolutely fine. Jessica: Okay. Viki: And I was thinking that life was getting a little less complicated. Jessica: Yeah, I know. I can't believe that David Vickers is Grandpa's son. Viki: Yeah, and Dorian made sure to take advantage of that. Honey, are you sure you're up to dealing with all of this? Jessica: Please, Dorian is a fact of life. I am used to it. [Doorbell chiming] Viki: Excuse me, excuse me. Jessica: Oh, no. Viki: Bo. Bo: Hi, Viki. Viki: Hi. Bo: Hey, Jess and the babe. Jessica: Hello, hi. Viki: So you're all right? Bo: Sorry to barge in on you -- yeah, fine. Is everybody still here? Viki: Yes. Inside. Charlie: Explain this to me again. Why does David get the Palace? Clint: I think it's because Asa never liked to read the fine print. Nora: Oh, Clint. You see, when Asa did -- Nigel: I can't do it. Nora: Nigel? Nigel: I'm sorry, I can't, as they say, relax. I need a function. Is there anything I can get any of you? Bo: Well, you could bring the car around, Nigel. Nora: Bo, what's going on? Bo: We're all taking a little trip. Clint: Did you get the results of the DNA test? Bo: Sure did. And Vickers and Dorian are in for the surprises of their lives. [SCENE_BREAK] Cristian: So you're with him, huh? Téa: I am not against you, okay, if that's what you're thinking, Cristian. Cristian: What I'm thinking, Téa, is that I trusted you. I thought you were my friend. Téa: I am your friend, Cristian. Cristian: Working for Ray? The man who's after Vanessa? He's the -- he's the reason you convinced me to marry her to keep her in the country. Téa: Cristian, I swear to you I will answer all your questions, but first, Ray, please put down the knife. Put it down. Ray: Don't tell me what to do. Téa: Okay, everyone, let's just calm down, okay, and we'll sort this all out. Ray: You want me to wait, Téa? You say you want me to wait after all these months of waiting -- of waiting for all the promises you made that you would do something? Téa: Ray, por favor -- Ray: The waiting is over. We're going to get this -- Lola: All right. Stop. Ray: You still don't get it, man. Cristian: I'm warning you, back off. Lola: Put it down, please. I got your letter. I know the truth and I believe you. Vanessa used me. She got me to think that you were the guilty one, but all along it was her. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Wait, so Tess gives birth at the vineyard and then goes to the hospital? Jared: Get the baby checked out? Natalie: Would she even be able to drive? Jared: Don't women give birth in fields and they go right to picking crops? Natalie: I'd like to meet those women. All right, for argument's sake, let's say you're right. Tess gave birth and went to the hospital, but then why turn around and leave 35 minutes later? Jared: Maybe she was afraid she was going to get caught. As far as she knew, we were dead. Natalie: Okay, but the vineyard? I mean, why would she go back there? Especially when she knows that that would be the one place that we would all look for her. Jared: Sweetie, this is Tess we're talking about. What did she ever do that makes sense? Natalie: Like go to the hospital with a newborn baby and then turn around and leave 35 minutes later? Jared: So what are you thinking? Natalie: I'm going to talk to my mom. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: We're going to turn in, honey. Is Chloe asleep? Jessica: Um, well, I hope so. I put her down and I just hope she settles. Viki: Okay. Were you reading to her? Jessica: No, I tried but she wasn't interested. Charlie: Well, she's got her pacifier, right? I mean, she loves that thing. Jessica: I know, Charlie. Charlie: Well, I'll guess I'll turn in. Viki: I'll be right up. Charlie: Yeah, good night. Jessica: You're worrying about me. Viki: Gosh, I thought I was covering it so well. Jessica: Well, I've been reading you for a long time now. Viki: Honey, I know how difficult it is to come home after, well, wrestling with your demons. I just hope you know you have nothing to prove to me. Jessica: Thank you. But I have a lot to prove to myself and others. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: Addie, at least stay for a tour of the grounds. I'm sure once you've looked around, you'll come to love La Fleurie. Addie: Living in this huge, cold house is not on my list. I'll never forget the time I spent as Asa's mother-in-law. That hateful man absolutely tormented Blair and me. Dorian: He's dead now, Addie. And isn't living well in his house the best revenge? Addie: His essence lives on in this house. Maybe in his son, too. Dorian: Addie, at -- at least come look at our building plans. We're going to build a labyrinth. Addie: You're twisted enough as it is, Dorie. Good luck filling this place with people who want to be here. You'll need it. Addie: Or maybe not. [SCENE_BREAK] Markko: Ready to go? Langston: Ah, I guess. Hey, once everything settles with my uncle, we'll celebrate, okay? Markko: Yeah, you think I can find a card that says, "Congratulations, your uncle's back in the joint?" Langston: Not that. Markko: Well, then, what are we celebrating? Langston: Hello, you got accepted to L.U. Markko: Oh, yeah. Langston: I mean, I thought that I was going to spend the next four years of my life talking to you through an LCD screen. Markko: Well, I guess we could do something. Langston: How about Ultraviolet? We could rent the place out. Markko: Well, I mean, isn't that a little chi-ching? Langston: Not for Dorian Lord-Cramer-Buchanan-whatever. I'm an heiress now. Markko: All right. Langston: Oh, wait, you dropped something. UCLA? What is this? [SCENE_BREAK] Jared: So you think your mom will know why Tess went to the hospital after she had the baby? Natalie: I think she's the only one who can help us figure it out. [SCENE_BREAK] Vanessa: Lola, don't -- don't do this. Ray: What's the matter, Vanessa? You afraid to let her talk? Cristian: This is crazy. Both Vanessa and Lola testified against Ray. Téa: Lola was a child and Vanessa manipulated her. Ray: You turned my own blood against me. Téa: Ray, listen to me. Lola will recant her testimony and you will be free. Cristian: What are you talking about here? Ray: You married the devil, brother, just like I did. Téa: And she will go to jail. Vanessa: Cristian, none of this is true. Téa: Oh, give it up, Vanessa. There's no way out of it. Vanessa: Everything was fine until you turned up. Téa: You used your own stepdaughter to put her father behind bars. Vanessa: Cristian, Cristian, none of this is true. Téa: You married him and as soon as you got your hands on his money, you framed him for murder. Cristian: Is this true? Cristian: Tell me the truth. Vanessa: All right. I did it. [SCENE_BREAK] Clint: All right, come on, everybody, in, in, in. Let's haul it in, come on. David: Wait a second. Whoa, whoa. Dorian: Yeah, whoa, whoa. What exactly do you think you're doing here? Clint: We're here to go to bed because it's our house. Dorian: It is not. Nora: She's right. Technically it's my house. Dorian: No, it is not. You saw the will. You -- you said it yourself that Asa left everything -- his house, the money, the company -- David: The horses. Dorian: To David. Clint: Actually he left it to his son, David. Dorian: Yes, because Asa wanted to right the wrong that had been done to David. Now will you please leave? Clint: But, Dorian, you see that's where we have a problem, all right? Because this champagne-suckin', Buddhist-chantin', 24-carat phony that you call your husband? He's not Asa's son at all. [NEXT_ON] Man: David's DNA matches someone right here in Llanview. Nora: Fasten your seatbelts. It's gonna be a bumpy night. Cristian: You sent an innocent man to prison? Vanessa: No. Rex: Morasco, it looks like I found my father. And you can start praising me at any minute. | Natalie is determined to unravel the mystery about how Tess drove to the hospital right after Chloe was born when she gave birth at the vineyard |
260 | Bo: Yeah, yeah, that's great. I'll get back to you in a day or two. Uh-huh. Thanks. Thanks so much for your help. Later. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: What I care about is that this little boy is bonding with his grandfather. Lexie: Let me think. What could be wrong with my precious little boy bonding with Stefano DiMera? We need to go. Stefano: Ah. Lexie: Where's Theo? Theo, honey, where are you?! Stefano: He just wants to play a little bit. Lexie: Theo! Stefano: Theo! Theo. Lexie: No! [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: [Breathing heavily] [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Oh, my God! This could be perfect! Dr. Baker: Except it's not perfect. That child there, that mother was extremely insecure. She may not even have the baby here, all right? It's not gonna happen. Nicole: The hell it's not. Where does she live? Dr. Baker: Didn't you hear me? She changed her mind. Nicole: I could change it back. Where can I find this girl so I can talk to her, mother to mother? Dr. Baker: There's a problem with that. You're not a mother, and it's about time you faced the fact you never will be. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Oh, God. Oh, God. Stefano: Sweetheart, he probably just took a little tumble, huh? Come here. Lexie: No! No! Don't move him. Don't -- don't touch him. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. Bo: It's Commissioner Brady. I need an ambulance dispatched immediately. Lexie: Theo. Theo, honey, it's mommy. Can you hear me? Theo, sweetheart. Sweetheart, answer me. Theo. Theo, please answer me. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: I'm on my way. Hope: Hey, what's going on? I thought we were out of here. Hey, I called the lodge -- Bo: We can't go. Hope: W-why not? Not another emergency. Brady, whatever it is, can't Roman handle it? Bo: It's not that kind of emergency. Hope: Oh, my God. It's happening again, isn't it? You've had another premonition. Bo: I'm praying that's not what it is, that I just made a fool of myself by calling an ambulance. Hope: What did you see this time? Bo: Come on, let's go. We got to go. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: Alexandra, please talk to me. Is he all right? Is he breathing? Lexie: We need to get him to the hospital. Call -- call 911. Stefano: Yes, yes. Right. Lexie: Tell the dispatcher his breath is shallow, his pupils are unequal and sluggish. He may have a skull fracture or spinal cord injury. Stefano: I need an ambulance immediately. 430 Lake View Drive. Yes, a little boy just fell down, and he's unconscious. And he doe-- I don't -- what? I don't understand. How can that be? Well, all right, fine. All right, get here as quickly as possible. Please, please. I don't know. They are already on their way. But they will take care of him. Believe me, they will take care of him. He's going to be fine. He's going to be fine. Lexie: Oh, God, I pray to God you're right. Oh, God. Oh, God. [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: Is this a bad time? Kate: No. Daniel: I should have called. Kate: It's okay. Daniel: Okay, 'cause I had the morning off, and I just thought, you know -- Kate: It's fine. Daniel: Wait, you're busy. You're busy. No, I can tell. Kate: I told you. It's fine. Really. Daniel: Okay. Are you fine? Kate: Yes, I am fine. I'm feeling pretty good. In fact, I'm feeling stronger every day. Daniel: Good. Good. Kate: What's this? Daniel: What, this? This is, um, "Sleepless in Seattle." Now, I know we talked about watching it together once, and I thought... Kate: I remember that. Daniel: And I've been thinking about you, and I just wanted to spend some time with you. Kate: I want to spend some time with you, too, but not watching a movie. Daniel: Okay. Kate: You are such a unique man. You really are. And you have been very kind and very comforting to me during a very difficult time. Daniel: Kate -- Kate: No. I want you to listen to me. You need to hear this so you'll realize it has nothing to do with you. Daniel: Nothing to do with -- Kate: There is something that I've wanted to tell you. I was planning on telling you soon, but, uh, since you're here, I think I might as well tell you now. Daniel: Well, whatever it is, Kate, please, just... Kate: Okay. I've decided to take my life in a new direction. Daniel: Okay. Kate: And, um, I need to end this relationship. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: His breathing's shallow. His heart rate -- Hope: Lexie, what happened? Lexie: Theo fell -- how did you know? Paramedics: Dr. Carver, we're ready to go. Stefano: Here, here. Paramedics: You gonna go with us? Lexie: Yeah, I'm not leaving his side. Of course I'm going. I'll call you, okay? I'll call you. Hope: How did this happen? Lexie: Be careful. Stefano: I don't know. They were here visiting. I had the little Christmas gift for my little grandson. And then he just disappeared. I don't know. He wandered out of the room. We should never have let him out of our sight. Hope: It was an accident. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: You cruel son of a -- how dare you tell me I am not a mother! Dr. Baker: Keep your voice down. Nicole: I gave birth to a baby girl, and I will love -- Dr. Baker: You did not give birth. You had a miscarriage. Nicole: You shut the hell up. Dr. Baker: And why live in reality when we can live in your crazy world? Nicole: I told you to shut the hell up. Dr. Baker: Let's face the facts, Nicole, all right? You lost the baby. You don't tell the father. You lie to him. You fake your pregnancy. You lie to everybody. Now you want to take another baby. You are a psycho. Nicole: You are a sleazy baby broker, you disgusting low life. You are not allowed to judge me. Dr. Baker: It is not my judgment that matters here! I call the shots. You got that? Nicole: No. No. Not anymore. I call the shots. Dr. Baker: Give that back to me, Nicole. Nicole! [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Philip. Wait. Philip: Hmm? Stephanie: I love being with you. Philip: I love being with you, too. No. We can't do this. We have to stop, okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: So, uh... it's over. Kate: You seem slightly shocked. Daniel: No, I-I'm not shocked. I'm -- I'm just... I'm concerned that I've upset you somehow. Kate: No, you haven't upset me, not at all. I know it sounds like a cliché, but it's not you. It's me. Really, it is. I think it, um, has to do with the illness, having that transplant. This should have been a time of optimism and... somehow I feel like I'm living on borrowed time. Daniel: So what then? Kate: I want to be on my own with no attachments, no romantic attachments. I want to -- I want to expend whatever energy I do have on my children and my family and myself. Daniel: I understand. Kate: You were important in my life. And you'll always be in my heart. [SCENE_BREAK] Paramedics: What do we have? Nurse: Kid's unconscious. Paramedics; What's his B.P.? This child is not breathing. Lexie: No! No! No! Don't let him die! Please, don't let my little boy die! [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Bo. Bo: I remember standing right here... praying for another little boy that we loved. Hope: Zack. [SCENE_BREAK] Tony: I just got Lexie's message. How is he? Hope: Nobody knows anything. They only brought him in a few moments ago. Nurse: Dr. Carver, I have to ask you to leave the room. Lexie: No. No. I'm not leaving. I told Theo I would stay with him. He needs me. I'm not leaving. Tony: Lexie, he needs his doctors right now. Let them do their work. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Okay. When you know anything... Tony: Um...by the way, where's Abe? Lexie: He's -- he's at a retreat with some of his staff. I-I wasn't able to reach him. Stefano: I'll take care of it. Lexie: No! No. I don't want him hearing about this from you. He'll wonder why I was at the mansion. He'll blame me. Stefano: All right, then, he's a fool, okay, because no one is to blame. The little boy wandered out. For God's sake in heaven, how could we have any idea? Tony: Can I have a moment alone with my sister, please? I'll take care of contacting Abe. Lexie: Wait, don't go. Don't go. [Crying] A-an -- a-an injury like this, I mean, it could affect the rest of his life. That's -- that's if he survives. So, I -- [SCENE_BREAK] Tony: Lexie, listen to me. Look at me. You're a wonderful mother, the way you love that little boy. He feels your love. He's feeling it right now. Lexie: No, Tony, you don't understand. Tony: What is it I don't understand? Lexie: I wasn't watching him, just like before, when he went missing on Christmas Eve. Tony: But, Lexie, no one can watch their child every single second of every day. Lexie: With Theo, I should have, okay? I was negligent, Tony. That -- that's why this happened. Goodness, I wasn't cut out to be a mother. I just -- ugh! [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Oh. Where are you? Why aren't you home, Mia? I know this is where you live. Oh. Oh, Mia. Mia. Mia: Who are you? Nicole: I'm Nicole. Dr. Baker said I could find you here. Mia: Dr. Baker? Nicole: I'm the woman who was gonna adopt your baby. Mia: But didn't he tell you? I changed my mind. Nicole: Yeah, I know. I know. He did. And I understand. I can imagine how difficult it would be to give up the baby after you've been carrying it for all these months. And you felt the kicking and... and I also know that you're single and you're young, and there's no father in the picture, no parents, no job. Mia: Is this supposed to convince me to give you my baby 'cause it's sure not working. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Gee, I don't feel too humiliated. Philip: Humiliated? Stephanie: I'll be leaving now. Philip: No. Hey. Just wait. Stephanie: Wait for what, stick around to be humiliated some more? It's not exactly doing a whole lot for my ego, Philip. I'm sure you can understand that. Philip: Stephanie. I do. I do understand. But what I need you to understand -- hey, look. I care about you way too much. Stephanie: Care too much. What is that, kiss of death? I mean, maybe you should be with somebody you can't stand. Philip: Oh, please, come on. You know what I mean. Stephanie: Yeah. I do know what you mean. Okay, you have a lot of baggage. You've made mistakes. Wow, so unusual. In fact, you've got a point. Why would I want to put up with someone who's made mistakes? Philip: You're making fun of me now. Stephanie: Of course I am, because you're being stupid. You're assuming that I care what happened about all those other women, and I don't. You see, when I'm with you, I'm right in the moment. You ever try that, Philip, living in the moment? It's kind of simplistic, but it's the way to go. Philip: In the moment, huh? Stephanie: Hey, if it's not your thing -- Philip: No, no, no, no, no. No, I think you may be on to something. I think we should... give that a try. [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: I get the feeling, uh... Kate: What? Daniel: Did I disappoint you somehow? Kate: And I just spent all of this time telling you that it had nothing to do with you. You have to get over yourself, mister. Daniel: I do. Okay. Kate: I don't know. Maybe I'm not explaining this right, and I don't even know if I can do that because I think it's more of a visceral thing. I-I don't know, maybe it had to do with you taking care of me when I was ill. Daniel: I don't -- I don't follow. Kate: Well, now that I'm on the mend, I'm feeling the need to distance myself from that dark time. Even though you were my savior, and I know you hate for me to say that. I'm starting a new chapter. Daniel: A new chapter. Kate: Now, if you're worried about people thinking that you are walking out on a woman battling cancer, then -- Daniel: No. No, I don't give a damn what people think. All I care about is what you think. And I just want you to know how much you mean to me. And I know I've said this before, but it does bear repeating. You have brought out the best in me. You do that... with everyone who's, uh, lucky enough to know you. Kate: Ah. Do you believe in luck? [Cellphone ringing] Daniel: Emergency. I need to go. Goodbye, Kate. Kate: Bye, Daniel. [SCENE_BREAK] Officer: Commissioner Brady. Bo: Yeah. Hey, man, thanks for getting there to pick him up so quickly. Officer: Hey, it's no problem. So, how did you know? We heard that Mr. DiMera called after you did. Stefano: Yes, Bo. How did you know? [SCENE_BREAK] Tony: Alexandra, I can't allow you to speak of yourself that way. Lexie: No lectures, okay? Tony: This is not a lecture. I'm just stating a fact. You're very cut out to be a mother. You're a sensational mother. Lexie: You don't understand. Tony: No, no, no. What -- I don't want to hear it. Lexie: Tony, if you'd been there -- Tony: What do you mean? I don't need to have been there. You're my sister, for God's sake. What, are you doubting that I know exactly the kind of person you are, how dedicated you are to your work, to the people that you love, and, most especially, to your son? Lexie: I turned my back on him! Tony: Isn't that horrifying? No one ever turns their back on their child. Mothers have to keep their eyes glued on their children every second of the day. They can't -- they can't sleep. They can't eat. They can't even have a chat with anyone? Lexie: All right, you don't get it. Theo is -- Theo needs to be watched constantly, Tony. He's in his own little world. Tony: Well, that may be so. But must he not learn independence? How will he mature if you don't trust him to go off on his own, to take a few steps without you hovering over him? And how will he ever find the courage to break away from you if he senses your constant fear? Lexie: I never should have taken him to Father's house. Tony: No? You should have been prescient, then? Predicted this would happen? Lexie: No, he hates tension, which is all there ever is when I'm around him. That's why he wandered off. Tony: Well, maybe he wandered off because he's a child, and children love to explore. Is that not a possibility? Lexie: It's one or the other. Tony: What? What is? Lexie: I can either be a good mother or a good daughter. Tony: Lexie... where on earth are you heading with this? Lexie: If Theo pulls through this... I know what I have to do. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: You misunderstood. I wasn't putting you down. I didn't mean it like that. Mia: I've got to go home. Nicole: Wait, Mia, please. P-please, just listen. When I said to you that you didn't have a job or a husband, I wasn't saying that you couldn't take care of this baby. Mia: Just that you could do it better. Nicole: Look... if you are absolutely sure you want to keep this baby -- and, like I said, I know what it's like to lose a child. And I would never try to -- you went to see Dr. Baker, so you must have thought that it would be best to give up the baby. Mia: Yeah, at first. Nicole: So, what changed? Mia, if you're afraid that this baby won't go to a good home, I am here to promise you that that is not the case. Mia: And by good home, you mean rich people. Nicole: There are certain advantages that I could give this child, but that's not what this is about. It's not. This is about love. And that's what I want to give your little girl or boy, so much love because I want this baby more than anything... more -- more than my own life. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: We made the right decision. Philip: Yeah? Stephanie: Not an easy one. Philip: [Sighs] It's just -- look, never mind. We've talked about it before, and if we talk about it again, we're just gonna argue about it. Stephanie: No, just say it. I-I promise I won't argue. Philip: I just care about you so much. You believe that, don't you? Stephanie: I do. And I'll respect that you need this to be different. Philip: [Sighs] Stephanie: What? Philip: I just want to amend what you said earlier a little bit. I don't need this to be different. It is different. Stephanie: For me, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Bo summoned help for your grandson, and you're actually questioning why? Stefano: No. No, no, no. I'm, uh, not questioning. Just, uh, I'm really very grateful. Hope: Would you excuse us, please? Stefano: Certainly. Hope: Thank you. Bo: Thanks. Hope: I knew you couldn't explain why. Bo: I can't explain it to myself. [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: Lexie, I just got paged. Lexie: [Crying] Oh, Daniel. Daniel: What is it? Is it Theo? Lexie: Baby. How is he? [SCENE_BREAK] Doctor: He's still unconscious. I'm taking him for a C.T. scan. Daniel: Okay, I'm coming with you. All right, you just stay here. I'll be back when we get the results, okay? Lexie: Okay. Uh, I thought my worst moment as a parent was getting the diagnosis of Theo's autism. I thought my little boy was lost to me forever, that I'd never be able to reach him. Tony: Now you know better, don't you? Lexie: Yeah. Yeah. Oh, Tony, I look into his eyes. I mean, he speaks to me without using words. I-I look into this sweet little eyes, and I see his sweet little soul. Oh, God. I've fought so hard to keep him from slipping away. I can't lose him now. I can't. [SCENE_BREAK] Mia: You're right. My life is totally messed up. My apartment -- you wouldn't believe these huge cockroaches. And the water in the sink -- it comes out in little drips. Nicole: Oh, that sounds horrible. Mia: I'm a dancer. Nicole: Really? Mia: Ballet, mostly, but then I got into jazz. Nicole: How long have you been dancing? Mia: Since I was 5. I had all these high-school scholarships. And before this happened, I got accepted to a school in Japan. Nicole: Japan, wow. Mia: My aunt lives there, so, you know, I would have had a place to stay. But... then this happened, and it just seemed so unfair because... Nicole: Because what? Mia: I mean, it's my fault that this happened. [Crying] And you're just thinking about never seeing him or her. I mean, what if my Mom didn't want me? How would I feel? How would anybody feel? It just seems so mean to just leave. Nicole: It's not mean. It is not mean, not... when the person that you give your baby to will love that baby with all their heart. [Crying] And it would be the most important thing ever to that person. Mia: [Sniffles] You really want my baby, huh? Nicole: I can't put it into words how much. Mia: Well, at least... Nicole: At least what? Mia: You're not so much of a stranger anymore. Nicole: [Chuckles] No. No. We're getting kind of close, huh? Mia: A little. Nicole: You know, um, someday you're gonna find love. And when -- and when the time is right, you're gonna have a family together. Mia: What's that? Nicole: Oh, it's, uh -- it's my engagement ring. Mia: You're not married yet? Nicole: No, not yet. Mia: I can't believe this. Nicole: What? But, Mia, wait. Mia: You expect me to give you my baby, and you're not even married yet? Nicole: Would you just let me explain? Mia: No! My Mom was like that, and that's not good enough. She had all these boyfriends, and they beat up on her and on me and a lot worse. Nicole: [Crying] I have been there. Mia, I would never let that happen. Mia: Just forget you met me. You can forget about this baby. Nicole: No, please, Mia, wait! [Sobbing] Wait. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: So, what now? Stephanie: Well, I think we should get out of your bedroom. It's not exactly conducive to self-restraint. Philip: True. So, how about I take you out on a real date, not Java Café or Brady Pub or anything like that. Stephanie: We had a real date on New Year's Eve. Philip: True. But, uh, Melanie -- she really made it special, didn't she? Stephanie: Yeah, she has that knack. Philip: Yeah. So... Stephanie: [Laughs] Philip: [Laughs] How about I take you out to dinner where she's not likely to turn up, just the two of us, huh? Stephanie: Sounds like a plan. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Tony, did you reach Abe? Tony: No. Maybe he has his phone turned off, or maybe just he's out of range. Lexie: Oh, God. Hope: Hey, sweetheart. I brought you some tea. Lexie: Oh, no, thanks. Hope: Lex, I am so sorry for what you're going through, honey. Lexie: I know you understand all too well. Hope: I'm here for you. We all are. And for Theo. Okay? Lexie: Thank you. Hope: Hmm? Lexie: Yeah. [Monitor beeping] [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: So, what do you think, Penthouse Grill or -- Mom, I thought you were resting. Kate: I am resting. Philip: I-I mean, napping. Kate: No, I'm not napping. Hi, Stephanie. Stephanie: Hi, Kate. How are you feeling? Kate: I'm feeling -- I'm feeling good. Philip, could I talk to you for a sec? Philip: We were just on our way out. Stephanie: No, no, no. You know what? I'm thirsty. I'll go in the kitchen and get a drink. Kate: [Clears throat] Philip: Mom, I know what you're gonna say, and I don't want to hear it, okay? Kate: Are you so sure? [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Mia, wait, please. Mia: Look, I told you how I feel, okay? Now, leave me alone. Nicole: Just give me a chance to explain. Yes, it's true. My fiancé and I are not married, not yet, but we will be very soon. We're together. We're committed. Mia: I don't get it. If you're not even married yet, why do you want a baby so bad? Nicole: If you want to know, I will tell you. I'll tell you exactly why. [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: From the moment I set eyes on Stephanie -- Philip: I don't want to hear this right now. Kate: Shh. You need to hear this. I knew she was the perfect girl for you. In fact, back in the day, I would have probably manipulated the situation a little bit. But from what I'm seeing, things are going quite well, hmm? Philip: Imagine that. Kate: Yeah. Maybe I'll get lucky, and I'll have two sons at the altar. Philip: Mom -- Kate: No rush, though. Philip: Yeah, no rush. Kate: I also need you to be free for a little party I'm giving tonight. Philip: What's going on? Kate: I'm giving a little engagement party for Chloe and Lucas. Philip: A surprise. Kate: Mm-hmm. Yes, it is. And feel free to bring the lovely Stephanie. Philip: Only if you promise not to -- Kate: What, not to embarrass you by telling her she's the perfect girl for my fabulous son? Don't worry. I'll be a little more subtle than that. Philip: Let's hope. Kate: Honey, I just want you to be happy, and it seems to me that you are well on your way, hmm? [Chuckles] [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: I was told that, uh, that I couldn't have children. And I, uh, I guess I didn't care much then, or at least I pretended to myself that I didn't. But now that I have found someone that I love and it's all I can think about -- Mia: But why me? You knew that I changed my mind, but you found me. Why? Nicole: [Voice breaking] Because... there was a baby, another baby. And we -- we were sure that it was gonna happen. [Crying] Oh, God. [Sobbing] The loss of a child, my little girl is just still so painful. Mia: I'm sorry. Nicole: But then Dr. Baker told me about you. And I saw your picture, and I saw -- I saw a picture of the baby's father and the resemblance to me and my fiancé, and I just knew it was meant to be. Mia: If you knew the father, you might not think it was so perfect. Nicole: No, it doesn't matter. Mia: So you want my baby because it might just look like you and your fiancé? Nicole: No. No, of course not. I would love -- I would love that baby no matter what. And... Mia, if you -- if you still... want to give up... him or -- or her, I... I would take care of that baby always. [Crying] And I would take care of you. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Still thinking about it. Bo: Whatever the hell's going on...whatever's happening, I don't want any part of it. Hope: You may have just saved Theo's life. Bo: But I couldn't prevent this accident, so what's the point? Hope: I won't pretend to understand it, either. But there has to be a point. You were able to help Theo on Christmas Eve. Bo: Why couldn't I help today? [SCENE_BREAK] [Door opens] Lexie: Do you have the test results? Daniel: Uh, we have them, yes. [SCENE_BREAK] Mia: You sound like you mean what you're saying. Nicole: I do. But I don't want to pressure you, Mia, if you -- if you don't want to give up the baby. But if you do...please let it be to me. Mia: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Knock, knock. Is everything okay? Kate: Actually, I was just telling Philip... Philip: Mom. Kate: ...That I hope to see a lot more of you around here. Is that subtle enough? [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: Theo has subdural hematoma, and my immediate concern is that he has swelling in his brain. We need to release that pressure. Stefano: Excuse me, but, um, how will you do that? Daniel: Surgery. Stefano: [Sighs] Brain surgery? Daniel: Yeah. Stefano: Look, doctor, I, um -- I'm aware that you are very talented, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to fly in my own specialist. Daniel: No. No time. As it is, Theo is lucky you got him here when you did. Stefano: Hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Tony: Let me go find Abe. Do you have an address? Lexie: Uh, yeah. Yeah, here. Tony: Okay. Lexie: Thanks, Tony. Uh, Daniel, what protocol will you use? Daniel: The hematoma is pressuring on the motor cortex. Lexie: Mm-hmm. Daniel: Now, surgery has its own risks, as you know, but I think we need to do it immediately. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Okay. You'll do it? You'll let me adopt your baby? Mia: Yeah. Nicole: Thank you. Thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me. Oh, Mia...I know how hard this must be for you. Mia: It's okay. Nicole: You remind me so much of me. There's something about you. Mia: Maybe. Nicole: No, I...I feel a real connection. Mia: Yeah, I guess. Nicole: You know what, Mia? I'm gonna be...the kind of mom that you want for this baby, the kind of mother that you're gonna be when the time is right one day. What are you thinking? Mia: There's one more thing before we make it final. Nicole: Okay. Anything. Mia: I want to meet the father, the guy you're going to marry. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: Alexandra. Lexie: It's not about what you want. Leave. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: You need to talk to someone, like a psychiatrist. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: Is it about us? Are you having second thoughts? [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: What do you need me for? Nicole: I'll get to that. Brady: You need to get to that now. | Kate ends her relationship with Daniel, saying that she needs a clean break from everything that reminds her of her illness, and saying she wants to focus her time on herself and her family |
261 | Lauren: Yes, that's perfect! Thank you very much. Michael: Got everything? Lauren: Aha! Everything will be fabulous once the honeymoon suite is ready to go. Full set up, courtesy of us. Michael: How many ice cream flavors did you get? Lauren: The three that you mentioned and I added my favorite-- chocolate as sin. Michael: Save any for us? Lauren: This Phyllis and Nick's night, so focus. Help me here. Michael: All right, how about the video. Lauren: Mmm, check! Michael: Games? Lauren: Check, check. Michael: Body paint? Lauren: Yes, the edible ones, of course. Michael: Oh, that sounds perfect. How about we take this honeymoon suite, huh? Lauren: Its Phyllis and Nick's wedding night. Albeit, an unconventional one, but... Michael: Well, adult fun the beholder. Lauren: That's true. Not everybody goes the whipped cream route. Michael: Oh...some big cans. Lauren: Yeah. How many should I have the concierge put in the mini-fridge? Michael: Two. Three! Three! Oh, maybe we could steal one. Oh, yes! Lauren: Oh, Honey! (Telephone ringing) Lauren: Oh, okay! Hello? Phyllis: Hey. Hey, it's me. Lauren: Hey, Phyllis, you sound upset. Phyllis: Um... actually, not really. I'm worried. Um, I know I shouldn't be, but I can't help it. Lauren: You know, Michael's here. I'm gonna put you on speaker. Phyllis: Yeah, sure. Michael: Hey, Bride, what's up? Phyllis: Hey! Hey, uh... Nick, um... Nick didn't come home until real late last night. Lauren: Uh, how late? Phyllis: Uh... well, I finally went to sleep around 2:00--2:30, I think, and, uh, when I woke up this morning he was already gone. Michael: Maybe he doesn't want you to see him. You know, its bad luck. Phyllis: Michael, men don't think like that. That's--that's a girl thing. Besides, he saw me before the wedding in Los Alamos. I doubt he's come up with a new set of beliefs. Michael: Well, it doesn't count. It was out of state. Lauren: Maybe he was just doing some last minute things before the ceremony. Phyllis: Yeah, or he's thinking of calling the whole thing off! We can't have a wedding without a groom. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: Wow! Noah, you look sharp. The girls are gonna be after you. Noah: Ew. Jack: That's what I always say when the girls are chasing me. Noah: This suit is too hot. Sharon: Well, you know what? You can take your jacket off at the reception when they're done with the pictures. Jack: Hey, Sport, did I tell you I'm putting in a full basketball setup out back so we can shoot hoops? Noah: Cool. Jack: You know what else I'm doing? Noah: What? Jack: I am decorating a room upstairs. It's gonna be like superhero heaven. Noah: Why? Jack: Well, did you or did you not tell me Cosmic Man is your favorite character? Noah: Well, yeah, but why would you do that to one of your rooms? Jack: Well, I thought it might be fun for you. Noah: No offense, but that's kinda weird. Sharon: Why would you say that? Noah: Well... it's like he wants us to live here or something. Jack: I do. Very much. Sharon: Now that Jack and I are married, it makes sense that we all live together and he as a lot of room here. Noah: There's no stables. What about Skydancer? Sharon: You can go to the ranch anytime you wanna go riding. Jack: We can have all kinds of fun. We can shoot hoops together. We'll build models. Sharon: Swim... Noah: I already have a pool at Grandma and Grandpa's. Sharon: And you can go there anytime. Noah: What if Grandpa Victor needs me? He could have another seizure. Sharon: Um, well, Victor's taking his medicine to feel better every day. He hasn't had a seizure in a long time. Jack: Besides, he's got a lot of people out there to help him. He's got Nikki. He's got Miguel, his driver... Noah: I don't care! I wanna feed Zapato and see the horses. I don't wanna move to Jack's! [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Well, you keep working on it and next time with better results. Nikki: No go, huh? Victor: I promise you, I will find a way to get that video of you stripping off the damn internet. Nikki: Why bother? It's probably been posted to a hundred sites. Victor: I will not stand by and do nothing, all right? David Chow is not gonna make a mockery of my wife! Nikki: Victor, I appreciate your concern. But once something has been downloaded into somebody's hard drive, it's impossible to keep control. It's pointless for me to be upset about it. I can't do anything. Victor: To hell with this damn internet. You're awfully cavalier about this. Nikki: What's my alternative? Getting upset isn't gonna change anything. In fact, I could use it to my advantage. I could challenge him to a strip-off instead of a debate. Victor: Don't be ridiculous, all right? (Knock on door) Victor: What are you doing here? David: Good morning to you, too, Victor. Nikki. Nikki: Hey, David. Victor: I asked you, what are you doing here? If you don't get out, I'll have security lead you out. Nikki: Victor, Victor, please don't do this. I invited him here. Victor: You invited this man for what? Nikki: Strategy session. David is my new campaign consultant. Victor: You hired him? The man who publicly embarrassed you? Nikki: Who better to repair the damage than the person who caused it? David: You wanted me on board 'cause I know how to win. Nikki understands that. Yes, posting that footage was a bit aggressive, I admit. But it was also warranted. Victor: The hell it was. Nikki: I agree with David. I may not have cared for his approach, but I admire his resourcefulness. Victor: This man cannot be trusted. He has proven that. You'd do best to fire him. Nikki: And lose to Jack? I don't think so. Victor: You think about this. Nikki: Victor, thank you for your gallantry, but this is my campaign. And I will make the staffing decisions. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: I'm not staying here! You can't make me leave my house! Sharon: Well, we'll talk about this when you two get back from the wedding. Noah: You're not going? Sharon: Honey, no. We talked about this. This is a special day for Nick and Phyllis. Noah: If you're not going, then I'm not either. Jack: I guess today wasn't the right day to bring up the move. Sharon: Well, we had to tell him sometime. Jack: We overloaded him. He's already dealing with enough changes. Sharon: I just wish the therapy would help a little more. Jack: Oh, you know what? He's a bright kid. He's gonna come around in his own good time. Sharon: I know. I just wish there were more I could do. Jack: Are you kidding me? You're a terrific mom. You've done everything you could possibly do. The trouble is, we are supposed to be at the church in half an hour. Sharon: Well, as much as I don't wanna go to this wedding, I think, for now, it's the easiest solution. Unless you have a better idea? Jack: Not really. Sharon: Okay. Nick's not answering his cell phone, so I'll just run over to the tack house and invite myself. Wish me luck. Jack: Okay. You know, wait--I'll go. Sharon: No, no, no, Jack, don't do that. You know what? Stay here with Noah. Besides, I have to face Bridezilla sometime. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: So he turned his turned his phone off. So what? He's probably at work and doesn't wanna be distracted. Phyllis: Oh, he's not. Nobody's seen him. I called work. Michael: Then he's at a meeting outside the building. He's at a long lunch. Phyllis: No, he's not! No, he's not! Michael: He's at a million things. Phyllis: Stop it! This is over obviously! He's gone. End of story. Michael: You know what this is called? This is called catastrophizing. Phyllis: You know what I did! It is a catastrophe! Michael: No, I wouldn't go that far, because you told Nick the truth! And that was the right thing to do! Phyllis: Well, that was stupid! I should've kept it a secret. Look at-- Michael: Oh, you know, it never works. It always finds a way to come back to haunt you. Phyllis: I should've taken my chances. Michael: Well, you wouldn't have gotten very far with Victoria knowing. Nick is the first person she would've run to. Phyllis: That's true. Michael: Uh-huh. Phyllis: I'll keep telling myself that. That's good. Michael: Right. What you did was not so unforgivable. We both know that I have done much worse. Phyllis: That's debatable. Michael: You're talking to a man who burrowed into a woman's apartment with every intention of committing multiple felonious acts. That woman had to-- Phyllis: Got you reinstated back into the bar! And she's your law partner now. None of this is helping me. The only thing that helps me right now is knowing, will he forgive me? Can he forgive me? Michael: Well, technically, you were not the first person to sin. Brad and Sharon were the ones who were sneaking off, having an affair-- Phyllis: I know, I know. But I didn't tell my husband that information. I didn't think of him. I used that information to my advantage. Michael: Okay, fine, that's pretty bad. Phyllis: Well, now this is not helping me! This is not helping me at all. Thank you for the pep talk. Michael: What do you want me to say? What do you want me to say? How many times do I have to say it? You did the right thing. If Nick had found out about this a year from now, your marriage would be over. Phyllis: It could be over now. [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: "Nick and Mom are perfect for each other. No matter what's going on, they always find a way to make each other laugh." Lily: Well, you have to. Because if you don't, you might not live to tell about it. That was a joke. Daniel: Yeah. You've been joking all morning. You still blame my mom for what happened to your mom, don't you? Lily: Don't worry, Sweetie, I promise to smile when I tell Phyllis how happy I am for her. Daniel: You know, you don't have to go. I can tell 'em you have the flu. Lily: Well, it would look pretty bad if I didn't show up. Daniel: Not half as bad as being there and obviously hating every minute of it. Look, the last thing that I want is for you to be miserable. So if you want, just stay home. It'll be better for everyone. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Obviously all that talk about respecting each other meant nothing. I make sure that David Chow can no longer hurt you. What do you do? You go behind my back and hire him. Nikki: What are you talking about-- "Behind your back?" I invited him here. I'm not hiding anything. Victor: It's a bad decision and you know it. Nikki: Victor, you're just angry because you think I'm defying you. Victor: I'm angry because it's a foolish decision you made! Nikki: You are confusing love with control. You have done that all the years I've known you. Victor: And you are confusing stubbornness with independence. Nikki: What can I say? I learned from the best. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Son, what are you doing here? Nick: Uh, I guess I'm drowning my sorrows. Victor: What do you mean, drowning your sorrows? That doesn't sound like the man who's gonna marry the woman of his dreams in a few hours. Nick: I'm just trying to figure out how to make things... work this time--for good. Victor: Aha. I don't mean to be cynical, but if you want that, then you may as well buy a dog, you know? It gives you a lot less grief and he listens to you. Nick: I bet. You and Mom at it again? Victor: Well, never mind that. We're talking about you. What's going on? Nick: How much time do you have? Victor: As much time as you need. Nick: Dad, I love Phyllis so much. Victor: Right. Nick: I mean, she gets me. She knows how I'm feeling without me having to say a word. She makes me laugh all day. Victor: Mm-hmm. Nick: She's smart and funny and sexy and... totally unpredictable. Victor: Mm-hmm. And exciting? Nick: And also infuriating. Victor: Right. Well... I know she makes you happy. I've seen the two of you. Nick: Yeah, she does. But there's this side to her-- this other side-- that I don't understand. Victor: But, Son, I'm still learning things about your mother. I mean, that's what makes a marriage exciting. Nick: That's a way to put a positive spin on things. Victor: Yeah. Nick: You know, we have-- we have a child together. We made a lifelong commitment to one another. And we are about to do it again in front of... the people we care most about. Victor: Ask yourself this-- are you having serious doubts? Nick: I guess I am. [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: So Jack is ahead of us by how much? Karen: 25 points as of the latest poll. Nikki: Not much of a race now that the highlights of my former career are out. Karen: Thanks to you. David: No thanks necessary. Karen and I agree that this dovetails nicely with your overall image. Victoria: Mom pulling herself up by her bootstraps? Nikki: Or my stilettos, as the case may be. David: Well, I'm glad to see you can joke about it. Nikki: What other choice do I have? Karen: You know, this really could work to our advantage against Jack "I've had everything handed to me" Abbott. David: Exactly! We think we could use that video to get the voters to empathize with you. Nikki: How do we do that? David: You were forced to make bad choices in order to make ends meet. The common voter would certainly empathize with you-- identify with you over Jack. Karen: And that video is really pretty tame compared to a lot of political scandals. Nikki: Yeah. Victoria: You know, there's too bad there's nothing we can use against Jack. Nikki: Not that we're running that kind of campaign, mind you. David: Well, there is, if we want to. Um... there is more ammo than we might realize. Karen: I'm listening. David: When I was hired as Jack's campaign manager, I interviewed all the people surrounding the candidate. Karen: So you know where all the bodies are buried. David: Well, let's just say that Jack definitely has an Achilles heel. Nikki: Let me guess. Drum roll, please. Her name is... [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: Sharon. Michael: Hi, Sharon. Phyllis: What can I do for you? Sharon: Well, I'm sorry if I'm interrupting, but is Nick home? Phyllis: No, he's not. Is there a problem? Sharon: I was just wondering, can I come to your wedding? Sharon: Noah's having a really hard time adjusting to the transitions. Phyllis: Um, is that your way of saying he's having a hard time adjusting to me? Michael: Oh, he's had a lot to cope with. Sharon: Um... you know, Jack and I-- we just talked with Noah about us moving into Jack's place. Phyllis: Really? I can't imagine Noah was happy with that. Sharon: I still don't think he's accepted the fact that his father and I won't be getting back together. Michael: And now that his father's getting married, it's kinda put the final nail in the coffin. Sharon: Exactly. I mean, Noah won't even go to the wedding without me. And I realize that I'm the last person that you wanna see at your wedding, but... Phyllis: No! No! No! Um, Noah is Nick's best man. Michael: And what's a wedding without a best man? Phyllis: That's true. That's true. We'd love to have you there. Sharon: Fantastic. Well, it'll be fun. Phyllis: It'll be a kick. Absolutely! Sharon, no matter what happens with us, the kids always come first. Sharon: Of course. Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Michael: Oh, that's great. You finally agree on something. Hey, Nicholas! Sharon: Well... Phyllis: Hi, you're back. Michael: Um... uh, Sharon and I were just leaving. We came by to wish the bride the best on her wedding day. Sharon: And the groom. Michael: Oh, let's not forget the groom. Nick: Thanks. Michael: Congratulations, man. Nick: Thank you. Sharon: Um, there was just a little issue with Noah, but it's all taken care of now. Nick: What happened? Sharon: Well, let's just say, uh, I'm gonna be his date to your wedding. Phyllis: Yeah, I thought it would be great if Sharon came. Nick: Absolutely. Glad to have you. We'll see you at the church. Sharon: Sounds great. All right. Michael: I'll walk you out. Sharon: Okay. Michael: All right, you just relax. Everything's gonna be great. Phyllis: Okay. Michael: All right. Phyllis: So is everything... fine? Nick: Why wouldn't it be? Phyllis: Well, I don't know. I-I tried to call you, but I couldn't get a hold of you. Nick: Uh, my phone died. Phyllis: Oh, really? Is that what it was? Nick: Yeah. I, uh, actually had some... emergency shopping to do. Phyllis: Today? Nick: Yeah. I wanted to... get you something. It's a wedding present. Phyllis: So, uh, you were going shopping this morning? Nick: I hope you like it. Phyllis: This is a video game. Nick: It's not just a video game. That's--that's the new spy game. I know you were dying for it. I starting thinking about our first night together-- after Michael and Lauren's wedding. Phyllis: Yeah, that's when I discovered that you like video games as much as I did. Nick: Maybe, uh... maybe I was pretending. Maybe I just liked you. Phyllis: That makes sense because, um, you weren't very good. Nick: What? I... are you kidding me? It's on. Phyllis: Okay, it's on. Nick: Oh, yeah, it's on. Anytime. Anywhere. I love you. And I can't wait to marry you all over again. Nick: So if it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding, what if the groom, you know... Phyllis: That's really good luck. Nick: Oh, okay. And now that we've had the honeymoon... you ready for the wedding? Phyllis: Am I ready? Nick: Mm-hmm. Phyllis: No. Am I looking forward to it? Definitely. [SCENE_BREAK] [Jack remembering his and Phyllis�s wedding day] Jack: So what you got in the bag here? Phyllis: Stay away from the gown! Jack: I'm just gonna take a little peek. Phyllis: No! No! No! Listen, go--go downstairs. Do something, all right? I have to get ready! I'm not even dressed. Jack: Not so fast. Not so fast. Come here. Jack: You realize the next time we kiss, we're gonna be husband and wife? Phyllis: Yes. Mm-hmm. Are you getting cold feet? Jack: Do I look like I'm getting cold feet? Phyllis: I'm the luckiest woman on earth. Jack's voice: As a symbol of my promises to you, I give you this ring. Wear it as a reminder of all we share. [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis' voice: (Giggles) I cannot believe this is happening! Daniel: You are just the cutest thing ever! Phyllis: That's not really what I was going for, but thanks. Daniel: I was talking to Summer. Phyllis: Oh, you were talking to Summer. That dress is so adorable it kills me. Daniel: She's one lucky kid. Phyllis: Yes, she is. Why, because of her good fashion sense? Daniel: No, because she has me for a big brother. Phyllis: That is very true! That is very true. Daniel: Hey. Phyllis: So, um... is Lily gonna meet us at the church? Daniel: I don't think she's gonna make it. Phyllis: Why not? Daniel: She wasn't feeling well. I think she's coming down with something. Phyllis: Right. Well, I'm sorry. I hope she feels better. Daniel: Yeah. I told her to stay home and get some rest. Phyllis: Not only are you a great son, a great big brother, but you're a great husband. Daniel: I think you got me beat there. Nick's gonna have the best wife in town. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: I came to check on my best man. Hey, Dude. Noah: Hey. Nick: You look sharp. Is everything cool? Noah: Yeah, now that Mom's coming. Sharon: We're ready to roll. Nick: Good! Because this is a big day for me. Noah: Dad, can you tell Mom I don't have to move to Jack's if I don't want to? Nick: Where'd that come from? Sharon: Um... we were telling Noah about the plans Jack's making. He's--he's gonna make a superhero bedroom and put in a basketball court. Nick: That sounds awesome. Noah: I don't care. Mom can live here if she wants, but I'm staying at the ranch. Nick: Well, that's too bad, because Jack's the greatest. You're gonna miss out on a lot of fun. Sharon: Yeah, your dad's not just saying that either. He knows. Nick: Yeah, Jack was my stepdad once, remember? He used to coach all my baseball teams, and he never missed any of my games. Noah: Where'd you live? Nick: We lived at the ranch. Noah: See, Mom? Jack can move to the ranch, too! We don't have to go anywhere! Sharon: Noah... Nick: Okay, you guys, can you argue about this later when I don't have someplace else to be? You don't wanna make me late for my own wedding, do ya? Noah: No. Nick: All right. Then let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: My wife was too busy to ride with me. Jack: Too busy with what? Victor: With her new campaign advisor David Chow. Jack: What? Victor: My sentiments exactly. Jack: Why would she hire the man that just humiliated her? Victor: Because he knows the game better than anyone. She knows it. Jack: And they wonder why chivalry is dead. Victor: So you better continue playing this game without schemes, without tricks, all right? Jack: I don't know, Victor. This isn't gonna be easy. Victor: Nothing is easy. The most important thing now is that you win. [SCENE_BREAK] (Noises) Lauren: She's cute, isn't she? Michael: Yeah, Summer. Yes, you're beautiful. Daniel: Hey, Guys, don't I look great? Lauren: Oh, yeah. Michael: You look beautiful, but I'm afraid the ladies outshine you. Phyllis: Well... Michael: All three of them. Daniel: Well, they always do, so that doesn't count. Phyllis: Okay, do you mind, Sweetie? Michael: You are. Lauren: Daniel, the bride's room is down there. Daniel: Thank you. Michael: Yes, you are. Phyllis: Okay... Michael: Yes, you are. Phyllis: What a day. Lauren: Yeah. Michael: You're so gorgeous. Nikki: Hey. Victoria: Hey. Lauren: Hi, you look beautiful. Michael: Do we have a groom? Phyllis: Yes, we do. We have a groom. Victoria: Well, I'm glad we got here before the press did. Nikki: Well, remember what David and Karen said. This is good publicity. Victoria: Okay, well, make sure we get a family photo right after the ceremony. And then we can, um, we can have the photographer put real smiles on our faces when he does the retouching. Nikki: Right. Should we go sit with your father? [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: Hey. Lily: Hi. Daniel: I didn't think I was gonna see you till tonight. Lily: Well, I thought it over and I realized that I should be here for you. Daniel: I'm glad you came. Sharon: Hey! We made it. Jack: You made it. Hey, you got everything down pat, nothing to worry about, right? Nick: There's a lot more people here than at your wedding. Jack: They all think you look cool. I wouldn't worry. Nick: Let's go see where we stand when the wedding starts. Noah: Okay, Dad. Jack: Well, he's here and he's in a good mood and I'd say that's progress. Sharon: Yes. We had another talk about the move. Jack: And how did that go? Sharon: Well, he was still resistant, but Nick really went out of his way to mention what a great stepfather you were to him. So I think that gave Noah more to contemplate. Nick: No, no, no, you're on this side, not over here. Noah: Why? Nick: Well, if you stand right here, the minister's gonna think you're the one getting married. Noah: No way. Victoria: No girlfriend, huh, Noah? Noah: Gross. Nick: Don't worry. You'll be standing up here someday. Victor: You just wait. Nick: Hopefully I'll be standing right next to you. Noah: Nope. I don't like any girls. Victor: Aha. Noah: Well, except you guys. You're kinda cool. Victoria: Kinda cool? Well, that's quite a compliment. Nikki: Don't my men look handsome today? Nick: That's complimentary, Mother. Victor: Of course they look handsome. They take after their father and grandfather. Noah: Uh, I have to go to the bathroom. Nick: Well, you better do it before the ceremony starts. Dad, could you, uh, take him? Victor: Come on, let's go. Nick: (Exhales) Victoria: You know, Nicholas, um, it's not too late to back out. I have my car and it's running in the parking lot. Nick: No, thank you. You may not understand this, but I actually like the person I'm getting married to. Nikki: Well, that's only because you haven't-- Nick: Mother, please. Don't. Victoria: Okay. All right. All right, we'll stop. As long as you're happy. Nick: I am. Nikki: I admit, I wasn't looking forward to today, but... to see you happy... makes me happy. Nick: Thanks. [SCENE_BREAK] (Knock on door) Phyllis: Come in. Victor: Are you decent? Phyllis: Well, that's a matter of opinion. Victor: I just want you to know that I'm very happy that you are now officially becoming Phyllis Newman. Phyllis: Thank you, Victor. That means a lot to me. Victor: It's nice to have good news for a chance. Phyllis: I'm glad you're here to share in our happiness. Victor: I wouldn't be anywhere else. Welcome to the family. [SCENE_BREAK] Lauren: The place is really filling up. Michael: Your daddy's popular. Yes, he is. Lauren: Newman wedding, you know? Hot ticket. Michael: Well, so was ours, as I recall. Gloria made sure of that. Lauren: Yeah. Best day of my life. Michael: Mine, too. I can still picture the way you looked. I couldn't take my eyes off you. Lauren: Until the Colonnade room blew a fuse and I was in the dark. It's kinda hard to be in the spotlight, you know, when there's no electricity. Michael: I think you and I had plenty of that. Lauren: Honey... not in front of the b-a-b-y and half of Genoa City. Michael: Let 'em get their own girl. [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: Come in. Jack: Brings back memories, huh? Phyllis: Oh... hey. It's new. Do you like it? Jack: You look incredible. Phyllis: Thank you. Jack: It seems just like yesterday... you were coming down that staircase toward me. Who'd have thought, huh? Phyllis: It means a lot to me that you're here. Jack: I want the very best for you. You deserve to be truly happy. Phyllis: So do you, Jack. Jack: Getting late. Nervous? Phyllis: Oh, hey, you know, I'm--I'm steady as a rock. Jack: Now that's the woman I know and love. (Knock on door) Daniel: Ready to start? Phyllis: Oh, boy! It's showtime! Daniel: You ready? Phyllis: Yeah! You coming? Jack: Yeah, I'll be right there. [SCENE_BREAK] Man: Nicholas, will you have Phyllis to be your wife-- to live together in the covenant of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and health, and, forsaking all others, will you be faithful to her for as long as you both shall live? Nick: I will. Man: Phyllis, will you have Nicholas to-- Phyllis: Um--um... can I just say something? Man: By all means. Go ahead. Phyllis: Okay, can I say something? Nick: Go ahead. Phyllis: Okay. Listen, I just... I just wanna quickly say thank you everybody for joining in this celebration. It means so much to me. My family-- Daniel, Lily, Noah... and Summer. I-I honestly didn't think that I would ever find what I was looking for. But then I realized what I'm looking for is family. That's what I'm looking for. And you're my family. I mean, we have differences, of course, but... but, um, we all care about each other. So thank you... for being here. And, uh, so when I say I do, I'm basically saying it to everyone. And that's all I wanted to say. Nick: So is that an, "I do" for me, too? Phyllis: Yeah! Nick: Okay. Man: Will all of you witnessing these promises do all in your power to uphold these two persons in their marriage? All: We will. Man: Do you have the ring? Noah: Yes, right here. Man: Nicholas, repeat after me. With this ring, I make you my wife for the rest of my days. Nick: With this ring, I make you my wife for the rest of my days. Man: Phyllis, repeat after me. With this ring, I make you my husband for the rest of my days. Phyllis: With this ring, I make you my husband for the rest of my days. Man: Now that Phyllis and Nicholas have given themselves to each other by solemn vows, by the joining of hands and the giving and receiving of rings, I now pronounce them to be husband and wife. In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit. To those who God has given and joined together, let no one cast asunder. Amen. Nicholas... you may kiss your bride. Nick: Thank you, guys. Phyllis: Great to see you! I'm so glad you came. Victor: You did a terrific job. Nikki: You came up with that ring at just the right moment. Sharon: Mm-hmm. You did a great job. Noah: Yeah, I held it in my hand like this so I wouldn't drop it. Victor: I bet you did. Sharon: Well, I was really proud of you. Jack: We both were. Noah: Thanks. Jack: Hey, listen, I think it's time to head over to the reception. You ready to go? Noah: I wanna go with them. Victor: Sure. Nikki: Hey, you wanna ride with me? Let's go. Noah: No, I mean, I wanna live with you. I don't wanna move to Jack's house. Sharon: Um... Victor: Well... Sharon: Sweetie, why don't we talk about this later, okay? Noah: Whatever. Sharon: Okay, let's go. Jack: Well, uh, see you at the reception. Maybe. Victor: See you there, Jack. Nick: Thank you. Noah: Bye, Dad! Nick: See ya, Bud. Daniel: Congratulations, you've got yourself one hot wife. Nick: Yes, I do. I'm gonna have to keep her out of sight. Phyllis: You two are biased. Daniel: Who, us? Come on! Lily: You look very beautiful, Phyllis. Phyllis: Thank you. So do you. Lily: Thanks. Phyllis: Thank you for coming. I heard you didn't feel very well. Lily: Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't miss it. It was important for me to be here. Daniel: We're gonna head over to the club and make sure that everything's set up for later. Nick: Hey, thanks for handling that. Daniel: Absolutely. Phyllis: All right, I'll see you later. Daniel: Bye. Phyllis: I love you. Daniel: I love you, too. Nick: Actually, I have a message I want you to give Gina for me. Daniel: Okay. Michael: How is the most beautiful bride in the world, except for Lauren, that is. Phyllis: Oh, of course. Lauren: He has to say that. Michael: Exactly. Lauren: Oh, you look amazing! Phyllis: Thank you. Thank you both for everything. Michael: What are friends for? Phyllis: Yeah, well, they're apparently for helping me not jump out of of my skin. Michael: Oh, uh, so did Nicholas say where he'd been? Phyllis: Um, yeah, he was buying me a gift. Michael: Oh, how many carats? Phyllis: Zero. He bought me a video game. Michael: A video game? That's--that's different. Phyllis: That is the best gift he could've given to me. Michael: I am spending way too much money on you. A video game? Lauren: No, you're not, Honey. No, don't even get any ideas. Michael: I'm just glad everything turned out all right. Phyllis: That's great! Michael: Love you. Phyllis: I'm happy. Sullivan: Phyllis Newman? Michael: You look wonderful. Detective Sullivan? Phyllis: Hey. Sullivan: You're under arrest for extortion. Phyllis: What? Excuse me, what?! Michael: I'm sorry. What the hell is going on? Sullivan: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Michael: Okay, this has gotta be a joke. Phyllis: Michael! Michael: You're kidding me, right? Phyllis: Ow! Sullivan: You have the right to talk to a lawyer and have him present with you while you're being questioned. Victor: Excuse me, what is going on here? Sullivan: Mr. Newman, I would be happy to explain this to you later. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to represent you before any questioning if you wish. Do you understand these rights as I've explained them to you? Nick: Hey, take it easy. Phyllis: I do. Michael... [NEXT_ON] Michael: I want you tell me me who swore out a complaint against my client. Will: I'm sorry, Counsel. Victoria: Please, Neil. Neil: I'm not gonna take one for the team this time. Jack: Is there anything else you need to tell me? Anything you maybe left out? | Phyllis is worried when she can't get in contact with Nick |
262 | Summer: I'm sorry. Sharon: No, it's fine. I understand. I know that your mom and you -- you're really close, and I'm sure you miss her terribly. Summer: It's just even harder that my dad... the man that's supposed to be my dad was taken away from me at almost exactly the same time. Sharon: I'm really sorry. Summer: You have nothing to be sorry about. [SCENE_BREAK] Fenmore: Look, I'm sorry for what my dad did. But it wasn't me! I didn't put you in here! Inmate: Your daddy, the D.A., has got to pay. Fenmore: Please, all right -- Inmate: Either way, a Baldwin's gonna be in real pain! [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Michael, there is nothing you can do here that's going to help your case, so go back home. Enjoy your freedom. Michael: Oh, freedom. What freedom? The minute you confirm the fact that I killed Carmine, I'm going right back there. Paul: Oh, don't tell me you're missing the food so much already. Lauren: Oh, Paul, come on! Paul: Go on. Get out of here. I got work to do. Michael: All right, for reasons best known to yourselves, you and Chris got me out of that penitentiary so you could reopen the case. However, I still got a sword hanging over my head. Paul: Well, depending on what we find... that sword could fall anywhere. Lauren: Meaning what? Am I back on the suspect list? Michael: How are we supposed to get a moment's peace if you don't tell us what's going on? Paul: You know, even if I could tell you, it wouldn't bring you much comfort. This case will be solved, legitimately this time. And Carmine Basco's killer will be found. Make no mistake about that. [SCENE_BREAK] Neil: Wow! Lily: [Laughs] Neil: Wow, that's one heck of a hug! Lily: I'm just so happy that you could meet us. Neil: Yeah? You're so happy -- what are you so happy about? What's the good mood for? Lily: We have good news. Actually, make that great news. Cane: It's too good not to share. [SCENE_BREAK] Leslie: Wait, and all this happened at the club? Thank you. Avery: Yeah, people are sitting there quietly, trying to have a nice dinner. Nick and Dylan are trying to rip each other's heads off, and then Nikki bursts in and delivers her deep, dark confession. So, everybody is shocked. Victor's fuming. Nick doesn't know what to do. Dylan is freaking out. It was a mess. [Sighs] Leslie: Well, other than that, how was your Thanksgiving? Avery: [Sighs] Funny. I'm really worried about Dylan. You know, he feels like he's lost everything that ever mattered in his life. Leslie: He hasn't, right? He still has you, doesn't he? [SCENE_BREAK] Dylan: You know, for a guy who was adamant that we stay away from each other, you always seem to find me. Nick: Dylan, I've lived in this town pretty much my whole life. You've been here, what? 10 minutes? Maybe you should be doing a better job of staying away from me. Dylan: Oh, you want to draw a line down the middle of Genoa City? You stay on one side, I stay on the other? Nick: Yeah, we could do that, but I don't think we'd ever agree on where that line should be or who gets to draw it. Dylan: Probably not. Seems like something stupid to fight about, but I bet we could do it. Nick: Doesn't take much, does it? Dylan: Nick, yeah, I'm just trying to get my heart rate up, work out some frustrations on this bag, and I would appreciate it if you would let me do that in peace. Nick: Fine. As soon we're done talking. Dylan: I don't have anything to say to you. Nick: Then you can just stand there and listen quietly, 'cause I'm not leaving until we straighten some things out. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: So, a little over three years ago, I got a clean bill of health from Dr. Kershaw. Neil: Right, right. I remember. Lily: Yes, every six months, I've had screenings and blood tests, make sure the cancer is all gone. And today was my last checkup. Ever. Cane: We hope. Lily: Well, yeah, we have to wait for the test results and everything. The doctor is very optimistic, and I feel great. Neil: Lily, that is wonderful! You couldn't have brought me better news. Lily: Thank you. Neil: Okay, so, now I get it. This explains Thanksgiving, when you seemed so preoccupied. Lily: Yeah, well, I mean, I felt fine for the past few years, and I make it a point not to obsess over my health, but I can't help but worry when I have a checkup. Cane: Hey, hey. Don't do that. This is a milestone. We ought to celebrate. Lily: I know. I just feel like I finally have my life back. [Laughs] [Cell phone rings] Cane: Excuse me one second. Neil: That's great. Lily: Yes. It's so good. Cane: Uh, I have to take this, but that's good. You guys can talk. Lily: Okay. Cane: Love you. All right. Neil: I couldn't be prouder of you, you know? The way that you've handled your illness, your whole life afterwards, with such grace, such courage. Lily: Aww, thank you, Dad. That's very sweet. Neil: Just hearing your news and knowing what you've been through reminds me of something that you said at Thanksgiving. Lily: What? "Pass the cranberries"? [Laughs] Neil: No, it wasn't that. You were talking about love and commitment and not avoiding it. As a matter of fact, I think your exact words were, "If you really want someone in your life, you'll do whatever it takes to keep them." Lily: Yeah. So, how are things with you and Leslie these days? Leslie: I'm sure Dylan knows he can count on you. Avery: Yes, he can, as a friend. Leslie: Wait, I thought you two were heading towards something else. What did I miss? Avery: Well, that's not necessarily true, and once he found out that I knew about Nikki -- Leslie: Well, surely you explained -- Avery: Look, he's in pain, Leslie. Lawyer/client privilege didn't quite cut it. Leslie: Okay, he's upset. Doesn't mean he'll stay that way. Avery: We had a conversation. The fact that I've known about this all along and didn't tell him, it didn't even come up. But it was there between us, you know, the whole time. I know that Dylan feels betrayed by me, and now he's not answering my calls. He hasn't shown up here, either, all day. Leslie: He needs time, Avery. Avery: We were in such a good place before this, and now he's headed into this tailspin and I don't know how to help him. Leslie: Relationships are tough enough as it is. Things are going along fine, then all of a sudden -- wham -- you're hit with something you never even saw coming. Avery: We're not talking about Dylan and me anymore, are we? [SCENE_BREAK] Summer: Faith is probably gonna be back any minute, so it's probably best if I stop crying. [Cell phone beeps] Sharon: Uh-oh. Okay, it looks like Emma's mom is ordering pizza and Faith wants to stay. She's saying, "Please, please, please." Summer: [Chuckles] Well, pizza wins over a playdate with your big sister anytime. You can tell I said so. Sharon: Are you sure? Summer: Yeah, it's fine. We can -- we can always do it another time. Sharon: That's very nice of you. Summer: I know. Sharon: [Laughs] Okay, well, let me know your schedule. I mean, if you want to reschedule. And you can go through Nick, but not that I assume you'd want to. Um, but, hey, if you want me to help finesse things between you two... Summer: Finesse things? Sharon: It's just an expression. Summer: What exactly is going on between you and Nick? [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Look, I don't pretend to understand what you're going through. Dylan: I'm not going through anything. Nick: You were just given some pretty earth-shattering news. Dylan: No. No. No, a woman I barely know made some outrageous claims about my family. Nick: That woman happens to be my mother, and if she says you are her son -- Dylan: Okay, just stop right there. Let's just table this whole conversation until we get the results back from the DNA test. Nick: So, you asked her for proof? Dylan: Yeah, you better believe I did. Nick: And she agreed? Dylan: Didn't even hesitate. Nick: Well, Dylan, that ought to tell you something right there. Dylan: Just because Nikki believes something doesn't make it real. Nick: You don't know the whole story. My mother has spent months investigating and researching this. There is a paper trail. I'm pretty sure I know what that test is gonna say. Dylan: Oh, I forgot. You're an expert on DNA tests. Nick: My mother wouldn't lie about something like this. Dylan: I can't just take Nikki's word for it. Nick: Well, then, Dylan, the question you should be asking yourself is why would a woman go through this? Why would a woman in her position risk hurting her family or jeopardizing her reputation in the community? Why open yourself up to all this pain if it's not true? [SCENE_BREAK] Neil: Leslie and I, we're doing great. Matter of fact, we're doing so great, I've decided to ask her to move in with me. Lily: Wow. That's -- that's pretty major. Have you guys talked about this? Neil: Well, Honey, I mean, come on. We spend so much time at each other's places. It already should have happened. Lily: So, you haven't talked about it. Neil: High time we did. What? You don't agree? Lily: I love Leslie. I do. Neil: Yeah, you love Leslie, but... Lily: I don't know if you guys are on the same page with taking things to the next level. Neil: Well, I believe we are. I mean, we have been through the wringer this year, and I think it's time that, you know, we had a little bit of joy in our lives. Don't you think so? Lily: Yeah. Absolutely. Neil: And I'm just hoping that this Thanksgiving is the first of many happy holidays sharing a home. Cane: Hey. Talking about holidays? Neil: Yep. Cane: You have big plans? Neil: My friend, very big. Cane: Good. [SCENE_BREAK] Avery: Are you and Neil having problems? Leslie: No, everything's fine with us. Nothing to worry about. [Chuckles] Avery: But maybe there's something that's less than ideal. Leslie: Thanksgiving was a bit overwhelming, you know? With all the little rug rats tearing through the place. Avery: Yeah. Leslie: I wasn't used to it, and maybe I'm not ready for it. Avery: Does it scare you? Leslie: Sometimes. But I can overcome this. I think. [Both laugh] Leslie: But I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about you and you and Dylan. Avery: Dylan has never been good at expressing his feelings. I mean, look, he tried to open up to Chelsea, and when he found out she lied, everything fell apart for him. So now he's back to his old patterns, right? Keeping everything inside, and it's not healthy, to say the least. Leslie: And what about you? Avery: What about me? Leslie: I mean, you've had plenty of stress to deal with, too, and I don't see you rushing to unburden yourself. Everyone has stuff to handle. Avery: I know, but it's not like I'm going through post-traumatic stress the way Dylan is. And now that this thing has happened with Nikki, it just makes everything so much worse. [SCENE_BREAK] Dylan: You think it's a given that whatever Nikki says is gospel. I don't. Nick: Only 'cause you don't know who my mother is. Dylan: Exactly. Your mother. Nick: She's a genuine, honest person, who wouldn't come up with an outrageous lie like this. Dylan: Oh, like the mother who raised me? My mother, the liar? Essentially, that's what Nikki said. You understand why I could be angry about that, right? Nick: I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, Dylan. I just want you to know who Nikki Newman is. Dylan: And she's always been nice to me, but if this thing is true, then she's been lying about her firstborn child since before you were born. That doesn't sound too genuine to me. Nick: Once you get to know her -- Dylan: I don't want to get to know her, okay? No matter what the tests say. I'm doing this for my own peace of mind, not just to start a bunch of whole new relationships with everybody. I don't need that, and I don't want that, so why don't you just treat me the way you treat Adam. Just like another brother you don't want to be around. Nick: I wish I could. But I can't. The situations are different, which is why I want to make a deal with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: You and Christine already had your killer, so just lock me up again and save yourselves and the taxpayers a whole lot of trouble. Lauren: Michael, no, you are not going back there. I can't bear it. I need you at home, and I need our son home, too. Paul: I won't be arresting any more innocent people. You have my word. Lauren: Carmine is the one who is guilty. Have you forgotten what he has done to my family?! And yet we're the ones that are still suffering. I'm sorry, but he got what he deserved. Now why can't you just find some way to let this go?! Paul: Vigilantism isn't the answer, Lauren. I share your frustration. Lauren: I sincerely doubt that! Michael: All right, Sweetie. Paul has an obligation to uphold the law. Lauren: And what about his obligation to his friends? Doesn't that count for something? Paul: You know, I wish I had another option, but I don't. Lauren: Well, then, find one! Michael: Sweetheart, you're tired. Lauren: [Sighs] Michael: I want you to go home and get some rest. You're running on fumes. Lauren: And what about you? Michael: I am right behind you. Promise. Lauren: Please don't make my family suffer any more than it already has. Michael: Go. Paul: [Sighs] I hope you know this is tearing me up. Michael: I don't mean to sound unsympathetic, but my concern is for Fenmore and Lauren. I need to protect them. Paul: As long as you do it legally. Michael: All right, so, where does this investigation stand? What new evidence do you have? Paul: You know I can't tell you that, even though we are friends. Michael: I'm not asking you as a friend. I'm asking you as a lawyer. Paul: For whom? Lauren? Fen? Come on, Michael. Are you really ready to tell me who pulled the trigger? [Sighs] We both know what's not being said here. You don't want Fen stuck in prison for 10 years. Michael: You want to know who my client is? Right now, I am representing the only accused, confessed killer who has actually spent time behind bars for this crime, so I'm entitled to know everything you do about this case. What do you have? What do you got? Paul: What do I have? I have a mess. Starting with you trying to hide the bullet hole in the alley. Michael: Yeah, well, that's your theory. Paul: I accepted your confession too quickly. I should have tested Lauren and Fen for gunshot residue. And now that the crime scene photos are missing, all I have... Michael: Wait a minute! Paul: ...For new evidence is a napkin found at the scene with Lauren's DNA. Michael: With such a corrupt chain of evidence, you might not be able to put together a solid case against anybody! Paul: Don't count on that happening. Someone will go down for this. [SCENE_BREAK] Womack: What's going on out here? Inmate: We just found out this guy is Baldwin's son. Womack: You mean the D.A. who got you all maximum sentences in this hellhole? [Grunts] Womack: Baldwin's a guy you hate as much as anyone. It took you this long to figure out this was his kid? Inmate: What? Womack: That's the way it goes in here, Mouse. You screw somebody over, sooner or later... Fenmore: Let me go! Womack: ...You got to pay! [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: I'm not sure what you mean. Why would you think something's going on between me and Nick? Summer: Because you guys have been spending a lot of time together, including Thanksgiving. Sharon: Yeah, well, we're friends again. Just friends. And I'm really glad that I can say that. That feels good. Because I have spent too much time in my life leaning on whatever guy was in my life at the time. So, go out and live your life. Find yourself. Don't make the same mistakes I made. Summer: Thanks for the advice. Sharon: Anytime. Summer: Oh, I should probably get going soon. Sharon: Um, so, all right, then. If you want to reschedule with Faith, then let me know. Summer: Yeah. Sure. Sharon: Okay. Summer: Thank you. Neil: Oh, h-hey. Hi, Sharon, Summer. Summer: Sorry. I was just leaving. Neil: Oh, no, wait a second, uh, before you go. Just want you to know that you're not gonna be seeing that bully of a photographer at any more of your shoots. Sharon: Oh, you mean the one who almost gave the poor kid pneumonia? Neil: Exactly. Jack and I, we both agreed that he wouldn't work at Jabot anymore. Summer: Good. He was a total jerk, but thank you for looking out for us, Neil. Neil: Of course. My pleasure. You take good care. Summer: Thank you. Neil: All right, Sweetie. Summer: Bye, Sharon. Sharon: Neil, come on in. Neil: Hi, Sharon. Sharon: This is a surprise. Neil: It is, it is, and I've come with an offer. Sharon: Oh. Neil: I got to tell you something. I was very impressed with the way you handled that photographer the other day. You could have walked away and said, "Mnh-mnh. Not my business." But you didn't. You went to bat for a model who needed help. Sharon: Well, it wasn't just any model. It was Summer. Neil: True. But it got me thinking. Jabot models, especially the younger ones, they need a mentor, someone with expertise and maturity to help them on the job. Someone who can watch their backs and the company's, but who can also teach them how to deal with certain situations. Sharon: Someone like me, you mean. Neil, are you offering me a job? Neil: I am. I'm sure you got a million questions. Sharon: Uh, just one. When do I start? Neil: Wait a minute. Don't you want to know the details of the job? Sharon: We can cut a deal. We always have. This is so perfect for me. This is something great that I can focus my energies on. Neil: In that case, welcome back to Jabot. Give me a hand and a hug. Sharon: [Laughs] Neil: I love it. [SCENE_BREAK] Dylan: I don't understand why you're pushing this, Nick. We're not gonna be friends. We're not gonna hang out. You've made that clear. No matter what the test says, we're never gonna be brothers. Nick: This isn't about me. All right? I don't give a damn what you think about me. But I do care about how you treat this woman who knows in her heart that you are her son. So, you want to walk out of her life, man, beat it. I'm not gonna stop you. But I will make sure that you do it in the least painful way possible. You treat me any way you want, but do not hurt this woman who has suffered enough as it is. And if you do that, I'll play by the same rules. I won't do anything to you that will hurt her. We got a deal? Dylan: You said what you needed to say? Nick: Do we have a deal? [SCENE_BREAK] [Cell phone rings] Lauren: [Sighs] Hello? Hello? Who is this? Michael: The only things you know for sure is that Carmine is dead and that I've confessed. But if your case had enough holes in it to get it reopened and me released, that's not very good, is it? Paul: We've hit a wall. The only other thing we know for sure is that we do have another confession. Michael: Fenmore. Paul: Unless Lauren wants to make one of her own just to confuse the issue. Then we'd have a Baldwin family trifecta. Michael: Are you going after my son? Is Fenmore the prime suspect? Just tell me the truth, Paul. Paul: Fen's at the top of our list. Chris and I are sick about it, Michael. But come on. What would you do in our place? Michael: I guess there's nothing else to say, huh? [SCENE_BREAK] Inmate: You want next shot at him? Be my guest. Fenmore: [Panting] Womack: All right, playtime's over, Boys. Leave Mouse alone. Inmate: Womack, we ain't done -- Womack: You heard me, Leon! Beat it. [Growls] Womack: All of you! Fenmore: [Whimpers] Womack: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Avery: Dylan's lost so much. How does a person get beyond that? Especially someone who's been so damaged by experiences. Leslie: Well, if you really want to help the man, maybe you need to show him what he does have. Avery: Hey. Leslie: Hey. How you doing? Dylan: I'm sure you figured that out. Leslie: Uh, Avery, I'll see you later. Dylan: No, you know what? Stay put. I was just leaving. I don't even know why I came in today. I was just gonna get some fresh air. Avery: Do you want some company? Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: So, my date with Noah was kind of amazing. Summer: Okay, so, where'd you guys go? What'd you do? Courtney: We just hung out at the Underground. He arranged to have the whole club for just the two of us for a night. Summer: A private party for two. Wait, did you guys stay the whole night? Courtney: Not the whole night. I mean, it's not like we slept there or anything. Summer: Oh, but you did everything else. Oh, my God. You -- you totally -- you and Noah -- you guys did -- whoa. You and Noah. Courtney: I hope it's not weird talking about this since you're his sister, sort of. Summer: No. No, you can just spare me the details. Courtney: [Laughs] Summer: I guess that means you guys are kind of serious. Courtney: I hope so. I really, really like him, Summer. Summer: Hope that happens for me one day. But not with -- not with Noah. Oh, my God. Courtney: [Laughs] Obviously. It will. It'll happen. I'm gonna get a refill. I'll be back. Summer: Okay. [Sighs] [Cell phone vibrates] Summer: Um...so, like, who's Zach? And does my sort-of-brother know about him? [SCENE_BREAK] Neil: So, just come by tomorrow and -- hey, Nick. We'll iron out all the details. Sharon: Okay, sounds good. Neil: Mm-hmm. So, just on my way out. Are we still on for "B"-ball Friday? Nick: If you're asking if I'll be there for your basketball beat-down, yes. Neil: Nice. Beat-down. [Laughs] Nick: What are you two ironing out? Sharon: Well, Neil offered me a job mentoring the models at Jabot, and I said yes. Nick: Really? That's awesome. Sharon: Thanks. Yeah. I'm very excited. Neil: Not half as excited as we are to have her on board. All right, you guys. I got to go. I'll talk to you later. Nick: See you, Bud. Neil: All right, man. Bye, Sharon. Sharon: Bye. Neil: Uh-huh. Sharon: Come on in. Nick: Nicely done. Sharon: I know! Can you believe it? Neil and Jack actually created this position for me. Nick: I can. I mean, after what you did for Summer and Jabot, intervening with that photographer. Sharon: Well, I mean, all I did was get a poor, young girl out of the cold. Nick: And you potentially saved Jabot from a nasty lawsuit. Sharon: Well, once I saw what was going on, I just did what any Good Samaritan would have done. Nick: And a good mother. I know Summer appreciates it, and so do I. It's been kind of tough to be a father figure to Summer because she knows I'm not her biological father, and, frankly, Summer could really use a maternal figure in her life right now. Sharon: Nick, I could never take Phyllis' place, so please don't ask me to. [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: All right. That is it right there. That is the job for us. Right there. Lily: A rocket scientist? Cane: Yes. Lily: Are you kidding me? Cane: No. 'Cause I can calculate to the exact nanosecond how long it takes from the time I say, "Kids, go to bed," till they finish mellowing down, then they actually fall asleep. Lily: Oh, and that has everything to do with velocity and gravity and thrust. Cane: I love when you use words like that. Lily: [Laughs] Cane: See? We are going to be a very good team. Lily: Yes. Well, if that's the case, let's just be lion tamers, since we have plenty of experience taming the children. Cane: Hmm. I'm actually thinking they're more like circus clowns. Lily: Yeah. True. Cane: But after this morning, whatever we choose to do, I see a bright future for us. Lily: Well, I just hope that we're not the only ones. [SCENE_BREAK] Leslie: Aww. These are beautiful. Thank you, Baby. Neil: Just like the lady they're meant for. I hope you don't mind I tracked you down. Leslie: Oh, please. No. Not at all. I just wish I had some more time. Neil: Yeah? Time, huh? What's going on? You got a crazy day? Leslie: Yeah. I'm slammed. I have a meeting across town in exactly 12 minutes. Neil: Okay, well, I want you to cancel that meeting. I promise you, you will not forget it. Leslie: Okay. Okay, Mr. Smiley. What's up? Something's up. Can you tell me in 20 seconds or less? Neil: Um... just that I -- I love you. That's all. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: I can't believe that you would read my texts. Summer: Well, who's Zach, and why haven't I heard of him before? Why is he acting so --? Courtney: So what? Summer: "I'm here. Where are you?" He sounds awful chummy. Courtney: He's just a guy from work, and obviously I forgot a meeting or something, so I should go before I get in trouble. Summer: Courtney. [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Sharon, I wasn't asking you to replace Summer's mother. No one could ever replace Phyllis. I'm just glad that you're gonna be able to be there for Summer in this modeling world, you know? You've always been a part of Summer's extended family. This is another opportunity for you to be a positive influence in her life. Sharon: Well, good. I welcome that. I didn't mean to give you the wrong impression. It's not that I don't care about her. Nick: I never, ever thought that. Sharon: Good. Um... so, I think she's a lovely young lady and -- and, um... I'm looking forward to getting to know her better. So...why'd you come by? Nick: Oh. Here you go. You obviously left those in the gym. The attendant asked if I could return them to you. Sharon: My gloves! I wondered where I left these. Thank you. Saves me a trip into town. Nick: Not a problem. Sharon: So, you want anything? Can I get you a drink? Nick: [Sighs] No. I'm good. Sharon: Something else on your mind? [SCENE_BREAK] Avery: Dylan, please! Will you slow down? Dylan: Sorry. I forgot you couldn't keep up in your lawyer shoes. Avery: [Sighs] Are you angry with me? Dylan: I -- I just -- I feel like I'm angry with everybody. Avery: I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Nikki. Dylan: So you said. Avery: Well, I'm telling you again. Dylan: Okay. Okay. Let's just walk. Avery: Dylan, don't do that! Dylan: Don't do what? Avery: Don't -- could you just for once tell me what's going on with you? Did something new happen? Dylan: [Sighs] I had a little family time forced on me at the gym. Avery: With whom? Dylan: With Nick. Nick -- he tried to lay down the law about how I should treat Nikki. Avery: He's just protecting her. I can understand that. What did he say? Dylan: He wants me to be nice to her. I mean, this -- this woman... she comes along and tells me something that can rip apart my entire life. And all of a sudden, I'm the bad guy. Avery: He's just protecting his mom. And you're doing the same thing. Dylan: What do you mean? Avery: Well, by denying that any of this is true, aren't you protecting your mother's memory? Dylan: This can't be true. [Sighs] It can't be true. That's all I've been saying to myself the last few days. Even when I went to meet Nikki, I looked her right in the eyes and I couldn't believe that it was true. But the way Nick put it, why would she open herself up to so much pain if it wasn't true? So, it just doesn't make any sense. I don't know. Avery: We're not gonna know anything until the test results come back. Dylan: Not just that. Don't know anything, Avery! I don't know who my friend is, who's an enemy. I don't know who's lying to me. I don't know the most basic parts of my life. Avery: You know me. You know me. And we'll get through this. Dylan: Yeah, I do know you. Even when you kept this secret from me. Avery: And I've apologized for that. Dylan: I know. I know. I know. And I know that's just you following the rules. Because that's what you do. [Sighs] You know, standing out here right now... I do know one thing. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: I ran into Dylan today. Sharon: Oh. No. You two didn't argue, did you? You didn't hit each other. Nick: No. I wanted to, but I didn't. Sharon: Well, good. You know, I would have thought after talking to Summer, you'd be able to empathize with Dylan a little. Nick: You know, my whole life, growing up, I always wanted a brother -- so bad. Now I have two of them, and I don't want either one of them. Sharon: You know, Dylan is not Adam, not by a long shot. Nick: I'm not asking you to choose sides. Sharon: Good, because I'm not. I think that you two actually have a lot in common. Nick: [Sighs] Sharon: I'm serious. You're both good, kind, loyal, hardworking men, who mean to do right by other people. And I hope that one day when you get past the shock and the hurt and anger, you can really be brothers. Nick: I don't see that ever happening, Sharon. Because there is a problem between me and Dylan that is never gonna go away. [SCENE_BREAK] Avery: [Sighs] I've missed that. Dylan: Me too. Avery: Dylan, no. If you're trying to shut me up or change the subject, you know, it's not gonna work like that. I'm not gonna be your escape in this. Dylan: That was a kiss. I just wanted to kiss you. Avery: I know you, Dylan, just like you know me, and you're not gonna divert the conversation with one amazing kiss. It doesn't work that way. You need to face the facts of the situation. Dylan: I don't have facts, Avery! Avery: But it's weighing on you! It's all weighing on you. Just tell me what is going on. Dylan: Who's avoiding the situation now? Avery: I don't know what you mean. Dylan: What do you mean? I just told you what's going on, and then I kissed you, and suddenly you don't want to talk about it and you're acting like it never even happened. Avery: That's not going on at all. I think what you're going through is very important, and I'm trying to get you to address your feelings. Dylan: I don't know. I don't know what I'm feeling. Okay? I don't know anything. I really don't know who I am anymore. [Sighs] Avery: Well, I do. I know exactly who you are. You're Dylan. You're my Dylan. The man I love. [SCENE_BREAK] Fenmore: Thanks. Womack: No problem. Fenmore: So... why exactly did you help me? Womack: [Chuckles] I'm a nice guy. And now you owe me one. Fenmore: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Paul has nothing on any of us -- not even Fenmore. Lauren: Nothing? Michael: Well, nothing solid, anyway. Lauren: But it could change. Michael: Anything is possible, but I am a lot less worried now than I was. Lauren: [Sighs] I'm just so sorry that I lost it on him earlier. Michael: Hey. Hey, hey. I'm sure he understood. Lauren: I don't know. I've been so on edge lately. I mean, even a wrong number is enough to throw me into orbit. Michael: What wrong numbers? Lauren: Someone called earlier and hung up. I've been getting them -- a few -- lately, anyway. I don't know. It's silly. It's silly. I'm gonna go get dressed. Michael: Oh, don't. [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: [Sighs] Who the hell is that? [NEXT_ON] Alex: I want to talk to you about what you've been saying online. Victoria: They also said at the meeting that a lot of marriages don't survive tragedies like this. Victor: You're a conniving tramp. You don't deserve to be a mother. Adam: That's the mother of my child you're talking to. | He asks Dylan not to hurt Nikki even if he decides he doesn't want to be a part of her life |
263 | Steffy: "Please gather today at noon at Forrester Creations for a surprising announcement regarding Brooke Logan Forrester." (Sighs) "Invite sent." (Sighs) Now I have to finish. Yay for me. Hope: Hey, uh, Steffy, you, uh, you got a minute? Steffy: You know, actually, I'm kinda swamped editing this tribute for your mom for her announcing her return. Hope: You're, uh, you're--you're what? Steffy: My dad's making me do it since I'm head of P.R. Hope: Wow, that, um, that can't be too much fun for you, considering how you feel about my mom and the rest of us Logans. Steffy: Yeah. It's part of my job. Hope: Uh, look, I don't know if you've, um, if you've heard, uh, but I wanted to tell you that I decided not to leave to go to Boston. I'm staying in L.A. Steffy: Super. Hope: Look, I'm sure you're not thrilled about my decision, but... (Sighs) I really hope that we can get along. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Oh, hi, honey. You wanted to see me? Ridge: Yes, Mother. There's something you need to know. I wanted you to hear it from me first, and I need you to accept it. No arguments. No debate. No negativity. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: Okay. Justin: Liam? Liam: Uh, Mr. Barber. Good morning. Justin: You didn't accidentally touch what was recorded to Steffy Forrester's old laptop, did you? Liam: No, I-I-I left it alone just like you asked. Justin: Good. Good. Liam: Hey, I'm not-- I'm not entirely comfortable with this. Maybe we--we could run it by Mr. Spencer or-- Justin: Bill's out of town, so I'll decide how we handle this. (Cell phone beeps) Justin: (Sighs) Steffy Forrester. "Special announcement regarding Brooke Logan Forrester." Let me see that. Liam: Uh... Justin: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: Hmm. Some things never change. Rick: Oh, my God. Amber: (Laughs) Rick: Amber. Amber: Rick, it is so good to see you. Rick: You, too. Amber: Wow, I mean, how cool is this place? They didn't have anything like this when I was in town. Rick: No. Amber: You obviously use it a lot. I mean, you look fantastic. And that chest is, uh, something else, hmm? Rick: Thank you. So how are you? Amber: Oh, I'm, uh, I'm great. I don't know. We have a ton of catching up to do, but, um, I'm doing-- I'm doing really well. I heard there's supposed to be some, uh, surprise mystery announcement about your mom today? Rick: Yeah. Amber: Sounds pretty intriguing, but I could be persuaded to, uh, skip it and spend the rest of the day with you. Rick: (Chuckles) Amber: (Laughs) I'm so happy to see you. Rick: (Laughs) Amber: Come here. Rick: As tempting as it sounds to spend the entire day with you, Amber, I-I don't want to miss this press announcement. I hear it's gonna cause quite a stir. Amber: Hmm. Give me all the gossip. Rick: Well, let's just say that the war between the Logans and the Forresters is still raging. But this round goes to the Logans. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: There's gonna be a press announcement today. Stephanie: What about? Ridge: Brooke. Stephanie: Is she filing for divorce or something? Ridge: Steffy is creating a video tribute of my wife to be played at the press conference today right before we announce that Brooke is staying at Forrester Creations. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Okay, look, Steffy, I know that you've got issues with my mom and me, okay? You resent her for marrying your dad and that he considers me his daughter. I get that, okay? You have every right to be hurt. I don't blame you. But I remember a time where we would get along, you know? And we're gonna be working here together, hopefully for a long time, you know? I just... I want that back. I want us to be friends again. Steffy: Hope, there is just so much you don't know. Hope: (Sighs) Okay, but, um, I'm not gonna give up on you, Steffy. Brooke: Everything okay in here? Hope: Mom, hey. Um, yeah. I was just telling Steffy how much I hope we can all work together. Please think about it, okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Justin: This is an e-mail from Steffy Forrester, head of P.R. Special announcement about Brooke. Steffy: The woman cheats on you with Hope's boyfriend. Liam: Um, all--all due respect, Mr. Barber. This is a private conversation between a father and his daughter. Justin: (Sighs) Brooke: Thank you for not telling Hope about Oliver and me. Steffy: Don't thank me. Thank my father. He gave me strict orders not to say anything. He's determined to protect you and to protect Hope from ever learning the truth. [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: So how's life been? Amber: Uh, you know, uh, a little chaotic. Rick: Oh, boy. Amber: (Laughs) Rick: (Laughs) Amber: No, don't worry. Nothin' too crazy. Uh, I'm just kinda pullin' things together like I always do. Mm, I'll f fill you in on all the gory details later. Rick: And how's little Eric? Amber: Well, not so little anymore, but thanks for asking. He is in Ojai in a private school. Rick: Private school? Well, that can't be cheap. Amber: No, costs an arm and a leg, but luckily, I got a job at Jackie M., you know, to help out while Bridget has this, uh, complicated pregnancy. Anyway, I'm just happy to have the work, though your sister isn't exactly thrilled to have me around, so... Rick: Well, the history between you two is... quite colorful. (Chuckles) Amber: (Chuckles) Oh, really? You remember, do you? I'm hoping to just kind of, you know, move past that. I mean, Bridget, she's become a great designer. And you... (Sighs) are quite a force at Forrester International. Steffy's become this little P.R. protégé, and Hope even has her own line. Kind of makes me think Ridge is right in the middle of it all. Rick: (Chuckles) [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: She's staying at Forrester? You're kidding me. Ridge: No, Mother, I'm not kidding. It's not open for discussion. Stephanie: (Sighs) (Chuckles) After all these years. After all these years, we're finally rid of those girls, and n-- why? Why? Ridge: Look, the Logan versus Forrester war is over. I'm calling a truce. There's room for everybody in this family to play a role in this company, Brooke and Hope included. Mother, I want to be a part of a family and a business where everybody supports each other, not tears each other down. Stephanie: I know you don't want to believe me, and you don't want to believe Steffy, but we're absolutely convinced that your wife is hiding something from you. Why can't you see that this is all manipulation on her part? Ridge: Mother, that's it. That's it. It's over. There's no bomb. There's no scandal. There's no indiscretion. It's over. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: I've made a horrible mistake, and I've acknowledged it. But my biggest mistake was trying to hide what I did from Ridge. I should have told him what happened right after. I should have trusted that he would understand. Steffy: Yeah, but you didn't. Neither did I. But he surprised us both, right? Brooke: By keeping this secret, I gave you power over me, and it ends now. Ridge wants it to end. Steffy: Yes. Yeah. I-I know. I'm well aware of that. You know, my father is having me make a tribute to you for today's press conference. Brooke: I know. He told me. Thanks for agreeing to do this. Steffy: Well, yeah. I was up all night working on it, and I'm so tired now, I don't even know what's in this thing, but, you know, I-I hope it acknowledges your contributions and be a fair representation of you. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: What happened between Brooke and Oliver was a case of mistaken identity. Steffy: No, it was betrayal. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: Hey, um, I-I'm gonna need that laptop back so I can return it to Forrester for recycling. I mean, that's--that's the only reason I had it in the first place. Justin: Liam, didn't I tell you don't worry about it? You'll get it back soon. Is this linked to her file access? Liam: Um, I'm-- I'm not sure. Justin: It's gotta be. Liam: Hey, you know what? I could get in a lot of trouble for this. So-- Justin: Liam, you're an intern. Do you want to get ahead here? You need to do something to make Bill Spencer notice you. Push the envelope. You want to leave an impression, don't you? Liam: Yeah, but-- Justin: Look, what you have here is huge. This is a company that Bill Spencer used to own, and he wants it back in the worst way. You can help him get it back. You still want me to stop? That's what I thought. Justin: (Sighs) Steffy Forrester's remote file access. (Chuckles) We've got all of Steffy's files right here. I wonder what Steffy is up to now? [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: You know, I've always been able to read you pretty well. Rick: Really? Amber: Mm-hmm. Rick: Okay, fine. Then tell me. What am I thinking? Amber: Ooh, I don't know. It might be a little X-rated. I'm not sure I could say it out loud. (Laughs) Rick: (Laughs) Amber: But seriously, um, there's still a lot of tension between you and your family around here, huh? Rick: Yeah. Yeah, there is. I mean, my mom, she-- she resigned. She was leaving, and now she's back. My sister was-- was going to Boston to go to school, and she's not doing that anymore. The Hope for the Future campaign was off, and now it's on again. It's just--it's been really weird around here. Amber: Hmm, when isn't it weird around here? Rick: I know. Amber: (Chuckles) Rick: It is really good to see you. I mean, I'm just-- I'm just realizing how much I missed you. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: (Laughs) I really shouldn't be surprised, should I? That girl always gets exactly what it is that she wants. I just hope you really understand what you're doing. (Knock on door) Hope: Excuse me. Oh, hey, hope I'm not interrupting anything. Stephanie: Yes. Ridge: No, we're finished. Hope: Oh, uh, good. Because I want to talk to Stephanie, actually. Stephanie: What about? Hope: Well, I was just with Steffy. Ridge: How'd that go? Hope: We had a good talk, I think. (Sighs) Look, basically I told her that I want the tension between us to end, you know, that I'd like us to be friends again, and now that--that Mom and I are staying at the company, we're--we're gonna be working together, you know? I would really appreciate it if there was some way that you could put in a good word to Steffy about me. I mean, let her know that I'm not he enemy, and neither is my mom. Stephanie: I think you know very well that, um, Steffy is very much her own woman and doesn't take much advice. Hope: I know. I know. But she looks up to you, Stephanie. She's gonna listen to you. Stephanie: Oh, I'm not so sure that I have the power of persuasions that you think I have. Ridge: Mother, you're the matriarch of this family. You have a lot of influence, especially over Steffy. I'd really like to see you help end this tension, rather than creating more of it. Do you think you could do that for me? Do you think you could help us all end this damn conflict? [SCENE_BREAK] Justin: It's an announcement about Brooke. Didn't she just leave the company? Liam: Hey, look, I don't even know these people, okay? I barely met Steffy. Her dad came into talk to her. We took off in a hurry. He obviously wanted privacy. Now I-I-I'm just a computer technician. I don't want-- Justin: Yeah, well, obviously, you goofed. You left something in record mode. That's how this conversation got picked up. Liam: What are you gonna do with it? [SCENE_BREAK] Steffy: Look, um, I know what I did was wrong, trying to blackmail you, and, um, I'm sorry. Brooke: It was your dream to force me and my daughter out of this company. But you were just carrying out Stephanie's vendetta. Steffy: No, my grandmother is not to blame. I had my own reasons for doing what I did... as misguided as it was. Brooke: I really don't like what's happened between us, our relationship, all of the tension, the infighting. I'd like you to know that I will support you in any way I can in this company, but you're going to have to meet me halfway. Steffy: Well, you know, maybe this tribute can be the beginning of a new era. Brooke: I hope so. Steffy: You know, I-- I better get down to the showroom, get everything ready for the press conference. Ridge: Everything okay with you two? Brooke: Oh. Steffy: Yeah. Yeah, we're fine. Brooke: Yeah, we're actually just having a nice talk. Steffy: Yeah. Ridge: Good. I'm relieved. I hope we can all learn something from this difficult experience, like how important it is to be open, honest, and tolerant. We're all going to have to accept each other if we're gonna get together and work in this environment, all right? So no more drama. Brooke: (Chuckles) Ridge: No more drama at all. Brooke: Well, I-I think Steffy's on board with that now. Ridge: I love you, sweetheart. I hope you know that. But I'm not gonna put up with any more infighting. Steffy: I-I get it, Dad. I get it, and I know what I need to do. I know. Justin: Steffy just logged off of her computer. (Chuckles) Perfect timing, Steffy. Perfect timing. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: So... (sighs) how's your love life? Rick: You're assuming I have one. Amber: Heard you had a thing with Steffy. Rick: I did, a long time ago. Amber: What happened? Rick: I screwed it up. Amber: I could say I'm sorry, but I'm not. I am actually completely unattached and available myself. And I can't help but remembering all of those years ago when you and I... we were hot together. And, uh, now we're both single, available. You said you missed me, Rick. Well, the truth is, I really missed you, too. Rick: Thanks for stopping by. Amber: Pleasure's mine. (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: She's already apologized to me, Ridge. Steffy: Yeah, Dad. I-I know what I did was wrong. I already told Brooke that. Ridge: So no more blackmailing. No more scheming. Steffy: Dad, what can I say, all right? I-I pulled something off with Bill Spencer once. I thought I could do it again. But I failed miserably, and I didn't go about it the right way, and I'm sorry. I'll never, ever do something like that again. I promise you. Ridge: All we can do is learn from our mistakes, sweetheart. Obviously, you've done that. Look, I'm very proud of the way you have handled this. I'm also very grateful that you're gonna do this video tribute to Brooke. Steffy: You're welcome, Dad. And I can't wait for you to see it. [SCENE_BREAK] Justin: A video tribute to Brooke Logan Forrester. (Synthesized music playing) (Daddy Yankee's "Pose" playing) Steffy: It was at that party when Brooke-- (Audio speeds up) wearing her daughter's necklace. Led Oliver by the hand out to the terrace. Justin: Edit. Copy the audio. Paste. (Daddy Yankee's "Pose" playing) Justin: Save the changes. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: It looks great. Thank you, sweetheart. You had the power to cause a lot of havoc. You didn't use it. That is the daughter I raised. Four people know what happened. Thanks to you, no one else ever will. What happened that night is now gonna be buried forever. | Enough said, just let Justin handle the video. |
264 | Ivy: Oh, jessica. Do you know, is charity home? Jessica: She's in her room "studying" with reese. Anatomy, no doubt -- his. Reese: Charity, we'll take a break later. We've got a lot of studying to do. Charity: I don't really feel like studying. Reese: Well, be that as it may, you really need to pull that history mark up. You tanked that last exam. Ararity: Did I? Reese: Come on, charity. No, when you asked me to come over, you said we were going to study. Charity: I lied. Kay: Oh, look at my hands. They're covered with calluses and cuts. Woman: Hey, rookie, you look like you're going to cry. What's the matter, you never do an honest day's work before? Kay: Well, not like this. I mean, I helped out at home sometimes, but my dad always did everything really for me. Woman: Aw, daddy's wittle girl has to work hard scaling those mean old fish. Second woman: Maybe daddy can come down here and do for you. Third woman: Oh, hey, that sam bennett's a stud. He can scale my fish anytime! Fourth woman: You finding this work tough going, are you? Kay: Well, working at the cannery isn't exactly the easiest job around. Woman: Yeah. But you know the best part about scaling fish? Kay: No, what? Woman: Tomorrow, you can come back and do it all over again. Julian: It all makes sense now. Alistair: What are you talking about, julian? Julian: Why you gave chad money to take whitney out on valentine's day, why you've been so complimentary about him. Alistair: I told you he has qualities I admire, which is more than I can say about you. Julian: I know what you're up to, father. Alistair: Do you? Julian: It's all about eve, isn't it, father? Eve: Oh, gosh. Theresa's attorney didn't tell me what courtroom the custody case was in. Chad: Hi, dr. Russell. Eve: Hi, chad. Hi, whitney. Whitney: We're kind of in a hurry, so maybe we should just -- eve: I know you're here to support theresa and her custody case. Whitney: That's right, because I'm loyal to the people that I love, unlike you. Eve: Whitney -- whitney: What are you doing here, anyway? I mean, did julian call you so that you could meet up here for another little courtroom tryst? Eve: No. Theresa's attorney called me so I could be a character witness for theresa. Whitney: You a character witness? Who would believe a lying, cheating tramp like you, mom? Judge: Well, counselor, why should I give your client back her son? She's homeless, unemployed, a convicted murderer. Tell me one good reason why this court should award custody of that boy to her. Rebecca: Theresa will never get her child back, gwen, never. Fox: Come on, woody, say something. Ethan: Woody, don't you freeze up now. Woody: If your honor will permit and allow me, as to the question of theresa's conviction, I would like to point out that the supposed, alleged murder victim, jujulian crane, is walking, squawking, and talking here in our fair city of harmony. Judge: So? The fact is your client was convicted. She's still homeless. She's still looking for a job. What possible reason could I have to give her custody? Rebecca: There's no reason on earth. By the end of this hearing, I am going to have custody of little ethan. And thanks to my job as acting as the stepmother from hell, ethan will jump at the chance for the two of you to adopt the little boy. Gwen: Seems like it. Rebecca: It's in the bag. I've taken her job, her home, and now her child. Gwen: Just like she took my little sarah way from me. Rebecca: That's right. Revenge is sweet, isn't it, gwennie? Theresa: Fox, they're going to take little ethan. I'm going to lose my little boy. Pilar: Thanks again, hank! And you too, sam. Thank you so much for helping us put all our things in the truck. Sam: I'm just sorry about why. Pilar: Well, it's over now. Luis: Yeah, it's official. We're homeless. Pilar: No, mijo, we're not, we're not. You're going to be staying with hank, miguel's going to be staying with kay and tabitha, theresa's with whitney, and I will be taking care of the bed-and-breakfast while grace -- sam: Is in europe with david. It's ok, pilar, you can say it. Pilar: I'm sorry. Sam: Nothing I can do about it. Luis: I know what you're going through, sam. Going through the same thing with sheridan. Look, you know, I think we just have to respect their wishes. Even though I know alistair and dr. Ackland had her brainwashed in the psych ward. Sam: But you don't have any proof. Luis: Not yet, but there's got to be a way to make sheridan remember she loves me. There's got to be a way. Beth: I agree, sheridan. I totally agree. Mrs. Wallace: Oh, this is it, precious. Alistair said that if sheridan saw the baby again, she could remember everything, like how much she loves luis and the fact that this little bambino is really theirs. Well, guess what -- I'm going to make that happen. I'm going to put this sweet little angel right back into his mommy's arms -- his real mommy! Hallelujah! Come on. Sheridan: I know it will never happen, I know that my baby's gone, but, you know, that's my fantasy, that's -- that's my dream -- that someday someone will just walk through the door and place my baby back in my arms. My boy. Singer: I would hold the hand of the one who could lead me places and kiss the lips of the one who could sing so sweet and i would fly on the wings of the bird I knew could take me highest breathe in, breathe out you keep me alive you are the fire burning inside of me you are my passion for life Reese: Charity, come on. We really have to study. Charity: I am studying. I'm studying your chest. I'm studying your biceps. I'm studying -- reese: No, no, no. See, my grades are down, too. I'm not exactly lighting it up in the classroom right now. Charity: You're no fun. Reese: But see, my dad, he's already taken away my car, and if I don't pull my grades up to where they were last semester, who knows what he's going to take away next. Charity: I've already had everything taken away from me. Woman: Hey. Rookie. You look kind of sick. Kay: I'm just tired. Woman: Oh, don't worry about it. The first thousand fish you scale are the hardest. Second woman: Yeah. After that, it's a piece of cake -- fish cake! "Fish cake." Kay: Simone, thank god you're here. Get me out of here. Simone: Hmm, that bad, huh? Kay: I'd tell you how bad, but I'm too tired. Simone: Ooh, and you smell, too. Oh. Kay: Thanks. Simone: Ooh, kay, when you thought about seducing miguel and getting pregnant, did you think that everything would turn out like this? Julian: I should have figured this out sooner, but I was distracted when I first came in here and found you plotting to kill my sister again. Alistair: I told you I would back off on sheridan as long as she stayed with antonio. Julian: It was when I asked you to tell me where eve's and my son is -- alistair: Never. Julian: Chad comes in, I find out that you've given him money. Me, eve, chad. Now whitney's involved? It's clear to me now, father. Alistair: What is? Julian: You bastard. I know why you gave chad harris money. Whitney: Theresa, honey? Hey. Theresa: You guys, thank you for coming. Chad: How's it going? Theresa: Not good. Judge: The court is waiting, mr. Thumper. Woody: Ahem. That's stumper. As you know, your honor, theresa lopez hyphen fitzgerald is the mother of the little boy, ethan. Judge: The biological mother, yes. We know that, mr. Stumper. The question before this court is, why should she regain custody? Woody: Well, your honor, I was just getting to that. Judge: You were certainly taking your time about it. Little ethan: Mommy! Theresa: Sweetheart. Woody: There! There it is, your honor! You asked for a good reason why theresa should be awarded custody of her son. There it is! There it is! There's a good reason -- the unbreakable bond between a mama and her child. What heart -- what heart could beat so cruel that would want to rip asunder those tender ties? Ethan's voice: All right, good job, woody. No way the judge can ignore that. Maybe theresa will get her son back. Rebecca: We have got to do something, gwen. We cannot let this happen. Beth: Um, ahem. Sheridan, just give me one minute to check on my boy, and then maybe you and I could talk a little more about how you're going to help me get back together with luis, ok? Sheridan: I just -- I have to see the baby first. Mrs. Wallace's voice: Finally. Sheridan is going to remember everything. Judge who ordered a gun be given to a woman the rcmp once described as alcoholic and suicidal, joy wants to know when we'll get to start electing judges. John says the judge has opened up a good debate. The judge said people should have guns to protect themselves against animals in the wild and robbers and rapists in the city. John wonders if that means we should stop depending on police and start arming ourselves. We haven't heard Simone: Is getting miguel worth all this? Woman: Hey. Rookie, did you say you got a man at home? Because if you do, coming through the door reeking of fish is no turn-on, believe me. Second woman: Miguel? Is that the name you said? Third woman: Miguel lopez fitzgerald? Fourth woman: Pilar's kid? Kay: Yeah. Woman: Ooh, that boy worked here for a while. Now, that boy's a hottie! Sss! Second woman: He'll cool off real fast if you come in smelling like fish. Third woman: Don't move. Got something for you. Second woman: That's right, give her the industrial. Third woman: Here you are, honey. Kay: What is it? Woman: Use it in the shower. It kills the smell of eau de tuna so you'll have a nice night of "oh, miguel." Sesecond woman: Ooh! Kay: Thanks. Woman: Oh, don't thank me. Just give me the details tomorrow. Jessica: I'm leaving. I am not going to stand out here in the hall, waiting for the moaning and groaning to start again. Ivy: Oh, jessica, I'm so sorry. I -- [Phone rings] Sam: Hello? Ivy: Hi, it's me. Sam, I think you'd better come home. Sam: What happened? Iv it's charity. We got a letter, and I think you need to discuss it with her. Sam: A letter about what? Ivy: Well, you'll find out when you get home. Sam: All right, I'll be right there. I got to get home. Luis: All right. I'm going to go grab some coffee. You'll still be able to help me and hank unload the truck at the church, right? Sam: I'll be there. Luis: Thanks, friend. See you. Sam: I wonder what's going on with charity now. Miguel: Hello, maria. How are you? You're a big girl, huh, maria? Huh? Seems like just the other day that you were born. Pretty soon, you'll be crawling and walking. Where's all the time go? Where's all the time go, maria? Where's it go? You want some juice? I know you want some juice. You're getting excited about juice, huh? Where'd daddy put your bottle? There it is. Miguel: Charity. What happened to you? What happened to us? Rebecca: Don't give her the kid. Don't give her the kid. Judge: This is all very touching. The boy obviously has deep feelings for his mother. But I have to make a decision based on logic, not emotion. The question is, what would be the best environment for the child? In order to answer that, I'll need to hear witnesses from both sides. But beforehehey're called, I'd like to hear opening statements. You may remove the boy for the rest of the proceedings. Woman: Come along, little ethan. Theresa: Bye, sweetheart. Little ethan: Bye, mommy. Ereresa: Bye. Judge: Mr. Stumper, the court will hear your opening statement. Fox: Theresa, everything's going to be ok. Theresa: God, don't let them take my son, please. Don't let them take my son. Beth: Um, sheridan, I am so grateful for everything that you did for lite e martin. Giving him your breast milk probably saved his life. And, well, he's -- he's doing just fine now, so I don't really need any help taking care of him, ok? Sheridan: I'm so sorry, beth. Of course, of course. I'm sorry. Just go to your child. Beth: Thank you. Come here, baby. Mrs. Wallace: Angel. Beth: Get over here! What the hell do you think you're doing? Mrs. Wallace: I'm giving sheridan back her baby! Beth: Damn it, mother, martin is my baby -- mrs. Wallace: Yeah. Beth: And sheridan is never going to get him back! Mrs. Wallace: Hello, pilar! Hi, honey! Beth: Pilar, hi. How long have you been standing there? Singer: You are my passion for life woman: And don't you leave a thing out, kay. We want to know all about your night with miguel. Second woman: Details. Third woman: Blow-by-blow. Second woman: Blow-by-blow! Simone: Ew! [Phone rings] Miguel: Hello? Kay: Hey, miguel. Miguel: Hey, kay. It's your mommy, maria. How's work? Kay: It's over, thank god. Miguel: You sound exhausted. It was tough, huh? Kay: I've had better days. But, hey, I'll be home soon. Miguel: Ok, well, we'll be here. Kay: Ok, bye. Simone: You really have made a mess of your life, girlfriend. Kay: Oh, what a sweet thing to say, simone. Simone: But true. Kay: No, it isn't, ok? It's hard right now, but the bottom line is this -- I've got miguel and charity doesn'T. [Knock on door] Charity: Go away. Sam: I'm not going anywhere. We need to talk. Charity: About what? Sam: Open the door. Charity: Ok. Charity: What is it? Sam: I really don't like your attitude, you know, and I really don't like this. Now, what are we going to do about it? Julian: I should've seen this before. Alistair: Cut the drama, julian. What should you have seen? What exactly do you think you've figured out? Julian: You gave chad money to cause eve more pain. Alistair: Really? Julian: Right, you knew that she didn't want whitney and chad to be together, so you gave him money so he could romance whitney because you knew it would make eve suffer. Alistair: Nonsense. All I wanted to do was help two young lovers be together, as I said before. Julian: The hell you did. God, I know you, father. [Phone rings] Alistair: Oh, you'd better get that. It might be the lovely eve. Julian: Hello? Eve: Julian? Hi, it's me. I'm down at the courthouse. Theresa's custody case was unexpectedly scheduled for today and her attorney asked me to be a character witness for theresa. Julian: Today? Rebecca didn't tell me. Eve: I feel like what's going on is all my fault. Julian: No. Eve: Yes, it is. I know that you're only doing this because rebecca threatened to expose our past affair, but isn't there something that you can do to stop her? She's only doing this to get revenge on theresa. Julian: I'm not sure there is anything I could do to stop her, but I'll come down there and we'll see if we can come up with something. I am little ethan's father, after all. Alistair: Running off to eve again, julian? You'd better be careful. One of these days, T.C.'S going to kill you. Julian: That's a risk I'll take. Stop making eve suffer. Because I promise you, if you don't, I'll see that you suffer the tortures of the damned. [Alistair laughs] Alistair: Oh, julian. When you finally learn the truth about chad, you'll be the one suffering the tortures of the damned. Woody: Theresa loves her son dearly! It would be reprehensible, not to mention incomprehensible for you not to award theresa custody of her son. Your honor, if you have a heart, you must not keep them apart. Attorney: Your honor, I submit that theresa lopez fitzgerald is a loose cannon, emotionally and morally unfit to raise a puppy, much less a child, a woman convicted of murder, a woman with no income, no home, a woman whose obsessive pursuit of ethan winthrop caused mr. Winthrop's wife to lose her baby. Theresa: I never meant for that to happen! Woody: Dr. Russell, how long have you known theresa lopez hyphen fitzgerald? Eve: All her life. Woody: So obviously, you have seen her interact with her son? Eve: Oh, she loves little ethan to death. She would give her life for him. Woody: Thank you, dr. Russell! Your witness! Attorney: Dr. Russell, thereshas exhibited erratic behavior in the past, hasn't she? Eve: I'm not sure what you mean. Attorney: Oh, come now, doctor, she's a convicted murderer. Eve: But julian is alive and well. She didn't murder him. It was just a big mistake. Attorney: And her obsession wiwith ethan winthrop? The way she stalked him caused his wife to lose her baby. I suppose that was all a mistake, too? Eve: I don't know what happened with gwen's baby. I know that theresa has said that it wasn't her fault and that she is terribly sorry that gwen lost her baby. Attorney: And that makes it all right? Eve: I didn't say that. Attorney: Well, would you say that theresa is a woman who would stop at nothing to get what she wanted? Eve: I'd say that theresa is a passionate young woman whose only desire is to love and to be loved. Attorney: No matter who she hurts in the process? No further questions, your honor. Eve: No, I didn't say -- theresa dearly loves her child. Judge: You may step down, dr. Russell. Eve: The love between a mother and her child, the bond between them should never be broken by anything or anyone. Nothing should keep them apart. Judge: Thank you, doctor. You may step down. Rebecca: And I just adore little ethan. Oh, I would treat him as if he were my own. Theresa: You are a liar, rebecca! Fox: Theresa, theresa. Theresa: No, I heard you. You were yelling at him, rebecca! I heard you hit him! Your honor, she threw a firecracker to my son! Judge: You will keep quiet, ms. Lopez fitzgerald. This isn't an open forum. Theresa: I'm sorry, I can't just stand here and listen to the lies that are coming out of this woman's mouth! Woody: Theresa, you're not helping us. Theresa: No, no, you -- you abused my son! And when I get my hands on you, I'm going to make you pay, rebecca! Rebecca: Oh, your honor, you see how violent she is. Oh, please, I would feel so much safer if you'd put her in restraints. Theresa: You bitch! [Judge pounds gavel] Woody: Whoa. Judge: If you don't sit down and be quiet, I will take your son away from you right now! Fox: Listen to what he's saying, ok? Theresa: But -- judge: Knock it off! Theresa: Your honor, she's lying! Your honor, she's lying! Judge: All right, all right! I warned you, but you wouldn't listen. You leave me no choice but to take your son away from you right now. Theresa: No, no, please -- woody: No, your honor -- theresa: No! No, please! It's decision time. Now people have that sense of trust. Political experience is necessary. But I don't have the political baggage. This saturday, they'll learn which one of them got the job. But not before you do. Live coverage, conservative leadership convention, saturday. Theresa: Please, please, your honor, plsese don't take my son from me. Judge: Then no more histrionics. Woody: You're hanging by a thread here, theresa. Step out of line again, you'll lose your boy forever. Fox: Listen to woody on this one, ok? Theresa: Ok. Rebecca: Well, surely you're not going to continue the trial, your honor, I mean, not after that outburst. Judge: Are you trying to tell me my business, mrs. Crane? Rebecca: Uh, no, sir, no, sir. Judge: In the first place, this isn't a trial, it's a custody hearing, and in the second place, it's time for you to step down. Now. Mr. Stumper, do you have any more witnesses? Woody: Yes, sir, I do. I call to the stand to testify on her own behalf ms. Theresa lopez hyphen fitzgerald. Rebecca: This is too perfect. Gwen: How? What if she sways the judge? Rebecca: Oh, that little slut will never hold it together. No, theresa is going down in flames. Ethan's voice: Come on, theresa, you can do it. Just be yourself and let the judge see what a good mother you really are. Pilar: What is going on? Beth: What do you mean? Pilar: Why are you and your mother arguing? Beth: No, we aren'T. It's just that martin has a cough and I didn't want him to be taken outside, and I got irritated at my mother because she brought him over here instead of just calling me when he got fussy. Isn't that right, mother? Mrs. Wallace: Well, you know -- beth: Two words -- sweet serenity. Mrs. Wallace: Yes, pilar, I guess I got a little flustered, you know, when martin started coughing, you know, and I just didn't think. You know, it's my mistake. Pilar: Wait, but if you didn't want the baby to be outside, why didn't you want your mother to bring him into the book cafe? Luis: Yeah, I just figured I'd grab us some coffee before we unload the truck. Yeah, sam's coming. Yeah, I feel bad for him and grace, too. Well, I got to say I think he's doing a good job of keeping his emotions in check. I actually told him I don't know if I'd be able to do the same thing if I ran into sheridan. Yeah, I might just grab her and hold her and make her remember that I'm the man she loves. Anyway, look, I'll get out of here as soon as I get the coffee and I'll see you there, ok, buddy? All right. Charity: What is it? Sam: A letter from the dean of your school. Charity: Yeah? So? Sam: So it says if you don't get your grades up, you're going to flunk out of school. Reese: Gee, hope I don't get a letter. I'd better get home and check the mail. Jessica: So, you got what you wanted from charity and now you're hitting the road, huh? Reese: Oh, no, jessica, it's not what you think. It's not like that at all. Jessica: Right. Reese: No, I swear. But ever since the ski lodge, it's like I just can't resist charity. Jessica: I don't want to hear it, all right? Reese: No, jessica, it's -- jessica: All charity has to do is say "jump" and you do, right into the sack with her. Sam: What? Reese: No, no, chief bennett, it's not what you think! Jessica: Kay always said you were too good to be true, and she was right. You're nothing but a rotten, lying slut! Simone: You could've had such a great life, kay. I mean, you're smart, you're a terrific athlete. You could've gone to the state university on an athletic scholarship, graduated, maybe traveled the world before settling down and having a family. Kay: Enough simone, ok? I'm tired. All I want to do is just get into a bath and use this jug of god-knows-what to get this fish smell off me, ok, and then I just want to crawl into bed. Simone: Look, just answer me one question -- is it worth it? I mean, having this hard life, is it worth it? Julian: How's it going? Eve: Well, I don't know how the hearing's going, but I'm certain that my daughter hates me and is going to hate me forever. Woody: In your own words, theresa, tell the court how you feel about your son. Suave. Theresa: Little ethan means everything to me. He's my world. I've had to sit here and listen to people talk about me not being fit to look after my son because I don't have a job, because I don't have a home, or because of things that have happened in my past. Well, I do have a place to stay with the russell family. They're a wonderful, loving family. And as far as a job goes, I know that I'm going to get a job very soon. I understand that my situation looks pretty bleak right now, but it's temporary. But my love for my son is permanent. It's real. And that's never going to change. And as far as the things in the past, well, that's just the past. You know, everything changed for me the moment that my son was born. And I looked into his eyes and I swore at that moment that I would always protect him, that I would always keep him safe, and that I would always, always let him know how much I loved him. Your honor, you saw what happened earlier when little ethan was brought in. Did he go to rebecca? No. Your honor, he didn't even look at her. He went straight to me. Doesn't that prove the love that we have, that my child should be with me, wiwith his real mother? Rebecca: Not when his real mother is a certifiable psycho! [Judge pounds gavel] Judge: Order. There will be no more outbursts, mrs. Crane! Ms. Lopez fitzgerald? Theresa: Yes? Judge: I understand fully what you're saying. The bond between mother and son is very special. I don't know what my own life would be like if I had been separated from my own mother. Theresa: Ok, well, then -- then you understand. You're going to give me my son back, aren't you? Thank you. Your honor, thank you so much. Kay: Hey. Miguel: It's mommy, maria! Kay: Hi! Miguel: Mommy! Kay: Hey, you! How's my little girl? Hi. Miguel: How you feeling? Kay: Hi. Good. It's so good to be home. Hey! Hey! Simone: Maybe it is all worth it for you, kay. Jessica: You're nothing but a tramp! Ivy: Honey, you have to calm down. Jessica: Hopping into bed with reese right next to my room, where I have to listen to you carrying on? Sam: You know, you and I should go outside for a little talk. Reese: Sorry, I can'T. Got to go! Jessica: I hope you do flunk out of school, charity. I hope your whole life falls apart and gets destroyed, just like you destroyed mine. Sam: What do you have to say for yourself, charity? Charity: My life's already fallen apart, jessica. Julian: Looks like I'm not going to have to do anything to stop rebecca. It appears theresa's about to get her son back. Theresa: Little ethan will be mine again? Thank you, your honor. Thank you so much. Judge: You're getting ahead of yourself, ms. Lopez fitzgerald. I understand fully your point of view. But the fact remains I have to make a decision about what's best for the child. Theresa: Ok, so what does that mean? Judge: That I still have a decision to make. You through with her, counselor? Woody: Yes, your honor. Judge: You may step down, ms. Lopez fitzgerald. Theresa: Thank you, your honor. Judge: I suppose this case boils down to what every other case in the harmony courts comes down to -- the cranes against someone. In this instanceththe cranes against the lopez fitzgeralds. Fox: Your honor, that's not entirely true. I'm a crane and I'm on theresa's side. Rebecca: Well, he's sleeping with her, your honor. Of course he's on her side -- among other places. [Judge pounds gavel] Judge: That's enough! Fox: Listen, if my aunt sheridan were here, I'm sure she'd be on theresa's side as well. Ethan's voice: I'd like to help, woody. I'm on theresa's side. There's just nothing more I can do. Judge: Thank you, mr. Crane. You have helped me immeasurably. I was going to my chambers to at least give the appearance I was about to deliberate, but I've decided to stop wasting everyone's time. I've made a decision as to who will receive custody of the child, ethan crane. Beth: Um, the reason that I didn't want to take martin into the cafe is because sheridan is inside. She's been talking about losing her baby, and I just -- I didn't want to upset her, having her see martin and how happy I am with my child. Pilar: There's more to it than that. There's another reason you don't want sheridan to see the baby, isn't ther b beth? Sheridan: Luis, please! Luis: No, sheridan. I know you remember I'm the man that you love. Sheridan: Yes. Yes, you're right. I remember. You are the man I love. You're the man that I want to be with. | The judge orders her to stop or he will take her child away from her immediately |
265 | Ava: Kiki, please... you've been unconscious for so long. I'm afraid you may never wake up. That would be just like you, you know that? I remember. Whenever I asked you to do anything, you'd do the opposite. Maybe I should just ask you to stay asleep. [SCENE_BREAK] Man: Mr. Corinthos, your son is here for his visit. Sonny: Thank you. Glad you decided to see me. Morgan: Yeah, you didn't give me much of a choice, did you? Sonny: Well, you always have a choice. Morgan: Well, not with you. No one says no to you, do they? If I didn't come out, you probably just would've sat there till next Thursday. Sonny: Well, I mean, you're right about that. I've been pretty good at sitting for the last few months. Morgan: And lying about sitting. Sonny: You angry with me? Morgan: What right do I have to be angry after all the ways I screwed up? You should just go, Dad. [SCENE_BREAK] Valerie: Hey. Dante: Hey. Valerie: Uh, Cadet Anderson isn't in here? Dante: Uh, she's not. Sorry. Uh, what are you doing here? Didn't think I would see you. Are you, uh -- you working? Valerie: I was on my way out. I just put in my request for my dress uniform. Dante: Congratulations. Valerie: Thanks. At times, I wasn't sure if I'd make it here, but now graduation's right around the corner. Dante: You're gonna be a great cop, val. You worked really hard to get here. Valerie: Thank you. You know, it's nice to be the bearer of good news for a change. Dante: I hear that. Valerie: Looks like you've got some good news yourself. Dante: I do. Valerie: What is it? Dante: Lulu and I are back together. [SCENE_BREAK] Laura: [Breathes deeply] Leave it to Helena. [Scoffs] I guess if I were smart, I would just throw this key into the harbor... forget that any of this ever happened. Nikolas: Is that what you're gonna do? Laura: No. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: Arthur, I want to make sure you know what to do. I don't want this to backfire like it did before. Last thing I need is for Crimson to turn out another success like the green issue. Yeah. Okay. Well, call me when it's done. [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Griffin: You said you'd realized why I've been following you. Anna: Well, I think so. Um... it's because of him, isn't it? It's because of Duke Lavery. Griffin: How did you know? [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: I know that we've had our problems. But no matter what you think of me... I love you. I don't care if you ever speak to me again. Just speak to anybody, somebody. It doesn't matter who. You did it before. Won't you do it again? Please, please, please say something. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Morgan... listen, okay? I'm not leaving you, son. Morgan: Why do you want to see me? I don't want to see you. I don't want to see anybody. [SCENE_BREAK] Laura: It doesn't matter if I throw this key away or not. Because I know that it will still come back to haunt me. Nikolas: You realize that that's what Helena wants us to do, right? For all of us to continue to look over our shoulders... wait for what comes next. Laura: Yes, I know that's her intention, but, uh, she succeeded. Nikolas: Hayden? Hayden: Hmm? Nikolas: Are you okay? Hayden: I'm fine. I -- I suppose I'm just thinking about everything being a Cassadine entails. Nikolas: I hope this, uh, doesn't make you change your mind about marrying me. Hayden: Of course not. Nikolas: Look, um... as unsettling as the will is, the good news is, my grandmother's dead, right? She can no longer meddle in the family finances. As long as I control ELQ, Cassadine holdings are secure. Hayden: So, holding onto ELQ becomes even more important. Nikolas: You're the only one that could help me defend against a Quartermaine onslaught. [Cell phone ringing] [SCENE_BREAK] Valerie: I'm happy for both of you. I wish you nothing but the best. Dante: Thank you. Thank you. And -- and same for you, too. I-I know you're seeing someone new. Valerie: What? Dante: Uh, the guy I saw you hanging out with at the Floating Rib? Valerie: Oh. Thanks, but I think you're jumping the gun on that one. The jury's still out on him. Dante: Oh. Well, yeah, uh, me and Nathan saw him talking to the commissioner. She didn't seem like a fan. Valerie: Understatement. Dante: Oh, yeah? How so? Valerie: [Clears throat] Well, if you really want to know, Jordan warned me that Curtis used to be a coke addict. [SCENE_BREAK] Hayden: Curtis, what do you want? Curtis: Wow. Is that any way to greet good old Curtis? Hayden: This isn't a good time to talk. Curtis: Oh, I'm sorry, but I need to talk with you right away. It's kind of an emergency. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: Alexis, what are you doing here? And more importantly, what are you doing with that dagger? Alexis: Your assistant said you were here. Julian: Um...yeah. I'm looking for my editor-in-chief. Uh...everything o-okay with you? Just let it go. Alexis: Is Nina here? Julian: No. I'm waiting for her. You know, I wanted to go over some, uh...notes regarding the latest issue of the magazine. Alexis: Is there a problem with Crimson? Julian: You know, right now, I'm more, uh, concerned about you. What's going on? [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: So, it -- it was your middle name, "Fitzhugh"? Griffin: Yes. Anna: Right. And that's a Lavery family name. Griffin: I'm guessing Duke told you that? Anna: Yeah, he did. Yeah. So, um, remember when we first met? When Lucas introduced us, I said I -- I thought that maybe I knew you from somewhere or... Griffin: Mm-hmm. Anna: Because there's something so familiar about you. But it's this kind of family resemblance. So you're related to Duke? Griffin: Yes. Anna: Oh, I knew it. How? Griffin: I'm his son. Duke Lavery was my father. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Sounds like you dodged a bullet. Right? I mean, you're not still... gonna see this guy? Valerie: I'm thinking about it. Dante: Really, Val, it sounds like he's kind of bad news. Valerie: We've all made mistakes. And I, for one, would hope that people would judge me for who I am now and not... what I've done in the past. And, while I appreciate your concern, my personal life is none of your business. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: Hey. Hayden: Hey. Um, I'm gonna go out for a little while. Nikolas: Now? Why? Hayden: Dealing with whatever Helena left your mother, it's a family thing. Nikolas: You're my family. Hayden: And you're mine. But we both know your mother doesn't quite feel the same way. And besides, this is about your grandmother, a woman I never met. Nikolas: Be grateful for that. Hayden: I think your mother is more unsettled than she cares to admit. You need to focus on her. Nikolas: Okay. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: I've had a very strange day. Julian: Well, obviously, since you, uh, you know, came in here holding a dagger and are holding a dagger again. Alexis: Yes, Helena thought it'd be fitting that she give me the knife that she used to slit my mother's throat. Julian: I'm sorry. The actual murder weapon? She left it to you? I mean, like in her will? Alexis: Well, I blocked it out when I was a child, but I remember all of it now. You know, I was just a child when she used this knife to slit my mother's throat. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: I understand. You don't feel like dealing with company right now. That's why I brought you this. It's, uh... you can e-mail whoever you want, and you can write to whoever you want. It's a good way to keep in touch with us. Morgan: And say what? Say what, Dad? "Took my pills today. Stared at some walls, talked about my feelings." Even though I don't even feel. I'm just numb. Sonny: Morgan, it's not gonna last forever. Morgan: How the hell would you know? No one ever committed you. Has Kiki woken up yet? Sonny: No, not yet. Morgan: Well, that's probably because I got her shot. Sonny: You didn't intend to get Kiki shot. She's exactly where she needs to be to get the help she needs, just like you're in Freedman, surrounded by people who are gonna help you get better, Morgan. Morgan: I'm never gonna get better. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: Kiki? Kiki, can you hear me? It's Mom. Open your eyes. Nurse, my -- my daughter, she just spoke, so do you think that she could be waking up? Nurse: Ms. Jerome, remember? Kiki did this before. Ava: Yes, well, now she's done it twice. That's got to mean something. Nurse: Well, involuntary speech is a positive sign. We just need to watch and wait, give Kiki time to heal. Ava: Don't do that. Don't speak to me in platitudes. What about this case? What about her case? That's all I care about! Why can't any of you tell me when she'll wake up?! Nurse: Ms. Jerome -- Ava: Where's her doctor?! I haven't seen Dr. Munro in days! What, he just stuck her in this room and disappeared?! Find him! I want him! I want to speak to him now! [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: Wow. I don't know what to say. Um... okay, I -- I have a million questions. Did Duke know about you? I mean, you knew him, did you? Griffin: No, I -- I never met my father. And most of my life, I didn't know his name. I was -- I was raised by my mother. She was deeply religious, and when I asked about Duke, it would upset her, so eventually, I... I stopped. Anna: Oh. Griffin: After my mother died, I...received this. She, uh, told me how she met Duke. I mean, she fell in love with him, became pregnant with his child, but they weren't in a serious relationship. Duke moved to Port Charles before my mother had the chance to tell him she was pregnant. And once I was born, she came here to tell Duke about me. But it was -- it was too late. He was already in love with you. So, my mom decided not to say anything. Anna: Oh. That's awful. You never knew your father because of me. And Duke didn't know he had a son. You must hate me. I'm the reason you never met your father. Griffin: How could I hate you? You had no idea I existed. Neither did my father, for that matter. Anna: Well, why didn't you just come right out and tell me? I mean, why were you following me? Griffin: I wasn't trying to get revenge, if that's what you were thinking. The last thing I would want to do is cause any more pain. Anna: I can't stop looking at you. You're very like him, you know. Griffin: [Chuckles] Anna: You are. Griffin: I wouldn't know. That's why I wanted to speak with you so badly. You're the only one who could tell me about my father. By the time I knew who he was, it was too late. Anna: I'm sorry. I can't tell you how much I wish he was still here so that you could meet him. Griffin: There's...so many things I wanted to tell him. There's so many things that I wanted to learn, but I never had that chance. Anna: Uh-huh. Griffin: By meeting you, I have the possibility to get to know him through your memories. Anna: Okay. Um... you know how he died, do you? Griffin: Yes. Anna: He was murdered. Griffin: Yes, I know. Anna: Yeah. He was, uh... a casualty of a mob war. Uh... he and I, we were gonna leave town to start over. But unfortunately, a rival mob boss had already ordered a hit on him. And he was ambushed in a parking garage. I'm doing everything I can to bring his killer to justice. I want you to know that. [Pager beeps] Griffin: I'm so sorry. Anna: No. Griffin: Ugh. I have to get back to the hospital. Uh... a patient's mother needs to speak with me. Anna: Sure, sure, sure. Go, go. See your patient. Um, can we meet again and talk? Griffin: Yeah. Yeah, thank you. Anna: Griffin. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: I can only... imagine how... traumatic it was for you to lose your mother like that. Alexis: Well, mercifully, I repressed it, so I -- I didn't deal with it until I got older. Did you ever confront Helena? Alexis: Sure I did. I tried to kill her. I just couldn't kill the bitch. Suffice it to say, I loathe -- hate being a Cassadine. My life is so much better as Alexis Davis. But you know what? Can't get it out of my blood. Well, I can sympathize, having...grown up in the, uh... Jerome family. My own family's legacy of violence is something I wish I could forget. But I've moved past that world. And we're moving forward with our own family. Alexis: You and I have both battled demons in our past, but that's just it -- they're in our past. We're done. We're done with that. We're gonna move forward, into the future. Which is why I came here. [SCENE_BREAK] Hayden: I came here as fast as I could. What's the emergency? Curtis: It's good to see you, too. Hayden: Curtis. Curtis: Found an apartment, and I need a co-signer. Hayden: What? Curtis: My credit isn't what it used to be or what it should be. And all of my references are back in Baltimore, so considering the nature of our relationship and how good things have been, I figured you wouldn't mind...co- signing with me. Hayden: That's the emergency? Curtis: Obviously, you haven't been to my motel, but the water bugs are like... Hayden: I don't care about the water bugs. I was in the middle of something important with my husband. Curtis: The husband that tried to kill you. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: Any closer to figuring out what that's for? Laura: Uh...no. I mean, it looks sort of like a furniture key. I thought maybe something to do with the bookcase. I'll admit, it's pretty intriguing. Do you think maybe it opens something here in the house? Nikolas: Mother, it's possible that that key doesn't open anything. I mean, after all, it came from the woman who gave Lulu an empty envelope. Laura: Yep. All I know is that, whatever it is... probably not very good. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Listen, buddy, you just got to -- you just got to give it some time. Morgan: Why did you want me to go to this place? It's not making me feel better. If anything, I feel worse. I mean, I don't even have a reason to get out of bed. Sonny: It's temporary. Soon as the doctors find the right medication and they help you manage your bipolar disorder, you can come home and live a normal life. Morgan: No. What -- what I-- what's normal for me now? Because I just -- I look ahead at my life, and I just see an endless line of pills, confusion. I just feel like crap all the time. Why do you want me to go through this? I can't live like this, Dad. I don't feel any better right now than I did on that roof. Sonny: Hey. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Griffin: Ms. Jerome. Uh, Nurse Edwards said you wanted to see me. Ava: Yes, I do. My daughter has been unconscious for days. Now, you people tell me that she's improving, she's so much better that she could be moved to this regular room. She's even spoken. But she hasn't woken up, and not one of you can tell me why. Griffin: Kiki's vitals are improving, but it's impossible to predict when she's gonna regain consciousness. Ava: You have my daughter's life in your hands. You, with all of your... fancy degrees and your years in med school, you can't tell me what's wrong with my girl? Griffin: I'm sorry. Any answer I give you would be a guess, and that's not fair to you or Kiki. Ava: But she spoke. She spoke again, and that nurse told me that it didn't mean anything. Griffin: It may not. I am gonna examine Kiki right now to see if there are any changes. Hopefully, I will have good news. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: Olivia's hearing is tomorrow. Julian: Oh, gosh. With everything that's been going on, I nearly forgot. Alexis: Yeah. So did I. All right, so I'm gonna have to work on this case all night. Julian: Well, I happen to know that you are thoroughly prepared, and I don't just say that because I want to spend the evening with you. I say that because you are so diligent, you're gonna drive yourself crazy going over every last detail. Even though you have this, um, case sewn up. Alexis: Thank you for having so much faith in me. Julian: Of course. But I don't think you came here for moral support. So what do you need? [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Valerie, look, I realize your private life is your business and not mine, and I know you can take care of yourself. Valerie: I'm glad you believe that. Dante: We are friends, aren't we? Okay. I mean, I -- I know it's gonna be a while before we're able to act like it, but you and Lulu are family, and we are going to be in each other's lives. Valerie: I look forward to the day when we can look back at this as just an ugly part of our past. I remember when I first got to town, how excited I was to meet my new family. And the more I learned about them, the luckier I felt. Despite everything that's happened, that hasn't changed. I still care about you and Lulu very much. And I always will. [SCENE_BREAK] Hayden: I don't want to hear anything negative about my husband. He's going through a difficult time. Curtis: What's the matter? Drawbridge broken? Hayden: His grandmother cut him out of the will. Curtis: Ooh, wow. That must really be difficult for you. I mean, that is why you married the Cassadine, right? For his money? Hayden: That might be part of it. Curtis: See? And you own it. Oh! I love that. You're more interesting than I thought. Hayden: Good. I'm glad you're intrigued. Enough about me. I came here for you, so let's just get this over with. Curtis: Yes! So that means you're gonna sign it, right? Hayden: Yes, anything to get you to stop bothering me. Give it to me. Curtis: Oh, here, let me get you a pen. [Chuckles] All right. Hayden: Now, I do expect to be paid back for this little favor in services rendered. Curtis: Please. I ain't trying to do anything to default on my rent. Hayden: I hope not. I don't want to owe anyone any money. Especially since my husband isn't as rich as I thought. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: You're clearly wary of whatever that key unlocks -- a sentiment I completely share. But why not just get rid of it, you know? Deny Helena any more of your emotional energy or time. Laura: Well, I guess because whether I put this in a drawer or I throw it in the harbor, I don't think it's gonna matter much. I know your grandmother far too well. Whatever she has put into motion, the consequences are still out there, waiting for me. Wow. Even from beyond the grave, she has found a way to play her twisted games with me. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: "My darling Griffin, if you are reading this, it means that I have joined our heavenly father in his eternal kingdom. I'm finally at peace. But I'm afraid that you are not. You've always wanted to know who your father was, and now, as I am about to leave this world, it is finally time to tell you. Your father is a man named Duke Lavery. I met him when I was very young, and as young girls tend to do, I fell in love with him. But your father lived a life very different from the one that I envisioned for myself. He was always on the move, looking for the next big thing. Before I could tell him I was pregnant, he was gone. I had no idea where to look for him, and I wasn't sure I wanted to. But when you were born, that changed. You looked just like him with your dark hair and your piercing eyes. I realized that you had a right to know your father. I was finally able to track him down in Port Charles, New York. By then, Duke had fallen in love with another woman -- a woman with dark hair and eyes just as piercing as his. It was clear from the way Duke looked at her that he was madly in love. I knew instantly that I could never come between them, and I didn't want to. So I raised you alone. I hope you don't regret my decision. I don't. That woman may have had Duke's heart, but I had something of him, too. I had you, my beautiful boy -- a constant reminder of your father's quick wit and good soul. I missed your father every day, but having you here with me lessened that pain. I knew as long as I had you, I would never be alone." [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: You don't need to sit here and watch me. You don't. I mean, that's what this place is for -- it's to lock the crazy people away so -- Sonny: Stop it, because that's not what's happening. Morgan: I don't -- I don't blame you, Dad. I just... you should just leave me here. Sonny: If I could take away your pain, I would. But in a w-- in a way, I'm glad you're feeling it. Morgan: You're glad. That's nice. Sonny: Because at least you're dealing with your feelings, and I know how hard it is to think that that ugly feeling inside is -- is never gonna end. I promise you, it will pass. And you're gonna get through it. And you're not gonna have to do it alone. I told you that I couldn't have gone through the tough times if it wasn't for your mom and Jason. You got a lot of people here who want you to get better. Me, your mother, Kristina, Michael -- we all love you. We're in this together, right? And we're gonna get through it together. [SCENE_BREAK] Griffin: Kiki's vitals are good. There are indications of increased brain activity. I have every reason to believe your daughter will wake up soon. Ava: When? Griffin: I'm sorry. I can't be more specific than that. Ava: And so then what do I do? What do I do in the meantime? I just -- I sit here and go crazy! Griffin: Okay. I know you feel helpless... but what you're doing for your daughter is invaluable. Surrounding her with love and support, that's what mothers do. Ava: I'm not so very selfless. That's something that Kiki knows well. There have been many times that I have put my needs in front of hers. So while she may sense my presence here, I'm not sure that it gives her any comfort. Griffin: Listen, you've spent day and night at Kiki's bedside doing whatever is necessary to help your daughter get well. Your instinct is to take care of your daughter. So you don't need to wonder what you have to do. You're already doing it. [SCENE_BREAK] Curtis: Hayden, you can chill, okay? I'm not gonna bail on you. I'm not trying to do anything that's gonna jeopardize my future. Hayden: Neither am I. Curtis: Oh, Valerie, hey. Valerie: Hey. Curtis: [Chuckles] You're just in time to help me celebrate. Valerie: Celebrate what? Curtis: Got my own apartment. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: I wanted to give this back to you. Griffin: Thank you. Um...did you read it? Anna: I did. Griffin: Good. I-I hope it helped you to understand my mother. I-I don't want you to think badly of her because she never told Duke about me. Anna: No. I -- what I saw in that letter was a woman who loved her son very, very much. And she may not have given you your father, but she gave you everything else. Griffin: Uh... I don't fault my mother for raising me by herself, but I... I often wondered how my father would've felt about me. I-I don't even know if he wanted children. Anna: Yeah, he did. Oh, he was just the best. He was the kindest stepfather to my daughter, and -- and this kind of doting grandfather figure to her daughter, you know? And, um... years ago, we were gonna have a child. Uh, and he was thrilled. We both were, obviously. I lost it. Um... Griffin: Uh, I'm -- I'm so sorry. Anna: No, it -- yes, I mean... it was really rough. Knowing how much he loved children... I was always really sorry that he didn't have one of his own. Griffin: So I don't have any brothers or sisters. Anna: No, you're an only child. I wonder if I could maybe... provide a window onto how Duke would've felt about you. I'd like to try. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: I need ample coverage in your paper, because I need all the publicity I can get. I want every nursing mother to be guaranteed that they are not gonna feel ashamed. Julian: Yes. Well, you're suing the mayor, so that, in itself, is major news. But I will call my editor, make sure we save some room up front for the story, keep it prominent. I'll also make sure that we have our best reporter there to cover it. How's that? Alexis: It's good. I actually had a press release made up. Show you some different angles for the story. Julian: "Milkmaid Mamas"? Alexis: We are going to have every nursing mother within a 20-mile radius at that hearing. Julian: Mm. Well, let's just hope that this doesn't send the mayor into some sort of a conniption. Although that would make for more of a story, wouldn't it? Mm-hmm. Regardless of what happens, I will make sure your hearing gets all the coverage it deserves, because you and I are officially family, and I do everything to support my family. Mm. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: Dr. Munro says I have selfless, motherly instincts. I'm just not sure they're working. I don't know what to do for you, how to help you. I wish I did. [Sniffles] Kiki: Morgan... Morgan... [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: Look, I know you want to help, Dad, but, I mean, there's no point. There's no point. I'm a screw-up. All I did was I hurt people constantly. Sonny: That's not true, Morgan. Morgan: Well, even if I was to get better, it does nothing for Kiki. I can do nothing to help her. [Cell phone rings] Morgan: Who is it? Sonny: It's Ava. Ava, what's going on? Ava: Sonny, where are you? Sonny: I'm at the Freedman Clinic. Ava: Are you with Morgan? Sonny: Yeah. What -- something happen? Ava: It's Kiki. She's starting to show signs of waking up. That's great news. She's been asking for Morgan. Do you think he could talk to her? I think it would help. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: Hey. Hayden: Hi. Nikolas: Glad you're back. Hayden: How you doing? Nikolas: Uh... okay. Well, as good as I can be, considering I just found out that, after pouring nearly all of the family's resources into some crazy quest for everlasting life, I got none of my grandmother's personal fortune. But, uh, you know, considering after what everyone else got, maybe that's not such a bad thing, right? [SCENE_BREAK] Laura: Helena loved games. Maybe she hid something in plain sight. [Sighs] Oh, what am I doing? I don't want to play games with Helena. I don't, I don't. [Groans] Stop this. [SCENE_BREAK] Hayden: Well, you weren't exactly left with nothing. You got this lovely portrait of your grandmother. Nikolas: Oh, God, please don't remind me. Hayden: Let's think happier thoughts. Nikolas: I'm open to suggestions. What do you got? Hayden: I'll tell you all about it... upstairs. Nikolas: Okay. [Both laugh] [SCENE_BREAK] Valerie: A new apartment, huh? So I guess that means you'll be sticking around? Curtis: Indeed, it does. Which means that, uh, if you're still interested... you know, maybe we can have a second date, if your boss hasn't warned you off. Valerie: Okay. Curtis: All right. Well, uh...we'll have plenty of time for me to... tell you my side of the story. Valerie: I look forward to it. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: I was watching you, um, with Ava. You know, you -- you -- you're just so kind and compassionate. Um, there's no love lost between her and me and there wasn't between Duke and Ava, either. Griffin: Wait. My father wouldn't have wanted me to help her? Anna: No, on the contrary. This business that Duke was involved with, you know, it could have made him very cold and unfeeling, but it didn't. Even given the terrible things that he witnessed, he never lost his humanity. And he was a very loyal person, and that, coupled with his determination to help a friend, is what kind of pulled him back into that life -- for the last time. But now, out of the blue, look at you. Duke lives on in his son. A doctor. A man who saves lives. Duke would've been enormously proud of you. [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: Dad, what's going on? Sonny: Hold on. Looks like Kiki's waking up. She's asking for you. She wants to hear your voice. Morgan: I -- I can't. Sonny: You said you wanted to do something for Kiki, right? This is what you're gonna do. Morgan: [Breathes deeply] Okay. Sonny: Here. Ava, I'm putting Morgan on the phone. Morgan: Hey, Ava, I'm here. Ava: All right, I'm gonna put the phone up next to Kiki's ear right now. Morgan: Hey. Can you hear me? It's -- it's me. It's Morgan. They said you wanted to talk to me, so here I am. Kiki? Kiki: Morgan... Morgan: Hey. Hey, is that you? Kiki: Yeah, it's me. Mom? Ava: Yes, hi. Hi, sweetheart. Kiki: Morgan... Ava: Yes, he -- Morgan's on the phone. Morgan: Hey, I'm -- I'm right here. I'm right here, Kiki. Kiki: Are you okay? Morgan: Yeah. Yeah, I'm -- I'm -- I'm good now that I... can hear your voice. Kiki: I was so -- so worried. Morgan: No, I -- I'm good. I'm good. Look, everything's okay. Um... I just -- I just want you to -- to take it easy. Kiki: Okay. Morgan: I -- I'm so happy to hear that you're doing better. I love you so much. Kiki: I want to see you. Morgan: I'll c-- I'll come see you soon. I promise. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: See you, babe. So, what's the word? It's done? Well, that is exactly what I wanted to hear. [NEXT_ON] Maxie (to Dillon): The new issue has arrived! Epiphany (to Elizabeth): Exactly what's going on between you and Franco? Nina (to Franco): You went to Philadelphia to visit Elizabeth and her son and didn't even tell me. Alexis: So, Molly -- what do you know about your sister? Sonny (to Kristina): Would you just tell me what's going on? Jason (to Sam): What can we do in 10 minutes? | Now it's too late because she's gone and so is Duke |
266 | Amanda: I don't need a waiting period. I know that I don't want this child. Jake: But I think it's actually just a formality. Man: You would be surprised how many mothers change their minds weeks, even months after giving birth. Jake: When you get a chance. Thanks. Amanda: That won't be me. Man: You say that now. There is always a chance. Amanda: Listen, I need the adoptive parents to take over the second this child is born, ok? I don't want see it. I don't even want to know the sex. Man: I assume the baby's father's on board with this? I'm sensing a problem. Jake: The problem, actually, is that the father's not involved. Man: But legally, we can't proceed without his ok. [SCENE_BREAK] David: Beautiful morning, after a beautiful night. Are you all right? Krystal: Yeah. I -- I'm fine. I know you're worried about what people are thinking. I'm not laying any blame, and it's nobody's business. David: I'm sure the Chandlers and the Martins are going to make it their business to help J.R. get Little A. [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: Hey. Where are you headed, Junior-Junior? Little Adam: School. Angie: Well, guess what? There's no school today, either. Little Adam: Why? [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: J.R., Krystal swears it was an accident. J.R.: Right. We need to get a shot of that bruise to prove that David's a maniac. Opal: No way. That's never going to happen. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: Zach. Zach: Hey. Erica: Congratulations. You won your casino. Zach: It was always mine. Erica: I know, but you played a high stakes game and you got to hold on to it. But Ryan walked off with the rest of your life, didn't he? [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Hey there, bright eyes. Kendall: A little less bright this morning. Ryan: No. You always shine. Kendall: You better keep that up. What good is a real-life trophy that doesn't shine, right? [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Well, you win some, you lose some. Cambias is Ryan's headache now. Good riddance. Erica: Sounds awfully cavalier. You put your wife and your children in the same category with Cambias? Zach: They weren't on the poker table last night. Erica: Oh, no? Zach, you sat at Kendall's bedside, willing her to live. Why did you want her to live, so you could just give her away to Ryan? Zach: She wasn't mine to give away. Erica: Oh, come on. Don't be ridiculous. My daughter loves you. Zach: Yeah, and she loves Ryan. One heart, two men -- that's too crowded for me. Erica: No, well, that's true. I don't blame you for that. But Ryan was in love with Greenlee. Zach: Yeah. He was, but Greenlee was only the silver. Kendall is gold. Erica: I don't think Ryan felt that way. And I think that both Ryan and Kendall are still shell-shocked over Greenlee's death. Zach: Well, sleeping together probably takes the sting out of it a little bit. Erica: Yeah, well, you know what? That's the first true thing you've said. Ryan is using Kendall for comfort, Kendall is using him the same way, but that doesn't mean they belong together. Zach: But they are together. She's got him, he's got her, I've got the casino, so it's all good. Erica: Oh, you know what? None of this is remotely good, and you know that. You, Ryan, and Kendall -- you've all gone completely insane. [SCENE_BREAK] Amanda: Well, I -- I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I'm not sure who the father is. Lawyer: There are ways to find out. I advise you to do so before we take this any further. Amanda: I'm sorry, but that's impossible. I thought you explained. Lawyer: The father could sue for custody. Now, the adoptive parents could sue me. A secret adoption is out of the question. Amanda: Great. So this was a waste. Jake: Wait a second. I -- it's obvious that we're going to have to tell the truth -- Amanda: Jake -- Jake: Here -- the thing is, uh, you see, I am -- I am the father. [SCENE_BREAK] David: I don't know. Maybe you should have kept a low profile. Krystal: Crawled under the bed, you mean? I have nothing to hide, and neither do you. David: Yeah, but come on. Tad is probably out there right now spreading the word. News flash -- Hayward beats wife. Krystal: I told him the truth. You did not hit me. David: Hmm. Well, his version is going to be a lot worse. Krystal: He can't prove it. It boils down to my word. Do you trust me, or not? David: You're the only person in the entire world I do trust. [SCENE_BREAK] Opal: You know, you point the finger and David and Krystal's flaps will go down. Tad: It'll be the two of them against the world, with Krystal swearing under oath that the whole thing was a big mistake. J.R.: All right, wait a second. What am I missing? Even if David didn't hit Krystal, she's got some sort of bruise on her face from a scuffle that they had. I can't use that to prove that David is unfit to raise my child? Opal: Not until Krystal snaps out of denial. J.R.: Well, what if she doesn't? Tad: Well, then, just when you don't want him to, David will look like a stand-up guy, and you'll look like a big fat liar. [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: Ok. So, here's the deal. Here, let me get this, ok? Everybody loves you so much -- your dad, your aunt Colby, your grandpa Adam, and nana Krystal. Little Adam: Grandpa David? Jesse: Oh, ok. Yeah. He got me with that one. But yeah, him, too. And they all want you to live with them. So the big judge is going to make that decision, right, as to where you are going to be, where you're going to live. Angie: And you know what? Until the big judge decides, you'll just stay here and have lots of fun with us. Yeah! Natalia: We could hang out and we can do whatever we want to do. We can even go outside and play. In a way. We can go on the fire escape, and you can watch the cars and the people go by. Jesse: There we go. Angie: But you know what? Before you do that, I have an even better idea. Jesse: Uh-oh. Angie: Yeah! It's going to be so much fun. Jesse: Oh, yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: Zach. Have you ever recovered from losing your mother? I mean, really recovered -- no scars? Zach: What does that have to do with anything? Erica: My father left me when I was little girl. And they say that children are very resilient, but I don't think that's true. I think that they just hide their pain really well. When you break a child's heart, it stays broken forever. You can put a band-aid on it, but you can't fix it. My point is that you hold two tiny hearts in the palm of your hands. You can smash them, or you can protect them. Your decision is going to mark spike and Ian for the rest of their lives. Erica: Where are you going? [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: You are not a trophy to me. Why would you say that? Kendall: Well, that's kind of how I'm feeling. Like one of your winnings. You're after Zach's assets, that's -- that's what you said. So it's hard not to think of myself as part of the game. Ryan: Ok, well, I said this before, but I'm going to say it again, because I really want you to understand. I'm not using you like that. I'm not using you to get to him. Kendall: What am I to you? Ryan: You're the mother of my little boy, and you're the woman that I need and want. Kendall: You need me. You need me and want me. Ryan: I don't understand what you're asking, Kendall. Kendall: This thing that we have -- give it a name. Ryan: Look, it was a pretty long night, Kendall, and I am -- I'm drained. Kendall: Too drained to say how you feel? Ryan: You know that I'm still grieving Greenlee. Kendall: I know that. So am I. Ryan: But when I'm with you, it just feels right. Kendall: Ryan, I just -- I need to know what we're doing and why. Ryan: Well, I don't know, Kendall. I mean, I'm not the only one in this, you know? Why are you with me? Kendall: You're a part of me. Without you, I -- I'd be lost. Ryan: Other than my children, you are the only thing that makes sense in my life. Kendall: Yeah, I mean, I don't even know if I can make it without you. Ryan: Well, you're not going to need to. [Door opens] Kendall: What are you doing here? Zach: I'm moving back home. [SCENE_BREAK] Angie: There. I don't know, do you think he should have a beard? So you like him like he is? All righty. Jesse: I'm feeling a little left out here. Why don't I get a hand puppet? Natalia: Because your hands are too big. Angie: [Laughs] Natalia: You could eat us all put together. Jesse: Oh, fee-fi-fo-fum! Yeah, gobble, gobble, gobble! Natalia: [Screams] Jesse: Ah, good puppets, good lunch. Angie: My name is puff-puff. [Laughs] Jesse: Oh, my God. Natalia: My name is Garth. What is your name? Little Adam: My name is the big judge. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: You saw Krystal's face. File a deposition. Tad: I can't do it. J.R.: Whose side are you on, anyway? Tad: It's not about being on sides, J.R. I could say I saw David waterboard Krystal. Until she comes around -- J.R.: Just tell the truth about the bruise, Tad. Tad: Nothing's going to stick. J.R.: Yeah, well, we'll see about that. Tad: Where do you think you're going? J.R.: I'm going to my lawyer, then, maybe the cops. Tad: You do it, it's going to backfire. [SCENE_BREAK] Jake: I come from a very close-knit family, and if they were to find out that this was my child, they would probably want to raise it themselves. Lawyer: Would that be so terrible? Jake: Well, they're a little bit older, and they're not quite up to that task. Lawyer: What about your situation? Jake: Our situation is that we are not a real couple. Amanda: This was a one-night stand. Jake: And my job, my career is 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Amanda: Mine is nonexistent. Jake: And so that's why I don't really want anybody to know that this is my child. Lawyer: I'll make the appropriate filings, but it seems to me to be a terrible waste. Two healthy, young people with viable lives -- most of my mothers are desperate and alone, many of them below the poverty line. Jake: Well, it takes more than just money these days to raise a child. Lawyer: I know that. And you and Miss Dillon would seem to have a lot going for you. Amanda: Well, looks can be deceiving. Lawyer: Clearly, in this case they are. I'll need medical histories of both parents, records of the pregnancy so far, records of the birth -- Amanda: Well, I'll take it. This is seriously private, so -- Lawyer: Look, I can't help thinking that you and Miss Dillon here are making a big mistake. Now, even if the law didn't demand a waiting period, I would insist on it for the two of you. You are exactly the kind of parents any baby would be lucky to have. I'll be in touch. Amanda: Thanks a lot. Jake: Thank you very much. Lawyer: Mm-hmm. Jake: We -- we appreciate everything. Amanda: So, now you're the father? Jake: [Sighs] Well, it worked, didn't it? And you improvised very well, I've got to say. Amanda: Just went with the truth, for a change. Look, this lawyer seems to be too "all about the truth." Maybe we need to talk to someone who's done this before. Jake: Well, actually, I -- I have a little experience in this department. It was -- it was a while ago, but -- Amanda: You've been involved in another adoption? Jake: Honey, I've been around the world and back, all right? And my advice with this is just to keep it as simple as possible. Amanda: How do you keep it simple when you're faking a baby's death? Jake: Shh. Amanda: What's the matter? [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: That's some bruise you got there. Looks like it hurts. You want an ice pack? Krystal: It's not as bad as it looks. J.R.: No, because it looks like somebody beat the spit out of you. That's what it looks like to me. Krystal: I lost my balance, and I stumbled, ok? J.R.: You lost your balance. What were you doing, ice skating? Opal: You know, it's sidewalk cafe weather out there, J.R. How about you take me to lunch, huh? J.R.: I'd love to, but no thanks. Were you high? Krystal: No. Why? When you're drunk do you bruise easily? Tad: J.R., you're late for work. J.R.: Tad and Opal say that you're in denial. Krystal: Well, they're wrong. J.R.: So you get that your husband's an abuser? Krystal: David has never once hit me. Tad: Don't you have a meeting scheduled, or something? J.R.: Yeah. I've a got a couple of them. First, to my lawyer to discuss this wife-beating incident, and maybe to child protective services -- Krystal: J.R., you are spinning your wheels. You can't prove a thing, because there is nothing to prove. J.R.: Ok. All right, fine. Maybe you're ok with being battered. What happens if it happens to my son? What -- what if Hayward breaks my son's arm? Krystal: That will never happen, J.R. J.R.: Really? Because it happened to Tad. Tell them what Ray Gardner did. Opal: Well, I'm not used to being a punching bag. Krystal: Look, you know what? I -- I've heard about this before, and David is no ray Gardner. Opal: Well, maybe you need to hear about it again. You know, I figured, ok, I'll let the guy knock me around just so long as he keeps his hands off my kids. Krystal: You know what? I'm sorry you were in a bad place, Opal, but that is not what is going on with me. Opal: We were supposed to be on a picnic. You know, everything seemed to be going ok. And then, all of the sudden, ray just popped off quicker than anything. Broke Tad's arm in three places. J.R.: Yeah, you know, sorry is not going to cut it if David puts his hands on my son. Because I swear I will kill the man. Krystal: All right, baby. Mommy is so sorry, but I've got to go now, ok? I will come back when it is not so crowded. And I promise I will come back really soon, all right, babe? Tad: Krystal, wait. Wait. Krystal: You just tell me when he's not here. And don't you ever set me up like that again. Tad: I swear, I did not set you up. Krystal: Right. Tad: Well, congratulations. You handled that beautifully. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalia: Hey, how about we turn your little judge puppet into a dragon? [Roars] Yeah? Hey, I think big hand over there and puff need a break. I think they should go out to lunch and enjoy the day. What do you think? Angie: Well, we don't want to leave you in the lurch. Natalia: I am training to take down dangerous armed perps. I think I can wrangle a five-year-old. Jesse: You know, it's been a while since I've been able to wrangle a lunch with my beautiful wife. Natalia: That's what I'm saying. Go out. Have some fun. Me and Little A will stay here and enjoy our day. Here. Little A: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: I'll handle this. Is this fun for you? Zach: Not so much, no. Kendall: All right. Well, then why do it? Zach: I doubt my wife is going to unpack for me. Kendall: Yeah, you got that right. Zach: Yeah. And I don't want to have go through my bag every morning. Kendall: Every morning? No, Zach. There's not going to be any morning, ok? You filed for a divorce, remember? Zach: Not something a husband forgets, kind of like being cheated on. It sticks with you. Kendall: What are you trying to prove? Ryan: That he owns the house and everything in it. Zach: You're right. Kendall: You want me to move out. Is that it? Zach: No, I'm not going to -- would I presume to tell you where to live, Kendall? Seriously. Kendall: Well, I can't -- I can't stay here, ok? Especially if you're serious about moving back in. Zach: Well, why not? It's a big house. There's plenty of room for everybody. You, Ryan, and Emma loves the boys. Ryan: Yeah, one big happy family, right? I mean you, me, Kendall, spike, Emma, Ian. Zach: Yeah. And Aidan, if you like. I mean we can play a game where the boys get to share the woman of the house, and -- Kendall: All right, ok. You know what? Stop, stop, stop, all right? You're being a real son of a bitch right now. Zach: Wow, easy. Easy. It's all going to work out. We've just got to remember to put the seat down. Kendall: What will it take to make you go away? Ryan: You're playing right into his hand. Kendall: You moved out. You said you needed your space. Zach: I needed space, I had it. Now I'm back. Ryan: And how do you see this working out? Zach: I don't know. The possibilities are endless, but there's one iron rule. Ryan: And what is that? Zach: No more sleeping with my wife in my bed. Ryan: This obviously isn't going to work for any of us, Zach. Zach: Where's your sense of adventure? Ryan: I am going to go and pick up Emma. Zach: Don't leave on my account. Seriously. Kendall: It's ok. Ryan: Hey. Don't let him get to you, all right? Zach: Not so easy. Ryan: We will manage through this craziness. Zach: Ok, guys. When Ryan gets back, family meeting, ok? Kendall: Ok. I will move in with Ryan. Clearly, that's what you want. Zach: All I want -- all I ever wanted was my family. Kendall: Well, it's a little late for that. Zach: Maybe it was never mine to start with, anyway. Kendall: You left me. Zach: No, I said we needed some time alone. I did everything I could. Kendall: Well, I must have been sleeping when you did that. Zach: With Ryan, probably. Kendall: You are hateful. Zach: Ok. Hateful. Hate, that's an emotion. Better than that wall you've been throwing up. Kendall: You're pushing me out of this house, you realize that. Zach: Pushing you? Kendall Hart? I couldn't push you. You're a force to be reckoned with. Kendall: All right, fine. Fine, I'll take my things and the boys, and I'll get out. Zach: You go wherever you want. The boys stay here. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalia: Hey, you hungry? Little Adam: I miss my daddy. Natalia: I know. Come here, come here. Little Adam: Jesse's your dad? Natalia: Yeah, Jesse's my dad. Little Adam: Jesse's cool. Natalia: He is, isn't he? We both have cool dads. Give me five. [Laughs] Yeah. Jesse: Oh, ok, change of plans. Want to head over to the Valley Inn? Angie: What are you talking about? We're already here. Jesse: Happiness in the bottle over there. I mean, it's not too late for a getaway. Angie: You know, we are not criminals, and we're not going to act like we are. But let's go and eat outside. [SCENE_BREAK] Amanda: Will you please pass the butter, Jake? Jake: King me. David: Is there anyone on duty at the hospital with a medical degree? Jake: Hmm, uh, I don't know. Why don't you run along and check? David: Angie took all her personal days. All of them, all at once. Jake: Well, then maybe you should call her husband, have her arrested. I think that is an arrestable offense, isn't it? David: Aren't you supposed to be covering for her? Jake: Angie and I are covered quite nicely, thank you. But if you don't believe that, maybe you should go find out for yourself. Amanda: Can't have the candy stripers doing brain surgery. Better hurry off to the hospital. David: No need for that. I'll go to the source. Excuse me. Jake: Bye, Dave. Amanda: Do I need to eat more veggies? Jake: I think you look great. You look fine. Just ignore him. Amanda: Like that's possible. Jake: True. Amanda: Let's get out of here. Jake: Right. Angie: Grilled tuna looks good. David: Fish doesn't travel well. You might want to order a salad. Jesse: Excuse me? David: Your wife seems to have forgotten that she has a job during her extended vacation. Apparently, spring fever -- Jesse: Spring fever what? David: You know, I'm sorry. I just realized I have a phone call to make. Excuse me. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: I'm not going anywhere without my boys. Zach: Well then, I guess you're staying here. Kendall: You have no right to threaten me -- Zach: I have every right. Those are my kids. Kendall: Spike is Ryan's son. Zach: Oh. Ok, you're going to throw that at me? He is the biological father. Ok. Do you think that's why Ryan is here? No. He's here for you. Who gets these kids up in the morning, feeds them breakfast? Huh? Not Ryan. That's me. Who takes them at night, gives them a bath, sings them to sleep? Not Ryan. That's me. Kendall: Ok, yes, I know that. I understand that. But you think that you gives some kind of ownership? Zach: No. It makes me a parent. The parent that stayed here. The parent that didn't stray. So I kissed somebody. It's awful, and I'm sorry. Big deal. What did you do? You took Ryan -- you took the biological father and took him in our bed. In our bed, right here. You shattered this family. And with or without you, I'm going to keep it together. Whatever's left of this unit, I'm going to save it. Kendall: You are out of your mind. Zach: Hmm, maybe. You're not the first person to say that. Yeah, maybe I am a little crazy, a lot of angry. But regardless of wherever this madness leads, my boys are going to be fine. Kendall: You can't have my children. Zach: So what are you going to do? You going to take me to court? You going to shoot me? You're not dragging these kids out of their home. Kendall: All right. Ok, have it your way. I'll stay where I am. Zach: Fine. Kendall: But I have no intention of living with you. Zach: Then leave! Then get out! [Ian cries] [SCENE_BREAK] David: Did the lab work come back? Jesse: Saved by the cell? Angie: Too easy. David: How about the cat-scan? Jesse: Think he saw that? Angie: I don't know. David: All right. Well, listen, let me know if anything changes, ok? Great. You, too. Where was I? Jesse: Spring fever. David: Oh, right. Right. It's a beautiful day out there. Good thing you got a chance to enjoy it. Angie: You told me to order salad to go. David: Yeah, I know. It totally slipped my mind about your personal days. Jesse: But somebody's blood work reminded you? David: You'd be surprised how many times that happens. You do have a lot going on at home, huh? Angie: What is that supposed to mean? David: Frankie's deployment, his marriage. Well, I won't take up any more of your time. Enjoy your meal. Jesse: He saw it. Angie: You think so? Jesse: Something made him flip. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: Did Hayward ever hit my mother? Tad: No. Dixie would have murdered him. Hit him over the head while he slept. J.R.: So would Krystal, a year ago. Tad: Six months. Jake: Did I just hear that David hit Krystal? Tad: No, no, no. Krystal said that she and David had a fight and got physical, and she slipped. [SCENE_BREAK] Amanda: Oh, my God. That's awful. Jake: See, that's the thing. Right when you think you've got him out of your head, he pops right back in. Amanda: Poor Angie and Jesse. J.R.: What about Angie and Jesse? Jake: They were having a meal at confusion, David comes zipping in. J.R.: Really? What did he say? Amanda: Couldn't hear. Jake: Well, he said something. What he said to us was -- he was going on and on about Angie, took too many days off in a row from the hospital. J.R.: Was there anything else? Jake: Uh -- J.R.: This is important. Jake: No. J.R.: I got to go. Tad: No, J.R., you file that police report, Krystal's going to deny it. J.R.: This isn't about Krystal, Tad. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalia: There you go. Have you ever seen "The Lion King"? Little Adam: It's sad when the daddy dies. Natalia: Oh, no. You know, it's not so sad, because the daddy doesn't really leave, does he? No. I think that we should watch it again, what do you think? Yeah? Ok, I'm going to go get it. I'll be right back, ok? [Knock on door] [knock on door] David: Hey, hey. Shh. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: Oh, just the man I need. Ryan: The person you are trying to reach is not available at this moment. Erica: Ok, Ryan, look. I'm on my way to Fusion. We have a serious distribution problem, and it's going to take both of us on the phone. Ryan: Well, I have a serious personal problem. Erica: Which one are you talking about? Ryan: Zach is trying to move back into his house. Erica: Well, that's wonderful. Ryan: Really? Well, if you feel that way, then you can go help Kendall pack. Erica: Thank you so much, I'm kind of busy. And if Kendall has a brain in her head, she'll stay exactly where she is. Ryan: Well, at least you're honest. You know, at least I know exactly where your loyalties lie. Erica: Ryan, come on. You have taken Zach's casino away from him. You turned his life upside down. When are you going to forgive the man, stop punishing him for just one stupid little kiss? Ryan: It was a lot more than one stupid little kiss, and it ultimately killed Greenlee. Erica: Ryan, look, I -- I am so truly sorry for your loss of Greenlee. But Kendall belongs with Zach. They're a family. A mother, a father, and two little boys. Ryan: And one of those boys is mine. Erica: And Zach loves Spike. He's taken care of that child his whole life. You really owe Zach a debt of gratitude for the way he's always -- Ryan: But what about what I sacrifice? I never put up any resistance with my son being raised in a different household. Yes, I owe him, and I intend to pay. Erica: Look, why don't you come with me to fusion? Please, Ryan, let's -- let's save the company that Greenlee co-founded. And let's give Zach and Kendall the privacy that they need to find a way back to each other. [SCENE_BREAK] [Ian cooing] Zach: Aw, bud, did we wake you up? I know, we're too noisy, huh? It's this one, it's your mother, she's very loud. But you know what? [Laughs] You've got to to lay back down. You've got to to get some sleep. Kendall: Hi, buddy. Come on, baby. There we go. You hungry? Are you hungry? No, you're not hungry. Well, we can stay. One of us has to leave. Yeah, I know, baby. I know. How do we decide who leaves? [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: Don't shut down on me, Ryan. Come on, I need you. Ryan: I will deal with the distributors tomorrow. Erica: Well, they need to be dealt with today. They can't just hang out while you sulk. Ryan: I'm going back to Zach's, and I'm picking up Kendall and the boys, ok? Erica: Are you saying that Kendall is moving in with you? Ryan: Well, Zach's not budging, and she sure as hell isn't going to stay with him. Erica: She said that. Ryan: Yes, she said that. Erica: Well, I wouldn't be surprised if she changes her mind. Ryan: Life is full of surprises. Most of them suck, but you know what? Some of them are pretty good. Erica: Yeah, you know something? You're right. Sometimes life works out just fine. [SCENE_BREAK] Amanda: [Groans] Jake: Here, drink this. Amanda: Thank you. Jake: Up. There. Amanda: The lawyer was right. Jake: How do you mean? Amanda: This baby would be really lucky if you were really the dad. You instead of David. Be one lucky kid. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Natalia: Little A. Is that you? Oh, my God, J.R. He's gone. J.R.: What are you telling me? Natalia: Little A, he's gone. He was sitting right here. I just went to the other room to get some movies, and I came back and he was gone. I mean, I've looked everywhere, and he's gone. We have to call the police. J.R.: Wait, wait, wait. I think I got a pretty good idea where he's at. [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: What have you done? David: Start packing. We're leaving. Krystal: You snatched him? David: Just hurry. Krystal: We are not going anywhere with that child. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Here you go. Ok, thank you. Hey, you packed already? Kendall: Ryan, the thing is -- Ryan: Is it Zach? Is he giving you a hard time? Kendall, I can handle him. You tell me what you want me to do. Kendall: No. I can't uproot the boys. Ryan: What are you saying? Kendall: I can't move in with you, Ryan. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: Tell me Kendall is here. Zach: She'll be back. Erica: You're both staying? Zach: That's the plan. How did you know? Erica: Ryan. Look, you're not going to be sorry. I know that you and Kendall can find your way back to each other. Zach: I'm sorry. This marriage is over. Separate lives. Just doing this for the boys. Erica: All right. It's a start. Zach: Don't get your hopes up. Whatever we had -- Erica: What is it, Zach? Zach: He's not breathing. | Jake and Amanda sit at a table in the ConFusion bar |
267 | [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Phyllis: We told you to get information, not to give it. Sharon: I haven'T. Nikki: You've gotten too close, sharon. Tessa: It didn't well with those guys who helped me smuggle crystal into canada. Mariah: What happened? Tessa: It came time to pay them, and they wanted $20,000. Phyllis: After everything we've been through, everything we have together, what, that's worth nothing to you now? Billy: [ Sighs ] No. But you were right. Phyllis wasn't the woman for me. Everything is very clear now. Jack: The paternity tests were lies. I'm john abbott's son. I have my father back. [ Coffee mug rattling ] Jack: Hey, I have some fantastic news. Dina: You do? Jack: I learned who my real father is. It's john abbott. Dina: Did I know him? Jack: Oh, yes. Dina: I did? Jack: For a very long time. You were married to him. Dina: Really? Hm. Jack: A better father, no kid could ever ask for. Dina: Ohh. Jack: He was an exceptional guy. Loving, caring. I'm trying to live up to his standards. So I want you to know, I am sorry for everything I put you through these last few months. Dina: Oh, you -- you're always so lovely. Jack: Well, I also want to make you a promise. I'm going to do everything I can to set this family right again. Dina: Thank you for caring so much. Now... remind me again who you are. [ Cellphone rings ] Phyllis: Hi. It's, uh, me again. I'M... really glad that you're back even though you're doing your damndest to avoid me. So... could you ease up on that? Because we really need to talk. I meant it when I said I'm not gonna stop fighting for you. So you might as well call me back. Thanks. Billy: Good morning. [ Cellphone chimes ] Dina: Oh! Billy: Hello. Dina: Hello. Good morning to you, my dear. [ Chuckles ] [ Cellphone beeps ] Jack: So, you got a minute? Billy: Yeah, sure. What is it? Jack: Well, come with me and I'll show you. Tessa: Do you have any idea how much I missed you? Mariah: Oh, maybe about 1/10 of the amount that I missed you. Oh, don't do the math. Here, just -- Tessa: Okay. Mariah: Just take this. Tessa: What? Oh... um... okay. [ Gasps ] I -- I -- I love it! Mariah: [ Laughs ] Tessa: Oh, my gosh! I can't believe this! Mariah: Yeah. It's just a little souvenir that I picked up from one of the street fairs we covered in chicago. Tessa: But that means you were thinking of me. Mariah: Uh, yeah. What gave it away? The barrage of texts and calls? Tessa: Oh, but -- yeah. This -- this is -- this is another level. Mariah: Well, I'm really glad that you like it. And the next time that I go away for "gc buzz," you should come. Tessa: Yeah, but I can't miss a minute of work until I give those sharks what they claim I owe them. Rey: You up for more? Or are you all copped out? Sharon: No way. I love your many lessons. I'm getting to know your job. Rey: Having a social-work background is going to give you an edge in all this. Sharon: In what? Rey: Interviewing. Reading responses. Sometimes a self-proclaimed witness -- or victim, even -- could be your perp. I'll show you. I'll be me. You be the witness. [ Sighs ] You claim, after opening the store this morning, you discovered this tag next to its pillow-topped queen-sized mattress. Sharon: That's right. Rey: The tag clearly states that it can only be removed by the customer. Did you purchase the mattress for yourself? Sharon: No. Rey: And by your own admission, there were no other customers here, so... you agree that this was an unlawful tag removal? Sharon: Why else would I have reported it? Rey: Sometimes it would be too suspicious not to. Sharon: [ Laughs ] Oh, that's funny. Rey: I fired an accusation, pure speculation, to get a reaction. Two common signs of guilt -- aversion to eye contact and dismissing the accusation as a joke. Sharon: No, it was funny. I mean, because the whole situation is ridiculous. Rey: And yet you act like you did something wrong. Traci: Breakfast? Jack: For all of us. Kyle: And this was your idea? Jack: Actually, billy and i were just discussing, before you came in, how important it is for a family to break bread together. Billy: Cute, jack. Abby: You know, aren't we pushing it a little bit? Kyle: Dad, sharp forks. Breakable glassware. This could require medical attention if it goes wrong. Billy: Not "if." When. Traci: Jack, I know you have the best intention-- Jack: Yes, I do. We all need this. So? What do you say? Dina: Marvelous! Now, would you please all sit down? [ Chuckles ] Billy: [ Sighs ] Abby: Mom. I thought you left. Ashley: I had just gone for a walk. Oh, look. One last seat. I think I'll take it. I mean, they can vote us out as C.E.O., But they can't vote us out of our very own family, right, billy? Jack: We would love for you to join us. Please. Additional sponsorship Mariah: So, how is the forced fundraising going? Tessa: Well, sharon's letting me schedule an unlimited amount of shifts, and nick said that there's more work to do at dark horse, so I should be able to make my second payment this week. Mariah: Second payment out of how many installments? Tessa: I-in -- in about a year, I'll be done. Uh, maybe less than that. Maybe -- maybe 10 months. Mariah: I hate that this is taking over your whole life. Tessa: It's not my whole life. Because you're in it. And every time I remind myself of that, the debt goes on autopilot. [ Door opens ] All right, well, it looks like we're getting busy again. Go talk to sharon. She missed you, too. Mariah: Has she been hanging out more with rey? Tessa: I guess. Lola did make them dinner the other night. Mariah: She did? Hmm. Sharon: Here you go. Rey: You don't have to do that. Sharon: Well, that's the least I could do for the free seminar. Rey: I didn't mean to come down on you like that. It's just, I get a little caught up when it comes to the job. Sharon: No, I didn't feel persecuted. I have never removed a mattress tag in my whole life. Rey: [ Chuckles ] Well, feel free, though. Like you saw in the exercise, the statute only applies to mattress merchants. Sharon: See that? I graduate college, and the learning just continues. From perp-grilling tips to feeling the freedom to do whatever I want in my own bedroom. On the mattress. Rey: Oh. Sharon: Uh, with the mattress, I mean. With the tags still on. Rey: Uh-huh. Sharon: Till I decide to give it a good yank. Rey: Yeah. Sharon: Um... Mariah: Hi. Sharon: Hi! Mariah: [ Laughs ] Sharon: That's perfect timing. Um, you know, rey has a lot of detection to do, so why don't you and i come over here and catch up? Mariah: Okay. Sharon: Um, so, uh... welcome home. Tell me everything. Mariah: Thank you. Well, I could describe illinois' five scariest corn mazes, but I kind of left you in a maze of your own. How have you been? Sharon: Um, you know, I'm just trying to be strong, and keeping a regular routine, for faith -- and for myself. Mariah: Any second thoughts about nick? Seeing if you guys could work it out? Sharon: Definitely not. Telling me the truth, you did the right thing. And so did I, by breaking it off. No more going backwards for me. From now on, it is forward and upward. Mariah: Well, I applaud you. And I'm not being judgy. I'm just curious. Sharon: Okay? Mariah: Is, uh, he gonna help you go up, up and away? Sharon: Rey?! Um... mariah just forgot to say hello... Mariah: I did. Sharon: ...Earlier. Mariah: I did. Hi. Hi. [ Chuckles ] Dina: Why is it so dreadfully quiet in this dining room? Traci: Um... I think it's because people have a lot on their minds. [ Cellphone chimes ] Jack: I didn't call this breakfast so that mrs. Martinez could feel important. Billy: No, you want us all to pretend that we're peachy. Jack: No, that is not my purpose, I promise. Look, speaking for myself, it's not easy for me to sit at this table with ashley, feeling as angry and betrayed as I do. But she is still my sister. I can't cut her out of my life. Eventually, we have to talk. Eventually, there has to be a conversation. Ashley: I would like to discuss the plan for jabot now that my ejection is a done deal. Billy: No, ash, you don't get to do that. Not after the sabotage job you did on my position as C.E.O. You don't get to sit there and complain about how unfairly you think you're being treated. Ashley: Billy, I told you -- Traci: You know, uh, maybe you have something positive that you could share instead? Billy: Yeah, sure. Why not? [ Clears throat ] I take responsibility for my destructive choices, my [Sighs] Relapse in gambling. But we all know that my addictive behavior didn't occur in a vacuum, either. True, nobody held a gun to my head. This person was much more... subtle and shady. And I think it's time that he own his choices. Choices that were clear mitigating factors impacting my slide back into the gutter just before I was voted out as C.E.O. Kyle calculated a plot to orchestrate a train wreck spectacular enough to knock my ass out of that chair. Now, would it be nice if everybody acknowledged his heartless treachery? Yes. But, more importantly, I would rather you acknowledge my position right now in my treatment, in my choices to lead a gamble-free lifestyle... thus, reinstate me as C.E.O. Of jabot. Kyle: But even before your high-stakes betting and felony embezzlement, you were still gambling. Pardon the pun, but that's how you roll -- making reckless, executive moves, risking huge chunks of the budget to fulfill your own thrills. Jack: I-if I may. We're finally talking. Y-yes, mostly trashing each other, but we're talking. The ice is starting to break. That is a good thing. Another jabot board meeting was not what I had intended. Obsession with business is mostly why we find ourselves in pieces today. It seems to me, to heal ourselves, we're going to have to set business aside and focus on being a family. A family of uniquely different individuals who love each other despite those differences. Who protect that love. A love that has pushed every single one of us at this table to acts of selflessness, of heroism... and forgiveness for the sake of everyone else. If john abbott were at this table, I know in my heart, this is what he would be telling us. That there is no task more important than repairing and nurturing a family that meant everything to him. Dina: [ Whimpers ] Jack: I'm willing to try. Who's with me? Please tell me I'm not alone in this. Mariah: All I'm saying is, you canceled your wedding, nick moved out, and your heart is in a vulnerable place. And now there is this charismatic, insanely fine guy. At your job. Here, at your other job. He lives upstairs. You're having dinner with him. I mean, it could get very complicated. Sharon: It won'T. Rey has been very valuable to me at the gcpd. Plus, he helped me land the job. And, yeah, since he's been living upstairs, we've become friends. That's it. Just friends. Mariah: Understood. It just wasn't that long ago that you were furious with rey. And now it seems like you've done a complete 180, and you trust him more than ever. Sharon: Well, I mean, we talked, you know. And that investigation, it wasn't anything personal. He was just doing a job that he takes a lot of pride in. And I trust him. So, trust me. I've got way too much going on to shove a rebound onto my plate. Mariah: Okay. Sharon: Oh, wonderful. Mariah: You know what? It's about time that we throw her man-poaching carcass out of crimson lights for good. And you know what? We have a cop here to make sure she understands. Sharon: Oh, you know what, no. Thanks for your loyalty, but it's not worth it. Phyllis and I still have business together. I can't avoid her. Mariah: What business? Sharon: Our...charity work. Mariah: Please do something charitable for yourself and cut the evil tart out of your life now. Sharon: Oh, god. I'm so used to phyllis' behavior, it doesn't shock me anymore. Mariah: Oh, really? Like helping herself to your naked ex-fiancé? Sharon: I can handle the bitch. Phyllis: Oh, I'm so glad to hear that. 'Cause this bitch has something to discuss. In private. Sharon: Of course. Let's make it quick. Traci: We can survive this, jack. Like we have so many dark times. Jack: As long as we are all at this table, it is possible. Traci: And we're willing to make an effort. Start forgiving. Abby: Right now, I think I'm still in shock. Over what billy did. What he resorted to to try and cover it up. And the lengths that kyle went to to try to expose it. But you, mom, what you did, not just at the company, but in this house, it's just so much worse. You used me. You used my special bond with my grandmother to try and punish uncle jack. I know that you were hurt. I just never thought that you could do something so horrible. Ashley: I'm really, really sorry. I never should have pulled you into this. And I never meant to make you feel that way. Billy. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel that you didn't matter, and that I didn't respect you. That was wrong of me. Because it's -- it's not how I feel. I've made these two apologies, and whether or not you all want to believe them, they're sincere. But I'm not gonna be apologizing to jack, and I am not going to be begging for anybody's forgiveness. You're all aware of the sadistic decision that jack made to use my paternity against me. And, frankly, I think it's something that you should all feel very sickened by. I mean, right now, you should feel sickened by this. But... apparently not. Um... for some strange reason, jack, and everybody else who commits a crime against this family, gets a free pass, right? I mean, you colluded with victor to take jabot public. You used your uncle's gambling addiction against him until he hit rock bottom. And, billy, you -- you hid that addiction, and you stole money from your family's company, just like you stole your brother's wife. Billy: [ Sighs ] Ashley: But I'm the monster here, right? I mean, is that something that we can all agree on? I'm the monster? But don't you dare, any one of you, try to act like you're better than me. Jack: We're not. If you could get over this persecution complex -- Ashley: [ Slamming table ] My god! You're gonna call me a narcissist? You, of all people? You sit in that chair, and you act like you belong there. I've got news for you. John abbott was an exceptional man. And I don't care if it's his dna that's running through your veins, you are nothing like him. And you never will be, jack. Traci: Ashley! Ashley, what are you doing? Billy: Oh, don't worry about it, traci. You can hear her defense. "We're all horrible. Why can't I be, too?" [ Clears throat ] Here's the thing, ashley. You're only half right. Yeah, we've all screwed up plenty. Some of us are pretty damn good at it. But for decades, you made us believe that you were above it all. If only your newer deceptions had the same staying power. I'm gonna be at jabot. I don't need a title. I'm just gonna do everything I can to make it right. Abby: Aunt traci. Traci: Oh! Oh, oh! Honey! Honey, what is it? Why so sad? Dina: [ Crying ] I don't understand why everyone is so angry. Traci: Ohh. Dina: You're all so angry. Why? Traci: Oh. Okay. Kyle: Hey. Billy: Don't talk to me. Kyle: Even if it's about summer and you? Billy: I don't care what you think you know, kyle. Kyle: You went to bed with her. After you found out phyllis did the same with nick. Billy: It's none of your business. Kyle: It kind of is, since she confided in me. And even though she said it meant something to her, she hasn't heard from you since. Billy: What would you like me to do? Kyle: Speak to her. She deserves to know where she stands, 'cause i sure as hell have no idea. Do you? Abby: Cinnamon tea. Dina: Oh, thank you. Abby: Your favorite. Dina: [ Chuckles ] Oh, thank you. Jack: Mother, we are so very sorry we upset you. Traci: And it will never happen again. Dina: Okay. Okay. Traci: Conflict and tension frighten and depress her. Kyle: We should all think about that. Not be so selfish. Jack: Especially during meals. Ashley: Is there something you want to say to me? Traci: Just how disappointed I am. Ashley: Yeah, I'm disappointed, too. In you. It's unfortunate that I'm the only one that stands up to jack's hypocritical and self-righteous behavior. [ Sighs ] I should go. Traci: Probably. Don't you worry. Everything's going to be okay. Rey: So, what's the deal? Mariah: With? Rey: Those two. I'm surprised your mom lets her get coffee in here, let alone talks to her. Mariah: Yeah, sharon is too proud to let anyone think that phyllis intimidates her. Plus they have this charity project they're working on together, I guess. Rey: I'd get a different charity. Your mom's a better woman than I am. So to speak. Mariah: Heh. I'm dying to know what kind of person you are. Shall we? Sharon: You being in here just comes off as bizarre. Phyllis: I haven't received another note from our pen-pal. Have you? Thank god. I think that non-payment was a good strategy. Sharon: Well, nikki did pay. Sort of. She sent that foreign account $1. Pushed back a little. Phyllis: That's good. That's good. It gets our gutless creep to back off. Sharon: Or she has enraged someone very twisted who is now plotting revenge. Phyllis: Why are you being so negative? Sharon: Did you really just ask me that? Phyllis: I'm just saying, odds are, one thing could go right for us in our otherwise miserable lives. Sharon: Not mine. I'm feeling very liberated. Much like billy, I'm guessing. Phyllis: All I'm doing is guessing. He's avoiding every attempt at contact. I mean, I think the whole thing is just insulting. It's childish. Sharon: Oh, well, now look who's being negative. He's in a rehab program. Just think of yourself as another toxic, destructive habit that he needs to quit. Summer: Okay. [ Sighs ] Billy: Come in. Summer: Hi. Billy: Hey. Thanks for coming. Have a seat. Summer: Yeah. Thank you, uh, for texting me. It'S... really great to see you again. After treatment, I mean. Um... I just hope that you're feeling better. I was really worried about you. Billy: Yeah. It was exactly what I needed to clear the fog in my head. Ready to make some positive changes. Summer: Well, you already have. This is your new and improved life, and... I'm ready to be a part of it. Billy: Yeah. Recovery is not a destination. It's a journey. And the first year is best taken solo. Little too scary and stressful to inflict that on anybody you care about. Summer: But if the person cares about you, then that's a decision that they'd want to make for themselves. Billy: I don't think you're hearing me. Summer: Look, I'm an adult, and I can decide what's best for me. I have, and... it's you. Billy: Summer -- Summer: No, I know. I'd given up on you. I had accepted that there was nothing that was gonna happen between us. Okay? My expectations were completely zero. Till you came to me and told me that you finally realized that you needed me. And as incredible as hearing those words from you felt, our night together was a thousand times better. It was proof that it -- it really hadn't all been in my mind. You felt the same connection as I did. Billy, no illness could scare me away, okay? I care way too much about you. "The young and the restless" will continue. Mariah: I was surprised to see how close you've gotten with sharon in the last few days. Rey: Is it really that shocking? Mariah: You're a busy guy. Seems like you've gone out of your way to befriend her. Rey: Your mother was the first person in genoa city to show me any kindness. The only one in quite some time. Mariah: Well, that's sharon. Even with all the rotten stuff she's been through, her default is to be generous and kind. See the best in people. Until proven otherwise. Rey: Mm. Which has happened way too often Mariah: You're a cop. You know firsthand how scummy the world can be. Rey: Sounds like you do, too. Mariah: Oh, yes. I learned that very early on. No law-enforcement training required. Rey: I'm sorry to hear that. Mariah: You're going to be much sorrier if I find out that this conveniently- located friendship includes more benefits that free coffee and cupcakes. Rey: I got the warning. Mariah: You think I'm joking. Rey: No. Not at all. You remind me of my sister. That's a compliment, by the way. I respect any woman who is not afraid to bottom-line it. Especially when it comes to looking out for their mother. And in the same spirit, I'm married, so... the only thing I'm offering sharon is... friendly, platonic support. No drama. Mariah: I'm relieved. Thank you for listening. Rey: You're welcome. Do you have another minute? Mariah: Yeah, sure. For what? J.T. Hellstrom. Still my case. Mariah: How can I help? Rey: Well, it says in the police report that you were at victoria newman's party, but slept through when J.T. Hellstrom crashed it. Is that accurate? Mariah: Uh, yeah. I was in charge of making the margaritas, and I wanted to make sure they were perfect, which meant rigorous taste-testing and not enough time to eat. Rey: Oh. No wonder you fell asleep. Mariah: Let's be real. I passed out. Heh... Rey: So, is there anything you remember that's not in the police report? It's right here if you want to take a look. Sharon: You're both still here! Mariah: Hey. How did it go with phyllis? Sharon: Oh, there was no charity issue. And she left with every clump of hair on her head that she walked in with. Rey: Ahh, you killed it. Sharon: And I caught you using my famous and beloved daughter to sharpen your interrogation skills. Not in my coffeehouse. Rey: Yeah, well, we can always take it down to the station. Technically you're still a witness. Sharon: The only thing she witnessed was the effects of a tequila hangover. The next morning. At home. Hey, where's your power smoothie? Mariah: Uh, what? Sharon: Come on. Tessa's been waiting to make it for you. Mariah: Okay. Sharon: Excuse us. Rey: Wait. Sharon: What's up? Rey: You tell me. You seem like you've been irritated with me all morning. What'd I do? Jack: Look, I've put off talking about this, but it can't wait. Kyle: "It"? Jack: Your plan to take billy down. Kyle: Dad, listen -- Jack: Manipulating your uncle back into his addiction -- how could you possibly think that was justified? What if it was abby and she had manipulated things so that I was hooked on painkillers again because she didn't like my decisions at dark horse? Kyle: It'd be unforgivable. Jack: Of course it would be unforgivable. It should have occurred to you when ashley, with her vendetta against me, couldn't stomach this plan of yours. Kyle: She was fine using the results to further her agenda, so I can't take too much of her phony moral outrage. How can you? Jack: I guess I thought it was her last gasp. The good part of ashley crying out before the darkness and the hate swept in. And, boy, has it. What she said at that table... it cut me to the core. Kyle: Me too. Afterwards, I regretted siding with her against billy. Now he hates me. Like you probably do. Jack: No, no. I hate -- I hate what you did. But I understand it better now. Look, give billy time. I know he doesn't like the way you reacted, but he's to blame for most of it. Kyle: He can stay pissed at me for 60 years if he never gambles again. Jack: Fortunately, it doesn't work that way. If an addict truly wants to recover, they have to learn to forgive. Kyle: Hope that happens. Jack: That makes two of us, son. Ashley: Oh, god. Look, I'm not in the mood to hear you gloat, so either you leave or I do. Kyle: Gloating would indicate malicious glee, or some kind of satisfaction in all this. Ashley: Okay. So, then, why are you here? Kyle: You've always been so meticulous. Never making a move without calculating the outcome to the closest probable degree. I think it's the chemist in you. But this time you lost control of the experiment, and what resulted was a mess beyond anything you imagined. You were so angry. Your only focus was tasting vengeance as quickly as possible. And so arrogant! Ashley: Kyle. You can't talk to me about arrogance. That's priceless. Kyle: So is the lesson you taught me on how to ruin a dream opportunity. You almost got away with it. If you'd only paid your genetics crony andrew with your own money, you would have succeeded. [ Scoffs ] And I'd be the one who helped you do it. To my dad. To billy. Hell, to the whole family. Ashley: Yeah, I think you're forgetting your enormous enthusiasm for the task. Using your uncle's gambling addiction against him. Kyle: I'll never forget that. Or stop regretting what a heartless, ignorant mistake I made. I had the audacity to think I was better than billy. More cutting-edge. Smarter. Future of jabot. And I proved how wrong I was by choosing to team up with you. You thought you were invincible. But you got sloppy. Just like billy. At least billy could blame his gambling. Billy: I think we're looking at what happened through different lenses. Summer: One thing was very clear -- that we wanted each other. And I was just as into it as you were. Billy, something beautiful can be born out of the most tragic conditions, and I really do think that you and I could be great together. Summer: Okay, when you were at rock bottom, there was a reason that you called me. Billy: Yeah, you're right. And it's a hell of a good one. But you're not gonna like it. 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There is no obligation and the book is free. Tessa: Hi. Mariah: I have noticed a lot of weird things going on today. Okay. Well, maybe just two. But still. Tessa: Okay. Mariah: So, first, sharon's welcoming, mature behavior, it's uncalled for. Tessa: Well, the customers seem to like it. Mariah: No, no, I-I -- I mean with phyllis. Tessa: Oh. Mariah: Why is she even talking to that sex-crazed barracuda? What could they possibly be discussing? Tessa: I don't know. I stayed away. Mariah: It's weird. That's all I'm saying. And -- and with this rey thing. Tessa: Mm-hmm. Mariah: Okay. If it's so organic, and it's so healthy, then why did she practically pull me up from the table like I needed the heimlich? Something is going on with her. And we need to find out what. Rey: I needed to ask mariah some questions about hellstrom. I don't suspect her of anything. So what's the problem? Sharon: Okay. I'll just tell you. I made mariah go to victoria's that night. And the only plus was that she blacked out so that she didn't see him crash the party. Say I'm obstructing. But I'm her mom. I want her left out of it. Rey: Mariah's equipped to take care of herself. And kick some ass if need be. You missed her interrogating me. Sharon: How'd you hold up? Rey: I told her the truth. You and I are just friends. Accurate? Sharon: Well, of course. Ashley: How's mother? Abby: She's resting. Doing well, for now. Jack: We were all just discussing ways to keep mother's happiness and welfare a top priority around here. Traci: Yes, there's just too much tension in the house with all of us living here, and we can't have another incident like this morning. Jack: We all can do better. Ashley: And by "we," you mean me. I mean, I am the source of the tension, so... I think the best solution is for me just to move out. Abby: Mom, you don't have to do that. Ashley: Yeah, I think I do. I don't want to make things worse for our mother. And I don't want to stay where I'm not wanted. Billy: [ Sighs ] I've tried to be reasonable. Even kind. But you're not getting it, so I'll be blunt. I have no romantic interest in you. None. [ Door opens ] Phyllis: Hey. I heard you were in the building. What's going on here? Billy: I was just about to tell summer that the reason why I slept with her was knowing what it would do to you when you found out. So there we go. Now you know. | Ashley apologizes to Billy for helping to cause his gambling relapseand she apologizes to Abby and Kyle for the hurt she caused them |
268 | John: Roman told you that I was leaving Salem pd to join the ISA? Marlena: I guess he thought you told me that already. So, it's true, hmm? John: I'm not gonna lie to you. Marlena: You mean you're not going to lie to me anymore. John: I was gonna tell you, doc, I was just waiting for the right time and place. Marlena: What, so you weren't sure that I would support you in this? John: Was I wrong? JJ: You want to know if I would go undercover with the DEA...for you? Paige, that's the only reason why I'm doing it. [Club music] Clyde: I ordered a single malt double neat. Rafe: Yeah, I heard you. Clyde: You plan on pouring it? Rafe: Nope. Clyde: So my money's not good enough all of a sudden? Rafe: Well, thing is Weston, I'm all out of disinfectant, so why don't you just do us both a favor and get the hell out of here? Clyde: You know, it almost sounds like you're angling for a fight there. Don't imagine your employer would cotton to that. Rafe: You know what, Weston? I've been cordial to you out of respect for Victor, but I don't need this dead-end job anymore. See, I'm planning on going back to what I do best. Being a cop. Clyde: Well, if that's what you do best, then we're all in trouble. Rafe: Nah, you're the one who's in trouble. Aiden: [Groaning] Hope: Stop, stay, just lay-- Aiden: No, no, I'm okay. Hope: What are you doing? Aiden: I'm okay, I'm okay, baby, I'm okay. Hope: Tell me what happened. Aiden: [Sighs] I...I got mugged. Hope: Here? Aiden: Mm-hmm. Some guy of the street. Probably A... looking for cash for his next fix or something and he, uh... got my wallet, took my watch and... Hope: My God. Aiden: No, I gave as good I got, you know, but he, um... Hope: Easy, easy, easy. Aiden: Took off before I could finish the job. Hope: What'd he look like? Aiden: I don't know. He was wearing a mask. Hope: Calling the station right now. Aiden: No. Don't do that. [Club music] Clyde: Maybe it's time we had a little chat, Rafe. Get it all out there, man to man. Rafe: Man to what? Clyde: Yeah, I could have chosen my words more carefully, I guess. Rafe: Yeah. Clyde: I know how you feel about me. You got no proof I've done anything wrong, but you got a bad feeling about me down in your gut. You just don't know why. I'll tell you why. You're jealous. Rafe: [Laughs] Hope: I don't even know why you're trying to wa-- Aiden: No, no, no. Hope: Why don't you want me to call the station? Aiden: Hope. Hope: What? Aiden: It would be a waste of the officers' valuable time. The guy is long gone. I can't id him. He was wearing gloves. There's no prints. Hope: So you just want to what, forget this happened? You're hurt. Aiden: Bruises will heal, you know? I never liked that watch anyway. So alls well that ends well, right? Hope: You can't be serious. I mean... Aiden: Listen to me. The whole police force doesn't need to know that we were going to have a rendezvous here at the Salem inn. Hope: I don't care who knows we're together. I'm calling the station. Aiden: Hope, please! If it gets out that some random thug beat me up, there goes my reputation as the toughest lawyer in town. Hope: Yeah, well your rep? Aiden: Yeah? Hope: It'll survive, okay? But what about mine? John finds out I didn't report this, I'll be on meter duty all year. For the record, Mr. Jennings. I'm very good at what I do. Aiden: I know you are. Hope: But don't give up. We're getting the bad guy. I'm getting the bad guy. Paige: Who asked you to do this? I mean, it isn't your job. Why would you ever think that I would want you to-- JJ: An agent asked me, Paige. Paige: Oh. 'Cause you used to do exactly what Kyle does? JJ: Because I gave it up. But when I saw you with him, I couldn't say no. I wasn't gonna tell you ever. I was just gonna take care of it and get the guy. Paige: For me? JJ: You think that you know him and you think that you can handle it and that you can turn him into this upstanding citizen and he'll leave the life behind, but that's not going to happen. Paige: How do you know? JJ: Because he is seriously bad. Paige: Oh, as bad as you? JJ: Maybe you're just with him because you know that it drives me insane. Paige: Oh, stop. JJ: Or maybe you actually do like him and you think that you can save him. But the DEA doesn't go after low-level dealers, Paige. He couldn't quit the life even if he wanted to. The only way he leaves is in handcuffs or a coffin. Paige: JJ... JJ: And if you're with him, I don't even want to think about that. He is going to hurt you so much worse than I ever did. Paige: Like that's even possible. You know what, if you're so worried that he's going to hurt me, maybe you shouldn't have told him that I outed him to your mom. JJ: I just wanted him to leave you the hell alone. Paige: I want you to leave me alone, okay? You have no right butting into my life this way. JJ: I'm not butting into your life, but when I see you with that guy, I know what I have to do. And that's what happens when you love someone. And I do love you Paige. I never, ever stopped. Marlena: Haven't we been through this before? Do you remember how this turned out? John: I was gonna tell you, doc. It's just that we had been working so hard to get back on track, I didn't want to add another complication right now. Marlena: Then why do it? Why go back to the ISA? John: Because I have to. Marlena: See, I don't know what that means. John: Everything I know about who I am starts from the day that I met you. First half of my life might be a blank slate, but I know that I am Brady and bill's father and I know that I am the spy who loves you. The ISA is more than a job, doc. It is part of my identity. It's my calling, like you were called to be a doctor. Marlena: No, wait a minute. John: I know you think it's dangerous, but what about your job? Marlena: No. You chase bad guys around the globe. I see patients in my office. John: The name Stella Lombard ring a bell? Marlena: [Exhales] Being kidnapped by one sociopath does not a job risk make. John: Come on, doc. I gave it the good college try. I sat behind a desk. I ran basic black. That wasn't me. I need to feel like I'm making a difference. Like I'm part of the good guys. Marlena: You are. You always have been. And you are with the Salem pd. John: Yeah, I know, and I though that would be enough, but you know what? There's something missing. I love you. So a part of me is saying, "make her happy." "Walk away." "Just put her first and do what she wants." Marlena: In a relationship, both people have to get what they want. John: Yes, and I want this to work for us, doc. I want this with all my heart. Marlena: I do, too. John: But if I pass on this opportunity... what if this feeling doesn't go away? What if, over time, I start to resent you for what I passed up? I not saying it will. I just don't know if I'd be able to stop it. [Cell phone ringing] John: It's the station, sorry. [Phone beeps] John: John Black. On my way. Marlena: What is it? John: Hope called in a robbery. Aiden Jennings was attacked. Marlena: Let's go. Hope: Take pictures and get an inventory of everything that's missing. But first, let's get a detailed statement from Mr. Jennings. Aiden, what, why aren't you sitting down? Aiden: It looks a lot worse than it is, I'm fine, hope. I'm fine. Hope: Tell officer lee what happened, okay, please? From the beginning. Aiden: There was knock on the door. I thought it was you. Opened the door. He punched me in the face and forced his way in. Officer lee: You never saw the assailant's face? Aiden: No. Hope: What happened next? Aiden: Uh... he started looking for cash, started trashing the room. I... fought him off the best I could, but you know, I... tried ripping off the mask. I couldn't do it, and he took off. Managed to get a couple things. Hope: And how tall was he? Aiden: Average height. Average build. I...just average, you know? It happened so fast. Officer lee: Any physical features that stand out? Aiden: No. Wish I could give you more, but, uh...that's all I got. Clyde: Tell me what's funny. Rafe: No, no, no, you know, I'm gonna tell Victor that if he ever needs someone to do stand-up, that he should give you a call. Clyde: Hmm. Rafe: Yeah. So, why would I be jealous of you? Clyde: Well, let's see. I call my own shots. Rafe: Mm-hmm. Clyde: You pour shots. You go from FBI agent to police detective to shift manager. Plunging out the toilets whenever they overflow. And by the way, I do understand that the arrest rate has gone way up since you left the force. Rafe: You know, incidentally, so has the crime rate. Clyde: So, I should be shaking in my boots since you maybe gonna become a detective again, huh? Well, let me tell you, I'm a major donor to a hospital charity. My businesses are booming. I got a great relationship with my son, who's about to marry this beautiful woman, and you, what is it you got going for you again? Rafe: Well, at least I can go home and sleep at night knowing that I'm a decent person and I put in a hard day's work. Clyde: Well, I sleep like a bay, Rafe. Right next to your ex, which I'm sure you don't need reminding. You see, that's the thing. You had something solid and you lost it, and you just can't get it back again. I mean, that would bother any real man. But that's the difference between you and me, you see? I'm exactly where I want to be. Paige: You love me? After everything you... [Sniffs] Why are you telling me this? Do you really think I could ever forget what you did to me? JJ: No. Of course not. But you wanted me to explain it, and I'm just trying to make you understand, not what I'm trying to do, but what you are getting yourself into. If you could only see the stuff that the DEA has showed me about Kyle. Paige: But of course, you can't tell me. JJ: You can read about it in the paper. An old buyer of his ended up in ICU 'cause he nearly got beat to death after he tried to stiff Kyle. You saw how much cash he had in that safe. Do you know what he also keeps in one of his desk drawers? His gun. I'm not saying that he would ever try to hurt you, but what if you're with him sometime when he decides that he needs to use it? And what if you get caught in a crossfire? Paige: JJ, it's... JJ: Damn it, Paige, it is killing me to see you with this guy. Just promise me, will you please promise me, that you will stay away from him. Paige: Why? So that you can have me back? Rafe: You're like the U.S. Congress, Weston. All talk, no action. Clyde: Oh, I get plenty of action, Rafe. How about you? Rafe: Uh-huh. Yeah, you made a sizable donation to a hospital, you walk round this place like you're some damn hero. You know, here in Salem, people know the real deal. You ain't it. Clyde: It's not you either. Rafe: Yeah. Clyde: You just keep telling yourself how happy you are with you life. You can tell yourself that enough, you might even start to believe it. Hope: Check in with Chen downstairs, okay? Keep me informed. Marlena: Hope! Hope: Oh, Marlena, what are you doing here? John: Well, watch commander called me. What about you two? Hope: Trying to have a romantic evening. Marlena: What happened? Hope: I left to bring Caroline her reading glasses-- John: Someone call the EMT? Hope: No, Aiden insisted he's okay. I'd feel a lot better if you looked at him, though. Marlena: I will, of course I will. Aiden: It's not necessary. Marlena: Aiden, oh, honey, my gosh. Please. Aiden: Sure. Marlena: Follow my finger. Aiden: All right. Marlena: Were you unconscious at any point? Aiden: No, no, no. I can move all my limbs and I'm not seeing double-vision and it's 2015, I believe, so does that cover everything, or...? Marlena: I think it does. Aiden: [Chuckles] Marlena: Okay. John: Is he okay? Marlena: Well, uh, I think so, his wounds seem very superficial. I don't think that he has a concussion, um... wow, it just must have been so upsetting. I want to get a complete neuro-exam on him just to be sure. Hope: Yeah, of course. Marlena: And I am shocked a thing like this could happen here. John: So am I. The other manager's gonna get us security camera footage. We've got officers going door to door. Somebody's gotta see something. What I want to do is bring forensics in right away. Aiden: Will you people just stop and get out? (Music plays) Paige: As if I'd ever take you back. JJ: I didn't say that. Paige: You didn't have to. You keep trying to make this about Kyle, but it's obviously about us. JJ: No, it's not about us. Paige: You just said the whole reason you're doing this is because of me. Because you still love me. And because you think I can't take care of myself. JJ: That's not it. Paige: Yes, it is. But guess what? I don't need you. I don't need my mother. I learned the hardest way possible that the only person that I can count on is me. I am finally running my own life and I'm getting better at it every day, and do you know how that feels? It feels great. And now all I need is for you to just get out of my way. JJ: Paige, I know I broke your heart. It doesn't mean you can turn off your feelings. Earlier, when I broke into Kyle's safe, you helped me get out of there. You didn't have to do that. But you did. Why? It's because you cared. 'Cause you still have feelings for me, no matter what you say. [Lounge music] Rafe: Yeah. Just keep giving me ammunition to go after you. Clyde: You know, actually, I can't wait till you become a detective again. New manager comes in here, I might finally get a drink. Rafe: Well, not if you're in jail. Clyde: Now you said I was all talk. I got a lot of friends in this town, Rafe, including your boss. Rafe: Yeah, Victor's not your friend. Clyde: No? Rafe: No. Clyde: Then why does he comp my drinks? Couldn't be 'cause he's scared of little old me, could it? See, that's the thing. Even the great Victor Kiriakis has got nothing on me. So if you and your friend hope wanna go get me, have it man. Waste your time. You got plenty of it. But there's no evidence out there, so you're not gonna find it. Aiden: [Sighs] I'm sorry about that. It's just my head is pounding. Hope: No, I bet it is. You need to rest. He needs some rest. John: This is a crime scene now. Hope: We both know forensics isn't gonna find anything more in this room. Our best bets probably an eyewitness, if there is one. John: Yeah, I agree with that, but still-- Aiden: The truth is, I'm just embarrassed about the whole thing and I... Marlena: Why? You were a victim. Aiden: I don't like to be a victim. John: Nobody does. Aiden: I don't want look like I'm getting special treatment, that's all. John: Okay, fair enough. Marlena: I think you should be seen at the hospital. Aiden: I'm fine, really, I am. Hope: Okay, all right. Tough guy. He's pretty stubborn sometimes. Aiden: Which is why we are a perfect match. Hope: Thanks for coming over. I got it from here, okay? John: Okay, we'll get out of your hair. Marlena: Yeah, now look, you take good care of yourself. Aiden: Yeah. John: I'm gonna check the video camera surveillance on the way out. Don't worry, we'll get this guy. Hope: Good night. Aiden: No doubt you will. Thanks for coming by. Sorry if I was rude, I... Hope: No, no, you've been through a lot tonight. It's completely understandable. I understand. I'm sure they understand, as well. I bet you're pretty tired of talking about what happened tonight, huh, Jennings? Aiden: [Grunts] Hope: Careful, careful, don't--don't move. Aiden: How did you know? Besides, there's really not much left to say about it. Hope: A text message from you earlier. Only a portion of it came through. What did you want to tell me? [Lounge music] Clyde: Yeah, go ahead and arrest me, big guy. Bartender without a license. Rafe: Oh, I will arrest you. But when I do, it won't be for a misdemeanor. Clyde: Yeah? Rafe: Mm-hmm. Clyde: You don't even have a clue as to what you think I did. You just don't like the way I look, Rafe. You know what that's called? Profiling. You got something against people with southern persuasion? Rafe: No. I got something against people of the criminal persuasion. And yeah, you're right, I may not have a smoking gun yet, but you know what Shakespeare says about pride. Oh, wait, I'm sorry, of course you don't. "He that is proud eats up himself." Clyde: Yeah, well, if you've got the hubris--you can look that word up, Rafe-- to think that you can make anything stick against me, you get ready to eat your heart out. Aiden: Um... my text, right, um, it was about Clyde. Hope: Wait, you got upset earlier when I wanted to talk about Clyde. You said it violated attorney/client privilege, even though he's no longer-- Aiden: My client. Hope: Yeah. Aiden: Yeah. I dropped Clyde because I learned some potentially unsettling information. But I had no proof, so I hired an investigator to look into it. And that file that you saw on my desk, that was from him. Hope: You could be disbarred if Clyde found out. Aiden: I know. But I did it because I love you. You've been so driven to get something on this guy. If you're gonna put yourself in some terrible danger, I had to know. Hope: You're the sweetest. But once you've been up against Stefano DiMera, Clyde Weston is... [Blows air] Nothing. Aiden: [Chuckles] Don't make me laugh. Hope: Sorry. Aiden: But I do know that even more now. Hope: You do, really? Aiden: He's clean. I was shocked, too. I know. Hope: But how can you be sure? Aiden: [Sighs] Turns out there's an old business competitor. He's got a grudge against Clyde in Missouri. And he's been badmouthing him for years to anyone who would listen, so there's no truth behind the rumors. Told my investigator, the Salem pd, the FBI that came up empty-- Hope: So, just um... are you gonna represent Clyde again? Are you thinking about that? Aiden: No. No, I mean, too difficult to explain all that, so I don't really like him anyway and happy with the status quo. [Laughs softly] Hope: Wow, I just, I mean, you spent your own money to hire a personal investigator. Aiden: I did it for you. Besides my son, you're all that matters to me. I can rest easy. You are safe. Well, safe as cop can be. Hope: I'm really sorry. I know you didn't want to talk about this. Aiden: How'd you know? [Chuckles] Stop making me laugh. Well, there's really not much left to say about it. Hope: I wish I had been here. I would have taken care of that guy, believe me. Aiden: Mmm... [Laughs softly] Oh... Hope: Did I hurt you? Aiden: Uh, no, no. No, you didn't. Come here. Hope: Oh, God. Thank God you're okay. You haven't been in my life very long... but I can't imagine it without you. I really can't. No, no, don't--don't move. Don't move. John: Security cameras were malfunctioning--you're sure about that? No, it just seems pretty convenient. So I'll tell you what. Why don't you check those cameras out, see if they might have been tampered with. Then call me back. Marlena: Wow. What a shame. John: There's just something really off about all this. Marlena: And I know you'll be up half the night worrying about it. You know, Roman tells me that all the fellows at the police station are thrilled to have you back. It makes me wonder why that's not enough for you. John: Wish I knew. Marlena: Well, if it's about the travel, I could arrange some exotic trips for us. And, uh, if it's... something more than that... maybe it's the intrigue of the adventure, you think? John: Do you think I'm idealizing what this job is about? Marlena: Only you can answer that. Look, I know this kind of opportunity does not come along every day. I know it's nice to be wanted. I want you here. But only if that's what you want. John: Doc, I wanna be here, it's just... Marlena: I know. I know we're taking this slowly so that we get it right. Look, I would never ask you to make a compromise that you weren't prepared to make. But after all we've been through... I don't want to go through losing you again. Paige: I was just trying to save you, because that's the kind of person that I am. But you just decide that it has to be because I still love you? Get over yourself! JJ: You took a big risk to help me get out of there. You don't do that for a guy that you hate. Paige: You know what? If you really did love me the way you say you did, you wouldn't be pressuring me. You'd respect what I'm telling you and know that I will never, ever get over what you put me through. JJ: Paige, Paige-- Paige: No! JJ: If you just give me a chance-- Paige: Just leave me alone. I mean it. [Cell phone ringing] [Beep] JJ: Kyle. Kyle: Hey, I'm at my place. Get over here...now. I will take beauty into my own hands...where it belongs. JJ: What's going on? Kyle: What's up? Have a seat. Bro, I said have a seat. Marlena: John, it's just not the same, it's...it's not the same kind of danger. I mean... the thing is, with this job, you'd--you'd be keeping lots of secrets. You'd have to be telling lots of lies. That's just part of...the job. John: So that's what this is all about? Doc...honesty has never been an issue with us. When we said our vows together, we...rode it out through sickness and health, better or worse. Even death and the DiMeras couldn't keep us apart. So we can do this. I don't have any doubt in my mind. [Phone ringing] [Beep] Marlena: You'd better take that. John: The ISA can wait. Hope: We've been round and round about Clyde these past couple of months. Amen, thank God it's finally over. Aiden: Mm... Hope: Sometimes it can be really hard being on opposite sides of the law, huh? Aiden: Well, we're not exactly on opposite sides. Hope: Oh, come on. You know what I mean. I arrest the criminals, and you defend them. But Aiden, you know, what's really important? It's the trust that we share. Aiden: I agree. Hope: I really can't even express how important that is to me. It's the kind of thing you... you take for granted, and then...one day, it's gone. That's what happened with Bo and me. When, um... when our son died, he lied to me about something that I never thought I could ever forgive him for. Took me years to completely trust him again. And then he... I'm sorry. Aiden: What? It's okay-- Hope: No, I just... I never in my wildest dreams ever thought that he would just walk out of our lives, that he-- his family wasn't the most important thing to him. After having my trust shattered like that... I never, ever thought that I could love someone again. Then you came along. I have to tell you that what was scarier than loving again... was trusting someone again. But I do. I trust you. After everything we went through in Puget sound together, my God, I mean... the risk you took, trusting me with your biggest secret... I would never, ever do anything to betray that. Not ever. Aiden : I know. So... does this mean we can forget about Clyde? Concentrate on us? Hope: Nothing I'd rather do right now. Aiden: [Laughs] [Groans] You exercise. JJ: Yo, what the--? Kyle: [Laughs] I've been meaning to clean this thing. [Humming] JJ: So, you wanted to talk about something? Kyle: Yeah. Yeah, I think I can trust you with more deets about what's going on. JJ: Like? Kyle: Just watch your back, JJ. You know, it's not just the competition. But it's the cops and the DEA. JJ: You hearing stuff? Kyle: A little bit. You got my back, right? 'Cause I got yours. JJ: Yeah, sure. Kyle: All right. [Siren wailing] Kyle: JJ, relax. It's just an ambulance. JJ: Right. Nothing to worry about. Kyle: You good? JJ: Yeah. Daphne: What's wrong? Paige: Oh...just everything. Daphne: It can't be that bad. Okay. What about your awesome roommate who will buy you a fro yo and tell you sad tales of my non-existent love life? Paige: [Laughs softly] No. Be grateful, Daphne. Falling in love was the biggest mistake I ever made. Now I don't know what to do. [Lounge music] Rafe: Whoa! Marlena: Hello. Rafe: Well, good evening. John: My beautiful date and I were hoping we could still get a table. Rafe: Yeah. John: Sorry I missed the earlier reservation. Got called out on a 911. Rafe: Is everyone okay? John: Aiden Jennings got attacked at Salem inn. Rafe: What? Marlena: And thank goodness he wasn't badly hurt. Rafe: Well, who did it? John: Don't know. Some mugger came in off the street. Gloves, mask, no videos, no witnesses except for Aiden. He can't tell us anything. Rafe: Well, that's strange that you got called in on a routine b and E. John: They didn't. Hope was there. A little shaken up. Rafe: Hope was there? Is she all right? Marlena: She got there after it happened. She's fine. Rafe: Good. Good. Hope: Better? Aiden: Much. Thank you. Hope: We can't stay here tonight. Aiden: We could get another room. Hope: I have a better idea. Come home with me. Aiden: But the kids... Hope: They're at a sleepover, remember? You're part of my life now, Aiden. And I want to take care of you. I don't want to hide out in a hotel room anymore. I want to be with you. In my own bed. Aiden: That's exactly where I want to be. | John explained how he tried to do other things, but they didn't work |
269 | Olivia: You've lost your mind. You've lost it. Cassie: This is as wrong as it gets in life. You are purposely allowing a man to believe his child, your child, died at birth. Olivia: I have told you. I have been telling you why. Cassie: I don't care. I don't care. Or maybe I care in a way that you don't like. I regret every second I wasted backing you on this. Olivia: You agreed that this was the right thing to do! Cassie: There is nothing right about this. This is a decision made out of fear. I only went along with it because I thought it was your decision. Olivia: It still is, Cassie. Cassie: Well, you know what? It's really easy to make a decision when you don't come face-to-face with the consequences. Do you see Phillip? I mean, do you see him? Olivia: I see him. I see him every day. But I also see what could happen if I did tell him. Cassie: Lizzie. Olivia: What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do?! Do you want me to keep reliving the same nightmare with that child? I have gone down that road, where I thought I could protect my daughter from her, but I couldn't. Okay? And no one in that family can control her. She did everything she could to run me out of Springfield while I was pregnant, Cassie. She wanted me dead! Cassie: I know that you have been through a lot, but so has Phillip. And you are part of the reason why he is suffering like this. Olivia: What are you? Another Spaulding? Everything is my fault. Cassie: That man is convinced that he killed his child. Now, you can't give me one good reason why he should be in there suffering like that. Okay, you say that you care about Phillip, but when you married him, you married into his life in the community, you married into his family and his company and all that comes with it. Olivia: Well, look at me. I've been found out. Cassie: I don't know, Olivia. Maybe you have. Marina: It ends tonight -- the roller coaster of pain, of suffering, of sadness. Fun ride. Michelle: You know, I didn't think I had it in me to feel sorry for Carrie when she asked for this memorial. Marina: Yeah, me either. We're going, aren't we? Michelle: Yeah. Yeah, honoring Maryanne feels right. She was innocent, right? Going there tonight is the best way to put this whole thing to rest. Marah: Or not. I'm not going, and I don't think either of you should. Billy: I'm getting tired of this. Anybody know where the box is, so I can shut these lights off? Buzz: I don't know. I haven't been here for ages. (Noise in distance) Billy: What was that? Alan: Who turned on these lights? Buzz: We haven't seen anybody. Have you? Ed: No, nothing. Billy: This is turning into a freak show. Buzz: All we're missing is the freak. Alan: Any sign of her? Josh: Well, obviously somebody turned on the lights. Buzz: We're being set up. We didn't pick the field of engagement, but we sure are stumbling into it blindly. Josh: Buzz is right. We have no advantage here. We have no way of knowing what's coming. Alan: This started three decades ago. If we leave, the wheel keeps turning. If we stay, we could end it all now. Ed: Why are we walking into this woman's spider web? Billy: Come on, guys. What did you expect? For us to show up here and get into a big group hug with Carrie and she'd forgive us? No. This is her chance to torture us for what happened to Maryanne. It's her game. Unfortunately, it's her rules, too. Alan: We'll play by her rules til we find out what she wants, and then we'll deal with it. Josh: "Deal with it," Alan? Alan: Deal with it, and then we will get your girls out of this nightmare in one piece. (Carnival music starts) Buzz: Well, that would seem to be our cue. Are we ready? Josh: Let's do it. Billy: All right. Billy: You coming, Buzz? Buzz: Yeah. I've got your back. Sandy: "To Dad from Shayne, five years old, Camp Pemagawasset." Guess you weren't there for him either, Reva. Reva: Oh, don't you dare! I know you're not leaving. Sandy: Something like it. Reva: (Laughs) Without saying good-bye? Sandy: Sorry. Good-bye. Reva: No, come over here quick. Help me with this. (Laughs) Sandy: Okay, okay. It's a little early for spring cleaning. Reva: Yeah, well, just call me the Queen of Projects. Anyway, it keeps me out of trouble -- most of the time. Right here, that's good. So, when I was looking for the game that we played tonight, this is what I came across. Sandy: A box. Reva: Oh, not just any box. This is a box of Lewis Family memories. I mean, most of it's junk, but some of it tells a real story. Now, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to dive right in. Sandy: And I'm supposed to just figure out what's what. Reva: No, no. I'll interpret for you. You will be the designated sorter. Come on, I need the help. Marah and Josh left, and Shayne's upstairs tweaking his computer or something. Besides, you have absolutely no escape. Sandy: So, you want me to take a drive down memory lane for a full tour of the Lewis Family's Greatest Hits. Reva: Yeah. Please? Sandy: Because, of course, you couldn't just do this yourself. Reva: Well, no, I could, but it wouldn't be nearly half the fun. Sandy: You're assuming this is going to be fun? Reva: Sandy, I know that when you start going through all this stuff, you may feel a little lost at first, maybe left out or ignored. Sandy: Maybe because I was? Reva: That's the damage that I'd like to try to repair so that we can both start healing. Sandy: How much are you paying? Reva: What do you want? Sandy: Cookies. Giant ones. Of the soft-baked, chocolate chip variety? Reva: Cookies? Sandy: Mm-hmm. Reva: I can do cookies. You start digging. Sandy: You start baking. Reva: (Laughs) (Carnival music playing) Sandy: You know, when I was little, I used to see these in store windows and... Reva? Are you okay, Reva? Reva: Uh. Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. What were you saying? Sandy: When I was little, I always wished someone would get me one of these. I'm not going to get all jealous or weepy. Is this Marah's or Shayne's? Reva? Is this like the other day? Are you having one of your things? Reva: You know what I really do... what I need to do is take a break from all these feelings that I'm having. I'm sorry. It's very sweet of you to worry about me, but it was really nothing. (Carnival music playing) Josh: Everyone stay close. Buzz: Oh, no. This isn't going to be dangerous or confusing at all, here. Ed: We're playing on her turf now, aren't we? Josh: Well, maybe we should be thinking about getting the hell out of here then. Billy: Maybe, but I don't think we should negotiate from a position of weakness. What do you think, Alan? Alan: Well, that's what we're doing, gentlemen. All right, Caroline! Show yourself, and let's get this over with! Ed: Oh, Alan, she's not going to come out and discuss... discuss with us, you know, how she's going to stick it to us. We left her niece to die. Josh: We know what we did, Ed. Ed: It's like pigs to slaughter in here. Billy: Hey, hey, Ed. Ed, just calm down. Calm down, okay? Ed: You don't have to tell me to calm down, Billy. Alan: Wait. Did you hear that? Ed: Wait, look at that. What's that? Josh: She's here. Buzz: Stay tight. Alan: All right, Caroline. We can play games all night. What was it you said, Ed? We're like "pigs to slaughter?" Michelle: What's the matter, Marah? Marah: What isn't the matter since Carrie came into our lives? Michelle: Well, do you think she's up to something? Marah: I don't know. Why wouldn't she be? Marina: I realize there were no farewell hugs and kisses, but wasn't this thing with Carrie supposed to be over? I mean, we told her to back off, and she did, end of story. Michelle: I just have this feeling, and, you know, it's not a bad one. It's just, like... I don't know, something's just different. Marah: But isn't going to meet Carrie tonight just drawing this whole thing out? Maybe we should just blow her off. Michelle: See, last night I was thinking about why we agreed to do this good- bye for Maryanne, and then the more I thought about it, the more peaceful I felt, you know, just really peaceful. And I just know that what she's asking us to do is the right thing. I know it. I don't know, it's hard to describe. Maybe I think... maybe these rings really do have some sort of, like, a power. Marina: Yeah, but Carrie said the power was in us and not in the rings. Michelle: Yeah, but maybe it's both. You know, and if we go there tonight and we have our rings on, Marah, I know by the end of the night you're going to have the same feeling. I just know it. You just have to, like, give in to her one more time. Olivia: You know what, Cassie? You've been a good friend to me, maybe my only friend in this town in a lot of ways. Cassie: I still am. Olivia: And yet you're implying that the only reason I married Phillip was to get my mitts on the Spaulding money. Cassie: Certain people are talking about it, Olivia. Olivia: Do I care? Cassie: You're proving them right by keeping Emma hidden away from the world. Olivia: What is this? Olivia wants to make a buck again? I don't call that original thinking on your part. Cassie: What would you have me think? You can't keep Emma hidden away forever. Olivia: Who says I can't? I can keep Emma a secret as long as I want. Cassie: Why would you? Olivia: Because of Lizzie! Cassie: Lizzie can be controlled. Olivia: Oh, right. Should I put you in charge of that? Cassie: You can't tell me that you don't see what's going on with Phillip. You can't tell me you don't see it. He doesn't deserve this, Olivia. If you had any feelings at all, you would go in there and you would put a stop to this. Look, maybe... maybe you are that afraid of Lizzie. Maybe not. But now that I've seen Phillip, I'm not giving you anymore options. Olivia: I could just leave. I could just leave. I did it before. And with all the Spaulding resources, no one could find me. Cassie: What has happened to you? Olivia: I don't like ultimatums. So I have one for you, friend. You open your mouth and Phillip not only loses the child he never knew, he loses the wife he claims to love so much. Phillip believes he owes me. I want to keep it that way. Cassie: Wow. You know, I have tried to see something different in you, something good, or at least someone who wants to do the right thing. And that's the only reason you've been able to play me, knowing how I'd feel about you losing your baby, and you used it. Even when I found out your baby was still alive, you used it. And now you're telling me that you're going to run away and take the baby with you? What, do you think I'm going to be so crushed, so upset that it's going to destroy Phillip? Is that it? Olivia: I never meant to use you. Cassie: Oh, yes, you did. You've been using me. But you know what? It's over now, Olivia, because I see what Phillip is going through, and I know how that feels. So you know what? No, you don't have anymore choices. Phillip's going to find out about his baby. Olivia: Then what, Cassie? Are you going to personally go tell Lizzie she now has the sister she never wanted? Cassie: Cut it out. Stop using the Lizzie card. You're smarter than that. Your con's over. Olivia: Oh, I don't know about that. See, I think that, so far, what I've been doing is a pretty smart play. I'm in control, Cassie. Not Phillip, not Lizzie, not her doctor -- who, ironically, is now Phillip's doctor -- not the rest of the Spauldings. Me. Cassie: And you think Phillip is too weak. You think he's too weak to stand up to Lizzie. You know why he's weak? Because he thinks he had a hand in killing his child. It's driving him insane, and you don't want him to get better. Olivia: Of course, I do. Cassie: Then you give him something to live for. He'll keep the secret about Emma if you just let him know that his daughter is alive. Olivia: How can I be sure that I can convince him to keep Emma a secret? Cassie: Well, you've convinced the whole world that your child died at birth. Phillip will believe anything you say. You got the man to marry you. Olivia: He did that out of pity. Cassie: Well, then imagine what he would do out of love for his child. Olivia: Oh, God, that's what frightens me. Cassie: Go get that little girl, and you bring her here and you save your husband. Olivia: I don't have a choice, do I? Cassie: No. Olivia: There's something I have to do first. You have backed me up against a wall and against my better judgment -- because I do love Phillip in a way you will never understand -- I'm letting you corner me, so you're going to have to trust me. I'd better not regret this. Cassie: I don't care if you do. (Carnival music playing) Sandy: What do you see? Reva: It's the music from this toy. It's like a calliope at the circus. It gives me the creeps. Maybe we shouldn't have opened this box. Sandy: Well, maybe it will help you flash back to something important, something you might need to know, that you've forgotten, like, where you lost the house keys way back when or a misplaced grocery list. Reva: You are so funny. You know something? That is twice that I have had a twinge of something when I've been around you. Sandy: Sandy, the Psychic Lightning Rod. Reva: I don't know, I can't explain it. It just seems that you make me more receptive or sensitive to something. Sandy: Does it really work like that? If you're around certain people, is it like throwing gas on a fire? Reva: Maybe it's just that we really do have a connection. Let's get back at this. Sandy: You know, I'm late for something, so... Reva: No, you're not. You're just freaking out. You are. Don't go. Please don't go. Sandy: Reva, if we are having a connection, we want it to grow, right? And that takes time. Tonight, with all the games and everything, it's a good start, right? Reva: I'm pushing again, aren't I? Sandy: A little. Reva: I'm sorry, I am. Hug? Call me. Sandy: I will. Reva: Okay? Sandy: Okay. Reva: Thanks. Thanks for coming. Sandy: Thank you. Reva: Drive safely. Sandy: Good night. Marina: I guess I never thought about it like the way that you put it, like, you know, seeking closure. Michelle: Yeah, it's like a... it's like a sense of peace. Marina: Yeah. Yeah, and I feel that, too. I mean, I feel like... I feel, like, different, you know? Like... like, good. Like I haven't felt about life in a really long time, you know? I mean, am I saying what I'm saying right now? What am I saying? Michelle: It's because we're involved in something important, you know? And we just have to see it through. Marah: But wasn't this "important something" bad? What about everything that Carrie did? Michelle: Marah, after everything that we've been through, don't you think that we deserve to feel better about it? I mean, don't you want this to end just, like, the right way? Marah: All right. Let's do it. Billy: Come on out, Caroline. I don't know about you guys. I was just willing to negotiate before, but now I'm getting ticked off! Carrie: Temper, temper, Billy. Anger's a dangerous emotion. It can cause you to get sloppy. Alan: There's nothing to be afraid of, Caroline. We've come here to make amends. Carrie: I'm not afraid of you. It's you who should be afraid of me. Josh: Hey, look, you wanted us all here. We're here. Now, we all want the same thing. Carrie: Oh, I doubt that. Josh: We need to find a way to put the past to rights. Carrie: You cannot put the past to rights. You cannot bring Maryanne back from the dead. Buzz: Enough with these games! Come out and tell us what you want! Carrie: I think I prefer to stay where I am: Safe and alive. Alan: Don't be ridiculous. No one here is going to kill you. Carrie: Then what was Buzz doing at the firing range today? Josh: Are you out of your mind? Buzz: I never bring a knife to a gunfight. Carrie: And never bring a gun unless you plan to use it. Josh: He won't. He won't. Just tell us what you want. Carrie: A life for a life. Billy: Whose life? Alan: One of us for Maryanne? Carrie: That wouldn't be a fair exchange, would it? Maryanne was young, full of potential. Josh: You can't be serious. Carrie: One of your girls for the one that you took from me. One of your girls must die to balance the scales. You must choose. Alan: Don't be insane! Carrie: Oh, I'm not insane, Alan. I'm just very, very angry. Cassie: Phillip? It's Cassie. Phillip: Hi. You still here? Cassie: Yeah. I could go, you know? Phillip: No. No, that's okay. I like your company. I heard voices out in the hall. Were you talking to Olivia? Cassie: Yeah. Yeah. We kind of got into it. Phillip: What about? Cassie: About you. Phillip: Always about me. I hate it. Hate it. Cassie: I can imagine. You're always at your best when you're thinking about other people. Phillip: Dr. Langham says that's what makes me crazy. What were you talking about? Cassie: Just getting you better. Getting you out of here, back on your feet again. Phillip: Too many pills, Cassie. I'm so tired all the time. And sometimes I feel like I know what I want, but I just... I can't make it happen. Cassie: I know that you feel like you're drowning, but you're going to get stronger. It's just going to take a little time and maybe a little help, you know? Help that you aren't expecting, maybe. Phillip: What do you mean? Cassie: Well, just, you know, how things happen. Those miracles that life can throw at you that just give you a little boost. Phillip: I think about you. You lost the child and you lost Richard. Cassie: You know, this is probably one of those times where you shouldn't think about other people. That's in the past. Phillip: What I can't figure out is how you got there. Cassie: Where? Phillip: To now. You managed to hold your life together. You didn't crack. Cassie: I'm permanently cracked, Phillip. Phillip: Not like I am. I go on living, but sometimes I don't know why I should. (Carnival music playing) Alan: You can't expect one of us to choose which one of their children should die. Buzz: Lady, for a minute there, I almost felt sorry for you. Now maybe I do want you out of the picture. Billy: No way, Carrie! No way! Josh: Shush-shush. Carrie, listen to me. Alan: Josh, you can't reason with her. Buzz: What are we supposed to do, lady?! Josh: You must understand that what you're asking of us is impossible. Carrie: Why? Because you say so? Alan: You're damn right because we say so. Carrie: You have no leverage. I have the advantage. Ed: Not if we can get our hands on you. Carrie: You'd love that, wouldn't you? To kill me, too. Ed: Yeah, you bet. Carrie: Why, Doctor, you're a disgrace to your profession. Ed: Listen, putting you out of your misery is the most humane act I can think of at this point. Carrie: It's been thirty years, gentlemen. Thirty years, and tonight the debt will be paid. Josh: No! You want a life, you take mine! You hear me? Take mine! You can kill me right here tonight if that's what you want, but you are not getting your hands on my daughter! Kill me! Kill me! Billy: Whoa, whoa. Carrie: And deprive myself of the pleasure of seeing you suffer? Billy: Josh, Josh, whoa-whoa. Hey, you don't negotiate with loonies. Josh, there's another way. We'll find another way. We will. Carrie: Choose! Josh: No. Billy: Josh! Josh! Just calm down. Look, nobody's going to die. Don't let her get to you. That's what she wants. Carrie: You know what I want. Ed: Well, you're never going to get it. Carrie: How do you know I don't already have it? Alan: The girls are through with you, Caroline. You won't get within a mile of them. Carrie: How can you be so sure? Young women are so impressionable. They're so easily influenced. Those girls and I have a bond, you know. Ed: In your twisted mind, I'm sure you think so. Carrie: Don't be so sure your little darlings have rejected me. I don't think they'll ever reject me ever again. Marina: This is trippy. Marah: Did Carrie set all this up? Michelle: How could she? She doesn't know anything about lights and mechanical stuff. (Laughs) Marah: This is beautiful. Michelle: You know, I used to come here when I was a kid. It's been deserted for, like, years. I don't think it's ever been so peaceful. Marina: You know, this is cool, and I like it. Marah: Me, too. (Laughs) Look at all the lights. Whoa. Does anyone else feel weird? Marina: You mean, like good weird or just kind of, like, weird? Marah: The first one and the last one. ( Laughs) Michelle: Well, this is kind of a weird thing that we're doing, right? Marina: Yeah, yeah, I know. Like, the whole going, saying good-bye to dead people thing. Okay, you guys... (Carnival music playing) Marina: ...Music. Anyone else...? Marah: I hear it. Michelle: It's coming from the old funhouse. Marina: That's our cue. We're off to see the wizard. Phillip: So tell me. Cassie: Phillip, I don't know what to say. Phillip: How did you survive? After the baby, Richard. Tell me. Cassie: I had a lot of love. And I hope you will, too. Olivia: Good, you're here. Man: I came as quickly as I could. Olivia: Did you bring it? Man: Why all the flashing red lights? Olivia: You know, I really don't have time to explain. Just know that this is a rush job. Let's get to work. Billy: Lady, think what you want, but our girls aren't coming within a million miles of this death trap tonight. Carrie: So full of bluster. Don't you get sick of being wrong? Buzz: You'll never get to them! Carrie: Time is running out, gentlemen. Someone will die, so choose! Josh: Not one of our daughters! Alan: Maybe that someone will be you! Carrie: You have already taken away everything that ever meant anything to my life. I have nothing else to lose, so choose! Marina: I heard voices. Michelle: Was it the music? Marina: Did anyone hear voices? Marah: Yeah, I think I heard it, too. Michelle: I'm not sure. Whoa. Buzz: If she moves, we move. Billy: We're not choosing anyone. Marah (from a distance): Carrie? Josh: Shh... Billy: What is it? Josh: I heard a voice. It sounded like Marah. Billy: No. No, it can't be Marah. Michelle: I can't make anything out. Is that me over there? Marah: Me, too. Marina: Wow, this is awesome. Michelle: You guys, let's hold hands. Marah: Are you scared? Michelle: Uh-huh. (Laughter) Josh: Shh, shh, shh. Listen, listen. Marah! Carrie: Is that your choice? Josh: No. No, just wait. Buzz: If Marah's here, then Marina's here. Ed: So is Michelle. Alan: Don't panic. Buzz: Let's split up. Marah: Daddy? Josh: Marah. Marah, listen to me. Get down. Get on the floor and don't move. Marah, get down! Marah, get down! Buzz: Marah, down! Now! Billy: Marah, get on the floor! Do as your Daddy says. Josh: Marah, she's got a gun! Get down! Alan: Next, on Guiding Light... Gus: Olivia, I know what you're all about and I've known for a very long time, okay? So the last person you want to make an enemy out of us me. Josh: It's okay, darling. You just stay close to me. No. Marah: Dad! Josh: No! Carrie: A life for a life. | There, they come face to face with a veritable maze of mirrors and they immediately lose their sense of space |
270 | Lily: Come on. Just one little hint? Cane: No, I told you, you will have to wait. Lily: (Groans) You're torturing me. Cane: And it is so much fun. Lily: (Laughs) Murphy: Hey, Cane, Lily. Lily: Hey! Cane: Murph, good to see you. Kay: It looks like we're not the only ones here for brunch. Hello, Lovebirds. Cane: Hey. Lily: Hello. (Chuckles) Murphy: Oh, you are lookin' good, Kiddo. Cane: Mm-hmm. Lily: Why, thank you. I'm feeling good. Kay: (Chuckles) Murphy: You know, I think we got the two best-lookin' dames in the whole room. Lily: Oh, please. Cane: Yes, we do. Kay: Oh, my goodness. It looks like you hit the Valentine's Day mother lode. Lily: Yes, I did. Cane here has been leading me all over town. We went to Fenmore's... Cane: Mm-hmm. Lily: And the Chocolatier, and then the jewelry store. And at each place, they gave me a little box. Cane: Mm, but she's not allowed to open them yet, but she wants to. Kay: Ooh. Lily: (Chuckles) Yes, and it is driving me insane. Cane: I know. It's called "A surprise." Kay: Well, Valentine's Day is a day for surprises. Come on. Murphy: Yes. Cane: Not yet. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Vick, you loved running the cosmetics division at Newman. Jabot couldn't be in better hands. Yeah. Look, the meeting is gonna go great. You're gonna kill it. Yeah, all right, look, I love you, but I really gotta go pick up Summer and Phyllis from the airport, so let's talk later, okay? All right. Phyllis: (Whispering) All right. All right, now. Summer: Surprise! Phyllis: (Normal voice) Surprise! Nick: Hey! Wha-- I was literally just about to jump in the car and come and get you guys. Phyllis: Oh, we caught an earlier flight. Nick: Uh, you should have called. Summer: We wanted to surprise you. Phyllis: Yeah. Nick: Oh, that's a good story. Mwah. Phyllis: Yeah, we wanted to surprise you, dad. Nick: Oh, okay. Phyllis: Mm. Well, we missed you so much, we wanted to see you earlier. Nick: Well, I sure missed my girls, and I hear Dr. Gallatin is super impressed with you and your progress. Summer: (Giggles) Phyllis: She is amazing. She's really amazing. Nick: Of course she is. She's my daughter. She's-- Phyllis: Of course. (Laughs) Hey, he showed us some cognitive exercises we can all do together. I'll show them to you later. Nick: Oh, well, it sounds like you guys had a very successful trip. Phyllis: Oh, yeah, it was very successful. [SCENE_BREAK] Gavin: This hot chick was asking questions about you. Adam: What kind of questions? Gavin: About your relationship with Dr. Taylor. Adam: Did you get her name? Gavin: No, but she had, uh, red hair, smokin' bod. Adam: (Whispers) Phyllis. Adam: (Thinking) "Gavin, I need you to find out who else Phyllis talked to in Boston." Sharon: Happy Valentine's Day. Adam: (Sighs) Happy Valentine's Day to you, too. Sharon: What are you doing? Adam: I just, uh, was checking e-mail, checking in with the office. Sharon: You said no work today. You can't work on your honeymoon. You promised. [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: Oh, well, if it isn't the new C.E.O. of my family's company. Victoria: (Sighs) Can we not do this today? Billy: Okay, you're right. I'm sorry. It's Valentine's Day. Do you have some big, romantic brunch planned with your hubby? Victoria: No. No, we made other plans. So is Delia excited about her birthday? Billy: Yes, she is. Esther made heart-shaped pancakes this morning for breakfast, and, uh, Kay and Murphy gave her this magnetic fishing game, which is very, very, very loud, and she's obsessed with it, so... Victoria: (Chuckles) Does Delia love her giant stuffed dog? Billy: Oh, Harvey. Well, I-I liked Harvey more than she did. She's--she's-- she's afraid of Harvey. Victoria: Yeah, well, he's big and scary now, but I'm sure that he'll grow on her. Billy: Hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: (Whistling Wagner's "Bridal Chorus") Jack: Hey! Traci: (Laughs) Good morning. Jack: Good morning. Wow, you look beautiful. Traci: (Chuckles) Well, thank you. I don't think I've seen you this happy for maybe years. Jack: Hey, I'm marrying the woman of my dreams. Nothing's gonna destroy this ma-- are those-- Traci: Mamie's blueberry muffins. Jack: Oh. Traci: I made them myself, just for you, before the caterers took over the kitchen. Jack: Oh, my goodness. You gotta teach Emily how to make these. Traci: What's this "Emily"? How about you? Jack: Okay, you could teach me. Traci: (Laughs) Jack: What? I can follow a recipe. Traci: (Laughs) Jack: Oh. Oh, the memories. Traci: You, me, Dad, Ashley, fighting over the last muffin. (Chuckles) Jack: I wish he could be here today, and Colleen. Traci: I know. They would have loved Emily. Jack: Yeah, they would have. Traci: (Chuckles) Jack: Well, Dad, this time, I'm gonna get it right. This time, it's forever. [SCENE_BREAK] Fr. Todd: Hey. Paul: Hey. Fr. Todd: How is she? Paul: No change. Fr. Todd: (Sighs) Hey, Pattycake. It's me, Todd. Paul: You know, for a while there, she seemed like she was getting better, like she was, uh, really present. Fr. Todd: What happened? Paul: Well, the best I can figure out is that, uh, somehow she got a hold of a newspaper and saw Jack and Emily's wedding announcement and freaked out. Fr. Todd: She must have felt so betrayed... (Sighs) Jack marrying her psychiatrist. Paul: Yeah, Dr. Peterson just, uh, had stepped away from her case. Fr. Todd: Patty always had such a-a deep-seated faith. For her to try and take her own life, I-- Paul: You know, don't get me wrong. I'm glad you're here. But why did you agree to marry them? Fr. Todd: (Sighs) Now look, Paul, I don't know. Maybe there's a greater purpose. Maybe--maybe it'll all be revealed one day, but when Father McMillan asked me to step in, I had no idea that I would be marrying Jack and Emily. Paul: You still could have backed down. Fr. Todd: Well, I couldn't leave them without a celebrant. I couldn't do that. Paul: It's Jack and Emily's fault that our sister is lying here. Fr. Todd: I had heard that she had changed her image into that of her psychiatrist, but, well, this is shocking. Paul: Except for her hair color, they're, um, identical. [SCENE_BREAK] Patty: (Sighs) I, Emily, take, you, Jack... um, I, Emily--Emily, take you, Jack-- take you, Jack-- I-- I, Emily... I--okay, Patty, stop it. You can do this. (Laughs) You can do this. Okay. (Inhales deeply) (Sighs) Jack and I are so happy you could come. Yeah, okay. (Voice breaking) I don't know what I'm doing with my hair. (Sighs) Okay, what am I gonna do? (Sighs) You, um, you wouldn't have brought me this far if you didn't think that Jack and I belong together. I'm--I'm doing my best. I really am, and I just--I need your help. So if you can give me a sign, you know, anything-- I just--I can't do this alone. (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: And I will never forget the look on my mom's face when she realized that I had cut up her favorite red dress... Cane: Ooh. Lily: To make a Valentine's Day card. Kay: (Chuckles) Oh, yes, happy memory. Murphy: (Laughs) Lily: I know. (Laughs) Murphy: Ahh, kids. You know, pretty soon, you're gonna have your own little troublemakers to chase after. Cane: Uh-huh. Lily: Yes, and we cannot wait. (Laughs) Cane: Mm. Hey, hey, what are you doing? Excuse me. Lily: I ju--what? Kay: Oh, would you please-- I mean, your wife is so eager to rip into those packages. Now come on. Let-- Lily: Yeah. Cane: Yeah? Yeah? You wait till she finds out they're empty. Lily: You wouldn't dare. Cane: You want to bet? Huh? Kay: (Laughs) Cane: Our table's ready. Thank you. We're gonna sit. All right. Murph. Lily: Oh, okay, oh, well, you guys have a great Valentine's Day. Murphy: Yeah. Cane: Happy Valentine's Day. Kay: Thank you, Darling. Same to you. Murphy: Happy Valentine's Day. Cane: Thank you very much. Kay: Our pleasure. Take care, Sweetheart. Lily: See you guys. Murphy: Enjoy the day. Kay: Talk to you later. Bye. Cane: Bye-bye. Have fun. Murphy: (Sighs) To be young and in love. Kay: Yeah, well, I sort of like my men, you know, with some, uh, some experience. Murphy: Oh? Oh. (Laughs) Kay: (Sighs) Murphy: Happy Valentine's Day. Kay: Uh, uh, hmm? Murphy: Mm. Kay: Oh. It doesn't have a fishing pole on it. Murphy: No, no, no. Kay: (Chuckles) Murphy: Uh, see, I loaded all our favorite music onto it. Kay: Music to... mm... with? Murphy: Mm-hmm. Kay: Hmm. Well, I, uh, have something, uh, for you, too. Murphy: Oh. Why, Mrs. Chancellor Murphy, you rented a hotel room for us. Kay: Well, you know, there are so many damn people running around the house all the time, I... Murphy: You know, suddenly, I'm not hungry. Kay: Well, perhaps we should do something, you know, to work up an appetite. Murphy: Did you bring the cards? Kay: Oh, you s-- Murphy: (Laughs) Kay: I don't know why I ever, ever talk to you. Murphy: (Laughs) Come here, you. Kay: (Laughs) Murphy: (Laughs) Kay: Oh, you silly man. [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: No, the look on the flight attendant's face when you told her that the drink wasn't for you, it was for the friend in the next seat-- it was pretty funny. (Chuckles) Billy: Yeah, well, they made me buy Harvey a first-class ticket. He deserved a free drink. Victoria: Uh-huh. Billy: Uh-huh. Victoria: Oh, I have to go. Billy: Mommy duties? Victoria: No, um, a meeting in the founders' room. Billy: With Jabot execs. Victoria: Yes. For what it's worth, I really respect what your family's done with the company. The name "Jabot" is synonymous with quality, and-- Billy: Mm-hmm. Victoria: Um-- Billy: You know this isn't over, right? The Abbott's are gonna fight like hell to get Jabot back. We're not gonna give up. Victoria: Yeah. Good luck with that. Billy: Mm-hmm. Victoria: Mm-hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Ashley: Hi. Neil: Hi. Traci: Good morning. Hello. Jack: Hey. Ashley: Good morning. I hope you don't mind I brought a date. Traci: (Laughs) Jack: Not at all. Neil: Congratulations, Jack. Jack: Thank you. Traci: Well, this is o-odd. I'm the only one solo on Valentine's Day. Jack: Oh. Ashley: (Chuckles) Neil: Hey, where's that handsome husband of yours? Traci: Mwah! Thank you. He's in London. He's babysitting a temperamental author, so... (Cell phone rings) Traci: Oh, this is him. Oh, oh, oh, excuse me one second. Hello? Hello? Ashley: (Laughs) Jack: Go. Neil: So what do you think of this guy over here getting married? Ashley: What do I think? Oh, I think he's lucky she'll have him. Jack: Oh, don't I know. Emily is one in a million. [SCENE_BREAK] Patty: Aah! Stop it, Patty. Just stop squirming, okay? It's okay. I'll help you. (Chuckles) I'll help you. Here we go. There we go, okay? (Knock on door) Patty: (Gasps) Who is it? Chloe: It's Chloe. Patty: Be right there. Patty: (Whispering) Who's Chloe? Who's Chloe? Who's Chloe? Billy's--Billy's-- Billy's wife. Okay. Billy's ex, and they have a kid. And, uh, the name is, uh, oh, God, what is she doing here? What is she-- stop it, okay? You're fine. Go answer the door. Okay. Okay. Chloe. Chloe: Happy Valentine's Day. Patty: (Sighs) Chloe: Happy wedding day! Patty: (Normal voice) (Chuckles) Thank you, Chloe. Chloe: Oh, my goodness, can you believe it's the big day? (Sighs) Patty: Um, I can't do my hair. My--my, um, it--I'm just-- Chloe: No, no, no. Your--your stylist called. She's running five minutes late. Sorry. Patty: (Sighs) Oh. (Chuckles) Chloe: (Sighs) Patty: I--a stylist. I forgot I had one coming. Chloe: You know what? I-I'm gonna get you some chamomile tea, right? It'll calm your nerves. Patty: Oh, no, it's okay. Chloe: Yeah. Patty: I'm--I'm fine. Chloe: No, no, no, no. Listen, you are nervous. It is your wedding day. You are allowed to be nervous. This is the biggest day of your life. Patty: Yes, it is. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: "Candy is sweet, and so are you." Phyllis: That's true. Nick: That is the best Valentine's Day card I ever got. And I have something for you, too. Phyllis: Oh. Nick: Oh, yeah. Phyllis: Look at that. Nick: It's a pink pig! Phyllis: Whoa. Summer: Thank you, Daddy. Phyllis: It's a pink pig. Nick: Mwah. You're welcome. Phyllis: What are you gonna name him? Summer: Mm... Phyllis: Well, we'll think of it later. Nick: Yeah. Yeah. Phyllis: All right, uh, uh, introduce your little pig to all your other friends upstairs, okay? Nick: Yeah, we don't want things to get weird later between 'em all, so... Phyllis: (Laughs) Yeah. Nick: Make sure they really-- Phyllis: You have to introduce them. This is my gift to you. Nick: Oh, all right. "To my husband." Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Nick: That's me. Phyllis: That's--that's you. Nick: "You can have anything you want." Phyllis: Yeah, anything. Nick: Anything I want? Phyllis: Anything you want. Nick: Even, uh... Phyllis: Yeah, especially that. Nick: (Sighs) I want my present right now. Phyllis: (Chuckles) Oh, I'm sorry, you can't have it right now. We have to go to Jack's wedding. Nick: That's a buzz kill. Come on. Phyllis: (Chuckles) Nick: I want it right now. Phyllis: Um, really, we're gonna miss the wedding, Baby. Nick: Who cares? Phyllis: We've gotta see that wedding. (Chuckles) Okay, wait a second. Just back off for one second, okay? Um, I'm gonna tell you everything that happened in Boston. [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: Hey, why don't we-- why don't we go downstairs and get some breakfast down by the pool? Go get us a table. I'll take a-- I'll take a quick shower. Sharon: Mm, I have an idea. Let's just have breakfast in bed and stay here. Or we could just skip breakfast altogether. Adam: Yeah? Sharon: Mm-hmm. Adam: (Sighs) Sharon: (Giggles) [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: Never fear. The best man is here. And not a word from you, Jack. Traci: (Chuckles) Billy: These are for my two very favorite valentines. Ashley: Aw. Jack: Oh. Traci: Thank you. Ashley: Nice. Traci: Ohh, are you gonna be like this all day? Ashley: God, I hope not. Traci: (Chuckles) Jack: Well, you clean up pretty nice, Pal. Billy: Well, you are the one who taught me how to tie this darn thing. Traci: (Chuckles) Billy: It's good to see you again, Neil. Neil: Good to see you, too, Billy. Ashley: Neil is my date, okay? My date. Billy: Really? Ow! What type of date? Ow! Okay. Wow. Oh, by the way, guess who I ran into at the club? Victoria Newman. Jack: Oh, the new C.E.O. of Jabot. Neil: Yeah, I'm real sorry about the way things turned out. Jack: Neil, our bid for Jabot was so much more than the company was worth, I am convinced Victor pulled a fast one. Billy: What do you hear over at Chancellor? Jack: Yeah, any part of you think that maybe they showed Victor the offer? Ashley: Would you just knock it off, both of you? I didn't invite Neil here so you could pump him for information, so knock it off. Neil: It's okay. It's okay. Traci: Thank you. No more shoptalk. We have not been together as a family for a happy occasion in a long time. Jack: You're absolutely right. And even Victor Newman taking over Jabot cannot ruin this day for me. [SCENE_BREAK] Patty: Thank you so much. Bye. Lily: Hey. Oh! Cane: Hey. Hi. Lily: Emily, hey. Congratulations. Patty: Oh, thank you. Lily: (Chuckles) You look so beautiful. Patty: Oh. Cane: So, uh, today's the big day, huh? Chloe: (Sighs) Patty: Uh, yes, it is. Chloe: What is the holdup? Patty: Um, I just, uh, ran into, uh-- Chloe: Hi, Lily. Hi, Cane. Cane: Hey. Lily: Hey, how are you? Chloe: Are you guys here for Valentine's Day? Cane: As a matter of fact... Lily: Yes. Cane: Yes, we are. Chloe: Oh, wow, can you believe a year ago today, Delia was born? And now you're expecting a baby of your own. Lily: I know. (Chuckles) Cane: Yeah. Lily: Oh, hey, by the way, thank you so much the other day for our talk that we had in the church. It was really, really helpful. Patty: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Churches, uh, can be such a great comfort. Lily: Yeah. Chloe: And speaking of churches, yes. Patty: Oh, right, we-- we should be getting ready. Lily: (Chuckles) All right. Bye, you guys. Cane: Yeah, bye-bye. Patty: Bye. Lily: See you. Cane: Bye. Chloe: Okay, it's time to get dressed. Patty: (Sighs) Lily: Oh. Cane: Welcome to the Georges v Paris. Lily: (Laughs) Oh, my gosh. You re-created the room. Cane: Yeah. Lily: Yeah, the one you made when we made love for the first time. Cane: It still isn't, uh, Paris-Paris. Lily: It's even better. Cane: You know, we-- we fell in love in this room. Lily: Well, I was actually already head-over-heels in love with you. Cane: Oh, really? Lily: Do you remember how nervous I was? Cane: Yeah, I do. You were so delicate. I thought you were gonna break. Lily: Well, that's because looking at you took my breath away, and it still does. Cane: You know, 50 years from now, I want to look in these big brown eyes, and I want to grow old, and I want to go gray with you. Lily: (Chuckles) Well, if I ever have hair again to turn gray... and if that doesn't happen? Cane: We'll always have Paris. Lily: (Chuckles) [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: They pumped her stomach, but it was, um, too late to do any good. Fr. Todd: What-- what do you mean "Too late"? Will she recover? Paul: I don't know, Todd. It's anybody's guess. Patty didn't want to go on the way things were. I, uh... (Sighs) (Voice breaking) I saw it coming. I should have done something to stop it. Fr. Todd: Hey, hey, no, no. Come on. This was out of your hands. Listen, I don't have to be at church for a while. Why don't you go home, take a shower, get some rest, get something to eat? I can stay here with her. Come on. Paul: (Normal voice) Okay, I'd like that. Paul: Hey, Patty. (Sighs) Todd's gonna stay with you while I take care of a few things. I'll be back soon. I promise. Fr. Todd: Come here. Paul: Thanks. Fr. Todd: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: Okay, so we have "Something borrowed," and "Something blue," um, "Old"... what's old? Patty: Um, this rosary. Chloe: And what's "New"? Patty: Um, the new earrings. Chloe: Um, I got you a little gift, but I put it aside with your things. I don't want you to open unt-- till later, but, um, it's for your wedding night. Patty: Thank you. Chloe: And... (Sighs) This fits you perfectly. Let me see. Oh, my goodness, go look at--look at yourself. You look beautiful. Patty: Yeah? Chloe: Yeah. (Sighs) You're gonna knock his socks off. Patty: You really think so? Chloe: (Chuckles) Yes. You look beautiful. How could he possibly resist you? Look at you. Patty: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Traci: And there. There. Very handsome. Billy: Eh. No, you clean up good, too. (Chuckles) Traci: (Chuckles) Jack: (Chuckles) Traci: When I was 4 years old, Jack announced that he and Ashley and I would not be living together in this house forever-- that someday, we would grow up, get married, and we would have to move away. I cried for four days. Jack: (Laughs) Billy: (Laughs) Ashley: (Laughs) Billy: Yeah, well, Delia's not getting married till she's 30, 35, maybe 40, and then I'm gonna do a full background check. Ashley: Yeah, good luck with that, Billy. Jack: Hey, guys, I hate to break up this party. I think we need to get to the church. Ashley: Oh, not yet, no. A toast first. Here you go. Traci: Oh. Jack: Okay. Ashley: Come on over. Jack: For you. Traci: Oh, thank you. Ashley: Here's to... aw. Here's to you and Emily... Traci: (Chuckles) Ashley: And the life you're about to embark on together. Here's to your "Happily ever after," Jackie. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Hey, Vick. Victoria: Hi. Nick: Happy Valentine's Day. Victoria: Happy Valentine's Day. Nick: Mwah. Victoria: Oh, here, I brought something for Summer. Nick: Oh. Victoria: She'll like that. Nick: Cool. She's upstairs helping her mother get ready for the wedding. How was your meeting? Victoria: (Sighs) Oh, you know how it is meeting new staff. Everyone's terrified of losing their job. (Sighs) Nick: So you and J.T. got any plans today? Victoria: No. No, no plans. Nick: Is it that bad? Victoria: We're getting a divorce. Nick: Vick, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. Victoria: (Sighs) I don't know what to say. I mean, I thought that the time away would fix things, and it didn't. (Sighs) It didn't help anything. I just, um, I tried everything. I did. I tried everything. Nick: I know. Sometimes the harder you try, the worse things get. Victoria: I mean, I can't change who I am. I can't change who my father is. I-I can't. Nick: I know how that feels, you know? I've--I've watched Phyllis and Sharon struggle with what it means to really marry a Newman. Victoria: Well, it's not like J.T. didn't know this when he married me. He knew. Nick: Well, knowing it and living it are two different things. You know, Phyllis still has problems with that. Victoria: Yeah. (Sighs) Well, I think we're past all that now. We just want to do what's best for Reed. That's it. Nick: Do Mom and Dad know? Victoria: (Sighs) Yes, I told them. Phyllis: Hey, the sitter is, like--hey! Victoria: Oh. Phyllis: Victoria! Welcome back. Victoria: Thank you. Thanks. Nick: She was just filling me in on her meeting with the Jabot staff. Phyllis: Oh, right. That is wild that your dad owns Jabot again. It's crazy. I can't wait to hear how it all went down. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Wow. I couldn't be more pleased. Neil: Yeah, Chloe did a great job, didn't she? Billy: She stressed over every detail. Jack: Oh, just great, I gotta tell you. Traci: (Whispers) Ashley, isn't this the church where-- Ashley: Where Patty and Jack got married, yes. Emily and Jack had to change the location at the last minute. Traci: Wow. Ashley: Yeah. Paul: Jack? Jack: Paul, is everything all right? Paul: You're still going through with this? Jack: Would--would you excuse us for a second? Hey, what's wrong? Paul: How could you do this after everything that happened? Jack: I don't know what we're talking about, Paul. Paul: Patty tried to commit suicide. She's in the hospital fighting for her life. Jack: Oh, dear God. I didn't know. Paul: Emily didn't tell you? Jack: No. When--when you spoke to Emily yesterday, she said she was removing herself from Patty's case. Is it possible she doesn't know, either? Paul: Oh, she knew. I told her in the hospital myself last night! Jack: Paul, I'm so sorry. Emily stayed at the club last night. We barely spoke. When we did, she didn't mention it. Paul: Well, why wouldn't she tell you? Jack: I don't know. Maybe it made her uncomfortable. Maybe she thought it wasn't the subject to take on the night before the wedding. Paul: Especially since your wedding is the reason Patty tried to kill herself. Jack: Paul, I know you're upset. Paul: I am upset! Jack: Don't blame this on Emily. She took every precaution to make sure that Patty didn't know about this. Paul: Well, she knew. She knew. She saw the--the announcement in the newspaper. That was the catalyst of the whole thing. She--she wrote a note saying that you and-- and Emily betrayed her. This is your fault. You don't give a damn about Patty. Jack: You know that isn't true. Paul: You're the same selfish bastard you were all those years ago, Jack. Jack: I never meant to hurt Patty. Paul: Oh, yeah, and yet, you managed to do it again just like that. Jack: Paul, I feel for Patty. I do. I can't put my life on hold because your sister is obsessed with me. I am in love with Emily. Chloe: No, no, no, no. You cannot let the groom see you. Come on. There's another entrance to the bride's room. Paul: Oh, what, you didn't even tell Jack about it? Didn't cross your mind? Oh, it was gonna get in the way of your wedding? You really don't care, do you? Patty: No, I do care, Paul. Paul: That's what hurts more than anything else. You just stay away from my sister. Patty: Paul, I'm-- I'm really sorry. Chloe: Okay, listen. Listen. I-it's just drama. It happens at weddings all the time. Come on. Let's go. Come on. It's your day. Stop it. Patty: (Sighs) Oh, God. Jack: I-I don't even know that Patty was trying to commit suicide. Maybe she was just trying to get attention, trying to stop the wedding. Ashley: Jack, would she really go to such extreme lengths? Traci: Well, either way, poor girl. Billy: She's a psycho. Jack: Billy. Phyllis: Hey, there's the groom. Jack: Uh, can we keep this between us? Ashley: Of course. Jack: Hey! Phyllis: Hi. It's not too late to back out--just saying. Billy: Hey, I've got the limo all gassed up and ready to go to Vegas if he wants to chicken out. Phyllis: There you go. Kay: Beautiful day for a wedding. Murphy: You're marrying a great gal. Jack: Yes, that I am. Kay: Congratulations, Jack. Jack: Oh, thank you. Kay: Oh, Darling. Jack: Thank you. Kay: Well done. Well done. Neil: Welcome back. How was your trip? Phyllis: Um, it was very productive. Productive. Beautiful dress. Ashley: Oh, thanks. You, too. Phyllis: Hey, you know, I-I-- since we have some time, I just--I wanted to know, do you remember anything else about the relationship between Adam and Dr. Taylor? Ashley: Why do you ask? Phyllis: Well, it--I just can't get this out of my head. I mean, they-- I'm watching them arguing, and then Dr. Taylor runs into the street, gets hit by a car-- just odd. They--they seemed like they were more than mere acquaintances. Chloe: Excuse me, everybo-- hi, I need the matron of honor, please. Ashley: Oh, okay. We'll-- we'll talk about it later, okay? Phyllis: Okay, yeah. Of course. Of course. Ashley: Okay, excuse me. Neil: Hey. Phyllis: Yeah, I did some sniffing around, and it seems like the good doctor's reputation was more than tarnished. Neil: Really? Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Neil: You found something? Nick. Nick. Nick. Nick. Phyllis: Oh, hey. Hey, Baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: I love the way you look at me. Adam: I was always so cynical about Valentine's Day. I thought it was so-- so hokey, just another way for greeting card companies to make money. Sharon: (Chuckles) Adam: This is the first time I've ever actually really wanted to celebrate. Sharon: Well, that's good, because I got you something. Adam: Ooh. Sharon: (Giggles) Adam: Open yours first. Sharon: Okay. Sharon: "Sharon, I thought true love was something for other people, but not me. I never expected I'd feel this way about anyone until I met you. I love you with all my heart. Never forget that. Adam." Sharon: I think you're a closet romantic. (Chuckles) Adam: Open the envelope. Sharon: Okay. (Chuckles) Oh, my gosh. What is this? They're theater tickets for New York? Adam: Well, you said you wanted to see the show. Sharon: I do! Oh, my gosh, thank you! That's-- (sighs) Okay, um, open yours. Adam: All right. Adam: A wallet. Sharon: (Chuckles) Adam: Okay, hey, I could always use another wallet. Sharon: (Laughs) I just-- Adam: (Chuckles) Sharon: No, look-- look inside. Adam: Okay. All the cash that I'm gonna find... Sharon: Yeah, I left a lot of cash in there. Adam: All right, invisible cash. What is this? This is, uh, emergency information. Sharon: Well, you know, we're--we're each other's emergency contact person now, so I filled out all the information, and just-- Adam: (Sighs) Sharon: You know, in the short time we've been married, we were in a plane crash, and our house caught on fire, and-- Adam: (Chuckles) Sharon: (Chuckles) God forbid that anything else happens, but in case it does, I'm gonna be there for you. Adam: Come here. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: (Gasps) Oh, my goodness. Ohh, its two hearts. Cane: Yeah. Lily: Our two hearts. Cane: And our twins. Lily: (Sighs) Cane: Our two beautiful children whose hearts we heard beating for the first time. Lily: (Sighs) You know, I never knew that I could be so happy. Cane: You do know that this is why men fight wars and write poetry, don't you? (Chuckles) Lily: I love you so much. Cane: I love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: So I need to know who else Phyllis contacted back in Boston, okay? You need to get back to me as soon as you can. Sharon: Do you want me to order us coffee? Adam: Uh, I gotta go. Sharon: Okay, what are you up to? You've been hiding something from me all day. Adam: I can't get anything by you, Mrs. Newman, can I? I was setting up a spa treatment for you for Valentine's Day. Sharon: Oh, how nice. Adam: Mm-hmm. And that was them, actually, calling to confirm that you were on your way. Sharon: Okay, well, um, I'll see you later. Adam: All right. I'll see you down there. Sharon: Okay. Adam: Chuck, its Adam. How are things at the ranch? Good. Yourself? Great. Um, listen, I was thinking about, um, giving my brother's wife a gift basket for Valentine's Day. You know if Phyllis is back from Boston yet? She is? Okay. No, no. No need to say anything. Thanks, man. [SCENE_BREAK] (Camera shutter clicks) Jack: Thanks. Traci: Thank you. All right, I think you two better get in your places. Jack: Here we go. Phyllis: Uh, I thought that Sharon would be here. Nick: She and Adam took off for a belated honeymoon after Noah went to Paris. Phyllis: Hmm. Let's see how long that'll last. Fr. Todd: Hello, Jack. Jack: Hey. Fr. Todd: Billy, good to see you again. Billy: Father Todd, you, too. Jack: Thank you, Father Todd, for stepping up. I heard about Patty. I am so very sorry. Fr. Todd: Yes, well, in spite of everything, I'm afraid her demons got the better of her. Patty: Okay. How do I look? Ashley: You look just beautiful. Chloe: You're going to knock 'em dead. Patty: (Sighs) Ashley: (Mouths word) [SCENE_BREAK] (Heart monitor alarm beeping) Paul: Hello? Hello? Something's wrong! Something's wrong! We need a doctor! Hello? Hello?! Patty? Patty? Patty, don't leave me. Patty? Stay with me, Patty. Can you hear me, Baby? [SCENE_BREAK] Patty: (Sighs) [NEXT_ON] Paul: Patty lying here, and they're getting married. Emily: (Thinking) I'm supposed to be at my wedding. Chloe: She has been planning this surprise for weeks. Patty: We are going to start a family together right away. | Chloe arrives to help Emily |
271 | Bob: I asked a question. Is everything all right? Susan: Why wouldn't it be? Bob: Well, I heard you halfway down the corridor. You didn't sound happy. Alison: Bob, it's my fault. I have this special gift of always saying the wrong thing and getting her angry. Bob: Susan, if you need time to talk to Alison, I'll cover for you. Susan: I don't need to talk to Alison. I think we've said everything that we need to say. [Pager beep] Bob: I've got to go. Just let me know if you decide to leave early. Susan: Well, that was fun. That really made me feel professional. Dusty: Let Bob cover for you. We'll take you home. Susan: You don't tell me what to do. Dusty: We'll take you home, or I tell Bob you're drinking. It's your choice. [SCENE_BREAK] Aaron: So, listen, I'm behind the bar, and I know, in about 30 seconds there's going to be a huge fight. And neither of these guys are backing down, and they're big and they're idiots. Do you know what the hardest thing in the world is? Sofie: What? Aaron: Getting a drunk to change the subject. So, to keep the peace -- Sofie: Cole. Cole: We had a little talk, but you didn't listen. I told you I didn't want you working tonight. Sofie: I know, but -- Cole: So, what the hell are you still doing here? [SCENE_BREAK] Sage: What's this? Gwen: These are clothes that I used to wear when I had a band. Here. Come here. Stand up. Put it on. It looks a lot better on you than it did on me. Sage: I like this. Gwen: Right here? Put it on. Put all this stuff on. Actually -- [Singing] Ta dum-da-dum -- I have an idea. We'll take pictures and then, you can tell J.J. that you were a rockstar when he gets back. Sage: You're sure he's going to get back? Gwen: Yes. I'm absolutely sure. Sage: What's this? Gwen: It's, um -- I forgot about that. I bought this for will's nephew, Johnny. Sage: But someone took him away and they never came back. So when you say J.J.'s coming back -- Gwen: Hey, he's gonna come back. Okay. I know that this is really hard. But we're not going to think that way. All right? We're just not. [SCENE_BREAK] J.J.: You guys got the money. You don't need me anymore. Ava: Anything you can do to shut him up would be greatly appreciated. J.J.: You guys got to let me go home! Silas: Okay! Okay. New situation, new rules. Snotty little kids don't give orders to adults. Got it? Got it? [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: Hey. I was just going over the calls we got from that PSA to see if I missed anything. Katie: Oh, it doesn't matter. You don't have to, something happened. Brad: Yeah? Katie: Yeah, a woman saw it. And tracked me down, and said she knows where Silas Jenkins is probably headed. Brad: That's great. That's great. You told Jack? Katie: Yeah. [Katie remembering] Katie: Jack, you'll never guess what just -- happened. It -- it was great to have some good news for him. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: What, did he check out? I mean, was the tip legit? Katie: Yeah, this woman said that she used to know Jenkins and his wife knows exactly where they hang out. Someplace in Idaho. So, Jack checked it out, and -- what is wrong with me? I'm an awful person, I'm evil. Brad: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Look, I'm not going to let anyone talk about my pal like that. Not even you. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: We are not gonna argue about this, there's no point. Because you're not going with me. Carly: He needs us both, Jack. Jack: I am doing this alone. Carly: Well, you can't stop me. Jack: No? Before I let you get on that plane with me -- I'll throw you back in jail. Carly: All right, Jack, let's not do this. Let's not go back to you barking orders and making threats. Jack: I will do whatever it takes to keep you from going to Idaho. Carly: I see. So, you're upset about J.J., so it's time for you to push everybody away, right? Jack: You just -- Carly: You can do it all by yourself. Jack: Just listen to me for a second. Carly: You don't need anybody's help, do you? Least of all, mine. Jack: Carly! Carly: I'm listening. Jack: If I show up with a woman, if I'm part of a couple, that makes me less anonymous. Carly: Then, we'll keep our distance, Jack. We don't have to be together. Jack: More than that, Carly. When it comes to your kids -- you love them so much you make emotional decisions. Carly: Oh I see. I'm emotional. And you, not so much. Jack: When I'm working a case, I keep my emotions in check. Thank you. Carly: Okay, so, if we follow that argument to its logical conclusion, Jack, you shouldn't go either. It should be some cop who's never even met J.J., who has no personal feelings about it whatsoever. Jack: I can't ask somebody else. Carly: Why not? You're just got out of the hospital, you are just as emotional as I am. Why do you have to go? Jack: I just have to. Carly: And that's the end of the conversation. Jack: Carly? You and I? We've been going through hell. I don't want to fight with you about this. And you're right, I've been making threats. I've been shutting you out and I'm sorry about that. Carly: I'm just worried about you. Jack: I know you are. What I should have said, was please, please, stay here and take care of Parker and Sage. Can you do that? Because I'm really, really worried about them. Carly: And if I think J.J. needs me more? Jack: Well, then we're back to threats and orders. Carly: In the thrill of realizing that I still love you, I forgot how much I can hate you. Jack: I will find him and I will bring him back to you. Carly: Be careful. Jack: I will. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: I'm sorry. Brad: About what? Katie: For losing it like this. I mean, it's good, right? It's good news. At least Jack knows where to look now. Brad: Does Carly know about it? Katie: Yeah, she was at the police station when I got there. Brad: So, you get to deliver the good news and then come back to work alone. Katie: Yeah. Brad: I think you're handling a really rotten situation really well. Katie: Well, the rotten situation is happening to Jack and Carly. Brad: What about you? I mean, you love Jack, you love J.J., but you see how awful this is for Jack and Carly, so you back off. Katie: I've never seen people so scared in my life. Both Jack and Carly. Brad: Are you scared? Katie: Yeah. He shouldn't be out of the hospital, much less going after J.J. Brad: Did you try telling him that? Katie: Yeah, I did. But it's no use. He wants to find his son. He's going to find J.J. Brad: Do you think it might be too late? Katie: Yeah I do. I don't know. God, I shouldn't even be saying that. Brad: Wait a minute, wait a minute. We were all thinking it. We're all scared, we all feel helpless. And you can't talk about it to the person you love most. And you know -- you add insult to injury, you're here. You're stuck with a mutt like me. [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: So, you really think that it's okay for you to dismiss or to defy what I told you to do? Sofie: Cole, I didn't think you really meant it. Cole: You didn't? Where would you get an idea like that? Sofie: Well, you said get another job, and maybe I could look, but why not keep this one until I find something else? Cole: Because I don't like this place and I really don't like the people who hang out in this place. Sofie: Finding a job is not that easy. And we need the money if you want to get out of Oakdale like you said. Cole: You know what really ticks me off? When you use my ambition, my own dreams against me. Sofie: I'm trying to help. Cole: I think you're trying to do something else. Let's go. Sofie: But my shift isn't over. Cole: I say it is. Sofie: Cole, even if I try to get another job, I need a reference from this place. I walk out. I can't get another job. Customer: Hey, Sofie, can I get a check? Sofie: Just a second. Okay? Cole: Sofie, what, he knows your name? Sofie: You're supposed to introduce yourself when you wait on customers. It's just being friendly. Cole: Friendly? That's what you call it? Sofie: Cole, you're exhausted, you worked all day. Go sit down in the lobby, I'll bring you a soda. We'll leave as soon as my shift is over. Customer: Hey, Sofie. Sometime tonight? Sofie: Cole, I can't blow this tip. Here you go. Aaron: Cole, right? Cole: What do you want? Aaron: I'd just like to set the record straight. [SCENE_BREAK] Susan: When did this happen? When did you decide that the Stewart family is your personal domain? And you, don't feel a little hypocritical here? Alison: I could kind of get away with going to work high. But a doctor, mom? This is bad, and you know it. Dusty: Susan. Susan: Don't. Stop with the Susans. I'm going to take Bob up on his offer, okay? Dusty: Good. Susan: No. It's not good. It's blackmail, that's what this is. It's -- Bob: You're still at it, huh? Bob: That's okay. It's fine. No problem. I just hope you feel better. Susan: Oh, I've got my family to take care of me. I'm lucky. Alison: I'll drive. Susan: Whatever. Dusty: You're doing the right thing. Susan: Oh, that's really great. That's so special. A little lesson on right and wrong from Mr. Moral Authority. I don't feel so well. [SCENE_BREAK] Gwen: It's really important that you don't give up hope. I know that your mom and your dad -- I know they're going to find J.J. and they're going to bring him home. Sage: But, all these awful things happen. All the time. Gwen: Yeah, awful things do happen. And good things happen, too. And miracles. Sage: Like what? Gwen: Like Will and I are going to have a baby. Sage: You are? Gwen: Mm-hmm. And you know what? That's a huge miracle. Because the doctors told me that I couldn't have any more kids. By next April, you're going to have a new cousin. Sage: Gwen! Gwen: Pretty cool, huh? Right? So, repeat after me. Good things do happen. Sage: Good things do happen. Gwen: And you know what the coolest part is? You're not going to be the youngest one anymore. You can have your cousin. You can boss them around. Sage: I'm going to be really nice to -- do you think it's a girl? Gwen: It's going to be a girl or a boy. One of the two, I hope. Sage: I don't care. Gwen: Me, either. Hey. Carly: Hi, Guys. Hi, Honey. Sage: Hi, Mommy. Guess what? Carly: What? Sage: Aunt Gwen's going to have a baby! Carly: Oh, yes, yes. Well, I heard about this. I knew that Gwen would want to tell you herself. Isn't that wonderful? Sage: I want it to be a girl. Carly: That'd be nice. Well, sit down here, Honey. I have something that I want to tell you myself. And it's good. Sage: J.J.'s back? Carly: Well, no. But we think we know where he is. And Daddy went to go get him. Gwen: Oh, wow, Carly. That's amazing. Sage, remember those cookies we made? You want to go put them on a plate and have a tea party in a little bit? Sage: Okay. But we'll save some for J.J. Carly: So, how are you doing? I hope she's not wearing you out. Gwen: Oh, no. Are you kidding? I love having her here. What's wrong? Carly: It's Jack. I don't think he should be going. Gwen: He's not well enough yet? Carly: It's not that. Something's off -- and I just can't quite figure out what it is. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: Drink this. Susan: Okay. You saved me. You happy? You working on a triple play here, or what? Dusty: Anything else I can do, let me know. Susan: Oh, he's leaving? He's not even going to help me through the night? Such a great guy. Never asks for anything in return. Well, he sort of does. Alison: Stop it. Susan: That man has no right to meddle in my life. No right at all. Alison: He's gone, Mom. Susan: And you -- you dragged him to the hospital and publicly humiliated me in my place of work! I work there. Bob was there. Alison: This is payback, right? Susan: What? Alison: You haven't forgotten all the attitude I gave you when I was high. Susan: I'm not high! Alison: You're an alcoholic who's drinking again. Susan: What do you care? The last six months have showed me how much you really care about my well-being. Alison: You know, what really bothers me, is that I think you have a real point. That I put you through such hell, and now the strongest person that I know has slipped. I wish I could get sober for you, but we both know I can't. So, this is totally up to you, Mom. [SCENE_BREAK] Aaron: Since she's the newest hire, she really doesn't have a choice about working tonight. She tried to turn it down, but somebody called in sick. Cole: And you are? Aaron: I'm Aaron, I'm one of the bartenders. Cole: And my girlfriend's your business because? Aaron: She's a human being, and we work together. Cole: Well, you're all kinds of wonderful, aren't you? Aaron: I just thought you should know what happened. Cole: So, what, she's worked here, for what, a day? And already you're, like, her protector, because that's just the kind of guy you are? Aaron: Well, I'm beginning to figure out what kind of guy you are. Cole: Ah, funny man, huh? Look, I know exactly what you're about, just like I know exactly how to stop it. Sofie: Don't do this, please, Cole. Cole: Let me set this clear, okay? You have nothing to say about this. This is between him and me. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: I think maybe he's right. Silas: What? Ava: We got the money, what do we need him for? Silas: I promised the kid's daddy we'd take care of him, and Les expected me to keep my word. Ava: Yeah, well, Les promised you the key to a safety deposit box that doesn't exist, so I'd say all bets are off. Silas: He didn't lie. Maybe Julia found the key, and kept the money for herself. Ava: So, what, now we're saddled with her brat? Silas: I promised les we'd raise him the way Les would have. J.J.: What are you talking about? You can't raise me. I'm not yours. Silas: The first thing we're going to do is teach you some manners. Les was real particular about kids being seen and not heard. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: You actually made me feel a lot better. Brad: Get out of here. I never make anyone feel better. Well, I mean, physically. Katie: Hey. When you get out of your own way, you're actually very sweet. Do you think Jack is doing the right thing? Brad: I don't worry about right and wrong when it doesn't make any difference. Katie: What do you mean? Brad: You and I both know that Jack is going, no matter what. And there's no force on earth that's going to stop him. Katie: That's a good thing about him. Brad: Maybe. Katie: It is. It's one of the things that made me fall in love with him, how simple and clear he is about everything. Now it just scares me. Brad: Look, he's going to be okay. You don't have to worry about him. He can take care of himself, okay? What you need to focus on is being hopeful. That's how Jack needs you to be. Katie: I know. And I made this big deal about him calling me before he left. I shouldn't have him thinking about me when he has all this other stuff to worry about. Jack: Katie. Katie: Hi. Oh. [SCENE_BREAK] Gwen: Come on Carly, you're scared out of your mind. Carly: No. No, no. I know Jack. And there's something he's not telling me. Gwen: Like what? Carly: He's an incredibly brave man, but he's not reckless. And when we were talking about this, I was telling him that he's just as emotional about it as I am. He just got out of the hospital, and now he's going to go undercover. And don't you think there's a pretty good chance these kidnappers know him -- they know what he looks like? Gwen: I guess. Carly: Well then, why is he going? Why doesn't he send somebody else? Somebody from the FBI? Someone else? Gwen: I don't know. Carly: Well, I think I do. See, Jack -- he would willingly, gladly risk his life to get J.J. home, but he would never, ever ask anybody else to do that. I'm going, too. Gwen: If it's dangerous for Jack, don't you think it's going to be dangerous for you, too? Carly: Probably. Doesn't matter. Gwen: It doesn't matter? Do you think it's fair to Parker, or to Sage, to have both their parents in the line of fire? Carly: No. But I didn't do that. The scum who took J.J. did that. Gwen: I know. Carly: And I think it's very important for Parker and Sage to see that their parents will do whatever they have to do to protect them. I need you to do something for me. Gwen: Anything. Carly: Can Parker and Sage stay here with you while I'm gone? Gwen: Of course. Sage: Mommy? Carly: Hey, Sweetheart. So, I want you to know that everything's fine -- that everything will be fine. I just need to say good-bye to you for a bit. Sage: Are you going with Daddy? Carly: And Gwen is going to look after you. Gwen: Actually, she's going to look after me. She's been a great helper. Carly: Are you okay with that? Sage: I think you should go. I'm fine, and J.J. needs you. Carly: You are a terrific kid. Sage: I'll go get the cookies I wrapped up for him. Carly: She's strong. Like her dad. Gwen: Yeah, like somebody else I know. Carly: I'm going to go pick up Parker. Gwen: Look, if you don't time, I can go pick him up. Carly: No. This is something that I need to talk with him about in person. It's not just what this man has done to J.J. think about what Sage and Parker are going through. Gwen: I know. Carly: And when they catch him, I'm going to see to it that he pays for what he's done. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: I couldn't get a flight for a couple of hours, so I went by the farm to say good-bye to Parker. Katie: Is he okay? Jack: It was nice to give him some good news for a change. Katie: So, are you all packed? Jack: I'm not taking much, just a carry-on. Brad: Guys, what are you doing? You have this small window of good-bye time, and you're talking about packing and carry-ons. Okay -- go in the room, or something -- you know? Hey, let me tell you something, you need to get him back, okay? And if you need any backup, you just -- you know what I mean? Okay? Jack: I think -- I think that was Brad being sensitive. Katie: He's actually been really great. You know, and he loves you and your kids so much. Jack: The most unreliable guy on the face of the earth. If I ever needed backup, I think I could actually could call him. How are you doing? Katie: I'm -- I'm good. Jack: You're such a liar. I know you don't want me to go. Katie: Come on. If I'm going to be a detective's wife, you can't call me out when I'm trying to be brave. Jack: If you're going a detective's wife, we don't have to talk about really important things with Carly standing there. I'm sorry about that. Katie: Wait, stop. Please, Jack. For you to worry about me when you and Carly are going through what you're going through is just wrong, okay? Please -- I am the least of your worries. Jack: We're going to get him back. And when we do, we're going to have that night we talked about. I promise. [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: You know all the bad stuff I've done. Susan: I don't want to talk about it. Alison: None of that makes me as ashamed as taking away your sobriety. Susan: Don't do that. Don't blame yourself. It's not going to help either one of us. Alison: But you blame yourself, don't you? Susan: Don't analyze me. Alison: It's not hard. Emily messes up, I mess up -- you yell at us a little, but you really take it out on yourself, don't you? Susan: I should have been able to protect you. Alison: You did, Mom. Up until tonight. Do you know how scary this is for me? You're not just my rock, Mom. You're my hope. And if you can't do this, I know in my heart I can't. Susan: Don't say that. Alison: But I think we could do it together. We are both people who need help. And the strongest thing we can right now and just admit that. Susan: I am not feeling very strong right now. Alison: I know, I understand. But the fact is, this was a slip, and the faster you get to the meeting, the faster you can put this behind you -- Susan: I don't want to go to a meeting. Alison: -- I know, but if you don't, tomorrow is going to be so much worse than today, and then the next day will be even worse than that. Susan: I thought today was going to be a good day. I woke up this morning, I -- having a good dream about Emily and Daniel, and they were laughing, and I couldn't remember for a few seconds that you'd moved out. Alison: I'll move back in. Susan: No! No, no. It's just that, I have been in a very bad place, and I've been ignoring it. I thought that if I got up this morning, had a cup of coffee and I checked my email, that little voice in my head would go away, but it didn't. So, I just had a couple of drinks at lunch, just to shut it up. What am I saying? I've been planning that drink since I bought the bottle in the liquor store a couple days ago, and I should've done something about it then. Alison: Do it now. There's a meeting starting in a couple minutes, and we can go together. Susan: I don't want to go. I mean, do I really have to stand up for the umpteenth time and say, "I'm Susan, I'm an alcoholic, I've been sober for 20 minutes." Alison: Yeah. You do. Susan: I'm in hell. Alison: Mom. Please. Susan: Let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: It's just kind of weird, you know? I'm talking to this dude over here, wondering why he's so worried about your life. And then you coming running out here, and that gets me wondering why you're so worried about him. Sofie: I'm not. Cole: Well, you sure seem worked up about something. Sofie: It's just -- I don't want another -- Cole: Another what, Sofie? Sofie: Please. It's nothing. I just work with the guy. Cole: Okay. If you say so. Hey, I just want to thank you for going out of your way to explain everything to me. Aaron: Yeah, no problem. Cole: It sure is nice to know that Sofie has someone like that looking out for her. Aaron: Yeah, I can tell it eased your mind. Cole: Mm-hmm. Aaron: Sofie, we got to get back to work. Cole: Oh gosh, now, I feel terrible. Interrupting the whole hustle and flow. Really nice meeting you. A real helpful guy. A real eagle scout. Sofie: Cole, I have to get back to work. Cole: Yeah, don't let me stop you. In fact, don't even give me another thought. Sofie: I'm sorry. Aaron: It's not a problem. Sofie: He's under a lot of pressure. He worries about things. Aaron: Can I ask you a question? How often do you find yourself doing this? Sofie: Doing what? Aaron: Apologizing for your boyfriend's behavior. I'm sorry. As your friend already pointed out, it's really none of my business. Sofie: No, you were just trying to help -- and Cole, it's just -- he gets a little possessive sometimes. Aaron: Right. Sofie: A lot. Aaron: Huh? Sofie: I'm answering your question. I apologize for him a lot. Aaron: I thought we already covered that it was none of my business. Sofie: I just want you to understand. I think, in a weird way, he's kind of shy -- and things come out wrong. Aaron: Shy. Sofie: He's really a nice guy once you get to know him. Aaron: Think I'll have to pass on that one. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Hi, Parker. How you doing? Parker: I'm okay. Carly: So all of a sudden, out of the blue, you're madly interested in the geography of Idaho, huh? Parker: Jack was here, and he told me about that lady talking to Katie. Carly: And so now you want to see where Manley is, huh? Parker: There. It's pretty far away. But Jack's flying, so he might get there before them if they're still in a car. Carly: You know, I don't know why, but somehow it makes me feel better knowing that J.J. is somewhere rather than anywhere. Parker: Yeah. Why are you here? Carly: Do I need a reason to come and see you? Parker: You have one. Carly: You know, I just wanted to ask you if -- if you wanted to stay with Gwen and Will for a little bit. Parker: What? Carly: You know, Sage is there. She's having fun -- Parker: You're going after Jack, aren't you? Carly: Yes. And so, I have something else to ask you. Please don't tell him. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: You really aren't going to be able to help J.J. if you don't take care of yourself. Jack: I know, Katie. Katie: And I know nothing's going to stop you, but you just out of the hospital -- Jack: Okay, I get what you're saying. Listen to me. I get what you're saying. I do. Now, here. Get what I'm saying right now. I have every intention of coming back. With J.J. Katie: I know you do. Jack: Because I'm coming home to you. Katie: You have the pain pills the doctor gave you? Jack: Yes. Katie: You're not going to take them, are you? Jack: Do you want me to lie here? Katie: No. Jack: Listen -- listen, if I were at the office, then yes, I would take the pain pills. But I'm gonna go undercover. I gotta have my wits about me. Katie: Next time I ask you not to lie -- lie. Jack: Okay, the truth? The pain is not even that bad. Really. Katie: Really? Jack: Don't make me laugh. Katie: I'm sorry, I'm so bad at this. I'm so bad at this. Jack: No, please, Katie. Katie: No, you come to say good-bye and I'm giving you the Jack: I did not come to say good-bye. Katie: No? Not leaving? Jack: I came to take care of some unfinished business. Have a seat. Please. Please. Yes, I am leaving. But I didn't want there to be any questions about where we stand. So -- Katie -- will you please marry me? [SCENE_BREAK] Bob: Susan, I thought you went home. Susan: No. I went to a meeting. Bob: Oh. Susan: You didn't know what was happening before? Bob: Tell me. Susan: I -- I started drinking again today. Bob: Oh, Susan -- Susan: And then -- and then I came into work. I didn't diagnose, I didn't prescribe, but I came into work. Do what you have to do. It won't change how I feel about you in any way. Bob: I don't have to do anything this evening. We'll do an evaluation and see how things turn out. Susan: Thank you. My sponsor's waiting downstairs. Bob: Susan? I'm proud of you. I'm proud to be your friend. Susan: You know what? You got lousy taste. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: Hey. Alison: Hi. I was just writing you a note. Dusty: How are things? Alison: Better. I was able to get my mom to go to a meeting. No, strike that. She was able to get herself to go to a meeting. Dusty: Good. Alison: Yeah. She's pretty amazing. On the way to the meeting, she called her sponsor. So, her sponsor's with her now. So, I think everything's going to be okay. Dusty: And you? Alison: A little shook. I mean, I'm used to me needing her, not the other way around. Dusty: You were strong. You did well. Alison: I was scared. I mean, all I could say to her was whatever came to my mind. And -- she was just looking at me. And it was like the mother I knew was gone and all that was left was this attitude. Dusty: That's not funny. Alison: Yeah, but don't you see? That's what I did to her. Over and over. Dusty: Well, not anymore. Right? Aaron: I closed out. This is to give to the auditor. Thank you. Dusty: You want to go someplace else? Alison: Yes. But I'm not going to. I think it's finally starting to sink in that wherever I go, sooner or later I'm going to have to start to deal with reality. I have to deal with what Aaron really thinks of me. And I'm not going to run away. Not anymore. Dusty: Good for you. Alison: Yeah. Good for me. Sofie: Have a good night, Aaron. Aaron: Oh, yeah. A real good night. [SCENE_BREAK] J.J.: Sir? Silas: Now, that's better. That shows some respect. J.J.: What are you going to do to me? Silas: I thought I made it clear. Ava: I keep saying he's not that bright. Silas: We're going to raise you the way les would have. Like you're my own son. J.J.: But I'm not. Silas: But you will be. In time. And you have a new mom and dad. We're going to be one big happy family. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: So are you going to rat me out to Jack? Parker: No. Carly: Really? Parker: Yeah, J.J. needs you. Carly: You know, Sage said the same thing. It's been a while since you and I have agreed on anything. Parker: Yeah. J.J. always said you were coming back. He never hated you. Carly: Like you did. Parker: No, he was right. Look, when you see him, when you find him, tell that I said I was sorry. Carly: Ah, you're going to tell him yourself. And then the two of you will start fighting again a week later. Just like always. Parker: Just like Jack and Brad. Carly: Yeah. Well, if I'm going to make my flight, we should go. Why don't you just get stuff for the night because Gwen can bring you back here tomorrow? Parker: Mom, if it's all right, I'd rather stay here. Carly: It's your call. Parker: I'll look after Sage and everything, but I like the farm. Having work to do. Carly: Okay. Well, then, I'll call you as soon as I can and see how you're doing. Parker: Just take care of Jack, okay? Carly: Of course I will. Because you know I'm going to do whatever I have to do to put this family back together. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: Yeah. Yeah, I'll marry you. I love you. Jack: Oh, I love you, too. And I'm so glad you finally said yes. Brad: Okay, come on, all right. All right, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. You know what? If you don't get out of here, you're going to miss your flight. Jack: Yeah, you're right. Brad: All right. Jack: You're right. You're right. Brad: You need a lift? Jack: No. No, I want you to stay here with Katie. Brad: No problem. Jack: I hate saying good-bye to you. Katie: Then go get J.J. and when you're back, you will never have to say good- bye again. Jack: I'll see you soon. You watch out for her. Okay? Brad: You got it. Yep. Congratulations. Katie: I have never been so happy. But I have never been so scared. [SCENE_BREAK] Announcer: Next week on -- "As the World Turns" -- Carly: That's for cheating on me. Brad: I am in it to win it. Henry: You are broke. Paul: Time for you to wake up. | He is proud to be her friend. |
272 | Philip: Good morning. Chloe: Good morning, yourself. So much for just talking last night. Philip: I ran out of things to say. How did you sleep? Chloe: You tell me. Philip: I get the feeling we're not finished yet. Chloe: Mmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Chelsea: They totally airbrush these models. Where's the wrinkles? [Morgan laughs] Chelsea: Or the cellulite. Nobody looks like this? Seriously, right? Woman: Are you done with that? Chelsea: Yes, it's all yours. Woman: Thank you. Chelsea: Speaking of being airbrushed, did you see how much make-up she has on? Morgan: What was that? Chelsea: Who wears makeup like that? Morgan: I don't know. Chelsea: Lip balm maybe. Morgan: Oh, oh, Crystle, right? Crystle Yeah. Oh, Morgan and Chelsea. Chelsea: I'm sorry, uh -- Morgan: Crystle is our Alpha Chi Theta National Chapter Rep. Crystle: Advisor, actually. Morgan: She's organizing the Breast Cancer Awareness Walk-a-Thon. Chelsea: Oh, yeah, I participated in that. Crystle: We're doing the same thing this year -- second Sunday in July. Morgan: I will be there. Chelsea: Me, too. You know we can walk all day, and then recover by watching Miss Universe that night. Crystle: Yeah, make sure you line up those sponsors. Morgan: We'll do. Crystle: Well, thanks, nice seeing you again. Chelsea: Me, too. Crystle: Oh, you know, all that trouble you and your sisters went through last year, I'm really glad everything worked out, especially for you, Chelsea. [SCENE_BREAK] Chelsea: Thank you. I forgot how nice she was. Morgan: Yeah, Chelsea: Are you okay? Morgan: Yeah, I don't want to talk about it. Chelsea: Okay, whatever. Morgan: Actually, what are you doing tonight? I was thinking of going downtown to that art festival. I could really use a distraction. Chelsea: I'm sorry, I can't. I already have plans. Morgan: Care to share. Chelsea: I have a date tonight. Morgan: Oh. [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: I know it's late, but is there any way I can get a reservation? 7:30 for 2? Oh, you rock, Maggie. Thank you. Whew! Kate: God! Daniel: So how are you feeling this morning? Kate: Get out of my room! [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: And if you're good, we'll stop by the toy store on the way home. Would you like that? Lindsay: Is that Theo? Hey, buddy. Lexie: Say hi to Lindsay. Lindsay: I've got some neat stuff you want to see. Abe: You know, there's no use worrying until we know something's wrong -- if there's anything wrong. Hey, yeah, big guy! How about some breakfast, huh? All right, we're going to head out to the cafeteria, all right? Lexie: Okay. Our appointment is at 10, so I'll meet you back here at 5 of. Abe: That sounds like a plan. Say good-bye to Lindsay. Bye. Lindsay: Bye-bye, Theo. You have the perfect little family. Lexie: Thanks! [SCENE_BREAK] Caroline: I heard that you moved back into the townhouse. Marlena: Yes, that was not an easy decision, especially with Sami and the twins still staying at the mansion, but it's best for John and me. Caroline: Yeah. Marlena: I think so. Caroline: Speak of the devil. Marlena: Oh. John: Hello. Caroline: Hi. Marlena: Good morning. I didn't think I'd see you here today. John: Rolf's on breakfast duty. He said he was going to experiment, and I really wasn't in the mood for anything strange. Caroline: Oh. John: May I have grilled liver smothered in assorted fruit, please? Caroline: Uh. Yeah. Sure. Ah. Yes. Please. John: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Marlena: I really had a nice time last night. John: Well, we'll have to do it again real soon. Maybe next time you can sleep over. Marlena: Well. John: Or maybe you can move back in. I haven't changed anything in your room. In fact, I had Rolf put up a velvet rope so no one could enter. Marlena: John, I don't think I'm ready for that. I don't think you're ready for that. John: You're still upset about Ava, aren't you? [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: I didn't sleep at all last night. I couldn't stop thinking about your dad. Max: Don't call him that. It's Trent. Stephanie: Sorry. I can't believe what a jerk he is. Max: I can certainly think of more colorful words. Stephanie: I just want to strangle him. Same goes for you. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Hello. Trent: It's Trent. How's my sweet girl today? Nicole: Fine, till she answered the phone. Trent: Where are you? We need to talk. Nicole: Isn't that what we're doing? Trent: Let's see, it's a week day, mid-morning. Deductive reasoning would tell me you're probably some place they serve alcohol. Nicole: Very funny. Trent: Since the Cheating' Heart isn't open yet. I'm guessing you're at the pub. Nicole: What the hell do you want from me? [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Why didn't you tell me about Dean Robbins. I thought we agreed -- no more secrets. Max: I don't need you mad at me, too. I have enough problems. Stephanie: Sorry. Well, I'm just going to remind you that I love you, and I will be here to help you do this. Max: Like my high school counselor. Stephanie: Something like that, but when did you find out that he was your dad, and why didn't he recognize you at the book signing. Max: I found out he was my father years ago. I don't think he's seen me since I was a kid. I didn't even know he saw me then, but you heard him. He said that he checked up on me when I was adopted by the Brady's. Stephanie: I don't understand what kind of parent could abandon their child. Max: I'm glad he did, 'cause otherwise I wouldn't have met Ma and Pop. Stephanie: So when are you going to tell her? Max: Oh, no. I'm not ready for that. No! Stephanie: Max, your mom is the most understanding person I know, and you'll probably feel a million times better once you talk to her about it. What do you say? [SCENE_BREAK] Caroline: There you are. Anything else? John: Fantastic! Thank you. Marlena: All righty, shall we talk about Ava, or do you want to act as thought the situation does not exist? John: Before you go shrink on me, there's someone else we need to talk about. Marlena: Who's that? John: Philip Kiriakis. [Philip gets out of bed and puts on a shirt] [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: Okay, so who's the lucky hottie? Chelsea: Umm. Morgan: Is it that guy we met at Dune? Chelsea: It's Daniel. Morgan: Dr. Jonas. Chelsea: Yeah, he finally asked me out, and not for drinks or for coffee, but for like dinner. Morgan: Wow, you seem really excited. Chelsea: I can totally picture it. There'll be this really cool little romantic table for two, and we'll probably order a bottle of wine, and we'll talk. He has like the most amazing stories, and we'll order. I'll probably get a salad, because I'll be way too nervous to eat anything else, and then afterwards, who knows? Morgan: You wouldn't actually like -- you know, on the first date, would you? Chelsea: Daniel's too much of a gentleman, but a girl can dream, right? Morgan: Uh, honey, don't you think you're jumping in just a little too quick? Chelsea: No. I already told you. He and I, we have like this connection. Morgan: Okay, but just a couple of weeks ago, you didn't think so. Didn't he just blow you off? Chelsea: Well, he was worried about what everyone would think. Morgan: Sweetie, you sound like you're making excuses for him. Chelsea: You know what, Morgan? Why can't you just be happy for me? [Morgan sighs and goes after Chelsea] [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: You know, I can't force you, but I really wish you'd talk to your mom. Max: I'll think about it. I can't promise more than that, okay? Stephanie: Just remember she loves you. Max: I know. Stephanie: Okay, I'm going to meet Chelsea and Morgan at the gym. Are you going to be here all day? Max: Yeah. Stephanie: Okay, I'll meet you later. Max: All right. Stephanie: Just tell her the truth. You know she'd be totally supportive, okay? I'll see you later. Max: All right. Caroline: Oh, are you leaving? Stephanie: Yes, I need to go work off these blueberry pancakes, so I'll see you later. Love you. Caroline: Max, is there something on your mind? [SCENE_BREAK] Trent: Gee, I thought you'd be inside on your second Bloody Mary by now? Nicole: I'd rather the gossip gods not see us together. Trent: Wow, you hurt my feelings, Nikki. Nicole: I shouldn't even be talking. Trent: Come on. This reunion of ours is fate, Nikki. Nicole: No. Trent: I let you go once. Hey, I'm not going to make that mistake again. Nicole: Please don't do this. [SCENE_BREAK] Marlena: You want to talk about Philip why? Because you still think he's still responsible for the drug bust? John: I know he is. Marlena: When are you going to give this up? John: Well, that's not how the game is played. The kid thinks he can win, but he's in for a big surprise. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: We are never going back, Trent, because there is nothing to go back to. You have your life, and I have mine. Let's just leave it at that. Trent: Ah, you don't really feel that way, Nikki. Nicole: I still can't believe that after all these years, you've managed to finagle some cushy university job. Trent: I haven't lost a step. Nicole: Yeah. A lot of people here don't know you like you do. Trent: I don't know. There is one person who knows me a little more than I'd like. [SCENE_BREAK] Caroline: Max, please talk to me. Max: I'm sorry, Mom, but I can't. Caroline: That's it. That's it. You've been walking around here with a dark cloud over your head for weeks, and it's about time you tell me why. [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: Please, don't be upset. Chelsea: I'm sorry, Morgan, but you're one of my best friends. I just expected you to be supportive? Morgan: I am. I just don't want to see you get hurt. Chelsea: I'm not going to. Besides, I thought that you liked Daniel. Morgan: I do. He seems like a nice enough guy. I just -- how well do you know him? Chelsea: Well enough to know that he would never deliberately hurt me. Look, he's my grandfather's Godson. He's completely trustworthy. Morgan: And Victor knows about your date? Chelsea: Yes, Morgan. When Daniel asked me out, he did so in front of my grandfather, and he was okay with it, so you should be, too. Morgan: Look, I just want you to be careful. He's a lot older than you are. Chelsea: Why is everybody hung up on the age thing? So, he's older than me. Big deal. Girls mature faster than guys. Morgan: This is not high school, okay? You are not a freshman dating a senior. I mean, Dr. Jonas is old enough to be your -- Chelsea: Stop! Morgan: Well, he is, isn't he? Chelsea: Okay, fine. Let's say, I don't know, Johnny Depp. He's 45. Let's say that he asked you out on a date. You're telling me that you would say, "No," because of the age. Morgan: You're being ridiculous. Chelsea: No, Morgan, you're being ridiculous. Look, I appreciate your concern, but I'm going out on a date with Daniel tonight, and I'm going to have a good time, all right? Morgan: Okay. Chelsea: Okay, so let's talk about wardrobe. I got this really, really cute dress from Ballistics, but I don't have any shoes to match it. Are you wearing lipstick? Oh, my gosh, she's totally one of those girls we make fun of at the gym. I'm just kidding, Steph. Morgan: Sweetie, what's the matter? Stephanie: It's Max. [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: Uh, just leave. You're not my doctor. Daniel: No, but I'm a doctor who cares about you, and I'm just here to make sure you're doing okay. Kate: Well, I will. I will if I'm left alone. Lindsay: So if you ever need anyone to watch Theo. Lexie: Why, thank you, Lindsay. We're always looking for good babysitters. Kate: God, I can't deal with this right now. Lexie: Excuse me. What on earth is going on in here? [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: Hey, no encore? Philip: Doesn't breakfast in bed count? Chloe: That depends. [SCENE_BREAK] [Phone rings] Chloe: Mmm. Let it ring. Philip: Could be work. Chloe: Or what's her face. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: This is Philip. John: John Black. Philip: What a perfect way to start my day. John: I need to see you. Philip: I'm kind of busy right now. John: Brady Pub. I'll be waiting. Chloe: Who was that? Philip: Eighty-six breakfast in bed. We're going to the pub for breakfast. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: What is all the commotion about? Kate: Would you kindly ask Dr. Jonas -- Daniel: No, it's okay. It's okay. I'm out of here. Lexie: Is there something you want to tell me? [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Someone else knows your dirty little secrets. Who is it? A professor who has his sights on your job, or is it a jilted lover who has an appetite for revenge? Please tell me. I can't stand the suspense. Trent: Uh, it's one of my students. Nicole: Huh, pretty co-ed hoping for an A? These women of yours keep getting younger and younger, don't they? Trent: Nah, actually, it's one of my grad students. The kind of guy that has to challenge every word I say. He thinks he knows me, but he doesn't have a clue. You know what's inconceivable? What kids will do to get a good grade these days. Would you believe that he has gone so far as to threaten me? Nicole: Sounds like my kind of guy. [SCENE_BREAK] Max: Look, Ma, I just can't talk about it right now, trust me. Caroline: Max, you've got to trust me. You're my son, and I love you. If you're in pain, it hurts me. No parent wants to see their child suffer. Max: You'd be surprised. Nick: Hey, Max. I brought the mix CD you wanted, and I put some other tracks on it, too. Max: All right, thanks! Nick: I'm sorry. I walked in on like a conversation? I can go. Caroline: No, look, Nick, stay. Perhaps you can talk some sense into my son. [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: Sweetie, what's going on with Max? Stephanie: Forget I said anything. You guys want something? Chelsea: No, you can't do that. You said that something's wrong. We're your friends. We want to know what. Morgan: Chelsea's right. Stephanie: I can't get into it. I promised Max. Morgan: Honey, we're your friends. We're not gonna say anything. Chelsea: Did you get into another fight? Stephanie: No. Chelsea; Then what? Stephanie: He's holding this huge secret, and I'm the only one who knows about it. Morgan: And you think he should tell somebody else? Stephanie: Yes, but you know Max. He's too stubborn. Chelsea: Okay, well, can't you talk to him? Stephanie: I tried, and every time I think I'm getting through to him, he just freaks out again. Morgan: Maybe he just needs some time. Stephanie: It's just so frustrating. If he would open up about it, he would feel a million times better. The longer he keeps it inside, the angrier he's going to get. Morgan: You think you should talk to his mom? Stephanie: No, trust me, she is the last person I can talk to about this. [SCENE_BREAK] [Phone rings] Chelsea: Okay, it's him. Stephanie: Him, who? Chelsea: My date for tonight, Daniel. Stephanie: Your date? Chelsea: Yeah, but you're in crisis mode, so I won't answer that. Stephanie: Who cares? Answer the phone. Chelsea: What if he's going to cancel. Stephanie: Answer it, or I will. Go! Chelsea: It went to voicemail. Stephanie: I told you to answer it. Morgan: Did he leave a message? Chelsea: No. What do you think I should do? Should I call him back or is that weird? Stephanie: Give me that! Chelsea: What are you doing? Stephanie: Should be ringing. [SCENE_BREAK] Chelsea: Daniel, hi. It's Chelsea. Daniel: I just tried to call you. Chelsea: Yeah, I know. I couldn't get to my phone in time. What's up? Daniel: Are we still on for tonight? Chelsea: Yeah. Daniel: Well, I got us reservations at Chez Rouge, 7:30. Does that work for you? Chelsea: Yeah. Daniel: Uh, great! Chelsea: Great! Daniel: Are you having second thoughts? Chelsea: No, are you? Daniel: No, I'm actually looking forward to it. Chelsea: Me, too. Daniel: Ah, me, too. Okay, bye! Chelsea: Bye! [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: It looks like he didn't cancel. Chelsea: 7:30 at Chez Rouge. Stephanie: What are you going to wear? Morgan: Oh, don't encourage her. Stephanie: Why not? Chelsea: Morgan doesn't think that I should go. Morgan: I just don't think it's a good idea. Chelsea: Would you please talk some sense into her? Stephanie: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: Who's that guy with Nicole? Philip: I don't know, and I don't care. Good morning, Marlena. Marlena: Hi, Philip. Philip: Okay, John, what is this all about? John: Cut to the chase. I like that. Philip: Well? John: Our little dispute has gotten out of hand. Philip: Oh, look at that, we agree on something. John: But I have a fast and easy solution. Philip: This should be good. John: It's time for you to cut your losses, Philip. Step down, accept defeat. Philip: You want me to just step down and give up? John: That's right. Philip: Come on. John: You need time to thing about it? That's fine. You have until the end of the day to get back to me. Philip: You don't give me ultimatums. And there's nothing to think about. It's not going to happen. John: Philip, I'm giving you the perfect opportunity to bow out gracefully, to avoid public humiliation. Philip: What world are you living in, John? You're the criminal here. John: Because you set me up. Philip: We're through here. Nice to see you, Marlena. Marlena: Philip. Chloe: What a jerk. Philip: Here, get yourself some breakfast. I'm going to hit the gym and work off some steam. I'll call you later. Marlena: I wonder why he wouldn't accept your suggestion? John: Because he's a fool. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: So what did your dad say when you told him about Daniel? Chelsea: I did not. Stephanie: Why not? Chelsea: Because he'd freak out, then he would give me this giant lecture about how I should be dating guys my own age. Your dad would do the same thing. Stephanie: I didn't think about that. Yeah, he would freak. What about you, Morgan? What would your dad say? Morgan: I honestly don't know. I thought I knew my dad pretty well, but it turns out I didn't know him at all. Stephanie: Something happened? Chelsea: He's not still in trouble, is he? Morgan: Why else would he have left Salem? Chelsea: He left? Stephanie: My God, when? Morgan: Last night, but he didn't really think he had a choice. Chelsea: I can't believe he would do that. Morgan: You know what? Once he realizes he made a mistake, he'll be back. [SCENE_BREAK] Max: I need your help more than ever, Mom. Look, if Mom sent you up here to talk some sense into me -- Nick: She's not the only one who's worried about you, Max. I wanted to give this to you earlier but you kind of ran off. Max: Summer school. No thanks! Nick: It's not too late to register for the July session and then there's this class I think you'd really be good at, and -- Max: Look, Nick, forget it. I'm not interested, and you know that. Besides, I have two jobs I have to deal with, one of which I have to get back to. Nick: Okay, but if you just took a couple of night classes each semester, you could probably -- Max: I could get my degree. Great, and then I could finish a book and treat people like garbage. Nick: What are you talking about? Max: Just forget about it, all right. Nick: Okay, I just don't want you to look back on this and say, "What if I'd gone to school. What if I'd really honed my skills." Max: The only skill I need right now is how to pour beer. I need to get back to work. Nick: Look, Max, I never really told you this, but when I first got to Salem, you were the man. You had this confidence. People wanted to be around you, and I admired that, because it was something that I don't really have, so to see you acting like this, and the hostility, always putting yourself down, it makes me wonder what happened to the old Max. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: I thought that was your car outside? Daniel: Rock star parking, huh? Philip: How much longer on this? Daniel: Nothing, man. Jump right on. Saw your mother this morning. Philip: Oh, yeah? How is she? Daniel: She's recovering. Had enough energy to bite my head off. Philip: She's still giving you static about being her doctor? Daniel: You can say that. Philip: I'm sorry, man. I don't know what that's about? Daniel: Mothers are a complete mystery to me, man. Philip: All women are. Daniel: There's nothing more complicated than the female species. Philip: So why do we need them? Besides the obvious. Daniel: Yeah, right there, man. See that's the thing. That's the tricky part. Because you're living the life, traveling the world, it's one big wild adventure, and then you meet a woman, and bam, like everything goes out the window. Surfing trip to Bali, canceled. Monday night football, click, don't need that. I mean, what kind of mind altering drug is that? Philip: You tell me. You're the doctor. Daniel: I wish I knew, but it's scary, 'cause the second that you find the one, that's all that you think about. But how do you know, how do you know that you're not just looking for something new and exciting, and it's actually the real deal. Philip: Tell me about it. Daniel: Look at that. Right there. You just did it. That's what I'm talking about right there. Look, I'm trying to help you, man. You cannot go into a relationship in that state of mind. Philip: Are we talking about you here? Daniel: That obvious, huh? Philip: Hmm, I'm right there with you man. Daniel: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Trent: So, I was hoping that maybe we could go out for dinner tonight, hmm? Just the two of us? Do you still like ribs? Oh, hello, Stephanie. Nice to see you again. Chelsea: Steph, why were you just so rude to Dean Robbins? Stephanie: Trust me, I have my reasons. You guys seen Max? Morgan: Uhh! Chelsea: No. Stephanie: Are you okay? Morgan: Uhh, cramps! Chelsea: I hate that, it's the worst. And it's back before you know it. Stephanie: Yep! Exercising didn't help? Morgan: Usually it does, but not today. Stephanie: You know what? You are in luck, missy. Morgan: My Mom uses this. Stephanie: You don't? You should, it really works. Chelsea: She's right. It's on the box. It takes care of cramps, bloating, fatigue, and backache. Morgan: For real! Chelsea: Uh-huh! Morgan: All right. Damn, I cannot believe that harlot Chloe is here. Chelsea: I'm sorry, what, harlot? Morgan: It's a southern thing. Now, I've got a headache, too. Stephanie: Well, it's a good thing you're going to take Midol, because it'll make that disappear. Chelsea: It's the miracle drug. Morgan: It's too bad it can't make Chloe disappear. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: All right. I'll be right back. Hi, Grandma. Caroline: How was the gym? Stephanie: It was all right. Um, did Max talk to you at all? Caroline: I'm afraid not. Excuse me, dear. Stephanie: Damn it, Max. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: I've got to tell you. I was surprised when Daniel told me you had requested another doctor. Kate: Well, I thought I was entitled to make that decision, and now I'm getting feedback about it from everyone. Lexie: Daniel's an excellent surgeon. I was just wondering why you didn't want him to perform your surgery? Kate: Say Abe was in the hospital. I don't think you'd do the surgery on him. I think it's a conflict of interest. Lexie: Abe's my husband. Daniel's your friend. He's operated on friends before. Kate: I'm not comfortable with it. End of story. Lexie: Okay. Woah! Theo: Mom! Lexie: Sweetheart, hey. Hey. Listen, Mommy can't come right now, okay? Abe: Yeah, Mommy's not done yet. I'm sorry. Kate: Hey, that's okay. Lexie: Are we late? Abe: No, we're early. Kate: Look at you. Hello, sweetie. How are you doing there? Abe: Okay, kiddo, come on, yeah! We'll be out in the hall, so don't rush. Okay, come on. Kate: Lexie, Lexie. Lexie: Oh, I'm sorry, Kate. Kate: Are you okay? You seem distracted. Lexie: Ah, we're taking Theo in for some tests today. Kate: Oh, I hope it's nothing serious. Lexie: Yeah, so do I. [SCENE_BREAK] John: What are we looking for? Marlena: It's my appointment book, brown leather, about that size. I thought I just left it somewhere right here. Oh, oh, oh, what are you a bird dog? That's it, thanks! Ahh. John: So that's it? Marlena: Uh, you know, we never finished our conversation that we began earlier. John: About Ava. Marlena: Yes, but actually it's more about us. John: Hmm, sounds serious. Marlena: Oh, I just think we have to be serious about us. We've got to be fair. You don't want to be the old John, and I'm not sure that I can accept the new John. John: And the solution is? Marlena: I don't know, but if we can't come to some resolution pretty soon, I think we should file for divorce. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: Yeah, well, sometimes relationships can be a lot more trouble than they're worth. Daniel: Yeah. Why don't we move to Tibet and become monks. Philip: Meditate on that. Daniel: Oh, meditate on that! Philip: So do you have any advice on how I can fix my mess? Daniel: Yeah, I can't fix my own mess. Philip: You're single, you're a doctor, you're good looking. I mean, that's like the trifecta. Exactly what the ladies want. Daniel: Shut up! Philip: No, I mean it. Why do you think Treadmill Tina just came walking by? Daniel: To check you out. Philip: No, she was checking you out. Daniel: Hey! Woman: Hi, boys. Philip: You should go for that. Daniel: Well, you know, Treadmill Tina is really not my type. Philip: Since when? Daniel: All right, look, I have a little crazy thing for this woman I keep kind of pushing away, that's all. Philip: How come? Daniel: A bit of an age difference. I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that. Philip: You're just worried what other people might think. Daniel: Which is so not my style. So now I'm supposed to be the cautious one? Let me tell you something, caution has never been my strong suit. I see a risk. I take it. I always have. Philip: Well, then go for it. Daniel: Okay. And there's my problem. I hope I don't wipe out. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Go and tell your mom. Max: How do I do that without worrying her? Stephanie: You could hurt her more by not telling her. Look, when your mom adopted you, she knew there was a chance that one day you would find your biological parents. It's probably not as big a deal as you think it is, okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Max: Mom, you've got a second? Caroline: Of course. Max: I need to talk to you about something. It's about my biological Father. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Theo's been having trouble with the other kids at daycare. Kate: Oh. Lexie: Yeah, it's been very frustrating for Abe and me. We just want some answers. Kate: Of course, you do. Lexie: Yeah, it's difficult to treat someone when you don't have a diagnosis. Kate: Well, I hope you get all the answers you're looking for. Lexie: Thanks, Kate. Kate: You should go, all right? Don't keep that little boy waiting. Lexie: All right. See you later. Kate: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: So this woman you're talking about. It's Chelsea, isn't it? Daniel: Ah, yeah, yeah. Philip: Well, I think that's great. Daniel: Well, not everyone shares your sentiment. Philip: Who, my Mother? Daniel: God, she's going to go through the roof when she finds out about our date tonight. Philip: So what? Of all the girls I've been with, Belle is the only one she's approved of. Daniel: Really? What about this woman, or should I say women you're seeing now. Philip: I need to figure out what I want before I let my Mother interfere, and trust me, she will have something to say about it. Daniel: It sounds like Kate's not going to be happy with either one of us. Philip: Too bad. Daniel: Yeah, you're damn right. Too bad. [SCENE_BREAK] Max: I found out who my biological Father is. Caroline: Oh, sweetheart. How long have you known? Max: Quite a while. I just didn't want to tell you, because -- Caroline: Because you thought that I'd be upset. Come here, sweetheart. Max, thank you for telling me. [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: Hey, Morgan. Morgan: I'm not in the mood for another fight. Chloe: Come on, let's sit. I'll buy you a cup of coffee. Morgan: Look, if you're still angry because I kissed Philip, get over it. Chloe: That news is so five minutes ago. Listen, I just wanted to tell you that Philip has this pattern. He finds a young girl and he uses her to boost his ego. Morgan: Philip is not like that. Chloe: Honey, I have known the guy since high school. Trust me, your relationship is nothing more than a casual flirtation. I don't want you to get hurt, so for your sake, I would stay away from him. Morgan: Wow, Chloe, you must really feel threatened by me, and you know what? You should. [SCENE_BREAK] John: So, you want a divorce? Marlena: I didn't say that, but I think it's important for you to explore your options. John: You're giving me permission to see other women? Marlena: Yes. John: You sure you want to do that? Marlena: The more I think about it, the more it seems like the right thing to do. John: Huh, why, you sure come out of left field sometimes. Marlena: John, I've been pushing you to make a decision you're not ready to make. So if you want to, you should go ahead and try things out with Ava or whoever else you choose, and see how that works for you. And if you come back to me of your own volition, that's fine, and if you don't, then we can end it. John: And you're doing this because? Marlena: Because I love you so much. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: E.J.'s moving out. E.J. The hell I am. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: I don't know what I want, but I get the feeling that Chloe isn't gonna be too happy if it isn't her. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: I know who set that fire, and I'm not going to let my brother burn for it. | Trent corners Nicole and demands she have dinner with him. |
273 | Phoebe: It's just a flat tire. Help's on the way. Man: I can help. Phoebe: No, I'm okay, really. [SCENE_BREAK] [Laughter] Darla: Everybody seems to be having a really great time. Thorne: Mm-hmm. You've done an amazing job. Darla: You put a family in one room who all love each other as much as this family does . Thorne: Yeah? Darla: You can't go wrong. Thorne: As long as you're there, too. Darla: Always. Thorne: Always. Alexandria: Daddy! Darla: Baby! Thorne: Oh my goodness, look at that! Thomas: Hey, who doesn't like knights and maidens, right? Alexandria: I love it! Thank you, Thomas! Thomas: You're welcome, sweetheart. Darla: Oh, sweetie, lets see what's in this big pink bag. I've been looking at this one all night. Come here. What's in there? Take it all out. Alexandria: A sleeping bag! Darla: Oh, isn't that great, baby? Sally: You know, I've got a great idea. Why don't we use that sleeping bag and have a sleepover tonight with Grandma Sally? Alexandria: Yeah! Can we make popcorn? Sally: Oh, honey, anything. Whatever you want, kiddo. Clarke: Hello! Where's the birthday girl? All: Hey! Clarke: Hello! Happy birthday! [Laughter] Clarke: Smell that. Mmm, nice, huh? Darla: That smell good? Thorne: Let daddy smell it. Clarke: Yeah, you smell it. [Laughter] Darla: Daddy! Did you see that? Alexandria: Yeah. Stephanie: I did the nose. I did the nose, that's it. That's enough. No hats. Darla: You did the nose. Stephanie: Oh! Sally: Oh! [Buzzer sound] [Laughter] Darla: Ridge! Clarke: It's for you. It's for you! Say hello. Who's there? Alexandria: Hello? [Laughter] Hello? Clarke: It's a monkey. Go -- [Monkey noises] [SCENE_BREAK] Phoebe: I'm fine. [Knocking on the window] I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine! [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: This was such a nice party. Thank you. Darla: Thank you. You know, I'm really surprised Phoebe didn't make it, though. Ridge: Oh, you know teenagers -- say one thing, do another. Eric: Yeah, but she was looking forward to this so much. Stephanie: Oh, I think she -- look, she just flew in from Europe. She's probably sound asleep in front of the TV. Ridge: Come on, sport. [Darla sighs] Darla: Oh, hey, Thomas, tell your mother I'm thinking about her, all right? Thomas: I will. Darla: Okay. Thank you so much for coming. Thomas: You're welcome. Ridge: You throw a hell of a party, Darla. Darla: Thanks. Drive careful out there, okay? It's foggy. Ridge: We will. We'll be safe. Darla: Okay. Bye, bye. Thomas: Bye, guys. Eric: Look, we're gonna take off, too. Darla: Okay. Eric: This was wonderful. Darla: Oh, thank you. I love you dearly. Thanks. Stephanie: It was great. Thank you for the wonderful, wonderful evening. Darla: We're family. Stephanie: Yes, Darla. We are family. Darla: I love you, Stephanie. Eric: Stephanie -- Stephanie -- Stephanie: I'm coming, I'm coming, I have to tell them I love them! Thorne: Goodnight, Grandma. Stephanie: Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight. Darla: Goodnight! Thorne: All right, guys. Goodnight. Okay, sweetheart, let's go wash your face and get you ready to go to Grandma's, okay? Darla: Bye, baby. Sally: Show's over, bozo. It's time to go. Darla: Clarke -- best clown I've seen in years. Stop it! No, get out of here. I love you. Bye. Are you sure about Alexandria spending the night, tonight? Sally: Oh, of course, darling. Why do you think I bought her that expensive bedroll? Besides, I figure after all of the work that you two did to put this shindig together, you could probably use a little time alone. Thorne: A quiet evening -- a little more clowning around. Darla: Oh, sounds good. We will pick you up first thing in the morning, honey, okay? Sally: No, no, you better not! I think you better sleep late. I got the feeling you two are going to need the rest. [Laughter] Darla: Thank you, Sal. Thorne: Are you ready? Alexandria: Ready! Thorne: Ready! Lets go! Darla: Okay, lets go! Sally: You're ready? Well, if you're ready, I'm ready. Darla: Lets go to Grandma Sally's! Sally: Going to Grandma Sally's! Darla: I love you, honey. Sally: Oh, sweetheart, I love you. I love you so much. This has been a great, great occasion. Darla: Thank you, honey, bye-bye. Thorne: All right, be right back. Darla: Okay. I'll be waiting. And you, honey, I will be there first thing in the morning to pick you up, okay? Alexandria: Promise? Darla: Promise, what, are you kidding me? Nothing could ever, ever keep me from my beautiful princess. You hear me? Girlfriend handshake. Peace. Alexandria: Peace. Both: Love you, love you, love you. Alexandria: I love you, mommy. Darla: I love you, my baby. Sweet girl. You have fun at Grandma's, okay? Thorne: All right, little one, let's go. Darla: Bye, guys! Happy birthday, baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Phoebe: Mom, where are you? Taylor: It's gonna be all right, Phoebe, I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm almost there. [SCENE_BREAK] Darla: So, anyway -- Alexandria, what a great party, honey. It was the best. I love you and your daddy so very, very much. [Darla sighs] [Phone rings] Saved by the bell. Hello? Phoebe: Darla -- Darla: Phoebe, hi. Everybody just left. Are you all right? Phoebe: Yeah. I just -- I missed the turn and I got a flat tire. Darla: A flat tire? Honey, where are you right now? Phoebe: I'm on PCH. My mom's coming to get me. I just don't know where she is, and I can't reach my dad. Darla: Well, where are you exactly? Phoebe: Maybe a half-mile south of Big Rock. Darla: Well, that's just up the road from here. I'll be right there. Phoebe: No, no, no, you don't have to do that. The fog's really bad, my mom should be here soon. It's -- I just -- Darla: Phoebe? Honey, are you all right? Phoebe: There was just this really creepy guy, but I think he's gone now. Darla: Oh, God, you just stay in the car, okay? I'll be right there. Stay in your car. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: Phoebe? Taylor? Thomas: Maybe they already crashed? Ridge: Phoebe was pretty beat. Thomas: Darla invited mom to the party. I just wish she would have felt okay about going. I mean, we're still family. Ridge: I'm sure your mother would've loved to have been there. Thomas: Dad, she misses you. She misses our family. Isn't there anything we can do? [SCENE_BREAK] Darla: Phoebe! [Knocking on the window] Phoebe, it's me. Hi. Phoebe: Darla, thank you so much. Darla: How are you? Are you okay? Did that man come back? Phoebe: No. No, no, no. I don't think he meant any harm. It was just -- it was scary. Darla: Oh, honey. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. God -- Phoebe: Should we leave a note on the windshield for mom and tell her to pick me up at your place? Darla: Oh, please. You said it was a flat tire, huh? Phoebe: Yeah. Darla: Oh, no, no, no. I can take care of this in no time. Phoebe: Darla, the traffic's really bad. Maybe we should just let the tow truck guy get it. Darla: Oh, God, please. Sally taught me how to do this a long time ago. So let's just save your mom the trouble, okay? Come on. You help me. There's got to be a jack back here. Yeah, here we go. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: My choices have hurt your mother. That was never my intention. Thomas: Do you still love her? Ridge: I always will. But I just don't want to make things more difficult for her than I already have. Thomas: But maybe if we all spend some more time together -- Ridge: Look, we'll get things figured out, I promise. It's kind of late. I'm gonna go up and say goodnight to your sister. Taylor: Straight through to voicemail? Damn it! Mommy's almost there. I'm always there, sweetie. I'm almost there. Darla: You know, sweetie, it might be best if you stand on the other side of the car, okay? We're so close to the road. Phoebe: Darla, be careful, there's a car coming. Darla, be careful! Darla: It's okay, it's okay. Taylor: Big rock. Can't be far from here. Phoebe: Can I do anything to help? Darla: That's okay, sweetie. I've just got one more lug-nut to go, then I'll put the spare on. [Darla grunting] This one's just kind of stuck. [SCENE_BREAK] [Thorne remembering] Darla: Thorne, you have given me more happiness and more love than I think my heart could ever hold. You and Alexandria are my life. Taylor: Damn fog! Phoebe, where are you? [Darla grunting] Phoebe: Car coming. Darla: I've just got one more to go. Phoebe: Is there a problem? Darla: No, no, no, it's just a little stuck. [Darla grunting] [Darla screaming] [Taylor gasping] [Brakes squealing] Phoebe: Darla! Oh, my God! [Taylor gasping] Phoebe: Mom, oh, my God! Darla! Darla! Can you hear me? Darla! Taylor: Oh, dear God! Oh, no. Oh, my God, no! No, no, no! Phoebe: She just fell into the road. She was changing my tire! Taylor: Darla! Oh, God! Phoebe: Darla! Taylor: I don't want her to go into shock! Phoebe: Mom, is she dying? Taylor: Please call 911 now! Go, Phoebe, go! Go! Darla -- Darla! It's Taylor. I'm right here. I'm right here. [SCENE_BREAK] [Phone rings] Stephanie: Hello? Sally: Hey, Queenie, are you awake? Stephanie: Yes, I am. As a matter a fact. I was just sitting here looking at pictures of Darla and Thorne and Alexandria. Sally: Well, they don't make families any better than theirs, do they? Stephanie: They don't. And the way things change so quickly around here, it's wonderful to have someone as stable as Darla. Sally: You know what? Her birthday is coming up. So, why don't we do something really special and throw her a real hoedown? What do you say? Stephanie: Okay, if that's what you want to do. Let's talk about it first thing in the morning, though, okay? Sally: Right. Stephanie: Bye, doll. Sally: Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Thorne: Oh, no. What is this? Hector: Taylor? Taylor: Oh, thank God! Hector: Step aside. We'll take care of her. We were right down PCH. Darla! Darla! It's Hector, can you hear me? How did this happen? Where's the driver? Taylor: She was -- I just tried -- Phoebe: Mom, Thorne's car's pulling in. Taylor: Oh, God. I didn't see her! [Taylor crying] Thorne: Phoebe! Hey, what is going -- are you okay? Phoebe: I'm fine. Thorne: Taylor? Hey, Taylor -- what? Taylor, what? Hector: How's her respiration? Paramedic: Respiration is shallow -- Thorne: Darla? No, no -- Darla? Oh, my God. | Taylor is driving like crazy trying to find this location |
274 | Will: Hi. Gwen: Hi. Will: Weren't you naked before? Gwen: I'm sleepy now. Will: Oh. Okay. Gwen: What? Will: Nothing, I was just thinking about how beautiful you are. [Gwen chuckles] Gwen: I'm not beautiful. Will: What are you talking about? Gwen: Take your mom. Will: No, thank you. Gwen: She's beautiful. Will: We're not talking about my mother while I'm -- while we're -- we're not talking about my mother. Gwen: Okay, look at your sister. Will: Her, either. Gwen: Celia. Will: You're going to bring up Celia right now? Gwen: I'm just saying, you've been surrounded by beautiful women, and I'm not. Will: How did I let that get past me? You know what? Let's take another look. Hmm. Gwen: What are you doing? Will: Taking inventory. Gwen: What are you doing? Will: Nice legs. Nice toes. Beautiful, just like the rest of you. Gwen: You're not just saying that because we made love? Will: I'm saying it, Gwen, because you're the girl that I love. And the woman that took my virginity. Gwen: Hey -- you gave that to me. Will: You're the light of my life. Gwen: Please. [Laughter.] Will: No, it's like I keep saying, we're family. You, me -- Gwen: Billy. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: Carly? Carly: Yeah? Jennifer: Could I hold him? Carly: What? Jennifer: Could I hold him for a little while? By myself? Carly: No. No, Jennifer. I don't think that's a good idea. [SCENE_BREAK] Susan: My keycard couldn't have just disappeared. Meg: Well, when did you see it last? Susan: I could've sworn I slipped it in my pocket when Emily got here and she was all upset. What did I do with that card? Meg: Was Paul here, too? Susan: No. Why would you ask that? Meg: Where did Emily go? Susan, where did Emily go? Susan: I don't know. Home, I think -- Meg: She took it! She took the key! [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Rory Cabot. Emily: Do it. Paul: Bye-bye. Your turn. Emily: Okay, well, this is all that's left. Paul: Put it in the shredder. Hal: Stop right there, Emily! Don't you do it. Paul: Do it now. [Shredder noise] [Hal unplugs shredding maching.] Hal: Don't you move an inch. Is there enough left? Dusty: Enough to prove that Jennifer's the baby's mother. Why'd you do it? Why would you want to hurt your sister like this? Paul: Come on, Emily, let's go. Hal: You stay where you are! Paul: You can't hold us here. We've done nothing wrong. Hal: How about breaking and entering? Paul: We walked by. The door was open. We were always curious about what was in here. Dusty: And started shredding. Paul: That piece of paper was on the floor. I thought it was trash. Hal: You got that wrong. This piece of paper's what's going to send you both to prison. [SCENE_BREAK] Will: What are you doing? Gwen: Putting on clothes. I'm cold. Will: Well, I'll warm you up. Gwen: You're cold, too. You have goosebumps. Will: Well, the fire went out. Gwen: Oh. Yeah. I guess one of us better go put a log on it. I'll wait here. Will: Well, we're all out of logs, so someone's going to have to go outside and chop wood. Gwen: Be sure to wear your gloves. Will: Yeah, and what are you going to be doing in here while I'm outside in the cold? Gwen: Cooking soup. [Gwen laughs] Will: Okay, I can cook. Do you want to trade jobs? Gwen: No. No, I don't. Will: Okay, well, you can't blame me for trying. Gwen: We really are alone, aren't we? Will: Yeah. Just the two of us. It's a good thing we like each other. Gwen: I'm going to come with you. Will: It's freezing outside. Gwen: It's freezing in here, too, but at least out there I'll be with you. My favorite place. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: I know Billy's not my son. Carly: Then why is it so important for you to be alone with him? Jennifer: I'm leaving town tomorrow. And I was going to stop by my son's grave and say good-bye, but the thought of kneeling by a headstone -- Carly: Hey, Jen, Billy is not your son. Jennifer: No, he's not, but he is the memory that I would like to take with me. He's -- he's not my son, I know, but he is exactly what Johnny would have been -- happy and healthy. I know my son is dead, Carly. But I'd like to believe that somewhere, he still exists. And I'd like to think that by holding Billy that -- I don't know -- somehow my son, my Johnny, could feel it and know how much I love him. Carly: Okay, come in. Just for a little while, okay? Jennifer: Thank you. Carly: Okay. Here you go. Jennifer: Hi. Hi. Carly: And Jack and I will be right upstairs, all right? Jennifer: Thank you. We'll be okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Hal: We know about Gwen's baby and Jennifer's baby being switched at the maternity ward. Emily: Wait a minute, we had nothing to do with that. Paul: Emily, don't. Don't say anything. He's just trying to trip you up. You've got nothing on us. Dusty: We've got this. You made Jennifer believe her baby was dead? Hal: How could you do that to your own sister? Paul: You want to arrest us, go ahead. It won't stick. Hal: Emily, come with me. Paul: Don't say anything. Hal: Now, let's go. Keep an eye on him until the uniforms get here. Dusty: What do I do if he tries to escape? Hal: You stop him. Emily: I've got nothing to say to you. Hal: You might want to reconsider that, because in about 30 seconds, two of my cops are going to be up here, cuff you and take you to jail. Emily: Paul and I didn't do anything wrong. Hal: Dr. Susan Stewart. Did your mother give you this? So the first charge would be possession of stolen property. Add criminal trespass, breaking and entering, and all because of your boyfriend. Emily: Fiancé. Hal: And does your fiancé mean so much to you that you are willing to give up your son, your freedom, for him? Emily: You're just jealous because I left you and I moved in with Paul. You're making this personal. Hal: You were shredding hospital records, Emily. This isn't personal. This is criminal. Emily: What do you want from me? Hal: The truth. You tell me everything Paul coerced you into doing. Emily: Why are you doing this to me? Hal: It's not my doing, Em, it's you. I warned you to stay away from Paul, but you didn't listen. Instead, you let him almost destroy Jennifer's life. Emily: He didn't destroy Jennifer, he --. Hal: She started abusing drugs, he committed her to a psychiatric hospital, and you let him. You could've stopped him from doing every terrible thing that he did to her, but you didn't. You let her suffer, my daughter! Emily: I didn't mean to hurt Jennifer. I didn't mean to hurt you. Hal: I want to believe that, Emily. Now, I'm going to give you a chance. One chance. You tell me the truth. Everything that you and Paul did, the whole truth, and maybe I can help you. Emily: I love Paul. I will not betray him. Hal: Well, that's too bad. Because one thing for sure I know is that he will betray you. Officer: Lieutenant. Hi, Mrs. Munson, good to see you. Hal: Officer, cuff this suspect and take her down to the station. Officer: Yes, sir. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: I know what you're thinking. You're thinking you almost got away with it, but you're wrong. I would have caught you. You see, you can get rid of paper, but people talk. Paul: People? What people? Dusty: Casey. Will. I overheard him talking about a paternity test. I took it from there. Paul: You took it from there? All by yourself? No wonder you screwed it up. Officer: Paul Ryan? Dusty: We've been waiting for you. Officer: You're under arrest. Dusty: How do you think your sister's going to react when I tell her what you did? Paul: She won't believe you. Dusty: Maybe not, until I put her baby in her arms. Yeah, it's Donovan. I need some good news. [SCENE_BREAK] Susan: Emily, what's going on? Emily: Mother, stay out of it. I'll be fine. Susan: Why is my daughter in handcuffs?! Hal, what happened? Hal: I just caught Paul and Emily in the records room. Susan: But that room is always locked. Emily took my key? Why? Hal: She and Paul were shredding documents. I don't have time to go into details now, but it's bad, Susan. Susan: I better see what -- Emily? Dusty: Hal? Hal. The DNA test on Jennifer's hair is done. The technician's on his way over to compare it to the stuff that we found. That's all we need to get Jen's baby back, right? Hal: It may not be enough for a judge. What kind of credentials does this tech have? Dusty: He's got a PhD. Hal: All right, that'll help. Get me documentation on that. I'm going to see if there are backups to what Paul shredded on the computer. Dusty: Whatever we gotta do for Jennifer. Hal: Right. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: Oh. Yes. This is it. Tomorrow, I'm leaving Oakdale. And I am going to miss you so much. You saved me, do you know that? Hmm? [Jennifer sighs] For a little while, I thought you were my own son. And just the promise of that was enough to -- it was enough to pull me back. [Baby fusses] Yes. Thank you so much for that, beautiful boy. Please remember me, okay? [Baby fusses] I will always remember you. Carly: Hey, Jen. I think I'd better get him to bed, okay? Jack: Are you okay to drive? I can give you a lift home. Carly: Okay, sweetie. Jennifer: I'm okay. Carly: All right. Jennifer: I'm fine. Jack: Are you sure? Jennifer: Thank you, thank you. Jack: All right, drive safe, okay? [Carly sighs] She's a sweet girl, you know? I'm just sorry that it was so tough on her. Carly: Well, I'm glad she's leaving town. You know, I really don't want her hanging around. It creeps me out. Jack: Well, don't hold back, honey. Just come out and say what you mean. Carly: Well, this little baby has been bounced around, he's been fought over, named, renamed. Are you forgetting that Jennifer kidnapped him? Jack: She was sick. Carly: And poor Gwen has been through hell. I mean, granted, mostly because of me. Jack: Well, you had your reasons. Carly: Well, it's about time for everybody just to back off and let Gwen and Billy have a nice, quiet, normal life. I, for one, am thrilled that Jennifer Munson is packing up her marbles and leaving town. Yes. [SCENE_BREAK] Will: So we can cook the soup over the fire, and we can pop the popcorn in the popcorn popper, and we can roast marshmallows. Gwen? Gwen: I was just thinking about Jen having her baby out here. I mean, it was hard in the hospital, but out here, I -- Will: Yeah, I would have freaked out. Gwen: Do you think that's why the baby died? Because they didn't get to the hospital in time? Will: I don't know. Gwen: I don't know how you'd get over something like that. When you're pregnant, it's like there really is a person inside of you. And you get to know them. And how they move and stretch. And you can sense how innocent and pure, and how full of possibility they are, and you can hardly wait to meet them. And then to lose that -- Will: You're missing Billy, aren't you? Gwen: Yeah. I tried calling Carly, but I couldn't get a signal. Will: Well, we'll try again after dinner. Gwen: Hey, Will? I really love being up here with you, but it's starting to snow again, and maybe we should get back home tonight. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: These are the DNA results of the hair sample I gave you. Dr. Pelkin: Yeah. Dusty: I want you to compare them to another DNA test done on a child. I'm trying to figure out if my friend is the child's mother. Dr. Pelkin: Where are the child's test results. Hal: Sorry about the condition. Dusty: Now, Dr. Pelkin, if you need to do more tests or if you need more equipment, let us know, but we've got to be sure. You understand? Absolutely sure. [SCENE_BREAK] Dr. Pelkin: It's conclusive. This is mother and child. Dusty: Thank you. Thanks. Dr. Pelkin: Glad I could help. Dusty: Jennifer's son's alive. Hal: I have a grandson. I have a grandson! I have to tell Jennifer! Dusty: No, no, Hal. Not yet, not yet. Hal: Why? She's been waiting all this time. Dusty: We've got to get that baby away from Gwen and in Jen's custody tonight. Hal: Tonight? That's impossible. We've got to get the evidence to a judge. We'll have to get a court order. Dusty: Jen's not going to believe anything until the baby's in her arms. Hal: All right. Well, let's get down to the courthouse. Dusty: I'll see you there. Hal: All right. Meg: I heard about Paul and Emily. Are you okay? Dusty: I had this feeling, this gut feeling in my stomach for a long time that something was very wrong with Jen's baby and you -- you made everything right. Meg: Don't say that. Dusty: You did. Hey, hey. You did so much, and Paul acted like such an idiot. I wanted to tell him that you were the one who stopped him. Meg: Wait, you didn't say anything about that, did you? Dusty: No, of course not. Meg: Dusty, if you tell anybody that I helped you get confidential files, I could get in big trouble. Dusty: I promised I wouldn't say anything, and I didn't. Meg: But you almost let it slip with Paul. You can't do that, okay? He could get me fired. Dusty: Relax. I didn't say anything and he didn't either, and he's not going to get you fired. He's not even going to be getting out of jail by the time you're collecting social security. Meg: Did Paul ask you how you put the pieces together? Dusty: Yeah, I told you, I didn't say anything. And he didn't, either. Don't worry. All your secrets are safe with me. [SCENE_BREAK] Officer: Where's your lawyer? Emily: I think he's running a little late. He'll be here in a few minutes. Officer: I'll be right outside. Emily: Oh, God. Paul: You okay? Emily: Yeah, I am now. I am now. Cass is late. He'll be here in about an hour. I just hate to see you -- Paul: Listen, I didn't mean for things to turn out like this. Emily: Paul, I am really scared. How are we going to get out of this? Paul: I don't know, but I think it might be a little easier for you than it is for me. Hal's still in love with you. Emily: Yeah, well, that didn't stop him from hauling us both down here, did it? Paul: Did he ask you to provide evidence against me? Or did he threaten to take Daniel away from you? Emily: What, were you listening at the door? Paul: Emily, I don't blame you if you considered it. Emily: I would never do or say anything that would hurt you. [Paul sighs] Paul: I need to get out of here and I need to get to Jennifer before Dusty gets to her. Emily: Jennifer knows that you love her. Paul: Yeah, but if Dusty tells her his version of what happened, she's not going to know what to believe. Emily: Well, then you explain. And she will forgive you. Paul: I hope so. Emily: She will forgive you. Susan: Oh, Emily! Get a grip. You'll be on your way to the penitentiary and you still can't keep your hands off this guy? Emily: Mother, I told you I would handle this on my own. Susan: Oh, yeah, well, I ignored you, because I thought somebody might have to bail you out. Emily: You can get us out of here? You would do that? That's fantastic. I will pay you back everything. Susan: Don't get all excited. They haven't set your bail yet. And as for him, he can rot. Paul: I think maybe I'd better get back to my cell. Emily: No, no, my mother was just leaving. Susan: Not before you tell me what's going on. Emily: Mother, if I tell you anything, and Hal asks you a few questions, you can incriminate us Susan: Oh, Emily, come on! The desk sergeant told me that you two kept a little baby away from its mother. Is that true? Emily: Mother, if you would just let me explain -- Susan: Is that true? Emily: Yes. Susan: What kind of monsters are you? [SCENE_BREAK] Gwen: Will, talk to me. Will: You should put the fire out and I'll go put the chains on the tires. Gwen: What's wrong? Will: This was the first time, Gwen. And I'm no expert or anything, but when your girlfriend wants to leave and go home instead of spending the night as planned, i think that's a pretty bad sign. Gwen: But that's not why I want to go. Will: If you say so. Gwen: Okay, fine, so I'm scared. Will: Of what? Gwen: Being here alone with you. No distractions, all right? Just us. What if I'm not enough for you? Will: Gwen, if you start in again with that "I'm not pretty" stuff, I swear, I'll punch a wall or something. How can you think that when every time I look it at you, it's like -- and you don't even know. Like, when you're giving Billy a bath and your t-shirt gets wet -- Gwen: I didn't know. Will: Well, now you do. Gwen: You should know something then. I fantasized about this for a while. Like, all the time. And it was better than -- it was amazing. Will: Yeah? Gwen: I want us to last. And I don't know how to do that. My parents didn't stay together. Will: Mine didn't, either. Gwen: But I do love you. Will: And I love you. Are you ready to go? Gwen: Whoa, are you kidding? No, no, no. We're staying. Will: You know, maybe we should go, though. Because what if it is a blizzard and the roads become impassible, and then Billy's going to think we abandoned him -- Gwen: No, no, no, you just said, mm-mm. You know what I think is really attractive? Will: What? Gwen: The way you look out for Billy and me. Will: Well, I guess I'll have to keep doing that. Gwen: Mm-hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] [Door opens] Barbara: Oh, honey, I was just trying to call you. I just got home and all of these were here. Jennifer: Oh, yeah, I had the concierge bring them up from storage, but I wanted them put in my room. Sorry. Barbara: That's no problem. I'll take care of that, and then we can go out to have dinner, and then I will help you pack. Jennifer: You know what? I'd rather get a jump on that right away. Barbara: Fine, I'll take these to your room, then. Jennifer: Mom, don't. Barbara: Oh, honey, it's already packed full of something in here. Oh, Jen. Jennifer: It's okay. That was the suitcase that I packed for the hospital so that we would be ready when the baby was born, but then he was born early. [Jennifer sobbing] Barbara: Its okay, its okay, its okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: Hal and I discovered Paul and Emily in the act of shredding the baby's records. Meg: So it's finally over? Dusty: Almost. Meg: Well, what else is there to do? I mean, you've caught the bad guys. You've found jen's baby. Dusty: Hal's seeing if maybe we can get jen's baby back to her tonight. Meg: And you have to be there. Dusty: No, I want to be. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: How's he doing? Carly: Oh, I think he's just fine. You know, I do feel sorry for Jennifer. How can you look at this little guy and not want him? I'm so glad we had him for the time that we did. And now, Gwen'll take over and she'll do a great job. Jack: Yes, of course, she will. 'Cause you'll be right there to show her how. [SCENE_BREAK] Will: Okay, last chance. If we're going to go home tonight, then we got to leave now. Gwen: You have tire chains, right? Will: Mm-hmm. And a snow-mobile in the shed. Gwen: So even if we get a foot of snow -- Will: We're getting back to Billy in the morning, even if I have to find a dog sled. So what do you say? Gwen: Let it snow. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: Why does this keep happening to me? I'm not trying to make every moment of my life about Johnny, but every time I turn around -- Barbara: Honey, let me get these things out of here, okay? Jennifer: It's not about the suitcase, Mom. I saw Gwen's baby tonight at Carly's. Barbara: What were you doing over there? Jennifer: I went to see Will, but he wasn't there, and the baby was. And I just thought that if I held him -- Barbara: Honey, you have got to stop doing this to yourself. Jennifer: I know, but it just feels so good to hold him. It feels right, like he's mine. Barbara: He's not, Jen. Jennifer: I know that! But when I see him, I can't help how I feel. Barbara: Listen, once you get away for a while, things will be -- Jennifer: Oh! Paul and Emily's wedding. Barbara: What about it? Jennifer: What if Gwen and Will show up with Billy? Barbara: They're not going to bring a baby to the wedding. Jennifer: No, but if they can't get a sitter. No, I can't deal with leaving him again, and he's not even mine. What's wrong with me? Barbara: Honey, honey. You have put yourself under too much pressure. You're trying to do too many things. Maybe you should just put off this trip to Europe. Jennifer: And how is that going to help? Barbara: It'll just give you some time to recover. To get over things. Get a different kind of perspective. Jennifer: I can't stay here, Mom. Barbara: Okay. Then you'll go to Europe as planned. But listen, I don't want you packing right now. I'll take care of all that. I want you to have a good dinner and get a good night's sleep, okay? Everything will look better in the morning. [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: Fine. Go do whatever you need to do. I'll see you at home whenever. Dusty: Hey, stop it. Meg: I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm happy you're going to go see a beautiful redhead and make her the happiest woman in the world. And then she's going to be so grateful that she'll probably do anything, and I do mean anything, for you. Dusty: Well, I got a brunette at home, and I'd do anything, just about anything, for her. Meg: You're good. Dusty: You're better. Meg: Okay, go. Go be with Jennifer. I mean, if it weren't for you, she probably would have never known the truth. Dusty: You made it happen, and you know it. You're the real hero. Meg: Hurry home. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Being Emily's mother does not give you the right to come down on her like that. Susan: And being Emily's lover doesn't give you the right to use her. Get her all tied up in this abominable scheme. [Door opens] Officer: Time to get processed. Susan: I told you not to get involved with that guy. Emily: Mother, I am a big girl. I make my own decisions. My own choices. Susan: Emily, you're a child. You're an impetuous, spoiled, dishonest child. You haven't grown up at all. You've regressed into that desperate girl you were when you married Hal. Emily: Oh, oh, right. So being married to Hal made me good, right? Someone you could be proud of. Susan: Well, what's wrong with that? What is wrong with having a stable marriage and having a happy child? Why are you trying to destroy everything that made your life good? Emily: Because I was lost when I was with that man. My God, I was always chasing after Hal's wants. Hal's wants, Hal's needs. Always looking for his approval. You know what, with Paul, I don't have to. He accepts me for who I am. Susan: You think this is who you are? This is you sinking to Paul Ryan's level. And why? Why? Because he thinks you're so gorgeous? Because he has a big penthouse? Why? Emily: Because he likes me for who I am. That's something I haven't had a whole lot of experience with. Susan: Emily, love is supposed to make you a better person, not less than you were. Emily: How does this make me less? I have a son who is still very happy. And I am marrying him. Susan: You are in jail! And you lied to me. You told me that jerk was out of your life, and all the while, you were using me. Me? Your own mother. To help that arrogant jerk with this twisted scheme. Emily: I'm sorry. Really, I am sorry I'm such a disappointment to you. Susan: Well, what am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to help you now that you've done this horrible thing? Emily: Mother, please go home. This isn't your problem. It's mine. Susan: If you were any kind of man, and I'm not banking on it, but if you were, you would fix this. You would take full responsibility and get my daughter off the hook. Emily: Mother, leave. [Susan sighs] [Door slams shut] Please don't pay any attention to her. Paul: Actually, I think your mother's right. Emily: So what do you think my mother was right about? That I'm petty and grasping or that you're arrogant? Paul: That I should -- that I should get you off of the hook. Emily: No. Paul: Emily, there's no point in both of us going to prison for this. Emily: Paul, no! Paul: Okay, just think practically, okay. If you're in prison and I'm in prison, who's going to come visit us? Emily: Please, I went into this with my eyes wide open. Paul: No, see, I don't think you did, all right? I think I dragged you into this. I think you were trying to talk me out of it and if it were up to you, you would have gone to Jennifer with the truth from the beginning. Emily: I could've told Jennifer everything at any time! I could've told Hal or my mother, but I chose not to. I could've pushed you out of my life. I could've walked away. Paul: You could've, but you didn't. And I don't know why. Emily: Because I understood your reasons. I still do. Paul: There's one thing your mother's wrong about, Emily. I do love you. Emily: And I love you. So no more talk about taking the fall, okay? Because we are in this together, right down the line. No matter what happens. [SCENE_BREAK] Will: What's wrong? Gwen: Billy's crying. Will: Billy's not here. He's with Jack and Carly, remember? Gwen: No, I heard him. Will: Gwen. Gwen, you were dreaming. I was dreaming, too. Gwen: What were you dreaming about? Will: We were watching Billy sleep, and he was making that smacking noise he does. You know. [Will makes smacking noise] Gwen: Yeah, you look just like him. Where were we in your dream? Will: We were at home. We had just put him to bed and went to our bedroom, and got naked and got busy. [Will laughs] Gwen: You have sex on your brain, sir. Will: And that's a problem why? Anyway, after we turned out the lights, I pulled you really close. Kind of like this. And then after you were sleeping, and I was sure you couldn't hear me, I told you my wish. Gwen: What was it? Will: This, forever. Gwen: That's a nice dream. I hope it comes true. Will: It will. Gwen: When? Will: Starting tomorrow. You, me, and Billy. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: Yes, I think I have it. The confirmation number, though? Great, thank you. Barbara: Okay, I made us a little earl grey with cinnamon, just the way you like it. Now honey, I was just listening to the weather report, and they're saying that with all this snow coming, they may close the airport tonight. Jennifer: Mom, I told you. I told you. Barbara: All right, then, why don't we go south. Why don't we go to a spa? Go somewhere where it's warm. And after the wedding -- Jennifer: I'm not going to the wedding, Mom. Barbara: Okay, I'm sure that Paul and Emily will understand that you don't want to be very social. And, frankly, I don't want to either. So we'll stay here. Just the two of us. We'll order in. We'll have dinner. We'll be decadent. Jennifer: Mom, I just talked to the airline. I changed my flight. A car will be here in about a half an hour to pick me up. I'm leaving tonight. [SCENE_BREAK] [Jack sighs] Carly: Did you get Sage back to sleep? Jack: Yes, so I'll get the lights. You get the baby. I'll meet you on the stairs. Carly: All right. [Doorbell rings] Jack: Hey, Hal. It's -- Carly: Hal? It's so late. Parker's asleep. Are you supposed to have him tonight? Hal: I'm not here for Parker. Dusty: Can we come in? Jack: Yeah. Carly: Hal? Jack: What's going on, guys? Carly: Why are you -- why are you here with Dusty, Hal? Hal: Well, there's just no easy way to say this, but we're here to pick up Billy. Jack: Did something happen to Gwen? Carly: Why? Was there an accident? Hal: No, no. We have conclusive proof that this child is not Gwen's child. He belongs to Jennifer, and we're going to take him to her. Carly: No. Jack: What? Carly: No, Hal. There is no way in hell you're taking this baby. [NEXT_ON] Holden: The truth is, you don't want this divorce any more than I do. Keith: Well, it's too late, because she's moved on. Paul: Jennifer doesn't know what we've done, and nobody's ever going to tell her. Jennifer: Oh, the car's here, good. I'm ready to go. Will: It's over. You have full custody. He's all yours. Hal: Either hand him over, or I'll be forced to take him. | Jen shows up at Carly and Jack's wanting to say good-bye to Billy |
275 | Starr: Tess could be on her way to St. Ann's right now. James: So those doctors can really bring Jessica back? Starr: Well, it's happened before. Guys, I say we celebrate. James: Okay. Langston: Okay. James: No. I'll just have the biggest ice cream sundae you guys have got. Langston: Huh? Oh, thanks. James: Sorry. And 3 spoons, please. Langston: No. Actually, can you make that 4 spoons? Waitress: Sure. Langston: Okay. Thank you. As soon as Ford gets Tess to sign those commitment papers, he'll be here, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: Are you ready? Tess: For anything. Just show me where the party is. Morgan: Your husband has committed you to St. Ann's for treatment. Tess: So I've heard. Later. Enjoy that kid while you still can. Morgan: Let's go. Ford: Wait. Stop. [SCENE_BREAK] Charlie: Y-- Dorian: Charlie. What a surprise. Charlie: I live here. Dorian: I'm here to see Viki. Charlie: What for? Dorian: To offer my support. Viki has been going through hell ever since the wedding that didn't happen, and now that Tess is back-- Charlie: I know what she's been through. You don't have to tell me. Dorian: Right. So you gonna tell her that I'm here? Charlie: No. Dorian: That is succinct. Charlie: That's the way it is. Dorian: Heh. Are you afraid of what I'm going to say to her? [SCENE_BREAK] Echo: Oh, hey. Gigi: Hi. Echo: I thought Rex and Shane were on their own tonight, so I cooked. Gigi: Santoro's. Echo: Yeah. I heard that it was a favorite. Is Rex here? Gigi: He's out of town on business. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: No messages. Rex: Okay. You want me to check the front desk? Bo: No, no, no. They would've said something when we walked in. Kahlid didn't call. Rex: Well, the guy was nervous. He probably didn't want to leave a message. Bo: No, but he knew something about David. Rex: So if he doesn't show up here, we'll find him somehow. Bo: Damn. How's Clint do it, you know? David was definitely in that prison. There's no doubt in my mind. How did Clint know to move him? How does he stay one step ahead of me? [SCENE_BREAK] Clint: This deal stinks. We shouldn't let Robert Ford have any access to that baby. Viki: You cannot back out now. [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: You're backing out now? There is a car from St. Ann's waiting downstairs. Ford: I can take care of my wife. I'll handle her. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: This is our best chance at getting help for Jessica and getting the baby back. Besides, you agreed. Clint: More like I was ambushed. Téa: Clint, if I were Ford's lawyer, you'd be exhibits "A" through "Z" for why Ford should get custody of his son. Forgive me, but with everything you've done, you're lucky to be standing here right now. Clint: I protected my family. Téa: You sound just like Todd. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Manning! Todd: You change your mind? You want to investigate Téa's brother for me? Todd: Oh, that's great. It shouldn't be too hard to get something on him. He's a sketchy guy, probably a psycho... John: Manning-- Todd: Addicted to some drugs or alcohol. I don't really care, but he made it clear that he wanted me out of the way. Of course, I'm not gonna back down. John: Hey, Manning, shut up. [SCENE_BREAK] Clint: Don't compare me to that psychotic that you married. Viki: At this point, you're almost as bad. Clint: Aw, Viki, that's low. Viki: No one can believe a word you say anymore. Clint: You want Robert Ford to be a part of the family? You think that's a good idea for the Buchanans? Téa: Stop it, okay? I'm sorry. I should've kept my mouth shut. Right now, we need to go through that door as a united front for Jessica and for her baby. Can we do that? [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: How are you going to handle your wife's mental problems, Ford? You told me she needs professional help. Tess: Bobby is so good, you wouldn't believe it. Morgan: You signed the commitment papers. Tess: Well, he can take them back, can't he? Morgan: Is this what you really want? Ford: Give me them. Tess: Ooh, all this and brains, too. Morgan: You're sure? All right. I'll send you my bill. Tess: Oh, and we will pay it. Don't worry. We're rolling in it now. Ford: Ryder has a trust fund. Morgan: I see. Tess: Oh, come on. There's more reasons than that to have me around. There's lots of benefits to keeping me. Maybe you can come back, and you'll find out. Actually, you should stick around. I think we're gonna need you right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: Clint can't control everything, even if it seems like he can. Bo: Well, he managed to make my son disappear. Rex: We will find David. We just started looking. Bo: Yeah, but Kahlid, he was our only lead today. Rex: And he could still contact us. Who knows what kind of hours they work? Plus, he can't do anything in front of the warden. Bo: I'm not sure he wanted to talk. Rex: Yeah, he did. That's why you gave him that card. It's just a matter of time. Bo: Yeah, but it's already taken too much time. For all we know, Clint could've killed David to keep him from testifying. Rex: Well, if that were true, he would've killed David right away, right? I mean, why put David in prison at all? Bo: I can't even believe that we're talking about my own brother. Rex: Yeah. David is alive. I know it. Bo: You don't want his death on your conscience. [SCENE_BREAK] Charlie: Viki is not here. Dorian: Where did she go? Charlie: She's taking care of some business about Jessica. I'll tell her that you stopped by. Dorian: Did she say what time she'd be back? Charlie: No. Dorian: Mm-hmm. Did you notice what time she left? Did you-- Charlie: I don't remember exactly. Dorian: So you didn't check your watch? Charlie: It was about an hour and a half ago. Dorian: Cool watch. Last time I saw it, it was on Echo's wrist. Charlie: Mm, and that's why you're here. You know, Echo told me that you had this crazy idea about the two of us. You don't know what's going on, Dorian. Dorian: Give me some credit, and why don't you spare us both the part where you deny that there's anything going on between the two of you? Because I know that you've slept with Echo. [SCENE_BREAK] Echo: So I thought you were working at Rodi's tonight. Gigi: I got fired. Echo: What happened? Gigi: Oh, let's just say I got on John McBain's bad side, and that is not where you want to be these days. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Forgot your keys in the bar. Todd: Oh. Well, thanks. John: And look. Here's some free advice. Todd: No, no, no. John: Listen. Listen. Forget about this thing with Téa's brother, all right? You're starting to sound a little paranoid. Todd: That's fine. I'll investigate it myself. John: Manning! Get down! [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: May we come in? Tess: Gee, I'm sorry, but the Fords aren't accepting guests today. Ford: Hey, may as well settle this. They're not gonna leave. Clint: No. We're not. Morgan: You're sure they can go? Tess: Oh, definitely. Hasta la vista. Get out of here. Scoot. Bye-bye. Viki: Um, who were those men? Tess: They were my personal trainers with benefits. You should try them sometime, Vik. Téa: Um, we're here to see Ford. Tess: Oh, well, we're partners now, so anything you have to say to my sweet husband you can say to me, too, right, baby? [SCENE_BREAK] Charlie: Why are you standing here like I owe you an explanation? Dorian: You don't owe me one, but what about your wife? Charlie: Well, that's between me and my wife. Dorian: You took vows with that woman. Do you have any idea who you are married to? How could you do that to her? Charlie: I really don't need this right now, Dorian. Dorian: Do you have the remotest notion of what a fine, honorable, moral woman she is? Charlie: Yes. I know. Dorian: Then how could you possibly dream of laying your hands on a slut like Echo? Charlie: Oh, don't you dare talk about her like that. Dorian: Your wife is having terrible family problems right now... Charlie: You don't know what you're talking about. Dorian: And instead of you helping her, you turn to Echo? Charlie: It wasn't like that. Dorian: Oh. So I'm right. You did get it on with Echo. [SCENE_BREAK] Echo: Shall I go up and get Shane? Gigi: No. He's grounded, some trouble at school. Echo: Oh. Well, it is a tough time, that age and all. You want me to talk to him? Gigi: No, no, no. He needs to do his homework. Echo: Oh. So I'm sorry that you lost your job, but I'm glad that Rex is working. Ha! So where'd he go? Gigi: With Bo. They're going to nail Clint Buchanan. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Go home, Balsom. Just be grateful you have Gigi and your son to go home to. Rex: I'm not going anywhere until we find David. Bo: Dead or alive? Rex: Yeah. Like I said, I believe that David is alive, but you're right. If he isn't, I wouldn't be able to live with what I've done or go back and change it. Bo: Look. What's done is done. Rex: Yeah. So all I can do is help you find David, and I'm not going anywhere until we do that. Gigi can hold down the fort. I've got my laptop. I can manage my club from here. Bo: No. You can't do that. Rex: I have to do that. I can't quit, Bo. That's one lesson you taught me that I won't ever forget. [Knock on door] Rex: Kahlid. Bo: Do you have news about my son? [SCENE_BREAK] Echo: I could kill Clint for what he did to Charlie. Gigi: Yeah, and that's just for starters. Clint has done a lot worse than that. [SCENE_BREAK] Clint: See what you've done, Ford? If you humor her, she gets worse. You have to-- Ford: I have to what? Viki: Okay. Excuse me. Mr. Ford, would you please just listen to what Téa Delgado has to say? Téa: We're here to make you a deal. Tess: Whoa! Look at you, back from the dead. Téa: Mm, nice to see you, too, Tess. Tess: You know what, babe? We should really hold a mirror up to her because if she doesn't have a reflection-- Viki: Tess, that's enough. Téa: We've drawn up an agreement for Ryder that I think you'll be very happy about. Tess: Look at that rock. Oh, my goodness, is this the reason why you married my crazy uncle again, hmm? [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: What the hell are you doing, man? John: Someone was lining up a shot on your back. Todd: Oh, yeah. Now who's being paranoid? John: Wait! [Gunshot] [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: Ford should be here by now. James: Langston, he's probably just busy with the baby. Starr: And you've got to get used to that, you know? You're a part of it now. Langston: I know. I am really excited to spend a ton of time with Ryder. James: Oh, Auntie Langston. Starr: No. It's more like mommy Langston. Langston: Yeah, but not really. I mean, I don't know what I am. That's the weird part. Jessica is still his mother. What if she gets better? What happens then? What if I'm so attached to Ryder and then she takes him away? Starr: You're right. I never thought of that. Langston: I really can't wait any longer. I'm gonna go check on him. Talk to you guys later, okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: Tess, just leave Téa alone. Tess: Or what, I answer to you? Viki: Mr. Ford, when we spoke, you said you had concerns. This contract that Téa has guarantees you visiting rights to your son. Téa: Very liberal visiting rights. Ford: No piece of paper is gonna stop Clint from doing whatever he wants to do to me. Viki: No. I personally guarantee that Clint will abide by every single word. Ford: Oh, the man should already be in jail. How are you gonna stop him? Viki: He has agreed to this. Ford: Really? Is that true? You've agreed to all this? Clint: I'm here, aren't I? Ford: Why? Clint: I'll do anything to help Jessica. Tess: Oh, hello? Jessica is not here. What is in this deal for me? Viki: The help that you need. Tess: Oh, I'm just fine, Vik, but let me guess what is in here for me. Oh, another round at St. Ann's with the nuns. How do you feel about that, Bobby baby? Téa: This is the best thing for everyone involved. Look at the visitation schedule. Viki: Mr. Ford, I have given you what you need. I guarantee you access to your son, and you can give me back my daughter. Please, please consider this very carefully. [SCENE_BREAK] Charlie: Whatever you think you know, Dorian, you're wrong. Dorian: Charlie, I've seen you at this kind of bottom before. It's me. I recognize it. This is what you were like the first time you lost a son. Charlie: I couldn't believe it happened again. And why? How could Clint... and so I went to Echo to just tell her what happened. Dorian: Ahem, and one thing just led to another. She offered you tea and sympathy and a roll in the hay. Charlie: Echo was as devastated about it as I was. Dorian: Oh, please. You are so gullible. Charlie: What, you don't think she was upset by what Clint did? Dorian: Duh. I think she was in on the scam from the very beginning. [SCENE_BREAK] Echo: So what else has Clint done? Is Rex okay? Gigi: Rex is fine. I'm sorry. I can't say anything else. Echo: Okay. I understand. Gigi: I am sorry for Charlie. Echo: Mm. Gigi: At least he has Viki. Echo: Yeah, if she'd give him the time of day. Ha ha! Oh, it's not Viki's fault, by any means. It's just life. I mean, she's a little swamped right now, and she hasn't been there for Charlie. Gigi: And you have? [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: Echo and Clint both wanted the same thing. Clint didn't want Rex for a son, and Echo was really happy to have you be Rex's father because that gave her a chance to get close to you. Charlie: That's ridiculous. All that Echo ever wanted was to make amends with her son. That's all she cared about. That was a woman who was pulling herself out of a very deep hole, and she was trying very hard to start over. Dorian: Well, that sounds familiar, doesn't it? Charlie: Look. Echo deserves a break, not to have the rug pulled out from under her or accusations like this story that you're trying to sell here. Dorian: Heaven help you, Charlie. Have you fallen in love with Echo? [SCENE_BREAK] Gigi: Viki does have a lot going on right now. It would be horrible if something came between her and Charlie. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Come on in. Hey, thank you for coming. Kahlid: I cannot stay. Rex: Okay. Look. We're on the back side of the hotel. There's no buildings out there. Nobody can see in. Bo: All right. You want some water? Kahlid: No, thank you. Bo: All right. Sure, sure. We'll just make this quick, okay, Kahlid? Just tell me about my son. Rex: Okay. Look. This Mr. Buchanan isn't like the other one. He's a good guy. This is David's pa. Kahlid: You're Pa? Bo: Yeah. You know David. Kahlid: Yes. David Vickers was in our prison. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Who the hell is after you? John: They were shooting at you, pal. Todd: No way. John: Let me tell you something. The line to kill you is twice as long as mine. Up there. Todd: You see the shooter? John: No, but it had to come from one of those third-floor windows. [Gunshot] John: Give me your phone. I'll call it in. Todd: The phone is over there. John: Keys? Todd: With the phone. John: Yeah. That's not good. Todd: Are we trapped here? John: No. Can't be. No way I'm dying in this parking lot with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Gigi: Well, thank you for the pizza. I really need to get studying now, though. Echo: Oh. Well, just let me clean up. Gigi: Oh, no, no. Oh, you know what? Damn. Damn it. I left my history book at Rodi's. Echo: Well, why don't you go and get it, and I'll stay here with Shane? Gigi: Really? Oh, that would be great. Okay. Just let him study, and I'll be right back. Echo: Okay. Gigi: And pray I don't run into John McBain. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Yeah. Don't worry. I'm not up for any Butch and Sundance thing with you, either. [Gunshot] John: You sure? If you make a move for those keys, you're dead. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: Charlie, do you think you're in love with Echo now? Charlie: I love my wife. Dorian: That's not an answer. The only reason that I haven't told Viki about you and Echo is because she's overwhelmed now. Charlie: Yes. She is, and also it's none of your business, anyway. Dorian: However, I will tell her unless you end it with Echo now and for forever. Charlie: Are you giving me an ultimatum? Dorian: I believe I'm throwing you a lifeline. Charlie: Funny, that's not how it feels. Dorian: Your feelings will change, and if you are smart, you will still have your marriage. Now listen up because here's how it goes. You find Echo right now, and you tell her it's over. Charlie: Why don't you just write the script for me? Just put the words in my mouth, too. Dorian: No, no, no, no. You can handle that, but kick her to the curb. If you don't do it, I promise you, I am going to Viki. So go to Echo. Make me the bad guy if it makes it easier for you. Charlie: There's a stretch. Dorian: You used to be a better man than this, Charlie. Right now, you're no better than David. [SCENE_BREAK] Kahlid: David often spoke of his pa. Bo: When did he come to the prison? Kahlid: Last summer. Rex: Clint must've sent David there straight from the wedding. Bo: Why was he arrested? Kahlid: I wasn't told. David said it was--thank you--bogus. Rex: That's the word. Bo: Was it your warden? Is he the one that brought him there? Kahlid: Yes. He is very powerful man. I don't know how he got big television international star to our prison, but I didn't ask. Bo: Did you see David every day? Kahlid: When I worked, yes. Bo: Was he hurt, sick? Kahlid: No, no. He is very strong man. He liked to talk a lot, especially about Pa and Dorian. He was desperate to call. Once, I gave him my phone. Bo: That was brave. Kahlid: Well, he signed autographed photo for my wife. She's a very big fan. Bo: Did you hear the call? Kahlid: Yes. He reached Dorian, but it did not go too well. Bo: Dorian knew that he was here? Kahlid: No, no. I think she didn't understand and that she didn't believe David. Bo: Okay. Kahlid, where's David now? Is he alive? [SCENE_BREAK] [Cell phone rings] Echo: Hey, I'm glad you called. Charlie: Are you? Where are you? Echo: I'm at the carriage house. Charlie: With Rex? Echo: No. He's not here. Shane is upstairs. Charlie: Good. I'll be right down there. Dorian: I'll be here when you get back. Charlie, I don't intend to leave until it's done. [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: You do understand that by signing this, you're giving full custody of the baby to Clint and Viki. Téa: With generous visitation. Morgan: So take your time. Tess: Oh, yeah, Bobby. Take your time. Think it through because let's say you do decide to have me committed again. Oh, oh, relax, ladies. He changed his mind, and those two little guys come back from St. Ann's, these two are gonna take Ryder to the big house with all those baby nurses, and I guarantee you that a feeding schedule is gonna get in the way of those little visitation rights right there. Téa: That is not true, Ford. Tess: Oh, really? So then let's just say the nuns take me to St. Ann's and that they work their magic on me and Jessica does come back out. What do you think is gonna happen then? Viki: Jessica will be so grateful to be back that she-- Tess: That she'll honor every word of this agreement. You can't hold Jessica to any of that. You don't have any rights, do they? Morgan: I suppose not. I'd have to check case law. Tess: Aw, baby, don't look so sad. You're new at this, but the Vikster, she knows what she's doing. She can't hold Jessica to any of this, and she knows that, and then when Jessica does come back out, she's gonna set up house with Brody, and you are going to be out. Viki: Mr. Ford, you know Jessica. You know that she's a good and a fair person. Tess: Who gets walked on. Why do you think I'm around? Sweetie, if you sign this, you're taking a big risk. I mean, right now, you have the baby and his big, fat trust fund. You don't got to answer to these clowns. Téa: Ford, do you honestly think this arrangement is sustainable, that you can take care of her all by yourself? Sign. You are not gonna get a better offer. [SCENE_BREAK] [Gunshot] John: The shooter is in that third-floor window, far right. Todd: Natalie? John: No. Todd: Hey... you didn't see Téa up there, did you? John: I don't think so. Todd: Oh, good. For a second there, I thought we were in trouble. John: Right. [Gunshots] Gigi: Aah! Aah! [SCENE_BREAK] Echo: Hey, Shane is gonna be so glad you're here. He's been having a rough time since losing you. What is it? Charlie: Us. We can't-- we need to-- Echo: Stop. Stop, okay? This is Dorian, isn't it? Charlie: No. It's me. Uh-- yeah. Dorian made some threats, and you're right. She knew about us. Echo: What did she say? Charlie: She gave me an ultimatum. I end it with you, and she won't say anything to Viki. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: Mr. Ford, please trust me. I guarantee you access to your son, and this will make sure that everyone is safe and very well taken care of. Clint: Ford, this is bigger than you. Come on. Ford: No. Tess: Ha! Viki: Oh, please don't listen to Clint. Ford: Look. I can handle Tess and the baby, okay? Viki: No, you cannot, believe me. You don't have any idea what you're getting yourself into. Clint: No. You can't. Look how she's running you now. I told you this was a waste of time. Viki: Would you, for the love of God, stop talking? Clint: What, do you think I'm gonna leave me grandchild with this man and this disturbed woman? You're wrong. Téa: Okay. Let's all take a step back, okay? Ford: Hey, hey, Tess is my wife. Ryder is my son, and as of now, you're trespassing. Tess: Whoa! Ha ha! You tell them, Bobby baby. Clint: Is this how you want to do it? Ford: Yeah. How's it feel, Clint? Tess: Ooh, you're kind of hot right now. Clint: Think you got me over a barrel, son? Ford: Yeah. I do, my barrel. Sucks to be you, doesn't it? Téa: Okay. Let's go, all right? Viki: You think this is going to work. It's not. She will turn on you. It will be a disaster for you and your son. Téa: Okay. We're going. Come on. Clint: You're gonna let him get away with this? Viki: Tess, Tess, this is not over, okay? Believe me, we will get custody of our grandchild. Tess: See you in court, bitches. [SCENE_BREAK] Kahlid: I cannot say if your son is alive. I must go. Bo: No, no. Please. Rex: No, no, no. You have to tell him. Kahlid: I'll tell you what I know, but I can assure you, I don't know the fate of David Vickers. They took him from his cell last night. Bo: What? Last night? He was in that cell until last night? Where'd they move him to? Kahlid: I don't know. Bo: No. Just try to remember any detail, no matter how small. It could help. Kahlid: They put your son in a van, and the driver was seen taking him away from the prison on the airport road. Rex: Did you hear anybody say anything about where they were going? Bo: Did the driver say anything, any of the guards? Kahlid: I think maybe Siberia. Rex: Seriously? Kahlid: Yes. Yes. I heard the warden on the telephone, and he was talking about David Vickers, and the person on the other phone, on the other line, was Russian. Bo: And you're sure? Kahlid: Yes, uh, and the name was Ivanov. No, no. Romanov. Bo: All right. Just take a minute. Just think. Kahlid: Olanov. That was the name. Rex: Olanov. Bo: As in Alex Olanov? [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: I'll guarantee Téa is going to file an emergency motion today. It's gonna be a child custody hearing, so we'll be on the docket fast. Ford: Will you be ready? Morgan: Yeah. I'll be in touch about your testimony. Ford: Okay. Morgan: Whew! Ford: Are you just gonna leave that on the floor? Tess: Come on. Tell me today wasn't fun. Ford: Truth? It kind of felt good sticking it to Clint. Tess: Oh, you'll have plenty more opportunities to stick it to Clint while we're spending that big, fat trust fund. I should get this framed, send it to Viki. [Knocks on door] Langston: Hi. Are you alone? Where's the baby? Ford: Asleep in the bedroom. Langston: Oh, my God, you did it. I'm so glad it's finally over. Oh... what's she doing here? [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: I'm so happy for Langston. She and Ford really deserve to have things work out. What's wrong? James: Nothing. Nothing. Starr: Tell me. James: Okay. Before when you and Langston were talking about how she would sort of be Ryder's mom, you know, but not really, well, I think about that, you know, with Hope. Starr: You do? James: Yeah. I mean, she's great, and I already kind of love her. Starr: Heh. Yeah. She's hard not to. James: Yeah. Starr: Are you worried about it? James: No. No, no, no. You know, it's just a thing, and we'll get through it as we go, right? Starr: Right. James: Okay. Starr: This is so wrong. James: Ha! What? Starr: No. It's just, everything just feels so perfect, you know? Are you just waiting for an anvil to drop on our heads or something at any minute? James: Yeah, yeah. Your dad should be harassing me. What's wrong with your dad, anyway? [SCENE_BREAK] Gigi: Oh, God. Oh, God. John: Get down. Get down. Hey, Gigi, listen to be. Be ready to move, all right? Gigi: Yeah. What the hell is going on? John: Listen to me. I'm coming to you, all right? We're gonna go back the same way you came. Are you ready? Okay. Okay. Let's move. [Gunshots] Gigi: Aah! John: You okay? Gigi: Yeah. I think so. John: All right. Listen. Run. Call the LPD, all right? [Gunshots] [SCENE_BREAK] Tess: Manners, manners. Now, is that any way to talk to your boyfriend's wife? Langston: Why isn't she at St. Ann's? [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: We still have a lot of cards to play. Viki: Yeah, in open court. Téa: Maybe not. Viki: Oh, Téa, I hate this so much for Jessica. Téa: Listen. Ford could come to his senses before that happens. Let's give him some time to breathe, think things through. The longer he deals with Tess, the faster he'll realize the situation is untenable. Viki: I hope you're right. Anyway, thank you very much. Téa: Don't give up, Viki, okay? You have to keep the faith. Viki: I will try. Téa: And anything you can do to keep Clint on a leash would help. Viki: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Clint: Look. I don't give a damn about the weather. Just tell me that we're on track. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Kahlid, this is important. Now, we need to be sure. Kahlid: I'm certain. Bo: Okay. The name that you heard the warden say-- Kahlid: Was Olanov. I don't know if it was Alex or not, but I remember Olanov. Now I really must go. Bo: Okay. Listen. Here's my card. Would you please call me if you remember anything else? Kahlid: If I can. Bo: Okay. My cell phone number is on there, too, so call me any time, day or night. Kahlid: I hope you find your son. He's a great actor and a great man. Bo: Thank you. Thank you, and thank you for all your help. Rex: Alex Olanov? Bo: Yeah. It makes sense. It's sick. It's twisted sense, but it's-- Rex: Okay. So why would she want to help Clint? Bo: Because she never got over losing Pa. She knew she never had a shot at me, so why not go with Clint? [SCENE_BREAK] Clint: Well, thank God one thing has gone right today. No, no, no. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Thanks, Alex. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: I will book us a flight and a car to the airport. Bo: Us? Rex: I told you, I'm not going anywhere till we find David. Bo: Suit yourself. Rex: Uh, Bo, where we going? Bo: Alex Olanov's last known address--St. Blaise's island. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: Charlie, you better be making things right. Viki: Dorian, what are you doing in my house? [SCENE_BREAK] Echo: I felt it. Last night when Viki came home to you, I felt you pull away from me then. Charlie: I'm sorry. Echo: Oh, I always knew that it was a possibility. Maybe you should go. Charlie: Look. I need to end this with you. Echo: I understand. Charlie: I should go. [SCENE_BREAK] James: So why do you think we have radio silence from your dad? Starr: Mm, maybe Téa got through to him. I don't know. Why? Aw, you don't miss him, do you? James: No. Trust me, I am not complaining. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: Todd, it's me. Where are you? Why aren't you picking up? [SCENE_BREAK] [Gunshots] John: What are you trying to do, split without me? Come on, Manning. Start the damn car. Manning, snap out of it. [Car horn blaring] | Todd and John get involved in a shoot out and it appears Todd is shot |
276 | Jackie: I know what you're thinking. Deacon: Oh, yeah? Jackie: Mm-hmm. Deacon: What am I thinking? Jackie: You're thinking -- why don't we have a party like this at least once a week? Deacon: You having a good time? Jackie: Mm-hmm? Aren't you? Deacon: Me? Flying. Jackie m made a big splash. I've got the prettiest girl in the joint on my arm. What else could I want? Jackie: I'll think of something when we get home. Heather: Just wanted to give you the latest update. I saw him staring at a glass of champagne. He is definitely tempted. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: That's a good boy. Thomas: Ooh. What are you doing? Amber: You've been a social butterfly long enough. It's my turn. Jimmy: You know, they got a bonfire going on the beach. You want some marshmallows or s'mores? Yeah, you know you want to. Caitlin: No, thank you, Jimmy, I'm just a little tired. I think I'll pass. Samantha: Bring me one, though. Jimmy: All right. You got it. Samantha: Thanks. Ridge: No, thank you. Hector: Hey, Ridge. Ridge: Hey, there. Samantha: Hey, I saw Brooke leave. Is everything okay? Ridge: Oh, R.J. Was just having a little trouble getting to sleep. So she caught a ride home with dad. Hector, I many need your help putting out a fire. I can run an international conglomerate, had many successful seasons as a designer. But when it comes to convincing my own son he's making a mistake with amber, I'm a complete failure. Hector: Nothing's harder than seeing someone you love with the wrong person, is there? [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: Amber, come on. Amber: What are you looking at? Thomas: You. Amber: Good. Be sure and keep it that way. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Hey! There you are. Have a few too many mai-tais? Bridget: I'm fine. Nick: Oh. Either you got sand in your eye or your dog just died. Bridget: I don't have a dog. Nick: Well, that eliminates one. What's the problem? Upset you, seeing Deacon? Bridget: No. Nick: The crab cakes were a little fishy, but -- you miss Oscar? Bridget: Oscar? Uh -- no -- Nick: The guy you're engaged to, the ring -- he's a million miles away. I don't know, sometimes, people miss people and get sad. Am I hot? Am I cold here? What's the problem? Bridget: You're freezing. Why don't you go back inside? Nick: Well, because -- you're sitting out here alone. You've been gone for a long time and it feels strange to come back. I don't know, you should have somebody to talk to. Bridget: I don't know if you want to hear about this. Nick: Oh, no, really, I -- you know, I love juicy gossip as much as the next guy. This is bad, huh? Bridget: No, it's just -- it's just complicated. Nick: Well, I am a little older, therefore maybe a little wiser. So, if you need anything, you know where to find me. Bridget: Nick -- wait. [ Bridget sighs ] Bridget: Nick, I didn't mean to blow you off. It's just that I -- Nick: No, you didn't -- please, you didn't blow me off. It's none of my business. I got it. Bridget: No, no, Nick, it's just that it's a little screwed up and complicated, and I don't even know how to wrap my mind around it myself, let alone explain it. I wouldn't even know where to begin -- Nick: Do you hear yourself right now? Do you even hear what's coming out of your mouth? Your head is just spinning away, out of control. You gotta stop that. You gotta go to that "off" button every now and then and just -- I don't know, get lost in the moon light. Bridget: So you think I think too much? Nick: Yeah. Do you hear that in there? People are laughing and dancing and having a very nice time. You should be doing that. My mother asked me to get up with the band and do a number. So, if you really want something to dull your senses -- Bridget: No, Nick -- Nick: No, no, seriously, wait till I sing. I mean, whatever is going on in your mind, it's gonna go away, because three words are gonna come to your head -- "make him stop." Bridget: That is not true, you have an incredible voice. It's very moving -- Nick: Well, "moving" is right. You know, I was showering one time -- singing. I looked out, and the boat next to me sank. [ Bridget laughs ] Ha ha! Look at that! She has teeth. I thought you lost them in Copenhagen. Come on inside. I promise, it'll put a smile on your face. Bridget: I'll think about it. [ Bridget chuckles ] Nick: Stop thinking. Hope I see you inside. Ridge: You okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Caitlin: Yeah, I'm fine. I was just a little thirsty. It's getting kind of hot in here. Ridge: Yeah. A little too hot if you ask me. It'd be nice to cool things down a bit. Caitlin: Why would I have an opinion about Thomas and Amber one way or the other? Ridge: I just got the impression you might. Caitlin: I don't know what gave you that idea. Ridge: So, you have no feelings for Thomas at all now? Caitlin: Well, Thomas is a good friend. Ridge: He's more than that to you, isn't he? What if I told you he has the same feelings? That he's only with Amber now because he couldn't have you. Caitlin: Yeah, okay, maybe it was like that at first. Ridge: Everything's the same. Caitlin: Ridge, he says that he loves her. Ridge: He's on the rebound, Caitlin. He's denying these feelings that he has for you because he feels like there's no point to it. A guy's got his pride, but I think if you went and told him how you feel about him, everything changes. So, what are you standing around here for? Go tell him. Caitlin: So you're saying I just should -- just walk up to him and tell him everything that I'm feeling. Ridge: What have you got to lose? Caitlin, if you don't risk it, you're never gonna know if you walked away from something that was totally within your grasp. And you'll never know if you were able to save Thomas from something that could have been a sheer disaster for him. Caitlin: It doesn't have to be a sheer disaster. Ridge: It's inevitable. He and amber have already come this close. There was a pregnancy scare. Caitlin: But I thought Amber couldn't get pregnant. Ridge: Apparently, that's not the case. [SCENE_BREAK] Jackie: Okay. Ladies and gentlemen, a hand for our fabulous band. [ Applause ] And joining them -- joining them after just this much persuasion is a favorite singer of mine, the very talented president of Jackie M and my beloved son, Nick Marone. [ Applause ] [ Band plays "dancing in the moonlight "] Nick: Let me sing it to you. We get it almost every night when the moon gets big and bright supernatural delight everybody was dancing in the moonlight Nick: You know what I'm saying. Everybody here is out of sight they don't bark and they don't bite they keep things loose they keep things alive everybody was dancing in the moonlight everybody's dancing in the moonlight everybody was feeling warm and bright just a fine and natural sight everybody was dancing in the moonlight Nick: Play it for me. Here we go. Everybody here is out of sight they don't bark and they don't bite they keep things loose they keep things alive everybody was dancing in the moonlight everybody dancing in the moonlight everybody was feeling warm and bright it's such a fine and natural sight everybody dancing in the moonlight everybody dancing in the moonlight everybody was feeling warm and bright it's such a fine and natural sight everybody dancing in the moonlight coal [SCENE_BREAK] Heather: Can I get you another refill, Mr. Sharpe? Deacon: No, no -- hey guys, I want to introduce you to my new assistant, Heather Engle. And these are the visionaries of Spectra Couture. Heather: Oh, congratulations on your Jackie M sales. Darla: Thank you very much. It's incredible, isn't it? Thorne: Yes, it is. And we're very grateful to this lady, right here, for her support. Sally: Yes, we definitely are. And to her comrade in arms, Mr. Deacon Sharpe. He has been a great supporter of our company, and I -- for one -- will never forget it. Deacon, you're our guardian angel. Deacon: I think angel's gonna take a little -- gettin' used to. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: Look at her. She's not gonna to stop until she gets exactly what she wants. That happens to be a ring on her finger. You're our only hope now, Caitlin. You have the power to turn this around now. Please -- go tell Thomas know how you feel. Caitlin: Coming between two people who love each other is wrong, Ridge. It's just wrong. Ridge: You know, you've got some nerve. Monopolizing this woman all night to yourself and not giving the rest of us a chance to dance with her. Thomas: What? Amber: You want to dance with me? Ridge: Well, yeah. Thomas: Come on, Dad, what gives? Amber: Your father is being a gentleman. And I appreciate it. Lead the way. Ridge: Please, ladies first. Oh, by the way, Caitlin told me that she wanted to tell you something. She's out on the patio if you want to check it out. Amber: I really appreciate this. Ridge: Well, it's been a long time coming, hasn't it? Amber: I was just saying to Thomas how I hope you and I have reached a new understanding. Ridge: Oh, Amber, I think tonight's going to be a big turnaround for you and our family. [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: Hey. Caitlin: Thomas? Hey. Thomas: I'm sorry. I was just -- it's a nice night, isn't it? Caitlin: Yeah, it's beautiful. Thomas: Yeah. Caitlin: I just needed to get some fresh air. Thomas: And this is a great place to talk so -- what's the scoop? Caitlin: Scoop? Thomas: Yeah, you wanted to tell me something. Caitlin: Um -- I'm sorry, I don't understand want you're saying. Thomas: My dad said you had something to sat to me? Caitlin: Oh, my god. Thomas: You don't have anything to say to me? Caitlin: No, um -- no, it's just your dad wanted me to -- you know what, never mind. Thomas: What? Caitlin: Thomas, it's really not that big of a deal, okay? Thomas: No, wait, Caitlin. Caitlin: Thomas, please. Thomas: You know, we're friends. You can tell me anything. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Ha! I thought I saw you sneak out here. Bridget: Yeah, caught me. Nick: Uh-oh. It's gone. We lost our smile, didn't we? I'm not doing an encore, either. Bridget: Oh, your song was really beautiful. Nick: Thanks. But obviously, we didn't get rid of those demons that are screaming up in your head there, did we? Bridget: You tried. Nick: So what are they saying? Things clearer now? Bridget: You mean, am I ready to purge my soul? Nick: I should probably tell you something before you tell me anything. Bridget: What is this? You tell me your secret and I'll tell you mine? Nick: Well, you look like you want to come clean, so thought I would, too. Bridget: God, you're serious. Nick: I heard about you and Oscar. How that whole thing fell apart. I'm sorry about that. Bridget: No, it's been like that for a while. Nick: Well, then why are you still wearing the ring? Bridget: It's easier. I don't have to answer any questions. Nick: Look, Bridget, you don't have to blame yourself. Relationships fall apart sometimes, it happens to everybody. Bridget: On, no, it's not that that I'm ashamed of, no -- oh, god. Why can't I just be more like my mom?! The world could be collapsing around her, and she just manages to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving on. But me? Nick: You feel like you're in quicksand sometimes, huh? Bridget: You know, you say that I'm so smart? Why can't I move past this? I have done everything I possibly can. I just -- it's like it's just still there. I buried myself in med school and lab work and part-time jobs and it's -- he's still there. I -- spent hours with friends, went to movies and museums and -- he's there. I toured every little city in Denmark and he's still there. It's like this nightmare, this picture that's just burned into my brain, and he's just there. Nick: Shh. Who are we talking about here? Is this someone that you met over in Copenhagen? Bridget: No, no, not Copenhagen. No! It's just -- [ Bridget groans ] This is why I came home! I just wanted to get it all out of my system. Because it was just a memory, right? And memories totally play tricks on you. They're never quite -- quite as good as you remembered them to be. It was going to be so easy. I was gonna come home and stare it down and just be able to put it in perspective and see it for what it really was, and I -- I would finally be free. That's not what happened. It is stronger than it ever was. It just haunts me day and night! He haunts me! It's just there! Nick: Bridget, please -- what are we talking about? Who are you talking about? Bridget: Oh, god. My mother's husband. Ridge. Oh, god, Nick, it's just -- Ridge is in my head, and I cannot get him out. Whatever I do, I just cannot get him out of my head! | Ridge cuts in on Thomas to dance with Amber |
277 | Fancy: Why would I care about some gigolo? Noah: Because no matter what you say, I know that you still have feelings for me. Fancy: I may have toyed with you when I was bored. Noah: Right. So why is it that it drives you crazy every time Esme is all over me? Fancy: I'll see if Esme needs help. Noah: To check her messages? Fancy: Yeah, she's never been good with machinery. Noah: Esme's right. You're a horrible liar. [SCENE_BREAK] [Maid laughs] Maid: Mr. Crane, what is that? It looks disgusting. Alistair: Oh, I think you're going to like this. Maid: Ew. Alistair: It's a big one, too. [Woman coughs] Alistair: Oh, yes, yes, all you have to do is open your mouth. There you go, that's it, that's it -- oh. Maid: Mmm. Alistair: Now a sip of champagne. Maid: It's good. Alistair: No, just a sip. Just a sip. You know, oysters are a real delicacy. And some people say they're like a -- an aphrodisiac. Maid: Is that some kind of hair product? Alistair: Well, seafood is always good for the brain. But then again, we're not really too interested in your brain tonight, are we? Maid: Oh, you're terrible. I can't believe you went to all this trouble just for me. Champagne? Fresh seafood? Holy cow. We don't have all this in Wichita. Just corn. Lots and lots of corn. Alistair: Oh, I am so glad that you're interested in new sensations. Maid: Oh, I feel like a queen. Alistair: Mm-hmm. As you should, as you should. That's because you're very, very special. Maid: Hmm. Alistair: Yes. So why don't you do something to make me feel very, very special? Theresa: Alistair! Maid: Oh! Ow! Alistair: Well, I knew you'd -- Theresa: I have been looking all over for you. Alistair, please, I need you. Alistair: I knew you'd come back to me. I arranged for a nice midnight snack for us, and we can take some of that up to your room. Maid: Oh, Mr. Crane -- Alistair: Oh, yes, Lydia, you can leave now. Uh, leave the champagne, hmm? [Lydia cries] Alistair: Thank you. Theresa: This is urgent, Alistair, please. Alistair: I know. You said you need me. [Theresa groans] [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: Beth's right. She's the only one who tells me the truth. It's my fault that Luis is dead. I forced him to leave. I put his life at risk. Luis: I hate myself for ever doubting you, ok? But there is nothing that I can do about the past. All I can do now is try and find our son. Sheridan: Well, then do it! Go find my son, or don't ever come back to me at all. I sent you away and I didn't mean it. If only I could take it all back, tell you how much I love you, but I can't. There's so much that I wanted you to know. Luis: I do, Sheridan. I know. [SCENE_BREAK] Esme: Will you look at this? Lord Sarni called four times. And one of them was just a half-hour ago. Oh, do you know what time it is in England? That means he's been up all night thinking of me. Fancy: I thought it was all over with you two. Noah: Wait, Lord Sarni is -- Fancy: Esme's old boyfriend. Esme: Well, he was more than that. I wanted to marry him. Oh, he is a Duke, after all. And he has estates in England and Scotland and Ireland, and ranches in Canada and Montana. Oh, not to mention that darling compound in Barbados right on the beach. Fancy: Hmm. And let's not forget the Duke of Wimbleyshire is the biggest landlord in London. Esme: Oh, well, that's where all that lovely money comes from. Noah: Huh. Sounds like he's got a great personality. Fancy: Hmm. Esme: Oh, and he is handsome. But he does have two problems. The first is that he has a terrible s-s-stutter. And the second is he has a dreadful m-m-mother. And no one is good enough for her s-s-stuttering son. Noah: Oh, come now. How bad can she be? Esme: You have no idea. Ugh. The dowager duchess is a real dragon, and she hates me. Well, I can't imagine why. I mean, what is not to like? She must be one of those kooks that hates all Americans. Ugh. And he's scared to death of her, so he will never pop the question while she is alive. And she will probably live forever, the old bag. Too bad. Oh, how I would love to be there when they b-b-b-bury her. Oh, still -- four messages? Gosh, I wonder what he wants. Fancy: So call Lord Sarni back and find out. Esme: Call him back? Oh,Fancy, please. As if. Well, then he would think that I was interested. Oh, no, no, he has to call me. But it is a shame. We were a match made in heaven. Oh, what with all of my money and all of his money, why, we'd have just -- oh -- Noah: More money? Esme: Oh, yes. Noah: Ah. Esme: And what could be better than that? Oh, well, the night is young, and I am already busy. Aren't I, Noah? Noah: Ah, you remembered my name. Esme: Of course I remember your name. It just pops in and out. Noah: Now, don't forget, though, I am still on the clock, and it is ticking at double time. Esme: Oh, well -- double time and a nice fat bonus. Noah: Hmm. Esme: Hmm. You know, I shall order some more champagne, and some strawberries, hmm? Noah, would you run me a bubble bath? Then we can feed each other strawberries while I soak in the tub. Noah: Ah, perfect. I will massage your shoulders so that you can really relax. Esme: Oh, you are the best. And I bet with all of those muscles, the girls just go crazy when you give a massage. Noah: I'll prepare your bath. Esme: Yeah. Toodles. Fancy: Esme, you little tramp. I've seen you go lower than a coal miner all around the world, but I have never seen you pay for it. My God, he's a gigolo. Esme: Male escort, sweetie. Your grandmother had gigolos. You know, what is wrong with it, anyway? Mummy always had a walker to take her around society for as long as I can remember. I mean, you don't think that Guido actually picks up the tab, do you? Fancy: There's a difference, Esme. Guido is over 70, and he's gay. I can't believe you're paying Noah to take a bath with you. Esme: Oh, since when did you become such a prude? Besides, I didn't say anything about us taking a bath together. He is simply drawing me a bath, and then he's going to give me a little massage. And if it gets too hot and steamy in there and he has to take his clothes off, well, then, you know what. Three cheers to me. Fancy: You have all the morals of an alley cat. Esme: Now, that is the pot calling the kettle black. Oh, please, honey, if I need morals, I will buy some. Fancy: Ugh. Esme: Ok, you know what? I will tell you what I will do. If Noah simply cannot keep his hands off me and he hops into the tub, why, then, he's off the clock. Does that make you feel better? Oh, it's going to be fabulous. This boy is raring to go. And I bet we are up all night. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: Get off! Please, stop it. Alistair: What's the matter? You said you needed me. Theresa: Not like that, Alistair. Never like that. I need your help. Alistair: Oh. Oh, yeah, here we go again. You need my help. You need my help on something. You always need my help on something. And then afterwards you just turn on me and tell me you hate me, or you try and kill me. You know, I feel absolutely cheap and used. Theresa: Don't joke. Alistair: Look at you. You've already gone to plan B, the waterworks. Why don't you just dry up those crocodile tears, Theresa? They do not move me. Theresa: Can you please just listen to me, Alistair? Please. Alistair: All right, what is it this time? Do you want some champagne? Theresa: No, I don't! Alistair: All right, let me spare us both your theatrics. You're upset. It's about Ethan. Theresa: Yes, it is, and this is urgent. Alistair: Mm-hmm. Well, the man of your dreams, the one you poisoned while you were trying to kill me. Theresa: You know what? If you could just let me speak for a second, if you could just let me finish -- this is really urgent. Alistair: All right. What? Theresa: I need you to stop Gwen, Alistair. Ethan is -- he's on total life- support and she's ready to pull the plug on him, and I need your help. I need you to stop her. You're the only one who can stop her from killing Ethan. [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: Luis, you can't. You're -- you're dead. Luis: Sheridan, I'm here. I know you love me. I know you've always loved me. And I love you, too, more than words can say. Sheridan: How? Where? Luis: Sheridan, listen to me. Don't beat yourself up about those things that you said. I know that you didn't mean them. You were just upset because of what happened to Marty. Devastated. We both were. Sheridan: I still am. Beth called me tonight. She called me just to taunt me. She had Marty with her. She said that I was a whore because I was out to dinner with someone else. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I love you. I love you so much. Luis: I love you, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Your bath awaits, ma'am. Esme: I do love it when you call me "ma'am." It makes me feel like the secretary of state or someone. Ok, sweetie, I will go get into my bath. And you bring the room service tray in. Whenever you're ready, I'll be waiting. Good night, Fancy. Noah: Wait. "Good night"? Are you leaving, or -- Fancy: Why should I stick around and ruin your night? Noah: Fine. Whatever you want. Fancy: As always. You two have fun -- if this is what you call fun. Noah: It was only fun when you were around. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: Alistair, please, I am begging you. You have got to stop Gwen before she kills Ethan. Look, I did my best to try to convince her. I tried to convince every single person, but no one's listening to me. Alistair: Well, since you're the one that put him in the hospital in the first place, I doubt very much if any of those people are going to listen at all to any of your opinions. Theresa: I understand that, Alistair. And I deserve that. I do. But that's why I've come to you, because I need you to help me stop her. Alistair: Well, I haven't kept track of Ethan's condition so far tonight, but I don't understand why Gwen is taking this drastic step. Theresa: Because Dr. Russell took tests, Alistair, and they showed that Ethan has brain damage and that he cannot live without life-support. Alistair: Forever? Theresa: She's running more tests to see if his condition has changed, but she told Gwen to go find Ethan's living will. Gwen found it, and in it, Ethan wrote that he doesn't want to be kept alive by machines. So Gwen's ready to carry out his wishes, and if she does that, Alistair, Ethan will die. Alistair: That's the general idea. Theresa: No, no, it's -- no, I don't want that to happen, Alistair. And you don't want that to happen. My God, what if those doctors are wrong? What if he's in some kind of deep coma? And if she takes him off life-support, we are not going to know for sure. Now, you can do this. You've got the power, Alistair. You make one phone call, one phone call to stop Gwen from killing him. Alistair: You're right, Theresa. I'm the only one with the strength to help you. Theresa: So you'll -- you're going to do it, huh? You're going to stop Gwen? [SCENE_BREAK] Esme: Oh. Oh, I feel like Cleopatra, some wicked French courtesan. Oh, this is just to die for. Noah: I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Esme: Oh, yes, right there below the shoulder blade, if you wouldn't mi-- oh. Oh, yes. Noah: You've got a big knot. Esme: Oh. Rub it out for me, will you, doll? Are you sure you wouldn't want to take off some of those heavy clothes and get more comfortable? Noah: I'm fine, thank you. Esme: Oh. Ok. Well, feel free anytime. [Esme sighs] Esme: Oh, oh. Ah, yes. Oh, yes, that really is so much better. You know, I just haven't been myself since I dumped Lord Sarni. Maybe you can help me forget about him tonight. Noah: Yeah. Yeah, breakups are pretty tough. Esme: Well -- Noah: Are you sure you did the right thing? Esme: Oh, yes. You know, I waited for six months for that man to propose to me. I have never waited so long for any man. But still, he is a cutie. Handsome, blond, muscles down to -- well, you know. And -- and -- ah, you should see him in his uniform. He carries a big sword and everything. Noah: But he stutters? Esme: Well, it's actually kind of sweet. Sometimes you can't understand a word he is saying, but it's all in the eyes. Oh, and he adore me. Oh, yes, and I -- you know, it really is a shame because we are a match made in heaven. We love all the same things. Noah: Like? Esme: Real estate, mainly. He's got properties all over the world, and the most darling little jet that goes from one to the other. Oh, and then there's the yacht in the Pacific, and the yacht in the Mediterranean. He really does know how to spoil a girl. Oh, a little stutter doesn't bother me. Actually, there was one night in Majorca where I really gave him the business. He didn't stutter for two whole days. But he won't make a commitment because of his icky old mummy. Noah: You can? Esme: Well, sure I can. But I'm not going to buy a pig in a poke. If he can't commit to me, why should I commit to him? I am done waiting for Lord Sarni, and freedom is too important to give up when you don't have a sure thing. [Phone rings] Esme: Oh -- Noah, darling, would you get that for me? Thank you. [Noah laughs] Esme: Thank you. Oh, ok. Um -- hello, hello, hello? Woman: [As Lord Sarni] Esm-m-me, is that y-y-you? Esme: Binky? It's Lord Sarni. How are you? Well, I haven't spoken to you in quite some time. Woman: I n-n-need to t-t-talk to you. Esme: Uh, wait. What, dear? I can barely understand you. Woman: I h-h-have something very imp-p-portant to ask you, poppet. Esme: Well, go on. Woman: Firstly, I m-m-must say m-m-mama is dead. Esme: Your mother is dead? Oh, how sad for you, Binky. Was it -- was it -- how did she go? Was it painful? Woman: It w-was very quick. She t-t-tripped over one of the queen's c-c-corgis and broke her n-n-neck. Listen, my p-p-pet, get on a p-p-plane and come to the c-c-castle. I l-l-love you, and I w-want your h-h-hand in m-m-marriage, what? Esme: Marry you? Oh! Oh, Binky! [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: All this time I thought you were dead. I've been out of my mind with grief. I love you. I'm so sorry. This is a miracle. Where have you been? What happened? Is this real? Or am I dreaming? Are you really here? Please, be here. I don't understand. What's happening? Luis: I'm here because you need me. Don't question it. Listen. I need to ask -- I need to demand something of you. But at least it's only one thing. Sheridan: What? Luis: You have to forgive yourself. It's not your fault that I left. I would have left anyway, of course. Of course I would search the -- the world to find Marty. He's my son. Sheridan: But it's my fault. It's my fault that you died. I forced you to leave. I made you. Luis: Hey, no one makes me do anything. I left because I wanted to. And for weeks, all I could think about was the joy that I would bring to your face when I finally brought Marty home to you. Sheridan: And now? Luis: Now it's time for you to let go, for you to forgive yourself, for you to move on, open a new chapter in your life. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: Please, Alistair, you can do this. You've got to stop Gwen before she takes Ethan off life-support. Alistair: You know, Theresa, you're going to have to realize that a living will is a very serious document. And for Ethan to have one means that he sat and thought long and hard of the possibility he might end up in a horrific situation that he's already in. Theresa: But nobody knows for sure if he's gone. And letting him die is playing god, Alistair. Ok, and I can't just stand by and watch Gwen kill him, and that's exactly what she's going to do. Alistair: What, do I have to remind you that Gwen is his wife? Her wants overrule the family, friends. And if she wants to execute the wishes Ethan put in that document, it's going to be near to impossible to stop her. Theresa: Right, but you can do it. You can stop her, Alistair. You've got the power. You can. You can turn the legal system into a pretzel. I've seen you do it. Alistair: Well, a very expensive -- a very expensive pretzel. But you're right. If I don't intervene, then he dies. Theresa: So you'll do it? You'll stop her? Do whatever you have to do, please. Please, just stop Gwen. Please. Alistair: Yes, this is Alistair Crane. Yes, would you transfer me to -- Theresa: I.C.U. Alistair: I.C.U. [SCENE_BREAK] Esme: I was going to leave here anyway, so I will just hop on the first plane to England. Woman: [As Lord Sarni] I c-c-can't wait. Esme: Now, I haven't said yes, mind. I may need a little convincing, though I am quite flattered. Woman: I l-l-look forward to it. Esme: Well, I will see you soon, Binky. And God save the queen and her corgis. Oh, yippee! What are you looking at? It's just a much, much better version of what every girl's got. Fancy: [British accent] S-s-see you s-s-soon, Esme, what? Esme: Oh, I can't wait! Oh, an old-fashioned wedding with bridesmaids and trust funds and settlements. Oh, my. Oh. But no prenup. I have to be sure about that. Ok. Now, what do I need? I need a passport and plane ticket and money and -- oh, I'll just have housekeeping pack up the rest of my clothes and send them to England. Um -- oh. Darling, you must be so disappointed. Oh, thanks, Noah. You've been aces, but I do need to get to Lord Sarni before some pale English rose gets her claws into him and it's bye-bye, Esme. Now, let's see -- what did I do with my wallet? Oh, it's in the living room, so I will leave your money in there. Noah: Oh, no, no, no. I'll go, too. Esme: Oh. Oh, no. Oh, please, the room's already paid for. Stay, enjoy some champagne. Relax. You've earned it. Oh, now, what shall I wear? Ooh. Uh -- ooh. Oh, what the hell! What's the difference? Ok. Goodbye, Noah. When you think of me -- and you will -- remember the good times. Oh, no, no. I must -- I must go. This is my destiny! [SCENE_BREAK] Luis: It kills me to think of you blaming yourself for anything that's happened. Sheridan: If only -- Luis: Shh. Don't waste any more of your life. You have way too much to give. I can't stand the thought of you being alone and in pain. You can't live that way. Sheridan: But you're the only man that I love. Luis: We'll be together again. Come on. Have some faith, will you? Our love has endured centuries. We will be together again, just in another lifetime. Sheridan: Oh, I can't let you go. I want you in this life. I need you. I can't let you go. I can't. [SCENE_BREAK] Alistair: I'm on hold. Theresa: Thank you, Alistair. There must be a side to your heart that no one ever sees for you to do this. You're saving Ethan's life. Alistair: Oh, yes. Yes, yes. Who am I speaking to? Oh, an administrator. Perfect person. I'm Alistair Crane. Well, I'm glad you know who I am. Well, yes. Yes, of course. I have a bit of a problem. There is a patient of yours in I.C.U. His name is Ethan Winthrop. His wife is considering putting his living will into effect. I just want to make sure that Ethan's living will will be followed to the letter. Theresa: What? Alistair: Uh, yes, you heard right. In fact, I'll send over one of my own legal counsels to I.C.U. to make sure that no one interferes with his wife's wishes. Now, if his wife wants to pull the plug, just do it. Theresa: You monster! You told me that you would help me. You cannot do this, Alistair! Call them back! You cannot do this! [Applause] [Alistair laughs] Theresa: You are a monster. You told me that you would help. Alistair: And so I have. The only reason you're still walking around and you're not in jail is because you're my wife. But then again, if Gwen is forced to pull the plug -- Theresa: If she murders Ethan. Alistair: I'll leave those moral judgments to the courts. If Ethan does die, I just want you to be careful because then Gwen will turn on you and she'll accuse you of murder. But I'll keep you out of prison if you'll remain my slave. Theresa: You know what? I don't really care what happens to me. I just want Ethan to live. Do you understand that? That's what matters to me. Alistair: Oh, such an amazing self-sacrifice coming from the lips of the little vixen who tried to kill me not once, but twice. I'm not going to help you, Theresa. Let Gwen pull the plug. Let the fool die. [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: I can never let you go. You're too deep in my heart. Without you, I'm only half alive. Please don't leave me. Don't leave me alone in this life. Luis: Shh. Sheridan, don't cry. I've never left you. [Surf crashes] Luis: Do you hear that? Sheridan: What? Luis: The waves. Listen. You hear that wave that just hit right now? Where do you think it started from? Africa? South America? For as long as those waves have been crashing on the shore, I have loved you. And I will love you till the day that they stop. And I want you to know, whenever you hear those waves, that I'll be thinking of you, wishing for you to have peace of mind. Sheridan: Please don't go. Luis: We'll be together again. I swear it. The thing is for now I need you -- I need you to be open to the possibility of love again. Let me go. I need for you to know what it means to have a carefree heart. I give you my blessing until we meet again. Sheridan: Please don't go. Luis: Goodbye. May your dreams be filled with light. Sheridan: Come back. Please come back. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Oh, Esme, I love the way you spend money. Thanks to you, Dad's mortgage will not be a problem this month, and there's plenty left over. [Door slams] Noah: Esme? Is that you? You forget something? Fancy: Enjoying the lifestyle of the rich and famous? Noah: Where'd you come from? Thought you couldn't stand to be around the gigolo. Fancy: I came back for something. Where's Esme? Noah: You're not going to believe this, but she got a call from Lord Sarni -- who's a real doofus by the way -- and she ran out of here half naked to jump on a plane to London. Fancy: Oh. And left you here all alone? Noah: Yeah, it looks that way, doesn't it? Fancy: Maybe she didn't like your service. Noah: No, I don't think so. If that old English git hadn't called, I would've had to beat her away with a stick. Yeah. I guess I can't compete with a Duke who owns half the civilized world. Even a Duke with a stutter. Fancy: Mm-hmm. Noah: Hmm. Fancy: [British accent] M-m-maybe Esme g-g-got the proposal she's been w-waiting for, what? Noah: It was you? Fancy: I c-confess. Noah: Oh, you little d-d-devil. Fancy: [Normal voice] Oh! What? [SCENE_BREAK] Alistair: Stop your sniveling. It's very unseemly for Mrs. Alistair Crane to be weeping for another man. Theresa: I can't help it. I want Ethan to live. Alistair: Well. I mean, how is he going to live? From what you've told me, his brain is mush. Why don't you let him die? He's no use to anybody anyway. Theresa: He's a human being, Alistair. And he's the man that I love. Alistair: Love? Love is for fools. It's a sickly emotion. It's only for the weak. Theresa: Yeah, well, you say that because you've never been in love. Alistair: Ah. Theresa: You've never loved anyone and no one has ever loved you. Everyone hates you. Alistair: So what? I don't achieve my goals by being good to people. I achieve them by instilling fear, not good feelings. That way I get what I want when I want it. Don't forget something -- I can destroy you, too. Theresa: I don't care what you do to me. Alistair: Good. But I'm sure you care about what happens to little Ethan. Theresa: You leave my son out of this. Alistair: Our son. You know, it's too bad that big Ethan's I.Q. is down to zero. Now you have no one else to be your staunch defender. Theresa: Monster. Alistair: You know, why can't you -- why can't you just expand your vocabulary? I could be a barbarian, I could be a demon, I could be satan. Theresa: No wonder everyone wants you dead. Alistair: Ah, yes. And it's a pity -- there's no one out there strong enough to do the job. [NEXT_ON] Sheridan: I can't lose you. Please, don't leave me. I need you. Why, Luis? Why does everyone leave me? Sheridan: You've come back. Fancy: Of all the misguided, arrogant, egocentric -- Tabitha: Look who's back in town, Endora! Kay: Who are you? | Theresa is still trying to find someone - anyone - who will help her stop Gwen from "killing" Ethan |
278 | Avery: Ah, thank you. Hey, Hi. Caffeine fix before school? Summer: Yeah, trigonometry test. Do you know anything about hypotenuses? Avery: No. That sounds terrible... (Laughs) But good luck. Summer: Uh, A-Avery. Avery: Yeah? Summer: Um, what's going on between you and my dad? [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Cupcakes before a run -- good idea. Noah: So worth it. Nick: Uh-huh. Have you, uh, heard from your mom lately? Noah: Mm, what's the latest on the arson investigation? Nick: You know, I'm not really in the loop, but I rolled by the house, checked out the rubble. I can't imagine they'd find anything in that pile of ash that will point to your mother. Noah: And like you said, the clothes that I found in her closet that smelled like smoke-- they don't prove anything by themselves. Nick: It's highly prejudicial, but I didn't bring it up to my mom or dad. Noah: Good. Nick: Oh, no, no, no. That one is mine. Noah: Where did you get these? Nick: Summer made those. Noah: No, she didn't. Nick: Oh you're right. Avery helped her. I think she probably did most of the work, too. Noah: Well, if she's making stuff like this, you better stay on her good side. Nick: (Chuckles) [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: I mean, I'm not worried. I know you're fine, but Johnny, on the other hand-- he--he's starting to get nervous, so before he ends up calling all the hospitals in Miami and/or the police, why don't you give us a call and let us know that you're okay? That'd be good. I love you. (Knock on door) Billy: I'm coming. Victor: Where's Victoria? [SCENE_BREAK] Tucker: Thanks. Jill: Thanks for breakfast. Tucker: Well, you're welcome. It's the least I could do after dragging you all the way back to Genoa City. Well, you get to see your grandkids anyway. Jill: Yeah, I'm looking forward to that, too. Tucker: So are you gonna see Katherine at all? Jill: Mm-hmm. I thought I'd drop by later and tell her there's a rumor going around that she's become frail and addled in her old age. Tucker: Now you wouldn't do that to me. Jill: Mm, wouldn't I? Tucker: Jill, the only reason I voiced my concern to you is-- Jill: Hey, hey, hey. You and I both know that you are up to something and I haven't figured out what it is yet, but I will. Tucker: Well, when you do be sure to drop me a line from Australia. Jill: I'm not going back to Australia. Tucker: No? Jill: No, 'cause you are right. It's absolutely ridiculous for Katherine to become C.E.O. at this stage of her life, and after a stroke, yet? I don't know what she's thinking. Tucker: So you are gonna tell her it's a mistake? Jill: If I do, it won't be because you asked me to. Tucker: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: Ronan. Are you here to see Victor? Ronan: I'm not. Nikki: Well, Mr. Delafield, the arson investigator, said he's left a lot of messages for you. Ronan: Yes, he has, and I'll be getting back to Mr. Delafield. I just have another matter to deal with first. Excuse me-- Nikki: Well, wait a minute, we can't let this trail go cold. We're not even sure where she is right now. Ronan: She, who's "She"? Nikki: Sharon! Didn't Delafield tell you this? Her bracelet was found at the scene of the crime. [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: Victoria's still in Miami. Victor: Mm-hmm. When does she return? Billy: (Sighs) I think she's on a flight right now. Victor: What do you mean, you think? Billy: I mean I don't know her flight information. Can I help you? Can I help you leave a message? Victor: I expected Victoria to call me, to tell me how the meetings had gone. Billy: I'm sure she'll fill you in as soon as she gets back. Victor: Why don't you fill me in now, Billy? Billy: (Sighs) Okay, what can tell you? (Clears throat) Jack was onto me. He didn't trust me. He intentionally gave me those names to feed to Victoria. Victor: So you sent her on a wild goose chase. Billy: No, please pay attention. Jack did. Victor: You never intended to help her, now did you? Billy: (Scoffs) Will you come off of this, okay? Jack figured it out. He didn't trust me. He knew that I love my wife. Victor: Jack may have thought that you did this out of love. You and I know different. You came to work for Newman because I forced you to. How my daughter ever fell for you, how you ever got her attention is beyond me. But I promise you one thing. It'll come to an end. Billy: So let me see if I've got this straight. You blackmailing me-- that was test of my character, yeah? So now I've got you testing me, I've got Jack testing me. Hell, you're testing your own kids, and all or what? So we can prove what? Our loyalty, our manhood? You know what? You and Jack can go to hell. Victor: Mm-hmm. So you, um...you will talk to Victoria about the fact you knew l long where I was when I was missing and that you kept a secret, although you knew how concerned she was? Billy: Seems to me you tried this blackmail thing with me before. Blew up in your face. You gonna learn your lesson? Victor: It's Victoria that has to learn a lesson about you. When she comes back, I'll fill her in on what kind of an ass you really are. This will be the end of it, Billy. I promise you. [SCENE_BREAK] Tucker: I'm glad you changed your mind, and I know you didn't do it for my sake. Jill: Well, one thing I will say-- I'm very grateful that you let me know what's been going on, okay? God knows, if it were up to Katherine, I never would have heard about her going back to Chancellor until it was a done deal Tucker: So she still doesn't trust you enough to confide in you, huh? Jill: (Laughs) Lot of old wounds, scar tissue. Tucker: Yep. Yeah, I know about that. (Sighs) That's what gets in my way with her, too. Jill... I'm hoping you can do what I couldn't-- break through that resistance, make her understand our concern is real. Jill: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Avery: Your dad, you know, just, came over for- for--for dinner. It wasn't a date. We're just friends. Summer: Are you sure? Avery: Uh-huh, yeah, I'm positive. Summer: (Sighs) That's too bad. My dad didn't deserve the way that my mother treated him. He likes you, so I guess I was just hoping that there was more to it. Avery: That's, eh... wow. Summer: He's a good guy. Avery: I know he is, I know that, and since you're feeling so much better about him, does that mean you've changed your mind about suing for emancipation? Summer: (Chuckles) Yeah, that-- that wasn't practical. And, I don't want to have to go get a job and an apartment. Avery: Mm-hmm Summer: You know, all that stuff that you talked about. Avery: Mm-hmm, It's a headache you don't need. Summer: Yeah, but thanks, though, for taking me seriously and answering my questions, not just rolling your eyes. Avery: Oh, of course. Summer: Yeah, but don't feel like you have to tell my mom about that right away. I still think that maybe I can play that angle for a bit, you know, maybe get a new car. Avery: Ah, really? Summer: Mm-hmmn. Avery: You are kidding, right? Summer: (Laughs) Yeah, I'm kidding, mostly. Avery: Yeah, yeah, nice try. Summer: Just a little bit. Avery: Nice try. I'm on to you. (Laughs) [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: If you're looking for Sharon, I still haven't heard from her. Victor: I'm not looking for her. She'll back. She won't abandon her child. Um, that's not my priority right now. May I come in? Nick: Yeah. Victor: I've been trying to contact your sister. She has not called me back. Now I find out that she's out of town. Apparently Billy sent her to meet some executives who were supposedly upset about the takeover of Newman. Nick: Supposedly? Victor: Yeah, well, it's a goose chase, waste of time. Nick: Is Vick pissed at Billy now? Victor: Wouldn't that be wonderful? So she has not contacted you? Nick: No, she probably doesn't want to hear the "I told you so." I warned her that if she got in middle of this feud between you and Jack, that it would hurt her marriage. Victor: that would be only silver lining in this whole mess. Nick: Dad, come on. Victor: Come on, Son, she's married to an Abbott. It'd be good for her to get rid of him. Nick: What's she gonna trade him in for, a corner office? You can't even promise her that. Victor: Son, no one is ever guaranteed success. Some of us work for it, you know. Nick: I really wish you wouldn't take it personally that I'm not helping you get control of Newman back. Victor: How do you want me take it? You're rejecting the very thing that I spent a lifetime building up. Nick: Let me ask you a question. Victor: Yeah. Nick: Strictly out of curiosity, how long does the duty last where I have to maintain your legacy? Is it till you die? How about till I die? Maybe even after that. Are my kids morally bound to work at Newman Enterprises for the rest of their lives? Victor: You really disappoint me, Son. I guess you had your money, didn't you? You got your $500 million, didn't you? Nick: I earned that money. Victor: $500 million fell into your lap because your sister, your irresponsible sister, launched a lawsuit against your father! Nick: Why even go down this path? You know, is it any surprise that I don't want to give any more of my blood, sweat, and tears to this damn company? You've dismissed everything I've ever accomplished. Victor: Don't you use that as an excuse. Now telling me that I made the choice for you? Is that it? Nick: I'm not blaming anybody for my choice. No sir. I'm proud of it. Victor: You're battling your father and his legacy. Is that it? You're proud to stand up to me, proud to be on your own? Bull! You're afraid you're not up to the task to save Newman Enterprises! That's what this is about! Cowardice! You're my son. You're my flesh and blood. It took me my life-- my life-- to build this company, and you refuse to save it for me? [SCENE_BREAK] Avery: (Laughs) Summer: (laughs) One day, yes, it'll happen. Avery: Yes, it'll happen. Phyllis: (Clears throat) Hey. Good morning. Summer: Making sure I get to school? Phyllis: Not at all. I didn't expect to see you here. I'm glad I did. How's it going? Summer: Fine. Avery: Uh, except for that trig test today. Summer: Oh, my gosh, thanks for reminding me. Avery: Mm-hmm. Uh, Summer, would you like to tell your mom the decision you made. Summer: Yeah, sure. Um, I'm not gonna do the whole emancipation thing. I was just upset when I said that. Phyllis: Okay. I-understand. We all say things that we don't mean when we're upset. I'm glad you took some time to think about it. It's very mature. Summer: Um, yeah, well, I have to get to school, so... Phyllis: Okay, bye. Summer: Bye. Avery: So progress, yeah? Phyllis: What the hell are you doing? [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: I'm not afraid of anything. Second, this is your idea of leaving the decision up to me? "Son, you can make whatever choice you want, as long as it's the exact same choice that I would have made." Victor: You're under no obligation to do that, nor am I obligated to like your choices or respect them. Nick: This is the same man in the same room where you told me how proud was of my parenting, about commitment to my children. Victor: That still holds true, Son. Nick: This is where this decision comes from. I need to be full present in my kids' lives right now, Dad. Both of their mothers have been off the deep end so if you think that's an excuse, then so be it. Victor: So you're saying that you can't, um, be in business and be a good parent at the same time? Nick: Tell me something. Where's Victoria right now? She's traveling for business. How long has it been since she saw her son? Yeah, she's got Billy and Mom and all the nannies, so the baby's probably gonna be fine, but my kids need me right now. They need me, no substitute, and they're getting me. Faith has lost her mother again. Summer is in tailspin. Noah won't even talk to me about some of the things going on in his life. Dad, you've got other kids who will save your legacy. My legacy is my kids. Noah: Hey. Sorry, it feels like I'm interrupting. Should I run a couple more miles? Nick: No, no, no, it's cool. Were done. Victor: It's all right, Noah. Yeah, we're done. Have a nice day, my boy, okay? Noah: Thanks. Nick: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: All right, I'll be sure do tell him. Thank you. Okay so, did you finish with that other matter? Ronan: No, don't. I'm not gonna be finished until I find a woman who's missing. Nikki: Oh, I didn't report her missing but I-I certainly could if that would speed things along. Ronan: Just hold on, hold on, hold on. So you're saying that was Sharon's bracelet found at the ranch. Nikki: Yes, in the same room where the fire was started, and it was in there beforehand, because I made sure all of her belongings were packed up and sent to her. Ronan: In all fairness, how do you know I was hers? Nikki: Because it was a gift from Victor. Ronan: I see. Nikki: Now I'm sure there are many photos of her wearing it. Maybe her insurance company has a record of it. The point is, she needs to be found. She disappeared right after the fire with no explanation, and you can't tell that's not suspicious. [SCENE_BREAK] Esther: Okay, here we go. Kay: Thank you. Esther: So how was Chicago? Kay: Chilly. Esther: Well, you probably didn't go outside much. Kay: Au contraire. Agnes and I did a great deal of walking. We, uh, we went shopping, uh, museums, restaurants, you know. Esther: Well, you did all that in one day? Kay: Mm-hmm. Esther: You must be exhausted. Kay: Do I look exhausted? Esther: Well, doing all that shopping, you--you didn't bring back much. (Cell phone rings) Kay: Um. Lemon, I really need some lemon. Uh, is this a self-serve restaurant, or do you think you could--? Esther: I-I just brought you milk and honey. Kay: But I need lemon. Do you understand? It's--it's my throat. Esther: Oh, okay. Kay: Thank you, Dear. (Clears throat) Uh, Mitchell? Yeah, hello. Well, I hadn't checked my e-mail yet. Well, after seeing you, I stayed overnight in-- in Chicago and I-I just got home. Yes, I will sign that and I'll get it right back to you. I am raring to go. And Neil has left Chancellor in such great shape. Well, I'm gonna be able to walk right in, pick up those reins, just like I never ever left. [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: So you're probably on a plane right now. (Clears throat) Or, uh. Your battery died, or you lost your phone. Yeah, that's probably it. Y-you lost your phone and it's no big deal and you'll be walking through that door any minute, so I'll just... (Clears throat) I'll see you then. (Knock on door) Jill: Hi, Honey. Billy: Hey. Jill: (Laughs) Billy: Uh, I take it you're not staying at your place, huh? Jill: No. No, I want to think this through before I approach Katherine. You know what she's like. She's so sensitive. One wrong word, and its Mount Vesuvius. Billy: Mm-hmm. Jill: Well... (Scoffs) You don't you think she'd be taking on too much with this? Billy: (Chuckles) You are not dragging me into this. No, no. Jill: Billy, if I were about to do something that could have potentially disastrous consequences, I hope the people who love me would care enough to express their concern. Billy: Okay. Really? You would? Then, I think you trying to stop Katherine would have disastrous consequences. Jill: (Laughs) Shut up. Where's Victoria? Billy: She's on a business trip. Jill: I thought she got fired from Newman. Billy: (Chuckles) Yeah, well, she's got other irons in the fire. So why can't you just support Katherine? That way, you'll be at her right hand if she gets overwhelmed. Jill: You mean, I'd be at her bedside at the hospital? Don't tell me that couldn't happen, because it has happened, Billy, and I just--I couldn't go through that again. [SCENE_BREAK] Esther: You lied to me. Kay: Yes, I did. Esther: You were in Chicago to meet with your lawyers because you're going back to work. Kay: That's right, and I knew you would be worried. Esther: Well, of course I'm worried. What about your health? Kay: Why do you think I am doing it, for heaven's sakes. I sit around doing nothing, I'd go right out of my mind. Esther: But you don't have to go back to work to keep busy. You--you could get more involved in your charities, and-- Kay: I'm going back to what I know, what I am good at, and, Esther, and that's that. Esther: But Mrs. C.-- Kay: Shh! [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: If it hadn't become such control issue between you and Grandpa, would you be fighting to get Newman back? Nick: No. The family dynasty thing is his dream. Noah: What's yours? Nick: I don't know. You'd think, at my age, I've that figured out. Noah: It'll come to you, Dad. You got the funds. You got the brains. You could be whatever you want when you grow up. Nick: Thanks, Son. I'm hitting the gym. You want to go? Noah: I just ran 5 miles. Nick: Okay, you sissy, that sounds like a good warm-up. Let's go. Noah: I'll pass. Nick: All right. Ronan: Hey. Nick: What do you want? Ronan: I'm looking into the fire at the ranch at your mother's request. She thinks that- Nick: Yeah, I know what she thinks. Ronan: Okay. I don't suppose you can tell me where I can find Sharon, then. Nick: I don't know where she is. Ronan: What about you, Noah? You know where Sharon is? Noah: She left a message. That was it. Ronan: Message, huh? Can I hear that message? Noah: I deleted it. Ronan: Well, if you hear from he again can you please let her know that I need to -that I need to speak with her? Thank you. Nick: Is she officially a suspect? Ronan: I can't really discuss that with you. Nick: Well, then I don't want to continue this conversation anymore, and if you come to my son with this again, you'll be hearing from my lawyer. [SCENE_BREAK] Avery: Is there a problem? Phyllis: Yeah, there's a problem. What is this? You're cozying up to Nick... Avery: Ohh. Phyllis: And now you're all buddy-buddy with my daughter? Avery: Well, Phyllis, you asked me to get close to her. Phyllis: I asked you to get close to her, not take my place in her life. Avery: That's not at all what I'm doing. Phyllis: It really looks-- it looks like that's what you're doing. Avery: Okay. (Sighs) Phyllis: You're trying to live my life. Oh God. Let me tell you something. Back off. You got it? Back off. Avery: (Scoffs) Phyllis, how would I take your daughter's place in your life? That doesn't even make sense. Phyllis: You are laughing and smiling and carrying on. Oh, my-- Avery: Yes, yes, were smiling, we were smiling you know? Cause your daughter just agreed not to sue you and that makes her happy. Aren't you happy? Phyllis: Of course, it makes me very happy, Avery. Avery: Well, you know what? You're welcome, by the way, because I wasn't easy to convince her. Phyllis: I'm sorry, okay? I just-- miss my daughter. I want my daughter back. I-I just-- haven't been getting any sleep. Avery: Cause of the divorce? Phyllis: Among other things. Jack's been in the hospital. Avery: Oh, wow, I hadn't heard. Phyllis: It was back surgery, but he's fine. It just--it was so much work, so much work and worry and-- Avery: Well, and he's a lot more than just a boss. Phyllis: W-why-- why do you say that? Avery: Well, it's true, isn't it? He's your ex-husband, he's a good friend. Phyllis: Mm-mm, he's a good friend. Nothing going on between me and Jack, okay? Avery: Okay, I wasn't implying there was. You know what? Not the morning to have a conversation with you, obviously. (Sighs) Phyllis: You know what? Thank you. Thank you so much. Avery: Oh, there, was that so hard to say? Phyllis: Yeah, actually is. Let's do this again, okay? I'd be really. I'll buy dinner. Thank you for helping me with Summer. Avery: Yeah, um, I have to check my schedule. I'm not sure what I have on the calendar. I'll get back to you. [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: You're gonna need to prepare yourself. Katherine's gonna wonder how much of this is for her best interests and how much of it is pure ambition. Jill: (Chuckles) The same thing you're wondering. Billy: Crossed my mind, yeah. Jill: Okay, let me put it like this. Do I think that I'm the best-qualified candidate to take over for Neil? Of course I do... Billy: Of course, you do. Jill: But that is completely and totally beside the point. Billy: (Clears throat) Mmm-mm. Jill: You know, where's my grandson? He's the one I really came to see, anyway. Billy: (Chuckles) He's upstairs sleeping, but I need to get him up anyway, so I will bring him down Jill: Good. Katherine... Katherine... (Cell phone alert chimes) Billy: Hey, Mom. Jill: Uh, where's the baby? Billy: He's doing that thing, you know, where he's sleeping with his little butt up in the air. Jill: Ohh, let's take a picture of him, huh? Billy: Yeah, sure you already got my phone. Let's just use that. Jill: Who is Eddie G.? Billy: Are you checking my messages now, Mom? Jill: It was right there in the open, Billy. Honey, what's going on? [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Wish we would give Mom a heads-up. Nick: We gotta find her before Ronan does, let her know it's not safe to come back. Noah: And make sure she's okay. How do we track her down? [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: (Sighs) Victor: Am I witnessing corporate espionage? Phyllis: Don't you wish. I'm the new head of R&D. Victor: Where's your boss? Phyllis: Um... he's not available. Victor: Really? On vacation already? I thought he worked harder than that. Phyllis: He's out of the office. He's not on vacation. Victor: When do you expect him back? Phyllis: Hard to say. [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: (Clears throat) You know, there--there's- there's nothing you need to worry about. Didn't you want to see the baby? Jill: Ohh, my God, you're really starting to scare me with all this covering up. Billy: Covering up, Mother, I just-- it's none of your business. (Sighs) Eddie G. is someone that I used to know. Jill: He doesn't seem very happy with you, Billy. Billy: Yeah, well, I uh, owed him a lot money. Technically I still do. Jill: Thought we paid all your gambling debts. Billy: We did. (Clears throat) But this guy was in jail. I figured, hey, he didn't really need the cash. Jill: Oh for heaven's sake! How much do you owe him? Billy: I don't know. It's been so long time ago. I think it's around $100,000, with all the juice. Jill: (Gasps) Oh, good God! Billy: Yeah, I know, okay? I'll just pay him and that will be the end of it. Jill: Does Victoria know about this? Billy: No, she does not, and you are not going to tell her. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: Esther, if you've come back to apologize, there's no reason-- Jill: (Chuckles) Hello, Katharine. Kay: Jill. What happened? Phillip threw you out? Jill: (Laughing) Kay: Oh, well, you lasted longer than I thought you would. Jill: Is it even possible that you're crankier now than before I left? So where are all your court jesters? Where are all the little people you like to surround yourself with? Kay: Do you want to apply for that position? Jill: (Chuckles) Kay: No, no, no, no...you have grander schemes, do you not? Jill: Schemes? Kay: Well, what is it then. You--you're colluding with, um, Tucker McCall. Don't deny it. It's not a coincidence that you show up now. Jill: Okay, I'm not gonna deny it. Yeah, Tucker asked me to speak to you. He wants to make sure that you understand what you're really getting yourself in for here, Katherine. Kay: W-what--whatever gave him the idea that I would ever listen to anything that you have to say? Jill: Oh, please. Are you gonna tell me that you're gonna let your personal issues with Tucker and me blind you to reality? Everybody knows that it is a terrible idea. This is the worst time for you to take on such an enormous task. At your age, you should be sitting-- Kay: At my age? At my age, I have earned the right not to take any crap from you or anyone else, so just keep your damn opinions to yourselves. [SCENE_BREAK] Avery: (Breathing rhythmically) what are you looking at? Nick: Your form. Avery: Ohh. Nick: It's all wrong. Avery: Excuse me? Nick: Yeah, you got no lower back support. You could hurt yourself. Can I? Avery: Yeah, I knew that. It's just--when I'm in a hurry ,I-I skip that part. Nick: Oh, okay. Well, there you go. Avery: Thank you. (Exhales slowly) Nick: What's the rush? Avery: Well, I got held up this morning talking to Phyllis Nick: Oh, boy. Avery: No, it should have been fine, actually. Summer was there. She's coming around, by the way. She's not gonna sue you for emancipation anymore. Nick: Hey, cool. Avery: Yeah, yeah, it's everything that Phyllis was hoping for, only now she's decided that I'm engineering some devious plot behind her back. Nick: (Sighs) I just don't get it. Avery: What is it you don't get? 'Cause, clearly, I'm trying to steal her daughter from her. Nick: She feels threatened. Avery: (Sighs) I did not break up your marriage. I've tried very hard to be a good sister to her, and she treats me like... (Sighs) You know, you know that I am supposed to see things from the perspective and understand that she's going through a really rough time-- Nick: Which she brought on herself. Avery: Yes, she did. Nick: It's all right. Avery: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: Listen to me. You can dismiss Tucker and you can dismiss me... Kay: Oh, I thought I already had. Jill: But you cannot dismiss your doctor's opinion. You can't dismiss your blood pressure. It will go sky-high. You know it will. Kay: Is that what you pray for every night? Jill: I am here to try to save your damn life, you stubborn fool! Kay: Well, why would I doubt your affection for me when, uh, you're-- couched in such glowing terms of endearment? Jill: You drive me crazy, but I want you around driving me crazy for years and years and years. Kay: I'm not going anywhere. Jill: (Chuckles) [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Thank you. Nikki: Victoria probably thinks that you'll blame Billy for what went wrong, and she doesn't want to hear it right now. Victor: Sweetheart, that doesn't explain why she wouldn't have contacted either you or Nicholas. Ronan: I'm sorry to interrupt. Victor: Yes, Ronan, what is it? Nikki: You have any news about Sharon? Ronan: I do not. There's been another fire with a similar M.O., a warehouse just outside of town. Nikki: One of Victor's? Ronan: No, no connection to Newman Enterprises, so it seems we have a firebug on our hands. Victor: I'll be damned. You mean, possibly someone other than Sharon? [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: White wine, please. Tucker: So how' it go? Jill: (Sighs) (Chuckles) Katherine's still Katherine, bent on having her way. Tucker: Didn't want to hear it, huh? Well, can't say I'm surprised. Jill: Then why bother enlisting my help? Tucker: You didn't think one conversation would be enough to turn that ship around, did you? But I think we can still steer her away from the iceberg if we put our heads together. [SCENE_BREAK] Avery: Okay I'm done with these if you want 'em. (Laughs) No? Too heavy for you too? Okay, I'll put 'em back, then. Nick: Listen, um, I'm very sorry about the spot you're in with Phyllis. Avery: (Sighs) Nick: She is for you kind of like my dad is for me. When you grow up with someone and they help shape you as a person and then they withhold that approval... Avery: Yeah, and you can twist yourself into a pretzel trying to get it back. (Sighs) Nick: Or you can decide that you're not gonna live your life like that anymore. [NEXT_ON] Michael: I'm glad you called, Brother-man. Kevin: I need your help, Mikey. Phyllis: Can you move your legs? Chelsea: Don't even think of sinking your fangs back into my husband. | Jill decides to talk to Katherine to try and persuade her not to go back to work, but Katherine insists to both Jill and Esther that going back to work won't affect her health |
279 | Ridge: The doctor just said you'd done something wonderful for your little boy? Brooke: (Sighs) Well, everybody's pretty exhausted. It's been a very emotional day for all of us. Ridge: She was talking about Nick and Taylor's child, right? Brooke: Yeah. Yeah, he's their son. Ridge: Well, you did just donate your bone marrow to him, so you are kind of connected in a way, aren't you, when you think about it? That baby's gonna have your blood running through his veins. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: (Thinking) Oh, God, he raped her, and then I taunted her about it. How do you ask someone to forgive you for that? (Doorbell rings) Donna: If you're so anxious to see Brooke, why don't you use the key under the flowerpot? Go ahead. Get it. Oh, no, wait, you can't. It's not there anymore, is it? Your rapist friend took it. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: This child is ours. Taylor: Brooke wants to do the right thing. Nick: And the right thing will be done. Taylor: (Sniffles) Nick: We're lucky. Our boy has a chance now. Taylor: Because of Brooke. Nick: That's just the first step. We're sort of in charge of the rest of his life. He needs us now. (Elevator bell dings) Dr. Caron: Look who's here. Somebody wanted to see Mommy and Daddy. Nick: How's he doing? Dr. Caron: The transplant went well. I think he's gonna be a strong, little fighter. Nick: You bet he is. Taylor: Thank you. Dr. Caron: I'll leave you alone with him. Nick: Doctor, can we touch him? Dr. Caron: Let's hold off on that for now, but you can talk to him, tell him you're here. I'll be back. You can buzz the nurse if you need anything. Nick: Thank you. (Door closes) Nick: Come on. Taylor: (Groans) [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: You made an amazing sacrifice for that little boy, your ex-husband's son. It's amazing you were even a match. Brooke: Uh, this really isn't how I imagined this day to be going. Uh, everything was going so well. I-I wasn't arguing with Taylor. We were getting along, and--and then you and me... (Sighs) and then I got this phone call from Bridget. Ridge: Logan, what's going on? Brooke: (Sighs) The lab made a mistake. Ridge: Something to do with the transplant? The nurse told me about the little boy's condition, but you've solved that, right? Brooke: W-well, we hope that the transplant is going to help, but we're not quite sure how his immune system's going to react to it. (Sighs) Ridge: Are you all right? Brooke: (Crying) Yes, I'm fine. Ridge: Okay. So is everything okay? Everything's good? Brooke: Yes. Nick and Taylor-- they're going to be wonderful parents, and this boy is gonna be very loved and wanted, and--and he's gonna be very lucky. Ridge: Yeah, he sure is, especially having a guardian angel like you on his side, huh? Brooke: (Sighs) W-well, that's just the thing. You see, I'm--I'm not gonna be in his life, and I need you to understand that. I mean, my relationship with Nick hasn't changed because of this or--or my relationship with you. Ridge: Okay. Okay, that's understood. Brooke: But of course, I mean, he is going to be in my life because I care about what happens to him, but--but that's it. I mean, that would be the extent of our relationship. Ridge: What other relationship would you have? Brooke: Okay, I'm--I'm really not making any sense. (Sobs) Ridge: Logan, just--just calm down here. Um... talk to me here. Come on. Brooke: (Sighs) Um... I-I went into the hospital to make an egg donation for medical research. It was, um, a program that Bridget was working on. Ridge: Wait. Wait. Wait. I'm not--I'm not quite following you here. You did this when? Brooke: This was quite a while ago, and--and then shortly after that, Nick and Taylor-- they conceived a child from an anonymous egg donor. Uh, Nick had to fertilize the egg, and-- Ridge: I know how it works. Keep going. Brooke: Well, there was a-a-a mix-up, and the lab technician-- well, he had the dish that said "Marone" on it, and... (Sighs) and the hospital-- they never changed my records from my old name. And, uh, in the computer, my name was still Marone. The egg was mine, Ridge, not the donor's. (Sighs) it was mine. And yes, he is Nick and Taylor's baby, but he was conceived with my D.N.A. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Well, obviously, your sister isn't home, so-- Donna: Don't move. You'll set off the motion detectors. (Alarm beeps) can you blame my sister for being wary of uninvited guests? Stephanie: You know what, Donna? I'll just come back another time. Donna: Yeah, it's kind of creepy, huh? This is where it happened. You know, if it were me, I'd have to move, but not Brooke. She isn't gonna let that monster take any more from her than he did that night. She thinks she can put this behind her. Stephanie: I hope she can. Donna: Your conscience bothering you a little bit? Assuming you have one... Stephanie: Look, I don't know what anybody has said to you, but I am not responsible for what that man did that night. Donna: Wait, you didn't tell him how to get into the house? Stephanie: What? Donna: You didn't tell him the key was under the flowerpot? Stephanie: Oh, please! What are you talking about? But she's just a regular girl-- you know, eats oatmeal for breakfast, runs in the park for exercise, hides her key under the flowerpot just like the rest of us. Donna: You did. What happened to my sister is your fault, Stephanie. You practically walked that sick bastard right through this front door! Stephanie: Oh, don't be ridiculous. Donna: What did you come here for, huh? Did you want to apologize? Save your breath, because my sister is never going to forgive you. She might be able to get past this someday, but she will never, never get over this. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: I'm grateful to Brooke, because she gave him the transplant, but I... (sobbing) the rest, I just-- I don't--I don't know if... (sobs) Nick: Shh. You gotta be so exhausted. Taylor: No, I'm heartsick for this beautiful, little boy and about us... (sobs) and e-everything. And I'm just so ashamed. Nick: What are you ashamed of? Taylor: I'm selfish. (Sobs) (whispers) I'm so selfish. Nick: Well, you know, honey, this day didn't exactly turn out exactly the way we planned. Taylor: I mean, I look at him, and I see you, Nick, everything I love. But I also see Brooke in our son, in our future forever. Taylor: (Sobs) [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: You and Nick have a child? Brooke: He is Nick and Taylor's baby. Ridge: He's half you, half Nick. Brooke: Yes, genetically. Ridge: So what the doctor said was right. He is yours. Brooke: Nick and Taylor made a decision to have a child. Taylor carried the baby. She gave birth to him. He is Taylor's son. Ridge: Does Taylor know this? Brooke: I told her everything that I'm telling you. Ridge: (Exhales deeply) So that's why you could donate the bone marrow-- because you are actually his mom. Brooke: Taylor is his mother. Ridge: Well, Brooke, you can keep saying that if you want to. Brooke: Okay, I will. I'll keep saying it until you understand. I know what it's like to have children taken away from me, and--and I wouldn't wish that on Nick and Taylor. God, I just wish it could go back to the way it was supposed to be, the way it was before I got that phone call, for Nick and Taylor and for you and me. Ridge, you were gonna commit yourself to me. You didn't say those words, but I could see it in your eyes. I need to know that that hasn't changed. Please tell me that it hasn't changed. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: You see Brooke in him? Really? Because I don't. Taylor: (Scoffs) Nick: What I see is our child. What I see is the future of a family that we're gonna have together. Taylor: Well, it's a family that includes Brooke. Nick: No, Taylor. Taylor: She is the biological mother. Nick: She is the egg donor. Taylor: Nick, you were married to her. You wanted to have a child with her. Nick: But I didn't. I had a child with you, a child that was conceived with the help of an egg donor. Taylor: It isn't that simple anymore. Nick: Well, simple went out the window when we said, Let's have a baby." The D.N.A. Doesn't make any difference. We are this boy's parents. And he's gonna grow up to be the reflection of the type of love that we give him. We are gonna lead by example for this boy. He will become what we are. And right now, I want him to see how the Marones can get through anything. Taylor: I love you. I love you both so much. Nick: Did you hear that, buddy? It's a good start. That's all we need. Well, that and--and a name. A name would be good... Taylor: (Chuckles) Nick: You know? I mean, we did bat a few ideas around, remember? Taylor: Mm-hmm. Nick: So I was sort of thinking about it, and I-I-I came up with, um, something that might tie your family in here. Hayes Hamilton Marone. Taylor: Hayes Hamilton? Nick: Well, yeah. I mean, 'cause he already has my last name. So I wanted to, you know, somehow get your family name in there. What do you think? Taylor: (Laughs) Nick: What? Huh? Taylor: Well, I-I love the name Hamilton, for a middle name, I do. Nick: Okay. Taylor: But I- I just really thought that for a first name after your mother and my father. I've always loved the name Jack. Nick: Jack. There's something about that name I like, too. Jack it is. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: Brooke, how can you say things haven't changed? Brooke: (Sighs) It doesn't have to. Ridge: You have another child, another son with Nick Marone. Brooke: Biology-- is that what you think being a parent means? No, I know that's not true, Ridge, because you love Hope, and it has nothing to do with her DNA. Ridge: Oh, come on, Brooke. That's not the-- it's totally different here. Brooke: No, it's not. Nick and Taylor have been through everything to have this child. I mean, he is the most important thing in the world to them. Ridge: And being a mother is the most important thing to you. How can you not want to be a part of your own child's life? Brooke: All I want for my children, all of them, is to be happy and healthy and loved. Now I've given this child everything that I can. The rest has to come from Nick and Taylor. Ridge: I know you, Logan, probably better than you know yourself. I hear what you're saying, but I don't understand how you could possibly separate yourself from your own flesh and blood. That's just not who you are. [SCENE_BREAK] Donna: Are you startin' to see it? This is where all your bitterness and your jealousy leads-- this room right here that night. Stephanie: I had no idea what he would do to her. Donna: No, you just wanted Brooke out of your son's life. Only your plan backfired. Thanks to you, they're closer than ever. Stephanie: What are you talking about? Ridge--Ridge is engaged to Ashley. Donna: Oh, please. That marriage is not gonna happen. And that's your worst nightmare, isn't it-- Brooke and Ridge together again? Stephanie: No, Donna, actually, that would have been you and Thorne. Thank God he came to his senses. Donna: What was that saying? "Out of the frying pan"... you better keep an eye on the temperature, babe, 'cause you're about to be burned. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: Jack Hamilton Marone. Nick: I like it. Taylor: Mm. Nick: A lot of pressure with a name like that. You know, that kind of name, you gotta-- you gotta do big things. Taylor: (Laughs) (deep voice) Supreme court justice-- Jack Hamilton Marone. Nick: (Laughs) Taylor: (Laughs) Nick: (Deep voice) President Jack Hamilton Marone. (Laughs) Taylor: (Laughs) I could even see that name on the list of Nobel Prize winners. Nick: Super bowl MVP-- Jack Hamilton Marone. Taylor: Booyah. (Laughs) Nick: (Laughs) Believe me, this kid gets through this, he'll be able to do anything. Taylor: (Laughs) Nick: Same goes for us. You hear that, Jack? The Marones are gonna be okay-- me, you and your beautiful mama. Taylor: (Sniffles) Nick: We're gonna be just fine. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: You follow your heart, Brooke. That's what brought you into this hospital. That's why you're lying in this bed right now. That baby is a part of you. Brooke: Hope is a part of me, Rick, Bridget. I've had them with other men, and that was never an issue. Why should this be? Ridge: Because we're talking about Nick Marone. Brooke: No, we're talking about us. The lab made a mistake. Nick and Taylor shouldn't have to suffer for that. Neither should we. You know, you keep talking about my baby and my child. What you're really thinking is it's my child with Nick. Ridge: Well, I'm sorry. I... can't help it. Brooke: (Sighs) You and Taylor both. You both can't get past it. Now this baby may connect me to Nick forever, but it's not what I want. Ridge: For months you've been telling me there is no connection between the two of you. Brooke: Please, Ridge, don't do this. Don't pull away from me. Ashley may be wearing your ring, but she's not the woman that you want to be with. You love me. That's what you said. Ridge: You know I do. Brooke: Well, then let's face this together. I mean, yes, it is kind of complicated, but it doesn't have to be insurmountable. This can't tear us apart. Please, Ridge, don't let that happen. I am not going to let you slip away from me again. | Then Brooke reminds him that before the phone call to do this, Ridge was about to commit himself to her again |
280 | Ridge: What did you say, Nick? I answer to you? Nick: That's right, Forrester. You heard me. I will not let you hurt these women anymore. Never again. [ Ridge laughs ] Is that funny to you? Ridge: Oh, I think it's brilliant. Captain courageous sailing in to save the day. He doesn't even have to rip the top off a can of spinach to do it either -- to save the damsels in distress. Oh, you know, Popeye's all pumped up with his big, old attitude. Self-righteous attitude. Hoo-ha! Bridget is disgusting. Your wife kicked you out of the house. She can't even stand to be in the same room with you. And you're not at all sorry for what you did, are you? [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: If you're here to tell me "I told you so," then just get it over with. Stephanie: I've come to have a serious talk with you. Brooke: Like I'd listen to you. Stephanie: I warned you that this might happen. Brooke: Exactly. Stephanie: I -- I take no pleasure in this. Brooke: Really? I'm almost out of your son's life and you're not happy about that? Stephanie: Not if this is what's about to happen, I'm not happy. And I'm especially not happy with Ridge. Brooke: He knew what would happen if he touched her, Stephanie. I couldn't have made that more clear. If he betrayed me one more time, our marriage would be over. Stephanie: And he's crossed a line. Brooke: And he promised me he wouldn't. He kissed my daughter. Stephanie: Yes, I saw the photograph. Brooke: Well, then, you know what that did to me. Stephanie: You don't have to tell me how it feels to see your husband in the arms of another woman. I know that all too well. Brooke: How could he do this? How could he do this to me, with my own daughter, after everything that we talked about? After everything that we'd been through? He promised me that this wouldn't happen. God, what am I supposed to do? Stephanie: Pull yourself together. I know this is a difficult situation. It's been a hell of a night. But you listen to me, and you pull yourself together. You start making some decisions before this situation gets -- gets out of hand. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: I don't owe you any apologies, Nick. Nick: Don't you think you owe somebody an apology? Ridge: I didn't do anything wrong. [ Nick laughs ] Nick: You kissed your wife's daughter, Forrester. Ridge: Please, there was nothing romantic about that. Nick: You knew how Bridget was confused about her feelings for you. And Brooke was worried about it. She warned you, "don't get near my daughter." She'd leave you -- and you did it anyway. Ridge: What I did or didn't do is none of your damn business. Nick: You're right, Forrester, it's not. It's all about you. But I'm trying to get through to you. You've got to step back here. You've got to reset your compass. Ridge: What if I don't want to take your advice, Nick, huh? What then? You gonna mutiny? Take over my family? Nick: Somebody's got to right this ship. And how do you expect to do it when you don't even see anything that you've done as wrong? You know, that's just the way it is with you, isn't it, Forrester? You really don't think anything that you do is wrong, do you? Ridge: Oh, get off your soapbox, Nick. Nick: But you see I've got a point, don't you? Ridge: What you've got is an agenda. I'm onto you, brother. You're not angry with me. You're overjoyed. This is the moment you've been waiting for a long time. Finally -- finally, you can just swoop in and take Brooke away from me. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: What are you talking about? The situation can't get any worse. Stephanie: Yes, it can. Unless you put a stop to it. Do you know who showed me the photograph? Sally. She's threatening to go to the media if we press charges against Amber and Clarke. Brooke: So this situation could get worse for you and your precious reputation? Stephanie: Stop acting like a child! This'll have a terrible impact on your children if it becomes a public scandal. Now, I've just spoken with Ridge. Brooke: And he told you that that kiss wasn't romantic. Stephanie: The kiss is no longer the issue. It's what are we going to do about it? Brooke: You're going to take his side? Stephanie: This isn't about taking sides. This is about family. Brooke: Family that you want to protect no matter what. Stephanie: I am appalled by what's happened, and so is Eric. Now, we have to put it behind us, all of us. Brooke: You know, that's easy for you to say, Stephanie. You don't have to live with that image burning in your brain. Stephanie: Brooke, I believe he's telling you the truth. I don't think anything happened between Bridget and him. I don't. Now you've got to be smart about this and accept that. Brooke: Just keep my mouth shut and don't say anything to the press? Stephanie: Be smart. Don't blow this out of proportion. Brooke: What are you saying, Stephanie? Stephanie: Take Ridge back. Now. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: You even warned me this day would come. Nick: I told you to take care of your wife and family. Ridge: Yeah, and if I didn't, if I made Brooke cry again, you'd be there. Well, here you are. Nick: I'm trying to talk some sense into you, Forrester. Ridge: "I tried to talk to him, Brooke. He just wouldn't listen. Ridge obviously doesn't care as much about you as I do." Who the hell do you think you're kidding, Nick? You've been working this situation for a long time to work it to your advantage. Nick: You're wrong -- again. Ridge: Oh, please. You've been chomping at the bit for an opportunity like this, just waiting for that little moment when everything screws up. Nick: All right, Forrester, I'll be honest with you. There's a big part of me that doesn't believe that you deserve a woman like Brooke, especially after what you've done. But I came here for one reason today -- I came here to tell you to go home. You go home, back to your wife and kids. You do anything you can to salvage that marriage. I mean, get down on your hands and knees and beg her to take you back. Ridge: So it's not enough you plan on seducing my wife, huh? Now you want the added satisfaction of watching me humiliate myself? Nick: What? Ridge: Or maybe you just want to make sure she's over me before you jump on her this time. Nick: I don't want your wife. Ridge: You never stopped wanting her, Nick. Nick: I'm with Bridget now! Ridge: Yeah. Who just happens to live in the same house as we do. Hmm? Under the same roof as the woman you're really after. I see a pattern here, Nick. It's all becoming really clear. You and Bridget. You're not trying to protect her. You don't give a damn about her. Nick: Careful, Forrester. Ridge: She's just a means to an end for you, Nick. You are using Bridget to get to her mother. Nick: Don't you ever talk about Bridget that way. Don't you even think it, Forrester. She is nobody's substitute. You got that straight? You listening to me? [ Voice echoing ] I'm not scamming Bridget, and I am not after your wife. I'm trying to help you, Forrester. Am I getting through to you, Forrester? Is this clear? I'm not the enemy, you know. You're making this whole situation worse. [ Voice echoing ] I want Brooke to be happy. I want your kids to be happy. Tell me you get what I'm saying. Forrester, am I getting through to you? Forrester, don't blow this. Don't you blow it, Forrester. You go home. Go home to your wife and apologize. You get on your hands and knees and you beg for forgiveness! [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: You're serious. Stephanie: Yes. Brooke: You're trying to save my marriage? Stephanie: You and he have a baby together. You've started a family. That has to take precedence over everything. Brooke: But what Ridge did -- Stephanie: Over everything. Brooke: Are you worried he's gonna end up with Bridget? Is that why you're doing this? Stephanie: I'm concerned about your children, yes. I'm concerned about Taylor's children. They've suffered a lot. And your little girl, hope, she's suffered an enormous amount because of your mistakes. Brooke: Well, this time it's Ridge who made the mistake, Stephanie. And I don't think I can get past that. Stephanie: Do you think he hasn't thought the same thing about you over the years? What's happened with Bridget isn't going to happen again. Brooke: But it did happen. And not only once. Stephanie: Look, she's a confused girl. My god -- she's grown up half of her life thinking he's her brother, the other half he's her stepfather. I mean, there's a lot of misdirected emotion going on here. And she's grown up with a lot of screwy ideas from you about love and romance and marriage. Brooke: Oh, my god, this is not my fault! Stephanie: Yes, in some ways, it is. And if you let this marriage fall apart, it really will be. This marriage is the only stability that your children, including Bridget, has had in a long time. Now, be smart for once in your life. Listen to me. Make this marriage work while it still can. [SCENE_BREAK] Bridget: Nick? Where's Ridge? Nick: He left. Bridget: Where'd he go? Nick: I told him to go home. Bridget: What happened? Nick: Bridget, he's in denial. Bridget: So, it got ugly? Nick: Yeah. Bridget: Oh, no. Nick: I just felt I had to make him face what he's done. Bridget: And so you did? Nick: I hope I knocked some sense into him. [SCENE_BREAK] Bartender: Hello, Mr. Forrester. May I get you a drink? You okay? How about a cup of coffee? Ridge: Just water. Bartender: Good idea. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: He deserved a good beating. You can't justify him kissing you. It just never should have happened. Bridget: Well, I wish it hadn't too, but we can't undo it. We have to just move past this. Nick: He won't even admit that he did anything wrong. Bridget: Will you stop worrying about Ridge? Nick: I'm not worried about Ridge. I'm worried about you and your mother. I don't want him to hurt you anymore. Bridget: I appreciate your standing up for me. I really do. But if you want to do something for me and for this family, you'll help me stop this fiasco before it causes any more damage. Please, please just let it go. Nick: I told him to go home and talk to your mother. Bridget: Even though she kicked him out? Nick: I told him to get on his hands and knees and beg her for forgiveness. Bridget: I thought you were really angry with him. Nick: I am. I am mad as hell. But Ridge and your mother are married. They made vows. So it really doesn't matter what I think. They made a commitment to each other. And that has to come first. Bridget: Maybe you were right. Maybe you do have what it takes to lead this family. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: You don't think I want to save my marriage? I would give anything to let Ridge back in, to be able to look at him without seeing that image. I just don't think that's possible. Stephanie: Make it possible. Brooke: Oh, god, Stephanie, you don't understand. Stephanie: Oh? Oh, I've never swallowed my pride for my family? Done things or accepted things for them? Listen, he's your husband. He's the father of your baby. Your family has to be the priority now, not your bruised ego. Brooke: You think I'm being selfish. Stephanie: Sometimes women have to look the other way. That's just life. You don't want the children to find out about this. You want to spare them any hurt and upset. And you can do that by moving on beyond your own feelings. Brooke: How? Stephanie: Talk to Ridge. Get him over here now. Brooke: He didn't move out. He was just gone for the night. Stephanie: Listen, he tried to explain everything to you, and you wouldn't listen to him, which -- now, he doesn't handle things like that very well. Brooke: Oh, so now he's upset with me? Stephanie: Oh, stop it. He's hurt and he's frustrated. He thinks we're all making him the villain. Make peace with him while you still can. [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: Hello, Ridge. [Voice echoing] It's me. Ridge: Morgan? Morgan: I know this is probably a shock. Ridge: I heard you were out. Morgan: I wanted to call you right away, but I didn't want to upset you. So I've just been hanging out here, hoping to run into you. You know, I would've given up weeks ago, but after years of institution food, Cafe Russe is like heaven. Ridge: Leave me alone, Morgan. Morgan: I will. Just hear me out and you'll never see me again. Ridge: Go away. Morgan: I want to apologize. Ridge: You can't. Not for what you did. Morgan: Look, I know what I did was unforgivable. Kidnapping your daughter and threatening your mother. It was horrible and crazy. I can see that now and I'm sorry. You know, I never should have lashed out at you and your family, and I never wanted to hurt you and your children. I was really angry with your mother. All those years of the guilt and the rage that I held in, I hated your mother for forcing me to have that abortion. And I know if it wasn't for your mother, you and I would have had a wonderful life together. That's all in the past now. I've dealt with my demons, and I am -- I'm better. And I just want the best for you and your new family. I heard you married Brooke. And you have a beautiful little boy. Congratulations. I'm so happy for you two. Ridge: What do you want, Morgan? [Voice echoing] Morgan: Just to make amends. You see, I'd like to move on with my life, but in order to do that, I have to ask you for your forgiveness. And I can understand if you can't give that to me. [Voice echoing] Ridge? Ridge! | Nick punches Ridge in the face after Ridge tells Nick that he knows he's using Bridget to get to Brooke |
281 | Chad: [Gasps] Abigail: Can't get used to this whole being married thing. Chad: Oh... I'm gonna have to go to sleep eventually. Abigail: Says who? Chad: I'm sorry the wedding didn't go as planned. Abigail: It's okay. We're right here, aren't we? Married. That's what really matters. I just wish sonny and paul had gotten married too. Chad: [Laughs] That tickles. [Laughter] [Somber music] Chloe: Hey, paul. Paul: Hey, I, uh... figured I'd help clean up the club, since the reception didn't happen. Chloe: It's already cleaned up, as you can see. Paul: Yeah. Too bad. Looking for something to do. Chloe: I'm sorry about the wedding. Paul: Supposed to be the best day of my life. Marrying the man that I love. Chloe: Do you think that there's any truth to what ben weston said about will? Paul: No. Will is dead. But ben put just enough doubt into sonny's head. Sonny: Sorry for showing up so late. Kate: You know you can come to me anytime. What can I do to help? Sonny: Kate. You might be the only person who can help us find out for sure if will's still alive. Kate: Me, I-- I don't understand. Sonny: According to ben, clyde told him that will's not dead. And I know that you were close to clyde once, and I was wondering if you could meet with him, please, and find out what he knows about will. [Dramatic music] Lucas: I thought we paid people to clean this up. I got it for you, buddy. I'll clean it up. I'm not gonna let sonny or anybody else dig up your grave, I promise. Will: At the rate you're going, dad, you're gonna end up in your own grave soon enough. Lucas: Will?! Oh, my god! You are alive! Eric: We can't do this. I'm sorry, I... I shouldn't do this. Nicole: What, kiss me? Eric: Nicole.... Nicole: No, I--I wanted this for so long. I can't fight it anymore. I want you. [Tense music] Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives." [Soft orchestration] [Sensual music] [Thunder cracks] Nicole: Oh, my god. What am I doing? I'm supposed to love brady. I want to love brady. I mean, he fought so hard to help me keep my daughter, Eric: He loves you both. Nicole: And I'm supposed to hate you... for what happened with daniel. I did hate you. And this... Eric: Feels like a betrayal. Nicole: I don't know what this feels like. Eric: You should go. You should go before we do something we'll regret. Nicole: I can't go. I... I can't fight it anymore. Eric, I'M... I'm in love with you. All I know is that I'M... I'm in love with you. I'm in love with you. Brady: [Sighs heavily] Hey. Dad. What are you doing? It's pretty late. John: Yeah, I know. Is paul around? Brady: No, no, he actually went to the station with sonny. Something about clyde weston. John: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, ben's claiming that his pops visited him at bayview during the siege and told him that will's alive. Brady: Oh, my god, is that-- is that even possible? John: Come on, I don't believe a word that comes out of either one of their mouths. But given everything I've seen in my lifetime, I think anything's possible. Brady: How's marlena doing? John: Well, you know, like anyone else who loved will, she can't help but hope that maybe it's true that he's alive. It would be a miracle. Although I hate to think what that would mean for paul. Chloe: So are you guys gonna investigate ben's claims? Paul: Yeah, yeah, we're doing what we can. According to ben, clyde was the one who said that will's alive. Chloe: That's not exactly a trustworthy source. Paul: Yeah, but for sonny and everybody in will's family, the idea that there might be a slight chance for it to be true... everyone's clinging to that hope. Chloe: Even you? Kate: If I thought there was even a remote chance that will was still alive, sonny-- Sonny: You don't believe that there's a possibility that clyde is telling the truth? Kate: No! No, I don'T. He's a liar and he's a sociopath, and he would never come clean with me anyway, sonny. Sonny: Kate, but he loved you once. Kate: That was a long time ago. Sonny: What if he still has feelings for you? Kate: I am sorry. Sonny: Kate, I had to tell the man that I love that I can't marry him because I wonder if this is true, and I'm always gonna wonder till I find out the truth! Kate: I understand that you want to believe it, I do. Sonny: What about everyone that loved will? What about you? When lucas found out about this, he was torn apart when he heard what ben said. I asked him if he--if we could exhume the body. Kate: You did what?! Lucas had to hear that?! Oh, sonny. Sonny: Kate, where are you going? Kate: Excuse me. I'm gonna find my son. Sonny: Please, kate! Kate! Lucas: Is that you? Are you really here? Will: What do you think? Lucas: I saw your body on that slab in the morgue. We put you in the ground. Will: But you just asked me if I'm real. Lucas: Yeah, that's because sonny--sonny said that... he's trying to confuse me. He's messing with me, man. Why is everybody doing this to me? Will: Why is everyone digging up all the pain? Lucas: They tell me to move on. They tell me to let go, and then they hit me with this. Will: Dad, you were really hard on sonny. Lucas: He has no right. He left you. He abandoned you so he could marry paul. Will: You know, instead of looking after my dead body, why don't you look after yourself? Lucas: You're gonna lecture me just like everybody else? Will: The people who care about you staged that intervention to try and save your life, dad. Lucas: Yeah, yeah, so they say. Will: You know they love you. And they only want what's best for you. And they were your best chance to drag yourself out of this hole, dad, so why did you walk away? Kyle: Mom! Mom! John: It's late. I should hit the road. You probably want to get upstairs to nicole. Brady: Actually, um, holly and nicole aren't--aren't here. John: Yeah? Where are they? Brady: [Sighs] Dad, I don't even know. John: What do you mean you... you don't know? What's going on? Brady: Nicole and I, we had this--we had this disagreement about whether I should take over titan from sonny. John: Yeah, how big of a disagreement? Brady: I was pretty harsh. I felt like she wasn't being supportive. I felt like she wasn't making me a priority. John: And she left? Brady: Yep. She just left. John: Have you tried to reach out to her? Brady: Oh, yeah. No, no, I've left her a--left her a bunch of voicemails, and she is not returning any of my texts, so... John: Son, let me ask you this: This disagreement that you had with nicole, was this... simply limited to titan, or did it happen cross over into eric? [Low dramatic music] Eric: You have no idea how long I've waited to hear you say that to me. Nicole: I do. I'm in love with you, and it feels so good to finally tell you. Eric: I love you. But it doesn't change that you're with brady. You have a family together. Nicole: Brady is an amazing man. And I owe him so much. But a wise man once told me, "don't confuse gratitude with love." Eric: Are you sure that's all it is? Nicole: Brady caught on to my feelings about you before i could even admit them to myself. That's why he wanted you to fire me. Eric: He wanted me to fire you because I had feelings for you. Nicole: Either way... he was right. Eric: Well, I'm not mad at him trying to hold onto you. Nicole: Shhh. No more. Eric: No more? Nicole: Talking... about anything... or anyone but you and me. All these feelings I have, all the feelings you have, we can't go back. Not anymore. Eric: Not ever again. Nicole: Eric, you're the one I love. The one I want. The one I need. Chad: Sonny! What are you doing here? Sonny: Hey, uh-- Chad: What's going on? Sonny: I came to see kate. I was hoping she could help me find the truth about will. She looked at me like I was crazy. You know what? Maybe I am. Abigail: You're not crazy. Sonny: I should go. Abigail: No, no. Don't leave. Sonny: No, I shouldn't be here. This is supposed to be your first night together. Chad: And it's supposed to be yours and paul's too, okay? Just have a seat. Sonny: No, honestly, I don't belong here. Chad: No, seriously, have a-- have a sandwich or-- Sonny: I'm not hungry. Abigail: Just eat. Come on, sit down. I'm sitting down. Chad: So... what's going on? What did you need to see kate for? Sonny: [Sighs] Hope found out why ben said will's still alive. Abigail: Why? Sonny: Clyde told him. [Portentous music] Lucas: Rehab. They wanted me to go to rehab. Like that's gonna help. That's gonna help bring adrienne back? It's gonna bring you back? Will: It could bring you back, dad. Lucas: Yeah, back to what? Will: To life. To being the good, caring person that I know you can be. Let me help you. Let me help you take the first step. Lucas: What are you doing? Don't do that. Stop it. Come on. What's the matter with you? Why are you doing this? What--what are you doing? Come on, nobody told you to do that. You better watch yourself, young man, I mean it! Wh-where did he go? Kate: Where did who go? Lucas: Will! Will! He was right here! He was just here. Lucas: Wait a minute, where did he go? He was just here. Kate: Lucas-- Lucas: He was just here! Listen, I know you think I'm insane, but I talked to him. I talked to him again! Kate: Lucas, you know will is gone. Lucas: You think I'm drunk. You think I'm drunk and hallucinating. But what if I'm telling the truth? What if it really happened? What if this time, he really was here? Kate: Lucas! Lucas: Wait a minute, I can prove it to you! Mom, he dumped out my bottle. Look, look! He dumped it out. He dumped it out! He dumped out every drop! I saw him do it! Kate: Listen to me! Will is dead, but I'm here. Please let me help you. Please let me help you. I can't see you throw your life away like this. Sonny: What if clyde... what if, what he does know something? Chad: He doesn't know anything. Gabi found him; lucas id'd the body. Sonny: I know, I know. I just don'T... why would, why would clyde say something like that to ben? Chad: To ease his guilt? I don't know, pick a reason. Like... Sonny: I just don't know anymore. I honestly just don't know what to think. Abigail: But you're still gonna pursue this? Sonny: I have to. Right? I mean, if there's the tiniest chance that will's alive, then i have to find out, I have to. That's the whole reason that I-- I can't believe-- I can't believe it. I canceled the wedding. [Sighs heavily] Abigail: Where is paul right now? Sonny: I don't even know. Chad: I'm sure this isn't easy on him. Sonny: It's not. I feel terrible. I hate hurting him. I want to marry him so... I just, I want to be with him. But if will is alive, the marriage wouldn't even be valid. Abigail: Sonny, that's a pretty--that's a pretty big if. Sonny: I love paul. I want to spend the rest of my life with him, I do. But I can'T. I can't-- if there's a possibility that will's alive, I have to see it through. Paul: Well, of course i want it to be true that will is alive. Oh, my god, everyone who knew him would like that to be true. But I mean, people are starting to get their hopes up about it. [Baby crying] Chloe: Sorry, paul. Just got to check on holly here. Shh, shh. It's okay, baby girl. Paul: Why are you watching holly? Chloe: It's a long story. Paul: Is everything all right with brady and nicole? Chloe: Ah, yeah, brady and nicole are a great couple. They're just, you know, having some issues. Paul: Well, they seemed happy at the wedding. Chloe: Yeah, well, all couples hit rough patches, right? Paul: [Chuckles] You're asking me? Tonight? Chloe: So I told them I'd take the baby for a while so they could have some space to work things out. Paul: I hope it helps them. Chloe: Yeah. Me too. John: Talk to me, son. This fight with nicole, did it have anything to do-- Brady: Yeah, dad, yeah, yes, yes. It did have something to do with eric. John: All right. [Sighs] I'm listening. Go ahead. Brady: I had... I had recalled what you had told me, the advice you gave me about not getting in nicole's way of something that fulfills her and that she wants to do, but dad, I swear to god, I didn't have a choice. John: What do you mean, you didn't have a choice? Brady: I'm the reason that eric left town, all right? John: What the hell'd you do? Brady: Well, first i confronted him about his feelings for nicole. Then I persuaded him, maybe pressured him a little bit, to fire nicole from the center. And instead-- John: Then he decided to leave town. Brady: Yeah. Seems my brother eric knew what nicole needed more than I did. John: [Scoffs] [Sensual music] I always knew... in time you'd be mine Lucas: [Sobbing] He was here. I swear he was here. [Solemn music] Kate: I'm so sorry if i handled things badly when you started drinking again. Lucas: You mean firing me, ambushing me with my entire family? Kate: You know, when-- when your kid is spinning out of control, you don't really know what to do. Everyone tells you to be tough, and, you know, to let you hit rock bottom on your own. Lucas: I don't know, mom, you think this is rock bottom? Kate: I don't know. I don't know, but I know that i can't let it go on because if i lose you... lucas, please, i need you to fight for your life. I really you to do that. Lucas: I don't have a life! All right? I don't have anything left. But if will were here, you know, I could--I could make it happen. Kate: Will is gone. He's gone. He's gone. Lucas: I don't know, you know, I don't know. Everybody's always talking about there's some energy in the universe-- Kate: You've never believed any of that stuff. You know you haven'T. Lucas: I know, but maybe i was wrong. Maybe he is out there. Maybe he's out there somewhere, and he's just alone. And this is his way to try to connect with me. Sonny: I need to go find paul. Chad, can you do me a favor and talk to kate about clyde? Chad: Yeah, I'll do what I can. Sonny: Okay. Thank you so much. I know this is the last thing you two want to be doing on your wedding night. Abigail: That is not true, okay? This was supposed to be your night too. Sonny: Yeah. Chad: Whatever you need. Abigail: We love you, okay? Sonny: Love you too. Chad: I want to get in on this. Abigail: [Chuckles] Sonny: Thank you again. Brady: Dad, look, I--I really tried to take your advice, and keep the jealousy thing out of it, but then someone reminded me that if I did nothing, I would-- I would lose her. John: Reminded you? You mean someone else was giving you advice? Brady: Uh... I was confused. He reminded me that if you want something, you got to fight for it, you got to fight for it-- John: You mean you were talking to victor. Brady: Yeah, I was talking to victor. John: All right, let me take a wild stab in the dark. He told you to manipulate the situation until you get what you want, right? Brady: Yeah, dad, you know what? I love her. I love the family that we built together. I don't want to lose her. John: Well then you got to be honest with her! You got to tell her what you did. You got to talk to her. You got to save your family before it's too late, son. Eric: I dreamed of this, more times than I can even tell you. Nicole: So did I. Being in your arms feels so right. It's where I'm meant to be. Eric: What do we do? Where do we go from here? That's my girl! Kate: I'll tell you what. If you let me take you home, I promise you that I will do absolutely everything I can to get to the bottom of ben's claims. Lucas: How? Kate: You just leave it to me. Okay? But you have to promise me that you will not take another drink tonight. Please. Promise. Promise? [Somber music] [Crying] Brady: Chloe, what--hey. Chloe: Hey. Brady: You have-- you have holly. Chloe: Yeah, I'm sorry it's so late. Brady: No, it's-- where's nicole? Chloe: She's not here? Brady: No. No, why? She gave holly to you? Chloe: Well, she asked me to just watch her for a bit. She had someplace she had to be. Brady: [Stammering] Where was she going? Chloe: Uh, I don't--I don't-- I don't think she actually told me where she was going. I don't know. Brady: That's a lie and you know it. Why are you lying? Chloe: Brady, I'm not lying. Brady: Chloe, we've been friends forever. You need to tell me right now if you know where nicole is. [Thunder rumbles] Nicole: I don't know what happens next. All I know is how I feel. And I want you. Even if that means I... oh! Eric: What? What is it? Nicole: I, I, um... I left holly with chloe and i didn't tell brady. Eric: Where does he think you are? Nicole: I don't know. Oh... he called and he texted. Oh, my god, uh... I didn't even hear it. Eric: It's just that the reception out here is very spotty. Nicole: He's worried. He wants to know where I am, eric. I have to call him back. Eric: What are you gonna tell him? Copd makes it hard to breathe. John: Hey, there he is. I was looking for you. How're you doing? Paul: I'm, uh, you know, I'm hanging in there. John: All right. Paul: How's marlena doing? John: You know doc. She's a pro, but, uh, this one kinda shook her up. Sorry we didn't have better news. Paul: What do you think about what ben said? John: Well, son, I think that, uh... I think it's just a major mind game. Westons are creating this just to mess with people who have done 'em wrong, that's what I think. Paul: Yeah. I'm just worried that it's working on sonny. John: Why do you say that? Is he starting to believe will might be alive? Paul: I mean, he wants to so badly. I mean, I don't know, part of me thinks.... John: Part of you thinks what? Paul: I think that he's trying to use it as an excuse so he doesn't have to marry me. Sonny: That's not true. John: Hey, sonny. Listen, I'm gonna leave you two alone. If you guys need me for anything, give me a call, okay? Paul: Thanks, dad. Sonny: You can't really believe that I'm trying to skip out on marrying you. I just need answers, paul. Paul: I think the answer's simple. I think that the westons, they're trying to get revenge on everybody who loved will. Sonny: But we don't know that until we hear what clyde has to say. Paul: Did you talk to her about visiting clyde? Sonny: No, she got upset. Took off before I got my answer. [Dramatic music] Chloe: I ran into nicole in the square, and she asked me if I would watch holly for a bit 'cause she had someplace she had to be. That's all I know. [Phone ringing] Brady: Nicole? Nicole: Brady, hi. Brady: I'm so glad you called. My god, I've been worried sick. Nicole: I'm fine. Uh, so is holly. Brady: I know holly's fine, because chloe's here with her right now. She brought her home. Nicole: She did? Brady: Yeah, I don't understand why you left holly with chloe. Nicole: Chloe didn't say why? Brady: No. She just said that you had someplace to be. Nicole: I had an emergency. My brother. Brady: Brandon? He's all right? Nicole: Yes, it turned out to be a false alarm, but I had to drive to chicago, and my-- I don't know, my bluetooth wasn't working, and I didn't get all your messages until i got here. Brady: So, so brandon''s okay, is what you're saying. Nicole: Yes. I'll tell you all about it in the morning. I'm gonna stay the night in chicago. Brady: All right. Nic, I was--I was concerned that you were still upset about that argument we had about sonny. Nicole: It's not about sonny. Brady: Good. 'Cause nic, I don't--I don't want to fight with you anymore. Nicole: I don't want to fight either. I'll see you in the morning, okay? Brady: All right, I'll see you in the morning. And hey, I love you. Nicole: Me too. Goodnight. My god, I'm so terrible. I'm so terrible. Eric: I'm so sorry you had to lie to brady. But I am not sorry at all that you are here with me. Abigail: Yup. Chad: Mmm. Grilled cheese in bed-- life is good. Abigail: What do you think? You got your strength back? Chad: It might give me my strength back. Abigail: Well... [Laughs] Chad: I feel strong. I feel real strong! [Laughter] Sonny: You found lucas at will's grave? Kate: Yeah. [Sighs] So... for his sake, and yours, I am going to meet with clyde. Sonny: Thank you so much. I know how hard it is to sit down with clyde. Kate: I can't--I can't talk about it a lot. Or I'm gonna change my mind. But I will--I'll let you know as soon as it's done. [Dramatic music] Paul: I really hope that kate is able to get the answers you need. Sonny: It's the answers we need. Paul: Yeah. Sonny: And I want you to know that no matter what happens... I still love you. Paul: I love you too. Brady: I'm sorry for grilling you before. Chloe: Hey, it's--it's okay. You're worried about nicole. I get that. Brady: I just have to get that damn bluetooth in her car straightened out. Chloe: Yeah. So she's with brandon in chicago? Brady: Yeah, she's gonna spend the night up there tonight. Chloe: Cool. Um, you know, I should go. Brady: No, wait. Why bother? I'm wide awake. Why don't you hang out? We'll, uh, we'll catch up. Chloe: That sounds really great, but uh, I didn't actually have a chance to finish closing up doug's place properly, and if I don't, I'll catch hell from julie. Brady: Chloe, chloe. What's wrong? Chloe: [Stammering] What's wrong? Brady: I know you. You're jumpy. What's going on? Chloe: No, I'm just-- I'm trying to get off on the right foot with this whole business thing. I just want it to all be great. I'll talk to you later, okay? Brady: All right. Chloe: Goodnight. Goodnight. Night, night. Nicole: I hated lying to brady. But I was afraid if I went home, I wouldn't be able to hide what I was feeling. Eric: I'm glad you decided to stay tonight. Nicole: Being in your arms feels so right tonight. Eric: When we finally have to let go... Nicole: We'll worry about that in the morning. | Sonny told Chad and Abby what happened at the police station |
282 | Stephanie: Don't leave. Not like this. We can work through it. Ridge: How do you "work through" finding out that your own mother lied to you about who your father really is? Stephanie: You face it and you talk about it, but you don't walk out. Ridge: Oh, so now we do this together, huh? Where was all this togetherness when you were deciding to keep my paternity from me, huh? You know what, mother? You get what you give. Stephanie: What are you planning on doing, Ridge? Ridge: You mean am I gonna tell dad anything? [SCENE_BREAK] Catherine: Caught you. Thomas: Great. Thanks a lot. You just made me mess up. Catherine: Well, you shouldn't be playing video games anyway. You have a book report due in a couple days, remember? Have you finished the book yet? Thomas: Not yet. Catherine: Well, get cracking, mister. Thomas: Can't I do it some other time? Catherine: I thought you loved that book. Is it because Bridget's not here to read it to you? Thomas: Bridget who? Catherine: Mm. I've got to go check on Phoebe and Steffy in the bath, okay? Try to get through a few pages. [Doorbell rings] Thomas, will you answer that, please? Bridget: Took you long enough. Thomas: Bridget! [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: So she didn't go? Brooke: It seems like Los Angeles has something that Copenhagen doesn't. Rick: And what's that? Brooke: Not what, but who. I think Bridget has a mystery man in her life. Rick: I knew it. She was hinting about that at her going away party. So I guess C.J. Got her to stay, huh? Brooke: C.J.? Rick: Well, yeah, isn't that who she's been seeing? Brooke: Well, I got the impression that it might be somebody else. Rick: Well, she swore it wasn't Mark. Who else could it be? Brooke: I might have to have a certain brother do a little investigating. Rick: Oh, no, no, no. This is one Forrester who is smart enough not to get involved in his family's love life. Which is why I haven't asked you about that ring on your finger. Brooke: Subtle. Rick: Well? Brooke: Yes, Ridge gave it to me. Rick: And? Brooke: No. We're not engaged. Rick: Just going steady then, huh? Brooke: Going nowhere is more like it. I may have blown it with Ridge for good this time. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: Dad has a right to know the truth. Stephanie: The truth? The truth is, you are his son. And from the moment he heard your first heartbeat, he's done nothing but love you. Ridge: So I repay him by lying to his face? Is that what I'm supposed to do? Pretend everything's the same as it's always been? Stephanie: It is the same. Ridge: What's the same, mother? What is the same? My relationship with Bridget? Is that the same? How do I look at Thorne or Kristen or Felicia ever again the same way? What about Massimo? You don't think everything's gonna be different with him? I'm telling you, everything's gonna change. Everything is gonna change. Stephanie: You listen to me. No matter how much Massimo pressures you and no matter what you feel inside, you owe it not to tell your father about this. Ridge: I am not gonna perpetuate your lie. Stephanie: Didn't Portofino teach you anything? Are you so thick and so uncaring? Do you know what you mean to him? His whole world -- his whole world revolves around you, and you want to take that away from him just so you can unburden yourself? Ridge: Oh, don't you dare make me out to be the bad guy here. Dad's the one you're gonna have to answer to, mother. That's what you're really afraid of. Stephanie: No, it isn't. Ridge: All this talk about dad being so devastated -- all it is is you just trying to save your sorry image. That's more important than protecting him. Stephanie: You couldn't be more wrong. Ridge: You just don't want to see the look on his face when he knows the truth. You'd better prepare yourself, mother. Eric: Well, Ridge. This is a nice surprise to come home to. What are you doing here, son? [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: Wait until I tell Phoebe and Steffy that you're here. And dad. Bridget: Your dad already knows. Thomas: He does? Bridget: Yeah. He came to the airport and stopped me from going. Thomas: All right, dad. You're not going to change your mind and leave again, are you? Bridget: Not this time. This is where I want to be, Thomas. With all the people I love. And you're never gonna have to worry about my leaving again, okay? I'm here to stay. Massimo: You don't know how happy I am to hear you say that. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: I thought you were downtown. Eric: I was. But now that's all taken care of, and I can spend the rest of the day with my family. Ridge -- you didn't answer my question. What are you doing here? Ridge: Mother and I needed to talk. Stephanie: About Bridget. Ridge went to the airport and stopped her from going to Copenhagen. Eric: What, she's not going to accept the -- the scholarship? Anything to do with that anyway. Eric: I thought that was such a great opportunity for her. Ridge: That was mother's spin on it. Stephanie: It was the opportunity of a lifetime. Ridge: To further your agenda. Eric: Agenda? Ridge: Mother's been quietly planning Bridget's whole life. Actually, she's been planning all of our lives. Eric: What are you talking about? Ridge: You have no idea the amount of manipulation that's been going on behind our backs. Stephanie: Ridge -- Ridge: But mother's game is finally up. I'm not letting her get away with it any longer. [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: Come on, it can't be that bad. Brooke: If you could have seen how angry Ridge was. Rick: Ridge has been angry at you before. Brooke: Not like this. I did something that was very bad judgment, and he found out about it, and it destroyed all of his trust in me. Rick: No chance in getting it back? Brooke: You of all people know how difficult that is. I could spend every day for the next year telling him how things are going to be different and how I hate what I did as much as he does, but why should he believe me? I mean, I certainly wouldn't if I were him. Rick: Where'd she go? Brooke: Who? Rick: Brooke Logan. That feisty, never-say-die woman. I mean, the mother that I know and love is not a quitter. [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: Isn't it great about Bridget? Massimo: Oh, it's the best news I've heard in a long time. Thomas: I've got to tell Phoebe and Steffy. Massimo: Yeah, go ahead. Thomas: Hey, guys, you're not gonna believe this! Massimo: See what you've done already? Huh? By one simple act, you have turned that young man's life around. Bridget: Well, I'm glad I could help. I finally feel free enough to. Massimo: See, I knew it. Once you and Ridge started to express your feelings, things will be different. Bridget: Oh, they are. Massimo, you really did us a favor. I mean, telling Ridge that he and I aren't brother and sister just finally gave us the opportunity to talk and be honest about where we stood. Massimo: That's great. Bridget: And now we're absolutely sure that the two of us being in love is a huge joke. [SCENE_BREAK] Eric: All right, what's going on between you two? Why all the accusations? Ridge: They're completely justified. Stephanie: Obviously, Ridge and I have had a difference of opinion, but it's nothing that you have to concern yourself with. Eric: I don't like the way he's talking to you. Stephanie: You don't have to defend me here. Eric: Ridge, so what if your mother set up a scholarship that Bridget didn't want? Where's the manipulation in that? She thought she was doing something good. Ridge: Oh, that's the way she projects it to the rest of the world, but the truth is rather something else, isn't it, mother? Eric: What gives you the right to say that? Ridge: I have more right than you know. Eric: Why? She didn't wrong you. She didn't wrong anybody, as far as I can see. Ridge -- your mother has always had very strong opinions about the direction this family should take. Every person in this family. But it's because she loves us. We should be very thankful for everything she's done for this family. Ridge: If anyone has held this family together -- it's you. You've always stood by us, encouraged us, sacrificed for us -- loved us unconditionally, no matter what we did or who we were. You were always there for us. You're the best. You are the best father any person could ever want. Eric: Ridge -- what is it? What's wrong? What's this all about? Is this -- is this about losing Taylor and then Brooke, one right after another? Is that what this is? Ridge: It's gone. Everything that I feel I ever had is gone. Eric: No. No, it's not, son. You still have your family. Ridge: No, I don't. Eric: Yes you do. I'm not going anywhere. Your mother is not going anywhere. You children are -- is this about Thomas? Is this about him being the hospital? Is that what this is? Ridge? Ridge, talk to me. Tell me. Is this about seeing Thomas in that hospital bed and not knowing if he's gonna make it or not? Because I -- I understand. God, I don't know what it would be like if I had to lose one of my sons. Stephanie: Well, you don't have to do that, do you, right now? You don't have to worry about that. Does he, Ridge? It's been a long day. Why don't you go home and spend some time with your children? Ridge: Yeah. Eric: Go on. I'll -- I'll call you later. Say hi to the girls, and especially say hi to that grandson of mine. You tell him his grandpa will be over to see him real soon. Go on. [SCENE_BREAK] Massimo: So -- just like that, hmm? You have no romantic feelings for Ridge. Bridget: None. And he doesn't have any for me. Massimo: That's what he told you? Bridget: He said that he's been in love before, and that he knows the difference. And that our connection is about respect and trust and friendship. So do me a favor, Massimo. Give it up. Massimo: Now, Bridget, if I never mentioned a word about this again, it would still come up, you see, because those little voices that keep coming back to you, saying that you belong to Ridge, huh? There is nothing like truth to break through the strongest denial. Bridget: What difference does it make if I'm in denial? Which I'm not. Either way, Ridge isn't interested in me. Massimo: Ridge doesn't know what he wants. The poor man is confused. He's lost. His whole world has been turned upside-down. He needs direction, he needs help, he needs a woman who can help him find out what's important in life. Are you gonna deny him that? [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: I couldn't do it, Doc. I couldn't tell dad. What now, huh? What do I do now? [SCENE_BREAK] Bridget: Look, I am perfectly willing to help Ridge find his way. But if you're expecting some mutual attraction to come from that -- Massimo: All I'm asking is that you be involved in his life. Bridget: Somehow, I doubt that's all you're asking. Massimo: Look, Bridget, he needs you now more than ever, okay? Just imagine -- the man he's looked up to all his life, he suddenly finds out that he's not his father. The man is shattered. And what happens to Ridge when he's vulnerable? Bridget: He turns to my mother. Massimo: And she doesn't have it in her soul to help him through that. Oh, she'll cry a little bit, you know, and then -- but it all comes down to her, like it always has. And that's the reason why I turned to you, Bridget. To save him from your mother, from himself. Bridget: What are you asking me to do? Massimo: Go to him. Find him before Brooke does. Bridget: And what? What, tell him I'm the perfect woman for him? Massimo: Be the friend that you say you are. Ridge is at a crossroad. He needs help. You can show him the way back to his children, to his family. You know something? We're all counting on you. Brooke: So you think I'm a quitter, do you? [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: The old Brooke would have risen to the challenge. Brooke: And leave a wake of destruction behind her. Now, why would you want her back? Rick: It doesn't have to be all or nothing, mom. You can still go after what you want. Just don't come charging out of the gates without looking where you're going. Brooke: So you don't think I'll make things worse with Ridge? Rick: The guy loves you, mom. He wants to make this work. You've just got to give him a chance. Now, come on, Logan. What are you waiting for? Go find that old fool and knock some sense into him. [SCENE_BREAK] Eric: Maybe it's a good thing Bridget decided to stay. I mean, she and Ridge have gotten so close over the last few months, and I think maybe he couldn't have handled her leaving. Stephanie: He'll be fine. He's better than you realize. But I honestly think it was a mistake, Bridget not going. With those credentials, she could have gotten into any medical school in the world. Eric: Well, you know, where she is now isn't exactly small potatoes. Besides, Ridge wouldn't have been the only person to miss her had she left. All right, I admit it. I'm a doting father. Stephanie: Yes, you are. And if keeping your children in your life is what makes you happy, far be it from me to ever take one of them away. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: I Miss you so much, Taylor. I need your advice, your wisdom. I don't feel like I have anyone to talk to about any of this. No one to -- no one to talk to about how to handle anything. God knows I can't go to mother. And Brooke -- I just don't know if I can trust her. She betrayed her own daughter. My brothers, they have a stake in this. My sisters -- seems like everybody has something to lose. So who do I go to find out anything, and to get any answers? Hmm? Tell me, just who do I turn to? Just -- give me some kind of sign. That's all I'm asking. Just give me some kind of sign. [Ridge exhales] When she smiled at me she took my breath away. | Brooke admits that she may have blown it with Ridge for good this time |
283 | Jonathan: Hey, how's it going? Lizzie: Good. Sarah's mother has it all handled. She went down without a fuss. Jonathan: Good work. Lizzie: Thank you. Jonathan: What can I do? Lizzie: Marry me. Jonathan: Lizzie, we've been over this. Lizzie: No. I think I made the offer, and then you started to hyperventilate. Jonathan: You know that I'm very happy to be a part of Sarah's life, and last night, things almost got crazy. Lizzie: Yeah. Jonathan: But it stopped for the same reason that it's always going to stop. It's... Lizzie: Tammy. I know that. She was my friend, too. I really miss her. Jonathan: Don't compare. Lizzie: I'm not comparing, okay? I'm alive. Sarah is alive. And if you let yourself, you're alive, too. We can just be a family. Jonathan: What, do you think I don't want that? Anything that keeps Sarah away from Alan? Lizzie: Then what's stopping you? And stop blaming it all on Tammy. Jonathan: I don't. You pulled away last night, too, and it wasn't Tammy that you were thinking about. It was Bill. [SCENE_BREAK] Bill: I feel the same way about my car. Alan: Well, cars are made out of metal, glass, rubber. But this is... this is my baby's crib. Bill: Yes, it is. I heard about all the fun at the baptism. Beth's baby-- yours, huh? Alan: Yeah, yeah. I think my daughter is going to like this crib, don't you? Bill: More than Rick will. Is Beth back? Alan: No, but she will be. Bill: So you've got a lot going on for you these days. Maybe it's time to share the wealth? Alan: Meaning? Bill: Meaning our deal. I told you that Jonathan and Sarah were alive, and in exchange... Alan: Of course I think we could do some very good deals between Lewis and Spaulding, but Elizabeth can't know anything about it. Bill: You don't think she would like it? Alan: Well, I'm planning on bringing Sarah back into the fold, and the less her mother knows, the better. [SCENE_BREAK] (Knocks on the door) Olivia: She's not here. She died. Natalia: Not yet. Olivia: Well, if it isn't the soup lady. Did you bring me more soup? Natalia: No soup today. Olivia: That's too bad. That was good soup. Not the "I'm sorry you lost your heart transplant" kind of good, but it wasn't bad. Natalia: I told you, I would give you my heart if I could. Olivia: What makes you think I'd take it? I know where it's been. Natalia: So, I'm giving you the next best thing, something that will make you stay alive. I'm giving you Gus. [SCENE_BREAK] Lizzie: Do you think she's cold? They said that it's too soon... Jonathan: Anything to avoid what I'm talking to you about. Lizzie: Listen to me, okay? I already told you, whatever I had with Bill, I am over it. Jonathan: Like the chicken pox? Lizzie: They just make you break out. Bill makes you crazy. Jonathan: Well, I don't need to hear about it, and Sarah doesn't need that in her life. Lizzie: I know she doesn't. I want to give her a solid, stable, sensible life. I do. Jonathan: Stable and sensible-- that sounds just like us. Lizzie: I'm not going to screw it up for anybody. And when she wakes up, I am taking her to go see my mom and the baby. Jonathan: Well, then I'll go with you. Lizzie: No. No, no, no, no. You don't have to be around Sarah 24/7. You don't. Jonathan: I've done it for an entire year. She might as well be attached to me. Lizzie: You have to trust us. I trust you. Jonathan: All right. If Alan so much as shows his shadow... Lizzie: Relax, relax. Read a book. Go see a movie. Do whatever you want. You're a free man. Go, go, go! Go. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: You know, if this is some kind of a trick, some way of getting my hopes up just to send me crashing, it's not funny. Natalia: I wouldn't do that to you. Olivia: Says the woman who locked me in the bathroom. Natalia: I stayed up all night last night, thinking about what you said, how I owed you a second chance at life. And you're right. Olivia: You would do that for me? Natalia: Not just for you. All I've ever wanted was to marry Gus. And now, the way it started, it's ruined. Olivia: No. You could fix it. Natalia: Even if I could fix it, I'm not sure that I deserve him. Olivia: Deserve him? What kind of woman are you? Natalia: I'm the kind of woman who believes she should pay for her mistakes. Olivia: If I had to pay for all of the mistakes I've made, I would be broke by now. Natalia: You know, I'll always love him, and he will come back to me. Olivia: I have to tell you, if you're willing to do this, I'm going to do everything in my power to live. I'm going to... not only will I have my daughters, but I'll have something else to live for. Natalia: I know. I understand. Olivia: Yeah? You're willing to do it? Natalia: I couldn't live with myself if I didn't make this choice. Olivia: Thank you! I know what you're giving up. I swear I know what this is costing you. Natalia: Do you? Olivia: Yeah. It's a good decision. And it's easy for me to say, but honestly, I feel like I can breathe, like I'm lighter, like I'm hopeful. And whatever time I have left... Natalia: Olivia... Olivia: No. Did you know it's a leap year? It's an extra day in February. That's maybe March and April... Natalia: Olivia, I didn't tell Gus yet. So just because I'm sending you to him doesn't mean he'll go. [SCENE_BREAK] Bill: Lizzie! Lizzie, come on. I need one second... Lizzie: What are you doing here? Is a simple, quiet, uncomplicated walk with my daughter too much to ask for? Bill: Well, for your information, I cruise this park on a daily basis looking for hotties, okay? Lizzie: Do not wake her up! Besides, she's not supposed to talk to strangers. Bill: Strangers? Since when am I a stranger? Lizzie: Since you told my granddad that her and Jonathan were alive. Bill: Okay, look, I know you don't understand this, but I did it to protect you. Lizzie: Or to win points with Spaulding Enterprises? Has he paid you off yet? Bill: Okay. I'm going into business with your grandfather. Lizzie: Oh, I'm shocked. Bill: Okay? Lizzie: Shocked. Bill: See, now, he told me not to tell you. Lizzie: But since you're such an honest and upfront kind of guy, right? Bill: No, I'm an opportunist, but you can't build an empire without making friends. Lizzie: Or enemies. See ya. Bill: Lizzie, listen to me. I am not your enemy, okay? Lizzie: Mm-hmm. Bill: What I do with Great-grandpop is strictly business. Yes, I will be working with the man, but I will also be keeping tabs on him. Can you think of a better way to protect your mama? [SCENE_BREAK] Waitress: Hey. Aren't you... Jonathan: Yeah. Everybody says I look just like him. Could I have a beer? Ava: Hey. Jonathan: Hey. Ava: Everybody needs a cocktail waitress. Jonathan: Hey, you. Ava: How are you? Jonathan: I'm good. Ava: Good. Wow, look at you, alive and kicking. Jonathan: Yeah. Well, death was the easy part. Fooling Alan was the hard part. Ava: Yeah, yeah. Working for Alan, I believe that. Well, come on, give me another hug. Come on. I haven't really, actually ever hugged an official dead guy before, but you look great. Jonathan: You look amazing. Ava: Thanks. Jonathan: So no more waitressing for you, huh? Ava: No. Waitress: What's wrong with being a waitress? Ava: Nothing. He actually gave me my first job as a waitress at Outskirts. Waitress: Consider this my application. Ava: You're such a tiger. What did I say? Jonathan: Hmm. It's just Outskirts-- you know, so many memories. Ava: Well, you're going to stay around, right? You're not going to pull another vanishing act? Jonathan: I'm just getting used to showing my face in public. Ava: Ooh, Lewis Construction. They're hiring. You could one of the crew guys. You could be anonymous. Jonathan: No. I'm not working for Bill Lewis. Ava: Aw, he's not that bad. Jonathan: You, too? Ava: Come on, we're just friends in a biblical sort of way. Jonathan: Oh, come on! Ava: Shut up! Anyways, you're not even going to see him or work with him, not after today. Jonathan: What's today? Ava: He's having a big meeting, he and Alan, and the way Bill tells it, they're going to be partners. Jonathan: Really? Well, what else does Bill say? [SCENE_BREAK] Gus: Hey. Can we just say that this fight is over, please? Natalia: Gus... Gus: I'm asking you, please. This is not a way to start a honeymoon. What are you doing in the next two minutes? Natalia: I can't just... Gus: What, you can't forgive me? I'm sorry. I'm sorry I overreacted. Natalia: No, you did not overreact. What I did to Olivia... Gus: You're just human. You thought she was going to ruin our wedding. I get it. I get it. Natalia: It doesn't matter what I thought. She was waiting for a transplant, and now, because of me... Gus: Okay, but I know you didn't mean to hurt her or prevent her from getting well. Okay? Natalia: Gus... Gus: Please. Look, let me just... let me make some dinner plans, okay? I'll make us some dinner plans, and we'll have a couple of drinks, come home. We'll light some candles. I've got some menus around here. We can even order in if you... this is not supposed to be making you miserable. This is... I'm trying to... I'm trying to fix this. Natalia: There is not going to be a wedding night or any other night. Gus: Can we just please just drop this fight? It's over. Just... Natalia: No. We're over. We're over. Gus: Natalia. Natalia! [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Okay, nothing but good news today, Doctor. Just tell me that my heart has never sounded better. Doctor: Your attitude is awfully better. Olivia: Yeah, well, that's half of it, right? Staying upbeat till the heart comes along? Doctor: You were ready to quit. What changed? Olivia: Everything changed, I hope. So where do I stand? Doctor: Well, I can put you back on top of the list, but given the circumstances... Alan: Excuse me, Doctor. I just wanted to share the good news. It's a girl! Doctor: Mr. Spaulding, please. Alan: I just wanted to... excuse me, ma'am. I just wanted to say that I'm a father again, and I wanted to make sure that if I'm going to run around and play horsey and fly kites that my heart is in tip-top shape. Doctor: I'll be with you in a moment. Alan: Excuse me again, ma'am. I'll leave this right over here, Doctor. Well, Olivia... Olivia: Alan. So I'll tell my friend to make an appointment. Thank you so much. I heard about you and Beth. Congratulations. Alan: Thank you. Thank you. We're real excited. It's a miracle, if you believe in those kind of things. Olivia: I'm learning. Doctor: Since you know each other, I'll be back in a moment. Alan: So who is this friend of yours? Olivia: Just someone looking for a doctor. Alan: Well, Dr. Mehgan is not just a doctor. He's one of the top cardiologists in the country. Olivia: I know. Alan: Yeah. Olivia: I know that. And I should be going. It was good to see you. Alan: Before you go, is the name of this friend Olivia Spencer? [SCENE_BREAK] Lizzie: We've got to go. Bill: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Why don't you stick around, and I take Sarah down the slide. Or you two can watch me go down the slide. Lizzie: I can't. Bill: Come on. If this little girl does not get a "How to slide down the slide backwards" demonstration, how is she going to learn to take chances in life? Lizzie: Some chances are too risky. Bill: No risk, no reward. Lizzie: Not in front of you-know-who. Bill: Listen to me. You-know-who needs to see Mommy happy. Lizzie: Every time you make her mommy happy, it's an invitation make her miserable. Bill: Okay. I'm taking over from here. Come on, little girl. Let's show mama how it's done. Jonathan: Bill! Get away from my daughter! Lizzie: Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, it's okay. Daddy and Uncle Bill are just playing a game. Jonathan: "Uncle Bill"? Bill: That's right. The girl needs someone she can count on, not someone who's going to cut and run. Lizzie, I've got to go. Lizzie: Okay. Bill: I'm busy. Jonathan: Busy? Bill: Yeah. Jonathan: Yeah, you are busy. You've been really busy. Did you tell Lizzie? Lizzie: Tell me what? Jonathan: Remember Alan, your grandfather, who killed Tammy, tried to kill me, and made me and Sarah disappear-- that Alan? Lizzie: You are upsetting her, Jonathan. Jonathan: No. I'm protecting her from him. Maybe you have your tongue too far down his throat to realize that. Does he care about what happens to me and Sarah? No. He's doing business with Alan. Lizzie: I know. He told me. Bill: Yes, I told her, because unlike you, I don't need to hide. Jonathan: Well, I never said you were stupid. You sell us out to Alan, and then you volunteer the information. Bill: I didn't sell you out. I did what is best for Lizzie and Sarah and, yes, me. Sorry that doesn't include you. Jonathan: No, what's best for Lizzie and Sarah is for you to get the hell out of here. Lizzie: Can we stop this? Seriously. Bill: First of all, okay, she doesn't belong to you. Maybe you forgot that while you were dead. In fact, you should have stayed dead. Jonathan: You almost got your way when you sold me out to Alan. Bill: Oh, I'll tell you something, I don't need to do anything because you're going to self-destruct... Lizzie: Okay, that's it. That's it! Stop! For Sarah's sake at least, can we please stop? Jonathan, you need to understand that's business. Jonathan: Oh, give me a break! Bill: No, that's the truth! Jonathan: It's the truth? Bill: Yeah. Jonathan: Maybe in your little brain it's the truth. You throw in with Alan, he owns you. Bill: See, no, not me. Jonathan: We'll see about that. Bill: Mm-hmm. Jonathan: Excuse me. Excuse me. Bill: In front of your daughter-- that's real nice. Jonathan: Lizzie, are you coming? Bill: Lizzie. Hey, you... [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Okay. Alan: Well, I see your name here on a potential transplant list... Olivia: Donor-- I'm there as a donor. In case somebody should happen to me, somebody gets my heart. Alan: Olivia, I can read. It says you are a recipient, not a donor. Olivia: All right. Yeah, I'm waiting... I'm waiting for a heart. I have been for a while. I would have had one last week, but... go, Alan. Talk. I'm sure you're just thrilled that you're going to outlive me. Alan: What did the doctors say? Olivia: The short version is I've got a bad heart, and if it don't get a new one... Alan: I'm so sorry. Why didn't you tell me this? Olivia: Are you kidding? You've wanted a new child in your life for so long, you would have seized this opportunity to get your hands on Emma. Alan: That is not fair. I would have done everything in my power to ensure that you got the best care possible, and then I would put my hands on Emma. Olivia: Well, at least you're honest. But, hey, you have your own new baby now, right? Alan: Yeah. It's a blessing. Well, so is Emma. Now, without sounding morbid... Olivia: Oh, pipe down, boy. I'm not dead yet. Alan: Now, that is the fighting spirit, even if your name isn't high on this list. Olivia: Well, that can change. There are a lot of things that are changing for the better in my life right now. Alan: When I hear you talk like that, it usually means there is a man in your life. Someone I know? [SCENE_BREAK] Natalia: We're over. I'm out of the house. This is my room. I paid for this room. Gus: You know what's really sad? We've been married for a couple of days, and you're just willing to call it off? What does that say for you? Natalia: You think this is easy? This is right up there with having your baby without you. Gus: Well, that... that wasn't my choice, was it? Natalia: Oh, your choice was to leave me by myself with no way to find you. Gus: That's not fair. Natalia: I'm making a choice now. I choose to live without you. Rafe can stay at the house with you. Gus: Your problem is, we're never going to agree on this subject because you're jealous. And it's pathetic, anyway. We've been married, and we haven't even slept together since we weren't supposed to be sleeping together. Natalia: Yeah, yeah, I'm very aware of that. But there's no time now, because I'm sure Olivia will be calling soon, and then you'll go running, as usual. And you should, because you obviously want to be with her. Gus: Does it always come down to this? How many times do I have to tell you, I don't want to be with her! I want to be with you! I'm in love with you! This is stupid. Natalia: Is it stupid? She just told me that you are the one thing that can keep her alive until she gets another shot at a new heart. I don't know, maybe there is a... when there is a death sentence hanging over your head, like Olivia has, it makes you act like a crazy person. But this is really all my fault. It's my fault she lost out on her one chance because of my selfishness an my insecurity and my jealousy. There, I said it. Gus: I didn't help out very much in that department, the jealousy thing. I mean, I've been all over town trying to help her out, you know, and I didn't realize that that doesn't look very good, and I'm sorry. And I don't blame you. I don't. Natalia: Well, I blame myself. And now I have to do everything I can to make sure that I can make up for what I've done. Gus: Why? Is it because I made you jealous, or is it... are you feeling guilty because of the religion thing? I don't... Natalia: I feel like I have taken her entire life away from her. I have to give that back, even if that means I have to give you up. Gus: What are you saying? Natalia: Can you please just go? You go to her. You go take care of her. Gus: Stop, please. Please. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Well, now that you know, you can call someone and get me to the top of the list. Alan: Olivia, I can't just snap my fingers and... Olivia: Can't or won't? It's kind of a rotten way to get a granddaughter, even for you, Alan. Alan: Olivia, we have a history, and I will do everything in my power to help you out. Olivia: Thank you. Alan: After all, you're Emma's mother. Olivia: Yeah. About Emma-- don't think that she'll be your responsibility. Alan: Responsibility? She's not my responsibility. She's a part of me, just like Sarah is. Olivia: Yeah, and Sarah is back, and you have your own child now. Alan: Yes, I do. Just think, a few days ago, I had no love, no future, no hope in my life. And now... Olivia: I'm happy for you. I'm really happy for you. What I'm trying to say is, Emma won't be yours, Alan. She will never be yours. Alan: Olivia, I'm sorry, but if something happens to you, who else could take care of her? Olivia: Gus. Gus will take care of her. Alan: Gus? Natalia's Gus? Olivia: Gus is her uncle, and he's a part of my life now, and one day, hopefully, he'll be more. Alan: Why don't we just sit down and let's talk about this? Olivia: No. Don't tell me to sit down. I don't want to sit down. I don't want to explain my life. I don't want to give up my little girl, and I don't want to die before my time. Alan: Olivia, I think that we should talk about this when you're calmer or comatose, whichever comes first. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalia: I gave my word. Gus: I've got to get you a real honeymoon. How do you feel about Paris? We'll both take a little time off. They'll definitely let you out of the Beacon. You're the best thing that's ever happened to the Beacon. Natalia: Gus, I gave Olivia my word. Gus: Your word that what? Natalia: That you would be there for her, without me. Gus: Well, you're not obligated to her. Natalia: Yes, I am. Gus: No. Natalia: I am. Gus: No, you're not. You're not. You're my wife now. Natalia: I love being your wife. And if we're supposed to be together forever, then we will be. But Olivia doesn't have that kind of time. I can't be happy-- and we can't be happy-- if we know that her last days are misery. She needs someone that can take her hand and tell her she's beautiful, and hold her when she's scared. I'm not sending you to sleep with her, because if you did, I would have to kill you. But if we can let her think that she has you... Gus: Wait. What are we... what are we saying here? What are we setting up-- that I'm going to go spend some alone time with Olivia? I mean, she is family, and Emma is my niece, but how long do you want this to go on for? Natalia: You just do it. You do it for them. Do it for me. Gus: Are you sure about this? Natalia: I think that we could have this beautiful future together, but I think we need to make a clean start. Something brought us back together, you know, and now I feel like you've given me faith that we can actually get through this. We can survive this. Gus: You don't feel like you're kind of like loaning out the lawn mower or something? Natalia: Yes. I'm loaning out my lawn mower. But you don't have to go right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: Well, those numbers, they sound great to me, but Mr. Spaulding is definitely going to want to see a projection. Fax it to me. My next meeting is here. Bye. So, are we rich yet? Bill: (Laughing) Good to see you, too, Ava. Ava: Oh, come on, come on, come on, come one. Tell me what happened. How did it go? Bill: Well, he likes me. He really does like me. Ava: Well, I like you, too, but I haven't made you a zillionaire yet. Bill: Well, I think Alan is going to be so busy trying to be the world's greatest dad that he needs someone to take over the new Spaulding project, so... Ava: Like little old you? Bill: Like little old me, yes, indeed. Ava: That's great! Congratulations! Come on, we have to celebrate. Bill: You know what? We do. But just not right now. Ava: Well, there is no time like now. Your place or my place, or right here on the table? Bill: Ava, I love everything you're offering, believe me. Ava: Aw, I bet you say that to all of the girls, right? Bill: Mm, well, I'm busy right now, okay? Ava: Excuse me? Bill: Really. Like, Alan wants me to hit the ground running, and so I told him I would get right to work. But I'll call you, okay? Ava: "You'll call me"? Bill: Yeah. Ava: "You'll call me"? Like some girl you met at Farley's, you'll call me? That kind of "call me"? Bill: No, no, no. Not that. But I mean, you have a phone, right? Ava: Yeah, I have a phone. And now my number is unlisted. Bill: Don't take it that way. Waitress: I get off at 5:00. [SCENE_BREAK] Lizzie: You act like I am some sort of dainty little thing that you need to protect. And when it comes to Bill, trust me, my eyes are wide open. Jonathan: And what do you see? Lizzie: I see a guy who likes kids, who is trying to prove himself to his dad... Jonathan: I see a user. Lizzie: Look who's talking. When you came back to Springfield, please! You were ready to destroy anyone. It didn't matter-- family, friends... Jonathan: At least I was up front about it. Bill turns on the charm, and he's got you like a little fish on a hook. He can use you for whatever he wants you for. Lizzie: That's great. And I'm just bait. That's awesome. Thank you. Jonathan: Lizzie, open your eyes. He tells Alan about me and Sarah, which puts us in danger. The next thing that happens, Alan throws business his way? Lizzie: Is that what's bothering you? Or is it that I like spending time with him, and that Sarah likes it, too? Jonathan: Yeah, well, I'm not letting you or Sarah fall for any more of his crap. Lizzie: You know, you really shouldn't underestimate children. They have a sixth sense. Jonathan: Well, if you're not smart enough to put distance between you and Bill, I will. Lizzie: How do you propose to do that? Jonathan: You're the one that proposed it. But I say we do it. Will you marry me? [SCENE_BREAK] Gus: Hey, can I come in? Olivia: Yeah. Do you want something? Anything? Gus: No, no, no. I'm not here to talk about what I want or don't want. Olivia: Did Natalia... Gus: Natalia moved out. Olivia: She didn't... she didn't explain? She didn't say anything? Gus: We're taking a little hiatus. Olivia: Oh. I'm sorry. I know that this is hard... Gus: No. It's okay. Olivia: Listen. I'm not going to lie. I need you, especially now that Alan is... Gus: Alan is what? Olivia: He knows about my condition. He was almost smacking his lips. I'm sure he's already planning Emma's sweet 16 and her first year of Princeton. Gus: All right. All right. Olivia: No. You know how I feel. He can't get his hands on her. No matter what happens to me... Gus: He's not going to go anywhere near her, and he's not going to go and do anything to you, okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe: Hey, I was looking for you, Mom. Natalia: I'm not hard to find. You okay? Rafe: I'm fine. It's you and Gus I'm worried about. Natalia: That's between me and your father. Don't you have class? Rafe: Why are you blowing me off? Natalia: I'm not. I'm not. I just... you have your own stuff to worry about, right? So you don't have to worry about fighting my battles for me. Rafe: See, so you are fighting, then. Natalia: No, not anymore. Rafe: So everything is good? Natalia: Everything is complicated. Rafe: Yeah, that's what Gus said. What does that mean? Natalia: It means... I have so much work to do, and you have to go to school. So come on, move it. Let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] (Opera music playing in background) Alan: Hello, my little ladies. You know, a few months ago this house was like a tomb, but you three angels have brought wonderful energy, laughter, squeals, music, and I just love having you here. And I love each of you. I love you, Emma; you, Sarah; and you, Bernadette, for now. You know, Phillip, you were right: Money can buy almost anything, even happiness, but it can't buy immortality. But with a family, the right family, a man may just live forever. [SCENE_BREAK] Bill: Oh, my goodness, my goodness, who are these people, Jonathan? Who are these people? I mean, how many biker bars can one guy have on his phone? I mean, what a loser. I don't know, maybe I missed something, maybe. I mean, really. Aubrey? I mean, is that a first name or a last name? Where is that area code? Gwen, do you have a phone book back there? Thank you. Thank you. California. That's a start. Hello, operator. I have this area code, but I'm not sure exactly where in California I'm calling. Ah, thank you. Oh, by the way, you have a very sexy voice. [SCENE_BREAK] Lizzie: So is this the part where snowballs start flying at me, and you yell, "gotcha"? Jonathan: You think I would joke about something like that, with our daughter sitting right there? Lizzie: Why now? Why didn't you take me up on my offer before? Jonathan: Gee, I don't know, Lizzie. The thought of getting married again took a little getting used to. Lizzie: I think that it's because of Bill. You saw him playing with me and Sarah, and you didn't like it. Jonathan: Duh. Lizzie: Well, "duh" doesn't do it. Are you being jealous or just territorial? You don't want another guy poaching on your territory? Jonathan: Which answer gets me a yes? Lizzie: Don't go overboard on the romance. Jonathan: Come on, Lizzie, I'm the father of your kid. We made her when we were angry and loaded, and nobody else wanted us, so let's be real. Lizzie: Look how she turned out. Jonathan: Well, who said something good can't come from something bad. Lizzie: She really is beautiful. Jonathan: Well, she takes after her mom. Lizzie: But she's got a lot of her dad in her, too. Jonathan: (Laughing) Yeah, well, maybe the truth is, we're better together than we are apart. Lizzie: We really have to work on it. It's time. Jonathan: I will-- if you will. Lizzie: Wow, that sounds like a vow. Jonathan: So... is that a yes? Lizzie: Excuse me. I need to check with my people. Sarah, your daddy would like me to marry him. How do you feel about that? It's unanimous. Yes! (Music playing) [NEXT_ON] Reva: I thought it was your dream to be a minister. She was out of her head with grief when she switched those paternity tests. Man: You're suspended indefinitely. Cassie: I want my family, so I'll do this. Will: You shouldn't be taking me to that school. | Natalia says she makes mistakes and pays for them |
284 | Maggie: Well, it's about time you got home. Mickey: Maggie, what in the world? What's all this? Maggie: Well, it was supposed to be our romantic anniversary dinner. But since you've spent the night bailing Billie out of jail, it is our romantic anniversary breakfast. Mickey: Oh, God, I, um, I feel terrible. Here you went to all this trouble, and not only did I miss our date, but I, um, I didn't get you anything for our anniversary. Maggie: There's only one thing I want from you, Mickey. And that's for you to make me your wife again. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Why don't you just give me the damn drugs?! The damn drugs! Drugs! John: Oh, my God, what's happening to me? My own son... how do I get through this, Doc? How am I gonna make it without you? Kate: Brady, hi. Brady: Hey, Kate. How are you doing? God, you look great. Kate: Oh, thank you. Brady: How's he doing? Kate: He had a rough night. So I gave him a little something so he could sleep. Brady: Look, I appreciate you looking after my dad like this. God knows he won't take any help from me. Kate: Maybe you're just too close. Brady: Maybe. Kate: I hate to leave him like this right now. Brady: Look, your son's getting married. Even though I'm not his favorite person, I can watch my father for a few hours. So, go, have a good time, and wish Lucas luck. He's gonna need it. Kate: Oh, believe me, I'm sure everything's going to turn out for the best. [SCENE_BREAK] Will: Dad, check it out. I got my shoes all shined the way you showed me. I just need some help with the tie, and I -- but you're not ready at all. Dad, what are you doing? It's the big day. You and mom are finally getting married. You don't wanna be late, do you? Let's go. Lucas: Buddy, come sit down, there's something I gotta tell you. Will: No, there's no time to sit down. You need to get ready for the wedding. Lucas: That's what I'm trying to tell you. There isn't gonna be any wedding. Your mother and I aren't getting married. [SCENE_BREAK] [Doorbell rings] Lexie: Who could that be? Brandon. What are you doing here? You're supposed to be lying low outside of town till after the wedding. Brandon: Plans have changed. The wedding's off. Lexie: Oh, no. What the hell did Sami do now? Sami: This can't be happening. Not again. This was supposed to be my wedding day... the happiest day of my life. Lucas: Welcome home, Mrs. Roberts -- our home. We're officially husband and wife. Sami: I just can't believe it. Finally, a wedding day that didn't end in disaster. Kate: Not so fast. Sami's been cheating on you, Lucas. Lucas: What? Brandon: Samantha. Hey, when are you coming back to bed? Lucas: Sami, how could you do this? Sami: This is all Kate's fault. I know it is. Well, she is not going to get away with it. I am getting married today, and there's nothing Kate can do to stop it. [SCENE_BREAK] Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives. [SCENE_BREAK] Brandon: I think we were set up. Lexie: Set up? Brandon: Yeah, it seems, uh, Samantha's tele-psychic told her where I was. Lexie: Well, that's just amazing. You know, I mean, my mother isn't even that good. Brandon: Yeah, that's what I'm saying. The whole thing is very suspicious. Lexie: You think? Brandon, she went to your hotel room the night before her wedding. She can't stay away from you. This is unbelievable. Brandon: Wait, there's more. Samantha also says that she got the maid to let her in my room last night, only the only maid on duty denies ever seeing her. Lexie: Well, don't you know how she got into your room? Brandon: No, I don't. I must have been asleep. When I woke up... Lexie: When you woke up what? Brandon: She was there, in bed with me. Lexie: Oh, no. Brandon: Yeah, we were both naked. Lexie: Oh, no. Brandon: There was an empty bottle of champagne on the floor, only I don't know how that got there either. Lexie: Well, I think I know. Brandon: No, Samantha insists that she didn't know anything about it or anything else that happened in the room after she came. Lexie: Brandon, how is that possible? Brandon: I don't know. Like I said, it had to have been some kind of a setup. Lexie: Yeah, it was a setup. Sami set it up, Brandon. She's obsessed with you. She's never gotten over you leaving her, and having your marriage annulled. Goodness, that -- that woman will never learn. She is her own worst enemy. She will always be poison to any man who ever gets involved with her. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: That's it. I am not gonna lose Lucas. That's all there is to it. I just have to find a way to convince him that I'm innocent. Lucas: Sami, answer me. How could you do this? I thought you loved me. Sami: I do. Lucas, I do. You have to believe me. Kate set me up. I'm innocent. I swear to you, Lucas, I'm innocent. Somehow I will find a way to make him believe me. And then, Kate will be the one crying because Lucas and I are going to get married exactly as we planned. Look at that, I'm all prepared. I have my something old -- grandma Caroline's broach. My something new -- the pearls that Lucas got me. The something borrowed -- Will's lucky rabbit foot. And something blue. So, I'm ready. I'm going to have the most wonderful wedding in the entire world. [SCENE_BREAK] Will: What happened? Did mom do something to mess it up again like she always does? Lucas: Buddy, uh, let's just say that, uh, things didn't work out the way I hoped. Will: Dad, tell me the truth. I can take it. What did she do? Lucas: All right, I'm gonna tell you because you deserve to know. Last night, your mom, uh, she went to see Brandon. Will: Oh, no. What's wrong with her, dad? Why does she do this? It's like she's cursed or something. Lucas: I don't know, buddy. I wish I had an answer for you, but I just don't know. Will: We're never gonna be a real family, now are we? Not ever. Lucas: Come on, don't say that. [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: Well, please tell Sami and Lucas my dad and I wish we were there, even though Sami doesn't want us there anyway. Kate: Well, she should be grateful that you're here taking care of her step dad. Brady: Who I still think should be in rehab. Kate: Brady, and I still think that we can take care of him here. I mean, John wouldn't want everyone to know that he was going into rehab -- his family and his employees -- that would just kill him. Brady: But think about what happened last night, Kate. That could happen again. He could sneak out of here and score drugs. Kate: No, but that only happened because we had an incompetent nurse, and now she's gone. Brady: But it was so easy for him to do. Think about it. Kate: But the important thing is you stopped him. You stopped him before he shot up again. Brady: Well, I didn't like the way I had to stop him. Kate: I know you didn't. Brady: I'm gonna go up and check on him. Have a good time. Kate: Okay, great. I'm gonna get going now. [SCENE_BREAK] Eugenia: Okay, so, what's happening? Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sor-- oh, my God. You're dressed for the wedding. Something went wrong. Kate: Oh, would you relax? This is all just for show. It has to appear as if I think the wedding's going on, doesn't it? Eugenia: Oh, right. Kate: But believe me, the wedding is never going to happen. Eugenia: I just had to know what was going on, okay? So have you talked to Lucas? Kate: Oh, what did I just tell you? I can't make him suspicious. He has to think that I know nothing about this. Eugenia: So how are we gonna find out what's going on? Kate: I'm going to his apartment right now. I'm gonna wish my son good luck on his wedding day. Hopefully, he'll tell me that the wedding is cancelled, and then I'll act all horrified and shocked. Eugenia: Even though you'll be jumping for joy inside. But I have just one question. What if Sami puts two and two together, and figures out that you're the one that set her up? You could end up losing your son and your grandson forever. [SCENE_BREAK] Mickey: Maggie, you know that I am legally married to Bonnie. Maggie: Don't remind me. Mickey: But for now, that's how we've worked things out. You and Bonnie and I will live platonically in this house until we figure out what to do. Maggie: I know what to do. Mickey: Sweetheart, I know this isn't easy for you, but it isn't easy for me either, nor for Bonnie. But at least I was able to negotiate a deal with her so that she would give us some time alone together. Maggie: Mm-hmm. And I plan to take full advantage of that. Mm-hmm. That's no more mention of Bonnie, okay? Let's celebrate. How 'bout a mimosa? I know they were always your favorite. Mickey: Mimosa? But Maggie, you're not -- Maggie: Mine is just orange juice with just a splash of club soda for bubbles. Mickey: Hmm. And, lady, you wouldn't be trying to get me intoxicated, would you? Maggie: Mm, my Mickey Horton, perish the thought. Mickey: Well, it's a very sweet gesture nevertheless. So, Happy Anniversary, Red. Maggie: Happy Anniversary, darling. Mickey: Mmm. That's good. You know, I'm really sorry that Billie's arrest got in the way of our celebration last night. Maggie: Well, you know, that's the way it is. It couldn't be helped. I'm just concerned about Bo and Hope. He promised her that he wouldn't go running after Billie to rescue her, and there he was in the middle of the night. Mickey: But it was a very unusual circumstance, and besides, I'm sure that Hope will understand eventually, and they'll be fine. Maggie: Yeah. Yeah, because nothing could ever come between them -- not Billie, not anyone. Mickey: What's wrong, Maggie? Maggie: I just was gonna say that nothing could ever come between them because they have the kind of marriage and the kind of love that will last forever. Mickey: Well, why should that make you cry? Maggie: Because that's what everybody used to say about us and our marriage -- that no one and nobody could ever break us up. I'm sorry, I'm spoiling the mood. Come here, I wanna remind you why, okay? I want you to sit down here, okay? And I want you to close your eyes. Mickey: Close my eyes? What for? Maggie: Because I have a surprise. Mickey: All right. Are they closed? Mickey: Mm-hmm. Maggie: Okay. Mickey: My eyes are closed. So, what's the surprise? Maggie: You'll see. [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: How you feeling? John: I have been better. Brady: It hurts me to see you this way, dad, in so much pain. John: You mean it hurts you to see your old man as a pathetic desperate junkie. It's what I am. Brady: I know you don't wanna go to rehab, so I'm not gonna force you to do so. John: Thanks. Brady: Kate seems to think you can get all the help you need right here. John: I gotta ride this out on my own, no one can help me. Brady: I think you're wrong. I've done a lot of research, dad, on the internet about drugs, drug addiction, 12-step programs, you know. They all seem to agree on one thing -- you need overwhelming support, dad, from friends, family, a sponsor, whoever. You need somebody here at all times to help you through this. John: There's only one person who can help me, Brady, and she's gone. Brady: Marlena is gone, but your kids are still here -- me and Belle. John: No, Belle doesn't know anything about this, and I wanna keep it that way. She's got enough to worry about now that Philip's gone off to war. Brady: Fine. John: Fine. Brady: Dad, we need to talk about last night. I feel terrible about -- John: Well, don't. It's not your fault. It's all me. Brady: Look at me. None of this is you. It's these drugs. It's the addiction. They're turning you into another person, dad. But you're still my father. And I had no right to raise a hand at you. John: Well, forget about it. It's over, kid. It's all behind us. Brady: No, it's not over, and it's not gonna be behind us until we settle this. John: And how are you gonna settle it? Brady: I would feel a whole lot better if you punched me back. That's right. Right here. Give me your best shot. I deserve it. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: How the hell could Kate have gotten me into bed with Brandon? I still haven't figured that out. But I will... if it is the last thing I do. Lexie: I am so happy that Sami's finally getting her comeuppance. But if she does lose Lucas, she'll come after you. Promise me you'll stay far away from her? Brandon: Lexie, I am telling you Samantha did not come to my room last night to try to seduce me. There is something more going on here. It had to have been a setup. Lexie: A setup by who? Brandon: Samantha thinks Kate had something to do with it. Lexie: Kate? Well, I have to admit, I wouldn't put it past her. She certainly hates Sami enough. But how would Kate have known you'd be back in Salem before the wedding? Brandon: That's a good question. Lexie: By the way, why did you come back? I mean, why now? In your e-mail, you were telling us how swamped you were with work. Brandon: What do you mean? You e-mailed me that Abe had taken a turn for the worse. You said he needed me here, that it was urgent. Lexie: No. No, Brandon, I didn't send you that e-mail. Brandon: If you didn't, I bet I know who did. [SCENE_BREAK] Maggie: Surprise. Mickey: My God. Maggie, you look amazing. Maggie: I've got my red shoes on, Mickey. Mickey: I can see that. And, um, not much else. Maggie: I wore these for you. Mickey: Oh, did you? You know, you are just as beautiful as you were the day I gave them to you. No, I take that back. You're more beautiful. Maggie: I have something I wanna show you. Mickey: I can hardly wait. What? A scrapbook? Maggie: It's just a little stroll down memory lane for our anniversary. I made it for this occasion -- all the highlights of our wonderful life together from the day we first met on the farm. Mickey: Hey, who's that guy with the dark hair? Oops, that's me. Maggie: Oh, I'll never forget the day handsome... mighty handsome- slash- Mickey Horton showed up on my doorstep. I think I knew that instant my life would never be the same. And it wasn't. Mickey: Neither was mine. Maggie: And it wasn't long before we fell head over heels in love. Mickey: What's this? Maggie: You remember this? Mickey: That's a leaf. Maggie: Uh-huh. You found it on the farm one gorgeous autumn day. Mickey: Oh, yeah? Maggie: You said the color matched my hair exactly. Mickey: And you've kept it all this time? Maggie: Of course. I hang on to everything that I love. And I never let go. Bonnie: What the hell is going on here? [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Then again, it could have been Sami. She could have sent you that e-mail in my name to get you to come back to Salem for one last tryst before her wedding. Brandon: That's ridiculous. Kate is clearly the more obvious suspect. And if this was all her doing, I mean, Samantha's an innocent victim. Lexie: Oh, come on, Brandon. When has Sami ever been innocent? Don't do this, okay? Don't get sucked into feeling sorry for Sami, and running to her rescue. You know, this could have been a big trap -- a scheme of hers to try to get you back. Brandon: I know how you feel about Samantha, but just to cover all the bases, let's give her the benefit of the doubt, okay? And what if she really is telling the truth, and she has no idea how she ended up in bed with me? Kate can't get away with something like that. She has to be stopped. [SCENE_BREAK] [Doorbell rings] Lucas: Hey, I was just about to call you. Kate: Honey, why aren't you dressed for the wedding? Lucas: Well, uh... Kate: Oh, God, don't tell me. What happened? What happened with Sami and Brandon? She had a logical explanation of why she went to his hotel room, right? Lucas: No, actually, she didn't. Kate: She didn't? Lucas: I caught her in bed with him. Kate: Oh, God. In bed? Lucas, I'm so sorry. Lucas: Yeah. Yeah, you and me both. Kate: Are you all right? Lucas: I don't know, mom. I wouldn't say I'm all right, no. But, uh, will is what I'm worried about right now. I'm worried about that boy in there because he's been looking forward to this day his whole life. And now he's shattered. He's heartbroken. He doesn't know what to do. Kate: I don't know. You would think with Sami as his mother, and all the disappointment he's been through, that he would get used to it. Lucas: You know what? He's not used to it, all right? Especially not this time. He's not used to it. He won't be, ever. Kate: Listen, why don't I talk to him? Is he in his room? Lucas: Yeah. He hasn't come out since I told him. Kate: I'll see what I can do. Lucas: I gotta call father Jansen right now and tell him the wedding's off. Kate: Lucas, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry about this. Maybe it's best that you both found out about this now. It's sparing you any more hurt and disappointment down the road, you know? Lucas: Yeah, yeah. Right. [Knock on door] [Knock knock] Sami: I know it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride on the wedding day, but I -- Lucas: What the hell are you doing? What the hell are you up to? What, are you crazy or something? Sami: I just thought if maybe you saw me in my dress that you would change your mind about canceling the wedding. [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: Come on, dad, I need you to hit me. Hit me in the face. Come on, give me your best shot. John: I'm not gonna hit you, kid. The last thing I'd ever wanna do is hurt one of my kids. Brady: Come on, I didn't hesitate to hit you to stop you from shooting up. Hell, dad, I knocked you out, my own father. You were in a lot of pain, and I made it a whole lot worse. John: Stop beating yourself up. You did what you had to do. It was the only way you were gonna stop me from shooting up those drugs. If anybody should feel bad about what happened, it's me. I've always tried to be the kind of father my kids could look up to. But when it came time for me to be strong, I was weak. I took the coward's way out. What kind of an example is that for my kids? Brady: People make mistakes, even dads like you. Just for the record, you were -- still are -- the best father. Come on, when I think of the hell that I put you through, and that whole time I was so horrible to Marlena. John: That's water under the bridge. Let it go. You made your amends. You got past it. Brady: You know what? She's gone now, and I feel a whole lot worse. She didn't deserve to be treated that way, dad. She was just trying to be a good stepmother. You two were the best parents a kid could ever ask for. John: You weren't bad as a son yourself. Brady: Well, good sons don't punch their fathers' lights out. John: You're never gonna forgive yourself, are you? Brady: Nope. Well, then, I guess I know what I gotta do. [SCENE_BREAK] Mickey: Please, just -- just calm down, Bonnie. You see, Maggie and I were just looking at some old pictures and things. Bonnie: Yeah, the old trip down memory lane while half-naked. Nice try, Mags. You stay the hell away from my husband. Maggie: This is a private party. Mickey was supposed to tell you to make yourself scarce. Bonnie: Well, he did no such thing. But out of the goodness of my heart, I decided to give you a little time because I felt sorry for you. Little did I know, you would resort to playing dirty in my absence. Maggie, those ugly red shoes -- you know, those clodhoppers may have worked on the farm, but I got news for you, honey, you ain't in Kansas anymore. And neither is Mickey. He's moved on to a real woman who knows how to please her man in her own bare feet. Mickey: Oh, come on, Bonnie -- Bonnie: No, Mickey, no. She just makes me so mad. She is shamelessly trying to manipulate you when she knows we had an agreement. Maggie: We had an agreement to have a private night, and it was supposed to be tonight. Bonnie: Yeah, maybe so. But the last time I checked, your night ended at 6:00 A.M. A new day has dawned, and I have every bit as much right to be here as you do. Mickey: I'm sorry, Maggie, I do think she has a point. Bonnie: You know, I think you'd be grateful for the extra time you did have. I would have been home a lot sooner if I hadn't been in the hospital all night with my sick little girl. Mickey: At the hospital? What happened, Bonnie? Bonnie: Mickey, I'm so scared. Meems was rushed to the emergency room last night. They found her passed out. Mickey: Oh, God, is she all right? Bonnie: I don't know. They don't know what's wrong with her -- just that it could be very, very serious. Oh, Mickey, my little girl could be dying. Mickey: Oh, God. Bonnie: [Sobbing] Oh, God. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: So, what do you say, Lucas? Maybe we could still get married? All you have to do is put your tux on and get Will, and we can go down to the church. Lucas: Are you crazy? Have you completely lost it? Sami: Look, Lucas, I understand that you're still upset about last night. Lucas: Upset, Sami? Sami: It was all a mistake. It's not what it looked like. Why can't you believe me? Lucas: Because you have a history of lying through your teeth, that's why. Sami: Okay, well, that's fair. I know I've done horrible and unforgivable things in the past, and that I've lied, and schemed, and manipulated before, but, Lucas, not this time. Lucas, I would never cheat on you... Lucas: Oh, right. Sami: Not with Brandon, not with anyone, not for anything in the world. I swear... Lucas: No, no. Sami: Because I love you. And I know you love me. This was supposed to be the happiest day of our life. You and me and will -- we were finally gonna be a family at last, just the way we were meant to be. And it could still happen. You just have to marry me today. Lucas: No. Sami: You have to. Lucas: No, it is not going to happen, all right? You can beg and plead and cry all you want. Give me all the guilt trips you can handle, but it's not gonna do any good. Sami: Because you still don't believe me. Lucas: Because I caught you naked in bed with your ex-husband, that's why. Sami: Lucas, I don't know how that happened. Lucas: Right. Sami: I don't. I'm telling you, the only reason I went there was for us. I was so afraid after I read my horoscope -- I realize how stupid that sounds, okay? But it's true. I just didn't wanna take any chances with our wedding day. Lucas: You know what, Sami? I wanted so bad to believe you. I was gonna give you the benefit of the doubt, I was. No matter how ridiculous and stupid your lies were, I didn't care. Idiot, Will and I looked on your horoscope. There was nothing about some old fling coming into your life to ruin your happiness. There was nothing about that, Sami. Nothing at all. In fact, it was exactly the opposite. Sami: That's not true. Lucas: It's not true? What do you mean, "it's not true"? You're busted. Look -- come here, look on the computer right here. Come on, look for yourself. Sami: What are you -- Lucas: Right there. Sami: Wait a second, that's not what it said last night. Lucas: Oh, right. Sami: Lucas, it's true. Someone changed it because last night, what I told you was right there. It was right there. Lucas: I've had it with your lies and all your schemes. And your routine about disappearing horoscopes. Sami: Lucas, I am telling you the truth. Someone changed my horoscope. They were -- they're -- they did something. They're using my past against me to somehow set me up. Lucas: There you go. There you go -- blaming everybody but yourself, right, Sami? Right? It is over. O-v-e-R. I am not marrying you -- not now, not ever, especially not today. [SCENE_BREAK] Lexie: Please, please, for your own sake, don't get involved in this, okay? Listen, if you know what's good for you, you'll head back to London on the very next flight. Just stay far away from Sami. Brandon: You expect me to just let this go? Let Kate get away with ruining people's lives? Lexie: Look, I feel bad for Lucas, okay? I really do. But, to be honest with you, I don't blame Kate if she was responsible for breaking them up. I'm telling you, I would sooner die than have Sami Brady as my daughter-in-law. Brandon: Well, I'm sorry, I don't feel the same way. Look, at the very least, I have to find out the truth. I owe that much to Samantha. Lexie: Wait. Where are you going? Don't do this. Please, don't. You're making a huge mistake. [SCENE_BREAK] Mickey: Now, listen, don't you worry, Bonnie. Don't you worry. The Horton's have a long history with University Hospital. You know what? I'm going to make some calls, and I will make sure that your daughter is very well taken care of. Bonnie: Oh, thank you, Mickey. That would make me feel so much better. Mickey: And I'm going to do it right now, okay? Bonnie: What? Maggie: I'm sorry about Mimi, and I hope she's going to be all right. Bonnie: Funny, you don't look too sorry. Maggie: Well, I know that you're genuinely upset about your daughter. But I couldn't help but notice how you used it to play on Mickey's sympathy. You should be ashamed of yourself, Bonnie Lockhart. Bonnie: Bonnie Horton! And it's no worse than what you were just trying to do. At least I'm not reduced to parading around half-naked to get him to pay attention to me. Maggie: Oh, give me a break. You got those girls in his face every chance you get. Oh. Oh, well, gee, maybe -- maybe that's all you have to offer. Bonnie: Oh, I have plenty to offer Mickey. And right here and now. What do you have? Ooh, a bunch of tired old memories. And a scrapbook filled with silly old photographs. Is this from the Johnson Administration? Oh, my God. You were still young and pretty. Maggie: What I have and what Mickey and I had together, you could never understand. And when he comes to his senses -- Bonnie: Yeah, when he comes to his senses, you and those stupid red shoes of yours are going to be kicked to the curb with yesterday's trash. You hang on to that scrapbook, honey, because very soon that's all you're going to have to remember him by. [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: I've never been much of a cook, pop, but I can do oatmeal and toast. John: That's all right. I really don't have much of an appetite. And I certainly don't deserve all this special attention. Brady: Hey, you have always been there for your family, and now it's my turn to be there for you. You're going to get through this. You can do anything you set your mind to. John: There was a time I believed that. When doc was alive, I felt like I could do anything. Brady: I know what you mean. Chloe made me feel that same way. John: Mm. Well, you're young, kid. You'll find that love again. Brady: So will you. John: No, I don't think so. Brady: Dad, think about it. You were in love with my mom. She died, and then you were able to fall in love again. John: Well, kid, that was a long time ago. I'm a different man now. I can safely say that Marlena was the last great love of my life. There -- there won't be another. Brady: I don't think Marlena would agree with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: I mean it. You might as well take that damn dress off right now, because I'm not marrying you. Not now, not ever. Sami: Lucas, please don't do this. You're making a big mistake. I love you. Not Brandon. I never even want to see him again. Lucas: I feel the same way about you! Now come on, get out of here, right now! Sami: Lucas. [SCENE_BREAK] Maggie: Do you think it's going to be easy to get rid of me, Bonnie? Think again. I am Mickey's one true love, and I always will be. Down deep, I know it, he knows it, and you know it, too. Years from now when we are celebrating our wedding anniversary on valentine's day, oh, you're just gonna be nothing but a bad memory. Bonnie: Don't bet on it, Red. You may know your way around a barnyard, but this damn well ain't my first time at the rodeo. I got Mickey's heart in a hogtie, and I ain't never letting go. Mickey: Well, I just spoke to the hospital, and you can rest assured that your little girl is being well taken care of. In fact, they just checked on her. She's sound asleep, and her condition is stable. Bonnie: Mickey, thank you! Oh, you're the best! Thank you! Thank you! Mickey: It's no trouble at all. Now anything she needs, you just let me know. Bonnie: What would I ever do without you? Mm! Oh, thank you. Maggie: [Thinking] You're about to find out, rodeo girl. For you're gonna get a taste of your own medicine. [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: Dad, we both know what Marlena would want for you. John: Brady -- Brady: You need somebody now more than ever. John: Look, I'm sorry. I just don't see myself finding someone to take Marlena's place, okay? It's not gonna happen. Brady: Maybe it already has. John: Excuse me? Brady: I think that you've already found the perfect woman to help you through this, and she's right under your nose. John: Son, if you're talking about Kate -- Brady: I am talking about Kate. I think the two of you could become the next great love of each other's lives. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: What the hell do you think you're doing? Here to see Sami, huh? Couldn't get enough last night? Brandon: No, I came to see you. Look, you've got it all wrong. Lucas: We don't have anything to say to each other. Brandon: Just hear me out, all right? It's important. Lucas: I am not interested. Sami: Brandon, what is it? Lucas: You know what? Both of you, get out of here. Get away from me. You're making me sick. Brandon: Just listen to me, all right? I'm trying to tell you that I think Samantha and I were set up. Sami: You believe it, too? Brandon: It's the only explanation that makes sense. Sami: Exactly. Lucas, that's what I've been trying to tell you. It's the only way last night could have happened. We were set up. We had to be. Lucas: Oh, right, right. And who exactly set you up to be naked in bed together, huh? Sami: Who else? Kate. Brandon: Kate. Kate: Not only is your fiancée a liar, she's also a slut. Sami: Oh, you -- Lucas: Sami! [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: I'm well aware of the risks. Man: When you get back to your wife, you want it to be alive or in a body bag? [SCENE_BREAK] Belle: I know how hard this is for you, but you have to tell Rex the truth about the baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn-d: Being with Jan was the biggest mistake of my life. Jan: Shawn, how can you say such a terrible thing? | Sami dresses up in her wedding dress to try and convince Lucas to marry her after all |
285 | Victor: And today, my sweetheart, I'm gonna teach you defense. It's called the Robatsch defense. What's the matter, sweetheart? You don't feel like it today? Faith: Not really. May I go up to my room and read? Victor: Of course, you may. Nikki: That poor child. My heart aches for her. She loved Dylan so much. Victor: You know, I hate to see her sad. [Sighs] Nothing gets me more than a little girl with tears in her eyes or sad or depressed. But I think, in time, she'll adjust to the situation, don't you? I mean, we won't let her forget him. You know, when all's been said and done, I think what Dylan did is very admirable. Nikki: Thank you for saying that. Maybe when faith is older, we can tell her the truth, but... Victor: Yeah. Nikki: ...Right now, I don't think it would be fair to expect her to keep such a big secret. Victor: That's true. Nikki: But I think there is something we can do to help her get through this. Victor: What's that? Nikki: Encourage her not to blame Sharon. Paul: [Sighs] Sharon: Paul, hi. Come on in. Paul: How you doing? Sharon: Um, sorry about the mess. I'm just, um, packing up some of Dylan's things. I thought he might like to have them. Paul: Sharon -- Sharon: No, Paul, I don't want to hear that it's too dangerous to make contact with him. If he has to start a brand-new life, at least let him have the things that bring him comfort. Paul: These things belong to a man that doesn't exist anymore. Sharon: He will always exist in my heart and in my memories. Paul: And you will always exist in his. But listen to me, Sharon. Dylan can't have anything that links him to Genoa city -- to me, to Nikki, or even to you. Sharon: Are you saying that the life that we shared together just... it never even happened? Nick: Oh, look, this one's my favorite. Chelsea: Ah! Nick: [Laughs] Chelsea: [Chuckles] Nick: Huh. I never noticed that before. Chelsea: Noticed what? Nick: Yeah, look. I mean, they have dimples in the exact same place right here. You can really see it if you enlarge it. Check that out. I mean, is that a -- is that, like, a family trait? See? Me? I mean, I know I have some up here, but is that -- is this a -- Chelsea: Um, do you know what? Do you have any -- do you have any chips to go with this? Nick: Yeah. Chelsea: [Chuckles] Nick: Pretty demanding. Chelsea: Oh, no! Shoot! I-I think I just deleted it by accident. Nick: Seriously? Do I have to cut you off? Chelsea: My thumb slipped. I'm sorry. Nick: That's all right. I have so many more on there. Here, let me show you something. I started folders for each of the boys. Here we go. Here is Christian's, and... here is Connor's. Chelsea: Oh. That's fantastic. Nick: I really want to do everything I can to honor Adam's request, you know, to be a father figure to Connor. And that means taking a lot of embarrassing pictures of him so I can show them to all his buddies as he gets older. You know, now that Connor and Christian are hanging out so much and such good friends, there's gonna be a lot more of these where they're together. Unless your big, clumsy thumb's going on another deleting rampage. All right, what's going on? That's some a+ material. I mean, I expected you to, I don't know, snort beer out of your nose or something. You okay? Billy: Airport bar with a St. Patrick's day theme, green beer, and a dog. Victoria: Yeah. It was great. Billy: Halloween. Your little playboy bunny ears and me in my Hef robe. Victoria: [Sighs] Greater. Billy: Hmm? Victoria: Kicking your ass at a video game. The photo booth. Billy: Great. The trailer. Getting locked in the bathroom and having to be rescued by firemen. Victoria: [Chuckling] That was the greatest. Billy: Mm-hmm. Victoria: Jamaica. Billy: Oh. Jamaica. The beach. The rum. The limbo. The...hammock sex. The greatest. Victoria: What are you doing? Billy: What do you mean? Victoria: You. What are you doing? Billy: I was gonna kiss you and make another great memory right here on the table. Victoria: This is just what Billy always does. He flashes his smile, he thinks I'm gonna jump right back into his arms. Well, it's not gonna happen this time. Billy: We were -- we were doing good there. We were doing good things there. Victoria: Yeah. Billy: You were being a little brash. I was being a little sassy. Victoria: Mm-hmm. Well, it was just a temporary lapse in judgment. Billy: Well, why don't we make it a permanent one? Come on. Would it really be that bad? Reed: Inmate 385-274 reporting for lockdown. [Sighs] Billy: So what's going on? Reed: Mom didn't tell you? I figured she would have announced it to the whole world by now. Victoria: Drop the attitude, Reed. Reed: Give me my computer back and I will -- happily. Victoria: [Sighs] It's not gonna happen. Reed: Fine. Then I guess I can't do my homework, so I'll be seeing you. Victoria: Oh, no, no, no. You wait a second. I told you how this is gonna work. There's a computer in the conference room. You're gonna download your homework, you're gonna print it out. No surfing, no posting, no social media sites. Reed: God, I might as well be living in a cave. Billy: Oh, come on. Social media break is a good thing. Reed: Yeah, but she's making me take a break from my whole life. No phone, no TV, no guitar. Billy: That sounds a little bit -- Reed: Harsh? Yeah! Billy: I'm sure you gave her a really good reason, though. Reed: No, she just wants to ruin my life! Victoria: [Sighs] [Door opens] [Door closes] Billy: Should we pick up where we left off? Victoria: I'm already dealing with one immature boy. I don't need another in my life, Billy. Billy: You're right. You're right. That was a major buzz kill. Rain check? Reed: [Sighs] Chelsea: Seeing the pictures and talking about Adam, you know... Nick: Yeah, I do. Chelsea: So much for all those long talks we had, huh? About moving on with our lives and... [Sighs] I don't know. But like we said, sage and Adam wouldn't want us to sit around being depressed all day. Nick: Well, saying is a lot easier than doing. Chelsea: You know, Connor -- he has this set of pillows. They're basically like -- like stuffed emojis. There's a happy one, there's a sad face, there's an angry one. I read online that it's a good way to teach children about emotions. So I ordered them after Adam died, and I thought it would be a good way for us to communicate how we're feeling, you know, about losing his dad. During the holidays, so many times Connor came over to me with the sad pillow, and he just said, "Sad Mommy." [Sighs] It's crazy, you know. You think that you can hide things from them, but... Nick: Not a chance. I mean, you've met faith. She has, like, ESP when it comes to picking up on my moods. Chelsea: Yeah. I mean, there must be something I can do. My son needs to start bringing me the happy pillow more often. Nick: I felt the same way. Chelsea: Past tense. You find a way to get yourself out of it? Nick: I hope so. I haven't tried it out yet. Maybe that's something we could do together. Nikki: Regardless of what we think, we have to put faith's needs first. I mean, she's already lost so many parental figures. She can't lose Sharon, too. Victor: Hi, sweetheart. Faith: Were you guys talking about mom? Nikki: Well, yes. As a matter of fact, we were. Faith: I saw her yesterday. Victor: You did? Well, that's nice. Faith: I told her I want to move back home with her. But she didn't want me to. Nikki: Oh, no, honey. You must have misunderstood. Your mother loves you very much. I know she would jump at the chance to have you move back in with her. Faith: Mom said I shouldn't move back home just because I felt sorry for her. She wants me to move back when I'm really ready. Victor: Well, you know, what your mother said is very wise. Faith: I mean, I really love living here. Victor: Yeah? Faith: But I miss my mom and dad. Victor: Of course. [Sighs] It looks like you might have a solution. Faith: I was just thinking about what you always say, grandpa. Family stands by family. And it gave me the best idea ever. Victor: Good. Sharon: What are you doing here anyway, Paul? Paul: I brought the deed to crimson lights. Dylan signed it over to you. Sharon: Well, I don't want it. Paul: He knows how much it means to you. And it is a constant source of income, so why don't you give it just a little time before you make a decision? Sharon: Dylan didn't have a lot of time -- maybe a few hours -- to get all of his affairs in order. [Sniffles] Which means... Paul: Sharon, what are you doing? What are you looking for? Sharon: Divorce papers. Sharon: I don't see them. Paul: There are no divorce papers, Sharon. Sharon: Why not? Paul: Well, there's no rush. Dylan wanted you to have the deed so you could take ownership right away. Sharon: Wouldn't it be more convincing? I mean, the world's supposed to believe that I wrecked my marriage and that Dylan hates me so badly that he had to suddenly run out of town. So divorce would be the next logical step. We could even call the GC buzz and give them a tip. [Scoffs] The crazy baby- napper claims another victim, that way we can tell everybody all at the same time. I'm used to being the town pariah. Paul: Sharon, you don't have to explain why. Marriages end. That's all you have to say. The less details, the better it is for Dylan. Sharon: Are you worried that I'll crack and that I'll risk my husband's life and his safety? Paul: No, no, no. Sharon. Listen, you don't have to shoulder this yourself. I'm one of the few people you can -- you can open up to about this. I want to make you a promise right now today. That if ever you need to talk, if ever you need anything -- and I mean anything at all -- I am here for you. Sharon: Okay. You can start right now. [Sniffles] Get rid of Dylan's things. The tool belt that he used when he first fixed the kitchen, [Voice breaking] The plans for the treehouse that he was gonna build for faith in the spring, the camping equipment, fishing, all of it! Paul: Okay, do you want me to put it in storage? Sharon: I don't care! Give it away. Let somebody else maybe live the life that Dylan can't! Paul: Sharon. Sharon: All of Dylan's belongings, get them out of my house. Now. [Door closes] Paul: [Sighs] Victor: Good morning. Abby: Dad, um, oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry. I had no idea you were coming in to the office today. Let me just clean up and, um... just give me a minute. Victor: Come here. Abby: Hi. Victor: Come here. Sit back down. Abby: [Sighs] Victor: You know... chair's kind of big, but I think it suits you. Abby: [Chuckles] Billy: Let me guess. Kissed another girl on the couch? Victoria: No. Billy: He fail his class? Victoria: No. Billy: Played "stairway to heaven" too loud too many times? Victoria: I don't want to get into it, Billy. Billy: Okay. Fine. Racked up his usage on his cell phone, left you with a huge bill? I mean... Victoria: He stole my credit card. Billy: That is a, uh, major offense, one punishable by death of social life. Victoria: Thank you. Thank you for agreeing with me. Billy: Okay. Is there any way it was a misunderstanding? Victoria: How is theft a misunderstanding? Billy: I mean, you have your card back, right? Did he actually steal it? Victoria: No, but he used it without my permission. Billy: All right, well, I mean, what if J.T. Let him use his card when he thought that he needed to buy something and he figured it was the same in your household? Victoria: I don't think that a membership to a porn site is something that he needed, do you? Reed: Hey, it's -- it's Reed. I'm on a different phone. No, look, I know it's late there, but I need your help, dad. Victor: This is very impressive, sweetheart. Abby: Really? Victor: Mm-hmm. Abby: I-I know you don't give compliments unless they're earned. Victor: But what are these notes in red? Abby: Research on the Jabot/Fenmore's deal. Victor: But you don't have to mention that during your presentation. Abby: The reps from Higgins were curious about it, so I wanted to be prepared in case they asked me any questions. Victor: Well, let me teach you something, okay? When you make a deal, don't ever mention the competition. Ever. Because then the people you're making a deal with think that you think the competition is comparable. I mean, Jabot cosmetics wants to expand. But Newman enterprises is a multinational corporation. We make more in one week than Jack Abbott hopes to make in a year. You got that? Abby: [Chuckles] I didn't even think about it like that. Excellent advice. Victor: Good. Abby: Thank you, dad, for being my mentor. I'm learning so much from you. Victor: That's because you are a good student, you know? Abby: You know, the Pittsfield deal, they didn't make it easy. Victor: I know they didn't make it easy. And that was an example of how much you have learned. Abby: Made a huge profit. [Laughs] Victor: You're beginning to talk my language now. That's what it's all about. Abby: You know, it's just so weird hearing these words come out of your mouth. Victor: In what way? Abby: You've been complimentary in the past, but this -- I don't know. It just seems different. Victor: How? Abby: Typically it's more gruff, and it comes with some stern lecture on Newman versus Abbott family loyalty. But now it -- it just seems like you're eager to teach me. Victor: Well, maybe that's because I found the perfect student. Abby: Maybe. Victor: You know what else you might find weird? I'll admit that I've been wrong. Billy: Yes, Lily is very excited, and trust me, the customers are gonna love the new product. Okay, thanks, Joyce. I'll talk to you soon. Bye. That was Joyce in new York letting us know that the rollout is all set. Victoria: Sounds good. Billy: Should I turn up the heat and thaw out that cold shoulder of yours? Victoria: You know, your reaction earlier is exactly why I have reservations about you hanging out with Reed. Y-you -- this is no laughing matter, Billy. Billy: No, it's not a laughing matter. And technically, I did not laugh. I just smiled. Victoria: God, you're such a manchild. Do you not see what a big issue this is? He stole my credit card, and he lied about it. Billy: Yeah, no, I understand that. And that's not a good thing. But come on. He's 15 years old. He's gonna be going online and looking at these things. He's gonna be curious. Victoria: I just don't want him to think that it's okay to objectify women. And it can be very addictive. Billy: I agree with you. And we both know the warning signs of that. If it starts to go down that path, we stop it. But honestly, I mean, once he gets a girlfriend, he's not gonna be looking at the websites. Victoria: Oh, yeah. Fantastic. Because then he'll just actually be having sex. But oh, hey, wait a minute. He's got the condoms that you gave him, so he's good to go, isn't he? Billy: No, no, no, no, no. I did not give him the condoms. He had those condoms. I just gave him a little pep talk about sex education. Victoria: You're not helping. Billy: Look, Vick, come on. He's 15. I know you want him sitting around the fireplace in his pajamas reading Elizabethan novels, but that's not realistic, okay? You know, he's gonna be curious about sex. He's a boy. Victoria: Aren't we supposed to be protecting our children from making the same mistakes that we did, Billy? Billy: Well, now, that is a lot of mistakes. We can't protect him from everything. [Cell phone rings] Victoria: It's J.T. Hi. He did what?! Billy: Hey, cowboy. You really screwed up things this time. Nick: Well, what do you think? Chelsea: Oh. [Chuckles] I was not expecting to see that today. Nick: Yep, this is what taking a step forward looks like. Drink it in. Be envious. I can tell you're a little jealous you didn't design it. Chelsea: Okay. Nick: You want to try it on? Chelsea: No, no. [Laughing] You -- hold on. Actually, though, I do need to get a picture because it's pretty fantastic. Nick: Well, of course. Chelsea: It's kind of amazing. All right. Oh, yeah. Just like that. Perfect. Okay, so, what, um, what is this? What's -- what's happening here? Nick: Well, you know, I can, uh, I can make a mean bowl of cereal. My chocolate chip pancakes are legendary. I can grill a steak, you know, when it's not the dead of winter and somebody else prepares it, you know. But I figured if I was measuring or chopping, dicing, or... parboiling? -- Parboiling, you know, then maybe I wouldn't be thinking about all the things that are bringing me down. Chelsea: I like that plan a lot. Nick: Well, you know, we could get you your own apron. I might let you be my sous chef after weighing all the other candidates. Chelsea: Really? I mean, I could learn a thing or two in the kitchen. That could be fun. Nick: Well, let's see what we can whip up. Come on. Chelsea: What's it got in here? Nick: Well, there's like a million options. I mean, there's, uh... here you go. "Mad skillz meatloaf"? Chelsea: Oh, "skills" with a "Z." That sounds like fun. What else we got? Nick: Uh, "kickin' it quesadillas." Chelsea: Oh, yeah, look. Look, they use little cookie cutters to make them into fun shapes. How clever. Nick: That's looking solid. I mean... oh, here we go, here we go. "Groovy goulash." Chelsea: How old is this book? [Both laugh] Faith: Dad! Nick: Yeah! Faith! In here! Faith: I need to talk to you. It's important. Chelsea: I will go check on the boys. Nick: Well, what's going on? Faith: I'm really worried about mom. Reed: I don't know what your problem is, dude. Billy: Oh, you don't? Playing your parents against each other? I'm actually embarrassed by you, Reed. I thought you'd be more original than that. That was a rookie move. Reed: Dude, I just called to check in with my dad. Big deal. Billy: You grassed your mother because you're acting like a baby and crying because you got grounded? Reed: She overreacted like she always does. Billy: Right. Reed: I just figured dad could calm her down a bit. Billy: Oh, you think calling J.T. And getting her to question her parenting skills is gonna make things better for you? Come on, man. You were freaking out when you were in quicksand up to your waist? It's gonna be up to your eyeballs, and you're gonna be sinking fast. Reed: Why can't she just leave me alone?! Billy: Because you keep doing stupid stuff! Stealing her credit card and getting online? Reed: I knew she'd tell you! Billy: No, she told me because I nagged her to. Reed, she wants you to respect women. There's a lot of stuff online that sends the opposite message of that, and she's worried that you're gonna get sucked up into that. Reed: She shouldn't be worried. Billy: Oh, well, you know what? That's what parents do, man, forever and ever. Trust me. Reed: [Sighs] It's gonna be bad, huh? Billy: My guess? Mount St. Helens level eruption. Victoria: Reed! Abby: Uh-oh. Victor Newman is admitting that he's wrong. Is the sky gonna turn red and birds start dropping? [Both laugh] Victor: Ah, sweetheart. I have been, uh, reevaluating things lately, you know, taking stock of my life, my family. Abby: Since Adam died. Victor: I've been knocked on my ass more than I can remember. And I always fought back, and I wanted to imbue all of you with a sense of ambition and drive and a sense that you have to fight for things, you know? Abby: And you did that. Victoria runs brash & sassy, nick has his own club, and I went from naked heiress to business-savvy heiress. Victor: You certainly did. And I'm proud of all of you, you know? But it's a little different. You have a family to fall back on. I had nothing. I fought hard and I fought dirty, you know? I admit it. And I've come to the realization that my children don't need to do that. They don't need that hard way of doing things. You don't need to be as ruthless as I was. And I got to tell you something. I realize more and more that I've made a lot of mistakes. But I'm willing to learn from my mistakes. Isn't that a miracle? Nick: So you want to move back in with your mom. Faith: I thought it would help her. She's so sad now that Dylan's gone. Nick: But she said no? Faith: Mom thought I was doing it for the wrong reasons. She wanted me to be extra sure it's what I wanted. Nick: Well, she's right, you know. You should be out having fun with your friends, not worrying about your mom, trying to fix her problems. Faith: That's what she said. And that's why I'm here -- so you can fix everything. Nick: Well, what is it you think I can do? Faith: Make mom happy again. Nikki: Sharon. Sharon, are you okay? Sharon: No, I'm not, Nikki. My husband left me! What do you think? Nikki: Okay, all right. No need to raise your voice. I was just concerned. Sharon: You? Concerned? I don't think so. Nikki: All right, believe what you want. Sharon: What I can't believe is that you're not leading a parade down main street because I'm not your daughter-in-law anymore. Nikki: Well, I am trying to be polite, Sharon. And given the circumstances, I would think that you could do the same. Sharon: Hmm. After all the years of hell you've given me, hmm, no, I actually don't think I can. Nikki: Okay, well, I'm just gonna order my coffee and give you some space, 'cause that's obviously what you need. Sharon: Wait. No, you won't. Now that Dylan's gone, I own crimson lights. Which means... I can have you thrown out if I want to. Nikki: Sharon, what the hell was that? Sharon: I am just tired of people asking me how I'm doing. I want to be left alone. Nikki: Is that why you told faith she couldn't move back in with you? Sharon: She told you? Nikki: Yeah, she told me. Sharon: It's not that I don't want faith living with me. It took every ounce of my strength to tell her no. It's just I need to be 100% present for faith. And right now, I can't be. Nikki: Well, Victor and I have assured her that you love her very much and what you're doing is the right thing. Sharon: Thank you. Truly. And thank you for talking to her when she was upset with me. She later apologized for her behavior. Nikki: It's bad enough that you can't tell her the truth about why Dylan has left town, but it's not fair that you should be the target of her anger, either. Sharon: Well, I should take an example from faith and go apologize to Paul. He stopped by my house to drop off the deed to crimson lights, and I blew up at him. Nikki: Well, he's not one to hold a grudge. He knows this has been a very stressful time for you. Sharon: It's why I asked him to remove all of Dylan's belongings. Being around his things has just added to my stress. Nikki: What do you mean? You -- you're getting rid of everything? Sharon: I don't want to be around any reminders of the life that Dylan and I shared together. That's over now. Paul: [Inhales deeply] [Sighs] Victoria: Did you honestly think that calling your father was a good idea? No, don't answer that, because I don't even want you defending yourself. [Sighs] He told J.T. that he's basically being held hostage and that I took away everything that matters to him in life. Which is true, but you failed to mention why. But don't worry -- I filled your father in. And don't bother trying to play us against each other again, because I'll be sending him updates so he knows exactly what you're up to. And your father's gonna be calling you tomorrow to discuss you stealing my credit card and going to that site. So... get your homework assignments and go home, and I'll check them when I get there. Reed: Can I at least tell you why I called -- Victoria: No! And if I hear another word out of your mouth, you'll be grounded for another month. Go! [Sighs] Faith: You can make each other feel better. Mom's alone, you're alone. If you spend time together, you'll be a lot happier. You can start tonight. Have dinner together. Nick: Well, Christian and Connor are having a play date, and Chelsea and I have dinner plans. Faith: Oh, you don't mind rescheduling, do you, Chelsea? My mom could really use the company. And you have Connor, and mom doesn't have anybody. Noah and Mariah are working, and I have to get to a birthday party. She'll probably just eat a microwave dinner all by herself if dad doesn't go over there. Nick: Faith. Chelsea: No, you know what, nick? It's totally fine. We can just try one of the recipes a different time. Nick: No, no, you -- you don't have to go. Chelsea: Honestly, I should work on some designs, anyway. Faith: Oh, thank you so much, Chelsea! You're the best! I'll help you get Connor's stuff, that way dad can get ready to go over to mom's! Chelsea: Okay. Nick: [Sighs] Abby: You have been an amazing father, especially after everything we've put you through. Victor: Well, that goes both ways, you know. Abby: No. See, most fathers, they would have turned their backs on their kids. They would have never forgiven them. But you, no matter how angry you were, you never, ever closed off your heart. Victor: I appreciate you saying that. It's because I love my family more than anything. Abby: And you knew that we'd come around, didn't you? Victor: And I knew, certainly was hoping, that you would see the error of your ways. Abby: [Laughs] Victor: Now, I'll leave you to your presentation, my darling. Abby: You know, dad, um, I'm not gonna need luck. Victor: Really? Abby: No. Because I have the values, the skills, and the strong work ethic that you and mom taught me. And I know that someday when I'm a mom, I'm gonna be an awesome one because I have had the best role models in my life. And I'm gonna teach my kids to always fight for what matters most -- family, always. Victor: You know, I never thought that my youngest daughter, my beautiful Abby, would most likely follow in my footsteps. Makes me very happy. Goodbye, sweetheart. Knock them dead. Abby: [Chuckles] Billy: How many times you gonna read that memo? Victoria: It's the fourth time. Billy: Why don't you take the rest of the day off? Victoria: No. I don't feel I can go another 10 rounds with Reed. Billy: Well, then go the club, get a massage. Just try and relax. Victoria: Why, Billy? Why? Because I'm uptight? Because I was too hard on my son? I'm sorry, maybe I should be a little more like you and not meet a responsibility that I didn't shirk. Billy: Hey, hold on a second. I wasn't criticizing you -- Victoria: Maybe I'd be a better parent then. Billy: Listen. I think you did a wonderful job with Reed. I think you handled yourself perfectly. If you had backed off when J.T. called, then he would have thought you were a pushover. And you are not. You're a strong, smart, caring, wonderful mother. Reed doesn't realize that yet. One day he will. Nick: Bye, Chels. See you, con! Faith: Oh, mom always steals my tater tots when we go to Eddie's. You should make her the "tasty tot casserole." Nick: All right, Blondie, couch. Faith: What's up? Nick: You were pretty rude to Chelsea back there. Faith: She had to work. Nick: She just said that to be polite. Faith: I'm sorry, dad. I'll text her an apology later. Nick: Nope, you're not gonna do that. You're gonna talk to her in person. Faith: Okay. Nick: All right. Faith: So, are you gonna text or call mom about tonight? Nick: Neither. Faith: Oh, you're gonna surprise her? I like that. Nick: I'm not going over there, either. Faith: But, dad -- Nick: Sweetheart, people have their own way of dealing with emotions. Now, you can't force it. Your mom wants to be alone right now. You have to respect that. Nikki: Didn't you even consider faith's feelings? I mean, if she were to go home and see that every trace of Dylan is missing, she'll be devastated. Sharon: Faith will come home to me. Nikki: All right, Sharon, I didn't mean to imply that -- Sharon: You still don't think that I'm good enough, do you? I'm not good enough for your sons! I'm not good enough to be a mother to my own daughter! I'm not good enough to be a part of your family! Nikki: You know, I'm not sure here if this sudden erratic behavior is part of your act or if you truly are teetering on the edge. But you know what? In any case, I would make sure that the fire insurance is paid on this building. Sharon: Oh, and there we go. From courteous to catty in record time. Nikki: Hey, I was taking your...manic lead. Sharon: You are one vicious -- Nikki: I was willing to be civil with you. You don't make it easy, Sharon! Sharon: Oh, is that so? Hmm. Well, how's this for easy? Nikki: Oh! Sharon: Now you have a reason to go back to hating me like you always did! Happy now? Nikki: Oh! [NEXT_ON] Sharon: If you really want to help me, take me to Dylan. Jordan: You're making me want to memorize the periodic table. Yeah. Victoria: What the hell's going on? Nick: How about tonight? Chelsea: I don't think that that would be such a good idea. Don't you know what today is? It's Valentine's Day. | Nick refused and told Faith that she had to respect Sharon's decision to be alone. |
286 | J.R.: So, you love Annie. Adam: I do, yes. J.R.: Hmm. And you think that she loves you? Adam: I know she does. J.R.: Hmm. Man, I need, a drink. Adam: [Chuckles] Any excuse to dive back into a bottle. Is that it? J.R.: Just because I said I need a drink does not mean that I'm going to take a drink. Adam: Well, that doesn't mean I believe you. You have a distinct deficit of self-control. J.R.: You're the one reaching for a lunatic killer -- and you're talking love? Adam: I wouldn't expect you to understand. J.R.: I'm worried, Dad. Adam: Hmm. Worried? Where was all the worry the night my brother was killed? Hmm? Oh, that's right. Of course. You were busy sucking down a bottle of scotch, and so you didn't have time to be concerned about anything else, including your own son. And now that you're talking about Annie, she puts her child first. [SCENE_BREAK] Emma: I saw who shot Little A's uncle. Annie: Ok, um, Emma, sweetheart, you have to promise me that you will never tell anyone what you saw that night, ok? Do you understand? Emma: But I already told Daddy. Annie: You did? Emma: I told him Kendall did it. Annie: You -- you saw Kendall with the gun? Emma: She shot Stuart. Mommy, am I in trouble? Annie: No. No, my sweetheart. You've done nothing wrong. [Knocking on door] Ryan: Emma? Annie: Ok. Sweetie, Mommy loves you so much. Mommy loves you so much. Daddy cannot know that I was here, ok? This is a cell phone for emergencies. I'm gonna hide it in here. Ok. I love you. I love you so much. Mommy's gonna make sure everything works out the way it's supposed to. Ok? I love you. [Knocking on door] Ryan: Emma, please open the door. Emma, come on. I need you to open the door, ok, honey? [Sigh] You're ok. Oh, thank God you're ok. What's going on? Why'd you lock the door? Hey. I need you to tell me something, ok? I need you to be honest with me. Was your mom here? It's really important that you answer, ok? Was she here? [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Just please, please promise me that you'll keep on Annie, and you'll keep on her-- Zach: Kendall, don't do this. Kendall: Until she admits to killing Stuart. [Knocking on door] Kendall: I already did. Zach: You did what? You called the D.A.'s office? Kendall. Liza: Good. You're both here. We have a problem. Zach: Yeah, I think we got a problem. Liza: So, Ryan just told me that he caught Emma calling Annie, so I went over to Adam's to do a little control, and he wouldn't let me in. Practically soft- shoed me out the door. And I think it's because -- well, Annie wasn't there. Zach: How can that be? She got out of her little ankle monitor? Liza: Yeah, and I think she might be headed this way. Kendall: Good. Then she'll be here just in time to see me get arrested. Liza: I'm sorry, what are you talking about? Kendall: I'm ready to confess. [SCENE_BREAK] [Pop music playing at ConFusion] Marissa: You didn't have to do this. David: Oh, come on. I almost cost you your job with Liza. The least I can do is offer you a celebratory dinner. Marissa: Thank you for talking to Liza. Letting her know you're over the whole baby thing. David: Well, my "baby" is right here. And I meant what I said. From now on, all of my energy goes into making this family work. Marissa: Good. You can start by calling Krystal. David: Why would I do that? Marissa: I know that it's a total cliché, but you know how it is -- every kid wants their parents to end up together, no matter how messed up they are. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Was your mother here? Was she the one who locked the door? Emma: I locked it. Ryan: Why? Emma: I had a scary dream. Ryan: Ok. Well, I'm sorry that you had a scary dream, ok? I really am. But please, please don't lock the door, ok? And you've got nothing to be afraid of. I promise from now on I'm gonna keep you safe, and I'm gonna protect you. Ok? [Sigh] Let's get you tucked in. Come on. Oh, my goodness. I'll tell you what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna leave the door a little bit open so that if you wake up, I'm gonna hear you, and I'll be right up in 2 seconds, ok? Is that a good idea? Get all tucked in there. I'm gonna get Champ. He's gonna stay right here. He's gonna protect you, ok? I love you. Erica: Good night, Emma. Emma: Good night. Annie's voice: Mommy's gonna make sure everything works out the way it's supposed to. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: I always put Little Adam first. Adam: Unless he gets between you and a fifth of single malt, which would put him about... Sixth. [Chuckles] J.R.: I do everything for my son. Adam: I have made a point all of my life to provide everything my children could possibly need, and I'm gonna do this one for myself, just me, and it's gonna feel great. So, there's the door. Why don't you take it before things get uncomfortable? J.R.: This is still my home. Adam: All right. Buddy, don't say I didn't warn you. J.R.: What the hell is that? Adam: What is that? That's it, man. Your old man's still got it. [Singing indistinctly] Ha-ha--oh! I'm lovin' it. Annie: [Sigh] Damn it. Thank God you're here. You have to help me. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: North put a deal on the table a while back. I plead guilty, I get a reduced sentence. At the time, I refused, but now I think it's a good idea. Zach: You refused because you're innocent. Liza: Look, Emma as a witness, it's not good, but that's no reason to take this deal. We have every reason to believe that Emma is lying to protect Annie. Kendall: Right, but what will the jury think when that sweet little girl gets on the stand and says that she saw me kill Stuart? They will take one look at her big, blue eyes and see exactly what Emma thinks that she saw -- a killer. Liza: Look, Kendall, I'm in touch with the psychiatrist that North contacted about Emma. I can work this. I can bring in the fact -- and it is a fact -- insanity--it's hereditary. Kendall: No, no. I will not subject a little girl to that. Liza: Not even for your own sons? Look, I can also work this Annie angle. She manipulated Emma into believing that she saw you shoot Stuart when in fact, Annie shot Stuart. Zach: There's another option. We'll have Ryan take Emma out of town until we find the truth. Liza: It might be too late for that. Listen, Kendall, I am willing to fight for you, and I will go to the wall, but look, ultimately, this is your decision. If you really think that this plea is your best option -- Zach: Hey, Liza, I hired you to keep her out of prison, not put her in. Kendall: No, I think it's a good idea. This will buy us time. Annie's guard will be down and then maybe she'll actually admit that she killed Stuart. Zach: And if she won't? Kendall: You'll make it happen. I need you with me on this, Zach. Zach: Our boys need their mother. Kendall: And they'll have me. I may be away for a while, but at least I'll have a future with our sons, and that's the most important thing to me -- having a future with my kids. That's why this is our only option. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Emma is so scared, and she's so confused. Erica: Yes, of course, she is. And Annie is preying on that. I mean, Ryan, you know very well that it was Annie who was in that room with Emma and got her to lie for her. It's not the first time that Annie has convinced Emma to keep secrets for her, is it? And if you hadn't gone up there when you did, I think Annie might have taken Emma and disappeared. Ryan: Well, I will never let Annie get anywhere near Emma again. Erica: I know you mean that. And, Ryan, if you want to protect Emma from Annie, we have to leave tonight. [SCENE_BREAK] Annie: I was just so sick of being cooped up in the house. And today was such a wonderful afternoon, the fresh air, and then this evening, the sound of the crickets. I just wanted to be outside. Go for a walk in the garden. Scott: Well, that's hardly a criminal offense. Annie: Well, the garden is out of my perimeter, so I took off my monitor. Scott: Oh. That's a problem. Annie: Yeah, I know, and now J.R. is in there, and if he finds my monitor, that's the perfect excuse to get me carted back off to prison. And what's worse is, he'll make it seem to Adam that I was trying to run, which I was not. I love Adam. I would never leave him. Please, you have to help me. Scott: Annie, I don't know what I can do. If you took off your monitor, I'm surprised the cops aren't here already. Annie: Well, I jammed it, actually. A friend gave me a kit. But you see? You see, if I wanted to run -- if I really, really wanted to run and not come back, I would've done it already. But what I want is to be here with Adam. But if he knows about this -- please, can you just somehow help me get that thing back on my ankle? And then nobody will ever have to know. Unless, of course, you tell them. Scott: Why would I do that? Annie: Well, it's no secret that J.R. hates me. Scott: It's a good thing I make my own decisions, isn't it? [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: You pride yourself on being so smart. [Turns off music] Master of the universe. No one crosses you, no one beats you. But if you don't open your eyes, you're gonna wake up one morning lonely, broken, and humiliated. Beaten by a hot mess who knew what to wave in your face so she could get what she wanted. Adam: Get out. J.R.: What's the matter? Truth hurt? Adam: Get out now, or I call security. J.R.: Don't bother. I certainly know where your children rank. Thank you for clearing that up. Adam: What the devil is going on here? [SCENE_BREAK] Liza: So, in return for a guilty plea, North offered my client a 10-year sentence, with possible parole after 5. Willis: People get more than 5 for stealing cars. Your client killed someone. Zach: No, she didn't kill anyone. Willis: Then why does she want to take the deal? Liza: Because Mrs. Slater -- she wants this whole thing behind her. She doesn't want to drag her family through the embarrassment of an extended trial. Willis: North believed he had a solid case. Liza: Come on, Willis. It's all circumstantial. I mean, you're gonna be wasting the taxpayers' money, you're gonna be wasting the court's time. Do you really want your first big case to end in a humiliating loss? Save yourself the embarrassment. Come on, take the deal. Willis: I'll have the paperwork drawn up. Liza: Thank you. Kendall: So, what happens now? Liza: Oh, well, we go to his office in the morning. We sign some documents. There's a short hearing to make it official. And then they take you off to the state penitentiary. Kendall: So, this is it. This is my last night at home. Liza: Listen, I'll see you in the morning. Erica: Kendall, what happened? Kendall: It's over, Mom. It's really over. [SCENE_BREAK] David: A few weeks ago, you weren't exactly the cheerleader when you caught me and your mother kissing. What's going on? Marissa: Well, that was before I got you. David: Oh, ok. You get me now? Marissa: Yes. So get with the program. David: All right, look. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but the reality is, there's no future for me and Krystal. There's been too many mistakes and too much hurt from me, ok? Marissa: She still loves you. I can see it in her face. [David sighs] David: Krystal told me that if I loved her, I would let her go. And I'm gonna honor that. Now, for too long, I have dragged her through all my obsessions and hatred and poison. I feel like I owe her that peace, which she has defined as a life without me. Marissa: So it's been rocky, but she's forgiven you. David: Well, maybe I haven't forgiven myself. Look, I meant what I said. I can work really hard to make this family work, and I will always be there for Krystal, if she ever needs me, just as I will always be there for you. Marissa: But I want you to be happy. David: Krystal gave me two amazing daughters. With you in my life, how can I not be happy? Marissa: Not that kind of happy. In love. Butterflies-in-the-stomach happy. Tell me you're not giving up on love. [David sighs] David: Never say never. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: Of course, things look bleak right now, but they're gonna look so much better in the morning. Ryan is gonna take Emma away so she won't have to testify against you. We're leaving town tonight. Kendall: You won't have to leave. Ryan: Annie got to Emma tonight. Getting Emma out of town is the only way to protect her. Protect her from Annie, protect her from whatever would happen up on that stand. Kendall: Emma won't have to testify. I took the plea bargain. Erica: Kendall, no -- Kendall: Mom, it's the only way. Erica: But you're innocent. Kendall: I understand that, but there is a pile of circumstantial evidence against me, and a little girl who swears that she saw me shoot Stuart. Erica: No. Emma is afraid, and she's confused. Annie is making her say that. Kendall: I will not risk the possibility that I can get a sentence worse than prison. Erica: No, there has to be another way. We'll prove that Annie is the one who murdered Stuart. Kendall: Yes, you will have plenty of time for that. Ryan: While you're behind bars? Erica: Listen to me, this is unacceptable. You have to call Mr. Willis. You have to tell him that you've changed your mind. Kendall: And risk being convicted? No, Mom. Five to ten years, it sounds a hell of a lot better than getting life. And life without my boys might as well be the death penalty. I need to go. I need to go be with them right now. Erica: No, Kendall, wait -- well, you can't be all right with this. Zach: I talked to her. She wouldn't listen. Ryan: Make her listen. Erica: Ok, I'll talk to her. Ryan: I don't understand how you could let this happen. Zach: I didn't let anything happen. Ryan: It's gonna kill her. Five to ten years of talking to her kids on weekends through, like, a plastic shield. Why would she do this? Why would she sacrifice everything? Who would do that? You would. You were willing to go to prison for the rest of your life for Kendall. Is that where she got the idea? [SCENE_BREAK] Scott: I found Annie out on the terrace. She twisted her ankle. Annie: Thank you for helping me back inside. Adam: Yes, Scott, thank you. Are you all right? Annie: I'm much better now. Scott: Well, I should get going. I left some reports at Chandler. Annie: Thank you again. Scott: Yeah. [Annie giggles] Adam: You look very pleased with yourself. Annie: I am. Adam: The twisted ankle. What was that about? Really? Annie: It was a test. And Scott passed with flying colors. I told him about the monitor. He could've told J.R., but he didn't. Instead, he helped -- tried to help me put it back on. I think Scott's on our side, Adam. Adam: Yes. He's an idealist. He still trusts the truth. Annie: Well, he lied to protect me, so -- and I really don't think he'll tell J.R. about my little adventure. Adam: I hope you're right. Annie: In the meantime, I think we should put this little puppy back on before J.R. comes back in and tells me what a horrible human being I am. Adam: I wish I didn't have to do this. Annie: I know. It won't be for that much longer. Thank you for trusting me enough to go see Emma. Adam: Yes. How is she? What was so urgent? Annie: Adam...Emma saw who killed your brother. [SCENE_BREAK] David: A pleasure. [Pop music playing] Marissa: So, what's up? Something with the case? Liza: Yes. Kendall is taking the plea bargain. Marissa: What? But you were sure that she didn't kill Stuart. Why would she volunteer to go to prison if she's innocent? Liza: Listen, something you're gonna learn early in your career is that "innocent," it's not always enough. And too bad you didn't get an opportunity to see that trial. You know, that one would've really been good on your résumé. Marissa: Does this have anything to do with your theory that Emma Lavery may have been a witness? Liza: It doesn't matter. Listen, the other thing you're gonna learn is, if our client wants to make a deal, it's our job to make sure that we get them one. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Kendall's not taking the deal because of anything I did or didn't do. Kendall's taking the deal because she's focused on one thing, and one thing only. She wants to spend as little time away from her boys as possible. Ryan: Five to ten years? This is insane. I mean, you know her. She's so emotional. She's so caught up in following her heart, she's not listening to the voice that's gotta be inside her head telling her that this is the worst idea that she could possibly have. Be that voice. You tell her. Zach: You don't think I tried talking to her? Ryan: Tell her that your confession for a crime that you didn't commit was the worst thing that you could've done. Tell her that if it came up again, you would never have done it. Zach: That would be a lie, Ryan. Ryan: Well, I guess when you love somebody as much as you love Kendall, you would sacrifice anything, right? [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: This little guy has missed out on a lot of Mom time. I know, I know. How do we make up for all the time that he missed? How do I make up for all the time that -- that I could be away? Erica: Well, don't. Spike: [Speaking baby talk] Kendall: Love her. Erica: You haven't signed anything? Nobody has to know. You're free to change your mind. Hi, sweetheart. Spike: Baby. Kendall: Mama, what will that do? I mean, what -- that'll just give me a few weeks. It's not nearly enough time to fill his precious head with memories that last a lifetime. Erica: You don't think that 5 years away is gonna seem like a lifetime? [Kiss] Spike: [Speaking baby talk] Kendall: Mom... I could get the death penalty. [Erica sighs] Kendall: Ok? So, I mean, at least by doing this, I have some sort of control, you know? I'll live. I'll have a future with my sons. I mean, I know -- I know, baby. I know -- your tiger. Gonna get your tiger. Erica: It's ok, sweetheart. Kendall: I mean, I know it'll be a while, but at least I'll be able to come home and I'll have birthdays and holidays and maybe go see hockey games. And that's all that matters to me -- is just coming home to my family. [SCENE_BREAK] Scott: What are you doing here? J.R.: I'm making sure that Annie doesn't get her hands on our company. I'm drafting a new bylaw that prohibits anyone from gaining access to shares or voting rights. Scott: Isn't that a little extreme? J.R.: My dad's dancing around the house, crushing on a woman who stabs, steals, and tire irons people to death. Someone needs to look out for this family's best interest. Scott: Annie seems pretty rational these days. J.R.: She's as crazy as they come. Scott, we're just getting Chandler back on track. I'm gonna make sure that that psycho doesn't steal it from us. Scott: No. I don't think Annie's in it for the money. I think she really cares for Adam. J.R.: That's because you believe the best about everyone. Annie's playing you, just like she's playing my dad. She thinks she's gonna sleep her way into my dad's heart. Well, she's not the first woman who tried to love my dad out of his money, but I'm gonna make damn sure it's the last. [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: I knew it. I knew Kendall killed Stuart. Annie: Who are you calling? Adam: The police. Annie: No, you can't do that. Adam: Kendall Slater wanted me dead. She killed my brother instead, by accident. I want her in jail, where she belongs. Annie: Adam, Adam, Adam, you can't call the police. They'll start asking questions. Ok? And then they'll know that I was with Emma, that I ripped off my monitor, and then I will be sent to prison for violating my house arrest. Adam: Kendall Slater killed my brother. She wanted me dead. Now, if we don't tell the authorities, she could get away, she could escape, she could go free. I don't think I can live with that. Annie: You're right. You're right. What kind of mother would I be if I let my daughter grow up holding onto this horrible secret? I--[Sigh] I can't do that to her. Or to you. Adam: What are you doing? Annie: It's better for everyone if the truth comes out. No more secrets, no more lies. Adam: Well, it would be better for everyone but you. I can't let you risk your freedom. What the hell are you doing? [Annie sighs] Annie: Getting the ADA's undivided attention. [Annie cuts off her ankle monitor] [SCENE_BREAK] David: My recommendation? Try the salmon. Liza: What, did you raise your patient from the dead and you're back for more dessert? David: No, I was hoping to catch Marissa again. Liza: Well, she just-- she just left. David: That's all right. I'll catch up with her later. Would you like some company? Liza: Ha. Um, you know, I've been on my own so long, I'm used to eating alone. David: Well, that's all right. Tonight, you don't have to. [SCENE_BREAK] Scott: Why is it so hard for you to believe that Annie might actually love Adam? Ok, he's not exactly warm and fuzzy, but he's got a good heart. J.R.: You know, you really need to do something about that rose-colored half- full glass syndrome that you've got. Scott: Adam funded my production company. He kept it afloat for years, even though it never made a dime. J.R.: He needed the write-off. Scott: Or he sees the potential in people and is willing to invest in them. J.R.: The only potential that Annie has is to expand to mass murder, and I'm not gonna sit around until she wipes out my entire family. Scott: She hasn't had an easy life, J.R. J.R.: Who has, Scott? Scott: [Scoffs] Her mother died when she was very young, and she has spent a lifetime trying to find that love again, trying to fit in. So maybe she goes a little overboard. Maybe she loves a little too hard and gets hurt a little too easily. J.R.: She's the one doing the damage. Annie's like that siren on the rocks, and my dad's the drunken sailor just waiting to crash and burn. Scott: No, no. Adam's smart. If Annie is working him, he'll see it. J.R.: Well, he certainly hasn't seen it yet. [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: There's no need to overreact. Willis: Where's Annie Lavery? Annie: Ah. That was fast. Willis: Cancel the APB. And have another ankle monitor sent out. What's this about? Annie: You must be exhausted planning for Kendall's trial. Re-interviewing witnesses, going over evidence, structuring a prosecution -- Willis: Mrs. Lavery, I do not have time for games. Annie: What if I could tell you that I could save you a lot of time and a lot of energy? Willis: I'm listening. Annie: What's your best offer? Willis: Excuse me? Annie: I have a competency hearing coming up. If the judge says I am fit to stand trial, I could go to jail for the rest of my life. Willis: And? Annie: If you get those charges against me dropped, I can give you everything you need to convict Kendall Slater for murdering Stuart Chandler. [SCENE_BREAK] [Kendall sobs] [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: What are you gonna say to Emma? Ryan: I don't know. I mean, what do you say to a 7-year-old? How do you tell her? Tell her that she didn't actually see what she thinks she saw, that the picture that's inside her head was put there by somebody else, most likely her own mother? Erica: Well, you'll find the words. You're so good with her. Ryan: I don't know. Lately, I feel like she's been pulling away a little bit. Erica: Oh, no. Oh, Ryan, she loves you. No, she's just confused. Ryan: What's really scary for me is that Annie was a perfectly normal, happy little girl just like Emma, until Richie messed with her mind, until Richie made her believe things that didn't actually happen. That's what nearly destroyed Annie and now she's doing the exact same thing to Emma. And I cannot let that happen. [SCENE_BREAK] David: So, does being alone get any easier? Liza: Well, you know, when Colby left, I didn't know how to be alone. I just didn't know what to do with myself if I wasn't taking care of someone or helping her with her homework or picking up after her. But, you know, I got used to it. And for the first time in a really long time, I just focused on myself and, well, that's when I realized that I -- looked in the mirror one day and I said I just -- I don't like that woman that's looking back at me. David: So you became a hotshot lawyer. Liza: Well, listen, if I want Colby to make a difference in this world, then I need to set the same standards. David: Save the world, save yourself. That's kind of the reason why I became a doctor. That and my spectacular talent. Liza: Hmm. David: I thought that if can save enough people, that maybe I could save myself. Liza: You know, David, you saved my life once upon a time. You did. If you weren't there when Colby decided to go breech, well, then I wouldn't have had this opportunity to start over and do the right thing. David: All this time alone has made you a very wise woman. Liza: No, it's not -- it wasn't being alone. It was -- it was losing my child that made me realize all the mistakes that I made. David: I'm sorry. Um, I'm sorry. I have to go. Liza: Got another patient, huh? David: Yeah. Liza: Yeah. David: Take care. Liza: Thank you. [R&B music playing] [SCENE_BREAK] Marissa: Hey. You got time for a break? Scott: Sure. J.R.: Absolutely. Marissa: Um, I -- I thought you should know that Kendall's taking a deal. She's pleading guilty to killing your dad in exchange for a lighter sentence. J.R.: But Kendall didn't do it, Annie did. Scott: Oh, enough with the Annie loop already. J.R.: Why are you defending her? I thought you wanted justice for your dad. Scott: Kendall pleading guilty-- I just got it. J.R.: No, this isn't justice. It's a joke. And Annie gets away with murder, again. Scott: Innocent people don't admit to crimes they didn't commit. J.R.: Zach did. Scott: That's because he was protecting Kendall. Who's Kendall protecting, Annie? J.R.: Annie deserves to rot in prison. Scott: You just want her gone so she's away from your father. J.R.: At least I care enough about my father to do right by him. Scott: Don't you ever, ever say I don't care. Marissa: Ok, Scott, don't -- Scott. [Door slams] [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: Emma will be fine. Ryan: How will she be fine? I mean, really, if you think -- Annie kidnapped her, she almost got her killed in a fire, and there was a period of time that she didn't even recognize her own daughter, and now she's convinced Emma that Kendall killed Stuart. I mean, how could I not be worried about my daughter's sanity? Erica: Ryan, the biggest difference between Emma and Annie is you. Emma has a father who loves her more than anything in the world, and would do anything to protect her. With you in her life, how could Emma be anything but all right? [SCENE_BREAK] Willis: You killed a man. I can't make that go away. Annie: That was self-defense. If I didn't kill my brother, he would have killed me. Willis: Then your attorney should have no problem proving that in court. Annie: I have been all over the tabloids this year, ok? There is no way they are gonna give "Crazy Annie" a fair trial. Willis: So you want a deal? Annie: If you give me a deal, we both get what we want. I go free and you put your killer away for life. Adam: A major coup and a lock on the district attorney seat. Willis: The evidence would have to be compelling -- overwhelming -- to get a conviction on Kendall Slater. Adam: What could be more compelling than an eyewitness? Annie: Do we have a deal? Willis: All right. Who's the witness? Annie: My daughter. She saw Kendall pull the trigger. Willis: I appreciate you coming forward. A new ankle monitor will be sent out. Annie: Wait. What -- excuse me. What about my deal? Willis: You have your deal. But only after I get my conviction. Until Kendall Slater is convicted for first degree murder, nothing has changed. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Promise you won't let them forget me. Zach: Forget you? The boys? They'll never forget you. They're boys. Send you e-mails and paint pictures and videos, everything. Come on. We'll get it done. It's gonna be a little weird, but...never really been normal, huh? Kendall: Thank you. | confronts Adam about his loving Annie |
287 | Ashley: Hi. Ravi: Hey. You're glowing. Ashley: Spa day. Ravi: Actually, I was referring to your inner glow. You got that look you get when you're about to solve a problem. Ashley: I have a look for that? Ravi: Yeah, you do. Ashley: Okay. Ravi: So, uh, everything with your mother and Abby was a success? Ashley: It was enjoyable. And enlightening. Ravi: And Dina? Ashley: Happy and relaxed. She said something, however, though -- more like an aside. It got me thinking. Graham: Are you currently taking calls from your son? Dina: Jack. Jack: Hello, mother. For a second there, I thought my call was going to voicemail. Dina: Well, to tell you the truth, it almost did. Phyllis: Let's stop talking about jack's agenda and start talking about us. Billy: Okay, when are you gonna cook for me next? Phyllis: What?! You're thinking about cooking? Billy: Food consumed while naked always leads to dessert. Phyllis: [Sighs] Okay, well, I'm gonna have to consult my recipe file and see what I can come up with that's tasty. Billy: I can think of something. Phyllis: Mnh-mnh. Billy: What do you mean, "mnh-mnh?" Hey, hey, hey. Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no. You have a conference call that's coming up. And I need to get back upstairs. Billy: [Clears throat] Okay, well, synchronize that little clock of yours -- one hour from right now. Phyllis: Do not promise anything you cannot deliver. Victoria might give you a whole workload. Billy: She shouldn't, although she should be back by now 'cause we have a conference call. Phyllis: Well, she's probably upstairs with Jack. I'll see you later, okay? Goodbye. Billy: Bye. Phyllis: You're very handsome. Victoria? Victoria. Victoria! Victoria! Charlie: Hey. Oh, wait! Hold on. Juliet: Oh, I was just trying to get the last of the afternoon sun. Charlie: Here. I got you. Juliet: Oh, no, I didn't mean for you to... Charlie: It's my job -- saving lives, moving chairs... Juliet: Oh! [Chuckles] Thanks. Juliet: I don't know why, but you almost look familiar. Charlie: It's probably the lifeguard gear. Wipes out all traces of individuality. Juliet: [Chuckles] Charlie: Can you, uh, keep a secret? Juliet: Sure. Charlie: All right, look, the sun stays in this exact spot 45 seconds longer than anywhere else on this rooftop. Juliet: Well, no one will ever hear that from me. Charlie: I'll grab you a towel. Jordan: Okay. There she is. Way to knock out the competition. [Chuckles] Hilary: Whoa. Who knocked you out? Jordan: Uh, nothing like that. Just playing a little basketball, you know. Hilary: Rough game? Jordan: Rough pavement. I was driving to score the winning basket, got tripped, and fell. Hilary: Ouch! Jordan: But I did manage to catch your show, though. Hilary: You saw it? Jordan: All the national feeds are picking it up. How did you manage to get that footage of the Newmans going at each other? Hilary: Well, you know, good instincts and a good producer. Jordan: Yeah. Mmm. Hilary: Mmm. Jordan: You should be proud of yourself. Hilary: I am. Thank you. Jordan: So, what are you gonna do as a follow-up? Hilary: Well, Genoa city is fertile ground for hot stories. See, this one fell into my lap just as all the drama with Juliet was dying down. Jordan: Mm, that one's not quite dead yet. At least not for lily. Hilary: What did you hear? Jordan: That the fallout from what Cane did is still falling. Hilary: There's more? Lily: So, what exactly did Jack say? Cane: That he's not gonna hire me. Lily: But the way you were talking before... Cane: I know, I was sure he was gonna do it. If you heard the way he was talking, you would have thought the same thing. He was encouraging, he was enthusiastic. [Sighs] Look, it's obvious something happened after I left. Lily: But you don't know what. Cane: Yeah, I do. It was Victoria. Additional sponsorship Jordan: Cane hasn't gotten anyone else pregnant or lost any more jobs, but lily's still getting slammed emotionally, financially... Hilary: Yeah, I'm sure it's tough to have all of that dumped on you. All at once. So, do you want to see some of the unedited footage from after the concert? Jordan: Any video of you on there? Hilary: Some... Jordan: How did you get Victor to sign off on airing that fight with his son? Hilary: I have my ways. Jordan: It's getting a lot of play. Hilary: Yeah, well, it's too bad that even the biggest scoop only gets notice for 24 hours, tops. Jordan: Before everyone starts obsessing over something new. Hilary: And I want to get to that next level, I want to have a lasting impact. Jordan: You'll get there soon. Hilary: Shooting viral videos likes this? It's not nearly enough. Jordan: Well, you keep changing it up. Vary the type of media, your presentation, your target audience. Keep delivering what works and dump what doesn't. Hilary: Are you my cheerleader or my life coach? Jordan: You can fly even higher than your dreams, as long as you believe. Hilary: Flying high, huh? Seems kind of scary without a co-pilot. Jordan: Welcome aboard. Ashley: Are you sure you want to talk about this? I mean, it's family stuff... Ravi: I wouldn't have asked if I didn't care. Ashley: Okay. Well, towards the end of our spa experience, my mother actually told me that she's missing her company. Ravi: You think she's having seller's remorse? Ashley: Mm, I think it's less specific than that. I think it's more of a reaction to the jarring transition from such and intense lifestyle, something she hasn't experienced in a really long time. Ravi: Well, she was working 14-hour work days at a major conglomerate to practically having all the free time in the world. Ashley: Exactly. For somebody like my mother, that's a huge 180. You know, I just never thought what that would be like for her. Ravi: That could explain why she's acting so distracted. Ashley: I think she's still adjusting. And, actually, I think that it's harder than she thought it would be. Jack: Even though we talked it out, I still feel like I have to make it up to you for allowing things to get as tense as they got between us. Dina: There's no need, Jack. Jack: Well, I'd love to see you. How's dinner sound? Are you starting to regret picking up my call? Dina: Uh, no, no. I was just trying to remember if I have plans for tonight or not. Jack: Or are you trying to think of a better excuse to get out of it? Dina: Don't try to be so paranoid. Jack: And it's not like me to be so rude that it compels you to slap me, either. Dina: We both regret that. Well, you know, I'm thinking about it, and I think it would be wonderful for us to get together and put it all behind us. So I'm pleased to say yes. Jack: And I'm pleased to hear it. Uh, the club, say, 20 minutes? Dina: See you then. Where are you going? Graham: I heard enough of your side of the conversation to know that jack's on his way over. Dina: No, no. Please. Please stay. I may need a buffer. Just in case. [Knocks on door] Ashley: Hey. Hope we're not interrupting. Jack: Uh, no, actually. I just got off the phone with our mother. I'm having dinner with her. Ashley: Oh, really? Would you mind if I joined you? Jack: Would I mind? No, I'd love for you to join me. I think I'd like to have a buffer. Phyllis: Victoria. Victoria. You must have fainted. Are you okay? Victoria: [Sighs] Phyllis: Okay, you know what? I am gonna get some help, all right? Victoria: No, no, no. Hold on. I'm fine. I'm okay. Don't call anyone. I'm good. Phyllis: Obviously something made you pass out. Victoria: I just -- you know what, I -- I'm probably dehydrated. I forgot to eat lunch again. Phyllis: What about breakfast? Victoria: Hmm? Breakfast? Usually. I was wrangling the kids and I forgot to eat. Phyllis: When was the last time you got a physical? You really should talk to a doctor about this. Victoria: Phyllis, I don't need a doctor to tell me that I need to eat more regularly, okay? Thank you. I feel better already. You don't need to hover. I'm not your responsibility. Please, just -- please don't tell anybody about this, okay? Because it's really -- it's embarrassing as it is. Phyllis: You sure you're okay? Victoria: I'm fine! See? Would I be able to walk away on my own steam if I wasn't? I'm -- I'm fine. Cane: I mean, the only thing that makes any sense is that somebody got in jack's ear about not giving me the job at jabot. Lily: But Victoria? Cane: Well, brash & sassy! Is just downstairs, so it's not like they don't know what's going on and vice versa. Lily: Look, I can't see Jack consulting Billy or Victoria on his personnel decisions. From what I've seen, Jack despises Billy. Cane: Well, then it has to be Victoria. She's the one who did this to me. Lily: Well, why would she? Cane: Because she wants revenge. Lily: Cane... Cane: Sweetheart, I wouldn't put anything past her. [Groans] I needed this job. It would have solved all of our problems, baby. Lily: Look, just try and stay positive, okay? I know Jack changed his mind, but he obviously saw some value in your interview, and that means someone else will, too. Someone's who immune to the politics of it all, and you won't get in the middle of petty conflicts. Cane: I don't care about the conflicts, I don't. All I want is to provide for my family, just get my relationship with my kids back on track, and just... just regain your trust. That's all I want. Lily: Just don't lose hope. Cane: I'm trying to stay positive. This is the lowest my life has ever been. I'm a complete disappointment to you, and this morning, the kids wouldn't even look at me. Lily: I think the kids just need to get back to some sort of routine, you know? The way things were before. Cane: Yeah, well, how's that possible? Lily: I don't know. We start small. Like remember when you used to take time from work and you would prep Charlie for football season? You know, you'd practice passing and running drills? Cane: Yeah, that was fun. It was like a summer tradition, wasn't it? Lily: Look, why don't you go track him down at the club? Cane: He's working. Lily: Well, his shift is almost done, and I think there's plenty of light left tonight. Cane: I will do it. It's gonna be better than sitting here and dwelling on this. Thank you. I love you, baby. You're a lifesaver. Okay. [Door closes] Lily: Hi, it's me. Um, do you have any time to talk later? Charlie: And can I get you something to drink? Juliet: I can manage that on my own, thanks, but I appreciate the towel and the chair and the perfect sunset view. Charlie: Oh, no, thank you. We don't take tips. Juliet: No one has to know. Charlie: Look, you're being nice. That's tip enough. It beats some of the other guests around here -- and don't tell my boss I said that. [Laughs] Juliet: [Laughs] Victoria: Hey. Billy: Hey. There you are. I, uh, didn't know you were on your way down. I would have delayed the conference call. Victoria: Oh, I missed it? [Sighs] Billy: Yeah. I figured you were still with Jack, that's why you didn't answer my text message, but, uh, I'll fill you in on everything. Victoria: No, that's not necessary. You know, after dealing with Jack and this Cane situation, I'm just really relieved that I have someone here that I can rely on. I trust you. Billy: Well, who wouldn't? I'm perfect. So, want to tell me what happened upstairs? Victoria: Well, I am 99% sure that I managed to get Jack to reconsider hiring Cane. Billy: Really. How? Victoria: Well, I brought my mother into it. If Jack is really seriously interested in her, going for my company's jugular isn't exactly gonna make her very happy. Billy: Smart move. Although, knowing Jack, he'll just find a sneakier way to come after us. He wants brash & sassy! To fail, and fail big time. He's made that much clear. Victoria: Well, then, it'll be up to you and me to make sure that doesn't happen. And I know I can count on you because we're a team, aren't we? Billy: We are, like batman and robin. Victoria: Yeah, like, uh, Sam and Diane. Billy: Bonnie and Clyde. Victoria: Peanut butter and jelly. Phyllis: So you didn't hire Cane. Jack: Phyllis, I'm on my way to dinner. Phyllis: Just tell me. I mean, after all of our discussion about what he could bring to the mix, you didn't give Cane the job. Jack: I know you thought bringing him onboard was a good thing. I did, too, at first. Then after careful consideration, given the circumstances, I decided to pass. Phyllis: What circumstances? Jack: I'd rather not get into that right now. Phyllis: Listen, it had to be something that Victoria said. I mean, she came in here ready to lop your head off. It must have been pretty intense, since she fainted right after she left you. Jack: Fainted? Phyllis: Yes, I found her just passed out cold in the elevator. She specifically asked me not to say anything. Jack: And that's why you're telling me now. Phyllis: Why is everybody caring about what Victoria wants, especially you? Jack -- why did you give into her like that? Jack: Okay, your opinion is on the record, even though you haven't really hinted at what's in this for you. Phyllis: What do you mean? Jack: Well, it seems to me I'm kind of doing your dirty work here. If I put brash & sassy! Out of business, that very neatly gets Billy out of the business side of Victoria's life. If they spend less time together, it certainly makes things nicer on the home front for you, doesn't it? Phyllis: Have a nice dinner, Jack. Jack: Truth hurts, doesn't it? Phyllis: Would I not like to see Billy and Victoria joined at the hip all day? Of course. They already share children. That's enough of a connection. Jack: And I'm sure it's occurred to you that with Cane gone, Victoria will lean on Billy all the more. In fact... Phyllis: "In fact," what, Jack? Just say it. Jack: You know what, she was very upset when she left here. You're probably right in your theory that that's what made her faint, but... what if she fainted because she's pregnant? Wouldn't be the first time that happened. Oh! I got to go. Phyllis: There's no way that's true, Jack! Billy: That is a no on marketing, and that is it! Victoria: Well, for you, maybe. I still have a few things I need to wrap up here. Oh, no! Billy: What is it? Victoria: There's just not enough hours in the day. Could you -- could you do me a favor? Billy: Yeah. Victoria: Could you take over for Hannah and watch the kids tonight? I've got this thing that I've got to go to, and I'm just not sure when I'm gonna be done. Billy: Yeah, I'm always down to hang out with the kids. Of course. Victoria: Thank you. Billy: You want to tell me about it? Is there anything I should know? Victoria: Oh, no, it's nothing to do with work. Billy: Okay, then. Victoria: I resisted before when someone suggested it, but I want to check in with my doctor. I -- I fainted before. Billy: You fainted? Victoria: It's not -- it's why I missed the conference call. Billy: Where? When? Victoria: Billy, it's just -- it's not a big deal, okay? I was dehydrated because I hadn't had anything to eat, and you know... Billy: Conversation with Jack stressed you out? Victoria: Yeah, and there's all these other stresses, too, right now. But I'm sure it's fine. At least I hope so. That's why I'm going to the doctor. He had a cancellation and so he said he could fit me in, which is a good thing. Billy: Okay, well, don't worry about the kids. I'll take care of that. But do me a favor -- will you call me and text me if it's anything serious? Victoria: You really do care about me, don't you? Billy: Yeah, I do care about you. 'Cause we're partners, right? Victoria: Yeah. Right. Lily: I'm so glad I caught you while you were passing through town. Barry: I was planning on checking in on you, anyway, hoping we can get back on the same page. And when you reached out to me, well, I take it you're not mad at me anymore. Lily: No, I think I overreacted by firing you as my agent. Barry: No hard feelings. Lily: Well, thank for you being understanding. Barry: Because I think that you and I can make a lot of money. Lily: You do? Okay, good, 'cause I know that you were talking about broadening my base and sending me out for auditions, and I think I'm ready for that now. So I would love for you to put me up for whatever you think I'm right for. Barry: Well, I would be happy to do that, but just so we're clear, you're not thinking of leaving brash & sassy!, Are you? Lily: No, no, no. Definitely not. I -- I just... I don't know, I don't want to limit myself, and Victoria said that I could go out for things that aren't direct competition. I just want to do more, you know? More modeling, maybe try acting. If I can get another commercial like before, that'd be great. Barry: And that, lily Ashby, is exactly what I wanted to hear. This is a commercial audition scene that was sent to me this morning. If you can get yourself on tape reading that, I'll submit it as soon as possible. Lily: I didn't think this would happen so quickly. Barry: But you can do it? Lily: Uh, yeah. Absolutely. Barry: Do you have someone that can help you with the technical aspects of it? Doesn't have to be too fancy. Lily: Um, you know, I think I might. Barry: Website information's on there, too, explaining where to upload the video when it's ready. Lily: Okay, great. Well, thank you. I'll get on this right away. Barry: Absolutely. I'll let you get to that. Lily: Okay. Barry: I'm anxious to see it. Lily: Thank you. Barry: All right. Bye. Lily: Bye. Hey. Do you want to be my knight in shining armor? Jordan: Got some dragons that need slaying? Lily: I actually have a video that needs shooting. I have to be put on camera for an online audition. Jordan: Sure, I'm up for that. Come over to GC buzz. Lily: Um, I don't think Hilary would want me using the facilities there. Jordan: Why would she have a problem with that? Hilary would be happy to help. Charlie: Hey, you were drinking iced tea before, right? Juliet: Oh, you didn't have to do that, but I'm glad that you did. Thank you. Charlie: You're welcome. "The young and the restless" will continue. Jack: What? Hello there. Dina: Hello! Ashley, what a lovely surprise. I took the liberty of inviting graham, as well. I hope you two don't mind. Ashley: Well, I kind of invited myself along, so, um, what's fair is fair. Hello. Graham: Ashley. Please. Ashley: Thank you. Graham: I'll find another chair. Dina: Oh, dears. Oh, Jack, I'm glad we're doing this. Mwah! Ashley: Oh, so you guys are gonna be able to play nice, I hope. I don't want to have to break up any fistfights here. Jack: I've learned my lesson. Dina: What's done is done, dear. And I'm looking forward to my future. Ashley: Oh. Good. What kind of things are you gonna be involved in? Dina: You mean now that I'm no longer involved with Mergeron? Ashley: Well, yeah, you mentioned at the spa that you missed it, so... Dina: Yeah. Ashley: It must be very challenging for you, to go from working non-stop to hardly working at all. Dina: I find ways to stay busy. Managing my investments and my philanthropy, I'm quite content. Oh, thank you. I am famished. Let's see what the specials are, shall we? Ashley: Thank you. Hilary: You offered up my studio space to lily? Just -- just like that? Jordan: You're just pretending to be bothered. Hilary: Listen to me -- Jordan: And you have a great heart, Hilary. Sure, you and lily have some history. Hilary: We hate each other. Jordan: That's overstating. Hilary: Jordan, I am tell-- Jordan: Even if it's true, you don't kick even your worst enemy when they're down, am I right? Hilary: You have either got some nerve or... our relationship is moving to a new level. Jordan: Can't it be both? Lily: Hi. Jordan: Lily. Come on in. Lily: I am very relieved that you were able to do this. Jordan: What you got? Lily: Um, options. Jordan: All right. Let me take a look at them. Lily: All right. Thanks. I know I'm not your favorite person, so I am doubly grateful that you're letting me do this here. Hilary: Well, the show's over and the space and the equipment are just sitting here, so... hopefully this makes up for how I helped Juliet when she needed a lawyer. Lily: Yeah, maybe. Hilary: How are the kids handling everything? Lily: We're just, you know, working hard to deal with it all. Hilary: I actually really admire you, lily. Most women would have just kicked Cane out, end of story. But you're -- you're sticking by him. Lily: Yeah. Hilary: I'm sure that that means a lot to him. Lily: We're a family, so... Hilary: Well, I know I'm probably the last person that you ever expect to hear this from, but.. I really do hope that it works out for the two of you. Lily: Yeah, you're right. You are the last person I would expect to hear that from. Jordan: Ready to get to work? Juliet: Are you sure about that tip? Charlie: Absolutely. Um... let me know if you need anything else. Cane: Hey. Charlie: What's wrong, dad? Why are you showing up at my job? Cane: Nothing's wrong, mate. You know, I was just wondering, you know, you finish work soon. I thought we could go to the club, you know, do some, you know, football drills, then go outside, pass the ball a little bit. Charlie: Uh, you know, I'm sorry, I've got plans tonight. Cane: All right, just, you know, the season's starting soon. I just want you to be prepared for it, you know? Charlie: Yeah, maybe, look, let me get back to it before I get in trouble. Cane: Sure. All right, mate. I'll see you later, okay? [Sighs] Juliet: Don't look at me like that. I had no idea that that pleasant young man is your son. Cane: I'm expected to believe you because...? Juliet: Please, it's just a weird coincidence. Cane: Ah. Juliet: But you know what? He's a good kid. Polite, conscientious. You and lily have done a great job raising him. Cane: Yeah, we're proud of him. Juliet: I hope our child grows up to be just as well-adjusted. Cane: Really? Do you have to do that? Really? Juliet: It's not like I can pretend that I'm not pregnant or that the baby's not yours. Cane: Okay, and it's not like I can't pretend that this is nothing but a complete and total disaster. Juliet: If you have something on your mind, say it. Before this, you and I were friends, people who could talk to each other about anything. Cane: Right. Juliet: You know, maybe for this little baby's sake, we should figure out how to be that way again. Cane: I know you're trying to reach out to me, but unfortunately, you've just caught me on the wrong day. Juliet: Why? What happened? Cane: Well, we can start with the fact that you're sitting here enjoying iced teas without a care in the world because you have Victoria's money in the bank while I'm trying to figure out how I can put food on the table for my kids. We can start with that. Juliet: Come on, Cane. Getting fired never looks good on a résumé, but it happens to almost everyone eventually. And you've got years of experience and a very impressive skill-set to balance it out. I know firsthand how good you are with corporate finance and management, and some C.E.O. Will, too. Cane: Yeah, well, I thought that, too. I even thought I had the job at jabot in the bag. Juliet: It didn't pan out? How come? Cane: I kind of think that maybe Victoria did something to torpedo me. Juliet: Victoria? Cane: She figured I was gonna go and talk to Jack, so she dropped everything and went to him to stop me from going to the competition. Juliet: Jabot is one company out of thousands. Cane: Well, I can't go anywhere with Victoria's reference if she's blackballed me, can I? And just when I think that my mistakes couldn't cost me any more, Victoria is gonna make me keep paying. Juliet: Then why sit back and take it? Victoria may feel that she had cause to fire you from brash & sassy!, But she does not get to control the rest of your life. Lily: [Sighs] Okay. [Vocalizes] Let's do this. Jordan: All right, and... cue. Good looks? Appealing. Flirtation? Intriguing. Chemistry? Hot. Low in calories and sinfully indulgent? Irresistible. How was that? Jordan: Underwhelming. Lily: I know! I feel like I'm spouting off a laundry list. Jordan: Well, don't act at me, talk to me. Make every word an invitation to enjoy this decadent dessert with you. Hilary: [Sighs] Lily: Good looks? Appealing. Flirtation? Intriguing. Chemistry? Hot. Low in calories and sinfully indulgent? Irresistible. Jordan: That's it! You nailed it! Lily: Really? Jordan: Yeah! There you go, all set and ready for you to upload to your agent. Lily: Thank you so much. I really owe you one. Jordan: Oh, come on, it was fun. Lily: [Laughs] Um, thank you, Hilary. Jordan: See? It wasn't that bad. And to repay you for your patience and your kindness, I want to take you out to dinner. Wherever you want, sky is the limit. Hilary: Well, actually, I was hoping that you might be able to pick up some takeout? I just -- I have so much to finish here for tomorrow. Jordan: Yeah, sure. Any preference? Hilary: Uh, I'm in the mood for Thai. Jordan: Usual spot? Hilary: Perfect. Jordan: All right. I won't be long, all right? Hilary: Take your time. Jack: Thank you. Dina: [Stammers] I just can't decide. Graham, you know what I like. Graham: Madame Mergeron ms. Mergeron will have the Chilean sea bass, medium, with haricot verts and rice pilaf. Dina: Oh! And extra lemon, please. Jack: And we'll have the sparkling rosé. I think you'll enjoy it. Dina: Oh, I'm sure I will. Jack: So, I've been meaning to invite you to take a trip up to the family cabin sometime soon -- before the end of the summer, anyway. Dina: Oh, that cabin. It was so peaceful out there in the woods. You know, I haven't thought about that place in god knows how long. Graham: When was the last time you were there? Dina: I have no idea. Years and years. But there's one thing I do remember vividly. Jack: Oh? What is that? Dina: Well, when we were there, we would play a trivia game. Jack: [Chuckles] Dina: I crushed the competition. Do you remember that, Ashley? Ashley: No, not really. Dina: We were playing the game, and, uh, it was your birthday, Jack -- June 29th -- and we thought as a real treat, we'd let you stay up so that you could be my teammate. Jack: Oh, I remember. I was on your team. She was so good at this! She remembered ancient history, she remember baseball stats. Dina: I did, indeed. And we won because john could not remember the name of the first American female self-made millionaire. Jack: That's right. Dina: Do you remember the answer? Jack: I do. We won with this answer. Her name was madam C.J. Walker, and she was an African-American woman who developed hair and beauty products. Graham: Wow. You really had a mind for all those facts, huh? Dina: Oh, I was the champion. Ashley: Well, we should play sometime. Dina: Oh, no, Ashley, you would trounce me now. I was too busy working to bone up on past history and pop culture. Ashley: So I bet you can't name all the Kardashians. Graham: Well, who can? Dina: Well, now, let's see. There's the mom, Kris. And then there's Kourtney, Kim, Khloe, and Robert. Kendall and Kylie are Jenners. Ashley: [Laughs] Jack: Wow. Ashley: Wow, indeed. Just think, with all your free time, your mastery of detail would become quite impressive. Dina: Well, I never thought you were that interested in how I spend my days, dear. Ashley: Well, it's just what you said at the spa. It just got me thinking. You know, you really downshifted your lifestyle when you sold Mergeron, and I don't know, a lot of people might regret making such a sudden change. Dina: Do I miss all the excitement, the high-stakes decisions, and taking risks and watching them pay off? Certainly. But I really wish Neil and Devon would accept my advice more. But I probably wouldn't, either, if I were in their shoes. Well, if you're asking me, do I regret selling... I know you can't change the past. [Sighs] Things happen, so... I just, uh, don't dwell on it. Ooh! Look! The wine's here. Mmm, mmm, mmm. I'm looking forward to what you've chosen, Jack. Phyllis: Oh, hey! You done? Listen, I was thinking about what we should cook up tonight. Billy: Actually, uh, something came up. Phyllis: Work? Billy: No, personal. Victoria asked me to watch the kids tonight. Phyllis: Oh. Oh. Does she have a date? Billy: Not exactly. She's got a doctor's appointment. Apparently, she fainted, if you can believe that. Phyllis: Wait a minute, she told you? Billy: Did you know? Phyllis: I'm the one who found her in the elevator. Billy: Phyllis, why didn't you tell me? Phyllis: Because she didn't want me to say anything, and then she told you. Billy: Well, because she wanted to explain why she needed me to watch the kids last-minute. Phyllis: All right, well, at least we'll have fun with Johnny and Katie like we did last time. Oh! And I found a new app... Billy: That's actually what else I wanted to talk to you about. Dina: Thank you, Jack. I had a fabulous time. Graham: As did I. Dina: Yes, and I'm awfully glad we were all able to stay civil through dessert. Jack: I'm just glad we got past the tension of the other evening. Dina: Oh, me, too. And you know what? I loved reminiscing about the cabin. And I'd love to go back. Jack: Well, the ball's in your court there. As a matter of fact, how about this weekend? Dina: Oh, that sounds just wonderful. Jack: Great. Graham: Dina, remember, you RSVP'd to that corporate art exhibition. Dina: Oh, darn, you're right, I did. I'm always double-booking myself. But let's do it. And soon, hmm? Jack: You bet. Good night. Dina: Good night. Good night, dear. Ashley: Bye. Sweet dreams. Dina: Thank you. Jack: I'll have the valet bring our car around. Ashley: Um, I got to check my e-mail, so I'll be right with you. Jack: Okay. Ashley: Hey, Ravi, it's Ashley. Uh, could you call me back as soon as you get this message? I want to talk to you about tonight. I was able to draw my mother out a little bit more about what's going on, but there's something that she said -- actually it's more in her tone -- and I could be wrong, but... I think she could be suffering from depression. Hilary: Good looks? Appealing. Flirtation? Intriguing. Chemistry? Hot. Lily: Low in calories and sinfully indulgent? Irresistible. [Door opens] Hey, I thought you'd be with your dad. He was gonna take you out to practice. Charlie: Yeah, well, I told him I was too busy. Lily: And are you? Charlie: Do we have to do this now? Lily: Charlie, he's just trying to help. Charlie: By pretending everything's okay? 'Cause it's not. Maybe you can act like it's all good, but I can't. Victoria: What are you doing here, Cane? You know this is not appropriate. Cane: I don't care what's appropriate, 'cause now I'm taking my cues from you. Victoria: What the hell is that supposed to mean? Cane: Where do you get off trying to destroy my life? Billy: We did have fun. And we'll have fun again. Phyllis: Okay, but why not tonight? Billy: Because I think it's best that we just find the right time that works for everybody, out of consideration for Victoria. Phyllis: Uh-huh, well, she seemed fine with me at the house the other night. I mean, did Victoria say something to you to make you think that she didn't want me there? Billy: Not at all. Just the more I thought about it, I thought it was a little presumptuous of me just to invite you over like that. I... I don't know, you know, it's her house. They're her kids, too. You can understand that, right? Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah. Totally. Billy: Okay. Phyllis: Yeah. Billy: I'll check in with you later. Phyllis: Okay. Billy: Bye. Phyllis: Bye. [NEXT_ON] Noah: If you want to rethink this partnership, just, you need to tell me now. Victoria: Is Cane here? Juliet: No, he's not here, but I just saw our baby for the first time. Jesse: Hey, Cane! It's Jesse, your favorite cameraman. I need your help. | Phyllis tells Jack that Victoria fainted in the elevator |
288 | Lily: So, what is all this? And what are you doing here? Holden: Your mother invited me to dinner. Lily: My mother invited you to dinner? Holden: Yeah. And then something came up, something at Worldwide. And you know your mom, she doesn't -- she doesn't want good food to go to waste. Lily: Wait. So she called me? Of course, she called me. Yes. She called me. I should know that by now, because I canceled my plans with Keith, rushed right over because she said she was lonely and she needed me. Like a hole in the head. [Holden laughs] Can you believe this? It's not funny. Holden: Well, it depends on how you look at it. Lily: She's manipulating us, you know that. Holden: Yes, she is. Lily: And that doesn't make you angry? Holden: No. [SCENE_BREAK] Emma: Oh, is that my daughter? Cooking? Meg: Mama, what are you doing here? I thought you went on that overnight retreat with your choir group. Emma: Reverend Brinkley got the flu. And I certainly am glad I came home in time to see all this! Meg: I can cook. Emma: Set for two? Meg: I invited Dusty over. And don't say it. Emma: Well, if anything will turn that man's head around, it probably is a good meal. Meg: I am not trying to turn his head around. Emma: No? Meg: No. Because he can already see me. And he likes what he sees. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: Is there a decent florist around? Concierge: The gift shop has a nice selection of cut flowers. Or there's Conrad's in the mall. Dusty: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: I keep thinking about what you said, about how everything's going to turn around for me and that I should trust you and that. But what did you mean? Paul: Jen, I can't really talk right now. Jennifer: Because I lost my baby, Paul, and that's never going to change. Paul: Just meet me at my house in about an hour, and I'll explain everything. Jennifer: Paul, why are -- why are you being so mysterious? Paul: I'll see you at home, okay? Jennifer: Fine. Whatever. Guard #1: Mr. Ryan? Paul: Yeah. Can I go in now? Guard #1: Yes, sir. Paul: Surprised to see me? Craig: Thrilled. What do you want? Paul: I thought we should talk. Craig: Why? Paul: Because I know what you did. Craig: No. You think you know something. There's a difference. Paul: I saw you force Rosanna off the road that night. Now I know why. Craig: I was trying to get her to slow down before she killed herself. Paul: That's not true. Craig: Whatever. We will never agree. Paul: This isn't just a matter of interpretation, Craig. You're lying through your teeth. Craig: Is this Tom's idea? You come in here to try to unnerve me into confessing to some deep dark secret? Paul: No, I haven't spoken with Tom yet, but I will. I just wanted to see the look on your face. You are cold-blooded, man. Craig: Ladies! I think Mr. Ryan is leaving. Paul: Rosanna figured out that you switched the babies. That's why you forced her off the road. When you knew that you'd been found out, you decided to try and kill her. I saw the footprints. In the hospital, they take footprints from babies. Rosanna had one supposedly of your baby, but it didn't match the footprint that I took from your child. And there's only one reason for that. The baby that you took home from the hospital wasn't Gwen Norbeck's baby, it was Jennifer's baby. You adopted your own son. And you would have gotten away with it. But Rosanne found out. And no matter how badly she wanted a child, she wasn't willing to steal one. Because unlike you, she was not prepared to watch Jennifer grieve for no good reason. Craig: Jennifer will have other children. Paul: You are a bastard. Craig: She did things that were unconscionable to me. First, she tried to pass off my baby as someone else's and when that didn't work, she ran away. And then as a last resort, she set it up to look like I pushed her and lied about it under oath. She would've done anything to keep me from what was rightfully mine. Paul: She was trying to protect her son. Craig: I am his father. Paul: Not anymore. When the court hears about this, you'll be lucky to read about your son in the paper. Craig: You'll never get away with this. Paul: I already have. Guard #1: Mr. Ryan? Paul: Yeah, I'm sorry. Guard #1: Not a problem. You can go in now. Paul: Thanks. Surprised to see me? Craig: I was expecting you. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: Jennifer? Jennifer: Oh, I was going to call you. Um, I thought we might go to the office and talk about the spring line. I have some ideas about distribution. Dusty: You're kidding, right? Jennifer: No. I thought we might try piggybacking the shipment of spring Ts with a shipment of jeans and sweats, you know, in January -- market them as a layering thing that goes solo for spring break. You know, girl gets on the plane bundled up, and then she hits the beach all ready to go. Dusty: I like it. It's a good idea. Jennifer: Well, good. So, you're in. So, yeah, I'll spring for pizza even. Oh, except that you have plans. Dusty: Nothing I can't postpone. Really. Jennifer: Oh, excuse me, flowers. And did you -- you shaved a little. Yeah. So she must be an important woman. Dusty: She's a friend. Jennifer: Meg? Dusty: I'll give her a call. Jennifer: Oh, don't, don't. Don't even. Okay? I'll jot down all of my thoughts. Dusty: I don't want you going into the office alone. Jennifer: Look, look, Dusty, I know I said I wasn't ready to come back to work full-time, and I'm still not, but an hour at my desk -- I'm actually looking forward to it. And then an hour or two tomorrow with you, it'll be fine. It'll be fun. It'll keep my mind off things. Dusty, I'm really trying to stay positive, you know. And thinking up ideas for tee shirts for teenage girls is just, you know, it's cheerful, it's productive. It'll do. Dusty: Let me buy you a drink. Jennifer: No. Okay? Dusty: Okay. Jennifer: Meg is waiting. Dusty: I'll walk you to your car. Jennifer: Not a chance. I'm going to go upstairs anyway and grab my -- my sketch book. You know, behind the desk I might, I might get some creativity. So, you have a good time, okay? Hmm, very nice. [SCENE_BREAK] Emma: You better turn the fire down under that sauce. Meg: It's fine. Emma: So, what turned Dusty around? Meg: Me, Mama, little old me. Hard as it is for you to believe, there are some men that actually think I'm worth their time out there. Emma: Now don't put words in my mouth. I know what you're worth. I'm just not so sure that Mr. Dusty does. Meg: Oh, so it's not me, it's my taste in men. Emma: Come on now, don't pick a fight with me. It's not me you're mad at. Meg: I'm not mad at anybody. Emma: You're just afraid this whole thing is not going to make it happen. Meg: It is going to happen because we like each other. Emma: We'll see. Meg: What? Emma: Well, nothing! Nothing, nothing. If you like each other, the man is committed to you. Meg: I didn't say that. Emma: Oh, so then you don't like each other and he's not committed to you? Meg: We're nowhere near that conversation. Emma: Why not? Meg: Because we're not, okay? Emma: So you get to make him a really beautiful meal and he gets to walk all over you. Again. Meg: He is not walking all over me, Mama. Okay? We are dating. Seeing each other, getting to know each other. Emma: You already know each other. And he's already hurt you once. I mean, what -- what is there to know? Meg: That was a long time ago. And you know what? You sound like Holden. Emma: You should listen to your brother. Meg: My brother? Oh, yeah. You mean the one that's moping after his soon-to-be ex-wife? You know what? I think he's the one you need to be worried about, not me. I'm moving on. I'm happy. Emma: Look, I am not suggesting that you get back together with josh. I'm not suggesting that. Meg: Oh, no, but you want Holden and Lily to get back together. Emma: That's very different. Meg: Why? Because they're the perfect couple? Emma: Nobody's perfect. Meg: That's right, Mama. That's right. Nobody's perfect. Not Holden, not Lily, not Dusty, not me. I mean, we're all just doing the best with what we've got. Emma: Well then, if I were you, I would turn the fire down under that sauce because it's going to burn. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucinda: Reel her in, darling, I know you can do it. Do it. Lily: She's probably watching us through the window. Holden: If she hasn't bugged the terrace. You see anything that looks like a camera? Lily: So you're not upset by any of this? Holden: What? That your mother, who's fighting cancer, spent the afternoon playing cupid instead of hunched over a computer trying to find some miracle cure? No. She remembered that I like these things. Lily: Hey, wait. So from -- from your point of view, even though this is pointless, isn't the point? Holden: I'd say the longer we can keep her entertained and distracted, the better. Lily: Can I ask you one question? Were you in on this? Holden: Here's how it went. I was on my way out and she asked me to stay for dinner. Said she didn't want to have dinner alone. So I said, sure, why not? I went home to change, I came back and she was out here on the terrace lighting candles, and then she proceeded to tell me how I needed to fix my life. Lily: Get back with Lily. Holden: Exactly. Lily: That didn't make you angry? Holden: Well, I wasn't pleased, at first. But I know I'm not going to change her mind. And I'm certainly not going to argue with her. Not now. Lily: Then what happened? Holden: She remembered that you like these -- Lily: Holden, please -- can you tell me please? Holden: I told her that I'd stay for dinner. Lily: But you knew that I had plans. You knew that she would call me and ruin my evening. Holden: Lily, you and I have both been worried about your mother for weeks. You keep asking what she needs. Maybe this is what she needs right now. Lily: To set me up? Holden: Maybe. And maybe she needs the satisfaction of knowing that she's pulled one over on you. The question is, are you going to give it to her? If she's watching, she'll like that long soulful look that you gave me. She'll think I'm making progress. [Lily laughs] And if you're laughing, that's even better. Lily: You always knew how to make me laugh. You know me so well. You know my mother, too. Holden: I've always liked your mother. It just took me a little while to figure out how to handle her. Lily: So, this is you handling her? Holden: Whatever works. Lily: Ah. Holden: Don't let her catch you looking around. Lily: See, I don't have a huge problem with any of this because it's just you and I. We know where we stand. Even though we put the legalities on hold. Holden: First things first. Need to get your mother squared away. Lily: Yeah, but this is a little dishonest, making her think that the two of us -- Holden: What? We're having dinner together. We have three kids. Come on, we're in this for the long haul. Lily: Yes, that's true. You and I will always care about each other. Just to know that she's watching us. Holden: And so happy. Lily: If it were just you and me, that would be one thing. But Keith made plans. Holden: So give him a call. Lily: Tell him what? I'm humoring my mother? Holden: Tell him that you will hook up with him later. Lily: No. I don't want to do that to him. Keep him waiting around. Holden: You're worth waiting for. Lily: Okay. Then, let's eat. Holden: Here's to putting one over on your mother. Lucinda: Bravo, Holden. [Doorbell rings] Oh, now who in God's name? Keith: Well, hello, Lucinda. It's good to see that you're up and about. Where's your daughter? [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: Look, I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier. Okay? I'm just not much of a cook. Emma: I was hoping you'd save me a little taste. Meg: I will. And I know what I'm doing with Dusty, okay? Emma: I hope so. I hope so. What time is he coming? Meg: Oh, my God, now! And I haven't finished the salad and I'm not even dressed. Emma: Well, go. Go on, go upstairs, get dressed. Meg: Okay. Emma: I'll work on the salad. Meg: Okay, thank you. Love you. Thank you. Emma: Oh, Lord, I do hope you know what you're doing, Meggie. Dusty: Hey, Brenda, it's nice to see you're in the office so late. Can you put me through to Jennifer? Are you sure? She said she was headed over there. You haven't heard from her? All right, thanks. Jennifer, give me a call when you get this, all right? It doesn't matter how late, just want to make sure you're okay. Hey. Emma: Hey. Dusty: I didn't hear you. Emma: Meg's upstairs getting dressed. Dusty: You wouldn't by any chance have a vase or something? Emma: Over there. Over there on the side. Meg: Okay, I forgot the wine. Oh. Okay, don't look, I'm half-dressed. Dusty: Well, why would I want to look at you when you're half-dressed? These are for you. Meg: Thank you. They're beautiful. Dusty: The vase belongs to your mother. It's a very nice one. Meg: Mama -- uh, can you go out there and get me like a decent bottle of cabernet sauvignon? If you do, I promise, I promise to deadhead all the flowers in your garden for the next week. Two weeks. Dusty: I'll get it for you. Meg: You don't mind? Dusty: No, of course not. I'll be right back. Meg: Thanks. He bought me flowers. And now he's going to go buy me some wine. You know, I might be wrong, but I think he's interested. Emma: Oh, he's interested all right. But not in my little girl. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucinda: What are you doing in my house? Besides ruining my evening. Keith: Look, I know that you don't like me, but I am really glad to see that you're doing so well. Lucinda: Duly noted. Keith: I want to speak to Lily. She forgot her phone so I was going to bring it by here. She said she was coming here. Lucinda: Oh, and you're the gentleman so you decided you'd drop it off. Well, thank you so much. I'll give it to her. Oh, what? Did I speak too quickly? Keith: Is she still here? Lucinda: Yes, she is. Keith: May I speak with her? Lucinda: No, she's busy at the moment. Keith: Well, then, I guess I'll just wait. Lily: Thank you, sir. Holden: I remember the first time one of the neighborhood kids called me sir. I think it was at one of the founder's day picnics, or something. Kid look up to me, calls me sir. Lily: You like that, being called sir? Holden: Nice to know somebody respects you, even if they're only five years old. Lily: Everybody respects you. Holden: No. No, not everybody. Lily: Everybody that counts. [Romantic music plays in background] Holden: Your mother, she is good. Lily: Mm, yes, she is good. I haven't heard that one in years. You want to dance? Holden: Your mother, she wants us to dance. And I wouldn't mind. For old time's sake. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: You were expecting me? Craig: It was a matter of time. At the crash, she spoke to you. They wouldn't let me near her. Paul: Because you'd just run her off the road. We should talk about this. Craig: Why? Paul: Because there's a child involved. Craig: She was beautiful. So full of love, the perfect Mom. Paul: What are you talking about? Craig: You don't know? Paul: Know what? Craig: I thought they called you. Isn't that why you're here? Paul: Who called? Craig: The doctors, Switzerland. Paul: No, they didn't call. Why? What happened? Craig: Rosanna's gone. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucinda: Trespassing. Jen: So, what's this big news? You sounded like you have all the answers. 'Cause I sure could use some good news right now. How are you going to change my life? [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: What do you mean, she's gone? What kind of sick game are you playing now, Craig? Craig: They called me this morning. Paul: And said what? Craig: That she had a cerebral episode -- Paul: She had a stroke? Craig: She had a seizure. So, any hope of recovery is gone. Paul: You're lying. You paid somebody to make that phone call. You're trying to drum up sympathy. You're -- you're going to change your plea. Craig: Why don't you talk to them? Paul: Oh, I will! Because there's got to be something they can do. There's got to be some medical course of action. Craig: They will make her comfortable. They will monitor her. She's -- in a vegetative state. Paul: You did this! You took her life and you destroyed it and -- was it worth it, Craig? At the end of the day, did you get what you wanted? [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: Jennifer? What happened? Jennifer: Oh -- yeah, I was going to go to the office, and then I -- I couldn't find my keys, so I dumped out my bag and -- and I found this. Dumb. Dusty: No, that's not dumb. Jennifer: I thought I threw everything away, you know? Everything, except what my mother has managed to squirrel away in storage. You know my mother, she -- she'll get a grandchild if she has to have it herself. I wonder if he's outgrown this by now. I'm becoming an expert. I watch them. In their strollers, in their mother's arms. There's even this woman in the gift shop, she brings her baby into work with her sometimes. And I watch her when she nurses him behind the counter. He's getting so big. Dusty: It's gonna take time. Jennifer: So they say. Dusty: You know what this means? Jennifer: No. Not a clue. Dusty: It means you're a great mother. Remember that meeting when we had that conversation when you weren't sure, considering your role model? Jennifer: Mommy dreadful? Dusty: Right. You're not her. Jennifer: Well, to tell you the truth, you know, she's -- she's actually been pretty great the past couple weeks. Dusty: Well, when she starts driving you nuts, you'll know you're getting better. Jennifer: Hey, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be having dinner with Meg. Dusty: Yeah, Meg had some things to, you know, sort out over there. Jennifer: You're checking up on me. Dusty: Why didn't you show up at the office? Jennifer: Um, I'm sorry. I was going to and I -- I got sidetracked by this stupid sock. Dusty: It's okay. It happens. It's all right. Jennifer: No, I'll be there, though, first thing in the morning. Dusty: I was worried about you. You know, the work can wait. Jennifer: No, it can't. I appreciate the thought. What are you doing? Dusty: I'm gonna call meg and tell her she and I can do it another time -- Jennifer: No, no. Not a chance. Dusty: I'm not leaving you here all alone. Jennifer: I -- I have to actually go see my brother. And in fact, I should get going. I really should throw this out. But -- ignore me. You'd think after losing the baby, I would lose the hormones, too. No such luck. You know, sometimes I -- I feel like um, he's out there. You know, missing me. Dusty: Come on, let's go. Jennifer: Where're we going? Dusty: I'm going to go get you one of those, you know, idiotic drinks that you like. Jennifer: An appletini? No, I couldn't even drive then. Dusty: A half-caf, skim-milk mochacino. Jennifer: You remembered. Dusty: How could I forget, a demon like you. That was a hard-won press by you, remember? [SCENE_BREAK] Emma: What'd he do, go to Italy for the wine? Meg: You know, I'm going to finish getting ready upstairs. Emma: Look, Meg, I am just telling you what I heard. Meg: Yes. That he called his designer? Emma: Uh-hmm. Meg: And she wasn't there. Emma: Yeah. Meg: And he left a message on her cell phone. Emma: And he told her that he was worried about her, and that she should call him back no matter how late. Meg: The woman just lost her baby. Emma: And from what I hear, her husband, as well. Meg: What's that supposed to mean? Emma: Oh, maybe she's starting over. Just like you. Meg: Okay, you know what? That's mean. Emma: Meg -- sweetheart, I am not trying to upset you. I just -- look, I just want you to think twice before you open up your heart to somebody who's -- well, he's not available. Meg: Well, then why did he buy me flowers and wine? Emma: Oh, is that what he went off to do? I mean, he didn't go off to check on his designer? Meg: Okay, maybe he went to check on Jennifer. But he's coming right back here to have dinner with me. Emma: Well, for your sake, I hope he does. But if he doesn't, I just hope you realize what you are up against. Meg: Okay, you know what? I -- I think you should go. Before I say something I'll regret. Emma: Look, I don't think he's a bad person, Meg. I really don't. But I just feel that you should have the same kind of concern and attention -- deserved -- that he's giving to Jennifer. That's all. That's all. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucinda: This is tiresome. If you will not give the phone to me, I will provide you with an envelope and a piece of notepaper, and you can drop her a little, tiny note. Keith: So you can just tear it up? Lucinda: Go home. Leave the phone on her doorstep. Keith: Look, I saw Holden's car out there in the driveway, so I know that he's here. Lucinda: What business is that of yours? You two are just friends. Keith: Let me ask you a question. What do you got against me? Lucinda: Besides the mob connections? Keith: Oh, come on. I borrowed some money from a guy, you know. I paid him back. Wrong guy. Lucinda: You took money from Lily to pay him back. Keith: And I'm also starting to paying her back. Lucinda: How? Keith: 'Cause I have a job. Lucinda: Oh, what is it? Keith: I'm flying for a private company. Lucinda: What's the company's name? Keith: Well, now, that's none of your business. Lucinda: Oh, I see. Keith: Yeah, I know what you're thinking -- whatever I'm doin' is somethin' sketchy. Well, I like what I'm doin', and I'm gonna keep doin' it. Lucinda: Well, go do it. Do it someplace else. I tired of you, and I just want you to leave now. Keith: Well, I'm not going anywhere until I talk to your daughter. Lily: I'm sorry. Holden: For what? Lily: Stepping on your foot? Holden: Nothing new there. Lily: Maybe some things never change. Holden: No, they don't. Lucinda: You're trespassing. Keith: Well, well, well. Pork chops, huh? Sorry to interrupt. Lily: No, you didn't interrupt anything. We're done. Lucinda: What about dinner, darling? Lily: No, forget dinner. I've had enough, more than enough. Lucinda: Don't you get angry with me. It's your tenant who burst in here. Lily: He's not my tenant. Lucinda: Well, whatever he is, I wish he'd go. Holden: Lucinda, its okay. Lucinda: Darling, she's a woman with three children. She should have more sense. Holden: Maybe we should just call it a night. Lucinda: Don't any of you understand anything? Life is short. You mustn't waste it. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm terribly sorry. Lily: Mother? Let me just take you downstairs. Lucinda: No, I don't want to. Well, let's go into the library, though, because I've changed my will, and I want to talk to you about the children. Lily: Your will? Lucinda: Yes, my will. Why not? Lily: Oh, you're unthinkable. Lucinda: What, what, what? Lily: You don't want to talk about your will. You just want to stop me from spending the night with Keith. Lucinda: Oh, yes, darling, I think I would like that because he's not right for you. Lily: You have every right to have you're opinion, but I have been manipulated enough for one night. And, mother, I care about you, i love you. And if you need me, you call me. Are you ready to go? Keith: Nice to see you again. Lucinda: Don't just stand there, go after her. [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: Oh, boring. Oh, yeah, this is what we need. Mm-hmm. That's good. Okay. [Meg remembering] Emma: I'm not trying to upset you. I just want you to think twice before you open your heart to someone who's not available. Meg: Then why's he buying me flowers and wine? Emma: Is that what he's doing? Or did he run off to check on his designer? Meg: Well, maybe he did go check on Jennifer. But he's coming back here to have dinner with me. Well, maybe he did go check on Jennifer. But he's coming back here to have dinner with me. Judge me. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Why was she running from you, Craig? Craig: Does any of this even matter? Paul: Yes, I think it matters. Craig: You have no right to judge me. Paul: How 'bout my sister? Does she have a right? You have an opportunity. Craig: Oh, no, no, no. I'm out of opportunities, it's over. Paul: And I'm supposed to feel sorry for you? Craig: No. Paul: My sister is heartbroken. Craig: She'll adjust, like all the rest of us. Paul: You deserve everything you get. Craig: What we get is not always the same as what we deserve. Do you understand that? Paul: No, not really. All I know is it's over. [SCENE_BREAK] Keith: You know, with the caviar and the champagne at your mother's, I wasn't sure what to get you. Lily: Oh, my. I'll take al's fries any day. Thank you. Keith: I hope I didn't make matters worse by showin' up, it's just that I found your phone and everything. Lily: All right, you have to be honest. That wasn't the only reason you came by my mother's. Keith: The fact that Holden answered the phone didn't help anything. Lily: Oh, that's my mother. She's incorrigible. Keith: Well, she wants what she wants. Lily: I know, but you went through so much trouble tonight. I want to spend time with you. Keith: I don't know if that's gonna happen now that the cat's outta the bag. Lily: My mother, forget it. She got her hopes up. She has to realize Holden and I are not gonna reconcile, that's it. Keith: Are you sure about that? 'Cause, you know -- Lily: What? You can't let my mother get to you. Come on. Keith: I just want you to be happy. You and Holden, you got a lot of history, three kids. Lily: It didn't work. I'm not saying that Holden isn't a wonderful man. We have a very long, complicated history. That's it -- it's of history. And you're my future. So do not let my mother put any ideas in your head. Lucinda: You two were having a lovely time tonight. You were dancing cheek to cheek for God's sake. Holden: Old habits die hard. Lucinda: Don't let them. See, I don't think that we should treat this as a fait accompli. I think that we should marshal our forces. And I'll do anything I can to help you. You know I will. But, you've got to initiate it. That means that you've got to admit that you want her back again. Admit that to yourself, and then you've got to make it happen before it's too late. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: You wanted red, right? Meg: What did you do? Stomp the grapes? Dusty: I'm sorry. I needed to take care of some work. Meg: I'm glad you're back. Are you hungry? Dusty: Of course. Meg: You do the honors. Dusty: It really wasn't work. I was with Jennifer. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock at the door] Jennifer: Hi. I stopped by earlier. You weren't here. Paul: It took a little longer than I wanted it to. Jennifer: Where were you? Paul: I should have called you, I'm sorry. Are you okay? Jennifer: No. But I'll manage. So what's this big news? You sound so mysterious on the phone. Like you have all the answers. So tell me, 'cause I sure could use some good news right now. How are you going to change my life? [SCENE_BREAK] Announcer: On the next, "As the World Turns." Jennifer: This is about my baby, isn't it? Gwen: Jack said that I could come and see the baby whenever I wanted. Is he here? Nurse: No, I'm sorry, he's not. He's at the christening. Minister: Who brings this child to be christened? Jack: We do. | Meg remains determined to pursue a relationship with Dusty despite Emma's advice about him |
289 | (Bell tolling) (Computer alert chimes) Hope: Oh. Okay. Uh, h-hello? (Giggles) Liam: Buon giorno. Hope: Oh. Liam: How's my beautiful bride? Hope: Fantastico, uh, only can you see me right now? Liam: Oh, yeah, but I've already seen you in your wedding dress. Hope: Yeah, but not like the hair and makeup and everything. Liam: I-I-I--okay, just put-- take your thumb, and put it over the little circle at the top. Hope: Yes. Liam: There you go. No more video. It's just our voices, right? Hope: Okay. Liam: So you ready for this? Hope: I am so ready. I'm sorry that I kind of took over your room. Liam: You know, you're taking over my room for the rest of my life, so... Hope: I know, and I can't wait. I'll see you at the church. Liam: All right. [SCENE_BREAK] Bill: Or not if you come to your senses before then. Liam: (Groans) Dad, you have got to stop this. Bill: I would if I didn't care so damn much about you. Liam: Caring is good. Caring is one thing. But, look, you're my best man. Isn't it time you starting acting like it? I mean, this is hard enough for me as it is. Bill: And if Hope lets you down again? Liam: Dad, it's my wedding day. What could go wrong? [SCENE_BREAK] Steffy: (Knocks on door) Dad? (Sighs) (Sighs) (Sniffles) (Sighs) (Sniffles) (Sighs) Ridge: You look beautiful. Steffy: You think I'll upstage the bride? (Sighs) Ridge: You don't have to do this. Steffy: I'd rather be anywhere else today. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: Okay, then I guess we should head to the church soon. Bill: Yeah, you moved it to Alberobello, huh? Liam: Yeah, bride's choice. It's her day, you know. Bill: All right, well, you go ahead. I've got check on something. Brooke: Sant' Antonio? I had everything set up at Polignano. Hope: I know, but Alberobello is just-- it's so beautiful with all those trulli houses. I mean, is there any way that we can work it out? (Giggles) Brooke: Yes of course, Sweetheart. Hope: Yeah? Brooke: It is your wedding. I just thought it'd be nice, you know, to have an outdoor ceremony with the sun and the stunning scenery and all of that. Hope: (Sighs) Mom, this is the happiest day of my life. I just... (inhales sharply) I want to get married at the Sant'Antonio church. It just feels right. [SCENE_BREAK] (Door opens) Bill: Where is he? Alison: You struck out with Liam. Bill: He's hell-bent on marrying Hope, which leaves me no choice. Deacon: Wow, now that is really touching. Look at Bill. He's just overcome with grief, just racked with remorse, aren't you? Bill: The wedding locale's been changed, so we have to fine-tune a few things. Deacon: I'm sorry, what, we? Is that--is that what you said? I hate to break it to you, Pal, but this is your show. Bill: I will put your ass back on that plane, and you will serve every day, every minute of the rest of your sentence. Mouth off one more time, Pal, and see what happens. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: Mind if I join you? Liam: Ridge, hey. Please. I mean, uh, uh, prego. (Chuckles) Ridge: The big day is here. Liam: Yeah. Yeah, it is. Ridge: Liam, I need to ask you a question again. I have two daughters. One is gonna be very happy today and one, heartbroken. Are you absolutely certain what you're doing here? Liam: You know, it... (Sighs) It wasn't easy letting go of Steffy, because... I will always love her. But I'm ready for this marriage, Ridge. I'm ready to commit myself to Hope, and if I weren't, I promise you, I wouldn't be here. Ridge: (Sighs) The ceremony's about to begin. Where's your best man? Liam: You know, that--that's a-- that's a good question. He was here a minute ago, and then he said he had something to do. [SCENE_BREAK] Deacon: I don't like this. Bill: I don't care. Deacon: Come on, man. Have a heart. Hope's my kid. Bill: Like it ever mattered before? Deacon: Well, you know what? It matters now. Bill: As much as your freedom? Deacon: There's got to be another way we can do this. Bill: There isn't. And it's not a debate. Just do as you're told. Deacon: Yeah, I know, or you're gonna call the warden. You're gonna send me back to jail, fly me over-- Bill: Don't screw with me, Sharpe. I am telling you, Hope's getting in her wedding gown right about now. You need to get moving. And I repeat-- don't screw this up. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: It was so sweet of Aunt Katie and Donna to give me this. It's the perfect gift. Brooke: We better get you dressed. Ridge is going to be here any minute. Hope: Oh. (Knock on door) Hope: No, that can't be him. It's too soon. Brooke: (Sighs) Steffy: Hey. I know Hope's probably busy getting ready-- Hope: Steffy, hey. You got my message. Steffy: Uh, message? Hope: Yeah, about-- about me and Liam changing the ceremony. I-I know it's so crazy for us to change our plans right now, but you know, we were just in Alberobello, and it was so beautiful. And we met Father Fontana, who actually knows your dad and my mom from years ago... Brooke: (Sighs) Hope: But I'm sorry. I'm babbling. Probably just adding nerves. I-- Steffy: Hope, I can't do this. Hope: Can't do what? Steffy: I've gone back and forth... (Sighs) Struggled with what to do. And I really thought I could tough it out, especially what it meant to everyone, even you. (Sighs) Hope, being at your wedding... I can't do it. I'm sorry. I can't do it. I can't stand up. I can't be that girl standing behind you crying, just wishing things were different. Look, this is... this is your wedding. This is a day like no other. This should be about you, and it should be about Liam and your joy. No one should take away from that. I'm sorry. [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: You look very dapper. No one would ever suspect. Bill: And they never will. This is my last attempt to help my son. It has to work. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: (Chuckles) Mom, say something. (Sighs) Brooke: (Laughs) Hope: What do you think? Ridge: If your mother seems speechless, the word she's looking for, I think, is breathtaking. Brooke: (Sighs) I knew that you would be beautiful. I just didn't imagine... Hope: (Giggles) Ridge: So I hear there's a last-minute change in locale. Hope: Yeah. (Sighs) Ridge: Any chance you've changed your mind about something else? Hope: (Sighs) Ridge: Every father's dream is to walk his daughter down the aisle on her wedding day. It's okay. I understand. I just want you to know that I love you, Hope, today and always. Hope: (Sighs) Brooke: Honey, is there anything you need before I go see Father Fontana? Hope: (Sighs) Mnh-mnh. No. I kind of just want a minute to myself. Brooke: Well, call me when you're on your way, okay? Hope: Don't worry. The car will get me there in plenty of time. Ridge: Liam's a very lucky man. Hope: (Sighs) Brooke: This is all I ever wanted for you... Hope: (Giggles) Brooke: To be loved by a man who adores you. And Liam certainly does. [SCENE_BREAK] Steffy: Are you supposed to be in a church somewhere getting married? Liam: Aren't you suppose to be in a church somewhere objecting? Steffy: If I thought it'd do me any good. I just, um, I spoke with Hope. She's very excited to be your wife, a feeling I remember very well. You know, I, um... I'd convinced myself that I... (Sighs) That I could watch you marry Hope today and somehow get through it. I told Hope I couldn't do it. And she's very sweet, you know? (Sighs) But that's Hope-- really sweet... (Sniffles) And understanding and a heart the size of Puglia. Be happy. (Sighs) That's all I... ever really wanted for you. Liam: Um, I should-- I get it. I should go. Steffy: Toodle-oo. (Sniffles) (Sniffles) [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: Father Fontana. Father Fontana: Oh, it's so good to finally see you again. Brooke: Yes. Father Fontana: You look lovely. Brooke: Thank you. Father Fontana: Ridge, my friend. Ridge: Ciao. Buon giorno, Father. Father Fontana: Welcome to Italy. Ridge: You're looking well. Father Fontana: Life has been good to me, but life has been good to you and your family. Brooke: I hope you don't mind the last-minute change of plans. Father Fontana: Oh, well, you know, the church was available, and I was already officiating, anyway. Hope and Liam are such a special young couple. Brooke: Yes. Father Fontana: I was very impressed. Bill: My son is very impressive. Bill Spencer--father of the groom and his best man. Father Fontana: I have heard so much about you. Signore Spencer, welcome. Welcome to Alberobello. Bill: So this is the church that Hope is suddenly so in love with? Father Fontana: Yeah. Well, it does not seem to meet your approval. Bill: Exactly right. Liam: No, of course it does. My father's totally on board with anything the bride wants. Isn't that right, Pops? Ciao, Father. Come va? Father Fontana: Molto bene. Grazie. Bill: So the big day has arrived. Are you excited? Liam: You bet I am. Bill: Me, too. Brooke: You heard about Steffy? Liam: Yeah. We, uh, we talked. I understand. Bill: Understand what? Ridge: My daughter won't be at the ceremony after all. Bill: (Sighs) Father Fontana: So everyone seems to be here except for the bride. Brooke: Mm-hmm. Liam: Wait, uh, uh is Hope okay? Brooke: Oh, yes. She's fine. She just wanted a moment alone. Liam: Oh. Father Fontana: Perfectly natural, I think. Brooke: Yes. Father Fontana: Va bene. Brooke: Father knows best. (Chuckles) Bill: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] (Knock on door) Hope: Oh, um, just one second, okay? Uh, sono quasi pronto. (I'm almost ready.) (Knock on door) Hope: (Sighs) Deacon: Hello, Hope. Hope: Is--is it really you? Deacon: Can I-- can I come in? Hope: (Stammers) You--you want to? Y-y-yeah. Yeah. (Sighs) (Sighs) What are you doing here? Deacon: I had to come it's your wedding. Hope: Oh, I must be hallucinating. Deacon: (Chuckles) No, Baby, it's me. It's me in the flesh. Um... I'm guessing I was about the last person you expected. Hope: Yeah. Yeah. Uh... Deacon: (Sighs) Hope: I'm sorry. Uh... I'm sorry. This--this is just really... really unbelievable. (Sighs) (Sighs) I haven't seen you since I was... Deacon: I know. Hope: Really little. And... now all of a sudden, you're here. Deacon: It's not every day a girl gets married. Hope: Yeah, how did you know? Deacon: Well, um... even though I haven't been around, I've, uh, been trying to keep track of you, and, uh... (Sighs) Hope: Really? Deacon: Yeah. Hope: (Sighs) Oh, gosh. I'm sorry. I just, um... I feel like I have so many questions right now. Deacon: I want to answer every single one of them for you as--just as long as you don't tell me to get lost. Hope: No. No. No. No. Hope: (Sighs) (Sniffles) (Giggles) (Sobs) You have no idea... how much I wanted you here today... how much I need... (Sobs) (Sniffles) Dad! (Sobs) . . . | It's the wedding day; Liam and Hope video back and forth, Steffy mopes in her room until Ridge silently appears and takes her in his arms to comfort her |
290 | Judge Sims: It is my understanding, commissioner, that you have some new evidence. You have the floor, sir. Let's hear it. Abe: Thank you, your honor. From the beginning, the defendant has claimed that she shot detective Bernardi because he saw him standing over Rafe Hernandez wielding a dangerous-looking straight razor. The investigating officers and the forensics team found no such razor. However, that is no longer true. Here is that razor. Sami: [Gasping] Maggie: I came as soon as I got your message. Is this about J.J. Moving out? Jennifer: Yeah, but he didn't move out. He walked out. Do you remember me complaining about how hard it was with Abigail at this age? Maggie: Mm, I have a vague recollection. Jennifer: I had no idea how hard it could be. Aunt Maggie, J.J. Is out there. I have no idea where he is. And God only knows what kind of trouble is waiting for him now. Theresa: [Sighs] "Theresa Donovan." Yes! [Chuckles] I got it! 2,500 bucks. I can't believe this. That was so easy. Probably should've asked for more. [Cell phone ringing] Theresa: [Chuckles] What? J.J.: Hey, I'm in the park. I've got to see you. Theresa: [Sighs] J.J.: Come on, please? It's really important. Theresa: Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes. Oh. Probably safer if I just leave it here. [Chuckles] Victor: So we still can't prove to Brady that Kristen had an affair with some guy? Marlena: Oh, my gosh. I was relying on Nicole to keep her distracted while I tried to get her phone. Victor: Didn't work? Marlena: [Laughs] It was disastrous. If I hadn't dropped this into her purse and fished it out in time, she'd be on to both of us by now. Kristen: The way things are going, I may not need you after all. Well, hello there. Nicole: Oh, what do you want? Kristen: You were so hammered. I wanted to make sure you got here okay. Nicole: Oh, nothing to it. I just was driving with one eye shut. Kristen: Aw, that's very sad. I think you need help. Nicole: Look who's talking. Kristen: I don't have any addiction issues. Nicole: Oh, yes, you do. You get a buzz off making misery. And your specialty is doing it sneakily, insidiously, sub Rosa. Kristen: [Laughs] Was that Latin or pig Latin? Nicole: Which is why I'm guessing nobody really knows the worst, most miserable thing you've ever done. Eric: This is a waste of time. No. It was a dream. It had nothing to do with-- it couldn't have anything to-- it was here. Abe: Once this razor came into possession of the police department, forensics did a thorough examination of it. Detective Bernardi's fingerprints were all over it, as was his blood in a splatter pattern that was consistent with a gunshot wound. Obviously, he was holding the razor when he was shot, just as Samantha Brady claimed when she made her original statement. Melinda: Objection. Your honor-- Judge Sims: Overruled. Commissioner, how did this razor fall into the hands of the police? Sami: That's exactly what I want to know. I have been dying for months wondering what happened to that thing. E.J.: The razor Bernardi brought with him to slice up Rafe, the blade that disappeared at the crime scene-- you didn't destroy it. You have it. You've had it all along. Stefano: If somehow Samantha gets out of this mess one way or the other, you are gonna live here in this house as my son. E.J.: Yes. Me too. Eric: How could it? Could it possibly be? No. No. Abe: Now, this woman's name is Gloria Nash. And until a few hours ago, she was employed as a nurse at Salem university hospital. Judge Sims: What happened a few hours ago? Abe: Well, apparently she got word that police officers were coming to the hospital to reinterview all the nurses that were on duty the night detective Bernardi was killed. Judge Sims: Go on. Abe: Ms. Nash left the hospital in the middle of her shift and skipped town. We believe she's on a flight to morocco-- Judge Sims: Which has no extradition treaty with the united states. Abe: Exactly. So we obtained a search warrant for ms. Nash's locker at the hospital and her apartment. We found a receipt for a one-way, open-ended ticket to morocco. We then searched her apartment, and that's where we found the razor. Judge Sims: Did you find anything else in the apartment? Abe: Oh, we found plenty. There are financial records from a bank in morocco. We lifted fingerprints and recovered DNA from a male who apparently had been a frequent visitor at the apartment. The prints and the DNA were in every room, including the bedroom. We accessed ms. Nash's email and recovered copious communications sent via an untraceable proxy account from the man who had been visiting the apartment. The man I'm talking about is detective Joseph Bernardi. Jennifer: I just feel like I've been on the phone for hours. I've been talking to our family; I've been talking to Jack's, just asking them not to take J.J. in no matter what his story is. Maggie: Honey, the temperature is dropping out there, and it's supposed to rain. I mean, do you really want him sleeping on the street? Jennifer: No, Aunt Maggie, of course, I don't. And I can't even believe I am saying this about my own child, but if ask my son to come home, he won't look at that as kindness. He will look at it as weakness, and then this behavior will keep going on and on and on. Maggie: Okay, okay. I understand what you're saying. I really do. But, honey, if he can't come home, where is he gonna go? Theresa: Hey. J.J.: Hey. Hey, I really appreciate meeting with me. I know it's not great for you to be seen with me. Theresa: Hmm. I do believe that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me. J.J.: Yeah. And I want to let you know that I did not give you up, okay? The cops don't know at all that you're one of my buyers. Theresa: Thanks. J.J.: Sure. Theresa: So what's gonna happen to you? J.J.: I don't know. My mom got me a lawyer, and he got the charges knocked down to--I think it's misdemeanor possession. Theresa: Dude, that's nothing! I mean, dealing could get you a bid in prison, but misdemeanor possession? Even if you get convicted, the jails are so crowded, you'll end up getting kicked. Yeah, you'll be back in your comfy little bed that same night like none of this ever happened. J.J.: Well, the thing is, I don't have a comfy little bed, and I--I need a place to crash. Theresa: What, your mom kicked you out? J.J.: No, it was--it was me. I just couldn't take her anymore. Theresa: Yeah, her and aunt Kayla. Couple of self-righteous bitches, you know? But I don't--I don't really know anybody that could take you in. J.J.: Well, I was-- I was actually thinking, what about your place? Victor: So what did Nicole do to distract her? Marlena: She pretended to be drunk. Victor: Ah. Well, at least she's had the empirical experience to make it convincing. Marlena: [Laughs] Victor. Hmm. Victor: You know, what if we brought her in on this? Marlena: Oh, dear. I'm afraid you've lost your marbles. Having that loose cannon in the mix is the last thing that we need. Victor, you should've seen her today. Oh, my gosh. I'm stunned that Kristen didn't figure the whole thing out herself. Kristen: You know, I've done some pretty horrible things in my life. But I still think I might be able to learn a thing or two from you. Something's off about earlier. Nicole: Like what? Kristen: Like the way you were loaded in the morning and you went after me. Why? Nicole: I already told you. I'd rather see Brady with Lindsay Lohan. Kristen: Hmm, that's funny. Considering, though, how plastered you were, I mean, you're so perky and alert now. Nicole: Yeah, well, it wore off. Kristen: Well, when somebody is as wasted as you seemed to be, we both know there are some very adverse side effects. Yet look at you. You're perfectly fine. Eric: It just doesn't make sense. It goes against everything that I believe. Daniel: Hey, how's it going? Eric? Eric, are you okay? Abe: The name on the Moroccan bank account is Joseph Bernardi. Judge Sims: Ms. Nash's name is nowhere on this. Abe: Right, but we have documents proving that she let him use her account to transfer funds into it. Melinda: This is all well and good, but it does nothing to alter the fact that Samantha Brady shot detective Bernardi dead. Abe: She did shoot him, but we're no longer certain that the gunshot wound is what killed him. I have affidavits from Dr. Kayla Brady, who was the first physician to attend to detective Bernardi after he was shot. She states that she believes detective Bernardi would have survived the wound. And the surgeon who performed the surgery felt the same way after the surgery. Now, detective Bernardi suddenly bled out in the recovery room, and the death certificate reads that he died of complications after surgery from a gunshot wound. However, Dr. Brady now believes that he died from causes unrelated to the shooting. Judge Sims: What does she base this on? Abe: Gloria Nash was on duty the night detective Bernardi died, and a coworker remembers her in the vicinity of the recovery room right after detective Bernardi came out of surgery. She had knowledge and opportunity to cause his death. Judge Sims: What about motive? Abe: Many of the emails we read on ms. Nash's computer were from Bernardi telling her that because of his son, he would never leave his wife for her. Sami: Oh, my God, this is all coming together. Judge Sims: Commissioner carver, you've given us a great deal of evidence to go over. I want both attorneys in my chambers immediately. All rise. Sami: Oh, my God. Justin: Just try and stay calm. Sami: Oh, right, like that's gonna happen. Justin: [Laughs] [Cell phone ringing] Jennifer: Excuse me. This-- Maggie: Mm-hmm. Jennifer: These are the phone records I've been waiting for from the phone company. These are all of JJ's calls-- calls that he's made, calls that have come in. I just need to be able to give these to other parents. Maggie: Well, look, okay? You know, I can see how anxious you are to get to that, so I'm gonna let myself out. Okay? Jennifer: Yes, thank you, aunt Maggie, so much. I love you. Maggie: I pray--I love you too--that everything's gonna work out soon, okay? Jennifer: Mm-hmm. Maggie: Okay. Jennifer: Thanks. Thank you for coming by. Maggie: Sure. Jennifer: What is this one number that he keeps calling over and over again? I know this number. Theresa. Oh, my-- Theresa: You want to stay with me? J.J.: I told you I'm not going back to my house. And we do get along, don't we? Come on. What? Theresa: You know, I'd like to help you out, but, look, if your mom found out, she'd go straight to aunt Kayla, and then we'd both be screwed. I really need this crummy job, J.J. J.J.: My mom will not find out, and no one will see me going in and out. It's supposed to be fricking cold tonight. Theresa: No, I'm--I'm sorry. J.J.: Don't worry about it. Theresa: You know, if you need a place to stay, there's a really easy solution. J.J.: There is? Theresa: Yeah, come on. Use your head. Bailiff: All rise. Sami: What happened? Judge Sims: Court will resume. Ms. Trask, given the presence of the razor, the forensics on the razor, the relationship between the deceased and this nurse, and the Moroccan bank account, do the people wish to proceed with the case against Samantha Brady? Melinda: No, your honor. E.J.: Yes! Melanie: In light of the new evidence and in spite of all the unanswered questions, the state wishes to officially withdraw all charges against Samantha Brady. Judge Sims: So ordered. Ms. Brady, you are free to go. Sami: [Crying] Thank you! Justin: [Laughing] Sami: Thank you. [Crying] It's over! It's finally over! Marlena: Victor, I think bringing Nicole into this would be a serious mistake. Victor: All right, all right. We're still back to square one with less time to stop this wedding. Marlena: Yeah. [Cell phone ringing] Marlena: Oh. I'm so sorry. Excuse me. Hello. Sami, are you all right? [Gasps] Oh! Oh, that's wonderful news. I'll be right there. Victor: What? Marlena: All the charges against Sami have been dropped. I got to go. Kristen: You weren't drunk, were you? Nicole: Oh, dear God, you caught me. Right? I get my jollies off playing drunk and starting fights. Kristen: You're up to something. Nicole: Is that why you're here? Because if it is, you really need to get a life. Kristen: Oh, I've got a life. I've got a great life. Do you know why I'm here, Nicole? Nicole: Mm-mm. Kristen: Dropping off some forms for the pre-cana meetings that I'm having with Eric and my Brady, because you know what? Brady and I are getting married. Remember? Nicole: Mm, that's great. So I'll make sure he gets these. Kristen: You know what's interesting? Eric and I have become good friends. I feel kind of protective of him. I wonder if I should let him know that his assistant's fantasy life consists of imagining what he looks like without that collar on. Nicole: Get out. Kristen: Pretty hot is what I'm guessing. [Laughs] [Cell phone ringing] Kristen: Oh, excuse me. Hey, Eej, what's up? You're kidding me. That's amazing. Of course, I'll be right there. Well, I've got to go. More important things to do than hang out with a sad, pathetic, lonely, jealous loser. Nicole: [Hisses] Eric: I'm--I'm starting to figure some things out. Daniel: You look pretty upset. Eric: Well, it's all a-- [Cell phone ringing] Eric: I'm sorry. Daniel: That's okay. Eric: Mom. Mom. Okay, what happened? What are you talking about, "it's over"? Are you serious? I'll--okay. I'll--I'll get the details later. I know you have a ton of people to call, but-- all right, mom. Mom, thanks for letting me know. Okay, bye. Daniel: What, uh-- what happened? Eric: All the charges against Sami are being dropped. She's going home. Daniel: Well, there you go. That's fantastic! You know what? Why don't you take my car and go back for the celebration? Eric: What about you? Daniel: No, I'm gonna stick around here. I want to check a few things out. But, you know, I'll rent a car when I'm done. Don't worry about it. Eric: Listen, are you sure? Daniel: Get out. Go, man. Go. All right? Eric: All right. Daniel: You got it. Eric: Sami's going home. Daniel: Mm-hmm. Eric: This could be some kind of turning point for our whole family. Daniel: It could be, man. All right. Do you have a mouthwash that works all day? Sami: Hey! Johnny: Mom? Sami: Hello! Hi! What do you do to get a hug around this place? Come here! Allie: Mom! Johnny: Mom's home! Sami: [Crying] I have been waiting so long to do this! Sydney: Can you stay home now? Sami: Yes! Yes, I am staying home forever. I promise I'm never gonna leave you again! Justin: When you woke up this morning, did you have any idea the day would turn out like this? E.J.: I always hoped it would. Thank you, Justin, for everything you've done. Justin: Well, I appreciate that. But you really need to thank whoever tipped off the cops about that nurse. I wonder who that person was. E.J.: I don't know. I would imagine just somebody who'd didn't want to see Samantha pay for a crime she didn't commit. Justin: Right. Kristen: You're already home? It's over? E.J.: It's over. Kristen: Oh. Oh, I think I see tears in my cynical brother's eyes. Aw. Allie: Did you bring home the pictures we made, Mommy? Sami: Yes, of course I did. I wouldn't leave them behind. Kristen: Wait till Father hears about this. E.J.: Yes, indeed. Sami: Oh, Mom. Thank you. Thank you for being here for me when I couldn't be. Marlena: It was my very great pleasure. Allie: Mom? Can I show you my science test? Sami: Of course. Allie: I got an "a" on it. Sami: You did? Of course you did! I can't wait to see it. Johnny: I found a turtle by the pond. Can we keep it? Sami: A turtle. Wow. Yeah, of course we can keep it. I don't have to touch it, though, right? [Laughs] Johnny: Mom says we can keep the turtle! Allie: Yay! J.J.: Come on, Theresa, stop with the games. What's the solution that you couldn't believe I didn't think of on my own? [Cell phone rings] JJ: Do you--do you have to get that right now? Theresa: Oh, no. It's just your mother. And by the way, she's the solution I'm talking about. J.J.: Are you paying attention? My mom is the reason that I don't have a place to crash. Theresa: Oh, come on. Look, I've seen the way you work her. Just look at her with your big, sad eyes. She'll totally cave. J.J.: All right. You know, that's a-- that's a game I'm done playing. I'll figure something else out for tonight. Theresa: Well, : At about the money I gave you to buy pot? Maybe you could get a really cheap hotel room. J.J.: It's confiscated. Theresa: [Sighs] Hey, this is all the money I have, but, you know, take your time getting it back to me. J.J.: Wait. Hold on. This is--this is all the money you have and you're not worried about when I pay you back? But you're--you're always complaining about money. Theresa: Yeah, well, you know, things are kind of looking up on that score. Jennifer: Theresa. [Laughs] Surprise, surprise. You're not here. I wonder if there's anything about J.J. Hiding anywhere in your desk. No, but you're probably too smart for that. $2,500 discretionary fund, pay to the order of-- oh, that little witch. The secret is out. J.J.: This is a great house. You know, it's b, but still warm and cozy. Justin: Ah, well, you'll appreciate warmth and coziness even more if you end up in a cell. J.J.: Well, you're-- you're my lawyer. Aren't you supposed to be, like, supportive? Justin: You want my support? Stop being a punk and make it up with your mother. J.J.: What happens between mom and me is none of your business. Justin: Oh, really? So you should just walk and I have to keep my mouth shut the rest of the time? That's how you think this is gonna work? J.J.: Okay, what are you saying? Do you not want to be my lawyer anymore? Jennifer: Cannot believe she put my name on that request. Yes, I need security, please. Yes, I'll wait. Theresa: Ooh, boy, it is getting cold out there. I wouldn't... Jennifer: Close that door. Theresa: Want to be outside tonight. Am I in trouble...again? Jennifer: Oh, yeah. You could say that. Theresa: Great. Kristen: Congratulations, Sami. I broke the great news to Brady. He sends his love. Sami: Oh. Well, I'm so happy. I just--I can't believe it's really over. Kristen: [Laughs] Cheers. Sami: Cheers. [Doorbell rings] Kristen: Oh, I'll get that. E.J.: So kids are occupied with the turtle. Will and Brady can't come over till later. How will we ever fill this time? Sami: [Sighs] Eric: Kristen. Kristen: Eric, hi. What brings you by? Maggie: So how did it go with Eric? Daniel: Actually, it got cut short. Marlena called him to say that Sami's all clear. Maggie: Really? Daniel: Yeah, the charges have all been dropped. You--you haven't heard? Maggie: Ah, I was with Jennifer. Daniel: Right. Well, I hope she's okay. Maggie: How could she possibly be okay? Parker looks like he's a little cold. I'll get his sweatshirt. Daniel: You know what, little dude? You know, one day, you're gonna be 16 or 17, and you are gonna have to be a little rebel. I get it. I do. But can you not turn into a total jerk? Hmm? Can we make a deal? Is that a deal? No? Maggie: Here we go. Daniel: Well, you better sign right here, then. I'm gonna sign right here, "dad." Maggie: [Laughs] Daniel: You know what? Could you watch him for just a little bit longer? Maggie: Sure, not a problem. Daniel: Thank you so much. There's just one quick errand I want to run. Maggie: Okay. Daniel: All right? Hey. Hey, little buddy. I am gonna head out, but I will be right back. And then you and I are gonna go on a little father-son road trip. Okay? All right. All right. See you. Thank U. Maggie: Mm-hmm. [Sighs] Eric: I heard about Sami. Kristen: Oh, I know. I was just kidding. What's the matter? Do--I've got something in my teeth? [Both chuckle] Eric: Sami? Sami: Ooh! [Squeals] Eric! Hi! Eric: Sami, oh, my God. Oh, God. Mom called me. This is such wonderful news. And I know those kids must be happy to see you. E.J.: We're looking forward to getting things back to normal. Eric: Yes, I don't want to hone in on your family time. I just was so happy and relieved, and I just wanted to tell you. Marlena: You got here so quickly. Eric: Well, no cop is gonna give a guy wearing a roman collar a speeding ticket, so... Sami: [Laughs] Of course! Eric: Which is a good thing, 'cause I have to get back to the rectory. Marlena: Oh. Well, I need to leave too. I think this family needs some time alone. Kristen: Oh, right. Sure. Sami: Mom, thank you. Thank you. And I'm glad you came. And thank you so much for everything. I love you so much. Marlena: I love you too, my sweet, sweet girl. Now, you enjoy your time with your family. Sami: All right. [Laughs] Kristen: Bye, now. E.J.: Bye. Sami: [Laughs] E.J.: Oh, my goodness. Was it terribly obvious that I wanted them all to leave? Sami: Mm, not terribly. E.J.: Mm-hmm. Can I borrow you for a little while? Sami: Oh, E.J. Try forever. Marlena: You don't have to see us out, thanks. Kristen: I wasn't. I just wanted you to know that I dropped off those forms at the rectory office. Eric: Great, thank you. Marlena: Is that all? Kristen: Yeah. Marlena: Good. Kristen: Okay, bye. Marlena: Walk me out? Eric: Yeah. Actually, mom, I wanted to see if you have any free time. I need to talk to someone. Marlena: Of course I do. Justin: I'm not gonna quit your case. I wouldn't do that to your mother. But I'm gonna need a lot more from you if you expect things to end well. J.J.: Like moving in back with my mom? Yeah, that's not happening. Justin: Well, if I need to find you, where are you staying? Oh, don't tell me you're out on the streets. J.J.: All right. You worry about my legal problems. I'll worry about everything else. Justin: And I thought my troubles were over. Daniel: Oh, hey, Justin. Justin: Hey, Daniel. If you're looking for Victor, I don't think he's here. Daniel: Well, actually, I'm looking for you. I called your office, and they said you were headed here. Justin: Why? What's the problem? Daniel: Well, J.J. And this mess he's in. What else? Jennifer: I got JJ'S phone records a little while ago. And imagine my surprise when I found out who he's been talking to every single day. Theresa: You can't tell me who to talk to on the phone. Jennifer: I can if it's my son. I told you to stay away from him. I made it perfectly clear. Theresa: Well, then maybe you should make that perfectly clear to him, because he's the one who's calling me. Jennifer: I want you gone. Theresa: What's that supposed to mean? Jennifer: It means you're fired. Theresa: [Scoffs] You u take it out on me just because you can't control your own son. And by the way, I read the employee handbook. You can't fire me, not without grounds, bitch. Jennifer: [Scoffs] Sami: [Breathing heavily] Nicole: Cheers to good old Sami. Victor: Who manages to come out of every situation smelling like a rose. Nicole: You know, I would love to have her luck for just, like, five minutes to finally get what I want. Victor: And what would you do with your five minutes? Nicole: I would do the whole world a favor and get rid of Kristen for good. Victor: Hmm. Nicole: Mm-hmm. Victor: I heard you had a whack at her this morning. Didn't turn out too well. Nicole: How did you know that? Victor: Small town. Nicole: Marlena. Well, are you gonna grant me my wish? Victor: Might be better if you took a step back and let Marlena handle this her way. Just a thought. Nicole: Just a thought, huh? You didn't just happen in here for a pick-me-up. You came in here looking for me to deliver a message. Marlena: This make you feel better? Seems like you've been carrying the weight of the world around lately. Eric: Compared to what Sami went through, my problems are nothing. Marlena: Yeah. You said you wanted to talk to me. Did something happen today? Sami: How did you do it? E.J.: How did I do what? Sami: Oh. [Laughs] Don't give me that. How did you do it? Are you kidding me? Bernardi's razor appears out of nowhere with the fingerprints on it and then his secret girlfriend and all of it just in time to save me, from an "anonymous tip." That has E.J. DiMera written all over it. You were gone right before everything hit the fan. What did you do, lean on your dad, give him an ultimatum? E.J.: You're back here with the kids. Who cares how it happened, eh? Sami: You don't think it makes sense for me to be just a little bit curious? E.J.: Samantha. You're back home with the children. In a little bit, we're gonna take them down to the pub, get some pizza and some ice cream. We're gonna come back, and we're gonna put them to bed. I made sure that you will never be taken away from them again. That's what makes sense. Sami: Well, E.J., when you're right, you're right. Daniel: Well, look, I'm not gonna take up much of your time. I know you probably want to be celebrating Sami's acquittal. Justin: I didn't make that happen. That was like providence intervened or something. Daniel: Yeah, well, you think you could make that miracle happen for J.J.? Justin: JJ'S making that very hard. Daniel: I know. I know. Poor Jen. This has got to be killing her. I just-- look, the reason I called you is that I will do anything to help Jen, but it has to stay between you and me. Justin: Why is that? Daniel: I just seem to complicate things for her. Well, here's all my contact information if you need anything. Justin: All right, I'll let you know. Daniel: Okay. Well, I'm taking parker to Chloe's as soon as I leave here, and I'm gonna spend the night, so don't call me at home until, say, tomorrow afternoon, because well, nobody's gonna be there. J.J.: Yeah, don't count on it, Danny boy. Jennifer: You want concrete? Let's see. I've been keeping a record for every time you've been late, every time you've left early, every three-hour lunch break you've taken, every job that I've given you-- Theresa: Yeah, well, you know what? That's just your word against mine, and, well, that's not very concrete. Jennifer: Oh. You want concrete? Theresa: Mm-hmm. Jennifer: Hold on. How's stealing for you? Theresa: You went through my desk? Jennifer: Yes, I went through your desk. Now, get your stuff and get out of here, because you are fired! Victor: Message? Why, I have no idea what you're talking about. Nicole: Oh, stop it. Don't you play me, Victor. I've only had two sips of this drink, and I am not dumb. And I got in the middle of Marlena and Kristen this morning because I noticed that Marlena was gonna blow it, and dirty tricks aren't exactly her style. Victor: Whereas they're right up your alley. Nicole: Okay, you know what? If you don't think I'm good enough to help both of you get Kristen, fine. I will try to take a step back. But since you're not very good at whatever it is you're doing, why don't you just tell me your plan so I know what to avoid? Eric: Well, I've been thinking a lot how you hypnotized Sami, how it helped her remember that Bernardi's weapon was a razor, not a knife. Marlena: Mm-hmm. I wish that had been enough to get her cleared. Eric: Well, it helped clear her mind. It helped her remember exactly what had happened. Marlena: Mm-hmm. Eric: I mean, how does that work? Marlena: Well, I'll tell you if you tell me why you'd like to know. | Abe told the judge how the police found the razor and that everything happened the way Sami said |
291 | Jason: You're leaving? Sam: I'm -- I am trying to save you. [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: No more secrets, all right? No more lies. Let's get it all out on the table. You know, the -- the big excuse that Sonny had for slamming the door in my face once again -- my great betrayal -- I slept with Reese! Alexis: Well, thank you for sharing, counselor, because we've all been dying to know the secrets of your love life. Um -- strictly speaking for myself, I don't really care who you've slept with. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: To Elizabeth. You never gave up. You've given me the honor of being a father to your child. You're the love of my life, tonight and forever. All: Hear, hear. Alan: Nicely done. Lesley: As always. Elizabeth: And to Lucky, my first and last love. You never left my heart, and you never will. Some of my happiest days have been spent with you, and even in my darkest nights I knew you were out there somewhere, holding on, loving me, just as I love you. Monica: Aw. Alan: Nice. Very nice. Beautiful. Lucky: And -- to the only two people who could've created this wedding full of magic and love -- Elizabeth: And romance. Lucky: And romance. To my brother, Nikolas -- Elizabeth: And my dear friend Emily. All: Hear, hear. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: What's a wedding without a -- a drama, a meltdown, a drunken episode? I'm really embarrassed. You've lost your audience, Ric. The word "stampede" comes to mind. Ned: Hey, Ric, come on. Let's go see if we can round up some coffee. Come on. Get off the table. Ric: No. Alexis: He's giving you a graceful out, Ric. Take it. Ric: No, I like it up here. Ned: Unless you start tap-dancing, just get off the damn table. Alexis: Get off the damn table, Ric! The show is over. Ric: Yeah, that's right, make jokes. Ned: Hey, let's just go in and dance, shall we? Come on. Come on. Ric: Ah, sure, go ahead, Alexis, run away. Let somebody else rescue you. She'll only turn against them in the end. Oh, wait, I'm sorry -- she already pulled that on you, didn't she, Ned? Alexis: My husband and I are going to finish this tonight, apparently. It's ok. Ric: Sure, go ahead. She doesn't need you at the moment. Alexis: What the hell is wrong with you? Ric: Nothing. I'm just too tired and too drunk to keep lying. Alexis: At least you got your priorities straight. You didn't cheat on your wife; you cheated on Sonny, who's obviously the only person who really matters to you. Ric: And that's what gets you, isn't it, Alexis? The fact that any family that I might have will always include Sonny. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: Tonight has been a long, long time coming, but we all knew eventually it would. You've defied the odds, survived adversity, and inspired each and every one of us. Somehow you've always been able to find your way back to one another by having the faith and the courage to follow your hearts. Hear, hear. All: Hear, hear Lesley Lu: If they say "All for one and one for all," I'm going to puke. Emily: Now, your next surprise is the honeymoon suite at the Metro Court. And Elizabeth rode a train into Port Charles, didn't you? Elizabeth: Yes. Emily: And you met Lucky a couple of days later? Elizabeth: Mm-hmm. Lucky: Mm-hmm. That's back when she was wild, right, Audrey? Audrey: Well, maybe a little. [Laughter] Emily: So it only seems right that a train should carry you into your new life with Lucky. Nikolas: That's right, because tomorrow an antique train is taking the two of you into Manhattan. Elizabeth: I have to work. Alan: No, you don't. Nikolas: No, you both have two weeks off, the both of you. I've already arranged it, so -- Elizabeth: Two weeks? Nikolas: Yes. Elizabeth: Oh, my God. Lucky: Hear, hear! [Laughter] Alan: Two weeks! [SCENE_BREAK] Tracy: Oh, would you stop twirling that thing? Luke: What's the matter, spanky buns? Does it remind you of our own precious nuptials? Tracy: I don't remember our nuptials. Care to remind me? Luke: Sure. They were spectacular. A very colorful shindig. Hell of a lot more fun than this. Tracy: I think it was a drunken escapade. Luke: Exactly. Come, wife, we'll peruse the pate. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: You have to get changed. Elizabeth: How do I thank you? Emily: Just be happy. Elizabeth: I am. I am. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: What can I say? Thanks. Nikolas: No problem. Lucky: Something's been bugging you all night. Nikolas: No, nothing at all. I'm having a great time. Lucky: You know what? Don't lie to your brother on his wedding day. So what's going on? Nikolas: Courtney's pregnant, Jax is the father. Cheers. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Ok, you don't like your options. I understand that, but if you don't get help, you are going to die. Jason: But you act like Robin's treatment is some magic cure. Sam, it's experimental. It may not work. We have no idea what it would do to me. I'd rather die than live -- live a half life blind or paralyzed or even -- Sam: I will do whatever it takes to save you. Even if you don't like it. Jason: I don't want you traveling alone. Ok? It's too dangerous. I am sure that Manny survived that crash. He could be anywhere. [SCENE_BREAK] Doctor: May I help you? Manny: Yes, I believe you can. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: The last time you went after Manny, you almost had a seizure. Jason, you could've gotten us both killed. Jason: Sam, if I go into the hospital and I take these tests or I do whatever I have to do, I'm going to leave you completely vulnerable. Sam: Vulnerable? I'm vulnerable now. I know that's not what you want to hear, but it's the truth. Manny knows it. He knows your condition, and it's only a matter of time before he comes after you. Jason: Why -- why are you so convinced Robin's medicine will work? The other medicine didn't. Sometimes there is no cure. [Phone rings] Jason: Yeah? All right, thanks. Sam: What happened? Jason: One of Sonny's people thinks he saw Manny at -- at Roselawn. That's where Carly is. [SCENE_BREAK] Manny: I'm new to the area, and I need to be close to a dying relative. Doctor: Uh-huh? Manny: Oh, Oncidium papilio. Such fragile necks. I understand the facility is looking for a new gardener. Doctor: Aren't you supposed to be in bed, Willy? Manny: Flowers, you know, can be very soothing. Doctor: Contact the personnel office in the morning. Maybe the job's still open. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Oh. Thank you. Emily: You're welcome. Elizabeth: It must've been pretty awful thinking that Courtney was pregnant with Nikolas' baby. Emily: Yeah, it hurt at first. Then I adjusted. Elizabeth: Well, now you don't have to adjust. Because Jax is the father. Emily: Are you ok? Elizabeth: Yeah, yeah. It's just ironic. I guess I didn't have to go through the pregnancy or the miscarriage if Jax and Courtney just gave it a little time. Emily: Yeah, Jax and Courtney aren't big on patience. They want what they want when the want it. Elizabeth: Maybe they belong together, which would leave Nikolas free to go back to you. Emily: Nikolas and I are over. He's with Courtney now. Jax may be the father, but Nikolas is going to help her raise the baby. There's no room for me in Nikolas' life. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: The D.N.A. test came back just before the wedding, and Courtney and I -- we just assumed that I would be the father. Lucky: What do you want to do now? Nikolas: I want to stay with Courtney, that's what I want to do. Lucky: Isn't she still married to Jax? Nikolas: Yes, she is, technically. Look, I realize that Jax isn't just going to stand aside, divorce Courtney, and allow me to raise his child. I get that. Things are going to be difficult, Lucky, but I just -- you know, I can't just -- Lucky: Jax -- Jax got possessive during the surrogacy. I don't want to think about what he's going to be like now. Nikolas: Yeah, I know. A new baby doesn't always bring out the best in people. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: Coffee doesn't make you sober; it just makes you a wide-awake drunk. Ric: Thank you for the words of wisdom, but I'm going to make sure that you get home safe. Alexis: I don't want you to take me home. Why would I want you to take me home? Ric: Well, you know what? Despite the fact that we have a back-and-forth, on- again-off-again relationship, Alexis, the fact that I have left you many times, you've pushed me away many times, I'm still going to make sure that you get home safely. Alexis: Thanks, Ric. I have this uncanny knack of devoting myself to all the wrong men. Ric: Hmm. Alexis: First Sonny and now you. I told you -- I told you that this wouldn't work, and you convinced me that it would. I love you. But I don't want you to take me home. Because I begged you already to come home, and you didn't. You chose your brother, and now he's dumped you. Ric: Just like you said he would, right? Alexis: He's a user, Ric. Ric: We're all users, Alexis! Alexis: I thought that your priorities would change when this baby came, but I was stupid. Because I don't think that's ever going to happen. Ric: What are you waiting for, Alexis? It's just me. I am going to care and love that child no matter what. But I'm not sure that I can be what you or anybody wants or needs me to be. Maybe I never will. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: Nikolas and I had so much fun planning the wedding. It was just like old times. Lucky: I guess it was a little subtle, but Elizabeth and I thought if we got you and Emily involved in our wedding, that -- Nikolas: What? We'd fall in love again? Lucky: That you'd realize you never fell out of love in the first place. Elizabeth: Nikolas barely took his eyes off you the entire night. Emily: We were your best people, Elizabeth. It was our job to present a united front. You know, Nikolas loves Courtney and they're looking forward to the baby together. Elizabeth: But the baby isn't even his. Emily: This is not a discussion that we should be having right after you and Lucky got married. But if you need me to convince you, I'll say it again. Nikolas and I agreed to a divorce. We loved each other very deeply, but we just couldn't make our marriage work. Elizabeth: Or maybe you're both making a mistake, and compounding it by staying apart. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: You knew all this, Lucky. Emily and I -- we're hurting each other. That's why we split up in the first place. Lucky: Well, maybe you and Emily are -- are through the worst of it. Jax will want Courtney back now. Nikolas: What if I don't want to give her back? Lucky: Are you really going to throw away what you and Emily had? Forever? [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: I don't think you're ready to give up on Nikolas. Emily: I already have. Elizabeth: Well, are you sure? Because if there's any hope at all, you need to tell him. He's not obligated to Courtney anymore. Emily: It won't make any difference, Elizabeth. Nikolas has made up his mind. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: I can't just turn my back on Courtney, Lucky. I'm in love with her, and Jax isn't. He only wants her for the child, Lucky, that's it. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: My life works fine without Nikolas, Elizabeth. I feel wanted, needed. It's exactly the way I want. Elizabeth: Yeah, but can't you feel this way with Nikolas? Emily: Not anymore, Elizabeth. Too much has happened. You know, Nikolas and I -- we're fine as friends. That's it. Elizabeth: Mm-hmm. Do you remember -- remember when I used to say the same thing about me and Lucky? Moving on is good, Em, but sometimes going back can be even better. Emily: Not anymore. Do you honestly believe that Courtney would go back to Jax after what he did? [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: Look, I don't -- I don't love Courtney any less for being pregnant with Jax's baby. But at the end of the day, Lucky, I'm afraid. I'm afraid that I'll lose her. [SCENE_BREAK] Reese: Must've been some wedding. Ric: Yeah. I missed most of it. Reese: You went to see Sonny, didn't you? Ric: Yeah, and he shut me out completely. Reese: I'm sorry, Ric. Ric: Yeah, so am I. I went to the wedding, I got sloshed and jumped up on a table and announced to everybody that you and I had slept together. Reese: Oh, my God, you didn't. Ric: Yeah, it's been a bad day. Reese: Oh. All right, just in case I have any career left here in Port Charles to salvage -- how many people heard this declaration? Ric: Oh, come on. More than five, less than twenty. Reese: Sorry. Ric: Alexis tried to make a joke out of the whole thing. Reese: Oh, Alexis. Ric: You know, isn't it funny how Sonny brings out the worst in both of us? Alexis thinks that I slept with you because you were with Sonny. Reese: What do you think? Ric: I think it was about the two of us needing each other. But covering it up -- that was about protecting whatever relationships we wanted to have with Sonny. Reese: And now we've both lost him for good. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Excuse me. We need to speak to a doctor about Carly Alcazar. Dr. Kim: I'm her psychiatrist. Jason: Ok, good. Well, we're here on behalf of Sonny Corinthos. Have you seen this man? Dr. Kim: No. Jason: Are you sure? He's an enemy of Sonny's and we believe he may try to hurt Carly. Dr. Kim: I haven't seen this man, and I can guarantee you, he hasn't gotten near Carly. Jason: I would like to still check on her. Dr. Kim: We usually only allow scheduled visits with family. Sam: Well, Jason's practically family, so I think Carly would really appreciate -- Jason: You know what? I don't even need to speak to her. I just need to look in and make sure she's ok. Dr. Kim: All right. But don't expect too much. Carly's still extremely fragile. Jason: Get away from that door. Turn around. Slow. Dr. Kim: Willy. Get back to bed immediately. Willy: You like my hat and coat? A guy gave it to me. Jason: Did you see the guy? Willy: You're scaring me. Why -- why are you so mean? Dr. Kim: You both need to leave now. Firearms are not allowed at Roselawn. Jason: I'm sorry for scaring your patient, ok, but this guy Manny is a murderer. He wants to hurt Sonny; he's going to go after Carly to do it. I don't want to cause any more trouble. Just let me look in and see if she's ok. Dr. Kim: Try not to upset her. Sam: I'm going to go look around, ok? Jason: Carly? [SCENE_BREAK] Bobbie: Everybody? The newlyweds are about ready to leave, so -- Dillon: Oh, hey, let me get some of that. Audrey: Has everybody got some? Monica: I think so. Alan: Yes, I have. Nikolas: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? Bobbie: Oh. Nikolas: Thank you. It is now time for Mr. and Mrs. Lucky Spencer to come into the world as husband and wife so, please, come on in. [Cheers] Nikolas: Hey! Lucky: We want to thank you all for being here. Elizabeth: You truly have given us the wedding of our dreams. Women: Aw. Emily: And it's not over yet. Your carriage awaits. Nikolas: Go ahead, go on, get on there! [Cheers] Monica: I am so proud of you. Alan: Your grandmother would've loved every second of this. Monica: Yes. Emily: Lila was the ultimate blend of hopeless romantic and true realist. She knew how to love and forgive and how to make a marriage work. Monica: Yeah, well, not all marriages are fairy tales. We know. But maybe Lucky and Elizabeth's will be, thanks to you. Alan: Seeing as you and Nikolas could work such magic for your friends, maybe you could do it for yourself. Monica: Alan. I just want you to be happy. [SCENE_BREAK] Mike: Honey? Honey, look, why don't I take you home. It's been a stressful evening and you've come through it like a trouper, but enough is enough. Courtney: Dad, I'm hanging in there, and I need to spend some time -- Jax: Courtney? Mike: Jax, look, can't you give her a chance to catch her breath for one second? Courtney: Dad, it's ok. It's ok. Mike: Are you sure? Courtney: Yes. Jax: Our divorce papers arrived as I was leaving my office. Courtney: Well, you didn't bring them here, did you? Jax: My plan was to sign them tonight. Celebrate this marriage, kiss ours goodbye, part as friends. But now there's just no way I can do that. [SCENE_BREAK] Lorenzo: Nonalcoholic? Skye: Oh. Well, I must say, you are the perfect date. Lorenzo: Date doesn't have to be over. Any interest in joining me on a trip to Europe in the next couple of days? Skye: Europe sounds wonderful. Lorenzo: Well, great. Can you be ready tomorrow morning? Skye: No. Lorenzo: And why not? I think you know we'd have fun together. Skye: Oh, no doubt we would have fun together -- until I saw that faraway look in your eye and I realized that you're still in love with Carly. Lorenzo: Uh-huh. Well, Carly haunts me just like Luke haunts you. Why don't we accept that and move on? [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: So, what are you going to do next? Reese: Well, there's not much left for me here in Port Charles. I guess you and I need to talk about what we're going to do with our partnership. Ric: Well, I can't leave town. Reese: Because of the baby. Ric: Yeah, I know, and Alexis -- she's -- she's already overdue. I mean, Alexis may hate me, but I am going to be here for when this baby is born. Reese: I wouldn't expect any less of you. Alexis: This is perfect. Ric: What's the matter? Why are you here? Is everything ok? Alexis: The baby's fine. You and I are another story. That's my husband, Phil. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: Can you believe this place? Elizabeth: No. We have some pretty amazing friends. They gave us the perfect wedding. Lucky: It's not over yet. [SCENE_BREAK] Skye: You know what? I -- I can't do this. Lorenzo: Why not? Skye: It's happening too fast, ok? We're both still hung up on other people. Lorenzo: So what's wrong with consoling each other? Skye: It's not that simple! Lorenzo: It can be. If you choose to come with me to Europe for a couple of days, I'll make sure you forget all about what's-his-name. Tracy: You're a fool. Skye: How long have you been standing there? Tracy: Long enough to hear you turn down the offer of a lifetime. Skye: It's none of your business. Tracy: You are not the light of Luke's life. He has a soul mate. You're not it. Skye: Well, neither are you. Luke loves Laura. Tracy: But we're married, and that's not about to change. I'd hate to see you waste your life waiting for a divorce that's not going to happen. Skye: You just want to throw me at Lorenzo because you're afraid that one day Luke's going to wake up screaming and running to the Dominican Republic so he can get himself unshackled from you. Tracy: Skye, Luke and I are perfect for each other. We've both given up on love. You haven't. You can't unhook your heart. You feel everything. Guess what -- Lorenzo's the same. In fact, he's capable of great love and incredible loyalty. Why don't you go with him, see where it takes you? I wouldn't push him away for something Luke is never going to give you. [SCENE_BREAK] Lesley Lu: How drunk are you? Luke: I'm not drunk. Well, I might be a little sad -- sad your mother isn't here. She loves big weddings. You know that. She'd have been very proud of Lucky tonight. Lesley Lu: You're just getting sentimental because your real kid's moving on. Luke: What do you mean, "real kid"? Lesley Lu: A real kid is one you spend time with. You call her; you know how old she is. Luke: Lulu, I know how old you are. Lesley Lu: Because I told you an hour ago! But Lucky got years with you and mom. He got a family. But look on the bright side -- at least I'm not ice fishing. Luke: You loved ice fishing. Lesley Lu: I was willing to freeze my butt off and kill innocent fish for the privilege of being with you. And you know what? It wasn't worth it. Luke: Well, you sure as hell fooled me, sweet pea. Lesley Lu: Lucky is married now. He's going to have a family. He learned that from you and mom. Luke: Yeah. Lesley Lu: You know what I learned? Luke: Why don't you tell me? Lesley Lu: How to say goodbye. See you. Luke: You know, that daughter of mine -- she might turn out ok, after all. Skye: What about you? Luke: Me? You ever get the feeling that you've died and nobody bothered to tell you? [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: Hi. Well, we pulled off the impossible once again, didn't we? Emily: Yeah. Nikolas: Yeah. Emily: That's what fairy tales are all about. Nikolas: Hmm. It was great, wasn't it? Emily: Yeah. I guess all fairy tales have to come to an end. Nikolas: Yeah, I guess so. Emily: I have to go pay the caterer. Nikolas: Ok, ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: If you want to go offshore and buy a quickie divorce, I won't contest it. But I will not deliberately rip apart this child's family. Courtney: Well, wasn't that your plan at one time, Jax? Jax: You know, I regret how we both handled the surrogacy. But we've been given another chance, Courtney, and I want to take that. Courtney: Oh, Jax. I'm with Nikolas now. Ok, look, you're going to find someone new and you're going to want to be with them. It's just our marriage -- it didn't work for a ton of reasons. I think that the best thing that we can do is just let go. Jax: We can't just think about ourselves anymore. We have to consider our child. Just think about that, ok? [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: I'm leaving town. Ric: You're not supposed to travel. Alexis: I am taking a three-hour trip to New York on a train. Dr. Meadows has already set me up with a hospital on the Upper East Side. I'll stay there until the baby is born, and Viola is going to bring up Kristina in a few days. Ric: Why not leave Kristina here? Alexis: I forgot a detail. I'm not coming back. [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: I do better with scotch than champagne. I do better with a blues club than a casino. And I do better with torrid affairs than marriage. God, I hate this place. I should've burned it down years ago. Skye: I saw how glad Lucky was that you were here tonight. Luke: Yeah, he was, wasn't he? Maybe I'm just getting swept up in the pageantry of the moment, but I have a feeling he's got a real chance of making his marriage work. Of course, there's no guarantees. You know, a marriage license doesn't come with a guarantee. And whatever comes, they'll have to hope their love is strong enough to see them through the rough patches. But I don't envy them. I'm glad that part of my life is over. Skye: Luke, I know you're missing Laura tonight, and I know that I can never take her place, but I think you need a ride home and I think I can manage that much. Luke: Thank you, Blaze. But I don't really need anything right now. [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays] Singer: Softly like a whisper hold me in your arms everything fades but you and me and you know I'd cross the stars for your love and I think you would go that far but there's nowhere else I'd rather be right now than where you are Singer: Moonlight in between us quiet lingering there's nowhere else I'd rather be right now than where you are [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: Jax must be excited about the baby. Courtney: Yeah, he is. Nikolas: Making all kinds of plans, I'm sure. Courtney: Yeah, it's kind of scary. Nikolas: Yeah. Courtney: He doesn't want to sign the divorce papers, says that he wants to try again. Jax wants to make everything all right, says that a child deserves to be with both their parents. Nikolas: Yeah, well, I can't really argue that. Courtney: Do you think that I am awful and selfish because I wish you were the father? Nikolas: No. No, because I feel the same way. But, hey, it just didn't work out that way, did it? Well, listen, I want you to know that whatever choice you make for you and your baby, I'll support that. Courtney: You know, Jax and I wanted a child. Now, despite everything, we're having one. Nikolas: Yeah. Courtney: You know, I just -- I feel like I owe my child the chance to be with me and -- and its father. Nikolas: You mean you think you owe Jax another chance? [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: You throw an extraordinary wedding. Emily: Thank you. Jax, I know about the baby. I've -- I've known for a while, but I just found out that you're the father tonight. Jax: Yeah, I guess we're all a little bit surprised. You know, my parents stayed married through some pretty tough times. I want to do the same. I want to try to win Courtney back, try to be the best father and husband I can. Emily: It won't be easy. Jax: I've always appreciated a challenge. I'm sure it's possible. You believe in forgiveness, don't you? [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: You can't just disappear with Kristina and our child. Alexis: I won't disappear. But I will ensure that my child is born in a safe and a calm environment, and then I'll decide what to do after that. But I won't be living here any longer. So we can decide about visitation arrangements after. Ric: Ok, even if I agree, Sonny's not going to. Alexis: I think Sonny's got enough problems of his own right now. He's not going to want to go into court. Ric: Nobody wants to go into court, Alexis, but I am going to stay in this child's life. Alexis: I hope you do. I really hope you do. So we'll talk about those details later. Ric: Ok, well, you want to maybe even tell me where the hospital is, at least? Alexis? [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Hey. Jason: Hey. Any sign of Manny? Sam: No, nothing, and I'm thinking the guard could've made a mistake. Jason: No, I don't think so. Sam: Manny's plane crashed. The police think he's dead. Maybe they're right. Jason: I just -- I want to walk around just to be sure. [SCENE_BREAK] Manny: Shh. [NEXT_ON] Man: Our next speaker is Dr. Robin Scorpio. Sam: We're going to New York to ask Robin to treat you. Jason: The only place I'm going is to search for Manny. Sonny: Is Carly all right? Dr. Kim: Unfortunately, she's taken a turn for the worse. Nikolas: You need to pack. Train leaves at 6:00, got to be onboard by 5:30. | Lucky and Elizabeth separately try to convince Nikolas and Emily to give their relationship another shot |
292 | Alexis: Are you absolutely sure? I'm going to have to consider all the options before I make a decision. [Knock on door] Sam: Hi. You wanted to see me? Alexis: I'm going to need to get back to you, if that's all right? Alexis: Thank you for coming in here, Sam. Manny Ruiz's records were brought up from a stack of closed-case files. Sealed documents were also opened. Do you know anything about that? [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Richie: Elizabeth Spencer. Elizabeth: Thank you. Jason: Hey. Elizabeth: I just thought you should know -- not that you can do anything about it -- Jason: Go ahead, tell me. What's wrong? Elizabeth: Lucky knows you killed Manny, not him. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: Damn, it's hot. Det. Rodriguez: Whatever happened to detective Lucky Spencer, huh? Hero of the PCPD, always cool under fire? Lucky: You know, will you knock it off? Det. Rodriguez: Sorry. Lucky: I'm just frustrated by this case. I'm sorry. Det. Rodriguez: Well, if you just ask judge Bryant for that search warrant, we can get somewhere. Bryant will do anything for the super cop who stopped Manny Ruiz. Maxie: Lucky. Hey -- uh -- can I talk to you for a second? Lucky: Yeah, but not now. [SCENE_BREAK] Nurse: The file you requested, doctor. Patrick: Perfect. So how are you, Tina? Tina: I've been fine, doctor. Thank you. Robin: How are you feeling? Patrick: Well, I guess the word's gotten out. Nothing fuels a rumor mill like a surgeon being exposed to end-stage AIDS in the middle of an operation. It's definitely cramping my style. Noah: Why don't you give it a break, hotshot? Patrick: Excuse me? Noah: Robin was gracious enough to give you a second, even a third chance, and to see you pay her back by hitting on some nurse in front of her? Noah: Look, I obviously have no room to criticize, given my past, but I can see what you're doing even if you can't. You're sabotaging your relationship with Robin because you're afraid that you may have -- Robin: Noah, don't. Noah: Look, when I left for surgical clinic, I thought you'd finally grasped how lucky you were to have her. You're just making the same mistakes I made. Robin: Wait, you don't understand. Noah: Look, stop defending him. You're -- you're a compulsive skirt chaser, it's going to cost you. Patrick: Well, don't worry, Dad. My skirt-chasing days are over. Noah: Oh. Oh, I don't know why I waste my breath. Robin: You just got back from the clinic and he didn't have time to tell you. Noah: Yeah -- Patrick's on his worst behavior. What's wrong with my son? Why can't he appreciate what he's got? Robin: Patrick may be infected with HIV. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: I didn't mean to interfere with police business. I'm sorry. Lucky: No, hold on. We're about finished here, so I'll call that judge right away. Det. Rodriguez: The sooner the better. Lucky: I'm sorry I had to act like that. Maxie: Were you talking about the police car that was dented when I was with you? Lucky: We're just -- we're working on a case, that's all. Maxie: And you don't want Rodriguez to know that we're friends. Lucky: You're just helping me through a rough time. Maxie: You're -- Lucky: You know, I'm married and I just don't want to look too familiar. Maxie: I know, Lucky. It's just hard for me to hide how I feel about you after we've been so close. Lucky: I'm just trying to be careful for you, too. Maxie: And the last thing the hero of Port Charles needs is to be sleeping with the police commissioner's daughter. Lucky: Yeah, you got that right. Maxie: But you don't have to worry. I'm going to make sure Mac never finds out. Oh -- but I got you more pills. Lucky: Thanks. Maxie: I just wanted to make sure you have them in case you need them. You're right, not in public. Just call me when you can. [SCENE_BREAK] Mayor Floyd: You and I need some clarification. Ric: We? Mayor Floyd: Mm-hmm. You as Ms. Davis' husband and me as her boss. Ric: Oh. Well, I know you appointed Alexis to her position as D.A., but she doesn't work for you. She works for the people in the city. Mayor Floyd: I was understandably reluctant to appoint your wife, and the truth is I do not want her tainted by her association with you. Ric: Oh, Alexis has got much bigger problems than me, Mayor. She does have a child with a known racketeer. I don't suppose that you're going to ask her to give up Kristina to improve her public image? Mayor Floyd: No. Your brother and his business are a blight on this town. Fortunately, he keeps a low profile, so I'm going to advise you to do the same. Don't -- don't show up here at PCPD. Don't play off of your wife's position. As a matter of fact, why don't you do her a favor and make yourself invisible. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: I wouldn't know how to get the Manny Ruiz records out of the closed-case room if I wanted to, which I don't. I don't even like to think about Manny Ruiz. Alexis: Well, you have to admit, Sam, that there is a pattern emerging. For instance, the file that went missing earlier today. Sam: Right. I told you I didn't take that; you said you believed me. Alexis: I want nothing more than to believe you, Sam, but the fact remains that since you began this job, things have been disappearing, important things -- the file, Jason's file -- then records have been tampered with, and sealed evidence has been tainted. All of these papers have a direct link to you, Sam. So if we are to look at this objectively, what exactly am I supposed to think? Sam: Oh, I don't -- I don't know. Think what you want. Fire me if you want. Giving me this job was your idea anyway. Alexis: I don't want to fire you, Sam, I'm just responsible for the damn files. Sam: I didn't take the files, and I didn't touch those records. A lot of other people in this town would have good reason to. I don't know if you've ever considered that. Oh -- by the way, I took my G.E.D. test this morning. I can't tell you how much your support means to me, Mom. [Door slams] [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Lucky pulled Manny's case records and opened a sealed autopsy report. He knows his shot missed. He knows that Manny died because you shoved him off the roof. Jason: It doesn't matter who killed Manny. The guy's not a threat anymore. Elizabeth: It does to Lucky. He doesn't feel like he deserves a promotion, the medal, he feels like a fraud, and what's even worse is that he's still taking his painkillers. I don't think he ever stopped. [Knock on door] Richie: Detective Lucky Spencer. Lucky: There's a problem with the Manny Ruiz case. [SCENE_BREAK] Robin: Patrick was stitching up a bleeder in emergency surgery on an AIDS patient. He accidentally pricked his finger with the needle. Noah: Because the patient would've died. Robin: He kept working and he saved her life. Noah: How long did that take? Robin: It seemed like minutes. Then he went on post-exposure prophylactics the same day. Noah: I'm familiar with P.E.P. Protocol. It's highly effective if it's begun right away. Robin: But it doesn't change the reality. Patrick was exposed to the blood of an end-stage AIDS patient. Noah: Hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Patrick: Your surgery went well. We took care of the edema and released intracranial pressure. April: In other words, your -- your operation was a success, but your patient's still going to die regardless. Basically, you just wasted your time. Patrick: It's what they pay me for. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: That Ruiz autopsy report shows no bullet wound. Manny died when you threw him over the roof. Jason: Okay, hold on. I was losing the fight until you shot at Manny. The gunfire distracted him, so that makes you at least partly responsible for killing him, right? Lucky: No, no, it doesn't. Jason: Well, there could've been a mistake on the autopsy report. You know those things aren't always accurate. Lucky: This one is, that's why it was sealed! Alex was covering for you. Jason: Who knows why Alexis does anything? Lucky: You know! That's what I want to know -- what do you have on Alexis Davis? [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Ric: Hey. Alexis: Hi. Ric: I just got your message. Is everything all right? Alexis: Just -- Ric: Hi. You had a pretty rough night with all that coughing. Alexis: It's just an allergy. The doctors will take care of that. Did you retrieve Manny Ruiz's records from the police morgue? Ric: No. Alexis: Did you open up the autopsy file? Ric: Open it? Was it sealed? Alexis: Did you gain access in any way to any of those records? Ric: I didn't know that I was on the witness stand, your honor. Okay. No, I -- I don't have access to any police records, Alexis. You know that. Alexis: Didn't stop you before. Ric: Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean? Alexis: You were D.A. You have contacts in this department, you know how this system works. You could've gotten your hands on those files. Ric: Yes, and I just told you that I didn't. Why were the files sealed in the first place? Alexis: I can't tell you that. Ric: Was there something about Manny Ruiz's death that you didn't want to make public? [SCENE_BREAK] Robin: Hello. How are you feeling? April: Better, I guess. Robin: Good. It's nice to see you awake and alert. April: Nice of you to notice. The other doctor was in here, like, 30 seconds. Robin: Well -- uh -- his lab notes say that you're doing well. April: Yeah, well, he needs to work on his bedside manner. Robin: Dr. Drake is dealing with a lot right now. April: Yeah, well, he ain't the only one. I mean, he's the doctor, anyway. He needs to keep his problems out there in the hall. Robin: Okay, I -- uh -- I apologize for him if he upset you. April: He was the one acting like he was upset. I mean, what is it, anyway? Is it that I don't have insurance, or is it because of the AIDS? Robin: No, no, he's the one that kept you from getting transferred to county. April, he saved your life. April: Yeah, what's left of it. Robin: Look, something happened during your surgery. April: What, did they leave a sponge in? Don't bother, okay? Just pick it up during the autopsy. Robin: Dr. Drake pricked his finger with a needle that was covered in your blood. He was exposed. Dr. Drake's bedside manner is lousy on a good day. You can't really expect it to improve in this kind of situation. April: He was pretty decent, considering. Be nice to him, okay? You have no idea what he's up against. Robin: Actually, I do. I'm HIV Positive. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Patrick, I'm -- I'm so sorry. I had no idea. Robin just told me. Patrick: Don't look so worried. It's not the end of the world. Noah: How you feeling? Patrick: I'm on P.E.P. Protocol, so my odds are good. Noah: But how are you? Patrick: Well, look on the bright side -- at least it happened after you needed part of my liver. Noah: Could we drop the witty banter for five minutes and have a real conversation; you're my son. You've been exposed to a life-threatening illness. I'm worried about you. Patrick: I'm not terminal, Dad. You don't have to treat me like it. Noah: I heard that P.E.P. side effects can be pretty brutal. Patrick: Yeah, well, it gives me a good excuse for my lousy bedside manner. It's tough to be all warm and fuzzy when you're about to puke. Noah: Hey, I might be able to help you with that. Maybe my years spent getting plastered weren't completely wasted. I came up with a perfect cure for a hangover. Patrick: I'm not dealing with a hangover, dad. Noah: Throwing up is throwing up. Five drops of Tabasco in orange juice, raw egg, black pepper, wash it down with black coffee and a B complex. Patrick: I don't think so. Noah: Then you're obviously not sick enough yet. Believe me, when the nausea kicks in, you'll try anything. Patrick: That's reassuring. Noah: So Robin told me that you kept working after you got stuck. Patrick: Any doctor would've done the same. Noah: As usual, you're wrong. Patrick: Thanks, Dad. Noah: I've never been more proud of you in my life. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Hey -- oh. What is wrong with the A/C? Lulu: It's messed up. Maxie: Yeah, well tell Mike to forget the diner and open up a sauna. Lulu: Uh -- Georgie's off today. Maxie: I know. I came in for an iced tea -- heavy on the ice, please. Lulu: Sure. Maxie: So, you must be really proud of Lucky -- getting that medal, on the news with the mayor. Lulu: Yeah, it was great. Maxie: It sure feels a lot safer out there now that he got Manny Ruiz off the streets. Lulu: Why are you being so nice to me? Maxie: Just trying to make conversation. Lulu: Yeah, but I'm the enemy, remember? I lied about your sister, slept with her husband, and pretty much ruined her life, and you're coming here to talk about my brother? Maxie: I just thought you'd be proud of Lucky, that's all. Lulu: No, I am. But where are all the catty comments and the insults about me sleeping with a married man? [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: You want to know why Alexis didn't come after you for killing Ruiz? Jason: Because she has no evidence against me. Lucky: A file just disappeared from the squad room. Yeah, evidence against you for money laundering. I mean, everybody knows that Sam took it to protect you. Jason: Leave Sam out of it. She had nothing to do with it. Lucky: Alexis was just looking the other way because she was protecting her daughter's boyfriend. Jason: What is your problem? Manny's dead. You got your promotion, you got your raise. You need to let this be over. Lucky: You know what? I ought to just take this all to internal affairs, let them handle it. Jason: You know what? That's fine. You know what? I don't care what you do to me, but don't involve Sam. Lucky: Must be nice -- you know, I mean, just to have your girlfriend watching your back. Jason: All right, you know what, Lucky? Don't come back here again without a warrant. [Door slams] Elizabeth: It's worse than I thought. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: All right, if you didn't appropriate any of Manny Ruiz's records, then we don't have to discuss it anymore. Thanks for coming by. Ric: Okay, look, if there's something wrong, I'd be happy to help. Alexis: No, it -- everything is fine, and I -- I thank you. I really appreciate you stopping by, honestly. Ric: Mm-hmm. Alexis: I've got a stack full of things that have to go out that door. Ric: Yeah, yeah, so do I. I have work to do, as well. And I dropped everything and I came over here the minute you called, Alexis. Alexis: And I -- I thanked you profoundly, and I mean that. Ric: What -- what's going -- hey, what's going on? Why are you accusing me of tampering with evidence, and you can't even look me in the eye? Alexis: I'm just being thorough. That's it. Honestly. Ric: Mm-hmm. What's going on? Alexis: No problem here, Ric. Ric: No, Alexis, I know you. I also know what really happened the night that Manny Ruiz was shot. Alexis: The case is closed. You're right. Let's not revisit this any longer. Ric: Okay. Right. That's why you tried to bury the evidence, and you sealed the autopsy so that it wouldn't conflict with the official story, right? Alexis: You sound like a tabloid reporter. Are you going to concoct some conspiracy theory now? Ric: Alexis, what did the autopsy show? Did it show that Manny had a superficial bullet wound or he had no bullet wound at all? Come on, Lucky missed, didn't he? That's why you had to seal the file. Alexis: You're making an assumption -- Ric: Jason killed Manny, huh? So why isn't Jason in jail right now? I mean, after all these years you've been going after him, you finally have the goods on him to charge him with manslaughter. Alexis: It's not that simple. Ric: You are the district attorney, you get to decide who you prosecute, Alexis. You didn't charge Jason because he agreed to stay away from Sam. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Look, I hate that you hurt my sister. Lulu: So why are you being so nice to me? Maxie: Dillon's just as responsible as you are, if not more. I mean, he's the married one, and it takes two to tango. Lulu: Yeah, but I lied. Maxie: And Dillon was all over you, like, what, two seconds later? Lulu: And he did that because I lied. Maxie: Georgie has all these little-girl fantasies that love is going to last forever. She actually thinks you can live happily ever after with the love of your life, but you and I -- well, we both know that's not how love works. Lulu: We do? Maxie: Yeah. Look at our parents -- they were all supposed to have this great, earthshaking love, but -- Lulu: Well, they did for a while. Maxie: That's exactly my point. Sometimes people fall in love and they make these promises that they absolutely intend to keep, but things change, people change their lives. The commitment just doesn't seem all that important anymore. Sometimes to be truly happy, you have to be strong enough to let go. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Lucky's got to be high or he would've never come over here. Jason: That would explain how he's acting. [Elizabeth sighs] Elizabeth: Last night I found another -- I found another bottle of pills on him. And when I confronted him, he got so angry. And he accused me of setting him up, and then he just -- he left the house. Jason: Okay, I don't know a lot about addiction and this kind of stuff, but I think that's pretty normal -- to cover by getting so angry. Elizabeth: You know, you're the only one who doesn't make excuses for him. Lord knows I've made enough. I just -- I don't even know -- I don't know who he is anymore. I can't believe he is working like this. I mean, what if he were taking the pills the night that he shot at Manny? What if he hit you? What if his timing is off and he -- he gets himself hurt again? I don't know what to do, which is ridiculous because I'm a nurse. I should know how to handle situations like this. I -- I should at least be able to recognize an addiction problem. Jason: You know, sometimes it's difficult to -- to see what's really happening when you're standing so close. Elizabeth: If it were a patient, I would know what to say. But it's my husband. I -- Jason: Elizabeth, I didn't believe that you should push somebody to getting help. But now I'm not -- I'm not so sure. You know, people do get to make their own choices. But if Lucky is hurting himself, maybe you need to step in. [Knock on door] Bernie: I -- I'm sorry to interrupt, but we got business we have to discuss. Elizabeth: I have to get going. I -- Jason: It's okay. Hey, just let me know if you need anything, okay? Elizabeth: I know what I have to do. Thank you. Excuse me. Bernie: Sure. [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: You know, in case you haven't noticed, you are the district attorney. Jason Morgan is the biggest criminal in the city. It is your job to lock him up. Alexis: Sam is my daughter. Ric: Oh, come on, don't -- Alexis, don't you think if you want to protect your daughter, that the best way to do that is to put Jason in jail? Alexis: And make him a martyr, and make Sam hate me? Ric: Oh, you know -- Alexis: Don't you think it's kinder, more liberating to Sam if it's Jason who chooses to end the relationship? Ric: Oh, I see. So you agreed not to prosecute Jason for Manny's death, and in turn, he agrees to stay away from Sam? The only problem is that Jason knows about that cover-up, and if this evidence, like you said, has been tampered with, don't you think somebody else knows about that, too? Alexis: There was no cover-up. If Jason killed Manny -- and I'm not saying that he did -- he would've pled self-defense and won. Ric: Yeah, the man threw him off the building. Alex: Because he was trying to save his own life in front of a police witness. If I had prosecuted Jason, I guarantee you he would've walked out of there a hero. Ric: Okay, Alexis, if there is no case, then why did you bother to seal the autopsy report in the first place, and why did you make a deal with Jason? Alexis: I choose to seal whatever records I choose to seal -- Ric: Oh, I'm sorry. Alexis: And there was no deal because Jason broke up with Sam months ago. He believed that she shouldn't be with him -- the same as I do -- and I don't appreciate the fact that you don't show any confidence in me. Ric: Oh, don't turn this back on me. Come on. Alexis: I'm busy. Ric: You know what? You're just furious because I had to take Kristina to the doctor yesterday, and you were busy yet again. [SCENE_BREAK] Bernie: The South American associates need reassurance. Jason: "Reassurance"? They're making more money than they've ever made. Bernie: Listen, there are all kinds of rumors circulating about Mr. Corinthos. They know he's no longer a part of the business. Jason: Right. Bernie: They have to understand that the business is running smoothly. Jason: Okay. Bernie: Because if we look vulnerable for one minute to those guys -- Jason: We're not going to look vulnerable. Bernie: Listen, they have made overtures to Lorenzo Alcazar. Jason: Wait, if Alcazar's involved, he's the one who reached out to them. Bernie: Yeah, trying to undermine your position. Jason: He is back in the arms business. If he gets us out of the way, he's going to push his product through Port Charles, and he wants Rosales to do his dirty work? That -- Bernie: Right. And if they team up with Alcazar, I mean, they could have a stranglehold on the northeast corridor. [Knock on door] Richie: Robin Scorpio. Bernie: Can -- can this wait, like, five minutes? Jason: You know what? Don't worry. Everything's going to be fine, okay? Robin: Hi. I can come back if it's a bad time. Jason: No, it's fine, it's good. Bernie was just leaving. It's okay. Bernie: Take care. You got it. Jason: It's fine. Robin: You were obviously in a meeting. I should've called. It's just something happened, and I think you're the only person who could understand. [SCENE_BREAK] ( Acoustic guitar music playing ) Alexis: She skinned her elbow and needed a tetanus shot -- Ric: Yes, and I was happy to take her to get the shot, Alexis, but you seem to be the one who's having a problem with it. Alexis: But you seem to be the one that's making such a big deal out of it. Ric: Because you have some need to want to blame me for something. Alexis: And what would that prove? I'm sorry. I'm tired. I have a lot of work on my desk. And maybe I'm just a little resentful that you didn't tell me that Sonny was Bipolar. Ric: Oh, I'm sorry. Because you heard it second hand from Carly and because I waited until he was diagnosed by -- by a psychiatrist? That's -- all of a sudden, that's my fault? Alexis: It's just that she's my daughter and I -- I think that you should've told me. Ric: You know, your standards are impossible to live up to, Alexis. Nobody can ever, ever possibly get to them, you included. Alexis: What have I done? What have I done besides try to adjust to a new job, try to adjust to a new daughter, just try to adjust? What have I done? Ric: I don't know. But you're distant, and you are combative for some reason. You asked me to come down here, Alexis. You said it was an emergency, I came. And then I walked in here, you treat me like a hostile witness. What's wrong? Alexis: I have work to do. Ric: Yes, and it's compromising our family and you're taking it out on me. Fine. Okay, fine, you know what? If you want to be super-district attorney, you go ahead. You go make your deals with Jason Morgan, be super mom, be -- don't ever be home in time for the kids and for dinner. As far as being super- wife, don't bother. [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays] Elizabeth: What's all this? Lucky: I was just thinking about the boxcar, and those wild flowers that you used to like out there. Elizabeth: That was a long time ago. Lucky: Everything was much simpler out there. That's where you started to paint, remember? I wrote songs. We believed we could do anything. Elizabeth: Yeah, I remember. Lucky: I never want to lose you. Elizabeth: You won't, but we need to talk about these pills. Lucky: I know, I know, we will, but can we just let go for a little while? Can we just remember the way we were before? When -- Elizabeth: Lucky -- Lucky: Everything never mattered and all we needed was each other? Elizabeth: Wait. Lucky: Hey, we have all day. Everything else can wait. Singer: Moonlight in between us cross it then wait I'm lost in your eyes but I am safe you know I'd cross the stars for your love and I thank you with open arms there's nowhere else I'd rather be right now [SCENE_BREAK] Patrick: Well, your numbers don't look bad. The swelling's gone down, T cells are holding. April: Dr. Scorpio told me what happened during the surgery. I'm sorry. Patrick: It wasn't your fault. April: Look, you didn't have to do the surgery. You didn't have to do the operation. You could've sent me to County. Patrick: You would've died in the ambulance. Anyway, you told us you had AIDS. We took all the necessary precautions. We're going to monitor your viral load, keep an eye out for pneumonia. April: My boyfriend swore he was clean, you know. Patrick: You don't have to tell me this, April. April: I believed him even though I knew he was shooting meth. He can't ever get rid of that stuff, you know. He really did try. It's a funny thing -- you got exposed trying to save me, I got exposed trying to save him. I trusted the whole medical thing. I trusted love. I was being safe, you know, just that we didn't always use condoms. Anyway, a couple of summers ago I had a job, but I started getting too tired to show up, then I caught this cold I couldn't shake. Didn't want to hassle with it -- public clinics and stuff, so -- Patrick: That's the reality when you don't have health insurance. April: Yeah, well, I was a couple of weeks away from getting insurance on my job, you know? But I didn't make it. They fired me for absenteeism. I mean, I don't blame them. I guess it doesn't matter, anyway, because I wasn't going to go get the test either way. And my boyfriend -- he got high one night. We got in a big old fight about it. I ain't talking about yelling and screaming, either. And we ended up at Mercy Hospital. They tested both of us and they found the AIDS. A couple of days later he walked out, and I haven't seen him since. Patrick: We might be able to help you. April: We both know that it's too late for me. Patrick: We'll do the best we can to get you as well as we can. April: Thank you. So what's up with you and Dr. Scorpio? Patrick: I'm going to get this stuff to the lab. April: She seemed really worried about you. This fatigue is like the worst part, you know. It's like it just hits you. Patrick: Just get some rest. April: Yeah. Patrick: I'll be back to check on you later. [SCENE_BREAK] Robin: Patrick wanted to operate. He knew that there was a risk because the woman had end-stage AIDS, but he didn't care. He even fought to keep her from getting transferred to County. [Robin sighs] Robin: And when he stuck himself with an infected needle, he kept working. He finished the surgery and he saved her life. Immediately after, he was put on a protocol, drugs that weren't around when Stone got sick -- not that he would've even known to take them. Jason: Obviously, you're scared for Patrick. Robin: It's just so surreal, you know? I mean, Patrick is assuring everyone he's fine, he's working. Alan has taken over his case, and he's being the perfect, calm doctor. I mean, he has so much more to offer him than he did to Stone. Jason: You know, sometimes what you feel and what you're feeling, what you know are completely different. Robin: Yeah. That's it. In my head, I know that his chances are really good. But when I look at him, all I see is Stone. I'm 17 and I am terrified for him, and there still is no cure for AIDS, and I could lose him, just like I lost Stone. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: You tried the hangover cure, didn't you? Patrick: Everything except for the raw egg. I'd rather not die of salmonella. Noah: I don't blame you. You look a lot less green. Patrick: Well, that, or I'm getting used to the medication. Alan: I've got the results of your first blood test. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: I missed this. I miss you. Elizabeth: We'll get through this. We can get through anything together. We should find a counselor, and find a way to get you off of these pills. Lucky? [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: Here you go. Sam: I ordered a banana split. Lulu: Oh, I am so sorry. I will take this back. Sam: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Um -- I'm sorry. Did anyone else order hot fudge? Lulu: No. That's okay. I just -- I have been out of it all day. I made the wrong thing, but I will bring you your banana split. Sam: No, don't worry about it. This is okay. Lulu: Okay. Well, thank you, and enjoy it. Sam: Okay. I'm sorry. Lulu: No -- Sam: Don't worry about it. Ric: Hey. Sam: Hey. Ric: I take it you're celebrating? Sam: Huh. Yeah, I guess so. Ric: You guess so? Does that mean the G.E.D. went well or -- Sam: I have no idea. I at least showed up and took the test. Ric: Oh, come on, Sam. You should be proud of yourself. Sam: Really? Ric: Yeah. Sam: That's nice. No one else thinks so. Ric: Alexis didn't mention anything about it? Sam: No. You know, how could she? She was too busy accusing me of stealing files and records and all at stuff. And go ahead, defend her, because I know that's what you do. Ric: Yeah, I should. But right now I just don't have it in me. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Patrick isn't Stone. And you aren't 17. You are living proof that HIV does not have to be a death sentence. Robin: Patrick says that I hide behind HIV, that I use it as an excuse not to get close. Jason: Hmm. Robin: Maybe he's right? [Robin chuckles] Robin: I don't know. But he hides, too. He does this whole womanizing doctor thing so that he doesn't have to connect. But underneath, he's -- he's really scared. Jason: Yeah, but right now you can help him. I mean, you've been where he's been. And look how you ended up -- confident, strong. Robin: Oh -- hmm. I had you, and you were totally comfortable around me. HIV didn't scare you. Maybe that's what I need to do for him. I need him to know that it doesn't make him less than who he was, and that he can depend on me, just like I depended on you. [SCENE_BREAK] Alan: You tested negative for HIV. Noah: Oh, thank God. Patrick: Well, don't get too excited. I got to test again in six months. Alan: That's right, and you need to complete the P.E.P. Protocol. Noah: But you're over the first hurdle. Patrick: Yeah. [NEXT_ON] Nikolas: I'm thinking about changing John's name. What do you think about that? Robin: You're doing really well. Just have to keep fighting. Patrick: I'm sorry for interrupting, but your daughter needs you both, she's not okay. Sonny: What do you want now? Carly: I'm going to save you from yourself, like it or not. | Maxie tries to bond with Lulu |
293 | Bill: I've got Deacon Sharpe exactly where I want him. Justin: I thought you wanted him out of prison helping you with Hope. Bill: He will be if I decide he is of use to me. Justin: So you might not use him? Bill: If Liam stays married to Steffy, there's no need to call in reinforcements. (Elevator bell dings) Bill: Justin, I want that messed-up girl away from my son. Justin: Sabotage the wedding? Bill: If my plan works, Hope will be out of Liam's life once and for all. You don't throw the Hail Mary unless the game's on the line, Justin. Marcus: Talking football, Gentlemen? Bill: Investment strategy. Marcus: Huh. Hey, Pop, you got a minute? Justin: Yeah. I, uh, just come with me. Bill: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Hey. Steffy: You have a question for me? Hope: Um, no. I did for marketing. I sent them an e-mail. Steffy: Oh, yeah. They kicked it upstairs. Hope: Oh. Sorry. Steffy: Hey, um... are you avoiding me? Hope: No. Why would be? Steffy: Well, maybe you're not feeling as sure of yourself as your mother wants me to believe. Hope: Did my mom come up here? Did she talk to you? I'm so sorry. That's probably the last thing you need right now. I'm sorry. Steffy: No, I didn't-- I didn't see her. And the last thing I need is you feeling bad or me. It's not necessary. Hope: Steffy, the waiting period is over. At midnight tomorrow, your divorce becomes final. Steffy: (Inhales sharply) [SCENE_BREAK] (Elevator bell dings) Karen: (Sighs) Danielle: Maybe we should just reschedule. Karen: No. Bill is here now, and he's going to see you. We just have to make sure we handle this really carefully. Danielle: It's an interview Karen. Karen: With my brother. And he doesn't know we're a couple, and I don't want him to know. Danielle: I don't think "Are you involved with my sister" is a standard interview question. Karen: (Sighs) Danielle: Now listen to me. I know your brother can be an insensitive jerk. Karen: Is an insensitive jerk. Danielle: But he's also one of the biggest names in publishing. This could be really great for me. Karen: Okay, let me talk to him first. Danielle: Okay. Karen: Hi. Alison: Oh, you're back. Karen: Yes, well, we were on our way out, and we saw Bill pull in, so I'd like to see him now, please. Karen: You forgot we had a meeting. Bill: Something came up. (Sighs) Karen: Some sort of investment opportunity? Bill: Right. Karen: Well, I hope it was a good one-- good enough to blow off your sister for. Bill: We'll see. You never know how these things are going to play out. I wasn't meeting with you, anyway. I was supposed to be meeting with your roommate. Karen: And you still are right now. She's waiting right outside. Bill: Karen, it has been a really long day. I mean, seriously? Karen: Very seriously. Oh, and, uh, I hear congratulations are in order. On the baby. Bill: (Sighs) Katie told you. Karen: She is very excited. Aren't you? Bill: Karen, are--are you forgetting that my wife had a heart transplant? I never thought having a kid was in the future for me. Karen: (Sighs) Bill: I told her to terminate the pregnancy. (Sighs) Karen: Because you're afraid of losing her. Bill: (Sighs) Katie is the best thing that ever happened to me and the only good Logan in the bunch. (Sighs) Karen: Speaking of Logans, you're still not a fan of your son's fiancée? Bill: My son can't have a fiancée, because he is a married man... until midnight tomorrow. [SCENE_BREAK] Justin: Liam needs his paperwork, so as soon as I'm done, we can-- Marcus: No, I need to talk to you now. Justin: What- what's goin, Marcus? Marcus: I don't know, Pop. I was hoping that you would tell me. What the heck's going on with you and Bill, man? Justin: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: We probably shouldn't be talking about this. Steffy: Well, the waiting period's almost over. Hope: Mm-hmm. Steffy: You're excited. Hope: Yeah. And I know how that makes me sound. Steffy: Confident. Hope: (Sighs) Okay, you know what? This is weird. I don't want to talk about it. I'm gonna go. Just let sales know what you want to do, okay? Steffy: Hope, wait. Look, we can avoid each other if that's what you want. But let's not pretend I'm the only one looking at the clock. Whatever happens tomorrow, it's happening to both of us. Hope: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Karen: Well, Danielle's waiting outside, so I'll leave you two alone. Bill: You're not gonna stick around and hold her hand? Karen: She's a really talented writer, Bill. She doesn't need my help to get a job. Bill: I'll decide how talented she is. Karen: Just be nice. Try not to be so... you. Bill: Hey, you know, I'm not the one who needs to lighten up. You need to find yourself a guy like... (Snaps fingers) Pronto before you start taking in lost little puppies and stray cats. You have to get out of that house and find yourself a hot romance. Karen: Thanks for the advice. Karen: He's all yours. [SCENE_BREAK] Justin: Marcus, tell me what this is about, and I might know how to answer. Marcus: Where were you today? Justin: Wisconsin. Marcus: Why? Justin: Well, why is it so important to you? Marcus: Because I heard something. I heard you and Bill talking. Justin: (Sighs) Marcus: You called me. Justin: No, I didn't-- Marcus: No, you--you did. Your phone did. You butt-dialed me. I didn't like what I was hearing. You were talking about Hope. Justin: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Steffy: Mm-hmm. Yes, definitely. Okay, we can change that. Hope: (Sighs) Steffy: All right, great, thanks. All right, we'll deal with it tomorrow. All right, bye. Hope: Waiting's almost over. Steffy: Yes, tomorrow night we will both know where we stand. Hope: I already do. Steffy: You really believe Liam has already made up his mind? Hope: (Scoffs) I am focused on my wedding. I am so busy, I don't have time to think about anything else it is just around the corner, and I don't even have a dress. (Chuckles) Steffy: Have you talked to Granddad? Hope: Uh, well, I-I thought that I could count on Ridge. Steffy: If it makes a difference, my, uh... my mom says he's really torn up about it. Hope: It's just when I imagine my wedding, I-I've always imagined walking down the aisle in one of his gowns. Steffy: Well, you still could. You could marry someone else. Hope: (Laughs) I don't even know what to say to that right now, so... Steffy: Yeah, I know. I know. Okay. You're right I don't--I don't think we should be talking about this. Hope: (Sighs) N-no. No. I mean, you know, I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go. Yeah. Steffy: Yeah, good idea. Um, yeah. No, I'm gonna get back to work and... Hope: Great. I mean, I-I'd wish you luck, but... Steffy: Thanks, but I don't need it. (Door opens) (Door closes) Steffy: (Sighs) (Knock on door) Liam: You busy? Steffy: I'm just, uh, watching the clock. What about you? [SCENE_BREAK] Bill: So my sister tells me you're a writer. Danielle: Yes, features, personal interest stories, a little travel writing. Bill: Adventure pieces for men's magazines. Danielle: You looked me up. Bill: I like to know who I'm dealing with. Danielle: Well, then you know mostly freelance. I've done a couple of articles for Spencer Publications. Bill: And what exactly are you looking for, Danielle? (Sighs) Danielle: I want to settle down. Bill: L.A. appeals to you. Danielle: It's starting to. Bill: Not afraid you'll get bored? Danielle: Oh, I don't ever get bored. I can find a great story anywhere. If you look at my work, you can see. Bill: I know you can write. But what makes you different from every other writer I have on staff? (Sighs) Danielle: Do you have a fashion writer who will climb halfway up the Himalayas to get a story? I was interviewing this famous yogi in New York, and before I could get a follow-up, he took off, went on a retreat. You don't need another fashion expert, Bill. What you need is a writer who isn't afraid to get dirty. Bill: And by that, you mean... Danielle: I get what I go after. Bill: You don't sound like woman who's ready to settle down. Danielle: Working freelance is like every job is the first date. I'd like a relationship... with benefits. Bill: You're ready to move out of my sister's house, get a place of your own. Danielle: I don't see what my living arrangements have to do with any-- Bill: Oh, come on now. You vacation with my sister. You're living in her house. You two are... close. Danielle: Why are we talking about your sister? I thought you were interested in getting to know me better. Bill: I am. You've intrigue me, Danielle, and that's not easy to do. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: I, uh, saw some press outside the gate. Steffy: Oh. Seeing you must have set them into a frenzy. It seems like the whole world is wondering the same thing I am. So what are you doing here? Liam: (Sighs) Is it wrong, me coming here and-- and wanting to talk to you? Steffy: Depends on what you have to say. Hope was just here. She, uh... is feeling pretty confident. And why not? The end of our marriage is, uh... (Inhales sharply) It's big news today. Liam: (Sighs) Steffy: There's actually, um, a gossip web site that has a ticker. Liam: You're kidding me. A countdown clock? Steffy: I know. Liam: (Sighs) Steffy: But I can't really blame them. After all, I, uh... I have one of my own. Liam: (Scoffs) Steffy: And at midnight, I will hear bells. (Church bells ringing) Liam: Church bells. Steffy: Wedding bells. Liam: (Sighs) (Ringing stops) Steffy: I hope that I'll be ringing in the next chapter of our marriage. [SCENE_BREAK] Karen: So? How did it go? Is Danielle going to get the job? Bill: I haven't decided yet. I don't want to put myself in an uncomfortable situation. Karen: Why would it be uncomfortable? Bill: I know Danielle is your friend, but I gotta tell you, she's a bigger freak than you realize. You said she wanted to work for me. Who doesn't? But that kind of behavior during a job interview... (Scoffs) She was hitting on me the whole time, Karen. Karen: You think she was flirting with you? Bill: I don't think anything. She was practically undressing me with her eyes. You know, she's a beautiful woman, and back in the day, pre-Katie, if I saw her at a bar... Karen: Bill... your virtue is perfectly safe. I assure you, she was not hitting on you. Bill: Uh, number one, I don't have any virtue. Number two, I assure you she was hitting on me. I know when a woman is hitting on me. It happens all the time. But this is my business, Karen, and that kind of behavior could be a liability. I mean, if she has feelings for me, and I don't reciprocate-- I mean, you know, I'm a married man. Karen: Yeah, Dani's-- she's not like that. Listen, give her a shot. She's an incredible writer. And I am sure you will see that you read her all wrong. [SCENE_BREAK] Justin: You know, Marcus, I don't know what to tell you. Marcus: How about the truth? That you and Bill were talking about Hope. And it seems pretty obvious to me that he has a plan to keep Hope away from Liam. I mean, that's what he was talking like. Justin: (Scoffs) Marcus: That sound familiar? Justin: Come on, Son. A-a muffled conversation with a--from a cell phone that can--accidentally connected to yours, it was-- Marcus: Okay, can you please stop being Bill's lawyer for one minute and talk to your son? Just answer the damn question. Justin: Look, this conversation is over, okay? I've said all I'm gonna say. Don't bring it up again. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: (Sighs) (Sighs) (Sighs) (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] (Church bells ringing) Liam: (Scoffs) You're a nut. (Ringing stops) Steffy: Kind of inspired, huh? The bells will chime either way. Liam: Listen, Steffy, I-- Steffy: No, don't--don't worry, okay? Time isn't up, I know. I just wasn't sure when I saw you standing at the door. Liam: I should-- I should probably keep my distance. Steffy: Why? Liam: I just thought things would become clearer, easier. Steffy: I guess that means they haven't. Midnight tomorrow... Liam: (Sighs) Steffy: Time is up. It's either our marriage ends or it doesn't. But either way... it's been a blast. Liam: (Sighs) Steffy: And, um... just say the words. Say the words, Liam, before that bell rings. It's... cha... Liam: Cha! Steffy: (Laughing) Liam: (Scoffs) (Laughs) You made me say it. Steffy: Yeah. Liam: (Sighs) | Whatever happens to one also happens to the other. |
294 | Tracy: Where's my husband? Robert: Well, judging by the look in his beady eyes, I'd say he's headed to all four points of the compass. Tracy: Really? Can we narrow that down to a specific continent? Robert: Not this one -- my best guess. Tracy: Good. Then you can consider yourself fired from your job at the Haunted Star and evicted from the house as of tonight. [SCENE_BREAK] Waitress: Can I help you with something? Anna: Oh, no. Uh -- I found it. Thank you. Lorenzo: Thank you. Oh! Anna: Oh, sorry. Lorenzo: Sorry. Anna: Wow. Lorenzo: Excuse me. Anna: Sorry, I'm not usually that clumsy. Lorenzo: Huh. That's twice in one day, no less. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Manny Ruiz has Sam somewhere in this building. Let Jason find them. Lucky: If I don't call for backup, there's a good chance that Sam and Jason could both wind up dead. Elizabeth: Manny has nothing to lose. If the police go anywhere near this building, Manny's going to get spooked, he'll kill Sam, and that will kill Jason. Please, Lucky. Don't call this in. [SCENE_BREAK] Manny: Now I have to improvise. Put down your gun or I'm going to put a bullet in her. [SCENE_BREAK] Robert: I see. So I accomplish what Edward hired me for -- to get your husband out of the house -- and I'm just cast aside like a disposable diaper? Tracy: Good riddance to you both. Robert: You don't mean that, Sparky -- oh, maybe about me, but you're going to miss Luke like all hell. Tracy: I'm not going to have to miss Luke for very long because he keeps turning up like a bad penny. Robert: That could be wishful thinking this time. Tracy: No, actually, it's a pattern that Luke has developed. Robert: Nobody is more familiar with your husband's quirks than I am. He's a freedom junkie. You put him on a road, you never know where he's going to turn up. It's going to take a good reason to bring him back this time. Tracy: My bank account is reason enough. Robert: But why risk that when you have a much more accessible asset? I mean, if he knows that I'm smoking his cigars, drinking his booze, running his casino, and romancing his wife -- well, isn't that incentive enough? [Tracy laughs] Tracy: Ooh. You do think highly of yourself. Robert: Ask yourself this question. What motivates Luke Spencer? Good-looking women, fast money, and getting the better of yours truly. I mean, it's all here, staring you in the face. If he knows I'm stealing what's his, he'll be back fast enough. On the other hand, you could be right. You don't care anyway, so good riddance to him. Yeah. Tracy: Did you think I was going to fall for this? [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: I'm sorry. Have we met before? Lorenzo: Not exactly. We ran into each other outside of Kelly's. I'm afraid I was the clumsy one. Anna: Oh. Hmm. I should've remembered. Must be the jet lag. Lorenzo: I'm judging by your accent that you're visiting our fair city? Anna: Yes, I am. My daughter, she's a doctor at General Hospital. Lorenzo: Oh, great. Anna: Hmm. Oh -- Anna Devane. Lorenzo: Lorenzo Alcazar. "Devane" -- that sounds familiar. Anna: Uh, yeah. Well, I used to live here in Port Charles, but now I'm based in London. My daughter, she's decided to return here to practice -- Lorenzo: London is absolutely one of my favorite cities -- sorry for interrupting. Anna: That's okay. Lorenzo: It's just exciting and just seems alive -- the art, the culture, and the people. It's subtle but beautiful. Anna: Uh-huh. Lorenzo: I can see why you'd want to live there. Anna: Huh. Wow. Are you normally this charming to someone who tried to knock you flat? Lorenzo: Oh. No, actually, I'm not. Anna: Well, that's good to know. Well, um, it's nice to meet you, Mr. -- Lorenzo: Alcazar. Anna: Oh, yeah. "Alcazar" -- I'll remember that. Lorenzo: Pleasure. Anna: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Lainey: If I had a life waiting for me in Paris, I'd be there in a heartbeat. Robin: Oh, who said I had a life waiting? [Laughter] Kelly: Sorry I started without you. I haven't eaten since half a stale muffin at breakfast. Does that even count? Robin: No. Kelly: Hmm. Robin: But I'm glad you took my advice and ordered the coconut shrimp. Lainey: Ooh. Kelly: Well, since you're so full of advice, any idea where I can live? My building's being renovated, and I'm out on the street next month. Robin: I'll think about it. Do you know what you want to order, Lainey? Lainey: Um, I'm suddenly not hungry. Last time I was here, I sat right there with Justus. Last of the good guys. I blew it. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Manny is heartless. He kills for sport. You know he didn't hesitate when he shot Justus. Lucky: Why don't you just say what you mean, Elizabeth. You don't think I can cut it against Manny. You want me to sit down while Jason takes care of business -- Elizabeth: No, no! Lucky: And Jason plays hero and -- Elizabeth: Lucky, I was going to ask you if you could help Jason without calling this in. Lucky: You think Jason needs my help? Elizabeth: Honey, I believe in you. If the police come stampeding through here, it's going to set Manny off. Now, I know that, god, I am asking you to do something dangerous -- Lucky: I am okay. Just -- you don't have to worry about a thing. I'll be fine. [Pager beeps] Elizabeth: Oh, gee, what now? Lucky: No, no, no, no, go. Listen, I'll be fine. I'll be fine. I promise. Elizabeth: Here. Be careful. I love you. Lucky: I love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: I can't sit here and cry. I'm supposed to be supervising. Ric: Okay. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. You're using every resource available to you. Why are you being so hard on yourself? Alexis: I can't help it. What she said to me on the stand, all the things that he did to her. If I make one mistake, one mistake, he's going to kill her. Ric: No, you are not a woman who is shaken by fear, Alexis. You're too practical, right? You're too focused. You know what you have to do. Alexis: I don't -- Ric: First -- first, you need to call off the hunt for Jason, okay? That's going to be a waste of manpower now. Alexis: I know. Ric: You need to be focused on Manny. That's your priority, all right? Alexis: Do you know what she said to me? Ric: Second, stop punishing yourself. Alexis: Do you know what she said to me when Manny was set free? She said that "I hope you are the first person that he comes to," me or somebody in my family. Little did she know -- Ric: Oh, okay. Hindsight is not going to do us any good at this point. Alexis: I want him punished. I want him punished for everything that he did! Ric: Okay. Alexis: I want him to pay for his inhumanity! Ric: Okay. You -- you use that, then, all right? That's where you draw your strength from. You feel betrayed, you use it against this bastard. You make him pay, and I will be right there with you. Alexis: I love you. Ric: Okay? It's all right. It's going to be okay. Alexis: Thank you. Ric: What do you say we get out of here? Alexis: Okay. Let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Mac: We got roadblocks on every artery out of this city. Ric: Uh, Mac, listen. I -- I got an idea. Mac: Wait a minute. I can't waste more of my department's valuable resources. Manny wants Jason -- nothing else will end this. We have to find them, so we spread our net wide and work our way in. Ric: No, no, that's going to take too much time. Just hear me out, all right? When Manny was wearing an ankle bracelet, he was confined to a radius from PCPD here, right -- Mac: Mm-hmm. Ric: To Kelly's to General Hospital. This is familiar territory. He knows it like the back of his hand. Alexis: He's right. He's going to take Sam someplace that he can hide and someplace that is safe. Ric: Right. Mac: It's limiting us. There's a whole city out there! Alexis: Mac, like it or not, I'm the D.A. I want the hunt for Jason stopped. I want every man focused on finding Manny! Mac: Alexis, it's not your call. Alexis: I'm not going to argue about this right now. We're not going to have an argument about jurisdiction. My daughter's life is at stake. [SCENE_BREAK] Manny: You know what happens next, Jason, right? Sure you do, because great minds think alike. Sam: Jason is nothing like you. Manny: You keep telling yourself that, little girl. You keep telling yourself that he's not a stone killer. Yeah, he knows better, right? He knows this is all about who blinks first, right, Jason? Right? Sam: Jason doesn't have to hide behind women. [Gunshots] Sam: Jason! [Gunshots] Sam: No! No! Jason: He's getting away! Lucky: Not this time. Sam: Agh. Oh, Jason. Jason: Are you okay? Sam: I love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Robert: You -- you're probably right. I mean, he's just gone off somewhere to clear his head. I mean, being the devoted family man that he is, he'll be on your doorstep before you know it. Tracy: Yeah, that's one scenario. Robert: And he knows, I mean, that you couldn't have any interest in -- in the likes of a person like me. So, I'll be packed and out of here before you make your first martini. Thanks for the hospitality. Tracy: Stop. Go to the Haunted Star. Robert: I've just been fired! Tracy: I just unfired you, okay? Robert: This is a public humiliation. My price has gone up. Tracy: That's extortion. Robert: That's a renegotiation. Now, three times the salary, 10% of the gross. Tracy: Same salary, 5% of the net. Robert: Twice the salary, 5% of the gross -- and the negotiations have now terminated. Tracy: Done. Just -- prove yourself this time! Robert: Be specific. The last time, I was hired to look after your husband. Well, now he's gone. Tracy: I expect your total allegiance. Robert: You're getting the best allegiance money can buy. Tracy: If I find out that you are standing around on my dime waiting for a better offer, if you double-deal me again, I will make you cry. [SCENE_BREAK] Lainey: I always kept Justus at arm's length, you know? I figured he had to prove to me that he was worth the trouble, but that wasn't it. I -- I was just too uptight, too much of a coward to let him get close. Kelly: Wow. I just figured you weren't that into him. Lainey: No, I was very into him. Oh, no, oh, no. Once again, I'm bringing down everybody. I'm sorry. [Laughter] Lainey: Um -- tell me why you need a new place to live, Kelly. Kelly: They're turning my building into a multi-use condo. My perfectly serviceable, funky little apartment is about to become a high-priced condo, so I'm looking for a new one. Lainey: Oh -- I know a nice little apartment on the St. Germain du Pres. Robin: I told you I'm not going back to Paris, okay? Kelly: Well, why would you when you have Dr. Adorable in your bed? Robin: Because -- uh -- I don't have him. Patrick and I are done. Lainey: You're not. Kelly: You are? Robin: My bed is now empty, very empty. Depressingly, endlessly empty. Kelly: I wondered why you were suddenly free for dinner with the girls. Robin: Oh, I would've come, anyway. Kelly: Hmm. Robin: I've never been one to stay home and wait for the phone to ring, and I'm sure as hell not going to stay home and wait for the phone not to ring. Kelly: I thought you and Patrick were headed for something kind of serious. Robin: Never use the word "serious" or "commitment" or "feelings" around Patrick. Kelly: Hmm. Robin: He will run, not walk, in the opposite direction. Lainey: So what was the attraction? Kelly: Hello? He's hot in bed. I mean, that's what you told me. Robin: Yes, that's what I said -- very hot in bed -- but you know what? Sometimes that's not enough. Kelly: Sounds like a lot to me. Lainey: Huh. Kelly: Sorry. [Laughter] Kelly: I haven't had a decent guy in months, so -- Robin: This is what I learned about myself. I'm old-fashioned, you know? I mean, my idea of a date is "What are you doing on Friday night?" Patrick's idea is "Can you meet me in my room in half an hour?" Who knew I was romantic? Lainey: So he dumped you? Robin: Well, we decided that since we didn't have a future together, why bother with the present? Lainey: Aw. Robin: Oh, stop. No pity party for me, please. I should've learned about the promise of love a long time ago -- from my parents. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: Anna Devane. Yes, I made contact with Alcazar. I lifted his mobile, and I duplicated the memory chip and I'm forwarding it to the agency. So then I have to return the phone. That'll mean further contact with him. No, I think I've handled more difficult men than him. Besides, I'm looking forward to the challenge. Bye. Robert: I knew it. You're on assignment, Agent Devane. [SCENE_BREAK] Robin: What was I thinking? Kelly: Pretty much what every woman thinks when they look at Patrick Drake. Robin: I talk a good game, but I have absolutely no follow-through. Kelly: So, is it really over? Robin: It never really began. Lainey: Do you ever feel like you are on the outside of your life looking in, wondering if it's ever going to live up to your expectations? Because I'm convinced that I was sick the day they passed out the rules. Robin: I mean, who wrote those rules, anyway? Why can't we just feel what we feel and trust that that is right? Kelly: I'm just freaked that a shrink is more neurotic than me. Robin: Oh, wait -- that's like a gynecologist not having sex for months. Lainey: Ha. Kelly: Hey! Lainey: Do you want to know what upsets me the most? It's that I'm sitting here just thinking about what might've been, and I have no one but myself to blame for not going for it. Kelly: Going for it is essential. Lainey: Yeah. Well, maybe tomorrow. Tonight I have to get back to work. Kelly: Okay, not that I'm keeping track, but how many hours do you plan to work? Robin: She's right. Ever since Justus died, you've been at the hospital nonstop. I mean, Kelly could move into your apartment and you wouldn't even know she was there. Kelly: Don't make fun of my homelessness. [Laughter] Lainey: So, do you have any apartments in your building, Robin? Robin: I -- I don't know. Kelly: I thought you liked it there. Robin: I did. I -- okay, the truth is, I hate going home into an empty apartment every night. Lainey: Yeah, which is your excuse for picking up never-ending shifts. Kelly: So, I'm serious. Why are we wasting a ton of money on three apartments we hardly ever see? We could pool our resources, get one very cool apartment, and never have to spend another evening talking to ourselves. No, really. Robin: Wait a minute, the three of us sharing popcorn for dinner and pizza for breakfast? Kelly: I'll change your life. I love to cook, but I hate to eat alone. You buy the groceries; I'll be the chef. Robin: Hmm. Lainey: One thing -- I hang my shingle up when I leave the office. I can't be fixing everybody else's problems. Kelly: I'm liking the sound of this. Robin: And we could have girls' night in whenever we wanted, and -- ooh -- it would solve the parental problem. Lainey: What parental problem? Robin: I've been having these nightmares that one or both of my parents will start crashing on my couch. Having roommates would help me to avoid that disaster. So what the heck -- I'm in. Kelly: She's in. [Laughter] [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: It has been my experience that when you are sporting that insufferable grin, you absolutely have no clue. And then you underscore your ignorance by calling me -- [Australian accent] Agent Devane. Robert: If the shoe fits -- Anna: [Normal voice] I mean, I feel like I should be wearing some kind of decoder ring or something. Robert: Look, it's been my experience where you're concerned, when I'm this close, then you're a little discomforted by it -- and that call sounded suspiciously like a status report. Anna: It is truly none of your business who I speak to. And just for the record, that was a woman called Charlotte, and she takes care of my plants while I'm out of the country. Robert: You don't give a black thumb about plants. Anna: It just so happens I have a very temperamental Dieffenbachia, and it would really break my heart if it died. Robert: You haven't been assigned to me, have you? Anna: Oh -- Robert: That first double cross was enough to last me a lifetime. Anna: I'm here for our daughter. I know that is a foreign concept to you. Robert: If I figure out who's been around here for the last few months, I'll know what the assignment is. Anna: You know what? If you are so hell-bent on playing superspy and reliving your past with your friend Luke Spencer, be my guest. I am here to be a proper parent to Robin. That is something that we've both failed miserably at, but I was never as bad as you. Robert: Yeah, but I've never been as bad as you. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Elizabeth? Elizabeth: Sam. Sam: Hey. Manny had me in the basement. Jason: Can you look after her, please? Sam: He got shot, he needs help. Jason: No,no, no, no, no, I can't, I can't. Manny's getting away. Elizabeth: So did Lucky find you? Where is he? Sam: He's not hurt; he went after Manny. Elizabeth: By himself? Jason: Look, get security to seal off the hospital. Patrick: We will, but you need to let me look at this. Jason: Look, I can't! Sam: Please do it; you're hurt! Jason: I can't. Manny admitted that I caught him by surprise. He said he had to improvise. Elizabeth: When he kidnapped me, he took me up, not down. Jason: Okay. Thanks. Sam: No -- Jason, no! No! God. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: Sam's shaken, but she's fine. Manny is on the loose, so put out an A.P.B., armed and dangerous. Mac: We'll seal off the immediate area. I can't believe he was holed up in the hospital. Lucky: I'll cover here until backup arrives. Mac: All right. Hey, that was Lucky. Sam is okay. Manny had her at G.H., so she's there now; she's safe. Alexis: Well, I got to go. Ric: Yeah, yeah, what about Jason? Mac: He didn't say, he didn't say. Ric: All right, I'm going to go with you. Mac: Wait a minute. Manny is still on the loose somewhere in the vicinity of the hospital. [SCENE_BREAK] Manny: Okay, Jason, you have two choices. You can run for help while I get away, or you can stand here and use your last breath while I get away. Either way, I'm a free man. [SCENE_BREAK] Robert: No wonder the child is such a mess -- I mean, look at the role model standing in front of me here. I mean, you're -- you're cold, you're detached, you're removed from the whole situation, and you could never, never admit you're wrong. Anna: I've always admitted when I was wrong -- both times. Robert: And just for the record, egomania definitely comes from your side of the family. Anna: You know, you might want to explain to your daughter that there is simply no return in trying to win the affections of a self-centered, emotionally unavailable, oversexed bum. Robin: Excuse me! Haven't you had this fight already? Robert: We've had all our fights already. Anna: Yeah, I'm just waiting for him to say something rational. Robert: And you can never, never admit, never at any -- Robin: Oh! Agh! Anna: Huh? Robin: I haven't had a tantrum since I was 9 years old. But since you two have showed up, I've had several. Anna: Doesn't it feel good, darling? Robin: Yes, actually, it feels pretty damn good. Now that I have your attention, I want you both to know something. I forgive you. Don't you think it's time you forgive each other? [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Don't worry about me. Jason is the one who's hurt. Elizabeth: You've been through a traumatic situation. Let Patrick make sure you're okay. Patrick: Security is looking for Manny. What did he do to you? Sam: He's a pig. Patrick: You need me to contact a rape counselor? Sam: Look, it was nothing like that. Manny -- he -- he wanted to mark me. Elizabeth: What? Sam: He was ready to tattoo something on my stomach when Jason walked in. He said it was some sort of a message. Elizabeth: Oh, Sam -- Sam: He -- he wanted to mark me, he wanted to brand me, to make me his. It was payback. It was payback to Jason. I have to find Jason. Elizabeth: No, that's the last thing he would want you -- Sam: No, look, I am sick of doing what everyone else wants me to do. This is what I want. I want to find Jason. We didn't go through all of this for nothing, so he could go off and get himself killed. I need to find Jason, please. Patrick: Then what? You find Jason, he's with Manny. Don't distract him, let him come back to the hospital for you. Alexis: Oh, my god. You're all right. [SCENE_BREAK] Manny: Listen to me! Jason, listen to me. You're the same as me; you're a killer, okay? The only difference is you're ashamed of who you are. I'm not. I'm proud; I wear it for everyone to see. You have to accept it, brother. We're the same, and we'll both end up the same -- dead or alone. Jason: I'm nothing like you. [Gunshot] [Manny screams] Jason: Ugh. [SCENE_BREAK] Lorenzo: Excuse me, I was sitting at this bar earlier and seem to have lost something. [Tracy laughs] Tracy: Skye's a little on the large side these days, isn't she, to misplace her. Lorenzo: What are you doing here, Tracy? Tracy: I'm rationing for a rainy day. You can't ever have too many olives, I always say. In fact, you probably ought to be saving yours, considering Skye dumped you. Lorenzo: How has Skye been? Tracy: Besides bloated with your love child? She is -- um -- craving chocolate, dark chocolate, hard-boiled eggs -- gack -- and olives, of course. Lorenzo: You're exceedingly bitter this evening. Tracy: Hmm. And isn't that a good excuse to push us all away? You men are all alike. Can any one of you handle a real woman? Lorenzo: You know what? I just came to get my cell phone. You're clearly having a moment. Tracy: I am having a moment. And if you had an ounce of sense, so would you. But you don't have any sense or sensitivity -- just like all men. It's take, take, take, take off. And if a woman says "Where you going?," it's about space and freedom and the open road. Well, you can kiss my asters goodbye! Lorenzo: You know what? I am prepared to make allowances for the fact that you have clearly imbibed a lot of alcohol. Tracy: Don't. I'm not afraid to put you in your place -- or any man, for that matter. Lorenzo: Illustrated by the fact that you're sitting here drinking all by yourself. Tracy: Don't you feel sorry for me? Lorenzo: No. Hardly. Just wondering what would make a woman like you so afraid. Tracy: Huh. One thing. The only thing that strikes fear in my heart is that any man would think I need him. I came this close. But I snapped out of it. Not going to happen. And the next man that tries to con me is in for a really big surprise. [SCENE_BREAK] Robin: All right, you two need to stop fighting over who's responsible for making me such a disaster -- because I'm not. Anna: Well, you're brilliant and gorgeous, but you're nursing a broken heart. Robin: People get over broken hearts every day, Mom. Robert: What about you? Robin: What about me? I'm a grown woman. I have my own career and my own set of problems, no bigger or smaller than anyone else's. And if I am "messed up," it's not because you two were spies; it's because I'm human. Anna: But if your father had been a better spy, then you wouldn't have had to fend for yourself for the last 15 years, feeling abandoned and unloved. Robert: Well, wait a minute, what great lessons have -- [Robin stammers] Robin: Stop right now. Okay? I am here to tell you both something very important. You were, in fact, really good parents. Anna: We were? Robin: Yes. Because no matter what, through all of it, I knew that I was loved. Robert: You did? Anna: You were. Robin: And you taught me two very valuable lessons -- one, to be self- sufficient, and two -- by shining example -- that when happily-ever-after falls apart, you pick yourself up and you keep on going, even if it hurts like hell. Robert: Hey, that's our girl. Anna: Oh, shut up. Robin: Oh [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Your plan worked. Alexis: What do you mean? Sam: Well, Manny said that you and Jason would find a way to work together, and you did. He was about to tattoo a message on my stomach to get your attention. [Alexis sighs] Alexis: I am so glad that you are all right. Sam: I mean, it was brilliant. It was brilliant -- to pretend to have Jason arrested so Manny thought he was locked up and then secretly have him released. Alexis: Sam, there was no pretense. I had Jason arrested for real, and I didn't release him. Sam: Why not? Alexis: Because I believed if he was in custody, that Manny would realize that there was no one to play his game with and that I would be able to negotiate with him. Sam: Because you have a history with him? You set him free -- do you really think Manny cares about that? Alexis: I don't know, Sam. We'll never know. But Jason escaped and he is the one that found Manny -- Sam: This is your pattern, isn't it -- finding reasons to have Jason arrested and setting freaks like Manny Ruiz free? Alexis: That's a terrible thing to say. Sam: I could've been killed. I could've been killed! Jason is probably fighting for his life right this second! Or maybe -- I don't know, maybe that was your plan all along. [SCENE_BREAK] [Siren] Lucky: You won't be charged for this. Jason: I don't care. As long as he's dead. Lucky: I killed him, not you. He went over the edge because I shot him. [SCENE_BREAK] Lorenzo: Excuse me. Waitress: Hmm? Lorenzo: Did someone turn in a cell phone? I left mine here earlier. Waitress: I'll check for you. Sorry, it may have been picked up by accident or something. Lorenzo: Well, tell you what -- see what you can do about finding it. It has quite a few private numbers. Wouldn't want to miss an important call. Waitress: Well, I'll ask around. Lorenzo: Thank you. May I use your bar phone? [SCENE_BREAK] Robin: Look, I think it's great that you're both here. I do. But what's done is done. We can't go shopping for my prom dress. I'm sorry that you missed that, but it's okay. I'm okay. And I don't know who looks more pathetic when you corner one of my boyfriends, you or me. But when I was 18, I'd barely listen to uncle Mac, so I don't know why I would let you now give the third degree to me or anyone that I'm dating. You both need to stop trying so hard. I love you. I want you to be happy. So stop obsessing over me and go back to what you're good at -- spying. Robert: Oh, I gave all that up. Anna: Oh, I haven't done that for years, darling. Robert: Well, on that subject, did you -- did you hit town from a commercial flight, or did you parachute onto Kelly's roof and store your grenade launcher in a garbage can somewhere? Anna: Oh, my god, you have got no imagination -- my grenade launcher? Robin: Look, I am your daughter, and I respect the fact that you are dedicated professionals. I think that it's great. Anna: We're your parents, and we are here to support you -- well, I am, at least -- and I can't tell you how much I am enjoying that. [Phone rings] Anna: You know, I'm -- I'm really -- it's -- Robert: Answer the bloody thing. Anna: Oh. Sorry. Hold on for just a second. Hello? [Ring] Anna: Hello? Oh. Uh -- it doesn't matter, never mind. Anyway, what -- what I'm trying to say here is that you must believe me. And -- and I think that in his own sort of horrid, selfish way, I think that your father sort of means it, too. Robert: Whatever your mother says. Anna: Uh-huh. Robert: And what about the phone call here? Was that -- was that the Dahlia having a panic attack? Anna: No, it's my Dieffenbachia, and it doesn't matter. [Phone rings] [SCENE_BREAK] [Siren] Mac: Lucky? Lucky: Hey. I know the drill. The ME will find a bullet from my gun in Manny when they do the autopsy. Mac: How'd he go over? Lucky: The impact from my shot. It'll be in my report. Mac: You didn't have time to call for backup? Lucky: No. I called you as soon as I knew Manny was here. I -- I couldn't wait. He would've killed Jason. Mac: Nice work. Congratulations. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Maybe you were looking for a two-for-one out of this -- Jason kills Manny, and then Jason gets arrested for murder, and then Manny's -- Ric: Okay, okay, enough, Sam. Sam: And there you go -- right on cue, coming to her defense! Does he get charged by the hour for his services? Ric: She's publicly appealed to Manny to let you go. She did everything in her power to save you. Sam: And you would be overjoyed, and so would you, if something happened to Jason. Alexis: Everything I did was to help you, Sam. Sam: What's wrong? Elizabeth: Is it Lucky? Officer: D.A. Davis, Commissioner Scorpio wanted me to let you know that Manny Ruiz is dead. Sam: Oh, god. It's over. Ric: What happened? Officer: He fell off the roof. Alexis: He fell? Elizabeth: I have to find Lucky. Sam: What about Jason Morgan? Officer: All I know is that Officer Spencer shot Manny Ruiz. I didn't see anyone else. Sam: I have to find Jason. [SCENE_BREAK] Det. Rodriguez: Dude's finally dead. Jason: I had to see for myself. Det. Rodriguez: I'll -- I'll take care of this. Why don't you go section off that area over there? Elizabeth: Jason? Jason -- Jason: I -- I shoved him off the roof. He's dead. Everyone is safe now. Elizabeth: Help. Somebody help me! [NEXT_ON] Sonny: I just wanted to say goodbye. Carly: "Good-bye"? Where you going? Alexis: Was Manny dead before he hit the pavement? Mac: You really care how he died? Elizabeth: We think he's bleeding internally. Patrick: Get him to OR 4. Sam: No, Jason -- Jason, no! Alexis: Is he in surgery? Sam: Oh, come on. Neither of you care if he dies | Carly and Sonny work together to assure Michael and Morgan that everything is fine |
295 | Julian: Danny's in dreamland. He's got his penguin, a smile on his face, and no clue that he could be sick again. Alexis: I wonder what happened to Silas. Sam: He left with Danny's bloodwork and never came back. [SCENE_BREAK] Nina: Okay, let's go. Let's blow this joint. Ava: Madeline! Don't do this. I'm begging you, one mother to another, don't let Nina take my baby. Nina: Don't address my mother like she's someone who will listen to you. She's not gonna do you any favors. You don't even know her. Ava: But I do know her, and she knows me. Isn't that right, Madeline? [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: I don't think Ava shot Max. Hey, listen to me. Not that she isn't capable, but she's never gonna go near your house. I mean, she hasn't even left the brownstone since she showed up a few weeks ago. She's protective of the baby. Sonny: If Ava didn't shoot Max, who did? [SCENE_BREAK] Kiki: Michael! Michael! Michael! [Breathing heavily] Oh, God. Where is he? Michael: What the hell? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: You sick son of a bitch. How could you do this to Michael? Franco: I didn't do anything to Michael. You did this to Michael -- you and Sonny. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Dad, you here?! Dad! [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: I can't stand waiting. Do you mind watching Danny while I go find Silas? Alexis: Of course, honey. Yes. Of course. Julian: We'll be here. [Sighs] Alexis: As awful as this is, it's worse for Sam. Julian: I know. Alexis: I can't believe this is happening again. This is a nightmare. Julian: Yeah. I was thinking the same thing. Alexis: Well, he's right here if they need him back in treatment right away. Julian: Makes it real, doesn't it? Alexis: What if the lab didn't make a mistake and what if the cancer is back? [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Silas. Silas: I just put a rush on Danny's labs. We should know something very soon, all right? I'll have my guy run them twice so we can be absolutely sure. Sam: Thank you. Silas: Yeah. Listen, I don't like to speculate, but I think the first labs were flawed, all right? I don't think Danny's sick. Sam: But what if you're wrong, Silas? What if Danny does have cancer again? What if the worst time of my life is coming back again? [SCENE_BREAK] Madeline: Nina, sweetheart, let's take the little darling and go. Nina: She is a little darling, isn't she? Madeline: The car is right outside. Nina: I want to know what Ava is babbling about. You don't know my mother. You're just some anonymous slut who was screwing my husband. Ava: I'd never have laid eyes on Silas... if your mother hadn't hired me to do it. [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: You know, maybe you should be asking yourself who besides Ava shot Max, because it's not like you have a shortage of enemies. Sonny: Max was able to tell us it was a woman, right? Morgan: Yeah. Sonny: Ava knows I want her dead, right? Morgan: Yes. But Ava is not the only woman you've pissed off. Diane: [Crying] Damn you, Sonny Corinthos! How could you let this happen again?! [SCENE_BREAK] Kiki: Okay, okay, okay. Michael...please pick up. Please pick up, Michael. [SCENE_BREAK] [Cell phone rings] Michael: Look, Dad... I know how you felt about AJ, and this might be awkward, but, um, would you come with me today? You had no use for AJ, and that's putting it mildly, but you never judged my love for him. And after he died, you -- you were there for me. You held me up the whole time. Now it's my turn to do the same for you. Sonny: Michael, there's something that -- Michael: Sorry. No. You -- you would have told me if she did. I wish I could talk to her myself, you know? But Kiki said that Ava's missing. Sonny: Yeah. Yeah. I heard that. Michael: You know, it was one thing when I thought that AJ's killer got off easy. It's another thing to wonder if his killer is still out there, getting away with it. Sonny: I love you, son. Michael: I love you, too. Sonny: I'm the one who put AJ in that grave. I'm the one who took Michael's father away from him when I shot that bastard. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Mom, that's not -- that's not true, right? Carly: We can't talk about this here, okay? We can't talk about this right now. Franco: It's true, all right -- every venomous, traitorous word of it. How 'bout that, Michael? Your one father killed your other father. Dante: Michael. Bobbie: Why are you even bothering with Franco? Because he is not gonna give you any answers. Carly: Why? You got my attention, Mr. Performance artist. Why did you ambush my son? Franco: I didn't hurt Michael. You and Sonny did that. Sonny killed his father, and then you covered it up. Carly: No, you told Michael not to be honest but to intentionally cause pain. Franco: Michael's unlucky. It's that simple. Some kids -- they're born colorblind or with food allergies, and Michael was born to an unfaithful whore as a mother. Carly: That's why you dragged him into all this? Because your feelings are hurt? Franco: Hmm. Carly: Because you're jealous that I slept with Sonny? Because you're bitter and you're angry? Okay. What I did was wrong. Franco: You betrayed me. Carly: Yes, I betrayed you! It was my mistake! Franco: Mistake? It wasn't a mistake! You didn't accidentally fall into Sonny's bed! You made a choice! You made a decision! You screwed Sonny because you wanted to! Carly: Hell, yeah, I did! And you found out about it weeks ago. And you could have confronted me. You could have talked to me. You could have screamed at me. Hell, you could have terrorized me. But you proposed. Franco: Mm. Carly: And you tricked me into this wedding. You lied to Michael to get him to be your best man. Why -- so you could watch my kid suffer? Does that make you feel powerful, Franco? Does it somehow turn you on... to break his heart? Yeah, I was unfaithful. I was unfaithful. I cheated on you, and I slept with Sonny. Why did Michael have to be punished for my mistake? [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: If Danny's cancer really is back, Alexis, I'll donate my bone marrow again, okay? It worked last time. It'll work this time, too. Alexis: I want to believe that. Julian: Alexis... I'm gonna give anything -- my blood... my bones... my heart, and my soul -- I will give anything I can for our grandchild. [SCENE_BREAK] Silas: Hey. You know, whatever happens with Danny, we're gonna make it through. I'm gonna be there for him every step of the way, and I want to be there for you. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like I wasn't. Sam: No, don't do that. There's no need to apologize. Silas: Yes, there is. I allowed Nina to come between us. And I know it doesn't make any difference to you now, but... I'm sorry. And I'm done with her. Sam: Oh, yeah? What happened? I mean, did you finally get proof that she sabotaged our relationship, just like I thought? Silas: I got confirmation of that and a whole lot more. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: Silas and I didn't meet by accident. It was a setup. I was working in a gallery, barely able to afford my rent, while the owner was pocketing commissions made from works I'd sold for him, and one day your mother walked in and bought a painting. You might remember it -- untitled, abstract, black wavy lines. Nina: I-I remember that painting. You hung it in the foyer. Madeline: Oh, for heaven's sake. I have bought dozens of abstracts over the years. Ava: Your mother cozied up to me, Nina. She wanted me to end your marriage to Silas. I wanted a gallery of my own. So we struck a deal. Nina: Mother, is that true? You hired Ava to seduce Silas? [SCENE_BREAK] Franco: Do you really have to ask me why I did this, Carly? I want Michael to hate you as much as I do. You lied to me. You made a fool out of me. And when you think about it, that's pretty much what you and Sonny did to Michael, too. Carly: Only in the world according to Franco. You will never understand the love Sonny and I have for Michael. Franco: You two don't love Michael. Carly: We were trying to protect Michael. Franco: No, you were just pretending to. You weren't protecting him. You were protecting yourselves. The truth...is out, and it may have hurt Michael's feelings, but it has shattered you and Sonny. Carly: And that's the true motive, right? Hurt Michael, destroy Michael, 'cause it'll torture me, just like you had him raped to torture Jason? Because that's what you do, because that's who you are. You can't face down the people you really hate. You have to go after the ones you love because you're evil and you're vicious. And, you know, I deserve all this pain -- I do -- because I believed you. But Michael didn't. Michael didn't! Franco: You're right. You're absolutely right. Ohh. I'm punishing Michael for something that you did. But I'm punishing you and Sonny a whole lot more. [SCENE_BREAK] Diane: [Crying] How did this happen again? Was it you? Did you shoot him a second time? Sonny: No. He was with me the whole time. Morgan: Listen, what happened last year -- that was a complete accident, and I am very, very sorry for that. I'll never stop being sorry. Max is one of the best guys I know, and he saved my life, Dad, I don't know how many times -- Diane: So, maybe you're finally mature enough to understand that all Max ever wants to do is protect you? He somehow thinks it's worth risking his life to protect you, your siblings, your father. So, tell me, Sonny -- who shot my boyfriend? Sonny: I don't know, but I'm gonna find out. [SCENE_BREAK] Kiki: Michael, I know that you're freaking out about what your dad did, and you have every right to, but please just call me back and I'll meet you wherever you are. You shouldn't be alone right now. I can't believe what Franco did to you. Please don't lash out. Don't do anything crazy, Michael. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Hey. Michael: I didn't, uh, hear you come in. What's going on? Dante: Uh, we're investigating a shooting. You weren't here when it went down, were you? Michael: No. I just got here. Who was shot? Dante: Max. Michael: Max? Dante: Yeah. Michael: Is he okay? What happened? Dante: Yeah, I don't know. He's at the hospital. Michael: Any leads on the shooter? Dante: Nothing yet. I mean, we just started the investigation. Morgan was here with Sonny when it went down. I guess someone approached the house and shot Max in the foyer. Michael: Was anyone else hurt? Morgan: Uh, no. Whoever shot Max got away. So, apparently, Morgan told one of the paramedics that Max might have dropped his gun. You didn't happen to see a gun lying around here, did you? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Michael is devastated. That's what you wanted, right? Because there's nothing on this earth that would hurt me or Sonny worse than hurting Michael, so you got what you wanted, right? Does that make you feel good? Does it give you some kind of thrill inside? Franco: You told me you loved me. And I was so scared that something was going on with you and Sonny, and so I tried to talk to you about it, and you two made me feel like I was a paranoid idiot. You kept denying it. I apologized for being jealous. You let me do that. Carly: Okay. Do you want me to apologize? Do you want me to say I'm sorry? Because I will. I am...so sorry that I hurt your feelings. I'm so sorry that I betrayed your trust, and I'm even sorrier that I gave you mine and that I saw you as anything other than an evil sociopath. Franco: Did you? Did you? You came into my life, Carly, and changed everything. And it took a long time for me to trust that what you and I had was real, because I had never had any real love in my life ever. And you made me believe in it and in you... and in myself. And just when I thought that what you and I had was real... it turns out it was all lies. Carly: [Sniffles] You know the joke here? If I hadn't convinced myself that I did love you, you would have been quietly and mercifully gone -- gone -- months ago. But I'm the idiot that had to save you. I am. So, I'm getting what I deserve, right? I get to see the real you. Lucky me. I get to see the Franco Jason saw. Franco: Jason? Carly: Yeah. Franco: Why are we talking about Jason? What is -- what is your -- what is your bizarre devotion to that brain-damaged killer? He's dead. Jason's dead. Carly: Yeah. Jason's the only reason I was ever with you. Franco: How? Heh. Carly: For the five minutes that I thought that he was your brother, every time I looked into your eyes, I just wanted to see him. I wanted to see something good in you. Jason always knew who you were. I just refused to believe it. Franco: Right. And Jason was never wrong -- never. Carly: No, not about you. Franco: Hmm. Carly: Unh-unh. That's why you hated him so much, and that should have been my first clue. This is all on me. It is, because I convinced myself that I loved you. Then I cheated on you, and then you retaliated by going after someone I love. So, you couldn't break my heart on your own. No. Hell, no. You couldn't do that, so you had to use Michael to do it. Franco: Just so long -- just so long as you have a broken heart, I'm -- I'm good. I'm good. Carly: No. There is nothing good in you, Franco -- nothing. What you are is, um, satisfied. 'Cause you got the results you wanted, so it's over. Franco: No, it's not. Oh, golly. [Laughing] Oh, no. It's so far from over. [Laughing] [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Obviously, I always thought that something was off with Nina, but nothing like this. She actually hit you? Silas: Yeah. I was trying to help her, you know? She waited for me to turn around. She hit me in the head with something -- knocked me unconscious. Sam: Oh, my God. Are you okay? Silas: Yeah, I'm okay. I got a pretty thick head, or so I've been told. Sam: And so you haven't seen her since? Silas: The cops are out looking for her right now. I don't know if they've gone as far as an APB, but there's no denying how dangerous Nina really is. Sam: Wait. You told me she actually had a revenge list? Silas: Mm-hmm. In her mind, Nina was trying to get back at everyone who wronged her, and not just you and me -- Kiki and Ava, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Madeline: Think about this. Ava was head over heels for Silas. He dumped her. She was devastated. She would have done anything to get him back. Do you think it's a coincidence that they both ended up here in Port Charles? Nina: Silas said that Ava pursued him relentlessly when he got here. Madeline: Yes. If I had hired Ava to seduce Silas, how would you explain her devotion to him? Nina: Hey. Hey, you. Your grandmother is making a point. You have three seconds to plead your case. [SCENE_BREAK] [Cell phone rings] Morgan: Kiki, yeah? Kiki: Morgan, thank God you picked up! Are you with Michael? Morgan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I thought he was with you at Mom's wedding. Kiki: No. Something happened. Um, okay. I need to see you. Are you at the brownstone? Morgan: No, I'm at the hospital. Kiki: The hospital? Is it my mom? Morgan: No, it has nothing to do with your mom. Just meet me here. I'm in the waiting area. I'll fill you in on everything. Kiki: I'm on my way. Morgan: Hey. How's Max? Sonny: Diane's with him. Uh, he's still out, but the doctors have stabilized him. Guess what. Morgan: What? Sonny: He's gonna make it. Morgan: Thank God, Dad. Oh, man. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: We didn't see a gun when we came in. Did you? Michael: No. All I saw was the blood. Didn't know what to think. Dante: You didn't touch anything, right? Michael: No. I, uh, was just focused on finding Dad. Dante: All right. Well, it's got to be here somewhere. Maybe it's outside. We'll figure it out. Michael: Yeah, sure. Dante: Hey, you all right? Michael: Yeah. I'm fine. Dante: What are you doing here if you weren't here for the shooting? I thought you were at your mom's wedding. Michael: Yeah, I was, but, uh [Inhales deeply] Something happened there. Dante: What do you mean? What happened? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: You had your moment, Franco. You punished me for what -- you called it, um, "for being a lying, cheating whore." Franco: Well, if the insult fits... Carly: Oh, yeah. I definitely cheated on you. And I lied. But you have no power now -- no deep, dark secret to dangle over me. I never have to lay eyes on you again. Franco: Carly. Bobbie: You are done. Franco: Carly, wait. Bobbie: You are done! You hear me? Thank God my daughter is finally free of you. Carly: Okay. Count to 10, Carly. Count to 10. Take a deep breath and count to 10. [Breathing deeply] God. Heather: Goin' fishin'? Bobbie: Leave my daughter alone! Franco: Before I forget, this is a little gift for you, Pops. Little memento from the festivities. It's all the footage. As the DA, I thought you'd want that. Don't say I never did nothing for you. Bobbie: Scott! Scott! What, you're letting him go?! What's up with that? Hey! What are you doing? 'Cause he's your son? Scott: No. He didn't break any laws. The only people that did were Sonny Corinthos... and your daughter. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Heather. What the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be locked up in Ferncliff. Heather: And you were supposed to be faithful to my son. Carly: How do you know about that? Heather: Franco told me everything. That's right. He came to visit me at Ferncliff. He needed his mother. He needed to tell me that I was right from the get-go. You were never good enough for him. And then my son offered me an olive branch -- the chance to take a shot at you, literally. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Franco pulled something at the wedding? Michael: Right before he was supposed to say his vows, he, uh -- he went off on Mom -- accused her of having an affair with Dad. Dante: The dude's paranoid. I mean, Carly and Sonny have been over for years. Michael: No, they haven't. He set up a video screen, and he played a recording of [Coughs] Dad and my mom having sex in my apartment. Dante: He did this in the middle of the ceremony? Michael: Yeah. Luckily, Lucas got Josslyn and Spencer out of there before he could begin the playback. Dante: So, he ambushed your mom? I'm -- I'm sorry, man. I mean, I'm sorry for you and your mom. That couldn't have been fun to sit through that. Michael: No. No. It wasn't fun. But I'd rather have the truth right in front of me. It, uh, clears up a lot. Dante: How so? Michael: I always saw the best in Dad. You know, I always wanted to give him the benefit of every doubt. I just need to -- I need to see this. I need to -- I need to know how low he could sink. Dante: You know, not to pile this on or anything, but, uh... there's something else you should know. I know you told Anna your theory about how Ava Jerome was the one who killed AJ, but we've been investigating, and we have a new suspect. Look, there's no easy way to tell you this, but it's, uh -- Michael: It's Sonny. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Diane's gonna stay with Max until he goes into surgery. Morgan: All right. So, the doctors think he's gonna be okay? Sonny: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Morgan: Okay. Phew! Sonny: So, listen, uh, back at the house, I told you to stay out of the line of fire just in case there was, you know, a shooter or whatever, and you didn't do that. Why didn't -- you know, I told you -- Morgan: I'm not gonna leave you out there alone. Sonny: Well, I appreciate that... but... don't ever put yourself out there for me again. Morgan: I can't make any promises, Dad. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: We looked everywhere to find a donor for Danny. There wasn't anyone. You're it. If something happens to you, Danny doesn't have a donor. And you refused to participate in Silas' research, where he was trying to bank bone marrow. Julian: I know, Alexis. It wasn't my best decision, but at the time, I thought that if Silas was successful, and he was able to store my bone marrow in the event of my death, Sonny would just put a bullet in me. And, yes, he might still do that. But everything's different now. Alexis: What do you mean? Julian: I'd be happy to let Silas store my bone marrow. Alexis: If you do that, it makes you vulnerable to Sonny. I know him, and he will kill you. Julian: That's okay... as long as Danny has a chance to live. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Now we know Max is gonna make it, uh, I got to go pick up Ava before she gets away from me. Morgan: Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, hey, listen to me. Okay, it's not that I don't understand, because I do. She killed Connie. That's terrible. But all I'm saying -- all I'm saying is that Ava's the mother of my child or your child, so are you sure you have to kill her? [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: When I first went after Silas, I did it for the money. The last thing I expected was that I would fall in love with him. How's that for irony? I fought it with everything in me, but, in the end, my heart won. I suddenly realized that I would do anything -- anything at all -- for Silas. You know that feeling, don't you, Nina? [SCENE_BREAK] Silas: I'm worried about Ava. She's pregnant and vulnerable, and there's no telling what Nina's thinking. Sam: Ohh. You know, after all the plotting and scheming that Nina did to break us up, there is no telling what that woman is capable of. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: I fell hard for Silas, and that never would have happened if your mother hadn't made the arrangements. Madeline: Either this woman is delusional from the shock of giving birth or she's flat-out manipulating you. Ava: Your mother is the one doing the manipulating. She's always pulling the strings. She -- she lives her life to take things away from you. Think about it, Nina -- Silas, your baby, 20 years of your life. She doesn't want you to be happy. She never has. Who's to say she won't take that baby away from you, too? [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: You think Sonny shot AJ? Michael: That's what you were gonna tell me, wasn't it? Dante: Yeah, but how did you know that? Michael: Dad despised AJ. It wasn't much of a leap to suspect him when AJ was shot. But, uh, he promised me he wouldn't hurt AJ, and I-I wanted to believe him. Dante: Well, look -- there's no hard evidence yet, but Sonny's name does keep coming up in the conversation. I thought you had a right to know. Michael: Thanks. Dante: You know, before word got out, I thought it'd be better that you hear it from your brother than someone else. [SCENE_BREAK] Morgan: I'm just asking you to maybe reconsider, you know, and just go easy on Ava. Just go easy on her, you know? Sonny: That woman left Connie to die choking on her own blood. She shot Olivia, and, for all I know, she shot Max. I can't make you any promises, either. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: She won't let you keep the baby. Deep down, Nina, you know she won't. Nina: What if she takes you away from me, along with everything else? Madeline: Don't listen to her, Nina. Ava: She's not on your side. She's always working against you. Nina: You're just pretending to help me, aren't you? You're pretending because you want the money. I can't trust you. [SCENE_BREAK] Silas: You know, Nina did what she did to break us up, but a lot of it was my fault, and I need to take responsibility for that. I was wondering if maybe someday we could sit down and talk about it when this is all over. Lab tech: Dr. Clay? Silas: Yeah. Lab tech: I have the results of Daniel Morgan's labs. We ran it twice, just like you asked. Silas: Thank you. Lab tech: Yeah. Silas: The tests are negative. Danny's fine. Danny's absolutely fine. [SCENE_BREAK] Madeline: I'm your mother. Haven't I been helping you every step of the way? I was the one who figured out how to get Silas out of here. Ava: Maybe it was part of her plan. Maybe she's been setting you up. What if she's trapping you right now? Madeline: That's preposterous. Ava: What if she's got police outside that door right now, just waiting for you to leave this house with my baby? What if she's working with that detective brother of yours? What if she's arranged for you to be arrested and put away for kidnapping? Nina, if you're locked up... she'll have control of the money. Leave the baby, Nina. Leave her, or you will lose everything. [SCENE_BREAK] Kiki: Morgan. Morgan: Kiki, hey. Kiki: What happened? What -- what are you doing in the ER? Morgan: Someone shot Max. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: This is what Franco meant when he said it wasn't over. He's so far gone, he recruited you, even though he hates you. Heather: You cheated on him. It brought him to his senses. He knows I'm the only one he can trust. He is a devoted son now. Carly: After you framed him for murder and then tried to kill him yourself? My God, he really is crazy. Franco: Yes, Carly. I really am. [SCENE_BREAK] Scott: Well, one good thing came out of today -- I've got a recording of Corinthos admitting that he murdered AJ. Do you have any idea how long I've waited to nail him? Finally -- finally -- I have him right where I want him, and he is gonna go to prison! Bobbie: Wait a minute. What are you doing? Scott: Calling Detective Falconeri. I can't wait to break the news to him. Bobbie: No, wait! Scott, no, no, no. Wait. You can't do that. Carly's on that recording, admitting that she covered for Sonny. Scott: Yeah, and that would be accessory after the fact. Bobbie: Well, don't turn her in, Scott. Come on. Don't do that to my daughter. Please. Don't do this to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Look, it must be tough to wrap your head around this whole thing, especially after all the promises he made you. Michael: Well, there's no point in hiding from it, is there? Dante: You can't go off on Sonny, okay? You cannot take this into your own hands. Michael: What do you think I'm gonna do? Dante: I don't know. But I haven't even questioned him yet. You can't go tipping him off. Michael: I understand. Dante: Look, I can't even imagine what it is you're going through right now. But know that I will help you if I -- [Cell phone rings] Dante: If I can. It's Baldwin. It's probably about Max's shooting. Michael: You should go -- find who's responsible. Dante: You will get justice for AJ, okay? Michael: I know I will. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: You would do that? You would bank your bone marrow and leave yourself wide open to being killed by Sonny? Julian: I'd do anything for Danny... for you. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Can we believe these tests? Silas: They're what I expected after examining Danny. Everything I observed pointed to this result. I can say with complete confidence Danny's in the clear. Sam: Oh, God, Silas. You were right. You were right all along. Danny's fine. He's gonna be fine. It was a mistake. It was all just a mistake, just like you said. Silas: Yeah, I guess it was. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: Nina! Come back! Come back with my baby! Nina! [SCENE_BREAK] Kiki: Your dad thinks that my mom shot Max? That's impossible. Morgan: What's going on with Michael? Because you sounded really freaked out on the phone. Kiki: Michael knows. Michael knows everything. He knows that Sonny shot AJ. Morgan: What? Where is Michael right now? Kiki: I don't know. And I don't know what he's gonna do. [SCENE_BREAK] Officer: Let's go. We got everything Falconeri wanted, except for the vic's gun. [Door closes] [SCENE_BREAK] Bobbie: Hey. So, what is this, Scott -- payback because I didn't tell you that Carly was cheating on your son? So, what -- you're gonna have Carly arrested? Scott: No. I'm doing my job as district attorney. I am putting Sonny Corinthos in prison. Dante: What's going on, Baldwin? I heard your son called off the wedding -- showed some video of, uh, Sonny and Carly having sex. Scott: Well, I guess you didn't hear the rest. I got a recording here of Sonny admitting that he murdered Michael's father. [SCENE_BREAK] Franco: Hello, Mom. Heather: How was your wedding, honey? I'm sorry I had to miss it. But, as you know, I had other business to attend to. But I did manage to corral your guest of honor for the afterparty. Carly: You know, the only difference between you and your mother... is that Heather is truly insane, and you're just plain evil. Heather: It's your party, son. What can I do -- finally kill Carly? [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: Don't worry, baby. I'll find you. [Crying] [NEXT_ON] Heather: I'd be more than happy to shoot Carly. Kiki: (to Morgan) Michael saw your mom and dad admitting to everything. Scott: (to Anna) Everybody that helped Sonny get away with murder will pay! Lucy: (to Duke) You've got to keep your distance from Sonny. Sonny: (to Ava) Aren't you gonna invite me in? | Franco gives Scott a copy of the video footage so that he can use it in his capacity as the DA |
296 | Carlos: Look at you, Commissioner Devane. Ohh, sorry. Ex-Commissioner. Ex-"Special Agent." Ex-"woman with a badge." Now you're just another perp locked up in here like you deserve. Anna: I'm sure it makes you very happy. Carlos: Hey, I didn't turn you in. I didn't say a word about you shooting me... four times. Anna: Well, if you're waiting for thanks, don't, because I don't have any gratitude for you. You're just a soulless thug who murdered the man that I loved. Carlos: You don't think I have a soul? I have a soul. It belongs to Sabrina and our baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Hey, Felix. What's up? Felix: Did you hear the news? Michael: Yeah, that Carlos was arrested and he's at the PCPD. Yeah. My, uh, dad told me. He and Anna found him in Ecuador. Felix: And there was no sign of Sabrina or her baby? Michael: No. I want to see if Carlos told the police any more information about where Sabrina and the baby really are. They could be in serious trouble. Felix: Okay. You know I think Carlos Rivera is a slime, but I don't think that he would do anything to hurt Sabrina or their baby. Michael: Yeah. Well, still, I'd like to hear that from Sabrina. Now that Carlos is in custody, maybe she'll attempt to reach out. Felix: I'll let you know if I hear anything. Michael: Okay. Thank you. Griffin: Excuse me, Felix. Felix: Oh, Dr. Munro. You need anything? Griffin: Um, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I -- I heard you mention Carlos Rivera. It seems you know more about him than his arrest for killing Duke Lavery. Felix: Uh, a little. Carlos used to be involved with my former roommate, Sabrina. Do you mind if I ask why you're interested in him? Griffin: You probably don't know this about me. Um, I'm Duke Lavery's son. [SCENE_BREAK] Singer: And, my baby, we both know [Knock on door] Singer: Why don't we save the trouble? Dante: [Exhales heavily] It's the words not spoken here Michael: Hey. Dante: Michael. Michael: Oh, I see you're expecting someone besides your brother. Dante: Yeah, who is on her way over here right now. Michael: Oh. So, the couples counseling is working, huh? Dante: Yeah. You know what? Actually, it really is. Michael: That's good. I'm happy for you, for the both of you. Don't worry. I'm not gonna get in the way of your big night or anything. Dante: Uh, you know what, man? It's not a big night. We're just -- we're just working on our, uh -- you know, our marriage-counseling exercises. Michael: Wait. So -- so, the wine, the flowers, the candles -- that's all just part of the exercise? [Cork pops] Michael: [Exhales sharply] Dante: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Laura: Look at you. You look so pretty. Lulu: Thank you. Laura: Are you meeting Dante here for dinner? Lulu: No. I just dropped Rocco off with Olivia. He is having a sleepover with his Uncle Leo. Laura: I see. So, then Rocco's parents might have time for a little quality time maybe? Lulu: Mm-hmm. I am on my way to the loft to see Dante, but it's not a date. We're doing more couples-therapy exercises, which surprisingly seem to work. Laura: I'm glad to hear it, but, uh, you do look particularly gorgeous tonight. Could it be less about therapy and a little more about...coupling? [Both laugh] [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Sam: Hey. Jason: Hey. How's Danny? Sam: He's good. He's asleep, out like a light. Sam: I'm sorry he wasn't awake when you got here. Jason: Yeah. Me too. I would have liked to play with him before he tuckered out, but I get it. He's small. It's late. It's time for bed. Sam: Yes. Jason: Okay. Well, I'm gonna take off. I just wanted to say good night. Sam: No. Well...you could stay. Jason: Oh, really? Sam: Mm-hmm. Jason: Yeah? [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: It has been a while... a really long while since Dante and I have been in the coupling department. Laura: Uh, well, you know, tonight, with your son being away, it's the perfect opportunity. Lulu: No. Our marriage counselor made it very clear to us that we are not to do anything physical until all of our issues have been thoroughly examined and resolved. Laura: I don't know. I think there's an awful lot to be said for the healing powers of... Lulu: Sex. Laura: [Laughs] Okay, I wasn't gonna say that. I was going to say the human touch, cuddling, whatever. Fine. Sex. Lulu: Well, apparently our therapist doesn't think we are ready for that type of healing, though. Can we please talk about something else? Laura: [Chuckling] Oh, sure. I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't mean to pry. Lulu: No, you're not. Just, everything is going so well with Dante, and I don't want to jinx it. Laura: Oh. Okay. So, uh, I don't know. What should we talk about? Lulu: Um...you. What are you doing here? Laura: Oh. I am meeting with the cryptographer again. Lulu: Oh, Dr. K. Laura: Mm-hmm. Lulu: Does he have huge coke-bottle glasses? Laura: [Laughing] No! No. He doesn't. Actually, um, it's not the little old man that I was expecting. Um, actually, we both know him. Lulu: We? Me? Laura: Mm-hmm. Lulu: I know a cryptographer? Laura: It's Dr. Collins. Lulu: What? Laura: [Laughing] I know, right? Well, as it turns out, I guess, uh, his hobby is breaking codes. So, anyways, I'm hoping that he might be able to shed a little light on this mystery that Helena left me with. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Lulu and I are taking things very slow, like -- like baby steps slow. Michael: All right. So, the wine and the candles are... Dante: Well, it's to clean the place up a little bit. I mean, I-I'm hopeless in this loft by myself. Michael: All right, whatever you say, Dante. Dante: All right, wise guy, what do you want? What are you doing here? Michael: Well, I wanted to see if Carlos said anything else about Sabrina and the baby. Dante: What have you heard? Michael: Dad said that Carlos claims that they are safe in Puerto Rico. Dante: Then that's all I know. Michael: All right, so, is the PCPD making any effort to find them or... Dante: No. We turned it over to the feds. We're staying local. We're trying to build a case against Carlos, and...I guess Anna. Michael: What, Anna Devane? Dante: Yeah. She confessed to trying to kill Carlos last May. Michael: What? Dante: Yeah, well -- Michael: That's insane. Dante: I know. I know. I was shocked, too, but I guess it was after Duke's funeral, and people do extreme things when they're grieving. Michael: Yeah. I guess so. Dante: Listen, Michael, I know you're not gonna listen to me if I tell you not to go after Sabrina, but, uh, please just don't do anything stupid, okay, little brother? Michael: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Felix: I didn't know Duke Lavery that well, but I'm sure he would have been proud to have a son who's as fine a surgeon as you. Griffin: Thank you. That's, uh, very kind. Um...I was asking you about Carlos Rivera. You seem to be the first person to say something positive about him. Felix: Okay. Don't misunderstand. I think Carlos is a violent, vicious killer. Griffin: But you said he wouldn't hurt someone named Sabrina. Felix: Right. Sabrina Santiago used to be a nurse here at GH. She's also my best friend in the world. Sabrina got pregnant with Carlos' kid, and she left town with him. She stopped communicating with me. I don't even know if she's had a boy or a girl. Griffin: So Carlos is a father. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: Oh, you want sympathy now because you're separated from Sabrina and your child. You understand what it's like to be a parent... you, to love something more than life itself? Carlos: Yes. I love my child. I love the mother of my child. Why is that so hard for you to understand? Anna: Being a parent means being responsible... accepting that there are consequences for your actions. I'm here as a consequence of shooting you, and you are in that cell, because you murdered Duke. And, you know, since we're talking about being a parent, you didn't just take Duke from me. My daughter adored him. My granddaughter -- Emma -- you know her face used to light up when he walked into a room? [Voice breaking] He taught her how to dance. Can you imagine what that was like, telling her that she would never see him again? You shattered my life, my daughter's, my granddaughter's. So, no, I don't have a shred of sympathy for you. In fact, now you know the joy of being a parent. I can only hope that you suffer even more being separated from your child. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: So, you want me to stay, huh? Yeah? Sam: Mm-hmm. I mean, no pressure. Up to you. Jason: No pressure. It's your bed. Sam: It used to be ours. Jason: Yeah, but we both know that I don't remember that, and the last time I was here, I think I tried to kill you. Sam: No, no, no, no, no. Okay. I know. But you didn't. And we went through a lot of stuff, and we both came out on the other side. We were both marked a little. Jason: [Sighs] Sam: We changed a little, but we're still us. So, I'm just trying to say, if you want to stay, you're more than welcome. It's up to you. Jason: Shh. [SCENE_BREAK] Griffin: When the position on staff opened up, I thought it would be a great opportunity to meet people that knew my father. And I never anticipated meeting people who knew the man who killed him. Michael: Hey, Felix. Dr. Munro. Griffin: Please call me Griffin. Michael: Griffin. Um, I was just with my brother, Dante. He told me about Anna. I'm really sorry. Griffin: What about Anna? Is she hurt? Michael: You don't know? Griffin: Know what? Michael: Anna was arrested. Felix: The woman who spent her life fighting crime was arrested? For what? Michael: Well, apparently she confessed to trying to kill Carlos Rivera. [SCENE_BREAK] Carlos: It's so important to you that I know that Duke's life had meaning, yeah, people loved him? Anna: Yes. Carlos: My life has meaning. People love me. I got a family. I got brothers. I got sisters. I got Sabrina and our baby. Did you think of that before you raised your gun and pulled the trigger? Anna: It was a setup. You wanted me to shoot you. Carlos: You didn't know that. Anna: Yes, so that you could stage your death and escape. And then Sloane had all this leverage over me. I know what you were doing. Carlos: You could have trusted the system. You could have had me arrested, followed the law, but, no, no, no. You aimed your gun at me and bang! Anna: Don't play victim with me, not after you ambushed Duke. And he was unarmed. Unlike you, he wasn't wearing a bulletproof vest. Carlos: Would you stop fooling yourself? Duke was not some innocent angel. He was running the Corinthos organization, expanding territory any chance he could get. Anna: No, he was getting out of the business! Carlos: No! [Laughs] Anna: Yes! He was moments away from freedom and a better life with me. We were going to have a second chance, make up for -- do you even have any idea of his history? Do you know what he went through, that he was kidnapped, and he was held prisoner for two decades? You don't care about that. We were going to have a second shot at happiness, and that is what you stole from me and Duke. Not just us. You stole that from his son, too. Carlos: What are you talking about? Duke didn't have any kids. Anna: Yeah. He did. He had a child. And he will never know his father because of you, Carlos. [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: I don't want to be late for my therapy exercises. Laura: Okay. Well, while you're doing that, hopefully I'll be learning a little bit more about this book that Helena left me. Say, what did you do with that envelope that she left you? Lulu: I stuffed it in the back of a drawer in a filing cabinet in my office on The Haunted Star. Hopefully it will sit there until I forget that it exists. Laura: Except that Helena said that you would want to know what it meant. Lulu: Mm. When my life is empty. My life is anything but, so... I'm gonna go. Laura: Okay, sweetheart. Lulu: I love you. Laura: I love you. [Sighs] Helena: Stavros loved you, and because of that, he died. Now, can you imagine -- imagine the wounds on a mother's heart? Or perhaps you need to suffer a similar loss to understand that. Laura: I will die before I let you touch my son. Helena: Oh, that can certainly be arranged. Kevin: Laura, are you all right? [SCENE_BREAK] Felix: Carlos Rivera and Anna Devane are both in jail. Sometimes this world doesn't make any sense. Michael: Yeah, but why did Anna confess? She obviously didn't kill Carlos. There couldn't have been much evidence. Felix: Maybe Anna's conscience was troubling her. Michael: Why? I mean, Carlos killed Duke. Of course she's gonna want revenge, and since Carlos isn't dead, her confession doesn't make any sense. Felix: Okay, no offense, but the more I know you, the more obvious it is that you were raised by a mob boss. Michael: I'm not offended, but I'm just trying to figure out why Anna confesses doesn't bring us any closer to finding Sabrina. I mean, all we have is Carlos' word that Sabrina and the baby are safe, but Carlos' word is meaningless. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: Griffin never knew who his father was until his mother died. And he will never know the amazing man Duke was because of you. [Keys jangling, cell door opening] Griffin: Anna, I came as soon as I found out. How can I help you clear your name? Is there somebody I should call? Do you have an attorney? Anna: Just slow -- slow down. Griffin: No, the fact that you got arrested is ridiculous. I don't for one second believe you tried to kill a man, not even the man who killed my fa-- Anna: I did. I shot him... multiple times -- I wanted to kill him. [SCENE_BREAK] Singer: Oh, my baby, we both know Dante: You look amazing. Lulu: You look good, too. [Chuckles] Hmm. Did Maxie help you with this? Dante: No. I, uh -- I did it myself. Just wanted to make the place look perfect for you. Lulu: It does look perfect. Just so we're clear, I am only here tonight to work on our therapy exercises. Dante: Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, absolutely. I mean, we got to -- we got to stick to our schedule. Lulu: We don't want to risk our progress by moving too fast. Dante: Right. Lulu: Okay, um, ready to work on the exercise? Dante: Can I show you something first? Singer: Baby, please let's stay let's steal away baby... [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: Laura, is everything okay? Laura: [Stammers] Yes. Yes, everything's fine. Sorry. Sit down, please. Um...I was just remembering a moment from my past with Helena. Ugh! There aren't words to describe how horrible that woman was... Kevin: Mm. Laura: ...And how persistent she was in her malice, you know? Even though I know better, I sort of almost expect her to be sitting opposite me at the table. Kevin: In a way, isn't she doing that? [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Mmm. Sam: Hey. Jason: Hey. [Groans] Sam: What's going on? Jason: Um...well, um... Sam: Are you okay? Jason: Yeah. Yeah. [Coughs] I'm fine. Sam: No, no, no, no. What is it? Jason: I just had a flicker, you know, one of those memories. [Chuckles] We were here. We were on this bed. And we were kissing. And, uh... Sam: [Sighs heavily] That was the last night that we were in here together, right before you went down to the docks and got shot. Jason: [Exhales sharply] Sam: You know, I have thought about that night over and over again, and I have memorized every single detail of our time together, and...well, I never thought we would be in this bed again. I-I-I didn't, and -- and we're here now. And -- I don't know -- I guess I... well, I consider it a miracle. Jason: Well, then shouldn't you be smiling? Sam: I count my blessings every day. But I also know how fragile life is, and I know how quickly I can lose you and I just... ...I don't think I could survive that a second time. [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: So, what am I looking at? You bought a new comforter. Dante: New comforter, new sheets, and a new bed. Singer: Baby, please Dante: Thought it would help get us off to a fresh start. I know last time we were here together, it didn't really work out. Lulu: Thank you. Really. It means a lot. Dante: I guess we have to work on the, uh, next exercise. Lulu: Mm-hmm. Dante: The last one -- that actually, uh -- I think it actually worked. Lulu: It did. Just crazy what someone says versus what the other person hears. Dante: Ended in a pretty nice kiss, too. Lulu: Mm. Okay. Work on the exercise. Okay, um... [Clears throat] [Sighs] Okay, next exercise. [Inhales sharply] Dante: What? Lulu: [Exhales sharply] Rebuilding intimacy. Ooh. Dante: Well, that, uh, seems like a winner to me. Lulu: Who knew? Lulu: Oh! Dante: Yeah? Lulu: It's comfy. Yeah, see, not too soft, not too firm. It's perfect. Dante: Good, right? You like it. Lulu: Yeah. It's good. Dante: I'm -- I'm happy. I hoped you -- you would. So, uh...how do we start? Lulu: [Clears throat] Okay, let's see. "Without touching... ...stare into each other's eyes for four minutes, no talking. Just be still and silent." Singer: Baby, please Dante: [Chuckles] [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Sabrina's in a situation that gets worse all the time. Either she's a witness who can convict Carlos -- and he'd have every reason to shut her up -- or she's an accessory. Felix: That's just absurd. Michael: If she left town with him willingly, knowing that he's a fugitive, then -- then she's breaking the law. Felix: Crap. Why couldn't she just stay the hell away from him? Michael: And the point is she didn't. Carlos dragged her into a world of trouble, and I need to find a way to fix it. Felix: Which means what? Michael: Which means a trip to Puerto Rico. [SCENE_BREAK] Griffin: I didn't believe it. I thought they got the story wrong. How could you have done it? Anna: Don't -- don't ask me, please. Just -- I was beside myself with grief. Can you just... just -- Griffin: But the -- [Stammers] Anna: Come here. I told you that Duke and I were leaving town that night, the night that he was murdered so senselessly, just viciously. And I was determined to find his killer, and I did. The evening after his funeral, I-I-I tracked Carlos down onto the waterfront where he was waiting for a ship to take him out of the country. And I arrested him for your father's murder. And he laughed in my face. He told me that the case wouldn't stick, that there was reasonable doubt, the system would fail me, and he would walk. And, you know, I realized that he was probably right. He would never pay. And I shot him as he intended. Griffin: I don't understand. Anna: Yeah, it was a setup. He was wearing a bulletproof vest. He had these blood capsules. It was supposed to be convincing, so -- Griffin: But at the moment, y-you -- Anna: No, it didn't matter because I wanted to kill him. And I shot him four times, and he wasn't armed. I -- [Stammers] You're probably really disappointed in me. I'm disappointed in me. You know, my whole life I've tried to uphold the law. [Sniffles] And the system -- you know, as flawed as it may be, I believe that it is worth preserving. But I violated it. I abandoned all of my principles, my ethics, everything. And then I ran from it. I ran from myself, and I made myself vulnerable to blackmail. And that's not me. [Voice breaking] That's not how I live my life. I wanted to face what I'd done. I wanted to face the consequences, and this is where I am right now. This is the beginning. Griffin: What you did... I'm having a hard -- hard time wrapping my head around, okay? Carlos: Well, believe it, amigo. It's all true. I was there. And I lived to tell about it. Griffin: Who are you? Anna: That's Carlos Rivera. That's the man who killed your father. [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: This book -- this code has Helena's handiwork all over it. I took some time, some real devoted time, and I came up with something. Laura: Already? Kevin: Two whole words. Laura: What are they? Kevin: Actually, I don't think they would have any significance to you, so I'm thinking maybe I should just go back and come up with some more. Laura: No, no, no, no. No, it's fine. I'm happy to meet with you. Tell me. Kevin: Okay. The two words are "Heartbreak Hotel." Does that mean anything to you? [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: I am so sorry. Jason: For what? Sam: Me. Because I never used to be like this. I never -- I never used to be afraid. Despite what you did for a living, I never, ever thought I would lose you. And then everything changed the night that you left this bed, and you went down to the docks. I-I realized that... I had lost the man that I loved, the man I had planned on spending the rest of my life with. Jason: Okay. Well, I'm here now. And I don't plan on going anywhere. So we're good, okay? Everything is gonna be fine from here on out. I promise. Sam: Promise? Jason: I do. Sam: Okay. Jason: Look at that! There's that smile. There it is. [SCENE_BREAK] Griffin: From what I've been told, you gunned down my father as part of your business, in the name of some meaningless mob war. Without giving second thought, you aimed the gun at him and pulled the trigger. Anna: He didn't stop there. After he killed Duke, he went on to shoot Sonny, hoping to kill him, too, and put him in a wheelchair for months. Carlos: Okay, no proof. No proof. Anna: Some people are not redeemable. When we found him in Ecuador, he was in a church and he was hoping to rob it. And he'd already assaulted a priest. So that is the man that you asked Sonny and me to forgive. Carlos: I was trying to feed the mother of my child. I would have gotten a regular job, but Anna was so hell-bent on finding me for a crime she can't even prove I committed. Griffin: You blame Anna for your actions? Carlos: Things are a lot more complicated than the way she spins things, kid, so save me your speech about how much you hate me 'cause I've heard it all before. Griffin: I just have one question for you. Carlos: What is it? Griffin: Are you sorry you killed my father? [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Has it been four minutes yet? Lulu: Mm. Not even close. Dante: [Sighs] Lulu: You moved your leg. It's touching my knee. Dante: Oh. Sorry. Sorry. Lulu: Stop. Dante: What? It's just I'm getting kind of stiff. Lulu: Oh, is it my dress? Dante: Well, I m-meant my neck. Lulu: [Giggles] Just -- no touching. Dante: Not put my hand there? Lulu: We're not allowed to touch. Dante: No. Lulu: We're not allowed to touch or talk. Dante: This hand. Lulu: No. Not that hand, either? [Giggling] No. Dante: How about this hand? [Timer beeps] [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: You know, I've dreamed about this so many times. Jason: Hmm. Sam: I dreamed that I would wake up and you would be next to me. But it didn't really happen like that. I would wake up and you would be gone. I never thought this was gonna happen again. You know, there were nights where I wouldn't want to go to sleep. I would force myself to stay awake, because I dreaded the mornings. 'Cause for a second, I would wake up... and I would forget that I was a widow. Until I didn't. Jason: Well... Now we both get to wake up next to each other. Every morning. Sam: I like the sound of that. Jason: Yeah? Sam: Mm-hmm. Jason: Good. [SCENE_BREAK] Laura: Heartbreak Hotel. Kevin: Mm. Laura: That's what you deciphered? Kevin: That's what it says. Laura: Hmm. So, what is she saying to us? That she's an Elvis fan? Kevin: [Chuckles] Isn't everyone? Laura: [Laughs] Kevin: But does the term mean anything to you? Have you ever been to a place called Heartbreak Hotel, or something that symbolizes it? Laura: I've never been to anything called Heartbreak Hotel. Something that symbolizes it. I don't know. Hasn't everyone spent some time in a hotel feeling lonely? Kevin: I have. This hotel just a couple years ago. Laura: I-I didn't know that. Sorry. Kevin: No. [Laughs] I'm surprised your kids didn't tell you. It was all very public. Laura: No. Kevin: The Nurses' Ball. The curtain goes up -- there's Lucy in her underwear, again. Laura: Oh! Kevin: Only this time, she's kissing someone. Your ex-husband, Scott. So, trust me, the irony that this book once belonged to Scott isn't lost on me. Laura: Wow. That is really awful. I am very sorry. Kevin: Yeah. It was. Laura: Mm. Kevin: And I decided right there, that night, that I was done with relationships for good. Laura: Now, is that something you would ever say as a therapist? Kevin: What, you haven't heard? Doctors of any stripe are the worst patients of all. Laura: Okay. Well, actually, after my last marriage ended, ironically, to Scotty -- Kevin: How ironic. Laura: Mm. I decided to take a little break from relationships, too. Kevin: How's that working for you? Laura: Gone on a little longer than I would have liked. [Both laugh] Laura: I guess we both know something about Heartbreak Hotel. Kevin: Mm. Laura: But what does this have to do with Helena, you know? What is she trying to say? [SCENE_BREAK] [Gunshot] Sam: [Gasps] Oh, Jason. Jason. No. No, Jason. Come on, baby. Wake up. Jason. [Panting] No. Helena: What's the matter, Samantha? Can't sleep? [SCENE_BREAK] Felix: I think a trip to Puerto Rico makes sense. Michael: Yeah, I can at least talk to Sabrina's father, figure out why he's covering for her or if he really doesn't know where she is. Felix: I'm going with you. Michael: Hold on, hold on. I have no idea what I'm up against there. Felix: Whatever you're up against, I'll be facing it with you. Michael: Okay, but -- Felix: But nothing. You're not talking me out of this. Now, come on. Let's go get our girl. Michael: All right. [SCENE_BREAK] Carlos: You want to know if I'm sorry for killing Duke Lavery? Well, that'd have to mean I killed him. Even if I admitted it, which I'm not, what would me being sorry -- what would that do? Griffin: If you were truly sorry, I could start to find a way to forgive you. Carlos: [Chuckles] You can take your forgiveness and go play with it in hell. I don't want it. I don't need it. Griffin: That's your loss then. Because one way or another, I will get there. Somehow, someway, I will forgive you. You will not get the best of me! Anna, w-- we have to find a way to forgive this man. That's the only way we'll be free. Otherwise, he'll have taken our souls the same way he took Duke. Guard! [Cell door closes] Anna: He's a sweet young man... but he doesn't speak for me. I'll never make peace with you, Carlos. [SCENE_BREAK] [Lulu and Dante kissing] Lulu: [Giggles] I don't know what we're gonna tell our therapist, but I am pretty sure we just flunked our intimacy exercise. Dante: I don't know. That felt pretty, uh, intimate to me. Lulu: Like, the best intimacy ever. Dante: I say we tell our therapist that we aced that test, too. Lulu: [Laughs] We have like three exercises to complete before this. Dante: Yeah, well, we're really smart and we are advanced. We fast-tracked through that whole thing. Lulu: [Giggles] Dante: [Sighs] How is this better than I remember it being? Lulu: So much better. Dante: My God, lulu. Living without you the last few months here, I -- I know how close I came to losing you. Lulu: I was just so angry for so long. I can't believe I was so willing to just let you go. It freaks me out thinking about that. Dante: Well, don't. 'Cause we're here together. Lulu: I just have to tell you -- I am so happy right now. [Giggles] Dante: Should we, uh, work on that four-minute exercise? Lulu: Oh, yeah. Dante: Mm-hmm. Lulu: Mm-hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: Can you tell me what Helena said during her video appearance at the will reading? It might give us a clue. Laura: The morbid video. Okay. Let's see. Uh, she said that I had taken from her what she had loved the most. Kevin: Her husband? Laura: Yes. Mikkos. But actually, she could also be talking about her son, Stavros. Kevin: Mm. Is that all she said? Laura: No. [Chuckles] She went on to say that she was the better person and that she was giving me the key to what I had loved and lost. Kevin: So, the term "Heartbreak Hotel" probably does have some meaning for you. Laura: Well, that's if she's telling the truth, which is a big if. Kevin: Okay, but if Helena is telling the truth, then she could be giving you clues to someone or something that you loved and lost at Heartbreak Hotel. Or a place that symbolizes that for you. Laura: Yeah. I guess that could be any hotel anywhere in the world, right? Kevin: I'm sorry. Is this upsetting you? Laura: No. No, it's not. You know, it's actually -- my daughter was afraid that it was gonna be just like this -- that you would tell me something that would bring up another mysterious clue to another and lead me to another one and another one and just go on and on and never lead me to anything that was real. Um, I don't know. It's just a way for Helena to continue to torment me after her death, so -- I don't want to waste your time. I don't want to waste mine, either. Kevin: No. I think we should keep going. I've already cracked the code. I just need to spend more time with this to decipher more of Helena's message, whether Heartbreak Hotel is a literal place or a symbolic one. Laura: So, you want to keep going then? Kevin: Oh, I love a good mystery. I'm one of those guys that turns to the last page when he's only halfway through the book. Laura: [Laughing] Oh, really? Kevin: Mm. Laura: I thought I was the only one who did that. Kevin: Great minds. Laura: There you go. [SCENE_BREAK] Helena: So giddy about the fact that I was dying that you didn't pay attention to my words. But you should have. Sam: No. No, no, no, no. I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming. No. This isn't happening. Helena: Dream! Dream of the curse that I put on you, Samantha. "You and yours will never know happiness in this life nor any other." [Laughs] Sam: Jason! [Gasping] Jason. Jason! Jason: What? Sam: [Gasping] Oh, Jason. Jason: Hey. I was checking on Danny. What's going on? Whoa. Sam: I had a nightmare. Jason: [Laughs] You had a nightmare? Sam: Yeah. Jason: Okay, okay. Relax, relax. You're fine. You're fine. Sam: I'm fine. Jason: Danny's fine. Sam: [Sighs] Jason: Everything's fine, okay? Sam: Mm-hmm. Jason: The bad days are over. Breathe. There you go. [NEXT_ON] Carly (to Sonny): Make a wish! Tracy (to Finn): You can't go. I won't allow it! Olivia (to Ned): Ned! Alexis (to Julian): I am not going to violate attorney-client privilege. André (to Jordan): Anna's in jail?! Paul (to Anna): You're not getting out on bail. | Yet noticing his father's killer is still alive and standing in the adjoining cell near Anna, Griffin confronts him |
297 | Dusty: Thank you for watching Johnny while I meet with Tom. Josie: Oh, yeah, Johnny and I have a great time together, right? Well, we do. Dusty: He talks about you all the time when you're not around. You like Josie, don't you? Josie: Well, he's a great kid. Hey, don't worry, we'll find something super fun to do while your dad's in the meeting, okay? Dusty: He's been like this all day, right, Sweetheart? He doesn't want to open up about what's wrong. Josie: I'll talk to him. Dusty: Thanks. I better go. Josie: Hey, I'm really glad that you decided to work things out with Craig. Dusty: Well, I'm trying to keep my promise to Lucy. Let's see if Craig wants to do the same. Josie: Well, you've got the lawyers there to help you with the rough patches. Dusty: I hope so, but you know -- you never know with these lawyers. Josie: I thought you said Tom Hughes was fair. Dusty: He is. Very talented. If I were Craig, I'd be looking for a shark. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Well, I'm glad I ran into you. Tom: Yeah, well, I'm meeting a client. Craig: What a coincidence. That's what I'd like to be. Tom: Excuse me? Craig: Dusty and I aren't making much progress on how to share responsibility for Johnny. Tom: Oh, so I've heard. Craig: And you know what family feuds can be like. Tom: Thanks to you, I do. Craig: Come on, I can't be the only relative you've ever fought with. Tom: No, you're the only one that I don't care to make peace with. Craig: I've earned that. But I also want to prove that I've changed. Tom: I'm on the edge of my seat. Craig: I have my son and I want him to be proud of me. And the last thing he needs is a war between me and Dusty Donovan. So I think the best thing is for the professionals to come in and just sort the whole thing out. Tom: Are you asking me to represent you? Craig: I am. Tom: Wouldn't you be a little more comfortable with someone that shared your love of duplicity? Craig: That's the last thing I want. All right, I know we've had our disagreements. Tom: That's putting it mildly. Craig: But I really want to do things differently. I really want to resolve this peacefully. Tom: Well, that's exactly what Dusty wants. Which is why I've agreed to represent him. Craig: I see. And family doesn't count for anything? Tom: That's funny coming from you. Craig: I know I have a lot of work to do to bring Margo around. Tom: Uh, my advice? Don't hold your breath. Craig: Then I'll keep plugging. I want Johnny to have a home, a family, and a life that isn't poisoned by his father's mistakes. Tom: Well, I hope you really mean this, Craig. Craig: I do. And I'd like you and Margo to be a part of it. Tom: As you said, there's still plenty of work to be done. So, I'm happy to steer you towards the second-best attorney in Oakdale. Craig: All right. I may just take you up on that. Tom: Well, here's my client now. Craig: Hello, Dusty. Dusty: Craig. Craig: Where's Johnny? Dusty: In the lobby with Josie. Craig: Oh, um, do you mind if I say hello? Dusty: That's fine if that's all it is. Craig: See? We're getting along better already. Josie: What do you say, you want to go upstairs and play with your trains? Johnny: I want to go outside. Josie: I know, but the doctors want you to be extra careful right now. Maybe we can ask your dad when he gets back. Johnny: But I want to go now! Josie: Okay. Okay, maybe just for a minute and we'll just stay right outside the hotel, okay? All right, let's go get our coats. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Can you believe that Craig asked me to marry him? Lily: More coffee? Carly: No, I'm good. I think that he might actually be losing his marbles. Lily: What did you say? Carly: Well, I didn't say anything, really. I just slammed the door in his face. Lily: And he just went away? Carly: He was gone in the morning. Lily: I can't believe he took no for an answer. Carly: He really didn't have much of a choice. Lily: And he didn't say anything about the loan? Carly: Didn't have much time for that, either. Lily: Maybe he has changed. Carly: Maybe. Lily: Are you reconsidering? Carly: You know, I've had a lot of proposals in my life, but this one was by far the weirdest. Lily: Maybe he thinks because you guys had a thing a long time ago -- Carly: Lily, that was a long, long, long time ago. And it was over like as soon as it started. And he knows I'm not stupid enough to make that mistake again. Lily: Well, I'm just so glad that he didn't pressure you. Carly: I'm just curious; I wonder where he got the idea in the first place. Lily: Actually, I have a feeling it may have come from me. [SCENE_BREAK] Liberty: God, I have this test tomorrow on this DNA/RNA thing that I just completely don't get. Parker: It's -- it's pretty simple. Liberty: It's -- yeah, it's simple for a geek like you, but for me, this is like foreign. Look at that. That just is the most foreign, like -- it's not helping me with my biology problem. Parker: Really? 'Cause it's actually helping me with mine. Liberty: You're such a dork. We shouldn't be doing this, really. Parker: Why not? We have permission. Liberty: To go out, Parker, not do what we did in that bed before. Parker: That was one of the best days of my life. Liberty: Yeah, it was a big day for me, too. But I don't think we really want to go reliving that right now. Parker: I do. Liberty: Yeah, I'm kind of getting that vibe from you right now. But really, I think we got to just kind of keep it at dating for now. Parker: Okay, well, I could throw in a DVD and we can just pretend that we're at the movies. Liberty: That's not the point. Parker: Well, then what is? Liberty: Not getting into trouble. Parker: We won't. Liberty: We always do. Parker: No one's home. Liberty: But I don't think that's the only reason we shouldn't be doing this. Parker: What else? Liberty: I forgot. Parker: Really? Liberty: Yeah. [Knock on the door] Jack: Parker? Carly? Hey, anybody home? Okay, I guess not. Parker, are you up there? It's no wonder he can't hear me. Jack: Parker, are you there? Hey -- hey -- [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: All I did was point out to Craig that if he wanted to get a judge to give him visitation rights, that it might help him if he had himself a wife. Carly: Oh boy. Lily: You know, to establish his credibility as a father. Carly: Uh-huh, did you also suggest to him that I would be desperate enough to say yes? Lily: No, of course not. I never even thought he would ask you. Carly: I can't believe you would tell him to use any woman like that. Lily: I didn't tell him to use any woman. It was more of a -- if you get your act together enough to settle down with a woman, that you might have a shot. Carly: Mm-hmm. Well, I don't think it's likely that he's going to fall in love before the first court hearing. Lily: No, but I don't think he was just scheming. I mean, you saw him the other day with Johnny at the Lakeview. He loves that little boy. I think that he honestly wants to provide a stable home for him after everything he's been through. Carly: Yeah. Well, he deserves that. Lily: What he doesn't deserve is Dusty and Craig going through a war to decide who's going to be the father. Carly: Yeah, I feel for him, I really do. Lily: Well, not enough to be his fairy Godmother? Carly: Not if it means marrying Craig Montgomery, no. Lily: I agree with you. But what if he doesn't give up so easily? Carly: Uh, I guess I'll send him your way. Lily: Oh, no, he already tried. Carly: He did not. Lily: He did. Carly: When? Lily: When I suggested it. He said why don't you divorce Holden and marry me. [Carly laughs] Carly: What did you say? Lily: I said, yeah -- no! I think he's just being polite. He's much more interested in you. Carly: Yeah, well, it's not going to happen. And you know, after the judge gets a look at his record, it's not going to matter if he shows up in court with the Brady Bunch, you know. Lily: Yeah, I told him the same thing. I mean, minus the Brady Bunch part. Carly: Well, he would figure that out for himself, wouldn't he, if he would just think about something, anything, for just a minute. Lily: Since when does Craig Montgomery think about anything for a minute? Carly: Yeah. Well, he's not going to get me on board with this. I mean, I don't even understand how he could think I would consider it. Lily: Well, maybe because you accepted the money. Carly: Now, Lily, the money came with no conditions. Lily: Mm-mnh. Craig always has conditions. Carly: Now you sound like Jack. Lily: How furious was he when he heard about the loan? I mean, I saw his face when Parker showed up with Craig and Johnny at the Lakeview. Carly: I don't have to tell you that Jack is not Craig's biggest fan, no -- Lily: It's kind of cute, actually. I mean, after all these years. Carly: No, cute is not how I would describe it. I mean, can you imagine how Jack would react if I -- if I did become Mrs. Craig Montgomery? [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: You're unbelievable, you know that? Parker: We weren't doing anything. Jack: I know what I saw. Parker: Well, we weren't doing anything wrong. Jack: Oh no? We said you could date and two seconds later, you're jumping back in bed. Parker: We weren't in the bed. We were on it. Liberty, wait! Jack: Tell me what you were doing up here in the first place? Parker: I was helping her with her homework. Jack: By lying down in your bedroom? Parker: I needed my laptop and I wanted her to hear a new band, so we were listening to music. Jack: You were doing a lot more than listening. Parker: You said we could go out. Jack: This isn't out! Out is to the movies, or Java, or the mall! Not hitting the sheets the first chance you get. Parker: What century is that definition from? Jack: I am not the mood for your attitude, okay? You were supposed to stick to the rules. Parker: Well, your rules suck! They make no sense. Jack: Well, you don't have to like the rules, you just have to follow them. Parker: Why? Because you said so? Jack: Because I'm your father and you're too young. Parker: In your opinion. Jack: My opinion is the only thing that should matter to you. You understand? Parker: Yeah. Are we done here? Jack: For now. Parker: Great, then I'm out of here. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Well, I'll leave you two to your meeting and go see my son. Just to say hello. I'll call you for that referral. Dusty: Referral for what? Tom: Yeah, an attorney after I said that I wasn't interested. Dusty: He tried to hire you? Tom: Um, he did, but I told him you were a client and I offered to just steer him another way. Dusty: Yeah, steer him to some ambulance-chaser with a serious drinking problem. Tom: I thought that might be a little obvious. Dusty: I'm surprised he didn't bring in some legal hit man, some hot shot, you know. Tom: I'll tell you the truth, I'm kind of surprised myself. Dusty: So, where do we stand? Tom: It's hard to say. You see, there's not a lot of legal precedent being set these days with two fathers fighting over the custody of the same child without a mother in the picture. Dusty: So, it's up in the air. Tom: It's really hard to say how any judge would rule. Dusty: So the stakes are my son and his future. Tom: That's correct. Dusty: So what do we do? Tom: Well, I think our best strategy is to make sure that we don't go to court. [SCENE_BREAK] Josie: Is that Leo the locomotive? I thought I recognized him from your coloring book. And that's coming from the station. Johnny: Can we go see it? Josie: Yeah, sure. Craig: Johnny boy! Oh, where's my hug? Oh, it's good to see you. Dusty said you guys were out here. Josie: Really? You saw him? Craig: Yeah, in the lounge. I told him I was going to come say hello. He didn't have a problem with it. Josie: Okay, well, you've said hello. I think we're going to go back inside. Let's go, Johnny. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: So how do we stay out of court? Tom: Settle. Dusty: You mean compromise with Craig? Tom: And I think the first offer should come from you. Dusty: Why? Tom: You already have legal custody. So any time that Craig is allowed to spend with Johnny is coming out of your time. So, you might as well earn points for being magnanimous. Dusty: I don't get the reasoning. Tom: Well, it's also going to allow us to set the tone for the negotiation we don't set the bar too high. Dusty: So what do we offer? Tom: It's up to you. Dusty: I don't know. It's not easy for me to offer the guy anything. Tom: Well, you're going to have to remember that he is Johnny's biological father. And any judge is going to take that into account. Dusty: First, Tom, I have a demand. Tom: What is it? Dusty: I want all the charges against Lucy dropped so she can come back. Tom: Well, I think that's probably reasonable. What are you willing to give up? Dusty: You mean, when can Craig spend time with my son? Tom: That's what I mean. Dusty: How about we start with never and get tougher from there? [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Now why would you back inside on such a beautiful day? Josie: Uh, Johnny's still recovering. Craig: Fresh air is the best medicine. Besides, that hotel is way too stuffy, isn't it, Johnny? Tell you what, you can go ahead and take your walk and I'll just tag along. Josie: You know, I don't think that's such a good idea. Craig: I really don't want trouble. I just want to spend time with my son. Josie: Well, why don't you clear it with Dusty first? Craig: That's already in the works. Things are being worked out as we speak. Josie: Well, that's good. It's upsetting for Johnny when you two fight. Craig: I know. But now there's lawyers involved, they're being paid by the hour -- I don't really see this thing being fast-tracked. But I would like to extend an olive branch to you, even though you sent me on that wild goose chase so Lucy could see Johnny before she left. Josie: Well, she was like a mother to him. Craig: She kidnapped my son. Josie: To keep him away from you. Craig: Oh, I see you've bought Dusty's side of the story. Josie: I know what I saw. It's because of you that Johnny has been separated from the woman who obviously means the world to him. So don't tell me how much you care, because I am not interested. I know that Craig never does anything out of generosity, or compassion, or any other human normal trait. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Yeah, I mean you're the one who said he seemed different. Lily: Well, when it comes to Johnny. Everything else, the jury is still out. Carly: So you don't think then he proposed to me out of sheer, pent-up passion? Lily: Sorry to burst your bubble. Carly: Well, so much for my fairytale ending. Again. Lily: The fairytales I know don't involve huge sums of money. Carly: No, that has nothing to do with this. [Cell phone rings] Carly: Oh, excuse me. Hello? Jack: Where are you? Carly: Well, hello, Jack, it's nice to hear your voice. Jack: Where are you, Carly? Carly: I'm at Lily's. Jack: Stay there. I'll be right there. Carly: Why? Jack: I'll tell you when I get there. Carly: Is something wrong? Jack: Just the brilliant decision to trust our oldest son. [SCENE_BREAK] Parker: Liberty! Liberty, wait up! Would you just stop for a second? Look, I am sorry. I had no idea my dad would walk in on us like that. I don't know what he was doing there. Liberty: What's the difference? Parker: Will you just stop? Liberty: No. Parker: Why are you mad at me? Liberty: I'm mad at myself for being so stupid. Parker: You're not stupid. Liberty: Then why do I keep finding ways to humiliate myself? Parker: This is not your fault. This is my fault. I had no idea my dad would be there. And I am really sorry. Liberty: You keep saying that and it keeps happening. Parker: Look, I wanted to kiss you. And I thought you wanted me too. Liberty: Look, I wanted you to help me with my math homework. Parker: Yeah, but you were into it, I know you were. Liberty: I know and that's why I should not have gone with you to your bedroom. Parker: So I'm right. Liberty: I just don't see why we keep getting ourselves into trouble. Parker: We're not doing anything wrong. Liberty: Well, we know the rules and we keep breaking them. Parker: Because the rules are ridiculous. They're not about us or what we want. They're about what our parents want. And why should we go by what's in their sick minds? Liberty: Because they are our parents. Parker: Oh, man. Liberty: And I'm so sick of them walking in on me with my clothes half-off! Parker: Okay, so what do we do now? Liberty: I need you to stop pushing me. Parker: Oh, so this is my fault? Liberty: Yeah, well, who else? Every time we're in a room alone, you start putting your hands all over me. Parker: You liked it. Liberty: Yeah, but I don't want to do this anymore. Parker: Okay, so you're saying no more sex? Liberty: Yeah, I'm saying no more anything. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Okay, well, I think that I should probably wait for Jack outside. Lily: Don't be silly. Carly: Lily, this is going to get ugly. Lily: Are the kids all right? Carly: Well, he said it was about Parker. Who's not such a little kid anymore? I mean, he is a kid, but of course, he likes to think of himself as a man of the world. And -- oh, God, please tell me what happened to our sweet little angels who used to worship at our feet? Lily: They were replaced by pods who look exactly like them, except they're sarcastic and capable of inflicting horrible pain. Carly: They must be stopped. Lily: What happened? Carly: Janet and I agreed that Liberty and Parker should be allowed to date again if that's what they want. And Jack did not agree with us. Lily: You and Janet agreed on something? Carly: We did and the world did not explode. Lily: But Jack did. Carly: He seemed pretty convinced that they were break any rules that we set for them and it looks like he may have been right. What did I do to deserve this? No, I shouldn't ask you that. Don't answer me. [Doorbell rings] Jack: Hello, Lily. Lily: Jack. Jack: I stopped by the house and guess what I found? Carly: Oh, um, Parker and Liberty? Jack: Oh, that's right. In bed. Carly: That must've been quite a moment. Jack: You find this funny? Carly: No. I just don't think it's an enormous surprise. Jack: Oh, come on, Carly. Can you just admit that you and Janet were wrong to trust them? Carly: Wait, no -- what we said was, that we didn't have a choice. Jack: It's called discipline. You should try it sometime. Carly: Jack, they're not criminals. They're kids. Jack: I should've known -- I should've never let you guys talk me into this. I should've known that if you were agreeing on something, that trouble was right around the corner. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: I don't want war with Dusty. I think we can work this out. But to do that, he has to agree. Josie: He agrees with you in theory. He just doesn't trust you. Craig: Well, he can cry me a river. Because like it or not, Johnny is my son. Josie: Okay, here's the problem. You and Dusty keep butting heads, but the one who's getting hurt in all of this is Johnny. Johnny? Craig: Johnny? Josie: Johnny? Craig: Where is he? Josie: He was right here. Craig: Johnny? Josie: Oh my God, he's gone. Craig: No, no, go back to the hotel. Look for him there. I'll look in the street. Johnny! [SCENE_BREAK] Tom: So you're okay with three supervised visits a week? Dusty: As long as Craig doesn't take Johnny anywhere. Tom: Well, that's good for an opening offer. But it's going to be difficult to keep Craig from seeing Johnny alone. Dusty: He's got to earn it, Tom. Tom: Well, you have a good point that he needs to prove himself. Let's hope his lawyer is smart enough to convince him that any judge is going to feel the same way. Dusty: So what's next? Tom: I think we wait until he gets representation, sit down at a table, and make some plans. Dusty: That sounds good. Tom: So as long as everybody stays focused on what's best for Johnny, we're going to reach an agreement. Dusty: Good. I've got to go find Josie and Johnny. Keep me posted? Tom: I definitely will. Josie: Johnny? Hi, I was in here before with a little boy. Clerk: Mr. Donovan's son. Josie: Yes, yes, have you seen him? Clerk: No, sorry. Dusty: Where's Johnny? Josie: I don't know. I was outside with him and I looked away and then when I looked back, he was gone. Dusty: What? You lost him? You lost my son? Dusty: Johnny! Johnny! Josie: We were right over there, looking at the toy trains. Dusty: Why did you take him outside? Josie: He was going stir crazy, Dusty. He hasn't been outside since he left the hospital. Dusty: So you took him out without asking me? Josie: We were right outside the hotel. I was holding his hand and then Craig came up -- Dusty: Craig! Josie: Yeah, he said he talked to you, that you said it was okay if he said hello to Johnny. He started to argue with me and then the next thing I know, Johnny was gone. Dusty: Listen to me, where's Craig now? Josie: He went to look for him, but I can't remember which direction he went. Dusty: Well, figure it out. Because if Craig finds Johnny before we do, we may never see him again. [SCENE_BREAK] Parker: You're breaking up with me? We just got together. Liberty: I can't do this, Parker. Parker: But I love you. Liberty: It's not helping. Parker: Okay, look, look, look, we can wait -- we can wait a month or we can wait three months. Whatever you want. Liberty: The truth is, I really don't need a boyfriend right now. Because I have school and SAT's -- Parker: So what? Liberty: So there's a lot of pressure in my life right now, okay? And I'm not like you, and school doesn't come easy for me. I actually have to work at it. Parker: Since when do you actually care about school? When you first got here, you didn't even go. Liberty: Well, then I got to know you, okay? Listen, this is a really important year for me. I have to focus. What? Parker: That's Johnny. What's he doing out here by himself. Hey, Johnny? Hey, dude, what are you doing out here all by yourself? Johnny: Seeing the train. Liberty: Parker, look out! Parker! [Wheels squeal] Craig: Johnny? Johnny? Are you okay? Craig: Johnny? Liberty: Parker? Craig: Johnny? Liberty: Parker? Craig: Are you okay? You sure? Liberty: Can you hear me, Parker? Craig: Okay, all right, you're okay. Liberty: He's bleeding and he's unconscious. Parker, can you hear me? Craig: Parker? Parker: What -- what happened? Liberty: You got hit by car -- you almost did, but Craig saved you. Parker: Is Johnny okay? Craig: He's fine, he's fine, he's fine. Parker: Okay, my head hurts. Liberty: Don't get up -- Craig: Don't move, don't move, don't move -- Liberty: Just lay there. Its okay -- Dusty: What happened? Liberty: He almost got hit by a car. Dusty: You're kidding. Is Johnny all right? Craig: He's fine. Dusty: Well, what's wrong with you? Every time you're around, something bad happens. Craig: Just take him inside. We'll talk about it later. Liberty: Parker, no, do not get up. Parker: I'm okay, I'm okay -- Craig: No, no, stay down. Just stay there until we know you're okay. Please take him inside. I'll look after Parker. Liberty, call 911. Tell him we need an ambulance. Liberty: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Jack, would you calm down and just tell me what happened? Jack: Okay, okay, so I had his racket restrung. I thought I'd be the nice guy and bring it by the house. When I got there, I didn't think that anyone was home, until I heard the music. So naturally, I went upstairs. Carly: And they were -- Jack: Not yet. Carly: But they were -- Jack: On their way, yes. Lily: Oh, they must've been so embarrassed. Jack: Whose side are you on? Lily: I'm not on any sides. I'm just relating. I mean, we were all teenagers once. Carly: The good news is, it doesn't sound like anything actually happened. Jack: Only because I showed up when I did. Carly, did you know that they were going to be home alone? Carly: No. I mean, Parker said that he was going to help her with her homework, but he didn't say where. Lily: I remember that excuse. Jack: Lily, please. I knew we shouldn't have let them start dating again. Lily: Jack, if Parker was dating another girl, don't you think he'd try the same thing? Jack: He might. Carly: Jack, don't blame the kids. You know, this is just a part of growing up. Jack: Oh, I don't blame the kids. I blame the mothers. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: I know you wanted to see the train, but you can't walk off by yourself like that. Johnny: I'm sorry I made you mad. Dusty: I'm not mad. I was worried about you. Promise me you won't do that again? All right, get some sleep, okay? I'll be right here if you need me. Josie: I'm so sorry. Dusty: What were you thinking? Josie: I don't know. I thought maybe some fresh air -- it doesn't matter. It's all my fault. When I think about what could've happened. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Janet and I did not tell them it was okay to have sex. We told them the absolute opposite. Obviously, they're listening to their hormones and not to us. Jack: Man, oh, man, you and Janet are sounding more alike every minute. Carly: Is that a good thing? Jack: Not this time. Carly: What do you want to do? Lock them up? Send them to boot camp? Jack: Maybe I should consider it. Carly: Jack, we all agreed they're responsible kids. Even you. We just have to hope they act that way. Jack: Hope? Hope is not a plan, Carly. [Cell phone rings] Carly: Hello? Craig: Look, I don't want to you to worry. Everyone's fine, but Parker came a little too close to a serious accident. Carly: What? When? Craig: He's okay. I promise. The car didn't even hit him. Carly: My God! Jack: What's wrong? Carly: Where is he? Craig: We're at the hospital. Carly: The hospital? Jack: Who? Carly: It's Parker. Craig: Look, it's just a precaution. Jack: What happened? Craig: The EMTs in the ambulance say he just banged his head, a little. Jack: Is he all right? Carly: Yeah, yeah, I think so. Look, we'll be there. Jack: Who was that? Liberty? Carly: Craig. Jack: Craig? Carly: Yeah, Jack, we have to go right now. Jack: I'll drive -- I'll drive -- I'll drive. Lily: I'll take my car and meet you guys. [SCENE_BREAK] Parker: Aside from the headache, I feel fine. Doctor: Yeah, that may linger a couple of days. Fortunately, you don't seem to have a concussion. Parker: Can I go home? Doctor: I don't see why not. Just take it easy for a day or two. Craig: His parents will probably want to talk to you once they get here. Doctor: Have me paged. Craig: Thank you, Doctor. Good thing for you, you've got a thick skull. Liberty: You're not the first person to have told him that. Craig: Sorry I took you down so hard. Parker: Are you kidding? If it weren't for you, Johnny and I might not be alive. Craig: Just glad I was there to help. Carly: Parker, are you all right, Honey? Parker: I'm fine. Carly: Are you sure? Parker: They said I don't even have a concussion or anything. Jack: I told you to stay the hell away from him. What were you even doing there --? Parker: Dad -- Liberty: Saving his life. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: It's okay. It happens. Josie: That's no excuse. Dusty: I should've been clear. He needs to be watched all times. Josie: I know that. That's why I was holding his hand. I don't even know how he got away. And when I realized he was gone, it was like my heart dropped out of my chest. Dusty: I know the feeling. Josie: I just -- I can't stop thinking about how awful it could have been. Dusty: We got lucky. Its okay, we found him. Josie: Well, thanks to Craig. You were right. You cannot ever trust me alone with him again. Dusty: I didn't mean it. Josie: I don't blame you. I don't trust myself. God, I don't know why I didn't just ignore Craig. But instead, I let him get me all worked up -- Dusty: Tell me how that happened. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Would you mind telling me exactly what happened, please? Craig: Not at all. Josie and I were talking. Johnny wandered off. We split up to look for him and while I was searching everywhere I could think of, Parker found him in the train station parking lot. When I got there, there was a car headed straight for them. I just got them out of the way. Parker: Dad, if it wasn't for Craig, I might be dead. Carly: Thank you, Craig. We've very grateful. Craig: The doctor's name and number is on Parker's release form. You just have to watch him for symptoms for the next couple of days. Carly: Yes, we'll talk to the doctor on the way out. Craig: I'm glad you're okay. Parker: Thanks to you. Lily: I'm sure they appreciate what you did. Craig: I know. Lily: But it's not going to get Carly to accept your proposal. Craig: Oh, she told you about that. Lily: You have to realize that asking Carly to marry you was -- the only word is crazy. Craig: Well, it was your idea. Lily: I didn't tell you to pick Carly. Craig: Well, I figured the worst thing she could do was say no. Lily: You're wasting your time. Craig: I can be very persuasive, Lily. Carly: Uh, come on, Jack. Jack: Just a -- just a minute. Thank you for saving my son. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Do you want a blanket, Sweetheart? Parker: Mom, I'm fine. Jack: So, how are you feeling? Are you dizzy? Parker: I'm fine. Carly: Would you like something to eat? Parker: I'm not hungry. Carly: Oh, come on, how about a little soup? Parker: Mom, stop. Jack: The doctor said we should keep an eye on you, buddy. Parker: Yeah, but I didn't hear him mention anything about smothering me to death. Carly: Well, he didn't say not to. Liberty: Hey, Parker, um, I'm glad you're okay, but I'll call you later, all right? Parker: You're leaving? Liberty: Yeah, I think I should. Thank you so much for the ride. Carly: Hey, Liberty, why don't you stay with Parker? I'm sure he'd rather have you hovering over him than one of us. Parker: Yeah, that's for sure. I mean, but only if that's okay with you. Liberty: Yeah, if you want me to. Jack: We'll be downstairs if you need us. Parker: And you guys are really okay with us being up here alone? Jack: Well, I'm hoping that fall knocked some sense into you. But that discussion we need to have, it's still on hold. What was that about? Carly: Well, I think they're just surprised you left them up there. Jack: Yeah, it wasn't easy. But seeing that Parker was almost killed -- Carly: Thank God he's all right. Jack: Amen to that. Carly: So could you stick around for a bit? I just want to run out to the market, in case his appetite returns. Jack: Sure. My shift doesn't start for awhile. Carly: Okay, good. Thanks. I'll be back in a flash. Jack: Okay, take your time. I'll be here. Carly: Listening? [Jack laughs] Jack: Trying not to. Carly: Well, here, let me help you with that. Jack: Hmm? Thanks. Carly: You're welcome. I'll be right back. [SCENE_BREAK] Liberty: How are you feeling? Parker: My head kills. Liberty: Yeah, the doctor said it might hurt for a few days. Parker: Yeah, I know. I was there. Liberty: Hey, how about we listen to some music? Parker: You know, that would probably hurt a lot. Liberty: Oh, God, yeah, I'm sorry. Parker: Yeah, we never went over your bio homework. Liberty: Oh, Dude, I'll do that later. Parker: Are you sure? Liberty: Yes. Please, do not worry about that. Do you want some water? I can get you some food or something downstairs -- Parker: You're acting like my mom. Liberty: I know. I'm sorry. I got to breathe or something. It's just -- the thought of you almost getting hit by -- Parker: I know. I know, it's weird. Liberty: What's wrong? Parker: I'm just cold, a little bit. Liberty: Hey. Is that better? Wait, here, let's tuck you -- let's tuck you like that. Parker: That's a little bit -- Liberty: How about that? Parker: That's much better. So does this mean that you don't hate me? Liberty: Parker, I never said that I hate you. Parker: Well, you wanted to break up with me. Liberty: I was so upset. Parker: So we're good. Liberty: We're good. Parker: Good. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: So Johnny happens to disappear while Craig is arguing with you? And then he happens to find him just in time to save his life, quite the hero, don't you think? Josie: Why would Craig put Johnny in danger? Dusty: Maybe he didn't. Maybe he had someone watching him the whole time he was missing. Josie: That's pretty despicable. Dusty: He's done worse. Josie: But what does he get? Dusty: Well, we have a negotiation coming up, an agreement. And if we go to court, he's the hero and I'm the irresponsible one who let Johnny wander off. Josie: I did that. Dusty: No, I left him with you. Now he's got an open window to challenge me for custody. Josie: But he said that he wanted to handle this peacefully. Dusty: And you believe him? Josie: Well, he seems to care about Johnny. Dusty: He only cares about winning. Josie: If this is true, you cannot let him anywhere near Johnny. Dusty: Okay. Tom, it's Dusty. Remember that conversation we had earlier about compromising with Craig? Forget about it. We're going to war. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Hi. Carly: Hi. Thanks for meeting me. Craig: Another for me. And for the lady? Carly: Uh, chardonnay, please. Craig: How's Parker? Carly: He's okay. Aside from an awful headache, he's okay. Craig: Well, shouldn't you be clucking around him like a mother hen? Carly: Liberty is with him. Craig: Now, she seems like a nice girl. Carly: Yes, yes, she does. Unfortunately for them, her mother is Jack's new wife. Craig: Oh, well, that's why I love being back in Oakdale. Life everywhere else just seems too simple. Carly: Anyway, um, the reason I wanted to talk to you is that I wanted to tell you I'm sorry. Craig: For what? Carly: For slamming the door in your face like that. Craig: Forget about it. I would've done the same thing. Carly: Really? Craig: Yeah. It was stupid. I realize that now. Especially after today. Carly: A lot of things seemed stupid after today. Craig: I'm just glad I was there. When I think about what might have happened -- well, no parent should ever get that call. Carly: Bryant was just a bit older than Parker is now. Craig: When I saw that car coming towards them, all I could think of was, oh God, no, not again. Wow, sorry, I -- I didn't mean to go there. Carly: No, it's okay. Craig: Well, let me tell you, if anything ever happened to Johnny, that would be the end of me. And Parker's almost like another son. Carly: Hey, it's okay. They're both fine. Thanks to you. Craig: We both have a lot to be grateful for. Carly: We do. Craig: Well, if I didn't know that the most important thing in life was family before, I sure know it now. [NEXT_ON] Dusty: You're not going anywhere near Johnny. Craig: That's not your choice. Margo: That little alibi you coerced from Katie is about to be blown away. Brad: If I get the chance to see to it, that Craig rots in jail, I'm grabbing it. Craig: If I can help Katie, will you at least think about marrying me. Carly: All right, okay, fine, I will. | Dusty allows Craig to say hi to Johnny while he has a meeting with Tom |
298 | [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Billy: If I do talk to victoria, that's gonna ring the alarm bells, and she's gonna spring into action and do what she can to fix me. Victoria: What is this? Billy: It's a receipt for a few drinks. There was a guy in town from chicago, one of my colleagues that wanted to have a drink. So, we just had a couple drinks. Why? Well, the truth is I wish you could pass on some of your hard- earned wisdom to me. Lily: I have to keep moving forward, right? Billy: Mm. Here's to moving forward. Lily: Moving forward. Adam: You've already made your opinion about my relationship with chelsea clear, okay? Victor: I'm simply asking you if you can trust her. Dr. Blakely: Stage ii means the breast cancer is growing, but it's still contained in the breast and may involve the nearby lymph nodes. Sharon: Faith is going to need mariah's support. Nick: I can tell faith. Sharon: I just think she needs to hear it from me. [ Cellphone pings ] Mariah: Oh, I'm so sorry. Nikki: Oh, my goodness! Mariah: I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking. Nikki: Mariah, are you okay? Mariah: Um, ye-- uh, yeah. I hope so. Nikki: Hi, darling. Victoria: Hi, mom. Thank you so much for meeting me. Nikki: Oh, of course. It's no problem. But I don't have much time. Your father invited chelsea and adam over for dinner. What's going on? Victoria: Well, I wanted to do this in public so that i wouldn't lose my mind. Nikki: What is this? Victoria: It's the lie that i found in billy's pocket. Billy: I ran into a friend that I haven't seen in a while. Amanda: Yeah? Billy: She's been through a lot, and she's been doing some soul-searching, you know, figuring out who she is and where she belongs. Amanda: Same as you, hmm? Billy: Well, it really resonated with me, and it made me realize that I need to be honest with you. Amanda: About what? Billy: I lied about this, about us again. And this time I lied to victoria. Victor: Please come in. I'm so happy you could make it. Adam: Well, I still can't get over the way connor's face lit up when he saw the new additions to the game room. Victor: [ Laughing ] Oh. Chelsea: We're gonna have to pry him out of there. Victor: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Adam: So, where is nikki? Victor: She had an errand to do, and she'll be here shortly. Adam: I was hoping she wasn't opting out. Victor: No, no, no, no. We're both happy you accepted our invitation. Adam: Well, we are happy to be here. Victor: Good. You know that family means everything to me. Adam: And I meant it the other day when I said nothing means more to me than connor feeling connected to the newmans. Victor: Mm-hmm. Adam: But we are very much a package deal. There's no picking or choosing. So when you get one of us, you get all of us... Victor: Mm-hmm. Adam: ...Or nothing. Rey: Hey, hey. Take a deep breath. [ Both breathe deeply ] You got this. Hmm? Sharon: Yeah. I do. [ Door opens ] Faith: [ Crying ] Oh! Oh, I'm so sorry, mom. I shouldn't have snooped. It -- it was stupid and so wrong. I'm so sorry. Sharon: Faith, sweetheart, look at me. Hey. Hey. It's okay. You have nothing to apologize for. You didn't do anything wrong. What you found -- it was just something that I wasn't ready to talk about yet, but I am ready now, if you're ready to hear it. Faith: I-I'm not. Sharon: You're a lot braver than you think you are. I know this is really scary right now, but I'm gonna tell you the whole story, and then I'm gonna tell you why we don't need to worry so much, okay? Faith: Okay. Sharon: That's my girl. What does help for heart failure look like? Additional sponsorship Nikki: And you're sure that billy fabricated the story about this? Victoria: Well, I don't have proof, but every instinct is telling me that something's off. I talked to billy about it after I found the receipt, and he said he met a client there. Nikki: Okay. Victoria: I looked it up online, and I saw pictures. It's not your typical expense-account bar. It's more like a place you might go to meet your demons. Nikki: Maybe the client chose it? Victoria: I would ask billy about it tonight, but I wanted to talk to you first. Nikki: Because you're afraid you might push him away. Victoria: No, mom. It just seems like there's something more, like there's something he's not telling me. Nikki: Alright, then it's up to you to let him know that he can talk to you no matter what, that you'll understand or at least try to, but he cannot keep shutting you out like this. Victoria: I can do that. Nikki: And don't make it seem like you want to help him. Just be with him. Listen and, you know, be on his side. Victoria: I am. Nikki: And the last thing you want to do is make him feel like you're judging him. Amanda: You need to be honest with me about lying to victoria. Does that not sound off to you at all? Billy: I just didn't know what to say. Amanda: Billy. Billy: It would have been this whole thing about why we keep meeting up. Amanda: You couldn't have just told her that we're friends? Billy: Amanda, to the outside world, this looks like something else. Amanda: Like what? Billy: Like more, more than just a friendship. Amanda: Well, the best part of our friendship is that we can be honest with each other. Billy: Brutally on your part. Amanda: Oh, for me, it comes with the job. Billy: [ Chuckles ] Amanda: All I'm saying is that if you can't be honest with victoria about what's going on between us and you have to lie about seeing me, maybe it's time that you ask yourself why. And I think I want to hear the answer to this, too, billy. Sharon: I know you were hoping there was maybe another reason I had an appointment at a place called the breast cancer center, but the truth is that's what I have. Faith: Wow. [ Sniffles ] You have cancer. [ Breathes deeply ] Sharon: [ Sighs ] I know cancer is a very scary word to hear. And I'm scared, too. Trust me. I never thought that I would hear my name and the word "cancer" in the same sentence. But it's true. That's what I have. Faith: What happens now? Sharon: Well, there are a variety of ways to treat the type of cancer that I have. And the good news is the doctors think that I caught the tumor early enough. Faith: Before it could spread? Sharon: Exactly. Faith: So -- so that's good. And once you treat it, it won't come back. Sharon: Well, that is the plan. And I had a very good meeting with the person who will be overseeing my care. She's an oncologist, and they think that they can treat the tumor with a series of drugs. Faith: Chemotherapy. Sharon: Yes. And then when the tumor is small enough, they can just take it out, remove it. Faith: Surgery. Sharon: Yep. Faith: [ Sighs ] Mom -- Sharon: Sweetie, it's gonna be okay. It will be. And do you know how lucky I am? Faith: How can you say that you're lucky? Sharon: Because the doctors say that I found the tumor early enough on my own that it's treatable. Faith: [ Sniffles ] Are -- are you gonna die? I need to know. Just -- just please tell me. I can take it. Just don't lie to me. Sharon: Oh, honey... Faith: [ Sighs ] Please. Sharon: I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'm gonna be here for many years to come, lecturing you, telling you to clean your room. I'm gonna teach you to cook, birthday parties, graduations. Faith: You're really gonna be okay? Sharon: Yeah. I will. I know -- I know that this is really scary for you. Faith: Aren't you scared? Sharon: [ Voice breaking ] You know, I am. I am a little. But I, uh -- you know, I have a really good team of doctors and people who love me and I have a very good prognosis. Faith: [ Sighs ] What can I do? I want to do something to help. Sharon: I'm fine. Faith: No, you're gonna be going through chemo, like trinity's mom. Sharon: Who's trinity. Faith: She's this girl at my school. Her mom had cancer, and she lost all of her hair. So trinity shaved her head, too. Solidarity, you know? [ Sniffles ] But her mom's all better now. Sharon: Well, that's great. [ Sniffles ] Um, maybe you should e-mail her. Faith: I'll track her on social media. Rey: That sounds like some serious detective work. Faith: Want to watch me? I can give you some pointers. Rey: I would love that. Faith: Be right back. Sharon: Mm-hmm. Faith: [ Sighs ] Sharon: [ Sighs ] Nick: You did good. Sharon: Yeah. [ Sniffles ] [ Sighs ] I can do this. One kid at a time. Mariah: Hi. Um... I don't know what I did, um, but I'm sorry, and I can explain after you tell me what it is. If this is about tessa, guys, I'm -- I'm really okay. I-I miss her a lot, but I'm gonna manage, you know? She'll be home eventually, and it'll all go back to normal. Nick: That's not why you're here. Mariah: Why do you look so upset? Did somebody die? Sharon: Sweetie, come sit down. Mariah: No. I don't want to. Because sitting is what you do when something bad happened. Um...so just tell me. You're really scaring me. Sharon: I'm not scared. So you're not allowed to be, either. Okay? Mariah: Okay. Just talk please. Nikki: Oh, hello, everyone. I'm here. Hi, darling. Amanda: Glad you could make it. Nikki: Sorry I kept you all waiting. Victor: It's alright. Everything okay? Nikki: Oh, yeah. Great. Victor: Okay. Nikki: So, what did I miss? Catch me up. Victor: Well, chelsea just told me all about taking connor to the grand phoenix. Chelsea: Yeah. Nikki: Oh. Chelsea: He was so courageous. You should have seen him. Victor: You know, that was the first time he went back there since that horrific hostage crisis. How did it go? Chelsea: You know, he did really well, right? Wouldn't you say? Adam: Ah, it was good for all of us to see him there again. Chelsea: Yeah, adam and i have been there for him every step of the way, trying to make sure he feels safe and secure. Adam: Yeah. I think he's making progress. Victor: Well, you know, the winter break is always good, i think, to do some reflecting and, you know, rethinking and recharging. Nikki: So, what will you do when it's time for him to go back to school? Are you still reluctant to re-enroll him at walnut grove? Chelsea: [ Stammers ] Adam: Well, as I told my father the last time we spoke, chelsea and I will make the decisions about school together, about what's right for connor moving forward. Victor: Well, it may surprise both of you, but nikki and i have adopted a laissez-faire attitude, you know? Adam: Thank you. Victor: You know, it just crosses my mind. A little while ago, you were ready to go back to las vegas, saying you would never come back here. And here we are talking about my grandson. Adam: Well, some things -- they're just meant to be. Victor: Son, I'm proud of you. Adam: [ Chuckles ] Victor: You're putting your son's interests first. That means a lot to me. Adam: You know, dad, you almost sound sincere. Victor: Well, son I am, okay? And that was going to be part of my toast at dinner. Shall we? Adam: Well, we better go get the kid. Chelsea: Let's see if we can pull him away from the arcade games. Victor: If you can. Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] Victor: I'll bet you he loves it down there, alright? Nikki: You actually meant that, didn't you? Victor: Yeah, of course I did. Nikki: It's nice to see them happy, but don't forget for one minute that adam's happiness with chelsea has come at his brother's expense. Victor: Sweetheart, I don't forget a damn thing. [ Smooches ] Okay? Nikki: Yeah. Mariah: Cancer? You -- but -- no. They need to do another test. There's -- there's a problem. That -- that can't be possible. Sharon: Mariah, it's real. But it's going to be okay. Mariah: [ Sniffles ] Tell me everything so that I can help you through this. Sharon: Okay, well [Breathes deeply] First of all, um, I don't want you to be afraid to feel whatever you're feeling, okay? And don't think you have to hide anything from me. You don't beat this thing by hiding in a corner and wishing that it will just go away on its own. We win this by fighting. And that's exactly what I intend to do. I am going to fight this with all of the strength that I have. And I might need to borrow a little bit of yours from time to time. Mariah: Of course. Of course. You've got it. And you are going to kick cancer's butt because you are a gladiator. Just bulldoze it good. Sharon: Head on. Mariah: We need t-shirts. Nick: I do look pretty good in pink. [ Both laugh ] Mariah: Wait. Does faith know? Sharon: Yeah. She's upstairs with rey, but, you know, she might need you to lean on a little bit. Mariah: Of course. I have two very strong shoulders. I'll be here all night. Sharon: Mind if I borrow one for a minute? [ Chuckles ] Mariah: Of course. Whew. We are going to fight like hell, walk through fire, and come out stronger and tougher than ever before. Sharon: [ Chuckles ] [ Sniffles ] Thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer, Billy: Have I been inappropriate? Have I given you the wrong impression? Amanda: No. Billy: Okay, well, then why would you think that there's something else going on besides a friendship? I'm pretty sure I told you from the beginning I wasn't looking for anything more. Amanda: It felt like a question that needed to be asked again since we know each other better. Billy, I like that we're friends. I do. Billy: Yeah. So do I. Amanda: Do you have any other friends that you lie to victoria abut? Billy: No. Amanda: Interesting. Billy: You're gonna have to give me more than that. Amanda: Are you sure you can handle it? Billy: Try me. Amanda: Well, you said that you had a breakthrough moment with your friend that you mentioned earlier. She steered you in the right direction. She helped you see that telling the truth was the best way through. Instead of going home and talking to your partner, you called me, billy. Why? Billy: 'Cause I know what her reaction would be. Amanda: You should have gone to her anyway to honor what you two have, unless you don't want that anymore. Billy: I never said that. And I'm not proud of shutting her out. Look [Sighs] I see my friend and, you know, she goes through some things and she -- she does some work on herself and she's got this opportunity to become authentic, you know, to find her true self and I don't get that opportunity. I go down this path, and the minute I veer off the path that other people think that I should be on, they call out the hounds, the professionals, the experts. Amanda: That's gotta be tough. Billy: Do I seem broken to you? Amanda: What I think doesn't matter, billy. Billy: It matters to me. Amanda: Well, I think it's a question that you have to take home. Billy: [ Breathes deeply ] Amanda: Billy, if this is who you are, then you have to have a conversation with victoria. And if she can't accept you at your core... you deserve to know that, too. Faith: [ Sighs ] Family group hug without me? Nice try. Sharon: You mind if I borrow my girls for a minute? Nick: Sure. Sharon: So, I want you to know that I found this tumor because I did a self breast exam, and when I first found the lump, I didn't know what it was. And I told myself that it was nothing. Mariah: That must have been hell. Sharon: Well, I knew the right thing to do was to find the truth and to follow up on it, and that's what I did. I scheduled a mammogram, and then I had an ultrasound and a biopsy. Faith: You kept it a secret this whole time? Sharon: I didn't want to frighten you. But I want you to know that this started with me doing my own self-exam. I was checking out the girls. You know, you are in charge of your own bodies and your own health. And I want you to know what i found and what a lump can feel like. I want you to know beyond a shadow of a doubt so that you can take care of yourself if something like this ever happens to you, god forbid. Faith: Okay. Sharon: Okay? So, I have some bruising. Well, I have a lot of bruising. But are you up for this? Faith: Fearless...almost. Mariah: [ Chuckles ] Sharon: Let's go. Mariah: Okay. Rey: That's a hell of a woman. Nick: That she is. I'm leah and that's me long before "The young and the restless" will continue. "The young and the restless" will continue. Victor: You know, I've got to tell you that I'm very happy that you accepted our invitation, came with the whole family. Adam: Mm. Well, I'm glad you invited us. But, you know, I still haven't forgotten everything you said about chelsea the other day. And I look forward to proving you wrong. Victor: So, what's next for you now that things have settled down? Adam: I've actually been thinking about that. You know, now that I have connor back in my life, I'm kind of seeing things differently. Victor: So, what do you think you're gonna do? Adam: I have decided it's time to focus on creating a legacy for him. And to that end, I think it's time to get back into business. Victor: Mm-hmm. Mm. What kind of business? Adam: I'll maybe get dark horse back on its feet. I mean, I know that was nick's company. Victor: He started that company to be competition for newman enterprises. Adam: Really? Victor: Really. Nick: I hooked up some snacks in the kitchen if anyone's interested. Sharon: Oh, that was sweet of you guys. Faith: So, I've been thinking. Mariah: Uh-oh. Sharon: [ Chuckles ] Faith: I don't think I should go back to boarding school. Sharon: Oh, faith. Faith: My place is here with you. Mariah: Mom, she's got a point. Faith: Dad? Nick: She loves you. We all do. And she needs you right now. Faith: Three to one. Rey: Uh, four. We're a team. I say she stays. Sharon: Okay, I'm outnumbered, but you all have to agree on one thing -- life goes on. Your lives need to stay as normal as possible, and we will figure out your school situation by the end of winter break. Faith: I will stay up to speed on my classwork. I'm staying with you. We're a family, all of us. Mariah: And that means you will always, always have people to lean on. Billy: Vick, you home? Victoria: I'm in the living room. Billy: We should talk. Victoria: You took the words right out of my mouth. Billy: Do you mind if I go first? Maybe I can answer some questions. Victoria: Yes. Please do. Billy: The other night, uh, when were talking about that receipt, when you asked me about it, I wasn't entirely honest with you. Victoria: Who were you with? Are you seeing someone? Billy: No. No, I'm not, vick. I love you. I love our family. I love our life. You know that. Victoria: Then what does all of this mean? Billy: I'm just going through some things in my head, and I'm realizing that I don't want to shut them down anymore. Victoria: Then talk to me. Billy: I want to. Victoria: Okay. So, you'll talk to me and we'll -- we'll get it out in the open and whatever it is, we'll fix it. I mean, we'll do the hard work. We'll dig in deep, and no matter how long it takes, we'll fix it. Billy: Yeah, see, that's the thing exactly right there. I mean, I know that you're being kind and you're being generous and that you're trying to understand, but that's exactly why I-I don't want to talk to you about this. Has asthma pushed you into a smaller life? Adam: You know, I've been making plans. And when I shared them with victor, I got less pushback than I expected. Chelsea: Care to share these plans with the mother of your child? Adam: Mm. What would you say if I told you I was thinking about resurrecting dark horse? Chelsea: Going back to the office and getting behind a desk again, wheeling and dealing with other multimillion-dollar corporations, making executive decisions all day while devoting all of your energies toward something positive, making your son and I really, really proud? Adam: Most definitely. Chelsea: How could I possibly get behind you doing something like that? What? What is it? Adam: I just don't think i can love you any more than I do right now. Chelsea: Challenge accepted. Sharon: This is just a journey that I have to take. And sometimes it's going to suck, and sometimes I'm going to need you a little more than usual. And there are going to be tears and frustration. But how lucky am I? I look around this room, and i can't imagine a better group of people to get me through this. Mariah: Whatever you need. Faith: Day or night. Nick: You are gonna get so tired of us hovering and helping that you're probably gonna run for the hills. [ Laughter ] Sharon: Not a chance. Rey: Yo, would you help me with something? Let's move this table right here. Alright, now everybody gather 'round. Hold hands. Get close. Uh-huh. Get close. That's right. That's right. Unh-unh, you -- you're in the middle. Sharon: Oh. Rey: Mm-hmm. Just like that. [ Breathes deeply ] Now everybody take a look around, hmm? We are team sharon, and our mission is to be whatever and wherever your mother needs us to be at any time, under any circumstance, until we are on the other side of this thing. Mariah: Team sharon. Nick: Team sharon. Rey: Team sharon. Faith: Team mom. [ Light laughter ] Sharon: [ Cries ] Billy: I know how much you care about me. And what I'm trying to explain is you -- you don't need to care so much. Victoria: Oh. I shouldn't care about you? Billy: No, that's not what I'm saying. Victoria: Well, please figure it out and make this make sense to me. Billy: Look, vick, you don't know what it's like, okay, to go through your whole life, everyone telling you that you're a screw-up, but not to worry about it because, you know, "we'll fix you." But you start to believe that that's true. Victoria: You're not a screw-up, billy. Billy: I know that. That's my point. Victoria: But you have needed help. You've struggled, and that's not something that we can just ignore. And I'm not talking about the gambling right now. Billy: No, I know -- because it's more than that. Victoria: Did you forget what almost happened and what you almost did to adam? And afterwards, that nightmare at the boathouse? Billy: Look, what happened in the boathouse changed my life, alright? But I am not some virus with a symptom that's gonna just show itself as soon as you turn your back. And I don't want to live my life in a cocoon, trying to protect myself from relapsing again. I just want to be who I am, and I don't want to feel ashamed of that person just because it's not who you want me to be. Victoria: How long has this been going on? Billy: It's been going on for a while. And today I realized that I need to talk about it. Victoria: Well, what changed today, billy? Billy: I told you that I went to have a drink with a colleague, and that's not actually true. It was amanda. Victoria: Amanda? Amanda... Billy: Amanda the attorney. She's a friend of mine. Victoria: What? Billy: I talk, and she listens. Victoria: Oh, you talk? What exactly do you talk about? Billy: Everything. Victoria: This? Everything that you've refused to share with me, you've shared with her? Week after week, you shut me out, you say that everything's fine, and then you spend time with amanda? Billy: Vick, I didn't mean to hurt you. Victoria: She's practically a stranger. Billy: I didn't mean to hurt you. Victoria: She what? What -- what does she do? She listens to you? She encourages you? She tells you that she doesn't want to change you? Oh, good for you, billy. You found yourself a cheerleader. Well, congratulations. I'm happy that you have someone to talk to. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I've been such a burden and for being foolish enough to -- to think that you loved me enough to have these kind of conversations with me. Mariah: Hey, tess, it's, uh, me. I just wanted to call and say that...I miss you. And I wish you were here or at least on the other end of this phone call because [Sighs] I really need to hear your voice right now. But don't worry. Everything's -- everything's fine, under control, as usual. So I guess I will... talk to you later. Okay. I love you. [ Exhales heavily ] Nick: [ Sighs ] I know you said you wanted some water, but... sweetheart. Faith: [ Crying ] I know i shouldn't be doing this... and I should be strong for mom. I don't want her to see me cry, but how could this happen to her, dad, to us? Nick: I don't know. Faith: I love her so much. Nick: I know you do. I know. Faith: [ Exhales heavily ] [ Inhales sharply ] Okay, okay, I'll snap out of it. [ Sniffles ] Just give me a few minutes, and I'll be good again. Nick: Hey, there's no special way you have to be. Faith: Yes, there is. I have to get myself together so I can go back to mom's house. Nick: Let's just, uh -- let's give her some time. Faith: I don't want her to be alone. Nick: Well, she's not alone. She's got rey. And she knows all she has to do is call and we will be there. She's gonna be okay, faith. Faith: Promise? Nick: Come here. Faith: [ Breathes deeply ] Rey: So, I think things went pretty well with mariah and faith. Hey, talk to me. Look at me, huh? Whatever it is... Sharon: I lied... when I kept saying that I wasn't scared because I'm terrified and nothing has ever scared me as much as this has. Rey: You are strong -- Sharon: Don't -- no. I'm not strong, and please don't tell me that I got this. Rey: Okay. You know, you'd be crazy if you weren't scared. But this is gonna be our secret, and we are going to get through this. Come here. Come here. Sharon: [ Sighs ] Victoria: I have to get out of here. Billy: No, don't do that, not yet, please. Victoria: Why should I stay? Billy: Because I'm trying to explain myself to you so you don't go and overreact. Victoria: I'm not overreacting. Billy: Okay, I'm being a little clumsy here, and I'm trying to get it right, vick. Victoria: No, you're coming through loud and clear. I shouldn't be afraid to let you be you because [Sighs] Even though you get off on having massive amounts of chaos in your life, you're basically still a good guy...even though you almost murdered adam. And now I'm learning that you didn't love me enough to be honest with me because now you have a new friend who doesn't judge you the way that I do. Well, I'm so sorry billy. Well, at least -- at least you don't love her, right? Billy: I love you. You know that. Victoria: I don't know what i know anymore. I-I know that this sure as hell isn't love. I don't know what it is. I don't know who you are. Billy: Vick, please just -- Victoria: Don't! | Victor likes the idea and so does Chelsea so Adam goes ahead with olans to restart the company |
299 | Meg: Hey. Mike: Hey. Meg: You're a bit overdressed to be working out in the fields, aren't you? Mike: Oh, I'm going to corporate today. I got a meeting in Chicago with some investment partners. Meg: Really? I thought Paul handled all that stuff. Mike: Paul? Paul who? [SCENE_BREAK] [Paul remembering] Meg: Let's get out of here. [SCENE_BREAK] Sofie: Paul? I went by the office. They said you hadn't been in yet. Everything okay? Paul: Fine. You should have called, Sofie. I could have saved you the trip. Sofie: But I needed to see you. I have something for you. [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: Well, I hope you're not doing this for me. Mike: Doing what? Meg: Freezing Paul out. Mike: No, I'm not. Technically, yeah, Paul and I are partners, but I just need his signature on checks. His involvement is strictly financial. Meg: So, cutting Paul out of this meeting -- Mike: Is completely above board. It just makes life easier on everyone. [Sighs] Meg: Okay, if you say so. Mike: All this talk about Paul -- he -- he really got to you the other night at Metro, didn't he? Paul: You have something for me? Sofie: Yeah, it's just a little something to thank you for dancing with me at Metro the other night. Paul: Sofie, you don't have to thank me for dancing with you. Sofie: Well, it's not just the dancing. You know, it was the first time since I got here that I felt like I really belonged. Paul: Why? You have every right to be wherever you choose. Sofie: But to be there with you, it was -- Paul: It's no big deal. It was nothing. Sofie: Not to me. So, that's why I want you to have this. So you'll know just how very special that night was to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: I can't think of a better way to spend the day. Katie: Too bad we can't. We cannot ignore our responsibilities. Brad: I can ignore anything, except you. Katie: Food, work and Liberty. Brad: Room service, sick day, and Liberty will be fine on her own for a couple of hours. Katie: Ooh, I don't know about that. Bad things seem to happen when we leave that girl alone. [Sighs] Brad: If you were that worried about it, then you shouldn't have sent Janet packing. Katie: I'm sorry, but the way Liberty's been acting out, I think it's a good thing. Janet hasn't been exactly a good influence on her. Brad: I don't know. Katie: I do. I know it sounds horrible, but for Liberty's sake, I'm glad Janet's gone. [SCENE_BREAK] Liberty: So, I have my own hotel room, all to myself. Dylan: All to yourself? It would rule to hang there sometime. Liberty: If you're lucky. Janet: Hey, you guys should try one of those pepper snapper things over at Al's Diner. Oh, talk about delish. Liberty: What the hell are you doing here? [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: Why are you getting dressed? Katie: Because we have to pretape those segments for the show today. Brad: That is not until this afternoon. The morning is all ours. Katie: Oh, remember, Liberty said she wanted to come by the studio? Why don't you have breakfast with her this morning and bring her by this afternoon. Brad: You know what? That is a -- that is a -- that is a great idea. That sounds like a plan. I'm -- I'm gonna give her a call. [SCENE_BREAK] Janet: Who was that? Liberty: Wrong number. Dylan: You know each other? Janet: Better than anyone. This here is my little girl. Judd: Wait, you are her mother? Janet: The one and only. Judd: Cool. Dylan: So, Judd, let's split. Let them talk. Liberty: Oh, no. Guys, wait? You really don't have to go. Come on. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: So, give me a call when you get this. Katie had this great idea of what we could do today. All right, bye. Katie: She didn't answer? Brad: No, voicemail. She's probably in the shower or something. Katie: Okay. Well, if I don't hear otherwise, I'll see you guys at the studio. Brad: Hey, wait. Wait. Wait up, wait up. I want to tell you something. Something serious. Katie: Should I be worried? Brad: You should be afraid. Very afraid. No. No. I just want you know how much I appreciate how nice you've been to Liberty. And it seems like you really care about her. Katie: I do. Brad: She's lucky to have you in her life. So, is her old man. Katie: Well, I kind of have a soft spot for her old man. Can you blame me? [SCENE_BREAK] Liberty: Thanks for scaring off my friends. Janet: Oh, Honey, you are so cute. They'll be back. Trust me. Liberty: Speaking of that -- what are you doing here? Janet: Simple answer -- you need me. Liberty: No, I'm doing fine on my own. Thanks. I -- I have my dad. I have my own room. And I have a step mom who, lucky for me, really likes to buy me things. Janet: Okay, okay. That's all well and good, but a girl your age needs her mama. The further I got away from Oakdale, the more I felt the pull to come right back. And so you know what I did? I rented me a car -- piece of crap car, by the way, but that's a different story -- and I drove that sucker all night long to get back to my you. Liberty: How maternal of you. Liberty: You didn't need to say it. Look, you can come back and take a shower at my place or whatever. Janet: Wonderful. Liberty: As soon as you admit that Dad is the real reason that you came back. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: These are -- Sofie: Cufflinks. Paul: Yeah, I got that. Sofie, that's very sweet, but -- Sofie: Well, you were so encouraging about my jewelry that I wanted you to have something from my line. Paul: And they're really nice. But you shouldn't be giving away your inventory. Sofie: My inventory? Paul: Yeah, you should sell these, make yourself a bunch of money. Sofie: Paul, no. I don't want to sell them. I want -- they're a gift from me to you. Please just say thank you. Paul: Thank you. And thank you for stopping by. Sofie: Well, you know, I was thinking that maybe we could, you know, go out somewhere nice, get dressed up. You could be, like, a walking advertisement for my line. Paul: Sofie -- Sofie: Well, I just thought that since we broke the ice on this dancing thing that we could go do it somewhere else again. Paul: Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea. Listen, the other night -- Sofie: The other night, it was very, very special to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: Okay, at first, I was bothered seeing Paul and Sofie together. Mike: Which is exactly what he wanted. Come on. He only put on that little show to shake you up. Don't let him get away with it. Meg: I won't. He hasn't. Mike: Yeah, right. Meg: Okay, it's true. It's true. On the way home, I did think about it, about how childish it was. Mike: That is a great word for it. Meg: And how Paul will never be able to put my feelings first. Mike: Wow, when you put it like that, I am really convinced that he didn't get to you. Meg: But that's not the important part. Mike: What is? Meg: Well, when I woke up this morning, Paul Ryan was the furthest thing from my mind. Mike: Oh, I'm happy to hear you say that. And I would be even happier if it were true. Meg: Okay, don't you have a meeting to go to? Mike: You're right. And so all this grilling me about Paul is because he is the farthest thing from your mind? Meg: Go away. Go -- go -- go do business. Go. Mike: Thanks for the coffee. Meg: Yep. I am still not thinking about Paul. Mike: Just checking. Meg: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Barbara: Well, what are the odds of finding you two together? Am I interrupting something? Paul: No, not at all. I was just about to call you and find out if you're okay. Barbara: I'm perfectly fine. Why wouldn't I be? Paul: Because no doctor in their right mind would sign off on what you did, staying out till all hours of the evening. Barbara: Hey, hey, I know what my limits are, all right? Paul: Come sit down. I'll get you some tea. Barbara: Actually, Sofie can get me some tea. Very strong, with lemon. Is that all right? Sofie: Yeah, fine. I'll be right back. Paul: Subtle. Barbara: I think subtlety is lost on you, so I'm gonna make myself very clear -- Paul: You are always very clear about everything. Barbara: Whatever is going on between the two of you is going to stop. Paul: There is nothing going on between the two of us. Barbara: Don't you lie to me. You stop encouraging that girl. Do you understand? [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: Hey, what are you doing here? Henry: Hey. I just wanted to see how you were doing. Katie: I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be? Henry: Okay. If you say you're fine, then you are, or you're in denial. Katie: What does that mean? Henry: Listen, I'm your number-one fan. I never, ever miss a show. Katie: Oh. You saw Janet. Henry: I saw a lot of Janet. So, you don't have to tell me you're fine. Not when the mother of your hubby's child is so -- so -- Katie: So what? Henry: Well, the girl is not hiding her light under a bushel, as Emma Snyder might say. Katie: Thanks for that folk wisdom. It would have been a lot easier coming from Emma. Henry: I just -- I just -- I wanted to say that it can't be easy. Katie: It's fine. She's gone. She left. Henry: She left already? Kate: Mm-hmm. And she's not coming back any time soon. Henry: Uh-huh. So she just dropped in for a visit? Katie: No, she obviously wanted to stay longer, but I talked to Brad and he asked her to go. Henry: You made him send away his baby's mama? Katie: Well, it sounds bad when you put it that way. Henry: There's a nice way to say it, Katie? Katie: You don't understand. There were some very good reasons. Henry: Yeah. Yeah, two of them. Katie: What the hell are you guys doing? Cameraman #1: Quality control. Katie: What, you've never seen a woman before? Cameraman #2: Not like her. Katie: Well, too bad. You're never gonna see those again. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: Hey, Liberty, open up. It's your dad. It's your dad. Come on. Come on, Liberty, open up. Liberty? Janet: She's not here. That's right. I'm back. Brad: You -- you -- Janet: Look great? Just like you remembered? Defy gravity? Brad: You came back. Janet: I had to. Bradley, come on. Why are you being so shy for? Come on, in high school, on prom night, you were not shy at all. You know what I mean? Brad: I've grown up since then. Janet: Okay, come on. You can turn around. Besides, it's not like it's anything you haven't seen before. Brad: Okay, look, Janet, I don't want to be rude or anything, but, what are you doing back here? I thought we decided that you were gonna go back home. Janet: I thought I decided that, too. I mean, I tried. And like I was telling Liberty -- Brad: What? You already saw Liberty? Janet: Uh, yeah. This is her hotel room, remember? Anyway, like I was telling Liberty, it's like the further away I got, just the more in my gut it didn't feel right. And I now know -- this is where I belong. [SCENE_BREAK] Henry: Yeah, see, that's what I'm talking about. I had this distinct impression that Janet would rub you the wrong way. Katie: No, no. It's not that. Henry: Hmm? Katie: It's not that I don't like Janet, or even that I'm jealous of her -- Henry: Endowments. Katie: Oh, come on. Actually, Janet showing up here just proved to me how much Brad really loves me. Henry: How? Katie: Because I voiced my concerns to him and he really listened. Not only did he listen, he agreed with me. Janet is a real handful. Henry: On so many levels. Katie: Oh, stop it. There's just something about her that I don't trust. She's very unpredictable, you know? Well, you saw how she just barged onto the set and took over. How self-absorbed can you get? Ask yourself, Henry, is that the kind of person you want in an impressionable young girl's life? Brad: Look, Janet, what you said about coming back here, I mean, I know you love Liberty, and I know it's -- I know it's hard for you to leave her behind, but you did it because you thought that she and I should have a chance to get to know each other. Janet: And you will have a chance to get to know each other. I won't stand in the way. I promise. Brad: It's just that you're turning your whole life upside down when you don't have to. Oakdale is not your home. Do you -- do you really want to live here? Janet: Why not? I mean, this is where my baby girl is. Brad: She's not exactly a baby anymore. Janet: Well, she's not exactly an adult, either. In case you haven't noticed. Brad: I know that. I know that, but she has me, and she has -- she has Katie, and we're gonna take really good care of her. Okay? She'll be fine. Janet: I know, but I'm just afraid I'm gonna miss her too much. Brad: Look, she's gonna visit you, I promise. It's just -- I just I don't know what you're gonna find here. You know, I don't think it's fair for you to give up your whole life, your friends, everything. Janet: Oh, please. You don't have to worry about me. I am very adaptable. Brad: It's just -- it seems like a very emotional decision. Janet: It is emotional, Bradley, okay? It is emotional. She grew up without a father. Brad: I know that, but that is exactly why -- Janet: No, and that's mostly my fault. I get it. But now that Libby has found you and you're here together, I want to be a part of that. Liberty: Boy, you sure work fast, don't you, Mom? [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: You need to stop saying I'm involved with Sofie. There's nothing going on between the two of us. Barbara: You used her. You danced with her at Metro to try to get a rise out of Meg. Paul: I was just trying to make her have a nice time. Barbara: And it didn't work because Meg went home with Mike Kasnoff. Paul: Yes, Mother, I noticed that. Barbara: So you didn't make a very big impact on Meg, but you sure made a big one on Sofie. Paul: I was just dancing. Barbara: I don't think she would agree that nothing is going on, Paul. Paul: Look, I have tried to be very clear with her, okay? I can't seem to get through to her. Barbara: Oh, you got through to her, all right. And that's what's got to stop. Paul: Well, I don't know what to say to her. Barbara: It's what you have to do, all right? And if you go with me on this, I think I have an idea that just might work. [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: Sally, how nice to see you. Sally: How long have we been neighbors? Meg: Um, I -- Sally: Over 30 years, and this is what it's come to? Meg: Sally, come in and tell me what's wrong. Sally: I have tried to put up with the noise, the drilling, the trucks coming and going all day. Meg: I am so sorry. I didn't realize -- Sally: But this is the last straw. My kitchen's flooding, and these two won't lift a finger to help. Meg: Is that true? Workman #1: We offered to move everything out. Sally: What I need is for you to dig up that pipe that burst. Workman #2: We can't do that without authorization. Mike's not here. Meg: Okay, I'll try and reach him. We will take care of this, I promise. Excuse me. !http://atwt%20may%2015_files/image001.gif Barbara: So, I got some very positive feedback on your designs and very good comments, good reactions, and Paul agrees with me. Sofie: You've been talking to people about my jewelry? Paul: Well, no, I didn't have to. I could see what their reaction was. And that's why when Mom made her pitched, I thought it was a great idea. Sofie: An idea. Barbara: Well, starting up a new business venture is difficult enough, and besides, you need seed money for the development of the product line and the launch. And, well, I am very happy to tell you that, thanks to Paul, we're fully funded. Sofie: You gave us the money? Paul: No, no. I didn't give anybody any money. I made an invested. Sofie: Thank you. Barbara: There's still a lot to talk about, Sofie. [Cell phone ringing] Paul: Excuse me. Meg? Meg: Hey, I am so sorry to bother you. Paul: No, it's never a bother. What's up? Meg: We have a problem on the construction site, and Mike is not here, and I can't reach him. Paul, I really need your help. Paul: I'm on my way. I got to go. Sofie: Where? What happened? Paul: It's no big deal. It's just a little emergency down at the job site. Sofie: What about the meeting? Paul: I got to go. Meg needs me. Barbara: Now, listen, you and I will be running the business. Paul is a silent partner. You and I will be handling everything on a day-to-day basis. He'll have nothing to do with that. Do you understand? Sofie: You really think that's the best way to do it? Barbara: Trust me. It's the only way. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: Liberty, I want you to know that what you walked in on just now was completely innocent. Liberty: Right. That's sure how it looked. Brad: But I have a question for you. How come you didn't tell me that your mother was back? Liberty: Look, is was just a surprise to me, too. I mean, she just came up to me, started chatting like nothing was wrong. Brad: You didn't think that I'd be interested in knowing that she was back? Liberty: You and Katie just finally had some time together. I mean, I thought you'd find out on your own, but looks like you already did. Janet: Sheesh. I don't know what the big deal is. We were just having a parental conversation. Liberty: About who? Janet: Oh, she's a real pistol, ain't she? Brad: Yeah. [Cell phone ringing] Hey -- hey, Katie, Katie Honey. Hey, hi, what's up? Katie: I was calling to ask you the same thing. Is something wrong? I thought you and Liberty would be here by now. Brad: No. I mean -- yeah. It's just -- I'm just -- I'm just running a little late. That's all. Just running late. Katie: Is everything okay? You sound kind of weird. Brad: I am great. I think it's just the reception. You know, I'm gonna call you back later. Katie: But -- [Speaking in broken words] Brad: Barely hear you. Liberty: What's the matter, Dad? I mean, you didn't think Katie wanted to hear about our big family surprise? Janet: Hey, hey, hey. Come here. Why don't we go down to that lovely bar? In fact, you go down and get me a diet soda with lemon, okay? Liberty: Mom, they have them in the minibar. Janet: They don't have lemon in the minibar. Liberty: That's so subtle. Janet: Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Bye. Brad: This is getting really complicated. Janet: Really? I think it's pretty simple. I want to be a part of Liberty's life. And I think that deep down inside, even though she won't admit it, Liberty wants that, too. Brad: She didn't seem real thrilled. Janet: You got to learn to read your daughter, Bradley. Nothing is as it seems. I mean, that's why she was just acting out. She wants attention from her parents. Both of her parents. Brad: I don't think Liberty is acting out. Janet: What would you call it? Brad: Look, I think she's in transition. That's all. I mean, she -- everything is new to her, school, friends, me, Katie. But she'll get used to all of us, and when she does, she will settle down. I know it. Janet: Well, I hope you're right. Don't you think it makes sense for her to have a little stability in her life, like, you know, having her mother around? Brad: You've made up your mind about this, haven't you? Janet: Look, nothing against you, Bradley, but I just -- I can't walk out of her life now that you're in it. She's my daughter. Brad: Right. Janet: And besides, I think this is gonna be really fun. All of us getting to know each other and stuff. What do you say? It's gonna be great. Here, I want to show you this. Brad: What's this? Janet: Her baby book. It's got pictures of her and her drawings from school. Brad: Wow. She's so beautiful. Janet: From the moment she was born, she looked just like you. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Meg? Meg: Hey, come on in. Paul: Hi. You sure it's okay I'm here? Meg: Yeah, I called you myself. Paul: I know, but it's not like a trick, right? Well, you have a restraining order. Meg: Yeah, I know, and I would never do something like that. Paul: Okay, I just don't -- I don't want to cross any lines. Meg: Paul, I already told you on the phone, this isn't personal. It's business. I'm trying not to get you sued. [SCENE_BREAK] Barbara: Any questions about the contract? Sofie: It -- it looks fine. Don't you think we should call Paul and see if he's okay? Barbara: And why would he not be okay? Sofie: I don't trust Meg. I mean, all of a sudden, out of the blue, she has to have him there right now? You know, the other night at Metro, she was all ready to have him arrested for being in the same room with her. Barbara: You know what? You are going to have to understand and accept that Paul and Meg have a very complicated relationship. The dynamics change hourly. Sofie: Which is not fair. Paul deserves better than that. Barbara: Listen, you can have your own opinion, but you're gonna have to keep it to yourself. Sofie: But Paul -- Barbara: You know what, Sofie? Nothing you can do is gonna change how Paul feels about Meg. Or about you. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Hi. I understand there's some kind of a problem. Sally: You're darn right there's a problem. My kitchen's under water, and no one seems to want to fix it. Paul: Well, I'll tell you what, Guys, why don't you go take care of this? Stop whatever you're doing and fix that pipe. I have a cell number. You can call me if there's a problem. Okay, we'll take care of this. Any other arrangements we can make for you? Sally: I know you. You're famous. Paul: No, I'm not. Sally: Of course you are. I read the papers once in a while, Mr. Ryan. And when I do, it seems you're always getting arrested. Why should I trust anything you say? [SCENE_BREAK] Barbara: Sofie, Paul wants you to do well, but it's a business investment for him. You can't take it as proof of something else. Sofie: It's proof that I'm right. Paul has another side to him. Everybody keeps talking about how angry he is, how he keeps to himself, but I know how kind and open and generous he can be. Barbara: And I'm his mother. And I know that, too. But, Honey, you can't mistake generosity and compassion for something else. Paul's not in love with you. And he never will be. [SCENE_BREAK] Henry: You've been quiet for too long. You're making me nervous. Katie: Something's going on with Brad. Henry: Any ideas what? Katie: Well, he was supposed to have breakfast with Liberty and then bring her here. Maybe she's upset that her mother left. Henry: Wouldn't he have told you that? Katie: No, Brad likes to think he has this whole parenting thing under control. If that's what's going on, it's my fault. I'm the one who asked Janet to leave. Henry: You're thinking of taking some action, aren't you? Katie: If I caused this, I should be the one talking to Liberty. Or at least let her know that Brad and I are a united front. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: And this was -- Janet: Learning to walk. Brad: Oh. I wish I could have seen that. Liberty: Now what are you two doing? Janet: Oh, Honey, come here. We're looking at your baby book. Liberty: Oh, joy. Brad: No, no. Come -- come here, come here. Come here, look with us. Come here. Liberty: I'll pass. Thanks. Janet: And, wait. This -- this is when I took her to the fair, and she fell in love with the llamas. The llamas. They were so tall. They were taller than her. Oh, and this is -- this is -- okay, this is a birthday party, a really cute birthday party that she went to, and she got her face painted like a daisy. Liberty: Mom, it was like a sunflower. Brad: No, it really does looks like a daisy. Janet: Yeah, it does. See? Liberty: Dude, it was a sunflower. Can you not see the black circle painted on my nose? Janet: I don't know. Brad: Look at that dress. Liberty: Oh, I was so disgusting. Janet: Her first day of school. Brad: What are you talking about? You look adorable. Janet: You look so cute. Liberty: No, Mom. I look like one of those weird pink marshmallow things that you, like, you put in an Easter basket. Janet: I love those things. Brad: Okay, who's that guy? Janet: Oh, that was her first boyfriend. Liberty: Don't tell him -- Brad: Who's that? Janet: Her first boyfriend. Brad: Her boyfriend? Liberty: He was not my boyfriend. Janet: Yes, he was. Brad: Hey, I got a problem with that! Yes. Liberty: He was the weird kid I had to sit next that ate glue. And, okay, listen to this, on the bus, he would barf, and it was literally white. [Laughter] Brad: All right! All right. He's out of there. [Laughter] Janet: Your ears were so funny. Remember they were big. They stuck out like a -- Brad: Katie. Katie: Janet, I didn't know you were back. Janet: Surprise! I didn't even plan it. I just -- you know, I just couldn't stay away from my little sweetie. Katie: Right. Brad, can we talk in the hall? Brad: Yeah, we were -- we were just -- I'll be right -- yeah, I'll be -- Janet: She didn't look that happy to see me. Liberty: Uh-uh. Katie: You want to tell me what the hell's going on here? Brad: Janet decided she was gonna miss Liberty too much, so she had to come back. I am just as surprised to see her as you are. Katie: Then why didn't you tell me when I called? Brad: I just didn't know how to explain it on the phone. Katie: Well, like this. Janet came back. Brad: They were -- Katie, they were just -- they were just standing right there, all right? You know, and besides, I don't think it's that big of a deal. Katie: Oh, you don't? You don't? You know exactly how I feel about this. Brad: Maybe I -- I just feel sorry for Janet. Katie: Why? Brad: Because she wants to be there when Liberty has her father around for the first time, and as a parent, I understand that. Katie: You did not just say that. [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: Look, Sally, I'm sure your kitchen will be fine. Sally: I'm not. Look how long your young man has been gone. It's because he can see with his own eyes what a disaster. Paul: Okay, everything's all set. We got some industrial fans set up. The place should be dry in a couple of hours. Sally: Really? Paul: Yep, and I've got a mold inspector coming. I really don't think that's gonna be an issue. I think everything's gonna be fine. Sally: That's very nice of you. Paul: Okay, now, you have two options. Now that it's dry, we can re-lay the linoleum and make sure that it's sealed, or I have an overrun of pine flooring. I'd be happy to install it for you. Give you a nice little country kitchen. It might look really nice. Sally: Why, thank you. Paul: No, no, no. Thank you. Thank you for putting up with all of this. Meg's always said what a great neighbor you are. Sally: You know what, Meg? You have excellent taste. [SCENE_BREAK] Sofie: I know that you're trying to protect me, but I think I know a little better than you do how Paul might feel about me. Barbara: I think you're believing what you want to believe, not what's true. Paul's heart belongs to Meg. Sofie: But that's changing. That's changing. Things have -- things have happened between me and Paul. Barbara: Things that never should have happened. Things that are not gonna give you what you want because they don't mean to Paul what they mean to you. And I'm very sorry about that. Sofie: Barbara, you don't understand. Barbara: I understand that when the phone rang a little while ago and it was Meg, he went running. And he always will. He will always choose Meg. Sofie: Maybe not if he has an alternative. Barbara: You are not an alternative. And if you can't accept that, maybe you should leave right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Hey, Sally, hold on one second. Why don't you -- here. I think this is -- oh, yeah. You should hold on to that. Sally: That's Emma's rhubarb pie. Paul: Yes, it is. Sally: I couldn't. Paul: No, no, no. I'm sure that's what Emma would love to have happen. And you can save a few slices, you know, for the guys that are gonna install your floor. Sally: Next time you're out this way, drop by. My banana bread is as good as one of Emma's pies, even the rhubarb. Meg: So, you've made a conquest. Paul: Yeah. Not quite the one I wanted to make. Meg: You know, you are in serious trouble. No one give away one of Mama's pies without her permission. She's gonna kill you. Paul: Yeah, well, wouldn't be the first time she wanted to kill me. [Laughter] Meg: You were very sweet to Sally. Paul: Yeah, well, she's sweet, you know? So, it's no big deal. Meg: No, it is, actually. It's nice to see that side of you again. Paul: Well, you bring it out in me. Mike: Does somebody want to tell me what the hell is going on here? [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: You've been a parent for about five minutes and suddenly you and Janet are soul mates? Brad: Look, that is -- this is not what I meant. Katie: Well, what did you mean, then? Brad: I don't know. Look, I don't know. Look, all I know is that Liberty shows up and suddenly I'm a father, and then Janet's showing me pictures of when her as a baby. And I'm sorry. Look, my head is spinning here. You know, I don't expect you to understand. Katie: No, how could I? Right? I'm not a mother or a father. Liberty's not my daughter. I'm just kind of in the way around here, aren't I? [SCENE_BREAK] Mike: How many times do you need to be reminded that there is a restraining order against you? Meg: Mike, listen -- Mike: Do you want me to call the cops? Meg: No. Mike: Or should I just throw him out myself? Meg: Mike, its okay. You don't have to do anything. Mike: You want him here? Meg: No, he was -- he was just leaving. Look, there was an emergency with the project, and I couldn't reach you, so I had no choice but to call Paul. Paul: There's gonna be a bill for some pine flooring. And I'll pay it personally. Mike: Do you want to tell me now what really just happened? Meg: I told you, it was business. Mike: Oh, well, from what I just saw, it looked like business was the last thing on either of your minds. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: Look, I put off work so we can talk this out. Katie: So you can explain parenting to me? Why don't you call Janet out here, another expert? Brad: Look, I'm gonna go tell Liberty to stay put, and I'll be right back, okay? Janet: I am so sorry. I hope we didn't cause any trouble. Brad: No, no, no. No, no, no. No, everything's fine. Katie and I, we just have some stuff to talk about over, okay? Are you guys gonna be all right for a while? Liberty: Mm-hmm. Go do damage control. Brad: No, everything's all right, all right? I'll call you later. [SCENE_BREAK] Barbara: So, have you given the situation any more thought? Sofie: You know, I just keep thinking, if I leave, who's gonna take you to your treatments? [Barbara scoffs] Barbara: I'll manage. Sofie: But you don't have to worry because I'm not going anywhere. [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: What you walked in on was me thanking Paul for handling the situation with sally. Mike: I just wish that you hadn't had to have called him in the first place. Meg: I tried calling you. You could check your phone if you don't believe me. Mike: I did. That's why I came back. Meg: Look, I didn't want to call Paul, but I just felt I didn't have a choice. I didn't want sally suing you. I know how important this project is to you. Mike: Yeah, I appreciate that. I do. But after what's happened this morning, do you still want that restraining order in place? Meg: That's exactly what I want. [SCENE_BREAK] Barbara: Hi. Sofie: What happened with Meg? Paul: Is this the contract? Barbara: Did you and Meg have a fight? Paul: Nope. Barbara: Then why are you so upset? Paul: Well, that's just the thing. You know, I'm starting to think that maybe my relationship with Meg is never gonna be anything more than just professional. [SCENE_BREAK] Janet: Hey, Libby-Lou, I'm gonna go into the bathroom and steal all the mini shampoos and the mini soaps so that the maid will have to bring us more, okay? Liberty: Great. Janet: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: Why did you take off like that? Katie: I didn't. I just came here. Not that you would understand. It's not parental behavior. Brad: Please, can we not fight about this? I really need you now. Katie: Are you sure about that? You just said that you were confused and the only other person that would understand is Janet. Where does that leave me? Brad: That is not what I said, and if I did say that, I didn't mean that. You know how I get tripped up by words. And I will -- I will start again. Okay? I love you. I love you with my whole heart. And I always will. [NEXT_ON] Chris: I heard they posted the nursing grades. How did you do? Alison: I passed, thanks to you. Emily: You're right. There's no way we can work together after what happened between us. Casey: Are you firing me? Emily: You're not giving me a choice. Casey: You're right. I'm not. Because I quit. Margo: Casey knows one thing -- to stay as far away from you as humanly possible. Lily: All I want is you. I want our life back. I want our marriage the way it used to be. Carly: I hope that someday we can just be normal with each other again. Girl: Look, there's your mommy and your daddy. | Sophie continues to plead with Paul to get him to reconsider a relationship with her, but Paul is dead set against it |
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